THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C3U2.2 183^3 c.3 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034037514 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION No. A -368 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill OF THE CONVENTION, CALLED By the Freemen of North-Carolina* TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THIS MTATB, WHICH ASSEMBLED lit the City of Raleigh, on the 4th of June, 1 985 , iXD COJfTIKTUED IW «E9SIG2T Until the 11th day of July thereafter, —#-©©*-'•— V^tiAiA idhmri, N. C Hawaii : PRINTED BY 3. GALE* rted that the Committee had, according to order, again had the said subject under consideration, and made farther pnjgress therein, &ut not having gone through the same, had instructed him to rfiove i'or leave to sit again. And on the question that the v Committee of the Whofc have leave to sit again, it was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons submitted the follow/rig resolution: Resolved, That a Committee of twelve, two o/'whom to be selected from sach Judicial District, be appointed to report what ratio of federal popula- tion will give to the House of Commons ninety members, one hundred mem- bers, one hundred and ten members and «ie hundred and twenty members -and that said Committee report what disposition is to be made of thefed- ral population, after allowing one member to each county — and that said Committee be instructed, after allowing one member to each county, to ap- >ropriate the residue to counties or districts, or both, according to federal opulation according to the several numbers of 90, 100, 110 and 120* And on motion, the Convention adjourned. 26 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheeters, of the Preshyterian Church. On motion of Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons, The Convention proceeded to consider the resolution introduced by him on yesterday. Mr. Gaston, of Craven, moved to amend the resolution by stri- king out the words, " and that said Committee report what disposi- tion is to be made of the residue of federal population, after allowing one member to each county — and that said Committee be instruct- ed, after allowing one member to each county, to appropriate the res- idue to counties or districts, or both, according to federal population, according to the several numbers 90, 100, 110 and 120." Pending this motion, Mr. Kogan moved to postpone the further consideration of the whole resolution, until the 20th day of July next; which was decided in the negative, Yeas 58, Nays 71. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Smith, of Orange. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Bower, Barringer, Brittain, Birchett, Brodnax, Crudup, Cathev. Cansler, Chalmers," Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Franklin, Gaither, Craves, Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Ho- gan, Hargrove, Hntcheson, Harrington, Jervis, Jones {Wilkes,) Joiner, Kino-, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris, Melchor, McBiarmid, More- head, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Owen, Parker, Ramsay {Chatham,) SwaMySpaight ( Craven,) Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy.) Shober, Toomer, White, Welch, Williams (Person,) Wellborn and Young— 58. Thow who voted in the negative were Meszrs. Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bonner, Bryan, Baxter, Branch, Biggs, fitiley, Bunting, Boddie, Cox, Cooper, Calvert, Chambers, Carson (Butherfoul) Collins, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gathng, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gary, Hill, Hall, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Howard»Hug8fos,Rdsey, Holmes, Jones ( Wake,) Jacocks,Macon, McMillan, MePherson, M&ani, Marsteller, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Powell (Co- lumbus,) Powell {Xobeso,i,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pas- quotank,) Roulhac, Styron.Sawyer, Skinner, Spruill,Su-g, Stallmgs, Speight (Greene,) Sanders, Staweb Sherard, Tayloe, Troy, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Will' (Franklin,) Williams (Pitt,) Wooten, Whitfield, and Wilder— 71. The question recurring mi tli« amendment proposed by Mr. Gas- ton of Craven, it was decided indie affirmative. Yeas 70— Nays 59. The Yeas and Nays were requited by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Jacocks. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Bower, Barringer, Brittain, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cansler, Chalmers, Chamber, Carson (Rutherford,) Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Edwards, Fisher, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gas> JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 27 ton (Craven,) Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Guilder, Hogan, Hargrave, Hutcheson, Harrington, Jervis, Jones (IFillies,) Joiner, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Outlaw, Owen, Parker, Ramsay (Chatham,) Swain, Spaight (Craven,) Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Yancy,) Seawell, Shober, Troy, Toomer, White, Welch, Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Wellborn and Young— 70 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Adams, Arrington, "Bonner, Bryan, Baxter, Branch, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Cox, Cooper, Calvert, Collins, Daniel, Fcrebee, Faison, Gatling, Gaston (Hyde,) Gary, Hill, Hall, Hussey, Hooker, Hod- ges, Huggins, Howard, Haisey, Holmes, Jones (IFake,) Jacocks, McPher- son, Marsteller, Marchant, Norcom, Powell (Columbus) Powell (Robeson,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Puffin, Pvayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Styron, Sawyer, Skinner, Sugg, Stallings, Speight (Greene,) Sanders, Sherard, Spruill, Tayloe, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimans,) Wooten, Williams (Franklin,) Whitfield, and Wilder— 59 Nays. On motion of Mr, Wilson, of Perquiinons, Ordered, That the Resolution do lie on the table. On motion of Mi*. Speight, of Greene, The Convention, according to the order of the day, again resolved itself into a Committe of the Whole, Mr. Shober in the Chair, on the Articles prescribing the manner in which the Senate and House of Commons shall be constituted. And after some time spent there- in, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Shober reported that the Committee had, according to order, again had the said Articles under consideration and made farther progress therein, but not hav- ing gone through the same, had instructed him to ask leave to sit again. And on the question that the Committee of the Whole have leay/ to sit again on the said Articles, it was determined in the affirma- tive. On motion, the Convention adjourned. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1855. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the- Rev. Mr. Jainieson. Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons, moved to fake up for its second read- ing the Article abrogating the right of free negroes and mulattoesto vote for members of the Legislature ; which was determined in the negative. On motion of Mr. Speight of Greene, The Convention, according to the order of the day, again re- olvcd itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Shober in the Chair, n the Articles prescribing the manner in which the Senate and House 28 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. of Commons shall be constituted. And after some time spent there- in, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Shober reported that the Committee of the Whole had, according to order, again had the said Articles under consideration, and made the following amendment thereto : "That in making the apportionment of Representatives in the House of Commons, the ratio of Representation shall be ascertained by dividing the amount of the Federal population of the State, after deducting that comprehended within those counties which do not sev- erally contain the one-hundred and twentieth part of the entire Fed- eral population aforesaid, by the number of Representatives less the number assigned to the said comities : That to each county contain- ing the said ratio, and not twice the said ratio, there shall be as- signed one Representative ; to each county containing twice, but not three times the said ratio, there shall be assigned two Represen- tatives ; and so on progressively, and that then the remaining Rep- resentatives shall be assigned severally to the counties having the largest fractions." And the question being on concurring with the Report of the Com- mute of the Whole, the Yeas and Nays were demanded by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Biggs. Pending the question, the Convention adjourned. FRIDAY, J17JVE 19, 1835. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the t.ev. Dr. McPheetcrs. On motion of Mr. Branch, Ordered, That the amendment reported by the Committee of the Whole, on yesterday, be printed. Mr. Gaston introduced the following Resolution: Resolve?, That it is expedient, in framing amendments to the Constitu- tion, on the subject of Representation in the House of Commons, to provide that in making every apportionment, the Legislature shall divide or cause to be divided, those counties to which more than two Representatives shall be assigned, into election districts, consisting severally of contiguous terri- tory, and of equal federal numbers, as nearly as convenience will permit, each of which districls shall eWt one Representative only. On motion of Mr. Swain, Ordered, That two hundred copies of the laid Resolution be printed. The Convention proceeded to the orders of the day, and took up for consideration the unfinished business of yesterday. And the question being on agreeing to the amendment reported by the Committee of the Whole to the Articles prescribing the ir. inner JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 29 in which the Senate and House of Commons shall be constituted, it was decided in the affirmative. Yeas 83 — Nays 43. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Bovver, Bonner, Barringer, Branch, Baxter, Brittain, Bunting, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Calvert, Cham- bers, Collins, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliot, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gaston ( Craven, ) Gilliam, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Gary, Giles, Gudgcr, Hogan, Hargrave, Hooker, Halsey, Hutche- son, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw, Pearsall, Parker, Ramsay (Chatham,) Rayner, Swain, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Slnpp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Yancy,) Shober, Spruill, Tayloe, White, Williams (franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Wellborn and Young— 83 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Biggs, Bryan, Bailey, Cooper, Chalmers, Gatling, Gaston (Hyde,) Guinn, Hill, Hall, Hussey, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Jacocks, Kelly, McPherson, McDiarmid, Owen, Powell (Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Styron, Sawyer, Skinner, Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Sherard, Troy, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquim- ons,) Whitfield and Wilder— 43 Nays. The Articles as amended being under consideration, Mr. Williams, of Pitt, moved to amend the Article relating to the Senate by strik- ing out "fen" and inserting "twenty." Mr. Daniel called for a division of the question. And the question being upon striking out, the Yeas and Nays were required by one-fith of the members present, on the call of Mr. Ram- say, of Pasquotank. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bonner, Bryan, Baxter, 'Branch, Biggs, Bailey, Bimting,Crudup,Cox,Cooper,Calvert,ColHns, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gatling, Gaston (Craven,) Gilliam, Gary, Hill, Hall, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Huggins, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Joiner, Jacocks, McPherson, Marchant, Morehead, Marsteller, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Spruill, Tayloe, Troy, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquhnons,) Wil- liams (Franklin,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield and Wilder — 68 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Bower, Barringer, Brittain, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie, Catheyv Cansler, Chalmers, Chambers, Carson (Rutherjord,) Dockery, Dobson, El- liott, Fisher, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gaston (Hyde,) Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hodges, Hutcheson, Harrington, Jervis, Jones (Wilkes,) King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, McQueen, Morris, Mc- Millan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Martin, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Par- SO JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. leer, Ramsay (Chatham,) Swain, Styron, Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) Sherard, Shober, Toomer, White, Williams (Person,) Wellborn, Welch and Young — 60 Nays. So the Convention agreed to strike out. Yeas 63, Nays 60. And the question recurring on the other branch of the motion, to- va'iif to insert the word twenty in lieu of that stricken out, it was de- cided in the affirmative. Yeas 69, Nays 59. The Yeas and Nays were required by one- fifth of the members pre- sent, on the call of Mr. Ramsay, of Pasquotank. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arlington, Adams, Bonner, Bryan, Baxter, Branch, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Crudup, Cox, Cooper, Calvert, Collins, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Catling, Gaston (Craven,) Gilliam, Ga- ry, Giles, Hill, Hall, Hussey, Hooker, Huggins, Howard, Halsey,HoImes, Jones (Wake,,) Joiner, Jacocks, McPherson, Marchant, Marsteller, Meares, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Columbus,) Powell {Robeson,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Baffin, Rayner, Ramsay, Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Spruill, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb, Wilson (Perquimons,) Williams (FrdnkUn,)'WiYmms (Pitt,) Whitfield, and Wilder — 69 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Bower, Barringer, Brittain, Birchett, Brodnax,Boddie, Cathey, Cansler, Chalmers, Chambers, Carson (Rutherford,) Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Faison, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gaston (Hyde,) Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Gudger, Hogan, Hargrave, Hodges, Hutcheson, Harrington, Jervis, Jones (Wilkes,) King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melc'nor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgome- ry. Moore, Norcom, Parker, Ramsay (Chatham,) Styron, Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) Sherard, Shober, White, Welch, Williams (Person,) Wellborn, and Young— 59 Nays. Mr. Gaston, of Craven, moved to amend the said Article, by in- serting between the words "and" and "every," the following: — "Afterwards at its first session after the year 1851, and then ;" which was agreed to. Yeas 77, Nays 21. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members pre- sent, at the call of Mr. Jacocks. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Bower, Barringer, Baxter, Brittain, Bailey, Birchett, Brcdnax, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cansler, Chalmers, Chambers, Carson (Rutherford,) Daniel, Dobson, Dockery, Elliott, Edwards, Fisher, Frank- lin, Gaither* Graves, Gaston. (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Guinn, Grier,Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hodges, Huggins, Hutche- son, Harrington, Jervis, Jones (Wilkes,) King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Mc- Queen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw,0\\ en, Parker,Ramsay (Chat- ham,) Swain, Styron, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy, ) Sherard, Shober, Toomer, Troy, White, Wilson (Edge- comb,) Welch, Williams (Person,) Wellborn and Young— 77 Yeas. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 31 Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington. Adams, Bonner, Bryan, Branch, BtggS, Bunting, Cox, Cooper, Calvert, Collins. Ferebee, Faison, Gating, Gilliam, Gary, Kill, Hall, Hooker, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jones {Wake,) Joiner, Jacocks, Macon, McPbcrson, Marchant, Marsteller, Powell {Columbus,) Powell {Robeson,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Ru'Iin, Rayncr, Ramsay. iPasquatailkJ Roulhac, Sawyer, Sugg, Stalling, Speight (Greeny) Sanders, Scawcll, Spruill, Tayloe, Williams (Franidin,) Williams {Pitt,) Wilson (Pcrauim- ons,) Whitfield and Wilder— 51 Nays. On motion of Mr. Halsev, the said Article was further amended, by inserting after the word" "thereof," the following, "and that the average of the public taxes paid by each county into the Treasury of the State, for ',' c five years preceding the laying off the districts, shall be considered as its proportion of the public taxes and consti- tute the basis of apportionment" Mr Bryan moved to fiil the blank in the Article relating to the. House of Commons with the following : " including three borough members, one from each of the towns of Edcnton, Newbern and Wilmington.*' Mr Bower moved to amendthc amendment, by striking out "three and inserting "four," and by adding the town of Fayettevillc ; which was decided in the negative. The question recurring on the amendment offered by Mr. Bryan, it was decided in the negative. ,- * •/.,■■ i, i Mr. Speight moved to strike out from the said Article, the words "one hundred and twenty." Pending this question, Mr. Owen moved that the articles prescri- bing the manner in which the Senate and House of Commons shall be constituted, do- lie on the table, which was decided in tiic nega- tive. The question recurring on the motion to strike out the words, "one hundred and twenty," the Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Speight, of Greene. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Adams, Bryan," Baxter, Branch, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting Boddie, Cox, Cooper, Calvert, Collins, Daniel, Ferebee., Gathng, ( Gaston°(i7j/rfe,) Gary, Hill, Hall, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, How- ard, Harrington, Halsev, Jacocks, McPhersnn, Marchant, Norcom, Out- Jaw, Powell (Columbus') Powell (Robeson,) Pipkin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pas- quotank,) Roulhac, Styron, Sawyer, Sugg. Stalling*, Speight (Greme,) Sanders, Sherard, Spruill, Troy, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquim- ans,) Whitfield and Wilder.— 59. yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Arrington, Bower, Bonner, Barringer, Erittain, Birchett, Brod- nax, Crudup, Cathey, Cansler, Chalmers, Chambers, Carson {Rutherford,) Dockery, Dobson,El'liott, Edwards, Faison, Fisher.Franklin,Gaither, Graves, Gaston (Craven,) Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargtave, Hutcheson, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Jones (fi dices,) 32 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Jervis, Joiner, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Maeon, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin. Marsteller, MonU gomery, Meares, Moore, Owen, Pearsall, Parker, Ruffin, Swain, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) Seawell, Sho- ber, Tayloe, Toomer, Wliite, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Wellborn and Young. — 75 Nays. So the Convention refused to strike out. Yeas 52, Nays 75. Mr. Harrington moved to amend the article relating to the Sen- ate, by striking out "jifty" and inserting "forty.