TiiHllin! iiiliiJiiiliiiiiiliiii THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Nortii Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/sweetrevengeromaOOmitc SWEET REVENGE B IRomance ot tbe Civil TKlar F. A. MITCHEL CAPTAIN AND AIDE-DE-CAMP ON THE STAFF OF MAJOR-GENEUAL O. M. MITCHEL AUTHOR OP " CHATTANOOGA " " CHICKAMAUGA " ETC. NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1897 Copyright, 1897, by Harper & Brothers. All riglits reserved. CONTENTS PAGE I. Bushwhacked 1 II. Incognito 13 III. A Definite Object 21 IV. Won Over 33 V. Arrest 44 VI. An Amatecr Soubrette 59 VII. IMlDNIGHT 72 VIII. On THE Plateau 83 IX. Fiends 93 X. A Dance for a Life ....;... 102 XI. Stealing the Guns Ill XII. A Daylight Attack 121 XIII. Beleaguered 131 XIV. A Bonfire Defence 139 XV. Woman's Pluck 148 XVI. A Bugle-call 161 XVII. Flight ... 175 XVIII. Retaken 184 XIX. Buck's Indiscretion 194 XX. A Masquerade 203 XXI. A Stern-chase 214 XXII. Hunting Big Game. ........ 225 XXIII. The Union Saved 238 603141 SWEET REVENGE BUSHWHACKED " Hands up !" Why he shouted the words I don't know; for in another moment he gave me one barrel, and before I could raise a finger I heard a click, admonishing me that I was about to get the other. A thin film of smoke floating above the fence to the right and two malig- nant eyes peering at me from between the rails betrayed his position. Like a flash I whipped out my revolver, but before I could raise it there was another report, and my right arm dropped, benumbed by a charge of buckshot. Seizing my weapon with my left hand, I brought it to a level with the eyes behind the fence and fired. There was a sound a SWEET REVENGE of a body falling, and I knew that I had struck home. Spurring my horse to the side of the road, I craned my neck over the fence, and there in the ditch lay the bushwhacker. His hat had fallen off, and left bare a head of red, shocky hair. In his belt was his revolver, beside him a shot-gun. His body, clad in "^ butternut," lay on an incline, his feet in the water, which flowed lazily past. The sun, shining through budding branches, lighted up his face, and I knew that I had seen him before; indeed, a vivid scene in which he had borne a part came up out of the past to fling over me a cloud of gloom, like the wing of an Apollyon. I drew an involuntary sigh. It was not that I had taken a life — lives were cheap enough in those days, and he had sought to take mine ; it was not my narrow escape from death ; but an overpowering consciousness that the spirit of war lurked everywhere ; that the beautiful face of Nature about me — trees, fences, bushes, everything — best served to cover assassins. " Is he dead ?" Startled at the sound of a voice, I glanced aside. There, leaning against the fence, her iMOt BUSHWHACKED 3 arras resting on the top rail, gazing at the disao'reeable sis-ht on which I had been in- tent, stood a young girl. "Where did you come from?" I asked, lift- ing my hat with my left hand. " There." She turned her head and glanced at a house on the other side of the road. " You must have stepped lightly ; I didn't hear you coming." Without reply she continued gazing at the body of the bushwhacker. I too looked again at the upturned face, with its glassy, staring eyes. " Why did you kill him f " I will tell you." But I did not tell her then, for as I spoke I felt something warm trickling over the baqk of ray hand, and, looking down, saw blood drip- ping upon her dress. " Corae into the house, quick j that's arterial blood." Seizing the reins, she led ray horse, I follow- ing, to a side gate. This she opened, and we went up to the veranda. Catching sight of a colored bov, she called to him : "Mount, 5'?^iWi;/y, and ride for the doctor! Tell him a man has been shot, an artery cut, and a life is in danirer." 4 SWEET REVENGE I had a dim image of the boy tearing down the road, and, tottering into the house, I sat down on a sofa in the library. I must have fainted, for suddenly, without being conscious of their coming, I found myself in the midst of an excited throng. An old lady stood beside me with a basin, from which she was sprinkling my face. A white-haired old gentleman with pink cheeks, a towel in one hand, a decanter in the other, was bending over me. A boy of twelve with a toy gun was staring at me, while the girl who had brought me there looked on with far more interest than I had yet seen in her impassive face. Beyond all was a dark background of house servants. My coat had been removed, and a negro had a tight grip on a bit of wood twisted in a hand- kerchief tied around my arm just above the wound. A long, thin man in a rusty suit of black came hurrying in with a leather case in his hand, and, whipping out his instruments, began the work of picking up a partly severed artery. He first took out a piece of my coat- sleeve, which had retarded the hemorrhage and doubtless saved my life, tiien a half-dozen shot, did some stitching, then carefully bandaged the wound. BUSHWHACKED 5 " There," he said, " if you move that arm within forty-eight hours j^ou'll be in danger of 3'^our life ; keep quiet, and you'll come out all right." " I must go on at once, doctor." " You'll go part way as a corpse if you do." The old lady declared that I should not stir out of the house till the doctor gave the word ; the old gentleman bade me welcome as long- as I needed to stay ; the young lady who had brought me there said nothing; while the boy looked as if to lose a subject so fruitful of in- terest would break his heart. " I'll send a young associate of mine," said the doctor. " If tlie wound opens 3'^ou must have attention at once." " Thank you, doctor. There seems to be a great deal of commotion about a very small matter. I don't care to put so many people to so much trouble." No one paid any attention to my protest, all busying themselves to make me comfortable. Pillows were laid beneath my head, a silk quilt was thrown over me, a stand with a silver bell on it was placed beside me that I might ring for anything I wanted. All be- ing satisfactorily arranged, the doctor ordered b . SWKET REVENGE everybody out of the room, and then departed himself. What a singular transition ! Half an hour before I had left Iluntsville — beautiful Hunts- ville, nestling among the hills that slope away from the Cumberland plateau — and was work- ing ray way northward, towards Fa3'etteville, Tennessee. The plants in the yards beside the road were putting forth their buds, the leaves on the trees were opening, insects were awaken- ing, birds singing — all revived by the rays of the vernal sun. I permitted my horse to drop into a walk, A pleasant languor stole over me, replacing a bitter mental turbulence which had been ever present with me for months. Perhaps it was the genial warmth, the balmy air ; perhaps an absence of war scenes with which I had Ions: been familiar; perhaps both. At any rate, I watched the sun glisten on the dew-drops, felt its rays warm my shoulders, and listened to the singing of the birds with a consciousness that, after all, sometimes it is pleasant to live. Then came an unaccountable sinking. It may have been something in the restfulness, the security I had felt, incongruous with pesti- lent war; just as amid the luxurious foliage of BUSHWHACKED 7 the tropics one feels that behind every leaf and flower lurks invisible fever. Suddenly the shots rang out ; then came my reply to the girl standing beside me looking at the dead bushwhacker ; then my entry into the house ; and now I was lying on a comfortable lounge, an object of tender solicitude on the part of people who, from being strangers, had sud- denly become very dear friends. But suppose they knew me — that I was a renegade, a traitor to the South. There was no name harsh enough among Confederates for those of their own people who were not "with them, and all who were not with them were against them ; and doubtless these new- found friends were all Confederate sympa- thizers. The bushwhacker could tell no tales ; I was thankful for that, for he had known me "well. The thought of him took me back to that night of horrors. I was again at the head of those Tennessee Unionists, endeavor- ing to lead them to a haven of safety. We were near the Cumberland Gap ; one more day and we should be at Camp Dick Robin- son, where "we should find Federal troops. Then the attack. By the flashing of guns I could see their faces, and here and there recog- 8 SWEET REVENGE nize a neighbor — men beside whom I had lived for years, and whom civil war had converted into fiends. One by one I saw my friends shot down. There was one dearer to me than all besides. Through the darkness, guided by the flashes and the sound of my voice, sh^ darted to me, and found refuge in my arms. Then that sudden dash of Confederate cav- alry, I felt the figure I held quiver and slip through my arms. I moaned, and kissed the white lips. Then like lightning the wild beast jumped within me. I looked up to see who had done this last, this crowning atrocity. A Confederate officer sat on his horse staring at me, in his hand a smoking pistol. A sudden collapse, and I knew that I was hit. This is all I remembered of the massacre. Plow I gloated in my revenge! The homes of men who had committed those murders were burning, and I had applied the torch. Their barns, grain — everything they possessed passed away in black spark-spangled clouds, which shot upward as if to carry vengeance to the very heavens. These men had made my life a waste — I had made theirs a hell. There was one I had not yet punished, one whose punishment I longed for more than all BUSHWHACKED 9 the rest — the Confederate officer with the smok- ing pistoL I sought for him without success. Then I tried to forget him ; but whenever I re- membered that beloved figure fleeing to me for protection, that tremor, that sinking away be- fore the blight of death, I would start again on my long hunt. I joined the army, thinking that war's greater horrors might for a time enable me to forget my feud. All went well till I heard of him. He was at Hunts ville. I burned to reach him. Our general was cast- ing covetous eyes on Northern Alabama. I beo-wd him to let me fi,o down and brino- back a report of the country — the railroads, its roll- ing-stock, machine-shops, bridges, everything — a knowledge of which would assist in its capture. But this low cur who had tried to kill me. He w\as at the massacre. With my own hand I had applied fire to his miserable hut. How had he known that I was in Alabama ? Had he heard of me during my stay at Huntsville ? It had been brief, for as soon as I reached the town I learned that my enem}' was not there, and, disappointed, turned my face northward. Or had the bushwhacker met me by chance? I did not know ; I do not know now. Of one 10 SWEET KEVENGE thing I was certain : be was one of my old enemies, and they would hunt me like a hare. I lay for hours unwillingly turning over these war horrors as if they were a wheel on which I was obliged to tread. No one came into the room and I called no one. Doubtless they wished me to be quiet. I was weak and tired — tired in mind, tired in body, tired of ex- istence. If I could only find him the world might vanish for all me. I fell into a troubled slumber, and when I awoke I saw standing in the doorway a girl of eight or nine years — a frail, blue-eyed little thing, with her hair cut square about her neck and held by a semicircular comb. She was gazing at me intently, as children in fairy tales stand on tiptoe and look at the sleeping ogre who is intending to eat them for supper. "Come in," I said, encouragingly. She shrank back. But though she seemed to dread me, she could not keep away from me. Without for a moment taking her eyes off me she began to approach by slow, very slow, steps. I felt as if I were a snake charm- ing a bird. " Don't be afraid of me," I said ; " I won't hurt you." BUSHWHACKED 11 "You killed him.'' She pointed like an ac- cusing angel to the opposite side of the road, where I had left the body of my would - be assassin. Her voice was soft, but her e3^es were big with the enormity of my act. " Sweetheart, don't look at me that way ; come and kiss me." I reached out for her hand. She shrank away, but I gently pulled her to me Avith my well arm, drew her down, and kissed her. As I touched her pure young lips with mine the crimes of which I had been thinkinir — vivid as the day they were committed — seemed to move far from me, like a retreating storm muttering in the distance. And somehow, with this bit of innocence in my arm, my beard brushing her cheek, looking into her mild eyes, it seemed as if there had come a patch of blue sky ; and I wished — yes, strange- ly^ enough, I wished — that it had not been nec- essary for me to shoot a man that morning. II INCOGNITO These kind people with whom I was lodged persisted in considering me always in danger. A doctor must needs be at all times within reach. A stripling of a medical graduate must sleep in the same room with me. The old gentleman was constantly coming into the room to ask if I wanted anything, while his wife was as tender and motherly as if I had been her own son. Even the servants vied with each other in waiting on me, and when anything was ordered for me, with haste unusual to the negro, scrambled to see which one would bring it. Onl}'- the girl who had brought me there came and went as though I was an ordinary person with an ordinary wound, to be treated in an ordinary manner. All this attention and sympathy vexed me beyond measure. What right had I to accept it — I, a Tennesseean, in arms against the INCOGNITO 13 South, in search of a Confederate enemy ? Yes, and more. Was I not the bearer of in- formation that would enable the hated Yan- kee to swoop down on this fair region and re- claim it for the Union ? The least suspicion of ray true character would turn the devotion lavished upon me to contempt. My very life would be in danger. Pooh ! what cared I for my life, except that I dreaded to go to ray long home detested b}^ those who had suc- cored me. Besides, the information I pos- sessed — information of vital importance to the Union cause — must be carried northward. A crisis carae soon enough. It was evening, and I was reclining on ray sofa looking out upon the beautiful hills lying to the eastward. The girl with the cool head and impassive face was standing by a table rearranging books and bottles and what not which had been in use during the day. Suddenly the door opened and ray host entered. I saw at once by his expression that something had oc- curred to put him on his guard ; or perhaps he had been thinking, wondering what kind of person he was harboring. At any rate, he came up, and, drawing a chair beside rae, began to talk. It was plain that he wished to ask 14 SWEET REVENGE me questions, but lie was too kind, too gener- ous to one in ray condition, too hospitable, to ask them directly. " The doctor tells me, Mr. — " he began. " Upon my word, you have been with us three days, sir, and we don't know even your name." " Branderstane, John Branderstane. I am equally ignorant to whom I am indebted for all this attention." " Our name is Stanforth, sir. This is my daughter Helen, Mr. Branderstane." Helen inclined her head sliglitly, and I raised mine far enough from the pillows to do the same. '•Mr. Stanforth," I said — there was grati- tude both in my voice and in my eyes—" who- ever bears your name may hereafter call upon me for any service. You have placed me un- der an obligation which — " " Tut, tut ! You know our Southern cus- toms — we are nothing if not hospitable. You are a Southern man, of course?" " Of course." I spoke the words hesitat- ingly. " Your state ?" " Tennessee." " East, middle, or west ?" INCOGNITO 15 " East." Mr. Stanforth paused. There was no in- formation as to my sentiments in the fact that I hailed from East Tennessee. More than two-thirds of the people of that section were with the Union. " May I ask, sir," said m}'^ host, with an ev- ident intention of ending all doubt in regard to the side with which I affiliated, " are you a Union or a Confederate sympathizer?" I was about to declare myself an ardent supporter of the Confederacy when ray little friend Ethel, who had visited me on the day I was shot, appeared in the doorway, her blue eyes looking straight into mine. Had my in- tended falsehood been rammed back into my throat with the butt of a revolver it could not have been more effectually stopped. Then something impelled me to turn my glance to Helen. She was about to pour a liquid from a phial into a glass, and had paused, her eyes fixed on me intently. " Mr. Stanforth," I said, " you and your fam- ily have been too kind for me to deceive you. I Avill not do that, but it would not serve my purpose to declare myself." " You are an honorable man, sir, whoever 16 SWEET EEVENGE and whatever you are !" exclaimed Mr. Stan- forth, warmly. " It ma}"^ be sometimes neces- sary to withhold confidence ; but never to lie, sir. Keep your secret, I shall not trouble you for it. I am merely a citizen, and take no part in the national dispute." " But I do, papa." I looked at Helen. She was regarding me earnestly. " If this gentleman is with us," she said — " us of the South — he need not fear to declare himself. If he is with the Yankees — " " Helen !" There was an uncomfortable silence, dur- ino^ which Mr. Stanforth reo:arded his daughter sternly. " If there is one right in the South," he said, " sacred above all others, it is the right of hos- pitality. Mr. Branderstane cannot be forced to divulge his opinions." " But has he a right to conceal them, papa ?" " While our guest, he has." " Mr. Stanforth," I said, " j^our daughter is riirht. l^o man should remain under the roof of one who has succored him without reveal- ing his identity when it is called for. May I ask you to order my horse ?" I started up. I Avas too preoccupied to INCOGNITO 17 notice the stand beside me covered with books, with which I had vainly tried to alleviate ray confinement, and struck my arm at the very spot where I had been wounded. A shiver passed over the father, the daughter gave an involuntary start. My coat, which had been thrown loosely over my shoulder, had become disarranged, exposing the arm, upon which every eye was turned. Both Mr. Stanforth and Helen bent forward intently. "We were congratulating ourselves that no damage had been done when on the white shirt-sleeve appeared a spot of bright red blood. " Jackson ! — run ! — the doctor ! — quick ! Tell him the wound has opened." I sank back on the sofa ; Mr. Stanforth be- gan running about wildl}'- ; Mrs. Stanforth en- tered in wonder ; the servants flocked in with open eyes and mouths. " Papa, your handkerchief." Helen Stanforth spoke the words as coolly as if she had been an experienced surgeon. "With her father's handkerchief she impro- vised a tourniquet, and the bleeding stopped at once. " Now see here," said the doctor, when he had arrived and repaired the damage, "j^ou've 18 SWEET REVENGE had a close call, sir. Perhaps you'll pay some attention hereafter to what I tell you, sir." " Next time, doctor," I said, feebly, " let me go. My life is of little moment to me." As I spoke, Helen, who had gone out of the room for something, returned. " Ah, Miss Stanforth," said the doctor, " I will leave the patient in your care. You seem to be always on hand when he needs you, and to know exactly what to do. Let the others keep away." " I will relieve you, doctor," she said, quietly. The doctor gathered up his belongings and left the room, leaving Helen standing looking at me with a certain curious earnestness that I could not interpret. As she had been the in- direct cause of my mishap I naturally expected she would refer to it, perhaps express some re- o^ret. She was thinkins: of an entirely differ- ent matter. " Why is your life of little moment to you?" she asked. " You overheard ?" " Yes." " You have a right to require me to disclose my affiliations in the great struggle in which we are involved, but my private griefs — " INCOGNITO 19 " I ask your pardon.'' There was no regret expressed ; it was simply a well-bred way of noticing that she had failed to elicit the infor- mation she desired. " I should have got on well enough," I con- tinued, " if that confounded stand had not been in the way. I believe I could go now just as well as not." I paused ; I was very weak. "May I ask you to hand me that glass 'f I added, looking at a tumbler containing brandy. Without noticing the proof of my inability to do as I asserted, she handed me the glass, and, when I had taken a swallow, put it back on the table. Her coolness was beffinning to irritate me. " I have a mind to get up and go on," I said. " I don't believe there is any danger." " What did the doctor say ?" " He told me to keep quiet, as I valued my life." " You don't value your life, therefore you will get up and go on — in other words, com- mit suicide." " You know veiy well that it galls me to be obliged to impose upon a family that has loaded me with kindness without declaring my identity." 