Wfje 3Ufcrarj> ofttje ©mbersiitp of iSortl) Carolina Collection of Jlortfj Carolintana C97»+4 A+2. UNIVERSITY OF N C AT CHAPEL HILL III 00032761020 This book must not be taken from the Library building. THIS TITLE HAS UEE.N MlCROF LMEO 1908 rr- 4FAN they hurry toward the sea, sometimes leaping and dashing down the mountain side, in cases les and resplendent water- falls and again eddying and rollicking as their currents sally onward in apparent delight. In these mountain siiv;i!.':> there is an abundance of trout, which ■•an be caught by the angler of skill and experience. For these finny inhabitants many disciples of rzaak Walton wade tin- sti with rod and bait, and not a few succeed in excelling the famous 6. fisherman in their catch. In sonic of the streams there are also other kinds of fish in great abundance. As a rule one does not expect to find fertile soil among the hills, but in the valleys of Haywood County and even on the moun- tains the soil is rich and very productive. Crops of great value are annually grown and the "cattle on a thousand hills" can literally be seen in Haywood. Falls of Richland CHAPTER II. Early Settlements. h, the Legislature of 1808, General Love, whose borne was near where the "Brown" house now stands back of the McAfee Cottage m Waynesville and who was that year representative Erom Bun- combe County in the General Assembly, introduced a bill baving for its purpose to organize a county out of that portion of Buncombe west of its present western and south-western boundary and extend- ing to the Tennessee Line, including all the territory in the present counties of Haywood, Macon, Jackson, Swain. Graham, Oaj and Cherokee. The bill met witb Eavor, was passed, ratified and became a law. The bill erecting the county was introduced at the session beginning November 21, L808 and ending December 23, same year, and reads as follows: "Whereas, the inhabitants in the west part of Buncombe County are very inconvenienl to the Court-house in said county, which renders 'the attendance of jurors and witnesses very burthensome and expensive, and almost impossible in the winter season: For remedy wher< 1. Be it enacted, etc., That all that part of the County oi Buncombe, to-wit: beginning where Hie Southern boundary line of this State crosses the bighesl pari of the ridge dividing the the French Broad from those of the Tucky Siege River, ,!„.,, along the said rid-- to the ridge dividing tin- waters of Pigeon and the French Broad River, then with said ridge to the i Mount Pisgah, thence a direct, line to the mouth of the iir'st branch emptying into Hominy Creek on the north side above Belieu's, thence with said branch to the Bource and thence .,!,„,. ^e top of the ridge, dividing the waters of French Broad nn( | those of Pigeon Kiver, to the northern boundary of this State, and wiih the stale Ime t., the line which shall divide this state from the Slate of Georgia, and with that line to the beginning shall be and is hereby erected into a separate and distinct county, by the name of Haywood, in honor of the present treasurer of the Stat*. 2. And be it further enacted, That all justices of the peace being within the bounds of the said county of Haywood, shall exercise the same authority as they have heretofore done in the County of Buncombe; and the justices heretofore to be appointed in the usual manner, and when qualified agreeable to law, shall hold ar.d exercise all the power and authority, and be subject to the same penalties that justices of the peace of the several counties in this Scate are subject to, or have a right to enjoy. 3. And be it further enacted, That John Stephenson. John Montgomery, William Deaver, John Dobson, Hugh Davidson, Holly- man Battle and John Bryson be, and they are hereby appointed com- missioners for fixing on a proper and convenient place at or near the centre of said county, whereon to erect the public buildings; the duties of which appointment they, or a majority of them, are requested to execute as soon as possible after the passing of this act ; but until a court-house shall be erected, or some convenient place fixed on by the commissioners aforesaid, the court of pleas and quarter sessions for the said county of Haywood shall be held at Mount Prospect. 4. And be it further enacted. That Felix "Walker, John Me- Farland. and Thomas Lenoir be. and they are hereby appointed, commissioners for the purpose of erecting the public buildings for the said county of Haywood, at such place as may be fixed en for that purpose ; and they, or a majority of them, after giving bend with approved security to the court of said county for the faithful performance of the duties required of them by this act shall have full power and authority to sue for and recover all moneys that may or ought to be collected for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the public buildings aforesaid, and to compel the per- formance of any contract that may be entered into respecting the same, and in order to defray the expenses of the public buildings intended to be made by virtue of this act. 5. Be it enacted, That a tax of three shillings on every poll, and a tax. of one shilling on every hundred acres of land in the saiel county of Haywood, shall be levied and collected for the year one thousand eight hundred anel nine, by the sheriff or collector of public taxes; and the same shall be accounted for to the said commissioners herein last mentioned, or a majority of them, under the same restrictions and regulations as sheriffs are subject to in eolleetin* public taxes. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the sheriff of th >u..ty of Buncombe ,■,,,„, collecting all arrears of taxes or moneys which he ought to colled in the same manner as if tins acl had never been passed. 6 \nd be it further enacted, That the justices ot the Raid , uuntv ftf Haywood shall hold the court of pleas and quarter-sessions f,„- said county at the place aforesaid, and therein shall exercise ,11 the powers ami authorities that are usual and customary, and ahall appoint all their accessary officers for the same as required by law in th, same manner as is exercised by the justices of the Beveral counties within this State, any law to th, contrary notwith- standing. g . _. . . . M T \ml be it further enacted, That the Superior ( our} oi law and eour1 of equity of Buncombe county, shall have jurisdiction and cognizanee in and over the said county of Haywood, in as full and Rmple a manEer as the said eourts have in and over the said C0U ntv of Buncombe; and in all causes, both civil and criminal, is the said county of Haywood, may be tried in th, said courts, in the same manner as if th, same eauses had arisen in the .-unity of Buncombe; and offenders may he recognized or committed to the jai] of Buncombe county, in the same man. .or as if the offences had been committed ... the county of Buncombe; and all appeals from the Superior Court of Buncombe, under the same rules which govern other counties; and th, said county of Haywood shall send twelve .jurors to th, Superior Court of Buncombe, to be eh - -n Road to Eagles NTest 10. in the same manner and under the same rules as jurors are chosen in the several counties in this State to attend the Superior Courts, and the county of Buncombe shall choose eighteen jurors instead of thirty as heretofore." This act was ratified on the 23rd of December, 1808, and Hay- wood became a county in the closing days of that year and has proved herself to be a Christmas gift of real merit to the State of North Carolina. Previous to that time, however, Haywood County had a history but no name. Bold pioneers and Indian fighters from beyond the Blue Ridge had penetrated the fastnesses of the Balsams and made settlements on the Pigeon River, Hemphill and Jonathan's Creek. It is not known how early those settlements were made. In the office of the Register of Deeds of Burke County, which county included the territory of Haywood before Buncombe was organized are to be seen copies of grants of land to settlers on the above named stfeams of water dated soon after the Revolutionary war. Perhaps !!he first effort at home building in the present limits of Haywood was made by David Nelson, who, as a bound boy, to Jonathan McPeters for whom Jonathan's Creek was named came from Burke County with his master about the spring of 1785 and planted and raised a crop of corn at the "gardens" on Pigeon River near where Canton now stands. It is doubtful as to whether the crop was successful, for McPeters returned to Burke County that year and never came back. David Nelson, however, when he became of age. married and returned to this section and built a home on Jonathan's Creek at a point just below the mouth of the creek now known as Hemphill. In the office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe Count j found eopies «»!' grants dating back some years before 1791, the date of the formation of that county. There is one of special interest which conveys a tract of three hundred acres from the custody of the State to Thomas Hemphill and James McDowell. This tract was on the creeks since named Jonathan and Hemphill, the former in honor of Jonathan McPeters and the latter of Thomas Hemphill. This land was bought, at the time, for less than fifty cents an acre. Other grants had been made, previous to the one just mentioned, to John and Charles McDowell, and bear the signature of Governor Alexander Martin, dated at Newbern which was then the capital )f the State. These grants were recorded first in Burke County, 'ater in Buncombe, and still later in Haywood. From the records 1 1 seems i" be do d been planted on ulit thai quite Jonathan and of in Bock ite was to Lewis Smith in y Ridge on Richland < !reek. and other evidence al hand, there a colon} of thrift; Bettlera had Hemphill ( Ireeks as early afi 1790. Another granl thai is wrorthy 1 792 and was Located al i be point of Colonel Roberl Love, a veteran of the Revolution and formerly of Virginia, obtained Beveral grants, one particularly thai is mentioned at the mouth of Richland Creek, and occupied them aboul the same time. Two men of considerable means, Joseph Dobson and John Strother of Burke County, secured many grants on Richland Creek aboul the beginning of the nineteenth century and Later r nveyed most of it to Bettlera who began now to come in considerable numbers. Marl in Buff was already Living on Richland at the time of the date of these grants. Gabriel Ragsdale and Joseph Henry obtained grants as early as 1796 and located on the east fork of Raccoon and Richland Creeks. A little later, in 1803, Jonathan Osborne and John Howell made entries of several tracts on Richland Creek and Pigeon River. In 1808 John and James Welch obtained farms on Allen's Creek, as did Adam Killian. Thomas St. Clair, and William Bryan. William RleConnell had secured grants yeara before on the wesl fori; of Richland and was Living upon them. Among the first settlers on Pigeon River were John Davidson and James Chambers, who secured large '-'-rants from the State, some years RrvoIuI ion. James Chambers was A Mountain Read 12. living upon his grant previous to 1790, for according to the best information obtainable he died during the year. David Allison also purchased lands on Pigeon River in 1796, as did Robert Martin in 1798. John Gouch bought large tracts in the same locality before the beginning of the nineteenth century. These settlements were near where Canton now stands. John Penland, Jacob Shook, Spencer Rice and David Mehaffey c-ame from Burke and settled on Pigeon near where Clyde now stands. Nathaniel Alman also owned considerable tracts in the same neighborhood. John Penland 's farm was located on "Crystal" Creek which flows into the Pigeon. An important settlement was made in Dutch Cove on Pigeon River above Beaverdam Creek in 1796 by Christian Sergeant Messer, father of "fred" Messer, who died in 1907 at the ripe age of 117 years. The boy ''Fed" was five years old at the time his father moved from Burke County to Dutch Cove and remembered passing through Asheville in 1796 and being bitten by a dog there. It is probable that some people were living in that localtiy before Mr. ^lesser came. Higher up the river, on the East and West fork, settlements were made some years later than those lower down. Among those who first bought land on East Fork the names of John McFarland, William Cathey, and Elijah Deaver, who moved there previous to 1808, are found. On West Fork a considerable population had already become established before 1808. Robert Reed and John Penland made entries of land about the beginning of the nineteenth century. Other settlers moved in and soon the Bethel section became one of the most populous and progressive in the county. On Crabtree and Fines Creek flourishing settlements were made 'before the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among the earliest settlers there were David McDowell, David Seroggs, G ■-■ rge Jrawford. Colvay Jackson, and Joseph MeCracken. These men - .-cured important grants on Crabtree Creek and built upon .them everal years before the close of the eighteenth century. That part of the county thus being opened up attracted families from beyond the mountains, and soon Crabtree became noted for its thrift and populousness. About the time of the settlements on Crabtree some bold hunt sra /voiii what is now Caldwell County pushed across the mountains r.nd shot deer, bears, and turkeys and fought the Indians on Panther end Twelve Mile Creek. There also they established temporary homes and went back for their families. Among these men the rames ol David Uussell, Hughey Rogers, and John Kay appear }A. Russell Becurcd Large grants on Twelve Mile Creek in l7!tti. Rogers also opened ap Large boundaries in the same Locality abort the same time. John Penland, who had bought Lands on Pigeon a few years before, also obtained grants on Twelve Mile Creek. John Ray, « \ (.-I!- < r • wo before the settlements on ih;ii creek, runic from Wilkes ( '.unity and oceupied a Large granl on Panther Creek. These four men. ;it one time, owned most of the Land QOW included iii Fines Creek township. Twelve Mile Creek is the one now calleJ Fines Creel-;. Falls of Pigeon CHAPTER III. Location of the County Seat. Early in the nineteenth century the various settlements meL. tijned in th.; preceding cJiapter began to assume considerable im- portance. The settlers began to build homes with the idea of a permanent occupancy, and the hastily constructed hunter's head- quarters began to take on the air of a homestead. Immigrants from Burke. Lincoln, Rutherford, Rimeombf ;-. id other counties beyond the mountains and even from South Carolina and Georgia began to move in on account of the exceeding health fulness of the climate and the amazing beauty of the scenery. Soon thriving communities had sprung up on lower Pigeon, upper Pigeon, Crabtree, and Fines Creek, and upper and lower Jonathan. On Richland Creek, about the year 1800, the neucleus of n village had been formed on the beautiful ridge between its limpid waters and those of Raccoon Creek. The ridge is less than a mile wide and attracted settlers on account of the picturesque mountains on either side and the delightfulness of the climate. At that early time a considerable population was already there. Several men, who were well known in the State and who afterwards became prominent in public affairs, had built homes upon that nature favored spot and were living there. Such men as General Thomas Love, Colonel Robort Love, Colonel William Allen, .John Welch, and others of Revolutionary fame were leaders in that community. Without changing his residence General Thomas Love was a member of the State Legislature, with two or three years intermission, from 1707 to 1828, for nine years as a member from Buncombe County and tli" remainder of the time from Haywood. Most of the time he wa- in the house of Commons but for six years he was also in tt Senate. Colonel Robert Love served three years in the Senat from Buncombe County, from 1793 t<> 1795. William Allen and .John \\'clr!i were veterans of the Revolution and men of consider- able influence in that community. For Beveral years previous to 1808 the question of ;t new county had been agitated, particularly by those who had to travel through 'i'l winter snows to Asheville to attend court. Nothing I*, came oi these agitations until in thai year a memorial from li«' inhabitants of the western district of Buncombe to the Legislature resulted in the passage of the bill establishing the new county nf Haywood with the limits and boundaries designated in the measure. As .-.!•• udy state l. that law was ratified on D imber 23, 1808, bu1 it did ool become operative uniil early in the year 1809. On the fourth jJonday in March of thai year the justices of the peace in the lerritorj defined by the ad erecting the county me1 al Mount Prospect in the first court of pleas and quarter sessions ever held in :h, limits of Haywood County. The following justices were pres- ent al that meeting: Thomas Love, John Fergus, John Dobson, Robert Phillips, Abraham Eaton, Hugh Davidson. Hollim'an Battle, .1 ,|,,i McFarland, Phillip T. Burfobt, William Deayer, Archibald McHenry, and Benjamin Odell. Thtso men had the formation of the county lipon t h « ■ i r hands. They Lad m'el at .Mount Prosped in obedience to the law. but there ,, N i„, court-house aqr any machinery of a county government. They had to build an organization out of apparent Champs. With the same determination that they had used in felling tin- forests and in fighting the Indians these hardy and intelligent frontiersmen Bet about their task. One of the first things the court thus constituted did was to elect officers for the new county. There were several candidates tor the different positions, but after several ballots were taken the following were declared duly elected: Clerk of the Court. Robert Love; Sheriff, William Allen: Register of Deeds, Phillip T. Burfootj Constable of the County, Samuel Hollingsworth'; Entry Taker. Thomas St. Clair; Treasurer. Robert Phillips: Stray Master. Adam Killian; Comptroller. Abraham Eaton; Coroner. Nathan Thompson; Solicitor. Archibald Ruffin; Standard Keeper, David McFarland. Thus offieered the county of Eaywood began its eareer. The officers entered ,-it one,- ii|hhi their respective duties, and tin iinty became ;i reality. The first entry in the register's booh bears date of March 29th, 1809, Bigned by Philip T. Burfoot, and the first in the Clerk's book is the same date hv Robert Love. r. 17 Until the courl house and jail could be buill the county officials me1 at private residences .-it Mount Prospecl and prisoners were carried i,. jail in Asheville. Such proceedings were inconvenienl and the commissioners appointed by the Legislature, therefore, made baste to locate and ereel the public buildings. It was expected thai they would be ready to make their reporl to the courl of pleas and quarter sessions as to the Location of the county seat at the March cession, Lnstead, however, they a l< I al thai Bession to be in- dulged until the June term, and thai requesl was granted. «>n Monday, June l'mIi. 1809 the couii me1 a1 the home of John. Howell. The old record names the following justices as being present: Thomas Love, Philip Burfoot, Hugh Davidson, John Mc- K.-nland. Abraham Eaton. John Dobson, William Deaver, Archibald McHenry, and John Fergus. At this meeting the commissioners, named in tin rc1 of the Legislature erecting the county, made their report, in which they declared that it was unanimously agreed t<» Locate the public buildings &oniev* here on the ridge I. .'tween Richland and Kaqcoon Creeks at or near the poinl then called Mount Prospect. As the c ►mmissioners were clothed with lull power it. acl it required tic v..te of the justices, bul it is more than probable that the report was cheerfully endorsed by a majority of the justices present. At this June term of the Court, the first for the trial of causes, ihe following composed the grand jury: John Welch, foreman, William Welch. John Fullbright, John Robinson, Edward Sharteer, Isaac Wilkins, Elijah Beaver, David McFarland, William Burns, .Joseph Chambers, Thomas St. Clair, John Shook. William Cathey Jacob Shook, ami John St. Clair, John Shook, William Cathey the following grand juror-; for the next term of the Superior Court that was to he held in Asheville in September: Eolliman Battle, Hugh Davidson, Abraham Eaton, Thomas Lenoir, William Deaver. John McFarland, John McClure, Felix Walker, Jacob .McFarland, Roberl Love. Edward Hyatt, and Daniel Fleming. This was done because of the fact that no Superior Court was held in Ilayu 1 for SC-Vi-ral years after the formation of the county; 'hut all cases that were appealed from the court of pleas and quarter sessions came up by law in the Superior Court of Buncombe County at Asheville. For this court Haywood County was hound by law to send to AfJieville sis grand jurors and as many more as desired. At the June term inspectors of election, thai was to take place in August, were also selected. There were then two voting precincts, ami this election was the first ever held in the county. For the precinct of .Mount Prospect the following inspectors were appointed Tomb of Col. Love Ill George Cathey, William Deaver, John Fergus, and Elugfa Davidson. For the precinct of Saco Benjamin Parks, Roberl Reed, and Robert Turner were appointed. In the Location of the public buildings .-it Mounl Prospect there was Laid ilif foundation of the presenl Little city of Waynesville. Tradition says and truthfully, no doubt, bhal the name was sug gested by Colonel Roberl Love in honor of General Anthony Wayne, under whom Colonel Love served in the Revolutionary war. The name suited the community and people, and the village soon came to be known by it. In the record of the court of pleas and quarter sessions the name of Waynesville occurs first in 1811. Some unexpected eoii.liiK.n prevented the immediate erection of the public buildings. The plans were all Laid in 1809, bul sufficient money from taxation as provided for in the acl establishing the county had not been secured by the c\\^\ of thai year. It was. there- lore, late iii the year 181 l before siit'lieieiit funds were in hand to be- gin the erection of the courthouse. During the year l>li! the work began and was completed by the end of the year. .Mark Column is said to have been the first man to dig up a stump in Laying the foundation for that building. On December 21st. lsp_>. the first court was held in this first court house. David W. Shook, Sr. ciiaitki; iv Haywood County Indians. Long before white people had eome into the mountain country all the land now included in Haywood County was occupied by the warlike Cherokees. As the western frontier of civilization, how- ever, approached the Indian territory, the simple Datives of the hills retired farther and farther into the fastnesses of the mountains. While tli*- Regulators were resisting Tryon .-it Alamance and the patriots under Caswell and Moore were bayonetting the Tories a1 Moore's Creek Bridge, the Cherokees of whal is now Haywood County were smoking their pipes in peace under the shadows « > t" old Bald or hunting along the banks of the murmuring Pigeon and its tributaries. When, however, the tide of western immigration overflowed the French Broad and began to reach the fool hills of the Balsams the Cherokees, ever friendly as a rule to the white 'Man. gave up their lands and removed to the banks of the Tuckascigee, ihus surrend ir- ing to their white brothers all the land eastward of a line running uorth and south between the presenl town of Waynesville and the Balsam range of mountains. Throughout the period of the early settlement of Haywood County and until the presenl the most friendly relations have existed between the white people and the ( Iherokees. Only one incident is given by tradition which shows that any hostile feeling existed at any time. It is related thai a few Indians from their settlemenl on tin 1 Tuckaseigee, before the close of the eighteenth century, went aero - the Smoky mountains into Ten- and Btole several horses from the tl e. A posse of while men followed the redskins, who c - the Pigeon on their way home encamped for the nighl on Richland near the present site of the Hardwood faetory in Waynesville. While en- camped for the night, their white pnrsnrers came up, fired into them, recaptured the horses, and began their journey back to Ten- nessee. The Indians, taken by surprise, scattered, but soon re- covered themselves and went in pursuit of the white men. At Twelve Mile Creek they came upon the whites encamped for the night. Indian fashion they made an attack, and in the fight which ensued one white man by the name of Fine was killed. The , Indians, however, were driven off. Before leaving their camp next morning the white men took the body of their dead comrade, broke a hole in the ice which covered the creek, and put him in the ice cold water to remain until they could return for the body. A big snow was on the ground at the time, and it was bitter cold. From this story Twelve Mile Creek came to be called Fines Creek. When the war of 1812 broke out the British made a big effort to enlist all the Indians in the United States in their service. The powerful tribes in the Northwest and the South readily joined the British and began a war of extermination upon the frontier settlements. Much apprehension was felt in this State lest the Cherokees should, by the promise of British gold, take up the scalping knife and set out upon the warpath. By prudence and tact shown by the leading men of Haywood County at that time such a calamity was averted. At one time, however, there were grave fears lest the savage spirit of the Cherokees would be aroused and dire disaster follow. Tecumseh. the great chief of the Shawnees of the middle west p\a head of a great confederation of Indian nations extending from the great lakes to the gulf, came to Haywood County in 1812 .11..) endeavored to get the Cherokees to join his confederation and make war upon the whites From a story written concerning those times the following extract is taken (the story is not now in print) : It was one day in the summer of 1812 that the heralds of Tecumseh came to Cherok< e in the mountains of western North Carolina. They announced that the great Tecumseh was coming to speak to his brethren of the Balsams. "Chiefs of the Cherokees." said they, "the Shooting Star of the west will he here in two days, and lie desires ;ill good Indians to meel him a1 the Soco Gap." The Indians called Tecumseh " ing Star." Then there was hurrying to and fro to give Tecumseh a wel- come. They were not quite sure what he was coming for, but they wanted to hear he mighl Bay. Aboul one thousand of the chiefs and great warriors t al the appointed place and time and seated themselves on the green sward. As Tecumseh came among tht'iii he bowed low to them and they to him. One chief Bpoke. "Shooting Star," said h < •. "You are known to us. We have often heard of you. We are glad thai you have come to visil us. We have heard of whal you have done in the far wesl and wanl you to tell us more. " "My brother Cherokees," began Tecumseh, "I have' long wanted to see your Faces. ¥ou are of the same blood as the Shawnecs, my people, who live toward the big sea water. I am glad to Bee j < > 1 1 . " "You know," he wenl on, "thai the Indian race was intended by the Greal Spirit to be the masters of the world. The master <>. life himself was an Indian. He made the Indian before any others of thie human race. Indians sprang from the brain of the Greal Spirit. The English and the French were made from the breast, the Dutch from the feet, and the Long Knives (the Americans] from. the hands, of the Greal Spirit. All these inferior races he made white and put beyond the greal ocean. He intended for to si.i\ there, bu1 they have cine in greal crowds to take out- laid! from us." "Behold," continued he. ••What they did to the Pequots, the Narragansetts, the Powhatans, the Tuscaroras, and the Corees. Thej have put the sand upon them and they are no more. White nieii have biiill their castles where the Indian hunting grounds once wer ■. and now they are coming into your mountain glens. Soon there will !• • no place f< i* thr In<1 ana to hunt the deer. Cherokees, children of the Greal Spirit, do you not sec thai it is time for you to draw the tomahavt k In response to this direel question many chiefs and heaves shouted, "yes," bul the larger number remained silent. Then one of the younger chiefs arose and said thai the words of Tecumseh were the words of truth, and he was ready to follow his lead. Several others did likewise, hut the older ones continued to smoke their pipes. At length Junaluska, one of the bravesl among them. spoke againsl beginning a war upon the white people. "It has been many years," said he. '"since the Cherokees have drawn the tomahawk. Our I. raves have forgotten how to use the Bcalping knife. We have learned that it is better not to L r o to war againsl our white brothers. They are as numerous as the leaves in the forest. We have been living near them for many vears. Thes 24 are friendly and do not molest the land of the Indians. I shall never raise my arm against them." Immediately several other chiefs expressed the same sentiments. and soon it was seen that an overwhelming majority were with the white men. Teeumseh had to return to his country without success among the Cherokees. In the v/ar with England that followed the Indians of Haywood County remained faithful to the United States government. Many of them enlisted in the United States army under General Andrew Jackson and fought against the Creek Indians of Alabama and Ten- nessee. Junaluska was one of these. He with a hand of faithful Cherokees assisted Jackson in the great hattle of Horse Shoe bend and succeeded in turning the tide of battle in favor of the whites. For that act Junaluska was rewarded by the government and highly praised by General Jackson. He has also a noble mountain not far from Waynesville named in his honor. In 1835 an effort was made by the United States government to remove the Cherokees to the Indian territory. An army was sent into the mountains of Haywood County to persuade or force the red- skins to remove to their new home that had been provided for them beyond the Mississippi river. General Winfield Scott, afterward distinguished in the Mexican Avar, was in command of the army and was charged with the duty of transplanting the Indian bands. He was very successful in persuading the Indians of Northern Georgia and Eastern Tennessee to consent to go to the new territory allotted to them. As soon, however, as he came into Haywood County he struck a different proposition. The Indians would not listen to the sugges- ts' 1 of their removal. They loved their native hills and would not give them up. They, therefore, flatly refused to be transported. General Scott then ordered a removal by force ; but the Indians hid in the mountain glens and caves. The soldiers could not find them and the undertaking was greatly delayed. Finally General Scott gave up the attempt and recommended to the government that a reservation for the Cherokees be secured in the mountains of western Northern Carolina and the tribe he allowed to dwell there. This recommendation was acted upon and a reservation of many thousand acres of land was purchased in the western part of Hay- wood County, and the Eastern Hand of the Cherokees were settled upon it, and are now living there. Since this reservation was formed other counties have been erected ou1 of the westernmost territory of lr CO •Ji itiea of Haywood, and no* this reservation is included in tl Jackson Swain, and Graham. hl the Civil War of 1861-65 the Cherokees were loyal to the Confederacy. Hundreds of them joined the Confederate army and did valianl service for the Southland. Prom the entire band only ten or twelve, allured bj Yankee gold, joined the Federal army, and those few, upon their return to the reservation, after the war closed were regarded as traitors to the "Nation." t\ is said thai as trait- ors they were slam as a warning to others. CHAPTER V. Haywood County in War. Haywood County's citizenship has always been at the front in times of war. From the best information obtainable it is quite certain that most of the earliest settlers had been in the continental army and fought through the entire war of Revolution, and later on many of them were in the war of 1812. Still later, a number of these veterans of two wars moved to the great and boundless west, where the hazardous life might be spent in fighting savage tribes of Indians. As best it can be learned only seven of these grand old patriots died and were buried within the confines of Haywood County, to- wit: at Waynesville. Colonel William Allen and Colonel Robert Love; at Canton. George Hall, James Abel, and John Messer; at upper Fines Creek. Hughey Rogers; a1 lower Fines Creek. Christian Messer. There were doubtless others, but thir names have been lost. All of these old soldiers were ever ready to fight for their homes. They came in almost daily contact with the Cherokee Indians, once a great and warlike tribe controlling the wilderness from the glades of Florida to the great lakes. While these savages were friendly to the settlers it was ever regarded as not a remote possibility that they might go upon the warpath at any time. Hence our forefathers had them constantly to watch while they were subduing the land. Most of the old citizens have heard of the three old treaty lines running through Haywood. Jackson. Macon, and Swain counties, from the Smoky .Mountains to the South Carolina line. The Indians claimed the line between Waynesville and the Balsams, hut the whites claimed the "Butler line'.' Punning on the west side of the Cowee Mountains. The Meiggs ami Freeman line was finally settled upon. That line runs in a direct course from Meiggs Mountain, one 27 mile east of Clingman's Dome to a poinl al or near Caesar's Head on the Smith Carolina line. Thus the contention between the white set- tlers and the redskins was amicablj settled, and the mosl friendly relations between the two peoples have existed since. Very litt) Deeming the pari taken bj Hayv, I Count) in the of 1812 and the Mexican war can be found. Practically the veteran of the Revolution was also the veteran of 1812. It' he did ih, i go to the front in thai war it was because his services were not demanded. The same is true also of the Mexican war. The in. mi of !l;iyw I were ready and willing to go, bul the fighting was nil done in a Bection remote from this county and there was never ,in\ need for the calling nut of large armies. In the (ivil War oi 1861-65, however, Hayw I County played ,-i conspicuous and ;i heroic part, ;i pari thai is worthy of the admira- tion of everybody. During those eventful years this county had men in the firsl and sixth cavalry, the sixteenth, twenty-fifth, twenty-second, sixty-fourth, sixty-ninth, seventieth, and eightieth regiments of North Carolina troops. Besides this enumeration, there were several unattached companies of junior and senior reserves, a company of Bappers and miners, and aboul every man in the county able to shoulder ;i gun or a "peck of bran." The four volumes of the North Carolina roster by no means gives all the names of the soldiers from Haywood, nor does it mention all the deeds of daring even of those ineiit ioned. The sixteenth regimenl was the firsl t<> go out having responded with such alacrity to the call of Governor Ellis that the patriotic hearts <>f all North Carolinians glowed with pride. Company A of this regiment, made up of Haywood County low. after serving one year in the army of Lee in Virginia and Wesi Virginia and Leaving a Dumber of its besl men in honored graves, was transferred in 1862 to "Thomas's Legion," becoming Company K of that regi- ment, and will he ntioned with the sixty-ninth regiment. of the twenty-fifth regimenl too much cannol he said, hut in a limited work of this kind the meed of praise justly dim the noble men of that command can hut faintly he mentioned. .Mi. si of the men composing this regimenl were originally opposed to the war or to secession; bu1 the proclamation of Presidenl Lincoln calling for troops to -suppress the rebellion" destroyed the hist vesl brave unionism in the South, and called the Sons of Dixie to arms t,, defend their hearthstones and sacred altars. The>e mountain men are graphically described bj Judge Q S Ferguson in his history of this regimenl I Regimental History, Vol. -. 