. . v ..': uty? 1. %. ?4tU Ktbraru North (Carolina S>tate (Uollrgr QH96 i« S00701131 D 21978 This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of jfj0& CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below: !5Apr'58F «M/V « DE08Q 9 | 5M— F45— Form 3 * ** m 1994 \ SEASONAL CHANGE* The view is from West| RENWICK MARSH AT ITHACA UTUMN FIRES Winter EEZING ing across the valley. THE LIFE OF INLAND WATERS An elementary text book of fresh-water biology for American students By JAMES G. NEEDHAM Professor of Limnology in Cornell University and J. T. LLOYD Instructor in Limnology in Cornell Unix srsity 191b THE COMSTOCK PUBLISHING COMPANY ITHACA, NEW YORK COPYRIGHT, 1915 COPYRIGHT, 1916 THE COMSTOCK PUBLISHING CO. PREFACE IN THE following pages we have endeavored to present a brief and untechnical account of fresh-water life, its forms, its conditions, its fitnesses, its associations and its economic pos- sibilities. This is a vast subject. No one can have de- first hand knowledge in any considerable part of it. Hence, even for the elementary treatment here given, we have borr freely the results of researches of others. We have selected out of the vast array of material that modern limnological studies have made available that which we deem most significant. Our interests in water life are manifold. They are in part economic interests, for the water furnishes us food. They are in part aesthetic interests, for aquatic creatures are wonderful to see, and graceful and often very beautiful. They are in part educational interests, for in the water live the more primitive forms of life, the ones that best reveal the course of organic evolu- tion. They are in part sanitary interests; interests in pure water to drink, and in control of water-borne diseases, and of the aquatic organisms that disseminate diseases. They are in part social interests, for clean shores are the chosen places for water sports and for public and private recreation. They are in part civic interests, for the cultivation of water products for human food tends to increase our sustenance, and to diversify our industries. Surely these things justify an earnest effort to make some knowledge of water life available to any one who may desire it. The present text is mainly made up of the lectures of the senior author. The illustrations, where not otherwise credited, are mamly the work of the junior author. Yet we have worked jointly on every page of the book. We are indebted for helpful suggestions regarding the text to Professors E. M. Chamot, G. C. Embody, A, H. Wright, and to Dr. W. A. Clemens. Miss Olive Tuttle has given much help with the copied figures. 21978 10 Preface . when a course in general limnology was first estab- i rnell University, we have been associated in develop- n outline of study for general students and a program of j. The text-book is presented herewith: the ical exercises are reserved for further trial by our own classes; they are still undergoing extensive annual revision. The liniitati. >ns of space have been keenly felt in every chapter; ially in the chapter on aquatic organisms. These are so us and so varied that we have had to limit our discussion , ,f t i, , , U ps of considerable size. These we have illustrated in the main with photographs of those representatives most commonly met with in the course of our own work. Important S are, in some cases, hardly more than mentioned; the stu- dent will have to go to the reference books cited for further infor- ■'■ m concerning them. The best single work to be consulted in this connection is the American Fresh-water Biology edited by Ward and Whipple and published by John Wiley and Sons. Our bibliography, necessarily brief, includes chiefly American rs. We have cited but a few comprehensive foreign works; the reference lists in these will give the clue to all the others. It is the ecologic side of the subject rather than the sys- tematic or morphologic, that we have emphasized. Nowadays there is being put forward a deal of new ecologic terminology t< it which we have not discovered any good use; hence we have omitted it. Limnology in America today is in its infancy. The value of its past achievements is just beginning to be appreciated. The fits to come from a more intensive study of water life are just beginning to be disclosed. That there is widespread interest is already manifest in the large number of biological stations at which limnological work is being done. From these and other kindred laboratories much good will come; much new knowledge iter life, and better application of that knowledge to human welfare. James G. Needham. J. T. Lloyd. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Introduction The study of water life p. 14. Epoch-making events: the invention of the microscope, p. 15. The publication of the Origin of Species, p. 17. The discovery of Plancton, p. 18. Agencies for the promotion of the study of Limnology, p. 20. Biological field stations, p. 23. CHAPTER II The Nature of Aquatic Environment I. Properties and uses of water: transparency, etc., p. 26. Stratification, p. 31. The content of natural waters, pX^o^ II. Water and land, p. 55. CHAPTER III Types of Aquatic Environment I. Lakes and Ponds: Lakes temporary phenomena, p. 60. The Great Lakes, p. 63. The Finger Lakes, p. 64. The lakes of the Yahara valley, p. 66. Flood plain lakes, p. 67. Solution lakes, p. 68. Depth and breadth, p. 71. High and low water, p. 74. II. Streams: Gradient of stream beds, p. 77. Ice in streams, p. 80. Silt, p. 84. Current, p/£ft. High and low water, p. 87. 777. Marshes, swamps and bogs: Cat-tail marshes, p. 91. Okefenokee Swamp, p. 93. Climbing bogs, p. 94. Muck and peat, p. 95. High and low water, p. (q6^) CHAPTER IV Aquatic Organisms I. Plants: The Algae, p. 101. Chlorophylless water plants, p. 139. The mossworts, p. 146. The fernworts, p. 149. The seed plants, p. 151. II. Animals. Protozoans, p. 159. The lower invertebrates, p. 163. Arthro- pods, p. 183. Insects, p. 195. Vertebrates, p. 231. j 2 Content: CHAPTER V Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Li f ? I. Individual Adjustment, p. 242. 1. To open water: Flotation, p. 243. mining, p. 249. 2. Adjustment to shore life, p. 251. Avoidance of silt, p. 252. Bur- r wing, p. 254. Shelter building, p. 257. Withstanding current, p. 258. 3. Adjustment of life cycle: Encystment, p. 261. Winter eggs, p. 266. 4. Readaptation to aquatic life: Plants, p. 270. Animals, p. 273 II. Mutual Adjustment, p. 282. 1. Insectivorous plants, p. 283. 2. The larval habits of river mussels, p. 286. CHAPTER VI Aquatic Societies J. Limnetic Societies. 1. Plancton, p. 294. Seasonal range, p. 302. Plancton pulses, p. 305. Distribution in depth, p. 307. 2. Xecton, p. 313. II. Littoral Societies. I. Lenitic Societies, p. 315. Plants, p. 318. Ani- mals, p. 324. Spatial relations of lenitic animals, p. 326. The life of typical lenitic situations, p. 333. Of ponds, p. 334. Of marshes, p. 341. Of bogs, p. 348. Of stream beds, p. 356. 2. Lotic societies, p. 363. Plancton gathering forms, p. 364. Free living foragers, p. 368. Shelter-building foragers, p. 371. CHAPTER VII Inland Water Culture I. Aboriginal water culture, p. 377. II. Water crops: Plants, p. 379. Animals, p. 382. Fish culture, p. 384. The forage problem, p. 387. Staple forage crops, p. 389. The way of economic progress, p. 399. III. Water culture and civic improvement, p. 401. Reclamation enterprises: Waste wet lands, p. 402. Reservoirs, p. 403. Scenic improvement, p. 404. Private water culture, p. 406. Swamp reservations, p. 408. BIBLIOGRAPHY p. 413 List of initials and tail-pieces p. 420 Index p. 421 ZKTT UBtOft State Cotfem CHAPTER I NTROBUCTION INDIANS GATHERING WILD RICE, N. MINNESOTA HE home of primeval man was by the waterside. The springs quenched his thirst. The bays afforded his most dependable supply of animal food. Stream- haunting, furbearing animals furnished his clothing. The rivers were his highways. Water sports were a large part of his recreation; and the glorious beauty of mirroring surfaces and green flower- decked shores were the manna of his simple soul. The circumstances of modern life have largely removed mankind from the waterside, and common needs have found other sources of supply; but the 13 j , Introduction primeval instincts remain. And where the waters are clean, and shores unspoiled, thither we still go for rest, and refreshment. Where fishes leap and sweet water lilies glisten, where bull frogs boom and swarms of May-flies lmwr, there we find a life so different from | of OUT usual surroundings that its contemplation is full of interest. The school boy lies on the brink of a pool, watching the caddisworms haul their lumbering bout on the bottom, and the planctologist plies his nets, recording each season the wax and wane of generations of aquatic organisms, and both are satisfied irvers. The study of water life, which is today the special vinee of the science of limnology*, had its be^nning in the remote unclironicTe^jast- LimnologyTs" a ^ m< m [ern name ; 1 >ut many limnological phenomena were km >wn of old. The congregating of fishes upon their spawning beds, the emergence of swarms of May-flies from the rivers, the cloudlike flight of midges over the marshes, and even the "water bloom" spreading as a filmy mantle of green over the still surface of the lake — ■ such things could not escape the notice of the most ual observer. Two of the plaguesofEgypt were limnological phenomena; the plague "of frogs, and the plague of the rivers that were turned to blood. Such phenomena have always excited great wonder- ment. And, being little understood, they have given to most remarkable superstitions.! Little real *Limn<>s = shore, waterside, and logos = a treatise: hydrobiology. fThe f< 'Ik lore of all raees abounds in strange interpretations of the simplest limnological phenomena; bloody water, magic shrouds (stranded "blanket- pirits dancing in waterfalls, the "willo' the wisp" (spontaneous com- rsh gas), etc. Dr. Thistleton Dyer has summarized the folk lore last mentioned in Pop.Sci.AIontlily 19:67, 1881. InKeightly's Fairy Mythology, p. 401 will be found a reference to the water and wood maids rail .ire of a beautiful form with long green hair: They swing and balance themselves on the branches of trees, bathe in lakes and v on the surface of the water, and wring their locks on the green I at the water's edge." On fairies and carp rings see Theodore Gill in .Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 48:203, 1905. Limnology knowledge of many of them was possible so long as the most important things involved in them — often even the causative organisms — could not be seen. Progress , awaited the discovery of the microscope. The microscope opened a new world of life to human eyes— "the world of the infinitely small things." It revealed new marvels of beauty everywhere. It dis- Fig. i. Waterbloom (Euglena) on the surface film of the Renwick lagoon at Ithaca. The clear streak is the wake of a boat just passed. covered myriads of living things where none had been suspected to exist, and it brought the elements of organic structure and the beginning processes of organic development first within the range of our vision. And this is not all. Much that might have been seen with the unaided eye was overlooked until the use of the microscope taught the need of closer looking. It would be hard to overestimate the stimu- lating effect of the invention of this precious instrument on all biological sciences. 16 Introduction With such crude instruments as the early micro- ts a ailil a >mmand they began to explore the world .in. They looked into the minute structure of ■.•thing— forms of crystals, structure of tissues, s of insects, hairs and fibers, and, above all else, micro-organisms of the water. These, living in a rent medium, needed only to be lifted in a drop i >f water to be ready for observation. At once the early mieroscopists became most ardent explorers of the ■ r. They found every ditch and stagnant pool dng with forms, new and wonderful and strange. ften found each drop of water inhabited. They gained a new conception of the world's fulness of life and one of the greatest of them Roesel von Rosenhof, expressed in the title of his book, "Insekten Belusti- gung"* the pleasure they all felt in their work. It was the joy of pioneering. Little wonder that during a 1« >ng period of exploration microscopy became an end in it self. Who that has used a microscope has not been mated on first acquaintance with the dainty ele- e and b< tauty of the desmids, the exquisite sculptur- ing of diatom shells, the all-revealing transparency of the daphnias, etc., and who has not thereby gained a appreciation of the ancient saying, Natura maxime miranda in minimis.} Am< >ng these pioneers there were great naturalists — - mmerdam and Leeuwenhoek in Holland, the latter, the maker of his own lenses; Malpighi and Redi in I tcily; Reaumer and Trembly in France; the above mentioned, Roesel, a German, who was a painter of miniatures; and many others. These have left us faithful records of what they saw, in descriptions and res that in many biological fields are of more than historical importance. These laid the foundations of :ng = delight. [Nature is most wonderful in little things. Important Events 17 our knowledge of water life. Chiefly as a result of their labor there emerged out of this ancient "natural philosophy" the segregated sciences of zoology and botany. Our modern conceptions of biology came later, being based on knowledge which only the per- fected microscope could reveal. — - — - I — A long period of pioneer exploration resulted in the discovery of new forms of aquatic life in amazing richness and variety. These had to be studied and classified, segregated into groups and monographed, and this great survey work occupied the talents of many gifted botanists and zoologists through two succeeding centuries — indeed it is not yet completed. But about two centuries after the construction of the first microscope, occurred an event of a very different kind, that was destined to exert a profound influence throughout the whole range of biology. This was the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species. This book furnished also a tool, but of another sort — a tool of the mind. It set forth a theory of evolution, and offered an explanation of a possible method by which evolution might come to pass, and backed the explanation with such abundant and convincing evidence that the theory could no longer be ignored or scoffed out of court. It had to be studied. The idea of evolution carried with it a new conception of the life of the world. If true it was vastly important. Where should the evidence for proof or refutation be found? Naturally, the simpler organisms, of possible ancestral character- istics, were sought out and studied, and these live in the water. Also the simpler developmental processes, with all they offer of evidence; and these are found in the water. Hence the study of water life, especially with regard to structure and development, received a mighty impetus from the publication of this epoch-making book. The half century that has since elapsed has been one of unparalleled activity in these fields. 1 8 Introduction Almost simultaneously with the appearance of win's great work, there occurred another event which did more perhaps than any other single thing to bring about the recognition of the limnological part of the field of biology as one worthy of a separate recogni- ti( -n and a name. This was the discovery of plancton —that free-floating assemblage of organisms in great water masses, that is self-sustaining and self -maintaining and that is independent of the life of the land. Lilje- borg and Sars found it, by drawing fine nets through tin- waters of the Baltic. They found a whole fauna and flora, mostly microscopic — a well adjusted society of organisms, with its producing class of synthetic plant forms and its consuming class of animals; and among the animals, all the usual social groups, herbi- v >res and carnivores, parasites and scavengers. Later, this assemblage of minute free-swimming organisms was named plancton.* After its discovery the seas could no longer be regarded as "barren wastes of waters"; for they had been found teeming with life. This discovery initiated a new line of biological explora- tion, the survey of the life of the seas. It was simple matter to draw a fine silk net through the open water and c< tllect everything contained therein. There are no obstructions or hiding places, as there are every- where on land; and the fine opportunity for quantita- tive as well as qualitative determination of the life of water areas was quickly grasped. The many expedi- tions that have been sent out on the seas and lakes of the world have resulted in our having more accurate and detailed knowledge of the total life of certain of these waters than we have, or are likely to be able soon to acquire, of life on land. Pr< aninent among the investigators of fresh water life in America during the nineteenth century were Louis *Planktos = driftin \ free floating. Aquatic Life 19 Agassiz, an inspiring teacher, and founder of the first of our biological field stations; Dr. Joseph Leidy, an excellent zoologist of Philadelphia, and Alfred C. Stokes of New Jersey, whose Aquatic Microscopy is still a use- ful handbook for beginners. Our knowledge of aquatic life has been long accumu- lating. Those who have contributed have been of very diverse training and equipment and have employed very different methods. Fishermen and whalers; col- lectors and naturalists; zoologists and botanists, with specialists in many groups; water analysts and sani- tarians; navigators and surveyors; planktologists and bacteriologists, and biologists of many names and sorts and degrees ; all have had a share. For the water has held something of interest for everyone. Fishing is one of the most ancient of human occupa- tions; and doubtless the beginning of this science was made by simple fisher-folk. Not all fishing is, or ever has been, the catching of fish. The observant fisherman has ever wished to know more of the ways of nature, and science takes its origin in the fulfillment of this desire. The largest and the smallest of organisms live in the waterTand no one was ever equipped, or will ever be equipped to study any considerable part of them. Practical difficulties stand in the way. One may not catch whales and water-fleas with the same tackle, nor weigh them upon the same balance. Consider the dif- ference in equipment, methods, area covered and num- bers caught in a few typical kinds of aquatic collecting : (1). Whaling involves the cooperative efforts of many men possessed of a specially equipped vessel. A single specimen is a good catch and leagues of ocean may have to be traversed in making it. (2). Fishing may be done by one person alone, equipped with a hook and line. An acre of water affords area enough and ten fishes may be called a good catch. i 20 Introduction l . G Meeting the commoner invertebrates, such as water insects, crustaceans and snails involves ordinarily the use of a hand net. A square rod of water is suffi- cient area to ply it in; a satisfactory catch may be a hundred specimens. (4). For collecting entomostracans and the larger planet* >n 1 >rganisms t< >wing nets of fine silk bolting-cloth are cxHnmonly employed. Possibly a cubic meter of r is strained and a good catch of a thousand speci- mens may result. (5). The microplancton organisms that slip through the meshes of the finest nets are collected by means of a nt ri fuge and filter. A liter of water is often an ample field for finding ten thousand specimens. (6). Last and least are the water bacteria, which are gathered by means of cultures. A single drop of water will often furnish a good seeding for a culture plate yielding hundreds of thousands of specimens. Thus the field of operation varies from a wide sea to a single drop of water and the weapons of chase from a harpoon gun to a sterilized needle. Such divergencies have from the beginning enforced specialization among limnological workers, and different methods of studying the problems of water life have grown up wide apart, and, often, unfortunately, without mutual recognition. The educational, the economic and the sanitary inter- ests of the people in the water have been too often dealt with as though they are wholly unrelated. The agencies that in America furnish aid and support t< > investigations in fresh water biology are in the main: 1. Universities which give courses of instruction in limnology and other biological subjects, and some of which maintain field stations or laboratories for investi- gation of water problems. 2. National, state and municipal boards and surveys, which more or less constantly maintain researches that bear directly upon Investigations 21 their own economic or sanitary problems. 3. Socie- ties, academies, institutes, museums, etc., which variously provide laboratory facilities or equip expedi- tions or publish the results of investigations. 4. Private individuals, who see the need of some special investigation and devote their means to furthering it. The Universities and private benefactors do most to care for the researches in fundamental science. Fish commissions and sanitary commissions support the applied science. Governmental and incorporated insti- tutions assist in various ways and divide the main work of publishing the results of investigations. It is pioneer limnological work that these various agencies are doing; as yet it is all new and uncorre- cted. It is all done at the instance of some newly discovered and pressing need. America has quickly passed from being a wilderness into a state of highly artificial culture. In its centers of population great changes of circumstances have come about and new needs have suddenly arisen. First was felt the failure of the food supply which natural waters furnished; and this lack led to the beginning of those limnological enterprises that are related to scientific fish culture. Next the supply of pure water for drinking failed in our great cities; knowledge of water-borne diseases came to the fore: knowledge of the agency of certain aquatic insects as carriers of dread diseases came in; and suddenly there began all those limnological enter- prises that are connected with sanitation. Lastly, the failure of clean pleasure grounds by the water-side, and of wholesome places of recreation for the whole people through the wastefulness of our past methods of exploitation, through stream and lake despoiling, has led to those broader limnological studies that have to do with the conservation of our natural resources. Biological Field Stations 23 ~ o WASH'S .it jjg^ b id^ o\s -ha ^ *0| 23i|^<3|l gs -all $31*3*5,8 g-J » uf.i i: tUuffl &<tx&£ *i § fJSjili^SJffilfjflilfj! jilll £ ^ > ^ ^ j co O Q O . § O s I II .IIP lilj PlJl ill iiiiii E 1 1ff *tf *S^ d ;-s«L| a i u s|su € |5 § s |ir|;l i!il|i|teil ^nfitini S I f ll 8113 fr BWa^U ill II ll II J ^ 2S QW fe S Q E £ £ £ CO '*-• ^ C M n o ^ in ^d »C od cf* * § H I llsi-s e| *^ fisll ra| «3. u o S iis^nih sis °8a-a s ia ill ?s o-° Sum; ri jifiii"iii in- 8 „ a^M § 72 Ah co a O m W £ ATEK ALL inorganic substances, acting in their own proper nature, and without assist- ance or combination, water is the most wonderful. If we think of it as the source of all the changefidness and beauty which we have seen in the clouds; then as the instrument by which the earth we have contemplated was modelled into symmetry, and its crags chiseled into grace; then as, in the form of snow, it robes the mountains it has made, with that transcendent light which we could not have conceived if we had not seen ; then as it exists in the foam of the torrent, in the iris which spans it, in the morning mist which rises from it, in the deep crystalline pools which mirror its hanging shore, in the broad lake and glancing river, finally, in that which is to all human minds the best emblem of unwearied, unconquerable power, the wild, various, fantastic, tameless unity of the sea; what shall we compare to this mighty, this universal clement, for glory and for beauty? or how shall we follow its eternal cheerfulness of feeling? It is like trying to paint a soul." - RuSKIN. 24 CHAPTER II THE NATURE OF AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT PROPERTIES AND USES ATER, the one abundant liquid on earth, is, when pure, tasteless, odorless and transparent. Wa- ter is a solvent of a great variety of sub- stances, both solid and gaseous. Not only does it dissolve more sub- stances than any other liquid, but, what is more important, it dissolves those substances which are most needed in solution for the maintenance of life. Water is the greatest medium of exchange in the world. It brings down the gases from the atmosphere; it transfers ammonia from the air into the soil for plant food; it leaches out the soluble constituents of the soil; and it acts of itself as a chemical agent in nutrition, and also in those changes of putrefaction and decay that keep the world's available food supply in circulation. ^ Water is nature's great agency for the applica- tion of mechanical energy. It is by means of water 25 2 6 Nature of Aquatic Environment that deltas are built and hills eroded. Water is the chief factor in all those eternal operations of flood and by which the surface of the continent is shaped. Transparency— Water has many properties that fit it for being the abode of organic life. Second only in importance to its power of carrying dissolved food materials is its transparency. It admits the light of the sun; and the primary source of energy for all organic life is the radiant energy of the sun. Green 1 .lants use this energy directly; animals get it in- directly with their food. Green plants constitute the producing class of organisms in water as on land. Just in proportion as the sun's rays are excluded, the process of plant assimilation (photosynthesis) is impeded. When we wish to prevent the growth of algae or other green plants in a reservoir or in a spring we cover it to exclude the light. Thus we shut off the power. Pure water, although transparent, absorbs some of the energy of the sun's rays passed through it, and water containing dissolved and suspended _ matter (such as are present in all natural water) impedes their passage far more. From w T hich it follows, that the superficial layer of a body of water receives the most light. Penetration into the deeper strata is impeded according to the nature of the water content. Dissolved matters tint the water more or less and give it color. Every one knows that bog waters, for example, are dark. They look like tea, even like very strong tea, and like tea they owe their color to their content of dissolved plant substances, steeped out of the peaty plant remains of the bog. Suspended matters in the water cause it to be turbid. These may be either silt and refuse, washed in from the land, or minute organisms that have grown up in Transparency 27 the water and constitute its normal population. One who has carefully watched almost any of our small northern lakes through the year will have seen that its waters are clearest in February and March, when there is less organic life suspended in them than at other seasons. But it is the suspended inorganic matter that causes the most marked and sudden changes in turbidity — the washings of clay and silt from the hills into a stream; the stirring up of mud from the bottom of a shallow lake with high winds. The difference in clearness of a creek at flood and at low water, or of a pond before and after a storm is often very striking. Such sudden changes of turbidity occur only in the lesser bodies of water; there is not enough silt in the world to make the oceans turbic. The clearness of the water determines the depth at which green plants can flourish in it. Hence it is of great importance, and a number of methods have been devised for measuring both color and turbidity. A simple method that was first used for comparing the clearness of the water at different times and places and one that is, for many purposes, adequate, and one that is still used more widely than any other,* consists in the lowering of a white disc into the water and record- ing the depth at which it disappears from view. The standard disc is 20 cm. in diameterf; it is lowered in a horizontal position during midday light. The depth at which it entirely disappears from view is noted. It is then slowly raised again and the depth at which it reappears is noted. The mean of these two measurements is taken as the depth of its visibility *Method of Secchi: for other methods, see Whipple's Microscopy of Drink- ing Water, Chap. V. Steuer's Planktonkunde, Chapter III. fWhipple varied it with black quadrants, like a surveyor's level-rod target and viewed it through a water telescope. 28 ture of Aquatic Environment beneath the Such a disc has been found to disappear at very different depths. Witness the fol- lowing typical examples: Pa : ' 59 meters Med in Sea 42 meters 33 meters a 21 meters 5 meters ■ ark), Mar o meters i -Kirk). Aug 5 meters Fure Lake (Denmark). Dec 7 meters •■ m River (111.) under ice : 3.65 meters River I 111.) at flood 013 meters It is certain that diffused light penetrates beyond the depth at which Secchi's disc disappears. In Lake Geneva, for example, where the limit of visibility is 21m. photographic paper sensitized with silver chloride ceased to be affected by a 24-hour exposure at a depth of about 1 00 meters or when sensitized with iodobromide of silver, at a depth about twice as great. Below this depth the darkness appears to be absolute. Indeed it is deep darkness for the greater part of this depth, 90 meters being set down as the limit of ''diffused light." How far down the light is sufficient to be effective in photosynthesis is not known, but studies of the distri- bution in depth of fresh water algae have shown them to be chiefly confined, even in clear lakes, to the upper- most 20 meters of the water. Ward ('95) found 64 per cent, of the plancton of Lake Michigan in the upper- most two meters of water, and Reighard ('94) found similar conditions in Lake St. Clair. Since the inten- sity of the light decreases rapidly with the increase in depth it is evident that only those plants near the sur- face of the water receive an amount of light comparable with that which exposed land plants receive. Less than this seems to be needed by most free swimming algae, Transparency 2 9 since they are often found in greatest number in open waters some five to fifteen meters below the surface. Some algae are found at all depths, even in total dark- ness on the bottom; notably diatoms, whose heavy silicious shells cause them to sink in times of prolonged calm, but these are probably inactive or dying individ- uals. There are some animals, however, normally dwelling in the depths of the water, living there upon l&OiMeters DeptA Fig. 3. _ Diagram illustrating the penetration of light into the water of a lake; also, its occlusion by inflowing silt and by growths of plants on the surface. the organic products produced in the zone of photo- synthesis above and bestowed upon them in a consider- able measure by gravity. To the consideration of these we will return in a later chapter. The accompanying diagram graphically illustrates the light relations in a lake. The deeper it is the greater its mass of unlighted and, therefore, unproductive water, and the larger it be, the less likely is its upper stratum to be invaded by obscuring silt and water weeds. 30 X (it urc of Aquatic Environment Mobility — Water is the most mobile of substances, yet it is not without internal friction. Like molasses, it stiffens with cooling to a degree that affects the flotation of micro-organisms and of particles suspended in it. Its viscosity is twice as great at the freezing point as at ordinary summer temperature (77°F.). Buoyancy -Water is a denser medium than air; it 775 time's heavier. Hence the buoyancy with which it supports a body immersed in it is correspondingly greater. The density of water is so nearly equal to that of protoplasm, that all living bodies will float in it with the aid of very gentle currents or of a very little exertion in swimming. Flying is a feat that only a few of the most specialized groups of animals have mastered, but swimming is common to all the groups. Pressure — This greater density, however, involves greater pressure. The pressure is directly proportional to the depth, and is equal to the weight of the super- posed column of water. Hence, w T ith increasing depth the pressure soon becomes enormous, and wholly insup- portable by bodies such as our own. Sponge fishers and pearl divers, thoroughly accustomed to diving, descending naked from a boat are able to work at depths up to 20 meters. Professional divers, encased in a modern diving dress are able to work at depths several times as great; but such depths, when compared with the depths of the great lakes and the oceans are com- parative shoals. Beyond these depths, however, even in the bottom of the seas, animals live, adjusted to the great pressure, which may be that of several hundred of atmospheres. But these cannot endure the lower pressure of the surface, and when brought suddenly to the surface they burst. Fishes brought up from the bottom of the deeper freshwater lakes, reach the surface greatly Maximum Density 31 swollen, their scales standing out from the body, their eyes bulging. Maximum density — Water contracts on cooling, as do other substances, but not to the freezing point — only to 4 centigrade (39. 2° Fahrenheit). On this pecu- liarity hang many important biological consequences. Below 4 C. it begins to expand again, becoming lighter, as shown in the accompanying table: Temp* mature Weight in lbs. C° F° percu. ft. Density 35 95 62,060 .99418 21 7c 62.303 .99802 10 50 62.40S ■99975 4 39 62.425 1. 00000 32 62.417 .99987 Hence, on the approach of freezing, the colder lighter water accumulates at the surface, and the water at the point of maximum density settles to the bottom, and the congealing process, so fatal to living tissues generally is resticted to a thin top layer. Here at o° C. (32 F.) the water freezes, expanding about one-twelfth in bulk in the resulting ice and reducing its weight per cubic foot to 57.5 pounds. Stratification of the water — Water is a poor conductor of heat. We recognize this when we apply heat to the bottom of a vessel, and set up currents for its distribution through the vessel. We depend on convection and not on conduction. But natural bodies of water are heated and cooled from the top, when they are in contact with the atmosphere and where the sun's rays strike. Hence, it is only those changes of temperature which increase the density of the surface waters that can pro- duce convection currents, causing them to descend, and deeper waters to rise in their place. Minor changes of this character, verv noticeable in shallow water, occur 32 Nature of Agnatic Environment every clear day with the going down of the sun, but great changes, imp irtant enough to affect the tempera- ture of all the waters of a deep lake, occur but twice a . and they follow the precession of the equinoxes. Tlure is a brief, often interrupted, period (in March in the latitude of Ithaca) after the ice has gone out, while the surface waters are being warmed to o°C; and there is a 1< aiger peri< >d in autumn, while they are being led to 0°C. Between times, the deeper waters of WINTER SUMMER 4 PlG. 4 Diagram illustrating summer and winter temperature conditions in Cayuga Lake. The spacing of the horizontal lines represents equal temperature intervals. a lake are at rest, and they are regularly stratified according to their density. In deep freshwater lakes the bottom temperature remains through the year constantly near the point of maximum density, 4 C. This is due to gravity. The heavier water settles, the lighter, rises to the top. Were gravity alone involved the gradations of tempera- ture from bottom to top would doubtless be perfectly regular and uniform at like depths from shore to shore. But springs of ground water and currents come in to Lake Temperatures 33 disturb the horizontal uniformity, and winds may do much to disturb the regularity of gradations toward the surface. Water temperatures are primarily dependent on those of the superincumbent air. The accompany- ing diagram of comparative yearly air and water temperatures in Hallstatter Lake (Austria) shows graphically the diminishing influence of the former on the latter with increasing depth. i JO JO 60 loo fun -3 §> ^ £ o\ I I 1 1 j . vf- - 0- Fig. 5. Diagram illustrating the relation of air and water temperatures at varying depths of water in Hallstatter Lake (after Lorenz). Nature of Aquatic Environment FlG. 6. Diagram illustrating the distribution of temperature in Cayuga Lake throughout the year. (Extremes: not normal). The yearly cycle — The general relation between sur- face and bottom temperatures for the year are graphi- cally shown in the accompanying diagram, wherein the tw< > peri< dsof thermal stratification, "direct" in summer when the warmer waters are uppermost, and "inverse" in winter when the colder waters are uppermost, are separated by two periods of complete circulation, when all tlie waters of the lake are mixed at 4 C. The range of temperatures from top to bottom is much greater in the summer "stagnation period"; nevertheless there The Yearly Cycle 35 is more real stagnation during the winter period; for, after the formation of a protecting layer of ice, this shuts out the disturbing influence of wind and sun and all the waters are at rest. The surface temperature bears no further relation to air temperature but remains constantly at o° C. After the melting of the ice in late winter the surface waters begin to grow warmer; so, they grow heavier, and tend to mingle with the underlying waters. When all the water in the lake is approaching maximum density strong winds heaping the waters upon a lee shore, may put the entire body of the lake into complete circulation. How long this circulation lasts will depend on the weather. It will continue (with fluctuating vigor) until the waters are warm enough so that their thermal stratification and consequent resistance to mixture are great enough to overcome the disturbing influence of the wind. Thereafter, the surface may be stirred by storms at any time, but the deeper waters of the lake will have passed into their summer rest. On the approach of autumn the cooling of surface waters starts convection currents, which mix at first the upper waters only, but which stir ever more deeply as the temperature descends. When nearly 4°C, with the aid of winds, the entire mass of water is again put in circulation. The temperature is made uniform throughout, and what is more important biologically, the contents of the lake, in both dissolved and suspended matters, are thoroughly mixed. Nothing is thereafter needed other than a little further cooling of the surface waters to bring about the inverse stratification of the winter period. Vernal and autumnal circulation periods differ in this, that convection currents have a smaller share, and winds may have a larger share in the former. For the surface waters are quickly warmed from o° C. to 4 C. f 36 Nature of Aquatic Environment and further warming induces no descending currents, but instead tends toward greater stability. It some- times happens that in shallow lakes there is little vernal circulation. If the water be warmed at 4 C. at the 1 ottom before the ice is entirely gone, and if a period of calm immediately follow, so that no mixing is done by the wind, there may be no general spring circulation whatever. The shallower the lake, other things being equal, the greater will be the departure of temperature conditions from those just sketched, for the greater will be the disturbing influence of the wind. In south temperate lakes, temperature conditions are, of course, reversed with the seasons. In tropical lakes whose surface temperature remains always above 4 C, there can be no complete circulation from thermal causes, and in- verse stratification is impossible. In polar lakes, never freed fr<»m ice, no direct stratification is possible. It follows from the foregoing that gravity alone may do something toward the warming of the waters in the spring, and much toward the cooling of them in the fall. gravity they will be made to circulate until they reach the point of maximum density, when going either up ( >r d< >wn the scale. Beyond this point, how r ever, gravity tends to stabilize them. The w r ind is responsi- } le f< -r the further warming of the waters in early sum- mer, and the heat in excess of 4 C. has been called by Birge and Juday "wind-distributed" heat. They esti- • that it may amount to 30,000 gram-calories per square centimeter of surface in such lakes as those of Central New York, and the following figures for Cayuga Lake show its distribution by depth in August, I'M 1, in percentage remaining at successive ten-meter intervals In-low the surface: Below 1 20 30 40 50 60 70 So 100 133 meter? 100 - >"•: 7-r 3-7 2.4 1.8 1 .2 •7 3 remaining Thermocline 37 These figures indicate the resistance to mixing that gravity imposes, and show that the wind is not able to overcome it below rather slight depths. Vernal and autumnal periods of circulation ha</e a very great influence upon the distribution of both organisms and their food materials in a lake; to the consideration of this we will have occasion to return later. The thermocline — In the study of lake temperatures at all depths, a curious and interesting peculiarity of temperature interval has been commonly found per- taining to the period of direct stratification (mid- summer). The descent in temperature is not regular from surface to bottom, but undergoes a sudden acceler- ation during a space of a very few meters some distance below the surface. The stratum of water in which this sudden drop of temperature occurs is known as the thermocline (German, Sprungschicht). It appears to represent the lower limit of the intermittent summer circulation due to winds. Above it the waters are more or less constantly stirred, below it they lie still. This interval is indicated by the shading on the right side of figure 4. Birge has designated the area above the thermocline as the epilimnion; the one below it as hypolimnion. Further study of the thermocline has shown that it is not constant in position. It rises nearer to the surface at the height of the midsummer season and descends a few meters with the progress of the cooling of the autumnal atmosphere. This may be seen in figure 7, which is Birge and Juday's chart of temperatures of Lake Mendota as followed by them through the season of direct stratification and into the autumnal circula- tion period in 1906. This chart shows most graphically the growing divergence of surface and bottom tempera- tures up to August, and their later approximation and 38 Nature of Aquatic Environment final coalescence in October. Leaving aside the not unusual erratic features of surface temperature (repre- sented by the topmost contour line) it will be noticed that thnv is a wider interval somewhere between 8 and 16 meters than any other interval either above or below it. S< mutinies it falls across two spaces and is rendered apparent in the charting by the selection of inter- vals. It first appears clearly in June at the 10-12 meter interval. It rises in July above the 10 meter level. MAT JUNC JULT AUG. Sr- OCT ^^/vC_^^\i i j J« . Fy/^ 1A, i i n ~7\\\/ / \ ^mi i M fL \Jr / \ / Y\ ^^^Hn 11 it / -sj n 2%</ /* 1 , ,5 ^>- / W-^ 14 \*/ ^-"i ^>—~^-—~^ 1 '^^^jE/r-*^ ' 1/ / \/ ' 1 ' - - i 1 r : i i 1 Fig. 7. Temperature of the water at different depths in Lake Mendota in 1906. The vertical spaces represent degrees Centigrade and the figures attached to the curves indicate the depths in meters. (Birge and Juday). In the middle of August it lies above the 8 meter level, though it begins to descend later in the month. It continues to descend through September, and is found in early October between 16 and 18 meters. It dis- a] >] ►ears with the beginning of the autumnal circulation. The cause of this phenomenon is not known. Richter has suggested that convection currents caused by the nocturnal cooling of the surface water after hot summer days may be the cause of it. If the surface waters were Circulation 39 cooled some degrees they would descend, displacing the layers underneath and setting up shallow currents which would tend to equalize the temperature of all the strata involved therein. And if the gradation of tem- peratures downward were regular before this mixing, the result of it would be a sudden descent at its lower limit, after the mixing was done. This would account for the upper boundary of the thermocline, but not for its lower one. Perhaps an occasional deeper mixing, extending to its lower boundary, and due possibly to high winds, might bring together successional lower levels of temperature of considerable intervals. Perhaps the thermocline is but an accumulation of such sort of thermal disturbance-records, ranged across the vertical section of the lake, somewhat as wave-drift is ranged in a shifting zone along the middle of a sloping beach. At any rate, it appears certain that the thermocline marks the lower limit of the chief disturbing influences that act upon the surface of the lake. That it should rise with the progress of summer is probably due to the increasing stability of the lower waters, as differences in temperature (and therefore in density) between upper and lower strata are increased. Resistance to mixing increases until the maximum temperature is reached, and thereafter declines, as the influence of cooling and of winds' penetrates deeper and deeper. In running water the mixing is more largely mechani- cal, and vertical circulation due to varying densities is less apparent. Yet the deeper parts of quiet streams approximate closely to conditions found in shallow lakes. Such thermal stratification as the current permits is direct in summer and inverse in winter, and there are the same intervening periods of thermal over- turn when the common temperature approaches 4 C. In summer and in winter there is less "stagnation" of bottom waters owing to the current of the stream. 40 Nature of Aquatic Environment The thermal conservatism of water — Water is slower .pond to changes of temperature than is any other known substance. Its specific heat is greater. The heat it consumes in thawing (and liberates in freezing) is greater. The am< >unt of heat necessary to melt one part < >f ice at 0° C. with< >ut raising its temperature at all w< >uld 1 >e sufficient to raise the temperature of the same when melted m< >re than 75 degrees. Furthermore, the heat consumed in vaporization is still greater. The am< >unt required to vaporize one part of water at ioo° C. without raising its temperature would suffice to raise 534 parts < »f water from o° C. to i° C. ; and the amount is still greater when vaporization occurs at a lower temperature. Hence, the cooling effect of evaporation on the surrounding atmosphere, which gives up its heat to effect this change of state in the water; hence, the equalizing effect upon climate of the presence of large bodies of water; hence the extreme variance between day and night temperatures in desert lands; hence the delaying of winter so long after the autumnal, and of summer so long after the vernal equinox. Water is the great stabilizer of temperature. The content of natural waters — Water is the common solvent of all foodstuffs. These stuffs are, as every- body knows, such simple mineral salts as are readily leached out of the soil, and such gases as may be washed down out of the atmosphere. And since green plants are the producing class among* organisms, all others being dependent on their constructive activities, water is fitted to be the home of life in proportion as it con- tains the* essentials of green plant foods, with fit condi- tions of warmth, air and light. Natural waters all contain more or less of the elemen- tary foodstuffs necessary for life. Pure water (H 2 0) is not found. All natural waters are mineralized waters — even rain, as it falls, is such. And a compara- Natural Waters 41 tively few soluble solids and gases furnish the still smaller number of chemical elements that go to make up the living substance. The amount of dissolved solids varies greatly, being least in rainwater, and greatest in dead seas, which, lacking outlet, accumulate salts through continual evaporation. Here is a rough statement of the dissolved solids in some typical waters : In rain water 30 — 40 parts per million In drainage water off siliceous soils 50 — 80 " " " In springs flowing from siliceous soils 60 — 250 " " " In drainage water off calcareous soils 140 — 230 " " In springs flowing from calcareous soils 300 — 660 " " In rivers at large 120 — 350 " " Intheocean 33000 — 37370 " " " Thus the content is seen to vary with the nature of the soils drained, calcareous holding a larger portion of soluble solids than siliceous soils. It varies with presence or absence of solvents. Drainage waters from cultivated lands often contain more lime salts than do springs flowing from calcareous soils that are deficient in carbon dioxide. Spring waters are more highly charged than other drainage waters, because of pro- longed contact as ground water with the deeper soil strata. And evaporation concentrates more or less the content of all impounded waters. All natural waters contain suspended solids in great variety. These are least in amount in the well filtered water of springs, and greatest in the water of turbu- lent streams, flowing through fine soils. At the con- fluence of the muddy Missouri and the clearer Mississippi rivers the waters of the two great currents may be seen flowing together but uncommingled for miles. The suspended solids are both organic and inorganic, and the organic are both living and dead, the latter ±2 Nature of Aquatic Environment being plant and animal remains. From all these non- living substances the water tends to free itself: The lighter organic substances (that are not decomposed and rediss( Ived) are cast on shore; the heavier mineral substances settle to the bottom. The rate of settling is dependent on the rate of movement of the water and on the specific gravity and size of the particles. Fall kat [thaca gives a graphic illustration of the carry- ing p< >wer ( >f the current. In the last mile of its course, included between the Cornell University Campus and uga Lake, it sl<»\vs down gradually from a sheer descent of 78 ft. at the beautiful Ithaca Fall to a scarcely perceptible current at the mouth. It carries huge 1 >1< »cks of stone over the fall and drops them at its foot. • • rews lesser blocks of stone along its bed for a quar- ter ( >f a mile to a point where the surface ceases to break in riffles at low water. There it deposits gravel, and farther along, beds and bars of sand, some of which shift position with each flood rise, and consequent acceleration. It spreads broad sheets of silt about its m< >uth and its residual burden of finer silt and clay it carries out into the lake. The lake acts as a settling basin. Flood waters that flow in turbid, pass out clear. Whipple has given the following figures for rate of settling as determined by size, specific gravity and form being constant: Velocity of particles falling through ivater leter 1. inch, falls 100. feet perminute. .1 " " 8. " " .01 .15 .001 " -0015 " " .0001 " .000015 " " " Suspended mineral matters are, as a rule, highly insoluble. Instead of promoting, they lessen the productivity of the water by shutting out the light. Gases from the Atmosphere 43 Suspended organic solids likewise contribute nothing to the food supply as long as they remain undissolved. But when they decay their substance is restored to circulation. Only the dissolved substances that are in the water are at once available for food. The soil and the atmosphere are the great storehouses of these materials, and the sources from which they were all originally derived. Gases from the atmosphere — The important gases derived from the atmosphere are two : carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) and oxygen (O). Nitrogen is present in the atmosphere in great excess (N, 79% to 0, nearly 21%, and C0 2 , .03%), and nitrogen is the most important constituent of living substance, but in gaseous form, free or dissolved, it is not available for food. The capacity of water for absorbing these gases varies with the temperature and the pressure, diminishing as warmth increases (insomuch that by boiling they are removed from it), and increasing directly as the pres- sure increases. Pure water at a pressure of 760 mm. in an atmosphere of pure gas, absorbs these three as follows : Oxygen CO2 Nitrogen At o°C 41.14 1796.7 20.35 At 2o°C 28.38 901.4 14.03 At double the pressure twice the quantity of the gas would be dissolved. Natural waters are exposed not to the pure gas but to the mixture of gases which make up the atmosphere. In such a mixture the gases are absorbed independently of each other, and in propor- tion to their several pressures, which vary as their several densities: the following table* shows, for *Abridged from a table of values to tenths of a degree by Birge and Juday in Bull. 22, Wise. Geol. & Nat. Hist. Survey, p. 20. ^4 Nature of Aquatic Environment example, the absorbing power of pure water at various temperatures for oxygen from the normal atmosphere at 700 mm. pressure: rat o°C 0.70 cc. per liter at i5°C 6.96 cc. per liter - 5 o C 8.68cc. " " " 2o°C 6.2SCC. " " - t o°C 777CC. M " " 2 5 °C 5.76CC. M " The primary carbon supply for the whole organic world is the carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) of the atmosphere. Chlorophyll-bearing plants are the gatherers o£ it. They al< >ne among the organisms are able to utilize the energy of the sun's rays. The water existing as vapor in the atm< sphere is the chief agency for bringing these gases down to earth for use. Standing water absorbs them at its surface but slowly. Water vapor owing to better exposure, absorbs them to full saturation, and then descends as rain. In fresh water they are found in less varying proportion, varying from none at all to con- siderable degree of supersaturation. Birge and Juday report a maximum occurrence of oxygen as observed in the lakes of Wisconsin of 25.5 cc. per liter in Knight's Lake on Aug. 26, 1909 at a depth of 4.5 meters. This water when brought to the surface (with consequent lowering of pressure by about half an atmosphere) burst into lively effervescence, with the escape of a considerable part of the excess oxygen into the air. ('l 1, p. 52). They report the midsummer occurrence of free carbon dioxide in the bottom waters of several lakes in amounts approaching 15 cc. per liter. The reciprocal relations of C0 2 andO — Carbon dioxide and oxygen play leading roles in organic metabolism, albeit, antithetic roles. The process begins with the cleavage of the carbon dioxide, and the building up of its carbon into organic compounds; it ends with the oxidation of effete carbonaceous stuffs and the reappear- ance of C0 2 . Both are used over and over again. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen 45 Plants require C0 2 and animals require oxygen in order to live and both live through the continual exchange of these staple commodities. This is the best known phase in the cycle of food materials. The oxygen is freed at the beginning of the synthesis of organic mat- ter, only to be recombined with the carbon at the end of its dissolution. And the well-being of the teeming population of inland waters is more dependent on the free circulation and ready exchange of the dissolved supply of these two gases than on the getting of a new supply from the air. The stock of these gases held by the atmosphere is inexhaustible, but that contained in the water often runs low; for diffusion from the air is slow, while consumption is sometimes very rapid. We often have visible evidence of this. In the globe in our win- dow holding a water plant, we can see when the sun shines streams of minute bubbles of oxygen, arising from the green leaves. Or, in a pond we can see great masses of algae floated to the surface on a foam of oxygen bubbles. We cannot see the disappearance of the carbon dioxide but if we test the water we find its acidity diminishing as the carbon dioxide is con- sumed. At times when there is abundant growth of algae near the surface of a lake there occurs a most instructive diurnal ebb and flow in the production of these two gases. By day the well lighted layers of the water become depleted of their supply of C0 2 through the photosynthetic activities of the algae, and become supersaturated with the liberated oxygen. By night the microscopic crustaceans and other plancton animals rise from the lower darker strata to disport themselves nearer the surface. These consume the oxygen and restore to the w r ater an abundance of carbon dioxide. And thus when conditions are right and the numbers of 4 6 Nature of Aquatic Environment plants and animals properly balanced there occur regular diurnal fluctuations corresponding to their ctive periods of activity in these upper strata. Photosynthesis is, however, restricted to the better lighted upper strata of the water. The region of jst carl m >n c< msumption is from one to three meters in depth in turbid waters, and of ten meters or more in depth in clear lakes. Consumption of oxygen, however, onal all depths, wherever animal respiration or oic decomposition occurs. And decomposition < iccurs mi ist extensively at the bottom where the organic remains tend to be accumulated by gravity. With a complete circulation of the water these two gases may c< >ntinue to be used over and over again, as in the exam- ple just cited. But, as we have seen, there is no circula- te >n ( >f the deeper water during two considerable periods of the year; and during these stagnation periods the distribution of these gases in depth becomes correlated in a wonderful way with the thermal stratification of the water. This has been best illustrated by the work of Birge and Juday in Wisconsin. Figure 8 is their diagram illustrating the distribution of free oxygen in Mendota Lake during the summer of 1906. It should be studied in connection w r ith figure 7, which illustrates conditions of temperature. Then it will be seen that the two periods of equal supply at all levels correspond to vernal and autumnal circulation periods. The on opens with the water nearly saturated (8 cc. of oxygen per liter of water) throughout. With the warm- ing of the waters the supply begins to decline, being c< Kisumed in respiration and in decomposition. In the upper six or seven meters the decline is not very exten- sive, f< >r at these depths the algae continually renew the supply. But as the lower strata settle into their sum- mer rest their oxygen content steadily disappears, and is not renewed until the autumnal overturn. For three Summer Stagnation 47 months there is no free oxygen at the bottom of the lake, and during August there is not enough oxygen below the ten meter level to keep a fish alive. Correspondingly, the amount of free C0 2 in the deeper strata of the lake increases rather steadily until the autumnal overturn. It is removed from circulation, and in so far as it is out of the reach of effective light. it is unavailable for plant food. Fig. 8. Dissolved oxygen at different depths in Lake Mendota in 1906. The vertical spaces represent cubic centimeters of gas per liter of water the figures attached to the curves indicate the depths in meters. (Birge and Juday.) Other gases — A number of other gases are more cr less constantly present in the water; nitrogen, as above stated, being absorbed from the air, methane (CH 4 ), and other hydrocarbons, and hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S), etc., being formed in certain processes of de^om- ±8 Nature of Aquatic Environment position. I tf these, methane or marsh gas, is perhaps the most important. This is formed where organic matter decays in absence of oxygen. In lakes such c< mditi< >ns are fi Kind mainly on the bottom. In marshes and stagnant shoal waters generally, where there is much accumulation of organic matter on the bottom, this gas is f< >rmed in abundance. It bubbles up through the bottom ooze, or often buoys up rafts of agglutinated bottom sediment. Nitrogen — The supply of nitrogen for aquatic organ- isms is derived from soluble simple nitrates (KN0 3 . NaNOi, etc.) Green plants feed on these, and build proteins out of them. And when the plants die (or when animals have eaten them) their dissolution yields two sorts of products, ammonia and nitrates, that become again available for plant food. Ammonia is produced early in the process of decay and the nitrates are its end products. Bacteria play a large role in the decomposition of proteins. At least four groups of bacteria successively participate in their reduction. The first of these are concerned with the liquefaction of the proteins, hydroly- zing the albumins, etc., by successive stages to albu- moses, peptones, etc., and finally to ammonia. A second group of bacteria oxidizes the ammonia to nitrites. A third group oxidizes the nitrites to nitrates. A fourth group, common in drainage waters, reduces nitrates to nitrites. Since these processes are g< nng on side by side, nitrogen is to be found in all these states of combination when any natural water is subjected to chemical analysis. The following table shows some of the results of a large number (415) of analyses of four typical bottomland bodies of water, made for Kofoid's investigation of the plancton of the Illinois River by Professor Palmer. Nitrogen 49 ater life of of the table. The relative productiveness in open-w these situations is shown in the last column In parts Solids Free Ammonia Organic Nitrogen Nitrites Id, per million Sus- pended Dis- solved Nitrates cm 3 per m3 Illinois River . Spoon River . Quiver Lake . Thompson's L. 61.4 274-3 25.1 44.6 304.I 167. 1 248.2 282.9 .860 •245 .165 .422 I.03 I.29 .6l I.05 .147 •039 .023 .048 i-59 1. 01 .66 .64 1. 91 •39 1.62 6.68 The difference between these four adjacent bodies of water explains some of the peculiarities of the table. The rivers hold more solids in suspension than do the lakes, although these lakes are little more than basins holding impounded river waters. Spoon River holds the least amount of dissolved solids, and by far the greatest amount of suspended solids. Since the latter are not available for plant food, naturally this stream is least productive of plancton. Illinois River drains a vast and fertile region, and receives in its course the sewage and other organic wastes of two large cities, Chicago and Peoria, and of many smaller ones. Hence, its high content of dissolved matter, the cities being remote, so there has been time for extensive liquefac- tion. Hence, also, its high content of ammonia, of nitrites and of nitrates. The two lakes are very unlike ; Quiver Lake is a mere strip of shoal water, fed by a clear stream that flows in through low sandy hills. It receives water from the Illinois River only during high floods. Thompson's Lake is a much larger body of water, fed directly from the Illinois River through an open channel. Naturally, it is much like the river in its dissolved solids, and in its total organic nitrogen. That it falls far below the river in nitrates and rises high above it in plancton production may perhaps be due to the extensive con- 50 Nature of Aquatic Environment sumption of nitrates by plancton algae. Nitrates, be- cause they furnish nitrogen supply in the form at once available for plant growths, arc, in shallow waters at . an index of the fertility of the water. As on land, so in the water, the supply of these may be inadr< [uate f< >r maximum productiveness, and they may be added with profit as fertilizer. The carbonates — Lime and magnesia combine with carbon dioxide, abstracting it from the water, forming PlG. 9. Environs of the Biological Field Station of the Illinois State Labora- tory of Natural History, the scene of important work by Kofoid and others on the life of a great river. solid carbonates (CaC0 3 and MgC0 3 ). These accumu- late in quantities in the shells of molluscs, in the stems of stoneworts, in the incrustations of certain pond weeds, and of lime-secreting algae. The remains of such organisms accumulate as marl upon the bottom. The carbonates (and other insoluble minerals) remain; the other body compounds decay and are removed. By such means in past geologic ages the materials for the earth's vast deposits of limestone were accumu- The Carbonates 51 lated. Calcareous soils contain considerable quantities of these carbonates. In pure water these simple carbonates are practically insoluble ; but when carbon dioxide is added to the water, they are transformed into bicarbonates* and are readily dissolved.! So the carbonates are leached out of the soils and brought back into the water. So the solid limestone may be silently removed, or hollowed out in great caverns by little underground streams. So the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, and others in Cuba, in Missouri, in Indiana and elsewhere on the continent, have been formed. The water gathers up its carbon dioxide in part as it descends through the atmosphere, and in larger part as it percolates thru soil where decomposition is going on and where oxidation products are added to it. Carbon dioxide, thus exists in the water in three conditions: (1) Fixed (and unavailable as plant food) in the simple carbonates; (2) " half -bound" in the bicarbonates; and (3) free. Water plants use first for food, the free carbon dioxid, and then the "half bound" that is in loose combination in the bicarbonates. As this is used up the simple carbonates are released, and the water becomes alkaline. § Birge and Juday have several times found a great growth of the desmid Staurastrum associated with alkalinity due to this cause. In a maximum growth which occurred in alkaline waters at a depth of three meters in Devil's Lake, Wisconsin, on June 15th, 1907, these plants numbered 176,000 per liter of water. *CaC03, for example, becoming Ca(HC03)2, the added part of the formula representing a molecule each of CO2 and H 2 0. flf "hard" water whose hardness is due to the presence of these bicarbonate s be boiled, the CO2 is driven off and the simple carbonates are re-precipitated (as, for example, on the sides and bottom of a tea kettle). This is "temporary hardness." "Permanent hardness" is due to the presence of sulphates and chlorides of lime and magnesia, which continue in solution after boiling. §Phenolphthalein, being used as indicator of alkalinity. 52 Nature of Aquatic Environment Waters that are rich in calcium salts, especially in calcium carbonate, maintain, as a rule, a more abundant life than do other waters. Especially favorable are they t« > the gr< >wth of those organisms which use much lime for the building of their hard parts, as molluscs, Stoneworts, etc. There are, however, individual pref- erences in many of the larger groups. The crustaceans for example, prefer, as a rule, calcium rich waters, but one of them, the curious entomostracan, Holopedium gibberum, (Fig. 10) is usually found in calcium poor waters, in lakes in the Rocky Mountains and in the Adiron- < lacks, in waters that flow off archaean rocks or out of silic- e< ais sands. The desmids with few exceptions are more abundant in calcium poor waters. The elegant genus Mierasterias is at Ithaca espec- ially abundant in the peat- stained calcium-poor waters of sphagnum bogs. Other minerals in the water — The small quantities of other mineral substances required for plant growth are furnished mainly by a few sulphates, phosphates and chlorids: sulphates of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium; phosphates of iron, aluminum, cal- cium and magnesium, and chlorids of sodium, potas- sium, calcium and magnesium. Aluminum alone of the elements composing the above named compounds, is not always requisite for growth, although it is very often present. Silica, likewise, is of wide distribution, and occurs in the w r ater in considerable amounts, and is used by many organisms in the growth of their hard parts. As the stoneworts use lime for their growth, some 4 r ; of the dry weight of Chara being CaO, so f Fig. io. A gelatinous-coated mi- crocrustacean, Holopedium gib- ber um, often found in waters that are poor in calcium. Mineral Content 53 diatoms require silica to build their shells. When the diatoms are dead their shells, relatively heavy though extremely minute, slowly settle to the bottom, slowly dissolving; and so, analyses of lake waters taken at different depths usually show increase of silica toward the bottom. Iron, common salt, sulphur, etc., often occur locally in great abundance, notably in springs flowing from special deposits, and when they occur they possess a fauna and flora of marked pecu- liarities and very limited extent. An idea of the rela- tive abundance of the commoner mineral substances in lake waters may be had from the following figures that are con- densed from Birge and Juday's report of 74 analyses. Fig. 11. A beautiful green desmid, Micra- sterias that is common in bog waters. MINERAL CONTENT OF WISCONSIN LAKES Parts per million FI2O3 + Si0 2 Minimum 0.8 Maximum 33.0 AI3O3 Ca 0.4 0.6 11. 2 49.6 Mg 0.3 32.7 Na K 0.3 0.3 6.2 3.1 C0 3 0.0 12.0 HCO3 4-9 IS3-0 S0 4 0.0 18.7 CI 10. Average 1 1 . 7 2.1 26.9 19.6 3.2 2.2 2.1 91.7 9.8 39 This is the bill of fare from which green water plants may choose. Forel aptly compared the waters of a 54 Nature of Aquatic Environment lake to the blood of the animal body. As the cells of the body take from the Mood such of its content as is suited to their need, so the plants and animals of the water renew their substance out of the dissolved sub- tin- water brings to them. ante substances dissolved in the water may so i I n »tli its density and its viscosity as to determine both stratification and distribution of suspended solids. This is a matter that has scarcely been noticed by limnologists hitherto. Dr. J. U. Lloyd ('82) long ago sin wed how by the addition of colloidal substances to a vessel of water the whole contents of the vessel can be 1 >r< >ken into strata and these made to circulate, each at its own level, independent of the other strata. Solids in suspension can be made to float at the top of particu- lar strata, according to density and surface tension. Perhaps the "false bottom" observed in some north- ern bog-bordered lakes is due to the dissolved colloids of the stratum on which it floats. Holt ('08, p. 219) ribes the "false bottom" in Sumner Lake, Isle R< >yal, as lying six to ten feet below the surface, many f< ■ t above the true bottom; as being so tenuous that a p< >le could be thrust through it almost as readily as through clear water; and as being composed of fine disintegrated remains of leaves and other light organic material. "In places there were great breaks in the 'false bottom,' doubtless due to the escape of gases which had lifted this fine ooze-like material from a greater depth: and through these breaks one could look down several feet through the brownish colored water." Perhaps the colloidal substances in solution are such as harden upon the surface of dried peat, like a water-proof glue, making it for a time afterward imper- vious to water. * : ^f s - r. ^1 if--.; •« sN- ?iiN v ?-i N as* airy! rr* v* >- ■E^P^Wfl V fl .- - r _ ;. J s] 1 * 2 & l&*^ £ - ^" r • ^ssfe. :-*. — -* WATER AND LAND CEANS are the earth's great storehouse of water. They cover some eight- elevenths of the surface of the earth to an average depth of about two miles. They receive the off-flow from all the continents and send it back by way of the atmosphere. The fresh waters of the earth descend in the first instance out of the atmosphere. They rise in vapor from the whole surface of the earth, but chiefly from the ocean. Evaporation frees them from the ocean's salts, these being non- volatile. They drift about with the currents of the atmosphere, gathering its gases to saturation, together with very small quantities of drift- ing solids; they descend impartially upon water and land, chiefly as rain, snow and hail. They are not distributed uniformly over the face of the continents for each continent has its humid regions and its deserts. Rainfall in the United States varies from 5 to ioo inches per annum. Two-thirds of it falls on the eastern three-fifths of the country. For the Eastern United States it averages about 48 inches, for the Western United States about 12 inches; the average for the whole is about 30 inches. The total annual precipitation is about 5,000,000,000 acre-feet.