EDWARD STRATEMEYER ^°^ / ^i^Z^ r -. ■■ t UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii y 00025764227 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/trailtradingpostOOstra EDWARD STRATEMEYER'S EOOKS ©to ©lorrj Sraea 5?> Volumes. Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $i. 25. UNDER DEWEY AT MANILA. UNDER OTIS IN THE PHILIPPINES. A YOUNG VOLUNTEER IN CUBA. THE CAMPAIGN OF THE JUNGLE. FIGHTING IN CUBAN WATERS. UNDER MacARTHUR IN LUZON. Sotoiers cf jFortune Scries Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.25. ON TO PEKIN. AT THE FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. UNDER THE MIKADO'S FLAG. WITH TOGO FOR JAPAN. Colonial Series Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.23. WITH WASHINGTON IN THE WEST. THE FORT IN THE WILDERNESS. MARCHING ON NIAGARA. ON THE TRAIL OF PONTIAC. AT THE FALL OF MONTREAL. TRAIL AND TRADING POST. ffitcn'can HSEat Scries Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.25. FDR THE LIBERTY OF TEXAS. WiTH TAYLOR ON THE RIO GRANDE. UNDER SCOTT IN MEXICO. ipan^merican Series Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.25. LOST ON THE ORINOCO. YOUNG EXPLORERS OF THE ISTHMUS. THE YOUNG VOLCANO EXPLORERS. YOUNG EXPLORERS OF THE AMAZON. TREASURE SEEKERS OF THE ANDES. Uabe porter Series Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.25. DAVE PORTER AT OAK HALL. DAVE PORTER'S RETURN TO SCHOOL. DAVE PORTER IN THE SOUTH SEAS. DAVE PORTER IN THE FAR NORTH. DAVE PORTER AND HIS CLASSMATES. 3Lafeeport Series Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.25. THE GUN CLUB BOYS OF LAKEPORT. THE BOAT CLUB BOYS OF LAKEPORT. THE BASEBALL BOYS OF LAKEPORT. THE FOOT BALL BOYS OF LAKEPORT. American Bogs' Biograprjtcal Series Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume $1.25. AMERICAN BOYS' LIFE OF WILLIAM McKINLEY. AMERICAN BOYS' LIFE OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Stratemerjer -popular Series T-melve Volumes. Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volumt $0.75. TWO YOUNG LUMBERMEN. Price $1.25. BETWEEN BOER AND BRITON. Price $1.25. DEFENDING HIS FLAG. Price $1.50. The battle was now on in all its fury. — Page 281. CM , Colonial Series TRAIL AND TRADING POST THE YOUNG HUNTERS OF THE OHIO Br EDWARD STRATEMEYER Author of "With Washington in the West," "American Boys' Life of William McKinley," " Old Glory Series," " Pan-American Series," "Dave Porter Series," etc. ILLUSTRATED BY J. W. KENNEDY BOSTON" LOTHEOP, LEE & SHEPARD CO. Published August, iqofi Copyright, 1906, by Lothkop, Lee & Shepard Co. All rights reserved Trail and Trading Post IRorwoc^ iprese Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass. U. S. A. PREFACE "Trail and Trading Post" is a complete story in itself, but forms the sixth and last volume of a line known under the general title of "Colonial Series." As I have mentioned before, when I started this series I had in mind to write not more than three volumes, telling of colonial times during the war between France and England for the possession of Canada and the territory bordering the Great Lakes. The first book, entitled "With Washington in the West," told of the disastrous Braddock campaign against Fort Duquesne; the second, called "March- ing on Niagara," gave many of the particulars of General Forbes's advance against the same French stronghold and likewise the particulars of the ad- vance of Generals Prideaux and Johnson against Fort Niagara; while the third volume, "At the Fall of Montreal," told of the heroic fighting of General Wolfe at Quebec, and that last contest which brought this long-drawn struggle to a close. The war with France was now over, but the VI PREFACE Indians were very bitter against the English, and in a fourth volume, called "On the Trail of Pontiac," were given the particulars of how that noted red warrior formed a conspiracy among a number of tribes to exterminate the English. The first con- spiracy failed to come to a head, but Pontiac was not disheartened, and in a fifth volume, "The Fort in the Wilderness," were related how the warriors under him laid siege to Fort Detroit and Fort Pitt, and how the English under Colonel Bouquet won the bloody battle of Bushy Run, — the last regular contest with the red men for some years to come. With the Indian struggle at an end, the English were more eager than ever to push forward to the west, to establish trading posts and settlements, and it is with this movement that the present volume con- cerns itself. The advance of the whites was watched with hatred by the Indians, who lost no opportunity to do them injury. Among those to push onward, to the fertile country bordering the Ohio River, were our old friends, the Morrises — and what they did to make our glorious country what it is to-day I leave the pages which follow to relate. In closing this series I wish to thank the many thousands who have shown their appreciation of my efforts to amuse and instruct them. In penning the PREFACE Vii volumes I have endeavored to be as accurate his- torically as possible, and I trust the perusal will do my young readers much good. Edward Stratemeyer. Independence Day, 1906. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. A Glimpse of the Past II. A Buffalo and a Bear III. Dave and the Indian IV. Taken by Surprise V. The Flight to the River VI. Back to the Fort VII. The Start for the East . VIII. The Massacre of a Pack-Train IX. Under the Cliff X. Barringford as a Scout . XI. In Which White Buffalo Appears XIL Home Once More XIII. An Old Enemy Appears XIV. A Fight with a Wolverine XV. Wolves, and a Snowstorm XVI. Saved by a Windstorm XVII. The Journey to the Trading Post XVIII. Running into a Trap XIX. The Shooting Contest XX. Another Long Journey XXI. A New Move .... XXII. A Fight among Wild Beasts . XXIII. The Rescue of the Stranger . ix page i 9 18 28 37 46 56 65 75 85 95 105 "5 125 135 145 155 164 174 184 194 204 214 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XXIV. Snowbound on the Trail .... 225 XXV. Crushing News 234 XXVI. Bv Way of the Tunnel 244 XXVII. Holding the Trading Post .... 254 XXVIII. In Which a Battering Ram Is Used . . 264 XXIX. From Enemies to Friends .... 274 XXX. For Life or Death 285 XXXI. Days of Peace — Conclusion .... 297 ILLUSTRATIONS The battle was now on in all its fury (page .287) Frontispiece PAGE. Both were now getting ready to renew the contest, 15 " I think we had better take turns watching," said Henry 49 He glanced up, saw his dire peril, and let himself drop 77 " Boka must kill both before either awakens," mur- mured the Indian 147 " A bull's-eye for Henry Morris I" 176 The old frontiersman swept through the opening . 258 Bevoir pitched headlong into the smoldering camp- fire 298 TRAIL AND TRADING POST CHAPTER I A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST "If we can only get that buffalo, Henry, it will be a feather in our cap." "Right you are, Dave. But the animal may be miles and miles away by this time. As you know, they can run a long distance when they are frightened." "Oh, yes, I know that well enough," answered Dave Morris, as he rested for a moment on the paddle he had been using. "I haven't forgotten the buffalo that once knocked our tent flat and ran away." "And I haven't forgotten how I went after him and nearly lost my life tumbling over the rocks and down the big hill," added Henry. "I can tell you, I don't want another such experience !" "Do you think the buffalo went around the head of the lake ?" "He was headed that way — the last I saw of him. 2 TRAIL AND TRADING POST Let us paddle up to the brook and go ashore. If the tracks are there we can follow them: if not, I reckon we'll have to give up the hunt and content ourselves with some small game." "You don't suppose that there any unfriendly Indians around," resumed Dave Morris, after a few minutes of silence, during which time both young hunters applied themselves to the paddles of the canoe they occupied. "I've had enough of fighting to last me for a long time to come." "There is really no telling about that, the redskins are so treacherous. Down at the fort they seem to think the district for fifty miles around is clear, but Sam Barringford told me to keep my eyes peeled — that there is no telling yet what may happen. The war is over, but Pontiac isn't dead, and neither is Moon Eye, and a lot more of the other chiefs." "Don't mention Moon Eye to me," said Dave Morris, with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "That Indian will never forgive me for escaping from him with Nell and the twins. I suppose he'd give a whole lot to get his hands on me again." "As for that, he'd like to get his hands on any of the men who fought against him and his followers. The Indians think Wait, Dave! Turn in to the shore, quick! I just saw the buffalo. He is back of the rocks over yonder !" A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST 3 The canoe was turned in the direction indicated with all possible speed. Soon it glided under some overhanging bushes, and the paddles were stowed away noiselessly. Then each of the young hunters caught up his flint-lock musket, looked to the prim- ing, to make certain that the weapon was ready for use, and stepped ashore. "As you saw him first, you lead," whispered Dave Morris to his companion, and Henry led off, with the other youth close at his heels. Both had their eyes and ears on the alert for whatever might turn up. As the old readers of this "Colonial Series" know, Dave and Henry Morris were cousins, of about the same age, who when at home lived near Will's Creek, Virginia — close to where the town of Cum- berland now stands. Dave was the only son of a widower, James Morris, who was a well-known trap- per and fur trader. Henry came of a more numer- ous family, he having an older brother Rodney and also a sister Nell, a bright miss of tender years. In the first three volumes of this series, entitled, respectively, "With Washington in the West," "Marching on Niagara," and "At the Fall of Mon- treal," I told how Dave worked for the first Presi- dent of our country when the latter was but a humble 4 TRAIL AND TRADING POST surveyor, and how the youth also served under his former employer during the memorable and disas- trous Braddock advance on Fort Duquesne — held at that time, 1755, by the French, and located where the prosperous city of Pittsburg stands to-day. This was really the opening of the fourth intercolonial war, and was followed by an attack on