^ 97c I €&e Lifcrarp of the Ontoergitp of JBortf) Carolina Collection of il5ott| Catoltmana 6f & X)". fz> j.y 71 / CONSTITUTION OF The Evangelical Lntoaq jjjnod and Hpnigfarimg OF IJortl? Carolina. ADOPTED AUGUST 27-28, 1889. newberry, s. c. auli, & houseal, publishers. i8qo. CONSTITUTION OF The Evangelical Lutkrai] j^nod and SJini^er'iunj OF IJortli Carolina. NEWBERRY, S. C. AUI.I, & HOUSKAI,, PUBLISHERS. Adopted at the Called Session Held August 2jth arid 28th, 1889, in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Salisbury, N. C. , Rev. Chas. B. A"i?io-, Pastor. CONSTITUTION OF Ttie Evangelical Lutheran Synod • and Ministeriuiii OF NORTH CAROLINA, Adopted August 27-28, 1889. CHAPTER FIRST. OF THE SYNOD. 7.-0/ the Faith. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina confesses that the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, given by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and are the clear, only, and sufficient rule of faith; that the three General Creeds, — Apostles, the Nicene, and the Athanasian, — exhibit the faith of the Church universal, in accordance with this rule; that the unaltered Augsburg Confession is, in all its parts, in harmony with this rule of faith, and is a correct exhibi- tion of its doctrine; and that the Apology, the larger and smaller Catechisms of Luther, the Smalcald Articles, and the Formula of Concord, are a faithful development and defence of the doctrines of God's Word and of the Augsburg Confession. All her questions concerning the faith of the Church, its Ministers or Cono-resations, and the administration of the Word and Sacraments, shall be judged and decided according to this rule and these confessions. II. — Of the Membership. This Synod shall consist of such ordained Lutheran Ministers and such Lay-Delegates duly authorized to represent the congregations or charges, in unity with the faith defined in Article I, as are now in connection with it, or shall be regularly received into its connection, as hereinafter provided. III. — Of the Duties and Powers. The objects, duties, and powers of this Synod are and shall be : To maintain and perpetuate the preaching of the pure Word of God and the right administration of the Holy Sacraments; to uphold proper discipline, pro- mote good order, and foster unity of spirit, harmony of action and charity among its members; to devise and execute plans for the education and multiplication of a godly and efficient ministry; to ordain fit men to the holy office, and to suspend or depose those who dishonor it by false teaching or a wicked life; at its discretion, to receive and act on questions of doctrines, worship, duty, or discipline ; to see that the provisions of its constitu- tion, laws, agreements, and resolutions are duly observed; to examine and decide on charges regularly preferred against its members ; to prosecute the work of missions, at home and abroad; to recommend books suitable for use in public worship and pastoral instruction; to foster institutions of learning and agencies for the relief of poverty and suffering, especially among orphans and widows, and the families of disabled or deceased clergy- men; to solicit, receive, hold, and disburse funds for these and other charitable, Church and educational pur- poses ; to receive or dismiss ministers and congregations, and institutions; and to determine its connection and relations with other ecclesiastical bodies. CHAPTER SECOND. OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF FUNCTIONS AND POWERS. The exercise of the functions and powers of this Synod shall be distributed into three departments: 1. The Synod. 2; The Ministerium. 3. The District Confer- ences. 1. — Of the Synod. 1. The Synod shall consist of all the ministers in regular connection with it, together with all the lay- delegates duly authorized to represent the congregations or charges in connection with it. 2. All legislative and judicial powers shall be vested in the Synod, excepting only the examination of ques- tions touching the qualifications, ordination and recep- tion of ministers, and of charges of heresy. 3. A regular meeting of Synod shall be held once in every year, at the time and place appointed; and one- third of the ministers belonging to Synod, with the lay- delegates of the Synod, shall constitute a qxiorum. 4 Special meetings may be called, or the time and place of the regular meeting changed, by the President, at the request of one-fifth of the ministers, the other officers consenting; but nothing shall be transacted at a special meeting except the particular business for which it was called. 5. In the investigation of a charge against a minister, Synod shall have power to cite any Church member within its bounds to appear before it, and to endeavor to obtain other witnesses when the case may require it. II. — Of the Ministerium. 1. The ordained members of the Synod shall consti- tute the Ministerium. • 2. To the Ministerium shall belong the duty of ex- amining the qualifications of applicants for reception or ordination, and charges of heresy in doctrine: but no other business shall be transacted by the Ministerium, except such as the Synod may refer to it. But this shall not be so construed as to prevent it from holding a colloquium at any time. 3. The Ministerium shall hold its sessions in connec- tion with the annual meeting of the Synod: Special meetings are subject to the same regulations as for the meetings of Synod; and one-third of the ministers belonging to the Synod shall constitute a quorum. 4. At each annual meeting of the Synod the first regular session of the Ministerium shall be called when the committee to examine applicants for ordination or admission into the Synod is prepared to report. Other sessions during the annual meeting of Synod, may be called by the President, or as otherwise determined, according to necessity. 177. — Of the District Conferences. 1. The District Conferences shall consist of the ministers of this Synod, located within a given territory, as from time to time determined by Synod, together with a duly accredited lay-delegate from each pastorate within the aforesaid territory. 2. Every minister belonging to the Synod, residing within the bounds of a Conference, shall by virtue of these facts belong to that Conference : and if any por- tion of a charge is hot within the boundary lines of a Conference District, the place at which the pastor resides shall determine to which Conference he and his pastorate belong. 3. Each Conference shall meet at least twice in each year, and as much oftener as circumstances may require; and one-third of the ministers belonging to a Conference, together with the lay-delegates present, shall constitute a quorum. » i. Special meetings may be called by the President of Synod, the President of Conference, or as may be other- wise determined by Conference itself. 5. The work and office of the District Conferences shall be, to give attention to the local interests of the Churches within their bounds; to assist in carrying out the regulations and resolves of Synod; to constitute new charges and aid in the supply of vacant congregations with the means of grace ; to examine and decide in cases of discipline and of appeals from decisions of Church Councils; to consider and look after Mission Fields, and recommend to the Board of Missions points of impor- tance or in need of aid; to consider and discuss theologi- cal, exegetical, pastoral and practical questions for instruction and edification; and to attend to such other duties within their territories as may be assigned to them from time to time by Synod. 0. Each Conference shall at its first regular meeting after the Annual Convention of Synod elect a President, whose duties shall be such as pertain to the office of chairman of a deliberative body. 7. In recommendations to vacant congregations or charges, or in cases of trouble in congregation or charge, requiring official attention, the President of Conference shall give his assistance and advice, but he shall first confer with the President of Synod. 8. The President of each Conference shall make a written report of all his official acts, with an abstract of the proceedings of Conference, stating also the condition and wants of the Church within its bounds, and shall transmit the same to the President of Synod at least three weeks preceding the annual meeting of Synod. 9. Each Conference shall have a Secretary, whose duty shall be to give due notice of each and every meet- ing, to keep and preserve a regular and accurate record of its proceedings, in a book kept for that purpose, and bring the same to the annual meeting of Synod. 10. Each Conference shall also have a Treasurer to receive and disburse funds at its disposal ; but no Con- ference shall have control of any funds of Synod, or make appropriations of them. 11. A Conference may adopt for itself any rules and regulations not in conflict with this Constitution and these By-Laws; but all proceedings of each Conference shall at all times be subject to the revision of Synod. CHAPTER THIRD. OF THE OFFICERS. 1. The officers of this Synod shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. They shall be elected at the opening of the annual meeting of Synod. Only delegates shall be eligible to these offices, except that a layman may be chosen to the office of Treasurer. 2. The term of office shall be for one year, but the same persons are re-eligible. 3. When officers are elected they shall at once be in- stalled and enter upon their duties, except the Treasurer, who shall first comply with the requirement of Section 2, prescribing the duties of the Treasurer. 