* *An acre-foot is an acre of water I foot deep or 43,560 cubic feet of water. 55 Water and Land It is commonly estimated that at least one-half of this rainfall is evaporated, in part from soil and water surfaces, but much more from growing vegetation; for the transpiration of plants gives back immense quanti- i £ water to the atmosphere. Hellriegel long ago ed that a crop of corn requires 300 tons of water ■iv : of potatoes or clover, 400 tons per acre. At the I< >wa Agricultural Experiment Station it was shown that an acre of pasturage requires 3,223 tons of water, ( ,r 28 inches in depth (2}i acre-feet). Before the days of tile drainage it was a not uncommon practice to plant will* w trees by the edges of swales, in order that they might carry off the water through their leaves, leaving the ground dry enough for summer cropping. The rate of evaporation is accelerated also, by high temperatures and strong winds. The rain tends to wet the face of the ground every- where. How long it will stay wet in any given place will depend on topography and on the character of the s< ol as well as on temperature and air currents. Show- ers descending intermittently leave intervals for com- plete run-off of water from the higher ground, with ort unity for the gases of the atmosphere to enter and do their work of corrosion. The dryer intervals, therefore, are times of preparation of the materials that will appear later in soil waters. Yet all soils in humid regions retain sufficient moisture to support a c< >nsiderable algal flora. Periodical excesses of rainfall are necessary also to maintain the reserve of ground water in the soil. Suppose, for example, that the 35 inches of annual rainfall at Ithaca were uniformly distributed. There would be less than one-tenth of an inch of precipitation each day — an amount that would I e quiddy and entirely evaporated, and the ground would never be thoroughly wet and there would be no gr< >und water to replenish the streams. Storm waters Soil and Stream-flow 57 tend to be gathered together in streams, and thus about one-third of our rainfall runs away. In humid areas small streams converge to form larger ones, and flow onward to the seas. In arid regions they tend to spread out in sheet floods, and to disappear in the sands. In a state of nature little rain water runs over the surface of the ground, apart from streams. It mainly descends into the soil. How much the soil can hold depends upon its composition. Dried soils have a capacity for taking up and holding water about as fol- lows: sharp sand 25%, loam 50%, clay 60%, garden mould 90% and humus 1 80% of their dry weight . Water descends most rapidly through sand and stands longest upon the surface of pure clay. Thick vegetation with abundant leaf fall, and humus in the soil tend to hinder run-off of storm waters, and to prolong their passage through the soil. Thus the excess of rainfall is gradually fed into the streams by springs and seepage. Under natural conditions streams are usually clear, and their flow is fairly uniform. Unwise clearing of the land and negligent cultivation of the soil facilitate the run-off of the water before the storm is well spent, promote excessive erosion and render the streams turbid and their volume abnormally fluctuating. Little water enters the soil and hence the springs dry up, and the brooks, also, as the seepage of ground water ceases. Two great evils immediately befall the creatures that live in the streams and pools : ( 1 ) There is wholesale direct extermination of them with the restriction of their habitat at low water. (2) There occurs smothering of them under deposits of sediment brought down in time of floods, with indirect injury to organisms not smothered, due to the damage to their foraging grounds. The waters of normal streams are derived mainly from seepage, maintained by the store of water accumu- ;8 Water and Land lated in the soil. This store of ground water amounts according to recent estimates to some 25% of the bulk e first one hundred feet in soil depth. Thus it equals a reservoir of water some 25 feet deep covering the whole humid eastern United States. It is con- tinuous over the entire country. Its fluctuations are studied by means of measurements of wells, especially recording the depth of the so-called "water table." ( hi the maintenance of ground water stream-flow and organic productiveness of the fields alike depend. CHAPTER III TYPES OF AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT LAKES AND PONDS UT of the atmosphere comes our water supply — the greatest of our natural resources. It falls on hill and dale, and mostly descends into the soil. The ex- cess off -flowing from the surface and outflowing from springs and seepage, forms water masses of various sorts according to the topog- raphy of the land surface. It forms lakes, streams or marshes according as there occur basins, channels or only plant accumulations influencing drainage. The largest of the bodies of water thus formed are the lakes. Our continent is richly supplied with them, but they are of very unequal distribution. The lake regions in America as elsewhere are regions of compara- tively recent geological disturbance. Lakes thickly dot the peninsula of Florida, the part of our continent most recently lifted from the sea. Over the northern recently glaciated part of the continent they are 59 6o Types of Aquatic Environment innumerable, but in the great belts of corn and cotton, and on the plains to the westward, they are few and far 1 >etween. They are abundant in the regions of more recent volcanic disturbance in our western mountains, but are practically absent from the geologically older Appalachian hills. They lie in the depressions between the recently uplifted lava blocks of southern Oregon. They occur also in the craters of extinct volcanoes. They are apt to be most picturesque when their setting is in the midst of mountains. There are probably no more 1 >eautiful lakes in the world than some of those in the West, such as Lake Tahoe (altitude 6200 ft.) on the California-Nevada boundary, and Lake Chelan in the state of Washington*, to say nothing of the Coeur d'Alene in Idaho and Lake Louise in British Columbia. Eastward the famous lake regions that attract most visitors are those of the mountains of New York and New England, those of the woodlands of Michigan and Wisconsin and those of the vast areas of rocks and water in Canada. Lakes are temporary phenomena from the geologists point of view. No sooner are their basins formed than the work of their destruction begins. Water is the agent of it, gravity the force employed, and erosion the chief method. Consequently, other things being equal, the processes of destruction go on most rapidly in regions of abundant rainfall. Inwash of silt from surrounding slopes tends to fill up their ba ins. The most extensive filling is about the mouths of inflowing stnams, where mud flats form, and extend in Deltas out into the lake. These deltas are the exposed sum- mits of great mounds of silt that spread out broadly underneath the water on the lake floor. At the shore- lines these deposits are loosened by the frosts of winter, *Descriptions of these two lakes will be found in Russell's Lakes of North i ica. Lakes Temporary Phenomena 61 pushed about by the ice floes of spring, and scattered by every summer storm, but after every shift they set- tle again at lower levels. Always they are advancing and filling the lake basin. The filling may seem slow and insignificant on the shore of one of the Great Lakes but its progress is obvious in a mill pond, and the dif- ference is only relative. "1 & Fig. 12. An eroding bluff on the shore of Lake Michigan that is receding at the rate of several feet each year. The broad shelving beach in the fore- ground is sand, where the waves ordinarily play. Against the bare rising boulder-strewn strip back of this, the waves beat in storms; at its summit they gather the earth-slides from the bank above and carry them out into the lake. The black strip at the rear of the sand is a line of insect drift, deposited at the close of a midsummer storm by the turning of the wind on shore. On the other hand, lakes disappear with the cutting down of the rim of their basins in outflow channels. The Niagara river, for example, is cutting through the lime- 62 Types of Aquatic Environment stone barrier that retains Lake Erie. At Niagara Falls it is making progress at the rate of about five feet a year. Since the glacial period it has cut back from the shore of Lake ( Ontario a distance of some seventeen miles, and if the orocess continues it wil in empty Lake Erie. pr Fig. 13. Evans' Lake, Michigan; a lake in process of being filled by encroach- ment of plants. A line of swamp loose-strife (Decodon) leads the invading shore vegetation. Further in wash of silt or lowering of outlet is precluded ■ usity of the surrounding heath. The plants control its fate. Photo by E. McDonald. When the glacier lay across the St. Lawrence valley, before it had retreated to the northward, all the waters of the great lakes region found their way to the ocean t hr< nigh the A I < >hawk Valley and the Hudson. At that time a similar process of cutting an outlet through a linn-stone barrier was going on near the site of the present village of Jamesville, New York, where on the The Great Lakes 63 Clark Reservation one may see today a series of abandoned cataracts, dry rock channels and plunge basins. Green Lake at present occupies one of these old plunge basins, its waters, perhaps a hundred feet deep, are surrounded on all sides but one, by sheer limestone cliffs nearly two hundred feet high. When lakes become populated then the plants and animals living in the water and about the shore line contribute their remains to the final filling of the basin. This is well shown in figure 13. The Great Lakes con- stitute the most magnifi- cent system of reservoirs of fresh water in the world ; five vast inland seas, whose shores have all the sweep and majesty of the ocean, no land being visi- ble across them. All but one (Erie) have the bot- tom of their basins below the sea level. Their area, elevation and depth are as follows: Area in sq. mi. Lake Ontario 7.240 Erie 9.960 " Huron* 23.800 " Michigan 22.450 " Superior 31.200 *Including Georgian Bay. t Approximate. They are stated by Russell to contain enough water to keep a Niagara full-flowing for a hundred years. The larger lakes and i -ivers of North America. Surface Depth in feet alt. in ft. meanf i naximum 247 300 738 573 70 210 581 250 730 581 325 S70 602 475 1.00S 64 Types of Aquatic Environment The Finger Lukes of the Seneca basin in Central New York constitute an unique series occupying one section of the drainage area of Lake Ontario, with which they communicate by the Seneca and Oswego rivers. They occupy deep and narrow valleys in an upland plateau ^{ soft Devonian shales. Their shores are rocky and increasingly precipitous near their southern ends. The marks of glaciation are over all of them. Keuka, the most picturesque of the series, occupies a forking valley partially surrounding a magnificent ice- worn hill. The others are all long and narrow and evenly contoured, without islands (save for a single rocky islet near the east Cayuga shore) or bays. The basins of these lakes invade the high hills to the southward, reaching almost to the head- waters of the tributaries of the Susquehanna River. Here there is found a wonderful diversity of aquatic situa- tion. At the head of Cayuga Lake, for example, 1 »ey< >nd the deep water there is a mile of broad shelving silt -covered lake bottom, ending in a barrier reef. Then there is a broad flood plain, traversed by deep slow meandering streams, and covered in part by marshes. Then come the hills, intersected by narrow post-glacial gorges, down which dash clear streams in numerous beautiful waterfalls and rapids. Back of the first rise of the hills the streams descend more slowly, gliding along over pebbly beds in shining riffles, or loitering in leaf-strewn woodland pools. A few miles farther inland they find their sources in alder-bordered brooks flowing from sphagnum bogs and upland swales and springs. Tims the waters that feed the Finger Lakes are all derived from sources that yield little aquatic life, and they run a short and rapid course among the hills, with little time for increase by breeding: hence they contribute little to the population of the The Finger Lakes 6 5 lake. They bring of food materials, hills. Bordering the Finger Lakes marshes, save at the ends of Cayuga, and the chief irregularities of outline are formed by the deltas of inflowing streams. The two large central lakes, Cayuga and Sen- eca, have their basins extending below the sea level. Their sides are bordered by two steeply- rising, smoothly eroded hills of uniform height, between which they lie extended like wide placid rivers. The areas, eleva- tions and depths of the five are as follows: in constantly, however, a supply dissolved from the soils of the there are no extensive Fig. 15. The Finger Lakes of Central New York. A, Canandaigua; B, Keuka; C, Seneca; D, Cayuga; E.Owasco; F, Skaneateies; G, Otisco; H, the Seneca River; I, The arrow indicates the location of the Cornell University Biological Field Station at Ithaca. The stippled area at the opposite end of "Cayuga Lake marks the location of the Montezuma Marshes. Lake Skaneateies Owasco Cayuga . . . Seneca . . . . Area Surface Depth in feet sq. mi. alt. in ft. mean maximum *3-9 S67 142 297 10.3 710 5 177 66.4 38l ^77 435 67.7 444 288 618 18. 1 709 99 183 16.3 686 126 274 Keuka 18. 1 Canandaigua Birge and Juday found the transparency of four of these lakes as measured by Secchi's disc in August, 19 10, to be as follows: Canandaigua 12.0 ft. Seneca 27.0 ft. Cayuga 16.6 ft. Skaneateies 33.5 ft. 66 Types of Aquatic Environment The Takes of the Yahara Valley in Southern Wisconsin are of an< >ther type. They occupy broad, shallow basins formed by the deposition of barriers of glacial drift in the preglacial course of the Yahara River. Their outlet is through Rock River into the Missis- sippi. Their shores are indented with numerous bays, and bordered ex- tensively by marshes. The surrounding plain is dotted with low rounded hills, some of which rise abruptly from the water, making attractive shores. The city of Madison is the location of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin , which Professor Birge has made the center of the most extensive and care- ful study of lakes yet undertaken in America. The area, elevation and depth of these lakes is as follows : Fig. i 6. The four-lake region of Madison, Wisconsin. Lake Ke^onsa " Wabi Monona " Mr- Area in Surface Depth in feet sq. mi. alt. in ft. mean maximum 15 842 15 31 3 844 15 36 6 845 27 75 15 849 40 85 Floodplain Lakes 67 Lakes resulting from Erosion — Although erosion tends generally to destroy lakes by eliminating their basins, here and there it tends to foster other lakes by making basins for them. Such lakes, however, are shallow and fluctuating. They are of two very different sorts, floodplain lakes and solution lakes. Floodplain Lakes and Ponds — Basins are formed in the floodplains of rivers by the deposition of barriers of eroded silt, in three different ways. 1 . By the deposition across the channel of some large stream of the detritus from a heavily silt-laden tributary stream. This blocks the larger stream as with a partial dam, creating a lake that is obviously but a dilatation of the larger stream. Such is Lake Pepin in the Mississippi River, created by the barrier that is de- posited by the Chippewa River at its mouth. 2. By the partial filling up of the abandoned chan- nels of rivers where they meander through broad alluvial bottom-lands. Phelps Lake partly shown in the figure on page 50 is an example of a lake so formed ; and all the other lakes of that figure are partly occluded by similar deposits of river silt. Horseshoe bends are common in slow streams, and frequently a river will cut across a bend, shortening its course and opening a new channel ; the filling up with silt of the ends of the abandoned channel results in the formation of an "ox- bow" lake; such lakes are common along the lower course of the Mississippi, as one may see by consult- ing any good atlas. 3. By the deposition in times of high floods of the bulk of its load of detritus at the very end of its course, where it spreads out in the form of a delta. Thus a barrier is often formed on one or both sides, encircling a broad shallow basin. Such is Lake Pontchartrain at the left of the ever extending delta of the Mississippi. 68 Types of Aquatic Environment Solution Lakes and Ponds— Of very different charac- ter are the lakes whose basins are produced by the dissolution pf limestone strata and the descent of the ■ verlying s< >il in the form of a "sink." This is erosion, not by mechanical means at first, but by solution. It ( »ccurs where beds of soluble strata lie above the permanent ground water level, and are themselves overlaid by clay. Rain water falling through the air gathers carbon dioxide and becomes a solvent of limestone. Percolat- ing downward through the soil it passes through the permeable carbonate, dissolving it and carrying its substance in solution to lower levels, of ten flowing out in springs. As the limestone is thus removed the superincum- bent soil falls in, forming a sink hole. The widening of the hole, by further solution and slides results in the formation of the pond or lake, possibly, at the beginning, as a mere pool. The area of such a lake is doubtless gradual el increased by the settling of the bottom around thy sink as the soluble limestone below is slowly carried away. Its configuration is in part determined by the original topography of the land surface, and in part by the course of the streamflow underground : but its bed is unique among lake bottoms in that all its broad shoals suddenly terminate in one or more deep funnel- shaped outflow depressions. Lime sinks occur ( >ver considerable areas in the south ern stato is, and in those of the Ohio Valley, but perhaps Fig. 17. Solution lakes of □ County, Florida, ■■■: Sellards). The white spots in the lakes indi- cate sinks A. Lake Iamonia; area at high ro sq. mi. B. Lake Jackson; area 7 sq. mi. C. Lake Fafayette; area 3K sq. mi. D. Lake Miccosukee; are a 7? sq. mi.; depth of north sink 28 ft. Water escapes through this sink at the estimated rate of 1000 gals, per minute. klockr.ee River; S, St River; T, Tallahassee. Solution Lakes 69 the best development of lakes about them is in the upland region of northern Florida. These lakes are shallow basins having much of their borders ill-defined and swampy. Perhaps the most remarkable of them is Lake Alachua near Gaines- ville. At high water this lake has an area of some twenty-five square miles and a depth (outside the sink) of from two to fourteen feet. At its lowest known stage it is reduced to pools filling the sinks. During its re- corded history it has several times alternated between these conditions. It has been for years a vast ex- panse of water carrying steamboat traffic, and it has been for other years a broad grassy plain, with no water in sight. The widening or the stoppage of the sinks combined with excessive or scanty rainfall have been the causes of these remark- able changes of level. The sinks are more or less funnel-shaped openings leading down through the soil into the limestone. Ditchlike channels often lead into them across the lake's bottom. The accompanying diagram shows that they are sometimes situated outside the lake's border, and suggest that such lakes may originate through the formation of sinks in the bed of a slow stream. Fig. 18. Lake Miccosukee, (after Sellarcls), showing sinks; one in lake bottom at north end, two in outflowing stream, 2}i miles dis- tant. Arrows indicate normal direction of stream flow, (reversed south of sinks in flood time when run-off is into St. Mark's River). jo Types of Aquatic Environment Such lakes, when their basins lie above the level of the permanent water table, may sometimes be drained jinking wells through the soil of their beds. This allows the escape of their waters into the underlying limestone. Sometimes they drain themselves through the widening of their underground water channels. Always they are subject to great changes of level conse- quent upon variation in rainfall. En< >ugh examples have now been cited to show how great diversity there is among the fresh-water lakes of N< >rth America. Among those we have mentioned are the lakes that have received the most attention from limnologists hitherto ; but hardly more than a beginning has been made in the study of any of them. Icthyolo- gists have collected fishes from most of the lakes of the entire continent, and plancton collections have been made from a number of the more typical : from Yellow- stone Lake by Professor Forbes in 1890 and from many other lakes, rivers and cave streams since that date. Lakeside laboratories — On the lakes above mentioned are located a number of biological field stations. That at Cornell University is at the head of Cayuga Lake. That of the Ohio State University is at Sandusky on Lake Erie. The Canadian fresh-water station is at Go Home Bay on Lake Huron. The biological laboratories of the University of Wisconsin are located directly upon the shore of Lake Mendota. Other lakeside stations are as follows: That of the University of Michigan is on Douglas Lake in the northern end of the southern peninsula of Michigan. This is an attractive sheet of water at an altitude of 712 ft., covering an area of 5.13 square miles, and having (as far as surveyed) a maximum depth of 89 feet and an average depth of 22 feet. Its transpar- ency by Secchi's disc as measured in August is about four meters. Depth and Breadth That of the University of Indiana is on Winona Lake, a shallow hard water lake of irregular outline, having an area of something less than a square mile, an elevation of 810 feet, a maximum depth of 81 feet and a transparency (Secchi's disc) varying with the season between 7 and 15 feet. That of the University of Iowa is on Okoboji Lake. That of the University of North Dakota is on Devils Lake, an alkaline upland lake (salinity 1%) having an area of 62J/Z square miles and a maximum depth of 25 feet. The salt-marsh ditch-grass {Ruppia maritima) is the only seed plant growing in its waters. That of the University of Montana is on Flathead Lake, a cold mountain lake some thirty miles long by ten miles broad having an elevation of 2916 ft. and a maximum depth of 280 ft. That of the University of Utah is on Silver Lake (altitude 8 7 28 ft.) some twenty miles from the Great Salt Lake. Six small nearby mountain lakes all have an altitude of more than 9000 feet. Doubtless, with the growing interest in limnological work, other lakeside stations will be added to this list. Depth and Breadth — The depth of lakes is of more biological significance than the form of their basins; for, as we have seen in the preceding chapter, with increase of depth goes increased pressure, diminished light, and thermal stratification of the water. Living conditions are therefore very different in shallow water from what they are in the bottom of a deep lake, where there is no light, and where the temperature remains constant throughout the year. Absence of light pre- vents the growth of chlorophyl -bearing organisms and renders such waters relatively barren. The lighted top layer of the water (zone of photosynthesis) is the pro- ductive area. The other is a reservoir, tending to stabilize conditions. Lakes may therefore be roughly j 2 Types of Aquatic Environment grouped in two classes: first, those that are shallow enough f< >r o ariplete circulation of their water by wind or otherwise at any time ; and second those deep enough to maintain through a part of the summer season a bott< >m reserve At of still water, undisturbed by waves or currents, and stratified according to temperature and consequent density. In these deeper lakes a thermo- eline appears during midsummer. In the lakes of New York its upper limit is usually reached at about thirty- five feet and it has an average thickness of some fifteen feet. Our lakes of the second class may therefore be said to have a depth greater than fifty feet. Lakes of this class may differ much among them- selves according to the relative volume of this bottom reservoir of quiet water, Lakes Otisco and Skaneateles (see map on page 65) serve well for comparison in this regard, since they are similar in form and situation and occupy parallel basins but a few miles apart. Max. % of vol. Area in depth below Trans- Free CO a t at Oxygenf at L a k e sq. mi. in ft. 50 ft. parency* surface bottom surface bottom Otisco 2.64 66 7.0 9.2 —2.50+3.80 6.72 0.00 Skaneateles. 13.90 297 70.2 31.8 —1.25 +1.00 6.75 7.89 *In feet, measured by Secchi's disc. fin cc. per liter of water. Alkalinity by phenolthalein test is indicated by the minus sign. The figures given are from midsummer measure- ments by Birge and Juday. At the time these observa- tions were made both lakes were alkaline at the surface, tho still charged with free carbon dioxide at the bottom. Apparently, the greater the body of deep water the greater the reserve of oxygen taken up at the time of the spring circulation and held through the summer season. Deep lakes are as a rule less productive of plancton in summer, even in their surface waters, because their supply of available carbon dioxide runs low. It is consumed by algae and carried to the bottom Currents 73 with them when they die, and thus removed from cir- culation. Increasing breadth of surface means increasing exposure to winds with better aeration, especially where waves break in foam and spray, and with the development of superficial currents. Currents in lakes are not controlled by wind alone, but are influenced as well by contours of basins, by outflow, and by the centrifugal pull due to the rotation of the earth on its axis. In Lake Superior a current parallels the shore, moving in a direction opposite to that of the hands of a clock. Only in the largest lakes are tides perceptible, but there are other fluctuations of level that are due to inequalities of barometric pressure over the surface. These are called seiches. Broad lakes are well defined, for they build their own barrier reefs across every low spot in the shores, and round out their outlines. It is only shores that are not swept by heavy waves that merge insensibly into marshes. In winter in our latitude the margins of the larger lakes become icebound, and the shoreline is temporarily shifted into deeper water (compare summer and winter conditions at the head of Cayuga lake as shown in our frontispiece) . Increasing breadth has little effect on the life of the open water, and none, directly, on the inhabitants of the depths; but it profoundly affects the life of the shoals and the margins, where the waves beat, and the loose sands scour and the ice floes grind. Such a beach as that shown on page 61 is bare of vegetation only because it is storm swept. The higher plants cannot withstand the pounding of the waves and the grinding of the ice on such a shore. The shallower a lake is the better its waters are exposed to light and air, and, other things being equal, the richer its production of organic life. 74 Types of Aquatic Environment High and low water— Since the source of this water is in the cl< >uds, all lakes fluctuate more or less with varia- tion in rainfall. The great lakes drain an empire of 2>7.(>X8 square miles, about a third of which is covered by their waters. They constitute the greatest system of fresh water reservoirs in the world, with an unparalleled uniformity of level and regularity of outflow. Yet their depth varies from month to month _ 1 ILEVATH'N :hv mi 1898 1899 {'»'(• 1901 1903 tiK>3 1SH>4 1905 190<i 190 T INFEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL IN FRET ABOVt MEAN SEA LEVEL pssi l.X + 7. •: ■< i o H < 9 c ■ >*•> ■ < so HOC B§5c kff<K « y e » KX<7. u 1? o — 2490 ^- 24A.0 ■ 1 f ^ ~ 2470 24"0 f \ j r 1. = 2460 f\ A ft ft A ( J L L J r\ A J i J \ i \ J 1 " 24S.O I ( 1 U 4 r \\ I t K I 7_ X I j i- 2440 \ L = = 243© MONTHLY MEAN LEVEL OF LAKE ONTARIO AT OSWEG0.N Y Fig. 19. Diagram of monthly water levels in Lake Ontario for twelve years, from the Report of the International Waterways Commission for 1910. and from year to year, as shown on the accompanying diagram. From this condition of relative stability to that of regular disappearance, as of the strand lakes of the Southwest, there are all gradations. Topography determines where a lake may occur, but climate has much to do with its continuance. Lakes in arid regions often do not overflow their basins. Continuous evapora- tion under cloudless skies further aided by high winds, quickly removes the excess of the floods that run into them from surrounding mountains. The minerals dis- solved in these waters are thus concentrated, and they becomi • r.lkaline or salt. We shall have little to say in High and Low Water 75 this book about such lakes, or about their population, but they constitute an interesting class. Life in their waters must meet conditions physiologically so different that few organisms can live in both fresh and salt water. Large lakes in arid regions are continually salt; permanent lakesof smaller volume arc made temporarily fresh or brackish by heavy inflowing floods; while Fig. 20. Marl pond near Cortland, N. Y., at low water. The whiteness oif the bed surrounding the residual pool is due to deposited marl, largely derived from decomposed snail shells. The marl is thinly overgrown with small freely-blooming plants of Polygonum amphibitim. Tall aquatics mark the vernal shore line. (Photo by H. H. Knight). strand lakes (called by the Spanish name play a lakes, in the Southwest) run the whole gamut of water con- tent, and vanish utterly between seasons of rain. Complete withdrawal of the waters is of course fatal to all aquatic organisms, save a few that have specialized means of resistance to the drought. Partial withdrawal 76 Types of Aquatic Environment by evaporation means concentration of solids in solu- tion, and crowding of organisms, with limitation of their food and shelter. The shoreward population of all lakes is subject to a succession of such vicissitudes. The term limnology is often used in a restricted sense as applying only to the study of freshwater lakes. Tli is is due to the profound influence of the Swiss Master, F. A. Forel, who is often called the "Father of Limnology." He was the first to study lakes intrusively after modern methods. He made the Swiss lakes the best known of any in the world. His greatest work " Le Leman" a monograph on Lake Geneva, is a masterpiece of limnological litera- ture. It was he who first developed a comprehen- sive plan for the study of the life of lakes and all its environing conditions. STREAMS OURNEYING seaward, the water that finds no basins to retain it, forms streams. Ac- cording as these differ in size we call them rivers, creeks, brooks, and rills. These dif- fer as do lakes in the dissolved contents of their waters, according to the nature of the soils they drain. Streams differ most from the lakes in that their waters are ever moving in one direction, and ever carrying more or less of a load of silt. From the geologist's point of view the work of rivers is the transportation of the substance of the uplands into the seas. It is an eternal levelling process. It is well advanced toward completion in the broad flood plains of the larger continental streams (see map on page 63); but only well begun where brooks and rills are invading the high hills, where the waters seek outlets in all directions, and where every slope is intersected with a maze of channels. The rapidity of the grading work depends chiefly upon climate and rain- fall, on topography and altitude and on the character of the rocks and soil. 78 Types of Aquatic Environment The rivers of America have been extensively studied as t< i their hydrography, their navigability, their water- power resources, and their liability to overflow with consequent flood damage ; but it is the conditions they Fig. 21. Streams of the upper Cayuga basin. A. Taughannock Creek, with a waterfall 21 r feet high near its mouth; B. Salmon Creek; C. Fall Creek with the Cornell University Biological Field Station in the marsh at its mouth (views on this stream are shown in the initial cuts on pages 2 4 and 82) ; D. Cascadilla Creek (view on page 55) ; E. Sixmile Creek; F. Buttermilk Creek with Coys Glen opposite its mouth. (View on page 77 ; of the Glen on page 25) ; G. Neguena Creek or the Inlet. The southern- most of these streams rise in cold swamps, which drain southward also into tributaries of the Susquehanna River. Conditions in Streams 79 afford to their plant and animal inhabitants that interest us here; and these have been little studied. Most has been done on the Illinois River, at the floating laboratory of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History (see page 50). A more recently established river laboratory, more limited in its scope (being primarily concerned with the propagation of river mussels) is that of the U. S. Fish Commission at Fair- port, Iowa, on the Mis- sissippi River. In large streams, espec- ially in their deeper and more quiet portions, the conditions of life are most like those in lakes. In les- ser streams life is subject to far greater vicissitudes. The accompanying figure shows comparative sum- mer and winter tempera- tures in air and in water of Fall Creek at Ithaca. This creek (see the figure on page 24), being much broken by waterfalls and very shallow, shows hardly any difference between sur- face and bottom tempera- tures. The summer tem- peratures of air and water (fig. 22) are seen to main- tain a sort of correspond- ence, in spite of the thermal conservatism of water, due to its greater specific heat. This approximation is due to conditions in the creek which make for rapid heating or cooling of the water. Fig. 22. Diagram showing summer and winter conditions in Fall Creek at Ithaca, N. Y. Data on air temperatures furnished by Dr. W.M. Wilson of the U. S. Weather Bureau. Data on water temperatures by Pro- fessor E. M. Chamot. So Types of Aquatic Environment It flows in thin sheets over broad ledges of dark colored r< h ks that are exposed to the sun, and it falls over pro- jecting ledges in br< >ad thin curtains, outspread in con- tact with the air. The curves for the two winter months, show less concurrence, and it is strikingly apparent that during that period when the creek was ice-bound (Dec. 15- Jan. 31) the water temperature showed no relation to air temperature, but remained constantly at or very close too°C. (32 F.). Forbes and Richardson (13) have shown how great may be the aerating effect of a single waterfall in such a sewage polluted stream as the upper Illinois River. "The fall over the Marseilles dam (710 feet long and 10 feet high) in the hot weather and low water period of July and August, 191 1, has the effect to increase the dissolved oxygen more than four and a half times, rais- ing it from an average of .64 parts per million to 2.94 parts. On the other hand, with the cold weather, high oxygen ratios, and higher water levels of February and March, 1 91 2, and the consequent reduced fall of water at Marseilles, the oxygen increase was only 18 per cent. — from 7.35 parts per million above the dam to 8.65 parts below * * * The beneficial effect is greatest when it is most needed — when the pollution is most concentrated and when decomposition processes are most active." Ice — The physical conditions that in temperate regions have most to do with the well- or ill-being of organisms living in running water are those resulting from the freezing. The hardships of winter may be very severe, especially in shallow streams. One may stand beside Fall Creek in early w T inter when the thin ice cakes heaped with snow are first cast forth on the stream, and see through the limpid water an abundant Ice in Streams 81 life gathered upon the stone ledges, above which these miniature floes are harmlessly drifting. There are great black patches of Simidium larvae, contrasting strongly with the whiteness of the snow. There are beautiful green drapings of Cladophora and rich red- purple fringes of Chantransia, and everywhere amber- brown carpet ings of diatoms, overspreading all the bottom. But if one stand in the same spot in the spring, after the heavy ice of winter has gone out, he will see that the rocks have been swept clean and bare, every living thing that the ice could reach having gone. The grinding power of heavy ice, and its pushing power when driven by waves or currents, are too well known to need any comment. The effects may be seen on any beach in spring, or by any large stream. But there is in brooks and turbulent streams a cutting with fine ice rubble that works through longer periods, and adds the finishing touches of destructives ss. It is driven by the water currents like sand in a blast, and it cleans out the little crevices that the heavy ice could not enter. This ice rubble is formed at the front of water falls under such conditions as are shown in the accompanying figure of Triphammer Falls at Ithaca. The pool below the fall froze first. The winter increas- ing cold, the spray began to freeze where it fell. It formed icicles, large and small, wherever it could find a support above. It built up grotesque columns on the edge of the ice of the pool beneath. It grew inward from the sides and began to overarch the stream face; and then, with favoring intense cold of some days dura- tion, it extended these lines of frozen spray across the front of the fall in all directions, covering it as with a beautiful veil of ice. The conditions shown in the picture are perfect for the rapid formation of ice rubble. From thousands of points on the underside of this tesselated structure 82 Types of Aquatic Environment minute icicles are forming and their tips are being broken ►y the oscillations of the current. These broken tips constitute the rubble. They are some- times remark- ably uniform in size— thoseform- ing when this picture w a s t a k en were ab< >ut the size of peas — and though small they are the t<><»ls with which the current does its winter clean- ing. In the ponds formed by damming rapid streams this rub- ble accumulates under the solid ice. "Anchor ice ,, forms in the beds of rapid streams, and adds another peril to their in- habitants. The water, cooled „ _. . _ . , „ „ « „ . . V r Fir,. 23. The ice veil on Triphammer Falls, Cornell DelOW the treez- University Campus. The fall is at the left, the in°" point bv COn- Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering at the right ..." . in the picture, the onlv open water seen is in the tact With the air, foaming pool at the foot of the fall. Anchor Ice »3 does not freeze in the current because of its motion, but it does freeze on the bottom where the current is sufficiently retarded to allow it. It congeals in semi-solid or more or less flocculent masses which, when attached to the stones of the bed, often buoy them up Fig. 14. A brook in winter. Country Club woods, Ithaca, N. Y Photo by John T. Xeedham. Thus the organ- and cause them to be carried away. isms that dwell in the stream bed are deprived of their shelter and exposed to new perils. Below the frost-line, however, in streams where dangers of mechanical injuries such as above men- tioned are absent, milder moods prevail. In the bed of a gentle meandering streamlet like that shown in the accompanying figure, life doubtless runs on in winter v_^ Types of Aquatic Environment with greater serenity than on land. Diatoms grow and caddis-worms forage and community life is actively maintained. Silt — Part of the substance of the land is carried seaward in solution. It is ordinarily dissolved at or near the surface of the ground, but may be dissolved from underlying strata, as in the region of the Mam- moth Cave in Kentucky, where great streams run far under ground. But the greater part is carried in suspension. Materials thus carried vary in size from the finest particles of clay to great trees dropped whole into the stream by an undercutting flood. The lighter solids float, and are apt to be heaped on shore by wave and wind. The heavier are carried and rolled along, more or less intermittently, hastened with floods and slackened with low water, but ever reaching lower levels. The rate of their settling in relation to size and to velocity of stream has been discussed in the preceding chapter. Silt is most abundant at flood because of the greater velocity of the water at such times. Kofoid ('03) has studied the amount of silt carried by the Illinois River at Havana. Observations at one of his stations extending over an entire year show a minimum amount of 140 cc. per cubic meter of river water; a maximum of 4,284 cc, and an average for the year (28 samples) of 1 .572 cc. Silt in a stream affects its population in a number of ways. It excludes light and so interferes with the growth of green plants, and thus indirectly with the food supply of animals. It interferes with the free locomotion of the microscopic animals by becoming entangled in their swimming appendages. It clogs the respiratory apparatus of other animals. It falls in dejx >sits that smother and bury both plants and animals living on the bottom. Thus the best foraging grounds of some of our valuable fishes are ruined. Current 85 Professor Forbes ('00) has shown that the fine silt from the earlier-glaciated and better weathered soils of southern Illinois, has been a probable cause of exclusion of a number of regional fishes from the streams of that portion of the state. It is heavier silt that takes the larger share in the building of bars and embankments along the lower reaches of a great stream, in raising natural levees to hold impounded backwaters, and in blocking cut-off channels to make lakes of them. Current — Rate of streamflow being determined largely by the gradient of the channel, is one of the more constant features of rivers, but even this is sub- ject to considerable fluctuation according to volume. Kofoid states that water in the Illinois River travels from Utica to the mouth (227 miles) in five days at flood, but requires twenty -three days for the journey at lowest water. The increase in speed and in turbu- lence in flood time appears to have a deleterious effect upon some of the population, many dead or moribund individuals of free swimming entomostraca being present in the waters at such times. With the runoff after abundant rainfall a rapid rise and acceleration occurs, to be followed by a much slower decline. The stuffs in the water are diluted; the plancton is scattered. A new load of silt is received from the land; plant growths are destroyed and even contours in the channel are shifted. Current is promoted by increasing gradient of stream • bed. It is diminished by obstructions, such as rocks or plant growths, by sharp bends, etc. It is slightly accelerated or retarded by wind according as the direc- tion is up or down stream. Even where a stream appears to be flowing steadily over an even bed between smooth shores, careful measurements reveal slight and Types of Aquatic Environment Depth Feet in inches per sec. 2 3-91 3 373 4 3.60 5 3-32 6 304 : 2.89 8 2.81 id 2-73 12 2.64 M 2.46 15 2.17 1 6 i-73 inconstant fluctuations. The current is nowhere uni- f( >rm from top to bottom or from bank to bank. In the horizontal plane it is swiftest in midstream and is retarded by the banks. In a vertical plane, it is swift- est just beneath the surface and is retarded more and • t< ward the bottom. The pull of the surface him retards it a little and when ice forms on the surface, friction against the ice retards it far more and throws the point of maximum velocity down near middepth of the stream. A sample meas- urement made by Mr. Wilbert A. Clemens in Cascadilla Creek at and Depth in Cascadilla Ithaca in Open Water Creek. Measured by W. A. Clemens, seventeen inches deep gave rate of flow varying from a maximum of 3 . 9 1 feet per second two inches below the surface down to 1 . 73 feet per second one inch above the bottom, as shown in the col- umns above. Below this, in the last inch of depth the retardation was more rapid, but irregular. The current slackens more slowly toward the surface and toward the side margins of the stream. Mr. Clemens, using a small Pitot-tube current meter, made other measurements showing that in the places where dwell the majority of the inhabitants of swift streams there is much less current than one might ex- pect. In the shelter of stones and other obstructions there is slack water. On sloping bare rock bottoms under a swiftly gliding stream the current is often but half that at the surface. On stones exposed to the current a coating of slime and diatomaceous ooze reduces the current 16 to 32 per cent. High and Low Water 87 This accounts for the continual restocking of a stream whose waters are swifter than the swimming of the animals found in the open channels. In these more or less shoreward places they breed and renew the supply. Except in a stream whose waters run a long course sea- ward, allowing an ample time for breeding, there is little indigenous free-swimming population. Fig. 25. Annually inundated bulrush-covered flood-plain at the mouth of Fall Creek, Ithaca, N. Y., in 1908. Clear growth of Scirpus fluviatilis and a drowned elm tree. The Cornell University Biological Field Station at extreme right. West Hill in the distance. High and Low Water — Inconstancy is a leading char- acteristic of river environment, and this has its chief cause in the bestowal of the rain. Streams fed mainly by springs, lakes, and reservoirs are relatively constant; but nearly all water courses are subject to overflow; their channels are not large enough to carry flood waters, so these overspread the adjacent bottomlands. Every change of level modifies the environment by Types of Aquatic Environment connecting or cutting off back waters, by shifting cur- rents, by disturbing the adjustment of the vegetation, and by causing the migration of the larger animals. At 1< >w water the Illinois River above Havana has a width of some 500 feet; in flood times it spreads across the valley floor in an unbroken sheet of water four miles wide. Kofoid estimates that at time of high flood (18 feet above low-water datum) less than one-tenth as much of this water is in the channel as lies beyond its boundaries. The rise of a river flood is often sudden; the decline is always much more gradual, for impounding barriers and impeding vegetation tend to hold the water upon the lowlands. The period of inundation markedlv affects the life of the land overflowed. Cycles of seasons with short periods of annual submergence favor the establishment of upland plants and trees. Cycles of years of more abundant rainfall favor the growth of swamp vegetation. Certain plants like the flood-plain bulrush shown in the preceding figure seem to thrive best under inconstancv of flood conditions. MARSHES, SWAMPS AND BOGS GREAT aquatic en- vironment may be maintained with much less water than there is in a lake or a river if only an area of low gradient, lacking proper basin or channel, be furnished with a ground cover of plants suitable for retaining the water on the soil. Enough water must be retained to prevent the complete decay of the accumu- lating plant remains. Then we will have, according to circumstances, a marsh, a swamp or a bog. There are no hard and fast distinctions between these three; but in general we may speak of a marsh as a meadow-like area overgrown with herbaceous aquatic plants, such as cat-tail, rushes and sedges; of a swamp as a wet area overgrown with trees ; and of a bog as such an area overgrown with sphagnum or bog-moss, and yielding under foot. The great Montezuma Marsh of Central New York (shown in the initial above) is 89 90 Types of Aquatic Environment typical of the first class; the Dismal Swamp of eastern Virginia, of the second; and over the northern lake region of the continent there are innumerable examples of the third. These types are rarely entirely isolated, h< wever, since both marsh and bog tend to be invaded by tree gr< >wth at their margins. Such wet lands occupy a superficial area larger by far than that covered by lakes and rivers of every sort. They cover in all probably more than a hundred million acres in the United States; great swamp areas border the Gulf of Mexico, the South Atlantic seaboard, and the lower reaches of the Mississippi, and of its larger tributaries, and partially overspread the lake regions of upper Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Maine. In the order of the areas of ''swamp land" (officially so desig- nated) within their borders the leading states are Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Maine. Swamps naturally occupy the shoal areas along the shores of lakes and seas. Marine swamps below mean tide occur as shoals covered with pliant eel-grass. Above mean tide they are meadow-like areas located behind protecting barrier reefs, or they are mangrove thickets that fringe the shore line, boldly confronting the waves. With these we are not here concerned. Fresh -water marshes likewise occupy the shoals border- ing the larger lakes, where protected from the w T aves by the bars that mark the shore line. In smaller lakes, where not stopped by wave action, they slowly invade the shoaler waters, advancing with the filling of the basin, and themselves aiding in the filling process. That erosion sometimes gives rise to lakes has already been pointed out; much oftener it produces marshes; for depositions of silt in the low reaches of streams are much more likely to produce shoals than deep water. Cat-Tail Marshes 9i Cat-tail Marshes — In the region of great lakes every open area of water up to ten feet in depth is likely to be invaded by the cat-tail flag {Typha). The ready dispersal of the seeds by winds scatters the species everywhere, and no permanent wet spot on the remotest hill-top is too small to have at least a few plants. Along Fig. 26. An open-water area (Parker's Pond) in the Montezuma Marsh in Central New York. Formerly it teemed with wild water fowl. It is sur- rounded by miles of cat- tail flags (Typha) of the densest sort of growth. the shores of the Great Lakes and in the broad shoals bordering on the Seneca River there are meadow-like expanses of Typha stretching away as far as the eye can see. Many other plants are there also, as will be noted in a subsequent chapter, but Typha is the dominant plant, and the one that occupies the fore- front of the advancing shore vegetation. It masses its crowns and numberless interlaced roots at the surface 9^ Types of Agnatic Environment of the water in floating rafts, which steadily extend into deeper water. The pond in the center of Montezuma Marsh shown in the preceding figure is completely surrounded by a rapidly advancing, half-floating even- fronted phalanx of cat-tail. >*■ ■■ Fi<;. 27. ''The Cove" at the Cornell University Biological Field Station, in time of high water. Early summer. Two of the University buildings appear on the hill in the distance. Later conditions in such a marsh are those illustrated by our frontispiece : regularly alternating spring floods, summer luxuriance, autumn burning and winter freez- ing. This goes on long after the work of the cat-tail, the pioneer landbuilding, has been accomplished. The excellent aquatic collecting ground shown in the accompanying figure is kept open only by the annual removal of the encroaching flag. Okefenokee Swamp 93 The Okefenokee Swamp. In southern Georgia lies this most interesting of American swamps. It is formed behind a low barrier that lies in a N., N. E. — S., S. W. direction across the broad sandy coastal plain, intersecting the course of the southernmost rivers of Fig. 28. A view of "Chase's Prairie" in the more open eastern portion of the Okefenokee Swamp, taken from an elevation of fifty feet up a pine tree on one of the incipient islets. The water is of uniform depth (about four or five feet). This is one of the most remarkable landscapes in the world. Photo by Mr. Francis Harper. Georgia that drain into the Atlantic. Behind the bar- rier the waters coming from the northward are retained upon a low, nearly level plain, that is thinly overspread with sand and underlaid with clay. They cover an area some forty miles in diameter, hardly anywhere too deep for growth of vascular plants. There is little dis- coverable current except in the nascent channels of the 94 Types of Aquatic Environment two outflowing streams, St. Mary's and Suwannee Rivers. The waters are deeper over the eastern part of the swamp, the side next the barrier; and here the station is mainly herbaceous plants, principally submerged aquatics, with occasional broad meadow- like areas overgrown with sedges. These are the so- called "prairies." The western part of the swamp (omitting from consideration the islands) is a true swamp in appearance being covered with trees, prin- cipally cypress. A few small strips of more open and deeper water (attaining 25 feet) of unique beauty, owing to their limpid brown waters and their setting of Tillandsia-covered forest, are called lakes. The whole swamp is in reality one vast bog. Its waters are nearly everywhere filled with sphagnum. Whatever appears above water to catch the eye of the traveler, whether cypress and tupelo in the western part or sedges and water lilies on the "prairie," everywhere 1 >eneath and at the surface of the water there is sphag- num; and it is doubtless to the waterholding capacity of this moss that the relative constancy of this great swamp on a gently inclined plain near the edge of the tropics, is due. Climbing bogs — In-so-far as swamps possess any basin at all they approximate in character to shallow lakes; but there are extensive bogs in northern latitudes that are built entirely on sloping ground; often even on convex slopes. These are the so-called "climbing bogs." They belong to cool -temperate and humid regions. They exist by the power of certain plants, notably sphagnum, to hold water in masses, while giving off very little by evaporation from the surface. A climbing bog proceeds slowly to cover a slope by the growth of the mass of living moss upward against gravity, and in time what was a barren incline becomes " deep spongy mass of water soaked vegetation. Conditions in Swamps 95 Conditions of life — In the shoal vegetation-choked waters of marshes there is little chance for the formation of currents and little possibility of disturbance by wind. Temperature conditions change rapidly, however, owing to the heat absorbing and heat radiating power of the black plant-residue. The diurnal range is very great, water that is cool of a morning becomes repellantly hot of a summer afternoon. Temperatures above 90 F. are not then uncommon. Unpublished observations made by Dr. A. A. Allen in shoal marsh ponds at the Cornell Biological Field Station throughout the year 1909, show a lower temperature at the surface of the water than in the bottom mud from December to April, with reverse conditions for the remainder of the year. The black mud absorbs and radiates heat rapidly. Conditions peculiar to marshes, swamps and bogs are those due to massed plant remains more or less per- manently saturated with water. Water excludes the air and hinders decay. Half disintegrated plant fragments accumulate where they fall, and continue for a longer or shorter time unchanged. According to their state of decomposition they form peat or muck. In peat the hard parts and cellular structure of the plant are so well preserved that the component species may be recognized on microscopic examination. To the naked eye broken stems and leaves appear among the finer fragments, the whole forming a springy or spongy mass of a loose texture and brownish color. The color deepens with age, being lightest immediately under the green and living vegetation, and darkest in the lower strata, where always less well preserved. The water that covers beds of peat acquires a brown- ish color and more or less astringent taste due to in- fusions of plant-stuffs. Humous acids are present in abundance and often solutions of iron sulphate and other minerals. 96 Types of Aquatic Environment Muck is formed by the more complete decay of such water plants as compose peat. The process of decay is furthered either by occasional exposure of the beds to the air in spells of drought, or by the presence of lime in the surrounding soil, correcting the acidity of the water and lessening its efficiency as a preservative. Muck is soft and oozy, paste-like in texture and black in color. In the openings of marshes, like that shown on page 89 are beds of muck so soft that he who ven- tures to step on it may sink in it up to his neck. In such a bed the slow decomposition that goes on in hot weather in absence of oxygen produces gases that gather in bubbles increasing in size until they are able to rise and disrupt the surface.* So are formed marsh gas (methane) which occasionally ignites spontaneously, in mysterious flashes over the water — the well known "Jack-o-lantern" or "Will-o-the-wisp" or "Ignis fatuus" — and hydrogen sulphide which befouls the sur- rounding atmosphere. The presence in marsh pools of these noxious gases, of humous acids, and of bitter salts, and of the absence of oxygen — except at the surface, limits their animal population in the main to such creatures as breathe air at the surface or have specialized means of meeting these untoward conditions. High and Low Water — Swamps being the shoalest of waters are subject to the most extreme fluctuations. That they retain through most dry seasons enougTi water for a permanent aquatic environment is largely due to the water-retaining power of aquatic plants. Notable among these is sphagnum, which holds en- meshed in its leaves considerable quantities of water, lifted above the surrounding water level. Aquatic seed ^ee Penhallow, "A blazing beach" in Science, 22:794-6, 1905. High and Low Water 97 plants, also, whose stems in life are occupied with capacious air spaces, fill with water when dead and fallen, and hold it by capillarity. So, they too, form in partial decay a soft spongy water-soaked ground cover. Marshes develop often a wonderful density of popu- lation, for they have at times every advantage of water, warmth and light. The species are fewer, however, than in the more varied environment of land. Com- paratively few species are able to maintain themselves permanently where the pressure for room is so great when conditions for growth are favorable, and where these conditions fail more or less completely every dry season. Aquatic creatures that can endure the condi- tions shown ^^ in the accompanying figure must have S^^Q m specialized means of tiding over the ^T\V 'S& period of drouth. r .* * -?** "*r <*-* A * j*«' \ ** •v *$$&£'%$& * ' ^fcu 1 "11 A' H Fig. 29. The bed of a marsh pool in a dry season, showing deep mud crack and a thin growth of bur-marigold and spike-rush. CHAPTER IV AQUATIC ORGANISMS IS the testimony of all biology that the water was the original home of life upon the earth. Conditions of living are simpler there than on the land. Food tends to be more uniformly dis- tributed. The perils of evaporation are absent. Water is a denser medi- um than air, and sup- ports the body better, and there is, in the beginning, less need of wood or bone or shell or other supporting structures. Life began in the water, and the simpler forms of both plants and animals are found there still. But not all aquatic forms have remained simple. For when they multiplied and spread and filled all the waters of the earth the struggle for existence wrought diversification and specialization among them, in water as on land. The aquatic population is, therefore, a mixture of forms structurally of high and low degree. All the types of plant and animal organization are represented in it. But they are fitted to conditions so different from those under which terrestrial beings live as to seem like another world of life. 99 100 Aquatic Organisms The population of the water includes besides the original inhabitants — those tribes that have always ived in the water — a mixture of forms descended from ancestors that once lived on land. The more primitive groups are most persistently aquatic. Comparatively few members of those groups that have become thoroughly fit- ted for life on land have re- turned to the water to live. WATER PLANTS VERY large group of plants has its aquatic members. The algae alone are predomi- nantly aquatic. Most of them live wholly immersed; some live in moist places, and a few in dry places, having special fitnesses for avoiding evaporation. In striking contrast with this, all the higher plants, the seed plants, ferns, and mosses, center upon the land, having few species in wet places and still fewer wholly immersed. Their heritage of parts specially adapted to life on land is of little value in the water. Rhi- zoids as foraging organs, a thick epidermis with auto- matic air pores, and strong supporting tissues are little needed under water. These plants have all a shore- ward distribution, and do not belong to the open water. Only algae, molds and bacteria are found in all waters. The Algae 101 THE ALGAE It is a vast assemblage of plants that makes up this group; and they are wonderfully diverse. Most of them are of microscopic size, and few of even the larger ones intrude upon our notice. Notwithstanding their elegance of form, their beauty of coloration and their great importance in the economy of water life, few of them are well known. However, certain mass effects produced by algae are more or less familiar. Massed together in inconceivably vast numbers upon the sur- face of still water, their microscopic hosts compose the ' 'water bloom. ' ' Floating free beneath the surface they give to the water tints of emerald* of amberf or of blood t Matted masses of slender green filaments compose the growths that float on oxygen bubbles to the surface in the spring as "pond scums." Lesser masses of delicately branched filaments fringe the rocky ledges in the path of the cataract, or encircle sub- merged sticks and piling in still waters. Mixtures of various gelatinous algae coat the flat rocks in clear streams, making them green and slippery; and a rich amber-tinted layer of diatom ooze often overspreads the stream bed in clear waters. These are all mass effects. To know the plants com- posing the masses one must seek them out and study them with the microscope. Among all the hosts of fresh water algae, only a few of the stoneworts (Char- aceae) are in form and size comparable with the higher plants. Many algae are unicellular; more are loose aggre- gates of cells functioning independently ; a few are well integrated bodies of mutually dependent cells. *Volvox in autumn in waters over submerged meadows of water weed. f Dinobryon in spring in shallow ponds. . XTrichodesmium erythrceum gives to the Red Sea the tint to which its name is due. The little crustacean, Diaptomus, often gives a reddish tint to woodland pools. 102 Aquatic Organisms The cells sometimes form irregular masses, with more or less gelatinous investiture. Often they form simple threads or filaments, or flat rafts, or hollow spheres. Algal filaments are sometimes simple, sometimes branched; sometimes they are cylindric, sometimes tapering; sometimes they are attached and grow at the free end only; sometimes they grow throughout; some- times they "are free, sometimes wholly enveloped in t ransparent gelatinous envelopes. And the form of the ends, the sculpturing and ornamentation of the walls and the distribution of chlorophyll and other pigments are various beyond all enumerating, and often beautiful beyond description. We shall attempt no more, there- fore, in these pages than a very brief account of a few of the commoner forms, such as the general student of fresh water life is sure to encounter; these we will call by their common names, in so far as such names are available. The flagellates — We will begin with this group of synthetic forms, most of which are of microscopic size and many of which are exceedingly minute. That some of them are considered to be animals (Mastigo- phora) need not deter us from considering them all together, suiting our method to our convenience. The group overspreads the undetermined borderland be- tween plant and animal kingdoms. Certain of its members (Euglena) appear at times to live the life of a green plant, feeding on mineral solutions and getting energy from the sunlight; at other times, to feed on organic substances and solids like animals. The more common forms live as do the algae. All the members of the group are characterized by the possession of one or more living protoplasmic swimming appendages, called flagella, whence the group name. Each flagellum is long, slender and transparent, and often difficult of Flagellates 103 observation, even when the jerky movements of the attached cell give evidence of its presence and its activity. It swings in front of the cell in long serpen- tine curves, and draws the cell after it as a boy's arms draw his body along in swimming. Many flagellates are permanently unicellular; others remain associated after repeated divisions, forming colonies of various forms, some of which will be shown in accompanying figures. Carteria — This is a very minute flagellate of spherical form and bright green in color (fig. 30a). It differs from other green flagellates in having four flagella : the others have not more than two. It is widely distrib- uted in inland waters, where it usually becomes more abundant in autumn, and it appears to prefer slow streams. Kofoid's notes concerning a maximum occur- rence in the Illinois River are well worth quoting : "The remarkable outbreak of Carteria in the autumn of 1907 was associated with unusually low water, and Fig. 30. Flagellates. a, Carteria; b, Spharella; c, Euglena; d, Trachelomonas; e, Pandorina; f. Glenodinium; g, Synura; h, and i, Dinobryon; a colony as it appears under low power of the microscope and a single individual highly magnified; /, Ceratium, (Reversed left for right in copying.) 104 Aquatic Organism: concentration of sewage, and decrease of current. The water of the stream was of a livid greenish yellow tinge. * * * The distribution of Carteria in the river was remarkable. It formed great bands or streaks visible neat* the surface, or masses which in form simulated cloud effects. The distribution was plainly uneven, giving a banded or mottled appearance to the stream. The bands, 10 to 15 meters in width, ran with the channel or current, and their position and form were plainly influenced by these factors. No cause was apparent for the mottled regions. This phenomenon stands in somewhat sharp contrast with the usual distribution of waterbloom upon the river, which is generally composed largely of Euglena. This presents a much more uniform distribution, and unlike Carteria, is plainly visible only when it is accumulated as a super- ficial scum or film. Carteria was present in such quan- tity that its distribution was evident at lower levels so far as the turbidity would permit it to be seen. It afforded a striking instance of marked inequalities in distribution." Similar green flagellates of wide distribution are Chlamydomonas and Sphaerella (fig. 306) commonly found in rainwater pools. Certain aggregates of such cells into colonies are very beautiful and interesting. Small groups of such green cells are held together in flat clusters in Gonium and Platydorina, or in a hollow sphere, with radiating flagella that beat harmoniously to produce a regular rolling locomotion in Pandorina (fig. 30 e), Eudorina and Vol vox. Volvox — The largest and best integrated of these spherical colonies is Volvox (fig. 31). Each colony may consist of many thousands of cells, forming a sphere that is readily visible to the unaided eye. It rotates Volvox IO : constantly about one axis, and moves forward therefore through the water in a perfectly definite manner. Moreover, the "eye spots" or pigment flecks of the individual cells are larger on the surface that goes fore- Fig. 31. Volvox, showing young colonies in all stages of development. most. Sex cells are fully differentiated from the ordinary body cells. Nevertheless, new colonies are ordinarily reproduced asexual ly. They develop from single cells of the old colony which slip inward some- what below the general level of the body cells, repeat- edly divide, (the mass assuming spherical form), differentiate a full complement of flagella, a pair to each cell, and then escape to the outer world by rupturing the gelatinous walls of the old colony. Many develop- io6 Aquatic Organisms ing colonics are shown within the walls of the old ones in the figure. ( >fu n, when a weed-carpeted pond shows a tint of 1 night transparent green in autumn, a glass of the water, clipped and held to the light, will be seen to be filled with these rolling emerald spheres. Euglena Several species of this genus (fig. 30c) are common inhabitants of slow streams and pools. They are all most abundant in mid-summer, being apparently- attuned to high tempera- tures. They are common constituents of the water- bloom that forms on the surface of slow streams. Figure 1 (p. 15) shows such a situation, where they re- cur every year in June. Cer- tain of them are common in pools at sewer outlets, where bloodworms dwell in the bottom mud. When abundant in such places they give to the water a livid green color. Their great abundance makes them important agents in converting the soluble stuffs of the water into food for rotifers and other microscopic animals. Dinobryon — This minute, amber-tinted flagellate forms colonies on so unique a plan (fig. 30/z) they are not readily mistaken for anything else under the sun. Each individual is enclosed in an ovoid conic case or lorica, open at the front where two flagella protrude (fig. 307) and many of them are united together in branch- ing, a more or less tree-like colony. Since flagella Fig. 32. A Dinobryon colony. The Flagellates 107 always draw the body after them, these colonies swim along with open ends forward, apparently in defiance of all the laws of hydromechanics, rotating slowly on the longitudinal axis of the colony as they go. Dino- bryon is of an amber yellow tint, and often occurs in such numbers as to lend the same tint to the water it inhabits. It attains its maximum development at low temperatures. In the cooler waters of our larger lakes it is present in some numbers throughout the year, though more abundant in winter. Kofoid reports it as being "sharply limited to the period from November to June" in Illinois River waters. Its sudden increase there at times in the winter is well illustrated by the pulse of 1899, when the numbers of individuals per cubic meter of water in the Illinois River were on suc- cessive dates as follows: Jan. 10th, 1,500 Feb. 7th, 6,458,000 11 14th, 22,641,440 followed by a decline, with rising of the river. Dinobryon often develops abundantly under the ice. Its optimum temperature appears to be near o° C. It thus takes the place in the economy of the waters that is filled during the summer by the smaller green flagellates. Synura (fig. 30^) is another winter flagellate, similar in color and associated with Dinobryon, much larger in size. Its cells are grouped in spherical colonies united at the center of the sphere, and equipped on the outer ends of each with a pair of flagella, which keep the sphere in rolling locomotion. The colonies appear at times of maximum development to be easily disrupted, and single cells and small clusters of cells are often found along with well formed colonies. Synura when abund- ant often gives to reservoir waters an odor of cucumbers, ioS A q ua tic Organisms and a singularly persistent bad flavor, and under such circumstances it becomes a pest in water supplies. Glenodinium (fig. 30/), Peridinium, and Ceratium (fig. 30/) are three brownish shell-bearing flagellates of wide distribution often locally abundant, especially in spring and summer. These all have one of the two long flagella laid in a transverse groove encircling the body, the other flagellum free (fig. 33). Glenodinium is the smallest, Ceratium, much the largest. Glenodinium has a smooth shell, save for the grooves where the flagella arise. Peridinium has a brownish chitinous shell, divided into finely reticulate plates. Ceratium has a heavy grayish shell prolonged into several horns. On several occasions in spring we have seen the waters of the Gym Pond on the Campus at Lake Forest College as brown as strong tea with a nearly pure culture of Peridinium and con- currently therewith we have seen the transparent phantom-larvae of the midge Co ret lira in the same pond all showing a conspicuous brown line where the alimentary canal runs through the body, this being packed full of Peridinia. Trachelomonas (fig. 30 d) is a spherical flagellate hav- ing a brownish shell with a short flask-like neck at one side whence issues a single flagellum. This we have found abundantly in pools that were rich in oak leaf infusions. Fig. 33. Ceratium (The trans- verse groove shows plainly, but neither flagellum shows in the photograph.) Diatoms 109 Diatoms — Diatoms are among the most abundant of living things in all the waters of the earth. They occur singly and free, or attached by gelatinous stalks, or Fig. 34. Miscellaneous diatoms, mostly species of Navicula; the filaments are blue-green algae, mostly Oscillator hi. aggregated together in gelatinous tubes, or compactly grouped in more or less coherent filaments. All are of microscopic size. They are most easily recognized by their possession of a box-like shell, composed of two valves, with overlapping edges. These valves are stiffened by silica which is deposited in their outer walls, often in beautiful patterns. The opposed edges of the no Aquatic Organisms valves are connected by a membraneous portion of the cell wall known as the girdle. A diatom may appear very different viewed from the face of the valve, or from the girdle (see fig. 35a and b, or j and k). They are circular-like pill-boxes in one great group, and more or less elongate and bilateral in the others. Diatoms are rarely green in color. The chlorophyll in them is suffused by a peculiar yellowish pigment known as diatomin, and their masses present tints of ami >er, of ochre, or of brown ; sometimes in masses they appear almost black. The shells are colorless; and, bring composed of nearly pure silica, they are well nigh indestructible. They are found abundantly in guano, having passed successively through the stomachs of marine invertebrates that have been eaten by fishes, that have been eaten by the birds responsible for the guano deposits, and having repeatedly resisted diges- tion and all the weathering and other corroding effects of time. They abound as fossils. Vast deposits of ^ them compose the diatomaceous earths. A well-known bed at Richmond, Va., is thirty feet in thickness and of vast extent. Certain more recently discovered beds in the Rocky Mountains attain a depth of 300 feet. Ehrenberg estimated that such a deposit at Biln in Bohemia contained 40,000,000 diatom shells per cubic inch. Singly they are insignificant, but collectively they are very important, by reason of their rapid rate of increase, and their ability to grow in all waters and at all ordinary temperatures. Among the primary food gatherers of the water world there is no group of greater import- ance. In figure 35 we present more or less diagrammatically a few of the commoner forms. The boat -shaped, freely moving cells of Navicula (a, b, c) are found in every pool. One can scarcely mount a tuft of algae, a leaf Diatoms i ii of water moss or a drop of sediment from the bottom without finding Naviculas in the mount. They are more abundant shoreward than in the open waters of the lake. The ''white-cross diatom" Stauroneis (d), is a kindred form, easily recognizable by the smooth cross- band which replaces the middle nodule of Navicula. £ Fig. 35. Diatoms. a, valve view showing middle and end nodules, and b, girdle view of Navicula. c, another species of Navicula; d, Stauroneis; e, valve view and f, girdle view of Tabellaria; g, Synedra; h, Gyrosigma; i, a gelatinous cord-like cluster of Encyonema showing girdle view of nine individuals and valve view of three. 