How The Farm Ms j,fh PETE[^HEf[DEF(,^o/. (TliF S. li HtU ICtbrarii North (Earahna &talp Unitipraitij S501 C95 cop.P ^'.:> •^ Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from NCSU Libraries littp:// HOW THE FARM PAYS. THE EXPERIENCES OF FORTY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL FARMING AND GARDENING BY THE AUTHORS, WILLIAM OEOZIEE AND PETEE HEISTDEESON". NEW YOEK : PETEK HENDERSON & CO., 35 & 37 CORTL.iNDT ST. 1881. Entered according to Act of Congrees, in the year 18ft4. by PETER HENDERSON & CO., in the o^ce of the Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, CONTENTS. PAGE. INTRODUCTION 7 and 8 CHAPTER I. Tkainixg for the Business of Farming — Agbicuxtukal Col- lege Education — Selection of Soils — Use op SIanure — Farm Roads — Drainisg 9 to 25 CHAPTER n. Manures and the Modes of Application — Special Fer- tilizers — Green Manuring — Fertilizing by Feeding 26 to 37 CHAPTER m. Plowing, Harrowing and Cflttvating — Plows — Harrows — Cdlttvators — Rolling Land — Rollers — Use of the Feet in Sowing and Pl.\nting 38 to 51 CHAPTER IV. Rotation of Crops — Corn — Potatoes — Potato Diseases — Sweet Potatoes — Roots — Wheat — Oats — Barley — Rye — Beans — Buckwheat 52 to 84 4 CJONTESTS. CHAPTER V. PAGE. Chops fob Solldjo axd Fodder — Eye — LrcEBS ob Axtaua — Millet — Peas and Oats — Fodder Corn — Feeding Soil- ing Crops — Abobtios in Cows and its Causes — Ergots. . . 85 to 109 CHAPTER YL Grass and its Management — A'abieties of Grasses — ]Mn;FT) Grasses for Pasture asd Hat 110 to 133 CHAPTER ^TL Cutting and Curing of Hay — Clo\-er Hat — Ensilage — Ensilage Compared with Roots 134 to li5 CHAPTER ^TIX LrrE Stock of the Farm — Varieties of Cattle — Records of Jerset Cows — Records of Guernsey Cows — Cattle for Beef — Points of Pure Bred Cattle — The Best Cows FOB THE Dairy — Feed and Care for Milk and Butter — Young Cattle and their Cabe — Management of the Dairy — Farm Horses — Sheep — SwrsE — Farm Buildixgs — Fences — Rearing and Keeping Poultry — Dogs fob THE Fabm — Useful Tables for the Farm 146 to 250 CHAPTER IX. Pests of the Farm — Destbucth'e Animals — Insect Pests — Par-asites — Pests of the Crops — Injurious Insects — Remedies — Vegetable Pests 251 to 274 CHAPTER X. Farm Machinery — Plows — Harrows — Cultiv.atobs — Mowers and Reapers — Hating MACHiNEBy — ^Fodder Cutters — CoBN Huskers and Shellers — Cabts — Steam Engines. .275 to 300 Contents. 5 CHAPTER XI. PAGE. Farm Culture op Vegetables axd Fruits — Cabbage — Celery — The White Plume Celery — S^^"EET Corn — Cucumbers FOR Pickles — ^Melons as a Market Crop — Onions .... 301 to 3G0 CHAPTEK XII. Culture of Peincip-VL Sm.u.l Fruit Crops — Strawberries — Blackberries — Raspberries — Currants — Gooseberries — Grapes — Orchakd Fruits 3G1 to 379 Index 381 to 400 INTIiODUCTIOX. It is doubtful if any book on agriculture has ever beeu written in this country of which the writers have had opportunities for such extensive and varied exjjerience as have the authors of this work. "U'rLLiAM Ceozier is, perhaps, now better known than any other farmer on this continent, jjrincipaUy from the fact that for the past twenty years the exhibition of his fine stock and other farm jjroducts has enabled him to take more prizes than any other working farmer in the country, and that to-day the dairy and farm at Northport, Xi. I., on which these products have been raised, are models worthy of imitation by the tens of thousands engaged in farming who have failed to make it the iwofitable business that it has been, and still con- tinues to be, to 111'. Crozier. The co-author, Petek Henderson, the senior member of our firm, although not a farmer, has long been con- sidered, as is well known, an authority on all matters relating to iiractical garden work. His book, Gardening forr Profit, now in the hands of j)robably 100,000 readers, has shown how to make gardening pay. In the present work Mr. Henderson tells in plain words the manner of gTowing such Vefjetahles and Fruits as can best be made jjrofitable on the farm, besides interchanging with Mr. Crozier his opinions on such operations of the farm as his long practice in cultivating the soil enables him to do. Mr. Crozier and Mr. Henderson have had the project in contem- plation of getting up a work on American farming for the jiast ten years; but both being engaged in the active work of their large operations on the farm and garden, it is doubtful if they would ever 8 IXTRODrCTIOS. have got together to accomplish it, unless the idea had been con- ceived of getting the work up in conversational fonn, the words as spoken being taken down by a stenographer. This sunpUfied the work of book making greatly, and it is believed that given in this way it has been made plainer and more interesting to the reader than Lf ■written in the usual manner. The benefit of this plan is derived from the fact that the answer often suggests a question, just such as the reader would be likely to ask, but •\\-ith no one at his elbow to answer. It is here answered to the satisfaction of the questioner, or if not, the question is repeated till the subject has been made clear. The iUusti-ations given in the. work are believed to represent the best standai'd types of their several kinds that we possess uj) to this date, the object in all cases being to give such as are the best and the most practical and economical for the farmer's purposes. PETER HENDERSON & CO., 3.5 it 37 C'oRTLAxuT St., Publishers. New York. Tkajsdjg for the Business of FAKMDia. CHAPTEK I. TRAINING FOR THE BUSINESS OF FARMING. Question. T\Tiat, in jour opinion, jVIi'. Crozier, are the chances of making a farm pay, if the owner is unable to superintend, it himself, and has to rely on the knowledge of hired superintendence ? This is a question that has been asked me scores of times each season, in regard to the business of market gardening, and my unvarying reply has been, that the cliances for success are all against the person undertaking such a business under such conditions. Answer. I am inundated viith. the same sort of iuquii-ies, and am glad to have an opportunity of making a general rejily. I entirely coincide with your opinion, that no man sTiould attempt farming, or garden- ing, in the hoije of making it a jirotitable business, unless he is will- ing and able to take hold with his own hands and employ liis own brains in the work. I have known of many who have made large investments in farming and stock raising, but have never known one instance where the owner who failed to take an active part in the work ever made it a success. It is unreasonable to expect it. If you or I took it into our heads to engage in the dry goods or groceiy business, and put oiu- hands in our pockets and trusted entirely to the knowledge, honesty and energy of a hii-ed manager to run the business, it is certain that these pockets would soon be empty if their supply was dependent upon the profits. But the educated city merchant, doctor, lawyer or parson is apt to look iipon the tillers of the soil as a slow, ignorant, unlettered class, destitute of business eajiacities, and often deludes himself with the belief that bis want of knowledge of rural aSairs mil be more than compensated by his ad- vantages of education or business experience, when he concludes to engage in farming. This delusion draws hundreds fi-om the city to the farm, to their ruin, every year. The only true way for a man who has previously been engaged in other business, and who wishes to become a farmer, is to get the privilege of taking active hold of the work, under the instruction of some farmer who has made the business a success. Twelve months thus spent with energy and apphcation, would give him a knowledge from which a reasonable chance of success might be expected, alwaj's pro- 10 How THE Farm Pays. Tided he has the elements of success withiu himself. But this advice is only ' applicahle to J'oud}^ men. It would be folh' for men of middle age or past it to make the attempt. In this con- nection I may cite a "very mai-ked case, and one which gives me a very jjleasing remembrance. Dr. Shanu, of York, England, wrote to me some twelve years ago, asking me to take his son, a young man of twenty-one, who had just comjjleted a college coui-se at Cambridge. I agi'eed to his proposal, and the young fellow duly appeared one morning, verj' unlike the ideal fanner indeed, dressed in the latest fashion and cane in hand. I much feai-ed to look at him, that he would not be a success at the i^low, Ijut after allowing him to prospect around for a few days, I told him that the contract between his father and me required that he should take hold and obey orders the same as my ordinary hired men. He at once went down to the village, rigged himself out with a pair of overalls, flannel shirt and strong boots, and announced himself ready. His first initiation to work was assisting to wash a herd of Berkshire pigs shoulder to shoulder with a rough Ii-ishman. From this jioint I .saw that he was made of the right stuff, and placed him during the yciu- and a half .that he was with me through all the grades of our work. He was so energetic and trustworthy, that after he had been with me a year, I entrusted him to take a lot of cattle, sheep and swine to the State Fair at Atlanta, Ga., with permission to sell all if he deemed the price sufScient. This he did to my entire satisfaction. "While there he saw a fann which his father piu-chased and stocked for him, and to-day he is one of the most successfid fanners, iierhajis, in Georgia. (Mr. H.) I have always some five or six such men in my employ- ment who have come to learn the finer parts of Horticidture. They come to us at a younger age than wcmld be suitable for the heavier work of the farm, usually from fifteen to sixteen, and I select all l)y the merit of their letters of application, for I hold, that with the ad- vantages of education which our school system affords, if a boy at six- teen has not had ambition enough to be able to write intelligently at that age, the chances are that he is not Hkely to become an intelligent workman ; and for an apprentice we want nothing else, as we can get all the hewers of wood and drawers of water we want, at our doors; but brains are not so easily obtained. But with all our care in select- ing, not more than one in ten ever attains to any prominence, and such usually develop superiority from the first. About ten yeai-s ago I received an application from a boy living in one of the subtirbs of New York. He said that he was sixteen, and his letter was so terse and to the point that I told him to call. "NMien he made his ajipoarance AoiiiciTLTuiiAL Colleges. 11 he looked so small and slight that I told him I thought our work would l)e too heavy for him. He begged to be allowed to try. He was started at $3. 00 per week, but before he was tweuty years of age, his energy, intelligence and untiring industry made his services so valuable, that I jiaid him a salary of $1,200 per yeai', which was more than I jjaid my foreman, a man of forty, who had been at the business for twenty j'ears. But I could not keep the young man even at that. He had saved money enough to stiu-t on his own account, and is now on the straight road to fortune. But there are few sLmUar cases in my experience of over twenty years ■with such youths. I have only had one other in- stance of the kind, but many of them have made faii-ly successful business men, and scores of gi'aduates from our estabhshment are now engaged in the florist and market garden business in ah jjarts of the country. Q. What is yovir oisinion of the value of agricultural colleges, 'Mr. Henderson, as training schools in the branches of farming or gar- dening? A. I am afi-aid my opinion is too pronounced on this subject to be agreeable to the directors of some of these institutions. That they might be made the very best mediums for such a purpose I have not the least doubt, if the directors would only be convinced that the superintendents, to be successful, must have an actual practical working experience varied and extended enough to make them masters of the subject. But thus fai' I have good reason to believe that few of them have such men. The great trouble is that they fritter away the time of the students on abstruse and practically use- less theoretical studies, wasting life in attempting to get at the often doubtful causes for the attainment of important results in the so- called science of agriculture ; which, after all, with aU the heljj of Liebig, and other such men, is almost entirely ignored by the farmers and gardeners who ai'e the kings in those industries to-day both in Europe and America. I will here repeat the views I expressed in the Bural Keic Yurker in May, 1883, in a discussion of this question. " The longer I hve, the less I beheve in the value attached to the so- called science of agriculture. I believe that a fairly educated youth would have far better chances for success in life if the foiu- or six years spent under the difl'erent jjrofessors of an agricultural college (as they are generally conducted) were sjjent in actual work of ten hours a day in a well conducted farm or garden. The work might not be so pleasant, and his manners might not have the polish that friction with scholastic minds might give, but he would be better fitted for the liattle of life. 12 How THE Farm Pays. " There is awful humbug about many parts of the so-called Science of Agriculture. The ' Agricultural Chemist ' analyzes the soil and finds that it contains, or does not contain, certain elements which must be withheld, or put in, in fertilizing. He analyzes cabbage, com, potatoes, wheat, turnips, oranges, lettuce, strawberries, roses and a score of other genera of plants, and makes a special formula of a fertilizer for each. Every intelligent, practical fanner, with ten years" experience, knows that this is utter nonsense; and yet, in not a few of oiu- agricultui-al colleges, these special fertilizers, for special purposes, are religiously adopted. If, in the schools for instruction in agiiculture, the lessons were given in the field, instead of, as now, in the college, we might then look for diflFerent results. " When a 1)oy, I was a pupil in a countiy school in Scotland. It was the time when Captain Berkley, and other sprigs of the English aris- tocracy, made the science of pugilism fashionable, and many c f the sons of the better class of British yeomen took lessons in the 'science.' One of thes?, one day, landed at Edinburgh as a pupil at our country school. He was an aggressive fellow and a great blower, and in a few days he succeeded in making most of iis stand in fear and awe of his wonderful ' science.' But one day another new boy came, a blacksmith's son, who had occasionally taken a hand with the sledge-hammer, a quiet, retiring lad, whom the bully thought a good subject to force a quarrel upon. It was accepted qxucker than he anticipated. In a few minutes the young blacksmith had givt n him a thorough thrashing. He blubbered and admitted he was whipped, Vmt said the tight had not Vieen a fair one, for ' Ihai hoy had 7wt fought according to science.' Maybe he had not, but he came out victor, nevertheless. It is true that the gfi'aduates of West Point proved some of the best generals during the late war, but it must not be forgotten that the b-aining there is but the rehearsing of actual wai-, except the bloodshed — practical work, all of it — call it science, if you please. •The tree is known by its fruits,' and if ever the day comes that the graduates of our agricultiu-al colleges become the leadei-s — t!;e gen- erals in agriculttu-e and horticulture — then the advocates of these in- stitutions will be justified in glorifying themselves; but while the rei>- resentative fanners come (as they almost exclusively now do) from (he ranks of the hard-handed workers in old mother earth, the agricul- tural community will look with doubtful approval on the agiicultural colleges, as now conducted, as a means of instniction." Q. From your business as a breeder of fancy stock, Mr. Crozier, you must have had many opportunities of judging whether the hun- <.b-eds of gentlemen fanners, as they are called, make their ventures jiay in money in the long run? Disadvantages of Pooh Son.. 13 A. I do not, of uiy owu kuowletlge, recall a single instance where such men have ever got their original investments back, although many of them, having comjieteut overseers, are handling their fancy stock in a manner which, if energetically followed up as a business, ought to pay them nearly as weU as we farmers who have to make our living by it. But there is another element that compensates, outside of any money return, and that is that it is a healthful recreation, a safety- valve, so to speak, from the perplexities of business with which the merchant or isrofessional man is visited. A well known New York gentleman at the head of one of the largest coi-porations there, in speaking with me the other daj' about this matter, said that his orig- inal investment in fancy stock on his farm and gai-dens was ujjwards of $100,000, andthatitcost him to maintain them nearlj' $10,000 annually; but he said that the recreation he enjoyed fi-om such an investment, which be could well afford, in all j^robabUitj' would add ten years to his life. The advantage gained by men of wealth in indulging in such an occui)ation, instead of in paintings or other works of art, is, that before they can view their treasures, they must get out into the open air and sunshine, which is a valuable factor to take into account along with the pleasures of the jiiu'suit. (Mr. H. ) I suppose you will agi-ee with me in believing that the fii-st subject, and by all odds the most important factor, of success iu farm- ing, is the soil. This must ever be, other things being equal, the funda- mental element of success. While iu Europe a few years ago, on an extended tour in Great Britain and the Continent, I observed that although the lauds in all these regions had been cultivated probably for five hundi-ed years, wherever the soil was natui'aUy fertile there were foiuid good farm buildings, good fences, horses, wagons and har- ness, everything to indicate prosj^erity. On the other hand, wherever a poor, sterile soil predominated, there were found farm buildings, fences and cattle that indicated poverty'. As well may a stage coach attempt to compete vrith a locomotive, as a farmer owning poor and sterile land with the owner of a rich, fertile soil, if they sell their pro- ducts in the same market. It is a delusive belief, thatmaniuingor till- age, no matter how good, will ever biing a poor, thin soil into permanent fertility, unless the application of niamu-e is j'early continued; for no ordinary amount of manuring or cultivation will maintain the fertility of any soil over two years, as it will then either have been taken up by the crops growing on it, or else have been washed down below the depth at which the roots penetrate. It requires some extent of i^ractical 14: How THK Farm Pats. experience to know what is a good soil. I well remember a blunder that I made in my early experience in this matter. 5Iy partner and I, ■when we started business in Jersey City, N. J. , had both been regulai-ly bred as horticulturists, jjartly in Europe and pailly here, and yet on our purchase of lands for market garden pui'poses in Hudson County, N. J. — which borders on New York City — we made a mistake in our selection, and no amount of the highest culture, although that is now thiiij- years ago, has ever been able to bring the soil into what would be termed even second-rate condition. ■ The. eiTor we made was in selecting a soil appai'ently good, but which was underlaid by a stratum of clay ten inches below the surface; and to-daj', with all our draining and subsoihng and every known means of culture, it is imjjossible for us to raise crops as good as those half a mile away where the subsoil is of jsorous sand. I mention tbis to show the impt)r- tance of selecting, whenever practicable, a suitable soU for all oper- ations, whether of the fai-ni or of the garden; for had it not been by an accident of circumstance, that our lauds became valuable from their iiroxiniity to the city, om- unfortunate pm-chase would have iiiiued us. Now, ill*. Crozier, with these prehmiuary remarks in I'ela- tion to soil, let me ask: What ai-e the general chai'acteristics of the soil here on yoiu* farm, on which you have been so successful in raising the various root and other crops? A. It is a sandy loam in some places and gravelly loam in others; the sandy loam runs fi'om ten to fifteen inches in depth, and the subsoil is a mixture of loam and sand. The gravelly soil is about ten inches in depth, with a subsoil which runs into a tine sand, simi- lar to that which the sandy loam overhes. Q. Have you ever had any experience with adhesive soils over- lying clay, and what has been your success with such soils, and ■vsith what crops ? A. I have had good success with oats, rj-e, bai-ley and turnips; but for mangels, caiTots, or other deei^-rooted i-oot crops, the lighter soU is preferable. Q. If the subsoil is perfectly fi'ee fi-om watrr, I presume you wUl agree witli me in beheving that the more level the land is, the better? A. In this climate I would say yes. Q. AMiy not in any cUmate ? A. Because in Eui'ope, for instance, they have a wetter climate, with less sunshine than we have here, and crops such as oats, bai'ley and wheat could be better harvested on ridge lands than on level siU'faces. Q. Yes, I am aware of the greater moistm-e of the European cU- Varieties of Soil. 15 mate, although we have more raiu iii the year here ; but my question related more to the choice of lands that are level, such as some of the jirauies; or roUiug, as in districts of Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio — I mean, if the soil is of equal fertility, which would you con- sider preferable — a slightly roUing, or a level soil ? A. I should prefer the level soil — that is, always providing the water passes away freely. It depends, however, upon the pui'pose for which the farm is wanted. If for general farming pm-jioses, then, I should say by all means the level land would be best ; but if the farm is used for pastm-ing or grazing, roUing land would be prefer- able, because cattle wOl always do better on the slope of bills than they win do on flats. Q. Do you know the reason of their doing better, or is your opinion simplj' derived from observation and general practice ? A. I think that there is more change of herbage, and it is sweeter and finer, on the hiU-sides, than in the flat lands, where it is too rich. Q. In that you are probably correct; and this, too, you cons-ider would be true of almost every other crop, as well as grasses? A. Yes; sorghum grown on a hill-side will produce from the same amount of juice one-third more sugar than if grown on bottom lands, and the same principle will be found to be carried through nearly all kinds of vegetation. Melons and grapes that have been planted on roUing ground are always richer in flavor, because they contain more sugar than those on the bottom land. Q. WTiat has been your experience with land composed of peat or vegetable mold? A. I have always considered it to be the best land for root crops. You can grow a larger quantity of roots such as mangels, beets, tur- nips or j)otatoes on such land, vntli less labor and less manure, than on any other soU; provided always that the subsoil is free from water. Q. Have you ever experienced any diflSculty in breaking up land of this kind for crops grown the first season? A. Yes; on two occasions in my experience in breaking up land of this character, even when thoroughly turned, there was some acidity in the soU that destroyed the roots. Lime would have counteracted all that trouble, if thoroughly mixed vrith the soil at the rate of fifty to thi'ee hundred bushels per acre ; for market gardens or other lands where it can be afforded, the larger quantity would be preferable. Q. Do not swamp lands vary very much in character ; and should their treatment not be in accordance with this variation ? A. These lands do vary ; some consist wholly of peat or vegetable matter, and some have a large proportion of sand in them. The for- 16 How THE Farm Pays. mcr kiud is inucli improved by the addition of siiud or gi-avel ; the latter kind is benefited by a mixtiu-e of clay. Q. 'Would you consider lime iudisijeusable if sand, or gi-avel, or clay could be had ? A. Yes, I should say by all means to put on Hme, no matter how little of it ; the clay or loam can be better dispensed with. (Mi: H.) I have had only one experience in my life -with a swamp of that kind, and, probably for want of using the means you now ad- vise, I failed completely the tirst year. I had turned up the swamp land in the fall, thoroughly drained it, and thought it was in perfect condition for a crop. I planted the first crop with cabbages, but failed completely ; I turned it up again and jJanted it with celery, which was equally a failure, although I had used nearly twenty-five tons per acre of manure for each crop. To all appearances there was nothing in the handling or condition of the soil that would in- dicate any element injuiious to vegetation. Q. "What depth of soil was it ? A. It was probably three feet deep, overlying a fine white sand. The next season, and for some years after, by heavy manuring, but still without lime, we had good crops, although fi'oni my past ex- perience on other lands, and fi'om what you say about the eflect of lime when first used for swamp land, I have no doubt it would have greatly helped such a soil. I had an opportunity of examining the soil of Florida last winter, which I beheve is veiy neai-ly identical with that of Yinelaud, N. J., and was astonished to see the fertiUty which land apparently little else but sand contained. This goes to confirm the opinion that I have long held about soUs, that their mechanical condition — that is, the ease with which roots can push deeply into them — has mucli to do in producing good crops ■when great depth of that soil exists. In your opinion, !Mj'. Crozier, which is best fitted to retain barn- yai'd manure — an adhesive soil with a clayey bottom, a loam with a sandy cr gravelly bottom, or well drained swamp land with a sandy bottom ? A. A heavy land with a clay subsoil will retain manure twice as long as any other soil. But it would depend altogether on what pur- pose the laud was used for. If for permanent grass, there is no land will retain manure so long as stifl" soils with clayey subsoils. I have known it to be kept forty years without being plowed, by applying an occasional top dressing of either barn-yard manure or a compost made of loam and lime. The best loam for such purposes is that taken from fence rows, because it contains rich fibrous sod. How TO Use Manure. 17 Q. About ■vrhat quantity of such a compost would jou consider a good top dressing per acre ? A. About twenty two-horse wagon loads. Q. How much stable manui-e would you advise for a dressing on such land ? A. About ten wagon loads. I would say, howeyer. that stable maniu'e should not be put on unless oyer a year old or composted and worked up fine, as coarse manure is not suitable for permanent grass lands. Q. What season of the yeai- do you consider the best for jiutting on toj) tU'essiug for permanent grass lands? A. I think the fall is the best time. If put on in the fall it jsro- tects the roots of the grass fi'om freezing and thawing, acting as a mulch, and also bj- freezing it is made fine for the harrow in the spring to yrork it into the roots of the grasses. Q. AYhat harrow do you use for such a j)uri)Ose ? A. I use the square iron-tooth harrow or diamond chain haiTow, which latter is now coming into use among some of our best farmers in this countrj'. The common sloping tooth harrow does this work very well, and so does that useful new implement, the Acme harrow. Q. On sandy loam lands, what do you consider the most profitable way to apply barn-yard maniu-e for general crops? A. I have found in my experience that the best way is to i^low the land, spi'ead the manui'e broadcast, hari'ow it, and plow again two or three inches deep. The nearer the toj) of the ground we keep the manure, so long as it is covered, the more benefit the crops will re- ceive from it, and the manure of coui'se will always work downwards, fi'om the rains. The general practice of farmers in the United States is to spread the manure, and then plow it under. (;\Ir. H.) Your jDractice in this respect is certainly good and is en- tirelj' new to me ; it shows the benefit of a personal interchange of ideas on these subjects. I am satisfied that your plan of harrowing the manure on the surface before plowing it in hghtly, as just described, must be of great benefit, although in my thirty-five years' expe- rience as a market gardener, and living in a section where there are scores of others, many of whom have had a jwactice as extended as mine, I have never yet seen it done. It is obvious that no matter how well manure maj- be rotted, still when spread on the land it will form hard hunps, less or more, unless broken up by the haiTow as you describe, whUe the disintegration of other ijarticles by the haiTow will leave it just in the condition necessaiy for the food of plants. 18 How THE Fakm Pays. Is there any guide, tili: Crozier, by which inexperienced men, with- out any one to help them, can detenuine what is the best soil for gen- eral farm work? A. If the farm is to be selected on lands where there has been general cultivation, the best test to determine the value of such lands is to closely examine and compai-e the crops glowing on lands adjacent. If under ordinary culture you see these lands i)roducing good crojjs of com, wheat or potatoes, it is reasonable to suppose, if on the same level, that the land in question will, in all probabihty, be of similar quality. Q. But suppose the farm has to be selected in a region where there is nothing but timber or the natiu-al gi-asses to guide ? AMiat then would be your advice ? A. Under such <-ircumstances I would take a spade and dig in dif- ferent jiarts of the farm and find out what the soils and subsoils are composed of, and what they would be best adapted for. The timber and native grasses growing on such lands would not always help to decide as to the quality of the land. There would be no safetj' in judging from such indications, as we find sometimes heavy timber gi-owing on lands not well fitted for farm oj^erations, and even some lands on which the natural gi-asses seem to be poor, will under projjer cultivation produce excellent crojis. So that in such cases, if there are no cultivated crops gi-o^\-ing in the vicinity, the only thing is an examination of the soil by digging into it with a spade. For this reason, it wUl be advisable, if a disinterested and capable practical farmer can be found, for anj- one about to invest five or ten thousand dollars in a fai-m, to employ such a man to guide him in the choice of the soil. Of covu'se the object for which the farm is wanted must be stated to the exj)ert, whether it be wanted for grazing purposes only, or for rotation of crops, or for wliat is known as mixed farming, which combines stock raising and general tillage. If the selection be a good one it is reasonable to expect fair success with ordiuai-y indus- try, while if it is bad, failure and iniin will in all probability be the result. (^Ir. H.) I have scores come to me in the coiu"se of every season for advice in this matter of soils, but in most instances the ad\-ice is asked too late. Many pei-sons have been iinfortunatc enough to buj' or rent land that they had been led to beheve was excellent, but only " run down." In my opiiiiim, this wide-spread notion of " exhausted lands " is, to a great extent, a fallacy, and that the greater part of the lands said to have been exhausted never were good ; and no power on earth short of spreading a good soil over them, half a foot thick. Selection of Soil. 19 ■would ever make them good. In a recent visit to tiie South, I met a man who had gone down four years ago, and had bought an " ex- hausted farm." With Northern energj- and Northern capital lie hoped to restore it to what he had been told it had previouslj' been — ■ a fertile farm. A large espenditui-e and the hard work of several years had failed to give a crop of corn that paid for the labor. I could see no stalk that had been more than live feet high, and manj- of them less than that. The poor, j'eUow soil in no place exceeded four inches in depth, and was underlaid by a hard pan of clay. The labor put upon such a soil will never pay. MiUious of acres of lands are purchased annually which are of but little more use for farming purposes than the same area in a barren wilderness. Then, it may be asked. How is a farmer to select his soil ? First, he should never buj- a farm without personal examination — never take the seller's word about it ; he maj' honestly believe that what he asserts is true, or he may know it to be false ; but in either case if you ai-e deceived you suffer. Make the examination thorough ; observe the svuTound- ings, and if the district is settled and crojsped. Examine -with care the condition of crops on the farm and those upon land adjoining it. If the crops are sickly looking and weak — if the corn-stalks, instead of being seven or eight feet in height, are but two or three — you had better lose your time and expenses and get home again, than take the farm as a gift. If there are no crops gi-owing, the char- acter of the soil will be indicated by its appearance. A good soil is usually of dark bi'own color ; the subsoil, lying immediately under the top soil, should be of a porous nature, and it is usually, in first-rate soUs, of a yellowish, sandy loam. A gravelly subsoil is often found ■underlying soils of good quality, but this is not so common. A sub- soil of blue or yeUow clay, such as might be used for brick making and that is impei-^'ious to water, when near the surface, is a certain indication of a poor quality of soil for either farming or gardening. As an illustration of the value of different soils for market garden purposes, there are men in our immediate neighborhood who pay $100 per acre annual rent, and who, in the past ten or twelve years, have made snug little fortunes upon eight or nine acres in cultivation. Not more than half a mile away there are others paying less than half that amount in rent, who have in the same time been struggUng to make both ends meet. Though equally industrious, and having as good a knowledge of the business, their failure has resulted simply from the dift'erence in the character of the soil. In the one case the land would be cheaper at $100 per acre annual rent than the other ■would be if it could be had for nothing. 20 HiAv THE Farm Pays. (Mr. C.) A farm sui.eil for mixed fanning is safer tiixn wheu the farm is clevoted, as in some cases, to growing exclusively one crop — safer because you are not thus compelled to carry all your eggs in one basket. If the season is wet and cold, tlie crop will respond to it, although your corn crop m ly f.iil, and vice uer.-a. Stock raising, in connection with tillage, compels the raising of root and forage crops, some of wliich will always firove profitable under proper management, no matter how the seasons or the markets vary. It also has the ad- vantage of aUowiug the farmer to keep the most of his hands during the entire year. In the vicinity of towns or villages, summer board- ing houses, or hotels, the gro\^-ing of the finer vegetables or flints, iu addition to the regular farm crops, will always prove profitable. A single acre of fruit or vegetables, when sold direct to the consumer, \\t11 often ^sield more profit th m an entire farm of one hundred acres. But you, j\Ii'. Henderson, who hxve had such ample experience in these subjects, will append to tliis work brief and plain instractions of how to do it. Q. You are aware of the fact, I suppose, Mr. Crozier, that it is cur- rently beheved in the Southern States, and probably in other parts of the country, that lands are exhausted almost irrei>arably by the continued growing of tobacco or other exhaustive crops on them. I would Uke to hear what is yoiu- opinion on this matter. To give you my own ojjinion in advance, I believe it is a fallacj' to a great extent. A. I should say that continual planting of one crop on the same soil will impoverish it until it becomes wortliless. t^. Do you mean permanently wortliless ? A. No." Q. That is just the jxiint I wish to make — that the injury to the land is only temporary. A. Yes; and V>y judicious cropping -with grasses or clovei-s the land may again be brought up to its former fertility. The reason for the l)opular opinion in this matter, and which I believe has led to a great deal of unuecesaaiy loss, is that when such lands are first broken up, they will produce good crops ^vith very little or no manure, because the plants have the roots of the grasses, leaves or other organic matter to feed upon, but when this supj^ly of plant food is oxliausted, witliout a corresponding amount of manure being again ajiplied, the land is robbed of nearly all the fertility which it had, in the first two or three years after being broken. That I think is the tnie cause of this wide-spread belief that ha« allowed thousands of acres of land to lie waste. Selection of a Farm. 21 FARM ROADS. (Mr. C.) In selecting a farm, it is of vital importance to see that the roads leading from it to the depot or market are in such con- dition, or can be made so, as to be easily used by loaded wagons. Many a fine farm is rendered completely worthless when the ap- proaches to it are intercepted by steep hills or other obstructions to the hauling of heavy loads. It is also worth noting that many diffi- cult roads that are carried over hills could have been carried around them on a level, without increasing their length and of course greatly increasing their usefulness. Nearness to a dej)ot, town or city of course vastly enhances the value to the cultivator, not only for the advantage of selling his products and getting manure, but also when hired helj) is used; the facilities for getting such are better, besides the isrice paid is usually higher the fai'ther you get away from jjojiu- lous centres. It is bad enough when har^^est hands strike or abscond when you are neai- a city, but it is disheartening in the extreme when they do so when you are five or six miles from a depot, and perhaps twenty miles from a town. A word here as a oaution. If you engage new hands fi-om any hiring mart in New York or other large citj', do not trust to have them meet you at depot to go home. From the moment you hire them keep possession of them, or the chances are five to one that you will never see them again. Another thing: if you want two men, it will be best to hire three, for the chances are more than equal that one of the thi'ee will either jsrove worthless or run awav. The following short essay on draining is embodied in Peter Henderson's work, " Garden and Farm Topics." A\'e give it here, as it is of general character. Although it refers more particularly to areas of small extent, when used for market garden purposes, it will be found to apply equally to larger areas. The broad fact may, how- ever, be asserttd, that the expense of di-aining farm lands would in many cases exceed the cost of laud equally good that required no draining : and of course it is to the interest of the farmer to assure himself that the farm he wishes to purchase does not require to be drained artificially, but whenever, by any unfortunate circumstance, possession is had of lands rcquii'ing draining, the cultiv.itiou had better be abandoned, r.ither than attempt to till it if water is held stagnant in the soil. Certain conditions of laud might, however, be utilized for pastiu'age without underdi'aining, provided that open 22 How THE Farm Pays. ditches were made to allow the surplus water to pass off, but of coui-se, as all cultivators well kuow, eveu for p:isturap;e no fertile crop cau he obtained if stagnant water remains on the soil. Draining is one of the most impoi-tant ojjerations in horticulture No matter how fertile the noniial condition of the soil, no matter how abundantly it is fertilized, no matter how carefullj- and thoroughly it is tilled, if water remain in it at the depth to which roots jjeiietrate, all labor wiU be in vain; for no satisfactory result can ever be attained until the water is drained off. The subject is one of such importance that we cannot give it full attention here, and to such as recpiire to operate on a lai-ge scale, works specially devoted to the subject should be consulted, or a di-aining engineer employed. Soils having a gravelly or sandy subsoil ten or twenty inches below the top soil do not usually need di'aining; but in all soils underlaid by clay or hard pan, draining is indispensable, unless in cases where there is a slope of two to three feet in a hundi'ed; and even in such cases draining is lieueficiid if the subsoil is clay. In soils ha%-ing a clay or hard pan subsoil, drains sliould be made three feet deep and not more than twenty feet apart. If stones ai'e plenty, they may be profitably used to fill up the drains, say to a depth of twelve or fifteen inches, either placed so as to form a "rubble " drain, if the stones are round, or built -with an oiifice at the bottom, if the stones are flat. In either case, care must be used to cover the stones carefully \vp with inverted sods, or some material that will jjrevent the soil being washed thi'ough the stones and choking up the drain. Drain tiles, when they cau be obtained at a i-easonable firice, are the best material for draining. The round tile is generally used. If the di-ain has a hsu'd bottom they can be placed directly on it when leveled to the jiropcr grade ; but if the ground is soft and spongj-, a board must be laid in the bottom, on which to place the tiles. It i.s often a very troublesome matter to get the few drain tiles necessary for a small garden, and in such cases an excellent and clieap substitute can be had by using one of boards. Care must be taken that the boards are not nailed together too closely, else they might swell so as to prevent the water passing into the drain to be carried oft". These drains ai-e iisually set with a fiat side down, but they wiU keep cleiu' better if put with a point down, though it is more trouble to lay them. Drains made in this way will last twenty years or more. Of course, in draining, the greater the fall that can be got, the better, though, if the grading is carefully done by a competent engi- neer, a very slight fall wUl sufiice. Some of the trunk or main sewera in our cities have onlv a grade of one foot in a thousand. Draining Land. 23 Tlie following;- details of the method of the construction of drains may be found useful : CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINS. In draining land, there are two things to be decided : the first is if the land requii-es to be drained ; and the second, the best kind of drains to be put in. An easy way of deciding the first is to notice if water will stand in a hole, two feet deep, for a week, at any time of the year. If it does, the land requires drainage. There are several kinds of drains. One kind, that is often very useful, is a perpen- ., dicular drain. This is used for drain- ing hoUows that cannot easily be jjjv,< j freed from water any other waj', be- I cause of the depth of the necessary I cutting. A. pit is dug down to sand I or gravel, and is filled with large 1,1 . .. .. .,^..... stone up to the surface, which is raised by filling in the earth dug out of the pit — of course keeping the surface soil on the top. Two things are gained by this: the ground is freed from water, and the surface of the hoUow is raised. In l^astures where there is no other water, a pump may be put in such a hollow. "WTaere there is plenty of stone or coarse gravel on the land, drains may be made very cheaply by fiUing in with these materials to within a foot of the surface. Some stone drains, well made, are better than tile drains, because the stone is imjierishable ; but if a stone drain is not weU made, it will soon be useless ; and so will a tile drain, more j)articularly if the tiles are not thoroughly biuTied, so as to ring when struck. The best stone drain is made of flat, nari'ow stones, bedded firmly at each side of the ditch, and covered by broad, flat stone, stretching across ; rough stone may be put on the top of these. '^ ■■ "i"' " -' WTiere only round stone is to be found, a special way of placing them must be used. (This is shown very plainly in the accompanying illustrations.) In making drains of gravel, all that is necessary is to dig the ditch as if tile was to be jiut in — that is, thii-ty inches or three feet deep ; eighteen inches wide at the top, and four or six inches wide at the bottom — and fiU in tlie gravel eighteen inches. Stone or gravel drains are better for veiy wet lands and for swamp 24 How iHF. Faioi Pays. FLAT STONi: DRAIX. \?V4- meadows than tiles, for the reasons tliat they cam" more water, are not so easily clioked, as there are many channels, and will not get _ stopped by the settling of the soft ground, as with tile; for a tile that settles in a soft place, stops and i-uins the whole drain. Where tiles are used in soft ground, they should always be laid upon hemlock boards, as this timber is almost imperishable in such a place, or any other where it is always wet. Some- tiroes cheap drains of wood may be very useful for wet ground. Such drains are generally made triangu- lar, of three boards, nailed edge to edge. A better wax is to put the cover on top of the drain tube cross- \nse, cutting the lumber into short jDieces; this gives more openings for the v.'ater to flow into the pipes, and also makes them sti-onger. "Where roads cross a drain of this kind, it is safer to make tlicin in tlii?; way. mv\ .ilso tn lay a ]'lank upon the drain to ,^ ^-^ , , ^ ,. distribute the ]5r(s- ~ r " / sure. Every precau- tion should be taken to have the work nl draining done right, because it is costly, and is a difficult and particular work, and, if one little blunder is made, everything maybe spoiled; for a noiNn .■ijoM: drmns. ilraiii is like a chain which has a link broken, and even woi-se; for if one part of a drain is out of order, the whole drain may be useless, while part of a broken chain may be as good as ever. For this reason, when one is about to K'-^""^^f!r^^^rT''" y^'"''''-'^^ lay out considerable money in a job of drain- ing, it would always be safe to have the ad- vice and assistance of an expert, whose e.xperience might and would often be of great value. Obsei-vation wells are necessary to be made about every quarter of a mile in a drain. This is a small well or dee]) box. let down two feet below the drain, and into which one drain discharges, while an- other takes the water. Those are necessaiy in every main drain, Precatttions in Draining. 25 where the smaller drains enter. Their purpose is to catch sediment ■which would otherwise obstruct the drains, and also to watch the working of the drain occasionally, to obsei-ve if it is in good order. When sediment gathers in these wells, it is easy to clean them out. This should be done before it is really necessary, or it will be apt to be left untU too late. Every complete set of drains should be laid out on a systematic j)lan. The courses of the drains should be marked by permanent posts set in the fences ; the lines of the observation wells should be marked by other j^osts, so that the exact sjDot where each drain begins and ends, and where each well is placed, may be found with- out trouble. The wells should be covered with flat stones, a foot be- neath the surface, so that the cover may not be disturbed. As com- plete drainage costs about $50 an acre, it is wise to take every pos- sible jjrecaution against any waste of this money, to the smallest extent. 26 How THK Fahm Pays. CH.^PTER n. MAXTRES AND THEIR MODES OF APPLICATION. ("Manures ami Their Modes of AppliCfltion " is the title of aii e^tsay pnhliehed by Peter Henderson in ltiti-1. Like all his otber essays, this was written more to meet the waBt« of the horticnlturist. than the af^cultnrist. but the uecessilles of both are so near alike that we here (rive it entire, followiuf? which will be tbe remarks of Mr. Henderson and Mr. (Yozier on such portions of the essay as may seem to require modification.) TiiK subject of manures is one of the ffi-eatest iiiii5oi*taiice to every operator iii the soil, whetJier fjuiiier, market jifardener, florist, or such as cultivate only for theii- own use, for under few conditions can crops be long grown without the use of feiiilizors. Although I have ah'eady given generiil iustnictions about fertihzers in all my works on gar- dening, yet I tind, fi-om the number of inquiries received fi-om even such as have my works, that the matter has not been there treated sufficiently in detail to meet the wants of the varied conditions under which the necessity for the use of fertilizers arises. The comp;u-ative viilue of maniu'es must be regulated by the cost. If rotted sta1>le manure, whether fi-om horses or cows, can be delivered on the ground at $:5 per ton, it is about as valuable, for fertilizing purjioses, as Pei-u- viau guano at $G5 per ton, or j)ure bone dust at $40 per ton. It is better than either of these, or any other concentrated fertihzer, from the fact of its mechanicid action on the land — that is, its effect, from its light, porous nature, in aerating and pulverizing the soil. Guano, bone dust, or other fine commercial fertilizers, act only as such, with- out in any way assisting to improve what may be called the physical condition of the soil. All experienced cultivators know that the fii-st year that land is broken up fi-oiu sod, if proper cultiu'e has been given, by thorough plowng and ban-owing (provided the land is cb'ained ai'titicially or naturally, so as to be free fi-om water, audreheve it from "sourness"), the land is in better condition for any crop than land that has been continuously cropped without a rest. 1 he miu'ket gardeners in the vicinity of New York are now so well convinced of this, that when twenty acres are under cultivation, at least live acres are continujdly kept in grain, clover or grass, to be broken up successively, everj' second or tliird year, so as to get the land in the condition that nothing else but rotted, i^ulvcrized sod will accomplish. This is done in cases where land is as valuable as $500 per acre, experience ha\ing Commercial Fertilizers. 27 proved that 'with one-quarter of the land "resting under grass more profit can be got than if the whole were under cultui-e. "WTien the rotation, by j)laciug a portion of the laud under grass, cannot be done, then it is absolutely necessary to use stable mauiu-e, at least to some extent, if the best results are desired, for continuous cropping of the soil. "Where concentrated fertilizers only are used, they will not continue to give satisfactory results after the grass roots or other organic matter have passed fi-om the soil, idl of which will usually be entirely gone by the third cr fovu'th year after breaking up. I have long held the opinion, that the idea of lands having been per- manently exhausted by tobacco or other crops, is a fallacy. What gives rise to this behef, I think, is the fact that, when lauds ai-e tii-st broken up from tlie forest or meadow lands, for three or four years the organic matter in the soil, the roots of grasses, leaves, etc., not only serves to feed the crops, but it keeps the soil iu a better state of jjulverization, or what might be called aerated condition, than when, in the coui'se of cropping for a few years, it has passed away. Stable manure best supplies this want; but on farm lands away from towns, it is not often that enough can be obtained to have any appreciable etfect on the soil, and hence artificial fertilizers are resorted to, which often fad, not from any fault in themselves, but from the fact that, exerting Uttle mechanical influence on the land, it becomes compacted or sodden, the air cannot get to the roots, and hence failure or paiiial failure of crop. Thus we see that to have the best residts fi-oiu commercial fer- tihzers. it is of great importance to have the land 'rested" by a crop of grain or grass every three or four years. The best known fertilizers of commerce are PeiTivian guano and bone dust, though thei'e are numbers of others, such as fish guano, dry blood fertilizer, blood and bone fertilizer, with the various brands of superphosphates, all of more or less value for fer- tdizing jjui'poses It is useless to go over the list, and we T\nll con- fine ourselves to the relative merits of pure Peruvian guano and puie bone dust. Guano, at $(i.5 j^er ton, we consider relatively equal in value to bone dust at $40 per ton, for in the lower jjriced article we find v>'e have to increase the quantity to produce the same result. Whatever kind of concentrated fertilizer is used, we find it well repays the labor to prepare it in the following manner before it is used on the land : To every bushel of guano or bone dust add three bushels of either leaf mould (fi'om the woods), well p)ulveiized dry muck, sweepings fi-om a paved street, stable manure so rotted as to be like pulverized muck, or, if neither of these can be obtained, anj- loamy soil will do ; 28 Ht)w THK Farm Pays. but iu every ease the material to mix the fertilizei-s with must be fuirly tirv and never in a condition of mud; tbemeuuiiig of the oj)era- tiou being, that the material used is to act as a temporary absorbent for the fertilizer. The comjjost must be thoroughly mixed, and if guano is used, it being sometimes lumpy, it must be broken iij) to dust before being mixed with the absorbent. The main object of this operation is for the better sejiai-atiou and division of the fertilizer, so that when apphed to the soil it can be more readily distributed. Our experiments have repeatedly shown that this method of using concentrated fertilizers materially increases their value, jirobably twenty per cent. The mixing shoidd be done a few mouths previous to sprmg, and it should, after being mixed, be packed away in ban-els, and kejjt iu some dry shed or cellai' until wanted for use. Thus mixed, it is i)articularly beneficial on lawns or other gi'ass lands. The quantity of concentrated fertihzer to be used is often perplexing to beginners. We give the foUowiug as the best rales we know, all derived fi'om our own practice in growing fruits, flowers and vegetables. Taking guano as a basis, we would recommend for all vegetable or fruit crops, if earliuess and good quality ai'e desired, the use of not less than 1,200 pounds per acre (an acre contains 4,840 square yards, and cultivators for private use can easily estimate fi-om this the quantity they reijuire for any area), mixed with two tons of either of the materials before recommended. Of bone dust about one ton per acre should be used, mixed with thi'ee tons of soil or the other materials named. For market garden vegetable crops, iu the vicinity of New York, this quantity of guano or bone dust is han-owed in after twenty-five or thirty tons of stable maiuire have first been ploweil in; sj that the actual cost of manuring each acre is uot thau $100, and often $150. "\Mien fertilizers are used alone, ■without being mixed with the ab- sorl)ent, they should be sown ou the soil after plowing or digging, about thick enough to just color the surface, or about as thick as sand or sawdust is sown on a floor, and then thoroughly haiTowed iu, if plowed, or, if dug, chopped in with a rake. This quantity is used broadcast by sowing on the ground after plowing, and deeply and thoroughly harrowing iu, or, if in small gju-dens, forked in lightly with the prongs of a garden fork or long-toothed steel rake. 'When apphed in hills or tlrOls, from 100 to 300 pounds should be used to the acre, according to the distance of these ai>art, mixing with soil, etc., as already directed. When well rotted stable manure is jirocurable at a cost uot to exceed $;? per ton, delivered on the ground, whether from horses or Night Soil, H\i.t, Muck. 29 cows, it is preferable to a,nj concentrated fertilizer. Rotted stable manure, to produce fuU crops, should be sjiread on the ground not less than three inches thick (our market gardeners use from fifty to seventy-five tons of well rotted stable manure jjer acre when no con- centrated fertilize)' is used), and should be thoroughly mixed with the soil by plowing or spading. The refuse hops from breweries form an excellent fertilizer, at least one-half more valuable, liulk for bulk, than stable manure. Other excellent fertilizers are obtained fi-om the scrapings or shavings from horn or v/h;debone manufactories. The best way to make these quickly available is to compost them with hot manure, in the proportion of one ton of refuse horn or whalebone with fifteen tons of manure. The heated manure extracts the oil, which is intermingled with the whole. The manure from the chicken or pigeon house is very valuable, and when composted as directed for bone dust and guano, has at least one-thii-d their value. Castor oil pomace is also valuable in about the same proportion. Foudi'ette is the name given to a commercial fertilizer, the composi- tion of which is night soil, and dried swamp muck or charcoal dust as an absorbent. It is sold at about $12 to $15 per ton, and at that price may be ec^ual in value, if too much of the absorbing material is not used, to bone dust at $-10 per ton. In my early experience as a market gardener, I used large quan- tities of night soil for vegetable crops with the very best results. It was mixed with stable manure at the rate of about one ton of night soil to fifteen tons of stable manure, and put on the land, so mixed, at the rate of twenty-five tons per acre. In the absence of stable manure, dry soil, charcoal dust, sawdust, or any material that will absorb it, wiU do. Thus mixed, if equal quantities of each have l)een used, ten tons may be used per acre, if plowed in ; if sowed on top, to be haiTowed in, say five tons. Salt has little or no value as a fertilizer, excejit as a medium of absorbing moisture ; for experience shows that soils impregnated by saline matter are no more fertile than those inland, out of the reach of such an atmosphere. JIuct is the name given to a deposit usually largely composed of vegetable matter, found in swamps or in hollows in forest lands. Of itself it has usually but Httle fertilizing property, but from its porous nature, when dry, it is one of the best materials to use to mix with other manures as an absorbent. It can be used to great ad- vantage if dug out in winter and piled up in narrow ridges, so that it can be partly dried and "sweetened" in summer. Thus dry, if mixed with stable manure, or, better vet, thro\vn in layers three or four 30 How THE Farm Pavs. inches thick in the cattle or hog yard, where it can be trodden dowu and amalgamated with the manure, the value of the manure thus treated wUl be neai-ly doubled. In reply to questions that I receive by the hundred each season, a.sking whether or not it is worth while to use th^ so-call;d special fertilizers claimed to be suited to the wants of particulai- plants, such as the "Potato Fertilizer," "Cabbage Fertilizer," '"Strawberry Fertilizer," "Rose FertULzer," etc., I can only give this general answer, that while these manures may suit the plants they are claime.l toba " special " for. I have no doubt that either one would suit equally well for the others, or, if all were mixed together, the mixtui-e would be found to answer the purpose for each kind of crop, just as well as if kept separate and applied to the crop it was named for. These hair-sphtting dis- tinctions are not recognized to be of any value by one practical farmer or gardener in every hundred ; for a Httle expeiience soon shows that pure bone dust or well rotted stable manure answers for a/l crops alike, no matter what they are. These special fertilizers for special crojis ai-e gi-adually increasing in number, so that some dealers now ofler fifty kinds, different brands being offered for plants belonging to the same family. There is an ignorant assumption in this, and any cultivator of ordinary intelligence cannot fail to see that the motive in so doing is to stiike as broad a swath as possible, so that a lai'ger number of customers may be reached. One of my neighbors called the other day, and infoimed me that his lettuce crop, in his green-house, was faihng, and asked me what I thought of the lettuce fertilizer that was offered in a circular that con- tained some lifty other '■sjsecials. " An inquiiy develoijed the fact, that he had been keeping his lettuce crop at a night temperature of sixty-five degi'ees in January, so that there was just about as much chance of the special lettuce fertilizer helping the crop, as there would be of giving hesilth to a man by feeding liim beef-steak in the last stages of consumption. I merely mention this incident to show how, and in what manner, the sellers of these special fertilizers obtain customei-s. Q. Have you had any experience, llr. Crozier, with these so-called special feiiilizers to which I refer in the preceding article, and if so, what opinion do you hold in regard to them ? I noticed in looking at your crop of fodder corn, which you showed me yesterday, and wliich you said was sown about five weeks ago, that the portion whereon you hai used the special corn fertilizer, pui'e and simple, has had to lower its Hag to that ])ortion of the field which was manvu'ed with stable manure at a cost but little more per acre, the latter ah-eady towering over a foot above that paii of the field on which you used Special Fertilizers. 31 the "special" fertilizer, aud the diffei-euce being so marked as to appear like separate sowings. A. In several experiments that I have carefully made, with a view to ascertain if there was any foundation for the claims now so commonly made for special fertilizers, in no single instance have I found anj' verification of these claims. For example, I have tried them on potatoes, com, rye, barley, mangels and tiu'nips, applying a special kind of manure on each, at the same time using one of the specials on all the crops with the same results as obtained fi-om each of the different specials. I have no doubt that had I mixed them all together, and apjilied the mixture to each sjieeial crop, the results would in all probability have been the same. The only difference is that we pay two or thi-ee doUars jDer ton more when we get the special name. These special fertilizers for special crops may do very well for gentlemen farmers, who can afl'ord to jilay at the business; but we, who have to make our bread and butter from the soU, had better let them alone. One of the best fertilizers, compared with its cost, I have ever tried, was sent me last season under the name of " rotten bone," price $1G per ton. I was solicited to try it by a gentle- man who was placing this aiiiele on the market and who made very strong claims for it. I ^vl•ote him, saying that if liis manure was ■what he stated it to be, he might send me two or three tons. He sent me three tons, which I applied, and the results, as I wi-ite (July 10th), on mangels, jsotatoes, turnips aud fodder corn, seem to indicate that it was a more valuable fertilizer than any that I have yet used. It was put on broadcast, and harrowed in thoroughly with the Acme harrow, at the rate of 1,500 pounds per acre, which at $16 per ton you will see was an exceedingly cheap fertilizer. Whether it wUl hold out for the following season I cannot tell, but will give it a further trial. Q. Into what shape was it broken up? A. It came in pieces about the size of peas, and contained a kind of greasy substance that, when taking it in your hand, would leave a mark. Q. Is that article in commerce, or was it only by a special chance that you got it? A. I thinli it is in commerce, as I had recently a letter from the jjarty fi'om whom I got it asking how it had turned out, as he had more to dispose of. I do not know whether it is a part of the refuse fi"om glue factories or not, but I have reason to believe that it is. (Mr. H.) You are coiTect in this, as I had a sample of a similai' substance, although it came to me without name from some glue manufactorj- in Massachusetts. I gave it a thorough trial on grass as a top dressing about the first of June. I examined the result 32 How THK Farm Pats. about tliirty day.s after aud the jfrass had developed to double the leujjth on the area where I had tried it. To make the test com- parative I sowed pure bone dust along-side of it, and found that there was no apparent difference between the one and other, except that this cost $1() i)er ton and bone dust costs $45. If it can be Dought at $1G per ton and can be obtained in sufficient quantities, it ■nill no doubt be of great value wherever fertilizers are needed. How do you explain the beneficial results of this bone fertilizer as compared with special fertilizers? (Mr. C. ) In this way. A poor soil mostly needs three substances — nitrogen, jiotash and i)hosphoric acid. But few soils are so i)oor as to need all these. Potash is very abundant in nature, and it is phosphoric acid that is usually most deficient. A special fertilizer contains all these three substances and some othera. If the soil only needs one, a farmer who Iniys a special fertilizer i^ays for more than he needs. If he needs only phosphoric acid he can get that in this cheap bone manure. It is evident that my soil needs phosphoric acid and shows it by the effect of this bone, which is pretty nearly all phosi^hate of lime. Then, you see, for $12 I get 1,500 lbs. of this fertilizer, which I need, while for as much special fertilizer I should pay $37.50 and pay money for what I do not want. There are glue factories all over the coimtry, the refuse of which is most valuaVile, and fai'mers should by no means neglect the opportunity of avaiUng themselves of it. I am so impressed with its value as a fertilizer that I in- tend at once ordering forty tons of it, and will apply it as a top dress- ing on my grass lands the coming spring, at the rate of about 1,000 pounds per acre. (Mr. H.) In my article on manures, ]\Ir. Crozier, I made no allusion to lime or mai'l, which I have always held to have no fertilLziug proji- erties of themselves, except inasmuch as they act to correct the acidity of the soil, or to lighten heavy soils, or to give adhesiveness to soils that are too Ught. In fact, I believe they ai'e beneficial for theu- mechanical effects on almost everj' soil, unless such as are impregnated with oyster shell deposit, which is found on lauds lying along the sea coast, and in some cases for a considerable distance inland. On such soils there is no benefit to be derived from the application of Hme, as there is usually sufficient of it suppihed by the disintegration of the shell deposit. (Sh: C.) I would agree with you so far in saying that I have never found any fertilizing properties when hme was applied to such crops as mangels or potatoes, but on ceresils, piuticuliu-ly wheat or oats, I have found an application of 100 bushels per acre of pure stone lime, when composted with double the amount of loam, to be one of the most valuable fertilizers for such crops. Necessity fou Liberal Manuring. 33 Q. In what manner do you ajjjoly it ? A. It should be sown broadcast after plowing, and then harrowed in — not jjlowed under — but kept as near the top of the soil as pos- sible. By this means I have received ten bushels of wheat per acre more than by using horse manure jjut on at the rate of eight cords, which is equal to twenty tons, to the acre. (Mr. H.) I would like to remark, just here, in regard to gas lime, that it is useless and injurious to any croia until the noxious gases in it have been expelled by long exposure to the air. As this is a matter of years, it would be well tor farmers to decline the very liberal offers of gas companies, made for the purpose of getting rid of what is a nuisance to them. Q. In my aa-ticle on manures, Mr. Crozier, you took exception — and I think with some reason — -to my suggestions about using muck by spreading it in layers in the open cattle or hog yard. Will you state what has been your experience with dried muck or other simi- lar absorbents ? A. My practice with such absorbents has been to use them for bedding in the cow stables and box stalls in quantity sufficient to absorb all the mine, which I consider to be more valuable than the solid manm-e. I cart this mixed manure direct fi-om the cow stables and sheds to the compost heap in the field, which in the spring of the year is thoroughly turned over and broken up fine and made ready to be spi'ead on the land after plowing, when, as I have before said, it is harrowed and then plowed in lightly. So much am I impressed with the necessity of heavy maniuing, that, contrary to the usual prac- tice of farmers in my neighborhood, I not only use all the straw and hay my own farm jsroduces, but buy besides an amount nearly equal to what I produce. The result is, and I trust I may say so without any feeling of egotism, that my crops pay me, acre for acre, much better than any of my neighbors who do not follow this same practice. (Mr. H. ) I entirely agree with you in your opinion that fai'ming without sufficient manvuing can never be made so profitable as when manure is freely applied. I have had no experience whatever in farm- ing, strictly speaking, but as is well known, I have had Large experience as a market gardener in the vicinity of New York, and I have found that when any man was foolish enough to attempt to cultivate ten acres with only a supply of manure enough for Ave, he rarely made money. I have no doubt whatever that the same rule is equally applicable, when the farmer attemjjts to cultivate 100 acres while only able to prociu-e fertilizers enough for fifty. (Mr. C. ) Many farmers think and believe they have not the means to improve their lands or manure them liberally; but I say we nearly all 34 How THK Fahm Pays. have tlie means, to some extent, for in our many idle hours we could gather sods from the roadside and leaves from the woods and put them in heaps until needed for bedding for cattle (over the absorbent material of course is placed a lieavy bed of straw), and these when composted and turned over a few times would make the most valu- able of manures for the average crops of the farm. If it were not rich enough for certain crops, a mixture of bone or guano at the rate of 100 to 200 lbs. per acre would make it one of the very best fertilizers, as, from the nature of such a comjiost, its value will be retained in the land for years. Q. Plaster is by some considered a valuable fertilizer. What expe- rience have you had with it ? A. I have used plaster to some extent. It is one of those fertilizers which have a remarkable eft'ect upon some soils, while in other places it has no effect at all. WTiere the soils are benefited by it, it is of course advisable to use it. Its greatest effect is upon clover, and where clover is used as a means of improving land, plaster is indis- pensable. It is one of the cheapest of all fertilizers, and should by all means be used where it is beneficial; this of course is to be proved by a test. It is sown on clover grass or corn when tlie plants are young. Q. In the foregoing article I have said siilt has little value as a fer- tilizer excepting so far as it absorbs moisture, in the ■\'icinity of the ocean, where jierhapa sufficient salt is brought on to the laud by the sea fogs and rains. What has been your experience in this direction? A. I have been in the habit of using GOO lbs. to the acre on my mangel crop, and find it useful, and indeed necessary. I know wheat growers who use it on this crop for the jjurpose of preventing rust, stiffening the straw and improving the appeai'ance and quality of the gi'ain, which I know it does. How it does this I don't pretend to explain. I only mention the facts in my experience. (Mr. H.) I know market gardeners in inland districts use salt hber- all.y upon asparagus, thinking it useful for that crop. The iiile as to quantity is to put on as nmcdi as will give the ground the appearance of a sanded floor. I might say incidentally that salt is an excellent means of clearing gravel walks of grass and weeds, as when liberally used it is fatal to all sorts of vegetation. Q. I believe you have used wood aslies very freely as a fertilizer. What results have yo\i observed fi-om their use on different crops? A. I liave used wood ashes very freely. But it is necessaiy to mention that the wood ashes that are in the market have been leached for making potash, and of coui-se are different fi-om unleached or fresh ashes. As these cannot be purchased to any extent, I refer only to the leached ashes which are brought to market in boat loads or car Gkeen Manuring. 35 loads. I have used these on ffrass lands, with great benefit, at the rate of fifty to one hundi-ed bushels to the acre. As the ashes stay in the soil for many years, it is best in my opinion to put them on grass, and when the sod is broken up, the other crops get the benefit from them. I think they are a valuable fertilizer for farmers who are able to procure them at a reasonable jjrice. In boat or car loads near the Citj- of New York, they sell for eighteen to twenty cents a bushel. (Mr. H.) I am sui-e you are right. But I would go a little further, and say that as wood ashes contain all the substance of the wood, which of course is a vegetable product that has been taken from the mineral part of the soil, ever>i;hing contained in them is of course necessary to a growing plant and therefore there is no waste whatever in them. Every part of them is valuable and they are necessarily useful for any or all crops. I don't know of any plant or crop to which they would not be useful. The question often comes up, if coal ashes are not also useful. But coal is a mineral and not a vegetable, and coal ashes do not therefore contain valuable fertihzing property to any considerable extent. I consider their only use to be mechan- ical, in loosening heavy soils, and in compacting light soils. GREEN MANURING. (Mr. C. ) The practice of growing crops for the purpose of plowing them under to fertilize the soil, is one that can often be turned to very great advantage. When a farmer has unforiunately become possessed of a poor farm, there is no better way of cheaply improving it than this. To procure an adequate supply of manui-e is rarely possible, and at the best is a very costly process. But a crop that may be easily grown in a few weeks, and then turned under, may fui-nish to the soil as much fertilizing matter as eight or ten tons of manure ; and the process may often be repeated two or three times in one year. For instance, if land is plowed in October and sown to rye, the lye may be tiu-ned under in May or June, and com may be planted. This will be in full growth early in August, when it may also be turned under, fiu-nishing ten or twelve tons more of valuable mat- ter. In turning under so tall a crop as corn or rye the plow should be run across the rows, and a heavy chain looped from the plow beam, just ahead of the standard, to the land side end of the inner whiffle- tree. This loop drags in the furrow, so as to catch the falling com or rye, and pulls it down and into the fuiTOW so that the soil covers it. To prevent the distiu-bance of the gi-een manure by the harrow after this, tlie gi'ound should be rolled after the plowing, and then han-owed with the smoothing or brush haiTOW, or worked with the 36 How THK Fakm Pays. Acme harrow. It may then be sown with rye, and with clover in the spring; am] after the clover has been cut for hay, and the second crop plowed ii', the laud may be brought under a regular course of rotation as described in Chapter IV. Buckwheat is frequently used for this pmijose, and is very valuable, as the seed costs but little, and a crop may be sown in May and plowed in early in July, when a second crop may be sown, and this plowed in, and the ground fitted for a crop of rye as before mentioned. When buckwheat is thus used, it will be advisable to give a di-essing of lime on the ground after the second crop is plowed under, as this will decompose the gi'een matter and greatly help the growth of the rye. Clover is a very valuable gi-een manuring crop, and especially the large variety known as the mammoth or pea vine clover, which often makes a stem four or five feet long, and on poor soils produces considerably more herbage than the common red kind. But as a soil that will produce a sufiicient jield of clover, to be of much value for plowing in, is past the stage when it will be profitable to grow crops solely for mauurial purposes, clover is of more value for main- taining land in good condition than for starting a course of improve- ment. Growing clover, however, to be jDlowed under instead of manui'e, may be made of the utmost value for the fertilizing of hilly land, or for fields that are distant from the homestead, and which cannot be conveniently supplied with manure from the barn-yard on this ac- count. The late Hon. George Geddes, whose recent early death is to be much regretted for the loss of an accomplished and successful farmer, practiced this method for many years on his farm with entire success. He sowed the most distant fields with clover along with wheat; the clover gave a cro}) of hay the next year; it was then dressed liberally with plaster, and the next year was plowed under after being pastui'ed, and wheat again sowed. In tliis way, after fifty years of cultivation by his father and himself, the land was kept suffi- ciently rich to yield thu-ty-five or forty bushels of wheat to tiie acre one year, give a large yield of hay the second year, pasture the third year and wheat again the fourth year, and so on. Perhaps no better instance than this can be given of the value of this kind of manuring for preserving the fertility of the land. FERTILIZING LAND BY FEEDING. Another method of restoring a faim to a good condition, or of keeping it fertile, is by feeding stock. This may be made very profit- able in skUlful hands. Thousands of farmers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Ohio, and even further west, where the land Fertxlizing by Feeding Stock. 37 is not as rich as it once was, and where farmers are learning the value of manure and the advantage of good farming, practice a regular system of feeding animals to feed their land. They make hay, gi-ow corn, roots, wheat, rye, potatoes, and make butter; sell the grain, potatoes and butter, and feed hay, corn fodder, roots and straw, and even purchase feeding stuffs, and buy lean stock in the early fall to consume all these. The cattle or sheej) are turned on to the stubbles and pastures as long as there is good feeding. They are then fed during the winter on dry feed, and as they become fat and fit for market are turned oif, so that by the spring they are all disjjosed of. A steer weighing 1,200 lbs. and costing $40, is thus made to weigh 1,600 lbs. and sell for $80, or even more ; because there is not only the increased weight made for the profit, but the increased value of a fat animal for every pound of its weight over the value of a thin and un- salable one. The feed is thus disposed of at a good price, and there is a profit besides to pay for the labor. In addition, there is a large quantity of manvu'e, which is worth much more than common barn- yard manure because of the high feeding of the cattle. In a similar way the owner of poor land may buy cattle, and all the fodder and grain, and feed them, and make an equal profit as the farmers above mentioned; because they charge the animals with the feed at market price. There is then the manure left to go upon the land and increase the next year's crop, which makes less purchased food necessary. As the land improves, and the crops increase in yield, the profits of the business are larger. In a few years it will be unnecessary to buy fod- der, and the income from the farm will then be more satisfactory, be- cause the expenses will be lessened considerably. In my long ex- perience with different farms, and some of them very poor when I went onto them, I have found this practice very successful. But cows are more profitable to keep than fat stock, where there is a good market for milk, and the owner can make an extra good article of butter. 