4. These officers shall be entitled to the necessary ex- penses incident to the duties of their offices, and to such remuneration as the Synod shall from time to time deem just, and direct to be paid. 5. All officers of Synod and of the Conferences shall continue in office until their successors are elected and installed. I. —Of the President. 1. The President shall preside at all the meetings of Synod, and it shall be his duty to see that the Constitu- tion, laws and decisions of Synod are duly obeyed, and its resolutions carried into effect. It is an important part of his duty to give counsel to every member of Synod when he deems it expedient, and particularly to advise and admonish every erring brother. If he has good reason to believe that any minister is living in material violation of the Constitution, it is his duty to 9 call upon the individual to relieve his character from said imputation before Synod. 2. It shall pertain to the President to attend to, or make appointments of Committees for, the installation of pastors, the laying of corner-stones, and the consecra- tion of churches; and to him shall all applications for such purposes be made; but he may refer such applica- tions to the President of Conference to be attended to by him. 3. At the opening of each annual meeting of Synod, he shall deliver a Synodical Sermon; or if unable to fulfill this duty, he shall appoint another member to preach in his stead. 4. In connection with the pastor of the Church in which Synod convenes, he shall designate the persons to fill all appointments not otherwise provided for. 5. He shall present a written report of all his official acts during Synodical year; also of any important events that have transpired in, or with reference to Synod, the condition of its various interests, together with any sug- gestions or recommendations which he may deem impor- tant to the Church, that the whole may be submitted to the consideration of Synod. 6. At any time during the sessions of Synod that the President may desire temporarily to vacate the chair he may do so by requesting the Vice-President, or soma other person, to take his place. II — Of the Vice-President. 1. Should the President resign, depart this life, cease connection with Synod, remove beyond its limits; or be disabled from the duties of his office, then the Vice- President shall exercise all the rights and functions of the office of President during the remainder of the' term of office for which he was elected. 2. Should the Secretary resign, depart this life, re- move from the Synod, or be disabled from duty during the interval between its meetings, the Vice-President 10 shall take charge of the Secretary's books, papers, &c, until a regular Secretary shall be elected; and until such election he shall discharge all the duties of Secretary. Ill — Of the Secretary. 1. The Secretary shall be specially charged with all the dxities of the office; but upon his nomination an Assistant Secretary may be appointed, who shall perform such parts of the Secretary's work as he may assign him. 2. He shall prepare and always keep on hand a correct register of the ministers belonging to the Synod with the dates of their entrance into the ministry, and postoffice address ; also a similar register of the charges and congregations connected with the Synod, with the names of the pastors serving them, and of the lay- delegates appointed to represent them. 3. He shall keep faithful and accurate records of all the proceedings of Synod when in Synodical or Minis- terial Session, and shall read the same when called for, especially at the opening of each morning session after the first, and at the conclusion of the last, the same may be corrected and approved. ■4. He shall keep on hand a full series of printed minutes of Synod, and bring the same to the meetings of Synod for official reference. He shall perform all the public correspondence of this body, not otherwise pro- vided for, relative to the general interests of the Church, and particularly of this Synod. He shall also make a minute of all important matters which may be communi- cated to him by letter, or in the minutes of other Synods, which he shall present to Synod at its regular meeting in the form of a report. 5. He shall have charge of the printing of the minutes and the distribution of the same, as the Synod shall direct. 6. He shall prepare all required official papers or documents, and deliver them duly certified by his official signature to the President, and shall in like manner keep and attest the protocol. 11 7. At the conclusion of each meeting of the Synod, he shall classify and arrange all important papers or docu- ments placed or left in his hands, and transmit the same to the Archivarius, to be deposited in the Archives, to- gether with a list of what is so deposited. He shall also send to the Archivarius not less than five copies of the published minutes as soon as issued each year. The time and place of the annual meeting shall be published by the Secretary, in one or more church papers in circulation in the Synod for four weeks pre- ceding the meeting: the same also for special meetings,. at least two weeks prior to the intended meeting, designating the particular business to be transacted at such special meeting. 8. Should the Vice-President resign, die, cease con- nection with Synod, or be disabled from attention to the duties of his office, the Secretary shall exercise all rights and functions of the office until his successor has been elected. IV. — Of the Treasurer. 1. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the money and accounts of the Synod, its deeds, mortgages, con- tracts and evidences of claims and revenues. 2. On entering upon his office, he shall give bond and security to the President of Synod for the faithful per- formance of his duties, in such amount as the President and the Finance Committee shall determine. 3. He shall be responsible for the safe custody of all funds and evidences of interest and indebtedness be- longing to Synod, and shall hold the same at all times subject to its order. 4. He shall receive all contributions, donations, legacies and bequests, made to Synod, collect all dues, and pay all appropriations and orders according to the will of Synod. An order from the President, attested by the Secre- tary, on the Treasurer, or a resolution of Synod, shall be 12 a sufficient voucher for him to pay any money out of the Treasury. 5. With the advice and consent of the Finance Com- mittee he shall make or change investments of funds in his charge, in the name of the Synod, and in conformity with the laws of the Commonwealth of North Carolina respecting funds. 6. He shall keep a separate account of the money designed for each special purpose, and annually render a full, detailed and accurate report to Synod of all receipts and disbursements pertaining to the several accounts in his hands, which report shall be duly audited. 7. Should the Treasurer resign, die, remove from the Synod, or be disabled from the discharge of his duties, during the interim between the meetings of Synod, the President shall call a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee, which shall elect a Treasurer pro tempore; and the Treasurer thus appointed shall fulfill all the duties and obligations of a regularly elected Treasurer, and the President shall take the necessary steps to secure the delivery to him of all moneys, papers and accounts of the Synod in the possession of the previous Treasurer. 8. If the Treasurer elected under the provisions of the preceding section should fail to discharge the duties of the office, the President shall assume all the duties of Treasurer until the next annual meeting of Synod. CHAPTER FOURTH. OF VOTERS AND ELECTIONS. 1. Each minister belonging to this Synod, and each lay-delegate accredited as representative of a congrega- tion or a charge connected with this Synod, shall be equally entitled to a voice and vote on every question to be decided by Synod, except that on all questions of the 13 appropriation and apportionment of money only pastors in charge of pastorates shall vote.* 2. All regular elections shall be by ballot. 3. When an election is to be held, the President shall announce it, and appoint three tellers who shall receive and count the ballots, and report the result. 4. When a President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer of Synod or of a Conference is elected, a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to an election. 5. In all other elections, the persons receiving the highest number of the votes cast shall be declared elected, provided that said number does not fall below one-third of the number of votes. 6. In elections requiring principals and alternates, the former shall be elected first, and the latter by a separate ballot afterwards. 7. With the unanimous consent of the Synod, or a Conference, these requirements may be suspended, and an individual member may be authorized to cast the unanimous vote of Synod or Conference for a specified person or persons. CHAPTER FIFTH. OF COMMITTEES. 1. — The Executive Committee. 1. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Synod, consisting of three clerical and two lay members, to be elected at each annual meeting of Synod. 2. The Executive Committee shall hold two regular meetings during the year, the first at the adjournment of the annual meeting of Synod, and the other six months thereafter. Three members shall constitute a quorum. *Proposed amendment to Section 1, in Chapter Fourth: Changed by striking out all after Synod in the last, beginning with "except.'' 