3, valve view and k, girdle view of Melosira; I, Stephanodiscus; m, Meridion colony, with a single detached individual shown in valve view below; n, a small colony of Asterionella; o, valve view, and p, girdle view of Camplylodiscus; q, cluster of Cocconema. (Figures mostly after Wolle). Tabellaria (e and /) is a thin flat-celled diatom that forms ribbon-like bands, the cells being apposed, valve to valve. Often the ribbons are broken into rectangu- lar blocks of cells which hang together in zig-zag lines by the corners of the rectangles. The single cell is long- rectangular in girdle view (slightly swollen in the middle and at each end, as shown at e, in valve view), and is traversed by two or more intermediate septa. Tabel- laria abounds in the cool waters of our deeper northern lakes, at all seasons of the year. It is much less common in streams. H2 A qua tic Organ isms The slender cells of the" needle diatoms," Synedra (g), are common in nearly all waters and at all seasons. They are perhaps most conspicuously abundant when found, as often happens, covering the branches of some tufted algae, such as Cladophora, in loose tufts and fascicles, all attached by one end. Gyrosigma (//■) is nearly allied to Navicula but is easily recognized by the gracefully curved outlines of its more or less S-shaped shell. The sculpturing of this shell (not shown in the figure) is so fine it has long been a classic test-object for the resolving power of microscopic lenses. Gyrosigma is a littoral associate of Navicula, but of much less frequent occurrence. Ericyoriema (i) is noteworthy for its habit of develop- ing in long unbranched gelatinous tubes. Sometimes these tubes trail from stones on the bottom in swift streams. Sometimes they radiate like delicate filmy hairs from the surfaces of submerged twigs in still water. The tubes of midge larvae shown in figure 1 34 were encircled by long hyaline fringes of Encyonema filaments, which constituted the chief forage of the larvae in the tubes and which were regrown rapidly after successive grazings. When old, the cells escape from the gelatine and are found singly. The group of diatoms having circular shells with radially arranged sculpturing upon the valves is repre- sented by Melosira (7 and k) and Stephanodiscus (I) of our figure. Melosira forms cylindric filaments, whose constituent cells are more solidly coherent than in other diatoms. Transverse division of the cells in- creases the length of the filaments, but they break with the movement of the water into short lengths of usually about half a dozen cells. They are eommon in the open water of lakes and streams, and are most abundant at the higher temperatures of midsummer. Cyclotella is a similar form that does not, as a rule, form filaments. Diatoms 113 Its cells are very small, and easily overlooked, since they largely escape the finest nets and are only to be Fig. 36. A nearly pure culture of Meridion, showing colonies of various sizes. gathered from the water by filtering. Often, however, their abundance compensates for their size. Kofoid found their average number in the waters of the Illinois U4 Aquatic Organisms River to be 36,558,462 per cubic meter of water, and he considered them as one of the principal sources of food supply of Entomostraca and other microscopic aquatic animals. Stephanodiscus (I) is distinguished by the long, hyaline filaments that radiate from the ends of the box, and that serve to keep it in the water. A species of Stephanodiscus having shorter and more numerous fi laments is common in the open waters of Cayuga Lake in spring. The cells of Meridiem are wedge-shaped, and grouped together side by side, they form a flat spiral ribbon of very variable length, sometimes in one or more com- plete turns, but oftener broken into small segments. This form abounds in the brook beds about Ithaca, covering them every winter with an amber -tinted or brownish ooze, often of considerable thickness. It appears to thrive best when the temperature of the water is near o° C. Its richest growth is apparent after the ice leaves the brooks in the spring. As a source of winter food for the lesser brook-dwelling animals, it is doubtless of great importance. A view of a magni- fied bit of the ooze is shown in figure 36. The colonies of Asterionella (n) whose cells, adhering at a single point, radiate like the spokes of a wheel, are common in the open waters of all our lakes and large streams. It is a common associate of Cyclotella, and of Tabellaria and other band-forming species, and is often more abundant than any of these. The open waters of Lake Michigan and of Cayuga Lake are often yellowish tinted because of its abundance in them. Late spring and fall (especially the former) after the thermal over- turn and complete circulation of the water are the seasons of its maximum development. Asterionella abounds in water reservoirs, where, at its maxima, it sometimes causes trouble by imparting to the water an aromatic or even a decidedly "fishy" odor and an unpleasant taste. Diatoms ii5 Campylodiscus (0 and p) is a saddle-shaped diatom of rather local distribution. It is found abundantly in the ooze overspreading the black muck bottom of shallow streams at the outlet of bogs. In such places in the upper reaches of the tributaries of Fall Creek near Ithaca it is so abundant as to constitute a large part of the food of a number of denizens of the bottom mud — ■ notably of midge larvae, and of nymphs of the big Mayfly, Hexagenia. These are a few — a very few — of the more important or more easily recognized diatoms. Many others will be encountered anywhere, the littoral forms especially being legion. Stalked forms like Cocconema (fig. 355 and fig- 37) will be found attached to every solid support. And minute close-clinging epiphytic diatoms, like Cocconeis and Epithemia will be found thickly besprinkling the green branches of many sub- merged aquatics. These adhere closely by the flat surface of one valve to the epidermis of aquatic mosses. In open lakes, also, there are other forms of great importance, such SLsD-iatoma, Fragillaria, etc., growing in flat ribbons, as does Tabellaria. It is much to be regretted that there are, as yet, no readily available popular guides to the study of a group, so important and so interesting. Equipped with a plancton net and a good microscope, the student would never lack for material or for prob- lems of fascinating interest. Fig. 37. A stalked colony Cocconema. n6 Aquatic Organisms Desmids — This is a group of singularly beautiful unicellular fresh-water algae. Desmids are, as a rule, of a refreshing green color, and their symmetry of form and delicacy of sculpturing are so beautiful that they have always been in favor with microscopists. So Fig. 38. A good slide-mount from a Closterium culture as it appears under a pocket lens. Two species. numerous are they that their treatment has of late been relegated to special works. Here we can give only a few words concerning them, with illustrations of some of the commoner forms. Desmids may be recognized by the presence of a clear band across the middle of each cell, (often emphasized by a corresponding median constriction) dividing it symmetrically into two semicells. Superficially they appear bicellular ("especially in such forms as Cylindro- Desmids i i cystis, fig. 40 e), but there is a single nucleus, and it lies in the midst of the transparent crossband. The larger ones, such as Closterium (fig. 38) may be recognized with the unaided eye, and may be seen clearly with a pocket lens. Because it will grow per- ennially in a culture jar in a half -lighted window, Closterium is a very well known labora- tory type. Division is transverse and sep- arates between the semicells. Its progress in Closterium is shown in figure 39, in a series of successive stages that were photo- graphed between 10 p. m. and 3 A. M. Division normally occurs only at night. In a few genera {Gonatozygon, (fig. 40a) Desmidium, etc.) the cells after division remain at- tached, forming filaments. Desmids are mainly free float- ing and grow best in still waters. They abound in northern lakes and peat bogs. They prefer the waters that run off archaean rocks and few of them flourish in waters rich in lime. A few occur on mosses in the edges of waterfalls, being attached to the mosses by a somewhat tenacious gelatinous invest- ment. One can usually obtain a fine variety of desmids by squeezing wisps of such water plants as Utricularia and Sphagnum, over the edge of a dish, and examining the run-off. The largest genus of the group and also one of the most widespread is Fig. 39. Photomicrographs of a Closterium dividing. The lowermost figure is one of the newly formed daughter cells, not yet fully shaped. nS Aquatic Organisms Filamentous Conjugates II<) Cosmarium (fig. 40 s). The most bizarre forms are found in the genera Micrasterias (figs. 40 q and r) and Staurastrum. These connect in form through Euastrum (fig. 40 0) Tetmemorus (fig. 40 n) Netrium (fig. 40 d), etc., with the sim- pler forms which have little differentiation of the poles of the cell; and these, especially Spirotaenia (fig. 40 b) and Gon- atozygon (fig. 40 a) connect with the filamentous forms next to be discussed. The Filamentous Conjugates — This is the group of fila- mentous algae most closely allied with the desmids. It includes three common genera (fig. 41) — Spirogyra, Zygnema, and Mougeotia. The first of these being one of the most widely used of biological "types" is known to almost every laboratory student. Its long, green, unbranched, slippery filaments are easily recognized among all the other greenery of the water by their beautiful spirally-wound bands of chlorophyl. The other common genera have also distinctive chlorophyl arrangement. Zygnema has a pair of more or less star-shaped green masses in each cell, one on either side of the central nucleus. In Mougeotia the chlorophyl Fig. 41. Filamentous con- jugates. a. Spirogyra; b, flat view, anil c, edgewise view of the chlorophyl plate in cells of Mougeotia, d, Zygnema. a, a little more than two cells g Docidium baculum from a filament of Gonatozygon h Docidium undulatum b Spirotania i Closterium pronum c Mesotanium j Closterium rostratum d Netrium k Closterium moniliferum e Cylindrocystis I Closterium ehrenbergi f Penium m Pleurotanium n Tetmemorus o Euastrum didelta p Euastrum verrucosum q Micrasterias oscitans r Micrasterias americana: (for a third species see page 53)- s Cosmarium, face view, and outline as seen from the side 120 Aquatic Organisms is in a median longitudinal plate, which can rotate in the cell : it turns its thin edge upward to the sun, but lies 1 (roadside exposed to weak light. Spirogyra is the most abundant, especially in early spring where it is f< >undin the pools ere the ice has gone out. All, being unattached (save as they become entangled with rooted aquatics near shore), prefer quiet waters. Immense accumulations of their tangled filaments often occur on the shores of shallow lakes and ponds, and with the advance of spring and subsidence of the water level, these are left stranded upon the shores. They chiefly compose the "blanket -moss" of the fishermen. They settle upon and smother the shore vegetation, and in their decay they sometimes give off bad odors. Some- times they are neaped in windrows on shelving beaches, and left to decay. We most commonly see them floating at the surface in clear, quiet, spring-fed waters in broad filmy masses of yellowish green color, which in the sunlight fairly teem with bubbles of liberated oxygen. These dense masses of filaments furnish a home and shelter for a number of small animals, notably Haliplid beetle larvae and punkie larvae among insects; and entanglement by them is a peril to the lives of others, notably certain Mayfly larvae {Blasturus). The rather large filaments afford a solid support for hosts of lesser sessile algae; and their considerable accumulation of organic contents is preyed upon by many parasites. Their role is an important one in the economy of shoal waters, and its importance is due not alone to their power of rapid gr< >wth, but also to their staying qualities. They hold their own in all sorts of temporary waters by develop- ing protected reproductive cells known as zygospores, which are able to endure temporary drouth, or other untoward conditions. Zygospores are formed by the fusion of the contents of two similar cells (the process Siphon Algae 121 is known as conjugation, whence the group name) and the development of a protective wall about the result- ing reproductive body. This rests for a time like a seed, and on germinating, produces a new filament by the ordinary process of cell division. These filamentous forms share this reproductive process with the desmids, and despite the differences in external aspect it is a strong bond of affinity between the two groups. The siphon algce — This peculiar group of green algae contains a few forms of little economic con- sequence but of great botanical interest. The plant body grows out in long irregularly branch- ing filaments which, though containing many nuclei, lack cross par- titions. The filaments thus resemble long open tubes, whence the name siphon algae. There are two common genera Vau- cheria and Botrydium (fig. 42). Both are mud-lov- ing, and are found partly out of the water about as often as wholly immersed. Vaucheria develops long, crooked, extensively interlaced filaments which occur in dense mats that have suggested the name ' 'green felt." These felted masses are found floating in ponds, or dying on wet soil wherever there is light and a con- stantly moist atmosphere (as, for example, in green- houses, where commonly found on the soil in pots). Botrydium is very different and much smaller. It has an oval body with root-like branches growing out from the lower end to penetrate the mud. It grows on the bottom in shoal waters, and remains exposed on the Fig. 42. Two siphon algae. A , Botrydium; B, a small fruiting portion of a filament of Vaucheria.; ov, ovary; sp, spermary. 122 Aquatic Organisms mud after the water has receded, dotting the surface thickly, as with greenish beads of dew. The water net and its allies — The water net (Hydro- diet yon) wherever found, is sure to attract attention by its curious form. It Is a cylindric sheet of lace-like tissue, composed of slender green cells that meet at A k^^mI ^QhI f Vl Pk ^ h\W wU. jBi? QiJ W^J m 1 Fig. 43. A rather irregular portion of a sheet of water net (Hydrodictyon) their ends, usually by threes, forming hexagonal meshes like bobbinet (fig. 43). Such colonies may be as broad as one's hand, or microscopic, or of any intermediate size; for curiously enough, cell division and cell growth are segregated in time. New colonies are formed by repeated division of the contents of single The Water Xcts 123 cells of the old colonies. A new complete miniature net is formed within a single cell; and after its escape from the old cell wall, it grows, not by further division, but by increase in size of its constituent cells. Water net is rather local and sporadic in occurrence, but it sometimes develops in quantities sufficient to fill the waters of pools and small ponds. Fig. 44. Pediastrum: Several species from the Cayuga Lake. plancton of Pediastrum is a closely related genus containing a number of beautiful species, some of which are common and widespread. The cells of a Pediastrum colony are arranged in a roundish flat disc, and those of the outer- most row are usually prolonged into radiating points. Several species are shown in figure 44. In the open- 124 Aquatic Organisms meshed species the inner cells can be seen to meet by threes about the openings, quite as in the water net; 1 >ut the cells are less elongate and the openings smaller. Five of the seven specimens shown in the figure lack these openings altogether. New colonics are formed within single cells, as in Hvdrodictyon. In our figure certain specimens show marginal cells containing developing colonies. One shows an empty cell wall from whence a new colony has escaped. Other green alga? — We have now men- tioned a few of the more strongly marked groups of the green algae. There are other forms, so numerous we may not even name them here, many of which are common and widely dispersed. We shall have space to mention only a few of the more im- portant among them, and we trust that the accompanying figures will aid in their recognition. Numerous and varied as they are, we will dismiss them from further consideration under a few arbitrary form types. i. Simple filamentous forms. Of such sort are llothrix, CEdogonium, Conferva, etc., (fig. 45). Ulo- thrix is common in sunny rivulets and pools, especially in early spring, where its slender filaments form masses Fig. 45. Filamentous Green AlgEe. L'lothrix; b, CEdogonium, showing characteristic annulate appearance at upper end of cell; c. Conferva (Tribonema); d, Draparnaldia. (After West). Other Green Algae 12, half floating in the water. The cells are short, often no longer than wide, and each contains a single sheet of Fig. 46. A spray of Cladophora, as it appears when outspread in the water, slightly magnified. chlorophyl, lining nearly all of its lateral wall. CEdogo- muni is a form with stouter filaments composed c>f much longer cells, within which the chlorophyl is dis- 126 Aquatic Organisms posed in anastomosing bands. The thick cell walls, some of which show a peculiar cross striation near one end of the cell, are ready means of recognition of the members of this great genus. The filaments are attached when young, but break away and float freely in masses in quiet waters when older; it is thus they are usually seen. Conferva (Tribonema) abounds in shallow pools, especially in spring time. Its filaments are composed of elongate cells containing a number of separate disc-like chlor- ophyl bodies. The cell wall is thicker toward the ends of the cell, and the filaments tend to break across the middle, forming pieces (halves of two adjacent cells) which appear distinctly H- shaped in optic section. This is a useful mark for their recognition. It will be observed that these then are similar in form and habits to the filamentous conju- gates discussed above, but they have not the peculiar form of chlor- ophyl bodies characteristic of that group. (Eodgonium is remarkable for its mode of reproduction. 2. Branching filamentous forms — Of such sort are a number of tufted sessile algae of great importance: Cladophora, which luxuriates in the dashing waterfall, which clothes every wave-swept boulder and pier with delicate fringes of green, which lays prostrate its pliant sprays (fig. 46) before each on-rushing wave, and lifts Fig. 47. Two species of Chactophora, represented by several small hemi- spherical colonies of C. pisiformis and one large branching colony of C. incrassata. Other Green Ahae I2 7 them again uninjured, after the force of the flood is spent. And Chcetophora (fig. 47; also fig. 89 on p. 182) ; which is always deeply buried under a transparent mass Fig. 48. Chsetophora (either species) crushed and outspread in its own gelatinous covering and magnified to show the form of the filaments. of gelatin; which forms little hemispherical hillocks of filaments in some species, and in one, extends outward in long picturesque sprays, but which has in all much the same form of plant body (fig. 48) — a close-set branch- ing filament, with the tips of some of the branches ending in a long hyaline bristle-like point. Chaetophora grows very abundantly in stagnant pools and ponds in mid- 128 Aquatic Organisms summer, adhering to every solid support that offers, and it is an important part of the summer food of many of the lesser herbivores in sueh waters. Then we must not omit to mention two that, if less important, are certainly no less interesting: Drapar- naldia (fig. 45^) which lets its exceedingly delicate sprays trail like tresses among the submerged stones in spring- Fig. 49. Coleochccte scutata. "Green doily." fed rivulets; and Colcochcete (fig. 49), which spreads its flattened branches out in one plane, joined by their edges, forming a disc, that is oftenest found attached to the vertical stem of some reed or bulrush. Miscellaneous lesser green algce — Among other green algae, which are very numerous, we have space here for a mere mention of a few of the forms most likely to be met with, especially by one using a plancton net in open waters. These will also illustrate something of the Lesser Green Algae 129 remarkable diversity of form and of cell grouping among the lesser green algae. Botryococcus grows in free floating single or compound clusters of little globose green cells, held together in a scanty gelatinous investment. The clusters are suffi- ciently grape-like to have suggested the scientific name. They contain, when grown, usually 16 or 32 cells each. They are found in the open waters of bog pools, lakes, Fig. 50. Miscellaneous green algas (mostly after West). a, Botryococcus; b, Ccelastrum; c, Dictosphczrium; d, Kirchnerella; e, Selenastrum; f, Ankistrodestnus falcatus; g, Ophiocytium; k, Tetraspora; i, Crucigenia; j, Scenedesmus;, k, Rhicteriella; I, Ankistrodestnus setigerus; m, Oocystis. and streams, during the warmer part of the season, being most abundant during the hot days of August. When over-abundant the cells sometimes become filled with a brick-red oil. They occur sparingly in water- bloom. Dictyosphcerum likewise grows in more or less spheri- cal colonies of globose cells. The cells are connected together by dichotomously branching threads and all are enveloped in a thin spherical mass of mucus. The colonies are free floating and are taken in the plancton of ponds and lakes and often occur in the water-bloom. [(/Katie Organisms Ccdastrum is another midsummer plancton alga that forms spherical colonies of from 8 to 32 cells ; it has much firmer and thicker cell walls, and the cells are often angulate or polyhedral. New colonies are formed within the walls of each of the cells of the parent colony, and when well grown these escape by rupture or dissolution of the old cell wall. Our figure shows merely the out- line of the cell walls of a 16-celled colony, in a species having angulate cells, between which are open inter- spaces. Kofoid found Ccelastrum occurring in a maxi- mum of 10,800,000 per cubic meter of water in the Illinois River in August. Crucigenia is an allied form having ovoid or globose cells arranged in a flat plate held together by a thin mucilaginous envelope. The cells are grouped in fours, but 8, 16, 32, 64 or even more may, when undisturbed, remain together in a single flat colony. During the warmer part of the season, they are common constit- uents of the fresh-water plancton, the maximum heat of midsummer apparently being most favorable to their development. Scenedesmus is a very hardy, minute, green alga of wide distribution. There is hardly any alga that appears more commonly in jars of water left standing about the laboratory. When the sides of the jar begin to show a film of light yellowish -green, Scenedesmus may be looked for. The cells are more or less spindle- shaped, sharply pointed, or even bristle-tipped at the ends. They are arranged side by side in loose flat rafts of 2, 4 or 8 (oftenest, when not broken asunder, of 4) cells. They are common in plancton generally, espec- ially in the plancton of stagnant water and in that of polluted streams, and although present at all seasons, thev are far more abundant in mid and late summer. Lesser Green Algae 131 Kirchnerella is a loose aggregate of a few blunt - pointed U-shaped cells, enveloped in a thick spherical mass of jelly. It is met with commonly in the plancton of larger lakes. Selenastrum grows in nearly naked clusters of more crescentic, more pointed cells which are found amid shore vegetation. Ankistrodesmus is a related, more slender, less crescentic form of more extensive littoral distribution. The slenderest forms of this genus are free floating, and some of them like A . setigera (fig. 50 /) are met with only in the plancton. Richteriella is another plancton alga found in free floating masses of a few loosely aggregated cells. The cells are globose and each bears a few long bristles upon its outer face. Kofoid found Richteriella attaining a maximum of 36,000,000 per cubic meter of water in September, while disappearing entirely at temperatures below 6o° F. Oocystis grows amid shore vegetation, or the lighter species, in plancton in open water. The ellipsoid cells exist singly, or a few are loosely associated together in a clump of mucus. The cells possess a firm smooth wall which commonly shows a nodular thickening at each pole. Ophiocytium is a curious form with spirally coiled multinucleate cells. The bluntly rounded ends of the cells are sometimes spine-tipped. These cells some- times float free, sometimes are attached singly, some- times in colonies. Kofoid found them of variable occurrence in the Illinois River, where the maximum number noted was 57,000,000 per cubic meter occur- ring in September. The optimum temperature, as attested by the numbers developing, appeared to be about 6o° F. Tetraspora — We will conclude this list of miscellanies with citing one that grows in thick convoluted strings 132 Aquatic Organisms and loose ropy masses of gelatin of considerable size. These masses are often large enough to be recognized with the unaided eye as they lie outspread or hang d< >wn upon trash on the shores of shoal and stagnant waters. Within the gelatin are minute spherical bright green cells, scattered or arranged in groups of fours. Blue-Green Alg je (Cyanophycece or Myxophycea) . The "blue-greens" are mainly freshwater algae, of simple forms. The cells exist singly, or embedded together in loose gelatinous envelope or adhere in flat rafts or in filaments. Their chlorophyl is rather uniformly dis- tributed over the outer part of the cell (quite lacking the restriction to specialized chloroplasts seen in the true green-algae) and its color is much modified by the presence of pigment (phycocyanin) , which gives to the cell usually a pronounced bluish-green, sometimes, a reddish color. Blue-green algae exist wherever there is even a little transient moisture — on tree trunks, on the soil, in lichens, etc. ; and in all fresh water they play an impor- tant role, for they are fitted to all sorts of aquatic situations, and they are possessed of enormous reproduc- tive capacity. Among the most abundant plants in the water world are the Anabcenas (fig. 179), and other blue- greens that multiply and fill the waters of our lakes in midsummer, and break in " water-bloom" covering the entire surface and drifting with high winds in windrows on shore. Such forms by their decay often give to the water of reservoirs disagreeable odors and bad flavors, and so they are counted noxious to water supplies. There are many common blue-greens, and here we have space to mention but a few of the more common forms. Two of the loosely colonial forms composed of spherical cells held together in masses of mucus are Ccelosphcerhim and Microcystis. Both these are often Blue-green A I gee 1 33 associated with Anabaena in the water-bloom. Ccelos- phaerium is a spherical hollow colony of microscopic size. It is a loose association of cells, any of which on separa- tion is capable of dividing and producing a new colony. Microcystis (fig. 51-4) is a mass of smaller cells, a very loose colony that is at first more or less spherical but later becomes irregularly lobed and branching. Such old colonies are often large enough to be observed with the naked eye. They are found most commonly in late summer, being hot weather forms. When abundant these two are often tossed by the waves upon rocks along the water's edge, and from them the dirty blue- green deposit that is popularly known as "green paint." Among the members of this group most com- monly seen are the motile blue-greens of the genus Oscillatoria (fig. 5 1 G) . These grow in dense, strongly colored tufts and patches of exceedingly slender filaments attached to the bottoms and sides of watering troughs, ditches and pools, and on the beds of ponds however stagnant. They thickly cover patches of the black mud bottom and the formation of gases beneath them disrupts their attachment and the broken flakes of bottom slime that they hold together, rise to the surface and float there, much to the hurt of the appearance of the water. The filaments of Oscillatoria and of a few of its near allies perform curious oscillating and gliding movements. Detached filaments float freely in the open water, and Fig. 51. Miscellaneous blue-green algas (mostly after West). A, Microcystis (Clathrocystis) ; B, C, D, Tetrapedia; E, Spirulina; F, Nostoc; G, Oscillatoria; H, Rivularia. 134 Aquatic Organisms during the warmer portion of the year, are among the commoner constituents of the plancton. There are a number of filamentous blue-greens that are more permanently sessile, and whose colonies of filaments assume more definite form. Rivularia is typical of these. Rivuhiria grows in hemispherical gelatinous lumps, attached to the leaves and stems of submerged seed plants. In autumn it often fairly smothers the beds of hornwort (Ceratophyllum) and water fern (Marsilea) in rich shoals. Rivularia is Fig. Colonies of Rivularia on a disintegrating Typha leaf. brownish in color, appearing dirty yellowish under the microscope. Its tapering filaments are closely massed together in the center of the rather solid gelatinous lump. The differentiation of cells in the single filament is shown in fig. 51//. Such filaments are placed side by side, their basal heterocysts close together, their tips diverging. As the mass grows to a size larger than a pea it becomes softer in consistency, more loosely attached to its support and hollow. Strikingly different in form and habits is the raftlike Mcrismopccdia (fig. 53). It is a flat colony of shining blue-green cells that divide in two planes at right angles to each other, with striking Red and Brown Algae K~>5 in regularity. These rafts of cells drift about freeh open water, and are often taken in the plancton, though rarely in great abundance. They settle betimes on the leaves of the larger water plants, and may be discovered with a pocket lens by searching the sediment shaken therefrom. Fig. 53. Merismopaedia. Red and brown alg,e (Rhodophycece and Phceophycea) — These groups are almost exclusively marine. A few scattering forms that grow in fresh water are shown in figure 54. Lemanea is a torrent -inhabiting form that grows in blackish green tufts of slender filaments, attached to the rocks in deep clear mountain streams where the force of the water is greatest. It is easily 136 Aquatic Organisms recognizable by the swollen or nodulose appearance of the ultimate (fruiting) branches. Chantransia is a beautiful purplish-brown, extensively branching form that is more widely distributed. It is common in clear fl< wing streams. It much resembles Cladophorain man- ner of growth but is at once distinguished by its color. FlG. 54. Red and brown algae (after West). a, Lemanea; b, Chantransia; c. Batrachospermum; d, Hydrurus. Batrachospermum is a freshwater form of wide distri- bution, with a preference for spring brooks, though occur- ring in any water that is not stagnant. It grows in branching filaments often several inches long, enveloped in a thick coat of soft transparent mucus. The color is bluish or yellowish-green, dirty yellow or brownish. Attached to some stick or stone in a rivulet its sprays, of more than frond-like delicacy, float freely in the water. Hydrurus grows in branched colonies embedded in a tough mucilage, attached to rocks in cold mountain streams. The colonies are often several inches long. Their color is olive green. They have a plumose appearance, and are of very graceful outline. The Stoneworts 137 The stoneworts (Characece) . — This group is well repre- sented in freshwater by two common genera, well known to every biological laboratory student, Char a and Nitella. Both grow in protected shoals, and in the borders of clear lakes at depths below the heavy beating of the waves. Both are brittle and cannot withstand i?3m iyfo W&7 ill I t^lli sv' Wk Jfi^^Sf%AI*Pyfi hI^blM ■'11 \Wmii/ ■ x m ■^^lSSm^^t H MjHJ^MM&SjJr llH iPr^l Ss**f V ^sj KT Fig. 55. Nitella glomerulifera. wave action. Both prefer the waters that flow off from calcareous soils, and are oftenest found attached to a stony bottom. The stoneworts, are the most specialized of the fresh- water algae: indeed, they are not ranked as algae by some botanists. In form they have more likeness to certain land plants than to any of the other algae. 138 Aquatic Organisms They grow attached to the soil. They grow to consider- able size, often a foot or more in length of stem. They grow by apical buds, and they send out branches in regular whorls, which branch and branch again, giving the plant as a whole a bushy form. The perfect regu- larity of the whorled branches and the brilliant colora- tion Of the little spermaries borne thereon, doubtless have suggested the German name for them of ''Cande- labra plants." The stoneworts are so unique in structure and in repro- ductive parts that they are easily distinguished from other plants. The stems are made up of nodes and internodes. The nodes are made up of short cells from which the branches arise. The internodes are made up of long cells (sometimes an inch or more long), the central one of which reaches from one node to another. In Nitella there is a single naked internodal cell com- posing entirely that portion of the stem. In Chara this axial cell is covered externally by a single layer of slenderer cortical cells wound spirally about the central one. A glance with a pocket lens will determine whether there is a cortical layer covering the axial internodal cell, and so will distinguish Chara from Nitella. Chara is usually much more heavily incrusted with lime in our commoner species, and in one very common one, Chara fcctida, exhales a bad odor of sulphurous compounds. The sex organs are borne at the bases of branchlets. There is a single egg in each ovary, charged with a rich store of food products, and covered by a spirally wound cortical layer of protecting cells. These, when the egg is fertilized form a hard shell which, like the coats of a seed, resist unfavorable influences for a long time. This fruit ripens and falls from the stem. It drifts about over the bottom, and later it germinates. At the apex of the ovary is a little crown of cells, between which lies the passageway for the entrance o f Chlorophylless Plants 139 the sperm cell at the time of fertilization. This crown is composed of five cells in Chara; of ten cells in Nitella. It is deciduous in Chara; it is persistent in Nitella. The stoneworts, unlike many other algae, are wonder- fully constant in their localities and distribution, and regular in their season of fruiting. They cover the same hard bottoms with the same sort of gray -green meadows, year after year, and although little eaten by aquatic animals, they contribute important shelter for them, and they furnish admirable support for many lesser epiphytes. CHLOROPHYLLESS WATER PLANTS, BACTERIA AND FUNGI Nature's great agencies for the dissolution of dead organic materials, in water as on land, are the plants that lack chlorophyl. They mostly reproduce by means of spores that are excessively minute and abund- ant, and that are distributed by wind or water every- where; consequently they are the most ubiquitous of organisms. They consume oxygen and give off carbon dioxide as do the animals, and having no means of obtaining carbon from the air, must get it from car- bonaceous organic products — usually from some carbo- hydrate, like sugar, starch, or cellulose. Some of them can utilize the nitrogen supply of the atmosphere but most of them must get nitrogen also from the decompo- sition products of pre-existing proteins. Many of them produce active ferments, which expedite enormously the dissolution of the bodies of dead plants and animals. Some bacteria live without free oxygen. It follows from the nature of their foods, that we find these chlorophylless plants abounding where there is the best supply of organic food stuffs: stagnant pools filled with organic remains, and sewers laden with the 140 Aquatic Organisms city's waste. But there is no natural water free from tli cm. Let a dead fly fall upon the surface of a tumbler of pond water and remain there for a day or two and it becomes white with water mold, whose spores were present in the water. Let any organic solution stand exposed and quickly the evidence of rapid decomposition appears in it. Even the dilute solutions contained in a laboratory aquarium, holding no organic material other than a few dead leaves will often times acquire a faint purple or roseate hue as chromogenic bacteria multiply in them. Bacteria — A handful of hay in water will in a few hours make an infusion, on the surface of which a film of "bacterial jelly" will gather. If a bit of this "jelly" be mounted for the microscope, the bacteria that secrete it may be found immersed in it, and other bacteria will be found adherent to it. All the common form- types, bacillus, coccus and spirillum are likely to be seen readily. Thus easy is it to encourage a rich growth of water bacteria. Among the bacteria of the water are numerous species that remain there constantly (often called "natural water bacteria"), commingled at certain times and places with other bacteria washed in from the surface of the soil, or poured in with sewage. From the last named source come the species injurious to human health. These survive in the open water for but a short time. The natural water bacteria are mainly beneficial ; they assist in keeping the world's food supply in circula- tion. Certain of them begin the work of altering the complex organic substances. They attack the proteins and produce from them ammonia and various ammonia- cal compounds. Then other bacteria, the so-called "nitrifying" bacteria attack the ammonia, changing it to simpler compounds. Two kinds of bacteria succes- sively participate in this: one kind oxidizes the Bacteria 141 ammonia to nitrites; a second kind oxidizes the nitrites to nitrates. By these successive operations the stores of nitrogen that are gathered together within the living bodies of plants and animals are again released for further use. The simple nitrates are proper food for the green algae, with whose growth the cycle begins again. And those bacteria which promote the pro- cesses of putrefaction, are thus the world's chief agen- cies for maintaining undiminished growth in perpetual succession. Bacteria are among the smallest of organisms. Little of bodily structure is discoverable in them even with high powers of the microscope, and consequently they are studied almost entirely in specially prepared cul- tures, made by methods that require the technical training of the bacteriological laboratory for their mastery. Any one can find bacteria in the water, but only a trained specialist can tell what sort of bacteria he has found; whether pathogenic species like the typhoid bacillus, or the cholera spirillum; or whether harmless species, normal to pure water. The higher bacteria — Allied to those bacilli that grow in filaments are some forms of larger growth, known as Trichobacteria, whose filaments sometimes grow attached in colonies, and in some are free and motile. A few of those that are of interest and importance in fresh-water will be briefly mentioned and illustrated here. Leptothrix* (Fig. 56a, b and c) grows in tufts of slender, hairlike filaments composed of cylindric cells sur- rounded by a thin gelatinous sheath. In reproduction the cells are transformed directly into spores (gonidia) which escape from the end of the sheath and, finding favoring conditions, grow up into new filaments. *Known also as Streptothrix and Chlamydothrix. 142 Aquatic Organisms Crenothrix (Fig. 56 d, e and/) is a similar unbranched sessile form which is distinguished by a widening of the filaments toward the free end. This is caused by a division of the cells in two or three planes within the sheath of the filament, previous to spore formation. Often by the germination of spores that have settled upon the outside of the old sheaths and growth of new filaments therefrom compound masses of appreciable Fig. Trichobacteria. a, b, c, Leptothrix (Slreptothrix, or Chlamydothrix). a, a colony; b, a single filament; c, spore formation; d, e, /, Crenothrix; d, a single growing filament; e, a fruiting filament; /, a compound colony; g, Cladothrix, a branching filament; h, Beggiatoa, younger and older filaments, the latter showing sulphur granules, and no septa between cells of the filament. size are produced. In the sheaths of the filaments a hydroxide of iron is deposited (for Crenothrix possesses the power of oxidizing certain forms of iron) ; and with continued growth the deposits sometimes become sufficient to make trouble in city water supply systems by stoppage of the pipes. In nature, also, certain deposits of iron are due to this and allied forms properly known as iron bacteria. Cladothrix (Fig. 56 g), is a related form that exhibits a peculiar type of branching in its slender cylindric filaments. Water Molds 143 Beggiatoa (fig. 56 h) is the commonest of the so-called sulfur bacteria. Its cylindric unbranched and unat- tached filaments are motile, and rotate on the long axis with swinging of the free ends. The boundaries be- tween the short cylindric cells are often obscure, especially when (as is often the case) the cells are filled with highly refractive granules of sulfur. Considerable deposits of sulfur, especially about springs, are due to the activities of this and allied forms. Water molds — True fungi of a larger growth abound in all fresh waters, feeding on almost every sort of organic substance contained therein. The commonest of the water molds are the Sap- rolegnias, that so quickly overgrow any bit of dead animal tissue which may chance to fall upon the sur- face of the water and float there. If it be a fly, in a day or two its body is sur- rounded by a white fringe of radiating fungus filaments, outgrowing from the body. The tips of many of these filaments terminate in cylin- dric sporangia, which when Fig. 57. A common water mold, Saprolegnia. (After Engler and Prantl.) a, a colony growing on a dead fly; b, a bit of the mycelium that penetrates the fly's body ; c. a fruiting tip, with escap- ing swarm spores. mature, liberate from their ruptured tips innumerable biciliated free-swimming swarm spores. These wander in search of new floating carcases, or other suitable food. Certain of these water molds attack living fishes, entering their skin wherever there is a a slight abrasion of the surface, and rapidly producing diseased condi- tions. These are among the worst pests with which the fish culturist has to contend. Thev attack also the 144 Aquatic Organisms eggs of fishes during their incubation, as shown in a figure in a later chapter. Most water molds live upon other plants. Even the Saprolegnias have their own lesser mold parasites. Many living algae, even the lesser forms like desmids and diatoms are subject to their attack. Fine cultures of such algae are sometimes run through with an epidemic of mould parasites and ruined. THE HIGHER PLANTS (Mossworts, Femworts and Seed Plants) In striking contrast with the algae, the higher plants live mainly on land, and the aquatics among them are restricted in distribution to shoal waters and to the vicinity of shores. There is much in the bodily organization of nearly all of them that indicates ancestral adaptation to life on land. They have more of hard parts, more of localized feeding organs, more of epidermal specialization, and more dif- erentiation of parts in the body, than life in the water demands. They occupy merely the margins of the water. A few highly specialized genera, well equipped for with- standing partial or complete submergence occupy the shoals and these are backed on the shore line by a mingled lot of semi-aquatics that are for the most part but stray members of groups that abound on land. Often they are single members of large groups and are sufficiently distinguished from their fellows by a name indicating the kind of wet place in which they grow. Thus we know familiarly the floating riccia, the bog mosses, the brook speedwell, the water fern and water cress, the marsh bell flower and the marsh fern, the swamp horsetail and the swamp iris, etc. All these 145 Fig. 58. The marsh mallow, Hibiscus Moscheutos. 1^.6 Aquatic Organisms and many others are stragglers from large dry land groups. That readaptation to aquatic life has occurred many times independently is indicated by the fact that the more truly aquatic families are small and highly specialized, and are widely separated systematically. Bryophytcs — Both liverworts and mosses are found in our inland waters, though the former are but spar- ingly represented. Two simple Riccias, half an inch long when grown, are the liverworts most commonly found. One, Ricciafluitans, grows in loose clusters of flat slender forking sprays that drift about so freely that fragments are often taken in pond and river plancton. The larger unbroken more or less spherical masses of sprays are found rolling with the waves upon the shores of muddy ponds. The other, Ricciocarpus natans, has larger and thicker sprays of green and purple hue, that float singly upon the surface, or gather in floating masses covering considerable areas of quiet water. They are not uncommonly found in springtime about the edges of muddy ponds. Under- neath the flat plant body there is a dense brush of flattened scales. Water mosses are more important. The most remarkable of these are the bog mosses {Sphagnum). These cover large areas of the earth's surface, especially in northern regions, where they chiefly compose the thick soft carpet of vegetation that overspreads open bogs and coniferous swamps. They are of a light grey- green color, often red or pink at the tips. These mosses do not grow submerged, but they hold immense quantities of water in their reservoir cells, and are able to absorb water readily from a moist atmosphere ; so they are always wet. Supported on a framework of entangled rootstocks of other higher plants, the bog mosses extend out over the edges of ponds in floating mats, which sink under one's weight beneath the water Moss-worts H; level and rise again when the weight is removed. The part of the mat which the sphagnum composes consists of erect, closely-placed, unbranched stems, like those shown in fig. 59, which grow ever upward at their tips, Fig. 59. Bog moss, Sphagnum. and die at the lower ends, contributing their remains to the formation of beds of peat. The leaves of Sphagnum are composed of a single layer of cells that are of two very different sorts. There are numerous ordinary narrow chlorophyl-bearing cells, and, lying between these, there are larger perforate reservoir cells, for holding water. i 4 8 Aquatic Groan isms The true water mosses of the genus Fontinalis are fine aquatic bryophytes. These are easily recognized, being very dark in color and very slender. They grow in spring brooks and in clear streams, and are often seen in great dark masses trailing their wiry stems where the current rushes between great boulders or leaps into foam-flecked pools in mountain brooks. Another slender brook-inhabiting moss is Fissidens julia n urn, which somewhat resembles Fontinalis, but which is at once distinguished by the deeply channeled bases of its leaves, which enfold the stem. The leaves are two ranked and alternate along the very slender flexuous stem, and appear to be set with edges toward it. There are also a few lesser water mosses allied to the familiar trailing hypnums, so common in deep woods. They grow on stones in the bed of brooks. They cover the face of the ledges over which the water pours in floods and trickles in times of drouth, as with a fine feathery carpet of verdure that adds much to the beauty of the little waterfalls. They give shelter in such places to an interesting population of amphibious animals, as will be noted in chapter VI, following. The leaves of the hvpnums are rather short and broad, and in color they are often very dark — often almost black.* Fig. 60. Water mosses. , Fontinalis; b, Fissidens julianum, with a single detached leaf, more enlarged; c, Rhvnchostegium rusciforme, with a single detached leaf at the left. (After Grout.) *Grout has given a few hints for the recognition of these "Water-loving hvpnums" in his Mosses with <i Hand Lens, 26. edition, p. 128. New York, I905- Peteridophytes 149 There are also a few hypnums found intermixed with sphagnum on the surface of bogs, and as everyone knows there are hosts of mosses in all moist places in woods and by watersides. Fig. 61. Two floating leaves of the "water shamrock," Marsilea, in the midst of a surface layer of duck-meat (Spirodela polyrhiza). "Lemna" on fig. 62. Pteridophytes — Aquatic fernworts are few and of very unusual types. There is at least one of them, how- ever, that is locally dominant in our flora. Marsilea, the so-called water shamrock or water fern, abounds. >n 150 Aquatic Organisms the sunny shoals of muddy bayous about Ithaca and in many places in New England. It covers the zone between high and low water, creeping extensively over the banks that are mostly exposed, and there forming a most beautiful ground cover, while producing longer leaf -stalks where submerged. These leaf -stalks carry the beautiful four-parted leaf-blades to the surface where they float graceful!}'. Fruiting bodies the size Fig. 62. Floating plants: The largest branching colonies are Azolla; the smallest plants are Wolfiia; those of intermediate size are Lemna minor. l'huto by Dr. Emmeline Moure. of peas are produced in clusters on the creeping stems above the water line, often in very great abundance. Then there are two floating pteridophytes of much interest. Salvia ia, introduced from Europe, is found locally along our northeastern coast, and in the waters of our rich interior bottom lands the brilliant little Azolla flourishes. Azolla floats in sheltered bogs and back waters, intermingled with duckweeds. It is reddish in color oftener than green and grows in minute mosslike pinnately branched sprays, covered with Aquatic Seed Plants 151 closely overlapping two-lobed leaves, and emits a few rootlets from the under side which hang free in the water. In the back waters about the Illinois Station at Havana, Illinois, Azolla forms floating masses often several feet in diameter, of bright red rosettes. Shoreward there are numerous pteridophytes grow- ing as rooted and emergent aquatics ; the almost grass- like Isoetes, and the marsh horsetails and ferns, but these latter differ little from their near relatives that live on land. Aquatic Seed Plants — These are manifestly land plants in origin. They have much stiffening in their stems. They have a highly developed epidermal system, often retaining stomates, although these can be no longer of service for intake of air. They effect fertilization by means of sperm nuclei and pollen tubes, and not by free swimming sperm cells. Seed plants crowd the shore line, but they rapidly diminish in numbers in deepening water. They grow thickest by the waterside because of the abundance of air moisture and light there available. But too much moisture excludes the air and fewer of them are able to grow where the soil is always saturated. Still fewer grow in standing water and only a very few can grow wholly submerged. Moreover, it is only in protected shoals that aquatic seed plants flourish. They cannot withstand the beating of the waves on exposed shores. Their bodies are too highly organized, with too great differentiation of parts. Hence the vast expanses of open waters are left in possession of the more simply organized algae. An examination of any local flora, such as that of the Cayuga Lake Basin* will reveal at once how small a part of the population is adapted for living in water. *The following data are largely drawn from Dudley's Cayuga Flora, 1886. 152 Aquatic Organisms In this area there are recorded as growing without cultivation 1278 species. Of these 392 grow in the water. However, fewer than forty species grow wholly submerged, with ten or a dozen additional submerged exc< -pt for floating leaves. Hardly more than an eighth, therefore, of the so- called "aquatics" are truly aquatic in mode of life: the remaining seven-eighths grow on shores and in springs, in swamps and bogs, in ditches, pools, etc., where only their roots are constantly wet. The aquatic seed plants are representa- tive of a few small and scattered families. In- deed, the only genus having any consider- able number of truly aquatic species is the naiad genus Potamo- geton. Other genera of river- weeds, or true pond weeds, are small, scattered and highly diversified. They bear many earmarks of the special situations In the Fig. 63. The ruffled pond-weed; Pota- mogeton crispits, one of the most orna- mental of fresh water plants. independent adaptation to in the water which they severally occupy economy of nature the Potamogetons or river weeds constitute the most important single group of sub- merged seed plants. They are rooted to the bottom in most shoal waters, and compose the greater part of Aquatic Seed Plants 153 the larger water meadows within our flora. They have alternate leaves and slender flexuous stems that are often incrusted with lime. There are evergreen species among the Potamogetons . and other species that die down in late summer. Thei e are broad leaved and narrow leaved species. There are a few, like the familiar Potamogeton natans whose uppermost leaves float flat upon the surface, but the more important members of the genus live wholly submerged. Tho seed-plants, they mainly reproduce vegetatively, by specialized reproductive buds that are developed in the growing season, and are equipped with stored starch and other food reserves, fitting them when detached for rapid growth in new situations. These reproductive parts are developed in some species as tuberous thickenings of underground parts; in others as burr-like clusters of thickened apical buds ; and in still others they are mere thickenings of detachable twigs. The Potamogetons enter largely into the diet of wild ducks and aquatic rodents and other lesser aquatic herbivores. They are as important for forage in the water as grasses are on land. Other naiads are Nats (fig. 85) and Zannichellia. Eel-grass {Vallisneria) is commonly mixed with the pond weeds in lake borders and water meadows. Eel-grass is apparently stemless and has long, flat, flexuous, translucent, ribbonlike leaves, by which it is easily recognized. The duckweeds (Lemnaceae, figs. 61 and 62) are peculiar free-floating forms in which the plant body is a small flat thallus, that drifts about freely on the surface in sheltered coves, mingled with such liverworts as Ricciocarpus, with such fernworts as Azolla, with seeds, eel-grass flowers, and other flotsam There are definite upper and lower surfaces to the thal- lus with pendant roots beneath hanging free in the 154 qiidtic Organisms water. Increase is by budding and outgrowth of new lobes from pre-existing thalli. Flowering and seed production are of rare occurrence. The water lily family includes the more con- spicuous of the broad- leaved aquatics, which pre-empt the rich bottom mud with stout root stocks, and heavily shade the water with large shield- shaped leaves, either floating upon the sur- face, as in the water shield and water lilies or lifted somewhat above it, as in the spatterdock and the lotus. They are long-lived perennials, re- quiring a rich muck soil to root in. These are Fig. 64. Leaf- whorls. distinguished .4, and f, the hornwort (f?rflfo/)/fr//Hm); B, the water nilfoil for the beailtV (Myriophyllum). A is an old leaf, the upper half normally 1 covered with algae and silt; the lower half cleaned, save for a ailQ ira°TanCe Of closely adherent dwelling-tube of a midge larva in the fork at 1 • _n the right. C. is a young partly expanded leaf whorl from the their flOWCrS apical bud. Aquatic Seed Plants oo The bladderworts (Utricularia) comprise another peculiar group. They are free-floating, submerged plants with long, flexuous branching stems that are thickly clothed with dissected leaves. Attached to the leaves are the curious traps or "bladders" (discussed in Chapt. VI) which have suggested the group name. Being unattached they frequent the still waters of sheltered bays and ponds where they form beautiful feathery masses of green. They shoot up stalks above the surface bearing curious bilabiate flowers. Fig. 65. The water weed, Philotria (Anacharis or Elodea), with two young black-and-green-banded nymphs of the dragonfly A mix on its stem, and a snail, Planorbis, on a leaf. The hornwort (Ceratophyttum) is another non-rooting water plant that grows wholly submerged and branch- ing. It is coarser, however, and hardier than Utricu- laria and much more widespread. Its leaves are stiff, repeatedly forking, and spinous-tipped (fig. 64 A and C). The water milfoils (Myriophyllum) are rooted aqua- tics, superficially similar to the hornwort but dis- tinguishable at a glance by the simple pinnate branch- ing of the softer leaves (fig. 64^). Then there are a few very common aquatics that form patches covering the beds of lesser ponds, bogs I.S6 Aquatic Organisms and pools. The common water weed, Ph Hot r in , (fig. 65) , with its neat little leaves regularly arranged in whorls of threes; and two water crowfoots, Ranunculus, (fig. 66), white and yellow, with alternate finely dissected leaves ; and the water purslane, Ludvigia palustris, with its closely-crowded opposite ovate leaves are found here. These are the common plants of the waterbeds about Ithaca. They are so few one may learn them quickly, for so strongly marked are they that a single spray or often a single leaf is adequate for recognition. Then there are three small families so finely adapted to withstand- ing root submersion that they dominate all our permanent shoals and marshes. These are (1) the Typhaceae including the cat -tails and the bur-reeds, which form vast stretch- es of nearly clear growth, as discussed in the last chapter; (2) the Alis- maceae, including arrow heads and water plantain, and (3) the Pontederiaceae, represented by the beautiful blue pickerel-weed. All these are shown in their native haunts in the figures of chapter VI. Another family of restricted aquatic habitat is the Droseraceae, the sun-dews, which grow in the borders of sphagnous upland bogs. They are minute purplish- tinted plants whose leaves bear glandular hairs. Few other families are represented in the water by more than a small proportion of their species. Those Fig. 66. A leaf of the white water-crow foot, Ranunculus. Aquatic Seed Plants 07 families are best represented whose members live chiefly on low grounds and in moist soil. A few rushes (Juncaceae) invade the water on wave-washed shores at fore front of the standing aquatics. A few sedges Fig. 67. Fruit clusters of four emergent aquatic seed plants; arrow-arum {Peltandra), pickerel- weed {Pon- tederia), burr-reed (Sparganium), and sweet flag (A corns). (Carices) overrun flood-plains or fringe the borders of ditches. A very few grasses preempt the beds of shallow and impermanent pools. A few aroids, such as arrow arum and the calla adorn the boggy shores. A few heaths, such as, Cassandra and Andromeda over- spread the surface of upland sphagnum bogs with dense 153 A q italic Organisms levels of shrubs, and numerous orchids occupy the sur- face of the bog beneath and between the shrubs. Willows and alders fringe all the streams, associated there with a host of representatives of other families crowding down to the waterside. A few of these on account of their usefulness or their beauty, we shall have occasion to consider in a subsequent chapter. Such are the dominant aquatic seed plants in the Cayuga Basin; and very similar are they over the greater part of the earth. The semi-aquatic represen- tatives of the larger families are few and differ little from their terrestrial relatives: the truly aquatic families are small and highlv diversified. plants, so with animals, it are predominantly aquatic. AISI-YALS ANY of the lower groups of animals are wholly aqua- tic, never having de- parted from their ances- tral abode. Other groups are in part adapted to life on land. A few others, after becoming fit for terrestrial life, have been readapted in part to life in the water. Aqua- tic insects and mammals, especially, give evidence of descent from terres- trial ancestors. As with is the lower groups that The simplest of animals are the protozoans; so with these we will begin. Protozoans 159 Protozoans — One of the best known animals in the world, one that is pedagogically exploited in every biological laboratory, is the Amoeba (fig. 69a). Plastic, ever changing in form and undifferentiated in parts, this is the animal that is the standard of comparison among things primitive. Its name has become a household word, and an every-day figure of speech. A little living one-celled mass of naked pro- toplasm, that creeps freely about amid the ooze of the pond bottom, and feeds on organic foods. It grows just large enough to be recog- nized by the naked eye when in most favorable light, as when creeping up the side of a culture jar: on the pond bottom it is undiscoverable and a microscope is essential to study it. Related to Amoeba are several common shell -bearing forms of the group of Sarcodina (Rhizopoda) that often become locally abun- dant. Difflugia (fig. 69c) forms a flask-shaped shell composed of mi- nute granules, that, magnified, look like grains of sand stuck together over the outside. The soft amceba-like body protrudes in pseudopodia from the mouth of the flask, when travel- ing or foraging, or withdraws inside when disturbed. Arcella (fig. 69Z?) secretes a broadly domeshaped shell, having a concave bottom, in the center of which is the hole whence dangle the clumsy pseudopodia. One species of Arcella, shown in the following figure, has the margin of the shell strongly toothed. Both of these genera, and other shell-bearing forms, secrete Fig. 69. Protozoans. a, Amoeba; b, Arcella; c Difflugia. i6o A q untie Organisms Fig. 70. Arcella dentata. Through the central opening there is seen a diatom, re- cently swallowed. bubbles of gas within their shells whereby they are caused to float. Thus they are often taken in the plancton net from open water of the ponds and streams. Other protozoans that have the body more or less cov- ered with vibratile cilia (Cil- iata), are very common in freshwater, especially in ponds and pools. Best known of these is Paramecium, (fig. 71a) another familiar biolog- ical-laboratory "type" that grows abundantly in plant infusions. It is found in stagnant pools, swimming near the surface. There are many species of Paramecium. Some of them and some members of allied genera are characteristic of polluted waters. Other allied genera are parasitic, and live within the bodies of the higher animals. Stentoris (as the name signifies) a more or less trumpet-shaped ciliate protozoan, that may detach itself and swim freely about, but that is ordi- narily attached by its slender base to some support. Its base is in some species surrounded by a soft gelatinous transparent lorica, as shown in the figure. Some species are of a greenish color. Stentor and Paramecium, tho unicellular, are quite large enough to be seen (as moving specks) with the unaided eye. Ciliate pro- tozoans. .1, ParamcBcium; n, nu- cleus; v, v, vacuoles; /, food-ball at the bottom of the rudimentary esopha- gus; C, St en tor; I, lorica. Protozoans 161 Cothurnia (fig. 73c) is a curious double form that is often found attached to the stems of water weeds. The two cells of unequal height are surrounded by a thin transparent lorica. For beauty of form and delicacy or organization it would be hard to find anything surpas- sing this little creature. Vorticella and its allies are among the commonest and most ubiquitous of protozoans. They are sessile and stalked, with some portion or all of the base con- tractile. Vorticella forms clusters of many separate individuals, while Epistylis forms branching, tree-like compound colonies (fig. 72). Oftentimes they com- pletely clothe twigs and grass stems lying in the water, as with a white fringe. Often they cluster about the appendages of crustaceans and insects, or thickly clothe their shells. Some- times they cling to floating algal fila- ments in the water-bloom (see fig. 179 on p. 295). Ophrydium forms colonies of a very different sort. Numerous weak-stalked individuals have their bases imbedded in a roundish mass of gelatin. The colonies lie scattered about over the bottom of a lake or pond. They are Th s ^ de da G r J c t ^ je s ^ lk ? I ] ; roundish, or often rather shapeless masses varying in size from mere specks up to the dimensions of a hen's egg. In the summer of 1906 the marl-strewn shoals of Walnut Lake in Michigan were so thickly covered that a boat-load of the soft greenish-white colonies could easily have been gathered from a small area of the bottom. Other forms of protozoa there are in endless variety. We cannot even name the common ones here : but we will mention two that are very different from the fore- Fig. 72. A colony of Epistylis. egg, probably the egg of a rotifier. 