28 page 291), from which the following is an extract: "These mountain men had always been accustomed to independence of thought and freedom of action, and having elected for their com- pany officers, their neighbors and companions, they had no idea of surrendering more of their personal liberty than should he neces- sary to make them effective soldiers. Obedient while on duty and independent off duty, this spirit to a marked degree they retained to the close of the war." This regiment spent the entire four years of the war. except a few months on the Carolina coast, in the midst of, and in the front ranks of. General Lee's army in Virginia. Mary- land, and Pennsylvania. Out of one thousand men. taken to Vir- ginia, over 220 were killed in battle, more than 230 died of disease. and 480 were wounded, a wonderful and terrible record. In this regiment of heroes Haywood County had two companies. Company C Avent out under the command of Sam C. Bryson, who later became major and lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. The familiar names of some of our best men and families are found upon its roster. Several years atler the war Colonel Bryson, a lawyer and a good man. moved to T< \as and became an honored citizen and judge there. While in this county he lived where the new Baptist church in Wayn3sville now stands. Following Bryson as captain wis Wesley N. Freeman, who had been adjutant of the regiment. He was a good man. He married a daughter of William Welch of Waynesville, and moved to Georgia after the war and became highly respected there until his death several years since. Next in order was Captain W. Pink Welch, who was Avell known personally to all the older inhabitants of Haywood County. Captain Welch was a sterling Democrat, a fine lawyer, a successful politician, and a very popular man every way. He was married first to Miss Sallie Cathey, a daughter of Colonel Joseph Cathey of Pigeon, who lived a short while only. He next married Miss Margaret White, of Athens, Ga., who with one son, John, survives. The Pink Welch camp No. 848 in this county attests the respect of the veterans for him in the pre- servation of his name and deeds. The other officers of this company were lieutenants Stephen J. Shelton, Lewis J. Smith, and -Joseph R. Hawkins, all gone except. Shelton who is a useful and honored citizen of Waynesville. Lieu- tenant Shelton married Miss Mahola Conley. of Jackson County, a sister of that good man and splendid soldier Lieutenant Robert II. Conley, who was doubtless one of the last men in all the South to surrender, at Waynesville, May K), 1865. Mr. Shelton has been a ,,.,, ted citizen of this count) all his life, was sheriff of the county Mi;11 , years, and a justice of the peace ever since be served out bis time as sheriff. The sergeants were Thomas S. Gillett, K. H. Howell, I Mill- M OUCili*. a I | Sm i t h .1 c Curry, Prank Messer, DobsoD and Hawkins, all deadexcepl Mr. Messer, who losl a fool al Petersburg, Va., and stiU lives among us. Compaq F was commanded by Captain Thomas I. Lenoir, who wa s succeeded later bj Captain James A. Blaylock and W. 11. Har- grove ,,, their nun. The ftrsl lieutenants a1 diflferenl times wen Th a d c Hyatt and James A. Burnett, and the second lieutenants were James M. Cathey, Joseph '1'. Cathey, William Wright, and <:. s Ferguson Mos1 ol these officers all Bona of some of the besl fami l ie8 „, Hayw 1 C itj were promoted from the ranks, and were chosen by the men themselves after n ths and years ol BWeat blood an d fire. Thus officered, this heroic band of men marched oul to battle. -Proudly they trod, thai gallanl Southern host, Forth inarched they from mountain, grove, and <-u ;i st. Their hearts beal high, they thunder on the foe, \n,l like a whirlwind to the Conflict go." Only a few words aeed 1- Baid concerning the officers of this eompany Capt. Lenoir, long Bince gone from us. was <>r Revolu- tionary stock, and was distinguished as a brave and gaUanl soldier. (••n.ta'.n James Cathey, a man of greal worth and conspicuous bravery was killed a1 the "blow up" before Petersburg, June 30, 1864 'Li.-uirnant Ilvatt was killed at Warn. Springs ... the same „ear Captain Blaylock, another good ...a., and worthy citizen, wenl to his grave in honor a few years ago. Captain Hargrove and Judge Ferguson remain with us respected and honored citizens. \„ x; 0D the,,- of the brave men who answered the call ol Dixie from Western North Carolina was the twenty-ninth regiment, commanded by Colonel, afterwards General, R. B. Vance who was o, r nature's noblemen. One company from Haywood ( ounty wenl ou1 with this regiment. Captain Hiram Rogers, who still lives an 1 .red citizen, led the brave men composing 11 to tin- seal of u ,„. captain Rogers is now the proud ancestor of over one hundred and fifty children and grand children. This company with Rogers and Teague as commanders had a. Lieutenants W. 1'.. Ferguson, Henry Plott, James P. Murray, and James S Henry, all now dead except W. B. Ferguson, who ,« a Buccessful lawyer and business man honored and res] ted by all. I1( ,w living ... Waynesville. Hani service was seen by tins company in Tennessee, Kentucky. Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. They left many noble comrades in unknown graves at Cumberland Gap, Richmond and Perryville. Ky.. Chattanooga. Franklin, Nashville. Corinth. Vicksburg, Ghieamauga, and Altobna. They were with Joseph E. Johnston as he retreated before Sherman in Georgia and again with that grand old soldier as he struck Sherman a deadly blow at Bentonville and afterwards surrendered to overwhelming odds at Durham, thus closing an honorable military career. In the thirty-ninth regiment there seems to have been no separate company from this county, although quite a number of Haywood men went out with it attached to other companies from other counties. Next comes the gallant sixty-second regiment, commanded by one of Haywood's favorite sons. Colonel Robert G. A. Love, who first donned his uniform as Lieutenant-colonel of the sixteenth regiment in 1861 and on account of failing health resigned his commission after a short service and returned to private life. Being partially restored in health, however. Colonel Love again threw himself into the breach, and. at considerable cost to himself, raised the sixty- second regiment, with three fine companies from this county, com- manded by three of the best officers furnished by Haywood County for the war, Asbury T. Rogers. John II. Turpin, and William J. Wilson, the two former now dead and Captain Wilson now a citizen of Texas. Of the first company, commanded by Rogers, only one officer survives. ex-sherifl: AY. 11. Leatherwood now assistant clerk of the court. From Turpin's company not a single officer lives to help tell the tale and only one non-commissioned officer out of eleven. namely Lorenzo D. Medford, a highly respected citizen of Iron Duff township. From the third company, besides Captain Wilson, lieu- tenant Edmond P. G. Murray alone remains. Lieutenant Murray, a useful and much esteemed citizen, takes a lively interest in all matters pertaining to the war and has assisted greatly in revising the roster of Haywood County troops. This regiment, after being baptized in blood on many hard fought fields was captured at Cumberland Gap and spent twenty- three months in prison. During thai Long confinement, starving and freezing for a good portion of the time, they were offered the oath of allegiance to the United States and with it freedom, hut they in- dignantly refused each time it was offered. Human history furnishes few examples of higher tests of loyally than this. ::i lii many res] is the mosl notable of the regiments that wenl mil from the mountain counties was the Bixty-ninth, or better known as Thomas 's Legion. Onlj one corapanj IV Haywood belonged i<> it. This regimenl was organized bj Col< I William II. Thomas, a native born Haywood boy, born in 1805 and before either Macon, Jackson, or Cherokee became counties. < '"I I Thomas was om- ul' the mosi conspicuous men in this pari of North < larolina prior to the war. He earlj espoused the cause of the Cherokee Indians and reallj spent the besl pan of Ins life in their upbuilding. During the war all of the western counties would have been entirely overrun imi for his loyaltj to the South. Company E oi this regimenl was from Haywood County and officered by Captain Julius M. Welch, Lieutenants Th as J. Fer- guson, J. Harrison Moody, and William ( '. Brown, all living excepl Captain Welch, the christian hero, who was killed at Piedmont, Va . June 5, 1864, a1 the beginning of the celebrated "valley campaign" of Generals Jubal Early, Longstrect, Gordon, Rhodes, Ramseur, and others. Col. \V. W. Stringfield when 2« 32 Prior to .this time, however, it should be stated, when the regiment was organized at Knoxville. Tenu . in the summer of 1862 this company (E) had been transferred from the Sixteenth North Carolina, and with two Indian companies (A and B), Company C, • Johnson 'a of this county. Companies F and G. McConneU 's and Fisher's of Jackson, Companies II, I and K from Cherokee and Graham, and Company D from Tennessee, made up the famous "legion." Company A was at first commanded by Captain James W. Terrell, who later became quarter master of the regiment. lie was a Haywood County boy, but is now living at a ripe old age at Webster, X. C, a Christian gentleman of intelligence "browsing aiong the coast" of the great river waiting for his Master's call. His brother Lieutenant William S. Terrell, a sprightly young man then,butnow asprightly oldman of Pigeon valley, "Johnnie Hopeful" being his nom-de-plume. Captain Johnson of Company C, afterwards major of the regiment, after the war. moved to Florida, was in the Senate of that State for some years and esteemed as an honored citizen. Of the lieutenants, W. R. Trull, John H. Smathers, William D. Hall, and Elisha W. .Morgan, all have passed over to the other shore except Lieutenant Trull, who is yet an active man in one of the far western States and who was honored, before leaving, with a seat in the Legislature from this county. It is regretted that the lack of space prevents the mention of private soldiers, who followed the "Southern Cross" for four years, and performed deeds of daring and dauntless courage that will live. They are the uncrowned heroes whose names may not be chronicled among man but are recorded in the unopen book of immortality. Coming down to the present generation, the sons of the soldiers of 1861 responded as promptly to the call of President McKinley. in 1898, for troops to go 1o Cuba as did the socalled thrice loyal legions of the North. For the liberation of Cuba a Haywood County com- pany was formed and officered by Captain W. J. Hannah and Lieu- tenants Thomas Stringfield. Hugh A. Love, and Ben J. Kirkpatrick. It was made up of a fine lot. of non-commissioned officers and private soldiers, most of whom are living among us to-day. Setting out for the seat of war as company II of the first North Carolina infantry, they had the misfortune of being held in reserve on the coast of Florida until the war was practically over and. therefore, of not being actively engaged. They had. however, the distinguished honor of guarding the first United Stales Hag ever carried through the streets of Ilavanna. This honor was offered .;; them, when in December, L898, the regiments of North Carolina troops with other troops iron, other states bad been ordered to Cuba and the ships carrying them were lying in the harbor of Havanna, on condition thai they disembark in an orderly and •<• speedy manner than a certain Northern regimenl on another ship lying alongside. All the boys, officers and men, wenl to work and unloaded the Bhip, packed the wagons, and were readj to march through the streets, while their Yankee comrades were lying on the shore hiring the lazy Cubans to do the work thej should have been doing themselves, and as then- fathers had done in the <'ivil war. Along with other North Carolina companies Hayw I County boys gave the rebel yell when it was discovered thai North Carolina was again firsl a1 Havanna. There is a good joke on the Bayw I County boys thai is too good t<» lose; As the regimenl in fine trim and in splendid order, proudly stepping to the music of "Dixie" and "Yankee Doodle," marched up from the harbor to the Main Streel of the city, where the people in wild joy and enthusiasm crowded the Btreets and side- walks shouting themselves hoarse, the firsl batallion when well oui on .Main Streel were greeted with a brillianl display of fireworks, cannon crackers and other explosives, one of the regimental officers, himself a youth in war, during a momentary ball and having heard Borne whisperings of treachery in the city ordered his batallion to load their guns at once and be ready to t i lt h t the traitors. One Haywood hoy. who hail been in the Civil war. was earnestly ques- tioned as to his idea of the tumult. Looking wise and listening for .1 second or two he replied, "Yes, hoys they are fighting like h r.p there." Soon they W3re on Main street and. of course, com- prehended the situation. .Major dames M. Bloody was Qlong at the time on the staff of Major General Keifer, and did honorable service in this Spanish-American military picnic. Major Moody was a son of a I lay woo. 1 County veteran of the ('ivil war. and a roan popular \\ it h all cl i since the Spanish -American war Haywood County has had representatives in the Philippines ami upon the seas. Major John \V. Norwood, now a practicing attorney in Waynesville, served two or three years in the Philippines as firsl lieutenant. Young W. P.. and Harlej Fergusi a, Bons of W. 1'.. Ferguson, of Waynesville, are winning golden laurels in the Bervi >!' the United States govern- ment and in Ship-building. Oi I' them is a graduate from the military school at West Poinl and 11 ther of the Naval Academy at Annapolis. John N. Ferguson, son of Judge <; s Ferguson, is u a graduate of the Naval Academy and has already made a name for himself by the efficiency of his service. William IT. Lee, a son of W. T. Lee of Waynesville, is also a graduate of the Naval Academy and is doing brave service on one of the battleships in our navy. From the records, therefore, it is apparent that old Haywood has no cause to ever be ashamed of her war history, early or late. If the heroes of the Revolution and of the Civil war, most of whom are silent in their graves, could speak, with almost one voice and in thunder tones they would say, "Boys, be true to your God, your country, and the memory of your fathers." CHAPTER VI. he Pursuits of Peace. Since its formation in 1808 Hayw I County has stood high among tin- counties of the State. Her citizenship has ever been loyal to the best interests of the commonwealth, generally enlisting on the conservative and safe side of every public questioq. In peace as well as in war her people have been true to the highest princi- ples of patriotism, which is nowhere better exe nplified than in fash- ioning a greal self-governing community from the fastnesses and wilds of the mountains. In the comparatively shorl space of a hun- dred years such transformation has taken place thai the wildest dreamer of the lasl century would be dazzle:! al the result. 'Plus growth has no1 been rapid. It was particularly slow in the incipent stage of the county's existence. Even for man} years •he organization oJ the county governmenl in March, 1809, and the location of th >unty seat in the fall of that year, the country was almosl an unbroken wilderness from the Pigeon to the there a prosperous settlement had Bprung up. but for n hundred years after the firsl settlements there t an incorpoi at< i to .-. a in the county. Fr< rliesl times the bulk of the people have lived on thai have been literally snatched from the wilderness. Tilling :l and raising live stock received the greatesl attention from the fir: t. even in thai was the remoter die aarkets. The is .ire.-; town where a market for country produce could be found previ 170 was Greenville, S. <'.. and over the rough mountain roads the task of getting to market was difficull ami so perilous. Nothing dan ' vei\ the early inhabitants of Haywood sel about the task of reclaiming and subduing the land. These hardy 3G frontiersmen trained to hardship and active toil, did not shrink from hard labor, but gave their attention to those things which contributed most directly to the building up of a self-sustaining com- munity. Hence, in Haywood for the first decade or two of its ex- istence, almost every man was a laborer. Until comparatively recent times the county was isolated from the great business centres of the country, and, therefore, followed the slow but sure business policies of a strictly primitive people. There was, therefore, no piling up of great fortunes; but a spirit of thrift and rustic enterprise possessed the staid and tried inhabi- tants of the hills. Wealth, in that early time, consisted largely in undeveloped mountain lands, and some landed estates of vast boundaries were entered and transmitted to descendants. Owing, therefore to the slow progress in the development of tht; mountain lands and the consequent tardy influx of population the taxable valuation of property in Haywood County has shown only a moderate increase from year to year. The following table taken from the reports to the State auditor, shows how moderate that increase has been: Year Property Polls 1839 111,780 296 1849 203,040 344 1859 772,900 533 1869 804,165 872 1879 919,602 ...1242 1889 1,567,607 1671 1899 1,858,180 1916 1908 4,657,947 2631 Ecprrts back of 183J were destroyed when the capital at Raieigh was burned that year. In legislative halls Haywood County has played no unimportant part. While her people were carving the county from the rocky heights and the verdant slopes of the everlasting hills, they did not forget that they were an integral part of the "Old North State" and interested in everything that concerned the commonwealth as a whole. From the first some of the county's best men have been sent to the senate and house of representatives of the General Assem- bly of North Carolina. Among them are many names that are still familiar in the county. Several of them have reached almost emin- ence among their fellow men. The following list will be of interest to every native of Haywood County: Members of General Assembly From Haywood County. Senate Hoi .John Welch Thorn .John Welch Thorn .John McFarland Thorn of Representatives. Love, Thomas Lenoir Love, Tli as Lenoir Love. Thomas Lenoir .John McFarland Thomas Lenoir, John Dobson. .John McFarland Thomas Lenoir, Joseph Chambers .John McFarland Thomas Love, Thomas Lenoir. .James Welch Thomas Love, Joseph Chambers. .Hodge Rabourne. .. .John Stephenson, William Welch. .Thomas Tatharo Thomas Love, Dan'l McDowell. .Hodge Rabourne Thomas Love, William Welch. .Hodge Rabourne ....Thomas Love, Joseph Chambers. .Hodge Rabourne Thomas Love, Joseph Chambers. .Hodge Rabourne. .James R. Love Ninian Edn ston. .Hodge Rabourne James R. Love, Benjamin chirk. .Thomas Love .lames R. Love. Xiiiian EJdmonstou. .Thomas Love .lames R. Love. Ninian Edmonston. .Thomas Love .lames R. Love. Ninian Kdmonston. .Thomas Love .lames R. Love. Ninian Edmonston. .Thomas Love .lames R. Love, B<'ii.j. S. Britlain. .Thomas Love Benj. S. Brittain. Ninian Edmonston. ."William Welch ....James R. Love. Ninian Kdmonston .William Welch ....James R. Love. Ninian Edmonston. .William I'arham ..Nianian Kdmonston. Jno. L.Smith. .William I'arham ....Ninian Edmonston, Jno. L.Smith. .William Sitton .....Ninian Kdmonston. Jno. L. Smith. .Ninian Kdmonston ..Jno. L. Smith, Joseph II. Walker. .Ninian Kdmonston ..Jno. L. Smith. Joseph II. Walker. .James Gudger John L. Smith. .Hodge Rabourne Joseph Keener .Thomas L. Clingman Joseph Keener. .Joseph Cathey Michael Francis. .Michael Francis Joseph Keener. .Michael Francis \ndrew Ferguson . W. II. Thomas Robt. G. A. Love. .W. II. Thomas Robt. G. A. Love .Michael Francis Robt. G. A. Love. .Michael Francis Robt. <:. A. Love. .Michael Francis s - B. Love. .Michael Francis s - B. Love .Michael Francis s - U Bove 1862 CD. Smith g. L . Love. 18 64 S. C. Bryson S. L. Love. 1866 B- M. Henry Greene Garrett 1868 Win. L. Love .' Walter Brown. 1870 Win. L. Love W. P. Welch 1872 Wm. L. Love H. P. Haynes. This year Haywood, Henderson, and Transylvania were made the 34th Senatorial district. 1874 No Senator p. M. Davis. 1876 G. S. Ferguson F. M. Davis. 1879 ' No Senator F. M. Davis. 1881 J. P. Deaver F. M. Davis. 1 883 No Senator W. W. Stringfield. 1885 W. L. Tate '...'. W. T. Crawford 1887 Geo. W. Wilson W. T. Crawford. 1889 No Senator W. II. Hargrove. 1891 J. S. Davis R, D. Gilmer. 1893 J. S. Davis .... .R, D. Gilmer. This year Haywood, Buncombe, and Madison, composed the 41st Senatorial district. 1895 J. M. Moody W. T. Lee. 1897 Geo. H. Smathers J. W. Ferguson 1899 No Senator J. S. Davis 1901 W. W. Stringfield J. A. Collins; 1903 No Senator M. D. Kinsland. 1905 ..... .W. W. Stringfield J. S. Davis. 1907 No Senator ' D. L. Boyd. Besides this long list of honored citizens extending from the earliest existence of the county to the present, Haywood County has had men prominent in other positions. During the long sec- tional controversy between eastern and western North Carolina regarding the question of representation in the General Assembly. General Thomas Love, Colonels N'nian Bdmonston, Wolliam Welch, and James R. Love, who were members from the county at different times, took strong positions for a reform that would give the west its rightful representation in the councils of the State. At that time each county was entitled to one senator and two represen- tatives, a plan which gave the large number of small eastern counties greatly the advantage over the large western counties. The west wanted to put the matter of representation upon the basis of population, an arrangement which the cast bitterly fought. The controversy went on for twenty years and was finally disposed of by the calling ol the constitutional convent! t 1835 To tins convention Hay* I Count 3 Ben1 one of her most die- tinguished citizens, ColonelJoseph Cathej ol Pig i. He took poai- with the wesl in the main question before thai body and was i^truxnental i„ bringing aboul the greal issue b 3 which each county waa afterwarda represented in the General Aasembl) according to its population. This al aade an opening for the erection oi new countieB in the west, a thing which had been greatlj desired, bu1 nad been stopped on account ol the agitation thai had been going on i,. i- many years. For twenty-five jreara following the constitutional convention ... 1835 Hayw I Counts i pie trod the paths ol peace. Nothing ur ther was done than would be expected of a peace loving and indus- trious community. Even the Mexican war, to which only a fen North Carolinians went, did aol disturb the quiel ol the mountain covea and glens. Up to 1861 there was nothing of an exciting nature unl , the rumbling of the storm thai was approaching. New farms were being opened np and better roads were being built stride of those things-which relate only to the material uplifting ol the county, M may be aaid thai Hayw 1 had qo history during those years. During thai quarter century the county was being rep- ted in the General Assembly a1 Raleigh by auch men as Joseph , Cathey, Michael Francis, Andrew Ferguson, Robert .. A | nvi . .,„ | Dr s L Lo V e. It can be Been, therefore, from these namea thai the county wa i having w< ighl in the councils of State. CHAPTER VII. War's Alarms. Early in 1861 the mutterings of the approaching storm were distinctly heard in all parts of North Carolina and the South. The war feeling which had been growing for months, had now become dominant. South Carolina had seceded on Decem- ber 20th, 1860. Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas followed rapidly in January, 1861. The Confederate States government, with Jefferson Davis as president and Alex. II. Stephens as vice-president, was organized at Montgom- ery, Ala., early in February. The three border States of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee were halting between two opinions, but were still loyal to the union. In North Carolina the union sentiment was very strong. The rh'st call for a secession convention was defeated by a substantial majority at the polls, and it seemed that the "Old North State" would remain in the union. But in April, when President Lincoln called upon North Carolina to furnish her quota of troops to force the seven seceding States back into the union, there was a com- plete revolution of sentiment, and every man became a secessionist. The Legislature was hastily convened in extraordinary session, and that body issued a call for a convention to assemble in Raleigh on May 20, 1861. The call was almost unanimously endorsed at the polls and delegates were chosen. Haywood County played an important part in this historic drama. At first the union sentiment in the county was overwhelm- ing; but after Lincoln's call for troops became known the feeling changed, and what had been ;i union stronghold now became ram- pant for secession. Rev. William Hicks, who had been a strong union sympathizer but now equally strong for secession, was elected as the county's delegate to the convention. Mr. Hicks, who was <4 verj eloquenl Bpeaker, hastened to Raleigh, voted for, and Bigned the ordinance of secession thai dissolved the bands existing between North Carolina and the United States government. Succeeding thai evenl volunteer companies were quickly organ ized in Haywood County as elsewhere in the State and smi to the fronl in Virginia and Tennessee. Aboul twelve hundred mea from this county joined the Confederate Bervice and many of them were in the firing line from the beginning al Bethel to the close al Appomattox. Thej were in some of the bloodiesl battles of the war, and were among the lasl to laj down their anus. It is not the purpose, however, in tins place, to follow the fortunes of Haywood County troops throughout the war. Thai has been done already in another chapter. Only some things ool men- tioned in the chapter referred to need to be touched upon here, among them Kirk's raid through the count} in March, 1865, and Bartlett's surrender al Waynesville in May, 1865. These two events are quite Bignificanl in the history of the county. It will be remembered by those living in the county al the time thai early in 1^ii.~» there were very few men in the county. Nearly all were away in tin- armies of I and Johnston. The few that were here were stationed aboul in squads in differenl sections <>f th.' county. Lieutenant-Colonel W. \V. Stringfield, with the remnanl of the sixty-ninth regiment, qow reduced t.» less than 300 men was in command of the distrid from Asheville to beyond .Mur- phy and was acting under General -I. <;. .Martin, who was in com- mand of tin 1 distrid of western North Carolina and Mast Tennes- see. Colonel Stringfield 's command was scattered over the ter- ritory over which In- had control. Colonel James B. Love, with aboul one hundred men, had spenl most of tin- winter at the Locusl <>]n that day intelligence was received that a Federal force of aboul six hundred men, onder the command of Co'onel c. \V. Kirk, was approaching the Cattaloochee neighborhood from the Ten- 42 nessee side of the Great Smoky Mountains. This was the notorious Colonel Kirk, a renegade Tennesseean in the Federal service, who was afterwards so infamous in the "Kirk war" in Alamance and Orange counties in 1870 and 1871. He' was now upon one of his numerous guerilla campaigns for which he was so universally hated. As soon as this intelligence was received the small and scattered forces in Haywood County prepared to resist him. Couriers were dispatched here and there to get the men together. One company hurried to Cattaloochee and made an attack upon the enemy that had just crossed the line into the county. Kirk returned the fire that was poured into his ranks and the small Confederate force retired. One Confederate private, Will Hyatt, was desperately wounded in this skirmish and died soon afterwards. With no foe opposing him Kirk pushed on to Waynesville, followed and harassed by the few Confederates in arms and some indignant farmers from whom horses, mules, and provisions had been stolen by the raiders. Reaching Waynesville, which offered no resistance, Kirk burned the home of old Colonel Robert Love, which stood on the "Temple lot," and the jail after liberating the prisoners confined in it. After threatening to burn others and looting every house in the place, Kirk passed on, for he had heard that the patriots of Haywood were assembling to make an attack upon him. Near the "Pinnacle" on the Balsam road he encamped for the night. In the da: 1 .::.; about a hundred Haywood County troops crept up on the far side of them and fired a volley into their midst. Kirk opened upon them with his big guns and the Confederates fell back. Next morning, very early, instead of pressing on into Jackson County by the Balsam gap, the Federal leader broke camp, marched back to Waynesville and hurried on toward Soco gap. There he was met by Lieutenant Conley, who drove him back across the Balsams. Again attempting to force his way across Soco creek on March 6th, Kirk was met by the united forces of Jackson and Swain coun- ties, including a company of Cherokee Indians, and driven across the Smoky mountains into Tennessee. If he had not escaped when he did he might have been captured with all his forces, for both whites and Indians were thoroughly aroused against him and were collecting from all quarters to run him down, and take from him the spoils he had plundered from the inhabitants of the county. The war was now fast drawing to a close, but the men of Hay- wood were as patriotic in the closing days of the war as they had been in the early months of the struggle. The ranks of Thomas's legion, known also as the 69th regiment, were rapidly refilled by Haywood and Jackson County recruits as well as by men from other mountain counties. Colonel James R. Love, now in active command of the regiment, was ordered to Asheville to assist in repel threatened attack upon that place. Col< I Bartlett, in command of Fork regiment, ha I inarch • I from Mast Tennessee to attack A&heville about the first of May. but found the place defended. He then began to march toward Waynesville. Colonel Love, who a Little time befi re, had repulsed a force of the Federals who om Salisbury, was Bent in par- suit of Bartlett. General Martin, the commander of the department, had senl word to Colonel Stri] vith a flag of truce to a] Stoneman at Knoxville to make terms with him for the surrender of this department. Stringfield got ready to go, but before he set out from Franklin a paroled soldier from Lee' sin- rendered army came in and told that I had surrendered. Thai was the first that had been hear,! of that notable event. The Boldier's story was disci-edited and Colonel : had him put in jail. Soon. I nother soldier came and told the same story. Then the fir i Boldier was released. Stringfield set out to Knoxville, which he reached about the first of May. ami there he and his attendants were thrown into jail, and held for a month. Meanwhile matters were fast drawing to a crisis in Haywood. Bartlett with his New Yorkers, about a thousand in number, came into Haywood about the 6th of May. No resistance was offered him and he marched into Waynesville, establishing his headquartt Main Street and stationing his troops on the Sulphur Springs property. ( in the evening of May 7th. < Jolonel Love with his command came up in the vicinity and Colonel W. II. Thomas; with a determined force of white men and India: over from Jackson County ami encamped near Dellwood. Love with his force of some 250 men passed round and got between Bartl ftt's regiment and Balsam gap while Thomas occupied the the real- of the enemy. Bartlett *s command was. therefore, aim I surrounded. Toward niirht Thomas advanced upon Bartlett and the pickets of tin- forces became engaged near where the Springs hotel now stands. Several shots were fired and one Federal soldier was killed. Bartlett then asked for an armistice o B, which was granted. This time he used in sending two renegade Southern men. who had joined his command, one from Haywood ami the other from Bun- 44 combe, to Colouel Kirk just across the Balsams to come to his as- sistance. After the two days armistice was out on the evening of the 9th of May Colonel Thomas advanced his force from Dellwood and arranged them along the slopes of Rocky Knob and Old Field Top. Colonel Love from above the Sulphur Springs brought his command into close contact with the others during the night. From their position on the mountain side hundreds of fires were built, and it seemed from the Yankee camp that thousands of men were assemb- ling to attack them. Next morning, Colonels Thomas and Love, with about twenty Indians painted and decked with feathers, rode toward the Yankee lines and demanded a surrender. Bartlett and his men were now thoroughly alarmed. Thomas, in his vehement and vigorous style, told Bartlett if he did not immediately surrender and make haste to get away from Waynesville he would turn his Indians upon the Yankee army and have them all scalped. Bartlett at once asked for a consultation so that terms of peace might be arranged. The commanders met in a building near where the inn now stands, and there it was agreed that inasmuch as Lee and Johnston had surrendered, the news of which events had just been confirmed, the two commands would mutually cease holtil- ities. Bartlett was to leave Waynesville at once and Kirk was to stop his raiding. Thomas and Love disbanded their troops, Bartlett and Kirk marched to Asheville and the war was in reality ended. CHAPTER Vin Since the Civil War. I'»\ the fall of 1865 the pomp and glory of war had ceased to ex- cite th«- youth of Haywood ( ' I the veterans, who had borne the burden and heat of the campaigns during the Eour 3 ears of strife had gotten hack to their homes after a long absence. Some of tin- soldier boys, win. were with Lee and Johnston and who had been paroled, returned in April and .May. Others, who had been wounded or held in prison, did not gel hack to the old homesteads until late in the summer or fall. The troops of Thomas and Love, who had tired the last shots east of the Mississippi and had forced a Yankee regimenl to terms of surrender more than a month after the surrender of Lee. retired from the service of the Confederacy, laid down their arms, and took np the ho.