AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. A' D D E E S S BEFORE THE Mtmi panto fatweitlijm d $tm$h A. T MACON DECEMBER 13, 1860 ;Y JOSEPH JONES, 'M. T>. Chemist of the Association, and Professor of Medical Chemistry in the Medical College of Georgia, at Augusta. ATTGUSTA, GA: STEAM PRESS OF CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, 1861. Digitized by fhe Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil ADDRES Members of the Cotton Georgia, Friends and Mr. President, Officers and Planters' Convention of Fellow- Citizens :■ The learned Pliny in his great work upon Na- tural History, pleaded the cause of the Earth, even with Romans ; and felt it to be his duty as well as his houor, to become the advocate of her upon whom alone of all parts of nature we have bestowed the name which implies maternal vene- ration, lor she is the common parent of us all, receiving us at our birth, nourishing us when born, and ever afterward supporting us, and final- ly when we are rejected by the rest oi nature she embraces us in her bosom, and covers us with especial tenderness. If this great man who comprehended all the sciences and learning of his time, thought in not unnecessary to arouse the interest of Roman agri- culturists, and to defend their noble calling by I showing that the earliest surnames were derived from agriculture, and that the various ranks and distinctions of state had no other origin than the pursuit, of agriculture, and by reminding them that in the earlier and more fertile and virtuous Eeriods of Rome, the lands were tilled by the ands of generals, and the soil exulted beneath the plough-shear crowned with laurels, and guided by husbandmen graced with triumphs — if the Roman censor Cato, the violent opponent of luxu- ry and dissipation, and the sternest of ancient moralists, thought it not beneath his dignity to defend ths agricultural population as producing the bravest men, the most valiant soldiers, and a class of citizens the least given of all to evil de- signs : surely the present attempt to advocate the claims of the earth, and to incite and encourage and defend her cultivators, imperfect, feeble and humble though it be, will not seem unnecessaiy. The citizens of Georgia need not the examples of the past, great and illustrious though they be, to incite them to the defence and cultivation of the noblest and most virtuous of all employments — they have but to look to the benevolent founders of the colony of Georgia, who may well challenge the respect of the world, in their noble and gene- rous designs and efforts to found a colony of active and enlightened and virtuous agriculturists, who should not only reclaim the dense forests and swamps from nature, but should a'so reclaim the still darker and wilder savages. The motto "Non sibi §ed aliis," which graced *4ke Colonial seal of Georgia, well expressed the disinterested and noble zeal of these noble men, jftvho expended their time, labor, money and lives, i for the good of others, reserving for themselves *no other reward than that of approving con- sciences, and the gratification of virtuous ac- tions. ' And here we cannot refrain from quoting the i|testimony of an eye witness to the efforts of these founders of the Colony of Georgia, to establish an enlightened system of agriculture, for it will afford pleasant and profitable materials of refleci Agriculturists of the present day. Francis Moore, in the year 1755, two years after the first settlement of Georgia, and one hundred and twenty-five years ago, thus describes the 2rr- den established near Savannah by the Trustees, for the use of the first settlers of Georgia, and the development and encouragement of a scientific system of agriculture : •'There is near the town, (Savannah) to the east, a garden, belonging to the Trustees, consist- ing of ten acres; the situation is delightful— one- half of it is upon ti.eflpof a hill," the foot of which the river Savannah washes, and* from it you see the woody islands in the sea. The remain- der of the | nd some plain low ground at the foot of the hill, where several fine ^springs break out. In the garden is variety of soils; the top is sandy and dry, the sides of the hill are clay, and the bottom is a black rich gar- den mould, well watered. On the north part of the garden is left standing a grove of a part of the old wood, as it was before the arrival of" the Colo- ny there. The trees in the garden are mostly Bay, Sassafras, Evergreen Oak, Pellitory, Eick"- orv, American Ash and Laurel Tulip. "The garden is laid out with cross-walks Rant- ed with orange trees, hut the last winter, a good deal of snow having fallen, had killed those upon the top of the hill, down to their roots, but they; being cut down sprouted again, as I saw when I returned to Savannah. "In the squares between the walks were vast quantities of Mulbi r is being a Nursery for all the Province, and every planter that de- sires it. has young trees given him gratis from the Nursery. These