** Mr. Spaight of Craven, called for a division of the question. And the question being on striking out, the Yeas and Nays were required hy one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr.. Spruill. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Bunting, Harrington, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquim- ons,) — 4 Yeas, Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bower, Bonner, Bar rin- ger, Bryan, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bailey, Birchett, Brodnax, Bodtlie, Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chalmers, Calvert,Cham- beis, Carson (Rutherford,) Collins, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Ed- wards, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gas- ton ( Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Huteheson, Halsey, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, Jacocks, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Mc- Queen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Merebead, Martin, Marsteller, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) Pearsall, Parker, Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (Pasquotank, ) Rayner, Roul- hac, Swain, Styron, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Cravey,) Speight (Greene,) Sugg, S tailings, Sbipp, Sanders, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) Sea well,, Sherard, Shober, Spruill, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, White, Welch, Wil- liams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield, Wellborn* Wilder and Young — 124 Nays. So the Convention refused to strike out. l r cas 4, Nays 124. On motion of Mr. Gaston of Craven, the Article relating to the House of Commons was amended by striking out the words ** at its first session, after the year 1841, and every ten years thereafter,, which," and inserting the words "at the respective times and peri- ods when the districts for the Senate, are herein before directed to be laid off, and the said" And on the question shall the said Articles be engrossed for a third- reading; it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Owen, Ordered, That the said Articles be read a third time on Monday next. On motion of Mr. Swain, Ordered, That two hundred copies of the Articles be printed. ' JOURNAL OP THE CONVENTION. 33 Mr. Spaight, of Craven, gave notice, that lie should, on to-mor- row, move to amend the rules of order which govern the Convention. On motion, the Convention adjourned. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Jamieson. On motion of Mr. Swain, The Convention, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Wellborn in the Chair, on the 11th Resolution, proposing that a Committee be appointed to en- quire whether any, and if any, what amendments be proper to pro- vide for biennial instead of annual meetings of the General Assembly, and jfor the biennial instead of tri-annual election of Secretary of State. After some time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Wellborn reported that the Committee had, accord- ing to order, had the said Resolution under consideration, and made the following amendment thereto, to wit: To insert in lieu of the said Resolution, after the word "Resolved," the following: u That it is expedient to amend the Constitution so as to provide for the biennial instead of annual sessions of the General Assembly, and for the biennial instead of the tri-annual election of Secretary of State." On motion, the Convention adjourned. MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1835. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheeters. On motion of Mr. Speight of Greene, Ordered, That the special order of the day be postponed until to-morrow On motion of Mr. Spaight, of Craven, Ordered, That the further consideration of the Report of the Committee of the Whole on the I lth Resolution, be postponed until to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Edwards, The Convention, according to the order of the day, again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Dockcryin the Chair, on the 6th Resolution proposing that a Committee be appointed to en- quire whether any, and if any, what amendment should be made to the Constitution, so as to make the capitation tax on slaves and free Avhitc polls equal. And after some time spent therein, the President 34 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. resumed the Chair, and Mr. Dockery reported that the Committee had, according to order, again had the said Resolution under consi- deration, and made the following amendment, to wit: To insert in lieu thereof, after the word "Resolved," the following: "That the individual capitation tax on slaves of either sex shall not ex- tend to those under twelve, nor over fifty years of age; and shall not exeeed ; the capitation tax on free white males not under twenty -one nor over forty- five years of age.'* Or- motion of Mr. Speight, of Greene, the Convention proceeded to consider the said amendment; and on the question of agreeing thereto, it was determined in the affirmative. The Resolution was read as amended, and adopted. On motion of Mr. Collins, Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to a Committee, with in- structions to report an Article according thereto. Messrs. Collins, Swain, Scawell, Williams, of Pitt, and Williams, of Person, compose the Committee. On motion of Mr. Shober, The Convention, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Morehead in the Chair, on the 8tli Resolution, proposing that a Committee he appointed to enquire "whether any, and if any, what amendments be proper to compel members of the General Assembly to vote viva voce in the election of officers. And after some time spent therein, the President re- sumed the Chair, and Mr. Morehead reported that the Committee had, according to order, had the said Resolution under consideration, and made the following amendment thereto, to wit: After striking out all after the word " Resolved,'' to insert in lieu thereof as follows: "That it is expedient so to amend the Constitution as in all elections by the General Assembly, the members shall vote viva voce." On motion of Mr. Speight, of Greene, the Convention proceeded to consider the amendment. And on the question, shall the said amendment be adopted? it was decided in the affirmative. Yeas 84, Nays 40. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members pre- sent, at the call of Mr. Speight, of Greene. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Averitt, Arlington, Bower, Bonner, Barringer, Baxter,. Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bunting, Birchett, Brodnax, Carson (Burke,) Cathey, Cansler, Chalmers,, Calvert, Chambers, Daniel, Dobson, Edwards, Fere- bee, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Gilliam, Guinn, Gary, Hall, Ho- gan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, Harrington, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Jervis, Kelly, Macon, McQueen, McMillan, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Martin, Mont- JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 35 tiers, Seawell, Smith (Yancy,) Tayloe, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Per- quimons, ) Welch, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield, Wellborn and Wilder— 84 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Adams, Bryan, Bailey, Crudup, Cox, Cooper, Carson (Rutherford,) Collins, Dockery, Elliot, Fisher, Graves, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Iftjdc,) Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gitdgcr, Hill, Halsey, Joiner, Jacocks, King, Lea, Morris, Morehead, Meares, Parker, Ramsay (Pas- quotank,) Swain, Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Shober, Spruill, Troy, Toomer, White and Young — 40 Nays. The Resolution was adopted ; and on motion of Mr, Speight, of Greene, Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to report an amendment to the Constitution according thereto. Messrs. Speight, of Greene, Wellborn, Wilder, Troy and Sawyer compose the Committee. On motion of Mr. Shober, The Convention, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Morehead in the Chair, on the Resolution proposing to enquire whether any, and if any, what amendments be necessary in the mode of appointing and removing from office Militia officers and Justices of the Peace. And after some time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Morehead reported that the Committee had, according to order, had the said Resolution ur.der consideration, and had made no amendment thereto. The Resolution was read ; and on the motion that it be adopted, it was determined in the affirmative. Messrs. Hodges, Brittain, Biggs, Cathey and Cooper compose the Committee raised by said Resolution. On motion of Mr. Halsey, Ordered, That the order of the day on the 9th Resolution, proposing that a Committee be appointed to enquire whether any, and if any, what amend- ments be proper to' be made to the 32d Article of the Constitution, be post- poned and made the order of the day for Thursday next On motion of Mr. Speight, of Greene, The Convention, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Bower in the Chair, on the lOtJi Resolution, proposing that a Committee be appointed to enquire whe- ther any, and if any, what amendments be proper to be* made in the Constitution for supplying vacancies in the General Assembly, oc- curring belore the meeting of the General Assembly. And after some time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Bower reported that the Committee had, according to order, had the sakl Resolution under consideration, and had made no amendment thereto. The Resolution was then read and adopted. S<6 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Messrs. Owen, Edwards, Fcrebec, Young and Franklin compose the Committee raised by tlic said Resolution. And on motion the Convention adjourned. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1335. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Jamieson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Spaight of Craven, pursuant to previous notice, submittfd the following additional Rules for the government of the Convention ; which were read and adopted: There shall be a Committee, consisting of seven members, whose duty it shall be to superintend the engrossing and enrolling of all amendments to the Constitution and Ordinances, and to correct all errors and mistakes in them ; also arrange and classify all the amendments to the Constitution, which may be referred to said Committee, and present them in one body, for the fmal^action of the Convention. When an amendment to the Constitution shall have passed its se- cond reading, and received its third reading, and been considered on that reading, the question shall be on referring it to the Commit- tee of seven, and ordering it to he engrossed ; but a motion to amend shall take precedence of that question. After the amendments to the Constitution and Ordinances shall have passed their third and last reading, they shall be enrolled: the. former on parchment, and presented for ratification* which shall he done in Convention, by the signature of the President, and counter- signed by the Secretaries. Mr. Speight, of Greene, from the Committee to whom the sub ject was referred, reported the following Article, which passed to its second reading: That in the election of all officers whose appointment is conferred on the General Assembly by the Constitution, the vote shall be viva voce. Mr. Swain, from the Committee to whom was referred the Reso- lution instructing them to enquire and report whether any, and if any, what amendments are proper to be made to the Constitution as to the exclusion, in whole or in part of Borough members from the House of Commons, reported: That in the opinion of the Committee, the right of representation as heretofore exercised, should be continued to the towns of Eden- ton, Fayettevillc, Newborn and Wilmington, and withheld from the towns of Halifax, Hillsborough and Salisbury. They therefore re- commend the adoption of the following amendment to the Article JOUIINAL OF Tim CONVENTION. 37 prescribing t!ic manner in which the House of Commons shall be constituted, ami of the annexed Article in addition tlicreto: After the word "Representatives" in the third line, insert "exclusive of the town members hereinafter provided for." Additional Article — That in addition to the one hundred and twen- ty Representatives chosen, as hereinbefore prescribed, by the coun- ties of this State, there shall be chosen one Representa- tive in the House of Commons from each of the towns of Edenton, Fayetteville, Newborn and Wilmington. The engrossed Articles prescribing the manner in which the Se- nate and House of Commons shall be constituted, were read the third time- Mr. Fisher moved to fill the blank in the first Article with the •word " biennially.*' And the question being to agree thereto, it was decided in the aifiriaative. Yeas 85, Nays 35. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Speight, of Greene. Those who voted in the .affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Arrlngton, Adams, Bower, Barringer, Bryni, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Bunting, Brodnax. Crudup, Cathey, Cansle;-, Cooper, Chalmers, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, "Gatling, Gaither. Graves, Gaston (Crave,n) Gaston (Hyde.) Guam, Gtier, •Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gadger, Hill, Hogan, Hargravc, Hussey, Hodges, ■Hug;gins, Hutcheson, Holmes, Jervis, Joiner, Jacocks, King, Ktlly, Lea-, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McPhcrson, McDiarnul, Mar- chant, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Norcom. Owen, rearsall, Parker, Powell [Robeson,) Ramsay {Chatham,) Ramsay fPicsquo- tank,) Swain, Styron, Skinner, Stallings,SIVipp, Sanders, Smith (Orangu) Isiwith (Fancy,) Sbober, Spruill, Toomer, White, Welch, Wit-san (P'tr* qirimons,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Wellborn and Young — 85 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Bonner, Branch, Bailey, Birchett, Cox. Calvert, Cham- bers, Carson (Putherford,) Collins, Daniel, Edwards, Gilliam, Gary, Hall, Halsey, Jones (Wake,) Macon, Outlaw, Powell (Columbus.) Pipkin, Rutnn, Rayner, Roulhac, Sawyer, Spaight (Craven.) Speight (Greene,) Suo-o-, Sea- well, Tayloe, Troy, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Williams (Franklin,) Whitfield, and Wilder — 35 Nays. On motion of Mr. Fisher, the blank in the Article relating to the House of Commons was also filled with the word "biennially." Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons, moved to strike out the words "fifty" alid "one hundred and tivcnty" and insert in their stead the numbers "thirty four 9 ' and "ninety." v Mr. Dockery called for a division of the question. And the question being on striking out, the Yeas and Nays were acquired by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Wil- liams, of Frank! i-n, 38 Journal of the convention. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Averitt, Baxter, Biggs, Bunting,Calvert Ferebee,Gatling, Haft* Hussey, Huggins, Holmes, Jacocks, McPherson, Norcom, Powell (Colum- bus) Powell (Robeson,) Pipkin, Rayner, Roulliac, Styron, Sawyer, Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Spruill, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) — 26 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Arrington, Adams, Bower, Bonner, Barringer, Bryan, Brittain, Bailey, Birchett, Brodnax, Crudlip, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Coop- er, Chalmers, Chambers, Carson (Rutherford^) Collins, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Edwards, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gastoa {Craven,) Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary. Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill/ Hogan , Hargrave, Hutcheson, Halsey, Jones (Wake,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Kelly, Lea, Macon, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Meares, Moore,Outlaw, Owen, Pearsall, Parker, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Swain, Skidner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) Seawell, Shober, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, White, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Whitfield, Well- born, Wilder and Young — 92 Nays. So tie Convention refused to strike out — Yeas 26, Nays 92. Mr. Giiinn submitted the following amendment: Insert after the 3d sectiofi of the Article relating to the House of Commons the fol- lowing: f i Until the year 1842, and after that time, the several frac- tions may be disposed of at the discretion of the Legislature, at the several periods of making the apportionments." And on motion, the Convention adjourned. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheeters, of the Presbyterian Church. On motion of Mr Spaight, of Craven, Ordered, That the additional Rules for the government of the Convention be printed. The Convention proceeded to the consideration bf the unfinished business of yesterday; and Mr. Guiun having withdrawn the amend- ment offered by him, Mr. Kelly submitted the following: Strike out all after the words " shall be," in the 17th line of the 3d section, and insert the words " elected among the several counties having said excesses, according to their federal population, by districts ; and in case, after such division into districts, there should remain any excess, the same shall be assigned to the districts having the largest fractions." The question being had on this amendment, it was decided in the negative— Yeas 57, Nays 83. JOURNAL OP THE CONVENTION. 39 The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Sanders. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Bryan, Baxter, Biggs, Cox, Coop- :r, Chalmers, Ferebee, Catling, Guinn, Hussey, Huggins, Howard, Holmes, fones (PVake,) Jacocks, Kelly, Macon, McPherson, McDiarmid, Norcom, 3v\en,Powell (Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) Pipkin, Styron, Sawyer, Sugg, fallings, Sanders, Seawell, Troy, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson 'Perquimons,) — 37 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Adams, Bower, Bonner, Barringer, Brittain, Bailey, Bunting, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cansler, Calvert, Chambers, Darson (Rutherford,) Collins, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Ed- wards, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gaston (Craven,} Gaston Hyde,) Gilliam, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hall, Hogan, Sargrave, Hooker, Hodges, Hutcheson, Halsey, Jervis, Jones (ff'ilkes,) Joiner, King, Lea, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Meares, Moore, Outlaw, Peavsall, Par- ser, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Rayner, Swain, Skinner, Sp&ight (Craven,) Speight (Greene^) Shipp, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) Shober,Spruill, Tayloe, White, Williams (Franklin,) Will- iams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch» Wellborn, Wilder and Young — » —83 Nays. Mr. Guinn submitted the following amendment, which was re- jected: Add to the 3d section ot the Article relating to the House of Commons the words "Until the year 1842, and then the Legislature may, at its discretion, dispose of the fractions, where no county's fraction exceeds two-thirds of the requisite ratio, by districts or itherwise." Mr. Biggs moved to amend the same section by adding the follow-t ing proviso: Provided that no eounty shall have more than three Representa- tives in the House of Commons ; and should any county or counties* after being entitled to three Representatives, according to the re- quisite ratio, have such large fractions as would entitle them to an- other Representative, then such additional Representative or Rcpre-- gentatives shall be assigned to the county or counties not entitled to but one Representative by the ratio, but which may have the next largest fractions to those counties which will be entitled to Repre-- sentatives according to the above mode of apportionment. The question being had on this amendment, it was determined in the negative. On motion of Mr. Hargravc, the first section of the same Article was amended by striking out the words " by counties or districts, or both," and inserting in lieu thereof •' to be elected from the several counties of this State." •Mr. Swain moved to adopt the amendments reported on yestcr-. 