38 How THE Faum Pats. CHAPTER m. PLOWING, HAKnOWING AND CULTn'ATIXG. Q. As you and your men, ^Ir. Crozier, have bad almost a monop- oly of the prizes piven for plowing oftered by the ilifferent faii-s in the vicinity of New York within the jiast ten years, wiU you please state what kind of a plow you consider the best fitted for general fiu'm work? A. I used the Scotch plows up to 1876, and always with the best results, prefeiTing them up to that time to all makes of American plows that I had tried. It was with these plows that we did the work in competition for the piizes oftered by the different faii-s. All our competitors used plows of American manufacture. At the trial at Mineola, Queens Co., L. I., in 1872, where there was over $300 offered in piizes, we had upwaixls of thuiy comjietitors, idl of whom u.sed American plows. In this test every prize offered was taken by us with the Scotch plow. Q. Are Scotch plows in anything like general use amongst the fanners in the United States? A. No. I have imported about fifty plows for different farmers. I tliink that is about all there are in use. Q. If they have shown such superiority as at the fair at Mineola, how do you account for their nqt being more generally in use? A. One objec-tiou is tlu ir cost, and their great weight also is an objection against them among those unaccustomed to handling them. Q. Do you still use the Scotch plow ? A. No; I use an jVmerican steel plow which is made a good deal after the pattern of the Scotcli ]ilow, but of lighter weight. I find this plow is more convenient for handling in tiu'uing in small fields; but were I operating on long stretches of prau'ie laud I would by all means use the Scotch plow, because there, on long lines, the turning would be no objection, and its advantage is that in laying the fuiTOw in a clean, compact, unbroken strip at an angle of about fortj'-five degrees, thus tui-niug the sod completely down, the sod decomposes much better than if portions of it were irregularly tui'ned and broken into fragments, as is the case, less or more, with the usual American plow, with its bulging mold-board. The great improvement made in American plows since 187(!, in the shape of the mold-boards, is Plowing. 39 obviating this diiiicultj' largely, aud I am now using these steel plows exclusively. Q. Griven the best plow for the work and a soil of usual depth, what is the depth and width of a furrow you make with the plow you now use? A. I first square up the field, and mark out with four poles a straight Hue ; the first and second furrows are plowed very lightly; the thu-d farrow is run a little deeper, and the fourth is run the depth 40 How THK Faum Pays. I intend to plow. This is to ])revent making a high ridge in the centre, and to bring the field to a level finish. I plow for corn seven inches deep by nine inches wide; for oats, six by eight inches, and for potatoes or root crops, nine by ten inches. <}. My plan is somewhat different from yours. I open a double furrow first to the full depth. Tlien I plow the soil back again, and close the fun-ow, and then go on with the plowing. In this way every part of the land is plowed to the full depth, which for some crops is very important. AMiy do you make any distinction between the depth you plow for oats and for com? I can understand whj' you make a distinction between grain crops and root crops; but why do you make a distinction between oats and com? A. Oats have rather a tufted root and do not go down into the soil, while corn will go down deeper, and it is necessary to give it plenty of root space. In sowing oats, I find that the nearer the toj) of the ground I can get them, the better. Q. I think you have said that in soils similar to yours, where you have twelve or fifteen inches depth of top soU, v\dth a sandy or gravelly subsoil, there is no necessity for subsoiling ? A. It would be useless to subsoil on such lands as we have here. On sandy or gravelly loam I do not think there is any benefit in it at all. I think it is rather an injury as far as my experience has gone. Q. But in all cases where you have adhesive soils with stiff bottoms, would you not think it an advantage, where time will admit? BUBSOIL PLOW. A. By all means in such cases subsoil what you can do thorouglily; it is better to cultivate one acre right than to undertake ten and leave such important work half done. The same amount of seed will be re- quired, the same amount of plowing, harrowing, cultivating and hai-- vesting must be done, and if subsoiling is left undone the crop will be of little value on laud having day or hai-d gi-avel subsoils unless it is stirred deep enough to allow the water to pass through. I used the Harrowing. 41 subsoil plow, which follows in the fuiTow after the ordinary plow, loosening and stirring the cubsoil to a depth of ten or twelve inches. In heavy subsoils two horses are necessary. Q. When in Scotland some years ago I saw that steam plowing was quite common. Do you know what has been the experience with it in this countrj' ? A. At first sight, it seems that in this country of machinery and steam engines, steam plowing would be found of the widest use, if not a necessity ; but the fact that to-day, I beheve, not one steam plow is working in this country, shows there must be some obstacles which cannot be got over. Several have been used in different localities — in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Cahfornia, Dakota and Minnesota — but all seem to have failed of success. I think there are several reasons for these failures: their cost is considerably greater here than it is CHAIM HASBOW. abroad; engineers' wages are higher; coal is dearer; but worst of all for the steam plow, is the fact that we plow only for two or three months in a year, and then the costly machine msts in idle- ness or must be well cared for at great expense ; so that, in fact, the first cost operates to restrict their purchase, and the great cost of operating prevents them from being worked economically by those who have tried them. Q. After plowing comes the haiTowing. Please describe your method. A. In my experience vrith help, I have found ten men competent to plow where I have been able to get one competent to harrow; not that there is anj- more skiU required in harrowing than in plowing, but from the fact that it is not so easy for the eye of the master to 42 How THK Farm Pays. detect bad work in harrowing, and consequently men indolent or careless can run over the surface so that it may appeiu- to be well done when it is not. For this reason, it is all-important to have a full examination made of the work, for harrowiug has everything to do \\-ith the welfare of the crop — to have the soil thoroughly disinte- grated and pulverized. This harrowing should jienetrate to a depth of five or six inches, in order that the soil may be thoroughly and deeply worked. Q. You take pretty strong ground in regard to harrowing. Give me your ideas of what is good work and bad work in harrowing? A. Let us take a newly plowed field; the soil is mostly in lumps, small and large. A poor workman runs a harrow over the surface and smooths it and makes it fine; it looks well, but it is bad work ; it is bad because when one sows seed on such ground it works down \inder the fine surface and among the lumps and clods, where it may sprout, but soon dies because the soil is too loose and open and is filled with air spaces. A good workman makes his harrow teeth work down in the soil among the lumps at the bottom, and breaks these up, or brings them to the surface, and so works the fine, pulverized soil down where the seed will lie in it, and sprout and grow perfectly because the soil is fine and compact ai-ound it. This is good work. It may not look so smooth to the eye. but it is better for the crop. Q. But this rough surface would not be suitable for seed; then I presume the use of a roller would be necessiuy ? The Acme Harrow. 43 A. Yes — then the roller is used, followed again by tlie chain har- row, so that the surface may be made level and smooth for the seed. Q. Is the chain harrow you have referred to in speaking of manui-es in general use ? A. It is slowly coming into use as people become acquainted with, it. Oiu" local blacksmith here has made for my sales alone over sixty within the past two years. They weigh about 300 lbs. They are eight feet long and five feet wide, and the diamond-shaped chain link five by five inches. The haiTow is made of the best wrought iron, and costs $40 finished and ready for the field. Q. What harrow as a pulverizer do you consider the best? A. I have heretofore used the imported Scotch harrow, which I had found to be the best; but this season a trial of the American har- row known as the Acme leads me to beheve that it will suj^ersede the Scotch as a pulverizer or leveler, for it is the best implement I have ever used for these pui-poses. (Mr. H.) I am 2>leased to agree wdth you in this matter. After a thorough trial this season with this harrow, I find it to be the best implement I have ever used for the piu-pose of pulverizing and leveling the soil. It is not only a harrow, but under certain conditions of the soil it is to all intents and purjioses a gang of small plows; or, in other words, in a soft or light soil you can plow the gi'ound just as thorouglily for six feet wide as you can do it with the ordinary plow eight inches. The great value of this implement induces us to use more space for a description of it, and its uses, than wiU be probably given to any other implement in this work. Upon this accoimt I would like to give the views of a well known farmer, whose experience with this imjjlement has been longer than mine, and who is a high authority upon such subjects. This is Heniy Stewart, of Hackensack, N. J., who, after using the harrow for six or seven years, says: "After plowing, the soil is worked over with the Acme harrow and is thoroughlj' broken np; the fiuTows are leveled; the whole soil to the depth of four inches at least is disturbed as though a series of small propeller screws passed through it; it is thoroughly mingled; the upper portion, which has been exposed to the au', is turned under and buried, and the whole soil is loosened up, broken and made mel- low. This is the only implement, so far as I know, that does this neces- sary work, and with this the best preparation for crops is easily possible. That is to say, that the full effects desired cannot be obtained by, or through, any other one implement than this; because it does aU that a plow could do, and it does all that the harrow can do to pulverize the soil, but it does what no mere harrow can possibly do in the way of tiu'ning over the soil and presenting a fresh surface to the atmos- 44 How THE Farm Pays. phere, and it does all that a cultivator can do, without the objection- able eflfects of that implement; and lastly, it does all that a roller can do in the way of pulverizing cloddy soil, without the objectionable effects of that implement in packing the soil so closely that the air cannot penetrate it." Q. You make a distinction between what you would call leveling the soU and smootliing it, do you not? A. Yes. For instance, the Acme harrow levels and pulverizes the soil, while the Chain hiurow smooths the surface. Q. When you say that you haiTOW your manure after spreading it on the land (wliich I believe is an excellent plan, and one that was entirely new to me), what harrow do you use for that pui-pose? A. I would by all means use the Acme or a similai- han'ow, as for that purpose we require to mix in part with the soil. The gi'eat ad- va:itage of the Acme haiTOW for working up the manure, would be that you can regulate the depth of the teeth at will. (Mr. H.) Jn my experience among our market gai'deners, where the pulverization of the soil is as perfect as we can get it for the reception of small seeds, I have used for the past two yeai-s a smoothing harrow known as the Disc harrow, which consists of some sixty shaq) discs placed on revolving shafts, so as to cut the soil to a depth of three inches by one inch in width, which fines and levels the gi-ouud as completely as can be done with a steel rake in the hands of an expert workman, but whether such an imj)lement would answer the puiiiose as well for the requirements of a farm as the Chain or Acme harrow I am not able to say. THE I>I*^" HARROW. (Mr. C.) One gj-eat advantage of the Acme haiTow over all others is the disposition of the teeth, which are so jslaced that on sod that has been plowed it cuts and i>ulverizes it, wthout di-agging it to the surface. The present season I turned down a piece of sod on which I sowed mangels and planted potatoes. The thoroughness of the cultivation by the use of this implement was such, that I was enabled to work the land up in ridges — which is my usual practice with such crops — as easily as if it had been stubble land. Q. "What do you deem a proper day's work for plowing for a man and team? CULTR'ATLNO. 45 A. One acre on sod land and one acre and one-fovu-tli on stubble. Q. What area should a man and a pair of horses harrow in a day, to do it properly, with the Acme or other haiTow? A. From four to five acres, to do it thoroughly. Q. Of eoui'se you are awaa-e that about twice that area is han-owed when done in the ordinary way? A. Yes, and even more. But I consider that such labor thor- oughly done is the best investment the farmer can make. My expe- rience of thirty years has been varied and extensive, and every suc- ceeding year only impresses the more strongly upon me the fact, that to get good croj)s you must have thorough pulverization of the soil. Q. Of course you use the vai-ious kinds of cultivators for the various crops. "What implement do you at present use for cultivating corn? A. Cultivators are now so varied and improving every year, that it is hard to say that any particvdai- one is the best. There are many , CTTXTIVATOIt ANX> HORSE HOE. patterns more or less valuable. My rule in all such things, when jiur- chasing at an implement or a seed warehouse, is to ask what tool is in largest demand for a certain purjiose, and I usually find that the public in the long finds out which is the best article, and that the article most in demand is the one iisuaUy having the most merit. At present I have found that the cultivator known as the Planet, Jr., Horse Hoe, does the best work in this way, and as it is mostly used in this vicinity, pubhc opinion bears me out in mine. (Mr. H.) I agi-ee with you in that entirely, and as a seedsman I can well endorse it ; for whenever a customer asks for any particular tool. 4G How THE Faum Pavs. the answer I make to him (unless I Lave certain knowledge myself of the subject), is to go and ask the clerk liaving charge of that depart- ment to select for him Uie kind that is in most general demand, and as a rule it wiU be such as is the best. However, I may state tliat I have used for nearly twenty-five years a simple form of cultivator — which any blacksmith can make — known as the HaiTow-tooth Cultivator. It is merely a triangular' harrow having from twelve to sixteen teeth, which we use to stir up the soil almost immediately after a crop has been sown or planted, and this we continue to do once a week or so, between tlie rows, until it may become necessary to use (in particular crops) a cultivator to work deeper, such as the Planet, Jr. But the use of this Harrow-tooth cultivator is of great im- portance in checking the lirst growth of weeds, and as it is light and easily worked, a vast amount of labor can be saved by using it often enough, so that the weeds will nerer be allowed to be seen. Q. Do you make much use of the roUer on your fanu, ilr. Crozier? A. I used it on all crops and particularly on my pastures early in the spring. I thoroughly beUeve in the jiractice which you so per- sistently advocate, of firming the soil for all seeds and plants. You, in your Hmited areas in market gardening, can afibrd to do this with the feet, which probably there answers the purpose of finning the riELD BOLLEB. seeds or plants better than the roller, but on a farm that, of coui-se, would be impracticable; but, whatever method is used, the principle should never lie neglected, of compacting the earth around newly sown or planted crops, especially in hot, dry weather, and particularly so on loose and porous soils. While you, as a gardener, advocate the use of the feet to finn the soU, in sowing and planting, I, as a farmer, advocate the use of the roller. Tlio object in both is the same; and I am satisfied beyond any shadow of a doubt, that millions and milhons of dollare are annually lost to the fai-ming communitv, through a want of the Rolling. 47 knowledge of the vast importance of firming the soil over the seed. This is particvdarly the case with buckwheat, turnijjs and other crops that are sown fi'om the mouth of July until September, as at such seasons we very often have long-continued di'oughts, and the soil is like a hot ash heap, and to expect germination from small seeds when sown in such soUs, without being firmed against the entrance of the hot ail", is just about as useless as if we threw them in the fire. (Mr. H.) I consider this subject of so great importance, that I think we should take the liberty to again j)rint here the article which I read before the National Association of Nui-serymen held at Cleveland, O., in June of 1879, entitled "The Use of the Feet in Sowdng and Planting." I have written a great deal on horticultural subjects in the last twenty years, but I think (and I say this advisedly) that the value of this article to the horticultural and agricultural community is more than the whole I have ever written, put together, and I have great satisfaction in knowing that thousands of men have thanked me for impressing so strongly the necessity for this work. This article has been reprinted in thousands of newspapers in the past four years, but if it, or some other similar advice on the necessity of firming the soil after sowing, was ever jjlaced before the eyes of the farming community and acted upon, thousands would be saved from mourning the loss of wasted seed, manure and labor; for in a country vast as ours, a new crop of inex- perienced men are annually engaging in farming and gardening. In no European work on farming or gardening that I have ever seen, has the importance of what we have so strongly argued for been referred to, probably for the reason that in the cooler and more humid atmosphere of most Eirropean countries the necessity is not so great. THE USE OF THE FEET IN SOWING AND PLANTING. [Read before the National Association of Nurserymen held at CleYeland, O.. in June. 1879.] It may be useless to throw out any suggestions in relation to horti- cultm-al operations to such a body of practical men as is now bsfore me. Yet I candidly admit that, although I have been extensively engaged in gardening operations for over a cjuarter of a century, I did not fully realize, until a few years ago, the full importance of how indispensable it was to use the feet in the operations of sowing and planting. Tor some years past I have, in writing on gardening matters, insisted upon the great importance of "firming" the soil over the 48 How THE Farm Pays. seeds after sowing, especially when the soil is dry, or likely to be- come so. I know of no operation of more importance in either the farm or garden, and I trust that what I am about to say will be read and remembered by every one not j^et awai-e of the vast importance of the practice. I say " vast importance," for the loss to the agricul- tural and horticultural community, from the habit of looselj' sowing seeds or planting plants in hot and dry soils, is of a magnitude which few will beheve, until thej' have witnessed it; and it is a loss all the more to be regretted, when we know that by ' ' finning " the soil around the seed or plant, there is, in most cases, a certain pre- ventive. Particularly in the sowing of seeds, I consider the matter of such vast importance, that it cannot be too often or too strongly told; for the loss to the agriculturfd and horticultural community, by the neglect of the simple operation of firming the soQ around the seed, must amount to many miUions annually. For the mischief done is not confined only to the less important garden operations, but even corn, cotton, wheat, turnips and other important crops of the farm, often fail, in hot and dry soUs, by being sown without being firmed sufficiently to prevent the dry air shriveUng or drying the seeds. Of course, the use of the feet is impracticable in finning seeds on the farm, but a heavy roller, applied after sowing, is an absolute necessity under certain conditions of the soil, to ensure perfect germination. From the middle of April to neai'ly the end of May of this year, in many sections of the country, there was Uttle or no rain. Such was particularly the case in the vicinity of New York City, where we have hundreds of market gardeners, who cultivate thousands of acres of cabbage, cauUfiower and celery, but the ' ' dry spring " has played sad havoc with their seed-beds. Celery is not one-foiu-th of a crop, and cabbage and cauliflower hardly half, and this failure is due to no other cause than that they persist in sowing their seeds without even taking the precaution to firm the soil by roUing. We sow annually about four acres of celery, cabbage and cauli- flower plants, which produce probably five millions in number, and which we never fail to sell mostly in our immediate neighborhood, to the market gardeners, who liave, many of them, even better facihties than we have for raising these plants, if they would only do as we do, fimi the seed after sowing, whi?h is done thus: After plowing, hjuTowing and levehug the land smoothly, lines are drawn by the " marker," which makes a fun-ow about two inches deep and a foot apiu-t ; after the man who sows the seed follows another, who, wth the ball of the right foot, presses down his full weight on every inch of soil in the drill where the seed has been sown; the rows Firming the Soil. 49 are then lightly leveled longitudinally with the rake, a light roller is passed over them, and the operation is done. By this method oui- crop has never once failed, and what is true of celery and cabbage seed is nearly true of all other seeds requiring to be sown during the late spring or summer mouths. On July 2d of 1874, as an experiment, I sowed twelve rows of sweet corn and twelve rows of beets, treading in, after sowing, every alternate row of each. In both cases, those trod in came up in four days, whUe those unfirmed remained twelve days before starting, and would not then have germinated had not raiu fallen, for the soil was dry as dust when the seed was sown. The result was, that the seeds that had been trodden in grew fi-eely from the start, and matui'ed their crops to a mai'ketable condition by fall; while the rows unfirmed did not mature, as they were not only eight days later in germinating, but the plants were also, to some extent, enfeebled by being partially dried in the loose, drj' soil. This experiment was a most useful one, for it proved that a corn crop, sown in the vicinity of New York as late as July 2d, could be made to produce "roasting ears" in October, when they never fail to sell fi'eely at high rates, but the crop would not mature unless the seed germinated at once, and which would never be certain at that dry and hot season, unless by this method. The same season, in August, I treated seeds of turnips and spinach in the same way. Those trod in genninated at once and made an ex- cellent crop, while those unfirmed germinated feebly, and were eventually nearly all burned out by a continuance of dry, hot ail- penetrating through the loose soil to the tender rootlets. I beg to caution the inexperienced, however, by no means to tread or roll in seed it the ground is not dry. The soil maj' often be ia a suit- able condition to sow, and yet may be too damjj to be trodden upon or rolled. In such cases these operations may not be necessary at all, for if rainy weather ensue, the seeds will germinate of coui-se ; but if there is any likelihood of a continued di'ought, the treading or roUing may be done a week or more after the seed has been sown, if there is any reason to believe that it may sufi'er fi-om the dry, hot aii\ Another very important advantage gained by treading in the seed is, that when we have crops of beets, celery, turnips, si^inach, or anything else that is sown in rows, the seeds to form the crop come up at once ; while the seeds of the weeds, that are just as liable to perish by the heat as are those of the crop, are retarded. Such of the weed seeds as lie in the space between the rows when the soil is loose, will not germinate as ciuickly as those of the crop sown; and hence we can cultivate between the rows before the weeds germinate at all. 50 How THE Fakm Pays. Of tom-se, this rule of treading in or firming seeds after sowing must not be blindly followed. Very earlj- in spring or late iu fall, when the soil is damp and there is no danger fi-om heated, diy air, there is no necessity for doing so. Now, if firming the soil around seed, to protect it fi-om the influence of a dry and hot atmosphere, is a necessity, it is obvious that it is more so in the case of plants whose rootlets are even more sensitive to such influence than the donnant seed. Experienced professional horticulturists, however, are less likely to neglect this than to neglect in the case of seeds, for the damage from such neglect is easier to be seen, and hence better understood bj- the practical nurseryman; but with the inexperienced amateur the case is difierent. "When he receives his package of trees or plants fi-om the niu-seryman, he handles them as if they were glass, every broken twig or root calls forth a complaint, and he proceeds to plant them, gingerly straightening out each root and sifting the soil around them, but he would no more stamp down that soil than he would stamiJ on the soil of his mother's grave. So the plant, in nine cases out of ten, is left loose and waggUng; the dry air penetrates through the soil to its roots; the winds shake it; it shrivels up and fails to grow; and then come the anathemas on the head of the unfortunate nurseryman, who is charged with selling him dead trees or plants. About a month ago I sent a package of a dozen roses by mail to a lady in Savannah. She ^vl■ote me a woful story last week, saying that, though the roses had amved seemingly all right, they had all tlied but one, and what was very singular, she said, the one that lived was the one that Mr. Jones had stepped on, and which she had thought sm-e was crushed to death, for Mr. Jones weighs 200 lbs. Now, though I do not advise any gentleman of 200 lbs. putting his brogau on the top of a tender rose plant, as a practice conducive to its health, yet, if Mrs. Jones could have allowed her weighty lord to press the soil against the root of each of her dozen roses, I much doubt if she would now have to mourn their loss. It has often been a wonder to many of us, who have been workers in the soil for a generation, how some of the simplest methods of cul- ture have not been practiced until we wei"e nearly done with life's work. There are few of us but have had such experience; personally, I must say that I never i)ass through a year but I am confounded to find that some operation can not only be cjuieker done, but better done, than we have been in the habit of doing it. These improvements loom up from various causes, but mainly from suggestions thrown out by our employees in charge of sjjecial de- ])artments, a system which we do all in oui' power to encourage. Value of Improved Methods. 51 As a f)roof of the value of such improvements wliicli have led to simplifj'ing our operations, I ■wall state the fact that though my area of greenhouse sui-face is now more than double that which it was in 1870, and the land used in our florist's business is one-third more, the number of hands employed is less now than in 1870, and yet, at the same time, the quality of our stock is infinitely better now than then. ^Miether it is the higher price of labor in this country, that forces us into labor-saving expedients, or the interchange of opinions fi'om the greater number of nationalities centering here, that gives us broader views of cultui-e, I am not prepared to state ; but that America is now selling nearly all the j^roducts of the greenhouse, garden, nursery and farm lower than is done in Eiu'ope, admits of no question; and if my homely suggestions in this ruatter of firming the soil around newly planted seeds or plants will in any degi'ee assist us in atill holding to the front, I shall be gratified. 52 How THE Fahm Pavs. CIL\PTER IV. KOTATION OF CROPS. Q. Wlien we begin cultivatiou of land that lias not been pre- viously cropped, whether in the natural meadow or in brush or wood- land, the first operation is to get the land in condition for tillage, "WUI you please state. ^Ir. Crozier, what has been your plan of oper- ating on lands of this kind ? A. Jly method has been to prepare the land for the plow (if brush land) bj- first removing the brush by the use of binish scythes or brush hooks and burning it on the land. If there are many roots, I put three horses abreast on a heavy plow and turn the soU eight or nine inches deep; I then spread on manure accortling to the neces- sities of the land; harrow it in thoroughly; mark both ways with a plow, thi-ee and a half feet, ready for corn. I plant my corn in hiUs, cover it with a hoe, and run a heavy roller over the whole surface. As soon as the young corn appears I keej) the cultivatoi-s moving through it both ways until the corn gets too high to cultivate. I do not hiU it uji, as I prefer fiat culture for this crop. Q. On such land how much manure per acre do you use ? A. It would be difficult to name a specific quantity, as so much would depend upon the necessities of the soU — upon how much leaf mould there might be on it. I would say, however, that in my operations here on such soils I have used about twenty-five two-hoi-se loads to the acre. I have actually produced (by measurement of a committee fi-om the New York Farmers' Club) 240 bushels of eai-s of corn, per acre, fi-om virgin soil. Continuing my method of culture: in the fall, after the corn is taken oft' the field, the land is again thor- oughly plowed and left through the printer. In the spi'ing it is hai'- rowed and plowed again and sowed with oats and jieas, sowing part in oats, and part in oats and peas mixed, which we use as a soiling croj). The thiid year I })lant with roots and fodder corn, thoroughly manured. The fourth year, seed down to grass with oats. Q. What vaiiety of corn was it you refer to as producing 240 bushels of ears to the acre '? A. It was a large yellow fiintcom. Tlie eai"swere twelve rowed and verj- long, and filled out to the end, and Uie cob was small. Although VARIETrES OF CoRX. 53 CHEbTER COUNTl ilAilMU there is a good deal in the vaiietj-, yet there is a good deal, too, in the chai'acter of the soil and the cultivation. Probabl}' the well known Tariety, King P hilli p-), or any other good kind, suited to this northern locality, would have done as well under the same circumstances. But it is an all- imjiortant matter, that a farmer should choose a suitable variety of seed for his climate. For instance, the corn crop this season (1883) in Michigan and Wisconsin has generaUj- failed, because the most of the seed planted was brought from Kansas and Nebraska, where the season is much longer than in the north, and more time is requu-ed for corn to ripen. Had they got their seed from any other northern locahty they would probably have been safe. Just now there are a number of very promising new vaiieties of com making then- appear- ance. It would be ^nse '^Y' ^. yT^. 'T^^r^''!^ ^^ffr" -r for farmers to test these '•v<^X; ^__^___ 'J^J^',ry-(+ rt-rhWi^TJ^ judiciouslj' lu a smaU way at first, that their adaiDtation to sjjecial chmates may be tested. Among these might be mentioned the two ex- cellent kinds, Golden Beauty and Chester Count}- Mammoth, but with the proviso that these should only be planted where there are at least 100 days of safe growing season. Q. This mode of culture you describe, Mr. Crozier, is the one you followed on your farm here. For what pui-pose was your farming land intended? A. It was intended for a dairy and stock farm, and the prej)arations to the fourth year were simply laying a broad foundation for my futui-e work. The fifth yeai" com, wheat, rye, oats, peas, mangels and turnips were my general crops. Q. Having detailed yoiu' method of laying the foundation, as you term it, wUl j'ou now describe your system of gi'owing root crops, beginning -uith potatoes ? A. My plan of growing potatoes is to plow, and maniu'e broadcast at the rate of ten or twelve loads per acre, as I never lose sight of what is to come after, and roU the gTouud well before fuiTowing. The ground can never be furrowed so well when it is loose as when it is made firm by the use of the roUer, and my practice has always been, no matter what length the I'ows, they must be straight and of even width. When the fuiTows ai'e marked out three feet apart, I 54 How THE Farm Pats. also insuiuie at the rate of five loails ^ler aci-e in tlie fiuTows. I plant the liu-f^est potatoes cut lengthwise in two parts, dropped fifteen inches apart in the rows, and cover with the plow about four inches, and before the sprouts come throu-^'h the gi-ound haiTow with the chain haiTOw or mth a light sloping tooth hiuTOw, the object being to breivk the cmst to a depth of an inch or two and to destroy the weeds in the embryo state. The after cultivation is done with the hoe and cultivator. In gathering, plow out with the double fiuTow plow, pick up, put in pits or the cellw. The largest of the potatoes ai-e mai-keted if the price is good. If it is not, they are fed to the stock with the small ones. Q. At what price do you consider they should be sold rather than fed to the stock ? A. Forty cents per bushel. If less than that, it would pay better to feed them to cattle or hogs. In fact, it has always been my practice to feed ever^ihing raised on the fai-m, unless the mai'ket price was such as would justify disposing of it at a fair profit. Q. Have j'ou ever had any ti'ouble, in feedhig potatoes to cows, fi'om the danger of their choking, and if so how do you guai'd against that danger ? I remember when a boy of many a good cow l>eing choked by potatoes . A. To prevent any possibUity of choking I run the potatoes thi-ough my " pulper " or root cutter, but cattle occasionally get choked with apples and potatoes which they pickup out-doors. In such cases there is no other remedy but the jn-obang — a flexible instrument with a T-'O^^^ ■^WWVWUWVarLr^ corkscrew in the lower end, to In-ing up the potato or apple, if it will come — if not, it must be shoved do-n-n into the stomach. A method which has been used when the obstacle cannot be removed by the probaug, is to crush the root in the tluroat by a sharp blow of a mallet, a block of wood being held on the other side. This has saved animals which would have l>een lost without it. (The probang, shown in the illustration, consists of a flexible tube, which is pushed down the throat until it meets the obstacle, when, if this cannot be CULTDRE OF POTATOES. 55 pushed down, the tiexible rod with the corkscrew at the end is l^ushed down the tube, and the obstacle is then caught and (b-awnujj.) Q. I presume, of course, you are thoroughlj- familiar with the end- less discussions that have been in the jjapers for the last twenty years on the Cjuestion of what kinds of potatoes we should use for seed — whether they should be small or large, whether cut or in single eyes, or cut in halves. "VMiat has been your practice and the result of it? A. I have always practiced, with the exception of experiments, to choose the largest potatoes, and cut fi-om the toj) end through to the butt, straight, making two pieces of each, thus giving the seed ample substance. In mj' experience in cutting to single eyes I liave never had much success in getting a full crop. (111-. H.) Although I have grown but few potatoes, I think my general experience in horticultiu'e will warrant me in saj-ing that the result of the practice of cutting the jDotatoes to single eyes, or even two eyes, unless a good portion of what may be called the nutritious substance of the potato is left, can never be good, because this sub- stance of the potato is absoluteh- necessary to .sustain the bud or eye until it starts. Experiments with beans and peas that have been attacked by the weevil, where the whole or ijortions of this pabulum of the seed has been eaten out, have shown so clearly, by frequent and cai-eful trials, that when the pabulum of the seed is com- j)letely exhausted, the seed germ will not start at ah, and that when it is partially exhausted it will start feebly, and make a weak plant. This undoubtedly must be true of the tuber of the potato as weU as the seed of the pea or bean. Nature provides this sub- stance for the germ or bud to feed on until it is able to take care of itself, and if you rob it of its sustenance you must pay the penalty. I know well that it is often the custom when new potatoes are intro- duced to cut them up into single eyes, in the hoj)e of producing a larger crop from the costly seed; but I doubt very much if any additional weight of crop wUl be gained, and undoubtedly the vitality of the roots will be weakened for future products, if wanted for that pui'pose, which, with new potatoes, is generally the case ; as of coui'se when piu'chased at two or tlu-ee doUars per jjound, as in the case of the Early Rose, men do not jslant such potatoes to eat the first year. I remember very well, when the Early Rose variety was introduced, that I piu'chased a tuber weighing live ounces. In April I cut this five-ounce potato in two pieces, so that each surface would present the greatest number of eyes. I then placed them on a shelf, keeping them entirely dry until the cut part had healed over, when they were placed on soil on the bench of the greenliouse. The shoots soon began to start from the 5() How THE Farm Pays. eyes, the tenii)t'rnturf of the {sreenbouse averapn^r, peiliaps, seveuty- live {le<;;i-ees. As soon as the shoots got to be three or four inches iu len^^'th, they were c-nt ofl' about oue-fonrtli of an inc-h from the surface of the i)otato, or fai- enouf,'h firom the surface so as not to injure the dormant eyes that were yet to start. The shps were then phicecl in the jirop- agating house, and sliaded and watered until rooted in the usual way. They were then potted in small i)ots, iu ordinary soil, and started to grow in the same temiieratui-e in which the jiotato had been placed. As the season advanced, shoots in great numbers were thrown out by the potato, which, in turn, were submitted to the same process of rooting. As the first shoots grew to lengths of five or six inches the tojjs were cut from these and used as cuttings, so that by the end of May this sniiJl potato of five ounces had given me neai-ly 150 plants, every one of which was equal to a "set" made from a tuber. These were jjlantrd out on the first week in June, in land very ill suited for the growth of the jsotato, and the croj), when dug, weighed exactly 450 pounds, or an increase of about 1,800 fold. It may be asked if this process is of any jjractical value, or whether it will pay. It is not claimed that there is any use in the practice when potatoes are sold at ordinary rates; but, when they are sold at the rates even yet paid for new varieties, there is no doubt of its utility. For instance: one pound of potatoes so grown ■will easily produce 500 jilants, making 500 hiUs, which, with ordinary cul- tm-e, will give three pounds jior hill or 1,500 pounds. The jirocess of rooting the sli])s is neither difhcult nor costly, and can be done in a common hot-bed. The ordinary hot-bed sash, four by six feet, will hold OOO plants, if placed in the soil of the hot-lied just as lettuce or ('abbage plants are planted out, and treated much in the same way by careful shading and watering \intil the cuttings have rooted. These, as they grow, make other cuttings from the tojj, as before described. Without resorting to the glass propaga- tion at all, a potato crop may be doubled or trebled in quan- tity by "slipjiing" the shoots, and planting them out at once in the field, if there is a continuance of rainy weather for two or thi-ee days at the time. This should be done in June. The thinning out of shoots fi-om the regular jjlanting will do no injury to the plants. It is not claimed that the growing of potatoes in this way is new; in fact, it may be doubted if there is much new in agriculture; processes that are suggested to us 1)V cii'cumstances to-day may have been practiced by others centuries ago, and if pub- lished to the world at all have long since been forgotten; but there is little doubt that this ]>ractiro of growing potatoes from cuttings EXEJIIES OF THE PoTATO. 57 ■will be new to many who will read this book, tbough the principles involved, and, perhaj^s, the practice followed, have been long known to many farmers and gardeners of experience. Although this system of propagating the j^otato may be of very Uttle use to the farmer in a general way, when there is jjlenty of seed, yet whenever he invests at the rate of one or two dollars per pound for new varieties it will be worth his while to try it, and he may be assured that if properly done it will give good results. POTATO DISEASES AND IXSECTS. Qthr. H.) The potato disease which has frequently been so dis- astrous iu Ireland and j)arts of Scotland has never been devastating here. There is but Uttle doubt that it is a parasitical fvmgus of some kind, for which all remedies are useless when the crop is attacked. Like aU diseases of this kind, the only help we have is prevention. As far as experiments have gone, they have shown that potatoes are always less Uable to attacks of disease or rot if planted in new laud broken up fi'om the sod, or at least that which has not been long iu cultivation. Another enemy to this crop is the well known striped potato beetle. Fortunately, for this pest we have a certain remedy in the use of Paris green, which may be put on either by dusting while the dew is on the leaves in the morning, or after a rain, or else in a liquid fonn of one ounce of Paris gi'een to ten gallons of water. But whichever way it is appUed, it should be begun at the very first appearance of the beetles. If they once get a foothold, they increase so rapidly that often the crop is destroyed before the remedy can be of any avaQ. Paris green being a deadly poison, it is absolutely necessary that fields on which jjotatoes are growing should be pro- tected from cattle. It is sometimes supposed that danger might arise from the use of the Paris green affecting the potato tubers. There need be no fear of this, as the tubers do not in any way absorb it. The disease known as the potato rot is a vegetable parasite which gi-ows within the substance of the pilant, and affects the leaves, stems and tubei's, as is well known. Some part of its Ufe history is known; and while all is not known, yet enough has been learned to give us some indications of how it may be prevented, for as to ciu'e when once the plants have been attacked, there is and can be none, because of the impossibOity of applying any remedy. The parasitic plant, a species of fungus, propagates itself by means of spores, which are the seed. The spores matui-e iu the leaves and stems, as well as the 58 How THE Farm Pays. tubei-s. To prevent its fui-tber spread by infection of tbe gi-ound, as far as we can we should gather the vines and leaves when tlie crop is dug and bui-u theiu. Also cook and feed the affected tubers to pigs and pi-eseiTo onlj' sound ones for next year's seed. This will help us as far, probably, as we Lave learned how to go. I have heard that it prevents the spread of the disease in the stored potatoes to sprinkle them fi-eily and thoroughly with aii'-slaked lime, but I have no personal experience of that. From mj- experience with the fumes of sulphur in destroying mildew and all other parasitic life, I am of opinion that sulphur biu'ned in places where potatoes are kept would aiTest the sjiread of disease. The simplest method of applying the sulphiu" fumes is to sprinMe flowers of sulphui- on sheets of paper, roll these up and bum them so as to keep a continuous supply of the fumes to saturate the air of the cellar' for four or live days. This is a cheap and simple appUca- tion which I think would be eti'ective. It would be useless to apply sulphur in any other way, as it must be volatilized by heat. SWEET POTATOES. Although sweet potatoes can hai'dly be called a crop for the farm in the ueighborhovidofNewYork, yet in the Southern States it is one of the leading farm ju'oducts, and it is even grown successfully as far north as New Jersey. The plants are raised in hot-beds from so-called " seed " sweet potatoes, wliich are usually of small size, but must be soiind. These ai-e placed in hot-beds any time during the month of April. After the hot-bed has been made in the usuid way — that is, one and one-half or two feet deep of horse manure — a laj'er of sand or sandy loam is tluown over it to the depth of foiu* or five inches and the seed potatoes jilacedon this close together. As soon as the shoots begin to appeal', a layer of an inch of sand is thrown over them. The shoots quickly sprout through the sand, and by the midtUe or end of May, in the latitude of New Jersey, they are in condition to be set out in the open ground. In Southern New Jereeyand further south, these beds are not covered with glass, but with a light covering of straw or coai'sehay, to retain the warmth. This is i-emoved when the plants appear. In sections of the country where sweet potatoes ai'e grown even to a small extent, there are generally men who make o, business of growing the plants, which are often to be bought as low as one dollar per 1,000, and it will be foimd better for the gi'ower to purchase than to raise them himself, if he has not the ]n'oper con- venience of sashes and hot-beds. The plants are set out in rows three Sweet Potatoes, Roots. 59 or four feet distant, and about two feet apart in the rows, using a ' good shovelful of well rotted manui-e, mixed in, for each hill. They are alwaj^s planted in light, sandj' soil, heavy soils being entu-ely uncon- genial to the natiu'e of the root. As thej' advance in growth the rows are hilled up with the plow in the same manner as ordinary potatoes, care being taken, however, to prevent the shoots, as they hang over> fi'om rooting in the sand. This is done by running along the rows occasionally under them with the hand to break the joung roots and keep them from striking into the soil. If this is not done, it would divert the gi'owth fi-om the main root, and the tubers would be small and nearly worthless. In the Northern States sweet jjotatoes must always be used previous to December, unless thej- can be kejjtinawarm jjlace. The ordinary cellar, which is suitable for the common potato, win quickly rot the sweet potato. In the Southern States they ai'e kejot in pits in the open gi-ound in much the same waj- as we keep ordinary potatoes North ; but the temperature of the sand is of course much higher in Florida and other extreme Southern States than it is North. Most of the sweet potatoes that find their way to our Northern mai-kets in the winter and sj)iing months ai-e grown in Georgia, South Carolina and other Southern States. They ai'e preserved in the South by storiug them in houses specially built for that jJurpose. The potatoes are jDacked in boxes not more than eighteen inches deep, which are placed in tiers one above the other, leaving sjDaces between for ventilation. But in extreme cold weather it is necessary that the apartment should l)e heated in some way so that the temjseratiu'e at no time is allowed to fall below fifty degrees. There is no necessity for packing anything around them, as, if the heat in the apartment is sufficier:t, thej' wiU keep by the air circulating around them among the shelves or boxes in which they are jjlaced. Probably the best temperature at which sweet potatoes can be kept La winter is sixty degrees. ROOTS FOR FEEDING. (Mr. H.) The most important of all the root crops used for feeding ai-e mangels and turnips. These have been largely grown in Europe for more than thirty years, and considermg how well the American climate and soil are adapted for their culture, it is smiDrising that so little attention has hitherto been given to them in this country. It is more particularly surprising when we consider our special necessi- ties, arising out of our long, dry summers, which diminish the yield of the hay and other fodder crops; as well as our long winter feeding season, in which some succulent fodder, such as roots, is so useful to feed 60 How THK Farm Pays. ■with the hay aud other dry i^rovender. ^langeLs, which are the most valuable of all roots for this jiuiiiose, may be grown in any' l)art of the American Continent upon any fairly good farm land, if only the necessary care is given in their cultivation. The soil best adapted for them is a loose, friable loam, ■with a dry. KINVEB YELLOW GLOBE UAMQEL. LONO 1U,D MANGEL. loose subsoil, as deep culture is indispensable. The soil should be plowed if necessary to the depth of ten inches, or the land should be broken to that depth l)y following the plow with a subsoiler. In all soils, excepting sufficiently deep, rich new land, well rotted manure or compost should be used at the rate of twelve to twentv tons Culture of Roots. 61 per acre, spread upon the surface before plowing and covered in with the plow. In place of this, but all the better with it, 300 to .500 pounds per acre of sujjerphosphate, or Peruvian guano, should be applied by sowing on the surface after plowing, and harrowing it in. Immediately after this, the soil should be well smoothed by the smoothing harrow and roller. The seed is sown in drills, by means of a seed drill, the Planet or any other of an equally good kind, twenty-four inches apart in light soils, and thirtj- inches in strong, rich land, the plants being thinned to nine inches apart in the foi-mer case and twelve in the latter. This is what is tenned flat cultiu'e. Some farmers, however, practice the ridge system, and as this is your method, Mr. Crozier, please describe it, and say how you pro- duce the enormous erojjs which I have seen in your fields ? (]Mi\ C. ) After thoroughly plowing, harrowing and smoothing the land, I stiike out furrows with the double mold-board plow (if this is not obtainable, any plow that will make such a fiuTOW wiU do), , thirty inches apart. The furi'ow is sis to seven inches deej). These fuiTows are then half tilled with compost (see chapter on Maniu'es) or stable manure, thoroughly decomposed, or, if yet rough and un- rotted, it is pressed down in the rows with the feet. After the manure has been placed in the furrows, the plow is run on each side, so as to cover in the manui'e, and to raise a ridge as high as the furrow was deep. These ridges are leveled with a roller or chain harrow, about two or three inches, which widens the ridge, so as to jjermit the seed sower to work on it. Where stable manure is scai'ce, I use superphosphate, or bone r^^^T'^ '"'^^e~.. ^\ dust, sown in the fiu-rows at the rate of about 300 pounds to the acre, keep- ing the ridge over the fiuTOws not so high as over the manure. About sis to eight pounds of seed are used to the acre, sown ■R'ith the seed drill. If sown by hand, fully double that quantity wiU be required. The plants are thinned to twelve or fourteen inches apart, the land is well cultivated, and kept loose and free from weeds. This system of cidture, both for mangels and turnips, requires more labor, but is a saving in maniu'e. The best time for sowing, in the latitude of New York, is from May 1st to the 1.5th; but this time S£IUj DKLLL 62 How THK Fakji Pays may Le extended vp to June 1st. The time to sow is irom eight to ten days before com is usually planted. The varieties most used are Long Bed, and the Golden Tankard and Kinver Globe, which are Ijoth yellow kinds. The average yield of mangels is thirty tons or over per acre; this is etjual to 1,000 bushels. I consider the GOLDEN T.VNKAim M.VNGEL. average value of mangels, for feeding stock, to be $4 per ton, or $120 per acre, at the least. Two tons per acre of hay would be only worth $30. The seed, manure and cultivation of a crop of mangels, at the utmost, need not exceed S80 jier acre, even whei'e the manure is pur- chased at a high jjrice. The crop for feeding jim-poses is therefore a protitable one, even under these cii'cumstances. Tlie cultiu-e of turnips differs in no respect fi-om that of mangels, except as to the time of sowing — the Swedish tui-nip, or Ruta Baga, sown, in this latitude, from ilay 25th to June 2.5th; the Yellow Aber- deen, or strap-leaved kinds, fi-om July 1st to the middle of August. Tdrnips. GS The distance apart may be the same as for mangels, but both varie- ties may be sown a month later; that is, the Ruta Bagas maj' be sown from June 25th to July 25th, and the strap-leaved kinds from the midtUe of August to the middle of September. In this case the jjlauts should stand, both in the rows and between plants, one-third closer. The best kinds are American Ruta Baga and Piui^le-top Swede, of the strap-leaved kinds, Red-toji and Yellow Aberdeen. Perhaj^s the best of all turnips, after the Swedes, is the "White Cow- I3n'BO\i;D AJIEEICiK BUIA BAGA. COWHOBN TTntNIP. horn, a long, thin root, but veiy sweet and tender, and unexcelled ■ for cows, as it grows very quickly and may be sown in September. I value Ruta Bagas, as compai-ed with hay at S15 per ton, at $5 per ton; an average crop of twenty-five tons per acre is thus worth $125. Strap-leaved and YeUow Aberdeen or Cowhorn turnips are worth $3. 50 per ton, or, with a yield of thirty-five tons per acre, $122. 50. If 64 How THE Fakm Pays. the expense of culture is luilf the whole value, the crop is still very profitable. Turnips may be sown ujjou a barley, oats or rye stubble, or even after potatoes. CARKOT.S AND PARSNIPS. The cultiue of these two roots is precisely the same. Pai-snips, however, are hardy, ami can be left iu the ground all the winter, so that, if required for use in the simng, they may be gathered then, Cakkots and Pahsnips. 65 ■when it is found convenient to do so. This root is an excellent one for daily cows, and is extensively grown in the islands of Jersey and Guernsey for this purpose. CaiTots are chiefly grown for horses, but I consider them inferior to Ruta Bagas for that purpose. Carrots requu-e a similar soil and the same preparation as for mangels. In a iDreviously well manured com stubble, enough fertilizing material will be left to manui'e a good croj) of carrots or parsnips. Twenty tons of carrots jjer acre have been grown on land in this condition, without using any manure. The seed is sown anj' time in May; if sown with a diill, about four pounds are used to the acre. The rows should be two feet apart, and the plants thinned out to five or sis inches. An aver- age crop is fifteen tons, or 700 bvishels by measure, of the Long Orange. This variety is the one usuallj' grown for farm piu'poses. HARVESTING AND STORING ROOTS. (Mr. H.) The simple and cheap method of preserving roofs in pits in the open ground is better than any other. I will brieflj' describe our plan, which I have practiced with all kinds of market garden roots for twenty-five years. Mangels in this section of the country are dug up toward the end of October, or just after our first shght frosl ; they are then temporarily secured from severe frosts by placing them in convenient oblong heaps, say three feet high by six feet wide, and ire covered v\-ith tlu-ee or four inches of soil, wliieh wUl be suffi- cient protection for three or four weeks after lifting ; by that time, say the end of November, thej' may be stowed away iu their perma- nent winter quarters. For tiu'nips and carrots there is less necessity for the temjjorary pitting, as they are much hardier roots, and may be left in the ground untU the time necessary for permanent pitting, if time will not jjermit of seciu'iug them temporarily. The advantage of this temporary pitting is, that it enables them to be quickly secured at a season when work is usually pressing, and allows theu' permanent pitting to be extended into a comjsaratively cold season. This is found to be of the utmost importance in jJreserving all kinds of roots ; the same rules regulating the preservation in winter apply as in spring sowing. "N^Tiile in this section of the country it must be done not later than the end of November, in some of the Southern States the time may be extended a month later, while in the j)laces where the theiTnometor does not fall lower than twenty-five degi-ees above zero, there is no need to dig up any of these roots at aU, as that 66 How THE Faism Pays. degree of temperature would not injure them. The permanent pit ia made as follows: A piece of ground ia chosen where no water will stand in winter. If not naturallj' drained, provision must be made to cai-rv off the water. The pit is then dug four feet deep and six feet wide, and of any length required. The roots are then evenly packed in sections of about four feet vride, arroKs the jjit, and only to the height of the ground level. Between the sections a space of half a foot is left, which is filled up with soil level to the top. This gives a section of roots four feet deep and wide, and four feet long, each section divided from the next by six inches of soU, forming a series of small pits, holding fi-om six to twelve baiTels of roots, one of which can be taken out ^rithout distui-biug the next, which is separated fi'om it by six inches of soil. (Ml-. C. ) Scotch farmers have a method of kee2>iug roots in long pits which I have used here for many years. A dry spot is selected, where no water will stand iu winter; a space is marked out six feet in width, and of any length required ; this bed is excavated ten to twelve inches deep, and the soil is thrown out on the bank. The MAKNEn OF COV roots are built up evenly to a sharp point about five or six feet in height, so that they fonn almost an equal-sided triangle, six feet on the sides. This heap of roots is covered with foiu- inches of straw and the earth is banked over the whole about one foot in thickness. Stordjct Roots. 67 This covering of earth and straw is sufficient to keep out any cold that is not much below zero. In colder or warmer sections judgment must be used to increase or lessen the covering. In providing against an excessive cold, the covering of straw is to be increased, and not the earth, as the straw is really the non-conductor. Vents or chimneys, made by a three-inch drain-pipe, or anything of similar size, are placed every six or seven feet along the top of the pit, resting on the roots, so that the moisture and heat may escape. In extreme cold weather these vents or chimneys should be closed up, as the cold might be severe enough to get down to the roots. Pits so constructed rarely fail to presence roots perfectly until late in spring, and are in every respect preferable to root cellars ; for, no matter how cold the weather may be, they are easily got at ; the ends once opened, the soil forms a frozen arch over the pit. Hundreds of tons of mangels, etc., may be put in a long pit of this kind. There are two or three points that you make, IVIr. Henderson, that I think might be improved upon. When you state that in the absence of stable manure, bone dust, superphosphate or guano should be applied at the rate of three to five hundred pounds per acre, I would saj' that in my practice I have found in recent years that 1,000 pounds of any of these fertlizers is not too much. Again, when you sj)eak of digging the mangels up I think you advise unnecessary labor, as mangels can be pulled up without trouble, our practice being as follows: One man takes two rows. Having asharj) knife in the light hand, he catches hold of the top of the root with the other and pulls it up fi'om the ground, cuts the top off and lets the root drop into the furrow at his right hand, the top being dropjied to the left. By this means two men have taken up forty cart loads per day, each cart holding thirty-two bushels of sixty pounds per bushel. With reference to yoiu- system of preserving in winter, I can give you no better evidence of its practical value than by showing you to-day (11th of July) sound roots that were placed in my root pits last fall, grown somewhat, to be sure, but stiU in good condition to feed to hogs. Q. In this article nothing has been said about thinning the plants of mangels, turnips or carrots. Will you please state, Mr. Crozier, what is yoiu- method of thinning the crop in the drills ? A. I use a ten-inch draw hoe. The man standing partly sideways, shoves his hoe from him, and then drawing it back cuts out the width required, thus leaving the plants in small bunches ten inches apart. It is an operation that is done very rapidly. Two men by this method can thin or single out an acre per day. In a few days the plants left will again straighten up. We leave the thinnings 68 How THE Farm Pays. in the rows, of course, which in a sliort time make the very best vegetable manure by being stirred and worked by the cul- tivator. For mangels it is necessary to thin to single plants by hand afterwards. Turnips are thinned in the same manner, but hand thinning is not necessary if the hoeing is well done. CaiTots are thinned exactly the same way, but with what is known as the caiTot hoe, which is not over half the width of that ussd for mangels or turnips. From the nature of the carrot, it is not so easily singled out to one plant as tui-nips, and it is necessary to run over the rows with the hands after the hoe, to thin out so as to leave the crop standing about five inches apart between the plants. I obsen'ed, Mr. Henderson, also, that in your remarks on root crops you have neglected to impress the necessity of fii-ming the soil after sowing, which in our practice, in addition to the roller following the di'ill, we follow after with a heavy two-horse ii'on roller eighteen inches in diameter, which covers three rows at a time. WHEAT CULTURE. Q. The method of raising wheat, I presume, is so well known, that coinp.aratively little can be said about it. In a work of this kind, however, it is necessary to touch on all subjects connected with the SMOOTHING AND BnUSH HARROW. farm, and this of course with the others. Is wheat much grown on Long Island and vicinity ? A. Yes, I think there is as much wheat grown on Long Island as corn. "\Mien wheat is to follow corn my method of culture is as follows : The land being plowed about the middle of September, the manui-e is spread, thorouglily haiTOwed in, and wheat sown broad- Necessity for Heavv Manuring. 69 cast at the rate of one and one-lialf to two bushels to the acre. It is then plowed under about tlu'ee inches deep with a hght one-horse plow. If seeded to grass the surface is rolled before the grass seed is sown, and harrowed with a chain harrow or brush haiTow. The brush harrow, as it is well understood, is an imj)rovised harrow made by the farmer, consisting of branches about ten or twelve feet long, which are driveu into holes bored in a inece of scantling ten feet long and attached in the usual way to the whiffletree. The harrow shown above answers as a smoothing, leveling and brush harrow, and is convenient, cheap and useful for many purposes, and is a good substitute, sometimes, for the roller. I have put on as high as eight cords or twenty-four tons per acre. Of coui-se the object of this heavy manuring, as has been referred to, is not so much for the wheat crop, as it would cost more than the product, but it is for the after crop of grass. If this manure had to be purchased in the vicinity of New York it would cost $72 per acre, which of course is more than double what the wheat crop would sell for, but it will be understood that the crop of wheat is never expected to pay for the manure. It is the after crop of grass that we are laying the foundation for, and here is where the profit of this heavy manuring comes in. The straw from the wheat we consider about pays for the labor of sowing and harvesting the crop. It will be understood that this heavy manuring for a wheat croj) that is to be succeeded by grass, is only on fields where oats or corn have been gi'own the year previous. If a root crop had been grown the pre^'ious year, which is our usual custom, there would be no necessity for manui-ing, as the heavy manuring used for the root crop is ample to carry a crop of wheat and grass for succeeding years. (Ml'. H.) This work of spreading manui'e is a slow and laborious one. There is an excellent machine made for this purpose which saves the greater part of this labor. It breaks up and scatters the maniu-e, no matter how coarse it is, and spreads it much more evenly than it could be done by hand, and with great rapidity. I think the invention of this machine is a very valuable aid to oui- agricultiu'e. It will spread from five loads up to twenty loads per acre, and forty loads is an easy day's work. Q. Is it not the custom generally amongst wheat growers on a large scale on the prairies or in the extensive wheat lands of CaUfornia to use the wheat di-ills, instead of sowing broadcast, as you advise? A. Yes. They do not care so much for the grass there. The wheat crop is what they ai-e after. They sow whatever crop they can mai-ket to best advantage, and that is wheat. But we are working under different circumstances. 70 How THE Fakm Pays. Q. "\Miy cannot the drill be followed by grass as -well as -when sown broadcast? A. For the reason that the drill leaves a furrow after it which the prass seed drops into, leaving a cleai' space of five or six inches between the rows of grass, which would be too wide. By plowing the seed wheat under we get an even sui-faee for the grass. Q. Then you mean to say that bj- drilling, you could not get as heavy and even a crop of grass as l\v sowing the wheat broadcast, plowing it under and sowing the grass seed after in the usual way? A. We could not. By plowing in the seed we get a unifonn surface over the wheat, and having this smooth surface for the grass seed, we get a much better stand. KEMPb UAXrRE SI BEAD t Q. When foUowiug corn with wheat at about what date do you begin to plow? A. We commence cutting our corn about tlie 1st of September nnd clear it oft" the field, placing it in shocks, either on an adjacent gi-ivss lot, or by the fences, so as to get the land cleai- for sowing the wheat, which we generally put in from the 15th to the 20th of September. Q. This is your experience with the wheat crop following corn. Does it difier in any way when ihe wheat follows potatoes ? A. Yes. The potato land having been thoroughly manured in the spi-ing, and well cidtivated by the use of tlie cultivators and plow, I do not manure for the wheat crop. The land is usually in such good condition that it does not need additional manure for the wheat; with too much manure wheat grows rank and weak, and is apt to fiUl down and lodge, and the crop is then iujui-ed. Cultivation of Wheat. 71 Q. Do you make any difference in the time of sowing wheat follow- ing potatoes and that following corn ? A. After potatoes we get it in about the 10th of September, and we thus get a stronger stand or I would say "braird," for the pro- tection of the roots in winter. This word " braird " is very significant and useful; it means the young growth of any crop fi-om seed. Q. I notice that after sowing the wheat, when you brash harrow in the gi'ass seed, you do not make any mention of using the roller after? A. It is not necessary, except occasionally when it is very dry; the rains usually at that season being sufficient to wash down the seed, and comi^act the soil so as to cause germination. If we have any reason, however, to apprehend a continuation of dry weather, then, as in aU other such cases, the roller is applied. Q. It is not possible, I presume, for you to get a wheat crop after mangels or turnips without jjlowiug too late ? A. The best wheat crop I ever raised — I do not at present exactly remember the number of bushels, but I think it was over fifty per acre — was put in between the mangel rows in the autumn before the mangels had been taken off the gi-ound. The wheat was sown and put in with the cultivator about the 20th of September, and the quahty of the crop was so good that it was all engaged by a New York seed fii-m for seed. When the mangels were pulled the tops were left on the wheat. Early in the spring I put on a large ii-on haiTow, haiTOwed both ways and sowed with lucern, roUed it both ways, so that the land was thoroughly firmed. Q. In sowing the wheat between the rows of mangels in the fall, as you state having done, was it possible to get a uniform crop over the surface? I can understand how it might be evenly distributed between the rows, but on the rows dii-ectly were there not spaces left? A. Yes. I have counted as many as sixty spears from one grain 72 How THE Faum Pays. wbii-li hiul spread or ' ' stooled, ' aud I am of the opiniou that we can raise more wheat in that way than bv any other process; that is, by cultivation. The cultivation of wheat, in trials, cleai-ly shows this, aud if I were making wheat my general crop, I would by all means sow in drills seven to nine inches ajjai-t, and cultivate it; but grass being mj' staple crop, I have no occasion to do so. Q. You say you sowed the wheat on the mangels about the 20th of Sept. At what date, do you i-emember, were the mangels harvested? A. I think about the usual time, the middle of November, or per- haps it might have been tlie end of November. Any time before frost will serve for hai-vesting mangels, and we generally leave that until the last work in the tields. Q. Was there no injury done to the wheat by the leaves of the mangels shading it? A. I ratlier think it improved it, as the shade for the " braird " seemed to be a protection until strong enough to take care of itself. As the season advanced, as j-ou are aware, the leaves of the mangels withered, and shaded less, so that by the time they were ready to take off, the young wheat plants were relieved of the shade, and in pulling u)3 the mangels just euough soil came up with them to make a nice top dressing for the wheat. The tops of the mangels also were sjjread as a mulch over the wheat. Q. How late have you ever sown youi- wheat iu the fall in the vicinit}' of New York? A. I sowed a piece of wheat tlie latter end of December of last year. Q. 'What advantage was there in sowing it at a date when there could be no germination until spring ? A. My reason for sowing it at that season was that I was slack of work and the gi-ound was in good condition, and I wanted to top- dress the piece of land that I sowed, as it was in the centre of a twenty-two-acre lot seeded down with grass on both sides, aud I wished to make the whole field uniform. Q. What was the result of this late sowing ? A. It lay dormant until early spring, but when the weather opened, it, of course, was ready for germination long before I could have pre- pared the ground for spring wheat, aud the result of the crop is that to-day (12th July) it is nearly ready to cut, being only about ten days later than that sown at the usual time. It is not what we would call a good crop, nor yet a poor one, but, I think, will be a fair yield. Q. But if it had not been for the peculiar circumstances of the case — that you wished to get a uniform field of grass — j-ou wovdd not have sown the wheat at that late date, in preference to spring sowing, would you ? Habvesting Wheat. 73 A. No; it was simply a matter of convenience. Q. Under what conditions do you usually sow youi- wheat in "the spring ? A. I seldom ever sow spring wheat; it does not pay in this vicinity. The straw is too weak, which is one of the great difficulties in wheat raising. Q. In what sections of the country, do you know, is spring wheat grown with success ? A. It is grown to a great extent in Canada, to some extent in Wis- consin, Michigan and northern Iowa, and wholly in Minnesota, and further north and west — the conditions necessary to success being a low temperature at its first stages of growth. Q. When wheat is sown in the spring is it usual to sow grass with it? A. Yes; just in the same manner as in the fall. Q. I think- I heard you drop the remark that you pastured your wheat in the sjsring (after it had well started to grow) with sheep. What was the advantage of that? A. The object in that is to take oti" all the old weather-beaten leaves and to feed it down as close as we possibly could, and the treading of the sheep compacts the roots of the wheat, while their droppings seiwe as a top dressing for it. This of course can only be done on Ught soils: on wet or sticky clay land it would be an injury. Q. At about what time, in your vicinitj-, do you turn on the sheep ? A. Just as soon as the fi'ost or snow is gone, and allow them to re- main until the end of April. Then we haiTow with a light harrow so as to stir the surface, after which we roll thoroughlj', being careful at that time, of course, that the land is dry enough, so that there may be no danger of dragging the roots of the wheat out of the ground. Q. "Wliat, in your opinion, is the best stage of the wheat for hai'\'esting? A. I always cut my wheat a week ahead of most of my neighbors, and p>vit it in shocks or " stocks," using a caj) sheaf, as, in my expe- rience, the grain by this process fiUs out in the shocks during that jieriod of time. If let stand until riise the grain shrinks. Wheat should alwaj's be cut before the grain becomes hard, and when you can easily crush it between the finger and thumb, or about the stage when the milk disappears, and the grain becomes firm, but not hard. Q. Is it usual in your vicinity for wheat to be put up in stacks or placed in barns, or is it threshed in the field ? A. I put my wheat in stacks in the field or in baiTacks so as to "sweat" it. As soon as it is through the process of sweating, I thresh it. The threshing is done by two-horse tread jjower. 74 How THE Faum Pays. Q. On yoiu" liigh priced lands and limited areas, as compared with the Western and other wheat fields, how do you tind wheat to pay as a farm crop ? A. It does not pay, because the manure and labor necessary cost too much, as we have to manure so heavily. But we sow wheat only to prepare for the after crop of grass. I raised last year forty bushels per acre, but the average in this section of the country is from twenty-five to thirty bushels. About 81.25 per liushel is afair average price for this section, then the straw is worth about $15.00 per acre. I sell no Btraw, but buy all I can get in this neighborhood at a fair value to use as bedding for cattle. Q. Are there any special varieties of wheat that you prefer to others'? A. I think that it was in 187G, when in Eui-ope, I brought back with me six bushels of a variety called Champion wheat. This I think was in paii the cause of my average of forty bushels per acre. The same wheat is now grown for miles ai'ound here. It weighed when I got it sixty-five pounds per bushel; last year it fell to sixty-one pounds, and this experience confirms me in the opinion that I have long helil: that change of wheat, as well as any other seed, should be made annually, as it is a benefit to the crop. Q. Would you make any preference in changing from Europe or to locahties in the United States ? A. No; I would much rather get my seed wheat from Ohio or Pennsylvania than from Europe, if I could get it as pure, but more care is certainly taken in Britain to keep varieties pure and true, than we do in this country. The best farmers of England and Scotland are so careful when they gi'ow for seed, that men are sent through the fields with sheai's to cut out all heads that are not considered to be true and genuine. By this precaution a uniformity is secured that cannot be obtained in any other way. (Mr. H.) I can well understand the necessity of that. In our business as seedsmen we have seeds grown in difliertnt sections of the country, and we find it necessary to have men devoted especially to the pui-poso of examining the crops — particular care being taken with crops such as peas, that are moi'e liable to degenerate from the tme types — to see that all " rogues," as they are called, or such plants as are of a different variety, are weeded out. Q. Under this head of Rotation of Crops, I will ask the question, Mr. Crozier, whether in your section, or the vicinity of New York, it is ever the practice to let one wheat crop follow another? A. No; it would not be advisable to follow such crops as wheat or corn year after year on the sanie land, and wheat particularly being Prevention of Rust and Smut. 75 a gi-eat feeder, the land would soon be exhausted. Another reason is, and it is true of a great many other crops, that when one of the same kind is continuously sown there is far more danger of injury hj insects or blight, as it seems to be a law of natvu'e that special plants are subject to the ravages of special insects or diseases, and the best way to get rehef fi'om their attacks is to change the eroj) as radically as possible from one kind to another; thus I would follow after a wheat crop with grass, or if that is not used, I would succeed it with beans, peas or some such cultivated crop. Q. Have you had any trouble with diseases such as rust or smut, or from insects or>. wheat? A. No; but where such trouble is apprehended, the best preventive I know is to soak the seed in strong brine for ten to twelve hours, after which au-slaked lime should be mixed thi-ough it in quantity sufficient to di-y the seed. The midge occasionally attacks wheat when sown in the fall, but not much in our section. I have under- stood that in western New York its ravages have been so great that farmers have been compelled to give up growing wheat, and after two years, duiing which the growth of wheat was suspended, the midge has disappeai-ed for twenty years afterwards. This proves, as you previously remarked, the benefit of rotation. In regard to mst and smut, these are not troublesome in this vicinity, and I attribute this exemption to i^roximity to the sea; for that reason I would ad\'ise in sections inland, where there is no saline atmosphere, if danger of rust is apprehended, to use from two to three hundred jiouuds of salt per acre, at time of the sowing. (^Ir. H.) I believe a very common and effective remedy is to steep the seed in a solution of four ounces of sulphate of copper in a gallon of water, this being enough for four bushels of seed. Q. Although the army worm is not a special wheat insect, yet as that crop has suffered gi-eatly fi'om its ravages on Long Island, what has been your most effectual remedy in preventing its attacks ? A. I have found a sure and certain protection against it by plowing ditches eighteen inches wide, by about ten deep, ai-ouud my wheat fields, and strewing lime in them to prevent the insect from crossing. To attain the same end, straw saturated with kerosene may be thrown in the ditches and ignited, but I do not consider that as good as Ume, because after the straw is biu-ned there is nothing then to prevent the worm crawling \ip on the other side of the ditch, while the hme, if carefully spread on so as to make an unbroken line, really is a time dead hne against then- fui'ther approach. The Western method in similar cases is to i^low such a ditch, and as the insects 76 How THE Farm Pays. gather in it to drag a log along it to crush them and loosen up the soil, the loose soil itself being a barrier. Q. In your vicinity what other crops are attacked by the army ■worm, besides wheat ? A. It seems to give preference to oats and grass, com and root crops being little injiu'ed by it. OAT CULTURE. Q. How do oats compare with wheat as a profitable crop V A. It is a more i^rotitable crop to me, as a stock raiser, than wheat. My method is to cut my outs while in the milky state, for the jjui-jiose of feeding dry in the form of hay. I have grown considerable oats on sod land that had been j^astiu'ed some yeai's pre\"iou.s. This I con- sider the best land for ^jrodueiug heavy oats, but it does not produce so good a crop of straw. Such land should be broken in the spring, as eai-ly as the gi'ound will admit. It should be plowed to a depth of five inches, the sod being turned under at an angle of forty-five degi'ees. I think, if my soil was a clay, I would plow the sod in the faU. Q. Is this plowing not shallower than the usual practice ? A. Yes ; and the reason for it is tliat the laud, having been pas- tured for years previous, has accumulated cow, horse and sheep manure, which I want as near the surface as possible ; and there is the sod, besides, which is better than all. Oats is a crojj that does not root deeply, foi-ming a sort of shallow, tufted root. Q. "Why do you laj' the sod over at an angle of forty-five degi'ees ? A. It then forms an angle or fuiTow into which the seed, when sown, falls, and works down in the space where the sods lap, and thus gets the benefit of the surface maniu'e as well as of the decaying sod. The seed is sown at the rate of four bushels to the acre, and the land is then thoroughly harrowed and rolled. Oats should be sown as soon as the ground is diy enough to be worked. Q. Is there not some danger of the harrow puUing up the sod ? A. There would be if it were haiTowed crosswise; but the harrow is iTin lengthwise of the fuiTow, and in this manner draws the soil into the crevices between the sods without tearing them up, after ■which we follow with the roller. Of this croj) I have taken off sixty-five bushels per acre, weighing thirty-eight pounds per bushel. The seed was imported potato oats. If marketed, the product would have brought fifty cents per bushel. After the oats had been harvested, which wjis about the middle of Julv, the ground Profitable Crops from Ten Acres. 