14 Special meetings may be called at any time by the chair- man of the Executive Committee. 3. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the appropriation of money during the interim of Synod, for the assistance of candidates for the ministry pursuing their education. 4. It shall decide in the interim of Synod upon appli- cations of candidates for the ministry for aid from Synod, and shall have the directions of the studies, and over- sight of the conduct and progress of those receiving aid in preparing for the service of the Church, according to the regulations prescribed by Synod from time to time. 5. It shall have special charge of any mission or mis- sionary under the control of Synod, and such mission- ary shall make quarterly reports to it of the condition •and progress of the work in his charge. G. The Executive Committee shall have power to ■elect its own Chairman and Secretary and all necessary sub-committees from among its members for the per- formance of its duties. 7. The Executive Committee shall make report at -each annual meeting of Synod of all its doings during the year, of the students and missions if any, under its •care, of the appropriations and expenditures it has made, with such recommendations to Synod as it shall deem important in the department of its work. S. All money intended for the education of young men for the ministry, not so appropriated by Synod, shall be at the disposal of the Executive Committee, and their order on the Treasurer shall be a sufficient warrant .for the payment of the same. II. — Of the Examining Committee. 1. The President, at the conclusion of each annual meeting of Synod, shall appoint a Committee of not less than three discreet and well qualified clergymen to serve us the Examining Committee for the ensuing year. 2. If any member thus appointed decline to serve, he 15 shall give timely notice to the President, who, in such case, shall appoint another to fill the vacancy.; and in case of the disability, death, or unavoidable absence of any member, the President shall designate some other to serve in his stead. 3. The duty of this Committee shall be to examine into the qualifications and fitness of applicants for ordination; also to confer with, and examine credentials of all ordained ministers who apply for admission into this body, as provided in Chapter VII, and report the result at the first session of the Ministerium during the annual meeting of Synod. 4. When the Examining Committee is satisfied that the requirements of this Constitution and By-Laws are fulfilled in the case of any applicant, it shall recommend his ordination or reception; but in no case shall it recom- mend an applicant of whose fitness or qualifications it is not satisfied. CHAPTER SIXTH. OF INSTITUTIONS. 1. The Institutions of this Synod shall be under the government of Boards of Trustees, who shall meet semi- annually, and as often at intermediate times, as they may think expedient, said Board to be subject to the advice and control of this Synod, and to which they shall present a written report at each annual meeting concerning the fiscal state and prosperity of said Institu- tions, and such recommendations as may be deemed advisable. 2. The Board of Trustees of North Carolina College shall consist of eighteen Trustees — six ministers and six laymen of the Lutheran Church, and six from other denominations.* ♦Proposed Hineniment to Section 2, in Chapter Sixth: Last clause altered to read: and six may be from other denomi- nations. 16 3. The Female Seminary Board .shall consist of twelve Trustees, six of whom shall be ministers of this Synod, and six laymen, members of the Lutheran Church. CHAPTER SEVENTH. 07 THE EXAMIXATION AND RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. /. — Of the Reception of Ministers. 1. All applications for ordination, or reception of ministers into this Synod from other denominations, shall be made to the President, and shall by him be referred to the Examining Committee, who shall report on the same at the first session of the Ministerium, or as soon thereafter as practicable. And upon the recom- mendation of two-thirds of the ministers present, the hnal decision shall be made by the Synod. 2. Each candidate applying for ordination must be of good natural ability, and give satisfactory evidence of Christian character and life, as well as of attainment in knowledge and grace ; and no one shall be ordained with- out being examined as to his fitness, qualifications for, and call to the Holy Ministry, nor until he is twenty-one years of age. 3. The examination of candidates for ordination, be- sides the practical mastery of the language or languages in which they expect to preach, shall include Biblical Introduction; Apologetics; Exegesis of the Old and New Testaments — Hebrew and Greek; Doctrinal and Moral TheologyJ Church History; History of Doctrines, Homiletics; Catechetics; Pastoral Theology; Personal Religion, and motives for seeking the Holy Office. 4. No exception to this rule, or abatement of these requirements shall be made, except only in special cases in which the applicant is, by general qualifications, eminently fitted to be useful in the ministry, and engages to use his diligence as far as practicable in 17 acquiring a knowledge of those subjects in which he is deficient. 5. The examination shall be made by the Examining Committee, but shall be open to all members of the Ministerium who wish to pe present. 6. When the Examining Committee has reported favorably in the case of candidates before them, the vote shall be taken on the question of the approval of each applicant, and if two-thirds of the ministers present be favorable to a candidate, he shall be recommended to the Synod for ordination by the officers of the Minis- terium; and when ordained he shall be a regular- member thereof, and an attested certificate of his ordination shall be given him. 7. Any regularly ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, whether ordained in this or some foreign country, who may apply for admission into this Synod, shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his ordina- tion, and of his good and unblemished Christian charac- ter. 8. Any minister of other than Lutheran connection, who may apply for membership in this Synod, shall be subject to the same regulations; and the ministers pres- ent shall determine what further, if anything, is expedi- ent or necessary, in view of his previous connections. 9. When Synod has decided to receive ordained ministers into connection with it, the Examining Com- mittee shall present them to the President, who shall announce to them the decision in their case, and by sub- scribing to the Constitution and By-Laws they shall become members in full of this Synod. 1 10. When Synod has decided to admit applicants to ordination, they shall in like manner be presented to the President, who shall announce to them the decision in their case, inform them of the time when their ordination to the Holy Ministry shall take place, admonish them to due solemnity and earnestness in taking upon them the obligation and duties of ambassadors of the Lord Jesus IS Christ, and by their ordination, and subscribing the Constitution and By-Laws, they shall become members in full of this Synod. 11. The ordination services shall consist of a regular Church service, the preaching of au ordination sermon, and the act of ordination by the laying on of hands ac- cording to the prescribed order in the Book of Worship. II. — Of the Reception of Congregations. Any congregation which maintains a Constitution in accord with the doctrinal basis of this Synod as defined in Chapter First, Article I, many become an integral part of Synod on application to it, or to the Conference within the bounds of which such congregation is located, by presenting a copy of its Constitution, and sending a delegate to represent it; and a majority of the votes of Synod or Conference at any regular meeting shall suffice for its reception. CHAPTER EIGHTH. OF MINISTERS. 1. Ministerial members of this body become such by ordination or transfer, as provided in Chapter Seventh. They become pastors by being regularly called, and by being entrusted with the care of a congregation or charge, by a regular installation. 2. Every minister belonging to this Ministerium shall conform, in his preaching and teaching, to the confes- sions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. It shall be the duty of every pastor to preach the Word, and ad- minister the sacraments; to care for and be an example and guide to the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made him overseer; to give Catechetical Instruction to the young, and to candidates for Church membership; confirm, visit the sick, bury the dead, install regularly elected members of the Church Council, and, together .19 with the Council, administer discipline, oversee Sunday and other schools belonging to the congregation, and use his best endeavors to extend and build up the Church in the community in which he is located as pa&tor. 3. Every pastor shall keep accurate parochial records of baptisms and confirmations; of members received, dismissed, deceased, or excommunicated; together with the names of all communicant members belonging to his charge. The records of each congregation shall be kept in separate books, and these books shall be and remain the property of the congregation; but an abstract of them shall be annually reported to the Synod for inser- tion in the table of Parochial Reports. 