40 JOURNAL 03? THE CONVENTION. clay by the Committee to whom had been referred the subject of Bo- rough Representation. And on motion, the Convention adjourned- THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1335. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Jamieson, Mr. Dockery submitted the following Resolution: Resolved^ That during the remainder of the sesskm of this Convention,, there shall be a recess each day from 1 o'clock, P. M. to 5 o'clock, P. M. On motion of Mr. Speight, "of Greene, The Convention proceeded to consider the said Resolution ; and! Mi'. Shober moved to amend, by inserting after the word "Conven- tion," the words " from and after Monday next." On motion of Mr. Gaston, of Craven, Ordered, That the Resolution do lie upon the table. On motion of Mr. Collins, Ordered, That the Committee of 26 be instructed to report a plan fop districting the State for Senators, and apportioning the members in the t House of Commons. On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole be discharged from the con- sideration of the 13th Resolution. The Convention proceeded to consider the said Resolution, which was adopted in the following words: 'Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to enquire whether any, and * if any* what amendments may be proper, providing that the Attorney-Ge- neral shall be elected for a term of years. Messrs'. Harrington, Eoulhac, Joiner, Jones, of Wilkes, and An- dres compose the Committee raised by said Resolution. On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole be disaharged from the con-, sideratiou of the 14th Resolution. The said Resolution was read and adopted as follows: Resolved* That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report whether' any, and if any, what amendments should he made providing a tribunal whereby Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts, and other Officers! of the State, may be impeached and tried for corruption and mal-practiccs| in office. | JOURNAL OF THE CON VKXTIOST. 4i Messrs. Morchead, Dockery, Mc-Pbcpsou, Guinu and Gary com* iosc the Committee raised by the Resolution. On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole be discharged from the con- ideration of the 15th Resolution. The said Resolution Mas then read and adopted, as follows: Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to enquire and report whether ny, and if any, what amendments should be made vacating the office of a ustice of the Peace, and disqualifying him from holding such appointment pon conviction of an infamous crime or of corruption and mal-practice in ffice. Messrs. Hill, Hall, Hargrave, Hussey and Hooker compose the Committee. On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That the Committee of the whole be discharged from the con- ideration of the loth Resolution. The Convention proceeded to consider the said Resolution, and it •'as adopted, as follows: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report whether ny, and if any, what amendments should be made providing for the remo- al of any of the Judges of the Supreme or Superior Courts for mental or hysical inability, upon a concurrent Resolution of two-thirds of both branch- s of the Legislature. Messrs. Toother, Hogan, Spaight, of Craven, Chalmers and Cal- crt compose the Committee. On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole be discharged from the con- ideration of the following Resolution: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report whether ny, and if any, what amendments should be made providing that the sala- ies of the Judges shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. The Convention proceeded to consider the said Resolution ; and 11 the question that it be adopted, it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Gaston, of Craven, Ordered, That said Resolution be referred to the same Committee to whom \ referred the 16th Resolution. On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole be discharged from the con- ideration of the 18th Resolution. The Convention proceeded to consider the Resolution, and it was dopted, as follows: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report whether ny amendments ought to be made, and if so, what amendments are proper, > provide against unnecessary private legislation. 6 > 42 JOURNAL OF THE CONTENTIOM. Messrs. Meares, Edwards, Cox, Cansler and Bunting compose the Committee. On motion of Mr. Collins, Ordered* that the Committee of the whole be discharged from the consi- ieration of the following Resolution : Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to enquire and report whether it be proper to make any amendment, and if so, what amendment, so as to provide that no Judge of the Supreme Court shall be eligible to any office, nor any Judge of the Superior Court to any other office than that of Judge of the Supreme Court, while retaining his judicial appointment. The Convention proceeded to consider the said Resolution ; and the question being on its adoption, it was determined in the affirma- tive. On motion of Mr. Collins, Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to the same Committee tc whom was referred the 16th Resolution. Mr. Cooper moved that the Convention resolve itself into a Com- mittee of the Whole, to take into consideration the 9th Resolution, proposing that a Committee he appointed to enquire and report whe- ther any, and if any, what amendments be proper to be made in the 32d Article of the Constitution, which was heretofore referred to it and made the special order for this day. Mr. Edwai'ds moved to postpone this order of the day until to- morrow ; which motion having precedence, the question was taken on the postponement and determined in the affirmative. The Convention proceeded to consider the unfinished business o yesterday, being the question, on the motion of Mr. Swain, to adop the amendments reported by the Committee on Borough Represent tation. And, on the question of concurring with the report, it was decider in the negative. Yeas 50 — Nays 73. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the member | present on the call of Mr. Biggs. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Bower, Barringer, Bryan, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnaxj Cox, Cansler, Chalmers, Carson (Rutherford,) Collins, Dockery, Dobson, Fisher, Franklin, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gray, Giles, Gudgei Hill, Hooker, Jones (Wilkes,) Joiner, King, Kelly, McQueen, McDiarmid Morehead, Martin, Meares, Moore, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Robeson,^ Roulhac, Swain, Skinner, Spaight {Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Shipp Sanders, Shober, Troy, Toomer, White, Williams (Pitt.) Wellborn an Young — 50 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bonner, Baxter, Brittain, Biggi Birchett, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cooper, Calvert, Chambers, Danie! Elliott, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gillian Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Hall, Hogan, Margrave, Hussey, Hodges JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTIOV. 43 Juggins, Howard, Hutclieson, Harrington, Halsey, Holmes, Jones {Wake,) ;rvis, Jacocks, Lea, Macon* Morris, McMillan, Meichor, McPherson* [archant, Marsteller, Montgomery, Norcom, Powell (Columbus.) Pearsall* arker, Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (.Pasquotank,) Styron, iwyer, Sugg, Stallings, Smith (Orange,) Smith ( Fancy,) Seawell, Spruill, ayloe, Wilson ( Edgccomb,) Wilson (Ferquimons,) Williams {Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Welch and Wilder — 73 Nays. Mr. Gaston, of Craven, submitted the following amendment : " That in addition to the one hundred and twenty Representatives josen, as hereinbefore prescribed, by the Counties of this State, lere shall he biennially chosen one Representative in the House of ommons, from each of the towns of Fayetteville, Ncwbern and Wil- ington. And on the question that the amendment be adopted, it was deci- ?d in the negative. Yeas 47 — Nays 75. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members pro- mt on the call of Mr. Marchant. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Bower, Barringer, Bryan, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, ox, Cansler, Chalmers, Carson [Rutherford,) Dockery, Uobson, Elliott, isher, Franklin, Gaston (Craven,) Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill, >nes (Wilkes,) Joiner, King, Kelly, McQueen, McMillan, Meichor, Mc- iarmid, Morehead, Martin, Meares, Moore, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Bo- :son,) Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Grtcne,) Sliipp, Shober, Troy, oomer, White, Wellborn and Young — 47 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitr, Arrington, Adams, Bonner, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, irchett, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cooper, Calvert, Chambers, Collins, aniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Gas- n (Hyde,) Guinn, Grier, "Gary, Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, odges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, Harrington, Halsey, Holmes, Jones Wake,) Jervis, Jacocks, Lea, Macon, Morris, McPherson, Marchant, larsteller, Montgomery, Norcom, Powell (Columbus,} Pearsall, Parker, ipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham, ) Ramsay, (Pasquotank,) Ro\i\hac, Sty- >n, Sawyer, Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Smith (Orange,) Smith (Fancy,) eawell, Spruill, Tayloe, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Wil- ams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Wiliams (Pitt,) Welch, and Wilder -75 Nays. Messrs. Gaston, of Craven, Morehead, Daniel, Ruffin, Ramsay, i Chatham, Ramsay, of Pasquotank, and Rayner were appointed y the President to compose the Committee on Enrolments. And on motion, the Convention adjourned. 44 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1835. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheeters. On motion of Mr. Giles, Ordered, That Mr. Barringer have leave of absence from the service of the Convention during the remainder of the session. Mr. Edwards moved that the Convention resolve itself into a 1 Committee of the Whole, according to the order of the day, on the Resolution proposing that a Committee be appointed to enquire ?.ud report whether any, and if any, what amendments be proper to be made in the 32d Article of the Constitution. The question having been stated, Mr. Smith, of Orange, moved to lay the order of the day on the table. A question of order arising on the motion of Mr. Smith, the Pre- sident decided that it was in order. From this decision of the Chair, Mr, Snaight, of Craven, ap- pealed to the Convention, And on the question, Is the decision of the President correct? it was determined in the affirmative. The question was then taken ; and the Convention refused to lay the order of the day on the table — Yeas 49, Nays 72. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members pre- sent, at the call of Mr. Smith, of Orange. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Averitt, Adams, Biggs, Birchett, Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Coop- er, Chalmers, Carson {Rutherford,) Dockery, Elliott, Franklin, Grier, Gaines, Gudger, Hogan, Hussey, Hooker, Hutcheson, Jones {Wake,) Jer- vis, Joiner, King, Lea, McQueen, Morris, Mekhor. Merehead, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Powell (Columbus,) Pearsall, Parker, Ramsay (Chat- ham,) Styron, Sugg, Speight (Greene,) Smith (Orange,) Seawell. Sherard, Shober, Spruill, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Welch, Woolen, Wilder and Young — 49 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Arrington, Bower, Bonner, Bryan, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, Crudup, Cansler, Calvert, Chambers, Collins, Daniel, Dobson, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Gatling, Gai> ther, Graves, Gaston ( Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Guinn, Gary, Gray, Giles, Hall, Hargrave, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Harrington, Holmes, Jones (IVilkes,) Jacocks, Kelly, Macon, McMillan, McPherson. Marchant, Marsteller, Mearea, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powel! (Robeson,) Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Rouihac, Swain, Saw. yer, Skinner, Spaigh t (Craven,) Stallings, Sbipp, Sanders, Smith (Fancy, Taybe, Troy, Toomer, White, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Pitt,) Wilson (Perqnimons,) and Wellborn — 72 Nays. The question recurring on the motion of Mr. Edwards, it was - MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheelers. of the Presbyterian Church. On motion of Mr. Dockery, the Convention took up for consider- ation the following Resolution : Resolved, That during the remainder of the session of this Convention, there shall be a recess each day from 1 o'clock, P. M. to 3 o'clock, P. M. On motion of Mr. Shober, 46 JOUHNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Ordered, That the said Resolution lie on the table. On motion of Mi*. Edwards, The Convention, according to the order of the day, again resolved itself mto a Committee of the whole, Mr. Fisher in the Chair, on to 9th Resolution, proposing that a Committee bo appointed to entire whether any, and .1 any, what amendments be proper to be made n he 32,1 Mic o of the Constitution; and after some time spent S the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Fisher reported, tha the CommHtee had according to order, again had the said Rosolut on gone through the same, had instructed him to ask leave to sit agaim And, on the question that the Committee of the Whole have leave to sit again, it was determined in the affirmative. JlM^T?"* ^ ! h ? Committce to whom was referred the 1.4th Resolution, reported the following Article: Sec. h That the Governor, Judges of the Supreme Court and Su penor Courts, ami all other Officer's of this State, (except Justices of the Peace and Militia Officers,) may he impeached fowilf, II v Son S W1 ° f H"? ^^ -al-aJmnSa^n/; r S£ n.pion. But judgment in cases of impeachment, shall not extend fur her than to removal from Office, and disqualifica ion to hoh and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit, under tWs sTat • bit the party convicted may neverthless be liable and sub ect to indie ment, trial judgment and punishment according to Law bee. 2. I hat the House of Commons shall have the sole power of impeachment That the Senate shall have the sole power & try al impeachments; and no person shall be convicted upon any m peach eonvictlo J" SS^ 1 ? f^ ?™ ton P™^* slJllcS "5 ^k Senate shall ££? t V™* °l™ ira I> ca ^ m %"and follows *""*' S ° aS t0 makc ti,c 1Sth 8edi0 » ^ a* JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 47 13th Section. That the General Assembly shall by joint ballot of both Houses, appoint Judges of the Supreme Courts of Law and Equity and Judges of Admiralty, who shall be commissioned by the Governor, and hold their oiKces during good behavior. •Additional Section. — That the General Assembly shall, by joint ballot of both Houses, appoint from time to time, an Attorney Ge- neral, who shall be commissioned by the Governor, and hold his of- fice for a term of years, The sections were read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Har- rington, ordered to be printed. Mr. Owen, from the Committee to whom was referred the 10th Resolution, reported the following Article: If vacancies shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise, be- fore the meeting of the General Assembly, writs may be issued by the Governor, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. The Article was read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Owen, ordered to be priutcd. And, on motion, the Convention adjourned. TUESDAY,' JUNE 30, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Jamieson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. On motion of Mr. Edwards, The Convention again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, according to the order of the day, Mr. Fisher in the Chair, on the 9th Resolution, proposing that a Committee be appointed to enquire whether any, and if any, what amendments be proper to be made in the 32d Article of the Constitution. And after some time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Fisher reported that the Committee had, according to order, again had the said Resolution under consideration, and made the following amend- ment thereto: Strikeout all after the word ' Resolved,' and insert in lieu thereof " That the 32d section of the Constitution be so amended as to strike out the word "Protestant" and instead thereof to insert the word "Christian." And on motion, the Convention adjourned. JOUKNAL OF THE COXVisN'TiO!*. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1335. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by tho Rev. Dr. McPheetcrs, of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Swain, from the Committee to Whom was referred the Reso- lution instructing them to enquire what amendments arc necessary to be made in the 5th and 7th Articles of the Constitution in relation to the residence and qualifications of persons voting for Senators, and of persons eligible to the Senate, reported the following Articles, as proper to be incorporated into the amended Constitution: That each member of the Senate shall have usually resided in the District for which he is chosen, for one year, immediately preceding his election, and for the same time shall have possessed, and con- tinue to possess in the District which he represents, not less than three hundred acres of land in fee. That all free men of the age of twenty-one years, who have been inhabitants of any one District within the State, twelve months im- mediately preceding the day of any election, and possessed of a free- hold,, within the same District, of fifty acres of land, for six months next before, and at the day of election, shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate. The Articles were read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Ed- wards, ordered to be printed. Mi". Toomer, from the Committee to whom was referred the 16th, 17th and 1 9th Resolutions, reported tho following Articles: 1. That any Judge of the Supreme or Superior Courts may be re- moved from office for mental or physical inability, upon a concur- rent Resolution of two-thirds of both branches of the General As- sembly. The Judge, against whom the Legislature may be about to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied with a copy of the causes alleged i'av his removal, at least twenty days before the day on which either branch of the General Assembly shall act there- on. 2. That the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. These Articles were read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Toomer. ordered to be printed. Mr. Toomer, from the same Committee, reported that it was un- necessary to make any amendment, **so as to provide that no Judge of the Supreme Court shall be eligible to any office, nor any Judge of the Superior. Court to any other office than that of Judge of the Su- preme Court, while retaining his Judicial appointment. Mr. Hill, from the Committee to whom was referred the 13th Resolution, reported the following Article: That upon the conviction of any Justice of the Peace of an infa* mous crime, or of corruption and mal-praeticc in office, before the Su- perior Court held in the county in which he resides, the Commission JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 49 >f said Justice of the Peace shall he vacated and he shall be forever lisqualified from holding such appointment. The Article was read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Hill, >rdered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Edwards, The Convention proceeded to consider the unfinished business of yesterday, being the Report of the Committee of the Whole on the )th Resolution. And the amendment reported by the Committee of the Whole hav- ng been read, Mr. Edwards moved to amend the amendment by triking out all after the word "That," and inserting in lieu thcre- >f as follows : "All men having a natural and unalienable right to vorship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own con-» ciences, all religious tests as qualifications for office are incompati- tle with the principles of free government." The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members tresent, on the call of Mr. Edwards. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Bonner, Bryan, Branch, Bunting, Carson (Burke,) Cal- ert, Daniel, Edwards, Gaston (Craven,) G&ston(Hyde,) Hall, Hodges, luggins, Howard, Harrington, Jacocks, Kelly, Macon, McPherson, Mar- hant, Marsteller, Meares, Outlaw, Owen, Rayner, Roulhac, Swain, Saw- er, Skinner, Speight (Craven,) Sanders, Tayloe, Troy, Williams (Frank- In,) Wilson (Perquimons,) — 56 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Birchett, Jrodnax, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chalmers, Chambers, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, xatling, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Guinn,Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, xudger, Hill, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hutcheson, Halsey, lolmes, Jones {Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Mar- in, Montgomery, Moore, Norcom, Powell (Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) 'earsall, Parker, Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) ityron, Sugg, Stallings, Speight (Greene,) Shipp, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) ihober, Spruill, Toomer, White, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Welch, Wooten, Yilliams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield, Wellborn, Wilder and foung — 87 Nays. So the amendment to the amendment was rejected. Yeas S6 f ?ays 87. Mr. Jacocks moved to amend, by striking from the amendment eported by the Committee of the Whole, all after the word "That," nd inserting " it is proper to amend the 32d Article of the Consti- ^ltion, so as to substitute in lieu thereof the following: JVb person vho shall deny the being of God shall be capable of holding any office r place of trust or profit in the civil department xvithi^ this State; rovided, that the liberty of Conscience hereby secured* shall not be con- trued to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify s^udices inconsistent vith the peace or safety of the State. 50 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. The question being had thereon, it was decided in the negative — Yeas 42, Nays 82. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Jacocks. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Bonner, Bryan, Branch, Bunting, Birchett, Carson (Burke,) Chalmers, Calvert, Daniel, Edwards, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Hill, Hall, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Harring- ton, Holmes, Jacocks, Macon, McPherson, Marchant, Marsteller, Meares, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Robeson,) Rayner, Roulhac, Swain, Sawy*r, Skin- ner, Spaightf Craven,,) Sanders, Tayloe, Troy, Williams (Franklin,) Wilson (Perquimons,) — 42 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Amngton,Bower,Baxter,Brittain,Biggs,Brodnax,Boddie,Crudup, Cathev, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chambers,Dockery,Dobson, Elliot, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudgcr, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hutche- son, Halsey, Jones (Wake,) Jones [Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, More- head, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Norcom, (Powell (Columbus,) "PeSiYsaW, Parker.. Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Sty r on, Sugg, Stallings, Speight ( Greene,) Shiny, Seawell, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Spruill, Toomer, White, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Welch, Wooten, Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield, Wellborn, Wilder and Young — 82 Nays. Mr. Holmes moved to amend the amendment by striking out all after the word ''That," and inserting "it is proper to amend the 32d Article of the Constitution, so as to substitute in lieu thereof the following: No person who shall deny the being of God, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the civil de~ parlment within this State. The exercise and enjoyment of every re- ligious profession and worship, without discrimination, shall forever be free to all persons in this State; Provided the right hereby declared and established, shall not be so construed as to excuse or justify practices incompatible with the freedom and safety of the State; and provided further, that no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious sect or mode of worship. And the question being taken thereon, it was determined in the negative — Yeas 46, Nays 78. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members pre- sent, on the call of Mr. Holmes. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Bonner, Bryan, Branch, Bunting, Birchett, Carson {Burke,) Chalmers, Calvert, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gaston {Craven,) Gaston [Hyde,) Gilliam, Hill, Hall, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Harrington, Holmes. Jacocks, Macon, McPherson, Marchant, Marsteller, Meares, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Robeson,) Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Sawyei\ Skinner, Spaight (Cra-> venO Sanders, Tajrloe, Troy, Williams (Franklin,} Wilson (Perquimons^) — 46 Yeas. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 51 Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Arrington, Bower, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Brodnax, Boddio, Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chambers, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargtave, Hussey, Hooker, Hutcheson, Halsey, Jones (fVake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Norcom, Powell (Columbus,) Pearsall, Parker, Ruffin, Ramsay Chatham, Styron , Sugg, S tailings, Speight (Greene,) Shipp, Seawell, Sherard, Smith (J r anc\j,) Shober, Spruill, Toomer, White, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Welch, Wooten, Williams (Person, J Williams (Pitt,) AVhitfield, Wellborn, Wilder and Young— 78 Nays. Mr. Daniel moved to amend the amendment by striking out all after the word "That/' and inserting in lieu thereof the following: " it is expedient to remove the disqualifications for office contained in the 32d Article, from all who do not deny the being of a God and an accuntability to him for the deeds done in the body." Ami the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the ne- gative — Yeas 46, Nays 80. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Daniel. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Bonner, Bryan, Branch, Bailey, Bunting, Bir- chett, Carson (JSurkef) Chalmers, Calvert, Collins, Daniel, Edwards, Fere- bee, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Hill, Hall, Hodges, Hug- gins, Howard, Harrington, Holmes, Jacocks, Macon, McPherson, Mar- chant, Marsteller, Meares, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Hobeson,) Ray- ner, Roulhac, Swain, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Sanders, Taylop, Troy, Williams (Franklin,) and Wilson (Perquimons,) — 46 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Arrington, Bower, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Brodr-*' Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chambers, Dockc ' *? GD son> El- liott, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Gra*VV (jUinn » Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargr'/' V us T se 7' Hooker, Hutcheson, Halsey, Jones (Wake,) Jones (0m VJ ,, ,T' Join er, Ki»g, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris, Mr';™ 1 ' Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, MookJ y p om » \d [ (Columbus,) Pearsall, Parker, Ruffin, SimsaW \ ^ftJ^SBftf tt T° m W St ^ ron, Sugg Stalling, Spei^^* ^^&»#^ and Young — 80 k T iraf i * . J7 . ivr„ n « 1 S fo amend fhe amendment by adding thereto «* ,' " tke :; U V h " wopds » or vhoshnll hold ^XI JftSttJ " W&mh with the freedom and safety of the State" l m nti V les P&P^ fak6n **"* * WaS dedded ^ *■ ^ The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the member* •resent, on the call of Mr. Ramsay, of Pasquotank. . 52 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Bonner, Bryan, Branch, Bailey, Bunting, Birchett, Carso {Burke,) Calvert, Collins, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee,Gaston(Crawj,) Gas- ton (Hyde,) Gilliam, Hill, Hall, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Harrington, Holmes, Jacocks, Macon, McPherson, Marchant, Marsteller, Meares,Out- law, Rayner, Roulhac, Swain, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight {Craven,} Sanders, Tayloe, Troy, Wilson (Perquimons,) — 39 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs r Brodnax, Boddie, Cruclup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chalmers, Chambers, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hutcheson, Halsey, Jones (Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris* McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Norcom, Owen, Powell (Columbus) Powell (Robeson) Pearsall,Parker,Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham, ) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Styron, Sugg, Stallings, Speight (Greene,) Shipp, Seavell, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Spruill, Toomer, "White, Welch, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Williams (Franklin,) Wil- liams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Wooten, Whitfield, Wellborn, Wilder and Young — 87 Nays. The question then recurred on the amendment reported from the Committee of the Whole, and was decided in the affirmative — Yeas 74— Nays 51. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present on the call of Mr. Carson, of Burke. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Bonner, Bryan, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs Bailey, Bun- tu j fc Birchett, Brodnax, Carson (Burke,) Crudup, Cansler, Cathey, Chal- mers, ^ a lvert, Collins, Daniel, Dobson, Elliott, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Franklin, Gy lther> Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Guinn, Gaines, Gary^.„ ajj Giles, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hodges, Huggins, Harrington, Jervis, Jones C^-'W) Jacocks, King, Kelly, Lesueur, Macon, McMillan, McPherson, M ar <^+ Martin, Marsteller, Meares, Outlaw, Pipkin, Pow- ell (Robeson,) Kuffliu l*^. Ramgav (Pasauotankm Roulhac. Swain. Saw. Young— 74 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative ^ Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Bran. Chambers, Dockery, Faison, Gatling, Graves, boddie, Cox, Cooper, Hussey, Hooker, Hutcheson, Halsey, Holmes, Jones Slogan, Hargrave, McQueen, Morris, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, MontgUoiner, Lea, Norcom, Owen, Powell (Columbus,) Pearsall, Parker, Ramsay r- Moore, Stywn?S«gg. Stalling*, Speight (Greene) Seawell, Sherard, **»,) Spruill, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Wool* WnUams {Person,) Whitfield and Wilder— 51 Nays. The Resolution, as amended, was read and adopted. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 53 On motion of Mr. Fisher, Ordered, That said Resolution be referred to a Committee, with instruc- tions to report an amendment according thereto. Messrs. Carson, of Burke, Elliott, Chambers, Averitt and Bax- ter compose the Committee. Mr. Swain, from the Committee to whom the subject had been referred, made the following Report: The Committee who were instructed by the Convention to arrange the Senatorial Districts, and apportion the members of the House of Commons, in this State, respectfully report the accompanying Scheme, as proper to be incorporated in the Ordinance to be prepared for the purpose of carrying the amended Constitution into effect. The Sub-Committee, to whom was referred so much of the first Resolution, reported by the Committee of Thirteen, as refers to the formation of the Senatorial Districts, and the apportionment of Mem- bers of the House of Commons, have had the same under considera- tion, and agreed to the following Report: which is respectfully sub- mitted. JOSIAH COLLINS, Jun. Chairman of Sub- Commit lee. The average amount of taxation for Five years, throughout the State, is S 71,706 — which divided by 50 (the number of Senators,) gives $1 4I54-, as the Ratio of Representation in the Senate. The 1st District is composed of Perquimons paying $ 819 average tax for 5 years. Pasquotank, 3051 1870 Ratio, 1434 436 Excess 2nd District, Camden, 596 Currituck, 515 1547 -j Ratio, 1434 113 Excess carried to Tyrrell. 3d District, Gates, 794 Chowan, 946 1740 Ratio, 1434 306 Excess carried to Wash. 4th Do, Washington, 561 Tyrrell, 443 Excess from Currituck, 113 1433 Ratio, 1434 11 Deficient. 54 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 5th District. Northampton, 1939 Ratio, 1434 6th Do. 7th Do. 8th Do. 9th Do. Hertford, Bertie, Martin, 505 Excess. 1031 1536 Ratio, 1434 102 Excess lost, 1631 Ratio, 1434 197 Excess. 842 Excess from Halifax, 395 Halifax, 1434 Ratio, 1434 2177 Ratio, 1434 10th Do. 11th Do. 743 Excess. 395 carried to Marti n. Nash, Excess from Wake, Ratio, 348 906 180 1434 1434 Wake, Ratio. 2477 1434 1043 Excess 180 Carried to Nash. 12th Do. Franklin, 863 1121 1984 Ratio, 1434 13th Do. Johnston, 550 Excess. 983 Ratio, 1533 1434 99 Ex. Wake to Chatham 14th Do^ Warren, Ratio, 1494 1434 60 Excess lost. 15th Do. 16th Do. Edgecomb, W*yne, Ratio, 1964 1434 530 Excess 1018 1548 JOURNAL OP THE CONVENTION, 55 Brought over, 1548 Ratio, 1434 114 Excess.' 17th Do. Greene, 681 Lenoir, 690 1485 Ratio, 1434 51 Excess. 1 8th Do. Pitt, 1240 Ex. fr. Beaufort & Hyde, 143 19th Do. Beaufort, Hyde, Ratio, Ratio, 1434 1434 1190 469 1659 1434 225 Excess? 143 carried to Pitt. 82 Excess, 20th D». Carteret, 435 Jones, 589 Excess from Craven, 259 1365 Ratio, 1434 69 Deficient 21st Do. Craven, 1693 Ratio, 1434 259 Ex. ear. to Jones & Car. 22nd Do. Chatham, 1418 Excess of Wake 99 1517 Ratio, 1434 83 Excess carried to Moore 23d Do. Granville, 1985 Ratio, 1434 551 Excess carried to Person 24th Do. Person, 937 Excess from Granville, 551 1488 Ratio, 1434 54 Excess lost. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 25th District, Cumberland, 2348 Ratio, 1434 914 Excess. 400 Carried to Moore, 26th Do. 514 Sampson, 920 1434 Ratio, 1434 27th Do. 28th Do. 29fh*Do. SOtb Do, New Hanover, Ratio, 2714 1434 Duplin 1280 Excess. 891 Ratio, 2171 1434 Onslow, 737 Excess 647 Ratio 1384 1434 50 Deficient. Brunswick, Bladen, Columbus, 523 697 360 Ratio, 1585 1434 Robeson, Richmond, 151 Excess 626 856 31st Do, 1633 Ratio, 1434 199 Eyccss- 32nd District, Anson. 1064 Excess from Meck'bg, 506 1769 Ratio, 1434 335 Excess. 33d District, Cabarrus, 786 do. from Montgomery 769 1883 Ratio, 1434 34th District, 449 Excess, Moore, 502 Excess from Chatham 63 Do from Cumberland 400 1414 JOURNAL OP THE CONVENTION. 5T Brought over, Ratio, 1414 1434 20 Deficient 35th District, Caswell, Ratio, 8 1399 1434 35 Deficient 36th District, Rockingham, Excess from Orange, 1218 216 Ratio, 37th District, Orange, Ratio, 1434 1434 $ 2425 1434 991 Excess 216 Carried to Rockingham. 38th District, Randolph, 775 929 Ratio, $ 1704 1434 39th District, Guilford, Ratio, 40th District, Stokes, 270 Excess lost. $ 1526 1434 92 Excess $ 1231 Ratio, 1323 1434 111 Deficient, 41st District, Rowan, Ratio, $ 1820 1434 42nd District, Davidson, Ratio, 386 Excess. $ 997 1383 1434 51 Deficient. 43d District, Surry, $ 1067 Ratio, 1434 367 Deficient 44th District, Wilkes, $ 644 Ashe, 400 Excess from Burke & Yancy, 149 119; 58 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Brought over, Ratio, 1193 1434 241 Deficient 45th District, Burka, $ 1324 Part of Yancy, ■== to 4th of Buncombe, 259 Ratio, 1583 1434 4'6th District, Lincoln, Ratio, $ 149 Excess carried to Wilkes and Ashe. 2045 1434 47th District, Iredell, $ 611 Excess 1126 Ratio, 1737 1434 303 Excess lost* 48th District Rutherford Ratio 1.4th 1479 1434 45 Excess lost. 49th District, Buncombe less Haywood, Macon, 780 303 352 Ratio, 1435 1434 1 Excess lost 50th District, Mecklenburg, Ratio, $ 1940 1434 506 Excess car'd. to Anson. Districts having Excesses that are lost. Buncombe, Haywood and ] Rutherford, Warren, Hertford, Iredell, Randolph; Person, Macon, il Exc< $ 1 Excess. 45 60 102 303 270 54 TotJ :sses, 835 Districts having deficiencies not made up by Taxation, from adjoining Counties. Washington and Tyrrell, $ 11 Deficient Carteret and Jones, 69 Onslow, 50 Moore, 20 Stokes, 111 Davidson, 51 Surry, 367 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION." 59 Caswell. 35 Wilkes and Ashe, 241 Total Deficients. g55 Total Excesses, 35 Deficiency lost in the whole State by rejecting fractio06 120. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House of Commons to be apportioned as follows, viz: — The following counties, deficient in the first Ratio, or the 120th |iart, entitled to one Member each: — Counties. Fed. Pop. Brunswick 5273 Columbus 3709 Chowan 5189 Greene 5264 Haywood 4461 Jones 4378 Macon 5149 Tyrrell 4175 Washington 3867 41,465 Fed.Populat. Aggregate of Federal Population in the State 640,821 Deduct Fed. Pop. of nine counties not having 120th part of the entire population - 41,465 599,356 129 members, less nine, leaves 111 members to . be apportioned. 599,356 divided by 111 gives 5399 as the ratio for 1 member. 2 1 0,798 Pop. for 2 members. 5,399 16,197 Pop. for 3 members. 