77 "was jjlowed, harrowed, aad drills opened, tlirea and one-half feet ajiart, for fodder corn. Manure was placed iu Ihese drills to the depth of thi'ee or four inches. Planted with White Southern Corn at the rate 'of two bushels to the acre, lightly covered, and cultivated with a one-horse cultivator once a week untO. about foiu' feet high, no more labor being required until cvu-ing time. This late planted second crop is not so productive as the general fodder corn crop, which 3'ields with me about eight tons of dry fodder per acre. Part of the same land where the oats were grown was used for late or fall cabbage, and Cowhorn and Aberdeen turnips. The cab- bage was planted out in rows i5rej)ared in about the same manner as for the fodder corn. The rows were opened by the plow and a good fork full of maum'e which had been made thi-ough the summer was dropped two feet apart, and covered with a hoe. The j^lants being in the seed bed and strong, were well watered and lifted with a dung fork so as not to injvu'e the roots. The work of planting the cabbage was done late in the afternoon. The hUls were opened with the corner of a sharp hoe, the plant set iu, some soil drawn over it with the hand, and then stamped or firmed with the heel of the boot. In a few days, when the cabbage had straightened up, the soil was drawn around the plants with the hoe. Once more hoeing, and run- ning the plow through the furrows, was all the work they required. In haiwesting the cabbage, a deep fuiTow or trench was plowed, the cabbage j)ulled by the roots and tiu'ned into the trenches as close a.s they could be packed together. (See article on Cabbage.) My maniu-e being all consumed iu that portion of the field where I had planted the fodder corn and cabbage, I had to resort to bone meal for the turnijjs, which, however, I consider the most valuable fer- tilizer for that crop. This is used in the drills at the rate of 300 lbs. the acre. Drills were opened with a two-horse plow to the depth of nine inches, the bone dust was sown on the back of the furrow and the next furrow covered it to a dejjth of two or thi-ee inches. The turnips were di'illed in with a one-horse drill, taking two rows at a time, at the rate of two jDOunds of seed to the acre. The growth was so quick, that in two weeks we went through the field singling or thinning them. By " singhng " is meant thinning to one plant. This croi3 I believe produced over thii'ty-five tons jjer acre, and left the ground in tar better condition than it was when I commenced in the spring. The value of the turnip crop, if sold, would have been $3.50 per ton. Thus we see that on the ten acres with which I stai-ted in the spring by sowing a crop of oats, I obtained a net profit of more than $800, as shown by the table given, and this after counting the labor. It will be seen that I paid $1.00 per bushel for the imported 78 How THE Farm Pats. potato oats, while tlie jiroduct was sold for fifty cents per bushel, but if I had not so^^ti this imported seed, I would probably not have had more than half the yield per acre. Consequently it is evident that it was economy to use the hij^fh priced seed. PRODL'CT OF TEN ACRES. Value of Oat Crop, 650 bushels $325.00 Oat Straw, 10 tons 150.00 Fodder Corn, 5 acres, 40 tons 200 . 00 Cabbage, 2^ acres 175 . 00 Turnips, 2i acres, 87^ tons 306 . 25 $1,156.25 EXPENSES. Plowing, harrowing and rolling $30 . 00 Cost of oat seed for 10 acres 40 . 00 HaiTesting and tlu-eshing oats 45 . 00 Manui-e for fodder corn ... 100 . 00 Hai-vesting fodder corn 12 . 00 Seed 8.00 Manure for 2i acres cabbage 50.00 Planting, cultivating and han'esting 30.00 Cabbage seed 2.00 lilaniu-iug for 2 S acres turnips 10 . 00 Sowing, cultivating and hai-vesting 25 . 00 Interest on value of laud 30 . 00 $382.00 Net profit 774.25 $1,156.25 Q. In this estimate you have made no charge for yoiu- own work and skill iu superintendence. I pi'esume, with your experience, if your services were hired to another man on a farm of 200 acres they would be worth at least $10 per day. Would it not be fair to charge sometliing for the time you have spent in this superintendence, against this estimate ? A. No. The profit made on these crops represents the value of my time and work, and not only the vidue of my own work, but the increased vidue which my sujierintendeuce and direction gives to the Deterioeation of Seed. 79 work of ruv hiied workmen. I consider it a great mistake when a farmer has half a dozen men employed on different 2:>aiis of the farm to use his own time in manual labor, because it is only by ijroper direction and supervision that he can make the work of each man of the fullest value. (Mr. H.) In relation to that matter of importing oats, Mr. Crozier, I had recently a conversation with Mr. Wm. Saunders, Super- intendent of the Experimental Department of the Agricultural Bureau at Washington, in which he stated to me that he imported from Scotland for his experiments, I think, a variety known as Hope- toun oats, which averaged forty-four pounds per bushel. The first year after sowing, the product deteriorated to forty pounds per bushel; that product being sown the second year, deteriorated still further to thirty-five pounds per bushel, which again being sown was still fm-ther reduced to the normal condition of American oats of thirty pounds, or less, per bushel. These facts suggest the query whether it would not pay our farmers to imi^ort their seed oats, in order to get this Luij)roved quality and j)roduct. In my ojiinion there is no other way to do it; for no matter how carefully the selection of seed is made, deterioration -n-ill take place when a croj) is grown under circumstances uncongenial to it, as is the case with oats in nearly all parts of the United States and other warm climates, the nature of the jslant requiring a long season of growth, which can only be had in cool, moist localities. A Hfe-time spent in the practical study of horticultm-e, which is near akin to agriculture, has forced me to the conclusion that there is no such thing as the acclimatization of plants. The maize of the American continent resists all attempts to bring the croj) to matimty in the climate of Great Britain, while the oat gives comparatively abortive results when gi'own in oiu: half-tropical summers. Don't you think it would pay to import seed oats from Britain, so as to gain an advantage in the weight and product the first season here ? A. Yes; I think it would. I think imjioi-ted seed could be sown two seasons to advantage. I have had seed oats fi-om Nova Scotia, where the weight nins from thiiiy-eight to forty pounds per bushel, and planted them side by side with oats which I raised myself, pre- paring the ground in the same manner for both, and the Nova Scotia oats produced from eight to ten bushels per acre more than the common oats. Whether it was from the larger size of the imported oats or the change of cUmate I am unable to say. Probably both causes had something to do with it; for there it is well proven that change of seed of almost any farm crop is advantageous. To sum up : imported seed oats, costing even as much as $2 per bushel, wiU add 80 How THE Fakm Pays. one-fiftli or one-foui-th to the product Hence it will always be the most profitable to use such seed. Q. Ai'e oats ever affected with diseases? A. lu some unfavorable years oats are affected more or less with rust, but of late years smut has appeared very extensively in the oat crop, iu some locaUties almost destroying it. Upon this account it is advisable to treat seed oats in the same way as has been recom- mended on a pi'evious page for wheat. Q. Is barley gi-own to any extent in New York or adjacent States ? A. Not to a great extent. Q. Have you had any experience with it on Long Island ? A. I have sowed bai'ley several times, but did not find it to be a paying crop. The straw is not of much value for bedding on account of the beards, which are sometimes injurious when eaten, pai'- ticularly by sheep. Its culture, however, is wholly a question of soil; it wants a deeper and heavier soil than oats, as the roots strike deeper. Barley is grown to a great extent in western New York, and some places further west, and in Canada, to supply brewers. In Euro])e it was formerly grown for food, but has not been much grown in the last ten yeai-s, since our wheat has come so largely into use. It yields from thii-ty-live to fifty bushels per acre, but seldom lirings more than eighty or ninety cents per bushel. There are a few special points in its culture which requu-e attention or a full crop cannot be grown. The soil must be in good condition, well plowed and harrowed, and clean ; fall plowing, followed by a thorough working by the Acme harrow, or other cultivator, in the spring. The seed, at the rate of two to two and one-half bushels per acre, is sown as early as the ground is dry. In harvesting, the greatest cai-e is necessary to avoid damage by rains, as this sjioils the color of the gi'ain and unfits it for the brewer's use, and seriouslj' reduces its value. Barley is not bound in sheaves, but cured in the swath and lifted by broad wooden forks known as barley forks. This may be considered as one of those special crops fitted for special soils and circumstances onlj', and is only profitable when the crop can be perfectly well gi-own. CULTURE OK RYE. Q. In what waj' does the culture of rj'e differ fi'om that of oats ? A. "We can sow rj'e on our jioorest land ; but when grown on rich land it is a valuable crop, in some cases giving fi-om thirty to thirty-tive bushels prr acre, which sells at from twenty-five to thirty cents i)er CuLTDRE or Rye — Beans. 81 bushel less than wheat. The straw being valuable for various purposes, is shipped to the cities in large quantities. A great deal of rj'e is cut in the spring while green as our first soiling crop, the laud being immediately plowed and prej)ared for corn. This year a farmer in my neighbor- hood cut ofi' ten acres of rj-e, planted the ground in cucumbers for pickles and intends following with a wheat crop in the fall, thus • placing three crops in the ground in one season, as the cucumbers only take up about three months, and will jiay a profit of $100 jser acre after all labor and expense has been j)aid, I have known the straw of matured rye to produce two tons per acre, which brought $20 per ton in New York City. In the neighborhood of paper mills rye straw brings from $25 to $30 f)er ton and is largely grown for this purpose. As a bread grain it is next to wheat in value, and i^erhaps really more nutritious. Rye is largely used by farmers to seed down with in the fall, and I think it is jsreferable to wheat for this pui'pose, when about one and one-half bushels of seed per acre is used, as it protects the young grass through the winter and matures earlier the following summer, being generally cut two weeks in advance of wheat, thus allowing the grass to have freer growth at a season of the year- when it grows very rapidly, and also making good jjastm-e in the fall. As a soiling croj) it will be fuUy referred to ia the chapter devoted to that subject. THE CULTURE OF AMERICAN FIELD BEANS. Q. What soU, in your opinion, Mr. Crozier, is best adajited to the American field bean ? I use this distinction because of the fact that in every book, and in nearly every paper, where beans are referred to, it is the English bean that is mentioned, and not our bean, which is an entii-ely different j)lant. The Enghsh bean, as you are aware, is used for feeding horses only, while ours is whoUy used for human food. The plant which bears the English bean has a single straight, stift' stem, which bears several short, thick pods, each containing fovu- or five brown-skinned, hard, kidnej'-shaped, thick beans, as long and wide, but twice as thick, as our large white beans. A. Light, gravelly sods, which can hardly be made available for any other crop, wiU give a fan- j'ield of beans. They are a crojj that we plant after all other work in the spring is done. The land is plowed, harrowed and fiuTowed out thirty inches apart, and about two bushels of beans sown to the acre, by hand or seed drill. "^ATaen drilled, the seeds are dropped about eight inches ajjai-t ; when planted by hand it is usual to put thi'ee or four together at eighteen inches 82 How THK Fakm I'avs. apart ill the rows. Tbey do not require miieli iiianiire, or tliev will gi'ow too much to vines. Wc cover very litfhtly, never allowing them to be cultivated or hoed in damp weather. If worked in damp weather they will rust or "damjjoff"; but in dry weather weekly cultivation for the first month should be <:fiven. No more work is then required until the l>eans are ready to be haiTested. The usual way is to pull tliem up by hand and stack them around a pole eig-ht i)r nine feet hiij;li, which is stuck in the {ji-ound. In this way they may be left until taken to the barn and threshed and cleaned. Hai-- vesting beans by hand is a slow work and may do veiy well for small plantations. But when they ai-e gi-oiiNTi lai'gely, as they ai'e in some localities, where forty or fifty acre fields of them are not unusual, a machine is used for gathering them. This ingenious invention, which is the work of a fai'mer in New York State, is shown in the accomjianj-ing engraving. It j^ulls the beans, shakes the soil from the roots and leaves the beans iu rows behind it. It is drawn by one horse, which walks between the rows. Two-horse machines are made, which pull two rows at once. Beans usually bring iu market from $2 to $3 per bushel. I have taken forty bushels per acre oH' such land as above described. I may say, however, that there is considerable labor attendant upon the raising of tliis crop, both in the cultivating and tlu'cshing and cleaning for market, as, lieing used for human consumption, the sample requires to be perfect. But in the winter season, if they can be hand-picked at idle times, they are quite a ])rofitable crop. There is always a good demand for the Marro-wfat Bean. The "Pea Bean." as it is called, is smaller, but similar to the !MaiTowfat, is a better fielder and brings a better price, Buckwheat. 83 and is, in my opinion, more ilesii'able. It is of recent introduction. There is also the Navy Bean, used for naval stores, and the Red Kidney Bean, which brings usually twice as much as the white beans in the market; but as the demand for this variety is limited, the market is easily overstocked. It is a matter of economy in threshing beans to save the straw and j)ods, which are nutritious fodder for sheep and are readily eaten by them. BUCKWHEAT. (Mr. C. ) Buckwheat, although a grain of less importance than some of the others, yet takes its place among farm crops. It can be sown after barley, rj-e or oats are harvested, the ground being imme- diately plowed, haiTowed and about three pecks of seed sowed to the acre, and the ground thoroughly rolled. This crop being grown at a season of the year when the ground is often dry for weeks, the rolling which we have before insisted upon in many places in this work is absolutely imperative, or the crop will fail to germinate. Buckwheat, though, not a large producing crop, is often sown just to keep the laud in use for a j)artial cro]) rather than to grow a crop of weeds. The straw is worth nothing but for litter ; the grain, as is well known, is used largely for human consumption. It is also excellent food for fattening swine, and poultry prefer it to all other grains. A great many farmers plant largely of this crop to plow under as a green manure. I myself did so some twenty j'eai's ago on a twentj'-acre lot where the crop had grown so strongly that I was forced to roll it before I could plow it under. I am of the O23inion that it was an injury to the field, as it did not produce good croj^s for two or thi'ee years afterwards. Q. In what way do you consider it to have been injurious? A. Why, I do not know, I only marked the results ; but I was so well satisfied with that experiment that I would not again risk another trial. Many, I am aware, claim it is a valuable crop for plowing under, and I may be wi'ong in my conclusions from one trial, but I think not. (Ml-. H.) I cannot see why yoiu- experience in this way should have been so contrary to the general view and practice. I don't know of any reason why any vegetable matter plowed into the soil could be other than useftil. (Mr. C.) Buckwheat is a rather 2:)eculiar crop, and requii-es par- ticular care in hanesting and thi-eshing it. It has the habit of bearing ripe and half-matiu'ed seed and blossoms and buds all at the same time. The seed, too, is held hv a verv slender stalk, which 84 How THE Farm Pays. snaps very easily -when it is dry ; upon tliis account it is cut early in the day, when the dew is on it. For these reasons, the newly har- vested grain is moist and needs thorough drying. 'Vrhen it is cut it is raked up in gavels, which are not bound in sheaves, but are set up on end singly to dry. 'NMien the straw is dry, the crop is drawn in and threshed directly from the field, and the grain must be at once winnowed from the chafif, or, being quite moist, the chaff vrill heat and spoil the grain. A dry, windy day is chosen for threshing. The cleaned gi-ain also requii-es close watching to avoid heating in the bin, and it is usual to move it from one bin to another on a di-y, windy day, or shovel it over, for the jDuiiiose of airing and drying it. Buck- wheat is a sort of special crop, and as the tlour is used chiefly in the \«nter, the grain is usually sold as soon as it is thi-eshed. By doing this a higher price is secured and all the dangei^s of keeping it are avoided. There are four varieties of this grain : one is known in northern New England as Indian "Wheat or Merino Buckwheat, a small, wrinkled, dark, inferior grain ; the othei-s are the Black, the Gray, and the newly introduced Silver Hull, the Black being inferior to the other two. Crops for Souino and Fodder. 85 CHAPTER Y. CROPS FOR SOILING AND FODDER. (Mr. C.) The first of these in importance as regards time, in my opinion, is rye, which we have just discussed in a preceding chai5ter. I have commenced cutting it by the 10th of May, and by cutting it ■whUe young, or say three feet high, if wanted to cut the second time in about three weeks, a fau" feeding can be had, which will supply the wants of stock until lucern or clover or orchard grass is ready ; or oats and jjeas, which are ready for soiling usually by the 20th of June. When the oats and peas become hard or dry, fodder corn which has been planted the first week in May will take their place, and by sowing at inteiTals of one or two weeks up to the 10th of August, will give a continuous supply until frost. These are the dififerent kinds of crops used for soiling, named in the order in which they are ready to use for that purpose. Q. I observe, Mr. Crozier, that you do not mention having used tares or vetches for soUiug or fodder. A. I have tried to grow vetches for two seasons. The first season I imported seed of the Gray Vetch fi'om England and it was a complete failure. Well knowing that this is one of the best soiUug crops in Europe, I purchased the second year twenty pounds of seed which was grown in the vicinity of Montreal, Canada. This was a variety of Black Vetch, or tare, and did better, but was not satisfac- tory ; and hence, as far as my experience has gone, I have come to the conclusion that the vetch is not suited for our latitude, and I doubt much if it will be found suitable for any part of America, ■unless it be the extreme northern portion of Canada ; or j)ossibly in the Southern States, as a winter crop, for which the -winter variety would undoubtedly be found useful to supply green forage or pasture. I have also tried to my complete satisfaction, and to my sorrow let me add, the Prickly Comfiey, which I consider one of the biggest fi'auds that ever was perpetrated on the agricultui'al com- munity. Whether or not I had trained mj cows by careful feeding to be somewhat of epiciu-es, I do not know, but certain it is that they turned up their noses at the Prickly Comfrej' and would have nothing to do ivith it. 80 How THE Farm Pats. As tlie question of fodder for soiling is now one of vast importance to the breeder of fine stock, to the dairi-man, and last, but not least, to hiin who feeds his farm, we will endeavor to give as brieHv as possible the methods of culture of all the kinds in use. Where this crop is intended for soUing early in the sjjring, it should be sown the latter part of August or eaiiy in September, on very rich land. The ground should be thoroughly plowed and haiTOwed, but it is better not to use much coai'se manui'e, as it has a tendency to make the crop gi-ow soft and rank. I sow for soiling two bushels of seed per acre, as the ground is not intended to be seeded down. This will be fit to commence cutting by the 10th of May, before it heads out, and can be cut, if desired, a second time, giving a fail- crop. I think an acre of good heavy rye will feed twenty cows for one week at least, but great care must be taken not to give a full feed at first. My plan is to run it through the cutter and mix it with di-y hay or good wheat straw also cut, as this prevents any iujui'ious eft'ect upon the bowels, it being just the season when animals are changing their coats, as every animal in perfect health does at this time. .-Vs a feed for milch cows it produces purer milk or fat than any other soiling lilant I know of, when fed before the blossom is formed; if fed later it has been thought injurious to the butter, but I never feed it so late as that. Its earliness, coming in at that season between haj' and grass, makes it very valuable. Rye may be sown in succession up to November, or December even, increasing the quantity of seed sown, as the time is later. The last sowing maj- be made any time before the ground is fi-ozen, using four or five bushels per acre. In tliis case the seed does not sprout until sjning, and makes a spring crop, but one that is sown much eiu-lier than would be possible any other way. LUCERN. Q. You say that the next crop that you use for soiling, to follow- after rye, is Lucern, or Alfalfa, as it is sometimes called. You gave me some data a few montlis ago, which I have used in a rather exhaustive article on that subject, which we will insert here, after you have brielly given your own method of cultm-e. (^Ir. C. ) The land selected for Lucern should be a rich, deep, sandy or gravelly loam, where there is no fear of water standing. Crops for Soilin'o and Fodder — Alfalfa. 87 The land is plowed, then harrowed and rolled, early in the spiing. Then I sow at the rate of sixteen jjounds to the acre. It is sown broad- cast and covered with the brush harrow as early in the spring as the ground will admit being worked. For a soihng crop I do not use any mixtures. I sometimes cut it earlj' in the fall, getting a fair crop. I have even cut it the second time in the fall of the same season as sown, but that is a rare occurrence. The next season I have taken three or four cuttings from it. After reading the article that you have written on this subject I do not know that I can add anything to it. CULTURE OF ALFALFA OR LUCERN (MEDICAGO SATH^l.) [Written by Peter Henderson on his return from atrip to Florida in February. 1S83.] In a country so wide-spread and diversified as the United States, it is not to be wondered at that a crop that is valued in some local- ities is unknown in others. But it is somewhat surprising that, in many of the Southern States, where the want of forage is so much felt, the culture of a plant so admu'ably adapted for their soil and climate has so long been neglected. In a visit to Florida, in February, 1883, I was impressed, as every Northern man must be, with the utter dearth of forage plants, and as a consequence, the hungry and meagre, starved looking cattle. To my inquiries everywhere, the same reply was given that no good grass or clover could be found to stand the heat and drought of their long summers. Fortunately, in aUuding to the subject, while in the company of Mr. R. Bronson, of St. Augustine, Florida, he promptly showed a practical solution of the difficulty, by taking me to a j)atch of Alfalfa about twenty-five feet by one hundred, or only about the one-sixteenth p)art of an acre. From that little patch Mr. B. assured me that he had fed a cow during the summer months, getting as fine milk and butter as ever he got North; andfiuiher said that twice that area, or one-eighth part of an acre, would be ample to supply a cow with food during the entire season. The land used by Mr. Bronson for his expieriment with Alfalfa was identical with the thousands of acres in his immediate vicinity, which was given over to the Blue Palmetto and scrubby pines, thi'ough which the goat-like cattle browse out a miserable existence. Mr. Bronson, though only an amateur, is a careful observer, and an enthusiastic student in everything that relates to agriculture. In the culture of Alfalfa for Florida and other Southern latitudes, he advises that the crop be sown early in the fall — early enough to attain a height of four or five inches before growth is arrested by cold weather, in Florida say 'rom 1st to 1.5th of Octobei-. 88 How THE Fakm Pays. The soil best suited for the gi-owth of Alfalfa is that which is deep anil saudy ; hence the soil of Florida and niauj- other portions of the cotton belt is eminently fitted. The plant makes a tap root with few laterals, and its roots are often found at a depth of sis to eight feet, thus drawing food fi-om depths entirelj' beyond the action of di-ought or beat. WTien Alfalfa is to be grown on a large scale, to get at the best results, the ground chosen should be high and level, or if not high, such as is entirely free fi'om under water. Drainage must be as near perfect as possible — either naturally or artificially. This in fact is a primary necessity for every crop — unless it be such as is aquatic or sub-acjuatic. Deep plowing, thorough haiTowing and leveling with that valuable implement, the ' ' smoothing harrow, " to get a smooth and level sur- face, ai-e the next operations. This should be done in the Southern States fi-om 1st to 20th October — or at such season in the fall as would be soon enough to ensiu'e a growth of four or five inches liefore the season of growth stops. Draw out lines on the prepared laud twenty inches apart (if for horse culture, but if for hand culture fourteen inches), and two or three inches deej). These lines are best made by what market gardeners call a ' ' marker, " which is made by nailing six tooth-shaped pickets six or eight inches long at the required distance apart to a three by four inch joist, to which a handle is attached — which makes the marker or drag. The first tooth is set against a garden line drawn tight across the field, the marker is dragged backwards bj- the workman, each tooth marking a Hne : thus the six teeth mark six lines, if the line is set each time; b\it it is best to jilace the end tooth of the uiiU'ker in a line ah-eady made, so that in this way only five lines are marked at once, but it is quicker to do this than move the line. The lines being mai-ked out, the seed is sown by hand or by seed-drill, at the rate of eight to twelve pounds per acre. After sowing — and tliis rule applies to all seeds, if sowni by hand — the seed must be trodden in by walking on the lines, so as to press the seed down into the drUls. After treading in, the ground must l)e leveled by raking ^vitll a wooden or steel rake along the lines length- ways — not across. That done, it would be advantageous to use a roller over the land, so as to smooth the surface and further fii-m the seed, but this is not indisjiensable. When seeds ai'c drilled in by machine, the wheel presses down the soil on the seed, so that treading in with the feet is not necessary. After the seeds germinate so as to show the rows, whicli will be in from two to four weeks, according to the weather, the ground must be hoed between, and this is best done by some light wheel-hoe, if by hand, such as the " Planet, Jr. " On light sandv soil, such as in Florida, a man could with ease inin over two or Alfalfa, or Luceuk. 89 ALFALFA, OR LCCERN (>IEDICAGO SATIVA). 00 How THE Fakm Pays. three acres per day. The labor entailed in this method of sowing .-Ufalfa in drills is somewhat greater than when sown broadcast in the usual way of f^rasses and clover, but there is no question that it is bj' far the best and most profitable plan, for it must be remembered that the plant is & hardy perennial, and is <;ood for a crop for eight to ten years, iloreover, the sowing in drills admits of the crop being easilj' fertilized, if it is found ueeessai'v to do so ; as all that is necessary, is to sow bone dust, superphos- phates, or other concentrated fertilizer between the rows, and then stir it into the soil by the use of the wheel-hoe. In the ground of Jlr. Brouson, of St. Augustine, Florida, he found that the seed sown in the middle of October gave him a crop lit to cut in three months after sowing, and three heavy crops after, during the same year; and I have little doubt that in that climate and soil, so congenial to its growth, six heavy green crops could be cut annually, after the plant is fairly established, if a moderate amount of fertilizer was used, say 300 i)()uuds of superphosphate or bone dust to the acre- Mr. WiUiam Crozier, of Noithport, L. I., one of the best known farmers and stock breeders in the vicinity of New York, says that he has long considered Alfalfa one of the best forage crops. He uses it always to feed his milch cows and breeding ewes, particu- larly in prejiaring them k r e.Nhibitiou at fail's, where he is known to be a most successful competitor, and always takes along sufficient Alfalfa hay to feed them on while there. j\Ir. Crozier's system of cultiu'e is broadcast, and he uses some fifteen or sixteen pounds of seed to the acre, but his laud is unusually clean and in a high state of cultivation, which enables him to adopt the broadcast plan; but on the average laud it will bo found that the 2>lan of sowing in drills woidd be the best. Mr. Crozier's crop, the second year, averaged eighteen tons green to the acre, and about six tons when diied as hay. For his section — the latitude of New York — he finds the best date of sowing is first week in May, and a good cutting can be had in September. The nest season a full crop is obtained, when it is cut, if green, three or four times. If to be used for hay, it is cut in the condition of ordinary red clover in blossom; it then makes after that two green crops if cut; sometimes the last one instead of being cut is fed on the gi'ound by sheep or cattle. Mr. E. M. Sargent, Macon, Ga., writing to me under date March (ith, 1883, sajs : " I consider Alfalfa to be the most valuable forage plant that can lie used in this section of the country — that is, the entire cotton l)elt, or north of it — if the laud is sandy without a clay subsoil too near (ho surface. Planters are just beginning to AuALFA IN" New York and Geoeuu. 91 find out its merits, aud no poverty of stock will ever occur where Alfalfa is raised. In the summer of 1881, when everything else was j)arched here with heat and drought, this alone was prompt in its matui-ity for the mower. It should be cut for hay when in blossom, and can easily be cut three or four times here, wherever the land is in fairly good condition. "Those who do not succeed with it, sow it broadcast and surrender it to the hogs early in the season. Those who do succeed sow in drills, eighteen inches apart, and cultivate early." It wOl be seen that Mr. Sargent advises di-Uls much wider than we recommend, wliich I presume is to admit the horse-hoe, but a quicker crop undoubtedly would be got at foiu'teen inches aj)ai-t, and by use of the hand wheel-hoe, the work could be done on Ught soil nearly as quickly as by horse cultivator. Alfalfa is extensively grown in Europe, particularly in France and Germany, where it is considered a valuable crop for rotation, and is classed by the French as one of the Plantes Amelioranles (restorative crops) ; for in southern France wheat has been successfully raised after six or seven years of Alfalfa on ground which formerly had failed to give good crops of wheat. Although Alfalfa maj' be grown in cold latitudes as well as in warm, as the plant is entirely hardy, yet its value is not so marked in cold climates, where it finds competi- tors in Red Clover aud the grasses; but in light soils, anywhere, j^arti- cularly in warm climates, its deejj-rooting properties make it com- paratively independent of moisture; hence it is the forage jilaut par excellence for the Southern Statts; and when it is considered that im- mense sums are j)aid annually for baled hay, by the Southern to the Northern States, not only for the hay itself, but to freight it, the wonder is how long they will continue to do so, with the material at hand to produce a better article at probably oue-fomih the cost. At the date of our writing, thousands in Florida and other Southern States are engaged in the cultiu-e of oranges, and other fruits and vegetables, for the Northern markets — aud while in specially favored locations success has attended these enterprises, vet it is doubtful if one in four makes it profitable ; while, with the culture of this valuable forage plant, the vast sums paid for Northern hay would not only be saved, but the products of the dairy would assume an importance which now, among most farmers in the extreme Southern States, is altogether unknown. Q. If you were confined to one of these two crops, Mr. Crozier, which would you prefer to grow in your latitude, clover or lucern ? A. As a general crop I would use clover, because my land is better suited to it than it is to lucern. 92 How THE Fakm Pats. (Mr. H.) That is just the reason I asked the question, because, from tlie nature of the roots of the plaut, I sliould judge that it was more titted to the sandy soils of Florida and other Southern States, than to most of the loamy or gravelly soils of our Northern States. The appearance that it presented to me gro-w'ing in luxuriance at St. Augustine, indicated that on such a soil the roots must have penetrated to a gi-eat depth, or such vigorous growth could not have been shown. I should say that on such lands as at Yineland, N. J., or, in fact, anj'where where the soil is loose enough that you could push a walking stick down to the dejith of two or thi-ee feet, would be the soil for lucern. Q. Is there any peculiaiity in the method of cming it for hay ? A. I think it is more easily cui-ed than clover hay, for the reason that the stems are less succulent than those of clover. Q. Is any j^reference given to it by cattle over clover, either in a drj' or green state '! A. Cattle prefer lucern to any other crop I have ever fed, and I believe it to be as nutritious as any other ; the only reason I do not use it exclusively is, that some portions of my land are not suited to its gi'owth as well as to that of clovei'. CLOVER AND GRASS. Q. "WTiat is your method of culture for clover and grass mixed? A. The ground is jirepared in the fall of the year and sown to wheat or rye. In the spring we sow two bushels of orchard grass and twenty pounds of Mammoth Clover Seed, mixed, per acre. The wheat or rye being first well rolled in the spring, the mixture of clover and grass seed is then sown and the ground again rolled. In the fall a light cutting is made, wliich shoidd not l)e taken off, but left on the ground to protect the roots fi-om fi-eezing through the winter. Q. Then I understand that it is your practice never to cut the crop the first season of its growth, unless, as you say, a light cutting in the fall ? "What advantage is there in making that cutting in the fall V A. It protects the roots of the grass and young clover through the winter fi-om fi-eezing and thawing. If it were taken off the field, it would leave the roots so exposed that the frost in some soils would thi'ow them out. Q. "Would not the protection of the plant uncut be as good as the protection given by its being cut and left on the gi-ouud? I can understand where the advantage might be as a mulch if it could l)e distributed by the mower as to cover the whole surface of the ground evenly. Crops for Soiling and Foddek — Clover ajjd Grass. 93 A. The mower mil leave it level over the ground, and thus afford a useful protection for the roots. Besides, the cutting of the grass leaves the siuiace smooth and clear for the first spring cutting. Otherwise the dead grass, if uncut, would be in the way of the mower. Q. As this matter is a very important one, I should further ask j'ou to give as near the date as possible at which you cut and the height you cut, supposing the clover and grass to be one foot high ? A. I cut from the 1st to the 10th of October, and raise the machine fully four inches high, leaving, as I have before said, the crop on the ground as a mulch. The young shoots of the orchard grass and clover strike through it very early in the spring — so early that I had to begin cutting my general crop this year on the 9th of June, for hay. I could only use it for a soihng crop for about one week, as lucern lasted up until the time the clover was in blossom. Q. "What is the advantage of mixing the orchard grass in the clover for soihng ? A. The reason is that the orchard grass has the habit of growing in bunches, and the clover fills the vacant spaces and adds very much to the yield. Another reason, the orchard grass prevents the clover from falling down. A third reason, I know that cattle are fond of mixed foods. A still fiuiher reason, and the most important of all, is, that orchard grass and clover come into blossom at the best time for cutting. PEAS A^^D OATS. Another crop that I have used with great satisfaction for soiling is peas and oats, mixed. This is what some farmers call a " stolen " crop, because it is so cpiick in its growth and matures so early that it is slipped in between crops and is off in seven or eight weeks; and, besides, it cleans the land and prepares it for a crop of turni2:)8 or fodder corn. I plow, harrow and sow the peas about the end of March, and not later than the 15th of April, putting on three bushels of oats and two bushels of peas to the acre, sowing broadcast on the rough ground after plowing. The reason for sowing on the rough gi-ound before han-owing is that it gets the seeds deeper, which is a necessity, pai-ticularly with the peas. I would mention here that it is difficult to haiTow in peas, and would suggest the use of the Acme haiTOW to cover in this crop. After harrowing the ground is rolled in the usual manner, which answers the double purpose of firming it and smoothing it for hai-vesting. About the middle of June the crop is fit for feeding, and wiU last up to the 1st of July, when what is left is cut and dried in the same manner as hay, and jDut in the 94 How Tni; Faioi Pay^. havn, or in stacks iu the tield, puttiii;;' about eight or ten two-horse loads iu a stack, where it remains lor winter use. In the winter the fodder is carted to the bai-n, ran through the cutter and mixed with such other feeds as will be hereafter stated. Q. How does the weight of this crop compare with clover cut and dried at the same date ? A. I had a field of ten acres of peas and oats which produced forty tons of well cured fodder. Although the conditions were not so favor- able, the weight of the peas and oats exceeded that of the average yield of clover fifty per cent. The land which I sowed with peas and oats was not so fertile as the clover land, because the former crop does not requii'e so much manui'e, as the land is manured hea^•ily, after the crop is harvested, for a succeeding crop of fodder corn or turnips. Q. Then w'ould you consider the hay of jieas and oats is worth as much, ton for ton, as clover hay? A. I consider it worth one-half more than clover, for, while clover haj' is worth fi-om $8 to $10 per ton, I would pay $15 per ton for hay of peas and oats. I prefer it for either cattle or horses. There is no other feed that you can give to a farm horse that will cany him through the spring better than peas and oats, as this fodder is ex- ceedingly nutritious. Q, Why, then, is a crop that is only thi-ee months in the ground and that can be grown on poor soil, and which you say is superior to clover hay, not more generally cultivated ? A. It is a crop that was almost unknown iu this country untO within a few yeai's past, although I have been growing it here for twenty years ; but you know how slowly the average fai-mer takes to a new crop, and further, it must be sown very early or it will not succeed so well, and farmers as a rule do not get their- crops in early enough. I am glad, however, to saj- that the use of peas to mix with oats for this purpose is increasing very rapidly, and the crop will soon be popular. Last season the demand was far greater than could be supplied. Our ehmate has peculiar advantages for such a crof). It takes the place conijileteh- of the tare or vetch so much used in Eiu-ojie, our dry, Inight weather in July being peculiarly suited to cure and make of it a sweet hay crop. The varieties used are the Canada araj pea, and the black eye marrowfat for the second crop. Q. "What is the best stage for cutting peas and oats for hay ? A. I cut for hay while the grain of the oats is in the milky state ; at that time the peas are just passing the blossom and iu their best stage for cutting. Crops for Soiling and Fodder — Cow Pea and Millet. 95 Q. Have you ever attempted the culture of tlie Southern Cow Pea? A. I planted twelve bushels one season that were sent me by a friend in Charleston. From the way it had been spoken of in the agricultural journals I expected to have a good soihng crop from it, but when I came to feed it to my cows they snuffed and tossed it around, but would not eat it. When I found they would not touch it I plowed it under as a manure crop. I well knew the estimation in which it is held at the South and for that reason was all the more disappointed. Whatever the cause, it is certain that my cattle refused to eat it, and it may be that the Southern cattle not having so much choice of food have become accustomed to it, but, as far as my observation has gone, the appeai-ance of the cattle in the South is not such as to show that this is a good fodder plant, as they bear no comparison with oiu- Northern stock ; and I woidd advise our Southern friends to compare, under fair tests, our forage of peas and oats with this Southern Cow Pea. But, as has been before stated, lucern is the best of all fodder crops for the southern part of the country. JULLET. Q. Have you made any trials of any of the millets ? A. I have used the German millet and do not like it very well. It is coai'se and the seed is too hard to digest. I have grown a groat deal of Hungarian miUet, or " grass," as it is commonlj- called. It makes very good winter food when cut before the seed rij^ens. If cut when in bloom before it goes to seed Hungarian grass is an excellent crop. It, too, may be called a " stolen " croj), as it can be sown and cut in condition for hay six weeks after sowing, and may be sown after the hay or oat crop has been taken off, which is far better than to let the land go to weeds. No good fai-mer should suffer his land to gi-ow weeds. For one reason, because of leaving it too long and stocking the soil with the seeds ; for another, that he may grow a useful crop hke this, or some other, just as well as a crop of weeds. I have known as much as four tons of dry hay to be taken off per acre from Hungarian gi-ass, in sis weeks from the time of sowing. No other crop will stand the heat so well as this. It is just here that I may raise my voice in warning against the common practice with fanners of going over too much land. One hundred acres judiciously tilled win bring a greater jjrofit than 200 acres tilled in a sliijshod way ; for with this crop we are just speaking of, after a crop of oats, or wheat, or rye, has been taken fi-om the ground, there is yet plenty of time. And it is just the time to plow and sow with it, because of 9f) How THE Farm Pays. all plants it luxiu'iates the best in Lot weather, ami may be grown on fairlv good to the richest soil, but, of coui'se, ^^■ith corresponding results. Common miUet difl'ers from Hungarian grass only in the form of the head or panicle, which is looser and more open than the spike of Hungarian grass. The awns or beards of millet are softer than those of Hungaiiuu gi'ass, and on this account the miUet is better liked by some farmers, who beUeve that Hungarian grass is injurious to horses, and with, j^erhaps, some reason, on account of its short, stiff, sharj) awns. The amount of seed of either kind sown is a jjeck to half a bushel per acre. Another important fodder plant, to a limited extent, is Pearl Millet, which I tried several years ago; but as 3'ou, Mr. Henderson, have got some notoriety by youi- experi- ments with it at that time, and some blame too, I think if you have no scruples in the matter it would be well to give such information in regard to it as your experience enables you. (Mr. H.) Pearl Millet isnow wellknown all over the country, especially in the Southern States, where it goes by the common name of Cat Tail MiUet. In 1878 I determined to give it a thorough trial, and i)re- pared a piece of good gi'ound, as if for a root crop, by manuring at the rate of twelve or fifteen tons to the acre, jjlowing deeply and harrowing. The seed was sown in diills twenty inches aiiaii, at the rate of foui' to five pounds to the acre. The seed was sown about the middle of May. When the plants were up a cultivator was iim tlirough the rows, and the growth became so rapid that no further cultiu'e was necessaiy. The fii'st cutting was made forty-five days after sowing; it was seven feet high and covered the whole ground. The crop, cut three inches above the ground, weighed, as cut, at the rate of thirty tons per acre ; dried, six and one-half tons per acre of hay. The second gi'owth, cut forty- five days from the time of the fii'st cutting, was nine feet high, and weighed at the rate of fiftj'-five tons to the acre fresh, equal to eight tons di-ied. The last growth started rapidly, but the cool weather retarded it, so that the last cutting only weighed ten tons green, and one and one-half tons dried. The total yield was as follows: First cutting, in forty-five days, gave thirty tons gi'eeu, or six and one-half tons dry; second cutting, in forty-five days, gave fifty-five tons gi-een, or eight tons dry; third cutting, in forty-five days, gave ten tons green, or one and one-half tons dry ; in all being ninety-five tons green fodder in I'M) days, equal to sixteen tons of hay. These results, published at the time, gave rise to some severe criticism by persons who had failed to do as well with the crop as I had done. But it should l)e remembered that the conditions under which an experiment is made are essentially necessai-y to a successful Crops fob Soiling A2iv Foddek — Corn. 07 repetition of it, and if these differ in any respect, and esjjecially if they are inferior, failure is apt to result. A,'! 1 have had many inquiries as to the best manner of drying Pearl Millet for " hay," I would say that oui' crop was sown in a soUd block, so that when cut it had to be removed from the land where it grew, and tied in sheaves, and hung up on an extemijorized rail fence until cured. This jjlan of coui'se would not answer on a large scale, as the crop is so enormous that such an expedient for drying would be too expensive both for labor and rails, and as it is too heavy and succulent to be diied hke Timothy and Clover, on the ground where it is cut, it must be removed, for to attempt to dry it where it grows would destroy the second crop. Cii'cumstances, of course, must in a great measure be a guide, but we would suggest, that when gxown for the purjiose of being dried, that it be sown in beds, say twelve feet wide, with alleys sis feet between, where it may be dried ; this, of course, would be a loss of one-thu-d of the land for the first crop, but it would be little or no loss of crop in the second, for the mOlet would spread so as to fiU up all the six feet of alley. FODDER CORN. Q. I believe, Mr. Crozier, you hold that one of the most valuable crojjs for soUing purposes is fodder corn. Please state what is yoiu" mode of ctdtui'e and experience with this crop ? A. In my hands fodder corn has been such a successful crop that it seems useless for me to attempt to grow anything else of the same natui'e. I consider it to be above all others the most valuable for soUing purposes, on account of the great length of time we can feed it in its gi-een state, from Julj' until fi'ost, and at the very time when in most cases grass and all other green feed is withered and dried. As this, in my estimation, is a crop of such vast imjoortance, I wiU give in detail my method of cultiu'e, which is as follows : I have found that to obtain the best results with this crop the land should be plowed in the fall and left to the action of the fi-ost aU winter. About the middle of April I haiTow and strike out fiuTows three and oue-haLf feet aj)art. This is done with a home-made implement called a ' ' fuiTow marker," which has two triangular teeth, and makes two fiUTOws at once, six inches deeji and ten wide, thus making a gi-eater width of row thfin could possibly be done with the plow. (See illustration.) Manure is di-opped in the furrows at the rate of twenty wagon loads of good compost to the acre. If manui'e cannot be had, the best artificial fertihzer that can be x^rocui-ed should be used instead, at the rate of 98 How THE Farm Pats. 500 pounds per acre, sowed in the furrows. Two bushels of White Southern Corn is sown per acre, or a good handful to every step. I have found this yariety to be the best for soihng. The work of spreading the manure in the fuiTOWs, sowing the corn and coveiing, should all follow each other in quick succession, so as to prevent the land or manure from drying up before the crop is in. The brush haiTow with the brash taken out (shown on a previous page) is the best implement to be used to cover the gi-aiu Ughtly. I formerly cov- ered with the plow, throwing a fui-row up to each side of the diill; Init I find that the lighter it is covered, the fi-eer it is from rot or injury. After coveiing, it is rolled in the usual manner. In this section the first crop is sown about the last of May and others every two weeks in succession until the middle FUiiKUW S of June, when I put in a larger ciuantity for drying for winter feed. It is cultivated once a week untU it gets too large for a horse to pass through it, which will be with that sown in May about the fii-st week iu July, and for that sown in June, about the 1st of August. No more work is required uutU the corn is ready to cut and cure, which is from the Ist to the 1.5th of September, the corn at this time being tasseled out, and in the best stage for curing. I formerly cut with a mowing machine, taking two rows at a time ; but of late years I have found that it is more expensive and entails more labor to gather it and shock it, after the machine, than when cut with corn hook and carried direct to the shock. Each man takes two rows at a time, cames his armful to the shock, which should be close by, jilants it as straight on the end as possible, and so on until there is about 500 pounds in the shock. We then take a strong hemp rope, with an eye in one end, through which the other end is passed, and draw it tightly around the middle of the shock, and then Fodder Corn — How Ciieed and Used. 99 tie or bind the top of tlie shock with a rye straw band, in such a way as best to shed the rains. A letter to the Milwaukee Sentinel in June of 1883 says: " Hon. Geo. F. Lord, of Elgin, keeps 100 cows on 300 acres of land, and has not raised a pound of hay for years. The corn is sowed in drills three and one-half feet apart, and about the time it blossoms it is cut with a self-raking reaper, cutting one row at a time, the machine throwing it off in gavels. When sufficiently wilted it is bound and set in large stacks and allowed to cure standing on the ground until winter sets in, when it is hauled to the barn. He secures a yield of about seven tons of cured fodder to the acre, worth as much as the best hay. He is one of the most successful dauymen in Illinois. " In the latitude of New York, it will keep shocked ui the open field through the winter until spring. If it is not convenient to leave it in the field after it is dried and cured, which is usually three or four weeks after it is shocked, it should be bound uj) in sheaves and carted to the barn, or stacked or put in sheds convenient to where it is to be used. My plan in feeding is to run it through the cutter worked by horse power, and mix it with cut hay, or peas and oats, and pulped or crushed roots, adding a little salt. We cut enough at one time to last for a week, unless the weather be warm, as the crushed roots would then naturally ferment. The roots when jjulped or cmshed are in the same condition as apples when they come fi-om the cider press. In this state, they satui'ate the cut fodder better than when chopped up by the ordinary root cutter. A machine known as a " Root Pulper " is used almost exclusively for that purpose in Britain, but I think few of them are in use here. For cutting roots for a few cows, a useful cutter is made as follows: A heavy steel blade is made in the shape of a x and fitted to a strong handle ; the roots are put in a feed box and chopped up with it very quickly. About twenty- five years ago when riuming a milk farm I steamed aU the feed for the cattle, but it was mixed in the same way. I found some ad- vantage in the saving of feed, and, iu fact, continued steaming up to 1876. While visiting Europe and consulting with stock raisers there, I found they had abandoned steaming feed for then- breeding animals, and on my return home I made the change from steaming to this mode of feeding, and have fovmd it to be most beneficial, not only in the saving of labor, but the stock do much better. The calves are bom stronger and healthier. The cows produce more butter, but not so much milk, as when fed on steamed feed. Q. What is your estimate of the value for feeding puiiioses of Timothy hay or Orchard Grass hay as compared with fodder com? A. I consider fodder corn for feeding isurposes to be more 100 How THE Fabm Pays. viduable than Timothy, as the grass is too harsh for the animals, and I think that well cured fodder corn, with the mixtures heretofore mentioned, is equally as good, pound for pound, as Orchai'd Grass, or "peas and oats," or any other of the best hays. Q. Why, then, if it is equally valuable, do you grow the hay grasses at all, as their weight is less than hiilf, per acre, that of the fodder com? A. It would not be practicable to grow fodder com exclusively upon the majority of farms. Growing the grasses is a necessity for the rotation of crops, and when once seeded down they will last for several years without any further cost, except that of a top di-essing, which cost, of course, enters into the question, every time, when com or other crops are gi'owu, specially for fodder. FEEDIXG SOILING CROPS. Q. In feeding the green crops, Mr. Crozier, that you use for soiling, in what condition are they fed to the stock — are they fed fresh and green, as they are cut '? A. They ai-e cut in the morning for feeding in the afternoon or next morning. I think it is better to let them wilt — they are not so ai)t to act unfavorably upon the bowels; and I find that cattle will eat their food with better appetite, and give more milk, when it is wilted, than when it is given fi-esh cut. "When the fodder is cut, it is simply left on the gi'ound until it is brought in for feeding. Q. Would there be any danger of injm-y if too much of it were fed green to the stock ? A. It is very apt to bloat, or blow, as it is called, paiiiculai-ly if cut when wet. When too large a quantity is taken into the stomach, gases are evolved wliieh cause death, if the animal is not reheved. It is always better, as a means of precaution, to mix -with the green feed ten per cent, of cut hay or straw. Q. Do you continue to use this mixture of cut hay or straw with such croj)s as you use for soiling thi'oughout the entire season ? A. No; only until we get the bowels regulated, being careful not to :nake the change too quick fi'om the mixture to tlie gi-ecn feed. Q. Then, when you are regularh' under way with the soiling fodder, do you use that exclusivelj' ? A. Yes; but we give in addition bran, and sometimes meal, according to the condition of the cattle. If they are in fuU milk we give both bran and meal, fi-om seven to ten pounds per day to each, according to size of the cow. This is always mixed with some of the fodder cut. If they are coming into calving, we do not give any- Feeding Green Ckops — Bloating. 101 thing but the soiling; but we are very cautious to commence light, and increase the feed, gradually the first week, although I feed so much mangels and other roots, that the sudden change is not so much as it would be if hay or dry food alone were fed. Q. When the cattle have become completely imu'ed to the soiling do you give them as much feed as they can consume ? A. Yes; I give them aU they ^vill eat clean without leaving any. Q. ^Vhat is the indication when an animal has become " blo\vn " by having had too much wet green feed? A. The animal becomes restless, lies down and gets uj) and down again; breathes short and quick, indicating distress; her side is extended as high as her back, and sometimes higher than her back- bone. Q. In such cases is death inevitable it no remedy is used '? A. It is; but we fortunately have efl'ective remedies. The quickest and best is, perhajis, the trochar and cauula, which is driven into her TKOCHAR AND CA2fIILA. i it is -withdrawn. left side, near the short rib. This instrument is made with a scab- bard or cover, as shown in the accompanying cut; this is left in the wound untU all the gas has escaped. It is then taken out, and the skin closes over the wound in the stomach, which, with the wound in the skin, soon heals, without any ill effect. Q. When taken in time is the trochar certain to give rehef ? A. Yes; immediately. Q. Is there not danger of injuiing the animal by use of it in inex- perienced hands ? A. There is some danger, and I would not advise an inexperienced person to use it. A very simple and safe remedy is to saturate a horse blanket thorouglily with cold water, and throw it across the loins and back, and pour cold water over it. I have known this to give immediate relief. Q. But in the hands of an experienced cattle man what remedj' do you consider the best? 102 How THE Farm Pays. A. I always use the trochar myself, which I think affords the speediest and surest relief. Another remedy is to give brewer's yeast to the animal. It is a sure remedy if it can be had fi'esh. A quart of the yeast, given at once, acts as a jDui-gative very quickly, and so reheves the animal. Another easy remedy is to put a short round stick, about two inches thick, crossways between the animal's jaws, in the manner of a bit, and fasten the ends to the homs, draw- ing it close up. This causes the cow to make efforts to reUeve herself of it, holding up her head, and gives the gas a chance to escape. The trochar and canula, however, affords the most certain rehef. The puncture is made at a spot half way between the last rib and the hip bone, on the left side, and a little below the line of the hip bone. The dii'ection of the instrument should be downwards, so as to avoid injiu-ing the kidney. The swelling is always the gi-eatest just at this spot. Q. To get at a right understanding of this important matter of soiling, please state at what season of the year you begin and your method of feeding it? A. I begin to feed about the middle of May with rye, which, as lias been stated before, is the first green feed. I feed about seven o'clock directly after milking in the morning, feeding a little at a time, until they seem satisfied. "What is left is taken fi-om before them and the mangers cleaned ready for the next feeding. They are fed again at noon and at four- o'clock in the afternoon. At six o'clock they ai-e milked, turned into the paddock for a night's rest, where they enjoy the fresh, cool air, and are fi'ee fi'om the annoyance of flies. This pro- cess of soUing the cattle is continued until the middle of November, if frost and cold weather keep off so long; and very often later, as I often plant a few acres of late cabbage, and sometimes a portion of them do not head up, and ai'e in that condition used for soiling, the same as any other gi-een fodder. Field pumi^kius are used late in the fall in the same manner, broken up with an axe, and fed to the cows once a day. The cabbage and the pumpkins then -will carry us sometimes to the end of November, according to the season, but we generally make it a point to begin our regular winter feed about the middle of November, which is done in the following manner: Dried fodder corn, or hay made from oats and jjeas, orchard or other grasses is cut, and mixed with crushed roots, which have been run through the machine known as the ' ' pulper " until they are of the consistence of apples ground for cider, enough being mixed to last a week at a time. The whole is mixed with a little salt (bone meal at times), bran and ground oats and corn, and lately I have used with gi'eat advantage a little cotton seed meal. There is nothing arbitrary in the quantities used of Economy of Soilisg. 103 these, which we may call condiments, but the main articles, the cut hay and the crushed roots, are used about in the joroportion of a cart load, or thirty bushels, of the roots, to a ton of the provender. It is then thrown in a heap on the barn floor and allowed to ferment enough to make it sUghtly warm, as I find it is a great advantage to give warm feed to milch cows in the winter. The quantitj' given to each cow of average size is a common bushel basket full twice a day, unless she is in full milk, when she is allowed a httle more as may be thought necessary. At midday I give them hay after they have been watered in their stalls, the water being shghtly warmed, as I find that if permitted to drink cold water, the change would make a loss of several pounds of milk per day with each cow. Practically this may be found difficult or inconvenient upon farms, which are not well provided with the faculties for warming the water. In such cases, however, it may be quite easy to take care that the water troughs are kept free from ice or snow in the winter season, and to give the cows only water that is fresh drawn from a well or a cistern. The troughs should be emptied as soon as the cattle are watered, by means of a hole in the bottom, stopped vrith a plug, and covers provided for them to prevent them becoming fUled with snow. Well water is rarely colder than fifty or forty-five degrees, and this temperature is not injurious. (Mr. H. ) I have heard objections made to this practice of soUing by some persons, on account of the extra labor involved in it. I can- not see it in that hght. I have been told, on the other hand, that this extra labor is by no means so great as some think it to be, especially when a weU arranged system is practiced. For instance, take a farm where thirty cows are kept. Each feed amounts to forty pounds for each cow — that is, 1,200 pounds in all — which is a moderate load for one horse. A smart boy or a man takes a team and wagon to the field. A mowing machine is kept there. This I would say should be covered with a waterproof sheet when not in use. The horses are put to the mower and the fodder is cut. One, two or even three feeds ahead may be cut, to provide against rainy days. The load cut on the previous evening is loaded, and hauled to the barn. This is the work of an hour or perhaps more, but ceiiainly not two. The wagon is drawn into the feeding passage and the load thrown off, or it may be put du-ectly into the feeding racks, but it is preferable to have one or two feeds ahead in the bai'u. In this way half the time of a man might be taken up daily in getting the feed for thirty cows. The rest of his time may be profitably taken up in caring for them in other ways, and in caring for the manm-e. This will cost about three cents a day for each cow. The saving in manure wiU pay that, while the saving in the feed will pay even more. For 10-1 How THE Farm Pays. smaller heida the cost in proportion is even less, as one boi-se and a boy ■will do all tlie work. (Mr. C.) This view is undoubtedly con'ect and the description of the woi-k is a fau- one. In farming, all the work that can be done usefully adds to the profit, and no lai'mer should be afraid of soiling because it involves some little additional work, when this work pays so well for itself. Q. How long- do you continue to turn the cattle out at night ? A. On account of the danger of sudden cold storms coming up at night and of white frost on the grass, we do not usually leave them out later than the middle of September, to remain all night. M'ti then change to feed morning and evening, and tui'u them out at mid- day, keeping them in the stables at night, as at that season of the year we always expect these sudden changes, in this northern latitude. Q. Do you give them exercise in the severe weather ? A. I have had my animals in the stables thi-ee months at a time without ever letting them out of the stalls, for the reason that cows with calf are apt to be abused by the other cows, and if they are fresh in milk, the less exercise they have, the more milk they will pro- duce, as they ai-e more contented when in their stalls and at rest. It is a common practice with many farmers to let their cattle run about the stack yards all winter through. In the spring they are in a sad condition from jDoverty, and httle can be expected from them the fol- lowing summer. Many persons get the very mistaken idea that cows should have a chance to get out to lick themselves. This I think is a great inj\iry to the animals and is one of the most fruitful sources of bad health, because thoy lick the hair ofl' themselves, and of course swallow some of it. When it gets into the stomach it remains there, and impedes the fi'ee action of the bowels, sometimes gathering into hard balls and producing death. Instead of pennittiug the cow to lick herself or to be licked by her companions, I use a curry-comb and stifi" brush, which are appUed twice each day so vigorously as to remove all loose hair, and keep the pores of the skin open. If this is done a cow %vill never attempt to lick herself. This enables the con- stant perspu-ation from the skin to pass off in a proper manner, which greatly helps the health of the cow and indeed has a considerable effect upon the purity of the milk. Q. Do not cows requii-e a certain quantity of salt with then- food? A. I give a small handful of salt and tine bone meal mixed half and half, every morning, after their cribs axe cleaned out. For the first few times a new comer does not like the bone meal; but as soon as she gets a taste of it she looks for it as regularly every morning as her feed. In the spring of the yeai- the old practice was to bleed; Abortion in Cows. 105 tut instead of bleeding, wliich at times is a useless and injurious practice, especiall^y ■when done ■nithout jii'oper knowledge, I give salts aoid sulpliiu- to cleanse and jjurifj' the blood. The proper quantity for a full-grown animal should be one-half pound of salts and two ounces of sulphiu-, which is made into three doses and a dose given every two days. In connection with this matter of allowing cows to ran in the barn-yards, it is, in my opinion, one of the great causes of ABORTION IN CATTLE. I am constantly receiving letters inquiring as to the cause of this disease (for it has unmistakably shown itself to be a disease under certain conditions), and the permitting of cattle to run in the barn- yards, where they have the chance to push, butt and abuse each other, is, I am confident, in many cases, a frequent cause of the trouble; and once this disease gets into the herd, it is almost impos- sible to get rid of it until it has infected the entu'e stock. A farmer known to me had some twenty abortions amongst his fine herd of Jerseys this season, and only saved a few calves from cows that were on a distant farm. He told me that he had wiitteu to nearly every prominent breeder in the country to find out the cause, besides stating his case in several of the agricultural jom-nals, but without get- ting any satisfactory reply. A letter received from him a few daj's ago stated that he had found that it was a heifer that he had pui'chasedinthe summer of 1882 that had brought this serious disease into his herd, entail- ing aloss of thousands of doUai"s. In my oijiniou, the probable cause was that the rest of his cows had set upon the stranger and gored her and hurt her, and in this manner caused her to abort. His yard, I think, is not more than 100 feet square, in which he kept thiiiy head of cattle. The yard was littered with salt or marsh hay, probably three feet deep. On this the herdsman would scatter the corn stalks or hay for the cattle, and the result was that the master cow would attack the one nearest her, and so on until all were bruised less or more. I beheve this very imj^roper manner of feeding has now been changed, and the animals are kept in box stalls. Q. Abortion, I beUeve, Mr. Crozier, is generally sujjposed to be first brought about by mechanical means. How do you account for its being infectious '? A. It is probably caused by the taint or smeU from the afterbirth, which always follows an abortion. The best preventive from infection from this odor is for the herdsman to promptly use his l)est judgment in relieving the cow from the placenta, being careful to bury all of it 100 How THE Farm Pays. bevond possibility of odor arising. Thorough disinfection of the stable, bv burning sulphur in it in some careful and safe manner, is also important, to destroy the germs of the disease. The infected cow should also be removed from the herd for several days. This disinfecting of stables -w-ill be found useful in all cases of eijidemic diseases. For a stable of twenty cows one or two jwunds would be required. Injections, thi-ee times a day, of a pint of bl(x)d warm water with ten drops of carbohc acid, should be given, for the purix)se of cleansing the cow which has aborted. My own experience in this matter, I am happy to say, has never been such as to give me much annoyance, ha\-ing been in the habit of taking suitable precautions. I am so confident that cows in a condition of pregnancy are abnormally sensitive to the foul odoi-s from decomposing animal matter, that the slightest taint of it in our stables is at once hunted up and removed, and this is particidai-ly the case with all the liner class of animals, such as A^Tshires, Jerseys or Holsteins, or any of the high bred or thorough- bred animals, as they ai'e seemingly more sensitive to such impres- sions than the common stock. For this reason I consider it to be one of the most dangerous things for any stock breeder to permit the placenta, even from sound cows, in ordinary cases, or any other sinular animal matter, to remain for a moment longer than is actually necessaiy to remove it. It should be at once removed and buried deep enough so that no odor can be emitted from it. Eats or mice, for this reason, should never be poisoned; the simplest remedy is plenty of cats. If rats are exceedingly troublesome the following plan is recommended : get a box ti-ap and catch one ; then paint it all over with gas tar, excejat the head, which must not be touched, putting as much tar upon the body as you can get to stick, and take it to its hole and let it run in. Cai-e must be taken not to hurt the rat in any way, and not to get the t-ar into the eyes or mouth, as it must be able to i-un through all the holes in the yai-d. If half a dozen are caught and so treated, all the better chance of their being banished. (Mr. H.) There is no doubt that this disease is exceedingly trouble- some and occasions serious loss. It is not confined, either, to any one breed of cattle, although, perhaps, the Jerseys are the most sub- ject to it, for cases occur quite numerously in dauies where only native cattle aie kept. I am inclined to beheve that, while you are correct as fai- as yoiu- experience goes, yet you do not go far enough ia your explanation of this dangerous, and sometimes mj-sterious, disease. I have heard of cases in which the calves of a whole herd have been lost, when there has been no known mechanical cause for it. In these cases the abortion was emphatically a disease. In con- sulting a standaid work on veteiinarv surgerv", by the leading Causes op Abortion. 107 authority in the world (Prof. Geo. Fleming, whose work on Veterinary- Obstetrics is a test book in the colleges), I find this disease has been a source of trouble for many years, especially in dailies, in many places the losses averaging seventeen, and even twenty-five, per cent, every year, imtil prevented. As any one who reads the leading agricultural papers may see, the losses (which, however, are not pubUshed in the majority of cases, for obvious reasons) among the higher classes of dauy cattle are exceedingly numerous, and, some- times, are almost ruinous. It becomes, therefore, of serious import- ance to know something as to how this disease occurs and how to prevent its occuxrence; for as to ciu'e, any person can understand that that is out of the question, because the evil is, necessarily, past cure. Prof. Fleming says this disease is either sporadic (or accidental) or epizootic (or communicated and contagious, or due to widespread causes operating over an extended space at the same time). The causes are external or internal. Of external causes he enumerates, atmospheric influences; irregular seasons; depressing effects of con- tinuous bad weather; cold suddenly apphed to the skin, as by a sudden cold storm in hot weather, or exposiu-e to rain or sleet in. the winter, or exposure to frosty nights after warm autumn days. The food and water often cause the trouble. Frosty herbage and very cold water, by suddenly chilling the stomach, affect the foetus, and cause its death and premature expulsion. Indigestible food, or food that is too concentrated and disturbs the digestive organs and causes bloating or disorders of the blood, also endangers the foetus. Foul water, which is charged with injurious germs of a fungoid char- acter, is exceedingly dangerous. Some plants will produce the disease; common horse tails {equisetum), which is common in some pastures and meadows, and swamp sedges, are known to be dangerous. The leaves of red cedar (the savin of the druggists) surely produces it, and is used medicinallj' as the ergot of rye is. This fungus, when taken into the stomach in small quantities, produces violent contrac- tions of the muscular fibre, and, when eaten iu large quantities, is a deadly poison. Excessive muscular action, and blows and violent strains in moving in cramped positions, are also causes. Sudden excitement and alarm, as an attack by dogs, or by other cows, and anything which unduly excites the nerves, have been known to pro- duce it. But contagion, produced by exposure to the virus from aborted cows, has been considered as the most frequent cause of this disease, which often runs through a whole herd, and even appears hi others at some distance. The internal causes enumerated lu-e irregular feeding, either to excess, or in the opposite direction; constitutional predisposition; 108 How THE Farm Pats. natui-al orpjanic weakness; disorders of the bowels; diarrhoea, consti- pation, and, especially, hiuf,' disorders, which cause convulsive coughs, or disturb the circ'ulution, and produce conjjestion or auamia. The causes are thus very numerous, and are, no doubt, much more prevalent, in one form or another, than is generally supposed. For w TIMOTHY gUACK OHASS iiltUUT. KBOOT. instance, how often are cows suddenly chilled by exposure to snow or rain storms; cold drafts in the stable in severe weather, or other acci- dents, which too often happen in dairies where it is supposed the Precautions Against Abortion. 