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 Of the Department of Zoology 
 The Uni-versity of Chicago 
Copyright 1915 By 
 The University of Chicago 
 All Rights Reserved 
 Published October IQ15 
 Composed and Printed By 
 The University of Chicago Press 
 Chicago. Illinois, U.S.A. 
 The following study of senescence and rejuvenescence is pri- 
 marily a register of progress along certain lines of a research program 
 on which I have been engaged during the last fifteen years. This 
 program began with the attempt to analyze experimentally the 
 simpler reproductive processes, but it at once became evident that 
 the whole problem of the organic individual, its origin, development, 
 physiological character, and limiting factors, was involved. In 
 the study of the organic individual the importance of the physio- 
 logical age changes soon became apparent and it was found neces- 
 sary to devote considerable time to their analysis, for the origin of 
 new individuals by reproduction is in many cases very closely 
 associated with physiological aging. And since the conclusions 
 reached concerning the age cycle finally attained a definite, positive 
 form, differing to some extent from commonly accepted \'iews, 
 but seeming to throw some light upon various other biological 
 problems, it has seemed desirable to attempt a general considera- 
 tion and synthesis of the subject of age changes from the point of 
 view which has grown out of the research program mentioned 
 It will appear clearly in the following pages that the problems 
 of individuation, reproduction, and age are all closely connected. 
 For that reason it has been necessary to devote a chapter — chap, ix 
 — to the problem of individuation and reproduction. This chapter 
 is merely a brief statement of some of the more important evidence 
 and the conclusions reached concerning the nature of the organic 
 individual, a full consideration of the subject being left to another 
 About half the book is a presentation of results of my own 
 investigations and the larger part of these have not been published 
 elsewhere. Consequently the book stands as a record of research 
 as well as an attempt at a general survey. No attempt has been 
 made to present a complete bibHography of the subject of age. The 
 references are to a large extent intended to serve rather as guides 
 or aids in obtaining further knowledge of the literature than as an 
 exhaustive bibliography. The matter of selection has often been 
 a difficult one and doubtless references have been omitted which 
 should have been included. For such errors of judgment or of 
 ignorance I must accept the full responsibihty. 
 At various points in the book it has seemed necessary to extend 
 the consideration into fields more or less remote from those with 
 which I am most famihar. I must frankly acknowledge, however, 
 that some of these ventures into other fields have been attended by 
 the feeling that discretion would perhaps have been the better part 
 of valor, for any venture very far outside one's own little garden plot 
 of scientific thought is likely to be attended by a very decided f eehng 
 of strangeness; one realizes that one is not at home. Nevertheless 
 such ventures are necessary if different lines of investigation and 
 thought are to be co-ordinated and synthesized into a harmonious 
 whole. I can only hope that in this particular case the excursions 
 into neighboring gardens and fields have not been wholly fruitless 
 or mistaken. As regards actual errors of statement or reference 
 and other similar matters which may have escaped correction, I 
 can only plead human fallibility. 
 It has been necessary, particularly in those chapters which are 
 concerned with the various reproductive processes and with the 
 morphology of the gametic cells, to use figures from various other 
 authors and I wish to acknowledge my obligations for such figures. 
 Figs. I02, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, A-C, 108, 125, 128, 132, 133, 134, 
 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, A-E, are reproduced from A Text- 
 book of Botany by Coulter, Barnes, and Cowles, by permission of 
 the American Book Company, publishers, and Dr. Coulter, the 
 senior author. I am greatly indebted both to the publishers and 
 to Dr. Coulter for permission to use these figures of characteristic 
 morphological and reproductive features of plant life. Figs. 11 1 
 and 112 are reproductions in slightly modified form from Minot's 
 T/ie Problem of Age, Growth and Death, by permission of the pub- 
 lishers, Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. For other figures which are 
 not original acknowledgment is made in the legends, and since it 
 is often highly desirable to know, not only the author of a particular 
 figure, but the publication in which it originally appeared, a refer- 
 ence number, as well as the author's name, is given and the full 
 reference is included in the list at the end of the chapter in which 
 the figure appears. 
 For permission to cite unpublished data I am indebted to 
 Dr. S. Tashiro, of the Department of Biochemistry, to Miss L. H. 
 Hyman, of the Department of Zoology, and to Mr. M. M. Wells, 
 formerly of the Department of Zoology, of the University of Chicago. 
 For the redrawing of all figures from other authors and for a num- 
 ber of original drawings from preparations I am indebted to Mr. 
 Kenji Toda, the artist of the Department of Zoology, and I wish to 
 express my appreciation of his work. For the reading of parts of 
 the manuscript and proofs and for various suggestions and criti- 
 cisms my thanks are due to my colleagues. Dr. A. P. Mathews 
 and Dr. C. J. Herrick. To my wife, Lydia Van Meter Child, I 
 am deeply indebted for her unfailing co-operation and assistance 
 in the preparation of the manuscript and proofs. And, lastly, I 
 wish to express my appreciation of the manner in which the Uni- 
 versity of Chicago Press has done its part as publisher. 
 C. M. Child 
 Hull Zoological Laboratory 
 University of Chicago 
 May, 1915 
 Introduction .......... 
 I. Various Theories of the Organism 
 Neo-vitalistic Theory; Corpuscular Theories; Chemical Theory; 
 Physico-chemical Theory; The Colloid Substratum of the Organism; 
 The Relation between Structure and Function; References. 
 II. The Life Cycle 
 Growth and Reduction: Definitions of Growth and Reduction, The 
 Nature of Growth and Reduction; Differentiation and Dedifferentia- 
 tion: Differentiation, Dedifferentiation; The Basis of Senescence and 
 Rejuvenescence; References. 
 III. The Problem and Methods of Investigation .... 63 
 The Nature of the Problem; Susceptibility in Relation to Rate of Metab- 
 olism; The Direct Method; The Indirect Method; Other Methods; 
 IV. Age Differences in Susceptibility in the Lower Animals . 92 
 The E.xperimental Material; Age Differences in Susceptibilty in Pla- 
 naria maciilata; Age Differences in Susceptibility in Planar'ui 
 dorolocephala; Age Differences in Susceptibility in Other Forms; 
 Conclusion; References. 
 V. The Reconstitution of Isolated Pieces in Rel.\tion to Re- 
 juvenescence IN Planar ia and Other Forms 103 
 The Reconstitution of Pieces in Planaria; Changes in Susceptibility 
 during the Reconstitution of Pieces; The Increase in Susceptibility in 
 Relation to the Degree of Reconstitution; The Susceptibility of .\ni- 
 mals Resulting from E.xperimental Reproduction and Se.xually Pro- 
 duced Animals; Repeated Reconstitution; References. 
 VI. The Relation between Agamic Reproduction and Reju- 
 venescence IN the Lower Animals 122 
 The Process of Agamic Reproduction in Planaria dorolocephala and Re- 
 lated Forms; The Occurrence of Rejuvenescence in .\gamic Reproduc- 
 tion in Planaria dorolocephala and P. maculala; .-\gamic Reproduction 
 and Rejuvenescence in P. velala; Agamic Reproduction and Re- 
 juvenescence in Slenoslomum and Certain Annelids; The Relation be- 
 tween Agamic Reproduction and Rejuvenescence in Protozoa; .\gamic 
 Reproduction and Rejuvenescence in Coelenterates; References. 
 Chapter Page 
 VII. The Role of Nutrition in Senescence and Rejuvenescence 
 IN Planaria 155 
 Reduction by Starvation in Planaria; Changes in Susceptibility during 
 Starvation in P. dorotocephala and P. vclata; The Production 
 of Carbon Dioxide by Starved Animals; The Rate of Decrease 
 in Size during Starvation; The Capacity of Starved Animals for Accli- 
 mation; Partial Starvation in Relation to Senescence; The Character 
 of Nutrition in Relation to the Age Cycle; References. 
 Vm. Senescence and Rejuvenescence in the Light of the Pre- 
 ceding Experiments 178 
 Review and Analysis of the Experimental Data; The Nature of Senes- 
 cence and Rejuvenescence; Periodicity in Organisms in Relation to 
 the Age Cycle; Senescence and Rejuvenescence in Evolution; 
 IX. Individuation and Reproduction in Organisms . . . . 199 
 The Problem; The Axial Gradient; Dominance and Subordination of 
 Parts in Relation to the Axial Gradients; The Nature and Limits of 
 Dominance; Degrees of Individuation; Physiological Isolation and 
 Agamic Reproduction; References. 
 X. The Age Cycle in Plants and the Lower Animals . . 237 
 Individuation and Agamic Reproduction in the Life Cycle of Plants; 
 The Vegetative Life of Plants in Relation to Senescence; The Occur- 
 rence of Dedifferentiation and Rejuvenescence in Plant Cells; The Rela- 
 tion of the Different Forms of Agamic Reproduction in Plants to the 
 Age Cycle; Individuation, Agamic Reproduction, and the Age Cycle 
 in the Lower Animals; Senescence as a Condition of Reproduction and 
 Rejuvenescence; Conclusion; References. 
 XI. Senescence in the Higher Animals and Man .... 266 
 Individuation and Reproduction in the Higher Forms in Relation to 
 the Age Cycle; The Process of Senescence in the Higher Forms; The 
 Rate of Metabolism; The Rate of Growth; Nutrition, Growth, and 
 Senescence; Changes in Water-Content and Chemical Constitution; 
 The Morphological Changes; Conclusion; References. 
 XII. Rejuvenescence AND Death IN THE Higher Animals AND Man 293 
 Rejuvenescence in the Life History; Length of Life and Death from 
 Old Age; Some Theories of Length of Life; Conclusion; References. 
 Ch.^PTER p^j.g 
 XIII. Origin axd jMorphological and Physiological Coxditiox 
 OF THE Gametes in Plants and Aniivl\ls 315 
 The Theoretical Significance of Gametic Origin; The Origin of the 
 Gametes in Plants; The Origin of the Gametes in Animals; The Mor- 
 phological Condition of the Gametes; The Physiological Condition of 
 the Gametes; The Significance of ^laturation; Conclusion; Refer- 
 XIV. Conditions of Gamete Formation in Plants and Anbuls 364 
 Conditions of Gamete Formation in the Algae and Fungi; Conditions of 
 Gamete Formation in Mosses and Ferns; Conditions of Gamete Forma- 
 tion in the Seed Plants; Conditions of Conjugation in the Protozoa; 
 Conditions of Gamete Formation in the Multicellular Animals; 
 Parthenogenesis and Zygogenesis; Conclusion; References. 
 XV. Rejuvenescence IN Embryonic AND Larval Development 403 
 The Effect of Fertilization; Parthenogenesis; The Experimental Ini- 
 tiation of Development; Oxygen Consumption and Heat Production 
 during Early Stages of Development; Changes in Susceptibility dur- 
 ing Early Stages; The IMorphological Changes during Early Develop- 
 ment; Larval Stages and Metamorphosis; Embryonic Development in 
 Plants; The Degree of Rejuvenescence in Gametic and Agamic Repro- 
 duction; Conclusion; References. 
 XVI. Some Theories of Senescence and Rejuvenescence . . 433 
 Senescence as a Special or Incidental Feature of Life; Senescence as a 
 Result of Organic Constitution; The Conception of Growth as an Auto- 
 catalytic Reaction and the Resulting Theory of Senescence; Refer- 
 XVII. Some General Conclusions and Their Significance for 
 Biological Problems 450 
 Index 469 
 The succession of generations and the repetition of the life cycle 
 in the individual are the two great facts about which biological 
 thought centers. The problems of reproduction, growth, develop- 
 ment, inheritance, and evolution, as well as many other special 
 problems, are concerned with one aspect or another of these funda- 
 mental characteristics of life. Life as we know it exists only in the 
 form of individuals of various degrees and kinds which pass through 
 a definite series of changes and give rise to other individuals, and 
 these in turn repeat the process more or less exactly. 
 At the beginning of a new generation the size of the organism is 
 usually only a fraction of that to which it finally attains. Various 
 substances are taken up by the organism as food and transformed 
 in part into the energy of its activity and in part into the material 
 substratum in which the dynamic activities occur. Under the 
 usual conditions this material substratum which constitutes the 
 visible organism increases in amount or grows during a large part 
 of the life of the organism. 
 In all except perhaps the very simplest organisms another series 
 of changes occurs which we call morphogenesis or differentiation. 
 Localized differences in constitution, form, or structure appear, 
 and we say that the organism undergoes dift'erentiation. Under 
 natural conditions this process of differentiation is very commonly 
 associated with growth, but the fact that it may occur in the com- 
 plete absence of growth shows that the association is by no means 
 a necessary one. 
 Sooner or later and in one way or another the organism gives 
 rise to one or more new organisms, which like their parent are at 
 first relatively small and simple, and like it also undergo a process 
 of growth and differentiation. This is reproduction. In some of 
 the simpler forms of reproduction the parent organism divides 
 into two or more parts which constitute the new generation, and 
 there is nothing which corresponds to death in the usual sense. 
 The old individuaHty is replaced by new individualities, but nothing 
 North Carolina State College 
 is left behind. In such cases there is, as Weismann has aptly put 
 it, no death because there is no corpse. 
 We see, however, that in certain other forms of reproduction, as 
 in various types of sporulation in plants and budding in lower 
 animals, and in sexual reproduction also if we take the facts at 
 their face value without reference to the germ-plasm theory, only 
 a circumscribed part of the parent organism is directly involved in 
 reproduction. In such cases the parent organism either remains 
 alive for a longer or shorter time, perhaps with periodic or con- 
 tinuous reproduction, or it dies almost at once. In short, death 
 of the non-reproductive or somatic parts of the organism is ap- 
 parently the final result in at least most of these cases. 
 In the higher animals which reproduce only sexually, and in at 
 least many of the higher plants, certain physiological and morpho- 
 logical changes accompany growth and development of the somatic 
 parts. The rate of growth decreases, in many cases irritability 
 and the rate of metabolism have also been found to decrease, a 
 relative and later an absolute decrease in the percentage of water 
 occurs, the structural elements become less plastic and in some 
 cases undergo more or less atrophy in later stages, and the organism 
 in general appears to be gradually losing its vigor. In many plants 
 these changes occur rapidly in certain parts and may be long, perhaps 
 indefinitely, delayed in others, and it will be shown in Part III 
 that the same is true for many of the lower animals; but in the 
 higher animals the whole of the body is apparently involved, though 
 even here the facts indicate that these changes may occur more 
 rapidly in one part or another according to various conditions. 
 These changes, which constitute a gradual deterioration of the 
 organism, a gradual decrease in the intensity of its living, are com- 
 monly designated as aging or senescence. The question whether 
 certain changes are properly to be regarded as senescence or not 
 may often be raised with respect to particular cases, but in general 
 there can be no doubt that in at least many organisms a process 
 of senescence does occur: the organism grows old. Moreover, 
 there is no doubt that in at least many forms this process of senes- 
 cence leads to the cessation of the processes of life, i.e., to what 
 we call death. 
 The occurrence of senescence in the organic world raises many 
 questions of great interest and importance, not only for the scientist, 
 but in certain aspects for the human race in general. How do young 
 and old organisms differ from each other, and what is the nature 
 of senescence ? Is it a feature of the fundamental processes of life 
 or the result of incidental conditions ? Does it occur in all organ- 
 isms or only in the more complex, more highly differentiated forms ? 
 Does it inevitably lead sooner or later to death, or is a rejuvenes- 
 cence of old organisms or parts possible ? Is the process of senes- 
 cence in a given organism always of the same character, or does it 
 depend upon the environmental conditions ? Is the rate of senes- 
 cence always the same in a particular species, or does it differ in 
 different individuals according to the action of internal or external 
 factors. Many of these questions can be summed up in the one, 
 Can we control senescence ? 
 In nature the organism resulting from the union of the two 
 sexual cells is young. This fact raises another series of questions. 
 Does rejuvenescence occur somewhere in the course of sexual re- 
 production, or does the germ plasm from which the sex cells arise 
 not grow old ? Are the organisms which result from asexual re- 
 production also young, or is sexual reproduction the only process 
 which gives rise to young organisms? If rejuvenescence occurs, 
 upon what does its occurrence depend and what is its nature ? 
 Does it occur in all organisms, or only in certain of them ? Is com- 
 plete rejuvenescence possible, or is the species and the organic world 
 in general undergoing a senescence which will lead to extinction ? 
 These are a few of the most important questions w'hich the 
 occurrence of senescence and the processes of reproduction lead us 
 to ask. In the following chapters these and some other questions 
 will be considered in the light of the experimental and observational 
 evidence which we possess. To some of these questions we shall 
 be able to give a definite answer, to some others the answer must 
 be provisional, and some we must leave open for the future to 
 answer, though even here we can indicate the direction in which 
 the facts point. 
 The problem of senescence has been discussed many times in 
 the history of biology, and many hypotheses as to its nature have 
 been elaborated. Unfortunately by far the greater part of the 
 work along this line has dealt chiefly with the process of senescence 
 as it appears in man and the higher mammals. Only now and 
 then has an attempt been made even to formulate a general theory 
 of senescence, and analytic investigation of senescence in the 
 lower organisms has scarcely been attempted. This limitation in 
 the investigation of the problem of senescence is due to the fact 
 that in the past interest in the problem has been very largely con- 
 fined to the medical profession. 
 It is of course true that we are most familiar with the phenomena 
 of senescence in man and other mammals, the most complex of all 
 organisms. But man is a member of the organic world and a prod- 
 uct of evolution, and, as we have traced the development of his 
 structure from lower forms, so we must look to the lower forms for 
 adequate knowledge of his physiological processes. Before we 
 can understand senescence in man we must determine what it is in 
 its simplest terms. 
 The present book finds its chief reason for existence in the fact 
 that it has been possible with the aid of certain experimental 
 methods of investigation to obtain some definite knowledge con- 
 cerning the processes of senescence and rejuvenescence in the lower 
 animals. The facts discovered aft'ord, as I believe, a basis for the 
 further investigation of senescence and rejuvenescence in general, 
 and for an analytic consideration and interpretation of various 
 phenomena in plants and animals which are more or less closely 
 associated with these processes. Since the most important result 
 of these investigations is, in my opinion, the demonstration of the 
 occurrence of rejuvenescence quite independently of sexual repro- 
 duction, the book differs to some extent from most previous 
 studies of senescence in that it attempts to show that in the 
 organic world in general rejuvenescence is just as fundamental 
 and important a process as senescence. In the higher forms 
 the possibihties of rejuvenescence are apparently very narrowly 
 limited, but in the simpler organisms it is a characteristic feature 
 of life, and the nature of the process here enables us to under- 
 stand more clearly certain changes which occur in the higher 
 My investigation of senescence and rejuvenescence has been 
 closely connected with an attempt to determine the physiological 
 nature of the reproductive processes in organisms, and I believe 
 that some such conception of senescence and rejuvenescence as 
 that presented here is essential for the physiological analysis of 
 reproduction, since senescence, reproduction, and rejuvenescence 
 are very closely connected. But while some discussion of the 
 nature of various reproductive processes will be necessary in the 
 course of the present study, a full consideration of the problem of 
 reproduction is postponed to another time. 
 Our conception of the nature of these various processes, growth, 
 differentiation, senescence, reproduction, and rejuvenescence, must 
 depend upon our conception of the organism. It seems necessary, 
 therefore, to consider briefly in certain of its aspects the problem 
 of the constitution of the organism by way of clearing the ground 
 for consideration of the particular features of organic constitution 
 which form the subject of the book. 
 To the primitive man all the phenomena of nature were de- 
 termined and controlled by some agent or agents essentially similar 
 to himself, but as his knowledge of the world increased, the con- 
 trast between living and non-living things forced itself upon him 
 and the idea of a special vital principle of some sort arose. In the 
 mind of different thinkers this principle has taken various forms, 
 and the attempt has been made again and again in the history of 
 thought to show that some such principle is absolutely indispen- 
 sable for any adequate conception of Ufe. A century ago the idea 
 of vital force dominated biological thought. 
 Within recent years the same idea has reappeared in a somewhat 
 changed though not essentially different form. Particularly in 
 Germany a group of investigators has arisen who believe that they 
 have found new evidence in the facts of experimental biology for 
 the existence of a vital principle. The chief exponent of these ideas 
 is Driesch ('08) who has developed the Aristotelian idea of entele- 
 chies in a somewhat modified form. The entelechy is something 
 which acts in a purposive way and constructs the organism for a 
 definite end and controls its functioning after it is constructed. 
 The physico-chemical processes are simply means to the end. 
 Since the neo-vitalistic hypotheses profess to find their founda- 
 tion to a greater or less extent in the facts of experimental biological 
 investigation, they have a claim on the attention of biologists which 
 purely speculative h>T)otheses do not have. But a critical examina- 
 tion of the works of Driesch and other neo-vitalists discloses the 
 fact that their hypotheses actually rest, not upon facts, but upon 
 certain undemonstrated and at present undcmonstrable assump- 
 tions. Driesch's so-called "proofs of the autonomy of vital pro- 
 cesses" are not proofs at all, because each of them involves in one 
 way or another the assumption of what it is supposed to prove. At 
 present it is as impossible to prove as to disprove the existence of a 
 vital principle, because our knowledge of the organism is insufficient. 
 Only when we have exhausted physico-chemical possibiHties and 
 found them to be inadequate shall we be justified in searching else- 
 where for the basis of life. 
 But there is one point of particular interest in connection with 
 the neo-vitahstic hypotheses. They are a logical consequence of 
 the corpuscular theories of heredity and organic constitution and 
 development, such as the theory of Weismann. These theories 
 were widely current at the time when the neo-vitalistic school 
 arose. They themselves are fundamentally ''vi talis tic" in char- 
 acter, whatever their assertions to the contrary. An orderly pro- 
 gressive development of a definite character is inconceivable in an 
 organism composed of a very large number of independent ultimate 
 units each capable of growth and reproduction, except under the 
 influence of some controlhng and directing principle distinct from 
 the ultimate units themselves. If such theories represent the last 
 word of science concerning the physico-chemical constitution of 
 the organism, then we must all be vitalists, whether we admit it 
 or not. But if the controlling and determining principle, entelechy 
 or whatever we choose to call it, is indispensable, why must we 
 compHcate matters by assuming the existence of a multitude of 
 discrete ultimate units of one kind or another ? Why not give the 
 entelechy a task worthy of it and assume that all parts of the organ- 
 ism are essentially alike and equipotential ? This is practically 
 what Driesch has done. The entelechy determines localization 
 and development and uses physico-chemical processes to effect its 
 The trend of biological thought has undergone change during 
 the past twenty years. The development of experimental methods 
 on the one hand and the development of the physical sciences on 
 the other have contributed to alter our conception of the organism 
 and today there is less basis for vitalistic theory than ever before. 
 Even the theory of Weismann and other morphological theories of 
 the organism are giving place to theories of a different type, and 
 while many other attempts will undoubtedly be made in future to 
 demonstrate the indispensabiUty of some sort of vital principle, 
 the analysis and synthesis of science, proceeding step by step, test- 
 ing and retesting the supposed facts, adopting and discarding hy- 
 potheses, will continue to be the basis of our advance in knowledge. 
 During the latter half of the nineteenth century, biology, and 
 particularly zoology, was to a large extent dominated by the cor- 
 puscular theories of heredity and organic constitution. These 
 theories postulate some sort of a material particle or corpuscle 
 consisting of more than one molecule as the ultimate basis of life. 
 The organism is built up in one way or another from a number, 
 often very large, of such corpuscles, and the corpuscles are the 
 "bearers of heredity." The gemmules of Darwin, the pangenes 
 of DeVries, the physiological units of Spencer, the biophores and 
 determinants of Weismann, and various other hypothetical units 
 have played an important part in biological thought during almost 
 half a century. 
 This group of theories may be called the morphological or 
 static group. They all postulate a complex morphological struc- 
 ture as the basis of inheritance and development, and they are all 
 attempts to answer the question as to how the characteristics of 
 the species are maintained from one generation to another. Among 
 them the theory of Weismann has been more completely developed 
 and has influenced biological thought and investigation to a greater 
 extent than any other. 
 All of these theories possess certain characteristic features in 
 common. The ultimate elements, whatever they may be called, 
 are not alike, but each possesses certain definite characteristics and 
 plays a definite part in the development of the individual. The 
 organism is in short essentially a colony of such units. According 
 to Weismann, DeVries, and others, the ultimate units are each 
 capable of growth, and each reproduces its own kind. 
 It is scarcely necessary to call attention to the fact that these 
 theories do not help us in any way to solve any of the fundamental 
 problems of biology; they merely serve to place these problems 
 beyond the reach of scientific investigation. The hj^Dothetical 
 units are themselves organisms with all the essential characteristics 
 of the organisms that we know; they possess a definite constitution, 
 they grow at the expense of nutritive material, they reproduce 
 their kind. In other words, the problems of development, growth, 
 reproduction, and inheritance exist for each of them and the assump- 
 tion of their existence brings us not a step nearer the solution of 
 any of these problems. These theories are nothing more nor less 
 than translations of the phenomena of life as we know them into 
 terms of the activity of multitudes of invisible hypothetical or- 
 ganisms, and therefore contribute nothing in the way of real ad- 
 vance. No valid evidence for the existence of these units exists, 
 but if their existence were to be demonstrated we might well 
 despair of gaining any actual knowledge of life. 
 But these theories possess another fundamental defect in that 
 they do not provide any adequate mechanism for the control 
 and co-ordination or dominance and subordination of the activity 
 of the ultimate units. It is absolutely inconceivable that a mul- 
 titude of these units, such as is assumed to constitute the basis 
 of the cell or the organism, should always in a given species 
 arrange themselves in a perfectly definite manner so as to pro- 
 duce always essentially the same total result. In other words, 
 these theories do not account satisfactorily for the peculiarly con- 
 stant course and character of development and morphogenesis. 
 If we follow them to their logical conclusion, which their authors 
 have not done, we find ourselves forced to assume the existence of 
 some sort of controlling and co-ordinating principle outside the 
 units themselves, and superior to them. If the units constitute the 
 physico-chemical basis of life, as their authors maintain, then this 
 controlling principle, since it is an essential feature of life, must of 
 necessity be something which is not physico-chemical in nature. 
 In short, these theories lead us in the final analysis to the same 
 conclusion as that reached by the neo-vitalists. If we are not 
 content to accept this conclusion we must reject the theories. 
 The development within recent years of the experimental 
 method of investigation and the consequent approach of mor- 
 phology and physiology toward a common ground have accom- 
 plished much in inducing biologists to turn their attention in other 
 directions for interpretation and synthesis of the facts. But the 
 Weismannian germ plasm as an entity distinct from the soma and 
 governed by different laws still plays no small part in interpretation 
 and speculation, and we have heard much of unit characters within 
 the last few years. The chromosomes and their hypothetical 
 constituent elements still serve their purpose as safe repositories 
 of unsolved problems, and doubtless will long continue to do so. 
 And in Rignano's theory of centro-epigenesis ('06) we have a cor- 
 puscular theory in a new dress, but still with the same characteristic 
 But all of these theories and conceptions bear the stamp of the 
 study rather than of the laboratory. Many of them show great 
 ingenuity, but they all fail to show us how the things are done that 
 they assume to be done: they ignore almost entirely the dynamic 
 side of Hfe. At present we can neither prove nor disprove them, 
 for they are entirely beyond the reach of science. No facts can 
 overthrow them, for it is always possible to make the h>'pothetical 
 units behave as the facts demand. But we can at least look in 
 other directions for a more satisfactory basis for interpretation of 
 the facts of observation and experiment and for guidance in our 
 The synthesis in the laboratory of organic substances which 
 began in 1828 with the synthesis of urea by Wohler led to the 
 overthrow of the doctrine of vital force current before that time. 
 The formulation of the law of conservation of energy by Robert 
 Mayer, its establishment by Helmholtz, and its appHcation to 
 organisms by both of these investigators as well as by others, con- 
 tributed still further to the belief that the dynamic processes in 
 organisms, instead of being unique and governed by special laws, 
 are not fundamentally diflferent from those which occur inde- 
 pendently of Ufe. And, finally, the acceptance of the theory of 
 evolution gave a breadth of outlook never before attained, in that 
 it permitted us not only to regard the organic world as one great 
 whole, but also afforded a firm foundation for the belief that the 
 living must have arisen from the lifeless and that the fundamental 
 laws governing both are the same. 
 With the attainment of this point of view the problem of the 
 nature of the processes in the living organism was fully established 
 as a scientific problem. And since it was evident that chemical 
 reactions play a very large part in hfe processes it became essen- 
 tially a chemical problem. From this time on our knowledge of 
 the chemistry of organisms increased rapidly, and certain investi- 
 gators have been so sanguine as to believe that we were on the 
 threshold of the synthesis in the laboratory of living matter. Dur- 
 ing the same period the visible structural basis of life was being 
 studied under the microscope. In 1837-39 the cell theory was 
 formulated by Schleiden and Schwann, and in the half-century 
 following the problems of cellular and protoplasmic structure 
 claimed the attention of biologists to a large extent. 
 These investigations soon made it evident that life is closely 
 associated in some way with the substances which we call proteids. 
 These are found in all organisms and so far as we know nowhere 
 else. Excepting water, they are the chief constituent of the visible 
 substance characteristic of organisms, i.e., protoplasm. It was also 
 demonstrated that life is associated with a complex of chemical 
 activities. Certain substances are taken up by the organism and 
 others are eliminated. Between ingestion and elimination a com- 
 plex series of chemical reactions was found to occur, and the whole 
 process was called metabolism. 
 The conception of the metabolic process and its relation to 
 protoplasm, which was most widely accepted during this period of 
 chemical and morphological investigation in the latter half of the 
 nineteenth century, was that metabolism consisted fundamentally 
 of two parts. Of these one, the anabolic or assimilative process, 
 was in its essential features the recombination and synthesis of the 
 nutritive substances into extremely complex proteid molecules 
 which constituted the "living substance." These proteid mole- 
 cules were regarded as highly labile chemically, or "explosive," so 
 that they were able to respond to stimulation of various kinds by 
 decomposition and the very rapid liberation of energy. The various 
 steps in the decomposition of these living proteid molecules consti- 
 tuted the process of katabolism or dissimilation. Investigation 
 showed that the molecular weight of the proteids was in general 
 very high, and this was believed to indicate very great complexity 
 of the molecules. The highly unstable or labile character of the 
 living proteid was believed to be connected with its great com- 
 plexity. Of course many differences of opinion existed with respect 
 to the details of the process, but the essential feature of this con- 
 ception of the organism is that Ufe consists in the building up and 
 the breaking down of proteid molecules. The energy developed 
 by living forms is the energy contained in these molecules. 
 The necessity for the distinction between living and dead proteid 
 was pointed out by Pfluger ('75), and in later years Verworn ('03) 
 has developed the idea further in his " biogene hypothesis," of which 
 the essential feature is that certain complex labile proteid mole- 
 cules are the biogenes, the "producers of Ufe." These molecules 
 are not necessarily entirely decomposed in metabolism, but the 
 source of energy probably lies in certain chemical groups which 
 break down and are replaced by synthesis from the nutritive sub- 
 stances. According to this hypothesis the dynamic processes in 
 the organism are connected with the breakdown and synthesis of 
 these labile molecules. The molecule is not itself "ahve," but its 
 constitution is the basis of life and life results from the chemical 
 transformations which its lability makes possible. The "living 
 substance" is then not a substance of uniform definite molecular 
 constitution: such a substance would not be alive. It is rather a 
 substance in which some of the labile molecules are continually 
 undergoing transformation, i.e., life itself consists in chemical 
 change, not in chemical constitution. 
 This theory of the organism leaves us very much in the dark on 
 many points. In the first place, most of the proteids as we know 
 them in the laboratory are relatively stable and inert chemically 
 and show no traces of the extreme lability or explosiveness which 
 the theory postulates as their most important characteristic in the 
 living organism. This difficulty was solved theoretically by assum- 
 ing that the lability is a property of living proteids only and dis- 
 appears with death. Death in fact was regarded as resulting from 
 this change from lability to stability. The proteids in vitro are 
 of course dead proteids, therefore we should not expect to find them 
 possessing the property of labihty. This assumed distinction be- 
 tween living and dead substance has the further disadvantage of 
 practically removing the "Hving substance" from the field of 
 investigation, for as soon as we attempt to determine how it differs 
 from dead substance death occurs. 
 Moreover, if death results from change from extreme labihty 
 to relatively high stability we should expect at least many of the 
 proteids of the body to undergo marked changes in appearance and 
 physical properties at the time of death. Some changes of this 
 sort, such as coagulation, do occur, but coagulation does not neces- 
 sarily involve chemical transformation, and in general the visible 
 changes in the proteids with death are not very great. Certainly 
 they are not as great as would be expected if such a profound 
 chemical change occurs. 
 If the energy of the organism is due to the explosive trans- 
 formation of highly labile molecules into more stable conditions 
 and if death also results from a more extreme change of the same 
 sort in the substance of the organism, we should expect to find a 
 very large amount of energy developed at the time of death. If 
 all the living substance changes into dead substance in the course 
 of a few moments or a few hours, or even a few days, what becomes 
 of the energy liberated ? The amount of energy developed by such 
 a change would necessarily be greater than that resulting from the 
 most extreme stimulation which did not kill, for such stimulations 
 are supposed always to leave some part of the hypothetical living 
 substance intact. Such a liberation of energy could scarcely fail 
 to produce profound changes of some sort, either mechanical, 
 electrical, or thermic, but death is not necessarily accompanied by 
 any energetic changes of such magnitude as might be expected to 
 occur according to the hypothesis. 
 How, we must also ask, are we to account for growth on this 
 basis ? What peculiar property of the living substance determines 
 not only that the molecules which break down shall again be built 
 up or replaced, but that other new molecules shall be added? 
 Various highly hypothetical answers have been given to this ques- 
 tion, but the fact remains that so far as we know no similar process 
 exists elsewhere in the world. The growth of crystals has often 
 been compared with that of organisms, but the resemblance is at 
 best only very remote, for growth in the organism is certainly closely 
 associated with chemical reaction of a complex character, while in 
 the crystal it results from a physical relation between like molecules. 
 The solution of the problem of differentiation has scarcely been 
 attempted. It is manifestly closely associated with the metabohc 
 process, but what is the origin and significance of the different 
 kinds of proteid substance and how is their localization at different 
 points of the organism accomplished? If the ''labile" biogene 
 molecules all possess the same constitution, then they must undergo 
 different transformations in different parts of the organism; if 
 they differ in constitution in different parts we must find some 
 basis for the difference. It is an established fact that the basis of 
 differentiation exists within the organism and not in environmental 
 factors: it must then depend in some way upon the labile proteid 
 molecule which according to the hypothesis is the basis of hfe. 
 But it is difficult to understand how such molecules can serve as a 
 foundation for localization and differentiation. 
 If we accept this hypothesis we must after all conclude that the 
 processes in the living organism dift'er very widely from those in 
 the inorganic world, for nowhere except where there is life do we 
 find anything approaching in any degree the synthesis of so com- 
 plex and highly labile a substance as the Hving substance is assumed 
 to be. But even if we should ever succeed in producing in the 
 laboratory a proteid with the degree of labihty postulated for the 
 living substance, it would be likely, in the absence of the delicate 
 mechanism regulating its transformation in the organism, to die 
 or "explode" at once. 
 From this point of view it is also difficult to account for the 
 capacity of organisms to continue alive when subjected to the 
 never-ceasing changes in the world about them. We should 
 scarcely expect such extremely delicate and sensitive mechanisms 
 as these highly labile molecules to withstand the shocks to which 
 organisms in nature are constantly subjected. The facts indicate 
 that organisms have existed continuously for millions of years and 
 during this time have given rise to inconceivable amounts of 
 "living substance." How could such a labile substance ever have 
 persisted long enough in the first instance to form an organism ? 
 The only way in which we can account for these facts without 
 discarding the hypothesis of a highly labile living substance is by 
 the assumption that in some way a part of the energy liberated by 
 the breakdown of these labile molecules must serve for the synthesis 
 of new molecules from the nutritive substances. In other words, 
 the living substance once produced is self-perpetuating, at least 
 within a very wide range of external conditions. But if the abihty 
 to perpetuate itself in this way is a property of the living substance, 
 then it is in this respect also very different from any other sub- 
 stance with which we are acquainted. 
 It appears then that when we analyze this hypothesis of a labile 
 proteid substance which gives rise to the manifestations of life by 
 its chemical transformations we find that it does not help us to 
 any great extent in bridging the gap between the organism and the 
 inorganic world. The self-perpetuating substance or substances 
 which constitute the basis of life remain unique in character. 
 They are highly labile, yet persist under a great variety of con- 
 ditions, and ''die" in most cases without the liberation of any very 
 great amount of energy. During life they regulate their own 
 chemical changes in some way, they determine the formation of 
 new molecules like themselves, and they are responsible somehow 
 for an orderly sequence of differentiation of parts of the organism. 
 Evidently they are very different from other chemical substances, 
 even highly labile ones, with which we are familiar. 
 The numerous difficulties which arise in connection with hy- 
 potheses of this character must at least raise the question whether 
 the point of view on which they are based is fundamentally correct. 
 Is life at bottom simply a complex of chemical reactions or is there 
 some other factor involved which the hypothesis of a labile mole- 
 cule as the basis of life fails to take into account ? In the following 
 sections an attempt is made to answer this question. 
 A few years ago the existence of a living substance as a more or 
 less definite chemical compound was very generally accepted, and 
 only rarely were criticisms and questionings heard.^ 
 ' See for example A. P. Mathews, '99, '05; Driesch, '01 (pp. 140-52). Mathews 
 pointed out that living matter must be a mixture of many substances among which 
 various chemical reactions occur. Driesch denies very posirively the existence of a 
 definite Hving substance, but for him this is merely one point in the argument for the 
 autonomy of vital processes. 
 In his book on the physical chemistry of the cell and tissues, 
 Hober ('11, pp. 553-55) asserts that we have absolutely no grounds 
 for beheving that the metabolic process is based on the lability of a 
 complex organic component of the protoplasm. When we attempt 
 to solve the problems of metabolism with the aid of this hypothetical 
 labile molecule, we find ourselves in a cul de sac from which the 
 only possible way out is retreat. According to Hober, and most 
 authorities now agree with him, there is no kind of proteid essen- 
 tially different from that with which we are familiar in the labora- 
 tory. If proteids are readily broken up in the organism, it is not 
 because in some way they have acquired a peculiar property of 
 lability which they do not possess elsewhere, but for very different 
 reasons; the conditions in the organism are different from those in 
 the test-tube. Hober maintains that the fundamental charac- 
 teristic of the process of metabohsm is to be found in the combined 
 and correlated activity of certain definite substances in certain 
 definite quantitative relations. 
 This conception of metabohsm has gained ground rapidly of 
 late and for various reasons. In the first place, evidence in its 
 favor has been rapidly accumulating, and there is not a shred of 
 experimental evidence in support of the labile molecule hypothesis. 
 It is all the time becoming more evident that life does not consist 
 in any one process nor depend on a particular kind of molecule, 
 but that it is the result of many processes occurring under con- 
 ditions of a certain kind and influencing each other. Moreover, 
 such a conception has a logical advantage over the hypothesis of 
 the labile molecule in that it does not involve assumptions which 
 are outside the range of scientific investigation and which we can 
 therefore never hope to prove or disprove. 
 If we accept this idea we must abandon the assumption of a 
 living substance in the sense of a definite chemical compound. 
 Life is a complex of dynamic processes occurring in a certain field 
 or substratum. Protoplasm, instead of being a peculiar living sub- 
 stance with a peculiar complex morphological structure necessary 
 for life, is on the one hand a colloid product of the chemical reac- 
 tions, and on the other a substratum in which the reactions occur 
 and which influences their course and character both physically and 
 chemically. In short, the organism is a physico-chemical system 
 of a certain kind. 
 One point should perhaps be emphasized. The importance of 
 the proteids for life is no less according to this theory than on the 
 assumption of the labile proteid molecule. But the proteids are 
 physical as well as purely chemical factors in the result. We know 
 also that metabolism is not simply a process of building up and 
 breaking down of proteids, and that the proteids of the protoplasm 
 are only one of the products of the reaction-complex and may or 
 may not play an important chemical role after their formation. 
 Since the investigations of recent years point more and more clearly 
 to some such physico-chemical conception of the organism as 
 this as the only satisfactory working hypothesis, it is necessary 
 to consider certain features of the organism in the light of 
 this conception. 
 The classical investigations of Kossel and Emil Fischer have 
 estabHshed a firm foundation for the belief that the complexity of 
 the proteid molecule is not as great as was formerly believed. The 
 proteids are apparently built up from certain relatively simple 
 chemical compounds, the amino-acids and their derivatives, to- 
 gether with certain other substances, and the proteid molecule, 
 though very large, apparently consists essentially of a number of 
 these components linked together. Of course such a constitution 
 affords the possibility of a very great variety of chemical reactions, 
 but it does not afford a basis for the assumption of extreme labiHty 
 in the proteids of the living organism. On the contrary the results 
 of chemical as well as of morphological investigation indicate that 
 at least many of the proteids are relatively stable in the living 
 organism as well as in the test-tube. 
 The proteids exist in the colloid condition. Graham ('6i) 
 distinguished two groups of substances, the colloids and crystal- 
 loids, and although we now know that no sharp distinction exists 
 between the two groups and that any substance may, at least 
 theoretically, exist in the colloid condition, certain substances 
 usually appear as colloids and others as crystalloids. In general 
 the more complex the constitution of a substance the more likely 
 it is to exist in the colloid condition. 
 The colloids are disperse heterogeneous systems, i.e., they 
 consist essentially of particles larger than molecules of a substance 
 or substances in a medium of dispersion which may be water or 
 some other fluid. In the colloid solution, or "sol," the particles 
 are suspended and separated from each other by the medium, 
 while in the coagulated condition, or "gel," they are more or less 
 aggregated. As regards the size of the particles, the colloid may 
 range from a suspension or emulsion in which the particles are 
 visible to the naked eye to the molecular true solution at the oppo- 
 site extreme. The colloids are usually divided into two groups, 
 the suspensoids, in which the particles are solid, and the emul- 
 soids, in which they are fluid or, more properly, contain a high per- 
 centage of fluid. 
 The suspensoids are comparatively unstable as regards the 
 colloid condition, are readily precipitated or coagulated by salts, 
 carry a constant electric charge of definite sign, are not viscous, 
 usually do not swell, do not show a lower surface tension than the 
 pure medium of dispersion, and are mostly only slightly reversible. 
 The emulsoids, however, are comparatively stable as colloids, 
 less readily coagulated by salts, may become either positively or 
 negatively charged, are usually viscous and possess a lower surface 
 tension than the medium of dispersion, form membranes at their 
 limiting surfaces, and are reversible to a high degree.' 
 Most of the organic colloids together with some other sub- 
 stances belong to the second group, the emulsoids, and it is demon- 
 strated beyond a doubt that many of the characteristic features of 
 living organisms are due to the presence of a substratum composed 
 of these colloids. The viscosity, the reversible changes in aggre- 
 gate condition through all gradations from sol to gel and back 
 again, the ability to take up water and swell, and the formation of 
 membranes as well as the other properties are of great significance 
 ' Books on colloids are rapidly becoming numerous. See for example Freund- 
 lich, '09, and Wolfgang Ostwald, '12, as general works on the subject. Bcchhold, 
 '12, Hober, '11, and Zanger, '08, consider the significance of the colloids for the living 
 for the phenomena of Hfe. The organic colloids are chiefly proteid 
 or fatty in nature, and the present state of our knowledge indicates 
 that the properties of these substances as colloids are no less im- 
 portant for the living organism than their chemical constitution. 
 In every living organism known to us the chemical processes 
 of metaboHsm take place in a complex colloid field or substratum, 
 and many of the pecuharities of the metabolic processes are unques- 
 tionably due to this fact. Within recent years the significance of 
 colloids for the phenomena of life has been pointed out again and 
 again. Bechhold in his recent book ('12) goes so far as to assert 
 that Ufe is inconceivable except in a colloid system. Doubtless 
 " colloid chemistry" is at present the fashion, but it is also true that 
 this fashion has a certain justification. The study of the behavior 
 and properties of colloids has thrown new light, not only on many 
 problems of chemistry and physics, but on many problems of biology 
 as well. Attention may briefly be called to a few of these biological 
 The problems of localization and morphogenesis assimie a new 
 form in the light of our knowledge of colloids. In the course of 
 development of the organism certain processes become localized 
 at certain points and morphological structure and differentiation 
 result. The visible basis of morphogenesis is the protoplasm, and 
 in it the structural features arise. The definiteness and persistence 
 of organic structure in a substance like protoplasm which presents 
 all conditions between a concentrated and a very dilute gel or a sol 
 has always presented many difficulties, and the problem is at 
 present by no means solved. The attempt has been made repeat- 
 edly to find in the process of crystallization and the definiteness of 
 form in the crystal a basis for organic form and structure, but with- 
 out any very satisfactory results. The resemblance between the 
 physical process of crystalhzation in a substance of uniform consti- 
 tution and the development of form and structure in connection 
 with chemical reaction in the complex organism is certainly not 
 very close. 
 Under proper conditions it is possible to produce more or less 
 definite forms by means of chemical reaction, but in all such cases 
 we find that the form is not directly dependent upon the reaction 
 but upon particular osmotic or other physical conditions which are 
 present in the experiment. Structures so produced are often 
 evanescent and disappear as the conditions in the medium change, 
 for the chemical processes do not remain localized in the ordinary- 
 media of chemical reaction, though where the substance of the 
 structure is insoluble they may persist. 
 Within recent years it has been shown that the production of 
 form and structure in connection with chemical reaction is much 
 more readily accomplished when the reaction occurs in the presence 
 of colloids. The colloids in such cases are not necessarily involved 
 in the chemical reaction in any way, but act primarily as a physical 
 substratum in which the reaction occurs. By altering the course 
 and rate of diffusion they serve to establish or maintain differences 
 of concentration; in consequence of the great amount of surface of 
 the colloid particles adsorption may play an important part, and 
 the formation of membranes may also affect the course of the re- 
 action. The effect of the colloid as a localizing factor, as a means 
 of producing form and structure, is greater in the gel than in the 
 sol state of aggregation.^ 
 Many have not been slow to call attention to the resemblance 
 between form and structure thus produced and organic form and 
 structure, and more or less adventurous hypotheses of the nature 
 of life have been one result of such researches. On the other hand, 
 many biologists have been inclined to regard experimentation of 
 this sort as of little value for the problem of morphogenesis, but 
 this attitude seems to arise in part from a misconception. The most 
 important point in connection with such experiments is not the 
 resemblance between the forms and structures produced and those 
 of living organisms. Actually of course the resemblances are in 
 many cases very remote and superficial and of minor importance. 
 But the fact that morphological form and structure can be made 
 to arise in such physico-chemical systems is of great importance 
 for biology, for it affords at least a basis for the scientific investiga- 
 tion and interpretation of morphogenesis in the organism. Earlier 
 attempts to formulate theories of morphogenesis have consisted in 
 ' Examples of investigation along this line are the work of Leduc, '08, '09a, 'ogb, 
 '10; Liesegang, '09, '11, '14, and other earlier papers, and Kuster, '13. 
 most cases simply in the postulation of a complex invisible morpho- 
 logical structure of one kind or another as the basis of the visible 
 structure which develops ; with such theories the problem of struc- 
 ture remains and is less accessible than before. 
 The experiments mentioned above demonstrate that such a com- 
 plex invisible structure is quite unnecessary as a basis for visible 
 morphogenesis. In the case of many of the artificial structures the 
 determining conditions are not at all complex and the process is 
 readily analyzed. It is certainly not too much to say that these 
 experiments in the production of form constitute a real and impor- 
 tant step toward the solution of the problem of organic morpho- 
 genesis. From them we can at least see the possibility and even 
 the probability of reducing the problem of structure to other and 
 simpler terms, that is to say, terms of dynamic processes, and that 
 must be reckoned as no slight advance. 
 But the colloid substratum in the organism is of importance in 
 many other ways. The capacity of many of the organic colloids 
 for taking up water is of very great importance in determining and 
 maintaining- the water content of organisms. A certain water 
 content is indispensable for the normal activity of every organism 
 and every part. We know, moreover, that various inorganic 
 substances alter the capacity of colloids to take up or hold water 
 and evidence is rapidly accumulating that many normal and patho- 
 logical variations in water-content are at least in part determined 
 by changes in the colloids which in turn result from changes in the 
 content of certain inorganic salts and other substances. 
 The content and distribution of the salts themselves is also 
 influenced by the colloids. Changes in the colloids alter the salt- 
 content, as regards either amount or kind. The permeabiUty of 
 colloid membranes to the ions of salts and other substances and the 
 changes which they undergo with changes in conditions is beheved 
 by many to be of great importance for many of the processes of 
 life. Authorities are not fully agreed as to the part played by 
 colloid surface membranes in organisms. While the theory of semi- 
 permeable membranes and of changes in permeabihty has been 
 very widely accepted, there are some facts which indicate that 
 other factors besides membranes are concerned in the penetration 
 of substances, and that differences in the aggregate condition of 
 different parts are important factors in the process. 
 But even if membranes play the important part which the 
 membrane theory assigns to them, there is no general agreement as 
 to the nature of the conditions which determine permeability, 
 semi-permeabiUty, and impermeability. Some maintain that these 
 properties of membranes depend upon their chemical constitution, 
 and that most substances to enter the cell must combine chemically 
 with the substance of the membrane. Others believe that the 
 entrance of substances into the cell is a matter of solubility in the 
 membrane-substance. According to the famihar theory of Overton 
 and Meyer, the chief constituents of the cell membrane are lipoids, 
 and the passage of at least many substances depends on their 
 solubihty in these lipoids. There is, however, considerable evi- 
 dence against this view that lipoids are in all cases the chief or only 
 factors concerned. Still another hypothesis is that the selective 
 capacity of the membrane depends in one way or another upon 
 its colloid condition. It may well be that many different factors 
 are involved in the permeabihty of membranes in living organisms, 
 but it seems certain that whatever the nature of these factors may 
 prove to be, the pecuHarities of the so-called living substance in 
 this respect are very closely connected with its colloid condition. 
 And when we recall the slight diffusibihty of colloids through each 
 other, it becomes evident that the colloid condition of the sub- 
 stratum is an important factor in determining the accumulation 
 and localization of colloids themselves. 
 It has been shown that various inorganic colloids, such for 
 example as colloid platinum, resemble to some extent in their action 
 as catalyzers the enzymes or ferments of the organism. All the 
 known organic enzymes are apparently colloids, and while there is 
 still difference of opinion as to the nature of their action, yet the 
 resemblance between them and inorganic catalyzers is at least 
 highly suggestive.' We know that enzymes are absolutely essential 
 factors in the processes of life, and if enzyme action is in any way 
 associated with the colloid condition the significance of this con- 
 dition for organic life will be still further demonstrated. 
 ' See Bredig, '01; Hober, '11, pp. 553-614. 
 kJit fl I 1^1^ A ^1 
 The transmission of stimuli in living tissues is also very com- 
 monly regarded as dependent in some way upon the colloid con- 
 dition, although here again there are differences of opinion as to 
 the exact nature of the process. 
 Our knowledge of the colloids and particularly of the organic 
 colloids is far from complete; undoubtedly the future will clear up 
 many points which are now obscure, but even now it is clear that 
 the colloid substratum in which the chemical reactions of metab- 
 olism occur is an essential factor in making the phenomena of hfe 
 what they are. Bechhold ('12), referring to the possibihty of Hfe 
 on other planets, asserts that whatever the substances may be which 
 make up such organisms they must be colloids. In fact, the more 
 we know concerning colloids the less possible it becomes to con- 
 ceive of anything similar to what we regard as Ufe apart from them. 
 Whatever else it may be, it seems certain that the organism is a 
 colloid system. From this point of view our definition of a living 
 organism must be somewhat as follows: A Uving organism is a 
 specific complex of dynamic changes occurring in a specific colloid 
 substratum which is itself a product of such changes and which 
 influences their course and character and is altered by them. 
 The definition of the organism given above leads us to very 
 definite conclusions concerning the relation between structure and 
 The dynamic processes which occur in organisms do not and 
 cannot constitute hfe in the absence of the colloid substratum, nor 
 is the colloid substratum ahve without the dynamic processes. 
 But since the colloids characteristic of the organism are among the 
 products of the dynamic processes, it is also evident that the pro- 
 cesses cannot go on in their entirety without producing the colloid 
 substratum. In other words, neither structure nor function is 
 conceivable except in relation to each other. 
 The beginning of life is to be sought neither in a particular 
 complex of chemical reactions nor in a special morphological struc- 
 ture. Both the reactions and the colloid substratum are necessary 
 for life. But since the substratum is formed in the course of the 
 reactions, it is evident that the association between the reaction- 
 complex and the substratum must continue as long as the reaction- 
 complex continues. It is probable that if we could duplicate the 
 reaction-complex in the laboratory it would be impossible to 
 designate any particular point in the process as the point where 
 life begins. Life is not any particular reaction nor any particular 
 substance, but a great system of processes and substances. Struc- 
 ture and function are then indissociable. And yet in the broad 
 sense function produces structure and structure modifies function. 
 At first glance it may appear that this relation is quite unique, that 
 nothing like it exists in the inorganic world. As a matter of fact, 
 however, the same relation exists everywhere in dynamic systems 
 in nature. 
 Various authors have from time to time compared the organism 
 with one or another inorganic system. Roux ('05), for example, 
 has carried out in some detail the comparison between the organism 
 and the flame. Although this analogy contains much that is valu- 
 able, especially on the chemical side, it is imperfect morphologically 
 because the morphology of the flame is much less stable and per- 
 sistent than that of the organism. Some years ago (Child, '11) I 
 found the analogy between the organism and a flowing stream I 
 useful for purposes of illustration. While as regards metabolism j 
 the river is much more widely different from the organism than 
 the flame, yet as regards the relation between structure and func- ^ 
 tion there are certain resemblances between the two which are of 
 value for the present purpose. Such analogies serve merely to 
 call attention to certain points. The flow of water — the current 
 of the stream — -is the dynamic process and is comparable in a \ 
 general way to the current of chemical energy flowing through the 
 organism. On the other hand, the banks and bed of the stream 
 represent the morphological features. Wherever such a system 
 exists, certain characteristic developmental changes occur which, 
 though much less definite and fixed in localization and character 
 than in the organism, are nevertheless of such a nature that we 
 can predict and control them. 
 Neither water alone nor the banks and bed alone constitute 
 the system which we call a river; and in nature the banks and bed 
 and the current have been associated from the beginning. Here 
 also structure and function are connected as in the organism: the 
 configuration of the channel modifies the intensity and course of 
 the current and the current in turn modifies the morphology of 
 the channel by deposition at one point, giving rise to structures 
 such as bars, islands, flats, and by erosion at another. And besides 
 this, the river possesses a considerable capacity for self-regulation. 
 Where the channel is narrower the rate of flow is higher, and vice 
 versa. A dam raises the level until equiUbration results and the 
 flow continues. It is of course true that only in the lower reaches 
 does the river resemble the organism in the accumulation of 
 structural material: over most of its course it is primarily an 
 erosive agency. It does, however, exhibit what we may call a 
 physical metabolism on which its morphogenesis depends. The 
 current carries certain materials and the character of these differs 
 with the current. When the energy of the current is no longer 
 able to carry them they are deposited and take part in the building 
 up of structure. Certain materials are more readily carried by 
 the stream than others, and these may be eliminated from the river 
 and take no part in its morphogenesis. 
 But the most important point for present purposes is that in 
 the river, as in the organism, structure and function are indis- 
 sociable and react upon each other. From the moment the current 
 begins to flow it is a constructing agent, i.e., it determines form 
 along its channel, and from the same moment the structure already 
 existing affects the flow of the current. It is evident then that the 
 relation between structure and function in the living organism is 
 not fundamentally different from that in the flowing stream. 
 Structure and function are indissociable and mutually determining 
 as long as the river exists and the organism lives. In a very inter- 
 esting series of papers Warburg' has recently demonstrated the 
 close interrelation between function and structure for the oxidation 
 processes and the fundamental structure of the cell, the occur- 
 rence of the oxidations being very directly dependent upon the 
 existence of the cell structure. 
 'Warburg, '12a, '126, '13, '14a, '14b. 
 The living organism has often been compared to a machine made 
 by man, such as the steam engine, which converts a part of the 
 energy of the fuel into function as the organism transforms the 
 energy of nutrition into functional activity. This analogy is a 
 very imperfect one, for in the steam engine and in all other machines 
 constructed by man structure and function are separable. More- 
 over, the man-made machine does not construct itself by its func- 
 tional activity, but is completely passive as regards its construction, 
 being built up by an agent external to itself for a definite purpose, 
 and being unable to function until its structure is completed. The 
 organism, on the other hand, functions from the beginning and con- 
 structs itself by its own functional activity; and the structure 
 already present at any given time is a factor in determining the 
 function, and the function at any given time is a factor in determin- 
 ing the future structure. The organism is then a very different 
 thing from a man-made machine, and comparisons between the 
 two are likely to lead to incorrect conclusions concerning the organ- 
 ism. The machine corresponds more closely to a fully developed 
 morphological part of the organism which constitutes a definite 
 functional mechanism. But the structure and function of such a 
 part give us no conception of the organism as a whole and of its 
 action as a constructive and activating agent. 
 The comparison between the living organism and the man- 
 made machine completely ignores the relation between structure 
 and function in the former. And any conception of the organism 
 which does not take into account its ability to construct its owti 
 mechanism is very far from adequate. The whole living organism 
 may be compared with the machine plus the constructing and 
 activating agent, the intelligence that makes and runs it. It ma>- 
 appear at first glance that this view leads necessarily to the assump- 
 tion that an intelligence more or less Uke that of man is concerned 
 in the development of every organism. This, however, is far from 
 being the case. In the broad sense, the man building and running 
 a machine is an organism constructing a part with a detinite func- 
 tional mechanism which functions under the control of the whole. 
 If intelligence is a function of the human or any other organism, 
 then the same laws must hold for its activity as for that of organisms 
 in general. The facts show clearly enough that different degrees 
 of intelligence exist in different organisms, and we cannot deny 
 that even the simple organisms show something remotely akin 
 to intelligence. On the other hand, many of the supposed funda- 
 mental differences between the organism and the inorganic world 
 have disappeared in the light of scientific investigation. But 
 even supposing that we shall some day demonstrate the essential 
 unity of the universe from the simplest inorganic system to the 
 highest organism, when that is done there is no reason to believe 
 that the real problem of teleology will be eliminated ; it will doubt- 
 less still be before us as a problem concerned, not with any single 
 group of organisms, nor with all organisms, but with the world as a 
 whole. In other words, on the basis of such a conception there is 
 not merely an analogy but a fundamental similarity between the 
 river with its current and channel, the organism constructing itself 
 by its own functional activity, and the man constructing and 
 running a machine. And this remains true whatever the final 
 solution of the teleological problem. 
 But as the complex structure of the human organism and also 
 the machine which it has constructed have constituted essential 
 factors in the development of human intelligence, so also in other 
 organisms the approach to anything hke intelligence in the broadest 
 sense is manifestly associated with the development of structure. 
 The more complex the structure, particularly of the nervous sys- 
 tem, the closer the approach to intelligence. This is again merely 
 a special case under the general relation between structure and 
 function: the more complex the structure the greater the possi- 
 bihties of function. Moreover, even in man a very complex 
 structure is developed before we can find any evidence of intelli- 
 gence. In short, all the evidence along this line indicates that 
 anything which we are able to recognize as intelhgence is not a 
 primary function of the organism, but one which becomes apparent 
 only in a highly complex structure. Just as clearly does the evi- 
 dence indicate that there is no real break in the series between the 
 simplest morphogenetic activity of the organism and the man 
 building and controlling the machine. But because the man builds 
 and runs the machine with a definite purpose in mind, it does not 
 at all follow that a similar idea of purpose underlies morphogenesis, 
 even though the dynamic processes may be more or less similar in 
 both cases. The foundations from which purposive action arises 
 must be sought in the constitution of the world in general, but it 
 does not follow that purposive action is everywhere present. 
 The various attempts made within recent years to interpret 
 the organism in terms of memory (Semon, '04), behavior (Schultz, 
 '10, '12), entelechy (Driesch, '08), or other more or less psycho- 
 logical or teleological terms, are interesting to every biologist, if 
 only as indications of a reaction from theories current a few years 
 ago, but they rather obscure than illuminate the problem. More- 
 over, purposive action and intelligence in various degrees of com- 
 plexity are all features of organic Hfe, but any attempt to show 
 that they are fundamental or universal features is, to say the least, 
 premature and merely a matter of personal opinion. The close 
 association between complexity of structure and complexity of 
 behavior in organisms should lead us to search for terms common 
 to both, rather than to attempt to translate either into terms of 
 the other. 
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 Definitions of growth and reduction. — One of the most charac- 
 teristic and striking features of the living organism is its abihty to 
 add to its own substance. In most organisms an enormous increase 
 in size and weight occurs during the earher part of the life cycle. 
 This is commonly known as growth. But different authorities are 
 not entirely agreed as to what constitutes growth. The differ- 
 ences of opinion seem to center chiefly about the question whether 
 growth consists simply in increase in size, or whether change in 
 form is the essential feature. Davenport/ following Huxley and 
 others, defines organic growth as increase in volume. The plant 
 physiologist Pfeffer ('oi), on the other hand, says that in general 
 all formative processes which lead to a permanent change of form 
 are to be regarded as growth. Most authorities have regarded the 
 addition of material, or of certain kinds of material, or the increase 
 in size as the essential feature of growth. To make change of form 
 the basis of growth is certainly a wide departure from the com- 
 monly accepted meaning of the word, and also fails, I think, to 
 recognize the significance of accumulation of material in the organ- 
 ism. Increase in size or the addition of material may occur without 
 appreciable change in form, and change in form may occur without 
 increase in size or amount of material, and most of those who 
 have attempted to define growth have recognized this fact. The 
 capacity of the organism to add to its own substance and to in- 
 crease in size is evidently closely connected with the fundamental 
 processes of metaboHsm, and even organisms which do not undergo 
 appreciable changes of form do nevertheless grow in the usual 
 sense of the word. 
 But any consideration of the problem of growth which does 
 not take into account the process of reduction is incomplete. Under 
 the usual conditions of existence the healthy active organism is not 
 I In Davenport's Experimental Morphology ('97, pp. 281-82) a number of the 
 definitions of growth which have been given are cited. 
 only adding new material, but is at the same time breaking down 
 and eliminating material previously accumulated. The total 
 result as regards size or bulk is simply the difference between the 
 two processes. Some of the substances accumulated within the 
 organism break down less rapidly than others, but even such sub- 
 stances may be more or less completely removed. In the more 
 complex organisms also some of the substances of the substratum 
 are apparently more stable, i.e., inactive chemically, under physio- 
 logical conditions, and the processes of breakdown are therefore 
 less conspicuous as a factor in the total result than in the simpler 
 forms. Under conditions where the breakdown of material over- 
 balances the increment, as for example in starvation, the higher 
 organisms soon die with a considerable portion of their substance 
 intact, but in many of the simpler forms the material previously 
 accumulated serves to a large extent as a source of energy and the 
 organism remains alive and active, but undergoes reduction until 
 it represents only a minute fraction of its original size. Various 
 species of the flatworm Planaria may undergo reduction from 
 a length of twenty-five or thirty millimeters (Fig. i) to a length 
 of three or four millimeters (Fig. 2) with a corresponding change 
 in other proportions before they die, and many others among 
 the simpler organisms are capable of undergoing great reduc- 
 tion without death. Since the addition of material and 
 increase in size play a much more conspicuous part in the life of 
 organisms in nature, and particularly in the higher organisms, 
 than do the reductional processes, it has come about that the term 
 growth has usually been applied to the incremental, or productive, 
 factors, and the significance of reduction in the life cycle has 
 scarcely been considered. 
 Various authors have laid stress upon the permanency of the 
 changes involved in growth. As a matter of fact, these changes 
 are not necessarily permanent, although they are more stable in 
 the higher than in the lower organisms. To say that growth con- 
 sists in permanent increase in volume or change of form is to ignore 
 entirely the phenomena of reduction which are, it is true, most 
 striking in the lower organisms, but which may occur to some 
 extent in all. 
 Figs, i, 2. — Planaria 
 dorolocephala: Fig. i, a 
 well-fed animal 25 mm. in 
 length; Fig. 2, an animal 
 reduced by starvation from 
 25 to 4 mm. 
 Logically our definition of growth might well 
 include both positive and negative growth, or 
 production and reduction, but since the word 
 growth has come to be so generally associated 
 with an increase in substance it is perhaps 
 inadvisable to attempt to change its meaning. 
 We may then retain the word growth for posi- 
 tive growth or production, and use the term 
 reduction for negative growth. But in so doing 
 we must not forget that both these processes 
 are in the broad sense, though not necessarily in 
 the chemical sense, reversible, and that any 
 adequate conception of the relation between 
 the substratum and the dynamic processes in 
 the organism must be based, not on growth 
 alone, but upon both growth and reduction. 
 In other words, the activity of the organism 
 may either increase or decrease the amount of 
 its substance according to conditions. 
 The question has often been raised whether 
 the increase in the water-content of the organism 
 is to be regarded as growth, or only the increase 
 in the structural substance. Some definitions 
 of growth have taken the one view, some the 
 other, but if water is included among the sub- 
 stances concerned in growth we have then 
 to determine whether increase in water- 
 content is in all cases to be regarded as 
 growth, or whether we shall make a dis- 
 tinction between growth and passive dis- 
 tension due to external factors. Here 
 again views differ. As a matter of fact, 
 various investigators have shown that the 
 imbibition of water is a very characteristic 
 feature during at least certain stages of 
 what we are accustomed to call growth: 
 on the other hand, loss of water is a 
 characteristic feature of certain other stages of the life cycle. 
 Moreover, there is evidence that water is produced by chemical 
 action in the organism (Babcock, '12), and it is a familiar fact 
 that water is absolutely essential to life. 
 But an adequate definition of organic growth must also take 
 account of the fact that it is a process of the living organism. A 
 passive distension of the organism or any part of it by water 
 or other substances, or a passive loss of water, is not properly 
 growth or reduction, because it is not due to the activity of the 
 organism or part. 
 If we admit then, first, that organic growth and reduction con- 
 sist essentially in changes in the amount of substance, secondly, 
 that water as well as other substances may be involved in growth, 
 and thirdly, that growth is a process of the hving organism, our 
 definitions of growth and reduction must read somewhat as follows: 
 organic growth is an increase, organic reduction a decrease, in the 
 amount of the substance of a Hving organism or part, resulting 
 directly or indirectly from its specific metabohc activity. This 
 definition does not any more than others avoid all difficulties, for 
 sharp lines of distinction do not necessarily exist in natural phe- 
 nomena. Whether we call a certain process growth or not must 
 often depend upon whether we are considering the whole organism 
 or a part; moreover, it is impossible to separate the activity of the 
 organism completely from external factors. 
 Although growth in its simplest terms consists in large measure 
 in the synthesis of proteid molecules, it is evident that growth is 
 not always the same chemical process. Under different conditions 
 different proteid molecules may be formed, and very often growth 
 results from the synthesis of various substances other than proteids. 
 Recent investigations seem to indicate that from the point of view 
 of nutrition growth in recovery from starvation is not the same as 
 developmental growth with continuous feeding and that growth in 
 adult life is not the same as growth during youth.' Doubtless 
 many other differences will appear as investigation proceeds, but 
 there seems at present to be no adequate reason for limiting the 
 ' See the papers by Osborne and Mendel, in the references appended to chap, xi, 
 particularly the recent general discussion of the subject by Mendel ('14)- 
 term growth to one or the other of the particular processes as some 
 authors incline to do. Growth results primarily from the ability 
 of the cell to synthesize certain substances which, once formed, 
 remain as relatively permanent constituents of the cell. Under 
 different conditions the nutritive substances necessary, the course 
 of synthesis, and the substances formed must differ widely, but 
 growth is a complex organic process rather than this or that par- 
 ticular chemical reaction. 
 The nature of growth and reduction. — The question why the 
 organism grows is one of great interest, and while we cannot at 
 present answer it fully, we can at least reach certain provisional 
 conclusions. On the basis of the chemical hypothesis of the labile 
 proteid molecule, growth remains a mystery. We cannot conceive 
 how these labile molecules are able to build up others hke them- 
 selves. Reduction, however, is readily enough accounted for 
 as the result of breakdown of the labile molecules. But if we 
 regard the organism as a complex of reactions in a colloid sub- 
 stratum, the problem of growth assumes a different form and is 
 open to attack. Certain aspects of the problem require brief con- 
 sideration from this point of view. 
 The reversibihty of the growth process leads us at once to ask 
 whether or to what extent reversible chemical reactions are con- 
 cerned. If we could regard growth and reduction as the two 
 terms of a reversible chemical reaction it would simphfy our con- 
 ceptions very greatly. Unfortunately, however, this seems to be 
 impossible. Reversible chemical reactions are undoubtedly con- 
 cerned in the synthesis and breakdown of the various molecules 
 which make up protoplasm, but the growth-reduction process is 
 something more than such a reaction. Apparently the course of 
 synthesis and of breakdown and the character of the end products 
 may differ widely. Many or all of the component reactions in 
 growth and reduction may be reversible, but it does not by any 
 means follow that reduction is a reversal in the chemical sense of 
 growth. During a considerable part of Hfe under the usual condi- 
 tions the synthesis of certain substances overbalances their break- 
 down, they accumulate in the organism, and growth occurs. 
 Evidently conditions in the organism are such that certain sub- 
 stances once formed are not as readily or as rapidly decomposed 
 and eliminated. 
 It is evident that synthesis of proteid molecules is a factor of 
 great importance in growth, since proteids form the chief constitu- 
 ents of protoplasm, but there is no reason to believe, as various 
 authorities have maintained, that the metabolic process consists 
 wholly or chiefly in the synthesis and decomposition of proteid 
 molecules. All the facts indicate that much of the energy of the 
 organism comes from substances other than proteids, and that pro- 
 teid synthesis is only one of many chemical transformations occur- 
 ring in the organism. 
 Moreover, according to physico-chemical laws, the accumulation 
 of colloids and other substances as a substratum in the organism or 
 in the cell must depend upon what we may call their physiological 
 stability. A physiologically stable substance is one which, when 
 once formed, cannot readily escape from the living cell or organism 
 under the existing conditions, unless it undergoes chemical change, 
 and which, under the usual physiological conditions, does not under- 
 go this change or undergoes it less readily than other substances. 
 Physiological stability depends then, not only on the constitution 
 of the substance concerned, but also and probably to a large extent 
 on the conditions to which it is subjected. Different substances 
 differ in stability under the same conditions, and the same substance 
 may differ very greatly in stability under different conditions. 
 Moreover, physiological stabihty does not necessarily imply com- 
 plete chemical stabihty. There is good reason to believe that 
 many substances in the cell are undergoing more or less continuous 
 partial chemical breakdown and reconstitution, but so long as they 
 do not undergo complete breakdown and elimination they consti- 
 tute parts of the cell which are relatively stable physiologically. 
 In most plants, for example, proteid molecules once formed never 
 undergo decomposition to the point where the nitrogen which they 
 contain is ehminated in any form, yet there can be no doubt that 
 these proteids, or some of them, take part in the chemical reactions 
 within the cell and that their molecules are often partially decom- 
 posed and reconstituted. They are then physiologically, though 
 not necessarily chemically, stable constituents of the plant cell. 
 The visible substratum of the organism, i.e., the protoplasm, 
 must consist fundamentally of such physiologically stable sub- 
 stances, for if this were not the case we should have merely a system 
 of chemical reactions, and no permanency of form or structure 
 could exist. Theoretically, at least, a distinction must be made 
 between the substratum of the cell or organism and the substances 
 which are decomposed and eliminated and which constitute the 
 source of energy. Practically, however, such a distinction cannot 
 be clearly made in most cases, for physiological stability is relative 
 rather than ^.bsolute and it is impossible to say in a given case to 
 what extent the substratum is itself involved in the chemical re- 
 actions. Still it is evident that the substances which accumulate 
 within the cell under given conditions as its visible or structural 
 substratum must be in general and under the existing conditions 
 less subject to decomposition into ehminable form than those sub- 
 stances which undergo breakdown and elimination. 
 The organic colloids are in general physiologically stable sub- 
 stances. When once formed within the cells they do not diffuse 
 readily and cannot ordinarily escape except as they are decomposed 
 into eliminable substances. We know from studies of the metabo- 
 lism of the higher animals and from the amount of nitrogen- 
 containing food which is necessary for maintenance that in these 
 forms at least the breakdown of proteid molecules into completely 
 eliminable form constitutes only a fraction of the metabolic process 
 at any given time. Moreover, some of the nitrogenous substances 
 excreted may come from proteids of the food which have been 
 decomposed without forming a part of the substratum of the cells. 
 Undoubtedly also many chemical changes occur in the colloid 
 substratum which involve merely the transformation or exchange 
 of certain chemical groups and not the complete disruption of the 
 molecule. Chemical changes of this sort do not necessarily involve 
 the disintegration of the substratum as a whole, and it is probable 
 that cellular structures are often the seat of such changes without 
 undergoing any conspicuous morphological change. 
 The fact that emulsoid colloids and particularly proteids are 
 the fundamental constituents of the substratum of living organisms 
 is a necessary consequence, first, of the formation of these substances 
 in the course of the reactions which constitute metaboHsm, and, 
 secondly, of their physico-chemical properties. The substratum 
 once formed in the course of chemical reactions affords a basis for 
 the continuation of the reactions and for the further addition of 
 colloids. So far as the metabolic reactions are enzyme reactions, 
 the structural substratum of the organism must consist of the sub- 
 stances which for one reason or another are less susceptible to 
 enzyme action than other substances which are transformed without 
 forming a part of the structure. 
 According to this view the colloid substratum and the morpho- 
 logical structure of the organism represent, so to speak, the sedi- 
 ment from the metabolic process. They are, in short, by-products 
 of the reactions which do not readily escape from the cell unless 
 they undergo decomposition and which are relatively stable. 
 Therefore they must constitute the more permanent constituents 
 of the cell and appear as a visible substratum or more or less perma- 
 nent structure of some sort. The constitution of the structural 
 substratum developed in different organisms differs because the 
 metabolic processes and the substratum already existing at the 
 beginning of development differ. The visible organism is then 
 the sediment left behind by the metabolic current: it consists of 
 the substances which the current is unable to carry farther. It does 
 not represent life any more than the sand-bar represents the river; 
 it is simply a product of past activity which may influence future 
 activity. Sixty years ago Huxley said concerning the cells: '' They 
 are no more the producers of the vital phenomena than the shells 
 scattered along the sea-beach are the instruments by which the 
 gravitative force of the moon acts upon the ocean. Like these, 
 the cells mark only where the vital tides have been and how they 
 have acted" (Huxley, '53). And yet since Huxley's words were 
 written how many attempts have been made either to show that 
 this or that structural element of the organism represents some- 
 thing fundamental to life or to translate the phenomena of life 
 into terms of an invisible hypothetical structure! 
 The visible structural features of the organic substratum possess 
 very different degrees of stability: some are evanescent, while 
 others persist throughout the life of the cell in which they arise. 
 This is true, not only as regards the different structures in a cell, 
 but also as regards different cells of an organism, and the cells of 
 different organisms. Many of the more or less evanescent struc- 
 tural appearances in protoplasm are perhaps nothing more than 
 visible indications of differences in the aggregations of the colloid. 
 The more highly aggregated portions, which form more or less 
 dense colloid gels, appear as more or less definite structures, the less 
 aggregated portions as indefinitely granular, alveolar, or fluid. But 
 even in such cases the denser portions of the protoplasm are probably 
 for the time being less subject to chemical change than the more 
 fluid portions because of their physical condition. It is evident, 
 however, that many of the more permanent structural features 
 result from the accumulation in the cell of specific substances 
 which possess a relatively high degree of physiological stability 
 under the existing conditions. But there is little doubt that in at 
 least most organic structures which are not mere inclosures in the 
 protoplasm or extra-cellular secretions a greater or less degree of 
 chemical breakdown, of degradation of the structural substance, is 
 more or less constantly occurring while life continues. In some 
 cases this may be very slight in amount or may involve only certain 
 components, in others it may involve the whole structural basis 
 of the organ or organism. When the conditions are such that the 
 new material added exceeds in amount that undergoing breakdown, 
 growth occurs, but when the rate of breakdown exceeds that of 
 accumulation, reduction is the result. 
 According to the theory of the labile proteid molecule, func- 
 tional activity results primarily from the breakdown of the struc- 
 tural substratum itself, or at least of its proteid constituents. 
 But if the substratum consists of comparatively stable by-products 
 of metaboHsm, as the facts seem to indicate, then it is clear that 
 the energy of functional activity must ordinarily come chiefly from 
 other sources, i.e., from the breakdown of other substances which 
 do not constitute an essential structural part of the protoplasm. 
 Under the usual conditions the structural substratum is probably 
 to a large extent a field in which the reactions occur rather than 
 the reacting substance or substances, but in the absence of other 
 nutritive substances, i.e., in starvation, it may itself become the 
 chief source of energy, especially in the lower animals. As already 
 pointed out, different constituents of the substratum show ver>' 
 different degrees of stability, some being evanescent and disappear- 
 ing at once with slight change in conditions, while others once 
 formed persist for a long time or through life. It is therefore 
 impossible to distinguish sharply between what constitutes the 
 substratum and what does not. We can only say that the sub- 
 stratum consists in general of more stable substances than those 
 which do not appear in it. 
 As our knowledge of the great complex of reactions which we 
 call metabolism increases, it becomes more and more evident that 
 the different reactions of the complex are not entirely independent 
 of each other, but constitute a reaction system. In this system the 
 oxidations appear to be the most important or dominant factor, the 
 independent variable, as Loeb and Wasteneys ('11) express it, upon 
 which the other reactions depend more or less closely. Rate of 
 oxidation is a more fundamental factor in growth than the amount 
 of nutritive material in excess of a certain minimum. From this 
 point of view the term "metabolism" loses some of its vagueness. 
 It is not simply a hodgepodge of chemical reactions in which now 
 one, now another, component is most conspicuous, as external con- 
 ditions change, but rather an orderly correlated series of events in 
 which certain reactions play the leading roles. The rate or char- 
 acter of component reactions may change very widely with external 
 conditions, but nevertheless the reaction system retains in general 
 certain definite characteristics and the relation between its com- 
 ponent reactions persists. Anabolism and katabolism, the synthesis 
 and the breakdown of the substance of organisms, are not independ- 
 ent processes, but the syntheses are apparently associated with, 
 and in greater or less degree dependent in some way upon, the 
 From this point of view functional h^-pertrophy loses its peculiar 
 character. It is not in any sense a "regeneration in excess" or an 
 "over-compensation," as it is so generally assumed to be, but is 
 simply the result of increased metabolism in the presence of an 
 adequate nutritive supply. Increased metabohsm under these 
 conditions means increased production of structural substances. 
 The organism does not construct itself /or function as the vitalistic 
 and chemical theories maintain: it constructs itself by function. 
 When the supply of nutritive material from without is insuffi- 
 cient, the previously accumulated structural material may serve 
 as a source of energy to a much greater extent than when nutritive 
 material is present in excess, and under these conditions the new 
 structural material, if any is formed, may be insufficient to cover 
 the loss and reduction results. Such reduction may involve the 
 whole organism to a greater or less extent, as in the flatworms and 
 other simple animals, or it may involve only or chiefly certain parts, 
 but in all cases we find that some parts or substances are involved 
 to a greater extent than others. In a starving flatworm, for 
 example, certain organs may disappear entirely before death occurs, 
 while others retain more nearly their usual proportions. Much 
 has been made of this fact in a teleological sense (see, for example, 
 E. Schultz, '04), and it has been repeatedly pointed out that the 
 organs least affected are those most essential to the life of the 
 organism. But a teleological interpretation seems to be quite 
 unnecessary. In general it is very evidently the case that those 
 organs which are most constantly, most frequently, or most in- 
 tensely active in the life of the organism undergo least reduction 
 during starvation. There is some reason to believe that the 
 structural substratum of the cells of such organs is more stable than 
 that of cells which possess in general a low rate of metaboHsm. The 
 nervous system undergoes least reduction during starvation, and 
 during the earher stages of development it certainly has the highest 
 metabohc rate of any part of the body, and in many cases, if not 
 in all, this condition persists throughout Hfe. Furthermore, during 
 the later stages of Hfe its special functional activity is certainly 
 almost if not quite continuous. In such organs energy must be 
 derived to a much greater extent from nutritive substances than 
 from the substratum of the cells itself. Consequently, during 
 starvation their losses are less and are more completely repaired 
 than in organs where the substratum is less stable. Thus the more 
 active and therefore the more persistent organs maintain them- 
 selves largely at the expense of other less active parts in which the 
 degradation of the structural substratum occurs more readily. 
 And it is these more continuously or more intensely active organs 
 which are more essential to life. But according to this view they 
 undergo less reduction in starvation, not because they are more 
 essential in life, but because they are more active. 
 Reduction in an organ or part may also occur when conditions 
 change so that a decrease in the average rate of its metabolism below 
 a certain level occurs and synthesis of structural substances does not 
 compensate the gradual loss. The atrophy of organs from disuse 
 is a case in point. And, finally, reduction may occur in a part 
 when the correlative conditions which were an essential factor for 
 its continued existence as a part undergo change. In such cases 
 it is difficult to determine whether the change in metaboHsm is 
 primarily qualitative or quantitative. In the lower organisms 
 extensive reduction of this kind occurs when pieces are isolated 
 and undergo reconstitution. Previously existing organs may be 
 reduced and disappear and others be formed anew. In the higher 
 organisms such processes of reduction are narrowly limited. 
 If we accept the general conception of growth and reduction 
 here outlined, then it is no longer necessary' to assume the existence 
 of a mysterious growth-impulse which gradually decreases in inten- 
 sity during development, for growth is primarily the accumulation 
 of certain substances formed in the course of the metaboUc reactions 
 which are physiologically more stable than other substances that 
 break down, furnish energy, and are eliminated. Reduction 
 occurs when the breakdown and elimination of the ceU substance 
 is not balanced by the synthesis of new substance. Some such 
 conception of growth and reduction seems to be forced upon us by 
 the facts, for certainly there is every reason to believe that the 
 different constituent substances of the cell show very dilTerent 
 degrees of stabihty and that the stability of a given substance may 
 differ with different conditions. Organic growth remains a com- 
 plete mystery unless certain fundamental constituents of proto- 
 plasm are relatively stable under the conditions of their production 
 in the cell. 
 Diferentiation. —The process of development in the organism 
 is also a process of differentiation, of apparent complication, but 
 we find that differences in reaction or in capacity to react very 
 commonly exist in different parts even before visible differentiation 
 occurs, or in cases where it never occurs. The term "specifica- 
 tion" is often used for these differences which appear only in 
 physiological activity, and "differentiation" for the visible struc- 
 tural differences. The distinction is of course arbitrary, for the 
 visible differences result from differences in physiological activity. 
 An orderly sequence of differentiation during development is 
 characteristic of at least all except the very simplest organisms and 
 probably in these also some degree of differentiation exists. 
 In its biological sense the term "differentiation" is purely 
 descriptive: broadly speaking, differentiation includes all per- 
 ceptible changes in structure or behavior from the primitive embry- 
 onic or "undifferentiated" condition, which occur either in the 
 cells or parts of an organism during its developmental history, or 
 in different organisms in the course of evolution. It is, in short, 
 a becoming different, but since the process of becoming different 
 in cells and organisms is a change from a generalized to a specialized 
 condition — a progressive development of particular kinds of struc- 
 ture and activity in different parts of the whole — differentiation in 
 organisms is a process of specialization. 
 The problem of differentiation has long been one of the great 
 biological problems. Biological thought has always been divided 
 upon the question of preformation versus epigenesis. To what 
 extent does the differentiation of the fully developed organism 
 actually exist as something preformed in the germ, so that develop- 
 ment is strictly an unfolding, a becoming visible, of what already 
 exists, and to what extent is there a real increase in complexity 
 during development? The corpuscular theories are an attempt 
 to answer the question from the point of view of preformation, but 
 they, Hke the vitalistic theories, succeed merely in placing the prob- 
 lem beyond the reach of investigation. It is evident that if the 
 organism is a physico-chemical system, at least some differentiations 
 must arise in the course of development. The adult organism is 
 represented, not in the morphological structure nor in the physical 
 and chemical changes of the reproductive cell or cell-mass, but 
 rather in its capacities. The experimental investigation of recent 
 years has shown that different degrees of differentiation exist in 
 different reproductive cells, but has not afforded any real support 
 to the view that the morphological characters of the adult are 
 represented in some way by distinct entities in the germ.' Hut 
 even if we admit that organic differentiation is, at least to a large 
 extent, an epigenetic process, the real problem still remains. The 
 orderly and definite character of the process, the variety of struc- 
 tural features, and their apparent adaptation to the function which 
 they are to perform, all combine to render the problem one of the 
 greatest interest and significance. 
 At present, however, it must suffice to call attention only to 
 certain aspects of the problem. In the first place, in so far as 
 differentiation is really a progressive or epigenetic process, it must 
 depend on changes of some sort in the dynamic processes in different 
 regions of the developing organism. We know that differentiation 
 in its specific features is to a large extent independent of external 
 conditions; therefore the internal conditions must determine these 
 changes. And this brings us to the important question: How 
 can such localized differences in the dynamic processes arise in the 
 developing organism ? The corpuscular theories have accustomed 
 us to regard different morphological parts of the organism as 
 qualitatively different, and it is evident that in many cases they 
 are, but it does not necessarily follow that the qualitative differences 
 are primary, or that all differentiations are quahtative. It is a well- 
 known fact that quantitative differences in the conditions existing 
 in a chemical reaction may result in quahtatively different products, 
 and this is demonstrated for many reactions which occur in the 
 metabohc complex. It cannot then be doubted that qualitative 
 differences may result from quantitative differences in the processes 
 occurring in the organism. We also know that many morpho- 
 logical differences are differences of size, shape, or quantity of some 
 ' In view of the present vogue of the factorial hypothesis among investigators 
 in the field of genetics, and particularly of certain attempts to apply it to the chromo- 
 somes, such a statement may appear to many as at least unwarranted, if not incorrect. 
 The factorial hypothesis, however, does not necessarily involve the assumption of 
 factors as distinct entities in the germ, and the attempts to connect particular factors 
 with particular chromosomes or parts of chromosomes are not at present, properly 
 speaking, scientific hypotheses. 
 other kind, which are not necessarily quahtative in any sense. 
 And, finally, we are able to determine experimentally the devel- 
 opment of very different morphological characters by changes in 
 conditions which affect primarily the rate and not the character 
 of the metabolic reactions (Child, 'ii). To what extent quantita- 
 tive dift'erences in the dynamic processes actually serve as a basis 
 for speciahzation and differentiation we do not know, although it 
 is certain that they are a much more important factor than most 
 biologists have been accustomed to believe. 
 But, supposing that quantitative or qualitative differences 
 arise or exist in different regions of the developing organism, how 
 can they persist in a substance of the physical consistency of pro- 
 toplasm ? It is here that the colloid condition of the substratum 
 plays a very important part. The organic colloids with their 
 sUght diffusibility, their effect on the diffusion of other substances, 
 their viscosity and differences of aggregate condition, afford possi- 
 bilities for the localization as well as the origination of different 
 processes which do not exist in any other known medium. The 
 experiments on the production of form and structure by means of 
 chemical reactions in a colloid substratum outside the organism 
 demonstrate how readily even complex morphological features 
 may arise under such conditions, and in such cases we are often 
 able to analyze the process of differentiation. We have then in the 
 colloid substratum a real basis for differentiation, and the problem 
 of morphogenesis becomes accessible to scientific investigation and 
 analysis, instead of being merely restated in terms of some "vital- 
 istic" principle or of determinants or other ultimate units. 
 The embryonic or undifferentiated cell is distinguishable from 
 the speciaHzed or differentiated cell rather by the absence than by 
 the presence of definite morphological features. It represents the 
 cell of the species reduced to its simplest morphological terms, 
 consisting essentially of nucleus and relatively homogenous cyto- 
 plasm.^ It is of course true that cells which are not morphologically 
 ■ Embryonic cells are shown in Fig. 113 (p. 285), and in the smaller cells of Fig. 
 187 Cp. 347), and in Fig. 194, em (p. 348). Cells which are embryonic in appear- 
 ance are represented more or less diagrammatically in various other figures, e.g., 
 Figs. 71-74 (pp. 206, 208) and Fig. 192, pc (p. 348). 
 different in any visible way may show themselves by their behavior 
 to be physiologically different, so that the absence of visible differ- 
 entiation in the cell is not proof that the cell is completely unspecial- 
 The substance of the undifferentiated cell is the general meta- 
 bohc substratum of the organism, and it is the chemical or physical 
 transformations of this substratum, or the addition of substances 
 to it, that constitutes morphological differentiation. Physiological 
 differentiation consists in the progressive development of certain 
 activities at the expense of others. 
 While we know too Httle at present of the nature of the various 
 metaboHc processes and of the relation between metabohsm and 
 the cellular substratum to permit us to reach positive conclusions 
 concerning the nature of dift'erentiation, the facts at hand suggest 
 certain probabilities. In the first place the embryonic cell very 
 evidently has in general a higher metabolic rate, or capacity for 
 a higher rate, independent of external stimulation, than do differ- 
 entiated cells. Apparently the mere continuation of Hfe in the 
 cell without cell division brings about changes which decrease 
 the metabohc rate. Such changes may conceivably result from 
 gradual atomic rearrangements or from changes in aggregate con- 
 dition of the colloids. It is a well-known fact that emulsoid sols 
 outside the organism undergo slow changes in the direction of 
 coagulation, even when kept under as nearly as possible constant 
 conditions, and there is good reason to beheve that similar changes 
 occur in the colloids of the living organism. In the coagulation 
 of proteids by high temperatures time is a factor, i.e., the occurrence 
 of coagulation depends, not only upon the actual temperature, but 
 on the time of exposure to it: the lower the temperature, the longer 
 the time necessary to bring about perceptible coagulation. From 
 the character of this relation between time of exposure and tem- 
 perature it is inferred that, theoretically, coagulation must occur 
 at all temperatures above the freezing-point of the sol, its rate being 
 infinitely slow at low temperatures and increasing rapidly as the 
 temperature rises. The fact that coagulation changes do occur 
 slowly in colloid sols at ordinary room temperatures supports this 
 view. Lepeschkin ('12) has found that the relation between 
 temperature, time of exposure, and occurrence of coagulation as 
 indicated by death is the same in Hving plant cells as in proteid 
 sols outside the organism, and he therefore concludes that the pro- 
 toplasmic sol is slowly undergoing changes in the direction of coagu- 
 lation even at temperatures where continued life is possible. If 
 this view is correct, then a slow increase in aggregation is occurring 
 continuously in protoplasm, but the formation of new sol and the 
 gradual chemical breakdown of the older partially coagulated sub- 
 stance may serve to delay the final result for a long time, or indefi- 
 The accumulation and apparent gelification of protoplasm in 
 the course of growth and differentiation suggest that changes of 
 this sort are characteristic of the developmental history of all 
 organisms. If this is true, they must result in increasing physio- 
 logical stability of the protoplasm or parts of it, and so lead to 
 decrease in the rate of metabolism, and the decrease in metabolic 
 rate may in time lead to changes in the character of the metabolic 
 complex and so to further changes in structure which may again 
 alter metabolic conditions, and so on. 
 It is probable then that mere continued existence may in many 
 cases result in gradual progressive changes in protoplasm which 
 become evident sooner or later as some degree and kind of differ- 
 entiation. Such a process is a self-differentiation in the strictest 
 sense. Its occurrence or non-occurrence must depend upon the 
 absence or presence of changes which balance or compensate in 
 some way the progressive changes, and these are the changes which 
 lead to dedifferentiation (see following section). 
 Where all cells or parts are alike, self -differentiation must pro- 
 duce the same result in all, but where differences of any sort exist, 
 such, for example, as differences in metabolic rate between external 
 surface and interior or between other parts, then the different parts 
 may influence each other and differentiation becomes a correlative 
 process which may result in the production of many different parts. 
 In correlative differentiation the parts may influence each other in 
 various ways. Dynamic changes of one kind or another may be 
 transmitted from one part to another; quantitative or qualita- 
 tive differences in the chemical substances produced by different 
 parts may affect the course of metabolism in other parts, and 
 differences in the rate of growth of different parts may produce 
 mechanical effects. Since the action of external factors is variable, 
 both in time and in space, it is impossible for a cell or cell-mass to 
 exist for any considerable length of time under natural conditions 
 without local differences of some sort, temporary or permanent, 
 quantitative or quahtative, appearing in it in consequence of the 
 differential action of external factors. 
 Dift'erentiation of some degree and kind is then a necessar>- and 
 inevitable result of continued existence except where the progressive 
 changes are balanced or compensated in some way, and we must 
 distinguish self -determining, correlative, and external factors in 
 the process. In general, as I have pointed out above, the gradual 
 accumulation and increase in physiological stabihty of the proto- 
 plasm, either through change in chemical constitution or aggregate 
 condition or both, is self-determined and results from the nature 
 of metabolism and the constitution of protoplasm, while the correl- 
 ative and external factors play a part in determining the character 
 of the structural substratum thus produced. 
 The process of differentiation once initiated, each step becomes a 
 factor bringing about further changes. For example, the character 
 of the substances accumulated in a cell seems to depend to a greater 
 or less extent upon the conditions in the cell which affect metabolic 
 rate, such as aggregate condition of protoplasm, enzyme activity, 
 etc. In embryonic, undifferentiated cells, where the internal 
 conditions permit a high metabolic rate, only those substances 
 which form the general metabolic substratum, i.e., protoplasm, 
 remain as constituents of the cell, but as the self-determined meta- 
 boHc rate decreases, other substances begin to appear and remain 
 in the cell. Undift'erentiated protoplasm is protoplasm reduced 
 morphologically to its lowest terms. Apparently the metabolic 
 rate in the cell, or the internal conditions on which the metabolic 
 rate depends, are factors in determining the physiological stabilit\- of 
 substances. Substances which are either not formed or arc broken 
 down and eliminated after formation in cells with a high metabolic 
 rate appear as more or less permanent structural components 
 in cells with a lower rate. As the self-determined metabolic 
 rate decreases, new features appear as relatively stable com- 
 ponents of the structural substratum, and these become factors in 
 further changes. Probably also substances which were sufficiently 
 stable physiologically to become components of the structural sub- 
 stratum at the higher metabohc rate become more stable as the 
 metaboHc rate decreases, not necessarily because of changes in 
 themselves, but because of the decrease in rate, or the conditions 
 which determine it. Thus the visible substratum of the cells 
 becomes more and more altered from its original condition, and 
 apparently the farther these changes go the less the abihty of the 
 cell to synthesize protoplasm — i.e., the general metaboHc sub- 
 stratum of the organism — and the less "protoplasmic" does its 
 structure become. 
 The non-protoplasmic substances which appear in the cell, 
 either in definite morphological form or as granules, droplets, or 
 inclosures in the protoplasm, have very commonly been grouped 
 together under the head of metaplasm. Kassowitz ('99), for ex- 
 ample, makes a sharp distinction between protoplasm and meta- 
 plasm and believes that only the accumulation of the latter is 
 responsible for decrease in metaboHc rate in the cell. The distinc- 
 tion is doubtless of value theoretically, but practically it is impos- 
 sible to say what is protoplasm and what is metaplasm. And 
 there can be no doubt that the so-called metaplasmic substances 
 often take more or less part in the metaboHc activity of the 
 ceU instead of being inactive, as Kassowitz and others have 
 maintained. It seems therefore more in accord with the facts 
 to regard the cellular substratum as showing aU gradations from 
 the purely protoplasmic condition of the embryonic cell to the 
 highly differentiated cell which may be loaded with substances 
 obviously non-protoplasmic in nature. 
 Differentiation is very generally, though not necessarily, as- 
 sociated with growth. It is probable that growth cannot proceed 
 very far without bringing about some degree of differentiation, for 
 the accumulation in the metaboHc substratum of substance, what- 
 ever its nature, must result sooner or later in altering metabolic 
 conditions. On the other hand, change in conditions external to a 
 cell or part may bring about differentiation without growth. 
 According to the theory of differentiation developed here, the 
 self-determined rate of metabolism of the cell must be to some 
 extent an index of its degree of differentiation. This is to be ex- 
 pected, since the metabolic rate must depend upon the condition 
 of the metabolic substratum. It is important to note that it is 
 the metabohc rate, as determined by conditions existing within 
 the cell independently of external stimulation, which is thus related 
 to the degree of differentiation. IMany highly differentiated cells 
 with a low, self-determined metabolic rate are capable temporarily 
 of a very high rate when stimulated from external sources. Such 
 increases in rate are evidently the result of changes in the cellular 
 substratum which are largely or wholly reversible. What their 
 nature is we do not know certainly, although various theories of 
 stimulation have been advanced. As differentiation proceeds 
 beyond a certain stage, even the metabohc rate following stimu- 
 lation decreases and the cell becomes less and less capable of per- 
 forming its special function as a differentiated cell. 
 In general, a greater degree of differentiation of cells is one of 
 the features which distinguish the so-called higher organisms from 
 the lower. A comparison of the cells of higher and lower forms 
 and of their course of differentiation seems to indicate very clearly 
 that the physiological stabihty of the substratum must be greater 
 even in the embryonic cells of the higher than in those of the lower 
 forms in order to serv'^e as a basis for the more rapid and greater 
 differentiation which the higher forms show. Whether the rate of 
 metabolism per unit of weight and under similar conditions of tem- 
 perature, etc., is lower in the higher than in the lower forms is not 
 at present known, but there is some evidence that it is. If increase 
 in physiological stability of the cellular substratum has occurred 
 during the course of evolution, it must have been an essential 
 factor in determining the increase in structural complexity which 
 is so characteristic a feature of evolution, and structural evolution 
 must then be regarded as in some degree an equihbration process, 
 a change from a less stable to a more stable condition. 
 The orderly sequence of the process of organic differentiation 
 and the constancy of the results in a given species must result from 
 certain definite characteristics of the organic individual. My 
 own experimental investigations have forced me to the conclusion 
 that the organic individual consists of a dominant and of sub- 
 ordinate parts and that dominance and subordination in their 
 simplest terms depend upon rate of metabolism (see chap. ix). 
 Not only does the evidence indicate that this is the case, but it is 
 impossible to conceive of a definite, orderly process of differentia- 
 tion attaining a definite constant result in a complex physico- 
 chemical system without some sort of dominance and subordination 
 in the processes involved. In a complex system consisting of co- 
 ordinate parts the process of differentiation must differ widely in 
 character according to conditions, and the orderly character of 
 development and constancy of result which we find in organisms 
 would be impossible. 
 Most theories of the constitution of the organism have failed to 
 recognize the necessity for such a relation of dominance and sub- 
 ordination between parts as a fundamental feature; consequently 
 they have failed to account satisfactorily for the orderly course and 
 definite result of differentiation. Driesch is one of the few who 
 have seen clearly that the organic individual is impossible without 
 a controlhng and ordering principle of some sort, and not finding 
 any physico-chemical basis for such a principle, he has vested the 
 control in entelechy. As regards plants, the dominance of the 
 vegetative tip over other parts has been clearly demonstrated, 
 but no such relation of parts in animal development has been 
 generally recognized by zoologists. Nevertheless such a relation 
 exists and must exist, for without it development, as we know it, 
 is impossible. 
 Dedifferentiation. — -Dedifferentiation is a process of loss of 
 differentiation, of apparent simplification, of return or approach to 
 the embryonic or undifferentiated condition. Zoologists have been 
 slow to admit its occurrence. According to Weismann — and many 
 agree with him — development proceeds always in one direction 
 and dedifferentiation is impossible. Whenever a new development 
 of a part or a whole occurs, it originates from cells or parts of cells 
 which have not undergone differentiation beyond the stage at which 
 the new development begins. Whenever cells which are visibly 
 differentiated give rise to new wholes or parts, as they often do in 
 cases of regeneration, it is assumed that they contain either some 
 of the undifferentiated germ plasm or those elements of the germ 
 plasm which are necessary for the formation of the new part. Such 
 assumptions are not only unsatisfactory because they cannot be 
 proved or disproved, but they are wholly unnecessary. We have 
 seen that the organism can not only accumulate structural material 
 of various kinds, but under other conditions can remove to a 
 greater or less extent the material previously accumulated. Since 
 reduction occurs in organisms, we must at least admit the possi- 
 bility of dedifferentiation. Consideration of the data of observ^a- 
 tion and experiment is postponed to later chapters:' at present 
 only certain general features of the process need be considered. 
 In the case of self-differentiation (see pp. 50, 51) the gradual 
 changes in the substratum may be reversed in direction under 
 altered conditions; the gel may again become a sol. But the 
 synthesis of new colloid molecules and the formation of new sol, 
 on the one hand, and the gradual breakdown and elimination of 
 the old gel, on the other, is also possible. Apparently nuclear and 
 cell division are or may be factors in dedifferentiation. With the 
 occurrence of division the progressive changes in the cell, since the 
 preceding division, disappear more or less completely and the cell 
 returns to or approaches its original condition. An increase in 
 metabolic rate is also apparently associated with division.^ If 
 the changes in one direction balance those in the other, cells which 
 divide may remain indefinitely embr^'onic, like the vegetative tissues 
 of plants and the growing regions of certain animals. But if the 
 nucleus or cell does not divide, or if division does not bring the 
 cell back to its original condition, then a progressive change must 
 occur in the cell or from one cell generation to another, and this 
 change appears sooner or later as differentiation and may go so 
 far that the cell finally becomes incapable of division. Where 
 differentiation has been a correlative process, isolation of a part 
 from the influence of the correlative factors which have determined 
 the course of its differentiation may result, if the part is capable of 
 reacting to the altered conditions, in metabolic changes of such a 
 ' See particularly chap, v, and chap, x, pp. 245-47. 