20 SWEET KEVENGE " Then why not declare it ?" " Because it doesn't suit my plans to do so." I w^as acting ungraciously, recklessly, and I knew it ; but I was in no condition to fence with this cool creature. " Shall I leave you ?"' she asked, without appearing at all offended. " I don't need your attention." " You need some one's attention. I will have Jackson sit in the hall, where he can hear you if you ring." And she walked out of the room. Ill A DEFINITE OBJECT "Will this unluck}^ wound never heal? Time flies, and I, who should be up and doing, am caged like a tiger walking back and forth within the limits of its enclosure." This was my complaint as I paced my room one morning shortly after the accidental re- opening of my wound. My impatience Avas not without cause. I had gone South, as I have said, with two objects : to find my ene- my and to gather information. I had failed in finding my enemy, but had gained a com- plete knowledge of the points essential to the capture of North Alabama, and was carrying it to the general on the day I was shot. It had occurred to me before setting out that, after finishing my military mission, I might still wish to continue my search for my en- emy. Besides, there were other contingencies, such as arrest or illness, which needed to be 22 SWEET REVENGE provided for. I had, therefore, arranged that the general's favorite scout should be at Hunts- ville on the morning of the 1st of April to re- ceive any communication I might find it nec- essary to transmit. If I were prevented from meeting him I was to send a messenger, and had devised a code of signals by which he might be recognized. The appointed day was drawing near; I was not able to keep my ap- pointment, and there was no one at hand to whom I could intrust the message. I chafed till I had exhausted my small store of strength, then threw myself on my couch. Little Ethel came in, and, like a soft ray of sunlight breakinrr throiiirh storm-clouds, turned my thoughts into gentler channels. She held in her hand a bouquet of flowers which it was easy to see she intended for me, but needed encouragement to offer. I final- ly induced her to do so, and to admit that she had been out a long while looking for them for me especially. I tried to unloosen her tongue, to induce her to confide in me, but in spite of all I could do she remained shy, and there was ever present that awe she had shown before of one who had taken a life. A DEFINITE OBJECT 23 " Why do 3^ou look at me in that way ?" I asked. She made no reply, casting down her eyes at my brown hand, which held her dimpled fingers. " You mustn't dread me because I am obliged to fight,'' I continued. " These are war times ; there are a great many soldiers in the land who think nothino: of killins: one another." "Don't they?" She raised her eyes wide open with surprise. " Of course war is cruel, but — but it calls out much that is noble." " \Yhen they kill each other ?" What puzzling questions to come from such untutored lips. I was casting about for some explanatory reply when a sudden interruption reliev^ed my embarrassment. A negro boy dashed into the room, through it, and out of another door. He Avas followed by the white boy I had noticed on the day of my arrival, who was screaming : " Doggone yo', Zac, I'll break eveiy bone in yo' consarned black body !" The words were scarcely out when he shot through the door by which the fugitive had 24 SWEET REVENGE vanished. Little Ethel looked after him with frightened eyes, evidently dreading a catas- trophe. " Who's that ?" I asked. " Buck." " Your brother ?'' " Yes." " Don't be alarmed. That's only a boy's passion ; it won't amount to anything." " He says such dreadful words." " That's habit ; he doesn't mean anything by it ; but it's a habit that should be broken." I soon got her quieted, and she prattled about her dolls, her play-houses, some pet rabbits, and a nook in the garden where she kept them. How singular that war, which absorbed all about her, should have no place in her mind. Amid all the turmoil, the rum- bling of cannon, the tramp of men and horses, bushwhacking, skirmishing, battles, this inno- cent little maid Avas strangely out of place. Her mother came in presently and took her away, fearing that she would anno}'^ me. I was loath to part with her. No healing balm had been applied to my wound so soothing, so grateful, as was her prattle to my fevered brain and chilled heart. A DEFINITE OBJECT 25 They had scarcely left me when Buck stalked into the room, his boyish face as free from passion as if he had never been ruffled. He had made several attempts to visit me, notwithstanding that he had been forbidden the room. Seeing the coast clear, he slipped in unannounced and began a fire of questions. "Does it hurt?" " My arm ? Yes, it hurts some." "I'm glad yo' plunked him." "Why do you s^niipathize with me instead of the other? You have only seen me a few times." This was too much for him to explain. I could see that he had conceived an admiration for me, but he could not tell why. "What did he try to kill you fo' ?" he asked. " Well, perhaps it was because my existence annoyed him." " What did you want to kill him fo' ?" " I found it inconvenient to have him shoot- ing at me." "/'r/ like to shoot a man. I shot a rabbit once, but that's purty small game. Pop, he won't let me have a gun yet. He says I may have one when I'm sixteen." " Buck !" called a voice from the haU. The 36 SWEET REVENGE boy dropped behind a sofa. An old negro woman entered and looked around. "Yo', Buck! yo' hidin' somewhar' ! Yo' maw '11 spank yo' sho' ef she cotch y' hyar troublin' the gemmlen. Come out o' dar ; I knows whar y' air !" I was about to interfere; but a natural dis- taste at giving away a fellow-creature caused me to desist. "I tho't I hearn dat chile talken'." The woman stood still a moment, but, hearing no sound, lumbered out of the room. The boy popped up from behind his hiding-place as soon as she had gone. " I like yoi^," were the first words he ut- tered. '•'■You wouldn't tell on a feller, would you ?" "How could I when you are glad I 'plunked' my enemy ? Is that your mamm}'- ?" " Yes ; that's Lib." " jS'ursed you from a baby ?" " Yes ; 'n' she reckons she's goen to nurse me all my life." " Is your name Buckingham ?" " Buckingham ! No, I 'aint' got any such doggone name as that ; my name's Buckeye." " How did 3^ou happen to get that name ?" A DEFINITE OBJECT 27 " 'Cause I was borned thar." " Where ?" " In Buckeye." "In Ohio?" " Reckon 'tis the same." I contemplated Buck for a while without hearing any of the questions he continued to fire at me. Why not intrust him with the message? There was every reason why I should not do so, except that he was devoted to me and I had no one else to send. While I was deliberating Lib came in, surprised him, dragged him out of the room, and shut the door. I heard footsteps on the veranda, then in the hall, then ascending the staircase, as of people carrying a burden. The door had evi- dently been shut to prevent my seeing what was being done. For a while there was a hur- rving to and fro, and I knew that something unusual had occurred. After all had been quieted, Buck, who had meanwhile escaped from his dusky captor, slipped back to forbid- den ground. It occurred to me that I could draw from Buck the solution of the recent commotion ; but what passed under the roof of my friends 38 SWEET REVENGE was no concern of mine, and I scorned to get it from a mere boy. But I wished to test Buck's power of reticence. Ten to one he had been instructed not to talk to me about the mysterious occurrence. " Buck," I asked, " who came to the house awhile ago V "Wasn't anybody came to the house awhile ago." "A sick man, wasn't it?" " No, he wasn't sick." "I thought 3'ou said no one came?" " No one did." " Of course no one came ; he was carried." " If yo' know so much about 't, Mr. Brandy- stone, what's the use o' asken' me ?" " You admit that whoever he was, he wasn't sick?" " Of course he wasu't sick. How could he be sick if he wasn't anybody ?" There was a sudden rustling in the hall, and Helen swept into the room, her eyes flashing fire. "Buck, leave the room!" she commanded, in no uncertain tone. Buck gave a glance at his sister, which told him he had better obey, and walked out reluctantly. A DEFINITE OBJECT 29 " You have been listening," I said, curtly. " I have not. I was coming through the hall and heard your last remark." " And you infer that I was trying to get a secret which does not at all concern me?" " I most assuredly do." "You are mistaken. I care no more for what occurs in this house than for the color of the dress you happen to wear. I had another object in questioning your brother." " I dare say you had." " I wished to discover if he could keep a secret." " I dare say you did." " I have intended nothing dishonorable." " Fudge !" She snapped her fingers and her eyes at the same time. " You don't believe me. Very well ; I don't believe that you were not eavesdropping." " I was not eavesdropping !" she cried, hotly. " You have the word of a Southern lady." " And I was not trying to get your secret. You have the word of a — " I stopped short. I had run against a snag. She gave me a glance of contempt and triumph. Her head was up, a little to one side, her nostrils di- lated, her breath slow and measured. 30 SWEET REVENGE "Miss Stanforth," I said — I was near be- traying what demanded secrecy — '.' I will prove to you before night — no, not before night, but soon — that I had another object. I will no longer remain in a house the inmates of which—" I made a step towards the door. " Mr. Branderstane !" "Miss Stanforth!" " In addition to sailing under false colors, you are now going to endanger your life by — " " Fudge ! What is my life to you ?" I snapped my fingers. " A good deal just now. It is unpleasant to have a person die on one's hands." I was in no condition for this encounter. A buzzing was going on in my ears, a tingling sensation in my limbs. My knees were giv^- ing way, and I was obliged to sit down on the sofa. I looked longingly at a bottle of brandy that stood on the table, but was too proud to ask for it. In a moment Helen had poured some of the liquor into a tumbler and held it to my lips. I drank a reviving draught ; she put her hands on my shoulders and gently forced me to lie down. " This must not occur again," she said. " You have no strength to go, and I have no A DEFINITE OBJECT 31 right to excite you while in your present con- dition. I believe what you told me." She put out her hand. " Pardon," I said, humbly. " When calm I would as soon think of accusing you of eavesdropping as I would accuse Diana of un- chastity. I have been ungallant, rude — rude to a woman." " Forget it. Lie still, and you will soon be yourself again." She sat down by a table and took up a book. " I will sit here and read while you recover your strength." She read for perhaps half an hour. I sup- posed she was interested in the book, for she turned one page after another and seemed to have forgotten me. At last she put down the volume, and by her first words convinced me that instead of being interested in it she had been thinking of my puzzling identity. " I want to ask you one question." '^ Ask it." " Where did you come from the day the shooting occurred ?" " Huntsville." She had asked the one question and had re- ceived her reply. I knew by her expression that she wanted to ask another. 32 SWEET KEVENGE " I suppose you were there long enough to become acquainted with the city. It's a beautiful place." " I was there a week." The limit of one question having been over- stepped in this indirect fashion, it was easier for her to proceed. "What were you doing there?" " Looking for some one." " A man ?" " Yes." " What for ?" I did not reply at once. I was thinking of some plan by which to put an end to her cate- chising. " If I tell you," I said, presently, " will you promise to ask me no more questions ?" " If you prefer that I should not." " You wish to know why I was seeking my man at Huntsville ?" " I do." " You will keep what I tell you a secret ?" " Yes." " To kill him." rv WON OVER Little Buck had stood my test as to his reticence so well, and I was at such desperate straits for a messenger, that I resolved to use him. After breakfast I waited for a while, hop- ing that he would come to ray room; but as he did not, and I feared he was deterred by the autocratic Lib, I called Jackson and told him to tell the bo}^ I wished to see him. I took a Confederate bill from ray pocket and handed it to the darky, but he went off grumblinof " that he didn't want no Yankee money, and mas'r wouldn't hab no niggar o' his'n taken' money from a stranger nohow." He sent Buck to me, w^ho came in looking somewhat astonished that I should take suflB.- cient interest in him to call for him. " Buck," I said, " I have something impor- tant to say to you." "What is it, Mr. Brandystone ?" 34 SWEET KEVENGE " Branderstane. Please don't make that mistake again." " I won't, sho." " Back, I'm thinking of sending you on an errand ; but it's a great secret." The boy's eyes grew as big as saucers. I looked at him for a few moments to observe the effect of my announcement, and then went on. ." If you should tell an}^ one, it might cost me my life. You wouldn't tell, w^ould 3^ou ?" " Tell ! Why, sooner 'n tell I'd— I'd— ruther be a — a — a — dead rat out in the back yard." '• I believe I'll trust you. Do you know the road to Iluntsville?" "I reckon so; I've been over it more 'n a hundred times." " Got a pony ?" " Yes ; ' Pete.' Hel'n, she drives him in the buggy. She calls him hern, but he isn't, he's mine. I g-ot a bio; dog, too." " Never mind the dog. Could you get out your pony and ride into Iluntsville without any one suspecting you were going on my ac- count ?" " Well, now, why don' y' give me somet'n hard ?" WON OVER 35 " Go and get me a newspaper or an alma- nac." He was out of the room and back in a mo- ment with a Huntsville paper of that morn- ing's issue. I scanned its columns before look- ing at the date, and noticed this item: "The main body of the Yankees are marching from Nashville to Columbia en route, it is supposed, to Pitts- burgh Landing, where they will doubtless join the Fed- eral General Grant." Looking at the heading, I sa\A^ that the date was the 1st of April. "Now, Buck,'' I said, "get out your pony; then come to me for instructions." " Look a-hyar, Mr. Brandy— Brandj'stone — " " Branderstane.'' "Well, Mr. Brandinstane, if you got any 'structions I reckon yo' better give 'm to me now. Mebbe if I come back hyar that dog- gone ole Lib '11 come in 'n yank me out." " You're right. Reach me that sheet of note-paper and a book to write on — that thin one ; now a pencil. All right. Don't say a word till I have finished." I wrote a message in as infinitesimal char- acters as I was able, on a third of a sheet of paper : 36 SWEET REVENGE " Macliiiie-shops at Iluntsville in good order. Fifteen to twenty locomotives. Nearly a hundred cars. No force in the town. To tiie east, road runs parallel witli and near the pike for several miles and is handy to cut. To the west, parly to cut the road must pass round the city on the north. Eueiny gathering all possible forces at Piltsburgli Landing, but several thousand men at Chat- tanooga." I put neither address nor signature to it, as none were necessary, and they would be con- clusive evidence against me if the message should fall into the wrong hands. " Buck," I said, " mount your pony and ride to Huntsville. A few minutes before twelve o'clock go into the Huntsville Hotel; you know — the big brick house on the square. Go up-stairs and out on the front gallery. At twelve o'clock a man with black eyes, long hair, and a pointed beard will walk out on the gallery. Don't say anything to him ; wait, and after a while he'll say something to you." " Will he V asked the boy, his eyes full of wonder. " What '11 he say ?" , " He'll say, ' It's a fine day.' " " What ! If it's rainen' ?" " Yes ; rain or shine, if he's the man 3'ou want, he'll say, ' It's a fine day.' Then you must sa}'^, 'Reckon you're weather-wise, "WON OVER 37 stranger.' To that he'll reply by asking you what kind of weather it was the day of the massacre." " What massacre ? What's a massacre ?" " Never mind that. Stick to the lesson I'm teaching you. You must say, ' Black as night.' Then he'll say, ' What's the word V and you can hand him this note. Now, suppose I'm the man with the pointed beard and you go throuo;h the dialofi^ue with me." I put him through his lesson till he had learned it perfectly ; then I sent him away with the injunction that in case anything should go wrong with him, rather than part Avith the paper he was to swallow it. I rolled it into a ball and put it into the lining of his hat. Giving his little hand a squeeze, I bade him go, and he marched out as proudly as if he had been appointed Military Governor of Alabama. I had no doubt he would execute his mission to the best of his ability, but he was very young, and I feared he would make some blunder. " What a fool I am !" I exclaimed, as soon as he was gone. " I should have failed to communicate rather than intrust so impor- tant a matter to a boy. However, I'll leave 38 SWEET REVENGE here to-morrow morning, and if my message miscarries, by the time it's discovered I'll be somewhere 'else." Helen came in soon after Buck's departure and began to set the room to rights. She at- tended to her work silently, and did not even look at me. I watched her as she moved about, arranging a curtain here, moving a chair there, or piling books on the table more neatl3^ She was a true type of a Southern woman — tall, willowy, a head set on her shoul- ders in a way to make an artist involuntarily reach for a brush. Her hair and eyes were as black as night, while on her cheeks was a bright color. There was something on her mind, I could see that plainly. I fancied if I gave her time it would come out. At last she dropped her work and stood looking out of the window. " What are you thinking about ?"' I asked, going at the subject with brusque directness. " The man you came to Alabama to kill." " You would shield him ?" She kept her eyes on the road, watching a wagon that lumbered by. " I don't know whether I would or not." " You want to know all about hhn ?" WON OVER 39 " I do." "In the first place, you would like his name?" " It might be well to begin with that." " Then I can't begin, for I don't know his name." "IS^ot know his name?" " No." " What is he like ?" " Tall, well built, square shoulders which he throws back, like an officer in the regular army of the United States." I paused. She waited for me to continue. "You would also like to know whether his death would bereave any one : a father, moth- er, sister — some woman who hangs upon every word he says when he is with her, and dreams of him constantly when he is away ?" I spoke the words bitterl}'. I was thinkiug of my loss. " Yes, I would like to know that too." " I can't satisfy you. I have seen him only once, and then at a distance." " Does he Avish to kill you ?" " No ; I don't believe he is aware of my ex- istence." "Singular," she murmured, thoughtfully. 