109 cows are treated with the utmost care; so much so, perhaps, as to unduly expose them to sudden changes, by making them more sus- ceptible. (Mr. C.) I know it is a common belief among the Scotch shepherds that feeding frozen tui-nips to ewes causes the loss of the lambs, and great care is taken to avoid it. In mj' dairy my plan of pulj^ing the roots and mixing them with cut hay or fodder, and letting the heap ferment and heat a little, avoids this danger. It is quite certain that if greater precautions were taken, with a constant view of the always impending danger of this disease, its fi-equency would be very much lessened. (Ml'. H.) The danger of ergot in the grasses is one that is whoUj' overlooked, and yet it is extremely common. Eye is very much sub- ject to this parasite (of which, on this account, it wiU be useful to give an illustration, that it may be recognized). This fungus is a sure provocative of this disease, as is well known. AVhen the grain is tlireshed the spears of ergot are broken up, and either go out in the chaff, or remain to be ground up with the grain in the mill. In bolting the Hour the ergot is separated with the bran, and lye bran is largely used as food for dairy cows. Then the grasses are very subject to ergot, especially the common quack grass, timothy, fox- tail, and especially the rye grasses (see illustrations), and precau- tions in this respect are indispensable. Then the jDrevalence of smut in the small grains, and especiallj' in corn, of which not only the ear, but the tassel stalk and leaves, are infested, is a constant danger, because the effect of this fungus is j)recisely similar to that of ergot. I notice that Prof. Fleming, in his work above quoted, gives an instance in which eleven abortions in one herd were directly traced to the use of smut in corn. In regard to its contagious character, j'our suggestion to com- pletely destroy the discharged fcetus and membranes, and to thoroughly disinfect the stable by burning sulphur freely in it, I con- sider very valuable; and I would add, that the Uberal use of lime to destroj- the waste matter that should be safely buried, or the biu'ning of it, would remove a constant danger. Fiu-ther, the cow shoidd be removed to a safe place by itself, and its manure destroyed or decom- posed hj lime until all danger of infection had passed away. And I think every owner of a valuable herd would be wise to carefully in- struct his herdsmen upon these points and especially upon those which relate to the prevention of the trouble, for in this case pre- vention is the onl}^ remedj'. 110 How THE Farm Pays. CILVPTER ^T:. GRASS AND ITS MANAGEMENT. (111-. C.) There is probably no subject in wliicli there is more interest taken bv the farming community of the United States at the jjresent time, tliau that of j^rass. There is but little doubt that the gravest blunders have been made, and are still being made, in the use of varieties that are entirely uncongenial to certain soils, and the con- tinuance in use of the older sorts, thi-ough ignorance that there are better kind.s, which would jiroduce nearly one-third more than the varieties now commonly gro^vn. The subject of grass in England is much better understood than with us, and exj^erimental gi'ounds have long been devoted to the i)iu'pose of ascertaining what varieties are best suited for the different soils. Here, however, we have ah'eady several such stations devoted to the same piu-2:)ose, but they have not yet been long enough in use to detinitely determine what vaiieties are best suited to the different sections. Of coui-se here the task is a much more comi^rehensive one that it is in the limited area of Great Britain, as we have such wide variation of cUmate and soil, so that with the very best endeavors, it will take many years before we can hope to attain to that degree of jierfection in this aU-important matter that they have now reached in Enghmd. In addition to the official experi- mental stations, which are attempting this work in several sections of the country, wde-awake farmers have, liy their own efforts, made great improvements in the selection of gi-asses suitable for jiermanent pastiu-e or hapng lands. The vaiieties of gxas-ses named in the fol- lowing pages are comparatively few, but they are such as in ray long experience I have found of more or less merit. There ai-e, no doubt, many other varieties that may yet be used, that may answer better than some of those named, but we can only anticipate in this matter. Heretofore the base grass, as it may be called, for hay crop in all the Northern States, has been Timothy; but experiments that have been canied on for a jieriod of twenty yeai-s have led me to believe that ORCHARD GRASS is much better fitted to be the leading kind in mixtui'es, whether for pasture or for hay, or used alone or otherwise; and I place it fai- in advance, not only of Timothy, but of any other gi-ass we have thus fju- Value of Okchaed Grass. Ill in cultivation. Any one acquainted with the growth of roots will see at a glance, by the illustration, that it is a plant better fitted for permanency than any of the other varieties of grasses mentioned in this work. In addition to that it has a merit which I consider to be far above all the rest ; this is the early date at which it is in a condi- tion to be cut for hay, whether sown alone or in mixtures. It is found that it can be cut between two and three weeks before Timothy MEADOW FOXTAIL. is ready. The present season my whole crop was cut and in the bams about the 20th of June, at least twenty days before the other fai-mers in this vicinity had begnin to cut their Timothy. The advantage of this earUness is not only that it gives three weeks longer for the aftermath to grow, but another reason, far more important, is, that at this date the white Ox-eye Daisy {Chrysanthemum leuca>ithemum), and other troublesome weeds, are not yet in a condition to seed, so that should any of them happen to be in the fields, they ai-e destroyed by being cut before they have ripened their seeds. Any one riding along the raih-oads through Pennsvlvania, New Jersey, New York or Con- 112 How THE Farm Pats. nec'ticut, wi]l imderstand the vast importance of this means of checking the white daisy, when it is seen that tens of thousands of acres have been given up to the possession of that wortliless weed. It is in full seed at the time Timothy hay is cut, and its seed retains vitahtv for years. "When this weed is mixed with the hay the mischief done is not only for the succeeding yeai-, but it may be for half a dozen yeai-s after, as the seed, if jilowed down into the ground, will remain for yeai's, and will germinate when brought to the sui-face again by a subsequent plowing. 80, then, we see, that if we are able to use Orchard Grass, which is not only equally as good, but better in many resjjects than Timothy, having in addition the vjiluable quahty of being in fit condition to cut at a season before the devastating white daisy is in seed, we have accompUshed something at which tlie fai'miug community may well rejoice. There is an unfortunate matter con- nected with the name of this grass, however, which we shall endeavor as far as possible to set right. It is universally known with us as Orchai'd Grass, giving the impression to those unactjuainted with it that it is only fitted for growing in the orchai'd or under partial shade. Although no other grass will do better under such circum- stances, yet, like all other strong growing grasses, it will always pro- duce a heavier ci'op if exposed to the bright and oi)en sunshine. Q. Have yoix ever in your practice, ]Mi'. Crozier, used Orchai'd Grass without the admixture of clover or other grasses ? A. Very seldom. Believing in the great imijortance of having a variety of grasses, either for hay or for pasture, I make it a nile to include never less than five and sometimes as many as ten varieties of grass together, with a due proportion of Clover. The mixture which I sow alter wheat in the fall or spring, for each acre of land, is composed of the following VAIUETIES OF GR.\SSES. Orchard Grass, Sweet Scented Vernal, Meadow Foxtail, Meadow Fescue, Sheep Fescue, English Eye Grass, Rhode Island, or Creeping Bent, Italian Eye Grass, Hard Fescue, lied Top. (Eugi'avings of these gi'asses will l)e found on the j)rcvious and succeeding pages.) One-half of the bulk being in Orchard Grass, while the other h;ilf is made up of the other grasses mentioned. I vary the (juantities in these mixtiu'cs according to the requirements of the soil, the quantity needed for average lauds being, per acre, about five and one-half bushels, or seventy-five pounds. For rich, hea\7 lands from one- quarter to one-third loss. Mixed Grasses. 113 This is my favorite mixtm-e for either mo-ning lands or pasture, whether sown in the fall or spring; to which is added, and sown in the spiing alwaj-s— as it is rather tender if sown in the fall in this latitude — ten pounds of Red or Mammoth Clover, which is also known under the different names of Peavine Clover, Broad Leaved Clover, and in England as Cow Grass. This variety is a great improvement on the ordinaiy Red Clover, and I would always advise it to be sown, for the best results. Another reason why it should always be sown separ- ately is that its gi-eat weight makes it difficult to be kept properly mixed with the lighter grass seeds, and it is therefore better to sow it alone in the usual way, over the grass seed, brush harrowing after sowing, and then roUing. This mixture as here given is much more expensive than that commonh' used for seeding down either for hay or for pastiu'e, the first cost being foiu" or five times as much as that of the ordinary mixture. Thus far I have used the best gi-ade of seed, costing from S20 to $2.5 per acre, but I am so well satisfied of its superiority, that if it cost me one-third more, I would still con- tinue to use it, because it must be remembered that this investment is not for one year only, but if the land is properly treated there is no 114 How THE Fa KM Pays. reason why pennaneut mowing land cannot be kept in good con- dition for twenty yeai-s, producing annually one-third more weight than the mixture in common use. This quantity of grass seed is probably double as much as is usually sown per acre, but as in the quality, so in the (juautity, I consider that the importance of the thicker seeding cannot be overestimated. Not only does it keej) down the weeds, but what is of even gi-eater importance, we get a thicker covering of the whole surface, so that in case of severe di-oughts, instead of the sun beating down on the bare soU. it is intercepted and shaded by the thickly growing ]Dlant.s. It paid me to use this mixture while I was renting land at $10 2)er acre even on a live vears' lease. EW££T VESSAI. GB.iSS. (Mr. H.) From what I have seen I can well attest the value of your opinion in this matter, as the hay-field which I saw you in process of cutting on the 9th of June is now, thii-ty days later, one foot in height, while grass lands on all sides of it, where the ortli- uarv Timothj' and Clover mixtiu'es have been used, ai-e only now being harvested, and the aftermath, let the weather lie what it may, can- not be in the same comlitiou as the field cut on the !)th of Juno now is, and i3robaV)ly never will be in that condition. The wonder to me is, why farmers, with the example that youi- land sets before them, do not learn that five acres treated by this method would produce cer- tainly not less tlian as much as could be taken from twenty-five acres treated after the usual slipshod manner. Q. Is it youi- practice to sow grass seed by hand or by machine ? A. I alwavs sow grass seed and clovers bv hand, using both hands Sowing Grabs Seed. 115 and sowing crosswise, bearing in mind always to overlap at each turn. Then, after the field has been sown one way, I tiu-n and sow the other way over the same gi'ound, to prevent any chance of waste by unevenness. Q. Is not a machine preferable in the hands of a novice, than to attempt the rather difficult j)roces3 of distributing the grass seeds evenly by hand ? A. Probably it might. I have thus far done all the seeding on my fai-m myself, and I must sa}' that I have Httle faith in sowing grass seed by machine. I have seen many instances where all the \S^i0 r .Ml MAililOTH CLUVEIl. labor of the preparation of the land for the grass eroji has been a failure by the uneven sowing of the machine. Q. But if you were unable to do the sowing yoiu'self, would you not j)refer to have the work done bj' a machine rather than take the risk of having an inexperienced man do the sowing ? A. I would rather take the risk of allowing my best hired man to do the work. For sowing these seeds, however, a really good machine would be verj' useful, but so far I have not met with one which I would trust an unskilled workman to use. Q. You are well aware, Mr. Crozier, that the great mass of the hay sold in the United States, ijai'ticularly in the Northern States, is that produced from Timothy Grass? IIG How THE F.uoi Pats. A. Yes; twcutv years ago it was the only grass 1 gi'ew. imtil luy obseiTation while tnivehny in Europe taught me bettei*, and I have since entirely abandoned it. I am so well satisfied with the results of these mixtures above mentioned, that I could not be induced to go back to gi-owing Timothy. I beheve that one of the gi-eatest mis- takes that the farming community is making to-day, is the almost universal one of growing Timothj' as the base grass for haying lands and for pasture, instead of using Orchard Grass for that puii^ose. Mr. r. C. Havemeyer, who owns one of the most extensive and in-obably best appointed fai-ms in New York State, after visiting me last summer, supphed himself this year with these gi-asses to be used for mowing lauds and jjasture, and I am certain he will be pleased with the result. TIMOTHY .VXD CLOVER. Timothy and Clover, however, is still the standard crop for mowing lands and for pasture in the great majority of farms in all sections of the Northern and Middle States; but, as I have before stated, I feel satisfied that this is a widesjiread error, and that those who will take the trouble to try the Orchard Grass, as a substitute for Timothy, are likely to continue its use. But the jDrejudice in favor of Timothy hay is so great in many sections, that it may be found that no other substitute will be received, and in such cases we can only advise, that to obtain the best results from Timothy and Clover, they should be sown on heavy, rich loam, or peaty soils, as these are the best. UiJon dry, gravelly or sandj' soils these grasses never give results woi-th the labor, unless with heavy manuring. "WTien Timothj' is sown with wheat in the fall, about eight to ten quarts is used per acre ; or if sown alone, and not to be seeded with Clover in the spring, double that quantity should be used. When Clover is sown with it the most suitable kind is the Mammoth, at the rate of six quarts per acre, because it gives a full crop the first season of mowing. The Timothy, as is well known, does not give a full crop until its second year. This hay is still the favorite in the markets of our large cities; it is mainly so for the reason that the mixtures which are here given at length (having Orchard Grass as its base) are comparatively unknown. When it is known that the Orchard Grass mixture gives permanent mowing and pasture lands for a life-time, if fairly treated, and that Timothy and Clover requires renewal every three or four year's — together with its other disadvantages of lateness of matuiity and hghtness of crop, compared with the other — the wonder wiU be that fanners are so slow to ajjpreciate the iliflference. Already some of Value of Orchard Grass for Pasture. 117 the wealthy owners of the best studs of horses in the country will use no other hay than what is sometimes called the " Enghsh mixtm-e," behaving it to be in aU respects better. I have long ago discovered that it is more nutritious, pound for jjouud, to feed cattle and sheep, than Timothy hay. I have been told by Mr. Henry Stewart, who has been quoted else- where in this book, that, when changing the feed of his cows fi'om hay made fi'om Orchard Grass, Clover and other mixed grasses to Timothy hay of good quality, the tri-weeklj- churning of butter fell off from 25 lbs. to 17 lbs., and no increase of grain food that could be safely given would restore the loss. Also that the same difterence has occiUTed when changing from Orchard Grass to Timothj' in pastui'e or soiling. I beheve, in this case, Mr. Stewart used Orchard Grass alone to a large extent; and at the rate of four bushels of seed per acre, the cost of the seeding is reduced to about the same as that of Timothy and Clover. This example is one of the sowing of Orchard Grass alone, or nearly so; but the mixture of other grasses, as before described, will always give better results, because of the larger yield produced. Timothy and Clover are so general in all the meadows, that one would suppose Timothy was the only grass that would succeed in our climate. In the East, Timothy is commonly called " Herd's Grass," a name which in Pennsylvania is given to Red Top. This formerlj- led to much confusion; but at present the name " Herd's Grass " is generally dropped. Timothy is especially unsuited to the too com- mon method of treating grass lands. There are farmers who still, after taking a crop of hay, pastui-e the land, after grass has made a second growth. Timothj' forms a bulbous sweUing at the base of its stems, fi'om which next year's growth will start, and is greatly injui-ed by cattle tramjibng it and eating off the leaves that should pro- tect the bulb during the winter, so that Timothy is a poor pasture grass. In this resfiect Orchard Grass is much more useful than Timothj'. We never knew a farmer to fairly trj' Orchard Grass who was not so pleased with it that he did not continue its use. Yet, take the country through, it has made its way but slowlj". It is jire- ferable to Timothj' to combine with Clover for hay, as the two are in j)erfection — that is, in blossom — at the same time, while as jDasture grass it is vastly superior. Orchard Grass is, in fact, a true pastui'e gTass, while Timothy is not. It at once recovers after it is closely crojjpeci, and the earliness of its growth in spring is greatly in its favor. The chief, in fact, the onlj' objection, that has been made to Orchai'd Grass, is its tendency to form tussocks or clumps, a trouble which may be overcome hr thick seeding. Thi-ee bushels of clean seed to the acre. lis How THE Farm Pays. on rich land, and four bushels on lighter soil if alone, or two bushels if Clover is to be sown with it, will give a sufficiently thick growth to prevent the formation of stools. BERMUDA GRASS. This grass has long been considered the bane of the agi-iculturist in the Southern States. The slipshod culture too often in iiractice there made its presence among other crops the most troublesome of all weeds, but the necessity for fodder set the more advanced farmers to utilize this grass for that purpose. TTiis is now being done in many sections with the most marked success. One difficult^", how- ever, interposes : the seed rarely matures in qui- Southern States, and even some samples we have tested from Bermuda have failed to germinate. But Nature here compensates, as she always does, for her partial failui-es. The roots and stems of Bermuda grass root at every eye or joint, and when these are iim through a hay or straw cutter, we thus have a ' ' seed " that can be sown. These cuttings ai-c sown on the newly plowed field, han-owed in and rolled, with a reasonable certainty of a good stand of grass. Such " seed " cannot well be matle an article of merchandise, but may be transported to moderate distances, and for local use this plan is found to work very well. The Hon. Robert N. Gourdin, of Charleston, S. C, is experi- menting on a large scale with this grass, and has every reason to be sanguine of great benefits to be derived fi-om its culture in regions hitherto ban-en of forage for stock. But it is doubtful if it will ever be so satisfactory as the Alfalfa (Lucern), alluded to at length in this work as a forage crois for the Southern States. It will no doubt be interesting to insert here some information given at our request by Mr. Goiuxlin in regard to Bermuda gi-ass : " Bermuda grass does not make seed ■n-ith us. It propagates itself. It i-uus on the ground as a vine, having numerous joints, from each of which roots stiike down and blades shoot uf). It is propagated, artificially, by transplanting, and takes root readily. It should be transplanted in the fall and winter after rain, when there is moisture in the land. It matui-es and gives its first cutting, ordinarily, in •June. Pei-sous having most experience with Bermuda gi-a.=s place the average j-ield of hay for ten years at four tons per acre per anniun. This is a cautious and safe estimate of its productiveness. It grows on every kind of land here — wherever corn and cotton grows, and is their great enemy. On poor land Bei-muda grass is stuuipy and coarse : on rich land its growth is free, and its blades ai-e long, tender and delicate. Properly cultivated in this latitude, ani- SouTHEKN Grasses. 119 mals prefer this grass and the hay made of it over all other varieties. I do not know how far north it grows, but I have observed it as far north as Petersburg and Eichmond, Virginia, growing in the streets and vacant lots of these cities as it does in Charleston, and, apparently, with the same vigor." CTNODON DACTTLOS (BERr.nTDA GRASS). A more recent account of this grass, given by Dr. Eavenal, of Charleston, S. C, states that the yield of Bermuda Grass for hay for two cuttings was equal to 5,100 pounds the first year after setting out and 9,004 pounds the fourth year. The cost of establishing a meadow is about $8 an acre; the hay is sold in bales at $20 to $2.5 per ton, and the sale is as easy as that of cotton, beef or any other farm product.* • Since Bermuda Grass has become more widely cultivated in the South, it is found to produce seed, and the seed ia now to be procured in the regular way. 120 How THK Faiim Pays. OTHER SOITHEKX GRASSES. The question of grasses aud fodder crops for the Southern States is of the gi'eatest importance. The chan^finjj; character of the agri- culture of the South uecessaiily di-aws attention to the rearing of Uve stock, and of com-se fodder and gi-ass cro^js must follow. It has been PAKICXTM 8ASGCISALK (CBAB supi^osed that the Southern climate is not favorable to gi-ass and conseiiuently few farmers ventvu'e to invest in live stock of any kind. But this idea is a gi-eat mistake. ■ There is no other part of this con- tinent where grasses — of tlie right kind — will flom-ish with greater luxuriance than in the South, and it is particulai-ly desu-able that attention should be called to this fact in this work, which is devoted to the subject of profitable farming all over this bro:id land. But there are an exceedingly- great vaiiety of gi'asses, and this lai-ge family of plants has its finest and most numerous representatives in the Crab Grass — Door-Yard and Bars- Yard Grasses. 121 South. The sorghums, millets, dourras, the panicums and others, aU more or less closely related to the Millet family, luxui'iate in the warm soil and bright simshine of the Southern States. And attention is now being given to their culture in many locaUties. After Bermuda Grass, the common native grasses which spring up spontaneously when the fields are abandoned to them are found to have a special value for hay as weU as pastui'e. One of the most valuable of these is that variety once thought to be the greatest pest of the cotton planter, known as CRAB GRASS. This is a species of Panicum well known in the Northern States by its pui-phsh colored, spreading, finger-like panicle, and which appears late in the summer as a common weed in lawns and fields. But it attains a wonderful development in the South, even upon lands exhausted by continuous cotton growing. A case which hajjpened a few j-ears ago recently came to my knowledge. A Northern farmer went to Georgia in search for a cheap tract of land upon which to estabhsh a farm. He found one covered with a luxurious growth of this grass, which had been abandoned in desjiair by the owner, a cotton planter, and was offered to him at an exceedingly low price. He had seen baled hay fi-ora the North in car loads at nearly every station on his journey, and conceived the idea that this grass would make excellent hay and sell at a very jjrofitable price. He j^m-chased the fai-m, sent to a fi-iend in New York to buy for him a couple of mowing machines and a hay press, and baled the crop, which that year amounted to over 300 tons, and far more than repaid his whole investment. This instance certainly carries a moral and a useful hint to Southern fanners, and those in the North who deske to find a field for enteri)rise in the sunny South. DOOR-YARD AND BARN-YARD GRASSES. Two other valuable native grasses are the common sjiecies of Panicum known as Door-yard, or Crow's Foot Grass, and Bam-yard, or Cock's Foot.* These are exceedingly common, and have a veiy vigorous growth. They will be easily recognized fi-om the illustrations as also common in the North, appearing in flower late in the summer. They are both becoming valuable pastui-o grasses all over the South, * Tills grass should not 1)6 confounderl with Orchard Grass, jireviously refen-ed to in thi.s chaiiter, and also called Cock's Foot l)y En;jli.=h farmers. 122 How THE F.utM Pays. Guinea CxKAi^a 123 from the Atlantic coasts of Carolina and Georgia to Texas, and the latter species is a very iine hay grass. It is beyond a doubt an ex- cellent fodder crop in the North, jielding a very heavy cutting of rich and succulent and exceedingly sweet forage, that is eaten with avidity by covrs. It thrives well in low, moist grounds, and may be foimd in such places having a rank and vigorous growth, which at times reaches to a height of five feet, its broad and long leaves adding PAOTCUM JUMENTOEtTM (GDINEA GRASS). very much to the weight of product. The seed is large and like Millet and highly nutritious, and might be usefuUy sown for a late fodder crop wherever common MOlet is gi'own. GtHNE.^. GRASS. Of late years much attention has been given to a very large variety of this genus, known by the common name of Guinea Grass. As it has been confounded with another popular fodder plant, to be next 124 How THE FaBM PaVS. noticed, it is well to give tlie botanical name of it, viz., Paniciim jumentorum. It is a native of Africa, and was originally brought into Florida fi-om the "West Indies, and is rapidly coming into use all over the Southern States. It is a perennial and reaches a height of six to ten feet, vnih vdAe leaves, almost Hke corn blades, two feet long; but it is cut several times in the season, when at a height of two feet, for gi-een fodder or for hay, or is jiastured repeateiUy uutU frost arrives, when the herbage is cut down to the ground. Its cultui'e is SOUGUL'M HAUU'EN&E (JOHSSOX GBAi^.-^). as follows: The root throws out a thick mat of stolons, like those of common Quack Grass, but much thicker. These are taken up and cut into i^ieces, each having a Inid. The cuttings ai-e set out in Mai-ch or April in fvuTows, and covered ^vith the next turn of the plow. The crop is ready for the first cutting iu May, when it is very tender and sweet, and can be fed or ciu'ed for hay. Upon fairly good land it yields a cutting every six weeks until it is cut down by the frost, when the root remains in the gi-ound safely and sprouts JoHSSON Grass — Japan Clovee. 125 again the nest season. "Where the colder winters necessitate it, the crop is grown in drills, and when the herbage is cut down a fuiTow is thrown over the roots as a protection from the frost, the soil being leveled down with the harrow in the spring. JOHNSON GRASS. This species is known as Sorghum halapense, and is considered even more valuable than the one above mentioned. It is a perennial, and has long been the bugbear of the cotton planters, fi-om the impossi- biUty of eradicating it when it once gets a foothold ia the soil For a forage crop this is certainly a most excellent quality, especially when combined with its nutritive and agreeable feeding qualities and its abundant yield. The lats Mr. Howard, of Atlanta, Ga., a careful and practical farmer and investigator, said of it, after an experience of forty years, that this grass was preferable to all others that could be grown in the South. Its analysis shows it to be more nutritious than even sweet corn fodder. Its seeds are as large as those of broom corn, and its leaves are long and tender. The stem reaches a height of six feet. Its perennial growth, and the firm hold it takes of the soil, in which it spreads with great rapidity, give it a high value for a fodder grass in the South. JAPAN CLOVER. This humble but useful j)lant also deser\-es some notice here. It is an imjjorted variety of Les-prdeza, a trefoil aUied to the Clovers. It first appeared in 1849 near Charleston. The seeds ai-e supposed to have been brought from Japan or China in some tea boxes. It rapidly Sfiread into Georgia, where it was found soon after neai- Macon. In 1870 it appeai-cd in Tennessee and now spreads fi'om the Atlantic to the Mississippi. It is a low perennial plant, with a spreading habit, much hke that of White Clover. It flourishes on the jjoorest soils, preventing washing by rains, and furnishing not only good grazing, but fertilizing the soil by the decay of its stubble, as Clover does, or by tui-ning under as gi-een manure. It is not a hardy jjlant and will not thrive further north than Virginia. For a sheep pasture it is scarcely excelled in value by any other forage jilant. The following extract from a report madebylVIr. William Saunders, Suijerintendent of the grounds of the Agricultui-al Depai-tment, Washington, D. C, made on the Soils and Products of Florida, in compliance with an order from that Department made in 1883, will be found interesting and valuable in regard to this subject: 126 How THE Farm Pavs. " One of the gi-eatest vrants in Florida is that of food forhve stock. Northern grasses and clovers are of small value ; they are not adapted to the climate. Lucem, or Alfalfa {Medicagn xativa), has the reputa- tion of succeeding well iu warm climates, and would doubtless flourish in the rich bottom lauds when once they are fitted for cultui-e. This being a perennial, noted for a ijropensity to send its roots deep into the soil, would be almost as pennaneut a plant as the dwarf palmetto, and infinitely more usefid. Lueeru is one of the LEbPEDEZA blliUIA (JAPAN CLOVEB). most ancient of cultivated plants, and us a forage j)lant for drv, warm climates has always been held iu high estimation. (For further in- formation on this crop see jjage 87.) " Among rapid growing grasses none excel the Italian Rye Grass, Lolium italicum. Seeds of this grass, sown in November, would pro- duce a crop fit for cutting in April for hay. The winter season being also the diy season, would be so far unfavorable to continued gi'owth, but the want of rain could be met by a proper selection of soil; the Practice More Successful than Science. 127 ■worst selection would be high and dry fields; the best, a thoroughly drained swamp. In an out-of-the-way corner to-daj' (15th February) I observed a small area covered with the Johnson Grass, Sorghum halapense, which had made over two feet of gl•o^vth, and in good con- dition to cut for cattle food or for hay. Tliis looked like an exijeri- mental plat, and it gave evidence of the value of this grass for this region of country. And I look upon the Johnson Grass as having greater prospective value than either of the plants before named. In Alabama and in others of the Southern States it is proving to be one of the best grasses for hay or for feeding in green state, that has so far been introduced to cultivation. This grass has long been known, but its persistent gi'owth, and the difficulty of eradicating it from cultivated fields, caused it to be regarded as a nuisance. Its greatest fault is its greatest merit. A few days ago, in Polk County, in con- versation with an Alabama farmer, I asked him what he found the most profitable crop to raise in that State. He promjjtly rej^lied hay. To the further question as to what grasses he cultivated for this purpose, he answered, the Johnson Grass. He stated that he made three cuttings yearlj-, and fi-om these his returns averaged five tons of hay from an acre. This is grown on good bottom land, and all the cultivation it receives is to plow it down once in two or thi-ee years, then give it a very thorough han-ovnng, and an increased growth ensues. A portion of the roots are thus destroj'ed, which prevents them fi-om becoming too thickly matted, keeps up the fertility, and increases the growth. It would seem that a j^laut so weU adapted to a warm, sunny chmate mU ultimately prove of great value all through this Southern countrj*. " The best season for sowing Johnson Grass, in Florida or similar latitudes, would be October or November. It should be sown in the usual manner for grass seed, at the rate of two bushels per acre. Q. As you ai'e aware, Mr. Crozier, the question of grasses is one of such interest as to draw out several works on the subject, elaborate not only in their botanical descriistious, but also rejilete with chemical analyses and ah other scientific data connected with the subject. Have you given such works any consideration, and if so what oisinion do you hold as to their value ? A. As a working farmer, hfe has always appeared to me too short to dabble in these nice questions, and I am jJerfectly wiUing to leave it to such men who have the inclination and the time to fritter away on such subjects; but to the great mass of jJractical farmers, from their education and training, it is and always will be as a " sealed book." "Whether it is that the pursuit of such knowledge prevents those engaged in it from getting at the real, practical operations of farming 128 How THE Faioi Pays. and gardening, I do not know; but there is no denying the broad fact, that the cases on record are very few (personally I know not nor never knew of one), where men w-ho have tried to j)raetice what they preached on these subjects have been successful. TNTieuever I see a man engaged in agricultural operations preparing himself by the chemical analyses of his soils and of his maniu'es, I at once make up my mind that that man's chances for success are not as good as those of his unlettered contemporary, who probably does not know the meaning of the words. Still I would not discoiu'age those who ai'e engaged in these scientific i^iu-suits, and who have the means to experiment, as the day may yet come when scientific farming and scientific gai'deuiug may give practicjil results. Q. To return again to the subject of grasses — do you use the mixtui'e previously mentioned on all portions of yoiu" fanu ? A. No; on hillsides that ai'e washed by the heavy rains I use Rhode Island Bent Grass, for the reason that it forms new roots and shoots from the joints, thus holding the soU and preventing its washing down. I find, also, that it aftbrds excellent pasture for sheep. I sow it at the rate of three bushels to the acre (sometimes as much as four bushels, if the land is very steep), together with a mi.xture of two or three pounds of "Wliite Clover, as this is a low growing vimety that sheep are very fond of. By this method I have protected and kept very steep hillsides from being washed by rains. The same mixtui'e is excellent for sheep pasture for high wood lands, where the trees are not too close together. Q. About what average weight of hay does the mixture which you advise for mowing produce ? A. From two and one-half to three tons per acre, though four tons is nothing unusual under high cultivation. Sometimes the second growth is cut for the purpose of feeding lambs or young ciilves. "\^^len not cut the sheep and young stock ai-e turned onto it. When cut I have had it jjroduce from one and one-half to two tons per acre ; but always after a second cutting is made a top dressing of barn- yai'd manure or bone meal should be put on, which stands in place of the droppings from the calves and sheep when the land is 2)as- tured. Q. Is it not better, in laying land to permanent pasture or perma- nent hay, by sowing grass seed mixture by itself, to do so without sowing wheat or other grain ? A. Yes ; and in fact it is the very best way to sow down to perma- nent grass, as the croj) of wheat or rye takes away two-thirds of the manure the first year, besides checking the growth of the gi-ass. It is a common idea that the grain is a fostering crop. This is a great Timothy ant) Clover. 129 mistake. Instead of fostering the grass it really robs it of its food, and the shade checks its growth. By carefully preparing the ground in August, and sowing the seed in the usual waj*, the young gi-ass grows vigorously and rajjidly, and a crop of hay can be taken the next yeai-. In this preparation it is of the greatest importance that the soil be made very fine and very firm, not only to give a perfect bed for the small seeds, but to thoroughly compact the fine soQ about them. In doing this work it must not be forgotten that it is intended to last for many years, and no expense or care that ai-e necessary to secure i^erfection in it should be withheld. It has been previously recommended to sow the clover seed in the spring ; this is not always necessary, as, if it is sown in August, the clover roots become strong enough to withstand the winter safely. It cannot be reiterated too often or too strongly, that the roUing of the soil after grass seeding is of the greatest necessity for success, jjarticularly when done in August. Q. When stock raising is the main object in view on the farm, would you advise the sowing of grains at aU ? A. We gain many little advantages by sowing gi-ain. We often get half the value of the manure used the first season, and we get the straw besides. Q. When gi-ass seed and clover are sown with a grain crop, is there any return from the gi'ass the following summer or autumn V A. There usually is not, but when sown alone there is. Q. "WTiat is your usual time of sowing grass seeds alone wdthout the grains'? A. The latter part of August. The next year it will give a fair crop of hay by the end of Juno or eaily in July, a crop always as heavy and often heavier than the ordinary crop from estabhshed Timothy lands. Timothy, in my experience, is the most exhaustive grass to land that we have. The first and second seasons it is as bad as a crop of wheat for exhausting the soU, and I find my neighbors can only run it thi'ee years, the last crop being very poor or hardly worth cut- ting. Weeds seem to take the place of Timothy, and esj^eciaUy if the summer previous has been dry, the small roots of the grass suffering from the sun beating do^vn upon them, and the freezing and thawing of winter leaves the ground bare in many places; hence destruction of the roots and consec[uent faOure of the crojD. Q. I would ask, however, Mr. Crozier, if Timothy and Clover, treated as Uberally by toj) dressing with manure as you treat all your grass lands, would not continue much longer than the period you name ? 130 How THE Fabm Pays. A. My experience ■with it is that it vrould not. But in many localities, and even generally in the Central States, farmeiis do this with partial success. Theii- method is as follows: Timothy is sown ■with the wheat or rye in the fall ; Clover is sown in the spring. A full crop of hay is taken nest year, and a top dressing of tine manure is given as soon as the hay is taken oflf. This protects and feetls the roots, and the ground is soon covered and protected by a new gro^wth. A second crop of hay is taken the next year, or perhaps t^wo cuttings are made; the grass is pastui-ed the year after, and the sod is turned under in the spring for com. Corn is followed by oats, and oats by wheat, and this completes the rotation. This is very good practice for those farmers under their circumstances, and pays them ■well ; all the better when it is well done. I am positive that no crop of Timothy ■wiU last well over three years, when the land must be reseeded. Every season I have scores of letters on this all-important subject to the farmer, asking me if there is any way of getting perma- nent mowing lands and pasture -without this continuous trouble of plowing do^wn and reseeding. I tnist that what I have here ad\'ised in the grass mixtm'e and method of culture wiU answer as a general reply to all such queries. I have explained my -views far more fully and at length than can possibly be done in the necessarily limited compass of a letter, besides sa^\-ing me many hours of valuable time, which at many seasons I can iU spare. Q. I would Hke to refer again to the mixture of grass seeds which you prefer. This mixture will no doubt suit yoiu- manner of gro^wing grass veiT well; but do I understand you to say that it is to be recommended under all circumstances'? A. I would not go so far as that These seeds are xer\- costly, and might not suit the circumstances of a great many farmei-s. There are some varieties which might be left out in many cases. For instance, Italian Eye Grass is not a perennial, and might be omitted, as it ■will run out the second yeiu- after soaring. The jierennial Eye Grass would be sufficient ■without it Ehode Island Bent is so neai-ly Uke Red Top, that both need not be so^wn, and the latter only used. So the Sheep's Fescue is useful eliiefly where sheep ai-e pastui'ed, as it is a small variety, and seiTes chiefly to msike up a succession of herbage. Sweet Yemal Grass might also be left out, as this gi-ass is quite preva- lent, and comes in natiu'aUy in almost all jilaces. The quantitie.s too, might be reduced, and all the vai-ieties retaineiL But certainly I would ailvise that not less than twenty-five poimds of seed altogether should be so^mi per acre, which is only half of the amoimt of seed I use. But for myself I prefer heavy seeding, and believe it is the cheapest in the end, because in sowing these mixed gi-asses it should Clover — Blfe Grass. 131 not be forgotten that we ai-e seeding once for twenty or tbii-ty years or even more, if the soil is suitable for a j)ermanent meadow. The culture of clover as a special crop is often found desirable both for hay, for seed and for plowing in as a preparation for wheat or corn. When thus grown it is sown on the wheat or rj'e in the spring as soon as the ground is iu a fit condition, and may be haiTowed in with the light slojoing tooth han'ow or the brash harrow, which not only covers in the seed but also greatlj" benefits the grain crop. The clover may be pastured in the fall if it has a rank gi'owth, but other- wise it should be left on the ground and form a mulch during the ■wLater. The next year it may be cut early for soUiiig or mown for hay ia June; the after-gro-svth vail furnish a crop of seed and the nest spring the sod with all the herbage may be j)lowed ia for corn. A clover sod makes an excellent preparation for wheat. For this purpose the clover is j)lowed under in August; the ground is im- mediately rolled to comjiact it and in September a good harrowing win fit the soil finely for the wheat or rye. The clover hay is es- pecially valuable for cows or sheep, but should never be fed to horses on account of its dustiness, which is provocative of the common dis- order known as heaves. It requii-es slow cui'ing in the cock, and should not be too rapidly or too much dried, or the leaves wiU be in great part broken off and lost. BLUE GRASS. The Blue Grass pastures of Kentucky, Missouii, West Virginia and parts of Ohio and Indiana, have a world-wide reputation. They offer examples of permanent grass lands equal to any in the world, which are a standing rebuke to those persons who declare that there can be no permanent pastures or meadows in oiu- American climate. There are thousands of acres of these lands which have never been plowed, but which became covered with a natural growth of this grass as soon as the timber was cut off. As it has a sj^reading root, it soon takes p)ossession of the soil and makes a thick sod. It is especially a pasture grass, and under the name of June Grass fiUTiishes the pas- ture which makes such localities as Herkimer and Oneida Counties in New York so favorable for dairy piuposes, and so productive of high flavored cheese and butter. The State of Iowa also affords 132 How THE Farm Pays. similar instances. It thrives best on dry, rich, limestone lands, and if the gi-ass is not eaten down in the summer it will afford a luxuriant pastm-e all through the winter in Southern districts, and until the ground is buried under the snow in the North. The Southern mountain region is peculiarly adapted in soil and climate to this KESTUCKY BLUE ORAES (POA PR.4TENSIS). grass. "When sown alone two to three bushels of seed are required to the acre. It may be sown with wheat or rye in the fall. On account of its slow, weak growth at fii-st, it is better to sow the seed with a grain crop. RED TOP AND FOWL MEADOW GRASS. These two grasses arc specially adapted for low, wet lands. Re- claimed swamji meadows produce them in luxuriance. Elsewhere, and on dry ground, they afford fair i>asture but a Ught hay, and are not to be recommended for such soils. But where the land lies low, Fowl Meadow Grass. 133 and is subject to overflow, there are uo other grasses so valuable as these, as they make a dense, tough sod, and afford good pasture, and also furnish a heavy j'ield of excellent hay. They are better mixed FOWI. MEADOW OBASS (POA SEKOTINA.) together, one and one-half bushels of each being sown early in August or in the spring, and on the soUs referred to the seed must necessarily be sown alone. 134 How THE Farm Pats. CHAPTER Vn. THE CUTTING AND CURING OF HAY. Q. Tou have already stated that you cut your hay of the Orchard Grass and other grass mixture from the 10th to the 20th of June. In what condition are the vaiious grasses at that time ? A. The Orchard Grass and Clover are in full bloom, and the others are near to, or a little past that stage. In this condition the grasses are most valuable for stock. If allowed to stand until they seed, they are not only more diy and woody in textm-e, but they also exhaust the land to a great degree and weaken the roots. A large majority of our best farmers agree that hay and clover, and in fact all crops that are used for haj'ing jiui'poses, are best cut in that con- dition when they contain the largest percentage of saccharine matter, which is said to be when they are in full blossom. This condition I beUeve to be better than if the seeds of the grasses were matured, as the juices are just in the state to be most palatable for feed. Of course all hay nowadays is cut by machine. Of these machines there are a large variety, which are popular in special localities; but I have always used the Buckeye, and consider it the best. After mowing, the hay is turned or tedded and raked into swaths, and then put into small cocks and left until the following day, when the cocks ai'e turned over, and made anew, and left until the next day. The hay is then taken to the barn and put into the mow, about a peck of salt being scattered over each load, and trodden as firmly as can be done. The salt makes the hay palatable to the Cutting and Curing Hay. 135 stock, and I believe tends to lessen the fermentation which always occurs in hay when it is put in. the barn, and so prevents danger of mustiaess. In this way the hay comes out as bright and green in the winter or spring as when put into the mow. Formerly, when I tilled very much more land than I do now, I had to stack most of the hay, which I consider the best way to keep it; that is, in round stacks, containing fi'om ten to fifteen two-horse loads, placing it in the mows being only a matter of convenience. A stack, when prop- erly headed, thatched and roped, wiU keep for several years. A very convenient way of stacking hay is under open sheds, commonly known as ban-acks. These are made of four heavy posts, set in the ground or framed together, and a movable, foui--sided roof of boards or thatch. The roof can be raised or lowered and let down upon the hay, affording complete protection from the weather. In this country, where stacking is not much practiced, it is not always possible to find a workman or a farmer that can finish a stack so as to make it rain-proof. BOARD BOOFED BARRACK. Q. At what height do you cut your hay '? A. The height at which it should be cut depends somewhat on the moistness of the season. If the season is a wet one we can cut two inches from the ground; if the weather is veiy dry, from three to four inches. Q. I observe that you top dress with manure after cutting your hay, particularly where it is cut short — the object in that, I prestmie, is to protect the roots of the grass from the sun, the manm'c acting 136 How THE Farm Pays. as a mulch, as well as for its fertilizing properties, at that time of the year ? A. That is exactly the reason. Although the fii-st heavj- rains cany down the greater part of the fertilizing properties of the manure, the substance of it is left to act as a mulch until the after- math grows sufficiently to protect itself. CLOVER HAY. Q. WTiat is understood by the tenn " Clover Hay " ? A. When a piece of land is sown to wheat and grass in the fall, clover seed is sown the following spring, as soon as the frost is out of the gi-ound, and the soil is sufficient!}- dry. The ground is then brush haiTowed and rolled in the usual manner. The wheat is cut ofif in July. About September the young Clover is either fed off with sheep or young cattle — heavy animals, such as cows or horses, should never be permitted to go upon the field — or, if not fed off, it should be niu over with the mowing machine, and cut three or four inches from the ground, and the cutting left on as a mulch. By June of the next year the clover is ready to cut for the first time. This cutting is made when the crop is in full blossom, and before a single head has tuined brown. It is advisable then to give the clover a top dressing of mamu'e or plaster, to hasten the growth of a second crop, which is cut in August. If the ground is rich two hay crops are thus taken. Q. Is it an}- more trouble to ciu'e clover hay than the ordinary grass hay ? A. Yes; clover having so much water in it, takes more time and care to cure it than hay. Clover should be cut when the weather is dry and the dew is off, and should be immediately put into cocks and cured in these cocks so as to jsreserve all the leaves, for if left in the usual way in the sun until it becomes dry, the leaves would get brittle, and in tedding or raking with the horse-rake woidd fall off. My plan of curing clover is to cut it when the dew is oft", and about two hours afterwards rake it up into small cocks and leave it until the next day, when the cocks are turned with the fork and made over again, but lai-ger. Here the clover sweats and heats or ferments and gets rid of a good deal of its moistiu'e, and dries soft and tender, instead of brittle. The second day it is ready to be put in the mow or stack. Q. Is there not more danger fi-om wet weather in saving clover than in making grass hav? Clover roR Green Fodder. 137 A. Clover is a more leafy plant than grass, and Ues more open and loosely in the swath or cock. It is upon this account that it is better to put it in cocks and cui-e it in that way, both because it is easily in- jui-ed by over-di'j-ing and by exposure to the sun, and also by rain. To secui-e it against rain while in the cock, hay caps are found useful. These are squares of heavy brown cotton sheeting fifty-four inches wide, bound at the edges and having a loop at each comer. One of these is spread over a hay cock, and secured by pushing wooden pins through the loojjs into the haj'. If these are taken care of as they .should be, they wiU last a great many years. Q. Is Clover ever sold in a green state in the market in our large cities ? A. At certain seasons there is a large demand for it; it is cut and tied in bundles, ■which brings from twenty to twenty-five cents each. It is thus given to city horses, not so much as a feed, but as a sort of tonic or alterative. A heavy crop of Clover in this way is often made very profitable, netting possibly foiu- times as much jser acre as when (h'ied for hay. In the vicinity of Edinburgh, Scotland, there ai-e fields of Clover which must produce not less than $500 per acre, when sold in this condition; because the fanners renting such fields pay the extraordinary price of fifty pounds steriing, or $250, per acre rent annually. The conditions under which Clover is grown in this way are jjecuhar. It is usually on land adjacent to the outlets of the sewage from the city, which is utUized by being put on the land in the fall and spring, and which gets it in such a condition of fertility that sometimes even in that cold climate six cro^DS are cut in one season. I observed verj' recently that there was filed, in the ofiice of the County Oerk, New York City, the certificate of incorporation of the National 138 How THE Farm Pays. Sewerage and Sewage Utilization Company. The capital stock is fixed at $3,600,000, di-i-ided into 3(5,000 shares. I heartilj' wish them as much success as has been gained at the City of Pulkuan, in Illinois, where this sewage is used to fertilize a farm of about 300 acres, with a proiit of $8,000 last year, equal to ten per cent of the whole cost. If the same conditions could be got here as in Scotland — and there is no reason why they should not — one-fourth more crop ought to be taken in our higher temiierature. A\'Tierever the soiling system is prac- ticed we should have our bam-yard composts to put on the Clover tields inheu of city sewerage. That is within every fanner's reach, and the cai't or team should be used both ways, a load of Clover being brought to the bai-n and a load of manui'e taken back and spread on the land, repeating this continuously diuing the entii-e season. This .system has other advantages as weU. Cattle fed in their stalls in this manner will give double the quantity of mUk, and it is of better quality than when they are driven to pasture. For, when driven to the fields by- boys or dogs, they are often recklessly hun-ied, and as a general rule, in coming from the pasture, especially in the fly season, they will often make a fast run to the barns, and so iujure the milk in the udder until it is nearly worthless. All this is avoided by the soiling system. If tied up in their stalls they do not require so much water, and their supply can be regulated more easily; whUe if let out to pasture, in our dry chmate, where water is often scarce, they become heated in going to the tank or pond, and di-ink too much. Q. Is there not sometimes a stiU later cutting made of the Clover? A. A third cutting is yery often made, but rarely for hay, as the seed is gi-eatl_y more valuable. "When the Clover is cut for seed, it is usual to make the second cutting earher, so as to give ample time for the plants to make blossoms and mature seed by the fall. The Clover is then hard and woody and not of much vjilue for hay, but it will often j-ield five bushels of seed to the acre ; and as this is worth from $6 to $8 a bushel, and sometimes more, the gain is more than that fi-om all the hay. The seed of Clover is coutaiued in small pea or bean like hulls, and requii'es a pai-ticulai' method for separating it The dried crop is threshed in the machine in the usual way and separated from the stems, and the chaff is afterwards hulled by a Clover huUer some time dm'iog the winter. This is the end of the Clover, excepting upon strong, rich land it may last over the second year and yield the crop of seed the third year. Clover is a biennial upon light soils and poor lands, and cannot be dej^ended upon after the second year, or for more than two crops of hay at the most; but on better and heavier soils it is a short perennial, and maj- live through the third or even into the fourth year-, and give one or two Top Dressing Grass Land. 139 crops each year. If the seeding has been liberal, and the Clover is manured, the yield is far more jsrofitable. No greater mistakes are made in farming than short-sighted economy in the saving of seed. The tables given in many seedsmen's catalogues I consider to be one- third too little. Q. You have alluded several times to the top dressing of grass lands. In what manner do you consider it best to be done, and v^hat kinds and quantities of maniu'es do you use for that puiijose ? A. I would mention first the appUcatiou of hquid manure, as the value of this is underrated, and it is too often wholly wasted. The best way of preparing Uqirid manure for such purpose I have found to be the following: Build a cistern in the barn-yard, at the lowest point, of such capacity as may be required, but be sure it be large enough, and run pipes made of boards, or sewer pipes, three or four inches diameter, into it, from the different buildings, where there may be any drojipings from the cattle or hogs or sheep, so that all the drainage will flow into the cistern. In hauling this hquid manure to the fields, I use a large hogshead placed on two wheels. It is fiUed by means of a pump, and is driven to the field, a perforated pipe, such as is used for street sprinkling, and attached to the hogshead, is opened, and the horse is driven along at an easy walk, this being done always when other work is not j)ressing. This I find to be the best top dressing for meadow lands, if put on in the spring and fall, but not in the hot, dry weather. On laud that has been pastured, and hasbecome " hide-bound," as I call it, I usually take an iron or steel tooth harrow, and harrow it both ways thoroughl}'. The Acme Harrow is better still, and the cutters can be adjusted so as to loosen up the surface to whatever extent may be desired. After the ground has been harrowed in this manner, I re-seed with the grass mixture already mentioned, at the rate of two to three bushels per acre, according to the needs of the land. If the gi'ass is thin, I put on more. If it is stUl thick, less. I then top dress with composted manure that has been turned over a few times and is worked up fine, after which I run over it with the brush haiTow and then roll. The quantity of manure to be used depends in a great measure upon the condition of the land, although I might here say that there is very Httle likelihood of any farmer ever having manure enough to put it on to excess. I use all the way from five to twenty two-horse loads per acre, according to the condition of the land or the quantity of manure I have on hand. In the absence of barn-yard maniu-e a compost of lime and loam, with the soils from the backs of fences, is excellent, or plaster at the rate of one tou jier acre wUl answer. This I know is a good deal more plaster than is commonly used, but my principle. 140 How THE Farm Pa vs. as you know, is to manure very liberally, because that is the surest way to make the fai-m pay. Bone meal at the rate of 300 to 500 pounds per acre, or hard wood ashes at the rate of 100 bushels to the acre, will all answer ven- well in lieu of barn manure. In all cases it is of gi'eat imj5ortance, in top dressinj^f grass lands, whether for pasture or mowing, after the apphcation of seed and mauui'e has been made, to roll thoroughly. A failui-e to roll will entail a loss of all the labor, by evaporation and drying of seed, if the pasture has been re- seeded. ENSILAGE. Q. "What is your opinion, "Mi: Crozier, of the ensilage system ? A. I have some hesitation in expressing an opinion of any system that I have not had actual experience with, and I have had nothing to do with eusUage. My success in stock raising, by the methods I have piu'sued for the last twenty years, has, perhaps, made me a little prejudiced against innovations of this kind; but I can only form an 02)iuion in a general way on the subject. I cannot understand why a green crop, which we know contains from ninety to ninety-live jjer cent, of water, jjreserved by the ensilage system, can be equal to the same fodder from which the water has been expelled by dicing, and which, when mixed with roots, as we do it, contains all the elements of a complete food. It seems to me that this must ceiiainly be a cheajier and better system than ensilage. I speak with hesitation, however, on this subject, never having had practice with it, and am willing to suspend my final opinion until the system has had a further trial. I know that many have claimed that it has "been a great success with them. On the other hand, I know of several cases where it has been abandoned, and the system of feeding, such as we practice, has been again resorted to. A large and suc- cessful stock raiser, in the vicinity of Toronto, Canada, who had expended $3,000 on sUos, which he had constructed in the very best jjossible manner, after a three years' trial, says that he has abandoned the system, and has fallen back to the old method of feeding with dry fodder and roots during tbe winter mouths. StUl, in this case, there may have been some bad apphcation of the system, which made its working unsatisfactory, and, as I have before said, until it has had years of comparative trial with other methods, no decided opinion should be expressed; because no one man's or half a dozen men's experience of such an important matter should be final. The whole claim of the ensilage system, as I undei-stand it, is that it is used instead of fresh green feed, and it certainly would be a great advan- EXSILAGE. 141 tage for cattle for that purpose, if we bad not mangels to mis with the dry fodder. Like all widely diverging systems of agriculture that have their special adherents, the only safe decision can be arrived at by observation of the results. If we find that herds of cattle raised by the silo can be kept in as good condition as those raised by the fodder and root system, then it maj' take prece- dence, provided that it can be shown that the expense attending such system is less, but if no better results entails an increased cost, then it will not be hkelj- to supersede the old method. To those who are interested in this matter the proceedings of The Ensilage Congi'esa, pubhshed by the New York Plow Co., New York, will give fuU information. In the Country Gentleman, oi March 17th, 1881, is the following article written by me, on the subject of ensilage, which will give my views at length. I also add the corroboration of that opinion by F. D. Curtis, in a letter in the Country Gentleman of same date. ENSILAGE NOT SATE FEED. ' ' I had a letter from a German farmer, who, in his youth, had to take a good deal of sauer kraut. He says he stUl takes a httle now and then, but on a cold winter's day he wants solid food. When Dr. Bailey and others preach ensilage they will doubtless cause many who read the Country Gentleman to look in a few years on their deserted silos with feehngs of sadness. The cow ivill eat ensilage. Certainly she wiU; but how much will it benefit her? How much fat will a 1,000- pound cow gain on seventy pounds of ensilage per day ? How much sohd food is there in this seventy pounds? Some of our learned friends saj' not more than sis per cent. If this is so, then cattle wiU do well on atr and water. If the gentleman had said that cattle would eat 200 pounds, then I would have more belief in the benefits they might derive from it. "\Mien the Doctor states that village farmers can keep a cow on one-fourth or one-half an acre of land, we know that this is so. The German and French peasants, living near large cities where land is worth from $100 to $500 per acre, raise truck for village and city markets. They make pits, and put aU the tops of their vegetables in them, and cover them up with eai'th, and this they rejjeat with two or thi-ee crojis in a season; but it comes out in the winter like tea leaves after they have been steeped (not so green as people in America say the ensilage comes out) ; but how long do they run theu" cattle on this? Only a short time, you will find. You win remember that the first case of ijleuro-pneumonia ever heard of in America was traced to Dutch cattle. Ensilage, I am afraid, wiU 142 How THE Farm Pays. eventually injure the constitutions and hence weaken the lungs of cattle. Cows, they tell us, do well on brewers' griiius. How long do they do well ? My opinion is often asked whether ensilage is being fed by the breeders on the Channel Islands or in England ? I think not. John Bull generally is somewhat more of an old fogy in such things than we Americans are, and does not jump so quick at conclusions, and saves himself, in consequence, much loss fit'om unwise experiment. I beg to say, be not teinjated by this new plan of feeding, until time will tell its true worth. Wii. Ceozieb. " Northport, L. I." MR. CROZIER ENDORSED. " The silo discussion is getting interesting. It is natural for people who attempt new schemes to imagine them successful, or at least to be loth to admit that they are failures. I have been in this jjosition myself, and hence am inclined to take the declarations of the advocates of silos with some allowance. The imagination of experimenters often paint then- attempts with rosy hues; but stern reahty after awhile changes the picture. I fail to see, as yet, the practical value of going to so much trouble and expense to preserve water (juice), and cannot comprehend how this water can be increased in nutritive value by being preserved, even though it may have an alcoholic smell. The difference between cornstalks kept in a silo, and cornstalks cured, is almost entu'ely a difference in the amount of water contained in them. The shrinkage in water makes a shrinkage in weight and bulk, but can make only a small reduction in the nutritive qualities. Admit that there is by curing a smsxll loss in the nutrition, is it equal to the cost of the bUos and the pxti'a labor required to preserve the fodder in it? Mr. Bailey, who is an ingenious, if not an interested writer on silos, takes the ground that a silo is not as expensive as a barn, and urges the point that silos may do away with barns, as they upset the principles of science. This is quite a radical position, to say the least; but it loses its force when we consider that bai-ns are not necessary for the j^reservation of cornstalks. They wLU keep better in stacks, which is the most economical, and, at the same time, one of the best methods of preserving this kind of forage. Silos without a granary or meal box wiU, in my judgment, make disappointment in the yield of good butter. Mr. Croziers system of feeding is, as I know by fi'equent obsei-vation, a practical success. I have never been on a farm where cattle were always in any better condition and more productive in rich mLLkanfd good butter than his. His system of root Objections to Ensilage. 143 feeding seems to fumisb just the necessary quantity of succulent food reqiiii-ed for health and a large yield. Too much watery food, which is the kind the silo must necessaiily supply, is not the natural food for cattle in cold weather. That the stalks are all eaten, when taken fi-om a silo, is no more true than when cui-ed and cut uj). I have doubted the economy, after repeated trials, of cutting stalks at all for cattle, as so httle is left by them uneaten. It certainly will not pay to go through with aU the silo processes in order to get the butts of cornstalks eaten up. There is no paiiicular value in bulk, so long as bulk does not add strength to the food, and when it is considered that bulk makes a great deal heavier and more laborious handhng, I fail to appreciate how two tons of bulk in a silo can be any better than one ton in which the nutritive elements are condensed. In other words, I cannot see how the presence of a ton of water should enhance the value of cornstalks. In warm weather this juice takes the place of water for drink, but in winter so much is not required and must be hurtful. I must endorse INIi-. Crozier in his distrust of the practical value of silos, and commend his outspoken convictions, although he seems to be pitted almost alone against them. Cornstalks are good food for cows, but so succulent in their nature that when dry they shovild be fed with something more substantial, or the animal will rapidly run down. Silo fodder is still more washy, unless the fennentation furnishes a stimulant which is at the same time victuals and drink. May be this is one of the scientific principles which silos upset, proving that fermented juice is not a stimulant, but food, and food proper for transformation into mUk and butter. Verily these are days of progress, when alcohol becomes food, and tallow (Oleomargarine) is butter. F. D. Cuktis. "Kirby Homestead, N. Y." (Mr. H.) I notice, Mr. Crozier, on a careful reading of the report of the EnsUage Congress, held in New York last year, that neai-ly all the members present were enthusiastic advocates of the system, and according to the statements there made, there is but little doubt that it has proved of valu.e to many. Still I would have been pleiased to have seen it compared with the feeding by root crops pulped, as you term it, after yonr method, because that seems to me the turning point of the whole controversy, as it is certainly unfair to make a comparison against dry food, such as meal, bran, etc. , when mixed with cut corn fodder, instead of compai-ing it with the corn fodder or hay mixed with an equal weight of pulped or crashed roots. In this connection I will quote from a communication pubhshed in the Country Gentleman for April, 1881 : 144 How THE Fabm PAYa EN'SILAGE COMPARED WITH ROOTS. Let it be .-nlmitted that forty tons of green fodder can be produced. Then, to be fair, let us admit that fortj' tons of mangels per acre can be grown with equal ease and at no more cost, when i)ut in the pits, than that of the fodder preserved in the silo. Then we are ready to comjiai'e the actual value of these two crojjs for feeding to daiiy cows. The followug figures are taken from the report of the Connecticut Experiment Station, and will be found to be authentic: COMPOSmox OF FODDEB COHN. "Water 85 . 70 Ash 1 . 23 Albuminoids 1 . 20 Crude Fibre 4.95 Carbohydrates C . 73 Fat 0.18 The advantage is twenty-five per cent, in favor of the mangels, and in favor of the sugar beets nearly 100 per cent., as regaixls nutritive value. A butter maker, whose business depends on the quahty of his product, will hesitate to use sour or alcoholic fodder in a condition of decomposition, when he can use jjerfectly fi'esh and well flavored food, such as mangels or beets. It may be objected that the crop of forty tons of roots is extravagant : but it is not, either as regards mangels or Lane's Sugar Beet. By planting in rows thirty inches apart, and eighteen inches in tlie rows, roots of eight j^ounds each can be grown with ease. I have had them to weigh fourteen to twenty-four jjounds each, and have grown fodder corn at the rate of sixty tons to the acre, and know that neither of these large croj)s can be grown without high fertilizing, and that it is as easy to grow roots as com, and as easy to haiTest the one as the other. Boots of eight pounds each, eighteen inches apai-t, will yield forty-six tons per acre, and, with the advantage in jDoint of nutritive value, will be equal to about sixty tons of com fodder, which not one in a hundi'ed will reach as easily as one in ten -n-iU reach forty-six tons of mangels. Now it seems to me that it is a useful thing to point out these facts, when there is danger of many pei-sons' heads being turned in regard LSGEI& SCGAB BEXTS. iS.O 81.5 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.3 9.1 15.4 0.1 0.1 Ensilage Compared ^^TH Roots. 145 to tliis new idea, and especially wheu it cannot be tried without the sinking of a few hundred dollars in making a sUo, and gathering stone to pile on top of it. AVhat are those farmers to do, who, UDiortunately, have no stone for this j'Ui-jDose, and find the market for it strong at $4 a load ? They need not fi'et, however, if they can- not have their silo, because the}' can gi'ow mangels and sugar beets — the large variety of Lane's Improved, and not the sugar beet which is small — and do as well, j^erhaps, with these, as they could with ensilage. Doubtless the new improvement is of great value in its place ; but its place is by no means universal, and when the present excitement is cooled down, it will j^i'obably be found of verj' rare ajjiilieatiou ; but root growing and feeding roots are of universal application. H. Stewakt. Bergen County, N. J. 146 How THE Pak-m Pays. CHAPTER Yin. LIVE STOCK OF THE FARM. Callh: I suppose that the question I am about to ask you, 'Mx. Crozier, Las l)een ijropounded to you in the past twenty yeai's hundi-e Js of times — what, in your opinion, is the most profitable breed of cattle, at the present day, for the fanner engaged in dairying ? JERSEY C.VTTLE. A. I think the Jersej' (or as it is sometimes improperly called, " Aldernej'," a name commonly applied to both Jerseys and Guern- seys), is the most jDrofitable for butter making, though for milk a cross- bred between the Short Horn and the Jersey is the best, or a cross-bred between the AjTshire and Jersey, will produce rich mUk and more of it than the thoroughbred Jersey. Some twenty years ago I kept a small herd of Short Horns, and another of Ayrshires, together with Jerseys. The demand for Jersey butter since then has increased so much that I sold out the Short Horns and Ayrshires, and confined myself exclusively to Jerseys. In my opinion, for the dairy farmer who has a large city for a market, such as New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati or St. Louis, within thi-ee or fom- hun- dred miles. Jerseys ai-e more profitable to raise at the jiresent time than anj- other breed. For seUiug milk in the villages or cities I should say the Ayrshires Avere the most jirofitable. They are easy keepers, hardy, and will produce fi-om 4,000 to G,000 pounds of milk in one season, the milk generally bringing from foui- to five cents jjer pound at retail. The Ayrshire milk is considered to be the most healthful for children. But when the object is a large quantity of milk, without regard to fineness of quality, then the Dutch, or as they are common!}' called, Holsteiu, would be preferable. It is claimed for this breed that they are hu-ge producers of milk; but my objection to them is that they are hard keepers, and will consume neai-ly double the amount of food that an Ayrshii-e cow can be kept on. Or, at least, I would rather keep two Ayrshire cows than one Holstein. I have had Ayrshire cows to give sixty pounds of milk Jersey Cattle. 147 148 How THE F.utM Pays. per day when fresh, although it is claimed that the Holsteins hare given, under the same conditions, eighty pounds. For this reason, the Holsteins being large milkers, are coming into demand somewhat, to supply cheese factories iu the "\^'estem States, and will probably be the best cow for that puqwse in the "West, as the large amount of feed necessary to sustain them is not so great a consideration there as it is here with us. One great advantage of the Jersey cow, forty or fifty miles from a lai-ge city, is the cream, as cream can be sent that distance, and returns thirty-five cents per quai-t at least I find that we get more butter from the Jei-sey milk than any other breed. The Jereey cow loves to be petted, and whatever kindness is shown her she gratefully returns in the paD; if used harshly there will be a great reduction in the quantities of milk and butter. She will milk the year round — at least that is my experience with them. I usually milk them within a month of the time of calving, which is of great value to those who have contracts to sujiply private families with butter the year around. I thus get a steady sujiply from these Jerseys, while other breeds do not hold to their milV so long, with. the exeejstion, perhaps, of the Ayrshires. For the purjiose of stall feeding or soiling, they are just the cow that is wanted. Their calves ai-e easily raised. In the last five years I have not lost over two per cent. Their bull calves, if not suited for breeding purjjoses, although they do not make so much weight as other breeds, when they are sis or eight weeks old, make the best of veal. I have had calves that weighed, when two months old, 200 poimds, which brought eleven cents jjer jiound when sold for veal. The Jei-sey cow, " Eui-otas,'' produced in eleven months 778 pounds of butter, which sold for fifty cents a pound at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New Tork. The Jersey cow, Mary Ann of St. Lambert's, 9,770, belonging to Mr. Yalancey E. Fuller, Hamilton, Canada, was tested for thirty-one days, May 29th to June 28th (1883) inclusive, with the following results: Mnji. CKE-Mt. BrTTER, BrTTSB. LBS. OZ. 1.BS. OZ. T.BS OZ. I3& OZ. 1st week. 291.0 74.9 22. 8^ 23.15 2d week 276.0 74.5 22.10 23.15 3d week 242.8 72.2 22.11^ 24.0* 4th week 259.8 90.0 23.3 24.13 2 days. 69. 22.12 6.7* 6.11 Total for 30 days 97. si 103. 6^ Iday '.. 35.8 10.15 3.3i 3.6 Total for 31 days 100. 12 106. 12^ Jersey Cattle. 149 150 How THE Farm Pays. The following appeared in the Breeder' g Gazette, July 5th, 1883: B.u-TiMoKE, Md., June 28th, 1883. John O. Clark, Eitq., Pi-esident Maryland Breedera' A>er day, and up to the age of fourteen months, when she was put to the buU, increased to foiu- quarts per day. She is still in my possession, and has given me two calves, and has never been dry during the period of gestation. This was an unusual case, and was caused by the constant sucking of its com- panions. It shows, however, the natural inclination of this breed to milk production. Q. Had it any weakening tendencj- on the animal ? A. No; I think not. This animal was in such a vigorous condition that it rather gave her a finer development than if she had not "iven milk until she came in at two yeai's old. She is now four- years old and caiTying her third calf, and I cannot obsei-ve that she is in any way injured by it. 174 How THE Farm Pays. Q. You say the heifers are ready to breed at al>out fifteen months. Is it not an unusual thiuf^ to bring them in at that age? A. In my experience in breeding Jerseys and A^Tshires, hy bring- ing tlicm into milk -while young, I find that they make better cows, as it keeps them from ninning into fat or beef, and holds their milking qualities much better. I have known Jersey and Ayrshire heifers not to breed until twenty-eight and thirty months old, but they never proved to be good dairy cows, while Short Horns or Devons ought not to be bred until about two years old, because their uses nowa- days are more for beef than for dairy jiurijoses. My plan is to breed the Jerseys and Ayrshu'es while young, and on their second breeding to keep them back say three or four months, so as to make them hold out their milking qualities for a longer season. Q. "What is the highest price, to your knowledge, that has ever been jiaid for a Jersey ? A. Ibelieve $10,000 each has been oft'ered and refused for "Eurotas," "Bomba," and "Jersey Belle of Scituate." The two-yeai'-old heifer, Khedive Princess, sold at the Cooper sale. May, 1883, for $5,1.50. Some twenty cows at the same sale averaged over $2,000 each, while the young buU, King of Ashantee, sold for $5,600. Since then !i bull calf sold for $10,500.