4. It should be the aim of each pastor to confine his ministrations to one congregation, or to the smallest number of congregations circumstances will allow, that divine service may be held in each congregation on each Lord's Day. Where large charges exist, consisting of so many congregations as to render this impossible, the pastors should encourage the members of such congrega- tions to make better provision for their spiritual wants and those of their children ; and both pastors and people shall earnestly co-operate with each other, and with the Synod, in securing divisions into smaller charges. 5. Every pastor shall diligently endeavor to increase the interest of his charge in the progress and develop- ment of the Church, the manifestation of enterprise, liberality, and charity, especially in church extension, beneficiary education, domestic and foreign missions, provision for widows and orphans, the circulation and reading of the Scriptures, good books and publications of the Church, and the bringing forward of young men for the Holy Ministry. It shall be the duty of every minister in connection with this Synod to use his influence to promote its interests, and also to labor for the upbuilding and pre- servation of its institutions of learning. 6. No minister of this Synod shall be permitted to 20 preach or perform any ministerial act within the charge of a brother minister, except at his request, or with his consent; nor shall he be permitted to visit and perform ministerial acts in a vacant charge except by invitation or permission of the Church Council, or by the advice or consent of the President of Synod or Conference. Otherwise he shall be subject to discipline. 7. Every minister receiving and accepting a call to be the pastor of a charge belonging to the Synod, shall in- form the President of the fact; but no pastor shall be installed until he has been regularly received into Synod, except with the written consent of the President of Synod and Conference, which consent may be given if the minister belong to a Synod connected with the general body with which this Synod is connected. 8. S.hould a pastor deem it his duty to resign his charge, he shall duly inform the Church Council before vacating his place; and he shall report the same to the President of Synod. Whenever a minister has taken charge of a regular pastorate, he shall be restricted to the same, and not re- sign a part without resigning the whole charge, and no call to a pastorate shall be considered valid unless it proceeds from the whole charge, embracing a two-thirds vote of the constitutional electors in said pastorate. 9. Should a minister belonging to this Synod, for any cause find himself constrained to demit the regular duties of the ministry, and to cease ministerial activity, he shall remain a member of this Synod; but engage- ment in any business or office foreign to the nature of the ministry, or incompatible with it, shall be sufficient reason why he should not be continued on the list of ministers. 10. If any minister in good and regular standing desires to move from the bounds of this Synod in order to enter a field of labor within some Synod in the same fellowship of faith with this body, he shall, upon appli- cation, be entitled to a certificate of honorable dismis- 21 sion, which the President shall furnish hirn; but any minister so dismissed shall be amenable to this body until formally received into the Synod to which he has been granted. But if the request for dismission be to connect with a body not in doctrinal accord with this Synod, the President shall give no certificate. 11. All ministers belonging to this Synod are required^ to attend all its Synodical and Ministerial Sessions and the meetings of the Conferences to which they belong from commencement to end; and nothing but urgent' necessity or positive inability to attend shall be regarded as a valid excuse for absence. In case of unavoidable absence the absentee shall send to the meeting an account of the reason for his absence, that he may be regularly excused; and repeated absence without excuse shall subject the offender to discipline. 12. It shall be the duty of all the ministers belonging to this Synod to exercise and cherish the spirit of respect, brotherly love, and good-fellowship, one toward another, as laborers together in the same vineyard, children of the same Father, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom standeth each one's salvation. CHAPTER NINTH. OF CONGREGATIONS. 1. It shall be the duty of the Council of every charge belonging to this Synod to elect a delegate to represent it in the meetings of Synod; each pastorate shall be entitled to as many representatives in Synod as it has pastors. It shall be the duty of the Council of every congregation or Church to appoint a delegate to represent it in the meetings of Conference. 2. Delegates sent to represent pastorates or congrega- tions must be regular communicant members. They shall have the same rights and privileges as ministers on the floor of Synod and Conference, their election being duly 99 certified by the Secretary of the Council, and by the pre- siding officer. 3. The election of a delegate to Synod shall hold for one year; but delegates to Conference may be elected for each meeting, unless otherwise arranged by the pastor- ates appointing them. 4. Every congregation belonging to Synod, as it has a share in all legislation, shall be dutiful to Synod's Con- stitution and recommendations, and endeavor to conform . to them and carry them into effect. \ r 5. It shall be the duty of each congregation belonging to Synod to make annual contributions to its Treasury, and to make arrangements by which every member shall have opportunity to give according to ability to the various benevolent operations of Synod. 6. It shall be the duty of each congregation to make due and liberal provision for the support of the Gospel and the ministration of the Word and Sacraments among its own members, to endeavor to arrange for at least one service every Lord's Day, to see that the pastor whom it has called be properly supported, according to 1 Cor. 9: 7-14, and to make necessary provision for the instruc- tion of the young, that they may grow up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 7. In cases of vacancy, difficulty, or strife in Congre- gations, Church Councils should not act precipitately, but seek the instruction and advice of the President of Conference or Synod. 8. Each congregation belonging to this Synod should endeavor to conform its public worship and ministrations to the recommendations of Synod. 9. Should any portion of a congregation belonging to this Synod reject the faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as set forth in her confessions, that part of said congregation which remains faithful to this faith and its connection with this Synod shall be recognized as the real congregation. ] 0. No one or more congregations composing a part of 23 a regular pastorate, shall at pleasure, or through the in- fluence of a disaffected party, dismiss their pastor with- out the consent of the whole pastorate by obtaining a majority of the votes in said pastorate, nor then if the salary has not been paid in full. 11. If any congregation in this Synod, shall, without our consent, employ as its pastor, a minister who has been expelled from any ecclesiastical body, or who is not acknowledged by this Synod, shall be excluded from our connection, if it persists in such a course. , CHAPTER TENTH. OF DISCIPLINE. I. — Of Offences. The offences for which members of this Synod shall be subject to discipline., are: 1. With reference to purity of doctrine; — denial of any doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures, and set forth in the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; — the holding, preaching, and public teaching of heresy. 2. With reference to purity of life. 3. With reference to the Government and Order of the Church; — disregard and violation of the Constitution T and requirements of the Synod. -^ II. — Of Penalties. 1. As respects Ministers. The penalties that may be imposed are: (a) Private censure and admonition of the President. (6) Public censure and admonition in any session of the Conference or Synod. (c) Suspension from the office and functions of the ministry for a designated period, or until after satisfac- tory evidence of repentance and amendment. (d) Expulsion from the Synod. (e) Deposition from the ministerial office. 24 2. As respsets Congregations. Should any Congrega- tion belonging to this Synod turn away from the Con- fession or Faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, or violate the Constitution and requirements of Synod, and persist in such disloyalty after proper endeavors of the President, Conference, or Synod to restore it, Synod may exclude it from membership. III. — Of Processes Against a Minister. 1. If serious accusation be lodged against a minister before a Church Council by three members in good standing in the congregation, the Council shall confer with him about the same, and endeavor to obviate all just cause of complaint, and to reconcile all parties; nor shall any further steps be taken until all proper efforts to this end on the part of the Church Council have been exhausted. 2. If, upon credible testimony, or from their own knowledge in the case, a minister is believed to be guilty of any of the offences before named; the Church Council, shall report his case to the President of Synod; but the charges must be in writing, must be specific, and must be founded on the testimony of two or three credible Avitnesses, and signed by them, and a copy of the charges shall be immediately forwarded by the President to the accused. 