-. Other Haywood County boys from the battlefields of Virginia and Tennessee found their way hack to their native hills and began again the pursuits of peace. War was ov.-r. hut th.- bat- tles of peace, no less stern and unrelenting, had to he fought; and the manhood, that had exhibited itself ,-,t the cannon's mouth or iii tin- charge of bayonets, was now called into other and better service. Haywood County needed development. The four years of strife had arrested progress n every line oj industry. There was no di>- veloi ment in agriculture, do manufacturing, no mining, no lumber- ing, no commerce worthy the name, no banking, nothing of the nun dred different enterprises now going on so successfully in the county. The red hand of war had blasted every enterprise, and stagnation was literally Btalking abroad. lint the heroes of w.-u- were no less brave in times of peace. With th.- same heroism that they had displayed on ;) hundred hi I- stained fields the boys of 'til began th.- rebuilding and reanimating 46 of the county. With such men as G. S. Ferguson. W. B. Ferguson. \y L Norwood, J. C. L| Gudger, Dr. S. L. Love. F. M. Davis, W. G. B. Garrett. W. P. Welch, W. J. Wilson. W. W. Stringfield m the lead and the hosts of McCrackens, Fergusons, Crawfords, Penlands. Kirkpatricks, Russells, Rogers, Welchs, Greens .Aliens. Loves. Abels, Catheys Edwardses, Edmonstons, Pattons, Hayneses, Osbornes, Smathers, Shocks. Ilyatts. Wilsons, Terrells. Ledhetters. Leather- woods. Rays, Morgans, Ilerrens. Boones, Roberts, Millers, Moodys, Sheltons, Howells, Nolands, Lees, Hannahs. Owens. Campbells, Henrys, and others to help, the county soon began to emerge from its death like stupor and to put on new life. There was not a town in the county in 1865. Waynesville had the court house, jail and a dozen or fifteen houses with no pretense of a town government, Canton, known as the Fords of Pigeon or later as Pigeon River, had only a few houses within its borders. Clyde and Hazelwood and Sunburst were not in existence then, but are products of a later growth. The many nourishing neighbor- hoods, now so prosperous, were then merely in existence Without signs of prosperity. ^Politically the county was of small influence. Only about seven hundred voters cast their ballots in the elections of 1866 and 1868. Many of the veterans of the war just closed were denied the ballot on account of the reconstruction acts of the United States govern- ment. The evils of reconstruction, carpet-bag government, and negro domination, so obnoxious in other counties, were not felt to any great extent in the mountain counties, Eor no matter which political party triumphed at the polls the government machinery was still in the hands of home people and not aliens. In 1868 the question of calling a State constitutional convention, to revise or rewrite the constitution of 1776, was submitted to the people for endorsement. While there were many men in Haywood, as elsewhere in the Stale, who were opposed to this proposed break- ing away from the traditions of the Revolution, no serious opposi- tion was developed. The county voted for the convention and elected as its representative in that body Mr. W. G. B. Garrett who died just a few years ago. Mr. Garrett assisted in repealing the ordinance of secession and in fashioning the constitution which re- mained in force until 1875 when it was revised and rewritten by the constitutional convention of that year. By a legislative act of 1871 Waynesville was incorporated, and began to show some signs of becoming a town. In 1870 the famous White Sulphur Springs hotel was built, and the management began 17 to advertise the attractions of Waynesville and Haywood County. People began to come her< I the summer and booh W \ 1 11.* ami the county around became well known as health resorts. In 1883 the North Carolina Teachers' A- embly which has Bince be come such a power for good, was organized al the Springs hotel in Waynesville with Prof. Pay, of Ral< its firsl president and Eugene Harrell, of the same place, as secretary. The railroad had reached th inty seal a year before, and what had. for nearly a hundred years, been an isolated community became well and favor- ably known m other communities and other Sta1 Along with other counties Haywood voted, in 188.1, on the question of State prohibition. In the state fhe liquor forces won by an overwhelming majority, but in Haywood prohibition won by a majority of twenty, it being one of the six counties in North Carolina that gave their votes that way. It will be seen, therefore, that Haywood County is original prohibition territory. Dr. s. I.. Love was elected state Auditor in 1876 on the ticket with Vance ami Jarvis, and served until 1881. lie was the first Ilayw I county man to he elected to a State office. Hon. J, (' I. Gudger was chosen ju Ige of the Superior Court in 1884, being the first Haywood County man to reach that high office. He Berved eighl years. Bon. YV. I,. Norwood was chosen to the same position in 1894, and Hon. c. S. Ferguson in 1902. These three honored citizens, still living, are the only representatives Haywood County has ever had upon the bench of the State. In 1900 Hon. R. D. Gilmer was elected as the county's first representative in the Attor- ney-Generalship of the State, lie is qow serving his second term. Previous to 1890 Haywood County had had only one represen- tative in the Congress f Hie 1'iiited States. That had been Hon. Felix Walker, who lived near Dellwood, ami was i smber of Congress in 1821. In 1890, however. Hon. W. T. Crawford was nom- inated ami elected. 1892 lie was elected. In 1894 Mr. Crawford was defeated. In 1898 Mr. Crawford was again nomi- nated and declared elected, but his election was contested by Mr. Pearson and near the close of his term he was unseated. In 1900 Haywood County had two candidates for Ci the tenth Congressional district. W. T. Crawford and J. M. Moody. Mr. Mo.,dy was elected and served until his death in February, L903. Mr. Crawford was again elected to Congress in 1906 and has 1 n mated for the same position. During the last ten years the growth of the county has 1 n steady. Good macadam roads have been built in some of the town- 48 ships, new roads opened, and new business interprises commenced. The agricultural interests have materially improved by the introduc- tion of better breeds of horses and cattle. An increased interest in the products of the farm has been added by the organization in 1906 of the Haywood County fair, which has made three exhibits of the products and resources of the county. Besides the agricultural interests other agencies for the up- building of the county have been at work. The lumber business has become large and profitable. Several large lumber mills have been established and are getting out immense quantities of hardwood for shipment to other states and to foreign countries. The Champion Fibre Company, a two million dollar corporation, established an im- mense pulp mill at Canton in 1906. It is in many respects the largest plant of any kind in the state. In 1905 Mr. B. J. Sloan established on Pigeon r ; ver a large electric plant, from which the town of Way- nesvi^e sixteen miles from the power house, is supplied with electric power for lights, motors, and fans. The same system also furnishes a large amount of power to the Champion Fibre Company at Canton. To keep pace with these various developments in agriculture. jtock raising, lumbering, manufacturing, mining, and other indus- tries of the county, business has also developed. Trade has wonder- fully increased. The towns have grown in population and wealth to match the development in the country districts, and the comity is, therefore, making mighty strides toward the first rank among the counties of the state. If we compare Haywood of the present with the Haywood of one hundred years ago we shall see a wonderful change. Then a few hundred people lived here; now twenty-five thousand. Then no town in the county; now four towns with increasing populations. Then no roads; now macadam turnpikes traversing almost every section. Then no industry- but farming ; now almost every line of business in the modern world represented. Then few, if any, schools; now two graded schools and several high schools besides the public schools in every hamlet in the county. Then very few churches; now beautiful and substantial houses of worship in every neighborhood. In short, Haywood County, in a hundred years' time, has leaped from the desolation of the wilderness, unknown bey .in! its own borders, into the calcium light of railroads, telegraphs, tele- phones, libraries, electric lights, schools, churches, newspapers, paved streets, macadam roads, furniture factories, paper mills, and all the conveniences and improvements of the modern community. What wonderful changes time hath wrought! CHAPTER IX. Builders of the County. Many of the real builders of the county are unknown to fame. Slim- lie in unremembered graves. Few only achieved distinction. Very few can be mentioned. The many will have to be passed by with nol even a word. Such is the fate of the great masses of hu- manity thai come into existence, play for a brief time upon the world's stage, and pass off t . i a long oblivion. 'Tis bu1 a few thai cat li the ear and attracl the eye of men. In this chapter are given 1 rief sketches of those who have had to do with the making of the county. Some who belong in the I g ven for the reason thai their footprints have be- e so m thai they copld nol be traced. It is only intended to ■ i who have lefl a distincl impression upon the life of the county, and such only have been selected. Felix Walker. In some respects the most remarkable man thai ever occupied a seal in the Congress of the United States as a member from North Carolina was Felix Walker, who was elected from Haywood County in 1817 and served until 1823. Mr. Walker was a genuine type oi the frontiersman of the Daniel Boone stripe, and Buffered himself to be surrounded by the vanguards of civilization only two or three times in his eventful career. He was horn in Hampshire County. Va.. on July 19th, 1753 and spent his boyhood days in that locality. About 1774 he came to North Carolina and went with Daniel Boone upon one of his frontier trips to Kentucky, being with that remarkable man in some of his thrilling and eventful adventures with the Indians in the "great west*' as th- Kentucky County was then called. Returning to North Carolina the same year he settled in that pari of Tryon County that. is now called Rutherford. 50 Enlisting in the service of his country Mr. Walker was a soldier for eight years during the entire period of the Revolution. He was a faithful and patriotic soldier during the time that tried men's souls. After the war closed he began his career as a farmer and merchant. He studied law also and was for many years a practi- tioner. He owned large tracts of land in what is now Rutherford, Buncombe, Haywood, Jackson, and Cherokee Counties. In 1792 he was elected as one of the members of the Legislature from Rutherford County, and was re-elected the following year. In 1799 he was again elected to the Legislature and re-elected in 1800, 1801, 1802, and again in 1806. During all those years he served the State and his county most acceptably. In 1807 he moved from Rutherford to Jonathan's Creek in what was then Buncombe County but now Haywood. He soon be- came identified with the growth and development of this section. His name appears frequently in tbe early records. When the county was erected Mr. Walker was one of the leaders in that event and contributed largely to its success. He was a candidate for the posi- tion of clerk of the court for the new county, but was defeated for that position by Colonel Robert Love. As a business man Mr. Walker Avas very successful. He bad a store in Waynesville, one on Scott's Creek, and another at Qualla- town. While engaged in business he bad some time to devote to politics, and became a successful party manager. In 1817 be was elected to tbe Congress of the United Sta t,j s from the Asheville district and re-elected in LSI!) and 1821. lie retired trom policies in 1823. While in Congress be became famous on account of a pi rase which be used. Webster's International Dictionary, in de- fining tbe word '■buncombe." has tbe following interesting remark about Mr. Walker: '"Tbe phrase originated near tbe (dose of tbe debate on tbe famous Missouri question in tbe sixteenth Congress. It -was then used by Felix Walker — a naive obi mountaineer, who r sided at Waynesville, in Haywood, tbe most western county of North Carolina, near tbe border of tbe adjacent county of Buncombe which formed a part of this district. The old man rose to speak. while tbe house was impatiently calling for the question and several members gathered round him, begging him to desist. He perse- v< red, however, for a while 1 declaring that the peop'ie of his district expected it, and that he was bound to make a speech for Buncombe." Lis term o1 office expiring in 1823 Mr'. Walker retired to private life; but being still a frontiersman at heart he sold out his business interests here and went first %o Tennessee and later to Mississippi, where be died in 1830. 51 Robert Love. As a pioneer in Western North Carolina and the founder of Y\"aynesville Colonel Etoberl Love beca the besl known man con- nected with the early history of Haywood County. His services to the State were manj and varied. He Lived a Long and useful life respected and Loved i>\ his friends and feared by his enemies. Colonel Lov( was the son of Samuel Love and Dorcas Bell Love of Augusta County, Va. He was born in that county in L760, and spent liis boyhood days near his birthplace. No1 much is known of his early life, bu1 he musl have been very well educated, because specimens of Ins handwriting in the records in the Clerk's office at the c - t house in Waynesville Bhow evidenl signs of good training. In 177"). when scarcely fifteen, the Revolutionary war broke out, and the stripling of a boy al once volunteered in the patriotic cause, joining Washington's army in the fall of thai year .-is it camped near Boston. He was with Washington in many of the campaigns in the North, and on many battlefields displayed the courage of a here He was with General Anthony Wayne a1 the attack upon Stony I'uint in L779. Later, in 1780, he was transferred to the departmenl of the South and Berved under General Nathaniel Gfreene. He was pro- moted from one position to another, and before the close of the war he held the commission of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Continen- tal army, being one of the youngesl men to attain such rani-;. Colonel Love was m several pitched battles, one the battle of Guilford Court-house being one of the most famous in the Revo- lutionary struggle and the turning point of the war. There Corn- wallis really received his death blow and the climax at Yorktown fol- lowed as a natural result. Alter the close of the war Colonel Love married .Miss Mary Ann Dillard, daughter of Genera] Thomas Dillard of Pittsylvania County, Va., and removed to Washington County. Tennessee, where he soon became prominenl in civil affairs. For one term he was a member of the State Legislature from Washington < ountj and traveled on horseback five hundred miles to the capital which was then at Newbern. A year Later he became involved in the contro- versy over the abortive State <>t* Franklin, which Colonel -Sevier ana his adherents sought to set up ou1 of the western territory of North Carolina. Colonel Love espoused the cause of North Carolina in the dis-. nte and assisted Colonel Tipton in overthrowing the gov- ernment, which Colonel Sevier had organized. His service in this incident is n rded in Ramsey's Annals of Tennessee and in the 52 recent historical novel, "The Crossing," by Winston Churchill. After the close of the Sevier-Tipton controversy in Tennessee, Colonel Love removed to what is now Haywood County but what was then Burke. He settled at Mount Prospect and bought vast tracts of land. When Buncombe was erected in 1791, Colonel Love at once became influential in the affairs of the new county. He represented Buncombe in the State Legislature in 1793, 1791, and 1795 as senator from that county. In other ways also he was prom- inent in public affairs besides amassing a large fortune in land. When the agitation for a new county west of Buncombe began Coolnel Love was one of the prime movers. He was largely instru- mental in having the bill erecting the county of Haywood passed by the State Legislature, and he was named at once as a member of the commission to locate the county seat and erect the public build- ing. The bill was passed in December, 1808, and ratified the same month. On the fourth Monday of the following March the first cour r t of pleas and quarter sessions met at Mount Prospect and proceeded to the election of county officers. For the office of Clerk of the Court there were two candidates, Robert Love and Felix Walker. Colonel Love was unanimously chosen. He served in that capacity for several years. At the June term of the court the question of the location of the county seat came up. The commissioners unanimously agreed that Mount Prospect should be the favored spot. Colonel Love, who owned most of the land donated sites for the court house jail, and the public square. He also suggested the name Waynes- ville, in honor of Anthony Wayne, the hero of Stony Point. Colonel Love may well, therefore, be called the founder of the little city, beautifully situated on Richland Creek on the site of the ancient Mount Prospect. Besides the sites for the public square, court house, and jail, land for the cemetery and several churches was also the gift of Colonel Love. In politics he was an ardent Democrat and an intimate friend and earnest supporter of Andrew Jackson. He was a presidential elector during each campaign for thirty years, and in order to deposit his vote he traveled the long journey from Waynesville to Washington City in his gig, being often weeks on the road. From his mother, Colonel Love inherited a larger fortune which he invested in immense boundaries of mountain lands in Haywood and Jackson Counties. It was at one time one of the largest estates in North Carolina and is still considerable in its extent and value. 53 In thf court house to-day on the wall just back of the judge's stand is a bronze tablet, erected in 1902 by the Dorcas Bel] Love Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, to the mem- ory of Colonel Love. Governor Chas. B. Aycoci delivered the oration al the unveiling at that time. The tablet contains this in- script ion : 1760 1845 In Memoriam ROBERT LOVE Pounder of Waynesville. Soldier, Statesman, Benefactor ESrected by the DORCAS BELL LOVE CHAPTER, D. A. R. August 23; 1902. Colonel Love was a devoted member <>f the Presbyterian Church. His family consisted of six sons and seven daughter*,, namely: Thomas, Samuel, William. Dillard, John, dames. Annie. Winifred, Dorcas, .Martha. Sarah. Mary Anne, and Rebecca Edward Hyatt. Edward Hyatt, the first of the name west of the Blue Ridge mountains, was born in England about tlie middle of the eigh- teenth Century. He was one of seven brothers who crossed the Atlantic and settled in Maryland previous to the Revolutionary war. Two of the brothers went North and five of them finally found their way into the South and West. Edward was one of the five who drifted South. lie stopped in Burke County. Soon the Revo- lution came on. and Edward enlisted in the service of the Colonies. He was in the army during the eight years of its continuance. After the war Hyatt began life anew in Bnrke County. About 1785, after the iirst treaty with the Indians in Western North Carolina was made, he with two sons ventured into tin- Indian country among the mountains, notwithstanding the fact that the savages were hostile at that time and had sworn by the Great Spirit that no white man should come west of the Blue Rid7 and for each year thereafter until 1808, when Haywood was created largely through his efforts. From the new county of Haywood General Love was one of the liist representatives, the other being Thomas Lenoir. He was :ted in 1810 and 1811. tn ! si I he was again elected to the ; .<.ii^e and re-elect d in 1815. In 1817 he was again returned and re-elected in 1818, 1819, and 182Q. That he made an able itative is conclusively shown by the number oi times he ■ For i:ioie 'iian thirty years General Love was a citizeu of Mount Prospect and Waynesville. iiis home was in what is now Way- nesville near the ''Brown house" back of the McAf ;ottages. Later he moved to Tennessee where he died aboul I s - ''> Ninian Edmonston. Among the prominent citizens who livedk'antl died in Hayw I County Ninian Bdmonstou ranks high. For more than fortj years 56 he was one of the most conspicuous and influential men in this part A North Carolina. His public life was, in a considerable degree, notable, but his private life was modest and unassuming. Mr. Edmonston was born in Burke County, Oct. 21, 1789. His ancestors came from Maryland and settled among the foothills in full view of the blue peaks of the Appalachians. Later, the family moved across the Blue Eidge and made a home near the limpid waters of the French Broad in what is now Buncombe County. Here, in the midst of the wildest mountain scenery Ninian Edmon- ston was born two years before Buncombe became a county. As a boy he grew up near to nature's heart, and imbibed the inspiration which only nature can give. Nothing is known as to his early training. Few schools were in existence in this mountain country then. It is quite clear, however, that the boy was well taught and schooled, for his after life displayed a well tutored mind. His training was largely mathematical, for he exhibited more skill in that subject than in any other. He became a surveyor early in life and assisted at nineteen rears of age in running the line between Buncombe and Haywood when the latter county was formed. Some years previous to the erection of Haywood County Mr. Edmonston 's father had moved to the Pigeon Valley, and as soon as Haywood became a county in December, 1803, he became at once identified with her interests. When the war of 1812 broke out Ninian now grown to a young man of twenty-three volun- teered for active service in the field. It is not known where or in what capacity he served, but he came out at the close of the war without a wound and returned to his home on the west fork of u igeon River. Mr. Edmonston, however, was not allowed to spend his days in retirement. He was shortly afterwards elected sheriff of the county, and for four years was the chief executive officer of all the country from the western boundary of Buncombe to the Hiawassee River. This was an arduous task and Mr. Edmonston declined a third term. In 1821 he was elected to represent Haywood County in the house of Commons at Raleigh on the ticket with James R. Love, Hay- wood having two representatives at that time. At the same time Hodge Rabourne was elected senator from this county. Rabourne had served several terms before and two afterwards. At the elec- tion of 1822 Edmonston was not a candidate, but in 1823 he was again elected as the colleague of James R. Love. Afterwards he :.7 served nine terms in the house iinri two in the senate, closing his Legislat ii >• career in 1 836. After retiring From political life he was not idle. As a sin s^ t'ul farmer he lias left his influence upon the county. He amassed considerable property, and. while nol considered wealthy, he was well t<> do. His death occurred in March L868 well stricken in years ami full of honors. Mr. K.lmonston was a member of the Baptist Church . Seven children survived him. four sons ami three daughters, namely: Benjamine P., Thomas B., Basil B.. Rufus A.. Nancy A.. Laura <\. ami Dorothy 1. Joseph Cathey. Colonel Joseph Cathey. an influential citizen of Pigeon town- ship ami for many years a leader in the county, was horn March 12th, 1803 and died dune 1st. 1*74. He was a son of William Cathey, one of the earliest settlers on Pigeon River. His early life was spenl among the picturesque surroundings of his own home 58 and he grew to manhood under the silent influences of the beauties of nature. His early education was greatly neglected as schools in this county during the early years of the nineteenth century were rare. He received, however, sufficient training in his youth to put him on the road to a full and thorough education in his manhood. A con- temporary who wrote his obituary has the following to say of Colonel Cathey's education: ''In many respects he was the most extraordinary man the writer ever knew. He was a man of sound practical judgment, well versed in all subjects, and yet his edu- cation in early life was very deficient. Few men, if any, knerr so much about all kinds of business transactions and all industrial pursuits as he. He could tell a country woman what it would cost her to make a web of cloth; could approximate the cost of a wagon. g house, or a large merchant mill; and was an excellent adviser about everything that a neighbor could suggest. He was an excel- lent farmer, merchant, miller, trader, a good family physician, a most excellent legislator. He was well versed in the general prin- ciples of law, theology, medicine, physics, and almost every depart- ment of knowledge." It will be seen, therefore, from this praise of him by one who knew him well that he was a man of more than ordinary ability. and that he was a close student of men and matters. In his early manhood he became a leader among his neighbors, especially in those things that contribute to the happiness of mankind. He be- came a member of the Methodist Church and was a pillar of strength in that denomination in the county for a long number of years. Colonel Cathey shrank from politics, but he was chosen almost without his consent to represent Haywood County in the constitu- tional convention of 1885. There he met with some of the intellec- tual giants of the State — Macon, Graham, Gaston, Badger, Bragg, Reid, and others; but Cathey from Haywood was no little man among them. He was respected in the convention, and though he rarely spoke his opinions were listened to with evident mark of appreciation. Again in 1842 he was called from the quirt of his country life to serve a term in the State Senate. He had not sought the honor, hut it came to him as being the. one that was preferred to many. In the senate he was the quiet statesman without vanity or desire to exploit himself, and served his county in a manner that reflected honor upon himself and his constituents. Several times afterwards V.I he w.-is solicited to run Cor the Legislature, bul always declined II.- could have secured the domination for congress from this district, hut In, tastes did nol Lead him thai way. He had no aspirations for public honors, preferring to live a quiet, peaceable life and follow those pursuits thai would is'-\>- peace and comforl to his family and add t" the general improvemenl of his county. When the Civil war came on Colonel Cathey, though too old for active service, was keenly alive to the interests of the South 11. • was a stricl constructionisl and a secessionisl after he saw thai the union could no1 be peaceably maintained. During th- ill. • armies were in the field contending for the master} he was ever ;i deeply interested reader of the papers and an earnesl sym- pathizer with and supporter of the boys in gray thai wenl to the fronl from I Eaywood < lounty. After the conflicl was over and the State had been readmitted into the union, it was hard for him to accepl the situation, remain- ing an unreconstructed rebel to the day of his death. Be was an ardenl admirer of our governmenl in its besl days, bu1 during the period of reconstruction he would lamenl thai it was nol asll once He did uol live long enough to Bee the revival after the flood, but passed away fearing thai the besl days of the republic had gone by. As ,i business man and farmer Colonel Cathey was looked up to by his neighbors; as a legislator and citizen his opinions upon public questions had weight with the thoughtful; as a man he was respected and admired by a large number of persons. Be lived a useful life, which is still fresh in the memory of men. His drs. -.mi. hints still live among us honored and respected citizens. William T. Blaylock, presenl cashier of the Pirsl National Bank of Waynesville, is one of them. His mother, Nancy Louis. ■ c,i::i\ Blaylock. was a daughter of Colonel Cathey. Mr. Blaylock was bom near the presenl town of Canton, Nov. 15, 1869. Besides h >ing ! rained in "h.- school* of his u. iuhborhood he took a course al Emory and Henry ( lollege, Va. For six years he was connected \\ itli the Bank of Waynesville before accepting his presenl position. II. is prominenl in Masonic circles and presidenl of the Waynesville Club. Besides Mr. Blaylock there ai ther BMmban of the family that occupied places of trust, and hold the esteen ot* those who know them. 60 James Robert Love. James Robert Love, son of Colonel Robert Love and Mary Ann Dillard Love, was born in the month of November, 1798. His father was, at the time, prominent in the affairs of Buncombe County, having served three terms in the house of commons as one 01 the members from Buncombe. As a boy James Robert played along the banks of Richland Creek and hunted in the mountains near by. He was taught the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic in the elementary schools of that time, and later was sent to complete his education at Greenville, Tenn. He was an apt scholar, for at an early age m> showed depth of thought which marked him through life. Before reaching his majority he became interested with his father in the purchase of mountain lands. Large entries were male both in western North Carolina and East Tennessee, which laid the foundation of the immense Love estate which exists until the present. Soon after reaching his twenty-first year Mr. Love found him- self drifting into politics. He had no love for public life, but his ex- cellent qualities as a ready speaker and his good judgment brought him into prominence. In 1821, when he was just t>\ . nty- thre. years of age, he was elected as one of the members from Haywood to the house of Commons. His colleague id the house that year was Colonel Edmonston and in tin- Senate Hodge Rabourne. Mr. Love was re-elected in 1822. 1823. 1824, 1825, 1826 and 1827. the elections then occurring annually. He was again elected in 1829 and 1830, serving again with Ninian Edmonston as his colleague. William Welch was then serving in the senate from this county. As a legislator Mr. Love was faithful and energetic. He became well known among the lawmakers and the officials of the State. His services were eminently satisfactory to his constituency, who sought to continue him in the position longer but he declined. While a member of the Legislature he met and married Miss Maria Williamson Coman. a beautiful and accomplished lady of Ral- eigh This union was signally blessed. Four sons and four daughters were born. The eldest son, James Coman, was a contractor on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad in 1851 when the scourge of cholera visited Greenville where he was stationed. He was taken with the disease and died, Oct. 18th, of that year. The other sons, Colonel R. G. A. Love, Dr. S. L. Love, and Capt, M. H. Love, lived to make names for themselves, but have since passed away. The eldest 61 laughter, Sarah Jane Burney, married Colonel William II. Thomaa and died April 17th, 1877. The other three daughters Margaret Elizabeth married Dr. W. L. Billiard, of Asheville, Mar) Josephine married Joseph A. Branner, of Jefferson City, Tenn., and Maria Malvine, wife of Colonel W. W. Stringfield are still living. Mi- [jove was much interested in railroad building and anx- iously looked forward bo the coming of the iron horse to Waynes- vill.