Fort Niagara, and then by assaults on Quebec, Montreal, and other points, in which fights both Dave and Henry took active parts, doing their duty as common soldiers to the best of their ability. With the close of the war between England and France, both of the young soldiers were glad enough to return home, which they did in company with a number of others, including Sam Barringford, a frontiersman who had been their friend through thick and thin, and also White Buffalo, an old chief of the Delawares, who was very friendly with all of the Morrises and who had done them more than one service. Previous to the war Dave's father had established a small trading post in what was then considered the "far western country." This was on the Kinotah, a small but beautiful stream flowing into the Ohio River. The trader had a good deal of trouble with a rascally Frenchman, who claimed the post as his own, and who hired a number of Indians to make A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST 5 war on Mr. Morris, and at last the post had to be abandoned. "I shall go and re-establish myself in the west," said James Morris, to his son and to his other relatives, and soon he set forth with a pack-train, as related in the fourth volume of this series, called "On the Trail of Pontiac." Dave and Henry went with him, and after a number of more or less thrill- ing adventures, the site of the post was reached. The place had been burned down, and the forest for a long distance around was a mass of blackened tree-stumps. Seeing this, the party journeyed further, presently reaching the Ohio, where a new post was established and held, despite the warlike attitude of Pontiac and many other Indian chiefs. Once the trader and his men had to retreat to Fort Pitt (formerly Fort Duquesne) for protection. A fierce fight was had with the enemy under Jean Be- voir, the rascally French trader who had caused the Morrises so much trouble, and nearly all of the enemy were killed, Bevoir himself being wounded both in the arm and the side. Pontiac's first conspiracy against the English had come to naught, but the wily Indian leader was not dismayed, and soon he plotted to fall upon many of the settlements simultaneously. What this led to has been related in detail in the fifth volume of this 6 TRAIL AND TRADING POST series, entitled "The Fort in the Wilderness." Fort Detroit was besieged and likewise Fort Pitt and many other points of lesser importance, and had it not been for the advance of an English army from the east, with victories at Bushy Run and other points, there is no doubt but that the massacre of the settlers would have been appalling. As it was, James Morris had to abandon his new trading post, and he and Flenry, with some others, reached Fort Pitt only after a desperate struggle to escape the red men. Dave, during this trouble, was at the home near Will's Creek. Here the effects of the uprising were also felt. White Buffalo, the ever-faithful friend, brought word to the Morrises, and they took their flight to Fort Cumberland just in the nick of time. During a previous winter, when the snow lay deep upon the ground, the old frontiersman, Sam Bar- ringford, had made a curious discovery. Wrapped in a bundle swinging from a tree he had found two boy babies, evidently twins. He had carried the twins to the Morris cabin, where Mrs. Morris had taken care of the babes, who, later on, were named Tom and Artie. Barringford learned through White Buffalo that a Frenchman at Detroit knew something about the twins and he determined to visit the fort, taking Dave with him. The trip brought A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST 7 to light little that was new, but the old frontiersman and the young soldier saw how Fort Detroit was besieged and had much trouble in getting away. Then, in company with Rodney Morris, the two joined the English army marching westward to relieve Fort Pitt. After the battle of Bushy Run Dave was made a prisoner by some Indians under Moon Eye and taken to a village, where, to his sur- prise, he also found the twins and Nell, they having been stolen some time previous. Watching his chances, the young soldier managed to escape in a canoe during a violent storm, taking the little twins and his cousin with him. Later he was aided by White Buffalo, and though the Indians under Moon Eye did their best to retake their captives, they were soon halted by James Morris, Rodney, Barringford, Henry, and some of the English regulars, and were forced to leave that section of the country. Dave continued on his way to Fort Pitt with his relatives and friends ; and there the whole party rested for the time being. In the meantime word was received from the east that matters had quieted down around Will's Creek, so that Joseph Morris and his wife could return to the old homestead, for which those at the fort were thankful. "I'd like to be back home myself," said Rodney. In years gone by he had been almost a cripple and 8 TRAIL AND TRADING POST the campaign against the Indians had told greatly upon him. "I think you had better start before long," his uncle had answered. "Your father will need you, and besides Nell and the twins must get back." While at Fort Pitt the Morrises and Sam Barring- ford had come in contact with Benoit Vascal, the Frenchman who knew something about the twins. They thought Vascal had stolen the children from their parents, but the Frenchman laid the blame on one Paul Camont, who had been killed by the wolves at the spot where Tom and Artie were found. Benoit Vascal said the children belonged to a Mr. Maurice Hamilton, a gentleman who had visited America to look up some land claims. It was said that Mr. Hamilton had returned to London almost a year before. A letter was sent to England, but in those days it took a long time to cross the ocean, and so far no answer had been received. It had been decided to keep Benoit Vascal a prisoner at Fort Pitt, but the wily Frenchman slipped away and left for parts unknown. CHAPTER II A BUFFALO AND A BEAR Two weeks had passed quietly at Fort Pitt when Dave suggested to Henry that they go out on a hunt for large game. In the meantime it was arranged that Rodney, Sam Barring-ford, and a number of others should journey to the east, taking little Nell and the twins with them. The start was to be made on the following Monday, and this was Thursday. "You must be very careful," said Mr. Morris, when the two young hunters set out on their quest for big game. ''Run no needless chances, and if you see any unfriendly Indians lose no time in returning to this fort." It was the middle of September — a clear, cool day, with a faint breeze blowing from the northward. Dave and Henry had set out directly after breakfast, each armed with his long flint-lock musket and his hunting knife, and each carrying a game bag with a day's rations. Both wore their old army uniforms, which were much the worse for the hard usage re- ceived. But, as Dave remarked, anything was good 9 IO TRAIL AND TRADING POST enough for the forest, where nobody was likely to see them. Three hours of tramping had brought them to a small body of water, called by the Indians Lake Kashaka. Here, drifting about, they came across an Indian canoe containing two good paddles. Without hesitation they entered the canoe and crossed the lake, where they came upon the track of several deer. They were deliberating upon whether to follow the trail or not when Henry chanced to look up the lake and see a buffalo near some rocks. The animal was gazing at them with lifted head, and almost instantly ran from sight behind some bushes. "There's our meat !" cried Henry, and dashed back to the canoe. Then he told of what he had seen, and the boys made after the game, as already described. Buffaloes were not so plentiful in this section of the country as they had been previous to the coming of the English and French hunters, and the idea of bringing down so much good meat at a single shoot- ing filled the youths with keen enthusiasm. It took the two young hunters but a few minutes to reach the spot where Henry had seen the buffalo. The game was not in sight, but the marks of his hoofs were plainly to be seen and some young and tender bushes showed where he had been browsing. "'Tis only a question of how far he had traveled," A BUFFALO AND A BEAR II said Henry, who had always been considered the best hunter among the Morris boys. "It may be only a quarter of a mile, and then again it may be six or eight miles." "Let us follow the trail, at least for awhile," an- swered Dave. "It is plain enough. He must be a pretty heavy fellow, by the depth of the marks he has left." "I imagine all full-grown buffaloes are rather heavy," answered Henry. "Come on, and do not make any more noise than is necessary. We don't want him to get scared again — if he is within hearing." The trail of the buffalo led up a small hill and then down into a bit of meadow, where the grass was thick and damp. As the youths progressed a flock of birds started up directly in front of them and presently they caught sight of three fair-sized rabbits. "Now just look at that!" cried Dave, in vexed tones. "They seem to know that we are afraid to shoot at them, for fear of disturbing the bigger game." "Puts me in mind of what Ira Sanderson once said," returned his cousin with a grin. "He argued that a fellow always saw the best game when he was out without his shooting-iron." 12 TRAIL AND TRADING POST "I reckon he was right, Henry; I've seen some fine deer when I didn't have anything to shoot with." The two young hunters now relapsed into silence, as the meadow came to an end and they entered the forest. Here there was a buffalo trail well defined, having been used by the animals for many years. The trail in general was old, but the fresh hoofmarks of the single animal that had just passed were easily followed by Henry, who was as good on a trail as the average Indian. The forest was a primeval one, with great trees stretching their branches in all directions. Mon- strous roots lay sprawled over the trail, and they had to watch out that one or the other did not take a tumble. The air was filled with the songs and cries of birds, while here and there they heard the steady tap-tap of the woodpecker at his work. They could have brought down a dozen squirrels had they felt so inclined, and not a few chipmunks also showed themselves. "That buffalo must have gone quite a way." re- marked Henry, as they came to a halt