3. If a minister be charged with some specific sin, not in the manner aforesaid, but by notorious rumor, which is not transient, but continues and strengthens, and is accompanied with strong presumption of guilt, the Church Council shall endeavor to remove the scandal; and if they fail, or find evidences of guilt, they shall re- port the case to the President of Synod. 4. If accusations against a member of this Synod be lodged with the President by a Church Council, or by three members of Synod, he shall at once communicate with the accused respecting it: and, if the accused should desire an investigation, or if the state of the case be such 25 as to call for it, the President, with the advice and con- sent of the President of the Conference to which the accused belongs shall order an investigation by the Con- ference, or by a competent Committee, and cite the accused to appear before it to answer with reference to the matter. And it shall be brought to Synod only after Conference has been able to dispose of the case. 5. When such an investigation is appointed, a copy of the complaints against the accused shall be furnished him, allowing him not less than ten days between the time of his citation and the time appointed for the hear- ing; and if the accused should refuse or fail to appear without presenting adequate reasons why the investiga- tion should be deferred to another time, it shall proceed the same as though he were present. 6. If the findings in such an investigation show gross immorality, or flagitious transgression, the same shall at once be reported to the President of Synod, who shall, with the concurrence of the President of the Conference to which the accused belongs, immediately suspend him from the office and functions of the ministry until his case shall be finally decided by the Synod. 7. If the finding i are of a character to demand no higher penalty than that of private censure and admoni- tion by the President of Conference, or public censure and admonition before Conference, the same shall be ad- ministered without further proceedings; but should they be of a more serious character, besides reporting the case to the President of Synod, the Conference or Committee making the investigat:'oashall formulate the charges and specifications against the accused, and present the same to the President of Synod, who shall furnish a copy to the accused not less than twenty days before the meet- ing of Synod, at the same time citing him to appear at said meeting for a final hearing and decision of his case. 8. Both in the investigation and the final trial of charges against a minister, all relevant testimony shall be heard, and in the presence of the accused, if he desire 26 it. He shall also have the right and opportunity of be- ing fully heard in his own defence; but he shall not be allowed to appear and defend himself by legal counsel before the Committee, Conference, or Synod; nor shall legal counsel be used against him. If accusation against a minister be made immediately to Synod, if Synod believes that it is in possession of all the evidence necessary to a just decision, Synod shall refer the matter to the Conference of which the accused is a member, or appoint a Committee to make the inves- tigation. 9. After the hearing of the charge, the testimony, and the defence of the accused, the question shall be taken on which and how many of the charges and specifica- tions the accused is guilty or not guilty. If the majori- ty shall decide that he is not guilty, the President shall at once announce to him the decision. If the majority shall declare him guilty on the evidence presented, the Synod shall determine which of the penalties before enumerated shall be imposed upon him; and the Presi- dent shall pronounce the sentence in the presence of the body, and if possible also in the presence of the person adjudged guilty; and a copy of the sentence shall be given him. 10. The proceedings in a case of discipline shall not be published, in part or in whole, before the final decision is reached, and the result officially declared. 11. No minister or layman under discipline or sen- tence of suspension, shall hold any office of Synod, or serve as Delegate, Director, or Trustee under its appoint- ment so long as he is under discipline or suspension ; and every Committee, Board, Delegation, or body of ap- pointees, constituted by this Synod, shall see to the enforcement of this rule. The connection between a charge and a suspended minister shall immediately cease, and it shall be the duty of the President to notify the council that it has been vacated. 27 12. It shall be the duty of all pastors and congrega- tions belonging to this Synod to respect the disciplinary action of Synod, and of one another; and for any pastor or congregation to set aside or disregard any such dis- ciplinary action shall be deemed a violation of order, and shall subject the offender to discipline. 13. In' case of strife between ministers, or between a minister and his pastorate, or between members -thereof,, which the Church Council cannot remedy, complaint may be made to the President of Synod, who shall confer with the parties and endeavor to heal the trouble. If unsuccessful, and the matter in his judgment requires official adjudication, he shall report it to the Conference to act in the case; but an appeal from the decision of the Conference may be taken to synod. IV. — Of Appeals. 1. A minister may appeal from the decision of a Conference to Synod, provided such appeal be taken with- in two months of such decision; it must be in writing, and be presented to the President at least twenty days before the meeting at which action is proposed to be taken upon it, who shall cause the President and mem- bers of the Conference to be notified of its presentation and contents. 2. If a member of a congregation should feel aggrieved and wronged by the decision of the Church Council, in a case of discipline, an appeal from it may be made to the Conference to which the congregation belongs, provided that it be made within thirty days after the action complained of. The appeal must be in writing and set forth the grounds on which it is based, and must be presented to the President of Conference at least ten days before any meeting at which action is taken upon it; and in that case it shall be the President's duty to cause a copy of the appeal to be furnished at once to the President of the Church Council concerned. In all cases of appeal from a. 28 decision of the Church Council, the appeal vacates the judgment. 3. The Conference may hear the case of an appeal as a body, or refer the hearing of it to a competent Com- mittee; but the investigation shall be confined to the constitutionality of the proceedings, the original charges and the justice of the sentence. The same provisions and rules prescribed for conducting the trial of a min- ister, except as herein otherwise provided, shall obtain also in this instance. 4. When a Conference has decided upon such a case of appeal it shall not be re -opened for a further hearing except on points of error in the proceedings, which may be appealed to Synod for decision ; and when such points of error have been decided by Synod, if against the Conference, the case shall go back to the Conference for the necessary correction. CHAPTER ELEVENTH. 07 THE ORDEE OE BUSINESS. 1. Each regular meeting of the Synod shall begin with the prescribed morning service, in connection with the sermon by the President or by some minister appointed by him to perform this duty, and include the celebration of the Lord's Supper. 2. The Synod shall be formally opened by the Presi- dent, assisted by the other clerical officers, at the time and place appointed, and be closed at the final session, according to the prescribed order. Other sessions shall be opened and closed with devotional service, conducted by the President, or such person as he may appoint for the purpose. 3. The Secretary shall call the names of all the ministers belonging to Synod, and note the absentees. 4. The Secretary shall call the roll of charges, and the lay-delegates presenting satisfactory credentials shall be enrolled as members of Synod. 29 5. The President shall read his annual report. 0. Officers for the ensuing year shall be elected. 7. The newly elected officers shall be presented by the Tellers to the President for installation, after which they shall conduct them to their stations. 8. The admission of delegates, or ministers, from other ecclesiastical bodies, advisory members, and cour- teous recognition of ministers of other denominations. The report of the Ministerial Session on recommen- dation of ministers for reception, or of candidates for ordination, shall be received whenever ready for pre- sentation. 9. The presentation of all papers intended for Synod. 10. The reading of the Treasurer's Report. 11. The Executive Committee's Report shall be read. 12. The President shall appoint the following Standing Committees : (1). On President's Report. (2). On State of the Church. (3). On Church Institutions and Education. (4). On Report of Executive Committee. (5). On Missions. (6). On Minutes and Unfinished Business. (7). On Reports and Proceedings of Conferences. (8). On Petitions and Excuses of absent members. (9). On Vacancies. (10). On Finance. (11). On Appropriations. (12). On Apportionments. (13). On Pastoral Districts. 13. The Ex-Secretary's Report shall be read. 14 Report of the President of the Board of College Trustees, lo. Report of Directors of the Theological Seminary. 