 ' See chap, vi, pp. 141-42, and also Lyon, '02, '04; Spaulding, '04; Mathews, '06. 
 character that substances previously accumulated as structural 
 components of the part are now broken down and eliminated, and 
 this is dedifferentiation. 
 If the cell is a physico-chemical system and not an entity sui 
 generis, the occurrence of dedifferentiation is no more difficult to 
 account for than the reappearance of a certain kind of chemical 
 reaction in a non-Uving chemical system when conditions which 
 altered the character of the reaction have ceased to act. The 
 occurrence of both differentiation and dedifferentiation is exactly 
 what we should expect from the physico-chemical point of view. 
 The assumptions of the germ-plasm theory merely compUcate and 
 befog the whole problem, and not only that, but, as pointed out in 
 the preceding chapter, the theory is essentially "vitaUstic" and 
 even pluralistic in its logical implications. 
 Within the last few years, however, many cases of dedifferen- 
 tiation have been recorded and various authors, among them 
 LilUe, Loeb, Driesch, Schultz, and others, have suggested that 
 development in animals is a reversible process. But reversibihty 
 of development, so called, is not necessarily reversibility in the 
 chemical sense. Dedifferentiation may conceivably result from 
 the breakdown and eUmination of the differentiated substratum 
 or certain components of it, and the synthesis of new undifferen- 
 tiated substances from nutritive material, as well as by the reversal 
 of the reactions which occurred in the differentiation. As in the 
 case of growth and reduction, it would certainly simpUfy our con- 
 ception of the process of development if we could regard it as a 
 reversible chemical reaction, but such a conception can only lead 
 us astray. Undoubtedly many reversible reactions are concerned 
 in development, but development itseff is not a reversible reaction. 
 In fact, it is not simply a chemical reaction of any kind, but an 
 exceedingly complex series of interrelated physical and chemical 
 changes. Reversal of development may result from relative 
 changes in the rate of certain reaction components of the meta- 
 bohc complex as well as from reversal of reaction. In fact, it is 
 probable that reversal of development occurs at least as frequently 
 in this way as by reversal of reaction. A change in metabolism, 
 for example, such that a substance which has previously been 
 accumulated as a structural component of the cell is now broken 
 down, oxidized, and eliminated, may bring about dedifferentiation, 
 but it is not necessarily a reversal of reaction in the chemical sense, 
 for the breakdown and ehmination of the substance may be a 
 different process dependent upon different factors from its syn- 
 thesis out of nutritive substances. 
 In order then to avoid the possibihty of confusion, it is prefer- 
 able to regard development, not as reversible, but as regressible. 
 Differentiation is a progression from one condition to another, 
 dedifferentiation a regression, but perhaps through stages very 
 different from the stages of progression. 
 Apparently not all differentiated cells are capable of dediffer- 
 entiation to the embryonic condition; at least dedifferentiation 
 fails to occur in many cases under any conditions with which we 
 are familiar. In general, less highly differentiated cells undergo 
 dedifferentiation more readily and more completely than more 
 highly differentiated; consequently dedifferentiation is much 
 more conspicuous in the lower than in the higher forms, although 
 even in man some cells are capable of more or less dedifferentiation. 
 This limitation of dedifferentiation, as well as the advance of differ- 
 entiation, in the course of individual development and evolution, 
 suggests again an increase in the physiological stabiHty of the 
 cellular substratum. 
 Dedifferentiation may be brought about in cells capable of it 
 either by forcing the cell to use up its own substance as a source 
 of energy and so undergo reduction, as in starvation, or by isolating 
 the cell from the action of the correlative factors which have 
 brought about differentiation, and in some cases, and to a certain 
 degree, simply by increasing the rate of metabohsm of the cell by 
 stimulation or otherwise. Reduction, except perhaps in embryonic 
 cells, is probably impossible without some degree of dediiTerentia- 
 tion, but dedifferentiation may occur without reduction. Since the 
 differentiated cell has in general a low rate of metabohsm as com- 
 pared with the embryonic cell, and since the decrease in rate is 
 associated with differentiation, we should expect that an increase 
 in rate would occur during dedifferentiation, and this, as will appear, 
 is apparently the case. 
 If the suggestions of the preceding section concerning the nature 
 of differentiation are correct, we should expect the most recently 
 developed morphological features of the cell to disappear first in 
 dedifferentiation, since these are, under the conditions existing in 
 the cell, the least stable of the substratal constituents. As these 
 are removed the rate of metaboHsm rises and other parts of the 
 substratum become relatively unstable and disappear, and so on, 
 until the cell once more approaches the embryonic condition. So 
 far as the course of morphological dedifferentiation has been fol- 
 lowed, it seems in general to proceed in this way and so to reverse the 
 course of differentiation. But this does not necessarily involve a 
 reversal of reaction any more than the removal of a previously 
 deposited sand-bar, by acceleration or change of course of the cur- 
 rent of a river, involves a reversal of its flow. 
 The dedifferentiating cell is apparently capable at any stage 
 of resuming the process of differentiation, and if dedifferentiation 
 proceeds far enough it may, under altered correlative conditions, 
 begin a new course of differentiation and become a different kind 
 of a cell from that which it was originally. As the sand-bar formed 
 in the stream under certain conditions may under others be re- 
 moved and its place taken by a deep channel, and again the channel 
 may give place to a mud flat or a beach, so the original morpho- 
 logical differentiation of the cell may disappear and give place to 
 other kinds of differentiation as the physiological conditions change. 
 The association of a colloid substratum with a chemical reaction- 
 system and the occurrence of growth and reduction and of differ- 
 entiation and dedifferentiation lead us to a conception of senescence 
 and rejuvenescence which, as will appear in following chapters, 
 seems to be the only one which is in full agreement with the facts 
 of experiment and observation. According to this view, senescence 
 is primarily a decrease in rate of dynamic processes conditioned by 
 the accumulation, differentiation, and other associated changes of 
 the material of the colloid substratum. Rejuvenescence is an 
 increase in rate of dynamic processes conditioned by the changes 
 in the colloid substratum in reduction and dedifferentiation. 
 Senescence is then a necessary and inevitable feature of growth 
 and differentiation, while rejuvenescence is associated with reduc- 
 tion and with the various reproductive processes in which more 
 or less differentiated parts of the organism undergo dediffcrentia- 
 tion. Even as regards gametic or sexual reproduction, the facts 
 indicate that the gametes or sex cells are very highly specialized 
 and differentiated cells and that early embryonic development is 
 essentially a period of dedifferentiation and rejuvenescence. 
 Viewed from this standpoint, life is then really a cychcal pro- 
 cess as it appears to be. The organism grows, differentiates, and 
 ages, and these processes lead, usually in nature through reproduc- 
 tion of one kind or another, to reduction, dedifferentiation, and 
 rejuvenescence. No part of the organism remains perpetually 
 undifferentiated and perpetually young. The young organism 
 arises from the old, not from a self-perpetuating source of youth, 
 which is itself always young, and the young becomes old again. 
 Babcock, S. M. 
 191 2. "Metabolic Water: Its Production and Role in Vital Phenomena," 
 Univ. of Wisconsin Agric. Expt. Sta. Research Bull. No. 22. 
 CmLD, C. M. 
 1911. "Experimental Control of Morphogenesis in the Regulation of 
 Planaria," Biol. Bull., XX. 
 Davenport, C. B. 
 1897. Experimental Morphology. New York. 
 Huxley, T. H. 
 1853. "Review of the Cell Theory," British and Foreign Med. Chir. 
 Rev., XII. 
 Kassowitz, M. 
 1899. Allgemeine Biologic. Wien. 
 Lepeschkin, W. W. 
 191 2, "Zur Kenntnis der Einwirkung suppramaximalcr Tempcraturcn 
 auf die Pflanze," Berichte d. deutsch. hot. Ges., XXX. 
 Loeb, J., and Wasteneys, H. 
 191 1. "Sind die Oxydationsvorgiinge die unabhangigc Variable in den 
 Lebenserscheinungen ?" Biochcm. Zeitschr., XXX\'I. 
 Lyon, E. P. 
 1902. "Effects of Potassium Cyanide and of Lack of Oxygen upon the 
 Fertilized Eggs and the Embryos of the Sea Urchin (Arbacia 
 punctulata) ," Am. Jour, of Physiol., VII. 
 1904. "Rhythms of Susceptibility and of Carbon Dioxide Production 
 in Cleavage," Am. Jour, of Physiol., XL 
 Mathews, A. P. 
 1906. "A Note on the Susceptibility of Segmenting Arbaciaa,nd Asterias 
 Eggs to Cyanides," Biol. Bull., XL 
 Pfeffer, W. 
 1901. Pflanzenphysiologie, Band II. Leipzig. 
 1904. "Uber Reduktionen: I, tJber Hungererscheinungen bei Planaria 
 lactea," Arch. f. Entwickelungsrnech., XVIII. 
 Spaulding, E. G. 
 1904. "The Rhythm of Immunity and Susceptibility of Fertilized Sea 
 Urchin Eggs to Ether, to HCl and to Some Salts," Biol. Bull, VI. 
 Both morphological and physiological changes are involved in 
 the processes of senescence and rejuvenescence, and we may attack 
 the problems from either the morphological or the physiological 
 side. On the morphological side we may determine the changes 
 in physical properties, form, and structure of the substratum which 
 occur during senescence and rejuvenescence, and on the ph}-sio- 
 logical side we may investigate the changes in functional activity 
 and in metabolism. 
 Concerning the morphological changes associated with senes- 
 cence, particularly in the higher animals and man, we already 
 possess a considerable body of facts. As regards the physiological 
 changes, we know that in the higher animals and man the rate of 
 metabohsm per unit of substance undergoes in general a decrease 
 with advancing age from very early stages onward, and that 
 sooner or later a decrease in functional activity and a general 
 deterioration of the organism occurs. Our knowledge concerning 
 the lower animals is less complete. We are familiar with the general 
 course of development and differentiation in most forms, but the 
 morphological differences between young and old adults have 
 received comparatively httle attention. Of the physiological 
 aspect of senescence in the lower forms we have httle positive 
 knowledge. We know that in most forms growth is more rapid 
 in earher stages and that in many plants and animals the length 
 of Hfe under the usual conditions is more or less definite, and in 
 some forms we can observe a decrease in functional activity with 
 advancing age. On the other hand, some organisms live and 
 remain active for an indefinite period and apparently do not grow 
 old. Few attempts have been made, however, to determine by 
 analytic investigation the significance of these various facts and to 
 find a common basis for them. 
 As regards rejuvenescence, biologists are not even agreed that 
 it is of general occurrence. The behef that the germ plasm, 
 which is assumed not to grow old, except as it gives rise to a soma, 
 is the only source of young organisms has been so general that the 
 possibihty of rejuvenescence has received but Httle consideration. 
 Maupas' classical investigations upon the infusoria (Maupas, '88, 
 '8q) seemed to indicate that a process of rejuvenescence leading to 
 a larger size of individuals and a higher rate of division resulted 
 from conjugation in these forms, but the recent work of Jennings 
 ('13) makes it evident that this is certainly not always the case. 
 The work of E. Schultz ('04, '08) and others on reduction and 
 dedifferentiation in the lower forms, the suggestions of a number 
 of others that development is "reversible," Minot's view (Minot, 
 '08) that the egg before fertilization is an old cell and undergoes 
 rejuvenescence during the early stages of embryonic development, 
 and the well-known fact that in plants differentiated cells may lose 
 their differentiation and give rise to new plants — -these are the chief 
 data and conclusions which we possess concerning rejuvenescence. 
 The various facts have led to the formulation of various theories 
 and suggestions as to the nature of senescence, but these are mostly 
 based rather upon observational than experimental evidence, and 
 some of them take account only of man and the higher animals 
 and so do not apply to organisms in general, while others are 
 more or less speculative in character and cannot readily be tested. 
 There is at present no generally accepted theory of senescence, 
 and as for rejuvenescence it can scarcely be said that any theory 
 The real problem before us is then that of finding a general 
 basis for these phenomena which is applicable to all cases, not 
 merely to those in which the organism manifestly grows old, repro- 
 duces, and dies, but also to those in which, instead of dying, the 
 whole organism breaks up or divides into new individuals, which 
 repeat the cycle of growth, development, and reproduction, and 
 finally, to those cases in which the whole organism or parts of it 
 appear not to grow old, but live on indefinitely. 
 The first step toward accompUshing this is to find some means 
 of determining whether an individual organism in a given case is 
 young or old, not merely morphologically but physiologically. We 
 can of course distinguish embryonic, lar\'al, and juvenile forms from 
 adults by their morphological characters, and in many cases bv 
 their physiological characters as well, but it is not always easy to 
 distinguish younger and older individuals of the same general stage 
 of the Ufe cycle. In the higher animals certain morphological 
 changes which are apparently characteristic of senescence have 
 been observed in some cells, but the morphological features of the 
 cells of different organisms are so different and the visible changes 
 so sKght in many cases that, though it is usually possible to dis- 
 tinguish embryonic from definitely differentiated cells, it is very 
 often impossible to distinguish old and young individuals of the 
 same general stage by the morphological characters of their cells. 
 Measurements of the metabolism or of the rate of growth in man 
 and the mammals show that the rates of both per unit of weight 
 decrease as age advances, but the methods employed for such forms 
 are not readily apphcable in many other cases, because of the con- 
 ditions of existence, the small size, the low rate of metabolism, 
 etc. In the course of my investigation of the process of reproduc- 
 tion in the lower invertebrates a method based on the physiological 
 resistance or susceptibiUty of the animals to certain conditions has 
 been developed, which has proved to be of great value in distin- 
 guishing physiologically young from old organisms as well as for 
 various other purposes. 
 It is a famihar fact that the susceptibility or physiological 
 resistance of man and the higher animals to various external factors, 
 and particularly to those which depress, changes with advancing 
 age, and I have found that this is also true for the lower animals, as 
 far as they have been tested. On the basis of this relation between 
 susceptibihty and physiological age, it has been possible to develop 
 a method which not only enables us to distinguish differences in 
 age, but aft'ords a means of comparing in a general way the rates 
 of the metabolic processes, or of certain fundamental metabolic 
 reactions in different animals. This method, which may be called 
 the susceptibility, physiological resistance, or sur\-ival-time method, 
 consists essentially in determining the length of life of different 
 individuals or lots under certain standardized conditions which kill 
 by making impossible in one way or another the continuation of 
 The substances used in my determinations of susceptibility 
 include the cyanides, and ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether, chloroform, 
 chloretone, acetone-chloroform, and in some cases various other 
 narcotics. Carbon dioxide and water in which large stocks of the 
 species under examination have been kept and which therefore 
 contain soluble products of metabolism have also been used in a 
 few cases with essentially similar results. Certain conditions, such 
 as lack of oxygen, low temperature, and high temperature, act in 
 much the same way, at least in certain cases and when properly 
 controlled. In my experiments the cyanides have proved most 
 convenient and satisfactory, because the concentrations required 
 are very low and osmotic and other complications are neghgible, 
 and because in the lower animals, which have been chiefly used, 
 irritability and movement persist to some extent almost to the 
 death point, while in alcohol, ether, and other narcotics they dis- 
 appear earlier. There is no doubt that a relation exists between 
 the general metabolic condition of organisms, or their parts, and 
 their susceptibility to a very large number of substances which act 
 as poisons, i.e., which in one way or another make metabolism 
 impossible, and that differences 'n susceptibihty may be used with 
 certain precautions and within certain Kmits as a means of distin- 
 guishing differences in metabolic condition and, more specifically, 
 differences in metabohc rate. 
 Concerning the nature of the action of poisons such as hydro- 
 cyanic acid, the cyanides, and the great group of substances com- 
 monly called narcotics, opinions at present differ widely. As 
 regards the cyanides, it has been very generally beheved since 
 Geppert's experiments that they decrease or inhibit cell respiration 
 directly or indirectly.' Recent experiments by Vernon, Warburg, 
 ' Carlson, '07; Gasser and Loevenhart, '14; Geppert, '89; Grove and Loevenhart, 
 *ii; Kastle and Loevenhart, '01; Loeb and Wasteneys, '13a, '13^; Mathews and 
 Walker, '09; Richards and Wallace, '08; Vernon, '06, '09, '10; Warburg, 'loc, '14c. 
 Further references will be found in these papers. 
 and Loeb and Wasteneys have demonstrated that oxygen consump- 
 tion is greatly decreased in animals by cyanides, and it has also 
 been shown experimentally that the cyanides inhibit oxidations 
 and the action of oxidizing enzymes in various cases outside the 
 organism. To the hypothesis that the cyanides inhibit oxidations 
 in the organism the objection has been made that they affect, not 
 only aerobic or oxybiotic, but anaerobic animals as well, although 
 in the latter, oxidations requiring atmospheric oxygen do not occur. 
 In answer to this, it has been pointed out that even in anaerobic 
 forms oxidations occur, the oxygen being derived from substances 
 in the body instead of from the atmosphere. 
 The cyanides and other substances containing the cyanogen 
 radical, CN, are in general extremely powerful poisons, but their 
 action resembles in certain respects that of the substances known 
 as narcotics or anesthetics. 
 The characteristic physiological effect of all these substances is 
 a decrease or complete loss of irritability, which, however, is com- 
 pletely reversible up to a certain Umit and so may be followed by 
 complete recovery. But the narcotics are like the cyanides poisons, 
 and if they act in sufficiently high concentration or for a sufficiently 
 long time they bring about changes of some sort which are not 
 reversible and which lead to death by retardation and final cessa- 
 tion of metabolism. Scientific investigation has thus far chiefly 
 concerned itself with the narcotic, i.e., the reversible, rather than 
 with the poisonous, irreversible, effects of these substances. ]\Iany 
 theories of narcosis' have been advanced, and most of them are 
 still in the field. Brief mention must be made of the more impor- 
 tant among these theories. 
 Verworn and his school have long maintained that narcotics 
 decrease the oxidation processes and the respiratory activity of the 
 protoplasm, and Verworn has recently suggested that the narcotics, 
 either by adsorption or by loose chemical combination, render the 
 ' The following references include some of the more important literature bearing 
 upon the different theories of narcosis: Alexander and Cserna, '13; Bernard, '75; 
 Dubois, '94; Hober, '10; Kisch, '13; R. S. Lillie, '12a, '12b, '13a. '13ft. '14; I-ocb 
 and Wasteneys, '13(1, '136; A. P. Mathews, '10, '13; H. Meyer, '99, '01; Overton, 
 '01; J. Traube, '04a, '046, '08, '10, '11, '13, etc.; Verworn, '03, '12, '13; Warburg, 
 'loa, '10b, 'loc, 'iia, 'lib, '12a, '12b, '13, '14a, '14b, '14c; Winterstcin, '02, '05, '13, '14. 
 oxygen carriers of the cell incapable of activating the molecular 
 oxygen, and that the cell consequently asphyxiates. A. P. Mathews 
 and some others have maintained that the action of narcotics 
 upon the oxidations is direct and chemical, and Mathews has re- 
 cently suggested that the residual valences of narcotic substances 
 are responsible for their action. In this connection it may be noted 
 that the temperature coefficient of the susceptibility of Planaria 
 to potassium cyanide and alcohol is of the same order of magnitude 
 as the usual temperature coefficient of chemical reactions (Child, 
 '13a). This fact indicates that the susceptibility increases in the 
 same ratio as the rate of chemical reaction and therefore suggests 
 that the cyanide and alcohol act directly upon the metabolic reac- 
 tions or some of them. But this relation between the temperature 
 coefficients of susceptibility and the rate of chemical reaction can- 
 not be made the basis of positive conclusions because it is possibly 
 nothing more than a coincidence, or it may result from a complex 
 of factors which we cannot analyze. 
 Within the last few years various investigators have recorded 
 results at variance with the Verworn theory of narcosis. Warburg 
 found that certain narcotics produced narcosis without decreasing 
 the oxygen consumption of the organism. Later Loeb and Waste- 
 neys reported very similar results. They found that in some forms 
 of narcosis the decrease in oxygen consumption was very slight, 
 while in others it was much greater. With the cyanides particu- 
 larly, narcosis occurs only when oxygen consumption is greatly 
 reduced, while in alcohol narcosis the decrease in oxygen consump- 
 tion may be very sUght. Oxygen consumption is decreased in 
 all cases, however, if sufficiently high concentrations of the nar- 
 cotic are used. Kisch has concluded from certain experiments 
 on protozoa that while narcosis does decrease certain oxidations it 
 does not affect all. Winterstein has also found that in alcohol 
 narcosis of the spinal cord of the frog a slight increase rather than 
 a decrease in oxygen consumption may occur even when irritability 
 is completely lost; there is, however, no increase in oxygen con- 
 sumption with stimulation. 
 Assuming that these results are correct and not due to unrecog- 
 nized technical or other sources of error, we are forced to conclude 
 with these authors that decrease in oxidation is an incident or a 
 result of narcosis which may or may not occur, and that the funda- 
 mental feature must be sought in some other change. As regards 
 some of these experiments, however, certain possible sources of 
 error exist and further investigation may alter the results. At 
 present it is difficult to conceive how narcosis can occur without 
 decrease in oxidation. 
 Arguing from the observed parallehsm between the fat solu- 
 bihty of various substances and their narcotic power, Meyer and 
 Overton advanced the theory that the cell membrane consisted 
 in at least a considerable part of lipoid or fatty substances and 
 that the action of the narcotics was determined by their solubiUty 
 in these substances. This theory has undergone development and 
 modification at the hands of later investigators, and the question 
 as to the nature of the narcotic action of the substances which 
 enter the cell by dissolving in the Hpoids of the membrane has 
 received various answers. Some have held that the hpoids of the 
 membrane were responsible only for the entrance of the narcotics, 
 which once inside the cell acted chemically or otherwise. Others 
 believe that narcosis is the result of the changes in the lipoids of 
 the membrane produced by the narcotic substances. Warburg 
 considers the physical condition of the lipoids to be of great impor- 
 tance in connection with narcosis. According to Hober, narcosis 
 occurs when the narcotics have collected to a certain molecular 
 concentration in the cell Hpoids, because the narcotics then inhibit 
 a change in colloid aggregate condition of the lipoids which is 
 characteristic of excitation. R. S. LiUie finds that narcotics de- 
 crease the permeabiUty of the cell membrane or its ability to 
 undergo increase in permeabihty, and so decrease or inhibit the 
 increase in permeabihty which he beheves to be the essential 
 feature of stimulation. 
 Some forty years ago Claude Bernard suggested that narcotics 
 brought about a partial reversible coagulation of the protoplasm 
 of the nerve cell. Later Dubois advanced the hypothesis that the 
 narcotics bring about loss of water from the protoplasm and so 
 decrease metabolic activity. Recently J. Traube has concluded 
 •on the basis of extensive experimentation that the narcotic etlect 
 is due to changes in the colloid substratum. According to Traube 
 the narcotics act by decreasing surface tension and so increasing 
 the degree of aggregation of the cell colloids, and decrease in oxida- 
 tion or in metaboHsm in general results from this change in aggre- 
 gate condition. Other factors may play a part in certain cases, 
 but Traube has shown that a relation exists in many cases between 
 the decrease in the surface tension of water by narcotic substances 
 and their narcotic power, and that narcotic concentrations of 
 many different substances are isocapillary, i.e., decrease surface 
 tension by the same amount. Warburg has shown that a close 
 interrelation exists between the oxidations in the cell and the funda- 
 mental structure and that, at least in many cases, the narcotics de- 
 crease oxidation. He concludes, in essential agreement with 
 Traube, that the narcotics act by altering surface tension and so 
 produce capillary changes, particularly in the lipoids. 
 The Kpoid theory of Meyer and Overton and their followers 
 and Traube's surface tension theory differ from Verworn's asphyxi- 
 ation theory in that they regard the decrease in metaboUc activity 
 in narcosis as resulting from or associated with the changes in the 
 colloid substratum of the cell. The unsatisfactory character of 
 purely or pre-eminently chemical theories of the organism has 
 been pointed out in chap, i, and it seems probable that in narcosis 
 as well as in other changes in chemical activity in the organism, 
 the substratum and the changes which occur in it must be taken 
 into account. It seems not improbable, moreover, that narcosis 
 is not always produced in exactly the same way. Irritabihty, as 
 Winterstein suggests, probably depends upon the maintenance of 
 a complex dynamic equihbrium of some sort, and this equilibrium 
 may be destroyed with a resulting loss of irritabihty, by changes of 
 various kinds in the cell. It is even conceivable that in some cases 
 the change may concern primarily or chiefly the substratum, and 
 in other cases the chemical reactions, or certain of them, and we 
 must admit the further possibihty that both the substratal and the 
 chemical changes may differ with different narcotic substances 
 and yet produce much the same general result as regards irrita- 
 bility. Various observations show that very considerable differ- 
 ences do exist in dift'erent forms of narcosis. It was noted above 
 that the decrease in ox^^gen consumption may apparently difTer 
 widely in different narcoses, and Alexander and Cserna have found 
 that not only is this true, but that the decrease in carbon-dioxide 
 production is not parallel to the decrease in oxidation in different 
 brain narcoses. In short, it is possible that the changes in the cell 
 which bring about narcosis may differ in character with different 
 narcotics and perhaps with different cellular conditions. Perhaps, 
 as so often in the history of biological theory, all the theories of 
 narcosis are more or less correct. 
 But, however the narcotic substances act upon the cell, there 
 can be no doubt that within a given species or organism a general 
 relation exists between metabolic condition and susceptibiUty to a 
 given narcotic. Differences in metaboHc condition do not exist 
 independently of differences in condition of the colloid substratum, 
 and whether the narcotic aft'ects primarily the substratum or cer- 
 tain of the chemical reactions, the susceptibility of the organism 
 or part to its action must differ as the conditions which determine 
 or are associated with metabohc activity differ. 
 Narcosis is only one stage in the action of the narcotic sub- 
 stances. When they are present in sufficiently high concentration 
 or act for a sufficiently long time, they bring about changes which 
 are not reversible and which finally end in death by making the 
 continuation of metabohsm impossible. The wide range of varia- 
 tion observed in some cases between narcotic and killing concen- 
 trations, both with different narcotics and with the same narcotic 
 at diff'erent stages of development (Vernon, '13), indicates that 
 the reversible changes involved in pure narcosis are different in 
 some way from those which result in death. With the killing con- 
 centrations the relation between susceptibility and metaboHc con- 
 dition is more distinct and uniform than with the lower, purely 
 narcotic concentrations, where incidental factors may sometimes 
 mask or reverse the fundamental relation (see pp. 75-76). With 
 the cyanides, however, where narcotic and killing concentrations 
 do not differ very greatly, this relation appears more distinctly 
 and uniformly than with any other agents thus far used. 
 It cannot of course be maintained that the susceptibility to 
 cyanides or other narcotics of an organism or part at a given moment 
 is an exact measure of its total metabolism at that moment. If the 
 cyanides or other narcotics act directly on the oxidation processes, 
 a general relation between susceptibility and oxidation must exist, 
 but while the oxidations are fundamental metabolic reactions, and 
 serve in a general way as a measure of metabolic activity, a con- 
 siderable range of variation in the different reactions which go to 
 make up the the metaboHc complex may undoubtedly exist. If, on 
 the other hand, these substances act on the substratum and affect 
 the metaboUc reactions only or primarily through the substratal 
 changes, susceptibility must be related to the general average of 
 metaboKc activity, but certain reactions may be more affected than 
 others in the early stages of action, though sooner or later the 
 metaboHc process as a whole is retarded or inhibited. 
 In concentrations of the cyanides or other narcotics, which not 
 only narcotize but gradually kill, a decrease in metabolism, as 
 measured by oxygen consumption, by carbon-dioxide production, 
 by functional activity, or by other means, occurs in all cases, and 
 metaboHsm finally ceases. In concentrations in which death 
 occurs at times varying from a few minutes to a few hours and when 
 comphcating factors are absent, the susceptibility varies directly 
 with the general metaboHc rate. Conditions which increase meta- 
 bolic activity increase susceptibility, and vice versa. This method 
 of determining susceptibiHty I have called the direct susceptibiHty 
 method (Child, '13a). 
 The capacity of organisms to accHmate themselves to, or acquire 
 a tolerance to, narcotics has long been recognized: this capacity is 
 well illustrated by the high degree of tolerance for alcohol, cocaine, 
 etc., developed in the human organism. In concentrations of nar- 
 cotics which are sufficiently low to permit partial, but not complete, 
 accHmation, we find that the relation between susceptibiHty and 
 metaboHc rate undergoes reversal. In such concentrations the 
 individual or part with the higher metaboHc rate becomes more 
 readily and more completely acclimated and therefore Hves longer 
 than the individual or part with the lower metaboHc rate which is 
 unable to acclimate itself and so dies earHer. This relation between 
 metaboHc rate and capacity for acclimation is to be expected, for 
 the occurrence of accHmation evidently depends on conditions in 
 the organism which are associated with metaboUc activity. Thus 
 the metabohc condition of different individuals or parts may also be 
 compared by means of this indirect or acclimation method. 
 These diflferences in susceptibilit}- to narcotics, particularly 
 those determined directly with relatively high concentrations, 
 afford, when properly controlled, a very dehcate method for com- 
 paring general metabohc rates in different individuals and parts, 
 at least in many of the lower animals. In a recent paper (Child, 
 '13a) the technique of the method for flatworms and similar forms, 
 its different modifications and its hmitations have been considered 
 at length. As regards the relation between susceptibihty or resist- 
 ance to cyanide and rate of metaboUsm, it was shown in that 
 paper that susceptibility is altered by motor activity, that the 
 temperature coefficient of susceptibihty is of the same order of 
 magnitude as that of most chemical reactions, and that differences 
 in carbon-dioxide production correspond to differences in suscepti- 
 The estimations of carbon-dioxide production were made by Dr. 
 S. Tashiro with the "biometer" devised and recently described by 
 him (Tashiro, '13&). The sensitiveness and great value of this 
 apparatus are shown by the fact that Tashiro has been able to 
 demonstrate the production of carbon dioxide in the resting nerve, 
 its increase by stimulation, and its decrease by narcotics, and has 
 also shown that Hving seeds resemble the nerve in most respects as 
 regards irritability (Tashiro, '13a). In the comparison between the 
 results of the susceptibihty method and the carbon-dioxide produc- 
 tion the flatworm Planaria dorotocephala (see Fig. 6, p. 93) was 
 used in most cases. The susceptibihty method shows that the rate 
 of metabolism is higher in young than in old animals, in star\'ed 
 than in fed, and in animals stimulated to movement than in resting 
 animals. In distilled water the rate of metabohsm as measured by 
 the susceptibility method is higher and in 5 per cent sea-water lower 
 than in tap-water. In pieces isolated by cutting, the rate of metab- 
 ohsm is higher in long anterior pieces than in posterior pieces of 
 the same length (cf. Child, '146). In each of these cases the animal 
 or piece which possessed the higher rate of metabolism according 
 to the susceptibility method produced more carbon dioxide than 
 the other. The complete agreement between the two methods 
 indicates very clearly that both are concerned in one way or another 
 with fundamental metabohc reactions and that both afford a very 
 delicate means of comparing in a general way the rates of these 
 It is evident that accuracy in the use of susceptibility as a 
 method of investigation depends to a considerable extent upon 
 the exactness with which it is possible to determine the quantitative 
 effect of the cyanide or other agent used upon the organism. In 
 the lower invertebrates, particularly the protozoa, coelenterates, 
 and flatworms, which have formed the material for most of my 
 experiments, and in the early stages of development of many other 
 animals where hard skeletal structures are absent and supporting 
 tissues do not possess a high degree of firmness and coherence, or 
 are entirely absent, death is followed in a short time, often at once, 
 by more or less complete disintegration. The body loses its form, 
 swells, breaks down into a shapeless mass, and may finally dis- 
 appear completely, except for a slight turbidity in the water, which 
 results from the minute particles in suspension. In such cases, 
 however, movement may continue to some extent, particularly in the 
 cyanides, until a short time before disintegration begins, or in some 
 forms up to the very instant of disintegration. In these forms then 
 it is possible to determine with considerable exactness the time when 
 death occurs and so to compare the length of life of different indi- 
 viduals under certain specific conditions, e.g., a certain concen- 
 tration of cyanide, alcohol, etc., or under low temperature or lack 
 of oxygen. In many of my experiments changes of this kind have 
 been taken as the criterion of death, but essentially the same results 
 are obtained with the lower animals if the times of complete cessa- 
 tion of movement in response to stimulation are determined instead 
 of the times of disintegration. 
 Where such disintegration does not occur, or is retarded by the 
 physical consistency of the organism or part concerned, it is often 
 possible to determine the occurrence of death in small animals under 
 the microscope by other changes in appearance, such as an increase 
 in opacity, a change in color, etc. Moreover, all these methods of 
 determining the death point can be checked and the time of death 
 determined in cases where such methods are not available by 
 determining the hmits of recovery, i.e., at stated intervals a certain 
 number of the organisms are removed from the narcotic solution to 
 water: the length of time in the narcotic at which recovery ceases 
 to occur is at least approximately the survival time. 
 With the flatworms and other simple naked forms the suscepti- 
 bility method can usually be employed independently of dilTerences 
 in size, for in such cases the death changes at the surface of the body 
 may be used as a basis for comparison. Moreover, in such elon- 
 gated flattened forms as the flatworms, surface increases almost 
 as rapidly as volume. But in forms where the permeable surfaces 
 are Hmited to certain regions of the body or are internal, as in air- 
 breathing forms, or where the body is covered by an exoskeleton, 
 the certain elimination of the factor of size often presents a difficult 
 While most of my determinations of susceptibility have been 
 made upon the lower invertebrates, some experiments with the 
 higher invertebrates and the lower vertebrates have demonstrated 
 that the relation between susceptibility to cyanide and general 
 metabohc rate is the same in these as in the lower forms. But at 
 least as regards the vertebrates this is not true for all narcotics. 
 Vernon ('13) has found, for example, that the susceptibility of tad- 
 poles to some narcotics increases and to others decreases with ad- 
 vancing age, and suggests that these differences are due to changes 
 in the constitution of the cell hpoids. This is probably not the only 
 factor concerned: differences in the lipoid solubility of the different 
 narcotics and differences in the amount as well as the constitution 
 of lipoids in the nervous system and still other factors are probably 
 also involved, but further investigation is necessary before the sub- 
 ject is cleared up. In the lower invertebrates I have as yet found 
 no indication of such differences in the action of different narcotics 
 as Vernon describes. With some narcotics the age changes in sus- 
 ceptibility are greater than with others, but in all cases thus far 
 the changes during a given developmental period, as determined by 
 different narcotics, proceed in the same direction. It seems prob- 
 able that the differences in the direction of change in susceptibility 
 observed by Vernon result, at least in part, from differences in the 
 relation between the narcotics and the cell lipoids. In the verte- 
 brates the accumulation and differentiation of lipoids, particularly 
 in the nervous system, is very much greater than in the lower inver- 
 tebrates, and it is probable that with some narcotics which are 
 highly fat soluble, the fundamental relation between susceptibility 
 and general metabolic condition is completely masked, or even 
 reversed, by their higher concentration in the cells of the nervous 
 system with a given external concentration, and consequently by 
 their greater narcotic effect on these cells. In the lower animals 
 and in early stages of development the action of narcotics is general, 
 but with the advance in differentiation the susceptibility of the 
 nervous system as compared with other organs increases very 
 greatly. In general it appears that the differences in susceptibility 
 to all narcotics are much more nearly alike in the lower forms and 
 the early stages of all, while in the later stages of the higher forms 
 those substances which are highly water soluble act in much the 
 same way as in the lower forms, but the action of the highly fat- 
 soluble narcotics is modified because of the increasing development 
 and differentiation of lipoids in the nervous system, and very 
 probably other modifications also occur. Nevertheless, and in 
 spite of these complicating factors which appear in certain cases, 
 differences in susceptibility to various agents can, with proper 
 precautions and checks, be used to a certain extent as a means of 
 comparing general metabolic condition, even in the vertebrates. 
 The use of the cyanides seems to be freer from complicating fac- 
 tors than that of other agents. 
 Undoubtedly, however, the chief value of the susceptibility 
 method lies in its applicability to small simple organisms and to 
 different regions of a single, intact, not too highly differentiated 
 individual. By means of it we are able to gain some idea of differ- 
 ences in metabolic rate in many cases to which other methods are 
 not applicable. 
 Thus far susceptibihty to narcotics, cyanides, and other sub- 
 stances in its relation to metabolism has received but little atten- 
 tion. Lyon ('02, '04) and A. P. Mathews ('06) have used 
 susceptibility to cyanides and to various other substances and con- 
 ditions as a method for showing differences in rate of metabolism 
 in the cleavage stages of eggs, and Loeb' and others have made use 
 of the cyanides to decrease or inhibit the oxidation processes in 
 eggs, and Drzewina and Bohn ('13) have observed parallel dilTer- 
 ences in susceptibility to cyanides and lack of oxygen along the lon- 
 gitudinal body-axis of certain flatworms. Some other incidental 
 observations also exist, but the general significance of dilTerences 
 in susceptibiHty has been either ignored or not recognized. 
 By this method the resistance or susceptibility is determined 
 directly by concentrations of cyanide or other agents which kill 
 the animals within a few hours. For a particular species a con- 
 centration must be determined which kills without acclimation, 
 but which does not kill so rapidly that the differences in suscepti- 
 bility do not appear clearly. For Planaria dorotocephala (see p. 93) 
 and other related species a concentration of one one-thousandth 
 gram-molecular solution (o.ooi mol., 65 milligrams per Hter, 
 0.0065 per cent) of potassium cyanide has been found most satis- 
 factory at temperatures about 20° C. and for most purposes. This 
 kills the animals in from two to twelve hours according to their con- 
 dition. But a range of concentrations from 0.0002 mol. up to 
 0.005 mol., or even higher, may be used, except where the meta- 
 bolic rate is very high, as in young animals, without altering any- 
 thing but the time factor. Essentially the same results are obtained 
 from 4 per cent alcohol or from 2 per cent ether as from o.ooi mol. 
 potassium cyanide. 
 Since the death and disintegration of different parts of the body 
 usually follow a regular sequence (Child, '136), it is possible to 
 determine the time, not merely of disintegration of the whole ani- 
 mal, but of the various regions of the body. The body of Planaria 
 consists of two or more zooids (see p. 123) of which only the anterior 
 one is morphologically developed. In this anterior zooid death and 
 disintegration usually begin at the head-region and proceed pos- 
 teriorly, and the lateral margins of the body usually die and disin- 
 tegrate before the median region. The most satisfactory method 
 ' Loeb, '09, '10; Locb and Lewis, '02; Loeb and Wastenej's, '10; and various 
 other papers. 
 of recording the course of death and disintegration has proved to 
 be that of examining the lots of animals at stated intervals, e.g., 
 every half-hour, and recording the condition of each individual. 
 In order to accomplish this most readily five stages of disintegra- 
 tion have been more or less arbitrarily distinguished as follows: 
 Stage I. Intact, not showing any appreciable disintegration. 
 Such animals or pieces are always alive and show movement. 
 Stage II. In whole animals from the first appearance of disin- 
 tegration, which is practically always in the head-region, to the 
 first appearance of disintegration of the lateral margins of the body. 
 In pieces, from the beginning of disintegration at one or both ends 
 to the first appearance of disintegration on the lateral margins. 
 Considerable motor activity may still be present. 
 Stage III.' In both whole animals and pieces from the appear- 
 ance of disintegration on the lateral margins until it has extended 
 over the whole length of the margins. Movement may still occur 
 in the parts least affected. 
 Stage IV. From the end of Stage III to the time when the sur- 
 face of the body in the median regions disintegrates. iMotor 
 activity ceases. 
 Stage V. Disintegration has extended to all parts of the sur- 
 face and the progress of death over the body is completed. The 
 remaining parts representing the internal organs gradually swell 
 and break up, but the process is not followed beyond the completion 
 of surface changes. 
 Attention must be called to the fact that these stages represent 
 primarily the progress of the surface changes over the body from 
 one region to another rather than the progress of disintegration 
 through the internal organs. In these and other naked animals 
 differences in size of the animal do not aft'ect the progress of the 
 surface changes, while they may be an important factor in the rate 
 of penetration of the reagent and consequently in the disintegra- 
 tion of the internal organs. But since the surface changes in any 
 region are practically coincident with the death of that region, it is 
 not necessary to follow the internal changes, and in naked-bodied 
 animals the method becomes for all practical purposes independent 
 of size. 
 There is no difficulty in distinguishing between these five stages 
 with sufficient exactness for all purposes. Where the dilTerences 
 in rate of metabolism between two animals or lots are great, they 
 are clearly shown by the times of the beginning and completion of 
 disintegration in each lot, but by following the dilTerent stages of 
 the process it is possible to distinguish slight differences. As re- 
 gards length of time, the different stages are not strictly comparable 
 in all cases; in large animals, for example, Stage III extends over 
 a somewhat longer time than the other stages, because the progress 
 of disintegration along the margins in the posterior direction 
 requires a longer time than in small animals and pieces where the 
 length of the margins is much less. 
 In comparing susceptibilities determined at different times 
 with different solutions, great care is necessary, for slight differ- 
 ences in alkahnity of the water alter the susceptibility very con- 
 siderably, and susceptibihty also varies with the temperature. In 
 order to avoid these and other compHcations, whenever possible 
 susceptibilities to be compared should be determined at the same 
 time, with the same solution, and under the same conditions of 
 temperature and light, etc. 
 Table I will serve as an example of the method of recording the 
 observations and of the results obtained. In this table, the first 
 Length of Time 
 in KCN 
 0-30 1 
 1 . 00 / 
 I-30 1 
 2 . 00 / 
 2-3° I 
 4 . 00 
 Stages of Disintegration 
 vertical column gives in hours and minutes the length of time in 
 cyanide at each examination; the second gives the serial number 
 of each lot, and the five columns headed by Roman numerals under 
 ''Stages" give the number of animals of each lot in each stage of 
 disintegration at each examination. In this case Lot i consists 
 of ten young worms, four to five millimeters in length, and Lot 2 
 Stages and 
 their values 
 Hours o ^ 
 Fig. 3. — Planar ia dorotocephala: susceptibility curves of young (06) and old 
 (cd) animals in KCN o.ooi mol. Graphic presentation of the data of Table I. The 
 vertical inter\'als represent the arbitrary numerical values of the average disintegra- 
 tion stages, the horizontal intervals half-hour periods. 
 of ten old worms fifteen to sixteen millimeters in length, both from 
 the same stock. 
 The table shows that in the young worms of Lot i disintegration 
 begins earlier and proceeds more rapidly than in the old worms of 
 Lot 2. The young worms have all reached Stage V after two and 
 one-half hours in cyanide, while none of the old worms have reached 
 this stage at this time and all of them reach it only after five and 
 one-half hours. Essentially the same differences appear in 4 per 
 cent alcohol, in 2 per cent ether, and in solutions of various other 
 depressing agents. 
 These data may be presented more clearly and briefly in graphic 
 form, as in Fig. 3, which is a graphic presentation of Table I. In 
 Fig. 3 the curve ab is the death curve or susccptibihty curve of the 
 ten young worms of Lot i, the curve cd the susceptibility curve 
 of the ten old worms of Lot 2.^ Each curve is a descending curve: 
 the distance of its starting-point (a, c, Fig. 3) to the right of the 
 vertical line, the axis of ordinates, indicates the length of time 
 between placing the animals in cyanide and the beginning of death 
 and disintegration; its slope indicates the average rate of disinte- 
 gration; the distance of its lower end {b, d, Fig. 3) from the axis 
 of ordinates indicates the length of time between placing the animals 
 ' The transformation of the tabulated data into graphic form is accomplished 
 by giving a numerical value to each stage of disintegration and determining the average 
 stage of disintegration in any lot at any given time by multiphdng the number of worms 
 in each stage at that time by the value of that stage, adding the products for all stages, 
 and dividing by ten. By marking off vertical intervals from above do\vnward, cor- 
 responding to the nimierical values assigned to the different stages, as in Fig. 3, the 
 average stage of disintegration can be plotted at once by counting downward from 
 the zero point the number of spaces equal to its numerical value, or, in other words, 
 the ordinate of the susceptibility curve for any average stage of disintegration is equal 
 to 40 minus the value of that stage. 
 The determination of the average stages of disintegration and of the disintegra- 
 tion ordinates for the time i . 30 in Table I will serve to illustrate the method of pro- 
 cedure. The values assigned to the different stages are: Stage I, o; Stage II. 10; 
 Stage III, 20; Stage IV, 30; Stage V, 40. 
 Condition of Lot i : 2 animals in Stage III : 2X20= 40 
 3X30= 90 Average^ 
 5X40=200 Disinte- 
 330^10 = 33 
 Condition of Lot 2 : 
 8X 0= 
 2X10= 20 
 20-J-I0= 2 
 Ordinate for Lot i at ij hours =40 — 33= 7 
 Ordinate " " 2 " " " =40- 2 = 38 
 The horizontal distances of the points of the curve from the zero point at the left 
 (abscissae) in Fig. 3 represent lengths of time in tlie cyanide, half-hour inter\-als, 
 the intervals at which the condition of the animals was recorded being indicated on 
 the axis of abscissae. 
 in cyanide and the death of the last part of the body in the animals 
 of each lot. Thus the differences in susceptibility of two or more lots 
 of worms are evident at a glance, for the farther to the right the 
 curve lies, the less the susceptibility, and vice versa. In Fig. 3, for 
 example, the susceptibility of the young worms, as indicated by 
 the curve ah, is very much greater than that of the old worms, as 
 indicated by the curve cd. 
 The susceptibility curves in the following chapters are all drawn 
 in the same way as those in Fig. 3 and from data similar to those in 
 Table I. In general this method is more convenient than the 
 indirect method described below, and the results are less likely to 
 be affected by complicating factors. 
 By this method the susceptibility or physiological resistance to 
 the depressing agent is determined indirectly, through the ability 
 of the animals to become acclimated to a given concentration. In 
 general, but with certain exceptions, the ability of an animal to 
 acclimate to the cyanides or other depressing agents varies with the 
 rate of metabolism, that is, animals with the higher rate live longer 
 than those with a lower rate. In experiments by this method a 
 concentration of the agent used is determined which does not kill 
 the animals directly, but allows more or less acclimation. The 
 concentration to be used depends to some extent upon the condition 
 of the animals to be tested. For those with a high rate of metab- 
 olism higher concentrations are necessary than for those with a 
 low rate. With different temperatures also different concentrations 
 must be used. For Planaria dorotocephala at temperatures near 
 20° C, potassium cyanide, 0.00002-0.00004 mol- (0.00013-0.00026 
 per cent) serves in most cases and i-i|- per cent alcohol or 0.2- 
 o . 3 per cent ether gives essentially the same results. The details 
 of technique and certain complicating and limiting factors have 
 been considered elsewhere (Child, '11, '13a, '14a). 
 The results of such experiments are best presented in graphic 
 form. Fig. 4 shows the different ability of old and young indi- 
 viduals of Planaria dorotocephala to acclimate to if per cent alco- 
 hol. Each small interval represents 2 per cent of the total number 
 of worms in each lot compared, and each horizontal interval repre- 
 sents one day. Each point of the curve represents the percentages 
 of worms intact at a given time during the experiment. Each 
 curve is plotted from fifty worms and from examinations two days 
 apart. The curve ab shows the survival time of old, large indi- 
 viduals, the curve ac, that of fifty younger individuals of medium 
 It will be noted that the relation between survival time and rate 
 of metaboHsm is the opposite of that observed by the direct method. 
 Fig. 4. — Planaria doroloccphala: death curves of young and old animals in i . 5 per 
 cent alcohol; ab, curve of fifty old worms; ac, curve of fifty young worms. 
 Here the younger animals with the higher rate live much longer 
 than the older with the lower rate. It is also evident that the rela- 
 tion between surface and volume in animals of different size plays 
 no part in the result, for the smaller animals live longer than the 
 larger. The results obtained with cyanide and other depressing 
 agents, and even with low temperatures, are essentially the same. 
 The difference in the ability of the animals to become acclimated 
 to low concentrations of depressing agents is apparent, not merely 
 in the length of hfe, but in the motor activity. The primary effect 
 of the depressing agent is greater upon the young than uj>on the 
 old animals, but the young animals recover more rapidly and more 
 completely under the depressing conditions, and within a few days 
 are very evidently more active than the old. 
 The relation between the capacity for acclimation and rate of 
 metabolism can be demonstrated very clearly by combining the 
 effect of depressing agents with that of different temperatures. 
 Animals in low concentration of cyanide or alcohol are less capable 
 of acclimation and die earlier at lower than at higher temperatures. 
 Fig. 5 shows the results in an experiment of this sort. The curves 
 Fig. 5. — Planaria dorotocephala: death curves of full-grown animals in 1.5 
 per cent alcohol at 8°-io° C. {ah) and at 20° C. {ac). 
 are plotted in the same way as in Fig. 4. The curve ab is the 
 death curve of forty animals in i^ per cent alcohol at a temperature 
 of 8°-io° C, the curve ac that of forty animals of the same size and 
 from the same stock in i| per cent alcohol at 20° C. The greater 
 resistance of the animals at the higher temperature is clearly 
 But that the rate of metabolism is not the only factor involved 
 in acclimation to depressing agents is evident from the comparison 
 of starved with well-fed animals. In experiments to be described 
 in following chapters it will be shown that in animals undergoing 
 reduction from starvation the rate of metabolism gradually rises, 
 so that a starved animal, reduced to, let us say, one-half its size at 
 the beginning of the experiment, has a much higher rate of metab- 
 olism than well-fed animals of its original size and about the same 
 rate as well-fed animals of its reduced size. But the reduced animal 
 has to a large extent lost its ability to become acclimated to depress- 
 ing agents and conditions, and in spite of its high rate of metabohsm 
 is more susceptible to low concentrations of cyanide, alcohol, etc., 
 and also to low temperatures, than well-fed animals of the same size 
 as itself, and shows about the same susceptibiHty as well-fed animals 
 of its original size, although these possess a much lower rate of 
 metabohsm. In other words, the animal which is using its own 
 structural substance as a source of energy is much less able to 
 acchmate itself to depressing conditions than an animal with the 
 same rate of metabolic reaction but with abundant nutritive ma- 
 terial. Consequently, it is impossible to determine the differences 
 in rate of metabolism between well-fed and starved animals by the 
 indirect method.^ 
 In some cases also, where the differences of size between animals 
 compared are very great, the smaller animals die of starvation 
 before the larger animals undergo sufficient reduction to reach the 
 death point, but this occurs only where the differences are extreme. 
 In general the indirect method is of value as a means of confirm- 
 ing the results of the direct method, and it can be applied to certain 
 forms where the direct method may be complicated by the relation 
 between surface and volume. The concentration to be used for 
 either method must of course be determined for each species. 
 There are other physiological differences between young and 
 old organisms besides the rate of metabohsm. In many cases 
 marked differences in motor activity exist between young and old 
 ' Since I was unaware of this relation between the capacity for acclimation and 
 the nutritive condition at the time of my earlier experiments on rejuvenescence by 
 starvation, the use of the indirect method in those experiments led to incorrect con- 
 clusions concerning the changes in rate during starvation (Child, '11, pp. S47~SS)» 
 but correction has been made in a later paper (Child, '14a). The reader is also 
 referred to chapter vii below. 
 animals, and the capacity of an individual for growth and develop- 
 ment must be regarded as to some extent a criterion of its youth or 
 age. If we can induce an animal to pass through an indefinite 
 number of agamic generations, each of which shows the same vigor 
 and the same cycle of growth and development, we must conclude, 
 either that senescence does not occur in such cases, or else that 
 there is a periodic rejuvenescence associated in some way with the 
 reproductive process or other processes, and we may use the sus- 
 ceptibihty methods to determine which of these two alternatives 
 is correct. In at least many organisms, probably in all, if the 
 nutritive and other conditions are controlled with sufficient care, 
 the percentage increment of growth decreases with advancing 
 age and serves as a more or less exact indication of physiological 
 condition, though subject to periodic or irregular variation. In 
 those forms which attain or approach a more or less definite limit 
 of size, size itself under the normal or usual conditions of existence 
 may serve as a criterion of age, since the size of the organism indi- 
 cates approximately its position in the life cycle. 
 The morphological characters, whether those of the cells or of 
 the organism as a whole, may serve as an indication of the youth or 
 age of the individual, but it must be remembered that senescence 
 and rejuvenescence are primarily physiological rather than morpho- 
 logical changes, and that morphological characters are available 
 as criteria only so far as we have learned by experience that cer- 
 tain of them are characteristic of organisms which we can distin- 
 guish by other means as physiologically young or old. In man and 
 the higher animals the morphological differences between youth and 
 age are clearly evident, but for many of the lower forms this is not 
 the case, although sufficiently minute anatomical or histological 
 investigation would probably disclose some characteristic differ- 
 ences. If these various criteria of youth and age are all valid, we 
 should find that, so far as they can be applied to any particular case, 
 they lead to essentially the same conclusion as regards that case. 
 As a matter of fact, they are very generally in agreement, but 
 there are various cases in which one or another of these criteria 
 leads to conclusions different from the others. Some of these 
 cases will be considered in later chapters. 
 We are accustomed, and experience justifies the custom, to 
 measure age in man and the higher vertebrates by the time ehipsed 
 since birth. We say that the individual is a certain number of 
 years old, and from the age in years we can reach fairly definite 
 conclusions as to physiological condition, i.e., physiological age. 
 In many of the lower forms, however, senescence does not neces- 
 sarily proceed at an approximately definite rate. In such organisms 
 the time elapsed since the beginning of development does not afford 
 any measure of the physiological age attained, for, as the following 
 chapters will show, the organism has not necessarily continued to 
 grow old during all of that time. Thus it is possible that among 
 members of the same brood, beginning development at the same 
 time, some may attain a much greater physiological age in a given 
 length of time than others. In short, we cannot measure age in 
 all organisms in terms of time. 
 And, finally, we may attempt to modify the processes of senes- 
 cence and rejuvenescence and so to gain further insight into their 
 nature. The influence of external conditions and of quantity 
 and quality of nutrition may be determined. We may e.xpect to 
 find that factors which influence the fundamental metabolic pro- 
 cesses or the structural substratum will affect the course or char- 
 acter of senescence and rejuvenescence in one way or another if 
 their action continues for a sufficiently long time. In many of 
 the lower forms reproduction may be induced experimentally by 
 the isolation of pieces of the body, which undergo a reorganization 
 into complete new individuals. These experimental reproductions, 
 wherever they can be induced to occur, affect the course of senes- 
 cence and as a matter of fact bring about a greater or less degree 
 of rejuvenescence. The problem is then accessible to analytic 
 investigation in the lower forms, and the results of such investiga- 
 tion afford a firm foundation for the interpretation of the phe- 
 nomena of senescence and rejuvenescence in the higher organisms, 
 where they are less accessible to experimental methods. 
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 Toxic Action of Pure Isotonic Salt Solution on Unfertilized Star- 
 fish and Sea Urchin Eggs," Am. Jour, oj Physiol., XXX. 
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 Winterstein, H. 
 1902. "Zur Kenntnis der Narkose," Zeitschr. f. allgcm. Physiol., I. 
 1905. "Warmeliihmung und Narkose," Zeitschr. f. allgcm. Physiol., V. 
 1913. "Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Narkose: I. Mitteilung. Kritische 
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 1914. "Beitriige, etc.: II. Mitteilung. Der Kintluss der Narkose auf 
 den Gaswcchsel des Froschriickcnniarks," Biochcm. Zeitschr., LXI. 
 Three species of fresh-water planarians, Planaria dorotocephala, 
 P. maculata, and P. velata, have constituted the chief material for 
 the more extended investigations. P. dorotocephala is found in 
 great abundance in various parts of the United States, chiefly in 
 springs and the streams issuing from them. In nature the animals 
 usually attain a length of twenty to twenty-five millimeters, but 
 in the laboratory with abundant food may reach double that 
 The body, like that of most turbellaria, is dorso-ventrally 
 flattened ; the body- wall consists of a one-layered ciliated ectoderm 
 beneath which lie longitudinal and transverse muscle layers and 
 in the spaces between the internal organs a parenchymal tissue. 
 A pigment layer beneath the dorsal ectoderm gives the dorsal sur- 
 face a deep-brown color, the ventral surface being much less deeply 
 pigmented. The chief features of the internal anatomy are indi- 
 cated in Fig. 6. The central nervous system consists of a pair of 
 cephalic ganglia beneath the eyes and two longitudinal cords (ns) 
 which give off branches and are connected by commissures. The 
 chief sense-organs are the eyes, consisting of pigment cups con- 
 taining sensory cells and the lateral pointed cephalic lobes, which 
 are organs of chemical sense. The margins of the head and body 
 are also sensitive tactile organs. 
 The mouth (m) lies ventrally in the middle of the body and opens 
 into a pharyngeal pouch containing a tubular pharynx (ph). At 
 its anterior end the pharynx opens into the alimentary tract which 
 consists of three main branches (a/) and many secondary branches. 
 A diffuse branching excretory system is also present, but not shown 
 in the figure. Under the usual conditions the animals do not 
 become sexually mature, and sexual organs if present at all do 
 not develop beyond very early stages. 
 The general plan of internal structure of 
 other related species is much the same, but 
 they differ in shape and general appearance. 
 Planaria macidata (Fig. 7) does not attain as 
 large a size as P. dorotocephala and is less 
 active. The head differs in shape from that 
 of P. dorotocephala and the pigment is dis- 
 tributed in large spots. P. velata (Fig. 8) is 
 more slender, somewhat less flattened, and 
 without the pointed cephalic lobes. The 
 younger worms are almost black, but become 
 light gray with advancing age. 
 Various other flatworms, protozoa, the 
 fresh-water hydra, and several marine 
 hydroids have been used in comparative ex- 
 Planaria maculata 
 Animals of this species kept in the labora- 
 tory and fed become sexually mature and 
 deposit egg capsules containing fertilized 
 eggs, and from these capsules the young 
 worms emerge in about four weeks at 
 ordinary temperatures. When first hatched 
 the young worms possess the form of the 
 adult, but are only about two millimeters in 
 length, while in my stock the old, sexually 
 mature worms, which were laying eggs, were 
 about twelve millimeters long. 
 Fig. 9 shows the susceptibility curves (see 
 pp. 80-82) of young and old animals of 
 this species to potassium cyanide, o.ooi mol. 
 The curve ah gives the susceptibility for ten 
 newly hatched worms, the curve cd, that 
 for ten full-grown sexually mature worms 
 about twelve millimeters in length. The 
 Fig. 6. — Planaria 
 dorotocephala: w, mouth; 
 ph, phar>Tix; al, alimcn- 
 tar>- tract; us, nervous 
 & fc 
 susceptibility of the newly hatched worms is much greater than 
 that of the full-grown animals, disintegration of the former being 
 far advanced before it begins in 
 the latter. Since susceptibility meas- 
 ured by the higher concentrations of 
 the direct method varies with rate 
 of metabolism, the young animals 
 must have a much higher rate than 
 the old. 
 But the method enables us to dis- 
 tinguish age differences in rate of 
 metabolism which are very much less 
 than these. In Fig. lo the curve ab 
 shows the susceptibility of ten worms 
 hatched within the twenty-four hours 
 preceding the beginning of the experi- 
 ment, and the curve cd the suscepti- 
 biUty of ten animals four days after 
 hatching and without food. Here 
 the difference in size between the 
 animals of the two lots is much 
 less than in the preceding case, the 
 younger worms being two millimeters, 
 the older three and one-half milli- 
 meters long. The figure shows that 
 the susceptibility of the newly 
 hatched animals is consider- 
 ably greater, i.e., their rate of metab- 
 olism is higher than that of the 
 animals four days after hatching. 
 Since the differences in susceptibility 
 as shown in Fig. lo are considerable 
 for four days' time, it is evident that the rate of metabolism must 
 decrease rapidly after hatching. 
 The young worms are capable of movement before they emerge 
 from the egg capsules, and by opening the capsules with fine needles 
 it is possible to obtain young worms of various stages before hatch- 
 and P. 
 7, 8. — Planaria maculata 
 ing. A comparison of the resistance to cyanide of unhatched 
 worms capable of movement with that of worms just hatched 
 shows, as in Fig. lo, that the younger worms have the higher rate 
 of metabohsm, although in this case also the difference in age meas- 
 ured by time is no more than a few days. 
 But it is only during these earlier stages of the life cycle that 
 the rate of metabolism changes appreciably during such short 
 intervals of time. 
 The rate of metab- Stages 
 olism decreases most 
 rapidly during the 
 earlier stages, and as 
 development ad- 
 vances the decrease 
 in rate for a given 
 time interval becomes 
 always less. In ani- 
 mals eight or nine 
 milHmeters in length, 
 for example, the 
 differences in rate of 
 metabolism for an in- 
 terval of two or three 
 weeks, under ordinary 
 conditions of nutri- 
 tion and temperature, 
 and in many cases 
 for a much longer 
 interval, are no 
 greater than the differences shown in Fig. lo for an interval of four 
 days immediately after hatching. In still older animals the 
 decrease in rate of metabolism under constant conditions is even 
 In Fig. 1 1 the susceptibilities of two lots of large old worms are 
 compared. The curve ah is from ten worms twelve millimeters in 
 length, and cd from ten worms sixteen to eighteen millimeters in 
 length. These worms were collected from their natural habitat 
 Fig. 9. — Susceptibility of Planaria viaculata to 
 KCN o.ooi mol.: ab, recently hatched worms; cd, 
 full-grown, se.xually mature worms. 
 Stages -v 
 at this size and it is impossible to say whether the larger worms are 
 older in point of time than the smaller. They have, however, 
 attained a stage of growth and development which under anything 
 approaching natural conditions could be reached by the smaller 
 worms only after at least some weeks. 
 The larger, physiologically older worms begin to disintegrate 
 two hours later and also complete their disintegration one and one- 
 half hours later than the smaller ones. 
 In other words, their survival time is 
 about one-fifth greater than that of 
 the smaller worms. But in Fig. lo 
 above, the survival time of worms 
 four days after hatching is almost 
 one-half greater than that of worms 
 newly hatched, that is, the difference 
 in rate of metabolism between the 
 two lots of Fig. lo, which are only 
 four days apart, is much greater than 
 that between the two lots of Fig. ii, 
 which represent physiological condi- 
 tions several weeks apart in terms of 
 time. Clearly the rate of metabolism 
 decreases very much more slowly in 
 the larger, older worms than in the 
 stages immediately following hatch- 
 ing. A comparison of Figs. lo and 
 II also shows, as does Fig. 9, the 
 great difference in susceptibility be- 
 tween very young and full-grown 
 These results are in complete agreement with the observations 
 of Minot ('08) and others on the rate of growth in mammals and 
 birds. The rate of growth as measured by the percentage incre- 
 ment is highest in the youngest animals and decreases with advan- 
 cing age. As Minot says, "the period of youth is the period of most 
 rapid dechne." And now we find this to be true, not only for the 
 rate of growth in the higher animals, but for the rate of metabolism 
 Fig. 10. — Susceptibility of Pla- 
 nar ia maciilala to KCN o.ooi 
 mol.: ab, worms hatched within 
 24 hours; cd, worms four days 
 after hatching. 
 in such simple forms as the planarian worms. But as will appear 
 more clearly in following chapters, time is not a correct measure 
 of physiological age in these lower forms. The animal which has 
 lived longer is not necessarily the older: the older animal is the one 
 which has undergone more growth and development, but the 
 amount of growth and development is dependent upon nutrition, 
 temperature, and other external conditions. It is possible to 
 Stages • 
 Hours I 234567 
 Fig. II. — Susceptibility of Planaria macidata to KCN o.ooi mol.: ah, worms 
 12 mm. in length; cd, worms 16-18 mm. in length. 
 measure the physiological age of these animals in terms of time 
 only when the conditions of existence are controlled. 
 Fig. 12 will serve to illustrate this point. In this figure the 
 curve ah shows the susceptibihty of ten worms nine millimeters 
 long from a stock raised in the laboratory from eggs and only about 
 ten weeks "old," while the curve cb is plotted from worms ten milli- 
 meters long, but which had lived at least a year. The temperature 
 was somewhat higher in this series than in those preceding, and the 
 survival times are therefore shorter than they would be for animals 
 of this age at the temperature of the other series. 
 Stages • 
 The worms which are so much "older" in point of time show 
 only a slightly greater resistance, i.e., a shghtly lower rate of metab- 
 olism than the worms of the "younger" lot. As a matter of fact, 
 the worms of the curve cb had been considerably older physiologi- 
 cally at an earHer period than they were at the time when the 
 comparison was made and had been undergoing rejuvenescence 
 in consequence of reduction. We cannot measure the age of such 
 organisms in terms of 
 time unless we know 
 that they have been 
 growing old without 
 interruption, and even 
 then the rate of senes- 
 cence may vary with 
 On the other hand, 
 size, or, more strictly, 
 length — for in the later 
 stages the growth is 
 largely a growth in 
 length — is under the 
 usual conditions and 
 within certain limits, a 
 fairly good criterion of 
 physiological age. 
 Barring individual size 
 differences, which are 
 shght, the length of the 
 animal is an index of 
 Hours 1234 
 Fig. 12. — Susceptibility of Planaria maculata 
 to KCN o.ooi mol.: ah, worms 9 mm. in length 
 and ten weeks after hatching; ch, worms 10 mm. in 
 length and at least one year after hatching. 
 the amount of growth and development which has occurred, and 
 we find in general, as the preceding figures show, that the longer 
 animal has a lower rate of metaboHsm than the shorter. But it 
 does not follow that individuals of the same length always possess 
 the same rate of metaboUsm. A given size may be attained either 
 by growth from a smaller or reduction from a larger size, and the 
 physiological condition of the animal is not the same in the two 
 cases. But in a single stock, where all individuals have been under 
 essentially the same conditions for a considerable period and where 
 the animals are not undergoing fission, the length of the worm is a 
 real criterion of its physiological condition, the rate of metabohsm 
 being lower in the longer than in the shorter worms. 
 Results obtained by the direct method, such as those presented 
 above, can be confirmed by the indirect or acclimation method, 
 which was described on pp. 82-85. Except where the differences of 
 size are extreme, the animals which have the higher rate of metab- 
 olism and die earlier in the concentrations of the direct method 
 live longer than those with the lower rate in the low concentrations 
 used for the accKmation method. In other words, the animals 
 which are larger and therefore physiologically older become less 
 readily and less completely acclimated to the depressing reagent, 
 and so die earlier than the younger animals. Since the results 
 obtained by this method in the present case merely confirm the 
 results of the direct method, it is unnecessary to consider them in 
 In a stock of Planaria dorotocephala collected from the natural 
 habitat of this species, animals are found ranging in length from four 
 or five millimeters up to twenty millimeters or more. Since there 
 is reason to believe that sexual reproduction does not occur, or at 
 most occurs very rarely in this species under natural conditions in 
 the localities which have come under my observation, it is certain 
 that at least most of the animals collected have arisen by fission 
 (see pp. 125, 384-86). But, ignoring for the present the question of 
 their origin, we should naturally regard the smaller worms in such 
 a stock as the younger and the larger as the older, and we find as a 
 matter of fact that the same differences in susceptibility exist be- 
 tween the larger and the smaller worms as in P. maculaia. This 
 difference is shown in Fig. 3 and in Fig. 13. Fig. 13 gives the 
 susceptibility curves of four lots of ten worms each from a stock 
 which had been in the laboratory only one day. Curve ab shows 
 the susceptibility of worms five millimeters in length, curve ac of 
 worms seven milKmeters, curve ad of worms ten to twelve milli- 
 meters, and curve ef of worms eighteen to twenty millimeters in 
 length. The survival times are considerably longer than those in 
 Fig. 3 because of lower alkalinity of the water used. 
 A marked difference in the susceptibility of the worms of differ- 
 ent size appears in the figure. The smallest worms (curve ab) 
 begin to die and disintegrate earlier and disintegrate more rapidly 
 than the others, and the susceptibility in the other lots decreases 
 as the size increases. In short, the larger worms possess a lower 
 Stages i a e 
 ol Ai- ri ^i -ri Si 
 31 44 5* ^4 7l "4 
 Fig. 13. — Susceptibility of Planaria dorotocephala to KCN o.ooi mol.: ah, 
 worms 5 mm. in length; ac, worms 7 mm. in length; ad, worms 10-12 mm. in length; 
 ef, worms 18-20 mm. in length. 
 rate of metabohsm than the smaller, and in general the rate of 
 metabolism decreases with increasing size. 
 Hundreds of animals of this species have been compared in 
 this way, with cyanide, alcohol, ether, etc., as reagents, and the 
 result has been in all cases essentially the same. Tested by the 
 acclimation method, the smaller worms show a greater capacity 
 to acclimate to the reagent, i.e., a higher rate of metabolism, than 
 the larger, so that the results of the two methods check and confirm 
 each other. Moreover, the smaller animals grow more rapidly 
 than the larger under like conditions and are more active. 
 The only possible conclusion is that in this species individuals 
 resulting from the asexual process of fission show age differences 
 similar in character to those in the sexually produced individuals 
 of Planaria macula ta. In both cases the rate of metabolism is 
 highest in the young worms and decreases with advancing age. 
 Later chapters will confirm this conclusion (see chaps, v, vii). 
 In order to determine whether age differences in susceptibility 
 are of general occurrence and of the same sort, the susceptibility 
 of young and old individuals of a considerable number of species 
 from different groups has been compared by direct method. The 
 general results of these investigations are briefly stated without 
 the data of experiment. 
 The age differences in susceptibility have been determined for 
 various other species of flatworms. In Dendrocoelum lactcum, 
 Phagocata gracilis, and certain unnamed species of the Mesoslomidae, 
 all of which reproduce only sexually, the susceptibility by the direct 
 method of the young animals to the cyanides is much greater than 
 that of the old. In Planaria velata, the old worms break up into 
 fragments which encyst and undergo reconstitution into new indi- 
 viduals in the cysts and later emerge as young worms capable of 
 repeating the life cycle. In this species also the susceptibility, as 
 determined by the direct method, is greatest in the young worms 
 after they emerge from the cysts, and decreases from this stage on 
 until the next fragmentation (Child, '13). 
 Differences in susceptibility which are undoubtedly connected 
 with physiological age have been found in certain protozoa (see 
 pp. 141-42). Among the coelenterates the fresh-water hydra 
 and two species of hydroids, Pennaria tiarella (see Fig. 50, p. 148) 
 and Corymorpha palma, have been tested. In the two hydroids 
 the sexually produced young at any stage after attaining the form 
 of the adult show a much greater susceptibility than the full-grown 
 mature animals. In hydra, se.xually produced young have not as 
 yet been obtained, but the young animals asexually protlucod show 
 a higher susceptibility than the parent. In the ctenophore, Mmmi- 
 opsis leidyi, the susceptibility decreases with advancing physiological 
 age, i.e., as growth and development proceed. Here the earliest 
 stages tested were young of about five millimeters in diameter. 
 Their susceptibility is greater than that of later stages and very 
 much greater than that of full-grown animals. In the course of 
 investigations not yet published on several species of oligochete 
 annelids, Miss Hyman has found that the young animals show a 
 greater susceptibility to cyanide than the old. The young in these 
 cases arose by the asexual process of fission and not from fertilized 
 eggs. Various species of entcmostracean Crustacea which have 
 been examined show in every case a greater susceptibility in the 
 young than in the old animals, but it is possible that differences in 
 size may be a factor in the result in these forms. In the larvae cf 
 amphibia the susceptibility is greater in newly hatched animals 
 than in later stages. 
 The uniform results obtained from widely different groups show 
 very clearly that age differences in susceptibility to cyanides and 
 other narcotics are of general occurrence. Moreover, in all cases 
 the young animals, at least beyond a certain stage, show the 
 highest susceptibility, and susceptibility decreases with advancing 
 development. In other words, the rate of metabolism is highest 
 in the young animals and decreases with advancing age. This 
 conclusion is in full agreement with what we know of the physio- 
 logical aspects of senescence in the higher animals, and it forces 
 us to the further conclusion that a decrease in rate of metabolism is 
 at least very generally associated with growth and differentiation. 
 CmLD, CM. 
 1913. "The Asexual Cycle in Planar ia velata in Relation to Senescence 
 and Rejuvenescence," Biol. Bull., XXV. 
 MiNOT, C. S. 
 1908. The Problem of Age, Growth and Death. New York. 
 In consequence of the ability of isolated pieces cut from the bod y 
 to develop into complete individuals, the various species of Plauaria 
 have served to a very large extent as material for the study of 
 *' form-regulation," ''regeneration," "restitution," as the changes 
 which occur in such pieces have been variously called. The mor- 
 phological and histological features of the reconstitution of such 
 pieces into new wholes have been repeatedly discussed by various 
 authors and for various species. Since the essential features of 
 the process do not differ widely in the different species, a brief 
 description of reconstitution as it occurs in P. dorotocephala will 
 serve the present purpose. The reconstitution of such a piece a> 
 a in Fig. 14 is shown in Figs. 15-17. The cut surfaces of the piec 
 contract after its isolation, and in the course of two or three days 
 outgrowths of new embryonic tissue appear on these surfaces, 
 these outgrowths being readily distinguishable from other parts of 
 the piece by the absence of the dark-brown pigment characteristic 
 of the species. In Fig. 15 and following figures these outgrowths 
 of new tissue are marked off from other parts by lines which indicate 
 the boundaries between new and old tissue. During the ne.xt two 
 or three days the anterior outgrowth develops into a head with 
 eyes, cephalic lobes and, as the section shows, a new cephalic 
 ganglion, and the posterior outgrowth develops into a posterior 
 end (Fig. 16). At about the same time the new pharynx becomes 
 visible, near the posterior end of the old tissue of the piece, and the 
 intestinal branches present in the piece begin the changes which 
 end in the formation of an alimentary tract like that of a whole 
 animal. The developing animal also elongates and decreases in 
 width, the postpharyngeal region grows at the expense of the j^re- 
 pharyngeal, and finally an individual results (Fig. 17) which is in 
 all respects, so far as can be determined, a whole animal of small 
 Figs. 14-17. — Reconstitution of 
 pieces of Planaria dorotoccphala: Fig. 
 14, body-outline indicating levels of 
 section; Figs. 15-17, three stages in 
 the reconstitution of an isolated piece. 
 size. Various details of the pro- 
 cess differ according to the size of 
 the piece, the level of the body 
 from which it is taken, the physio- 
 logical condition of the animal, 
 and the environmental conditions, 
 and a limit of size exists which 
 also varies with all these factors; 
 pieces below this limit of size do 
 not reproduce complete normal 
 animals. The influence of these 
 various factors is evident chiefly 
 in the character of the head, 
 which may range from the normal 
 through a series of teratological 
 forms with a headless condition 
 as the extreme term of the series 
 (Child, '11&, 'lie; see also Figs. 
 20-23, pp. 111-12). In other 
 species of planarians the process 
 of reconstitution is in general 
 much the same, but with differ- 
 ences in details and in the relation 
 to the various factors mentioned 
 The process of reconstitution 
 in these cases differs somewhat 
 from the replacement of a missing 
 part in higher animals. The 
 isolated piece of Planaria does not 
 replace the missing parts in their 
 original condition and size, but 
 develops merely a new head and 
 posterior end and then undergoes 
 an extensive reorganization into 
 a new individual of small size, 
 the size being dependent upon the 
 size of the isolated piece. In the course of the process some parts 
 of the piece atrophy and disappear, new parts arise and dilTcrcn- 
 tiate, and a large amount of cell division and growth occur. The 
 piece does not, in many cases cannot, feed until the development of 
 the new individual has reached a certain stage, consequently the 
 energy for the changes which occur must be derived from the 
 nutritive reserves and the tissues of the piece itself. In this con- 
 nection it may be noted that the volume of the new animal is al- 
 ways considerably less than that of the piece from which it arose; 
 in other words, the piece undergoes a considerable amount of reduc- 
 tion in producing a new individual. 
 The development of the new animal in this process of recon- 
 stitution is not fundamentally different from embryonic develop- 
 ment (Child, '12a, '13) — it merely occurs under rather different 
 conditions; nor is it essentially different from the process of agamic 
 reproduction in nature; it is, in short, an experimental reproduction. 
 Moreover, the new animal thus produced resembles a young ani- 
 mal in its morphological features and is capable, when fed, of growth 
 and development, in fact, of going through all stages of the hfe 
 history beyond that which it apparently represents. All these 
 facts raise the question whether such an animal is or may be younger 
 physiologically as well as morphologically than the animal from 
 which the piece was taken. This question is considered in the 
 following section. 
 An extensive investigation of the changes during reconstitution 
 in the susceptibility of isolated pieces to cyanide has been made by 
 the direct susceptibility method. It should be borne in mind that 
 changes in susceptibility as indicated by this method indicate 
 change in the same direction of rate of metabolism. The results 
 of these experiments are given here only in general terms. The 
 complete data have appeared elsewhere (Child, '14^1). 
 The first change follows immediately upon the act of isolation. 
 The susceptibility of the piece immediately after isolation is greater, 
 i.e., its rate of metabolism is higher, than that of the same region 
 of the body in uninjured animals which are as nearly as possible 
 in the same physiological condition as that from which the piece 
 was taken. 
 This is of course to be expected, for the operation of cutting 
 the piece out of the body undoubtedly stimulates it and so increases 
 its rate of metabohsm, and the presence of the wounds at the two 
 ends of the piece undoubtedly serves to continue this stimulation. 
 It is an interesting fact that short pieces show a greater increase 
 in rate of metabolism than long, as the result of section. This 
 again is only to be expected, for the nearer the cut is to a given 
 region of the body, the more directly the nervous structures inner- 
 vating that region are affected by it. When the piece includes a 
 half or a third of the body, the stimulation following section, as 
 indicated by an increase in rate in the piece as a whole, is slight, 
 but the degree of stimulation increases as the length of the piece 
 decreases, and in short pieces, including one-eighth or less of the 
 body-length, the increase in rate is great. 
 But this increase in rate following section is only temporary, 
 as we should expect, if it is due to the stimulation resulting from 
 section. The rate of metabolism in the isolated piece, as measured 
 by its susceptibihty to cyanide, decreases during the first few hours 
 after section. In long pieces, including a half or a third of the 
 body-length, the rate falls to about the same level as that in the 
 corresponding region of the parent body, or somewhat lower. But 
 in shorter pieces the rate does not fall as low, and in very short 
 pieces it may remain considerably higher than in the same region 
 of the uninjured animal, probably because in such cases the wound 
 stimulus involves the whole piece to a greater or less extent. The 
 decrease in metaboUc rate following the increase after isolation is 
 evidently due to the gradual recovery from the condition of excita- 
 tion following the act of section. 
 But this condition, like the initial condition of stimulation, is 
 only temporary in cases where the piece undergoes reconstitution. 
 Within three or four days after section the processes of reconstitu- 
 tion are well under way, and they are accompanied by an increase 
 in susceptibility, i.e., an increase in rate of metabolism in the pieces. 
 This continues as reconstitution goes on, and when the develop- 
 ment of the new animal from the piece is completed, the suscepti- 
 biUty is greater than that in the corresponding region of the parent 
 animal. This means that during reconstitution the rate of metab- 
 olism increases until it is higher than before section. This increase 
 in rate is not the result of a stimulation which soon disappears, but 
 is connected with the process of reconstitution and is relatively 
 permanent. The rate after reconstitution is the rate characteristic 
 of a physiologically young animal, and it undergoes a gradual 
 decrease as the animal grows and becomes physiologically older. 
 Here also size is a factor in the result: the smaller the piece which 
 undergoes reconstitution into a new whole, the greater the increase 
 in rate of reaction during reconstitution. This increase in meta- 
 bolic activity during reconstitution was first discovered by means 
 of the acclimation method with alcohol as a reagent (Child, '11). 
 In these earlier experiments a marked increase in rate was found 
 in small pieces, but in very large pieces a decrease in rate apparently 
 occurred. As a matter of fact, the rate does not decrease in large 
 pieces during reconstitution, but increases slightly. My error on 
 this point was due to failure to keep the normal animals under the 
 same conditions as the experimental pieces. In the case of the 
 large pieces the effect of the conditions more than compensated the 
 slight increase in rate due to reconstitution, but in the small pieces, 
 where the increase was much greater, it appeared in spite of the 
 external conditions. 
 More recent and extended investigation by the direct method 
 with cyanide as reagent has demonstrated beyond a doubt that 
 reconstitution is accompanied by an increase in rate, the amount 
 of increase varying with the size of the piece, the amount of reconsti- 
 tutional change, and various other factors. 
 The partial record of one series of experiments will serve to 
 show both the increase in susceptibility, i.e., of rate of metabolism 
 resulting from reconstitution, and the relation between the amount 
 of increase and the size of the piece. In this experiment large, 
 physiologically old worms eighteen to twenty millimeters in length 
 constituted the material. From a part of these worms pieces in- 
 cluding the region ac in Fig. 18, from another part pieces including 
 the region ah, i.e., just half the length of the preceding lot, were 
 cut. These two lots of pieces were allowed 
 to develop into new animals. A third part 
 of the stock consisting of uninjured worms 
 was kept under the same conditions as a 
 control and since the pieces do not feed 
 during the process of reconstitution, this 
 third lot was not fed. During the recon- 
 stitution of the pieces several comparative 
 tests were made of their susceptibihty, and 
 of that of the uninjured animals, to 
 cyanide. The results of one of these tests 
 made sixteen days after the pieces were 
 cut from the parent bodies is given in 
 Fig. 19. Both the pieces and the whole 
 animals had been without food during this 
 time, but the effects of sixteen days' 
 starvation are not very great as regards 
 susceptibility. During these sixteen days 
 the pieces had become fully developed 
 animals, the longer being seven to eight 
 milHmeters, the shorter, five miUimeters in 
 length. In Fig. 19 the curve ab shows the 
 susceptibihty of ten animals developed 
 from the shorter pieces, the curve cd the 
 susceptibihty of ten animals from the 
 longer pieces, and the curve ef the suscepti- 
 bility of uninjured animals the same size 
 as those from which the pieces were taken. 
 It is evident at once from the figure that 
 the susceptibihty of the pieces which have 
 undergone reconstitution to whole animals 
 is very considerably greater than that of 
 the uninjured animals like those from 
 which these pieces came, and that further 
 the susceptibihty of the animals which 
 develop from the shorter pieces is greater than that of those from 
 the longer. The results of all other similar tests of susceptibihty 
 Fig. 18. — Body-outline 
 of Planar i a dorotocephala, 
 indicating levels of section. 
 have been essentially the same. When the pieces are very large 
 and include a considerable portion of the body, the increase in 
 susceptibility is slight or inappreciable, but with decrease in size of 
 piece increase in susceptibility becomes greater, provided the pieces 
 are not so small that they fail to undergo complete reconstitution. 
 Recalling the age differences in susceptibility shown in the 
 preceding chapter to exist, it is evident that the animals resulting 
 from the reconstitution of pieces are, at least as regards their 
 Stages I ace 
 Hours 2345678 
 Fig. 19. — Susceptibility of Planaria dorolocepkala to KCNo.ooi mol.: ab, short 
 pieces; cd, long pieces; ef, uninjured worms like those from which pieces were taken. 
 susceptibility, younger than the animals from which the pieces were 
 taken. Apparently the process of reconstitution brings about in 
 some way a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence as regards the 
 susceptibility to cyanide, i.e., the rate of metabolism. The smaller 
 the piece, the greater the amount of reorganization in the forma- 
 tion of a whole animal and the greater the degree of rejuvenescence. 
 In this connection it is of interest to note that the new tissue 
 formed at the cut ends of the piece is for a considerable time after 
 its formation distinctly more susceptible to cyanide, i.e.. younger 
 physiologically, than the old tissues of the rest of the piece. As 
 the new tissue differentiates, however, this difference in suscepti- 
 bihty between it and the old parts gradually disappears, for the 
 new tissue gradually grows old and its rate of metabolism decreases, 
 while the old tissue gradually undergoes reconstitutional changes 
 which involve the atrophy and disappearance of some parts and the 
 formation of others by cell division and growth, and besides this 
 the tissues of the piece, particularly the old tissues with their lower 
 rate of metabohsm, are being used up as a source of nutrition for 
 the developing organism. In other words, the new embryonic 
 tissue formed at the cut surfaces gradually becomes old after its 
 formation, while other parts of the piece gradually become young 
 by reduction and reorganization, until a dynamic equihbrium is 
 estabhshed in the rate of metabolism in the different parts, after 
 which the animal, if fed, undergoes senescence as a whole. 
 With various other organisms which show a high capacity for 
 reconstitution similar results have been obtained. In various other 
 species of flatworms, so far as tested, in Hydra and in the hydroid 
 Corymorpha, the animals resulting from the reconstitution of 
 pieces show a higher rate of metabolism than the animals from which 
 the pieces were taken. Miss Hyman has found that this is also 
 true for animals developed from pieces of Lumbriculus and other 
 fresh-water oligochete annelids. 
 Animals produced in this way are also younger in other respects 
 than those from which the pieces came. They grow more rapidly 
 and are capable of repeating the developmental history from the 
 stage which they represent onward. There can be no doubt that 
 the process of reconstitution brings about in some way a greater 
 or less degree of rejuvenescence in these relatively simple animals, 
 and that the degree of rejuvenescence is in general proportional to 
 the degree of reorganization in the process of reconstitution of the 
 piece into a whole. 
 The reconstitutional capacity of pieces of Planaria dorotocephala, 
 as of other species, is limited. Pieces below a certain size limit, 
 which varies with the condition of the animal, with the le\el of the 
 body from which the piece is taken, and with various external 
 factors which influence the rate of metabohsm, do not produce 
 complete normal animals, although they may undergo a greater 
 or less degree of reconstitution and approach more or less closely 
 to the normal form. Such pieces show all gradations between the 
 normal animal at one extreme and a completely headless form at 
 the other (Child, 'iib, 'iic, '12b). It has been found convenient 
 to distinguish in this graded series of forms five different types, as 
 Normal. — The head is like that of animals found in nature with 
 two completely separated eyes and cephalic lobes at lateral margins 
 (Fig. 17). 
 ::m) (M) en: 
 Fig. 20. — Various degrees of teratophthalmia in Planaria dorolocephala 
 Teratophthalmic. — The head is of the usual form, but the eye 
 spots show differences in size, asymmetry in position, approach to 
 the median line, or various degrees of fusion. Some of the eye 
 forms are shown in Fig. 20. In all teratophthalmic animals the 
 cephalic ganglia show various degrees of fusion or asymmetry, the 
 condition of the eyes being to a considerable extent indicative of 
 that of the ganglia. 
 Teratomorphic. — Here the preocular region of the head fails to 
 attain its full size or does not appear at all. Consequently the 
 cephalic lobes arise on the anterior margin of the head as in 
 Fig. 21 ^, or in extreme cases are fused together in the median line 
 at the front of the head (Fig. 21 B). 
 Anophthalmic. — The anterior outgrowth of new tissue is vari- 
 able in form and without eyes, but contains a small, single, gangU- 
 onic mass, i.e., it is a rudimentary head (Figs. 22 A, 22 B). 
 Headless.— The anterior outgrowth merely fills in the contracted 
 cut surface and does not extend beyond the contours of the margin; 
 the posterior outgrowth, however, is usually even longer than in 
 other pieces, but its differentiation proceeds very slowly and is 
 never completed as long as it is attached to the headless piece 
 (Fig. 23). 
 The difference between the extremes of this series, the normal 
 and headless forms, in the degree of reorganization is very great, 
 Figs. 21-23. — Different degrees of reconstitution in Planaria doroiocephala: 
 Fig. 21 A, B, teratomorphic forms; Fig. 22 A, B, anophthalmic forms; Fig. 23, 
 headless form. 
 particularly in pieces from the postoral region (eg., a, Fig. 24). In 
 the development of a normal animal the anterior half or more of 
 such a piece undergoes extensive changes in giving rise to a pharyn- 
 geal and prepharyngeal region, and outgrowths of new tissue appear 
 at both ends. In the piece from this region which remains headless 
 no prepharyngeal or pharyngeal region arises, and changes are 
 Hmited to the longer outgrowth at the posterior end and the smaller 
 amount of new tissue at the anterior end. 
 In the teratophthalmic, teratomorphic, and anophthalmic forms 
 the degree of reconstitutional change ranges from a little less than 
 in the normal animal to somewhat more than in the headless form. 
 Moreover the degree of reconstitution decreases somewhat as the 
 character of the head departs from normal. 
 In pieces of the same length and from the 
 same region the size of the head and the 
 length of the pharyngeal and prepharyn- 
 geal region are less in teratophthalmic and 
 teratomorphic than in normal animals and 
 less in anophthalmic than in teratomorphic 
 or teratophthalmic forms. Between the 
 teratophthalmic and teratomorphic forms 
 the differences in this respect are not very 
 great except when opposite extremes of the 
 two t>pes are compared. 
 That the production of a normal or 
 nearly normal animal from a piece requires 
 more energy than the production of a head- 
 less form is indicated by the fact that a 
 much greater amount of reduction occurs 
 in the former than in the latter case. 
 Moreover, in a given lot of pieces it is 
 possible by means of external conditions 
 such as temperature, low concentrations of 
 narcotics, etc., whose effect is primarily 
 quantitative rather than qualitative, to 
 determine experimentally within wide 
 limits which of the five forms shall be pro- 
 duced (Child, '116, '126). Experiments of 
 this kind have demonstrated that all four 
 forms- from the teratophthalmic to the 
 headless are what might be called sub- 
 normal, i.e., they are due to various degrees 
 of retardation or inhibition of the dynamic 
 processes (Child, 'iib, '14a, '14b). And, 
 finally, after their development is com- 
 pleted, the normal head shows in general 
 a higher susceptibility than the teratoph- 
 thalmic and teratomorphic, and these a higher susceptibility than 
 the anophthalmic. 
 Fig. 24. — Body-outline 
 of Pliiihiria dorotoii'Phiihi, 
 indicating levels of section. 
 It is evident, then, from all points of view, that these different 
 forms represent different degrees of reconstitution. If the degree 
 of rejuvenescence, as indicated by the increase in susceptibility, 
 is associated with the degree of reconstitution, then these different 
 forms, when produced under comparable conditions, should show 
 the highest susceptibility in the normal, the lowest in the headless 
 animals, with intermediate conditions in the intermediate forms. 
 The following experiment shows to what extent this is the case. 
 The stock for the experiment consisted of a hundred or more 
 pieces like a in Fig. 24, cut from animals of equal size and similar 
 physiological condition and allowed to undergo reconstitution 
 under uniform external conditions. Even under such conditions 
 pieces of this size and from this region may produce anything from 
 normal to headless forms, although the great majority are headless 
 or anophthalmic. 
 Eleven days after section reconstitution was practically com- 
 plete, and the susceptibilities of lots of ten each of the different 
 forms and at the same time of a lot of ten intact worms like those 
 from which the pieces had been taken were determined. The 
 control animals had been kept under the same conditions as the 
 pieces, and, like them, without food during the eleven days of the 
 experiment, and the difference in susceptibility between the pieces 
 and these whole animals should show how much rejuvenescence 
 had occurred in connection with reconstitution. 
 The results appear in the susceptibility curves of Fig. 25. The 
 curve of the whole animal is drawn in an unbroken line, that of the 
 normal animals developed from pieces in short dashes, that of 
 the teratophthalmic forms in long dashes, that of the anoph- 
 thalmic forms in alternate long and short dashes, and that of head- 
 less forms in dots. The susceptibility is highest in the normal 
 animals developed from pieces, slightly lower in the teratophthalmic 
 forms, considerably lower in the anophthalmic forms, and again 
 still lower in the headless forms. In all except the headless forms 
 the susceptibility is higher than in the whole animals, i.e., it has 
 increased during reconstitution. 
 The susceptibility curve of the headless pieces shows an inter- 
 esting relation to that of the whole animals. In earlier stages the 
 1 1 
 susceptibility of the headless forms falls below that of the whole 
 animals, but later rises considerably above it. This is simply 
 an expression of the fact that there is no part of the headless piece 
 which has as high a rate of metabolism as the head-region of the 
 whole animal, but that the rate in the headless piece is considerably 
 higher than that of the regions of lowest rate in the whole animal. 
 It is also evident from Fig. 25 that the difference between normal 
 Hours 1234567 
 Fig. 25. — Susceptibility of Planaria dorotocephala to KCX o.ooi mol. after 
 different degrees of reconstitution : unbroken line, uninjured animals like those from 
 which pieces were taken; short dashes, normal forms after reconstitution; long 
 dashes, teratophthalmic forms; alternate long and short dashes, anophthalmic forms; 
 dots, headless forms. 
 and teratophthalmic forms is slight and much less than that between 
 teratophthalmic and anophthalmic forms. 
 These curves are a graphic presentation in dynamic terms of 
 the degree of rejuvenescence in its relation to the degree of recon- 
 stitution. Similar tests of the susceptibility of the ditTerent 
 reconstitutional forms have been made repeatedly with pieces of 
 different size and from different regions of the body and always 
 with essentiallv the same result. 
 (») (D 
 The belief that the germ cell is the source of youth and that the 
 old organism cannot become young has been so widely current 
 among biologists that it is of some interest to 
 determine whether the physiological condition 
 of the animal resulting from reconstitution 
 approaches that of the sexually produced young 
 animal. Planaria dorotocephala is not available 
 for such experiments, since it does not repro- 
 duce sexually under ordinary conditions, con- 
 sequently another species, P. maculata, has been 
 used in which the young produced from eggs 
 can readily be obtained. 
 In experiments of this kind pieces were cut 
 from old, sexually mature animals and allowed 
 to undergo reconstitution; after reconstitution 
 their susceptibihty was compared with that of 
 sexually produced young of the same size. In 
 the particular experiment of which the results 
 are given in Fig. 27 below, two lots of pieces 
 (a and h, Fig. 26) were cut from old, sexually 
 mature worms twelve millimeters in length. 
 These pieces were left for ten days under uni- 
 form conditions, at the end of which time they 
 had become normal animals five to six milli- 
 meters long. They were then fed, and two days 
 later their susceptibility was compared both 
 with that of old, sexually mature worms like 
 those from which the pieces were taken and also 
 with that of young, growing worms five to six 
 millimeters long, which had been hatched from 
 eggs in the laboratory. 
 Fig. 27 shows the susceptibihties to KCN 
 o.ooi mol. of ten old, sexually mature worms 
 {cd), ten young, growing worms hatched from eggs {ah, long 
 dashes), ten animals developed from the a-pieces {ah, short 
 Fig. 26. — Body- 
 outline of Planaria 
 maculata, indicating 
 levels of section. 
 dashes), and ten animals developed from the 6-pieces (ab, unbroken 
 line). The figure shows that the susceptibility of animals resulting 
 from the reconstitution of pieces is practically the same as that of 
 the young, growing, sexually produced animals of the same size 
 and much greater than that of the old, sexually mature animals. 
 In other words, the animals resulting from experimental repro- 
 duction possess about the 
 same rate of metabolism as Stages .. 
 sexually produced growing 
 animals of the same size, and 
 a much higher rate than the 
 animals from which the pieces 
 were taken. The process of 
 reconstitution has made the 
 experimentally produced ani- 
 mals as young as the sexually 
 produced animals of the same 
 It is of interest, however, 
 to note that the ^-pieces from 
 the posterior end of the ani- 
 mal (Fig. 26) show a some- 
 what greater susceptibility 
 than the a-pieces from the 
 anterior body region. This 
 difference in susceptibility 
 corresponds to a real differ- 
 ence in the process of recon- 
 stitution in pieces from these 
 two regions. In the recon- 
 stitution of the 6-pieces there is less outgrowth of new tissue 
 and more reorganization of the old than in the j-picces, so that 
 the old tissue becomes somewhat younger in the former than 
 in the latter; consequently, as the new tissue becomes older and 
 the old tissue younger, they finally attain the same physiological 
 age at a stage somewhat younger in the i-pieces than in the a- 
 pieces. Slight differences of this kind are characteristic of pieces 
 Hours 1234 
 Fig. 27. — Susceptibility of P/iiHcir/j mcicii- 
 lala to KCX o.ooi mol.: ab, long dashes, 
 sexually produced young; ab, short dashes 
 and unbroken line, animals resulting from 
 reconstitution of pieces; cd, animals like 
 those from which the pieces were taken. 
 from different body levels and are correlated with differences in 
 the process of reconstitution. 
 If pieces smaller than these are taken, the increase in suscepti- 
 bihty is greater and the animals attain the condition of still younger 
 sexually produced forms. Evidently these experimental repro- 
 ductions, while they do not carry the organism back to the 
 beginning of development, do carry it back to the physiological 
 condition characteristic of the sexually produced, growing animal 
 of the same size. Experimental reproduction is apparently in this 
 species just as efficient a means of producing physiologically young 
 animals as sexual reproduction. 
 It has been shown in preceding sections that the animals 
 produced by reconstitution are physiologically younger than the 
 animals from which the pieces are taken, and moreover that they 
 are about as young as sexually produced animals of the same size. 
 If this is the case, it should be possible to breed animals indefinitely 
 by means of this process of experimental reproduction. On the 
 other hand, the animal rejuvenated by reconstitution may differ in 
 some way from the sexually produced animal, but so slightly that 
 the difference does not become apparent in a single generation, 
 but requires several or many generations of breeding by experi- 
 mental reproduction to become distinguishable. Thus far two 
 attempts at reconstitutional breeding have been made, both of 
 which were terminated by accident, but one of them continued 
 long enough to throw at least some light on the question. 
 The breeding stock for these experiments was obtained as 
 follows: Large individuals of the same size, which had been kept 
 under uniform conditions, were selected, and from each of these 
 a piece of a certain size and from a certain region of the body was 
 taken. These pieces were allowed to undergo reconstitution and 
 after this was completed were fed until they attained approxi- 
 mately the original size. Then from each a piece, including the 
 same region of the body, was taken; these were again allowed to 
 develop, were fed, and so on. In one of these breeding experiments 
 the piece used in each generation was the anterior fifth of the body, 
 including the old head. In such pieces the old head remains from 
 one generation to another and new tissue appears only at the 
 posterior end; consequently the amount of reorganization is less 
 than in pieces which form a new head or in pieces from the posterior 
 region of the body. Moreover, the head-region is less capable of 
 reorganization than other parts of the body. If a progressive 
 senescence occurs from generation to generation in spite of recon- 
 stitution in each generation, it should become more distinct or 
 appear earher in such pieces than in those where the reconstitu- 
 tional changes are more extensive. 
 In the course of a year and a half the animals passed through 
 thirteen experimental generations without any indications of 
 senescence or depression of any sort. During the growth of the 
 thirteenth generation, however, most of the stock was killed by 
 high temperature and the remaining animals never regained good 
 condition, but died in the course of the next few generations. The 
 worms that remained alive in each generation grew more or less 
 normally, and the breeding was continued with these. In the six- 
 teenth generation only eight worms remained alive, and in order to 
 determine whether more extensive reconstitutional change would 
 bring the animals back to their original condition, the old heads 
 were removed and each animal was cut into several pieces. Some of 
 these pieces produced complete animals, but deaths continued to 
 occur among these, and some of the pieces died without reconstitu- 
 tion. The living animals were again cut into pieces after growth, 
 and this was repeated to the nineteenth generation in which the 
 last of the stock died without recovery. 
 In another stock pieces from the middle region of the body were 
 used for each generation. In the fifth generation this stock was 
 subjected to high temperature at the same time as the preceding, 
 and most of the animals died. Those that remained alive gradually 
 died during the following generations, until in the tenth genera- 
 tion all were dead. 
 The results of these two breeding experiments are of value only 
 as far as they go. The first does show, however, that the animals 
 can be bred by experimental reproduction without loss of vigor 
 for at least thirteen generations, even when the old head is 
 continuously present. The first stock was subjected to high 
 temperature in the thirteenth generation, the second in the fifth 
 generation, but in both the result was the same, in that most of 
 the stock was killed and the survivors failed to recover after several 
 months. There can be little doubt that the high temperature 
 rather than the physiological condition of the animals was respon- 
 sible in one way or another for the death of both stocks. 
 As a matter of fact, however, the question which these experi- 
 ments attempted to answer is answered by reproduction in nature 
 in Planaria dorotocephala and P. velata. It will be shown in the 
 following chapter that the process of agamic reproduction in these 
 forms is not essentially different in any way from the process 
 of reconstitution of pieces, and this is the only method of reproduc- 
 tion which has been observed in these two species under natural 
 The results obtained by another method of experiment are of 
 interest in this connection. This is essentially breeding by experi- 
 mental reproduction without food. Pieces from large, old animals 
 are allowed to undergo reconstitution; then, without feeding, pieces 
 are taken from these animals, and so on. Here of course each 
 generation is smaller than the preceding, and the experiment is 
 finally brought to an end by the advancing starvation of the animals 
 and the failure of the minute pieces to undergo reconstitution. But 
 susceptibility tests show that the susceptibility increases with such 
 reconstitutions, and in Planaria maculata, where sexually produced 
 animals are available for comparison, the animals after a few genera- 
 tions of reconstitution without food show a susceptibility equal to 
 that of animals just hatched from the egg capsule. Their rate of 
 metabolism has increased in consequence of the successive recon- 
 stitutions and the absence of food until it equals that of very 
 young sexually produced animals. If fed after such a series of 
 reconstitutions, they grow and are indistinguishable from the 
 animals hatched from eggs. 