40 SWEET KEVENGE Then she turned and looked me in the face. " He has occasioned you some great sorrow — done you some mighty wrong?" "You promised to ask me no more ques- tions." " True. I beg your pardon." Another woman would have pouted, coaxed, done everything but asked openly to have her curiosity gratified. Helen Stanforth was made of sterner stuff. She stood looking out of the window without another word. I waited till I was satisfied that she was too proud to ask for favor, then started in again with the pur- pose of watching the development of some other mood. " You are heart and soul a Confederate ?" " I am." " And you will not excuse those Southern men and Avomen who differ with you?" " Yes, if they do it openly." This was a cut at me which I did not care to notice. " Have you ever seen," I asked, " men forced at the point of the bayonet to enter the Confederate army ? Have you ever seen families, trying to leave the South to join those with whom they affiliated, shot down in their tracks ?" WON OVER 41 " You are a Union man, or you ^yould never talk that way," she interrupted. " I was born and bred in Tennessee." " Yes, in East Tennessee." " May I not have seen great wrong done, and yet given my heart and soul to the South- ern cause ?" " You may, but have not." She was getting too near the truth. I must throw her off the trail. " I will impart one more piece of informa- tion with regard to myself. You have prom- ised to ask no more questions and have kept your promise ; you deserve a reward." I took from my pocket a letter and held it up to her. It was addressed to MAJOR JOHN BRAXDEHSTAXE, — th Tennessee Cavalry Murfieeshoro, Tenn, Her face lighted. She did not know there were Tennessee regiments in the Union ser- vice. "I knew you were a soldier, and now I know you are a Confederate." She put out her hand, but I did not take it. " No, no," I said, " I will not take an unfair advantage of you. That evidence is not con- clusive. I have shown it to you to prove that 42 SWEET REVENGE I may be what I will. I could offer as good proof that I am a Yankee." " I don't care who you are, you are an hon- orable man." " I see no reason for you to assume that." " You have said it would be easy for you to prove to me that you are what I wish you to be?" " Granted." " But you wuU not. You have reason to re- main unknown. You have a great purpose. You have been robbed of some one you love. You have suffered from some of those outrages in East Tennessee that papa has told us about. There has been a cowardly murder. You will be revenged. I know it; I feel it." She w^as splendid in her indignation, her sympathy. I protested against this burst of confidence, but to no purpose. Were I the veriest demon in Moloch's train no one could convince her of it. I was not learned in the ways of women, but I had gained an insight into this girl's nature. Though it smouldered, it was emotional. No light kindling could set it aflame. There must be some strong underly- ing impulse. The purpose that I had revealed to her had taken hold of her imagination. WON OVER 43 But it troubled her that I should withhold my secret from her. She gave me an appeal- ing look. " Why do you not trust me ?" " I do trust you. Am I not at your mercy ? Should you inform the authorities that you have an unaccounted-for man under your roof I sliould be arrested at once." "I would never do that." ''No; but will you aid me in remainine; in- cognito ?" She was silent. There was evidently a ques- tion which she was trying to solve. '' Would that be helping you to kill your man?" she asked. '' Suppose it would ?" There was a dangerous glitter in her eye. Perhaps she experienced a fascination in being thus indirectly a party to my Avork of ven- geance. " You have not answered my question," I said. Still she was silent. The blood was cominof and going Aurora-like on her neck and cheek. Presently she drew her lips together tightly as if she were striking an enemy — " I will." V ARREST " Have you a man by the name of Brander- stane stopping- with you V I heard the words spoken at the front door in a pleasant voice, in Avhich there was some- thing languid. My heart began a vigorous thumping. Looking out of the window I saw a troop of Confederate cavalry at the gate, and men darting in different directions. I knew that the house was being surrounded. Helen went out to meet the inquirer. " Do you wish to see Mr. Branderstane ?" she asked. "I do." Helen must have suspected that I was in danger. There was a slight pause, in which I fancied she was deliberating what to do. " He is in a critical condition," she said. " He was wounded recently. Is your business with him important V AEKEST . 45 " Very important." " Show the gentleman in, if you please, Miss Stanforth," I called. I knew there was noth- ing to be gained by attempting to put the man off. I must appear unconcerned. She led the way to where I was. A young man m the uniform of a Confederate captain entered. He was a handsome fellow, with an mdolent, self - indulgent air, and evidently a gentleman. He was extremely deferential to Helen, carrying his hat in his hand and bear- ing himself as if it pained hun to thus trespass upon the household. " Are yo' John Branderstane, sir V " At your service. And 3'ou V " Captain Beaumont, — th Geowgia Cavalry, sir." " What can I do for you, captain ?" " I must trouble you to get up and come with me." " On what authority ?" "My own, sir. It has been reported to me that a Southern man working in the Yankee ijiterest is here, and I have come to take him." " Don't 3'ou think that an arbitrary way to treat a citizen of Tennessee, captain ?" "Not when he has Yankee affihations." 46 SWEET KEYENGE " By what right do you accuse me of Yan- kee aiRliations?" " You were watched all the time you were at Iluntsville, sir. There was no evidence against you, and you were allowed to leave the city ; but after you had got away a man came forward who claimed to have seen you in one of the Yankee camps at Nashville." " Indeed ? Did he explain his own presence there ?" This was a home-thrust. The captain hesi- tated. "It seems to me, captain," I added, follow- ing up my advantage, " that you are hasty in acting on such information." Helen spoke up : " My father was at Nash- Yille soon after the surrender. AYould you ar- rest him V " The information comes pretty straight. I reckon you'll have to come along." "His wound is liable to open," said Helen, "and if it should there might be a fatal re- Sillt." She spoke with apparent indifference, but she could not avoid betraying some interest. The officer looked up at her with a pair of soft brown eyes inquiringly. I saw at once that ARKEST 47 he suspected a tender relationship between us, but he was too well-bred to tread upon so del- icate a matter. " lie can remain where he is until he is bet- ter," he said, bowing to Helen, " if you will give me your word — the word of a Southern lady — that he shall not leave your house till we call for him/' Helen cast an inquiring look at me to know if she should give the pledge. I saw that a glance would enable me to remain where I was, and if I chose, after the departure of the troop, leave the house, with Helen to bear the responsibility of my going. "Konsense, man!" I said, rising, "Do you suppose I'm going to permit a woman to stand between you and me? You are a gentleman, if you are taking it upon yourself to arrest whom you please. And I'm enough of a gen- tleman not to avail myself of your proffered avenue of escape. If I must go, I must. Where do you intend to take me, captain ?" By this time several men who had followed the officer pushed their way into the room. I received no reply to my question, but was ordered to get up and go with them. The members of the familv, discovering that some- 48 SWEET KEVENGE thing had gone wrong, flocked about, and it was easy to see that though they did not un- derstand why I was arrested, they were all in sympathy with me. Mrs. Stanforth seemed greatly distressed ; Mr. Stanforth attempted to argue my case for me— of course to no pur- pose ; the negroes were all indignant. AVhile waitino' for mv horse I heard Lib deliverino: herself in the back hall : " Wha' fo' dat mis'able osifer wid he sleeves covered all ober wid deni goP snakes goen' t' 'rest a fine South'n gemmlen like dat ? Dat wha' yo' call freedom ? Colored folks got mo' free- dom den dat. I hea'h mas'r talken' 'bout 'stu- tional libe'y. Wha's de use o' 'stutional libe'y when de oder man got he hand on yo' collar?" I heard no more, for I was conducted out to the gallery. Just as I started down the walk Ethel appeared with curious eyes, and I paused to take her up and give her a parting kiss. I cast a glance at Helen. There was intense in- terest in her face, but among so many emotions I could not discover which predominated. I went with the soldiers down to the gate, where I found my horse, and, mounting, a cavalryman on each side of me, rode away with the troop. We proceeded up the pike for a short dis- ARKEST 49 tance, then, crossing the railroad track, struck a road which bent to the east. " Captain," I said, " I don't like the direc- tion you are going. If your intentions were not murderous you would take rae to Hunts- ville and examine into the charge against me. It appears that you are taking me into the country to dispose of me." "I am on m}'^ way to join my squadron near Brownsborough, sir, where yo' will have an opportunity to face you' accuser. If yo' are innocent yo'll have no trouble; yo' can en- list in my company." " Thank you ; do I look like a man who would go begging for a commission ?" "I beg yo' pardon, sir;" and he lifted his hat apologetically. I had retained my coolness thus far, but I confess I did not like the situation. As a Southern man, used to Southern people, I felt a certain confidence; yet if it were known that I was a Union officer I would be put out of the way without benefit of clergy. Who was the man who had informed against me ? What did he know ? The more I thought about it the more intense became my anxiety. Suddenly I looked up and saw whit-e tents. 50 SWEET REVENGE I knew at once by the looks of the camp that it contained one or two companies of cavahy. There was a raih^oad bridge near by, crossing Avhat I knew to be Flint River, and I judged that the cavalry was guarding this bridge. I had forgotten my unlucky wound and was intent on the camp, when, passing under overhanging branches, a stiff bough scraped my arm, and I felt at once that it had been injured. I told the captain of my fears, and we halted to make an examination. Taking off my coat, there, as I expected, was a stain of fresh blood on my shirt-sleeve. " You needn't trouble yourself to murder me," I remarked ; " that wound is a better en- emy than all my others together." The captain cast glances about him for a house. He had no intention of murdering me or. being a party indirectly to my death. "While he was making a survey of the sur- rounding countr}'^ I was twisting my handker- chief above the wound. " Can you get to that plantation T he asked. I looked up and saw a large manor-house about half a mile distant, with its Hanking rows of neii:ro huts. AKREST 51 " I can try it."" We mounted and rode on, and in a few min- utes passed into the gateway between impos- ing stone posts, proceeding by a winding way to tlie house. I was glad to dismount and get inside the spacious hall out of the sun. There I sat down on an old-fashioned, hair-cloth, ma- hogany sofa. A number of white and negro children, who were playing together as contentedly as if the pickaninnies were not the property of their fair-skinned playmates, stood gaping at me. A slim man with a determined mouth, at the corners of which were marks of tobacco juice — he turned out to be an overseer — an equally thin elderly woman, whom I heard addressed as Miss Pinkley, and a quadroon girl made up the group. I was sitting with my head rest- ing against the sofa-back, weak and despond- ent. Suddenly down the great winding stair- case came a young girl with a shapely petite figure, a pretty oval face, and an olive com- plexion, from which two almond-shaped eyes flashed at me and the group about me with the quintessence of astonishment. Running her words together in a way peculiar to her- self, she asked : 52 SWEET KEVENGE "What's the matter?" "The gentleman's bleeding from a wound in the arm, Miss Jack," said the quadroon girl. " AVho is he? What is he? Is he ffoino- to die?" She fired the words as if they were bullets. " Jaqueline," put in the elderl}^ hid}^ called Miss Pinkley, " don't ask so many questions at once." Then she went up- stairs, remark- infi: that she would brini]: her smellino' salts. " I don't think I'm going to die just yet," I said, smiling encouragingly at the young gii'l, whose interest I had excited. " I received a Nvound a few days ago and have had very bad luck with it. Anything that hits me never fails to strike the tender spot." "Why don't you He down? Cynthia, go get pillows." Cynthia, the quadroon girl, was engaged at that moment trying to drive away the chil- dren, and did not at once obey. " Cynthia, go get pillows !" repeated Miss Jaqueline, stamping her foot. It occurred to me that this 3'oung girl pos- sessed an unbridled disposition. Cynthia, who was doubtless used to her mistress's way of ARREST 53 speaking, went for the pillows, and when they arrived Miss Jack made me lie down, whether I would or not, and covered me with a shawl, sprinkling me all the while with such a warm shower of devotion that, despite her irate or- der to her maid, she quite Avon my heart. Looking out through the hall door I saw a fat man bestride a lean horse, with saddle- bags, wiping the perspiration from his face and riding up to the gallery. He dismounted and entered, puffing for breath, and proved to be a countrv doctor. Puttins: on a ffrave face, he examined m}'^ wound critically, and made great ado at dressing and bandaging it; then delivered the usual admonition. He de- parted, leaving me l3ing on the sofa. Miss Jack beside me, ministering to wants that were not wanted, devising schemes to meet requirements that were not required. Sud- denly the two guards attracted her attention. They had been in the hall ever since my ar- rival, but had not until this moment excited her antagonism. " What are you doing here ?" Though her words were spoken sharply, her voice was soft and musical. " On guard," replied one of the men. 54 SWEET REVENGE " This isn't your house. Go ' way from here." " Hain't got no orders." " I give you orders." Fire was beginning to dart from her eyes. I interfered. " They are only doing their duty." " They have no right in tliis house." " But if you drive them out they will take me with them." " Will they?" Her manner changed. "Never mind," she said to the guard, " please don't leave us ; I wouldn't have you go for the world. You're quite ornamental : one on one side of the door, the other on the other side, like statues; men-at-arms in castle halls." The men looked at each other foolishly and grinned. The girl went up to one of them and asked him to let her examine his carbine. He did not quite like to let it go, but she took it Avithout saying " by your leave." " What a funny gun I How short ! How many times can you fire it off? I wonder if I could shoot with it I" She brought it up to her shoulder, and, after pointing it to the wall, levelled it first at one man, then at the other. They both looked a trifle nervous, but said nothing. Then she ARREST 55 made a motion to cock it when the muzzle was covering one of tlie men, and he protest- ed. She burst into a merry laugh. " What a brave man ! Can't stand being pointed at by a girl ! Ever in a battle ? What's it like ?" The soldier made no reply, but reached for his carbine, and seemed very much relieved when she suffered him to take it. There was no more play, for at that moment we heard the sound of horses' hoofs, and, looking out through the hall doorway, I saw two men riding up to the house. The one was Captain Beaumont, the other Tom Jaycox, the bitter- est of all my Tennessee enemies, and upon whom I had visited most summary punish- ment for the part he had taken in the mas- sacre. In another minute they had dismount- ed and ascended the steps of the gallery, then came rapidly through the hall. Captain Beaumont's appearance denoted that there was something on his mind of great moment. His companion lumbered along beside him with the appearance of one looking for some- thing or some one of peculiar interest to him. He was a short, thick-set man in corduroy trousers, a double-breasted vest, open, no coat. 56 SWEET REVENGE and a broad-briniraed straw hat, the hue of wliich indicated that it had served for several summers. His nose had been broken, and he had lost an eye. A coarse, stubby, brown-and- gray beard grew on his chin. An uglier speci- men of the poor wdiite of the South could scarcely be imagined, and the moment I saw him, knowing of his enmit37^ for me, I gave myself up for lost. " There he is," said Captain Beaumont. " I reckoned so," replied the other ; "' he's yo' man." " Who is he ?" asked Miss Jack, quickly. " A renegade from the South, an abolition hound — one o' our East Tennessee dogs. What he's doen' hyar I dun no, but I reckon he's on some errant fo' the Yankee gineral at Mur- freesboro." Suddenly all the careless, indolent demeanor of the captain deserted him. With true South- ern impulse, without stopping to investigate the charge, he was fired by the story that he held in his hands one who, though a South- erner, was hunting information for the detest- ed Yankees. " Guard !" he called. The two men approached. ARREST 57 " Take him away and see that he doesn't get back here. I don't want ever to see him again." I was stunned. I knew well what this or- der meant. I had heard it given in case of outlaws, and knew that it was the form in which orders were given to take men out and shoot them. Many a guerilla received his sentence in those words. "Captain," I cried, "if you shoot me you will commit a murder ! That man " — pointing to the brute beside him — " is the real mur- derer. I know liim well. I saw him shoot- ing down women and children. I saw him — " I stopped short. There was an incredulous look on the captain's face. I knew that my accuser had his confidence. I realized that denials and counter accusations were expected from one in my position, and would have no v;eight. Jaqueline, though she could not have un- derstood the captain's order, from my words • and from my stricken appearance realized the situation. She stood paralyzed, but only for a moment. While the guards were advancinfj towards me she stole up to the captain arid slipped her arm through his. When he looked 58 SWEET REVENGE down at her she was gazing up into his face with the perfection of coquetry. I watched the effect eagerl}'-. His first expression was one of surprise, then all severity died away; an amused look followed, mingled with admi- ration, and at last he broke into a pleasant smile. VI AN AMATEUR SOUBRETTE I HAVE seen men disarmed in various ways: by argument, fear, force ; but never have I seen one so quickly vanquished as he who was about to rush me off to execution. His in- tended act was most unwarranted, and had he been induced to refrain by logical arguments I should not have been surprised. But Jaque- line knew nothino; of loo;ic or the merits of the case. She used no plea ; she conquered by a look. " What a queer man !" " Who — I V The captain's smile broadened. " Queerest man I ever saw. What do yo' want to take him away fo' ? Don't y' know he's wounded, and we just got him fixed upC" " You don't mean it !" He spoke as defer- entially as if the information were really a surprise to him. " Don't want ever to see him again ? What 60 SWEET REVENGE a grumpy thing you must be I Suppose I'd say I wanted never to see you again ?" " YouVl break my heart." All this was not to the liking of the cap- tain's companion. " Well, captain," he put in, " what y' goen' ter do ? Goen' ter let him lay thar to be coddled b}^ the fambly ?" " Yo' hush !" cried Jaqueline, with suddenly flashing eyes. The man started back. Pos- sibly he was unused to such quick transitions. " Yo' can't take him away till his arm gets well. 