16. Report of the Trustees of the Female Seminary. 17. Reports on the State of the Church and handing Financial and Parochial Reports to the Secretary. 18. The afternoon or evening of the second business 30 day shall be devoted to the cause of Beneficiary Edu- cation, and that of the third day to Missions, as required according to By-Laws 16 and 11. 19. Report of Delegates to the General Body. 20. Report of Delegates to other Ecclesiastical Bodies. 21. Report of the Archivarius. 22. Reports of Standing Committees, or other Com- mittees, from this point on, may be heard at the pleasure of Synod. 23. Election of Delegates to (1) the General Body, (2) Sister Synods. 24. Election of Trustees (1) of the Theological Semi- nary, (2) of North Carolina College. (3) of the Female Seminary. 2-"). Appointment of Archivarius. 26. Election of speakers for special subjects at next meeting. 27. Election of Executive Committee. 28. Appointment of Examining Committee by the President. 29. Miscellaneous Business. 30. El?cting time and place for next Annual Meeting. 31. President's approval of Minutes. 32. Synod shall be closed according to the form in the Book of Worship. CHAPTER TWELFTH. OF THE ARCHIVES. 1. The Synod shall have common archives for all its proceedings, whether in Synodical or Ministerial Sessions, or the District Conferences. They shall be kept and preserved at a safe place determined by Synod, and shall not be removed except by its authority. 2. In the Archives, shall be carefully preserved full sets of the printed Minutes of Synod ; also the Protocol ; also the books of the Minutes of Conferences, which the Secretaries of the Conferences shall place in the 31 hands of the Archivarius as said books become filled up; also all important letters, papers, documents, memorials,' complaints, &c, presented at the sessions of Synod or Conferences, together with all official answers, opinions and proceedings upon the same; also all memories or biographical notices of deceased members of Synod presented at its meetings. 3. Synod shall annually appoint an Archivarius, or keeper of the Archives, who shall have charge of the same, keep them in order, see to their proper preserva- tion, make annual report to Synod upon their condition, and carry out the will of Synod respecting them. He shall continue in office until his successor has been appointed. 4. No paper or record belonging to the Archives shall be given or destroyed, nor be loaned out by the Archivarius, except by authority of the President. 5. Every member of Synod shall have free access to the Archives and permission may be given to proper persons to consult the same for historical information; but access to the Archives shall not be permitted in any case except in the presence of the Archivarius, his assistant, or one of the officers of Synod. CHAPTER THIRTEENTH. OF THE SEAL AND OF THIS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. 1. The Seal of this Synod presents an open book, across the top of which appears in print, "Holy Bible " standing out from this on the left hand is a Baptismal Font, and on the right appears a goblet, whilst beneath the cup appears the plate and Bread of the Holy Com- munion, representing the Lutheran view of the Church, the Word and Sacraments; and around all is the legend: EVANGELICAL LTJTHEKAN SYNOD AND MINISTERITJM OF NORTH CAROLINA, ORGANIZED OGTOBER 17, 1803. 2. The Seal shall be in the charge of the President of 32 Synod, who shall affix it, or cause it to be affixed, to all documents, certificates, deeds, legal papers, or official copies of resolutions, requiring the seal of Synod. 3. Everything in any Resolutions, Enactments, Con- stitution or By-Laws of this Synod, or of its Conferences, differing from or in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws, is hereby superseded, repealed, and of none effect, 4. The provisions and ordinances contained in this Constitution and By-Laws, so far as the same are severally applicable, shall be of like force in the govern- ment of Synod, the Ministerium, and the District Con- ferences. 5. This, the Constitution and By-Laws of the Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, shall not be altered, amended, added to or diminished, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular annual meeting, and provided that such proposed altera- tion or amendment be moved and presented at a previous annual meeting. CHAPTER FOURTEENTH. OF RULES OF OKDRE. I. — Duties and Privileges of the President. 1. The President shall conduct all business according to the Constitution and B.ules of Order, and Laws of Synod, and insist upon the observance of the same on the part of every member; and shall promptly and firmly call to order any member who violates any rule of order. 2. He shall have the right to speak on points of order in preference to all others, and shall decide all questions of order; an appeal, if seconded, may be moved from his decision to the body, and in that case all remarks, except for explanation, shall C3ase until the vote is 33 taken on the question, "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the house ?" 3. He shall call up all items of business in their appointed order, see that every matter before the body is duly considered and understood before a decision is; made, and endeavor to conduct the same to a speedy and proper result. 4. He may take part in the discussion of any subject before the body; but in doing so he shall surrender the Chair to the Vice-President, or in his absence, appoint some one to occupy it for the time. 5. When a matter before the body is clearly under- stood, and no one desires to speak further upon it, or the body has decided to close debate, he shall take the vote upon it by calling for the ayes and noes. In case of doubt as to the vote, or if a division be called for, he shall call upon the ayes and noes in succession to stand up until counted; or if three members request it, the^ roll shall be called, and the ayes and noes recorded o*n the Minutes. G. In all elections by ballot the President shall have the right of suffrage; but in no other case, except the house be equally divided on any question, when he shall decide. 7. When an election is to be held by ballot, he shall name the Tellers, and also appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. II. — Of Motions. 1. A matter to be properly before the body must be presented by report, proposition, or resolution, moved, seconded, and distinctly repeated. 2. All important propositions or motions must be pre- sented in writing, and when seconded shall at once be placed in the hands of the Secretary as the property of the body. 3. W r hen a motion is made and seconded, if objection be made to the consideration of it, the question shall be 84 put to vote: ''Shall it be considered and discussed?" and if the decision be in the negative, the motion can- not be entertained. 4. When a motion made and seconded has in it two or more points capable of separation, the questions, at the request of any member, shall be divided, and the vote taken on each point separately. 5. A motion or proposition before the body may, at any time during the discussion of it, be withdrawn by the mover, provided no objection be made to such with- drawal. The body may also volunteer its permission to the mover to withdraw his motion, which shall be equivalent to a refusal further to consider it. 0. Amendments to any motion or proposition before the body are always in order, whether to strike out, add to, or change any part, or to present a substitute for the whole; provided, that the substitute or amendment be germane to the subject, and that the amendment pro- posed does not go beyond an amendment to an amend- ment. 7. When the question has been taken on any motion or proposition it is disposed of, and no further discussion shall be allowed, but if it be manifest that there has been a mistake, the vote may be retaken at the time, or any member who voted with the majority may move a reconsideration, which, if agreed to, re-opens the whole subject as at the point when the vote upon it was taken. 8. When a motion is made and carried which involves the appointment of a Committee, it shall not follow as a matter of right that the mover be made chairman of the Committee, or even a member of it. 9. When a motion is made for the appointment of a Committee the mover may suggest names of persons to be placed upon it; but it shall not be in order for him to insert the names in his resolution or motion, except when the President, and other officers, are desired to constitute the said Committee. 35 III. — Of Privileged and other Questions. 1. When a question is before the body and under discussion, no motion shall be in order except a motion: (1.) To adjourn; (2.) To lay on the table; (3.) To close debate; (4.) To postpone indenititely; (5.) To postpone to a definite time ; (0.) To refer; (7.) To amend; (8.) To substitute. On either of the first four motions the question shall be taken without debate. All these motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are here given; but any one of them may be made at any stage of the discussion. 2. A motion to adjourn is always in order except when a member is speaking, or when a vote is being taken. 3. A motion to refer or to amend shall preclude debate on the main question until the question of reference or amendment has been decided. 4. When a motion to lay on the table, or to postpone indefinitely, has been passed, the matter shall not again be called up during that meeting. 