 In short, by successive reconstitutions alternating with feeding 
 and growth, the animals may be brought back to essentially the 
 same stage in the age cycle in each successive generation, and by 
 successive reconstitutions without feeding and growth they may be 
 made progressively younger physiologically in each successive 
 generation, until further reconstitution becomes impossible. 
 Child, CM. 
 1911a. "A Study of Senescence and Rejuvenescence Based on Experi- 
 ments with Planarians," Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., XXXI. 
 191 16. "Experimental Control of Morphogenesis in the Regulation of 
 Planaria;' Biol. Bull., XX. 
 1911C. "Studies on the Dynamics of Morphogenesis and Inheritance in 
 Experimental Reproduction: I, The Axial Gradient in Planaria 
 dorotocephala as a Limiting Factor in Regulation," Jour, of Exp. 
 Zool., X. 
 1912a. "The Process of Reproduction in Organisms," Biol. Bull., XXIII. 
 1912&. "Studies on the Dynamics, etc.: IV, Certain Dynamic Factors in 
 the Regulatory Morphogenesis of Planaria dorotocephala in Rela- 
 tion to the Axial Gradient," Jour, of Exp. Zool., XIII. 
 1913. "Certain Dynamic Factors in Experimental Reproduction and 
 Their Significance for the Problems of Reproduction and Develop- 
 ment," Arch. J. Entwickelungsmech., XXXV. 
 1914a. "Studies on the Dynamics, etc.: VII, The Stimulation of Pieces 
 by Section in Planaria dorotocephala,^^ Jour, oj Exp. Zool., X\T. 
 1914ft. "Studies on the Dynamics, etc.: VIII, Dynamic Factors in Head- 
 Determination in Planaria," Jour, of Exp. Zool., XVII. 
 Planaria dorotocephala, like many other species of flatworms, 
 undergoes from time to time a process of agamic or asexual repro- 
 duction, which consists in the separation by fission of the posterior 
 third or fourth of the body from the rest and its development into 
 a new animal. The posterior region which separates is not morpho- 
 logically distinguishable in any way from adjoining regions of the 
 body, yet the separation occurs at a more or less definite level of 
 the body. 
 In the course of an extended study of experimental reproduc- 
 tion in Planaria I have found that the posterior body region in all 
 except very young animals, while not morphologically distinguish- 
 able as a new individual, is nevertheless clearly marked off physio- 
 logically from the region anterior to it. Along the main axis of 
 the planarian body a gradient in the rate of metabolism exists 
 (Child, 'i2, '13a), the rate being highest in the head-region and 
 decreasing posteriorly to the region where separation occurs in 
 fission: here a sudden rise in rate occurs, and posterior to this 
 point another gradient similar to that in the anterior region. That 
 is, the posterior region of the body, which is separated from the 
 rest by the act of fission, possesses an axial gradient in rate of metab- 
 ohsm similar to that of the anterior region. In long worms, two, 
 three, or even more of these metabolic gradients may appear, one 
 posterior to the other. These metabolic gradients in the body of 
 Planaria appear, not only in the susceptibility of different regions, 
 but also in the differences in the capacity for reconstitution of 
 pieces from different levels (Child, '116, 'iic). 
 The existence of these metabolic gradients in the posterior 
 region of Planaria indicates, as chap, ix will show more clearly, 
 that this region has undergone 
 the first step in the process of 
 individuation. Each one of the 
 gradients is the dynamic expres- 
 sion of this individuation. In 
 fact, the body of Flanaria, after 
 a certain stage of development, 
 is physiologically a chain of two 
 or more zooids, i.e., of individ- 
 uals organically connected. In 
 young animals four or five miUi- 
 meters long only two zooids are 
 distinguishable, the longer, 
 anterior zooid making up the 
 greater part of the body and 
 bearing the head, and the 
 shorter, posterior zooid indi- 
 cated only dynamically by a 
 second metabolic gradient in the 
 posterior region. The boundary 
 between the two zooids in these 
 small animals is indicated by 
 the dotted line across the body 
 in Fig. 28. As the animal be- 
 comes longer, other zooids arise 
 in the posterior region by fur- 
 ther physiological division of 
 the original posterior zooid, and 
 when it has reached a length of 
 Figs. 28-30. — Development of zooids 
 in Planaria dorotoccphala: Fig. 28, a 
 young animal with two zooids, / and 2; 
 Fig. 29, a half-grown animal in which 
 the original posterior zooid has divided 
 into zooids 2.1. and 2.2., and 2.2. has 
 undergone further division; Fig. 30, a 
 full-grown animal in which still further 
 zooids have appeared. 
 ten or twelve millimeters the posterior region is more or less clearly 
 marked off by metabolic gradients into two or more zooids 
 (Fig. 29), and the extreme posterior end appears to be a growing 
 tip in which new zooids are arising. In nature, separation at the 
 boundary between the first and second zooids 
 very commonly occurs at about this stage, 
 but if the animals are prevented from divid- 
 ing, which may be accomplished in various 
 ways, they may grow to a length of twenty- 
 five to thirty millimeters and the posterior 
 region may consist of four to five zooids and 
 a growing tip (Fig. 30). 
 The dynamic demarkation of these pos- 
 terior zooids results, as has been shown else- 
 where,' from a physiological isolation of the 
 regions concerned in forming the dominant 
 head-region of the animal. The consequence 
 of this physiological isolation is the beginning 
 of a new individuation in the isolated region, 
 in essentially the same manner as in the 
 physically isolated piece which begins to 
 undergo reconstitution, and for the same 
 reason. But the physiological isolation of 
 the posterior region of the planarian body is 
 less complete than in the piece isolated by 
 section; consequently the development of 
 new individuation beyond a very early stage, 
 which is only dynamically distinguishable, is 
 inhibited. In Planaria maculata and various 
 other species of Planaria new zooids arise in 
 the same way and exist dynamically as axial 
 gradients, but their morphological develop- 
 ment is similarly inhibited until after their physical separation 
 from more anterior regions. 
 The act of fission in these animals results from an independent 
 motor reaction of posterior and anterior zooids. If the animal is 
 ' Child, '10, 'iia, 'lie; see also chap. ix. 
 Fig. 31. — Planaria 
 dorotocephala in process 
 of division. 
 slightly stimulated when creeping about, or in some cases without 
 any stimulation from external sources being apparent, the posterior 
 region suddenly attaches itself tightly to the underlying surface 
 by its margins, using the ventral surface as a sucking disk, while 
 the anterior zooid continues to creep, and when it feels the resist- 
 ance to forward movement it exerts itself violently to pull away. 
 The consequence of this lack of co-ordination between the two 
 regions is that the body just anterior to the attached region be- 
 comes more and more stretched and tinally ruptures, and the 
 posterior region is left behind. Fig. 31 shows an animal in the act 
 of fission. The anterior zooid bearing the head is endeavoring to 
 move forward, and the posterior zooid has attached itself firml>- 
 to the surface on which the animal was creeping. In many cases 
 the posterior region of the first zooid becomes stretched into a long, 
 slender band, and even then, particularly in large old animals 
 where the tissues seem to be tougher and rupture less readily, the 
 anterior zooid often apparently becomes exhausted and ceases to 
 exert itself, or else the posterior zooid is torn from its attachment 
 to the substratum or releases itself before the connecting parts are 
 ruptured. Such failures of fission are very common in the larger, 
 older animals. Fission can also be prevented by keeping the ani- 
 mals on surfaces to which they cannot attach themselves firml\-, 
 e.g., in vaseline-lined dishes. 
 After separation the smaller posterior piece undergoes reconsti- 
 tution into a new animal of small size in exactly the same manner 
 as do pieces cut from the body, and the anterior zooid develops a 
 new posterior end in which one or more new zooids may arise. In 
 Planaria dorotocephala this is the only form of reproduction which 
 has been observed in nature during a period of observation covering 
 some ten years, but in the laboratory, animals which have been 
 prevented from undergoing fission have become sexually mature 
 in a few cases. 
 IN Planaria dorotocephala and P. maculata 
 Since a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence occurs in the 
 reconstitution of pieces of Planaria (see chap, v) and since the 
 Figs. 32-34. — Reconstitution after fission in 
 Planaria dorotocephala: Fig. 32, animal before 
 fission; ff, fission-plane, a, anterior, b, posterior 
 zooid; Fig. S3, reconstitution of posterior zooid; 
 Fig. 34, reconstitution of anteriorzoord. 
 natural process of agamic 
 reproduction resembles so 
 closely the process of 
 reconstitution the occur- 
 rence of some degree of 
 rejuvenescence is to be 
 expected in agamic repro- 
 It has already been 
 shown in Fig. 3 (p. 80) 
 and in Fig. 13 (p. 100) that 
 individuals of P. doroto- 
 cephala of small size and 
 young in appearance, but 
 which supposedly arose 
 agamically, are physiologi- 
 cally much younger as re- 
 gards their susceptibility 
 than the large, apparently 
 old animals. But in order 
 to obtain conclusive evi- 
 dence upon this point it is 
 necessary to compare ani- 
 mals which are known to 
 have arisen by fission 
 under controlled con- 
 ditions with animals hke 
 those in which the fission 
 This comparison has 
 been made repeatedly and 
 the result confirms expec- 
 tation. The small animal 
 which develops from the 
 separated posterior region 
 of the parent animal is 
 physiologically much 
 younger than the latter. Since the results of these experiments 
 are in all respects essentially identical with those obtained with 
 pieces artificially isolated by section, it is unnecessary to present 
 them in detailed form. 
 In the process of fission the separated posterior zooid undergoes 
 much more extensive reorganization than the anterior zooid. In 
 an animal of medium size fission usually occurs at about the level 
 indicated by the line/ in Fig. 32. The posterior piece b (Fig. 32) 
 is much smaller than the anterior a, and it develops a new head and 
 a new pharynx, and extensive changes in the alimentary tract 
 occur in the formation of the prepharyngeal region. Moreover, 
 it cannot take food until the new mouth and pharynx have reached 
 a certain stage of development, consequently the energy for develop- 
 ment is derived from its own tissues and it undergoes more or 
 less reduction during the process. In Fig. t^t^ the animal developed 
 from the posterior fission-piece is drawn to the same scale as Fig. 32. 
 This animal is physiologically much younger than the parent from 
 which it came. Its susceptibility is much higher and it is capable 
 of more rapid growth than the original animal. 
 In the anterior fission-piece (a, Fig. 32), on the other hand, the 
 original head and the mouth and pharynx persist, "the only out- 
 growth of new tissue formed is at the posterior end, and the only 
 other change in form is the growth of the postpharyngeal at the 
 expense of the prepharyngeal region, in consequence of which the 
 pharynx seems to migrate forward (Fig. 34). When food is present, 
 this piece may feed and increase in size during the whole process 
 of reconstitution, but even when it is not fed, the degree of reduction 
 during reconstitution is slight, because the developing regions have 
 a relatively large mass to draw upon as a source of energy. The 
 relation which was shown in the preceding chapter to exist between 
 the size of the piece, the amount of reconstitutional change, and the 
 amount of increase in susceptibility would lead us to e.xpcct that 
 the increase in susceptibility resulting from the reconstitutional 
 changes in the anterior fission-piece would be much less than in the 
 posterior piece, and this is in fact the case. 
 The increase in susceptibility in the posterior piece is the same 
 as that in artificially isolated pieces of the same size. In Plauaria 
 maculata the animals developed from these pieces are about as 
 young physiologically as sexually produced animals of the same 
 size. In P. dorotocephala, where sexually produced animals are 
 not available for comparison, the degree of increase in suscepti- 
 bility over that of the parent animals is about the same as in P. 
 maculata. Since these results are so completely in agreement, 
 both with expectation and with the results obtained from arti- 
 ficially isolated pieces, experimental records are unnecessary. 
 Stages i ^ (^ 
 Hours 2345678 
 Fig. 35. — Susceptibility of Planaria dorotocephala to KCN o.ooi mol. 
 anterior fission-pieces after reconstitution; cd, entire animals before fission. 
 With respect to the anterior fission-piece, however, it is a matter 
 of some interest to demonstrate that the reconstitutional changes 
 occurring in the posterior region of so large a piece as this do alter 
 the physiological condition of the whole piece, including even the 
 head-region. For this reason the record of one susceptibility test 
 of these anterior pieces is given in Fig. 35. For this experiment 
 worms ten to twelve millimeters in length were induced to undergo 
 fission and the anterior fission-pieces were kept without food for 
 twelve days. Another lot of worms of the same size and in the 
 same physiological condition, bul undivided, was kept without 
 food during the same period as a control. In Fig. 35, curve ab 
 shows the susceptibility of the anterior fission-pieces, curve cd 
 that of ten of the undivided animals, also without food. At this 
 time the animals had attained the stage of development shown in 
 Fig. 34- 
 The susceptibihty of the fission-pieces is distinctly greater 
 than that of the undivided animals, and as a matter of fact the 
 differences are greater than the curves show. At the points in the 
 curve where the two lots appear to be in the same or nearly the 
 same stage of disintegration, examination of the pieces showed 
 that even though the two lots might fall within the same one of 
 the five arbitrarily distinguished stages, the fission-pieces were 
 always more advanced in that stage. The fission-pieces are evi- 
 dently younger physiologically than whole worms, and this is true, 
 not only for the posterior region where the reconstitutional changes 
 are localized, but for the whole body, including the head. Un- 
 doubtedly the anterior regions have served to some slight extent 
 as a source of energy for the developmental changes in the posterior 
 Similar results have been obtained repeatedly in other similar 
 experiments. If the anterior fission-pieces are fed during recon- 
 stitution and their susceptibility compared with that of whole 
 animals fed at the same time, the increase in susceptibility is found 
 to be less marked or inappreciable. In such cases the food taken, 
 rather than the tissues, provides the energy for the development 
 of the new posterior end. Similarly the larger the animal when 
 division occurs, the less the increase in susceptibility. In the very 
 large, heavily fed animals, in which the anterior tission-picce may 
 be fifteen millimeters or more in length, there is usually no appre- 
 ciable increase in susceptibility in this piece after fission. Here 
 the amount of reconstitutional change is so slight in relation to 
 the size, and the amount of nutritive reserve is so great, that the 
 body as a whole is not appreciably affected by the development 
 of the posterior end. 
 The relation between agamic reproduction and susceptibility 
 is the same in Planaria dorotoccphala and in /'. maciilata. In both 
 species the posterior fission-piece undergoes a considerable increase ; 
 the anterior, except when very large or heavily fed, exhibits a 
 shght increase in susceptibility. In other words, agamic repro- 
 duction brings about a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence. 
 Planaria velata (Fig. 8), a flatworm found very commonly in 
 temporary pools and ditches as well as sometimes in permanent 
 bodies of water, is another species in which only agamic or asexual 
 reproduction has been observed during some thirteen years. The 
 asexual cycle of this species and its relation to senescence and re- 
 juvenescence have been considered at length elsewhere (Child, 
 '13&, '14), and only the more important points need be reviewed here. 
 Agamic reproduction in this species is a process of fragmenta- 
 tion which occurs only at the end of the growth period. The 
 animals appear early in spring, chiefly in temporary pools and 
 ditches in which dead leaves have accumulated. When they first 
 appear they are only two or three millimeters in length, very active, 
 and to all appearances young in every respect. They grow rapidly 
 and become deeply pigmented, but the rate of growth gradually 
 decreases, and at the end of three or four weeks, when they have 
 attained a length of about fifteen millimeters, they cease to feed, 
 become lighter in color, their motor activity undergoes a distinct 
 and progressive decrease, and the pharynx undergoes complete 
 disintegration. Within a few days after these changes fragmenta- 
 tion begins at the posterior end of the body. The process of 
 fragmentation resembles in certain respects the process of fission 
 in P. dorotocephala, described in the first section of this chapter. 
 As in that species, the act of separation is accomplished by attach- 
 ment of the posterior end to the substratum while the animal is 
 creeping, with the result that a small piece tears off and is left behind. 
 But in P. velata the process may be repeated frequently in the course 
 of a few hours and the fragments vary widely in size. In P. velata, 
 as in P. dorotocephala, fragmentation is undoubtedly the result of 
 physiological isolation and independent motor reaction of the 
 posterior end of the body, but, instead of occurring periodically 
 during the life of the animal, it does not occur until senescence is 
 far advanced and the rate of metabolism is very low. Posterior 
 zooids are not distinctly marked off dynamically, as in P. doroto- 
 cephala, but the portions which separate are merely small bits cjf 
 the body at the posterior end which, as the animal becomes pro- 
 gressively weaker, finally cease to be controlled and co-ordinated 
 with other parts by the dominant head-region, and so, sooner or 
 later, react independently and are torn off. In some cases the 
 animal may leave a trail of such fragments behind it as it creeps 
 slowly along. The stimulation resulting from the rupture of the 
 tissues leads to the secretion of slime on the surface of the separated 
 pieces, and this slime hardens and forms a cyst within which the 
 pieces gradually undergo reconstitution to whole animals of small 
 size which sooner or later emerge. 
 Fragmentation may continue until only the head and a short 
 piece of the body two or three millimeters in length remain, or it 
 may be confined to the posterior third or half of the body. After 
 fragmentation is completed, the anterior piece, whether large or 
 small, may encyst, or it may remain more or less active and grad- 
 ually undergo reduction in size in consequence of starvation. 
 Finally, after considerable reduction has occurred, it develops a 
 new pharynx and mouth and a new posterior end, and begins to 
 feed and grow again. Cases of this sort will be considered in 
 chap, vii. 
 The encysted fragments do not withstand complete desiccation, 
 but the bottoms of the ditches and pools in which they live retain 
 sufficient moisture to keep them aHve. In the autumn the ditches 
 do not usually fill again before cold weather, although they may do 
 so, in which case the worms may emerge from the cysts at that 
 time, but their growth is soon stopped by low temperature. Com- 
 monly, however, they appear only in spring, as soon as the ditches 
 thaw out. This cycle is repeated year after year, and thus far 
 neither sexually mature animals nor animals with any part of the 
 sexual ducts or copulatory organs have ever been found, though 
 ovaries and testes in early stages of development may sometimes 
 be present. 
 In the laboratory the animals may pass through the whole life 
 cycle in two or three months, for the encysted fragments wlun 
 kept in water often emerge as young worms within two or three 
 weeks after encystment. There is therefore no difhculty in ob- 
 taining small animals which are known to have developed from 
 encysted pieces for comparison with the larger animals at various 
 stages of the life cycle. 
 Fig. 36 shows the susceptibility of ten animals about two milli- 
 meters in length newly emerged from cysts (curve ah) compared 
 with that of ten full-grown animals raised from cysts in the labora- 
 Hours 1234567 
 Fig. 36. — Susceptibility of Planaria velata to KCN o.ooi mol.: ah, animals 
 newly emerged from cysts; cd, full-grown animals. 
 tory (curve cd). The susceptibility of the small, newly emerged 
 animals is very much greater than that of the full-grown animals. 
 In other words, the newly emerged worms are young as regards 
 rate of metabolism, as they appear to be in every other respect, and 
 the full-grown animals which are about to undergo fragmentation 
 are old. In this species, as in P. dorotocephala, agamic reproduction 
 is simply a separation and reconstitution of pieces, and rejuvenes- 
 cence is associated with the reconstitutional changes in the piece. 
 Since the pieces are usually vety small, the reorganization is ex- 
 tensive and the degree of rejuvenescence is ver}- much greater than 
 in the larger pieces separated in agamic reproduction in P. doroto- 
 cephala and P. maculata. In cases where large instead of small 
 fragments are formed the animals which develop from them are of 
 course longer than those from the small fragments, the reconsti- 
 tutional changes are less extensive, and the degree of rejuvenescence 
 is less than in the small fragments. 
 Apparently the degree of rejuvenescence is essentially the same 
 in successive generations, for this method of reproduction is ade- 
 quate for the maintenance of the species without visible decrease 
 in vigor or advance in senescence, at least for a considerable number 
 of generations. In the laboratory a stock of these worms has been 
 bred asexually over three years and has passed through fifteen 
 generations without any apparent progressive change in the 
 physiological condition of the animals in successive generations. 
 In each generation the rate of metabolism decreases and the process 
 of senescence ends in fragmentation and encystment, and young 
 animals emerge from the cysts and repeat the life cycle. 
 This case is of particular interest because the process of senes- 
 cence, as it occurs under the usual conditions of existence, does not 
 end in death but leads directly to reproduction and rejuvenescence. 
 The occurrence of fragmentation in these animals is ver>' clearly 
 associated with the decrease in rate of metabolism which is the 
 characteristic dynamic feature of senescence (Child, '136). As 
 the animal grows old its decreasing rate of metaboKsm makes im- 
 possible the maintenance of physiological individuality. Physio- 
 logical isolation of parts (see chap, ix) occurs and is followed by 
 physical isolation, and the isolated parts of the old individual 
 undergo reconstitution into new, young individuals. Senescence 
 itself is the physiological factor inducing reproduction and re- 
 In certain flatworms, among which is the genus Stcnosiomum, 
 the morphological development of the new zooids reaches an 
 advanced stage before they separate from the parent body. In 
 such forms the body consists visibly of a chain of zooids in various 
 J. 1.2. 
 > i 
 ? <\ 
 1. 1. 2. 
 2. 1. 1. 
 Figs. 37-40. — Progress of agamic reproduction in Stciw- 
 stomum: the sequence in the formation of new zooids is indi- 
 cated by the numerals. 
 stages of development. The development of such a chain of 
 zooids in Stenostomiim is shown in Figs. 37-40. In Fig. 37 only 
 the zooids i and 2 are present; in Fig. 38 zooid i has divided into 
 I.I. and 1 . 2 . , but zooid 2 has not yet divided. In Fig. 39 zooid 
 I.I. has divided again into i . i . i. and 1.1.2., zooid 1.2. has not 
 yet divided, and zooid 2. has divided into 2.1. and 2.2. In Fig. 39 
 still further divisions have occurred, and the relations of the dilTer- 
 ent zooids are indicated by the numbers designating each. Here 
 morphological development of each zooid is almost completed 
 before separation occurs. The first separation takes place at the 
 most advanced fission-plane and as other zooids reach a correspond- 
 ing stage other separations occur, but meanwhile new zooids have 
 begun to develop. Thus the breaking up of the old chains and the 
 formation of new go hand in hand. 
 Such processes of agamic reproduction do not differ essentially 
 in any way from the process of reconstitution of pieces isolated by 
 section in the same species. In both cases a certain region of the 
 body gradually transforms itself into a w'hole animal. In both 
 cases certain parts atrophy and disappear, cell division and localized 
 growth occur, and new parts develop. In Slenoslomunu however, 
 the new zooid receives food during its development, for the ali- 
 mentary tract common to the whole chain passes through it; con- 
 sequently it is not dependent upon its own tissues for the energy 
 necessary for its development as is a physically isolated piece, and 
 therefore it does not undergo the reduction in size characteristic 
 of such pieces. In fact it usually increases in size during develop- 
 In Stenostomuni as in Planar ia the susceptibilii}' method 
 demonstrates the existence of a longitudinal a.xial gradient in rate 
 of metaboHsm. Before agamic reproduction begins this gradient 
 extends the length of the individual, but as new zooids arise the 
 anterior region of each shows a higher rate of metabolism than the 
 region immediately anterior to it, and each zooid develops its own 
 axial gradient like that of the original animal. In the earlier stages 
 of zooid development the susceptibility of the new zooid is less, 
 i.e., its rate of metabolism is lower, than that of the fully developed 
 zooid which heads the chain, but as development proceeds the sus- 
 ceptibility increases, until at the time of separation, or soon after, 
 it is higher than that of the anterior zooid. Separation of the 
 zooids at an earlier stage of development than that at which it 
 naturally occurs may be induced by strong stimulation, and in such 
 cases development and the increase in susceptibility are usually 
 somewhat accelerated. 
 From these facts we must conclude that in Stcnostomuni as in 
 Planaria the reconstitution of a given region of the body into a 
 new individual is accompanied by some degree of physiological 
 rejuvenescence. Without doubt the age differences in suscepti- 
 bility between the developing young zooids and the fully developed, 
 relatively, old anterior zooid of the chain are obscured to some extent 
 by the much greater motor activity of the latter, but the fact that 
 sooner or later the young zooids become more susceptible than this 
 older zooid indicates that rejuvenescence does occur. 
 In various species of aquatic oligochete annelids agamic repro- 
 duction occurs in much the same manner as in Stenostomum. In 
 the course of investigations as yet unpublished Miss Hyman has 
 found that these animals, like the flatworms, undergo a greater or 
 less degree of physiological rejuvenescence in connection with 
 agamic reproduction. 
 The question whether the protozoa undergo senescence or not is 
 of considerable interest at present. The generally accepted view 
 based on the researches of Maupas ('88, '89) that conjugation in 
 the ciliate infusoria terminates an invariable process of race senes- 
 cence and brings about rejuvenescence requires some modification 
 in the light of recent researches. Woodruff has bred a race of 
 Paramecium through nearly five thousand generations without 
 conjugation and without loss of vigor.' This number of gen- 
 erations is so large that we are justified in maintaining that 
 for the race of Paramecium used, and under the conditions of 
 experiment, conjugation is not an essential feature of the life 
 cycle. On the other hand, various investigators^ have shown 
 'Woodruff, '08, '09, 'no, '13a, '13^, '14; Woodruff and Erdmann, '14. In 
 these and other papers the author records the progress of the agamic breeding. 
 = Among these may be mentioned Calkins, 'o2ff, '026, '04; Enriques, '03, '07, 
 '08; Woodruff (see note i); Jennings, '10, '13; Baitsell, '12, '14; Zweibaum, '12; 
 Calkins and Gregory, '13. 
 during the last few years that the occurrence of conjugation 
 is dependent, at least in a large measure, upon external factors. 
 Woodruff has experimentally induced conjugation in members of 
 his culture which has been agamically bred through thousands of 
 generations. Jennings concludes from extended experimentation 
 that conjugation does not bring about rejuvenescence, but merely 
 increases variabihty, while Calkins and Gregory beheve that reju- 
 venescence does occur, at least in some cases. 
 If conjugation is not a necessary feature of the life cycle, or if 
 it fails to accomplish rejuvenescence, two alternative conclusions 
 present themselves: either these animals do not necessarily undergo 
 senescence or else rejuvenescence is accomplished in some other 
 way than by conjugation. The relation found to exist between 
 agamic reproduction and rejuvenescence in the flatworms suggests 
 at once the possibihty that a similar relation may exist in the 
 Since the protozoa are unicellular animals, agamic reproduction 
 is essentially a process of cell division, but since it is also true that 
 at least many protozoa possess a more or less complex morphological 
 structure, agamic reproduction, as in multicellular forms, resembles 
 the process of reconstitution in that it involves various morpho- 
 logical changes, consisting in the dedift'erentiation and disappear- 
 ance of certain structures and the formation and development of 
 others. In Paramecium, for example, agamic reproduction does 
 not consist merely in nuclear and cytoplasmic division, but exten- 
 sive reorganization also occurs. In Figs. 41-43 the most important 
 changes are diagrammatically represented. Fig. 41 shows the 
 animal before division, the oral groove, og, the pharynx, p, and the 
 two vacuoles, v, being indicated in the figure, as well as the meganu- 
 cleus, mg, and the micronucleus, mc. The first indications of 
 division are cytoplasmic, not nuclear, and consist in the formation 
 of a new contractile vacuole in what is to become the anterior region 
 of each individual, the two vacuoles of the parent individual becom- 
 ing the posterior vacuoles in the daughter animals and new vacuoles, 
 v'v' , appearing in the anterior region of each. The mouth and 
 pharynx and the posterior portion of the oral groove undergo more 
 or less change and become parts of the posterior daughter animal, 
 while in the anterior daughter animal a new mouth and pharynx 
 and probably a new oral groove arise (Fig. 42), while both mega- 
 nucleus and micronucleus' undergo division (Fig. 42), the process 
 in the former being apparently a direct or amitotic division, while 
 in the latter it resembles the process of mitosis in certain respects. 
 Before these divisions are completed a transverse constriction 
 appears at about the middle of the parent body (Fig. 42), and this 
 Figs. 41-43. — Three stages in the division of Faramecium: mc, micronucleus; 
 mg, meganucleus; og, oral groove; p, pharynx; v, vacuoles of original individual; 
 v' , new vacuoles. 
 deepens (Fig. 43), until finally separation of the two daughter 
 individuals occurs at this level. Before division occurs the cyto- 
 plasmic reorganization has reached an advanced stage (Fig. 42), 
 but the development of the oral groove and the attainment of the 
 characteristic proportions are not completed until after separation. 
 In Stentor coeruleus the process of agamic reproduction differs 
 in certain respects from that in Paramecium. In Stentor the first 
 visible stages in division are cytoplasmic, as in Paramecium, and 
 ' In the caudatiim group of Paramecium only one micronucleus is present, while 
 in the aiirelia group there are two. See Jennings and Hargitt ('10), Woodruff ('11^), 
 for the characteristics of these groups or species of Paramecium. 
 consist in the appearance of a new vacuole near the middle of the 
 body and the development of a band of peristomial cilia (Fig. 44), 
 Figs. 44-47. — Four stages of division in Slcntor: the margin of both old and new 
 peristomes is indicated by a heavy line; the separation of the new vacuole, r', from the 
 old, V, and the changes in shape of the meganucleus, mg, are also indicated After 
 Johnson, '93. 
 which at first extends almost longitudinally. After these changes 
 have occurred the elongated moniliform meganucleus, mg, under- 
 goes concentration to a spherical form, as in Fig. 45, and the new 
 peristomial band of cilia gradually assumes a curved outline. Then 
 a transverse constriction appears in the meganucleus, which defines 
 two approximately equal halves, and this is followed by elongation of 
 the meganucleus {mg, Fig. 46), but separation of the two halves does 
 not occur until later. As regards the micronuclei, of which there 
 are usually a large number in Stentor (Johnson, '93), it is not known 
 whether all or only a part of them divide in each fission. The new 
 peristomial band of cilia changes its position, becoming more nearly 
 transverse and semicircular in outline (Fig. 46), and a mouth 
 begins to develop at its posterior end. This change in shape is 
 accomplished by a lateral outgrowth on one side of the body near 
 the middle which represents the anterior end and the peristome of 
 the posterior daughter individual. Just anterior to this develop- 
 ing peristome the level at which separation will occur is now indi- 
 cated by a constriction, as in Fig. 46. Other changes, indicated in 
 Figs. 46 and 47, consist in the further development of the new per- 
 istome and its continued approach to the transverse position, the 
 deepening of the constriction between the two individuals, and the 
 breaking up of the meganucleus into the characteristic segments, 
 beginning at the two ends. Still later the meganucleus separates at 
 the level of the cytoplasmic constriction, which continues to become 
 deeper, until the anterior member of the pair is attached to the 
 peristome of the posterior member only by a slender peduncle. 
 This finally separates and the process of fission is completed. As 
 regards the essential features of the process of fission, other species 
 of ciliates resemble Paramecium and Stentor, but the details of recon- 
 stitution differ for each species. 
 The process of fission in these forms has been described at some 
 length because it is evident that it is a much more complex process 
 than ordinary cell division in the metazoa. So far as the cyto- 
 plasmic structures are concerned it is manifestly a process of recon- 
 stitution resembling that which occurs in agamic reproduction in 
 nature and in isolated pieces in the flatworms and many other 
 metazoa. Moreover, the process differs in the two forms. In 
 Paramecium, the original mouth becomes, with more or less reorgani- 
 zation, the mouth of the posterior daughter individual and a new 
 mouth arises in the anterior individual, while in Slcntor the original 
 mouth and peristome remain as a part of the anterior individual 
 and the new peristome is that of the posterior individual. And, 
 finally, extensive developmental changes occur in the cytoplasm 
 before any visible nuclear changes. Evidently the process is more 
 than ordinary cell division. It is in fact an agamic reproduction 
 comparable to this form of reproduction in the multicellular forms, 
 and as such it exhibits characteristic features for each species and 
 involves much more extensive reconstitutional changes than cell 
 The data presented in chap, v and in the preceding sections of 
 the present chapter demonstrate that in at least many of the meta- 
 zoa a relation exists between reconstitution and rejuvenescence. 
 That being the case, the extensive reconstitutional changes involved 
 in fission in the ciUates make it at least probable that fission brings 
 about a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence. With this idea 
 in mind, the attempt has been made to determine whether appre- 
 ciable changes in susceptibility occur in connection with fission in 
 the ciliates. The forms tested thus far are Paramecium, Slcntor 
 coeruleus, a small form of Colpidium, and Urocentrum turbo, and the 
 results are essentially the same for all. The tests were made upon 
 actively dividing cultures reared from sterile infusions inoculated 
 with a few individuals. The rearing of pure line cultures was not 
 attempted, because definite results were obtained without this 
 In the early stages of fission no appreciable increase in suscepti- 
 bihty to cyanide has been observed. If any exists, it is not sufii- 
 ciently great to appear clearly in comparison with individual 
 differences in susceptibility. In pure line cultures some increase 
 in susceptibility in the earlier stages of fission might perhaps be 
 demonstrated. In the later stages of fission, however, when the 
 two daughter individuals are approaching separation and the recon- 
 stitutional changes are advanced, the susceptibility is distinctly 
 greater than in the single animals of approximately the same size 
 as the two members of the pair together. The possibility that the 
 dividing pairs and the single animals belong to different races which 
 differ in susceptibility cannot of course be excluded in individual 
 cases except in pure line cultures, but the uniformity of the results 
 obtained with large numbers of individuals and in repeated tests 
 render this possibility negligible. 
 But the susceptibility is highest after fission is completed. In 
 all cases the smaller individuals are in general very clearly more 
 susceptible than the larger. This difference is not a matter of 
 size or of the relation between surface and volume, for the ciUa and 
 the whole body-surface show it. The cilia and ectoplasm of the 
 larger animals are in general much less susceptible to a given con- 
 centration of cyanide than those of the smaller animals. As death 
 and disintegration proceed in a lot consisting of hundreds or thou- 
 sands of individuals, it soon becomes very evident that the smaller 
 animals are dying earlier than the larger. In a culture of Colpidium, 
 for example, where division was proceeding very rapidly, animals 
 below a certain size were more than twice as numerous as those 
 above this size, but after deaths began to occur in cyanide, the 
 smaller animals became less than half as numerous as the larger, 
 and still later only about one small to five large was found alive. 
 Similar results were obtained with the other species. In a Stentor 
 culture where divisions were occurring only in the animals of 
 medium size or above, the susceptibiHty of the animals below 
 medium size was much greater than that of the larger animals. 
 Some of the smaller animals in these cultures may conceivably 
 have belonged to small races possessing a greater susceptibiHty at 
 all stages than the large, but as the culture was increasing rapidly 
 in numbers, most of them were certainly the products of recent 
 These data are in complete agreement with those obtained 
 from the study of the flatworms and indicate very clearly that an 
 increase in rate of metabolism is associated with the process of 
 fission in the cihate infusoria and that the rate of metaboUsm is 
 highest soon after fission. In other words, after fission the 
 animals are physiologically younger than before fission, and in 
 the interval between two fissions they undergo some degree of 
 These changes, however, are apparently not the only factors 
 concerned in preventing progressive race senescence. In a recent 
 paper Woodruff and Erdmann ('14) have described periodic changes 
 of another sort which they call "endomixis" and which they believe 
 to be the essential factors in preventing race senescence. These 
 changes consist in the gradual fragmentation, degeneration, and 
 disappearance of the meganucleus, at least two divisions of the 
 micronuclei, degeneration of some of the micronuclei thus produced, 
 and the formation of new meganuclei from others. This process 
 of endomixis resembles the nuclear changes in conjugation, except 
 that the third micronuclear division of conjugation which gives 
 rise to the migratory and stationary micronuclei apparently does not 
 occur here, and there is no union of micronuclei at any time. Wood- 
 ruff and Erdmann point out that endomixis is in certain respects 
 similar to parthenogenesis, but not directly comparable with the 
 usual forms of it. The occurrence of rhythms of growth and rate 
 of division in protozoan cultures has been recognized by Calkins, 
 Woodruff, and various other investigators. Periods of more rapid 
 and less rapid growth and division alternate more or less regularly 
 in the history of cultures. Woodruff and Erdmann find that the 
 process of endomixis which extends over some nine cell generations 
 is coincident with the period of lowest rate of growth and division 
 in the rhythms, that at the climax of the process division is greatly 
 delayed, and that with the beginning of dift'erentiation of the new 
 meganuclei recovery is rapid. They conclude that a causal rela- 
 tion exists between the reorganization process and the rhythms. 
 This process of endomixis occurs in diff'erent races of Paramecium 
 aurelia and in P. caudatum also, and probably in other ciliate 
 infusoria. Many of the observations of earUer authors on degenera- 
 tive changes and abnormal nuclear conditions undoubtedly concern 
 stages of endomixis. 
 While further inv-estigation is necessary to determine how gen- 
 erally this process occurs and to what extent its occurrence may be 
 experimentally controlled, it is evident that the rhythms and the 
 process of endomixis represent a senescence-rejuvenescence periotl, 
 and we must inquire what factors are primarily or chieily concerned 
 in this periodicity. I believe that we must look, to the meganucleus 
 for the answer to this inquiry. The meganucleus of the infusoria 
 is apparently a speciaHzed vegetative organ of the cell not found in 
 the same form in other cells, although Goldschmidt ('05) has 
 attempted to show that all animal cells are physiologically if not 
 morphologically binucleate and that a distinction between vegeta- 
 tive or somatic and reproductive nuclear substance must be made. 
 Whether or not we accept this view, the meganucleus is evidently 
 a specialized organ, and all the facts indicate that it plays an impor- 
 tant role in the metabolic activity of the cell. In the process of 
 division it apparently undergoes no great degree of reorganization, 
 but is merely separated into two parts and continues to grow. If 
 the successive divisions of the meganucleus do not balance the 
 progressive changes between divisions, it will necessarily undergo 
 progressive senescence, and if no other method of rejuvenescence 
 occurs, death from old age must finally result. 
 This, I believe, is what actually occurs. The period from the 
 low point of one rhythm to the low point of the next represents the 
 length of life of the meganucleus under the existing conditions. 
 As the meganucleus undergoes senescence after its differentiation 
 as a meganucleus, the rate of growth and division decreases, sooner 
 or later the meganucleus begins to degenerate, and a physiological 
 relation of some sort undoubtedly exists between these changes 
 and the micronuclear divisions which occur. In other words, the 
 process of endomixis is apparently the periodic replacement of a 
 part which has grown old by a new, young part and is therefore 
 analogous in certain respects to the replacement of differentiated 
 old cells by young in the multicellular organism. Like such cells, 
 the meganucleus apparently does not undergo rejuvenescence but 
 dies of old age and is replaced by a new one. 
 Further investigation will probably show that the length of 
 time between two successive endomixes may, like many other 
 senescence periods, be altered and controlled experimentally to a 
 greater or less extent. It is in fact possible that under certain con- 
 ditions the degree of rejuvenescence occurring in the ordinary 
 divisions may be sufficient to maintain the race without progressive 
 senescence of the meganucleus and so without endomixis, although 
 it may be that the rejuvenescence in division is rather cyto- 
 plasmic than nuclear. That the age cycle of certain flatworms may 
 be altered to a very considerable extent by experimental nutritive 
 and other conditions will be shown in chap. vii. Moreover, the 
 different behavior of different races as regards conjugation' suggests 
 that internal as well as external factors will be found to play a part 
 in determining the periodicity. 
 But whatever the differences resulting from race or environ- 
 mental conditions, the occurrence in the ciliates of some degree of 
 senescence in each generation and some degree of rejuvenescence 
 in each agamic reproduction and the occurrence of progressive 
 senescence in the meganucleus ending in its death and replacement 
 by a new, young organ demonstrate that these unicellular animals 
 are not fundamentally different from multicellular forms. They 
 are not, as Weismann ('82) believed, immortal because they do not 
 grow old, but simply as other organisms are, because they repro- 
 duce and undergo reconstitution during reproduction and because 
 old organs die and are replaced by young. 
 Among the coelenterates only the fresh-water hydra and one 
 species of the colonial hydroids have been tested by the suscepti- 
 bility method. In hydra agamic reproduction is a process of 
 budding. In Hydra j'usca the bud arises near the junction of the 
 thicker body with the more slender stalk, and in its earlier stages is 
 merely a rounded outgrowth including both ectodermal and cnto- 
 dermal layers of the body- wall (Fig. 48). Cell division and growth 
 occur rapidly in it, it elongates, and in the course of a few days 
 tentacles and a mouth begin to develop at its distal end (Fig. 49). 
 Meanwhile the region of attachment to the parent body gradually 
 undergoes constriction, until finally the new, small animal separates 
 from the parent, falls to the bottom, attaches itself, and begins 
 to lead an active life. In this process a portion of the body-wall of 
 the parent has undergone reconstitution into a new, independent 
 A comparison of the susceptibility to cyanide of small animals 
 newly developed in this way with the larger parent shows that the 
 "Jennings, '10, '13; Calkins and Gregory, '13. 
 newly developed individuals are distinctly more susceptible than 
 the parents, i.e., they are physiologically younger. In the earlier 
 stages of the bud, however, while it is still attached to the parent 
 body and before it has developed the capacity for motor activity, 
 its susceptibility is not appreciably different from that of adjoining 
 regions of the parent body, or it may be even less susceptible than 
 these regions. 
 The fact that the increased susceptibility appears only after 
 the asexually produced individual is separated from the parent 
 Figs. 48, 49. — Two stages in the development of a bud in Hydra 
 seems at first glance not to agree fully with the data and conclusions 
 from other forms, but this disagreement is only apparent, and re- 
 sults from the complication of the results by the factors of motor 
 activity and food. Motor activity of an individual, or even of a 
 region of the body in hydra, increases very considerably the sus- 
 ceptibility of that individual or region to cyanide. It is very 
 generally the case that the animals which show the greater motor 
 activity after being placed in cyanide die and disintegrate earlier 
 than the less active, and it has often been observed that marked 
 contraction in cyanide of a particular body region is followed by 
 the death and disintegration of that region before other parts. 
 Evidently motor activity, although slow, increases the rate of 
 metabolism in hydra to a very marked degree. This is perhaps to 
 be expected from the fact that the motor mechanism in this organ- 
 ism is not highly developed, but is merely a part of the ectoderm 
 cell. Motor activity undoubtedly involves the whole cell and at 
 least all the cells of the ectoderm in the region where it occurs. To 
 all appearances it is a very laborious process, and even after the 
 strongest stimulation it is relatively slow and inefficient. In short, 
 the observations made by the susceptibility method indicate that 
 the increased metabolism associated with motor activity is relatively 
 very great. 
 The bud in the early stages of development exhibits very little 
 motor activity, and movement does not attain its maximum until 
 separation from the parent takes place. The result of this differ- 
 ence in motor activity between bud and parent is that, even though 
 growth and development are proceeding more rapidly in the bud 
 than in the parent, the rate of metabolism is not greater in the 
 bud where motor activity is slight than in the parent where it is 
 much greater. But as soon as the bud becomes independent, 
 its motor activity is comparable with, perhaps even greater 
 than, that of the parent, and then its susceptibihty to cyanide 
 is distinctly greater, i.e., its rate of metabolism is higher than 
 that of the parent. 
 Moreover, the young bud while still attached to the parent 
 grows at the expense of food ingested by the parent body, rather 
 than at the expense of its own tissues. It does not undergo reduc- 
 tion, but grows during its reconstitution from a part of the parent 
 body into a new individual. Since rejuvenescence is undoubtedly 
 associated with reduction, as the following chapter will show, the 
 bud, which receives food and grows rapidly throughout its devel- 
 opment, does not become as young physiologically at any stage as 
 if its development occurred at the expense of its own tissues. 
 In the marine hydroid Pennaria tiarella, agamic buds are j)ro- 
 duced as in hydra but remain perrnanently in connection with the 
 parent stem or branch, so that a branching tree-like colony with the 
 zooids or hydranths at the tips of the branches results. Fig. 50 
 shows a portion of such a Pennaria colony. In this species the new 
 Figs. 50-52. — Pennaria tiareUa: Fig. 50, part of a colony, including a large, 
 old hydranth, //, bearing a medusa bud, m, a younger hydranth, h', and a hydranth 
 bud, h"; Figs. 51, 52, developmental stages of hydranth. 
 hydranth bud arises laterally a short distance below the terminal 
 hydranth of a stem or branch (Fig. 50, //')• It is an outgrowth 
 including both layers of the bod}--\vall, as in hydra, and in its earlier 
 stages is rounded in form and inclosed in the chitin<jus perisarc 
 which covers the stem. As development proceeds, it emerges from 
 the perisarc, undergoes elongation, and the tentacles begin to appear, 
 as indicated in Fig. 51. A later stage of development is shown in 
 Fig. 52, a fully developed hydranth in Fig. 50, //', and an old 
 hydranth bearing a medusa bud, m, in Fig. 50, //. The agamic 
 production of hydranths in this form is then a reconstitution of a 
 portion of the stem into a new hydranth. 
 As regards the susceptibility of the different stages, both motor 
 activity, as in hydra, and the presence of the chitinous perisarc 
 contribute to obscure the changes in susceptibility associated with 
 the reconstitution of stem into hydranth. The susceptibilitv of 
 the early stages of hydranth development, such as //" in Fig. 50, 
 cannot be compared directly with that of stages like Figs. 51 and 
 52, because these early stages are inclosed like the stem in the 
 chitinous perisarc, while in the later stages the hydranth is naked. 
 Neither are these early stages directly comparable with such stages 
 as Fig. 50, h or //', for in the former motor activity is absent, while 
 in the latter it is fully developed. It is possible, however, to com- 
 pare the susceptibility of such a stage as Fig. 50, //', with that of 
 adjoining regions of the stem, for both are inclosed in perisarc, and 
 a comparison of this sort shows that the early bud is in general 
 distinctly more susceptible, i.e., it possesses a higher rate of metab- 
 olism and is physiologically younger than the stem adjoining it. 
 But in this case, as in hydra, the increase in rate connected with 
 the formation of a new individual is less than it would be if the 
 region were physiologically isolated and underwent development 
 at the expense of its own tissues rather than of nutritive material. 
 As it is, the bud has abundant food and grows during development, 
 while the isolated piece undergoes reduction. 
 In the later stages of development the perisarc no longer enters 
 as a factor, but differences in motor activity still e.\ist between 
 different stages. At the stage shown in Fig. 51 motor activity is 
 absent or inappreciable, but the susceptibility of this stage is 
 nevertheless usually somewhat greater than that of an old hydranth. 
 like h in Fig. 50, and less than that of a younger hydranth, like 
 // in Fig. 50. At the stage of Fig. 52 motor activity is present to 
 some extent, though much less than in still later stages. This 
 stage is distinctly more susceptible than such hydranths as h in 
 Fig. 50. Here, where motor activity has begun to appear, even 
 though it is still slight, the difference in physiological condition 
 between morphologically young and old hydranths becomes dis- 
 tinctly evident. From this stage on the susceptibility decreases 
 as development proceeds, but it does not attain a constant level 
 even after the morphological form of the hydranth is fully devel- 
 oped. On a stem like that shown in Fig. 50, for example, the 
 hydranth //, which is younger in point of time than the terminal 
 hydranth h, shows in general a higher susceptibihty, i.e., is physio- 
 logically younger than the latter. In spite then of the presence 
 of the perisarc in certain stages and the differences in motor activity 
 in other stages, the dififerences in susceptibility indicate that a 
 certain degree of rejuvenescence is associated with the agamic 
 reproduction of hydranths in Pennaria. It is still a question, 
 however, to what extent new parts which arise by budding in 
 hydroids are formed by dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of 
 old cells and to what extent by the interstitial cells which are small 
 cells lying in groups between the other cells of the body-wall and 
 which are commonly regarded as embryonic reserve cells. From 
 this point of view the apparent rejuvenescence which occurs in 
 connection with budding might be regarded as simply a replace- 
 ment of the older differentiated cells by the younger, undiffer- 
 entiated. Doubtless the interstitial cells are less highly specialized 
 than various other cells and so react more readily to the change 
 in conditions, but the very fact that they were inactive before and 
 became active in the development of the bud indicates a change in 
 their physiological condition in the direction of a higher rate of 
 metabolism. Moreover, there is every indication that at least 
 many of the specialized cells of the body-wall do take part in bud- 
 formation and actually undergo more or less dedifferentiation. 
 In addition to the asexual production of hydranths, Pennaria also 
 gives rise asexually to medusa buds, which do not usually, however, 
 develop into free-swimming medusae but remain attached to the 
 parent body. These appear on the body of the hydranth im- 
 mediately distal to the circle of proximal tentacles '{m, Fig. 50) . 
 Three stages of development of the medusa bud drawn to the 
 same scale are shown in Figs. 53-55. In the early stages the 
 medusa bud is always more susceptible to cyanide than the adjoin- 
 ing regions of the hydranth from which it arose, and its suscepti- 
 bility decreases as development proceeds, the large, fully developed 
 bud being much less susceptible than the adjoining regions of the 
 parent hydranth. These differences in susceptibility are not 
 dependent upon differences in size, for they concern primarily 
 the surface of the body. Differences in motor activity may be 
 concerned in the difference in susceptibility between the fully 
 developed medusa bud and the hydranth, but the greater suscep- 
 tibility of the bud in early stages as compared with the hydranth 
 cannot be accounted for in this way, for motor activity is present 
 43 54 
 ' 55 
 Figs. 53-55. — Pennaria Harella: three stages in the development of a medusa bud 
 in the hydranth but not in the medusa bud. Evidently the 
 medusa bud in early stages is physiologically younger than the 
 region of the hydranth from which it arises. 
 But the susceptibility of young medusa buds is in general 
 distinctly less than that of young hydranths of the stage of Figs. 
 51 and 52, after emergence from the perisarc. That is, the young 
 medusa bud is not as young as the young hydranth. The medusa 
 bud arises from a more highly specialized region of the colony than 
 the hydranth bud and develops into a more highly specialized 
 zooid or individual. Apparently the reconstitution of a portion 
 of the hydranth body into a medusa bud does not carry the region 
 concerned back to so early a physiological stage as that attained 
 in the reconstitution of a region of the stem into a young hytlranth. 
 This difference in physiological condition between hydranth bud 
 and medusa bud is probably the dynamic basis, or at least the 
 dynamic correlate, of the difference in morphological development. 
 In this connection it is also of interest to note that in Pennaria 
 medusa buds appear only upon hydranths which are physiologically 
 relatively old, while the hydranth buds usually arise on the physi- 
 ologically younger regions of the stem. In other species of hydroids, 
 where the growth form is different, the physiological relations may 
 also prove to be more or less widely different, although medusa buds 
 in general arise in connection with a fully developed hydranth, or 
 a highly specialized reproductive zooid or from an apparently 
 specialized region of the stem just proximal to a hydranth, while 
 hydranth buds arise from less highly specialized regions. It is 
 probable that where such complicating factors as presence of the 
 perisarc or differences in motor activity do not obscure the differ- 
 ences in susceptibility associated with physiological age, similar 
 differences between the different forms of agamic reproduction 
 will be found in other species. 
 To sum up, the susceptibility method indicates not only that a 
 considerable degree of rejuvenescence is associated with agamic 
 reproduction in Pennaria but also that different stages of rejuvenes- 
 cence are represented in the different forms of agamic reproduction 
 in this species. In the more specialized reproductive process the 
 young stages are apparently somewhat older physiologically than 
 in the less specialized process. 
 Baitsell, G. a. 
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 I, Conjugation between Closely Related Individuals in Stylonychia 
 pustulata," Jour, of Exp. Zool., XIII. 
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 Oxytricha fallax and Pleurotricha lanceolate," Jour, of Exp. Zool., 
 Calkins, G. N. 
 1902a. "Studies on the Life-History of Protozoa: I, The Life Cycle of 
 Paramecium caudatum," Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., XV. 
 19026. "Studies, etc.: Ill, The Six Hundred and Twentieth Generation 
 of Paramecium,'" Biol. Bull., III. 
 1904. "Studies, etc.: IV, Death of the A-Series: Conclusions," Jotir. 
 of Exp. Zool., I. 
 Calkins, G. N., and Gregory, L. H. 
 1913. "Variations in the Progeny of a Single Ex-Conjugant of Para- 
 mecium caudatum," Jour, of Exp. ZooL, XV. 
 Child, C. M. 
 1910. "Physiological Isolation of Parts and Fission in Planaria,'' Arch. 
 f. Entwickclungsmech., XXX (Festbd. f. Roux), II. Tcil. 
 191 i(Z. "Die physiologische Isolation von Teilen des Organismus," Vorlr. 
 und Aiifs. ii. Entwickclungsmech., XI. 
 19116. "Studies on the Dynamics of Morphogenesis and Inheritance in 
 Experimental Reproduction: I, The Axial Gradient in Phmaria 
 dorotoccphala as a Limiting Factor in Regulation," Jour, of Exp. 
 ZooL, X. 
 191 ic. "Studies, etc.: Ill, The Formation of New Zooids in Planaria 
 and Other Forms," Jour, of Exp. ZooL, XI. 
 191 2. "Studies, etc.: IV, Certain Dynamic Factors in the Regulatory 
 Morphogenesis of Phmaria dorotoccphala in Relation to the .\xial 
 Gradient," Jour, of Exp. ZooL, XIII. 
 19130. "Studies, etc.: VI, The Nature of the Axial Gradients in Planaria 
 and Their Relation to Antero-posterior Dominance, Polarity 
 and Symmetry," Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., XXXVII. 
 19136. "The Asexual Cycle in Planaria vclata in Relation to Senescence 
 and Rejuvenescence," Biol. Bull., XXV. 
 1914. Asexual Breeding and Prevention of Senescence in Planaria 
 velata," BioL Bull., XXVI. 
 Enriques, p. 
 1903. "Sulla cosi detta' degenerazione senile' dei protozoi," Monilore 
 ZooL ItaL, XIV. 
 1907. "La conjugazione e il difTerenziamento sessuale negli Infusori," 
 Arch.f. Protistcnkunde, IX. 
 1908. "Die Konjugation und sexuelle Differenzierung der Infusorien," 
 Arch. f. Protistcnkunde, XII. 
 1905. "Der Chromidialapparat lebhaft funktionicrender Gewebszellen," 
 ZooL Jahrbucher; Abt. f. Anat. u. Ont., XXL 
 Jennings, H. S. 
 1910. "What Conditions Induce Conjugation in Paramecium T' Jour. 
 of Exp. ZooL, IX. 
 1913. "The Effect of Conjugation in Paramecium," Jour, of Exp. ZooL, 
 Jennings, H. S., and Hargitt, G. T. 
 1910. "Characteristics of the Diverse Races of Paramecium," Jour, of 
 MorphoL, XXL 
 Johnson, H. P. 
 1893. "A Contribution to the INIorphology and Biology of the Stentors," 
 Jour, of MorphoL, VIII. 
 Ma UPAS, E. 
 1888. "Recherches experimentales sur la multiplication des Infusories 
 cilies," Arch, de zool. exp., (2), VI. 
 1889. "La rajeunissement karyogamique chez les cilies," Arch, de zool. 
 exp., (2), VII. 
 Weismann, a. 
 1882. iiber die Dauer des Lebens. Jena. 
 Woodruff, L. L. 
 1908. "The Life-Cycle of Paramecium When Subjected to a Varied 
 Environment," Am. Nat., XLII. 
 1909. "Further Studies on the Life-Cycle of Paramecium," Biol. Bull., 
 1911a. "Two Thousand Generations of Paramecium," Arch.f. Protisten- 
 kunde, XXI. 
 191 16. ''Paramecium aurelia and Paramecium caudatum," Jour, of 
 MorphoL, XXII. 
 1913a. "Dreitausand und dreihundert Generationen von Paramecium 
 ohne Konjugation oder kiinstliche Reizung," Biol. Centralbl., 
 1913&. "Cell Size, Nuclear Size and the Nucleo-cytoplasmic Relation 
 during the Life of a Pedigreed Race of Oxytricha fallax," Jour. 
 of Exp. Zool., XY. 
 1914. "On So-called Conjugating and Non-conjugating Races of Para- 
 mecium," Jour, of Exp. Zool., XVI. 
 Woodruff, L. L., and Erdmann, Rhoda. 
 1914. "A Normal Periodic Reorganization Process without Cell Fusion 
 in Paramecium," Jour, of Exp. Zool., XVII. 
 ZwEiBAUM, J. (Enriques et Zweibaum) . 
 191 2. "La conjugaison et la differenciation sexuelle chez les Infusories: 
 V, Les conditions necessaires et suffisantes pour la conjugaison du 
 Paramoecium caudatum," Arch. f. Protistenkunde, XXVI. 
 The various species of Planar ia are capable of living for months 
 without food from external sources. During such periods of 
 starvation, however, they undergo reduction in size, many cells 
 degenerate, and some organs may completely disappear. Various 
 investigators, among them F. R. Lillie, 'oo; Schultz, '04; Stoppen- 
 brink, '05, have considered one phase or another of this process of 
 reduction, and Lillie and Schultz particularly have called attention 
 to the fact that in its proportions and chief morphological charac- 
 teristics the animal reduced by starvation resembles the young 
 animal and have pointed out that the changes which occur during 
 reduction indicate that the process of development is reversible. 
 In an earlier chapter (p. 57) I have suggested that it is preferable 
 to use the term " regressibility " rather than reversibility for such 
 changes, since the occurrence of reduction or dedifferentiation in an 
 organism does not necessarily imply a reversal of the reactions con- 
 cerned in progressive development. Only from the morphological 
 viewpoint are we justified in speaking of a reversal of development. 
 The reduction in size of Plauaria during starvation is unques- 
 tionably due to the re-entrance of its structural material into 
 metabolism as a source of energy. Schultz finds that reduction 
 in Plauaria is due to the disappearance of whole cells and organs 
 rather than to decrease in size of the cells in general. This is un- 
 doubtedly true to a large extent, but my own unpublished observa- 
 tions indicate that some decrease in size does occur in at least many 
 cells in the starving planarian, and other authors who have investi- 
 gated the cellular changes in animals during starvation have reached 
 similar conclusions.' 
 'The following references constitute a partial bibliography of the subject: 
 Kasanzefifj '01, and Wallengren, '02, found marked reduction in the size of Paramecium 
 during hunger. Citron, '02, observed decrease in size of ectoderm cells in a coclcntcratc 
 In the course of observations on Planaria dorotocephala I have 
 found that the lower Hmit of reduction differs rather widely accord- 
 ing to the original size of the animal. Animals of twenty-five 
 millimeters in length before starvation begin to die when they are 
 reduced to a length of five or six millimeters, while animals which 
 are six or seven millimeters in length before starvation may undergo 
 reduction to a length of one or two millimeters before death. 
 As I have suggested elsewhere, death in these cases is probably not 
 due to lack of available material, for pieces isolated from starving 
 animals are capable of reconstitution to whole animals and may then 
 undergo reduction to a much smaller size before death. Death, 
 at least in the larger animals reduced by starvation, is probably due 
 to altered correlative conditions resulting from changes in the 
 axial gradient in rate of metabolism (Child, '14, p. 443). 
 In consequence of their ability to undergo extreme reduction 
 before death occurs from starvation the planarians would consti- 
 tute valuable material for the study of physiological and particu- 
 larly of metabolic changes connected with inanition if it were not 
 for their small size. But now with the Tashiro biometer and with 
 the susceptibility method we are able to obtain some light on at 
 least certain features of the metabolism in these starving animals. 
 Some of the data bearing upon this problem are presented in the 
 following section. 
 Planaria dorotocephala and P. velata 
 Since the animals reduced by starvation resemble young animals 
 morphologically, the question whether they are young physio- 
 logically at once suggests itself. If the reduced animals are fed, 
 growth begins again, and the animals are not only indistinguishable 
 from young, growing animals in appearance and behavior, but are 
 able to go through the life history again from the stage at which 
 feeding began. Moreover, the reduced animals are very active 
 during starvation. In the higher animals decrease in size of gland cells, muscle cells, 
 and nerve cells during starvation has been recorded by various authors, among 
 whom are Heumann, '50; Rindfleisch, '68; Morpurgo, '88, '89; Downerowitsch, '92; 
 Statkewitsch, '94; Lukjanow, '97; Morgulis, '11. 
 and highly irritable, reacting strongly and rapidly to various kinds 
 of stimuli. Slight movements of the water or a slight jarring uf 
 the aquarium, to which well-fed, old worms do not respond at all, 
 will bring them into active movement, and when wounded or when 
 the body is cut in two they react much more strongly than old 
 worms. In all these respects they resemble young rather than old 
 animals. In fact, their general behavior indicates very clearly 
 that they have become physiologically young during the course ol 
 reduction. But with the aid of the susceptibility method it is 
 possible to obtain more positive knowledge upon this point. 
 The comparative susceptibility of starving animals may be 
 determined in two ways: when temperature and other external 
 conditions are controlled, the susceptibilities of a uniform stock at 
 different stages of starvation may be directly compared with each 
 other. This method of procedure will show directly whether the 
 susceptibiUty increases, decreases, or remains constant during 
 starvation. On the other hand, the susceptibility of animals at 
 any stage of starvation may be compared with that of fed animals 
 of the same size or of animals of the original size and condition of 
 the stock before starvation. In this way also changes in suscepti- 
 bility may be determined. Records of experiments of both sorts 
 are given below. 
 In Table II the decrease in length and increase in susceptibilit)-, 
 determined at intervals of about two weeks during three months of 
 Length of Starvation 
 Period in Days 
 Length of Animals in 
 Survival Time of Ten 
 Animals in KCN 
 o.ooi Mol. 
 Mean Siir\'ival Time 
 7- 8 
 4'' 50" 
 91 ■••• 
 starvation, are recorded. The first two columns of the table are 
 self-explanatory; in the third column the times given are the times 
 of complete disintegration of the first and last of the worms of each 
 lot of ten worms, i.e., this column gives the extremes of the survival 
 times and the fourth column the means. The table shows at a 
 glance that the susceptibility of the animals increases very greatly 
 during the course of starvation, the mean survival time decreasing 
 from seven hours and forty-five minutes in the large, well-fed 
 animals at the beginning of the starvation period to two hours in 
 the reduced animals after ninety-one days of starvation. 
 The changes in susceptibility have been determined in the same 
 way for several other starvation stocks, some made up from larger 
 animals than these, others from smaller, and still others from ani- 
 mals of the same size. Different stocks were kept during starva- 
 tion under various conditions of temperature, light, aeration, and 
 change of water, but in all essentially the same result was obtained, 
 viz., a great and, except for slight irregularities in a few cases which 
 were evidently due to incidental uncontrolled factors, a continuous 
 increase in susceptibihty during starvation. 
 According to the second method of procedure mentioned above, 
 the susceptibility of the starved animals may be compared directly 
 with that of fed animals. The records of two tests of this sort 
 are presented. 
 In the first of these several hundred worms fifteen to eighteen 
 millimeters long were selected from freshly collected material as a 
 starvation stock. After eighty-one days of starvation the animals 
 were reduced to a length of seven to eight millimeters, and the 
 susceptibility of ten of the reduced worms is shown in the curve cd 
 of Fig. 56. For comparison the susceptibility curves of ten ani- 
 mals of the same size and condition as the members of the starva- 
 tion stock before reduction {ej, Fig. 56) and of ten well-fed, young 
 animals of the same size as the animals reduced by starvation {ah, 
 Fig. 56) are given. The young, fed animals are most, the old, 
 fed animals the least, susceptible, but the susceptibihty of the 
 animals reduced by starvation is much nearer that of the young 
 animals than that of the old and therefore must have undergone 
 marked increase during reduction. 
 In another case the starvation stock was composed of animals 
 twenty to twenty-four millimeters long, and the determination of 
 susceptibilities recorded in Fig. 57 was made after ninety days of 
 complete starvation in filtered water. The curve ab, drawn as an 
 unbroken line in Fig. 57, is the susceptibility curve of ten starved 
 animals which have undergone reduction to a length of seven to 
 eight millimeters. The second curve ab, drawn as a broken line, 
 shows the susceptibility of ten newly collected, young, growing 
 animals of the same size as the reduced worms. A part of the 
 original stock was fed, while the others were starved, and the curve 
 Stages ■ • 
 Hours I 234567 
 Fig. 56. — Susceptibility of Planaria dorotocephala to KCX o.ooi tnol. in relation 
 to nutritive condition and age: ab, susceptibility of well-fed, growing animals 7-8 
 mm. in length; cd, susceptibility of animals reduced by starvation from 15-18 mm 
 to 7-8 mm.; ef, susceptibility of well-fed animals 15-18 mm. in length. 
 cd shows the susceptibility of these animals. During the three 
 months of feeding these worms have of course grown somewhat 
 older, but in full-grown animals like these the change in three 
 months is slight. But the susceptibility of the starving animals 
 has increased until it is about the same as that of young, growing 
 animals of the same size. 
 Determinations of susceptibiHty by the direct method with 
 cyanide, alcohol, and ether as reagent have been made on several 
 hundred individuals of Planaria dorotocephala in various stages of 
 starvation, and in all cases the susceptibility has been found to 
 increase during starvation. In P. velata also the susceptibility to 
 cyanide has been found to increase during starvation. This 
 species does not undergo reduction in size as rapidly as P. doroto- 
 cephala, but the effect of starvation is essentially the same in both. 
 If the susceptibility of these animals is in any degree a measure of 
 Stages ■ 
 — 1 1 1— 1 y 
 — 1 — 1 — \ 
 Hours I :; 3 4 5 6 7 ^ 9 
 Fig. 57.— Susceptibility of Planaria dorotocephala to KCN o.ooi mol. in relation 
 to nutritive condition and age: ah, dashes, well-fed, growing animals; ab, unbroken 
 line, animals reduced by starvation from 20-24 mm. to 7-8 mm.; cd, animals from the 
 same stock and of the same size at the beginning of the experiment as the star\'ed 
 animals, but which have been fed while other? were starving. 
 physiological age, the starving animals certainly undergo rejuvenes- 
 cence, the degree of rejuvenescence varying with the degree of 
 starvation and reduction. 
 The invention of the Tashiro biometer (Tashiro, '13) has made 
 possible a direct estimation and comparison of carbon-dioxide 
 production in dilTercnt individuals and pieces or tissues of small 
 animals. The agreement between the results obtained with this 
 apparatus and those of the susceptibility method has already been 
 mentioned (pp. 73, 74). 
 A number of estimations of carbon-dioxide production in starved, 
 reduced animals, as compared with well-fed, growing animals of 
 the same size, have been made with the aid of this apparatus.' 
 The worms used for the estimation of carbon-dioxide production 
 were taken from a starvation stock after ninety-four days of star- 
 vation. The animals were twenty to twenty-four millimeters 
 long at the beginning of the starvation period, and after ninety- 
 four days without food had undergone reduction to a length of 
 seven millimeters. In each estimation the carbon-dioxide pro- 
 duction of one of these starved animals was compared with that 
 of a young, well-fed animal of the same size. 
 Two estimations were made with normal uninjured animals and 
 in both cases the carbon-dioxide production of the starved animal 
 in a given length of time was slightly greater than that of the fed 
 animal. But since the animals moved about to some extent, and 
 since the apparatus is so sensitive that differences in carbon- 
 dioxide production resulting from dift'erences in motor activity 
 might be a serious source of error, it was thought desirable to elimi- 
 nate movement as far as possible. This was accomplished by re- 
 moving the heads of the two animals to be compared and making 
 the estimation after they had become quiet. These headless 
 animals remained quiet in the chambers of the biometer, but gave 
 essentially the same result as those with heads. In the two esti- 
 mations made with such animals the carbon-dioxide production of 
 the starved animal was practically the same as that of the fed 
 animal. In other words, the rate of production of carbon dioxide 
 in the starved, reduced animal is practically equal to that in the 
 young, growing animal of the same size, and this rate is much 
 higher per unit of body weight than that in large, old animals. The 
 results obtained by the direct susceptibiUty method are thus fully 
 ' These estimates were made at my request by Dr. Tashiro before the biometer 
 was available for general use, and I take this opportunity of aiknowledginK my obliga- 
 tion to him, both for conducting the experiments and for permitting me to use the 
 confirmed by the estimations of carbon-dioxide production. In 
 rate of carbon-dioxide production the starved, reduced animals 
 resemble young rather than old animals, such as they were before 
 When the animals are kept entirely without food the rate of 
 decrease in size shows in general an increase, at least during the 
 later stages of starvation. Thus far only incidental observations 
 have been made concerning this point, the approximate lengths of 
 lots of animals being noted as they were removed from time to 
 time for determination of the susceptibility. But even in these 
 measurements the differences in rate of decrease in size appear, 
 though with some irregularities, and in most cases the increase in 
 rate in the later stages of starvation is evident without measure- 
 ment. Table III, for which the data are given in Table II (p. 157) , 
 gives the average length of the animals in a starvation stock at 
 monthly intervals, and Table IV gives similar information, but 
 Length of Starvation 
 Period in Days 
 Length of Animals 
 in Millimeters 
 Percentage of 
 Decrease in 
 15 - 18 
 10 - 12 
 7 - 8 
 3-5- 4 
 Length of Starvation 
 Period in Days 
 Length of Animals 
 in Millimeters 
 Percentage of 
 Decrease in 
 from a stock of animals of smdler size before starvation. In 
 Table III the average decrease in length during the first month is 
 about 30 per cent, during the second about the same, and during 
 the third about 50 per cent. Similarly, in the much smaller worms 
 of Table IV the average decrease in length during the first month 
 is 30 per cent, and during the second, 50 per cent. In these cases 
 the measurements for each month were made on different lots of 
 worms from the same stock. Doubtless a continuous series of 
 measurements of the same individuals would bring out the differ- 
 ences in rate of decrease still more clearly. When the animals are 
 not kept entirely without food the rate of reduction does not in- 
 crease, but may even decrease in later stages, for the smaller the 
 animals, the more completely does a small amount of food retard 
 or inhibit reduction. This increase in rate of reduction durinij 
 starvation confirms the observations on susceptibility and on 
 carbon-dioxide production, for it indicates that the rate of meta- 
 bolic processes increases as reduction proceeds. 
 In this connection the study by Mayer ('14) of loss of weight 
 in a jelly-fish, Cassiopea, is of interest. From his data Mayer con- 
 cludes that the relative loss of weight for each day or other period 
 is in general the same throughout the course of starvation. More- 
 over, the nitrogen-content and water-content of the body do not 
 show any change in relation to starvation. At first glance it 
 appears that the course of starvation in this medusa differs from 
 that in Planaria. While the metabohc condition of the animals 
 during starvation has not been determined, the constancy in the 
 percentage of loss of weight indicates that the metabohc rate does 
 not increase as starvation and reduction proceed. As a matter of 
 fact, however, Mayer's data, and particularly the curves of loss 
 of weight, show that in most cases the loss of w-eight in uninjured 
 animals during the first two or three weeks of starvation is slightly 
 less than the calculated loss according to the formula which Mayer 
 has adopted, while during the later period of starvation the obser\-ed 
 loss of weight equals or in many cases exceeds the calculated loss. 
 In mutilated animals, which arc undergoing regeneration as well 
 as starvation, the observed loss of weight during the earlier stages 
 of starvation is in most cases more rapid than the calculated loss, 
 but the two coincide more nearly in later stages. 
 It is probable then that Mayer's law of loss of weight is only an 
 approximation based on averages, and that some slight increase 
 in the percentage of loss in a given time interval does occur in unin- 
 jured animals. In regenerating animals, on the other hand, the 
 loss is more rapid in earlier stages because of the use of body sub- 
 stance in the formation of new parts as well as for function. As 
 regeneration proceeds, the growth of the new parts becomes less 
 rapid and requires less material, and the loss of weight becomes 
 sHghtly less rapid. If these suggestions are correct, starvation in 
 Cassiopea follows essentially the same course as in Planaria and 
 is accompanied by increase in metabolic rate and some degree of 
 rejuvenescence. For the study of this aspect of starvation, how- 
 ever, the medusa is a particularly unfavorable form because the 
 volume of cellular substance is exceedingly small, as compared 
 with the volume of gelatinous material which, according to Mayer, 
 constitutes the chief source of nutrition during starvation, and since 
 this is extra-cellular, its disappearance does not alter the cellular 
 condition. For the same reason changes in chemical constitution 
 and water-content of the protoplasm, so far as they occur, are 
 inappreciable, though in an animal with so little differentiation as 
 the medusa the changes are probably not very great. There is 
 also the possibihty that, as Putter believes, substances in solution 
 in the water serve as a source of nutrition to some extent. If this 
 is the case, the influence of such substances on the rate of loss of 
 weight must be greater in the later stages of starvation when the 
 animal is smaller and the absolute loss less than in the earlier 
 stages, and will therefore contribute to mask the increasing rate of 
 loss in these stages. Taking all these facts into account, it appears 
 highly probable that the changes in the cellular substance of the 
 medusae are very similar to, though probably less extensive than, 
 those in Planaria. Mayer notes that the cells decrease in size, 
 their boundaries become indistinct, and some cells die. Determina- 
 tions of the changes in susceptibility of the cellular portions of the 
 body of the medusa during starvation would be of interest. 
 In general the abiHty of planarians to become accUmated to 
 depressing agents or conditions varies with the rate of metabolism. 
 Young animals, for example, become much more readily and more 
 completely acclimated to cyanide or alcohol, low temperature, 
 etc., than old, and accUmation occurs more readily at higher than 
 at lower temperatures (Child, '11). In the low concentrations of 
 reagents used in the accUmation susceptibility method (pp. 82-84), 
 starved animals show very Kttle capacity for accHmation as 
 compared with well-fed animals of the same size; in most cases even 
 less than large, old animals. In my earher studies of suscepti- 
 bihty only this accHmation method was used, and since in general 
 the capacity for accHmation had been found to vary with the rate 
 of metabolism, the very sHght capacity of starved animals for 
 accHmation was regarded as indicating that their rate of metab- 
 oHsm was low. But the results obtained in later investigation 
 by the direct susceptibiUty method which have been briefly pre- 
 sented above, and the confirmation of these by the estimations of 
 carbon-dioxide production, force us to the conclusion that the 
 rate of metaboHsm increases during starvation. This being the 
 case, the decrease in capacity for accHmation in starved animals 
 cannot be due to a low rate of metaboHsm, but must be associated 
 with the nutritive condition in some way independent of meta- 
 boHc rate (Child, '14). When feeding is begun after a long period 
 of starvation, the capacity for acclimation rises almost at once 
 (Child, '11) and continues to increase as feeding continues and 
 growth replaces reduction. 
 Since the nature of the process of accHmation is at present 
 unknown, this relation between nutritive condition and capacity 
 for accHmation cannot at present be analyzed, but must simply 
 be recorded as a fact. But whether accHmation results primarily 
 from a change in the metaboHc substratum, or in the character 
 and relation of the metabolic reactions, the fact that the individual 
 with a supply of nutritive material from external sources has a 
 greater capacity for accHmation than the starving animal which 
 is undergoing reduction is at least suggestive, as indicating the 
 greater possibiHty of change under changed external conditions 
 in the well-fed animal. 
 Whatever may be the nature of the relation between nutrition 
 and capacity for acclimation, the facts demonstrate that, although 
 the starved, reduced animals are practically identical with >oung, 
 growing animals of the same size as regards rate of metabolism, 
 they differ widely from these in their capacity for acclimation. This 
 difference raises the question whether capacity for acclimation is 
 a fundamental or only an incidental feature of the age cycle. If 
 it is a fundamental feature, then the reduced animals have under- 
 gone rejuvenescence only in certain respects and have actually 
 become older physiologically in certain other respects. If, on the 
 other hand, it is merely incidental, then the reduced animals have 
 undergone what is essentially rejuvenescence and merely require 
 food in order to make them identical with young, growing individuals. 
 The latter alternative seems to be the correct one. If the decrease 
 in capacity for acclimation during starvation is regarded as a 
 process of senescence, it becomes necessary to admit that an animal 
 which is old in this respect may become young within a few hours 
 when it is fed. The susceptibihty as measured by the direct method 
 and the rate of carbon-dioxide production are certainly much more 
 adequate criteria of physiological age and condition than the 
 capacity for acchmation. In other words, reduction by starva- 
 tion is essentially a process of rejuvenescence in these animals, 
 and the difference between them and young, growing animals as 
 regards capacity for acclimation is an incidental rather than a 
 fundamental difference. 
 When the animal reduced by starvation is again fed, its physio- 
 logical condition very soon becomes indistinguishable from that of 
 growing animals of about the same size. In the advanced stages 
 of reduction the susceptibility of the reduced animal is almost always 
 somewhat greater than that of fed animals of the same size, and the 
 effect of renewed feeding is a decrease in susceptibihty to about 
 the same level as that of the fed animal. The capacity for acch- 
 mation, as already noted, increases even after a single feeding, 
 but in advanced stages of reduction by starvation several feedings 
 are usually necessary, i.e., the animal must attain a well-fed con- 
 dition before the capacity for acchmation is equal to that of grow- 
 ing animals. The effect of a single feeding may appear within an 
 hour or two, but lasts at most only a few days, the animal rapidly 
 returning to the completely starved condition. But if other feed- 
 ings follow at sufficiently short intervals, growth soon begins, and 
 both susceptibility and capacity for acclimation undergo a gradual 
 decrease as the animal once more becomes physiologically older. 
 After at most a few feedings, then, the reduced animal is indistin- 
 guishable from the young animal in nature, and, as regards sus- 
 ceptibility, carbon-dioxide production, and capacity for acclimation, 
 is capable of undergoing senescence again. That a real rejuvenes- 
 cence has occurred during starvation cannot be doubted. 
 The asexual life history of Planaria velata was described in 
 chap, vi and it was pointed out that in this species the decrease in 
 rate of metabolism characteristic of the period of growth, differen- 
 tiation, and senescence apparently leads automatically to fragmen- 
 tation of the body and so to the reconstitution from the fragments of 
 small, physiologically young animals, which repeat the hfe history. 
 If this process of fragmentation is associated with senescence 
 and if starvation and reduction bring about rejuvenescence, it 
 should be possible, not only to prevent the occurrence of fragmen- 
 tation, but to keep the animals indefinitely at a certain age by 
 giving them a quantity of food just sufficient to prevent reduction 
 but not sufficient to permit growth. This experiment has been 
 performed with a stock of these animals. During almost three 
 years they have been fed at intervals varying from two or three 
 days to two or three weeks, the feeding being regulated according 
 to the condition of the animals. If growth occurred, the intervals 
 between feedings were increased, and if the animals decreased in 
 size they were fed with greater frequency. If some animals showed 
 more growth or reduction than others, they were isolated and the 
 feedings regulated as required until all were again of approximately 
 the same size. During the early stages of the experiment growth 
 was twice allowed to proceed too far, and a few of the larger worms 
 of the stock underwent some fragmentation. 
 During the three years of the experiment the animals have been 
 kept at lengths varying from four to seven millimeters. In all 
 this time no fragmentation has occurred except in the two cases 
 mentioned above, when growth was allowed to go too far. The 
 animals are still in good condition and show the activity of yi)ung 
 animals. Susceptibility determinations have not been made, since 
 the stock is not large and is gradually depleted by occasional acci- 
 dental losses in changing water. However, there is every reason to 
 believe that the animals are as young physiologically as their size 
 would lead one to suspect, and they have shown no indications of 
 the changes in color, cessation of feeding, and decrease in motor 
 activity characteristic of old worms. 
 While the animals of this insufficiently fed stock have remained 
 at essentially the same physiological age during almost three years, 
 another portion of the same original stock which emerged from 
 cysts in the laboratory at the same time, but which has been fed 
 often enough to permit rapid growth, has passed through thirteen 
 asexual generations. A comparison of these two stocks leaves no 
 doubt as to the effect of partial starvation in inhibiting senescence 
 and the changes accompanying it. In these animals the length 
 of life or of the developmental period is not measured by time, but 
 by rapidity of growth. With abundant food this species may pass 
 through its whole life history, from the stage of emergence from a 
 cyst to fragmentation and encystment, in three or four weeks, but 
 when growth is prevented by loss of food, it may continue active 
 and young for at least three years, as the foregoing experiment has 
 demonstrated, and doubtless for a much longer period. It is of 
 course possible that continuation of the experiment during a suffi- 
 ciently long time might show that a slow process of senescence was 
 occurring in spite of the absence of growth. Only such continua- 
 tion can determine whether this will be the case or not. But the 
 fact remains that senescence can be retarded or inhibited for a 
 length of time, which, compared with the length of the active hfe 
 in nature, is very long — in the present case about thirty-six times 
 as long, and eighteen times as long as the average length of a genera- 
 tion in the laboratory. 
 Similar experiments with Planaria dorotocephala have been 
 carried sufficiently far to show that this species also can be kept 
 in approximately the same physiological condition for some months. 
 As long as the animals do not receive food enough to permit growth, 
 there are no indications of senescence, but when growth occurs the 
 susceptibihty begins to decrease. 
 In these experiments with partial feeding the susceptibiUtv 
 does not of course remain the same at all times. Each feeding is 
 followed by a distinct decrease in susceptibility, and later, as the 
 animals begin to starve, the susceptibility increases again. Thus 
 the life of such animals actually consists of alternating periods of 
 senescence and rejuvenescence. But if the intervals between 
 feedings are sufficient, the changes in the two opposite directions 
 balance each other and the mean physiological condition remains 
 the same. 
 Up to the present time the problem of the relation between the 
 character of nutrition and the Hfe cycle has received comparatively 
 little attention, although it is evident from the results already 
 obtained that an interesting and important field of investigation 
 is open here. In the attempt to find a suitable food for the breeding 
 of Planaria velata in the laboratory it was soon observed that the 
 size attained before the animals ceased to feed, the character of 
 fragmentation, and even its occurrence and the physiological con- 
 dition of the small animals which develop from the encysted frag- 
 ments, were all dependent to some extent upon the character of 
 nutrition. In these experiments the food did not in all cases con- 
 sist of single tissues or organs, so that it is not possible to correlate 
 the effects produced with the characteristics of particular tissues 
 and still less with particular chemical constitution. There is no 
 doubt, however, that this species constitutes favorable material 
 for nutrition experiments of this kind, such, for example, as Gudcr- 
 natsch ('12, '14) and Romeis ('13, '14) have carried out on the tad- 
 pole, using various tissues and organs, including thyroid, thymus, 
 adrenals, etc., as nutritive material. 
 Only certain important points in the feeding exixTiments on 
 F. velata need be mentioned here. When the animals are fed beef 
 liver the Hfe cycle approaches more closely to that oi animals in 
 nature than with any other food thus far used, but cessation of 
 feeding and fragmentation occur at a smaller size than in nature. 
 The liver-fed animals also differ from animals in nature in not 
 losing their pigment before fragmentation and in encysting rather 
 frequently without fragmentation. The encysted fragments from 
 liver-fed animals give rise to physiologically young animals which 
 are able to repeat the life cycle, and asexual breeding may be con- 
 tinued with liver as food through at least many generations. 
 Animals fed with earthworm have a rather different life history. 
 They attain a larger size before fragmentation and, when kept at a 
 low temperature, they continue to grow until very much larger 
 than any individuals ever seen in nature, and finally die, apparently 
 of old age, usually without fragmentation and always without 
 sexual reproduction. At higher temperatures they cease to feed 
 at a certain stage, and some give rise to two or a few fragments 
 which are usually larger than under natural conditions. Some 
 animals encyst whole without fragmentation, and some do not 
 encyst at all. 
 The further history of these different groups is of interest. The 
 encysted fragments give rise to physiologically young worms. The 
 animals which encyst without fragmentation remain in the cysts 
 until they have used up their reserves and more or less of their own 
 tissues, and then emerge as smaller, physiologically younger animals 
 also capable of repeating the hfe cycle. But the history of the 
 animals which do not encyst shows the most interesting features. 
 The normal form of a full-grown, well-fed animal is shown in Fig 8 
 (p. 94). At the time these animals cease to feed, the pharynx 
 disintegrates and no new pharynx develops in its place. In the 
 course of a few days the posterior end of the body becomes inactive 
 and assumes a rounded form, as in Fig. 58, being dragged about 
 by the rest of the body as if it were a dead mass or a foreign sub- 
 stance. During the next few days this change in form and behav- 
 ior extends farther anteriorly, so that the rounded mass becomes 
 larger and the active portion of the body smaller (Fig. 59). At 
 this stage this process may cease in some individuals, but in others 
 it continues still farther, as in Fig. 60, until only a short anterior 
 portion with the head remains active. In this condition the small, 
 active anterior region is scarcely able to drag the large inert mass 
 about, although it makes violent attempts to do so. 
 In some cases the rounded mass disintegrates at this stage and 
 is lost, and the anterior region slowly undergoes reconstitution to a 
 whole animal of small size by development of a new posterior end 
 and a pharynx (Fig. 65), and is once more ready to feed and repeat 
 Figs. 58-65.— P/awar/a velala: a life cycle without reproduction: KIrs. 58-61, 
 the changes of advanced age; Figs. 62-65, the period of rejuvenescence. 
 the life history. But in other cases the change in form continues 
 until nothing but the head remains active, as in Fig. Oi. and then 
 disintegration begins and the whole animal, including the head, 
 dies. In the rounded mass the internal structure gradually dis- 
 appears with extensive necrosis and disintegration of cells, until 
 little more than a sack remains containing some living tissue and a 
 large amount of granular substance resulting from the cell disinte- 
 gration. In other words, this mass represents to a large extent a 
 process of involution and death of cells and tissue. 
 In those individuals in which this process of involution ceases 
 at the stage of Fig. 59 or Fig. 60, the mass usually does not undergo 
 complete disintegration, but remains attached to the body and is 
 gradually resorbed, the process extending over a month or two. 
 During this time the mass evidently serves as a source of nutrition 
 for the active region and is in some sense analogous to the yolk 
 sac of many embryos. In such individuals the anterior region 
 remains continuously active and the involution mass gradually 
 becomes smaller (Figs. 62 and 63), until completely resorbed and 
 only a longer or shorter anterior region considerably reduced in 
 size remains. In cases where the resorption of the posterior mass 
 begins at a stage like that of Fig. 59, the portion of the body remain- 
 ing after complete resorption may include the anterior half, but 
 where resorption does not begin until involution is more advanced, 
 as in Fig. 60, the portion remaining after resorption may be only 
 the anterior fourth (Fig. 64). 
 After resorption of the posterior mass is completed, the remain- 
 ing portion slowly undergoes reconstitution, developing a new 
 posterior end and a new pharynx and mouth (Fig. 65), and thus 
 finally attaining the same condition as in those cases where the 
 involution mass disintegrates and is lost without resorption. At 
 this stage the small animal is physiologically young, as its high 
 susceptibihty indicates, and is again ready to take food and grow 
 and repeat the life cycle. 
 In this remarkable process of senescence and death of a part of 
 the body and rejuvenescence of the remainder, no reproductive 
 process is involved except the reconstitution of the anterior region 
 into a new whole. That portion of the body which under natural 
 conditions undergoes fragmentation and encystment, the fragments 
 undergoing reconstitution to new animals, is in these cases appar- 
 ently too far advanced in senescence to recover, and undergoes 
 complete death and disintegration or gradual degeneration and 
 resorption. That it serves as a source of nutrition for the portion 
 which remains active is indicated by the fact that the reduction 
 in size of this portion is much less rapid than in starving normal 
 animals. Nevertheless, it is evident that the supply of food 
 in the involution mass is not adequate to prevent the occurrence of 
 reduction sooner or later, and since the animal during resorption 
 of the posterior region is without pharynx or mouth, it cannot take 
 food in the usual way; consequently as the source of supply in the 
 involution mass gradually fails, the anterior region graduallv 
 starves and undergoes reduction. But when a certain stage of 
 reduction is reached, the new posterior end and phar}'nx develop 
 at the expense of other regions, and the process of rejuvenescence 
 is completed. In these cases, then, senescence leads to death in 
 certain parts of the body while other parts remain alive and undergo 
 rejuvenescence by starvation, reduction, and reconstitution. 
 The question of the conditions concerned in the localization of 
 death in the posterior region of the body requires some considera- 
 tion. The facts indicate that fragmentation is usually inhibited 
 by certain internal conditions and that, as the rate of metabolism 
 decreases during senescence, the lower limit for the continued 
 existence of differentiated structure is finally reached and passed 
 in the posterior region, and the processes of involution or disinte- 
 gration begin. The earthworm diet has been repeatedly used with 
 animals of different stocks and the results are always essentially 
 the same. Continued feeding in successive generations of the same 
 stock has not thus far brought about any further changes, and the 
 animals which do not die show no indications of progressive senes- 
 cence in successive generations. 
 Another diet used consists of the bodies of fresh-water mussels. 
 The portions used for food are chiefly the reproductive organs and 
 the digestive gland, and the animals apparently eat chietly the 
 reproductive cells. 
 In the first generation the effect of this diet is to decrease the 
 frequency of fragmentation. In most animals the involution of 
 the posterior region occurs, as in Figs. 58-61. but ver>- commonly 
 this process ends with the death of the whole animal and no resorp- 
 tion or rejuvenescence occurs. In some animals, however, the 
 involution mass disintegrates and is lost at the stage of Fig. 60, 
 and the anterior portion develops a new pharynx and posterior end. 
 With the mussel diet a few very small fragments arise from some 
 The animals which undergo partial involution and disintegration 
 followed by reconstitution feed a few times on mussel, but cease 
 to grow at about half the size of the preceding generation, and most 
 of them undergo involution and die. Some encyst entire and others 
 produce one or two fragments and then encyst, but in all cases thus 
 far the encysted animals or pieces die in the cysts and no third 
 generation appears, i.e., that portion of the second generation which 
 arises from the non-encysting members of the first generation dies 
 without giving rise to a third generation. 
 As regards the encysted fragments from the first generation, 
 about half die in the cysts, the others emerge as small worms; 
 these feed a few times on mussel, grow slowly to about half the size 
 of the first generation, and undergo involution or in a few cases 
 fragmentation, as in the preceding generation. Most of these 
 worms die at this time, either as the result of involution or in the 
 cysts, but a very few emerge from cysts as a third generation. 
 These scarcely react to food at all, show almost no growth, and soon 
 undergo involution and die with or without fragmentation, or 
 die in the cysts. In no case has a single animal of the fourth gener- 
 ation been obtained from stocks fed on mussel, and very few live 
 to the third generation. 
 These stocks show every indication of a progressive senescence 
 in successive generations. It is of interest to note that a few of the 
 animals from encysted fragments reach the third generation, while 
 the animals developed from the pieces surviving partial involution 
 or encystment without fragmentation all die in the second genera- 
 tion. The encysted fragments are smaller than the others and 
 undergo more extensive reorganization, and consequently a some- 
 what greater degree of rejuvenescence in the process of reconstitu- 
 tion to whole animals. But the animals after emergence from cysts 
 or reconstitution following partial involution are not as young 
 physiologically as those kept on other diets. Their susceptibility 
 is distinctly lower than that of animals at the same stage in nature 
 or in stocks kept on a diet of liver or earthworm. Their motor 
 activity is also less than that of these animals and their rate of 
 growth is slow. There can be no doubt that these animals undergo 
 much less rejuvenescence in the reproductive and reconstitutional 
 processes than do those on the other diets, and it is evident that the 
 degree of rejuvenescence is progressively less in each successive 
 These experiments with different diets have been described at 
 some length because they demonstrate that the course of the life 
 cycle may be very greatly altered by the character of nutrition. 
 The effect of the mussel diet is to a certain degree inherited and 
 cumulative from one generation to another and in this respect 
 differs from that of the other diets. The chief value of these 
 experiments lies in their suggestiveness as indicating what 
 may be accomplished with diets carefully limited to particular 
 kinds of cells or tissues or to substances of particular chemical 
 CmLD, C. M. 
 1911. "A Study of Senescence and Rejuvenescence Based on E.xperiments 
 with Planarians," Arcli.f. Entwickelungsmech., XXXI. 
 1914. "Starvation, Rejuvenescence and Acclimation in Planaria doro- 
 tocepliala," Arch.f. Entwickelungsmech., XXXX'III. 
 Citron, E. 
 1902. "Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Syncorync sarsii," Arch. f. Xalurgc- 
 schichte, Jhg. LXVIII. 
 1892. "On the Changes in the Spinal Cord during Complete Starvation" 
 (Russian), Bolnitschnaja Gasela Bolkina, 1892. 
 191 2. "Feeding Experiments on Tadpoles: I, The Influence of Specific 
 Organs Given as Food on Growth and Differentiation," Arch. 
 f. Entwickelungsmech., XXX\'. 
 1914. "Feeding Experiments on Tadpoles: II, .\ Further Contribution 
 to the Knowledge of Organs of Internal Secretion," Am. Jour, of 
 Anal., X\'. 
 Heumann, G. 
 1850. Mikroskopische Untersuchimgen an hungernden und verhungerten 
 Tauben. Giessen. (Referat aus Canstatt's J ahresberichte il. d. 
 Fortschritte d. gcs. Med., I, 1851.) 
 Kasanzeff, W. 
 1901. Experimcntelle Untersuchimgen iiher "Paramecium caudatum." 
 Dissertation. Zurich. 
 LiLLIE, F. R. 
 1900. "Some Notes on Regeneration and Regulation in Planarians," 
 Am. Nat., XXXIV. 
 1897. "L 'Inanition du noyau cellulaire," Rev. Scient., 1897. 
 Mayer, A. G. 
 1914. "The Law Governing the Loss of Weight in Starving Cassiopea," 
 extract from Carnegie Instil. Puhl. i8j. 
 191 1. "Studies of Inanition in Its Bearing upon the Problem of Growth," 
 Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., XXXII. 
 1888. "SuU processo fisiologico di neoformazione cellulare durante la 
 inanizione acuta dell' organismo," Arch. Sci. Med., XII. 
 1889. " Sur la Nature des atrophies par inanition chez les animaux a sang 
 chaud," Arch. Ital. de Biol., XII. 
 1868. Lehrhuch der pathologischen Gewebe. Bd. III. 
 1913. "Der Einfluss verschiedenartiger Ernahrung auf die Regeneration 
 bei Kaulquappen (Rana esculenta)," I, Arch. f. Entwickelungs- 
 mech., XXXVII. 
 1914. "Experimcntelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung innersekreto- 
 rischer Organe: II, Der Einfuss von Thyreoidea- und Thymusfut- 
 terung auf das Wachstum, die Entwicklung und die Regeneration," 
 Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech., XL, XLI. 
 1904. "tJber Reduktionen: I, Uber Hungererscheinungen bei Planaria 
 lactea," Arch. f. Entwickelungsmech. , XVIII. 
 Statkewitsch, p. 
 1894. "ijber Veranderungen des Muskel- und Driisengewebes, sowie 
 des Herzganglien beim Hungern," Arch. J. e.xp. Pathol, u. Pharm., 
 Stoppenbrink, F. 
 1905. "Der Einfluss herabegesetzter Emahrung auf den hislologischcn 
 Bau der Siisswassertricladen," Zcitschr.J. wiss. Zool.. LXXIX. 
 Tashiro, S. 
 1913. "A New Method and Apparatus for the Estimation of Exceedingly 
 Minute Quantities of Carbon Dioxide," Am. Jour, of Physiol , 
 Wallengren, H. 
 1902. "Inanitionscrscheinungcn der Zelle. Untersuchungen an Proto- 
 zoen," Zeitschr.f. allgem. Physiol., I. 
 In addition to the differences in size, structure, and behavior 
 which constitute more or less definite criteria of age in the lower 
 organisms, characteristic differences in rate of metabolism have 
 been shown to exist, the rate being highest in the youngest animals 
 and decreasing with advancing age. These age differences in rate 
 of metabolism are sufficiently well marked, as compared with such 
 individual and incidental differences as occur under ordinary con- 
 ditions, to make possible their use as criteria of physiological age, 
 and so to compare the physiological ages of different individuals. 
 In this way it has been shown that, in general, physiological 
 senescence accompanies the productive and progressive processes, 
 i.e., growth, specialization, morphogenesis, and differentiation, and 
 that physiological rejuvenescence is a feature of reduction and of 
 processes associated with the reconstitution and agamic develop- 
 ment in nature of new individuals from parts of a pre-existing 
 There can, I think, be httle question that among the experiments 
 described the reduction experiments are most significant. Here 
 the possible compHcations connected with reproduction and recon- 
 stitution are absent, and only loss of substance with the changes 
 conditioned by it occurs. The association, on the one hand, of 
 physiological rejuvenescence with reduction, and, on the other, 
 of senescence with growth and differentiation, not only demon- 
 strates that rejuvenescence is not necessarily associated with 
 reproduction, but also constitutes a positive experimental foun- 
 dation for a physiological conception of the age changes. It is 
 evident that in the organism in which differentiation has begun 
 and is progressing the addition of substance brings about in some 
 way a decrease in metabohc rate and so a decrease in the capacity 
 for further growth and development, while the removal of substance 
 by starvation increases the rate of metabolism and so the capacity 
 for growth and development. From an advanced physiological 
 age it is possible to bring the animals back practically to the begin- 
 ning of post-embryonic life by forcing them to use up and eliminate 
 the substance which they have accumulated during post-embr\-onic 
 growth and development. Here no reproductive process, asexual 
 or sexual, is involved, but, to return to the analog>' between the 
 organism and the flowing stream, the metabolic current is forced 
 to erode its channel instead of depositing material along its course. 
 These experiments leave no basis for the contention that the 
 organism or the cell cannot become young after it has once 
 undergone senescence, and that the only source of youth is an 
 undifferentiated germ plasm. The planarian reduced by starva- 
 tion consists entirely or almost entirely of cells which formed 
 functional differentiated parts of the original, physiologically and 
 morphologically old animal, but after renewed feeding it is younger 
 in every respect and in all parts of the body, so far as can be deter- 
 mined, than before starvation, and is again capable of growth and 
 senescence. In short, these experiments demonstrate that the 
 differentiated somatic cells can return to a physiological condition 
 which at least approaches that of embryonic or unditlerentiated 
 cells, and there is no reason for believing that a hypothetical 
 parcel of germ plasm in the nucleus of these cells is in any way 
 responsible for this regression. The results of these physiological 
 experiments are in complete agreement with the conclusions reached 
 by E. Schultz ('04, '08), on the basis of morphological data. 
 The few experiments on the influence of the kind of nutrition 
 upon the course of the life cycle indicate clearly that the course and 
 results of senescence may differ widely with the character of the 
 food. The experiments do not throw any light on the question of 
 the factors concerned in the differences produced, but with more 
 complete control of the kind of nutrition more definite results on 
 this point will doubtless be possible. Even these e.xperiments 
 show, however, that the age cycle in these lower animals is by no 
 means independent of nutritional factors. Perhaps the most 
 important point is that with certain foods a progressive senescence 
 from generation to generation occurs, while with other ioods 
 senescence and rejuvenescence apparently balance each other in 
 each cycle. Evidently certain physiological characteristics of the 
 organism, which are associated either with its metabolic processes 
 or with its structural substratum, or more probably with both, 
 are dependent upon the character of its nutrition, to such an extent 
 at least as to modify the age cycle very essentially. 
 In the hght of the starvation experiments the occurrence of 
 rejuvenescence in connection with the reconstitution of pieces and 
 with agamic reproduction in nature is not difhcult to understand. 
 In the reconstitution of pieces some cells undergo dedifferentiation 
 to a greater or less extent and take part in the development of new 
 structures, or the new parts arise from cells which have remained 
 relatively young and less specialized than others; some cells may 
 undergo degeneration and disappear completely, and, except where 
 the isolated piece takes food, the energy for the various changes is 
 derived from reserves and from the tissues themselves which 
 undergo more or less reduction. 
 The degeneration of differentiated cells does not contribute 
 directly to the rejuvenescence of the piece, but if cells undergo 
 dedifferentiation or if the new structures arise from cells which 
 have retained a more or less "embr^^onic" condition, the result is 
 of course a younger organism. And if in addition any appreciable 
 amount of reduction occurs, rejuvenescence, particularly in the 
 old parts which constitute the chief source of nutritive supply in 
 such cases, proceeds still farther. 
 We have seen that the degree of rejuvenescence varies with the 
 size of the piece and with the degree of reconstitution, i.e., the 
 degree of approach to wholeness in the piece. The reason for these 
 relations is clear. Provided reconstitution occurs, the smaller 
 the piece the greater the loss of old structure and the devel- 
 opment of new, and the greater the reduction of the whole piece 
 in furnishing energy for the process. Moreover, the greater the 
 degree of reconstitution, the greater the reorganization, and the 
 greater the supply of nutritive material required from the piece. 