'Spose he bleeds to death ? You'd have his blood on yo' hands. Just think of that!" Considering that tiiey had intended to take me out and shoot me, the warning was, to say the least, amusing. Every one burst into a lauofh ; indeed, I could hardly refrain from joining in it myself, notwithstanding my criti- cal situation. " You certainly don't want to commit a gross blunder, captain," I remarked. " You can at least give me some sort of a trial." " Reckon I can refer the matter to head- quarters," lie replied, fixing his eyes on Jaque- line. It was a delicate scale that balanced life and death in war time, and often required only AN AMATEUR SOUBRETTE 61 a feather's weight to turn it. It had been turn- ed, for the time, and turned effectually. The guards were ordered back, and the captain sauntered away with my accuser, who ex- postulated as they passed out of the house on to the galler3^ Pulling a cigar out of his pocket, Captain Beaumont sat down in a rock- ing-chair and began to smoke as tranquilly as if nothing unusual had happened, listening composedly to the ruffian who was trying to s:et him to shoot me. But Beaumont was now as difficult to move, as imperturbable, as he had been before irate, and Jaycox at last went away disappointed. He gave me a malignant glance before going, which said, plainly, " I'll fix you yet." The captain continued sitting where he was, his head resting on the back of the rocker, looking dreamily up at the waving branches of a large tree set against the blue sky. Sup- per Avas announced, and Jaqueline, taking a rose, went out, and, fixing it in a buttonhole of his coat, led him into the dining-room. Before passing out of sight she turned and gave me a meaning glance, accompanied by a wry face at her companion. As the captain's back was turned, it was safe for me to indulge 63 SWEET REVENGE ill a smile. Indeed, I fear I could hardly have refrained had his face been towards me. This little Jaqueline was certainly unique. While they were at supper I was deliberat- ing upon the situation. It w^as evident that my old enemies had either stumbled upon me or had learned of my presence in Korth Alabama, and were bent on my destruction. It was a desperate case. I was an officer in the Union army, within the enemy's lines, in citizen's dress, and in that enemy's hands. I was hounded by men who would not scruple to use any means to get me into their power. If I did not escape from the Confederates I should hang; if I did escape I should be murdered. Presently Jaqueline and the captain came out from the supper-room, Jaqueline in ad- vance, the captain's eyes fixed on the pretty ligure before him. Jaqueline was very grace- ful, very dainty. Her every motion was charm- ing. She was so light on her feet that she seemed scarcely to touch the ground. Though she walked, she danced, while her eyes danced with her body, her lips wearing a perpetual smile. Once she took two or three steps, turn- ing half around— a lYiere suspicion of a dance AN AMATEUR SOUBKETTE 63 — a delicious, tantalizing bit, like a sip of rare wine. '' I'd like to meet yo' in a ball-room," re- marked the captain, languidly. " Why so ?" "Yo' would dance beautifully; yo'd make a charming partner." " I can sing." " Can you ?" " Yes, and play. One day I was playing Ginger's banjo behind the barn. Papa called, 'Yo' Ginger, stop that infernal twanging!' Wasn't it funny ?" She laughed ; the captain laughed ; I laughed. There was something very catching about the little minx that neither of us could resist. She drew an arm-chair close beside the sofa on which I was lying, and insisted on the cap- tain seating himself in it. He demurred, but Miss Jack would have it so, and the man, who half an hour before had ordered me out to be shot, was sitting by me as though we were ex- cellent friends. Jaqueline seated herself in a rocker directly in view of both myself and the captain, and, rocking vigorousl}' all the while, chatted like a magpie. The captain settled 64 SWEET REVENGE himself within his comfortable seat, asked per- mission to smoke, and, finding tliat he had but one cigar, insisted on my smoking it. Of course I refused, but he was too innately well- bred to smoke it himself without another for me. Miss Jack solved the }3roblem by stand- ing; before him with a lio'hted match till he was forced to yield. Then from without came the jingle of a banjo. Jaqueline caught the sound and stood listening, her head poised on one side, her eyes sparkUng as though forgetful of ever^'thing save the music. "That's 'The Bonny Blue Flag'!" she ex- claimed, and she hummed the words in a sweet though bj'^ no means strong voice. As she went on she sang rather than hummed, becoming more and more animated, keeping time by patting her foot on the floor. I glanced at the captain. He was looking at her admiringly, the charm enhanced at hearing a war-song dear to every Confederate soldier, given with so much spirit by such an attrac- tive creature. Suddenly the music stopped. " Don't yo' like music ?" asked Jaqueline of the captain, ^^/do — I love it." AN AMATEUK SOUBRETTE 65 "I like it when warbled by such attractive lips," replied the officer. Then the banjoist without played a Spanish dance. Jaqueline's body began to vibrate. But, though alive in every limb, she did not dance. There was something tantalizing in a promised treat that was not realized. " Dance !" cried the captain, an expectant look in his handsome eyes. "Slialll?" " Do, please," I put in. As a bird that lias been soaring slowly sails away in its expected course, Jaqueline passed from comparative rest to motion. In another moment she was moving about the hall with improvised steps, as though dancing was, to use a paradoxical expression, her normal con- dition of rest. She floated, drooped, rose, rest- ed, keeping time with her head, her arms, her whole body. For a while I Avas so delighted that I forgot all except the dance, and when I bethought myself to look at the captain it was easy to see that the thrall Jaqueline had been weaving about him was complete. " Jaqueline !" Miss Pinkley had entered the hall and stood looking at her severely. Jaqueline stopped as 66 SWEET REVENGE suddenly as if she had been moved by electric- ity and the current had been turned off. " I'm astonished at yo','' said the lady. " Yo've made the acquaintance of these gen- tlemen only this afternoon, and here yo' are dancing befo' them as if yo' were a soubrette in a theatre." " My dear madam," I interposed, " you have no idea of the pleasure she has given us. She would be a grand success on any stage." "Do yo' think so?" queried Jaqueline, triumphantly. " I'd love to dance on the stage." "Jaqueline!" again cried Miss Pinkley. "What's the harm, auntie? I'm not on the stage." " Yes, but you want to be. To think of a Rutland on the stage ! Yo' pa would be mavv- tified to death." She passed up- stairs, and Jaqueline began affain to rattle on in her singular wav. Sud- denly it struck her that she w^anted Ginger's banjo, and, calling Cynthia, she sent her for it. Then, after testing the strings, she began to play and sing. The music was light but sweet, being composed chiefly of those unique negro melodies, born under the slave system as deli- AN AMATEUR SOUBKETTE 67 cate plants sometimes spring up among poi- sonous weeds. Without warning she put the banjo down and began to talk again, skipping from one subject to another, astonishing us by her con- fidences, sometimes asking questions but sel- dom waiting for an answer. Presentl}^ I spoke of my stay at the Stanforths. " The Stanforths !" she cried. " Do you know 'em ?" " Yes ; do you ?" " Ought to ; they're my cousins. Did you see Minerva ?" "No. Who's Minerva?" "Her real name is Helen, We called her Minerva at school. I went to school with her two vears. She's older than I, though." "I have met Miss Helen Stanforth." " If you refer to the young lad}'^ we met to- da}^," the captain remarked, " she's a ver}'- beau- tiful and high-bred woman — much like our Geowgia beauties." " She knows ever3"thing," said Jaqueline ; " theology, geology, biology, psychology. Any more of 'em ?" " That's quite enough," I admitted. "Did vou see Buck?" 68 SWEET REVENGE " Oh yes ; Buck and I became quite friendly." " Friendly ! Buck was born to be hanged." " What makes you think that ?" " Most fiery, pestiferous little imp yo' ever saw! Doesn't stop at anything." "Mere flashes of a strong nature. When he grows up he'll control it and be all the stronger for it." "Think so? If he was black and I owned him, I'd have him whipped every day." A colored woman came in and told the cap- tain that Miss Pinkley presented her compli- ments, and a room was ready for him when- ever he chose to occupy it. She also informed him that I could have a room. " Captain," I said, " I have no reason to get away from you. Indeed, I wouldn't leave your guardianship just now for a plantation. The man who has accused me is in league with others who are interested in getting me out of the wa}^ Now if you'll permit me to go to bed without a guard I'll give you my word of honor not to leave this house till after the watch has been resumed to-morrow." " Now, captain," put in Jaqueline, before the officer could reply, "let the poo' man go to bed." AN AMATEDR SOUBEETTE 69 " Fo' yo' sake ?" he asked, looking at her with an expression half admiring, half comical. " Fo' my sake, fo' 3^0' sake, fo' everybody's sake." She went up in front of him, and, putting her little oval face within a few inches of his, brought her snapping eyes to bear on him, and stood waiting for liis decision. " "Well, I reckon I must let yo' have yo' way. Yo're too pretty to qua' el Avith." She clapped her hands. " I knew it ! Love- liest man I ever met ! Too sweet for any- thing !" The captain smiled that pleasant, indolent smile of his, looking at me at the same time, as much as to sa}^, " What a deliciously odd creature," while Jaqueline disappeared as sud- denly as an actress who had finished her part. Ginger came in with a decanter and glasses, which he placed on the table. The captain sat down before the wine and invited me to join him. " Miss Rutland is ce'tainly a dainty little thing," he said, as "he took the stopper from the decanter and filled our glasses. " She certainly is." " Most charming creature I ever saw." 70 SWEET KEVENGE " What a soubrette she would make !" " Ravishing-. Fill yo' glass, sir ; ravishing. Do yo' know, I never saw mo' graceful danc- in o^ on the stage ?" " Nor I." " And what a sweet little voice !" " The notes of a bird." By this time I had made up my mind that it would be impossible to get the captain on any other subject than Jaqueline, and he talked of iier the rest of the evening — indeed, till he had finished the decanter. I could not but be amused at the transition Jaqueline had wrought in his treatment of me. It occurred to me to test his good-nature still further. "Captain," I remarked, "I'm caught away from home with a thin pocket-book ; could you let me have a hundred dollars till I can get to where there is a bank ?" " Certainly, sir, with pleasure ; no trouble at all," and, pulling out a thick roll of Confeder- ate bills, he tossed them over to me. " Captain," I said, pushing back the bills, " I don't need money. I only wanted to see if it were possible for a man to order another out to be shot in the afternoon and do him a favor in the evening.'' AN AMATEUR SOUBEETTE 71 " My dear sir," he replied, " permit me to apologize for my hasty action. I give yo' the word of a Geowgia gentleman, that had not that delightful little creature interposed I should now deeply regret the execution of my order." " You mean my execution." " Yo' very good health, sir, and that of the little lady." The decanter was empty. Ginger, the ma- jordorao, appeared, assisted the captain up- stairs to one of the main chambers in the cen- tre of the house, then conducted me through a hall to a wing, and ushered me into the apart- ment intended for me. VII MIDNIGHT What faded splendor! All the furniture was mahogany ; the bed, a huge four-poster, canopied ; the bureau high and Avith brass handles to its drawers ; the chairs straight- backed ; from the centre of the ceilino^ huno^ a chandelier of glass pendants. All this antique magnificence was lighted by the single tallow dip which also glistened upon the honest face of Ginger. " I hope yo' berry corafolem, sah," said Gin- ger, setting down the candle and turning to depart. "No doubt of it. Wait a bit; I want you to tell me to whom this plantation belongs." " Gunnel Rutland, sah." "Been in this family long?" " A thousand years, sah." "What?" " Don't know nothen' 'bout counten' ; spec MIDNIGHT 73 it's been in de fanvly mighty long time. Gun- nel Rutland, be inigbty fine genTman, sab. Gunnel Rutland, be own ten bundred t'ousand acres — ^" " How many ?" " De biggest plantation in all Alabama, sab. Gunnel Rutland be de biggest — " " Wait a bit. Ginger. "Wbo is Miss Pink- ley?" "Missy Pinkley, sbe migbty fine lady, sab. Missy Pinkley, sbe — " " Wbat relation is sbe to Golonel Rutland ?" '' Missy Pinkley, sbe war Missy Rutland's sistab, sab. Missy Pinkley, sbe — " " Wbere is Mrs. Rutland ?" " Missy Rutland, she's daid." " Who is Miss Jaqueline ?" " Missy Jack, she's de fust 3'oung lady in de Souf, sab. When Missy Jack go to de planters' balls, and de city balls in Huntsville, she tak' all de young men away from de udder young ladies, an' mak' 'em all mad 'nuff to eat her up." " Sbe is Golonel Rutland's daughter, I sup- pose ?" " Yes, sab. Missy Jack de apple ob Gunnel Rutland's eye, sab. Gunnel Rutland don' care nuffen 'bout nobody but Missy Jack." 74 SWEET REVENGE " How about you colored people ?" " What dat, sail V " Do you like Miss Jaqueline ?" " Like Missy Jack ! Reckon de culled peo- ple do like Missy Jack. Culled people lub Missy Jack like de angel ob — " " Isn't she just a bit hot-tempered V "Reckon Missy Jack is hot-tempered, sah. Missy Jack, she got de hottest temper in de whole Souf. Missy Jack, she — " " Hold on ; explain why you all love Miss Jack when she has a hot temper and speaks to you so sharply." " Laws-a-massy, she don' mean nuffen. Missy Jack, she scol' wid de firebrand in de eye, but she won' let nobody else scol', Yo' ought to see dat gal when Mars'r Bingham — Mars'r Bin^i^ham, he de oberseer — Mars'r Bingham whip de niggers. One day Mars'r Bingham he whip me. I yelled like a killed nigger. Missy Jack, she run out wid her hair a-flying and her eyes a-shinen', and she tak' de whip out o' Mars'r Bingham's ban', an' — golly Moses ! — how she lay it on dat oberseer!" "Did he take it kindly?" "i7<3 couldn't do nuffen; ef he tech Missy Jack, Gunnel Rutland shoot him. Gunnel Rut- MIDNIGHT 75 land, he got de biggest temper, 'cept Missy Jack — ain't nobody got temper lak Missy Jack in — " " Any more Rutlands V " No, sah. Ain't dat 'nuff — all dem mighty fine people ?" " Quite enough. Now you may go, Gin- ger." Ginger departed with a frown that I should have called for more such people as the Rut- lands, and somewhat disappointed, I fancied, at not being able to impress me with the mag- nitude of the family temper. I closed the door behind him and locked it. " John Branderstane," I said, looking at the dim reflection of my body in one of the great mirrors, "had it not been for that little girl down-stairs your being would now be no more real than that image.' Never have you had so close a call, and you'll never have another so close without it being the last. But you've no time to waste. Your situation will be more critical with the rising sun than it is this min- ute. Something must be done." I went to a window. It was at the end of the building. My room was on the second story of tlie house, at no great height from 76 SWEET REVENGE the ground. I turned from the window to another facing the rear ; they were all open, for the weather was warm and sultr3^ At this second window was something which at- tracted my attention at once — a tree growing so near that I could easily step into its branches and descend to the ground. "Thank Heaven, here is an avenue of es- cape !" But my pledge. It is questionable if those moral heroes who prefer death to dishonor would choose the former if the alternative were presented as it was to me. Death in the form it awaited me certainlv looked very ugly. If I kept my word and remained till morning my identity was sure to come out. If fortune enabled me to conceal it, if the captain permitted me to go my way, I was sure to fall into the hands of my enemies. By leaving in the night I could give both the slip, and by morning be far away or so disguised that I should not be recognized if found. I might possibly reach the Union lines. I had never before broken a pledge ; but I had never before seen certain death starino- me in the face. In the ordinary affairs of life, MIDNIGHT 77 I reasoned, one should have a high standard, but in a matter of life or death— Besides, who ever heard of one carrying information in war stopping at a lie or the violation of a pledge ? Placing my foot on the sill, I was reaching for a branch of the tree without when I sud- denly stepped back into the room, sat down in a chair, and buried ni}'' face in my hands. A vision of Ethel Stanforth, sweet, gentle, in- nocent, stood before me. As a flash of lio^ht- ning will clear a murky atmosphere, my human reasoning vanished before a divine in- tuition. I could not break my pledge. Then I fell to thinking. How difficult it is, after all, to look into the future ; who knows but some new outlet may occur to- morrow ? This captain is a singular man, and no one can tell what whim may seize him next. To-day he ordered me out to be shot ; to-morrow he may send me away from my enemies with an escort to protect me. Then there is little Jaqueline. She has slipped a noose about his neck that he will not easily shake off. She may find a hiding-place for me, or an avenue which will eventually lead to safe- ty. I Avas so pleased with the probabilities I 78 SWEET KEVENGE conjured up that I got up and walked back and forth, rubbing ray hands with satisfac- tion. Fool ! stupid human fool ! The events fate had in store for me were nothing, as my fore- sight had painted. I heard a tramp of horses' hoofs coming through the gatewa}''. Going to a front win- dow and looking out, I saw two figures on horseback. It was too dark for me to distin- guish them ; though one was very small, the other seemed to be a woman, for I could see her garments fluttering. They came canter- ing down the roadway to the gallery, and must have dismounted, for soon I heard a knocking. Leaving the chamber, I went through the hall on tiptoe and stood at the head of the great staircase, listening. There were voices below, but I could not tell whose they were. I waited some time for more information, but those who were talking went into another part of the house, and I was obliged to return to my room unsatisfied. I sat down again and re- newed my musings — musings that were not of the pleasantest. I had not sat long when two men passed -tmder the window. They were talking in a MIDNIGHT 79 low tone. The voice of one was that of a white man, the other that of a negro. The negro said something which was inaudible; then the white man asked : "Which wing?" " Dar." Is not that Jaycox's voice ? It is ; there is no mistaking that harsh growl. AVhat can it mean ? Ah ! I see it all. He expects that I will elude this easy-going captain, and he Avill spread a net for the bird before it flies. Fort- unate ! If I had descended by the tree I should have dropped into his embrace. My anxiety was now more intense than ever. The cords were surel}^ drawing about me. "Nonsense!" I said to mvself; "I'm losing; my head. True, I'm in a tight place; but tight places are interesting. Men who pos- sess great presence of mind are best fitted to escape great dangers. When the cards run high the coolest wins. I propose to defeat all these conv'^erging enemies by keeping my head. I shall go to bed and get a good sleep. Then on the moiTow I shall be in shape for the fight." My resolution, together with the fatigue of 80 SWEET KEVENGE an eventful day, brought slumber sooner than might have been expected. But I soon awoke, and, having awakened, was wide awake. I sat up in bed. I could look out of the window into the tree which had invited me to descend by its branches. I thought I saw a dark object that did not belong there. The leaves were not far enough advanced to conceal, nor young enough to fully reveal any object hid- den there. The night was not one of the darkest, yet there was a little light — starlight, and no moon. " Imaginary terrors !" I muttered. " Go to sleep." I lay down, drew the sheet up, tucked it in at the back of my neck, and obeyed the com- mand I had given myself by passing back into slumber. I dreamed that I was standing under a great glass receiver, and a man was working a pump to exhaust the air. At every stroke I felt less able to breathe, till at last I was suffocating. I awoke, and was conscious of some one stuffing a cloth into my mouth. I tried to cry out, but could make no sound. Two men stood beside me, one gagging me, while the other began to tie my hands. This done, they MIDNIGHT 81 carried me, irapotently writhing, to the win- dow. " Bring them clothes, Pete," said one of the men ; " he'll give us away without 'em." It's Tom Jaycox ! I'm lost ! The man called Pete snatched my clothes and threw them out on the ground below. Then the two began the work of getting me through the window. Jaycox, who had the strength of an ox, seizing my Avrists, while the man behind pushed. They got me out into the limbs of the tree, where, if I continued to struggle, I was in danger, bound hand and foot as I was, of pounding the earth below. I made a virtue of necessity and permitted them to lower me. Once on the ground they hus- tled me to a clump of trees back of the house, where I was unbound, and, covered by the muzzles of two revolvers, forced to put on my clothes. Then they rebound my wrists and ran me behind the barn, where two horses stood ready saddled. Jaycox took me in his steel arms and tossed me on to one of them with as much ease as if I had been a bag of meal. The two men mounted the other horses and we started off, circling around back of the negro huts and under trees to a side gate 6 82 SWEET REVENGE opening on the pike. Once away from the grounds we set off at a gallop. Kidnapped ! Now I may save myself any further worry. The inevitable is before me. Before daylight I shall be a dead man. VIII ON THE PLATEAU On, on we sped, under starlight, over stony pike, steel-shod hoofs striking fire on flinty stones, snake fences writhing, trees dancing in a semicircle about those beyond. We dashed over wooden bridges ; we splashed through shallow streams ; we dipped into hollows and tilted over crests, while now and again some startled bird stretched its wings and went whirring into the forest. On my right rode Tom Jaycox, holding my bridle-rein, his ugly face turned always towards me. Every crime-moulded feature — his cold, steel eye, his knitted, overhanging brows, spoke one word: " Vengeance !" On the other side galloped a man, long, lean, hungry, grind- ing uneasily on a quid. I did not know his name, but memory brought me a picture of that same face lighted by shot-guns flashing in the night. 