in the midst of a forest glade. "We have already covered a good mile and a half." "Don't give up yet," pleaded Dave, who had set his heart on returning to Fort Pitt with the news of laying low the bison. A BUFFALO AND A BEAR 1 3 "Oh, I'm willing enough to go on, Dave. But we have got to leave the regular trail now." "Where is the new trail ?" "Over yonder," and Henry pointed with his hand. "It seems to me he left the regular trail rather suddenly," remarked Dave, walking over to the spot indicated. "Don't you think so?" "I do." "What for?" "I don't know, excepting that something must have scared him — some rabbits in the brush, or some- thing like that." Once more the two young hunters pushed forward, the trail now leading among some rocks, where walk- ing was anything but agreeable. In some places there were sharp brambles which scratched them not a little. "Henry, that buffalo didn't come this way for nothing," whispered Dave. "Just what I think. He was scared, and scared good and proper too. I wish I knew what did it." "Can there be any other hunters around here ?" "That isn't impossible. A number of the men who were at the fort have gone away in the last few days. Some of them may be in this vicinity." "If they are I trust we shoot that buffalo first." They now reached another rise of ground, beyond 14 TRAIL AND TRADING POST which was a depression encircled by bushes and rocks. As they mounted the rise they heard a pecu- liar snort. "Listen !" whispered Henry, and held up his hand. "It's the buffalo!" answered his cousin. "And hark ! Some other animal is there !" "I think I know what it is, Dave. Be careful now and don't make any more noise." Guns to the front, they crawled up the rise and peered through the fringe of brushwood. A sight met their gaze that thrilled them to the heart. The buffalo was there, heavy-set and shaggy as to head and shoulders, and with a look of fierceness in his staring eyes. He was crouched beside a rock, and directly in front of him was a small she-bear, standing on her hind legs, and with her jaws drip- ping with blood. Behind the bear were two half- grown cubs, both whining because of wounds in their sides. To Henry's practiced eye the scene told its own story. In leaping over the rise of ground the buf- falo had come close to the den of the bear and had stepped on both of the cubs, who were probably playing around at the time. This had aroused the ire of the mother bear, and she had sprung to the rescue and bitten the buffalo in the flank. The big Both had separated, and were now getting- ready to renew the contest. — Page 15. A BUFFALO AND A BEAR 1 5 beast, unable to proceed on his flight, had turned around and struck the bear in the side. Then both had separated, and were now getting ready to renew the contest between them. The mother bear now uttered a peculiar sound, and at this the cubs retreated to a hole under some rocks, which was their home. The next instant the buffalo charged once more, hitting the bear squarely on the head and knocking her over. But as she tumbled, she caught her enemy by the neck and sank her teeth deeply into the buffalo's throat. "What a fight!" whispered Dave. "What shall we do?" "Wait — but be ready to shoot," answered Henry. "I think the buffalo will try to run for it in another minute." There was a snarl and a snort, and the buffalo did his best to throw the bear off. But the latter clung fast, in the meantime clawing rapidly with her hind feet at the bison's forequarter. Then the buffalo swung around, knocking the smaller beast against the rocks with such force that the two young hunters heard the ribs of the bear crack. She fell to the ground and the buffalo struck at her repeatedly with his hoofs. "It's all over with the bear." whispered Dave. "Hadn't we better shoot at the buffalo ?" 16 TRAIL AND TRADING POST Before Henry could reply, the bison swung around once more and made a leap which, for the instant, took him out of sight of both youths. His instinct told him of more danger in that vicinity, and he sprang up on some rocks to get a better look around. This movement brought him face to face with Dave and Henry. Crack ! It was the report of Henry's gun, and the bullet hit the bison on the side of the head, not far from the left eye. But the shot was merely a glanc- ing one and did little damage. Then Dave fired, hitting the beast in the fleshy part of the neck. The fight with the bear had left the buffalo in anything but a good humor and the two shots from the young hunters only added to his ugliness. He paused to glare at the pair and then made a savage leap towards Henry, lowering his horns as he did so. ''Look out!" screamed Dave, and Henry sprang to one side. The movement was so quick that he could not calculate on where he was going and he slipped into a hollow, his right foot going down between two heavy stones in such a fashion that his ankle was badly wrenched. The buffalo now turned upon Dave and he too leaped away. With unloaded gun he could do noth- ing, and as quickly as possible he started to put in A BUFFALO AND A BEAR 1 7 a fresh charge and fix the priming. In the mean- time the buffalo swung around once more, gave Henry and the bear another look, and then sprang for the brushwood and was out of sight in a twinkling. CHAPTER III DAVE AND THE INDIAN "He has gone!" "Shoot him, Dave, shoot him !" With frantic haste Dave fixed the priming of his flint-lock musket. But long before the weapon was ready for use the buffalo was out of sight and hearing. On the ground in the hollow lay the she-bear, giv- ing a last convulsive shudder. At the mouth of her den were the two cubs, whining plaintively, as if they understood that something had gone wrong. Henry sat on one of the rocks, with his foot still caught fast and a look of pain on his face. "What's the matter? Did the buffalo hit you?" called out his cousin, after he had looked to make certain that the bear could do no further harm. "No, but I — I hurt my ankle," panted Henry. He gave his leg a pull. "Oh ! But that hurts !" "The bear is out of it," said Dave. He came closer. "Hullo, your foot is caught. Let me help 18 DAVE AND THE INDIAN I9 you. I reckon we have seen the last of that buf- falo." "I don't know about that, Dave. We both hit him, and the bear gave him something to remember her by." "Poor beast! She certainly did what she could for her cubs. Just look at them now !" It was an affecting sight. The mother bear had passed away and both of the cubs had crawled forth from the den and were licking her face and pushing her form with their little noses. Then both began to whine once more. Neither seemed to think of running away. Dave set down his gun and helped Henry to release his caught foot. Then they took off the legging and the shoe. The ankle had begun to swell and there was a deep scratch on one side. "Can you step on it?" asked Dave, and his cousin tried to do so. He caught his breath and gave a gasp. "Like pins and needles going through my leg!" he announced. "Oh, what luck! And we didn't get the buffalo after all !" he added, rue- fully. The bear cubs now came up and one made a snap at Dave's foot while the other took up Henry's shoe and began to chew it. Seeing this, Dave drew his 20 TRAIL AND TRADING POST hunting knife and dispatched them both. Then he turned again to his cousin. "I suppose it is out of the question for you to think of walking," he said. "Not just yet," answered Henry. "Maybe I'll be able to do it in an hour or two." "Then we may as well rest right here. One com- fort, we have the bear and her cubs even if we didn't get the buffalo." "Dave, why don't you follow the trail again? That buffalo may not be far off. It won't do any good for you to sit down here by me — I can take care of myself. Only be careful that the beast doesn't corner you." "I'll do it. But I'll get you some water first," answered Dave. He had noted a spring just before coming to the bear hollow, and he walked back to it and procured some water in a gourd they carried for that purpose. With this Henry started to bathe his swollen ankle, while Dave took to the fresh trail the buffalo had made. "Don't stay away more than an hour !" called out Henry after him. "Not unless it takes a little longer to get a good chance at the buffalo," replied his cousin. The buffalo had crashed through a long stretch of DAVE AND THE INDIAN 21 brushwood where the trail could be followed with ease. Then he had taken to the old trail once more, at a point a good half-mile from where he had before left it. "He is bound for the west, that's certain," said Dave to himself. "And more than likely he will keep on until sundown. I may as well give up all hopes of bringing him down. Heigh-ho! such are the fortunes of hunting!" And he heaved a deep sigh. He kept on for quarter of a mile further, reaching a point where the trail crossed a small but clear stream of spring water. Here the bison had paused for a drink, and resting his gun against a tree, the young hunter got down on his hands and knees to do likewise. The water tasted so good that Dave took his time and drank his fill. Then he raised his head, started to rise, and looked toward the tree where he had placed his weapon. The gun was gone ! For the moment the young hunter could not be- lieve the evidence of his senses. He remained in a crouching position, wondering what he had best do. He felt that an enemy must have taken the gun, and wondered who it could be. With caution he looked around, but not a soul was in sight. 