 Thus in the piece undergoing reconstitution a new metabolic 
 equilibrium is attained. The parts formed anew are young and 
 have a higher rate of metabohsm than the others, but they become 
 older and their rate decreases as they grow and difTerentiatc. At 
 the same time, the remaining parts of the piece are drawn upon 
 as a source of energy for the growth of the new parts, and in con- 
 sequence they undergo reduction and their rate of metabolism 
 rises: in fact, they become younger. Sooner or later a condition is 
 attained in which the young, new parts can no longer grow at the 
 expense of the old parts because the rate of metabolism in the former 
 is decHning while that in the latter is increasing. When this stage 
 is attained reconstitutional changes can proceed no farther. If 
 the animal is fed at this stage it grows essentially like any other 
 animal, and if not fed it undergoes reduction like any other stars-ed 
 animal. At the time equilibrium is attained the rate of metabolism 
 in general will vary with the size of the piece and the degree of 
 reconstitution. The smaller the piece and the greater the amount 
 of reconstitutional change, the higher the rate at which this equi- 
 librium is reached, and so the younger the animal becomes during 
 As already noted, the cases of agamic reproduction examined 
 in chap, vi do not differ fundamentally from the experimental 
 reproductions or reconstitutions following the physical isolation 
 of pieces, and we should expect that if rejuvenescence occurs in 
 the one case it would in the other. Whether a piece develops into 
 a new whole as the result of artificial isolation by section or other 
 means, or of physiological isolation by conditions arising in the 
 organism in nature, the result is essentially the same. In one 
 respect, however, there is a difference of degree: in many cases of 
 budding, fission, etc., the new developing individual remains in 
 organic continuity with the parent until its development is ad- 
 vanced or completed and so is supplied with nutritive material. 
 In such cases, as for example, in hydra, the new individual, instead 
 of undergoing reduction, grows throughout its development, and 
 the degree of rejuvenescence is much less marked than in those 
 cases where the tissues of the developing piece or region are the 
 source of energy. Here the deditTerentiation of cells, or the su!)- 
 stitution of less dilTerentiated younger cells for those previously 
 existing, are the chief factors in rejuvenescence, although appar- 
 ently some degree of metabolic equilibration does occur in the old 
 parts, i.e., these parts become somewhat younger, even though 
 nutrition is present. 
 The results of the experiments together with the results of 
 observation in nature constitute an adequate foundation for the 
 conclusion that a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence must be 
 associated with agamic reproduction. As we have seen in the case 
 of Pennaria (pp. 148-51), it may be less in the more specialized 
 than in the less specialized types of reproduction and it must 
 differ in degree with various other conditions, but wherever recon- 
 stitutional or reductional changes are involved we must expect 
 to find some degree of rejuvenescence. 
 The persistence of the embryonic condition in the growing tip 
 and meristematic tissues of the higher plants and in the growing 
 regions of many of the lower animals shows, however, that under 
 certain conditions growth may continue over long periods of time 
 without any very great degree of, and in many cases perhaps 
 without any, senescence. So far as we know, the long-continued 
 persistence of the embryonic condition in rapidly growing tissues 
 is always associated with a high frequency of cell or nuclear division, 
 and the experiments on the infusoria (see pp. 137-42) indicate 
 that at least in these forms some degree of rejuvenescence occurs 
 in connection with cell division. There is every reason to beheve 
 that in nuclear and cell division in general, as in other forms of 
 reproduction, some degree of change in the direction of rejuvenes- 
 cence occurs. Whether this balances the changes which occur 
 between successive cell divisions depends upon the frequency of 
 division, the rate of growth, and various other conditions. Where 
 a balance is attained or approached, differentiation and senescence 
 do not occur, or proceed slowly; otherwise they proceed more or 
 less rapidly, according to conditions. 
 The only possible conclusion in view of all the facts seems to be 
 that senescence is associated with the productive and progressive 
 phases, and rejuvenescence with the reductive and regressive 
 phases, of the life cycle. 
 The theories of senescence that have been advanced fall mainly 
 into two groups. Those of the one group regard the phenomena 
 of senescence as in some sense secondary or incidental, and not as 
 a necessary and inevitable consequence or a part of the cycle of 
 development. According to such theories senescence is due to 
 incomplete excretion of toxic products of metabolism of one kind 
 or another, or to a wearing out of certain organs for one reason or 
 another, to evolutionary adaptation, or to some other incidental 
 factor. The theories of the other group regard senescence as a 
 result of the same processes which determine growth, differentia- 
 tion, and what we call development in general. These theories 
 attempt to find the conditions and processes which determine 
 senescence in the conditions and processes which underlie develop- 
 ment. From this point of view senescence is a feature of develop- 
 ment. The experimental data presented in the preceding chapters 
 leave little room for doubt that both senescence and rejuvenescence 
 are necessary and inevitable features of the life cycle. Certainly 
 the worn-out organs of old animals cannot be repaired by an 
 extended period of starvation, nor is the eHmination of toxic meta- 
 boHc products likely to be assisted by the structural degeneration 
 of parts which occurs in various cases of reconstitution. Senescence 
 and development are simply two aspects of the same complex 
 dynamic activities. 
 Since our knowledge of the metabolic reactions, on the one hand, 
 and of the colloid substratum of the organism, on the other, is not 
 very far advanced, we cannot at present determine the exact nature 
 of the relation between growth, differentiation, and senescence, and 
 reduction, dedifferentiation, and rejuvenescence. Nevertheless we 
 can point with considerable confidence to certain features of growth 
 and development as afi'ording a basis for the changes of the age 
 It was pointed out in Part I that during development the 
 general metabolic substratum of the organism, the unspecialized 
 or embryonic cell, undergoes a progressive change in the direction 
 of greater physiological stability in consequence of changes in the 
 substratum and additions to it in the course of growth and differ- 
 entiation. The general result of these changes is a decrca.se in the 
 metaboHc activity of each unit of weight or volume of the organism 
 because the proportion of the relatively stable constituents in the 
 substratum increases. 
 Such changes are most conspicuous in those cells which become 
 loaded with non-protoplasmic inclosures, such as granules or 
 droplets, or in which the cytoplasm is largely transformed into the 
 inactive substance of skeletal or supporting tissues, but it is evident 
 that similar changes occur to a greater or less extent in all cells 
 during differentiation. Development must then be accompanied 
 by a progressive decrease in the rate of metabolism per unit of 
 weight or volume of the substance of the organism. 
 But other factors are probably more or less generally concerned 
 in bringing about the decrease in metabolic rate which occurs 
 during development. It is a familiar fact that emulsoid colloid 
 sols and gels outside the organism undergo changes in aggregate 
 condition with time. The degree of aggregation increases, the 
 water-content decreases, and shrinkage occurs. To what extent 
 such changes occur in the colloids of the living organism is a ques- 
 tion, but that there is more or less change of this sort in the more 
 stable portions of the colloid substratum is highly probable, and in 
 any case the continued accumulation of colloids in the cell as a 
 product of metabolism probably brings about an increase in con- 
 centration and of aggregation in the colloid. The rate of chemical 
 reaction in a colloid substratum is more or less intimately associated 
 with the condition of the colloid and very generally decreases with 
 increasing aggregation. The increasing density and aggregation of 
 the colloid substratum may lead, then, to an actual decrease in the 
 rate of chemical reactions. Moreover, the increase in density and 
 thickness and the decrease in the permeability of membranes may 
 retard the exchange through them. The retardation of enzyme 
 activity by accumulation of the products may also play a part in 
 decreasing metabolic rate, though it is probable that such decreases 
 in metabohc activity are usually less permanent than the age 
 changes and are associated with other shorter periods in the Hfe 
 of the organism. Various other factors, as yet unrecognized, 
 may also be concerned, but it is evident in any case that the decrease 
 in rate of metabohsm is a part of development itself and not an 
 accidental or incidental feature of life. The decrease in metaboUc 
 rate during development is in fact a necessary and inevitable 
 consequence of the association of the chemical reactions which 
 constitute metabolism with a colloid substratum i)r()(lu(C'(l by thr 
 The development of metabolic mechanisms, such as the striated 
 muscles, which are capable when stimulated of a ver>' hi^'h rate of 
 metabohsm, is in no sense an exception to or a contradiction of the 
 general law that a decrease in rate of metabolism is associated with 
 development. In the early stages of development correlative 
 functional stimulation of the cells of the organism certainly occurs 
 only to a very slight degree, so far as it occurs at all, and cannot bt- 
 compared to the degree of functional stimulation which occurs 
 in later stages after development of the stimulating mechanism — 
 in the case of striated muscle, the nervous system. This being the 
 case, we must compare the rate of metabolism in the unstimulated 
 or very slightly stimulated differentiated cell — not the rate of the 
 cell under strong stimulation — with the rate of the embr^'onic cell, 
 if we are to attain a correct conception of the difiference. Bearing 
 this point in mind, it is easy to see how great the ditTerence in 
 rate is. In the case of striated muscle, for example, the rate of 
 metabolism in the earher stages of development is sufficiently 
 high to bring about the morphogenesis of the muscle without the 
 accelerating influence of nerve impulses, but later the muscle 
 atrophies unless its rate is frequently accelerated bv nervous 
 From this point of view senescence in its dynamic aspect con- 
 sists in a decrease in the rate of metabolism determined by the 
 changes in the substratum during development, and, in its morpho- 
 logical aspect, in the changes themselves. The idea that senescence 
 is in one way or another simply an aspect or result of development 
 itself has been more or less clearly expressed by various authors, 
 and various features of the developmental process have been re- 
 garded as the essential factors,' but discussion of the different 
 theories is postponed to a later chapter. 
 Attention has already been called to the fact that growth may 
 give place to reduction and progressive development to regressive. 
 ' Among more recent writers who have advanced this view in one form or another 
 arc the following: Cholodkowsky, '8^; Enriqucs, '07, 'og; Jickcli, "oj; Ka,sM.>wiu, 
 '99; Minot, '08, '13, and several papers of earlier date; Muhlmann, '00, '10. 
 In reduction, substance previously accumulated in the cell is 
 broken down as a source of energy and eliminated or serves for new 
 syntheses, and the cell undergoes regression toward the embryonic 
 condition. Such a change means the removal to a greater or less 
 extent of the conditions which have brought about a decrease in 
 rate of metabolism, the proportion of less stable to more stable 
 substance increases, the aggregation of the substratum decreases, 
 and the rate of metabolism increases. These changes constitute 
 rejuvenescence. Dynamically rejuvenescence consists in increase 
 in rate of metabohsm and morphologically in the changes in the 
 substratum which permit increase in rate. 
 If this definition of rejuvenescence is correct, it follows that 
 there is no necessary relation between rejuvenescence and gametic 
 or any other kind of reproduction. The changes in the substratum 
 may result from reduction connected with starvation, or from some 
 change in the character of metabolism which brings about the 
 removal of certain substances previously accumulated, as well as 
 from the reductional and reconstitutional changes connected with 
 the reproduction of cells, parts of a complex organism, or new 
 whole organisms. And earlier chapters have demonstrated that 
 not only agamic reproduction in nature and experimental reproduc- 
 tion, but also reduction by starvation may bring about rejuvenes- 
 cence to such an extent that the animals thus produced are as 
 young physiologically as sexually produced animals in the same 
 morphological stage. And, finally, as will appear in chaps, xiii-xv, 
 the facts indicate that in the cycle of gametic reproduction the 
 period of gamete formation is a period of senescence and that of 
 early embryonic development a period of rejuvenescence. 
 As regards the conception of the nature of senescence, this 
 theory does not dift'er fundamentally from others which have been 
 advanced at various times, but in its emphasis upon the occurrence 
 and significance of rejuvenescence it departs from commonly 
 accepted views. The idea that life proceeds only in one direction 
 from youth to age and death must be abandoned. Rejuvenescence 
 is as essential a feature of life as senescence. Senescence often 
 leads inevitably and automatically through reproduction or reduc- 
 tion and dedift'erentiation to rejuvenescence. 
 Before leaving the question of the nature of senescence and 
 rejuvenescence it is necessary to call attention to their relation to 
 other periodic or cyclical changes in the organisms. According 
 to the conception developed here, there is nothing unique in the 
 processes of senescence and rejuvenescence; they are, on the con- 
 trary, of the same general character as many other changes in rate 
 of metaboUsm in the organism, the chief difference being that the 
 factors concerned in the age changes are the more stable and less 
 rapidly changing features of the substratum, while other shorter 
 cycles may result from changes in less stable features. In fact, 
 it is not possible to make any sharp distinction between the age 
 changes and many other periodicities. The differences are differ- 
 ences of degree rather than of kind. Recognition of this fact is 
 important, because senescence has often been regarded as a rather 
 mysterious process, quite different from anything else in the life 
 cycle, but the experimental evidence points to a very different 
 The more or less regularly periodic or cyclical changes are among 
 the most conspicuous and characteristic features of living organisms. 
 They range in the individual from momentary, evanescent changes, 
 such as occur in stimulation and the return to the original condition 
 which follows, to the changes of the age cycle which often coincide 
 with the whole Hfe of the individual. Some of these periodic changes 
 are of course directly determined by external conditions, such as 
 temperature, light, etc., while, as regards others, internal factors 
 are more important. Any extended consideration of these various 
 periodicities is quite beyond the present purpose, but the fact that 
 many of them seem to be more or less similar in character to the 
 age cycle, except as regards the time factor, demands some sort of 
 interpretation. According to the physico-chemical conception of 
 the organism, many different periodic changes in rate of metabolism 
 are possible, for different conditions in the substratum which accel- 
 erate or retard the rate of metabolism may arise and disappear with 
 very different rapidity, and the variety of more or less dehnitely 
 periodic phenomena in life is in full agreement wilii theoretical 
 A simple case in point is the accumulation of carbon dioxide 
 which decreases the rate of metaboHsm in a very short time, while 
 recovery occurs as rapidly when it is ehminated. According to 
 the theory of stimulation by R. S. Lillie ('09a, '096), the concen- 
 tration of carbon dioxide in the cell is the chief factor in decreasing 
 the rate of reaction after stimulation. LiUie suggests that in the 
 absence of excitation the plasma membrane of cells is impermeable 
 or only slightly permeable to carbon dioxide, consequently the car- 
 bon dioxide resulting from metabolism accumulates in the cell 
 and decreases the rate of metabohsm. A stimulus is any external 
 factor which increases the permeability of the membrane to carbon 
 dioxide and so permits its escape from the cell and consequently 
 brings about an increase in rate of metabolism, which is followed by 
 a decrease in rate as the temporary increase in permeability of the 
 membrane disappears. 
 Fatigue, i.e., the decrease in rate of metabolism which follows 
 continued stimulation, is generally believed to be due to the accu- 
 mulation of toxic products of metabohsm (see p. 297). During rest 
 these products are ehminated and recovery occurs. Various meta- 
 bohc intoxications are probably very similar in character, although 
 in many of these cases the toxic substances are the products of metab- 
 ohsm of micro-organisms and not of the affected organism itself. 
 The decreased metabohc activity which occurs after feeding in 
 many animals is undoubtedly due to accumulation of some sub- 
 stance or substances which decrease the rate of reaction. As the 
 accumulated substance disappears, activity increases until feeding 
 again takes place. 
 In these and many other cases the changes in metabolism are 
 readily and rapidly reversible, because the substances or conditions 
 which determine them are readily ehminated or are themselves 
 reversible. Moreover, except where the activity of the cell is 
 largely accumulatory or secretory, these changes are not ordinarily 
 accompanied by any very marked morphological changes. When 
 extreme or long continued, however, stimulation may bring about 
 very considerable structural changes, even in cells where functional 
 activity is largely dynamic rather than structural, such, for example, 
 as the nerve cells, in which the morphology of function has been 
 described by various authors.' As might he expected, such 
 changes, if they do not proceed beyond a certain Hmit, are reversible, 
 and recovery occurs rapidly. 
 In cells where function is accompanied by extensive accumula- 
 tion and discharge of substances, such, for example, as the gland 
 cells, storage cells, etc.. the cycles of activity and morphological 
 change are essentially age cycles, that is to say. the period of loading 
 of the cell is a period of decreasing metabolic activity, of "senes- 
 cence," and the period of discharge one of increasing activity, of 
 "rejuvenescence," which makes possible a repetition of the cycle. 
 In such cells the structural changes are often ver>' marked. In the 
 pancreas, for example, the cell which is loaded with the granules 
 which give rise to the secretion presents a ver}' different appearance 
 from the cell after continued stimulation and discharge. 
 Figs. 66-68 show dift'erent stages in the cyclical changes of the 
 pancreas cells of the toad. Fig. 66 shows the loaded cells ready to 
 secrete when stimulated. The whole outer portion of the cell, 
 i.e., the part next to the duct, is filled with large granules, and 
 cytoplasm appears only near the base about the nucleus. This 
 condition is analogous to that of advanced differentiation in which 
 the cytoplasm has been largely transformed into substances which 
 are inactive or less active. In this loaded condition the pancreas 
 cell is only very slightly active metaboUcally, and its activity is 
 probably due in large measure to the fact that it does secrete 
 slightly, and so the substance of the granules is being changed and 
 ehminated to some extent, more or less continuously. 
 But when stimulated to secretion, the ox\'gen consumption of 
 the cell increases greatly (Barcroft, oS). the granules rapidly 
 disappear, and the cytoplasmic zone extends from the base of the 
 cells out toward the periphery. Fig. 67 shows four cells in various 
 stages of discharge and Fig. 68, cells after long-continued stimula- 
 tion. In this condition the cell is again capable of a high rate of 
 metaboHc activity; if nutrition is present the process of loading 
 occurs once more, and the cell approaches quiescence. 
 'See, for example. Dolley, '13, '14; Hodge, '92, '94; Lu^'aro, '95; .Mann. 95; 
 Pick, '98; Pugnat, '01; \alenza, '96. Further references concerning iK-riodic and 
 other functional changes in structure will be found in these papers. 
1 9© 
 This cycle of changes, which may occur within a few hours and 
 which may be repeated in a single cell, is, I believe, not funda- 
 mentally different from the age cycle in organisms. All the essen- 
 tial features of both senescence and rejuvenescence up to a certain 
 Figs. 66, 67. — Pancreas cells of toad: Fig. 66, fully loaded and almost quiescent; 
 Fig. 67, partially discharged after stimulation. From preparations loaned by R. R. 
 point are present. The cell probably does not return to the em- 
 bryonic condition at any point in the cycle, but it certainly does 
 undergo changes similar in character to those of the age cycle, 
 though their period is short. At the same time the gland cell 
 may be undergoing senescence in the stricter sense, that is, more 
 stable components of the protoplasm may be accumulatinj,' or 
 undergoing changes which are not, or not wholly, compensated 
 by the functional cycle. 
 Other gland cells undergo very similar periodic changes in 
 structure, the whole peripheral region being discharged bodily in 
 some cases and the cell regenerating from a small basal portion. 
 Many other cells in the organism not regarded as gland cells pa.ss 
 through somewhat similar cycles. Various cells, for example, 
 accumulate reserves, such as starch in plants and fat in animals 
 and various other substances. As the loading of such cells pro- 
 FiG. 68. — Pancreas cells of toad almost completely discharged after prolonged 
 stimulation. From preparations loaned by R. R. Bensley. 
 ceeds, they approach quiescence, but when conditions change so 
 that the previously accumulated substances are removed, they may 
 undergo a rejuvenescence. Although we have at present little 
 positive knowledge along this line, it seems probable that various 
 periodic changes in organisms or parts are of this general character. 
 Quiescent periods following periods of abundant nutrition and 
 accumulation of substance occur in the protozoa and other lower 
 animals as well as in many plants, particularly in parts sjiecialized 
 as storage organs, such as bulbs, tubers, etc. It is a familiar tact 
 that in certain tropical species of trees the loss of leaves, followed 
 by a quiescent period, occurs at dilTerent times on different branches 
 of the same tree.' In such cases the periodicity may perhaps be 
 associated with the alternate accumulation and removal of sub- 
 stance. It is also possible that periods which appear superficially 
 to be seasonal may be at least often of this character. Schimper 
 believed that an internally determined periodicity might occur 
 independently of climatic and other conditions. Klebs, however, 
 denies the existence of such periodicity, yet at the same time he 
 regards the accumulation of organic substances, which as products 
 of enzyme activity inhibit or retard further activity, as a factor in 
 bringing about quiescent periods. If such substances are produced 
 more rapidly than they are used, they must accumulate, and it seems 
 probable that, at least sometimes, an internally determined perio- 
 dicity may result. 
 The view that the formation of the gametes or sex cells is essen- 
 tially a process of differentiation and senescence and the early 
 stages of embryonic development a process of rejuvenescence has 
 already been mentioned and will be discussed more fully in later 
 chapters. The cycle of changes in the egg is somewhat similar to 
 that in the gland cell, with the difference that in the egg the yolk 
 becomes a source of energy and substance for growth. 
 If the point of view advanced here is correct, then the age cycle 
 in the strictest sense is merely one of many periodicities or cycles 
 in organisms, some longer, some shorter, which result from the rela- 
 tions existing between the chemical reactions of metabolism and 
 the substratum in which they occur. The distmction between an 
 age cycle and other cycles is but Httle more than a matter of con- 
 venience or custom. The changes which fall into the category of 
 what we are accustomed to call age changes are merely those in 
 which the more stable and less rapidly changing features of the 
 organism are involved. Various other cycles of different length 
 differ mainly in that less stable and more rapidly changing condi- 
 tions in the substratum are concerned. Whether we call one cycle 
 an age cycle and another something else is of little importance, except 
 as regards convenience. From the cycle of fatigue and recovery 
 at one extreme, to the cycle of senescence and rejuvenescence 
 in the stricter sense at the other, there are many intermedi- 
 • See, for example, Schimper, '98, pp. 260-81; Klebs, '11; Volkens, '12; Simon, '14. 
 ate cycles. In some of these the products of metaboHsm accumulate 
 only temporarily, and the period may cover only a few moments or 
 a few hours, while in others the fundamental features of organic 
 structure are concerned, and the period coincides with the life cycle. 
 It is pertinent, at this time, at least to raise the question whether 
 the point of view and the conclusions reached from the study of 
 individuals have any value beyond the individual life cycle. 1^ 
 there any indication of the progressive senescence of species or 
 groups, and, if such senescence occurs, does it always lead to death, 
 i.e., extinction, or is rejuvenescence possible ? On the other hand, is 
 continued existence of a species without senescence possible ? 
 Any answers to these questions must at the present time be Uttle 
 more than guesses. It is possible, however, that the metabolic 
 substratum of the species may undergo very gradual progressive 
 changes of the same general character as those concerned in indi- 
 vidual senescence, but which are not entirely eliminated or com- 
 pensated during the periods of individual rejuvenescence, and it is 
 conceivable that under altered conditions regression might occur as 
 in individual rejuvenescence. It is also possible that the union of 
 two gametes from different lines of descent in gametic reproduction 
 may be an important factor in retarding or accelerating such 
 changes, if they occur. 
 The records of paleontology are so fragmentary antl our igno- 
 rance of the factors involved in the extinction or persistence of 
 species is so great that positive answers to these questions cannot be 
 looked for in that direction. Certainly many species have become 
 extinct in the course of geological time, but whether their extinction 
 has in any case been the result of a senescence we cannot deter- 
 mine. Decreasing numbers or decreasing size preceding extinction 
 may be due entirely to external conditions. But certain forms, such 
 for example as Limulus, the horseshoe crab, and the brachiopcxl 
 Lingula, have persisted practically unchanged from exceedingly 
 remote geological periods. Have such species not undergone senes- 
 cence, or has a rejuvenescence occurred somewhere, or perhaps 
 periodically, in the course of their descent ? 
 That a process similar to senescence has occurred in the evolu- 
 tion of the higher organisms from the lower is suggested by various 
 lines of evidence. The protoplasmic substratum of the higher forms 
 is certainly more stable and undergoes structural alteration less 
 readily and less extensively than in the lower. The higher forms 
 undergo a greater degree of differentiation during development 
 than the lower, and in the higher animals the capacity for agamic 
 and experimental reproduction is absent and growth is limited. 
 Moreover, the metabolic activity for each unit of weight is prob- 
 ably less under similar conditions of temperature, oxygen supply, 
 nutrition, etc., in the higher than in the lower forms, even in early 
 stages of development. In short, there are various resemblances 
 between the course of evolution and that of individual development, 
 and the latter is a period of senescence. And as in the individual 
 altered conditions may bring about rejuvenescence, so in the course 
 of evolution the occurrence of rejuvenescence is conceivable. If a 
 secular senescence of protoplasm has constituted a factor in evolu- 
 tion, the protoplasm of the higher forms must have undergone this 
 change more rapidly than that of those which remained as lower 
 forms. Moreover, such a senescence might proceed more or less 
 independently of the environment, though the course and rate of 
 the change would doubtless be influenced by environmental con- 
 ditions. In other words, protoplasmic senescence, if it plays any 
 part in evolution, is to some extent an internal factor, and evolution 
 itself is in some degree a progressive change from less to more 
 stable equilibrium, rather than in the opposite direction. 
 The purpose of the present section is to suggest possibiHties, 
 rather than to develop theories. Since there is continuity of pro- 
 toplasmic substance from generation to generation, there may be 
 internally determined progressive change in that substance similar 
 in some degree to the change during individual life (see pp. 464-65). 
 Barcroft, J. 
 1908. "Zur Lehre vom Blutgaswechsel in den verschiedenen Organen," 
 Ergebn. d. Physiol., VII. 
 Cholodkowsky, N. 
 1882. "Tod und Unsterblichkeit in der Tierwelt," Zool. Anzeiger, V. 
 1912. "Cell Size and Nuclear Size," Jour, of Exp. Zool., XII. 
 1913. "The Size of Organisms and of Their Constituent Parts in Rela- 
 tion to Longevity, Senescence and Rejuvenescence," Pop. 6V1. 
 Monthly, August, 1913. 
 1913. "The Morphology of Functional Activity in the Ganglion Cells 
 of the Crayfish, Cambarus virilis," Arch. f. Zcllforsch., IX. 
 1914. "On a Law of Species Identity of the Nucleus-Plasma Norm for 
 Nerve Cell Bodies of Corresponding Ty-pe," Jour, of Comp 
 Neurol., XXIV. 
 Enriques, p. 
 1907. "La morte," Riv. di Sci., Ann. I. 
 1909. "Wachstum und seine analytische Darstellung," Biol. Ccnlralbl 
 Hodge, C. F, 
 1892. "A Microscopical Study of Changes Due to Functional Activity 
 in Nerve Cells," Jour, of MorphoL, VH. 
 1894. "A Microscopical Study of the Nerve Cell during Electrical 
 Stimulation," Jour, of MorphoL, IX. 
 JlCKELI, C. F. 
 1902. Die Unvollkommenheit des Stofwechsels, etc. Berlin. 
 Kassowitz, M. 
 1899. Allgemeine Biologie. Wien. 
 Klebs, G. 
 191 1. "Uber die Rhythmik in der Entwicklung der Pflanzen," Sitzungs- 
 ber. d. Heidelberger Akad. d. Wiss.: Math, naturwiss. Kl. 
 LiLLIE, R. S. 
 1909(7. "On the Connection between Changes of Permeability and 
 Stimulation and on the Significance of Changes in Permeability to 
 Carbon Dioxide," Am. Jour, of Physiol., XXIW 
 1909^. "The General Biological Significance of Changes in the Permea- 
 bility of the Surface Layer or Plasma Membrane of Living Cells." 
 Biol. Bull., XVII. 
 1895. "Sur les modifications des cellules nerveuses dans les divers etats 
 fonctionnels," Arch. Ital. de Biol., XXIV. 
 Mann, G. 
 1895. "Histological Change Induced in Sympathetic, Motor and Sensory 
 Nerve Cells by Functional Activity," Jour, of Attat. and Physiol., 
 MiNOT, C. S. 
 1908. The Problem of Age, Growth arid Death. New York. 
 1913. Moderne Probleme der Biologie. Jena. 
 1900. Uber die Ursache des Alters. Wiesbaden. 
 1910. "Das Altera und der physiologische Tod," Sammlung anat. u. 
 physiol. Vortr., H. XL 
 Pick, F. 
 1898. "tjber morphologische Differenzen zwischen ruhenden und 
 erregten Ganglienzellen," Deutsche med. Wochenschr., XXII. 
 1901. "Modifications histologiques des cellules nerveuses dans la fa- 
 tigue," Jour, de Physiol, et de Pathol, gen., III. 
 1898. Pjlanzen-Geo graphic auf physiologischer Grundlage. Jena. 
 1904. "tJber Reduktionen: I, Uber Hungererscheinungen bei Planaria 
 lactea," Arch. f. Ehtwickelungsmech., XVIII. 
 1908. "Uber umkehrbare Entwickelungsprozesse und ihre Bedeutung 
 fiir eine Theorie der Vererbung," Vortr. und Aufs. it. Entwicke- 
 lungsmech., IV. 
 Simon, S. V. 
 1914. "Studien uber die Periodicitat der Lebensprozesse der in dauemd 
 feuchten Tropengebieten heimischen Baume," Jahrbilcher J. wiss. 
 Bot., LIV. 
 Valenza, G. B. 
 1896. "I cambiamenti microscopici della cellula nervosa nell' attivita 
 funzionale e sotto I'azione di agenti stimolanti e distruttori," 
 Atti R. Acad. Scienze fisiche e nat. di Napoli, VII. 
 191 2. Laubfall und Lauberneuerung in den Tropen. Berlin. 
 Living organisms exist as more or less definite individuals. An 
 individual may be provisionally defined as a more or less complex 
 entity which acts to some extent as a unit or whole. Such a defi- 
 nition emphasizes the unity of the individual, but atTords no clue 
 to the integrating factor or factors, i.e., to that which makes a 
 unity, a whole out of the complex. 
 Two very conspicuous characteristics of the organic individual, 
 particularly in its more highly developed forms, are its orderly 
 behavior and the definiteness of form and structure which is one 
 feature of this behavior. Nowhere do these characteristics appear 
 more clearly than in the remarkable sequence of events which con- 
 stitutes what we call the development, the ontogeny of the indi- 
 vidual. In the simpler organisms the morphological definiteness 
 is often less conspicuous, both the structure and the behavior being 
 more susceptible of modification by external factors, but the mcKJi- 
 fications are themselves definite and orderly and are manifestly 
 not a direct and specific effect of the external factors which are 
 acting, but rather a reaction of an individual of some sort to an 
 external change. 
 In short, although we may attempt to ignore or deny it. as 
 various biologists have done, the fact remains that an ordering, 
 controlling principle of some sort exists in the organic individual. 
 The existence of such a principle does not. however, as has so often 
 been asserted, distinguish the living from the non-living inorganic 
 individual. In an electrical or a magnetic field or in a planetar>' 
 system, for example, we have individuations of a definite, orderly 
 character, though it is evident that such individuations are not 
 very similar to living organisms. The cr\'stal also is an indi- 
 viduation of a highly orderly and definite character, and the at- 
 tempt has often been made to find some fundamental similarity 
 between living organisms and crystals, but without any great 
 success. The crystal is fundamentally a physical individuation 
 among molecules of like chemical constitution, although in certain 
 cases some heterogeneity of composition occurs. In the organism, 
 as the facts show, individuation is evidently associated with 
 chemical activity, and widely different substances may enter into 
 the constitution of the individual. The mere existence of axes in 
 both the organism and the crystal, which is one of the grounds for 
 comparison, is no criterion of essential similarity, for axes may be 
 the expression of very different conditions in different cases. No 
 adequate evidence for the identity or similarity of the axes of the 
 organism and those of the crystal has ever been presented, and 
 there is much evidence to show that they are very widely 
 Apparently two distinct types of individuation exist in the 
 organic world. In the one, which may be called the centered or 
 radiate type, the parts are arranged and their behavior is integrated 
 with reference to a central region ; in the other, which we may call 
 the axiate type, with reference to one or more axes. The radiate type 
 of individuation appears most clearly in the simple cell and in the 
 radiate structures which arise within it in connection with division, 
 while the axiate type is found both in cells and in organisms. More- 
 over, the two types of individuation often appear in combination: 
 in the starfish, for example, the body as a whole possesses an oral 
 aboral axis in the direction between the two surfaces, and the arms 
 are axiate structures with longitudinal and transverse axes, but 
 they are arranged radially about a central region. Most unicellular 
 organisms and most cells which form parts of multicellular organ- 
 isms show indications of a more or less definite and permanent axis 
 or axes superimposed upon the centered activities of the cell. In 
 the organism, as contrasted with the cell, the axiate type of indi- 
 viduation is predominant, and the axiate organization becomes 
 increasingly definite, conspicuous, and permanent as individuation 
 advances. In fact, the very general occurrence of an axiation of 
 some sort, or of physiological polarity as it is commonly called, is 
 the foundation of the behef widely current among zoologists that 
 polarity is a fundamental characteristic of protoplasm. While 
 most cells undoubtedly do possess at least temporary polarity, 
 there are many facts which indicate that their polarity is not 
 self-determined, but is either acquired during the course of their 
 existence as a reaction to external conditions, or is merely the 
 polarity of the parent cell persisting in the products of division. 
 Moreover, there are various activities in the cell which are mani- 
 festly not axiate but radiate, and, finally, no one has been able to 
 discover the slightest indication of polarity in the fundamental 
 physical structure or optical properties of protoplasm. 
 But the fact remains that most organisms possess one or more 
 axes, the axes of polarity and symmetry, so called, and that these 
 axes are manifestly of fundamental importance in individuation. 
 The degree of physiological coherence and unity in the individual 
 is associated with the definiteness and fixity of its axes, and develop- 
 ment always proceeds in a definite and orderly way with reference 
 to whatever axes may exist. Evidently the axes of the organism 
 are not simply geometrical fictions, but rather the expression of 
 some fundamental factor in the axiate type of individuation, a 
 factor which influences the rate and character of the metabolic 
 reactions and so plays an essential part in both morphogenesis and 
 functional activity. 
 In the more complex organisms a polarity and symmetry of the 
 whole organism often exist at the same time with a multitude of 
 polarities and symmetries of various parts, organs, and cells 
 which do not coincide with the general axes, but make all possible 
 angles with them and may be widely variable. This fact makes it 
 evident at once that the axiation of the organism as a whole is not 
 simply the general expression of the axiation of its parts. Many 
 different polarities and symmetries coexist and persist independ- 
 ently of each other, and yet the whole course of development is 
 an orderly process with a definite result. 
 These characteristics of organic individuals are not satisfactorily 
 accounted for by the current theories of the organism. Whether 
 we regard the organism from the viewpoint of the corpuscular 
 theories as an aggregation of distinct, self-perpetuating entities, 
 or as a chemical or physico-chemical system, we cannot escaj^e the 
 necessity of accounting in some way for its definite and orderly 
 behavior and for the very evident relation in axiate forms between 
 this behavior and the axes of polarity and symmetry. Here Ues 
 the problem of organic individuation. 
 From time to time parts of the individual give rise to new indi- 
 viduals, in which either the original axiation may persist or a new 
 axiation arise. This is reproduction. In the case of gametic or 
 sexual reproduction the process is further comphcated by the union 
 of two nuclei, usually the nuclei of two highly specialized cells, pre- 
 ceding the development of the new individual. The problem of 
 how and why these new individuals arise is the problem of repro- 
 duction. And, finally, it is at once evident that the problems of 
 senescence and rejuvenescence are closely associated with these 
 problems of individuation and reproduction. 
 During some fifteen years' study of reproductive processes in 
 the lower animals under experimental conditions I have been 
 brought face to face with these problems and have attempted to 
 gain some insight into the nature of the factors concerned in indi- 
 viduation and reproduction. In the remainder of the present 
 chapter the theory of individuation and reproduction which has 
 grown out of this investigation is outhned, and some of the more 
 important experimental evidence upon which it is based is briefly 
 By means of the susceptibility method described in chap, iii, 
 controlled in certain cases by estimations of carbon-dioxide pro- 
 duction by means of the Tashiro biometer (Tashiro, '13&), it has 
 been possible to demonstrate the existence of a distinct gradient 
 in rate of metabohc reactions along the chief or so-called polar 
 axis of axiate animals, so far as they have been investigated.' In 
 its simple, primary form this axial gradient consists in a more or 
 less uniform decrease in rate of metaboHsm from the apical or 
 anterior region along the main axis. The point of importance is 
 that the apical region, or the head-region in cases where a head is 
 formed, is primarily the region of highest rate of metabolism and 
 that in general regions nearer to it have a higher rate than regions 
 farther away. In some animals, as for example in Planar ia, this 
 gradient persists throughout life in the single individual, except 
 ' Child, '12, '13a, 'i3&, '14a, '14^, 'i4f- 
 for some temporary changes during growth, but when new zooids 
 arise in the posterior region of the body (see pp. 122-25) each 
 zooid develops its own axial gradient. In other cases, such as the 
 segmented worms, where the body increases in length for a time or 
 indefinitely by the addition of new segments arising from a growing 
 region just in front of the posterior end, the gradient appears in its 
 simple form during the early stages of development, but undergoes 
 some secondary changes in the posterior regions of the body as the 
 new segments are formed. 
 Up to the present time axial gradients have been found in all 
 forms examined, which include among unicellular forms some ten 
 species of ciUate infusoria, and among multicellular forms hydra 
 and several species of hydroids and sea anemones, eight species of 
 turbellaria, the developmental stages of the sea-urchin and starfish 
 and of the polychete annelids Nereis and Chactoplcriis, several 
 species of ohgochete annehds examined by Miss Hyman, the 
 developmental stages of two species of fishes, and the cleavage and 
 early larval stages of salamanders and frogs. The variety of forms 
 examined with positive results leaves no doubt that the axial 
 metabolic gradient occurs at least ver>' widely among axiate 
 Where definite axes of symmetry exist there are indications that 
 metabolic gradients are also present along these axes, and these 
 gradients show a definite and constant relation to the course of 
 development with reference to these axes. 
 These metabolic gradients are of course merely the expression 
 of a general condition and may undergo more or less \ariation in 
 steepness, i.e., in the amount of change in rate of metabolism from 
 level to level, or may even disappear temporarily, or in later life 
 permanently. But the fact that in each species gradients exist 
 which are characteristic and constant within certain limits, at 
 least during the earlier stages of development, is of the greatest 
 In addition to these results, obtained chiefly by means of the 
 susceptibiUty method, there are many other data of observ'ation 
 and experiment which point unmistakably to the existence of 
 axial metaboHc gradients as a characteristic feature of axiate 
 organisms in both plants and animals. At present, however, it 
 is possible to call attention only very briefly to some of these. It 
 is, for example, a well-known fact that in those plants which possess 
 a definite physiological and morphological axis or axes the apical 
 region of the axis is the region of highest rate of metabohsm, and a 
 more or less definite downward gradient in rate exists along the 
 axis, at least for a certain distance from the apical region. This 
 gradient appears in the rate of growth at various levels of the axis, 
 in the precedence in development of the lateral buds near the apical 
 end when the chief growing tip has been removed, and in many 
 other features of plant life, but the question of its significance has 
 received Httle attention. 
 As regards animals, the so-called law of antero-posterior devel- 
 opment indicates the existence of a metaboHc gradient along the 
 main axis of the organism during embryonic development. This 
 "law" is merely the statement of the observed fact of embryology 
 that in general the first parts to become morphologically visible 
 are the apical or anterior regions, and these are followed in sequence 
 by successively more posterior or basal parts. In other words, that 
 region of the egg or early embryo which has the highest rate of 
 metabohsm gives rise to the apical or head-region, which, in conse- 
 quence of the higher rate, becomes differentiated in advance of other 
 parts, and these follow in sequence along the axis. This fact of 
 embryology is famiHar to every zoologist, and its significance as the 
 expression of a gradient in dynamic activity along the axis cannot 
 be doubted, although, so far as I am aware, no one has called atten- 
 tion to it. 
 Moreover, other facts of animal embryology indicate very 
 clearly the existence of symmetry gradients. In the bilaterally 
 symmetrical invertebrates, with ventral nerve cord, including most 
 worms and the arthropods, and particularly in those forms where 
 the egg contains much yolk so that the embryo is more or less spread 
 out upon it, the ventral and median regions of the embryo at any 
 given level of the body develop more or less in advance of the dorsal 
 and lateral regions. In such forms the regions which give rise to 
 ventral and median parts must have a higher rate of metabolism 
 than those which give rise to dorsal and lateral parts. 
 Fig. 69, a longitudinal 
 section near the median 
 plane of the embryo of a 
 turbellarian worm, Plagio- 
 stomum girardi, shows very 
 clearly both the antero- 
 posterior and the ventro- 
 dorsal gradients. At this 
 stage only the head and 
 ventral region of the ani- 
 mal are represented by cell 
 masses, the regions where 
 the more dorsal structures 
 will later develop con- 
 sisting chiefly of yolk. 
 Moreover, the anterior re- 
 gion is more advanced in 
 development than any 
 other part. Fig. 70 is the 
 embryo of the earthworm. 
 In the anterior region the 
 body has attained its final 
 form, but posteriorly the 
 segmentation is more and 
 more limited to the ventral 
 region, the dorsal region 
 being little more than a 
 yolk sac, and in the ex- 
 treme posterior region seg- 
 ments have not yet become 
 visible. In the arthropods 
 the relations are in general 
 similar. The embryology' 
 of other invertebrate 
 groups indicates more or 
 less clearly the existence 
 of symmetry gradients, but 
 '!<• • 
 '■'■- * • 
 <r . :■ •• * V-,- - ■ ' ' 
 ".^ <'»i ■«^<' -'-'•.'• * 
 * a 
 Figs. 69, 70. — A.xial developmental gradients 
 in embn'onic stages of invertebrates: Kig. 69, 
 a somewhat oblique, longitudinal (sagittal) 
 section of the embryo of a turbellarian worm, 
 Plagioslomum girardi; the cephalic ganglia and 
 eye — at the left — are advanced in development. 
 as is also the pharynx, but farther i)osteriorly 
 fewer cells are present; the ventral (.lower) 
 region is also much farther advanced than the 
 dorsal (from Bresslau, '04); Fig. 70, advanced 
 embryo of the earthworm Lumhriius agn\ola: 
 de\'eIopment is more achanced anteriorly and 
 ventrally than posteriorly and dorsally (from 
 Kowalewsky, '71). 
 the axes of symmetry differ in different groups, and it is impossible 
 to consider the various details here. 
 In the vertebrates the developmental gradients of the longi- 
 tudinal and transverse axes like those of most bilaterally symmet- 
 rical invertebrates, show a decrease in rate from the anterior region 
 posteriorly and from the median region laterally, but the gradient 
 along the dorso-ventral axis is the reverse of that in the inverte- 
 brates, the dorsal region preceding instead of the ventral. Fig. 71 
 Figs. 71, 72. — Axial developmental gradients in the fish embryo: in Fig. 71 the 
 embryo consists chiefly of the median dorsal region, in which the nervous system, 11s, is 
 developing; in Fig. 72 development has proceeded laterally and ventrally, the somites 
 5, the notochord iic, and the alimentary canal ac being present. From H. V. Wil- 
 son, '89. 
 represents a transverse section of a fish embryo at an early stage of 
 development. At this stage the embryo consists chiefly of the 
 embryonic nervous system (ns) , the other parts being represented 
 by only a few cells. Ventral to the embryo is a very large mass of 
 yolk, not shown in the figure. Here the median dorsal region pre- 
 cedes lateral and ventral regions in morphogenesis. Fig. 72 shows 
 a later stage in which morphogenesis has advanced both laterally 
 and ventrally from the median dorsal region. The development 
 of the chick is essentially similar. Fig. 73 is from a transverse 
 section of a very early stage in which cells from what will later 
 become the median dorsal region are separating from the outer 
 ectodermal layer to form the mesoderm. Somewhat later the 
 central nervous system arises by an infolding of the ectoderm, 
 beginning at the anterior end and proceeding posteriorly in this 
 same region. In Fig. 74, a more advanced stage, the embr>'onic 
 nervous system is already present in the form of the neural tube, 
 and it is evident that morphogenesis is proceeding both laterally 
 and ventrally from the median dorsal region. The developmental 
 gradient along the longitudinal axis is also indicated by Figs. 73 
 and 74, for both are from the same embryo, the latter from a more 
 anterior, the former from a more posterior, level of the body. The 
 more posterior level has only attained the stage of Fig. 73. while 
 the more anterior level has passed far beyond this stage. 
 Particular parts and organs of the individual very often possess 
 an axis or axes of their own and without any uniform relation to the 
 axis of the body as a whole. Although but little attention has been 
 paid to this point, there are many facts which indicate that meta- 
 bohc gradients exist along these axes, at least in the earlier stages 
 of development. 
 In many animals the chief axial gradient along the longitudinal 
 axis and often also the symmetry gradients persist throughout life 
 or disappear only in advanced stages of development. In fact, 
 as will appear below, the continued existence of the individual in 
 the lower organisms is dependent upon the persistence of the 
 gradients. In higher forms where agamic reproduction from pieces 
 of the body does not occur it is possible that in the adult the gradi- 
 ents may be altered or eUminated without altering the individuation 
 to any marked degree. 
 The axial gradients arise in various ways which cannot be con- 
 sidered in detail here, but the different Unes of evidence indicate that 
 in the final analysis they result from the differential action of factors 
 external to the protoplasm, cell, or cell mass concerned. We see 
 gradients arising in nature in this way, and it is possible to produce 
 them experimentally by these means. In many cases of the rect)n- 
 stitution of pieces into new individuals the stimulation of the 
 1! ^'^ 
 Figs. 73, 74. — Axial developmental gradients in the chick embryo: Fig. 73, 
 showing the formation of the mesoderm, is from the posterior region of the same 
 embry'o as Fig. 74, from a more anterior region, in which morphogenesis has extended 
 both laterally and ventrally from the mid-dorsal region. From embryological prep- 
 arations of the University of Chicago. 
 region adjoining the wound determines the origin and direction of 
 a new gradient and so the axis of a new individual. In many 
 cases also the origin and direction of the new gradient may Ije 
 controlled and determined experimentally in other ways. Undoubt- 
 edly, after it is once established a gradient may often persist from 
 one individual to another through the process of reproduction, 
 but there are no adequate grounds for believing that such gradients 
 are fundamental properties of protoplasm, although, on the other 
 hand, it is probable that no cell or cell mass can exist for any 
 great length of time in any natural environment without acquir- 
 ing, at least temporarily, one or more gradients, because external 
 conditions at different points of its surface can never remain uni- 
 form. In general it may be said that the axial gradients of an 
 organism are either the parental gradients persisting in the organ- 
 ism, as in many cases of fission, or that they are produced de novo 
 by conditions which determine different rates of metabolism in 
 different parts of the cell or cell mass at some stage of its existence. 
 The essential feature in the estabHshment of a gradient in meta- 
 bolic rate in living protoplasm is the establishment of the region 
 of highest rate. If such a region is established in an undiffer- 
 entiated cell or cell mass, a more or less definite gradient in rate, 
 extending to a greater or less distance from this region, arises 
 because the changes in the primary region spread or are trans- 
 mitted, but with a decrement in intensity or energy, so that at a 
 greater or less distance they become inappreciable. In this way 
 the region of highest rate becomes the chief factor in determining 
 the rate of other regions, and since the rate thus determined is 
 higher in regions nearer to it and lower in those farther away, a 
 gradient in rate results. In its simplest form, then, the gradient 
 may arise merely from the spreading or transmission of metaboUc 
 changes from the region of highest rate. 
 If metabohc gradients are characteristic features of the axes in 
 living organisms, the question at once arises whether the axis in 
 its simplest terms is anything more than such a gradient. In other 
 words, are not physiological and morphological polarity and 
 symmetry primarily the expression of gradients in rate of metab- 
 olism ? At present it can only be said in answer to this question 
 that there is much evidence in favor of this view and none which 
 seriously conflicts with it. But whatever their relation to polarity 
 and symmetry, the metaboHc gradients are fundamental factors 
 in individuation, as the following sections will show. 
 The process of experimental reproduction in the lower animals, 
 that is, the development of new individuals or parts of individuals 
 from pieces cut from the bodies of other individuals, affords an 
 insight into the problem of individuation which cannot be obtained 
 in any other way. In many of these cases of experimental repro- 
 duction a new individuation takes place under such conditions that 
 it is possible to learn something of the manner in which it occurs. 
 A few of the more important points which have been established 
 are briefly considered here. 
 Apical regions or heads may arise and develop in complete 
 independence of any other part of the body, but other levels along 
 the main axis can arise only in connection with an apical or head 
 region, or in its absence with some region representing a more 
 apical or anterior level. A few examples will make the point clear. 
 In its simple, unbranched form the hydroid Tubularia consists 
 of the parts indicated in Fig. 75, at the apical end the hydranth 
 with its two sets of tentacles and the reproductive organs between 
 them, below this a long stem, and in contact with the substratum 
 a stolon. Isolated pieces of the stem more than two or three 
 millimeters in length produce a hydranth at the distal end and a 
 second hydranth may arise later at the proximal end (Fig. 76), this 
 second hydranth being the result of a reproductive process similar 
 to that occurring in this species in nature (see p. 220). But when 
 the pieces are below a certain length, which varies with different 
 regions of the body and different animals and also with different 
 external conditions, they give rise to hydranths or apical regions of 
 hydranths at one or both ends with more or less complete absence 
 of other parts. In the longer pieces of this sort a short stem may 
 be formed (Figs. 77, 78), in slightly shorter pieces single or double, 
 or more properly biaxial hydranths both complete in all respects 
 (Figs. 79, 80), or a biaxial structure like Fig. 81 with one complete 
 hydranth and another consisting of only the more apical portions 
 (Fig. 8i). In still shorter pieces the proboscis with the sex organs, 
 short tentacles, and mouth 
 may appear in single or 
 biaxial form without any 
 vestiges of other parts (Figs. 
 82, St,). And, finally, very 
 short pieces give rise only to 
 single biaxial apical portions 
 of the proboscis with mouth 
 and short tentacles (Figs. 
 84, 85). 
 Whether the short pieces 
 produce single or biaxial 
 structures, it is at once evi- 
 dent that the more apical 
 regions of the tubularian 
 body, i.e., the hydranth, or 
 the apical regions of the 
 hydranth, can develop from 
 any piece of the stem quite 
 independently of the presence 
 of any other part of the body. 
 The conditions necessary for 
 the development of these 
 parts are present in each 
 piece, and the absence of 
 the stem or even the basal 
 portion of the hydranth 
 makes no essential difference 
 in the result. The occurrence 
 of the biaxial structures is as 
 a matter of fact an inci- 
 dental result of the shortness 
 of the pieces. In such pieces 
 the rate of metaboHsm at 
 Figs. 75, 76. — Tubularia: Fig. 75, a single 
 individual; Fig. 76, reconstitution in a long 
 piece of stem. 
 the two ends is often practically the same because they repre- 
 sent only a very small fraction of the whole axial gradient. 
 Figs. 77-85.— Different results of reconstitution in short pieces of the stem of 
 Tubularia, showing that the formation of the apical region is independent of other 
 Consequently the two ends react with equal rapidity, and be^in 
 development at the same time, and neither becomes dominant 
 over the other.' 
 Short pieces of this character have never been known to 
 undergo transformation into stolons or stems without hydranths. 
 A stolon or a stem develops only in connection with a hydranth, or 
 with a piece of stem or stolon, and as an outgrowth from it. In 
 other hydroids and in coelenterates in general, as far as they have 
 been examined, the same relations obtain. The apical region can 
 arise independently of other parts, but stems and stolons arise 
 only in connection with other parts and more specifically with 
 parts which represent physiological regions nearer the apical end, 
 rather than with those to which they give rise. 
 In the flatworms we find similar relations of parts. Short 
 pieces from the body of Planaria, for example, may develop into 
 single or biaxial heads without any other part of the body. The 
 head of Planaria when separated from the body by a cut at the 
 level a in Fig. 86 may develop a head on its cut surface, as in Fig. 
 87; and short pieces from other regions, such as the piece be in 
 Fig. 86, may give rise to single heads like Figs. 88 and 89, or some- 
 times to biaxial heads with a short anterior body region between 
 them, like Fig. 90. Evidently development of a head from a piece 
 is possible, even in the complete absence of other parts (Child, '11b). 
 In Planaria, as in Tubularia, posterior regions do not arise 
 independently of other parts, but always in connection with regions 
 which are more anterior. Any piece of the planarian body is ca- 
 pable of giving rise to all parts posterior to its own level, whether a 
 head is present or not (Fig. 91), but no piece is capable of producing 
 any part characteristic of more anterior levels than itself, unless a 
 head begins to form first. This point is illustrated by F'igs. 91 
 and 92. These pieces represent the region i J in Fig. 86. When such 
 pieces remain headless, as in Fig. 91 , no changes occur at the anterior 
 end except the slight growth of new tissue, the piece does not give 
 rise to a new pharynx, nor does the more anterior region undergo 
 transformation into a prepharyngeal region. At the posterior end. 
 however, a large outgrowth occurs which slowly attains the 
 ' See Child, '07a, b, c, 'iia, pp. 101-19. 
 Figs. 86-93. — Reconstitution in short pieces of Planaria dorotocephala: Fig. 86, 
 body-outline, indicating levels of section; Figs. 87-89, biaxial and single heads formed 
 independently of other parts; 90, biaxial form with partial body; Fig. 91, headless 
 piece without reconstitutional changes in the anterior region; Fig. 92, anophthalmic 
 form in which anterior region has undergone reconstitution into the anterior and 
 middle body-region of a whole worm; Fig. 93, biaxial tails. 
 characteristic structure of a posterior end. Under certain conditions 
 short pieces give rise to biaxial posterior ends, as in Fig. 93. Morgan 
 ('04) has also described biaxial posterior ends from Planaria sim- 
 plicissima. But when such pieces give rise to a head, even though 
 it is of the rudimentary, anophthalmic type of Fig. 92, a new pharj^nx 
 and mouth arise and the anterior region becomes structurally and 
 functionally a prepharyngeal region, as the change in the intestinal 
 branches in Fig. 92 indicates. In some way all the changes in the 
 piece which concern the development of parts anterior to its own 
 level are dependent upon the presence of a head, or, more correctly, 
 of a head-forming region. 
 It has also been shown (Child, '13a, '14b, '14c) that the develop- 
 ment of a head on a piece of the planarian body is not the replace- 
 ment of a missing part under the influence of other parts of the 
 piece, but that head formation takes place, if it takes place at all, 
 in spite of the remainder of the piece. The more vigorous the 
 other regions of the piece, i.e., the higher their rate of metabolism, 
 the less likely is the piece to give rise to a new head, and vice versa. 
 On the other hand, the higher the rate in a piece, the more likely it 
 is to produce a posterior end. In short, the development of a new 
 individual from such pieces of Planaria is essentially the same pro- 
 cess as the development of an individual from the egg. It begins 
 with the formation of a head, and the head-region in some way 
 determines the reconstitution of certain parts of the piece into 
 more anterior parts, while other parts persist with more or less 
 change in size and proportion as corresponding parts of the new 
 animal. In the absence of a head-region any level of the body 
 controls and determines the development of all more posterior 
 levels. Much evidence, largely as yet unpubUshed, indicates that 
 similar relations exist in other forms where the development of whole 
 animals from headless pieces occurs. 
 These facts force us to the conclusion that in such experimental 
 reproductions there is a relation of dominance and subordination 
 of parts. The apical or head-region develops independently of 
 other parts but controls or dominates their development, and in 
 general any level of the body dominates more posterior or basal 
 levels and is dominated by more anterior or apical levels. 
 It is a well-known fact that a similar relation of dominance and 
 subordination exists in plants, the apical region or growing tip of 
 an axis being the dominant or controlhng region of that axis. The 
 "law" of antero-posterior development in animals suggests that 
 the relations are at least primarily the same in embryonic develop- 
 ment as in experimental reproduction. The cases of apparent 
 mutual independence of different regions or parts of the embryo 
 represent beyond question a secondary condition, so far as the 
 independence shall prove to be real. 
 As regards the longitudinal axis of the organism, then, the 
 region of highest rate of metabolism dominates other regions in the 
 earher stages of development, and in general any region of higher 
 rate dominates regions of lower rate. The developmental gradients 
 along the axes of symmetry mentioned above (pp. 204-7) suggest 
 the existence of a dominance and subordination along these axes also. 
 The remarkable parallelism between the relations of dominance 
 and subordination and the relations of metabolic rate along the 
 axis suggests that dominance and subordination may depend pri- 
 marily on rate of metabolism. As regards the plants, it is evident 
 that dominance depends on metabolic activity, for the effect on 
 other parts of decreasing or inhibiting the metabolism of the grow- 
 ing tip without killing it, for example, by inclosure in plaster or in 
 an atmosphere of hydrogen, is the same as that of killing it, or 
 removing it completely. In other words, the reproduction or 
 development of other growing tips which was previously inhibited 
 now proceeds. McCallum ('05) has demonstrated very clearly 
 that this relation of dominance and subordination in plants is not 
 dependent upon nutrition, water-content, or other more or less 
 incidental and widely varying conditions, but that it is a physio- 
 logical correlation of some sort apparently dependent upon funda- 
 mental factors in the plant constitution. As regards animals also, 
 there are many facts, some of which will be considered below, which 
 indicate clearly that dominance and subordination of parts in the 
 individual are primarily dependent upon rate of metabolism, al- 
 though with the development of a highly irritable conducting sys- 
 tem between dominant and subordinate parts, such as the nervous 
 system, it is conceivable that other factors may play a part. 
 As regards the nature of the influence of the dominant region 
 upon other parts, the physico-chemical theory of the organism 
 affords two alternatives. Physiological correlation in the organism, 
 the influence of one part upon another, so far as it is not directly 
 mechanical, is accomplished in two ways: by the production and 
 transportation of substances, commonly known as chemical corre- 
 lation, and by the transmission through the protoplasm in general, 
 or along specialized conducting paths, of excitations which have 
 often been regarded as electrical in nature, but which now appear 
 to be associated with chemical changes (Tashiro, '13a). If chemical 
 correlation is the basis of the influence of the dominant region on 
 other parts, then we must suppose that metaboHsm in the dominant 
 region gives rise to certain chemical substances which are trans- 
 ported in some way through the body, but are gradually used up or 
 transformed so that their effects cease at a certain distance from 
 the region of origin. We may assume, further, that different sub- 
 stances are transported at different rates or are completely used up 
 at different distances from the point of origin. On the other hand, 
 the dominance and subordination of parts may conceivably be 
 accomplished by transmitted impulses. On the basis of this 
 alternative the metabolic activity of the dominant region must 
 produce certain changes or excitations which are transmitted 
 through the protoplasm, but which decrease in energy or effective- 
 ness as they are transmitted, so that finally a limit is reached beyond 
 which they are ineffective. 
 Many facts favor the second alternative. In the first place, 
 chemical substances may be transported to any distance in the 
 fluids of an organism, and it is difiicult to see how any definite and 
 characteristic limit of effectiveness of such substances could exist, 
 unless we could assume that they were difi"using through a homoge- 
 neous medium or being transported at a definite rate and under- 
 going destruction also at a definite rate during transportation. 
 But it is certain that neither of these possibiUties is realized in all 
 organisms in which a limit of effectiveness of dominance ajipears, 
 and it is a fact that the existence of a decrement and a limit of 
 effectiveness in transmission has been obser\-ed in nian>- cases 
 among both plants and animals, and for excitations transmitted 
 through the general protoplasm, as well as those transmitted 
 through muscle and nerve/ In some of the lower animals the 
 gradual fading out, with increasing distance from the point of 
 origin, of the muscular contractions following a slight local stimu- 
 lation, affords a visible demonstration of the decrease in effective- 
 ness with transmission, and the relation between the distance from 
 the point of stimulation at which the contraction ceases to occur 
 and the strength of stimulation indicates further that the more 
 intense excitation is transmitted to a greater distance than the less 
 intense. And, finally, there can be no doubt that impulses may be 
 transmitted to greater distances over speciahzed conducting paths, 
 of which nerves are the most highly developed form, than through 
 the general protoplasm, and apparently some nerves conduct with 
 less decrement per unit of distance than others. 
 Certain physiologists maintain that the medullated nerves of 
 vertebrates conduct impulses without any decrement. If this is 
 true, an impulse might be transmitted in such a nerve to an in- 
 finite distance from its point of origin. There are, however, certain 
 facts which indicate that even in these nerves a decrement does 
 occur in the course of transmission, although it is often so slight as 
 to be inappreciable under ordinary conditions in the relatively short 
 pieces of nerves usually available for experiment. In the first place, 
 the electrical change, the negative variation accompanying the 
 passage of a nerve impulse, has been shown to undergo decrease 
 with increasing distance from the point of stimulation, and the 
 effectiveness of the impulse in producing muscular contraction 
 decreases in the same way. Moreover, various investigators have 
 recorded the existence of a decrement in the intensity of the impulse 
 in partially anaesthetized nerves, and there is no reason to believe 
 that the partial anaesthesia alters the fundamental nature of the 
 nerve as conductor: in all probability it merely makes the nerve a 
 less efi&cient conductor, so that the decrement becomes apparent 
 ' For general consideration of the whole subject of conduction see Fitting, 'o 
 for plants, especially pp. 91-93 and 122-24; Biedermann, 03, especially pp. 204-S, 
 and Verworn, '13, chap. vi. for animals. See also Boruttau, '01; Ducceschi, '01; 
 A. Fischer, '11; Kretzschmar, '04; Lodholz, 'i.^. 
 within a shorter distance than in the normal nerve. It is inij^os- 
 sible to consider the literature of this much-discussed problem here, 
 but it may be said that there is considerable evidence which indi- 
 cates that a decrease in energy or effectiveness occurs in the course 
 of transmission, even in the most highly developed nerve fibers, 
 while, up to the present time, no one has actually demonstrated 
 that conduction without decrement over any considerable distance 
 occurs. It appears, then, that transmitted excitations in organisms 
 do in general show a more or less rapid decrement and conse- 
 quently a limit of effectiveness at a greater or less distance from the 
 point of origin. In other words, such excitations gradually die 
 out like a wave or an electric impulse, but the more intense the 
 excitations or the better the conducting path, the greater the dis- 
 tance between point of origin and limit of effectiveness. From our 
 knowledge of conduction of excitations in non-living substances, 
 this is what we should expect in conduction in living substance. 
 If the dominance of one region over another in the organism 
 depends upon such transmitted excitations, there must be a spatial 
 limit to such dominance. And since the excitations which proceed 
 from the dominant region must result from metabolic changes 
 occurring there, we should expect to find them varj-ing in intensity 
 with the rate of metabolism in the dominant part. Moreover, the 
 more intense the excitation and the better the conductor through 
 which the excitation is transmitted, the greater its effective range, 
 i.e., the distance to which it can travel before becoming ineffective. 
 Consequently the spatial limit of dominance must var}' with the 
 rate of metabohsm in the dominant part and the efficiency of the 
 conducting path between that and other parts. In the plants and 
 lower animals and in early stages of embryonic development of all 
 forms the efficiency of conduction is low and dominance is in general 
 effective over rather limited distances. In the later stages of 
 development of those forms which possess a nervous system the 
 efficiency of conduction increases very greatly as the nerves 
 develop, and the spatial limit of dominance likewise increases ver}' 
 In the plants and lower animals the limit of dominance^ is indi- 
 cated very clearly by the size of the individual or part concerned. 
 and growth beyond this size results in the formation of a new indi- 
 vidual or individuals from some part of the old, that is, in some form 
 of reproduction. The repetitive development in 
 series of parts, such as node and internode, in 
 the stem of the plant, of segments in segmented 
 animals, and many other cases, are examples of 
 similar relations between parts. The organic 
 individual in fact exhibits a more or less definite 
 sequence of events in space as well as in time, 
 and it is impossible to doubt that a physiological 
 spatial factor of some sort is concerned. This 
 problem has been considered at some length in 
 an earlier paper (Child, 'iia), and only brief 
 mention of some of the important points is 
 possible here. 
 In the simpler cases of reproduction the 
 spatial factor in dominance is clearly evident in 
 the position of the part concerned in reproduc- 
 tion with respect to the original dominant region. 
 In Tubularia (Fig. 75, p. 211), for example, the 
 stem and stolon increase in length, and when 
 a certain length, varying with conditions which 
 affect rate of metabolism, is attained, the tip of 
 the stolon turns upward away from the sub- 
 stratum and gives rise to a hydranth, as in Fig. 
 94. This hydranth and its stem grow in turn; 
 a stolon arises from the base, and when a cer- 
 tain length 
 of stem plus 
 stolon is 
 reached, the 
 process of 
 tion is then 
 Fig. 94. — The primary form of agamic reproduction in Tubularia 
 Evidently the stolon tip gives rise to a hydranth only when it has 
 attained a certain distance from the original hydranth. The 
 formation of a hydranth at the basal end of pieces of the stem t)f 
 Tubularia under experimental conditions (Fig. 76, p. 211) is simply 
 the same reproductive process which occurs in nature, except that 
 under the experimental conditions it occurs in a shorter length of 
 stem because the rate of metabolism is lower. In Planaria and 
 other fiatworms which undergo fission the body attains a certain 
 length and then the posterior region becomes a new zooid, as de- 
 scribed in chap. vi. The length which the individual attains 
 can be widely varied and controlled by experimental conditions 
 which affect the rate of metabolism (Child, 'iic). 
 Fig. 95. — Reproduction of new plants from runners in the strawberry. From 
 Seubert, '66. 
 In plants similar relations are of very general occurrence. In 
 the strawberry plant, for example (see Fig. 95), the runner attains 
 a certain length before the growing tip gives rise to a new plant, 
 but by cutting off or inhibiting the metabolism of the growing tip 
 of the parent plant the development of a new plant at the tip of 
 the runner can be induced at any time. These few cases will serve 
 to call to mind many others among both plants and animals in 
 which a spatial factor and a limit of effectiveness of the dominance 
 of the apical or head-region is evident. 
 Within the limits of the individual organism the same factor 
 appears in the length and position of various parts, and it has been 
 shown elsewhere (Child, iib) that in Planaria the spatial relations 
 of parts can be altered experimentally by altering the rate of 
 metaboHsm in the dominant head-region. For example, a piece of 
 Planaria including any considerable portion of the postpharyngeal 
 region such as he, Fig. 86 (p. 214), when allowed to undergo recon- 
 stitution in water at room temperature, forms an animal which in 
 Figs. 96-100. — Reconstitution of similar pieces of Planaria dorotoccphala under 
 different conditions, to show different positions of pharynx and lengths of prepharyn- 
 geal region: Fig. 96, reconstitution in well-aerated water at 20° C; Figs. 97-99> 
 different degrees of reconstitution in weak solutions of narcotics; Fig. 100, reconsti- 
 tution in well-aerated water at 28° C. 
 its earUer stages is like Fig. 96. The new pharynx and mouth 
 appear anterior to the middle of the piece at a certain characteristic 
 distance from the head, and in the region between the pharynx 
 and head the characteristic structure of the prepharyngeal region 
 develops. But if such pieces undergo reconstitution in weak solu- 
 tions of alcohol, ether, chloretone, or other anaesthetics, or under 
 other conditions which decrease the rate of metabolism, the head is 
 smaller and develops more slowly, the pharynx appears much nearer 
 the head, and the new prepharyngeal region is correspond ingh- 
 shorter (Figs. 97, 98). In extreme cases the head may be terato- 
 morphic (Fig. 99), or even anophthalmic (see pp. 111-12J. and 
 no reconstitution occurs posterior to it. In similar pieces, under 
 conditions which increase the rate of metabolism, such as high 
 temperature, the prepharyngeal region is longer and the phar\-nx 
 appears farther from the head (Fig. 100). Evidently the distance 
 from the anterior end at which certain conditions arise in the piece 
 under its influence varies with the rate of metabolism in the domi- 
 nant anterior region. When the rate is very low the anterior region 
 does not bring about any visible change in regions posterior to itself, 
 and the higher the rate the greater the distance at which particular 
 changes occur. 
 In the higher animals, such as the vertebrates, as well as in the 
 higher invertebrates, the size of the adult individual is limited by 
 other factors than the hmit of dominance, so that such animals 
 never attain anything like what might be called the physiological 
 maximum of size. The chief limiting factor in these cases is 
 apparently the higher degree of differentiation of the cells which 
 results in the retardation and sooner or later in the almost complete 
 or complete cessation of growth. Only in those forms in which 
 agamic reproduction occurs can we be certain that the individual 
 attains the physiological maximum, i.e., the size determined by the 
 limit of dominance. In the adult stages of the higher animals 
 dominance may extend to almost indeiinite distances, but individual 
 size is limited by differentiation and lack of capacity for indefinite 
 or long-continued growth. Even in these forms, however, the size 
 of parts and their repetitive reproduction during development may 
 be determined by the limits of dominance in the early stages. 
 When we consider all these facts and many others, some of which 
 have been mentioned elsewhere' but cannot be discussed here, wc 
 are forced to conclude that a relation of dominance and subordi- 
 nation of parts in the organism really exists, that it is effective 
 only within a certain spatial limit, varying with conditions in the 
 ' Child, 'iia, 'lib, 'iic, '13a, '146, 'i^c. 
 organism, and that it seems to depend primarily upon impulses or 
 changes of some sort transmitted from the dominant region, rather 
 than upon the transportation of chemical substances. Chemical 
 substances arising in the course of metabolism are undoubtedly 
 important factors in determining the constitution and character of 
 particular organs and parts, but it is difficult to understand how 
 they can account for the definite and orderly spatial characteristics 
 of living things. Hormones, internal secretions, and other chemi- 
 cal substances unquestionably play a very essential role in physio- 
 logical correlation, particularly in the higher animals where 
 different organs are highly differentiated, but for the production of 
 such different specific substances different organs are necessary. 
 At present we are concerned with the question of the primary 
 origin of these organs, with the appearance and localization of 
 differences which make possible the production of different specific 
 substances in different parts of the individual, and it is evident 
 that these primary specializations and differentiations, their locali- 
 zation and orderly and definite spatial arrangement, cannot be 
 accounted for by the action or interaction of such substances. 
 According to the conception developed above, the dominance of 
 a region depends primarily upon its rate of metabolism as compared 
 with that of other regions within the range of its influence. Where 
 the region of high rate is the primary factor in maintaining the 
 gradient, as it undoubtedly is in the lower organisms and in the 
 early stages of development of many higher forms, it is of course 
 the chief factor in determining the metabolic rate in other regions 
 and so maintains its original dominance. But in more highly 
 differentiated forms, or in later developmental stages, where rela- 
 tively permanent structural differentiations have arisen along the 
 course of the gradient, so that it has become structurally fixed, 
 the region of highest rate still remains dominant because it gives 
 rise to more powerful impulses than do other regions and conse- 
 quently influences them more than they do it. Lastly, in the higher 
 animals, where, in all except early embryonic stages, transmission 
 through nerves is the chief factor in physiological integration (see 
 Sherrington, '06), the original gradient in metabohc rate may 
 persist chiefly, or perhaps in some cases only, in the efferent con- 
 ducting paths of the nervous system, while in other parts of the 
 body the metabohc rate has been altered by various factors. 
 At present there seems to be no good reason for believing that 
 the changes or impulses transmitted from the dominant region 
 affect the metabolic processes in regions which they reach in any 
 other than a quantitative way. The dominant region is not to be 
 conceived as giving rise to a variety of different kinds of impulses 
 which produce different, specific, formative effects, but rather 
 merely as a region of high metabolic rate, from which changes con- 
 nected with its metabolic activity spread or are transmitted to 
 other regions and increase their metabolic activity. Since these 
 transmitted changes decrease in energy or effectiveness with trans- 
 mission, they must determine a higher rate in the regions nearer 
 the dominant region than in those farther away. In this way the 
 determination of a high rate of metabolism in one region may result 
 in the establishment of a metabolic gradient in one or more direc- 
 tions from that region. Each point along an axis is then character- 
 ized by a more or less definite rate of metabolism, and if more than 
 one axis is present each point in the organism has a rate determined 
 by its position in each of the axial gradients. 
 From this point of view the axiate individual, whether it is a 
 whole organism or a part, when reduced to its simplest terms con- 
 sists of one or more gradients in rate of metabohsm in a cell or cell 
 mass of specific constitution. Of course this condition represents 
 only the first step in individuation. Whether ever>- individual 
 organism in every generation has its beginning in a condition as 
 simple as this can be determined only by extensive investigation. 
 Certainly other factors, such as difference of conditions at the sur- 
 face and in the interior, the presence of reserve substance such as 
 yolk in certain cells, etc., play a part sooner or later in many cases. 
 But that the simplest axiate individuals among organisms consist 
 essentially of metabohc gradients in a specific protoplasm is a 
 conclusion supported by a large body of evidence. The axes of 
 the organism or its parts are, according to this view, in their simjilest 
 terms nothing but such gradients, and the structure of the apical 
 region or head of the organism represents merely the develop- 
 mental result of a high rate of metabolism and independence of 
 other parts. With a sufficiently high rate of metabohsm and when 
 not subordinated to other parts, any part of the simpler organisms 
 is capable of developing into an apical region or head. 
 The objection may be raised that even if such a metabolic 
 gradient is established, there is nothing to maintain it with the 
 necessary degree of constancy to produce definite results. As a 
 matter of fact, regional differences in metabolism do maintain 
 themselves to a remarkable degree and may even be accentuated. 
 Certam muscles frequently or strongly stimulated become capable 
 of greater activity, and httle-used parts gradually lose their 
 capacity for activity. There is good reason to believe that within 
 certain Hmits an increase in rate of metabohsm in a protoplasmic 
 substratum changes the condition of the substratum so that a still 
 higher rate is possible, and vice versa. The analog>' between the 
 organism and the stream referred to in chap, i is perhaps of service 
 here. An increase in rate of flow of the stream alters the channel 
 so that a still higher rate is possible, and a decrease in rate of flow 
 produces conditions which bring about further decrease. Moreover, 
 the region of high rate of metabolism in the organism once estab- 
 lished is more susceptible because of its high rate to the action of 
 external conditions: in animals, particularly in motile forms, this 
 region becomes the seat of the special sense-organs and is therefore 
 the most important part of the body as regards relations between 
 the organism and the external world. These conditions result from 
 the original high metabolic rate of the region, but they also con- 
 tribute toward maintenance of a relatively high rate of metabohsm. 
 And, finally, the question whether purely quantitative differences 
 along an axis are sufficient to account for the morphological differ- 
 ences which arise along that axis is one which can be answered only 
 after the most extended and painstaking investigation. At present 
 we know that morphological characters can be altered very widely 
 by conditions whose effect upon the organism is primarily quanti- 
 tative. The different types of anterior end in pieces of Planaria 
 (see pp. 111-12) are cases in point. The very general behef that 
 quaUtatively different substances or entities of some kind are 
 necessary as a basis for morphological development does not rest 
 upon direct or experimental evidence, but is an inference from the 
 morphological characters themselves. As a matter of fact we 
 know that even in relatively simple chemical reactions quantitative 
 differences may very often give rise to qualitatively different results. 
 And when we recognize the very great complexity of metabolism in 
 even the simplest organism, we cannot but admit that there must 
 be many possibilities in the metabolic complex for the origin of 
 qualitative differences in characters, organs, etc., from quantitative 
 differences in metabolism. Manifestly, quality and quantity in 
 organisms are not and cannot at present be clearly distinguished. 
 That qualitative differences in the chemical constitution and 
 metabolism of different organs exist is evident, but there is at 
 present no vaHd evidence that such differences cannot be reduced 
 to a quantitative basis. 
 If the organic individual consists fundamentally of one or more 
 gradients in rate of metabolism with a relation of dominance and 
 subordination between regions of higher and those of lower rate, it 
 is at once apparent that the degree of integration of such an 
 individual into a physiological unit, the degree of physiological 
 coherence and of orderly behavior, must vary widely with various 
 factors of its constitution. Since it will often be necessary in follow- 
 ing chapters to call attention to differences in the degree of indi- 
 viduation, some of these factors must be briefly considered here. 
 The efficiency of conduction is a most important factor in 
 individuation. In the lower organisms and in the embr\-onic 
 stages of even the higher animals where the decrement in conduc- 
 tion is great, the degree of individuation is much lower than in 
 those forms or stages which possess a well-developed ner\'ous sys- 
 tem, where the decrement is much less or almost inappreciable. In 
 the lower forms and in embryonic stages a higher metabolic rate is 
 necessary for permanent individuation; in other words, in order to 
 become or remain dominant, a given level must have a higher rate 
 of metabolism in relation to other levels than when a nerv'ous system 
 is present. 
 Another factor in individuation is the physiological stability 
 of the structural substratum. The greater the stability of the 
 substratum, the greater the possibiUties of speciaHzation and differ- 
 entiation along the axis in relation to the gradient and therefore the 
 more intimate and complex the correlation between parts and the 
 higher the degree of unity in the whole. In the lower forms, where 
 structures once formed may disappear in a few hours or a few 
 days under altered physiological conditions, there is no possibihty 
 of such minute and dehcate interrelation and adjustment of parts 
 to each other as in the higher forms, where regressive changes are 
 much less extensive. In fact, the advance in development of the 
 nervous system itself from the lower to the higher forms is in part 
 dependent upon the increase in stabihty of the structural sub- 
 The degree of individuation is dependent upon the rate of 
 metabolism. At any given stage of development the higher the 
 rate of metabohsm, the higher the degree of individuation. But 
 we cannot properly compare earher and later stages of development 
 in this way, for, although the rate of metabohsm decreases during 
 development, the degree of individuation increases in most cases 
 up to the adult stage, because of the increasing efficiency of conduc- 
 tion and the specialization and interrelation of parts. It is only 
 after the adult stage is attained that the further decrease in meta- 
 bohc rate with advancing senescence determines a gradual decrease 
 in the degree of individuation, a physiological disintegration. 
 Many other incidental and external factors may alter the degree 
 of individuation in organisms. In general, depressing factors 
 decrease and stimulating factors, at least up to a certain Hmit, 
 increase it. The point of chief importance is, however, the possi- 
 bihty of distinguishing different degrees of individuation and of 
 interpreting them to some extent, however incompletely, in physico- 
 chemical terms. 
 If the axiate individual consists of a dominant and of sub- 
 ordinate parts, the structure, differentiation, and special function 
 of the subordinate parts are dependent, at least to a considerable 
 degree, upon their relation to the dominant part. Isolation of such 
 parts from the influence of the dominant part must result, if the 
 isolated parts are capable of reacting to the change, first, in a loss 
 of their characteristics as parts, and, secondly, if conditions permit, 
 in a new individuation which may bring about the development of 
 a complete new individual from the isolated part. In short the 
 isolation of a subordinate part from the influence of the dominant 
 part is a necessary condition for reproduction. In experiment 
 pieces are physically isolated from the body of the animal by section, 
 and in the lower simpler forms reproduction follows such isolation, 
 and the piece becomes a new whole, or at least undergoes changes in 
 that direction. 
 There are certain features of the simpler reproductive processes 
 in nature which suggest that in these cases, as in the experimental 
 reproduction of artificially isolated pieces, an isolation from the 
 influence of the dominant part is the essential condition for repro- 
 duction. In many forms, both plants and animals, growth beyond 
 a certain length or size, which is dependent upon rate of metabolism, 
 degree of differentiation, etc., results in the transformation of that 
 portion of the individual most distant from the dominant part into 
 a new individual. The case of Tuhularia mentioned above (Fig. 94, 
 p. 220) is a good illustration, and in many plants similar vegetative 
 reproductions occur. It is impossible to doubt that in such cases 
 growth to a certain size brings the region in question into a condi- 
 tion where it is able to behave as if it were physically isolated, 
 like a piece cut from the body. 
 It is also a fact, however, that reproduction may occur in conse- 
 quence of the weakening or removal of the dominant part and with- 
 out any preceding increase in size of the individual. Such cases 
 are very common among the plants, where the removal or inhibition 
 of metabolism of the growing tip of the main axis or stem is fol- 
 lowed by development of a new axis from a lateral branch or bud. 
 Very commonly also the removal of all growing tips is followed by 
 the development of "adventitious" growing tips, which often arise 
 from differentiated cells by a process of dediff erentiation and growth. 
 Among the lower animals similar cases occur. Increase in size is 
 not then a necessary condition for reproduction. Decrease in rate 
 of metabohsm or inhibition of metaboUsm in the dominant region 
 may bring about reproduction as readily as growth. 
 The analysis of the simple forms of agamic reproduction in 
 connection with the experimental reproductions in artificially iso- 
 lated pieces leaves no room for doubt that the formation of a new 
 individual from a part of a pre-existing individual results from the 
 removal of an inhibiting factor rather than from a positive stimu- 
 lation. According to the conception of the individual developed 
 above, a more or less complete physiological isolation of the region 
 or part concerned is a necessary condition for reproduction, or, 
 more specifically, this part must in some way escape from the con- 
 trol of the dominant region before it can lose its characteristics as 
 a part and so serve as the basis for a new individuation.' 
 In the simpler organisms, where isolated parts are capable of 
 reconstitution into new individuals, the effect of physiological 
 isolation of a part is essentially the same as that of physical isola- 
 tion by section, except that physiological isolation is a less violent 
 and injurious procedure. The isolated part undergoes dediffer- 
 entiation to a greater or less extent and begins a new development, 
 an agamic reproduction occurs. But in the higher forms, where 
 isolated parts are incapable of reconstitution, physiological isolation 
 may lead to death of the part isolated, or if nutrition is available 
 the part may continue to exist in its original form or to grow 
 and differentiate along the lines previously determined by its rela- 
 tions with other parts. 
 It is evident that the final size of the individual is determined by 
 the limit of dominance only in the lower, simpler organisms. It 
 was pointed out above that in the higher animals other factors — ■ 
 such as the rapid differentiation and loss of capacity for growth and 
 division of cells and perhaps the increasing disproportion between 
 surface and volume^imit the individual to a size far below that 
 which the Hmit of dominance alone would determine. If, for ex- 
 ample, the size of man and mammals were limited only by the limit 
 of effective transmission of nerve impulses in fully developed nerve 
 fibers, they would certainly be very much larger than they are. 
 In early embryonic stages, however, the Hmit of dominance is 
 ' For experimental data see Child, '07a, '076, '10, 'iic, and for a general considera- 
 tion of physiological isolation of parts, the ways in which it is brought about, and 
 its significance, see Child, '11a. 
 undoubtedly a factor in determining the limits of the individual in 
 at least some mammals, for Patterson ('13) has shown that the 
 four embryos of the nine-banded armadillo are the result of agamic 
 reproduction, of a process of budding of the primarily single embryo, 
 and suggests that duplicate twins and double monsters may arise 
 in the same manner. 
 There can be no doubt that during the course of individual 
 development a greater or less degree of extension of dominance 
 occurs as the paths of transmission develop. In the early embry- 
 onic stages the influence of the dominant region extends only a 
 short distance, but, particularly in organisms where a nervous 
 system develops, transmission of impulses to greater distances 
 becomes possible as development proceeds. Consequently the 
 size of the individual may increase during development, in many 
 cases very greatly, without physiological isolation of any part and 
 so without agamic reproduction. 
 If the control of the dominant over the subordinate parts in the 
 individual is accomplished by means of transmitted impulses or 
 changes which show a decrement with transmission and a limit of 
 effectiveness, then physiological isolation of a part may be brought 
 about in four different ways (Child, 'iia). First, physiological 
 isolation may result from increase in size to or beyond the limit of 
 dominance. Many of the phenomena of budding, fission, etc.. 
 which occur in consequence of growth, both in plants and in animals. 
 are examples. 
 Secondly, physiological isolation may result from a decrease 
 in the Umit of dominance, which in turn is the consequence of a 
 decrease in rate of metabohsm in the dominant part. It is a well- 
 known fact that many plants give rise to buds or other reproductive 
 bodies under conditions unfavorable to metaboUc activity, and 
 while this form of reproduction has often been regarded teleo- 
 logically as in some sense an attempt of the plant to save its own 
 life, it is undoubtedly to be interpreted as the result of a decrease 
 in the hmit of dominance. The formation of new buds in plants 
 in consequence of the removal or inhibition of metabolism of the 
 dominant region, the vegetative tip, are likewise reprixluctive 
 processes which belong to this categor>\ In the lower animals also 
 many cases are known where conditions which decrease metabolism 
 bring about budding or fission. A comparison of these two methods 
 of physiological isolation makes it evident that the same result, 
 viz., the physiological isolation of parts and their development into 
 new individuals, may be attained by subjecting the organism to 
 conditions which act in very different ways, producing in the one 
 case an increase in rate of metaboHsm, growth, and increase in size, 
 in the other a decrease in rate of metabolism (Child, 'lo). It is pos- 
 sible that both of these factors are concerned in many cases of bud- 
 ding and fission, that is, if an organism has attained a size at which 
 some part is approaching physiological isolation, a sHght physiologi- 
 cal depression may bring about a sufficient isolation to initiate 
 dediiTerentiation and reproduction. 
 Thirdly, physiological isolation of a part may conceivably result 
 from a decrease in the conductivity of the path over which the 
 correlative factors from the dominant region are transmitted. 
 In many organisms the conductivity of the paths apparently 
 increases as the morphological differentiation of conducting struc- 
 tures proceeds during development, so that in spite of a decrease in 
 rate of general metaboHsm the general physiological limits of the indi- 
 vidual are extended and physiological isolation of parts is delayed 
 or prevented. In many of the flowering plants, for example, new 
 growing tips arise and pass through the early stages of their devel- 
 opment at very short distances from each other and from the axial 
 growing tip (Fig. loi), but in later stages, when the conducting 
 structures are fully developed, the dominance of the growing tip 
 extends over a much greater distance. In the flatworms likewise 
 the length which the individual attains before formation of a new 
 zooid at the posterior end increases up to a certain point with 
 advancing development (Child, 'iic), while any considerable 
 changes in conductivity in the opposite direction may bring about 
 reproduction in many cases. 
 And, finally, it is possible that physiological isolation of a part 
 may result from the direct action of external factors upon it, 
 increasing its rate of metaboHsm, or otherwise altering it, so that it 
 is less receptive, or no longer subordinate to the correlative factors, 
 and so becomes independent in spite of them. In various plants 
 the development of buds can be induced, in spite of the presence and 
 activity of the chief growing tip, by subjecting the part concerned 
 to external conditions especially favorable for growth and develop- 
 ment. To what extent this process of physiological isolation occurs 
 in nature is as yet a question, though it probably occurs very fre- 
 Many cases of agamic reproduction have not as yet been ana- 
 lyzed from this point of view, but it appears probable that all arc the 
 result of either physiological 
 or physical isolation. In 
 some cases, where the degree 
 of individuation is sHght, 
 physical isolation is probably 
 the primary factor, that is, 
 some internal or external con- 
 dition operates to isolate a 
 part physically from other 
 parts and reproduction re- 
 sults. This may occur in va- 
 rious cases of spore formation 
 among the lower plants, 
 although even here it is prob- 
 able that physical isolation is 
 possible only because the 
 parts are normally but 
 slightly subordinated to a 
 dominant region. 
 We may conclude, then, 
 that the first step in agamic 
 reproduction is the isolation 
 of a part from the correlative conditions in the individual which 
 determine its existence and persistence as a part. In at least 
 many cases this isolation is primarily physiological, rather than 
 physical. In consequence of tliis isolation the part undergoes 
 more or less dedifferentiation, a new individuation arises in it 
 in various ways, some of which have been analyzed in certain 
 cases (Child, '14/^ '14^), but which cannot be discussed here. 
 Fig. ioi. — Longitudinal section of the 
 apical region of a seed plant: a, growing tip; 
 b, developing leaves; c, a.\illar>' buds. From 
 Strasburger, etc., '08. 
 Such reproduction is possible only where the isolated part is capable 
 of reacting to the isolation by dedifferentiation and reconstitution. 
 According to this conception, agamic reproduction in organisms 
 results in one way or another from the physiological or physical iso- 
 lation of a subordinate part from the influence of the dominant part. 
 At first glance gametic or sexual reproduction appears to be a totally 
 different kind of reproduction, but, except for the occurrence of 
 fertilization, it is in reality very similar to the agamic process. 
 Before taking up the problem of sexual reproduction, however, it is 
 necessary to consider the relation between individuation, agamic 
 reproduction, and the age cycle. 
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 mission, IX. 
 Any consideration of the age cycle and particularly of rejuve- 
 nescence in plants would be incomplete without reference to a 
 remarkable book, Considerations on the Phenomenon of Rejuvenescence 
 in Nature,^ by the German botanist Alexander Braun, published in 
 185 1. The book is remarkable, not only as a consideration of re- 
 juvenescence, but as one of the pre-Darwinian statements of a 
 theory of evolution. This work became known to me only after 
 I had attained dehnite conclusions on the basis of experiment, and 
 it has been a matter of very great interest to discover to how great 
 an extent Braun had anticipated in his views the results of experi- 
 ment. He regards reproduction in the broadest sense and pri- 
 marily cell reproduction as the basis of rejuvenescence, describes 
 and discusses dedifferentiation, and recognizes clearly the important 
 fact that the vegetative Ufe of plants is in most cases a series of 
 reproductions. In fact, the conclusions reached in the present 
 chapter are in many respects essentially those of Braun. but modi- 
 fied and brought into relation with modern physiological conceptions 
 and with my own experimental results on the lower animals. 
 According to the conception of individuation discussed in the 
 preceding chapter, every growing tip, together with the region 
 which it dominates, is in greater or less degree a plant individual. 
 All except the simplest plants therefore are in reality, as botanists 
 have repeatedly pointed out, asexual colonies consisting of a larger 
 or smaller number of individuals which are not completely isolated 
 from each other. In animal colonies such individuals are commonly 
 known as zooids, and for convenience the individuals in a plant 
 colony may be termed phytoids. In most plants there is evidently 
 also some degree of individuation of the colony as a whole, for new 
 ^Bdrachtungen iibcr die Erscheimmg der Verjiingung in dcr Natur. 
 buds arise in a definite sequence and space relation to each other, 
 and numerous experiments have demonstrated that the growing tip 
 of the main axis which is often itself a complex of young buds 
 dominates to a greater or less extent the whole stem. In the root 
 system somewhat similar relations exist between the growing region 
 of the main axis and the lateral branches. In such plants also 
 the relation between the spatial boundaries of the individual and 
 the development of conducting paths is clearly apparent. Various 
 facts indicate that in vascular plants transmission of stimuli takes 
 place more rapidly and to greater distances along the vascular 
 bundles than through other tissues (see Fitting, '07), and some 
 botanists have regarded the sieve vessels as the chief conducting 
 elements. In the apical growing region of the main axis, where the 
 tissues are embryonic and vascular bundles have not yet developed, 
 new buds, i.e., new phytoids, often arise at very short distances from 
 each other in spite of the high rate of metabolism in this region, while 
 farther down the stem, where the vascular bundles have differen- 
 tiated, the dominance of a growing tip may extend over much greater 
 distances and the dominance of the whole growing region at the 
 apical end of the main axis may extend over the whole length of 
 the stem. 
 The prothallia of the liverworts and ferns apparently are single 
 plant individuals, at least during their earlier stages, and some 
 throughout hfe, with a dominant growing region possessing the 
 highest rate of metabolism and a metabolic gradient along the 
 axis. But even these prothallia in many cases show agamic 
 reproduction after a certain stage is reached or under certain 
 Many botanists regard the formation of new growing tips in the 
 vegetative life of the plant merely as growth, and reserve the 
 term "reproduction" for the specialized forms of reproduction, 
 such as the formation of spores, gemmae, and other reproductive 
 bodies, including the gametes. Actually, however, each new 
 growing tip represents a new individuation with the potentiahties 
 of a whole plant and fails to produce a whole plant only because 
 it is organically connected with other parts. Properly speaking, 
 then, the formation of new growing tips or buds is a reproductive 
 process as truly as any other more specialized kinds of reproduction. 
 For convenience it may be distinguished from these as vegetative 
 Agamic reproduction is, then, a characteristic feature of the 
 vegetative hfe of plants. The degree of individuation is so low that 
 growth leads very readily to physiological isolation of parts and 
 new individuation, and, without doubt, also, conditions which 
 decrease the metaboHc activity of the dominant region accomplish 
 the same result. Most of what is commonly called growth in plants 
 involves the formation of new phytoids. The new buds of each 
 season or active period in perennial plants are new individuals. 
 It is important at the outset to distinguish clearly between the 
 occurrence of senescence in the plant as a whole and its occurrence 
 in single phytoids or parts. The vegetative propagation of plants 
 from cuttings, which in the case of some species — such, for example, 
 as the banana — -has continued for hundreds of years, and the 
 capacity of the lower plants for indefinite vegetative growth under 
 proper nutritive conditions demonstrate clearly enough that the 
 life of the plant or some part of it may continue indefinitely without 
 any indication of aging. On the other hand, in many plants the 
 length of life under natural conditions is more or less definitely 
 limited, though the life period may range from a few hours to 
 centuries in dift'erent forms. In the higher plants, particularly 
 in the woody forms, certain of the cells cease sooner or later to 
 divide, undergo specialization, show all signs of aging, and sooner 
 or later die, while others apparently remain young indcfiniteK'. 
 Must we then conclude that some plants and not others undergo 
 senescence? In all except the earlier stages of the life cycle the 
 old differentiated or dead cells usually constitute by far the larger 
 proportion of the plant mass, the young cells in which growth and 
 division occur being often but a minute fraction of the whole. Are 
 we then to conclude that some plants and not others, and some parts 
 of a plant and not others, undergo senescence and die of old age ? 
 As regards metabolic condition, it is well known that plants 
 and plant organs in general show a higher rate of oxidation in 
 earlier stages of development, when they are physiologically 
 young, than in later stages. Under given external conditions 
 the rate of oxidation in buds, for example, is higher than in 
 fully developed stems and leaves, and in germinating seeds it is 
 higher than in later stages of development. Evidently in plants, 
 as in animals, a decrease in rate of oxidation, a real metabolic 
 senescence, occurs and is accompanied by a decreasing rate of 
 growth and by progressive differentiation to a greater or less ex- 
 tent.' The case of the flower, which shows a very high rate of 
 respiration is considered in chap. xiv. 
 The metabolic changes of age proceed much more rapidly in 
 some parts of the plant than in others. The leaf and the stem 
 undergo differentiation and grow old, at least in large part, while 
 the growing tip and other meristematic tissues seem to remain 
 young indefinitely or to undergo senescence relatively slowly. 
 There can be no doubt that the behavior of the plant and its 
 parts in relation to senescence depends upon the relation between 
 individuation and reproduction. In general, the higher the degree 
 of individuation, or of physiological integration, the more definite 
 and continuous the process of senescence, because reproduction 
 is less frequent. In Part II it was shown for various animal species 
 that the reconstitution of a new individual from a part of a pre- 
 existing individual is associated with some degree of rejuvenescence. 
 In the case of the plant similar changes undoubtedly occur when the 
 part concerned in the reconstitution is a differentiated part, as it 
 often is, but the cells chiefly concerned in reproduction in the higher 
 plants are commonly regarded as undifferentiated or embryonic, 
 i.e., as physiologically young. In general the degree of rejuvenes- 
 cence associated with the reconstitution of a part into a new whole 
 depends upon the degree of individuation. In certain of the algae 
 and fungi the degree of individuation is so slight it is diflicult to 
 determine whether the plant is anything more than a cell or an 
 aggregate of cells. In such plants as these the formation of a new 
 individual from any part of the old doubtless involves Httle 
 change beyond nuclear or cell division, and therefore but httle 
 'For references to literature concerning respiration in plants see Pfeffer, '97, 
 pp. 523-31; Nicolas, '09. See also Nicolas, '10. 
 dedifferentiation and rejuvenescence occur. In such cases, however, 
 the slight degree of individuation determines that reproduction shall 
 be almost continuous during vegetative existence; consequently 
 there is but little possibility of differentiation and senescence. 
 Under such conditions the plant as a whole may remain physiologi- 
 cally young for an indefinite period, simply because new individ- 
 uations from parts of pre-existing individuals occur ver>' frequently. 
 Even in those algae and fungi which consist of a single multinucleate 
 cell, the localization and development of a new branch unquestion- 
 ably brings about some degree of reconstitutional change, for it 
 involves a local increase in the rate of growth. It is the continued 
 reorganization which keeps such plants from growing old under 
 such conditions. 
 In some of these lower plants certain parts, usually those which 
 bear the spores, become more highly individuated than the rest of 
 the plant and consequently undergo a greater degree of differen- 
 tiation and usually undergo a more or less continuous senescence 
 and die of old age, while the less highly individuated and so less 
 differentiated portions may continue to live and remain voung 
 indefinitely. Many of the fungi, and particularly the mushrooms 
 and related forms, are cases in point. The mushroom itself is the 
 more highly individuated spore-bearing portion of a plant whose 
 vegetative form consists of thread-like branching hyphae. which 
 are merely strings of like cells attached end to end. The mush- 
 room passes through a definite course of development and differ- 
 entiation, attains maturity, ceases to grow, and finally dies, 
 but the vegetative hyphae may continue to grow indefinitely 
 without any perceptible progressive morphological or physiological 
 The course of plant evolution from the lower to the higher forms 
 is characterized by an increasing differentiation in the vegetative 
 plant body and a more and more definite limitation of vegetative 
 reproduction, at least under the usual conditions, to certain parts 
 or tissues of the plant which remain unditYerentiated and physio- 
 logically young for a long time or indefinitely, while the other parts 
 undergo differentiation, senescence, and. it may be, death. In 
 the mosses and ferns the regions which retain tluir youth and 
 embryonic character are more or less definitely localized as vege- 
 tative tips and certain other regions, but in these forms vegetative 
 reproduction often occurs from other more highly differentiated 
 parts of the plant as well as from these regions. In the seed plants, 
 however, these embryonic or meristematic tissues, as they are 
 called, are still more definitely locaHzed, and in the highest forms 
 other regions of the plant body usually take but httle part in 
 vegetative reproduction, at least as long as the meristematic 
 tissues are present and active. 
 The continued existence of this embryonic tissue in plants at 
 the same time that differentiation and senescence are occurring in 
 other parts raises at once the question why different parts of the 
 plant behave differently in these respects. While it is impossible 
 to give a complete answer to this question, certain facts indicate 
 very clearly the direction in which an answer is to be sought. 
 In the first place, cell division in the plant occurs chiefly in the 
 embryonic cells and the earlier generations of their descendants. 
 The susceptibihty experiments on the infusoria recorded in Part II 
 (pp. 141-42) indicate that in those forms cell division is accompa- 
 nied by some degree of rejuvenescence and in all cases cell division 
 is a reproductive process, and as such involves more or less rejuve- 
 nescence. Cells which divide rapidly do not undergo any great 
 degree of differentiation, and cells which resume division after 
 udergoing differentiation first undergo a greater or less degree of 
 dedifferentiation. In short, continued nuclear and cell division 
 is undoubtedly an important factor in maintaining cells in the 
 embryonic condition and continued metabohsm in the presence of 
 nutrition and without cell division is a factor in senescence. But 
 cell division alone is by no means always adequate to maintain cells 
 in the embryonic condition. In embryonic development many 
 cells apparently grow old in spite of division, and sooner or later 
 division becomes impossible or possible only under altered condi- 
 If frequent cell division is a factor in maintaining certain plant 
 tissues in the embryonic condition, we must inquire why cell 
 division is more frequent in certain regions than in others. This 
 question we are unable to answer at present, since our knowledge 
 of the conditions determining cell division and of the comiitions 
 in different parts of the plant is very incomplete. As regards the 
 plant, we can only say that in certain regions progressive and 
 regressive changes balance each other more or less completely, 
 and consequently these regions remain undifferentiated and voung 
 or undergo differentiation and senescence very slowly, while in 
 other regions progressive changes are more nearly or quite con- 
 tinuous. The fact that differentiated cells may become embr\onic 
 or embryonic cells may differentiate when physiological conditions 
 change, shows that these differences in behavior depend, not upon 
 a fundamental difference in constitution of the cells, but upon the 
 conditions to which they are subjected in the regions of the plant. 
 The solution of the problem undoubtedly lies in the physiological 
 make-up of the plant individual as a whole and the character of 
 its metabolism. 
 But even in the so-called embryonic tissue of the higher plants 
 the cells are not absolutely alike. Some degree of individuation 
 exists, for the activities of this tissue are orderly, and a relation 
 of dominance and subordination exists in it. Many facts indicate 
 the existence of an axial gradient in rate of metabolism, the region 
 of the vegetative tip possessing the highest rate and dominating 
 other parts. Since this is the case, the formation of new vegetative 
 tips, i.e., of buds — a characteristic feature of the vegetative life 
 of most of the higher plants — must involve a change of some degree 
 and kind in the embryonic tissue. This change is probably pri- 
 marily an increase in rate of metabolism in the part concerned, but 
 such an increase in rate is essentially a rejuvenescence in some 
 degree. The changes involved in these vegetative reproductions 
 are undoubtedly slight in many cases, but nevertheless they 
 constitute a factor in the maintenance of the embryonic condition. 
 Each new bud formed from a part of a pre-existing plant individual 
 involves to some extent a reconstitutional process, even though it 
 may be merely an increase in rate and the establishment of a new 
 axial gradient. Vegetative reproduction is then another factor 
 concerned in retarding the progressive course of senescence and 
 differentiation in the plant tissues chiefly concerned. Observation 
 confirms this conclusion, for we find that the plants or the phytoids 
 of a plant which show a low degree of individuation, and conse- 
 quently frequent vegetative reproduction, are capable of continu- 
 ing their vegetative activity for a long time or even indefinitely, 
 without indications of senescence of the meristematic tissues, while 
 the length of life is usually more or less definitely Umited in plants 
 or phytoids with infrequent or no vegetative reproduction. In 
 various plants with subterranean stems, such as the flags and 
 rushes, for example, the stem shows repeated vegetative reproduc- 
 tion, giving rise to the aerial shoots, and its length of hfe is appar- 
 ently unhmited. The aerial shoots, however, show a much higher 
 degree of individuation with Kttle or no vegetative reproduction, 
 and their length of life is short. 