* Q. What is the probabUity of a continuance of these high prices, Mr. Crozier? Are they occasioned by a craze of fashion, or is there an increase of f)opular demand for the Jerseys? A. There is no doubt an increasing demand for Jersey cattle — a legitimate demand founded entirely on their great merits, which yeai-ly are becoming more and more attested, and that, together wth the great beautj' of the animal, which brings into competition jjrivatc gentlemen as pui'chasers, both at the auction sales and privately, will have the eflect of keeping up 2:)resent jjrices, until this demand is satisfied. At the present time I do not believe there is a Jersey cow for each county in the United States, and the number being thus limited, certain!}' the demand wUl continue. Fifteen years ago $250 or $300 would have been called an extravagant price for a Jersey cow and few buyers at that. Q. The inference is, then, that as the character of this breed becomes known the price advances? A. "Wherever the Jersey cow jilants her foot, there yviH soon be found a market for her, whether here in the East or in the South or the "West. A few years ago she was slighted at our fairs by everj-- body, and called the " little scrag " and only considered fitted for • Sinco tlie above was wrilteu a two-vear-old bull ha3 been sold by T. S. Cooper for $15,000. Effect of Crossing varu Jerseys. 175 gentlemen's la-tvns. But to-day every buyer who can obtain money to purchase a calf wants it, and while, but a few yeai-s ago, the highest price paid for the sei-vice of bulls was $5, to-day $250 is paid for some buUs and even as high as $500 for animals of special families. Q. The cost of the Jersey to the average farmer in anything Uke a fair herd would of course be beyond his means at the jsresent time, but would not the effect of a cross between a Jersey bull and an Ayrshire or other good cow, for instance, be found of great advan- tage? A. I have known a great many instances where the breeder has crossed the Jersey bull and Ayi'shire cow for the very purpose of get- ting the best family cows, and certainly the result has jjroved to be most satisfactory. Of course a herd in this way would cost very much less, as the Ayrshire cow has not any excessive value. Q. "What are the relative values of a pure Jersey cow and a pure Ayrshire of the same quality ? A. "While the Jersey cow of pui'e breed and pedigi'ee would now bring $1,500, the Ayi'shire would biing only fi-om $100 to S150. I paid in 1876, at the Highland Society's Exhibition, $500 for one, but since then the value of the Ayrshii-e has had a downward tend- ency, as she has not been appreciated by wealthy farmers as the Jersey has been, and so has not so high a market value. Q. "^Tiat is the result when the Jersey is crossed with our common, or, as sometimes called, native, cow ? A. I think it was in 1876 that an old faiTuer, upwards of seventy years of age, brought one of his cows to one of my Jersey bulls. The cow brought him a heifer calf which he raised and bred, and which in turn produced a calf when a Uttle over two years old. Nothing remarkable was thought of the heifer until his wife ( who had a life- time experience in butter making) stated one morning that she had never had such a good chiu-ning of butter as she had had that morn- ing. This shaiiDeued the old gentleman's observation, and while turning the cows into the yard loose to be milked, as is the custom among our faiTuers here, he noticed that this heifer had a very laige and richly colored udder. He went back to the house, and told the old lady that he guessed there must be something in Crozier's stock after all; that he thought the cause of her extraordinary jield of butter was in that heifer, and that to set the matter at rest she must begin and gather a week's milk by itself and chm-n it. It was done, and to the astonishment of the old gentleman, he had more butter fi-om the one heifer a little over two yeai's old than he had fi'om all of his other thi-ee cows together. On the same day he came to my place and said he had come to take back what he had said about my stock, 176 How THE Fakji Pays. ami that as loug as be lived he would breed to no other bulls but the Jerseys. He uow has several crosses of the Jerseys in his herd and you could not buy them for $100 each. I had an order fi'om Te.\as asking' if I could procure a car load of half breeds in this vicinity. I tried the old gentleman, but in vain, for although he had them he would not part with them. And this, which is by no means an excep- tional case, tells the whole story. It is for wide-awake fannei's to watch the changes of events in their business outside of tlieir own fai'ms, as well as inside of them, and to know what is going on ai'ound them, and when they see how some improvement can be made to seize upon it. A Jersey buU, at a cost of $200 or $250, would double the value of a herd of fifty cows in tkree years, at a cost of no more than $5 for each heifer Ciilf reai'ed. It is safe to say that each of these young cows would be worth $100 eac-h, which is a return of $5,000 for the $250 in three yeai-s. This is one way in which the value of the Jersey bi-eed can be made available to eveiy farmer. THE M.VXAGEMEXT OF THE DAIRY. The fii'st gi'eat cai-e in the management of the daily is cleanliness. If the cows are kept in a filthy state, the milk wUl certainly become tainted less or more, and this taint wiU surely affect the cream and butter. Therefore I use every precaution to keep the cows clean and the stables fi-ee from taint or bad odors, and not only the stables, but the surroundings. Gii'ls and boys make the best milkers, because theii" hands ai'e small, and are less hable to hui-t the cows; and it won't hui-t any gii-1 or boy to know how to milk, for if it is never necessaiy that they should do the work, they should always be able to know how it shoiild be done and when it is well done. There are many ways of mUkiug. Some clasi) the teat with the whole hand and squeeze and puU at the same time; others use only the forefinger and thumb, with a sort of stripping motion. The first method is esiieciaUy objectionable where the hand is lai'ge, as the fingers double in ai'ound the teat, and there is danger of pinching the teat Avith the finger uaUs. Strip2)ing should rarely be practiced, excejjtiag in cases where the teat is very small, or as a rest to the milker's WTist, occasionally. I once had a Swiss in my employ who, in milking, doubled up his thumb against the teat, placing his fingers ai-ound it, and I found he was much the easiest and best milker I ever had ; and since then I have made my boys learn the same method. This way of milking is bj' far the best for men, because doubling the thumb in lessens the capacity of the hiuid, and the fingers reacliing ai'ound the teat lap onto the thumb, and thus i)rotect it from the finger nails. In milking with the whole hand the teat should not be i^uUed down, Vmt squeezed Milking Cows. 177 from the top downwards, so as to force out the milk. The finger nails of milkers should be kept cut close. Every milker should wash and dry the hands before he begins, and no one should ever dip his fingers into the milk to moisten the teats. The milk stool should be about nine inches high and should have three legs. The best position for the milker is to place his head firmly against the side of the cow, between her thigh and flank, throwing cue leg slightly behind and the other in front of her hind legs, so as to hold the pail firmly between the knees. In case the milker should happen to get hold of a kicking cow, this position will enable htm to brace himself so as to prevent her from kicking the pail. Sometimes, however, we find vicious kickers, where it is necessary to use artificial means to break them of the habit. In such cases a good remedy is to tie a strap — such as a surcingle of a horse — tightly across Ihe cow's back, and under her beUy. In moving her leg forward to kick, the cow raises her back forward of the hip joint, and slightly expands the belly, and her back being particularly tender, if the strap is drawn tight, it hurts her to make this motion, and she soon desists. A very common MTUONG TUBE. practice with kicking cows is to tie then- hind legs together; but this should never be done, because in struggUng to get loose they are ajit to throw themselves. The strap applied in the manner described win be found effective. I would say here that a great deal may be done to make cows quiet milkers and prevent them from kicking, by careful and gentle man- agement when a heifer first comes in. A yoimg heifer, newly calved, has generally a tender udder, and when it is full of milk, the act of milking is painful and she will often attempt to kick. This is the critical time ; if she is beaten she will kick back, and, perhaps, become a confirmed kicker ; but if gently soothed and treated with patience and kindness, as soon as the udder has lost its tenderness, she wiU never think of kicking. I have known some of the most valuable animals to be rained for life in breaking them fi-om kicking. It is then that the previous train- ing, before mentioned, is found to be of the greatest advantage. Whipping or stiiking with the stools should never be allowed, as it only makes them worse. When cows ai-e annoyed at mUking by flies, it saves all trouble if a light sheet is thrown across the cow's back duinng the operation. In the case of sore or obstructed teats there is nothing I have foimd to give such quick relief as a silver tube made for that 178 How THK Fa KM Pays. purpose. This instiiiment is .simply a sUvcr tube one-sixteenth of an ineli in diameter and three inches lonp;, and perforated near the toji as shown in cut. It should he inserted in the teats and passed above the obstruction. The smsill shde is pushed up or down to shorten or lengthen the tube. I have also imported a milker which has been cow ATTT.KFn recommended bv the best daiiymon in Enp^land and Scotland. I would not recommened this to be used constantly, but vrhere the teats ai'e sore it is of great value. ^MiLking is done by my boys and men. Theu- hands must be washed clean, and if any tilth gathers on the udder or teats of the cows, they ai-e jilso washed and wiped di-y with a clean towel. The milk is sti-ained into cans twenty inches deeji and eight inches in diameter, which are covered and cjuTied immediately into the dau-y, Avhere the mUk is strained in the mnter time into a creamery which contains pans five feet long and twenty inches wide and about seven inches deej), thus giving a liu'ge siu'face for the cream. In cold winter weather we get the niUk uj) to a temperature of sixty degrees by the simple process of placing a tin can tilled with boiUng water and corked tight, iu the bottom of the creamery, the door of which is then shut Judgment must be used to regulate the quantity of hot water, so as to keep as near as possible to the desired temperatm-e ; it will require neM-ly douVile the quantity of hot water to raise the temperatm-e of the milk to sixty, when the theniiometer mai-ks ten helow zero, than when it is ten aliove it- Over tlie milk or at the ends of these pans arc ventilators, so that the bad air can pass off, but this we only practice for a few months iu the winter time diuiug the coldest weather. The remainder of the yciU- the milk is set in a creamery holding six cans about twenty-foiu- inches in depth and nine inches in disuueter. These cans ai-e covered with lids having chimneys or ventilators in the toi3. The cans ai-e smTounded by cold Chtrsing. 179 spring water, wliicb is left imtil the milk is cool. Tlie water is then {li-awn oflE ami fresh cold water and broken ice put in, to keep the milk down to as neai- forty-five degrees as possible. Each setting is allowed to stand twelve houi-s, and the milk is then dra-n-n oS by a faucet placed in the bottom of the can, leaving the cream inside. The milk, being sweet, is fed to the calves as pre- viously stated. A little salt is added to the cream, and it is put away in a cool room, where it remains imtil fully ripe, or a little soui-, and is then chmned, being at a temperatui-e of about fifty-five degrees. I prefer to chum the cream a Httle soured, as I have found by different trials that when churned sweet, the butter is not so good. The churn we have had in use for several years is a small sized factors- churn of the Blanchard make, having a capacity of eighty gallons of cream. The chum is worked by pony power, and the churning usually requires about fifty minutes, although it could be done in half that time if hui-ried; but we find it is a mistake to work it too fast, as the butter would become oily. Before the churning is finished, two pails of brine made of salt and spring water (strong enough to float an egg) ai-e thrown into the chum. This sei:)ai'ates the butter from the buttermilk, and leaves it in kernels about the size of wheat grains. The pony revolves the churn a few times; then the buttenuilk is drawn oft', and either sent to market or is fed to the hogs. Several pails of water are then poured on the butter, until not a paiiicle of buttermilk, or even the color of the milk, is left in the chm-n. The 180 How THE Farm Pays. chm-ning now being done, the Reed butter worker, which, thus far, I find to be the best, is scalded and cooled with ice-water, and the butter lifted from the chmni onto it. About one ounce of Eui-eka salt to the pound of butter is sifted OTcr the whole surface, and about half an ounce of pulverized sugar to the pound added, and the whole thorouglily worked by the machine, about fifteen minutes being recjuii-ed for this process. The butter is REED .S BUTTER next weighed into half-pound cukes, put into the butter press and stamped ; the stamp sho^\^ng the name of the farm, of the village, and my initials, to protect it in the mwket from imitations. These cakes ai-e wrapped in fine muslin, jjut into the butter box, which is enclosed in a wooden box, and sent direct to the pui-chasers. In each of these outer wooden boxes are two compaiiments for ice, which in hot weather keejis the butter in good condition until it reaches its des- tination. This concludes mv system of butter making, and I may say that I have yet to hear of one single complaint, although I have supplied some families for fifteen yeai-s without missing a week. SkTTINO INIlLK FOR CeK\JI. 181 Q. I notice tliat you sa}- that the temi^eratiue of the luilk iu the summer season is reduced to fortv-five degi-ees, while in the winter season it is kept up to sixty. ^Tij' do you reduce the temperature in the summer time to forty-five ? A. Because at this temperatui-e mUk set in the deep pails we use will thi'ow up all the cream in twelve hours, and while it is stiU sweet; if the mUk was set at sixty degi-ees in the summer, it would soiu' be- fore aU the cream had risen. We also get the cream in the chum at a lower temperature than we otherwise could in the summer, for it is BLANCHARD BUTTER WORKER. necessary for the cream to go iuto the cluu-n iu the hot weather at no more than fifty-five degrees, as it quickly rises to sixty or sixty-two, which is the right temperature, or the butter would be too soft, un- less a good deal of ice were used, and too much ice is not desirable. A point worth mentioning, too, that is secured by setting the milk at forty-fiive degrees, is Ihat we get the skimmed milk sweet for the calves. Q. Is yoiu- plan of mixing half an ounce of sugar for each pound of butter in general practice ? 182 How THli Fahm P.vys. A. I think not; but it impi-oves the butter, for certainly- there is a waste of sugar in washing out the buttermilk. Yeiu-s ago my method was to press out all the buttermilk we could in working it, and to absorb it with a sponge wi'apped in a clean cloth, but since I have adojited the plan of washing out the buttciTuilk I replace the sugar in this way. Besides this, the sugai- heljw to 23resei"i'o the butter. Q. "VMiat is your opinion, Mr. Crozier, of the new Centi-ifugal Sepai'ator, as it is called ? A. I think it was in 1870 that we had it at the lutematioual Dairy Fail', in New York City, and I have no doubt that for those who supjilj' cream to oiu- lai-ge cities it is a very good machine, but where we sour the cream and make it fit for churning, I do not think that we can get as good butter or as much fi-om the siuue quantity of cream. I do not think that we can make good butter to keep a week fiHIPPINQ BOX FOR BUTTKR. by that process, as the cream thus sepai'ated is not in the right condition for chiu-ning; for unless, after the sej^iu-ation is made, it iskejit for the same length of time, there would be no advantage. For cheese factories, where the cream is taken off for butter and the sweet skimmed millc is used for cheese, it would be sen-iceable. Q. One of the most common complaints of the dairy farmer is the ti'ouble in getting help for the dau-y. How do you manage tliis ? A. I have no trouble whatever, as it is all done within my own family. My two daughters have taken turns since they were fomieen yeai's old in the dairy, month about. The thing is now so siiiiple, that even a cai'cful girl of that age is capable of doing the work without much exertion; the labor of dair^nng being so much eased and sim- jjlified by improved machinery and methods. Outside of the dau-y there is a large boiler or kettle, which holds forty gallons of water, which is supplied fi'om the waste of the creameiy. The fire is made AKPtAXtiEMENT OF THE DaIRY. 183 under this boiler the first thing iu the uioming, so that all the utensils are washed and scoured, and left on a table under a shed to au- and sweeten. After the churn is emptied it is washed out, fii-st with cold water, then thoroughly scalded and finallj^ again washed vrith cold water. It is then wiped dry with perfectly cleau towels. This matter of perfectly clean and sweet towels and wiping cloths is of too gTeat imj)oi-tance to be neglected as it too often is. It is one of the great little things in the dairy. The butter worker and moulds are then thoroughly washed and cleaned in the same way, in readiness for the nest churning, the work being so easily and quickly done that about fom- hours completes it aU. The setting of the milk and the skimming and coUeeting of the cream does not occupy more than one hoiu- each time, twice a daj". The dairy is a plain stracture, twelve foot post and single roof. It consists of three rooms. No. 1 is for the creameries. No. 2 is the cold room for working the butter and preserving it. No. 3 is the ice room. Nos. 1 and 2 are finished with hard finish and painted. No. 1 is suppUed with water from a faucet, which is fed from a tank into which it is pumped by a windmUl. The average amount of butter from the dairy is about 200 lbs. per week, imless it is in the summer, when many of my city customers are away in the country, and for this reason I make it a point to have as many of my cows come in in the fall as possible. At convenient distance from the dairy the calf pens ai'e placed. The skimmed mUk being di'awn fi-om the creameries is mixed as jireviously stated with gruel made of oat meal and flaxseed meal, and taken direct to the calves. The calf pens or boxes are twenty-four by sixteen feet, and are littered with straw so that the calves have every chance to jump and play. After each meal theii- troughs are taken out and thoroughly cleaned; in this case, as in all others, cleanliness is imperative. If any milk is left by the calves, it is taken direct to the h( igs, which, as is well known, are the scavengers of the cattle yai'd. The buttermilk when taken from the churn is put into a large cask or baiTel, and mixed with bran in the summer season and fed to Berkshire hogs. I may state that in these loose boxes in which the calves are kept every precaution is taken to admit as much light and air as practicable, without allo\^ing the sun to beat in upon them. The doors of these i^ens all around the build- ing are supplied with foiu- hinges, and each door is cut across the middle, so that the ujjper half can be opened and closed at will. The upper doors are left open at night to give plenty of ventilation, and in the day-time a thin gunny bagging is fastened across as a shade. The calves are protected from any sudden change or high wind by the lower doors being kept shut. 184 How THK Faioi Pays. FARM HORSES. Although an important animal for the farm, the horse is in most cases secondary to cattle; but, as with cattle, it is always best to have such breeds as will perform their work in the best manner. I have used several breeds of horses forfiu'm work, notably the Clydesdales, which originated in Scotland, and which ai'e used there almost exclusively. They ai'e now becoming great favorites in the cities here for heavy di-aft horses. It has been oljjectedto the Clydesdale that he is slow; but, after a trial of different breeds, I find that the Clyde horse can plow more acres in a week than any other breed T have used. In 18(59 a premium was offered by the Queens County, N. Y., Agricultural Society for the best wiilking team of any breed. I entered a pair of Clydes in a conifietition of a dozen pair, and won the prize of $50. Again, at oui" plowing match the summer following, at !Mineola, where some thirty plows had entered to plow half an acre in a given time, two paii'S of my Clyde horses came out first. In the horse market of this countiy nothing is such a hindrance to real sales as the wsuit of size. No matter how jierfectly the horse may be built, Avith strong The Percheron-Norman Horse. 185 "body or short limbs — if lie is small, lie brings only a low price, and this even smaller, in proportion to his size, than the value of a lai-ger horse. The law that like jsroduces like, or the Ukeness of some ancestor, refers, of course, as much to size, as to form, color, temjserament and action; and I think that the Clyde hoi-se, weighing 1,500 or 1,600 pounds, when crossed on our native hght mares, weighing 1,000 or 1,100 jiounds, makes one of the most valuable breeds for farm work. Q. Would it not be an objection to the Clydesdale horse that its cost would be entu-ely beyond the reach of the ordinaiy farmer ? A. They are now being bred in the west in large numbers, and in the New York horse markets half blood Clydes can be i^rocured without PEECHEBON-NOEMAN HOESE. trouble nearly as cheap as the ordinai-y Ohio or Pennsylvania horses that have been supplying these markets for years jiast. Q. '\Miat do you consider the best age and weight for a farm horse? A. I hai'dly ever jiui'chase a horse that has to do steady work at less than six or seven years of age, and for farm purposes, from 1,200 to 1,100 pounds in weight. Horses of this age and weight can be piu-chased in the Xew York markets, at this time, for about $.500 per pair. The Percheron horse is also imported in large numbers into this counti'v and is used in the West for breeding. "When crossed 186 How THE Fakm Pays. with our common hoi-se this makes an excellent farm animaL They are not as good walkers as the Clvdesdales, and in my esjjerience I have found them harder keepers and more subject to ailments. Their bone is larger than the Clyde horse, the legs of the latter being something similar in shape to that of a two by foui--inch jilauk. The Perchei'on has become very numerous in the "Western States, and seems to suit the special cii"cumstances of the "Western country exceedingly well. It is as heavy as the Clydesdale, but jierhaps mther coarser in its build. The Suffolk Punch has also been imported into this coiintrj-, but tliey ai'e too slow for the American jseople. They make the very- best horses for city work, as they are capable of hauling immense loads. The Cleveland Bays have been bretl extensively in the "West and South, particulai-ly in Kentucky suid Virginia, for coach horses. The English CiU-t Horse has also been introduced into the "United States, but as yet I have not hesuxl of theii- success in any way. In my opinion the Highland Clyde or tlie Canadian hoi-se \vill answer every pmpose on our fiu-ms better than any other. Their weight is from 1,200 to 1,400 jxiunds. They are clean in the bone, easy keepei-s. good walkers, and have not tlie objection of excessive size that might be urged The Feeding of Horses. 187 against the Lowland Clyde. These horses are used to a large extent in Lower Canada, Quebec and Monti'eal. As there is a large demand for horses for citj^ use, and also for exportation, the breeding of these as a business might be i^rofitably undertaken bj- manj' more farmers than now give attention to it. A class of horses of moderate weight, but stout, clean limbed and active, is lai-gely sought by the horse-car comj)anies and many thousands of them are pui'chased everj' year. Foreign governments, too, are now pro- cuiing horses for then- armies here iu lai'ge numbers. This class of hoi'ses is bred from lai-ge mares of the kinds above described, cross;d with horses having some thoroughbred blood, the j)rogeny being able to endure severe work and having a strong constitution. The breeding of roadsters is also a very profitable part of farm business at the j^resent time. Li this section of the comitry the use of mules upon farms is not nearly so general as in the South and parts of the AVest. But for some pm-poses mules are preferable to horses, as, for instance, where the work is hard, and when the team is exjjosed to neglect, and not fed as well as it might be. But this should not be made an excuse for neglecting them, nor for preferring mules without other and better reasons, as no other fai-m stock pays better for good eai-e and treatment than the fiuiu team. We feed our horses iu winter in about the same way that we do our cattle. "UTien spring comes and thej^ have to go to plowing, they ai'e fed oats at noon time, cut feed at night and oats in the morning, a mash of bran being given them twice a week. The colts ai-e fed -w-ith the same mixtoie as that given the cattle, with two or three quarts of bruised oats per day; we braise the oats lest they might be jsassed undi- gested. Ruta Bagas or carrots mixed with meal make an excellent feed for horses; in fact, I am of the opinion that it is the verj- best feed for bringing a horse into good condition. It is fed in quantities of about fouiieen pounds of the roots, and three to four pounds of meal mixed with a httle salt. Thousands of horses are injured by feeding exclusively on grain and corn meal, which is very apt to give the colic. The usual remedy for colic is to take the horse out and walk him rapidly, i-ub the beUy, and give injections of soap suds. These remedies are usually successful. A caution might here be given against the common practice of giving active medicines or tlrags to animals without any knowledge of what is the matter with them. No medicines of any kind should ever be given to any animal without some clear idea of its purpose, derived from inteUigent study of some good veterinary work, or on the advice of some competent veterinaiy surgeon. 188 How THE Fahm Pays. The breedmg of horses as a si)ecial pursuit upou farms has been fouuil veiy protitable. Men of wealth have greatly increased the TiUue of theii- property, and have had the eujo^Tuent of a pleasant aud he.dthful occupation at the same time, iu the midst of their stud. This has been fi-equently the case iu Vu-ginia, Kentucky aud ilissouii, but more especially where the names of Alexander, Harper, aud sev- ei'al other noted breeders, and of such horses as Lexington, Long- fellow, Leamington, and other remarkable sii-es, will always be remembered. The class of horses thus bred, however, have been used for pleasure and sport, for the turf or for di-iving, and for useful roadsters. The demand for such hoi-ses is not likely to become less, but, on the conti'ary, to increase greatly, and the steady and jirofitable business which has been built up will, beyond a doubt, 1)ecome verj' much extended. The race of Auierican trotting horses is now known aud admu-ed all over the world; our carriage horses are sought for by wealthy Europeans, and even for business puii^oses our light, active, but strong and serviceable draft horses are iu large and increasing demand. Thus a large opening exists for entei'j)rise in this direction, which may be profitably tilled, not only by ]uen of wealth, who invest their capital in agriculture for pleasure as weU as profit, but also by those who follow the pui'suit of farming for a living. The breeds above refeired to are for draft aud fanu purjioses chieliy, excepting the Cleveland Bay, which is in demand, idso, for large carnage or coupe horses, and some animals of this strain have been exported for this jiui'j^ose, notably several tine ones, which were piu-cha.sed for the Emperor Napoleon III. when he was in the height of his good fortune. But the horses mostly desired for roadsters are of the English thoroughbred strains, and fi-om these have beeu bred the race known as Ameiican trotting horees. These animals are cer- tainly far more usefid than the running horses used for sporting purposes, and come du-ectl}- under notice in a work devoted to the subject of protitable farming, because they are mostly bred and reai'ed upon farms, and the better class of farm mares, crossed by thorough- bred horses, are lai-gely used for theii- production. The Morgan strains, which have beeu of such great service in this respect, have furnished hundreds of sires, which have been scattered all over the country, and have put thousands of dolhu-s into fiu-mers' pockets. Another noted instance was the horse Hambletonian, whose blood now runs in numerous strains, each of which had its source in a fanu mare. The protit of horse breeding may be eiisUy shown by the study of the reports of the mai'ket values of hoi-ses, of which a specimen is here given, copied from a leading paper. In these it may he found that a horse of 1,100 or l,'20(i jiounds sells Profit of Horse Breeding. 18» for from twenty to thii'tj' cents a pound live weight, while a steer brings no more than from five to six cents a jDOund on foot. As it costs no more to rear a colt to three years of age than to bring a steer of the same age into condition for market, when it weighs but little more than the horse, and after that age a horse more than earns his feed until he is sold, it is easily seen that there is more than four times as much monej' in the horse than in the steer. DESCHIPTION. Bay driver Black driver. Black di'iver Bay driver Chestnut driver Bay driver Draft team Draft team Draft team Draft team Gray mare Bay mare Brown horse Gray horse Gray horse Bay horse One car-load of farm horses, per head. Six farm horses, per head One coupe horse 15^ 15i 15i 16i 151 16 16 16 16 151 15f 16 16 16 16 16i 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,300 1,000 1,160 2,500 2,800 2,900 2,400 1,300 1,400 1,250 1,400 1,450 1,500 1,300 $175 350 250 250 115 185 375 425 450 325 185 195 160 150 210 210 85 105 250 It costs no more to rear a good horse than a poor one, excepting the expense of service, which may be $25 or $50, while the colt fi-om the better horse is quite likely to bring more than the extra sum paid for the service of his sii-e. This fact apphes to the rearing of all kinds of stock, and it should be a maxim with farmers to " always breed the best." It is a great mistake to breed from unsound animals, because these defects of unsoundness in nearly all cases descend to the progeny. Thei'e are thousands of diseased horses that are bred from diseased mares, and inherit their defects from the dams or sii'es. Therefore, the first requisite in breeding horses should be to use only sound, healthy mares, and to use a sound sire. Siia\'ins and other diseases of the joints, blindness, bad temper, and many other defects, become constitutional, and are reproduced from gen- eration to generation, and thus it is that there are so many unsound horses in existence. 190 How THE Farm Pays. Tbe second requisite is a good luare. For a roadster or a carriage Lorse a large mai-e should be chosen; it does not matter if the bone is rather coarse if the sire is a thoroughbred, or even a wcU bred horse of thoroughbred lineage. It is a characteristic of a thorough- bred that the bone is hard and sohd, and although fine, it has more strength than the coarser bone of the common stock; and it is also characteristic of the higher bred sire that he will confer this property upon his colts. Some time ago a few Russian horses, known as the Orloff breed, were imported into this country. These were fine specimens of sires for roadsters or trotters, and as they have been bred and kept for this purpose in Russia for many years, they would be of great value for breeding here. Tbe Orloff hoi-se is very com- pact, and has great endurance and considerable speed, with a remark- ably good constitution. An excellent portrait of one of these hoi-ses is given on the opposite page. After the breeding, the managemen of the mare is the next important point; for while the sire gives the general form and consti- tution to the progeny, the dam gives the disposition and temper. The mare should, therefore, be treated with good judgment, and her feeding should be generous and regular. The training and feeding of the colt must, of course, be equally weU managed, for many good colts are spoiled by bad manngement, in spite of all the pre^•ious care in the breeding. This is also time as regards horses, for the value and 2)rofit of a horse depends quite as much upon good treatment in its use as in its breeding. Many hoi-ses are injured by carelessness in shoeing, by which the feet are i-uined, and, as is well known, ' ' no foot, no horse," for the feet of a working animal must be sound and in good condition, or the hoi-se soon becomes entii'ely useless. HI fitting hai-ness is another fi-equent cause of injury to hoi-ses, by which its abiUty to work is gi-eatly reduced. The fai-mer who makes a special business of rearing horses must necessai-ily study special works on this subject, and be a close and thoughtful obsei-ver for himself. All that can be done in this work is to call attention to these sjiecitd points, that they may not lie over- looked. There is considerable profit in rearing the small bi-eed of horses know^n as Shetland ponies. This is a veiy diminutive animal, as may be seen by the engraving, which shows its relative size as compared with the Orloff' stiiUion. They ai-e in demand near the lai-ge cities for chil- dren's use, and usually sell for $100 each and upwards. A pair makes a very good team for a small carriage, as these ponies ai-e strong and stout and of great bottom. The cngi-a^-ing represents one ''in the rough," as it was imported a few^ years ago in a herd of about twenty. These Sheep. 191 animals are natives of the northern part of Scotland and of the Shet- land Islands, a locality exposed to severe storms and ha^ani? a ripi'orous climate, in which they niu in herds without any shelter at any season of the year. Next to the finer breeds of cattle, my experience with sheep has prob- ably afforded me most pleasure and profit. Although sheep keejiing is not generally as profitable as breeding the finer classes of cattle, in some localities, yet it might be made more so in hilly or mountainous dis- tricts, such as Vermont, New Hampshire, the higher lands of Virginia, North Carolina and other Southern States. Great attention has 192 How THE Farm Pavs. been given to sheep breeding, and the finer kinds have been gi-eatlj- improved by the care and skill of the breeders during some years past. Twenty-five years ago I imported a few Leicester sheep, which were then the ruling breed in England, but after a few years' experience I found they were not suited to this climate. The lambs grew to a lai-ge size and weight, but did not produce much fat The average fleece unwashed weighed fi'om nine to ten pounds, and after three j'eai"s I found they were much given to disease and the percentage of loss was so great that I abandoned the sheep trial for several years. I tliink it was in 18G7 that I imported a few Cotswolds, which pro- duced good lambs and heavier fleeces than the Leicesters, and the wool being better for combing, brought a much better price. The ram weighed when fully grown iio lbs., and the weight of his fleece SUDTH 1XJ\V> ■was 24 lbs. The ram lambs sold for from $40 to $50 each, for breed- ing purposes, but like the Leicestei-s, they began to nni down after two or thi'ee years, and I think were not suited for the cUmate. I had a few imported South Do^xtis at the same time, and crossed a Cotswold ram on one of the ewes; this ewe produced a ewe lamb which I bred to a South Down ram. The produce of this cross I lired in and in until I had a flock of twenty, which I named Beacon Downs. All sheep men who saw them admired them for their compact forms, the length and fineness of wool and their early matiuity, and they soon found a market among breeders. Of my three importations, the South Downs proved to be the best suited for this climate. I think one CoTSWoiD Ram. 193 194 How THE Faum Pays. great cause of the failure of loug-wool sheep iu this oountr\-, is that they are often left to take care of themselves, aud the rains or snows beat into their wool, and bv chilUn;^ them produce lung disordei"s. Although in Europe tliere is less rain-fall than here, yet the climate is moister and cooler, and there are not so many sudden changes, which are exceedingly hurtful to sheep, especially those vnih open Heece. The South Down gives what is called a middle wool, which is iu gi-eat demand in our markets and for the country woolen mills. The fleece is so thick that the rains cannot penetrate it, and when the sheei) give themselves a shake, as they generally do, they thi-ow the water oft". Tliey are very hardy, and thrifty feeders, and when 2)ut upon green feed or jsastm-e they seem to fatten quicker than any other breed of sheep I know of. The lambs mature eai-ly aud wiU bring from one to two cents per lb. more iu our markets than any other breed. The ewes are very prolific and ■wih bring generaUj- two lambs every spring. The average of wool fi'oni my flock this spring, which is direct fi'om Lord "Walsingham's (England), was ten jJounds per fleece, which is largely over the general average. The flock increased over double, losing onlj' one lamb. I have sent South Down rams as far as Texas and Montana; and from those sent the report is that they have made a better cross than any other pure breeds they have had a trial with. If theewcsare bred early in the fall, so as to comein in midwinter, carefully fed and housed, the lambs will dress as much as thiiiy pounds when ten weeks old aud will bring in our large cities early in the spring fi'om twenty-five to thii'ty cents jter pound. At this eai'ly season only a limited number could be sold, and the cost of rearing them is of course larger than at a later season. There is a class of remarkably useful sheep which have all more or less South Down blood in them, and which have the black or dai-k faces and medium clothing wool of the South Down. These are generally known as the "Down" breeds. They are larger in the carcass aud have more wool than the South Down, but the flesh is not so deUcately flavored. As these sheep have been introduced into America and have met with general popular favor, and moreover as they well desen'e it, some notice should be taken of them iu this work. SHROPSHIRE DOWN. This sheep is not much larger than the South Down and closely resembles it in character. It differs in its more open fleece of some- what longer aud coarser wool from tlie South Down, and is perhaps rather more hardy and more adapted for roughing it in oiu- less parti- Hampshire Dow'x. 195 •cular and considerate methods of keeping sheep. This breed has teen introduced into eveiy State of the Union, and several flocks of SHBOPSHIRE RAM. ihem are kept in CaUfornia. The illustratiou here given is a very accurate representation of this sheep. HAMPSHIRE DOVm. This breed is the most popular of all of this class of cross-bred sheep. Its face and legs are black and its frame is large and broad. 'These sheep were introduced into Virginia forty yeai's ago and HAMPSHIBE DOWN KAM. although the pure race has melted away, it has left its traces widely spread among the native sheep. More recently a large number of them has been imported, and they have done well, especially for cross- 196 How THE Farm Pays. ing on the natives for j)roclucing large early market lambs. For this purjjose perhaps there is no better sheep than this. Year-old lambs have been known to di-ess 100 lbs. The wool is fine and longer than that of the South Down; tlie fleece averages about eight pounds. The wool is very close and comijact, and sheds xain very weU; conse- quently the sheep of this breed are hardy, and do not suffer fi-om our heavy rains and snows as the long wool sheep do. OXFORD V>OWS. The Oxford Down is a still larger sheep and has a still coarser and longer fleece than the South Down, which is a grandparent of this breed. The Oxford Down is a cross of the Hamjishire Down upon the Cotswold, and while it has the dark face of the Downs, it has the long wool and more open fleece of the Cotswold. It is a veiy good OXJFORD DOWN IlAil. mutton sheep and does well in this country. It matui-es early and twenty-t^vo-months-old wethers have weighed 300 lbs. each when fat. The rams have been known to shear twenty pounds of wooL THE AMERICAN MERINO. The Merino is a short or fine wooled sheep which jiroduces large quantities of unwashed wool, and I have seen as high as thirty-four pounds taken from one ram, but when washed there was so much yolk in it that it was reduced dowTi to eight pounds. This breed is The American Merino. 197 especially a wool sheep, although nine-tenths of the American mutton is from sheep of more or less Merino blood. The Merino is well fitted ior hUly or mountainous sections of the country, and are bred largely in Vermont, western New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, from which places many thousands are shipped to Texas, the western plains and to California. Many are sent to Austi-alia, where they are cousidered as the best fine wool sheep in the world. Some of the rams of this "breed have been held as high as S25,000 and sold for $10,000 each, and as an instance of the effect upon the market values of fann animals of the vagaries of fashion, sheep of this same breed have since then been sold for the value of their pelts. The American Merino originated fi'om the Spanish Merinos, some thousands of which were imi^orted many years ago, and by long continued careful breeding it has become the first sheep of its class in the world. Mr. Hammond and another Vermont farmer, Mr. MERINO Il.\M AND EWE. Atwood, desem-e the greatest credit for establishing this breed, which is reaUy the basis of the native sheep and wool interest of this country. The Merino is used for improving the common Mexican and Texan sheep, of which fioeks of several thousands are kept all over the plains from Texas to California, and as far north as Wyoming and Montana. Its blood is more or less mingled with the forty miUion of sheep which now exist in this countrj-, and its value for improving and increasing ovu* production of wool can scarcely be estimated in figures. While I think the South Down is a better mutton sheep, yet there is no other sheep in existence but the Merino that can furnish us with the fine wool we require for our woolen manufacture. In choosing sheef) the farmer must of com-se take this fact into account, "because in most cases it is the wool which gives him the profit fi'om his flock. 198 How THE Farm Pats. My plan of feedinf^ slieep in -winter is -with cut " peas and oats " and turnips. They require little water, but vrater should aln-ays be kept ■within their reach. They require also, as all other animals do, a reasonable tjuantity of salt and a little sulphur occasionally. In the spring of the year I tura the sheep onto the young wheat alx)ut the 1st of May. The sheep eat the wheat leaves off close, and cause it to thicken and stool out ; their tlroppiugs also serve as a top dress- ing and their ti'eading fii-ms the i-oots of the wheat in the soiL "When the sheep ai-e taken off the wheat, they are put on pasture, and I have received the most benefit from them when herded on rape. The rape is followed by a mustard crop, and when this is done, the land may be prepai-ed for a crop of turnips of the softer kinds, such as Yellow Aberdeens or Tankards, which are eaten on the land by the sheep, as this is one of the best plans of bringing up poor land ready for seeding. The greatest care should, however, be taken when mustai-d or rape is grown, not to suffer these crops to seed and stock the soil, but to plow under the refuse before it blossoms. Q. At about what date do you turn in the sheep on the turnip crop? A. From the 1st to the 10th of October. I have fed a fiock of fifty sheep on two acres from tliat time up to the end of December, or neai'ly three months, by giving them a little hay in racks made for that purpose in the txu-nip fiekl Those sheep I piu'chivsed at the sheej) mai-ket in New York City, costing me $3.50 per heaA I sold them to the butcher for $9.00 each in Januarv, or in about foiu- montlis after tliey were pm-chsi-sed, thus making $275 for the feed and care, besides leaving the laud iu an improved contlition on account of tlie manui-e. The liuid was sowu -with oats, gi-asses and clover in the spring. If I had pui'chiised the m;uim-e for this land it would have cost me fully $20, so that taking into consideration the labor in caiing' for the sheep, and tlie cultivation of the laud, I may say iu round numbei's, that the four acres of I'ape and two acres of turnips gave me a net profit of considerably more than $200. They were of mixed blood, piuHy South Downs and piu-tly Cotswt>lds — what ai-e called Camida 8heei> — a lai-ge bodied, tluifty sheep, which makes the best mutton of any in America I piu'cliased them, as I s;ud before, at the New York mai-ket for the piui^ose of feeding off this rape and the tui-nips, and to mauui-e the laud and jn-epai-e it for a futiu-e crop. Sheep should be kept out of stonus. It is better not to keep over forty or fifty in a Hock together. They should never be housed in a damp building, as they are veiy susceptible to foot-rot, and once this sets in it wiU work thi-ough the entii-e herd if not prevented. "Ulien this ti-ouble occiu-s the hoof is to be pared down to remove aU unsound honi and the diseased parts of the foot liiid baiv. These Caee of Sheep. 199 are cli'essed with a strong solutiou of suljahate of copper (blue vitriol), about an ounce in half a pint of warm water. The feet should be wrapped up in a rag smeai'ed with a mixtm'e of pine tar and lard melted together. Sometimes sheep become lame from being kept on gravelly or stonv pastiu'e ; this is not foot-rot, and will soon be reme- died by a change to softer gi-ound. This caution as to housing the sheep of coiu-se appUes only to northern cUmates. In the South and South-west, where the cUmate is milder, there would be no need for such housing, simple shelter from the rain being enough. As a guide to this we might say, that in England, where the thermometer rai'ely falls lower than ten degrees above zero, but where the -n-inters are very rainy (the wet, and not the cold, being injurious), the sheep are kejjt out in ojjen sheds on most fai-ms diuing the entu'e ^\-inter. The ewes requii'e cai-eful watching about lambing time, as in many cases they may then need assistance. The ewe and young lamb should be sejsarated from the flock, and put into a box stall or a jien in some convenient jilace, where they can be kept warm, gi'eat care being taken to remove anj' wool that should be on the udder, so that the young lamb can catch the teats easily without any obstruction. This may not often be necessai'v, but requii-es looking to lest it may be. The tails of the lambs should be docked when eight or nine days old. Loss often occurs when the tails ai-e left on, as in the heat of summer on good jjastm-e their soft di'ojjjjings are apt to adhere to the tail, and in a few days the sheej) will become fly-blown and maggoty, and if not relieved death will ensue. The tails axe docked at about two inches from the laimp. The skin is drawn back by the fingers as on the finger of a glove and a cUp mth a joair of shai-j) sheep shears divides the taU ■^^■ithout trouble and with very little pain. A pinch of copperas wiU stop the bleeding. "VMiere flocks of 100 or over are kept, they should be left to the cai-e of an inteUigent boy or man. One of the most troublesome pests in the care of sheep is the tick, which ai'e often on the ewes at lambing time, and ■will soon reach the young lambs, and it is impossible to have them gi'ow and im2irove as they should do while they ai-e infested with this insect. A good remedy is to dip the sheep in tobacco water made to about the strength and color of strong tea. Another pest to sheep and which sometimes desti-oys whole flocks in a miserable manner is the scab mite, which bun-ows in the skin and produces the disease kno^\-n as scab. The wool of a scabby sheep falls off or becomes matted on the skin, in the crasts and scabs which ai'e formed of the matter exuded by reason of the in-itation caused bj' these pests. The remedy is to dip the sheep in strong hot tobacco water as above mentioned, with some sulphur added. The quantities are one jiound of coai'se tobacco. 200 How THE Farm Pays. or one and one-half of tlie waste stems, to foiu* gallons of boiling ■water, fovu" ounces of flowers of sulphur- being well stiired in. "When the solution cools to about 120 degi'ees the sheep ai-e dijjped into it all over, excejDt the head, and the cmsts ai'e completely broken uj) with some rough instrument, a com cob being the best for the puii^ose. As this disease is exceedingly contagious, the mitis remaining for many months upon the soil, on the fences aud Widls, where the sheep rub themselves, the gi-eatest cai'e is needed to prevent the infection of healthy sheep; and as it spreads very rapidly, the remedy should be appUed at the eai'Uest occasion for it. The sheds, also, ai'e to be cleansed iu the same manner as the sheep. Where there is any reason to susjiect the presence of this troublesome pest in any sheep introduced to a healthy flock, the new comers should be dipped as a precaution. This subject is more fully refeiTed to in the chapter on " TJie Pests of the Fai-m." Xo flock can be exjiected to do well without a well aiTanged and comfoi-table shed aud a di-y yard. No other animals should ever be Ijermitted to run \\"ith the sheep, as these inoffensive creatiu-es cannot defend themselves, aud ai'e consequently exposed to constant attack and injury. The shed should be open to the south and well protected agiiinst the 'north; the yaid should be enclosed with a dog-proof fence, and there should be an enclosed bai-n for feeding and housing them iu severe weather, Avith a good floor for sheai-ing. The accom- pam-ing eugi-a%ing gives a good idea of a convenient yaixl, sheds and bai'n for this pmpose. SWINE. Usually the keei>ing of hogs iu any lai-ge niuuber on the f ann is not profitable. Like many other things, it is confined to sections of the country where it is made a speciiil business. Still, it is well on most farms at least to have a few to eat up the garbage, or the offal from the daii-y, and I v\-ill endeavor to state what I lieheve is the best method of raising them, and the kinds best suited for the pmi^oses of Berkshire Swine. 201 the average farm. I have bred the Cheshii'e, Poland-China and Chester AMiite hogs. All these breeds have lai-ge bone and a gi'eat deal of offal, and I found that they were not profitable and abandoned them. I then imported the White SuffoLks, which jsroduced more fat than any other hog I ever raised. They ai'e small in the bone, vsdth little offal, and ai'e quiet and easy keepers, while the Chester AMiites seem to be always looking for more feed, and are never con- tent, and do not matui'e until two or three yeai's old, and then their meat brings in oui- markets two or three cents 23er j^ouud less than the Suffolks. I next imported Berkshires, in 1862. These were BERKseiRE; Pill found to be better than any kind previously tried. They are easy keepers, make much lean meat with the fat, and mature early. I have often had them weigh, when dressed, 250 pounds at eight months old. Their hams and shoulders, when 2>roperly eui-ed, find a ready market in all lai'ge cities, and ai'e of such superior quality that private purchasers often order them from our farmers here six months in advance. I have made importations, about once a year, of prize Berkshires from England. In 1869 I imported foiuteen hogs, a few of which I sold, to go to llissouri, for $600 each. They were exhibited at the great Pork Packers' Exhibition, at St. Louis — in 1872, I think it was — where there were some sixteen hundi-ed entries of all breeds, from Em'ope, Canada and the United States, and these, with their progeny, took the first prize on boajf and sow; fii-st and second prizes on sow and Utter of pigs; first prize on hogs under a year old, and prize on pigs under six months old. I mention these facts to show the superiority of the breed, because these animals were 1 wrought into competition vnth others of all breeds, and of coui-se with the best specimens of them which could be procui-ed. The Berkshire is black 202 How THE Farm Pays. in botli Liiii- and skin; but in dressing, the black skin comes off with the hair, and the pork ib-esses jjerfectly wliite. The hau- is fine and glossy, but rather thin, jind is quit« free from iiU tendency to the ■woolly undercoat which is so much disliked in piga Tliere is a white splash on the face; the feet are white, and so is the end of the taiL These pecuhar nuu-ks are all reproduced very exactly in the pure breed. The eai-s are pricked and yery small; the face is short and dished; tlie neck is very short and thick; the shoulders broad; tlie sides are deep, and the hams broad and tliick, the legs being very short and the bone hght and fine. This form makes the very best ham and bacon hog, . and as its habit is to make a hu'ge proportion of lean meat to the fat produced, and to ijroduce more meat cm the same feed and to do it more quickly than any other breed, and the meat being sweeter and of better quality, I must say I know of no other vai-iety of swine that is so desii'able for the fiu-mer for hams, shoulders and bacon. POLAND-CHINA Next to the Berkshii-e conies the Poland-China, which is quite populiU' in the West, where pork gi'owing is one of the most prominent indush-ies of the f anu and consumes a considerable part of the large corn crop. This hog is mixed white and black in color, the eai's are lopped, the cai'cass is lai-ge and fat. It therefore suits the pork packers, whose aim is fat pork for packing, rather than meaty pork for <'>iring for sides and baccm. The importance of good lirecding of swine is appa- rent when we consider that about ten miUion hogs lU'e packed even' year in the West and that the whole stock in the country is more than forty millions. There is another black breed of swine, which has no white mai"k about it, and which is jjopular in some places. This is the Essex. It is not as good a bacon hog as the Berkshu'e, although it is excellent when young for hght pork. When full gl•o^^^l it is fat, but it is not lai-ge enough for the i)acker's use. Among fiuTuers who jirefer white Feeding of Swine. 203 liogs, the lai'ge Yorkshire is considered as profitable, but it is a large feeder, and I think on the whole if the Berkshire were kept by farmers more extensively, both whoUy, or for crossing on their present mixed stock, that the value of tlieir swine would be doubled. There is nothing sj^ecial to be said in regaixl to the feeding of hogs, excepting that when young they should not be overfed. I feed a mixture of buttemiUk and bran twice a day, and in the winter time they are fed cooked roots and pea meal, which is one of the best feeds that can be given. The sows are put into a pen a week or ten days before theii" time for f aiTowiug, and to prevent them from eating then- pigs, as they sometimes do, I give them a Httle salt ])ork, which seems to have the effect of detening them from doing so. Perhaps if they had been given some salt jjreviously they would not need this. There is but little bedding left in the pen at that time, and that fine and short, so that the young pigs may not be entangled in it; and they are watched closely. The pigs are left as ch-opped, and are then jiut into a box or basket, and as soon as the sow recovers they are put back in the pen, and left with her; but she requires watching, as. they vnR often get in behind, between the sow and the wall of the pen, and get crushed. To prevent this I nail a rail or round pole a few inches from the Wiill, and a few inches liigh. The pigs ai-e gen- erally left with the sow vmtill six or eight weeks old, when they are weaned and fed with a little new milk and mush, made of oat me;il and bran. I have several times put the boai- to the sow the thifd day after she has dropped her pigs. By this there is time saved, as we can get three litters in a year, whereas if we neglected it at that time, the sow probably would not be in farrow again for three months. It is my opinion that boars should never be used longer than two yeai's, as they become vicious and dangerous. Q. Without taking into consideration the fancy j)rices at which these Berkshii'es have sold, how would they compare in profit with sheep? A. I think they ai'e not as profitable as sheep. The wool j)ays for keeping the sheejD, and six months in the year they ai-e on j)astiu'e, and requii-e but very httle cai'e, while the hog has to be attended to twice daily throughout this full term, and unless we have a special mai'ket for hams and shoulders, and sides of bacon, it hardly pays to raise hogs here. But the f ai-mer can iU afford to be •without them, as they are used to root among the manui'e and tui-n it over, and generally get theu- hving upon what would otherwise be wasted. "When pork is prepared for sale in the form of hams and bacon, it must be home cured, because then we get the profit in this work. A hog should not be fed for twelve hom-s before slaughtering. When it is scalded to remove the hair it is necessaiy to avoid over scalding. 204 How THK Farm Pays. or the hair heeomes set and cajinot be scraped off. Tliis of course injures it for Side to private custoniei-s or to the best dealers. I find 180 degi-ees to be the proper temperatiue for the water. The carcass should hanpr where it wiU not bo ft-ozeu for twent y-foui- hours. "NMiere a f aiTuer has ten or twenty hogs to dress diuing tlie season, he will find it convenient to have a shed or ])lace jn-oijerly jn-ovided and furnished for this work, with a boiler and scalding vat. My method of curing is as foUows: "\Mien the meat has been properly cut up it is well rubbed with salt and left on the benches to drain for twenty-fom- hours. This removes the moistm-e from it. Seven and one-half poimds of salt, two siud one-half jjounds of brown sugai-, four oimces of sidtjjeter, ai-e then put in as much water as will dissolve them completely, and two ovmces of cayenne pepper is added. The liquid is boiled a few minutes and skimmed and set a-side to cool. Meanwhile the meat is rubbed vriih a mixtui-e of the same, and is closely i^acked in the baiTels or tubs, and the pickle is poui'ed over it until it is covered. In six weeks it is ciu'ed and is ready for smoking. It is smoked with hickoi-y brush wood or corn cobs, or both, one hour a day for ten days. The fii-e is made outside of the smoke-house and the smoke is earned in by a flue, so that it is cooled and does not wanu the meat. After ten days the meat is rubbed vdih pepper and is ready for siile, or if to be kept should be packed in close boxes with wheat chaff or cut straw, and kejjt in a di-y, cool place. Hams and bacon are frequently injured by a small beetle, wliich lays its eggs iipon the meat, and when these hatch the small worms bore into the meat and harbor near the bone. This insect is a vaiiety of weevil, a small brown beetle, and the lai'vaj are smsdl white grabs, which are commonly Cidled skippers. It is very important that the meat should be protected against this j^est, or it may be damaged so as to spoil it for side and also injui'e it for use. There are several ways of doing this. One of the best and the most convenient is to rub the meat well with gi-ound jjepper, and then pack it in boxes in oat or wheat chaff or in finely cut hay; a few inches in depth should be covered over the meat, and the box closed tightly. It should be kept in a dry, cool place. Tlie dry packing will absorb all the moisture, and prevent the meat fi-om becoming moldy. FARM BlILDIXGS. The styles of f ai-m buildings will of course vary according to the necessities of the fanner, the amount of money he is wiUing or able to invest, or other conditions. As I have heretofore done in our convei-sations on other farm work, I ^^■ill give my o^vn practice in tliis Aerangemest of Farm Buildings. 205 matter, which for the special purposes required, after an experience of nearly thirty years, I have found to be the best. "When wanted for other purposes than dairy farming they must be modified accord- ingly. In yeai's past, when I leased farms, I always had the bad for- tune to get poor builduigs, and I have often had to put up sheds at my own cost. My object always has been to make a court or square suiToimded on all sides with buildings, with one opening into the yai'd, so that it could be easily locked up at night, that if any animal should by chance get out of its pen it would be found in the yai'd in tlie morning. The homestead which I purchased tlu-ee yeai's ago was bai-e of buUdings and open to the streets. I first gxaded the yard into a hoUow square, sloping on all sides to the centre, where I placed the cistern or cesspool for liquid manure, as before described. On the south side of this j'ai'd, running east and west, I built my cow stable, 10.5 feet in leng-th, twentj-thi-ee feet wide and sixteen-foot jjosts. This is divided into thii-ty stanchions or stalls, three and one- half feet wide, with a manger running in front. Water is sujiplied to the manger from a tank in the bam, and is can-ied along the range of stiiUs by an inch and a quarter iron pipe, having thi-ee faucets to let the water into the manger. Hose attachments are provided to cany the water to any point in the bam in case of fii'e. In front of the manger is a sjjace of nine feet for a feeding passage, in which there is a large trough, six by thi'ee feet, for mixing bran or slops in the summer. Just behind the stalls is a trench, fifteen inches wide and eight inches deep, where all the manure falls. Behind this is a walk of five feet for the convenience of the milkers and for bedding and cleaning out the stables. This large space also gives ample room for the milk cans at milking time. On the front side of the stable, and in front of the cows, ai'e several large windows, to give sunlight and air when desu'ed. There are also windows facing the yard, and two lai'ge doors, by which the cows enter the stables, into which the carts are backed when carrying in bedding and taking away the manure. The smallest boy can put the thirty cows into the stable in ten minutes, as they are all trained to go into their own stalls without confusion. This training saves a gxeat deal of trouble, and is a special point in the management of cows. The method of fastening them in the stalls is simjjly by means of an upright oak scantling, two by three inches, held in the bottom of the stall by a pin, and, when the cow thrusts her head thi-ough the opening above the manger, this upright stick is pushed up in place, and a ^^iece of the same size is dropped down behind it on the top raU of the manger and holds it securely. This space has a width at the top of about two feet when open, and when closed is about eight inches wide at both top and 206 How THK Farm Pats. bottom, so that the cows are fastened securely and quickly, thus doing away wth chains and halters. The second floor of the bam being seven and one half feet hiyh fjives ample room for ventilation, and this floor win hold seventy-five tons of hay. On the east side of the square, miming north and south, is another stable 100 feet long. This is eight feet high, built of codiu- jjosts and rough boards, and contains ten box stiiUs; a few of them, of liU'ger size, ai'e used for the bulls. The others ai'e eight by ten, and ai-e used for cows at calving times. lu fi'out is the feeding manger or ti'ough. In front of this is a walk of four* feet, where tlie feed is supphed to the manger. The roof is made with hea^y timbers and rough boai-ds. On this are built the stacks of com fodder, or corn stalks, to a height of about fourteen feet. The stack is built over the sides of the stable some two feet. It is made so as to run to a shiu-p lidge at the top. In this way we get a stack of corn fodder 100 feet in length, sixteen feet -nnde and an average height of U n feet, which probably contains seventy-five or eighty tons, thus serving the pui-poses of a roof, and a convenient place to stack fodder diuing the winter. WTien the corn fodder is fed off, the board roof of course carries off the water. On the side of the square facing north is the main bam for horses, limning east and west. In this barn are the hay-lofts, threshing machine, room for tools, seed room, offices, etc. ; here too is the horse power for two or four horses, as may be requii-ed. "With this we pulp the roots, cut corn fodder, etc. On the west side of the squsu'c run- ning north and south is another stable seventy feet long, twenty f jet wide and foiuieen foot posts, which contains calf boxes, sheep pens and pig pens, and at the south-west comer the dairy. By this man- ner of erecting the building I get a hollow squai-e containing a quai-- ter of an acre, which not only affords a shelter for the animals, and is convenient for harnessing, and all other barn-yard work, but it keeps the whole building imder the eye of the owner. This is a very important matter, because he can take a run out, the coldest night, around the whole place of neaiiy GOO feet in a few minutes, and see that everything is in proper condition; whereas if the bams Avere scattered about, as thej' often are, it would take gi'eater time to make this round of insjiection, and would be attended by more expo- sui-e, for in this com-t there is shelter no matter how the wind Ijlows. Another advantage in this manner of building the Ixirns, is that the rears ai-e aU placed so that no doors open to the outside, which not only affords security against the possibiUty of tlm animals breaking loose in the night, and getting out, but also prevents the chance of tramps getting into the stables or barns, and housing for the night, Construction and Arrangement of Farm Buildinqs. 207 •which they cannot well do unless they scale the gate from the outside and force an tntrance. Q. Wbat do you consider the best method of constructing and arranging f ai-m buildings ? A. That is an extensive subject and admits of a great many con- siderations. Different kinds of stock require different accom- modations, and the management of the farm calls for a large variety of buildings suitable to the particular needs of it. On grain farms a barn is requked of great capacity to store the gi-ain, and having a capacious floor for threshing and cleaning it. This method of farming, however, can scarcely be followed any more in the Eastern part of the couutiy, because the cheats grain of the far West and the low freights have made it unprofitable ; and with the system of agri- cultui'e of course the special kind of buildings must go. Live stock feeding, dairying and sheep rearing must be followed in the East, and in parts of the West, swine feeding, with corn growing; and each of these special branches of farming calls for different kinds of buildings. As to the construction of the buildings, I approve of cheap wooden structures, easily built and easily renewed. A bai-n or stable is necessarily always fiUed with combustible material, and a stone and iron barn built at gi-eat cost could not be made fire-proof and would be ruined, although it might not be consumed, if the interior was burned out, so that as far as regards danger from fixe, a cheap wooden building is equally as safe as a more costlj' stone one ; and the cheaper one can be renewed ten times for the cost of the more exj)ensive one. I have built cattle sheds which were comfortable and convenient, something in the style of my present buildings, which cost less than §10 for each head of cattle in them. These plain and yet substantial buildings are much safer from fire than a large structure in which hay and fodder are stored over the cattle, and in which valuable animals worth, perhaps, $.50,000 ai'e kept fastened in such a way, that if the barn takes tire they cannot pos- sibly be saved. It is only recently that a fine herd of Jersey cattle were thus bxuTied in a large and costly barn, from which it was im- possible to get them out because of the smoke. The barn cost several thousand doUars, and I know of other barns that have cost more than twenty-five thousand and some much more than that, but which are not so convenient as sheds costing only $10 per head, and which are perfectly comfortable, and fi-om which, in case of fire, every animal coiild be let loose and driven out with complete safety. The annexed drawings show how these sheds are constiiicted. The first gives the outside end view, the second a section shovnng the interior arrangement of the stall, and the third the ground plan 208 How THE Farm Pays. of the stalls. Each cow has a loose stall to herself, in which she may be left unfastened, thus avoiding the risk of being caught in the OCTSIPE END VIEW OF CATTLE SHED. halter at any time, and getting thrown down, and in case of fire the doors may be all thrown open in a few minutes and every animal SECTION OF STALL INSIDE. diiven out to a place of safety. The shed is sixteen feet wide, giving a stall nine feet in the clear and seven feet wide, and a feeding pas- 5 FT. WIDE sage, in fi-ont of the stalls, five feet wide. Each stall has a feeding trough with a shute through which the food can be put with a scoop, Convenient Cow Stalls. 209 from a feeding tinick, in -wliicli it is brought from the feed room, where it is pref)ared. A long staple of half-inch iron rod is fastened to each side, in which a steel ring and chain may be iixed, and one cow can then be fastened on each side, and two cows kejit in each stall if desired. A double door is made in the front of each stall, four feet wide, and in wann weather the upper half may be left open. A long sliding window is made at each end of the shed, and, if neces- sary, other sliding windows are made in the rear, opening into the feeding alley. These windows jDrovide for amj^le ventilation and light; and light is as necessary as fi-esh air for the welfare of cows. It is well to have close shutters to shde over these windows to darken the stable for the piu'jiose of keeping out flies in the worst of the season, so that the cattle maj' rest comfortably in the heat of the day. The floors of the stalls should be of earth, and graded to the rear, where a gutter should be made to carry off the di-aiuage into the drains, which conduct it to the middle of the yard, where it is absorbed by the manure which is tlu'own into a heap there. Sheds of this kind can be jjut up for about one doUar and a half a ranning foot, in a plain rough fashion, and as much more money can be spent upon them as the owner's purse will allow. Paint is thrown away upon fai-ru yard buildings, excepting for the sake of ajipearance. I have seen wooden buildings, unjiainted, eighty years old, in which the boards had been worn but a very Httle, and if these had been painted once in five years the jiaiuting would have cost in all five times as much as the buildings. For painting farm buildings the common brown iron paint and raw huseed oil I think is the best; it is very durable, is fire-proof, and is not soiled by use. The color, too, is agi-eeable, as a contrast to the gi-een of the trees and the fields. HAY BARNS AND SHEDS. Barns for storing hay and fodder are necessai-y where much stock is kept, and these buildings may be constructed verj' cheajDly. High barns require heavy timber and firm framing and bracing, both to resist the winds and the pressure of the haj- inside. Where land costs no more than it does in this country it is poor economy to build high barns. Lighter, broader and longer buildings can be buUt more cheaply and seiwe every useful pui-pose. The engravings rejDresent two kinds of hay barns or sheds; one of large capacity for a good many head of stock; the other intended for smaller farms, and holding nearly one ton of hay to the running foot when fiUed to the top. The former, if thirty feet wide with sixteen-feet posts, and the self-support- 210 How THE Farm P-wa ing roof bere shown, will hold 3,000 pounds of hay to the runmnp; foot when filled. It has a clear sjjace over the beams for the use of a horse fork or hay slings, and by haNong large doors for unloading 1,000 pounds of hay may be unloaded with a sling at once. These slings ai'e preferable to hay forks, as they carry a much larger load, and can be used for com fodder as well as for har. The engranng FRAME FOB HAY tjUED. shows a single bent of the frame, and by adding as manj' bents as may be required, the baf n may be made as long as desu-able. With the present useful machinei-y for unloading haj' a bam may be made of Horse Barxs. 211 any length, if unloading doors are provided within fifty feet of each other. This roof is a very sti-ong one, as it cannot sag, and if properly l)raced and bolted to the plates, cannot sjoread. A thi-ee-quarter-inch iron bolt should be put through each rafter and the plate on which it Tests, and a rod of the same size put thi-ough the top beam and ralter as shown to serve as a brace; a brace may be used as well, but the rod shovdd he close up to the brace and the nut at each end should be screwed up tight. The smaller shed is made of posts set in the ground, twenty feet apart one way, and sixteen feet apart the other, making bents twenty feet wide, placed sixteen feet apart. Two cross girts may be bolted to the posts, which is stronger than fi-aming them in, and two long braces should be bolted in to stiffen the building. Roof "braces are spiked to each third or fourth pau's of rafters to keep these fi'om spreading. This shed needs only a single board roof, laid closely, and a naiTow batten to cover each joint, as the steep pitch sheds rain Tcry easily. HORSE BARNS. Stables are used for common farm horses, but, where horses are Tared, barns specially arranged for them are necessar^y. The use and value of farm horses are often gi'eatly reduced by a want of proper arrangements for stabling them. Any kind of a place to crowd the poor beasts in is too often thought good enough, and the air in some stables is so bad fi-om filthy floors that the harness is often rotted by it. A horse's lungs and eyes cannot fail to suffer in such an atmos- phere, when tanned leather and cawiage varnish ai-e sf)oiled. No doubt a good deal of disease among horses is due to this cause. Another common fault is bad light. A horse sees on one side only "with each eye, and a side light from a window strains the ej'es unequally. The hght should come into a stable directly in front of the horse, and it should not be too bright. If the window cannot be on the north side, it should be covered with hme-wash to mellow the light; but the stable should never be wholly dark. A stable should "be airy and well ventilated, but not drafty; a draft ui^on a horse yet wai'm with work will surelj' injure him, and, if it does nothing worse, it wUl stiffen him for a few days. A few such mistakes will ruin any animal. The feeding arrangements for a horse stable should be as follows: A hay rack above the head is objectionable, as the dust from it is apt to be breathed and cause disease of the lungs. A deep manger from 212 How THE F.uiM Pays. a foot above tlie ground ami three feet liigh, is the best for hay, and a grain box at one side of the stall serves for grain or cut feed. The grain box should be sixteen inches square at the top and sloping the same as the manger, and at least twelve inches deep. The manger should be eighteen inches in width at the top, uaiTowing to twelve inches at the bottom. The stall shoidd be live feet wide. A hoi-se cannot rest comfortably in one naiTower, and if it is wider the animal may try to roll in it and get fast. The halter should not be any longer than wiU bring the end of it to a foot from the ground, and the loose end should run through a strong ring bolt and have a block of hard wood fastened to the end of it, so that the slack of the halter may always be taken up by the weight. The Hoor of the stall is best made of concrete mixed with gas tai- and rammed down hard. Such a floor will hold no moisture and always be clean. An excellent floor is made of round stone laid in a pavement, and filled between with cement well rammed, and then satm-ated with hot gas tar. No veiiuiu wiU attack such a floor and it ■wiU always be cool for the horses' feet. For horses it is well to have a floor of wooden bai-s laid lengthwise and an inch ajjaii, to provide di'ainage and keep the horse clean, and a drainage gutter made shallow and ninning lengthwise of the stable is necessary for cleanliness. Once a week the stall antl gutter should be washed down with a pailful of water to cleanse and sweeten it. A bai-u for a horse-breeding farm, where valuable animals ai-e kept, should be made thuiy-sis feet wide, with an alley way through the middle twelve feet wide, and stalls twelve feet squai'e on each side, opening into the alley way. A small window, protected by iron gratings, and made to swng on pivots, should Vie made for each stall for hght and ventilation, and it should be placed six feet from the floor. A shding door should be made in the stall into the alley for feeding, and double doors, the upper one of which should ojien singly, sliould be made to open into the alley way. It is very con- venient to have feeding slmtes fi'om the floor above, to send down hay and gi-ain into the manger and feed box. The hay shute should be a little larger below than above, so that the hay will not pack in it, and the grain shute should have a sjoout at the bottom leading into the feed box. The best bedding for horses is sawdust; but the dried peat, now being introduced, is equally good, and so far as its value for manure is concerned, is better than saw- dust. The floor above the stalls should be laid close with matched boards. / Sheep Baens. 