\ He even predicted the coming of the road, gave rights of way through his land and the site where the first depot was built, and left provision in his will that each of his children should have a l„t adjacent to the depot. He died Nov. 22, 1863, while the greal war was raging and twenty years before the railroad, which he Fondly Imped for, was built In his life-time Mr. Love was noted for Ins kindness of heart, especially to the poor and friendless. Perhaps no mi E his time did more than he in relieving distress and in forwarding the mater- ial development of the county. William Welch. Among the earliest Bettlers on Richland Creek was John Welch, who mad.- entries of land before the organization of the county. He was prominent in the affairs of Buncombe County, and after Way- nesville was erected he at once became a leader in the new county. In 1809 he was elected the first senator from Kayw 1 to the General Assembly of North Carolina and re-elected in l s l". He was oi f the wealthiest and most influential citizens of the county at that time. William Welch, the subject of this sketch, was the sun ••!' John Welch and Dorcas Dillard Welch. He was horn April 8th, 1796. Nothing is known of the early educational advantages of the boy; but he must have 1 □ well educated, for specimens of his hand- writing show that he was well trained. The large business, also. which he afterwards carried on, displayed a knowledge Of men and matters, which comes only by good training. Soon after reaching his twenty-first year. Mr. Welch went on a prospecting trip to Missouri, where he remained for about two pears, getting hack in 1820. After returning to his natrv nnty he married Miss Martha Love, but she died within a year. He after- wards married Miss Mary Ann Love, sister of his former wife. From this union there were ten ehildren. namely: Robert V.. Mar- 62 tha Elizabeth who married Benjamin J. Johnson and was the mother of Mrs. B. J. Sloan of Waynesville and Mrs. Alford of Georgia, John H.. Weston R.. Thaddens D.. Mary Louise who married Cap- tain AY. N. Freeman and moved to Texas. James L.. William P., Joseph N. who as captain of his company was killed at the battle of Piedmont in the Civil war. and Lucius Marcellus the youngest who is the only one still living. Mr. Welch was not fond of politics, but he was chosen as sena- tor from Haywood County in 1829, and re-elected in 1830. He was also a member, with Joseph Cathey. of the constitutional conven- tion of 1835. Besides being a member of the General Assembly he was for a long time clerk of the court, and an influential citizen. Fo*r a. long time Mr. Welch was a merchant in Waynesville and a hotelist. At the same time he carried on extensive farming operations, by which means he succeeded in amassing a considerable fortune. When the Civil war broke out he was too enfeebled by age to go to the frdnt, but he sent his boys, and they became gallant and patriotic soldiers. Mr. Welch was a close student of affairs during the four years of strife and was a firm believer in the justice of Southern cause. He watched the reports of the battles and marches with keen interest, and was steadfast in his faith in the righteous- ness of the contention of the South. On Feb. 6. 1865. while Colonel Kirk was making one of his raids through the county. Mr. Welch, who had been in poor health for a long time, sank under the disease and died. His body rests in Green Hill Cemeterv. William H. Thomas. Colonel William Holland Thomas was born on Pigeon River, near Sonoma, in Haywood County. Feb. 5. 1805. He was the son of Richard Thomas, who came from Virginia in 180:{. and Temper- ance Calvert, a descendant of the brother of Lord Baltimore. Soon after their marriage the couple came to North Carolina and settled in the beautiful and fertile Pigeon valley and began to build a home for themselves and their children. In lsiio. a short time before the birth of Colonel Thomas, Richard Thomas was drowned in the Pigeon River, thus leaving a widow with a child unborn. The mother was, however, a woman of unusually sound judgment and so raised the boy. training him I herself largely in the elements of a good education. Thrown upon In. resources earlj in life the boj turned Ins attention to a business career, h. L820, wb,en be was just fifteen jrearsof age, he was employed bj Felis Walker as clerk in a store at Quallatown. [1 was agreed thai he would work for three years for his board and clothes and one hundred dollars in money. At tlu . ,. M( | f the three years Thomas received Mr. Walker's old Law books as pay. Be, however, go1 the good will of Walker's custom- ers which was worth much to him. Succeeding, in a year or two, to Mr. Walker's business position, upon the latter's removal to Mississippi, he launched oul upon his career as a business man. He pu i „,, B everaJ stores a1 differenl points in whal is now Jackson and Cherokee Counties. While ye1 in his teens and while he was a clerk in Felix Walker's store al Quallatown, Thomas became a favorite of the [ndian Chief Sonaguska, who was the head of the Cherokee tribe living al Quallatown near where Thomas was clerking. Sons, guska was a frequenl visitor to the store and became very friendly to roung Thomas. A little later Xonaguska had'the Indian Council al Qualla to adopl Thomas as a member of the tribe, and made a statemem thai he wished the white brother to Bucceed him al Ins death The old chief died in 1836, and, in accordance with Ins expressed wish. Mr. Thomas was chosen chief and continued in that position for many years. Prom 1836 to 1848 Mr. Thomas spenl much time in Washington City, being called there in the interesl of the Indians, over win. in he now exercised control and in whom be was deeply interested. There wa s much litigation between the Cherqkees and the government growing ou1 of land claims and Mr. Thomas was constantly em- ployed in taking care of the interests of the tribe. In Ins frequent visit, to the Capital City he was always courteously received by the presidents, especially by Andrew Jackson, who was an admirer oi M,. Thomas. Dunn- .-ill tins time thai the white chief was looking after the interests of the red men, his own business was aol neg- l nis business leurisht I an I he soon became a man of wealth as well as influence. When Jackson Counts was formeJ in 1850 Mr. Thomas was chosen to the State Senate and Berved in thai capacity until 1862. He was also a delegate from Jackson County to the Secession Con- vention of 1861, and Bigoted the ordinance that severed the relation existing between North Carolina and the other States of the union. Although Mr Thomas was uow in Ins fifty-seventh year and Si beyond the age for active military service he was authorized by President Jefferson Davis, with whom he was well acquainted, to raise a regiment for the Confederate service. Thomas spared neither time nor money to equip a regiment that would compare with the best in the service. The command was mustered into ser- vice at Knoxville, Tennessee, in the summer of 1862, and contained fourteen companies of white infautry from the counties of western North Carolina and a few from East Tennessee, four of Cherokee Indians who were true to Thomas, four of Cavalry, one of engineers, and one of artillery. The regiment was known on the official roster as the sixty-ninth North Carolina, but was known as "Thomas's Legion," as he was elected Colonel and put in command. James 1. Love, of Jackson County, was chosen lieutenant-colonel and V. W, Stringfield. of Strawberry Plains, Tenn., was elected Major. Soon after its organization the regiment was ordered to Virginia and, under the command of Love and Stringfield, partici- pated in many of the great battles in that State. Colonel Thomas did not go with the regiment, but with a part of the command re-. mained in western North Carolina to protect this territory from the inroads of the Federals. During the whole period of the war he was the soul of the Confederate government in the western counties and was trusted and beloved by President Davis and other leaders. As already related, he was present at the last battle at the Sul- phur Springs on May 7, 1865 and forced Colonel Barltett to terms of surrender on May 10th, after which his legion then united was dis- banded, and he returned to his business relations. After the war Colonel Thomas turned his attention to the task of securing good roads for the county south of the Pigeon River. By legislative enactment he had turnpike roads built in different sections of the counties on which his influence was exerted. Perhaps his greatest achievement was in forcing, while he was a member of the Legislature from Jackson County during the seventies, the adoption of an amendment to the charier of the North Carolina railroad to extend the road to Ducktown. The proposition vas bitterly fought, but Colonel Thomas stuck to his text and finally ucceeded in seeing the amendment carried by a decisive majority. Thai amendment borught about the building of the Murphy branch. Colonel Thomas was married in 1858 to Miss Sarah J. Love, eldest daughter of Colonel James R. Love and a grand-daughter of Colonel Robert Love. His home was in Jackson County on the Tuckaseigee River, on the spot where General Rutherford routed the Cherokees in battle in 1776. He left three children, William I 11.. Jr., who lives in .larks.. ii County, Jas. K. who is b residenl of \Va\ nrs\ - ■ 1 1 • - _ and Sallie Love who is i h<- wife of Judge A. C .Avery, ..I Morganton. William Kicks. Rev. William Hicks, while not a native of Haywooil County, Bpenl an important portion of h>s life here and, therefore, deserves mention. He was born, aboul L820, in Sullivan County, Tennessee. mar the pres< nt town «>t Union. Not much h is been learned of his ancestors, hut it is quite certain that they were among the back- woodsmen of 1781 that assembled againsl Ferguson at Sycamore Shoals and dislodged him from his fortified position .it Kings fountain, Mr. Hicks, when a hoy. went to the country schools of Mast Tennessee and rapidly displayed ihe talent for learning and public Bpeaking which he afterwards exhibited to such a marked degrr e. tie also attended a session or two at Emory and Henry College, Virariiua, and imbibed freely of the college spirit and also ol thai learning which served him in Buch good stead later in life, lie bo- came a Methodist preacher and served some churches in Kast Tennessee in the forties. ', Being appointed presiding elder of the Asheville distvH of the Ilolston conference, Mr. Hicks resided during Ins term of office in Asheville. lie first came to this county in 1848. In that year he held quarterly conference at Bethel, the firsl be held in this county. There he met with many of the Haywood County people and formed a most favorable impression of the county and the people. He was the presiding elder of this district four years. After retiring from that position he edited a religious newspaper in Asheville. "The Herald id' Truth." for a few years. Aboul 1855 Mr. Hicks and Rev. -I. K. Long buil1 a large school building near the mouth of Richland ami Raccoon Creeks and gave it the name of Tuscola. Although the school has long since passed away the name yet remains. The school thus established here flourished until the beginning of the Civil war. when it. along with many other enterprises, closed. Mr. Hicks was ;i Btrong Whig in politics and a union man as long as such principles could he honorably maintained, hut when he saw that the union could nol he maintained he became a secession democrat. He was elected to represent Hayw I County in the 66 memorable convention of 1861 and signed the ordinance of secession. His ready eloquence and commanding ability won him recognition in that convention of giants. He believed in secession, but did not believe that the withdrawal of the Southern States from the union necessarily meant war. He believed that the Southern States would be allowed to depart in peace, and often said on the stump that all the blood that would be shed in the conflict could be wiped up with a linen handkerchief. He enlisted in the 16~i North Carolina regiment as Chaplain and served in that capacity for a year when he resigned and re- turned to this county, resuming his duties as teacher and preacher. After the war he moved to Webster, Jackson County, and taught there for two years. In 1868 he was appointed presiding elder with headquarters at Hendersonville and served four years. After this second term was out he moved back to Webster in 1873 and resumed his school. Later he moved to Quallatown and taught until he was appointed to a district in West Virginia about 1877 and there died. Captain James W. Terrell, of Webster, who knew Mr. Hicks, has the following to say of his eloquence as a public speaker: ' ' Permit me further to add that while a good deal of his personality may be gathered from what I have hurriedly written, I have failed to fully express his main predominating quality as a public speaker. With his .fine gestures, graceful position, blazing black eyes, elegant and faultless posture a little above the common size and height, and the trumpet tones of his sonorous voice he was the model of gracefulness in the pulpit as on the platform, and when the spirit was fully on him I have never heard his eloquence surpassed." Samuel Leonidas Love. Haywccd County, throughout her history, has had only two men to he elected to a State office, One of these was Dr. Samuel L. Love, who was bora August 25th. 1828 and died July 7th. 1887, his entire life being spent within the county and for the most part in his native town of Waynesvillo. He was the son of James R. Love and Maria Williamson Coman Love. In early life he attended the schools of his neighborhood, where he was partly prepared for college. He afterwards attended a session or two at Washington College, Tennessee. Later, he at- H7 tended lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, where lie re- ceived his diploma as .1 graduate in medicine. Local iiiL p iii Waynesville for the practice of his profession he Boon won recognition and I ame a leading physician and citizen. He made Friends rapidly, and speedily l ame oi f the mosl popular men in the county. While having a g I practice he was led into politics in 1856; and thai year was elected to the lower branch of the State Legislature and re-elected in 1858, I860, 1862, ;iikI 1864. His services in the Legislature occupied the entire period of the agitation leading up to the war between the States ;mk1 during the continuance oi thai struggle. In addition to his duties in ili«' General Assembly he was ap pointed in 1861 by Governor Ellis as surgeon on the staff of the chief executive, t<> which pnsiiinn he was reappointed by Governor Vance in 1862. He served in thai capacity throughoul the war, and was a mosl valuable man in thai trying and importanl depart- ment oi public service. After the •■ ar Dr. Love resumed the practice of his profession. He was successful in building up ;i verj large practice for ;i try physician.* His talents, however, were ool allowed to !>«■ bestowed entirely upon medicine. In I s ".") when the county was called upon to Bend ;i man to H onstitutional convention a1 Raleigh, th< of the county turned toward Dr. Love and he was elected to thai important body. As a member of thai convention I>r. Love made a record thai the county was proud of. lie was always found u] the safe m with respeel and confidence. In thai convention he made a reputation thai broughl to him the nomination for st;ii«' Auditor the m-Nt year on the tickel with Zebulan B. Vance. In the memorable campaign of 1 S 7<; \)v. Love, being on tin- ticket, took an active interest. He was energetic in Ins corres- pondence and other campaign endeavors. When the votes were counted it was found that he was elected by ;i larger majority than any other member of the ticket, getting more votes than Vance himself. He entered upon the duties of the office of State Auditor Jan. 1. L877 and served until his term of office expired Jan. l. 1881 Returning to Waynesville he retired to private lit - '- and con- tinued i" hold the respeel and confidence of the people until his death in 1887. II.- lefl thr shildren, Margaret Elizabeth, Maria 68 Williamson, and Robert Gustavus Adolphus. The first is now Mrs. H. B. Marshall, of Philadelphia, the second died in young girlhood, and the third is now chief of police of Waynesville. Dr. Love was married twice. His first wife was Miss Rachel Boyd and his second was Miss Margaret Harrison. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and a communicant of the Episcopal Church. Robert Gustavus Adolphus Love. Colonel Robert G. A. Love, son of James R. and Maria W. Love, was born in Waynesville Jan. 4. 1827. and died May 24. 1880. He was a grallant Confederate officer, well beloved by the men who served under him and praised and honored by the officers who held positions ever him. In youth Colonel Love had the meagre advantages of an educa- tion that the times afforded. He was schooled in the rudiments of English .with some mathematics and science in the schools of his native town. He was then sent to Washington College, Tenn.. where he took rank as a student. Completing his course there before he was twenty years old he returned to Waynesville and at once be- came active in the political affairs of Haywood County. When he was barely twenty-one he was nominated and elected to the lower house of the State Legislature and, though but a boy, ably represented in that body the interests of his constituents. He was Haywood's only representative that year. Colonel William H. Thomas being in the Senate but elected by Haywood, Henderson, and Jackson as one senatorial district. Mr. Love was re-elected in 1850, 1852, and 1854, retiring from office at the end of that time but not from an active participation in everything that pertained to the upbuilding of the county and town. In 1858 he was chosen Colonel of the militia of Haywood County and often drilled the companies that assembled on the green in that part of Waynesville that was located between where the Temple lot is now and the present site of Bishop Atkins, residence. Colonel Love was a very handsome man, and on all occasions acted the real soldier as be was. Wben North Carolina seceded in 1861 Colonel Love ardently embraced the cause of the South. He early directed his energies toward enlisting trained troops for the Confederate service, and was honored by being elected Captain of the first company that went out 60 from Haywood County. He had not been in the Bervice long before Ins splendid ability as a tactician was recognized, and be waa choaeD lieutenant-colonel of the sixteenth regimenl of North Caro- lina troopa. In capacity be proved bimaelf a brave and gallanl Boldier. He waa in Borne of the bardeal foughl battles in Virginia and Btood the rigors of the campaign of 1861 with calm determi- nation. His health gave way, however, in the winter of 1861-62 and he waa obliged to resign his commission. Coming home he I »< lt.-i 1 1 to recuperate and, with the soldier instinct in him he could ool be content. Before he was fully recovered he set aboul raising another regimenl for the Bervice. He waa successful in getting together a i oi men from this and adjoining counties and at once organ i/.i-.l them into tin- sixty-second regi oi with himself as colonel. This r< gimenl did splendid Bervice in Virginia and Tennessee, being accounted one of the besl equipped in the Bervice. Colonel Love, however, was unequal physically to undergo the hardships of camp life. When the war was over he returned home broken in health and disabled. He aever recovered. His life, however, was prolonged until 1880, but he never engaged further into active life. Colonel Love was uever married. His body rests in Green Hill cemetery. Francis M. Davis. Francis ffcGee Davis, boh of Philip Davis and Margarel McGee, was born in Fines Creek township, Augusl 15, 1825, and died August 1-Jth. 1!>ii:{. lacking one day of rounding out seventy-eight years. !ii> ancestors were among the courageous pioneers who first brought civilization to these mountain coves. His grand father Davis was with John Sevier a1 the battle of Bangs .Mountain and with Genera] Green at Guilford Courthouse. After the close of the Revolution he settled in this part of North Carolina and began to build ;i home, and reared a large family. Prank Davis, as he was called, was horn and reared in a neigh- borhood famed for its lovely scenery and thrifty people. Winn eight years old he was senl to Bchool, but his school-days, at that time, lasted only two months. At that early age he displayed decided talent, but his advantages were cut short. He was a boy on the farm until he was eighteen when he again L r ot a chance to gO to school and went three months. It may he he supposed that 70 during that brief time he learned more than the average boy does. At twenty years of age he again had the opportunity of attending school two and a half months, making his entire school life seven and a half months. On Oct. 21, 1817, he married Angeline Ferguson and began u-v.-i.ive life as a farmer in what is now Iron Duff township. He soon became a leader among his neighbors in everything that looked toward the improvement of farm life. He was a believer in fine stock and spared no effort to improve the breed of cattle upon his place. By good judgment and the skill which, as a thoughtful farmer, he always displayed, he won success and accumulated con- siderable property, while not wealthy yet in easy circumstances. During the Civil war he was a member of the home guards and performed military service in protecting the county from the rav- ages of the bushwhackers. Immediately after the war he was solicited to become a candidate for sheriff. He consented and was elected, holding that position during 1866 and 1867. In 1874 he became a candidate for the State Legislature and was elected, being re-elected in 1876, 1878, and in 1880. About him as a political leader Judge G. S. Ferguson has this to say: "In the campaigns which he made for the legislature, as well as many he made for his party when he was not a candidate, he proved himself to be a master of political debate, thoroughly acquainted with the principles of government, the policies of his party and the needs of the people. As a legislator he was careful to look after the local interests of his immediate constituents and attentive to general legislation. Conservative and wise, his counsel was sought and opinions listened to with respect by the ablest men of the State. He was not a man of extensive vocabulary but he understood the meaning of the words he used, selected them Well, talked to the point, and was one of the most, if not most, effective public speakers Haywood County has produced." "Sir. Davis was an active mason. He was also a member of the M. E. Church, South. His influence was always exerted on the side of the highest type of morality and Christian virtue. He was temperate in all his habits, not even using tobacco. He regarded both the use of tobacco and intoxicating liquors as an evil and advised against both. He was a prohibitionist from principle. In the prohibition campaign of 1881 he took the stump for the measure and was largely instrumental in enrolling Haywood as one of the six counties to give a prohibition victory that year. Of his thirteen children nine are living. One daughter, Lorena, 71 i8 the wido* of the late Captain AT Rogers. Eight sons, . v J. S.virs.D.viaiE/R.D.via.T.JD.VU.^C.Dav^DrP^^and Dr. J. C Davie, are useful e.t>sens servmg well theii ( |;i\ ;ni Lee, oi Mississippi. Id ■ then took a course in Bmorj and Henry College, Va., Leaving there in May, 1861, to enter as a volunteer the Confederate service. He enlisted in the Becond company thai left Ins native county, which company becan orapanj C of the twenty-fifth regimenl of Korth ( larolina infanl i\ . In the organization Mr. Welch was chosen firsl Lieutenant. The regiment, after being stationed a1 Asheville for ;i brief time, was ordered i" Wilmington, and was on duty on the coasi of North ;hi<1 Smith Carolina until the early summer <>t' 1862, when ii was ordered to Virginia. Reaching Richmond about the firsl of June of thai year, the regimenl was in the thickesl of the seven days battles from Gaines Mil] to Malvern Hill. In .-ill this baptism of bl I Lieutenant Welch Berved with distinguished gallantry and earned tli«' praise of his Buperior officers. After the retreal of McClellan Lieutenant Welch's company be- came attached, with the twenty-fifth regiment, to General Robert Ransom's brigade of Longstreet 's Corps, [n all the subsequent cam- paigns, including the battles of Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg, his company played a very important and conspicuous part. Afterwards Lieutenant Welch took pari in the campaign in North Carolina in 1864. lit- was at the battle of Kinston and in the Plymouth campaign, in both instances being distinguished for in -ss and gallantry under fire. At Bermuda Hundreds, near Peters- burg, Va., he played a heroic pari in the defeat of Butler and the bottling up <>f his army by i f h- forces of General Beauregard. Late in i s ' ; l Lieutenanl Welch was transferred to the engineer corps with the rank of Captain and continued in thai line of duty tin- remainder of the war. While in the discharge of his duty he was once wounded in one of the numerous battles near Petersburg, and surrendered with Lee a1 Appomattox. No officer of his regimenl was more popular than < laptain Welch. The Burvivors in Haywood County have honored the memory of him by naming their organization the "Pink Welch Camp of the United < lonfederate Veterans." After the war Captain Welch studied Law and opened an office for the practice of the same in Waynesville. He I ame a very jsful lawyer and buill np an extensive practice. As a public speaker he sunn I ame noted, and In consequence was drawn into politics. He was elected to a seal in the Lower house of the State [legislature in 1868 and again in 1870. En those memorable sessions of the General Assembly Captain Welch took a prominenl part. 76 In the impeachment proceedings of 1870 against Governor W. W. Holding he was active and aggressive. He was a member of the judiciary committee that drew up the charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against the governor, and aided in the prosecution of 'h' case at the bar of the Senate. His speech on that oecasiou was eloquent and effective. Captain Welch's legislative experience did not end with the con- viction and deposition of Governor Holden. In 187-1 he was chosen t., represent in the State Senate the forty-first senatorial district, composed of Henderson, Haywood, and Transylvania counties. Polities, however, had no fascination for Captain Welch. Even before his term of office as senator had expired he had planned to leave North Carolina, give up law and politics, and go into the cotton manufacturing business in Athens, Ga. In 1876 he moved to that place and became interested in the Georgia Manufacturing Company with mills at White Hall. In that business he remained until his death in 1896. Captain Welch was married twice, first to Miss Sarah Cathey. daughter of Colonel Joseph Cathey, and second, January 26. 1875, to Margaretta Richards White, Daughter of John White and sister of John R. and Captain James White, of Athens, Ga., Their only son, John White Welch, is now a resident of the same eity. Dr. Robert V. Welch. Robert Vance Welch was born in Haywood County, Dec. 4th, 1822and died Jan. 12th, 1899. He was a son of William and Mary (Love) Welch, and a grandson of Colonel Robert Love. After getting the rudiments of an education in his native county 1he boy, now almost a young man, was sent to finish his academic course at Washington College, Tennessee. There he studied for some years before going to the medical college at the University of Kentucky, from which he was graduated as an M. D. One singular thing about this part of his life is the fact that, when he went to college, he rode horseback all the way to Lexington, Ky., took his negro servant with him, and kept the negro and the two horses in Lexington the whole time he was in school there. After receiving his diploma Dr. Welch settled in Waynesville and began the practice of his profession. He continued his practice for some years, until a diseased leg forced him to retire from a"ctiVe work. In 1862 he was a Burgeon in the Confederate army, and served acceptably in thai capacity . Dr. Welch was. for a number of years, engaged in the mercantile p in Jackson County. He also did a large business as con- tractor for the transportation of goods over the old State turnpike en Asheville and Cherokee. He invested extensively in real eatat< and other properties during his life, and a1 the time of his death had amassed a considerable fortune. Positive in Bpeech and in action Dr. Welch had considerable influence in his community. He was a prominenl member of the Baptisl Church to which he always contributed liberally. Dr. Welch in early life was married to Miss Mary C. Peebles of Easl Tennessee. Seven children were the fruits of this union, Julius C. who lives at the old homestead aboul two miles from Waynesville, Samuel C, a prominenl and successful lawyer of Waynesville, Marietta who is the wife of Dr. J. Howell Way, of Waynesville and Nora I... now Mrs. H. P. Ashton, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Other Builders. Besides those whose brief biographies have been given there were others whose deeds were Buch as to entitle them to sketches of like nature, but owing t<» the difficulties in getting at the facts only a brief mention can be made «.t' them. John McFarland was one of the earliest settlers and from the tirst was among the most influential men in the county. He was tor four years senator from this county in the General As., -m hly of North Carolina and was prominent in farming and hnsiness circles. He owned large tracts of land in Beaverdam ami Pigeon townships. Hodge Baboume was another one of the old settlers, lie served the county seven years in the senate and had much to do with the early progress ,,f the county. dames Welch, Thomas Tatham. William I'arham. William Sitfm. .lames Gudger, and Michael [-Yam-is. each served the eoiinty in the senate. John Dobson, Joseph Chambers, John Steveson, Daniel McDowell, Benjamin dark. Benjamin S. Brittain, John I.. Smith. Joseph H. Walker. Joseph Keener, and Andrew Ferguson, all Berved terms in the house of eoiiimons and acquitted well. Rev. D. C. Howell, of Jonathan's Creek, was one of the I, est men 78 of the county. He was a minister of the Methodist denomination and did much in building up his part of the county. He died about four years ago at a ripe old age. Hon. W. G. B. Garrett was a member of the constitutional con- vention of 1868. He was for a long time the leading Republican in the county. Mr. Garrett died in 1905. Hon. Thomas D. Johnson, late of Asheville, was born in Way- nesville. but moved to Asheville while still a boy. He represented the district in congress two terms. While not living in Haywood at the time that the honor came to him he was always claimed as a Haywood County man. Colonel J. Wiley Shook, of Clyde, was perhaps the most gifted man the county has had. He was versatile and sarcastic to a merciless degree. For some time he was employed in the office of the collector of internal revenues at Asheville. His writings for the newspapers were bright and cutting. He died in 1907. John Killian, of Ivy Hill, was one of the substantial citizens of that township. His influence among his neighbors was always for the uplifting of the community. James McKee, X. G. Howell, and J. B. Allison all served as sheriffs of Haywood County at different periods. Their impress has been left upon the life of the county. "William Johnson, father of Hon. T. D., was a merchant in Way- nesville for a long time and assisted in the early development of the town. Robert L. Owen, who lived on the Jonathan Creek road and died in 1907. was a farmer. He was one of the most remarkable men of his day. His life was clean and his thoughts singularly pure. He was a scholar in many subjects notwithstanding the fact that his education was limited. Jacob Shook was one of the first settlers on Pigeon River. He was living in that locality in 1786 when his son. David Shook was born. He moved in from Lincoln County soon after the Revolution. David Shook, his son born in 1786 near where Clyde is now. lived to the ripe old age of 96. He built the first frame house in the county, made his nails himself with which he put on the timbers and sawed the lumber with a whip-saw. The house is still standing. David \V. Shook, Jr. Tl AFTER X. Haywood County by Townships. In the earliest days of the county there were no townships. In all the territory west of the Buncombe Comity line to Tennessee and round to the northern line of Georgia there were only two voting precincts. It cost something in those days to vote, for long toil- some journeys had to be made to the polling places. One of these places was at John Howell's near the month of Raccoon Creek. The other was at Soco beyond the Balsam range in what is now Jackson County. As the population increased other precincts were added. In 1869 by act of the Legislature they were called townships. For a long number of years there were only six townships in the county. namely. Waynesville, Fines Creek. Crabtree, Pigeon, and Beaverdam. There are now thirteen of them. The story of these divisions is interesting not only to the people living in them but to other parts of the county as well. Waynesville. AVaynesville, one of the oldest of the townships, was established in 1809 as a precinct, and included at first a large part of the county. Later, other townships were formed out of its territory until now it contains only about forty square miles and a population in 1900 of 3,908 and in 1908 of about 5.000. The chief products are corn, potatoes, wheat, oats, apples, cattle, lumber, and furniture. The taxable valuation of property in 1908 is over $4,000,000. There are two incorpated towns in the township. AVaynesville and Hazelwood. The history of the township, therefore, naturally clusters around the two towns, and the story of the towns will be the story of the township. 