1 62 Aquatic Organisms g< >ing in form and habit. Podophrya will often be encoun- ters 1 by searching the backs of aquatic insects or the sides < >f submerge d twigs, or other solid support, to which it is attached. It is sessile, and reaches out its suctorial pseiidopodia in search of soft -bodied organisms that are its prey. Anthophysa is a curious sessile form that is common in polluted waters. It forms very minute spherical colonies that are attached to the transparent tip of a Fig. 73. Three sessile protozoans. A, Antnophysa; B, Podophrya; C, Cothurnia. rather thick brow r nish stalk. The stalk increases in length and diameter with age, occasionally forking when the colony divides. It soon becomes much more con- spicuous than the colonies it carries. It often persists after the animals are dead and gone. After a vigorous gr< »wth, the accumulated stalks sometimes cover every solid support as with a soft flocculent brownish fringe. Besides these and other free-living forms, there are parasitic Protozoa whose spores get into the water. Some of these are pathogenic; many of them have changes of host ; all of them are biologically interesting; but w r e have not space for their consideration here. We must content ourselves with the above brief mention of a few r of the more common and interesting free-living forms. Aquatic Organisms 163 METAZOANS Hydras are the only common fresh-water representa- tives of the great group of Ccelenterates, so abundant in the seas; and of hydras there are but a few species. Two of these, the common green and brown ones, H. virdis and H. fusca, are well enough known, being among the staples of every biological laboratory. Pedagogically it is a matter of great good fortune that this little creature lives on, a common denizen of fresh- water pools; for its two-layered sac-like body repre- sents well the simplest existing type of metazoan structure. Hydras are ordinarily sessile, being attached by a disc-like foot to some solid support or to the surface film, from which they often hang suspended. But at times of abundance (and under conditions that are not at present well understood) they become detached and drift about in the water. A hydra of a brick-red color swarms about the outlet of Little Clear Pond at Saranac Inn, N. Y., in early summer, and drifts down the out- flowing stream, often in such abundance that the water is tinged with red. The young trout in hatching ponds through which this stream flows, neglect their regular ration of ground liver, and feed exclusively upon the hydras, so long as the abundance continues. The hydras play fast-and-loose in the stream, attaching themselves when they meet with some solid support, and then loosening and drifting again. Clear, sunlit pools are the favorite haunts of hydras, and the early summer appears to be the time of their maximum abundance. They attach themselves mainly to submerged stems and leaves, and to the underside of floating duckmeat. They feed upon lesser animals which abound in the plancton, and, multiplying rapidly by a simple vegetative process of budding with subs**- 164 Aquatic Organisms quent detachment, they become numerous when plancton abounds. Kofoid ('08) found a maximum number of 5335 hydras per cubic meter of water in Quiver Lake during a vernal plancton pulse in 1S97. Fresh-water sponges grow abundantly in the margins of lakes and pools and in clear, slow-flowing streams. They are always sessile upon some solid support. In sunlight they are green, in the shade they grow pale. The species that branch out in slender finger-like pro- cesses are most suggestive of plants in both form and color, but even the slen- derest sponge is more massive than any plant body; and when one looks closely at the surface he sees it rough- ened all over with the points of innumerable spicules, and sees open osteoles at the tips. By these signs sponges of whatever form or color are easily recognized. The commonest sponges are low encrusting species that grow outspread over the surfaces of logs and timbers. When, in early summer, one overturns a floating log that has been long undisturbed he may find it dotted with young sponges, growing as little yellow. circular, fleshy discs, bristling with spicules, and each with a large central osteole. Later they grow irregular in outline, and thicker in mass. Toward the end of their growing season they develop statoblasts or gemmules (winter-buds) next to the substratum (see fig. 164 on p. 264), and then they die and disintegrate. So our fresh-water sponges are creatures of summer, * 4 ils. Fig. 74. Three simple metazoans isolated structural types. .1. a scruff back, Chatonctw;; B. Hydra, bearing a bud; C, a tardigrade. Macrobiotus. Fresh-Water Sponges 165 All sponges are aquatic, and most of them are marine. Only the fresh-water forms produce statcblasts, and live as annuals. In figure 74 we show two other simple metazoans (unrelated to Hydra and of higher structural rank Fig. 75. A semi-columnar sponge from the Fulton Chain of Lakes near Old Forge, N. Y. Half natural size. Photo, kindly loaned by Dr. E. P. Felt of the N. Y. State Museum. than the sponges) that during the history of syste- matic zoology, have been much bandied about among the groups, seeking proper taxonomic associates. Chcetonotus often appears on the side of an aquarium jar gliding slowly over the surface of the glass as a minute oblong white speck. It is an inhabitant of water con- taining plant infusions, and an associate of Paramecium which to the naked eve it somewhat resemble*- 1 66 Aquatic Organisms Macrdbiotus may be met in the same way and place, but less commonlv. It may also be taken in plancton; but its favorite habitat appears to be tangles of water- plants, over whose stems it crawls clumsily with the aid of its four pairs of stub- by strong-clawed feet. It also inhabits the most temporary pools, even rainspouts and stove urns, and is able to withstand dessi- cation. Chaetonotus is probably most nearly related to the Rotifers; Macro- biotus, to the mites. Bryozoans — The Bryozoans or "moss animals" (called also Polyzoans) are colonial forms that are very common in fresh water. They grow always in sessile colonies, which have a more or less plant-like mode of branching . Their fixity in place, their spreading branches and the brownish color of the test they secrete give the commoner forms an aspect enough like minute brown creeping water mosses to have suggested the name. The individ- ual animals fzooids) of a colony are minute, requir- ing a pocket lens for their examination, but the colo- Fig. 76. Bryozoan colonies, slightly en- larged; a dense colony of Plumatella on a grass-stem; a beginning colony on a leaf (above) ; and a loosely grown colony of Fredericella. Bryozoans i6 7 nies are often large and conspicuous. Two of the commoner genera are shown in figure 76, natural size. These may be found in every brook or pond, growing in flat spreading colonies on leaves or pieces of bark or stones. Often a flat board that has long been floating on the water, if overturned, will show a com- plete and beautiful tracery of entire colonies outspread upon the surface. New zooids are produced by bud- ding. The buds remain permanently attached, each at the tip of a branch. With growth in length and the formation of a tough brown- ish cuticle over every por- tion except the ends, the skeleton of the colony devel- ops. This skeleton is what we see when we lift the leaf from the water and look at the colony — brown, branch- ing tubes, with a hole in the end of each branch. Noth- ing that looks like an ani- mal is visible, for the zooids which are very sensitive and very delicate have all with- drawn into shelter. They suddenly disappear on the slightest disturbance of the water, and only slowly extend again. If we put a leaf or stone bearing a small colony into a glass of water and let it stand quietly for a time the zooids will slowly extend themselves, each unfolding a beautiful crown of tentacles. There are few more beautiful sights to be witnessed through a lens than the blossoming out of these delicate transparent, flower- like, crowns of tentacles from the tips of the apparently lifeless branches of a populous colony. They unfold from each bud, like a whorl of slender petals and slowly Fig. 77. Three zooids of the bryo- zoan, Plumatella, magnified. I, expanded ; m, retracted; n, partly re- tracted; t, anus; j, intestine; &, de- veloping statoblast. 1 68 Aquatic Organisms extend their tips outward in graceful curves. Then one sees a mouth in the midst of the tentacles, and water- currents set up by the lashing of the cilia which cover Fig. 78. A colony of Pectinatella, one-half natural size. Note the distribution of buds in close groups over the surface. The large hole marks the location of the stick around which the colony grew. them. A close examination with the microscope will reveal in each zooid the usual system of animal organs. The alimentary canal is U-shaped its two openings being near together at the exposed end of the body. Bryozoans 169 Several Bryzoans secrete a gelatinous covering instead of a solid tube, and the colonies become in- vested in a soft transparent matrix. Pectinatella (fig. 78) is one of these. It grows in large, more or less spherical colonies, often resembling a muskmelon in size, shape and superficial appearance. It is a not uncommon inhabitant of bayous and ditches and slow- flowing streams. It grows in most perfect spherical form when attached to a rather small twig. The clustered zooids form grayish rosettes upon the surface of the huge translucent sphere. Late in the season when statoblasts appear the surface becomes thick! y besprinkled with brown. Still later, after the zooids have died, and the statoblasts have been scattered the supporting gelatin persists, blocks and segments of it, derived from disintegrating colonies, now green from an overgrowth of algas, are scattered about the shores. There are but a few genera of fresh-water bryozoans ■ — some six or seven — and Plumatella is much the com- monest one. Plumatella and allied forms grow in water pipes. They gather in enormous masses upon the sluice- " \ ways and weirs of water reservoirs. They sometimes cover every solid support with massive colonies of inter- laced and heaped-up branches. Thus they form an incrusting layer thick enough to be removed from flat surfaces with shovels. Its removal is demanded because the bryozoans threaten the potability of the water sup- ply. They do no harm while living and active, but when with unfavorable conditions they begin to die, N their decomposing remains may befoul the water of an entire reservoir. Cristatella is a flat, rather leech-shaped form that is often found on the under side of lily pads. ^ It is re- markable for the fact that the entire colony is capable of a slow creeping locomotion. The zooids act together as one organism. 170 Aquatic Organisms The free-living flatworms abound in most shoal fresh waters. Some live in shallow pools; others in lakes and rivers, others in spring-fed brooks. They gather on the under sides of stones, sticks and trash, and con- ceal themselves amid vegetation, usually shunning the light. They are often collected unnoticed, and crawl at night from cover and lie outspread upon the Fig. 79. Flatworms. A , diagram of a planari in, showing food cavity; M, mouth at end of cylindric pharynx, directed downward underneath the body; B, Dendroccelum; C, a chain of five individuals of Stenos- tomum formed by automatic division of the body, (after Keller). Xote the anterior position of the mouth and the unbranched condition of the alimentary canal in this Rhabdocccle type. sides of our aquaria. We may usually find the larger species by lifting stones from a stream bed or a lake shore, and searching the under side of them. Flatworms are covered with vibratile cilia and travel from place to place with a slow gliding motion. They range in length from less than a millimeter to several centimeters. The smaller among them are easily mis- Flatworms 171 taken for large ciliate protozoans, if viewed only with the unaided eye ; but under the microscope the alimen- tary canal and other internal organs are at once apparent. They are multicellular and have little like- ness to any infusoria, save in the ciliated exterior. Most members of the group are flattened, as the com- mon name suggests, but a few are cylindric, or even filiform. A few are inclined to depart from shelter and to swim in the open water, especially at time of abund- ance. Kofoid ('08) found them in the channel waters of the Illinois River in average numbers above 100 per cubic meter, with a maximum record of 19250 per cubic meter. The large flatworms resemble leeches somewhat in form of body, but they have more of a head outlined at the anterior end. They lack the segmentation of body and the attachment discs of leeches, and their mode of locomotion is so very different they are readily distinguished. They do not travel by loopings of the body as do leeches, but they glide along steadily, pro- pelled by invisible cilia. The most familiar flatworms are the planarians: soft and innocuous -looking little carnivores, having the mouth opening near the midventral surface of the body, and the food-cavity spreading through the body in three complexly ramifying branches. They are often brightly colored, mottled white, or brick red, or plumbeous, and they have a way of changing color with every full meal; for the branched alimentary canal fills, and the color of the food glows through the skin in the more transparent species. The eggs of planarians are often found in abundance on stones in streams in late summer. They are inclosed in little brownish capsules, of the size and appearance of mustard seeds, and each capsule is raised on a short stalk from the surface of the stone. Increase is also by automatic 172 Aquatic Organisms transverse division of the body, the division plane lying close behind the mouth. When a new head has been shaped on the tail-piece, and a new tail on the head- piece, and two capable organisms have been formed, then they separate. In some of the simple (Rhab- doccele) flatworms the body divides into more than two parts simultaneously and thus chains of new individuals arise (ng. 79 c). Thread-worms or Nematodes, abound in all fresh waters, where they inhabit the ooze of the bottom, or thick masses of vegetation. They are minute, color- less, unsegmented, smoothly-contoured cylindric worms rarely more than a few millimeters long. The tail end is visually sharply pointed. The mouth is terminal at the front end of the body, and is surrounded by a few short microscopic appendages. Within the mouth cavity there are often little tooth-like appendages. The alimentary canal is straight and cylindric and unappendaged, and th^ food is semifluid organic sub- stances. / * N ov A V A J JLady hi ^r— ^2 Fig. 80. Diagram of a Nematode worm. m, mouth; n, nerve ring; e, alimentary canal; ov, of, ovaries; a, anus. (After Jagerskiold). We can hardly collect any group of pond-dwellers without also collecting nematodes. They may occupy any crevice. They slip in between the wing-pads of insect nymphs, and into the sheaths of plant stems. When we disturb the trash in the bottom of our collect- ing dish, we see them swim forth, with violent swings and reversals of the pliant body. They may easily be picked up with a pipette. Bristle-Bearing Worms 173 Oligochetes — Associated with the nematodes in the trash and ooze, there is a group of minute bristle-bear- ing worms, the naiads (Family Naidse) , similar in slender- ness and transparency of body, but very different on close examination; for the body in Nais is segmented, and each segment is armed with tufts of bristles of variable length and form. There are many eomm< »n members of this family. Besides the graceful Nais shown in our figure there is Chcetogaster, which creeps on its dense bristle-clusters as on feet. There is Stylaria with a long tongue-like proboscis. There is Dero that lives at the surface in a tube of some floating plant stuffs, such as seeds (fig. 82) or Lemna leaves, slipping in and out or changing ends in the tube with wonderful celerity; and there are many others. Dero bears usually two pairs of short gill-lobes at the posterior end of the body. All these naiads reproduce habitually by automatic division of the body, which when in process of develop- ment, forms chains of incompletely formed individuals, as in certain of the natworms before described. Another group of Oligochetes is represented by Tubifex and its allies. These dwell in the bottom mud, living in stationary tubes, which are in part burrows, and in part chimneys extended above the surface. The worms remain anchored in these and extend their lithe bodies forth into the water. On disturbance they vanish instantly, retreating into their tubes. They arc often red in color, and when thickly associated, as on. sludge in the bed of some polluted pool, they often cover the bottom as with a carpet of a pale mottled reddish color. Fig. 81. Nais. (after Leunis) 174 Aquatic Organisms Fig. 82. Dero, in its case made of floating seeds. Aquatic earthworms, more like the well-known terrestrial species, burrow deeply into the mud of the pond bottom. Other worms occur in the water in great variety; we have mentioned only a few of the commonest, and those most frequently seen. There are many parasitic worms that appear in the water for only a brief period of their lives: hair-worms (Gorditis, etc.), which are freed from the bodies of insects and other animals in which they have developed; these often appear in watering troughs and were once widely believed to have generated from horse-hairs fallen into the water. There are larval stages (Cercaria) of Cestodes and others, found living in the water for only a brief interval of passage from one host animal to an- other. There are smaller groups also like the Nemertine worms, sparingly represented in fresh- water ; for informa- tion concerning these the reader is referred to the larger textbooks of zoology. Fig. 83. Tubifex in the bottom mud. Leeches i?5 Leeches — The leeches constitute a small group whose members are nearly all found in fresh-water. They occur under stones and logs, in water- weeds or bottom mud, or attached to larger animals. The body is always depressed, and narrowed toward the ends, more abruptly toward the posterior end where a strong sucker is developed. The front end is more tapering and neck- like, and very pliant. There is no distinct head, but at the front is a sort of cerebral nerve ring and there are rudimentary eyes in pairs, and surrounding the mouth is a more or less well-developed anterior sucker. The great pliancy of the muscular body, the presence of the two terminal suckers, and the absence of legs or other appendages determine the leech's mode of locomotion. It ordinarily crawls about by a series of loopings like a "measuring worm," using the suckers like legs for attachment. The more elongate leeches swim readily with gentle undulations of the ribbon-like body. The shorter broader forms hold more constantly with the rear sucker to some solid support, and when detached tend to curl up ventrally like an armadillo. Leeches range in size from little pale species half an inch long when grown, to the huge blackish members of the horse-leech group {Hcemopis) a foot or more in length. Many of them are beautifully colored with soft green and yellow tints. The much branched alimentary canal, when filled with food, shows through the skin of the more transparent species in a pattern that is highly decorative. Leeches eat mainly animal food. They are para- sites on large animals or foragers on small animals or scavengers on dead animals. Very commonly one finds the parasites attached to the thinner portions of the skins of turtles, frogs, fishes and craw-fishes. There is no group in which the boundary between predatory and parasitic habits is less distinct than in this one; many i?6 Anna tic Organisms leeches will make a feast of vertebrate blood, if occasion offers, or in absence of this will swallow a few worms instead. The mouth of leeches is adapted for sucking, in some cases it is armed for making punctures, as well: hence the food is either more or less fluid substances like blood or the decomposing bodies of dead animals, or else it consists of the soft bodies of animals small enough to be swallowe< 1 whole. The eggs of leeches are cared for in various ways: commonly one finds certain of them in minute packets, attached to stones. Others (Ilccmopis, etc.) are stored in larger capsules and hidden amid submerged trash. Oth- ers are sheltered beneath the body of the parent, and the young are brooded there for a time after hatching, as shown in the accompanying figure. Nachtrieb (12) states that they are so carried "until the young are able to move about actively and find a host for a meal of blood." Leeches are doubtless fed upon by many carnivorous animals. They are commonly reported to be taken freely by the trout in Adirondack waters. In Bald Moun- tain Pond they swim abundantly in the open water. Fig. 84. A clepsine leech (Placobdella rugosa), over- turned and showing the brood of young protected beneath the body. (From the senior author's General Biology). Rotifers 17 // The Rotifers constitute a large group of minute animals, most characteristic of fresh-water. They abound in all sorts of situations, and present an extra- ordinary variety of forms and habits. Their habits vary from ranging the open lake to dwelling symbioti- cally within the tissues of water plants ; from sojourning in the cool waters of peren- nial springs, to running a swift course during the tem- porary existence of the most transient pools. They even maintain themselves in rain- spouts and stone urns, where they become desiccated with evaporation between times of rain. Rotifers are mainly micro- scopic, but a few of the larger forms are recognizable with the unaided eye. Often they become so abundant in pools as to give to the water a tinge of their own color. Grouped together in colonies they be- come rather conspicuous. The spherical colonies of Cono- chilus when attached to leaf -tips, as in the accom- panying picture, present a bright and flower-like appearance. Entire colonies often become detached, and then they go bowling along through the water, in a most interesting fashion, the individuals jostling each other as they stand on a common footing, and all merrily waving their crowns of cilia in unison. Often a little roadside pool will be found teeming with the little white rolling spheres, that are quite large enough to be visible to the unaided eye. Fig. 85. Three colonies of the rotifer, Conochilus, attached to the tips of leaves of the pond-weed, Nais. 178 Aquatic Organisms Melicerta is a large sessile rotifer that lives attached to the stems of water-plants and when undisturbed protrudes its head from the open end of the tube, and unfolds an enormous four-lobcd crown of waving cilia. It is a beautiful creature. Our picture shows the cases of a number of Melicertas, aggregated together in a cluster, one case serving as a support for the others. The crown of cilia about the anterior end of the body is the most characteristic structure possessed by rotifers. It is often circular, and the waving cilia give it an aspect of rota- fl^ I- tion, whence the group name. It is developed in an extra- ~J| | A ordinary variety of ways as ^& M one may see by consulting in &. > any book on rotifers the figures of such as Stephanoceros, Flos- c id an a, Synichceta, Trochos- | ,.. phcera and Brachionus. k^^B^x The cilia are used for driv- Mb^^^, ing food toward the mouth ■L that lies in their midst, and for swimming. Most of the forms are free-swimming, and many alternately creep and swim. Brachionus (fig. 87) shows well the parts commonly found in rotifers. The body is inclosed in a lorica or shell that is toothed in front and angled behind. From its rear protrudes a long wrinkled muscular "foot," with two short "toes" at its tip. Tliis serves for creeping. The lobed crown of cilia occupies the front. Behind the quad- FlG. 86. Two clusters of rotifers (Melicerta), the upper but little magnified. Only the cases (none of the animals) appear in the photographs. Rotifers ] Q rangular black eyespot in the center of the body appears the food communicating apparatus (mastax), below which lie ovaries and alimentary canal. Any or all the external parts may be wanting in certain Fig. Sj. A rotifer (Brachionus entzii) in dorsal and ven- tral views. (After France). rotifers. The smaller and simpler forms superficially resemble ciliate infusoria, but the complex organization shown by the microscope will at once distinguish them. Rotifers eat micro-organisms smaller than them- selves. They reproduce by means of eggs, often parthenogenetically. The males in all species are smaller than the females and for some species males are not known. i So Aquatic Organisms Molluscs — A large part of the population of lake and river beds, shores, and jpools is made up of molluscs. They cling, they climb, they bur- r< >\v, they float — ■ they do every- thing but swim in the water. They are predominantly herbivorous, and constitute a large proportion of the producing class among aquatic animals. Two great groups of molluscs are common in fresh water, the familiar groups of mussels and snails. F re sh -water mus- sels (clams, or bivalves) abound in suitable places, where they push through the mud or sand with their muscular protrusi- ble foot, and drag the shell along in a vertical position leaving a channel- They feed on micro-organ - FiG. 88. A living mussel, Anodonta, with foot retracted and shell tightly closed. A copious growth of algae covers the portion of the shell that is exposed above the mud in loco- motion: the remainder is buried in oblique position with the foot projecting still more deeply into the mud. like trail across the bottom, isms. The two commonest sorts of fresh-water mussels are roughly distinguished by size and reproductive habits Molluscs 1 8 1 thus : Unios and their allies are large forms that have pearly shells and that live mainly in large streams and lake borders. They produce enormous numbers of young, and use mostly the outer gill for a brood chamber. They cast the young forth while still minute as glochidia, to become attached to and temporarily parasitic on fishes. The relations of these larval glochidia with the fishes will be discussed in chapter V. The lesser mussels (family Sphaeridae) dwell in small streams and pools and in the deeper waters of lakes. Their shells are not pearly. They produce but a few young at a time and carry these until of large size, using the inner gill for a brood-pouch. The stouter species, half an inch long when grown, burrow in stream- beds like the unios. The slenderer species climb up the stems of plants by means of their excessively mobile adhesive and flexible foot. On this foot the dainty white mussel glides like a snail or a flatworm, up or down, wherever it chooses. Snails are as a rule more in evidence than are mussels, for they come out more in the open. They clamber on plants and over every sort of solid support. They hang suspended from the surface film, or descend there- from on strings of secreted mucus. They traverse the bottom ooze. We overturn a floating board and find dozens of them clinging to it, and often w r e find a filmy green mass of floating algae thickly dotted with their black shells. They eat mainly the soft tissues of plants, and micro- organisms in the ooze covering plant stems. A ribbon- like rasp (radnla) within the mouth drawn back and forth across the plant tissue scrapes it and comminutes it for swallowing. Because snails wander constantly and feed superficially without, as a rule, greatly altering the form and appearance of the larger plants on which I 82 Aquatic Organisms they feed, their work is little noticed; yet they con- sume vast quantities of green tissue and dead stems. The commoner pond snails lay their eggs in oblong gelatinous clumps that are outspread upon the surfaces of leaves and other solid supports. Other snails are viviparous. The two principal groups of fresh-water snails may roughly be distinguished as (i) operculate snails which live mainly upon the bottom in larger bodies of water, and have an operculum closing the aperture of their shell when they retreat inside, and which breathe by Fig. 89. Two pond snails (Limited palustris) foraging on a dead stem that is covered with a fine growth of the alga, Chcetophora incrassata. means of gills: (2) pulmonate snails, which most abound in vegetation-filled shoals, breathe by means of a simple lung (and come to the surface betimes, to refill it with air) and have no operculum. The snails w r e oftenest see are members of three genera of the latter group: Limncza, shown in the accompanying figure, having a shell with a right-hand spiral and a slender point; Physa, having a shorter spiral, twisted in the opposite way, and Planorbis, shown in fig. 65 on p. 155, having a shell coiled in a flat spiral. A ncylus is a related minute limpet-shaped snail, having a widely open shell that is not coiled in a spiral. Its flaring edges attach it closely to the smooth surfaces of plant stems or of stones. Crustaceans 183 ARTHROPODS We come now to that great assemblage of animals which bear a chitinous armor on the outside of the body, and, as the name implies, are possessed of jointed feet. This group is numerically dominant in the world today on sea and land. It is roughly divisible into three main parts; crustaceans, spiders and insects. The crustaceans are the most primitive and the most wide-spread in the water-world; so with them we will begin. The Crustaceans include a host of minute forms, such as the water fleas and their allies, collectively known as Entomostraca, and a number of groups of larger forms, such as scuds, shrimps, prawns and crabs, col- lectively known as the higher Crustacea or Malacos- traca. A few of the latter (crabs, sow-bugs, etc.) live in part on land, but all the groups are predominately aquatic, and the Entomostraca are almost wholly so. The Entomostraca are among the most important animals in all fresh waters. They are perhaps the chief means of turning the minute plant life of the waters into food for the higher animals. They are themselves the chief food of nearly all young fishes. There are three groups of Entomostraca, so common and so important in fresh water, that even in this brief discussion we must distinguish them. They are: Branchiopods, Ostracods and Copepods. The Branchiopods, or gill-footed crustaceans, have some portion of the thoracic feet expanded and lamelli- form, and adapted to respiratory use. The feet are moved with a rapid shuttle-like vibration which draws the water along and renews the supply of oxygen. The largest of the entomostraca are members of this group ; they are very diverse in form. 184 Aquatic Organisms The fairy shrimp, shown in the accompanying figure, is one of the largest and showiest of Entomostraca. It is an inch and a half long and has all of the tints of the rainbow in its transparent body. It appears in spring in rainwater pools and is notable for its rapid growth and sudden disappearance. It runs its rapid course while the pools are filled with water, and lays its eggs and dies before the time of their drying up. The eggs settle to the bottom and remain dormant, awaiting the return of favorable season. The animal swims gracefully on its back with two long rows of broad, thin, fringed, undulating legs uppermost, and its forked tail streaming out behind, and its rich colors fairly shimmering in the ^^^^^m^^^^^^ Of very different appear- *W&&p*' x. ance j s the related mussel- FIC ' %SL F $L S &). C " >r °- shrimp (Estheria) , which has its body and its long series of appendages inclosed in a bivalve shell. Swimming through the water, it looks like a minute clam a centi- meter long, traveling in some unaccountable fashion; for its legs are all hidden inside, and nothing but the translucent brownish shell is visible. This shell is singularly clam-like in its concentric lines of growth on the. surface and its umbones at the top. This, in America, is mainly Western and Southern in its distri- bution, as is also A pus, which has a single dorsal shell or carapace, widely open below and shaped like a horse- shoe crab. These large and aberrant Branchiopods are all very local in distribution and of sporadic occurrence. As the seasons fluctuate, so do they. But they are so unique in form and appearance that when they occur they will hardly escape the notice of the careful observer of water life. Water- Fleas 185 Water-fleas — The most common of the Branchiopods are the water-fleas (order Cladocera) such as are shown in outline in figure 91. These are smaller, more trans- parent forms, having the body, but not the head, in- closed in a bivalve shell. The shell is thin, and finely reticulate or striated or sculptured, and often armed with conspicuous spines. The post-abdomen is thin and flat, armed with stout claws at its tip and fringed with teeth on its rear margin, and it is moved in and out between the valves of the shell like a knife blade in its handle. The pulsating heart, the circulating blood, the contracting muscles, and the vibrating gill-feet all show through the shell most clearly under a microscope. Hence these forms are very interesting for laboratory study, requiring no prepara- tion other than mounting on a slide. Some water-fleas, like Simocephalus, shown in fig- ures 91 and 92 swim freely on their backs, in which position gravity may aid them in getting food into their mouths. When the swimming antennae are developed to great size, as in Daphne (fig. 91a), the strokes are slow and progress is made through the water in a series of jumps. When the antennae are shorter, as in Chydorus (fig. 91 b), their strokes are more rapidly repeated, and progression steadier The Cladocerans are abundant plancton organisms throughout the summer season. They forage at a little depth by day, and rise nearer to the surface by night. The food of water-fleas is mainly the lesser green algae and diatoms. They are among the most important Fig. 91. Water-fleas a, Daphne; b, Chydorus; c, Simocephalus; d, Bosmina. Note the "proboscis." 1 86 Agnatic Organisms herbivores of the open water. They are themselves important food for fishes. The importance of water fleas in the economy of water is largely due to their very rapid rate of reproduc- tion. During the summer season broods of eggs suc- Fig. 92. A water-flea (Simocephalus vetulus) in its ordinary swimming position. Note the striated shell, and the ali- mentary canal, blackish where packed with food-residue in the abdomen. cessively appear in the chamber enclosed by the shell on the back of the animal (see figure 93) at intervals of only a few days. The young develop rapidly and are themselves soon producing eggs. In Daphne pulex, for example, it has been calculated that the possible Ostracods 187 progeny of a single female might reach the astounding number of 13,000,000,000 in sixty days. The Ostracods are minute crustaceans, averaging perhaps a millimeter in length, having the head, body and appendages all inclosed in a bivalve shell. The shell is heavier and less transparent than that of the water fleas. It is often sculptured, or marked in broad patterns Fig. 93. One of our largest water-fleas, Eurycerus lamellatus, twenty times natural size. Note the eggs in the brood chamber on the back. Note also the short beak and the broad post- abdomen (shaped somewhat like a butcher's cleaver) by which this water-flea is readily recognized. with darker and lighter colors. The inclosed appenda- ges are few and short, hardly more than their tips show- ing when in active locomotion. There are never more than two pairs of thoracic legs. The identification of ostracods is difficult, since, excepting in the case of strongly marked forms, a dissection of the animal fr >rr its shell is first required, iS8 Aquatic Organisms Fig. 94. An Ostracod {Cypris virens), lateral and dorsal views, (after Sharpe.) Some Ostracods are free- swimming (species of Cypris, etc.) and some (Notodromas ) haunt the surface in sum- mer; but most are creeping forms that live among water plants or that burrow in the bottom ooze. In pools where such food as algae and decaying plants abound Ostracods frequently swarm, and appear as a multitude of moving specks when we look down into the still water. Relict pools in a dry summer are likely to be found full of them. Both sexes are constantly present in most species of Ostracods, but a few species are repre- sented by females only, and reproduce by means of unfertilized eggs. The Cope pods are the perennial entomostraca of open water. Summer and winter they are present. Three of the commonest genera are shown in figure 95, toge- ther with a nauplius — the larval form in which the members of this group hatch from the egg. Nothing is more familiar in laboratory aquaria than the little white Cyclops (fig. 96, swim- ming with a jerky motion, the female carrying two large sacs of eggs. A more or less pear-shaped body tapering to a bifurcate tail at the rear, a single median eye and a pair of large swimming antennae at Fig. 95. Common copepods the front, and four pairs of c ^^^^',) C To^l thoracic swimming feet , ^iSZSrS&rSE beneath, characterize the dl & n2E the form ° f that appendage members of this group. Copepods is 9 The species of Diapt omits are remarkable for having usually very long antennae and often a very lively red color. Sometimes they tinge the water with red, when present in large numbers. Copepods feed upon animals plancton and algae, especially diatoms. They are themselves important food for fishes, especially for young fishes. The higher Crustacea, (Malacostraca) are rep- resented in our fresh waters by four distinct groups, all of which agree in having the body composed of twenty segments that are variously fused together on the dorsal side, each, except the last, bearing (at least during development) a pair of appendages. Of these segments five belong to the head, eight to the thorax and the remainder to the abdomen. My sis (fig. 97) is the sole represen- tative of the most primitive of these groups, the order Mysidacea. Its thoracic appendages are all biramous and undifferentiated; and still serve their primal swimming function. Mysis lives in the open waters of our larger lakes, in their cooler depths. It is a delicate transparent creature half an inch long. The Scuds (order Amphipoda) are flattened lateiv and the body is arched. The thoracic legs are adapte* 1 Fig. 96. A female Cyclops, with eggs. 190 q untie Organisms for climbing, and the abdominal appendages for swim- ming and for jumping. The body is smooth and pale; often greenish in color. The scuds are quick and active. They dart about amid green water-weeds, usually keeping well to shelter, and they swim freely and rapidly when disturbed. In figure 98 are shown three species that are common in the eastern United States. The scuds are herbivores, and they abound among green water plants everywhere. They are of much importance as food for fishes. They are hardy, and capable of maintaining themselves under stress of Fig. 97. Mysis stenolepis. (After Paulmier). competition. They carry their young in a pectoral broodpouch until well developed ; and altho they are not so prolific as are many other aquatic herbivores, yet they have possibilities of very considerable increase, as is shown by the fol- lowing figures for Gammarus fasciatus, taken from Embody 's studies of 191 2: Reproductive season at Ithaca, Apr. 18th to Nov. 3d, includes 199 days. Average number of eggs laid at a time 22. Egg lay- ing repeated on an average of 1 1 days. Age of the youngest egg-laying female 39 days : num- ber of her eggs, 6. P< i.ble orogeny of a single pair 24221 annually. Asellus ib the commonest representative of the order Isopoda; broad, dorsally-flattened crustaceans of some- Decapoda 191 what larger size, that live sprawling in the mud of the bottom in trashy pools. Their long legs and hairy bodies are thickly covered with silt. Two pairs of thoracic legs are adapted for grasping and five pairs for walking, and the appendages of the middle abdominal segments are modified to serve for respiration. Asellus feeds on water-cress and on other soft plants, living and dead, are found in the bottom ooze. It reproduces rapidly, and, in spite of cannibal habits when young. Fig. 98. Three common Amphipods. A, Gammarus limnaus; B, Gammanis fasciatus; C, Eucrangonyx gracilis. (Phoio bv G. E. Embody). often becomes exceedingly abundant. An adult female of Asellus communis produces about sixty eggs at a time and carries them in a broodpouch underneath her broad thorax during their incubation. There is a new brood about every five or six weeks during the early summer season. Both this order and the preceding have blind representatives that live in unlighted cave watery anu pale half -colored species that live in wells. The crawfishes are the commonest inland representa- tives of the order Decapoda. These have the thoracic 192 Aquatic Organisms segments consolidated on the dorsal side to form a hard carapace, and have but five pairs of walking legs (as the group name indicates), the foremost of these bear- ing large nipper-feet. This group contains the largest Crustacea, including all the edible forms, such as crabs, lobsters, shrimps, and prawns, most of which are marine. Southward in the United States there are fresh-water prawns (Palcouojietes) of some importance as fish food. The eggs of crawfishes are carried during incubation, attached to the swimmerets of the abdomen, and the young are of the form of the adult when hatched. They cling for a time after hatching to the hairs of the swim- merets by means of their little nipper-feet, and are carried about by the mother crawfish. Crawfishes are mainly carnivorous, their food being smaller animals, dead or alive, and decomposing flesh. In captivity they are readily fed on scraps of meat. Southward, an omni- vorous species is a great depredator in newly planted fields of corn and cotton. Hankinson fo8) reports that the crawfishes "form a very ¥ ?fj^\£^£^££ important if not the chief food of black bass, rock bass, and perch" in Walnut Lake, Michigan. Spiders and Mites are nearly all terrestrial. Of the true spiders there are but a few that frequent the water. Such an one is shown in the initial cut on page 158. This spider is conspicuous ei^ r*irm*-ncr on the surface of the water, or descv nding Dcix. u,L in a film of air that shines lik s silver; but neither this nor any other true spider is of so great importance in the economy of the water as are many other animals that are far less conspicuous. In habits these do not differ materially from their terrestrial relatives. Spiders and Mites 193 Of mites there is one rather small family (Hydrach- nidae) of aquatic habits. These water-mites are minute, mostly rotund (sometimes bizarre) forms with unseg- mented bodies, and four pairs of long, slender, radiating legs. One large species (about the size of a small pea) is so abundant in pools and is so brilliant red in color that it is encountered by every collector. Others, tho Fig. 100. An overturned female crawfish (Cambams bartoni), showing the eggs attached to the swimmerets (four thoracic legs broken off). smaller, are likewise brilliant with hues of orange, green, yellow, brown pfid blue, often in striking patterns. Water-mites, e * whe? too small to be distinguished easily by their form frc n ostracods or other minute Crustacea are easily dis inguished by their manner of locomotion. They swim steadily, in one position; not in the jerky manner of the entomostraca. The strokes of their eight hair-fringed swimming feet come 194 Aquatic Organisms in such rapid succession that the body is moved smoothly forward. A few water-mites that dwell in the open water of lakes are transparent, like other members of open-water plancton. Water-mites are nearly all parasitic: they puncture the skin and suck the blood of larger aquatic animals. Certain of them are common on the gills of mussels: others on the intersegmental membranes of insects. Fig. ioi. Water mites of the genus Limnochares Nothing is more common than to find clusters of red mites hanging conspicuously at the sutures of back- swimmers and other water insects. Many mites lay their minute eggs on the surface of the leaves of water plants. Their young on hatching have but three pairs of legs. Aquatic Insects 195 INSECTS This is the group of animals that is numerically dominant on the earth today. There are more known species of insects than of all other animal groups put together. The species that gather at the water-side give evidence, too, of most extraordinary abundance of individuals. Who can estimate the number of midges in the swarms that hover like clouds over a marsh, or the number of mayflies represented by a windrow of cast skins fringing the shore line of a great lake? The world is full of them. Like other land animals they are especially abundant about the shore line, w T here condi- tions of water, warmth, air and light, favor organic productiveness. Nine orders of insects (as orders are now generally recognized) are found commonly in the water. These are the Plecoptera or stoneflies; the Ephemerida or mayflies; the Odonata or dragonflies and damselflies; the Hemiptera or water bugs; the Neuroptera or net- winged insects; the Trichoptera or caddis-flies; the Lepidoptera or moths ; the Coleoptera or beetles ; and the Diptera or true flies. These, together with the Thysanura or springtails, which hop about upon the surface of the water in pools, and the Hymenoptera, of which a few members are minute egg-parasites and which, when adult, swim with their wings, represent the entire range of hexapod structure and metamor- phosis. Yet the six-footed insects as a class are pre- dominantly terrestrial It is only a few of the smaller orders, such as t : ^eflies and tl , * ay flies, that are wholly aquat ; Jf the very large oro ts of moths, beetles and true flies only a few are aquati Aquatic insect; are mainly so in ther u ature stages ; the adul s are terrestrial or aerial. Only a few adult bugs and beetles are commonly found in the 196 A qua tic Organisms water. Other insects are there as nymphs or larvae; and, owing to the great change of form that is undergone N _ • s^SjHMSS zz -/ ^ s Fig. 102. The green darner dragonfly, Anax Junius; adult and nymph skin from which it has just recently emerged. Save for the displaced wing rasp<- he skin preserve £ well the form of the immature st<- je. Photo ' //. //. Knight at the .1 transformation, they ar°. very unlike the adults ppearance. How very ' 'fke the brilliant Aquatic Insects 197 adult dragonfly, that dashes about in the air on shim- mering wings, is the sluggish silt-covered nymph, that sprawls in the mud on the pond bottom! How unlike the fluttering fragile caddis-fly is the caddis-worm in its lumbering case ! As with terrestrial insects, so with those that are aquatic, there are many degrees of difference between young and adult, and there are two main types of metamorphosis, long familiarly known as complete and incomplete. With complete meta- morphosis a quiescent pupal stage is entered upon at the close of the active larval life, and the form of the body is greatly altered during transformation. Adults and young are very unlike. Caddis- worms, for example, the larvae of caddis -flies, are so unlike caddis-flies in every exter- nal feature, that no one who has not studied them would think of their identity. The caddis-fly shown in the accom- panying figure is one that is very common about marshes, where its larva dwells in temporary ponds and pools. Often in early summer, the bottom will be found thickly strewn with larvae in their lumbering cases. Then they suddenly disappear. The} drag th^ir cases into the shelter of sedge chxr ips borderii er the ^ools, and tiansform to pupae inside them. A fc nigh' later they transform ,to adult caddis-flies, an lear a*: shown in figure IC3, pretty soft brown insects marked wit] straw-yeliow in a neat pattern. The larva is of the form shown in figure 104, a stocky worm-like Fig. 103. Caddis-fly. {Limnophilus sp.) 198 Aquatic Organisms Fig. 104. Caddis-worms: larva? of Hales us guttifer. creature, half soft and pale where constantly protected by the walls of the case in which it lives, and half dark colored and strongly chitinized where exposed at the ends. There are stout claws at the rear for clutching the wall of the case; there are soft pale fila- mentous gills arranged along the side of the abdomen, and there are three spacing tuber- cles upon th^ r ~st segment of the abdor uring that a fresr. vater shall be du ^ase co flow ovc The legs are direo ..»rward, for F*g. 105. The larval case of T ; mnophilus, attached end- . .. to a submerged flag leaf, in posi " f transformation. A Caddis-fly 199 f. J§* Fig. 106. End view of pupal case of Limno- philtis showing silken barrier; enlarged. readier r egress from the case; they reach forth from the front end, clutching any solid support. The larva of Lim- nophilus lives in the case shown in figure 105. This is a dwel- ling composed of flat plant fragments placed edgewise and attached to the out- side of a thin silken tube. The larva, living in this tube, clam- bers about over the vegetation, jerkily dragging its cumbrous case along, foraging here and there where softened plant tissues offer, and when disturbed, quickly retreating inside. It frequently makes additions to the front of its case, and casts off fragments from the rear; so it increases the diameter to accom- modate its own growth. When fully grown and ready for transformation the larva partially closes the ends, spins across them net-like barriers of silk to keep out intruders while admitting a fresh water supply. Then it molts its last larval skin and transforms into a pupa o f r form shown in the accompany 1 ' njgf iq having large compound eyes, long ant *- nae, broad externa' wing-cases and Fig. 107. Pupa of copious external g Is. Limnophilus. 200 Aquatic Organisms Then ensues a quiescent period of a fortnight or more during which great changes of form, both external and internal, take place. The stuffs that the larva accumu- lated and built into its body during its days of foraging, and that now lie inert in the soft white body of the pupa are being rapidly made over into the form in which they will shortly appear in the body of the dainty aerial caddis-fly. However, the pupa is not wholly inactive. By gentle undulations of its body it keeps the water flowing about its gills; and when, at the approach of final transformation, its new muscles have grown strong enough, it is seized with a sudden fit of activity. It breaks through the barred door of the case, pushes out, swims away, and then walks on the surface of the water, seeking some emergent plant stem, up which to climb to a suitable place for its final transformation. There the caddis-fly emerges, at first limp and pale, but soon becoming daintily tinted with yellow and brown, full-fled ged and capable of meeting the exigencies of life in a new and wholly different environment. It is a marvelous change of form and habits that insects undergo in metamorphosis — especially in com- plete metamorphosis. Such trans- formations as occur in other groups are hardly com- parable with it. The change from a tadpole to a frog, or from a nauplius to an adult copepod, is slight by comparison; for + here is o cessation of activity, and no consir 1 arable pail of th- 1 ody is even temporarily put out cf use. But in all the hi* ler insects an extra- ordinary reversal of development occurs at the close of Fig. 108. Pupal skins of Limnophilus, left at final molting at- tached to a reed above the surface of the water. Nymph and Larva 201 active larval life. The larval tissues and organs disin- tegrate, and return to a sort of embryonic condition, to be rebuilt in new form in the adult insect. With incomplete metamorphosis development is more direct, there is no pupal stage, and the form of the body is less altered during transformation. Metamor- phosis is incomplete in the stoneflies, the mayflies, the dragonflies and dam- selflies and in the water bugs. The im- mature stage we shall speak of as a nymph. All nymphs agree in having the wings de- velop ed externally upon the sides of the thorax. Metamor- phosis is complete in all the other orders above mentioned. Their immature stage we shall call a larva. All larvae agree in having the wings devel- oped internally: they are invisible from the outside until the pupal stage is assumed. It should be noted in passing that ' 'complete" and "incomplete" as applied to metamorphosis are purely relative terms. There is in the insect series a progressive divergence in form between immature and adult stages, and the pupal stage comes in to bridge the widening gap between. There is less change of form in the water bugs than in any other group of aquatic i ^ects. The nymph of the water boatman (fig. 109) differs chiefly f re m the adult in the undevel' ped condition of its wings and reproductive organs. - v+ Fig. 109. Water boatmen (Corixa), two adults and a nymph of the same species. 202 Aquatic Organisms The groups of aquatic insects that are most com- pletely given over to aquatic habits are the more generalized orders that were long included in the single Linna?an order Neuroptera (stoneflies, mayflies, dragon- flies, caddis-flies, etc.)* Our knowledge of the immature stages of aquatic insects was begun by the early micro- scopists to whom reference has already been made in these pages: Swammerdam, Rcesel, Reaumur, and their contemporaries, f They delighted to observe and describe the developmental stages of aquatic insects, and did so with rare fidelity. After the days of these pioneers, for a long time little attention was paid to the immature stages, and descriptions of these and accounts of their habits are still widely scattered!. It is during their immature stages that most insects, both aquatic and terrestrial ones, are of economic im- portance. It is then they mainly feed and grow. It is then they are mainly fed upon. The adults of many groups eat nothing at all: their chief concern is with mating and egg-laying. Hence the study of the im- mature stages is worthy of the increased attention it is receiving in our own time. It will be a very long time before the life histories and habits of all our aquatic insects are made known, and there is abundant opportunity for even the amateur and isolated student of nature to make additions to our knowledge by work [n this field. ♦Under this name (we still call them Neuropteroids) the American forms were first described and catalogued by Dr. H. A. Hagen in his classic "Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America." (Washington, 1861). Bugs, beetles, moths and flies have received corresponding treatment in systematic synopses of their respective orders, only the adult forms being considered. fMuch of the best of the work of these pioneers has been gathered from their ancient ponderous and rather inaccessible tomes, and translated by Professor L. C. Miall, and reprinted in convenient form in his "Natural History of Aquatic Insects" (London, 1895). |The ipletest available accounts of tht .ife histories and habits of North America aquatic insects have b^en published by the senior author and his collaborators in the Bulletins 47, C . 86 am 124 of the New York State Museum Stone flics 203 The stonefiies (order Plecoptcra) are all aquatic. They live in rapid streams, and on the wave-washed rocky shores of lakes. They are among the most generalized of winged insects. The adults are flat- bodied inconspicuous creatures of secretive habits. Little is seen of them by day, and less by night, except when some bril- liant light by the waterside at- tracts them to flutter around it. The colors are obscure, being predominantly black, brown or gray; but the diurnally-.a cliy£- foliage inhabit- ing chlor o perlas are pale green. They take wing awkwardly and fly rather slowly, and may often be caught in the unaided hand. They are readily picked up with xhe fingers when at rest. The wings (sometimes aborted) are folded flat upon the back. They are rather irregularly traversed with heavy veins. The tarsi are three- jointea'. This, together with the flat- tened head, bare skin,' anc long forwardly-dr^cted Fig. 1 10. An adult stonefly , Perln immarginata. 204 Aquatic Organisms antennas, will be sufficient for recognition of members of this group. Stonefly nymphs are elongate and flattened, and very similar to the adults in form of body. They possess always a pair of tails at the end of the body. Most of them have filamentous gills underneath the body, tho a few that live in well aerated waters are lacking these. The colors of the nymphs are often livelier than those of the adults, they being adorned with bright greens and yellows in ornate pat- terns. The nymphs are mainly carnivorous. They feed upon mayfly nymphs and midge larvae and many other small animals occur- ring in their haunts. One finds these nymphs by lifting stones from water where it. nrns swiftly, and qu ickly invertin g them. TKe_nymphs_ cli ng clos ely to the under side of the Fig. ii The nymph of a stone- flv, Perla immarginata. (Photo by Lucy Wright Smith.) stones, lying flat with legs outspread, and holding on by means of stout paired claws that are like grappling hooks. Their legs are flattened i ,nd laid down against the stone in such a way that hey offer little resistance to the passing current ?eflv nymphs are always found associated with fl; £-bodied Rjiyfly rv nphs.of similar form, and with greenish net- spinning addis- worms. Mavfl, ics 20 The mayflies (order EbhemrrhhA o^ 11 They live in all U wafe^Sg ^ptdTSS greatest diversity of situations I he adults are fragile insects, hav- ing long fore legs that are habit- ually stretched far forward, and two or three long tails that are extended from the tip of the bodv backward The wings are corru- gated and fan like, but not folded and are held vertically in repose.' 1 he hind wings are smalland incon- spicuous. The antenna are minute and setaceous. The head is con- tracted below and the mouth parts are rudimentary. Thus, many characters serve to distinguish the mayflies from other insects and make their group one of the easiest to recognize. Mayflies are peculiar also, in their metamorphosis. They undergo a moult after the assump- tion of the adult form. Thev transform tisually at the surface ot the water, and, leaving the cast-off nymphal skin floating flv away to the trees. Body and wings are then clothed in a thin pellicle oi dull grayish and usually pilose skm, which is retained during a short period of quiescence. Durin°- this period (which lasts but a few Fig. 112. An adult may- fly, SipUonurus allern'a- tus. one or two days) minutes in Can- an.; 4* allies, b it wn. ninth arger .ns lasts tht - ar. known as subimagrv: or 206 Aquatic Organisms duns. Then this outer skin is shed, and they come forth with smooth and shining surfaces and brighter colors, as imagos, fully adult, and ready for their mating flight. Lacking mouth parts and feeding not at all, they then live but a few hours. There are few phenomena of the insect world more strik- ing than the mating flight of mayflies. The adult males fly in companies, each species maneuvering according to its habit, and the females come out to meet them in the air. Certain large species that are concerted in their season of appearance gather in vast swarms about the shores of all our larger bodies of freshwater at their appointed time. By day we see them sitting motionless on every solid sup- port, often bending the stream- side willows with their weight ; and when twilight falls we see all that have passed their final molt swarming in untold num- bers over the surface of the water along shore. The nymphs of mayflies are all recognizable by the gills upon the back of the abdomen. These are arranged in pairs at the sides of some or all of the first seven segments. The body terminates occasionally in two but usr illy in three long tails. The mouth parts arejWmsh edjwjth many specialties for raking dia toms and for rasping / <- ved stems. Mayfly nymphs are among the most impo t ar er\ [ vores in all fresh waters. Fig. 113. The nymph of the mayfly, Siphlon urus alter natus. [Photo bv A>ina Haven Morgan.') Dr a go uflics 207 The dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) are all aquatic. The adults are carnivorous insects that go hawking about over the surfaces of ponds and meadows, capturing and eating a great variety of lesser insects. The larger dragonflies eat the smaller ones. Fig 114. An adult damselfly, Iscknura verticalis, perchinj low galingale, Cy perns diandrus. on the stem of a The form of body in the dragonflies is peculiar and distinctive. The head, which is nearly overspread by the huge eyes, is loosely poised on the apex of a narrow prothorax. The remainder of the thorax is enlarged and the wings are shifted backward upo^ i\ and the legs forward, adapting them fc ■ pe ine on vertical stems.. 208 Agnatic Organisms The abdomen is long and slender. On the ventral side of its second and third segments, far removed from the openings of the sperm ducts, there is developed in the male a remarkable copulatory apparatus, that has no counterpart in any other insects. The venation of the wings, also, is peculiar, nothing like it being found in any other order. The dragonflies hold their wings horizontally in repose. The damselflies are slender forms that hold their wings vertically (or, in Lestes, obliquely outward) in repose. Fore and hind wings are similar in form in the damselflies; dissimilar, in the dragonflies. Fig. 115. A nymph of the damsel- fly, Ischnura verticalis. The nymphs of the entire order are recognizable by the possession of an enormous grasping labium, hinged beneath the head. This is armed with raptorial hooks and spines, and may be extended forward to a distance several times the length of the head. It is thrust out and withdrawn with a speed that the eye cannot follow. It is a very formidable weapon for the capturing of living prey. It is altogether unique among the many modifications of insect mouth parts. Damselfly nymphs are distinguished by the posses- sion of three flat lanceolate gill-plates that are carried like tails at the end of the abdomen. The edges of these :es are set vertically, and they are swung from side ie with a sculling motion to aid the nymphs in sw ie. Dragonfly Nymphs 209 Dragonfly nymphs have their gills developed upon the inner walls of a rectal respiratory chamber, and not visible externally. Hence, the abdomen is much wider than in the damselflies. Water drawn slowly into the gill chamber through an anal orifice, that is guarded by elaborate strainers, may be suddenly expelled by the strong contraction of the abdominal muscles. Thus this breathing apparatus, also, is used to aid in locomo- tion. The body is driven forward by the expulsion of the water backward. Damselny nymphs live for the most part clambering about among submerged plants in still waters; a few Fig. 1 16. The burrowing nymph of a Gomphine dragonfly, with an elongate terminal segment for reaching up through the bottom mud to the water. cling to plants in the edges of the current, and a very few cling to rocks in flowing water. Dragonfly nymphs are more diversified in their habits. Many of them also clamber among plants, but more of them sprawl in the mud of the bottom, where they lie in ambush to await their prey. One considerable group (the Gom- phines) is finely adapted for burrowing in the silt and sand of the bottom. All are very voracious, eating living prey in great variety. All appear to prefer the largest game they are able to overpower. Many species are arrant canni- bals, eating their own kind even when not sta d to it. As a group they are among the most import arni- vores in shoal fresh waters. 210 Aquatic Organisms The true bugs (order ITcmiptera) are mainly terres- trial, and have undergone on land their greatest differ- entiation. The aquatic ones are usually found in still waters and in the shelter of submerged vegetation. Tho comparatively few in species, they are important members of the predatory population of ponds and Fig. 117. A giant water bug (Benacus griseus) vertical surface under water, clinging to a natural size. pools. They are often present in great numbers, if not in great variety. The giant water bugs (fig. 117) are amonf the largest of aquatic insects. These are widely 1 1 from their habit of flying to arc lights, falling' h them, and floundering about in the dust of villa"". 1 Water Bugs 211 The eggs of the giant water-bugs are attached to vertical stems of reeds just above the surface of the water. They are among the largest of insect eggs. Those of Benacus (fig. 118) are curiously striped. The eggs of a smaller, related water-bug, Zaitha or Belo stoma , are attached by the female to the broad back of the Fig. i i 8. Eggs of Benacus, enlarged; the lower- most are in process of hatching. male, and are carried by him during their incubation. The nymphs of this family, on escaping from the egg suddenly unroll and expand their flat bodies, and attain at once proportions that would seem impossible on looking at the egg (fig. 119). Most finely adapted to life in the water 9 v-ater boatmen (fig. 109 on p. 201) and the ^ j aimers, 212 Aquatic Organisms which swim with great agility and are able to remain for a considerable time beneath the surface of the water. The eggs of these are attached beneath the water to any solid support. Most grotesque in form are the water-scor- pions (Nepidae) , that breathe through a long caudal respira- tory tube. The eggs of these are in- serted into soft plant tissues, with a pair of long processes on the end of each egg left protruding. At the shore-line we find the creep- ing water-bugs among matted roots edge of the with shore bugs and toad bugs just out on Nymphs and adults alike are distinguished from the members of all other orders by the possession of a jointed puncturing and sucking proboscis beneath the head, directed backward between the fore legs. Nymphs and adults are found in the water together and are alike carnivorous. Being similar in form they are readily recognized as the same animal in different developmental stages. The net-winged insects (Neuroptera) are mainly terrestrial or arboreal. Two families only have aquatic representatives, the Sialididee and the Hemerobiidae, and these are so different, they are better considered separately. Fig. IT9. A new-hatched Bcnacus, and a detached egg. in the water, land. Dobsons 13 I. Sialididce — These are the dobsons, the fish flies and the orl flies. The largest is Corydalis, the common dobson (fig. 120), whose larva is the well known "hell- grammite", that is widely used as bait for bass. It lives under stones in rapids. It is a "crawler" of forbidding appearance, two or three inches long when grown, having a stout, greenish black body, sprawling, hairy legs, and paired fleshy lateral pro- cesses at the sides of the abdomen. There is a minute tuft of soft white gills under the base of each lateral process. There is a pair of stout fleshy pro- legs at the end of the ab- domen, each one armed with a pair of grappling hooks. The larvae of the fish-flies (Chauliodes) are similar in form, but smaller and lack the gill tufts under the lateral filaments. The larva of the orl-fly differs conspicuously in having no prolegs or hooks at the end of the body, but instead, a long tapering slender tail. Fish-fly larvae are most commonly found clinging to submerged logs and timbers. Orl-fly larvae burrow in the sandy beds of pools in streams and in lake shores. All appear to be carnivorous, but little is known of the feeding habits of either larvae or adults. Tho large and conspicuous insects they are rather secretive and are rarely abundant, and they have b ;en little observed. Fig. 120. An adult female dob- son, Corydalis cornuta, natural 214 A qua lie Organisms \lul/ 2. Hemerobiidce — Of this large family of lacc-wings but two small genera (in our fauna) of spongilla flics, CI i mar ia and Sisyra, have aquatic larvae. The adults are delicate little insects that are so secretive in habits and so infrequently seen that they are rare in collections. Their larvae are com- monly found in the cavities of fresh water sponges. They feed upon the fluids in the body of the sponge. They are distin- guished by the posses- sion of long slender piercing mouthparts, longer than the head and thorax together, and by paired ab- dominal respiratory filaments, that are angled at the base and bent underneath the abdomen. These larvae are minute in size (6 mm. long when grown) and are quite unique among aquatic insect larvae in form of mouthparts and in manner of life. The caddis-flies (order Trichoptera) are all aquatic, save for a few species that live in mosses. They con- stitute the largest single group of predominantly aquatic insects. They abound in all fresh waters. The adults are hairy moth-like insects that fly to lights at night, and that sit close by day, with their long antennae extended forward (see fig. 1 03 on p. 1 97) . They are not showy insects, yet many of them are very dainty and delicately colored. They are short-lived as adults, and, like the mayflies, many species swarm at the shore line on summer evenings in innumerable companies. Fig. 121. Insect larvae. a, a diving-beetle larva (Coptolomus interrogatus)- after Helen Williamson Lyman); b, a hellgrammite, (Corydalis cornula, after Lintner); c, an orl-fly larva (Sialis infumata, after Maude H. Anthony). Caddis -flies 21 The larvae of the caddis-flies mostly live in portable cases, which they drag about with them as they crawl or climb ; but a few having cases of lighter construction, swim freely about in them. Such is Tricenodes, whose spirally wound case made from bits of slender stems is shown in the accompany- ing figure. The cases are wonderful in their diversity of form , of materials and of construction. They are usually cylindric tubes, open at both ends, but they may be sharply quadrangular or trian- gular in cross section, and the tube may be curved or even coiled into a close spiral*. Almost any solid materials that may be available in the water in pieces of suitable size may be used in their case build- ing: sticks, pebbles, sand-grains and shells are the staple materials. Sticks may be placed parallel and lengthwise, either irregularly, or in a con- tinuous spiral. They may be placed crosswise with ends over- Fig. 123. The case of the free- lapping like the elements of a nodTs ming larvae ° f Triae " stick chimney, making thick walls and rather cumbrous ca ses. However built, the case is always lined with the secre- tion from the silk glands of the larva. This substance is indeed the basis of all case construction. The larva Fig. 122. The larva of a spongilla fly, Sisyra after Maude H. Anthony j. *As in Helicopsyche, (see fig. 221, on page 370) whose case of finely textured sand grains was originally described as a new species of snail shell. 2l6 Aquatic Organisms builds by adding pieces one by one at the end of the tube, bedding each one in this secretion, which hardens on contact with the water and holds fast. Small snails and mussel shells are sometimes added to the exterior with striking ornamental effect, and sometimes these are added while the protes- ting molluscs are yet living in them. Some of the micro- caddis-flies (family Hy- droptilidae) fashion "parchment" cases of the silk secretion alone. These are brownish in color and translucent. They are usually com- pressed in form and are carried about on edge. Agraylea decor- ates the parchment with filaments of Spiro- gyra, arranged concentrically over the sides in a single external layer. Some caddis-worms build no portable cases at all, but merely barricade themselves in the crevices between stones, attaching pebbles by means of their silk secre- tion, and thus building themselves a walled chamber which they line with silk. In this they live, and out of the door of the chamber they extend themselves half their length in foraging. Other caddisworms construct fixed tubes among the stones, and at the end of the tube that opens facing the current they spin fine-meshed funnel-shaped nets of silk. These are open up stream, Fig. 124. Cylindric sand cases of one of the Leptoceridae, (en- larged; . Caddis-worms 217 and into them the current washes organisms suitable for food. The caddis-worm lies with ready jaws in wait at the bottom of the funnel, and cheerfully takes what heaven bestows, seizing any bit of food that may chance to fall into its net. These net-spinners belong to the family Hy dropsy chidae. When minute animals abound in the current the caddis-worms appear to eat them by preference: at other times, they eat diatoms and other algae and plant fragments. The order as a whole tends to be herbivorous and many members of it are strictly so; but most of them will at least vary their diet with small may- fly and midge larvae and entomostracans, when these are to be had. Caddis -worms are more or less caterpillar-like, but lack paired fleshy prolegs beneath the body, save for a single strongly-hooked pair at the posterior end. The thoracic legs are longer and stronger and better devel- oped than in caterpillars, and they are closely applicable to the sides of the body, as befits slipping in and out of their cases. The front third of the body is strongly chitinized and often brightly pigmented; the remainder, that is constantly covered by the case, is thin skinned and pale. Most caddis-worms bear fila- mentous gills along the sides of the abdomen, but some that dwell in streams are gill-less and others have gills in great compound clusters or tufts. Fig. 125. The larva of Rhyacophila fuscula in its barricade of stones, exposed by lifting off a large top stone. 