84 SWEET REVENGE Our breakneck speed lasted till we had put some miles between us and the plantation, then we slackened our pace and wallced our panting horses till the}^ had partl}^ recovered their wind, then struck a trot. It was imma- terial to me at what gait we moved, I thought only of my approaching end. Surely it could not be far distant. Why did it not come at once? A pistol-ball, a club — anything is enough to take a life. Then I shuddered as the thought struck me that I was to be kept for a more lingering death. We were passing between a range of hills on our left and the Cumberland plateau on our riofht when Javcox drew rein and we all came to a halt. There was a sound of horses' hoofs behind, coming at a brisk canter; but no soon- er had we stopped than the sounds ceased. Both the men listened until all was silent, then Jay cox started on. " All right, Pete," he said. " Whoever it is has either stopped or left the road." " Some un goen' home late, I reckon." We proceeded on our way, but had gone scarcely a quarter of a mile when we again heard the hoof-beats in our rear. Again we pulled up and listened. ON THE PLATEAU 85 " By gosh, Tom," said Pete, "thet beats me!" "Shet up!" Both listened, waiting to hear the sounds renewed, but as they were not we started on. For the second time the hoof-beats recom- menced, and this time a little nearer. " We must git outen this," said Jaycox. "Let's take to the hills here instead o' furder on." Turning to the right Ave passed through tim- ber, beginning a gradual ascent of the plateau. Jaycox rode ahead, holding my bridle-rein, while Pete followed, revolver in hand. Who were on the road I knew no more than my abductors, but as a drowning man will catch at a straw I cast about for some method of letting them know of our digression. Bend- ing low in the saddle, I peered through the gloom, watching for something with which to produce sound, for my gag prevented my shouting, and a shout would have brought punishment. Coming upon a flat rock, by a pressure of the knees I guided my horse over it, but it was too firmly imbedded to be moved. Soon after I encountered another, right on the edge of the trail. Digging my heels into my horse's flanks and throwing my body out of 86 SWEET KEVEXGE equilibrium I forced him to prance. A vigor- ous pull on my bridle-rein by Jaycox saved him from going over the inchne, carrying me with him. But I had accomplished my pur- pose, I heard the stone go crashing down the mountain. " You infernal dog," cried the man in the rear, " ef yer do thet agin I'll run a knife atwixt yer shoulders !" " Ef he does 't agin yer needn't trouble yer- self to stick him ; the fall ud finish him." Higher, higher, we mounted, farther from the dark plain below, upon which here and there shone a lonely light ; nearer to the patches of fleece in the heavens, and the stars looking down from above. Then came a faint light in the sky and a gray tinge over the country below. Woods, streams, fields, houses, barns, grew out of the darkness. The light broadened, there were gilded clouds in the east, the sun cast its first beams over the heights and upon the landscape below. We had reached the upper level ; w^e were on the plateau. Espying a log-house ahead, the men consult- ed, and determined to try for some breakfast. They took the gag out of my mouth, and as ON THE PLATEAU soon as I was free to speak, anxious to be at once put beyond suffering and the terrible sus- pense of an impending murder, I cried : "You dogs! you cowards! vou're ffoino^ to kill me ! ^^^hy do you delay ?" They looked at each other knowingly and grinned — a horrible, soulless grin, " D' y' reckon yer goen' to git ter heaven without payen' fo' th' damage y' done?'' snarled Jaycox, with an ugly light in his eye. "Ah, that's your game !" " We know you uns ter be as well fixed fo' property as any young man in Tennessee. An' we're goen' to hev a slice too. But yer needn't reckon thet's goen' ter save y'. Yer got ter shell out, 'n then — " His look told the rest. " Give me one shot with mv back against a tree, and I'll fight two such cowards as you." " Shet up !" snapped Jaycox, showing his teeth within a foot of my face, and with a glance like that of an angry bulldog. Then, riding up to the entrance of the hut, he shout- ed : " Hello thar !" An old woman came to the door with an iron spoon in her hand. " Wall, what's wanted ?" 88 SWEET REVENGE " Snack." "Hain't got nothen' but pone." " Got any cofiFee ?" "Coffee? D' y' reckon Abe Lincoln's goen' ter let us hev coffee away up in these moun- tings, when they hain't got none down in th' towns? I got a yarb '11 do purty wal, though." My captors dismounted, breakfasted, then arranged for a short nap, one watching Avhile the other slept. Jaycox first sprawled him- self on the ground, and was asleep in a twink- ling, while his comrade sat staring at me with, his gun ready cocked. I knew that if I made the slightest movement with a view to escape he would shoot me. Occasionally he looked impatiently at a handsome gold watch — doubt- less taken in spoil — as if anxious for the expi- ration of his hour of duty. Towards the last he nodded. I was near some low bushes and began to roll towards them. He awoke w4th a start, and, quick as a flash, brought his gun to his shoulder. " Yo' hound !" Jaycox opened his eyes, and, seeing a mur- derous look in his companion's face, and a gun right over his foot pointed at me, kicked the ON THE PLATEAU 89 weapon upward, discharging it, thus doubt- less for the time saving ray life. This finished the first watch, and Ja3"cox took his turn, admonishing me that if I tried the experiment again he would tie me up by the thumbs. I dreaded this torture, and gave him no cause to enforce it ; besides, he kept awake during his entire watch. The men having secured the needed rest, we broke our bivouac, Ja3xox loosened the horses, and his companion kept me covered with his gun while I mounted. xVs I put my foot in the stirrup I happened to glance aside and saw two horsemen approaching. In a moment I recoo:nized Buck Stanforth and Ginger. Ilow they came to be there was a mystery. I only knew they were there, and rejoiced. At seeing me Buck was about to give a shout, when he bethought himself that such a proceeding might be fatal, and regained his composure just as his presence was discovered. Ginger showed no signs of recognition whatever. I shot a quick glance at Jaycox, to see if he rec- oirnized the negro. To mv relief he did not appear to know either Buck or Ginger. " Say, yo' men," called Back, " can we get somepin to eat hyar ?*' 90 SWEET EEVENGE " Ef thar's any vittels left," said Jaycox, " What you uns doen' out this time o' day V " Oh," said Buck — I trembled lest his wits should desert him at a critical moment — " I'm taken' this nigger to his new master. He's sold." " Yer a peart 'un ter deliver a nigger ; reck- on he don't mind goen' witli yer." Buck and Ginger dismounted as we depart- ed, I was obliged to part with them without being: able to utter a word or make a sign. Still their presence gave me hope. Hope ! What could a simple negro and a boy do to rescue me from two stalwart brutes who were watching me like cats? All day we moved northward, the men rid- ing close beside me, now and again turning their ugly faces towards me with a grin of satisfaction, or a scowl when I did or said anything to displease them, often bending close to me, sickening me with their rank to- bacco-smelling: breaths or the worse odor of their unwashed bodies. We met no one. The only comfort I derived was from the natural objects of the mountains. A red fox stole away under cover, a chipmunk, fearless and free, sat on a log, looking at us curiously as ON THE PLATEAU 91 we passed. A budding wild rose brushed ray boot ; it was like the kiss of a loving companion. Even the twittering birds seemed to be offering sympathy. Towards evening, as the sun stood just above the horizon, a dull red ball, a shad- ow resting on the lower landscape, one of my captors gave a whoop. It Avas answered by a man ahead, and in a moment a dozen more started from about a camp-fire. " Got him ?" yelled the foremost of the group. " Yo' bet !"' With a cheer every man sprang for his gun. " Hold on thar !" roared Jaycox, with his bull's voice. " Don't yer be fo'gettin' we're goen' ter be paid fo' our losses fust." A man b}'^ no means as repulsive as the rest, slenderly built, with a wxak mouth, long, black hair, and a beard through which shone a tinge of color on his cheek, stepped to the front as with authority, and it was soon evident that he w\as in command. He in- quired about certain of the gang who were lurking about Huntsville. Jaycox mentioned the name " Ike," though I could not hear what he said, w^iereupon the captain turned and 92 SWEET REVENGE glanced at me. I inferred that Ike was the man who had tried to kill me, and whom I had killed for his pains. Then the captain and Jaycox went into a thicket near by, evi- dently for consultation, and were followed by the others, while I remained behind, still sit- ting on my horse, and watched by Pete, who stood on the ground, a great gaunt figure, one hand holding the bridle-rein of his horse as he nipped the grass, the other grasping a cocked revolver. He was looking at me from under his faded sombrero, his eyes peering into mine malignantly, his jaws grinding on his quid, the juice of which soiled the corners of his mouth. I could not endure to look at him, and turned towards the landscape below. The sun had set ; it was the beginning of night. Was it not the beginning for me of the eternal night? IX FIENDS It was plain to me that I was in the hands of that terrible war-time scourge of the South, the guerrilla. This band had been made up in East Tennessee, and had moved out of their original stamping-ground to get away from their old homes, and find a better field for pillage. From the Cumberland plateau they could swoop down towards Xashville, Mur- freesborough, McMinnville, Shelbyville, Fay- ette, or Huntsville, and, if chased, could easily take to the mountains, where it was difficult to follow them. On one of their forays Tom Jaycox and Pete Halliday had got wind of my whereabouts, and, with several of the gang, including the man I had shot, had gone down to look after rae. The country in and about Huntsville was too civilized for open assassi- nation, and Jaycox, after the failure of the attempt on my life, had procured my arrest 94 SWEET REVENGE as a spy. Then followed the plan to kidnap me and force me into a pa^'^ment of money before the final revenge. We bivouacked where we had met the band on the plateau, under the trees that waved above us, their sprouting leaves lighted up by our camp-fire. I lay awake the greater part of the night, watching for an opportunity to escape, but one sentry after another was placed over me, and morning came without my hav- ing made the attempt. At sunrise we moved northward as on the day before, my captors still keeping a strict watch over me. During the day Ja3'^cox pushed on in advance ; why, 1 did not know, but surmised that his going had something to do with the plan to plunder me. The mountains seemed deserted. Not a human being did we see save two women and a negro, all on horseback, travelling in the same direction as ourselves. I caught several glimpses of them, though always at a distance, and wondered how it was that " poor white trash," to which class they ap- peared to belong, could afford the attendance of a slave. When we halted for the night, which we FIENDS 95 did about five o'clock in the afternoon, the captain came up to me and told me they were going to take me to a point near my old home, Knoxville, where I would be required to sign a check for a large amount — all they could squeeze out of me ; but if there were not suffi- cient funds to my credit in the bank, I must execute papers that would enable him to con- vert property into money. If I would do as he wished he would set me free. This I knew" to be a lie ; the gang would find a pretext to murder me whether I signed the document or not. He left me sitting on the ground, leaning against a log, contemplating the horrors of my situation. If I did not pay my ransom I should be murdered ; if I paid it I should be murdered ; it was Hobson's choice. I made up my mind that I would attempt to escape, get shot, and thus end a situation that was in- flicting on me a mental torture far greater than any physical pain mortal ever endured. Casting my eyes inadvertently towards the road, I saw two women passing northward, and in another moment recognized them as those I had noticed on the march. To my sur- prise, one of them turned and rode towards us ; 96 SWEET REV^ENGE the other hesitated, started on, turned, and followed her companion. I noticed something familiar about their figures. The coarse text- ' ure of their jackets and gowns, and their un- becoming sunbonnets were out of keeping with their graceful carriage. " If these women knew," I thought, "that they w^ere entering a guerrilla camp they would be stricken with terror.'' When they reached a point a dozen yards distant they paused, the one in advance calling, in a harsh voice : " Can you uns tell us how fa' 'tis t' Tracy ?" Then, beneath the homely check bonnet, through the olive darkening of her complex- ion, under the cheap calico, I recognized Helen Stanforth. Her quadroon companion was none other than my fascinating little friend who had saved rae from the impetuous wrath of Captain Beaumont — Jaqueline Rut- land. Had a pair of angels come down from heaven and lit on my shoulders I could not have been more astonished. I rubbed my eyes, thinking that my vision deceived me ; but when I looked again there was Helen sittino: on her horse, chatting with the guerrillas as if they were ordinary persons, making common- FIENDS 97 place remarks in excellent dialect, with which a lonof residence near the mountains had made her familiar. Jaqueline remained a short distance behind her. For a while I feared that Jaqueline would betray them both, for I could see that she was trembling. But presently all terror seemed to leave her. She rode up beside Helen and began to chaff the men, at once attracting the attention of the whole band. " Yo're a likely gal," said one of them. " Git down offen that critter and stay awhile." " Couldn't think on 't." " Oh yes, y' kin." And he walked up and took hold of her bridle-rein. "Yo' Jim Canfield," cried the captain, "let that gyrl alone !" The captain advanced and invited the two visitors to alight, promising that they should be respected. Jaqueline gave him a grateful look as he helped her off her horse with far more gallantry than might have been expected from the leader of this gang of ruffians. In- deed, there was something in his bearing to make me suspect that this bandit captain — Ringold they called him, though I suspect the name was assumed — was an unworthy mem- 98 SWEET REVENGE ber of some good Southern f;unil3^ who had disgraced himself Avith his peers and become a leader of those w^ho were, hke himself, devoid of principle, but in other ways his inferiors. Jaqueline must have divined as much, for no sooner was she on terra firma than she slipped her arm through his and clung to him confid- ingly. Pete Halliday, who seemed to be the next member of the band in importance after the captain, awkwardly attempted to gain some mark of her favor, but Jaqueline, with woman's quick intuition, knew that if any one was to be relied on it Avas Ringold, and de- clined attention from any other. " Who ar' yo' ? Whar did yo' come from ? What yo' doen' hyar?" she asked, in her usual quick way. " Hain't yo' goen' t' join our boys 'n' fight fo' th' ' Bonny Blue Flag'f The captain looked a bit uncomfortable, and, as she had asked several questions to which a reply w^ould be in order, he replied to none. "Can't yo' sing the 'Bonny Blue Flag' fo' 'em, Jack ?" asked Helen. " Reckon yo'd like ter hear her," she added to the group ; " she's right smart at singen'." "Reckon," said Jack. "D' y' want ter hear 't ?" FIENDS 99 The men were too stupid, or, rather, had not the politeness, to say they did. They stood and gaped. Jack, who I could easily see, under her enforced gayety, was badly frightened, made a desperate effort and began to sing, but her voice was so thin and trembling that I thought every moment slie would break down. However, when she came to the last stanza she had regained something of confidence, and. ended the song pretty well. She had scarcely finished when we heard a picking of banjo strings. I looked up and saw a boy and a negro advancing towards us. I was not long in recognizing Buck and Ginger, the latter thrumming the instrument as he came on. "AVhars a house fo' t' git supper?" called the boy. " Dunno ; hunt yer own supper," replied one of the men. " Hain't you uns got nothen' thar V spar' ?" " Reckon ; but we hain't goen' ter spar' 't." Buck started towards the camp, and Ginger followed him. " I'm a-taken'this nigger t' Spart}^; he's sold." " Hain't y' got that nigger off en yo' hands yit ?" called Pete Halliday. 100 SWEET REVENGE Buck looked at the speaker in assumed sur- prise. " Wal, now, you uns mus' be tli' men we met yistid'y Hain't yo' got yo' man offen yo' iiands yit ?" A grin passed over the faces of the men. "Don't yer mind 'bout that man," replied Pete Halliday, " er yer'll git inter trouble." "Whar does the nigger b'long?" asked the captain. " I'm taken' him ter Sparty." " Y' don't keep him under close watch," said Pete. " Oh, he hain't no runaway nigger. He's got me in charge 's much 's I got him. He's b'longed to the fambly since befo' I was borned." By this time the travellers had reached the camp. Buck's intelligent face contrasting with the stupid look which the negro was assum- ing. The man who cooked for the band was busying himself preparing supper. With one accord the two girls took hold to help him. He at once dropped his implements and gave way, while all stood gaping at the unusual sight of two women who, unasked, were cook- ing a meal for them. Helen occupied herself FIENDS 101 over the fire and managed an iron sicillet— the only coolcing utensil in camp — as dexterously as a chef. Jack took the tin dishes that com- posed the kit and "set the table," an act hith- erto unknown at guerrilla meals. Then, when supper Avas read}-^, they insisted upon waiting on the men. No one objected to this save the captain, who, by his protest, a second time in- dicated that he had seen better days and knew something of deference to women. The meal ended, the girls insisted on wash- ing the dishes. When there was no more work to do. Jack sang out : " Clar th' way, you uus, 'n I'll give yo' a dance !" X A DANCE FOR A LIFE The proposition was received with shouts of approval. " Yo' don't mean yo' kin dance ?" "Keckon." " Good gal ! Clar th' way fo' a dance !" " Yo' nigger, tune that banjo ! 