82 Before Haywood became a county the ridge between Richland and Raccoon, upon which "Waynesville is now beautifully situated, was known as Mount Prospect. The name was probably given to it when the army of General Rutherford, in 1776, encamped upon it. Rutherford was in pursuit of the Indians, who were fleeing before him. His army crossed the Pigeon River near where Canton is now, encamped for a day at Mount Prospect, defeated the Indians in a skirmish near Balsam gap, and pursued them into East Tennessee where he defeated them in battle and destroyed their villages and crops forcing them to sue for peace. At that early time, before the white man had plowed a furrow. Mount Prospect was known to the adventurer, who occasionally passed this way to and from the set- tlements on the Holston and the Nollichucky beyond the Great Smokies. After the Revolution when the first settlers began to come into this neighborhood the beauty of Mount Prospect was recognized. A gently sloping plateau of some twenty-eight hundred feet above sea level with a creek, affording natural drainage on either side, struck the eye of the prospectors as being an ideal spot for a home; and here many of the old Revolutionary soldiers, who were pioneers at heart, seeking for favorable lands upon which to locate, drove down their stakes and asked for grants from the government. Among these old settlers we find the names: Welch, Love, Francis, Allen, Killian, Hyatt, Miller, Dobson, Howell, and others. In a few years when the population in and about Mount Prospect became numerous enough to form the neucleus of another county a petition was sent to the General Assembly praying for the organization of the county of Haywood. That petition was granted, the county was erected, and the court house and jail located at Mount Prospect. The name was changed to Waynesville at the suggestion of Colonel Robert Love, who donated the sites for the public buildings. The name "Waynesville" is used for the first time in the records of the court of pleas and quarter sessions in 1810. For more than sixty years the growth of the town was re- markably slow. At the close of the Civil war it was nothing more than a mountain hamlet. There were about fifteen families living within the town and the population numbered about seventy-five. There were two stores at that time and one hotel kept by a Mrs. Battle. The extreme length of Main Street was Judge Gudger'a home on the South and William Ray's where Dr. R. L. Allen now lives, on the North. - Among the citizens of thai time, immediately following the Civil war, were W. U Tate, a lawyer who had moved in from Burke County, Colonel 8. C. Bryson, a lawyer who moved t.. T.- the same year, John B. Fitzgerald, a lawyer but aol practicing, Michael EVancia, who had been prominenl in tin- politics of the county for a lciiL r time I'm who sliuiiK moved away, AJden Howell, W. I.. N'..r- wood, J. C. L. Gudger, W. P. Welch, G. S. Ferguson, and W. B. Ferguson, all of whom bad recently Becured licenses to practice law Among the physicians were L)rs. S. L. Dove, II. M. Rogers, M.< ; and average deposits $200,000. The bank pays tour per cent, on time deposits. The offcers of the Lank are G. W. Bfaslin, president; Clyde H. Kay. vice president; W. T. Blaylock, cashier, each of whom has held the position from the orgaization. The board of directors is s very strong one, viz: G. W. Maslin, Clyde II. Ray, ('has. E. Ray, K. B. Quinlan, S. C. Satterthwait, Dr. J. Bowel] Way. and Samuel c! Welch. The hank's patronage is large and increasing. It occupies a building of its own on .Main Street. In November, 1906, the Commercial Bank opened for business with a capita] Btock of $30,000. It occupies the ground floor of the elegant white brick building at the corner of Main and Depot stiv.-is. R. B. Osborne is president; II. R. Ferguson, \ dee president; and J. R. Boyd is cashier. Another enterprise is the Waynesville Courier, a weekly news- paper that wields considerable influence in the county. It was es- tablished in lss.-, ;IM( | w ,., lt through many vicissitudes in its early days. J. I>. Boone was tin- first man to put it upon anything like a paying hasis. |„ 1902, howover, he sold it to <;. I !. Briggs, who enlarged ami strengthened the paper. January 1st. i!n>7 the Courier Printing Company, composed of <;. I '. Briggs ami \V. < !. an,.,,. \sas formed and the office si in further increased in efficiency. In that year a model No. 5 Linotype ma. -hi,,.- was installed ami the office further equipped. It is now a sound Dm ratic paper «rith a large subscription list snd a good advertising patronage. There are about thirty husiu,-vs houses in the town, tin- Lrug tun plumbing establishments, five livery stables, four churches, a telephone exchange, twenty-five hotels and hoarding houses, aboul two miles of cemenl side-walks, and nearly a mile of brick pavement. $6 Haywood County Fair. Another important enterprise, which is located at Waynesville but in which the whole county is interested, is the county fair. The story of its organization and growth belongs to the history of the county. Early in the summer of 1905, J. M. L. MeCracken, of Crabtree, published in the Waynesville Courier a communication advocating a fair for Haywood County. The proposition seemed to meet with general favor, and at a meeting of the farmers' institute in August the matter was taken up and discussed fully. At that meeting a temporary organization was effected, with J. A. Collins as presi- dent and G. C. Briggs as secretary. At first it was intended to have a fair for the exhibition of live stock only, but as the organization de- veloped it was decided to have a general exhibition. The first fair was held November 1, 2 ,3, 1905. The officers that year were as follows : Joseph A. Collins, president ; W. S. Terrell, R. A. L. Hyatt, J. L. Walker, E. C. Clark, vice-presidents; J. L. StringfieM, treasurer; James E. Carraway, secretary, G. D. Green, assistant secretary; B. F. Smathers, general manager; J. .R Me- Cracken, chief marshal. The opening address that year was deliv- ered by Hon. Locke Craig, of Asheville. Since that year the fair has greatly grown in importance Now it is the most largelv attended fair in western North Carolina. Hi A in i \ni 1 \V. II. Col< Hazelwood. Hazelwood, the only other town in Waynesville township, was incorporated in 1905 by act of the State Legislature. By appoint- ment of the General Assembly E. E. Quinlan became the first mayor and served until May. 1907. when \V. H. Cole was elected. The Board of Aldermen is composed of J. C. Fisher, AY. A. Whitener, and D. R. Allen. Mr. Cole, the founder of the town and president of the Hazel- wood Manufacturing Company, is a native of Pennsylvania, where he was born 56 years ago. In 1870 he moved to Tipton County, Tenn.. and was in business there until 1893 when he came to Hay- wood County and settled one mile from Waynesville in what is now Hazelwood but then nothing but waste land. Mr. Cole began opera- tions then as a saw mill man and soon had the satisfaction of seeing the place which he had named '"Hazelwood" begin to grow. This enterprising young municipality has now a population of about 700. There are several important manufacturing plants lo- cated in its limits. The Junaluska Leather Company, one of the largest tanneries in the State, has a capacity of 150 hides a day. The leather made here is sent to the eastern markets. A force of about 100 men is constantly employed. The Hazelwood Manufacturing Company, another important en- terprise, turns out wooden columns, mouldings, tables, ceilings, flooring, staves, wooden pipe, and other useful things besides operat- ing a saw mill. This concern employs about 25 men. Besides these two there are two large furniture factories doing a large and growing business in their lines. The building of a large and modern sanitarium for tuberculosis patients is now under con- sideration. When built it will be largely of glass and on the most approved lines known to experts in the fresh air treatment of pa- tients with this disease, and will be one of the most important enter- prises in western North Carolina. At Hazelwood is a good school under the same management as tin- Waynesville Graded Schools. There is also a church building which is used by several denominations. Altogether the prospects point to a rapid increase in the size and importance of this hustling little hive of industry. Beaverdam Beaverdam is one of the original precincts of the county. It tied Beaverdam while il was a pari of Bun* ibe County, and i 8 supposed to have received its name from the modest Little creek within its bounds upon which beavers, in early times, had their (1;llll >. At firsl n included a pari of whal is nov, Clyde township. h has an area of aboul forty Bquare miles and a population of about .-.jinn The taxable vaiuati I property in 1908 is $1,042,089. g 0] ,f the earliesl settlements in the county were made along ..,,,, River in this township. Besides those already otioned in the chapter on "The Barlj Settlements," there are some others thai deserve mention. Pge H.-iii. a Revolutionary Boldier who lies buried al Locust Field Cemetery, moved here from Rowan County, and settled on North Bominy. He broughl his wagon as Ear as Asherville and e f1 it. By horseback he broughl his and provis- ions to whal i- now known as the Russell place where he Located. At thai time deer were as plentiful as rabbits are now and the Land was \.r\ fertile. Only a few settlers were thru in thai section. The McDowells had taken oul two grants of 640 acres each a1 whal was known as "Ford of Pigeon" where Canton is oow situated. the firsl houses buill there was a double Log house thai stood Dear the site of the Monroe-Wells boarding house and was destroyed in 1882 Aboul the time thai Hall came in 1801 John McFarland secured a granl of a section, which included the presenl Pharr, Marion Smathers, and I Pinner farms. Other -ranis were secured aboul th.' same time, and as time wenl on other families came and settled in the beautiful valley. Among the, Bettlers in thai section we find the names of Harry Johnson, Thomas Al.-l. a Revolutionary Boldier, George, Jesse, Levy, and Charlie Smathers, who came from Catawba and Bettled in Dutch Cove, Blisha Phillips, who settled at the head of Hominy, James M. Patton, a successful Btock William and John Haynes two of the pioneer ministers of the Baptist Church, Ambrose Pharr, who settled on pari of the McFarland tract, Eliliu Chambers, who was a gianl almosl in stature and in physical enduraj noted as a surveyor, J. Wesly Harbin, a noted Bchool- r and surveyor, WiUiam Scott, Roberl II Penland, Levey Clark, Joseph Ford, George, Green, William, and James Moore, four brothers who bought pari of the McDowell land, Captain A J. Murray, who was sheriff of the county for a Long number of years, so John P. Sharp, who settled in Dutch Cove, Jesse Kinsland, Isaac Smathers, Kobert Sharp, and others, that might be mentioned namely the Cooks, the Hendersons, the Minguses. the Holtsclaws, and the Meases. Beaverdam is different from all other townships in the county, in that it is the only one that does not lie exclusively upon the waters of Pigeon River, which runs its entire length in Haywood County. All the drainage of the county is into Pigeon River with the exception of about sixteen square miles of territory in Beaver- dam, which drains into the French Broad. Canton. Canton is the only town in Beaverdam township. It has a history which is interesting. For more than ninety years there was a postoffice at the Ford of Pigeon that was named Pigeon River. Only a few houses were upon the site during all these years. In 1861, the first year of the Civil war, there were only two houses in the place. Robert Penland was postmaster at that time. After the close of the Civil war, the place began to put on the appearance of a village. A few more houses were built and there first appeared even the suggestion of a town. In 1881 the railroad reached the place, a depot was built and it became the terminus for nearly two years. Engineer S. S. Aldridge ran the first train into Pigeon. Engineer* W. P. Terrell was the first to run an engine across Pigeon River. Captain W. II. Hargrove was the first depot agent at that place. For a few years after the railroad reached the village there was considerable activity. The name. Pigeon River, was changed to Buford in honor of the president of the railroad company, but that name did not seem to be fitting, for it never became generally known by that term. In 1889. by act of the Legislature, the place was in- corporated under the name of Pigeon River, and the village became a town. Later, in 1894 the town, at the suggestion of Mr. C. L. Mingus, was named Canton and by act of Legislature the next year that name was made legal. Canton is now a hustling city of 3000 inhabitants. In 1907 a bond issue of $65,000 for street improvements and Graded Schools was voted. The same year a system of public schools with Prof. R. D, McDowell as superintendent was organized. The streets are now being improved. The town has two banks, the Champion and the 92 Bank of Canton. There are several large general stores besides many smaller ones. The Champion Fibre Company broke ground for their big plant in April, 1906, and as it stands to-day represents an invest- ment of more than two million dollars. The daily product of wood pulp averages 200 tons, all of which is used by the paper mills of the eompany at Hamilton, 0. The amount of tannic acid manufac- tured is very large, the annual capacity being. 75, 000 barrels. About 650 men are employed, which means a disbursement of $14,000 to $15,000 at Canton on each semi-monthly payday. The company has built more than 60 houses for the use of employees and more are under way. Pigeon. Pigeon precinct was formed soon after the organization of the county government in 1809, and was named for the river that runs directly through its territory. At first it included all the country now within East Fork and Cecil townships. It is one of th? richest sections of the county. Within its limits is the Garden farm, where the first settlement in the county is supposed to have been made about 1785. It was included in the McDowell grant and is now owned by the Plott family. Another grant a little while after that time was to John Gooch from John Strother. About the year 1802 a settlement was made upon it. The lands are now owned by the Osborne and Smathers families. Adjoining this tract were the Daniel Killian lands, now owned by J. R. Abel, Rowley Cook and others. The William Mehaffey farm was also opened up in 1802. purchased from John Strother and now owned by the Evans family and others. Several other farms were opened up on Pigeon about the same time, among them the William Cathey. the Hefner, the Mary Miller, the Moore, the Allen Campbell; the Wilson, the Deaver. the Spencer Bird, the Plott, the Edmonston, the Henry, and others that are well known to-day. During the early settlements the forks of the river were granted to the Grunlers and the Biffles. Newman Wells, about 1820, moved from Rutherford County and bought on the forks of the river what is known as the Wells farm. James Holland moved here from Ten- nessee in the early part of the nineteenth century. He was a man of considerable ability. E his eons, Henry Holland, was sheriff of the county in the fifties. Among the names of ti Ld settle™ in Pig i township we find also Henry Robinson, wl ttled on Garden Creek Peter Mease w , sbont the same time as Henry Robinson ^and mamedthe letter's daughter, Elijah Henson and several brothers, who settled , n Nvh ,, ls aow known as the Benson Cove and from whom an, extensive Eamily has Bprung. f themosl noted Eamiliesof Pigeon township is the I athey family \|h,ui il.- tir.t of the nineteenth century, William Cathey m0V ed here from Virginia and settled in the Pig valley. He lef1 on e BO n, Joseph Cathey, a man of greal native ability wh biography is given elsewhere in this volume. II- married about 18 30 Miss Nancy Hyatl and Erom thai nnion a Large family has descended. Pour sons ... the Confederate army, two of whomlos their lives namelj Capt. James M. Cathey, who was killed at Petersburg, and Lieutenanl J. T. Cathey, who died of Eever ... the hospital ;.t Wilson. Mother noted Eamily is the Lenoir Eamily. Colonel Phomas Lenoir moved to this county Erom Wilkes aboul the firsl ot the last century ......I bought Erom the State large possessions on the eas1 fork of Pigeon and engaged in Earming and stock-raia H, veasa useful and highly honored citizen, His son, Capt. Tho ] Lenoir, was one of he raosl noted of the county a1 the time of the Civil war. His biography appears elsewhere in this volume. The Bdmonston was another noted Eamily of Pigeon. Colonel tfinian Edmonston came to the county aboul 1808 and settl< .1 in the valley of the Pigeon. II- represented thi nnty Eor a long number of years, with conspicuous ability, in tin- State Legislature. Two of h,s' sums were kill-! in the Civil war. A biography of Colonel Bdmonston appears in another chapter ... this volume. Jonathan Plot! moved to Pigeon about 1830 ......I taughl school f or a nun. I-,- of years. He then boughl a Earm ... Pig valley and became a su sssful Earmer. He has many .l--n.h-.nts living in this county and in other States. 1.. 1826 Wm. II. Hargrove moved from Mecklenburg County and Bettled mi Pigeon. II- was a skilled ,,,. ,,:,.,, m i.i t. but s,,n,- of his brick chimneys are , W. H. Hargrove, Canton, W. M. Hargi N v !- .,,..-,, a nd Dr J, I' Hargrove of Raleigh, are grandsons of his. Aboul the first of th nth century Ellis Edwards moved to thai section of th mnty Erom beyond the Blue Ridge in Burke 94 County. His children were Thomas S., Benjamin, Rev. P. W., Rev. James, Mrs Mary Howell. Mrs. Eelia Anil Pickens, and Miss Asseneth Eiwards, all now dead. About 1830 William D. Kirk- patrick came from Rutherford County and bought land on Pigeon. He left several daughters, but no sons. John Gooch came to this county about the beginning of the last century and settled on wdiat is now known as the Osborne farm. His only child, a daughter, married Ephriam Osborne. One son of that union yet survives, A J. Osborne. Silas Wilson came from Catawba County about 1818 and pur- chased lands on Pigeon River in this township. The Blaylock fam- ily came about the beginning of the nineteenth century and estab- lished homes there. Several representatives of the family have held positions of trust and responsibility. In 1854 Oval Terrell moved to Pigeon from Rutherford County and bought lands. His name is still well known in the county. William Mehaffey came from Pennsylvania about 1802. Some deseendents of the name still live in the county. Rev. John Evans w T as one of the pioneer ministers of the Meth- odist Church, and did much toward the building up of that faith in the Bethel section. There are still some survivors of his family in the county. Other families moved in from other counties, among them the Ledbetters. the Kinslands. the Aliens, the ^hbdarmers. tlie Presslys, *the Plesses, and others who have contributed to the up- building of the township and county. Pigeon township is one of the best in the county. The lands on the Pigeon River are fertile. Beautiful mountain scenery greets the eye on every hand. At Bethel, in the beautiful Sonoma valley, are three churches, two stores and several dwellings. It is one of the most beautiful spots in North Carolina. There is also a good Graded School that was established some years ago. The building is a two-story brick structure and is well adapted to school uses. As now defined the township has an ar a of about 36 square miles and a population of over 2,000. The taxable valuation of property in 1908 is $252,301. Crabtree. Crabtree is one of the early precincts of the county, being es- tablished as such about 1810. It gets its name from Crabtree Creek that runs through its borders. Its people are among the most 95 prosperous in the countj and ba^ • always been progressive and industrious. .\i first the township included a greal deal more territory than it does at present; but iron Duff, White Oak, and Cattaloochee have been formed oul of its original boundaries and al presenl it con- tains only about '>\ Bquare miles. The boundaries are clearly defined, aing "ii Pigeon River al or aear the <>I<1 Marion Ferguson farm the line runs up the ridge of what is known as rlider mountain connecting with Chambers mountain; thence with the meanderings of said line to the top of Sand} Blush Bald; thence Bouth-wesl with the divide to Crabtree Bald; thence north to Oak's Knob; thence south-west t<> Pigeon River al or aear Roach Shoals; thence with Pigeon River to the beginning. Crabtree is one of the most thickly settled sections of the county. In 1900 the population was 1269. It is qow estimated at L500. The principal in.lnsti-i.-s are farming and stock-raising. Al- most every farmer is a raiser of fine live stock !'<>r which the town- ship is noted and in which there has been great development in the last decade. In this section there is already grown some of the finest cattle in the South. < hi Crabtree Creek some of the earliest settlements in the county were made prim- to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among the early settlers was Peter Mason, who came to the county aboul the year 1800. Be settled on Crabtree and opened up a farm upon which lie lived to the rip.- old ag< of l<>7 years when he died about t w -eut \ j ears ago. Other prominent men who settled in this township and became well known were Josiah Craw lord. William Penland, John Rogers, Silas Kirkpatrick, J. Bradshaw, Acton McCracken, John, Enos, Joseph, and Russell McCracken. These men heroically reclaimed tin i«. rest and made it blossom as the rose. Other substantial citizens joined them or followed along alter their time. In the list of those win. built Crabtree the names of Nathan Gibson, William Ferguson, Cyrus Uo'jvrs. Samuel Ferguson, Spencer Walker. W. c. Hill. J. If. McCracken, Colonel C. C. Rogers, and A. T. Rogers hold an im- portant p,-irt. They were the heroes in peace, who felled the forests, built roads and homes, ere. -ted schools and churches, and hla/.e.l the way for civilization and progress. Crabtree has long been noted tor its advai in educational lines. A good school has for years been maintained near Rock Spring Church ami by it many young men ami women have been prepared for college find schooled for the active duties of life. In 1905 the Rock Spring district voted a special tax for schools and since then free tuition for eight months has been furnished every child that attends. In 1908 the taxable valuatii n of property is $186,1 7-. Iron Duff. Iron Duff township was erected in 1879 from Crabtree. Its boundaries are as follows: On the north by White Oak. west by Jonathan's Creek, south by Waynesville, east by Crabtree. The Pigeon River divides Iron Duff from Crabtree. It contains about twelve square miles of territory, and had in 1900 a population of 499. The population is now estimated at 600. The principal indus- tries like most of the county, are farming and stock-raising in which considerable progress has been within the last few years. Some fine horses and mules are raised in the township. The raising of cattle, hogs and sheep constitute an important branch of industry; and the corn, wheat, oats, aid Irish potatoes of Iron Duff are among the finest in the county. In historical or traditional incidents Iron Duff is quite rich. The following incidents are told by Hon. J. S. Davis, who is a resi- dent of this township: "The first white man to settle in what is now Iron Duff town- ship was Jacob Shook, whose cabin stood where the school-house now stands. The second summer after his location here he died of milk sickness and his remains were carried to Pigeon River and taken in" a canoe up the river about seven miles to the home of his father. David Shook, who lived just above where Clyde is now located. "The next white man to settle in the present bounds of Iron Duff was Aaron MeDuff. who came with his family from the hills of Scotland. He became noted as a scholar among the few settlers and a hunter of prowess. He was the leading man for many miles around and a talker of great magnetism. At his cabin the early settlers would often meet to hear Aaron Duff, as he was commonly called, tell stories and sing songs, and to hunt with him the deer and wild turkeys. Thus all the territory now included in Iron Duff township came to be called Aaron Duff's Bend, and was so called until about 1873 when the first postoffice in the township was established. 97 •• In the petition senl to the postoffiee departmenl al Washington the nam.' suggested for the postoffiee was Aar< □ Duff, but the depart, menl rtruck oul the word Aaron and substituted Iron in its place. A i'<-« years later when the township was established h was given the name of the postoffiee. Thus we Bee we have onlj the word Duff Lefl to perpetuate the name oi Aaron McDuff, one of the mosl conspic- uous pipneers who settled in western North Carolina." As \\ ill !"• seen the Jacob Shook mentioned in the above was not the one who Bettled on Pig River aboul the close of the Revolu- tion, but ;i grandson of Ins. Among the prominenl citizens who helped to make Iron Duff an important division of the county the names of Daniel Dotson, John l> Howell, James McElroy, Andrew Ferguson, E. R. Ferguson, Rilej Medford, J. L. Smith, F. .M. Davis, J. F. Murray, and -I. .M. Q .,',. now dead, are mentioned. Three of these represented the county at different times in the L< gislature, and all of them m II I ored and respected in their day. In 1908 the taxable valuation of property is Jonathan's Creek. Jonathans Creek precincl formed in 1866 and made a township is 1869 by order ol the county commissioners, was one of the first sections ol the county to be Bettled. It derives its name from the creek that flows through its borders, and is one of the Eairesl and richest townships in the county. Its boundaries on two Bides are natural. On the west the Line runs with the water shed between Jonathan and Cattaloochee and on the easl with the ridge between Jonathan and Richland creeks. It touches Ivv Hill on the south and Crabtree and White Oak on 'I"' north. There are aboul twenty square miles within its, Is and a population in 1900 of 1008. The population is estimated now al 1200. The principal industries are farming and stock raising, supplying an abundance of corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, and cattle for market ;mint now known as Plott, where R. H. Plotl now Uvea. In that early time 1 1 1 « ■ McFarland brothera al80 had considerable grants of laud, one granl bearing the date, 17-7. A little later, aboul 1805, Felix Walker moved from Burke County and built upon the McPeters land. Other prominent citizens, who moved in later and helped to build the township were John Henry, John Leather- wood, David, Amos, and Osborne Plott, Daniel and John Tvillian. and Reuben Moody who ha« ' n menti d in the storv of Jonathan's Creek bul who lived within the presenl limits of Tvy TTill. ,\. much of the history of Ivy Hill 1ms already been given in this work, the reader is referred to pr ding pages for further information. In 1908 the taxable valuation of property is $185 2 14 Clyde. Clyde township was formed in l -77 from Pigeon, Beaverdam, and Waynesville. At tirst it was called Lower Pigeon in contra- distinction to Up] a. Later the township waa named Hvde fp.m the little town thai has grown up on the hanks of the P River thai flows through its territory. 102 It has an area of about thirty square miles and a population in 1900 of 1196. The chief products are such as would be expected from an agricultural section in the mountains of North Carolina. The people are thrifty, being engaged in agricultural pursuits, in merchandising, and in raising live stock. In the earliest days of the county there were important settle- ments along the banks of the river near where the town of Clyde now stands. The Shooks, the Hayneses, the Osbornes, the Morgans, the Stanleys, the Rogerses, and others were tilling the soil and raising their cattle before there was a town in the county. In this township some of the first settlements were made and some of the oldest families reside. Here among the oldest settlers we find the names of Levi Smathers, Aaron Fullbright, Jacob Shook, David Shook, and others, who began the construction of a civilization upon the banks of lower Pigeon. A little later, Mills Shook, David Hill, Abel Stamey, Jackson Rogers, Peter Snider, Judson Osborne, G. N. Penland, H. P. Haynes, Allen Haynes, Thomas Green, W. W. Medford, and others who might be mentioned continued the building of the structure that the first settlers had planned. For ninety or more years from the time of the first settlements the valley of the Pigeon was dotted only with thrifty farm houses. There was no town or even the seeming possibility of one. Neither Canton nor Clyde was yet even in embryo. But in 1881 the whistle of the locomotive was heard at Pigeon River, now Canton, and the inhabitants along the Pigeon Valley felt that the door of opportunity so long closed, was about to be opened to them. The railroad, how- ever, halted for more than a year at Pigeon River, and the inhabi- tants along the route began to think that the road was resting too long at that place. In 1883, the first train pulled into what is now the town of Clyde, but what was then only a stopping place for the train with hardly a dwelling house in sight. Mr. J. M. Shook gave the lot upon which the depot was built. Mr. J. L. Morgan bought from Shook the first lot ever sold in Clyde. Mr. T. M. Green built the first store ever erected in the town. Mr. C. L. Smathers followed with the next. People began to move in and soon Clyde began to put on the appearance of a town. In the Legislature of 1889 the town was incorporated with the name of Clyde, and having the following officers: II. N. Wells, mayor; B. B. Jones, J. Wiley Shook, and J. L. Morgan, eommisisoners. In 1890 there were 90 people living in L03 the little town; in 1900 there were 244. Now the population is about 400. In Clyde there are Bevera] business houses, • I > » 1 1 1 «_r a genera] mer- chandise business, a dour mill, several boarding bouses and hotels, three churches, and two schools. The Hayw i Institute, the Baptisl Associations) school, is located in Clyde. It bas ;i g ! patronage from the countj and some pupils from other counties. Besides tins institution, the public school for the town and distrid is also Iht<-. The town is noted as a health resort, many people from the Southern and Western States going yearij there to spend the Bummer. In 1908 the taxable valuation of property is $236,758. White Oak, Cattaloochee, and Cecil. These three townships have been formed from the others and their history has been told in the narrative already set forth. White <>;ik is iii the northern pari of the county on the righl bank of Pigeon River. It had ;i population in 1900 of 345 and ;it presenl of aboul 450. It was established in 1895. Cattaloochee is in the ex- treme north-western pari of the county, situated npon Cattal bee and Big Creeks. The people of thai portion of the county are nearer to Newport, Tenn., than to Waynesville. It had a population in L900 of 765. Cecil, a small township in the south-eastern pari of the county, was formed in L901 oul of portions of Pigeon and Easl Pork. It has a voting population of aboul 50. The census lias never been taken as il lias been established sine- 1900. While being remote from the centre of the county, these townships are inhabited by a thrifty and intelligenl people. They are engaged in farming, stock raising, and lumbering. They have g 1 Bchools and churches and the citizenship is fast becoming prosperous and cultured. In L908 the taxable valuation of property is as follows: Cat- taloochee $378,644: White Oak $57,641; Cecil $105,208. CHAPTER XI. Men of the Hour. Haywood County has never been lacking in patriotic and de- voted men. In peace and in war her stalwart sons, strong i n brain and brawn, have acquitted themselves nobly. < hi the farm, in trade, as manufacturers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, preachers, statesmen, soldiers .the men of Haywood have proven themselves to be of the first rank nol only here in their native county but in other States and among other people. While that is true of the past it is no Less true of the present. In her citizenship of the day the story of the county's progress and development is told with strong anticipations of the future. In manhood, in brain and muscle, in genius and thrift, in progress and pride, the sons of Haywood arc not behind any in the old North State. The story, therefore, of some of our leading men will not be uninteresting, but belongs to the history of the county. Judge Gudger. James Cassius Lowry Gudger was born in Buncombe County, July 4th. 1837. His father. Samuel Bell Gudger, was a son of James Gudger who married Annie Love, daughter of Colonel Robert Love. His mother was Elizabeth Siler Lowry of Buncombe, daughter of James Lowry who held a captain's commission in the war of 1812 and who served several terms in the lower house of the State Legislal ore. Judge Gudger was educated at Sand Hill academy and Reem's Creek High School, the latter being now known as Weaverville College in Buncombe County. B\> first course of law study was with William G. Candler, of Asheville. and in August, 1860, he was 105 Judge J. C. L. Qudger. ■ Ibj the Supreme Courl to practice in the Courl of Pleas and quarter sessions oi his Dative county. The outbreak of the < livil war interrupted his second course of study (1 wo licenses being aeceasary al thai time for practice in all th irts of the State) and he en- listed in company I. 25th Korth « '.i r<»l i n;i infantry. Upon joining ln-> company, July 22nd, 1861, he was chosen (sergeant and served jeant-major for two years and afterwards as first lieutenant and adjutant. I" Sept 1862, he took pari with his regimenl in the in- 106 vestment and capture of Harper's Ferry in Virginia, and a few days later was in the bloody battle of Antietam. In the spring of 1864, with his regiment, he was in the battle of Avery's Farm, and m the summer and fall was in the memorable siege of Petersburg and fought in the battles of the "Weldon railroad. Later, in March and April, 1865, he was in the storming party that captured Fort Stead- man and fought the great battle of Five Forks. During the latter engagement he was captured and, after a few days' confinement in Washington City, was taken to Johnson's Island, near Sandusky, Ohio, where he was held as a prisoner of war until released on parole in June, 1865. Early in the following July he returned to his home in Buncombe County and at once resumed the study of law, his second and final license being received in June, 1866. He moved to "Waynesville in December, 1865, and, early .'n the following year, was appointed attorney for Haywood County, letaining that position until the office was abolished under the Re- construction Acts of 1867. His ability and popularity were fully demonstrated when, in August, 1878, he was elected Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, receiving a majority of 75,000 in the State and every vote but one in Waynesville. During his term of office Judge Gudger held court in every county in the State. After his retirement from the bench he continued the practice of law, in Waynesville, until 1 y94 when he was appointed to a position in the treasury department at Washington, a position he still retains. Judge Gudger was married, August 28, 1861, to Mary Godwin Willis, of Buncombe Comity, who died Dec. 1891 in Waynesville. Of four children born to them three survive: Eugene Willis Gudger, professor of biology in the State Normal College at Greensboro, took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity in 1906 and is now serving his second year in the State college; David S. Gadger, now in the jewelry business in Asheville; and Aiinie Elizabeth, now Mrs. Ch?.s. E. Quinlan, of Waynesville. Mary Inez, another daughter, died in 1899. Judge Ferguson. Garland Sevier Ferguson was born in this county, May 6th, 1843. His father, William Ferguson, was a native of South Carolina but came to Haywood with his parents when quite young. His grandfather was Robin Ferguson, who emigrated from Tyrone 107 County in the northern part of Ireland to Souft Carolina while a youngman. His mother was Ruth Gibson, daughter of Nathan Gib- s,,ii of Burke County, this State. judge Fergue sperienced many difficulties in acquiring an education, owing to the meagre opportunities afforded by a sparsely .ettled community. He was a farmer's son and was busj with arm work until the outbreak of the Civil war when he enlisted al the „,- eighteen ... Company P of the 25th North Carolina infantry. He entered milltarj Bervice ... June, 1861, and served continuously to the close of the war. Daring his term of Bervice he was promoted from private to sergeant and ... 