21 8 Aquatic Organisms Caddis-fly pupae are likewise aquatic (and this is characteristic of no other order of insects), and like the larvae, they often bear filamentous gills along the sides of the abdomen. They are equipped with huge mandi- bles that are supposed to be of use in cutting a way out through the silk just before transformation. The mandibles are shed at this time. The adult caddis-flies are destitute of jaws and are not known to feed; so they are probably short-lived. ^*»K-~W- MRS <££& i Fig. 126. Eggs of Triaenodes. The eggs of caddis-flies usually are laid in clumps of gelatine. Sometimes they are arranged in a flat spiral, as in Triaenodes, shown in the accompanying figure: sometimes they are suspended from twigs in a ring-like loop, as in Phryganea. Oftener they form an irregular clump. They are usually of a bright greenish color, but those of the net spinning Hydropsyches, laid on submerged stones in close patches with little gelatine, are tinged with a brick-red color. The moths (order Lepidoptera) are nearly all terres- trial. Out of this great order of insects only a few members of one small family (Pyralidae) have entered the water to live. These live as larvae for the most part upon plants like water lilies and pond weeds that are not wholly submerged. Hydrocampa, removed from Moths 219 its case of two leaf fragments, looks like any related land caterpillar, with its small brown head, its strongly Fig. 127. Two larval cases of the moth Hydrocampa, each made of two pieces of Marsilea leaf. Upper smaller case unopened, larva inside; lower case opened to show the larva, its cover below. chitinized prothorax and the series of fleshy prologs underneath the abdomen. By these same characters anv other aquatic caterpillar may be distinguished Irom the members of other orders. Paraponyx makes no 220 Aqua tic rga n ism s case, differs strikingly in being covered with an abundance of forking filamentous gills which sur- round the body as with a whitish fringe. It feeds, often in some numbers, on the under side of leaves of the white water-lily, or about the sheathing leaf bases of the broad-leaved pond weeds (Potamogeton). El o phi I a f i (li call's lives on the exposed surfaces of stones in running streams, dwelling under a silt-covered canopy of thin-spun silk, about the edges of which it forages for algae growing on the stones. Its body is Fig. 128. Larva of Elophila depressed, and its gills are unbranched and in a double row along each side. It spins a dome-shaped cover having perforate margins under which to pass the pupal period. It emerges, to fly in companies of dainty little moths by the streamside. All these aquatic caterpillars like their relatives on land, are herbivorous. They are all small species; they are of wide distribution and are often locally abundant. The beetles (order Coleoptera) are mainly terrestrial, there being but half a dozen of the eighty-odd families of our fauna that are commonly found in the water. Eoth adults and larvae are aquatic, but, unlike the bugs, the beetles undergo extensive metamorphosis, and Beetles 221 larvae and adults are of very different appearance. Beetle larvae most resemble certain neuropteroids of the family Sialididae in appearance, and there is no single character that will distinguish all of them (see fig. 121 on p. 214). Only a few beetle larvae (Gyrinids, and a few Hydrophilids like Berosus) possess paired lateral fila- ments on the sides of the abdomen such as are charac- teristic of all the Sialididae. Aquatic beetle larvae are much like the larvae of the ground beetles (Carabidae) in general appearance, hav- ing well developed legs and antennae and stout rapacious jaws. Best known of water beetles are doubtless the 1 'whirl - i - gigs" (Gyrinidae) , which being social in their habits and given to gyrating in conspicuous companies on the surface of still waters, could hardly escape the notice of the most casual ob- server. Their larvae, how- ever, are less familiar. They are pale whitish or yellowish translucent elongate crea- tures, with very long and slender paired lateral ab- dominal filaments along the sides of the abdomen. They live amid the bottom trash where they feed upon the body fluids of blood worms and other small animal prey. Living often in broad expanses of shoal water where there are no banks upon which to crawl out for pupation, they construct a blackish cocoon on the side of some vertical stem just above the surface of the water and undergo transformation there. The Fig. I2Q. A diving beetle, Dytiscus, slightly enlarged. 222 Aquatic Organisms eggs are often laid on the under side of floating leaves of pondwccds. The diving beetles (Dytiscidae and ■ 1 Hydrophilidae) are by far the most num- erous and important of the aquatic beetles. These swarm in every pond and pool, and are among the most I important carnivores of all such waters. They range in size from the big brown i Dytiscus (fig. 129) down to little fellows I a millimeter long. Their prevailing colors are brown or black, but many of Fig. 130. One of the lesser forms are prettily flecked and the lesser diving beetles, Hydro- porus, seven times natural size. streaked with yellow (fig. 130). The eggs of the Dytiscus and of other members of its family are inserted singly into punctures in the tissues of living plants (fig. 131). Those of the Hydrophilids are for the most part inclosed in whitish silken cocoons attached *-.0 plants near the Pig. 131. Eggs of the diving beetle, .,,^o^« r^f fh^ Dytiscus, in submerged leafstalks, nearly aliricice 01 Lite readv for hatching: the larva s hows Water. through the shell. (From Matheson) Beetles The Haliplids are a small family of minute bee- having larvae of unique form and habits. These larvae Fig 132. Larvae of the beetle, Peltodytes, in mixed algal filaments, twice natural size; below, a single larva more highly magnified. (From Matheson). live among the tangled filaments of the coarser green algas, especially Spirogyra, and they feed upon the contents of the cells that compose the filaments, suckir 224 Aquatic Organisms the contents of the cells, one by one. They are very inert-looking, stick-like, creatures and easily pass unobserved. Of our two common genera one (Pelto- dytes) is shown in figure 132. The body is covered over with very; long stiff jointed bristle-like processes, giving it a burr-like appearance. The larva of the other genus (Haliplus) is more stick-like, has merely sharp tubercles upon the back, and has the body ter- minating in a long slender tail. The Riffle beetles (Parnidae and Amphizoidce) prefer flowing water. They do not swim, but clamber ovei the surfaces of logs and stones. They are mostly small beetles of sprawling form, having stout legs that terminate in curved grappling claws. There is great variety of form among their larvae, the better adapted ones that live in swift waters showing a marked ten- dency to assume a limpet-like contour. This cul- minates in the larva of Psephenus, commonly known as the "water penny." This larva was mistaken for a limpet by its original describer. It is very much flattened and broadened and nearly circular in outline, and the flaring lateral margins encircling and inclosing the body fit down all round to the surface of the stone on which it rests (see fig. 160 on page 260). Under- neath its body are tufts of fine filamentous gills, inter- segmentally arranged. The flies (order Dipt era) are a vast group of insects. Among them are many families whose larvae are wholly or in part aquatic. The changes of form undergone du: ing me + ~L<>rphosis are at a maximum in this group : the lai *• very different indeed from the adults. j ip-» rvae are very diversified in form and ilf ,ure. The entire lack of thoracic legs c . them from all other aquatic larvae. little else than this, and the general Flies 225 tendency toward the reduction of the size of the head and of the appendages. Many of them are gill-less and many more possess but a single cluster of four tapering retractile anal gill filaments. Fig. 133. An adult midge, Tanypus carneus, male. By far the most important of the aquatic Diptera in the economy of nature are the midges (Chironomidae). These abound in all fresh waters. The larvae are cylindric and elongate, with distinct free head, and body mostly hairless save for caudal tufts of setae. They are distinguished from other fly larvae by the possesion of a double fleshy proleg underneath the r-' >r x, 1 ad a pair of prolegs at the rear end of the '1 c paed with numerous minute grappling h' la them are of a bright red color, and ne^c'e jtrfled "blood worms." 226 Aquatic Organisms Midge larvae live mainly in tubes which they fashion out of bits of sediment held together by means of the secretion of their own silk glands. These tubes are built up out of the mud in the pond bottom as shown in the accompanying figure, or constructed in the crevices ^ ' ?T Fig. 134. Tubes of midge larvae in the bed of a pool. between leaves, or attached to stems or stones or any solid support. They are never portable cases. They are generally rather soft and flocculent. The pupal stage is usually passed within the same tubes and the pupa is equipped with respiratory horns or tufts of various sorts for getting its air supply. The pupa (see fig. 171 on p. 279) is active and its body is constantly undulating, as in the caddisflies. The eggs of the midges are laid in gelatinous strings ig plumps and are usually deposited at the surface of the water. Figure 135 shows the appearance of a bit of such an egg-mass. This one measured bushels in Fl ws 227 quantity, and doubtless was laid by thousands of midges. Figure 136 shows a little bit of it— a portion of a few egg strings— magnified so as to show the form and arrangement of the individual eggs. Such great egg masses are not uncommon, and they foreshadow the coming of larvae in the water in almost unbelievable abundance. Fig. 135. A little bit of an egg mass of the midge, Chironomus, hung on water weeHs (Philotria). Midge larvae are among the greatest producers of animal food. They are preyed upon extensively, and by all sorts of aquatic carnivores. Three families of blood-sucking Diptera have aqua 1 ' * larvae; the mosquitoes (Culicidas), the horseflies (Tabanidae) and the black flies (Simuliic e) . Mosquito 22S Aquatic Organisms larvae are the well known "wrigglers" that live in rain water barrels and in temporary pools. They are readily distinguished from other Dipterous larvae by their swollen thoracic segments and their tail fin. The Dupae are free swimming and hang suspended at the surface with a pair of large respiratory horns or trum- pets in contact with the surface when at rest. FlG. 136. A few of the component egg-strings, magnified. The larvae of the horseflies are burrow T ers in the mud of the bottom. They are cylindric in form, tapering to both ends, headless, appendageless, hairless, and have the translucent and very mobile body ringed with segmentally arranged tubercles. They are carnivorous, and feed upon the body fluids of snails and aquatic worms and other animals. The white spiny pupae are Flies 22Q formed in the mud of the shore. The tiny black eggs (fig- 138) are laid in close patches on the vertical stems or leaves of emergent aquatic plants. Black fly larvae live in rapid streams, attached in companies to the surfaces of rocks or timbers over which the swiftest water pours. They are blackish, and often conspicuous at a distance by reason of their numbers. They have cylindric bodies that are swollen toward the posterior end, which is attached to the supporting surface by a sucking disc. Underneath the mouth is a single median proleg, and on the front of the head convenient to the mouth, there is a pair of "fans," whose function is to strain forage organisms out of the passing current. The full grown larva spins a basket- like cocoon on the vertical face of the rock or timber, and in this passes its pupal stage. The eggs are laid in irregular masses at the edge of the current where the water runs swiftest. In like situations we meet less frequently the net- winged midges (Blepharoceridae) , whose scalloped flat and somewhat limpet-shaped larvae are at once recogniz- able by the possession of a midventral row of suckers for holding on to the rock in the bed of the rushing waters. The naked pupa is found in the same situation and is attached by one strongly flattened side to the supporting surface. These five above-mentioned families are the ones most given over to aquatic habits. Then there are several large families a few of whose members are aquatic: Leptidae, whose larvae live among the rocks in rapid streams, hanging on and creeping by means of a series of large paired and bifid prolegs; Syrphidas, whose larvae are known as "rat-tailed maggots" since their body ends in a long flexuous respiratory tube, which is projected to the surface for air when the larva lives in dirty pools ; Craneflies (Tipulidae) see fig. 2 1 5 on 230 Aquatic Organisms Fig. 137. The larva of a horsefly, Chrysops. Fig. 138. The eggs of a horsefly on an emergent bur- reed leaf. p. 360) whose cylindric tough- skinned larvae have their heads retracted within the prothorax, and bear on the end of the abdo- men a respiratory disc perforate by two big spiracles and sur- rounded by fleshy radiating fila- ments ; minute moth -flies — Psycho- didae, (see fig. 214 on p. 359) whose slender larvae live amid the trash in both brooks and swales. Swaleflies (Sciomyzidae) whose headless and appendage- less larvae hang suspended by their posterior end from the sur- face in still water; and others less common. It is a vast array of forms this order comprises, this mighty group of two-winged flies, that is still so imperfectly known; and some of the most highly diversified of its larvae are among the commoner aquatic ones. VERTEBRATES There is little need that we should give any extended account of the groups of back-boned animals — fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In water as on land they are the largest of animals, and are all familiar. The water- dwellers among them, excepting the fishes and a very few others, are air-breath- ing forms that are mainly descended from a terrestrial ancestry. They haunt the water-side and enter the shoals to forage or to escape enemies, but they cannot remain submerged, for they have need of air to breathe. The fishes have remained strictly aquatic. They dominate the open waters of the larger lakes and streams. They have multiplied and differentiated and become adapted to every sort of situation where there is water of depth and permanence sufficient for their mainten- ance. They outnumber in species every other verte- brate group. Within the water the worst enemies of fishes are other fishes; for the group is mainly carnivorous, and big fishes are given to eating little ones. Hence, tho all can swim, few of them do swim in the open waters, and these only when w T ell grown. Those that so expose themselves must be fleet enough to escape enemies, or powerful enough to fight them. Little fishes and the greater number of mature fishes keep more or less closely to the shelter of shores and vegetation. The accompanying diagram, based on Hankinson's (08) studies at Walnut Lake, Michigan, represents the distribution of fishes in a rather simple case. The thirty-one species here present range in adult size from the pike which attains a length above three feet, to the least darter which reaches a length of scared y an inch and a half. One species only, the whiterish, 231 232 Aquatic Organisms dwells habitually in the deep waters of the lake. One other species, the common sucker, is a regular inhabit- ant of water between fifteen and forty feet in depth. The pike, ranges the upper waters at will pursuing his prey over both depths and shoals; but he appears to prefer to lie at rest among the water-weeds where his ;**■ jxtr. <asmm ,. Fig. 139. Ale-wives (Chi pea pscudoharengus) on the beach of Cayuga Lake, after the close of the spawning season. A single large sucker lies in the foreground. gr< it mottled back becomes invisible among the lights and shadows. The pondweed zone on the sloping bottom between five and twenty-five feet in depth is the haunt of most of the remaining species, including all the minnow r s, cat- fishes, sunfishes, and the perches. The last named wander betimes more freely into the deep w r ater; all of Distribution of Fishe: these forage in the shoals, especially at night. The catfishes are more strictly bottom feeders, and these feed mainly at night. A few species keep to the close shelter of thick vegetation at the water's edge, and one species, the least darter, prefers to lie over mottled marl-strewn bottoms at depth between fifteen and twenty feet. So it appears that some two-thirds of the species have their center of abundance in the pondweed zone: here, doubtless they best find food and escape enemies. >^_,- — 'pondweed zone , whitefish, i species. c, pike, i species. e, sucker, i species. n, perch and wall-eye, 2 species. o, bass, sunfish, minnow, e'c. 10 species. r, catfishes, 2 species. s, mudminnow, etc., 3 species. x, least darter, 1 species. Fig. 140. Diagram illustrating the habit- ual distribution of the thirty-one species of fishes in Walnut Lake, Michigan. Data from Hankinson. Only a few of the stronger and swifter species venture much into the deeper water: the weaklings and the little fishes frequent the weed-covered shoals. The eggs of fishes are cared for in a great variety of ways. Their number is proportionate to the amount of nurture they receive. No species scatters its eggs throughout the whole of its range, but each species selects a spot more or less circumscribed in which to lay its young. Carp enter the shoals and scatter their eggs promiscuously over the submerged vegetation and the bottom mud with much tumult and splashing. A single female may lay upwards of 400,000 eggs a season. 234 [qua tic Organisms Doubtless many of these eggs are smothered in mud and many others are eaten before hatching. Suckers seek out gravelly shoals, preferably in the beds of streams, at spawning time. Dangers are fewer here and a single female may lay 50,000 eggs. Yellow perch attach their eggs in strings of gelatin trailed over the surface of submerged water plants. The number per fish is still Fig. 141. A splash on the surface made by a carp in spc further reduced to some 20,000 eggs. Sunfishes make a sort of nest. They excavate for it by brushing away the mud with a sweeping movement of the pectoral fins. Thus they uncover the roots of aquatic plants over a circular area having a diameter equal to the length of the fish. On these roots the female lays her eggs, and the male guards them until they are hatched. With this additional care the number is further reduced to some 5000 eggs. Sticklebacks actually build a nest, by Food of Fishes 235 gathering and fastening together bits of vegetation. It is built in the tops of the weeds — not on the pond bottom. The nest is roughly spherical, with a hole through the middle of it from side to side. Within the dilated center of the passageway the female lays her eggs: the male stands guard over the nest. After the hatching of the eggs he still guards the young. It is said that when the young too early leave the nest, he catches them in his mouth and puts them back. The stickleback lays only about 250 eggs. Thus in their extraordinary range of fecundity the fishes illustrate the wonderful balance in nature. For every species the number of young is sufficient to meet the losses to which the species is exposed. The food of fresh-water fishes covers a very wide range of organic products ; but the group as a whole is predaceous. A few, like the goldfishes and golden shiners, are mainly herbivorous and live on algae and other soft plant stuffs. Others like carp and gizzard- shad live mainly on the organic stuffs they get by devouring the bottom ooze. Many, either from choice or from necessity, have a mixed diet of plant and animal foods. But the carnivorous habit is most widespread among them. In inland waters they are the greatest consumers of animal foods. Such fishes as the pike which, when grown, lives wholly upon a diet of other fishes, are equipped with an abundance of sharp raptorial teeth. The sheepshead has flattened molar-like teeth strong enough for crushing shells and adapting it to a diet of molluscs. Other fishes, even large ones like the shovel-nosed sturgeon, have close-set gill-rakers. These retain ^ for ; the plancton organisms of the water that is strained through the gills. The young of all fishes are planet < >n feeders. 230 Aquatic Organisms The Am phi bia as are the smallest of the five great groups of vertebrates. They are represented in our fauna mainly by frogs and salamanders. A few of the more primitive salamanders (Urodela) , such asNecturus, breathe throughout life by means of gills, and are strictly aquatic. A few are terrestrial, but most are truly amphibious. They develop as aquatic larvae (tadpoles), having gills for breathing and a fish-like circulation: they transform to air-breathing, more or less terrestrial adult forms; and they return to the water to lay their eggs in the primeval environment. Fig. 142. A leopard fr< Rd)ia pipiens. The period of larval life varies from less than two months in the toad to more than two years in the bull- frog. The eggs of amphibians are, for the most part, de- posited in shallow water, often in masses in copious gelatinous envelopes (see fig. 201 on p. 342). In some cases the egg masses are large and conspicuous and well known. Examples are the long egg-strings of the toad that lie trailing across the weeds and the bottom; or the half-floating masses of innumerable eggs laid by the larger frogs. The eggs of the smaller frogs are less often seen, those of the peeper being attached singly to plant stems. Dr. A. H. Wright (14) has shown that the eggs of all our species of frogs are distinguishable by size, color, gelatinous envelopes and character of cluster. Amphibians Adult amphibians are carnivorous. They all eat lesser animals in great variety. Frogs and toads have a projectile and adhesive tongue which is of great service in capturing flying insects; but they eat, also, many other less active morsels of flesh that they find on the ground or in the water. The food of some of the lesser stream-inhabiting salamanders , such as Spelerpes, is mainly in- sects, while that of the vermilion-spotted newt is mainly molluscs. The amphibia are a group of very great bio- logical interest. They represent a relatively simple type of vertebrate structure. Their devel- opment can be followed with ease and it is illumi- nating and suggestive of the early evolutionary history of the higher verte- brates. They illustrate in their own free-living forms the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. And they show in the different amphibian types many grades of metamorphosis. The transformation is more extensive Fig. 143. Diagram of individual eggs from the egg mass of the toad and seven species of frog occurring at Ithaca. Eggs solid black; gelati- nous envelopes white. (After Wright). A, Toad, eggs in double gelatinous tubes, form- ing strings, the inner tube divided by cross partitions; B, pickerel frog; C, peeper (no outer envelope) ; D, green frog (inner en- velope ellipitical) ; E, tree frog (outer en- velope ragged) ; F, bull frog (no inner envelope); G, leopard frog; H, wood frog. All twice natural size. Fig. 144. The spotted salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum. 2 3 8 Aquatic Organisms in frogs than in any other vertebrates, involving profound changes in internal organs and in manner of life. The reptiles are mainly terrestrial. Southward there are alligators in the water, but in our latitude there are Fig. 145. The common snapping turtle. only a few turtles and water snakes. These make their nests on land. They hide their eggs in the sand or in the midst of marshland rubbish, where the sun's warmth incubates them. These also are carnivorous. Water Bird: 239 The water birds, tho more numerous than the two preceding groups, are but a handful of this great class of vertebrates. The principal kinds of birds that frequent the water are water-fowl— ducks, geese and swans; the shore birds— plover, snipe and rails; the gulls, the herons and the divers. Some of these that, like the loon, are Fig. 146. Wild geese foraging in a marsh in Dakota. superably fitted for swimming and diving, feed mainly on fishes. Most water birds consume a great variety of lesser animals. The ducks and rails differ much in diet according to species. Thus the Sora rail eats mainly seeds of marsh plants, while the allied Virginia rail in the same locality eats miscellaneous animal food to the extent of more than fifty per cent, of its diet. Only the waterfowl that are prized as game birds are extensively herbivorous. They eat impartially tne vegetable products of the land and of the water. The 240 Aquatic Organisms wild ducks and geese eat great quantities of duckmeat (Lemna) and succulent submerged aquatics. Canvas- backs fatten on the wild celery (Vallisneria). In Cayuga Lake in winter they gorge themselves with the starch-filled winter buds of the pondweed, Potamogcton Fig. 147. Floating nest of pied-billed grebe (Podilymhus podireps) in a cat-tail marsh, surrounded by water. pus ill us. They also dive and pluck up from the bottom mud the reproductive tubers of the pondweed, Potamoge- ton pectinatus (see fig. 228 on p. 381). Water birds, having attained the freedom of the air, *r;\ wide anging beyond all other animals. They come d go annual migrations. They settle here and Aquatic Mammals 241 there, and commit local and intermittent depredations. The water birds nest mainly on land, and in their nesting and brooding habits they differ little from their terrestrial relatives. The aquatic mammals of inland waters fall mainly in two groups, the carnivores and the rodents. Here again, the carnivores that are more expert swimmers and divers, such as fisher, martin, otter and mink are all fish-eating animals. They have become fitted to Fig. 148. A muskrat, Fiber zihethicus. utilize the chief animal product of the water. Of these four the mink alone has withstood the "march of progress,' ' and retains its former wide distribution. Of rodents there are two fur-bearers of much import- ance, the beaver, now driven to the far frontier, and the muskrat. The muskrat has become under modern agricultural conditions the most important aquatic mam- mal remaining. By reason of its rapid rate of repro- duction, its ability to find a living in any cat-tail marsh, big or little, and its hardiness, it has been able to main- tain its place. CHAPTER V ADJUSTMENT TO CONDITIONS OF AQUATIC LIFE INDIVIDUAL ADJUSTMENT O infinitely varied are the fitnesses of aqua- tic organisms for the conditions they have to meet that we can only select out of a worldf ul of examples a few of the more wide- spread and significant. We shall have space here for discussing only such adaptations to life in the water as are common to "large groups of organisms, and represent general modes of adjustment. First we will consider some of the ways in which the species is fitted to the aquatic conditions under which it lives, and then we will take note of some mutual adjustments between different species. The first of living things to appear upon the earth were doubtless simple organisms that were far from 242 Flotation 243 being so small as the smallest now existing, or so large as the largest. They grew and multiplied. They differentiated into plants and animals, into large and small, into free-swimming and sedentary. Some be- took themselves to the free life of the open waters and others to more settled habitations on shores. The open -water forms were nomads, forever adrift in the waves: the shoreward forms might find shelter and a quiet resting place. LIFE IN OPEN WATER In the open water there are certain great advantages that lie in minuteness and in buoyancy. These quali- ties determine the ability of organisms to float freely about in the more productive upper strata of water. To descend into the depths is to perish for want of light. So the members of many groups are adapted for floating and drifting about near the surface. These constitute the planet 071. On the other hand, large size has its advantages when coupled with good ability for swimming and food gathering. In the rough world's strife the battle is usually to the strong. It is the larger, wide-ranging, free-swimming organisms that dominate the life of the open water. These constitute the necton. Plancton and necton w T ill be discussed in the next chapter as ecological groups, but in this place we may take note of the two very different sorts of fitness, that they have severally developed for life in the open water. the plancton organisms being fitted for flotation, and the necton for swimming. Flotation — All living substance is somewhat heavier than water (i. e. has a specific gravity greater than 1 and therefore tends to sink to the bottom. T'l e vel< >c- 244 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life ity in sinking is determined by several factors, one of which is external and the others are internal: The external factor is the varying viscosity of the water. The internal factors are specific gravity, form and size. We have mentioned (p. 30) that the viscosity of the water is twice as great at the freezing point as at ordinary summer temperatures; which means, of course, that the water itself would offer much greater resistance to the sinking of a body immersed in it. We are here concerned with the internal factors. Lessening of specific gravity — The bodies of organisms are not composed of living substance alone, but con- tain besides, inclusions and metabolic products of various sorts, which oftentimes alter their specific gravity. The shells and bone and other hard parts of animals are usually heavier than protoplasm; the fats and gelatinous products and gases are lighter. We know that the fats of vertebrates, if isolated and thrown upon the water, will float; and that a fat man, in order to maintain himself above the water, needs put forth less effort than a lean one. There are probably many products of the living body that are retained within or about it and that lessen its specific gravity, but the commonest and most important of these seem to fall into three groups: 1. Fats and oils, which are stored assimilation products. These are very easily seen in such plancton organisms as Cyclops (see fig. 96 on p. 189) where they show through the transparent shell as shining yellowish oil droplets. Most plancton algae store their reserve food products as oils rather than as starches. 2. Gases, which are by-products of assimilation, and are distributed in bubbles scattered through the tissue Flotation 2 i; where produced, or accumulate in special containers. These greatly reduce the specific gravity of the body, enabling even heavy shelled forms (see p. 159) to float. 3. Gelatinous and mucilaginous products of the 1 >odv which usually form external envelopes (see fig. 10 on p. 52) but which may appear as watery swellings of the tissues. Their occurrence as envelopes is very common with plants and with the eggs of aquatic animals; thev may serve also for protection and defense, and for regulating osmotic pressure, but by reason of their low- specific gravity they also serve for flotation. Improvment of form — We have already called atten- tion (p. 42) to the fact that size has much to do with the rate of sinking in still water. This is because the resistance of the water comes from surface friction and the smaller the body the greater the ratio of its surface to its mass. Given a body small enough, its mere minuteness will insure that it will float. But in bodies of larger size relative increase in surface is brought about in various ways: 1 . By extension of the cell in slender prolongations (see fig. 50, j, k, 1, on p. 129). 2 . By the aggregation of cells into expanded colonies : a. Discoid colonies, as in Pediastrum (fig. 44 on P- 123). b. Filaments, as in Oscillatoria (fig. 34 on p. 109). c. Flat ribbons of innumerable slender cells placed side by side, as in many lake diatoms (Fragil- laria, Tabelaria, Diatoma). d. Radiate colonies as in Asterionella (fig. 35 // on p. in). e. Spherical colonies as in Volvox (fig. 31, p. 105: see also a b c of fig. 50 on p. 129), wherein the cells are peripheral ana widely separated the 246 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life interstices and the interior being filled with gelatinous substances of low specific gravity. f. Dendritic colonies, as in Dinobryon (fig. 32 on p. 106). 3. In the Metazoa, by the expansion of the external armor and appendages into bristles, spines and fringes. Thus in the rotifer Notholcalongispina(fig. 149), a habitant of the open water of lakes, there is a great prolongation of the angles of the lorica, before and behind ; and in the Copepods (fig. 95, p. 188) there is an extensive development of bristles upon antennae and caudal appendages. Expansions of the body, if mere expansions, serve only to keep the body passively afloat ; but many of them have acquired mobility, becom- ing locomotor organs. Cilia and flagella are the simplest of these, and are common to plants and animals. Almost all the appendages of the higher animals, antennas, legs, tails, etc., are here and there adapted for swimming. A body whose specific gravity is but little greater than that of the water may be sustained by a mini- mum use of swimming apparatus. The lesser A!on|- flagellate and ciliate forms, both plant and spin cd animal, maintain their place by continuous lash- rotifer. - n g Q £ ^e water. If we watch a few waterfleas in a breaker of clear water we shall see that their swim- ming also, is unceasing. Each one swims a few strokes of the long antennae upward, and then settles with bristles all outspread, descending slowly, as resistance yields, to its former level. This it repeats again and again. It may turn to right or to left, rise a little higher or sink a 1 "ttle lower betimes, but it keeps in the main to its, ™e- level. Its swimming powers re to an .' npoi . i ee supplemental to its inade- Flotation 247 «n quate powers of flotation. The strokes of its swim- ming antennae are, like the beating of our own hearts, intermittent but unceasing, and when these fail it falls to its grave on the lake bottom. Flotation devices usually impede free swimming, especially do such expansions of the body as greatly increase surface contact with the water. It is in the -resting stages of animals, therefore, that we find the best development of floats: such, for example, as the overwintering statoblasts of the Bryo- zoan, Pectinatella, shown in the accom- panying figure. Here an encysted mass of living but inactive cells is sur- rounded by a buoyant, air-filled an- nular cushion, as with a life preserver, and floats freely upon the surface of the water, and is driven about by the waves. Too great buoyancy is, however, as much a peril to the active micro-organ- isms of the water as too little. Contact with the air at the surface brings to soft protoplasmic bodies, the peril of evap- oration. Entanglement in the surface film is virtual imprisonment to certain of the water-fleas, as we shall see in the next chapter. It is desirable that they should live not on but near the surface. A specific gravity about that of water would seem to be the optimum for organisms that drift passively about: a little greater than that of water for those that sustain themselves in part by swimming. Terrestrial creatures like ourselves; who live on the bottom in a sea of air with s< 1 ground beneath our feet, have at first some dime- n realizing the nicety Fig. 150. The over- wintering stage of the bryozoan, Pectinatella ; a statoblast or gemmule. The central portion contains the liv- ing cells. The dark ring of min- ute air-tilled cells is the float. The peripheral an- chor-like pro- cesses are attach- ment hooks for securing distribu- tion by animals. 248 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life of the adjustment that keeps a whole population in the water afloat near to, but not at the surface. This comes out most clearly, perhaps, in those minor changes of form that accompany seasonal changes in temperature of the water. In summer when the viscosity of the water grows less (and when in consequence its resist - Fig. 151. Summer and winter forms of plancton animals: sum- mer above, winter below, a, the flagellate Ceratium; b, the rotifer Asplanchna; c, d, e, water-fleas; c and d, Daphne; e, Bosmina. (After Wesenberg-Lund). ance to sinking is diminished) the surface of many planet on organisms is increased to correspond. The slender diatoms grow longer and slenderer, the spines on certain loricate rotifers grow longer. Bristles and hairs extend and plumes and fringes grow denser. Even ^e form of the body is altered to increase surface- intact with th<. WL-7.T. A few examples are shown in Swimming 249 the accompanying figures. These changes when fol- lowed thro the year show a rather distinct correspond- ence to the seasonal changes in viscosity of the water. K-Jf-) Fig. 152. Seasonal form changes 'of the water-flea, Bosmina coregoni. The fractional figures above indicate date: those below indicate corresponding temperatures in °C. (After Wesenberg-Lund.) Swimming — For rapid locomotion through the water there are numberless devices for propulsion, but there is only one thoroly successful form of body; and that is the so-called "stream-line form" (fig. 153). It is the form of body of a fish: an elongate tapering form, narrowed toward either end, but sloping more gently to the rear. It is also the form of body of a bird encased in its feathers. It is probably the form of body best adapted for traversing any fluid medium with a minimum expenditure of energy. The accompanying diagram explains its efficiency. The white arrow indicates direction of movement. The gray lines indicate the displacement and replace- ment of the water. The black arrows indicate the direction in which the forces act. At the front the force of the body is exerted against the water; at the rear the force of the water is exerted against lb body. The water, being perfectly mobile, returi Fig. 153. Stream- line form. For explanation see text. 250 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life after displacement; and much of the force expended in pushing it aside at the front is regained by the return-push of the water against the sloping rearward portion of the body. The advantage of stream-line form is equally great whether a body be moving through still water, or whether it be standing against moving water. A mackerel swimming in the sea is benefited no more than is a darter holding its stationary position on the stream bed. To this we shall have occasion to return when discussing the rapid -water societies. Apparatus for propulsion is endlessly varied in the different animal groups. Plants have developed hardly any sort of swimming apparatus beyond cilia and flagella. These also serve the needs of many of the 1< >wer animals — the protozoa, the flat worms, the roti- fers, trochophores and other larvae, sperm cells genera lly . etc. But more widely ranging animals of larger size have developed better swimming apparatus, either with or without appendages. Snakes swim by means of horizontal undulating or sculling movements of the body, and so also do many of the common minute Oligochaete worms. Horseleeches swim in much the same manner, save that the undulations of the body are in the vertical plane. Midge larvae ("bloodworms") swim with figure-of-8-shaped loopings of the body that are quite characteristic. Mosquito larvae are "wrigglers," and so also are many fly and beetle larvae, tho each kind wriggles after its own fashion. Dragon- fly nymphs swim by sudden ejection of water from the rectal respiratory chamber. All of these swim without the aid of movable appen- dages; but the laf rer animals swim by means of special vrimming organs, fri red and flattened in form and aving Wike f icti~n. These may be fins, or Life on the Bottom 251 legs, or antennae, or gill plates, in infinite variety of length, form, position and design. Great is the diversity in aspect and in action of the animals that swim. Yet it is perfectly clear, even on a casual inspection, that the best swimmers of them all are those that combine proper form of body — stream-line form — with caudal propulsion by means of a strong tail-fin. LIFE ON THE BOTTOM Shoreward, the earth beneath the waters gives aquatic organisms an opportunity to find a resting place, a temporary shelter, or a permanent home. Flotation devices and ability at swimming may yet be of advan- tage to the more free-ranging forms; but the existence of possible shelter and of solid support makes for a line of adaptations of an entirely different sort. Here dwell the aquatic organisms that have acquired heavy armor for defense; heavy shells, as in the mussels; heavy carapaces as in the crustaceans ; heavy chitinous armor as in the insects ; or heavy incrustations of lime as in the stone worts. The condition of the bottom varies from soft ooze in still water to bare rocks on wave washed shores. The differences are very great, and they entail significant differences in the structure of corresponding plant and animal associations. These have been little studied hitherto, but a few of the more obvious adaptations to bottom conditions may be pointed out in passing. First we will note some adaptations for avoidance of smothering in silt on soft bottoms; then some adapta- tions for finding shelter by burrowing in sandy bottoms and by building artificial defenses: then some adapta- tions for withstanding the wash of die current on hard bottoms. . 1 7. i*»0 252 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life I Avoidance of silt — -Gills are essentially thin-walled expansions of the body, that provide increased surface for contact with the water, and thus promote that exchange of gases which we call respiration. Gills usually develop on the outside of the body; for it is only in contact with the water that they can serve their func- tion. In most animals that live in clear waters they are freely exposed upon the outside; but in animals that live on soft muddy bottoms they are with- drawn into protected chambers (or, rather, sheltered by the outgrowth of surrounding parts) and fresh water is passed to them thro strainers. Thus the gills of a crawfish occupy capa- cious gill chambers at the sides of the thorax, and water is admitted to them thro a set of marginal strainers. The gills of fresh -water mussels are located at the rear of the foot within the inclosure of valves and mantle, and water is passed to and from them thro the siphons. The gills of dragonfly nymphs are located on the inner walls of a rectal respiratory chamber, and water to cover them is slowly drawn in thro a complicated strainer that guards the anal aperture, and then suddenly expelled thro the same opening, the valves swinging freely outward. * There is proba )ly no better illustration of parallel adaptation for>s^ avoidance ^haa^that furnished by the Fig 154. The abdomen of Asellus, inverted, showing gill packets. Avoidance of Silt 253 crustacean, Asellus, and the nymph of the mayfly, Caenis. Both live in muddy bottoms where there is' much fine silt. Both possess paired plate-like gills. In Asellus they are developed underneath the abdomen ; in Caenis upon the back. In Asellus they are double; in Caenis, simple. In Asellus they are blood gills; in Caenis, tracheal gills. In both they are developed externally in series, a pair correspond- ing to a body segment. In both they are soft and white and very delicate. But in both an anterior pair has been developed to form a pair of enlarged opercula or gill covers. These are concave pos- teriorly and overlie and protect the true gills. The gills have been ap- proximated more closely, so that they are the more readily covered over ; and they have developed in- terlacing fringes of radi- f ating marginal hairs, which act as strainers, when the covers are raised to open the respiratory chamber. Such are the mechanical means whereby suffocation in the mud is avoided. It must not be overlooked that there is a physiological adaptation to the same end. A number of soft bodied thin-skinr d iniimls haw unusual amount of ha^op^^n '• h bl plasm. The nymph of the mayfly Casnis, showing dorsal gill packets. 254 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life enough, indeed, to give them a bright red color. This substance has a great capacity for gathering up oxygen where the supply is scanty, and of yielding it over to the tissues as needed. True worms that burrow in deep mud, and Tubifex (see fig. 83 on p. 174) that bur- rows less deeply and the larger bright red tube making larvae of midges known as "blood worms" (see fig. 236 on p. 393) are examples. Since these forms live in the softest bottoms, where the supply of oxygen is poorest, where few other forms are able to endure the conditions, their way of getting on must be of considerable efficiency. II Burrowing — The ground beneath the water offers protection to any creature that can enter it ; protection from observation to a bottom sprawler, that lies littered over with fallen silt; protection from attack about in proportion to its hardness, to anything that can bur- row. Animals differ much in their burrowing habits and in the depth to which they penetrate the bottom. Many mussels and snails burrow very shallowly, push- ing their way along beneath the surface, the soft foot covered, the hard shell-armored back exposed. The nymphs of Gomphine dragonflies (fig. 116 on p. 209) burrow along beneath the bottom with only the tip of the abdomen exposed at the surface of the mud. Other insect larvae descend more deeply into burrows which remain open to the water above: while horsefly larvae and certain worms descend deeply into soft mud. The two principal methods by which animals open passageways thro the bottom are (1) by digging, and (2) by squeezing thro. Digging is the method most familiar to us, it being commonly used by terrestrial an^mils. Squeezing thro is the comn *st m< ^ -»f ac uatic burrowe : s. + . Burro wing ?55 Fig. 156. A nymph of a burrowing mayfly, Ephemera. (From Annals Entom. Soc. of America: drawing by Anna H. Morgan). The digging of burrows requires special tools for mov- ing the earth aside. These, as with land animals, are usually flattened and shovel-like fore legs. The other legs are closely appressed to the body to accommodate them to the narrow burrow. The hind legs are directed backward. The head is usually flattened and more or less wedge-shaped, and often specially adapted for lifting up the soil preparatory to advancing thro it (see fig. 116 on p. 209). One of the best exponents of the burrowing habit is the nymph of the may- fly, Hexagenia, whose innumerable tunnels penetrate the beds of all our larger lakes and rivers. It is an un- gainly creature when exposed in open water; but when given a bed of sand to dig in, it shows ; ts fitness. Be- sir 1 5 ving ^t that aside Fig. 157. The front of a burrowing may- fly nymph, Hexagenia, much enlarged, showing the pointed head, the great mandibular tusks and the Battened fore legs. are ad-nirably fitter*' ' £>r it has a p l ' r of enormors 256 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life mandibular tusks projecting forward from beneath the head. It thrusts forward its approximated blade- like fore feet, and with them scrapes the sand aside, making a hole. Then it thrusts its tusks into the bottom of the hole and lifts the earth forward and upward. Then, moving forward into the opening thus begun and repeating these operations, it quickly descends from view. Squeezing thro the bottom is the method of progress most available to soft-bodied animals. Those lacking hard parts such as shovels and tusks with which to dig make progress by pushing a slender front into a narrow opening, and then distending and, by blood pressure enlarging the passageway. The horsefly larva shown in figure 137 on page 230 (discussed on page 227) is a good example. The body is somewhat spindle-shaped, taper- ing both ways, and adapted for traveling forward or backward. It is exceedingly changeable in proportions being adjustable in length, breadth and thickness. Indeed, the whole interior is a moving mass of soft organs, any one of which may be seen thro the trans- parent skin, slipping backward or forward inside for a distance of several segments. The body wall is lined with strong muscles inside, and outside it bears rings of stout tubercles, which may be drawn in for passing, or set out rigidly to hold against the walls of the burrow. The extraordinary adjustability of both exterior and interior is the key to its efficiency. When such a larva wishes to push forward in the soil, it distends and sets its tubercles in the rear* to hold against the walls, and drives the pointed head forward full length into the mud ; then it compresses the rear portion, forcing the blood */r£rtam cranefly larvae (such as Pedicia albivitta and liriocera spinosa) that live Is of gravel have one segment near the end of the body expansible to air. . balloon-like proportions, forming a veritable pushing-ring in the rear. Shelter Building : 0/ forward to distend the body there, thus widening the burrow. And if anyone would see how such a larva gets through a narrow space when the walls cannot be pushed farther apart, let him wet his hand and close the larva in its palm ; the larva will quickly slip out between the ringers of the tightly closed hand; and when half way out it will present a strikingly dunfb-bell-shaped outline. Here, again, we see the advantage of its almost fluid interior. This adjustability of body, is of course, not peculiar to soft bodied insect larvas ; it is seen in leeches and slugs and many worms. The mussel's mode of burrowing is not essentially different from that above described. The slender hollow foot is pushed forward into the sand, and then distended by blood forced into it from the rear. When sufficiently distended to hold securely by pressure against the sand, a strong pull drags the heavy shell forward. Ill Shelter building — Some animals produce adhesive secretions that harden on contact with the water. Thus, these are able to bind loose objects together into shelters more suitable for their residence than any that nature furnishes ready made. The habit of shelter building has sprung up in many groups; in such protozoans as Difflugia (see fig. 69 c on p. 39) ; in such worms as Dero (see fig. 82 on p. 174); in such rotifers as Melicerta (see fig. 86 on p. 178) ; in such caterpillars as Hydrocampa (see fig. 127 on p. 219); in nearly all midges, as Chironomus (see figure 134 on p. 22u) and Tanytarsus (see fig. 223 on p. 373); and especially in the caddis- worms, all of which construct shelters of some sort and most of which build portable cases. n .he extraordinary prevalence in all fresh waters of such * ; is 258 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life as the larvae of midges and caddis-flies would indicate that the habit has been biologically profitable. According to Betten the habit probably began with the gathering and fastening together of fragments for a fixed shelter, and the portable, artifically constructed, silk lined tubes of the higher caddis-worms are a more recent evolution. IV Withstanding the wash of moving waters — Where waters rush swiftly, mud and sand and all loose shelters Fig. 158. Stone from a brook bed, bearing tubes of midge larvae and portable cases of two species of caddis- worms. The more numerous spindle-shaped cases are those of the micro-caddisworms of the genus Hydroptila. For more distinct midge tubes see figs. 134 and 223. are swept away. Only hard bare surfaces remain, and the creature that finds there a place of residence must build its own shelter, or must possess more than ordi- nary advantages for maintaining its place. The gifts of the gods to those that live in such places are chiefly these three: 1. Ability to construct flood-proof shelters. Such are the fixed cases of the caddis-worms and midge larvae (ft*. 158) to whic 1 ^all give further consideration in the next % ~ Withstanding the Wash of Moving Waters 259 2. Special organs for hanging on to water- swept surfaces. Such organs are the huge grappling claws of the nymphs of the larger stonenies (see fig. 11 1 on p. 204) and of the riffle beetles: also powerful adhesive suckers, such as those of the larvae of the net -winged midges. 3. Form of body that diminishes resistance to flow of the water. This we have already seen is stream-line form. In our discussion of swim- ming we pointed out that the form of body that offers least resist- ance to the progress of the body through the water will also offer least resistance to the flow of water past the body. So we find the animals that stand still in running water are of stream-line form ; darters and other fishes of the rapids ; may- flies, such as Siphlon- urus and Chirotenetes ; even such odd forms as the larvae of Simulium, which hangs by a single sucker suspended head downwards in the stream. Indeed, the case of Simulium is especially significant, for with the reversal of the position of the body the greater widening of the body is shifted from the anterior to the posterior end, and stream-line form is preserved. Such forms as these live in the open, remain for the most part quietly in one position and wait for the current to bring their food to t> m. Fig. 159. The larva of the net- winged midge, Blepharocera, dorsal and ventral views. 260 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life .r'Y i \C*'' Fi animals. Limpet-shaped At right the larva of the Parnid beetle, Pse- phenus, known as the "water-penny." At left, the snail, Ancvlus. There are other more numerous forms living in rapid water that cling closer to the solid surfaces, move about upon and forage freely on these surfaces, and the adaptations of these are related to the surfaces as much as to the open stream. These have to meet and withstand the water also, but only on one side; and the form is half of that of our diagram (fig. 1 53) . It is that figure divided in the median vertical plane, with the flat side then applied to the supporting surface, and flattened out a bit at the edges. This is not fish form, but it is the form of a limpet. This is the form taken on by a majority of the animals living in rapid waters. When the legs are larger they fall outside of the figure, as in the mayfly shown on page 367, and are flattened and laid down close against the surface so as to present only their thin edges to the water. When the legs are small, as in the water- penny, (fig. 160) they are covered in underneath. Sometimes there are no legs, as in the flatworms, and in the snail, Ancylus. Here, surely, we have the impress of environment. Many living beings of different structural types are mould- ed to a common form to meet a com- mon need; and even the non-living shelters built by other animals are fashioned to the same form. The case of the micro-caddisworm, Ithytrichia confusa (fig. 161) is also limp^ -' aaped; Fig 161. The larva of the caddis- worm, Ithytrichia confusa. Adjustment of the Life Cycle 261 so also is the pupal shelter of the caterpillar of Etophila fulicalis; hardly less so is the portable case of the larva of the caddis-fly, Leptocerus ancylus or of Molanna angustata. ADJUSTMENT OF THE LIFE CYCLE Life runs on serenely in the depths of the seas where, as we have noted in Chapter II, there is no change of season; but in shoal and impermanent waters it meets with great vicissitudes. Winter's freezing and summer's drouth, exhaustion of food and exclusion of light and of air, impose hard conditions here. Yet in these shoals is found perhaps the world's greatest density of popula- Fig. 162. The flattened and limpet-shaped cases of Ithytrichia confusa, as they appearr. attached to the surface of a sub- merged stone. 262 Adjustment to Condition of Aquatic Life tion. Here competition for food and standing room is most severe. And here are made some of the most remarkable shifts for maintaining "a place in the sun." Encystment — The shifts which we are here to consider are those made in avoidance of the struggle — shifts which have to do with the tiding over of unfavorable seasons by withdrawal from activity. This means encystment or encasement of some sort or in some degree. The living substance secretes about itself some sort of a protective layer, and, enclosed within it, ceases from all its ordinary functions. This is the most familiar to us in the reproductive bodies of plants and animals; in the zygospores of Spirogyra and desmids and other conjugates; in the fruiting bodies of the stoneworts; in the seeds of the higher plants; and in the over-wintering eggs of many animals. Most remarkable perhaps is the brief seasonal activity of forms that inhabit temporary pools. Such Branchipods as Chirocephalus (see fig. 90 on p. 184) Estheria and Apus, appear in early spring in pools formed from melting snow. They run a brief course of a few weeks of activity, lay their eggs and disappear to be seen no more until the snows melt again. Their eggs being resistant to both drying and freezing, are able to await the return of favorable conditions for growth. The eggs of Estheria have been placed in water and hatched after being kept dry for nine years. But it is not alone reproouctive bodies that thus tide over unfavorable periods. The flatworm, Planar ia velata, divides itself into pieces which encyst in a layer of slime and thus await the return of conditions favor- able for growth. The copepod, Cyclops bicuspidatus, according to Birge and Juday (09) spends the summer in a sort of cocoon composed of mud and other bottom materials rather firmly cemented together about its Encystment 263 body. It forms this cocoon about the latter end of May. It reposes quietly upon the bottom during the entire summer — thro a longer period, indeed, than that of absence of oxygen from the water. Hatch- ing and resumption of activity begin in September and continue into October. Marsh (09) suggests that with us this species "may be considered preeminently a Fig. 163. Hibernacula of the common bladderwort. winter form." It is active in summer only in cold mountain lakes. The over-wintering buds (hibernacula) of some aquat- ic seed plants are among the simplest of these devices. Those of the common bladderwort are shown in figure 1 63 . At the approach of cold weather the bladderwort ceases to unfold new leaves, but develops at the tip of each branch a dense bud composed of close-laid incom- pletely developed leaves. This is the hibernaculum. It is really an abbreviated and undeveloped branch. 264 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life Unlike other parts of the plant, its specific gravity is greater than that of water. It is enveloped only by a thin gelatinous covering. With its development the functional activity of the old plant ceases ; the leaves lose chlorophyl; their bladders fall away; the tissues Fig. 164. The remains of a fresh- water sponge that has grown upon a spray of water-weed. The numerous rounded seed-like bodies embedded in the disintegrating tissue are statoblasts. See text. disintegrate; and finally the hibernacula fall to the bottom to pass the winter at rest. When the water begins to be warmer in spring, the buds resume growth, the axis lengthens, the leaves expand, air spaces develop and gases fill them, buoying the young snoots up into better light, and the activities of another season are begun. Winter Eggs 2 6- Statoblasts — Perhaps the most specialized of over- wintering bodies are those of the Bryozoans and fresh- water sponges, known as statoblasts. These are little masses of living cells invested with a tough and hard and highly resistent outer coat. They are formed within the flesh of the parent animal (as indicated for Bryozoan in fig. yj on p. 167), and are liberated at its dissolution (as indicated for a sponge in the accompany- ing figure) . ^ They alone survive the winter. As noted earlier in this chapter, their chitinous coats are often expanded with air cavities to form efficient floats: sometimes in Bryozoan statoblasts there is added to this a series of hooks for securing distribution by ani- mals (see fig. 150 on p. 247). Often in autumn at the Cornell Biological Field Station collecting nets become clogged with these hooked statoblasts. In the fresh-water sponges the walls of the statoblast are stiffened with delicate and beautiful siliceous spicules, and there is at one side a pore through which the living cells find exit at the proper season. Since marine sponges lack statoblasts, and some fresh-water species do not have them, it is probable that they are an adaptation of the life cycle to conditions imposed by shoal and impermanent waters. Winter Eggs — Another seasonal modification of the life cycle is seen in the Rotifers and water-fleas. Here there are produced two kinds of eggs; summer eggs that develop quickly and winter eggs that hibernate. The summer eggs for a long period produce females only. They develop without fertilization. In both these groups males are of very infrequent occurrence. They appear at the end of the season. The last of the line of parthenogenetic females produce eggs from which hatch both males and females and the last crop of eggs is fertilized. These are the over-wintering eggs. 266 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life The accompanying figures illustrate both kinds of eggs in the water-flea, Ceriodaphnia, an inhabitant of bottomland ponds. Figure 165 shows a female with the summer eggs in the brood chamber on her back. These thin-shelled eggs are greenish in color. They hatch where they are and the young Ceriodaphnias live Fig. 165. Ceriodaphnia, with summer e£ within the brood-chamber until they have absorbed all the yolk stored within the egg and have become very active. Then they escape between the valves of the shell at the rear. Winter eggs in this species are produced singly. Figure 1 66 shows one in the brood chamber of another female. It is inclosed in a chitinized protective cover- Winter Eggs 267 ing, which, because of its saddle-shaped outline, is called an ephippium. This egg is liberated unhatched by the molting of the female, as shown in figure 167. It remains in its ephippium over winter, protected from freezing, from drouth and from mechanical injury, Fig. 166. Ceriodaphnia bearing an ephippium containing the single winter egg. and buoyed up just enough to prevent deep sub- mergence in the mud of the bottom. With the return of warmer weather it may hatch and start a new line of parthenogenetic female Ceriodaphnias. Thus, it is that many organisms are removed from our waters during a considerable part of the winter season. 268 Adjustment to Conditio)! s of Aquatic Life The water-fleas and many of our rotifers are hibernating as winter eggs. The bryozoans and sponges are hiber- nating as statoblasts. Doubtless many of the simpler organisms whose w T ays are still unknown to us have their Fig. 167. Ceriodaphnia, molted skin and liberated ephippium of the same individual shown in the preceding figure. This photograph was taken only a few minutes after the other. The female after molting immediately swam away. own times and seasons and modes of passing a period of rest. It is doubtless due, also, to the ease and safety with which they may be transported when in such condition that they all have a wide distribution over the face of the earth. In range, they are cosmopolitan. Readaptation to Life in the Water 269 Readaptations to life in the water — The more primitive groups of aquatic organisms have, doubtless, always been aquatic; but the aquatic members of several of the higher groups give evidence of terrestrial ancestry. Among the reasons for believing them to have devel- oped from forms that once lived on land is the possession of characters that could have developed only under terrestrial conditions, such as the stomates for intake of air in the aquatic vascular plants, the lungs of aquatic mammals, and the tracheae and spiracles of aquatic insects. Furthermore, they are but a few members (relatively speaking) of large groups that remain predominantly terrestrial in habits, and there are among them many diverse forms, fitted for aquatic life in very different ways, and showing many signs of independent adaptation. I The vascular plants are restricted in their distribution to shores and to shoal waters. They are fitted for growth in fixed position and they possess a high degree of internal organization with a development of vessels and supporting structures that cannot withstand the beating of heavy waves. As compared with the land plants of the same groups, these are their chief structural characteristics : 1. In root: — reduced development. With submer- gence there is less need of roots for food-gathering, since absorption may take place over the entire surface. Roots of aquatic plants serve mainly as anchors ; in a few floating plants as balancers; sometime they are entirely absent. 2. In stems: — many characteristics, chief of which are the following: a. Reduction of water-carrying tubes, for the ob- vious reason that water is everywhere available 270 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life b. Reduction of wood vessels and of wood fibers and other mechanical tissues. In the denser medium of the water these are not needed, as they are in the air, to support the body. Pliancy, not rigidity, is required in the water. c. Enlargement of air spaces. This is prevalent and most striking. One may grasp a handful of any aquatic stems beneath the water and squeeze a cloud of bubbles out of them. d. Concentration of vessels near the center of the stem where they are least liable to injury by bending. e. A general tendency toward slenderness and pliancy in manner of growth, brought about usually by elongation of the internodes. 3. In leaves: — many adaptive characters; among them these: a. Thinness of epidermis, with absence of cuticle and of ordinary epidermal hairs. This favors absorption through the general surfaces. b. Reduction of stomates, which can no longer serve for intake of air. c. Development of chlorophyl in the epidermis, which, losing the characters which fit it for control of evaporation, takes on an assimilatory function. d. Isolateral development, i. e., lack of differ- entiation between the two surfaces. e. Absence of petioles. /. Alteration of leaf form with two general ten- dencies manifest: Those growing in the most stagnant waters become much dissected (blad- derworts, milfoils, hornworts, crowfoots, etc.). Those growing in the more open and turbu- lent waters become long, ribbonlike, and very flexible (eelgrass, etc.). Re adaptations to Life in the Water 271 In general, the following characteristics: a. The production of abundance of mucilage, which, forming a coating over the surface, may be of use to the plants in various ways : 1. For notation, when the mucilage is of low specific gravity. 2. For defense against animals to which the mucilage is inedible or repugnant. 3. For lubrication: a very important need; for, when crossed plant stems are tossed by waves, the mucilage reduces their mutual friction and prevents breaking. 4. For preventing evaporation on chance ex- posure to the air. 5. For regulating osmotic pressure, and aiding in the physical processes of metabolism. b . Development of vegetative reproductive bodies : 1. Hibernacula, such as those of the bladder- wort (fig. 162). 2. Tubers such as those of the sago pondweed (see fig. 228), the arrow-head, etc. 3. Burs, such as terminate the leafy shoots of the rufned pondweed (see fig. 63). 4. Offsets and runners, such as are common among land plants. 