32 Counties, having more than the ratio, but less than twice the amount, entitled to one member: Ashe 1 Member 1391 Fraction Beaufort do 3904 do Rladen do 1163. do Bertie do 4144 do Camden do 524 do Currituck do 1380 do Carteret do 560 do Cabarrus do 2507 do Duplin do 4118 do Franklin do 3282 do Gates do 2007 do Hertford do 1654 do Hyde do 7 do Johnston do 4083 do Lenoir do 756 do Moore do 1676 do Montgomery do 4602 do JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Martin do 1828 do N. Hanover do 3313 do Nash do 1608 do Northampton do 5095 do Onslow do 1157 do Person do 2S55 do Pasquotank do 2193 do Pttt do 4548 do Perquimons do 920 do Robeson do 3034 do Richmond do 2592 do Sampson do 4681 do Warren do 3547 do \Va)'ne do 3525 do Yancy do 2613 do 17 Counties, having twice the Ratio, and an excess, entitled to two Members. Anson 2 Members 1385 Fraction Buncombe do 913 do Burke do 1530 do Cumberland do 2013 do Chatham do 2584 do Craven do 484 do Caswell do 1813 do Davidson do 1323 do Edgecomb do 1307 do Granville do 4390 do Halifax do 3025 do Iredell do 2647 do Randolph do 1023 do Rockingham do 413 do Surry do £923 do Stokes do 4261 do Wilkes do 57 o do 7 Counties, having more than three times the Ratio, entitled to three Members. Guilford 3 Members 1502 Fraction. Lincoln do 4505 do Mecklenburg do 1017 do Orange ' do 4761 do Rowan do 2113 do Rutherford do 4 do Wake do 957 do 24 Counties entitled to 1 Member each on accoi mt of Fractions. Beaufort having a Fraction of 3904 Bertie do do 4144 Yancy do do 2613 Duplin do do 4118 Franklin do do 3282 Johnston do do 4083 N, Hanover do do 3313 Pitt do do 4548 Robeson do do 3034 Sampson do do 4681 Warren do do 3567 Wayne do do 3525 Montgomery do do 4602 Northampton do do 5095 Granville do do 4890 Halifax do do 3025 Stokes do do 4267 JOURNAL OF THE CONVEVTION. 61 Lincoln do do 4205 Orange do do 4761 Person do do 2855 Richmond do do 2592 Chatham do do 2584 Iredell do do 2647 Surry do do 2928 RECAPITULATION. 9 Counties, not having 120th part, entitled to 1 Member each; 9 Members. 32 Counties, having more than the Ratio, but not twice that amount, entitled to 1 Mem- ber each, 32 Members. 17 Counties, having more than twice the Ratio but not three times that amount, entitled to 2 Members each, 34 Memberg 7 Counties, having more than three timc9 the Ratio, but not four times that amount, en- titled to three Members each, 21 Members 24 Counties, entitled byjFractior.s, to 1 Mem- ber each, 24 Members 120 Whole Number. On motion of Mr. Collins, Ordered, That the Report be referred to a Committee of the Whole, and made the special order of the clay for to-morrow, and that it be printed. And, on motion, the Convention adjourned. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Closs, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Hodges, from the Committee to whom was referred the 7th Resolution, reported that it is inexpedient to change the present mode of appointing and removing from office Militia Officers. Mr. Hodges, from the same Committee, reported the following Article: That a competent number of Justices of the Peace for eacli Cap- tain's District in the several Counties of this State, not exceeding four in the distinct wherein the Court-house for the county is situated, and not exceeding 3 in any other District, shall in future be recommended to the Governor for the time being, by the respective County Courts, a ma- jority of the Justices being present, and the Governor shall commis- sion them accordingly. They may be removed from office by con- viction on indictment in the Superior Court for mal-practice in of- fice, or for any felonious or infamous crime, or by the Governor on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the General Assembly. 62 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. The Article was read the first time, and, on motion of Mr. Ed-ij wards, ordered to be printed. Mr. Gaither, from the Committee, to whom was referred the 5thi Resolution, reported the following Article : That no person who holds any office or place of trust or profit un-j der the United States, or either of them, or under any foreign pow-j er, shall hold or exercise any office or place of trust or profit under] this State :■ — And, that no person shall be eligible to a seat in the* Legislature, whilst he holds any office or place of trust or profit', under this State, (any appointment in the Militia, and Justice oil the peace, excepted,) the United States or either of them, or under) any foreign power. The Article was read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Bryan,!, ordered to be printed. Mr. Branch from the Committee to whom was referred sal much of the Act as directs a mode to be prescribed for the ratifica-) tion of such amendments as may be recommended by the Conven-3 tion ; also, so much thereof, as directs necessary ordinances and re-j gulations to be prescribed for the purpose of giving operation anil) effect to the Constitution as altered and amended ; and also so much} thereof as directs that the Convention shall provide in what manner amendments shall, in future, be made to the said Constitution, re-l ported in part : That whenever a majority of the whole number of each House of the General Assembly shall deem it necessary to alter or amend this Constitution, they may propose such alterations or amendments toj the people, and the Governor shall, by Proclamation, lay the same before the people six months before the ensuing election for Members] of the General Assembly ; and if the two Houses of the General As-j scmbly thus elected, shall approve, as in the the first instance, of the amendments proposed, the same shall be submitted to the people for'! their ratification or rejection, and if ratified by a majority, shall be- come a part of the Constitution. On motion of Mr. Branch, Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Committee of the Whole Convention, and made the order of the day for Monday week, and that it) be printed. On motion of Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons, Ordered, That the special order of the day be postponed until, to-mor-j row. On motion of Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons, The Convention resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mi*. Spaight of Craven in the Chair, on the 12th Resolution, proposl ing that a Committee be appointed to enquire whether any, and if| any what amendments be proper to provide for the election of Gov- ernor by the qualified voters for the members of the House of Coi mons, and prescribing the term for which he may be elected .; an( JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 6& the. number of terms during which he shall be eligible. And, after some time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Spaight reported, that the Committeee had, according to order, had the said Resolution tinder consideration, and made the following amendment thereto: — Strike out all after tha word "Resolved," and insert in lieu thereof — "That the Governor shall be chosen by the qualified voters for the members of the House of Commons, at such times and places as members of the General Assembly are elected. He shall hold his office for the term of two years from the time of his installation, and until another shall be elected and qualified; but he shall not be elcgible more than four years in any term of sixycars."' On motion of Mr. Giles, the Convention proceeded to consider the Report. And on the question of agreeing to the amendment, it was deter- mined in the affirmative — Teas 74, Nays 44. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Arrington, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Birchett, Carson {Burke, ) Csithey, Cox,Cansler, Cooper, Chalmers, Cham- bers, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Giles, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hook- er, Huggins, Harrington, Holmes, Jones {TVake,) 3 ervis, Kelly, Lea, Mc- Queen,Morris,McMillan,Melchor,McDiarmid,Morehead, Martin, Mars- teller, Montgomery, Moore, Owen, Powell (Columbus.) Powell {Robeson) Parker, RuSin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Styron, Spaight (Craven.) Speight (Greene,) Stallings, Shipp, Sanders, Sherard, Smith (Yancy,) Shoher, White, Wilson {Edgecomb,) Wilson {Perquimons,) Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Wooten, Whitfield, Wellborn and Wilder — 74 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Bryan, Branch, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, Boddie, Crudup, Calvert, Collins, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Gatling, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston {Hyde.) Gary, Gray, Hussey, Hodges, Howard, Halsey, Jones (Wilkes,) Joiner, King, Macon, McPherson, Marchant, Norcom, Outlaw, Pipkin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Sawyer, Skinner, Sea well, Sugg, Spruill, Tayloe,Troy,Toomer, Welclr, Williams (Pitt,) and Young —-44 Nays. The Resolution was read and adopted, and on motion of Mr. Giles, referred to a Committee, with instructions to bring in the necessary amendment. Messrs. Pipkin, White, Bonner, Faison and Lea compose the Committee. The Convention proceeded to consider the Report of the Com- mittee of the "Whole on the 11th Resolution, reported on the 20th ultimo. The amendment reported from the Committee was agreed to, and the Resolution adopted. On motion of Mr. Giles, Ordered, That said Resolution be referred to the same Committee to whom is referred the 12th Resolution. 64 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Mr. Bryan submitted the following Resolution: Whereas, the observance of the Anniversary of our Independence is the duty of every patriot and good citizen, and tends to keep alive the remembrance of our Revolutionary struggle, and thereby has a tendency to remind us of the value of our liberties, and to preserve the stability and permanency of our Institutions: Be it Resolved* That when this Convention adjourns on Friday next, it be adjourned to meet on the following Monday. On motion, the Convention adjourned. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1855. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by ths Rev. Dr. McPheeters, of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Branch, from the Committee to whom was referred so much of the Act as directs a mode to be prescribed for the ratifica- tion of such amendments as may be recommended by the Conven- tion, reported That they recommend the amendments adopted by this Conven- tion to be submitted to the people on the second Monday in Novem- ber next, and that the polls be kept open for three successive days at the several election places in each and every county. Thattlie Sheriffs of the respective counties, (with the aid of inspectors to be appointed by the Courts of the counties immediately preceding the election,") be required to compare and certify the results of the elec- tion, on the Thursday or Friday immediately succeeding, and trans- mit the same to the Governor of the State within ten days thereaf- ter. That it shall be the duty of the Governor to examine and make proclamation of the result, to the people, and if it shall appear that a majority of the whole number of votes given in are in favor of the ratification of the Amendments, that the same shall be in- corporated in, and become a part of the Constitution of the State, The Report was read the first time ; and on motion of Mr. Branch, ordered to be printed. Mr. Collins, from the Committee to whom was referred the Gth Resolution, directing that the individual capitation tax shall be equal throughout the State; with instructions to draw up an Ar- ticle to he incorporated in the amended Constitution; reported the following Article: Sec. 1. Capitation tax shall be equal throughout the State, up- on all individuals subject to the same. Sec 2. All free Males, over the age of twenty-one years, and un- der that of forty-five, and all slaves over the .age of twelve years, JOURNAL OF TH8 CONVENTION. G5 and under that of fifty, shall be subject to capitation tax, and no Other persons shall be subject to such tax. This Article was read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Col- lins, ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Outlaw, The Convention took up for consideration the Resolution submit- ted yesterday by Mr. Bryan. On motion of Mr. Bower, Ordered, That the Resolution do lie on the table. On motion of Mr. Biggs, Ordered, That the Committee to whom was referred the Resolution di- recting them to draft amendments to the Constitution, providing for bien- nial instead of annnal meetings of the General Assembly, and for the bien- nial instead of triennial election of Secretary of State, be also instructed to report amendments to the Constitution, providing for the biennial instead of annual election of the Treasurer and Comptroller of the State and Coun- cillors of State. On motion of Mr. Collins, The Convention resolved itself info a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Shober in the Chair, on the Report of the Committee of twenty- six, upon the subject of arranging the Senatorial Districts and ap- portioning the members of the House of Commons among the seve- ral counties in this State. After some time spent therein, the Pre- sident resumed the Chair, and Mr. Shober reported that the Com- mittee had, according to order, had the said Report under considera- tion, and made the following amendments thereto: 1st. To give to Burke, instead of Yancy, the member in the House of Commons, on account of the largest fraction ; and 2d. To strike out Montgomery from the 33d District and attach it to the 34th District. The Convention proceeded to consider the amendments, and they were severally read and adopted. Mr. Sawyer moved to amend the Report as follows: "That the excess of federal population in the counties of Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimons and Gates, be retained in said counties, and that they constitute a district to elect one member in the Housei of Commons." And, on the question of agreeing with the amendment, it was de- termined in the negative. Yeas 29 — Nays 74. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Jacocks. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Baxter, Bailey, Cooper, Chalmers, Calvert, Catling, Gary, Hussey, Halsey, Holmes, Jones (ff'ilkes,) Jacocks, Kelly, Macon, McPherson, Norcom, Pipkin, Ramsay (Pasqtiotank,) Roulhac, Sawyer, Sugg, Stallings, Seawelk Spruill, Wilson ^Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) and Wooten — 29 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were B6 JOURNAL OP THE CONVENTION. Messrs. Bower, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie* Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Chambers, Carson (Rulherford,)Co\Yms, •Daniel, Dockery, ©obson, Elliott, Edwards, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gaitlr&r, Graves, Gaston {Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargrave, Hodges, Jones (Wake,) Jervis, Joiner, Lea, LeSueur, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Montgomery, Moore, Outlaw, Owen, Parker, Powell (Robeson,) Rubin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Swain, Skin- ner, Spaight (Craven,) Shipp, Sanders, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Toomer, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Whitfield, Wellborn, Wilder andYoung — 74 Nays. Mr. Kelly submitted life following amendment to the Report; which was rejected: "That the excess of federal population in the counties of Moore, Cumberland and Montgomery be retained in the counties, and that they constitute a district to elect a member in the House of Com- mons." On the question, Will the Convention concur in the Report as amended? it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Giles, Ordered, That the Report be referred to a Committee, with instructions to draft and report an Article in conformity with the same. Messrs. Collins, Spaight, of Craven, Speight, of Greene, Crudup, and Fisher compose the committee. On motion of Mr. Spruill, The Convention took up for consideration the following Resolu- tion: Resolved, That during the remainder of the session of this Convention, there shall be a recess each day from 1 o'clock, P. M. to 3 o'clock, P. M. The Resolution was amended by adding the words "from and af- ter Saturday next," and adopted, Mr. Collins moved that when the Convention adjourn this day, it adjourn to meet on Monday next. And on the question of agreeing to the motion, it was determined in I the negative — Yeas 55, Nays 79. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Bower. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messr^. Andres, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Calvert, Collins, 'Gaston (Cra- ven,) Gascon (Hyde,) Gilliam, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Howard, Holmes, Jacocks, McQueen, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Robe- son,) Rayner, Roulhac, Sawyer, Seawell, Troy, Toomer, Wilson (Edge- comb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Wooten, Whitfield and Wilder — S3 Yeas. Thade who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie, Crudup, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chal- mers, Chambers, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliot, Edwards, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 67 Siles, Gudgcr, Hall, Hodges, Huggins, Halsey, Jervis, Jones (Wake,) rones {Wilkes,) Joiner, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Morris, McMillan, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant,Morehead, Martin, xMarsteller, Mont- gomery, Moore, Parker, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,): Ramsay (Pasquotank,) •Skinner, Spaightf Craven, ) Sugg, Stallings, Shipp, Sanders, Sherard, Smith 'Yancy,) Shober, Spruill, Tayloe, White, Williams (Franklin,) Williams 'Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Wellborn and Young— 79 Nays. On motion, the Convention adjourned. SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1835. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Gloss.. Mr. Mearcs, from the Committee to whom was referred the 18th Resolution, reported the following Articles : Art. 1. All laws relating to the administration of justice, shall be uniform throughout the State. Art. 2. The General Assembly s&all have power to pass general laws, regulating divorce and alimony ; but shall not have power to grant a divorce or secure alimony in any individual case. Art. 3. The General Assembly shall not have power to pass any private law, to alter the name of any person, or to legitimate any bastard, or to restoro to the rights of Citizenship any person con- victed of an infamous crime. Art. 4. Whenever a Bill of a private nature shall be introduced into either House of the General Assembly, it shall not be passed up- on, until a tax of $10 has been paid by the person introducing the same to the Clerk of the House, to be by him accounted for, and paid over to the Treasurer of the State. These Articles were read the first time, and, on motion of Mr. Meares, ordered to be printed. Mr. Carson, of Burke, from the Committee to whom the subject was referred with instructions, reported the following Article : That no person who shall deny the being of God, or the truth of the Christian Religion, or the divine authority of the Old or New Testament, or who shall hold Religious principles incompatible with the freedom or safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the Civil department within this State. On motion of Mr. Gaston, of Craven, Ordered, That Mr. Cox have leave of absence from the service of the Convention, from and after Monday next, for the remainder of the session. 