1864, was .missioned second lieutenant. With Judge «'- . 108 his regiment he was in some of the bloodiest battles of the war, and if the testimony of his comrades is reliable, he was a gallant and fearless soldier. lie was wounded three times, the last wound, re- ceived at Petersburg, Va., crippling him so badly that he has never fully recovered from its effects. That wound ended his career as a soldier and came near ending his life, for he was laid up in the hospital for four or five months. Keturning home late in August, 1865, and while still on crutches he was elected clerk of the Superior Court and re-elected in 1868, resigning the office in 1871. While holding the position as clerk he studied law under the guidance of J. C. L. Gudger and W. L. Nor- wood, both of whom have since served terms upon the bench, and was licensed to practice in 1867. In 1871 Judge Ferguson formed a law partnership with his brother, W. B. Ferguson, which continued until 1878 when he was elected solicitor for this judicial district, which position he held until 1882. Before becoming solicitor he represented the county in the Senate during the session of 1876-77. In 1902 he was nominated for the position of judge in this, the sixteenth judicial district, over Judge Jones, of Franklin, who had just been appointed to the office by Gov. Chas. B. Aycock. He was triumphantly elected at the polls and is now serving his sixth year. He has held court in most of the counties of the State, and everywhere he is regarded as an upright judge. For thirty years Judge Ferguson was active in the politics of this county and district. He is a ready speaker and in the political campaigns, previous to his being elected to his present position, his services as a campaigner were in demand. November 22, 1866, Judge Ferguson was married to Sarah F. Norwood-, sister of Judge W. L. Norwood of Waynesville. Their children are : Nathan N., Sarah Frances, now Mrs. E. J. Robeson, of Gainsville, Ga., James W., Joseph B., Garland S., Jr., John N., and Lillian. The three sons first mentioned are now living in Waynes- ville. Garland S. Jr., is a rising young lawyer of Greensboro and John, who is a graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, is now an ensign on the battleship, Massachusetts, and holds the world's record as a marksman with an eight-inch gun, a distinction he won in 1907 at target practice off the coast of California. Judge Norwood. William Lucas Norwood was born in Franklin County, N. C, July 1st. 1841. Bis father, James H. Norw 1. was a aative of Hills- boro and a graduate of the State University, where he was a class- mate of Governor and United States Senator W. A. Graham. En 1846 James II. Norwood moved with his family to Haywood County and engaged in the praeti< t law for a time and for several years 110 conducted a classical school. He received an appointment as Indian agent in 1851 and was sent among the Sioux Indians on the north- west frontier and was murdered by white desperadoes in 1852 at a place known as Sargents Bluff on the Missouri River. "William Norwood, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was also a native of this State, and was superior court judge for sixteen years. Judge Norwood's mother was Sarah Benners of Newborn, daughter of Lucas Benners, one of the old time planters of that section. After the death of his father in 1852, Judge Norwood, not yet in his teens, was sent to the famous Bingham school at Mebane, then in charge of "William Bingham, father of Colonel Robert Bingham of Asheville. There he remained four years. Afterwards he attended school one year in Macon County under the tutelage of Leonidas F. Siler. After leaving school he became a teacher in Haywood County and was engaged in this occupation until 1860 when he went to Arkansas. Upon the outbreak of the war between the States in 1861 he enlisted in Capt. McKane's company of Arkansas State troops and was mustered in at Fort Smith, Ark. He served throughout the war in infantry, cavalry, and artillery organization. He was for two years in McNally's battery of Pine Bluff. Ark., and about one year in companies of authorized scouts. His early infantry expe- rience was mostly with company B of the fifth regiment of Arkan- sas troops. He was engaged in many skirmishes and several big battles, notably the battles of Wilson's Creek, Elk Horn, Corinth, Iuka, and Yieksburg. Returning to this county, at the close of hostilities, -Indue Nor- wood studied law and obtained county court license in 1866, and superior court license in 1867. He has continued the practice of his profession since, with the exception of the time he was on the superior court bench. He was elected to that high position in November, 1894, and served, until his resignation in 1899. Judge Norwood was married, March 4th, 1872, to Anna Dink- worth of Brevard. Of six children born to them only two are living, namely: John W r .. his law partner, nad Louise B., now Mrs. Robert C. Lawrence, of Lumbert m, N. C. W. B. Ferguson. William Burder Ferguson waa bora in this county May 17th, lg - His father w.-is William Ferguson, a native of South Caro- lina and ;i ^"ti of Robin Ferguson who emigrated while a young man from Tyrone County in Ireland and firsl settled in South Carolina. The mother of W. B. was Ruth Gibson, daughter of Nathan < tibson of Burke < founty. After his preliminary education at the Bchoola of the county, 112 Mr. Ferguson studied law and was admitted to practice in May. ii Gilmer County, Georgia, where lie had gone to live. In August of the same year he enlisted in the Confederate army, going into service as first lieutenant of company E. twenty-ninth North Carolina regiment under the command of Colonel B. B. Vance. He served through the East Tennessee campaign and was in the battl< of Murfreesboro. Later he was in the operations around Vicksburg, and took part in the engagements at Koine. Ga.. Kenesaw, Mountain, and Atlanta. Shortly after the fall of that city he was retired for physical dis- ability, and returned to Haywood County about the close of the war Here he taught school several terms and read law relative to North Carolina practice. After two years spent in Texas he returned to Waynesville where he has since resided, practicing his profession and attending to his farming interests. Mr. Ferguson has served as mayor and town commissioner of Waynesville and is a prominent and substantial citizen. He was married August 26th. 1866 to Laura A. Reeves, a daughter of John Reeves of Madison County. Seveii children have been born to them, all living. The extraordinary careers and abil- ities of their four sons mark this family as one of national distinc- tion. Herbert E. is mayor of Waynesville and Democratic nominee for the Legislature. Homer L.. is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and Naval Construction Officer tor the Newport News Shipbuilding Company. Harley B. is a graduate of West Point, a captain in the United States Engineer Corps, and in charge of extensive river improvements with headquarters at Montgomery, Ala.. William B. is also a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, and is in eharge of naval construction at Quincy, Mass. The daughters are Ida L.. wife of Rev. John C. Orr, presiding elder of the Knoxville. Term, distinct. Marjorie and Maud, wife of Mr'. Shuford, of Hickory. Dr. B. F. Smathers. Benjamin Franklin Smathers was born in Buncombe near the boundary line of Haywood County on Augusl 3, 1851, and comes from a family whose descendants are more numerous than any other family in this county. His father, John Charles, 'still living at Turnpike) and his grand father. George Smathers. were both born in Haywood, the latter passing away at the ripe aire of !>(>. 113 Mis mother was Lucilla Johnson, daughter of Harry Johnson, wli,» came t" tins country when aboul ten years old, and was verj popular among ili«' citizens of earl} days. Dr. Smathers lucated al the Behools here and at .Mills River Academy in Henderson County. He then wenl t<> Philadelphia where he Btudied dentistry at the Philadelphia Dental College, and * ced his jion ;it WayneBville ever Bince. Citj and county affairs have always been of Bpecial interesl t<> him and his work lias justly placed linn in the rank of public spirited citizens. He is at present s member <>f tli«' Board of Aldermen, and lias been a member <>f the Board of Trustees of the Graded School since its organization. He me of the founders of the Waynesville Academy, and held the office of County treasurer one term, 1886-88. Dr. Smathers was mar- ried August 1st.. 187§ to L.nira W. Howell, a daughter of Dr. I>. (' Howell of this cniinu . Of eleven children born to them, uine are living: Adora, Dr. Jobjj II.. Jerry R., Prank, bow a lawyer at At- lantic City, N. J., Clem 8., Robert, Lyda, Will and Wilsie. E. P. Hyatt. Elisha Parker Hyatt, one of the oldest living oatives of Hay- wood County, was born on the <>hl homestead of lus father near Waynesville, April 16th, 1823. He is the son of Elisha Hyatt, also born in this county, ami grandson of Edward Hyatt, one of the early pioneers of this sed i<>n. Left fatherless at the age of five years, and being one of a very large family, his educational advantages were of the most meagre kind, and he became early inured to hard work and frugal li\m<_ r . He remained on the farm until the Bpring of 1864 when he joined the < lonfederate army, enlisting in tin- sixth North Carolina regimenl and was afterwards transferred to the sixty-ninth I Thomas' Legion. I He was in the battles of Martinsburg, Winchester, Staton, Cedar Creek, Harpers Perry, and other minor engagements, and was three times wounded. He served until the surrender in April. 1865, his last commander being Colonel James R. Love. His eldest son, William D. Hyatt had preceded him in the army enlisting at the age of seventeen Two years later this gallant boy was killed in battle. Returning to ins bereaved and desolate hem.' he again took up the straggle of life with unflinching courage, and with such success that he not .miy educated and started Ins children well <>n their careers hut is also regarded as one of the wealthiest farmers in 114 E. P. Hyatt Haywood County. Although in his eighty-sixth year Mr. Hyatt is still actively at work on his big farm, and bids fair to enjoy his serene and kindly old age for many years among his numerous des- cendants. He was married in January, 1845 to Miss Dorcas Dougherty, of Buncombe County, who died in 1900. Of eight children born to them, five are living: F. Taylor, Pinckney E., John B., Jefferson D., and Robert E. 115 Attorney-General Gilmer. Robert D. Gilmer, the present attorney-general of North Caro- lina, was bora in Mount Airy. Surry County, N. C, May 2nd, 1858. His father, Samuel L. Gilmer, was b native of Guilford County and a well knows business man. Hia mother was Matilda Moore, grand- daughter of Je«ie Franklin, a Revolutionary soldier, governor of the Stat.- and United States Senator. Mr. Gilmer was educated at Emory and Benry College in Vir- ginia and read law under Dick and Dillard in Greensboro. He was admitted to the bar in iss:i and located in Waynesville in 1885. 110 For fifteen years he was a leading attorney at the Haywood County bar. The young lawyer was soon attracted into politics, and in 1888 was chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Hay- wood County. In 1890 he was elected to the lower braneh of the State Legislature and re-elected in 1892. While in the General Assembly Mr. Gilmer took an active interest in all matters pertain- ing to education and especially championing a bill establishing the State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro. After the College became a reality Mr. Gilmer was appointed on the board of trustees and served in that capacity until he was elected attor- ney-general in 1900. In 1896 he was presidential elector on the Democratic ticket for the ninth congressional district and made an effective and able campaign. His campaign that year brought the attention of the mountain people to him, and in 1900 he won the nomination for attorney-general over an able opponent and was elected by over sixty thousand majority at the polls. He filled the office so accept- ably that in 1904 he was renominated without opposition and re- elected by another big majority. He is now serving the last year of his second term. Besides the positions already mentioned General Gilmer was for two years a member of the Graded School board of Waynesville and rendered material assistance in getting those schools organized and in good running order. February 26th, 1884, Mr. Gilmer married Love Branner, of Asheville, a great granddaughter of Colonel Robert Love and daughter of Joseph Branner, a native of Jefferson County, Tennes- see. Their two children are Branner, a young attorney of Waynes- ville and Josephine, now at school in Raleigh. Colonel Stringfield. William Williams* Stringfield was born in Nashville, Tenn., May 7th, 1837. The founder of the American branch of the family was Richard Stringfield, who settled in Virginia in colonial times. James String- field, a descendant of Richard, held a captain's commission in the Continental army, and with his son John were among the early pioneers of western North Carolina in the days immediately suc- ceeding the Revolution. John Stringfield left a son, Rev. Thomas 117 CdI. W. W. Stringfield Stringfield, who was a widely known preacher of the early days in K;tst Tennessee ami editor of the Southwestern Christian Advocate, the first organ of the M. B. Church, South, being elected to thai position by the Conference in 1836. This distinguished preacher, soldier (he was severely wounded while Berving as chaplain in An- drew Jackson's arm} and writer « i i < -« 1 at Strawberry Plains. Tenn., .Finn- 12, 1858 Colonel Stringfield is a s6n of the aoted divine above men- tioned, and \\ as reared and educated at Strawberry Plains, where he spent M large portion of his boyhood days. In 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil war, he enlisted as & pri- vate in Company F. Kir-st Tennessee cavalry and Berved under 118 General Zollicoffer in Tennessee and Kentucky. During the follow- ing winter, while at home on sick leave, he organized company E, thirty-first Tennessee infantry and was elected its captain. He served in this regiment until September 27th, 1862, and resigned to accept the position of major in Thomas's Legion (sixty-ninth North Carolina). With this command he was in many battles and minor engagements including Staunton, Kernstown, Winchester, Stras- burg, Berryville and others. In December, 1864, he was transferred with his regiment to west- ern North Carolina, and, being put in command of the department between the French Broad and the Hiawassee Rivers, he performed gallant service in the closing months of the war. While in the dis- charge of his duties in that capacity he was commissioned lieutenant colonel. About the last of April, 1865, before it was generally known in western North Carolina that Lee had surrendered, Colonel String- field went under orders from General Martin at Asheville to Knox- Ville, Tennessee, with a flag of truce to negotiate with the Federal commander at that place for the surrender of the department of western North Carolina. The union troops at Knoxville disregarded the flag of truce, seized Stringfield and his companions, and threw them into prison, where they were held for more than a month, or until all hostilities had ceased. After the war Colonel Stringfield settled in Haywood County, but from 1868 to 1872 had business interests in Asheville. In 1879 he built the White Sulphur Springs hotel near Waynesville and was proprietor of the same for many years, or until he sold it some years afterwards. In the Legislature of 1883 he represented Haywood County in the lower house. In 1901 he was elected to the Senate and re-elected in 1903. While in the General Assembly he was ever the friend of the Confederate veteran and was instrumental in getting enacted some laws for the relief of the indigent among them. He has been a member of the Graded School board of Waynesville for ten years. In 1871 he was married to Maria M. Love, daughter of Colonel James R. Love, and grand-daughter of Colonel Robert Love. Of Fev»n children born to them six are now living, namely : Dr. Thomas, Dr. Samuel L., James L., Sarah, Linda, now Mrs. H. J. Sloan, and Margaret. Mary L., who married Mr. J. H. C. Wulbern, of Charles- ton. S. C. and who died in 1907, was a woman of strong charactei and vigorous mind. 119 Capt. W. H. Hargrove. William Harrison Hargrove is a oative of Hay* 1 County and WM born January 31st, L841. Hia Esther was Augustus Columbus Hargrove, a oative of Mecklenburg County, N. C, who removed a 1 in 1824 when he was twelve yeara old. His mother was Ellen Childress, born \p Buncombe County, daughter of Samuel Childreaa who removed to thia State from 120 Tennessee. Captain Hargrove attended the public schools and also the private school of John M. Melver at Waynesville. In June. 1861, he enlisted as a private in Captain Lenoir's Company of the twenty-fifth North Carolina infantry. He was appointed orderly sergeant in 1862. and soon after was raised to the rank of first lieutenant and captain. He was engaged in numerous battles and skirmishes, notably Seven Pines, Harpers Ferry, Antietam, Fredericksburg, operations around Petersburg, Weldon's railroad, Fort Steadman, and Five Forks. During the latter engagement he rescued Lieutenant G. S. (now Judge) Fer- guson who was desperately wounded but was captured himself and sent as a prisoner of war to Sandusky, Ohio. He was released in June, 1865, and returned to Haywood County. Captain Hargrove has been closely identified with the affairs of the county especially in the welfare and development of Canton. He has served on the Board of County Commissioners, has been for many years county surveyor, and in 1888 was elected to the Legislature for one term. He was married November 9th. 1869 to Nancy Louisa Cathey, a direct descendant of Colonel Joseph Cathey a distinguished set- tler of Haywood County. She died in June, 1882. Their children are: James Burton. Joseph A., Dr. Theodore A.. Florence, now Mrs. D. F. Rhinehart of Wavnesville, and William Walter. Joseph S. Davis. Joseph Smalley Davis, born in Haywood County December 9th, 1852, is a son of Francis McGee Davis, who was also born here and occupied a prominent place among his fellow citizens as a mem- ber of the Legislature four terms and who held other important po- sitions. Mr. Davis's mother was Miss Angeline Ferguson, daughter of Andrew Ferguson, both natives of Haywood County. He was edu- cated in the schools of the county, and after finising his education, was engaged in teaching at intervals for about ten years. He has the distinction of serving as magistrate in Iron Duff township six years without ever charging a fee. In 1892 he was district lecturer for the Farmers' Alliance and did active service in that position. He was elected to the State 121 Joseph S. Davis Senate in 1890 and re-elected in 1892; elected to the Lower House in 1898, and again in l!M>4. In ls!»:<. while in the legislature, be introduced and had passeii the liill whieh pave the prohibition law to tins county. He was married in Dee.. 1878 to Nancy J. Medford who died in August, 1889. The two children by this marriage are: Grover C, who won a L'ohl medal in the «1^»h1 hmj" <-o <( ».M at < uliowhee High School last May, and Flora. DOW -Mrs. \V. EL Boyd. .Mr. Davis mar- ried »gain in 1895, his wife being KHa .Moody of tins county. Six 122 children have been born to them, all living: Moody, Faraday. Joseph Simmons. Frank, Est her, Lee Ferguson. Mr. Davis is a prominent member of the M. E. Church, South, and a member of Clyde lodge of Masons. Besides taking an active interest in politics he is a good farmer and has taken much interest in the improvement of the farming interest of the county. William T. Lee. William Thomas Lee was born on Jonathan's Creek, August 14th, 1858. His father. Henry C. Lee, was a native of Cabarrus County, but moved to Haywood in 1856 and settled in the Jonathan's Creek valley. He was a prominent and successful merchant and farmer. His mother was Margaret Henry Lee, daughter of Lorenzo Henry of this county. While a boy Mr. Lee was sent to the common schools of the county where he received the rudiments of an education. He further pursued his studies at the Waynesville Academy, thus re- ceiving a substantial education that has stood him in good stead in all the different experiences he has met with since. At the age of twenty-one he was appointed deputy sheriff, and a year later was elected town marshal of Waynesville, in which capacity he was conspicious for his ability in enforcing the law and preserving good order in the community. After serving two years in this capacity he resigned and engaged in the mercantile business in Waynesville in which he has since continued, the present firm name being Lee & Mock. Mr! Lee has always been closely identified with all matters pertaining to Haywood County. He has, also, been deeply inter- ested in all the affairs of Wayensville. He has held the office of Mayor of the city as well as treasurer and alderman. In 1894 he was elected to the lower house of the State Legislature and served in that body during the session of 1895, where he proved himself to be active and fearless. As a politician Mr. Lee is aggressive. For four years he was chairman of the Haywood County Democratic executive committee and waged energetic and successful campaigns. At present he is chairman of the Democratic executive committee of the tenth congressional district, having been -Chosen to that position in 1906 and again in 1908. He is also a member of the State Demo- cratic executive committee. L23 William T Lee In L903 he was appointed by Governor Aycock as ■ member of tl ommission, ordered by the Legislature, to examine the con- dition of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad. He is no* preei- denl of the Waynesville board of trade and the Haywood County Fair Association. Mr. Lee was married in 1883 to Margarel tthineharl of Way- neeville. Of their nine children all are Livyif ; Henry ia a gtaduate of the United stat.-^ Naval Academy and an ensign on the battle- ship Rhode lslan.1: Lowry is in l.nsin.-ss with his father; Clarine, Evelyn, Anna. Bessie, William T. .Ir.. and Charles Alton. 124 Capt. R. A. L. Hyatt. Robert Alney La Fayette Hyatt was born in Haywood County October 11th, 1862. He is a great grandson of Edward Hyatt, one of the first settlers who came to this section about the close of the Revolutionary Avar, and whose sketch appears in this book in connec- tion with the early pioneers. Captain Hyatt's grandfather, Elisha, and his father. R. A. L. Hyatt, were born in this county, the latter giving up his life in the cause of the Confederacy during the war between the States. The mother of Captain Hyatt was Margaret Louisa Mehaffey. of this county, a daughter of Joseph Mehaffey. After being graduated from the Waynesville Academy he was granted a first grade certificate as a .teacher and taught school sev- eral terms in the county. At the age of 18 he went to Texas and was engaged there about two years in the lumber business. In 1888 he closed up his interests in that State and has since resided on the old home farm near "Waynesville. Having a strong predilection for military affairs, he joined the State guard of North Carolina and served seven years being Captain of his company four years, resigning in 1895. In 1898 he was appointed adjutant of the second North Carolina regiment with his present rank and resigned a year later owing to the demands of business. Again in May. 1901. he was called by election to the com- mand of company H First North Carolina regiment which he held until he resigned once more retiring to private life. In matters pertaining to the welfare of the county. Captain Hyatt has always displayed an active interest. He was appointed to the office of county treasurer in 1889 to fill out an unexpired term, and was twice elected to the same position resigning in 1893. In 1898 he was again appointed treasurer and in the fall of the same year was elected to the same office, re-elected in 1900 and again in 1902. He was elected a member of the County Board of Education in 1897 and served until his appointment as county treasurer in 1898. He was elected to his present office in 1906 for a term of four years. In 1902 he was married to Miss Jincie E. M. Patton. a native of this county and descendant of an old family of this section. In connection with his brother. Ira M., road master of the county, and under the firm name of Hyatt -Bros.,- he rC-^n4ucis an important business in surveying and real estate. Captain Hyatt is an enthu- siastic farmer and owns several fine farms, notably his splendid home place and one near Canton all of which are highly cultivated. He is a prominent member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Knights of Pythias, and Royal Arcanum. V2~> Captain K. A. L. Hyatt 126 Major J. W. Norwood. John Wall Norwood was born in Brevard, N. C, Feb. 2, 1876, and is the son and law partner of Judge W. L. Norwood. His home has been at Waynesville since he was three years old. After acquir- ing a liberal education from the local school and at the University of North Carolina, he studied law at the latter institution and with his father, and was admitted to the bar in Feb. 1898. Upon the outbreak of war with Spain he entered the service with company H, first North Carolina regiment. On Sept. 1st, 1899 he was commissioned second lieutenant in the regular army and assigned to the twenty-third United States infantry, and promoted to the rank of first lieutenant in the same regiment April 1st, 1901. He resigned his commission Oct. 24th, 1905, and has since been in active practice of his profession with his father at Waynesville. During his service in the army he was engaged in important duties in the Philippine Islands, and was four times officially com- mended for excellent work. He spent four years in the Philippines and acquitted himself creditably in various and hazardous assign- ments. He was with the second expedition from Mindanao to Jolo against the hostile Moros, and other expeditions around Lake Lanas, and through the Rio Grande valley against the insurgent Dattos. He commanded his company in the engagement with Datto Ali and his men, and was also in command at Bannison and the fight at Talayan in Mindanao. Among his numerous duties on detached service he acted as signal officer and also engineer, his report of important surveys being forwarded to the Admiral in charge of operations in the islands. Besides service in the East he has served at home as Captain of company H, first North Carolina, National Guards, and was ap- pointed by Governor Glenn to the post of Asst. Inspector-General with the rank of Major. He is the author of an admirable little book of instructions to private soldiers which is now in its third edition and used as a text book by the National Guards of several States. Major Norwood was married Feb. 18, 1903 to Miss Emma Dun- ham, daughter of Col. B. Dunham of Montgomery, Ala. She was with him in the Philippines and underwent the many hardships in- cident to the wife of a soldier in foreign service. L27 Major J. W. Norwood William J. Hannah. William Johnson Hanaah was born in Cattaloochee township, Aug. 3, 1867, and is a son of John J. Hannah, who was also born in tins county. His mother was Martha Simmmons, a native of Iredell County. Both parents are still living. Mr. Hannah was educated at Waynesville Academy, Wake For.-si College, and the State University, getting his law training at the last mentioned Bchool. He stood the examination before the Supreme Courl in 1897 and was admitted to the bar the sami Previous to thai time he had read law for two years under the guidance of General R. l». Gilmer, ami was a teacher in the Bchoola of the county for aboul six years. 128 In 1894 he was elected treasurer of Haywood County and re- elected in 1896. In April. 1898, when war was declared against Spain for the liberation of Cuba he promptly volunteered for the war. He was elected captain of company C, composed of Haywood County men. and assigned to the fourth regiment of North Carolina State troops. Afterwards the company was mustered into the ser- vice of the United States as company H and assigned to the first regiment of North Carolina volunteer infantry. The other commis- sioned officers of the company were Thomas Stririgfield, Hugh A. Love, and Benjamin Kirkpatrick. Leaving Raleigh for the seat of war in Cuba the regiment ar- rived in Jacksonville. Fla., in June expecting to be taken at once to Cuba, but was held there until December. In that month, how- ever, the regiment was ordered to Ilavanna along with others for the occupation of that city, and had the distinction of being the first regiment to bear a United States flag through the streets of the Cuban capital. Captain Hannah's company bearing the colors. The war being over the company was mustered out of service at Savannah. Ga-. April 22. 1899. For the past nine years Captain Hannah has been in active practice of his profession, first as a partner of Hon. "W. T. Carwford, and lately by himself. At the request of the mayor and board of aldermen of Waynesville he compiled the presenl code of the city's laws, which was printed in 1907. In April of that year he went with his family to Oklahoma expecting to make that young State his h >me, but he returned the same year and is now actively iden- tit!" I w ; th the interests of Waynesville and Haywood County. In 1901 he was appointed Judge Advocate General on the sraff of Governor Chas. B. Aycock, with the rank of Colonel and skived in that capacity four years. In September 1899 Colonel ll.'.-jjnah was married to Josephine Tucker, of Tennessee. They have one son; William Tucker, who was born Feb. 9, 1901. 