5. Detachable branches and stem segments, that freely produce adventitious roots and establish new plants. c. Diminished seed production. This is correlated with the preceding. Some aquatics such as duckweeds and hornworts are rarely known to produce seeds; others ripen seeds, but rarely develop plants from them. Their increase is by means of the vegetative propagative struc- tures above mentioned, and they hold their place in the world by continuous occupation of it. 272 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life II The mammals that live in the water are two small orders of whales, Cetacea and Sirenia, and a few scattering representatives of half a dozen other orders. Tho few in number they represent almost the entire range of mammalian structure. They vary in their degree of fitness for water life from the shore-haunting water-vole, that has not even webbing between its toes, to the ocean going whales, of distinctly fish-like form, that are entirely seaworthy. It is a fine series of adaptations they present. For all land-animals, returned to the water to live, there are two principal problems, (i) the problem of getting air and (2) the problem of locomotion in the denser medium. Warm-blooded animals have also the problem of maintaining the heat of the body in contact with the water. To begin with the point last named, aquatic mammals have solved the problem of heat insulation by developing a copious layer of fat and oils underneath the skin. This development culminates in the extraordinary accumulation of blubber in arctic whales. No aquatic mammals have developed gills. They all breathe by means of lungs as did their terrestrial ances- tors. All must come to the surface for air. Their respiratory adaptations are slight, consisting in the shifting of the nostrils to a more dorsal position and providing them with closable flaps or valves, to prevent ingress of the water during submergence. It is with reference to aquatic locomotion that mammals show the most striking adaptations. About in proportion to their fitness for life in the water they approximate to the fish-like contour of body that we have already discussed (page 249) as stream-like form. Solidity and compactness of the anterior portion of the Aquatic Adaptations of Insects 273 body are brought about by consolidation of the neck vertebrae and shortening of the cranium. Smoothness of contour, (and therefore diminished resistance to passage through the water) is promoted by (1) the loss of hair; (2) the loss of the external ears; (3) the shortening and deflection of the basal joints of the legs; (4) elongation of the rear portion of the body. Caudal propulsion is attained in the whales by the huge dorsally flattened tail; in the seals (whose ancestors were perhaps tailless) by the backwardly directed hind legs. Compared with these marine mammals those of our fresh waters show very moderate departures from terrestrial form. The beaver has broadly webbed hind feet for swimming. The muskrat has a laterally flattened tail. The mink, the otter and the fisher, with their elongate bodies and paddle-like legs, are best fitted for life in the water, and spend much time in it. But all fresh-water mammals make nests and rear their young on land. Ill The insects that live in the water have adaptations for swimming that parallel those of mammals, just noted; but some other adaptations grow out of the different nature of their respiratory system, and, more grow out of the difference in their life cycle. The free -living larval stage of insects offers opportunity for independ- ent adaptation in that stage. Adult insects of but two orders, Coleoptera and Hemiptera, are commonly found in the water. These, as compared with their terrestrial relatives, exhibit many of the same adapta- tions already noted in mammals ; ( 1 ) approximation to stream-line form, with (2) consolidation of the forward parts of the body for greater rigidity; (3) lowering of the eyes and smoothing of all contours; (4) loss of hair 274 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life and sculpturing, and (5) shortening of basal segments of swimming legs, with lengthening of their oar-like tips, flattening and flexing of them into the horizontal plane, and limiting their range of motion to horizontal strokes in line with the axis of gravity of the body. Caudal propulsion does not occur with adult insects; none of them has a flexible tail. Oar-like hind feet are the organs of propulsion. The best swimmers among them are a few of the larger beetles : Cy bister, which swims like a frog with synchronous strokes of its powerful hind legs, and Hydrophilus, with equally good swimming legs, which, like the whale, has developed a keel for keeping its body to rights. Adult insects, like the mammals, lack gills, and rise to the surface of the water for air; but they take the air not through single pairs of nostrils, but a number of pairs of spiracles, and they receive it, not into lungs, but into tracheal tubes that ramify throughout the body. The spiracles are located at the sides of the thorax and abdomen, in general a pair to each seg- ment. In diving beetles the more important of these are the ones located on the abdomen beneath the wings. Access to these is between the wing tips. The beetles when taking air hang at the surface head dowmward. The horny, highly arched, fore wings are fitted closely to the body to inclose a capacious air chamber. They are opened a little at their tips for taking in a fresh air supply at the surface. Then they are closed, and the beetle, swimming down below, carries a store of air with him. In other beetles there are different methods of gather- ing and carrying the air. The little yellow-necked beetles of the family Haliplidae, gather the air with the fringed hind feet, pass it forward underneath the huge ventral plates w r hich, in these beetles cover the bases Aquatic Adaptations of Insects 275 of the hind legs, and thence it goes through a transverse groove-like passage (fig. 168) to a chamber underneath the wing bases, where there are two enlarged spiracles on each side. The beetles of the family Hydrophilidse have their ventral surface covered with a layer of fine water-repellant pubescence, to which the air readily adheres. Thus the air is carried exposed upon the surface, where it shines like a breastplate of silver. In the waterbugs, the air is usually carried on the back under the wings, but the inverted back-swimmers conduct air to their spiracles through longitudinal Fig. 168. Diagram of the air- taking apparatus of the beetle, Haliplus. The arrow indicates the transverse groove that leads to the air chamber. (From Matheson.) grooves that are covered by water-repellant hairs, and that extend forward from the tip of the abdomen upon the ventral side. The water walking-stick, Ranatra, and some of its allies have developed a long respirat< >rv tube out of a pair of approximated grooved caudal stylets. This long tail-like tube reaches the surface while the bug stays down below, breathing like a man in a diving bell. The immature stages of aquatic insects are far more completely adapted to life in the water than arc the adults. Some members of nearly all the orders, and all 276 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life the members of a few of the smaller orders live and grow up in the water. These facts have been noted, group by group, in Chapter IV. Here we may explain that the reason for this probably lies in the greater plasticity of the immature stages. All are thin-skinned on hatch- ing from the egg, and a supply of oxygen may be taken from the water by direct absorption thro the general surface of the body. With growth gills develop; but these have no relation to the structure or life of the adult and are lost at the final transformation. Fig. 169. Adult aquatic insects: a, the back swimmer (Notonecta) ; b, the water- boatman (Corixa); c, a diving beetle (Dytiscus); d, a giant water-bug (Benacus). Here again we find all degrees of adaptation. The larvae of the long-horned leaf beetles (Donacia, etc.) that live wholly submerged have solved the problem of getting air by attaching themselves to plants and per- forating the walls of their internal air spaces, thus tapping an adequate and dependable air supply that is rich in oxygen. This method is followed also by the larvae of several flies and at least one mosquito. There are many aquatic larvae that breathe air at the surface as do adult bugs and beetles. Some of these, such as the swaleflies and craneflies, (fig. 215) differ little from their terrestrial relatives. Others like the mosquito are specialized for swimming and breathe thro respira- tory trumpets. A few like the rat-tailed maggot Aquatic Adaptations of Insect Lan rvce 277 parallel the method of Ranatra mentioned above in that they have developed a long respiratory tube, capable of reaching the surface of the water while they remain far below. Fig. 170. Tracheal gill of the mayfly nymph, Heptagenia, show- ing loops of tracheoles toward the tip. Of those that breathe the air that is dissolved in the water a few lack gills even when grown to full size; but these for the most part live in well aerated waters, and possess a copious development of tracheae in the thinner portions of their integument. Such are the pale nymphs of the stonefly, Chloroperla, that live in the 278 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life rapids of streams and the slender larvae of the punkie Ceratopogon, that live where algae abound. The gills of insect larvae are of two principal sorts: blood-gills and tracheal gills. Blood-gills are cylindric outgrowths of the integument into which the blood il< >ws. Exchange of gases is between the blood inside the gills and the water outside. Such gills are most commonly appended to the rear end of the alimentary canal, a tuft of four retractile anal gills being common to many dipterous larvae. Bloodworms have also two pairs developed upon the outside wall of the penultimate segment of the body (see fig. 236 on P- 393)- Such gills are most like those of vertebrates. Tracheal gills are more common among insect larvae. These are similar outgrowths of the skin, traversed by fine tracheal air-tubes. In these the exchange of gases is between the water and the air contained within the tubes, and distribution of it is thro the complex system of tracheae that ramify throughout the body. The tracheae where they enter such a gill usually split up into long fine multitudinous tracheoles that form recurrent loops, rejoining the tracheal branches (fig. 170). Tracheal gills differ remarkably in form, position and arrangement. In form they are usually either slender cylindric filaments, or small flat plates. Filamentous gills are more common, only this sort occurring on stone- fly nymphs (fig. 1 1 1 on p. 204), and on caddis-worms. Lamelliformor plate-like gills occur on the back of may- flies (fig. 113), and on the tail of damselflies (fig. 115). Either kind may grow singly or in clusters. Filament- ous gills are often branched. In the stonefly,Taeniop- teryx, they are unbranched but composed of three some- what telescopic segments. Both filamentous and lamelliform gills occur on many mayflies. Aquatic Adaptations of Insect Lt irva 279 There is another form of tracheal gills, sometimes called "tube gills" developed upon the thorax of many dipterous pupae. Whatever their U >rm they are merely hollow bare chitin< >us prolongations from the mouth of the prothoracic spiracle. They are ex- panded "respiratory trumpets" in mosquito pupae, branching horns in black-fly pupae, and fine brushes of silvery luster in bloodworm pupae. No pupae, save those of the caddis- flies, have tracheal gills of the ordi- nary sort. Gills are developed rarely on the head, more often on the thorax, and very frequently on the abdomen. They grow about the base of the maxil- lae in a few stonefly and mayfly nymphs, about the bases of the legs in most stonefly nymphs and almost anywhere about the sides or end of the abdomen in all the groups. They are ventral in the spongilla flies, dorsal in the mayflies, lateral in the orl-rly and beetle larvae, caudal in the damsel- flies, anal in most dipterous larvae, and they cover the inner walls of a rectal respiratory chamber in dragon- flies. Such extraordinary diversity in structures that are so clearly adaptive is perhaps the strongest evidence of the independent adaptation of many insect larvae to aquatic life. Propulsion by means of fringed swimming legs occurs in a few insect larvae, such as the caddis-worm, Fig. 171. Tube-gills of Dipterous pupae : a, of a mosquito, Culex ; b, of a black- fly, Simulium ; c, of a midge, Chiro- nomus. (a and b detached). Triaenodes, and the water-tiger Dvtiscus. The gill 280 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life plates of many mayflies and damselflies are provided with muscles, and these are used for swimming. Caudal propulsion is also the rule in these same groups. Among beetle and fly larvae locomotion is mainly effected by wrigglings of the body, that are highly individualized but only moderately efficient, if judged by speed. It is worthy of note that the completest adaptations to conditions of aquatic life do not occur in those groups of insects that are aquatic in both adult and larval stages. Beetle larvae and water-bug nymphs take air at the surface, and in structure differ but little from their terrestrial relatives. Fine developments of tra- cheal gills occur in the nymphs of mayflies and stone- flies, and in caddis worms; internal gill chambers, in the dragonfly nymphs; attachment apparatus for with- standing currents, in some dipterous larvae; the utmost adaptability to all sorts of freshwater situations occurs in the midges; and in adult life these insects are all aerial. What then is the explanation of the dominance of this remarkable insect group in the world to-day — a dominance as noteworthy in all shoal freshwaters as it is on land? What advantages has this group over other groups? There is no single thing; but there are two things that, taken together, may give the key to the explanation. These are: i. Metamorphosis, the changes of form usually per- mitting an entire change of habitat and of habits between larval and adult life. The breaking up of the life cycle into distinct periods of growth and reproduc- tion permits development where food abounds. 2. The power of flight in the adult stage permits easy getting about for finding scattered sources of food supply and for laying eggs. Aquatic Adaptations of Insect Larva 281 In quickly growing animals no larger than insects these matters are very important; for even a small and transient food supply may serve for the nurture of a brood of larvae. And if the food supply be exhausted in one place, or if other conditions fail there, the adults may fly elsewhere to lay their eggs. The facts of dominance would seem to justify this explanation, since those groups that most abound in the world to-day are in general the ones in which metamorphosis is most complete and in which the power of flight is best developed. i HHIk^ . feiT y> ? ;~;«-.4 7 * * ^A ^-■^^■^P^fft%^^^^r m j^L * . II. MUTUAL ADJUSTMENT ARIOUS phenomena of association between non- competing species are manifest alike in terres- trial and aquatic socie- I ties. The occurrence of producers and consumers is universal. Carnivores I eat herbivores, and para- I sites and scavengers fol- low both in every natural society. Symbiosis is as well illustrated in green hydra and green ciliates as in the lichens. The mutually beneficial association be- tween fungus and the roots of green plants is as well seen in the bog as in the forest. The larger organisms evervwhere give shelter to the smaller, and many ex- amples, such as that of the alga, Nostoc, that dwells in the thallus of Azolla, or the rotifer Notommata parasita that lives in the hollow internal cavity of Volvox, occur in the water world . We shall content ourselves here with a very brief account of two associations, one of which has to do mainly with a mode of getting a living, the other with providing for posterity. The first will be insectivoious plants; the second the relations between fishes and fresh-water mussels. 282 Insectivorous Plants 283 I Insectivorous plants — The plants that capture insects and other animals for food are a few bog plants such as sundew and pitcher-plant, and a number of submerged bladderwort s . These have turned tables on the animal world. Liv- ing where nitrogenous plant-foods of the or- dinary sorts are scanty, they have evolved ways of availing themselves of the rich stores of pro- teins found in the bodies of animals. The sun- dew seems to digest its prey like a carnivore; the bladderwort ab- sorbs the dissolved sub- stance like a scavenger. Charles Darwin studied these plants fifty years ago, and his account ('75) is still the best we have. The sundew, Dro- sera, captures insects by means of an adhesive secretion from the tips of large glandular hairs that cover the upper surface of its leaves (fig. [72 . The leaves are few in number and spatulate in f< irm, and are laid down in a rosette about the base of a stem, flat upon the mud or upon the bed of mosses in the midst of which Drosera usually grows. They are r< d in color, and crowned and fringed with these purple Fig. 172. A leaf of sundew with a captured caddis-fly. The glandular hairs are bent downward, their tips in contact with the body of the insect. Other erect hairs show globules of secretion envelopi: \ tips. 284 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life hairs, each with a pearly drop of secretion at its tip sparkling in the light, like dew, they are very attractive to look upon. The insect that makes the mistake of settling upon one of these leaves is held fast by the tips of the hairs it touches: the more it struggles the more hairs it touches, and the more firmly it is held. Ere it ceases its struggles all the hairs within reach of it begin to bend over toward it and to apply their tips to the surface of its body. Thus it becomes enveloped with a host of glands, which then pour out a digestive secretion upon it to dissolve its tissues. When digested its substance is absorbed into the tissue of the leaf. # The pitcher-plant, Sarracenia, captures insects in a different way. Its leaves are aquatic pitfalls. They rise usually from the surface of the sphagnum in a bog (see fig. 207 on p. 350) on stout bases from a deep seated root stalk. They are veritable pitchers, swollen in the middle, narrowed at the neck and with flaring lips. The rains fill them. Insects fall into them and are unable to get out again; for all around the inner walls in the region of the neck there grows a dense barrier of long sharp spines with points directed downward. This prevents climbing out. The insects are drowned, and their decomposed remains are absorbed by the plant as food. It is mainly aerial insects that are destroyed, flies, moths, beetles, etc. ; and we should not omit to note in passing that there are other insects, habituated to life in the water of the pitchers, and that normally develop there. Such are the larvae of the mosquito, Aedes smithi, and of a few flies and moths. The bladderworts (Utricularia) are submerged plants that float just beneath the surface. On their bright green, finely dissected leaves are innumerable minute traps (not bladders or floats as the name of the plant ' ^ having the appearance shown in the accom- Insectivorous Plants 28.S panying figure. These capture small aquatic animals, such as insect larvas, crustaceans, mites, worms, etc. The mec- hanism of the trap is shown dia- grammati- cally in figure 174. First of all there is a circle of radiat- ing hairs about the entrance, set diagon- ally out- ward, like the leaders of a fisher- man's tyke net, and well adapt- ed to turn the free- swimming water - flea toward the Fig. 173. A spray of the c o m m on Madderwort, Utricularia. proper point of ingress. Then there is a trans- parent elastic valve stopping the entrance, hinged by 286 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life one side so that it will readily push inward, but holding tightly against the rim when pressed outward. This is the most important single feature of the trap. It makes possible getting in easily and impossible getting out at all. Dar- win speaks of a Daphnia which inserted an anten- nae into the slit, and was held fast during a whole day, being unable to with- draw it. On the outer face of the valve near its margin is a row of gland- ular hairs. These have roundly swollen terminal secreting cells. They may be alluring in function, tho this has not been proven. Directed backward across the center of the valve are four stiff bristles, that may be useful for keeping out of the passageway ani- mals too big to pass Fig. 174. Diagram of the mechanism of a trap of one of the common blad- derworts. A, The trap from the ventral side, showing the outspread through it — SUChaS might leader hairs converging to the entrance, blockade the entrance. 1. leaders, r. rim, v, valve. B, A median section of the same r, rim ; v, valve; iv, x, y, z, epidermal hairs; w, from the inner side of the rim; x, from the free edge of the valve; y, from the base of the valve; z, from the general inner surface of the trap. decompose(L New traps are of a bright translucent greenish color; old ones are blackish from the animal remains they contain. The inner surface of the trap is almost completely covered Small animals when en- trapped swim about for a long time inside, but in the end thev die and are The Larva Habits of Fresh-water Mussels 287 with branched hairs. These are erect forked hairs ad- jacent to the rim, and flat-topped four-rayed hairs over the remainder of the wall space. These hairs project into the dissolved fluids, as do roots into the nutriet solutions in the soil, and their function is doubtless the absorption of food. II The larval habits of fresh-water mussels — The early life of our commonest fresh-water mussels is filled with Fig. 175. Small minnows bearing larval mussels (glochidia) on their fins. shifts for a living that illustrate in a remarkable way the interdependence of organisms. The adult mussels burrow shallowly through the mud, sand and gravel of the bottom (as noted on page 108) or lie in the shelter < & stones. Their eggs are very numerous, and hatch into minute and very helpless larvae. For them the vicissi- tudes of life on the bottom are very great. The chief peril is perhaps that of being buried alive and sn ered in the mud. In avoidance of this and as 11 288 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life of livelihood during early development the young of mussels have mostly taken on parasitic habits. They attach themselves to the fins and gills of fishes (fig. 175)- There they feed and grow for a season, and there they undergo a metamor- phosis to the adult form. Then they fall to the pond bottom and thereafter lead independent lives. The eggs of the river- ^ _^ mussels are passed in- Fig. 176. A gravid mussel (Symphynota +n tViP wfltprhihes of complanata) with left valve of shell and to tne watertuoes 01 mantle removedf showing brood pouch the gills where they (modified gill) at B. (After Lefevre and are incubated for a Curtis - } time. Packed into these passageways in enormous numbers they distend them like cushions, filling them out in various parts of one or both gills according to the species, but mostly filling the outer gill. When one picks up a gravid mussel from the river bed the difference between the thin normal gill and the gill that is serving as a brood chamber (fig. 176) is very marked. Glochidia — In the case of a very few river mussels {Anodonta imbecillis, etc.) development to the adult form occurs within the brood chamber; but in most river mussels the eggs develop there into a larval form that is known as a glochidiuni. This is already a bivalve (fig. 177) possessing but a single adductor muscle for closing the valves and lacking the well developed system of nutritive organs of the adult. It is very sensitive to contact on the ventral surface. In this condition it is cast forth from the brood chamber. Glochidia oR< If now the soft filament of a fish's gill, or the pro- jecting ray of a fin by any chance comes in contact with this sensitive surface the glochidium will close up< >n it almost with a snap; and if the fish be the right kind for the fostering of this particular mollusc, it will remain attached. It is indeed interesting to see how manifestly ready for this reaction are these larvae. If a ripe brood chamber of Anodonta (fig. 88 on p. 180) be emptied into a watch glass of water, the glochidia scattered over the bottom will lie gaping widely and will snap their toothed valves together betimes, whether touched or not. And they will tightly clasp a hair drawn across them. Doubtless gills become infected when water contain- ing the glochidia is drawn in through the mouth and passed out over them. Fins by their lashing cause in the water swirling currents that bring the glochidia up against their soft rays and thin edges. Glochidia vary considerably in form and size, in so much that with careful work species of mussels can usually be recognized by the glochidia alone. Thus it is possible on finding them attached to fishes, to name the species by which the fishes are infected. In size glochidia range usually between .5 and .05 millimeter in greatest diameter. Some are more or less triangular in lateral outline and these have usually a pair of opposed teeth at the ventral angle of the valves. Others are ax-head shaped and have either two teeth or none at all on the ventral angles. But the forms that have the ventral margin broadly rounded and toothless are more numerous. Whether toothed or not they are able to cling securely when attached in proper place to a proper host. The part taken by the fish in the association is truly remarkable. The fish is not a mere passive agent of mussel distribution. Its tissues repond to the stimulus 290 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life Fig. 177. Glochidia and their development. into larval mussels, a, b, c, d, stages in the encystment of glochidia of the mussel, Ano- donta, on the fin of a carp; e and /, young mussels (Lampsilis) a week after liberation from the fish; g, glochidium of the mussel, Lampsilis, before attachment. (After Le^vre and Curtis). h, glochidium of the wash-board mussel, Quadrula heros, greatly enlarged and stained to show the larval thread (I t) and sensory hair cells (s h c) The clear band is the single adductor muscle. »', a gill filament of a channel cat-fish bearing an encysted glochidium of the warty-back mussel: the cyst is set off by incisions of the filament. The darker areas on the edges of the valves indi- cate new growth of mussel shell. (After Howard.) j. Encysted young of Plagiola donaciformis, showing great growth of adult shell, beyond the margin of glochidial shell — much greater growth than occurs in most species during encystment. (After Surber.) of the glochidia in a way that parallels the response of a plant to the stimulus of a gall insect. As a plant develops a gall by new growth of tissue about the attacking insect, and shuts it in and both shelters and feeds it, so the fish develops a cyst about the glo- chidium and protects and feeds it. The tis- sues injured by the valves of the glochi- dium produce new cells by proliferation. They rise up about the larva and shut it in (fig. 177). They sup- ply food to it until the metamorphosis is com- plete, and then, when it is a complete mussel in form, equipped with a foot for burrowing and with a good sys- tem of nutritive or- gans, they break away from it and allow it to fall to the bottom. vSince this period lasts for some weeks, or even in a few cases, months, the fishes by Glochidia 291 wandering from place to place aid the distribution of the mussels, but they do much more than this. It is to be noted, furthermore, that this relation is a close one between particular species, just as it is be- tween plants and gall insects. Each attacking species has its own particular host. Recent careful studies made by Dr. A. D. Howard and others at the Fairport Biological Laboratory have shown such relations as the following: Species of Mussels Host Species 1. Yellow Sand Shell (Lampsilis anodontoides) on the gars 2. Lake Mucket (Lampsilis luteolus) on the basses and perches 3. Butterfly Shell (Plagiola securis) on the sheepshead 4. Warty Back (Quadrula pustulosa) on the channel catfish 5. Nigger-head (Quadrula ebeneus) on the blue herring 6. Missouri Nigger-head (Obovaria ellipsis) on the sturgeons 7. Salamander mussel (Hemilastena ambigua) on Necturus Some of these mussels infect one species of fish ; some, the fishes of one family or genus ; a few have a still wider range of host species, these last being usually the species having the larger and stronger glochidia with the best development of clasping hooks on the valve tips. A very special case is that of Hemilastena, a mussel that lives under flat stones and projecting rock ledges in the stream bed. Living in the haunts of the mud- puppy, Necturus, and out of the way of the fishes, it infects the gills of this salamander with its glochidia. The glochidia will grow only on their proper hosts. They will take hold on almost any fish that touches them in a manner to call forth their snapping react i< >n, but they will subsequently fall off from all but their proper hosts, without undergoing development. Whether it be the mussel that reacts only to a certain kind of fish substance, or the fish that reacts to form a cyst only for a certain glochidial stimulus is not known. The relation appears onesided, and beneficial only to the parasitic mussel; yet moderate infesta- 292 Adjustment to Conditions of Aquatic Life tion appears to do little harm to the fishes. The cysts are soon grown, emptied and sloughed off, leaving no scar. And a few fishes, such as the sheepshead which is host for many mussels, appear to reap an indirect return, in that their food consists mainly of these same mussels when well grown. It may be noted in passing that one little European fish, the bitterling, has turned tables on the mussels. It possesses a long ovipositor by means of which it inserts its own eggs into the gill cavity of a mussel, where they are incubated. $m$% CHAPTER VI IC SOCIETIES LIMNETIC SOCIETIES REAT bodies of water furnish opportunity for all the different lines of adaptation discus in the preceding chap- ter. The sun shines full upon them in all its life-giving power. The rivers carry into them the dissolved food sub- stances from the land. Wind and waves and convection currents dis- tribute these substances throughout their waters. Both the energy and the food needed for the main- tenance of life are everywhere present. Here are expanses of open water for such organisms as can float or swim. Here are shores for such as must find shelter and resting places; shores bare and rocky; shores 1< >w and sandy; shores sheltered and muddy, with bordering marshes and with inflowing streams. The character of the population in any place is determined primarily by the fitness of the organisms for the conditions they have to meet in it. 293 294 Aquatic Societies For every species the possible range is determined by climate; the possible habitat, by distribution of water and land; the actual habitat, by the presence of available food and shelter, and by competitors and enemies. Our classification of aquatic societies finds its basis in physiographic conditions. We recognize two princi- pal ecological categories of aquatic organisms: I. Limnetic Societies, fitted for life in the open water, and able to get along in comparative independence of the shores. II. Littoral Societies, of shoreward and inland dis- tribution. Ifajg i-^^ ,' Z: - LIMNETIC Fig. 178. Diagram illustrating the distribution of aquatic societies, in a section extending from an upland marsh to deep water. The littoral region is shaded. The life of the open water of lakes includes very small and very large organisms, with a noteworthy scarcity of forms of intermediate size. It is rather sharply differentiated into plancton and necton; into small and large; into free-floating and free-swimming forms. These have been mentioned in Chapter V, where their main lines of adaptation were pointed out. It remains to indicate something of the composition and relations of these ecological groups. Plancton 295 I PLANCTON If one draw a net of fine silk bolting-cloth through the clear water of the open lake, where no life is visil Te, he will soon find that the net is straining something out Fig. 179. "Water bloom" from the surface of Cayuga Lake. The curving filaments are algae of the genus Anabaena. The stalked animalcules attached to the filaments are Vorticellas. The irregular bodies of small flagellate cells, massed together in soft gelatine, are Uroglenas. of the water. If he shake down the contents and lift the net from the water he will see covering its bottom a film of stuff of a pale yellowish green or grayish or bn >wn- ish color, having a more or less fishy smell, and a gelatinous consistency. If he drop a spoonful of this freshly gathered stuff into a glass of clear water and 296 Aquatic Societies hold it toward the light, he will see it diffuse through the water, imparting a dilution of its own color; and in the midst of the flocculence, he w T ill see numbers of minute animals swimming actively about. Little can be seen in this way, however. But if he will examine a drop of the stuff from the net bottom under the micro- scope, almost a new world of life will then stand revealed. It is a world of little things ; most of them too small to be seen unless magnified; most of them so trans- parent that they escape the unaided eye. Here are both plants and animals; producers and consumers; plants with chlorophyl, and plants that lack it; also, parasites and scavengers. And it is all adrift in the open waters of the lake. Tho plancton-organisms are so transparent and individually so small, they sometimes accumulate in masses upon the surface of the water and thus become conspicuous as "water bloom." A number of the filamentous blue-green algae, such as Anabaena, fig. 179, and a few flagellates, accumulate on the surface during periods of calm, hot weather. Anabaena rises in August in Cayuga Lake, and Euglena rises in June in the back- waters adjacent to the Lake (see fig. 1, on page 15). The plants of the plancton are mainly algae. Bacteria and parasitic fungi are ever present, though of little quantitative importance. They are, of course, import- ant to the sanitarian. Of the higher plants there are none fitted for life in the open water; but such of their products as spores and pollen grains occur adventi- tiously in the plancton. It is the simply organized algae that are best able to meet the conditions of open- water life. These constitute the producing class. These build up living substance from the raw materials offered by the inorganic world, and on these the life of Planet on 297 all the animals of both the plane ton and the necton, depends. These are diatoms, blue-green and true-green algae, and chlorophyl-bearing flagellates. Concerning the limnetic habits of the last named group, we have spolo 1: briefly in Chapter IV (pp. 102-108). Being equipped with flagella, they are nearly all free- swimming. Most important among them are Ceratium, Dinobrvon and Peridinium. Most numerous in individuals of all the plancton algae, and most constant in their occurrence throughout the year, are the diatoms (see fig. 35 on p. 1 1 1). Wher- ever and whenever we haul a plancton net in the open waters of river, lake or pond, we are pretty sure to get diatoms in the following forms of aggregation: 1. Flat ribbons composed of the thin cells of Dia- toma, Fragillaria, and Tabelaria. 2. Cylindric filaments composed of the drum-shaped bodies of Melosira and Cyclotella. 3. Radiating colonies of Asterionella. 4. Slender single cells of Synedra. And we may get less common forms showing such diverse structures for flota- tion as those of Stephanodiscus (fig. 35 1) and Rhizosolenia (fig. 180); or we may get such predominantly shoreward forms as Navicula and Meridion. The blue-green algae of the plancton are very numerous and diverse, but the more common limnetic forms are these : 1 . Filamentous forms having : (a) Stiff, smoothly-contoured fila- ments; Oscillatoria (see fig, 34 on p. 109) and Lyngbya, etc. (b) Sinuous nodose filaments, Ana- baena (fig. 179), Aphanizomenon etc. Fig. 180. a, Rhizosolenia; b, Attheya. Aquatic Societ ics Fig. iSi. Rotifers. Plancton 299 (c) Tapering filaments that are immersed in m< »n .• or less spherical masses of gelatine, their points radiating outward; Gloiotrichia, Rivularia I 1 • fig. 51, on p. 133, and 52), etc. 2. Non-filamentous forms having : (a) Cells immersed in a mass of gelatine, Micro- cystis (including Polycystis and Clathrocystis, see fig. 51 on p. 133), Ccelosphaerium, Chrooco- ccus, etc, b) Cells arranged in a thin flat plate. Tetra- pedia (fig. 51), Merismopaedia (see fig. 53 on p. 135), etc. Representatives of all these groups, except the one last named, become at times excessively abundant in lakes and ponds, and many of them appear on the surface as "water bloom." Of the green algse there are a few not very common but very striking forms of rather large size found in the plancton. Such are Pediastrum (see fig. 44 on p. 123) and the desmid, Staurastum. There are many minute green algae of the utmost diversity in form and arrange- ment of cells. Most of those that are shown in figure 50 on page 129 occur in the plancton; Botyrococcus is the most conspicuous of these. A few filamentous green forms such as Conferva (see fig. 45 on p. 124) and the Conjugates (fig. 41 on p. 1 19), occur there adventi- tiously, their centers of development being on shores. The animals of the plancton are mainly protozoans, rotifers and crustaceans. The pr otozoans of the open Fig. 181. I, Philodina. 2, 3, Rotifer. 4. Adineta. 5, Floscularia. 6 Stephanoceros. 7. A 8, Melicerta. 9. Conochilus. 10, Ramate jaws. 11. Malleo-ramateiaws. 12. ,M codon. 13, Asol.inchna. 14, IS, Synchaeta. 16 Tnarthra. 17. Hydat.na. arthra. 19. Dlglena. 20, Durella, 21. Rattulus. 22, Dmochans. 23. 24. Salp^a. 25, Euchlanis. 26, Monostvla. 27. Colurus. 28, 29. Pterodina. 30.1B1 31! Malleate jaws. 32, Xoteus. 33, 34. Notholca. 35. ,36. Anuraea. 37. I 38, Gastropus. 39. Forcipate jaws. 40,Anapus. 42, I-Vu..li<.n. From Genera of Plancton Organisms of the Cayuga Lake Ba O. A. Johannsenand the junior author. 300 Aquatic Societies water are few. If we leave aside the chlorophyl- bearing flagellates already mentioned (often considered to be protozoa) the commoner forms among them are such other flagellates as Mallomonas (see fig. 185 on page 309), such sessile forms as VorticHla (fig. 179) Fig. 182. Plancton Cladocerans from Cayuga Lake. Th,? larger, Acroperus harper; the smaller, Chydorus sp. and such shell-bearing forms as Arcella and Diffiugia (see fig. 69 on p. 159). The rotifers of the plancton are many. The most strictly limnetic of these are little loricate forms such as Anuraea and Notholca, two or three species of each genus. When one looks at his catch through a micro- scope nothing is commoner than to see these little thin- Plancton -2 0I shelled animals tumbling indecorously about. Some- times almost every female will be carrying a single Large egg. Several larger limnetic rotifers, such as Triarthra, Polyarthra and Pedalion, bear conspicuous appendages by which they may be easily recognized. The softer- bodied Synchaeta will be recognized by the pair of ear- like prominences at the front. Other common limnetic forms are shown at 2 (Rotifer neptunius), 21 and 25 of figure 181. The Crustacea of fresh-water plancton are its largest organisms. They are its greatest consumers of vege- table products. They are themselves its greatest con- tribution to the food of fishes. Most of them are herbivorous, a few eat a mixed diet of algae and of the smaller animals. The large and powerful Leptodora is strictly carnivorous. The following are the more truly limnetic forms : I. Cladocerans; species of Daphne (fig. 234) Diaphanosoma Chydorus Ceriodaphnia (fig. 165) Bosmina (fig. 9 1 ) Polyphemus Sida Bythotrephes Acroperus (fig. 1S2) Leptodora. (fig. 186) II. Copepods; species of Cyclops Epischura Diaptomus Limnocalanus Canthocamptus (see figures 95 and 96) Of plancton animals other than those of the groups above discussed, there are no limnetic forms of any great importance. There is one crustacean of the Malacostracan group, My sis relicta, that occurs in the deeper waters of the great lakes. There is one trans- parent water-mite, Atax crassipes, with unusually Long Aquatic Societies and well fringed swimming legs, that may fairly be counted limnetic. There is only one limnetic insect. It is the larva of Corethra — a very transparent, free swimming larva, having within its body two pairs^ of air sacs that are doubtless regulators of its specific gravity. Fig. 183. The larva of the midge, Corethra. (After Weismann.) Seasonal Range. There is no period of absence of organisms from the open water, yet the amount of life produced there varies, as it does on land, with season and temperature. In winter there are more organisms in a resting condition, and among those that continue active, there is little reproduction and much retardation of development. Life runs more slowly in the winter. Diatoms are the most abundant of the algae at that season. There is least plancton in the waters toward the end of winter — February and early March in our latitude. The returning sun quickens the over- wintering forms, according to their habits, into renewed activity, and up to the optimum degree of warmth, hastens reproduc- tion and development. With the overturn of the waters in early spring comes a great rise in the produc- tion of diatoms, these reaching their maximum often- times in April. This is followed by a brisk develop- ment of diatom-eating rotifers and Crustacea. Usually the entomostraca attain their maximum for the year in May. This rise is accompanied by a marked decline in numbers of diatoms and other algae, due, doubtless, to consumption overtaking production. The warmth Seasonal Range 303 of summer brings on the remaining algae, first the gr< • and then the blue-greens, in regular seasonal sua It brings with them a wave of the flagellate Ceratium, which, being much less eaten by animals than t often gains a great ascendency, just as the browsing of grass in a pasture favors the growth of the weeds that are left untouched. Green algse reach their maximum development in early summer, and blue-greens, in mid or late summer, when the weather is hottest. With the cooling of the waters in autumn, reproduc- tion of summer forms ceases and their numbers decline. The fall overturning and mixing of the waters usually brings on another wave of diatom production, followed by the long and gradual winter decline. This is < accompanied, as in the spring, by abundance of Din* >- bryon. The flagellate Synura (see fig. 30 on p. 103 1 is rather unusual in that its maximum development occurs often in winter under the ice. The coming and going of the plancton organisms has been compared to the succession of flowers on a woodland slope ; but the comparison is not a good one ; for these wild flowers hold their places by continuously occupying them to the exclusion of newcomers. The planctonts come and go. They are rather to be likened to the succession of crops of annual weeds in a tilled field; crops that have to re-establish themselves every season. They may seed down the soil ere they quit it, but they may not re-occupy it without a strug- gle. And as the weeds constitute an unstable and shifting population, subject to many fluctuations, so also do the plancton organisms. They come and g< 1 : and while on their going we know that when they c< >me again, another season, they will probably present c< »1- lectively a like aspect, yet the species will be in different proportions. 304 Aquatic Societies There are probably many factors determining this annual distribution; "but chief among them would seem to be these three: 1. Chance seeding or stocking of the waters. Each species must be in the waters, else it cannot develop there; and for every species, there are many vicissitudes (such as famine, suffocation, and parasitic diseases) determining the seeding for the next crop. 2. Temperature. Many plants and animals, as we have seen, habitually leave the open waters when they grow cooler in the autumn, and reappear in them when they are sufficiently warmed in the spring. They pro- vide in various ways (encystment, etc.) for tiding over the intervening period. Some of them appear to be attuned to definite range of temperature. Thus the Cladoceran, Diaphanosoma, as reported by Birge for Lake Mendota, has its active period when the tempera- ture is about 20° C. (68° P.). For this and for many other entomostraca reproduction is checked in autumn by falling temperature while food is yet abundant. 3. Available Food. Given proper physical condi- tions, the next requisite for livelihood is proper food. For the welfare of animal planctonts it is not enough that algae be present in the water; they must be edible algae. The water has its weed species, as well as its good herbs. Gloiotrichia would appear to be a weed, for Birge reports that no crustacean regularly eats it, and it is probably too large for any of the smaller ani- mals. Birge says also ( '96 p. 353) , ' T have seen Daphnias persistently rejecting Clathrocystis, while greedily collecting and devouring Aphanizomenon." Yet Strodtmann C98) reports Chydorus sphccricus as feeding extensively on Clathrocystis, even to such extent that Plancton Pulses 305 its abundance in the plancton is directly related to the abundance of that alga. Each animal may have its food preference. The filaments of Lyngbya are too large for the small and immature crustaceans to handle. Ceratium has too hard a shell; it appears to be eaten only by the rather omnivorous adult Cyclops. For animal planctonts in general Anabaena and its allies and the diatoms and small flagellates appear to be the favorite food. Obviously, the amount of food available to any species is in part determined by the numbers of other species present and eating the same things. Plancton pulses — The organisms of the plancton come in waves of development. Now one and now another appears to be the dominant species. In most groups there are a number of forms that are competit< >rs for place and food. The diatoms Asterionella, Fragillaria and Tabelaria may fill the upper waters of a lake together or in succession. A species of Diap- tomus may dominate the waters this May, and species of Cyclops may appear in its stead next May. Yet while species fluctuate, the representation of the groups to which they belong remains fairly con- stant. These sudden waves of plancton production are made possible, as every one knows, by the brief life cycle of the planctonts, and by their rapid rate of increase. If a flagellate cell, for example, divide no oftener than every three days, one cell may have more than a thousand descendants, within a month. The rotifer, Hydatina is said to have a length of life of some thirteen days, but during most of this time it is rapidly producing eggs, and the female is mature and ready to begin egg laying in 69 hours from hatching. Some of the larger animals live much longer and grow more 306 Aquatic Societies slowly, but even such large forms as Daphne have an extraordinary rate of increase, as we have already indicated on pages 1 86 and 187. The rises in produc- tion grow out of : 1. Proper conditions of temperature, light, etc. 2. Abundant food 3. Rapid increase Declines follow upon failure of any of these, and upon the attack of enemies. So swift are the changes during the growing season that those who systematically engage in the study of a lake's population takeplancton samples at intervals of not more than fourteen days, and preferably, at intervals of seven days. Local Abundance — Plancton organisms tend to be uniformly distributed in a horizontal direction. Al- though many of them can swim, their swimming, as we have noted in the preceding chapter, is directed far more toward maintenance of level, than toward change of location. There are, however, for many plancton organisms, well authenticated cases of irregular hori- zontal distribution, one of which, for Carteria, we quoted on pages 103 and 104. Alongside that record for a tittle flagellate, let us place Birge's ('96) record for the water-flea, Daphne pulicaria, in Mendota Lake. 'The Daphnias occurred in patches of irregular extent and shape, perhaps 10 by 50 meters, and these patches extended in a long belt parallel to the shore. The surface waters were crowded by the Daphnias, and great numbers of perch were feeding on them. The swarm was watched for more than an hour. The water could be seen disturbed by the perch along the shore as far as the eye could reach. * * * * On this occasion the number was shown to be 1,170,000 per cubic meter of water in the densest part of the swarm." Distribution in Depth Shoreward Range— Few plancton organisms strictly limited to life in open water. Most of them occur also among the shore vegetation in ponds and bays and shoals. They are very small and swim but feebly, and there is room enough for their activities in any pool. They mostly belong in the warm upper strata of the lake, and similar conditions of environ- ment prevail in any pond. It is the deep waters of the lake that maintain uniform conditions of low and stable temperature, and scanty light; and it is the organisms of the deeper strata that do not appear in the shoals. Hence, though the aquatic seed-plants pushing out on a lake shore are stopped suddenly at given depth, as with an iron barrier, the more simple and primitive algae of the plancton range freely into all sorts of suit- able shoreward haunts. We shall meet with them there, commingled with numberless other forms that have not mastered the conditions of the open water. In each kind of situation (pond, river or marsh has each its plancton) we shall find a different assemblage of species. In all of them we shall find the planctonts are less transparent; in none of them will there be quite such uniformity, from place to place, as is found in the population of the open waters of the lake. Distribution in Depth. Since plancton organisms tend to be uniformly distributed in a horizontal plane one may ply his nets at any point on a lake with the expectation of obtaining a fair sample; but not so with depth, except at times when the waters are in complete circulation. A net drawn at the surface would make a very different catch from one drawn at a depth of fifty feet. Certain species found in abundance in the one would not be represented in the other. The organisms of the lakes tend to be horizontally stratifies 1 . 3 o8 Aquatic Societies Each species has its own level ; its own preferred habi- tat, where it finds optimum conditions of pressure, air, temperature and light. Fig. 184 is a diagram of the midsummer distribution in depth of seven important synthetic planctonts of Cayuga Lake. I 11 Fig. 184. Diagram illustrating midsummer distribution of seven important synthetic organisms in the first one hundred feet of depth of Cayuga Lake. &, Ceratium; g, Dinobryon; C-Mallomonas; D, Anabaena; ^ Microcystis (Clathrocystis); ^JB- Asterionella; ^, Fragillaria. (Based in part on Juday— 15) Light is the principal factor determining distribution in depth. This we have touched upon in Chapter II, under the subject of " Transparency." It is only in the upper strata of lakes, within the reach of effective light, that green plants can grow. Animals must likewise remain where they can find their food; whence it results that the bulk of the plancton in a lake lives in its Distribution in Depth .V>«, uppermost part, the thickness of this productive stratum varying directly with the transparency of the water. It is not at the surface, however, but usually a little below it — a depth of a meter, more or less — at which the greatest mass of the plancton is found. Full sun- light is perhaps too strong; for average planctonts a dilution of it is preferred. Free-swimming planctonts such as rotifers and entomostraca move freely upward or downward with char, of intensity of light. Anyone who has seen Daphnes in a sunlit pool congregating in the shadow of a water-lily pad will under- stand this. These animals rise nearer t< i the surface when the sun goes under a cloud, and sink again when the cloud passes. The extent of their regular diur- nal migrations appears to be directly relat- ed to the transparency of the water. Temperature also is an important factor determining vertical distribution. Forms requiring the higher temperatures are summer planctonts that live at or near the surface. Others that are attuned to lower tem- peratures may find a congenial summer home at a greater depth. Thus the flagellate Mallomonas (fig. 185) in Cayuga Lake is rarely encountered in summer in the uppermost twenty feet of water, though it is com- mon enough at depths between 30 and 40 feet, where the temperature remains low and constant. The average range of Daphne pulicaria is said to be deeper than that of other Daphnias. The gases of the water have much to do with the distribution of animal planctonts, especially below the thermocline, where the absence of oxygen from some lakes during the summer stagnation period excludes Fig. 185. Mal- 1 o m o n a s ploessi. (After Kent.) o Aquatic Societies practically all entomostraca. Certain hardy species of Cyclops and Chydorus appear to be least sensitive to stagnation conditions. The insect Corethra, (fig. 183) is remarkable for its ability to Rye in the depths, where practically no free oxygen remains. Age appears to be another factor in vertical distribu- tion. On the basis of his studies of the Entomostraca of Lake Mendota, Birge ('96) has formulated for them a general law of distribution, to the effect that (1) broods of young appear first in the upper waters of the lake (quite near the surface) ; (2) increase of population results in extension downward, and the mass becomes most uniformly distributed at its maximum develop- ment; (3) with decline of production there is relative increase of numbers in the lower waters. Perhaps this shifting downward merely corresponds to the wane of vigor and progressive cessation of swim- ming activities with advancing age. In the case of many plants spore development or eneystment may follow upon a seasonal wave of produc- tion, with a resulting change in vertical distribution. Filamentous blue-green algae develop spores. The ordinary vegetative filaments are buoyed up in part by vacuoles within the cells, that lessen their specific gravity; but spores lack these. Hence the spore-bear- ing filaments settle slowly to the bottom, and may be found in numbers in the lower waters ere they have reached their winter resting place. Dinobryon main- tains itself at the surface in part by means of the lash- ings of its fiagella, but when its cells encyst, the flagella stop, and the fragmenting colonies slowly settle. Thus, both internal and external conditions have much to do with vertical distribution. In general it may be said that during their period of highest vegetative activity all plants are necessarily confined to surface waters; that most animals are closely associated with them, Distribution in Depth on but that the constant fall of organic material toward the bottom makes it possible for some animals to dwell in the depths, if they can endure the low temperature and the other conditions found there. There are s< >me animal planctonts, such as species of Cyclops and Diaptomus, that range the water (oxygen being pre- sent) from top to bottom. There are many that are confined during periods of activity to the warmer region above the thermocline. There are a few like Leptodora that seem to prefer intermediate depths, and there are a few ( Heterocope, Limno- calanus, Mysis, etc.) that dwell in the cold water below the ther- mocline. Collectively, this extraordinary assem- blage of organisms that we know as plancton recalls in miniature the life of the fields. It has, in its teeming ranks of minute chlorophyl-bearing flagellates, diatoms and other algae, a quick-growing, ever-present food supply that, like the grasses and low herbage on the hills, is the mainstay and dependence of its animal population. It has in some of its larger algae the counterparts of the trees that support more special foragers, are less completely devoured, and that, through death and decomposition, return directly to the water a much larger proportion of their substance. It has in its smaller herbivorous rotifers and entomostraca, the counterpart of the hordes of rodents that infest the fields. It has in its large, plant-eating Cladocerans, such as Daphne, the equiva- lent of the herds of hoofed animals of the plains; and Fig. 186. Leptodora. Aquatic Societies it has at least one great carnivore, that, like the tiger, ranges the fields, selecting only the larger beasts for slaughter. This is Leptodora (fig. 1 86). It is of phan- tom-like transparency, and though large enough to be conspicuous, only the pigment in its eye and the color of the food it has devoured are readily seen. It ranges the water with slow flappings of its great, wing-like antennae. It can overtake and overpower such forms as Cyclops and Daphne and it eats them by squeezing out and sucking out the soft parts of the body, rejecting the hard shell. Leptodora, in a small way, functions in this society as do the fishes of the necton. The total population of plancton in any lake is very considerable. Kofoid ('03) reported the maximum plancton production found by himself in Flag Lake near Havana, 111., as 667 cubic centimeters per square meter of surface: found by Ward ('95) in Lake Michigan, 176 do.; found by Juday ('97) in the shoal water of Turkey Lake in Indiana, 1439 do. Kofoid estimated the total run-off of plancton from the Illinois River as above 67,000 cubic meters per year — this the produc- tion of the river, over and above what is consumed by the organisms dwelling in it. If we imagine the organisms of a lake to be pro- jected downward in a layer on the bottom, this thick layer would probably represent a quantity of life equal to that produced by an average equal area of dry land. The Ned ok 313 THE NECTON The large free swimming animals of the fresh waters are all fishes. Indeed, as we have already noted (p. 233), but a few of the fishes range through the open waters. Such are the white-fish, the ale-wife and the ciscos, — all plancton feeders, — and a few more piratical species, like the lake trout and the muskel- longes that feed mainly on smaller fishes. Necton, it will thus be seen, is not a natural society. It contains no producing class. It is sustained by the plancton and by the products of the shores. These fishes all have a splendid development of stream-line form. They all swim superbly. And according as they feed on plancton or on other fishes they are equipped with plancton strainers or with raptorial teeth. Excellent plancton strainers are those of the lake fishes. They are composed of the close-set gill-rakers on the front of the gill arches, and they strain the water passing through. This mesh is adapt- ed for straining the larger animal planctonts while let- ting the lesser chlorophyl-bearing forms slip thro. Thus the fishes reap the crop of animals that is matur- ed, without destroying the sources for a crop to come. LITTORAL SOCIETIES NDER the sheltering influence of shores the vascular plants may grow. Animals elude the eyes of their ene- mies, not by becom- ing transparent, but by taking on colors and forms in resemblance to their environment. They escape capture, not alone by fleet- ness, but also by development of defensive armor, by shelter-building and by burrowing. Large and small and all intermediate sizes occur together along shore, and those that appear betimes in open water make shifts innumerable for place and food and shelter for their young. There are many factors affecting the grouping of littoral organisms into natural associations, most of them as yet but little studied ; but the most important single factor is doubtless the water itself. The density of this medium and the consequent momentum of its masses when in motion so profoundly affect the form and habits of organisms that they may be roughly divided into two primary groups for which are sug- gested the following names: 314 Lenitic Societies 315 I . Len itic* or still-water societie s. II. Lotic] or rapid-water societies, living in waves < n currents. LENITIC SOCIETIES OKED together, less 1 >y any common character of their own than by the lack of lotic charac- teristics, we include under this group name those associations of littoral organisms that dwell in the more quiet places and show no special adaptations for withstanding the wash of waves or currents. Wherever we draw the line between lenitic and lotic regions, there will be organisms to transgress it, for hydrographic conditions intergrade. We have already seen how many organ- isms transgress the boundary between limnetic and littoral regions. Just as in that case we found a fairly satisfactory boundary where the increasing depth of still water is such as to preclude the growth of the higher plants, so here the boundary between lenitic and lotic regions may be placed where the movement of the water is sufficient to preclude the growth of these same plants. *Lenis = calm, placid. \Lotus = washed. 316 Aquatic Societies The reason why lenitic societies include practically the entire population of vascular plants has already been stated (p. 145) : the plants have a complexity of organization that cannot withstand the stress of rapidly moving waters. They fringe all shoals, how- ever, and they fill the more sheltered places with growths of extraordinary density. In such places they pro- foundly affect the conditions of life for other organisms : the supplies of food and light and air, and the oppor- tunities for shelter. Streams and still waters, inhabited by lenitic societies, may be divided roughly into three categories: 1. Those that are permanent. 2. Those that dry up occasionally. 3. Those that are only occasionally supplied with water. These so completely intergrade, and so vary with years of abundance or scarcity of rainfall, that there is no good means of distinguishing between them. Perhaps for the humid Eastern States and for bodies of still water the words pond and pool and puddle convey a sense of their relative permanence. The population of the pond is, like that of the lake, to a large extent perennially active. It will be discussed in succeeding pages. That of the pool is composed of those forms that are adjusted to drouth: forms that can forefend themselves against the withdrawal of the water by migration, by encystment, by dessication, or by bur- rowing, or by sending roots down into the moisture of the bed. Some of these will be mentioned in the dis- cussion of the population of the marshes. The puddles have a scanty population of forms that multiply rapidly and have a brief life cycle. The synthetic forms among them are mainly small flagellates and protococ- Lenitic Societies 31/ Fig. 187. Lick Brook near Ithaca in spring. Its bed runs dry later in the season. (Photo by R. Matheson.) 3i8 Aquatic Societies coid green algae. The herbivores are such short-lived crustaceans as Chirocephalus (see fig. 90 on p. 184) and Apus, which have long-keeping, drouth-resisting eggs; such rotifers as Philodina, remarkable for its capacity for resumption of activity after dessication ; such insects as mosquitoes. The carnivores are such adult water-bugs and beetles as may chance to fly into them. Whether a population shall be able to maintain itself depends on the continuance of favorable conditions, at least through the period of activity of its members. In these pages we shall give attention only to the life of relatively permanent waters. Plants — The shoreward distribution of plants in natural associations is determined mainly by two hydrographic factors: (1) movement and (2) depth of the water. It is directly related to exposure to waves and to currents. Everyone knows the difference in appearance between plants growing immersed in a quiet Fig. 188. The forefront of the Canoga marshes, where partly sheltered from the waves of Cayuga Lake, clumps of the lake bulrush lead the advance of the shore vegetation. Lenitic Plants ^iQ pool and those growing on a wave-washed shore. The former appear as if robed in filmy mantles of green, full- fledged with leaves, and luxuriant. The latter appear as if stripped for action, unbranched, slender and bare. At one extreme are the finely-branched free-floating bladderworts (see fig. 173 on p. 285) at the other are such firmly rooted, slender, naked, pliant-topped forms as the lake bulrush (figure 188) and eel-grass. These latter anchor their bodies firmly and closely to the s< >il, and send up into the moving waters overhead only s< >ft and pliant vegetative parts, that offer the least possible resistance to the movement of the water, and that, if broken, are easily replaced. The long cylindric sh< >< >ts of the bulrush have their vessels lodged in the axis and surrounded with a remarkable padding of air cushions. They are not easily injured. The flat ribbon-like leaves of eel-grass are marvels of adjustability to waves. Between these two extremes are all gradations of form and of fitness. Of the pool-inhabiting type are the water crow-foot, the water milfoil, the water horn- wort; of the opposite type are the long-leaved pond- weeds and the pipeworts. Intermediate are the broader- leaved pond weeds and Philotria. These sometimes are found in running streams, but they usually grow in the beds in dense mutually sup- porting masses that deflect the current. If one place a current meter among their tops he will find little move- ment of the water there. There is another place of security from waves, f< >r such plants as can endure the conditions there. It is on the lake's bed, below the level of surface disturbance. The stoneworts (see fig. 55 on p. 137) are branched and brittle forms, very ill adapted to wave exposure, and most of them live in pools, but a few have found this place of security beneath the waves. There are extensive beds of Chara on the bottom of our great 320 Aquatic Societies kj Ww-' Fig. 189. Shore-line vegetation. Shore Plants - 2 i lakes, at a depth of 25 feet more or less, and within the range of effective light. Associated with these, but usually on the shoreward side, are beds of pondweeds. Often there are bare wave-swept shores behind these beds with no sign of aquatic vegetation that one can see from the shore. Depth of water determines the adjustment of aquatic seed plants in three principal categories: 1. Emergent aquatics. These occupy the shallow water, standing erect in it with their tops in the air, and are most like land plants. They are by far the most numerous in species. 2. Surface aquatics. These grow in deeper water, at the front of (and oftentimes commingling with) the preceding. The larger ones, such as the water lilies are rooted in the mud of the bottom, and bear great leaves that float upon the surface. The smaller ones such as the duckweeds (see figs. 61 and 62, p. 149) are free-floating. 3. Submerged aquatics. These form the outermost belt or zone of herbage. They are most truly aquatic in habits. Except for such forms as dwell in quiet waters, they are rooted to the bottom. Depth varies considerably within this zone. It extends from the outer limits of the preceding (hardly more than five Fig. 189. A. Branches of four submerged water plants: (i) Philolria, (2) Cerato- phyllum, (3) Ranunculus, (4) Nais. B. Emergent aquatics, including a clump of arrow arum; two of the pendulous club-shaped fruit-clusters are seen at (5) dipping into the water. C. Zonal arrangement of the plants of the shore-line. The backgn mnd zone is cat-tail flag (Typha). Next comes a zone of pickerel- weed I i deria) in full flower. Next, a zone of water lilies and such other aquatics with floating leaves as are shown in D and E. In the foreground is a zone of submerged plants — a mixture of such forms as are shown in A above. D. A closer view: Lemna, free-floating and Marsilia with four parted floating leaves, and Ranunculus, in tufted sprays, submerged. E. The floating leaves and emergent flower spikes of a pondweed, Potamogeton. (Photo by L. S. Hawkins ) 322 Aquatic Societies feet at most) to the limits of effective light. Within such a range of depth conditions of movement, pressure, warmth and light find also a considerable range; hence, the forms differ at the inner and outer margins of the zone. Its forefront is usually formed by Chara as stated above, and pondweeds follow Chara, with a number of other forms usually commingled, in the shallower part. These groups are not free from intergradation since some forms like the spatterdock (fig. 195 on p. 335) are in part emergent, and some of the pondweeds have a few floating leaves. But they are nevertheless con- venient, and they represent real ecological differences. Distribution of these plants in depth results in their zonal arrangement about the shore line. When all are present they are arranged in the order indicated. It is an inviolable order ; for the emergent forms cut off the light from those that cannot rise above the surface, and the latter overshadow those that are submerged. The zones may vary in width and in their component species, but when all are present and crowded for room they can occur only in this order. The two accompany- ing figures illustrate zonal arrangement ; figure 189C, on a low and marshy shore; figure 190, on a more elevated shore, backed by a terrestrial flora. The algce of littoral societies are those of the plancton (practically all of which drift into the shoals) plus numberless additional non-limnetic forms, many of which are sessile. As with the vascular plants, algas that are fragile (see fig. 198 on p. 338) and the larger that float free (Spirogyra, etc.) develop mainly in pools and quiet waters, w T hile those having great pliancy of body (Cladophora, see fig. 46 on p. 125) and protective covering (slime-coat diatoms, etc.) are more exposed to moving waters. Zfnaljymngement of Plants show above the ^^ p JVZi^- 3^4 Aquatic Societies The animal population of the shores is likewise dis- tributed largely in relation to water movement, or to conditions resulting therefrom. There is a zonal arrangement of animal life along shores that is only a little less definite than that of plants. It is much less obvious, for plants are fixed in position and come out more into the open and into view. Nevertheless, even the most free-roving animals, the fishes, as we have already seen (p. 233), keep in the main to certain shore- ward limits. Distribution in relation to depth and to character of bottom comes out clearly in Headlee's stud- ies of the mussels of Win- ona Lake. In that lake the play of the waves on shore yields a clean beach line of sand and gravel, and sifts the finer mater- ials into deeper water. The succession is gravel and sand, marly [sand, sandy marl, coarse white marl, marly mud and very soft black mud. The last named, beginning at a depth of some 20 feet, covers a very large central portion of the lake bottom. Mussels cannot live in it for they sink too deeply and the fine sediment clogs their gills. Hence the mussels are restricted to the strip along shore. With- in this strip they are arranged according to hard- ness of bottom and exposure to waves. The accom- panying diagram illustrates the distribution of four of the common species. The two Anodontas, having SA/re MA8L MUO \ 10 20 FT 3 >J t J j 2 2 2 '' 2 1 4- B Fig. 191. Diagram of distribution of mussels in Winona Lake, Indiana A, outline of lake with the mussel zone stippled and marked out by two ten-foot contours. B, shews the relation of four of the common- est species to depth and character of bottom: 1. Anodonta edentula. 3. Unio rubigniosa. 2. Anodonta grandis. 4. Lampsilis Iuteolus. Plancton Animals 32s lighter shells less prone to sink, live in the deeper z< >n< - of mixed marl and mud, and so are able to forage farther out on the bottom. On account of their thinner shells they are excluded from residence near the shore line, where the waves would crush them. The heavier shelled Unio requires a more solid bottom for its sup- port, and is uninjured by the beating of heavy waves. Hence, its shoreward distribution. Lampsilis, however, is a more freely ranging form, having a rather light shell. It overspreads the range of all the others, coming in the less exposed places rather close to shore. Plancton animals — The animals of the shoreward plancton are less transparent than those of the lake. They are also far more numerous. They show more color. The color is often related to situation. In small ponds and marshes they are darker as a rule than in large ponds. They include forms of very diverse habits among which are the following: 1. Forms that swim freely and continuously in the more open places. These only are common to both littoral and limnetic regions. 2. Forms that are free swimming, but that rest betimes on plants; Cladocerans with adherent "neck organs" ; Copepods with hooked antennae, etc. 3. Forms that can and that do swim betimes, but that more habitually creep on plants; many ostracods, copepods and rotifers. 4. Forms that live on or burrow in the slime that covers stems or other solid supports, and that swim but poorly and but rarely in the open water; Leeches and oligochete worms, rhizopods and midge larvae. 5. Sessile forms that cannot swim, but that become detached and drift about passively in the open water, at certain seasons; hydras, statoblasts of fresh-water sponges and of bryozoans, resting eggs of rotifers and of cladocerans, etc. 326 Agnatic Societies Few of these can thrive in the waters of the limnetic region of a lake ; but there is at k ast one member of the first group that takes advantage of an abundant supply of food in lake waters, migrates out, and develops enormously, overshadowing in numbers sometimes the truly limnetic forms. It is Chydorus sphczricus. It is rather a littoral than a limnetic species, yet it often abounds in the open lakes, following a rich development there of blue-green algae suitable for its fo< d. SPATIAL RELATIONS A large part of the animal life of the littoral region is disposed in relation to upper and lower surfaces of the water. This grouping by levels is due to gravity. Where the air rests upon the water, making available an unlimited supply of oxygen, there at the surface are aggregated forms that require free air for breathing. Where the water rests upon the solid earth, there at the bottom are the forms that hide or burrow in the ground. Plants and animals differ most markedly here. Light is the prime requisite and source of energy for chloro- phyl-bearing plants. It is not light but oxygen that holds many animals at the surface of the water; and it is indifference to light that allows many other animals to dwell in the obscurity of the bottom. Life on the bottom has a number of advantages among which are the following : 1 . Shelter is available. 2 . Energy is saved when a resting place is found, and continuous swimming is unnecessary. 3. Gravity brings food down from above. 4. Hiding from enemies is easier in absence of strong light. It has also its perils chief among which are: 1. Failure of oxygen 1 either of which may result 2. Excess of silt in suffocation. Spatial Relations 327 In the last chapter we have discussed the more important lines of specialization that have fitted the members of the bottom population to meet or to profit by these conditions. Under the subject "pond societies," further specific illustrations will be cited. Life at the surface is less tranquil than on the bott< an. There are two kinds of animals that can maintain them- selves there. (1) Those having bodies (together with the air they hold about them) lighter than the water; which rise to the surface like a cork and have to swim in order to go down below. These are mainly adult insects whose problem of getting air we have discussed in the preceding chapter. (2) Those having bodies heavier than the water, which maintain themselves at the surface by some s< >rt of hold on the surface film. If free-swimming, they have to swim up to the surface and break through the film before they can use it for support. Certain insect larvae, water-fleas, rotifers, ciliates, etc., are of this habit. Creeping forms must first climb up some emergent stem, break through and then glide away sus- pended underneath the film. Pond-snails and hydras are of this sort. In an aquarium one may see either, hanging suspended, and dimpling the surface where the foot is attached by the downward pull on the film. The relations of certain water-fleas to the surface film are particularly interesting. For many of these, such for example as Bosmina, this is a constant source of peril. If in swimming a Bosmina accidentally breaks through this film it falls over on its side and is held there helpless lying on the surface unable to swim away. Unless some disturbance dash it again beneath the water, its only chance for release seems to lie in moulting its skin and slipping out of it into the water. Usually when a catch of surface planet < -n fr< >m 328 Aquatic Societies Cayuga is placed in a beaker, the Bosminas begin to break through one by one, and soon are gathered in a little floating company in the center. Scapholeberis (fig. 192), however, appears to be especially fitted to take advantage of the surface film. It is able to maintain a proper position at the surface : it possesses specialized bristles for breaking the film and laying hold upon it; its ventral (uppermost) margin is straightened and extended posteriorly in a long spine; as much contact may be had as is needed. Suspended beneath the surface, where algae from below and pollen from the air accumulate, Scapholeberis Fig. 192. Scapholeberis mucronata, suspended beneath the surface film. (After Scourfield.) rows placidly about, foraging ; or it is borne along by the towing of air currents acting on the surface water — a sort of submarine sailing. Scapholeberis is unique among water-fleas in this habit. There is also an Ostracod, Notodromas, of similar habit ; and it is worthy of note that both these creatures have blackish markings on the ventral edges of the valves and are pale dorsally. As in the sloths which climb inverted in trees, the usual coloration of the body is reversed with reversal of position. Then there are some little creatures that take advan- tage of the tenacity of the surface film to cover them- selves with it as with a veil. Copepods, ostracods, rotifers and what not, climb up the surface of emergent stems, pushing a film of water ahead until they are well above the general surface level, where they rest and Spatial Relations feed, and find more oxygen. The larva of Dixa is one of the most interesting of these. It will float in the surface film, but not for long, if any support be at hand. Touching a leaf it immediately bends double, and pushes forward by alternate thrusts at both ends, until it has lifted a film of water to a satisfactory level. On the surface are deposited the eggs of many insects having aquatic larvae, but these eggs are heavier than water, and unless anchored to i some solid support or buoyed up with floats (as are such eggs as those of Culex and Core- thra) nearly all of them settle to the bottom. There are, however, a few midges whose egg-clusters float freely. A brief account of the egg-lay- ing of one of them, Chironomus meridionalis, will illustrate several points of dependence on the surface tension. The female midge, when ready to lay her eggs, rests for a time on some vertical stem by the water side in the attitude illustrated in figure 194. She extrudes her eggs which hang suspended at the She then flies over the water carrying them securely in a rounded clump of gelatin. After a long preparatory flight, consisting of coursing back and forth in nearly horizontal lines at shoul- der height above the surface of the water — a per- formance that lasts often twenty minutes — she settles down on the surface and rests there with outspread feet. The usefulness of her elongate tarsi is Fig. 193. Larva of a Dixa midge, inverted, to show: a, caudal lobe; b, creeping bristles; c, prolegs. The arrow indicates the direction of locomotion, middle fore- most, both ends trailing. tip of the abdomen. 