213 SHEEP BARNS. Success with sheep depends in a great measui-e upon having proper tarns or sheds for them. Sheep culture will, no doubt, greatly increase in the course of a few years, and, as the improved breeds are more widely introduced, a better system of keeijuig them, with proportionately better profit, will be adopted. Few farms are well provided ^vith accommodations for slieej), exceptiog where the fann is devoted to them, and even then many large flocks suffer for want of SHEEP SHED FOE A SJIALL FLOCE proper conveniences. This is especially injurious to the lambs, many of which are lost from accidents which might have been avoided. Sheep requu'e j)ure air and dry lodging chiefly. Their fleece protects them fi-om cold in the severest weather, and thej' know how to keep warm by huddUng or bunching together when necessary. A close shed is therefore not healthful, because when sheep get over- lieated they are very apt to suffer from lung diseases, and pneu- monia is one of the most fatal disorders to sheep. One night's over- heating in a close shed -will cause sheeji to nin at the nose, which is the first step towards inflammation of the lungs. A good tight roof, with an open front on the south side, placed on the north side of a dry yard, makes a sufficient shelter for a flock. For a small flock the yard and shed shown in the above engraving is recommended by Henry Stewait, the author of the " Shepherd's Manual, " in that work, fi'om which this illustration is boiTowed. A barn for a larger flock, designed by the late Hon. Geo. Geddes, of Onondaga, N. Y. (see engravings'), is made with the pens eight 214 How THK Faksi Pays. feet bigh; the i^osts are eight feet apart and swinging doors are tixecl between each i)air of posts. The doors are double, one hung above the other, so that the upper or lower one, or both, can be closed when desu-ed. The doors are hung upon pins titteose, excepting so far as regards diu-ability. A different an-angement may be made if desirable, which would gi'eatlj' reduce the cost, viz., the cattle may be kept loose in the shed, and fed fi'om racks and gi-ain troughs on each side of a drive-way. With this arrangement twice as many cattle could be kept in this shed, tlu'ee di'ive-ways only being made, one in the centre and one at each side, leaving two large spaces for the cattle. But, as cattle feed better and make more flesh when quiet and undistiu'bed, it is a ques- tion if the plan of having stalls would not pay more jsrofit, notwith- standing its lai'ger cost. The pai-titious between the stalls are made of bars which are movable, so that when the cattle ai-e taken out the bars are removed, and wagons can be di'iven in all over to take out the manure. FENCES. Another important matter to the farmer, somewhat allied to the buildings, is the fences. Conditions are so varied that this is some- thing in which the farmer will in most cases have to be guided as Fences. 223 «ircumstances may suggest. I may say, however, that I am a great foe to fences. I have torn down miles upon miles of fences, and have gained by it a great deal of the very best land. I don't believe in having any fences whatever except line fences, and highway fences. It will always pay better to hire a good boy to take care of cattle than "to build fences. The kinds of fences must of course depend upon the locality. In some sections, where timber is plentiful and lumber scarce, the cheapest fence may be found to be the ordinary rail or post and rail fence; but wherever lumber can be obtained at reasonable price, I think it will be found that a board fence can be erected at less cost, besides taking up less land and presenting a much neater ai^pearance. A solid post and three-rail fence can always be made at less cost than an ordinary worm fence, even without con- sidering the economy of land. Live fences are now used to a great €xtent on the prairies, where timber is scarce. No other fence is cheaper or better than this if a little care be taken for the first four or five years in their management. The seedhng jilants of Honey Locust or Osage Orange can be bought at $.5 per 1,000 jjlants, a foot high. Such plants, if set out at one foot apart and the land kept clean for a foot or so each side of the hedge, and kejit carefully trimmed into the shape of a blunt wedge, will attain a height of five or six feet in five or six years, and wiU fonn a ban-ier, with needlelike spurs, so dense that a rat could hardly get through it; of coiu'se some temporary' fence would be required till it grows up. Transplanted two- year-old plants will always be found' the cheapest, even at $15 per 1,000. Wire fences are coming into general use, both plain and barbed. Barb wire is no doubt the best, and in grazing locaHties is indispen- sable. But where valuable animals are kept there may be danger of injury, which it is better to avoid by using the plain wire. A plain "wire fence may be made equally effective as one of barbed wire, by putting the posts down firmly, and bracing them sufficiently, and straining the wire tight. Eing staples with screws and nuts may be used at the end of the fences for tightening the wires, when this is needed. No less than four wires should be used. In some cases a narrow board nailed to the posts over the top wire is used with ad- vantage, as this is more easily seen by the animals. The posts should never be more than sixteen feet apart, and twelve feet is better unless the posts are ver^• firmly braced. Number nine galvanized steel wire is used. Such a fence, put down in the best manner, need not cost more than three cents a foot under favorable circumstances, or five cents a foot at the most. 224 How THE Farm Pays. REARING AND KEEPING POFLTRT. Poultry, like hogs, are oue of the items on the fann of ■which, if many ai'e kept, the cost usually oveiTuns the profit; but the farmer cannot afford to be witliout eggs or chickens, and if he had to buy I fear the good- wife would come short sometimes, eggs being used in so many ways about the kitchen, and a jilump fowl is so handy for a meal. In the winter time, when eggs bring fifty cents j^er dozen, there is a profit in fowls, but when they i-un down to twelve and fifteen cents, as they do for the gi'eater piui of tlie yeai', fowls do not pay for their keep, unless tlie fiuTuer has a lai-ge min neai' his maniu'e yai'd. L'nder special cir- cuiustiuices poultry may be made quite profitable. A farmer in my neighborhood keeps from six to seven hundred hens for their eggs, and idthough he has 300 acres of land, this is the only way in which he jjays his taxes and other expenses. He plows in the woods among the trees several times from April until the end of November, and here the hens make out their lining, feeding on worms and larva) of insects. But fowls in my opinion do not often pay where grain has to be bought or produced to feed them, and they get no other food. A hen can be kejit for the sum of one dollar a year for gi'ain, where it has a good iTUi, and where the eggs and chickens ai'e worth two dollars yier hen and the hens can be kept free from disease there will be a good profit. ^ATiere poultry rsiising on a Lu'ge scale is practiced the incubator is used at times with success, but there ai'e few farmere who have had any experience with it, and to such as are interested in poultiy raising as a business, we would refer them to special works on the subject. I have kejjt the English "White Dorking, but the gTay variety I have never had much success with, as they seem to be more tender than the white breed. I also imported the Black Spanish, and the "UTiite Leghorn, but only kept them one season. Two yeai-s ago I got fifty Plymouth Rocks. I built a small poultry house in the fivU and put them into it. They were fed morning and night -with wanu feed, and we had eggs all winter through, and early spring chickens large enough for broilers in Jlay; but if I had had three limes as many hens with no greater accommodations, I would doubtless not have had as many eggs, and therefore I think that eveiy fanner should select a few of the best breed and keep only that few and tend them well, or his profit in poulby will be apt to be very light indeed. The Plymouth Eocks I find ai-e very satisfactoiy, as they aie quiet and do not distml) the garden much, and mature very eai-ly, and sometimes will tb'ess at six months old five to six lbs. and when fuU grown seven to eight lbs. In winter, chickens should be kept in POULTKY KEEPrNG. 225 a filace ■where they aie moderately waiTu, iu a terujieratiu'e of from forty to lift}' degrees, and at that season of the year when insects are not to be obtained, they should be fed ■with the scraps or lea^^"ings from the kitchen, broken or cmshed bones, or anrthing that will stand in lieu of their- natui-al insect food. PLrMOCTH The Plj-mouth Rock is a large, -weV fomied bird, ■with a small single comb, clean yellow legs, a large breast and bluish jDencilled plumage. It resembles most in form the English Dorking of all our American fo^wls. It is, perhaps, the best fo^wl to be kept on farms, as it is a good early ■winter layer, a good brooder, the chicks are hardy and can be reared early, and make the best of broilers at t^n'o to three months old, thus coming in at a season ■when chickens bring about t^wenty-five cents a pound ususilly, and forty cents a jsound at times. One of the most profitable branches of poultry keeping is the rearing of young chickens for market. For these the earliest broods are preferable, although there is little profit in trying to rear chicks before May, unless one has a well fui-nished and -warm jjoultry house, heated with a stove. Where there is a green-house or cold grapery a poultry house may be attached to it, and get the surplus heat, and in this way young chicks can be reared in Januai-y or Februaiy. It will not pay, however, on an average farm, to do this; but there are many market farms near large cities, or near summer resorts, where poultry keeping of this kind may bring in several hundred doUars a year, and this may be earned by the younger members of the family. To rear market chicks the early broods should be put in a warm coop, having a sash cover, so as to get the warmth, and another sash may cover a small yard, where the chicks may run and take exercise. On cold nights the glass cover may be protected by a sack or a straw 22fi How THE Farm Pays. mat. A Lip;bt Brahma ben, in a roomy coop of this kind, will take twenty chicks and rear all without the loss of one, as the brood is quite safe fi-om accident. The food should be oat meal, cracked corn and finely chopped meat scraps, with plenty of pm-e water. Light Brahma chicks ai-e exceetlingly biu-dy, and altboufjb almost bare of feathei-s for several weeks will stand severe cold if kept tb-y. When the chicks are two montlis old the ben may be taken from them, and they will nestle in theii- coop quite comfortably alone. At ten or twelve weeks old they will weigh two to thi-ee pounds, and will sell for $1.50 a pair in good markets, and nearly as much, when half this weight, as broilers. Later chicks, ready for mju-ket when summer boarding is at its height, readily sell for twenty-five cents a pound, and a fom--montbs-old Light Brahma cockerel, at that age, will bring a doUai'. FaiTuers who make a special business of this have often realized $5 fi'om each hen of a weU managed flock, includ- ing the eggs sold eai'ly in the season at the usually high jirices then cuirent M.^NAGEMENT OF EARLY CHICKENS. As in all special branches of any business, the rearing of poultry requii'es considerable tact and experience. And the reaiing of early chickens is still more exacting in this respect. But when properly managed, either of these specisUties may be made a profitable addition to the fann business under some circumstances. Grain fanning and poultry keeping ^"ill not go together, but dairying and stock feeding will do veiy well with ])oultrv rearing. Poulti-y is especially adapted tor daily farms, as fowls will consume the spai-e milk with equal and perhaps gi-eater pi-ofit than pigs ■will. For satisfactory success, how- ever, there lu-e some requisites that are indispensable. It is all in the management. Fii'st a weD airanged house and ywd are needed; and the necessaiy an-angenient includes the eas\- securing of perfect cleanliness, di^-ness, and thorough ventilation. Next there must be such a provision and kind of nests and fittings that vermin can find no harbor; that the hens caimot quaiTcl and fight and break their eggs, and so learn the bad habit of eating them. Then there must be a separate apartment for brooding hens, where they may not be annoyed by laying hens, and evei-y provision for their feeding and comfort and security; lastly there must be a properly aiTanged method of protecting the young chicks as soon as they ai-e hatched and until the whole brood is out and strong enough to go into the cooj) with the hen. The Poultry Hoise and Yakd. 227 Pii-st let us consider the house. A very convenient one for a iiock of fifty hens, which is as many as should be kept in one house and yard, is made as follows: it is twenty-five or thirty feet long, ten feet wide, eight feet high in the front and five feet in the rear, with a sloping roof. It should be divided into two apartments, one sis or «ight feet long, and the other eighteen or twenty feet, and separated by a tight partition, with a door in it leading fi-om one to the other. There should be a door in each apartment, and a large window, which should face the south. The floor should be the ground, and this should be high and dry and drained, so that rain water fi-om the roof cannot enter. The only fittings inside are the roosts, which ai'e made in a frame of three bai's fom- inches wide, having two cross jjieces to hold them together. This frame is hinged to the rear wall, sixteen inches only from the ground and all on a level, which entkely prevents fighting to get the highest peixh and prevents injury from the fowls flying down from the roosts. This frame can be raised against the wall, out of the way, when the floor is cleaned, which should be done at least every week, in a thorough manner. This will wholly prevent vermin hai-boring in the house and prevent much suftering for the fowls. The nests are loose boxes sixteen inches long, and twelve wide and deep; oj)en at one side where the hen enters and having a naiTow strip at the bottom three inches wide to keep the nest in its place. These nest boxes are loose and are jjlaced on the floor around the house. When a hen sets and has settled down, the nest with the hen is removed to the setting room, and another box is put in its place. The eggs are taken from the nests at noon, and in the evening when the hens are fed. When the setting hen is settled do^^-n quietly, the brood of eggs is given to her and a card is jiinned to the wall over the nest having the date on it when the hen was set. AVith such an arrangement as this there is no trouble, and the hens are kept quiet and docile, and this saves eggs and chickens. The yai'd should be enclosed safely, and for fifty fowls should con- tain half an acre or 200 feet by 100. It shordd be divided into two parts, each to be used alternately, and while one is being used the other should be plowed up and sown with some quick growing crop, as peas, rape, turnips, oats, etc., for the fowls to feed upon and scratch among. This secures cleanliness of the ground, and a valuable provision of green food for the fowls. In this way fifty fowls can be kept enclosed all the time in perfect health and thiift and with corre- sponding profit. But it cannot be done in any other way. For the fences, cheajj wu'e netting is the best and most economical. The feeding of fowls should be regular and the food should be varied. Eaiiy morning, noon, and night, the food should be supphed 228 How THE Faum Pavs. and never given in excess. Over feeding surely produces disease. Fowls should never be given all thej' will eat An average of one bushel of grain is sufficient for one fowl for a year, iu addition to what green food is supphed in the way above mentioned, or that can be picked up in a moderate range. This is equal to about two and one-half ounces a day. A variety of grain is advisable. Wheat, barley, buckwheat, corn, and mixed meal and bran, with some boiled potatoes or milk or buttenuilk, and some flesh meat occasionally, wiU. be necessai'y. With such feeding, and jDlenty of clean fresh water tvrice a day, there will be no ti'ouble from sickness, and of course sickness among the fowls will destroy all the jirofit It is a gi-eat help to have the fowls docile and easily handled. This- is secured bj- a simple method of managing, which is as follows. ^\jid this method also has other advantage as will be seen. The hens being set in theu- sei^ai-ate apartment are fed and watered daily, and soon become used to this attendance. "\ATien the chicks begin to a2)pear they ai-e taken, as they come out of the shell, or with the broken shell, if necessary, from under the hen, and put in a nursing mother made as foUows: A box made wdth double sides, filled with wool waste or cotton batting, about sixteen inches squai'e everj' way inside and standing on end, has a shelf fitted in the middle. Under this shelf a tin box fiUed with hot water is placed to warm up the box to ninety -five degrees. The young chick is put on this shelf in a nest of sawdust, where it is kept warm and rests comfortably wliile the others ai'e coming out. It is always well to set two hens on the same day, so that two broods come out at the same time. Witk average success from eight to ten chicks will come from each brood, and all are put into the niu-sing mother until the two broods are all hatched. The last two or ihi'ee may be left under the hen. The coop, which should be roomy, is prepared, and if the weather is yet cold, should be put in a glass house, or have a glass covering, and be put in a sunny, sheltered corner. At night the hen with the chicks are removed to the coop, and left in a di-y, comfortable nest, made ot chaff, in a comer of the coop, or upon a piece of dr^' bagging. The hen thus adojsts all the chicks, and in the morning will be found cimug for them. The hen and chicks are fed with some soaked bread or cracked wheat or coai'se oatmcid for two or three days, and after that with coarse corn meal and other food. They soon become tame, and will feed out of the hand, and this tameness is encouraged aftenvards, so that the fowls can be handled, and will feed out of the hand at any time. This veiy much eases the work, and makes it successful and profitable. The chicks should have a i-un out on grass or in a garden, where they will i^ick up mmads of Light Beahma Fowls. 229 insects and do no mischief; but the hen should be kept in the coop. The coojj should have no fixed bottom, but a loose one of boards, "which can be covered with dry earth and changed twice a week. By Tunning over fi-esh gi-ound the chicks never have the gapes. When the chicks are two months old the hens may be taken away from them, if the weather is warm, and the chicks will nestle in their <:oo25S as usual by themselves, until they are quite large and ready for sale. In small flocks there is the most and the surest j)i"ofit; but where there is a range of grass land, a poor, rough field, or one that has been run down by bad management and needs a rest, a stock of poultry, managed as above described, has often paid more profit than any other investment on the farm. Light Brahmas are the most popular fowl and are even heavier than "the Plj-mouth Eocks. TMien this variety is kept in the best manner, small flocks of them have been known to jiay as much as fom- or five doUai-s per hen in the year. But in all poultry keeping, crowding must be avoided or the flock will suffer, and the owner wUl svu-ely lose by them instead of making a gain. Overcrowding and filth are the bane of poultry, as they ai-e the destiniction of sheep or pigs, as they sm-ely produce fatal disorders. The Light Brahma is among poultry what the Short Horn is among beef cattle or the Jersey in the dairj'. It is handsome, clean and •exceedingly productive. When well kept it is not subject to disease; it lays about eighty or ninety eggs on an average in Ihe year, and will safely rear eight chicks per hen in a flock. As a fowl may be kept 230 How THE Farsi Pays. for a dollar per year, the isrofit is large; but in farming it is never safe to calculate one's profits by aiithmetic, for if a flock of fifty fowls or 100 sbeep, or a herd of twenty cows, produce a certain income, it rarely follows that twice as many will double the profit. This depends strictly upon the conditions and circumstances, the conveniences, and above all upon the skiU and experience of the owner. The Light Brahma is one of the lai-gest of fowls; a yearling cockerel will weigh ten or eleven pounds, and a pullet seven to eight; the fiesh is yellow; the legs yellow; the plumage white and downy, except- ing the tail feathers, and the principal wing feathers, wliich ai-e black; the neck feathers are mixed with black, forming a broad collar. The legs ai'e feathered down to the toes. The comb is small and pea fonued. This is an American breed, the origin of which is now in some doubt, but in value it undoubtedly comes first among all the breeds of SILVER BPANOLED HAMBCBOS. fowls for i^rofitable keejiiiig, when the requisite care is given to it; otherwise, as with every fiu'm animal of every kind, failure is certain. The "White Dorking is an Enghsh fowl, and in that <'ountry is the most populiir of all breeds of poultry. The vicinity of tlie town of Dorking is a noted place for rearing poultry, and is an example of what can be done in this way when a speciid business is made of any jjiu'suit, and it is persevered in until experience brings success. The Dorking fowls are the oldest breed of jaoultry in existence, having been kept in Britain before the Romans invaded that countiy, but of late years they Tiave been much improved tlu'ough exhibitions and the competition of breeds. The "White Dorking is smaller than the gray or colored viuieties and is hardier. It is considered as the best of all the English breeds for poultry, chickens and eggs. AH the Dorking's have an extra inner toe. making five in all. Black Spanish Fowls. 231 The varieties of Hamburgs, of which there are Black, Golden and Silver Pencilled, Golden and Silver Spangled and "WTiite, are handsome and good fowls; they are all good layers and hardy, but are rather too small for market j)urposes. For family use they ai'e desii-able, when fowls are kept for ornament as well as use. The comb is flat, rose shaped and large, and terminates in a point behind. The Black Spanish is a profitable fowl as regards the production of eggs, of which the}- will lay in a year one-thii'd more than the hu'ge breeds, as the light Brabmas and others of that class. But the hens of this breed are poor brooders and rear very few chickens, so that this product, which is really the most profitable, is of very little account. These fowls have large, single, serrated combs, with large white ear lobes and cheeks, and ai-e very tender in our climate, frequently having the combs frozen. 232 How THE F.utM Pays. Of the nou-broodinff fowls the Lefjlionis ai-e the most jiopular. They f)''"'!'^''® more eggs than any other breed under equ;d condi- tions, but rear very few cliickens. They are small and light, and of course not so profitable for the poultry rearer as the larger fowls, ex- cepting for the production of eggs in the winter season. They are not hardy and require careful treatment, and the chickens cannot be reared safely until the warm weather. The "^Tiite Leghorn is the most pojjular of this class of fowls. It is very neat and handsome, and has the large comb common to all the fowls of tliis class. AVhen jjoultry are kejit solely for eggs the Leghorns are the most satisfactory of all fowls. Their eggs are large, clear white in color, well shaped and are quite salable. These are the only fresh eggs in the market at the times when they sell at the highest i^rice, and of course a fowl that fills the basket then is the one that produces the most jsrofit The greatest objection to them is their tenderness and the danger of freezing the combs, unless warmlv housed. But this WHITE UMHORNS warm housing is indispensable for all fowls wliich are kept for profit, as hens wiU not lay eggs when exposed to cold, and not even the Leghorns. Before eggs are produced the fowls must be fully nour- ished, and a large portion of the food is consumed in maintaining the warmth of an animal of any kind. Leghorns, as all the smaller breeds of fowls, consume much less food than the larger breeds, probably not more than half as much, and although their eggs are smaller, yet so long as they are sold by count and not by weight, the smaller breeds will always be po]>uliu' for the production of eggs. Tlie Brown Leghorn has a plumage of a liright golden bay, with black and brown intermixed, and has some resemblance in color to the Brown Bed Games. Some hens of this breed have been known to HouDAN Fowls. 233 continue laying eggs np to over ten years of age, and iu all have pro- duced 2,000 eggs and over in tlieir lifetime. In addition to these varieties there are the Dominique Leghorns, a bluish pencilled sort, and the Black Leghorns. K LEGHORNS. The crested fowls are popular vrith some poultry keeiDers, on ac- count of the peculiar bunch of fine feathers which cover the heads. Of these there are the French and the various kinds of Polish fowls. The Houdans are a French breed, and are good layers but poor Ijrooders. They ai'e black and white in color, with pencilled plumage, have large crests, and beards about the throat, and combs shaped Hke a deer's antlers. They have the fifth toe like the Dork- ings. These bu-ds have excellent white flesh and lay large eggs. 234 How THK Faum Pays. The Polands are of sevenil kinds, some rather curiously varied as to iilumage, as White Crested Bhit-k, "White Crested White, Golden, Silver and Bearded Golden jind Silver. They ai'e good fowls for a small kind, but are most profitable when reared for sale as fancy fowls. The White Crested Black and the White Crested "UTiite ai-e the most popular-, and there is scai'cely any other fowl, excepting, perhaps, some of the little bantams, which are so curious as the little chicks of these two varieties, vriiii their peculiar crested heads. .>** caEVEC 48 ,0:0 .o a, 5052130 50 . . 30| ..\.M% 50 52 32 . 28 .32 .130 .,30 ft?'Fi&^ a; 57 32 57 32 .. 32 . . 32 46 . . 30 50:57 33 48 75 35 ..I.. 32 .50 57 32 .50 5032 50 57 33 . . 50 32 54 32 48 32 32 32 32 ..57 33 .57 32 50 57 32 50 57 34 ....32 ..i..|36 60 56 60 56 60 60 56 60 6056 56 60 56 60 60.5660 56^5660 .... [60 60 56 60 56.56 60 60,5660 60 56 60 . , 56 60 (JO 56 60 .56 . . 60 . .32 60 00.56 60 6(150 60 5(;5i;(;(i (!0|5(; (JO loo! 56 60 J6OI5O 60 160156 60 60|56 60 60 56 60 60 56 6O1 60 56 60' 60 .56 (30 60 56 60 L . 54 60 |60i56i60! 60 64 60 , . 64 60 6260 ..64 ..62 42 44 62 64 45 55 62 60 45 56 60 64,45 60 60 60|45 . . ' . . (54! . . . .|60 60:. . 60,45 70 85 60!60l45 50 6O!. .'45 .. 60 60 45 50 60 60 45 58 60 60 45 60 60! . . 60 601 . . .. 60 . , . . 'eo' . . 60 60 45.50 . . |60 60 45 50 55 60,60 45 50 .55 60 60 45,50 . . . . 60: . , A ton of Timothy hay, in stack or mow, well pressed, measui-es 480 cubic feet, or 6x8x10 feet. 248 How THE Farm Pays. A ton of mixed Timothy and Clover measures 520 feet. A ton of mixed meadow grasses measui'es 600 feet. A ton of loose straw measiires 900 feet. STRENGTH OF ROPES. A good rope wiU sustain a weight in j)ounds equal to the numoer of the square of the circumference in inches, multiplied by 200. Thus a rope 3 inches in cii'cumference, or 1 inch in thickness, will sustain 1,800 pounds with safety. (For instance, 3X3=9X200=1,800.) This would be equal to the draft strength of 12 horses. WEIGHT OF LEAD PIPES PER FOOT. D1AUET2B. SO. 1. NO. 2. NO. 3. ^ inch. * " 1 " H " ^* :: 2i " 1 lb. 1 oz. 1 " 8 " 2 lbs. 3 " 4 " 5 " 9 oz. 7 " lib. 12 oz. 2 lbs. 11 " 3 " 11 " 4 " 11 " 7 " 8 " 9 " 2 lbs. 2 " Uoit.. 4 " 7 " 5 '■ 9 '• 8 " 5 " 10 " One foot of 1-inch round iron rod weighs. " " " square " " " 2.63 lbs. 3.36 " For lesser sizes divide the weight by foui', for half the size, and for larger, multiply by four-, for twice the size. MAN AND HORSE POWER. An average man can draw a weight of 27^ pounds over a pulley at the rate of 220 feet per minute. An average horae can draw a weight of 150 pounds over a pulley for a depth of 220 feet in one minute. This is equivalent to raising 33,000 2)ounds one foot high in a minute, and is a standai-d horse- power. To find the horse-power of a steam engine, multiply the pressure of steam per inch by the area in inches of the cyUnder; multiply this product by the length of the stroke in feet, and this product by the number of strokes per minute ; divide the result by 33,000. Thus, an engine working at 30 pounds pressiu-e per inch, with a cylinder of 8| inches diameter, and 55 square inches ai"ea of Useful Tables. 249 piston, and making 100 strokes of 2 feet each per minute, is 10 horse-power (or 30X55X100X2=330,000 -^ 33,000=10). QU.U^TITY AND WEIGHT OF WATER IN SIX FEET OF PIPE OF pomros. GALLONS 0.5 0.06 2.05 0.24 4.60 0.54 8.18 0.96 18.11 2.16 32.72 3.84 I iucli diameter. 1 • li •' 2 " 3 " 4 " (For double the diameter multiply contents 4 times.) One ban-el of cement and two baiTels of sand will make mortar sufficient for 600 to 700 bricks. One baiTel of cement to 4 of sand and gravel will make 9 square yards of concrete floor 3 inches thick. A baiTel of lime with 10 bushels of sand will make mortar for 1,000 bricks. A baiTel of lime and 10 bushels of sand will make plaster for 40 square yards of sui-face ; half a bushel of long hau-, or a half more of short hair, will be required. One hundred laths and 500 nails wiU cover 4^ square yards. A hod of mortar is half a bushel. A squai'e yard of plastering requires three-fourths of a bushel. Twenty-three and one-half cubic feet of sand, 17^ of clay or 18 of gi'avel weigh one ton. A cubic yard of soUd gi'ound equals 1^ cubic yards when dug. CONTENTS OF A ROUND CISTERN IN GALLONS AND NUMBER OF BRICKS REQUIRED FOR EACH FOOT IN DEPTH. 8 feet diameter 81 <. 9 < 9i < 10 ^g hatches in the skin, and makes its way into the flesh, where it forms a buiTow and lives upon the pus which is secreted. About midwmter its presence is obsen-ed by a round BoT Flies of Horses, Cattle ,\xd Sheep. 25? soft tvunor on the loins, and a small round hole in the skin at the centre of it. In the early spring the grubs may be squeezed out of their burrows, and a Httle later force themselves out, and fall to the ground and burrow into it, where they form pupae, or chrj'saUdes, and in time emerge as perfect flies. These pests should be removed from the cattle's backs and destroyed. There is no other practicable remedy. In the West the gi-azing cattle are so tormented by these, flies, that the hides are seriously damaged for the tanners' use, to th& MATUBAI. SIZE A3a> £NLABGEI>. extent at times of fifty per cent. In this case no doubt a coating of gi-ease and tar on the backs of the cattle might be a preventive, if it could be aiDpHed. The Sheep Bot differs from the other two in its manner of annoy- ance. It deposits a living larva or newly hatched egg, Uke that of the Flesh Blow Fly, upon the sheep's nostrils. The small gi-ub crawls up the nostril into the nasal sinus and there attaches itself bj' hooks, as does the Horse Bot Fly in that animal's stomach. Unless numerous, these grubs seem to be little annoyance, but otherwise the sheep suffer gi-eatly and exhibit great distress, j^awing the gi'ound, snorting and running about in frenzy. As with the others, remedies are only preventive, and consist in smearing the sheej)'s noses with a mixture of tar and grease, which remains sticky, and retains the gi-ubs upon its surface. A few fiuTOws plowed in the field sei-ve as a jilace of secvu'ity for the sheep, who instinctively push their noses into the. 254 How THE Farm Pays. soil and so cover them with ilrv, adherent dust, which cripples or kills the grubs. That these pests may be recognized when seen the ■accompanying engravings of them are given. LICE, FLEAS AND OTHER PARASITES. It is a well ascertained fact that all the parasitical vermin, both ■external and internal, which infest our fmm animals, are greatly encouraged by that jjoor, low condition of health which results from ■want of care, i^oor shelter and esposui-e, insufficient feeding, filth, and other injurious circumstances which depress the vital force and -weaken the animals. It may be, and undoubtedly is, quite ti'ue, that these pests spread from such unhealthfid animals, and infest and annoy those who are stronger and more robust, but the starting point is fai- more often such as we have said, rather than even by contact, because these parasites do not find the necessai-y subsistence in the liealthy sec-retious of robust animals, or are soon driven off liy im- mediate precautious, while the diseased matter from the skin or membranes of unhealthy animals fui'nishes i^reeisely the needed pabu- lum for the gi-owth and increase of the parasites. "Without unnecessarily describing these parasites, then, we will merely mention the foUowLug as t_\-pes, vi'r., Uee, fleas, taj^e worms, intestinal worms, liver flukes of sheep; lung and bronchial worms of young animals, as lambs, calves, and chickens (the last are known as gapes), and the dreaded scab of sheep, and mange of horses, cattle and dogs. And the first remark that may be made is that these are all easily preventible by strict sanitai-y precautions; thorough cleanh- ness of skin, stable, pastui'e, soil, water, food and atmosphere ; and, of course, by the careful avoidance of contagion. "When it is necessary to apply remedies, any kind of oil and sulphur mixed and applied to the skin will be found effective for external vennin, while linseed oil and turpentine are efiective against all internal parasites. Some of these pests, however, are so destructive, that some fvu-ther notice of them would be useful. Sheep are especially toi-mented by parasites, which spread from one animal to another uutd the whole flock is infested. Mid the pastui'es even may be so infected as to be wholly useless. The first of these pests to be noticed, although not the worst, is the Tick. This is a reddish brown, leatheri' skinned insect, about a quai-ter of an inch in length. It adheres to the skin by its sharp claws and lives by sucking the blood. Sheep are some • times, and lambs fi-equently, destroyed by these insects when they are numerous, and when but few in number, they gi'eatly annoy and impoverish the animals by the pain of theii* punctures and the loss of Pests of the Sheep — Ticks, Scab. 255 blood. When slieej) are shorn the Ticks leave them and go onto the lambs, ■which then suffer very much. At this time they may he destroyed with ease by dipping the lambs in a solution to be hereafter described. This remedy should not be neglected, as no flock -will thrive when infested with Ticks. The insect ^jroduces a living pupa (see engravings), which is roimdish and red in color, and nearly half as large as the Tick. The louse is also a gi-eat pest to sheei>, and is destroyed by the dijjijing. The worst pest of tbe sheep, however, is the minute Scab Mite, invisible except when di-opped onto white paper, when it appears as fine dust which moves. When a lock of wool from a scabby sheep is laid upon a sheet of white paper this moving dust is seen, and this is one test of the presence of the disease in its eaiiy stages. After a time, when the mites have burrowed in the skin, and the scabs have Upper Side. SHBEF SCAB ] formed, the sheei? exhibits a sony aspect. The wool is ragged and loose, and in places is torn off by the i-ubbing of the sheep against fences, buildings or trees, or even ujoon the ground, when nothing else offers, and the body is covered in places with rough scabs or inflamed patches, with a multitude of smaU, watery blisters. These blisters break and exude a yellowish matter, which mats the wool and forms hard crusts, and these rapidly spread, untO, hj neglect, the sheep perishes in the gTeatest misery. It is this insect which, gathered in the wool, to which some of the scabs and crust adheres, attacks the hands of the wool sorters, and produces the disease kno'WTi as the wool sorters' itch. It is akin to the Itch llite, which produces the disease known as the itch, which so much troubles persons whose habits are the reverse of cleanly. The engravings show the character of this pest, but experience alone can give a reahzing knowledge of its injuriousness. Sheep have died by thousands, and whole flocks have been lost from its ravages, when its first appearance has been neglected. One diseased sheep is sufficient to cany the disease into a flock, and so rapidly does it spread that in a few weeks thousands 256 How THE Fa KM Pays. of sheep will be stricken with it. Even the land is infested, and at least two j'ears are required before the soO, the fences and the buildings can be safely used for another flock. The remedy for this pest is to dip the sheep in a strong decoction of tobacco and sulphur. Four ounces of coai'se tobacco and one of sulphur are steeped in each gallon of boihng water — but are not boiled — with constant stin-ing. When the temperature is reduced to 120 degi-ees each sheep is plunged into the liquid and held in it all except the head for about one minute, while the scabs ai'e broken up by the hand or a rough cloth or hemp rubber. The sheep is then removed onto a draining floor from which the drip runs back into the dijiping vat A boiler near by is used to keep a supply of the liquid hot, to replenish and maintain the lieat of the dipjiiug vat. Dipping Sheep to Cure Scab. 257 The above plan represents the arrangements in use among large flocks for doing this necessaiy work. As it is done every year, and twice in succession, at an interval of foui-teen days, which is necessary to destroy the newly hatched vermin fi'om eggs which have escaped the first dipping, the yards and vats should be permanent structures on every sheep farm. First there is the receiving yard, to which a fenced lane is made so that the sheep can be easily driven into it. From this yaixl a few sheep at a time are driven into the smaller yards A, B, C, D, at the end of which is a sloping stage. At the foot of the stage ai'e two decoy pens made of wii'e netting, in each of which are two sheep. The sheep seeing these decoys run to them and onto the slojiing stage, from which they shj) into the dipping vat. This is twenty' feet long for a large flock, or smaller for a less number, and is kept filled up to a certain jjoint so that the sheep is entii'ely covered as it passes thi-ough it, the head being held up to keep the liquid fi'om being swallowed. At the end of the vat there is a barred slopiing floor, uj) which the sheep walk to the draining yards before mentioned, from which after a time they are let out. The dipping vat is supplied by two boilers and water reservoirs to regulate the heat and the strength of the hquid; one boiler is kept for water, and the other for steeping the tobacco and sulphur. Some extensive sheep farmers make a practice of dij)pingthe sheep twice a year, once in the fall and again after shearing, the dipping being supj^osed to improve the growth and quality of the wool. No doubt it has this effect because of the comfort enjoyed by the sheep from the removal of troublesome Lice and fleas are frequently a great jjest to young cattle and even horses. The origin of these is no doubt in a great measure due to vermm; rats and mice always swarm with them; swallows often stock a bam with them ; while poultry that are neglected are rarely free from them. Dogs and cats carry fleas which they gather from their prey, and unless carefully freed by washing or by the use of insect powder, will soon stock a house with them. No fowls should be per- mitted about stables, for it has been known that horses have been so infested with vermin from them as to slowly die from the torment inflicted in this manner, which the owners have never suspected, but have attributed to other causes. INTERNAL PAEASITES— BLADDER WORMS OF SHEEP. Our fann animals are exceedingly pestered with internal parasites, and many thousands are lost every year by diseases of which the true causes are unsuspected. Sheep, pigs, calves and lambs suft'er chiefly. 258 How THt Fakm 1'avs. being from tlieii- natural weakness unable to strive successfully against the exhaustive effects of these parasitts, . which live upon the vital liuids of the animals, besides producing intolerable and fatal iiTitation iu the organs in which thej' find their abode. The most important of these injurious parasites are tapewonus, and these are more especially worthy of notic-e because they not unfrequently find a lodgment in the human body and produce distressing inconvenience and tliscase. Sheep sutler most from these parasites, one of which finds its resting Ijlace in the brain, and produces the very common disease known as " gid " or " tumside, " so called because the animal appears giddy, or turns around continually towards one side in a circle, until it diojjs and dies in convulsions. This pest is known as the Brain Bladder SHKnp BIUIN ULADDElt WOIIM. "WoiTu, from its appeiu-ance as watery bladders in the brain of the sheep. The wonu gains its entrance into the sheep's brain in the foOowing curious manner. The mature worm inhabits the intestines of the dog, and its eggs are discharged in the dung which is dropped in the fields near fences, stones or ti'ces or on tufta of grass, as is the habit of the dog. The sheejj loves to nibble such tufts of grass, and in swallowing the herbage also swallows with it the eggs. These are very small, and when in the stomach are absorbed into the lacteal vessels and caiTied into the veins, and those which reach the brain remain there, forming around themselves thin envelopes like bladders, which become filled with watery fluid absorbed from the blood. In the engraving is shown the brain of a sheep having one of these bladders in it. The bladder contains a great many small sacs, one of which is also sho^vn sepsu-ately, each containing an embryo tape worm. "When these bladders are numerous in the brain, they jiroduce such distm-bance of that organ as to cause the peculiiu- effects above described and the slow death of the animal. The disease is most prevalent in the winter, and the past season (1884) has been especially disastrous Tape "W'oRits of Sheep and Pigs. 259 to sheep owners from this cause, which has seriously reduced the profits from their flocks. The sheep dj'ing of this disease ai-e cast out to be devoui-ed by dogs, which swallow the embryo wonus and so become infested. It is said that twenty-five per cent, of the dogs are eaiTying these worms, and if this be a fact, along with the other fact, that thousands of sheep are yearly destroyed by the ravages of dogs, it is easUy seen how this jjest is so abundantly sjDread over our fields and through our flocks, while the effective remedy is obvious. Other sj)ecies of tape worms inhabit the lungs and other organs of sheep, cattle and pigs, being found in the lungs, hver, spleen, bowels, kidneys, brain and various other parts. Thus it is seen how easily, through iusufiicient cooking of the meat, these j)arasites may be carried into the human system, and how dangerous it is to eat uncooked flesh of any kind. It is declared by competent authorities that one-sixth of the moi-tahty in the East Indies and in Iceland is caused by these tape worms taken into the stomach ia raw or partly cooked meat. Also it must be obvious to inteUigent farmers that every possible precaution should be taken to jjrevent the sjuead of these dangerous parasites. THE SWINE BLADDER WORM (THE MEASLE). A tape worm which infests swine to a dangerous and disastrous extent is here shown. It is a small worm, and is especially- noticeable because this passes between mankind and the jDig, and in man pro- duces fatal disorder of the brain in many cases. The engi-avings show the form of the head of the mature worm, and also the small bladder in which the young worm is contained, and which is found in the flesh of the infested p)igs. The nature of this worm indicates the proper means of avoiding it. As it infests mankind, it is dangerous to use night soil as a fertilizer for grass or any vegetable that is eaten in a raw state, as lettuce or radishes, or to permit pigs to have access to any place where they can devour' filth in which the eggs may exist. And to prevent its sj)read from the swine, it is necessary to be cai-eful that pork in any form is thoroughly well cooked. The well known disease in pigs called " measles" is produced 260 How THE Farm Pays. bv this parasite, auil measly pork is therefore exceedingly dangerous food. THE FLUKE OF SHEEP. The most disastrous disease among sheep is known as the liver rot. Thousands of sheep perish every year from this disease in this country, and millions have died in a year in England, where the almost constant moistui-e tends to encourage the pest gi-eatly. The pest is a species of worm (see engi-avings) which exists in the sheep, embedded in the hver, or fi-ee in the gtxll bladder and gall ducts. It is also found in other parts of the body, but it is most mis- chievous in the liver, because there it interferes with the distribution ^/1^'^:^1^^^^^^^ .SH£KF WITH UVEB of the bile, and so causes bUious disorder and fever, of which the ani- mals die. The worm produces a large quantity of eggs, which are carried -n-ith the bile into the bowels , and -ejected fi-om these in the dimg onto the grass, or into the manui'e heap, and from thence into grass fields. From thence some of the eggs find their way into low places, jjouds or streams, and are taken into the sheep's stomach with the grass to which they adhere, or to wliich the young, newly hatched flxikes cling, or are swallowed in the water drank from such places; or, the young flukes find their way into the bodies of snails, and these being swallowed with the water, the sheep thus become infested and diseased. The effect of the disease is to cause the eyes to appear yellow and dull, a watery swelling forms under the jaws, the fat and skin become of a yellow color, as that of a person suffering from jaiuidice. In time the sheep jDresents a ■WTetched appe.u'auce, as is shown in the engi-aving; the back is bowed upwiu'ds, and the back- bone appears like a shai-p edge; tlie wool hangs in tattei-s, and the sheep, worn out with exhaustive diiuTha?a, soon perishes. The mere avoidance of low pastiu'es for the sheep, and the use of well water for drink, will entii-ely prevent the loss of sheep from this pest. Intestinal Worms. 261 LUNG AND BRONCHIAL WORMS. Many an owner of lambs iinds them slowly pining away from some mysterious disease for which he cannot account. The skin becomes pale, as if the blood had disai)2:)eared; the young creatiu-es waste and pine away and gradually die; and this peculiai- slow death has given the common name of " pining " to this disease, which is exceedingly prevalent in districts where sheep are kept numerously. The cause of it is the presence in the aii- jjassages of the lungs and the ^\•indpipe of countless small white worms, like fragments of thi'ead, which, by theii' ii-ritation, cause these au' passages to be filled with froth and mucus, interfering with the supply of air to the luugs and gradually impoverishing the blood. Not only lambs, but young calves, jjigs and chickens ai'e also infested with similar worms, which jjroduce the same effect, in every case, however, resulting in death, unless some remedy is found. Remedies, however, must be sought from competent sources, and beyond suggesting that sulphiu' or tur- lieutine, both of which are readily absorbed into the blood and spread through the whole system, ai'e generally used with good effect as a remedy, we confine ourselves here to what we know as regards pre- vention of the trouble from this pest. It is well kno-wu that when lambs and calves are j)astured on fields where old sheep or jjoultry have run, they are siu-e to be affected, and that chickens that are kept among old fowls, or on gi-ound that has been fouled by the old bii-ds, invariably have this disease, which is known in their case as "gapes." The way of prevention, then, is obvious: never let young animals run for pastiu-e where older ones have been kept, for the simple reason that the droppings of these animals contain the eggs of the worms which exist in their intestines, and which mature and die and are discharged, with the innumerable eggs contained in their bodies. These older animals, being more robust, are not annoyed "with the woiTus, although in some cases these may produce diseases of which the cause is not suspected. INTESTINAL WORMS. Fai-m animals suffer exceedingly from intestinal pai-asites, which are so numerous as to almost defy description. There is not an organ of imj)ortance in the body which is not more or less infested ■nith them. The liver, the kidney, the bowels, the kidney fat, the heaii, ai-e all subject to attacks by these pests; while one particulai- worm known as Trichina Spiralis (see engraving) is so common among 2G2 How Tin: Fakm Pays. pipfs, as to have led to disputes aud ill feeliug between cm- own and foreign Governments, which have refused oiu- jiork because of this dangerous pest. Tlie to agriculture on this account alone lu-e no doubt enormous, and may be still gi-eater, and thus seriously affect the question of "How the Fiunn Pays." The engi-avings here given show this worm as it appeal's when niatui'e and filled with eggs, liut greatly enlai-ged. In its natural state it is barely ^•isible to the naked eye and can be seen ^^■ith difficulty as an oval shaped capsule, as large as a small pin's head, embedded in the muscular tissue. In this con- dition it is dormant and has no fmiher effect than to cause stiffness of the limbs at times, and it thus exists until the flesh in which it is encvstod is oaten and digested, when the worms ai'e set free and begin TRICHINA f^I'IKALIS. THE SAMB ENCVb' theii- work of destiaiction. It infests rats, mice, and several other caiiiou or oftal eating animals; but the pig, from its omnivorous habits, is specially infested by it. Pigs become infested by devoiuing rats, the ofl'al of the pork 23acking estabUshments, and tlie dung of other swine. Some may die from the effects of the j)ai'asites, which, as they 2)eneti-atc the bowels aud jjass into the musculai' tissue, cause fever and intense jiain in the Hmbs, with profuse diaiThiea. After a short time, if the animiil does not die, the creatures fonu theii- cysts, in which they curl themselves up and begin their curious aud lengthened sleep. As with other jiests of this njiture, prevention is the safest course, and cleanliness of feeding and lodging, with the destniction of vennin, will be sutHcieut to avoid it. The j)ig is the prey of numerous other intestinal parasites, one of which inhabits the kidney and the fat ai'ound it. This is a small wonn an inch or more in length and causes that very common disease in pigs which produces paralysis of the hind quarters. The numerous w(n-ms which are found in the bowels greatly affect the health of animals, but would be fiu' less trouble if more care were taken to avoid impoverishment of the condition by injudicious feeding, over feeding being quite as objectionable in this re^i^ect as insufficient food. As a The Colokabo Beetle, or Potato Bug. 263 rule, parasites, outward and internal, trouble those animals whose poor condition causes those unhealthy secretions and products which it seems a purpose of nature that these parasites should exist to remove and destroy; and this apphes to aU other farm animals as well as to pigs. THE PESTS OF THE CROPS. The damage and loss occasioned by insects which prey upon the farmer "s crops are beyond calculation. The Colorado Beetle alone must have cost the fanners a hundred million dollars in the dozen yeai's or so since it first left its original home and came to stay with us. The Chinch Bug has frequently cost the Western fanners fifty million doUai's in a single year in damage to the com and wheat, and the Hessian Fly has occasionally cost an equal sum in one year, but is, fortunately, not so destructive as the bug. On every hand the farmer is harassed by an innumerable anny, whose ravages he can- not resist, because of its numbers. But while one alone is powerless to resist, yet, by learning a lesson from his enemies and combining his forces and acting in unison, the fanner may do a good deal to save his crops from destruction. THE COLORADO BEETLE, COMMONLY CALLED "POTATO BUG." This insect is just now creating so much alarm in Eiu'ope that the governments ai'e using every eflbrt to instruct the people, old and young, in regard to its apj)earance and habits, so that its first acci- dental an-ival may not pass unnoticed, and it may not escajje imme- diate destniction. Generallj' the course of emigration of insect pests has been the other way, and we have received oiu' worst insects from Eiu'ope; the course of conquest, however, in this case, seems to be reversed. This beetle is not easily mistaken. It is sluggish and slow in its movements, is roundish in fomi, about half an inch in length, and is marked very conspicuously with ten yellow and black lines lengthwise of its wing covers. The under or true wings are reddish, and are quite noticeable when the insect is flpng. The female beetle is larger than the male, and produces about 1,200 eggs. The insect 23asses the winter in a mature but dormant state, in the ground, and emerges about the middle of May or 1st of June, at the season of potato planting. As soon as the first leaves of the young plants ai-e above gi-ound, the beetles are ready and waiting to attack them, and, unless prevented, ^viIl eat the young growth down to the ground •2(i-l How THK Fakm Pays. and wholly destroy it. It is theu that the lieetle ciiu be attacked most effectively. A lijrht sprinkling of a niixtm-e of fine flour, or gi-oimd g^-psum, or fine, dry lime, w-itli one-thousandth piu-t by measure of Palis Green upon the young leaves, will desti-oy every beetle. Every female beetle — and these ai-e fai-more numerous than the males — that is desti-oyed, of coui-se prevents the hu-ing of more than 1,000 eggs, and as these eggs will hatch and produce a second lirood, and this a third, it follows that one female less in the spiing is equiviilent to many miUious less in the late summer, and, of coui-se, the next year-. This fact illusti-ates the absolute necessity that fiuTiiers should neglect no opportunity of destroying these jiests at any time and opportimity, either by hand picking the beetles early in Ihe season, when they may be few, and usuig the Piu-is Green mixture (a mixture in water is equall}' effective and safer in use) upon every jiossible occasion. Tliis insect attacks potatoes, egg j)hints and tomatoes, all species of the Solanum family, to which its natui-al food jjlant, the Hoi-se Nettle, belongs. THE CHINCH BUG. This insect is not more than one-tenth of an inch in length, has the usual disagi'eeable odor of its family, and, like other bugs, lives by suction. It attacks wheat, corn, oats and other small gi-aius, as well as timothy grass, and in some cases destroys meadows and leaves the gi'oundbai-e. It is black, with white fore 'NN'ings, and when in a mass upon a plant appears like gi'ay dust. It usually ajjpears on the wheat in June, and later on the com; at times it also attacks, tlu'ough the summer, all kinds of gai'den vegetables. It exists from Maine to beyond the Missoui-i River, but is most destructive in the central Mississippi Talley. Recently it has done much damage in the meadows of northern New York. It is subject to a parasitic disease, wliich prevails mostly in cold, wet seasons, when the insects are weakened, and at such times almost wholly disappeai's, but it increases very rapidly, and soon again becomes desti-uctive, when the season is favorable to it. There is but one remedy, and this is to biu-n off all the stubble from the fields in the fidl, or to j^low it inider deeply, and leave no harboring places in which the pest may sim'ive the winter. THE HE.SSI.\N FLY. This insect has at times wholly prevented the culture of wheat, in locahties where this grain is a leading crop. It is a small fly which appears late in August and early in September, and lays its eggs in Pests of the Cabbage and Tdrsip. 265 the eai'ly sown, young wheat, low down in the sheath, among the leaves- The eggs soon hatch and produce small maggots, which suck the sap from the tender j)lants, and soon cause them to fade and turn yellow. In favorable seasons the stooling of the wheat helj^s to overcome the damage and save the crop, but too often the plants are so weakened that they cannot resist the rigors of the winter, and in the sj)ring nothing appears but the sere and yellow remains of what was a promising crop. If the crop suiwives and recovers in the spring, a second brood appears in the early summer, and attacks the stems at the iijiper leaves, and causes them to break down and wither, and so ruins the crop. Burning the stubble and clean cultiu'e of the fields, seem to be the only means of prevention, while the late sowing of the grain, so as to put off the ajipearance of the braird until after the flies have deposited their eggs elsewhere, and the Uberal manuring and fertilizing of the soil to strengthen the plants, are generally effective in avoiding the pest. THE CABBAGE BUTTERFLY. This pest is exceedingly destructive to the cabbage crop, and some- times by its numbers and voracitj' entireh' ruins it. The damage is done in its lai-va stage, when the insect is a hght green, soft cater- jjiUar. The parent is a white winged butterfly having one or two small black dots upon each wing, and has onlj^ been known upon this side of the Atlantic for a few years, since when it has spread all over the Eastern and central portions of the country. The best pre- ventive is to captui-e the butterflies with hand nets, which is easily done as they hover over the cabbages seeking jjlaces to deposit their eggs, or as they ahght upon other plants to sip moisture. Poison canaot be used for obvious reasons, but a strong decoction of red peppers, or a solution of saltpetre sjirinkled over the plants, will kill the catei-pillars. WTiere the plantation is not large, hand picking can be used, and to reach the insects a long, slender pair of scissors will do the work much more rapidly than the fingers. THE TUR^^P BEETLE (JUMPING JACK). This insignificant little pest sometimes gives gi'eat annoyance to the root gi-ower, wholly destroying the crop, when in its seed leaves. It is a veiy small steel blue or black beetle, which sjnings veiy actively when it is distui-bed. An effective remedy against it is to sprinkle the rows of young plants as soon as they break through the gi'oimd 266 How THE Farm Pays. with fine dry air-slaked lime, fine soot or wood ashes, or to dust the rows with tlie stronjj smeUiuf,' supei-i)hosphate of lime that is luade with " sludge acid " or the refuse acid from peti'oleum refineries. THE PEA AND BEAN WEEVIL.S. The former of these beetles has been long with us; the latter is a new arrival, but is fast becoming veiy destnictive, especially to Lima beans. Some of these beans have as many as eight beetles in them, while tlu'ee or four is a common uvmiber. The pea weevil is too well known to need any remai-k. The only safeguai-d is to avoid sowing the insects -tt-ith the seed. Only piu-e, free seed should be sown. If this could be done by general consent and deteimination these jiests would soon disappeai'. THE CORN SILK WORM. i\Iai'ket fiuiners who make a special crojj of sweet com have been iiuich pestered of late years with a caterpUlai', or rather two of them, which begin to devour the silk of the eai-s, and, foUo\^'ing it into the husk, consume the soft grain just as it becomes ready for uiai'ket, in its- gi-een state. One or two inches of the tips of the ears is thus damaged, so as to render the eai-s tinsalable. The remedy is not appai-ent. All that we can do here is to csill attention to it, so that our readers may devise some methods to prevent the diimage. Dust- ing the sUk with fine air-slaked lime has been found to kee]i off the insects, and jiroljably desti'oys the eggs as soon as laid, or drives away the i)areut moths. THE TOBACCO AND TOMATO WORM. Tliis worm is a troublesome pest to the tobacco gi-ower, and also preys upon tomato plants. It is a long, stout, green wonu, having yellow angulai- bands on each side. Another species has white bauds edged with blue. The parents . ai-e large moths of tlie vsuieties known as sphinx or hawk moths, and have long tongues, usujUly cm-led up in the manner of a watch spring, ^\•ith which they penetrate to the bottom of the calyx of the flowers, upon whose nectar they feed. These moths feed upon the common "Jimson" weed {Datura stra- monium), and tobacco growers have rid their fields of the ^lests by putting a few drojjs of solution of cobalt in the blossoms of this weed, grow-u for the purpose among the crop. As it is not always easy to The Army "Worji. 267 get the seed of this plant, and as there has been some inquiry for it, we might suggest that any vai'iety of the cultivated species of Datura, especially those having white flowers, might be sown among the crop and used as a traj) for these moths. In the lai-ge tobacco fields of California flocks of turkeys ai-e driven into the fields to devour- these worms, for which these bii-ds have a specially vigorous appetite. THE ARMY WORJI. At times, the Ai'my Worm commits enormous ravages upon wheat and grass. It appears suddenly in ovei-whelming numbers, and marching sti-aight on, devours all before it, and leaves a ban-en waste behind it. Combined effoi-ts alone, of the fai-mers, can avail to stop it, and these must be swift and thorough. Land rollers; loaded bi-ush MOTH OF AHMY WOEM. haiTows; furrows plowed across the track of the worms ahead of them, and kept clear of the worms by cU'awing a log up and down so as to ci-ush them as they gather in the ditch — all these have been used with success, when every farmer in the threatened locahty has helj^ed in the work. One man alone is powerless to stop the march of the count- less horde. This worm is the larva of a small brown moth, but whence it comes in such numbers, or where it goes after having dejjosited its eggs to produce the myriads of worms which ai-e its progeny, no obsener has yet been able to discover. The general color of the full grown worm is dingy black, with a broad dusky stripe on the back, then a narrow black line; then a naiTow white line; then a yellowish stripe; than a naiTow indistinct white line; then a dusky stripe; then a narrow white line; then a yeUowish strijje; then an indistinct white 268 How THE Fakm Pays. Hue. The belly is gi-eenisli. The eugraviug gives a veiT good repre- sentation of the wonii, which, however, makes itself known bv its numbers and its voracity in such an unmistakable manner, when it overwhelms the wheat and grass fields -n-ith its unwelcome and desti-uctive presence, that the farmer needs no pictorial help to recognize his enemy. The chrysalis (see engraving) is a shiny brown color, of the size here given, and may be recognized by ha^-ing two stiff thorns, with two fine cui-led hooks upon each of them ; and when these are found in the soil, the appearance of the worms may be looked for. THE FALL AKMY WORM. Another Ai-my "Worm, which resembles the true Ai'my Woitq so much as to be taken for it even by scientific men at times, appears in the fall, and, when numerous, is a true pest. It does not confine AEMY WUIOl. MOTH UF FAIX AB.MT WORM. itself, as the Army Worm does, to grass and grain, but devours in addition purslane, turnips, garden vegetables and even evergreen trees. It differs, however, in having hairs along the back in small tufts, while the time Anuy "Worm is smooth, without any appearance of haii's. Its destructive chai-acter, however, makes it worthy of notice among the jiests of the fanu. THE CrCtJMBER AND SQUASH BEETLE. The small striped beetle, which is found harboring aViout cucumber and melon vines, is an insidious and injmious foe to the gi'ower of these crops. Few suspect how much mischief this little lui-king pest accomplishes. But this beetle is the cause of the mysterious wilting of the vines, " going down. " the gi'owei-s call it, wliich occurs wthout warning, and for which no remedy has previously been foimd. But if search is made about the roots of the plants a small, slender white worm, or more of them, will be found gnawing into them; and as they destroy one root, fii-st one jjlant "goes down," the leaves droop Squash BoREr. — Onion Maggot. 269 and then wilt and finallj' die, and then another and another goes down, until the whole hill is destroyed. This small worm is the lan-a of the striped beetle. The j)ast season we have found a remedy which is effective, both to entirelj^ jsrevent the damage, or to arrest its course when it is begun. It is to make a mixture of one gill of kerosene oil with a solution of one pound of common jellow soap in one gallon of hot water; the whole is shaken into an emulsion, and a small quantity of it is i:)ouied about the roots in each hill. THE SQUASH BORER. When the leaves of a squash plant are seen to wilt, the cause may be found by searching along the vines, when a scar may be perceived near a joint If the stem is slit with a small knife above the scar, a white grab, or two or three, may be discovered in the hollow stem. These ai'e the Squash Borers, and are the laxvse of a j'ellowish moth, which is akin to the dahlia stalk borer. It does not injure the vine to thus slit it and remove the grubs, and if the joints of the vine are covered with soil, and the kerosene emulsion sprayed over the stems, these wiU sei-ve as a preventive of the injury. The vines wiU root at the joints, and the main stem may be then wholly destroyed without stopping the growth of the plant. THE ONION MAGGOT. This pest, which greatly annoys onion gi-owers, is the larva of a small fly related to the radish liy. The lai'va is a small white grub, which eats its way into the bulb and destroys it. The fly appears late in June, and to prevent damage by it the onion grower may dust the rows with fine lime or soot, or the strong smeUing sujier- phosphate of lime previously mentioned. This fly is closely related to the parent of the Cabbage Root Maggot, wliich causes club-root in this plant. Similar precautious may be also taken for this pest. Lai-ge applications of lime or gj-jasum to the soil have been found useful to repel the attacks of all the different sijecies of these root flies. Continuous growing of onions, cabbage or turnips on the same ground encourages the attacks of these pests. CUT WORMS. Perhaps there is no other pest that is so irritating to the fai-mer as the worm which comes in the night and cuts down his young corn, cabbage and peas, and cuts off the fruit stalks of the strawberries 270 How THE Farm Pats. Avhen they ai-e loaded •with the uewly set fruit. No remedy seems to be completely eftective against tbem. We have found the best remedy to dig the worms out of the soft soil aroirud the plants, where they harbor in the day-time. All surface applications ai-e unavailing. For large fields it seems to be the best way to jilaut thickly, so that enough maj- be left after the cut wonn has been satisfied. There is a common beUef that when the hot weather of July comes, the cut worms burst with the heat and die. This should be seen at first sight to be a mistake, for Natui'e never works in such a useless manner as that. Tliese worms are the larvse of various species of moths, and about July they change into the pupa or chrysalis stage, and become dormant for a time until they emerge as full gro'mi moths. WHITE GRUBS. These insects, which are the lai-^'Ee of the May Beetle or June Bug, a large brown insect, which comes into houses in the evenings of eai-ly summer, do great mischief to crops. They devour the roots of gi'ass during mild weather in the winter, and in fall and sjjring; they also eat the roots of strawberries, corn, cabbage and other vegetables, when they ai-e half grown, and stop the gi-owth. They are particularly destructive to potatoes at times, and scoop out the flesh, making lai-ge cavities in the tubers, or even leaving mere useless shells. The beetles devour- the leaves of the gi-ape vine and the Yu-ginia Creeper. Another beetle, similar in shape and size, but having black spots on the wing covers, is equally destructive iu its larva and matui-e stage, as the May beetle, and in the same ways. Late fall plowing exposes these ginibs to theii- enemies — crows and skunks chiefly — which devour them iu lai'ge quantities. Clean culture and thorough culti- vation of the soil tend very much to keep these pests in subjection. WIRE WORMS. A hard, wiry, brown worm, which is not an insect, but belongs to the family of myiiapods, or " thousand legs, " and commonly called wire worm, i^a great pest, especially to the potato gi'ower. Although there may be some doubt still remaining, yet there is abundant reason for believing that the scabby appeai'auce of potatoes which makes them unsidable is due to the attacks of this worm, which gnaws the skin and causes the rough scab.s. This worm is exceedingly injurious to wheat and grass, and also to strawbenies. eating the roots and the fniits which rest upon the groimd. So fai- as potatoes ai-e concerned. Tree Borers. 271 it appears that the use of the chemical fertilizers avoids the damage, while of all the common manui-es, cow mamire encourages the jiest the most "While there is such an easy remedy for the jjotato crop, which is the most injiu-ed bj' it, it is quite unnecessary to suggest any other. A great variety of insects — flies, moths and beetles chiefly — in their lai-va condition, subsist upon the wood, bark or pith of trees, shrubs ajid herbaceous plants. The apple, quince, peach, plum, cherry, cur- rant, rasjjberry, blackberry, squash and dahlia are the most infested with these pests. The remedies for the tree borers are to di-ess the lower part of the stem with some repellent ^preparation, as a mixture of cow dung, claj' and strong smelling supei^phosphate of hme, made into a thin paste and plastered on the bark near the ground, beginning in June and continuing until late in the summer. Either the parent insects avoid the trees so jjrotected, or the young larvae cannot or will not j)enetrate the coating, and so perish. Another remedy is to dig out the grubs that have made an entrance with knife and small chisel, or to follow them up with a flexible wii'e in their burrows and kiU them. The smaller shrubs are saved by pruning oS the branches into which the borers have penetrated, while soft stemmed jalants may be sjsht, as described under the head of Squash Borers, and the grubs taken out and destroyed. LEAF SLUGS. Pears, plums and quinces are much troubled by a small, dark, soft bodied slug, which devoius the soft substance of the leaves and reduces them to a skeleton. This checks the growth of the tree by destroying its breathing organs. There is a very simple remedy, viz., to dust the leaves with fine, dry, air-slaked hme, which at once destroys, by its strong alkaline and acrid jjroperty, these moist, soft creatures. THE APPLE WORM. The gi-eatest pest of the apple tree is the Codling Moth or Apple Worm. This is a grayish moth, which lays its eggs upon the blossom end of the fruit when it is set, and later, up to the time when it is half gTown. The larva eats its waj' into the heart of the ajjple, around and into the core, when the fruit falls, and the insect leaves it, and '272 How THE Fak.m Pays. goes into the ground to mature. It is the .second brood which attacks the half ripened fruit and remains in it during the winter. There are several remedies: one is to gather tlie fjdlen fi-uit and burn it, or feed it tj pigs; or to turn pigs or sheep into the orchard to consume the fiiUen fi'uit before the gi'ubs leave it; and another is to spray the trees when the blossoms have f;Ulen, and again as the fruit increases in size, with a mixture of one teaspoonful of Paris Green in three gallons of water, adtling a little molasses to keep the mineral in suspension, and to make it adhere. This application also destroys the Canker Worms, Tent Caterpillai"s and other pests which infest this tree. THE PLUM WEEVILS. The curculio or plum weevil is so prevalent, sly and yet active, as to whoUy prevent the profitable culture of plums in extensive distiiets. It is a small beetle, akin to the pea and bean weevil, and deposits its eggs in the young fruit, making a crescent shaped mark, which is chai-acter- istic of it. Of coiu-se the fruit drops from the tree, when the insect escapes and matures in the ground to repeat its depredations. An effective method of destroj-ing is to jai' the tree twice a day, when the beetles fall to the gi'ound and lie quite still for a time. By spreading a sheet under the tree the insects may be caught and destroyed. Another pest of the same character is the plum gouger, which remains in the fi-uit, eating its way to the heai-t, and pene- trating the soft stone, where it devoui-s the kernel. The fruit shrivels on the tree and finally drops. From the habits of these insects, any outward application to the tree is of course useless. PLANT UCE. The family of insects known by the name of Aphis, or Plant Lice, is exceedingly numerous and vai-ied. These pests attack every 2>art of the plants — roots, stems, bark and leaves. Their power of increase is amazing, as the females ai-e able to produce several generations, which reproduce themselves wthout any sexual union, so that a plant or tree once attacked by them is very soon completely overrun Grape vine roots are attacked by one species, which render the cultm-e of foreign vai'ieties in the open air impossible. The orange, apple, peai-, plum and chen-y ai-e infested, both upon the bark and the leaves, with mjTiads of vju-ious species, while some of the willows are so completely covered with them as to become a source of con- tagion to all sorts of trees in their neighborhood. The remedies are, for the bark lice, to wash the bark with a strong solution of concen- trated potash, or with Ume wash, or to scrape oflf the outer bark Vegetable Pests. 273 from old trees and burn it; and for the leaf lice, to syringe the trees from underneath, so as to reach the under side of the leaves, where these jjests gather, with a solution of whale oU soap with one part in a hundred of kerosene oil added. Melons, cucumbers and cab- bage are especiallj* subject to these pests. For cabbage lice, a strong decoction of red peppers or sprinkling with di-y, air-slaked lime has been found useful. Tobacco dust or snuft' dusted on when the dew is on the leaves is a certain remedy. THE ROSE CHAFER OR BEETLE. An ashy brown colored beetle, commonly known as the Rose Bug, but wrongly so, for it is a beetle (all bugs axe sucking insects), is exceedingly destmctive to grape vines, ujjon which it devours the blossoms, and to cheiTies, the young fruit and leaves of which it con- sumes. It also eats into the hearts of the buds and blooms of roses; besides this it infests many other plants and vegetables, but not so injuriously. It is easily captiu-ed from ^'ines, by holding under the insects a common emp)ty fruit can attached to a handle for conven- ience, and touching them with a short rod, when they immediately fall iuto the vessel. A small quantity of water covered with a film of kerosene od kills them at once. As they attack the vine first, the main army of them may be routed by an early raid upon them. A sprinkling of Paris Green in water iipon the leaves of cheiTy trees, when the fi-uit is setting, wlU destroy a good manj- of them, and as the dressing remains for some time, it is quite effective. VEGETABLE PESTS. These include parasitic plants chiefly of a fungoid chai'acter, as bhghts, mildews, rust and smuts. As our knowledge of this class of pests becomes more accurate, it is learned that they generally attack trees and plants that are either constitutionally weak, or are imper- fectly nourished, or are weakened by some accidental injury, through exposure to excessive cold, or too much heat, or by extreme moisture or dryness. This is seen sufficiently clearly in the cases of many jilants for which oui- climate is too hot or diy, as the gooseberry, the English bean, peas late planted, lettuce, and others, which are subject to mildews to a degree that makes their culture extremely difficult; as well as the rusts, which attack oats and wheat when excessively hot sunshine follows a moist, cool night, with fog in the morning. Generally, we beheve that the most effective preventive of these diseases (for they are reaUy diseases) is to seciu'e robust health to the trees and plants as far as possible, and then to use such remedies as have been found most useful in checking their spread by contagion. 2,74 How THE Farm Pats. ]^Iildew consists of a white fibrous growth, the fibres separately being too fine to be visible to the eye, and this gi-o^^-th generally api)eai-s on the leaves, but sometimes on the fmit as well. It cannot be doubted that this outward ajJiseiu-ance is merely the symptom of an internal disesise, originating from some cause of the natui'e above mentioneiL Rust consists of small orange-yellow or reddish oval bodies, so thickly intersi)ersed among the white fibres of mildew as to give the leaf the appeai'ance of being covered with red dust. Other forms of rust consist of cup shaped bodies, made up of these very small reddish ovals. Smut consists of a mass of small, lirownish. round or vaiiegated shaped spores, some being beautifully reticulated and marked when seen under the microscope. It usually occupies the place of the seed in oats and wheat, and also in corn; but in cona it also apjieai-s in masses, breaking thi-ough the stems, leaves and flowers or tassel, thus showing that the whole plant is impregnated with the disease. No doubt in most cases rust and smut are sown with the seed, either adhering to it or infecting it iutemaUj-. The so-caUed potato rot is one of these fungoid, parasitic diseases, closely aUied to the smut of gi-ain. But a good deal has yet to be learned in regard to the natui'e of these parasitic diseases, and until our knowledge is more complete it interests us more to consider what can he done to avoid them. This is generally to see that the trees and plants chiefiy affected by them are maintained in vigorous health by the best cultivation, and by fertilizing with lime and potash, which ai'e principally needed by them. And as far as the common farm crops are concerned, to avoid too fi'equent repetition of them upon the same fields, practicing as ^ride a rotation as may be j)ossible, to avoid exhausting the soil of the most needed elements of then gro^Ni.h. Also by preventing the infection of healthy plants by destroying the contagion; cutting off and burning blighted limbs; rooting out rusted plants and destro_\-ing them in some eft'ective manner, but by no means permitting them to get into the manure; by cai'efully destroying aU smutted fodder, all diseased potato tops; and every ])article of smut in the seed sown, by using the pickle referred to in the chapter on the Culture of Wheat. No doubt, too, the regular use of lime in the i-otation of manm-ing may have a good effect in adding to the fertility of the soD and in giving greater vigor to the vegetation. Finally, knowing how infinitely small and light ai'e the spores or seeds of these mildews, rusts and smuts, we should not be suii>rised to find them abundantly distributed in the an, in water and in the soil, so that we cannot wonder that any weak jilaut may become infected ^^•ith them just at the time when it offers the most favorable conditions for their growth. Faem MAcmNERY. 