129 William J. Hannah 180 John F. Eccne. John Kacer Bcone v fras born in Crabtr.e township November 23, 1851. His father, Marcus L. Boone, was also a native of Crab- tree; but his grandfather, Ka ier Boone, came to this county while a young man and married a Miss Moody on .Jonathan's Creek. Mr. Boone's mother was .Miranda Rogers of (rah reo, daughter of John Rogers of that township. The family dose i:t is traced back to Daniel Boone, the Celebrated backwoodsman and hunter. After acquiring a good education in the schools of the county and at the High School in Franklin. Mr. Boone engaged in teach- ing and as a teacher became well known in the county. He was for some time principal of the High School in Waynesville and as such made quite a reputation as a teacher and disciplinarian. Among his pupils were some who have since become prominent citizens. In 1878. he was solicited to become a candidate for the office of register of deeds. He was nominated and elected. In that capacity he served one term. In 1880 he was elected clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County and re-elected each four years until 1898, thus serving continuously for eighteen years. As clerk Mr. Boone did some of his best work as the books he kept during his term will show. Mr. Boone. was always deeply interested in the cause of educa- cation. In 1899 when the Graded Schools of Waynesville were or- ganized he was one of their chief supporters. He was named in the bill, organizing the schools, as a member of the board of trustees, chosen as chairman of the board, and later as one of the teachers in the school. He has been chairman of the board continuously since its organization in 1899. In 1900 he engaged in his present business as proprietor and manager of the Builders Depot near the railroad station in Way- nesville and has built up a profitable business. He was married, in 1878, to Mary E. Kerr, daughter of Rev. William M. Kerr, a noted Methodist preacher wdiose labors cov- ered all the State west of the Blue Ridge. The living children are: J. Mark, Mary A., Will K, Elizabeth II., Anna, Robert H., James K., and Roger. Three daughters, Harriet, Frances, and Ethel, died in the bloom of young womanhood. At preesnt, besides being chairman of the board of trustees of the Graded School, Mr. Boone is a member of the county board of education. He is a Mason, and an influential member of the Methodist Church. i:;i John K. Boone John Henry Boyd. For years the Boyd family has been prominent in the affaire of Haywood County. In business circles, in agricultural interests, and in politics representatives of the family have taken tedding parts, and have acquitted themselves creditably. Originally the family came from Tyrone County, Ireland. In the early pari of the mneteenth century the elder Boyd, the first of the nam.- in this part of the State, eanie from the old country and settled in Buncombe County, where be entered large tracts of good mountain Land and became a successful and prosperous farmer. 132 John Henry Boyd, the subject of this sketch, was born, April 11, 1843, on Sandy Mush Creek in Buncombe County, where his father Robert Boyd, son of the first one, was then living. His mother's name was Elizabeth Garrett Boyd, a woman of strong character and bright mind. In 1853 Robert Boyd moved from Buncombe to Haywood having bought the Welch place on lower Jonathan. The boy was then ten years of age. He was sent to school at Leicester in Bun- combe County for a short time and then to Rev. William Hicks ana Prof. J. R. Long at Tuscola. He was at school in Waynesville in 1861, when the Civil war began. Leaving school at the first alarm of war Mr. Boyd, when eighteen years old. enlisted in the first company that went out from Haywood County, which company, under the command of Captain R. G. A. Love, became company L of the sixteenth north Caro- lina regiment. After being mustered into service at Raleigh the regiment was ordered to north-west Virginia and was in camp for a month at Valley Mountain, Va. Going then into active service Mr. Boyd, with his company, was in the command of General Robert E. Lee in West Virginia during the summer and fall of 1861. After spending the winter at Wolf Run Shoals the regiment was sent to Yorktown and participated in the peninsular campaign, being in the battles of Williamsburg and Seven Pines. A few weeks later the Seven Days battles around Richmond were fought and Mr. Boyd, with his company, was in the thickest of the fight, being once slightly wounded by the bursting of a shell. in the fall of 1862 he. with his regiment, was transferred to Thomas's Legion and thereafter did active service in East Tennessee, being in some of the battles in that district. His company was known as company E of that command. In April 1861 Mr. Boyd was taken prisoner at Carter's Depot, carried to Indianapolis, Ind., and held for a year. He was released, by exchange, in April, 1865, and reached home about the time of the close of the war. For a year after the war Mr. Boyd went to school and then began active life as a farmer, in which he has been successful in accumulating quite a good deal of property. He has been, qnjte in- fluential in the affairs of the county, being for some years tax col- lector and for one term sheriff. He has always been a friend of edu- cation and ever on the side of progress. December 3rd, 1867, Mr. Boyd was married to Rebecca J. Brown of this county. Three children were born to them, namely: 133 James K. Boyd James R. Boyd, who is now Register of Deeds and Cashier of the Commercial Hank of Waynesville, Margarel Frances now Mrs. C. A. Campbell, and Dr. I). A. Boyd who died a few years ago. Se was again married on the 12th of January. 1880. to Sarah Rickaon Plott sister of Robert Plott. The children of the second li — iff NR! 8arah Elizabeth, new Mrs. F. I). Ferguson, of Waynes- ville. Lillie Willis, now Mrs. L. E. Perry, of Aaherille, Gay Pearson, now Mrs. ("has. P. Owen, of Dellwood, and Robert Plott Boyd, now in school at Tuaculum, Tennessee. Mr. Boyd is a member el the Methodist Church and a liberal supporter of that denomination. 134 Thomas Stringfield, M. D. Dr. Stringfield was bom in Jefferson City, Tenn., March 18th, 1872, but was brought to Waynesville by his parents when about three months old. He is a son of Colonel W. W. Stringfield, grand- son of Rev. Thomas Stringfield, and great-grandson of Colonel Robert Love on his mother's side of the family. He pursued courses of study at Trinity College, Durham, N. C, University of North Carolina, and Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tenn., graduating from the medical department of the latter institution in the class of 1898. Before he had entered upon the practice of his profession the war with Spain broke out. He at once volunteered and was chosen first lieutenant of company C, fourth regiment North Caro- lina troops, and went with his company to Raleigh, where the command was mustered in as company H first North Carolina vol- unteer infantry. In the summer of 1898 the regiment was sent to Florida and held in camp there until the war was practically over. In the fall of 1898, after hostilities had ceased the regiment, along with others, was sent to Havanna and was the first regiment to bear the United States flag through the streets of that city, com- pany H bearing the colors. Lieutenant Stringfield remained with his company until it was mustered out of service in April, 1899, after which he returned to Waynesville. Since 1899 Dr. Stringfield has been in actice practice of medi- cine, and has been prominently identified with the interests of the county and town. In 1900 he was elected mayor of "Waynesville and re-elected in 1901 and 1903. In 1906 he was president of the Haywood County Medical Society. In military matters Dr. Stringfield has been prominent. He was appointed by Governor Aycock to the position of assistant inspec- tor-general with the rank of major. By Governor Glenn he was appointed assistant inspector-general with the rank of lieutenant colonel and promoted in January, 1907, to the position of inspector- general with the rank of Colonel, which position he still holds. He was married, Dec. 26th, 1905, to Mamie E. Moore, of Bir- mingham, . Ala. They have one child, Sydenham M., born Oct. 25th, 1906: Dr. Stringfield is a member of the Masonic order, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum and Woodmen of the World. Prof essionalty he holds membership in the American Medical As- sociation, North Carolina Medical Society, and Haywood County Medical Society. L35 Dr. Thomas Stringfield Marion DeKalb Kinslatid. .Marion DeKalb Kinslaml was born, April 30, L855, oil Garden Greek in Haywood County. His father is JoaHua Kinaland, who was born July 4th. L82Y, being QOW in his n-hty-^'i-niM yen- 1 1 is greal grand father Kinsland came from Germany i<» this country and located Dear Charleston, S. < '. His grand father came from South Carolina t<» this county ami settled bear wb,ere <';inti)ii dow st.imls. His ancestors t' Ivy Hill township Robert Henry Plotl holds an important place. He was born in about two miles of bis present home, which is the exacl place where Jonathan McPeters, the 6rs1 settler on Jonathan's Creek, lived in the early days of the county. His Father, David Plott and his mother, Sallie Turner Plott, were both Datives of this county and lived in the same locality. As a hoy Mr. Plott worked on his father's farm and learned those details of farm life thai have helped him to win success. His 138 education, while meagre, was of the kind that gave him an inspira- tion in his chosen work. He went a few sessions to the schools of his neighborhood and about the time he would have completed his education the agitation preceding the Civil war came on and he lost the opportunity. At the beginning of hostilities Mr. Plott would have volun- teered, but there were so many going out from the county he waited until a more favorable opportunity. That came in 1862 and he en- listed in company A, under Captain A. T. Rogers, in the sixty- second North Carolina regiment in command of Colonel R. G. A. Love. The company and regiment did service in East Tennessee for a year; but were captured at Cumberland Gap in September, 1863, and held in prison at Camp Douglas until June 20th, 1865. While in prison the men of the sixty-second were offered liberty if they would swear allegiance to the United States government. A few of the men yielded to the temptation, but as a whole they were true to the Southern Confederacy and refused to yield. Mr. Plott was one who refused even after the war had closed and was only induced to do so after he saw that the hope of the Confederate gov- ernment had vanished and all resistance had ceased. Coming back from the war and from prison Mr. Plott began his career as a farmer. By industry and skill he has built up a large estate and is now considered one of the most substantial and pros- perous citizens of the county. He has never held any political po- sitions, his inclinations never running in that direction. In 1885, however, he was appointed postmaster of the Ivy Hill postoffice, now called Plott, which position he has held to the present, being perhaps the only man in the county to hold an appointive office under administrations of different poltical parties. January 7th, 1873, Mr. Plott was married to Martha Moody, •also of this county. Their children are : Lelia V., now Mrs. R. E. Osborne of Waynesville ; Minnie Ray, now living in Kennedy, Ala.; David 0., living in Ivy Hill township ; James R., in Hamilton, Wash- ington; Lucile, now Mrs. Walter Brice of Atlanta, Ga. ; Grover C, with the Waynesville Hardware. Co. ; Homer, Roy, Grace, and Herbert, with their parents. One child the youngest, died. Mr. Plott is a member of the Baptist Church and a Mason. He was the third man to make application for membership in the Way- nesville lodge A. F. & A. M. and the second to be initiated after the lodge was organized. l.i'J Rohcit 11. nn Plott Joseph M. L. McCracken. Joseph us Marcus La Payette McCracken was born Feb. 7, 1841, within one-fourth of a mile where he now resides on Crabtree Creek. His father was John M<-< Iracken, Bon of Joseph BicCracken who came to this section in the early Bettle enl of the county and who be- longed to the army that was sent into this part of the country to put down Indian troubles. came here from Georgia a id bought most of the land on Crabti e Creek and for years held it all except a few little farms that w owned by other parties. The 140 mother of the subject of this sketch was Leannah Rogers McCracken, of Cleveland County. While a boy Mr. McCracken went to school a few months, the educational conveniences at that time being very meagre. In all he went only about six or eight months before the beginning of the Civil war. But the training he received under the adverse cir- cumstances has been of incalculable advantage to him. He was a farmer's son and that ,too^ gave him the training which has been of practical value. In 1861 he enlisted in compnany C, Sam C. Bryson's company and mustered into the twenty-fifth North Carolina regiment. It was the second company to go out from Haywood County. For two years Mr. McCracken served as private in that famous regiment and met with many of the hardships of the soldier's life. He was in some of the bloodiest battles of the Avar. Later, he was detailed as a courier for General Mat Ransom and served in that position for some time. Still later, he was transferred to company G, eighth North Carolina regiment and served as orderly under General T. L. Clingman and so continued to the close of the war. Returning home, after the war, Mr. McCracken began his career as a farmer and stock-raiser. He has steadfastly continued in that business and has won signal success. A few years ago he introduced wool growing and has found it profitable. In 1868 he was elected a member of the board of county com- missioners and served four years. A few years thereafter he was again a member of the board when the bitter fight about the removal of the court house came up. Some wanted the court house moved to Iron Duff or Clyde in order to get it in centre of the county. The fight was waged bitterly but Waynesville finally won out and the new court house was built there. Mr. McCracken, being on the board then, was in the thickest of the fight. He was on the conir mittee to build the court house and deserves largely the credit for the nice building that was put up. About twenty years ago he took the initiative in having a no fence law established in Haywood County. The law was first put into operation in a part of Crabtree, Iron Duff, and Clyde town- ships. He and M. A. Kirkpatrick, of the same township, were the leaders in this important measure, which was much opposed then but which no one will oppose now. It has been a great blessing to the county as it has brought about great improvement in land and in stock. Mr. McCracken was the originator of the Haywood County fair, in that he wrote an article to the Waynesville Courier in 1904 141 Joseph MI. McCrackt n suggesting the fair, which suggestion was Favorably acted upon and the fair association organized. I!'- may justly be Btyled, therefore, the " Father of the Fair." With Lee McCracken he commenced the agitation for Bpecial t;ix for Bchoola in Crabtree. In 1905 Rock Springs vol •w an active Methodist divine and \\- i n r i i 1 1 lt success in the Volunteer State. 144 Herbert R. Ferguson. Herbert Reeves Ferguson, mayor of Waynesville, was born in Waynesville township December 14th, 1870. He is a son of Wil- liam B. Ferguson, also a native of Haywood County and whose bio- graphy appears elsewhere in this publication. After being p for college in the public and private schools of Waynesville. Mr. Ferguson entered the University of North Carolina from which he was graduated with the degree of B. S. in 1893. After completing his academic course he studied law in the legal department of the University and stood the exami- nation before the Supreme Court in 1804, securing his License to practice in the same year. Since then he has been in the active practice of his profession in partnership with his father under the firm name of W. B. and H. R. Ferguson. In 180b' he was elected mayor of Waynesville and was re- elected each year until 101)0. He was again elected to the same position in 1005 and was re-elected in 1007. For five years he was chairman of the Democratic executive committee of Haywood County and did valuable service to his party during that time. In 1903 he was chosen county attorney and has been holding that position since. In 1800 Mr. Ferguson, as mayor, was identified with the organi- zation and equipment of the Waynesville Graded Schools. He aided in getting that important institution on its feet and in good running order. In August, this year, he was nominated for the lower house of the State Legislature and will doubtless be elected in November. William R. Medford. William Riley Medford. sheriff of Haywood County, comes from one of the oldest families of this section. His father, Lorenzo Dow Medford. and his grandfather. Riley Medford, were both born in this county and were prominent farmers. His mother was Martha Fullbright, a native of Haywood, and daughter of Aaron Fullbright. Sheriff Medford was born December 24th, 1858, was educated in the county schools and has been engaged in farming in Crabtree township ever since with the exception of such time as his official duties demanded. He served five years as deputy, under sheriffs Haynes and Henson, and was elected sheriff of the county in 1906. At the primaries on August 0th. 1008. he received the unanimous nomination for a second term and will undoubtedly be elected. He has been twice married. His first wife was Laura Justus. of Haywood County whom he married in 1880. She died in May. 145 W. R. Medford. 1895, leaving thi boys: Ralph, Boy and Carl. Hi. ■ id wife Nora <;. tt,isa oa incombe C re ch.ldrei. by thiH marriage are: Juanita, Gnssie, Garrett, Frank and Num. Sheriff Medford is a member of the Masonic order, Independent ,„,,,., ,,,- odd Fellows, and the Royal Arcanum. 146 William Stewart Terrell. Gaptain William S. Terrell, of Sonoma, was born in Rutherford County, Oct. 21, 1836. He comes of Revolutionary stock. His great grand father Richard Terrell was one of three brothers, who emi- grated from Wales to England, afterwards to the United States. sonic time about the middle of the eighteenth century and settled in Virginia. Later he came to Rutherford County. Joel L. Terrell, the grand father of the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in the Revolution and was wounded in the battle of Guilford Court- house when he was only sixteen years old. On his mother's side Captain Terrell is also of Revolutionary stock. Her name was Ermina Kilpatrick, of Rutherford, whose grand father was also in the Revolution. It is seen, therefore, that the Terrells have no inferior ancestry to which to point. When about eleven years old his father, James Orville Terrell, moved from Rutherford to the Pigeon Valley. As a boy he attended the public schools of his neighborhood and later, when a young man. went to school to Prof. R. II. Dabney. who was then teaching in Waynesville. In 1861 he was going to school when he Civil Avar broke out. He promptly enlisted in company A of Thomas's Legion and served three years. At first a private he soon attained the rank of first lieutenant, which rank he held to the close of the war. Lieutenant Terrell was a good soldier, serving with distinction in all the various and varied operations of thai fa nous b >dy of men. So signal were his services that, at the close of the war, he was promoted to the rank of captain, coming out with that distinction in 1865. Coming out of the war Captain Terrell oegan to build up his wasted fortune. He worked on the farm and at one time clerked in a store in Waynesvilh . Since 1 65, however, he has reside 1 at Sonoma farm in the Pigeon Valley, farming, merchandising, and stock-raising. He lias been very successful, having given all of his children a good education and settled them comfortably in life. Augusl 3rd, 1865 Captain Terrell was married to Mary Lucinda Kirkpatrick of Crabtree township. They have nine children Living, Theodore Vance. James .Milns. Hattie Inez. Anna -lane. Ermina i n William Stewart Terrell Latitia, Charles Stewart, William Thomas, Benona Wellington, Mary Lncinda. <>m- son, Turner Kirkpatrick is dead. One Bon, Rev. James Milus, is a Presbyterian minister on the foreign field, being stai ioned in Brazil. Captain Terrell is ;i Mason and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. He is known ;ill over tl ounty by his noro de plnme "Johnnie 1 1 • » i »< • t"u I . 148 R. A. Sentelle. Richard Alvah Sentelle stands prominent and conspicuous among the teachers of Haywood County. He was born in Henderson County, December 23, 1846. As a boy he had poor educational ad- vantages, attending school only a few months in a year for two or three years before the civil war came on. During the four years of strife .the schools of the county were closed. After the war Mr. Sentelle came to Haywood County, and in the spring of 1866 worked on the farm of W- W. Lenoir in East Fork township. In the fall of that year he entered school again under the tutelage of Dr. J. M. Mease, and, in the winter of 1867, under Rev. D. B. Nelson. In that winter's work the foundation of his aims and ambitions was laid. In the fall of 1867 he taught his first school on the west fork of Pigeon, and every year, since, except one, he has been connected with school work. In 1871 he taught a public school for the first time at Thickety school-house. Captain W- J. Wilson, under whom he had studied and recited, was county examiner at the time and granted the first teacher's certificate to .young Sentelle. Deciding in 187.1 that his education was not sufficient for a teacher he entered school again at Waynesville under Dan M. Jones, who was considered one of the best teachers in Haywood County. After spending two years in teaching and studying, as he was doing at the time, he stopped teaching and spent one year in regular study. Since then he has spent much time in attending summer normals and in otherwise equipping himself as a school man. At different times he was principal of the school at Bethel, Waynesville. Clyde, Rock Spring, and at Belle Vue in Cherokee County. Besides, he lias taught many free schools at different points in the county. In 1881 he was elected county superintendent and held the position twelve years. After being out of office for eight years he was again elected in 1901 and still holds the position. He can count among the leading citizens of the county many who have been stu- dents in his schools. Besides being a teacher of wide influence in the county he is also a Baptist preacher, and has done a great deal of preaching and pastoral work- In his denomination he is prominent. For ten years he was secretary of the Western North Carolina' Baptist Conven- tion, and several years was moderator of the Haywood County Baptist Association. 11C points with pride to the building up of several churches and 1 l't k. A. Sentelle many Bchool houses as monuments <»!' his work- The only fortune he claims is that invested in the lives and cliara.-t.Ts of a hosl of men and women in Haywood County and in other counties and States. In 1867 he was married t<- Addie Blaylock. Their children are: Lizzie, who married Zimri Rogers, <>!' Detroit, Mich.; Lavonia, who married W. K. Shepherd now of Mooresville; Nannie, who married C. II. Chamblee of Wakefield; I. -la. who married John McElroy; John B., Horace N.. Boone, limns qow sperintendenl of Graded Schools a1 Lumberton . and Jennie May. 150 William T. Crawford. William Thomas Crawford was born June 1st. 1856 in Crab- tree township. He was brought up on the farm and early became inured to hard work. When he was in his teens he went to the common schools of his neighborhood and laid the foundation of an education he has constantly built upon since- For two years he was in school in Buncombe County, teaching during vacation to get the means to go upon. Later, he was in school at the Waynesville Academy, where he went for two years also. As a teacher in the county schools during those times he made a reputation as a disciplinarian and an instructor. His example thus set in acquiring an education under difficulties has been an inspiration to many Haywood County youths. In 1882. when twenty-six years old. Mr. Crawford was seized with the desire to go to the west and grow up with the country. Accordingly he went to Colorado and "roughed" it for some months among the Rocky mountains. Finding that life, however, unsuited to his genius he returned to Haywood County in the fall of the same year and took a position as clerk in the store of Howell and Rogers in Waynesville and held it until 1886. While employed in that capacity he was nominated by the Democrats of Haywood County for a seat in the lower house of the General Assembly and elected after a brilliant canvass of the county He served with d's-'nguished ability that term and was returned in 1886. In 1888 he was elector, on the Cleveland ticket, for this district and made an effective campaign, gaining friends throughout Western North Carolina. His canvass that year brought him in viose touch with the people of the district and he rapidly became tl v favorite with the masses. At the Congressional Convention in Asheville in 1890 Mr- Craw- ford was a candidate for the nomination. There were other strong men before the convention, but Crawford Avon and was declared ths nominee. At the election in November he received a substantial majority. Again in 1892 he was elected by a large majority over Jeter C. Pritchard, the Republican candidate. In 1894 he was the candidate of his party for the third time, but owing to peculiar po] heal conditions that year he was defeated by Richmond Pearson, the fusion candidate of the Republicans and Populists. After his term of office had expired. in 1895 Mr. Crawford settled down to the practice of law. his license having been obtained in 1891 after his first election to Congress and after he had taken a course W T Craw in the law department of the State University. Ii<' buill up a good practice during the nexl two years. In 1898 he was again nominated foi - and declared elected; but toward the close of his term he was unseated by congress in favor of Richmond Pearson. In 1900 both tandidatti for « ohgresa from this distrid were from Waynesville. Mr- Craw- ford and his Republican opponent, Mr. Moody, made a joinl canvaaa of the district. At the polls Mr. Moodj was elected. Again in 1904 Mr. Crawford was presidential elector and can- 152 vassed the district with Mr. Benbow, the Republican candidate for elector. In 1906 he was nominated for congress and elected and again this year he is the candidate of his party. November 30, 1892, Mr. Crawford was married to Inez E- Coman, also of this county. They have five chilrden : Hilary, Harry, Mildred, Walter, and Wilda. Joseph A. Collins. Joseph Alexander Collins was born in what is now Swain County, but then Haywood, May 22, 1813. He is a son of Robert Collins and Betsy Beck Collins, both raised in this county at the time it included the counties west of Haywood. His education was obtained in the common schools that were taught during the few years immediately preceding the Civil war. Mr. Collins remained on the farm until June, 1861, when he enlisted in company B, twenty-fifth North Carolina regiment. He was in the desperate battle of Seven Pines and in the Seven days around Richmond, receiving a severe wound at Malvern Hill, on account of which wound he was sent home for disability. After re- covering he rejoined his command, but was soon afterwards trans- ferred to Thomas's Legion, the sixty-ninth, with the rank of second lieutenant, and served with that command until the close of hostil- ities, being in command of company A about twelve months. Returning home from the war he became a traveling salesman for a Knoxville wholesale house and followed that vocation for ten years. He then retired from that business and purchased his present farm about one mile from Clyde. For twenty or more years he has been closely identified with the farming interests of Haywood County and is one of the many substantial farmers of the day. For one term Mr. Collins served the county in the lower house of the General Assembly (1901). He was married Nov. 9, 1875. to Hattie V. McKee, of Jackson County, who still survives. They have eight children as follows: Nellie, now Mrs. J. R. Smathers, of Clyde township; Robert; Mattie, now Mrs. 0. L. Smathers; Fay. now Mrs. J. V. Ilolcomb; Herbert II., Edward ('.. Ray L.. and Benjamin II. 153 h A Collins Hugh A. Love. Hugh Arthur Love, treasurer of Haywood County, is l.\ direct • a great grandson of Colonel Boberl Love. He is a son of Captain Matthew II. Love, who led ;i Hayw I County company during the Civil war. II'' was born in WaynesviUe Oct. 4, 1^7:;. ami • ,1 liis education at the Waynesville Academy and the Sweet- water Military College ;>' Sweetwater, Tenn. In 1898, when war with Spain was declared, Mr. Love volun- teered ami was chosen Becond Lieutenanl of company C, that was 154 Hugh A. Love afterwards mustered in as company H of the first North Carolina regiment. He was with the company in camp at Raleigh and at Jacksonville, went with it to Cuba, and assisted in carrying the first United States flag through the streets of Savannah. He remained with the company until it was mustered out of service in April, 1899 at Savannah. Returning to Waynesville at the close of hostilities Mr. Love became identified with the interests of Waynesville. He was chosen a member of the board of aldermen in 1902 and re-elected in 1903. Becoming a candidate for couny treasurer in 1904, he was elected to that office and re-elecl d in 1906. At the primaries Lasl August he ri iv. -.1 the unanimous renomination for a third term. Mr. Love was married in 1903 to Hedwig Altstaetter of Gallon, Ohio. Their children are Frederick and !Ienri< Lm. Rufus L. Allen, M. D. Rufus Leonidas Allen was born on the old Edmonston estate in Haywood County, Jul) 12th, 1864. His father, George David Simp* son Allen was a prominenl physician who settled at Pigeon River M"\\ Canton in 1858, c ing from Iredell County. Hia grand father, Reeves Allen was a native of Wake County, and his great- grandfather, George Allen, born in 1743, served under G Nathaniel Green during the Revolutionary war. His mother was Nancy Adeline Edmonston, daughter of Ninian Edmonston a noted surveyor who with Col. Ephraim McDowell established the boundary lines between Buncombe and Haywood Counties, and also the divid- ing line between Haywood and Jackson Counties. Dr. Allen was educated al VVaynesville Academy, Vanderbilt University of Tennessee, and University of .Maryland from which he was graduated as .M. D. in the class of 1885, since which time he has I n in a. -live practice al Waynesville. Dr. AUen if presi- dent of the Haywood County Medical Society, member of the Ameri- can Medical Association, North Carolina Medical Society, and Tri- Statc Medical Society. He has served three terms as Alderman be- tween the years 1895 and 1901, and as county coroner l^sG-1890 and 1904-1906. At preseni he is city physician and chairman of the sanitary board, and is a member of the Haywood County Sanitary Board. He was married April 26th, 1893 to Marion Wilton of Washington, 1). • !., daughter of Charles Wilton of thai city. 156 Rut'us L. Allen, M. D. J. L. Morgan. Jasper La Fayette Morgan was born near Canton, then Pigeon River. November 23rd, 1854. His father, Elisha Morgan, was a native of Buncombe County, but came to Haywood when quite young, and for several years was a teacher in the schools of the county. During the war between the States he joined Capt. Elisha Johnson's company of Thomas' Legion and was in active service until he succumbed to sickness and died in a Virginia hospital in 1864. The mother of J. L. was Nancy E. Smathers, a daughter of George F., Smathers, both natives of Haywood. Since he was seventeen years old Mr. Morgan has been engaged 157 T L Moreran ,„ mercantile ami i.m.,.- business, a^d tor tte past ten yiirs has been sole proprietor of the Clyde Boiler Mill. He has always been ail earnest workeT in the cause of education and Berved on the eounty board of educati sleven years, viz: 1885-92 and 19014)5. During Ins last term of service he took a very important part i„ plaeing our educational Bystem on a better financial basis than had previously existed. Mr. Morgan was married May 15th, 1881 to Lorena J. Cald- well, daughter of Lawson and Adeline Caldwell, all Datives of Hay- wood County. Their children are: Joseph Ray, a rising yonng lawyer of Waynesville, Ernesl L., and Hassie M. 158 J. F. Abel, M. D. Joshua Fanning Abel was born in Haywood County, February 6th. 1868. The family came to this county from Virginia and settled near Pigeon River (now Canton) at a very early date. His father. James R. was born there and was a well known Earmer. His mother was Clarissa Kinsland, daughter of Joshua Kinsland (still living and over 80 years old), both natives of this county. Dr. Abel was educated at the Waynesville Academy and Weav- 159 erville College, Btudied medicine al Johns Hopkins University and the t 'niv.-i-xii \ of Baltimore, and was graduated from the latter in- stitution as .M. l>. in the class of L892. He began practice at Canton in the same year and remained there until 1901 when he removed to Waynesville where he has Bince resided. Dr. Abel is now serving Ins tifth term as < '< » n i it %- Superintendent of Health, is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Waynea- ville Graded School, is Deputy Grand Master of Masons for this district, and is tin- only Scottish K i t # • member wesl of Asheville. also a member of Woodmen of the World. In Ins professional rapacity Dr. Abel is a member of the Haywood County Medical Society and has Berved two terms as its president and is also member of the State Medical Association of North Carolina. Id ■ was married in 1893 to Mary Vance, a daughter of David Vance and grand-daughter of Colonel Joseph Cathey. She died in [904 leaving five children: Hugh, Evelyn, Ruth, Clarice and Mary. James W. Ferguson. Ja s William Ferguson was born in Waynesville, Sept. 29, L873, and is a son of Judge G. S. Ferguson, who is now on the Superior Courl bench. He was educated at the private Bchools of Waynesville and at the State University, graduating from the law departmenl of the latter school in tl lass of 1893. He was ad- mitted to the l>ar the same year and has since practiced his profes- sion in Waynesville. In 1894 he served as chairman of the Democratic executive committee of Haywood County in which he did good Bervice. In 1896 In- was elected to the lower house of the state Legislature and Berved in the session of 1897. In 1898 he was elected for this the Sixteenth judicial distrid and held the position until Since his retirement from the Bolicitorship Mr. Ferguson has practiced Ins profession inWaynesville. In 1899 he married Hester L.Cooper, daughter of Captain J. W. Cooper of Murphy. Their three children are: .lame- \v. Jr., Edwin ( '.. and Isabel. Mr. Ferguson is a Mystic Shriner in the Masonic order and a I'.ivt Chancellor in the Knights of Pyth 160 James W. Ferguson William D. McCracken. William David McCracken was born on Crabtree ('reck, near his present home, Jan. 26, 1861. His father, Hiram McCracken, is still living a hearty old man of eighty-seven. The McCrackens are of Scotch-Irish descent. Joseph McCracken, the founder of the Hay- wood County branch, owned all the land on the creek except that that was owned by the Kirkpatricks. His entire estate, however, in 161 !li;it earlj day, was ao1 valued a1 over $1,000. Now the same lands would bring $100,000. Schools were few .