22 TRAIL AND TRADING POST It was a peculiar position to be in, and small wonder that the cold perspiration stood out upon the young hunter's forehead. He had been in peril before, among the Indians, and felt fairly- certain that a red man had gotten the better of him. What was best to do? He asked himself the question several times, his heart beating meanwhile like a trip-hammer within his breast. An enemy was surely at hand. What would be the next move- ment of the unknown? Cautiously he put his hand to his side, drew his hunting knife, and arose slowly to an upright posi- tion. Overhead the branches of the trees were tightly interlaced, making the spot rather gloomy. The stream came down between a number of rocks which were backed up by bushes and trees. Would it be best to make a dash for this shelter ? "White boy drop knife!" The unexpected command, issued in a guttural tone, came from a clump of brushwood behind Dave. The young hunter swung around, but could see no one. "White boy drop knife, or Indian shoot," were the next words spoken, and now Dave saw the barrel of his own gun pointed at his breast. "Who are you ?" he asked. DAVE AND THE INDIAN 23 "White boy drop knife, or shoot him sure!" was the only answer, and now the muzzle of the gun was shoved a little closer to the youth's breast. Looking through the brushwood, Dave made out the repulsive features of a savage and saw the wicked gleam of his black eyes. There seemed to be no help for it, and the hunting knife dropped to the ground. The Indian gave a grunt of satisfaction and then stepped into the open- ing, still, however, keeping the gun levelled at Dave's breast. He was a brawny warrior of the Senecas, arrayed in his war-paint and feathers, and he carried a tomahawk and a knife in his girdle and a bow with arrows across his shoulders. "Where white boy come from?" he asked, abruptly. "I came from Fort Pitt," answered Dave. "Why did you steal my gun ?" At the last question the red man gave a grunt that might mean anything. He looked Dave over with care and made him back away, so that he could se- cure the lad's hunting knife, which he placed beside his own. "White boy sodger, um?" went on the savage, noting the tattered uniform. "Yes, I have been a soldier," answered Dave. He 24 TRAIT, AND TRADING TOST continued to gaze at the savage. "I've seen you before. Oh, I remember now. You were with Moon Eye, right after I was captured. You had something to do with the stealing of my little cousin and the twin boys." The red man's eyes flashed, but he did not answer to this. Evidently he was pondering upon what to do next. He had come upon Dave quite unex- pectedly and had taken the gun on the impulse of the moment. "White boy alone?" he asked, after an awkward pause. "No, I have a good many friends around here," was Dave's quick reply, but he did not add that the majority of his friends were at the fort. At this the face of the warrior darkened. He allowed the gun barrel to drop and drew his toma- hawk. If others of the whites were near he thought it might be best to brain Dave on the spot, making as little noise as possible, and then get away from that vicinity. The young hunter understood the movement, and his heart leaped into his throat. He had no desire to feel the edge of the savage's stone hatchet. As the gun barrel dropped still lower he thought of the rocks and the brushwood and made a spring towards them. DAVE AND THE INDIAN 25 "Pawah!" cried the Indian, in a rage. "White boy stop!" And he made a dash after the youth. But as luck would have it one moccasin caught in a trailing vine and he pitched headlong. As he went down, the trigger of the gun struck some brush, caught fast, and the piece went off with a loud re- port. Dave imagined the gun was discharged at him- self, and fully expected to feel the sting of the bullet, perhaps in some vital portion of his body. He felt himself making a silent prayer, and as the sting did not come realized that as yet he was unharmed. He cleared the rocks at another bound, almost fell into the bushes, and ran on and on with all the speed he could command. Dave covered a good quarter of a mile before he thought of coming to a halt. He was now in the very depths of the great forest, with a heavy growth of timber on all sides of him. The way had been rough and he had stumbled twice, scratching his hand and his knee so that they smarted greatly. He was far away from the buffalo trail and also away from the stream where he had stopped for a drink. He had made a number of turns while run- ning, and could not tell in what direction he had left either the red warrior or Henry. "Here's a fine kettle of fish!" he muttered, as he 26 TRAIL AND TRADING POST stopped to catch his breath. "Everything is going wrong to-day. First we lost the buffalo, then Henry sprained his ankle, and now here am I, trying to get away from a redskin who wants to take my life and who has robbed me of my rifle and hunting knife! I wonder what will happen next?" He listened intently, but could hear nothing of his red foe, nor could he see anything to alarm him. It was more gloomy than ever under the trees, the sun having gone under a cloud. The breeze sighed mournfully through the tallest branches, and only the occasional note of a bird, or the distant bark of a fox, broke the stillness. Dave did not dare to linger long in one spot, fear- ing that the Indian might be sneaking over his trail with the slyness of a fox. He pushed forward, hop- ing to come to a series of rocks, or a deep stream, where the trail might be hidden. His search was at last rewarded. Some flat rocks appeared, forming something of a cliff. He walked over these, taking care to avoid every accumulation of dirt or trailing vines. Then, coming to the end of the stones, he leaped down into a gully, where flowed a stream of water several feet wide and more than a foot deep. He followed this stream a long distance, until it was lost among some rugged rocks, where his further progress appeared to be barred. DAVE AND THE INDIAN 27 "There — I don't think that Indian can follow me to here," he told himself. "The question is, How am I to get back to Henry without being discovered, and how are we both to get back to the fort?" CHAPTER IV TAKEN BY SURPRISE Dave's hasty flight had tired him out, and he was glad enough to sit down upon one of the rocks and rest. The cloudiness in the sky had continued, and it looked as if there might be a shower before night- fall. The young hunter was in anything but a cheerful frame of mind, and would have given a good deal to have been back at the fort once more. He was worried also about his cousin, and trusted that Henry would not fall into the hands of the Indian. At last, having gotten back his breath, he re- solved to start off once more and see if he could not locate the spot where he had left his cousin. He walked through the forest with extreme caution, often coming to a halt, to survey the surroundings and make sure that the enemy was nowhere near. Thus a full hour more was consumed, and he knew that Henry would now be growing exceedingly anxious concerning his prolonged absence. "I hope he doesn't try to follow me up," said Dave 28 TAKEN BY SURPRISE 29 to himself. "If he does it's more than likely that redskin will see him." At length, after moving in several directions, the young hunter came to a spot that looked slightly familiar to him. He made a circle of the point, and finally recognized it as the very spot he had come to with White Buffalo when he and the Indian were on the way to the fort with little Nell and the twins. "Well, I never thought I'd see this place again !" he murmured, half aloud. "I wish I had White Buffalo with me now. I'd feel a heap safer than I do." He now knew how to reach the fort, and resolved to follow that course until he should come to the point where the trail crossed that which he and Henry had taken after leaving the lake to go after the buffalo. Then he would follow up the buffalo trail to where his cousin had been left. He tramped on and on, growing bolder as he saw nothing more of his red enemy. It was well past noon, and he munched some of the rations in his game bag, washing down the hasty meal with more water from a brook. He was almost up to the spot where the fight between the buffalo and the bear had occurred when he suddenly heard the murmur of voices, conversing in the Indian language. Looking to one side of the 30 TRAIL AND TRADING POST clearing, he made out four Indians, one of whom was the fellow who had deprived him of his rifle and hunting knife. The discovery came as a shock to Dave, and once again his heart sank within him. He had presence of mind enough to leap behind some bushes, and a moment later the red men passed within three yards of him. Then he heard a cry from the Indians, fol- lowed by an exclamation from Henry. "They have found him!" thought Dave, and he was right. The four red men came upon poor Henry just as he was putting on his shoe, prepara- tory to looking for his cousin. One leaped forward, pinning the young hunter to the rocks, and in a twinkling the four had made him a prisoner and dis- armed him. "What does this mean?" demanded Henry, although he knew only too well. "Let up, I say!" But the Indians paid no attention. One carried a length of rawhide and with this they bound the young hunter's hands behind him. Then his pockets were searched, and they took from him the three shillings and sixpence he happened to be carrying. After the capture, the four Indians held a con- sultation among themselves. It was in their native tongue, so that Henry could understand next to nothing. TAKEN BY SURPRISE 3 1 "White boy come with Indians," said the red man who could speak English. He had joined his brother warriors after giving up the chase after Dave. At that moment Henry caught sight of the extra hunting knife and the rifle he knew only too well. "Dave's gun and Dave's knife !" he cried. "What have you done with him?" he asked, with a sinking heart. The Indian would not answer this question, but drew up his eyes in a peculiar fashion that caused Henry to shiver. He concluded that Dave must have been killed, although he noted with just a grain of hope that none of the warriors carried his cousin's scalp. Despite the fact that his ankle hurt him a good deal, Henry was forced to march along with the Indians, who prodded him now and then with the points of their hunting knives to make him move along faster. The course was to the northwest, to a stream known to the red men as the Mustalonack, where a small band had taken up their secret abode since the disastrous battle of Bushy Run. After what was to Henry a painful walk lasting an hour, the Mustalonack was reached, and from the bushes along the bank the Indians drew a long canoe. They made Henry enter and then got in themselves 32 TRAIL AND TRADING POST and shoved off. The course was up the stream, and two used the paddles. As the current was rather swift, the progress of the craft was necessarily slow. In moving towards the river the Indians had been on the alert for the possible appearance of white hunters or English soldiers. They knew that to stay in that neighborhood was dangerous, and they expected in a few days to move much further to the westward, perhaps even as far as the Mississippi. They were awaiting orders from their chief, who, in turn, was hoping every day to receive some wam- pum, or speech belt, from Pontiac. But