275 CHAPTER X. FARM MACHINERY. This work would be very incomplete if no notice were taken of farm machinery, for this is the age of machinery, in which head work has, in a great measure, displaced hand work, to the verj' great j)rofit of the farmer. No farmer can expect to make the farm f)ay by hand work, as it was done a number of years ago, when the scj-the, the ■sickle, the gi'ain cradle, the hand rake, the flail and the hay fork were in use. He is forced now to use the mower, and the reajjer which now binds tlie sheaves and leaves them ready for the shock; the liorse rake, the threshing machine and the hay and grain elevators; and there are now thousands of farms upon which steam engines do the work of horses, or of the stiU earUer hand work. The farmer now must be a mechanic, and make a study of macliines, as he has done of stock and feed and fertUizers. The fii'st implement the farmer thinks of is the plow; and when he remembers the old-fashioned plows, and compares them with the innumerable improved kinds now in use, he gets a fair idea of the advance that has been made in agricultui-al practice by the aid of the mechanic. No doubt this improvement will still go on until the j)resent difficulties in the way are removed, and the fields wiU be plowed by steam power, just as the grain is canned to market, "thousands of mdes, by the same force. One of the greatest imjjrovements in the common plows is the use of steel, and chilled cast iron, which is even harder and more durable than steel. This improvement, together mth forms better adajited to meet and overcome the resistance of the soO, has much reduced the draft of plows and eased the work. A plow that represents a type of the modern improved implements, and which deserves more extended notice in this chapiter than has been already given to it, is THE ROLAND CHILLED PLOW. (See Blustration, iiarje 39.) The shape of this plow is such that the whole fi-ont of it is a sharp) cutting edge ; the material is harder than the hardest steel and wiU not rust, and is so smooth and non-adherent that it will scoui- itself 27G How THE Farm Pays. in any soil, sticky clay and swamp muck included. The cutting edge can be taken off and {,'rouud shaiiiwben desired; the laud side inclines from the unplowed ground, and so relieves the fiiction; tLe standard cannot choke, and an aiTangement of the heel enables the form of the fuiTOw to be changed with ease, and so balances the plow that it can be held steadily with a very little exertion of the plowman. THE SLIP SHARE. To avoid the fi-equent change of shares, and the extra cost of replacing them, a reversible, self-shaqsening shp point is now made. "V\'lieu the bottom of this point is worn, and the plow tends to run out of the ground, by reason of the rounded point, the slip point is ^ taken out and reversed, and thus doubles the length of its useful hfe. AVhen it is wholly worn out a new point is put in in place of it, and thus the share is made to last as long as the plow, and seldom needs renewing. THE SWIVEL PLOW. The old-fashioned side hill plow has recently been so much improved that it is now used for level plowing with much advantage. By the adjustment of the coulter the fvuTow shce is cut even in going either way, and one former difficulty in its use has been avoided. These plows have not been used so freely as they deserve to be, when wc consider the great advantage in theii' use by avoiding all dead fuiTows, and the perfectly level plowing of tlie land, from one V)ack fuiTow in the centre of the field to each side, tlius laying all the furrows of each half of the field in the same direction. As no ' " lands " ai-e made, the haiTow and the sowing of the seed or the planting may follow the plow immediately, and the seed thus be deposited in the fresh, moist soU. This makes a gi'eat saving of time, which in the sjiring may often be of considerable impoilance. Plows. 277 THE DOUBLE MOLD BOARD PLOW. This plow is used for oj^ening dioUs for j)lantiug potatoes and in prej^aring the gi'ound for roots, so that manure may be deposited in these for the benefit of the crops. It may also be made of valuable use in opening ditches for making drains, and every well stocked faiTn will find use for it. THE Sl'LKY PLOW AND PLOW SULKY. The greatest present improvement in plows is the sulky or riding plow, by which the work of the jjlowman is wholly relieved, and he may now ride at his ease, with uothiup; more to do than to guide his 278 How THE Fahm Pays. team. The ■wheels are arranged so that the plow runs level; the draft is, of coui'se, reduced to a minimum, because the weight of the plow does not rest U2)0n the gi'ouud. It is provided vWth a foot lever, bv which the driver can either hold the plow to its place in hai-d ground or wholly lift it out of it. The plow can tm-n a squai-e corner ^-ithout leaving the groimd, and it has only one lever by which all the changes required in its work are made. AVith this plow a cripisled man, having but one leg, is able to work as well as an able-bodied man. and cases have occuiTed in which, on the death of a fanner, his widow and daughters have been able to work the fann and support themselves without the aid of hired labor. "With mowers and reapers, riding haiTows, and cultivators, there was only requii-ed the riding plow to till the whole bill, and this is done now by more than one excellent implement of this kind. The engraving here given represents a plow sulky which can be attached to any plow in a few minutes, and so Sulky Plows. 279 makes a sulky plow of any ordinary f)low. The cost of this attach- ment alone is $35 only, and with the plow costs $46. It is called the Daniels Plow Sulky. SUBSOIL PLOW. Some soils require deeper stirring than can be given by the common plow. This deep stin-iug of tlie soil, at times, may be equivalent to drainage and when practiced as a rule, by almitting the au' down into the subsoil, improves its quality and gradually changes its character. By following the common jjlow ■mth the sub- 280 How THE Farm Pays. soiler, the land may be broken up to a depth of sixteen or twenty inches, with much benefit in all soils excepting loose sandy loams. )'OT.\TU DIGGER. As cheapness of jiroduct is now indisi^ensable to profit, and as the han'esting of the potato croii is a work of great labor without an SUBSOIL PLOW. effective implement, a ]5otato digger that does its work well is very desirable. The improved potato digger here shown has been fully 1'0T.\T0 DIGGER. tested and has been found quite satisfactory in use. It ojiens the rows, i-aises the tubers and throws them upon each side of the row, the loose soil sifting down between the finger bars and leaving the potatoes free and clean. THK DI.- S FARTT STTfSIER CABBAGE. plant into the cold frames. The plant must be planted down to the tii-st leaf, the root well firmed with the dibber — about 500 is the number allowed for a three by sis feet sash. The cold fi-ame, as most gardenei^s know, is simply two boards run parallel six feet apart, the back board being ten inches and the front one seven or eight inches. "We generally have all our cabbage plants transplanted here from the seed-bed to the cold frames by 1st November, and it seldom happens that we have the weather cold enough to have the sashes put on before the end of NoTember. We are repeatedly asked the question, WHAT DEGREE OF FROST C.\BBAGE PLANTS WILL STAM) in the frames before being covered with the sash. Much depends on the condition of the plants; it sometimes hajipens that after the transplanting is finished in October (we usually be^n the trans- Management of Hot Beds and Cold Frames. 311 planting in the frames about the 15th) that we have a continuation of comparatively warm weather, which induces a quick and soft growth in the plants, which, of coiuse, renders them very susceptible of injury from fi-ost. When in that condition, we have seen them injured, when the thermometer only marked tweutj'-seven above zero or but hve degi-ees of frost; while if gradually hai-dened by being exposed to chilly nights, they would receive no injury, even when the ther- mometer mai-ks ten or twelve above zero. This will be well under- stood when we remember that in midwinter, when covered with sash alone, they sustain a cold often for days together of ten degrees below zero, but then of course they have been gi-adually inured to it. In sections of the country where the thermometer falls to fifteen or twenty degi-ees bilow zero, it will be necessary to use straw mats or shutters over the glass. At aU times, fi'om the time of putting sashes on in fall until taking them off in spring (which is usually from 15th March to April 1st), abundant ventilation should be given, so as to render them as Lardy as possible. The sure indication that they ai-e in the "frost proof" condition is when the leaves show a bluish color, which they get when they have been gi-adually hai-dened o&. Al- though the most of the Jersey market gardeners still use the cold fi-ames for gi-owing the bulk of their early cabbage crop, yet of late years the system of sf)ring sowing and transplanting, and sometimes even without ti-ansplanting, is also used to a considerable extent. This is usually done by sowing the seeds thickly (about one ounce to tlu'ee sashes) in hot-bed or green-house about Febmaiy 1st and trans- planting into a shght hot-bed about Mai'ch 1st, j^lacing about GOO or 700 in a three by six feet sash. The hot-beds must, of course, be carefully protected by straw mats from fi'ost, and with the projjer attention to ventilation and watering, fine jilants can be obtained by April 1st. We ourselves have grown nearly a quarter of a million plants each spiing in this manner for years vfith most satisfactory results. Another plan is to sow the cabbage seed in cold fi-ames from 15th Februaiy to March 1st, or even later for second early. By this method one ounce of seed is enough for five or sis sashes, and it had better be sown in rows at six inches apart, a* thus sown the au- gets better around the plants, making them stronger. "When the seed is so-wn in the cold fi-ames in this way, it is absolutely necessary that the frost should be excluded by covering the glass with straw mats and shutters, for, of course, unless kept above the j)oint of fi-eezing, the plants cannot grow. The cold frames to be used for this ^Jui-jjose should be placed in the warmest and most sheltered place possible, the soil should be hght and well enriched with slwrt manurs, nicely dug, leveled and raked for the reception of the seed. If sown in 312 How THE F.vioi Pavs. drills, they should be about two inches deep; if sown broadcast, it is best to " chip " the j^-ound all over with a steel rake so as to sink the seed to the depth of au inch or so, but in both cases do not omit to firm the soil by pattin;; the surface over with the back of the spade. All these directions for spring sown plants are given for the latitude of New York, where operations of planting cabbage plants in the ojjen ground is usually begun about 25th March and finished by the middle of April. For it must be always borne in mind that cabbage, being a hardy plant, when wanted for an early crop, its setting out in spring should be done in any section as soon as the land is drj' enough to work. As a guide, we may say that whenever spring crojis of rye, wheat or oats can be sown, cabbage may safely be planted in the open field, for if jilants have been properly hardened they wUl not be injured after being planted out, even by eight or ten degrees of fi'ost. The conditions in the different Southern States are so vaiied that it is not easy to give directions. It may be taken, however, as a gen- eral rule, that in any section of the country, where the thermometer does not fall lower than fifteen o/wce zero, cabbage plants should lie sown about 1st October, left (without coveiiag) in the seed-beds all winter, and transjilauted to the oi^en gi'ound as soon as it is fit to work in spring, say Febi-uary or March. In some sections, where the fall weather continues fine into November, transplanting is done in that month where the crop is to mature. After planting iu the field, no crop takes so kindly to HOEING OR Cl'I.TIVATING as cabbage. In ten days after the planting is finished, cultivation should begin. If the cabbages have been set two or two and a half feet apart each way, then the horse cultivator is the best pulverizer, but if a crop has been sown or planted between the rows of cabbage, then a hand or wheel hoe can only be used — we ourselves now use the wheel hoe exclusively and find it a saving of three-fourths in labor, with the work better done. The price at which early cabbage is sold now varies so much at difl'erent dates, and in difl'erent jiarts of the country, that it is impos- sible to give anything like accurate figiu-es, the range being jiU the way from $2 to $12 per 100. Perhaps $4: would be a fair average for "Wakefield" and $5 for "Early Summer." so that counting 11,000 as the average per acre of the former and !),000 of the latter, we have respectively $440 per acre for "Wakefield" and $450 for " Eai-ly Transplahtixg the Cabbage. 313 Summer." These are tlie wholesale prices for large markets, like New York. In smaller cities, where the product is sold direct to the consumer, one-third more would likely be obtained. LATE CABBAGE are such as matui-e during the mouths of September, October and November, the seed for which is sown in open ground in jNIay or June. Perhaps the best date for sowing for general crop is about 1st of June. We alwaj's prefer to sow cabbage seed for this jiurpose in rows ten or twelve inches apart, treading in the seed with the feet after sowing and before covering; we then level with a rake length- wise \\dth the rows and roU or beat down with the back of a sjjade, so as to exclude the air from the soil and from the seed. Sown in this way cabbage seed wiU come stronglj' ujs in the driest weather, and is less likelj' to be injured by the black flea than if it made a feeble growth. As the ground used for late cabbage only yields one crop, unless manui-e is cheap and abundant, it will not often j)ay to use it in the profusion required for the early cabbage, so that it is usual to mamu'e in the hUl, as is done for early crojj, if with stable manure, but when that is not attainable, some concentrated fertilizer such as bone dust or guano should be used, using a good liandful for each hiU, but being careful of course to mix it well with the soil for about nine or ten inches deep and wide. In this way about 300 pounds per acre will be needed, when 6,000 or 7,000 plants are set on an acre. In our practice, we find nothing better than pure bone dust and guano mixtd together. For further information on this subject, see chapter on "Manures and Modes of AijpUcation,'' in this work. In TRANSPLANTING CABBAGE from the seed-bed to the open field in summer, the work is usually done in a dry and hot season — end of June or July — and here again we give our oft-repeated warning of the absolute necessity of having every plant properly fii-med. If the planting is well done with the dibber, it may be enough, but it is often not well done, and as a measure of safety it is always best to turn back on the rows after planting and press alongside of each plant with the foot. This is quickly done, and it besides rests the planter, so that he can with greater vigor start on the next row. In some sections of the country, pai-ticularly in the New England States, six or eight cabbage seeds are planted in the hills, and when of the height of two or three inches 314 How THE Faum Pays. are thinned out to one plant iu each hill This we think not only a slower method, but is otherwise objectionable, inasmuch as it compels the iiianiu'e to be placed for three or four weeks iu the gi'ouud before the plant can take it up, to saj- nothing of the thi-ee or four weeks' culture necessary to be done before the seedliDgs in the hill get to the size of the plants when set out The cultivation of late cabbage is, in all respects, similar to that of earl}-, except as it is usually planted alone; the work is done entirely by the horse cultivator, the rows and jjlauts in the rows, lieing according to the kind, from twenty- fom- to thirty inches apart. There .are a gi-eat number of kinds oftered in the different seed lists, but experienced cidtivators confine them- selves to but veiy few kinds. These we give in the order in which they are most approved: " Henderson's Selected Late Flat Dutch," "Ameri- can Dinimhead," and '' ]Murblchead ^laiumoth." The late cabbage seU all the way from $2 to $10 per 100; but it is always a safe crop for Winter KEEPracx of Cabbage. 315 the farmer, because if he is unable to sell the cabbage for table use, they will pay even at $2 per 100 as a food for sheep or cattle. In adtlition to these the "American Drumhead Savoy" is grown to a considerable extent, audit is really surprising that it is not grown to the exclusion of nearlj' all other sorts, as it attains nearly as much weight of crop, and is much more tender and finer in flavor. The "Green Scotch" and "Brown German Kale" belong to the cabbage famUy, but do not form heads. The curled leaves of the whole jjlant can be used, and are, like the "Savoy," much finer in flavor than the plain head cabbages, particularly after having been subjected to the fi-ost in fall. There are various methods of KEEPING CABBAGES IN WINTER. It is best to leave them out as late as possible, so that they can be lifted before being frozen in. In this latitude, they can be safely left out until third week in November. They are then dug or pulled up, according to the nature of the soil, and turned upside down — the roots up, the heads down — ^just where they have been gro«dng, and the heads placed closely together in beds, six or eight feet wide, with alley's of about same width between, care being taken to have the ground leveled so that the cabbages will set evenly together. They can be left in this way for three or four weeks, or as long as the ground remains so that it can be dug in the aUejs between the beds, the soil fi'om which is throvm in on the beds of cabbage, so that when finished they have a covering of sis or seven inches of soil, or sufficient to cover the roots completely up. Sometimes they are covered up immediately on being lifted, by plowing a furrow, shoveling it out wide enough to receive the heads, then plowing so as to cover up, and so on till beds six or eight feet wide are thus formed. This plan is the quickest, but it has the disadvantage, if the season proves mild, of having the cabbages covered up too soon by the soil, and hence more danger of decay. After the gi'ound is frozen, stable litter, straw or leaves, to the depth of thi-ee or four- inches, should be thrown over the cabbage beds, so as to prevent excessive freezing, and to facilitate the getting at the cabbages in hard weather. IN.>^ECTS. The insects that attack the cabbage tribe are various, and for some of them we regret to say that we are almost helpless in arresting their ravages. Young cabbage plants in fall, or in hot-beds in spring, are often troubled with the aphis, or, as it is popularlj' known, the "green fly" or "green louse." This is easily destroyed by having 316 How TBE F.U5M Pats. the plants dusted orer once or twice with tobacco dust This same insect, of a blue color, is often disastrous to the growing crop in the field, jiiid on its first appearance, tobacco dust should be apphed. a«, of coui-se, if the cabbage are headed up it could not be used. Another insect which attacks them in these stages, is a species of slug, or small eateri)iUai- — a green, glutinous insect, about one-fourth or one-half inch iu length. This is not quite so easily destix)yed as the other, but will also succumb to a mixture of one part white hellebore to four jiarts Hme dust, sprinkled on thick enough to sUghtly whiten the plants. This same remedy we found to be the most efficacious in preventing the ravages vf the black flea, or "jumping jack," that is often so destructive to cabbage plants sown or planted in open ground during May and June, but in this case its application may have to be repeated daUy often for two weeks. Another most troublesome insect is the cabbage cater])illar, which attacks the crop often when just beginning to head. This is the laiTie of a species of small white butterfly, which deposits its eggs on the crop in May or June. "SMien fields of cabbage are isolated, or where neighbors can be found to act in unison, the best plan is to catch the buttertiies with an insect-catching net as soon as thej" show themselves. This is the most eflVetive and quickest way to get rid of them. However, if that has been neglected, the catei^pillar can be destroyed by dusting white hellebore on the cabbages, but, of coiu^se, this cannot be done when the heads ai'e matured enough to be ready to use, as the hellebore is to some extent poisonous, though used when the plants su-e about half gi'own it wiU do no harm, as the rains viiH have washed it sufficiently oflf by the time they head up. The insects here described are not, probably. !iU that afliict the cabbage crop. A letter just received from a gentleman in Montgomery, Ala., says that the young cabbage plants in that region are often swept iu twenty-four houi-s by a small green woitq — a species of slug or cater- pillai", no douV)t The remedy for all such is white hellebore powder, which had better be dusted on the plants once a week as a preventive, before the insect makes its appearance. In fact, all remedies against insects are best used as preventives, or at least, on the verj- first appear- ance of the pest But the insect enemies which attack the roolji of the cabbage are not so easy to destroy. In fact, with the wire worm and cab- bage maggot we are almost helpless, as far as my experience has gone. For the latter, which is the worst enemy, a remedy has recently been recommended to me, which, as yet, I have had no opportunity to test It is to make a hole with the dibber, five or six inches deep, close to the root of each plant, and drop into it nine or ten drops of bi-sulphide of carbon, closing up the hole again. Last year the cabbage and The Cabbage Maggot. 317 cauliliower in our "trial grounds" were attacked by the cabbage mag- got at the roots early in May. A small handful of Peruvian Guano was nt once strewn around each plant and hoed in around the roots. This at once started an unusual vigor of gi'owth, which sustained the plants until they matured excellent heads. Understand, the Guano did not injure the insect, it only enabled the cabbage to outgrow its attack. For the destruction of the insect which causes the excrescence known as " club root " in cabbage a heavy dressing of lime in fall and spring •sviU check it to a great extent. In fact, on lands adjacent to the shores of New Yor];; Bay, where the soil is mised with oyster shell, " club root " is rai'ely seen, cabbage having been grown on some fields successively for fifty j'ears without a trace of it being seen, showing that the insect that causes the "club root" cannot exist in contact with lime; for it is found on lands where there is no oyster shell deposit, a quarter of a mile distant, and cabbages cannot be gro^vn two years in succession on the same land, unless heavily di-essed with lime, and even then it is always deemed safest never to plant cabbages two years in succession on the same gi'ound ; for while such crops as onions show but little benefit by rotation with other crops, cabbages, perhaps more than anything else, are benefited by such alternation; and when it can be done, nothing is better than to let the cabbage crop be alternated with grasses, such as German miUet, timothy or clover, or a crop of oats or rye. This is the method pursued by many of the Long Lsland mai'ket gardeners, who gTow for the New York market, where their lands are cheap enough to allow them to do so ; but the gai'deners of Hudson County, New Jersey, which is in sight of New York City, whose lands now are limited in area, and for which an average of $50 per acre rentispaid per annum, cannot well afford to let then- lands lay thus comparatively idle, and in consequence do not now raise as fine crops as the lands thus ' ' rested " by the gi-ass or gTain crops. If the land for the cabbage crop is of a kind suitable to grow a good crop of corn or potatoes, and is tilled or fertilized in the manner advised, it is rare indeed that a crop will fail to head, if the plants are in good condition, and have been properly planted, unless they are attacked by the maggot or " club root." In our trial grounds, where over a hiindred difterent stocks of cabbage are tested each year, we have found that every kind of cabbage tested, early or late, have produced solid heads, showing that wJien the conditions are right all kind:i of cabbages will head up and produce a crop. A circum- stance came under our notice, in the summer of 1882, which well illustrates the necessitj' for care in planting. We had sold, some time in Febraary, a large lot of our " Early Summer " cabbage seed to two market gardeners in Eochester, N. Y. The orders were filled 31H How THE Farm Pats, from tlie same bag of seed. Some time about the end of June one of the men wrote, sa's-ing that he had evidently got some si)urious kind of cabbage from us, as his neighbor was marketing his crop, while in his field of ten acres he had not a head lit to cut, nor was there any aj)pearance of their ever doing so, he thought Investiga- tion showed that no maggot, " club root" or other insect was affecting the roots; the land wan nearly identical with that which had made a successfid croji, and had been ecjually well manured and cultivated. So the only probable solution of the matter was that the plants in the case of failure had been Inoufhj planted and had failed to make a promjit start, as in the other case, where the planting had been proj)erly done, so that while the one lot advanced without a check, the growth of the other lot was arrested. This was undoubtedly the case, for there could be no cause for the difference unless on some such hypothesis. But there was a fortunate sequel to the case. It luckily hapjjcned that a heavy rain stonn oceiuTed while the cab- bages were yet in this unheaded condition. This started, as it were, a second growth, which resulted in their forming splendid heads by August 1st, at a time when cabbages were scarce, which, luckily for the owner, brought a much higher price than had they matured at the proper season, in June or July. The result was fortunate for us, who had sold the seed, for had not rain come so opportimely, the crop might never have headed \ip, and it would then have been hard to have convinced the man that he had not been furnished with spurious seed. "What has been advised for cabbage crops, either early or late, is exactly the culture necessary for a crop of CAULIFLOWER. Cauhflower being a plant of more deUcate constitution than cabbage, it requires to be more carefully handled ; for instance, whore the cab- bage plants in the cold fi-ames will keep safely over winter in this latitude, with no covering but the glass sash, cauhflower plants require the use of straw mats over the sashes, as the plant is much more easily hiu't by frost. In fact, it is better never to keep the jjlants through the winter ; those sown in Febi-uaiy, and traus))laiited into cold fi-ames in Mai'ch, and jjlanted in the open ground in April, as recommended for spring sown early cabbage, being better. The plants, however, must be stju'ted early enough so that they can be set out not later than middle of April, for if not rooted well before Avarm weather sets in, they will either "button" — that is, form small, stunted flowers — or else fail entirely to head up. Cauliflower delights Culture of Cauliflower. 319 in a cool atmospnere, and never does well when the season is hot and dry, unless complete irrigation can be given when the jjlant is about half grown. If this can be done the crop is certain. We have grown in this manner nearly an acre for many yeai's, the crop seUing for an average of $1,200 per acre annually, and that was before we hacj introduced the now famous known as " Henderson's Early Snowball," which is ahead of aU other kinds in its certainty to make a crop. The next in succession to this is the " Early Erfiui," which is again succeeded by the " Early Paris, " HENItEBSON'S EARLY SNOWBALL CAULIFLOWER, but neither of these in any resjject is equal to the " Snowball." For late crop the varieties known as " Algiers, and Erfui-t," are the kinds usually grown. The plants are obtained by sowing at the same dates as for late cabbages. It is planted three feet each way and cultivated exactly as late cabbages, and often sells as high as $25 per 100 in November and December. We are of the opinion, however, that the " Snowball," of which twice the number can be grown per acre, wiU prove a more profitable crop even for late than the " Algiers," as it is 320 How THE Fakm Pats. always more certain to form heads. It is not once in twenty years that a variety of vegetables or fruit makes such an advance in earliness and quiility as this " Snowball " cauliflower, and we have much satis- faction in the knowledge that we were the tirst to bring it into cultiva- tion, about five yeai-s ago. It is now grown to almost the entire exclusion of all other e:u-ly kinds of cauliflower in this country, and hunch-eds have succeeded both North and South in raising a crop fi'om this variety, who had previously completely failed with all other kinds. In cauliflowers, as in cabbages, it is folly to attempt the experi- ment of many kinds. Long experience has taught us that two or three of each, for early and second early, is aU-suflicient Although our seed catalogues enumerate scores of kinds, gardeners, who know what they ai'e about, fight shy of all except those whose merit has been proved beyond any question of a doubt For this reason, we oulv give the names of such as we hwiv to be the best The cultivation of this vegetable is almost identical with that given for the beet, excepting that the crop may be thinned out a little closer; DAXVKBS CAKBOT: EAB1.T ECARLET SHORT HOBS CARBOT. that is, caiTots may be allowed to stand at a distance of three or four inches apart, while the beet requires five or six inches. This is a pai-ticularly safe crop for the farmer, and he can never go far wrong Carrots. 321 in growing plenty of it, as it is a hardier root than beet, and can be left uutn late in the fall and dug at leisure times, but always before there is danger of its being frozen in; and will always sell at a fair price even as feed for horses and cattle, rarely bringing in our markets less than $1.00 per baiTel. The average crop on suitable soils is about 300 barrels to the acre. The carrot crop has one advantage over many others — if the gi-ouud is fairly good, it may be grown without manure, pai'ticularly on lauds that have been broken for potatoes or com the year previous. I might say here that the seed of the carrot, being BAI.F LONG SxnMP CAfiROT. very small, is easily affected by drought, and gi-eat care should be taken to firm it in the soil well, and I would ask the reader, if he has not ah-eady been thoroughly imbued with the importance of iirming seeds, to read the chapter given in this work on the " Use of the Feet in Sowing and Planting." The kind used for table purposes is the Early Horn, a short, beautifully colored, dark orange variety. For a second crojj the Half Long is grown. That used for farm cultui-e is known as Long Orange, or the Danvers. The quantity of seed required, if sown by di'iU, is four to six pounds per acre ; if sown by hand, eight to twelve pounds per acre. When sold at retaU for table use it is equally profitable as beets, but comparatively few carrots are wanted in the summer months. 322 How THE Faum Pays. CELERY. Celery is annually becominff of more and more importance as a vege- table crop. Thousauils of acres of it are grown in the neighborhood of all oiu- large cities; of late, in the x-icinity of New York, the demand has been iu excess of the siip])ly, and the extraordinary circumstance of a vegetable of this description Ijeing sent from Michigan to Kew York occurred last yeai'. The soil and cUmate of Michigan seem to be particulaiiy suited to the growth of Celery, and the sami)les sent to New York exceeded auj-thiug gi-own in tlie neighborhood, and brought a 2)rice sufficient to justify the heavj' fi-eight fi-om that gi-eat distance. CJelery requires rich soil and heavy manuring to have it of the best (juaUty; although on land that has not been used for it before, such us following after j)otatoes or corn, fine crops may be raised, if the ground is iu good heart, without extra manuring. As a little more requu'es to be said on the cultiu-e of this crop than a good many other vegetables, I insert the following from my Horticultiu'al Essays, published in 1882, which contains, iu my oi)iniou, about all the informa- tion necessary on the subject. ON THE GROWING AND PRESERVING OF CELERY FOR WINTER. The seeds ai-e sown on a well jjulverized, rich border, in the open groiuid, as early in the season as the ground can be worked. (For instructions in sowing, see article beaded " Use of the Feet in Sowng and Planting.") The bed is kept clear of weeds untU Jul}', when the plants ai'e set out for the crop. But as the seedling plants ai'e rather troublesome to raise, when for private use only, and as they can usuallj' be purchased cheaper than they can be raised on a small scale, it is scai-cely worth while to sow tlie seed. But when ^vanted in (liumtity, the plants should always be raised by tlie gi'ower, as Celery plants are not only difficult to transplant, but are usually too expensive to buy when the crop is grown to sell. The Eui'opean plan is to make a trench six or eight inches deep in which to ]ilant Celery; but our violent rain storms in summer soon showed us that this plan was not a good one here, so we set about planting on the level surface of the gi'ound, just as we do with all vegetables. Celery requires an abun- dance of manure, which, as usual with all other crops, must be well mixed and incorporated with the soil before the Celery is set out. When the ground is well prepared, we stretch a line to the distance required; and beat it slightly with a spade, so that it leaves a mark to CuLTn'ATioN OF Celery. 323 show where to place the plants. These are set out at distances of six inches between the plants, and usually four feet between the rows, when tlie Celery is to be " banked " uj) for early or fall use; but when grown for winter use, fi-om two to three feet between the rows is suffi- cient. Great care must be taken, in ijutting out the Celery, to see that the j)lant is set just to the depth of the roots; if much deeper, the " heart " might be too much covered up, which would impede the growth. It is also important that the soil be well 23"'Cked to the roots in planting, and this we do by retiuTiing on each row, after f)lanting, and pressing the soil against each plant finiily -s^ith the feet; and if the operation can be done in the evening, and the j)lants coijiously watered, no further attention will be requii-ed. Planting maj' be done any time fi'om the 25th of June to the second week in August. After pilanting, nothing is to be done but keep the crop) clear of weeds untU Sei^tember; by that time the handling process is to be begun, which consists in drawing the eaiih to each side of the Celery, and pressing it tightly to it, so as to give the leaves an uj)ward gi'owth prepai'atory to blanching for use. Supf>osing this handling process is done by the middle of September, by the first week in October it is ready for "banking up," wliich is done by digging the soil from between the rows, and laying or banking it up with the spade on each side of the row of Celery. After being so banked up) in October, it will be read}' for use in three or four weeks, if wanted at that time. But if, as in most cases, it is needed for winter use only, and is to be put away in trenches, or in the cellar, as will hereafter be described, all that it requires is the operation of " han- dling." If the celery is to be left in the open gi-ound where it was grown, then a heavy bank must be made on each side of the rows, and as cold weather approaches — say in this latitude by the middle of November — an additional covering of at least a foot of leaves or Utter must be closely packed against the bank, to protect it fi'om frost; but it is not safe to leave it in the banks where it grows, in any section of the country where the temperature gets lower than ten degrees above zero. Perhaj)s the best way to keep Celery for family use is in a cool cellar. This can be done by storing it in narrow boxes, of a depth a little less than the height of the Celery. A few inches of sand or soil are jilaced in the bottom of the box, and the Celery is j)acked upright, the roots being placed on the sand at the bottom; but no sand or any- thing else must be put between the stalks of the Celery, aU that is needed being the damp sand on the bottom of the box, the meaning of which is, that before Celery will blanch or whiten, it must first start at the root; hence the necessity of placing the roots on an inch or so of damp sand. Boxes thus packed and placed ia a cool cellar 324 How THE Fak-m Pays. in November, will be blanched fit foi- use during January, February and Mavcli, tbon-^'h for succession it will be better to put it in the boxes, fi-om the open ground, at three difierent times, say October 2otli, November 10th and November 20th. Or if the boxes ai'e not at hand, the Celery may be i)ut away ou the floor of the cellar, in strips of eiglit or nine inches wide, divided by boanls of a width ecjual to the height of the Celery. That is, if the Celery is two feet high, the boai-ds separating it must be about the same height. The reason for dividing the Celery in these narrow strijjs by boards is to prevent heating, which would take place if placed together in too thick masses. The dates above given apply, of course, to the latitude of New York; if further south, do the work later; if further north, eai'licr. If one has no suitable cellar, the Celery can be very readily jDreserved in the manner followed by market gardeners. Thus, after it has been " handled " or straightened up, as before described, what is intended for use by Christmas should be dug up about October 25th; that to be used in January and Februarj-, by November 10th; and that for March use, by November 20th, which latter date is as late as it can be risked here. Although it 'sntU stand quite a sharp frost, the weather by the end of November is often severe enough to kill it, or so freeze it in the ground that it cannot be dug up. The ground in which it is to be jDreseiTed for winter use must be as diy as possible, and so arranged that no water can remain in the trench. Dig a trench as naiTow as jsossible (it should not be wider than ten inches), and of a depth equal to the height of the Celery; that is, if the plant of Celery be eighteen inches high, the trench should be dug eighteen inches deep. The Celery is then packed exactly in the manner described for storing in boxes to be placed in the cellar; that is, stand it as near upright as possible, and pack as closelj' together as can be done without bruising it; no soil or sand must be j^ut between the stalks. As the weather becomes cold, the trenches should be gi-adually covered with leaves or litter to the thickness of six or eight inches, which will be enough to prevent severe freezing, and enable the roots to be taken out easily when wanted. Another method now practiced by the market gardeners of New Jersey is as follows: before the aj^proach of very cold weather — saj' the middle of December — the Celery in the trenches is pressed somewhat closely together by passing a spade down deeply alongside of the trench on each side, but about tlu'ee or four inches from the Celery. It is best done by two men, so that thej* jiress against each other, thus firming the top of the Celery in the trench until it is com- pact enough to sustain a weight of three or four inches of soil, which is taken from the sides of the trench and spread over the Celery. Varieties of Celery. 325 This earth covering keeps it rather fresher than the covering of litter, though on the approach of cold weather the earth covering is not sufficient, and a covering of sis or seven inches of leaves must yet be placed over the earth covering. From 200 to 500 roots are usuaUj- required for use by an ordinary family. The varieties we recommend are the Golden Dwarf, Sandring- ham, White "Walnut, and London Eed. The red is as yet but little used in this country, though the flavor is better, and the j)lant altogether hardier than the white. A new variety, known as the Parsley leaved, has just been introduced, which will be very useful for table decoration, as well as for all purposes for which Celery is used, as it is equally as good as any of the others. 32G How THE Farm Pays. "We are often asked for the cause of aud remedy for Celery rusting or bui-uiug. The cause, we thiiik, is the condition of the weather, which destroys the tender libres, or what ai-e called the working roots of the plant, for we find it is usually worse in seasons of extreme drought or moisture, particularly in warm weather. We know of no remedy, nor do we believe there is any. We may say, however, that it is less hable to appear on new, fresh soils, that are free from acids or sourness, than on old soils that have been surfeited with maniu-e, aud have had no rest. Although, under ordinary conditions, if j^roper vaaieties of Celery are used, the crop should never be jjithy or hollow, yet we have found that now and then even the most solid kinds of Celery have become more or less hollow when planted in soft, loose soils, such as reclaimed peat bogs, where the soil is mostly composed of leaf movdd. In fact, on heavy or clayey soils the Celery wiU be considerably heavier than on lighter soils. THE WHITE PLUME CELERY. Since writing the above, we have this season, 1883, been fortunate in originating a new kind of celeiy known as the " White Plume, " a name given to it from its resemblance in structui'e to an ostrich plume. It has a most beautiful j)innated leaf cut in segments, and in all respects, as regards quality, is unsurpassed by any of the veiy best kinds. The great advantage which it possesses, is a peculiarity in its nature that is going to do away with nearly all the labor that we have heretofore had in banking or trenching celery. When the plant attains its fuU growth, the stems and all the inner leaves are white, and all that is necessary to do in order to blanch it, is to draw or hoe the soil up close against each root with the hands aud again plow or hoe it up, and the work is done, so that the celery will come out in as fine a blanched state as other kinds will do, even when banked up, with a spade, two feet in height. This banking up with the spade is always a slow process, and very difficult to learn, unless with lai'ge practice, and has been the drawback more than anything else against the cultivation of celerj-. This new kind will do away with all this labor and expense, and will open a new era in celery culture, so that anybody can grow it just as easily as they can grow a head of cabbage. The only disadvantage attending this new celery is that fi'om its whiteness and consequent tender nature it will not keep later than the middle of February, but for fall and cju'ly winter use there is no kind that wiU answer the pui'pose so weU. The White Pi.ume Celery. 327 As the greateist demand for celery is at the Thanisgiving and Christ- mas holidays, this only drawback is of little account. For general us« we advise that three-fourths of this variety be grown, the other foiuih being London Red and Golden Dwarf. The White Plume should therefore for this reason always be used as the first crop, the green kinds, whose culture we have just described, being used for 328 How TiiE Farm Pay.s. second crops. One great disadvantage with the older kinds is that the work of banking up of two or three feet requu-ed to be done, may in the event of severe rain stonus be Uiade completely useless, as tliese banks become saturated with the rain and washed doAvn and the whole work has to be gone over again, but with this new kind, no banks being necessary, all such danger is avoided. About 30,000 of this new kind of celery (planted three feet in the rows and six inches between the plants) can be gi'own on an acre. At the very lowest price of $2 per 100 roots, $G00 would be the gross receipts. Estimating $200 for manure and labor, we have a net jirotit of S400 per acre, but in many parts of the country celery is sold at twice and sometimes three times this price. CRESS (WATER). I allude to this vegetable here, not to recommend its cidture to the farmer unless under special favorable conditions. The special con- ditions requii'ed for it may, however, occasionally be found, and in such cases, by a Httle attention, it may be made an exceedingly in-ofitable crop. Many a fanner in the vicinity of lai'ge cities may realize more profit from this plant on his fann, with but little labor, than he could from months of hard work in his corn or jiotato field. The following brief iusti-uctions wUl be found to be all that is re- quired for the cultui'e of this vegetable, where the proper conditions are present Suppose there is a stream running through the fai-m one to three feet deej) and three to twelve feet wide, with level banks. A simple jjlan of cultivation is to make excavations at right angles with the stream, forming sunken beds six or eight feet wide and about eight inches deep, with alleys raised between of the same width, so that the beds can be Hooded by the stream, the i^lauts of the Water Cress being planted in the sunken beds at eight or ten inches apart each way. Wliere the beds cannot be drained dry, tlie slips or cut- tings are made into small Italls with clay, and these are dropjied into the water; they settle to the bottom, and the slii)s (juickly take root. The advantage of ha^dng the beds made at right angles to the stream is that, in the event of freshets, the crop is less liable to be washed out. It is not easy to detenuine the vjilue of an acre of Water Cress, as so much depends on the thickness of its gi'owth ; yet I think it safe to say that, whenever sold in any of our lai-ge markets, such as New York, Boston, Phdadeljihia or Chicago, it would rai'ely fail, at present prices, to bring less than $1,000 per acre, and one gi-eat advantage of it is that it is so Ught in proportion to its value that from $100 to S150 worth can be easily placed in a single wagon load. For Sweet Coen. 329 full pai'ticiilars on this subject I would again refer to luj work, " Gai-deuing tor Profit." CORN (SWEET). It may seem presumption in me to instruct the farmer how to grow corn; but as theii- methods of growing this special variety of corn for table use are probably not as well known as for the field vaiieties, I will here give them. AU the viu'ieties of sweet corn may either be sown in rows four and one-half feet apart and about sis or eight inches between the seeds, or i:)lanted in hills at distances of three or four feet each way, according to the variety of corn or richness of the soU. The smaller and earUer varieties, as the Tom Thumb and Eai-ly Minnesota, may be j^lanted in hills two feet apart each way. The taller the variety or the richer the soil, the gi-eater should be the dis- tance apart. Such later varieties as Egj-jjtian and Evergreen require to be planted at least tkree feet apart, or even more, on very rich soil. We make om- first plantings in this latitude about the middle of May, and continue successive plantings eveiy two weeks until the last week in July. In more southern latitudes, or in warm, li^-ht soils at the north, planting is begun a month earlier and continued a month later. I have rejjeatedly sold it in the New York markets realizing as high as $200 per acre, and this, too, at the first wholesale 330 How THE Farm Pays. price, the consumer paying about twice as much. An ordinary yield is about 11,000 ears to an acre. In such cases, however, it was either an early crop or a very late one, biinging two or three doUai-s per 100 ears, while the iateiTening crops, which came in competition with the full market, often sold as low as seventj'-five cents per 100 ears. The importance, tlien, will be seen, of striking the market at such seasons when the ai-ticle will be sciu-ce. The quantity of seed required per acre is from six to eight quarts. CCCUMBER. This vegetable is l)est suited for warm, rich, sandy, loam ground. It should not be planted until there is a j^rospect for settled wjirm weather — in the vicinity of New York about the middle of !May — and in hills four feet apart each way. The hills should previously be pre- jsai-ed by thoroughly mi.King in a shovel full of well rotted stable manure. Li the absence of maniu'e, a small hantlful of bone dust, or some well known superphosphate, may be used instead. In each hill IMl-UOVbU \SHlIi; stmE cucu. should be planted fi-om eight to ten seeds. "UTien all danger from insects is passed, and the jjlants ai-e well started, they are thinned out to three or four to each hiU. The fruit should be gathered while green, as, if left to ripen on the vines, it verj' soon destroys their pro- ductiveness. Quite a number of fai-mers in the vicinity of New York have of late yeai's grown cucumbers for pickhng very largely, some devoting as much as twenty acres to this piu^josc. When gro-s\-n for I^ickUng they are usually not sown until the middle of July, the gi-ound used being such as has been so\\-n with rye, oats or clover. They are planted in hills about foiu- feet apart, and manm-ed as for table use, and it is claimed that they give an average profit over aU expenses of $75 per acre. The kind used for table use is that known as the Improved "White Spine; that used for pickhng is the Green Prohfic. Care should be taken not to get these viu-ieties revei-sed, or the pickhng vaiiety wUl be foimd of httle use for the table, while the "White Spine would be too lai-ge for pickhng. Quantity of seed requu'ed for cucumbers in hiUs, about two pounds per acre. An Cdltdre of Cucumbers tok PiCKUCsa 331 experienced grower gives the following information in regard to this crop: " The culture of cucumbers for pickling is very jarofitable under some cu'cuuistances. These are when the grower is near a large city, or has facOities for disposing of his product in a fresh state to fac- tories in which the vegetables ai'e pickled either in salt or \'inegai-, or when he has facUities for preserving them himself for sale in distant markets, as in manufacturing towns, lumbering or mining villages and camps, or to dealers in ship stores, or even to village stores, where the pickles can be retailed duiing the winter season. As there is a large and regular demand for pickles, there are many places where factories can be established for their manufacture with success and profit, and more conveniently in conjunction with the business of cider making, with a view to providing a supply of pure vinegar; can- ning and drj-ing vegetables and fruits ; making jellies, and even adding to all these an outfit for making sorghum syrujj and sugai* from the cane. A factory of this kind could find work the whole year round, and would require only a very moderate capital for its fiirnishing, because the same building and much of the apparatus would serve for aU these purposes, and some only would be required for each special use. But a pickle factory should be erected in a good ajjple country, where fruit for cider could be procm-ed very cheaply. "The cultiu'e of the cucumbers is very simj)le. Although this vegetable consists almost wholly of water, yet it requires rich soU, or at least a Hberal quantity of manure, to force the growth so quickly as to secure the requisite tenderness and succulence. A light, sandy, warm soil is the best. This is plowed deeply, because the roots of all the gourd tribe spread widely and love a loose soil, in which they can find adequate moisture and warmth. For the pickling varieties, of which the Green ProHfic is the best and is almost universally gi-own, the ground is marked out four feet apart each way, a deep f uitow being made so as to leave room for a good shovel- ful of rich compost at each crossing. This is worked in with the spade or hoe and the ground leveled. Five pr six seeds are dropped in each liUl, about one j)ound of seed being required for one acre. A\Tien the plants are up they are thinned out to three to each hiU. A\Taen the seed is sown a broadcast dressing of 300 or 400 pounds of Peiiivian guano per acre may be given with great advantage, as this fertUizer seems to have a specially good effect on this crop; super- phosphate of Ume is the next best, and fine bone flour comes next. With this preparation and -100 pounds of guano jjer acre, costing $15, we have grown over 300,000 cucumbers to the acre, which is double the average crop and equal to about 100 to each hill. The excess in 332 How THE Fabm Pays. this case was clearlj' due to the fertilizer, as the product was more than doubled by it, so that the expenditure of 815 repaid nearly $200 in increase of crop, as the cucumbers were sold at $1.50 per 1,000. Some attention is required to secui-e a good yield. The ground must be kejat loose by frecjucut cultivation untU the vines cover the ground. The main vines must be i)inched at the ends to keep them ^^•ithin bounds and to encourage the outgrowth of side branches, which are the most prohfic of fruit. The main branches bear chiefly male or staminate flowers, which are baiTen of fruit, and the side branches bear the pistillate or productive flowers; so that the gi-eat secret in gi-ovfing this crop, as well as aU kinds of cucumbers, melons and squashes, consists in tliis shortening in of the main vine and the encoui-agement of the laterals. The fruit is gathered every morning as soon as it has reached a proper size, which is from two to three inches. These cucumbers are never cut, but are always preserved and pickled whole. The chief labor is in preventing diunage by hce and the small cucumber beetle; for the former we liud the best remedy to be to pluck off the fii-st infested leaves, by which the other- wise rapid spread of this pest is prevented. For the other pest dusting with finely ground gypsum is the best and usual remedy." EGG PLANT. This vegetable is not likely to be much wanted in country towns, although it is used to a considerable extent at the wateiing places in YonK IMPROVED EGU 1'L.VNT hotels and boarding houses. It is not worth whUe for the farmer, for all he would be likely to want of this crop, to go to tlie ti'ouble of raising his own plants, as it is rather a (hflicult process, and requires waiTU hot beds to start them in during the early spiing months. He Lettuce. 333 can purchase the plants cheaper than he can raise them. The nature of this vegetable is very much similar to that of the tomato, being a very tender plant, and shovild never be set out, in the latitude of New York, sooner than the 15th of May. It should be j^lauted at distances of four feet assart each way. It wiU begin to produce its fiTiits by the middle of July and continues fruiting until September. It is not unusual for single jjlants to produce ten or twelve large fi'uits, enough to fiU a bushel basket. They are usually retailed in our markets at $1.50 per dozen fruits. This is, perhaps, one of the most universally cultivated of all vege- tables, and from its tractable nature and freedom from nearly all insect diseases, it is easQy managed by every one. For main crop the seed is usually sown by market gai'deners in the open gi'ound, about the middle of September, and transplanted to cold frames as soon as IMP.SON LETTUC large enough to handle, being wintered over in the same manner as early cabbage, which see. But when sown in dry, weU sheltered spots and covered vnth leaves or litter late in the fall, lettuce j^lants win be safe through the winter without glass covering, particular!}' in southern sections. "We have often seen plants in sheltered places, even in New Jersey, coming out in the spring perfectly fresh, simply by having sown the seed in the open ground in the middle of Sep- tember. These plants that are sown in September, it will be under- stood, are for the earh' spring crop, to be planted in April in the open ground. For such as are wanted for successive crops sowings may be 334 How THE Fabm Pats. made in the open ground as early astlie season opens, sar loth of April, until July, and, as it is somewhat difficult to transplant in hot weather, the best way is to sow it in drills twelve inches apart, and thin out the plants in the rows so that they will stand eiyht or ten inches apart- The crop in this way is exceedingly easy to handle; all that is necessary to do is to hoe it once, so as to keep down the weeds. It is a plant of comparatively tender growth, and unless care is taken to promptly destroy aU weeds it may be quickly choked up so as to be worthless. The kinds best to use are those known as Black Seeded KiLASULM^Eii txmx Simpson nnd Salamander: the one is a curled leaved variety, the other is plain or smooth leaved, and forms a sohd head. Many of the German gai'deners in the Ticrnity of New York make an excellent hving on half an acre of land by this process of sowing lettuce, which they sell at not more than one cent per head; but as they get four croj^s in a season, and the plants aie set about one foot each way, half an acre four times cropped will sell for upwards of $800. even at one cent per head. When lettuce is sold at retail direct to the consumer. it is fair to presume that, in most places, it will bring two or three times that amount. MELOX i>rrSK). I have often wondered that a delicious fruit, so easily grown as melon-s, is so little cultivated by fiunners who have often acres uiwn acres of land of which they make but httle or no use. Melons will thrive best in a rich, light soil, although there is no necessity for heavy manuring on soils where a good crop of com or potatoes, which has been well manured, has been gro-wn the previous year. Tsually a shovelful of rotted manure or compost is put in each hill, and the best growers use also a small handful of guano or superphosphate in Musk Melons. 335 addition. A clover sod, plowed in, is esjieciaUy favorable for this croj). The main point in melon growing is to push the crop fonvard as quickly as possible, so as to catch the high prices which rule then. A well known melon grower of Hackensack, N. J., where this crop is HACKENSACK aiUSK ilELON. largely produced, mentioned an instance where one farmer admitted having lost the whole of his late crop of melons by a frost, which would have been avoided by the expenditure of $25 or $30 in guano, used at the planting, as this would have pushed the crop forward MONTBEAI. MARKET MUSK MELON. several days and have saved it. For this reason, a dressing of guano in the hih should always be used. They, like cucumbers, should be planted in hills, but somewhat wider, from five to sis feet apart each way, according to the richness of the soiL Ten or twelve seeds are 336 How THE Faum Pays. planted in each hill early in May, and when well up the plants are thinned out to three or four of the most promising. It is a crop that can be as easily raised as a crop of corn, and when sold at wholesale, it is safe to say, will pay a protit of at least $100 per acre. The viirietj' most preferred for this section is that known as Hackensack, wliich is gi'own by the thousands of acres for the New York market The flesh is of a greenish-yellow color, and is of the most dehcious Havor. Another variety is the Surprise, equally good in all respects, ths flesh being of a salmon or pink color. This variety, however, is not so popular in the markets as the green-fleshed sorts. The most successful gi'owei-s greatly increase the yield of this crop by a system of pinching the main vine, so as to encourage the lateral shoots, upon which the fruit is borne. A large gi-ower in the vicinity of Hacken- sack, N. J., a noted locality in this respect, gives the following details of the cultiu-e : ^Melons ai'e a speciiil crop which needs particular care and culture. In some locahties they ai-e gi'ovsTi for market in great quantities. It is said that, on one evening last summer, IGO two-horse wagon loads, each of about 1,000 melons, crossed by one ferry from a subui'b of New York City. And this was by no means an extra occasion. The melon season lasts fi-om July into October, so that some idea may be gained from this of the magnitude of this business. The croj) is a ^ery profitable one when skillfuily cultivated, and often realizes $500 to $1,000 an acre, and more rai'ely even as high as ^l.-'SOO, when the melons ai'e the first in the mai'ket and bring the highest jirice of the season. But as with other products, these large jsrofits are only realized by those gi-owers whose long experience and skill give them more than usual advantages. The methods, however, are no secret, and any one who will follow them may just as easily meet with the same success. The most suitable soil for melons is a rich, warm, deep, sandy loam having a southern or south-western exposui-e. The latter is prefer- able, as it gets the last rays of the sun and the soil is thus wanned up for the night, and, being sheltered from eastern and northern winds, retains this warmth iintil the morning. This may make several days' difference in the ripening of the crop, which may be equivalent to $300 or $400 an acre in the value of the fruit. The best fertilizer is well decayed stable manure and night soil in equal inu-ts, with a moderate addition of Peruvian guano appUed in the hill. The manner of cultm-e is as follows: The soil is plowed in the fall or ejulj' in the spring and is cross-plowed the fii-st daj-s of May, about twenty loads per acre of manm-e being plowed under. The gi-ound is then well harrowed and fuiTowed out six feet apiu't each way. A Pests of the Melon. 337 full shovelful of mixed fine manure and night soil is used in each hiU, being well mixed with the soil; a liberal dusting of guano or super- phosphate of hme is then scattered about the hill and sis or eight seeds are planted. The first jilanting is eaiij' in May ; other plantings may be continued through June. The hQl is raised two or three inches above the surface, and is made about two feet broad and quite flat. AVTien the plants appear above the surface they require protec- tion from cut worms, which would otherwise cut the steins and destroy them; and as the rough leaves appear the weaker plants are thinned out and three only left. A good method of j)rotecting the plants against the cut worms is to make a ring of thick pajjer, about a foot in diameter and three inches broad, and j^lace this around them, so as to form an obstacle over which they cannot cUmb. The after cultivation consists of deep plowing at intervals at least tvnce and frequent cultivation, until the vines begin to rim, when the teiTuinal buds are pinched off to cause the growth of the lateral branches. The main vine produces chiefly male and barren flowers, and if this is left to run the laterals would not push out and there would be little or no fruit. The lateral vines bear the female or perfect flowers, and to encourage the growth of these is one of the secrets of melon cultui-e upon which the i^rofits depend. The same peculiarity of growth is found in aU the goui'd tribe, and apj^lies to squash, cucumbers and water melons, as well as to musk melons. The pests of the melon are hce, the striped beetle, and the squ.ash bug. The hce appeaa- on the under side of the leaves and are diffi- cult to get at, so that the simplest and most efifective remedy is to flinch off the afi'ected leaves or the part of the vine and carry it away and burn it. If left undisturbed the hce fi'om one hiU will quickly spread over several square rods and completely destroy the crop. The striped beetle is the worst enemy to deal with. It lays its eggs on the stem at the ground, and the small grubs work their way to the root and feed upon it. The first indication of their jjresence is the wilting of the leaves — "going down" of the vines, the gTowers call it — and vine after vine thus goes down, until at times the larger pai-t of the croj) may be destroyed when the melons are half grown. The remedy for tins pest is to apply strong tobacco water around the stem on the first appearance of the small striped beetle and repeat it in a few days, and to repeat it again as soon as the wilting of the tu'st leaf is noticed. The fruit begins to " net " about two weeks before it ripens, and the indications of ripeness are the fi-agrant scent, the softness of the blossom end of the melon, and the cracking and easy parting of the stem. 338 How THE Farm Pays. MELON (WATER). Water melons requii-e the same soil as musk melons for their best development, and tluive best in -warm latitudes. Unless the soil is especially vr&mi and simdy they do not usually gi\e as pood ressult in the Northem and Middle States as the musk melon, and ai-e now essentially, for mai-ket imrposes, a plant of the South and South- rUINNET'S EABLT WATEB MKLON. ■western States, where hundi'eds of thousands of tlu-m ai-e annually grown for our Northern mai'kets. The culture is exactly the same as lor musk melons, except that the hiUs should be just double the dis- tance apart, namely, nine to ten feet. Of Viuieties, the Black Spanish, Ice Cream and Pliinney's Early are the favorites for this section, and the Georgia or Rattlesnake variety in the Southern States. OKKA, OR GUMBO. This vegetable is extensively grown in the Southern States. Its long joods, when young, are used in soups, stews, etc., and ai'e very imtritious. It is easily cultivated and grows freely, beaiiug abun- dantly in any garden soil. It is sown at the usual time of all tender vegetables, in May, in di-ills, two inches deep and thi-ee feet apart, the seeds being dropped at two to three inches apart. ONION. It is the generally received oiiinion that onions grow best in old ground. This Ave think is an en'or; it is not because the ground is " old," or has been long cultivated, that the onions do better there. Soils Suitable for Onions. 339 but because such lands, from Iheir long culture, are usuallj' better pulverized; and experience has shown us repeatedlj' that when new soil has been equally well pulverized and fertilized, an equally good crop is obtained, and usually a cleaner crop, more exempt from mst or mildew. As a matter of fact, the finest crop of onions we ever beheld was on sandy swamp land, which had been first thoroughly drained and broken up. In fact, new soils, iiarticularly when broken up fi'om pastui-e land — tm-ned over early enough in the fall so that the sod is rotted comjjletely — make excellent land for onion crops, as they are usually free from weeds. Such land, however, must be well EAELT FL.iT RED OSION. TEIXOW DUTCH ONION. pulverized, by the use of the plow, harrow and smoothing harrow, or good results may not follow. Much depends on the quality of such soil. If rather sandy loam, it will, of coiu'se, be much easier to pulverize than if stiff or clayey loam, and such soil, in our experience, is always preferable for most crops. Such soils, also, are nearly always free from under water, rarely requiring artificial drainage, if the land is level, and it always should be selected as level as possible for the onion crop, as when land slopes to any great extent, much damage is often done by washing out, the onion roots being near the surface, and consequently cannot resist floods as crops that root deeper. Many onion growers, who make a specialty of the business, find it is economical to alternate the crop with a green crop such as Geiman millet, which can be cut for hay in July, the "stubble" plowed down in August, giving a fresh fibrous soil, clear of tveeds, for the onion crop to be sown next spring. It is not claimed that the alter- 340 How THE Farm Pays. nation of a preen crop with the onions is a necessity, as it is weU known that the onion is one of tlie verj' few crops that does not seem benefited hy altematinf^; but it is claimed that it gives ahnost entire fi'eedoni fi-oni weeds, as, after a crop of millet which has been cut before its seed ripens, few troublesome weeds will come up the next year-. I have always held the opinion that when well rotted stable manvire, whether from horses or cows, can be procured, at a cost not exceeding $3 per ton dehvered on the ground, it is cheaper and better than any kind of concentrated fertilizer. It should be plowed in at the rate of thiiiy tons per acre. The concentrated fertilizers in the ronxrcAi. onion. YELLOW DANVEHS OKIOS. mai'ket are now so numerous, that it would be invidious to specify particular brands. We ourselves, excejjt in iising occasionally the "Blood and Bone Fertilizer," which we have proved to be excellent, use only pure Ground Bone and Peinivian Guano, which, for onions, we jirefer to mix together in equal jjai-ts, sowing it on the land after plowing, at the rate of at least one ton ])er acre of the mixture (when no stable manure has been iised), after sowing to be harrowed in, as described in " Prejiaring the Ground." One of the most valuable manures for the onion crop are the di'oppings from the chicken or pigeon house, which, when mixed with twice their weight of lime, coal or wood ashes, so as to disinte- Fertilizeks for Onions. 341 grate and pulverize, may be sown on the land after plowing, to be haiTowed in, at the rate of three or four tons per acre of the mtsture. Night soil, when mixed with dry muck, coal ashes, charcoal dust, lime or hme rubbish as absorbents, and spread on after jjlowing at the rate of six or eight tons per acre, and harrowed deeply in, will never fail to produce a heavy crop of onions in any suitable soil There ai-e many other manures that wiU answer the jjurpose, often to be had in special localities, such as the refuse hops and " grains " from breweries, which should be used in the same mamier and quantities as stable manure, ^lule fish guano, whalebone shavings. Vr£IH£BSFI£LO BED ONION. « 1 GIANT ROCCA ONION. or shavings from horn, when pulverized so as to be in proper condi- tion to be taken up by the plants, are nearly equal in value to ground bone. "Wood ashes alone, spread on at the rate of five or six tons jser acre, will usually give excellent results. It is well ever to keep the fact in mind, that it will always be more profitable to fertihze one acre of onions well than two imperfectly. If thirty tons of stable manure or one and one-half tons of concen- trated fertilizer are used to an acre, the net profits are almost certain to be lai-ger than if that quantity had been spread over two acres; for in all jDrobability nearly as much weight of crop would be got from the one well maniu'ed acre than from the two that had been done im- perfectly, besides the saving of seed and labor in cultivating two acres instead of one. In 342 How THE Farm Pats. PREPARING THE GROUND tor the reception of the seed (if it has been plowed the fall previous), j)lo-wing should be begun as soon as the land is dry enough to work, first having spread over the laud weU rotted stable maniu'e, at the rate of thirty tons to the acre. This should be lightly turned under, jjlowing not more than five or six inches deep, and covering the manure so that it will be three or four inches under the surface. For this reason, the manure must be well rotted, othei-wise it cannot be well covered by the plow. If concentrated fertilizers are to be used, it is best to plow the land up roughly, sow tlie fertilizer at the rate of one to two tons per acre, accoi'ding to its 60CIBP0KT YELLOW GLOBE ONION. SOITTHPORT WHITU (iLlUlE ONION. fertUizing proj)erties; then harrow thoroughly, so that it is regularly incorporated with the soil. After haiTowing with an ordinary toothed hari'ow, the sui'face should be further leveled with some kind of a " smoothing " haiTow, either Meeker's Smootliing Disc HaiTow, or some sort of chain liaiTow. The former we like best, as the revolv- ing discs pulverize the soil, to a dejjth of three inches, much better than it can be done by raking, and the smoothing board, which follows in the wake of the revolving wheels, makes the surface, if free from stones, smooth as a board — iax better than it can be done by rakiuK. Cdltration of Omoxs. 343 The gi'ound being tlius prepared, the next thing is the sowing of the seed (about six pounds being used jjer acre). This, of coui"se, nowadays, is done always by the seed drilling machine, of which there are a dozen or more in the market, nearly all of which do the work well. In our business at the present date, we sell the Planet, Jr., and Mathew's, giving the preference in the order in which they are named. In sowing the first row, a line must be stretched so as to have that liue straight, after which the sower can readily regulate the other Unes. The favorite distance for onion rows to be placed apart is fifteen inches, though they are sometimes sown as close as twelve inches, leaving out every ninth row for an alley, thus forming them into beds of eight rows each. "Where there is reason to believe weeds may be troublesome, this plan of forming in beds has the ad- vantage of the alley (twenty-foiu- inches wide) to throw the weeds. "We so fixmly believe in the value of firming in the seeds after sowing, that we advise, in addition to the closing and fiiTaiag of the seeds by the drill, to use a roller besides, particularly if the land is Hght, or where the soil has not been sufficiently firmed down. There is no crojD where the adage of " a stitch in time " is so applicable as in the onion crop; so that just as soon as the fines can be seen, which will be in ten or twelve days after sowing, af)ply the scuffle hoe between the rows. There are a great many styles of hand cultivators, many of which are exceedingly useful, after the onions get strong enough, after weeding, but for the first hoeing, after the seed shows the lines, use the scuffle hoe or some onion wheel hoe. The distance at which onions should stand iu the rows is fi'om one to two inches, and if the crop is sown evenlj' and thinly few require to be taken out. In hoe- ing, whether it is weeds or onions that are to be removed, one thing should never be lost sight of — that when this oi^eration is done, eveiy inch of the sirrface should be broken; this is best done after the machine, by using a wooden lawn rake, all over the land, lightly raking across the rows. It is one of the most common mistakes, when weeding or hoeing, if the laborer sees no weeds, to pass over such portions without breaking the crust. By this neglect, not only is it likely that he passes another crop of weeds in embryo under the imbroken cnist, but the jjortion unbroken loses the stirring so necessary for the well-being of the crofi. In our long experience in garden operations, we have had more trouble to keep our workmen up to the mark in this matter than in any other; and I never fail when I discover a man in such negligence to set him back over his work until he does it j)roperly, and if he again fails to do so, promptly dismiss him. 344 How TiiK Faioi Pays. The onion crop is usually iit to liaiTest in this section ft-om 5th to 2()th of August; that is, when the seed has been sown in early spring, wliich should he not later than Hay 1st, if possible, and if by Ajiril 1st all the better. If the seed is sown too late, it may delay the time of ripening, which may result in a complete loss of the crop; for if the bulbs iu-e not ripened by August, there is danger, if September is wet, that they will not ripen at all ; hence the gi-eat necessity of early seeding in sjiring. If the onion croj) is gi-owiug yery strong, it wiU facilitate the ripening jjrocess by bending the leaves down with the back of a wooden rake, or some such ini]ilement, so as to " knee " them, as it is called, at the neck of the bulb; this checks the flow of sap and tends to rijjeu the bulb. After the tops of the onicius become yellow and wither up, they should then be jiulled without uunecessaiT delay, for if continued wet weather should occur and delay the jjulling too long, a secondaiT growth of the roots may be developed, which would injure the crop seriously. After pulling, lay the bulbs in convenient rows, so as to cover the ground, but not to lay on each other. By turning them every day or two, in six or eight days they will be usually dry enough to be caiied to their storage quarters, where the shriveled tojjs are cut off, and the onions stored on slatted shelves, to the depth of six or eight inches, in some dry and airy place. It is of importance to have the bottom of the shelves slatted, so as to leave sj^aces an inch or so apart, that air can be admitted at the bottom as well as the toji of the heap. The shelves, when aU the space at hand is to be made avail- able, may be constructed oue above another. But if to be kept through the winter, they must be protected in some building capable of resisting severe fi'ost, or covered with hay or straw, as a protection against extreme cold. For although the onion wiU stand a moderate degi-ee of frost, yet any long continuation of a zero temperature would injure. "WTien frozen they shoidd never be handled, as in that condition they are easily blemished and would rot. When kept in barrels holes should be bored in the sides, and they should be left unheaded until shipping so as to permit the escape of any moisture that may be generated. For tiie INSECTS AND OTHER KNEMIES that attack the onion crop, I am much afraid there are few, if any, ort'ective remedies. Every year's expc?rienco ■with the enemies that attack plants in the open tield convinces me that with very few of them can we successfully cope. The remedy, if remedy it is, for rust. Profit of Gbowinxt Onions. 345 smut, or other mildew parasites, must, iu my opiuiou, be a preventive one; that is, whenever practicable, use new laud, or renew the old land by a green crop, such as rj'e, timothy or millet, in all sections subject to these diseases. The same plan had better be adopted iu all sections where the onion maggot, or other insects, attack the croj^. The theory for this practice is that it is beheved that nearly all planfs affected by insects or disease, have such peculiar to themselves, and that the germs lay in the soil ready to fasten on the same crop, if planted without intermission on the same ground, while if a season intervenes, the larva or germ has nothing congenial to feed on, and is, in consequence, destroyed. In practice, we usually find that cultivated land "rested" for a season by a grass crop gives always a cleaner and healthier crop to whatever vegetable following it. THE PRODUCT of the average onion crop varies very much, ranging from 300 to 900 bushels per acre, the mean being about 600 bushels -per acre. The price is variable, Kke all perishable commodities, ranging from fifty cents per bushel, the price at which they usually wholesale iu the New York market in fall, to $1 or SI. 50 jjer bushel for winter and spring prices. The estimate, then, of profit jjer acre may be given about as follows: Manure, per acre $72 00 Plowing, weeding and harvesting crop, per acre 100 00 6 lbs. seed, average, §2 per lb 12 00 Rent or interest on land, jjer acre 9 00 Marketing crop, per acre 7 00 $200 00 600 bushels per acre, at 50c $300 00 Cost 200 00 Profit, $100 00 This estimate is a moderate one, for if the crop is sold in spring, the chances are that the profit may be two or three times as much. ONIOXS SOLD GREEN. All the foregoing relates to the onion crop ripened, but in all large cities immense quantities of onions are sold in the green state, many of them before they have half attained their gi-owth. To get the 346 How THE Faiim Pays. earliest crop of onious iu tliis couditiou, the onion sets ai'e used, which are small onions from the size of a pea to size of thi'ee-quarters of an inch diameter, but the smaller the better, as they make a crop neai-ly as quick and never run to seed, whDe the large ones occasiouallj- do. Onion sets must all be f)lanted by hand, in rows made by the garden marker at about nine inches apart, the sets being planted from two to three inches apart; they are most conveniently planted in beds of eight rows each, lea^■ing a s^jace of eighteen inches for an allejTvay. The green onions are tied in bunches of eight or ten each, and often sell at eight and ten cents per bimch. The crop is usually begun to be mai-keted by the middle of June, and is sold ofl' by middle of July. This garden crop of onions is usually heavier manured and requires more labor than the field crop, but its market value is often three times that of the field crop. Onions are also sold in this way when gi'own from seed, but of coui'se this matures two or three weeks later and is not usuallj- so remimerative as the green crop from the sets. POTATO ONIONS are increased by the bulb as it grows, spUttiag into sis, eight or ten sections, which form the crop from which the "set" or root for next season's jjlanting is obtained. These are planted in early spring, in rows one foot apart, the onions three or four inches between, and like the onions raised from sets, are generally sold green, as in that state they are very tender, while in the drj- state they are less desir- able than the ordinary onion. TOP ONIONS, so called, are propagated by the pecuHar proijerty of this variety of onion jiroducing a cluster of small bulblets on the onion stalk, an ex- crescence of bulblets is fonned instead of flowers and seeds. In all respects its cultui-e is the same as the Potato Onion, only that, as the bulbs are smaller, they can be planted closer. SHALLOTS, a vegetable nearly allied to the Potato Onion, only that it never forms an individual bulb, but always grows in clusters, is jilauted in the fall, same distance apart as tl:e Potato Onion, and stai'ts to Y.uiiETiES OF Onions. 