 In spite of the occurrence of nuclear and cell division and 
 vegetative reproduction, however, the vegetative tips and other 
 meristematic tissues of many plants show indications of progres- 
 sive changes. The shoots produced from later buds may differ 
 in character from those of earlier origin, the later leaves often differ 
 in form and structure from the earher and the rate of growth may 
 decrease until growth finally ceases (Diels, '06; H. M. Benedict, 
 '12, '15). The relations between vegetative growth and reproduction 
 and the formation of tubers, bulbs, bulbiUi, and other individuals or 
 parts which contain nutritive reserves also indicate the occurrence 
 of progressive changes, of a real life history, although Vochting 
 ('87, '00) and others have shown that the formation of reserve- 
 bearing structures, like other features of the Hfe history, can be 
 controlled experimentally by retarding or accelerating the pro- 
 gressive development of the plant with the aid of external con- 
 ditions. There is much evidence in favor of the view that the 
 change from vegetative reproduction to flowering is connected with 
 advancing senescence and specialization of the meristematic tissues 
 of the plant (see chap. xiv). 
 The conclusion to which the various lines of evidence point is 
 that senescence is a characteristic feature of the vegetative life of 
 plants, but that it is not an uninterrupted, continuous process. 
 The low degree of individuation in plants determines a high fre- 
 quency of agamic reproduction, which brings about a greater or less 
 degree of rejuvenescence and so balances more or less completely 
 the progressive changes. Undoubtedly also the character of 
 metabolism determines a more rapid senescence with less 
 capacity for regression in some plants than in others, and the 
 work of Klebs and many other investigators on the effect of 
 nutritive and other external conditions indicates that these 
 also influence the rate of senescence and the character of 
 The process of differentiation of the plant cell is apparently not 
 fundamentally different from that of the animal cell. It consists 
 in the development of relatively stable structural features, the depo- 
 sition of relatively inactive substances in the cytoplasm or on its 
 surface, in many cases substances, such as starch, w^hich may serve 
 as nutrition under other conditions. The accumulation of fluid in 
 vacuoles is also a very characteristic feature of differentiation in 
 plant cells. In general here, as in animals, the process of differen- 
 tiation involves a decrease in the proportion of the chemically 
 active "undifferentiated" protoplasm. 
 It was pointed out above that the formation of a new vegeta- 
 tive tip by the embryonic tissue of the plant must involve a new 
 individuation and some slight degree of physiological rejuvenes- 
 cence. But the occurrence of dedifferentiation, even among the 
 higher plants, is not limited to such changes as this. Cells which 
 have clearly lost their embry6nic character and have undergone 
 more or less morphological as well as physiological change have 
 been repeatedly observed to undergo dedifferentiation and become 
 embryonic, both in appearance and in behavior. E.xperiment has 
 demonstrated again and again that among the lower plants every 
 cell, or almost every cell, of the plant body may be capable of giving 
 rise to a new individual with all the capacities of the individual 
 which develops from the egg. Among the liverworts and in many 
 of the ferns the cells of the prothallium very generally retain the 
 capacity to give rise to new individuals, either when physically 
 isolated by section, or when physiologically isolated by growth of 
 the prothallium, removal of the growing tip. or other conditions, 
 and this change in behavior in all cases undoubtedly involves a 
 greater or less degree of rejuvenescence. 
 Even in the seed plants new growing tips which are capable of 
 developing into new, complete plants and producing sex cells often 
 arise from cells which have undergone visible differentiation. In 
 Begonia, for example, the formation of so-called adventitious buds 
 from epithehal cells of the leaf has been observed, and in many 
 other plants new individuals develop from cells which are far from 
 being embryonic. The cells concerned in such cases lose their 
 differentiated character and return to the embryonic condition, 
 resume growth and division, and enter upon a new developmental 
 cycle. The formation of meristematic, or embryonic, tissue from 
 the parenchyma of the leaf petiole and from other differentiated 
 tissues has also often been noted. The transformation of inflores- 
 cence into vegetative shoots has been experimentally induced by 
 Klebs and others in various plants, and its occurrence in nature 
 has been repeatedly observed. One case described by Winkler 
 ('02) in a species of Chrysanthemum deserves brief mention. In the 
 disk flowers the style formed the stem and the stigma gave rise 
 to two leaves like normal upper leaves of the species. The 
 embryo sac developed and the pollen was capable of germination, 
 but the embryo died at an early stage. The corolla became green, 
 the vascular system increased and branched, and stomata appeared. 
 In this case the flower evidently underwent a partial transformation 
 into a vegetative structure, and this change must have involved 
 some considerable degree of dedifferentiation and rejuvenescence. 
 In fact, the occurrence of dedifferentiation among plants has 
 been demonstrated beyond question.' Certainly in the plant, as 
 in the animal, senescence is associated with specialization and 
 differentiation of cells, and it is just as certain that dedifferentiation 
 is accompanied by rejuvenescence. Moreover, the increased activ- 
 ity in growth and division of the cells concerned, as well as their 
 ' The following references will serve as an introduction to the extensive bibli- 
 ography of the subject: Brefeld, '76, '77; Bums and Heddon, '06; von Faber, '08; 
 Goebel, '08, pp. 141-65; Heim, '96; Hildebrand, '10; Jost, '08, Vorlesung 26; Klebs, 
 '03, '06a, 'obb; Kohler, '07; Kreh, 'eg; Magnus, '06; Miehe, '05; Noll, '03; Regel, 
 '76; Riehm, '05; Schostakewitsch, '94; Tobler, '02, '04; Vochting, '85; Winkler, 
 '02, '07. 
 ability to go through a new course of development and differentia- 
 tion, indicates very clearly that they have become physiologically 
 younger, and, though I know of no observations bearing directly 
 upon this point, no one can doubt that when a differentiated cell 
 dedift'erentiates into a growing tip an increase in rate of respiration 
 and other metabolic processes occurs. 
 Most plants exhibit more than one form of agamic reproduction, 
 and in some species, e.g., certain mosses, several dift'erent forms 
 occur. But two forms of agamic reproduction are particularly 
 characteristic of nearly all plant species, one the vegetative form 
 of reproduction, often called vegetative growth, in which new vege- 
 tative individuals essentially similar to the old arise by the forma- 
 tion of buds, branches, etc. ; the other the process of spore formation, 
 which usually occurs only in certain regions of the plant body and 
 after a period of vegetative growth. In some cases, as in the rusts, 
 four or five different kinds of spores are produced by a single species. 
 The spore is in general a cell which becomes isolated from the 
 plant body and sooner or later gives rise to a new individual. In 
 some cases this isolation is physiological, in others it is physical. 
 In the algae and fungi, which must be considered before turning to 
 the higher plants, the spores usually develop into individuals like 
 those from which they arose, and the spore may be either a resting 
 or a motile stage between two vegetative generations. Spore for- 
 mation in these plants is essentially a process of complete or partial 
 disintegration of existing individuals into cells, rather than the 
 addition of new individuals as the result of growth, as in vegetative 
 reproduction under the usual conditions. In the alga Ulollin'x, for 
 example, any cell of the filamentous, unbranchcd plant body may 
 break up into zoospores (Figs. 102, 103); in the branching form 
 Vaucheria the terminal region of the branch separates as a multi- 
 nucleate zoospore (Fig. 104). Among the brown algae the spores 
 arise by separation into single small cells of the contents of special 
 organs, the sporangia (Fig. 105). In the fungus Saprolcguia (Fig. 
 106) the sporangium is the terminal region of the vegetative Ixxly. 
 while in Mucor (Fig. 107, A-C) the sporangium arises at the end of 
 a specialized stalk, the sporophore, which grows out of the nutri- 
 tive substratum into the air, and in Penicillium still another type of 
 sporophore appears (Fig. 108). In other forms still other methods 
 of spore formation occur with various degrees of specialization in 
 the spore-forming organs, but everywhere the process consists in a 
 Figs. 102-105. — Formation of spores in various algae: Figs. 102, 103, Ulothrix; 
 Fig. 104, a stage in the development of the zoospore in Vaiicheria; Fig. 105, a filament 
 of Ectocarpus bearing a sporangium and at the left a more highly magnified zoospore. 
 From Coulter, etc., '10. 
 disintegration of the plant body or some part of it into independent 
 According to the conception of individuation presented in the 
 preceding chapter, return to the condition of the free-living, inde- 
 pendent cell must mean a decrease in the physiological coherence of 
 the plant individual, and it might be expected to result from con- 
 ditions which decrease the metabolism of the plant and so allow it, 
 or a part of it, to separate into its constituent units, the cell indi- 
 viduals. Various investigators, prominent among whom is Klebs,' 
 have investigated and analyzed the external conditions which 
 determine spore formation in the algae and fungi, and the results of 
 their work agree well with this idea. 
 '^ "1.-'. ■:. 
 hi-, m 
 ■'■'C ■ '^-' 
 ^; ;vi'rZ; 
 -■'■•■»■ V'i 
 >•;:'..., -H' 
 r.';^''-' •■ 
 101 g 
 ?rt Qi 
 107 C 
 Figs. 106-108. — Formation of spores in lower fungi: Fig. 106, a terminal cell of 
 Saprolcgnia producing zoospores; Fig. 107, A-C, three stages in the development of 
 the sporangium in Mucor; Fig. 108, branches of the sporophore of PcnidUium, pro- 
 ducing series of conidia. From Coulter, etc., '10. 
 While these forms in nature usually go through a more or less 
 definite life history in which vegetative growth or growth with 
 reproduction of new vegetative phytoids occurs for a time, and is 
 followed by the formation of spores and in many cases still later 
 ' See Klebs, '93, '96a, '96^, '98, '99, 00(2, 'oo/>, '03, '04. 
 by the formation of gametes, experiment has demonstrated that this 
 Hfe history is by no means fixed in its' course. In the fungus 
 Saprolegnia mixta, for example, which occurs on the bodies of dead 
 insects in water, Klebs ('03, p. 41) has found that uninterrupted 
 v^egetative growth may occur for an indefinite period in all good 
 nutritive solutions, provided they are kept fresh and do not under- 
 go alteration. On the other hand, a rapid and complete transforma- 
 tion of the vegetative form, the mycelium, into sporangia occurs 
 when a well-nourished mycelium is transferred from the nutritive 
 solution to pure water. Growth and vegetative reproduction, 
 together with continuous spore formation, occur in cultures nour- 
 ished on agar-albumin in flowing water. When mycehum grown 
 on gelatin-meat extract is transferred to water and allowed to 
 continue its growth on dead insects, growth and vegetative repro- 
 duction are followed, first, by formation of spores, and later by 
 gamete formation. In water containing fibrin or syntonin growth 
 and vegetative reproduction, formation of spores and of gametes 
 occur together on different parts of the plant. In a weak solution 
 of haemoglobin, growth and vegetative reproduction are followed by 
 formation of gametes and later by formation of spores. 
 Another example is the alga Vaucheria repens. According to 
 Klebs ('04, p. 497), the following conditions induce zoospore forma- 
 tion: decrease of the salt-content of the medium to a point near 
 the minimum by transference from more to less concentrated solu- 
 tions, or to water; increase of moisture by transference from air to 
 water; decrease of the oxygen content of the medium by trans- 
 ference from flowing to standing water; decrease of light intensity, 
 even to darkness; lowering of temperature to near the minimum; 
 increase of the salt-content to near the maximum. 
 Klebs believes that external conditions produce their effects on 
 organisms by acting upon a complex of internal conditions, and 
 he attempts to interpret his experimental results on this basis, 
 pointing out that many of the conditions which induce spore forma- 
 tion decrease or inhibit growth, i.e., vegetative reproduction. In 
 this way, as he beheves, a higher concentration of organic substance 
 is attained in the plant, and this favors spore formation and a still 
 higher concentration, gametic reproduction. Apparently, for Klebs, 
 there is no question either of individuation or of possible age changes 
 involved, the reproductive changes being due primaril}- to the 
 action of the external conditions. 
 As a matter of fact, however, these data when considered in 
 their proper relations to individuation and the age cycle are readily 
 interpreted and are directly in line with what we know of other 
 forms. Spore formation is, at least in most cases, a more speciaHzed 
 reproductive process than vegetative reproduction, and therefore 
 might be expected to occur in later stages of development than the 
 latter. Moreover, since spore formation usually consists in the dis- 
 integration into single, independent cells of a parent body or part 
 already formed rather than in the growth of a new individual or 
 part, we should expect it to occur when the rate of metabolism in 
 the plant is low as compared with the rate in vegetative growth and 
 reproduction. Such a low rate of metabolism may result, either 
 from aging of the individual or part, or from the action of external 
 conditions. If the conclusions reached from the study of the lower 
 animals are applicable to the algae and fungi, and the facts seem 
 to indicate that they are, the plant under certain conditions may 
 remain indefinitely in the vegetative condition, because the differ- 
 entiation and senescence in each individual is balanced by the 
 rejuvenescence occurring in each vegetative reproduction. Under 
 other conditions senescence may overbalance rejuvenescence, and 
 the plant individuals undergo progressive development and senes- 
 cence, their rate of metabolism undoubtedly decreases, and sooner 
 or later the disintegration of the plant or parts of it into spores 
 occurs. The results of Klebs's experiments indicate that this con- 
 dition may be induced in the plant cither by lowering the rate of 
 metabolism directly by low temperature, lack of oxygen, lack of 
 nutritive salts, etc., or by loading the cells with organic material. 
 While it is impossible from the data at hand to furnish a complete 
 demonstration, it appears highly probable that the effect of the 
 various conditions used by Klebs in his experiments in inducing 
 spore formation is either to bring about a natural senescence in the 
 plant by the accumulation of inactive substances or to decrease its 
 rate of metabolism so that a physiological condition like that 
 attained in natural senescence is brought about. In short, by 
 controlling the rate of vegetative reproduction, the rate of metab- 
 olism, or the accumulation of inactive material, it is possible 
 to determine whether the plant or the phytoid shall remain indeti- 
 nitely in the vegetative stage and physiologically young, or whether 
 it shall attain the physiological condition characteristic of an older 
 plant and produce spores. There are, however, certain cases which 
 apparently cannot be accounted for in this way: for example, 
 Klebs finds that when the alga Oedogonium is cultivated at a low 
 temperature a rise of a few degrees induces spore formation, but 
 when cultivated at a higher temperature a rise in temperature has 
 no such effect. As regards this case, it is probable that the degree 
 of individuation at the low temperature is so slight that when an 
 increase in metabolic activity occurs with a rise in temperature the 
 cells become independent before their activity is subordinated or 
 controlled by the increased degree of individuation. 
 To sum up, there is good reason to believe that algae and fungi 
 may undergo senescence and rejuvenescence like the lower animals, 
 and that the different forms of reproduction are characteristic of 
 different stages in the life cycle. But since reproduction and 
 consequently rejuvenescence are characteristic of younger as well 
 as older stages, it is possible to control and modify the course of 
 the life history in a great variety of ways. This possibility of con- 
 trol does not prove that these plants have no definite life cycle: 
 it indicates merely that progressive and regressive development 
 can be determined experimentally in the plant, as in the animal. 
 As regards the spores themselves, there can be no doubt that 
 extensive reconstitution and rejuvenescence occur in their forma- 
 tion. In the case of the motile zoospores characteristic of many 
 forms (Figs. 104, 105, 106), this is conspicuously the case, for the 
 zoospore is a free-living, unicellular organism and bears Httle resem- 
 blance to the plant from which it arises. This new individuation 
 of the zoospore from the physiologically old vegetative stage 
 involves reconstitutional changes which result in a simpler and 
 more primitive kind of individual than the vegetative form. This 
 change must be associated in some way with the change from the 
 multicellular or multinucleate to the unicellular or uninucleate 
 condition. In the development of the vegetative form from the 
 spore, reconstitutional changes are again involved, at least in the 
 case of zoospores, which show more or less morphological differen- 
 tiation, and here again some degree of rejuvenescence must occur. 
 Bearing all the facts in mind, it is not difficult to understand how 
 it is that, under proper conditions, spore formation may continue- 
 through an indefinite number of generations without any appre- 
 ciable progressive senescence of the stock. 
 In the mosses, ferns, and seed plants where alternation of genera- 
 tions occurs, the fertilized egg gives rise to the asexual generation 
 or sporophyte which may show extensive and long-continued 
 vegetative reproduction, but sooner or later gives rise to spores. 
 The spore in turn gives rise to the sexual generation or gametophyte, 
 which also may show vegetative reproduction, but which linally 
 produces gametes; that is, sexual reproductive cells. 
 In the mosses and ferns spore formation is very evidently a 
 process belonging to the later stages of development of the sporo- 
 phyte and it is, as in the algae and fungi, a process of disintegration 
 of an individual or part into independent cells. In the fern, for 
 example, the spores are formed only when the frond has completed 
 or largely completed its growth. In the seed plants the gameto- 
 phyte generation is so reduced that spore formation is closely con- 
 nected with the formation of gametes, and there is much evidence 
 to be considered in later chapters which indicates that gamete for- 
 mation belongs to a more advanced stage of the life cycle than the 
 various agamic processes. In these plants, as in the algae and fungi, 
 spore formation is, then, in general a process belonging to more 
 advanced stages than vegetative reproduction. 
 Among algae and fungi there is apparently complete rejuvenes- 
 cence between the formation of the spore and the development of a 
 new plant from it, for it usually gives rise to a new plant like that 
 from which it arose, while in the plants with alternation of genera- 
 tions the spore gives rise to an individual of different character 
 from that which produced it. Evidently it has become different 
 in its developmental capacity from the egg. The simplest concep- 
 tion of this change is that the spore is in these forms a specialized 
 cell which does not entirely lose its specialization in reproduction. 
 In the seed plants, where the gametophytes do not lead an 
 independent vegetative life, but are usually so much reduced that 
 only a few cell divisions occur between the spore and the formation of 
 gametes, the specialization of this reproductive process is evident, 
 but in the mosses where the sporophyte is merely a sporogonium — 
 a spore case without an independent vegetative life — and the game- 
 tophyte is the vegetative form, it is not so clear. If, however, we 
 consider the whole cycle from the fertilized egg of one generation to 
 that of the next, it is at once evident that in the mosses the process 
 of spore formation comes relatively early in this cycle, in the ferns 
 at a more advanced stage, and in the seed plants at a still more 
 advanced stage. In this connection it is of considerable interest 
 to note that the amount of agamic reproduction in the gametophyte 
 varies according to the point in the life cycle at which the gameto- 
 phyte appears. In the mosses, where the sporophyte shows almost 
 no vegetative activity before spore formation, the gametophyte, 
 which is the moss plant, usually shows extensive, often indefinite, 
 vegetative reproduction, and in many cases various, more or less 
 specialized, forms of agamic reproduction occur. In the ferns where 
 the sporophyte — the fern plant — shows extensive vegetative growth 
 and reproduction there is usually but little and in many cases no 
 agamic reproduction in the prothallium which represents the 
 gametophyte. And, finally, in the seed plants, where the whole 
 vegetative life of the plant occurs in the sporophyte stage, the 
 gametophyte does not as a rule reproduce gametophytes asexually. 
 In other words, the earlier in the life cycle the gametophyte appears, 
 the less its specialization and the more conspicuous its vegetative 
 activity and reproduction. 
 All these facts indicate very clearly that a real life cycle with 
 progressive development and specialization exists in the plants, 
 but this life cycle is complicated by the occurrence of various forms 
 of agamic reproduction, and the regressive and reconstitutional 
 changes involved in the new individuations which occur in these 
 reproductions may balance the progressive changes and so retard 
 or prevent indefinitely the progressive advance of the plant in the 
 life cycle. And since external conditions influence individuation 
 and agamic reproduction, it is often possible to control experi- 
 mentally the developmental progress of the plant within very wide 
 limits. And, finally, there are certainly very clear indications that 
 a general decrease in rate of metabolism, doubtless interrupted Ijv 
 greater or less increases in rate accompanying the various reproduc- 
 tions, occurs from the early vegetative stages to the stage of gamete 
 formation. There seems, in short, to be adequate ground for the 
 conclusion that the life cycle of the plant is not fundamentally 
 different from that of the animal and that senescence does occur 
 in the plant, not only in certain cells, organs, or tissues and in the 
 phytoids which make up most plants, but in the plant as a whole. 
 The slight degree of individuation in plants makes possible frequent 
 reproduction, so that senescence is not a continuous or nearly con- 
 tinuous process, as in the higher animals, but may be interrupted 
 repeatedly, or may even be compensated for an indefinite length 
 of time by periodic reproduction and rejuvenescence, such as has 
 been shown in Part II to occur in some of the lower animals. 
 Experimental evidence on the relation between agamic repro- 
 duction and rejuvenescence in various animals was presented in 
 chap, vi, and only certain points of more general significance remain 
 to be considered. The occurrence of agamic reproduction in the 
 lower animals, as in the plants, is commonly either the result of 
 growth or decreased dominance, and often the same reproductive 
 process may be brought about in both ways. The variety of forms 
 of reproduction is less than in the plant, but in various protozoa 
 growth and division occur under the usual conditions, while under 
 others, apparently such as decrease metabolism, the body may 
 break up into small independent cells, which are usually known as 
 spores. Such fragmentations of the body may apparently result 
 either from a physiological senescence or from a decrease in meta- 
 bolic activity due to external conditions. Fragmentation often 
 occurs during encystment and is preceded or acconijianied by 
 complete dedifferentiation of the original individual. These cases 
 in fact constitute some of the strongest evidence for the occurrence 
 of dedifferentiation in animals. Often, particularly in the sjxirozoa, 
 which are parasitic and show a very low degree of indixiduation, 
 fragmentation into spores follows the union of the gametes and 
 may probably be regarded as corresponding to the period of cleavage 
 and rejuvenescence in the embryonic development of multicellular 
 In many sponges new zooids arise as the result of growth, but 
 under depressing conditions and probably also in advanced senes- 
 cence, so far as it occurs, existing individuals may undergo more or 
 less extensive fragmentation into cell masses known as gemmules 
 which are capable of producing new sponge bodies. It was pointed 
 out in chap, vi that the medusa bud of the hydroids apparently 
 results from a decrease in dominance which is associated with a 
 decrease in rate of metabolism, while the hydroid bud usually 
 results from growth beyond the limits of individuation. In certain 
 of the bryozoa also budding occurs during growth and a partial 
 fragmentation into reproductive bodies, the statoblasts, under 
 depressing external conditions and apparently also in advanced 
 physiological age. On the other hand, in Tuhularia (p. 220), in 
 Planaria (pp. 122-25), ^^^ ^^ various other animals the same form 
 of reproduction may result either from growth or from decrease 
 in dominance. The evidence presented in chap, vi justifies the 
 conclusion that the regressive and reconstitutional changes involved 
 in all these reproductive processes bring about a greater or less 
 degree of physiological rejuvenescence. 
 Reproduction, however, is not the only rejuvenating process in 
 the lower animals. Many forms undergo encystment or become 
 quiescent under conditions which do not permit active hfe and 
 become active again after a certain length of time, or when external 
 conditions permit. Usually there is at least some small amount of 
 metabolic activity during these quiescent periods, and a consider- 
 able degree of starvation and reduction may occur, as in the case 
 of Planaria velata (pp. 130-33), before resumption of active life. 
 The effectiveness of reduction as a rejuvenating factor in pla- 
 narians has been demonstrated in chap, vii, and it certainly plays 
 a similar role in many other forms. Moreover, in some cases the 
 increase in number of individuals or the decrease in supply of 
 nutrition with the change of seasons or other environmental changes 
 determines more or less regularly recurring periods of starvation 
 during active life, and these also play a part in rejuvenescence. 
 And, lastly, the replacement of old by young cells in the body of 
 the animal also delays the senescence of the organism as a whole. 
 This process occurs more or less widely in all multicellular animals, 
 and in many of the lower forms it occurs to a very considerable 
 extent and more or less generally throughout the body. The old 
 cells or parts die and are either cast off or resorbed and replaced by 
 younger cells. In such cases senescence and even death are occur- 
 ring at all times, but the replacement may keep pace with the 
 aging and death of cells, so that the organism as a whole does not 
 grow old. Conditions in these forms are somewhat similar to those 
 in the higher plants discussed in an earlier section of this chapter, 
 where certain parts of the plant remain embryonic and give rise 
 more or less continuously or periodically to the various organs 
 which undergo senescence and death. In all cases of this sort cel- 
 lular reproduction is of course concerned and is unquestionably the 
 essential factor in the maintenance of an age equilibrium or retarda- 
 tion of senescence in the organism as a whole. 
 The occurrence in animals of morphological rejuvenescence, i.e., 
 of dedifferentiation, has often been denied, but such denials are 
 based primarily rather on theoretical considerations than upon 
 observation. There can be no doubt that dedifferentiation occurs 
 extensively among the lower animals. The dedifferentiation of 
 protozoan cells has already been mentioned, and concerning those 
 cases there is no room for doubt that the morphological ditTer- 
 entiation disappears and reappears in the same cell. E. Schultz 
 ('08) and J. Nusbaum ('12) have brought together many cases of 
 dedifferentiation from the literature of the subject and have dis- 
 cussed their significance in a general way. It is impossible here to 
 do more than refer very briefly to a few of the well-established 
 instances of dedifferentiation. As regards the sponges, various 
 authors have described the occurrence of dedilTerentiation of at 
 least some of the cells of the body under different conditions, such 
 as absence of lime salts, starvation, and dissociation of cells, and 
 there seems to be no doubt that extensive dedifferentiation may 
 occur in hydroids also.' One of the most interesting cases in the 
 ' See, for example, on sponges: Bidder, '95; Maas, '06, '07, '10; Mastcrman, '94; 
 K. Muller, 'iia, 'iib, 'iir; H. V. Wilson, 'iia; on hydroids: Beminger, '10; H. C. 
 MuUer, '13, '14; H. V. Wilson, '116. 
 latter group is that described by H. C. Miiller, of the dedifferentia- 
 tion after isolation and mutilation of the parts which bear the 
 sexual organs — -the so-called gonophores — of certain hydroids into 
 masses of embryonic cells which give rise to stolons and so may pro- 
 duce new vegetative, asexual colonies. Dedifferentiation occurs 
 in the reduction by starvation of planarians (E. Schultz, '04). The 
 parenchymal cells of Planaria, which play the chief part in the 
 formation of new tissue in regeneration, are certainly to all appear- 
 ances differentiated cells and undergo dedifferentiation when they 
 begin their growth as new tissue. In the tapeworm Moniezia the 
 sex cells may arise by the dedifferentiation of parenchymal cells 
 (see pp. 331-32). The return of old, flat ectoderm cells to the 
 embryonic condition has been observed by Romer ('06) in the 
 regeneration of bryozoa. Krahelska ('13) has described the 
 dedifferentiation of the albumen gland in certain snails during 
 oviposition. In the remarkable reduction of the branchial region 
 in isolated pieces of the ascidian Clavellina, which represents a 
 return to the condition of a bud in an early stage of development, 
 extensive dedifferentiation of cells certainly occurs (Driesch, '02; 
 E. Schultz, '07). Schaxel ('14), however, maintains that in this 
 case the differentiated cells are lost and the new parts arise from 
 undifferentiated cells which remain, but his assumption that the 
 cells which take part in the new development are undifferentiated 
 is not proved. In the regeneration of the lens of the eye in 
 amphibia the cells of the iris which give rise to the new lens very 
 evidently undergo dedifferentiation (G. Wolff, '95; Fischel, '00). 
 Numerous other cases of more or less complete dedifferentia- 
 tion have been more or less closely observed and described and 
 doubtless many others still remain to be described in connection 
 with agamic reproduction, reconstitution, and even in the normal 
 life of organisms. The changes in gland cells during their cycle of 
 activity (pp. 189-91) and various other periodical changes also 
 belong in this category. But the morphological criterion of reju- 
 venescence is at best unsatisfactory, for it is merely a rather unre- 
 liable indicator of the physiological condition of the cells. As is 
 evident from the experimental study of the developmental stages 
 of many animals, cells may undergo considerable changes in the 
 direction of specialization without any characteristic morpho- 
 logical differentiation, and there is every reason to believe that 
 changes in the opposite direction, if not very great, do not neces- 
 sarily involve changes in the visible morphological features of the 
 cell. Since senescence and rejuvenescence are processes which 
 concern the dynamic activity of the cell, changes in this activity 
 must be the chief criterion for the occurrence of age changes, 
 although morphological changes, when they occur, may be of value 
 as indications of the changes in activity. 
 Agamic reproduction of one kind or another unquestionably 
 occurs in the plants and lower animals in consequence of the decrease 
 or elimination of dominance, i.e., the physiological disintegration 
 of the individual may result in the reconstitution of new individuals. 
 ]\Ioreover, decrease or elimination of dominance may result from 
 decrease in rate of metaboHsm as well as from growth, and 
 finally a decrease in rate of metabolism occurs in senescence. It is 
 possible, therefore, that agamic reproduction with the accompa- 
 nying rejuvenescence may occur simply as the result of senescence. 
 The fragmentation of Planaria velata (pp. 130-33) is undoubtedly 
 a case of this sort, and it is probable that this relation between 
 senescence and reproduction is very general. In fact, the forma- 
 tion of spores in plants and in the protozoa, of gemmules in the 
 sponges and statoblasts in the bryozoa, and various other reproduc- 
 tive processes, which are not directly connected with growth, are 
 probably very often simply the result of senescence of the indi- 
 vidual concerned, although they may of course appear when the 
 rate of metaboHsm is lowered by external conditions. The forma- 
 tion or development of new buds in many perennial plants often 
 results from decrease in activity of the dominant growing tip. and 
 this decrease is probably very frequently due to senescence. The 
 formation of buds or the development of buds already formed on 
 the leaves of various plants may likewise result from senescence of 
 the leaf or plant. During the earlier stages of senescence disinte- 
 gration of the individual may be prevented by the develoj^ment and 
 increasing conductivity of the paths of correlation, even though 
 increase in size occurs, but in the lower organisms where the degree 
 of dominance is slight and conduction paths do not attain any high 
 degree of development, the decrease in rate of metabolism in the 
 dominant region which occurs with advancing senescence may 
 sooner or later bring about the physiological isolation of parts of 
 the individual, and reproduction and rejuvenescence result. Ex- 
 tended experimental and analytic investigation is necessary to 
 determine how far a natural physiological senescence and how far 
 incidental or external factors are concerned in particular cases, 
 but it must be borne in mind that the possibility of inducing and 
 controlling these reproductions with the aid of external conditions 
 does not in any way prove that they may not also be induced or 
 controlled by internal conditions quite independently of the 
 Since this relation between senescence and reproduction unques- 
 tionably exists, it is evident that in the plants and lower animals 
 senescence must very frequently lead automatically to reproduction 
 and rejuvenescence in at least some parts of the previously existing 
 individual. In such cases senescence does not lead to death of the 
 whole, and often where the individual breaks up into separate cells 
 or fragments, death does not occur in any part. Instead of leading 
 inevitably to death, senescence in the lower organisms may itself 
 be a condition of reproduction and rejuvenescence and so of indefi- 
 nite continuation of life. 
 In the plants and lower animals the low degree of stabihty 
 of the protoplasmic substratum and the consequent low degree of 
 individuation make possible the frequent occurrence of agamic 
 reproduction. Since a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence is 
 associated with such reproduction, the process of individual senes- 
 cence may be more or less completely compensated in many cases 
 and the organism may appear not to grow old and may never reach 
 the death point. Often the decrease in metabolic rate with ad- 
 vancing senescence is the primary factor in bringing about physio- 
 logical isolation of parts, reproduction, and rejuvenescence, and in 
 such cases a certain degree of senescence is followed aulomatically 
 by reproduction and rejuvenescence. The agamic reproductions of 
 advanced age are often more highly specialized in character than 
 those of earlier periods of the life history. 
 Senescence may be retarded or compensated in many forms by 
 conditions which induce frequent agamic reproduction, while under 
 other conditions senescence may be accelerated and death may 
 occur. The relation between senescence and rejuvenescence de- 
 termines whether an organism undergoes progressive senescence 
 and passes through a definite life history or persists indefinitely in a 
 certain physiological condition, apparently without a definite life 
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 BoL, XVI. 
 1887. "iJber die Bildung der Knollen," Bihliotheca hot., H. 4. 
 1900. "Zur Physiologie der Knollengewachse," Jahrhiicher f. wiss. Bot., 
 Wilson, H. V. 
 1911a. "Development of Sponges from Dissociated Tissue Cells," Bull 
 of the Bureau of Fisheries, XXX. 
 191 1^*. "On the Behavior of Dissociated Cells in the Hydroids, 
 Alcyonaria and Asierias," Jour, of Exp. ZooL, XL 
 Winkler, H. 
 1902. "ijber die nachtriigliche Umwandlung von Bluthenbliittern und 
 Narben in Laubbliitter," Berichte d. deutsch. bat. Ges., XX. 
 1907. "tJber die Umwandlung des Blattstiels zum Stengel," JahrbiUhcr 
 f. wiss. BoL, XLV. 
 Wolff, G. 
 1895. "Entwickelungsphysiologische Studien: 1, Regeneration dcr 
 Urodelenlinse," Arch.f. Entwickelungsmech., I. 
 The problem of senescence in man and the higher animals has 
 very naturally claimed the attention of the anatomist, the physiolo- 
 gist, the investigator along medical Knes, and the zoologist, and for 
 the layman also it has always possessed a vital interest quite differ- 
 ent from that which attaches to many scientific problems. Man's 
 interest in the problem of his own senescence, old age, and death 
 undoubtedly dates from the time when he first began to think and 
 ask himself questions concerning himself. From ancient times to 
 the present the problem has been discussed again and again, and 
 from the most various points of view. It has always been an 
 attractive field for speculation, but a large volume of scientific 
 data bearing upon one aspect or another of it has accumulated. 
 A considerable portion of the literature of the subject deals with 
 the problem from the point of view of the physician and medical 
 investigator rather than that of the general zoologist or physiolo- 
 gist, and of course the data are very largely descriptive and 
 statistical, rather than experimental and analytic. 
 It is neither possible nor necessary at this time to attempt any 
 extended review and critique of the literature. My purpose is 
 merely to analyze and interpret the more important facts from the 
 point of view attained through study of the lower animals, and to 
 show how the age cycle in man and the higher animals, so far as it 
 differs from that in the lower organisms, is the necessary and inevi- 
 table result of the course of evolution. 
 The increase in the degree of individuation or physiological 
 integration of the individual, which is a conspicuous feature of 
 evolution, is evident in the higher animals and man in the increasing 
 co-ordination and interrelation of parts, both dynamically and 
 chemically, and in the greater structural and functional specializa- 
 tion and differentiation. The problem of the nature of this change 
 and the factors concerned in it is of course the problem of the evo- 
 lution of the individual, but only certain aspects of this problem 
 need consideration here. 
 The evolution of the individual is evidently closely associated 
 with an increasing functional and structural stability of protoplasm. 
 In the higher forms a cell or a group of cells, once started along a 
 certain course of development, reacts less readily than in the lower 
 organisms to altered conditions by regression and change in the 
 course of development. In the adult vertebrates the capacity for 
 regression is in most cases so narrowly limited that the cells of one 
 tissue are under any known conditions incapable of giving rise to 
 other tissues. In other words, the ability of the cells, so conspicu- 
 ous in the lower organisms, to react to altered conditions by a change 
 in activity which brings about the breakdown and elimination of 
 previously accumulated structural substance is very slight in the 
 higher animals. From this point of view evolution appears as a 
 change from less stable to more stable dynamic equilibrium, in the 
 course of which the morphogenetic and functional behavior of the 
 organism has become less directly dependent on external and more 
 dependent on internal conditions. This increase in structural and 
 functional stability results in a greater degree of continuity in 
 progressive development and so in a greater specialization of parts 
 and a greater differentiation of structural mechanisms with definite 
 functions, which in turn provide a basis for a more varied and 
 intimate correlation of parts and so for a wider range and greater 
 delicacy of functional adjustment. 
 Among these changes the most important for the integration of 
 the individual are the functional and structural evolution of the 
 nervous system. The high metabolic rate in the cells of the cen- 
 tral nervous system undoubtedly determines that the accumulation 
 and transformation of substance in the structural substratum 
 which bring about senescence occur less rapidly here than in other 
 tissues; because of its high rate of metabolic flow, the ners'e cell 
 deposits structural sediment relatively slowly. This is particularly 
 true after the stage of specialized functional activity is attained, 
 for then stimulation through the sense-organs and other parts of 
 the body plays a very important part in maintaining the ner\-e 
 cell at a very high metabolic level. Consequently the degree of 
 dominance and of individuation may increase up to a certain point 
 as development proceeds. Moreover, the increasing differentiation 
 of the nerve fibers determines a more effective conduction of im- 
 pulses, and the increasing centralization of the nervous system and 
 complexity of nervous correlation results in a greatly increased 
 unity and co-ordination of the parts of the individual. It was 
 pointed out in chap, ix that the decrement in the conduction of 
 impulses in the nerves of the higher animals is scarcely appreciable 
 within the limits of the individual body. This means that in the 
 adult the limit of dominance, the physiological limit of individ- 
 uation, is far beyond the actual size attained by the individual. 
 Growth in these forms is limited by progressive differentiation, con- 
 sequently the final size of the individual remains far below the limit 
 of dominance in the differentiated nervous system, and the physio- 
 logical isolation of parts so frequent among the plants and lower 
 animals does not occur under ordinary conditions in the higher ani- 
 mals after the functional capacity of the nervous system has fully 
 For the occurrence of agamic reproduction in differentiated 
 organisms the physiological or physical isolation of a part and 
 capacity of the part to react to isolation by regression and recon- 
 stitution are necessary. These conditions are not present in the 
 later stages of development of the higher animals, but isolation of 
 parts does occur to a limited extent in early stages of development 
 before the cells have undergone appreciable differentiation and be- 
 fore the individual has attained the degree of integration character- 
 istic of later stages. Consequently agamic reproduction in these 
 forms is limited to these stages. In a few species polyembryony 
 occurs as a normal feature of development, the egg undergoing 
 separation during cleavage or later embryonic stages into two or 
 more individuals. In certain parasitic insects, for example, indi- 
 viduation is apparently almost entirely absent during early stages 
 and, instead of developing in an orderly way as a single embryo, 
 the eggs as they divide separate repeatedly into cells or cell groups, 
 each of which finally gives rise to an embryo (P. Marchal, '04; 
 Silvestri, '06). In these cases a single egg may give rise to a large 
 number of individuals. In the nine-banded armadillo the embryo 
 begins development as a single embryo, but later undergoes recon- 
 stitution into four embryos by a process of budding (Patterson. '13). 
 In other species of armadillo a similar process of embryonic repro- 
 duction undoubtedly occurs. The cases of duplicate twins and 
 various forms of double monsters are probably also cases of embr>'- 
 onic reproduction from a single egg (Wilder, '04), but it is not 
 certainly known at what stage the reproduction occurs. 
 In addition to the occasional occurrence of polyembryony the 
 process known as segmentation occurs as a characteristic feature 
 of development in all the higher animals, both invertebrates and 
 vertebrates. Segmentation, however, is rather a repeated indi- 
 viduation of parts from embryonic tissue than a reproduction from 
 differentiated cells, and does not therefore involve any considerable 
 regression and reconstitution. The segment-individuals which arise 
 in succession as morphogenesis proceeds posteriorly along the a.\is 
 (see Figs. 70, 197, 198) never complete development to whole 
 animals, but remain as segments subordinate to the dominating 
 head-region. Aside from these cases of polyembryony and repeti- 
 tive formation of segments, agamic reproduction plays no part in 
 the normal life historv of the higher animals, and it is evident that 
 these reproductions, since they occur so early in development, can 
 have but little significance in bringing about rejuvenescence or 
 retarding the progressive course of senescence. 
 A most important consequence of the stability of structure and 
 the absence of agamic reproduction in these animals is the greater 
 continuity of progressive development and senescence. In the 
 lower forms progressive development may be interrupted repeat- 
 edly, or even periodically completely compensated, b\' agamic 
 reproduction of one kind or another with its accompanying rejuve- 
 nescence. Where such reproduction is absent the regressive changes 
 may occur to some extent in tissue regeneration, in the periodic 
 elimination of previously accumulated material in gland cells 
 (see pp. 189-91), or during starvation, and under certain other 
 conditions which bring about excessive structural breakdown, but 
 such changes are either narrowly localized and without apjire- 
 ciable effect upon the body as a whole, or they are so slight that it 
 is a question whether they can properly be called rejuvenescence, 
 or else they bring about death before any great degree of rejuvenes- 
 cence occurs, so that in such animals hfe after the early embryonic 
 stages is practically a continuous progression and senescence. Such 
 a continuous progressive development and senescence without 
 counterbalancing regression and rejuvenescence must inevitably 
 and necessarily terminate sooner or later in death in consequence 
 of decrease in rate of metabolism. From this point of view, then, 
 the increasing continuity of senescence and the appearance of death 
 as a natural termination of development in the course of evolution 
 from the lower to the higher animals are to a large degree the con- 
 sequence of the increasing fixity or stability of the structural sub- 
 stratum of the organism which determines on the one hand the 
 increasing degree of individuation and on the other the limitation 
 of regression and reproduction. 
 But in the course of this life history which ends in death, sexual 
 differentiation appears, and at a certain stage of development the 
 individuals of each sex or the organs of each sex in a hermaphroditic 
 individual give rise to the gametes which are highly specialized, 
 sexually differentiated cells, the egg and the spermatozoon. These 
 cells are cast off from the body which produced them like other cells 
 which have completed their developmental history and grown old, 
 and in most cases they do not react to the isolation by regression, 
 rejuvenescence, and reconstitution of a new individual, but sooner 
 or later die, unless union between two gametes of opposite sexes, 
 that is, fertilization, occurs. This union, when it does occur, initi- 
 ates in some way the process of regression and rejuvenescence in 
 the resulting cell, the zygote, and the reconstitution of a new indi- 
 vidual, or what we call embryonic development, occurs. The 
 gametes are the only cells in the higher animals which undergo 
 complete rejuvenescence and so escape death. This conception 
 of gametic reproduction will be considered more at length in Part IV. 
 The process of senescence in man and the higher animals is not 
 widely different in its general features from the age changes which 
 occur in the lower forms when agamic reproduction is absent. The 
 rate of metabolism and the rate of growth decrease, the water- 
 content of the body Hkewise decreases, and the tissues become 
 denser. But the condition known as old age or senility accom- 
 panied by atrophy of tissues, which is well marked in man and has 
 also been observed in various mammals, is either less clearly defined 
 in the lower forms or else is not usually reached because advancing 
 senescence induces reproduction and rejuvenescence. 
 Because of the absence of agamic reproduction and the limited 
 capacity for regression and reduction in these forms, they consti- 
 tute much less favorable material than the lower forms for study 
 and analysis of age processes, and theories of senescence based only 
 or chiefly on data obtained from the higher forms have in most 
 cases but little general biological value. Much of the literature 
 of the subject belongs primarily to the medical field and throws 
 Httle light upon the general biological problem of senescence, but 
 various attempts have been made to formulate general theories of 
 senescence from the study of the higher animals and man alone.' 
 In the following sections of this chapter the chief characteristics 
 of senescence in the higher forms are briefly considered and the 
 bearing of some of the recent experimental work upon the problem 
 is discussed. 
 ]Most authorities agree that the rate of metabolism in man and 
 mammals, so far as determined, undergoes in general a decrease 
 with advancing age.^ Rubner has attempted to show that in warm- 
 blooded animals the rate of metabolism per unit of surface of the 
 ' The following references are selected from the more recent literature dealinp 
 primarily with senescence and old age in man: Bilancioni, '11, with bibliograi)hy; 
 Demange, '86; Friedmann, '02; Lorand, '11, with bibliography; MctchnikotI, '03, 
 '10; Ribbert, '08; Rubner, '08. Recent more general considerations of the problem 
 of senescence, but concerned chiefly with man and the higher animals, are Dastre, '03; 
 Muhlmann, '00, '10; Minot, '08, '13. 
 ^ The article by Magnus-Levy on "Metabolism in Old .\ge" with bibliograiihy, 
 in the Anglo-.\merican issue of von Xoorden's Metabolism and Practical Medicine 
 (1907), is a valuable general survey of our knowledge on the subject. See also .Muhl- 
 mann, '00 (p. 164). .\mong special papers dealing with the question of mctalxilic 
 changes in relation to age in man and mammals may be mentioned .V. \. and A. M. 
 Hill, 13; von Hosslin, '88; Kovesi, '01; Magnus-Levy and I'aik. '90; Rubner, '83, 
 '85, '08, '09; Sonden and Tigerstedt, '95; Speck, '89. 
 body is constant irrespective of age. Table V (Rubner, '85) gives 
 the rate of metabolism in man at different ages, measured in terms 
 of heat production in calories for periods of twenty-four hours, 
 and also the heat production per kilogram of body-weight and per 
 square meter of body-surface. 
 Weight of Persons in Experiment 
 in Kilograms 
 Man during medium labor 67 
 Calories in 
 24 Hrs. Minus 
 Heat of Com- 
 bustion of Feces 
 Calories per 
 Kilo in 24 Hrs. 
 . I 
 in Square 
 Calories per 
 Square Meter 
 of Body-Surface 
 It is evident from this table that the heat production per square 
 meter of surface does show a considerable degree of constancy in 
 the individuals of different sizes and weights. In various other 
 papers Rubner has presented additional evidence for his view that 
 the rate of metabolism per unit of body-surface remains essentially 
 the same throughout life. According to Rubner then the rate of 
 metabolism is in some way regulated by the relative amount of 
 body-surface, i.e., the loss of heat determines the heat production, 
 and since the surface increases less rapidly than the volume or 
 weight of the body the rate of metabohsm per unit of weight must 
 decrease, as the third column of Table V shows. 
 This view has not found general acceptance. Not only has the 
 method of measuring body-surface been criticized, but it has been 
 pointed out that during later life in man the rate of metabolism 
 and therefore of heat production certainly decreases progressively 
 while the body-surface remains practically unaltered. According 
 to Magnus-Levy the minimum metabohsm in old age may be as 
 low as 20 per cent of the normal, and various authors have shown 
 that the daily metabolic exchange also decreases. Hill has recently 
 shown also that the ratio of heat production to body-surface is not 
 constant in rats of different size. In small individuals it is as high 
 as one hundred and forty calories; in medium-sized, ninety-nine 
 calories per square centimeter of body-surface. In other words, 
 the rate of metabolism is determined by age, rather than by surface. 
 According to the data compiled by Magnus-Levy from various 
 authors, the amount of proteid necessary to keep old persons in 
 health is less than that necessary in early life. After a certain 
 time old persons in general take less food than is necessar}- to 
 maintain their weight, and a gradual loss of weight occurs which 
 varies in rate and amount according to various conditions. More- 
 over, the whole course of the life history from youth to old age with 
 its decrease in bodily activity and in rate of growth, and its advan- 
 cing differentiation and accumulation of structural substance points 
 very clearly to a decreasing rate of metabolism per unit of weight. 
 It may also be noted that the process of chemical differentiation of 
 the brain of the white rat during growth indicates that the rate 
 of metabolism is decreasing during this period (W. and M. L. 
 Koch, '13), and Dr. S. Tashiro kindly permits the statement from 
 unpublished data that in the horseshoe crab, Limuliis polyplicmus, 
 the production of carbon dioxide per unit of weight in the nervous 
 system decreases as the weight of the nervous system increases; 
 apparently, the larger and older the animal, the lower the rate of 
 carbon-dioxide production in the nervous system. 
 The rate of growth also shows, in general, a decrease from early 
 stages of development onward; although in many cases periodic 
 or occasional increases in rate of greater or less magnitude occur. 
 The decrease in the rate of growth during development in man and 
 the higher vertebrates has been demonstrated beyond all question 
 from a great variety of data, and its significance for the problem of 
 senescence has been so ably presented by various authors' that only 
 a brief consideration is necessary at this time. It must be remem- 
 bered that, as Minot ('91) pointed out, absolute increments of 
 weight, volume, length, or any other component of growth during 
 equal successive periods are not measures of the rate of growth, for 
 'See particularly Donaldson, '95, the chapters on growth; Minot, '91, '08, 
 chap, iii, "The Rate of Growth"; Miihlmann, '00. 
 during each period the weight or other growth component of the 
 body increases. The rate of growth is measured by the propor- 
 tional or percentage increments in given periods, consequently the 
 rate of growth may remain constant or may even decrease, while 
 the absolute increments of growth become successively larger. In 
 fact, the latter possibihty is realized during a large 
 part of the growth period in the higher vertebrates. 
 Many students of growth have failed entirely to 
 recognize the fact that the absolute increment is 
 not a correct measure of the rate of growth, and 
 have therefore reached incorrect conclusions. 
 The curves presented in Figs. 109 and no 
 show the percentage increments of weight in boys 
 and girls from the first to the twenty-third year.' 
 The very great decrease in the annual percentage 
 increment is at once apparent. During the first 
 year after birth the percentage increment of weight 
 is 200 per cent in boys and 187 per cent in girls. 
 During the second year it is only 22 per cent in 
 boys and 28 per cent in girls. From this time on 
 it decreases slowly with slight irregularities and 
 Per cent 
 I20 4- 
 80 . 
 40 . 
 I 2 3456 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
 Fig. 109. — Curve showing the decrease in the rate of growth in boys from the 
 first to the twenty-third year : each vertical interval indicated on the axis of ordinates 
 represents 20 per cent increment in weight, each horizontal interval on the axis of 
 abscissae one year. Fom Muhlmann's tables (Muhlmann, '00) calculated from 
 Quetelet's data. 
 with a distinct but slight increase at the age of puberty, after which 
 it falls again. Various other data from different sources, including 
 statistics on the increment of body-length, monthly increments of 
 weight during the first year, decrease in weight during later life, 
 etc., all show that in man the rate of growth decreases, and that 
 ' The curves are based on the percentage increments determined by Muhlmann 
 Coo) from the statistics in Quetelet's U Anthropometrie (1835 and 1840). 
 as age advances growth sooner or later gives place to reduction. 
 Data from the population of England' give essentially the same 
 results. Minot ('08) also gives data and curves from his own 
 investigations of the growth of guinea-pigs, rabbits, and chicks 
 which likewise show that the rate of growth decreases ver>' greatly, 
 particularly during the early part of postem- 
 bryonic life. Figs. 1 1 1 and 1 1 2 are curves 
 from Minot's data showing the average daily 
 percentage increments in weight of male and 
 female rabbits beginning three days after birth. 
 The abscissae represent number of days after 
 birth; the ordinates, percentages. Here again 
 it is evident that the rate of growth decreases 
 with a few interruptions, at first very rapidly 
 and later more slowly. According to Donaldson 
 ('06) the curve of growth of the white rat is 
 very similar to that of man, except that the 
 length of the growth-period is much shorter. 
 If the decrease in the rate of growth is in any 
 Per cent 
 180 . 
 160 .. 
 140 .. 
 120 .. 
 100 .. 
 60 .. 
 degree a measure of the rate of senescence- 
 Fig. 1 10 — Curve showing the decrease in the rate of growth in girls from the 
 first to the twenty-third year: similar to Fig. 109. From Miihlmann's tables (Miihl- 
 mann, '00), calculated from Quetelet's data. 
 there can be little doubt that it is one of the features of senescence 
 — Minot is entirely correct in asserting that the rate of senescence 
 is highest in youth and lowest in advanced life. 
 In most vertebrates, as well as in many invertebrates, the fmal 
 size of the individual is subject to relatively slight variation, and 
 the amount of growth during development is within certain limits 
 ' Figs. 38 and 39 and Tables II and III in Minot's Age, Growth and Death give 
 these statistics in graphic and tabular form as revised by Donaldson from Robert's 
 Manual of Anthropometry (1878). 
 a fixed quantity. Among the fishes, amphibia, and reptiles there 
 are, however, some forms in which growth apparently continues 
 during at least most of the life of the animal, although it is very 
 slow in later stages. Growth is apparently periodic rather than 
 continuous in all these cases, and its continuance throughout life 
 or up to a late stage is probably due to the fact that these animals 
 undergo partial rejuvenescence from time to 
 time during periods of quiescence or star- 
 vation, a point which is discussed below 
 (pp. 299-300). That the fundamental laws of 
 growth are essentially the same throughout 
 the organic world there is every reason to 
 believe. Everywhere apparently the rate of 
 growth is high in the young organism, or in 
 the young cells and tissues of the organism, 
 and decreases as development proceeds and 
 the rate of metabolism falls. With adequate 
 nutrition and under external conditions which 
 permit growth, the rate of growth appears to 
 be in a general way dependent upon the 
 Days 38182838 55 77f 106^ 
 Fig. III. — Curve showing the decrease in rate of growth in male rabbits from 3 
 to 270 days after birth: each vertical interval indicated on the axis of ordinates repre- 
 sents I per cent increment in weight and each horizontal interval on the axis of abscissae 
 the length of time between successive weighings; during the first 38 days after birth 
 weighings were made every 5 days, after that at increasingly longer intervals. From 
 Minot's tables (Minot, '08). 
 rate of metabolism. Discussion of the conception of growth as an 
 autocatalytic reaction which undergoes acceleration in rate to a 
 maximum is postponed to chap. xvi. 
 The advance during the last ten years in our knowledge of the 
 chemical constitution of the proteid molecule, in which the work of 
 Kossel, E. Fischer, and Abderhalden and their students has played 
 a very important part, has opened up new fields of investigation. 
 It is now possible to attack the problem of nutrition and its rela- 
 tion to physiological condition, maintenance, development, and 
 growth, at least in the higher animals, with more exact and more 
 scientific methods than heretofore. Since we have become familiar 
 with the nature of the constituent substances 
 {Bausteine, i.e., building stones), the amino- 
 acids and certain other substances, which go to 
 make up the proteid molecule, and know more 
 or less exactly which of these substances are 
 present and in what proportions in various pro- 
 teids, we are able by feeding animals with 
 different proteins or with one or another of the 
 constituent substances to learn something of 
 the capacities of the animal for building up its 
 own specific proteid molecules and of the rela- 
 tions of each of the various nutritive substances 
 Days 3 8 19 2838 55 80 106^ 180 270 
 Fig. 112. — Curve showing the decrease in rate of growth in female rabbits from 
 3 to 270 days after birth: the intervals indicated are the same as in Fig. in. 
 Minot's tables (Minot, '08). 
 to its various activities. Many difficulties still exist in connection 
 with these investigations: the methods of isolating the various 
 substances in pure form for feeding are in many cases far from 
 satisfactory, and it is often difficult to devise a food from the 
 isolated substances which the animal will eat in quantities suffi- 
 cient to supply the necessary energy. Moreover, the complexity 
 of metabohsm and the impossibility of following the various steps 
 within the organism are serious obstacles. Notwithstanding all 
 these difficulties there can be no doubt that this method of inves- 
 tigation will throw light on various features of life heretofore 
 obscure. Any extended discussion of the results already attained 
 in this field is quite beyond the present purpose, and I do not 
 regard myself as qualified to undertake it; but certain points which 
 bear more or less directly upon the problem of senescence demand 
 some consideration. 
 In extensive and carefully controlled feeding experiments with 
 white rats, Osborne and MendeP have been able to show that cer- 
 tain proteins — gliadin from wheat and rye, hordein from barley — 
 are adequate for maintenance of weight and good nutritive condi- 
 tion, but not, or only to a slight degree, for growth under the usual 
 conditions. But after male and female animals had been fed during 
 some five months with gliadin as the only protein, they were mated, 
 and the female gave birth to four normal young which showed 
 normal growth as long as nourished on the milk of the mother, and 
 only later when placed on the gliadin diet showed retarded growth. 
 During gestation there must have been somewhere a synthesis 
 of the specific body-proteins in sufficient quantity to permit the 
 normal embryonic development and growth of the young. The 
 ability of the body to synthesize from a certain diet the substances 
 necessary for growth evidently differs under different physiological 
 conditions. McCollum has concluded on the basis of his experi- 
 ments that " the processes of replacing nitrogen degraded in cellular 
 metabolism are not of the same character as the processes of 
 growth," and suggests further that cellular katabolism and repair 
 do not involve the destruction and reconstruction of an entire pro- 
 tein molecule. Growth, of course, so far as it involves increase 
 in amount of proteid substances, must involve the construction 
 of new molecules. 
 In an earlier chapter it was suggested that growth is funda- 
 mentally the accumulation of substances which cannot readily 
 leave the cell without change of constitution and which under the 
 usual conditions are not readily or rapidly changed so as to become 
 eliminable. If this conception is correct, the further possibility 
 suggests itself that tissue breakdown and repair, under ordinary 
 conditions, in the higher animals, may consist largely or wholly, on 
 'Osborne and Mendel, 'iia, 'iih, '12a, '12b, '12c, '13, '14; Mendel, '14. See 
 also Hopkins, '12; McCollum, '11; Ruth Wheeler, '13. Osborne and Mendel give 
 numerous references to the literature of the subject. 
 the one hand, of the separation and breakdown of certain constit- 
 uent chemical groups, which are less firmly attached to the mole- 
 cule or less stable than other parts which remain as a more stable 
 nucleus, and, on the other, of the replacement of the lost parts of 
 the molecule from nutritive substances. In actual protoplasmic 
 growth, however, the whole molecule, including the more as well 
 as the less stable portions, must be built up out of the Bausteirie, or 
 in some other way. Consequently some proteins whose constituent 
 substances can supply the losses due to tissue breakdown may not 
 contain in sufhcient quantity or not at all certain components 
 necessary for the building up of new molecules, but under excep- 
 tional conditions, as in the gestation period in Osborne and Mendel's 
 rats, the organism may be able to synthesize these molecules in 
 other ways. The general relation between the rate of growth and 
 the rate of metabohsm suggests that the synthesis of the more 
 stable molecules or molecular groups occurs more readily with a 
 high than with a low rate of metabolic reaction, and this suggestion 
 is also in accord with the fact that growth, morphogenesis, and 
 differentiation occur chiefly in the earlier stages of the life history. 
 The rats fed on gliadin with maintenance of weight but little or 
 no growth retain their capacity for growth for at least several 
 months and, when placed on a mixed diet, or one containing ade- 
 quate proteins, resume growth at the normal rate. But the experi- 
 ments do not as yet show whether they will retain indefinitely the 
 capacity for growth. Besides remaining young as regards growth 
 capacity, these animals also retain the general appearance of 
 growing animals of the same size. Apparently, progressive develop- 
 ment and with it senescence have been inhibited or greatly retarded. 
 Nevertheless, after long periods of such feeding the nervous system 
 shows the water-content characteristic of old animals and the pos- 
 sibility cannot be ignored that, even in the absence of growth, 
 progressive changes in the direction of greater stability of the 
 protoplasmic substratum may have occurred. 
 The results of experiments on mammals with a diet which is 
 adequate qualitatively, but sufficient in quantity only for main- 
 tenance and not for growth, are quite different from those of 
 Osborne and Mendel. Waters ('08, '09) found that underfed 
 cattle might remain for a long period at a constant body-weight 
 but at the same time undergo an increase in height and a decrease 
 in the amount of fat. Evidently the skeleton undergoes growth, 
 at least in length of bones, even under these conditions, and other 
 parts must grow to some extent and in certain dimensions in 
 accordance with the growth of the skeleton, but this growth is in 
 part at the expense of the reserves. After a certain length of time 
 this growth ceases. 
 Aron ('ii), working with growing dogs, succeeded in maintain- 
 ing a constant body-weight for a long time, in some cases nearly a 
 year, by limiting the quantity of food. He also found that the 
 animals increased in size, the skeleton underwent growth, and the 
 brain retained its weight or increased in weight, while the animals 
 became progessively thinner and their fat reserves and muscular 
 tissue suffered marked losses. If the food was not increased in 
 amount the animals finally died of starvation after three to five 
 months, with a slight loss of weight. But if the quantity of food 
 was somewhat increased they could still be maintained at a con- 
 stant weight and in a condition of extreme emaciation, but now no 
 further growth occurred. The results of later experiments on rats 
 (Aron, 'i2, '13) are essentially similar and these experiments on 
 animals agree well with the observations of various earlier authors 
 on children. 
 Aron concludes from his experiments that the internal growth- 
 impulse exists primarily in the skeleton and that other parts merely 
 follow the growth of the skeleton as far as nutritive conditions 
 permit. This is probably true for mammals or for vertebrates as 
 regards growth in stature during later stages of development, but 
 it is certainly not true for the early stages of development of verte- 
 brates nor for many invertebrates where no skeleton is present. 
 It seems probable that in these animals growth of the more stable 
 substances of the body, in part at the expense of the less stable, has 
 occurred. The diet in these cases is merely quantitatively, not 
 qualitatively insufficient; it contains the constituents necessary 
 for the construction of the relatively stable structural substances, 
 but not in sufficient quantity for the growth of all parts. Under 
 these conditions it might be expected that growth or maintenance, 
 if it occurs anywhere, would be limited to the more stable tissues or 
 substances of the body, while the less stable would undergo more 
 or less reduction, for in the one case the losses from breakdown are 
 slight and are more than balanced, while in the other they are 
 greater and are not balanced and the products of breakdown of 
 the less stable tissues take part to a greater or less extent in the 
 upbuilding of the more stable. The organic structural substance 
 of the skeleton is scarcely to be regarded as living; it is rather of 
 the nature of a secretion, and after its formation it takes but little 
 part in metabolism, except when altered functional conditions 
 determine a change in bone structure. Consequently in underfed 
 animals there is little loss of skeletal substance, and every addition 
 counts for growth. Skeletal growth may therefore continue while 
 reduction is going on in various other organs, the products of 
 breakdown of the latter serving to build up the more stable sub- 
 stance of the former. 
 As regards the nervous system, conditions are somewhat 
 similar. The nervous system is certainly one of the most stable, 
 perhaps the most stable living tissue in the body. Its cells persist 
 throughout life, and dedifferentiation of nerve cells is not known to 
 occur in vertebrates. The losses of the nervous system during 
 starvation are relatively slight, and in underfed animals it main- 
 tains its weight or grows at the expense of the less stable tissue, 
 as the products of their breakdown are synthesized into more 
 stable forms in the nervous system, and so become more permanent 
 constituents of the structural substratum of the bod>'. This 
 stability of the nervous system is not, however, like that of the 
 skeleton, the stability of a dead secretory substance, but is the 
 stability of a living protoplasm and is undoubtedly associated with 
 the high metabolic rate in the nervous system. 
 The result of return to a normal diet after a period of insufiicient 
 nutrition apparently depends in part on the length of that period. 
 It has been clearly demonstrated that in man as well as in animals 
 the retarding effect upon growth of even a considerable period of 
 insuflfiicient nutrition may be compensated later on a normal diet. 
 But it is also true that a sufficiently long period of underfeeding 
 may result in permanent "stunting," the body apparently being 
 unable to recover its full capacity for growth. Stunting in man and 
 the mammals is undoubtedly due in large measure to subnormal 
 skeletal growth, and while the effect of long-continued underfeeding 
 on the physiological condition of the skeletal tissues is not known, 
 the facts suggest that the usual relation between senescence and 
 growth is altered. In other words, the cells which give rise to the 
 skeletal substance probably undergo some degree of senescence 
 during underfeeding without being able to produce as much skeletal 
 substance as under continuous good nutritive conditions, conse- 
 quently their rate of metabolism is lower and they are less capable 
 of producing skeletal substance after such a period than the cells 
 of an individual of the same size which has been continuously well 
 fed. The skeleton of the individual which has been subjected 
 to underfeeding for a sufficiently long time will therefore cease to 
 grow, even under good nutritive conditions, at a smaller size than 
 that of the continuously well-fed individual, and very probably 
 the same is true to a greater or less extent in other tissues. In the 
 underfed animal the proportion of more stable to less stable com- 
 ponents of the tissues must increase more rapidly than where nutri- 
 tion is sufficient for all requirements, for in the former case the less 
 stable components must break down to a larger extent than in the 
 latter. In the absence of sufficient food these substances must 
 serve to a larger extent as a source of energy or for the synthesis 
 of the more stable components than where sufficient nutritive sub- 
 stance is available. Consequently the substitution of more stable 
 for less stable substances in the tissues goes on during the period 
 of underfeeding, but with less than the usual amount of growth 
 because the less stable substances are present as structural com- 
 ponents in smaller proportion than under the usual conditions. 
 After a long period of underfeeding the tissues are physiologically 
 older and therefore less capable of growth, even when nutrition 
 is present in excess, than in the continuously well-fed animal of the 
 same size. According to this conception, senescence in the higher 
 animals and man may proceed to some extent even when httle or 
 no growth occurs, because the body substance is gradually trans- 
 formed to a greater or less extent from more active to more stable 
 From a certain stage of development on, the water-content of 
 the body undergoes in general a decrease with advancing age, as 
 many authors have shown. Davenport ('97) has found that in 
 the frog the percentage of water increases from 56 to 96 per cent 
 during the first two or three weeks after hatching, and then begins 
 to decrease. In the chick embryo and the human fetus the per- 
 centage of water decreases from an early stage. Aron ('13) has 
 compiled the data concerning the changes in water-content in man 
 and the higher animals. 
 The decrease in water-content is not uniform for the difYerent 
 organs, nor is its progress in a given organ entirely uniform in all 
 cases. The extensive investigations of Donaldson and Hatai' on 
 the water-content of the nervous system of the white rat show 
 that the percentage of water in this tissue changes very regularly 
 with advancing age. At birth it is about 88 per cent, at maturity 
 78 per cent, and it is altered only very slightly by nutritive con- 
 ditions and external factors. Donaldson states that it afifords the 
 best index known of the age of these animals. It is probable that 
 further investigations on other mammals would give similar results 
 for the nervous system, but for various other tissues, e.g., the 
 muscles, the variation in water-content is much greater. 
 It is an undoubted fact that after a certain stage the body 
 becomes more and more solid as the structural substance accumu- 
 lates. The decreasing water-content is in fact probably to some 
 extent merely another aspect of the process of structural accumula- 
 tion in the cells, although it may be in part the result of changes in 
 the aggregate condition of the colloids, as Bechhold ('12) and others 
 have suggested. 
 It is impossible to consider at length the changes in chemical 
 constitution which occur with advancing age. Aron's recent com- 
 pilation of the data on the biochemistry of growth ('13) affords a 
 good survey of our present knowledge on this question. In general 
 an increase in the percentage of proteid and of inorganic substances 
 occurs, and this increase is more rapid during the earlier >-ears of 
 ' Hatai, '04; Donaldson, 'iia, 'iii; Donaldson and Hatai, '11. 
 life than later. Certain organs also undergo characteristic changes 
 in constitution, but the relation between these changes and the age 
 cycle is in most cases not yet clear. 
 If senescence is merely one aspect of progressive development 
 the morphology of senescence in man and the higher forms is simply, 
 as elsewhere, the morphology of progressive development. The 
 morphological changes in the cells consist in general of the appear- 
 ance of more or less definite structural substances, which differ in 
 form and character according to the direction of differentiation in 
 particular cells or organs. Morphological differentiation of the 
 cell involves either an accumulation in the cytoplasm of substances 
 different in appearance and constitution from the cytoplasmic sub- 
 stratum of the embryonic cell, or a replacement of the embryonic 
 substratum by such substances. This process of differentiation, 
 or cytomorphosis as Minot prefers to call it, very commonly involves 
 an increase in the volume of the cytoplasmic portions of the cell 
 as compared with the nucleus. In embryonic cells the nucleus is in 
 general, relatively to the cytoplasm, larger than in differentiated 
 cells. Alinot has laid particular emphasis on this change in the 
 proportion of nucleus and cytoplasm as a fundamental feature of 
 progressive development and as the determining factor in the 
 decrease in metabolic rate which occurs in senescence. Such a 
 change undoubtedly does occur in at least many cells in the course 
 of dift'erentiation, particularly in the higher animals, but it is by 
 no means universal, as Minot maintains. In certain of the lower 
 animals there is little if any difference between the embryo and 
 the adult in this respect, and the differentiation of plant cells is 
 very generally accompanied by vacuolization rather than by in- 
 crease of cytoplasm. 
 Figs. 113 and 114 show embryonic and differentiated cells from 
 the spinal cord of the chick. The cells in Fig. 113 are from the 
 neural tube soon after its formation, and in Fig. 114, drawn to 
 the same scale, nerve cells from the spinal cord after eleven days 
 of incubation, at which time some of the nerve cells have attained 
 practically their full size. Measurements of the volume of nuclei 
 and cell bodies indicate that there is comparative!}' Hlllc change 
 in proportion during the process of differentiation. (Jf course 
 such measurements are not exact, and, besides, the measurements of 
 the cytoplasm do not include the dendrites and the nerve fiber 
 arising from the cell: if the volume of these were added to the 
 cytoplasmic volume of the cell the total would undoubtedly show 
 /V'''-',')v V ^»VC: '.• '.".\V' 
 ^;^^'^'l^y:'^;:.0'^^'!•■ .'•''.■:'.'.'.,•■ 
 Figs. 113, 114. — Cells from the nervous system of the chick embryo: I-'ig. 113, 
 embryonic cells from neural tube at 31 hours; Fig. 114, dilTerentiatcd motor 
 cells from spinal cord at 11 days, drawn to the same scale. From embryological 
 preparations of the University of Chicago. 
 an increase in cytoplasmic volume during ditTerentiation. But 
 how can the dendrites and the nerve fiber contribute to decrease the 
 rate of metabolism in the cell body, since they are merely slender 
 outgrowths from it ? The cell body has unquestionably undergone 
 senescence during differentiation, l)ut without any very great 
 change in the nucleo-cytoplasmic relation. A marked proportional 
 increase in the amount of cytoplasm does occur in many cases, but 
 it is an incidental rather than a fundamental feature of senescence. 
 The important change is not the change in amount, but the change 
 in the proportion of chemically active to inactive, or more active 
 to less active substance. 
 In the higher animals and man morphological differentiation 
 of the cells is much more conspicuous and varied than in the lower 
 forms, but the essential nature of the process is evidently the same 
 in all forms. Differentiation consists primarily, not in increase in 
 amount of cytoplasm, but in the accumulation of substances differ- 
 ent in some way from the embryonic cytoplasm and giving the cell 
 its characteristic structure. And it is unquestionably the increase 
 in these substances, not the increase in the amount of cytoplasm, 
 which determines the decrease in rate of metabolism and rate of 
 growth. The structural substances produced by different cells 
 differ in character in one way or another because in the course 
 of development different metabolic conditions arise in different 
 regions, and in the higher animals these conditions must be more 
 definite and fixed in character than in the lower organisms, because 
 the degree of individuation is higher, i.e., the correlation between 
 parts is more intimate and definite. These factors, together with 
 the limited regressibility in many parts, must also determine that 
 differentiation shall proceed farther than in the lower forms. The 
 structural differences in different cells are more permanent and more 
 conspicuous and in general involve the cell to a greater extent. 
 So far as they have turned their attention to the phenomena of 
 senescence the anatomists, histologists, and pathologists have 
 often failed to recognize what the study of the lower organisms 
 forces us to admit as a fact, viz., that senescence is merely one aspect 
 of development, and have confined their attention to, and based 
 their theories upon, the morphological changes which occur in later 
 life, and particularly in what we are accustomed to call old age. 
 One reason for this attitude among those investigators who have 
 been chiefly concerned with man lies in the fact that old age in 
 man and the higher vertebrates is associated with certain morpho- 
 logical changes in the cells which seem to be different in character 
 and direction from the developmental changes. These changes 
 are commonly known as senile atrophy.' They consist essenlially 
 of a decrease in size, with more or less degeneration of cells. These 
 changes are often so extensive and so widely distributed that there 
 is considerable decrease in size and weight of the body as a whole. 
 The atrophy may involve to a greater or less extent most or all 
 of the more highly specialized organs of the body, liver, kidneys, 
 alimentary tract, lungs, muscular system, skeleton, and nervous 
 system. The arterial system always shows changes in the direc- 
 tion of decreased elasticity and contractility, and the hardening 
 of the walls known as arteriosclerosis is very commonly present, 
 although some authors maintain that it is not a characteristic 
 feature of old age. The heart often becomes h>pertrophied in- 
 stead of atrophied, but this is believed by many to be a functional 
 reaction to the increased work of the heart in consequence of the 
 changes in the arterial system, rather than a feature of old age. 
 The connective tissue becomes stiffer and harder, but its less 
 highly specialized forms may increase and take the place of more 
 highly specialized organs or tissues which have undergone atroph}-. 
 In connection with these changes of old age the deposition of fatty 
 substances, evidently products of metabolism, occurs in the cells 
 of muscles, liver, brain, and various other tissues. 
 The difference in appearance of the spinal ganglion cells of man 
 at birth and in a case of death from old age at ninety-two years are 
 shown in Figs. 115 and 116. In the first figure the young cells 
 have not yet attained their full size, but compared with them, the 
 cells on the left of the second figure are seen by the spaces about 
 them to be greatly shrunken and their cytoplasm contains numerous 
 fat granules stained black by the method of preparation. On the 
 right of Fig. 116 the debris of two cells which have undergone 
 degeneration is seen. 
 The atrophy of tissues in old age is manifestly associated with 
 the decrease in rate of metabolism. It is a well-known fact that a 
 decrease or cessation of functional activity in the specialized organs 
 after their development brings about atrophy quite independently 
 ' For more recent discussions of senile atro[)hy see Bilancioni, '11; DemanRC, '86; 
 Metchnikoff, '03, '10; Minot, '08, chap, ii; Miihlmann, '00, '10; Ribbert, '08; articles 
 in medical dictionaries, cyclopedias, etc. 
 of age. Under such conditions, or where the rate of metabolism 
 has fallen below a certain level in consequence of age, the break- 
 down and elimination of the substratum is not compensated by the 
 synthesis of new substance, consequently a decrease in size and 
 finally cell death occur. Atrophy, in the higher animals differs 
 from reduction in the lower forms in that, while decrease in size 
 occurs, there is little or no dedifferentiation. The cell has appar- 
 ently become so highly differentiated that it has lost the capacity 
 for synthesizing a substratum adequate in quantity or constitution 
 Figs. 115, 116. — Cells from the first cer\dcal ganglion of man at different ages: 
 Fig. lis, from fetus killed by accident of birth; Fig. 116, from man dying of old age 
 at ninety-two years, showing on the left two cells shrunken and undergoing atrophy 
 and on the right the outlines of spaces formerly occupied by cells now degenerated. 
 After Hodge, '94. 
 to carry on metabolism. Consequently the losses from degradation 
 and breakdown of the existing substratum are not compensated by 
 the synthesis of new substratal substance, and sooner or later the 
 fundamental mechanism of the cell is destroyed and degeneration 
 and death occur. The atrophy of old age in organs of such funda- 
 mental importance as the nervous system indicates that there is 
 some truth in the statement, so often made, that the later stages of 
 senescence are a "wearing out" of the physiological mechanism or 
 some essential part of it. Apparently the nerve cells or some of 
 them do "wear out" because they are no longer able to synthesize 
 the substratum necessary for their continued function. But even 
 though the final stage of senescence, which terminates in death, 
 may be regarded as a wearing out and a breaking down of the 
 physiological mechanism at some point, it must not be forgotten 
 that this stage is merely the final stage of progressive development 
 and that the factors which determine it act from the beginning of 
 development on. 
 So far as the facts go, the process of senescence appears to be 
 essentially the same in the higher and lower organisms; the chief 
 difference is that with the absence of reproduction and the greater 
 degree of individuation and differentiation the later atrophic stages 
 of senescence are conspicuous and characteristic features of the 
 life history in the higher forms, while in the lower they either do 
 not appear or else occur in only a few cells at any given time. From 
 the lowest forms to man senescence is simply one aspect of the 
 developmental process, and we may expect to find it occurring 
 wherever the progressive changes are not balanced or overbalanced 
 by regression. 
 The apparent continuity and irregressibility of senescence in 
 man and the higher forms is responsible for the very general belief 
 that the process is irregressible everywhere, but the plants and lower 
 animals show us clearly enough that this is not the case. Viewed in 
 the light of what we have learned from the lower forms, senescence 
 in the higher animals and man is merely a less frequently inter- 
 rupted process of the same kind as that which occurs in all pro- 
 gressive stages of the Hfe cycle in the plants and the lower animals. 
 Aron, H. 
 191 1. "Wachstum und Emahrung," Biochem. Zcilschr., XXX. 
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 1913. Biochemie des Wachstums. Erweiterte Sonderausgabe aus dem 
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 1906. "A Comparison of the White Rat with Man in Respect to Growth 
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 1911a. President's Address; Philadelphia Neurological Society. Jour. 
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 igiib. "The Effect of Underfeeding on the Percentage of Water, on the 
 Ether-Alcohol Extract and on Medullation in the Central Nervous 
 System of the Albino Rat," Jour, of Comp. Neurol., XXI. 
 Donaldson, H. H., and Hatai, S. 
 191 1. "A Comparison of the Norway Rat with the Albino Rat in Respect 
 to Body Length, Brain Weight and the Percentage of Water in 
 Both the Brain and the Spinal Cord," Jour, of Comp. Neurol., XXI. 
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 Am. Jour, of Physiol., XII. 
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 1913. " Calorimetrical Experiments on Warmblooded Animals," Jour, of 
 Physiol, XLVI. 
 Hodge, C. F. 
 1894. "Changes in Ganglion Cells from Birth to Senile Death," Jour, 
 of Physiol., XVII. 
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 of the Albino Rat during Growth," Jour, of Biol. Chem., XV. 
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 Med., XXII. 
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 1911. "The Nature of the Repair Processes in Protein Metabolism," 
 Am. Jour, of Physiol., XXIX. 
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 Mendel, L. B. 
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 1903. The Nature of Man. English translation: New York and London. 
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 1908. The Problem of Age, Growth and Death. New York. 
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 1900. Uber die Ursachc des Alters. Wiesbaden. 
 1910. "Das Altern und der physiologische Tod," Sanimluiig aiiat. u. 
 physiol. Vorlr., XI. 
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 191 ic. "Feeding Experiments with Isolated Food-Substances," Parts I 
 and II. Carnegie Inst., Publ. 156. 
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 ence, XXXIV. 
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 1912c. "Maintenance Experiments with Isolated Proteins," Jour, of 
 Biol. Chem., XIII. 
 1913. "The Relation of Growth to the Chemical Constituents of the 
 Diet," Jour, of Biol. Chem., XV. 
 1914. "Amino-Acids in Nutrition and Growth," Jour, of Biol. Chem., 
 Patterson, J. T. 
 1913. " Polyembryonic Development in Tatusia novetncincta," Jour, of 
 Morphol., XXIV. 
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 Zeitschr. f. Biol., XIX. 
 1885. " Calorimetrische Untersuchungen," Zeitschr. f. Biol., XXI. 
 1908. Das Problem der Lebensdauer und seine Beziehungen zu Wachstum 
 und Erndhrung. Miinchen. 
 1909. Kraft und Stof im Haushalte der Natur. Leipzig. 
 1906. "Contribuzione alia conoscenza biologica degli Imenotteri parasiti: 
 I, Biologia del Litomastix truncatellus,'" Ann. Scuola Agric. Por- 
 tici, VI. 
 1895. "Untersuchungen iiber die Respiration und den Gesammtstoff- 
 wechsel des Menschen," Skand. Arch.f. Physiol., VI. 
 Speck, C. 
 1889. "Das normale Athmen des Menschen," Schriften d. Gesell. z. 
 Beford. d. ges. Wissensch., XII. 
 Waters, H. J. 
 1908. "The Capacity of Animals to Grow under Adverse Conditions," 
 Proc. of the Soc.for the Promotion of Agric. Sci., XXIX. 
 1909. "The Influence of Nutrition upon the Animal Form," Proc. of 
 the Soc.for the Promotion of Agric. Sci., XXX. 
 Wheeler, Ruth. 
 1913. "Feeding Experiments with Mice," Jour, of E.xp. Zool., XV. 
 Wilder, H. H. 
 1904. "Duplicate Twins and Double Monsters," Am. Jour, of Anat., III. 
 While much has been written concerning senescence and death 
 in man and the higher animals, but little attention has been paid 
 to the question of the occurrence of rejuvenescence, and many 
 authorities still maintain that life is always a progressive process 
 and that rejuvenescence does not occur. It is of course true that 
 in the higher animals the progressive features of development are 
 predominant and that development ends in death, and many 
 studies of senescence have been based on these forms alone, without 
 consideration or knowledge of the lower organisms. But- if we are 
 to reach a general conception of the age cycle in organisms, the wide 
 occurrence and significance of dedififerentiation and rejuvenescence 
 in the lower animals and the plants must at least raise the question 
 whether similar processes do not occur to some extent in higher 
 Even in man and the other mammals the different tissues do 
 not undergo senescence alike. Certain cells, such as the Malpighian 
 layer of the skin, continue to divide and replace the old dying or 
 dead cells of the epidermis, and remain relatively young in appear- 
 ance and behavior throughout the life and even after the death of 
 the individual. In various other tissues such replacement of old 
 differentiated, or dead cells by younger cells occurs more or less 
 extensively in normal life, and tissue regeneration, following injury 
 or loss of tissue cells, occurs to a greater or less extent in all tissues 
 except the nervous system. 
 The process of tissue regeneration, whether in normal life or as 
 a reaction to injury, undoubtedly retards the aging of the tissue 
 or organ concerned as a whole, but the question whether it involves 
 an actual dedifferentiation and rejuvenescence of the cells concerned 
 in the regeneration must be briefly considered. Minot ('08, '13) 
 has attempted to prove that dedifferentiation does not actuall}- 
 occur in such cases and that the regeneration takes its origin from 
 cells or parts of cells which have never undergone differentiation, 
 so that even in these cases development is progressive, not regres- 
 sive. His conclusions are based on the histological appearance, 
 not upon the behavior of the cells. One of the cases cited by him 
 as an example is the regeneration of striated muscle after injury. 
 He points out that the only portions of the muscle which take part 
 in the regeneration are the nuclei and the small accumulations of 
 Figs. 117- 122 . — Various stages of regeneration after wounding in striated muscle : 
 Fig. 117, injured muscle after three days, showing proliferation of nuclei and formation 
 of protoplasmic cells; Fig. 118, multinucleate masses resulting from proliferation; 
 Figs. 119, 120, "muscle buds" at ends of injured fibers; Fig. 121, regenerated fibers; 
 Fig. 122, giant cells, inclosing a piece of necrotic muscle fiber. From Ziegler, '01. 
 granular undifferentiated cytoplasm, as he terms it, which surround 
 them. From these parts the new muscle cells arise by division of 
 the nuclei and growth of the granular cytoplasm (Fig. 117); these 
 cells form multinucleate masses either along the course (Fig. 118) 
 or at the injured end of the fibrillar substance (Fig. 119). From 
 the cytoplasm of these cells new fibrillar substance arises in con- 
 tinuity with the old (Figs. 120, 121). When these cells are not in 
 contact with hving muscle substance, as at b in Fig. 117, they form 
 multinucleate "giant cells" (Fig. 122), and these do not give rise to 
 new fibrillar substance, but usually die sooner or later. Even if 
 Minot is correct in maintaining that the fibrillar substance has no 
 capacity for regeneration, it is of interest to note that the new 
 fibrillar substance seems to arise in continuity with the old, while 
 isolated cells apparently do not produce fibrillar substance. 
 The conclusion that there is no dcdift'erentiation involved in 
 such cases is, I believe, not warranted by the facts. The point of 
 importance is that during the earlier stages of their developmental 
 history the muscle cells produced granular cytoplasm and nuclear 
 substance and grew and divided, but later began to give rise to 
 fibrillar substance and the proportion of this substance to the 
 nuclei and granular ''undifferentiated" cytoplasm increased enor- 
 mously. After injury, however, the activity of the muscle cells 
 changes, and they produce more granular cytoplasm and more 
 nuclear substance. In short, they have returned to a kind of 
 activity characteristic of early stages of embryonic development. 
 What is this if it is not dediflferentiation ? The fact that the old 
 fibrillar substance degenerates instead of regenerating is quite 
 irrelevant. The question is not whether all parts of the cells are 
 capable of regeneration, but whether the cells can again resume a 
 kind of activity characteristic of an earlier stage of development, 
 and the process of regeneration of muscle and various other tissues 
 in man and the higher animals leaves no doubt that they possess 
 this capacity. Even in the outgrowth of new nerve fibers from the 
 central stump of a cut nerve there is a return to a process of growth 
 and development which is normally characteristic of an earlier 
 stage of development. Champy maintains that dcdift'erentiation 
 occurs in tissues cultivated outside the organism in nutritive 
 media — the method often termed explantation — and has described 
 at length the changes in cultures of kidney cells.' Regression and 
 dcdift'erentiation certainly occur to a greater or less extent in most 
 tissues of man and the higher animals, but the apparent inability 
 of the cells of one tissue to give rise to other tissues indicates that, 
 ' See Champy, '13, '14, and earlier papers which are included, together with 
 manj' other references bearing upon this question, in the bibliographic lists of these 
 at least under the usual conditions, regression does not bring the 
 cell back to a completely undifferentiated stage. 
 It is of course true that in some tissues, such as the skin, the 
 more highly differentiated cells show no capacity for dedifferentia- 
 tion, but die and are replaced by division and growth of cells which 
 remain throughout life in a more or less embryonic condition. In 
 such cases there is no evidence of regression and dedifferentiation, 
 but its absence in the one tissue does not justify the conclusion that 
 it is absent in another. DedilTerentiation and regression in tissue 
 cells are undoubtedly associated with rejuvenescence in the higher 
 as well as in the lower organisms, and tissue regeneration, whether 
 a feature of normal life or the result of injury, must bring about 
 some degree of rejuvenescence in the parts concerned. 
 After a period of hibernation, tissue regeneration is often very 
 extensive (Monti, '05) and may involve tissues which usually show 
 but little regeneration. In such cases the large proportion of young 
 cells in the body must render the animal as a whole, though not 
 necessarily all parts of it, appreciably younger than before hiberna- 
 tion. In fact, the periodic cycle of activity and hibernation in 
 various forms is in many respects similar to an age cycle. It is 
 probable that the rejuvenescence begins during the hibernation 
 period when the animal is living upon its own substance, like the 
 starving planarian, and that this change leads sooner or later to 
 renewed division and growth of cells. At the same time, other 
 cells doubtless die and are later replaced by the younger cells. 
 Other periodic changes, particularly in the glandular tissues, 
 show the essential characteristics of an age cycle. In the pancreas 
 cell, for example (see pp. 189-191), the loading of the cell is both 
 morphologically and physiologically similar to senescence, and the 
 discharge to rejuvenescence. In such cases the changes occur in 
 individual cells without cell reproduction. 
 The cells of the nervous system in man and many animals are 
 believed to persist throughout life, and to possess no appreciable 
 capacity for regression and dedifferentiation beyond their abihty 
 to regenerate the nerve fibers which arise from them. Doubtless 
 this belief is correct, so far as visible structural changes or measure- 
 able metabolic changes are concerned; but is there not reason to 
 believe that the effect of a change in mental occupation or of a 
 vacation after long-continued mental labor in a particular field is 
 in some slight degree a rejuvenescence of the nerve cells? Many 
 facts indicate that a reasonable variety in mental occupation is a 
 factor in retarding mental senility. What we often call mental 
 fatigue may be something much less evanescent than fatigue in the 
 ordinary sense, but recovery may occur in time. Verworn ('09, 
 p. 557) has drawn a distinction between fatigue, resulting from 
 accumulation of substances which retard metabolism, and exhaus- 
 tion, resulting from lack of oxygen or other substances necessary 
 for metabolism. Recently Dolley ('14) has maintained that both 
 of these changes may bring about senility in the nerve cell. Ex- 
 haustion, I beheve, resembles senility as death from asphyxiation 
 resembles death from old age. In both exhaustion and senility the 
 rate of oxidation may be decreased, but the factors involved and 
 the condition of the organism in the two cases are very different. 
 Recovery from exhaustion is then not the same sort of change as 
 rejuvenescence except as it involves increase in rate of oxidation. 
 Fatigue and recovery constitute a cycle resembling much more 
 closely the age cycle. As I have pointed out in chap, viii, it is im- 
 possible to draw the line sharply between age changes and various 
 other periodic or cyclical changes in the organism, and, although 
 the nervous system is without doubt a highly stable tissue, the ver\' 
 definite physiologically regressive changes which occur in recovery 
 from mental fatigue or from long-continued mental activity of a 
 particular kind suggest that changes closely approaching rejuvenes- 
 cence occur. Even here development is not always and onh- pro- 
 gressive, as ]Minot and many others would have us believe, but is 
 made up of progressive and regressive changes with the balance 
 greatly in favor of the former. 
 The occurrence of rejuvenescence in connection with starvation 
 in planarians raises the question whether any changes in this direc- 
 tion are associated with starvation in the higher animals. The 
 metabolism of starvation in man and the higher vertebrates has 
 been extensively studied by many investigators,' and there is 
 ' See the bibliographies in ihe the article by Weber, " Cber IIungerstolTwechsel," 
 Ergcbnisse d. Physiol., I, 1902, in the paper b\' I'embrey and Spriggs, '04, and in Bene- 
 dict's studies of starvation metabolism in man (Benedict, '07, '15). 
 general agreement that the rate of metaboHsm falls rapidly during 
 the early stages of starvation to a more or less constant level. In 
 the later stages of starvation the well-known premortal increase 
 in nitrogen elimination occurs, which most authors believe to be 
 due to increased breakdown of tissue substance after the reserves 
 of fat have largely disappeared. In Benedict's latest study of 
 starvation-metabolism, covering a fasting period of thirty-one days 
 in the human subject, the ox^-gen consumption, carbon-dioxide pro- 
 duction, and heat production per kilo of body-weight show a slight 
 increase toward the end of the period, and other investigators men- 
 tion slight changes of the same sort, but whether these facts have 
 any significance in connection with rejuvenescence is not yet clear. 
 While considerable loss of weight occurs before death, in no case 
 is there a degree of reduction comparable to that observed in the 
 lower invertebrates. Apparently the higher animals are unable 
 for some reason to use their own tissues as a source of nutrition to 
 any such extent as the lower forms. Probably this inability is due 
 in large part to the relatively high physiological stability of the 
 tissue components, but other factors may also be concerned. 
 While there is no distinct indication of any rejuvenescence 
 during the starvation period, it has often been noted that the body- 
 weight after starvation becomes greater than before. Von Seeland 
 ('87) found this to be the case in fowls with periodic starvation. The 
 increase in weight was due primarily to increase in proteids and 
 not to deposition of fat. Noe ('00) obtained similar results by 
 periodic starvation of rabbits and mice. In man also a starvation 
 period is often followed by an increase in vigor and body-weight, 
 and starvation, properly controlled, is believed by many to possess 
 a certain therapeutic significance. 
 The injurious eft'ects of overnutrition in man are commonly 
 supposed to be due in large measure to the accumulation of fat or 
 to intoxications. The possibility must, however, be admitted that 
 overnutrition may actually increase the rate of senescence to some 
 slight extent by increasing the deposition in the cellular substratum, 
 not only of fat, but of other substances which aid in decreasing the 
 general rate of metabolism. Instances of longevity in man on a 
 low diet are not lacking, and much has been written during recent 
 years of the perils of overeating. 
 In certain bacterial diseases, such for example as typhoid fever, 
 a very great decrease in body-weight may occur, and it is often 
 observed that the body-weight becomes greater and the person 
 apparently more vigorous after recovery than })cfore the illness. 
 These various facts viewed in the light of the effects of starva- 
 tion and reduction in the lower invertebrates indicate that, even in 
 man, reduction by starvation or other means may bring about some 
 degree of rejuvenescence through the breakdown and elimination 
 of constituents of the cellular substratum. During reduction in 
 these cases the rejuvenescence is potential rather than actual, and 
 it becomes apparent only when recovery occurs. But rejuvenes- 
 cence by reduction is limited in the higher animals, for reduction 
 in these forms soon ends in death, so that there is at present no 
 immediate prospect of our being able to rejuvenate ourselves to 
 any great degree, or to retard senescence or delay death to any 
 great extent by any such means. Under certain conditions long- 
 continued or periodic starvation may bring about an appreciable 
 rejuvenescence, but it is not in any sense a cure-all for human ills. 
 There is not the slightest doubt that certain recent books and 
 articles on the therapeutic value of starvation, written by laymen 
 who have experimented on themselves, have done great harm to 
 many persons. Certainly no one who desires to subject himself to 
 experiment of this kind should do so without submitting first to a 
 thorough medical examination and to medical observation and 
 control during the experiment. Where weakness or organic disease 
 exists, such experiments may be only a means of aggravation and 
 so hasten, rather than delay, death. And even if such diseases as 
 typhoid fever do in some cases accomphsh a slight degree of rejuve- 
 nescence, no one will be inclined to regard them as an unmixed good. 
 In too many cases they serve only to develop or aggravate 
 weaknesses or to prepare the way for other infections, and so to 
 shorten life rather than to prolong it. 
 A recent study of the susceptibility to the cyanides and to lack 
 of oxygen of fishes during starvation, by Mr. M. M. Wells," seems 
 to indicate that, as regards the effect of starvation, the fishes 
 ' Mr. Wells, formerly an assistant in the Department of Zoolopy of tlie University 
 of Chicago, has not yet completed his investigations, but very kindly permits the 
 citation of certain of the results obtained. 
 occupy a position intermediate between the higher vertebrates 
 and the lower invertebrates, such as Planaria. Thus far Mr. Wells 
 has found that the susceptibility to cyanide and lack of oxygen 
 decreases early in starvation and remains more or less constant 
 during the first month or six weeks and then undergoes a rapid 
 increase and may become as high as that of well-fed growing indi- 
 viduals of much smaller size than the starved animals at the begin- 
 ning of the experiment. Apparently the rate of metabolism falls 
 early in starvation and remains relatively low for several weeks while 
 decrease in weight goes on, but after several weeks the rate begins to 
 rise and may reach that of animals which are physiologically much 
 younger than the starved animals were at the beginning. During 
 the first part of the period the starved fishes behave as regards rate 
 of metabolism like the warm-blooded animals, but later a rise in 
 rate occurs like that which the planarians show from the beginning. 
 Any attempt at interpretation of these results must at present, 
 however, be little more than a guess. The experiments suggest 
 that after removal or transformation of certain constituents of the 
 substratum the cells begin to burn themselves up at an increasingly 
 rapid rate as in Planaria, and so a much greater degree of rejuvenes- 
 cence occurs, at least in some tissues, than in the mammals. 
 It has long been known that frogs and salamanders may live 
 for long periods of time without food and may undergo a consider- 
 able degree of reduction during starvation. In his studies of the 
 effects of starvation on members of this group Morgulis ('ii, '13) 
 has found that protracted starvation has a distinctly rejuvenating 
 effect. After starvation the animals grow more rapidly, use a 
 larger percentage of the nutrition in growth, and attain larger size 
 than those continuously fed. Contrary to von Seeland (p. 298), 
 Morgulis finds that intermittent starvation has a stunting effect, 
 but suggests that in his experiments the animals did not com- 
 pletely recover between starvation periods. 
 In man and the higher vertebrates and probably also in the 
 higher invertebrates, such as the insects, individuation and differ- 
 entiation have progressed so far that after the earlier stages of 
 development any considerable degree of reduction or regression is 
 impossible under ordinary conditions without endangering in one 
 way or another the continued existence of the whole mechanism. 
 But the facts indicate that even in such organisms some degree of 
 regression and rejuvenescence may occur. 
 When the rate of metabohsm becomes so low in consequence of 
 advancing senescence that the cell or organism can no longer 
 synthesize its metabolic substratum in sufficient amount to com- 
 pensate the losses, atrophy begins and must sooner or later end in 
 the destruction of the physiological mechanism, which is death. 
 In a complex organism like man, different cells and tissues grow 
 old at different rates, and death from old age of the organism as a 
 whole does not by any means imply the death of all its cells. Death 
 of cells apparently from old age occurs from early stages of develop- 
 ment throughout the whole life history, and we also know that 
 most of the cells of the body do not die when death of the individual 
 occurs. The individual dies when some tissue or organ which is 
 essential for its continued existence reaches the point of death, 
 and since the parts are incapable of dedifferentiation and a new 
 individuation, the other organs or cells die sooner or later because 
 of lack of nutrition or oxygen, or because of the accumulation of 
 toxic products of metabolism. 
 So-called physiological death in the higher animals is then due 
 to the breakdown of the physiological mechanism of the indi- 
 vidual at some essential point, and not to the simultaneous death 
 of all parts. As regards this fact different authorities are agreed, 
 but wide differences of opinion exist as regards the organ or organs 
 responsible for breakdown of the mechanism. ]\Iuhlmann ('00. 
 '10, '14) and Ribbert ('08) maintain that physiological death is 
 essentially a death of the brain; Lorand ('11), that the glands of 
 internal secretion are primarily responsible; and Demangc ('86) 
 and ]\letchnikoff ('03, '10) regard arteriosclerosis as the most 
 important factor in death. 
 Without attempting any extended discussion of these and other 
 views, it may be pointed out that the growth of the central nervous 
 system begins and is completed earlier, and that its development is 
 apparently more continuously progressive, with less rejuvenescence, 
 than that of other organs. Even in starvation the nervous system 
 shows Httle or no reduction. There is, therefore, some reason for 
 beheving with ^Miihhnann and Ribbert that death from old age 
 uncomphcated by disease or incidental factors is primarily a death 
 of the nervous system, and both the histological characteristics of 
 the nerve cells and the physiological condition of the nervous system 
 in cases of extreme old age afford support to this view. Even in 
 invertebrates as low in the scale as annehds. Harms ('12) has 
 observed that the first structural changes preceding natural death 
 occur in the cephahc portion of the central nervous system. 
 But death from old age alone without any complicating factors 
 is undoubtedly rare, and it is very difficult to determine in any 
 given case whether complicating factors are present or not; con- 
 sequently it is not possible to assert positively that natural death 
 is in all cases death of the brain or nervous system, although the 
 evidence points in that direction. 
 In various insects and in certain fish, e.g., the salmon, death 
 occurs almost at once after extrusion of the sexual products. In 
 such cases the factor immediately concerned in bringing about 
 death is probably exhaustion rather than old age, although the 
 organism is undoubtedly in an advanced stage of senescence when 
 sexual maturity is attained. In certain insects and some other 
 invertebrates which do not feed in the adult stage natural death 
 is probably a death from starvation. 
 The natural length of life of organisms must depend on a variety 
 of factors, such as specific constitution of protoplasm, rate of senes- 
 cence, continuity of progressive development, or in other words the 
 degree of rejuvenescence during the life history, functional activity, 
 perhaps the amount and in some forms probably also the character 
 of food. In general it represents the length of time from the 
 beginning of senescence in the early stages of development to the 
 stage where the rate of metaboHsm is so low that the physiological 
 mechanism disintegrates. Commonly the life of the organism is 
 very much longer than that of many of its constituent cells, but it 
 is probable that the extreme limit of life of the individual is deter- 
 mined by the length of life of its shortest-hved essential organ or 
 tissue, and this must be the organ or tissue which is least subject to 
 or capable of regression and rejuvenescence and whose dcveloi)- 
 ment is consequently most continuously progressive. In the higher 
 animals this organ is unquestionably the central nervous system. 
 This line of evidence, therefore, lends further support to the view 
 that natural death is a death of the nervous system. 
 In the warm-blooded vertebrates, where rejuvenescence plays 
 a minor part in the life history, the length of life in a particular 
 species is a more or less definite length of time, because the rate of 
 metabolism is largely independent of external conditions and the 
 rate of development and senescence is therefore determined largely 
 by internal factors which are more or less constant for the species. 
 In the cold-blooded animals, however, where rate of metabolism is 
 dependent on external temperature, senescence can unquestionably 
 be retarded, and so the length of life increased, by low temperature. 
 Moreover, in many of these animals long-continued starvation 
 and extensive reduction may occur with complete recovery, and 
 there is no doubt that under such conditions a greater or less degree 
 of rejuvenescence and consequently an increase in length of life 
 may occur in some cases. As regards the lower invertebrates, it 
 was shown in an earlier chapter that senescence may be retarded 
 or inhibited for a long time and probably indefinitely by the simple 
 means of underfeeding. This is of course not possible in the higher 
 animals, for their most stable tissues undergo senescence to some 
 extent even under these conditions. 
 Among the lower animals and the plants cell death occurs, as 
 in the higher forms, as the end of progressive development, and 
 death of the many-celled individual may occur if progression and 
 senescence are not balanced by regression and rejuvenescence. 
 Even in the unicellular forms reproduction by fission brings about 
 some degree of rejuvenescence, and it is probable that nuclear and 
 cell division in general accomplish the same result to some slight 
 degree. When cells lose the capacity to divide they differentiate, 
 grow old, and sooner or later die. In short, the only conclusion 
 warranted by the facts is that death is everywhere the final result 
 of progressive development, if the process goes far enough, but in 
 many organisms progressive development is interrupted by regres- 
 sive processes connected with repair, reproduction, lack of food, or 
 other conditions, and the death point is never attained by the indi- 
 vidual, although even in such forms death of cells, apparently from 
 old age, may be a characteristic feature. 