though the red warriors were on the alert, their eyes were not sharp enough to catch sight of Dave, as he followed them at a safe distance. Al- though unarmed, the young hunter could not bear to think of leaving his cousin to his fate, and so he kept the party in front in sight, hoping that sooner or later he would be able to render Henry some assistance. When the Indians set off in the canoe, Dave was for the moment nonplussed, not knowing how to fol- low them. But when he saw how slowly the craft moved, he took courage, and walking through the forest along the shore, managed, although not with- out an effort, to keep them in sight until they had journeyed as far as they wished, when he saw them TAKEN BY SURPRISE 33 land on the opposite shore, pull the long canoe into the bushes, and hurry once more into the forest. To some faint-hearted persons this might have meant the end of the pursuit, but Dave was made of sterner stuff, and besides he loved his cousin too dearly to give up the hope of a rescue thus readily. He saw that the stream at this point was rather shal- low, and without hesitation pulled off his shoes and stockings, rolled up his breeches, and waded in. Fording the stream was not as easy as it looked, and more than once Dave was in danger of slipping down on the loose rocks or of having the current carry him off his feet. But he managed to reach the opposite shore of the stream in safety, and there, donning his stockings and shoes again, hurried on after the red men as before. Dave had not gone very far when he saw the un- mistakable signs of an Indian village. He slack- ened his pace and soon saw a lean and hungry- looking Indian dog coming toward him. The canine began to bark viciously and showed his teeth. Here it was that the young hunter's nerve again showed itself. He was well acquainted with the general worthlessness of the Indian curs — dogs that were not to be compared with the hunting and watch animals of the English — and picking up a sharp stone he let drive, taking the canine in the side. The 34 TRAIL AND TRADING POST dog gave a sharp yelp, turned and fled, and that was the last Dave saw of the animal. In the meantime the Indians had arrived at their temporary village, located in a dense portion of the forest, and consisting of nothing more than half a dozen dirty shelters of blankets and skins. In the center was a small clearing where a campfire smoldered, and around this lolled half a dozen Indians, while not far off were several squaws and a dozen dirty and half-clad Indian children. The coming of the four warriors with their captive produced a mild sensation, and there was a running fire of questions and answers in the native dialect, lasting some time. In the meanwhile two of the warriors bound Henry to a tree near the largest of the wigwams, and left him, for the time being, to take care of himself. The head of the tribe, Moon Eye, was away, and was not expected back until the next day at noon. This being so, the Indians decided to keep Henry where he was. He was given nothing to eat, and when he asked for a drink he was handed some dirty water that even a dog would have refused. "What do you want of me?" Henry asked, of the Indian who could speak English. "White boy wait and he shall see," answered the warrior. TAKEN BY SURPRISE 35 "Did you kill my cousin — the one who owns that rifle and the hunting knife ?" "White boy must not ask so many questions." "If you don't let me go you'll get into trouble," went on Henry, thinking he might scare the Indians into releasing him. "See how you have already suf- fered. The English have many soldiers — they can do the red men great harm." "The French have many soldiers also," answered the warrior. "Soon their army will come to the aid of Pontiac and his followers." This was a story that had often been told to the red men by the French traders, and many of the Indians believed it. But they waited in vain for help from France, or from Canada. Instead of sending help, the king of France sold his holding along the Mississippi to Spain, so that the Indians were worse off than ever. As night came on it began to rain gently, while a heavy mist filled the air. The Indians did not like this at all, and after huddling around the campfire for awhile the majority of them crawled into the wigwams and went to sleep. Two of them visited Henry, binding him more securely to the tree than ever, so that to break or slip his bonds was entirely out of the question. "White boy sleep good," said one of them, as a 36 TRAIL AND TRADING POST joke, and then both stalked over to the fire once more. But the rain and the mist were not to their liking and presently they, too, retired. Then the fire died down gradually, and the Indian village be- came as quiet as a graveyard. CHAPTER V the flight to the river "Henry!" "Dave ! How did you manage " "Hush! Don't make any noise, or the Indians may hear you. Stand still until I untie the ropes. They took my knife away from me." No more was said just then. Henry's heart gave a great bound of joy. Dave was alive and well, after all. The discovery was almost too good to be true. With dextrous fingers Dave undid the rawhide which held his cousin a prisoner. Henry was so stiff that he staggered, and Dave had to support him for the moment. "Come with me to the river — we can take to the canoe," whispered Dave into his cousin's ear. He was fearful that one of the Indians might awaken at any moment and stop their flight. "All right, Dave, but " Henry hesitated, and tried to look through the darkness and the rain. "Are you armed?" 37 38 TRAIL AND TRADING POST "No." "Neither am I — they took everything I had. We ought to try to get at least one rifle and a knife." "Yes, but the risk ?" "Is the canoe ready for use?" "Yes, — all we have to do is to jump in and shove off." "Then keep still until I take a look around. At the first sign of an alarm make for the canoe as tight as you can." Henry's wrenched ankle still pained him, but in the excitement of the occasion he paid no attention to the injury. With the wiliness of the red war- riors he was trying to outwit, he crawled forward in the darkness until he was close to one of the wig- wams. This he knew held several Indians and also his own weapons and those belonging to Dave. With bated breath the young hunter raised the dirty flap to the wigwam and tried to pierce the darkness inside. He could see next to nothing. He crawled in a little further, and his hand came in contact with an Indian's foot. He felt further, and touched the barrel of a gun. He raised the weapon and drew it towards him. One of the red men gave a deep sigh and a grunt, but did not awaken. Encouraged by his success so far, Henry crawled forward again and this time obtained the second THE FLIGHT TO THE RIVER 39 rifle, the powder horns, and also one of the hunting knives. His eyes were now becoming accustomed to the darkness, and finding a tomahawk he took that too, and then a bow and a quiver full of arrows. At that instant one of the Indians turned over, muttering in his sleep. Fearful that he was awaken- ing, the young hunter made a hasty move toward the wigwam opening. He stepped on the foot of a sleeping warrior, and the red man sat up with a start and called out in his native tongue, demanding to know what was the matter. Then, as he saw Henry dart from the shelter, he gave a war-cry that alarmed the entire camp. "Lead the way to the canoe, Dave !" cried Henry. "And here, take one of these rifles. If they press us too closely, fire !" Dave took the weapon handed to him, and side by side they rushed toward the river. Hardly had they gained the shelter of the forest when the red warriors were in full pursuit. One caught up a dy- ing brand from the fire, and swinging it in a circle soon had it burning brightly for a torch. Fortunately for the two young hunters, Dave had noted the trail to the river with care, so that he did not get mixed up, even though it was dark and misty. But Henry could not run very fast on account of his lame ankle. 40 TRAIL AND TRADING POST "I'm glad we are to — to go by way of the — the river," he gasped. "I — I can't run much further!" The Indians were yelling wildly, and one of them let fly an arrow which whizzed through the bushes at their side. Dave caught his cousin by the arm, to aid him, and an instant later another arrow flew directly between their heads. "They must see us, Henry. Come, can't you run just a bit faster?" "I'll — I'll try," gasped Henry, and gritted his teeth, so great was the pain in his ankle. The forest now came to an end, but luckily for the youths the river was bordered with thick brush- wood. Into this they dove, and in half a minute more reached the point where Dave had left the canoe in readiness for immediate flight. "It's gone!" cried the young hunter, in dismay. "The canoe?" queried his cousin. "Yes, I left it right here." "Then we are lost!" Sick at heart, they caught each other by the arm and listened. The Indians were close at hand. What was to be done ? "Let us try to trick them !" whispered Dave, and caught up a stone that was handy. He threw it into the water with a splash, and then threw another THE FLIGHT TO THE RIVER 41 stone after it. This accomplished, he drew Henry into the bushes, and both made their way down the shore for a good hundred feet, walking in shallow water to conceal the trail. The mist over the water was thicker than in the forest, and when the Indians came out on the shore they could see little or nothing, even though they swung the torch in all directions. "They leaped into the water, — I heard them," said one warrior, in the Indian language. "I heard them too," answered another. "They must be swimming for the other side." "We'll get into the canoe and look around," put in a third. They ran to where the long canoe had been left, and then uttered cries of anger at finding the craft missing. "They have taken the canoe !" " If that is so we cannot catch them — the mist will hide them from view." "Moon Eye will be angry when he finds his best canoe gone," grumbled the Indian who could speak English. "And my bow is gone too!" The Indians continued to walk up and down the river bank, looking for some trace of the two whites. They could not imagine who had come to Henry's rescue, but thought it must be somebody from Fort 42 TRAIL AND TRADING POST Pitt, and were much disturbed, thinking that some English soldiers might be in that vicinity. Meanwhile Dave and Henry remained