5. In the filling of blanks, the largest sum, the highest number, or the longest time named, shall be voted on first; and names shall be voted on in the order in which they are proposed. 6. When a decision has been reached on any motion or. proposition, it shall not be called up again at the same meeting, except on motion to re-consider, made and seconded by members who voted with the majority, but no motion to re-consider shall be entertained unless the parties concerned be still present. IV. — Of Committees and their Reports. 1. The person first named on a Committee shall be the Chairman thereof, who shall convene the Committee at such time and place as the Committee may agree upon. 2. Committees shall use all diligence to have their reports ready in due time, and shall be signed by a majority of the members. 36 3. When, in addition to the report of the majority of a Committee, there is also a report of the minority, the former shall be read first, and laid on the table until the latter has also been read, when either shall be taken up as, on motion, the body may decide. 4. A report when read, shall be before the body for consideration, and shall be acted upon according to the pleasure of the house. It may be adopted as a whole, or item by item, altered, amended, re-committed, referred, or laid on the table; but when, or in whatever form it is adopted, it becomes the expression and action of the body. 5. When a report or a series of propositions has been adopted, item by item, and all proposed amendments or changes have been decided, the question shall then be taken on its adoption as a whole ; and if, on such final vote, the majority be not in favor, all that has been approved in detail shall be considered lost, unless otherwise and separately moved and carried. V— Of Debate. 1. Every member wishing to speak on a subject, offer a resolution, motion, proposition or report, shall rise and respectfully address the President. 2. When two or more members rise at the same time, the President shall decide which to hear first, giving preference to the oldest; but no member shall be entitled to speak more than twice on the same motion, except by permission of the body. 3. Every speaker shall confine himself to the matter immediately before the body, and shall avoid offensive language and personalities.. To impugn the motives of a member, or to speak of him with disrespect, shall be considered a breach of order. 4. When a member is speaking, he shall not be interrupted, unless he be out of order, or to request his permission to explain a misapprehension, or correct a mistake. 37 5. When a speaker is called to order by the President, he must at once desist. If called to order by another, the President shall decide whether or not the point of order be well taken; and if appeal be made from the decision of the Chair, the member having the floor shall take his seat until the question on the appeal is decided, no debate on it being admissible. 6. A speaker may at any time call for the reading of the proposition before the body, or if any papers or documents haveing reference to the point in hand. VI. — Of Voting and Protest- 1. Every member present is in duty bound to vote on all questions submitted, unless, for given or obvious reasons, the body shall excuse him from voting. 2. If a member, or members, be dissatisfied with the decision of the majority, and desire to record his (or their dissent, he (or they) may have his (or their) name (or names) entered on the minutes as dissenting. If it is desired a written protest, if couched in brief and respectful terms, of which the house is the judge, may be inserted in the minutes; but the body may insert such answer along with the protest as it may deem necessary in the case. VII. — Of the Foregoing Rules of Order. 1. These Rules of Order shall be in full force and application in the Synodical Sessions, Ministerial Sessions and the Sessions of the District Conferences. 2. They shall not be altered or amended except at a regular Annual Meeting of the Synod, and by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 38 BY-LAWS. 1. In Parliamentary practice, in any case that our Rules of Order do not decide. Smith's Diagram of Par- liamentary Rules shall be our guide. Ministers in good standing in other Synods, who may be present or who appear as delegates from other Lutheran Synods, may be received as advisory Inembers, but they cannot vote in any of the decisions of Synod. Courteous recognition of ministers not of the Lutheran Church may be taken by inviting them to a seat within the bar of Synod, and receiving their names as having been present at any session of Synod. 2. Vacant churches, or pastorates, are entitled to representation by a lay-delegate. 3. In accordance with the Formula of Government and Discipline, chap. vi.. sec. 3, Church Councils should require every member of their respective churches to contribute to the support of the Pastor, except such as, in their judgment, are too poor to do so. 4. When a pastor is called to a vacant charge the Council or Councils should be governed by the Formula of Government and Discipline, chap, vi., sec. 5. 5. No Minister in connection with this Synod shall take charge of a vacant church, or pastorate, until it has satisfactorily met its obligations to its former Pastor. 6. In each case of Confirmation or Baptism the Council ought to furnish the Baptized or Confirmed person with a certificate of the same; signed by the Pastor. 7. The following order shall be observed by Pastors reporting on the state of the Church: (1). Attendance upon the preached Word — attention thereto — and observance of the Sacraments. (2). Increase of membership by, (a) confirmation, (b) certificate, (c) restoration. (3). Loss in membership. (4). Sunday-schools and catechetical classes. 39 (5). Financial contributions to benevolent causes and Church purposes — increase or decrease. (G). Miscellaneous matter — special services — church troubles — hopeful prospects, etc. (7). Indications of piety — growth or decline of spiritual life. 8. The President of each of our educational institu- tions shall report the religious condition of the students under his care. 9. The Secretary shall, previous to the annual meeting of Synod, solicit bids for the publication of the Minutes, with specification of the time for the completion of the work, and make contract for the same on the basis of the number of copies printed the previous year; which contract shall be placed in the hands of his siiccessor in office. 10. The officers of Synod shall be installed in office by the retiring President according to the Formula appended to this Constitution. 11. The cause of Missions is deemed such an impor- tant part of our Church work as to entitle it to receive the special consideration of Synod; and a special time shall be set apart at each meeting of Synod for a sermon, or addresses on the subject, either of Home or Foreign Missions, or both. Each pastor shall also present the claims of Missions to his people, and solicit contributions therefor. 12. Synod shall co-operate with the General Body with which it is in connection, in establishing and sustaining important Missions that may be set on foot by that body. 13. It shall endeavor to build, up self-sustaining congregations at such points within its own borders where a sufficient number of our members are located to justify an organization. 1-4. Important city mission points within our territory should be presented to the attention of the General Body. 15. The cause of Foreign Missions should be com- 40 mended to our people, and earnestly prosecuted accord- ing to our ability. 16. The education of young men for the Ministry shall be deemed a necessary part of our Church work, and shall receive the annual consideration of Synod, and shall be publicly presented in like manner with the cause of Missions as indicated in By-Law 11. 17. Each applicant for aid shall be examined by the Executiue Committee or by the Ministerium, with reference to his personal piety, his motives for seeking the office of the Ministry, his attachment to the Con- fessions of our Church, his need of aid, and his disposi- tion to do all that he is able to maintain himself, his general habits, prudence, studies, talents, gifts in public speaking, and his willingness to submit to the direction of Synod. 18. Only upon the recommendation of the Ministerium, or of the Executive Committee, shall a candidate for the Ministry be received upon the funds of Synod. 19. We adopt it as a general principle that such approved young men should be prepared for the Minis- terial office by a regular collegiate and theological course of study; and when necessary they should be aided during their course of study by appropriations out of the Synodical Fund, or out of the fund specially contributed for this purpose. 