330 Aquatic Societies here apparent. They rest like long out-riggers radiately arranged upon the surface, easily supporting her weight while she liberates the egg mass and lets it down into the water. At the top of the egg clump appears a cir- cular transparent disc from which the egg mass depends. This disc catches upon the surface film, tho pulled down into it in a little rounded pit-like depression by the weight of the eggs. Slowly the eggs descend pulling out the gelatin attaching them to the disc into a slender thread that thus becomes stretched to a length of several inches. The female flies away to the shore and leaves them so. Then they drift about like floating mines, transported by breezes and cur- rents. This little disc of gelatin dimp- ling the surface film is indeed a frail rlG. 194. The cg^-laving of Chironomus mcridionnlis. A , The female at rest extruding the egg-mass. _ B Tne female resting on the surface film, letting the egg mass down into the water. C and D, The egg mass liberated and hanging suspended from the surface film by a delicate gelatinous curd attached to a small disc-like float. bark for their transportation. When driven by waves and currents, they break their slender moorings and settle to the bottom, or adhere to floating stems against which they are tossed. There is another phenomenon of the water surface so curious and interesting it merits passing mention here. There is a black wasp Priocnemis fiavicornis, occasion- ally seen on Fall Creek at the Cornell Biological Field Spatial Relations * 1 1 Station, that combines flying with water trans] m >rtati< >n. Beavers swim with boughs for their dam, and water- striders ran across the surface carrying their 1 m n >ty, 1 >ut here is a wasp that flies above the surface towing a l< >ad too heavy to be carried. The freight is the body « huge black spider several times as large as the body of the wasp. It is captured by the wasp in a waterside hunting expedition, paralyzed by a sting adroitly placed, and is to be used for provisioning her n< It could scarcely be dragged across the ground, cl< >thed as that is with the dense vegetation of the water- side; but the placid stream is an open highway. ( Kit onto the surface the wasp drags the huge limp black carcass of the spider and, mounting into the air with her engines going and her wings steadily buzzing, she sails away across the water, trailing the spider and leaving awake that is a miniature of that of a passing steamer. She sails a direct and unerring course to the vicinity < >f her burrow in the bank and brings her cargo ashore at some nearby landing. She hauls it upon the bank and then runs to her hole to see that all is ready. Then she drags the spider up the bank and into her burrow, having saved much time and energy by making use of the open waterway. Intermediate between surface and bottom the lif< the water that is not included in either of the two sir: it a we have just been discussing, but that has continuous free range of the open water, is still considerable. It corresponds in part to the plancton of the open waft as we have seen. It corresponds in part, also, to the necton; and, as in the open water, so also in the shoals, the larger and more important free- swin lining ai i are fishes. Its spatial relations are complicated 1 »y the habit some air-breathing forms (especially in. have of ranging downward freely thro the depths; 332 Aquatic Societies also by the way in which forms like Chironomus, that ordinarily remain in hiding in the bottom, come out betimes in the open and take a swim. But there yet remain at least two classes of organisms that belong neither to the top nor to the bottom, nor yet to the free-swimming population. These are forms that are able to sustain themselves above the mud by taking advantage of plant stems or other solid supports. These get their oxygen from the water. They are: 1. Climbing forms, that hold on by means of claws, as do the scuds and some dragonfly, damselfly and may- fly larvae, or by a broad adhesive foot as do certain minute mussels. Many members of this group find temporary shelter between the leaves and scales of plants. 2. Sessile forms that remain more or less per- manently attached, like sponges, bryozoans, hydras, etc. Many members of both these groups construct for themselves shelters. Chironomus, for example, while usually living in such tubes as are shown in figure 134 on page 226, is able to creep about freely upon the stem. Cothurnia (fig. 73) and Stentor, and many sessile rotifers build themselves shelters. Such support may be found on the bottom itself where that is hard ; but the bottom is soft where most seed-plants grow. Furthermore, to ascend and remain above the level of the hordes of voracious bottom dwellers must be a means of safety. It is clear, there- fore, that plants rising from the bottom and branching extensively must add enormously to the biological rich- ness of the shoals, by the support and shelter they afford to such animals as these. Size — As on land a weed patch is a miniature jungle, having a population of little insects roughly correspond- Life in Some Typical Lenitic Situations 33 v ing in social functions to the larger beasts of the forest, so in the water there are large and small, assembled in parallel associations. The larger, as a rule, inhabit the more open places. Paddle-fish and sturgeons and gars belong to the rivers; the quantative demands of their appetites exclude them from living in the brooks Then is not a living there for them. Little fishes belong to the brooks and to the shoals. In our diagram on page 233 we have already shown how in a small lake shore- ward distribution of the fishes corresponds roughly with their size, the largest ranging farthest out, and the smallest sticking most closely to shelter. The senior author has shown (07) a parallel to this in the distribu- tion of diving beetles in an angle of the shore of a weedy pond. Here the most venturesome beetle was Dytiscus (see fig. 129 on p. 221). It was taken at the front of the cat-tails in about three feet of water. The associa- ted species were disposed closely, tho not strictly in accordance with their size, between that outer fringe and the shore, Acilius, Coptotomus, Laccophillus, Hydroporus, (see fig. 130) Ccelambus and Bidessus following in succession, the last named (a mere molecule of a beetle, having but yw the weight of Dytiscus) being found only among the trash at the very shore line. LIFE IX SOME TYPICAL LENITIC SITUATIONS The association of organisms in natural societies is controlled by conditions; but conditions intergrade. Lakes, ponds, rivers, marshes all merge insensibly, each into any of the others; and their inhabitants commingle on their boundaries. Yet thesenames stand for certain general average conditions that we meet and recognize, and with which certain organisms are regularly associated. It will be worth while for us to note the main characteristics of the life of several of the more typical of such situations. 334 Aquatic Societies P o)id societies — The kind of associations we now come to discuss are typically represented in ponds, but they occur also in any bodies of standing fresh water, that are not too deep for growth of bottom herbage, nor too exposed to wind and wave for the growth of emergent Fig. 195. Where marsh and pond meet. The head of "the cove" at the Cor- nell Biological Field Station. Beds of spatterdock backed by acres of cat- tail flag. Neguena valley in the distance. aquatics along shore. The same forms will be found in ponds, lagoons, bayous, sheltered bays and basin- like expansions of streams. The bordering aquatics will tend to be arranged in zones, as discussed in the preceding pages, according to the closeness of their crowding. 1. The shoreward zone of emergent aquatics will include, in our latitude, species of cat-tail (Typha), of Pond Societies bur-reed (Sparganium) , of bulrush (Scirpus), of spi rush (Eleocharis), of water plantain (Alisma), of am >w- head (Sagittaria) , and arrow-arum (Peltandra), of] erel-weed (Pontederia) , of manna grass (Glyceria), - 2. The intermediate zone of surface aquatics will include such as: (a). These rooted aquatics with floating leaves: white water-lily (Castalia), spatterdock (Nymphaea), water shield (Brasenia), pondweed (Potomogeton), etc. "h ■ \ V ytKyj ¥>kz4$ »m,. Air- N^A [ft ytafH J ^ % IK £ w Y 1 S w y* v i/\J * ,.^_ \ / ;/ / Fic. 196. A spray of the sago pondweed, Potimogeton, coated with slime-coat diatoms, its leaf tips hearing dwelling tubes ol larvae (Chironomus). 336 Aquatic Societies (b). These free-floating aquatics; species of duck- weed (Lemna, Spirodela), water fernworts (Azolla, Salvinia), liverworts (Riccia), etc. 3. An outer zone of submerged plants will include such forms as pondweeds (Potamogeton), hornwort (Ceratophyllum), crow-foot (Ranunculus), naiad (Najas), eel-grass (Zostera), stonewort (Chara), etc. These grow lustily and produce great quantities of aquatic stuff which serves in part while living, but prob- ably in a larger part w r hen dead, for food of the animal population, and the ultimate residue of which slowly fills up the pond. These plants contribute largely to the richness and variety of the life in the pond, by offering solid support to hosts of sessile organisms, both plants and animals. Their stems are generally quite encased with sessile and slime-coat algae, rotifers, bryozoans, sponges, egg masses of snails and insects and dwelling tubes of midges (fig. 196). Especially do floating leaves seem to attract a great many insects to lay their eggs on the under surface. This is doubtless a shaded and cleanly place, so elevated as to be favor- able for the distribution of the young on hatching. The algce of ponds are various beyond all enumerating. It is they, rather than the more conspicuous seed-plants, that furnish the basic supply of fresh food for the animal population. Small as they are individually, their rapid rate of increase permits mass accumulation which often become evident enough. Such are: ( 1 ) . The masses of filamentous algae, (Spirogyra and its allies; Ulothrix, Conferva, etc.) collectively called "blanket algae" that lie half-floating in the water, or are buoyed to the surface by accumulated oxygen bubbles. (2). The beautiful fringes of branching sessile algae (Chaetophora, fig. 198, Cladophora, etc.) that envelop every submerged stem as with a drapery of green. Pond Animals 337 (3). The lumps of brownish gelatin inclosing com- pound colonies (Rivularia, see fig. 52 on p. 134, e1 that are likely to cover the same stems later in the season, and that sometimes seem to smother the green vegetation. (4). The spherical lumps of greenish gelatin that lie sprinkled about over the bottom — rather hard lumps inclosing compact masses of fila- ments of Nostoc, etc. (5). The accumulated free- swimming forms that are not seen as discrete masses, but that tint the w r ater. Volvox tints it a bright green; Dinobryon, yel- lowish; Trachelomonas, brown- ish; Ceratium, grayish, etc. Such differences as these in superficial aspect, coming, as many of them do, with the regu- larity of the seasons, suggest to one who has studied them the principal component of the masses ; but one must see them with the microscope for certain determination. The animals of the pond that breathe free air are a few amphibians (frogs and salamanders), a few snails (pulmonates) and many insects. The insects fall into four categories according to their more habitual j tions while taking air: (1). Those that run or jump upon the surface. Here belong the water- st riders and their allies — long legged insects equipped with fringed and water-repel- lent feet that take hold on the surface film, but do n< >t break through it. Here belong many little Diptera that rest down upon the surface between periods of flying. Fig. 197. Diagram of a lily- pad, inverted, showing characteristic location and arrangement of some attached egg clusters. a, Physa; b, Planorbis; c, Trise- nodes; d, Donacia; c, campa; /, Enalla&ma into punctures); g, Ni (laid singly) ; h, Gyrinus. 333 Aquatic Societies g-tails that gather Here belong the hosts of minute sprin in the edges in sheltered places, often in such numbers as to blacken the surface as with deposits of soot. Minute as these are they are readily recognized by their habits of making relatively enormous leaps from place to place. (2). Those that lie prone upon the surface. Best known of these because every where conspicuous on still Fig. 198. Two fallen stems enveloped with a rich growth of the alga, Chcetophora incrassata. waters, are the whirl-i-gig beetles. Less common and much less conspicuous are the pupae of the soldier-flies (Stratiomyia, etc.) and the larvae of the Dixa midges. (3). Those that hang as if suspended at the surface, with only that part of the body that has to do with intake of air breaking through the surface film. Here belong by far the larger number of aquatic insects. Here are the bugs and the adult beetles, alertly poised, Pond Animals 339 with oar-like hind legs swung forward, ready, so that a stroke will carry them down below in case of appr< of danger. Here hang the wrigglers — larvas and pupae of mosquitoes. Here belong the more passive larvae of many beetles and flies and the pupae of swale-flies and certain crane-flies. (4). Those that rest down below, equipped with a long respiratory tube for reaching up to the surface f< >r Fig. 199. Diagram of distribution of pond life. The right side illustrates the zonal distribution of the higher plants. 1, shore zone; 2, standing emergent aquatics; j? f aquatics with floating leaves; 4, submerged aquatics; 5, floating aquatics; 6, free swim- ming algae of the open water. The left side represents the principal features of the distribution of animals, r, s, t, u, forms that breathe air; v, w, x, y, and z, forms that get their oxygen from the water. (From the Senior Author's General Biology) air. Such are Ranatra, and the rat-tailed maggots of syrphus-flies. The animals of the pond that are more strictly aquatic in respiratory habits (being able to take their oxygen supply from the water itself) are so numerous that we shall be able to mention only a few of the larger and more characteristic forms. First there are the inhabi- tants of the bottom. These fall into two principal cate- gories, the free-living and the shelter-building forms. The free-living forms may be grouped as follows: 340 Aquatic Societies (i). Bottom sprawlers that lie exposed, or only covered over with adherent silt. These are character- ized by a marked resemblance to their environment. Such crustaceans as the crawfish and Asellus, such insects as Ephemerella, Caenis and other mayfly nymphs Libellula, Didymops, Celithemis (fig. 200) and other dragonfly nymphs, and certain snails and flatworms belong here. (2). Bottom dwel- lers that descend more or less deeply into the mud or sand, by the various means already discussed in the pre- ceding chapter. Among the shallow burrowers are many shell-bearing molluscs, both mussels and snails; a few may- fly and dragonfly nymphs. Descending more deeply in muddy beds are some true worms and horsefly larvae. The shelter-building forms of the bottom may be grouped as: (1). Forms making portable shelters. These are mainly caddis-worms that construct cases of pieces of wood or grains of sand. (2). Forms making fixed shelters. These are such caddis- worms as Polycentropus, such worms as Tubifex (see fig. 83 on p. 174) and such midges as Chironomus (see fig. 134 on p. 220). Fig. 200. A bottom sprawler: nymph of of the dragonfly, Celithemis eponina. Marsh Societies 341 It is some of these animals of the pond bottom that give to the littoral region its great extension out under the open waters of the lakes. It is only a few meml n ts of the population that are able to endure conditions in the depths far out from shores. These are such as: Small mussels of genus Pisidium. Mayfly nymphs of the genus Hexagenia. Midge larvae of the genus Chironomus. Caddis-worms in the cylindric cases of sand, not yet certainly identified, etc. The larger animals of the pond that belong neil to surface nor bottom and that correspond to neither plancton nor necton of the open water may be grouped as: (i). Climbing forms (most of which can swim on occasion), such as the scuds (Amphipods), the nymphs of dragonflies such as Anax, of damselflies such as Lestes and Ischnura, of mayflies such as Callibaetis, larvae of caddisflies such as Phryganea and of moths such as Paraponyx, mussels such as Calyculina, and many leeches, entomostracans and rotifers. (2). Sessile forms such as hydras, sponges, bryz< >ans and rotifers. II Marsh Societies. — We come now to consider the associations of organisms in waters that are not too deep for the growth of standing aquatics. Shoalness of water and instability of temperature and other phy - conditions at once exclude from residence in the marsh the plants and animals of more strictly limnetic habits; but it is doubtless the presence of dense emergent plant growth that most affects the entire population. Tin gives shelter to a considerable number of the hi. vertebrates, and these rather than the fishes are the large consumers of marsh products. The muskrat 342 Aquatic Societies breeds here and builds his nest of rushes. He prefers, to be sure, the edge of a marsh opening, where in deep water he may find crawfishes and molluscs, with which to vary his ordinary diet of succulent shoots and tubers. Fig. 201. The eggs of the spotted salamander, Ambystoma punctatum. tPhoto by A. A. Allen.) Deep in the marsh dwell water birds, such as grebes, rails, coots, terns, bitterns, and in the north, ducks and geese as well. Such non-aquatic birds as the long-billed marsh-wren and the red-winged blackbird use the top of the marsh cover as a place to build their nests ami Marsh Plants 343 use also the leaves of marsh plants for building materials. Several turtles and water snakes are permanent dents as are also a few of the frogs. Most of the fr< >gs visit the marsh pools at spawn- ing time, making the air resound with their nup- tial melodies. The spotted sal- amander is the earliest amphi- bian to spawn there. Though the adult is but a transient, its larvae remain in the marsh pools through the sea- son. The plants are the same kinds found in the marginal zone of the pond border, hut here they of- ten cover large areas in a nearly pure stand. In our latitude in the more permanent waters, the dominant species usually are cat-tail, phragmites, bur-reed and the soft-stemmed bulrushes; in the shoals that dry up each year they are sweet flag, sedges, manna grass and the hard-stemmed bul- rushes. Such plants as these have strong h laced roots and runners that form the 1 iasis < A the marsh Fig. 202. Tear-thumb. 344 Aquatic Societies cover, and that support a considerable variety of more scattering species. One of the most widespread of these secondary forms is the beautiful marsh fern, whose black rootstocks over-run the tussocks of the sedges, shooting up numberless fronds. Scattering semi-aquatic representatives of familiar garden groups are the marsh bellwort {Campanula a paranoides), the marsh St. John's wort (Hypericum virginicum) and the marsh skull-cap (Scutellaria galericulata) : these are dwarfish forms, however, that nestle about the bases of the taller clumps. With them are straggling prickly forms, such as the marsh bedstraw (Galium palustre), the white grass (Leersia) and the tear-thumb (Polygo- num sagittal urn, fig. 202). Strong growing forms that penetrate the marsh cover with stout almost vine-like stems are the marsh five-finger (Potentilla palustris) the Fig. 203. A marshy pool with flowers of the white water crow-foot rising from the surface. Marsh Animals 34c joint weed {Polygonum) and the buck-bean (Menyan- thes trifoliata). True climbers also, are present in the marsh although usually only on its borders; such are the climbing nightshade bittersweet {Solatium dulca- mara) and the beautiful fragrant -flowered climbing hemp-weed (Mikania scandens). Here and there one may see a protruding top of swamp dock (Rumex verticillatus) , a water hemlock (Cicuta bulb if era) or a swamp milkweed (Asclepias incamata). Every opening in the marsh contains forms that are more characteristic of ponds and ditches, such as arr< >w- heads and water plantain. And even the little trash filled pools often contain their submerged aquatics. Such a one is shown in the figure 203, a shallow pool filled with fallen leaves, its surface suddenly sprinkled over with little star-like flowers when the white water- crowfoot shoots up its blossoms. Algae often fill these pools; sometimes minute free- swimming forms that tint their waters, but more often ''blanket algae," whose densely felted mats may smother the larger submerged aquatics. The animal life of the marsh is also a mixture of pond forms and of forms that belong to the more permanent waters. The fishes are bullheads and top minnows and others that can endure foul waters, scanty oxygen and rapid fluctuations of temperature. Of crustaceans, ostracods and scuds are most abundant. Of molluscs, Pisidium and Planorbis are much in evidence, and other snails are common. Insects abound. Some are aqua- tic and some live on the plants. Of all Odonata, Lestes (fig. 204) is perhaps the most characteristic marsh inhal >i- tant; of mayflies, Blasturus and Caenis ; stoneflies, then are none. Of caddis-flies there are many, but Limno- philus indivisus is perhaps the most characteristic marsh species. It is not known to inhabit any waters except 346 Aquatic Societies those that dry up in summer. The commonest beetles are small members of the families Hydrophilidae, Dytiscidae and Haliplidae. The most characteristic of the bugs is the slen- der little marsh- treader, Limno- bates. Swale-flies, mosquitoes, crane- flies and ubiqui- tous midges abun- dantly represent the aquatic Dip- tera. There are, of course, many in- sects dependent upon particular plants. Such are the tineid moth, Limnacea phragm i- tella, that burrows when a larva in the Typha fruit spike, and the wee- vil, Sphenophorus, that burrows in the Typha crown; the leaf -beetle, Dona- tio, emerginata, whose larva feeds on the submerged roots of the bur-reed, etc. Here are also a number of characteristic spiders, such as the diving spider, Dolomedes. Doubtless the lower groups of animals possess species that are addicted to dwelling in marshes, and fitted to the peculiar conditions such places impose, but these 1' • m\ X . "I i V x 1 1 1 Fig. 204. A damselfly. Lestes uncatus. Marsh Societies 347 have been little studied. There is hardly any situati< m where the fauna is so imperfectly known. As compared with the land, fauna and flora of marshes are characterized by a small number of species, and enormous numbers of individuals. In other w< Fig. 205. "Tree-swallow pond": a once famous collecting ground in th Renwick marshes at Ithaca. Photo taken in spring after the burning and the freezing and the floods, but before the growth of the season. the population is one of small variety but of great den- sity. Such forms as are fitted to maintain themselves where floods and fire alternately run riot find in the rich soil and abundant light and moisture opportunity fi >r a great development. Fire sweeps the surface clear of trees, which would overtop and overshadow the herbage and would create swamp conditions. The ground layer of water-soaked trash prevents the burn- 348 Aquatic Societies ing of the root stocks; it also prevents deep freezing after the fires have run. Plants that are capable of renewing their vegetative shoots from parts below the level of the burning, are the ones that year after year, maintain their place in the sun. Ill Bog Societies. Bogs belong to moist climates and to places where water is held continuously in an amount sufficient to greatly retard the complete decay of plant remains. Acids accumulate, especially, humous acids. The soil becomes poor in nutriment, especially in available nitrogen. Plants can absorb little water, at least at low temperature; and the typical bog situation is therefore said to be ''physiologically dry." With such conditions there go some striking differences in flora and fauna. The plants are "oxylophytes" like sphagnum and cranberry, i. e., plants that can grow in more or less acid media, and that have many of the superficial characteristics of desert plants; such as vestiture of hairs or scales or coatings of wax, thickened cuticle, leaves so formed or so closed together as to limit or retard transpiration. The kinds of plants are fewer; the individuals crowd prodigiously. They are eaten by animals less than in any other situation. Their remains, partly decomposed, are added to the soil in the form of deposits of peat. The animal population is correspondingly reduced and scanty. Sphagnum. The most characteristic single organism in such a situation is the bog-moss, Sphagnum (fig. 206; see also fig. 59 on p. 147). This grows in cushion-like masses of soft erect unbranched stems, that are in- dividually too weak and flaccid to stand alone, but that collectively make up the largest part of the bog cover. The masses are loose and easily penetrated by the roots Sphagnum 349 and runners of other stronger plants. It is the inter- penetration of these that binds the bog cover together making it resilient under foot. The leaves of Sphagnum are interspersed with cells that are mere water reservoirs having porous walls. Some of these leaves are denexed against the stem and make excellent capillary conduits for water upward or downward. Whether the abundant supply be in the air above or in the soil be- low, these make provision for the equitable distribu- tion of it. Wherefore, these masses of sphagnum become water reservoirs, holding their supply often against gravity, and bathing the roots of all the cover plants that rise above the surface of the bog. Sphagnum belongs to the shore, and it is quite incap- able of advancing into the water unassisted. But with the help of stronger more straggling plants whose roots and branches penetrate and interlace in its masses in mutual support, it is able to extend as a floating border out over the surface of still water in small lakes and ponds. These floating edges may be depressed by the weight of a man until they are under water, but t hey are tough and elastic, and rise again unbanned when the weight is removed. Long, strong, pliant-stemmed heaths and slender sedges are the plants commonly associated with sphagnum in the making of this floating border. In the bog cover equally close is its ass( »eiat i< >a with the common edible cranberry. Fig. 206. Bog moss, Sphagnum; 1 the tip of a spray; b, a few cells from a leaf ; x, long interlaced lines of slen- der sinuous chlorophyl-bearing cells, and y, large empty water reservoir cells hav- ing pores in their walls for admission of water and annular cuticularisations for support. 00< Aquatic Societies Some habitual associates of sphagnum are shown in figure 207. In such a place as the foreground of this picture, if one slice the bog cover with a hay-knife, he Fig. 207. A bit of bog cover. (AIcLean, N. Y.). From the central clump of pitcher-plant leaves rises one long-stalked flower. The surrounding bog moss is Sphagnum. A few slender stems of cranberry trail over the moss. The taller shrubs are mainly heaths such as Cassandra and Andromeda. (Photo by II. II. Knight.) may easily lift up the slices; for they are composed of living material to a depth of only about a foot. Below is peat ; at first light colored and composed of identifi- able plant remains, but, deeper, becoming darker and more completely disintegrated. The slices cut from Bog Plants .-o the surface have sphagnum for their filling, but they tough and pliant, like strips of felt, owing to the i interlacing of roots and stems of the other plants of the bog cover. Many delightful herbs grow on the surface of the 1 The pitcher-plant shown in our figure is one, and the sundew (see fig. 172 on p. 283) is another carnn ous species. These, as we have seen in the preceding chapter, have their own way of getting nitrogen when the available supply is small. Orchids of several genera (Habenaria, etc.) and moc- casin flowers (fig. 208) there bear beautiful flowers. Cot- ton grass (Eriophorum) is showy enough with its white tufts held aloft when in fruit, and a beaked rush (Rynchospora) is its natural associate. In places where the surface rises in little hummocks, there are apt to & be patches of the xerophytic moss, Polytrichium, associ- ated with charming little colonies of wintergreen and goldthread. At the rear of the heath shown in our figure stand huckleberries bog brambles and masses of tall bog ferns while thickets of alder and dogwood crowd farther back. Where sphagnum borders on open water, there often lies in front of it the usual zone of aquatics with ll< mating leaves, as shown in the accompanying picture, and m Fig. 208. A charming bog plant, the moccasin flower. (Cypri- pedium reginae). Aquatic Societies still deeper water there are apt to be beds of Chara and of pondweeds. These and the molluscs associated with them, leave their calcified remains deposited on the pond bottom as a stratum of marl. Thus the Fig. 209. Mud pond, near McLean, N. Y. This is a bog pond, surrounded in part at least by floating sphagnum. The outlet (to left in the picture) is bordered by tussock sedges, backed up by extensive alder thickets. (Photo by John T. Needham.) filling of a bog pond is in time accomplished by the deposition of a layer of marl over its bottom, and a much thicker mass of peat over the marl. Successive stages in the filling process are graphically shown in Dachnowski's diagram, copied on the next page. Peat formation and filling of beds goes on, of course, in ponds where there is no sphagnum; goes on wherever Peat and Marl 353 the conditions for incomplete decay of plants prevail; and from the foregoing it will be seen that peat is n< it likely to be composed of the remains of sphagnum alone. The forefront of advancing shore vegetation is led by a number of plants of very different character. Bf Bs Bm 5 M O-W Bf Bs.Bm *&&?'■' ■ • - - Fig. 210. Dachnowski's diagram illustrating three stages in the filling of a pond with deposits of peat and marl. Peat is stippled; marl, cross-lined. OW, open water; M, marginal succession; S. shore succession; B. b including bog meadow (Bm), bog shrub (Bs), and bog forest (Bli; MP, mesophylic forest. 354 Aquatic Societies The accompanying diagram shows five modes of progress into deeper water of pioneer land- building plants. a is the method of the spike- rush on gently sloping shore. It is the method by which number- less shore plants extend their hold- ings, — subterranean off-shoots. b is the method of the tussock sedges (see also fig. 209) which on the loose mud in shallow waters build up solid clumps. Many of these, less than a foot in diameter, are yet of such firmness that they will sustain the weight of a man. Every one knows such clumps, from having used them (as step- ping stones are used) in crossing a swale. New offsets lie hard against the old ones, roots descend in close contact, and fibrous root- lets interlace below in extraordin- ary density. c is the method of the swamp loosestrife, Decodon, a method of advancing by long single strides. The tips of the long over-arching shoots dip into the water, and then develop roots and buds and a copious envelope of aerating tis- sue. If these new roots succeed Fig. 211. Diagram illustrating the method of advance into deeper waters of typical land- building plants. a. Spike rush; b, tussock sedge; c, swamp loose- strife; d, cat-tail flag; e, Sphagnum and hea tn s. Land-building Plank 303 in taking a good hold on the bottom, then other shoots spring from this new center and repeat the process d is the method of the cat-tail flag. It consist in developing an abundance of interlaced fibrous roots and then simply floating on them. Much mutual sup' port is required by ^plants that grow so tall; and any great advance of a few clumps beyond the general front may result in disaster from overturn by winds eis a method of mutual support between sjiecies of very different sorts. It is that of the sphagnum and heaths just discussed. Greater progress over deeo water is made by this method than bv any of the oth< srs A photograph of the first named is "reproduced as figure 212. Fig. 212. A bit of running root-stock of a spike rush. Eleo charts p a I u s tris, showing its method of ad- vance over the pond bottom. Bra nching subterranean off-shoots ex- tend down a sloping shore until t h e y reach a depth of water in which they cannot func- tion effec- tively. 356 Aquatic Societies IV The population of stream beds — If we distinguish between lenitic and lotic societies by presence or absence of growths of vascular plants, then the greater part of stream beds shelter lenitic societies. The greater part has not a current of sufficient swiftness to prevent the growth of such plants. And indeed it is only in restricted portions of any stream that we find the animals specially adapted to meet conditions imposed by currents. Where the stream bed forms a basin, there the condi- tions of life, for the larger organisms at least, approxi- mate those of a lake. Hence we find in those places in large streams where the water is deep and still, there occur many forms like those in lakes. The sturgeon belongs in both, and so do the big mussels and the operculate snails, the big burrowing mayflies, the big tube dwelling midge larvae, etc. The basins of creeks offer conditions like those in ponds; the basins of brooks, conditions like those of pools. And the largest species are restricted to such of the larger basins as can afford them adequate pasturage and suitable places for rearing their young. To be sure, in all those basins, the water is constantly passing on down stream and the plancton of the basin, while in part developing there, is in a large part constantly lost below and constantly renewed from above. Kofoid (08) states that 'The plancton of the Illinois River is the result of the mingling of small contributions by tributary streams, largely of littoral organisms and the quickly growing algae and flagellates, and of the rich and varied plancton of tributary backwaters, present in an unusual degree in the Illinois because of its slightly developed flood- plain, and from which it is never entirely cut off, even at lowest water. * * * * To these elements is added such further development of the contributed or indigen- The Population of Stream Beds jey ous organisms as time permits, or the special conditions of nutrition and sewage contamination facilitate. Though continually discharging, the stream maintains the continuous supply of plancton, largely by virtu the reservoir backwaters — the great seedbeds from which the plancton-poor but well fertilized contribu- tions of tributary streams are continuously sown with organisms whose further development produces in the Illinois River a plancton unsurpassed in abundance." Doubtless, in every stream the plancton supply is constantly renewed from sheltered and well populated basins, which serve as propagating beds. And, indeed, on every solid support diatoms are growing, and the excess of their increase is constantly being released into the passing current. In the swiftly flowing, plancton-poor streams about Ithaca there is not time for much increase of free planctons by breeding. The waters run so swift a course they can only carry into the lake such forms as they have swept from their channels in their rapid descent. While there has been much study of the life of the open waters of rivers there has hitherto been little study of their beds. Where the beds are sandy with flow of water over them we know the life differs from that of muddy basins. The heavier-shelled mussels an< 1 snails are on the sand; and the commoner insects there are the burrowing nymphs of mayflies and Gomphine dragon-flies, and the caddis-worms that live in portable tubes of sand. The beds of the smallest streams are easy of ac« and a few observations are available to indicate that their study will bring to light some interesting eo >1< >gical relations. A few very restricted situations will be cited in illustration. :,5* I qua tic Societies Moss patches — On the rocky beds of large brooks that run low but do not en- tirely run dry, there are frequent patches of the close-growing moss, Hydrohyp- num. These patches frequently cover the vertical face of a waterfall (fig. 213). The little water that remains in dry season trickles through the layer of moss, and in times of flood the speedier torrent jumps over it. Under the flattened frond- like green sprays there is compara- tively quiet water at all times; and in this situation there lives a peculiar as- semblage of insects that differ utterly from the lotic forms dwelling in the same streams (to be discussed in a later part of this chapter), tho often dwelling within a few feet of them. They lack all the usual adaptations for meeting the wash of currents. They are (with occa- sional intermixture of a few larvae of small midges and of Simulium) the following: FlG. 213. A moss-bed covering the face of a rock ledge (in flood time, a waterfall) in the bed of Williams Brook at Ithaca, \. V. The water seen on the rock above trickles down through this moss. Here restricted and peculiar animal pop- ulation. Moss Inhabitants 359 1. The slender larvae of soldier-flies (Euparhyphus brevicornis) . Each bears a pair of ventral hooks that may serve for attachment. 2. The greenish larvae of the cranefly (Dicrano- myia simidans). 3. The warty-backed larvae of the Parnid beetle {Elmis quadrinotatus) . 4. Larvae and pupae of a little black Anthomyid fly (Limnophora sp.?). Fig. 214. Insect larvae from a moss patch such as is shown in the preceding figure, a, Psychoda; b, Elmis; c, d, e, Euparhyphus, c, being lateral, d, dorsal and e, ventral views, c and e show the huge ventral hooks on the penultimate segment ; / and g, cases of an un- known caddis-worm, /, composed mainly of sand; g, mainly of moss. 360 Aquatic Societies 5. The slender larvae of a moth fly (Psychoda alter- nate), its body covered with deflexed spines. 6. The larvae of an unknown caddis-fly whose cases are composed sometimes of stones, sometimes of moss fragments. Leaf -drifts — -In the beds of wood- land brooks, there are barriers of fallen leaves, piled by the current upon the bare, obtruding roots of trees. These leaf -drifts have a population of their own, the most charactertistic member of which about Ithaca is the huge larva shown in figure 215. This is the larva of the giant cranefly, Tipula abdominalis. Associated with this larva in these water-soaked masses of leaves, are the nymphs of such stoneflies as Nemoura and of such mayflies as Baetis and Leptophle- bia, a few beetles and often many scuds (Gammarus). In the mud behind the leaf -drifts, there are often earthworms, washed down from fields above. In the clear pools in upland streams that flow through swampy woods, when the bottom is strewn with forest litter intermixed with brownish silt, there dwell a number of forms that certainly belong totheleni- tic rather than to the lotic societies. Such are the caddis- worms of figure 216. With these are associated small mussels of the genus Sphaerium, squat dragonfly nymphs of the genus Cordulegaster, and climbing nymphs of the genus Boyeria, water-skaters on the Fig. 215. Two larvae of tin- giant cranefly, Tip- ula abdominalis, an in- habitant of leaf-drifts in woodland brooks. Natural size. Leaf-drifts 36 surface and burrowing mayflies in the beds, and a con- siderable variety of the lesser midges on every possible support. Fig. 216. A bit of the bed of a pool in a woodland stream, show-] ing among the forest litter the wooden cases of the larva of the caddis-fly, Halesus guttifer. (See also fig. 104 on p. 198). Pro- tective resemblance. There are 14 cases in the picture. LOTIC DCIETIES CCORDING to the grouping outlined on page 315, we designate by this name those as- semblages of organisms that are fitted for life in rapidly moving water — that are washed by currents, as the name signifies. Whether the water flow steadily in one direction as in streams, or back and forth with frequent shifts of direction as on wave- washed shores, the organisms present in it will be much the same sorts. The plants will be mainly such algae as Cladophora, and slime-coat diatoms: the animals will be mainly net-spinning caddis-worms and a variety of more or less limpet-shaped invertebrates. The animals of lotic societies are mainly small inver- tebrates. There are fishes, indeed, like the darters that live in the beds of rapid streams. These lie on the bottom where the current slackens, lightly poised on their large pectoral fins, or rest in the lee of stones, darting from one shelter to another. It is only a few 363 364 Aquatic Societies lesser animals, of highly adapted form and habits, that are able to dwell constantly in the rush of waters. These lesser animals may be roughly divided into two categories according to the sources of their principal food supply: 1 . Plancton gathering forms, that are equipped with an apparatus for straining minute organisms out of the open current. 2. Ordinary forms that gather home-grown food about their dwelling places. 1. Plancton Gatherers. — These are they that live mainly on imported food, which by means of nets or baskets or strainers they gather out of the passing current. These are the most typical of lotic organisms, for they must needs live on the exposed surfaces that are washed by the current. They dwell on the bare rock ledge, over which the water glides swiftly, or on the top of the boulders in the stream bed, or on the exposed side of the w r ave-washed pier. They are few in kinds, and very diverse in form, and show many signs of independent adaptation to life in such situations. Among them are four that occur abundantly in the Ithaca fauna. These four and their mode of attach- ment and of plancton gathering are illustrated in the accompanying diagram. The fly larva, Simulium, adheres by a caudal sucker, gathers plancton by means of a pair of fans placed beside its mouth, while its body dangles head downward in the stream. The larva of the caddis-fly, Hydropsyche, lives in a tube and con- structs a net of silk that strains organisms out of the water running through it. The caddis-worm, Brachy- centrus, attaches the front end of its case firmly to the top of a boulder in the stream bed, and then spreads its bristle-fringed middle and hind feet widely to gather in any organisms that may be adrift in the passing water. Plancton Gatherers 36= The nymph of the "Howdy" Mayfly, Chirotenetes, fixes itself firmly with the stout claws of its middle and hind feet clutching a support, and extends its long fore feet with their paired fringes of long hair outspread like a basket to receive what booty the current may bring. These four are so different they are better considered a little further separately. The larva of Simulium (the black-fly, or buffalo gnat) perhaps the most wide-spread and characteristic animal Fig. 217. Planet on-gathering insects of the rapids. The arrow indicates direction of stream -flow. of running water, is unique in form and in habits. It hangs on by means of a powerful sucker that is located near the caudal end of its soft and pliant bag-shaped body. But it may also attach itself to the stones by a silken thread spun from its mouth: and if it then loosens its sucker, it will dangle at the end of the thread, head upstream. By means of these two attachments, it may travel from place to place without being washed away, but in the swiftest water, it can make only short moves sidewise. It travels by loopings of its body, like a leech. So it shifts its location with changes of water level, always seeking the most exposed ledges which a thin sheet of water pours over. There it gathers in companies, so closely placed side by side as to form great black patches on the stones. 366 Aquatic Societies There is little movement from place to place. The larva? hang at full stretch, their pliant bodies swaying with little oscillations of the current, their fans out- spread, straining what the passing stream affords. Each of these fans is composed of several dozen slender rays, each one of which is toothed along one margin like a comb of microscopic fineness, and all have a parallel curvature like the fingers of an old-fashioned reaper's cradle. They are efficient strainers. When grown the larva spins its half cornucopia- shaped straw-yellow cocoon on the vertical face of a ledge where the water will fall across its upturned open end, then transforms to a pupa inside. The pupa bears on the prothorax a pair of long, conspicuous, many branched respiratory horns, or "tube gills" (see fig. 171 on p. 280). The eggs are laid at the edge of the swiftly flowing water on any solid support, on the narrow strip that is kept wet, and, by oscillations of the current occasionally submerged. Hydro psyche, the seine making caddis-worm, lives in sheltering tubes of silk, spun from its own silk glands, fixed in position on the surface of a stone (oftenest in some crevice) , and covered on the outside with attached sticks or broken fragments of leaves or stones. Always one end of the tube is exposed to the current, and at this end, the larva reaches out to forage. Here it con- structs its net of crosswoven threads of fine silk. The net is a more or less funnel-shaped extension of silk from the front of the dwelling-tube. The opening is directed upstream, so that the current keeps it fully distended. The semi-circular front margin is held in place by means of extra staylines of silk. The mesh is rather open on the sides, but on the bottom there is usually a small feeding surface that is much more closely woven. Plancton Gatherers 367 The larva lies in its tube in readiness to seize anything the current may throw down upon its feeding surface or entangle in the sides of its net. The whole net is so delicate that it collapses on removal from the water. To see it in action, it is best examined through a "water-glass."* Brachycentrus, the "Cubist" caddis-worm, is re- stricted in habitat to spring-fed streams flowing through upland bogs. It constructs a beautiful case that is square in cross-section. Each side is covered with a single row of sticks (bits of leaf stalks, grass stems, etc.) placed crosswise. The larva fastens its case by a stout silken attachment to the top of some current-swept boulder and then rests with legs out- spread as indicated in figure 217 in a receptive atti- tude, waiting for whatever organic materials the current may bring within its grasp. The Nymph of Chirotenetes, the " Howdy" Mayfly, lives on the rock ledge or where the water sweeps among the stones. Its body is of the stream-line form discussed in the last chapter — the form best adapted to diminish- ing resistance to the passage of water, as well when at rest as when swimming. The nymph sits firmly on its middle and hind feet. Holding its front feet forward, it allows the current to spread out their strainer-like fringes of long hairs. These retain whatever food is swept against them, and the mouth of the nymph is conveniently near at hand. It uses its feet for stand- ing but moves from place to place by means of swift strokes of its finely developed tail fin, supplemented by synchronous backward strokes of its strong tracheal gill covers. It has almost the agility and swiftness of a minnow. *A "water-glass" is any vessel having opaque sides and a glass bottom, of convenient size for use. An ordinary galvanized water pail with its bottom replaced by a circular glass plate set nearly flush, is excellent. 368 Aquatic Societies 2. Ordinary Foragers. — These are the members of lotic societies that lack such specialized means of gathering food from the passing current, and that forage by more ordinary methods. They live for the most part on the sides of stones and underneath them, and not on their upper surfaces. These also live where the water runs swiftly, and, for the most part, out of the reach of those fishes that invade the rapids. There are two principal categories among them: a. Free-living forms that are more or less flattened or limpet -shaped. b. Shelter-building forms, that are in shape of body more like the ordinary members of their respective groups. a The limpet-shaped forms are members of several orders of insects, worms and snails. Th^rr flattened form and appressed edges are doubtless adaptations to life in currents. v They adhere closely, and are on account of their form, less likely to be washed away; the current presses them against the substratum. Not the most limpet-like but yet the best adapted for hanging on to bare stones in torrents is the curious larva of the net-veined midge, Blepharocera (see fig. 159 on p. 259), an inhabitant only of clear and rapid streams. The depressed body of this curious little animal is equipped with a row of half a dozen ventral suckers, each of which is capable of powerful and independent attachment to the stone. So important have these suckers become that the major divisions of the body conform to them and not to the original body segments. On these suckers, used as feet, the larva walks over the stones under the swiftest water, foraging in safety where no enemy may follow. Most limpet-like in form of all is the larva of the Parnid beetle, Psephenus, commonly known as the Ordinary Foragers 369 "water-penny" (see fig. 160 on p. 260). It is nearly circular and very flat with flaring margins that fit down closely to the stone. It adheres closely and is easiest picked up by first slipping the edge of a knife under it. Viewed from above, it has little likeness to an ordinary beetle larvae, but removed from the stone and over- turned, one sees under the shell a free head, a thorax with three short legs, an abdomen and some minute soft white segment ally arranged tracheal gills on each side. Other insect larvae that have taken on a more or less limpet-like form, are the nymphs of certain May- flies and of many stoneflies (fig. in on p. 204). The body is strongly depressed. The lateral margins of the head and thorax are ex- tended to rest down on the supporting surface. The legs are broadened and are laid down flat so as to offer less resistance to the currents, and stout grap- pling claws are developed upon all the feet. Such is Heptagenia whose nymphs abound in every riffle and on every rocky shore. One may hardly lift a stone from swift water and invert and examine it without seeing them run with sidelong gait across its surface, outspread flat, and when at rest appearing as if engraven on the stone. Fig. 218. The nymph of a may- fly (Heptagenia) from the rapids, showing depressed form of the body and legs. (Photo by Anna H. Morgan.) 370 Aquatic Societies The head is so flat and flaring that the eyes appear dorsal in position instead of lateral as in pond-dwelling Mayfly nymphs. A more remarkable form is the torrent-inhabiting nymph of Rithrogena whose gills are involved in the flattening process. They also are flattened and extended laterally and rest against the stone. But, FlG. 219. The nymph of an unknown mayfly from mountain torrents, showing oval ventral attachment-dise formed be- neath the body. most remarkable of all, the anterior pair is deflected forward and the posterior pair, backward, to meet on the median line beneath the body, and both are enlarged and margined; By the close overlapping of all the gills of the entire series there is formed a large oval attachment-disc of singularly limpet-like form. A similar flat attachment-disc is formed on the ventral side of the mayfly nymph shown in figure 219, Shelter -building Forms 371 but on a wholly different plan. The gills are not involved in the disc, but instead the body itself is flattened and shaped to an oval form underneath, and fringed with close set hairs. There is in the mayflies a rather close correlation between the degree of flattening of the body and the rate of flow of the water inhabited. It is well illus- trated by the allies of Heptagenia; also by those of Ephemerella, among which occur swift-water forms. Epeorus, Iron and Rithrogena form an adaptive series. Among the Parnid beetles, Elmis (fig. 214b), Dryops and Psephenus (fig. 160) form a parallel series. There are snails that dwell in the rapids. The most limpet-shaped of these is Ancylus (fig. 160 on page 260) whose widely open and flaring shell has in it only a suggestion of a spiral. Certain other snails (such as Goniobasis livescens) are of the ordinary form and are able to maintain themselves on the stones by means of a very stout muscular closely-adherent foot. Simi- larly, a number of flatworms, that adhere closely are found creeping in the rapids. Shelter -building foragers are num- erous in individuals but few in kinds. One tube-dweller, Hy- dropsy che, is a plancton gatherer and has been already discussed. There are other shelter building caddis-worms living among stones in running water. Ryacophila fig. 220. Two pupal builds at close of larval life a barri- £?ses of the caddis-fly 1 ~ - ... ~ Kyacophila, removed cade of stones as shown in the ng. from the stones. 125 on page 217, and shuts itself in and spins about itself a brownish parchment-like c< >c< >< >n of the form shown in the accompanying figure. Heli- copsyche constructs a spirally coiled case that is 372 Aquatic Societies strikingly like a snail shell, and fastens it down closely in the shallow crevices of stones on exposed surfaces. H* Fig. 221. The spirally coiled cases of the caddis-worm, Helicopsyche. A number of other caddis- worms build portable cases of sand and stones. Those of Gcera (fig. 222) are heavily ballasted by means of stones attached at the sides with silk. These lie down flat against the bottom and doubtless serve the double purpose of de- flecting the current and preventing the case from being washed away. The tubes of the midges are here made of less soft and flocculent ma- terials than in still waters. T any tarsus makes an especially tough case of a pale brownish color, like dried grass. It is of tapering form, and easily recog- nized by the three stay lines that run out from the open forward end. p., c+ u 11 ,. a c A small greenish yellow ru,. 222. Stone-ballasted cases of ., .^ , J - caddis-worms of the genus Gcera. larva With rather long U% Limpet-shaped Shelters 373 antennas lives within, and protrudes its pliant length in foraging on the algal herbage that grows about its front door. And there are many other lesser midges whose larvae dwell in silt - cover e d tubes on rocks in the rapids. Often they occur so commonly as to almost cover the surface. Shelters also limpet-shaped — It should be noted in passing that this flattened form, which is characteristic of so many members of lotic society, is characteristic not only of the living animals but also of their shelters. The tarpaulin-like web of the moth Elophila fidicalis is flat, and the pupal shelter is quite limpet-shaped. The case of Leptocerus ancylus is widely cornucopia- shaped, its mouth fitted to the stone. The coiled case of Helicopsyche is a very broad spiral, closely Fig. 223. Larval cases of the midge, Tanytarsus, attached to a stone in running water. Fig. 224. The maxilla of a mayfly, Amelctus ludens, showing diatom rake. 374 Aquatic Societies attached in the hollows of stones and crevices of rock ledges. The case of the caddis-worm, Ithytrichia, (fig. 162 on p. 2(12) is broadly depressed. Thus the impress of environment is seen not only in the form of a living animal but also in that of the non-living shelter that it builds. In this there is a parallel of form in the secreted shell on the back of the snail, Ancylus, and manufactured shell on the back of the caddis-worm, Helicopsyche. One would have to search widely to find better examples of the effects of environment in molding to a common form these representatives of many groups of very diverse struc- tural types. Two of them, at least, were sufficiently like lotic mollusca to have deceived their original describers. Psephenus was first described as a limpet and Helicopsyche as a snail. Foraging habits — The food of the herbivores in lotic societies is algae. There are none of the higher plants present, save a few r mosses of rather local distribution. It is not surprising therefore that the food gather- ing apparatus of these forms should present special adaptative peculiarities. The mouth-parts of may- flies and of midges show much develop- ment of diatom rakes and scrapers. For scraping backward the labrum is often used. In the net-spinning caddis-worms it is bordered on either side by a stiff brush of bristles, and in midge Fig. 225. The sheltering tubes of midge larvae. Photographed under running water on the rocky bed of a stream. Foraging Habits o/o larvas there is developed both before and behind its border a considerable array of combs and rakers. In use the head is thrust forward, and these are dragged backward across the surface that supports the growth of diatoms and other algas. The principal carnivores of the rapids are the nymphs of stoneflies (see fig. in on p. 204) and a few small vertebrates. Among the latter are the insect-eating brook salamander, Spelerpes, and a number of small fishes, such as darters, dace and minnows. CHAPTER VII INLAND WATER CULTURE ABORIGINAL fflEK CULTURE ARDLY any native species found by the white man in America had done so much to alter and improve its environment as had the American beaver. Cer- tainly the red man had done less. Thousands of acres of fertile valley land now tilled by Amer- ican plowmen was levelled up behind beaver dams. These followed one another in close succession in the valley of many a woodland stream. The wash from the hills settled in their basins. As they were filled, dams were built higher, and thus the rich soil grew deeper. The beaver was a builder of ponds. His only method was by damming gentle streams. He cut down trees with his great chisel-like teeth, trees often six, eight, or ten inches in diameter. He cut off their boughs and 377 378 Inland Water Culture drew them to the place where a dam was to be con- structed. He piled them as a framework for a dam, weighted them in position with stones, filled the inter- stices with trash and leafage and covered the water side over completely with mud, making it impervious. And when the water had risen behind it he built him a dome-shaped house on the edge of the pond thus created, having passageways opening beneath the water, and he plastered it over with mud. When marsh plants grew about the edges of the lands he had thus inundated, he cut channels through them for easy passage to his favorite feeding grounds. His staple food was the bark of aspens and birches that grew thickly near at hand, but this he varied with succulent shoots and tubers of aquatics* These nature planted for him, as soon as he had prepared his water-garden. This was aboriginal water culture. Fig. 226. An aboriginal water-garden. A beaver dam and pond. (From Morgan.) ATER CROPS ERTILITY dwells at the water side, where the essential conditions for growth — m o i s t u r e , warmth, air and light — abound. There Nature's crops are never failing. They are abundant crops compared with which the herbage of the uplands appear thin and scatter- ing . If they are not our crops, that is not Nature's fault but our own. We have given all our toil and care to the cultivation of the products of the land, and have left the waters to pro- duce what they might, often in the face of neglect and injury. Time was when the waters furnished to man the most dependable part of his livelihood — fish and oysters and edible roots and excellent furs. That was before the days of agriculture. Primitive man, while gathering his fruit and roots and grains from the wild, saw the supply failing and planted a garden to increase his sustenance. Had he by like means endeavored to supplement his stores of water products, we might now have had a water culture, comparable with agriculture. A number of native water plants furnished food to the red men in America. One of these, the wild rice 379 3 8o Inland Water Culture 1 / •. ' i t - 'j. \j 4 ; V t tt^ hm f' ' 1 /£ fk J '\ % ^£ **/\ Fig. 227. A flower-cluster of wild rice, fertile above, staminate below. Little brown syrphus flies of the genus Platypeza cling to the stam- inate blossoms. (fig. 227), is ob- tainable in our own markets in very limited quantity and at fancy prices : it grows as a wild plant still. The Indian ate both the nut-like seeds and the stocks of the wild lotus ; also the tubers of the arrowhead, the stocks of the arrow- arum, the enormous rhizo- mes of the spat- terdock, the suc- culent shoots of the cat-tail, and other rather coarse and watery wild plant pro- ducts, that we esteem better food for muskrats than for men. The starch-filled tubers of the sago pondweed (fig. 228) are choice food for water- fowl, and if ob- tainable in suffi- cient quantity would probably Water Crops 38i be prized by men, for when cooked they are both pleas- ing in appearance and very palatable. A number of rushes of different sorts were in aborigi- nal times used for coarse weaving of mats, etc.; and one of these, the narrow-leaved cat-tail, we have of late begun to use in new ways; in paper making and in Fig. 228. Tubers of the sago pondweed. Potamogeton pectinatus. cooperage. The initial cut on the preceding page shows a field of cat-tail carefully cut and shocked for use in the calking of barrels that are to hold watery liquids. The leaves are placed singly between the staves of the barrels, where they swell when wet, packing the joints tightly. It may be that none of these plants will ever be cul- tivated. Some are abundant enough for present needs 382 Inland Water Culture without it. Wild rice is but another cereal grain, tho an excellent one. We already have garden roots in great variety of sorts that we prize more highly than do these wild aquatics. The white water lily w T ill be cultivated in the future for its beautiful flowers rather than for its edible tubers. at A ft JS <*fM > HL ■^ J^k WV Fig. 229. The white water lily, Castalia odorata. The animal produets of the water are more important. Aquatic molluscs, crustaceans, and vertebrates have ever furnished staple foods. Tho fresh water molluscs are no longer eaten, immense accumulations of their shells along some of our inland waterways bear silent testimony to the extent to w T hich they were once con- sumed by the aborigines. Their shells also served other primeval uses, as cups and as scrapers. In our own day a new and important use has been found for them in the manufacture of pearl buttons and orna- Fish 383 ments. They make the best of buttons, neat and dura- ble and beautiful, a great improvement over the butt* >ns of wood and metal formerly in use. The annual product of pearl buttons from this source is now worth many millions of dollars. It is all derived from wild Fig. 230. Valve of a mussel shell, with "blanks" cut from it, in process of manufacture into pearl buttons. mussels; the method in use is exploitation, not hus- bandry. Fish — The great staple food product of the water is fish. In our day frogs are used but locally and fresh water crustaceans and other animals, hardly at all; but fishes are used everywhere. They have been a staple food from the beginning of human history, and probably will be to the end. Hence it is that inland 384 Inland Water Culture water culture means to a large extent the raiding of fishes. Fish culture* in America is in a very backward state as compared with animal husbandry in other lines. This is manifest in many ways; among them, the following: 1. There is lack of improved cultural varieties. Our fishes are wild fishes. Save for a few races of gold fishes all fancier's fishes — and some not very desirable varieties of carp, hardly any improvements have as yet been made by selection and careful breeding. 2. There is lack of knowledge of the best kinds of forage for fishes and of how it may be provided for their use. This is half of the problem of raising any animal. 3. There is lack of any practical system of manage- ment, that provides for the breeding and feeding and rearing of stock, generation after generation, under control. In what, then, does the fish culture of the present consist? Mainly in this one thing, the care of the young. This includes the gathering and hatching of fish eggs and the rearing of the young fishes thro their earlier stages on artificial food in hatcheries. By this means the enormous losses that occur under natural conditions in early life are avoided, and vast numbers of fry and fingerlings are grown to a size suitable for planting in natural waters. Thus far the methods are well worked out. Thus far our fish culture is bril- liantly successful. But this is really only the first step. How these little fishes when turned loose in pond and stream shall find for themselves the means of a liveli- hood is the unsolved part of the problem. Planted here they seem to thrive: there, they fail. Every The substance of the following pages covering this subject was published by the senior author in the Indianapolis News in 1909, and again in the Farmers Magazine in 19 12. Fish Culture 38; planting in a new place is more or less an experiment. Sheep culture would be in a state quite comparahlc with the fish culture of to-day, if after rearing lambs on the bottle they were turned loose in an unexplored forest to shift for themselves. The hatcheries are raising fry and not fishes. This is, of course, what they were commissioned to do, the underlying idea being merely that of putting back into the lakes and streams a copious supply of young fishes to occupy the place of the adult fishes taken out. But experience has shown that the mere planting of fry soon reaches its effective limit, after which the planting of more fry is sheer waste. The conditions in the wild are not such as yield much advantage from this intensive propagation of the young. Oftentimes the fry planted in the trout streams about Ithaca may be found shortly afterward in the stomachs of the few adult trout that live in the same streams. Feeding fishes on the young of their own kind is not good husbandry. The planting of fry and of fingerlings is effective where conditions permit of their growth. The rem* >val of enemies is a supplemental measure of great value where practicable. The care of natural feeding grounds to prevent their destruction is very important, but usually impossible, for want of enlightened public opinion. Protecting of breeding fishes when on their spawning grounds — the time when they are most easily discovered and destroyed— is also very impor- tant. And the bringing back into habitable places of young fishes stranded in the side pools of bottomland streams, where they would perish with the evaporate »n of the water, is rescue work of a good sort. All these things are done in the interests of public fishing at the present day. They are such measures as are taken to preserve wild game in a forest or livestock on an open range. They have to do rather with hunting than with husbandry. 386 Inland Water Culture The day is coming — is already at hand — when he who wants fishes fresh from the water will have to raise them. Public waters are "fished-out." In spite of closed seasons, and frequent plantings of hatchery- reared fry, they continue to be "fished-out." With the growth of our population they are going to be always ' ' fished-out ; ' ' and there is no hope for the future of any fishing that shall be worth while except in waters that are privately controlled. Tins does not mean that there will be no fishing in the future. It only means that fish raising is going the way wild pig raising has gone. When game began to fail — venison, wild turkeys, etc. , the pioneer began to raise pigs. At first he gave them little attention, except at killing time, and furnished them no food. He raised them about as we raise fishes now. He turned them loose in the woods to forage for themselves as we now plant fish fry in the streams. They ranged the whole area where their food grew. Nowadays, thousands of hogs are raised where one was raised then, but they do not run the range; they are kept in small lots, and the broad areas are devoted to raising forage for them. The present day method of obtaining our meat supply is very unromantic as compared with chasing a razorback hog with a shot- gun through the woods at the end of the acorn season, but it is the inevitable way of progress in animal hus- bandry. Raising animals and their forage together is not good husbandry. It is exceedingly wasteful and unproduc- tive; yet that is the way we still raise fish in America. We ought to be doing better than this. It is idle to plant more fish in the water until we can supply more stuff for them to eat. And we cannot expect more forage to grow unless we provide suitable conditions. The Forage Problem 387 When we raise other stock-feed we find a few perfectly definite things to be done: 1 . We clear a field and prepare it. 2. We fence it to keep out enemies and undesirable competitors. 3. We plant it with selected seed; and after a period of growth, 4. We use the crop at the time of its maximum value. All these things we shall have to do if we ever have a real fish culture. The first two of these things arc usually cared for in the construction of fish-ponds ; the other two are generally neglected. The forage problem is less simple than is the raising of pigs on clover, for at least two reasons: 1. Plant foods are not eaten directly by the more valuable fishes, and often there are a number of turns- over of the food stuffs before the fishes are reached. For example, diatoms and other synthetic plancton organisms are eaten by water-fleas and midge larvae, that are in turn eaten by little fishes, that are eaten by big fishes. There must be at least two turns-over — one kind each of plant and animal forage — since the desirable food-fishes are carnivorous. 2. There may be one or more changes of diet during development. Thus the pike when newly hatched cats such water-fleas as Simocephalus, (see fig. 92 on p. 1 s < >) picking them one by one with automatic regularly- timed snappings of its jaws. When grown a little larger it eats midge larvae, mayfly nymphs and other small insects. Still later, it eats large insects and mixes small fishes in its diet; and as it attains full stature it restricts its diet to frogs and larger fishes. When grown it takes hardly anything smaller than a golden shiner. 388 In hind Water Culture Studies of the food of the common sunfish, Eupomotis gibbosus,by the senior author ('08) have shown that in Old Forge Pond, when one inch in length the food is predominantly entomostraca and very small midge e. When two inches in length, it is entomostraca and midge larvae of larger size, together with small may- fly nymphs (Csenis) and minute snails. When three inches in length, it is gr< >wn midge larvae, mayfly nymphs and caddis- worms. At this size apparently the diet of Fig. 231. The common sunfish. Eupomotis gibbosus. (Photo by George C. Embody) entomostraca and small midge larvae is out gown, and the fishes are seeking bigger game. At three inches in length, this fish is itself the favorite food of adult bullheads. Excepting for a few fishes that range the open waters, such as white-fish and lake herring, and that continue to feed largely on plancton, there is at least one neces- sary shift of diet accompanying growth; that from plancton to the food of the adult. In an earlier chapter (see p. 235) we have briefly indicated the principal changes of diet then occurring. Staple Foods 389 The food relations of aquatic organisms are exceed- ingly complex. They change with age and season and situation. The eater and the thing eaten often exchange roles. Yet there are some fairly constant food dependencies between the major groups of organisms. These have been set forth by that veteran student of the forage problem, Prof. S. A. Forbes, in the table copied herewith (fig. 233), and this table indi- cates (what detailed food studies at large abundantly confirm) that fishes eat almost every living thing that the water offers. 