hidden in the bushes, close to the water's edge. They caught an occasional flash from the torch, but otherwise saw nothing of their enemies. The cooling water seemed to soothe Henry's ankle greatly, for which the young hunter was grateful. "Let us go on a little further," whispered Henry, after a short rest, and while the Indians were out of sight and hearing. "The further we get away, the better." Dave was more than willing, and they moved through the shallow water until they reached a bend in the river. Then both gave a cry of satisfaction : "The canoe!" "It must have drifted to this spot," said Dave. "See, the paddles are just as I left them. But I thought the canoe was fast." "Get in and be quick about it," returned his cousin. They entered the craft and shoved out into the stream. The rain had ceased, but the mist was so thick they could scarcely see two yards in any direc- tion. Catching up the paddles, they guided the canoe down the watercourse as best they could. At first they caught a faint glimpse of the Indians' THE FLIGHT TO THE RIVER 43 torch, but this was quickly swallowed up by the mist and darkness. "I reckon we are out of it," said Dave, after quarter of an hour had passed. "And I am glad of it." He heaved a long sigh of relief. "You are not half as glad as I am," answered his cousin. "I felt pretty blue when they had me tied to the tree, I can tell you! How ever did you locate me?" "It's a long story," answered Dave, and then told of his meeting with the Indian who could speak English, and of what had happened afterward. "We can certainly count ourselves more than lucky," said Henry. "In nine cases out of ten those redskins would have killed us on the spot, and scalped us in the bargain. They are terribly bitter because Pontiac's last conspiracy failed." "I think I know why they let you live, Henry. They wanted to learn how matters stood at the fort. They'd make you tell everything, even if they had to torture you into doing it." "I reckon you are right on that point." Feeling themselves safe for the time being, the two young hunters stopped paddling and tried to gaze around them. Nothing could be seen but the mist and water, the latter rushing along with in- creased swiftness. 44 TRATL AND TRADING POST "Did they have another canoe?" asked Henry, presently. "I couldn't find any, and I looked pretty care- fully." "In that case, they won't be able to follow us very readily." "They won't know where to look for us, in this darkness, Henry. The question is, Where are we going? I know nothing of this river, do you?" "I do not, but I imagine it flows into the Alle- gheny or the Ohio." "If it will take us to the fort, that is just where we want to go." They talked the matter over, and decided to keep on the river at least for a few miles further. Then they would go ashore, make themselves as comfort- able as possible, and wait for daylight to appear. "If the sun comes out we can climb a tall tree and get the lay of the land," said Dave. "Or, I can climb it alone, since your ankle is hurt. How does it feel now?" "No worse," answered his cousin. "I think if I can keep off it for a few hours it will be all right again. But it was a pretty bad twist." "Do you notice that the river seems to be growing narrower?" said Dave, after a short spell of silence. "I have been wondering if we are not on some THE FLIGHT TO THE RIVER 45 branch," was the reply. "Anyway, it is flowing much swifter than before." "Maybe we had better turn into shore now." "I think so myself. We don't want to run into anything." They started to turn the canoe around. To their surprise the water began to boil and foam on all sides of them. Then came a grating sound from the bottom. "We just ran over a rock !" cried Dave. "Henry, this is getting dangerous !" "I think so myself, Dave. Come, we will make for the shore over yonder. Perhaps Oh !" Henry's remarks came to a sudden ending, as the canoe swept swiftly under the low-hanging branch of a big tree. The young hunter was standing up at the time, and he was carried overboard in a flash, paddle in hand. Then the canoe struck a rock, slid up along some tree-roots, and began to fill with water ! CHAPTER VI BACK TO THE FORT Henry was so taken by surprise that it was not until he found himself over his head in the river he realized what had occurred. His shoulder struck a rock, but the blow was of small moment. He came up, spluttering and still holding the paddle. "Whe — where are you, Dave ?" was his first ques- tion, as he dashed the water from his eyes. There was no answer, and in the mist and dark- ness he could see nothing. He struck out, and soon reached a spot where he could stand on the rocky bottom of the watercourse. He was under some tree-limbs, and knew that the shore must be close at hand. "I say, Dave!" he called again. "Dave!" "Henry !" was the feeble reply. The voice was sufficient for Henry to locate the canoe, and he hastened toward it. Feeling around in the utter darkness he caught hold of his cousin's knee and then his arm. 4 6 BACK TO THE FORT 47 "What's the matter ? Are you hurt ?" "I — I don't know,'' faltered Dave. "A tree-limb struck me on the head." He put up his hand. "Phew! I've got a lump on my forehead like a walnut !" Henry could feel that the canoe was filling with water, and so lifted up the guns and the powder and bullet horns. Dave was slowly recovering from the shock received. Both stood up and leaned against a thick limb above the canoe. "Let us follow the limb to shore," said Henry, and this was done, they taking everything that had been in the canoe with them. Among the jagged rocks the water swirled swiftly, and they had to pick their way with care. Close to the tree-trunk was a deep hole, and they had to circle this. At last they stood on the shore, where the rocks were backed up by brushwood and tall timber. "I fancy the canoe is done for," announced Dave. "It went up on those rocks good and hard." "Well, let us be thankful that it carried us as far as it did," answered Henry, trying to be cheerful. "We must be four or five miles from that Indian camp." "You are wet to the skin, Henry. You'll have to dry your clothes or you'll take cold." 48 TRAIL AND TRADING POST "I'll wring them out and make that do, Dave. We won't dare to light a campfire." "Not if we can find a hollow ? The mist will hide a good deal, remember." "Well, we'll see about it." Henry did not relish remaining in the wet and darkness any more than did his cousin, and both searched around until they found a spot with high rocks on two sides and a thick group of trees op- posite. To get some dry wood was the next task, and then came the problem of starting the blaze. But this was solved by Henry, who poured some loose powder on a dry rock, mixed it with some tinder, and then hammered the rock with the ramrod of his gun. Soon came a flash and a hiss, and the tinder glowed, and presently the fire flared up pleasantly enough. Around it they piled some flat stones, shutting in the light as much as possible. "Do you think we ought to pull in the canoe?" asked Dave. "The Indians may come along and see it." "It wouldn't be a bad plan," answered Henry. They soon had the battered craft out of the river. They turned it upside down, resting each end on a rock, and thus it formed for them something of a shelter in front of the fire. With the brightness of the blaze, matters appeared BACK TO THE FORT 49 to take on a more cheerful turn. Henry took off the most of his garments and dried them, and Dave did likewise, and the former also cared for his hurt ankle. The youths calculated that it was about mid- night. They did not know where they were, nor what new dangers might confront them. Each looked to his firearm, to see that it could be used if necessary, and one kept the hunting knife and the other the tomahawk in readiness. "I think we had better take turns watching," said Henry. "There is no use in both keeping awake." He took the first vigil, allowing Dave to sleep until about three o'clock. Then he turned in for a solid sleep lasting several hours. In the morning the mist and the rain cleared away. The day, however, was still gloomy, and although Dave climbed one of the tall trees at hand, he could see little or nothing by which to locate himself. "I think the fort is in that direction," he said, pointing with his hand. "But I am by no means sure." "Well, we may as well journey in that direction as any other," was Henry's reply. "I think you are right. The canoe is not fit for use, so we cannot go down the river, and may as well throw the paddles away or burn them up." At early dawn Dave had discovered a squirrel on 50 TRAIL AND TRADING POST a branch near by, and laid the game low with an arrow. This had made him do a little hunting with the bow, and he had ended by obtaining four squir- rels. These, broiled over the fire, gave them a good breakfast, washed down as it was by a drink from the river. They looked up the watercourse as far as they could, but saw no signs of the Indians. They were soon on the tramp. Knowing that Henry's ankle must still pain him, Dave let his cousin set the pace. This was somewhat slow for the frontier youths, but would have proved stiff walk- ing for anybody not used to it. The route was comparatively easy to travel, and by high noon, when they sat down to rest, they calculated that they had covered at least eight miles. "The sun is breaking through the clouds, and I am going to take another look around," said Dave, and this time Henry climbed a tree with him. A grand panorama of woods, hills, and waters was spread around them, and at a distance they saw where Fort Pitt was located, at the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. "There is the fort!" cried Dave, light-heartedly. "Henry we are almost on the direct road !" "And not an Indian in sight, so far as I can see," was the answer, as Henry's trained eye moved slowly from one direction to another. BACK TO THE FORT 5 1 "Let us go on again. I want to get back before night — if it can be done. But, of course, you'll have to set the pace," added Dave, considerately. As they journeyed along they talked over the situation, and wondered if the Indians had taken possession of the dead bear and her cubs. "I don't think they took the whole bear," said Henry. "Maybe they took the hide and the choicest of the meat." "I didn't dare to watch them too closely, for fear of being caught," said Dave. They took an almost direct course for the fort, and by the