 The appearance of death in the course of evolution as the end 
 of the life history of the individual is to be regarded as a result of 
 the increasing physiological stability of the substratum of the 
 organism and the increasing degree of individuation which the 
 greater stability makes possible. These changes determine a 
 greater degree of continuity of progressive development and senes- 
 cence and so less frequent and less extensive regression, reproduc- 
 tion, and rejuvenescence. 
 As the evolution of the individual advances with its increasing 
 differentiation and more intimate correlation of parts, death as the 
 termination of the individual life history becomes more and more 
 Most authors who have discussed senescence have regarded 
 death as merely the final termination of the processes of senescence, 
 whatever their view concerning the nature of these. But certain 
 of the theories advanced which concern themselves particularly 
 with the problem of the length of life require special mention here. 
 Some thirty years ago Weismann ('82, '84) first stated his view 
 that the cause of death lies in the limitation of capacity for cell 
 reproduction. In the unicellular organisms, according to Weis- 
 mann, this capacity is not limited, therefore the protozoa do not 
 die. In the multicellular organism, however, only the germ cells 
 retain the capacity for unlimited division; in the somatic cells the 
 number of possible cell divisions has been limited by the action of 
 natural selection, which determines in general that life shall not 
 continue long after the reproductive period is completed. In later 
 writings ('92, '04) Weismann has elaborated this idea further, but 
 without essential change. The theory concerns itself with the 
 evolution of length of life and of death rather than with the problem 
 of the nature of the physiological processes involved. Death must 
 of course have occurred before the length of life could be subjected 
 to the action of selection. Weismann maintains, however, that 
 death is not a fundamental characteristic of life, but an adaptation 
 which has arisen "because unhmited duration of the life of the 
 individual would be a senseless luxury." In other words, death 
 appeared at some time as a chance variation which was inherited 
 and was of such value to the organic world that through the action 
 of natural selection it has become universal in multicellular organ- 
 isms. Death was possible in these forms because somatic and germ 
 cells were separated, while in the unicellular forms they are one and 
 the same cell. 
 The problems of death and length of life find no solution in these 
 speculations. The occurrence of death is simply assumed as the 
 foundation of the theory. But it is not true that all multicellular 
 forms necessarily die. As I have endeavored to show, many forms, 
 both plants and animals, may escape death by reproduction and 
 rejuvenescence in exactly the same way as do the protozoa. On 
 the other hand, there is every reason to believe that if the protozoa 
 live long enough without reproduction they too die of old age and 
 the germ cells of the multicellular forms also apparent!)- undergo 
 senescence and die of old age if rejuvenescence is not initiated by 
 fertilization (see pp. 403-6). The evidence also indicates that 
 death occurs in general soon after the period of sexual reproduction 
 is over, not because of advantage to the species, but because sexual 
 maturity is a physiological feature of relatively advanced age. Pro- 
 gressive development, which ends in death, except where interrupted 
 by regression, is far advanced when sexual reproduction begins. 
 And, finally, it is rather remarkable that natural selection should 
 have succeeded so completely, as Weismann believes it has, in elimi- 
 nating the species in which death does not naturally occur. 
 A theory of length of hfe of a very different sort, based pri- 
 marily upon calorimetric investigations on various domestic mam- 
 mals and man, has been advanced by Rubner ('08, '09). From the 
 available data Rubner has calculated the total energ>- requirement 
 in calories for a doubling of body-weight after birth and the require- 
 ment per kilogram of body-weight for the whole period of life after 
 growth is completed in a number of the domestic mammals ant! 
 man. The total calories required for the doubling of weight are 
 given in Table VI, and the total calories per kilogram of body- 
 weight for the period after completion of growth in Table \I1. 
 The totals for all except man show a rather close agreement in 
 each table, and while Rubner admits that the data on which these 
 figures are based are not in all cases satisfactory, he concludes 
 from the figures that the amounts of energy required, first, for the 
 doubling of weight in growth and, secondly, for the maintenance of 
 each kilogram of body- weight during adult life, are the same in 
 all species in the tables except man. Man uses a much greater 
 Horse 4,512 Pig 3,754 
 Cow 4,243 ■ Dog 4,304 
 Sheep 3,936 Cat 4,554 
 Man 28,864 Rabbit 5,066 
 Man 725,770 Dog 163,900 
 Horse 163,900 Cat 223,800 
 Cow 141,090 Guinea-pig. 265,500 
 amount of energy in both cases, i.e., a much smaller percentage of 
 the energy of food is concerned in growth and maintenance of body- 
 weight in man than in the other mammals. These results of his cal- 
 culations lead Rubner to suggest that the living substance can 
 undergo only a certain number of atomic rearrangements before 
 becoming exhausted and breaking down. According to this view, 
 life is terminated by the completion of a complex chemical 
 While I do not regard myself as quahfied to criticize the methods 
 of calculation, or the data on which these are based, though they 
 may be open to criticism at certain points, Rubner's general conclu- 
 sion demands consideration on general biological grounds. Assum- 
 ing the vaHdity of the data and methods of treatment, considerable 
 uniformity in energy requirement in the mammals is to be expected, 
 for they are closely related to each other, the rate of metabohsm is 
 not widely dift'erent in different species, and progressive develop- 
 ment is not to any great extent interrupted by regression and 
 rejuvenescence. The facts scarcely warrant us in going beyond the 
 conclusion that development is a similar process in all these mam- 
 malian species. If life is terminated, not by the completion of a 
 complex reaction, as Rubner suggests, but by changes in the sub- 
 stratum which retard metaboHsm, the domesticated mammals might 
 certainly be expected to require somewhere near similar amounts 
 of energy to attain the death point. 
 Rubner fails entirely to take into account the fact that in all 
 the species under consideration the length of life of different cells 
 is very different. Some die after a life which is short compared 
 with the life of a whole organism, and are replaced by others, so 
 that in some tissues growth and development continue throughout 
 the life of the animal. Other cells apparently persist as long as the 
 animal lives, and it is probably these, e.g., the cells of the nervous 
 system, which are primarily responsible for natural death, as sug- 
 gested above. Rubner's theory also does not admit the possibihty 
 of rejuvenescence except in connection with fertilization, nor does 
 it show how the starting-point of the complex reaction is again 
 attained at the beginning of each generation. As regards the 
 exceptional position of man, Rubner beheves that the human living 
 substance is different from that of other mammals and requires a 
 much larger amount of energy for a given amount of growth. 
 These data compare man with domesticated mammals; if it were 
 possible, it would be of considerable interest to determine whether 
 the energy requirements are the same in wild as in domesticated 
 animals. It seems probable that they would be higher in the wild 
 In a number of papers Loeb has discussed the nature of the 
 processes which bring about death in the mature egg when it is not 
 fertilized and has described certain methods by which its life can 
 be prolonged. In two papers, however (Loeb, '02, '08), he has 
 dealt with the problems of death and length of life in a more general 
 way. The starfish egg, if not fertilized, dies, usually within a few 
 hours after maturation, but if it is prevented by lack of o.xygen 
 from undergoing maturation its life may be prolonged for days. 
 From these facts Loeb concludes that natural death in these cases 
 is due to specific destructive processes which are set going by 
 maturation. These processes cannot be identical with the pro- 
 cesses underlying development, because they are inhibited or 
 delayed by the fertilization of the egg. 
 In the second paper he uses the temperature coeflEicient of the 
 length of hf e of sea-urchin eggs at high temperatures as a basis for 
 his conclusions. To determine the temperature coefficient of length 
 of life Loeb subjects lots of freshly fertilized eggs of sea-urchins to 
 different temperatures above that in which they normally develop, 
 and then, by removing portions of each lot at intervals to room 
 temperature and allowing them to develop, he finds the length of 
 time at the high temperature which is just necessary to prevent the 
 eggs from developing into normal swimming larvae. The ratio 
 of these times for different temperatures is the temperature coeffi- 
 cient. These experiments give a temperature coefficient of approxi- 
 mately i,ooo for io° C, i.e., it requires only about one-thousandth 
 as long at 30° as at 20° C. to injure the eggs so that they do not 
 produce normal larvae. The temperature coefficient of the length 
 of life of unfertilized eggs Loeb finds to be about the same. 
 The temperature coefficient of embryonic development in the 
 sea-urchins is 2.86 for 10° C, which means that a rise in tempera- 
 ture of 10° increases the rate of development 2.86 times. This 
 is about the usual temperature coefficient of chemical reaction at 
 these temperatures. 
 Loeb's argument is that if the processes which determine devel- 
 opment and those which determine length of life are identical, they 
 must have the same temperature coefficient, and since they do not, 
 he concludes that they must be different. Death is therefore not 
 the final result of development, but of specific processes quite dis- 
 tinct from the developmental processes. He also attempts to 
 account for the supposed large numbers of individuals in the animal 
 life of cold waters on this basis; at 10°, for example, animals develop 
 about one-third as rapidly but live one thousand times as long as at 
 20°; therefore the number of individuals alive at any given time 
 must be much greater at the lower than at the higher temperature. 
 There are several objections to this line of argument. In the 
 first place, the processes which immediately determine death may 
 be very different from those which underlie development, and still 
 death may be the result of the developmental processes, because 
 these bring the organism into a condition where the death changes 
 can occur. Loeb, himself, admits this when he says that the 
 destructive processes which bring about death in the unfertilized 
 egg are set going by the maturation process. Maturation is a 
 normal feature of the hfe history of the egg, and to say that it leads 
 to death is merely to say that the end of the developmental history 
 is death. 
 As regards the conclusions drawn from the temperature coeffi- 
 cient of length of life, Loeb assumes that death from high tempera- 
 ture is identical with natural death from old age, although there is 
 no evidence that this is the case. Certainly there is little reason for 
 believing that the death of embryos in early stages or of lar\^ae is 
 the same thing as the death from old age of full-grown animals. 
 Death in these early stages, however it occurs, is undoubtedly due 
 to processes different from the developmental processes, but it is at 
 the same time an indication that something has gone wrong and 
 not in any sense a natural physiological death. To make an acci- 
 dental process of this kind the basis for conclusions concerning 
 length of hfe and physiological death under natural conditions is 
 certainly not warranted until convincing proof that the two are 
 identical is presented. Loeb has failed completely to show that 
 the processes which bring about death at high temperature have 
 anything to do with physiological death in nature and he has 
 presented no evidence to show that physiological death is not the 
 result and final stage of development. 
 As regards the relation between senescence, death, and rejuve- 
 nescence, the higher animals and man differ from the lower organisms 
 in the limitation of the capacity for regression and rejuvenescence 
 under the usual conditions. Senescence is therefore more continu- 
 ous than in the lower forms and results in death, which is the final 
 stage of progressive development. These characteristics of man 
 and the higher animals are connected with the evolutionary increase 
 in the physiological stabiUty of the protoplasmic substratum and 
 the higher degree of individuation which results from it. Neverthe- 
 less, some degree of rejuvenescence occurs, even in man, and ditler- 
 ent tissues differ as regards their capacity for rejuvenescence, the 
 central nervous system being apparently least capable of regressive 
 changes. This characteristic of the nervous system suggests the 
 probabihty that the natural or physiological length of life in these 
 forms is determined primarily by the length of hfe of the nervous 
 system and that physiological death is primarily the death, as the 
 final stage of senescence, of the nervous system. This view is 
 supported by various facts of observation. 
 Physiological or natural death is not something which has 
 originated in the course of evolution from the lower to the higher 
 forms. All organisms, from the lowest to the highest, from the 
 simplest to the most complex, undoubtedly die of old age, unless 
 senescence is compensated by rejuvenescence. In the lower forms 
 the death point may never be attained under the usual conditions 
 because the low stability of the substratum and the consequent 
 low degree of individuation permit the frequent occurrence of a high 
 degree of rejuvenescence. In the higher forms death becomes 
 inevitable and necessary because the capacity for rejuvenescence 
 is limited by the greater stabihty of the substratum. For his high 
 degree of individuation man pays the penalty of individual death, 
 and the conditions and processes in the human organism which 
 lead to death in the end are the conditions and processes which 
 make man what he is. The advance of knowledge and of experi- 
 mental technique may make it possible at some future time to 
 bring about a greater degree of rejuvenescence and retardation of 
 senescence in man and the higher animals than is now possible, but 
 when we remember that the present condition of the protoplasmic 
 substratum of these organisms is the result of millions of years of 
 evolutionary equilibration, we cannot but admit that this task may 
 prove to be one of considerable difficulty. 
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 1901. Allgemeine Pathologie. X. Auflage. Jena. 
 The question of the origin of the gametes or sex cells derives its 
 chief importance from the germ-plasm theory, first advanced by 
 Galton ('72) and Jager ('77) and later developed by Weismann 
 ('85, '92) , which postulates the continuous existence of a germ plasm 
 independent of the soma— that is, of other parts of the organism— 
 except for nutrition, and giving rise to the gametes. If such a 
 germ plasm exists and is continuous from generation to generation 
 we should expect to find in at least some organisms indications of 
 the separate existence of germ plasm and soma, even in early stages 
 of development. An early segregation of the germ plasm from the 
 somatic cells has been recorded for various animals and these facts 
 have commonly been regarded as affording support to the germ- 
 plasm hypothesis. Other facts, such as the formation of gametes 
 and the occurrence of regeneration from apparently differentiated 
 cells in some animals and in plants, forced Weismann to assume the 
 existence of a " supplementary germ plasm '' which was supposed to 
 exist in the nuclei of many differentiated cells and which might be 
 "activated" under the proper conditions and give rise to new 
 embryonic cells, or even to gametes. The existence of this supple- 
 mentary germ plasm may be assumed wherever it is necessary for 
 the theory, so that a vicious circle is established. 
 But when we consider the facts apart from theoretical considera- 
 tions, we find that the gametes appear to be integral parts of the 
 organism when they arise, that they become highly specialized and 
 differentiated cells, and that fertihzation, whatever the nature of 
 its mechanism, initiates a process of dedifferentiation and rejuve- 
 nescence which is followed by another period of differentiation and 
 senescence. This and the two following chapters are concerned 
 with the development of this point of view. 
 Thus far no evidence has been discovered among the plants of an 
 early separation of the primitive germ cells from other so-called 
 somatic portions of the organism, such as has been described for 
 various animals (see pp. 323-33). No Keimhahn or germ path 
 exists in the plants, that is, the germ cells cannot be followed through 
 the developmental history as cells or protoplasmic regions distinct 
 from other parts of the body. 
 In that group of the green algae known as the Conjugales, 
 which includes Spirogyra and the desmids, in the diatoms, and 
 in most of the ciliate infusoria among the animals, the cell which 
 constitutes the body of the organism becomes the gamete without 
 any or with comparatively little visible structural change; two 
 such cells conjugate, and their contents fuse to form the 
 In other algae and in those fungi in which gametic reproduction 
 is known to occur, the gametes are always more or less different 
 both in morphological structure and behavior from other parts of 
 the organism, but they originate from the plant body and to all 
 appearances are the most highly specialized parts of the species, 
 and, finally, in most cases, show a high degree of sexual differentia- 
 tion, as the following figures show. Fig. 123 shows the young egg 
 cell of Volvox, Fig. 124 a Volvox spermatozoid. Fig. 125 the oogonium 
 and antheridium of the alga Oedogoniimi with female and male 
 gametes, Fig. 126 the sex organs of Chara with the single egg in the 
 oogonium, and Fig. 127 a spermatozoid of Chara. In Fig. 128 
 the sex organs of the fungus Saprolegnia and their relation to the 
 vegetative part of the plant are shown. In all these cases 
 the gametes show the same sort of sexual differentiation as in the 
 multicellular animals. In the mold Mucor, however, the ends of 
 two hyphae enlarge and come together, and a gametic cell is sepa- 
 rated from each (Fig. 129), but the two cells are not, so far as 
 known, sexually differentiated. These two cells increase in size 
 (Fig. 130) and unite to form the zygospore (Fig. 131). In none 
 of these cases is there any trace of an early segregation of the germ 
 cells from the rest of the plant. The sex organs and germ cells 
 appear only when the plant attains a certain physiological condition. 
 Figs. 123-127.— Gametes of various algae: Fig. 123, young egg cell of Volvox 
 aureus, connected with surrounding vegetative cells by numerous plasmatic strands 
 (from Klein, '89) ; Fig. 1 24, spermatozoid of Volvox aureus (from Klein. 'Sq) ; Fig. 1 25. 
 part of iilament of Ocdogouium, showing oiigonium with large egg and below three 
 antheridia, from two of which spermatozoids have escaped (from Coulter, etc., '10); 
 Fig. 126, branch of Chara, bearing oogonium, og, containing a single egg and anlhcrid- 
 ium, an (after Sachs, from Coulter, etc., '10); Fig. 127, spermatozoid of Chara (from 
 Belajefr, '94). 
 In the mosses and ferns the separate history of the germ cells 
 may in the male extend back to an early stage in the development 
 of the male sexual organ, the antheridium, where the sperma- 
 togenous cell or cells become separated from the cells of the 
 antheridial wall. Fig. 132 shows the stage of development of the 
 antheridium in which the spermatogenous cells first become segre- 
 gated in Riccia, one of the liverworts. After their segregation 
 Figs, i 28-131. — Gametes of fungi: Fig. 128, oogonium of Saprolegnia, contain- 
 ing several eggs and antheridial tube piercing its wall in fertilization (from Coulter, 
 etc., '10); Figs. 1 29-131, three stages in formation and union of gametes in Mncor 
 (from Brefeld, '72). 
 the spermatogenous cells undergo numerous divisions and finally 
 give rise to spermatozoids. 
 The female gamete, on the other hand, is not separated from 
 other non-gametic cells until the last division preceding fertilization. 
 Figs. 133-39 show the development of the archegonium of Riccia. 
 The divisions of the central cell in Fig. 135 produce the four neck 
 canal cells and the ventral cell (Fig. 137). Fig. 138 shows the 
 division of the ventral cell which gives rise to the ventral canal 
 cell and the egg. The fully developed archegonium, containing 
 the egg 0, is shown in Fig. 139. The canal cells take no part in 
 reproduction, but degenerate before fertilization. 
 132 © 
 138 © 
 133 © 
 134 © 
 137 © 
 139 © 
 Figs. 132-139. — Stages of gamete formation in the liverwort Rice id : lii;. 13.', 
 antheridium in stage at which spermatogenous cells become segregated from cells 
 of wall; Figs. 133-139, formation of archegonium and egg, 0, in Riccia. From Coulter, 
 etc., '10. 
 In the seed plants the whole gametophyte generation is greatly 
 reduced and represents scarcely more than specialized male and 
 female organs of the plant. In the lower seed plants, the gymno- 
 sperms, a considerable number of nuclear divisions may occur in 
 the development of the gametophyte, and the female gamete is 
 separated from other cells at some stage of this development. 
 In the male gametophyte of the gymnosperms the number of 
 divisions varies, but is always small, and in the course of these 
 divisions the male gamete is separated from non-reproductive 
 And finally in the angiosperms, which represent the final stage 
 in reduction of the gametophyte, the development of the male 
 gametophyte — the mature pollen 
 grain — from the microspore con- 
 sists, with one exception, of only 
 two nuclear divisions, of which the 
 first separates the primary sper- 
 matogenous cell from the tube 
 nucleus and the second divides 
 the spermatogenous nucleus into 
 two male gametes, so that the 
 male gametophyte contains only 
 three nuclei (Fig. 140). 
 The course of development of 
 the female gametophyte, which is 
 the embryo sac within the ovule, 
 is indicated in Fig. 141. The 
 nucleus of the megaspore {A) divides and the two daughter nuclei 
 pass to opposite poles (B); a second di\ision occurs in each (C), 
 and a third follows (D), so that eight nuclei are present, four at each 
 pole, but without cell boundaries. Two nuclei, one from each group 
 of four, move toward the middle of the embryo sac and fuse to form 
 the primary endosperm nucleus. About the three nuclei at the 
 micropylar end (the upper end in the figures) three naked cell bodies 
 arise, and these three cells are the egg and the two synergids (£). 
 The three nuclei at the opposite pole form the three antipodal cells 
 which are usually ephemeral but may persist. Thus the germ 
 Fig. 140. — Pollen grain ol Silphium 
 terebinthinaceum, showing rounded 
 vegetative nucleus and the two elon- 
 gated male nuclei. From Merrell, '00. 
 plasm is segregated only at the last division preceding ihc rin;d 
 differentiation of the ess: 
 Fig. 141. — Development of female gametophyte and formation of egg in the 
 higher seed plants: ^, megaspore in the ovule; B, first division; C, second division; 
 D, third division; E, mature gametophyte: 0, egg; 5, syncrgids; <j, ;uilip»Kiais; /, 
 primary endosperm nucleus. After Coulter, etc., '10. 
 The whole process of development of the gametes in the plants 
 bears all the marks of a highly specialized process, far removed from 
 anything which occurs in unspecialized embryonic cells, and no- 
 where do we find a separation of the gametic from the somatic 
 material before the later or final stages of the developmental 
 The occurrence among mosses, ferns, and seed plants of what is 
 known as apogamy, i.e., the formation of a sporophyte without 
 fertilization from a vegetative cell of the gametophyte instead of 
 from the egg,^ is of interest in this connection. In apogamous 
 ferns the embryo apparently may rise from any vegetative cell of 
 the prothallium, which is the gametophyte, and in seed plants it 
 may arise either from the synergids or the antipodals of the embryo 
 sac, or from both. In some cases also among angiosperms sporo- 
 phytes may arise from cells of the nucellus or of the integument 
 adjacent to the embryo sac. These cells are not even parts of the 
 gametophyte, but belong to the sporophyte generation, yet in the 
 region of the embryo sac they may produce embryos and sporo- 
 phytes as does the egg. In such cases the gametophyte generation 
 is omitted from the life history. 
 All of these cases of non-sexual development from vegetative or 
 "somatic" cells of the sporophyte — the generation which usually 
 develops from the fertilized egg — indicate that the capacities of the 
 egg are not fundamentally different from those of other cells of the 
 gametophyte and of some cells of the sporophyte. It is of course 
 easy to assume with the Weismannians that, in spite of their 
 visible differentiations, all such cells contain an undifferentiated 
 germ plasm, but, so far as scientific analysis is concerned, this 
 assumption is equivalent to begging the whole question. A simpler 
 view and one much more nearly in accord with the facts of observa- 
 tion and experiment is that which is held by most botanists, viz., 
 that many, or in some plants all, specialized or differentiated cells 
 may under proper conditions lose their specialization and become 
 embryonic and so give rise to new individuals.^ 
 ' See Winkler, '08, for a general survey and bibliography of the subject. 
 ^ In the usual course of development all the cells of the gametophyte have the 
 reduced or haploid number of chromosomes like the animal egg after maturation, 
 It was shown in an earlier chapter (pp. 245-47) that dcdiffcr- 
 entiation undoubtedly occurs very commonly in plants, especially 
 in connection with adventitious and experimental reproduction. 
 The new plants thus formed from cells previously differentiated as 
 parts of other plants possess the capacity to form gametes. In 
 other words, gametes may very often arise from cells which form 
 differentiated parts of the plant body, and there is no evidence of 
 the continuous existence of any germ plasm in the theoretical sense 
 in such cells. 
 To sum up, we find in the plants no indication of continued or 
 early segregation of germ plasm from somatic plasm. In most 
 cases the gametes are not separated from somatic cells until the final 
 stages of their developmental history, and on the other hand 
 differentiated cells, in many cases every cell of the plant, may 
 undergo dedifferentiation and redifferentiation into new indi- 
 viduals capable of producing gametes. Either all the cells of the 
 plant contain germ plasm or there is no continuity of germ plasm 
 in the plant. The facts point to the second of these alternatives. 
 The gametes arise in the course of development like other specialized 
 parts, and like these also possess a definite history of differentiation. 
 In many of the unicellular animals, as in the unicellular plants, 
 the cell which constitutes the organism becomes the gamete. In 
 others the gametes are different in form from the vegetative stages, 
 the process of reduction occurring in the formation of the spores which give rise to the 
 gametophyte. But in various mosses and ferns apospory may occur, i.e., the gameto- 
 phyte may arise from other cells of the sporophyte without the occurrence of chromo- 
 some reduction, in which case the cells of the gametophyte, including the egg, possess 
 the full or diploid number of chromosomes. Where the gametophyte jiossesscs the 
 haploid number of chromosomes, apogamy gives rise to a sporophyte with the haploid 
 number, half the number characteristic of sporophytes, but when the gameto- 
 phyte cells are diploid, the sporophyte which arises apogamously or parthenogeni- 
 cally possesses the full number. Various other combinations of apospory, apogamy, 
 parthenogenesis, and fertilization have been recorded. In certain mosses, for example, 
 the aposporous formation of diploid gametes, followed by fertilization and the develop- 
 ment of a tetraploid sporophyte, has been observed (Marchal, '07, '00, '11, '12). The 
 number of chromosomes is evidentlj' not connected in any essential way either with 
 the differentiation of sporophyte and gametophyte or with the formation of the 
 gametes, since any of these stages may possess either the diploid or haploid number. 
 and sometimes spermatozoa and eggs approaching in morphological 
 differentiation those of the multicellular forms appear. In the 
 multicellular animals the process of gamete formation differs in 
 certain respects from that in the plant. There is in the animal no 
 developmental history with cell division, growth, and differentiation 
 between maturation and fertilization, corresponding to the gameto- 
 phyte generation in plants. The gametic cells are' segregated from 
 other cells long before the maturation divisions occur. Since the 
 germ-plasm theory has found its adherents chiefly among zoologists, 
 it is natural that the attention of zoological investigators should 
 have been attracted to the question of the early segregation of the 
 germ cells from the somatic cells. If the germ plasm is really a 
 distinct and separate entity independent of the soma and is con- 
 tinuous from one generation to another, we should expect the germ 
 cells to be segregated from the somatic cells at the beginning of 
 embryonic development. Thus far, however, no case has been 
 discovered in which such a segregation occurs, although in various 
 animal groups a more or less complete segregation apparently does 
 occur at an early stage of development. In other groups, among 
 the animals, no indication of such segregation has ever been ob- 
 served, although theoretical considerations have led many zoolo- 
 gists to beheve that even in such cases a segregation occurs, but 
 without visible differences between germ cells and other cells. 
 To discuss this subject at length is beyond the present purpose, 
 but some of the more important cases of early segregation must be 
 briefly considered.' Perhaps the most striking case of early segre- 
 gation of germ cells is that in the parasitic worm Ascaris megalo- 
 cephala, first described by Boveri and later confirmed by other 
 investigators, but recently denied by Zacharias.^ As every zoolo- 
 gist knows, the process of segregation of the germ cells in this 
 species begins at the first cleavage of the egg and is accompanied 
 by the peculiar process of "diminution" of the chromatin in the 
 somatic cells. Diminution, which occurs first in one cell of the 
 ' For general surveys of the subject with bibliographies see Korscheldt and 
 Heider, '02, pp. 368-77; Waldeyer, '06; Felix and Buhler, '06; Hacker, '12a, '126; 
 Hegner, '14c. 
 = Boveri, '87, '99, '04; zur Strassen, '96; Zacharias, '13; Zoja, '96. 
 two-cell stage, consists in the separation of the large club-shaped 
 ends of the chromosomes, their exclusion from the nucleus of the 
 following resting stage, and their gradual disappearance in the 
 cytoplasm. At the same time the remaining portions of each 
 chromosome break up into a number of smaller chromosomes and 
 in following divisions of this cell similar small chromosomes appear, 
 and the nuclei of the resting stages are relatively small and poor 
 in chromatin. In the other cell, however, diminution does not 
 occur, the chromosomes retain their original form and large size, 
 and the resting nucleus is large and rich in chromatin. In the 
 second cleavage this cell gives rise to one cell which undergoes 
 diminution and one which dees not, and in the third and fourth 
 cleavages also one cell remains with chromatin undiminished. In 
 the fifth cleavage the undiminished cell divides into two equal cells, 
 and these are, according to Boveri and others, the primitive germ 
 cells. Here then we can trace the line of descent of the germ cells, 
 the germ path {Keimhahn), from the first cleavage. The germ 
 path and the fates of the various cells which undergo diminution 
 are indicated in Fig. 142. 
 The process of early segregation of germ cells in Ascarls has been 
 very generally regarded as constituting almost a demonstration 
 of the continuity and independence of the germ plasm, but as a 
 matter of fact it is far from being anything of the kind. In the 
 first place, while it seems fairly certain that the reproductive organs 
 of Ascaris do arise from the undiminished cell line of descent, it is 
 not known whether these cells give rise merely to the germ cells or 
 to the walls of the reproductive organs as well. In the latter case 
 the germ path of early cleavage has not resulted in the segregation 
 of germ plasm from the soma, but merely in the segregation of 
 different organs, for the walls of the reproductive organs are not 
 germ plasm. 
 Moreover, the whole process is very different from what we 
 should expect in a segregation of germ plasm from the soma. If 
 the germ plasm is a distinct entity, why should it not become 
 segregated in the first division instead of in the fourth ? The first 
 four cleavages are really segregations into different cells, not simply 
 of germ plasm, but of various parts of the body, as Fig. 14-^ shows. 
 The diminished cell S, of the two-cell stage produces a definite part 
 of the ectoderm, and the cells S„ S^, and S^ of following generations 
 each have a definite fate. In other words, various portions of the 
 soma or body are segregated before the so-called germ plasm. 
 Entoderm II 
 Mesoderm III 
 Mesoderm I 
 Primitive germ cells 
 Mesoderm II 
 Fig. 142. — Diagram of the cell lineage in the early cleavage of Ascaris mcgalo- 
 cephala: the black circles represent cells before chromatin diminution and the primitive 
 germ cells which do not undergo diminution; the unshaded circles with four black dots 
 about them represent the cells which undergo diminution, and the unshaded circles 
 alone, the cells after diminution. The further history of the various groups of cells 
 is indicated by the words, "ectoderm," etc. After Boveri, '10. 
 The undiminished cells show in all cases a slower rate of division 
 than those in which diminution has occurred, and there is no evi- 
 dence to show that the differences in the behavior of the chromatin 
 are anything more than visible indications or expressions of differ- 
 ences in rate of metaboHc activity. It is quite possible that the 
 undiminished cells become germ cells because they have a low 
 rate of metabolism and are not involved in the early differentiations, 
 but differentiate later. 
 A recent study of modified cleavage made by Boveri ('10) on 
 polyspermic and centrifuged eggs of Ascaris has proved beyond a 
 doubt that the occurrence or non-occurrence of chromatin diminu- 
 tion in a nucleus depends, not upon its qualitative constitution, 
 but upon its cytoplasmic environment. If this is true, persistence 
 of the undiminished condition is not a segregation of preformed 
 germ plasm, but a nuclear reaction to cytoplasmic conditions. The 
 "germ path" is a feature of the cytoplasm, not of the nucleus, and 
 the cytoplasm is not, properly speaking, a part of the germ plasm 
 at all, but represents the soma of the cell. Which nuclei shall 
 Figs. 143, 144.— First and second division in egg of Cyclops, showing at one pole 
 of spindle the granules which mark, the germ path. From Amma, '11. 
 become the nuclei of germ cells is determined, not primarily by 
 the nuclei themselves, but by the soma of the cell; the germ plasm 
 is not then an independent entity, but is determined by correlative 
 factors, like any other part of the organism, except the apical or 
 head region. 
 Hacker ('97, '02) has described a germ path for Cyclops and other 
 copepod Crustacea, and his observations have been confirmed by 
 Amma ('11). The germ path in this case is characterized by cer- 
 tain granules which appear at one pole of the first cleavage spiniUe 
 (Fig. 143), pass into one of the two daughter cells, and later aggre- 
 gate into larger masses and disappear. At the second division 
 (Fig. 144) and also at the third and fourth divisions similar granules 
 appear at one pole of the spindle of the cell to which the granules 
 passed in the preceding division, and in each case pass into one of 
 the two daughter cells, which continues the germ path. But in 
 the cell of the fifth generation the granules appear all around the 
 mitotic figure and pass into both daughter cells, which are according 
 to Hacker the primitive germ cells. Here the germ path is charac- 
 terized, not by peculiar nuclear features, but by cytoplasmic differ- 
 entiations which are products of metaboHsm: the germ cells are 
 evidently an integral physiological part of the organism. Some- 
 what similar germ paths have been described for various other 
 The early segregation of the primitive germ cells in Sagitta has 
 been noted by several authors, and Buchner ('lo) has recently 
 discovered the beginning of the germ path in the granules resulting 
 from the degeneration of a nutritive cell taken up by the egg in 
 the ovary, again a cytoplasmic not a nuclear basis of segregation, 
 although the granules in this case may be of nuclear origin. In a 
 discussion of other cases Buchner concludes that determination of 
 the germ path in this way is of very general occurrence. 
 In many insects a distinct germinal path with early segregation 
 of the primitive germ cells has been observed. Among the diptera 
 all forms carefully examined show some sort of germ path. In the 
 gnat Chironomus, for example (Hasper, 'ii), the primitive germ 
 cell is segregated in the second cleavage (Fig. 145), and in the fly 
 Miastor (Kahle, '08; Hegner, '12, '14a, '14c) the segregation of the 
 mother germ cell occurs in the third cleavage, one nucleus of this 
 cleavage becoming imbedded in a pecuhar cytoplasmic region at the 
 posterior end of the egg, and giving rise later to the germ cells, 
 while all the other nuclei undergo a process of diminution of chro- 
 matin somewhat similar to that occurring in Ascaris. 
 A cytoplasmic germ-path determinant in the form of a peculiar 
 granular cytoplasmic region at the posterior pole of the egg, which 
 during cleavage becomes nucleated and separates off as the primi- 
 tive germ cells, has recently been described for several chrysomelid 
 beetles, including the potato beetle, by Hegner ('09, '11, '14a). 
 This author concludes with Boveri that the cytoplasm, not the 
 nuclei, determines which cells shall become germ cells, but this 
 means that the germ cells are probably determinerl in essentially 
 the same way as other parts of the organism. In various other 
 insects also a germ path has been described. In certain hymcnop- 
 tera Hegner ('146) finds that the granules of the polar cytoplasmic 
 region are derived from the disinte- 
 grated nucleus of a nutritive cell taken 
 up by the egg during its growth, an 
 origin very similar to that which 
 Buchner described in the case of Sagitta. 
 In all these cases among the inverte- 
 brates the factors determining what 
 shall become germ cells and what 
 somatic structures apparently exist in 
 the cytoplasm and not in the nuclei. 
 Moreover, the cytoplasmic regions 
 which determine the germ cells are not 
 directly related to the cytoplasm of pre- 
 existing germ cells, but very evidently 
 are simply regions where certain special 
 metabolic conditions exist. Cells 
 arising from these regions become germ 
 cells, just as those arising from other 
 regions become one part or another of 
 the body. It is of interest to note that 
 very generally the germ cells arise from 
 regions of the egg with a relatively low 
 metabolic rate. They very commonly 
 divide more slowly than other cells. 
 In fact, it seems possible that this low 
 metabolic rate, rather than any specific 
 character, determines that they shall 
 not take part in the early development 
 of the body, because other cells react 
 more rapidly than they do. They are, so to speak, left behind 
 and only later become an active functional jxirt of the organism. 
 Among the vertebrates comparatively early segregation ol the 
 primitive germ cells is apparently of wide occurrence in fishes. 
 Fig. 145. — Early cleavage of 
 Chironomiis, a gnat: the spindle 
 at the lower end of the egg 
 represents the primitive germ 
 cell; the cytoplasm about this 
 spindle separates with it from 
 the remainder of the egg and 
 divides into two cells, each of 
 which divides farther. From 
 llasper, '11. 
 amphibia, and reptiles. More than thirty years ago Nussbaum 
 ('80) described the early differentiation of the sex cells in fishes 
 and amphibia. Later, Eigenmann ('92, '96a) described the early 
 segregation of germ cells in fishes and found that the primitive 
 germ cells in the fish Cymatogaster were segregated in the fifth cell 
 generation of cleavage, and Wheeler ('00) found a relatively early 
 differentiation of the germ cells in the lamprey. Two years later 
 Beard ('02), as the result of his work on selachians, reached the 
 conclusion that the germ cells are independent unicellular organisms 
 which pass a part of their life in the multicellular sterile soma. 
 This conclusion rests on the occurrence in embryonic stages of 
 certain large cells seen by various investigators in certain regions 
 of the embryo and which are described as migrating to the position 
 of the sexual organs and later becoming the germ cells. Since 
 Beard's paper, a large number of similar observations have been 
 made by various authors on fishes, amphibia, and reptiles. 
 As regards all these data on germ-cell segregation in the verte- 
 brates, the first question is the correctness of the observations. 
 Much time has been devoted to the observation of these cells in 
 the embryonic stages and but Httle to the details of their later fate. 
 Moreover, the extensive migrations described from various regions 
 of the embryo to the position of the sexual organs are in all cases 
 inferences from the examination of fixed and stained material. 
 But granting that the observations are correct, the segregation of 
 the germ cells is no earher in most cases than that of many other 
 parts of the body, and such cases afford no vahd evidence against 
 the view that the germ cells are integral, specialized parts of 
 the body like other organs. In most cases these early germ 
 cells in vertebrates are, hke those of invertebrates, apparently 
 cells with a lower rate of metabohsm than other parts of the 
 embryo. Often they retain yolk granules later than other cells, 
 and in all respects appear to be less active during early stages 
 (Eigenmann, '966). 
 At present the only conclusion possible from all these observa- 
 tions on germ paths and germinal segregation is that while the data, 
 if correct, as they probably are in at least many cases, do indicate 
 that in various forms the germ cells become more or less distinctly 
 segregated from other cells at early stages of development, they do 
 not in any way constitute a valid argument for the independence 
 and continuity of the germ plasm. 
 Moreover, there are many animals in which up to the present 
 time no indication of early segregation of germ cells has ever been 
 found by any investigator. In some of these forms, e.g., certain 
 fiatworms and the polychete annelids, the sex organs appear only 
 at a certain stage of development, or periodically, and before or 
 between the periods of their occurrence no traces of anything 
 representing germ cells can be found. The assumption has often 
 been made that in such cases the germ plasm is segregated in cer- 
 tain cells, but that these cells possess no characteristic visible features 
 distinguishing them from other cells or tissues. In the turbellaria, 
 for example, the parenchyma has often been regarded as an "in- 
 different" tissue representing the germ plasm. But the only 
 justification for terming such tissues as the turbellarian parenchyma 
 indifferent or undifferentiated tissues lies in the fact that they give 
 rise to germ cells and in reconstitution to various other parts. 
 Morphologically they are not undifferentiated, but possess definite 
 histological characteristics quite different from those of cells or 
 tissues which are really embryonic or undifferentiated, and when 
 other tissues or organs arise from them they first lose these charac- 
 teristics and become embryonic and then undergo a new differen- 
 tiation. Moreover, when they undergo such changes their rate of 
 metaboHsm becomes higher, an indication that they are undergoing 
 dedifferentiation and becoming younger. They may be less 
 highly specialized than certain other tissues of the organism, but 
 only theoretical grounds can prevent us from admitting that where 
 the germ cells arise from such tissues they arise from dilTerentiated 
 functional parts of the organism by a process of dedilTerentiation 
 and redifferentiation. 
 In the tapeworm Moniezia, for example, the sex cells arise from 
 the parenchyma, and apparently any parenchymal cells which lie 
 within the region involved in the production of sex cells may undergo 
 dedifferentiation and take part in the process. Even the large 
 muscle cells may give rise to testes, as indicated in Figs. 146 and 147. 
 In such cases the muscle fiber undergoes degeneration, tlie vacuoles 
 disappear, and the nucleus begins to divide, apparently at first 
 In some of the lower animals new individuals arise agamically 
 or can be produced by 
 experimental isolation of 
 pieces from regions of the 
 body which do not contain 
 sex organs, yet these indi- 
 viduals are capable of pro- 
 ducing sex cells. To 
 assume that these regions 
 of the body contain germ 
 plasm in the Weismannian 
 sense ready to develop into 
 ovaries or testes when 
 necessary is simply to beg 
 the question. To all 
 appearances germ cells de- 
 velop in such cases from 
 more or less differentiated 
 cells of the region in- 
 volved by a process of 
 dedifferentiation and re- 
 differentiation, and the 
 assumption of a pre- 
 existent germ plasm is 
 entirely unnecessary. 
 It is scarcely probable 
 that the germ plasm is a 
 totally different thing in 
 animals and plants. In 
 the preceding section it 
 has been pointed out that 
 for a very large number of 
 plants the development of 
 germ cells from differentiated functional cells of the plant body 
 has been experimentally demonstrated. This fact in itself creates 
 Figs. 146, 147. — Formation of a testis from a 
 muscle cell in Moiiiczia: Fig. 146, large muscle 
 cell with single fiber; Fig. 147, transformation 
 of muscle cell into testis. 
 a presumption in favor of a similar origin in animals, and the pur- 
 pose of the present section is to show that the facts themselves, 
 when correctly analyzed, point to the same conclusion. The 
 assumption of the existence of supplementary germ plasm, i.e.. 
 of portions of germ plasm in the nuclei of all or certain somatic cells 
 or tissues, not only finds no support in the data of observation and 
 experiment, but deprives the germ-plasm hypothesis of all scientific 
 value. It is undoubtedly true that the more highly specialized 
 cells of an organism, be it animal or plant, do not so readily undergo 
 dedifferentiation and redifferentiation under altered correlative 
 conditions and so do not so readily give rise to germ cells or other 
 parts as do the less highly specialized cells; in fact, many cells, 
 especially in the higher forms, are probably incapable of such 
 change, but this does not constitute adequate grounds for the belief 
 that germ plasm and soma are independent entities. 
 Summing up, it appears that the facts afford no adequate 
 grounds for regarding the germ cells as anything else than an 
 integral part of the organism specialized in a certain direction like 
 other parts. But in spite of the complete absence of any trace of 
 early segregation of germ cells in many organisms, in spite of the 
 fact that the egg cytoplasm, not the nucleus, is apparently respon- 
 sible in most if not in all cases of early segregation, in spite of our 
 ignorance in many cases whether the so-called primitive germ cells 
 really give rise only to gametes, and, finally, in spite of the remark- 
 able conception of the organic world to which the germ-plasm 
 theory leads us — in spite of all these difficulties, the view that these 
 processess of early specialization in the egg constitute a spatial 
 morphological segregation of the independent germ plasm from the 
 body or soma still finds supporters, as is evident from the most 
 recent consideration of the subject by Hegner ('14c). 
 Minot ('08) has maintained on morphological grounds that the 
 animal egg is an old cell approaching death, but has not. so far as I 
 am aware, expressed any opinion regarding the condition ol the 
 spermatozoon, although, according to his theory that increase in 
 the proportion of cytoplasm to nuclear substance is a fundamental 
 factor in senescence, the spermatozoon should be a very young cell, 
 for it is almost without cytoplasm in most cases. I have called 
 attention to various lines of evidence which indicate that both egg 
 and spermatozoon are highly differentiated, old cells (Child, 'ii), 
 and ConkHn ('12, '13) has expressed himself as in essential agree- 
 ment with this view. 
 The process of formation of the gametes in its morphological 
 aspects is very evidently a process of specialization and differentia- 
 tion. The fully developed gametic cells are among the most highly 
 speciaHzed cells, if not the most highly specialized cells of the 
 multicellular organism, but the primitive germ cells from which 
 they arise are minute cells without any morphological structure 
 beyond that common to cells in general, and with a high metabolic 
 rate — in short, with all the visible characteristics of embryonic or 
 unspeciaHzed, undifferentiated cells. The process of development 
 of the gametes from such cells is a process of specialization and 
 morphological differentiation of the same sort as that which occurs 
 in other cells of the organism. Morphologically the fully formed 
 gamete certainly bears no resemblance to an embryonic cell. A 
 few figures will serve to emphasize this point. 
 In Figs. 123-31 (pp. 317-18) the sex organs and gametes of some 
 of the algae and fungi are shown. The gametes are readily dis- 
 tinguished from the vegetative cells and in most cases appear to be 
 more highly specialized and differentiated than those. Male 
 gametes, the spermatozoids of a few plants from other groups, are 
 shown in Figs. 148-53. Fig. 148 is the spermatozoid of a liverwort; 
 Fig. 149, a horse-tail, Eguisetum; Fig. 150, a fern; Fig. 151, a 
 cycad, Zamia; Fig. 152 is the spermatozoid or generative nucleus 
 of the sunflower; Fig. 140 (p. 320) shows the pollen grain of Sil- 
 phium, another composite with the two elongated generative nuclei 
 or spermatozoids, and Fig. 153, a fully developed spermatozoid of 
 the same plant. These male cells are different in various ways, 
 but most of them possess a well-developed motor apparatus of one 
 kind or another. 
 The differentiation of the male gamete among the animals is 
 perhaps more uniform than among plants, but there are many 
 animal species with aberrant forms of spermatozoa. Figs. 154-57,, 
 i6i, and i66 show more or less "typical," fully developed 
 spermatozoa from various invertebrate and vertebrate species, and 
 Figs. 148-153. — Male gametes of various plants: Fig. 148, Sphaerocarpus Icr- 
 restris, a liverwort (from Land, unpublished); Fig. 149, Equisctum (from Sharp, '12); 
 Fig. 150, Nephrodium, a fern (from Vamanouchi, 'oS); Fig. 151, Zamia, a cycad (from 
 Webber, '01); Fig. 152, Ilclianllius, sunflower (from Nawaschin, 00); Fig. 153, Sil- 
 phium (from Merrell, '00). 
 in Figs. 158-61 four developmental stages of the guinea-pig sperma- 
 tozoon are given. A few of the aberrant spermatozoan forms 
 among animals are shown in Figs. 162-72. Figs. 162-64 are from 
 three species of turbellarian worms, forms related to Planaria; 
 Fig 165 is the non-motile spermatozoon of the nematode worm 
 Ascaris megaloccphala; Figs. 166 and 167 show the two forms of 
 spermatozoa found in certain snails; Figs. 168, 169, and 170 are 
 Figs. 154-157. — Male gametes of various animals: Fig. 154, Nereis, 
 an annelid worm (from F. R. Lillie, '12); Fig. 155, Copris, a beetle 
 (from Ballowitz, 'god); Fig. 156, Raja, a fish (from Ballowitz, 'gob); 
 Fig. 157, Triton, a salamander (from Ballowitz, 'go^). 
 from various species of Crustacea, and Figs. 171 and 172 from 
 arachnids, but Fig. 171 perhaps represents a stage of spermatozoan 
 development rather than the mature form. 
 Usually the male gamete in both plants and animals is highly 
 motile, and the course of its development is to a large extent a 
 differentiation of the motor mechanism from a cell of the usual sort. 
 But in some cases, as in the angiosperms among plants (Figs. 152, 
 153), in Ascaris (Fig. 165), and in the 
 Crustacea (Figs. 168-70) among animals, 
 the male gamete is almost or quite non- 
 motile. Even in such cases, however, 
 it is none the less a highly specialized 
 cell. In the angiosperms among plants 
 a morphologically differentiated cyto- 
 plasmic mechanism is absent, but the 
 history, form, and behavior of the 
 nucleus attest its specialization. In 
 Ascaris (Fig. 165) the peculiar structure 
 of the cell shows that it has departed 
 far from the generalized form of the 
 embryonic cell. In the crustacean sper- 
 matozoa (Koltzoff, 'o6(z) the skeletal or 
 supporting structures are extensively 
 developed, but according to Koltzcff 
 ('o6i, '08), such structures are present 
 in other spermatozoa also. Ballowitz' 
 ('86-'o8) extensive studies of the finer 
 structure of the spermatozoa also 
 demonstrate the morphological com- 
 plexity of these remarkable cells. In 
 the more highly differentiated forms 
 there remains no trace of the ordinary 
 amorphous cytoplasm of the cells from 
 which they arise: all has either under- 
 gone breakdown as a source of energy 
 or has been transformed into the fibrillar 
 or other structures of the spermatozoon. 
 The development of the female 
 gamete follows a very different course, 
 but is none the less a process of spe- 
 cialization and morphological differen- 
 tiation. Figs. 123, 125, 126, and 128 
 Figs, i 58-161. — Develop- 
 ment of spermatozoon from 
 spermatid in the guinea-pig: 
 rig. 15S, beginning of trans- 
 formation; Fig. 15Q, beginning 
 ofdevelopmentof tail; Fig. i6o, 
 side view after formation of 
 the thin llat head; Fig. 161, 
 mature spermatozoon. From 
 Meves, '99. 
 (pp. 317-18) show the female gametes in some of the algae and 
 fungi. The development of the female cell in the liverwort Riccia 
 Figs. 162-167. — Some peculiar forms of spermatozoa from the lower inverte- 
 brates: Fig. 162, Plagiostomum, a turbellarian (from Bohmig, '90); Fig. 163, Castroda, 
 a turbellarian (from Luther, '04); Fig. 164, Mesostomiim, a turbellarian (from Luther, 
 '04); Fig. 16^, Ascaris megalocephala, nematode worm (from Scheben, '05); Figs. 166, 
 167, the two forms of spermatozoa in Paludiiia, a snail (from Meres, '03). 
 is outlined in Figs. 133-39. Fig. 173 shows the archegonium of the 
 fern Neplirodium, containing the large egg; Fig. 174 is the fertilized 
 egg of the cycad Zajnia; Fig. 175, the archegonium of a conifer, 
 Torreya taxifolia, containing the large egg: incidentally this figure 
 also shows the pollen tube 
 with the two small male 
 nuclei near the tip. The 
 development of the female 
 gamete in the angiospcrms 
 isoutlined in Figs. 141, A-E 
 (p. 321). Fig. 176 is the 
 embryo sac of the sun- 
 flower at the time of ferti- 
 lization, and Fig. 177, that 
 of the conefiower, another 
 composite, at the same 
 stage. The eggs in all 
 these plants are manifestly 
 highly specialized cells 
 which have undergone 
 great changes from the 
 embryonic condition. 
 The animal egg usually 
 exhibits an even greater de- 
 gree of morphological 
 specialization than that of 
 the plant because it is 
 loaded to a greater or less 
 degree with granules or 
 masses of yolk substance 
 which becomes available 
 as a nutritive supply at 
 the beginning of embry- 
 onic development. The 
 accumulation of yolk is 
 often so great that the egg 
 cell attains an enormous 
 size, the bird's egg representing the extreme of devclopnienl in 
 this direction. Since the period of growth and differentiation of 
 Figs. 168-172. — Peculiar forms of sjxjrma- 
 tozoa from the arthroi)ods: Figs. 16S, 169, 170, 
 Pinnotheres, Maja, and Miinidia, all Crustacea 
 (from Koltzofl, '06a); Figs. 171, 172, Acanio- 
 loplitis, A galena, both spiders (from Boscnbcrg, 
 the animal egg as a single cell involves so much more extensive 
 and conspicuous change than in the plant, it has attracted much 
 attention and the course of oogenesis has been described for many 
 animal species. The following figures include characteristic stages 
 in the differentiation of a few animal eggs. Figs. 178-80 show 
 the egg of the fresh-water hydra, first at the beginning of its 
 growth as a small cell lying between the cells of the ectoderm 
 (Fig. 178); secondly, as a large amoeboid cell in the ovary 
 (Fig. 179); and, thirdly, 
 as a full-grown egg, still 
 in the ovary, with large 
 yolk spheres in the 
 cytoplasm. Figs. 181 
 and 182 show the primi- 
 tive germ cells and the 
 final stage of oogenesis 
 in the liver ^ukeFasciola 
 hepatica, a parasitic flat- 
 worm. In most of the 
 flatworms the 
 e a cr 
 Figs. 173-174. — Fig. 173, archegonium of Nepliro- 
 diiun, a fern, containing the egg, (from Yama- 
 nouchi, '08); Fig. 174, fertilized egg of Zamia, 
 a cycad (from Webber, '01). 
 accumulates little or no 
 yolk within its own 
 cytoplasm, but other 
 nutritive cells contain- 
 ing yolk are inclosed in 
 the capsule with it be- 
 fore it is extruded. In 
 these forms the egg cell 
 itself remains of small 
 size and its growth history is relatively simple. In this and in 
 various other animals the egg as it grows develops a stalk (Fig. 182) 
 by which it is connected with the ovarian wall and through which 
 it probably receives most or all of its nutrition. Fig. 183 shows 
 an ovary of the bryozoan Plumatella fimgosa, with eggs in various 
 stages of growth and differentiation. These eggs develop succes- 
 sively from the primitive cells, and each egg in turn is displaced 
 by the growth of another behind it. 
 The interesting oogenesis of Stcr}iaspis scutala, a peculiar marine 
 annelid, is shown in Figs. 184 and 185. The eggs arise from cells 
 on the walls of certain blood vessels and as they grow develop a 
 stalk containing a loop of the blood vessel, so that blood flows 
 directly through the 
 basal end of the egg. 
 Fig. 184 shows the egg 
 at the beginning of yolk 
 formation: the cyto- 
 plasm contains a few 
 yolk granules and shows 
 a strongly radiate 
 structure centering 
 about the vascular loop. 
 In the full-grown egg 
 the cytoplasm is loaded 
 with numerous large 
 yolk spheres (Fig. 185) 
 except at the basal end, 
 where there is an area 
 of granular cytoplasm. 
 At this stage the egg 
 becomes free from the 
 stalk, which undergoes 
 atrophy and resorption. 
 A different type of 
 oogenesis is shown in 
 Fig. 186, an ovarian 
 tubule from the water 
 beetle Dytiscus margi- 
 nalis. Here growing 
 eggs alternate with groups of so-called nurse cells, which serve as a 
 food supply and are used up during the growth of the egg. 
 Three stages of ascidian oogenesis are shown in Figs. 187-S9. 
 The first, the young ovotestis, the animals being hermaphroditic, 
 with a young egg cell at the left, the second, the growing egg sur- 
 rounded by its follicle from which the so-called test cells — cells 
 Fig. 175. — Female gametophyte of Torrrya, a 
 conifer, showing the egg, 0, and above it the pollen 
 tube with the two male nuclei, sp. From Coulter 
 and Land, '05. 
 which enter the cytoplasm of the egg and serve as food — -are begin- 
 ning to arise. The third figure (Fig. 189) shows a segment of the 
 egg at a still later stage with folhcle and test cells in the peripheral 
 cytoplasm and yolk masses forming below them. Figs. 190, 191 
 Figs. 176, 177. — Embryo sacs of Hdianthus (sunflower) and Rudbcckia (cone- 
 flower) at time of fertilization, showing egg, 0; two male nuclei, spi, spi', embryo sac 
 nucleus, en. From Nawaschin, '00. 
 are two stages in the oogenesis of a fish egg, the first showing the 
 young egg at the beginning of yolk formation, the second, a later 
 stage in which the cytoplasm is loaded with numerous yolk spheres. 
 In various invertebrate groups the same individuals produce at 
 different times parthenogenic eggs, i.e., eggs which develop without 
 fertilization, and zygogenic eggs which require fertilization before 
 development. It is a fact of great interest that in such cases the 
 parthenogenic eggs usually dilTer morphologically from the zygo- 
 genic eggs. In Sida crystallina, one of the cladoceran Crustacea, for 
 example, the parthenogenic eggs are smaller and contain less yolk 
 Figs. 178-180. — Three 
 stages in the differentiation 
 of the egg, 0, of Hydra. 
 From Downing, '09. 
 than the zygogenic eggs. Fig. 192 shows an ovarian tubule of this 
 species containing various stages of parthenogenic oogenesis. The 
 primitive cells {pc), formed at the upper end of the tubule, after 
 the period of division is over arrange themselves in groups of four 
 {gi g) of which the third from the upper end develops into an 
 egg (o) and the other three become nurse cells, which supply the egg 
 with nutrition. Three of these nurse cells thus contribute to the 
 formation of one parthenogenic egg. The zygogenic egg, however, 
 uses up not only three nutritive cells, but often several other cell 
 groups, including the young egg cells, i.e., a much larger amount of 
 nutritive material contributes to its formation than to that of the 
 parthenogenic egg. Fig. 193 shows the lower end of an ovarian 
 tubule containing a zygogenic egg. 
 It is much larger than the par- 
 thenogenic egg and contains more 
 Among the insects, the plant 
 lice also produce both partheno- 
 genic and zygogenic eggs. In this 
 case the difference between the 
 two kinds of eggs is very marked, 
 the parthenogenic egg being much 
 the smaller and containing little 
 yolk (Fig. 194) as compared with 
 the zygogenic egg (Fig. 195). 
 Even the nurse cells, which here 
 form a sort of gland with which 
 the egg cell is connected by a pro- 
 toplasmic strand, are larger and 
 more highly developed in the latter 
 case. Similar differences have 
 been observed in other forms pro- 
 ducing the two kinds of eggs. If 
 the process of oogenesis is a pro- 
 cess of differentiation and senescence, we must conclude that in these 
 cases the parthenogenic egg does not proceed so far in development 
 as the zygogenic egg. Morphologically it is evidently less highly 
 differentiated and younger. 
 Among the bees, however, where eggs which produce males, 
 i.e., the drones, apparently develop parthenogenically, while the 
 females, both workers and queens, develop from fertilized eggs, no 
 characteristic morphological differences between the partheno- 
 Figs. 181, 182. — Primitive germ 
 cells and full-grown egg of Fasciola 
 (liver fluke), with stalk of attachment. 
 From Schubmann, '05. 
 genie, male-producing, and the zygogenic, female-producing, eggs 
 have, so far as I am aware, been described. But the morph(;logical 
 differences in the daphnids and plant lice are evidently extreme, 
 Figs. 183-185.— Fig. 183, ovary 
 of PlumatcUa (bryozoan), showinj,' 
 eggs in various stages of growth 
 and dififerentiation. From Braem, 
 '97; Figs. 184, 185, growing egg 
 of Stcrnaspis (annelid), attached 
 to a stalk which contains a vas- 
 cular loop; full-grown egg. 
 and it is possible either that much less conspicuous morphological 
 differences e.xist in the bees, or that the physiological differences 
 are so slight as to be morphologically inappreciable; probably 
 Fig. i86.— Part of an ovarian 
 tubule of Dytiscus (beetle), show- 
 ing eggs alternating with groups of 
 nutritive cells: the dark regions of 
 the eggs are dense aggregations of 
 granules derived from the nutritive 
 cells. From Korschelt, '91. 
 the physiological condition of the 
 bee's egg is so near the boundary 
 line between parthenogenesis and 
 zygogenesis that slight differences 
 suffice to determine it one way or 
 the other. 
 Many other interesting cases of 
 oogenesis might be added to the few 
 described here, but the fact that the 
 formation of the female gamete in 
 organisms is a process of growth and 
 morphological dift'erentiation requires 
 no further evidence. 
 The gametes then in both plants 
 and animals are to all appearances 
 the final stages of a period of growth 
 and differentiation. Except in a few 
 of the unicellular organisms where 
 body and gamete are the same cell, 
 the gametes are highly specialized 
 cells, different from any other cells 
 of the body and bearing not the 
 slightest resemblance to embryonic 
 or undift'erentiated cells. Of course 
 it is possible to assume with Weis- 
 mann and others that, in addition 
 to the oogenic and spermatogenic 
 protoplasm which is responsible for 
 the differentiation, the cells each con- 
 tain "undift'erentiated germ plasm," 
 but we can find neither morpho- 
 logical nor physico-chemical support 
 for such an assumption. Not only 
 is such germ plasm not visible, but 
 from a physico-chemical point of 
 view it is difficult to conceive how it 
 could continue to exist through the 
 course of differentiation of the 
 gametic cells. The only conclusion in agreement with the facts 
 is that the gametes are physiologically integral j)arts of the 
 organism, that they are, like other parts of the organism, more or 
 Figs. 187-191. — Oogenesis of ascidian and fish: Fig. 1S7, ovotestis of young bud 
 of DistapUa (ascidian) with primitive egg cell, 0; Fig. 18S, growing egg with test 
 cells and follicle; Fig. 189, portion of half-grown egg, showing follicle, test cells, and 
 formation of yolk (from Bancroft, '99); Figs. 190, 191, Two stages in the growth 
 and differentiation of the egg of Rhombus (fish) (from Cunningham, '97). 
 less highly differentiated cells, and that, like other parts, they 
 undergo differentiation because of the conditions to which they 
 are subjected in the organism and not because of peculiar, inherent 
 Figs. 192-195. — -The differentiation of parthenogenic and z\'gogenic eggs: Fig. 
 192, ovarian tubule of Sida (daphnid crustacean), showing primitive germ cells, pc, 
 and groups, g g, of eggs, 0, and nurse cells; Fig. 193, part of a tubule containing a 
 zygogenic egg, 0; Fig. 194, ovarian tubule of Melanoxanthiim (plant louse), showing 
 nutritive gland, gl, parthenogenic egg, 0, and embryo, em; Fig. 195, ovarian tubule 
 of Melanoxanthiim, showing nutritive gland, gl, and zygogenic egg, 0. Figs. 192, 193, 
 from Weismann, '77; Figs. 194, 195, from Tannreuther, '07. 
 If the gametes are highly differentiated cells— the final stages of 
 a period of growth and progressive de\'elopment— they must be 
 physiologically in an advanced stage of senescence. Their rate vi 
 metabolism and rate of growth must have been high at the beginning 
 of the period of differentiation and have undergone decrease during 
 this period. 
 As regards these points, our positive experimental knowledge 
 is very slight, but various facts of observation point very clearly 
 to certain conclusions. Growth has ceased in the fully developed 
 gametes, but the earlier stages of their development are periods of 
 rapid and extensive growth, and in the plants there is usually more 
 or less cell division in the earlier stages of gametic development. 
 In the female gamete growth is usually considerable, often very 
 great in amount. In many of the lower plants the cytoplasm of 
 the egg becomes loaded with nutritive substance, as in the case of 
 the yolk-bearing animal egg, but in the higher plants development 
 follows a different course and the embryo obtains its food to a large 
 extent from other cells. The rate of growth in the developing 
 gamete is apparently higher in the earlier than in the later stages, 
 but I am unable to cite any exact observations upon this point. 
 The course of development in the male gamete usually dilTers 
 very widely from that in the female. Growth occurs, but it is much 
 less in amount, and instead of the accumulation of inactive sub- 
 stance in the cytoplasm, a transformation of the cytoplasm into a 
 morphological mechanism, usually motor in function, occurs. In 
 the fully developed male gamete, as in the female, growth has 
 ceased. In most cases the general metabolic substratum of the 
 cell has to a large extent or wholly disappeared and the cell has very 
 evidently progressed as far as is possible in a certain direction. 
 As regards the metabolic condition of the gametes of plants. 
 G. Maige ('09, '11) has shown that the rate of respiration decreases 
 in the anther during the development of the pollen grain from the 
 spore. The rate of respiration in the pistil, however, is usually 
 higher than in the anther and frequently increases during the 
 development of this organ. The changes of rate in the embryo sac 
 alone have not been determined, but it seems prob.-ible that the 
 high rate and the increase in rate in the pistil as a whole are asso- 
 ciated with the reproductive processes concerned in the formation 
 of the ovules and embryo sacs within them, processes which involve 
 much more extensive growth than the development of the pollen 
 grain. The volume and weight of these parts in relation to total 
 volume and weight of the pistil increases as development goes on, 
 and this change is undoubtedly sufficient to account for the increase 
 in respiratory rate in the whole pistil in those cases where it occurs. 
 Probably the rate of respiration in the embryo sac decreases as its 
 development proceeds. Fertilization occurs and embryonic devel- 
 opment begins in the seed plants without any considerable period 
 of rest, and this fact may also play a part in determining a high 
 respiratory rate in the pistil during the later stages of its existence. 
 Determinations of the rate of oxygen consumption or production 
 of carbon dioxide or other metabolic products have not been made 
 for different stages of gametic development in animals, but as 
 regards the egg there can be little doubt that the rate of metabolism 
 decreases as development proceeds and that in the fully developed 
 egg very little chemical activity is going on. The male gamete, on 
 the other hand, usually shows very great motor activity, often con- 
 tinuing over a long period of time, and at first glance there may 
 seem to be little reason for regarding it as a physiologically old, 
 highly specialized cell, approaching death. It must be remem- 
 bered, however, that, except in some of the less highly differentiated 
 male cells of the unicellular organisms and the lower plants, the 
 motor activity of the sperm is wholly or in large degree due to 
 external stimulation. In this respect the sperm resembles volun- 
 tary muscle. In both cases the fully differentiated cell or tissue is 
 capable, when stimulated, of a very high rate of reaction, perhaps 
 higher than that in the sperm mother cell or the embryonic muscle 
 cell, but it is certain that the self-determined inherent rate of meta- 
 bolic change without stimulation in the differentiated cell is a much 
 more exact measure of its physiological condition or its stage of 
 senescence as compared with the embryonic cell. In the "resting" 
 muscle and in the motionless spermatozoon the metabolic rate is 
 undoubtedly lower than in the undifferentiated cells from which 
 they arose. 
 It is a question of some interest wheliier ihe ener|,'y expended 
 in the movements of the spermatozoon is derived entirely from its 
 own substance or whether in any case it obtains nutritive material 
 from the fluids in which its movement occurs. It is ditVicult to 
 understand how some of the more highly speciaHzed forms of 
 animal spermatozoa can contain a suft'icient amount (jf material to 
 furnish energy for their long-continued activit}-. If the sj^erma- 
 tozoon does obtain nutrition from the external world after its 
 isolation from the parent body, it may perhaps undergo some 
 degree of senescence even during this period. 
 Tests of the susceptibility to cyanide of various developmental 
 stages of the gametes have given uniform results. Thus far I have 
 made susceptibihty tests on the female cells of the starfish and sea- 
 urchin, of various marine annelids, and of the hsh Tautogoldbrus. 
 and upon both female and male cells of the nematode worm A scar is 
 mcgalocephala. Ascaris is a particularly favorable form for tests 
 of this sort, first, because ovaries and testes are tubular organs 
 lying in the body cavity and can readily be removed; secondl\-. 
 because all stages in the development of the male and female 
 gametes can be obtained from a single individual of the proper sex 
 at any time; and, thirdly, because the spermatozoa are non-motile. 
 In both male and female the primitive mother cells in the uppermost 
 or innermost portion of the tubular testis or ovary, where growth 
 and cell division are still occurring, show very high susceptibilitv 
 hke that of embryonic cells; lower down in the tube, where the 
 growth and development of the gametes begin, the susceptibility 
 begins to decrease, and the decrease is progressive as gametic devel- 
 opment proceeds, until in the fully developed gamete the suscejJti- 
 bility is exceedingly low. In a potassium cyanide solution, 0.005 
 mol., the primitive female mother cells underwent the death change 
 and disintegrated almost at once, the earlier stages of the growth 
 period in fifteen to thirty minutes, somewhat later stages in one to 
 two hours, while the full}' formed eggs showed in most cases no 
 changes until after twenty-four to forty-eight hours in the .solution 
 and did not actually disintegrate for several days. Numerous other 
 stages were tested, and in all cases the susceptibility was found to 
 undergo a progressive decrease. The male cells show essentially 
 the same progressive change in susceptibihty, although it is very 
 difficult to determine with certainty when death occurs in the 
 mature spermatozoon. 
 In the other forms examined attention has been directed chiefly 
 to the female cells, because the different stages of development are 
 readily distinguishable by size and because in the male the cells are 
 minute, the different stages being in most cases less readily dis- 
 tinguishable in the living cells, except under very high powers, and 
 finally the spermatozoa are motile and it is practically impossible 
 to eliminate the motor activity without injuring the sperm or 
 altering its physiological condition. In all cases where female 
 cells were examined the results are similar to those with Ascaris 
 cells. The susceptibility of the primitive mother cells is high, 
 approaching that of embryonic cells, and decreases progressively 
 during development of the gamete, and that of the full-grown egg 
 is exceedingly low — -lower than that of most differentiated cells. 
 Wherever the stages of spermatogenesis could be clearly distin- 
 guished the same results have been obtained for the non-motile 
 The susceptibihty to cyanide of conjugating infusoria (Colpid- 
 ium) is very distinctly lower than that of non-conjugating and divid- 
 ing stages (see p. 381). The conjugating stages in these animals 
 are comparable to the fully developed gametes of multicellular 
 forms, and their low susceptibihty indicates that their rate of 
 metabohsm is lower and they are physiologically older than other 
 If the susceptibility method can be trusted, and a large and 
 increasing volume of evidence indicates that it can, the development 
 of the gametes in animals is associated, as the decrease in suscep- 
 tibility indicates, with a decrease in rate of metabolism — a process 
 of senescence — and the fully developed gamete is physiologically 
 an old cell approaching death. 
 Chemical analysis of heads of spermatozoa,' so far as it throws 
 any light on the question, indicates that at least some spermatozoa 
 ' The literature of the subject, including the pioneer work of ]\Iiescher and A. P. 
 Mathews' analyses (Alathews, '97), is discussed by Burian, '04, '06. Recently 
 Steudel ('iia, 'iib, '13) has made new analyses with improved methods. 
 are highly specialized and that this specialization has been in the 
 direction of a chemical simplification, at least during the later 
 stages. Apparently the proteid constituents may undergo more 
 or less breakdown during spermatogenesis. According to Burian, 
 this process of breakdown of the proteid constituents may differ in 
 degree in different spermatozoa. So far as our knowledge goes, 
 the spermatozoa of vertebrates, except the fishes, contain typical 
 proteids as constituents of their nucleoproteids, while in the fishes 
 these are replaced by the simpler histones or the still simpler 
 protamines, and in some cases the histones are formed during 
 spermatogenesis, the protamines in the fully developed sperma- 
 tozoa. The nucleoproteids of the nuclei of other cells of the body 
 sometimes contain typical proteids, sometimes histones, in com- 
 bination with the nucleic acid, but the process of proteid breakdown 
 does not go as far as the formation of protamines. From this point 
 of view, the differentiation of spermatozoa is apparently not funda- 
 mentally different from that of other cells, but some spermatozoa 
 seem to be more highly specialized than other cells. 
 As regards the eggs, it is evident that, at least in those cases 
 where they contain yolk, a progressive change in chemical consti- 
 tution of the whole cell must occur during the course of dilTerentia- 
 tion: the most striking feature of this change is the increase in 
 lipoids, which form an important constituent of the yolk. Con- 
 cerning changes in chemical constitution of the egg nucleus we know 
 practically nothing. 
 At some point in the life history between successive generations 
 of gametes the process known as maturation occurs. In most 
 cases, both in animals and in plants, the process of maturation 
 consists of two nuclear and cell divisions during which the number 
 of chromosomes in the nucleus is decreased one-half more or less 
 (haploid number). In fertilization the normal or dipU)i(l number 
 is restored by the union of the two gametes each with the haploid 
 number. In spite of years of investigation and discussion, cytolo- 
 gists appear to be almost as far as ever from an agreement as to 
 what really occurs in the maturation divisions; indeed, it is still a 
 question whether the maturation divisions or either one of them 
 are in any way fundamentally different from other nuclear divi- 
 sions. They are beheved by many to be of great importance in 
 heredity, but until the problem of their cytological character is 
 solved any consideration of their significance for heredity must 
 remain in the field of speculation. 
 The question of the physiological significance of maturation has 
 attracted little attention, but as a matter of fact it is in the answer 
 to this question that we shall find the key for the solution of the 
 other problems which have arisen in connection with maturation. 
 At least one of the maturation divisions, the so-called heterotypic 
 division — but whether the first or the second, opinions differ — has 
 commonly been supposed to be distinguished from ordinary divi- 
 sions by the behavior of the chromosomes, and much has been made 
 in a theoretical way of this difference. But with the extension of 
 our knowledge, one feature after another which was believed to be 
 characteristic of the maturation division has been found in other 
 divisions which have nothing to do with the development of the 
 gametes. The peculiar behavior of the chromatin, consisting in 
 premature division and agglutination of chromosomes to form rings 
 or other figures, which has been regarded as a characteristic feature 
 of the so-called "heterotypic" maturation division, has been 
 observed by Hacker, Bonnevie, and others in cleavage stages of 
 various forms, has also been found in the cells of mahgnant tumors, 
 and has been experimentally induced by the use of ether and chloro- 
 form and as a result of injury to the parent body.' Hacker is 
 inchned to believe that this heterotypic behavior of the chro- 
 mosomes indicates a low degree of differentiation, hence its occur- 
 rence in gametic history, in early cleavage, and in cancer cells 
 which are often regarded as a product of dedifferentiation. Hacker 
 was led to this conclusion by his behef , based on theoretical grounds, 
 that the gametes are undifferentiated cells containing germ plasm, 
 but from a physiological point of view both the stages in gametic 
 history where maturation occurs and the early cleavage stages are 
 stages of relatively high dift'erentiation. 
 I Bonnevie, '08; Farmer, Moore, and Walker, '04; Hacker, '00, '04, '07; 
 Schiller, '09. 
 It is evident that whatever the cytological or hereditary signifi- 
 cance of the chromosome behavior in maturation, this behavior 
 must have a physiological basis, it must be associated with certain 
 physiological conditions. The discovery of similar behavior in 
 other cells and the experimental production of it serve at least to 
 pave the way for the determination of its physiological significance. 
 The fact that the "heterotypic" behavior can be experimentally 
 induced by means of narcotics seems to show that its occurrence 
 is connected with a low rate of metabolism. In maturation, both 
 in plants and in animals, it occurs at the end of a developmental 
 period. In most plants with alternation of generations the matura- 
 tion divisions occur in the formation of the spores, and a more or 
 less extended period of dedifferentiation, cell division, and pro- 
 gressive development, i.e., the gametophyte generation, occurs 
 between maturation and fertilization. In animals, on the other 
 hand, no cell division occurs between maturation and fertilization. 
 But the important point is that in all cases the maturation divisions 
 occur in cells which are in an advanced stage of developmental 
 history and physiologically old and which therefore possess a low 
 metabolic rate. The occurrence of heterotypic behavior in cancer 
 cells is probably likewise due to a low metabolic rate, though not 
 in consequence of differentiation and advanced age, but because 
 of partial asphyxiation or intoxication of certain cells in the rapidly 
 growing cell mass. 
 According to this conception, then, the peculiar characteristics 
 of the maturation divisions find their physiological basis in a low 
 metabolic rate which may result from differentiation and senescence 
 or be induced experimentally or otherwise. Other features of 
 maturation which indicate a low metabolic rate are the absence 
 of the usual nuclear growth between the first and second divisions 
 and, in animal eggs, the slow progress of maturation and its frequent 
 cessation until a further stimulation from without occurs, and the 
 very slight influence of the nuclear division upon the cytoplasm, the 
 cytoplasmic divisions resulting in the formation of the minute iK)lar 
 bodies and leaving practically the whole volume of the egg intact. 
 In the animal egg, where maturation occurs after the enormous 
 growth of the egg cell is completed, the process appears to be 
 initiated either by the physiological or physical isolation of the egg 
 cell from its source of nutritive supply in the parent body, or often 
 by its extrusion from the body into water, or in many cases only 
 after the spermatozoon has entered the egg. In most cases the egg is 
 incapable of even the maturation divisions, except after some degree 
 of excitation, and in some eggs the isolation from the parent body 
 is sufhcient, while others require the additional stimulation of 
 extrusion into water, and for still others the further change result- 
 ing from entrance of the sperm is necessary. In the formation of 
 the megaspore and microspore in plants and in the spermatogenesis 
 of animals the period of growth between other divisions and matura- 
 tion is slight or practically absent, and with rare exceptions the cells 
 divide equally in the maturation divisions. Whether in these cases 
 also the maturation divisions are initiated by a stimulation of the 
 cells from without is not known, but the probabihty suggests itself 
 that they occur as the result of a physiological or physical isolation 
 of the cells. 
 From this point of view the maturation divisions appear to be 
 divisions occurring in relatively old differentiated cells as a reaction 
 to physiological or physical isolation from the parent body, or to 
 this factor in combination with others. Their peculiar features 
 are apparently associated with the low metabohc rate in the cells 
 concerned. In the mosses and ferns the spores resulting from the 
 maturation divisions undergo rejuvenescence and begin a new 
 developmental and vegetative cycle without fertihzation, but in 
 the seed plants the degree of rejuvenescence is apparently slight 
 in most cases and the divisions few in number, and in animals, 
 except in the case of parthenogenic eggs, rejuvenescence occurs 
 only after fertilization. 
 In the present chapter the attempt has been made to show that 
 the developmental history of the gametes affords no adequate 
 grounds for the behef that germ plasm is something independent 
 of the rest of the organism. There is no proof of the "segregation 
 of the germ plasm" as an independent entity in embryonic develop- 
 ment, but the germ cells are very evidently determined hke other 
 parts of the body by correlative factors. Moreover, the course of 
 development of the gametes bears every indication of being a pro- 
 gressive differentiation and senescence, not fundamentally dilTerent 
 from that of other organs of the body, and the fully developed 
 gametes are physiologically old, highly differentiated cells, which 
 are rapidly approaching death and in most cases actually do die 
 soon after maturity unless fertilization occurs. Whatever their 
 significance for inheritance may prove to be, the peculiar features 
 of the maturation divisions are apparently associated with the 
 condition of advanced physiological age and low metabolic rate 
 in the cells where they occur. These cells, whether they are 
 the spore mother cells of plants or the gamete mother cells of 
 animals, are advanced stages of a period of progressive develop- 
 ment and must undergo dedifferentiation and rejuvenescence 
 before they can enter upon a new period of development. In the 
 plants this may occur to a greater or less extent without fertiliza- 
 tion in the development of the gametophyte, but in the gametes of 
 animals, with the exception of parthenogenic eggs, dedifferentia- 
 tion and rejuvenescence occur only after fertilization. 
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 XXVIII, 1906; "Zur Kenntnis der Spermien der Cetaceen," 
 Arch. f. mikr. Anat., LXX, 1907; "Uber den feineren Bau der 
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 In all organisms the production of the gametes or sexual cells, 
 the condition known in the higher forms as sexual maturity, is 
 apparently associated with certain other physiological conditions 
 which, at least in the higher animals, are characteristic of relatively 
 advanced stages of development. The present chapter is an 
 attempt to estabhsh a general foundation for the interpretation of 
 the various data of observation and experiment. This foundation 
 is in brief the view that the production of gametes is simply one 
 feature of the orderly development of the organism and is therefore 
 associated with certain conditions in other organs and is related 
 to processes of differentiation and senescence in the organism as a 
 It was formerly beheved that the essential factors determining 
 reproduction, and particularly gametic or sexual reproduction in 
 plants were internal, and that external factors had but little to do 
 with the process. But various investigators, and particularly 
 Klebs, have demonstrated that the sequence of events in the hfe 
 cycle of plants can, to a very large extent, be controlled by external 
 factors. Klebs's work along this line has been discussed in chap, x 
 in connection with agamic reproduction (pp. 249-52), and here only 
 certain points which concern the formation of gametes need be 
 considered. Klebs mentions the fact that where spore formation 
 or gamete formation or both occur in cultures of Vaucheria and 
 Saprolegnia, in addition to what he calls growth, which is what I 
 have called vegetative reproduction, these more specialized repro- 
 ductive processes occur on the older parts of the plant body and 
 the vegetative on the younger. He also concludes that the attain- 
 ment of a certain concentration of the organic substances in the 
 plant is an essential condition for such reproductive processes and 
 that for gametic reproduction the concentration must be higher 
 than for spore formation. According to Klebs. these difTerences 
 in concentration concern primarily the nutritive substances, but 
 it seems probable that the protoplasm of the cells may also be 
 involved. I have endeavored to show that vegetative reproduction, 
 in consequence of the regressive changes associated with it, retards 
 or inhibits the progress of senescence (pp. 237-55). The conditions 
 which bring about the formation of gametes in Klebs's experiments 
 decrease or check vegetative growth, and the cells of the plant 
 accumulate organic substance and so attain a condition of greater 
 physiological age with a lower rate of metabohsm than during active 
 vegetative reproduction. Apparently spore formation occurs at an 
 earher, and gamete formation at a later, stage of this process of 
 In the algae and fungi, with their low degree of individuation, 
 certain parts of the plant may under certain conditions become old 
 while others remain young, and in such cases gamete formation 
 and vegetative reproduction may occur simultaneously, the one in 
 the older, the other in the younger, parts. The results of Klebs's 
 experiments do not then indicate that the plant has no definite life 
 history, but merely that because of its capacity for vegetative 
 reproduction it can be prevented indefinitely from attaining the 
 later stages. But when it, or a part of it, attains these stages, the 
 more specialized reproductive processes appear, and the formation 
 of gametes is apparently characteristic of a more advanced stage 
 than spore formation. Even after gamete formation, however, 
 the plant does not necessarily die, but under the proper conditions 
 may resume vegetative reproduction or spore formation. In thos.e 
 cases where gametic reproduction may be induced before vegetative 
 reproduction has continued for any considerable length of time it is 
 probable that the conditions bring about premature aging, and the 
 plant very soon attains a certain physiological state which under 
 other conditions may arise only after a long time or not at all. 
 The process of aging in these lower plants is then very inti- 
 mately associated with external conditions. Under certain con- 
 ditions progressive senescence and gamete formation, under others 
 a balance between senescence and rejuvenescence, with continuous 
 vegetative reproduction, may occur. A life cycle exists as a 
 possibility for the lower plant, and gamete formation is a feature 
 of its later stages, but since physiological progression may be 
 experimentally accelerated, retarded, or inhibited by controlling the 
 relation between progression and regression, the life cycle does not 
 appear as a definite, uniform, internally determined sequence of 
 events such as occurs in the higher animals. 
 In mosses and ferns the life cycle is complicated by an alternation 
 of sporophyte and gametophyte generations, each of which possesses 
 a characteristic different structure. The gametophyte produces 
 sexual organs in which the gametes develop, and the gametes after 
 fertihzation give rise to the sporophyte which produces asexual 
 spores, and these produce another gametophyte generation. In 
 mosses the gametophyte is the vegetative generation, and the sporo- 
 phyte does not lead an independent Hfe but develops upon the 
 gametophyte. In the ferns, on the other hand, both the sporo- 
 phyte, the fern plant, and the gametophyte, the prothallium, lead 
 an independent vegetative life. 
 In both mosses and ferns the production of sexual organs and 
 gametes on the gametophyte occurs only after a certain period of 
 vegetative activity which may vary in length with external con- 
 ditions; in other words, gamete formation seems to be characteristic 
 of a certain physiological condition which does not exist in the early 
 life of the gametophyte but arises only later. This condition evi- 
 dently corresponds to the condition of sexual maturity in the higher 
 animals. Moreover, after producing sex organs and gametes the 
 gametophyte dies, except where parts of it produce new gameto- 
 phytes asexually. 
 Vegetative agamic reproduction in the gametophytes occurs 
 very widely and in a great variety of forms among both mosses and 
 ferns and leads directly to the formation of new gametophyte indi- 
 viduals. In certain species, or under certain external conditions, 
 vegetative reproduction of the gametophyte may continue indefi- 
 nitely, and sex organs and gametes do not appear or appear very 
 rarely. This is conspicuously the case in many of the so-called 
 true mosses, the Bryales, in which the degree of individuation in the 
 gametophyte is evidently very slight, and vegetative reproduction 
 occurs by the isolation of leaves, branches, specialized gemmae, 
 etc., and in many cases from single cells of various regions of the 
 gametophy te. In many such species sex organs and gametes appear 
 only occasionally, or very rarely, and vegetative propagation of the 
 gametophyte may continue indefinitely. 
 If the viewpoint developed in preceding chapters has any 
 foundation in fact, we must believe that in every one of these 
 vegetative reproductions a new individuation and some degree of 
 reconstitutional change in the cells involved occur. And again, if 
 this is the case, the new individuals resulting from reproduction 
 are, at least to a shght degree, younger physiologically than the 
 individual of which they originally formed a part. The result of 
 continued vegetative reproduction, whether it is induced by external 
 factors or determined by a low degree of individuation in the 
 species, is then to prevent the gametophyte generation from attain- 
 ing physiological maturity; consequently the specializations and 
 morphological differentiations characteristic of maturity, viz.. the 
 development of sex organs and gametes, do not take place, or take 
 place only rarely when individuals in consequence of external or 
 internal conditions happen to reach maturity. 
 Various botanists have suggested that in such cases the vege- 
 tative reproduction is the consequence of the failure to produce 
 sex organs and gametes, but the facts point to the opposite con- 
 clusion — that the continued vegetative reproduction with the 
 accompanying reconstitution simply prevents the individual from 
 attaining maturity. Whether in any case the capacity for gamete 
 formation has been lost or is disappearing, can be determined only 
 after the most extensive and intensive research. But the low degree 
 of individuation accounts without difficulty for the preponderance 
 of vegetative reproduction, and there is no reason for believing that 
 a loss in the capacity for gamete formation has occurred. Failure to 
 produce gametes in such cases probably means only that the indi- 
 vidual never attains the physiological condition of which that par- 
 ticular process is a feature. 
 The occurrence of apogamy in the ferns' indicates, as already 
 pointed out (p. 322). that there is no segregation of germ plasm 
 ' Farlow, '74; de Bary, '78; Hcim. '96; Farmer and Digby. '07; Woronin, '08; 
 Winkler, 'oS. 
 in the gametes alone. Apparently the sporophyte may arise from 
 any vegetative cell of the gametophyte. But the fact that apoga- 
 mous development of a sporophyte often begins as a transformation 
 of the sex organs either antheridia or archegonia, or is correlated 
 with the incomplete development or degeneration of the sex organs 
 or of the eggs, suggests that some sort and some degree of phys 
 iological correlation exists between apogamy and formation oi 
 gametes. It seems not improbable that the degree of individuation 
 is in such cases not quite sufficient to carry the organism through 
 the entire cycle, and the physiological isolation of vegetative cells 
 in the stages near maturity leads to reproduction of a sporophyte, 
 i.e., the vegetative cells have the same developmental capacity as 
 the egg, but are less specialized and so do not require fertilization. 
 Up to the present, however, other aspects of the process of apog- 
 amy have received much more attention than its physiology and 
 relation to the individuation of the organism in which it appears, 
 and any attempt at physiological interpretation must at present 
 be a mere guess. 
 In the mosses, ferns, and related forms the two generations, the 
 asexual sporophyte and the gametophyte w^hich produces sexual 
 organs and gametes, are more or less distinct and separate organisms 
 with different morphological structure and different habit. In the 
 seed plants, however, the sporophyte generation has become by far 
 the most conspicuous feature of the Kfe cycle, and the gametophyte 
 generation is reduced to the pollen grain and the embryo sac of the 
 flower. The flower is commonly defined as an axis or shoot of 
 which some parts bear sexual organs. The flower, like the vegeta- 
 tive shoots, arises from an agamic bud, but this bud is evidently 
 more highly specialized than the vegetative buds, for its parts are 
 variously modified and differentiated in various directions into the 
 parts of the flower. INIoreover, the axis which produces the flower 
 usually does not continue to grow for a long time, or indefinitely, 
 but the growth is narrowly limited and the development of the 
 flower ends under the usual conditions in death. Evidently the 
 flower represents the most advanced or the highest stage in the 
 differentiation of the plant body. lioth moqihologically and 
 physiologically it is a much more highly differentiated and special- 
 ized system than the vegetative axes of the plant. 
 This being the case, we should expect to find the llower as the 
 final stage of development, as the expression of maturity of the 
 plant. Among the flowering plants this appears in general to be 
 the case. The young plant grows, produces new vegetative axes, 
 and in most cases becomes what the zoologist would term an asexual 
 colony, but after a longer or shorter period of such vegetative growth 
 and reproduction, varying in different plants from a few weeks to 
 many years, flower buds appear in place of certain or all of the 
 vegetative buds, gametes are produced, and seeds are formed. 
 In many plants vegetative growth ceases when flowering occurs, 
 and flowering is followed by death of the whole plant, except the 
 seeds, but in others the sequence may be repeated an indc^finite 
 number of times during the life of the plant. 
 To all appearances then these plants have a definite life history, 
 vegetative growth and reproduction of vegetative axes being 
 characteristic of the earlier stages and the development of flowers 
 and gametic reproduction of the later stages. In those plants 
 where the sequence is repeated periodically, different shoots or axes, 
 that is, different plant individuals, are concerned in each pericd. 
 Moreover, it is a well-known fact that in general cuttings from 
 plants in bloom or ready to bloom are likely to bloom earlier than 
 cuttings from plants which are still in the stage of active vege- 
 tative growth. Such facts indicate clearly that flowering is an 
 expression of intarnal conditions which are characteristic of a rela- 
 tively advanced stage in the hfe of the plant or in a seasonal or 
 other period of metabolic activity and growth. 
 But certain facts of observation and experiment have often been 
 regarded as pointing to a somewhat different conclusion. Fir.st 
 among these is the familiar fact, to which attention has already been 
 called (pp. 239-44), that many plants live and grow incL-finilely 
 without sexual reproduction. This is true, nt)t only of many 
 rhizome plants, in which the rhizome or rootstock grows con- 
 tinuously and produces new buds and roots, and from lime to 
 time branches, while at the other end death continually advances, 
 but it apparently holds for at least many other plants as 
 well. Propagation by cuttings may be continued for a large 
 number of generations and probably indefinitely in many 
 plants, and some plants are not known to reproduce sexually in 
 IMany of our cultivated plants have been bred agamically, 
 either wholly or to a large extent, for a long period of years. The 
 banana is one of the most conspicuous examples, the sugar cane 
 another, and in various species of willow and poplar and many 
 plants grown from bulbs or tubers, e.g., the potato, the agamic 
 method of propagation is the usual one. 
 ]\Iobius ( '97) has brought together a large number of these cases, 
 and has c onsidered particularly those in which agamic propagation 
 for a longer or shorter time was apparently followed by the deteriora- 
 tion or the dying out of the stock. In many cases parasitic diseases 
 are responsible for this result, in other cases cUmatic or other ex- 
 ternal factors, and Mobius concludes that there are no grounds for 
 believing that agamic propagation necessarily results in an aging, 
 deterioration, and death of the stock. 
 Mobius has also discussed the facts bearing on the question 
 whether continued agamic propagation may lead to loss of the power 
 of gametic reproduction and concludes that, in at least most cases, 
 gametic reproduction is prevented by external factors and agamic 
 reproduction takes its place. It is an undoubted fact that plants 
 which do not reproduce sexually usually show a high degree of 
 agamic reproductive capacity of one form or another. While it is 
 not possible at present to analyze most of these cases, they all fall 
 readily into hne with the view that gametic reproduction is char- 
 acteristic of a certain relatively advanced stage of the life history 
 of the individual, and that the individual cannot attain this stage 
 under conditions which bring about a continued or periodic breaking 
 up, physiologically speaking, into new individuals. If conditions 
 in nature or under cultivation favor continued vegetative growth, 
 new individuations continually occur and the reconstitutional 
 changes connected with this continued agamic reproduction prevent 
 any individual from attaining the condition of maturity. Or the 
 conditions may decrease the degree of individuation of the species 
 by altering the rate of metabolism, or in some other way. and 
 lead to vegetative or other forms of agamic reproduction.' 
 From this point of view, the absence or rare occurrence of 
 gametic reproduction in various plants, either in nature or under 
 cultivation, is not in any sense the factor which determines increased 
 agamic reproduction, but the agamic reproduction prevents the 
 organism from attaining the physiological condition in which 
 gametic reproduction occurs. Teleological interpretation of such 
 cases is entirely unnecessary and beside the point. Whether one 
 form of reproduction or another occurs depends upon the physi- 
 ological condition of the individual. In the physiologically 
 young, immature individual, whether it be a unicellular plant, a 
 single plant axis, or a whole multiaxial plant, reproduction, when it 
 occurs, is agamic, while the formation of gametes occurs in the older, 
 mature individual. 
 This conclusion may seem at first glance to conflict seriously with 
 certain other observational and experimental data concerning the 
 occurrence and experimental production of flowers. Flowers appear 
 frequently, either as an anomaly in nature or under experimental 
 conditions, on plants which, as regards length of time from the seed, 
 as well as size and morphological condition, are in an early stage 
 of development and young. The experimental investigations of 
 Vochting, Klebs, and others have demonstrated that the occurrence 
 of flowering may be controlled within wide limits by means of 
 various external conditions.' 
 Vochting's experiments on Mimulus tilingii show ver>' clearh* 
 the significance of fight for flowering. In a certain low illumination 
 in which vegetative growth is possible the inflorescence begins to 
 develop, but the preformed flower buds cease their development at 
 ' The following references will serve as a guide to the literature of the subject. 
 Mobius ('97) presents and describes numerous facts, largely observational rather 
 than experimental, bearing upon the problem. Diels ('06) has brought together many 
 cases of premature flowering or "nanism," both from his own observations and from 
 the literature. The experimental investigations of Vochting ('93), Klebs ('03, '04, 
 '06), and others demonstrate that the occurrence of flowering may be controlled within 
 wide limits by means of external fattors. Jost ('oS, pp. 439-40) gives a goo<l gcner.il 
 survey of the subject. Additional references are Benecke, '06; Doposchcg-Uhldr. 'u; 
 A. Fischer, '05; Goebel, '08, pp. 6, 10, 117, 190; Loew, '05. These papers contain 
 further references. 
 an early stage, and instead of flowers axillary buds become active 
 and grow out into vegetative branches and the inflorescence is 
 transformed into a vegetative complex and the formation of gametes 
 does not occur. It should be noted that in this case it is only the 
 later stages of flower development which are inhibited by the low 
 light intensity. The specialization or change, of whatever character 
 it may be, which determines the development of an inflorescence 
 has occurred in these plants, but it stops at a certain stage and with 
 its cessation new vegetative individuals arise in consequence of 
 physiological isolation, and the vegetative life is resumed. 
 Klebs records similar results for various species and states that 
 in all plants which do not possess a considerable volume of reserves 
 a decrease in illumination suppresses the formation of flowers. 
 According to Klebs, this influence of iUumination on flowering is 
 essentially a matter of photosynthesis. Blue Hght, which decreases 
 photosynthesis, acts hke decreased illumination on flowering, while 
 in red Hght, by which photosynthesis is less affected, flowering 
 Various other conditions — temperature, water, nutritive salts, 
 etc. — have been found to influence the occurrence of flowering. In 
 summing up his experiments on flowering plants in general Klebs 
 For the formation of flowers the relations between the internal physico- 
 chemical conditions must be different from those in which vegetative growth 
 occurs. I believe that a quantitative increase in concentration of the organic 
 substances, with all its physical and chemical consequences, plays an essential 
 part m the transition from growth to reproduction. All external factors may 
 influence the occurrence of flowering favorably or unfavorably, according to 
 their intensity, their interrelations with each other, and the specific nature of 
 the plant, their effect depending upon the relations among the internal con- 
 ditions which they bring about.' 
 In a later paper Klebs states the results of his extensive experi- 
 ments on Sempervivum funkii in somewhat more definite form. He 
 I begin with a vigorous, previously well-nourished rosette which is ready 
 to bloom and make the experiments which determine its fate before or during 
 ^he primordial stages of flower development. The results are as follows: 
 ' Klebs, '04, pp. 553-54- 
 1. In bright light with active photosynthesis and intense absorption of 
 water and salts active vegetative growth results. 
 2. In bright light with active photosynthesis but with limited absorption 
 of water and sails profuse flowering results.' 
 3. With a medium water and salt absorption the intensity of photosyn- 
 thesis determines whether vegetative growth or flowering shall occur. When 
 the production of organic substance is decreased, e.g., in blue light, vegetative 
 growth results, and when it is increased, flowering occurs.' 
 These results have in general been confirmed by the observations 
 and experiments of others, so that it seems to be a well-estabUshed 
 fact that the development of flowers depends upon dilTerent meta- 
 bolic conditions from those which determine vegetative growth. 
 Observation and experiment agree, moreover, in indicating that 
 flowering is determined by the accumulation in the plant of organic 
 substances which, because of insufficiency of water and salts, are 
 not completely transformed into metaboHcally active protoplasm 
 or its products, and so do not simply produce growth, but rather 
 a change in metabolic conditions in the direction of differentiation 
 and senescence. 
 If the formation of a new vegetative tip, i.e., a new vegetative 
 axis, is the generalized form of reproduction in the flowering plant 
 (cf. pp. 238-39), then there can be no doubt that the flowering is a 
 specialized type of reproduction. The flower certainly shows a 
 much higher degree of differentiation of its parts than does the 
 vegetative axis. Moreover, the metaboHc conditions which favor 
 flowering are conditions which cannot arise at once in a plant indi- 
 vidual beginning its development and dependent upon external 
 sources of nutrition. At least certain stages of metabolic history 
 must be passed through before the plant is capable of being brought 
 into the flowering condition. Authorities in general agree that a 
 certain amount of vegetative growth must occur before the plant 
 can be induced to bloom. In other words, the plant must appar- 
 ently attain a certain stage of development, a certain physiological 
 age, before flowering is possible. But this stage having been 
 attained, the further metabolic conditions which favor flowering 
 are similar in character to those which bring about morphological 
 difl"erentiation and senescence in animals, for the\- consist in the 
 ' Klebs, '06, pp. 105-6. 
 accumulation of inactive or relatively inactive organic substances 
 in the cells and consequently a decrease in metabolic rate. We see 
 also that such internal conditions bring about a higher degree of 
 differentiation in the plant than the conditions accompanying 
 vegetative growth. Moreover, the parts particularly involved in 
 this differentiation — the inflorescence axis or the flower — do not 
 under the usual conditions undergo any further vegetative growth, 
 but, after their development is completed, die a natural death, 
 and in many cases this natural death involves the whole plant, 
 the seeds only remaining alive. 
 The evidence seems then to point very clearly to the conclusion 
 that flowering in the plant is characteristic of an advanced stage 
 in the hfe cycle — that the blooming plant is physiologically rela- 
 tively old. The conditions which prevent flowering and favor 
 vegetative growth are simply such as keep the plant in a relatively 
 young condition by preventing the accumulation of the organic 
 substances and bringing about repeated vegetative reproduction 
 in consequence of growth. 
 It may seem at first glance that the metabolic conditions in the 
 flower are not in accord with the conclusion that the flower is the 
 product of advanced age in the plant. The flower, particularly in 
 its earher stages, is usually the seat of a very intense respiratory 
 activity and often possesses a higher rate of oxidation than any 
 other part of the plant.' If blooming is a feature of advanced age 
 and if rate of oxidation is in any way associated with age, it would 
 seem that we ought to find a low rate of oxidation in the flower. 
 Such a conclusion, however, ignores completely the fact that the 
 formation of the flower is a complex reproductive process and 
 unquestionably involves a greater or less degree of rejuvenescence 
 which appears in increased respiratory activity, and that in the 
 formation of the pollen grains in the anther and the ovules and 
 embryo sacs in the ovary extensive reproduction again occurs. 
 Moreover, in the developing flower the proportion of actively grow- 
 ing cells to the total weight is greater than in the vegetative por- 
 tions of the plant, with the exception of the embryonic growing 
 'See A. Maige, '06, '07; G. Maige, '09, '11, and, for further references, Pfeffer, 
 '97; Nicolas, '09. 
 regions. In consequence of this condition the flower may be 
 expected to show a relatively high rate of respiration. 
 The accumulation of organic material and the relatively low 
 metabolic rate in the vegetative parts of the plant are probably 
 factors in making possible the high rate in the flower, which develops 
 at the expense of the nutritive substances in other parts. The 
 flower is a new individual or system of individuals, which arises 
 under conditions of low metabolic rate in other parts, and such 
 conditions favor the establishment in it of a high rate of metabolism 
 and growth. Evidently the flower is a more stable structure than 
 most of the vegetative parts of the plant and it undergoes rapid 
 progressive differentiation and aging. These characteristics are 
 also doubtless associated, on the one hand, with metabolic condition 
 of advanced age in other parts and, on the other, with its own high 
 metabolic rate. 
 In most flowers the rate of respiration decreases from relatively 
 early stages onward, but in some cases it undergoes increase or 
 remains almost constant up to the time of opening. These differ- 
 ences are probably associated with dift"erences in the size and 
 amount of growth of the ovary and its contents as compared with 
 other parts of the flower. It was suggested in the preceding chap- 
 ter (pp. 349-50) that the increase in rate of respiration in the pistil 
 during its development is connected with the increasing bulk of the 
 growing ovules and embryo sacs in proportion to the whole pistil. 
 Since it is impossible to measure the respiratory rate of single gamc- 
 tophytes (pollen grains or embryo sacs) or gametes during their 
 development, the available data on rate of respiration in the flower 
 and its parts are incomplete for present purposes. In the case of 
 the pistil particularly they represent measurements of rate in a 
 complex system in which dift'erent parts attain their maximum 
 activity at different times and differ in amount and rate of growth 
 in different cases. Nevertheless, so far as the data are applicable 
 they do not conflict with, but rather support, the view that the 
 flower is a product of relatively advanced physiological age in the 
 In those cases where blooming is periodically repeated in the lilc 
 of the plant, as in perennials, it must be remembered that new 
 phytoids are concerned and that each period represents the life 
 history of a generation of phytoids. The hfe of the perennial, 
 multiaxial plant is not comparable to the life of an individual 
 animal, but is made up of innumerable life cycles with senescence 
 and death of the more highly differentiated parts in each generation. 
 From this standpoint the cases of premature flowering are to be 
 regarded simply as cases of prematurely established physiological 
 conditions resembling those which usually arise only after a con- 
 siderable period of vegetative activity. It is impossible to con- 
 sider these cases at length, and in many of them the determining 
 conditions have not been analyzed. One interesting case recently 
 recorded by Doposcheg-Uhlar ('12) may, however, be mentioned. 