68 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Mr. Collins moved that the Convention adjourn. The question ■was determined in the negative — Yeas 29, Nays 75. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Cooper. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Biggs, Carson (Burke,) Collins, Gaston (Craven,) Hogan, Har- grave, Hussey, Hodges, Howard, Halsey, Jacocks, King, McQueen, M cares Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (/fo&cso>i,)Rayncr, Roulhar-, Swain Seawell, Tayloe, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Williams (Pitt,) Whit- field, and Wilder,— 29 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Bunting, Bh'cheta Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chalmers, Carson, (Rutherford) Daniel, Bobson, Elliott, Edwards, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Catling, Gai- ther. Graves, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hall, Hooker, Huggins, Holmes, Jones ((fake,) Jones (Wilkes.) Jervis, Joiner, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Moore, Powell (Co-] lumbus,) Parker, Ruffin, Ramsay (Chatham,) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Skin-i ner, Spaight (Craven,) Sugg. Stal/ings, Shipp, Sanders, Sherard, Smith, (Fancy,) Shober, White, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Welch, Wooten, Wilson (Perquimans.) Wellborn, and Young — 75 Nays. On motion of Mr. Shober, Resolved, that a select Committee be appointed to enquire and report the best mode of circulating the proceedings of the Convention among the. peo-j pie of the State. Messrs. Daniel, Swain, Tayloe, Wooten and Welch compose the Committee. Mr. Collins moved that the Convention adjourn. The question was determined in the negative — Yeas S3, Nays 74. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the members present on the call of Mr. Collins. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Brodnax, Carson {Burke,) CoHins,F:sher, Gaston (Craven.) Giles, ( Hogan, Hargrave, Howard, Halsey, Jones (Jl'ilkes,) Jacocks, King, Mc-j Queen, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Robeson,) Ray- ner, Roulhac, Swain, Seawell, Shober, Tayloe, Toomer, Wilson (Edge- combi) Wilson (Ferquimons,) Wooten, Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield and Wilder— S3 Yeas. ti Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bunting, Birthiztt, Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Chal- mers, Calvert, Chambers, Carson (Rulhcrjord,) Daniel, Dobson, Elliott* Edwards, Faison, Gatling, partner, Graves, Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Gudger, Hall, Hooker, Huggins, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) JeH vis, Joiner, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Mont- JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION". 69 £omery, Moore, Powell {Columbus,) Parker, Ruffin, Ramsay ( Chatham,) Ramsay (PaaifWiahk,) Sty von, Skinner, Spaight {Craven,) Sugg, Stallings, Shipp, Sanders, Smith (Fancy.) White, Williams {Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Welch, Wellborn and Young— 74 Nays. On motion of Mr. Branch, the Convention took up for its second reading the Article declaring that the members of the Legislating shall vote viva voce in the election of Oilicers. On motion, the Convention adjourned. MONDAY, JULY 6, 18 35. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheeters. On motion of Mr. Williams, of Franklin, The Convention resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Swain in the Chair, upon the special order of the day, being the Report of the select Committee, as to what manner amendments shall in future be made to the Constitution. After some time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Swain reported that the Committee had, according to order, had the said Report un- der consideration, and made the following amendment thereto:— Strike out all after the word «< That," and insert as follows: "No part of this Constitution shall be altered, unless a bill to alter the same shall have been read three times in each House of the General Assembly and agreed to by three-fifths of the whole number of mem- bers of each House respectively: Nop shall any alteration take place until the said bill so agreed to, be published six months pre- vious to a new election of members to the General Assembly; and if the alteration proposed by the General Assembly shall be agreed to in the first session thereafter, by two-thirds of the whole Repre- sentation in each House of the General Assembly, after the same shall have been read three times on three several days, in each House; then the said General Assembly shall establish rules and regulations whereby said amendments may be submitted to the con- sideration of the qualified voters for the House of Commons through- out the State: And if, upon comparing the votes given in the whole State, it shall appear that a majority thereof have approved said amendments, then, and not otherwise, the same shall become a part of the Constitution." On motion of Mr. Mearcs, the Convention proceeded to consider the Report. Mr Hargravc moved to amend the Report by striking out the words "two thirds," and inserting in lieu thereof, " three JftHs." 70 JOURNAL OF THE CONTENTION. Mr. Williams, of Franklin, called for a division of the question : And on the question of striking out, it was decided in the negative, Yeas 24, Nays 99. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members, present, on the call of Mr. Hargrave. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Bower, Birchett, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Franklin, , Gaither, Grier, Gaines, Giles, Hargrave, Hutcheson, Harrington, Jervis, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Montgomery, Moore, Parker, Shipp, Shober, • and Wellborn — 24 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brit* tain, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, ] Cooper, Chalmers, Calvert, Chambers, Carson (Rutherford,) Collins, Da- niel, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gatling, Graves, Gaston [Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Guinn, Gary, Gray, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hogan, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jones {Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Joiner, Jacocks, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Melchor, \ McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Powell {Columbus) Powell {Robeson) Pearsall, Pip- kin, Ruffin, Ray tier, Ramsay {Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Styron, Saw- yer, Skinner, Spaight {Craven,) Speight [Greene,) Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Sherard, Smith {Yancy,) Spruill, Tayloe, Troy, TOomer, White, i Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimans, Welch, Wooten, Whitfield,. Williams (Franklin.) Williams (Person,) Williams {Pitt,) Wilder and You ng — 99Nay s. Mr. Guinn moved to amend the Report by striking out the words u - whole number ?f members," and inserting in lieu thereof tlve words a members who may be present." The question on agreeing to the amendment moved by Mr.Guinn, was determined in the negative. Mr. Harrington moved to amend the Report by striking all out after the word ''That," and inserting in lieu thereof as follows : " Amendments to this Constitution may he made, in future, in the following manner : At the general election for members of the State Legislature which shall take place in the year and every years thereafter, the several returning officers appointed to open a poll for the election of members of the House of Commons, shall make a return to the Secretary of State for the time being, of the numbers and names of all those voting for members of the House of Commons ; and whenever the citizens of this State shall desire to change or amend the Constitution thereof, they, or as many of them as may be in favor of such change or amendment, shall address a Memorial or Memorials to the General Assembly setting forth the nature and extent of such change or amendment as they propose. — And if it shall thus appear, that the number of those in favor of such proposed amendments shall he equal to a majority of the whole num- JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 71 ber of those who voted at the last general election at which returns were made, pursuant to the foregoing provision, then it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to take the proposed amendment or amendments into their consideration, and they shall approve or re- ject such amendments, or any part thereof, at their discretion, a ma- jority of each House concurring by Yeas and Nays. And the whole or so much of the proposed amendments as shall be approved, shall be put by the General Assembly in form, suitable to be incorporated into the Constitution, and in this form shall be published in all the newspapers in the State, at least three months before the next general election for members of Assembly, for the consideration of all the citizens of this State. And it shall be the duty of the returning officers of the several counties of this State, at that election, to open a poll for, and make a return to the Secretary of State for the time being, of the numbers and names of all those voting for members of the House of Commons who have voted on such proposed change, or amendments of the Constitution — and if thereupon, it shall appear that a majority of all the citizens of this State voting for members of the House of Commons at that election, shall have voted in favor of such proposed amendments, then such amendment or amendments shall be part of the Constitution of this State." On the question of agreeing to the amendment, it was determined in the negative. The question recurring on the amendment reported by the Com- mittee of the Whole, it was adopted. Yeas 106 — Nays 18. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Williams of Franklin, Those who voted in the affirmative' were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arlington, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Can- sler, Cooper, Chalmers, Calvert, Chambers, Carson {Rutherford,) Collins, Daniel, Dobson, Elliott, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Graves, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hogan, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jones {.Wake,) Jones {Wilkes,) Joiner, Jacocks, King, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Powell (Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Styron, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight {Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Sea- well, Smith (lone?/,) Spruill, Sherard,Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, White, Wilson, {Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons) Williams {PersonJ Williams {Frank- in,') Williams {Pitt,) Welch, Whitfield, Wooten, AVellborn, Wilder and Young — 106 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative, were Messrs. Birchett, Carson, (Burke,) Dockery, Gaither, Guinn, Grier, Hargtave, Hutcheson, Harrington, Jervis, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Montgomery, Moore, Parker, Shipp, Shober — Nays 18. 72 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Mr. Collins, from the Committee to whom was referred the Re- port of the Committee of 26, as amended by the Convention, for the purpose of framing an article in conformity thereto, reported the following: That until the first session of the General Assembly, after the year eighteen hunderd and forty-one, the Senate shall be composed of Members elected from Districts, as follows: The 1st district — Perquimons and Pasquotank; 2d district — Camden and Currituck; 3d district — Gates and Chowan; 4th district — Washington and Tyrrell; 5th district — Northampton; 6th district — Hertford; 7th district — Bertie; 8th district — Martin; 9th district — Halifax; 10th district— Nash ; 11th district— Wake; 12th district— Franklin ; 13th disti'ict — Johnston ; 14th district — Warren; 15th district — Edge-comb; 16th district — Wayne; 17th District — Greene and Le- noir; 18th district — Pitt; 19th district — Beaufort and Hyde; 20th district — Carteret and Jones; 21st district — Craven; 22nd district i — Chatham; 23d district— Granville ; 24th district — Person; 25th district — Cumberland; 26th district 1 — Sampson; 27th district — New-Hanover; 28th district— Duplin; 29th district— Onslow; 30th district— Brunswick, Bladen and Columbus; 31st district — Robe- son and Richmond ; 32d district — Anson ; 33d district — Cabarrus; 54th district — Moore and Montgomery ; 35th district — Caswell ; 36th district — Rockingham; 37th district — Orange; 38th district — Randolph; 39th district — Guilford; 40th district — Stokes; 41st district — Rowan: 42d district — Davidson; 43d district — Surry; 44th district — Wilkes and Ashe; 45th district — Burke and Yancy; 46th district — Lincoln; 47th district — Iredell; 48th district — Ru- therford ; 49th district — Buncombe, Haywood and Macon ; 50th dis- trict — Mecklenburg. Each district entitled to one member in the Senate. That until the first session of the General Assembly after the year eighteen hundred and forty-one, the House of Commons shall be-- composed of members elected from the Counties in the following manner, vis: The Counties of Lincoln and Orange shall elect four members each, .The Comities of Burke, Chatham, Granville, Guilford, Halifax, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Rutherford, Surry, Stokes and Wake, shall elect three members each. The Counties of Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Buncombe, Cumber] land, Craven, Caswell, Davidson, Duplin, Edgccomb, Franklin,, Johnston, Montgomery, New-Hanover, Northampton, Person, Pitt, Randolph, Robeson, Richmond, Rockingham, Sampson, Warren,, Wayne and Wilkes shall elect two members each. The Counties of Ashe, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Columbus, Chowan, Currituck, Carteret, Cabarrus, Gates, Greene, Haywood, , Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Macon. Moore, Martin, Nash, Ons-j low, Pasquotank, Perquimons, Tyrrel, Washington, and Yancy, shall , elect one member each. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 73 These Articles were read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Collins, ordered to be printed. The Article requiring Members of the General Assembly to vote viva voce, was read the second time : And on the question that the said Article pass to its third reading, it was determined in the affir- mative—Yeas 82, Nays S3. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present on the call of Mr. Wilson, of Perquimons. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Averitt, Arlington, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bunting, Birchett, Brodnax, Carson (Burke,) Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Chal- ners, Daniel, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, jilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gary, Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, Harrington, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Fervis, Jacocks, Kelly, Macon, McQueen, McMillan, Melchor, Mcpherson* McDiarmid. Marchant, Marsteller, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pow- ill {Columbus,) Powell (Robeson,) Pearsall, Pipkin, Ruffin, Rayner, Roulhac, Swain, Styron, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight 'Greene,) Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Tay- oe, Wilson (Edge-comb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Wooten, Whitfield, Wellborn and Wilder— 32 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Bower, Bailey, Buddie, Cooper, Carson (Rutherford,) Collins, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Graves, Gaston (Craven,) jaston (Hyde,) Gaines, Gray, Giles, Oudger, Hill, Halsey, Jones (Wilkes) loiner, King, Lea, Lesueur, Morris, Morehead, Martin, Meares, Parker, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Shipp, Shober, Troy, Toomer, White, Williams 'Person,) and Young — 38 Nays. On motion of Mr. Branch. Ordered, That the said Article be read the third time to-morrow. • / The Convention took up for its second reading the Article abro- gating the right of free negroes and mulattoes to vote for members If the Legislature. Mr. Fisher moved to amend the Article by adding thereto as fol- ows: "Unless, in addition to the qualifications required of other oters, such free negroes or mulattoes, for one year next preceding my election, shall have owned and possessed at least fifty acres of and in fee, of the value of not less than one hundred dollars, unin- ;umbered by mortgage or otherwise, and shall never have been coll- ected of any infamous offence, Mr. Dockery moved to amend the amendment by striking out the vords s *at least fifty acres of land in fee" and inserting in lieu there- >f the words "real estate" ; and by striking out " one hundred," and nserting " two hundred and Jifty." Mr. Giles called for a division of the question : And the question >eing on striking out, it was decided in the negative. The question recurring on Mr. Fisher's amendment, it was deci- led in the. negative — Yeas 59, Nays 63. 10 74 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. The Yeas ami Nays were required by one fifth of the members pre^j sent, on the call of Mr. Speight, of Greene. Those who voted in the affirmative were, Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Bovver, Biggs, Bunting, Boddie, Coxij Cansler, Chalmers, Carson (Rutherford,) Daniel, Dobson, Elliott, Fisherj, Franklin, Catling, Gaston (Craven*) Gaston {Hyde,) Guinn, Gaines, Gary! Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hussey Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Jorteai (Wilkes,) Joiner, King, Kelly, Morris, McMillan, McPherson, Morehead,! Martin, Marsteller, Montgomery, Moore, Gvven, Powell (Columbus*) Pow-ij ell (Robeson*,) Parker, Rayner, Swain, Styron, Stallings, Shipp, Seawelljj Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Troy, Toomer, White and Wellborn, —59 Yeas. j Those Who voted in the negative were Messrs. Adams, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Bailey, Birchetti Brodnax, Carson (Burke,) Carney, Cooper, Calvert, Collins, Dockeryyii Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Grier, Hogan, Har- grave, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, Harrington, HalseyJ Jervis, Jacocks, Lea, Lesueur, Maco'n, McQueen, Melchor, Marchantj Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Pipkin, Ruffin, Ramsay (Pcisquotarik,) RoulhacJ Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Cr aven.) Speight (Greene.) Sugg, Sanders, Spruillr Tayloo, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons*) Welch, Wooten^ Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield, WUf| der and Young — 63 Nays. Mr. Gaston, of Craven, moved to amend the Article by adding thereto as follows: | "Unless, in addition to the qualifications required of other voters] he shall, for one year next preceding any election, have owned and possessed property, real or personal or both, of the clear value of fiv^ hundred dollars over and above all incumbrances, charges and debts! Nor shall any free negroe, mulatto, or person of mixed blood, as aforesaid, be permitted to vote at any election, who shall have beerj convicted of an infamous offence." Mr. Branch moved to amend the amendment by striking out th< words "or personal or both:" And the question being had thereof it was determined in the negative. The question recurring on the amendment submitted by Mr. Gasi ton, it was determined in the negative — Yeas 55, Nays 64. The Yeas and Nays were required by one-fifth of the memberj present on the call of Mr. Gaston, of Craven. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Bower, Bunting, Boddie, Coal Cansler, Chalmers, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Franklirili; Gaston (Craven,) Gaston {Hyde,) Guinn, Gaines, Gray, Giies, Gudger, Hill | Hall, Hussey, Holmes, .Jones (Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Joiner, King, Kelly, Morris, McMillan, McPherson, Morehcad, Martin, Marsteller, Moorej Owen, Parker, Powell (Robeson,) Swain, Styron, Shipp, Seawell, Skerard; Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, White, Welch, Whit field and Wellborn — 55 Yeas. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 75 Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bailey, Bircliett, Brod- ax, Car aon (Burke,) Carson (Rutherford,) Cathcy, Cooper, Calvert, Coi- ns, Edwards, Ferebee, Faison, Gatling, Gaithcr, Graves, Gilliam, Grier, iary, Hogan, Hargrave, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, larrington, Ilalsey, Jervis, Jacocks, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, McQueen, lelchor, Marchant, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Poweil (Columbus,) Pipkin, Luffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Wilson {Edgecomb,) Vilson (Fcrqiiimons,) Wooten, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Villiams (Pitt,) Wilder and Young — 64 Nays. The Article was read a second time; and on the question that it ass to a third reading, it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Moreliead, Ordered, That Mr. Smith, of Orange, have leave of absence from and af- er Wednesday last, for the remainder of the session. On motion, the Convention adjourned.. TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1335. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the ev. Mr. Jamieson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. On motion of Mr. Troy, Ordered, That Mr. Powell, of Columbus, have leave of absence from nd after to-day, for the remainder of the session. On motion of Mr. Speight, of Greene* Ordered, That Mr. Styron have leave of absence from and' after to-day, ft the remainder of the session. Mr. Pipkin, from the Committee to whom Was referred the 12th Resolution, relating to the election of Governor of the State by the ualificd voters for Members of the House of Commons, and pre- cribing the term for which he may be elected, and the number of erms during which he shall be eligible, reported the following Article: That the Governor shall he chosen by the qualified voters for the icmbers of the House of Commons, at such time and places as mem- ers of the General Assembly are elected ; lie shall hold his Office jr a term of two years from the time of his installation, and until nother shall be elected and qualified ; but lie shall not be eligible no re than four years, in any term of six years. The Article was read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Pip- in, ordered to be printed. Mr. Pipkin, from the Committee to whom was referred the 1 1th 76 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Resolution, with instructions to prepare an Article providing for j biennial meetings of the General Assembly, and for the biennial election of Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller and Council of State, reported the following Article: That the General Assembly shall meet biennially, and at each biennial session, shall elect by joint vote of the two Houses, a Se- cretary of State, a Treasurer, Comptroller, and a Council of State, for a term of two years. The Article passed to its second reading, and on motion of Mr. Pipkin, ordered to be printed. . Mr. Giles submitted the following Resolution: Resolved, That three thousand copies of the Report of the Committee who was instructed to arrange the Senatorial Districts and apportion the mem- bers of the House of Commons among the several counties, be printed for the use of the delegates of this Convention ; and that the Article on the Senate and House of Commons adopted by the Convention, be appended thereto. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee who were instructed to submit the best mode of circulating the proceedings of the Convention among the people of the State, reported: That two hundred and seventy copies of the Journal of the Con- vention should be printed, to be distributed as follows, viz: One co- py to the Executive Department of the United States, and of the several States; one copy to be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of each county in this State ; one copy to eacb member of this Convention, and fifty copies to be deposited in the Public Library, the Library of the University, and the Offices of Heads of Department, in such proportions as may be- directed by the Governor of this State. That one hundred and twenty-five copies of the Constitution, and the amendments adopted by the Convention, should be printed and distributed under the directions of the Governor, for each county entitled to one member in the House of Commons, and in like pro- portion for counties entitled to a greater number of Representatives, and one hundred and twenty-five copies for each Senatorial District, making the agregate number of twenty-one thousand two hundred and fifty. The Report was read, and on motion of Mr. Daniel, ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Gaston, of Craven, the Convention proceeded to consider the following Resolution: _ Resolved, That it is expedient, in framing amendments to the Constitu- tion, on the subject of representation in the House of Commons, to provide that in making every apportionment, the Legislature shall divide, or cause to be divided, those counties to which more than two Representatives shall be assigned, into election districts, consisting severally of contiguous terri- tory, and of equal federal numbers, as nearly as convenience will permit, each of which districts shall elect one Representative only. Mr. Branch moved to amend the Resolution by striking cut "toco" and inserting in lieu thereof "o?ie." JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 77 On motion of Mr. Speight, of Greene, Ordered, That the Resolution lie on the table. On this motion, the Yeas and Nays we're required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Gaston, of Craven, and were, Yeas 77, Nays 4 1 . Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Bovver, Bonner, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bunting, Bir- chett, Brodnax, Boddie, Cathey. Cox,Cansler,Cooper,Chalmers,Chambers, Carson {Rutherford,) Collins, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hutcheson, Holmes. Jones {Wake,) Jones (IVUkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Lea, Lesueur, Mc- Queen, McMillan, Melchor, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Montgomery, JVleares, Moore, Parker, Powell (Robeson, ) Ruffin, Rayner, Spaight (Cra- ven,) Speight (Greene,) Shipp, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, White, Wilson, (Edgecomb,) Williams (Franklin,) Wil- liams (Person, J Welch, Whitfield, Wellborn, and Young — 77 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative, were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Baxter, Bailey, Calvert, Ferebee, Gatling, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gary, Hill, Hall, Hodges, Hug- gins, Howard, Halsey, Jacocks, Kelly, Macon, Morris, McPherson, Mar- chant, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Styron, Sawyet\ Skinner, Sugg, Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Spruill, Wooten, Wilson (Perquimons) and Wilder — Nays 41. The Convention proceeded to consider the Article relating to the impeachment of Judges and other Officers of the State. Mr. Branch moved to amend the Article by striking out the words " and upon the trial of an impeachment the Chief-Justice of this State shall preside, unless the Chief-Justice be impeached, or from inability or other sufficient cause, to he adjudged of by the Senate, he shall be excused by the Senate from presiding, then the Senate may appoint some other person to preside." And the question being had thereon, it was determined in the affir- mative. Mr. Spaight of Craven, moved further to amend the Article by striking out the words "Judges of the Superior Courts," and in- serting in lieu thereof, the words " all Judges of such inferior courts as are, or may be hereafter established." And the question being taken thereon, it was determined in the negative. The said Article was read the second time, and on the question that the same pass to its third reading, it was determined in the af- firmative. On motion of Mr. Gaston of Hyde, Ordered, That Mr. Spruill, Mr. Sugg and Mr. Hodges have leave of absence from and after to-morrow, for the remainder of the session. On motion of Mr. Giles, 78 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Ordered, That Mr. Cruel up have leave of absence, from and after Satur- day last, for the remaineler of the Session: The Convention took up" for its second reading the Article relat- ing to the office of Attorney-General. On moticn of Mr. Spaight of Craven, the Article was amended by striking out the first section,. Mr. Williams of Franklin, moved to fill the blank with "eight," which was determined in the negative. And on motion of Mr. Giles, the blank was filled with *[/b?/r." On motion of Mr. Spaight of Craven, the Article was amended by striking out the words " by joint ballot of both Houses." Mr. McQueen moved to amend the Article, by adding thereto the following: " After a vacancy shall occur in that office, and every four years thereafter." And the question being put thereon, it was decided in the nega- tive. On motion of Mr. Mcares, the Article was further amended by adding the following words, " unless the General Assembly shall hereafter alter the term during which the Solicitors of the State, shall hold their office, in which case they shall have power to ex- tend the term during which the Attorney-General shall hold his of- fice, to the same period." The Article was read the second time, and on the question that the same pass to its third reading*, it was determined in, the affir- mative. The Convention took up for its second reading the Article relat- ing to. vacancies occurring in the General Assembly before the meet- ing thereof. On motion of Mr.. Branch, the Article was amended by inserting after the word ' occur,' the following words, " in either branch of the Legislature." On motion of Mr. Scawell, the Article was further amended by inserting the words ' of election' after the word 'writs,' and striking out the words * by the Governor.' The Article was read the second time, and on the question that the same pass to its third reading, it was determined in the affir- mative. The Convention took up for its second reading, the Article relat- ing to the removal of Judges from Office, and declaring that the salaries of Judges shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Mr. Meares moved to amend the 1st section of the Article, by adding thereto the following words 'And before the vote shall be j taken on any such Resolution, the members of the Senate and House of Commons shall take an oath or affirmation, truly and impartially to determine the charge in question, according to the evidence. On the question of agreeing to tiie amendment, it was determined in the negative. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 79 Mr. Sawyer moved to amend the same section, by striking out the word " twenty," and inserting " ten.'" On the question of agreeing to the amendment, it was determined in the negative. Mr. Bower moved to strike out the second section Which declares that the salaries of the Judges shall hot be diminished during their continuance in office. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the nega- tive. Yeas 40 — Nays 76. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Bower. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Arrington, Bower, Baxter, Brittain, Birchett, Boddie, Cathey, Cansler, Cooper, Chambers, Dobson, Ferebee, Fisher, Graves, Guinn, Grier, Hall, Hargrave, Hussey, Hutcheson, Jones [Wake) Jervis, Lea, Macon, McQueen, Morris, Melchor, McPherson, Montgomery, Moore,Par- ker, Shipp, Smith {Fancy,) Shober, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Williams (Frank- lin,) Welch, Whitfield, Wellborn and Wilder— 40 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were 3Iessrs. Andres, Averitt, Bonner, Branch, Biggs, Bailey, Buntihg» Brodnax, Carson (Burke,) Carson (Rutherford,) Cox, Chalmers, Collins* Dockery, Elliott, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Gaston (Craven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gilliam, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill,Hogan» Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jones( Wilkes,) Join- er, Jacocks, King, Kelly, Lesueur, McMillan, McDiarmid, Marchant* Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Meares,Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Robeson) Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasqicotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Styron, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Stallings, Sanders, Seawell, Sherard, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, White, Wooten, Wil- son (Perquimons, Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) and Young — 76 Nays. The Article was read the second time, and on the question that the same pass to its third reading, it was decided in the affirmative. The Convention took up for its second reading, the Article relat- ing to the removal of Justices of the Peace from Office. On motion of Mr. Morehead, the Article was amended by striking out the words ' before the Superior Court held in the County in which he resides," and inserting after " shall be,'* the word " thereby." The Article was read the second time, and on the question that the same pass to its third reading, it was determined in the affirma- tive. And on motion, the Convention adjourned. SO Journal of ths coNVEtftioff, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1835. The. Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. McPheeters. Mr. King introduced the following Resolution, which lies on the i table: Resolved, That the Secretary make up the estimates of the members of this Convention from arid alter Friday next. The Article relating to the office of Attorney General was taken tip for consideration. On motion of Mr. Seawell, the Article was amended by inserting ' after the word "appoint" the following: "at its first session after the year 1839, and thereafter." On this question, the Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Hargrave, and were Yeas 78, Nays 35. Those who voted in the affirmative were 1 Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Adams, Bower, Brittain, Cathey, CoX, Cans- ler, Chambers, Carson (Rutherford,) Collins, Dockery, Dobson, Elliot, Fe- rebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gastpti (LTyde,) Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Ga- ry, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill. Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker. Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Holmes, Jervis, Jones {Wilkes,) Joiner, Ja- cocks, King, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Morris, McMillan, Alelchor, Mcpher- son, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Norcom, Out- law, Owen, Pearsall, Parker, Powell (Robeson,) Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquo- tank,) Roulhac, Swain, Sawyer, Shipp, Seawell, Sherard, Smith (Yancy,) Shober, Spruill, Tayloe, White, Welch, Wilson (Perquimotis,) Williams (Pitt,) Whitfield, Wellborn and Young — 78 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Biggs, Bailey, Banting, Birchett, Brod- nax, Cooper, Calvert, Daniel, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gaston (Craven,) Gilliam, Hutcheson, Kalsey, Jones (Wake,) Kelly McQueen, Marcha-nt, Marsteller, Meares, Pipkin, Ruffin, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Stallings, Troy, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wooten and Wil- der — 35 Nays. ~ ' . - Mr. Seawell moved further to amend the Article by adding the following proviso: Provided ahvays, That in ease of vacanc} r , the Legislature at its next Session thereafter, shall appoint an Attorney General. On the question of agreeing to the amendment, it was determined in the negative. And on the question that the Article pass its third reading, and be referred to the Committee of seven, it was determined in the af- firmative. Yeas 87 — Nays 24. The Yeas and Nays Mere required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Swain. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 81 Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bovver, Bonner, Brittain, Biggs, Boddie,Cathey,Cox,Cansler,Cooper,Carson (Rutherford,) Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Gaston {Hyde,) Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Huggins, Howard, Holmes, Jones (fVake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, Jacocks, King, Lea, Lesueur, Macon, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pearsall, Parker, Powell [Robeson,) Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pas- quotank,) Roulhac, Sawyer, Stallings, Shipp, Seawell, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Tayloe,Troy, White, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Wilson (Perquimons,) Whitfield, Wellborn and Young — 87 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Baxter, Branch, Bailey, Bunting, Birchett, Calvert, Daniel, Gaston (Craven,) Hutcheson, Halsey, Kelly, McQueen, Marsteller,Meares, Pipkin, Swain, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Sherard, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wooten and Wilder — 24 Nays. The Article relating to future amendments to the Constitution was taken up for consideration. Mr. Meares moved to amend the Article by adding thereto the following: "No Convention shall he called by the General Assembly except by the concurrence of two thirds of all the members of each House of the General Assembly." Mr. Hogan moved to amend the amendment by striking out the words " two-thirds," and inserting in lieu thereof " three-jifths''-^ And the question being had thereon, it was determined in the ne- gative. The questien recurring on the amendment, it was decided in the affirmative — Yeas 90, Nays 29. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Bower. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bonner, Baxter, Branch, Brittain, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Calvert, Chambers, Collins, Daniel, Dockery, Dobson, Elliott, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Gatling, Graves, Gilliam, Gaston (Cra- ven,) Gaston (Hyde,) Gary, Gray, Gudger, Hill, Hall, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jones (Wake) Jones (Wilkes,) Joiner, Jacocks, King, Kelly, Lesueur, Macon, McPherson, Marchant, Marsteller, Meares, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pearsall, Pipkin, Powell (Ro- beson) Ruffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Sawyer, Skinner, Spaight [Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Stallings, Seawell, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Spruill, Tayloe, Troy, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wil- son (Perquimons,) Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Welch, Wooten, Whitfield, Wilder and Young— 90 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were 11 ■82 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Messrs. Bower, Birchett, Carson {Burke.) Carson (Rutherford,) Frank* lin, Gaither, 'Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Giles, Hogan, Hargrave, Hutcheson, Jervis, Lea, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Moore, Parker, Shipp, Shober, White and Well- born— 29 Nays. And on the question that the said Article pass its third reading, and be referred to the Committee of seven, it was decided in the af- firmative. The Article relating to vacancies occurring in the General Assem- bly before the meeting thereof ; The Article requiring members of tlie General Assembly to vote viva voce ; The Article abrogating the right of mulattoes and free negroes to vote for members of the Legislature ; and The Article relating to the removal of Judges from Office, and declaring that the salaries of Judges shall not be diminished during their continuance in office ; were severally read the third time, an4 referred to the Committee of seven. The Article relating to the removal of Justices of the Peace from office, was taken up for consideration. Mr. Jacocks moved to postpone" the Article indefinitely ; which was determined in the negative. Yeas 14 — Nays 91. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Jacocks. Those who voted in the affirmative, were Messrs. Arlington, Cox, Ferebee, Gatling, Gary, Tfussey, Jacocks, Macon, Morris, McPherson, Montgomery, Pipkin, Stallings, and Wilson — 14 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, Averitt, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Birchett, Broadnax, Boddie, Cathey, Cansler, Cooper, Calvert, Chambers, Collins, Daniel, Dobson, Dockery, Elliott, Fisher,Faison, Frank- lin, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill,Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hooker, Huggins, Hutcheson, Hal sey, Holmes, Jones (fPakg,) Jones (Wilkes.) Jervis, Joiner, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Mc- Queen, McMillan, Melchor, McDiarmid, Mar-chant, Morehead, Martin, Mars teller, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Parker, Powell (Robeson,) lluffin, Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Swain, Sawyer, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) Shipp, Seawell, Sherard, Smith, (Fancy,) Shober, Spruill, Troy, Toomer, White, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Welch, Wootcn, Williams (Franklin,) "WWM&ms (Person,) Williams (Pitt,) Whit- field, Wellborn, Wilder and Young — 91 Nays. Mr. Carson of Rutherford, moved to amend the Article by strik- ing out the following words " and he shall be forever disqualified from holding such appointment." Atul the question being taken thereon it was determined in the negative. Mr. Jacocks moved to strike out of the Article, all after the word JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. 83 "that," and insert in lieu- thereof the following: "Upon the certifi- cate of the Chairman or presiding Magistrate, that it is the opinion of three fourths of the acting Justices of the Peace of his said coun- ty, attested by the Clerk, and under the seal of said Court, that any Justice of the Peace in said County, is morally or mentally disquali- fied for holding said Office, then and in that case, the commission of said Justice of the Peace shall be cancelled, and he shall be thereup- on removed from Office."* And upon the question to agree thereto, it was determined in the negative. The Article was then read the third time, and referred to the Committee of seven. The Article relating to the impeachment of Judges and other Offi- cers of the State, was taken up for consideration. Mr. Shober submitted the following amendment: " The House of Commons shall elect from their own body, three members whose duty it shall be to prosecute impeachments. No impeachment shall be tried until the Legislature shall have adjourn - ed sine die; when the Senate shall proceed to try such impeach- ment." The question being had thereon, it was determined in the nega- tive. The Article was then read the third time, and referred to the Committee of seven. The Convention took up for its second reading the Article arrang- ing the Senatorial Districts. Mr. Kelly moved to amend by striking the county of Montgome- ry from the 34th district, and attaching it to the 33d district. Upon the question of agreeing to the amendment, it was- decided" in the negative. Yeas 21 — Nays 93. On this question, the Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth the members present, on the call of Mr. Kelly. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Arrington, Bunting, Cox, Daniel, Dock^vy,. Gary, Hall, Holmes, facocks, Kelly, McQueen, McDiarmid, Morehead, Marsteller, Monro, Norcom, Parker, Sawyer, Seawell, Troy and Toomer — 21 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Andres, .Averitt, Adams, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Brittain, Biggs, Bailey, Birchett, Brodnax, Boddie, Carson (Burke,) Carson (Rutherford,) ?,athey,Cansler, Cooper, Calvert, Chambers,Collins, Dobson, Elliot, Fesebee, iisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling,Gaither,Graves,Gaston (Craven,) Gaston Hyde,) Gilliam, Guinn. Grier, Gaines, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hill. Hogan, rlargrave, Hussey, Hooker, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, Halsey, Fones (Wake,) Jones [Wilkes,) Jervis, Joiner, King, Lea, Lesueur, Ma- :on, Morris, McMillan, Melchbr, McPherson, Marchant, Martin, Mont- gomery, Meares, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Robeson,) Ruffin,Rayner, Ramsay (Pasquotank.) Roulhac, Swain, Skinner, Spaight (Cravm,) Speight ''Greene,) Stallings, Shipp, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Shober, Tayloe, White, 84 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Welch, Wooten, Williams, (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Whitfield, Wellborn, Wilder and Young — 93 Nays. Mr.Bailey moved to amend the Article,so that Pasquotank should form a Senatorial district. The question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. Yeas 18 — Nays 83. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members pre- sent, on the call of Mr. Pipkin. Those who voted in the affirmative were, Messrs. Arrington, Baxter, Bailey, Carson (Rutherford,) Dockery, Ferebee, Fisher, Hill, Hall, Joiner, Jacocks, King, McQueen, Norcom, Owen, Ramsay [Pasquotank,) Shober, Tayloe, — 18 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Adams, Bower, Bonner, Brittain, Biggs, Bunting, Bir- chett, Brodnax, Boddie, Cathey, Cox, Cansler, Cooper, Calvert, Cham- bers, Collins, Dobson, Elliott, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gilliam, Gaston {Hyde,) Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Gudger, Hogan, Hargrave, Hodges, Huggins, Howard, Hutcheson, Hatsey, Holmes, Jones (Wake,) Jones (Wilkes,) Jervis, Kelly, Lea, Lesueur, Morris, Mc- Millan, Melchor,McPherson,McDiarmid,Marchant,Morehead, Martin, Mar- steller, Montgomery, Moore,Outlaw, Parker,Pipkin,Powell (Robeson) Ruffin, Rayner, Roulhac, Skinner, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene.) Stallings, Shipp, Seawell, Sherard, Smith (Fancy,) Toomer, White, Wilson (Edge- comb,) Welch, Wooten, Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Whit- field, Wellborn and Young*— 83 Nays. The Article was read a second time; and on the question that it pass to its third reading it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Kelly, Ordered, That Mr. Chalmers have leave of absence from the service of the Convention, from and after to-morrow, for the remainder of the session. On motion of Mr. Hargrave, the Convention proceeded to consi- der the Report on the mode of appointing Militia Officers. The Convention refused to concur in the Report : and Mr. Har- grave presented the following Article: Officers of the Militia shall be chosen as follows, that is: The of- ficers of Companies by the Companies; Officers of Battalions and Regiments by the Commissioned Officers of Battalions or Re- giments respectively; Brigadier Generals by the Field Officers of the Brigade; and Major Generals by the Field Officers of the' Di- vision, under such rules and regulations as the General Assembly may from time to time prescribe. The Governor shall commission all Officers. The Article was read the first time, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Collins moved that the Convention adjourn. And the question being had thereon, it was determined in the ne- gative — Y r eas 52, Nays 53. JOURNAL OP THE CONVENTION. 85 The Yeas and Nays»wcre required by one-fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Collins. Those who voted in the affirmative, were ■ Messrs. Andres, Biggs, Bailey, Bunting, Brodnax, Cooper, Calvert, ■Chambers, Collins, Elliott, Faison, Gilliam, Gaines, Gary, Giles, Cudger, Hill, Hogan, Hargrave, Hodges, Howard, Holmes, Jones (Wake.) Jones (Wilkes) King, McQueen, Melchor, McPherson, McDiarmid, Marsteller, Meares, Moore, Norcom, Outlaw, Owen, Pipkin, Powell (Robeson,) Ray- ner, Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Roulhac, Spaight (Craven,) Speight (Greene,) .Seawell, Shober, Spruill, Tayloe, Toomer, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Perquimons,) Welch, Williams (Franklin,) and Wellborn — 52 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Averitt, Arrington, Adams, Bower, Bonner, Brittain,Birchett, Baxter ,Boddie,Cox,Cansler, Carson (/?ui/jer/or(ZjDockery,Dobson,Ferebee, Fisher, Franklin, Gatling,Gaither, Graves, Gaston (Hyde) Guinn,Grier,Cray, Hall, Huggins, Hutcheson, Halsey, Jervis, Joiner, Jacocks, Kelly, Lea, liesueur, Morris, McMillan, Marchant, Morehead, Martin, Montgomery, Parker, Ruffin, Sawyer, Skinner, Stallings, Shipp, Sherard, Smith (Yancy,) White, Wooten, Williams (Person,) Whitfield and Young — 53 Nays. On motion of Mr. Giles, the Convention proceeded to consider the following Resolution: Resolved, That three thousand copies of the Report of the Committee who was instructed to arrange the Senatorial Districts and apportion the mem- bers of the House of Commons among the several counties, be printed for rson convicted of an infamous crime; but shall have power to pasi general laws regulating the same. § 5. The Genei-U Assembly shall not pass any private law, un- less it shall be madtto appear that thirty days notice of application to pass such law shal have been given, under such directions and in such manner as shrtl be provided by law. § 6. If vacancies slall occur by death, resignation or otherwise, before the meeting of the General Assembly, writs may be issued by the Governor, under suchregulations as maybe prescribed by law. § 7. The General Assembly shall meet biennially, and at each biennial session shall elect, k y joint vote of the two Houses, a Se- cretary of State, Treasurer aul Council of State, who shall con- tinue in office for the term of tyo years. — " »*@ ©«•••-» ARTICLE II. § 1. The Governor shall be ch^en by the qualified voters for the members of the House of Commons, at such time and places as members of the General xlssembly are elected. § 2. He shall hold his office for the term i»C two years from the time of his installation, and until another shall be elected and quali- fied ; but he shall not be eligible more than four years in any term of six years. § 3. The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the Seat of Government, by the returning officers, directed to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open and publish them in the presence of a majority of the members of both. JOUKNAL OF THE CONVENTION'. 99 Houses of the Genera! Assembly. The person having (| IC highest number of votes shall be Governor; but if two op more shall be equal and highest in votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor by joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly. § 4. Contested elections for Governor shall be determined by both Houses of the General Assembly, in such manner as shall be prescribed by Jaw. $_&. The Governor elect shall enter on the duties of the office on the first day of January next after his election, having peevious- y taken the oaths of office in the presence of the members of both, branches of the General Assembly, or before the Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court, who, in case the Governor elect should be pre- vented from attendance before the General Assembly, by sickness, or other unavoidable cause, is authorised to administer the same. ARTICLE III. SECTION 1. $ 1. The Governor, Judges of the Supreme Court, and Judges ot the Superior Courts, and all other officers of this State, fexcSut Justices of the Peace and Militia Officers,) may be impeached fir wilfully violating any Article of the Constitution, mal-administra- tion or corruption. § 2. Judgment, in cases of Impeachment, shall not extend' fur- ther than to removal from office and disqualification to hold and en- joy any office of honor, trust or profit under this State ; but the par- ty convicted may nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, f de- ment and punishment according to law. § 3. The House of Commons shall have, the sole power of im- peachment. The Senate shall have the sole power toTy all m- peachments No person shall be convicted upon any impeachment unless two-thirds of the Senators present shall concur Tsnc hTa thfsen ; at?,b:n , 'r ,et, ' ia,0f , a,,y *****»*. the members of the Senate sha 1 take an oath or affirmation truly and impar- tially to try and determine the charge in question, according toe! SECTION 2. § 1 . Any Judge of the Supreme Court, or of the Superior Courts, toay be removed from office for mental or physical ii S Hty uwn Sft^S^l^J ir dg8 i aga ' nSt w,,om the L egisIaturo may be bout to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied by a copy f the causes alleged for his removal, at least twenty days Se g&j on which either branch of the General Asselly ?hall act 100 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. § 2. The Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court, or of the Superior Courts, shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. section 3« Upon the conviction of any Justice of tlie Peace, of any infamous crime, or of corruption and mal-practicc in office, the commission of such Justice shall be thereby vacated, and he shall be forever dis- qualified from holding such appointment. section 4. The General Assembly, at its first session after the year one thottsawi eight hundred and thirty-nine, and from time to time thereafter, shall appoint an Attorney General, who shall be com- missioned by the Governor, and shall hold his office for the term of four years ; but if the General Assembly should hereafter extend the term during which Solicitors of the State shall hold their offices, then they shall have power to extend the term of office of the Attor- ney General to the same period. —'«>* © &<«.— ARTICLE IV. SECTION 1. § 1. No Convention of the People shall he called by the General Assembly, unless by the concurrence of two-thirds of all the mem- bers of each House of the General Assembly. § 2. No part of the Constitution of this State shall be altered, unless a Bill to alter the same shall have been read three times in each House of the General Assembly, and agreed to by three-fifths of the whole number of members of each House respectively; nor shall any alteration take place until the bill so agreed to shall have been published six months previous to a new election of members to the General Assembly. If. after such publication, the alteration proposed by the preceding General Assembly shall be agreed to in the first session thereafter, by two-thirds of the whole Represen- tation in each House of the General Assembly, after the same shall have been read three times on three several days, in each House, then the said General Assembly shall prescribe a mode by which the Amendment or Amendments may be submitted to the qualified voters of the House of Commons throughout the State; and if, upon comparing the votes given in the whole State, it shall appear that a majority of the voters have approved thereof, then, and not other- wise, the same shall become a part of the Constitution, section 2. The Thirty-second Section of the Constitution shall be amended to read as follows : No person who shall deny the being of God, or the truth of the Christian Religion, or the divine authority of the Old or Ncw r Testament, or who shall hold Religious principles incompa-^ JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. iOt tibic with the freedom or safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the Civil department within this Slate. SECTION" S. § 1. Capitation tax shall he equal throughout the Slate, upon all individuals subject to the same. § k. All free males over the age of twenty-one years, and under the age of forty-five years, and all slaves over the age of twelve years, and under the age of fifty years, shall besubjectto capitation tax, and no other person shall be subject to such tax ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent exemptions of taxable Polls, as heretofore prescribed by law, in cases of bodily infirmity. section 4. No person who shall hold any office or place of trust or profit un- der the United States, or any department thereof, or underthis State, or any other State or Government, shall hold or exercise any other office or place of trust or. profit under the authority of this State, or he eligible to a scat in either House of the General Assembly : Pro- vided, that nothing herein contained shall extend to Officers in the Militia or Justices of the Peace. ■ The Amendments were read, and the question being — " Shall they pass the final reading and be enrolled ?" Mr. Seawell moved that the question be taken separately on each Section. The Chair decided that the motion was not in order, and that the vote must be taken on the Amendments as a whole, like a Bill on its final passage. From this decision, Mr. Seawell appealed to the Convention. And on the question — *' Is the decision of the President correct?" it was determined in the affirmative — Yeas 87, Nays 11. The Yeas and Nays were required by one fifth of the members present, on the call of Mr. Seawell. Those who voted in the affirmative were, Messrs. Andres, Arlington, Adams, Bower, Bonner, Baxter, Brittain, Bailey, Bir.chett, Brodnax, Cathey, Cansler, Chambers, Collins, Daniel, D'ockery, Dobson, Elliott, Edwards, Ferebee, Fisher, Faison, Franklin, Gatling, Gaither, Graves, Gaston {Craven,') Gilliam, Guinn, Grier, Gaines, Gary, Gray, Giles, Giulger, Hill, Hall, Hogan, Hargrave, Hussey, Hug- gins, Howard, Halsey, Holmes, Jervis, Jones [Wilkes,) Jacocks, King, Lea, Lesueur, McQueen, Morris, McMillan, Melchor, McPherson, Mc- Diarmid, Marohant, Morehead, Martin, Marsteller, Meares, Owen, Parker, Pipkin, Powell (Robeson) Ramsay (Chatharil,) Ramsay (Pasquotank,) Ray- ner, Roulhac, Swain, Skinner, Spaight {Craven.) Stallings, Shipp, Sher- ard, Smith (Fancy,) Toomer, White, Wilson (Edgecomb,) Wilson (Per- quimons,) Williams (Franklin,) Williams (Person,) Welch, Whitfield, Wellborn, Wilder and Young — 87 Yeas. Those who voted in the negative were