middle of the afternoon calculated that they were but two or three miles away. Nothing had come to alarm them outside of the appearance of a rattlesnake that glided from under a rock over which they were stepping. They lost no time in giving the reptile a wide berth, and on his part the rattlesnake did not attempt to molest them. "I think we'll reach Fort Pitt by sundown," said Henry. "We might do it in less time, but there is no use in hurrying." "Does the ankle still hurt?" "It doesn't hurt very much, but it feels weak. I think I'll rest all day to-morrow." "We'll have earned a rest, I'm thinking," returned Dave, with a grim smile. "Won't they open their 52 TRAIL AND TRADING POST eyes at the fort when they hear the story we have to tell !" Another mile was covered, and they had to pass around a hollow filled with thick brushwood. Henry was in advance, when he came to a sudden halt. "Here is our chance, Dave!" he whispered. "We won't have to go back empty-handed." Dave pressed to the front and took a look ahead. There, among the bushes, was a beautiful doe with a fair-sized fawn beside her. "Good !" whispered Dave, raising his rifle. "The best kind of deer meat. Which will you take, Henry?" "I'll take the doe." "All right, I'll take the fawn. It's a pity to kill such a beautiful creature, but it can't be helped. We need the meat." Both moved a little closer, to a spot where they could get a better chance at the doe and her fawn. Just as they raised their rifles the mother deer looked up and gave a sniff. The fawn followed, and both started to bound away. Bang! bang! Both guns rang out in quick succession. The fawn fell in a heap in the bushes and lay still. The doe struggled on, mortally wounded in the breast. But hardly had she gone ten feet, with Henry and Dave after her, than an old BACK TO THE FORT 53 frontiersman stepped from behind a tree, ran up, and plunged a hunting knife into her throat, bring- ing her career to an end. "Sam Barringford !" cried Dave and Henry in a breath. "Right ye air, boys," answered the old frontiers- man. "I wasn't quite quick enough fer ye, was I? Thought as how thet meat war mine fer sartin." "Were you after the doe and her fawn?" asked Henry. "Yes — been a-followin' 'em fer the last hour. They war in sight o' the fort, an' I thought I'd add to the provender by bringin' 'em low." "Well, you've had your hand in the killing," said Dave. He examined the fawn. "There's meat fit for the table of a king." "Yes, and I wish mother had it," added Henry. Sam Barringford was alone and carried only his long rifle, his horn of powder and ball, and his hunt- ing knife. As of old he was attired in a hunting shirt, with leggings, and wore his coonskin cap, with the tail trailing behind. He was surprised to learn that they had no game with them, but still more surprised when he heard the tale they had to tell. "We'll want to git back to the fort without delay," 54 TRAIL AND TRADING POST he said. "The commandant there must know about this." The doe was hung on a long pole, and Dave and Henry carried the game between them. The fawn Sam Barringford slung across the back of his neck, with the front hoofs in one hand and the rear hoofs in the other. Thus they walked as swiftly as possi- ble to the fort, where their coming was noted from a distance. "Not so bad," said James Morris, as he eyed the game. "But you have made a long stay of it." "Yes, and we might have had a bear, two cubs, and a buffalo had it not been for the Indians," re- plied Dave. "The Indians !" burst out his parent. "Do you mean to say you ran into the Indians again?" "We certainly did, — and I have been a prisoner, too," said Henry. "I might be a prisoner yet if it hadn't been for Dave." "Well, this is certainly news," said Rodney. "I thought all the Indians had cleared out." "I said all along they'd be skulkin' around," said Sam Barringford. "Don't ye remember as how I warned ye to keep your eyes peeled ? Some o' them redskins ain't a goin' to git out until they actually have to, mark me!" The news that Dave and Henry had encountered BACK TO THE FORT 55 the Indians quickly spread, and Captain Ecuyer, who was in charge of the stronghold, sent for them, that he might learn the details. They knew the captain well, and readily told him all. "I shall have to look into this," said the com- mandant of Fort Pitt. "The Indians must be cleared out of this district entirely." CHAPTER VII THE START FOR THE EAST The news that the Indians were still in that vicin- ity alarmed James Morris exceedingly, and he shook his head sadly when he remembered that it had been arranged for Rodney to start for the east with little Nell and the twins on the following Monday. "I hardly think it will be safe," said he, to Rodney. "I should not wish anything to happen to you and the others." "There are six men to go along, besides Sam Barringford," answered the young soldier who had fought so bravely at the battle of Bushy Run. "There can be only small bodies of Indians around, and they will not dare to attack us if we keep a good watch." "The Indians may unite for an attack," said Mr. Morris. "Better wait until we are certain the way is clear." And so the start for the Morris home- stead was delayed. Dave and Henry had returned to Fort Pitt on Friday night, and Saturday morning Captain 56 THE START FOR THE EAST 57 Ecuyer sent out a body of fifty regulars and six frontiersmen, to scour the vicinity for Indians. With the number went Sam Barringford and an- other old hunter, Tony Jadvvin, both of whom knew that territory well. Jadwin had been Mr. Morris's right-hand man at the trading post, and was counted an Indian trailer of extraordinary ability. "I'd like to go with them myself," said Dave, but his father demurred. Henry was glad enough to give his ankle a rest, and Rodney thought he had better reserve his strength for the trip eastward. "Oh, Henry, please don't go out among the Indians again!" cried little Nell, to her brother. "And don't you go either, Cousin Dave," she added. "We are not going just yet," said Henry, giving his sister a kiss. "Oh, I hate the Indians so!" went on the miss, with a stamp of her foot. "Not all Indians," replied Dave, with a smile. "Don't forget White Buffalo." "Oh, he is only an Indian in looks," answered Nell. "He has a white man's heart — Uncle Sam told me so." "By the way, where is White Buffalo?" asked Henry. "He has gone to visit his tribe," answered Rod- ney. "He thinks the different factions will unite 58 TRAIL AND TRADING POST now and sue for peace. Sir William Johnson is going to give them all a chance to bury the hatchet, and White Buffalo thinks it is a grand chance for his tribe to unite once more and live in peace." What Rodney said about Sir William Johnson was true. The Indian Superintendent had sent agents to all of the chiefs of the Six Nations, and also to the chiefs of the tribes along the St. Lawrence and in Canada. The Indians were to meet the Superintendent at Johnson Hall in central New York State. Many came to the conference, which began early in September and was productive of some good, although not a great deal. The Iroquois were induced to send messages to other tribes in the west, urging them to bury the hatchet, and they also sent word to the Delawares telling them not to listen to the western tribes that desired to plunge them into further bloodshed. The Senecas would not come to the conference, and they continued to kill and plunder whenever the opportunity presented itself, and the tribes from along the Mississippi did likewise. White Buffalo's tribe of Delawares con- tinued to remain split, much to the old chief's sor- row, one part aiding the English, and another part aiding the Indians, and the French who still held certain trading posts and refused to give them up. THE START FOR THE EAST 59 The regulars and frontiersmen to sally forth from Fort Pitt after the enemy, were gone four days. When they returned they announced that practically all the red men had departed either for the north or the west. They had encountered one band of fleeing men under Moon Eye and had slain two of the Indians. One regular had been shot in the arm, a wound that was painful but not serious. They had come upon the torn carcass of the bear, which the wolves had used for a feast after the Indians had cut away the hide and some choice steaks, and had found the torn body of one cub. Sam Barringford had also gotten a long-distance shot at a buffalo, probably the one followed by Dave, but the animal had gotten away from him. "I think we can make the trip eastward in safety now," said Rodney, to his uncle. "Evidently the redskins are pretty badly scared. It may be safer to make it now than later on. Besides, we don't want to wait till winter is on us." The matter was talked over at great length, and finally it was decided that the start for the east should be made at the end of a week. Rodney and Barringford were to go, taking with them Nell and the twins. A settler named Dobson was also going, along with his wife, who promised to keep an eye on Nell, Tom, and Artie. The escort was to be com- 60 TRAIT, AND TRADING POST posed of five frontiersmen, and ten regular soldiers who had received their discharge from the service, and who were anxious to get back to Annapolis, where they belonged. The party were to take with them six pack-horses, all belonging to Mr. Morris. This plan of departing for the east put Rodney in better spirits, for he wanted to see home again, not being used to being away, as were Dave and Henry. Everything was gotten in readiness and long letters were written by those left at the fort. In his letter to his brother, James Morris stated that he intended to go back to his trading post on the Ohio as soon as it seemed fairly safe to do so. and that, as agreed upon before, he would take Dave and Henry with him. "Good-bye, Rodney," said Dave, when it came time to part. "Take good care of yourself, and good care of Nell and the twins." "And you take care of yourself." answered the former cripple. "Don't start for the trading post until it is perfectly safe." When the actual parting came Nell's eyes were full of tears and she kissed her brother Henry, Uncle James, and Cousin Dave over and over again. Even the twins hated to leave the fort, where they had been general favorites since their arrival. "Tom wants to stay by the soldiers," said one. THE START FOR THE EAST 6 1 "Artie wants to stay by the soldiers, too, and by Dave !" cried the