 Bulbs of a species of Begonia could be made to produce either a 
 vegetative shoot or an inflorescence at once according as they were 
 allowed to produce roots or not. The roots provided for the 
 entrance of water and salts and so made possible the transforma- 
 tion of the organic reserves in the bulb into protoplasm, and under 
 these conditions complete rejuvenescence to the vegetative con- 
 dition was possible. When, however, root formation did not occur, 
 the metabolic conditions in the cells were those characteristic of an 
 advanced stage of the life cycle under ordinary conditions and 
 growth from the bulb resulted in the immediate development of 
 the highly differentiated flower structure. The early flowering of 
 various other plant species grown from bulbs is probably to be 
 interpreted in the same way. The internal conditions in such cases 
 are those of relatively advanced age. 
 Numerous cases of the transformation of an inflorescence, a 
 flower or some part of a flower, into a new vegetative axis have 
 been recorded by various authors (see pp. 246-47), and Klebs, 
 Goebel, and others have induced this transformation by subjecting 
 the young inflorescence or flower to external conditions favorable 
 to vegetative growth.' As Goebel ('08, pp. 11 7-18) suggests, 
 these cases are undoubtedly to be interpreted as cases of return to 
 a juvenile stage. The external conditions have made dedift'eren- 
 tiation and rejuvenescence possible, even in the relatively highly 
 differentiated flower. 
 ' See the references given on p. 246, and particularly Klebs, '03, '06. 
 Proceeding now to the last point in our consideration, the devel- 
 opment of the flower is preliminary to the formation of the gamete. 
 The gametophytes develop as parts of the flower (see pp. 320-22). 
 the pollen grains being the male, the embryo sac in the ovule the 
 female gametophyte. Although these gametophytes are much 
 reduced as compared with those of the mosses and ferns, yet their 
 formation in the seed plants, as in the lower forms, is unquestion- 
 ably the result of a specialized agamic reproductive process, i.e., 
 spore formation. The gametophytes arising from the spore are 
 certainly in the seed plants highly specialized organs or organisms. 
 Their development differs widely in the two sexes and in both is 
 very different from anything else in the development of the plant 
 (see Figs. 140, 141, pp. 320, 321). 
 It is in these highly specialized organs, or individuals, as we 
 choose to call them, that the gametes are formed. The whole 
 history of the plant leading up to the formation of the gametes 
 is a history of specialization and differentiation of parts, and we 
 have therefore every reason to regard the gametes as among the 
 most highly speciaUzed and differentiated cells produced by the 
 AccorcHng to Weismann all protozoa are potentially germ cells. 
 Maupas in his investigations on the ciliates reached the conciusii>n 
 that conjugation results from internal factors which, during the 
 period of agamic reproduction, bring about a progressive senescence 
 of the stock ending in death unless conjugation occurs. Conju- 
 gation in some way rejuvenates the animals and so makes possible 
 a new series of agamic generations. But the investigations of 
 recent years, as noted in chap, vi, have forced a change in view.' 
 On the one hand, the breeding experiments of Calkins, Enriques, 
 Woodruff, and Jennings have demonstrated that at least some races 
 of Paramecium and other ciliates can be bred agamically for hun- 
 dreds or thousands of generations, and probai)ly indefmitely, 
 without the occurrence of conjugation and without loss cl vigor, 
 provided the proper conditions are maintained in the medium. 
 ' Among the more important references are those given in the footnotes on p. 136; 
 see particularly Woodruff, '14, Jennings, '12, '13. 
 On the other hand, Enriques, Jennings, Woodruff, Baitsell, 
 and others have shown that conjugation may be induced experi- 
 mentally. According to Jennings, different races show great differ- 
 ences in their capacity or tendency to conjugate, some conjugating 
 every few weeks, others at intervals of a year or more, or not at all. 
 But in those races which conjugate readily conjugation occurs, 
 "not as a result of starvation, but at the beginning of a decline in 
 nutritive conditions after a period of exceptional richness that has 
 induced rapid multiplication. At the time of conjugation the 
 animals are often in good condition, and multipHcation may still 
 be in progress" (Jennings, 'lo, p. 298). As regards these points 
 Calkins is in essential agreement with Jennings. In his experi- 
 ments with a single race Zweibaum found that conjugation may be 
 induced in a great variety of ways, provided a certain nutritive 
 condition exists in the animals. This condition is brought about 
 by keeping animals which have been richly fed for some weeks in 
 a medium with less food and then removing to a medium containing 
 almost no food. Differences in the methods of Jennings and 
 Zweibaum may be due to differences in the races used for experi- 
 ment, but there is general agreement that decreased nutrition favors 
 the occurrence of conjugation. Woodruff has recently brought 
 about conjugation experimentally in the Paramecium culture which 
 has been bred agamically for nearly five thousand generations, and 
 Baitsell has also found that the occurrence of conjugation in other 
 infusoria can be experimentally controlled. 
 These recent investigators agree in general that conjugation is 
 not the result of a progressive senescence, and so does not represent 
 the end of the life history. Calkins and Gregory maintain further 
 "that the progeny of an ex-conjugant is not a homogeneous race, 
 but consists of differentiated individuals which give rise to pure 
 lines, some of which conjugate, others do not. In other words, 
 some Paramecia are potential germ cells, others are not." Wood- 
 ruff, however, disputes this conclusion and holds that the occur- 
 rence or non-occurrence of conjugation depends on environmental 
 In chap, vi facts are cited which indicate that some degree of 
 senescence occurs during the life of each generation and some 
 degree of rejuvenescence, at least in the cytoplasm, in each agamic 
 reproduction, and the periodic process of endomixis and the repro- 
 ductive rhythms associated with it were interpreted as periods of 
 senescence, death, and replacement of the meganucleus. Since 
 Woodruff and Erdmann ('14) have demonstrated, not only that 
 endomixis occurs periodically, but that it has no relation to the 
 occurrence of conjugation, we must conclude that the progressive 
 senescence of the meganucleus which results in endomixis is not 
 the essential factor concerned in bringing about conjugation. 
 Moreover, since conjugation is not a feature of an internally 
 determined invariable life cycle, but is rather associated with and 
 dependent upon certain environmental conditions, at least to a 
 high degree, it seems probable that the physiological conditions of 
 conjugation are primarily cytoplasmic rather than nuclear, for the 
 cytoplasm is more affected than the nucleus by the environmental 
 Since cytoplasmic rejuvenescence occurs with each agamic 
 reproduction, it is evident that the physiological age of the cyto- 
 plasm attained in each generation may depend, at least in part, 
 upon the frequency of reproduction. With abundant food and 
 favorable medium the reconstitution associated with one repro- 
 duction is scarcely completed before another reproduction occurs. 
 Under such conditions the degree of physiological senescence be- 
 tween two successive fissions must be less than when the interval 
 between reproductions is longer. Consequently certain conditions 
 which retard growth and agamic reproduction, but which are not 
 so extreme as to bring about either complete quiescence or star- 
 vation and reduction, favor the attainment of a more advanced 
 cytoplasmic age by the individuals of each generation. Under 
 these conditions the parts continue to exercise their special func- 
 tions for a longer period before undergoing regressive changes in 
 connection with reproduction, and the advance of senescence in 
 each generation may not be balanced by the rejuvenescence 
 occurring in each reproduction, so that progressive cytoplasmic 
 senescence of the race may occur. We need not expect, however, 
 to find conspicuous morphological differences between such ani- 
 mals and those which are growing and reproducing rapidly. The 
 differences can at most be merely those between physiologically older 
 and younger individuals both of which have attained the adult form, 
 and in organisms as simple as the cihates would be more readily 
 distinguishable physiologically than morphologically. But so far 
 as I am aware, this point has not been considered by most students 
 of protozoa. One author, Prowazek ('lo), has stated that when 
 cultures of Colpidium are prevented from dividing by insufhcient 
 nutrition, they rapidly become old. In his cultures, however, the 
 animals were evidently starved, for they underwent reduction in 
 size to a considerable extent and their susceptibility to atropin 
 underwent a marked increase. These changes in size and suscepti- 
 bihty suggest that these cultures were undergoing reduction and 
 increase in rate of metaboHsm in consequence of partial starvation 
 (cf. chap, vii) instead of undergoing senescence. Nutrition seems 
 to have been insufhcient in this case to permit senescence to occur; 
 for that the food should have been at least sufficient to prevent 
 decrease in size. 
 But the important point is that those conditions which favor a 
 progressive senescence are the conditions which favor conjugation. 
 The facts from this point of view suggest simply that under con- 
 ditions which favor rapid agamic reproduction the animals have 
 no opportunity to attain maturity because of the frequent recon- 
 stitution and rejuvenescence. When agamic reproduction is 
 retarded or inhibited, maturity is very soon attained and conju- 
 gation occurs. 
 The occurrence of endomixis indicates, as I have pointed out, 
 that the meganucleus undergoes senescence in spite of agamic 
 reproduction. If, at the time when the meganucleus is approach- 
 ing death, the cytoplasm is physiologically young and in good 
 metabolic condition, then apparently endomixis and recovery with- 
 out conjugation occur, but if, at this time, the cytoplasm is also in 
 a condition of advanced physiological senescence, then probably 
 the physiological conditions for conjugation are present, and if con- 
 jugation is impossible, death may result. According to this view, 
 endomixis results from progressive senescence of a single speciahzed 
 organ, the meganucleus, and conjugation from the senescence of 
 both meganucleus and cytoplasm. 
 If senescence is essentially a decrease in rate of metabolism, the 
 stage of maturity must possess a lower rate of metabolism than the 
 stage in which agamic reproduction is occurring. While I have not 
 as yet made a systematic study of the changes in susceptibility of 
 ciliates with changes in medium and other conditions, certain 
 differences in susceptibility observed in a culture of Colpidium are 
 of some interest in this connection. This culture was at first under- 
 going very rapid agamic reproduction and the small, recently 
 divided individuals, as well as most of those in late stages of division, 
 were more susceptible to cyanide than the larger, older individuals. 
 In the course of a few days an acute epidemic of conjugation 
 occurred in the culture, and fissions almost ceased: conjugation 
 was confined to the larger individuals of the culture. At this stage 
 the small animals were most susceptible, the large, non-conjugating 
 animals less susceptible, and the conjugating pairs least susceptible 
 of all. The low susceptibility of the conjugants indicates that they 
 possess a lower metabohc rate and so are physiologically older than 
 the other members of the culture. 
 These experiments suggest that the occurrence of conjugation 
 is associated with the attainment of a certain physiological age. a 
 condition of maturity, with a relatively low rate of metabolism. 
 If this conclusion is correct, we must consider the question of the 
 influence of external conditions upon the attainment of this ma- 
 turity: is it possible to accelerate or retard its occurrence through 
 cultural or other environmental conditions ? It is not to be 
 expected that a sudden decrease in rate of metabolism induced by 
 external conditions will bring about a normal maturitv in a vcrx- 
 young individual: such a change would simply retard or inhibit its 
 development. But when development has reached a certain stage 
 and the organism is approaching maturity, then it is very probable 
 that a slight decrease in metabolic rate, externally induced, may be 
 sufficient in many cases to bring about or accelerate the change 
 which under constant external conditions would have occurred much 
 more slowly. Some of the chemical agents which Zweibaum and 
 others have used to induce conjugation may perhaps act in this way. 
 As regards the diff'erent capacity or tendency of different races 
 to conjugate, which has been discussed by Jennings, Woodruff, and 
 Calkins, it is possible at present only to point out certain probable 
 factors concerned. In the first place, the rate and course of indi- 
 vidual senescence or rejuvenescence under a given complex of con- 
 ditions is probably different in different races of Paramecium and 
 other forms, and the rate and course of individual senescence or 
 rejuvenescence in a given race may differ under different conditions. 
 Differences of this kind also appear to some extent in planarians. 
 In Planaria vclata the course of the age cycle depends upon the 
 character of the food (see pp. 169-75). With some kinds of food 
 progressive senescence from generation to generation occurs and 
 in a few generations death results, while with others rejuvenes- 
 cence and senescence balance each other in each generation. 
 Doubtless similar relations exist in Paramecium and other ciliates 
 between character of food, rate of senescence in each generation, 
 and degree of rejuvenescence in each reproduction. And it is not 
 at all improbable that various other factors besides nutrition, e.g., 
 many chemical agents, may influence the rate, degree, and course 
 of development, senescence, and rejuvenescence. 
 Whether, as Calkins believes, some races of Paramecium and 
 other ciliates are not even potentially capable of conjugation can 
 be determined only by extensive investigation, and then only with 
 a certain degree of probability. It is of course conceivable that 
 in organisms with great capacity for agamic reproduction the 
 capacity to attain gametic maturity may not be realized under 
 ordinary conditions (see chap, x), but as yet we have no adequate 
 basis for maintaining that the potentiahty is absent in such cases. 
 In the higher animals a definite sequence of events is a funda- 
 mental characteristic of the Hfe cycle, and it seems not wholly 
 logical to maintain that a sequence is entirely absent in the simpler 
 forms. We can scarcely doubt that an individual Paramecium, 
 continuing to live without reproduction and with sufficient food 
 for maintenance in a constant medium which does not inhibit 
 metabolism, will undergo certain more or less definite changes, and 
 will show a Hfe history. And it seems probable that if these changes 
 proceed sufficiently far without interruption by reproduction or 
 change in external conditions, the individual may attain maturity — 
 the physiological condition in which conjugation occurs — or may 
 even die of old age. But the more readily agamic rcproduclion 
 occurs in consequence of either internal or external factors, the less 
 likely is the life history of the individual to attain its later stages. 
 In the case of the protozoa the question of progressive race 
 senescence has occupied the minds of most investigators to the 
 exclusion of individual senescence. Apparently, however, the 
 solution of the whole problem is to be found in the relation between 
 individual senescence and rejuvenescence under different conditions. 
 If progressive senescence in a race, ending in conjugation or death, 
 does not occur in a race bred agamically, it is not because the 
 individuals do not undergo senescence, but rather because the 
 cytoplasmic senescence in each generation is compensated by 
 rejuvenescence in each agamic reproduction and because senescence 
 of the meganucleus is compensated by the process of nuclear reor- 
 ganization which Woodruff' and Erdmann have called endomixis. 
 Our knowledge concerning the physiological conditions which de- 
 termine the formation of gametes in the lower multicellular animals 
 is as yet very fragmentary. As regards many forms we do not even 
 know whether sexual maturity occurs once or periodically in the 
 life cycle, or whether its appearance is merely a reaction to external 
 conditions. Observation of the animals in nature seems to indicate 
 clearly enough that in general the formation of gametes occurs only 
 when a period of vegetative growth, with or without agamic repro- 
 duction, is approaching or has reached its end. In the case of the 
 fresh-water hydra considerable experimental work has been done.' 
 and most authors agree that low temperature determines sexual 
 maturity, although different species appear to differ to some extent 
 as regards the effective temperatures. Nussbaum maintains that 
 starvation or at least decrease in nutrition is the essential factor, 
 but other authors do not agree with him. 'J'hese results do not 
 afford us any very deep insight into the physiology of gamete 
 formation. They merely indicate that a relatively low rale of 
 metabolism favors or even determines gamete formation, but 
 whether gamete formation ever occurs without the aid of external 
 'R. Hertwig, '06; Krapfenbauer, '08; Frischolz, '09; Nussbaum, 'og; Koch, '11. 
 factors which decrease metabolism we do not know. It may be 
 that such processes as budding and the replacement of differ- 
 entiated old cells by young cells from the interstitial tissue prevent 
 progressive development in hydra beyond a certain point under 
 the usual conditions, in which case low temperatures by decreasing 
 the rate of metabolism may bring about essentially the same changes 
 that would occur in further development determined by internal 
 factors. In many if not in all of the coelenterates, however, there 
 are indications that the formation of gametes is associated with an 
 advanced stage of the life cycle. 
 One of the most interesting cases is that of certain jelly-fishes 
 or medusae belonging to the family MargeHdae (Chun, '96; Braem, 
 '08) . These medusae reproduce agamically by budding, and buds 
 arise in a definite order upon the proboscis and develop from the 
 ectoderm alone instead of from both body layers, as do other coelen- 
 terate buds. The young medusa gives rise to these buds, but as it 
 grows older sex organs begin to appear from the same body layer 
 and in the same region as the buds and sometimes in place of them. 
 Fig. 196 shows the proboscis of one of these medusae on which 
 both buds and ovaries containing eggs are present. After the sex 
 organs once appear the buds gradually cease to form and only 
 gametes are produced in later stages. 
 In these medusae the same region and layer of the body and, 
 so far as we can determine, cells of exactly the same character, give 
 rise in the younger animal to agamic buds and in later stages to 
 gametes. Very evidently the physiological condition of these cells 
 undergoes change during the life history of the animal. Braem 
 regards this case as indicating that the agamic buds as well as the 
 gametes arise from germ plasm, but it seems rather to indicate that 
 gametes as well as agamic buds may arise from cells which are 
 functional, more or less specialized parts of the organism, and that 
 the gametes are more highly specialized cells and arise later in the 
 life history than those which develop into buds. 
 As regards the planarian worms a few facts are at hand. Atten- 
 tion has already been called (pp. 99, 125) to the fact that Planaria 
 dorotocephala is not known to reproduce sexually at all in the locahty 
 where I have collected material. But in stocks which are kept in 
 the laboratory under uniform conditions, provided with abundant 
 food and prevented from undergoing fission, the animals often con- 
 tinue to grow until they are fully twice as large as the largest found 
 under natural conditions, and a considerable number of these very 
 large animals develop the hermaphroditic sexual organs character- 
 istic of the species, become sexually mature, and lay eggs. Often 
 Fig. 196. — Manubrium of female Lizzia (jelly-fish), showing agamic buds and 
 eggs: in addition to the four large eggs, 0, those regions which are occupied by dis- 
 tinctly difJerentiated ovarial cells are indicated by drawing in cell outlines and nuclei; 
 in the dotted regions are cells which may become either buds or ovarian cells: roman 
 numerals I, III, IV, V, VII, indicate buds in the order of their formation, bud I having 
 already become free and buds II and VI being on the other side of the manubrium; 
 the point * indicates the position where the eighth bud should appear. From Bracm, 
 sexually mature animals can be made to undergo fission simply by 
 transferring them to another perfectly clean aquarium without 
 slime on its walls, and when the level of fission is anywhere near t he 
 openings of the sexual ducts, w^hich lie a short distance behind the 
 mouth, the openings and all the terminal organs disappear. 
 The very low susceptibility of the sexually mature animals to 
 cyanides, as compared with that of the largest animals in nature. 
 indicates that physiologically they are very much older than the 
 latter. In consequence of continued feeding and growth and the 
 absence of the reconstitutional changes connected with fission, 
 these animals have evidently attained a stage of development which 
 is not reached by the animals in nature. 
 The conditions in nature which prevent the animals from 
 attaining the later stages of development and sexual maturity are 
 less abundant food and consequently greater activity, which in 
 turn determines more frequent fission, so that the animals are 
 almost continuously undergoing reconstitution. Moreover, the 
 animals are subjected more or less periodically to periods of partial 
 starvation. Insufficiency of food may arise from the rapid increase 
 in numbers of the animals by fission during the summer, perhaps 
 also from the slow reproduction of the food animals in winter. 
 These two facts, fission and repeated partial starvation, contribute 
 to keep the animals physiologically young and so prevent them 
 from attaining the age and physiological condition in which sexual 
 maturity occurs. 
 Planaria maculata becomes sexually mature in some locahties 
 and not, or only very rarely, in others (Curtis, '02). In the latter 
 locahties the factors which prevent the occurrence of sexual ma- 
 turity are undoubtedly the same as those which produce the result 
 in P. dorotoccpliala, i.e., repeated fission and periodical or occasional 
 partial starvation. 
 In a stock of P. maculata kept in the laboratory I found that 
 sexually mature individuals, after egg laying, lose the sexual organs 
 and undergo a considerable reduction in size. During this period 
 they take httle or no food, but after a time begin once more to feed 
 and grow, and if growth is rapid they may reproduce agamically, 
 while if it is slow they may in some cases become sexually mature 
 again without passing through any period of agamic reproduction. 
 The dift'erences in susceptibihty of the animals at these different 
 periods indicate that the sexually mature stages are physiologically 
 older than others, and that after egg laying they undergo a consider- 
 able degree of rejuvenescence during the reduction, and once more 
 begin to undergo senescence when they begin to feed. Whether 
 they remain asexual or become sexually mature depends on the 
 amount and uniformity of the food supply and the rate of growth. 
 There is no question that in P. maculata, as well as in P. dorolo- 
 cepliala, sexual maturity represents a condition of greater physio- 
 logical age than the asexual stage. 
 The case of P. velata is somewhat different. Under the con- 
 ditions where it is usually found in nature, as well as in the labora- 
 tory', this form unquestionably grows old, ceases to feed, and 
 undergoes fragmentation in each generation without becoming 
 sexually mature. Apparently sexual reproduction has no place in 
 the life cycle of this species. If it were not for the fact that the 
 animal stops feeding and ceases to grow before fragmentation 
 occurs we might believe that the Ufe cycle of the individual is sim- 
 ply interrupted as in P. dorotocephala and in many plants by the 
 agamic reproduction, but as a matter of fact the period of develop- 
 ment and growth is apparently completed before fragmentation 
 begins. Thus far it has not been possible to induce sexual maturity 
 experimentally in this species. It seems probable, however, that 
 certain of the feeding experiments already described afford a clue 
 to the understanding of this case. It was pointed out that the 
 length of the growth period and the amount of growth before 
 fragmentation differ very widely with different foods. In other 
 words, the rate of senescence differs according to character of food. 
 This suggests the possibiHty that with certain foods growth might 
 continue and fragmentation be delayed until attainment of the 
 stage of sexual maturity, but only further experiment can throw 
 light upon the question. 
 As regards the parasitic groups of flatworms, the flukes and the 
 tapeworms, there can be no doubt that formation of gametes and 
 sexual reproduction is characteristic of an advanced stage in the 
 life of the individual. Such parasites are subjected to but little 
 change in external conditions, especially those living in the bodies 
 of mammals, and yet they pass through a definite life history, ending 
 in the development of gametes and, following this, the death of the 
 individual. In some of the flukes the number of larval generations 
 between the egg and the development of the sexual organs may 
 differ according to external factors, but the relation between 
 sexual maturity and relatively advanced age is unmistakable. 
 In other animal groups in which agamic reproduction is a more 
 or less characteristic feature of the life cycle — certain families of 
 annelids, the bryozoa, and the tunicates — it is in general true 
 that agamic precedes gametic reproduction in the life history, and 
 in some of these forms, notably in certain annelids, agamic repro- 
 duction may apparently continue indefinitely under certain con- 
 ditions without the attainment of sexual maturity. 
 Among the higher invertebrates, and among the vertebrates, 
 the definite character and internal determination of the life history 
 become in most cases even more apparent. In many forms, as in 
 most of the insects, development ends in a single period of gametic 
 production followed by death. In many other forms, after ma- 
 turity is once attained, the production of gametes is periodic or 
 continuous and the animal may live for a long time and may also 
 undergo extensive growth, as do most of the mollusks after the 
 first period of sexual maturity. In such cases growth, as well as 
 gamete production, appears to be periodic, and the formation of 
 gametes follows, at least in most cases, the growth period. 
 Periodicity of this sort in the organism is commonly associated 
 with periodicity in the environment, e.g., with seasonal or other 
 periodic changes. The environmental periodicity may determine 
 slight alterations of senescence and rejuvenescence as perhaps in 
 the case of the mollusks, where growth periods ending with or 
 followed by gamete formation occur or in other cases the activity 
 of the sexual organs may be directly influenced by nutritive con- 
 dition, temperature, etc. 
 That the vertebrates pass through a definite developmental 
 history, with sexual maturity as a comparatively late stage, and 
 that this history is primarily determined by factors within the 
 organism rather than environmental conditions is sufficiently 
 evident. Here agamic reproduction does not occur, except in a 
 few cases in early embryonic stages, and the life history is without 
 the complications which arise in lower forms to prevent, balance, 
 or retard progressive development. Even among the vertebrates, 
 however, the appearance of sexual maturity may be hastened or 
 retarded by the character and amount of the food and by various 
 other environmental conditions. The tadpoles of frogs and sala- 
 manders, for example, may be made to undergo metamorphosis 
 into the adult form at a very small size or to attain giantism without 
 metamorphosis by controlling the character of the food (Guder- 
 natsch, '12, '14; Romeis, '14), and their development may be modi- 
 fied in various other ways. Even in man the age in years at which 
 sexual maturity occurs varies somewhat widely with climatic and 
 other factors. But none of these facts indicate anything more than 
 that a certain physiological condition of the organism may be 
 attained sooner or later according to the nature of the environment. 
 In various species among both invertebrates and vertebrates 
 cases of premature sexual maturity may occur while the animal is 
 still morphologically a larva, as in the so-called axolotl form of 
 certain salamanders; or after sexual maturity in the larval stage 
 the sex organs may disappear and the animal undergo meta- 
 morphosis to the adult form, after which new sex organs arise 
 and a second period of sexual maturity occurs, as in certain 
 Evidently the sex organs may mature and produce gametes 
 at various stages of morphological development, but we know 
 nothing of the physiological conditions in these cases. In the light 
 of the facts already cited, however, it is probable that, whatever 
 the morphological stage at which sexual maturity occurs, certain 
 physiological conditions must exist in the organism which make its 
 appearance possible and that these are conditions which ordinarily 
 arise relatively late in development. In other words, the cases 
 of premature sexual maturity are probably cases of accelerated 
 physiological senescence. 
 In several of the invertebrate groups, viz., the rotifers, the clado- 
 cera among the Crustacea, and the plant lice and related families 
 among the insects, the eggs of a single individual or of successive 
 generations differ in behavior, some developing parthenogenically 
 into females or males, and others zygogenically, i.e., requiring 
 fertihzation for development. 
 Within recent years members of the crustacean group of 
 cladocera, the daphnids, have been the subject of extensive 
 investigation along these lines/ and while different authorities are 
 not as yet in full agreement, evidence which points to a definite 
 conclusion is accumulating. 
 It is well known that the daphnid females produce three kinds 
 of eggs, parthenogenic eggs which produce females, parthenogenic 
 eggs which produce males, and zygogenic eggs which produce 
 females. Both the female- and male-producing parthenogenic 
 eggs develop at once and are commonly known as "summer eggs." 
 The zygogenic eggs, on the other hand, are surrounded by a thick 
 shell and hatch only after a quiescent period which often, but not 
 necessarily, coincides with the winter season, hence they are known 
 as "winter eggs." The problem to which attention has been 
 chiefly directed is that of the relative importance of external and 
 internal factors in determining the production of these three kinds 
 of eggs. Weismann believed that a fixed cycle of generations 
 determined by inheritance existed in each species quite independ- 
 ently of external factors; according to this view a certain number 
 of generations of parthenogenic females were produced, then males 
 developed from parthenogenic eggs and zygogenic eggs were pro- 
 duced, which after a quiescent period developed into parthenogenic 
 female-producing females, and these began the cycle anew. 
 Later investigators have found that the cycle of generations is 
 far from being hereditarily fixed and that it can be greatly modified 
 by external factors. Under certain conditions, e.g., with high tem- 
 perature and abundant nutrition, parthenogenic reproduction may 
 continue indefinitely. Other conditions, such as low temperature 
 and lack of food, favor the production of males and zygogenic eggs. 
 In general, males and zygogenic eggs are produced under similar 
 conditions. Moreover, Woltereck has found that after producing 
 males the females may again begin to produce females partheno- 
 genically without producing winter eggs, and the same change may 
 occur even after the production of winter eggs. Kuttner showed, 
 however, that the cycle of generations may occur independently 
 of change in external conditions. 
 ' Some of the more important papers are the following: Issakowitsch, '06, '08; 
 Kuttner, '09; Langhans, '09; Papanicolau, '100, '10b, '11; von Scharfenberg, '10; 
 Strohl, '07, '08; Weismann, '80; Woltereck, '09, '11. 
 Woltereck's extensive investigations, together with the evidence 
 from the work of others, seem to show very clearly that, while 
 differences exist in different races and species, nevertheless a cyclical 
 change affecting the character of the eggs produced does occur in 
 these animals independently of external factors, although it may 
 be modified by temperature, nutrition, and chemical constitution 
 of the medium in which the animals live. Woltereck divides the 
 cycle into three periods, the first including the early generations of 
 females following the winter eggs. These females are predomi- 
 nantly parthenogenic and female-producing, at least until late in 
 life, and external factors have no effect on the character of the eggs. 
 After this follows a second period in which external conditions 
 determine to a very large extent whether parthenogenic eggs pro- 
 ducing females, or parthenogenic eggs producing males and zygo- 
 genic eggs are produced, and finally a third period occurs in which 
 parthenogenic eggs producing males and female-producing zygogenic 
 eggs appear independently of external conditions. 
 Von Scharfenberg and Papanicolau found that a change in egg 
 character occurred, not only in the course of successive generations, 
 but also in the course of single generations, i.e., the eggs produced 
 early in the life of a female are more Hkely to develop partheno- 
 genically into females and those produced later in Hfe into males 
 or to be zygogenic winter eggs. In the earlier generations of a 
 cycle the male-producing and zygogenic eggs appear later in the 
 life of the individuals, in later generations earlier. Moreover, 
 the same three periods appear more or less clearly in the repro- 
 ductive cycle of the single females as in the cycle of generations. 
 This reproductive cycle appearing both in single individuals 
 and in successive generations is in certain respects analogous to the 
 cycle of agamic and gametic reproduction in many of the lower 
 animals. In the early stages of the cycle the daphnids, although 
 producing what we call eggs, are really reproducing agamically, 
 since the eggs develop parthenogenically, but in later generations, 
 as well as later in the Hfe of the individual, they become sexually 
 mature, and males and females appear and the eggs require ferti- 
 lization. There seems to be a progressive change in physiological 
 condition in these animals, both individually and in successive 
 generations, which corresponds to the aging and the attainment of 
 sexual maturity in other forms. The parthenogenic female- 
 producing egg is apparently characteristic of the young animal 
 and the earher generations in a cycle, the parthenogenic male- 
 producing egg and the zygogenic female-producing egg of a more 
 advanced age in the individual and in the generations. Richard 
 Hertwig ('12) in discussing these facts says: " It is therefore possible 
 to speak in a double sense of an aging of the daphnids and of a 
 change in the constitution of the eggs determined by it." 
 Woltereck has found that an individual may pass through 
 more than one of these reproductive cycles. Even after producing 
 winter eggs, females may again pass through a labile period in 
 which the character of the eggs can be influenced by external con- 
 ditions and still later attain a condition in which the eggs are 
 parthenogenic and female-producing in spite of external conditions. 
 In other words, they become physiologically young again. But it 
 has been shown in earher chapters that such rejuvenescence occurs 
 in many forms. In the case of the daphnids it does not proceed 
 as far as in many of the lower animals, for these may lose their 
 sexual organs entirely and return to reproduction by budding or 
 fission, while in the daphnids we find only a return from the produc- 
 tion of zygogenic to the production of parthenogenic eggs. 
 As regards the rotifers, in certain species of which partheno- 
 genesis and bisexuality exist, the various investigators'' still differ 
 widely in their opinions as to the determining factors. The effect- 
 ive factor in determining parthenogenesis and bisexuality is accord- 
 ing to Maupas temperature, and according to Nussbaum nutrition, 
 while Punnett finds that neither of these external factors is con- 
 cerned, but that the character of the eggs is hereditarily determined. 
 Whitney regards the age of the family, that is, the position in the 
 cycle of generations, as the important factor, although he admits 
 the influence of external conditions. And, finally, Shull has demon- 
 strated the influence ef external factors in the environmental 
 medium, apparently of chemical nature, but believes that internal 
 factors are also involved. With such differences of opinion it 
 Olaupas, '91; M. Nussbaum, '97; Punnett, '06; Shull, '10, 'iia, 'ii5, '12; 
 Whitney, '07, '12a, '12b. 
 seems at least probable that internal physiological conditions, 
 which are not yet clearly recognized, are the real determining 
 factors, and that the various external factors merely modify their 
 action. As Woltereck ('11) has pointed out, there is every reason 
 to believe that the relation between parthenogenesis and bisexu- 
 ahty is essentially the same in the rotifers as in the daphnids. 
 Parthenogenesis and bisexuality are also found among the 
 plant lice and various other related forms among the hemiptera. 
 In these cases, as in the daphnids, bisexuality appears later in the 
 cycle than parthenogenesis, but concerning the influence of external 
 conditions in modifying the usual course of events, our knowledge 
 is fragmentary. Low temperature or lack of food may apparently 
 at times induce bisexuality, as in the daphnids. All that we know 
 suggests that in this, as in other cases, bisexuality is a feature 
 of more advanced age than parthenogenesis, and that the aging 
 may be accelerated or retarded, perhaps reversed, by external 
 The parthenogenic egg is apparently a less highly specialized, 
 physiologically younger cell than the egg requiring fertihzation. 
 Morphologically it is less highly differentiated, at least in many 
 cases, than the zygogenic egg (see pp. 342-46), and when isolated 
 from the parent body it is capable of developing at once without 
 fertilization (cf. pp. 406-8). If such eggs are produced by animals 
 in the earlier stages of their adult hfe history or by the earlier 
 generation of a cycle, we are forced to the conclusion that the germ 
 cells undergo differentiation and aging like the rest of the body. 
 In short, the egg produced by the older organism is itself older 
 and more highly specialized than that produced by a younger. 
 The physiological character of the action of external conditions 
 in modifying the eggs can at present only be surmised. Woltereck 
 suggests that the differences in the eggs are due to differences in the 
 intensity of assimilation in the ovary, high intensity determining 
 parthenogenic female-producing eggs and low intensity bisexual 
 eggs. A decrease in intensity of assimilation is, however, a char- 
 acteristic feature of senescence and may result from internal as 
 well as from external conditions. Apparently the external factors, 
 whatever the exact mechanism of their action, either accelerate, 
 retard, or reverse the life cycle of the whole animal and so affect the 
 character of the eggs, or else they alter conditions in the ovaries 
 so that eggs are isolated from the parent organism earher or later 
 in their development. 
 If the external conditions decrease the general metabohsm, they 
 may bring about physiological conditions which would arise without 
 their action in more advanced stages of senescence, but if their 
 eflfect is to increase metabolism, they may make the animal some- 
 what younger physiologically by increasing breakdown and elimi- 
 nation, or they may at least retard or inhibit senescence. In this 
 manner the character of the eggs may be influenced through the 
 physiological condition of the whole animal. 
 It is probable, however that the physiological age and condition 
 of the egg do not necessarily correspond in all cases to the physio- 
 logical age of the egg-producing organism. Under certain conditions, 
 such as abundant nutrition or high temperature, the development of 
 successive eggs may be so rapid that each egg is forced down the 
 ovarian tubules and isolated before its growth is completed, even 
 though the animal itself is physiologically old. Such an egg must 
 be physiologically younger than one which undergoes more growth 
 before isolation. Probably the action of external factors in deter- 
 mining parthenogenesis and bisexuahty is sometimes of this charac- 
 ter, and a high rate of egg production results in younger eggs, a 
 low rate of egg production in older eggs. 
 Summing up, this point of view seems to afford a basis for 
 reconcihng the apparently conflicting data, and for further analytic 
 investigation. The parthenogenic egg in the daphnids and rotifers 
 is apparently physiologically younger and less highly differentiated 
 than the zygogenic; the physiological age, both of the individual 
 and of the race, and probably also the rate and conditions of egg 
 production, are factors in determining whether parthenogenic or 
 zygogenic eggs shall be produced; and, finally, external factors act 
 by accelerating, retarding, or reversing the course of the life history 
 in the individual or race, or by influencing the rate and other 
 conditions of egg production in the ovary. 
 It seems to be definitely determined that among the bees the 
 males arise from parthenogenic eggs, the females from fertilized 
 eggs, as Dzierzon maintained more than sixty years ago.' The 
 queen bee is apparently capable of producing drone eggs at any 
 time, or at least repeatedly, during her life. It is conceivable that 
 all eggs produced by the queen are potentially parthenogenic and 
 so male-producing, but that when fertilized they produce females 
 (see pp. 344-45), but if the parthenogenic eggs are physiologically 
 different from the zygogenic in this case, it seems probable that the 
 former are at least slightly younger than the latter when they 
 leave the ovary. If, as suggested above, not only the physio- 
 logical age of the animal, but the conditions in the ovary determining 
 the rate of egg production — the abundance of nutrition, etc. — are 
 factors in the determination of parthenogenic and zygogenic eggs, 
 old queens may produce parthenogenic or young queens zygogenic 
 eggs under certain conditions. Only under fairly constant external 
 conditions could a definite, fixed relation between physiological 
 condition of the egg and physiological age of the parent be expected. 
 In certain of the parasitic flatworms — the digenetic trematodes 
 — two or more larval generations occur between the fertilized egg 
 and the adult stage. The first of these larval generations arises 
 from the egg as a single individual which contains within its body 
 certain cells known as germ cells. Each of these germ cells develops 
 within the parent body into a larval individual of the second genera- 
 tion, and in many cases these larvae likewise contain germ cells 
 which give rise to a third larval generation : sometimes the process 
 may continue still farther, but in any case the final larval generation 
 undergoes transformation into a single adult individual and becomes 
 sexually mature. 
 The germ cells in the bodies of these trematode larvae have 
 commonly been regarded as eggs, and the development of the second 
 and following larval generations as cases of parthenogenesis. The 
 observation of Gary ('09) that these germ cells resemble partheno- 
 genic eggs in giving rise to a single polar body before beginning 
 development gives further support to this view. If these cells are 
 actually parthenogenic eggs or approach such eggs in their charac- 
 teristics, their appearance during or immediately after the embryonic 
 'The latest studies on the subject, Nachtsheim, '13, Armbruster, '13, give an 
 extensive bibliography. 
 period seems to conflict with the conclusion reached in the 
 present chapter that the formation of gametes is a feature of 
 relatively late stages in the life history of the individual. This 
 conflict, however, is apparent rather than real. Each larval genera- 
 tion has a life history of its own not essentially different from that 
 of other animals: during this period it undergoes progressive dift'er- 
 entiation and growth, but the rate of growth decreases and the 
 larva finally dies, apparently of old age. I have determined the 
 changes in susceptibility to cyanides of two of the larval generations 
 of certain species and have found that a marked and rapid decrease 
 in susceptibility occurs in each generation and that the early stages 
 of each generation show a much higher susceptibiHty than the late 
 stages of the preceding generation. This means that each genera- 
 tion undergoes a rapid senescence and that rejuvenescence occurs 
 during each reproduction, but there is some evidence that progressive 
 senescence from generation to generation also occurs to some extent. 
 During the earlier stages of the life of a larva the cells which 
 later become germ cells undergo division and so increase in number, 
 but they do not become mature and begin independent development 
 into new individuals until a relatively late larval stage of larval 
 life is reached. The period of reproduction through the germ cells 
 is in fact a feature of advanced age in the life of the larva. The cells 
 resemble eggs in possessing a low metabolic rate before beginning 
 development because they are parts of a physiologically old body, 
 and it is probable that the occurrence of a maturation division with 
 the formation of a polar body is connected with this condition (see 
 pp. 353-56). What we commonly cafl the life history of these 
 worms is then in reality a series of life histories with alternating 
 periods of senescence and rejuvenescence. Each period of senes- 
 cence is accompanied in its later stages by reproduction through 
 cells which resemble parthenogenic eggs more or less closely, but 
 only in advanced age of the final generation, the adult form, do 
 sexual maturity and fertilization occur. Certain other points in 
 these life histories are of interest in connection with the problem of 
 the fife cycle, but this brief consideration is perhaps sufficient to 
 show that the pecuhar larval reproduction of these species is a 
 feature of advanced age Hke gametic reproduction in other forms. 
 It is apparently true for both animals and plants that the pro- 
 duction of gametes is associated with certain internal conditions 
 which are characteristic of an advanced physiological age. But 
 since the course of the age cycle may be accelerated, retarded, or 
 reversed by the action of external factors, the formation of gametes 
 in the lower organisms, where the influence of external factors is 
 relatively great, may often appear to be largely dependent upon 
 these external factors. Not only is gamete production a feature 
 of relatively advanced age, but in some cases the physiological 
 age of the egg — parthenogenic or zygogenic character — apparently 
 depends to some extent on the physiological age of the parent. 
 The association of gamete formation with advanced physio- 
 logical age is a fact of great importance, for it indicates that the 
 "germ plasm" is an integral physiological part of the organism 
 and that the formation of the gametes is the final stage of a period 
 of progressive development in the reproductive cells. In the earlier 
 stages of the hfe history of the organism isolated cells or cell masses 
 may react to isolation by dedifferentiation and reconstitution to a 
 new individual, i.e., agamic reproduction occurs. The partheno- 
 genic egg is apparently a cell which has undergone a considerable 
 degree of differentiation as a gamete, but has not lost the capacity 
 to react to isolation by dedifferentiation and reconstitution. And. 
 finally, the zygogenic gamete has attained a stage of differentiation 
 and senescence in which it is no longer capable alone of reacting to 
 isolation, but can undergo dedifferentiation and reconstitution only 
 when fertiHzation occurs. If there are any cells in the organism 
 which do not contain "undifferentiated germ plasm," the gametes 
 certainly seem to be among those cells. 
 Armbruster, L. 
 1913. " Chromosomenverhaltnisse bei der Spermatogencse soliliirer 
 Apiden {Osmia corniita Latr.)," Arcli.f. Zclljorsch.. XI. 
 Bary, A. DE. 
 1878. "tJber apogame Fame und die Erscheinung der Apogamie im All- 
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 If the gametes are physiologically old cells, rejuvenescence must 
 occur during embryonic development, for the organism when it 
 begins its active independent life at the end of the embr>-onic 
 period is certainly very much younger in every respect than the 
 gametes before fertilization. It now remains to consider the 
 evidence bearing upon this point. This evidence is chiefly zoo- 
 logical rather than botanical, for in most of the plants the early 
 embryonic stages cannot readily be isolated for experimental 
 To attempt any consideration of the problem of fertihzation 
 itself would lead us too far afield; moreover, no well-established 
 and generally accepted theory of fertilization has as yet emerged 
 from the great mass of often conflicting experimental data and 
 opinions. It is the efTect of fertilization rather than the process 
 itself with which we are primarily concerned. 
 Whatever the nature of the process, it is a self-evident fact that 
 the union of the two gametes is usually the starting-point of a 
 new period of activity and change in the resulting cell. It is true 
 that in some cases among both plants and animals fertihzation is 
 followed after a short period of activity by a quiescent period, but 
 we know that in certain of these cases the cessation of activity is 
 due to incidental or external factors, such as the presence of an 
 impermeable shell or envelope of some sort which cuts off the supply 
 of oxygen or water, or otherwise interferes with dynamic activity 
 until it is removed in one way or another, or gamete formation may 
 occur at seasons of the year or under external conditions which 
 retard or inhibit metabolic activity. In the delayed germination 
 of plant seeds,' in the quiescent encysted periods of certain protozoa 
 ' See, for example, Crocker, '06, '07, '09; and references to literature in these 
 after union of the gametes, and in the cessation of development of 
 the "winter eggs" of flatworms, rotifers, Crustacea, and insects, 
 the presence of shells or envelopes of some sort is undoubtedly the 
 chief factor in retarding or inhibiting the metabolic activity. Even 
 in those animal eggs which, like some seeds, must before they will 
 hatch be subjected to certain external conditions, such as freez- 
 ing temperature or desiccation, or in the case of Branchipus, the 
 fairy shrimp, apparently to both, there is good reason to beHeve 
 that the effect of these conditions in altering or disintegrating the 
 egg envelope is much more important than any effect which they 
 may have upon the protoplasm itself. These, however, are cases 
 of the cessation of development rather than of its failure to begin. 
 There are some cases where gametic union does not result in a 
 period of increased activity and where internal rather than external 
 factors seem to be responsible. Jennings ('13), for example, has 
 found that in Paramecium the effects of conjugation are by no 
 means uniform, for many of the ex-conjugants show decreased rather 
 than increased activity and some die, while others do exhibit an 
 increased rate of growth and division. It is probable that this lack 
 of uniformity in the results of gametic union is connected with the 
 fact that the body and the gamete are the same cell. Different 
 individuals become specialized in different directions and the 
 physiological effect of gametic union must vary widely, for in some 
 cases the two protoplasms are incompatible in some way, or a sum- 
 mation of their physiological defects occurs, while in others the 
 result is the opposite. In the multicellular organisms, however, 
 where the gametes develop as speciahzed parts of the body more or 
 less remote from the influence of factors external to the organism, 
 their course of development and consequently the effects of their 
 union are much more definite and uniform, but even here the results 
 of gametic union may vary to some extent, although increased 
 dynamic activity following union is the usual result. 
 There are in fact very few exceptions to the rule that gametic 
 union is followed by increased dynamic activity, and it is probable 
 that most, if not all, of these exceptions will prove to be apparent 
 rather then real. We may say then with Loeb that fertilization 
 in some way saves the Ufe of the gametes. If the gametes are highly 
 differentiated, physiologically old cells, approaching death, an 
 increase in dynamic activity can scarcely mean anything else than 
 the beginning of a period of rejuvenescence and dedifferentiation. 
 The increase in the dynamic activity of the sea-urchin egg after 
 fertilization has been determined in various ways by various inves- 
 tigators.' Lyon found that the susccptibiUty of the eggs to cyanide 
 was greater after than before fertilization. Measurements of the 
 oxygen consumption of the egg of the Neapolitan sea-urchin 
 {Strongylocentrotus lividus) by Warburg showed that after fertiliza- 
 tion the oxygen consumption was between six and seven times as 
 great as before, and Loeb and Wasteneys found that in an American 
 sea-urchin {Arhacia punctulata) the fertihzed egg consumed three 
 to four times as much oxygen as the unfertilized.'' In a study of 
 heat production in the sea-urchin egg Meyerhof finds the heat 
 production per hour between four and five times as great in fer- 
 tihzed as in unfertiHzed eggs. 
 In the starfish egg, however, according to Loeb and Wasteneys 
 ('12), the oxygen consumption is about the same before and after 
 fertilization. This dift'erence in behavior between starfish and sea- 
 urchin eggs is undoubtedly connected, as Loeb ('11) suggested, 
 with the fact that in the starfish the extrusion of the eggs from the 
 ovaries into sea-water starts the maturation divisions, while in the 
 sea-urchin maturation has occurred and the egg is quiescent when 
 the sperm enters it. But the unfertilized starfish egg dies very 
 soon unless, according to Loeb, its oxidation processes are inhibited 
 by lack of ox>'gen or by cyanide.^ As a matter of fact, the starfish 
 egg is almost a parthenogenic egg, as Mathews ('01) has shown. 
 By experimental means its development can readily be initiated 
 without fertilization. But, left to itself, it is apparently not quite 
 able to begin normal development; something goes wrong and 
 death soon follows. The unfertilized sea-urchin egg, on the other 
 hand, which remains almost quiescent after extrusion from the 
 'Loeb, '10; LoebandWasteneys, '10, '11; Lyon, '02; Meyerhof, '11; Warburg, 
 'oS, '10. 
 ^ There are certain sources of error in the method used for determining oxygen 
 consumption which make it possible that these values are too high, but that an increase 
 occurs cannot be doubted. 
 3 Loeb, '11; Loeb and Wasteneys, '12. 
 ovary and does not begin development until the sperm enters, may 
 live for a week or more. The death of the unfertiHzed starfish egg 
 is not comparable to death from old age in organisms in general, 
 but is the result of the pecuHar physiological condition of the egg 
 almost on the boundary line between parthenogenesis and zygo- 
 genesis. The conclusions concerning natural death which Loeb 
 has drawn from the behavior of this egg are certainly not applicable 
 to death from old age (see pp. 307-9). A few other eggs show 
 somewhat similar behavior, but in all of them a more or less similar 
 physiological condition exists and their behavior cannot be made the 
 basis for conclusions as to the nature of death in general. 
 In experiments of my own the susceptibihty of various animal 
 eggs to cyanide before and after fertihzation has been tested, both 
 by observing the occurrence of the death changes and by determin- 
 ing the limits of recovery in a given concentration. The sea-urchin 
 egg and the eggs of Nereis, Chaeto pterus , and Hydroides, among the 
 annelids, are all somewhat more susceptible to cyanide after ferti- 
 lization than before, although the difference is not very great. In 
 the starfish egg, however, the susceptibihty increases markedly in 
 unfertiHzed eggs when maturation begins, and there is little or 
 no further change on fertihzation. Since increased susceptibility 
 means increase in rate of metabolism, these results agree in general 
 with those obtained by other methods, although the increase in 
 susceptibility to cyanide is not as great as might be expected if the 
 rate of oxidation increases from three to six times with fertilization. 
 The results with the starfish egg indicate, as Loeb suggested, that 
 here the chief increase in rate of oxidation occurs with maturation. 
 The naturally parthenogenic egg is evidently a cell which pos- 
 sesses the capacity to react to its physiological or physical isolation 
 from the parent body or from the former source of nutrition or 
 to the change of conditions associated with its extrusion from the 
 body by the initiation of a normal development. Although oxygen 
 consumption and susceptibihty of parthenogenic eggs before and 
 after isolation have not been determined, the observations on the 
 starfish egg which is on the verge of parthenogenesis and the very 
 evident increase in activity in parthenogenic eggs during and after 
 maturation leave no room for doubt that the physiological changes 
 which occur in zygogenic eggs after the entrance of the sperm occur 
 in parthenogenic eggs independently of the sperm. Moreover, 
 among animals most parthenogenic eggs undergo only one matura- 
 tion division before beginning development. It was also pointed 
 out in chap, xiii that in many cases parthenogenic eggs are appar- 
 ently less highly differentiated morphologically, and younger phys- 
 iologically, than zygogenic eggs of the same species. 
 The obvious conclusion in the light of the various facts is that 
 eggs which are capable of parthenogenic development in nature are 
 less highly specialized as gametic cells than those which require 
 fertihzation. They react to isolation by undergoing dedift'crentia- 
 tion and reconstitution into new individuals, and in this respect 
 they resemble the pieces from the bodies of many lower animals, 
 such as Planaria, which undergo reconstitution when isolated. 
 The capacity of parts of the body for reacting to physiological 
 or physical isolation by dedifferentiation varies inversely as the 
 degree of physiological stability of the structural substratum (see 
 pp. 39-42). But physiological stability of the substratum appar- 
 ently increases during individual development and also during the 
 course of evolution, and often varies to a considerable extent in 
 related species. Since the development of the primitive egg cell 
 into an egg is apparently subject to the same laws as the develop- 
 ment of other parts of the body, the parthenogenic egg must repre- 
 sent an earlier stage of development than the zygogenic egg of the 
 same species. But it does not by any means follow that the eggs 
 of all species would develop parthenogenically if they were iso- 
 lated at a sufficiently early stage. Since the bodies of different 
 species and the different tissues of the same individual possess very 
 different degrees of reconstitutional capacity, we must e.xpect to 
 find differences of the same sort in eggs. Moreover, since the 
 formation of gametes is characteristic of relatively late stages in 
 the individual Hfe history, we should expect a rather high degree 
 of physiological stability in the eggs of most species and partheno- 
 genesis in comparatively few. As a matter of fact, parthenogenesis 
 occurs only here and there among organisms, but it is of interest to 
 note that it is relatively frequent in the lower plant s, the algae and 
 fungi. To what extent it may occur among the lower animals is 
 not fully known, though apparently it appears c hiefly as a charac- 
 teristic of certain groups without relation to their systematic posi- 
 tion. Finally, we cannot expect to find parthenogenesis ne cessarily 
 associated with a high degree of reconstitutional capa city in other 
 parts of the body, for the physiological condition of the primitive 
 germ cells from which eggs are formed, the rate of gr owth of the 
 egg, the character and amount of its nutrition, and doubtless many 
 other factors, must be concerned in determining whether it shall be 
 parthenogenic or zygogenic. 
 From this point of view the parthenogenic egg is a cell which 
 has undergone more or less development as a gamete but still re- 
 tains the capacity to initiate dedifferentiation and re constitution 
 independently of union with a male gamete. In this respect it 
 resembles the less highly specialized cells of other tissues rather 
 than the gametes. 
 Much evidence has accumulated to show that in the higher seed 
 plants reproduction of a new sporophyte generation very often 
 occurs in various other ways than by the fertilization of a zygogenic 
 egg. In some cases the reproductive cell is not the egg cell, but a 
 vegetative cell of the gametophyte and the reproductive process is 
 known as apogamy; in other cases the maturation divisions char- 
 acteristic of spore formation do not occur, i.e., there is apospory, 
 but a gametophyte containing a parthenogenic egg is formed; in 
 still other cases the reproductive cell is not even a part of the 
 gametophyte, but a cell of the nucellus which corresponds to the 
 sporangium. There can be little doubt that in such cases the 
 reproductive cell does not attain the specialized condition and 
 advanced age characteristic of the zygogenic egg. The final stages 
 of progressive development are omitted in one generation or the 
 Through the extensive investigations of Loeb, Delage, Bataillon, 
 aild many others during the last twenty years it has been demon- 
 strated that the eggs of various species of animals which in nature 
 require fertilization for their development can be induced experi- 
 mentally to develop without fertilization. General agreement has 
 not yet been reached as to the nature of the changes concerned in 
 the initiation of development, but there can be no doubt that the 
 increased metabolic activity which in nature follows fertilization 
 may be brought about by the action of certain experimental con- 
 ditions. A great variety of agents and conditions have been em- 
 ployed in these experiments. Harvey ('10) has tabulated the 
 different methods. A few of these methods bring about in certain 
 species a normal, orderly development like that which occurs after 
 fertilization. With many of the so-called parthenogenic agents, 
 however, and in some species with all, the changes which are initi- 
 ated differ more or less widely from normal development. In some 
 cases development may proceed more or less normally through 
 the earlier stages, but ends in death at or before a certain stage; 
 in others the forms produced are clearly abnormal from the begin- 
 ning; in still others only a few divisions, or only changes in the 
 membrane, occur before death. In certain cases also some degree 
 of differentiation without any cell division results from the use of 
 these agents. 
 All of these experimental effects have very commonly been 
 regarded as initiation of development, but if the term ''develop- 
 ment" means anything, it means an orderly series of events leading 
 to a certain definite result. The course of events and the result 
 attained are subject to more or less variation, and it is not always 
 possible to make a sharp distinction between what is and what is 
 not development. Nevertheless, it is evident that many of these 
 experimental treatments of the egg do not initiate development, 
 but a change which lacks some of the essential features of develop- 
 ment and soon leads to death. To maintain that any experimental 
 agent or condition which brings about some degree or kind of 
 cellular activity in the egg initiates development is to lose sight 
 entirely of the fundamental characteristics of development; and to 
 use such experimental data indiscriminately as a basis for con- 
 clusions concerning the nature of fertilization is certainly not a 
 justifiable procedure. It cannot be doubted, however, that devel- 
 opment in the strictest sense is initiated experimentally in certain 
 cases and by certain methods, and no criticism can detract from 
 the importance and interest of this fact. 
 The questions which have been most widely discussed in con- 
 nection with this held of investigation, viz., the nature of the 
 changes produced in the egg and the manner in which the experi- 
 mental conditions act to produce them, are outside the range of 
 the present discussion. The point to which I desire particularly 
 to call attention is the difference in the reaction of the eggs of 
 different animals to the experimental conditions. Some eggs react 
 readily to a variety of experimental conditions and give loo per 
 cent, or nearly, of normal embryos or larvae, while others, even in 
 the most favorable cases, give only a small percentage of normal 
 forms, or react only to certain experimental conditions, and still 
 others are refractory to all methods and have never been known 
 to develop except when fertiUzed. In the egg of the starfish, for 
 example, which is on the verge of natural parthenogenesis, develop- 
 ment can apparently be initiated by almost any shght stimulus, 
 while the egg of the sea-urchin is somewhat less susceptible to the 
 various agents and conditions employed to initiate development, 
 and many other eggs are only sKghtly or not at all susceptible. 
 Our knowledge along this line is as yet somewhat fragmentary, for, 
 although changes of some kind and degree have been experimentally 
 induced in the eggs of many different species of invertebrates and a 
 few vertebrates, no systematic comparative study along these lines 
 has yet been attempted. But that great differences in the capacity 
 to begin development without fertiUzation exist in different eggs 
 is a demonstrated fact, and the probabihty that these differences 
 are associated with the different degrees of speciahzation and differ- 
 entiation of eggs at once suggests itself. If the eggs of different 
 species represent various degrees of speciahzation, all gradations 
 from natural parthenogenesis through the various degrees of sus- 
 ceptibility to experimental parthenogenic agents to the strictly 
 zygogenic condition, in which the egg reacts only to the entrance 
 of the sperm, must be expected to occur. Apparently some eggs 
 can be aroused from their quiescent condition and started along the 
 course of development in a great variety of ways, some of which may 
 differ widely from the process of fertilization, while others can be 
 aroused only by experimental conditions which approximate more 
 closely the conditions of fertilization, and still others only by 
 fertilization itself, or conditions essentially identical with it. More- 
 over, it is by no means certain that the conditions concerned in 
 fertilization are exactly the same in all cases. The morphological 
 dilTerences in the gametes of different species show clearly enough 
 that the course of gametic development is not always the same, 
 and the assumption that the action of the sperm is always the same 
 seems to be unjustified. The result is, of course, essentially similar 
 in all cases, i.e., increased metabolic activity, transformation of 
 nutritive substances, and cell division, but different factors or 
 combinations of factors may be concerned in producing it in differ- 
 ent cases. The differences in the reaction of different eggs to the 
 experimental parthenogenic agents suggest that various degrees of 
 specialization exist in the process of fertihzation itself. The con- 
 ception of the gametes as highly speciaHzed, physiologically old 
 cells places the whole problem of the initiation of development by 
 either experimental or natural means in a new light. 
 The first stage of development is a period of repeated cell 
 division, the cleavage period, during which the proportion of 
 active cytoplasm and nuclear substance increases at the expense 
 of substances which were accumulated in the egg during its growth 
 and have been previously inactive; or in some organisms, where 
 the egg itself contains but little nutritive material, it becomes 
 dependent at an early stage on nutriment from without. 
 Authorities are generally agreed that during at least some part 
 of this period an acceleration in the rate of metabolism occurs.' 
 According to Warburg and Loeb and Wasteneys the ox>'gen con- 
 sumption of sea-urchin eggs increases during the course of cleavage. 
 In the egg of the mollusk Aplysia limacina Buglia found that the 
 oxygen consumption decreased slightly while carbon-dioxide pro- 
 duction remained uniform during the earhest stages of cleavage, 
 but in later embryonic stages both underwent a marked increase 
 ' Buglia, 'oS; Loeb and Wasteneys, '11; Meyerhof, '11; Warburg, 'oS, '10. 
 and finally became nearly uniform again in early larval stages. 
 Meyerhof has shown that the heat production of the sea-urchin 
 egg increases steadily up to the larval stage; at the sixty-four-cell 
 stage it is about twice as great as during the first hour after fertili- 
 zation; when the larva begins to swim it is three times as great, 
 and at a stage four hours later, four times as great. Heat produc- 
 tion in the Aplysia embryo decreases during the first few cleavages, 
 then increases rapidly to the larval stage, when it becomes nearly 
 uniform, i.e., the changes in heat production in Aplysia are essen- 
 tially parallel to the changes in oxygen consumption and carbon- 
 dioxide production as determined by Buglia. 
 All of these data indicate that at least the oxidation processes 
 increase in rate during the earlier stages of development, and the 
 general behavior of the developing embryo, the increase in the 
 amount of metabolically active cytoplasm and nuclear substance, 
 and the decrease in amount of yolk where yolk is present suggest 
 that not merely oxidation but metabolic activity in general 
 undergoes a marked increase during this period. In short, this is a 
 period of physiological rejuvenescence. 
 Lyon ('02) found that the susceptibiHty to cyanide of the sea- 
 urchin egg underwent a gradual increase during the course of 
 cleavage, and I have determined the susceptibility to cyanide dur- 
 ing early development in a number of animal species. In these 
 experiments the susceptibility was measured in most cases by the 
 limits of recovery, that is, the length of time in the cyanide solu- 
 tion at which recovery ceased to occur on return to water. It was 
 also possible in most cases to determine the survival time by 
 observing the death changes in the cyanide. A part of the results 
 of these experiments appear in the following tables. For the sake 
 of simphcity only the average survival times are given, viz., the 
 average length of time in cyanide necessary to prevent any visible 
 degree of recovery after return to sea-water. These tables serve 
 merely to give a general idea of the changes in susceptibility and 
 do not show the differences or the different rates of change in the 
 susceptibility of dift'erent regions of the embryos. 
 In both starfish and sea-urchin the susceptibility increases very 
 greatly, and more in the starfish than in the sea-urchin, up to the 
 early gastrula stage and then begins to decrease slightly as the 
 larval structure begins to develop. At this stage the cells have 
 lost the differentiation of the egg, the chemically active protoplasm 
 has undergone great increase at the expense of the inactive substance 
 and has attained the maximum, and from this stage on the develop- 
 ing organism begins to grow old. 
 Starfish {Asterias forbesii) 
 KCX o.oi mol. 
 Stage of Average Survival Time 
 Development in Hours and Minutes 
 Unfertilized egg undergoing maturation 11.30 
 30 minutes after fertilization 11 ■ 30 
 2-8 cells 10 . 30 
 64-128 cells 5 . 30 
 Blastulae before movement 1.15 
 Early gastrulae 1.35 
 Advanced gastrulae i . 20 
 Young bipinnaria larva 3 . 00 
 Sea-Urchin {Arbacia pimctulata) 
 KCN 0.005 iTiol. 
 Stage of Average Survival Time 
 Development in Hours and Minutes 
 Unfertilized egg 8.15 
 20 minutes after fertilization 6. 45 
 4-8 cells 5 . 45 
 Late cleavage 3 • 30 
 Early gastrulae 2.15 
 Advanced gastrulae 3 . 00 
 Prepluteus 3 • 30 
 In this connection it is of great interest to note that in the starfish 
 and sea-urchin and various other species the late blastula and early 
 gastrula stages appear to be critical stages in development under 
 many experimental conditions, e.g., in experimental partheno- 
 genesis, in many hybrids and under the action of various external 
 agents. Development may proceed with little or no disturbance 
 up to these stages and then stops or becomes abnormal. If these 
 stages are passed successfully, further development is likely to 
 follow its usual course. It is easy to see why, if anything is wrong, 
 it should become evident during these stages, for they represent 
 the period when the intrinsic metabolic activity of the cells is greater 
 than at any other period of the life history, and the physical condi- 
 tion of the protoplasm which is of course correlated with the high 
 rate of metabohsm must likewise be most susceptible to change at 
 this time. Internal or external factors, which produce little or 
 no efTect when the metaboHc and protoplasmic susceptibility is 
 lower, may at this time bring about changes which either lead to 
 death or profoundly modify the further course of development. 
 The different behavior of the two eggs in relation to fertilization 
 which was mentioned in an earlier section (pp. 405-6) appears in 
 the tables. The starfish egg shows scarcely any increase in sus- 
 ceptibility just after fertihzation, while in the sea-urchin egg the 
 increase is marked. 
 Nereis limhata 
 KCN 0.005 rnol- 
 Stage of Average Survival Time 
 Development in Hours and Minutes 
 2-4 cells 13.45 
 Early gastrulae 11.30 
 Early larvae hatching 7 . 30 
 Larvae 8 hours after hatching 3 • 30 
 Larvae with two pairs of setae 45 
 Full-grown larvae i . 40 
 Advanced larvae 2 . 30 
 In Nereis, an annehd worm, the susceptibility increases up to the 
 larval period and during this period begins to decrease. Undoubt- 
 edly the great increase in susceptibility in the early larval stages is 
 due in part to the appearance and increase of motor activity and 
 functional stimulation. The larva is a highly organized animal 
 with sense-organs and muscles, and its rate of metabolism is higher 
 than that determined by conditions existing within its cells because 
 it reacts to external stimuli. But even during the larval period 
 very considerable changes in susceptibihty occur which must belong 
 to the age cycle. In the earlier larval stages the animal is still 
 growing young, while in the later stages it is growing old. 
 Between Nereis and another anneUd, Arenicola cristata, an 
 interesting difference exists. During the period of rejuvenescence 
 the Nereis embryo obtains its nutritive material from the yolk in 
 the egg, but this material is used up before the end of the lars-al 
 period, and metamorphosis from the larval to the adult form does 
 not occur unless the larva can obtain food from without. The 
 egg of Arenicola, however, contains sufficient yolk to carry 
 development completely through the larval period and meta- 
 morphosis to the stage of a worm with five or six segments, after 
 which food from without is necessary. In both these forms the 
 embryonic period of increase in susceptibility, i.e., of rejuvenescence, 
 ends at about the stage when the last of the yolk is used up: the 
 Nereis embryo continues to grow younger only up to the larval 
 stage, while rejuvenescence in Arenicola continues through the 
 larval stage, the metamorphosis, and up to the six-segment stage 
 of the worm. During this period yolk is being transformed into 
 chemically active nuclear substance and cytoplasm, and the pro- 
 portion of chemically active to inactive substance increases to a 
 certain point where the accumulation of new structural substance, 
 together with any part of the old that may remain, balances the 
 synthesis of active protoplasm. 
 Susceptibility determinations have been made for only two other 
 species of annelids, Chaetopterus pergametitaceics and Ilydroides 
 dianthus, and in both rejuvenescence takes place during the embr}-- 
 onic period, as in Nereis, but the stage at which rejuvenescence 
 gives place to senescence was not determined in these forms. 
 Among the vertebrates the eggs of two species of fish have been 
 used for susceptibiHty determinations. In contrast to the holo- 
 blastic egg of the starfish, sea-urchin, and annelid in which the 
 yolk is in all or some of the cells and the whole egg divides, the fish 
 eggs are meroblastic, most of the yolk being separated from the 
 active protoplasmic part of the egg, and only the latter divides. 
 In such eggs the embryo begins at a rather early stage to feed on 
 the yolk outside its own cells, and its relation to the nutritive supply 
 becomes similar to that of the animal developing from a holoblastic 
 egg which has used up all its yolk. It is a point of some interest 
 to determine at what stage the embryonic period of rejuvenescence 
 ends in such cases. The survival times for these two forms are 
 given in Tables XI and XII. 
 Fundulus heteroclitus 
 Saturated Phenyl Urethane in Sea-Water 
 Stage of Development 
 Length of Time after 
 Fertilization in 
 Hours and Minutes 
 Average Survival 
 Time in Hours and 
 2 cells 
 Advanced oeriblast 
 Embrj'o just appearing 
 Embrj'o with 3-4 somites. . . . 
 Embryo with heart beating . . 
 At time of hatching 
 Tautogolahrus adspcrsus 
 KCN 0.005 mol. 
 Stage of Development 
 Length of Time after 
 Fertilization in 
 Hours and Minutes 
 Average Survival 
 Time in Hours and 
 1 5 minutes after fertilization 
 1—2 cells 
 5 5-60 
 4-8 cells 
 Many cells 
 Embryo just appearing 
 Heart beatine 
 Newly hatched 
 Phenyl urethane was used instead of cyanide in determining the 
 susceptibility of the Fundulus egg, because the membrane of this 
 egg is impermeable to cyanide, as it is to many other substances, so 
 that even in high concentrations development is not retarded, while 
 for phenyl urethane the permeability is practically complete. 
 Rejuvenescence occurs in Fundulus during the early stages of 
 development, as indicated by the increase in susceptibility, but 
 as soon as the embryo begins to form, it gives place to senescence. 
 The great increase in susceptibiHty between establishment of the 
 heart-beat and hatching is probably due in pari to increased func- 
 tional activity and stimulation, but it may be largely the con- 
 sequence of the increasing lipoid content of the nervous system in 
 connection with medullation of the nerves, a change which would 
 increase the relative concentration of phenyl urethane in the 
 nervous system and so might intensify its action (see pp. 75-76). 
 In the vertebrates particularly these changes in the nervous system 
 make the use of the susceptibihty method with highly fat-soluble 
 substances difficult in the later stages of development. If this 
 second increase in susceptibility is due to the increase of fatty 
 substances in the nervous system, it of course does not mean that a 
 second period of rejuvenescence occurs, but rather that the sus- 
 ceptibility to phenyl urethane is not a measure of the metabolic 
 condition at this stage. In all probabiHty senescence and decrease 
 in metabolic rate continue from the stage where the susceptibility 
 first begins to decrease. 
 In Tautogolabrus the period of increasing susceptibility con- 
 tinues up to the time of hatching, and almost all of the increase 
 occurs before movement or special function of organs begins. At 
 the periblast stage, where Fundulus shows the highest suscepti- 
 bility, Tautogolabrus has undergone only half of its increase and the 
 total increase of susceptibihty in the latter is about twice that 
 in the former. These differences between the two forms are 
 undoubtedly associated with differences in the course of develop- 
 ment. The second column of Tables XI and XII shows that 
 Tautogolabrus develops three or four times as rapidly as Fundulus, 
 and its development up to the time of hatching occurs very largely 
 at the expense of nutritive material in the protoplasmic part of the 
 egg, but little of the separate yolk mass being used during this 
 stage, while in Fundulus most of the yolk is used before hatching. 
 It is also evident that the protoplasms of the two species differ 
 widely in capacity for growth, for the egg of Fundulus is very much 
 larger and the adult usually much smaller than that of Tautogola- 
 brus. Apparently the differences between the two eggs determine 
 that the degree of rejuvenescence is much greater and that the 
 period of rejuvenescence extends to a much later stage of develop- 
 ment in Tautogolabrus than in Fundulus. 
 In the frog and salamander, the only other vertebrates for which 
 embryonic susceptibiHties have been determined, the changes are 
 very similar to those described for other forms. From the time of 
 fertilization on, through cleavage, gastrulation, and the formation 
 of the embryo, and somewhat beyond the stage of hatching, the 
 average susceptibihty increases. As in the fishes, the results in the 
 later stages are perhaps comphcated by the increased metabolic 
 activity connected with the functional activity of special organs 
 and with movement, or by changes in the nervous system, but as 
 regards the earher stages this is certainly not the case. 
 All of these data, as well as those on oxygen consumption, are 
 in full agreement with the observed facts of development. It is 
 well known that as cleavage goes on the rate of cell division is 
 accelerated and other developmental changes proceed more and 
 more rapidly up to a certain stage. In general the rejuvenes- 
 cence of certain parts of the embryo, and particularly of the apical 
 region, where the metaboUc rate is originally highest, proceeds more 
 rapidly than that of other parts and is completed earlier. 
 The morphological changes during the period of increasing 
 susceptibihty consist in an increase of nuclear as compared with 
 cytoplasmic substance and in the decrease and disappearance of 
 the yolk in the cytoplasm and the increase of the amorphous, 
 undifferentiated, or embryonic cytoplasm; often also, particularly 
 in the later stages, the new morphological features connected with 
 the new process of dififerentiation begin to appear. The increase, 
 both absolute and relative, in total nuclear volume is a character- 
 istic feature of embryonic development in animals and is evident 
 from observation. It has often been stated that the nuclear 
 volume or nuclear substance increases in geometrical progression 
 during this period, but measurements, so far as they have been 
 made, indicate that this is by no means always the case. Godlewski 
 ('08) has found that in the sea-urchin from the four-ceh to the 
 sixty-four-cell stage the nuclear volume does increase ahnost in 
 geometrical progression, while from the sixty-four-cell stage on 
 there is but httle further increase. During the period of nuclear 
 increase there is no increase, but rather a decrease, in total cyto- 
 plasmic volume, for the nuclear substance is formed at the expense 
 of the cytoplasm or of substances contained in it; consequently 
 the relative increase in nuclear substance is somewhat greater than 
 the absolute. According to Erdmann ('08), the nucleoplasmic 
 relation, that is, the volume of the nucleus in relation to the volume 
 of the cytoplasm, undergoes very great increase from the four-cell 
 stage to the gastrula in the sea-urchin, and the volume of the 
 chromosomes, in relation both to cell volume and to nuclear volume, 
 also increases during this period. Conklin ('12), in a study of the 
 mollusk Crepidula, also finds an increase in total nuclear volume 
 during cleavage, though by no means so great as that found in the 
 The change in the nucleoplasmic relation during this period is 
 evidently in the reverse direction from that which it underwent 
 during the growth period of the gametes. Undoubtedly the 
 increase in relative nuclear volume during early development is, as 
 Conklin points out, an important factor in the acceleration of meta- 
 boHc activity, but it is not the only nor even the primary- factor, 
 for the acceleration may begin before the nuclear increase, and 
 under other conditions acceleration of metabolism may occur with- 
 out such increase. The increase in nuclear volume is an indication 
 rather than a cause of the metaboHc changes which the embryo is 
 undergoing during this period. Moreover, as regards the sperma- 
 tozoon, entrance into the egg constitutes a sudden and enormous 
 increase in cytoplasmic volume, yet the spermatozoon undergoes 
 regressive changes as well as the egg. The general significance of 
 the nucleoplasmic relation for the problem of age is considered in 
 chap, xvi (see also pp. 284-86). 
 In most animal eggs the cytoplasm contains more or less fatty 
 substance — the yolk — in the form of granules, droplets, or large 
 masses, and in such eggs the most conspicuous cytoplasmic change 
 during the early stages of development is the gradual disaj^jjearance 
 of this yolk. But even in eggs which contain no visible yolk the 
 cytoplasm becomes more homogeneous in appearance, and cyto- 
 plasmic strands, granules of various sorts, and other structural 
 features of the egg disappear wholly or in part. At the same time 
 that these regressive processes are going on, progressive changes 
 are occurring and new structural features are beginning to appear. 
 In some embryos these do not become visible or conspicuous until 
 the regressive changes are far advanced, while in others, such, for 
 example, as certain anriehds and mollusks, in which larval forms 
 differentiate very early in development, they may begin to appear 
 during the first few divisions following fertilization, or some of the 
 structural features of the egg may be carried over into the larva. 
 In short, both the degree and rate of morphological regression, as 
 well as the degree and rate of rejuvenescence during early stages, 
 vary greatly in different forms. 
 In many animals the form hatching from the egg is widely 
 different, both in structure and in behavior, from the adult, and is 
 known as a larva: sooner or later this form undergoes either a 
 gradual or a somewhat abrupt transformation or metamorphosis 
 into the adult form. The question as to the nature of larval 
 metamorphosis and the internal and external conditions which 
 determine it has been much discussed, and various hypotheses 
 have been advanced. Here, however, the purpose is only to present 
 a few suggestions rather than to attempt extended discussion. 
 In the first place the term "larva" is a loose biological term with 
 little physiological significance. The larva is merely a form differ- 
 ent from the adult and appearing before it in the life history. But 
 the larva of an annelid which develops during the first few cell 
 divisions after fertihzation is very dift'erent from the larva of an 
 insect or a frog which appears only after thousands of divisions and 
 extensive dift'erentiation. The larval form may represent an 
 earlier or a later stage in the developmental history. 
 In many invertebrates, e.g., in the annelid Nereis, the larval 
 form develops during the period of rejuvenescence. So far as I 
 have been able to deterpiine, the eggs or embryos of all species 
 in which the larval form arises very early possess a strongly marked 
 axial gradient and individuation progresses rapidly, while in those 
 where the larval period occurs at a later stage the gradient is much 
 less clearly marked in early stages and develops only gradually. 
 The larval form of the annelids, moUusks, Crustacea, and some 
 other invertebrate groups represents chiefly the head and anterior 
 regions of the body, and metamorphosis consists, not only in changes 
 in the parts already formed, but in the addition of new segments 
 from a growing region just in front of the posterior end. The fully 
 developed larva of the anneHd Nereis, for example, consists of the 
 head and the first three segments, as indicated in Fig. 197, and during 
 the transfonnation of this free-swimming form into the worm new 
 segments are added successively at the posterior end. In this and 
 Fig. 197. — Trochophore larva of Nereis. After E. B. Wilson, '92 
 in other related species the axial gradient, which is so clearly marked 
 during prelarval stages, becomes less and less distinct in the larva, 
 until, as metamorphosis approaches, the growing region at the 
 posterior end shows the highest metabolic rate of any part of the 
 body. These changes enable us to gain some insight into the 
 process of formation of new segments. The head-region under- 
 goes rejuvenescence and begins senescence before other parts, so 
 that in the larval stage its metabolic rate begins to decrease before 
 that of the more posterior regions. But even before its metabolic 
 rate begins to decrease, the rate in more posterior regions is in- 
 creasing more rapidly than in the head, and the result is a partial 
 physiological isolation of the posterior region and the formation 
 of a new segment. Similarly, physiological isolation of the pos- 
 terior region from the first segment results in the formation of the 
 second, and isolation from the second in the formation of the 
 third. But by this time the rate of metabolism in the head-region 
 is decreasing, and a Uttle later it begins to decrease in the first, 
 then in the second and the third segments. Sooner or later this 
 process leads to partial physiological isolation of the posterior end 
 and, if food is present to provide energy and substance for growth, 
 another segment is added posteriorly, and so on. 
 In the Crustacea the process is essentially similar. In the lower 
 Crustacea the earhest larval stage represents, as in Nereis, the head, 
 and three segments with their appendages, and new segments are 
 added successively at the posterior end. Fig. 198 shows a stage in 
 the metamorphosis of the fairy shrimp Branchipus. The original 
 larval form in this case consisted of the head and the first three 
 segments to which the three pairs of large appendages are attached 
 in the figure, and to this new segments are successively added at 
 the posterior end. The figure shows a stage in which a large 
 number of segments have already formed, but are not yet fully 
 In the insects and vertebrates the formation of the segments 
 occurs before hatching, but is in all probabiHty a similar process. 
 The changes called metamorphosis in the insects belong to a much 
 later stage of development. Here the larval form, which has fed 
 and grown for a time and has acquired a large nutritive reserve, 
 undergoes transformation into the mature form, the imago, during 
 the pupal stage which usually shows little or no movement and does 
 not feed. In this case the changes seem to be the result of aging 
 of certain of the larval organs in consequence of which growth and 
 development of certain parts previously inhibited now becomes 
 possible. In some insects many of the larval organs actually die 
 and undergo complete resorption or degeneration. In some other 
 invertebrates parts of the larva die and are cast oH bodily when 
 metamorphosis begins. 
 Apparently in all ihese cases metamoqihosis is a partial physio- 
 logical disintegration of the individual resulting from changes in 
 the axial gradient during the earlier stages of development, or from 
 the aging and death of certain larval organs. Where the larval 
 Fig. 198. — Larval metamorphosis of Branchipus (fairy shrimp) 
 period occurs at a very early stage of development a well-marked 
 axial gradient and a relatively high tlegree of individuation are 
 present at the beginning, or at a very early stage, of embryonic 
 Metamorphosis in the amphibia is evidently a process associated 
 with progressive development and physiological senescence, and it 
 may be hastened or delayed by external factors which accelerate or 
 retard development; but the physiological factors immediately 
 concerned in bringing about the changes which occur are still 
 obscure. Metamorphosis unquestionably results in a higher degree 
 of physiological integration, particularly in the higher amphibia, 
 the frogs and toads; in fact, it is in a sense a new integration 
 within the previously existing individual. In the substitution of 
 physiologically younger for older organs and parts, which apparently 
 occurs in amphibian metamorphosis, differences in metabolic rate 
 may play a part, but our knowledge is at present too incomplete 
 to permit definite conclusions. 
 In most plants embryonic development takes place within 
 special organs of the parent plant, and the embryonic stages are 
 not accessible to physiological investigation as are those of many 
 animals. Moreover, the plant ovum does not in most cases accumu- 
 late a large supply of nutritive substance within its own body, but 
 is nourished by other cells. Only in certain algae and fungi, where 
 embryonic development occurs apart from the parent body, is 
 there any considerable accumulation of nutritive material in the 
 egg itself. 
 So far as I am aware, no determinations of oxygen consumption, 
 carbon-dioxide production, or susceptibility have been made upon 
 the embryonic stages of plants, but observation indicates clearly 
 enough that the metabohc changes during these stages are not 
 fundamentally different from those in animals. Fertilization in the 
 plant, as in the animal, initiates an increased activity in the pre- 
 viously quiescent ovum, repeated division occurs with an absolute 
 and relative increase of nuclear substance, and, where nutritive 
 substances are present in the egg, they gradually disappear. As 
 in the animal, the cells resulting from the successive divisions 
 become more or less completely "embryonic" or undifferentiated 
 in appearance, and from such cells the new plant individual arises. 
 There is, in short, every visible indication of a process of regression 
 and rejuvenescence in the early stages of plant development. The 
 youngest stage physiologically is jirobably earlier in some and later 
 in other plants, as in different animals, but, as j)ointed out in 
 chap. X, certain parts in most plants remain physiologically young 
 for a long time, or indefinitely, and well-marked dilTerentiation 
 and senescence are confined to other parts. 
 In gametic reproduction the organism begins its life history as 
 a single cell resulting from the union of two highly specialized, 
 old cells, and the earlier part of this history is a period of dediffer- 
 entiation, cell division, and rejuvenescence. In many cases of 
 agamic reproduction also the life history begins with a single cell, 
 but in many others the reproductive body is a cell mass often con- 
 taining various differentiated organs. Evidently in those cases 
 where a single specialized cell is the starting-point, the degree of 
 reconstitutional change involved in the formation of a new indi- 
 vidual is in general greater than where the individual arises from a 
 large mass of cells, for in the latter case some of the cells or organs 
 are incorporated as parts of the new individual with but little 
 change. It has been shown in chap, v, for example, that in Planaria 
 the degree of reconstitution and rejuvenescence varies inversely 
 as the size of the isolated piece: in the large piece, while certain cells 
 may become embr}'onic, these rapidly differentiate and grow old 
 and the total rejuvenescence is slight, while in the smaller piece the 
 cells undergo more change and the total rejuvenescence is greater 
 in amount. In the single cell which gives rise to a new individual 
 the changes are still greater, and the degree of rejuvenescence of 
 the whole must also be greater, because the reconstitutional changes 
 are very extensive and involve the cell as a whole. Moreover, if 
 it is true that the gametes are more highly specialized than single 
 cells which reproduce agamically, we must conclude that the degree 
 of rejuvenescence is in general greater in gametic than in any 
 form of agamic reproduction, that is, in multicellular organisms. 
 If, however, the same degree of rejuvenescence occurs in suc- 
 cessive agamic generations, even though it is much less than thai 
 occurring in gametic reproduction, the agamic process may be 
 repeated indefinitely without race senescence. The failure of 
 agamic reproduction after a larger or smaller number of agamic 
 generations is not due to the fact that there is less rejuvenescence 
 connected with it than with the gametic reproduction, but rather 
 to the fact that under the existing conditions senescence in each 
 agamic generation is not entirely compensated by rejuvenescence 
 in each reproduction, and race senescence results. In such cases 
 of course a substitution of gametic for agamic reproduction will 
 rejuvenate the race and make possible a new series of agamic 
 generations. This course has from time to time been followed with 
 the potato, when a particular race has seemed to show signs of 
 decrease in vitality or commercial value, and often with good results. 
 There is, however, every reason to believe that a change of the 
 right kind in conditions of cultivation would accomplish the same 
 result without breeding from the seeds instead of the tubers. 
 Doubtless the gametic process affords a less difiicult and more 
 rapid method of accomplishing the desired result, but it is probably 
 not the only method. 
 In many organisms, under the ordinary conditions of nature, 
 senescence is evidently not completely compensated by the reju- 
 venescence occurring in agamic reproduction, and progressive 
 senescence of the race or colony occurs. This is apparently the 
 case among both plants and animals, but, as already pointed out, 
 experimental investigation has shown for many of these cases that 
 under the proper conditions progressive senescence does not occur, 
 and these results make it probable that we shall find this true for 
 many other cases. It may be, however, that in some forms senes- 
 cence progresses in spite of agamic reproduction and independently 
 of external conditions, and if so the agamic period must in any case 
 sooner or later come to an end in such forms. Perhaps some of 
 the higher animals, where agamic reproduction occurs only as 
 polyembryony or in the early stages of postembryonic life, consti- 
 tute cases of this sort. 
 The point of chief importance is, however, that the difference 
 between agamic and gametic reproduction is, as regards the rela- 
 tion between senescence and rejuvenescence, one of degree rather 
 than of kind, and that there is much more (Hffercnce in this respect 
 between different forms of agamic reproduction than between 
 agamic reproduction from single cells and small cell masses and 
 gametic reproduction. From the physiological point of view the 
 reproductive process is fundamentally the same wherever it occurs 
 in nature : it is in all cases the reconstitution of a new organism from 
 a part of one previously existing, but the starting-point of the new 
 individual and consequently the degree of reconstitution and the 
 result differ in different forms and with different conditions. 
 It is only necessary to point out the close agreement between 
 all the different lines of evidence in indicating that the early stages 
 of development from the egg in both animals and plants constitute 
 a period of rejuvenescence in every sense. Minot ('08) has already 
 advanced this view on the basis of the changes in the nucleoplasmic 
 relation, but has failed to present any of the physiological evidence 
 in support of it. The nucleoplasmic relation is a rather unsafe 
 criterion of physiological age, but it is interesting to see that in the 
 present case it leads to the same conclusion as the physiological 
 From this point of view gametic reproduction differs from 
 agamic only in the greater degree of specialization of the reproduc- 
 tive cells and the special conditions necessary to initiate the pro- 
 cess of dedifferentiation and rejuvenescence. The same periodic 
 changes, the same Ufe cycle and age cycle, occur in both. We 
 can dispense entirely with that remarkable conception, the germ 
 plasm of the Weismannian theory, and say that germ plasm is 
 any protoplasm capable under the proper conditions of undergoing 
 dedifferentiation and reconstitution into a new individual of the 
 species. Reproduction, whether it is the process of reconstitution 
 in a piece experimentally isolated from an animal or plant body, 
 or the process of development from the fertilized egg, is funda- 
 mentally the same physiological process and involves both regressive 
 and progressive changes, both rejuvenescence and senescence. 
 A recent attempt by Godlewski ('10) to compare the process of 
 regeneration with gametic reproduction requires mention here. 
 Godlewski found that in the earlier stages of regeneration the 
 epithelial cells of amphibia show an increase in cytoplasmic in 
 relation to nuclear volume as compared with the cells of differen- 
 tiated normal epithelium, and that the nucleoplasmic relation 
 gradually approaches the norm as regeneration proceeds. From 
 these facts he concludes that the earher stages in regeneration cor- 
 respond to the period of oogenesis, and particularly that stage of 
 it in which the egg cytoplasm increases in amount, while the later 
 stages of regeneration correspond to the period of embryonic 
 development in which nuclear substance undergoes relative increase. 
 These conclusions only serve, I think, to show how unsafe the 
 nucleoplasmic relation is as a criterion of physiological condition. 
 It is probable that the first effect of stimulation and increase 
 in metabolic rate in these cells is some degree of hypertrophy 
 (pp. 43-44) with increase in the relative volume of cytoplasm, but 
 this is soon followed by divisions with increase in relative nuclear 
 volume. This is the period of dedift'erentiation and rejuvenescence 
 and corresponds not to the growth period of the egg, but to the 
 period of rejuvenescence in embryonic development, while the later 
 stages of regeneration correspond to the period of morphogenesis 
 and senescence in the later stages of development. 
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 vorgange in Eiern, I-III," Biochem. Zeilschr., XXX\'. 
 Minot, C. S. 
 1908. The Problem of Age, Growth mid Death. New York. 
 Warburg, O. 
 1908. "Beobachtungen uber die Oxydationsprozesse im Seeigelei," 
 Zeilschr. f. physiol. Chcm., LVII. 
 1910. "Uber die O.xydationen in lebenden Zellcn nach \'crsuchcn am 
 Seeigelei," Zeilschr. f. physiol. Chem., LX\'I. 
 Wilson, E. B. 
 1892. "The Cell-Lineage of Nereis," Jour, of MorphoL, \'I. 
 The present chapter makes no attempt at a com])lcte historical 
 review of the various ideas and theories concerning the nature 
 of the age process: it is merely a brief critical consideration, in 
 the light of the preceding experimental data, of some of the more 
 recent theories and suggestions. 
 The popular belief, which is of course based on the phenomena 
 of old age and death in man and the higher animals, is that the 
 process of aging is a wearing out and death a final breakdown of the 
 organic mechanism, or some essential part of it. This idea has 
 from time to time found scientific support, chiefly among those 
 who have considered the problem of senescence primarily in rela- 
 tion to man. Among the earlier authorities of the modern era in 
 science Lotze ('51, '84) is one who holds this view, and recently 
 Alagnus-Levy ('07) has expressed the same opinion. While the 
 phenomena of senile atrophy in extreme old age in man and the 
 higher animals may perhaps be interpreted as in some sense a 
 wearing out (see pp. 288-89), they represent only the final stages 
 of senescence and are the result of what has happened during the 
 earlier life of the organism. Both man and animals grow old 
 throughout the course of progressive development, as the decrease 
 in rate of metabolism indicates. 
 Speculative attempts have been made to show that age and 
 death are associated in some way with the reproductive function. 
 Weismann regards the limitation of life as an adaptation which has 
 arisen by the action of natural selection, because continued life of 
 the individual after the reproductive period is a ''senseless luxury" 
 for the species. Weismann's views arc discussed in another 
 chapter (see pp. 304-5). In opposition to this hypothesis Goette 
 {'Ss) maintains that reproduction is the real cause of age and death 
 of the parent individual and at the same time brings about rejuve- 
 nescence in the offspring. The foundation of Goette's hypothesis 
 is the fact that reproduction in many of the simpler organisms 
 inv^olves a disintegration of the original individual and the origin 
 of new individuals from its parts or certain of them. According 
 to von Hansemann ('93, '09), it is the atrophy of the sexual organs, 
 the final ehmination of the germ plasm, which brings about the 
 changes of old age ending in death. These hypotheses are little 
 more than guesses based on observation of the Hfe histories of 
 various organisms. 
 Various authors have suggested that conjugation and fertihza- 
 tion bring about rejuvenescence in some way. Maupas ('88, '89) 
 believed that the infusoria grow old and may finally die of old age 
 in the course of repeated agamic reproductions and that conjuga- 
 tion renews their capacity for growth and division, but later 
 investigators do not confirm these conclusions (see pp. 136-45). 
 Bernstein ('98) suggests that certain internal conditions whose 
 nature is unknown act as inhibitors of the growth impulse, and 
 that their effect increases during life and finally brings about death. 
 Fertihzation, however, weakens or inhibits the inhibitors, and 
 growth proceeds anew until again gradually inhibited. According 
 to Biihler ('04) the molecular constitution of the organic substance 
 undergoes gradual change during life and becomes less and less 
 capable of metabolism, and fertilization re-establishes the original 
 constitution. Rubner ('89) has advanced a very similar \dew. 
 These hypotheses are merely statements of a supposed fact and do 
 not throw any fight upon the problem of the nature of the processes 
 concerned in either senescence or rejuvenescence. 
 The idea that age and death are the results of an intoxication, 
 a poisoning of the organism in one way or another, has been ad- 
 vanced by various authors, among whom Metchnikoff ('03, '10) 
 has received most attention. According to Metchnikoff" man is 
 slowly poisoned by resorption of the products of bacterial activity 
 in the large intestine. One result of this intoxication is arterio- 
 sclerosis; another is that some of the phagocytes, the white blood 
 corpuscles, under the influence of the poisons depart from their 
 proper function as scavengers and protectors of the tissues and 
 begin to devour the cells of the highest organs of the body, even 
 those of the nervous system. While ]\Ietchnikoff''s ideas have 
 aroused great popular interest, largely because of his scheme for 
 prolonging life by preventing the intestinal intoxications, they 
 have received little support among scientists. The evidence for 
 the universal or almost universal occurrence of chronic intoxica- 
 tion in man, and of arteriosclerosis as a result of it, is far from 
 convincing, and the hypothesis of the action of the phagocytes 
 under such conditions has proved even less acceptable. At best 
 Metchnikoff' s hypothesis is not widely applicable, for many animals 
 which possess no large intestine grow old and die. But, as is evi- 
 dent from his statement that natural death occurs very rarely, 
 Metchnikoff is really concerned with certain pathological aspects 
 of advanced life in man and not at all with the problem of physio- 
 logical senescence. While his ideas may or may not be of practical 
 value, they have no general theoretical significance. 
 According to Jickeli ('02) metabolism is an incomplete process 
 and injurious substances accumulate in the cell because of this 
 incompleteness of metabolism. The secretions of cuticular sub- 
 stances, cysts, cellulose membranes, etc., the formation of hair, 
 feathers, and various other products of cellular activity represent 
 these injurious substances of which the cell attempts to rid itself 
 by excretion, or the body by giving rise to parts which are sooner 
 or later cast off. In other cases the cells react to the accumulation 
 of injurious substances by increased rate of division, which results 
 in increase of surface and so in greater possibility of excretion. 
 The accumulation of the injurious substances brings about senes- 
 i^ence and death, and excretion by the cell, or the casting off of 
 parts by the organism, is a process of rejuvenescence. This 
 hypothesis is based entirely on a teleological conception of the cell 
 and the organism and cannot be regarded as in any real sense 
 physiological, although in his fundamental idea that senescence 
 results from accumulation of substances in the cell and rejuvenes- 
 cence from their eHmination Jickeli approaches my own position. 
 But for him the substances concerned are not the protoplasmic 
 substratum of the cell, but something ''injurious'' which remains 
 in the cell only because metabolism is an incomplete process, and 
 the cell and the organism are all the time struggling, apparently with 
 superhuman intelligence, to rid themselves of their burdens. 
 More recently Montgomery ('06) advanced a somewhat simi- 
 lar hypothesis. He beheved that waste products accumulate in 
 the cells as life continues and that some of them are toxic. Senes- 
 cence and death are the result of the insufficiency of the excretion 
 process. Reproduction is in general an escape or separation of some 
 parts from "an empoisoned mass," and the part which is thus 
 separated is capable of repeating the hfe history. But Mont- 
 gomery does not make it clear why the part or parts which separate 
 as reproductive elements do not carry their share of the poisonous 
 substances with them. This is the most important point, for if 
 the reproductive elements do not free themselves from these poisons 
 they, as well as other parts, must die, and there seems to be no 
 reason except a teleological one why parts should separate as repro- 
 ductive elements at all. Here, as in Jickeli's hypothesis, certain 
 cells free themselves, voluntarily as it were, from the poisonous 
 substances which are killing the organism. The chief difference 
 between Jickeli and Montgomery is that for the one rejuvenescence 
 is an excretory process and may occur in somatic as well as in 
 reproductive cells, while the other maintains that only the repro- 
 ductive elements rejuvenate, and that they somehow leave the 
 poisonous substances behind in the body or in a residuum. 
 Most of those who have considered the problem of age from any 
 general viewpoint have maintained that the conditions which 
 determine senescence and death are found in the physiological 
 constitution of the organism. Seventy years ago Johannes Muller 
 ('44) expressed this opinion; some forty years later Cohnheim {'82) 
 took the same position, and in more recent years this view has found 
 numerous supporters. 
 Butschli's suggestion ('82) that death is due to the exhaustion 
 of the supply of a certain substance — the "life ferment" — which is 
 gradually used up during life, and that the protozoa and the germ 
 cells of multicellular forms do not die because they are capable of 
 producing the substance anew, is not much more than a statement 
 that death is the result of life without rejuvenescence. Cholod- 
 kowsky ('82), on the other hand, suggested that death was rather 
 the result of the multicellular condition with its accompanying 
 differentiation. In such organisms the struggle for existence among 
 the parts which Roux ('81) believed to be of such fundamental 
 importance in organic life must lead linally to the death of the 
 The change in the relation between surface and volume in the 
 cell and the organism during growth has often served as the founda- 
 tion for speculations concerning growth and its cessation, aging and 
 death, and cell division. Since the volume of the cell or the 
 organism increases more rapidly than its surface, and since nutrition 
 and oxygen enter through the surface, it is argued that as the cell 
 or the organism increases in size the amount of nutrition and o.xy- 
 gen which can enter through the surface must become less and less 
 adequate for the needs of the growing cell mass. Sooner or later 
 a stage may be reached where only the superficial parts of the cell 
 receive sufficient nutrition, and finally the death of the cell may 
 result from the starvation of the parts farthest from the surface. 
 Various authors, among them Herbert Spencer, Bergmann and 
 Leuckart, and later Verworn, have called attention to the biological 
 importance of this relation between surface and volume and have 
 employed it as a basis for theoretical considerations concerning 
 one aspect or another of life. Recently Muhlmann ('00, '10. '14) 
 has advanced a theorj' of senescence and death based upon this 
 principle. According to Miihlmann growth brings about senescence 
 and death because it leads sooner or later to star\'ation of the parts 
 of the cell or the organism farthest from the surface. In the uni- 
 cellular forms the nucleus reacts to the extreme stage of starvation 
 by division, which is followed by cell division, and so an increase 
 of nutritive surface is produced; but in multicellular organisms, 
 where the cells do not separate from each other, cell division only 
 leads to further growth and so to starvation, which is most extreme 
 in the part farthest from the surface. Old age is then a comlition 
 of starvation which according to Miihlmann is most extreme in the 
 central nervous system, the part farthest removed from the nutri- 
 tive surfaces, and death is consequently primarily a death of the 
 nervous system. Death for Miihlmann is not only the cessation 
 of life, as it occurs in man and the higher animals, but the division 
 of the cell is the death of the individual cell. The changes in the 
 cells during their development, the appearance of metaplasmic 
 structural substances, which is usually regarded as differentiation, 
 IMiihlmann interprets as a dedifferentiation and regression from 
 the embryonic condition and as a secondary result of the gradual 
 starvation of the cells. 
 As regards the biological importance of the relation between 
 surface and volume, I am not aware that it has been proved in 
 any case to be a fundamental factor in limiting growth. Growth 
 is not simply a matter of nutrition: in the higher animals a very 
 definite limit of size exists, no matter how great the supply of 
 nutrition, and in many lower animals extensive reconstitutional 
 growth may occur, even in a stage of extreme reduction from star- 
 vation. On the other hand, the growth of embryonic cells may 
 be inhibited by correlative influences from other parts, even 
 though an abundant supply of nutrition is present. In many cases 
 animal eggs receive their nutrition chiefly or wholly through a 
 minute fraction of their surface (see Figs. 184, 185, p. 345) yet 
 are able to attain an enormous size as compared with other cells 
 of the body. Similarly, in many cells of the multicellular body, 
 the nutritive surface is evidently only a small fraction of the total 
 surface of the cell, e.g., in many glandular tissues, yet life and 
 function continue. And in the unicellular infusoria food enters 
 through a definite mouth and passes into the entoplasm, where a 
 nutritive surface is formed about each food particle. In such cases 
 the external surface of the cell has no relation to its capacity for 
 ingesting food. Oxygen doubtless enters through the cell surface, 
 but it undoubtedly enters more or less rapidly according to con- 
 ditions in the cell. In fact, the whole theory of the biological 
 importance of the relation between surface and volume rests rather 
 upon a process of logic than upon the data of observation and 
 experiment, and when we examine the behavior of cells and organ- 
 isms it is difficult to find adequate support for it. 
 As regards Miihlmann's hypothesis, the conclusion that old age 
 is an advanced stage of cell starvation rests chiefly upon assertion 
 rather than proof. As a matter of fact, in starvation the nervous 
 system loses less than other tissues, while in old age, according to 
 Miihlmann, it suffers most of all. That accumulation of structural 
 substance and so-called metaplasm in the cells is the result of a 
 gradual starvation is difticult to believe in view of the fact that 
 during actual starvation in the lower animals these substances may 
 disappear to a greater or less extent. And the fact that cell division 
 can be inhibited by starvation is scarcely in agreement with Miihl- 
 mann's assertion that cell division results from starvation of the 
 nucleus. ^Miihlmann regards all that is commonly called progres- 
 sive development as a regression or involution from the embryonic 
 condition and maintains that the only progress is the reproduction 
 of embryonic cells, but here again we have merely assertion, not 
 evidence. In what way progress is involved in the reproduction 
 of embryonic cells he does not attempt to show. And his assertion 
 that cell division and the cessation of life are both death leaves the 
 idea of death without any physiological significance, for cell division 
 and the cessation of Hfe are certainly two very ditTerent processes. 
 In the one an increase in metabolism apparently occurs, while in 
 the other metabolism ceases. 
 ]More than twenty years ago Richard Hertwig ('89) advanced the 
 opinion, based on studies of certain protozoa, that "depression " and 
 "physiological degeneration" of the cell — conditions supposedly 
 more or less closely identical with senescence and natural death — 
 are associated wdth an increase in the size of the nucleus relatively 
 to the cytoplasm, and in later papers ('03, '08) he has attempted to 
 show that the nucleoplasmic relation, i.e., the size ratio of nucleus 
 to cytoplasm, varies and regulates itself within definite limits for 
 each particular kind of cell and that its variation is an index of 
 the functional condition of the cell. This idea has been further 
 developed by some of his students and others, but has also been 
 rather widely criticized, and many investigators have not been 
 able to find the detiniteness of relation which Hertwig believes io 
 exist. Conklin ('12), for example, concludes from an extensive 
 study of the nucleoplasmic relation in the development of the 
 mollusk Crcpidula, that it is neither a constant nor a self-regulating 
 ratio and not a cause of cell division, as Hertwig believes, but 
 rather a result. As a matter of fact differentiation and senescence 
 in the higher animals arc associated in most tissues with an increase 
 in the relative volume of the cytoplasm rather than of the nucleus. 