'T's lucky fo' yo' y' got 't, strings 'n' all, er we'd 'a' made strings outen yer hide." The camp was on a circular piece of hard ground so cut off from tlie sun by surrounding trees and bushes that no grass grew. The few scattered sprouts were soon cleared away ; Ginger sat down on the log which lay near by, twanged his banjo, tightening or loosening a string, and then gave a preliminary flourish. Jaqueline took off her sunbonnet, threw it a few feet away, and stepped on to the clear- ing. There was mingled fear and defiance in her face that set mv heart to fluttering. A DANCE FOR A LIFE 103 Though I did not know she was carrying- out a jDreconcerted plan, somehow it got into my head that she was about to dance for my hberty — in other Avords, for my life. The thought maddened me. An impulse seized me to throw off the mask and defy the whole band. Helen, seeing the desperate resolve expressed in my face, gave me a look, partly imploring, partl}^ commanding, that recalled me to a sense of my helplessness. Jaqueline began sailing about, keeping time to Ginger's music, moving hither and thither with uncertain steps, as a bird will flit back and forth before darting away in its flight, or as a musician will sweep his fingers over a harp before beginning his melody. Gradually the music grew quicker, and Jack, gathering confidence, forgot everything but the dance. Since the entry of the two girls into the camp I had suffered one terror after another in quick succession, and now it struck me that in case Jack succeeded in fascinating this lawless group, some of them, fired with a desire of possession, would break through all restraint. I had been wonder-struck that two defence- less mrls should dare to come anions' them. 104 SWEET EEVENGE and now I was stupefied that Jack should dance before them and that Helen should per- mit her to do so. But who shall measure the strength of woman's Aveakness? Mother Nat- ure had taught Jack and Helen their power, and they went about their work with not a tithe of the fright that possessed me. Meanwhile Jaqueline had drifted into the dance, and was whirling, bending, floating, ev- ery muscle alive Avith its especial motion. At times she would lull, poise herself for a mo- ment, then, like a fitful wind, start again with renewed fervor. At no time could there be discovered aught but delicate refinement in her movements, and now it Avas her pur- pose to attract Avithout exciting her specta- tors. Stimulated by frequent bursts of ap- plause and by the rapt attention of the men surrounding her, she found her main in- centive in a far deeper, nobler motive — feeling, as she did, the critical situation, the dread re- sponsibility for a human life resting upon her. "What a singular scene? The ring of ugly faces momentarily softened by the sight of grace and beauty ; the captain, his sharp face turninir with the dancer and following A DANCE FOK A LIFE 105 her wherever she goes ; Pete Halliday, stand- ing with folded arms, lowering from under the broad brim of his sombrero, grinding his quid ; Ginger's black face gleaming with pride at furnishing the music for his young mistress, inspiring her with his own inspired melody; little Buck, standing between two lank guer- rillas in " butternut," staring at his cousin, and forgetful of her danger in his interest in her work ; Helen Stanforth, standing apart, her strong face wearing the expression of a general who watches a cavalry charge intended to turn a position on which hangs the fate of the day. The guerrillas, not one of whom would hes- itate to slit a throat at the slightest prospect of gain, were watching the little soubrette, not only with admiration but with respect. Once during her performance one of the men applauded with a ribald remark. He was standing by the captain, who stretched his arm, brought it down with a backward stroke, and sent the man sprawling. Jaqueline saw the act and the approving looks of the out- laws, who Avere in no mood to have their sport interrupted. The color left her cheeks, but she kept right on, and the episode passed without farther consequences. 106 SWEET REVENGE At a moment when the attention of the men had become riveted upon the dancer, Plelen, who had been gradually working her way from the group towards me, came and sat down on the log behind Ginger, Avhere she was partially screened by him. Watching her opportunity, she deftly took a revolver from her pocket and concealed it in the folds of her dress. With her eyes fixed upon the group about Jack, she waited for a burst of applause, and Avhen it came, reaching back she dropped the weapon behind the log at my feet ; then, rising, rejoined the circle. I pushed the revolver under the log with the toe of my boot, then kicked dust and leaves over it. This accomplished, I breathed the most com- fortable sigh of relief I have ever drawn in my life. The whole situation seemed changed by that little dust-covered combination of bits of metal. Stooping, I shpped it into the leg of my boot, and felt that half the battle was won. At that moment the setting sun came out from behind a cloud and shot lances of light through the trees, covering the group — the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad, the refined and the vulgar — with gilded splen- A DANCE FOR A LIFE 107 dor. I saw but Jaqueline. The usual fitful- ness of lier disposition, her natural expression of careless indifference, had given place to a se- rious intensity denoting a great purpose. Pois- ing herself between two movements, the gild- ing rays shone on her forehead. Then dart- ing on her toes to another part of the ring, a quick succession of lights and shades passed over her brow — a glittering- diadem of sun- flashes. Truly God is a wonderful artist, since He can touch even a dance Avitli celestial pu- rity. Helen Stanforth turned to me. PulIinfT' her c> sunbonnet forward so as to conceal her face from the others — though the}'" were too intent on Jaqueline to notice her — she moved her lips, and though no sound came I knew she intended the word : "Go!" ISTear me was a tree ; not far from that another ; underbrush, bushes — just the cover through which to make a retreat. I could easily get down behind the log,^ crawl into the thicket, and awa3\ Now for the first time the purpose of dear little Jaqueline was full}^ ap- parent. But how could I leave these friends who bad 108 SWEET REVENGE risked so much, accomplished so much, for me ? I stood still and shook my head. Ao:ain Helen looked an order for me to ofo. " I^ot without the others," I whispered. Sittino: down on the log- so as to be nearer to me, she replied, in a low voice : "We will leave here when you are safely away. She will dance on to keep them from knowing you have gone. We have planned it so." " They will know you connived at ray escape and murder you." "Why should they? Go at once, or I shall consider you an ingrate." She looked so anxious, they had all made such a noble eifort in my behalf, that I could not find it in my heart to disappoint them. I slipped behind the tree, dropped to the ground, and wriggled like a snake through the underbrush ; then, rising, darted away. A dozen yards — fifty — a hundred. The music of Ginger's banjo dies as suddenly as the clang of a bell on a passing engine. Will one minute or five pass before I am missed ? A distant burst of applause — God bless the dear little dancer ! Before me is an open space, then a dense clump of trees. If I can reach that A DANCPJ FOR A LIFE 109 thicket I can make a quick digression, and this ma}^ throw my pursuers off my track. A confusion of yells — a bullet whistling by my ear. I reach the wood and push on through it, not daring to lose distance by digression with an enemy close behind me. My feet becoming' entanoled in a vine, I stumble and fall. A weight comes down on me, crushing the breath out of me. It is all over. Panting, bleeding, white as a ghost, I am led back to the guerrilla camp. " Shoot him !" " Gimme a rope oifen that pack-mule!" " Tie him on a critter *n' send him down the mounting !" A babel of brutal suggestions came from the different members of the band, sounding to me, stunned as I was, like final random shots at the slaughter of a " forlorn hope." Amid the clamor I saw but one sight — Helen and Jack locked in each other's arms, paraWzed with terror. "Stand back, men!" cried the captain, push- ing his way towards me. " Have y' forgot the money ?" " Stand back !" roared Halliday. " He be- longs to me 'n' Tom Jaycox. We tuk him." .110 SWEET REVENGE The captain's authorit}', thus supported, saved me from immediate death. The men who were crowding around me gave way, a cord was brought, and my wrists and ankles were securely bound. No one seemed to sus- pect that Jack's dance had anything to do with my flight, except that I had taken advantage of the relaxed vigilance to make the attempt. Having tied me, the}^ threw me to the ground, Halliday giving me a parting kick ; a man Avas deputed to watch me, and the band, accus- tomed to such episodes, left me, to turn again to what was far more interesting to them. STEALING THE GTJNS Jaquelixe once more became an object of undivided interest. The men crowded about her, staring at her, uttering exclama- tions of admiration, vainly seeking a way to do her honor. Presently they cut sap- linffs, out of which thev constructed a rude chair, decorating it with twigs, and one ill- favored bandit, to whom nature had impart- ed a spark of art, gathered Avild flowers with which to put on finishing touches. When the seat was completed, the men looked awkward- ly at Jack, and the captain, presenting the tips of his fingers, led her to her improvised throne. Helen, Avho at the first sign that I was to be temporarily spared had recovered her equanimit}" and had infused some of her restored courage into Jack, saw at once the advantage of keeping up her cousin's popu- larity. Seizing some of the flowers, she Avove 112 SWEET KEVENGE them on a framework of green twigs into a circular garland, and insisted on crowning the favorite — not Queen of May, for Ma}^ had not yet come, but queen of a month far more ap- propriate — April. Bv this time night had come on, a roarino; fire was lighted, and the guerrillas, forming a ring of which Jack was the gem, threw them- selves on the ground and listened to her chat, her songs, her stories, their lirelighted faces standing out of the gloom in grim contrast with her refined beauty. The captain, with his superior breeding, served as a link between her and his men, keeping them in check and stimulating their admiration by his own. If Jack flagged for a moment between her stories and her songs Helen was quick to suggest new ones, and occasionally both were relieved by little Buck, who Avould throw in some quaint remark typical of that peculiar creature — the American boy. So long as the songs and stories lasted there was nothing to precipitate trouble, but the en- tertainment could not go on all night, and I began to dread the moment when the girls should attempt to take their departure. Pres- ently Helen, in a firm voice, said : STEALING THE GUNS 113 " Come, it's time for us to go.'' Shouts of "No!" "A dance!" "A song!" greeted the proposition, and the guerrillas be- gan to form in groups to resist an exit. Helen, selecting the noisiest knot of men, drew a revol- ver from her pocket, and, cocking it, moved towards them with her eyes fixed upon them, calm and stead\^ Whether it Avas that they were cowed by the weapon, or admired this evidence of woman's pluck, they opened a way. The captain, seizing the opportunity, quick- ly took Jack by the hand and led her after her cousin. Once beyond the ring, he as- sisted the girls to mount, then, mounting himself, the three rode away, followed by a cheer. As for me, I breathed one long sigh of relief. " "Well, Ginger," said Buck, " reckon ef we uns 're gocn' to git to Sparty to-morrer we'll have to travel all night." " Is th' nigger taken' you to Sparty or air you taken' the nigger?" asked one of the men. " Dat ain't gwine to mak' no differ," said Ginger. " Mars' Buck 'n' 1 don' never hab no trouble. Mars' Buck, he's my mars' till I gits to de new one." Buck led his horse to the log and mounted, 114 SWEET KEVENGE giving me a significant look, as much as to say, " I won't desert you," then rode away, follow- ed by Ginger, with the remark : " Good-bye, yo' fellers; much 'bliged fo' the good time." The restraint of the girls' presence being no longer felt, the men's behavior changed in a twinkling. The captain's absence left Pete Halliday — the worst man in the gang — free to foment trouble, and he began to do so by sneering at his chief for being brought, as he expressed it, under petticoat government. There appeared to be two factions in the band — the one headed b}^ Halliday or Jaycox, the other by Captain Ringold. Halliday set about instigating the guerrillas, or, rather, his adherents, to go after Helen and Jack, and brinir them back for another dance. To make matters worse, one of the men found some ap- ple-jack, and it was not long before the gang w^ere half drunk. Meanwhile the captain re- turned, and received a hearty cursing from Halliday and his adherents. Several of them started to bring back the girls, but Ringold drew upon them and threatened to shoot them unless they returned. They staggered back, grumbling, and the captain adroitly proposed STEALING THE GUNS 115 another pull at the apple-jack. This di- verted them, and, after finishing the liquor, one after another sank into a drunken slum- ber. It. was midnight. Every member of the band was asleep, save the man who was de- puted to guard me. He was sitting on a piece of fire-wood, so placed that he could watch me across the flame. I lay on my back looking up at the stars and feather-like clouds that now and again floated across the great blue dome, — the only motion apparent, save the tree-tops bending under an occasional breeze. The fire flickered, the guard nodded, an owl in the distance gave an occasional hoot. I heard something stir in the underbrush. Glancino: aside, I saw a small light disk over a bush. It was the face of little Buck. Now, in the name of all the gods, will those devoted friends never oive over riskin"' tlieir lives in these useless attempts i What is to happen now ? I scowled an order to the boy to go away, but he paid no attention to it. Somethina: came slidins' alouii- the o^round and lodged against me. The guard heard it, start- ed, cast a quick glance at me, then about him, but, seeing nothing, relapsed into his former 116 SWEET REVENGE quietude. I felt for what had struck me, and clasped a jack-knife. Meanwhile Buck disappeared, but, soon ap- pearing again in his place, held up a carbine. He had doubtless stolen it from one of the men who slept on the edge of the circle about the lire. Again he disappeared, and I watched eagerly for his return. The guard was still awake, though nodding, but had he been more watchful he would not likely have discovered Buck, for the underbrush, both where the boy appeared to me and where it skirted the sleep- ing guerrillas, was so thick that in passing around the camp he was coraparativ^ely safe from observation. Besides, for most of the distance Buck traversed in his gun foray the guard's back was towards him. I Avatch the point where Buck's head ap- peared, expecting to see it again, but in its stead presently see two white points. Strain- ing my eyes, 1 discern the whites of two e3'es, then a black face. It is Ginger. A white hne appears directly below the e3'es, and I know Ginger is showing his teeth in a smile. He raises his arm, and, behold ! another gun. Again a white line of teeth. STEALING THE GUNS 117 and he puts the weapon down. Five, ten, fif- teen minutes elapse. Ginger holds his ground. Has he gone to sleep? No. Another five minutes, and he holds np another gun. Ah, I see ;' little Buck, with cat-like tread, is gath- ering^ in the arms. That's well ; he is far bet- ter fitted for such delicate work than a stiff old negro. This little pantomime begins to take shape in my mind, and brings anticipations of more than a fight for my own life. If I can escape, and Buck and Ginger secure sufficient arms, it may be possible for all our party to get together and make a defence. I must tell Ginger to get some ammunition. But with a guard looking straight at me it is no easy task to convey an order by signs, and that to a stupid negro. Catching sight of a small stone beside me, 1 put out my hand, yawning to conceal my intention, let it fall on the stone, and soon have it between the knuckle of my thumb and the point of my forefin- ger, as a boy holds a marble. AYatching till the guard's head is turned, looking meaningly at Ginger, I fire the stone a short distance, hoping he will understand the word " ammu- nition." His face is a blank ; it is evident 118 SWEET RliVENGE that he does not know what I mean, and there is no prospect of his getting it through his thick skull. Ginger turned away, and I knew that he was speaking to his young master ; then Buck's white face showed itself inquiringly behind the negro's black one. I looked mean- ingly at Buck, and repeated tiie motion of fir- ing. He caught my meaning, and, taking up a gun, made a motion as if ramming a cartridge, looking at me inquiringly. I indicated that he was right. He went awa\% and after a long absence came back and held up four cartridge- boxes, two in each hand. Then, putting down the boxes, he held up three fingers, and I knew that they had secured three guns. He next held up four fingers of the other hand, point- ing to the sleeping guerrillas, and I knew he proposed to get one more gun. Buck was a long while capturing the fourth gun. One of the men awoke, j'^awned, sat up, and looked into the fire ; yawned again, lay down, and was soon snoring. Then the guard got up from where he was sitting. There was a slight sound in the bushes, and he listened attentively. Then he put some wood on the tire and sat down again. He had scarcely STEALING THE GUNS 119 seated himself before Ginger held up the fourth gun. I moved slightl}^, showing ray friends by my manner that I was about to try to get away. They appeared to understand and gathered up the guns, Buck taking one and Ginger three, doing all so silently that no sound reached even me. I waited, watchino- the guard intently till he should nod. I had no expectation of his going to sleep ; I only hoped to free myself from my thongs be- fore he would discover my movement. He nodded ; I moved ; he opened his eyes ; I snored ; he nodded again ; I grasped the knife. Thoughtful Buck ! he had opened the blade. Drawing up my knees I cut the ropes that bound my ankles, then felt in my boot-leg for the revolver. I was about to cock it when I remembered that the guard would hear the click. I thought I would conceal the sound by a sneeze, but a sneeze might disturb some of the band. The owl, which had for some time been silent, hooted. It usually gave three hoots in succession. I counted — one, two, and at the third cocked mv revolver. Throuo-h my half-closed lids I cast a glance at the guard. His eyes were shut. I looked significantly at 120 SWEET REVENGE Buck and Ginger to show them that I was ready, then motioned them to go. Waiting long enough for them to put a few hundred yards between them and tlie camp, and no- ticing that the guard's eyes were still shut, I prepared to follow. Rising slowly and silently, keeping my eyes fixed on the man by the fire, raising my re- volver, and taking as good an aim as possible witli bound wrists, I stood on my feet. One step backward; then another; a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth. I had reached the bushes where Buck and Ginger had been concealed, and was about to take one more step which would secure concealment when the guard opened his eyes and looked straight at me. Surprise Avas his last emotion, my figure the last sight he ever saw. I shot him through the head, and before the report had ceased to reverberate was in the bushes. XII A DAYLIGHT ATTACK Despite the thickness of the surrounding underbrush, I made quick progress. Jumping clean over bushes, darting around trees and under low limbs, after running some two hun- dred yards from the guerrilla camp I came to a comparatively open space. Seeing a figure standins: within it, and surmisino: it to be one of my friends, I was about to call, when a woman's voice cried "Halt!" I knew that I Avas covei'ed by a weapon, and stopped short. "Are you — " " Yes ; and you ?" " Helen. This way." She darted away like a deer. I soon over- took her, and together we ran perhaps half a mile, when she began to climb an ascent lead- ing to the base of an overhanf!:ino- cliff. I saw through the gloom a large and a small figure climbing just ahead of us, and knew they were 122 SWEET REVENGE Ginger and Buck. Helen led the way up to a recess in the cliff, and I saw at once a position that we could hold against a dozen men so long as we had food and ammunition. " Hello !" It was Jack's cheery voice. " Goody ! Ain't I glad to get out