-it the time thai Mr. McCracken could I profited most by them. He attended the public bcI Is three or four months in the year until be was aboul eighteen years old and then began active life. When be was fifteen years old Mr. McCracken made his trading in cattle. Since then be has been following that work constantly and bas attained Buccess. He believes that there is more in saving than in making- When be was only seven- teen years old be drove cattle through Tennessee and Virginia at fifty cents a day, Baved his m y and invested it in mountain lands. He is now worth between thirty and fifty thousand dollars. I,, L900 Mr. McCracken was elected a member of the board of comity commissi srs and held the position one term. During that term he was chairman of the board. Last Augusl be was again nominated for the same position and will, no doubt, be elected in November. December 20th, 1882 he married Ellen Margarel Liner, of this enmity. Their children are: Gertrude, Waldo, Lucy, Quay, Tula, Verna, and Mary. Mr. McCracken is regarded as one of the most substantial and progressive farmers and stock-raisers in Haywood County. His large droves of sheep and cattle are the subjects of comment by his neighbors and fri< George H. Smathers. rge Henry Smathers was born in Buncombe County near the Haywood line on Jan. 29th, 1854. His father, John C, and bis g father, George P., were born in this county; also his mother, Lucilla E. Johnson, a daughter of Harry Johnson, who came here when ten - old. Th.- Bubjecl "t" this sketch was educated al the pub] and Sand Hill Academy. He studied law with Dick <.v Dillard of sboro, X. <'.. and was admitted t.. tin- bar in June, 1881. He has been in active practice at Waynesville since that year and has been attorney for the Champion Fibre Co., of Canton, since the estahlism.'iit of their greal plain in April, inn*;. During President Harrison's administration he was appointed •.mt United States District Attorney, and w :t s engaged i'"r several years on the claims in Litigation of the Cherokee Indians of this st.,t.-. Hi> services were of such value that he was qetained 162 George H. Smathers in the same duties by the succeeding Cleveland administration until the disputes were settled by act of Congress. In 1896 Mr. Smathers was elected State Senator from the forty-first district and serevd one term during which he was prominent as chairman of the Judiciary committee. He was married Jan. 6th, 1892 to Daisy Rice, of Mont- gomery, Ala., a daughter of Samuel F. Rice, a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama. They have one child : Ellen Rice Smathers who was born July 30th, 1893. 163 Milas A. Kirkpatrick. Milas Alexander Kirkpatrick was born Maj 11. 1841, on the head waters of Fines Creek His father was Silas F. Kirkpatrick, who .1 plain blunl man of Scotch descent, a good farmer, born in \vh;ii u;is then Buncombe Count} bul oo\* Henderson, and lived tn the age of eighty-two. I lis mother was Jane Woods Kirkpatrick who was born in rredell County and was of Irish extraction. He grandfather was a Boldier in the Revolution, bul Bettled on Pines boob after tli-' independent of the Colonies was achieved, ami was an importanl elemenl in the development N'f that town- slii|> ; for he was a saddler, a tailor, a miller, a black-smith, ami a bell-maker, making all the bells for Pines Creek stock in Ins ii ; ,• time. .Mr. Kirkpatrick had only meagr lucationa] advantages, being in school bul a short time at Sand Hill Academj and parts of two sessions at Transmontane- Pevious to that, however, he had been taught in the public Bchools of his neighborhood. In these months and years the boy received that training which has been of incalculable value to the man. Hardly had he finished his education I.. 'lor,, the great war of 1861 .-ami' on. !!<• promptly answered the call for volunteers an I in .May. 1861, enlisted in one of the firsl companies that went ou1 from tin- county. lie was in the entire war from 'til to '{ endured tin- hardships incident to a soldier's life, once being ■! i perately wounded in battle and would probably have been either captured or killed bul for the kindness of Tom Ferguson who car- ried him off the field to a place of safety. Returning to his home, after the war. .Mr. Kirkpatrick began anew tin- battle of life in time of peace. He engaged in farming ami stock-raising in which he has been successful in accumulating considerable property ami in giving his children a good education Mr. Kirkpatrick, in speaking of his success, said, "I have raiser] my children to do better ami to be better than I am." II.' has never held any political office, bul has been a justi ' tin- peace for twenty-five years. He is a Life-long !)<■ sral am! has consistently voted for the besl interest of his countj as he -aw- i: March -1st. 1869, In- was married to Laura Ann Byers. They have nine children, namely: Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick, now practicing medicine in Smith Carolina; Amelia Jane, now Mrs. R, L. Hoke, Sarah Adaline, now .Mrs. Pinkne McCrackeni -John R., now a mer- ehant of Crabtree; ('has. Siler, a minister of the Methodist Church; Maggie Lucinda, now Mrs. i; r. Long; Hattie stow... oow Mrs w I.. McCracken: Laura French, ami Cleveland Fain. 164 Lucius Marcellus Welch. Lucius Marcellus Welch was born in Waynesville December 6th, 1842, being the youngest of ten children. His father was Wil- liam Welch, whose sketch is found elsewhere in this publication. When a boy he was sent to the common schools, where he got the rudiments of an education. Afterwards he was sent to the High School in Asheville, taught by the father of General Stephen D. Lee. He also attended a session or two at Waynesville under the tutelage of Prof. R. H. Dabney. At the outbreak of the Civil war Mr. Welch volunteered and joined company E, of the sixty-ninth regiment. During the entire period of the war he was commissary sergeant and so was never 165 under Are. At one time, however, during the Valley Campaign in Virginia, he was in command of his company. Toward the close of the war he, with Ins company . w as Benl to I la\ w I < lounty from the seat of war in Virginia, and was here at the time thai Kirk and Bart- lt-tt made raids through the county. He was with the men who made an attack upon Kirk one uighl as he was encamped about two miles south of Waj nesville, Coming out of the* war Mr. Welch began active life as a Farmer. He lias been very successful in accumulating considerable property. Be lias never held any political office, his inclinations not running in that direction. He is a Baptisl and a .Mason. December 1st, i s 7s. he was married \>> Julia Ann Moore. They have three children, us ly: Paul J., who is a planter in Texas; Cleveland I>.. who is m the manufacturing hnsinrss in Gtastonia; Miriam Love, now Mrs. A. B. Moore of Gastonia. Mr. Welch is a Leading member of his church and takes an active interest in its welfare. Il«- is also deeply interested in the growth and development of Waynesville. His home place, "Welch Farm." aboul two miles from Waynesville, is one of tin- most beautiful country homes in the CQunty. William T. Sharp. William Turner Sharp, prominent merchant of Canton, was born in llayw 1 County Sept. 7th, 1861. His father was John I'. Sharp also n native of this county and Berved in tin- twenty-fifth North Carolina regiment during the war between the statrs. His mother was Mary A. Miller of Haywood a daughter of David Miller of Rockingham County. Mr. sharp has been in the mercantile business since 1893 and is COnspicious for tin- public spirit and promine in the develop ment of Canton. He has Berved as mayor of that city and for fif- teen years was on the board of aldermen. Prom -Ian.. L903, to Jan.. 1905, he was a member and chairman of the hoard of county commissioners. In April. 1906, In- married Norah Hamilton, daughter of W. •' Hampton, a native of Buncombe County, hut for many years one of the leading merchants of Canton, of three children horn to thfin. two are living: bockwood, Charles, and Aurelia. Mr. sharp is a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow belonging to the local lodges and assisting materially in their success. He is quite influential in church work, being an active member of the Baptist Church. 166 William T. Sharp James M. Gwyn. James McFaden Gwyn, son of James Gwyn and Mary Lenoir Gwyn, was born in Wilkesboro November 27th, 1850. For a few years before and during the Civil war he was in school near his home. In 1868 and 1869 he was a student at the famous Bingham school at Mebane. In 1870 he entered college at old Trinity in Randolph County. Leaving there he took a course at the University of Virginia, completing there his academic education in 1872. Leaving college that year he went into the cotton milling busi- ness at Paterson and continued for nearly two years. In 1875 he moved to Haywood County and settled on the farm he now owns, since which time he has been engaged in farming, stock-raising, and fruit-growing. In these branches of industry Mr. Gwyn excels, for he has made a study of them and has reduced each one to a science. From his first coming to the county Mr. Gwyn has been deeply interested in its welfare. . He has taken a lively interest in education and has ever been an advocate of the public schools as well as other 167 institutions winch go to build ap b people. As ,i farmer and stock raiser Mr. Gwyn has made mat. -rial con- tributions to ill" county. H<- is a believer in and a raiser of Cull blooded stock. His land dot* produces fully twice as much to the ;,,.,-,. ;i s ,t did when be moved to the count} m 1875, to Buch a high state of cultivation lias be raised it. His farm is Belf sustaining. II" aever buys haj or oats or feed of any kind for his stock. It is all raised on the farm. On ins farm, as perhaps the only farm in the county, ensilage is put ap in the fall for the Btock during the winter- Prom his farm Mr. Gwyn never sells anything but apples and ick- All the corn and bay and oats and other E latuffs that are raised in abundance be feeds to his stock, and he always has feed enough for his Btock and stock enough for bis feed. His money crop, therfore, is the Btock and apples thai be produces in greal abundance. On the Gwyn farm no commercial fertilizers are need, but all thai is Deeded is produced righ.1 there. It may he inferred, therefore, that Mi-. Gwyn's efforts bave - iccessful. II" has given all of his children a collegiate educa- tion, "i- will have done so before they finish school. Besides be has constantly improved his lands and is ;i prosperous citizen. In 1876 be was appointed poa master at Springdale, his hum.' office, and ha- held thai position continuously since, a period of thirty-four years. 11" was justice of the peace for bis township rs, and for four years was county commissioner. Maj 19, 1874, .Mr- Gwyn was married to Amelia II. Poster, of Greensboro. Their children are: James A., a graduate of the Uni- versity "!' North Carolina and a r sing young Lawyer of New Fork; Elsie I... a graduate of tin- State Normal College, and dow pursuing a course of study in Corn. -II University; Thomas Lenoir, a graduate of the State University and now a prosperous farmer and Btock- raiser; Mary 1'.. a graduate of Converse College; Amelia II.. Annie L.. and Elizabeth G., the last two being now in school at Converse College. Mi-. Gwyn is a prominenl communicanl of the Episcopal Church and a member of the Royal Arcanum. T. L. Francis. Thomas Leroy Prancis was horn near Waynesville, October 31, II a father, I'.. I-'. Francis, horn in Washington Counts. Ten- March 20, 1822, came to Hayw I County in October, 1844, being probably the firsl of the nam" in the county, and settled oear tin- presenl Prancis homestead aboul a mile from Waynesville. Tin- 168 elder Francis enlisted in the army in September, 1863, in company E, sixteenth North Carolina regiment, and was captured and held in prison in Camp Morton until he was released. On his way home he stopped in McDowell County, where he died March 21. 1865. The eldest son of the one just mentioned, born December 18, 1847, en- listee! at the age of 16 in company E of Thomas's Legion (junior reserves) and was captured on Cattaloochee and carried to Camp Chase, where he was held as a prisoner until his death May 3, 1865, a brave boy thus giving up his young life for his country. The mother of Thomas L. Francis was Annie Shurfey.of Washington County. Tennessee- Mr. Francis is one of the substantial and progressive farmers of the county, and as an advocate of good roads performed excellent work as road commissioner during 1904 and 1905, a position to which he was appointed at the time AVaynesville township voted a fifty thousand dollar bond issue for macadam roads. In January. 1879, he was married to Nancy E. Katcliff. daughter of J. X. Ratcliff of this county. Their living children are: William J., now principal of the High Point Graded School; Etta May, teacher in the same school, Hester F., Maud, Mary. Harley, and Marcus. Riley M. Ferguson. . Riley M. Ferguson was born. July 4th. 1852. in Crabtree town- ship. His father, Thomas Ferguson, was born in Madison County, but later moved to Haywood and bought the farm on which the homestead is located to-day. He was a successful farmer. His mother was Mary Jones Ferguson. When a boy Mr. Ferguson attended the public schools of his neighborhood where lie received some of the training that has helped him in life. Later, he entered the High School in Waynes- ville and took a course there finishing in 1872. Leaving school that year he began work 'as a farmer and stock-raiser on his father's farm. Since that time he has been in that fine of business continu- ously- He is one of the best farmers in his section, and his cattle are the admiration of all who see them. He believes in fine stock and has spent much time and money in his efforts to improve the breed of cattle on his farm. He is now one of the well-to-do farm- ers in Haywood County. His word and his bond are both good. Mr. Ferguson has never held any political office, but is a prom- inent Republican and has been the candidate of his party several 169 Riley M Ferguson times for differenl positions in tli unty. In 1f ,||(1 he was the candidate for sheriff and claims thai he was elected bul counted <>ut. In 1901 he appointed tax collector for Haywood County. December 22, 1886, he was married t«» Mary Emily Noland, of this county. Their children are: Rufus Weaver, Sarah Lula, and Fannie Rose. .Mr. Ferguson is ,i prominenl member of the M E. Church, South. II<- is a man of influence in his community, a believer in education, and a helper in everything thai helps to build up the county and improve its citizenship. 170 ■ William J. Wilson. William Jesse Wilson, now a citizen of Texas, was born in Mississippi, Nov- 17. 1828. He was the son of Jethro Wilson and Eunice Wood Wilson. As a boy he had very poor advantages of an education, his parents dying when he was quite young. He was brought up in the home of Joseph Wilson, an uncle, living at Lin- colnton, and being the solicitor for. some years of the Asheville dis- trict. In all he was in school about six weeks. He became, however, by hard study and close application one of the best scholars that ever lived in Haywood County. About 1850 he came to Haywood and taught school at Waynes- ville. Among his students, at that time, were Judge Norwood, Mrs. M. J. Branner and others. He also taught at Hickory Grove in Pigeon township and at other places in the county. For a long number of years he was superintendent of the county schools and taught during the time- When the war broke out he enlisted in company I, sixty- second regiment, and was elected captain. He was in some of the bloody battles of '62 and '63- He was taken prisoner in 1863 and held at Johnson's Island until the war closed. While in prison Captain Wilson wrote a spelling book, which was at one time adopted by the State for use in the public schools. It is a book of real merit. Coming back to Haywood County after the war he became active in the affairs of the county. He was superintendent of schools and member of the Legislature. For six years he was enrolling clerk of the State Legislature in which position he per- formed signal services. In 1880 he left Haywood County and is now living in San Saba, Texas. Captain Wilson was married first to Mary M. Cathey, daughter of Colonel Joseph Cathey, and later to Mrs. Edmonston. widow of Dr. Rupe Edmonston and daughter of Major William Bryson of Jackson County. He lias five children, Mary E., who married J. M. Osborne; Laura L.. married J. J. Justice; W. W. Wilson, living on Pigeon; 1)}-. J. E. Wilson, now chairman of the comity school board; and Arthur B. Wilson, a prominent Lawyer of Texas. 171 J. H. Way, M. D. Dr. Joseph Howell Way was born in Waco, Texas, November 22, 1865. His father was Charles Burr Way and his mother Martha Julia Howell Way. His father moved from Texas to Buncombe County in the early seventies and was for many years prominent in the affairs of that county, being for Beveral terms superintendent Of schools ami ;i tf.n-h- p of DOte. Dr. Way received all* of his academic training directly under the supervision of Ins father, who was careful and painstaking in the education of his children. After getting a liberal education in that way tin- boy, Dow a young man. became a teacher in the public schools. He was oi f the five successful applicants for first grade 172 teachers' certificate at that time. Dr. James Atkins, now Bishop Atkins, was the county superintendent and issued the certificate to the ambitious young teacher. He taught during parts of three years, 1882, 1883, and 1884. Having decided to study medicine Dr. "Way attended lectures first at the Medical College of Virginia, Kichmond. Later, he went to Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., from which institution he was graduated in 1886. Locating in Waynesville, that year, he began the slow process of building up the large practice which he has to-day. Dr. Way, immediately after locating in Waynesville, became identified with the profession in Haywood County and has been active in all of its organizations. He is a member of the State Medi- cal Society, having joined that body twenty-one years ago. He has held every high office in the gift of that body. In 1897 he be- came a member of the State board of medical examiners and was secretary of the board until 1902. That year he was chosen secretary of the State Medical Society and re-elected in 1903, 1904, and 1905. In 1907 he was unanimously elected president of that body, serving until June, 1908, and presiding at the Winston meeting of the Society. In 1905 he was appointed by Governor Glenn to membership on the State Board of Health, which appointment was for a term of six years. Dr- Way is now secretary and treasurer of the Tri-State Medical Association of the three States of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. This Association was quite small when he took hold of it three years ago, but it is now a large and influential organ- ization. Besides these positions, he was also for two years a member of the National Medical Congress, this State being allowed only two members. Besides being prominent in medical circles Dr. Way is also an influential Arcanumite. He was elected by the Grand Council in 1896 to the position of Grand Secretary and has held it continuously since, having been unanimously re-elected eleven times. His ac- curate and systematic method of keeping the records of that exacting body has been commended by the retiring Grand Regents for a dozen years. July 3, 1888, Dr. Way was married to Marietta Welch, daughter of the late Dr. Welch of this county. They have two children, Hilda, who is in college at Peace Institute, Raleigh; J. H., Jr., who is a freshman at Davidson College. Dr. Way is a prominent Mason, Knight of Pythias, and Royal. 173 Arcanian. 1 1<- is ;i member 1> •!■ of -. \ rial nrgantzal ioi •innal. He is a prolific writer, and bac articles to various medical journals. He is at presenl oi the Board of Trustees of the Waynesville Qra. Campbell, was of Scotch-Irish descrnt. His mother was Elizabeth Bumgarner, of Catawba County. Mr. Campbell's early education was deficient. 174 He went a few months to the public schools of his native county before the war. such schools then being taught in log houses. His school life was not over eighteen months in all. The Civil Avar came on before he had equipped himself for his life's duties. He promptly volunteered and served two yea>rs in the twenty-eighth North Carolina regiment. He was in the army of Northern Virginia and was a participant in the stirring events of 1861 and 1862, being in some of the big battles of these years. In the latter part of 1862 he was transferred to Thomas's Legion and with that body of resolute men did heroic service- Toward the latter part of 1864 or early in 1865 he was sent along with the rest of the legion to Haywood County, and was present when Kirk made his raid through the county in March, 1865. Mr. Campbell met Kirk's forces on the Jonathan's Creek road as they were coming to Waynesville. Being alone he wheeled his horse and ran to get out of the way. The Federals fired at him and the balls cut the hair on his head, but he escaped unhurt. After the war Mr. Campbell settled in Ivy Hill township and engaged in the saw mill business and in farming. He put up the first power mill in the county and built the first painted house on Jonathan's Creek. He has been successful in accumulating consid- erable property. He has always been a robust man and has never taken a dose of medicine in his life. In 1876 he was elected a member of the board of county commis- sioners and served one term. He has never held any other office, his tastes not leading him that way- November 6th. 1863. he married Martha Jane Plott, of this county. They have eight children, namely : Amos La Fayette, Clar- enee Alexander, Robert Gustavus Adolphus. Sarah Callie Emeline (Mrs. J. R. Boyd.) David Crockett, Verlin Asbury, Wilbiirn Com- rock, and John Partem. Mr. Campbel is a member of the M. E. Church, South, and of the Roval Arcanum. Thomas L. Green. Thomas Lincoln Green, postmaster at Waynesville, was born in Haywood County, Dec. 31st, 1867. Thaddeus M. Green, his father, and Thomas Green, his grand father, were also natives of Haywood County. His mother. Temperance Louisa Shook, was a daughter of David Shook. Thaddeus M. Green, his father, was a soldier in the service of the Confederacy, from 1861-5 and was in the twenty- fifth North Carolina volunteer infantry. 17.". .Mr Green was educated al the Clyde High School and al the University <'t' Xorth Carolina, where h<- studied law. He wa mitted i«» the bar in 1895. Previous to thai time he had read law under the guidance of the late Hon. James M. Moody. !!<• also taught hi the public schools of the countj for aboul thr< After spending a few years in the practice of Ins profession he $ to the posil i"ii of I nit. and served until 1901. During the uexl tw<. years he was private nan Moody. Upon the death of Mr. Moody I Mr. Green was I deputy United States n I imlil aboul the lirst of 1907. In April of that year he was appointed postmaster and lias held thai position Bince. In 1899 Mr. Green was active in promoting the cause of • ■'ln- .cation in Waynesville, and, upon the organization of the Graded School, in thai year, was Darned <>n tin- hoard <>f trustees and has been secretary <>f the board since. In 1900 he was elected a mem- of the board of Aldermen of Waynesville. .Mr. Green was married in December, l sv ^. to Dora J. Roj daughter of Jackson Rogers of this county. They have five children living: Lawrence E. now in college a1 Wake Forest; E. McKinley, Arthur J., Lillian, and Louise. 176 Thomas L. Green 177 William H. Rich- WaitoHouatonRich,. I John C*Mn Kch and Elizabeth x„„ BfceTllieh, waa born on -l than'a Creea tort, V"*^" ,;.„„„ I County boye, -rithout m be ta *»f«* , „, ...I,,,,,':..,, -^getting a Uttle .tart m the n.«hWbo«d , H nured the Wayneevflle Aeaden,, <£« ho a£d»d .m» ,..,sr,.lly tor »......• li He afterward. et»d.ed .n the Clyd, ^i.ii«,<»l -iimI .it .1 ik1s.hi College. K "L hhus-ir ealled ... preaeb Mr. Rioh began to p«p« „,,,,•„• sl iallyfbrtl fc He atudied w,th tarn* «- Clyde and at Jud. lollege A,,.-, opletmg a eoo»e of atadj b. waa ordained ae a iater and entered n, , ~* H ™5 howew, taught «I I for - .— "•*« enter "V Ct "^ „ £„.rkaa Lniater. He ght for aome « „,,„• ,.„!.■ . bTofH^ IC tyand* An, hSe C 'ty. £g the ti»< he waa teaehing he wa. al» l"-" * whenever an opportunity waa presented- "to ^902 he entered the Southern Baptiat TI logical Senunary „ l,,,,,^,,!... Ky., and rtudied .1 logy for tw. J aip , 01B . M .g™d M teinth.t.nbject.ttl ad of t fame H ha. brtde. that degree th. degree of bwhelor of ^ I doeto, 178 in psychology, .the latter degree from the Chicago school of Psy- chology. As a pastor and evangelist Mr. Rich has achieved really wonderful success in so short a time. After leaving the Seminary in 1903, he was called to the First Baptist Church of Newbern and remained there until called to Salisbury, from which position he was called to his present pastorate of Vineville Baptist Church, a wealthy and in- fluential congregation of Macon, Ga. He is now doing a splendid work in that Southern city. In May, 1894, Mr. Rich was married to Mattie Eleanor Haynes, daughter of the late Hon. H. P. Haynes, of Clyde- They have four children: William Broadus Haynes, Flora Eugenia, Willie Eleanor, and John Whitehead. Mr. Rich is a Master and Royal Arch Mason, a Knight of Pythias, an Odd Fellow, and a member of the Junior Order of American Mechanics. He is deeply interested in these orders, and sees a chance in them to extend his opportunities for usefulness. Mr. Rich is a true son of Haywood., for he is greatly interested in everything pertaining to the best interests of the county. Though a voluntary exile from his native county he frequently looks towards his native hills- A Group of Haywood Indians. L79 I. mi. II. l\ Ibvncs. „ Allen, who was thai year elected superintendent. It is doing a •rival work along educational lines. The Haywood County Medical Society. Among the influences for social and professional uplift exerted in Haywood County during t h < ■ past twentj years has been 1 1n* organ isation of the Legal practitioners of medicine in the county known as the Haywood County Medical Society. The meeting of organi- sation was held in Waynesville at the office of Dr. Way on Augual 2, 1889, and the organization effected with the enroll nenl of fivemem- bera. Dr. Chas. B. Roberts, of Clyde, was elected Presidenl with Dr. K. < '. Mllis. of Waynesville, Secretary. Later others were added untii in a ahoii time the list enrolled practically every legal physi- cian reaidenl in tl ranty- In 1905 when under the inspiration of a Haywood County physician the North Carolina State Medical Society was reorganized and tin- local county medical societies made the basis or unil of the state Society, Hayw I County .Medi- cal Society was the first one to be "chartered a componenl county medical society of the Medical Society of the state of North Caro lina." The occasional meetings of the County Society have been helpful in bringing aboul ;m the profession and people as well. At pies. tit Dr. K. L Allen, of Wayneaville, is president; Dr. -I. Howell Way, secretary; Dr. J. Rufus McCracken, delegate to the state Society- 'IT • following gentlemen compose the Hayw I County Medical Society: Dr. J. F. Abel, Waynesville; Dr. R. L. Allen, Waynesville; Dr. Francis M. Davis. Clyde; Dr. Fred C. Hyatt. Waynesville; Di W A. Graham, Fines Creek;; Dr. Wm. I.. Kirkpatrick, Pacolct, S. ('.; Dr. B. II. Greenwood, Waynesville; \)y. .1 Rufus McCracken, Wayneaville; Dr. J. II Mease, Canton: Dr« McLean Rogers, Guerj Oklahoma; Dr. Thomas Stringfield, Waynesville; Dr. Saml L. Stringfield, Wayneaville; Dr. II. L. McFadyen, Waynesville; Dv .1. H.-well Way. Waynesville; Dr. A. I'. Willis. Canto,,; Dr. .1. B. Wil- son. Sonoma; Dr Jas I'. Moon-, Canton. 182 Daughters of the Confederacy. This body was organized at the residence of Mrs. W. W. String- field, Jan. 20. 1906. The following are the officers: President Mrs. M. J. Branner< First Vice-President Mrs. B. J. Sloan Sccmd Vice-President Mrs. R. E. Osborne Third Vice-President Mrs- S. J. Shelton Corresponding Secretary Mrs. J. H. Way Recording Secretary Mrs. J. W. Ferguson Treasurer Mrs D. M. Killian At present the membership of the Chapter is eighteen- The object of the organization is to keep green the graves of the old soldiers, to honor their memory, and to teach patriotism and reverence to the rising generations. Crosses of honor to the veter- ans of the Civil war have been distributed by this Society. Daughters of American Revolution. The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was organized, Jan. 9, 1899, at the residence of the Misses (indue)' in Waynesville. The present officers are as follows: Regent Mrs. D. A. Baker Recording Secretary Miss Elizabeth Cole Treasurer Mrs. Robt- Mitchell Registrar • Mrs. B. J- Sloan Chaplain Mrs. M. J. Branner All worthy enterprises of a patriotic nature are encouraged by this Society. Some years ago they presented a handsome flag and picture to the Waynesville Graded School, and this year a gold medal is offered by the Chapter to the boy in the Graded School who shall deliver the best declamation at the closing exercises next May. Pink Welch Camp. About twenty years ago the Pink Welch Camp of the United Confederate Veterans of Haywood County was oganized. The fol- lowing are the officers at present: Commander Col. W. W. Stringfield First Lieut- Commander J. A. Collins Second Lieut. Commander : S. J. Shelton Third Lieut. Commander Stephen Redmond Adjutant Marion Russell Surgeon Dr. H. L. McFadyen- 1- : The organization now numbers about forty members, [ts object is t«> keep fresh the memory of the heroes in pray who lost their lives on the battlefields or have passed awaj Bince the war closed. Its members have no apologies to make for whal they did during the stirring times of 6] to The Churches. h can only !"• Baid briefly thai the people of Haywood County are believers in churches. Their religious instincts have been marked throughout their history. It is Baid thai one person in every three in thf county is a member of some church. MrthiM lists. I'.jipt ists. Presbj i .li.ins. and Episcopalians, all have flourishing churches in the county. The first two denominations are very strong, there being over twenty churches and three thousand members of each denominal i<>n. The Lodges. Haywood County people are also believers in fraternal orders Lodges of Mas. his. Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, and 'V linen of the World have been established in the eounty. In Waynesville there are lodgers of Masons, Odd Fellows Subordi- nate, Encampment, and Rebekahs,) Woodmen, and Ladies of the Maccabees- At Clyde there are Lodges of Masons, ( | ( | Fellows. All of these lodges are in a fairly flourishing condition. Conclusion. Now tin- task is done. The history of ti uiity has been given in as fair a lighl as possible. No words more fitting Could I"' OSed i!. elnning than the following poem written bj Miss .Mary Josephine Love now our .Mrs. M .1. Branner tit't\ years ago when Bhe was a Rchnnl girl sixteen years old and published in the Asheville News: Old Haywood, I Love Thee! <>ld Mayw I. I love thee, and ne'er from mj heart. Shall thy image of loveliness fade or depart; It will linger around me where'er I maj roam. And siiiL r of th«— ever, my childhood's fair liome. Microfilmed SOLINET/ASERL PROJECT 184 T love thy green meadows, thy soft sloping hills, The birds of thy wild-woods, the songs of thy rills ; The fields of rich harvest, which round thee unfold, Thy sweet scented flowers of purple and gold. And .thy mountains ! so towering, so sublimely grand ! Their tops touch the clouds and seem ether to span ; And as their peaks heavenward e'er reach as they rise, They point us below to a home in the skies. The noise of the cataract heard from thy hills, Is mingled with murmurs of bright sparkling rills, Dancing fairy-like onward in a glittering band, 'Till their music is hushed in thy placid Richland. Then Richland winds gently through woodland and glade ; Now sparkling in sunshine, now peaceful in shade; When its murmurs are hushed in the bright stream that laves The base of the mountains with white-crested waves. There may be bright spots on this wide spreading earth, Fairer and brighter than the place of my birth, But oh! there is none over land over sea, More dear to my heart — like Haywood to me. There is none to lie found that with me e'er can vie With this fairy-like home, 'neath heaven's blue eye. Where the sons ever brave and the daughters e'er fair, Live in peace and contentment, without sorrow or care- Tho' the iron-horse may ne'er through thy wildmountainsrun. Could it make thee more dear to the heart of a son? No ! no ! — though not gilded by sciences and arts, Vet nature hath made thee as dear to our hearts. Then talk not to me of Italia 's blue sky, The wealth of the Indies, where bright diamonds lie; They would prove to me ever a sad, worthless dome, For my heart would be sighing for Haywood my home. HAYWOOD'S BEAUTY SPOT! EAGLES NEST Altitude 5050 feet 2800 Feet Higher Than Asheville Midst Scenery Grand and Beautiful beyond Description. CLIMATE— More agreeable than at lower altitudes, above the valley chill and fog, and frequently above the clouds. WATER— Pure Freestone, unexcelled at any other resort in this country. HOTEL— Modern, Clean and Cozy, overlooking Waynes- ville 3 miles distant. An ideal spot for rest and re- cuperation, and freedom from Hay Fever. S. C. SATTERTHWA1T, Propr. Eagles Nest Post Office or Waynesville, N. C.