 Hertwig assumes that the cell is able to regulate its own nucleo- 
 plasmic relation, at least within certain limits, but the origin and 
 nature of the nucleoplasmic tension which he postulates as the 
 basis of this regulation, as well as the physiological mechanism of 
 regulation, remain obscure. In short, the hypothesis has not a 
 physiological foundation and apparently is not in complete agree- 
 ment with the facts. 
 Minot's views, which are fully stated in his recent pubhcations 
 (Minot, '08, '13), are almost diametrically opposed to those of 
 Hertwig, as regards the direction of change in the nucleoplasmic 
 relation during senescence. Minot attempts to show that the 
 growth and differentiation of the cytoplasm are the fundamental 
 factors in senescence and death. In the young cell the amount of 
 cytoplasm in relation to the amount of nuclear substance is least, 
 but during development it increases and undergoes differentiation^ 
 " cy tomorphosis " occurs, and brings about senescence. 
 According to Minot this is a universal law, but his evidence is 
 taken almost entirely from the higher animals. In many of the 
 lower animals no marked proportional increase in the amount of 
 cytoplasm occurs during development, and in the plants differ- 
 entiation is in genera] accompanied, not by increase in the cyto- 
 plasm, but by vacuoHzation. Therefore the size relations of the 
 cytoplasm and nucleus, while they may serve to some extent as an 
 index of age in the higher animals, cannot by any means be regarded 
 as a universal factor in senescence. But the differentiation of the 
 cytoplasm undoubtedly is a very important factor in senescence, 
 and as regards this point my own view agrees closely with Minot's. 
 The changes in the substratum of the cells are merely the con- 
 ditions or one aspect of senescence, they are not senescence itself,, 
 for that is a change in the dynamic processes of the organism which 
 ends in their cessation. Minot, however, has not told us what 
 senescence is nor how the cytoplasmic changes bring it about. I 
 have attempted to show that senescence is a decrease and rejuve- 
 nescence an increase in rate of metabolism associated with changes 
 in the cellular substratum which themselves result from the relation 
 between substratum and metabohsm (Child, '11, '14). In his 
 latest paper Minot has criticized this view on the grcjund that if it 
 were correct we must be growing alternately old and young. While 
 I am quite ready to admit that this is to a certain extent the case, 
 it does not by any means follow, as Minot has asserted, that every 
 change in metabolic rate is either senescence or rejuvenescence. 
 Undoubtedly it is often impossible to draw a sharp line of distinc- 
 tion between the age changes and many other periodic changes in 
 the organism (see pp. 187-93), y^^ in general senescence and reju- 
 venescence are relatively slow and gradual changes in metabolic 
 rate associated with certain changes in the cellular substratum, 
 which do not undergo rapid reversal or regression. Minot's criti- 
 cism is quite beside the point. There is nothing in his own theory 
 that is in conflict in any way with the idea that senescence and 
 rejuvenescence, viewed in their dynamic aspects, are changes in 
 rate of metabolism, for it is concerned with certain conditions and 
 indications of senescence in the cells rather than with the process 
 of senescence itself. 
 According to iMinot, dediffercntiation and rejuvenescence do 
 not occur in the body cells. At various points in the present book 
 (see especially chaps, v-vii, x, xii) I have endeavored to show that 
 dediffercntiation and rejuvenescence occur very widely in body 
 cells. No further discussion, therefore, is necessary here. Minot 
 believes, however, that the egg dififers from all other cells in that it 
 undergoes rejuvenescence after fertilization. The basis for this 
 conclusion is the increase during this stage in the amount of 
 nuclear substance in relation to cytoplasm. As regards the 
 occurrence of rejuvenescence in the embr^'o, I am in essential 
 agreement with him, but my conclusions are based on the changes 
 in metabolic rate rather than size relations of nucleus and cyto- 
 plasm. IMinot, however, has made no mention of the spermatozoon. 
 According to his view it should be one of the youngest cells in 
 existence, since it possesses in most cases practically no cytoplasm. 
 As a matter of fact, however, it shows none of the characteristics 
 of a young cell. It is if anything more highly specialized than the 
 egg, and has ceased entirely to grow; moreover, when it enters the 
 egg it loses its morj^hological characteristics and to all apix-arances 
 also undergoes dedilTerentiation and rejuvenescence into an ordinary 
 nucleus. It would be of interest to know how Minot regarded 
 this cell. 
 Delage ('03) believes that age and death are the result of differ- 
 entiation. In the course of differentiation the cells lose the capacity 
 for reproduction and finally for growth, and no cell is able to live 
 indefinitely without either growing or dividing. The idea that 
 cell reproduction prevents or retards senescence seems to be involved 
 in this view, but Delage does not attempt to develop it. 
 Jennings has recently advanced a view very similar to that held 
 by Delage. Age and death, according to Jennings ('12, '13), are 
 the result of the increased differentiation of the higher organisms. 
 The infusoria do not necessarily die or undergo progressive race 
 senescence, as Maupas believed. In the more complex and highly 
 organized body of the higher animals the greater degree of differ- 
 entiation brings about loss of capacity to carry on the fundamental 
 vital processes, and so death finally results. Jennings fails to 
 note that the higher organisms differ from the protozoa, not merely 
 in the degree of structural dift'erentiation, but in the absence or 
 limitation of agamic reproduction. As I have endeavored to show 
 (pp. 136-45), it is the repeated process of reproduction rather than 
 their low degree of differentiation which prevents progressive race 
 senescence and death in the protozoa. Each division brings about 
 some degree of rejuvenescence, which may balance the senescence 
 during the interval between divisions. Doubtless the capacity of 
 the protozoa to reproduce agamically and their low degree of dift'er- 
 entiation are associated with each other as results of a common 
 cause, but it is the repeated interruption of progressive develop- 
 ment by regression that prevents or retards old age and death. 
 It remains to consider certain hypotheses which concern them- 
 selves more directly with the metabolic aspects of the age changes. 
 In his Allgemeine Biologie (1899), Kassowitz has attempted a 
 general consideration of biological phenomena on the basis of a 
 theory of metabolism which assumes that all metabolism consists 
 in the synthesis and destruction of the protoplasm molecule. All 
 non-protoplasmic (metaplasmic) substances, such for example as 
 fat, glycogen, starch, etc., which appear in the cell, must first have 
 formed part of the protoplasm molecules, and their formation is the 
 result of chemical decomposition of these molecules. When the 
 cells are strongly stimulated, as they are during active function, 
 the protoplasmic molecules break down into substances which are 
 eliminated from the cell, such as carbon dioxide and the nitrogenous 
 excretion products. This Kassowitz terms active breakdown. But 
 even when the cells are not stimulated and functionally active to 
 any marked degree, protoplasmic breakdown still occurs, although 
 slowly and incompletely, and this inactive breakdown gives rise in 
 large part to the metaplasmic substances which accumulate in the 
 cell. The metaplasmic substances are, according to Kassowitz. 
 either quite incapable of further change in the cell after they are 
 once formed, or must be slowdy transformed by the action of 
 enzymes before they can again take part in the synthesis of new 
 protoplasmic molecules. The presence of these metaplasmic 
 substances in the cell interferes with the passage of oxygen to the 
 labile molecules and with the transmission of stimuli and so favors 
 further inactive, as opposed to active, breakdown of protoplasmic 
 molecules. Consequently, when metaplasmic substances appear 
 in the cell, the inactive breakdown increases and this in turn leads 
 to further accumulation of metaplasm and so on. The result is a 
 decrease in functional activity and, sooner or later, death. From 
 this point of view senescence and death are the result of a progres- 
 sive increase in the inactive breakdown and the metaplasmic sub- 
 stances formed by it. Death from old age finds its determining 
 factors in the chemical and physical constitution of protoplasm. 
 In this theory the ideas of the accumulation of substance in the 
 cell and its efTect upon metabolism as a basis for senescence is very 
 clearly and fully developed. And while there are various reasons 
 for dissenting from Kassowitz' theory of metabolism based on the 
 labile protoplasmic molecule (see pp. 13-18) and from the sharp 
 distinctions made between active and inactive breakdown and 
 between protoplasm and metaplasm, we can agree with him that 
 senescence and death are fundamental features of life and are 
 associated w-ith an increase in stability of substratum of the cell. 
 As regards rejuvenescence, Kassowitz is much less clear, 
 although he has in his ideas a satisfactory foundation for a theory 
 of rejuvenescence. In referring to Wcismann's ideas concerning 
 the immortality of the protozoa, he points out that since a rapid 
 growth of protoplasm precedes each cell division, and since growing 
 protoplasm with its large volume of active breakdown is an unfavor- 
 able substratum for the accumulation of metaplasm, therefore when 
 such growth occurs the organism may frequently remain young. 
 He apparently fails entirely to note that, according to his own 
 hypothesis, elimination from the cell of metaplasmic substances 
 should make the cell more capable of active breakdown, and so 
 Enriques ('07, '09) lays stress upon the decrease in assimilatory 
 capacity, and this capacity he believes decreases as differentiation 
 increases. Death is not a necessary consequence of life, for the 
 unicellular forms and also many plants may continue to live indefi- 
 nitely. Enriques cites some chemical analyses of plants in support 
 of his view that the nitrogenous substances become "diluted" 
 during development by the deposition in the cells of carbohydrates. 
 Moreover, he finds that the changes in the nitrogenous substances 
 precede the changes in other substances, and this confirms his 
 belief that the assimilatory capacity of the cells decreases, for the 
 nitrogenous substance is the assimilating substance. In other 
 words, a decrease in the proportion of chemically active protoplasm 
 occurs during development. My own views are in essential agree- 
 ment with those of Enriques, but I have endeavored to proceed 
 a few steps farther and to show how rejuvenescence occurs and its 
 significance in retarding and preventing senescence and death. 
 Conklin ('12, '13) has expressed himself as in essential agreement 
 with my own conclusions concerning the nature of senescence and 
 rejuvenescence, but he lays particular emphasis upon the inter- 
 change between nucleus and cytoplasm as the fundamental condi- 
 tion of constructive metabohsm, and concludes that "anything 
 which decreases the interchange between nucleus and protoplasm 
 leads to seniHty; anything which increases this interchange renews 
 youth." This conclusion seems to me not sufficiently broad in 
 one sense and too broad in another. It can scarcely be doubted 
 that at least some degree of cytoplasmic or nuclear senescence may 
 occur independently of the metabohc interchange between nucleus 
 and cytoplasm, perhaps as a result of colloid or other changes in 
 the substratum. Such a change will doubtless decrease nucleo- 
 plasmic interchange, but this decrease will be secondary rather than 
 primary in the senescence process. Nucleoplasmic interchange 
 depends upon the metabolic conditions in the cytoplasm and in the 
 nucleus and may be altered by changes in either or both. The 
 primary metabohc changes of age must occur throughout the proto- 
 plasm. On the other hand, to say, as Conklin does, that anything 
 which decreases nucleoplasmic interchange leads to senility and 
 anything which increases it renews youth is manifestly not true, 
 for low temperature may decrease and high temperature increase 
 the interchange, but such metabolic changes do not, properly 
 speaking, constitute senescence and rejuvenescence, although they 
 may in some cases result sooner or later in one or the other. 
 The advances during recent years in our knowledge of the 
 colloids and the very natural and entirely justifiable desire to apply 
 the principles and conclusions of colloid chemistry to the Uving 
 organism have led various authors to suggest that senescence in 
 organisms is fundamentally a colloid change. In chaps, i, ii, and 
 viii I have called attention to these colloid changes and their impor- 
 tance for the problems of senescence and rejuvenescence. It can 
 scarcely be doubted that the colloid substratum of the organism 
 does undergo changes which are not essentially different from those 
 in non-living colloids and that such changes play an important 
 role in the process of senescence. They are perhaps, as I suggested 
 (pp. 49-50), the primary- changes in embryonic protoplasm which 
 lead to decrease in metabolic rate and so initiate the processes of 
 differentiation and senescence. But something more than these 
 changes is involved in at least most cases of senescence, for ditTer- 
 entiation occurs, new structural substances are {produced and 
 accumulate in the cell, and its metabolic activity often becomes 
 very different in character from that of the embryonic cell. While 
 these changes may depend in large measure upon colloid changes, 
 it is probable that changes in the chemical constitution of the 
 substratum may also contribute to its increasing stability and so 
 play a part in senescence. 
 The occurrence of rejuvenescence has not, so far as I know, 
 been considered in connection with the suggestions that senescence 
 is a colloid change, but from this point of view rejuvenescence 
 would naturally be regarded as a reversal of the change concerned 
 in senescence in consequence of altered conditions. As I have 
 pointed out (pp. 56-57), however, rejuvenescence is not necessarily 
 a reversal of senescence, but rather, to a large extent at least, the 
 substitution of a new substratum or protoplasm for the old, which 
 may serve in greater or less part as a source of energy and of 
 material. Here certainly chemical decomposition and synthesis 
 are the important factors, although reversible colloid changes may 
 be concerned to some extent. 
 Life is not entirely a matter of colloid condition, nor is it entirely 
 a matter of chemical reaction: it is rather in the interrelations 
 between chemical reaction and colloid substratum that we find the 
 fundamental characteristics of life. If, as I have attempted to 
 show, the age cycle is life itself, viewed from a certain standpoint, 
 we must look to these interrelations for any adequate conception of 
 the changes of senescence and rejuvenescence. 
 Within the last few years various authors' have suggested that 
 growth is essentially an autocatalytic reaction. Loeb has made 
 this suggestion in several papers concerning the process of nuclein 
 synthesis in the developing egg, and Robertson, Wolfgang Ostwald, 
 and Blackman have attempted to show that the processes of growth 
 in general follow the laws of autocatalysis. An autocatalytic 
 reaction is one in which one or more of the products of the reaction 
 act as catalyzers and so increase the velocity of the reaction. In 
 such a reaction the velocity of the transformation at any instant is 
 proportional to the amount of material undergoing change and to 
 the amount of material already transformed. This remains true 
 until products of the reaction begin to decrease its velocity. The 
 curve of such a reaction is in general an S-shaped curve, hke 
 Fig. 199, at first concave to the axis of ordinates as the velocity of 
 reaction increases and finally becoming convex to this axis as 
 the velocity decreases. 
 • Blackman, '09; Loeb, '06, '08, '09; Wolfgang Ostwald, '08; Robertson, '08a, 
 'o8^ '13. 
 1 2345678910 
 Months (birth) 
 Years after birth 
 Fig. 199. — Cur\'e of human growth for the embryonic period and the first four 
 years after birth, drawn from the absolute increments of weight in Tabic XIII: each 
 vertical inter\-al indicated on the axis of ordinates represents an absolute increase of 
 weight of 1,000 grams; on the axis of abscissae the ten short intervals at the left re|)re- 
 sent the nine months of the embryonic period and the month of birth, and each of 
 the following intervals represents one year. 
 If growth is a process of this kind, the rate of growth must 
 increase up to a certain maximum as growth proceeds and then, 
 after maintaining this maximum for a longer or shorter time, must 
 decrease. Both Robertson and Ostwald present a great variety of 
 data from various sources to support their conclusions, and many 
 of Ostwald's curves are very characteristic curves of autocatalysis. 
 Robertson has attempted to show further that in any growth-cycle 
 of an organism, tissue, or organ, the maximum increase in volume or 
 weight in a unit of time occurs when the total growth of the cycle is 
 half completed. From this point of view senescence consists merely 
 in the retardation during the later stages of a growth-cycle of the 
 rate of reaction by the accumulation of the products of reaction. 
 Senile atrophy and death are not a feature of the reaction and must 
 be due to special conditions not directly connected with growth. 
 Rejuvenescence, so far as it occurs, must consist of a reversal of the 
 reaction and consequently a removal of the accumulated products 
 which were responsible for the retardation. 
 The foundation upon which this conception of growth rests 
 consists of the observational, statistical data of the increments of 
 growth or of certain growth-components, such as weight, length, 
 water-content, etc., in various organisms. Ostwald has shown that 
 the absolute increments of growth or growth-components show very 
 generally an increase during the earher and a decrease during the 
 later portion of the growth-cycle under consideration and so when 
 graphically presented appear as an S-shaped curve like the curve 
 of autocatalysis. Robertson's conclusions rest on the same basis 
 as Ostwald's. Stated in general terms these results mean simply 
 that up to a certain point, the larger, or heavier, or longer the 
 organism becomes, the greater its absolute increase in a given time, 
 but beyond that point the absolute increase in a given time becomes 
 smaller, although the total size, or weight, or length is still in- 
 The same statistical data may be handled in another way. 
 From the absolute increments we may determine the relative 
 increments of weight, length, etc., that is, the increase in a given 
 period of time in proportion to the weight or length at the beginning 
 of that time. This relative increment may be expressed as a per- 
 centage of the total weight or length at the beginning of each period 
 and may be called for convenience the percentage increment. The 
 percentage increments for different periods enable us to compare 
 the activity of the organic substance per unit of weight or length 
 in adding to the weight or length in each period, and we find that 
 in growth the percentage increments may decrease while the 
 absolute increments are still increasing. In other words, as growth 
 proceeds, the absolute increment in grams or millimeters may 
 become greater, but the growth-activity of each unit of weight or 
 length already present is decreasing. 
 Weights of the Human Embryo axd of the Child during 
 THE First Four Years after Birth 
 2 months 
 3 " 
 4 " 
 5 " 
 6 " 
 7 " 
 8 " 
 9 " 
 lo " (birth) 
 5 year 
 X « 
 3 « 
 4 ■ 
 I " 
 li " 
 1 2 
 T 3 U 
 -> « 
 4 " 
 Weight in Grams 
 12. 5 
 II. 3 
 An example from among the data used by Ostwald will make the 
 matter clear. Table XIII gives in the second column the weights 
 in grams of the human embryo at monthly inter\-als from the 
 second month to birth, as determined by Fehling, and of the child 
 after birth at intervals of three months during the first two years 
 and of one year each during the third and fourth years, as deter- 
 mined by Camerer. 'The third column of the table gives the absolute 
 increments in grams for each period as determined from the differ- 
 ences in weight, and the fourth column the percentage increments, 
 i.e., the increments expressed as percentages of the total weight at 
 the beginning of each interval. It is evident at once that the 
 absolute increments in the third column increase during the first 
 seven months of the embryonic period, and that after birth there 
 is at first an increase and then a decrease, with slight irregularities. 
 But the percentage increments show an increase only from the 
 third to the fourth month and afterward a decrease. In comparing 
 the increments before and after birth it must be remembered that 
 the time intervals from birth to two years are three times and those 
 from two to four years twelve times as long as those before birth, 
 so that we must divide the increments given in the table for these 
 periods by three and by twelve respectively to make them com- 
 parable to the increments for the embryonic period. 
 If from the growth-increments we plot a curve of growth, using 
 the time intervals as abcissae and the increments as ordinates, the 
 form and direction of the curve will be very different, according 
 as we use the absolute or the percentage increments. The curve 
 which results when the absolute increments are used is shown in 
 Fig. 199. This is an S-shaped curve and is similar to the curve of 
 an autocatalytic chemical reaction. Ostwald and Robertson have 
 used the absolute increments in their studies of growth and have 
 obtained similar curves for a variety of data. 
 But if we use the percentage increments the curve is of the kind 
 shown in Figs. 200 and 201. Fig. 200 is the curve for the embry- 
 onic period and Fig. 201 for the period after birth, the former being 
 on a larger scale than the latter in order to show its character 
 more clearly. This method of graphic presentation of the data 
 gives a descending curve, which expresses the fact that the rate of 
 increase in weight as a percentage of total weight decreases from a 
 very early period on. The other data of growth used by Ostwald 
 and Robertson give essentially similar results, with here and there 
 shght irregularities resulting from larval moultings, changes in 
 relation to environment, etc. Donaldson's and Minot's curves of 
 rate of growth were also drawn from percentage in crements.^ 
 ' See Donaldson, '95; Minot, '91, '08; and also pp. 274-77 above. 
 Per cent 
 Evidently there must be no conflict between the conclusions 
 which we may draw from the two kinds of increments or the two 
 kinds of curves, since both are obtained from the same statistics. 
 In the one case growth 
 resembles an autocata- 
 lytic reaction, in which 
 the amount of substance 
 added in a given lime 
 increases up to a certain 
 point and then de- 
 creases, while in the 
 other we observe that 
 the rate of growth, or, 
 in other words, the 
 growth activity per unit 
 of weight, decreases 
 from a very early period 
 on. A. W. Meyer ('14) 
 has criticized Ostwald 
 300 - 
 200 ■ 
 100 ■ • 
 and Robertson for using 
 Months I 2345O7S9 
 Fig. 200. — Cun^e of human growth for the embryonic pcrio<1 and the month of 
 birth, drawn from the percentage increments of weight in Table XIII: each vertical 
 interval indicated on the axis of ordinatcs represents an increment of loo jkt cent in 
 weight, and each horizontal interval on the axis of abscissae, one month. 
 absolute instead of percentage increments of growth as the basis 
 of their curves. This criticism is somewhat beside the point, for it 
 must be remembered that the absolute and relative increments 
 represent simply different aspects of the same i>rocess. 
 The general resemblance of the growth process to an autocata- 
 lytic reaction is self-evident: in the first place one result of growth 
 is an increase in the amount of protoplasm, 
 and the greater the amount of protoplasm 
 the greater the amount of growth in a given 
 time. Or more specifically, assuming what 
 is undoubtedly true, that growth is dependent 
 directly or indirectly upon the presence of 
 certain enzymes, then it is evident that 
 greater amounts of growth are possible as 
 growth proceeds, for the necessary enzymes 
 are one of the products of growth. 
 Doubtless certain reactions concerned in 
 growth are autocatalytic reactions, but it 
 seems obvious that growth is very much more 
 than an autocatalytic reaction and that 
 certain processes which do not follow the 
 laws of autocatalysis are much more impor- 
 tant in relation to the more conspicuous 
 characteristics of growth than those which 
 do or seem to. Growth produces other sub- 
 stances besides active protoplasm or enzymes, 
 viz., substances which play little or no part 
 in bringing about further growth, but form 
 Years i 2 3 
 Fig. 201.— Curve of human growth from birth to three years, drawn from the 
 percentage increments of weight in Table XIII: each vertical interval indicated on 
 the axis of ordinates indicates an increment of 10 per cent in weight, each horizontal 
 interval on the axis of abscissae, three months. 
 more or less stable structural constituents of the organism. 
 As growth proceeds, the proportion of these substances to the total 
 weight or volume undergoes more or less continuous increase and 
 the proportion of active substance to total weight or volume becomes 
 less and less. Consequently the percentage increment of growth 
 decreases more or less continuously from the beginning of these 
 changes, and the absolute increment, while at first increasing, must 
 sooner or later decrease. It is, in fact, not the increase in the 
 autocatalyst of growth, but the increase of other products of reac- 
 tion and the transformation of active protoplasm into other less 
 active forms which retards growth, and these changes are going on 
 and the proportion of these substances is increasing more or less 
 continuously from the beginning of the growth period. Enriques 
 ('09), in a critique of the autocatalytic theory of growth, has 
 emphasized the fact that in consequence of differentiation a ''dilu- 
 tion" of the actively growing substance occurs and the rate of 
 growth decreases, until finally the total growth is insufficient to 
 balance the losses, and senile atrophy occurs. Senescence, senile 
 atrophy, and death result from changes of this kind, not from the 
 autocatalytic changes, and there is no need of assuming, as the 
 adherents of the autocatalytic theory of growth are forced to do, 
 that the conditions which determine senile atrophy are different 
 from those which are concerned in growth. Senile atrophy is in 
 reality merely the necessary result of continued growth in organisms 
 with a relatively stable substratum. 
 Growth is not a simple chemical reaction and cannot be con- 
 sidered as such : it is a complex physico-chemical process in which 
 changes in the physical character of the substratum as well as 
 chemical conditions are concerned. The rate of growth is deter- 
 mined, not simply by the laws of autocatalysis, but by a comple.x 
 of factors of different kinds. The decrease in the absolute growth- 
 increment in later stages does not represent approach toward a 
 chemical equilibrium, but rather a continued dilution and physical 
 change of the protoplasm. 
 The question whether reduction and dedifferentiation are 
 reversals in the chemical sense of growth and differentiatit)n has 
 already been raised (see pp. 38, 56). If it were possible to regard 
 the whole life cycle of the organism as a reversible chemical reac- 
 tion it would doubtless simplify ver>' greatly our conception of 
 living things. But the organism cannot be compared to a chemical 
 reaction; it consists of a multitude of chemical reactions and 
 physical changes interrelated and localized and controlled by their 
 relations to a pecuHar physical environment or substratum, which 
 in turn is the product of the reactions and is modified by them. 
 Many factors not concerned in simple chemical reactions in vitro 
 are present in living organisms, and to ignore them can only result 
 in failure to gain an adequate conception of what hfe is. 
 Recently Robertson ('13) has attempted to develop the auto- 
 catalytic theory of growth still farther and to show that lecithin, or 
 the substances of the phospholipine group to which lecithin belongs, 
 are the autocatalysts of growth. Robertson points out that two 
 kinds of autocatalytic growth are possible, one the autostatic in 
 which the autocatalyst is decreasing in amount, the other the auto- 
 kinetic in which it is increasing in amount. He beheves that the 
 early period of embryonic development in which the nuclear sub- 
 stance is increasing and the yolk decreasing is of the autostatic 
 type, while the later period of cytoplasmic growth and differentia- 
 tion is of the autokinetic type. These two periods correspond 
 in general to the periods which I have distinguished as the periods 
 of rejuvenescence and senescence in the hfe cycle. The grounds 
 for his conclusion that lecithin is the autocatalyst are: first, that 
 the amount of lecithin in the sea-urchin egg decreases during early 
 stages of development (Robertson and Wasteneys, '13); secondly, 
 that lecithin added to the sea-water retards, or, as he beheves, may 
 even reverse, the development of the sea-urchin in early stages; 
 thirdly, that lecithin accelerates the growth and development of 
 amphibian larvae in later stages preceding metamorphosis. 
 It is of course true that the amount of lecithin decreases during 
 early embryonic development, for the yolk is rich in lecithin, and 
 during this period yolk is the source of nutrition, and it is also true 
 that the formation of nuclear substance undergoes marked accelera- 
 tion at the same time, but there is also increase in the volume of 
 active cytoplasm. In contrast to the period of senescence there is 
 during this period of rejuvenescence an increase in concentration, 
 so to speak, of the active substance of the organism at the expense 
 of the yolk, and this increase in concentration is continuous through- 
 out the period, which is brought to an end, not by the decrease in 
 lecithin, specifically, but by the disappearance of the yolk as a 
 nutritive supply. If the organism obtains nutrition from without, 
 the formation of both nuclear substance and cytoplasm may go on 
 for a long time, but sooner or later the gradual ''dilution" of the 
 protoplasm begins to make itself felt. It may be that the synthesis 
 of the nuclein of the nucleus is, as Loeb has suggested, an auto- 
 catalytic reaction, but the important point is that any attempt to 
 interpret the period of early embryonic development as a whole in 
 terms of autocatalysis fails to take account of features of great 
 biological importance. 
 As regards Robertson's further evidence, his experiments on 
 the retardation of development by means of lecithin must be pre- 
 sented in rhuch more complete form before they can be regarded 
 as convincing. To establish as a fact a change so important as the 
 reversal of embryonic development requires extended and careful 
 experimentation. There is no evidence, from Robertson's descrip- 
 tion, of anything more than a toxic effect of the lecithin preparation, 
 and for the present we can only regard his conclusion as based on 
 very inadequate evidence. 
 While the autocatalytic theory of growth is interesting and 
 doubtless of value as regards certain aspects of growth, it is at best 
 only a partial theory and can never be applied to the growth process 
 as a whole. The great periodic changes in growth during senescence 
 and rejuvenescence not only do not follow the laws of autocatalytic 
 reactions, but are determined by a complex of factors of which some 
 are only indirectly connected with chemical reactions of any kind. 
 From the laws of simple chemical reactions alone we can never 
 hope for anything more than partial and inadequate interpretations 
 of the complex biological processes, such as growth and reduction, 
 differentiation and dedifferentiation, senescence and rejuvenescence. 
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 It remains only to review briefly in a connected way some of the 
 more important conclusions of the preceding chapters and to make 
 a few further suggestions as to their bearing upon certain biological 
 problems. In the first place, a full consideration of the facts leads 
 unmistakably to the conclusion that the age cycle is simply one 
 aspect of the developmental cycle, or we might even say that the 
 developmental cycle is an aspect of the age cycle. Senescence 
 and rejuvenescence do not include special processes, they are 
 merely certain aspects of the relations between the metabolic reac- 
 tions and the protoplasmic substratum. The progressive changes 
 with which physiological senescence is associated are changes in 
 the direction of greater physiological stabiHty of the protoplasm 
 and decreased dynamic activity. The regressive changes which 
 bring about rejuvenescence are not necessarily reversals in the 
 chemical sense of the progressive changes, but rather a substitution 
 of a new substratum for an old. As a structure built by man. when 
 it is no longer suited to existing conditions, may be torn down and 
 some parts of it used, together with new material, for building a new 
 structure which meets the demands of the new conditions, so in 
 organisms structural features built up under certain physiological 
 conditions may under others be broken down, and some of their 
 constituents may take part in the formation of a new structure. 
 Both progression and regression are undoubtedly going on at 
 all times in the active organism, but under the usual conditions of 
 vegetative life the progressive changes overbalance greatly the 
 regressive because building material in the form of nutrition is 
 being added. But while growth and progressive develoi)mcnt, 
 with its specialization and differentiation of parts, is the more con- 
 spicuous feature of the life cycle, reduction and regression arc none 
 the less essential parts of it. The life cycle consists of one or more 
 periods of senescence and one or more periods of rejuvenescence. 
 When the organism is adding to its structural substance, and trans- 
 formation from more active to less active physical and chemical 
 conditions takes place, senescence occurs. When conditions change 
 so that previously formed structure is wholly or in part broken 
 down and replaced by a new structural substratum, rejuvenescence 
 Senescence occurs chiefly during the vegetative life of the indi- 
 vidual, while rejuvenescence is usually associated with reproduc- 
 tion, although various other conditions, such as starvation in which 
 extensive breakdown of previously formed structure occurs, may 
 bring it about. Reproduction may be defined as the regression or 
 dedifferentiation and reconstitution into a new individual of a 
 physiologically or physically isolated part of a pre-existing indi- 
 vidual. In agamic reproduction the changes result from the isola- 
 tion of the part without further external action, but in gametic 
 reproduction speciaHzation of the part concerned, i.e., the gamete, 
 has proceeded so far that the union of the two widely different cells 
 is necessary — except in parthenogenic eggs — to initiate the regres- 
 sive and reconstltutional changes. 
 The occurrence of reproduction of one kind or another depends 
 on various physiological conditions, the degree of individuation, 
 physiological age, etc. In general the vegetative forms of agamic 
 reproduction occur in relatively young organisms, the more spe- 
 cialized agamic reproductions, such as formation of spores, gem- 
 mules, etc., are characteristic of somewhat later stages with a 
 lower metaboUc rate, and finally gametic reproduction is a feature 
 of relatively advanced age and the gametes are cells which have 
 reached the end of their progressive developmental history, have 
 no further function in the parent organism, and are cast off as 
 waste products or remain as physiologically isolated quiescent cells. 
 Before their isolation they were integral physiological parts of the 
 organism, and they represent a more highly specialized, physio- 
 logically older condition than those parts which when isolated 
 develop agamically. 
 The degree of physiological integration or individuation in- 
 creases in general and up to a certain limit with increasing stability 
 of the structural substratum. In general, also, the greater the 
 degree of physiological integration, the more continuous the prog- 
 ress of senescence and the less frequently does vegetative agamic 
 reproduction occur. In the plants and lower animals conditions 
 which decrease physiological dominance and integration bring 
 about reproduction of one kind or another. Senescence is itself 
 such a condition, and in many organisms senescence mav result 
 automatically in the physiological isolation of parts, or the disinte- 
 gration of the individual into fragments or cells, and so in repro- 
 Senescence is a characteristic and necessary feature of life and 
 occurs in all organisms, but in many of the lower forms it may be 
 more or less completely balanced by rejuvenescence in connection 
 with reproduction or other regressive changes, so that there is 
 little or no progressive senescence from one generation to another, 
 or in the case of colonial forms, such as multiaxial plants, of the 
 colony as a whole. Life in such cases consists of brief alternating 
 periods of progression and regression, of senescence and rejuvenes- 
 cence, which in some cases apparently balance each other for an 
 indefinite period, while in other cases a slow progressive senescence 
 may occur, extending through many generations. 
 Death is the inevitable end of the process of senescence when 
 regression and rejuvenescence do not occur. In the lower forms, 
 where agamic reproduction is frequent, or where other conditions, 
 such as starvation, bring about regression periodically or occasion- 
 ally, death does not necessarily occur. But in the higher forms, 
 where progression and senescence are more nearly continuous, the 
 life of the individual usually ends in death, though even in these 
 forms some degree of rejuvenescence may occur. 
 If these conclusions are correct, agamic and gametic reproduc- 
 tion are fundamentally similar processes, except for the fact that in 
 gametic reproduction specialization of the reproductive cells has 
 proceeded so far that the peculiar conditions associated with ferti- 
 Hzation are necessary for the initiation of the process of regression 
 and rejuvenescence. And if we accept this theory of reproduction, 
 the Weismannian conception of germ plasm as a self-peri:>ctualing 
 entity, independent of other parts of the organism except as regards 
 nutrition — in short, a sort of parasite upon the body — becomes not 
 only unnecessary but impossible. Germ plasm is any protoplasm 
 capable, under the proper conditions, of undergoing regression, 
 rejuvenescence, and reconstitution into a new individual, organism, 
 or part. In other words, germ plasm becomes merely an abstract 
 idea which connotes the sum-total of the inherent capacities or 
 "potencies" with which a reproductive element of any kind, natural 
 or artificial, agamic or gametic, giving rise to a whole or a part, 
 enters upon the developmental process. Germ plasm is then 
 merely another term for heredity. The process of inheritance is 
 concerned in every case of reproduction, whether it be agamic or 
 gametic, partial or total, and both experimental reproduction and 
 agamic reproduction in nature present opportunities for the study 
 of the process and mechanism of inheritance, which have thus far 
 been almost entirely neglected, but which are not found in con- 
 nection with the much more highly specialized process of gametic 
 reproduction. And, admitting that every reproductive element 
 of any kind is, before reproduction begins, an integral physiological 
 part of an organic individual, we may define heredity more briefly 
 as the capacity of a physiologically or physically isolated part for 
 reconstitution into a new individual or part. 
 It does not by any means follow from this theory of reproduction 
 and inheritance that all the characteristics of the individual shall 
 reappear in the following generation. Many individual charac- 
 teristics which are the result of action of external factors or of 
 special functional activity of certain parts — such, for example, as 
 calloused areas in the skin, the functional hypertrophy or atrophy 
 from disuse of certain muscles, and many others — are evidently the 
 result of local quantitative changes in metabolism and as such 
 cannot be expected to alter at once the equihbrium of the whole 
 protoplasmic system in such a way that they will be reproduced 
 in following generations in the absence of the special conditions 
 which determined their first appearance. This is equally true for 
 agamic and for gametic reproduction. Nevertheless, since every 
 reaction represents to some extent a reaction of the whole organ- 
 ism and no change is purely local or entirely independent of 
 other changes, it is conceivable that if the special external or func- 
 tional conditions act in the same way through a sufficient number 
 of generations, they may in time bring about an appreciable lasting 
 change in the whole system of such a kind that the characteristics 
 produced by them will become hereditary. And if the cells which 
 give rise to gametes are integral parts of the organism, such a 
 change must sooner or later affect them as well as other parts. It 
 is quite impossible to discuss at this time the great mass of evidence 
 for and against the inheritance of these so-called acquired charac- 
 ters. In general, biologists have been slow to admit the possibility 
 of such inheritance, largely because it conflicts with the Weisman- 
 nian theory, but if we admit that the gametes are integral parts of 
 the organism, there is no theoretical difficulty in the way of such 
 inheritance. Whatever the theoretical possibilities may be, it is in 
 my opinion quite impossible to account for the course of evolution 
 and particularly for many so-called adaptations in organisms with- 
 out the inheritance of such acquired characters, but since thousands 
 or tens of thousands of generations may be necessary in many cases 
 for inheritance of this kind to become appreciable, it is not strange 
 that experimental evidence upon this point is still conflicting. 
 The morphological paralleHsm between the course of individual 
 development and the course of evolution have long been familiar 
 to biologists and have been the subject of much discussion and 
 speculation. While departures from this parallelism are numerous 
 and often conspicuous, nevertheless the so-called biogenetic law 
 that embryology repeats phylogeny, i.e., the development of the 
 individual repeats evolutionary history, still remains a striking 
 biological fact. Moreover, a physiological parallelism seems to 
 exist to some extent. In the individual we see advancing diversity 
 and specialization of function, apparently associated with increas- 
 ing stabihty of the structural substratum, and in evolution a similar 
 series of changes. The question at once arises: Can we not lind a 
 clue in individual development to certain factors concerned in 
 evolution ? 
 In earlier chapters I have attempted to show that individual 
 development and senescence are associated with the increase in 
 stability of the substratum, while regression and reju\-encscence 
 involve a return to the original ''undifferentiated" active proto- 
 plasmic condition. It is of course not necessar}' to assume that in 
 all cases exactly the same condition is attained in each successive 
 regression and rejuvenescence. It is quite conceivable, indeed 
 probable, that, in spite of the successive regressive changes in each 
 generation, there may be some slight, more or less continuous, pro- 
 gressive change, which perhaps becomes appreciable only after 
 many generations. Have we, in fact, any right to assume that 
 the organism returns to exactly the same condition in each succes- 
 sive regression? Is it not probable that a gradual, progressive 
 senescence of protoplasm has occurred in the course of evolution ? 
 These questions have already been touched upon in chap, viii, and 
 here it need only be said that the facts point very definitely in the 
 direction of an affirmative answer. 
 If protoplasmic senescence is the essential factor in progressive 
 evolution, then evolution is, hke individual development, to a 
 large extent internally, rather than externally, determined. We 
 can accelerate, retard, or alter the course of individual development 
 experimentally, but in spite of all such changes it retains a remark- 
 able constancy of character. Have we not in evolution a somewhat 
 similar process, a progressive change, a secular differentiation and 
 senescence of protoplasm along Hues which are determined primarily 
 by the constitution of protoplasm rather than by external factors ? 
 In our attempts to modify experimentally the course of evolution 
 are we not merely bringing about minor changes in a process 
 which, like individual development, is internally determined, rather 
 than determining the essential factors in evolution? Here again 
 the facts seem to suggest an affirmative answer. 
 If evolution is in some degree a secular differentiation and 
 senescence of protoplasm, the possibility of evolutionary rejuvenes- 
 cence must not be overlooked. Perhaps the relatively rapid rise and 
 increase of certain forms here and there in the course of evolution 
 may be the expression of changes of this sort. Perhaps also those 
 forms which have been, so to speak, left behind as the lower organ- 
 isms in evolutionary progress are forms in which senescence 
 and rejuvenescence more nearly balance than in those that have 
 gone on. 
 Even if evolution is a process of this kind we must beheve that 
 environmental factors affect its course to a greater or less extent, 
 as they do the course of individual development, and we must admit 
 the possibility of sudden changes of considerable magnitude, so- 
 called mutations, although even these may be determined by pre- 
 viously existing internal conditions, as, for example, metamorjihosis 
 in individual development which is primarily the result of internal 
 factors. And, finally, as our ability to control the process of indi- 
 vidual development has increased so greatly with the advance in 
 knowledge of experimental methods, we may perhaps expect that 
 in the course of time our ability to control the evolutionary pro- 
 cess may increase, although the difficulties involved in controlling 
 and modifying to any very great degree internal conditions which 
 are the result of milHons of years of alternating progressive and 
 regressive change will perhaps make progress in this direction slow. 
 Senescence and rejuvenescence result from a combination of 
 factors which is found nowhere except in organisms, but there is no 
 reason to believe that any one of the factors which make up the 
 complex is peculiar to living things. Changes in the permeability 
 of membranes and other changes in aggregate condition of the 
 colloids, changes in proportion of active and inactive substance in 
 chemical systems, changes in water-content — all these and many 
 others occur in non-living as well as in living systems. But we 
 may make our basis of comparison broader than this and use for 
 definitions somewhat more general terms than heretofore. In such 
 terms senescence is a retardation resulting from continued dynamic 
 activity under certain conditions in a system, and rejuvenescence 
 an acceleration resulting from elimination or transformation 
 of the retarding factors under altered conditions. These delini- 
 tions still hold good for the organism, but they also apply to many 
 other changes in nature. Senescence and rejuvenescence in this 
 sense are going on all about us, in some cases with short, in others 
 with very long, periods. The age changes in the organism are 
 merely one aspect of IVerden iind Vergchcn, the becoming and 
 passing away, which make up the history of the universe. 
 North Carolina State Coileg* 
 Note. — References give the number of the page on which the matter referred to begins. 
 Acclimation: in relation to concentra- 
 tion of reagent, 72; in relation to age, 
 82; in relation to temperature, 84; 
 in relation to nutrition, 84, 165; in rela- 
 tion to metabolic rate, 164. See also 
 Age: physiological and morphological, 
 58, 85; criteria of, 85, 178; in relation 
 to time, 87, 97; in relation to hydranth 
 and medusa buds in Pennaria, 151, 
 256; in relation to vegetative repro- 
 duction in plants, 239; in relation to 
 spore formation in plants, 247; of 
 gametes, 349; in relation to matura- 
 tion, 355; in relation to gamete forma- 
 tion, chap, xiv; in relation to partheno- 
 genesis and zygogenesis, 393. See 
 also Age cycle; Rejuvenescence; 
 Age cycle: occurrence of, 59; in relation 
 to endomi.xis, 143, 379; in relation to 
 character of nutrition, 169, 179; in 
 relation to reproduction, 178, 239, 247; 
 in relation to other periodicities, 187, 
 192; in relation to spore formation, 
 254; individual and racial, in relation 
 to parthenogenesis and zygogenesis, 
 389; in relation to larval stages and 
 metamorphosis, 420; as one aspect of 
 developmental cycle in world in gen- 
 eral, 465. See also Age; Life cycle; 
 Rejuvenescence; Senescence. 
 Alternation of generations: in relation 
 to age cycle in plants, 253; in mosses 
 and ferns, 254, 366; in seed plants, 254, 
 320, 368. 
 Anabolism, 14, 43. 
 Anophthalmic form in Planaria dorolo- 
 cephala, 112, 223. 
 Antheridium: in algae, 316; in mosses 
 and ferns, 318. 
 Apical region: metabolic rate in, 202, 
 204; independence of, 210, 213, 215; 
 dominance of, 213, 215, 216; limit of 
 dominance in, among plants, 232, 238; 
 physiological condition of, in plants, 
 240, 244. See also Axial gradient; 
 Aplysia limaclna, oxygen consumption 
 and carbon-dioxide production during 
 early development in, 411. 
 Apogamy: origin of embryo in, 322; in 
 relation to segregation of germ plasm, 
 367; in seed plants, 40S. 
 Apospory, 322 footnote 2, 408. 
 Arbacia pitiictiilala: increase in oxygen 
 consumption of, after fertilization, 
 405; increase in susce[)tibilily of, 
 during early development, 413, 414. 
 See also Sea-urchin. 
 Archegonium: of mosses, 316; of fern, 
 338; of Torre ya taxi folia, 339. 
 Arenicola crislata: period of devclo|)men- 
 tal rejuvenescence in, compared with 
 that of Xereis, 415. 
 Arteriosclerosis in relation to senescence, 
 287, 301, 434. 
 Ascaris megalocephala: germ path in, 
 324; spermatozoon of, 336; suscepti- 
 bility of gametes of, 351. 
 Asterias forbesii, susceptibility of, during 
 early development, 413. See also 
 Atrophy: senile, 2, 287, 301; from dis- 
 use, 45, 185, 287; difference between, 
 and reduction, 288; of sex organs as 
 condition of senescence, 434. 
 Autocatalyst, lecithin as, of growth, 454. 
 See also .\utocatalytic reaction. 
 Autocatalytic reaction: growth as, 446, 
 452; nature of, 44(); curve of, 446; 
 autostatic and autokinelic. 454; leci- 
 thin in, of growth, 454. 
 Axial gradient: in Planaria dorolocephaJa, 
 122, 202; in Sleiiosloniuni, 135; in 
 other forms, 203; along polar axis. 
 202, 243; along axis of symmetry, 203; 
 changes in, during development, 203, 
 207; in rate of growth, 204; in animal 
 mori)hogenesis, 204; origin of. 207; 
 persistence of. through reproduction, 
 209; establishment of, 200; in relation 
 to organic axes, 200; as basis of indi- 
 viduation, 225; maintenance of, 2 2(>; 
 of eggs in relation to larval develop- 
 ment, 420; change in, during lar\al 
 development of .Wreis. 421. Srr also 
 Dominance; Individual; Individua- 
 Axiate. See .\xis. Individual, Individua- 
 Axis, organic: presence of, 200, 203; of 
 polarity and symmetry, 200, 201, 203; 
 as metabolic gradient, 209, 225. See 
 also Axial gradient. 
 Axolotl, 389. 
 Banana, vegetative propogation of, 239, 
 Bee, parthenogenesis in, 345, 395. 
 Begonia: dedifferentiation in, 246; con- 
 trol of flowering in, 376. 
 Biaxial forms: in Tubidaria, 210; in 
 Planaria dorotocephala, 213; in Plana- 
 ria simpUcissima, 215. 
 Biogene hypothesis, 15. 
 Biogenetic law, significance of, 463. 
 Biometer, 73, 156, 160, 202. 
 Branchipus: conditions of hatching in, 
 404; larval metamorphosis in, 422. 
 Budding: in hydra, 145; in Pennaria, 
 147, 150; in plants, 231, 239; adven- 
 titious, in plants, 229, 246. 
 Carbon-dioxide production: decrease of, 
 in narcosis, 71; estimation of, 73, 202; 
 during starvation in Planaria doro- 
 tocephala, 161; decrease of metabolic 
 rate by, 188; in nervous system of 
 Limulus, 273; in early development of 
 Aplysia limacina, 411. See also Meta- 
 bolic rate; Oxidation; Oxygen con- 
 Cassiopea, reduction of, during starva- 
 tion, 163. 
 Catalysis: role of colloids in, 25; retar- 
 dation of, 67, 184; by products of 
 reaction, 446. See also Autocatalytic 
 Cell: embryonic or undifferentiated, 48, 
 5 1 , 242 ; differentiation and dedifferenti- 
 ation of, 52, 57, 239, 245, 257, 286, 294; 
 metabolic conditions in, 39, 51, 183; 
 relation of, to life, 41; division of, in 
 infusoria, 137; in starvation, 155; 
 cyclical changes in, 189, 297; axes of, 
 200; plant spore as specialized, 247, 
 253; nucleoplasmic relation in, 284, 
 285, 418, 439, 440; length of life of, 
 307; origin of gametic, in plants, 316; 
 differentiation of gametic, in plants, 
 316, 334, 337;. origin of gametic, in 
 animals, 323 : differentiation of gametic 
 in animals, 334, 339. See also Dediffer- 
 entiation; Differentiation; Gamete for- 
 mation; Gametes; Infusoria; Nervous 
 Chaetoplerus pergamenlaceus: axial gradi- 
 ent in embryo of, 203; susceptibility in 
 eggs of, after fertilization, 406; reju- 
 venescence during early development 
 of, 415- 
 Cliara, gametes of, 316. 
 Chironomus, germ path of, 328. 
 Chromatin, diminution of, 324, 328. 
 Chromosomes, haploid and diploid num- 
 ber of, 322 footnote 2, 353. 
 Chrysanthemum, dedifferentiation in, 246. 
 Clavellina, dedifferentiation in, 258. 
 Colloids: characteristics of, 21; suspen- 
 soid, 21; emulsoid, 21; significance of, 
 for morphogenesis, 22; role of, in life in 
 general, 22, 26; in relation to water and 
 salts, 24; membranes composed of, 24; 
 as catalyzers, 25; role of, in transmis- 
 sion, 26; in relation to substratum, 41; 
 in relation to differentiation, 48 ; coagu- 
 lation of, in relation to temperature, 49 ; 
 changes of, with time, 50, 184. See 
 also Proteids; Substratum. 
 Colony: in Pennaria, 148; in plants, 
 237, 369- 
 Colpidium: rejuvenescence of, in agamic 
 reproduction, 141; susceptibility of, at 
 time of conjugation, 352, 381; effect 
 of prevention of agamic reproduction 
 on, 380. 
 Conducting paths: in relation to physio- 
 logical correlation, 217, 260; in ani- 
 mals, 218, 224, 268; in plants, 238; 
 See also Conductivity; Dominance, 
 Conductivity, 217, 218, 227, 232, 260, 
 268. See also Dominance; Trans- 
 Conjugation: Maupas' conclusions con- 
 cerning, 64, 377, 434; breeding with- 
 out, in Paramecium, 136, 377; experi- 
 mental determination of, 378; in 
 relation to endomixis, 379, 380; capa- 
 city of different races for, 381 ; effect of, 
 404. See also Fertilization. 
 Correlation, phj'siological: mechanical, 
 217; chemical, 217, 224; transmissive, 
 217; increase in complexity of, in 
 higher animals, 266. Sec also Domi- 
 nance; Individual; Individuation; 
 Correlative differentiation, 50. See also 
 Corymorpha pal ma: susceptibility in 
 relation to age of, loi; rejuvenescence 
 in reconstitution of, no. 
 Crepidula, nucleoplasmic relation in, 419. 
 Cyclops, germ path in, 327. , 
 Cymatogaster, germ path in, 330. 
 Cytomorphosis, 284, 440. 
 Daphnid Crustacea, parthenogenesis and 
 zygogenesis in, 389. 
 Death: absence of, i, 260, 303; chemical 
 conceptions of, 15, 306; disintegration 
 as criterion of, in lower animals, 74; 
 from starvation, 156, 298, 302; in re- 
 lation to character of nutrition in 
 Planar ia velata, 170, 174; of parts in 
 plants, 239, 241; of cells in animals, 
 257; necessity of, in higher animals, 
 270; conditions of, in higher animals, 
 301 ; physiological or natural, 301 , 309; 
 various views concerning, 301, 304, 
 306, 307, 308, chap, xvi; in relation 
 to nervous system, 301, 307; from 
 exhaustion in animals, 302; appearance 
 of, in evolution, 304; in unfertilized 
 starfish egg, 307, 405; temperature 
 coefficient of, in sea-urchin larvae, 
 308, of flower in plants, 368; from old 
 age in infusoria, 382; after experi- 
 mental treatment of eggs, 409; at 
 critical stage of development, 414; 
 of larval parts, 422; as result of ex- 
 haustion of "life ferment," 436; as 
 result of differentiation, 436, 442; 
 Miihlmann's theory of, 437; in relation 
 to autocatalytic theory of growth, 448; 
 as end of senescence, 461. See also 
 Age; Age cycle; Dedififerentiation; 
 Development; Differentiation; Re- 
 juvenescence; Senescence. 
 Decrement, in transmission, 209, 217, 268. 
 See also Transmission. 
 Dedifferentiation : definition of, 54; 
 process of, 55; conditions of, 57; 
 course of, 58; experimental evidence 
 for, 179, 180, 294, 295; as a condition 
 of reproduction, 234; in vegetative 
 life of plants, 239; in plant cell, 245, 
 252; observational evidence for, in 
 animals, 257; limited capacity for, in 
 higher animals, 267, 286; in striated 
 muscle, 294; in nerve, 295; in ex- 
 planted kidney cells, 295; after hiber- 
 nation, 296; in embry^os of starfish and 
 sea-urchin, 413; in early embryonic 
 development of animals, 418, 420; in 
 early embryonic development of plants, 
 424. See also Reconstitution; Reduc- 
 tion; Rejuvenescence. 
 Dendrocoeliim lacleum, susceptibility of, 
 in relation to age, loi. 
 Development: reversibility of, 56, 64, 
 155, 446; progressive, 57; regressive, 
 57, 155; in relation to age cycle, 182; 
 orderly character of, 199; law of 
 antero-posterior, 204; repetition in, 220, 
 269; continuity of, 239, 247, 267, 270; 
 temperature coefficient of, 308; of 
 gametes as process of specialization, 
 316, 7,T,y, stage of, in relation to 
 flowering, 373; initiation of, in rela- 
 tion to fertilization, 403; initiation of. 
 in parthenogenesis, 406; ex|)erimenlal 
 initiation of, 408; experimenlal treat - 
 ment of eggs in relation to, 409; 
 critical stages in, 413; increase in sus- 
 ceptibility during early embryonic, 
 412; different rate of, in Taulogolabrus 
 axvd FiDidulus, 417; nucleoplasmic 
 relation in early embryonic, 418; cyto- 
 plasmic changes during early embry- 
 onic, 419; embryonic, in plants in 
 relation to age cycle, 424; Muhlmann's 
 conception of, 439; reversal of, by 
 lecithin, 454. See also Differentiation; 
 Reconstitution; Senescence. 
 Differentiation: as general characteristic 
 of organisms, i; chemical conception 
 of, 17; physico-chemical conception 
 of, 23; physical analogy to, 28; defini- 
 tion of, 46; quantitative factors of, 47; 
 in relation to metabolic rate, 47, 51, 53; 
 factors of, 51; different degrees of, 
 53, 286; reversibility of, 56, 64, 155. 
 446; not primarily dependent on 
 chemical correlation, 224; quantity 
 and quality in, 226; in plants, 240, 
 242, 244, 245; in higher animals, 267, 
 286; in gametes of plants, 316, 334, 
 337, 346; in gametes of animals, 334, 
 339, 346; in relation to chemical con- 
 stitution of sperm head, 353; of 
 flower, 368, 373, 375; in early embry- 
 onic development, 420; as determin- 
 ing senescence, 442; secular, in 
 evolution, 464. See also Dedifferen- 
 tiation; Development; Gametes; Re- 
 constitution; Senescence. 
 Diminution: of chromatin in Asccris 
 megalocephala, 324; dependence of, 
 on cytoplasmic environment, 327; 
 of chromatin in Miastor, ^2$. 
 Dominance, physiological: in relation to 
 apico-basal axis, 54, 213, 215, 216; in 
 relation to metabolic rate, 216; in 
 relation to chemical correlation, 217; 
 in relation to transmission, 217, 224; 
 limit of, 217, 219, 220, 223, 268- exten- 
 sion of, during development, 219, 231. 
 232, 238, 268; spatial factor of, in |K)si- 
 tion of parts, 222; nature of. 225; in 
 embryonic tissue of plants, 243. Ser 
 also .\xial gradient; Individual; Indi- 
 Dyliscits ?itargiiialis, oogenesis of, 341. 
 Egg. See Fertilization; damctc forma- 
 tion; Gametes; Tarthcnogenic egg; 
 Reproduction, gametic; Zygogenic 
 Embryo sac, development of, 320. See 
 also Gametophyte. 
 Encystment: in Planarla velata, 131; 
 in relation to character of nutrition in 
 Planar ia velala, 169; in relation to age 
 cycle, 255, 256; influence of envelope 
 in, 404. 
 Endomixis: process of, 143; in relation to 
 age cycle, 143; in relation to conjuga- 
 tion, 379, 380. 
 Entelechy, 9, 54. 
 Enzymes: colloid character of, 25; re- 
 tardation of action of, 67, 184; stabil- 
 ity of substratum in relation to, 41. 
 Epigenesis, 46. 
 Equisetum, spermatozoid of, 334. 
 Evolution: increase in physiological 
 stability of substratum during, 45, 
 53, 194, 267, 298, 304,460; increase 
 in differentiation during, 53, 286; 
 limitation of dedifierentiation during, 
 57, 230, 267, 286; increase in degree 
 of individuation, during 227, 266, 304; 
 senescence and rejuvenescence in, 193; 
 course of, in plants, 241; appearance 
 of death during, 304; of length of life 
 and of death, 304; interpretation of, 
 from individual development, 463; 
 as a secular senescence of protoplasm, 
 464; possibility of control of, 464. 
 Exhaustion: distinction between, and 
 fatigue, 297; distinction between, and 
 senility, 297; as cause of death, 302. 
 Fasciola hepatica, oogenesis of, 340. 
 Fatigue: nature of, 188, 297; distinction 
 between, and exhaustion, 297; mental, 
 297; in relation to senility in nerve 
 cell, 297. 
 Fertilization: rejuvenescence in con- 
 nection with, 307, 434; prevention of 
 death by, 307, 404; absence of, in 
 apogamy in plants, 322; effect of, 403, 
 424; quiescent period following, 403; 
 metabolic rate in animal eggs after, 
 405, 413. See also Conjugation; 
 Gametes; Parthenogenesis; Partheno- 
 genic egg. 
 Fission: act of, in Planaria dorotoccphaJa, 
 124; prevention of, in Planaria dorolo- 
 cephala, 125; in Stenostomnm, 135; 
 in infusoria, 137; in consequence of 
 decreased metabolism, 232. 
 Fission plane: in Stenostomnm, 135; in 
 infusoria, 138. 
 Flower: rate of oxidation in, 349, 374; 
 definition of, 368; differentiation of, 
 368, 373, 375 ; origin of, 368; limited 
 growth of, 368; transformation of, 
 into vegetative shoot, 376. See also 
 Flowering: in relation to senescence, 368; 
 early, in cuttings from blooming plants, 
 369; influence of light on, 371; experi- 
 mental control of, 372; physiological 
 conditions of, 373; periodic repetition 
 of, 375; premature, 376. 
 Fragmentation: in Planaria velata, 130; 
 in relation to character of nutrition, 
 169; in relation to age cycle, 255, 256, 
 Functional hj^pertrophy, 43. 
 Funduhis heteroclitus: susceptibility dur- 
 ing early development of, 416; period 
 of developmental rejuvenescence in, 
 compared with that in Tauiogolabrus, 
 Gamete formation: in algae and fungi, 
 316; in mosses and ferns, 318; in seed 
 plants, 320,377; as a process of special- 
 ization, 322, 330; conditions of, in 
 lower plants in relation to age, 364; 
 conditions of, in mosses and ferns 
 in relation to age, 366; loss of capacity 
 for, 367, 370; conditions of, in seed 
 plants, 368; conditions of, in protozoa, 
 377; conditions of, in hydra, 383; con- 
 ditions of, in margelid medusa, 384; 
 conditions of, in planarians, 384; 
 conditions of, in parasitic flatworms, 
 387; conditions of, in other inverte- 
 brates, 388; conditions of, in verte- 
 brates, 388; premature, 389; in 
 trematode larvae, 395. See also 
 Gametophyte: in relation to life cycle, 
 253; in mosses and ferns, 253, 366; 
 development of, in seed plants, 320, 
 377; omission of, 322, 408. 
 Gametes: ph\'siological condition of, 
 270, 460; morphological condition of, 
 270, 316, 333; theoretical significance 
 of origin of, 315; of algae and fungi, 
 316; of mosses and ferns, 318; in seed 
 plants, 320; origin of, in animals, 322; 
 differentiation of parthenogenic and 
 zygogenic, 343; metabolic rate in 
 development of, 349; motor activity 
 in male, 350; susceptibility of, 351; 
 physiological conditions of maturation 
 in, 353; different specialization of, in 
 infusoria, 404. See also Fertiliza- 
 tion; Gamete formation; Germ path; 
 Germ plasm; Reproduction, gametic. 
 Gemmules of sponges, in relation to age 
 cycle, 256, 259. 
 Germ path: absence of, in plants, 316; 
 in A scar is mcgalocepliala, 324; deter- 
 mined by cytoplasmic conditions, 327, 
 328, 329; in Cyclops, 327; in Sac^illa, 
 327; in Chironomus, 328; in Miastor, 
 328; in chrysomelid beetles, 328; 
 in hymenoptcra, 329; in vertebrates, 
 329; absence of, in certain animals, 
 331. Sec also Gamete formation, 
 Germ plasm, 2, 3, 55, 64, 179, 315, 322, 
 330. 332, 346, 356, 397, 461; supple- 
 mentary, 315, 333; no segregation of, 
 in plants, 316; question of continuity 
 of, in plants, 323; supposed segregation 
 of, in animals, 323; not an independent 
 entity in A scar is mcgalocepliala, 327; 
 definition of, 462. See also Gametes; 
 Germ path; Reproduction, gametic. 
 Gliadin, in nutrition experiments, 278. 
 Gonophore of hvdroids, dediflerentiation 
 of, 258. _ 
 Growing tip: in Planaria dorotoccphala, 
 124; in plants, 204, 216, 221, 229, 2^2, 
 238, 240, 244, 246; inhibition of, 221, 
 Growth: as general characteristic of 
 organisms, i; chemical conception of, 
 16, 38; in organism and in crystal, 16; 
 definitions of, 34, 37; changes in water 
 content during, 36; reversibility of, 
 38; different processes of, 38; proteid 
 synthesis in, 39; in relation to rate of 
 oxidation, 43, 279; rate of, in relacion 
 to age, 86, 96, 240, 273, 282; of new 
 tissue in reconstitution of Planaria 
 dorotoccphala, 103; axial gradients in 
 rate of, 204; beyond limit of individual 
 size, 220. 229, 231; in relation to 
 agamic reproduction in plants, 239; 
 limitation of, by differentiation in 
 higher animals, 223, 230, 268; correct 
 measure of rate of, 273; periodic, 276, 
 388; difference between, and mainte- 
 nance, 278; during partial starvation in 
 mammals, 280; senescence in mammals 
 without, 282; after starvation in birds 
 and mammals, 298; after starvation 
 in amphibia, 300; energy requirement 
 for, in mammals, 305; rate of, in 
 gametes, 349; in relation to gamete 
 formation in algae and fungi, 364; 
 limitation of, in flower, 368; cessation 
 of, at flowering, 369; in relation to 
 surface and volume, 438; as an auto- 
 catalytic reaction, 446, 452; founda- 
 tion of autocatalytic theory of, 448; 
 significance of absolute and relative 
 increments of, 449; inadequacy of 
 autocatalytic theory of, 452, 455; 
 lecithin as autocatalyst of, 453. See 
 also Reduction. 
 Growth impulse: assumption of, un- 
 necessary, 45; supi)osed location of, 
 in mammals, 280; senescence as inhi- 
 bition of, 434. 
 Headless form in Planaria dorotoccphala, 
 Heat production : in relation to body sur- 
 face, 272; during early embryonic 
 development of sea-urchin, 412. 
 Heredity: in relation to germ plasm, 462; 
 definition of, 462. 
 Heterotypic mitosis: in maturation, 334; 
 occurrence and experimental produc- 
 tion of, in other cells, 334. 
 Histone, in sperm head, 353. 
 Hordein, in nutrition experiments, 
 Hormones, 224. See also Correlation. 
 Hydra: susceptibility of, in relation to 
 age, loi; rejuvenescence of, in recon- 
 stitution, no; budding in, 145; reju- 
 venescence of, in agamic reproduction, 
 145; oogenesis of, 340; conditions of 
 gamete formation in 383. 
 Ilydroidcs dianllius: susceptibility of 
 eggs of, after fertilization, 406; rejuve- 
 nescence during early development of, 
 Increment: absolute and relative, in 
 growth, 273, 449; decrease in relative, 
 of growth during senescence, 274. 
 Individual, organic: nature of, 54, 225; 
 agamic formation of, in Planaria doro- 
 toccphala, 122; definitions of, 199, 225; 
 characteristics of, 199; radiate type of, 
 200; axiate type of, 200, 225; inade- 
 quacy of current theories of, 201; 
 axial gradients in, 202; dominance 
 and subordination in, 210; limit of 
 dominance and size of, 217; other 
 factors limiting size of, 223, 230, 26S; 
 in the plant body, 237. Sec also 
 Dominance; Individuation; Isolation, 
 Individuation: in posterior region of 
 Planaria dorotoccphala, 123; dilTcrcnt 
 kinds of, 199; nature of, 225; degree 
 of, 227. 239, 240, 266, 304, 460; of 
 plant as a whole, 237; in vegetative 
 reproduction in plants. 238; in s|X)re- 
 bearing [larls of jilants, 241 ; in cmbn.-- 
 onic tissue of plants. 243; in jilant 
 spore, 252; in relation to death, 304. 
 See also Dominance; Individual; 
 Isolation, physiological. 
 Infusoria: age changes in, 136; agamic 
 reproduction in, 137; endomixis in, 
 143; rhythms of growth and division 
 in, 143; immortality of, 145. 
 Inhibition: in production of subnormal 
 forms in Planaria, 113; of senescence, 
 167, 239, 257, 27Q, 303. 
 Integration, physiological, 224, 227, 
 267, 424, 460. See also Dominance; 
 Individuation; Isolation, physiologi- 
 cal; Reconstitution; Reproduction, 
 agamic, experimental. 
 Intelligence: in construction of machine, 
 29; in organism, 30; in relation to 
 structure, 30. 
 Involution in Planaria velata, 172. 
 Irritability, Winterstein's conception of, 
 Isolation, physiological: m Planaria 
 dorotocephala, 124; in Planaria velata, 
 130; in Ttibularia, 220; in plants, 221, 
 239; as condition of reproduction, 229; 
 by increase in size, 229, 231, 239; 
 by decrease of dominance, 229, 231; 
 effect of, 230, 239; by decrease in con- 
 ductivity, 232; by direct action of 
 external factors, 232; infrequency 
 of, in higher animals, 268; in partheno- 
 genesis, 406; in segmentation of Nereis 
 larva, 422. See also Dominance; 
 Individual; Individuation. 
 Katabolism: 14, 43> 278. 
 Lability, 14, 17, 18, 19. 38- See also 
 Stability, physiological; Substratum. 
 Larva: of trematodes, 395: of Nereis, 
 414, 421; characteristics of, 420; 
 metamorphosis of, 420; segmentation 
 in, 421. 
 Lecithin: as autocatalyst of growth, 
 454; reversal of development by, 454; 
 disappearance of, in early development, 
 Life: neo-vitalistic conception of, 9; 
 chemical conception of, 15; physico- 
 chemical conception of , 19, 26; relation 
 to colloids, 22, 26; substratum and 
 reactions both necessary for, 26; be- 
 ginning of, 26; indissociability of 
 structure and function in, 28; relation 
 of intelligence to, 30, 31; Huxley's 
 conception of, 41; cyclical character 
 of, 59; temperature coefficient of 
 length of, 68, 308; without gametic 
 reproduction, 99, 130, 136, 239, 366 
 369, 386, 387, 3S8; length of, in higher 
 animals, 301; factors in length of, 302; 
 relation of length of, to time, 303; 
 theories of length of, 304- See also Age; 
 Age cycle; Death; Dedifferentiation; 
 Differentiation; Life cycle; Rejuvenes- 
 cence; Senescence, individual, racial, 
 Life cycle: occurrence of, 59; in rela- 
 tion to age cycle, 182; of plants, 252, 
 254, 365, 369; of infusoria, 382;, of 
 daphnid Crustacea, 389; of rotifers, 
 392; of digenetic trematodes, 395. 
 See also Life. 
 Limuhis polyphemits: in relation to evolu- 
 tionary senescence, 193; carbon-dioxide 
 production in nervous system of, 273. 
 Lingula, in relation to evolutionary 
 senescence, 193. 
 Lipoids: in membranes, 25; role of, in 
 narcotic action, 69, 75; increase of, in 
 animal oogenesis, 353. 
 Lumbriculiis, rejuvenescence of, in recon- 
 stitution, no. 
 Maintenance: difference between, and 
 growth, 278; energy requirement for, 
 in mammals, 306. 
 Maturation: as a cause of death, 307, 
 309; in relation to life cycle in plants 
 and animals, 324; cytology of, 353; 
 heterotypic division in, 354; physio- 
 logical interpretation of, 355, 356; con- 
 ditions of, in animal egg, 355; in germ 
 cells of trematode larvae, 395; differ- 
 ent conditions of, in sea-urchin and 
 starfish, 405; increase of oxidation 
 during, 405, 406, 413; in partheno- 
 genic animal eggs, 407. 
 Meganucleus: division of, 137; behavior 
 of, in endomixis, 143. 
 Megaspore, of seed plants, 320. 
 Meristematic tissue, 244, 246. 
 Mesostomatidae, susceptibility of, in 
 relation to age, loi. 
 Metabolic rate: in relation to age, 65, 
 178, 183, 186, 271; in relation to sus- 
 ceptibility, 66, 71, 72, 73. 79, 82; 
 susceptibility methods of comparing, 
 73, 77, 82; increase in, during recon- 
 stitution in Planaria dorotocephala, 
 106; increase in, during reconstitution 
 in various other forms, no; increase 
 in, in agamic reproduction in infusoria, 
 142; increase in, during starvation in 
 Planaria dorotocephala, 156; decrease 
 in, during loading of pancreas cell, 189; 
 in axial gradients, 202, 243; in biaxial 
 forms of Tiibularia, 211; in relation to 
 dominance, 216, 224; in relation to 
 position of parts, 222; in relation to 
 transmitted changes, 225; in relation 
 to degree of individuation, 228; in 
 relation to physiological isolation, 232; 
 in relation to age in plants, 239, 243, 
 246. 255; in relation to spore formation 
 in plants, 248, 251; in nervous system, 
 267; in relation to body surface, 271; 
 in relation to senile atrophy, 287; 
 during starvation in man, 208; during 
 starvation in fishes, 300; determined 
 largely by internal factors in warm- 
 blooded animals, 303 ; in differentiation 
 of gametes, 349, 350, 351; in flower 
 and its parts, 349, 374; in conjugating 
 infusoria, 352, 380; at stage of 
 maturation, 355; in plant at time of 
 flowering, 375; during development of 
 flower, 375; in relation to gamete for- 
 mation in hydra, 383; in germ cells of 
 trematode larvae, 396; after fertiliza- 
 tion in sea-urchin and starfish eggs, 
 405; after fertilization in annelids, 406; 
 evidence for increase of, during early 
 embryonic development of animals, 
 411, 412; in larva of Nereis, 414; 
 in relation to nuclear and cytoplasmic, 
 volume during early development, 419. 
 See also Metabolism; Susceptibility. 
 Metabolism: chemical conception of, 14; 
 Hober's conception of, 19; physical, 
 of stream, 28; production of water in, 
 37; substratum as sediment of, 41 ; as 
 a reaction system, 43; change in char- 
 acter of, during differentiation, 50; in 
 relation to narcotic action, 67; in- 
 complete character of, 435 ; Kassowitz' 
 theory of, 442; constructive, in relation 
 to nucleoplasmic interchange, 444. See 
 also Metabolic rate; Susceptibility. 
 Metamorphosis, larv'al: in Nereis, 421; 
 in Branchipiis, 422; in insects, 422; 
 as a partial physiological disintegration 
 of individual, 423; in amphibia, 424. 
 Metaplasm, 52, 439, 442. See also Cell; 
 Differentiation; Protoplasm. 
 Miastor, germ path in, 328. 
 Micronucleus: division of, 137; behavior 
 of, in endomixis, 143. 
 Microspore, of seed plants, 320. 
 Mimiiliis tilingii, influence of light on 
 flowering in, 371. 
 Mnemiopsis leidyi, susceptibility of, in 
 relation to age, loi. 
 Moniezia: dedifferentiation of paren- 
 chyme cells of, 258; origin of gametes 
 in, 331- 
 Miicor: spore formation in, 248; gametes 
 of, 316. 
 Narcotic action: general character of, 66; 
 theories of, 67; effect of, on transmis- 
 sion in nerves, 218; effect of, on recon- 
 stitution in Planaria dorolocephala, 222. 
 Ncplirodium, archegonium and egg of, 
 .\ ercis: a.xial gradient in embryos of, 203; 
 susceptibility of eggs of, after fertiliza- 
 tion, 406. 414; increase in suscepti- 
 bility during early development of. 
 414; metabolic rate in larva of, 414; 
 period of developmental rejuvenescence 
 in, compared with that of Arciiicolo, 
 415; segmentation in lar\-a of, 421. 
 Nervous system: of Planaria dorolo- 
 cephala, 92; structure of, in relation 
 to degree of reconstitution in Planaria 
 dorolocephala, 1 1 1 ; in relation to devel- 
 opmental gradients, 205; transmission 
 in, 218, 227, 230; in relation to physio- 
 logical integration, 224; physiological 
 stability of, 281, 297; water content 
 of, in relation to senescence, 2S3; nu- 
 cleoplasmic relation in cells of, during 
 development, 284; mor|)hological age 
 changes in cells of, 287; dedifferentia- 
 tion in, 295; rejuvenescence in, 297; 
 in relation to death, 301. 
 Normal form, in reconstitution of 
 Planaria dorolocephala, iii. 
 Nucleoplasmic relation: Minot's views 
 concerning, 284, 440; in development 
 of nerve cells, 285; in early embryonic 
 development, 418; R. Hert wig's views 
 concerning, 439; in relation to senes- 
 cence, 439. 
 Nutrition: Putter's views concerning, 
 164; character of, in relation to age 
 cycle, 169, 179, 276, 388; difficulties of 
 experimental control of, 277; effect of 
 qualitatively inadequate, 278; effect 
 of quantitatively insufficient, 280; 
 effect of excess of, 298; in relation to 
 conjugation, 378; in relation to par- 
 thenogenesis and zygogencsis, 390, 
 392, 408; in relation to surface and 
 volume, 438. Sec also Reduction; 
 Ocdogonium: conditions of spore forma- 
 tion in, 252; gametes of, 316. 
 Oligochetes: susceptibility of. in relation 
 to age, 102; increase in suscci)tibility 
 of, in reconstitution, no; increase in 
 susceptibility of. in agamic reproduc- 
 tion, 136; axial gradient in. 203, 205. 
 Oogenesis: in animals in general. 340; 
 in hydra, 340; in Fasciola hepatica, 
 340; in Pluwatella jtingosa, 340; in 
 Sternaspis scutata, 341; in Dytiscus 
 marginalis, 342; in ascidian, 342; 
 in fish, 342; in Sida cryslaJlina, 343; 
 in plant lice. 344- Src also (lamctc 
 formation; Gametes. 
 Oogonium, in algae, 316. 
 Organism: neo-vitalistic conception of, 9; 
 corpuscular conception of, 11; com- 
 pared with crystal, 16, 199; com- 
 pared with flame, 27; compared with 
 flowing stream, 27, 41, 58, 226; com- 
 pared with machine, 29; Huxley's 
 conception of, 41 ; construction of, by 
 function, 44. See also Individual; 
 Oxidation: in relation to structure, 28; 
 rate of, in relation to growth, 43; 
 effect of cyanides and narcotics on, 66; 
 decrease in, during narcosis, 68, 71; 
 rate of, in young and old parts of plants, 
 239; rate of, in flower and its parts, 
 349, 374; change in rate of, during 
 development of flower, 375; rate of, 
 after maturation and fertilization in 
 sea-urchin and starfish, 405; increase 
 in rate of, during early embr>-onic 
 development in animals, 412. See 
 also Metabolic rate; Metabolism. 
 Oxygen consumption: decrease of, during 
 narcosis, 68; increase of, in stimulated 
 gland cell, 189; after fertilization in 
 sea-urchin and starfish, 405; during 
 early embryonic development, 411. 
 See also Oxidation. 
 Paramecium: agamic breeding of, 136; 
 conjugation in, 136; agamic reproduc- 
 tion in, 137; aurelia a,nd caudatum, 138, 
 143; rejuvenescence of, in agamic 
 reproduction, 141; endomixis in, 143; 
 effect of conjugation in, 404. 
 Parthenogenesis: in plants, 322 footnote 2, 
 408; in bee, 345, 395; in relation to 
 zygogenesis in invertebrates, 389, 410; 
 in relation to physiological age, 393, 
 406; in relation to rate of egg produc- 
 tion, 394, 395, 408; in trematode 
 larvae, 395; artificial, 405; resem- 
 blance of, to agamic and experimental 
 reproduction, 407; conditions deter- 
 mining, 407; "artificial," 408; grada- 
 tions between, and zygogenesis, 410. 
 See also Fertilization; Gametes. 
 Parthenogenic egg: oogenesis of, com- 
 pared with that of zygogenic egg, 343: 
 female-producing and male-producing, 
 390; younger than zygogenic egg, 393, 
 407, 410; germ cell of trematode larva 
 S'S, 39S; general characteristics of, 408. 
 Parthenogenic female, in Crustacea, 390. 
 Penicillium, spore formation in, 248. 
 Pennarla tiarella: susceptibility of, in 
 relation to age, loi; agamic reproduc- 
 tion in, 148, 150; rejuvenescence of, 
 in agamic reproduction, 149, 151. 
 Periodicity: in organisms in general, 187, 
 296, 297; in accumulation of carbon 
 dioxide, 188; in fatigue and recovery, 
 188,297; in pancreas cell, 189, 296; in 
 plants, 191; in gametic reproduction, 
 192, 388; in growth, 276, 388; in 
 flowering, 375. See also Age cycle; 
 Life cycle. 
 Permeability: role of, in organisms, 24; 
 theories of, 25; in relation to narcotic 
 action, 69. 
 Phagocata gracilis, susceptibility of, in 
 relation to age, loi. 
 Phytoid, 237, 239. 
 Plagiostomum girardi, axial develop- 
 mental gradients in, 205. 
 Planaria dorotocephala: reduction of, 
 during starvation, 35, 157; structure 
 of, 92; susceptibility of, in relation to 
 age, 99; reconstitution of, 103; change 
 in susceptibility of pieces of, after sec- 
 tion, 105; reconstitution of, in relation 
 to internal and external factors, in; 
 degrees of reconstitution of, in; 
 rejuvenescence of, in experimental 
 reproduction, 116; rejuvenescence of, 
 in repeated reconstitution, 118; agamic 
 reproduction of, 122; act of fission in, 
 124; prevention of fission in, 125; 
 rejuvenescence of, in agamic repro- 
 duction, 126; rejuvenescence of , during 
 starvation, 157; rate of reduction of, 
 in starvation, 162; acclimation of, 
 during starvation, 165; axial gradients 
 in, 202; dominance and subordination 
 during reconstitution of, 213; limit 
 of dominance in agamic reproduction 
 of, 221; reconstitution of, in narcotics, 
 222; spatial factors of dominance in, 
 222; conditions of gamete formation 
 in, 384. 
 Planaria maculata: susceptibility of, in 
 relation to age, 93; time not a measure 
 of age in, 97; agamic reproduction in, 
 124; rejuvenescence of, in agamic 
 reproduction, 126. 
 Planaria simplicissima, biaxial posterior 
 ends in, 215. 
 Planaria velata: susceptibility of, in 
 relation to age, loi; agamic reproduc- 
 tion of, 130, 169; rejuvenescence of, 
 in agamic reproduction, 132; inhibi- 
 tion of senescence in, 165; senescence 
 of, in relation to character of nutrition, 
 169; involution in, 171. 
 Plumaklla fungosa, oogenesis of, 340. 
 Polarity, physiological, occurrence of, 
 200. See also Axes: Dominance; 
 Individual; Individuation. 
 Pollen Rrain: development of, 320; 
 rate of oxidation in development of, 
 349, 374- 
 Polyembryony : in armadillo, 231, 269; 
 in insects, 268. 
 Preformation, 46. 
 Primitive germ cell. See Germ path. 
 Progression, 57. See also Development; 
 Differentiation; Senescence. 
 Protamine, in sperm head, 353. 
 Proteids: occurrence of, in organisms, 
 14; labile molecule of, 14, 19; dis- 
 tinction between living and dead, 15; 
 changes in, at death, 16; significance 
 of, for life, 20; molecular constitution 
 of, 20, 277; colloid character of, 20; 
 synthesis of, in growth, 39, 278; physio- 
 logical stability of, 39; nutrition 
 experiments with specific, 278; changes 
 in proportional amount of, during 
 senescence, 283, 444; in differentiation 
 of sperm head, 353. See also Colloids; 
 Stability, physiological; Substratum. 
 Prothallium, 238, 245, 366. 
 Protoplasm: chemical conception of, 14; 
 physico-chemical character of, 19; 
 undifferentiated, 48, 51, 245; changes 
 in aggregation of, 50; evolutionary 
 senescence of, 194, 464. See also 
 Colloids; Proteids; Substratum. 
 Protozoa: agamic reproduction and 
 rejuvenescence in, 136; division in, 
 137; occurrence of death in, 305. See 
 also Infusoria. 
 Radiate, 200. 
 Reconstitution: in Planaria dorolo- 
 cephala, 103; rejuvenescence in, 107, 
 no, 114, 116, 118. 180, 240; in rela- 
 tion to internal and external factors, 
 in; degrees of, in; repeated, in 
 Planaria dorolocephala, 118; resem- 
 blance of, to agamic reproduction, 126, 
 132, 135, 140; after partial involution 
 in Planaria velala, 172; termination of, 
 181; origin of axial gradient in, 207; 
 independence of apical region in, 210, 
 213; dominance and subordination in, 
 213, 215; of head in Planaria dorolo- 
 cephala, 215; resemblance of, to cmbr)'- 
 onic development, 215; spatial factor 
 of dominance in, 222. 
 Redifferentiation. See Dedifferentia- 
 tion; Development; Senescence, indi- 
 Reduction: definition of, 34, 37; chemical 
 conception of, 38; during starvation 
 in Planaria dorotocepliala, 35, 44, 155; 
 during decreased metaboHsm, 45; after 
 fragmentation in Planaria velata, 131; 
 of cell size in starvation, 155; 
 variable limit of, in Planaria doroto- 
 cepliala, 156; rate of, in starvation in 
 Planaria dorolocephala, 162; of bran- 
 chial region in Clavellina, 2 58; of less 
 stable constituents during |)artial 
 starvation, 281; difference between, 
 and atrophy, 288; in fishes, 300. See 
 also Dedifferentiation; Rejuvenescence. 
 Regeneration in e.xcess, 43. 
 Regression, 57, 155. See also Dediffer- 
 entiation; Reconstitution; Reduc- 
 tion; Rejuvenescence; Reproduction; 
 agamic, gametic. 
 Rejuvenescence: occurrence of, in gen- 
 eral, 3, 4, 5, 8, 64, 178, 180, chaps. X. 
 xii, xv; definition of, 58; general char- 
 acter of, 64, 186; Maupas' conclusions 
 concerning, 64, 377, 434; in reconstitu- 
 tion in Planaria dorolocephala, 107; 
 in reconstitution in other forms, no; 
 degrees of, in reconstitution, n4, iSo; 
 degrees of, in experimental and gametic 
 reproduction, 116; in repeated recon- 
 stitution, 118; in agamic reproduc- 
 tion in Planaria, 126; in agamic re- 
 production in infusoria, 141, 378; in 
 relation to endomixis, 143; in agamic 
 reproduction in hydra. 146; in agamic 
 reproduction in Pcnnaria, 149, 151; 
 in star\-ation in Planaria, 157, 178; 
 in relation to acclimation during star\'a- 
 tion, 165; in relation to character of 
 nutrition, 169; in relation to cell 
 division, 182, 242; in relation to 
 gametic reproduction, 186, 192, 270, 
 chap. XV, 434; in relation to other 
 periodicities, 187, 296; Braun's ideas 
 concerning, 237; in vegetative life of 
 plants, 239; in plant cell, 245; in siwre, 
 252, 253; in agamic repnKluction in 
 lower animals, 255; without rei)ro<iuc- 
 tion in lower animals, 256; morpho- 
 logical evidence for, in animals, 257, 
 294; as result of senescence, 259; 
 limitation of. in higher animals, 267, 
 270; after hibernation, 290; in ner\'ous 
 system, 297; after starvation in higher 
 animals and man, 298; after loss of 
 weight in disease, 299; during star\'a- 
 tion in fishes, 300; after starvation 
 in ami)hibia, 300; in translormalion 
 of flower into vegetative shix)l, 377; 
 in different races of Paramecium, 382; 
 in dai)hnid Crustacea, 392. 304; '" 
 larval life history of digenctic trcma- 
 todes, 396; e\idencc for occurrence 
 of, in embryonic development, 411. 
 412; period of developmental, in 
 Nereis and Arenicola, 41O; degree and 
 period of developmental, in Tautogo- 
 labrus and Funduhis, 417; in relation 
 to segmentation in Nereis larva, 421; 
 in embryonic development of plants, 
 424; degree of, in agamic and gametic 
 reproduction, 425; by substitution of 
 gametic, for agamic reproduction, 426; 
 as a casting off of injurious substances, 
 435; Minot's theory of, 441; nucleo- 
 plasmic relation in, 441; as result of 
 increase in nucleoplasmic interchange, 
 444; in relation to colloid changes, 
 445; as a reversal of autocatalytic 
 reaction, 448; not a special process, 
 459; not necessarily a reversal of 
 senescence, 459; possibility of, in 
 evolution, 464; in non-living systems, 
 465. See also Dedifierentiation; 
 I\Ietabolic rate. 
 Reproduction, agamic: in Planar la doro- 
 toccphala, 122; resemblance of, to 
 reconstitution, 126, 132, 135, 140; re- 
 juvenescence in, 126, 141, 146, 149, 151, 
 181, 239, 252, 255; in Planaria vclala, 
 130; in Stenostomum, 133; in oligo- 
 chetes, 136; in infusoria, 137, 377, 379; 
 in hydra, 145; limit of dominance in, 
 220; in plants, 221, 231, 238; in rela- 
 tion to physiological isolation, 229; in 
 armadillo, 231; different forms of, in 
 plants, 239, 247; in relation to indi- 
 viduation in plants, 244; in gameto- 
 phyte of plants, 254, 366; various 
 forms of, in lower animals, 255; as 
 a result of senescence, 259; infre- 
 quency of, in higher animals, 268; 
 in production of gametophyte, 377; in 
 relation to conjugation, 377; in marge- 
 lid medusa, 384; degree of rejuvenes- 
 cence in gametic and, 425. See also, 
 Dedifferentiation; Reconstitution; Re- 
 juvenescence; Reproduction, gametic, 
 in general. 
 Reproduction, experimental: in Planaria 
 dorotocephala, 103, 105, 214, 222; 
 ditierent degrees of, in; in Tubularia, 
 210; continued, in plants, 239, 370. 
 See also Reconstitution; Rejuvenes- 
 cence; Reproduction, agamic. 
 Reproduction, gametic: absence of, 99, 
 130, 136, 239, 366, 369, 386, 387, 388; 
 rejuvenescence in, 186, 270; periodic, 
 192, 388; prevention of, by agamic 
 reproduction, 239, 367, 370; in relation 
 to senescence, 270, chap. xiv,_ 460; 
 parthenogenic and zygogenic, in inver- 
 tebrates, 389; degree of rejuvenescence 
 in agamic and, 425; Godlewski's com- 
 parison of, with regeneration, 427. 
 See also Conjugation; Fertilization; 
 Gamete formation; Gametes; Par- 
 thenogenesis; Reproduction in general. 
 Reproduction in general: as characteristic 
 of organism, i, 202; in relation to age 
 cycle, 178, 259; different processes of, 
 in plants, 238, 247; cycle of, in inver- 
 tebrates, 390; fundamental similarity 
 of all forms of, 427; as condition of 
 death and rejuvenescence, 433; defini- 
 tion of, 460; inheritance involved in all 
 cases of, 462. See also Reconstitution; 
 Rejuvenescence ; Reproduction, agamic, 
 experimental, gametic. 
 Reproductive cycle: in daphnid Crus- 
 tacea, 390; repetition of, 392; in 
 rotifers, 392; in trematodes, 395. See 
 also Reproduction, agamic, experi- 
 mental, gametic, in general. 
 Reversibility: of reaction, 38, 56, 67, 71; 
 of development, 56, 64, 155, 188; of 
 relative susceptibilities, 72, 82. 
 Riccia, origin of gametes in, 318. 
 Rotifers, parthenogenesis and zygo- 
 genesis in, 392. 
 Saggita, germ path in, 328. 
 Saprolegnia: spore formation in, 247; 
 conditions of spore formation in, 250; 
 gametes of, 316; conditions of gamete 
 formation in, 364. 
 Sea-urchin: axial gradient in, 203; 
 temperature coefhcient of length of 
 life in eggs of, 308; susceptibility of 
 eggs of, 351; increase in metabolic 
 rate in eggs of, after fertilization, 405, 
 414; conditions of maturation in, 405; 
 oxygen consumption during early 
 development of, 4"; heat production 
 during early development of, 412; 
 susceptibility during early develop- 
 ment of, 41 2 ; critical stage in develop- 
 ment of, 413. 
 Secretions, internal. See Correlation. 
 Segmentation: in higher animals, 269; 
 in larva of Nereis, 421; in larva of 
 BranchipKS, 422. 
 Segregation. See Gametes; Germ path; 
 Germ plasm. 
 Self -differentiation: in general, 50, 55; 
 of apical region of Tubularia, 210; of 
 apical region of Planaria dorotocephala, 
 Sempervivum funkii, Klebs's experiments 
 on control of flowering in, 372. 
 Senescence, evolutionary: occurrence of, 
 193, 464; paleontological evidence for, 
 193; in evolution of higher organisms, 
 464; control of, 465. 
 Senescence, individual: occurrence of, 
 in organisms, 2, 178, 461; significance 
 of, 3; definition of, 58, 185; general 
 character of, 63, 441; morphological 
 changes during, 86, 284; as condition 
 of rejuvenescence, 133, 186, 259, 461; 
 in protozoa, 142, 379; in relation to 
 endomixis, 143; in relation to hydranth 
 and medusa buds in Feniiaria, 151, 256; 
 inhibition of, 167, 239, 257, 279, 303; 
 in relation to character of nutrition, 
 169, 276; theories of, 182, chap, xvi; 
 changes in water content during, 184, 
 279, 28s; in relation to other periodi- 
 cities, 1 8 7, 192, 296; in vegetative life 
 of plants, 239; in whole and parts of 
 plants, 239, 241, 243; in growing tips 
 of plants, 244; in relation to spore 
 formation in plants, 251, 253; as con- 
 dition of specialized agamic reproduc- 
 tion in animals, 256; in absence of 
 growth, 282; changes in chemical con- 
 stitution during, 283; atrophy in later 
 stages of, 287, 301 ; internal determina- 
 tion of rate of, in warm-blooded ani- 
 mals, 303 ; in development of gametes, 
 349; in relation to maturation, 355; 
 in relation to gamete formation in 
 algae and fungi, 364; in relation to 
 gamete formation in mosses and ferns, 
 366; in relation to flowering, 368; 
 as condition of conjugation, 378; in 
 different races of Paramecium, ^82; 
 in relation to gamete formation in 
 hydra, 384; in relation to gamete 
 formation in margelid medusa, 384; 
 in relation to gamete formation in 
 planarians, 384; in relation to gamete 
 formation in other invertebrates, 387; 
 in relation to gamete formation in 
 vertebrates, 388; in relation to par- 
 thenogenesis and zygogenesis in inver- 
 tebrates, 391, 392; in larval life cycle 
 of digenetic trematodes, 396; suscepti- 
 bility in early development in relation 
 to, 412; larval stages and metamor- 
 phosis in relation to, 420; as a wearing 
 out, 433; as an adaptation, 433; as 
 result of reproduction, 433; as result 
 of atrophy of sex organs, 434; as 
 result of inhibition of growth impulse, 
 434; as an intoxication, 434; as result 
 of organic constitution, 436; in relation 
 to surface and volume, 437; as result of 
 starvation of cells, 437; nucleoplasmic 
 relation in, 439; in relation to cyto- 
 morphosis, 440; as result of dilTerentia- 
 tion, 442; as result of accumulation of 
 metaplasm, 443 ; in relation to decrease 
 of assimilatory capacity, 444; "dilu- 
 tion" of nitrogen in pianis during, 
 444, 453; as result of decrease in 
 nucleoplasmic interchange. 444; in 
 relation to colloid changes, 445; as 
 retardation of an autotalalvlic reac- 
 tion by accumulation of |)ro<Jucls, 448; 
 not a special process, 459; in non- 
 living systems, 465. Sa- also Age; 
 Age cycle; Development; Differentia- 
 tion; Senescence, evolulionarv, racial. 
 Senescence, racial: in protozoa, 136, 378; 
 in relation to endomixis, 143; in 
 Planaria vclala, 173, 179; in relation 
 to conjugation, 378, 383, 434; in 
 relation to parthenogenesis and zygo- 
 genesis in invertebrates, 390; in 
 potato, 426; conditions of, 42O, 561. 
 Senility: atrophy as characteristic of, 
 2S7, 301; rnori)hoIogical changes in, 
 287; as a "wearing out" of physiologi- 
 cal mechanism, 288, 433; mental. 297; 
 in relation to fatigue and exhaustion. 
 297; as result of atrophy of sex organs. 
 434; as result of sjjecial conditions not 
 connected with growth, 448. See also 
 Death; Differentiation; Senescence; 
 Sida crystalliiia, oogenesis of, 343. 
 Silphium, pollen grain and spermatozoid 
 of, 334- 
 Specification, 46. 
 Spermatogenesis, in guinea-pig, 335. See 
 also Gamete formation; Gametes. 
 Spermatogenous cell, segregation of, in 
 plants, 318, 320. See also Gamete 
 formation; Gametes. 
 Spermatozoid of plants. See Gamete 
 formation; Gametes. 
 Spermatozoon of animals. Sec Fertiliza- 
 tion; Gamete formation; Gametes. 
 Spirogyra, gametic reproduction in, 316. 
 Sporangium, 247, 250. 
 Spore formation: in plants, 233, 238, 241, 
 247; in relation to senescence, 241. 
 248; rejuvenescence in, 252, 253; in 
 relation to age cycle in plants, 254; 
 in protozoa, 255. 
 Sporophore, 248. 
 Sporophyte: in relation to age cycle, 253; 
 in mosses and ferns, 253; origin of, in 
 apogamy, 2,2^- 
 Stability, physiological: nature of. 35. 30; 
 different degrees of. 41; in relation to 
 starvation, 44; increase in, tluring 
 development. 50, 183, 463; in relation 
 to metabolic rate, 51, 279; in relation 
 to evolution. 53. 194, 267. 208, 304, 
 460. 463; in relation to in<li\ idualion. 
 227; increase in, during partial slar\a. 
 tion, 280, 282; of skeletal substance- 
 281; of nervous system, 281, 297; of 
 flower, 375; in animal egg, 407. See 
 also Dedifferentiation; Differentiation; 
 Starfish: axial relations in, 200; axial gra- 
 dient in, 203; early death after matur- 
 ation of unfertilized egg of, 307, 405; 
 susceptibility of eggs of, 351, 413; 
 oxygen consumption in egg of, in rela- 
 tion to fertilization, 405, 414; condi- 
 tions of maturation in, 405; egg of, 
 almost parthenogenic, 405, 410; suc- 
 ceptibility during early development 
 of, 413; critical stage in development 
 of, 413- 
 Star\^ation: in Planar ia dorotocephala, 
 35, 155, 156; reduction of nervous 
 svstem during, 35, 281; in other 
 p'lanarians, 44; decrease in cell size 
 during, 155; death from, 156; inCassjo- 
 pea, 163; capacity for acclimation 
 during, 165; effect of partial, 167, 
 280, 386; stunting effect of partial, in 
 mammals, 281; rejuvenescence in con- 
 nection with, in higher animals and 
 man, 298, 299; increase in weight 
 after, 298, 300; susceptibility of fishes 
 during, 299; senescence as a process 
 of cell, 437. See also Nutrition; 
 Reduction; Rejuvenescence. 
 Statoblasts of bryozoa, in relation to 
 age cycle, 256, 259. 
 Stenostomum, agamic reproduction in, 
 133; increase of susceptibility during 
 agamic reproduction in, 135. 
 Stentor coeruleus: agamic reproduction 
 in, 138; rejuvenescence of, in agamic 
 reproduction, 141, 142. 
 Sternaspis scutata, oogenesis of, 341. 
 Strongylocentrotus lividus, increase in 
 oxygen consumption of, during early 
 development, 405. See also Sea-urchin. 
 Subordination, 215. 
 Substratum: in relation to reaction, 19, 
 42; physiological stability of, 40, 41 > 
 50, 53, 183, 194, 227, 267, 298, 304, 
 460, 463; as metabolic sediment, 41; 
 Huxley's conception of, 41; function 
 in relation to, 42; selective action^ of 
 starvation upon, 44; changes in, during 
 development, 45, 5°, 1^35 embry- 
 onic cell as metabolic, 49; action of 
 narcotics on, 69, 70; in relation to 
 maintenance of axial gradients, 226. 
 See also Dedifferentiation; Differentia- 
 tion; Stability, physiological. 
 Summer egg, 390. 
 Surface and volume: in relation to nar- 
 cotic action, 75, 78; in relation to 
 metabolic rate, 272; in relation to 
 senescence, 437; significance of rela- 
 tion between, 438. 
 Susceptibility: to cyanides and narcotics, 
 66; in relation to metabolic rate, 66, 
 71, 72, 73, 79, 82; methods of use of, 
 73, 77, 82; in relation to carbon- 
 dioxide production, 73; in relation to 
 age in Planar ia maculata, 93; in 
 relation to age in Planaria doroto- 
 cephala, 99; in relation to age in 
 Planaria velata, loi; in relation to age 
 in other forms, loi; of pieces of 
 Planaria dorotocephala after section, 
 105; in relation to different degrees of 
 reconstitution, 113; increase of, in 
 agamic reproduction in Planaria doro- 
 tocephala and P. macidata, 127; increase 
 of, in agamic reproduction in Planaria 
 velata, 132; increase of, in agamic 
 reproduction in Stenostomum,^ 135; 
 increase of, in agamic reproduction in 
 oligochetes, 136; increase of, in agarnic 
 reproduction in infusoria, 141; in- 
 crease of, in agamic reproduction 
 in hydra, 146; increase of, in agamic 
 reproduction in Pennaria, 149, 151; 
 increase of, during starvation in 
 Planaria dorotocephala, 157; in rela- 
 tion to acclimation in starved Planaria 
 dorotocephala, 165; in relation to 
 axial gradients, 202; of _ dominant 
 region to external conditions, 226; 
 of fishes during starvation, 299; of 
 gametes of animals, 351; at time of 
 conjugation, 352, 381; of sexually 
 mature Planaria dorotocephala, 385; 
 of sexually mature Planaria macidata, 
 386; of different larval generations 
 in trematodes, 396; increase of, after 
 fertilization in animal eggs, 405, 406; 
 of different eggs to parthenogenic 
 agents, 410; of starfish during early 
 development, 413; of sea-urchin dur- 
 ing early development, 413; of Nereis 
 during early development, 414; of 
 Arenicola during early development, 
 415; of frog and salamander during 
 early development, 418. See also 
 Metabolic rate. 
 Symmetry, physiological: occurrence of, 
 201, 203; in'relation to axial gradients, 
 Tautogolabrus adspersus: susceptibility 
 of eggs of, 351: susceptibility during 
 early development of, 416, 417; period 
 of developmental rejuvenescence in, 
 compared with that in Fundultis, 
 48 1 
 Teleology: the problem of, 30; in inter- 
 pretation of reduction in planarians, 
 44; in interpretation of budding in 
 plants, 231; in interpretation of re- 
 lation between agamic and gametic 
 reproduction in i)lants, 367, 369. 
 Temperature coeflicient: of rate of 
 chemical reaction, 68; of length of life 
 of Planaria doroloccphala in cyanides 
 and narcotics, 68; of length of life of 
 sea-urchin eggs, 308; of rate of develop- 
 ment, 308. 
 Teratomorphic form, in Planaria dorolo- 
 cephala, in, 223. 
 Teratophthalmic form, in Planaria doro- 
 loccphala, III. 
 Torreya iaxifolia, archegonium and egg 
 of, 339- 
 Transmission: in relation to colloids, 26; 
 in relation to axial gradients, 209; 
 decrement in, 209, 217, 227; as means 
 of physiological correlation, 217; limit 
 of, 217, 219, 231; in nerves, 218, 230; 
 quantitative effect of, 225; efficiency 
 of, 227. See also Conducting paths; 
 Trematode, parthenogenesis in larvae 
 of digenetic, 395. 
 Tubiilaria: simple individual of, 210; 
 reconstitution of, 210; limit of domi- 
 nance in agamic reproduction of, 220; 
 limit of dominance in reconstitution 
 of, 221. 
 i'lollirix, spore formation in, 247. 
 Uroccnlrum turbo, rejuvenescence of, 
 in agamic reproduction, 141, 142. 
 Vacuole, in infusoria, 137. 
 Vacuolization, in plant cells during 
 dilTerentiation, 245, 284. 
 Vauchcria: spore formation in, 247: 
 conditions of spore formation in, 250; 
 conditions of gamete formation in, 
 Volume and surface. See Surface. 
 Volvox, gametes of, 316. 
 Water: in relation to colloids, 24; in 
 relation to growth, 36; production of, 
 in metabolism 37; in relation to senes- 
 cence, 184, 279, 283. 
 Winter egg, 390, 404. 
 Zamia: spermatozoidof,334; egg of. 339. 
 Zooid: formation of, in Planaria doroto- 
 cepliala, 123; formation of, in Stcno- 
 stomitm, 133; as member of animal 
 colony, 237. 
 Zoospore, 247, 252. 
 Zygogenesis, 343, 389; gradations be- 
 tween, and parthenogenesis, 410. 
 Zygogenic egg: oogenesis of, compared 
 with that of parthenogenic egg, 343; 
 in daphnid Crustacea, 390. 
 Zygospore, in algae and fungi, 316. 
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