o' the wil- derness !" " 7'm glad enough," I said, as soon as I could get breath to speak; "but you women — " There was no time for words. We set about rolling a big stone into a gap between two others, and as soon as it was in position had a continuous breastwork. The guerrillas were callino- to each other in the woods below, but they did not seem to know where we were. I picked up one of the guns Ginger had thrown down. Buck had one in his hands, Ginger kept one, and Helen seized the remaining one. "Where do /come in?" chirped Jack. "Here." I handed her the revolver, in which there were five loaded chambers, and told her to hold on to it, as she would doubtless need it. We all took position beliind our breast- works ready to ropel an assault, at the same time seeing to the condition of our pieces. They were cavalry carbines, all loaded and capped ready for use. A DAYLIGHT ATTACK 123 " Where are your horses ?" I asked. " Picketed down there," Helen repHed, point- ing westward, " in a thicket not far from the road." " Have you anything to eat ?" She glanced at a parcel on the ground. " I got that in a cabin. There's some corn-pone and pork." "Barely enough for one meal. Any water?" "There's some water trickling between the rocks back there." " That pone and pork means a chance, but it's a slim one." Helen set her lips ; Jack turned pale; Ginger showed no emotion whatever; while Buck re- marked that he'd be " darned if he didn't plunk one of 'em, anyway." As for m3'self, I was aghast at the terrible fate that threatened those who had so nobl}' and so bravely risked all in my behalf. " What brought you here ?" I asked, impa- tiently, of Helen. " When 3'ou were taken from our house I resolved to follow. Buck came in just as I started, and insisted on joining me. We traced you to Colonel Rutland's plantation — " 124 SWEET REVENGE " I see ; it was you I heard coming in after I went iip-stairs." " Ginger took the horses to the stable, and was returning to the house when he saw two men chmb a tree near your window and enter your room. He watched from a distance and saw them bring you out, but lie could not tell whether they were taking you away by force or assisting you to escape. Coming into tlie house, he told us what had happened. "Jack started to awaken Captain Beaumont, but I stopped her. If you had been assisted to escape this would be fatal ; besides, from what Jack had told me of the captain, I judged he would have his night's rest before starting in pursuit. I told Jack I would follow you myself, and she was wild to come Avith me. Ginger had seen you leave the plantation, and knew the direction you had taken. We sent him and Buck ahead, and they soon came near enough to you to hear your horses' hoof -beats ; then waited for us to come up. Soon after we lost track of you, but hearing something come crashing down the mountain—" " A stone." " We followed the direction of the sound. In the early morning Buck and Ginger came A DAYLIGHT ATTACK 125 upon \'ou unexpectedly. As soon as you had gone the}^ rejoined us, we shadowed you, and 3'esterday afternoon laid a plan for your es- cape." "• A wild, impracticable scheme. One cir- cumstance has led to another, each involvinsr you more deeply. My God, what a load of obligation ! We can't stay here ; we'll starve. Buck, couldn't you slip out in the darkness and find help ?" " No, siree ; I'm not goen' out o' hyar. I'm goen' t' stay 'n' fight with the rest." " But you may save all our lives." " Why don't you go, Mr. Brandystone ?" " I ? I must stay with your sister and cous- in. Besides, I'm big, and couldn't get through as easily as you." " Well, I ain't a-goen' to sneak away if I am little." " Buck}^" said Jack, "■ yo' needn't go ; I'll go myself." " You don' do nuffin like dat. Missy Jack," cried Ginger ; " deni grillers shoot y' ! Wha' mars' say ef I go back an' tell 'em de apple ob he eye go down 'mong grillers fo' to git shot, /gwine, mars'," he added to me. But bv this time there was more callinef 126 SWEET KEVENGE among the men below, a streak of light ap- peared in the east, and I did not dare let any one attempt to evade the enemy ; besides, I could now see by the lay of the land that it would be impossible. Something must have given the guerrillas an inkling of our whereabouts, for as soon as it was light we could see them standing, looking up at our position. I told every one to lie low, hoping that some of the outlaws woidd climb up to investigate, and we might pick them off. For more than an hour we remained concealed, onl}^ speaking in whispers ; then we saw the knot of men below divide, three going to the Avest, three to the east, while three began to climb towards our fortress. One remained be- low, and as the light increased I saw it was the captain. We four who were armed Avith carbines knelt behind the rocks, I to the extreme left, Helen next, then Buck behind the stone we had moved to fill the gap, with Ginger bring- ing up the right end of the line. I was an ex- cellent shot — I had long been considered one of the best in Tennessee — and it turned out that Helen was not bad. (xingcr was no shot at all. I selected the man in advance for my A DAYLIGHT ATTACK 127 especial object, designated the second for Hel- en, and gave Buck the third. They were to fire after me in the order named. Ginger was to fire at any who might be left standing. Jack had only a revolver, and I directed her to keep back. She was trembling, and in order to strengthen her bv concentrating her mind on some duty, I told her to be ready to hand us the ammunition after the first volley. The guerrillas came on, every man holding a carbine. When they had covered a third of the distance I saw that Buck was about to fire out of turn, and 1 was obliged to speak to him somewhat sharply. I think the advanc- ing men heard me, for they stopped and con- sulted. The captain, standing below, called to them to go on, and, separating so as to leave a dozen yards between each man, skirmish-fash- ion, they started again, watching eagerly for a sight of something to fire at. As they were all abreast, my order for firing would not serve. 1 gave another. '' ril take the left man, Miss Stanforth the centre. Buck the right." There was no response. All were too intent on the work before us to speak. I permitted the men to come within a hundred yards, 128 SWEET REVENGE when, taking deliberate aim with a rest, I shot my man through the heart. In another moment Helen's rifle cracked, and the centre man dropped. Buck, who was excited, fired wild, and missed altogether. Ginger lost his head completely, and did not fire at all. As Ginger's courage deserted him, Jack's came to her all of a sudden. " Why don't y' shoot. Ginger ?" she cried, with flashing e3'es. Snatching his gun and aiming it at the remaining man, who was rap- idly getting down the declivity, she sent him the rest of the way wath a limp. Two men were put out of the fight and the third disabled. " By golly !" cried Buck, " we licked 'em, didn't we ?'' I thought it best not to discourage him by telling him that this was only a preliminary skirmish, but asked Jack for the ammunition, and we all reloaded. The wounded man went back to the cap- tain, who appeared greatly agitated over the result. He was evidently surprised at the reception of his searching-party. The men who had gone to the flanks, hearing the firing, rejoined their leader, and two men who had been in the rear came forward. A DAYLIGHT ATTACK 129 Heaven preserve us ! The captain has start- ed up the slope at the head of a stormhig- party of eight men. I was appalled. We had but four guns, and after firing]: a vollev must reload before tirini^ another. We could not expect to disable more than four men at the first fire, then the re- maining four Avould be upon us before we could reload. In quick tones I gave the order : " All load ; I'll fire." With that I let drive, and dropped a man. Then, throwing down my gun, I took Helen's, and dropped another. Buck handed me his, and I dropped a third. " By jirainy !" cried Buck, exposing his head to see better, " ain't yo' a bully shot !'' Ping! went a bullet within an inch of his ear, and he ducked. " Keep down !" I cried, as the lead rattled against the rocks in front of us, and fired the fourth gun, again hitting my man, though I only " winged " him ; indeed, I believe he dropped to evade the fire. By this time the first gun had been reloaded, and I took aim at the captain. I was sure I hit him, but he came on. Taking the next gun now ready 130 SWEET EEVENGE I fired at him again, but just as I did so one of the men ste})ped in front of him and re- ceived the shot. This finished the assault. The men broke and tied, and before I could get another shot were far back towards the position from which they had started. XIII BELEAGUERED Strange that men will never learn the ter- rible advantage of a force posted on an im- pregnable position, protected by breastworks, and able to pour shot down a steep hill at an enemy. Two men, two girls, and a boy had defeated the guerrillas and sent them back to their camp. I did not fear another attack. What I dreaded was starvation ; indeed, I could see plainly that our enemies were pre- paring to carr}^ out tlie starvation plan. Sev- eral of them went in different directions, doubtless for food. One of them passed quite within range. " Tm goen' t' plunk that one," said Buck. I caught his arm and gave him a reproof which for a while, at least, caused him to re- member that I was in command. " I wish they'd attack us again," said the irrepressible boy. " I could 'a' hit that dog- 132 SWEET KEVENGE gone ' butternut ' if somep'n hadn't joggled my arm." There had been nothing to joggle the boy's arm, but I thought it best to let him keep up his pride ; it would make him more serviceable ; so I said nothing. " I aimed right at the middle of his breast," continued Buck, " but just then he jumped over a stone and I missed him." "I thought some one joggled your arm?" " Some one did. Ginger, yo' consarned old nigger, what d' yo' go joggle me fo', just as I was goen' to plunk him ?" "/didn't joggle yo', Mars' Buck." " Was it you, Ilel'n ?" " No." " Somebody did, or I'd 'a' hit him, sho !" If ever a party needed breakfast it was ours. Helen unrolled the little parcel of provisions. I directed her to serve a half ration, or, rather, half of what there was, and save the rest. She did so, handing me my portion, which I declined, but she argued that it was important for all that I should keep up my strength, and finally prevailed on me to eat my share. Jaqueline and Buck ate theirs ravenously. Each of us went to where the water was drip- BELEAGUERED 133 ping from the cleft and caught the drops in our mouths. Buck, when he had finished his breakfast, like Oliver Twist, asked for more. It made my heart ache to refuse him, but there was no alternative. One danger was dwarfed by the greater perils that surrounded us, yet it was no less important. My wound was liable to put me hors de combat at any moment. Fortunately, until my dash from the guerrilla camp, I had not been subject to any physical strain, and by that time it had healed sufficiently to pre- vent its opening — at an}" rate, it gave me no trouble. The first thing Helen asked, after a lull in the fighting, was about this wound. She insisted on dressing it for me, and I per- mitted her to do so. She wound around it a fresh bandage torn from my shirt-sleeve and was pinning it when, looking up at me, she said : "You're not the first one of our men I've assisted with bandages." Her remark cut me like a knife. It was plain that she was making this effort, incur- rins: this danger, believino' me to be a Confed- erate. " I can't understand all these troubles that 134 SWEET REVENGE surround you," she went on. "Why not ex- plain ?" " You know I'm charo;ed with beinfj in league with the Yankees." " Yes ; but your accusers are robbers and murderers. If I thought that — " She broke off with a frown, and turned away. The guerrillas built a fire, and, after cook- ing and eating breakfast, loitered about, some chatting, some playing cards, while others de- toted themselves to their wounded compan- ions, making them as comfortable as possible on beds of boughs covered with blankets. I took advantage of their inaction to learn how Buck had succeeded in delivering- his message to the scout he was to meet at Huntsville. As I could not question him before the others without giving up my secret, I drew hnii into the cleft behind us. " Buck, did you find the man I sent you to meet at Huntsville ?" "Reckon I did." " Tell me about it." " All right. As soon as I got into town I went right to the squar', 'n' stopped in front o' the hotel. I hitched my pony to a post, 'n' went inside. A man in the office said, ' Sonny, what BELEAGUERED 135 d' y' want V 'n' I said, ' I'm c^oen' up on the gal- lery,' 'n' he said, ' What fo' T 'n' I said, ' Fo' t' see the town.' Then I went up-stairs 'n' wait- ed till I heard the clock striken', 'n' counted thi'teen." " Not thirteen, Buck. Clocks don't strike thirteen." " Well, don't y' see, that clock at Huntsville 's a different kind. It struck either thi'teen or fo'teen, I couldn't tell which." "Never mind the clock. You're inventing all this. Go on." " Well, just as the clock struck, a man he came out on to the gallery. He had the dog- gonest eyes I ever saw — just like the wolf's in Red Riding-liood. At first he didn't take any notice o' me, looken' 's if he was bothered 'cause I Avas thar, 'n' he expected somebody. Then he Avatched me with those sharp eyes o' his'n, 'n' at last he said, kind o' gruff, ' 'T's a fine day, boy,' 'n' I said, said I — what was it I Avas to say ?" " ' Reckon you'i'e weather-wise, stranger.' " " Oh 3'es, I know ; but I couldn't remember 'zactl}', 'n' I said, said I, ' Reckon yo're weather- beaten, stranger.' He stood a looken' at me kind o' quar, 'n' I heard him a grunten' 136 SWEET REVENGE somep'n like, ' Guess I am beat, somehow or 'nuther.' Then he asked me somep'n "bout whether it was a rainen' at the time of the — what was that one?'' " ' The massacre." " " Oh yes, I know. And I said — what was it I said ?" " ' Bkick as night.' " "That's it; only I fo'got, 'n' said, 'Black as a doggone nigger,' and he said, ' What's the— " " ' Word.' " "'What's the word?' 'n' I took the spitball out o' my mouth 'n' handed it to him. He took it 'n' read it mighty quick. Then he looked at me and said, ' I'll be goldarned if that ain't the littlest messenger to carry such a big mes- sage I ever saw in my life ! Like attacken' a fortyfication with a how'tzer.' " " What did he do then ?" "I don' want t' tell that." " Why not ?" "Well, he must 'a' thought I was a baby.'' " Come, out with it." " He took me up and give me a kiss, rubben' my face with that hairy beard o' his'n." "Then what?" BELEAGUERED 137 "He went down -stairs in a hurry, and I didn't see him any mo'." " Good for 3'ou ! Have you kept it all a secret ?" " Haven't said a word to any one." "That's right. You've done me a great favor, and one good turn deserves another. I'm going to tell you how to cure yourself of that bad habit of using useless adjectives. H you ever get out of this, get a note-book and pencil, and every time you use one of them note it down. This will show you how often you offend, and at last you will break yourself of a very bad habit." " I'll do that, by golly !" At noon we Avere again tantalized at seeing the guerrillas eating their dinner. "I wonder what they got?" said Buck. " I reckon 't's nothen' but fat pork, anyway. Who wants to eat fat pork ?" " I wish I could get my clutches on the cap- tain," said Jack, "I'd make him give me some." "De Lord '11 feed His chil'n," remarked Ginger. " Didn' He send de ravens to Elijah ?" "Not in these mountains," put in Buck. " Ravens couldn't find an3'thing up here to feed anybody with." 138 SWEET REVENGE "Reckon dat raus' 'a' been in a land flowen' wid milk 'n' honey," supplemented Ginger. " Yo' ole fool," retorted Buck, " how could a raven carrj^ milk ?" " Don't be so smart, Buck," said Jack. " A raven could take the handle of a tin bucket in its mouth and fly with it, couldn't he?" Then Jack and Buck fell to v^'ing with each other which could invent the most remarkable fabrications about the wherewithal to satisfy their hunger. " I see a darky coming," said Jack, " v»'ith a white apron and cap, and a tra}' on his head covered with good things to eat." " That's nothen'," said Buck. " I see a roast- ed goose waddlen' up the hill with the stuiBn' tumblen' out of a hole in his breast." "Yo' little fibber, yo' don't see any such thing. I'll tell yo' what / see. I see a big table down there among the guerrillas covered with smoking beef and chicken and lamb with mint sauce running all over it, and peas and asparagus. Come, let's go and get some." She was so earnest about it that I feared she would; indeed,she started, but Helen caught and drew her back. Throwing herself into Helen's arms, she covered her face with her hands. XIV A BONTIRE DEFENCE Morning, noon, afternoon passed with no change in the situation. All my command slept during the day, and even I got two or three hours of tired nature's sweet restorer, though I Avould not close my eyes till Helen had promised not to talce hers off the guerril- las till I awoke. During the afternoon all be- ofan to suffer from huncrer, but I would not allow the scanty bit of food remaining to be eaten. Buck got over the noon meal bravely, but when supper-time came he clamored for something to eat. "Now, see hyar, Mr. Brand vstone," he ar- gued, " you just give me my shar' 'n' I won't want any mo' when the rest of yo' have yo's." " You must wait, Buck ; we shall have to fast long enough, anyway. The longer be- tween meals the lono:er we can hold out." 140 SWEET KEVENGE " All right," he said, bravely, " I can hold out as long as any of yo'." As evenino: came on a horrible thous:ht loomed up suddenly. If the night should be dark, there was nothing to prevent the guer- rillas stealing up on us unawares, and captur- ing our strono-hold. " Imust find a way out of this," I muttered, and began an examination of the face of the rock in our rear. The cleft where water drip- ped slanted upward, a narrow opening little wider than a man's body. I crawled into the crevice, and, by using hands and feet, mount- ed to the summit. I stood enchanted by the splendid view. Northward and eastward the Cumberland Mountains reared their heads, a succession of wooded crests ; westward the fair plain of Middle Tennessee ; southward. Confederate territory cut off from us by war, and setting aflame the imagination as to what was taking place in the new-born nation. An undulating horizon divided the black earth from the scarlet sky left by the setting sun. Scrambling over the uneven ground, climb- ing rocks, fighting my way through thickets, I explored every promise of outlet. There was not a possible descent. I returned to the A BONFIRE DEFENCE 141 mouth of the crevice, intending to rejoin my companions. I heard some one clambering up, and, looking down, saw Helen Stanforth. Giv- ing her my hand, I helped her to level ground. " You and I," I said, " should not be absent from the front at the same time." " Tell me," she said, fixing her e3'es on me intentl}'', " what I want to know. I have led Jaqueline, Buck, and Ginger into this trap in an attempt to save you. The least I can ex- pect is your confidence. Who are you?" Our lives depended on absolute devotion to each other. If I should tell her that I was a Southern man holding a commission in the Yankee army, that I had sent information North to enable a Union general to capture the region about her home, I should sap our main element of strength. On the other hand, I was accepting all this devotion under false pretences. The thought was maddening. Had she not been looking at me Avith her big, hon- est eyes, I believe I should have shed tears of anguish. " Miss Stanforth — Helen," I said, " who and what I am can be of no moment now Avith death staring us in the face. You and I have a mutual purpose — to save those who have 142 SWEET REVENGE been led into this peril. There is no time for explanations. I beg of you to banish for the time this secret, and think only of the work before us." She turned her eyes out to the far-distant horizon, but did not see it, intent on her own thoughts. Then, looking again at me, she said, with a burst of impulse : " To know that you are unworthy would kill me." I bowed my head to escape her gaze. When I looked again she had turned and was enter- ing the crevice. Having failed to find an outlet in our rear, we had no choice but to face