white Mulberry trees were plant ed in order to raise silk, for which purpose several Italians were brought, at the expense of the Trus- tees, from Piedmont, by Mr. Amatis ; they have fed worms, and wound silk to as great perfection as any that ever came out of Italy. But the Ital- ians falling out, one of them stol^ away the ma- chines for winding, broke the coppers, and spoil- ed all the eggs, which he could not steal, and fled to South Carolina. .The others who continued faithful, had saved but a few eggs when Air. ' Oglethorpe arrived, therefore he forbade any silk should be wound, but that all the worms should be suffered to eat through their balls, in order to have more eggs against next year. The Italian women were obliged to take English girls appren- tices,°whom they teach to wind^iud feed; and the men have taught our English gardeners to tend the Mulberry trees, and our joyners have learned to make the machines for winding. "Besides the Mulberry tree, there are iu some quarters in the coldest part of the garden, al! kinds of fruit trees usual in England, such as ap- ples, pears, &c. "In another quarter are olives, figs, vines,' AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF SEOR< pomegranites and such fruits as are natural to the warmest parts of Europe. At the bottom of the hill, well sheltered from the north wind and in the warmest part of the gar- den, there was acollectiou of West Indian plants and trees, some coffee, some cocoa-nuts, cotton, Palma-christi, and several West Indian physical plants, some sent up by Mr. Eveleigh, a public spirited merchant at Charlestown, and some by Dr. Houston, from the Spanish West Indies, where he was sent at the expence of a collection raised by that curious Physician Sir Hans Sloan, ■ fqx to collect and send them to Georgia, where the climate was capable of making a garden which might contain all kinds of plants ; to which design his Grace the Duke of Richmond, the Earl of Der- by, the Lord Peters, and the Apothecary's Com- pany contributed very generously, as did Sir Hans himself. "These quarrels amongst the Italians proved fatal to most of these plants, and they were labor- ing to repair that loss when I was there, Mr. Miller being employed in the room of Dr. Hous- ton, who died iu Jajteica. We heard he wrote an account of his having obtained the plant from whence the the Balsamum Capivi is drawn ; and that he was in hopes of getting that from whence the Jesuits Bark is taken, he designing for that purpose to send to the Spanish West Indies. "There is a plant of Bamboo Cane brought from the East Indies and sent over by Mr. Towers, which thrives well "There were also some Tea-seeds, which came from the same place y but the latter, though great care was taken, did not grow." A voyage to Georgia begun in the year 1835, &c, by Francis Moore — London 1744. From these statements of Francis Moore, we see that the founders of the colony 01 Georgia were equal to, yea far ahead of the Agriculturists of the present day, in their enlightened efforts to introduce the most important products of all countries, and to establish an enlightened system of Agriculture in Georgia. The founders of the colony of Georgia endeavor- ed to introduce the cultivation of the great staple of the South fifty years before its successful cultivation ; and within two years after the settlement of the colony, these enlightened Agriculturists had experimented with Tea and Coffee and the Vine, which are only just now re- ceiving attention at the hands of Southern Agri- culturists. It has been announced as our duty as well as our privilege and honor, to consider upon the present occasion the Agricultural resources of Georgia. In the brief space of time now at my command, I l can no nothing more than present the most general views. Georgia has been divided by the hand of na- ture into three zones, with very distinct geologi- cal, zoological, climatic, botanical and Agricul- tural features. First, the low«st and what may be called the tropical zone, commencing in a chain of islands and rising by a very slow acclivity from the At- lantic Ocean to an elevation of from 10 to 30 feet, is bounded at the distance of 30 miles from the Atlantic Ocean by another more elevated plain, differing in the structure of its soil and in the character of its vegetation. In the first low plain, which may well be termed the tropical zone, there are numerous swamps, clothed with a mflgt luxuriant and imposing vege- tation— tfcu tall cypress, the splendid magnolia grandifiora, the majestic live oak with its mossy boughs, the luxuriant sweet gum and tupulo, and the impenetrable canebrakes, indicate not only the fertility of the soil, but the warmth and mois- ture of the climate. These swamps discharge their waters into short, deep, sluggish streams, and increasing in breadth from their junction with the rivers and interlock- ing with each other form a chain across Georgia and Carolina to the Neuse in North Carolina, and southward