other. They were sturdy little chaps, the picture of health, and Dave and Henry could not resist giving each a toss and a hug. When the little expedition started Dave, Henry, and Mr. Morris accompanied them for several miles of the journey. Then all reached the top of a hill, and here those to remain at the fort halted. The others went on and presently a bend in the road hid them from view. "I pray to heaven that they have a safe journey home," said James Morris, with much feeling. As my old readers know, there were two roads running between Fort Pitt and the east — one the old trail used by General Braddock on his disastrous campaign and the other used by General Forbes on his march to victory. The Braddock road was now but little used, and Rodney and his friends took to the other, as being perhaps safer and easier. The advance was in regular order, half of the frontiersmen and regulars going ahead and the others keeping to the rear. In the center came the pack-horses, with Rodney and Dobson in charge. With Mrs. Dobson were Nell and the twins, who walked or rode, as suited them. In these days of fast trains, trolley cars, and auto- 62 TRAIL AND TRADING POST mobiles it is difficult to imagine what such a journey as this before the colonists meant. Instead of cover- ing thirty to sixty miles an hour they were content to cover ten to twenty miles between sunrise and sunset. The road lay over the hills and through the mountains, with mighty forests on all sides, where the ring of the woodsman's axe had scarcely been heard. Great rivers were to be crossed, and if the bridge was down or out of repair they had to find another place to cross or else stop to mend the struc- ture. Where the road lay along a mountain side the rain would sometimes cover it with mud and stones to a depth of a foot or more, making the advance extra laborious. Here and there the wind had blown a tree down over their path, and then they would have to either work their way around it, or else cut through or over it. In some spots the tree- branches were so low the horses could scarcely get under them, and here all the travelers would have to advance on foot, and see to it that none of the packs were lost. Once a pack caught on a sharp bough and tore open, scattering the contents in all directions. "Won't catch me coming out here again," grumbled Asa Dobson. "Folks out Baltimore way said I could make my fortune in them western coun- tries, but I don't see it. Them Injuns nearly killed THE START FOR THE EAST 63 me and my wife twict, and they stole my hoss, and I'm going to stay in the east after this, and work for my old master, the Earl of Chester. The Injuns can have them western countries for all o' me !" "Don't you want to be your own master and own your own plantation?" asked Rodney. "No, not if I've got to fight Injuns to keep it," answered Dobson. He was used to life around the larger towns, and the loneliness of the wilderness struck him with a peculiar terror. However the journey had its bright spots. The men in advance always secured plenty of game — deer, rabbits, squirrels, wild turkeys, and partridges — and the children often stopped to pick the wild flowers which still bloomed along the roadside. At nightfall they would go into camp beside some brook or spring of pure mountain water, and there would gather around a generous campfire, to eat the main meal of the day and make themselves at home. Dur- ing the evening hours Sam Barringford would tell the children wonderful stories of hunting, or of his army adventures while out with Dave and Henry, — tales which they listened to with much interest. "Tom is going to be a soldier when he grows up," said one of the little boys. "Artie is going to be a soldier too, and have a beautiful uniform," put in the other promptly. They 64 TRAIL AND TRADING POST spoke thus in childish fashion, little dreaming of the days to come when they would both shoulder their muskets in the War for Independence. So far they had met nobody on the road. When Sunday came they spent the day in a much-needed rest. Nell repeated to Rodney some Bible verses and tried to teach them to the twins. On Monday afternoon those in advance saw a pack-train approaching, composed of eight horses and one cart, and in charge of six frontiersmen and a trader named Packerson. "Where bound, Packerson?" asked Sam Barring- ford. "Fort Pitt," was the short reply. Packerson was a rather silent man, of few words. "Come straight through from Cumberland?" "Yes." "See any Injuns?" "Seven. Had a fight with 'em too," answered the trader. Then his train came to a halt, and the others at once surrounded him for particulars of the encounter. CHAPTER VIII THE MASSACRE OF A PACK-TRAIN Jed Packerson's story was soon told. His party had first seen the Indians while crossing a high hill where a landslide had carried down many trees of the forest to the valley below. As soon as dis- covered the red men had run for shelter. Half an hour later one of the frontiersmen had given the alarm, and the next moment a shower of arrows had fallen around them, hitting one man in the shoulder. Then two guns had been discharged and a horse had been hit in the thigh and had stampeded. The whites had returned the fire of the Indians, who, however, had kept under cover. At least one red warrior had been wounded, and then the whole party had taken themselves to parts unknown. The horse to run away was still missing and Packerson had decided to let him go rather than lose time on a trail that appeared so dangerous. The fight had occurred two days before, and the spot where the Indians had opened fire was less than sixteen miles away. This was disturbing news to 65 66 TRAIL AND TRADING POST Rodney and his friends, and after Packerson had continued on his way a council of war was held. "We'll have to be on our guard night an' day," said Sam Barringford. "The advance guard will have to spread out purty well an beat the brush thoroughly. At the first sign o' danger, whistle or fire a gun and then come to the center." The old frontiersman had been selected as a leader, and the others agreed to follow his advice. The bordermen and the regulars spread out into a regular circle around the pack-horses and those with the steeds, and Mrs. Dobson and the children were cautioned not to wander off by the roadside under any circumstances. That evening the party encamped by the side of a stream at a point where there was a good-sized open- ing in the forest. Guards were stationed on both sides of the watercourse, every man being on duty four hours during the darkness. The horses were tethered in a circle and in the center a small tent was pitched, in which Mrs. Dobson, Nell, and the twins might rest. Sam Barringford remained on guard duty from eight o'clock to midnight, his post being to the north of the camp proper, where the stream made a turn between some rocks and tall trees. The old fron- THE MASSACRE OF A PACK-TRAIN 67 tiersman was tired out by his day's tramp, but did not grumble over being compelled to keep awake. "It's got to be done, an' thet's all there are to it," he said to Rodney. "Reckon we kin sleep a week when we git to hum." "I shan't mind staying awake, when my turn comes," answered Rodney. "But I do hope the Indians won't appear. I shouldn't care so much if we were alone, but with Mrs. Dobson, Nell, and the twins it is different." The night was a fairly clear one, with countless stars showing between the drifting clouds. There was no breeze worth mentioning and the stillness, away from the somewhat restless horses, was intense. Barringford walked slowly up and down the watercourse, occasionally mounting one of the rocks to get a better look at the surroundings. His trained eyes took in a good portion of territory, and the least movement among the trees would have at- tracted his attention. He was sleepy, but he did not allow his eyes to close for an instant. He had just climbed down from the rocks for at least the tenth time, when he heard a rustle in some bushes at a distance. He listened with strained ears, at the same time dropping flat upon the ground, so that a possible enemy might not see him too readily. 68 TRAIL AND TRADING POST All became silent, and he waited patiently for several minutes. Then came the crack of a twig, as some weight pressed upon it. A moment more and a figure ran through the bushes, not towards the camp but from it. "Help!" came in a woman's voice. "Help!" "Mrs. Dobson, by ginger!" ejaculated the old frontiersman. "What's the matter with her?" The fleeing woman was some distance away, and he made after her with all possible speed. She crashed through the bushes and he came after her. "Mrs. Dobson !" he called. "What is the matter? Stop!" His cries, and those of the frantic woman, aroused the entire camp, and Dobson himself came rushing toward Barringford, followed by Rodney. The old frontiersman soon gained the immediate rear of the woman. As he did so, he heard a rush through the thickets ahead and caught a glimpse of an Indian. Then he saw another red warrior rise up from behind a rock, tomahawk in hand. This fellow made a leap for Mrs. Dobson, but before he could use his weapon, Barringford brought his long rifle into play and the Indian pitched forward, fatally wounded in the breast. The other Indian continued to run, and so did several others who could THE MASSACRE OF A PACK-TRAIN 69 be heard but not seen, and soon their footsteps died away in the distance. "Maria, what is it?" cried Asa Dobson, catching his wife by the arm. "What is it?" And he gave her a shake. Then he saw her open her eyes and stare at him. "Creation! Be you asleep?" he gasped. "Asa! Oh, save me!" she screamed. "Save me from the Indians! Don't let them scalp me!" Then she gazed around in bewilderment. "I — I thought we were at the fort and the Indians had come in after us," she faltered. "You were dreaming," said her husband. "We are on the journey to Cumberland and Bal- timore." "Yes, yes, I know; but — but " She stared around her. "I — I — where is the tent, and the horses?" "You've had a nightmare, and it did us a heap o' good," broke in Sam Barringford. "Your runnin' around has scared off some redskins, I reckon." By this time half a dozen were near. They gazed at the red warrior whom Barringford had laid low. "He is done for," said Rodney. "He is too far gone even to question him." But even as the young soldier spoke the red man raised up suddenly and flung his tomahawk squarely at Barringford. The 7