347 grow ou the first opening of spring, so that the crop is usuaUy mai-keted in ilay. VARIETIES OF THE ONIONS. We here give a short description and illustration of the leading varieties of onions. The seeds of onions have heretofore been raised mainly in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ehode Island and Michigan, but of late years, large quantities have been raised in California. A prejudice against that raised in California originated in consequence of the first lots raised there being from inferior stocks, but latter ex- perience has shown us beyond question, that, when the quality of the stock from which the seed was raised has been the same as used in the Eastern States, the crop has been in aU respects equal. In our "trial gi'ounds," where upwards of fifty stocks of onions are tested annually, we find that the California raised seed is in no way inferior to that raised in Connecticut or Massachusetts. Onion seed loses its germinating power sooner than almost anj' other seed, and, unless the sample is very fine indeed, it is of little use the second year. This is the reason for the great disparitj' in the price of seeds, for as the onion seed crop is a very uncertain one, and from its germinating qualities being limited so that no stock can be held over, the price in different seasons fluctuates from $1 to $.5 per pound. First Early. Extr.4. Early Fl-^t Ked, a thin, and a good keeper, rather light colored onion, but earUest of all. Laege Red "Wethersfiexd. One of the favorite sorts for general croj), and a good keeper and jielder. Yellow Globe Danvers. A half globe shaped stock, one of the best yielders and a splendid keeper. Early Eed Globe. One of the eai'liest of Globe varieties, smaller than the large Red Globe. Ijahge Red Globe. Later and larger than above, but a favorite market sort, and a perfect globe shape. SouTHPORT Large White Globe. One of the best, and a favorite sort in New York rnarkets, always bringing the highest price. SouTHPORT Large Yellow Globe. Similar to the white globe, except in color, and a good keeper. White Portugal, or Silver Skin. One of the leading sorts of white flat onion, a most excellent keejier and good yielder. Yellow Dutch. A flat yeUow onion, good j-ielder, but not so desir- able as the other yellow sorts on account of its color and shape. This and the Flaf Yellow Danvers are very similar. One of the heaviest croppers. 348 How THE Farm Pays. Italian varieties ■well adapted for growing in tbe Southern States: Queen. The earliest of all onions, small, flat, white and mild flavor. Neapolitan JLarzajole, an early white flat onion, fine flavor. XiAiiGE "White It.uli.\n Tripoli, grows to a large size, later than either the preceding. XiAitGE Ked Itauas Tripoli, simDar to the preceding, except in color. Olant Eocc.a. a verv large gi-owing globe shaped variety of a reddish brown color; flavor mild and sweet. This is a crop used almost exclusively in winter, and is probably not often wanted for the market which the average fanner could LONG SMOOTH l-All* supply. It is, however, tbe most valuable of all roots for farm feeding, and can always be turned to good use in this way, if in no other. Moreover, it is verj- convenient, as it may be left iu the ground all Parsley — Peas. 349 winter -without injury, and used in the siwing. Still, it is a vegetable well worth growing for private use. Its cultui'e is almost identical with that of caiTots. It is sown as early in the sj)ring as the weather will permit, in di'iUs fifteen inches apai't, if the culture is by hand, or two feet, if by horse cultivator. The seeds aie covered half an incli deep, being cai'eful to firm them in the soil with the foot, as they are very Ught. When well uj) thin out to five or six inches ajsai-t in the rows. Unlike carrots they ai-e improved by frost, and it is usual to dig up in the fall only what are wanted for vidnter use, leaving the rest in the ground until sjjring, to be dug up as required. is only used for soups, and but very little of it is wanted, unless for this purpose or for gai-nishing or flavoring. As the seeds germinate very slowly, three or foiu- weeks will be required for it to make its. DOUBLE CUKLED PAESLEY. appeai'ance. It should be sown early in the spring, thickly, in rows one foot apart and half an inch deep. For winter use it is kejit in boxes in a hght cellar or sittiug-room. The variety most in use is that known as Double Curled. For table use this is really more a crop for the farm than the garden, as they require more sjjace than market gardeners near large cities, paying high prices for hind, can well afford to spare. Consequently, peas are growu mainly by farmers, and where j)ickers can be obtained 350 How THE Farm Pays. at the proper season, they are often found to be a very paying crop. For early varieties sow in drills three inches deep and tlu'ee feet axiart, requiring two and one-half bushels to the acre. The land need not be very rich for peas, and they will follow verj- well after com or potatoes, if the ground is in good heart, mthout nian\u-e. The variety most favored for market piu-jioses is that sent out in 1883, known as " Hendei-son's First of All," which matiu-es about five or Varieties of Peas 351 six days earlier than any other sort we have ever tried. Daniel O'Roirrke is another popular variety, very similar to the above, but, as we have said, five or sis days later. A recent inti'oduction is the sort known as American Wonder. It is very dwarf, and can be grown in rows about two feet apart, ^Jroducing a heavy crop of the very finest quality. The profit of the 25ea crop is very variable. Occa- sionally, when the market is glutted, they will hardly pay the price of picking. Again, when the crop comes in at the proper season, they 352 How THK Fah.m Pays. will often pay a profit of $150 to $200 jjer acre. In sowing peaa the seed should be dropped in the drill from half an inch to an inch ajjaii. POTATO. The cultui'e of the potato as a gai'den crof) in no way differs from that of the field — which see in chajiter under that head. The only necessity for refeniug to it here is the advice we can give in using the earher kinds, when used as an early mai-ket vegetable. For this jimi^ose there ai'e no varieties better than those known as the Eai'ly Kose and Beauty of Hebron, which, when grown in wanu situations imder favorable culture, will often prove a profitable croi> for eai-ly mai'ket. There are, however, so many new varieties being introduced every year, that it is quite probable these standard kinds niaj' soon be superseded. These new kinds should be tested in a small way as they apj)ear. Like asparagus, this is a vegetable that does not requu-e to be renewed each season, having a perennial root, and, when once well set in the ground will remain without replanting for at least eight or ten years; but it is better to take up the roots when fiye years old. and divide them and moke a new jilantation. The quickest way, perhaps, if a small quantity is wanted, is to procm-e the roots, which should be set out in hills about three feet ajiart each way. It is one of the grossest feedingplants of all vegetables, and requires, for perfection. Radishes. 353 a large amount of maniire to be incorporated eveiy rear with the soil in each hilL K a large quantity is •wanted it is best sown in diills three feet apart and thinned out to about one foot apart in the rows when a few inches high. When the plants of rhubarb become large they can be taken up in the fall, placed in the cellar, or in some place safe from frost. The roots are simply taken up with the soil adhering to them, and packed closely together in a comer of the cellar. As a matter of coiu'se this forcing process is done at the expense of the root, which is of no further use. The shoots wiU gi'ow in the dai'k just as well as in the light, and in this condition are veiy tender. A couple of dozen roots of rhubarb will be sufficient for the use of a moderate sized family dming the entire winter months. "WTien grown in this blanched condition it is a most desu'able article for table use, coming, as it does, at a season when fresh fi'uit is scarce and a change is agreeable. This vegetable does best when sown in a Ught, sandy loam. Heavy or clayey soils not only delay matui-ity, but produce crops much inferior both in appeai'ance and flavor. For a successive supply sow WHITE OLIVE-SHAPED KADISH. from the middle of April until the middle of September at intervals of two or three weeks. They can either be sown broadcast or in drills. "WTien sown broadcast about twenty x^ounds of seed is required per acre ; if in diills, eight to ten pounds. The vaiieties mostly grown 354 How THE Farm Pats. are tlie Scai'let Turnip, and the Long Scarlet Short Top, the one being round and the other long. It is a profitable crop, and one •which the market gardeners always depend on to get their first money lOSO SCABLET BADISB. from, after the dull winter months, as it matures usually in this lati- tude from the middle to the end of Jklay, and generally yields a profit over all expenses of $100 per acre. This is one of the easiest managed crops, although it is one of the most important in oiu' market gai'dens. The main crop is sown in drills just as we sow beets or radishes, the drills being one foot ajjsu-t. ITie first croj>— that intended to stand tlu-ough the winter and to be used the succeeding spring — is sovm in September, and if it keeps well dui- ing the winter it rarely fails to become very profitable. In exposed places it is usually covered with straw or marsh hay dvuing the winter, which prevents it from being cut by the frost, but in sheltered fields there is no necessity for its being covered. This covering is only necessary in the latitude of New York. South of Philadelphia it is rarely done. Squash. 355 It is also grown in the summer as an early crop, sown the same way as is done in the fall, about the middle of April, when it comes in before cabbages or other greens, about the end of May. The spiing crop is not usually so profitable as the winter crop, but there is hardly anything that requires so little labor and produces so much weight. The kinds now in use are the Savoy Leaved and the Round Leaved. The quantity of seed used is fi-om ten to twelve pounds per acre. SiDinach is now grown in Norfolk, Va., and other Southern localities, for Northern markets, bringing about $300 or $400 per acre, or twice as much as that grown in the North. SQUASH. Squashes are of luxui'iaut and vigorous growth, and, although they will grow rapidly iu almost any soil, they wiU repay generous treat- ment. Like aU vegetables of this class, it is useless to sow until the weather has become settled and warm, say the 15th of May. — -"ffjiv^"'^ Light soils are best suited to its growth, and it is most economical of manui-e to prepare the hills for the seed in the ordinary manner by incoi-porating two or three shovelfuls with the soil in each hill. For what is known as the Bush varieties, a distance of thi-ee or four feet each way is required, and for running sorts from six to eight feet. Eight to ten seeds should be sown in each hill, thinning out, after they have attained their rough leaves, to three or four of the strongest plants. 'Wlaen only a limited quantity of this vegetable is wanted, as wiQ be understood by most farmers, they can be gi-own in the hUls of com, where they will mature without interfering with the latter crop, although I myself do not like this system of feeding two crops on the land at the same time, believing that it will always be better to allot the land for each particular crop, as I think the saving of labor and better jdeld more than compensate for the extra land and manure. The favorite kinds for summer use, of the bush varieties. 356 How THE Faem Pays. are White Bush Scalloj) and Yellow Eiisli Scallop; for winter use ihe Hubbard and Yokoliaiua are preferred. A special point in the management of this crop is the pinching in of the main vines to force out a gi-Qwth of lateral branches. These bear the fruits, as in all of HUBBABD SQUASH. the gourd tribe of plants, to which this, as well as melons and cucum- bers, belongs. When the main vine has reached a length of three feet the terminal bud is pinched ofif with the finger and thumb. The same kind of pruning is done with the laterals to prevent the ■sines spreading too far and to encourage the growth of fruit. Tlie tomato is now one of the most important of all garden vege- tables, tens of thousands of acres of it being grown for canning pur- poses. '\A"hen the plants are to be raised, the seed should be sown in Mai'ch in a hot-bed or greenhouse. Or they may be sown in a bos and kef)t inside the -window of a room where the night temperature is not less than sixty-five degrees. They should be sown in drills five inches apart, and half an inch deep. ^Mien the plants are two or three inches high, they should be set out in the same temperature, or planted in small flower pots, allowing one plant to each pot, or in soap or similar boxes, cut to a de^sth of tlu'ee inches, and planted in them at three inches apsu^; each way. They ai-e sometimes trans- planted a second time into larger pots or into hot-beds, at five inches apart, bj' which process the plants are rendered more sturdy and branching. By the middle of May in this latitude the plants Culture and Varieties of the Tomato. 357 may be set in the open ground. Thej are planted for early crops on light sandy ground in hills three feet aj)art. A good shovelful of rotten manui'e is mixed in each hill. On heavy soils, ■which are not suited for an early crop, they should be planted four feet apart. It is not absolutely essential tuat manui'e should be used for a tomato crop. If the ground is in good heart following a com crop, potato or root crojj that has been -well manured, it 'wiU usually be sufficient to carry them through. In fact, if the ground is too rich they will grow to PERFECTION TOMATO. leaves and branches instead of fruit. It is only when wanted for a very earlj' crop, ia a Ught sandy soU in some sheltered place, that the recommendation, to use manm-o in the hUls, applies. When it is not convenient for the grower to raise his ov.-n plants they can be had at 358 How THE Farm Pats. very low rates from a dealer, as the tomato plant is probably more easily raised than any other vegetable plant ■we grow. The most popular kinds for market use are the Perfection and the Acme. The Trophy was long a favorite, but is not now considered so desirable as some of its newer competitors. Tomatoes for canning puqwses are usually grown in immense quantities, and by farmers rather than gardeners. The profit over all expenses is generally not less than $50 per acre, and occasionally when the crop is heavy as high as $100 per acre. "When grown for table use, in particulai-ly favored positions as to sod and shelter, and sold in the markets, a profit of $300 per acre is not unusual. TURNIP. Although this vegetable has been treated in the chapter of this work devoted to " root crops," yet its culture for a table vegetable is somewhat different, and it may be well to allude to it here. Turnips do best on highly enriched and Hght sandy or gravelly soils. Com- STIt.U* LEAF menee sowing the earher varieties iu Apiil, in diiUs from twelve to fifteen inches apart, if hand cultivation is used; if by horse cultivator, two feet apart Thin out as soon as the islauts are large enough to handle to sis or nine inches in the rows. For a succession of crops sow at intervals of a fortnight until the last week iu July, from which time until the end of August sowings may be made of the fall or main crops. Turnips may be presened until spiing by cutting oti" the tops at one inch from the bulb, and jjlacing the roots in a cellar or pit during the winter. For further partieulai-s see chapter entitled " Root Crops for Farm Stock. ' The quantity of seed required, which should be put in by the di'ill, is about one pound to the acre. The favorite kinds for early table use are the "UTiite Egg and Pm-ple Top Turnips. 359 Strap Leaf; for winter use, the Yello-w Aberdeen and Purple Top Ruta Baga. TMierever the soil is suitable for early tm-nips, and •wUl produce them in a clean condition, without being affected with the maggot, they ai-e a safer and more profitable crop to grow than beets; but it is only in special localities where this cleanliness of crop can be had, and hence the profit to the fortunate owner of such soils. They ■WHITE EGG TUHNIP, PURPLE TOP RUTA BAGA. are largely grown in the yieinity of New York on Long Island, in locations near the sea, where they seem to be exempt from the maggot and wire worm. It is no uncommon thing for them to pay a profit of $.500 -pev acre when these special conditions can be obtained. The turnij) fly or flea, which damages and sometimes destroys the first sowings, may be driven off by dusting fine lime or wood ashes along the rows as soon as the young jjlants apjiear aboye the ground. QUANTITIES OF SEED. The following table will give the quantity of vegetable seeds requii-ed to sow an acre: Beans, dwarf, in drills 2 bushels. Beans, pole, in drills 10 to 12 quarts. Beets, in drills 5 to 6 pounds. 360 How THK Farm Pays. QUANTITIES OF SVIED.— Continued. Cabbage, iu beds to transplant J pound. Carrot, in drills i! to 4 ]5ound8. Corn, in hills 8 to 10 quarts. Corn (for soiling) 3 buslicls. Cucumber, iu hills 2 to 3 pounds. Melon, musk, in liills 2 to 3 pounds. Melon, water, in hills 4 to 5 pounds. Onion, in drills .5 to 6 pounds. Onion (sets), in drills G to 12 bushels. Parsuip, in drills 5 to 6 pounds. Peas, in drills 2 to 3 bushels. Kadish, in diills 9 to 10 pounds. Spinach, in drills 10 to 12 pounds Squash (bush varieties), in hills o to G pounds. Squash (running varieties), in hills 3 to 4 pounds. Tomato (to transplant) ^ pound. Turnip, in drills 1 to 2 pounds. Where thills are referred to the seed should be put in with seed th-ill. Table showing the quantities of seeds required for a given number of plants, number of hiUs or length of (b-ill: Asparagus, 1 ounce GO feet of diiU. Beet, 1 ounce 50 feet of thill. Beans, dwiU-f, 1 quart 100 feet of chill. Beans, ])ole, 1 tjuaii. 150 liills. Carrot, 1 ounce 150 feet of drill. Cucumber, 1 ounce 50 hills. Corn, 1 quart 200 hills. Melon, water, 1 ounce 30 liills. Melon, musk, 1 ounce (iO hills. Onion, 1 ounce 100 feet of drill. Onion, sets, 1 quai-t 40 feet of drill. Parsley, 1 ounce 150 feet of drill. Parsnip, 1 ounce 200 feet ot 0 plants. Cauliflower, 1 ounce 1,000 plants. Celerv, 1 ounce 2,000 plants. Egg Plant, 1 ounce 1.000 plants. Lettuce, 1 ounce 3,000 jjlants. Tomato, 1 ounce 1,500 ijlauts. The Cultctre of Sjiall Fkuits. 361 CHAPTER XII. PRINCIPAL SMALL FRUIT CROPS. As with vegetables, so there are many fruits that can be cultivated ■with but little trouble on the fai-m, particulai-ly the kinds known as small fruits, which consist of strawberries, blackbenies, raspberries, currants and grapes. The larger fi'uits, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums and quinces, may also be grown in limited quantities ■with advantage. STRAWBERRIES. This fruit is perhaps the most important of all, as there is hardly a to'wn where this fruit cannot be sold at remunerative rates. For, as is the case ■with fresh vegetables, tbe want of fresh fruits at our summer hotels and boarding houses is rarely stifficiently sujopHed. As strawberries occupy the most important place, we •wiUhere describe their culture at greater length than wiR be necessary with most of the others, and for that purpose I will insert in full my essay on that subject -wiitten in 1882, which I am happy to know has already been the means of causing hundreds to grow this delicious fruit with suc- cess never before attained. STRAWBERRY CULTURE. Strawberries will grow on almost anj' soU, but it is all-important that it be well drained, either naturaUj- or artificially; in fact, this is true for the well-being of nearly all j^lants, as few plants do well on soils ■where the water does not freely jiass off. Thorough culture requires that the soil should be first dug or plowed, then spread over with at least three inches of thoroughly rotted stable manure, whicb should be dug or plowed under, so far as practicable, to mix it ■with the soU. If stable manure cannot be had, artificial manure, such as ground bone dust, etc. , should be sown on the dug or jDlowed gi-ound, thick enough to nearly cover it, then har- rowed or chopped in -with a fork, so that it is well mixed with the soil 362 How THE Farm Pays. to at least six inches in deptli. This, then, is the prehminarv work before planting, to ensure a crop the next season after planting — in nine or ten months. The plants must be such as are layered in jjots, and the sooner they are planted out after the loth of July the better, although, if not then convenient, they will produce a crop the next season even if planted as late as the middle of September; but the sooner they are planted, the larger wall be the crop. They may be set from po< lai/ers either in beds of four rows each, fifteen indies apart, and fifteen inches between the plivnts, leaving two feet between the beds for pathway; or be set out in rows two feet apai-t, the plants in the rows fifteen inches apart; and if the plants are proi)erly set out (care being taken to firm the soil ai-ound the plant, which is best done by pressing the soil against each plant with the foot), not one plant in a thousand of strawbeny plants that have been gi-own in pots will fail to grow. For the first thi-ee or four weeks after planting nothing need be done except to hoe the beds, so that all weeds are kept down. Be careful to do this once in every ten days; for if the weeds once get a start it will treble the labor of keeping the groimd clean. In about a month after planting they wtH begin to throw out i-unners, all of which must be pinched or cut off as they appear, so that by the end of the growing season (1st of November) each jjlant will have foiTued a complete bush one foot or more in diameter, having the uceesS!U-y matured " crowns " for next June's fiiiit. By the middle of December the entire beds of strawberry plants should be covered up with salt meadow hay (straw, leaves or anything similai- will do as weU) to the depth of two or tlu-ee inches, entirely coveiing up the plants and soil, so that notliiug is seen but the hay. By April the plants so protected will show indications of growth, when the hay aroimd each plant is jiushed a httle a.side to assist it in getting through the covering, so that by May the fully developed plant shows on the clean smiaee of the hay. This " mulching,'' as it is called, is indispensable to the best culture, as it protects the plants from cold in winter, keeps the fruit clean, keeps the roots cool by shading them fi-om the hot sun in June, and at the same time saves nearly all further labor after being once put on, as few weeds can jJush through it. By this method we jjrefer to plant new beds every year, though, if desired, the beds once planted may be fruited for two or three years, as by the old jjlans; but the fi-uit the first season will always be the largest in size, if not greatest in number. Another advantage of this system is that, where space is limited, tliere is quite time enough to get a crop of potatoes, jjease, beans, lettuce, radislies, or, in fact, any summer crop, off the ground first before planting the strawberries, thus taking two crops from the ground in one yeai-, if Culture of Steawbekries. 363 desired, and there is also plenty of time to crop the ground with cabbage, cauliflower, celery, or other faU crop, after the crop of strawberries has been gathered. The plan of getting the pot layers of strawbenies is very simple. Just as soon as the fruit is gathered, if the beds ai-e well forked up between the rows, the runners or young plants wiU begin to grow, and in two weeks will be fit to layer in pots. The pots, which should be fi-om two to thi'ee inches in diameter, are fiUedwith the soil in which the strawberries are grooving, and " plunged " or sunk to the level of the siu-face; the strawberry layer is then laid on the pot, being held in place with a small stone. The stone not onlj- ser\-es to keep the plant in its place, so that its roots will strike into the pot, but it also serves to mark where each pot is; for, being sunk to the level of the surface, rains wash the soil around the j)ots, so that they could not well be seen unless marked by the stone. In ten or twelve days after the strawberry layers have been put down the pots will be fiUed with roots. They are then cut from the parent plant, placed closely together, and shaded and watered for a few days before being planted out. Some plant them out at once when taken uj), but, unless the weather is suitable, some loss may occur by this method ; by the other plan, however, of hai'dening them for a few days, not one in a thousand will fail. Strawberries for field culture are usually planted from the ordinary laj'ers, either in August and September in the fall, or in March, April or May in the spring. They are usually planted in rows, two to thi'ee feet apart, and nine to twelve inches between the plants. In planting, every plant should be well firmed, or great loss is almost certain to ensue, as the strawberry is a plant always difiicidt to transplant. They are usually worked by a horse cultivator, and gen- erally two or three crops are taken before the beds ai-e plowed under; but the first crop given (which is in the second year after planting) is always the best. The .same care must be taken in planting by pot layers; the groimd must be kejot clear of weeds, and the runners pinched or cut off to make fraitiug crowns. By the usual field method of culture, it will be seen that there is a loss of one season in about three; for in the yeai' of planting no fniit, of coui'se, is produced, and for this reason we incline to the behef that, if a portion were set aside to ju'oduce early jjlants, so that pot laj'ers could be set out by the 15th of July, a fiiU crop of the finest fruit could be had every season, and with less cost, we think; for the only labor after planting is to keep the ground clean and pinch off the runners, from July to October, with the certainty of getting a full crop next June, or in less than a j'ear fi'om the time of planting, while by planting by ordinary layers, if planted in August, we have three months of fall culture, and 364 How THE Fakm Pavs. six or seven months of the next summer's culture, before a crop is produced. Again, if the crop is continued to fruit the second or third yeai', every one who has hud experience with the nature of the plant, knows that the labor of keeping the plants free from weeds is enormous; while by the pot layeiing method of taking a fresh crop each year, all such labor is disjiensed with. Although it is difficult to give any list of kinds of strawberries that will do well imder aU conditions, yet, taking the suburbs of New York as a standard (which, with its great vaiiety of soil, is likely to "be as good as any other), we find that the best six kinds, having the greatest combination of good qualities, that we can select from a coEection of fifty leatling sorts, are the following, which we name in the order of their excellence: The Hjesdekson. — This new strawberry originated with Mr. George Seymoiu', South Nonvalk, Conn. , who named it in our honor. It is doubtful if there is another strawbeny in cultivation having such a combination of good qualities as the " Hendei'son." The fruit is of the largest size, rich, glossy crimson in color, looking as if Tarnished, early and exceeding!}' productive, but its excelling merit is its exquisite flavor and aroma. WTiether for family or market use the ' ' Hendei-son " is certain to become a standard sort, and its strong and healthy gi-owth will adapt it to almost every soiL It is a perfect flowered vaiiety, and, therefore, will never fail to The Best Varieties of Stkawberries. 365 set its fruit. By the pot layer system this vigorous and produc- tive strawberry, planted in August, is certain to give a full crop of fiTiit in June of the next year, or in ten months from time of planting. It is sold for the first time this year — 1884. Jersey Queen. — This variety was sold for the first time in the fall of 1881', and is, perhaps, one of the very best straw- berries so far introduced. The size is immense, often measuring six inches in cu'cumference. Shape, roundish conical; color, a beauti- ful scarlet crimson; perfectly solid, and of excellent flavor. It is an enormous bearer, many plants averaging a quart of first quality fmit. It is one of the latest strawbeiTies, the crop in this vicinity being in perfection about the 2.5th of June, while the average crop of straw- berries is at its best by the 15th of June in the locality of New York. Bldwell. — One of the earhest, abundantly productive, medium size, excellent flavoi", and hght scarlet in color. Plants set out from pot layers on August 5th, 1880, had fniit rijje June 5th, 1881, ten months from date of planting. The plants averaged one quart of fruit each. Sharpless. — "With the exception of Jersey Queen, the largest and one of the heaviest beiTies of this collection. It is of fine flavor, a good bearer, and has now become a standard soii. JucDNDA. — This is an old, well known sort, possessing so many good qualities, that we place it as one of the best six in preference to scores of others of later origin. It is of full average size, wonder- fully productive, of great beauty of color and form, and excellent flavor; but its distinctive value is in its ripening, extending from the earhest to the latest of the crop, the first berries being ripe here about June 4:th, and extending unto July 4th. Downing. — One of the best of the older sorts. It combines all the best qualities, being large, early, rich in color and flavor, and abun- dantly productive. 366 How THE Farm Pays. Glossy Cone. — Although this has been grown by the raiser, Mr. Durand, for several jeai's, it was issued last season for the first time. In a test of fifty kinds in our grounds, we fovind it the earliest of all, and very prohfic, of good size, tine flavor, and altogether has a com- bination of good qualities rarely found in any earhj strawbeny. Its only fault is, that it is riither a weak grower, and requires a rich and rather heavy soil to develop its best qualities. Strawbei-ries rarely sell at less than an average of $8 per 100 quarts, and when retailed to the consumer, average one-thii-d more. As about 20,000 plants are gi-o-mi on an acre, and an average crop under BIDWEIX KTRAWBEHBT. ,rI.Ei>S STKA^-BEItBY. good culture wiU give at least 5,000 quaiis per acre, the crop, when sold even at lowest rates, is a very profitable [one. But it is a crop that must be promptly attended to in hoeing and weeding. It never can be made profitable under sUpshod culture, for, from the nature of the plant, it cannot defend itself against weeds, and if neglected will quicklj- get overwhelmed and destroyed. Thousands of acres of strawbemes are planted annually, wliich, from the want of l^rompt work at the proper time, are allowed to be destroyed by weeds. At a small cost in labor at the proper time, such crops might have paid a clear profit of $300 per acre. BLACKBERRIES. Although blackberries are found in a wild state in almost all sections of the country, yet the varieties are so much inferior to the cultivated kinds, that it is poor economy to depend on them for a Blackberries. 367 supply, no matter how abundant they may be. Cultivated black- berries comprise varieties which are not only double the size of the wild kinds, but have the advantage of ripening in succession through- out the season, from the middle of July until the last of September. To have blackberries in perfection, the soil should have the same thorough culture and manuring that we recommend for all vege- tables and fruits, for it should always be kept in mind that the richer the soil and the better the cultivation, the larger the fruit will be, and hence the greater the return in quantity for the space cultivated. The distance apart to plant blackberries may be, if in rows five feet, with the plants two feet apart in the rows. Or, if in separate hUls they may be set five feet apart each way. In either case they should be supported by strong stakes driven into the ground, having a height of from four to five feet, to which the canes KITTATLNS or shoots should be tied. They may be set either in the fall or in the spring. If in the fall a covering of four or five inches of rotted manure or leaves should be spread over the roots, to prevent them from being frozen too much. The plants of blackberries set out either in fall or spring will not give fi-uit the first season, but if a good growth has been made they will give a full crop the next year. That is, if planted, for instance, about the middle of April, 1884 (or the previous fall), by the middle of July in 1885 a full crop should be obtained. After the fniit has been picked, the old canes or shoots should be cut out to give the new ones a chance to grow. As the new shoots are veiy vigorous, when they reach a height of four feet or at most five feet they should be checked by pinching the tops off. .This will cause an abimdance of side shoots to start, which are to be pinched when about a foot long. This treatment increases the productiveness of the plants and keeps the fruit within easy reach 368 How THE Farm Pats. for gatliering. The bushes should he carefully tied to the stakes. Of the varieties, that kno^vn as AVilson's Earlj' comes in a week before any of the others. It is a deep black, large and of excellent quality, being destitute of that hard centre so pecuUar to wild sorts. The Kittatinny comes next in succession. It is an immenselj' large berry of line flavor, of a deep shining black color — one of the verj' best. It is somewhat given to rust, which may be checked by removing all the rusted young shoots as they appear. The next is the old Lawton variety, which is hardly as good as either of the others, but has the merit of coming in after they are neai'ly done fiiiiting. Any one growing strawberries to supply a local demand must of necessity have such fruits as blackbemes to succeed them, as the season ad- vances, and in most localities they will be found equally profitable as strawbeiries, although perhaps for local demand they could not be sold in as large quantities. RASPBERRIES. The culture of the raspberry is almost identical with that of the blackberry, except that they may be planted one-third closer, and that in some sections the raspberry is not quite so hardy, and it is better to take the precaution of laying the shoots down close to the ground in the fall, being careful not to break them, and covering them up with com stidks, straw, leaves or litter. This should not be done, however, until the weather is quite cold, say, in the latitude of New Raspberhies. 369 York, the first week in December. The covering may be from three to six inches thick, and should not be removed in the spring until the middle of April, as, if removed too soon, the shoots, which would then THE GEEGU aAaPBEItUT "be beginning to start, might be hurt by the late spring fi-osts. Rasp- benies are of three colors — red, black and yellow. Of the red, Cuth- bert, Hansen and Hudson River Antwerp are the favorites. Of the black varieties, the Gregg is of the largest size, an enormous pro- THE HAN8ELL RASPBERRY. ducer, of excellent flavor, and should, perhaps, be grown to the exclu- sion of aU others of the "black caps." A yellow variety, known as ' ' CaroUne," is of rich orange color, entirely hardy and of excellent flavor. Another yellow kind, known as " Brinkle's Orange," is of the 370 How THE Farm Pays. most delicious flavor, but it isnot hardy uuless in well sheltered si>ots. It is somewhat cuiious, when the true reason is not known, that this vaiiety is more hardy in Canada than in the United States, the reason being that it is jDrotected by the deep and long continued snow through the colder Canadian winter. Cultivated varieties of Rusp- ben-ies, hie blackbemes, are so much superior to the wild kinds, that it will be found, wherever raspbenies are wanted, their culture will well reiDay the trouble. About the same quantity of rasjiberries are usually in demand as of blaekbenies. A new vaiiety of red raspben-v. called " Hansell," promises to become one of the best standard varieties. (See engraving.) CURRANTS. The eun-ant is but little used except for pies and for preserving j^mi^oses. There is jjerhaps no other small fmit that will give more weight of croj) for the sjiace it occupies than the cun-ant. However, as it is only used for these special purjjoscs, and is but little used to eat as dessert, in an uncooked state, comparatively few are requii-ed. The jilants should be set out in the garden in rows about four feet apart, and three feet between the jilants; for market puiijoses these distances may be increased one-half. The young shoots requii'e to l)e jDnined in the fall, cutting ofif about one-thu-d of their growth, and thinning out the old shoots when they become too thick. They are all trained in bush form to a height of three or four feet. The best red vaiieties groAvn are known as the Eed Dutch and the Chen-y. Of the white kinds, that known as the White Dutch is the besi It is of a yellowish white color. This variety is sweeter than the reds, and for that reason is better for dessert paqjoses. Black curi'ants are but little gro^\ai, ami then exclusively for jams and jelhes. They should be cultivated in the same way as the whites and reds, although they are an entii-ely different plant, belonging to a different species. GOO.'^EBERRIES. The goosebeiTy is but Httle grown in this climate, as our summer is entii-ely too hot for it, and it is rarely seen iu good condition, as it ripens just in the heat of summer, when the weather is the hottest, thus forcing it unnaturally to matuiity, so that the fine flavor obtained in milder cUmates such as Great Biitain is never found here. For that reason it is not much grown, except to be used in a gi'eeu state for pies or tarts, and is iu but httle demand. Many of the Eughsh Culture of Grapes. 371 varieties are offered for sale Lere, but tliey are so subject to mildew, that they rai-ely do any good. Of the native varieties, that known as the Downing is of a greenish white color when ripe, and of very fair quality. "We have also a red native seedling known as Houghton's, which is of average size and flavor. The cultui'e is same as that of the currant. Although gi-ape vines can be gi-own in almost any soU, yet if a position can bs obtained on a sloping bank, facing south or south- east, running at an angle often or fifteen degrees, where the soU is stony or shaly, they wUl be found usually to do better than when planted on level lauds, particularl3' if they can be manured. All the finest ■Nineyards in Germany and France are so located, and the fi'uit is always better flavored and freer from mildew and other diseases than when on the level. However, such conditions are not always to be obtained, and the vines of course are not so easily worked as when planted on the level. There is now so much advance made in our hai'dy native varieties of gTajjes, that those who have not had opportunities of seeing them wUl be surprised to find the vast im- provement that has been made in this deUcious fi'uit within the last ten or fifteen years. We have now grapes of the finest flavor of all colors, ranging through all the shades of green, amber, red and black, ripening in succession from the middle of August until the middle of October. Immense areas are now being planted with the kinds which have proved most profitable for market iDurposes, and as they can be safely shipped to almost any distance, there is no need of being dependent upon a local market. There is much misconception 372 How THE Farm Pays. as to the age at which a grai)e ^-ine should l)e planted. It is the general impression that they should always be three or four years old. This is a popular eiTor, for no matter how large the vine is. it will never fi-uit to any extent the same season it is j'lanted, and the lai-ger it is, the more it will suffer in being hfted and transplanted. Therefore I always recommend pm-chasei-s to buy young plants, which not only can be bought at one-thii-d the price of two or three year old ones, but are iuiiuitcly better, even at the same price. If a Popular Tarieties of Grapes. 373 trellis is made for them they should be planted at a distance of six feet apai-t. The trelhs may be any height fi-om six to twenty feet, as desired. If planted in vineyard style in the open field, without trellises, they may be set six feet between the rows and three or foiu- feet between the jDlants, and tied up to strong stakes. The first year after pilanting, if with vineyard cultui'e, they should be cut down, and only one shoot left to reach to the top of the five or six foot stake. If it has grown strongly and ripened well, that shoot will give a few bunches the second year and may be pnined close, so as to resemble a walking stick, but, with the lateral shoots cut back to one eye only — that is, the main shoot is allowed to stand, and the side shoots or laterals are trimmed to one bud or eye. This is what is called the Sj^ur System, and will be found to be the most convenient for the inexperienced cultivator. There are special modes of prun- ing, which are best shown by illustration, and for such as require fuller information on this subject, I will refer to my work, " Garden- ing for Pleasure," where the subject of pruning is fuUy treated. The six kinds which we would recommend for general cultui'e are the following: Mooke's Early. — This variety has large and compact bunches; berries large, black and covered with a rich bloom ; excellent flavor, and is one of the earliest, ripening about the 1st of September, or a week before Concord. Peextiss. — Is of greenish white color, sometimes tinted with rose; of medium size for a white gTape, flavor almost equal to the best hot -house grapes; is immensely productive, and sold in the New York mai'keta last year for twenty-five cents per pound, while Concord and other older varieties sold at six cents per pound; rij)ens middle of September. Wilder. — Has benies of medium size; color reddish bronze; beiTy of exquisite flavor, ripening middle of September. S.tLEM. — Has large bunches; color, white, tinted with pink; of mediiun size; deUcate flavor; ripening about 1st of October. Brighton. — Color reddish bronze, bunch and bemes of average size, flavor excellent; a most abundant bearer, and one of the very best. Eipens about the 1st of October. Concord, the last we name, is one of the best known of all the sorts. It is much inferior in flavor, but it has the valuable quahty of never failing to bear abundant crops, and is indispensable in any collection, and if but one gi-ape is grown this should be chosen. 374 How THE Fakm Pays. ORCHAliP FRriTS. Unlike the "small fruits," such as strawbenies and i^aspberries, when once planted in suitable soil, the lai-ge fr'uits will hvst a life-time, and as many of them ai-e several years before they come into bearing, any eiTor made in the selection of kinds is a serious one. Whenever practicable, therefore, the purchase of trees for the orchard should bo made direct from nm-sei^Tuen whose reputation is beyond question. Manj- thousands of farmers in nearly every section of the country have been ^dctims of the in'esponsible tree peddlei-s, who, whether from ignorance or design, have palmed upon the \uifoi-tunate patrons apples, peai-s, peaches and plums which after years of anxious waiting for have proved eutfrely worthless. No doubt there are honest and tnistworthy tree agents; but these be:u- such a small proportion to those who ai-e otherwise, that the safest pl.iu, for the uninitiated fanner, as I have before said, is to make his purchases direct fr'om his ueai'est reUable nursery-man, kee])ing always the point in %-iew, that it is best to buy noiih of his latitude. It is not safe to leave the selection of kiuels exclusively in the hands of the nurseryman, for no matter how resjjectable he may be, there is always a temjitatiou to send out such kinds as he may liappen to have a surplus stock of. For that reason I will in all cases, as has been done with all crops throughout this work, give a list of what in my experience are the safest kinds to use for general planting. The soil and its preparation for the orchaixl are also ^■ital matters. For most fruits a deep and rather sandy loam is best, but, as in all other crops, it is useless to plant trees unless tlie soil is free from water, anel if elraining is necessary it must be thoroughly done. (See article on elraining.) A Umestone gravelly soil is best for apples, pears succeed best upon gooel clay loams, jjlums retpiire a rather moist soil for the best results, and jjeaches must have a wai-m hgbt sandy loam with a somewhat heaN^ier subsoil, but well drained, either naturally or artificially. The location of an orehsu-el is quite important. Apples anel peaches elo best ujson hilly or rolling ground, while jiears anel jilums elo well in low lands. A western exposiu'e, and in some cases a northern slope, is preferable to any other, for all fiiiits. A southern slope is the worst of all, as the trees in such a case ai'e forced by the sun"s warmth into a too early growth, and often suffer from late spring frosts, which destroy the blossom, while the more back- ward trees upon western or noiihem slopes ai'e uninjured. The advantage of a western slojie is that it escapes the morning sun, which is sometimes injurioas after a colel frosty night, wliile it enjoys the Orchard Culture. 375 last of the evening sun and so gets a large share of warmth which remains during the night. The preparation of the soil and the manner of planting the trees are of the utmost importance, and should be thoroughly well done. A rich soil is not required. If the land is able to produce a good croji of com, potatoes or clover, it is rich enough ; if made too rich the trees are apt to make too much wood, or a weak, rank growth, which must be cut away by pruning, and thus really exhaust the tree and put off its bearing period for some considerable time. The following details will suggest a proper method for the average conditions. The planter of course must study his particular case and make a judicious apjilication of these suggestions. The land shoidd be well plowed in the fall or late summer, asdeejjlyas possible; deep plowing in this ease is beneiicial, when it might be otherwise for an ordinary croj). The next thing to be done is to jDrepare a sufficient quantity of good compost of rotted leaves, sod, scrapings of the barn-yard, lime, wood ashes and some rotted manxu-e. These are well mixed and put into a heap ready for use. The trees are then ordered to be delivered at a special time, and for safety, and the proper guidance of the nurseryman, full and accurate directions should be given for shipping. The orders should be sent so as to give the nurseryman ample time to ship the trees. The next work is to stake out the ground, and dig the holes, two feet deep, and large enough to give the roots ample spread, say four feet wide. The top soil shoidd be thrown on one side by itself. The compost is then hauled onto the ground, and a liberal quantity of it is thrown into the hole and spread, and partly mixed with the earth in it, being left shghtly raised in the centre for the tree to rest ujson. Everything is now in readiness for the trees. A^Tien these arrive, they should be unjjacked and sorted at once, and each variety laid in the wagon by itself. Each variety should be jjlanted separately in a row or block. The wagon is then taken to the Held. The planter, who has a boy to assist him, takes a tree, sets it firmly u^jon the earth in the hole so that it is a little deeper than it has been in the nursery, and while the assistant holds it, he spreads the roots and carefully works the soil among them so that they are in as natural a position as possible. This is very important and should be well done. After this, the rest of the top soil is thrown in and well trodden with the feet. Then the subsoil is put in with a httle of the compost mixed with it and thoroughly well firmed with the feet, but left in a slight mound, so as to turn water from the stem. After all the trees have been thus planted, each one should be properly pruned, the young wood being cut back one-third and the head properly shaped. Fall jolanting, 37G How THi: Farm Pays. ■which is generally preferable, should be done from the 15th October to the 15th November, and spring planting as soon as the ground is ft'ee from frost and dry enough to work. The after treatment of a young orchard should be as follows: For the first thi'ee years such crops as potatoes, beans or turnips, that are cultivated and manured, may be grown, but no others, both to manm-e the ground, destroy weeds and for the sake of the cultivation, file trees being hoed as the rest of the crop. Afterwards the gi-ound may be sown to clover, but not to grass, as a sod is injurious to a young orchard, although it may be permitted in an established one. APPLES. Apples being a crop that can be shipped from any distance, unless they ai-e known to do well in a locality, had better not be grown largely, as, if the locality is not suited to their gro\\'th, they are not likely to be satisfactoiy. However, as the trees cost but little, a hun- dred or two is a necessity for the farmer, if only for his own use. The}' should be planted at about thii-ty feet apart each way. The kinds best suited for most localities are, for early, Eai'ly Harvest, Sour Bough and Red Astrachan; for fall, Tweut}- Ounce Pippin and Fall Pippin; for winter, Baldwin, Greening, Rambo, King and Northern Spy. The caution may be given, that even if a hundred acres should be planted, only a few vai'ieties should be chosen. As a guide to the choice of varieties for a northern locality it might be mentioned that at the exhibition of fruits held in November, 1883, l>y the London Horticultui\il Society, the following varieties were sent fi-om Nova Scotia, viz.: Ribstoue Pijjpin, Baldwin, Rhode Island Greening, Newtown Pippin, Hubbai'dstou's, TaUmau's, King's and Blue Peai'maiu. All these were remarkable for their quality and size, indicating that these kinds are especially suitable for a cold climate. Pears, like apples, are adapted to certain localities, although, as a rule, they are usually a more certain crop in most sections, and when the dwarf varieties ai'e planted they come into bearing more quickly than apples do. "Wlien standard jjears, so called, only were grovm, it required a life-time to get them into bearing; but the dwarf kinds, which are grafted on the quince stock, will fruit in two or three yeai's after planting. The dwarf varieties can be planted at ten feet apart each way, while the standai-d sorts require about the same Pears — Peaches — Plums. 377 distance as apples, thirty feet apart each way. It is a convenient way, and saves room, to plant dwarfs between the standards alter- nately; when the standards come into bearing the dwarfs may be cut out. The best varieties are Manning's Elizabeth, Clapp's Favorite, Tyson, Bartlett, Duchess, Seckel, Flemish Beauty and Lawrence. These are all exceUent, and give a succession from July to midwinter. These varieties ai-e named in the order of their ripening. The late kinds are kept in a cool cellar, free from fi'ost, and ripened in a warm loom as thev mav be wanted. Peaches are not likely to do well unless the locality specially suits them, and should not therefore be gro-mi in large quantities, unless in sections that are known to be adapted to them. "When the soil does suit, however, they are often one of the most valuable crops of the farm, as they mature much more rapidly than either ajsples or pears, and the finer sorts never fail to sell at a good price in the markets of our large cities. The soil best suited for a peach orchard is a dry sandy or gravelly loam. The tree is short-Uved in most sec- tions, and attains its best fniiting condition when from five to ten years old. The great difficulty in growing jDeaches is a disease known as yellows. It has been found that liberal di-essings of Hme to the soil tends to prevent this disease and lengthen the life of the tree. In the best peach growing districts cultivators are well satisfied if they get three crops in five years, because contingencies, such as early frosts, may occasionally destroj' the whole crop in certain districts, while others are exempt, this exemption being due, in nearly every case, to the well chosen selection of a western or northern slope ujjon which to plant the orchards. The distance apart ma}' be from twelve to twenty feet; if the soil is very rich, the greater distance. The "best kinds kno^Ti in the markets are Crawford's Early, Crawford's Late, Honest John, Stump the World, Yellow Earerijae, Morris "White, Troth's Early and Alexander. The cultivation of the plum is rendered exceedingly difficult in almost all sections of the country by the attacks of what is laiown as the Curculio or Plum WeevO. All j'roposed remedies have been applied without any permanent satisfactory results, excepting the old- fashioned jjlan, which has been in use for over fifty years, of jarring 378 How THE Farm Pavs. the tree and sliaMng down the insects and catching them in sheets. If this is done as soon as the fruit is formed, and energetically per- sisted in every other day untU ripe, the croj) may be saved ; but if neglected, the chances in most jjlaces are that the crop will be destroyed. It is claimed, also, that when plum trees are planted iu the poultry yard they are rarely affected by the Curcuho, as the fowls pick up the insects in the larvae state. No doubt this may be eflfective to a cer- tain extent; but it is not as safe as the jarring of the ti'ees. There are sections of the country, isarticularly about Newburgh, N. Y., where this i)est does not seem to have got a foothold, and that district suijplies plums maiuly for the New York market, and must be immensely profitable from the prices obtained. It would be well for farmers having heavy clay lands to plant a few trees as an exjieri- ment, or on lands where they can be planted near the banks of a i-unning stream, as it seems that in such lociUities they are less liable to be troubled vs-ith the insect. The trees should be set out at dis- tances of from fifteen to twenty feet each way. The most approved kinds are Golden Drojj, Green Gage, Purjjle Favorite, Wasliington, Lombard and German Prune. The Damson is also a good kind for preserving, as is also the Wild Goose Plum. This is an exceed- ingly hardy tree, and bears so profuselj- as to always furnish a crop in spite of the Cui'culio. The cheny, like the peach, bears in two or three yeai-s after plant- ing, and continues annually to enlarge its growth and productiveness. It is a long-lived tree and often attains a great size. It grows freely on almost any soU, preferring, however, one that is deep and loamy. It should be planted at distances of from fifteen to twenty feet apart. The varieties are Black Tartiu-ian, a purj^lish black color; American Amber, yellow or amber colored; May Duke and Early Richmond. Cherry trees are very subject to a disease known as black knot, by ■which they are gi-eatly disfigured, and, at length, destroyed. The remedy is to cut out every branch which shows the fii-st sign of the disease as soon as it appears and V)uni the cuttings. A liberal dress- ing of wood ashes and Ume has been found a preventive. QL'INCE. This fruit is only grown for use in preserves. It requires little attention, and for that reason it is often much neglected, and when so neglected makes a very unsightly ti-ee. A Uttle pruning, however. The Quince. 379 rounds up its form and brings it to a symmetrical shape. In that condition it is an ornamental tree when in blossom or fruit, and the fiTiit is more regularly distributed over the tree. The kinds are the apple shaped or orange, a round vaiiety of a golden yellow color. Pear shaped, of a greenish yellow color, is larger than the former, and is considered to be better flavored when used in preserves. The Champion is a popular new variety, which ripens later than either of the others. The quince does best ujion a low marsh soil, and when well grown is a very profitable market fruit. The trees, or rather bushes, being small and dwai-f, may be planted ten feet ajjart. IISTDES:. (Illustrations are marked by an '.) A.. PAOZ. Abortion in cattle J05 Acme harrow for spreading manure 17 *Acme harrow, value of 44 Acre, seeds for an 241 Acre, plants in an 241 Age for breeding heifers I74 Agricultural colleges 11 Alderney cattle 15g *Alfalfa, culture of 87 Apple worm 271 Apple, culture of 376 Area of cisterns, square and round 246 *Army worm 267 *Arrangement of dairy stables 205 a, culture of 303 g, profits of 305 Ayrshire cows, profitable for milk 146 *Ayrshire cattle 157 Ayrshire cow, points of 164 B. *Bantam fowls 237 *Bam8 209 Barley, cultivation of 80 382 LxDES. PAOE. *Barrack for hay 134 *Barn for sheep 200 Beans, field cultiyation of 81 *Bean harvester 82 Bean, varieties of 305 Beets, sugar, composition of 144 *Beets, cultivation of 306 *Berkshire s-wine 201 ^Bermuda grass, its value for hay 119 *Blackberry, culture of the 366 *BIack Spanish fowls 231 *Bloat in cattle 100 Bloat in cattle, remedy for 101 Borers 271 *Bot flies, varieties of 252 *Blne grass, Kentucky 131 Bone dust, value of 26 Bone from glue factories 31 *Brahma, light, fowls 229 *Bralima, dark, fowls 235 Breeding age for heifers 174 Buckwheat as green manure 36 Buckwheat, cultivation of 83 Buckwheat, varieties of 84 *BuiIdings for the farm 204 Buildings, poultry house 227 Bushel, weight of 247 Business of farming, training for 9 Butter, feeding cows for , 169 *Butter, churning and management of 179 *Butter workers 180, 181 *Butter box for shipping 182 C. *Cabbage, cultivation of, for market 308 Cabbage as a fodder crop 77 Cabbage, insect pests of 265 Calf, management of 171 Index. 383 PAGE. Calf, five months old, in milking 173 Calf, lung -worm of the 261 *Caps, hay 137 *Carrots, culture of 64, 320 Carts for farm use 296 Cattle, clanger of choking 5i Cattle, feeding potatoes to ... 54 Cattle, advantage of currying 104 Cattle, abortion in 105 *Cattle, Jersey 146 Cattle, Alderney 156 *Cattle, Ayrshire 157 *Cattle, Dutch or Holstein 158 Cattle, Devon 158 *Cattle, Scotch polled 159 *Cattle, Hereford ... 160 *Cattle, Short Horn 161 Cattle, PoUed Norfolk 159 Cattle, Swiss 162 Cattle, Texas 163 Cattle, young, care of 170 *Cattle, shed for 208, 220 *Cattle, bot flies 253 ^Cauliflower, cultivation of 319 *Celery, culture of 322 Centrifugal separator 182 Characteristics of good and bad soils 13 Cherry, culture of 378 Chickens, early, rearing of 226 Chickens, gape worm of 261 Choice of a farm 18 *Choking in cattle, remedy for 54 *Churns and churning 179 Churning, temperature of cream for 181 Cisterns, contents of 246, 249 Clay land, retains manure 16 Clay land, how drained 22 ♦Cleveland Bay Horse 186 Climate, effect of, on crops 14 38-t IXDEX. PACK. Clover as green manure 36 Clover as green fodder 92, 137 *Clover, mammoth 115 Clover, Japan 126 Clover as a special crop 131 Clover hay, how made.. . 136 *Clydesdale Horse 184 ♦Cochin fowls 236 *Collie dog 241 Collie dog, sagacity of 242 Colorado beetle 263 Compost, how much per acre 17 *Com, Chester Co. Mammoth 53 *Com, Golden Beauty 53 Com, time for cutting 70 Com for fodder 97 *Corn marker 98 Com silk worm 266 *Com planter 286 *Com husking machine 293 *Com shellers 295 *Com, sweet, cxiltivation of 329 Cost of cultivating ten acres. 78 Cow-peas, for fodder 95 Cows that have made fourteen pounds of butter in a week 150 Cows, the best for the dairy 167 Cows, feed and care of 169 Cows, kicking, how to manage 177 Cows, how to milk 176 *Cow milker 178 Cream, proper temperature for raising 246 Cream, how managed for churning ] 79 *Crevecoeur fowls 234 *Crops, pests of 263 Cucumber beetle 268 Cucumber, culture of 330 Cultivating 45 ♦Cultivator, Planet, Jr 45, 285 •Culture of vegetables and fruits 301 Index. 385 PAGE. Currants, culture of 370 Cut worms 269 Dairy, the best cow for 107 *Daiiy, management of 176, 182 Dairy, construction of 183 Dairy, stable for a 205 Devon cattle 158 Devon cow, points of 165 *Disc harrow 4i Disease, potato 57 Diseases, scab in sheep 199 Diseases, foot rot in sheep 199 *Dogs for the farm. Collie 241 Dogs as farm pests 251 ^Double mould board plow 278 Drainage, cost of 21 *Drains, construction of 23 *DriU for grain 286 *Ducks, rearing of, and varieties 239 Dutch cattle for milk 146 *Dutch cow 158 Dutch cow, points of 165 E. *Egg plant, culture of 332 *Engines for the farm 299 Ensilage discussed 140 Ensilage not safe feed 141 Ensilage, F. D. Curtis' opinion of 142 EnsOage versus roots 144 *Ergot in grasses causes abortion 108 *Ergot in rye 108 Escutcheon, significance of 173 Essex swine 203 380 ISBEX. PAGE. Exhaustion of lauil a fallacy 18 Exhaustion of land only temporary 22 F. Farm, how to choose a 18 Feeding fowls 227 Feeding potatoes 54 Feeding roots 99 Feeding soiling crops 100 Feeding cows for milk and butter 169 Feeding hoi-ses 187 Feet, use of, in sowing 47 Fences 222 Fertilizers, effect of, not permanent 27 Fertilizers, preparation of, for use 28 Fertilizers, quantity per acre 28 Fertilizers, special, objected to 30 Fertilizing by feeding stock 37 Firming the soil 47 Fortunes made on rented land 18 Fodder corn, culture of 77, 98 Fodder corn, composition of 144 Fodder crops 85 Fodder crops , feeding . . 100 Fodder for the South 120 Fodder cutters, etc 292 Fowls, rearing 224 *Fowls, Plymouth Bocks 224 Fowls, management of early chickens 226 Fowls, feeding 227 *rowls, Brahma 229, 235 *Fowls, Hamburgs 230 *Fowls, Black Spanish 231 *Fowls, Leghorns 232 *Fowls, Houdans 233 *Fowls, Poland 2U *Fowls, Crevecoeurs 234 Index. 387 PAGE. *Fowls, Wyandotte 235 *Fowls, Cochin 236 *Fowls, bantams 237 *Fowls, water 239 Fowls, turkeys 238 "*FoxtaiI meadow grass Ill Fruit culture , 361 *Fruit dryer 298 Truit, orchard varieties of 374 G. *Gooseberry, culture of the 370 *Grain drill 286 ^Grapes, culture of 371 Grapes, varieties of 373 Grass seed per acre 93 *Grass, Orchard 110 *Grass, Ergot in 108 Grass, management of 110 Grass, mixed 112 *Grass, meadow foxtail Ill *Grass, red top 113 *Grass, Italian rye grass 113 "*Grass, sweet vernal 114 *Grass, hard fescue 114 *Grass, sheep's fescue 114 *Grass, meadow fescue 115 Grass seed, how to sow 114 *Grass, Bermuda 119 *Gras8, Southern crab 121 *Grass, crow's foot and barn yard 122 *Grass, Guinea 124 *Grass, Johnson 125 *Grass, Rhode Island bent 1 28 Grass seeds sown alone 129 *Gra8s, June 131 *Grass, Kentucky blue 132 388 L\T>EX. PAGE. *Grass, fowl meadow 133 Grass lands, when manured 17 Green manuring 35 Grubs, white 270 Guano, value of i 26 *Guinea grass 124 *Guem3ey cattle 153 •Hamburg fowls 230 Harrow, for spreading manure 17 *Harrow, chain 41 *Harrow, Acme 42 *Harrow, disc 44, 281 *Harrow, smoothing and brush 68, 281 Harrowing 38, 41 Harrowing sod 76 Hay, cutting and curing 134 Hay, clover, how made 136 *Hay caps, how made 137 *Hay, bams and sheds 210 *Hay making machines 287 Hedges for fences 223 Heifers, age to breed 174 ♦Hereford cattle 160 Hereford cow, points of 165 Hillsides, effect of, on crops 15 Hillsides, grasses for 128 *Holstein cattle 146, *158 Holstein cow, points of 164 Homestead, Mr. Crozier's 205 Hops, refuse, value of 20 *Horses for the farm ■ 184 Horses, how fed 187 Horses, profit of breeding 188 Horses, market prices of 189 *Horses, Kussian 191 Index. 389 PAGE, Horses, how to breed 190 Horses, bams for 211 Horse-power, what it is 248 *Horse, bot flies of 253 *Houclan fowls 233 House for poultry 227 Hungarian grass 96 I. *Implements, seed drill 61 *Wheat Cultivator 71 *Bean Harvester 82 *Corn Marker 98 *Harrows 281 *Plows 275 ♦Roller 282 *Mumbler 283 *Manure Spreader 70, 284 •Cultivators. 285 *Corn Planters 28C ♦Grain Drill 286 ♦Mowers and Reapers 287 ♦Hay Tedder 289 ♦Hay Bakes 290 ♦Hay Porks, etc 291 ♦Fodder Cutters 292 ♦Corn Husker 293 Insects, potato beetle 57 ♦Army Worm 75, 267 ♦Sheep Tick 199, 255 ♦Bot Flies 253 Lice, Fleas, etc 254 ♦Louse of Sheep 255 ♦Scab of Sheep 256 ♦Potato Beetle 263 Chinch Bug 264 Hessian Fly 264 Butterfly 265 390 Index. Insects, Turnip Beetle 265 Pea Weevils 266 Corn Worm 266 Tobacco Worm 266 Cuoumber Beetle 268 Squash Borer 269 Onion Maggot 269 Cut Worms 270 White Grubs 270 Borers 271 Apple Worms : 271 Leaf Slugs 271 Plum WeevUs 272 Plant Lice 272 Rose "Bug " 273 Insects injuring cabbages 315 Insects attacking onions Si-t ^Intestinal worms 261 *Italian rye grass 113 J. * Japan clover 126 Japanese bantams 237 *Jersey cattle 146 Jersey cow, yield of 148 *Jersey bull, portrait of 149 Jersey, points of 1*53 Jersey calf, precocity of 173 Jersey cattle, highest price for 174 Jersey cross, how improved 175 Johnson grass in the South 125 Johnson grass in Florida 127 June gi-ass 131 K. *Kale, Scotch, cultivation of 314 *Keutuoky blue grass 132 Index. 391 PAGE. Lambs, lung worms of '^^^ Leaf slugs ^'^ ♦Leghorn fowls 232 Leicester sheep -^^^ *Lettuce, culture of 333 Lice, plant 272 *Light Brahma fowls 229 Lime, value of 32 Lime, how applied 23 Live stock of the farm 146 *Liver rot in sheep 260 *Louse of the sheep 255 Lncem, for soUing 86 *Lucern, culture of °' Lung worms of calves, lambs, etc 261 *Machinery for the farm 275 ♦Machines, various fai'm 275 ♦Manure Spreader "^"^ ♦Corn Shellers 295 ♦Portable Engines 299 ♦For making hay 287 ♦Bean harvester "2 ♦Com Marker .• • ' 98 ♦Com Planter 286 ♦Corn Husker 293 ♦Cultivators 285 ♦Fodder Cutters 292 ♦Grain Drill 286 ♦Hay Forks and Elevator 291 ♦Hay Tedder 289 ♦Hay Bake 290 ♦Mower and Reaper 287 ♦Mumbler 283 392 Index. PAGE. *AIachines, Plows 275 *Roller 282 Management of calves 171 Management of dairy 176 Management of horses 190 Management of a brood mare 191 *Maugels, culture of 59 Maugels, composition of 144 Manure retained in the soil 16 Manure, how much per acre 17, 29, 52, 302 Manure, when applied to grass 17 Manure, spreading 17, 69 Manure, comparative value of 26 Manure, green, value of 35 Manure for wheat 69 Manure, top dressing with, after hay 135 Manure, weight of a cord of 244 *Manure spreader 70, 283 Manure for onions 340 Manuring grass lands 17 Mare, management of breeding 191 Market prices of horses 189 Market garden crops 301 *Marker for corn 98 Masonry, measures for 249 Measures 246 *Melon, culture of the 334 *Merino, American, Sheep 197 Mildews 274 Milk, the best cows for 146 Milk, how to 176 *MiIk tube 177 Milk, how managed 178 Millet for fodder 95 Millet, pearl, cultfvation of 96 *Mill for farm use 297 Mixed farming the safest 19 Molds and mildews 274 *Mower and reaper 287, 288 Index. 393 PAGE. !Muck, swamp, value of 29 Muck, swamp, how used 33 *Mumbler, the 283 N. Necessity for personal work 9 *Norman horses. 184 O. Oats, culture of 76 Oats, yield of, per acre 76 Oats, weight of seed 79 Oats, rust in 80 Oats, with peas, for soiling 93 Okra, cultivation of 338 Onion maggot 260 Onion, cultivation of 338 Onion, varieties of 339 Onion, manures for 340 Onion, insects attacking 344 Onion, profits of 345 Onion, varieties of 347 Orchard fruits, culture of 374 Orchard Grass, for soiling 93 Orchard Grass, feeding value 99 *Orchard Grass, description of 110 Orchard, selection of soil for an 374 Oxford Down Sheep 194 P. ♦Parasites of sheep 255 *Parsley, eultui'e of 349 *Parsnip, culture of 64, 348 394 IsjDEX. PAGE. Pasturing slieep on wheat 73 Peaches, culture of ■. 377 Pears, culture of 376 Pea Weevil 265 Peas and oats for soiling 85 *Peas, culture of 350 *Pekin Ducks 239 *Pens for pigs 217 *Percheron Horses 185 Perraanent grass, how procivred 130 Peruvian Guano, value of 26 *Pests of the farm 251 *Pits for storing roots 66 *Piggery of F. D. CurHs 218 Planet, Jr., Cultivator 45, 285 Plants, cabbage, growing of 309 Plant lice 272 Plaster, value of, etc 34 *Plow, Roland chilled, and others 275 Plowing 38 Plowing in seed, advantage of 70 *Plows 39, 277 *Plows, slip point for 276 *Plows. subsoil 40, 280 *Plow sulky 277 *Plow swivel 277 Plum Weevils 272 Plum, culture of the 377 *Plymouth Kock fowls 224 Points of cattle 1G3 *Poland China swine 202 *Poland fowls 234 Ponies, Shetland, breeding of 190 Pork, method of curing 203 Potatoes, culture of 53 Potatoes, feeding to stock 54 Potato rot, remedy for 57 Potato bugs 263 Potato, sweet, culture of 58 Index. 395 PAGE. Potato, digger for. . 280 Potato, garden culture-of 352 Poudrette, value of 29 Poultry, rearing and keeping 224 Poultry house 227 Power of liorse and man 248 Preparing fertilizers for use 28 Preparing land for tillage 52 Prickly Comfrey 85 *Probang for choking cattle 54 Profit from ten acres of land 78 Profit from Mr. Crozier's dairy 152 Profit from a pure bred buJl 168 Profit of breeding horses 188 Profit of market gardening 302 Profit of growing onions 345 Q- Quantity of fertilizers per acre 28 Quantity of feed for a cow 103 Quantity of mixed grass seed per acre 112 Quantity of seeds to the acre 244, 359 Quince, culture of 379 *Radish, culture of 353 *Kaspberry, culture of 368 Rearing of poultry 224 Record of Mr. Crozier's herd 151 Record of Guernsey Cows 154 *Red Top grass 113 Refuse hops, value of, for maniu-e 29 *Rhode Island bent grass 128 Restoring worn soils IS *Rhubarb, culture of 352 396 Index. TJkOZ. Koads, the value of good 21 ♦Roller, use of 46, 282 Koots compared ■writh ensilage 144 Root crops, soils for 15 Root crops for feeding 59, 99 *Root crops, harvesting and storing 65 Ropes, strength of 248 Rose bug 273 Rotation of cropp 52, 74 Rotten bone, value of, as a fertilizer 31 Rust on wheat 75 *Ruta Bagas, culture of C2 Rye as green manure 35 Rye, cultivation of 80 Rye for soiling or feeding green 86 *Rye, Ergot in 108 S. Sagacity of CoUie dog 242 Salt, value of 29, 34 Salt, value of, upon hay 134 Salt, quantity of, for butter 179 Saunders, Wm. , Report on Grasses 125 *Scab in sheep 255 *Scotch Kale, cultivation of 314 ♦Scotch Polled Cow 159 Science of agriculture as compared with practice 12 Seed, choice of 53 Seed, plowing in 70 Seed, wheat, weight of 74 Seed, best, the cheapest 78 Seed, oats, weight of 79 Seed, mixed grasses 112 Seed, mixed, how sown 129 Seed, quantity to the acre 244, 359 Sewage, utilization of 138 Shallots, culture of 346 Index. . 397 PAGE. *Share, slip point for plows 276 Sheep, experience with I9I *Sheep, South Down 192 *Sheep, Cotswold I93 *Sheep, Shropshire Down I94 Sheep, Beacon Down 192 *Sheep, Hampshire I95 *Sheep, Oxford Down 196 Sheep, Leicester 192 *Sheep, American Merino 197 Sheep, feeding in winter 198 Sheep, foot rot in 199 *Sheep, barns and sheds for 213 *Sheep, bot flies 253 *Sheep, dipping for scab 256 *Sheep, insect parasites of 255 *Sheep louse 255 Sheep, pasturing on wheat 73 *Sheep ticks 199, 255 *Sheep, bladder worms of 257 *Sheep, fluke worm 260 *Sheep, liver rot in 260 *Shetland ponies 190 *Shipping box for butter 182 *Short Horn cattle 161 ♦Short Horn fat heifer 162 Short Horn Cow, points of 166 *Slip share for plows 276 Small fruit culture 361 *Smoothing harrow 68, 281 Smut in wheat 75 Sod, yalue of a 26 Soil, characteristics of 15 Soil, a good or bad 13 Soil, how to restore 18 Soil, good, how known 18 Soil, what it needs 32 Soiling and fodder crops 85 Soiling crops, feeding of 100 398 LvDEx. PAGE. Soiling, cost and profit of 103 Soiling, peas and oats for 85 Sowing seed 4tj Spinacli, culture of 354 *Spreading manure, machine for 70 Squash borer 269 Squash, culture of 355 Steam engines for the farm 299 Steam engine, power of 248 *Stone drains 23 Straw, beau, value of 83 Strawberry, culture of 361 Strength of ropes 248 *Subsoil plows 40, 280 Success, how a young man met with 10 Sugar beets, composition of 144 *Sulky plow 277 Summer feeding cattle 102 Swamjj lands 15 Swamp muck, value and use of 29, 33 Sweet potatoes 58 Swine, breeding of 201 *Swine, internal parasites 259 *Swine, Berkshire 201 *Swine, Poland China 202 Swine, Essex 202 Swine, management of 203 Swine, Large Yorkshire 203 *Swine, pens for 217 Swiss cattle . . 162 *Swivel plow 277 T. Tables of weights and measures 244 *Tape worms of sheep and swine 258 Temperature, eflfect of 30 Temperature for setting milk 178, 181 Index. 399 PAGE. Temperature for churning 181 Timothy grass, feeding value 100, 117 Timothy and clover, culture of 116 *Tomato, culture of 356 Top dressing grass lands 139 Training for farming 9 *Trichiua sjiiraUs of swine 262 *Trochar and canula 100 Turnip beetle 265 Turnip, culture of 59, 77, 358 *Turnii3, Cow Horn, value of 63 Turnip, feeding sheep on 198 *Turnip, varieties of 358 Turkeys, rearing of 238 ^r. Value of manures 26 Vegetable pests of crops 273 Vegetable culture 302 *VegetabIes, varieties of 303 Vetches for fodder 85 Water Cress, culture of 328 Water fowls 239 *Water melon, culture of 338 Weevils, plum 272 Weight of Clyde Horses 185 Weight of a cord of manure 244 Weight of bushels 247 Weight of lead pipes 248 Weight of water in pipes 249 Weights and measures 244 400 Index. PAOK. Wlieat, culture of 68 Wheat, manure for 69 Wheat after a root crop 71 * Wheat, cultivator for 71 Wheat, effect of late sowing 72 Wheat, pasturing with sheep 73 Wheat, seed 74 Wheat, remedy for rust and smut 75 Wheat, rust and smut 274 Wire fences 223 Wire worms 270 * Worms, intestinal 261 *Woodeii drains 24 *Wyandotte fowls 235 Yards for poultry 227 Yield of Jersey Cow 148 Yield of remarkable Jersey Cows 150 Yield of Guernsey Cows 154 Young cattle, care of 170 GARDENING FOR PROFIT. PETER HENDERSON. To such as are intending to begin the business of Market Gardening, we offer for their instruction our work, " Gardening for Profit," fiublished first in 186C, and a new edition in 1873. "Gar- dening for Profit " has had a larger sale, probably, than any work ever published on the subject of Horticulture. Upward of 100,000 copies have been sold, and we have hundi-eds of grateful testimonials from those who have been benefited by its teachings. The subjects of its contents are: The Men Fitted for the Business.— Amount of Capital Required and Working Force per Acre.— Profits of Market Gardening.- The Market Gardens near London.— Location, Situation and Laying Out.— Soils, Drainage and Pre- paration.— Manures.— Implements.— The Uses and Management of Cold Frames.- The Formation and Management of Hot-beds.— Forcing Pits and Green-houses.— Seeds and Seed Raising.— How, When and Where to Sow Seeds.— Transplanting.— Packing of Vegetables tor Shipping.— Preservation of Vegetables in Winter.— Insects.— Vegetables; their Variety and Cultivar tlon.— Monthly Calendar of Operations. Sent post-paid, on receipt of $1 .50. PETER HENDERSON & CO., 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New York. PRACTICAL FLORICULTURE. PETER HENDERSON. The fii-st edition was pubUshed in 18G8, the second edition in 1873, and the thii-d edition in December, 1878. It was written to teach how flowers and plants can best be " grown for profit." The success of this book has been fuUy as marked as that of " Gardening for Profit," when we consider that it only refers to a business exclu- sively a luxury. Tpwai'd of thirty thoumnd copies of this work have been sold, and it has been the means of estabhsbing thousands of persons in an agreeable, and, in a majority of cases, profitable business. Its contents embrace : Asi>ect and Soil.-Laying out the Lawn and Flower Garden.-Designs for Orna- mental Grounds—Planting of Flower Beds.-Soils for Potting.-Temperature and Moisture.-The Potting of Plants.-Cold Frames; AVinter Protection - Construction of Hot-beds. -Green-house Structures. -Green-houses attached to Dwellings—Modes of Heating.-Base Burning Water Heater. -Propaga- tion of Plants b.v Seeds.-What Varieties come True from Seed.-PropagatL of Plants by Cuttings— How Plants and Flowers are Grown.-Propagationof Lilies.-Culture of the Rose— Culture of the Yerbena.-Cnlture of the Tube- rose.-Orchid Culture -Holland Bulbs. -Cape Bulbs ; Varieties and Culture. -Culture of Winter-Flowering Plants— Construction of Bouquets, Baskets. etc.-Wire Designs for Cut Flowers.-HangingBaskets.-Parlor and Window Gardeuing.-Wardian Cases, Ferneries, etc.-Formation of Rockwork.— Insects. -Are Plants injurious to Health ?-Nature's Law of Colors— Packing PJants.-Plants by .Mail. -The Profiu of Floriculture— How to Become a Florist.— Short Descriptions ol Soft- Wooded or Bedding Plants of the Leading Kinds.-What Flowers will Grow in the Shade.-Green-house and Stove or Hot-house Plants. -Annuals, Hardy Herbaceous, Perennial and Biennial Plants, Ornamental Shrubs and Climbers— Culture of Grape Vines under Glass.— Diary of Operations for Eacli Day in the Year. Sent post-paid, on receipt of $1.50. PETER HENTDERSON & CO., 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New York. GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. PETER HENDERSON. This book was written by lli-. Henderson in 1875, to meet the wants of those desiring information on gardening for their private use, and wlio had no desire to make it a business. It is flatterincr to state that the demand for this book, for the time it has been issued has been gi-eater than either of its predecessors. Its scope of subjects is naturaUy greater than either " Gardening for Profit ' or "Practical Floriculture," as it embraces directions for the propagation and cul- ture of fruit, flowers and vegetables. Its contents include: Soil and Location.-Draiuage.-Preparation of the Crround.-WalU-s.-Mauures - How to Use Concentrated Fertilizers—Special Fertilizers for Particular Plant. -The Lawn—Design for Garden—Planting of Lawns and Flower Beds - Fall or Holland Bulbs— Propagation of Plants by Seedg.-Propa<.ation of Plants by Cuttings-Propagating by Layering.— \bout Grafting and Bud- ding.-How Grafting and Budding are Done.-Treatment of Tropical Bulb. Seeds, etc-The Potting of Piants-^'inter Flowering Plants. -Unhealtby Plants ; the Remedy. -Plants Suited for Summer Decoration— Ilan-in."- Basl