again along the Atlantic border into Florida. The soil of the river bottoms and swamps and marshes, consists of a rich deposit of vegetable matter, mixed with varying proportions of sand and clay, sometimes alternately with beds of marl and sand : this clay deposit varies in depth from 5 to -50 feet, and contains buried deep beneath the surface supporting the present luxu- riant growth, the stumps of piny, cedar, oak cy- press, and other trees; and in some localities, as upon Skiddaway Island and Hyner's Bridge, near Savannah, and on the Brunswick Canal, between the Altamaha and Turtle Rivers, bones of the me- gatherium, a gigantic sloth, and of extinct varie- ties of the horse, and other extinct animals simi- lar to those found in the Pampas of South Ameri- ca, an analogous formation along the borders of the Atlantic Ocean. The existence of these remains of ancient for- ests, deeply buried beneath the present surface, together with the bones of these extinct animals, • associated with sea shells identical with those now inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean, prove conclu- sively that this portion of Georgia has not only been but recently reclaimed from the sea, but has been subjected to successive elevations and de- pressions ; and there are facts to show that the sea coast of Georgia and South Carolina is now slowly settling, and if this continues maDy rich and valuable plantations will, in the process of time, be covered by the waters of the Atlantic. This rich soil, formed from the washings of Upper Georgia, brought down by numerous riv- ers and deposited in a shallow sea with a level bottom, is not only characterized by the tropical aspect of the palmetto, Spanish bayonet, tall feathery cypress, and glorious magnolia, but to the agriculturist it is specially characterized as the peculiar region for the successful cultivation of rice and long staple cotton. Notwithstanding the great and inexhaustible fertility of these in- lands swamps, thej* are less cultivated now than formerly, and the population of this region has scarcely increased at all during the last sixty years. We may, in these swamps, see every- where the marks of former cultivation — old em- bankments covered with large trees, and the en- closed lands which were once clothed with golden rice, now support deuse forests of cypress, tupulo and gum ; and the once deep and broad canals, which were vised by the ancients to drain these swamps, are now covered with trees and choked up with trunks and limbs of dead trees and ac* cumulated sediment. The sagacious American traveller, William Bartram, thus describes the appearance of Sti John's Parish, now Liberty county, in the year 1773, two years before the Revolutionary war. « "Obedient to the admonitions of my attendant spirit curiosity, as well as to gratify the expecta- tions of my worthy patron, I again set off on mjj^ Southern excursion, and left Sunbury in company* with several of its polite inhabitants who were going to Medway meeting, a very large and well constructed place of worship iu St. JobTn's Parish, where I associated with them in religious exercise AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. and heard a very excellent sermon delivered by j their pious and truly venerable pastor, the Rev. Osgood. "This respectable congregation is independent, and consists chiefly of families and proselytes to a flock, which tLis pious man led, about forty years ago, from South Carolina, and settled in this fruitful district. It is about nine miles from Sunbury to Medway Meeting House, which stands on the high road, opposite the Sunbury road. As soon as the congregation broke up I resumed my journey, proceeding down the high road towards Fort Barrington on the Altamaha, passing through a level country, well watered by large streams, branches of Medway and Newport Rivers, cours- ing from extensive swamps and marshes, their sources ; these swamps are daily clearing and im- proving into/ large, fruitful rice plantations, ag- §randising the well inhabited and rich district of t. John's Parish. "The road is strait and spacious and kept in excellent repair by the industrious inhabitants, and is generally bordered by tall and spreading trees as the magnolia, liquid amber, liriodendron, catalpa and live oak, and on the verges of the canals where the road was causewayed, stood the Cyprus, laciacthus and magnolia, all planted by nature and left standing by the virtuous inhabi- tants, to shade the road and perfume the sultry air. "The extensive plantations of corn now in early verdure, decorated here and there with groves of floriferous and fragrant trees and shrubs, under the cover and protection of pyramidal laurels and plumed palms, which now and then break through upon the sight from both sides of the way as we pass along ; the eye at intervals stealing a view at the humble but neat and elegant habitation of the happy proprietor,amidst arbours and groves all day, and moonlight nights filled with the