20. Each beneficiary shall execute a bond to the Treasurer, to pay to Synod the amounts as severally received by him, with interest from date, in the event he should not enter the ministry, abandon the work, be deposed, or unite with another denomination [before the expiration of seven years faithful service; but such seven years faithful service as a Lutheran minister shall cancel his obligations, and his bonds shall be returned to him. 41 AN ORDER FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SYNODICAL OFFICERS. Dear Brethren :— You have been duly elected by the members of this Synod as its officers. As your brethren have thus shown that they confide in your ability and readiness to discharge with fidelity the duties of the offices to which you have been chosen, in a manner satisfactory to themselves, it is with pleasure that we now officially invest you with these several offices. To the President we entrust the Constitution of Synod and its official seal. It will be your duty to see that the Constitution is observed and enforced — to preserve the seal of Synod and use it only as the Constitution warrants you to do — to preside over the deliberations of this body, and conduct its business in a regular and orderly manner. It will be the duty of the Vice-President to relieve the President of the duties of the chair at short intervals if he so desires; and should the President or Secretary resign, depart this life, cease connection with Synod, remove beyond its limits, or be disabled from the duties of their respective offices, it will be your duty to succeed them in office and discharge the duties of the same according to the Constitution. It is the duty of the Secretary to make and preserve a true record of the proceedings of this Synod, and conduct its official writing and public correspondence. He shall also attest the protocol and see that all impor- tant papers, together with the printed minutes are de- posited with the Archivarius. To the Treasurer is committed the Finances of Synod for safe keeping and disbursement only as authorized by Synod, or by the President, attested by the Secretary ; or in certain cases by the Executive Committee. You, and each of you, will find your official duties more fully defined in the Constitution, and it will be your duty to make yourselves familiar with these that 42 you may the better discharge the duties that pertain to your respective offices. And in order that the members of this Synod may be certified of your willingness to perform the duties of your several offices to the best of your ability, you will now in the presence of God make your willingness known by saying, Yes. LET US PRAY. O Lord Jesus Christ, who art the Chief Shepherd and Bishop of the flock which Thou hast purchased with Thy blood, we thank Thee that Thou hast established Thy Church upon the earth, and that amidst many persecu- tions and violent assaults, Thou hast hitherto protected it against the gates of hell, and more and more extended it among men: We thank Thee that we have been born within this Church and that Thou dost continue to dis- pose men to labor in Thy Church, and faithfully to pro- vide for its temporal and spiritual welfare. Continue to preserve it and bless it, we beseech Thee; and let Thy Word dwell in Thy people richly in all wisdom, and make it efficacious in carrying on Thy work of grace in our souls. Vouchsafe Thy grace and favor unto these brethren, who have been duly elected to important offices in this Synod, and who are now before Thee assuming the solemn responsibilities of their several offices. Enlighten and guide them by Thy Holy Spirit, that they may know Thy will, and that their services to the Synod and Church may redound to their good and Thy praise. Fill their hearts with love to Thee, to Thy Word, and their brethren whom they are to aid by their counsels and active services; that so, ever seeking help from Thee, by faith, they may with alacrity and cheer- fulness perform the duties of the several offices to which they have been chosen. Hear, O Lord, and answer our prayers, for the sake of that love wherewith Thou lovest us. Amen. The President giving his hand to each of the officers, says : 43 I wish you the blessing and guidance of God in the ixercise of your office. May the Lord direct and assist ou by His Holy Spirit: May He counsel, and strengthen,, md encourage you to labor diligently for the prosperity md welfare of this Synod and the congregations under ts care, and to fulfill with fidelity your respective duties, ^nd be assured that He who is faithful and just to eward those who serve Him with uprightness and idelity, will bless your labor and grant you in time and n eternity, a recompense, according to His great good- less. You will now be conducted to your several stations,. nd at once enter upon the discharge of the duties of ■our respective offices. STANDING RESOLUTIONS OF SYNOD. 1. That this Synod recommends to the Church Coun- ils the propriety of adopting the plan of collecting 'astor's Salary by assessment. 2. That in accordance with the Church Discipline, Chapter VI., Section 3, the Church Councils be instructed o require every member of the Church to contribute to he support of the Gospel, except such as in their udgment are too poor to do so. 3. That no charge in connection with this Synod shall all a pastor until it has made a satisfactory settlement nth the former pastor as to salary. 4. That hereafter when a pastor is called to a vacant harge, the Council be governed by the discipline of the Church. 5. That the courteous recognition of the presence of binisters, not of the Lutheran Church, be taken by ecording their names in the Minutes as having been in ttendance upon the sessions of this Body. 6. That we recommend a certificate be given in each 44 ■case when a Pastor administers the Sacrament Baptism or the rite of Confirmation. 7. That any young man receiving aid from tb 1. Synod shall execute a bond to the Treasurer to p^ back in full to Synod, with interest, the amounts i severally received by him during the prosecution of 1 studies in the event he voluntarily abandons the actr work of the ministry, is deposed, or unites with anoth denomination, before the expiration of seven yeai faithful services — such seven years' faithful service as Lutheran minister to be considered a cancelling of b bond. 8. That as there is a lack of system in the report aud that as no report whatever concerning the state growth of piety, in any of our institutions, has bec-i submitted to the committee, and as it is the duty of i one especially to do so, and as system in all thing, lightens the burdens of work and economizes tim your committee would recommend that hereafter tl following order should be observed in reportinj 1. Attendance upon the various means of grace, su< as public worship, the attention paid thereto, and t] observance of the Sacrament of Baptism and the Lord Supper; 2. Giving the number in the increase of meri bership by confirmation, from other churches, and I restoration, as well as loss in membership, the cod dition of the Sunday-school and catechetical clas: 3. The increase or decrease in financial contribution for -benevolent objects and to church purposes; 4. Iten of special signification or miscellaneous matter, such i special services held, questions on church troubles, etc 5. Growth or decline of spiritual life and indications < piety; 6. That the President of each of our Institutioi be required to report to Synod on the religious conditic of the students in our schools of learning. 9. That the Kecording Secretary be authorized award the contract for printing Minutes of each Sync before the assembling of Synod. 45 10. That we hereby endorse the plans and constitu- >ns used in the organization of Children's Societies and Oman's Societies. 11. That we recommend the plans and constitution as used, to our pastors and people where organizations jve not yet been effected. 12. That the money from the Children's Missionary cieties be sent to the Treasurer of Synod, marked, Ihrildren's Fund for Foreign Missions,"" and that the tounts thus collected be accredited upon the assess- es of the various congregations for Foreign Missions. 13. That any person wishing to become a beneficiary this Synod be required to present his request to Synod person, if possible, or through his pastor, and that he some a beneficiary of Synod only after he has been bided worthy of aid, by a majority vote of Synod. L4. That the granting of letters of dismissal from the itheran Church is contrary to the right usage of our irch. 15. That the President at the conclusion of each mal meeting of Synod appoint two brethren, one the ncipal the other the alternate, to prepare and to ach the Ordination Sermon at the next convention. 6. That each cougregation be requested to report to lod all communing members whose connection has not n dissolved by letter or excommunication. ! 7. That the pastors in reporting on the state of the tch, shall follow the prescribed order, and shall Imit to writing, and read all that they wish to report Synod; but that it be left optional with the lay- kgates to report verbally or in writing. INDEX. Chapter I. — The Synod: i. The Faith 2. The Membership 3. The Duties and Powers Chapter II. — The Distribution of Functions and Powers: 1. The Synod 2. The Ministerium 3. The District Conferences Chapter III.— The Officers: 1. The President 2. The Vice-President 3. The Secretary 4. The Treasurer Chapter IV. — Voters and Elections Chapter V. — Committees: 1. The Executive Committee 2. The Examining Committee Chapter VI . — Institutions Chapter VII. — Examination and Reception of Members: 1. Reception of Ministers 2. Reception of Congregations Chapter VIII. — Ministers Chapter IX.- — Congregations Chapter X. — Discipline: 1. Offences 2. Penalties 3. Processes against a Minister 4. Appeals Chapter XL — The Order of Business Chapter XII.— The Archives Chapter XIII. — The Seal, Constitution and By-Laws . . Chapter XIV. — Rules of Order: 1. Duties and Privileges of the President . 2. Motions 3. Privileged and other Questions .... 4. Committees and their Reports 5. Debate 6. Voting and Protest 7. The Foregoing Rules of Order .... By-Laws Order for Installation of Synodical Officers . Standing Resolutions of Synod UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034020336 This book must not be taken from the Library building. Form No. 471