our enemies. I cast my eyes over the only route open to a night surprise. On our right, not far below, w^as the bare face of a rock twenty feet hio^h, around which was no path. To the left an- other rock projected in such fashion that while an enemy climbed over it his silhouette would appear against the sky. Noticing an abun- dance of fire-wood scattered about, I resolved to build a bonfire, with a view to lighting up our enemies should they attempt to steal upon us in the night. As soon as it Avas dark enough I sent Buck and Ginger out to gather A BONFIRE DEFENCE 143 wood, and, selecting a fiat rock midway be- tween those on the flanks, scooped together some light dry stuff for kindling, and as fast as the wood was brought me put it on. When all was ready we returned to our fortress. But how light a flre^ There was not a match in the party ; indeed, the only means of ignition we possessed was a percussion-cap. I sacrificed two cartridges, and poured the pow- der they contained into a bit of paper, intend- ing to explode it with percussion-powder. Night attacks always occur just before dawn, and I felt confident that we should hear from the guerrillas, if at all, between two and three o'clock in the mornin"-. At one I awoke the command and issued our remaining ration. It was eaten ravenously, and when the last mor- sel had been consumed I told all to be ready at the slightest sound. I was going down to the unlighted fire, and in case they heard me hammering the percussion-powder they would know I had heard the enemy approaching. Then, taking Jack's revolver, I sallied forth. I passed down to my fire-wood, inspected it to see that it was all right, then went on far- ther, crawling on my stomach and listening. Noticing what in the darkness I supposed to 144 SWEET REVENGE be a log, I resolved to crawl up behind it for concealment. On reaching it I raised my head and looked down into the face of a dead man. It was the body of one of the guerrillas we had shot during the day. This uncanny object, encountered at dead of night, startled me. There was the ghastly skin, the sunken cheek, the open mouth, while the eyes were staring up at the heavens as if they saw won- ders hidden from the living. I drew back. A consciousness of the horrors that awaited us struck me like a gust of cold wind. Perhaps before morning Helen Stanforth, or Jaque- line, or little Buck, or all of us, would be Ij^ing stiff and stark like that dead guerrilla. Then a greater strength, a daring, a cun- ning never before felt welled within me. I crawled on till I came so near the guerrilla camp that I could have thrown a stone into it. They had no fire, and this in itself was suspicious. I thought I heard a voice, but it was doubtless some animal or a bird giving a note of warning to its mate. I listened, but could hear nothing which I knew to be human. At last I sat down on a rock, and began what to me seemed an endless vigil. It was, perhaps, an hour after that I heard A BONFIRE DEFENCE 145 unmistakable sounds of the guerrillas. I could see nothing, though I could hear voices, and voices at that time of night meant mischief. Darting back to my wood I set the paper of gunpowder on the rock under the dry grass, keeping a little in reserve, and got a stone ready to use for a hammer, then listened for a sign of advance. I had not long to wait. A man must have stumbled ; at any rate, I heard something which convinced me the enemy was coming, and, laying on my percussion- powder, I raised the stone and brought it down. Horror of horrors! The grass was blown away without being kindled. The last chance was gone! It was dark as pitch; not even a ray of moonlight to protect us against the coming cutthroats. Wait a bit. There are several spears of grass smouldering, a spark on the end of each. I gather them, and put tiie ember ends into the hollow of my hand, where I hold the re- serve gunpowder. A flash — a mere bit of flame no bigger than a pea ! I nurse it and put more grass with it, shove it all under the wood, and a beautiful bright flame shoots up that gladdens my heart. A joyful shout from 146 SWEET REVENGE the fort sends a pleasant thrill through every fibre in my body. Ping! A bullet within an inch of my nose. I dart away into the darkness, and in another minute am in the fortress. I had scarcely got behind the breastworks when the glare of the burning wood showed me half a dozen men dashing up to the fire, and I knew they would try to scatter it. "When I count three, fire into the crowd. One ! two ! three !" Four bullets flew at the little knot of men below. We could not see who was hit, but all turned and started down the declivity, though one man dropped before he had gone a dozen yards. We lost no time in reloading, and had a new charge ready in every piece before seeing any signs of their return. But Buck, who took more time and made more fuss about his work than all the rest together, had scarcely rammed his charge home and fixed the percussion - cap on the nipple when three men made a dash at the fire. Two of them reached it and began to kick vigorously. I took deliberate aim at one of them and shot him through the head. My gun had scarcely cracked Avhen Helen let drive at the remain- A BONFIEE DEFENCE 147 ing man. He staggered, but kept on kicking at the fire. I snatched Buck's gun and fin- ished him, dropping him on the burning brands. The third man, who had started for- ward several times and each time turned back, got out of sight as quickly as possible. "Look a' dar!" cried Ginger, pointing to the east. I turned my head, and there above the hori- zon was the faintest trace of dawn. XV WOMAN'S PLUCK After this second defeat we conld see the guerrillas gathered in a knot, evidently dis- cussing the situation. They talked so loud that we could often catcli a word, and their gesticulations were plain to us all. At last the captain took a white handkerchief from his pocket, fixed it to a stick, and, holding it over his head, advanced towards us. "A flag of truce!" we all exclaimed to- gether. " He's going to offer us something to eat I'' cried Jack. '• I knew he Avouldn't let us starve." I stepped over the breastworks to go and meet the bearer of the flag. Buck called out : " Tell him I'll take some fried chicken fo' mine." I met the captain at the spot Avhere we had built our fire. His arm was in a sling and he was very pale. Something told me that he WOMAN S PLUCK 149 did not relish the work ia which he was en- gaged. "I've come to tell you," he said, "that if ycjll surrender, the rest of yo' people can go." " What assurance have I that you will keep the terms ?" " The word of a — " He stopped. I saw that habit had led him to use an expression common among gentlemen in the South, but the word had stuck in his throat. " Captain," I said, " you are a better man than the company you keep. Satisfy me that the women, the boy, and the negro shall go free, and you are welcome to ?«■> " AVho promised to aid me V U T 55 HUNTING BIG GAME 235 " Who now begs for her brother's life at the hands of a Southern renegade?'^ " I ? Never." She sprang l)etween me and her brother — " Fire !" She stood glaring at me, beautiful in her uncompromising fury. I Avas bewildered, en- tangled in the meshes of her beauty, her re- lentless will power. Then suddenly a cold chill swept over me, as a blighting frost across a land hot Avith the rays of a tropical sun. I stood aghast at what I had done. I had re- turned her inestimable service by a miserable attempt to force her to beg for her brother's life. I had lost what hope I had cherished of a reconciliation — of winning her. I threw m}^ weapon into a corner and was striding from the room, when Captain Stanforth, freeing himself from Jack, cried : "In the name of God, what does all this mean ?" " It means. Captain Stanforth," I said, turn- ing, "that on a certain night in East Tennes- see a party of Unionists on their way north were ambushed by citizens with shot-guns. A body of Confederate cavalry came down to their assistance. You, Captain — " "It is false. I led my company to the 236 SWEET REVENGE scene you mention — not to attack, but to pro- tect." It was now ni}^ turn to stand stupefied. Had I been all these months following an error ? " I came on the ground," Captain Stan- forth continued, "just in time to witness the most diabolical sight I ever saw in the South. One incident of that terrible night I shall al- ways remember — a murder that I punished with my own hand. I saw a woman fl3'ing for protec- tion to a man who stood near her. A cowardly cur beside me fired, and she fell through her protectors arms. I drew my revolver and shot the murderer dead." " You shot the murderer ?" I had no tongue for other words. This man, dear to Helen, dear to Jack, dear to all this household, was not only innocent of the crime I had imputed to him, but was my avenger. I took one step forward and seized his hand. " Thank God !" "You have been mistaken?" " So far mistaken that had it not been for these two women I would have shot you down where you stand." I strode to the door, rushed down the path HUNTING BIG GAME 237 to the gate, mounted my horse, and, Avithout once looking- back at the gaping crowd behind me, galloped down the road after the advanc- ing army. XXIII THE UNION SAVED I CAUGHT the troops just as they were enter- ing the city. All that we could have wished for was accomplished. The whole territory- was surprised and defenceless, and a hundred miles of railroad fell into our hands. Machine- shops, rolling- -stock in abundance, telegraph, and all other paraphernalia for operating the line were among the trophies, and on the morn- ing after the capture the men who had been employed under the direction of the Confeder- ate government went to work for the United States. And now followed a rest for three months, a longer stay in one place than any I experi- enced during the w^ar. It would have been the most delightful had it not been for my es- trano-ement from Helen Stanforth. Thoufjh I was welcome at her father's house, though the family apparently became attached to me, THE UNION SAVED 239 thouoh Jack and Buck loved me as I loved them, Helen remained obdurate. In vain I sought to soften her by those attentions with which men seek to entrap a woman's heart. She would not even treat me with indifference. I was to her a renegade to the South, an un- pardonable offender. I reported the case of Captain Stanforth to the general, and secured from him a parole, which enabled him to divide his time between his father's house and the Rutland plantation with his fiancee Jaqueline, who soon nursed him back to health. Captain Beaumont was brought to Huntsviile under guard, and I interested myself in securing for him an early exchange, which, after hearing of Jack's en- gagement, he was extremely anxious to obtain. He was passed through the lines to Chatta- nooga, vowino^ that he would give his life to the Confederacy if he could find a Yankee bullet to assist him. He was too manly and chivalrous to cast the slightest blame on Jack for his disappointment. One morning I took my friends from Mr. Stanforth's — excepting Helen — into head- quarters and introduced them to the general. He was aware of our coming, and had directed 240 SWEET REVENGE that the outlaws should be brought before him at the same time. " Are these the men ?" he asked. " Yes, general," I replied. To the officer of the guard, he said, " Take them away. I clonH wish to see any more of iJiemr Jaqueline, who had heard these words once before when the}'' were applied to me, and consequently knew what they meant, turned pale. She begged the general to spare them. He shook his head. " Impossible. They are the crowning bar- barity of war." " But, general, that one," pointing to Cap- tain Ringold — "he helped us." " Ah ! I had forgotten that." Then turn- ing to Ringold : " If set at liberty, how long will you require to get out of my lines V " I will go at once." " Go ; and if you are seen about here after 'tattoo' this evening you will follow your men." The reprieved man sprang towards Jaque- line, seized her hand, and kissed it. " From this moment I am a changed man," he said to THE UNION SAVED 241 her, "and your bright eyes and kind heart have done it." In another moment he was gone. Captain Stanforth was soon exchanged, and before leaving to join his regiment was united to Jaqueline. The wedding took pkice at the Rutland plantation. The groom did me the honor to request me to act as his best man, Jaqueline doubtless having influenced his choice. I gladly accepted, lioping that, since Helen Avas to serve as first bridesmaid, our being thrown together might heal the breach between us. Ten minutes before -the cere- mony Jaqueline was strumming Ginger s ban- jo, and ten minutes after she had become a bride was standing on the rear gallery tossing presents to a crowd of blaclc people below, whose upturned faces indicated the adoration in which they held their 3'oung mistress. I was disappointed in my hope that the festivities would thaw the obdurate heart of the woman I loved. She remained cold, even when her hand was laid on my arm before and after the ceremony. Later, finding her apart from the others, I approached her. " Have you not one kind word for me ?" I asked. If) 242 SWEET kp:venge " Not one. I can respect a Northern sol- dier, not a Southern man who wears the blue." " Be it as you wish." Mounting my horse, I rode back to camp with a heavy heart. The advantages gained by our force at Shi- loh, and our own bloodless conquest of North- ern Alabama, were not vigorously followed up. The enemy withdrew to Tupelo, Mississippi, where he formed a new arm}^ which, early in the fall, marched, under the Confederate gen- eral Bragg, through Chattanooga into Ken- tucky. One morning in September orders came for us to break camp and march northward. Bragg was advancing, marching on Cincinnati or Louisville, thus compelling the abandonment of the territory we had acquired in the spring, and requiring us to hasten to the protection of the threatened cities. After making my prep- arations for the mov^e I left the command, in- tending to join it on the march, and rode over to the Stanforths' to take my leave. Jackson announced me, and I sat down in the little library I had occupied three months before, while my wound was healing, to await the ap- THE UNION SAVED 243 pearance of my friends. I was startled by the voice of Buck coming from above : "Lib, doggone 't, whar's my swearen' book? I've lost that 'swearen' book' what Major Brandystone tole me to git." A few minutes later he came into the room. As he caught sight of me his face became radiant, and, jumping into my arms, he hugged me like a young bear. Tlie others soon entered. Mr. Stanforth, who by this time had openly avowed his affection for the Union, parted from me witli regret, not unmixed with apprehension lest upon the return of the Confederates he might suffer for his attentions to our troops. Mrs. Stanforth bade me adieu with motherly affection. Little Ethel put her arms about ray neck and wondered. Buck, for the moment, in his affection for me, forgot that he was a Confederate sympathizer, and insisted on go- ing with me. Helen stood aloof, and at the last moment seemed more bitter than ever. There was a flush upon her cheek and a bright spark in her e3'es. " Good-bye," I said, putting out my hand to her. " Never to an enemy," she replied, turning awav. 244 SWEET EEVENGE There was a murmur of disa}3probation at lier act, but I did not listen to it. Turning on my heel, I left the room and the house, and in another moment was galloping away. My regiment was moving on a road leading northward and to the east of the main pike, so I was obliged to ride across country to re- join. Large armies necessarily move slowly, and although in this instance we had entered upon forced marches I knew that I had plen- ty of time. I was riding leisurely through a lonely road when I heard the sound of horse's hoofs behind me. I had become so used to be- ing hunted by my old enemies that I instinc- tively drew rein and my revolver at the same time, and, facing about, awaited the coming of friend or foe. My pursuer turned a bend in the road but a short distance from me and suddenly came in sight. " Helen Stanforth ! What in the Avorld brings you here ?" She drew rein and sat with flushed cheeks, her eyes looking anywhere except on me. Tier horse was restive, the two making a pict- ure by no means quiescent. " I am not satisfied." "With what?" THE UNION SAVED 245 " The manner of your leaving the country." "Do I take with me what does not belono- to me ?" " You are going with our enemies." I was puzzled. She knew that I was a Union officer, and that my duty lay with the departing array. Besides, to remain in the country after its reoccupation by Confeder- ate troops would be as much as my life was worth. I was more than puzzled, I was irri- tated, smarting as I was under her recent treatment. '• This is not what dissatisfies you," I said. " I spent my time rescuing a renegade." " I see no occasion for you to come after me to hurl that taunt anew. "We parted half an hour ago, I supposed never to meet again. Now you must needs — " "Were you not in the Yankee service our parting need not be — " She paused and bit her lip. I had often noticed a great show of picket- firing on the part of an enemy just before abandoning his lines. Somehow the thought gave me an inkling of what was passing in Helen's mind. I rode up close beside her, and laying my hand on her horse's neck stroked it 246 SWEET KEVENGE for a moment till I had quieted him. Mean- while my eyes were fixed on Helen's, that were glancing about wildly, as if endeavoring to find some means of retreat. Bending for- ward, without a word, I put my arms about her and drew her to me. Her head sank slowly, at last resting on the embroidered leaves that denoted my rank. " Sweetheart, I love you, and I believe you love me." There was silence, save for the running water of the creek and the chattering of the birds in the trees beside the road. The touch- ing of our lips, her heart beating against mine, stray strands of her hair falling over my wrist, the moisture in her eyes, bring a new warmth to my heart even to-day. At last she suddenly disengaged herself and, as though ashamed of her snrrender, turned her horse to move away. I caught her and held her long enough for one more embrace, one long part- ing kiss ; then I let her go. As she galloped down the road I called after her : "You forgive me for threatening your brother — for trying to compel you to beg for his lifer "No." THE UNION SAVED 247 " I'll come when the Union is saved." " When the Confederacy is acknowledged," and she shot around the bend out of sight. "I believe," I mused, as I rode on, " there is no inconsistency, no incongruity, that does not enter into the composition of woman." "We met again a 3'ear later, shortly before the battle of Chickamauofa, and aofain when Hood was marching against Thomas at Xash- ville, but it was not till after the surrender at Appomattox that she consented to a union that was to be simultaneous with the reunion of the States. One important fact has always remained a secret between me and my wife. 1 have never ventured to confess to her that during the war I performed one act of secret service. In over- hauling my papers she one day came upon a document gotten up in red and black ink in the form common in the army. " What's all this about T she asked. '' ' Gal- lant and meritorious services in the capture of Huntsville, Decatur, and Stephenson Junction.' I thought that when the Yankees surprised Huntsville you were at our house." "That?" I said, taking the paper and pre- 248 SWEET REVENGE tending to scrutinize it — "oh, that was for capturing a rebel." " What rebel ?" I hesitated, then prevaricated. " Don't you remember the scene in which your brother bore an important part V "Do you mean to call drawing your pistol on an unarmed man a gallant and meritorious act ?" "Oh, they complimented everybod\^ for ev- erything during the war. But I deserved the encomium, for I captured another rebel more rebellious than your brother " "Who was that?" I put my arras about her and kissed her. "My sweetheart." THE END By captain CHAKLES KING. CAMPAIGNING WITH CEOOK, AND STORIES OF ARMY LIFE. Post 8vo, Clotb, $1 25. A WAR-TIME WOOING. Illustrated by R. F. Zogbaum. Post 8vo, Cloth, $1 00. BETWEEN THE LINES. A Story of the War. Illus- trated by Gilbert Gaul. Post 8vo, Cloth, $1 25. CADET DAYS. A Story of West Point. Illustrated. Post Bvo, Cloth, Oruamental, $1 25. 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