melody of the cheerful mock-bird, warbling nonpareil and plaintive turtle dove, altogether presents view of magnificence and joy inexpressibly charm- ing and animating.'' These statements of Bartram with reference to the extensive cultivation of rice in the early his- tory of this section of Georgia are substantiated by facts which I have already alluded to and by the exports of Georgia at that period. The great value of these rice lands, appears to have been most thorougly understood by Gov. James Wright, who, by the successful manage- ment and cultivation of the low lands and swamps of Georgia, not only acquired a large fortune, but also by his successful example promoted at once emulation and industry amongst the planters. In 1763, the exports of Georgia consisted of 75,000 barrels of rice, 9,533 lbs., of indigo, 1,250 bushels of Indian corn, which together with deer and beaver skins, naval stores, provisions, timber &c, amounted to £27,021 sterling. In 1772, the exports from Georgia in 217 ves- sels, amounted to £121,677 sterling, and consisted in large measure of rice. The introduction of cotton produced not only a marked effect upon the cultivation of rice, but upon the Agriculture and political position and commercial relations of the State. Previous to the year 1788, cotton was not culti- vated in Georgia as an article of commerce ; in this year, Richard Leake made an extensive and successful experiment with this new staple, and in 1789, John Milledge, Josiah Tatnall and a rice planter of Liberty county, Mr. Gignelliat made successful and extensive experiments with cotton. The cultivation of cotton increased greatly, in 1790, 20,000 pounds of ginned cotton were brought to the Savannah market, and in the year 1796, 1,700,000 pounds were produced. This increased culture of cotton, excited by its greater certainty and greater profit, led the rice planters to aban- don to a great extent, the less certain and less profitable cultivation of the inland swamps. The great difficulty in the cultivation of these inland swamps, is the uncertainty of the supplies of water — in dry weather, it is impossible to ob- tain a sufficient supply of water, and in wet weather, it is impossible to draw off the water from the rice fields, and upon many places as large a proportion as one crop in four, is lost by one or other of these causes. From my own personal experience in planting one of these inland swamps, I am perswaded that the great measure to render them safe, is the con- struction of large canals, which will allow a free exit of the waters during freshets. These canals cannot be dug wtthout increased labor, and as the laboring force in this section of the State will not be increased until the tide of emigration to other newer and more easily culti- vated portions of the State is arrested, many years must elapse before these immense bodies of lands with their inexhuastible fertility will be brought under thorough cultivation. Notwithstanding that the population of the low country of Georgia has remained stationary for half a century, and notwithstanding that there are thousands of acres of most valuable land lying idle ; still, it is a pleasing thought to the Agricul- turists of Georgia, that the increasing population of Georgia after all the new lands shall have been cleared up and settled, will, in this fertile region, with its tropical climate, so favorable to a dense vegetation find a wide field for action, and will moreover, find that this is the garden spot of Geor- gia. The great enemy of the white man in these re- gions is the climate — no white man can ever work with impunity in this climate — no race but the African can ever stand the burning heat and fatal miasms of the Rice fields, and of the Cotton fields; and it is worthy of note that the first attempt to establish African slavery in Georgia, originated in this section of the State — and especially worthy of note that the reasons which led the citizens of Savannah and the surrounding country, to peti- tion the Trustees of the colony of Georgia, to in- troduce negroes, still exists, in spite of the rav- ings of dishonest abolitionism. The freeholders in the county of Savannah, finding that it required an immense expenditure of physical labor to clear the river swamp lands, covered with a dense forest — finding that the air of the swamps was loaded with poisonous quali- ties, which generated disease, which, if not fatal, ended in debility and entire destruction of the constitution — finding that the cultivation of the pine lands was not productive, and finding that after the severe labor, exposure, and ill health of several years, they were unable to provide even a coarse common subsistance for themselves and families, addressed an earnest appeal to the Trus- tees of the Colon}' of Georgia, in the year 1738. That I have not misrepresented the freeholders of Savannah, will be evident from the following quotation from their petition : "We have most of us settled in this colony, in pursuance of a description and representation of it by you in Britain, aud from the experience of residing here several years, do find that it is im- possible the measures hitherto laid down for ma- kinor it a colnnv can succeed. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES 01 "iJone o:"all those who have planted their lands, have beeu able to raise sufficient produce to main- tain their families in broad kind only, even though a.'i much application and industry have been ex- erted to bring it about, as could be done by men engaged in an affair, in which they believe the welfare of themselves and posterity so much de- pend, and which they imagine must require more than ordinary pains to' make it succeed; so that by the accumulated expenses every year of provi- sions, clothing, medicine, ror of slaver:, imported during the year 1859, 2 0S6,341 bales of cotton from the South, whilst from all other sources she received less than 800,000 bales— by showing that England has three hundred and fifty million dollars invested in the cotton manufactories, and four million inhabitants interested in the cotton trade, and that in 1859 exclusive of the cotton used by her own people and employed in her woolen manufactories, 8540,403,60(5 out of $650,503,185, the value of all her exports for this year were for cotton goods and cotton varus?— need we enter into a history of the manufactures of England, and show the powerful and unrivalled influence which the great staple of the South has had upon the development of this great nation, and demonstate that England with all her wealth and power is dependent for her very existance upon the cotton crop of the Southern States?— need we recount the fruitless 12 AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. expeiiments. and calculate the immense sums ex- pended i-y England in her attempts to supply her- self with cotton from her possessions in Asia, Africa, and South America, to demonstrate that she must forever remain the firm ally and defen- der of the South, and the natural and uncompro- mising rival of the North? need we recount the progressive increase of the consumption of cotton m France, Belginm, Holland, Germany and Spain —that in 1859 France exported $22,437,920 worth of Southern cotton, Belgium $1,155,328, Holland $1,859,895, Germany $7,321,416, and Spain $7,- 222,942 ? — need we picture to you the filthy condi- tion of the inhabitants of Europe, during the mid- dle ages, and prove that the twenty thousand hos- pitalsforjjlepers, said by Mathew Paris to have ex- isted in Europe during the middle ages, were filled by inmates who were lepers because they had no changes of clothing, more than any other cause, and were diseased because they were in an habitually filthy state ? — need we prove that in- sufficient and filthy clothing, more than any other cause, produced the terrible epidemics which committed snch fearful ravages in the middle ages? — need we point the planters of the South to all these well established facts to prove that their great staple will prove the greatest blessing to mankind, will ever prove their strongest defense against lawless oppression, and will ever com- mand the navies and armies of the world? I trust not my countrymen. I believe that the spirit which animated and fired the hearts of our noble revolutionary fathers, still inspires your bosoms, and that you will need no such facts to sustain the firm resolve to achieve Southern inde- pendence, peaceably if possibly — but if need be through fire, carnage and blood, at any cost and at any sacrifice, however dear, re- gardless of every object and result except the establishment of your liberties. I believe that the Planters of the South will never rest upon the navies and armies of any nation, but will appeal to the God of battles and summon to the conflict their own strong arms and brave hearts. I have spoken of these subjects which interest us as citizens of the South as they have impressed themselves upon myself a humble citizen of the South ; I have dwelt upon them because the efforts of this association are not bounded by the confines of Georgia— we aim to advance the Com- mercial and Agricultural interests of every South- ern State by the establishment of direct trade and the inauguration of that system of Agriculture which will preserve the lands of the South in a state of permanent fertility. I have now completed such a view of the Agri- cultural resources of my native State as the brief space of time allotted to this address permitted — if the picture falls far short of the reality, and if measures have been urged which are inexpedient, the errors have been those of the judgement and not of the feelings — as a descendant of those who fought and bled and died upon Georgian soil, in defence of the rights, honor and liberty of Geor- gia and of the original States of the Union, I drank in with my mothers milk, love veneration and true loyalty to the Union of these free and independent States ; the first name which I was taught to revere above all other immortal names was that of Washington, and the relations which were inculcated as second only to those with my creator, were those to the Government of the United States : it has been, therefore, with no ordinary feelings that I have for the first time in my life lifted my voice against this Union— but when the mother who bore me is dishonored and her liberties, and her existence as a free indepen- dent and honorable State are threatened, every ties which binds me to her enemies, even those of the once proud and glorious Union of the United States of America, shall be sundered and fortune and life pledged to the defence of the sacred honor and liberties of Georgia. If upon the present occasion I have in the de- sire to point out the defects, and tendencies of the present system of agriculture, appeared to dis- parage the power of Georgia, it has been from a too anxious regard for her future course of pros- perity, honor and glory. Far be it from me to speak slightingly of the resources of my native State at any time ; and especially at this time, when resistance — resistance to insolent oppression and defiant treason, re- sounds throughout her borders. With a population of more than one million, dis- tributed over fifty-eight thousand square miles — with a territory three hundred and twenty-two miles in length from North to North, extending from the mild, almost tropical climate of the At- lantic coast to the cool bracing climate of the Blue Ridge mountains ; two hundred and twenty-four miles in breadth from East to West ; watered by fifty streams which deserve and hold the name of rivers--with a territory embracing almost every geological formation, from the oldest to the most recent found upon the Western continent ; the primitive and metamorphic non-fossiliferous strata of Middle and Northern Georgia, with its inexhaustible mineral resources ; the older fossi- liferous formations of North-western Georgia, re- sembling the celebrated wheat district of New York, with its inexhaustible deposits of limestone, iron, coal, and other minerals useful in agricul- ture and the arts ; the cretaceous formation of Western Georgia, with its inexhaustible beds of green sand and marl ; the Eocene lime forma- tion of Southern and South-western Georgia, with its inexhaustible supplies of lime and phosphoric acid ; the rich alluvial and diluvial plains and river bottoms of Southern Georgia— with a territory embracing every variety of soil, suitable to the growth and culture of every im- portant agricultural product, and yielding al- most every mineral useful in the arts and agricul- ture — producing annually five hundred thousand bales of cotton, and with capabilities of producing under an improved system of agriculture, and with an increase of population, two million hales of cotton — with an annual surplus production of fifteen million of dollars— with 1160 miles of Rail- roads, which have been built and '.-quipped at an actual cost of twenty millions of dollars — with 25 banks in a sound condition, returning during the last year $9,028,07S, as their taxable stock paid in — with 33,345,289 acres of cultivated land, val- ued according to the tax returns of I860, at $161,764,955 collars; cultivated by 450, 02telaves, valued at $302,694,855— with city and towB prop- erty, money and solvent debts, merchandise ship- ping, tonnage, stocks, and manufacturies to the value of $207,832,640 — with an increased value of land during the past year of $12,217,075, and in- creased value of slaves during the same period of $31,074.450 — with a balance in her Trea- sury of $274,820, and with a tax upon slaves and other property of only 6)4 cents on the $100— with a taxable property of $609,589,876, which if distributed equally amongst the entire population, adults and children, black and white, would give to each inhabitant six hundred dol- lars ; and if we were to estimate the absolute and not the tax value of the property, this sum would AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 18 be even greater than one thousand dollars to each individual, black and white, man, woman and child — with fourteen hundred churches, capable of accommodating half a million of persons — with twelve hundred primary and public schools with twelve hundred teachers; fifteen colleges for males with thirteen hundred students ; twenty- seven colleges and high schools for females, and twenty-five hundred female scholars— with fifty newspapers and pepiodicals — with resources and a territory capable of supporting with even greater ease than England supports her dense popula- tion, fifteen millions of inhabitants, Georgia has been and will ever continue to be, if she improves aright the blessings of Providence, the Empirb State of the South — Georgia is not only the Em- pire State of the South, but she has the resources and the power to maintain her independence with or without the South, and to form bv herself an EMPIRE. ~ { € *