232. The nymph of the dragonfly, A Junius, devouring a small sunfish. Fig nax The young of all fishes eat plancton. This sounds like one point of general agreement, until we reflect on the variety of organisms of which plancton is com- posed. Which of these are best for use in fish culture we scarcely know at all. Fortunately, they are of nearly universal distribution in shoal fresh waters, where the young of fishes are found. Staple foods — While a list of all foods, eaten by all fishes would include practically every thing that is found in the water, yet when careful food studies are made there are a number of organisms so constantly recurring that they stand out as of prime importance. A few aquatic herbivores are found as commonly and 390 Inland Water Culture as regularly in the stomachs of wild food fishes, as grass would be found in the stomachs of wild cattle. And just as stock feeding has made progress with the isola- tion and study and increase of the grasses, so fish cul- ture would be advanced by study and cultivation of the staples of wild fish food. PRINCIPAL FOOD RELATIONS or AQUATIC ORGANISMS (ILLINOIS) 5 <«1 o J; (a N o Q 1 <-> III *■> *> k S! 5 III hi 5 III K k <-> Q ^ T ^ Terrestrial Wastes X X X X -• • X X X X X X Bactc pia X X X X X X X Algal X X X X X X X X Hicher Plants X X X X X Protozoa X X x X X > Rotifers X x X X Pntomostraca X X X X X X X Worms X X X X Cra w pishes X X X X X INSECTS X X X x X • X AAOLLUSKS > X X X ,' Pishes X :>- X X X X X X X X PROCS X X X X X X Turtles X X Serpents X Birds X X Fig. 233. Forbes' (14) table of food (at left) and feeding organisms (above). Our best fishes are carnivores, and the animals they eat are chiefly a few hardy, prolific, and widely dis- tributed herbivores, such as water-fleas, scuds, midge larvae, mayfly nymphs and other fishes. These feed, of course, on plants; but we hardly know as yet what plants are of most value to them. They thrive where herbage abounds ; and yet we know that abundance of Water- Fleas 39 1 herbage may not necessarily mean good crops; for weeds may be much more conspicuous in a pasture than the close-cropped grasses that yield the forage there. Certain species of pond weeds have been shown by Miss Moore ('15) to be often used as green food, and Birge ('11) has given many notes on the food preferences of herbivorous plancton Crustacea. The above mentioned staples invite much attention but we shall have space for noticing but a few represen- tatives of the groups to which they severally belong. Digestive tract Abdominal processes Brood' chamber Heart Abdominal cfaws' Post- abdomen Fig. 234. Daphne (after Dodds). Water-fleas — As a typical representative of this great group of herbivores, we may speak of Daphne (fig. 234). Its manner of life and its enormous reproductive capacity have already been briefly mentioned (pp. 186-7 and 306) . It is a very valuable animal in water cult tire on account of its ability to turn the great growths of colonial diatoms and algas into excellent food for fishes. Little is known, as yet, unfortunately, about the condi- tions that make for its growth. Plancton studies of 392 Inland Water Culture water-fleas have consisted in the main of the counting of individuals in random catches; and, as Hasckel ('90) long ago pointed out, this has about as much economic value as the counting of straws would have in an oat field. The extraordinary growths of certain plancton algae (Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, etc.) that often give trouble in water-supply reservoirs, might be made into fish food through the agency of daphnias, if we only had learned how to manage our water crops. Fig. 235. Gammarus fasciatus (after Paulmier). Water-fleas are of very great value as food for young fishes, they form also a considerable part of the food of such larger fishes as are equipped with gill strainers for gathering them out of the waxer. They are, of course, largely absent from the water during the winter season. Their value as forage organisms lies in their good quality and their extraordinary reproductive capacity. The sctcds — This group of herbivores is typified by Gammarus (fig. 235) a hardy, wide-ranging habitant of the water weeds. It swims well, yet prefers to occupy the sheltering crevices of dense leafage. It can leap The Scuds 303 and dodge like a rabbit. It feeds on a great variety of both living and dead herbage. It is itself a favorite food for most fishes.* The scuds are easily managed in pond culture. They are not remarkably prolific. As already mentioned on page 190, the possible progency of a single pair in one year is somewhat less than 25,000. But they carry theiryoungin a pectoral brood pouch until well equipped for life. The chief merits of the scuds as forage organisms (in addition to desirability as food) lie in their hardi- ness, their ability to find a living and to take care of their own young until well started in life, their constant succession of overlapping broods thro the season and their permanent residence in the water. There are other herbivorous crustaceans of some- what similar habits, among which the fresh-water prawn, Palasmonetes, is probably useful as fish forage. Midge larvce — Larvae of midges of the genus Chirono- m us popularly known as "blood-worms" (fig. 236) are Fig. 236. A "blood- worm." of prime importance as fish food. Small ones are ei almost as universally as are plancton entomostraca, and the large ones continue to be eaten whenever obtainable by fishes as large as adult trout and white- *Its value has long been recognized by fishermen; on account of its abund- ance in an excellent trout stream at Caledonia, N. Y., it has 1 »een locally known as the "Caledonia shrimp." 394 Inland Water Culture fish. In a most extensive examination of the contents ( >f fish stomachs Forbes ('88) found them "of remarkable importance, making in fact nearly one-tenth of the f< .< >d of all the fishes studied." Ferguson fed some red- bellied minnows (Chrosomus erythrogaster) for 22 days all the midge larvae (Chronomus viridicollis) they would eat and nothing else. The grown minnows ate on an average twenty-five blood-worms per day; the half- gr< >\vn ones, eleven. The senior author ('03) found that 25 brook trout taken at random from one of the best natural ponds of the New York State Fish and Game Commission at Saranac Inn, N. Y., had in their stomachs more than 100 blood-worms each. Midge larvae are among the most ubiquitous of freshwater organisms. They feed mainly upon dia- toms, and other simple organisms found in water or growing sessile on or round about their homes; the larger ones eat also the disintegrating tissues of the higher plants. They dwell among all sorts of aquatic plants, spreading their thin filmy tubes in every crevice or along the stems. Little is seen of them there on casual observation. They are like the rodents of the fields, hidden in their runways. But one cannot place a handful of any water weed in a dish of water without soon seeing some dislodged midge larvae swimming about the edges with characteristic figure-of-8-shaped loopings of the body. They dwell on the bottom (see fig. 134 on p. 226). Indeed, as already noted, they may dwell far out on the bottom under the deep water of great lakes. Here in deep darkness and heavy pressure they dw T ell in enor- mous numbers feeding upon the rich spoils of the plancton rained down on them by gravity from above. They often fill the soft bed with their silt-covered flocculent tubes. Midge Larvce 395 These tubes, like the ones on the stems, open to the surface at both ends. The larva, within, holding on t< 1 the silken lining of the walls with its claws, swings its body in vigorous undulations, driving a current of water thro the tube. This serves for respiration. It also serves to drive diatoms and other food organisms into net-like barriers spun across the exit; these bar- riers are repaired or renewed after every catch. Food is thus carried into the shelter of the case. But food is also gathered from exposed surfaces whenever it can be reached from open ends of the tube. It is gathered by scraping the sessile diatoms and algae from stems. For such work the mouth of the larva is equipped with elaborate rakes and scrapers. The larva of Chironomus is relatively simple. It appears much less complex in organization than are many of its insect competitors. It has a cylindric worm-like pale and naked body with a bifid proleg underneath at the front and a pair of prolegs behind, caudal tufts of bristles, and a few simple gills. The prolegs are armed with hooks and on them it creeps somewhat like a looping caterpillar. From its mouth it spins the fluid silk, and spreads it ere it hardens with the front proleg. All in all, it is a shy and defenseless and secretive creature, without any special gift of locomotion. This apparent weakling has been able to possess itself of the entire littoral region of the earth, perhaps by reason of the following characteristics : 1. Ability to live on foodstuffs that have a very general distribution. 2. Ability to build its own shelter. 3. Consequent adaptability to variety of conditi< ms. 4. Great reproductive capacity. 5. Brief life cycle. 396 I)i land Water Culture Chironomus lays several hundred eggs, and in the warm season a generation may completely develop in five or six weeks; so the very considerable increase of one brood may be rapidly repeated in geometric ratio. The limitations to its use as a forage organism in fish ponds lie in its complicated life history. It quits the water at the end of the pupal stage. It flies away, mates in the air, and returns to the water to lay its eggs. During its aerial life it is not easily managed. Mayfly nymphs constitute one of the most important groups of aquatic herbivores. We single out Callibsetis for illustration of another staple fish food. It is an active nymph that swims from place to place by means . J^ ^p — ? / ' Fig. 237. The nymph of Callibaetis: Drawing by Anna H. Morgan. (From Annals Ent. Soc. America) Callibcetis 397 of quick strokes of its tail and gills, and that clambers freely about over shore vegetation. It is an artful dodger; and it is protectively colored. It feeds on a great variety of vegetable substances living and dead, and hence finds abundant food in every weedy pond. It is eaten by every carnivore in the pond that can catch it ; and doubtless it has many enemies that exceed it in swiftness and many others that lie in ambush and capture it by stealth. Hence, tho nearly always present, it rarely appears very abundantly in old ponds. The life cycle of Callibaetis is run in less than six weeks. A single female may lay iooo eggs. If all these were to develop and reproduce, the increase from a single pair during one summer season would be some- thing like this: ist brood 1,000 (half females) 2d brood 500,000. 3d brood 250,000,000. 4th brood 125,000,000,000. These alluring possibilities of increase in an organism that is choice fish food once led the senior author into a series of experiments that extended through two years and that met with uniform failure because the breeding of the mayflies could not be controlled. The rearing was easily managed but even with the largest measure of freedom that could be provided, the adults would not mate and lay eggs in captivity. The problem of their successful artificial propagation is still unsolved. However, there has never been a new pond opened at the Cornell University Biological field station, that has not received the eggs of wild females of Callibaetis, and that has not raised a good crop of the nymph! their slower-breeding carnivorous enemies developed. 398 Inland Water Culture Mayflies, like Callibsetis and the little Caenis, that have a number of broods each season with overlap of generations, are suited for use in forage propagation because at all times of the year nymphs of good size are present in the water. On the other hand, such forms as Blasturus cupidus, which flies in May, and Siphloniirus alter nat us which flies in June, are absent from the water at the close of their breeding season or are represented there only by eggs and very minute nymphs. Best known of the mayflies that fishes eat are the nymphs of the big burrowing Hexagenias from lake and river beds. Food examinations have abundantly shown their importance. However, they develop slowly, requiring at least two years to reach maturity. The Hexagenia nymphs are natural associates of bloodworms on the lake bottom. They, and the blood- worms with them, and the entomostraca swimming above them are the mainstay and dependence of the lake's fish population. Other herbivorous insects of promise as forage organ- isms are caddis- worms and aquatic caterpillars. Other invertebrates are a number of pond snails. But the animals above discussed we regard as most important. Forage fishes — The largest single item in the bill-of- fare of fishes generally is other smaller fishes. Herbi- r^ Fig. 238. The golden shiner. (Photo by George C. Embody) The Way of Economic Progress 399 vorous fishes, non-competitors for food, may therefore be used to furnish a principal crop of animal forage. For this use carp are objectionable because they grow too fast and soon become too large to be swallowed by the other fishes. They eat the eggs of bass, and root up the bottom and tend to exterminate their own vegetable forage. Minnows are also objectionable because they eat the eggs of other fishes. But very valuable for such use are the golden shiner (fig. 238), and the gizzard shad, (Dorosoma cepedianum) , of our great rivers. Even the goldfish is an excellent agent for turning masses of blanket algae and other soft fresh vegetable foods into excellent forage for larger fishes. The way of economic progress — The future of fish culture lies in further scientific studies to be made along the lines that have proven of value in the raising of land animals. More knowledge is what is needed : 1. Intimate detailed knowledge of the fishes them- selves is needed; knowledge of their natural history, their requirements of food and of protection for their young; their enemies, internal and external; their natural races and possibilities of improvement by breeding. Only such knowledge can furnish a basis for developing methods of control. 2. Equally detailed knowledge is needed of the economic species that furnish forage or that menace the welfare of the cultivated species ; knowledge of all the more important ones, from the forage fishes, crusta- ceans, insects, snails, etc., even down to the diatoms. The product must be followed to its principal sources and the cultural relations that all these organisms bear to each other must be better understood. The enemies of every stage of fish life must be studied (fig. 239). 400 Inland Water Culture 3. More knowledge is needed of the water bodies themselves; knowledge of their physical, chemical and hydrographic c o n d i - tions, their purity, con- tamination, and all other conditions that affect the welfare, that promote or hinder the normal growth and ac- tivities of the useful organisms contained in them. We must know these things in order to know how to make and keep the waters productive. Knowledge is being accumulated in all these lines in a slow and desultory way, thro the voluntary activity of many diverse and widely scattered agencies. Fish culture has not yet had the benefit of that efficient agency of economic progress that has brought such rapid improvement in animal husbandry — the experiment station. A fish cultural experiment station is what is now urgently needed : an institution equipped for water culture, and charged with the duty of carrying out a well planned line of experiments bearing on its economic problems. This is needed to supplement the hatcheries and to bring their work to fruition. Fig. 239. Eggs of the pike, Esox Indus, overgrown with two species of fungus. WATER CULTURE AND CIVIC IMPROVEMENT HE three chief interests of the public in water culture He (i) in mak- ing the waters produc- tive ; (2) in keeping the waters clean and (3) in preserving the beauty of the waterside. Hap- pily, these are con- cordant, and not con- flicting interests. Another interest of everybody is in pure water to drink. For city-dwellers, public water supplies must be kept uncontaminated — a matter of ever increasing difficulty as our population grows. This vast subject falls without our present scope: its literature may be found by following up a few references (Whipple, et. a I.) given in the bibliography at the close of this volume. There are two very large reclamation enterprises, with which water culture should have much to do in the future : 1. The reclamation of waste wet lands, and 2. The utilization of water reservoirs. A few words may be said here concerning each of th 401 402 Inland Water Culture WHAT SHALL BE DONE WITH THK MARSHES? There are millions of acres of waste wet lands in America, that are producing little or nothing of value. That this land will yet be made to contribute much more largely to human sustenance, there can be no doubt: for, i . It is the richest of all the land, in foodstuffs that make for soil fertility. It contains organic remains accumulated for ages, together with the wash from surrounding slopes. 2. It is generally the best located of all the land with respect to transportation facilities. Inland marshes almost everywhere are traversed by railways, their levels having invited the attention of the route- locating engineer; many marshes border on navigable waterways. 3. It is the last of the land available for occupation, and with our population quadrupling every century, the pressure for room is becoming ever more intense. While it is inevitable that most of this land will yet be used for production of human food, it is by no means certain how this may best be done. Drainage is the one method hitherto tried, but drainage has its serious limitations : 1. Much of the wet land cannot be profitably drained. 2. Its value as a water reservoir is largely destroyed by drainage. There is another plan for making marshes productive that has not yet been tried on any adequate scale — a plan that involves water culture as well as agriculture. The marshes — now neither wet nor dry — cannot be used as they are; but if by a shifting of some of their topsoil they be made in part into permanently dry, and in part into deeper reservoirs of water, they might The Wastage of Reservoir Sites 403 then be cultivated in their entirety. The dry part would be available for ordinary agricultural use and crops can be grown by methods already well worked out. The permanent water could be made to produce fish and fish forage and other water crops. The advantages of this plan over drainage would appear to be the following: 1. Increased productiveness. 2. Permanent water storage. 3. Diversifying of crops: it would not be merely adding more of crops already extensively cultivated. 4. Diversifying the industries of the people. 5. Completer utilization of the wet areas. THE WASTAGE OF RESERVOIR SITES There is another service that water culture may render to great public works. It may make water reservoirs productive. The various measures now being widely considered for the development of our water resources should be co-operative rather than con- flicting. The making of reservoirs for holding the surplus rainfall near the headwaters of streams, allow- ing it to flow as needed, should result in three distinct and permanent civic benefits: 1. Permanent water power. 2. Continuous navigation. 3. Increased production of food. One of the things that has stood in the way of the development of reservoirs has been the necessity for condemnation of valuable agricultural lands needed for the reservoir site. Such lands when covered with water, are of course, removed from agricultural use. But they might yet be used for water culture, and indeed the value of the resulting crops might thereby be increased. 404 Inland Water Cult it re Some special development of the water bed would, of course, be needed to fit them for an intensive water culture. The one great open basin of water, now full and now reduced, that is the usual thing in reservoirs, would hardly suffice. But with no extraordinary- increase of cost the greater part of the bottom, espe- cially in shoal water, might be divided into fish ponds, so constructed as to be under control. By deepening these considerably and using the excavated earth for building strips of dry land between them, the holding capacity of the reservoir might be increased. It would be increased by just so much as the volume of earth taken from below and placed above the high water level. Then as much water as under the present plan could be drawn off for power or navigation, and the residue in the pond bottom would suffice for main- tenance of the fishes therein. On this plan, in a reservoir of 100 acres having 90 acres of shoal water on which fish ponds could be developed, 50 acres could be permanently devoted to fish raising, and at least half or much more to agricul- tural crops, without interfering with its efficiency for water storage and regulation of stream-flow. This would be much better than having it all lie fallow to the end of time. It would transform a water waste into a water garden. Incidentally, it would cure also the unsightliness of a vast area of exposed and reeking mud during the season of low water. The beauty of the shore-line — Another public interest with which water culture must ever be identified is that of preserving the beauty of the landscape. As nature has given of her bounty to the waterside, so also she has lavished her beauty there. What flowers adorn the shore-line ! The fragrant water lily, the stately lotus, the queenly iris, the bril- The Beauty of the Shore Line 405 liant hibiscus, the soft blue pickerel -weed, the sweet forget-me-not! What foliage in pondweed and water Fig. 240. The common wild forget-me-no1 . shamrock, in arrowhead and arrow-arum, in water- shield and spatterdock! What exquisite submerged meadows the pondweeds, bladderworts and the mil- foils make! How inviting are the shores where these 406 Inland Water Culture abound, how unattractive, those from which these have been removed. The landscape belongs to all. Its condition affects the public weal. It is good to dwell in a place where the environment breeds contentment; where peace and plenty and satisfaction grow out of the right use of nature's resources; where wise measures are taken to preserve the bounteous gifts of nature and to leave them unimpaired for the use and benefit of coming genera- tions. Much of the scenic beauty of every land lies in its shore lines; and it should be a part of public policy to keep unimpaired as far as possible the attractiveness of all public waters. Streams differ far less from one another in their own intrinsic characters than in the way they have been used by the hand of man. They differ less by topography and latitude; far more by the cleanness of their waters, by the trees that crown their headlands, and by the flower-decked water-meadows that fill their bays and shoals. The famous distant lakes and streams that attract so many people far from home every summer are not more beautiful or restful than many homeland waters once were, or might again be, were but a little public care exercised to keep their waters clean and the beauty of their shores and bordering vegetation unspoiled. Private water culture — Great as are the benefits to be hoped for in public works, those to be derived from the application of a rational water culture to private grounds are probably in the aggregate far greater. On thousands of farms there are waterside waste lands, lying bare and abused, that might be reclaimed to use- fulness and beauty through intelligent water culture. The making of a pond on the home farm is good work for the slack season; and once properly constructed it Private Water Cult lire 4o; is permanent, and will with a minimum of attention yield returns out of all proportion to its cost. It will yield fresh fish for the table. It will yield healthful sports for the boys and girls who should be kept at home; angling, and swimming in the summer and skating in the winter. It will yield beauty ; the beauty of a mirroring surface, reflecting trees and hills and Fig. 241 . A beautiful cover for a mud bank, in front, then arrowheads, then sedges. The water-shamrock, Marsilea, sky and passing cloud; the beauty of the aquatics planted on the shore line: the beauty of the water animals, of flashing dragonfly and gyrating beetles, and leaping fishes. It will add to the joy of living. The accompanying diagram is intended as a sugges- tion for the development of a tract of upland waste wet land into a water garden. Its noteworthy features arc found in the provision for growing forage under control, and, in so far as need be, apart from the animal- 408 Inland Water C allure Fig. 242. Diagram illustrating the conditions for fish production on an 80 acre tract of wet upland, traversed by a trout stream. A, in a wild state. B, equipped for intensive fish raising. Area devoted to fish, in A, one acre more or less; in B, one acre of enclosed ponds. Devoted to fish forage, in A the same acre of open stream; in B, forty acres of ponds, planted and under control. Devoted to land crops, in A 'none, — it is all too wet and sour; in B, all the made land between the ponds. that are to eat it. This is a suggestion for the application of the principles discussed in the earlier pages of this chapter. There is, of course, nothing original about it: it is what has made modern animal hus- bandry possible. It has not been applied to fish cul- ture, however, and we are not able to give any figures of production because it has not been tried out in a practi- cal way even on such a scale as is here shown. Swamp Reservations — Now, having presented apian for complete utilization of the marshes, we hasten to add that we believe it would be a great misfortune if Swamp Reservations 409 all the marshes were to be ' 'improved." Some of them are already serving their best use as refuges and breed- ing grounds of wild water fowl. In all of them there is a whole wonderful fauna and flora that we could ill afford to lose. That these would be lost under an Fig. 243. Wall painting from an ancient Egyptian tomb showing the plan of a house with a water-garden. (After Brinton). intensive water culture is highly probable (see fig. 244), for our own cultivated crops are in the main successful about in proportion as we eliminate the wild to make room for them. Since the wet land is almost the last of the unoccupied land remaining near to the centers of human habitation. and since it is the dwelling place of the largest remnant of native wild life, we should not be taking measures ft >r 410 Inland Water Culture Fig. 244. A pond at Lake Forest, 111., containing islands covered by butl For effects of grazing, d making it over to cultural uses without at the same time providing reservations where the wild species may be preserved for future generations. Each of these wild species is the end product of the evolution of the ages. When once lost it is gone forever: it can never be restored. We are not wise enough, nor far sighted enough to know whether the qualities lost with it would ever be of use to our posterity. We are now only at the beginning of knowledge of our plant and animal resources. But quite apart from any possible economic values that these creatures of the wild may possess, they have other values for us that we should not ignore. Ere Swamp Reservati 012 S 411 1 and divided by a pasture fence. : the extreme ends. The left hand end is closely pastured * their destruction is complete, public reservations should be made to preserve the best located of the marshes for educational uses. As we have need of fields and stock-pens because we must be fed, so also we have need of this wild life because we must be educated. It was with our forefathers in their early struggles to establish themselves in the New World: it conditioned their activities, lending them succor or making them trouble. In its absence it will be harder to comprehend their work. The youth of the future has a right to know what the native life of bis native land was like. It will help to educate him. 412 Inland Water Culture Exploitation is reaping where one has not sown. Mere exploitation is but robbing the earth of her treasures. Usually it enriches only the robber, and him but indifferently. Getting something for nothing usu- ally does not pay. It tends to rob posterity. Exploitation is the method of a bygone barbarous age — an age when men, emerging from savagery, acquire dominion over earth's creatures ere attaining to a sense of responsibility for their welfare. Conservation is the method of the future. It means greater dominion and completer use, but it also means restraint and regard for the needs of future generations. We are urging that in the use of our aquatic resources, the wasteful methods of exploitation be abandoned; and in two directions: i. We urge that water areas, adequate to our future needs for study and experiment, be set apart as reservations and forever kept free from the dep- redations of the exploiter, and of the engineer. 2. We urge that in those areas which are to be made to contribute to human sustenance, the wasteful, destructive and irresponsible practices of the hunter be abandoned for the more fruitful and fore-looking methods of the husbandman. BIBLIOGRAPHY (B) at end of a citation indicates a comprehensive bibliography. Adams, Chas. C, and others. 1909. An ecological survey of Isle R ovale, Lake Superior, pp. 468. Rept. Biol. Surv. Mich. (B) " Adams, Chas. C. 1913. Guide to the studv of animal ecologv. New York PP. 183. (B) Aldrich, J. M. 1912. The biology of some western species of the Dipterous genus Ephydra. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 2077-99. 3 pis. Aldrich, J. M. 191 3. Collecting notes for the Great Basin and adjoining territory. (Dipt.) Ent. News. 24:214-221. (B) Alexander, C. P. and Lloyd, J. T. 1914. The biology of the N. A. craneflies (Tipulidae, Diptera) I. The genus Eriocera Macquart. Pomona Jour, of Entomology and Zoology. 6:12-34. 3 pis. Alexander, C. P. 1914. Biology of N. A. Craneflies. (Tipulidae, Diptera). II. Liogma nodicornis Osten Sacken. Ibid. 6:105-118. 1915. III. The genus Ula Haliday. Ibid. 7:1-8. 1915. IV. The tribe Hexatomini. 76^.7:142-158. Allen, A. A. 19 14. The red- winged blackbird: a study in the ecology of a cat-tail marsh. Proc. Linnaean Soc. New York. 43-128. 22 pis. (B) ^Allen, T. F. 1888-94. The Characeae of America. New York. Allen, R. W. 1914. The food and feeding habits of freshwater mussels. Biological Bull. 27:127-144. 2 pis. Andrews, E. A. 1904. Breeding habits of crayfish. Amer. Nat. 38:165- 206. Baker, F. C. 1898-1902. The mollusca of the Chicago Area. Bull. Ill, Chicago Acad. Sci. In two parts. Baker, F. C. 1910. The ecology of Skokie Marsh with particular reference to mollusca. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 8:441-497. Betten, C. 1902. The larva of the caddis-fly, Molanna cinerea Hagen. Jour. N. Y. Entom. Soe. 10:147-154. 'Birge, E. A. 1895-6. Plankton studies on Lake Mendota. Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. 10:421-484: 5 pis., and 11:274-448. 2j pis. Birge and Juday. 1909. A summer resting stage in the development of Cyclops bicuspidatus. Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. 16:1-9. Birge and Juday. 1911-1914. The inland lakes of Wisconsin. 191 1. The dissolved gases of the water and their biological significance. Wise. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 22. 1914. Hydrography and Morphometry. Ibid. Bull. 27. Brau gr, A. 1909. Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands. 19 vols. By $2 authors. Calvert, P. P. 1893. Catalogue of the Odonata (dragonflies) of the vicinity of Philadelphia. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 20:152-272. 2 pis. Carpenter, W. B. 1891. The microscope and its revelations. 7th edition. pp. 1099. Phila. Coker, R. E. 1914. Water-power development in relation to fishes and mussels of the Mississippi. U. S. Bureau Fish. Document Xo. 805. W- 28. pis. 6. .Coker, R. E. 1915. Water conservation, fisheries and food supply. Popu- lar Sci. Monthly 36:90-99. 413 414 Bibliography - — Collins, F. S. 1909. The green algae of Xorth America. Tuft's College Studies, Vol. II, No. 3. (Sci. Series). Comstock, A. B. 1911. Handbook of natue-study. Ithaca, pp.938. Comstock, J. H. and Mrs. A. B. 1907. A manual for the study of insects. 7th edition, pp. 701. Ithaca. Conn and Washburn. 1908. The algae of the fresh waters of Connecticut. . Geol. and Nat. His. Survey; Bull. Xo. 10. pp. 78. pis. 44. Conn, H. W. 1905. The protozoa of the fresh waters of Connecticut. Conn. Geol. and Nat. His. Survey; Bull. Xo. 12. pp. 69. pis. 34. Coulter, Barnes and Cowles. 191 1. Textbook of Botany. New York, -\ vols. Cowles, H. C. 1901. The plant societies of Chicago and vicinity. Bull. II. Geog. Soc. Chicago. Also Bot. Gaz. 31:73-108, 145-182. Dachnowski, A. 1912. Peat deposits of Ohio. Bull. Geol. Surv. Ohio. (4) vol. 16. x Darwin, C. 1859. The origin of species by means of natural selection. London. Darwin, C. 1875. Insectivorous plants. London. Dodd, G. S. 191 5. A key to the Entromostraca of Colorado. Univ. of Colorado Bull. 15: 265-298. - Dudley, W. R. 1886. The Cayuga flora. Bull. Cornell Univ. Vol. II, pt. 1. Dyche, L. L. 1910-1914. Ponds, pond fish, and pond fish culture. State I )ept. Fish and Game. Kansas. Part I on ponds, 1910. Part II on pond fish, 191 1. Part III on pond fish culture, 1914. Ehrenberg, C. G. 1838. Die Infusionstierchen als vollkommene Organismen. Leipzig. Embody, G. C. 1912. A preliminary study of the distribution, food and reproductive capacity of some fresh-waer Amphipods. Internat. Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. Biol. Suppl., Ill Serie. Embody, G. C. 19 14. Crustacea. A key to the common genera occurring in fresh waters of the Eastern United States. Ithaca. Embody, G. C. 1915. The farm fishpond. Cornell reading courses 4: 313- 352. pis. 4. 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Leipzig, pp. 160. pis. 50. Bibliography a i g Friih & Schroeter. 1904. Die Moore der Schweiz, mit Berucksichtigung der gesammten Moorfrage. Gage, S. H. 1893. The lake and brook lampreys of New York. Wilder Quarter-Century Book. Ithaca. .^--Grout, A. J. 1905. Mosses with a hand lens. 208 pp. X. Y. Haeckl, Ernst. 1893. Planktonic studies. (Trans, by G. W. Field) R U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1889-1891, pp. 565 641. Hagen, H. A. 1861 . Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America. ' Smith- sonian misc. collections. Washington. Hancock, J. L. 1911. Nature sketches in temperate America, pp. 451. Chicago. Hankinson, T. L. 1908. Biological Survey of Walnut Lake. Mich. (Lans- ing) Rep. Geol. Surv., pp. 157-271. Harris, J. A. 1903. An ecological catalogue of the crayfishes belonging to the genus Cambarus. Kansas Univ. Science Bull., 2:51-187. Hart, C. A. 1895. On the entomology of the Illinois River. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 4:140-237, pis. 4. Hentschel, E. 1909. 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The population of the "blanket-algae" of fresh water pools. Am. Nat. 49: 752-762. Reamur, M. de. 1734-1742. Memoires pour servir a l'histoirc dcs u 7 vols. Paris. . Reed and Wright. 1909. The Vertebrates of the Cayuga Lake Basin. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 48: 37°~459- .. ,, Reese, A. M. 1915. The alligator and its allies, pp. 341. pis. 28. \. \ . and London. ' Richardson, H. 1905. A monograph of the Isopods of North America. Bull. 54. U. S. Nat. Mus. pp. 727- . e T , OA „ . Reighard, J. 1894. A biological Examination of Lake St. Clair. Bull. Mich. Fish Comm., No. 4. 60 pp. 2 pis. and 1 map. Reighard, J. 1910. Methods of studying the habits of fishes with an account of the breeding habits of the horned dace. Bull. Bur. I- ish. 2 - : 1112-1136. Riley and Johannsen. 191 5. Handbook of medical entomology, pp. 34s. Ithaca. (B) « t Rosel von Rosenhof, August Johann. 1 846-1 861. Insecten Belustigung. 4 vols. - Russel, I. C. 1895. Lakes of North America, pp.125: pis. 23. B ^Russel, I. C. 1898. 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Animal communities in Temperate America. Chi- cago, pp. 362. Smith, J. B. 1904. Mosquitoes and their habits, life history, etc. Rep. X.J. Exp. Sta. Smith, Lucy. 191 3. The biology of Perla immarginata. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 6: 203-211. 1 pi. Snow, Julia W.' 1902. The Plankton algae of Lake Erie. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 22: 371. Steuex, A. 1910. Planktonkunde. pp. 723. Leipzig. Stokes, A. C. 1888. A preliminary contribution toward a history of the fresh-water Infusoria of the United States. Jour. Trenton. Nat. His. Soc. Vol. I. No. 3. — Sla kes, A. Q . 1896. Aquatic microscopy for beginners, pp.326. 3d edit. Trenton. Strodtman, 1898. Ueber die vermeintliche Schadlichkeit der wasserbliithe Forschungsber. Biol. Sta. Plon. 6: 206-212. Surber, T. 1912. Identification of the glochidia of freshwater mussels. U. S. Bureau Fish. Document No. 771. pp. 10. 3 pis. Also 1915 Docu- ment No. 813. pp. 9. 1 pi. Swammerdam, Johannes. 1685. Historia insectorum generalis. pp. 212. pis. 13. Tilden, Josephine. 19 10. Minnesota algae. Report of Minn. Surv. Bot. Series VIII. Vol. I. pp. 328. pis. 20. - — Transeau, E. N. 1906. The bogs and bog flora of the Huron River Valley. Bot. Gaz., 40: 351-428. Transeau, E. N. 1908. The relation of plant societies to evaporation. Bot. Gaz., 45: 317-31- Ulmer, Georg. 191 1. Unsere Wasserinsekten. pp.165. Leipzig. Verworn, Max. 1899. General physiology. London. (Tr. by F. S. Lee). Vertrees, H. H. 1914. Pearls and pearling. New York. Vorhies, C. T. 1 909. Studies on the Trichoptera of Wisconsin. Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. 16:647-738. 10 pis. Walton, L. B. 1915. Euglenoidina, Ohio State Univ. Bull. Vol. XIX. No. 5. Ward, H. B. 1896. A biological examination of Lake Michigan in the Traverse Bay region. Bull. Mich. Fish. Com. Xo. 6, pp. 100. pis. 5. * f Ward and Whipple, editors. (In press) American fresh-water biology. Chapters by many specialists. (B) -f- Warming, E. 1909. Ecology of plants. An introduction to the study of plant communities. Oxford. (Transl. by Percy Groom). Weckel, Ada L. 1907. The fresh-water Amphipoda of North America. ^ Proc. I'. S. Nat. Mus., 32: 25-58. ^" Weckel, Ada L. 1914. Free-swimming fresh-water Entomostraca of X ; orth America. Trans. Amer. Mic. Soc. 33: 165-203. (B) Weismann, August. 1866. Die Metamorphose der Corethra plumicornis. Zeitschrift fur wissensch. Zoologie, 16: 45-127, 2 pis. Bibliography 419 Wesenberg-Lund. 1910. Grundzuge der Biologie des Susswa serplai Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. und Hydrog. Biol. Stippl. I. zu Bd. Ill . West, G. S. 1904. A treatise on the British freshwater algae, pp. Cambridge. "West, W. and West, G. S. 1904-1908. A monograph of the Briti diacese. Ray Society publications. Vol. 1. pp.224, pis. 32. B Vol. II. pp' 204. pis. 64; Vol. III. pp. 273; pis. 95. I; ^Whipple, George C. 1914. The microscopy of drinking water. Ww and London. 3d. edition, pp. 409, pis. 19. Williamson, E. B. 1900. Tbe-dragonnies of Indiana. 24th Ann. R Dept. Geol. and Nat. Resources Ind. j3p. 229-233. Wolcott, R. H. 1905. A review of the genera of the water mites. Trans. Am. Micro. Soc, pp. 161-243. - — Wolle, Francis. 1887. Fresh-water algas of the Unite! ] States. Vol.1, pp. 364: Vol. II. pis. 210. Wolle, Francis. 1892. Desmids of the United States, pp.182, pi >Wolle, Francis. 1894. Diatomacae of North America, pp. 45. pis. 112. Wright, A. H. 1914. North American Anura: life-histories of the Anura of Ithaca, N. Y. Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 197. pp. 98. pis. 2\. Zacharias, O. 1891. Die Tiere — und Pflanzenwelt des Susswassers. Leip- zig- Zacharias, O. 1907. Das Siisswasserplankton. Leipzig. Zacharias, O. 1909. Das plankton. Leipzig, pp. 213. Much additional limnological work has appeared in the Transactions of the A merican Microscopical Soci ety; Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy Sciences; Americ an NaturaHst ; Botanical ftazptfr,: Bulletin Illinois Laboratory of Natural History; Annales de Biologie Lacustre; annales de la Station Limnologique de Besse; Archiv. fur Hydrobiologie u. Plankton - kunde, (formerly Forschungs-berichte aus der biologischen Station zu I Biologisches Centralblatt ; Nature; Transactions of the Linnasan Soci London; Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Zoologischer An Zoologisches Jahrbucher, and other current biological journals. The seven general limnological works that we regard as most useful Ward and Whipple, in press; Brauer, 1909; Stokes, 1896; Whipple. [914; Eyferth, 1909; Lampert, 1910; and Steuer, 1910. Page 24 Page 25 Page 59 Page 76 Page 77 Page 89 Page 99 Page 100 Page 158 Page 242 Page 281 Page 282 Page 293 Page 314 Page 315 Page 375 Page 377 Page 379 Page 401 r r f r r f r LIST OF INITALS AND TAIL-PIECES Primrose Falls, Fall Creek, Cornell University Campus. Coy's Glen near Ithaca: upper falls. Lake Temagami, Ontario, Canada. A "carry" between lakes. Buttermilk Creek near Ithaca. Pond in the Montezuma Marshes, Central New York. Six mile Creek near Ithaca. A spray of Buttonbush. Water Shamrock and Water Spider. Pool at foot of Primrose Falls, Fall Creek. Maligne Lake, British Columbia. (Photo by J. C. Bradley.) Coy's Glen at the mouth. Gorge of Six Mile Creek near Ithaca. Williams Brook, near the Cornell U. Biol. Field Station. The Staircase Falls, Coy's Glen. Sunfish swimming. Photo by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt. From the Nature-Study Review. Duck Creek, near Cincinnati, Ohio. Shocked Cat-tail Flags on the Montezuma Marsh. Lowermost fall of Buttermilk Creek near Ithaca. INDEX PAGE aborigines 382 acids, humous 95, 96, 348 Acilius 333 Acorus 157 Acroperus harpae 300, 301 adaptations 260, 274, 277 Adineta 299 adjustment 248, 261 adjustments, individual 242 " mutual 242, 282 adjustability to waves 319 aeration 73 Agassiz, Louis 19 Agraylea 216 agriculture 379, 402 agricultural crops 404 air-breathing 231 air-chambers 275, 277 air-spaces 265', 271 air-tubes 279 albumins 48 a j der : 158,351,352 ale-wives 232, 373 algae, 26, 28, 29, 45, 46, 72, 100, 101, 102, no, 119, 137, J 44, H5, 151, 169, 180, 181, 183, 189, 217, 220, 223, 295, 296, 301, 302, 304, 307, 311, 322, 391, 345, 356, 362, 373, 390, 395 algae, "blanket" 336, 345, 399 blue-green 109, 132, 297, 302, 326 filamentous blue-green 296, 310 brown 135, 136 fresh water 101 free-swimming 28, 339 gelatinous 101 green 124, 129, 299, 302 filamentous green 124 plancton 50, 244, 392 protococcoid green 318 lime-secreting 50 marine 135 of ponds 335 red 135, 136 sessile 120, 126, 336 algae, siphon l2l slime-coat tufted i I2i i2< unicellular j u t ]2 ,, Allen, Arthur A <,^ *a 2 Alismaceae ' ', -,". Alisma »*, alligators Amby stoma tigrinum 237, $42 ammonia 25, 48, 49,' 140 Amoeba icn amphibians. . . 148, 231, 236,237, 337 Amphipoda 189, [9 Amphizoidae 224 Anabaena 132, 133, 295, 296, 29*7, A , . 305, 308, 392 Anachans 1 =; Anapus A * ax ;--. 155,34 Junius 196 Ancylus 182, 260, 370, 373 Andromeda 1 ; angling 407 animalcules 295 animal forage animal husbandry 3S4, 400, 408 animals, hoofed . . 312 animals, limpet-shaped 260 animal life of marshes 345 animal population animals, warm-blooded Ankistrodesmus falcatus 129 setigeru^. . . 129, i ; 1 Anodonta 1 8< edentula " grandis " imbecillus antennae 185, 1 89, 2 \~. 251, 312 Anthomyid fly Anthophysa Anthony, Maude H 214, 215 Anuraea 299, J Aphanizomenon 297, apical buds 154, Appalachian hills applied science 21 Apsilus 421 422 Index PAGE Apus 184,263,318 aquaria 165, [70 aquatic animals 180 " bryophytes 148 ' carnivores 327 caterpillars. . . .219, 220, 398 collecting 19 Diptcra 34 6 " environment 25 " fernworts 149 herbivores 190, 396 insects 158, 195, 276 larvae 236 " locomotion 273 " mammals. .158,241,270, 273 microscopy 19 organisms 99, 389 " resources . 412 " rodents 153 11 seed-plants 151, 307 " societies 282, 293 aquatics, broad-leaved 154 emergent 1 5 1 , 32 1 , 334, 339, 341 floating 334, 339 rooted 334 submerged 94, 1 1 5, 32 1 , 339 345 surface 321,334 Arcella 159, 1 60 , 2 99 armor 246 armor, chitinous 183, 251 aroids 157 arrow-heads . .272, 334, 345, 380, 405 Arthropods 183 arum, arrow. . . 157,321, 334, 380,405 Asclepias incarnata 345 Asellus 190, 191, 192, 253, 340 aspens 378 Asplanchna 248, 299 Asterionella in, 114, 245, 297, 303, 305, 308 Atax crassipes 301 Azolla 150, 151, 153,282,334 Bacillus 140 bacillus, typhoid 141 back-swimmers 211, 276 bacteria 20, 48, 100, 139, 141, 296, 390 chromogenic 140 " iron 142 PAGE bacteria nitrifying 140 " sulfur 143 bacterial jelly 140 Baetis 360 balancers 370 Baltic 18 barometric pressure 73 barrier reefs 73 bars, building of 85 basins 59,65,67,71,356 bass 233,291,399 Batrachospermum 136 bayous 169, 334 bays 307 beach 73, 81 beaver 241, 274, 377, 378 beetles 195, 220, 275, 276, 277, 281, 318, 346 beetles, adult 338 " diving. . . .221, 222, 275, 276 gyrating 407 Parnid 260, 359, 367 " riffle 224, 259 whirl-i-gig 221, 338 Beggiatoa 142, 143 Belostoma 211 Benacus 210, 211, 212, 276 Betten, Cornelius 258 bicarbonates 51 Bidessus 333 Biological Field Stations, Ameri- can 22, 23 Biological Field Station, Cornell University, 65, 87, 95, 266, 330, 335, 397 Biological Lab., Fairport 23, 79, 291 birches 378 birds 231,239,249,390 Birge, E. A., 36, 37, 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 53, 65, 66, 72, 263, 304,306,310,391 bitterling 292 bittern 34 2 bivalve 180, 185,288 blackbird, red- winged 342 black-fly 227,264 bladders 265, 284 bladderworts, 155, 264, 271, 272, 283, 284,285,286,319,405 blanket-moss 120 Blasturus 120, 345, 398 Blepharoceridae 228 Index 423 PAGE Blepharocera 259, 367 bloodworms, 106, 250, 254, 279, 280, 3io, 394, 395, 398 blubber 273 bog cover 348, 349, 350, 35 1 bog-moss. .89, 145, 146, 147, 348, 349 bog-pond 352 bog-pools 129 bogs, 53, 89, 90, 94, 95, 115, 146, 149, 152, 155,348,351 bogs, climbing 94 bogs, peat 117 bogs, sphagnum 52, 64, 157 bogs, upland 156 Bosmina . . 185, 248, 249, 301 , 328, 329 Botryococcus 129, 299 Botrydium 121 bottom, false 54 bottom herbage 334 bottom-lands, alluvial 67 bottom, black muck 115 bottommud,95, 106, 133, 154,243, 252 bottom ooze. . .48, 159, 181, 191, 235 bottom population 327 bottom slime 133 bottom sprawlers 254, 340 Boyeria 360 Brachionus 178, 179, 299 Brachycentrus 363, 364, 366 brambles 351 Branchiopods. . .183, 184, 185, 263 Brasenia 334 Brinton, D. G 409 bristles 246, 248 brood-chamber 187, 267, 288 brood-pouch 190, 191, 393 Brook, Lick, Ithaca 317 Williams, Ithaca 358 brooks 77,8i, 167, 170,333,356 Bryophytes 146 Bryozoans, 166, 169, 247, 266, 269, 325, 332, 335, 34i buck-bean 345 buds, over-wintering 264 buffalo gnat 364 bugs. 210, 277 bullheads 345, 3 § 8 bull-frogs 14, 236 bulrush 319, 334, 343 buoyancy, of organisms 243, 247 bur-reed 156, 157, 323, 334, 343, 346 burrowing 251, 254, 257, 314, 3 * 6 burrows 254, 255 burs buttons, pearl Bythotrephes 51 >i Caddis-flies, 195, 197, 200, 214, 218, 2.S' S , 260, . 341, 345, 36<), 3'". 363, 37< Caddis- worms, 14, 84, i<;;, [9 258, 260, j', j, . 340, 341, 357, 362, 3^3, 365. 370, 371- 372, 373, 3 3, 398 Caenis. . .205, 253, 340, 345, 388, 39 s Calcium salts 52 Caledonia shrimp calla [57 Callibaetis 341, 3o<>, 397, 398 Calyculina 341 Cambarus bartoni 1 1 ; J Campanula aparinoides 344 Campus, Cornell University. . . 42 Campylodiscus Ill, 115 Canthocamptus [8f canvas-backs 240 capillarity 97 Carabidae 221 carapace 184, 192,251 carbonates _ carbon consumption 44 carbon dioxide 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 72, 139 Carices 157 carnivores, 18, 171,209,222, 241, 282 283,312,318,374,3 ■■,- carp 22>2>, 234, 235. 3^4. 3'"' Carteria 103, 104, 3<>»' Cassandra 157, 35° cases, cylindric, of sand 34 ' " limpet-shaped " portable 371 " stone-ballasted 371 Castalia odorata . cataract IOI caterpillars catfish 232. 233, 2* cat-tail flag 01,02, 156,321 334,343.355. cat-tail, narrow-leaved celery, wild Celithemis cells, aggregated .... H " association of I , ; ! 11 chlcrophyl-bearing . ... 147, 349 424 Index PAGE cells, cortical 138 " division of ... 112, 117, 121, 122 " flagellate 295, 305 " internodal 138 " multinucleate 131 " rectangular blocks of 149 " reproductive 12 " reservoir 146, 147, 349 " sex 105, 139, 151, 250 cellulose 139 cell wall 123 Ceratium 103, 108, 248, 296, 302, 305, 308,337 Ceratophyllum 134, 154, 155, 321, 334 Ceratopogon 279 Cercaria 174 Ceriodaphnia 267, 268, 269, 301 Cestodes 174 Cetacea 273 Chaetogaster 173 Chaetonotus 164, 165, 166 Chaetophora. . 126, 127, 182, 336, 338 chamber, respiratory. . .250, 252, 253 Chamot.E.M * 79 Channels 59, 77, 89 Chantransia 81, 136 Chara 52, 137, 138, 139, 319, 322, 334, 352 Characeae 101, 137 Chauliodes 213 chemical analysis 48 Chirocephalus 184, 263, 318 Chironomidae 225 Chironomous 228, 257, 280, 329, 330, 332,336,340,341,393, 394, 395, 396 Chirotenetes 259, 364, 366 Chlamydomonas 104 Chlamydothrix 141, 142 Chloroperla 203, 278 chlorophyl no, 119, 125, 139, 265, 271, 296 Cholera spirillum 141 Chrosomus erythrogaster 394 Chrysops 230 Chydorus 185, 300, 301, 303, 305, 310,326 Cicuta bulbifera 345 cilia 160, 170, 246, 250 ciliates 246, 282, 327 circulation periods 35, 37, 46 Cladocera 185 Cladocerans 185, 300, 301, 303, 304, 312 PAGE Cladophora 8i, 112, 125, 126, 136, 322, 336, 362 Cladothrix 142 clams 180 Clathrocystis . . . .297, 304, 305, 308 Climacia 214 climate 294 Closterium 1 17, 119 Clupea pseudoharengus 232 coastal plain 93 coats, chitinous 266 Cocconeis 115 Cocconema 1 1 1 , 115 Coccus 140 cocoon 213 Coelambus 333 Coelastrum 129, 130 Coelenterates 163 Coelospha erium 132, 133, 297 Coleochaete 128 Coleoptera 195, 220, 279 colonies dendritic 246 " discoid 245 11 expanded 245 " radiate 245 " spherical 104, 107, 245 Colurus 299 conjugation 121 Conjugates, filamentous. ... 119, 126 conjugates 263, 299 Conferva 124, 126, 299, 336 Conochilus 177, 249 conservation 21, 412 control, methods of 399 coots 342 Copepods 183, 188, 189, 200, 246, 263, 301, 303, 325, 328 Coptotomus 214, 335 Cordulegaster 360 Corethra 108, 301, 310, 329 Corixa 201, 276 Corydalis 213,214 Cosmarium 119 Cothurnia 161, 162, 332 crabs 183, 192 crabs, horse-shoe 184 cranberry 348, 349, 350 craneflies.229, 277, 339, 346, 358, 360 crawfishes 175, 191, 192, 252, 340, 342, 390 creeks 77 Creek, Fall, Ithaca 330 Crenothrix 142 Cristatella 169 Index 425 PAGE crops, diversifying of 403 crowfoots 156, 271 Crucigenia 129, 130 Crustacea 183, 189, 192, 193, 301. 302 Crustaceans 20, 45, 52, 161, 183, 187, 251, 253, 285, 299, 304, 318, 340, 345, 382, 383, 399 Culex 280, 329 Culicidae 227 current 83, 85, 356 current meter 86, 319 currents, conduction 31 convection 31, 38, 292 descending 36 Curtis, W. T 290 cuticle 271 Cyanophyceae 132 Cybister 275 Cyclops 188, 189, 244, 263, 301, 303, 305,310,311,312 Cyclotella 112, 114, 299 Cylindrocystis 116, 119 Cyperus diandrus 207 Cypripedium 351 Cypris 188 cyst 289, 290, 291, 292 Dace 374 Dachnowski's diagram 352 damselflies 195, 207, 279, 280, 281, 332, 341, 346 Daphne 185, 186, 248, 301, 306, 309, 312, 391 Daphnia 285, 292, 303, 304, 306 darters, least 231, 233 darters 250, 259, 362, 374 Darwin, Charles 17, 18, 283, 285 Decapoda 191 Decodon 354 decomposition 48 defense 251 deltas 60, 65 Delta of Mississippi 67 Dero 173, 174,257 desiccation 316,318 Desmidium 117 ^desmidssi 52, 53, 116, 117, 119, 121, I44, 263 Diaphanosoma 301, 304 Diaptomus 101, 188, 189, 301, 303, 305, 3ii Diatoma 115, 245, 297 PAGE diatomaceous earths 1 10 diatomaceous ooze diatoms 29, 53, 81, 84, 101, 109, no 115, 144, 183, 189, 20O, j 1 7, 248, 297, 302, 303, 305, 311, 362, 387, 394, 395, 399 diatoms, colonial 391 " epiphytic \\- " needle 1 1 2 " sessile " slime-coat 322, " "white-cross" 1 1 1 diatom rakes 373 Dictyosphaerium [29 Dicranomyia 359 Didymops 340 Difflugia 159, 257, 299, 303 Diglena 299 Dinobryan 101, 106, 107, 24<.. 303, 308, 310, 337 Dinocharis 299 Diptera 195, 224, 337 Diptera, aquatic 225 " blood-sucking 227 discs, attachment 171 " respiratory 230 ' ' sucking 228 dissolved colloids 54 distribution 266, 322, 33 distribution, vertical 310, 324 ditches 133, 152, [I ditch-grass 71 Diurella divers 239, 241 divers, pearl 3° Dixa 329 dobsons 213 Docidium 1 19 dogwood Dolomedcs Donacia 33; Dorosoma dragonilies 195, [97, 332, 340, 34i. 356, 389 drainage 4 n - Draparnaldia 124, 128 Droseraceae Drosera drouth 97 Dryops duckmeat I49i '' ducks duckweeds. .. 15c 153, 272. 321, 334 426 Index PAGE Dudley's Cayuga Flora 151 dwelling-tubes of midge larvae 335, 336, 365 Dytiscidae 222, 346 Dytiscus 221, 222, 276, 280, 333 Ears, external 274 earthworms 3 IG lie progress 399 eel-grass 90. *53, 3*9. 334 egg-parasites 195 eggs, of amphibians 237 " of Benacus 211 " of crawfishes 192 " drouth-resisting 318 " of fishes 233 " of leeches 176 11 of pike 400 " of salamander 342 " of snails 335 14 of Triaenodes 218 " summer 266, 267 " winter 2G6, 267, 268, 269 Ehrenberg no Eleocharis 334 Elmis 359, 370 Elodea 155 Elophila 220, 260, 272 Embody, George C 191,388 Enallagma 337 Engler 143 encasement 263 Encyonema Ill, 112 encystment 263, 289, 290, 304, 310, 316, 361 Entomostraca 85, 114, 183, 184, 188, 193, 302, 304, 309, 310, 312, 388, 390, 398 Entomostracans ... .20, 52, 217, 341 Epeorus 370 Ephemera 255 Ephemerella 340, 370 Ephemerida 195, 205 ephippium 268, 269 epidermis 271 epilimnion 37 epiphytes 139 Epischura 301 Epistylis 161 Epithemia 115 Eriocera 256 Eriophorum 351 erosion 57, 60, 68 PAGE Estheria 184, 263 Esox lucius 400 Euastrum 119 Euchlanis 299 Eucrangonyx 191 Eudorina 104 Euglena. .15, 102, 103, 104, 106, 296 Euparhyphus 359 Eupomotis 388 Eurycerus 187 evaporation 40, 55, 56, 76, 99, 100, 247 evolution 17, 410 Experiment Stations for fish culture 400 exploitation 21,412 Fall Creek, Ithaca. . . .42, 79, 87, 115 Falls, Triphammer, Ithaca 81 fats 244, 273 fauna 18, 53 fecundity of fishes 235 Felt, E. P 165 females, parthenogenetic . . .266, 268 Ferguson, W. K 394 ferments 1 39 ferns 351 fernworts 145, 153 Fiber zibethicus 241 field stations 20 filaments, algal 102 filaments, spore-bearing 319 filter 20 filtering 1 13 fingerlings 384, 385 fins 250 " pectoral 234 fish's bill of fare 398 Fish Commission, United States 79 Fish and Game Commission, New York State 344 fish culture 21, 384, 385, 387, 389, 390, 399, 400, 408 fish 290, 379, 383, 403 fish eggs 384 fisher 241, 274 fishes 282, 362, 386, 387, 389, 390, 399, 404 fish-flies 213 fish food 183, 189, 190, 235, 294, 390, 391, 392, 393, 396, 397 fish forage 384, 386, 393, 403, 408 fish fry 384 Index 427 PAGE fish fry, planting of 384, 385, 386 " raising 385 fish, fresh for the table 407 fishponds 387, 396, 404 fish population 398 fish raising 404, 408 Fissidens julianum 148 flagella 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 246, 250, 310 flagellates 102, 103, 106, 107, 246, 248, 296, 302, 303, 305, 306, 309, 311, 316, 356 flagellates, chlorophyl-bearing . . 299 green 104 shell-bearing 108 spherical 108 winter 107 flatworms 170, 171, 172, 173, 250, 260, 263, 340, 370 floats 247, 266, 284 flocculence 295 flood 57, 67, 75, 87 flood conditions 88 flood-decline 88 flood plain 64, 77, 87, 356 flood plain of rivers 67 flood rise 88 flora 18, 53 Florida 59 Floscularia 178, 299 flotation 243, 245, 246, 247, 251, 272, 297 flotsam 153 foliage 405 food, abundance of 306 " available 304 " dependencies 389 " dissolved 26 " examinations 398 food-fishes 387, 390 food preferences 305, 391 11 relations 389 foodstuffs 395, 402 food supply 21, 25 Fontinalis 148 forage fishes 398, 399 foragers 367 foragers, shelter-building 370 foraging grounds 57 foraging habits 373 forage organisms 396, 398 Forbes, Stephen A. 70, 80, 389, 390, 394 ^ p AGB ForeLF.A Mf ?6 forget-me-not iqc Fragillaria 115, 245, 297, 305, 308 Fredericella [66 freezing point 244 frog, bull 237 " green 237 " leopard 236, 237 " pickerel 237 " tree 237 " wood 237 frogs 175, 236, 237, 343, 383, 38; frost-line 83 J un £i ;•. 139 fungi, parasitic 296 fungus 282, 400 fur-bearers 241 furs 379 Galingale, low 207 Galium palustre 344 Gammarus 190, 191, 360, 392 gas, marsh 96 gases 25, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56, 244, 252, 265, 279, 309 gases, noxious 96 Gastropus 299 gars 291,333 geese 239, 240, 242 gelatin 127, 161. [69 gemmules 164, 247 gill arches 313 " cavity 292 " chambers 209, 2^2 " covers 253, .;< 6 gill-plates 208, 251 gill-rakers 235, 31 j gill-strainers 392 gills 182, 217, 233, 235, 236. 252, 273, 275, 279, 280, 288, 369, 370, 397 gills, anal " blood 279 " filamentous 204, 22 :. " mussel I s ! " tracheal 278, 27'-. " tube 280, glacial period glaciation glands Glenodinium 103, glochidia 181, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291 Gloiotrichia 297, Glyceria 334 428 Index PAGE Goera 37* goldfish 3 8 4, 399 golden shiner 235, 387, 399 goldthread 35 1 Gomphines 209, 254, 357 Gonatozygon 117, 119 Goniobasis 37° gonidia I4 1 Gonium 104 Gordius 174 gorges, post-glacial 64 gradient of channel 85 gravel, deposits of 4 2 gravity, specific 243, 244, 246 grebes 342 grouping by levels 326 Grout, A. J 148 gulls 239 Gyrinidae 221 Gyrinus 337 Gyrosigma 112 1 Habenaria 35 habitat 294 Haeckel, E 392 haemoglobin 253 Haemopsis 175, 176 hairs 248, 274 hairs, glandular 283, 285 Halesus guttifer 198, 361 Haliplidae 223, 275, 346 Haliplus 277 hand-net 20 Hankinson, T. L 231, 233 Harper, Francis 93 hatcheries 384, 385, 400 Hawkins, L. S 321 Headlee, T.J 324 heaths 157, 35i, 355, 357 Helicopsyche 370, 372, 373 hellgrammite 214, 313 Hellriegel 56 Hemerobiidae 212, 214 Hemilastena 291 Hemiptera 195, 210, 274 hemp-weed, climbing 345 Heptagenia 278, 368, 370 herbivores 18, 128, 153, 180, 186, 282, 318,373,389,390,392 herring 291, 313 herons 239 Heterocope 311 Hexagenia 115, 255, 341, 398 PAGE hibernacula 264, 265, 272 hibernating 269 Hibiscus 145, 405 Holopedium 52 hooks 247, 266 hornwort. 134, 154, 155, 271, 272, 334 horseflies 227, 254 horse-leeches 175, 250 host species 291 Howard, A. D 289, 291 huckleberries 351 humid regions 55, 56 humus 57 husbandry 385, 386, 412 Hyalella 191 Hydatina 299, 305 Hydra 163, 164, 282, 325, 327, 332, 341 Hydrachnidae 193 Hydrocampa 218, 257, 337 Hydrodictyon 122, 124 hydrogen sulphide 47, 96 Hydrohypnum 358 hydromechanics 107 Hydrophilidae 222, 276,346 Hydrophilids 221, 222 Hydrophilus 275 Hydroporus 222, 333 Hydroptilidae 216 Hydroptila 258 Hydropsychidae 217 Hydropsyche. .218, 363, 364, 365, 370 hydroxide of iron 142 Hydrurus 136 Hymenoptera 195 Hypericum virginicum 344 hypnums 148, 149 hypolimnion 37 Ice 35,36, 80, 81, 120 ice, anchor 82, 83 ice, floes 61 ice in streams 81 ice rubble 81, 82 Ignis fatuus 96 Illinois State Laboratory of Na- tural History 50, 79 infusoria 171,179 inclusions 244 increase, rapidity of 306 incrustations of lime 251 Indianapolis News 384 Indians 13 Index 429 PAGE insects 183, 251, 274, 357, 358, 367, 390, 399 insects, aquatic 338 gall 291 " herbivorous 398 net-winged 195, 212 " plancton-gathering .... 364 internodes 138 inundation 88 iris 404 iron 53 iron sulphate 95 Isoetes 151 Isopoda 190 Ischnura verticalis 207, 208 Ithytrichia 260, 262, 372 Jack-o-lantern 96 Jagerskiold 172 Johannsen, O. A 299 jointweed 345 Jo-pye-weed 323 Juday, C. 36, 37, 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51,53, 72,263,308,312 Juncaceae 157 Kent 309 Kirchnerella 129, 131 Knight, H. H 75, 196, 350 Kofoid C. A. 22, 48, 83, 85, 88, 103, 107, 113, 130, 131, 164, 171,312, 356 Laccophilus , 333 lace-wings 214 lagoons 334 Lake Alachua 69 " Canandaigua 65 11 Cayuga 28, 32, 36, 42, 60, 64, 65, 73, 114, 123, 151, 218, 232,240, 295, 296, 300, 308,309 Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 60 Devil's, Wisconsin 51, 71 Erie 63 Evans' Michigan 62 Flag 312 Flathead 71 Fure, Denmark 28 Geneva 28, 76 Great Salt 71 Green 63 Hallstatter, Austria 33 PAGE Lake Huron 63 " Kegonsa 66 " Keuka 64, 65 " Knight's 44 " Louise, B. C 60 " Mendota 37, 38, 46, 47, 66, 304, 306,310 Miccosukee 69 1 Michigan . .28, 61, 63, 114, 312 " Monona 66 " Okoboji 71 " Ontario 63 11 Otisco 65, 72 " Owasco 65 " Pepin 67 " Phelps 57 " Pontchartrain 67 11 Quiver 49, 164 " Seneca 65 " Silver 71 " Skaneateles 6s, 7- " St. Clair 28 " Sumner, Isle Royal 54 " Superior 63, 73 11 Tahoe 28,60 " Thompson's 49 " Turkey 312 " Wabesa 66 " Walnut 161,233,239 " Winona 71, 3 2 4 " Yellowstone 70 lakes .59, 60, 231, 232, 299, 307, 316, 333, 356, 406 " alkaline or salt 74 " crater 60 ' ' currents in 7 \ " depth of 7 I Lakes, Finder 64, 65 lakes, floodplain 67 " of Florida 69 " Fulton Chain of 165 Lakes, The Great 61, 63,91. 3<>1 lakes, playa 75 " polar " solution ' " strand 75 " Swiss 7° " of Wisconsin 66 " of Yahara Valley " stagnation periods of . . . 34. 4" Lakeside Biological Laba 7*'. 71 Lampsilis 290, 291, 324. 3*5 430 Index l'AGE larvae, of black flies 227, 364 of beetles 120,250,368 " of caddis-flies 215 " of craneflies 256 dipterous 224, 227, 288 of fish-flies 213 of horseflies. . . .227, 230, 340 of mayflies 120, 332 of midges 226, 227, 250, 258, 325, 338, 341, 356, 373, 387, 388, 389, 390, 393, 394, 397 11 of mosquitoes 227, 250 of orl flies 213 " of punkies 120 " of spongilla flies 215 leaf-beetle 34° leaf-drift 360 leech, clepsine 17° leeches, 171, 175 176, 257, 325, 341, 364 Leersia 344 Leeuwenhoek 16 Lefevre, G 290 Leidy, Joseph 19 Lemanea 135, J 36 Lemnaceae 135 Lemna 150, 173, 240, 321, 334 Lepidoptera I95,2i8 Leptidae, aquatic 229 Leptoceridae 216 Leptocerus 216,260,372 Leptodora 301, 311, 312 Leptophlebia 3 6 ° Leptothrix 141 - 142 Lestcs 341,345,346 Leunis 173 Libcllula 34° lichens 13 2 , 282 life cycle 260,261,274,316,397 life, on the bottom 326 " at the surface 327 " in open water 243 light 306, 307, 308 light relations 29 Liljeborg 18 Lime 50 limestone 5° Limnaea 182 Limnacea 34^ Limnephilus 197, 198, 199, 200 Limnobates 346 Limnocalanus 301, 311 PAGE Limnochares 194 limnological phenomena 14 Limnophilus 345 Limnophora 359 limpet 260 Lintner, A. J 214 liverworts 146, 153, 334 lobsters 192 locomotion 273, 281 locomotion, rolling 104, 107 locn 239 Lorenz 33 lorica 106, 161, 178 loricate forms 299 lotus 380, 404 Lloyd, J. U 54 lubrication _ 272 Ludvigia palustris 156 lungs 275,276 Lyman, Helen Williamson 214 Lyngbya 297, 305 Mackerel 250 Macrobiotus 164, 166 Magazine, Farmers' 384 maggot, rat-tailed 229, 277, 339 magnesia 50 Malacostraca 183, 189, 301 Mallomonas 299, 308, 309 Malpighi 16 mammals 231, 273, 274 Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. .. .51,84 manna grass 334, 343 mantle 252 marl 5°, 75- 352 marsh bedstraw 344 " bellwoxt 344 " fern 145,344 " five-finger 344 gas 48 horsetails 151 " mallow 145 Montezuma 65,87,91,92 " ponds 95 Renwick, Ithaca 347 skull-cap 344 " St. John's wort 344 marsh-treadcr 346 marsh-wren 34 2 marshes 14, 48, 59, 64, 65, 66, 73, < s 9, 90, 95, 97, 263, 307, 3i6, 333, 345, 346, 402, 411 Index 43 1 PAGE marshes, Canoga 318 cat-tail 91, 240, 241 fresh- water 90 utilization of 408 Marsilea 134, 149, 321, 323, 334, 407 marten 241 Mastigophora 102 Matheson, Robert. 222, 223, 277, 317 mating nights 206 matter, dissolved 26 matter, suspended 26, 42 mayflies 14, 115, 195, 205, 253, 255, 259, 260, 280, 281, 345, 356, 357, 36o, 361, 368, 370, 372, 373, 398 mayfly, burrowing 255 mayfly, howdy 364, 366 McDonald, E 62 McLean, New York 350, 352 Mediterranean Sea 28 Melicerta 178, 257, 299 Melosira in, 112,297,303 Menyanthes trifoliata 34 5 Meridion 1 11, 113, 114, 297 Merismopaedia 134, 135, 299 Mesotaenium 119 metabolism 44, 272 metamorphosis 195, 197, 200, 201, 205, 220, 237, 287, 290 Metazoa 246 metazoans 163, 164, 165 methane 47,48,96 Micrasterias 52, 53, 119 microplancton 20 microscope 15, 101, 115, 327 Microcystis. . . 132, 133, 297, 303, 308 midge, net-winged 228, 259, 267 midges 14, 225, 254, 257, 258, 358, . 36i, 371, 373 migrations 240, 316 Mikania scan dens 345 milfoils 271, 405 mink 241 , 274 minnow, red-bellied 294 minnows 232, 233, 287, 345, 366, 374, 394, 399 mites 192, 285 moccasin flower 351 mold parasites 144 molds 100 mollusca, lotic 373 molluscs 50, 52, 180, 216, 235, 288, 342, 345, 352, 382, 390 molluscs, shell-bearing 340 Monostyla Moore, Emmeline 150, 391 Morgan, Anna IT 2<X >, 2 g ^ mosquitoes 227, 280, 2*4, 318, $39 346 moss, brook-inhabiting 14H moss patches 358 moss, xerophytic 351 mosses i 4 (,, ', ( ,, mossworts i^e moth-flies 230, 360 moth, tineid 346 moths 195, 2 is, 2S4/341 Mougeotia 119 Mountains, Rocky no mucilage 272 mucl - 95, 96, 154 mucus 129, 131. 181 mud banks 41,7 mud pond 352 mud puppy 291 muscles 256, 2 3 1 muskellunge . . 313 muskrat 241, 274, 341, 380 mussel, salamander 291 mussel shells 216 mussel, wash-board mussel, warty-back :m ( mussels 180, 181, 194, 240, 251. 252, 254, 257, 286, 2S7. ; 290, 291, 292, 324, 332, 341, 356, 357, 360, 383 mussels, eggs of 2 8 7 mussels, fresh- water. . . . 180, 2-2. 286 Myriophyllum 154, 155 Mysidacea Mysis 189, 190, 301. 3] 1 Myxophyceae Nachtrieb, H. F 170 Naidae 17; naiads 152,173 Nais 15;,. 17;. 177. 321 Najas nauplius [88, Navicula t<»>, i h>, 11. navigation necton2i3, 24;,, 294, 296, 31.;. 33*i 34i Necturus 236, 291 Needham, John T Nemoura Nematodes 17-'. I 73 432 Index PAGE Nepidae 212 Netrium 119 nets, of silk bolting-cloth 18, 20 Neuroptera 195, 202, 212 newt, vermilion-spotted 237 New York State Museum 165 nigger-heads 291 nightshade bittersweet 345 Nitella 137. J 38, 139 nitrates 48, 49, 50, 141 nitrites 48, 49, 141 Nitrogen 43, 47, 48, 50, 139, 141, 348, 351 nodes 138 Nostoc 133,282,337 nostrils 273 Noteus 299 Notholca 246, 299, 300, 303 Notodromas 188, 328 Notommata parasita 282 Notonecta 276, 337 nucleus 117, 121 Nymphaea 334 nymph 201 , 204 nymph, damselfly 208 " " dragonfly . . 250, 252, 340, 360 " Hexagenia 398 mayfly 278, 340, 341, 369, 387, 388, 390, 396 " stonefly 204, 279 Obovaria ellipsis 291 Odonata 195, 207, 345 CEdogonium 124, 125, 126 offsets 272 oils 273 Oligochaete 173, 250 Oocystis 129, 131 ooze 173, 251 opcrcula 253 operculum 182 Ophiocytium 129, 131 Ophrydium 161 orchids 158, 351 organs, locomotor 246 organisms, chlorophyl-bearing 71 littoral. 314, 315, 356 " lotic 263 orl flies 213, 280 Oscillatoria 109, 133, 245, 297 osmotic pressure 245, 272 osteole 164 Ostracods. 183, 188, 193, 225, 328, 345 PAGE otter 241, 274 overflow 87 oxydation 44, 5 1 oxygen 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 72, 101, 120, 139, 183, 254, 263, 277, 309, 3". 326, 329, 332, 339, 345 oxygen, consumption of 44 " dissolved 80 " excess 44 " free 310 oxylophytes 348 oysters 379 Pacific Ocean 28 paddle-fish 333 Palaemonetes 192, 393 Palmer 48 Pandorina 103, 104 Paper making 381 Paramecium 160, 165 Paraponyx 219, 341 parasites 18, 120, 175, 282, 296 Parnidae 224 Parnids 370 Paulmier 392 peat 95, 96, 147, 348, 350, 352 Pectinatella 168, 169, 247 Pedalion 299, 300 Pediastrum 123, 245, 299, 303 Pedicia albivitta 256 peeper 236, 237 Peltandra 157,334 Peltodytes 223, 224 Penium 119 peptones 48 perch 232, 233, 291, 306 perch, yellow 234 Peridinium 108, 296 Perla 203, 204 petioles 271 Phaeophyceae 135 Philotria' 155, 156, 228, 319, 321 Philodina 299, 318 photomicrographs 117 photosnythesis . .26, 28, 29, 45, 46, 71 Phragmites 343 Phryganea 34 1 Physa 182, 337 pickerel- weed. 156, 157, 321, 334, 405 pike 231, 232, 233, 235, 387 pipewort 319 Pisidium 341, 345 Index 433 PAGE pitcher-plant 283, 284, 350, 351 Pi tot-tube current meter 86 Placobdella 176 Plagiola 289, 291 Plagues of Egypt 14 Planaria 263 planarians 170, 171 plancton 18, 20, 28, 45, 48, 49, 70, 72, 85, 123, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 161, 164, 166, 185, 189, 194, 235, 243, 294 295, 296, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 313, 322, 341, 356, 357, 387, 388, 389, 391, 394 plancton animals 299, 301, 325 Crustacea 391 entomostraca 393 feeders 235 gatherers 263, 270 " local abundance 306 " net 115, 160 of open waters 331 organisms 248, 296 " pulses 305 shoreward range 307 " of surface 327 plancton strainers 313 planctonts, summer 309 synthetic 308 Planorbis 155, 182, 337, 345 plant assimilation 26 plant infusions 160, 165 plants, chlorophyl-bearing . . .44, 326 " floating 150 " insectivorous 282, 283 submerged 155, 334 " transpiration of 56 " vascular. . .270, 316, 322, 356 Platydorina 104 Platypeza 380 pleasure grounds 21 Plecoptera 195, 203 Pleurotaenium 119 pliancy 271 Ploesoma 299 plover 239 Plumatella 166, 167, 169 plumes 248 plunge basins 63 Podilvmbus 240 Podophrya 162 pollen grains 296 pollen tubes Ipl _ , PAGE Polyarthra 25 Polycystis Polycentropus \aq Polygonum 75,34 Polyphemus 301 Polytrichium Polyzoans pond culture pond-dwellers '1 - 2 pond at Lake Forest, 111 410 pond, making of a 400 Pond, Old Forge Pond, Parker's 91 pond-scums 10 1 pond-snails 327 pondweed, ruffled 152, 272 " 1 sago 326, 3 so, 387 pondweeds 152, 153, 240, 272, 319, 321, 334, 352, 39*. A A 4 ° 5 pondweed zone 2,^2, 233 ponds 59, 121, 155, 167,299, 3.7, 316, 333, 345, 356, 397 ponds, hatching 163 11 inclosed Pontederiaceae 156 Pontederia 157, 3- ; pools 14, 57, 64, 81, 133, 156, 163, 164, 184, 210, 307, 310, 319, :,22, 356 pools, impermanent 157 " polluted 17,; " rainwater 1 B4 " stagnant 127, i/ " temporary 177, 227, 263 Potamogeton 152, 153, 220, 240, 321, 334,336,387 Potentilla 344 prawn, freshwater prawns 1 \ ■ . Precession of the Equinoxes. . precipitation 55 Priocnemis production, decline of products, animal " gelatinous 244, . " metabolic " mucilaginous 245 prolongations propagation propagation, artificial propulsion propulsion, caudal 434 Index PAGE Protection of breeding fishes. . . . 385 proteins 48, 139, 148 proteins, liquefaction of 48 protoplasm 30, 244 Protozoa 250, 390 Protozoa, parasitic 162 protozoans 158, 159, 160, 161, 257, 299 protozoans, ciliate 171 sessile 162 Psephenus. . . .224, 260, 267, 370, 373 pseudopodia 159, 162 Psorophora 284 Psychoda 359, 360 Psychodidae 230 Pteridophytes 149, 150, 151 Pterodina 299 pubescence 276 puddles 316 pulmonates 337 punkies 279 pupa of Limnophilus 199 pupae of blackfly 280 " dipterous 280 Pyralidae 218 Quadrula 289, 291 Radula 181 rail, Sora 239 " Virginia 239 rails 224, 342 rain 44 rainfall 55, 56, 57, 69, 74, 77, 88, 316 rainfall, excess of 56 " surplus 403 " variation it 70 rainspouts 166, 177 rainwater 41, 57, 68 Rana pipiens 236 Ranatra 276, 278, 339 Ranunculus 156, 321, 334 rapids 64 rate of streamflow 85 Rattulus 299 readaptations 270 Reaumur 16, 202 Redi 16 regions, arid 57, 75 limnetic 315, 325, 326 littoral 315, 325, 326, 341, 395 Reighard, J 28 PAGE relations, cultural 399 spatial 326, 331 Renwick, Ithaca 15 reptiles 231, 238 resemblance, protective 361 Reservation, Clark 63 reservations, public 411 reservoirs 403, 404 reservoirs site 403 respiration 252 Rhabdoccele 1 70, 172 Rhichtericlla 129, 131 Rhizopoda 159 rhizopods 325 Rhizosolenia 297 Rhodophyceae 135 Rhynchostegium 148 Riccia 145, *46,334 Ricciocarpus 153 rice, wild 13, 379, 380, 382 riffles 64 rills 77 Rithrogena 369, 370 River, Chippewa 67 " Illinois 48, 49, 79, 80, 83, 85, 103, 107, 131, 171, 312, 356, 357 River, Mississippi 41, 67, 79 " Missouri 41 " Niagara 61 " Seneca 65, 91 " Spoon 28, 49 " vSt. Mary's 69 St. Mark's 69 " Susquehanna 64 " Suwannee 94 riverweeds 1 =52 Rivularia 133, 134, 297, 337 rocks, archacan 52 rock ledges 363 rodents 241,312 Roesel 16, 202 rotifers 106, 166, 177, 178, 179, 246, 248, 250, 257, 266, 269, 282, 298, 299, 300, 302, 305, 309, 312, 318, 325, 327, 328, 341, 390 rotifers, loricate 248 " resting eggs of 325 " sessile 332 Rumex 345 runners 272 Ruppia maritima 71 Index 435 PAGE rush, beaked 351 " club 334 " spike 354,359 rushes 89, 157, 38 1 Ryacophila 370 Rynchospora 351 Sagittaria 334 salamander, spotted 237 salamanders. .236, 237, 291, 337, 379 Salpina 299 salts, mineral 40 Salvinia 150, 334 sanitation 21 Saprolegnia 143, 144 Saranac Inn 163 Sarcodina 1 59 Sarracenia 284 Sars 18 saturation 44, 55 Scapholeberis 328 scavengers 18, 175, 282, 283, 296 Scenedesmus 129, 130 Sciomyzidae 230 Scirpus 87, 334 scuds 183, 189, 190, 332, 341, 345, 360, 390, 392, 393 Scutellaria 344 seals 244 Secchi'sdisc 27, 28,65, 71 secretions 257 sedges 89, 94, 157, 343, 344, 407 sedges, tussock 352, 354, 357 seed plants 145 seed production 272 seeds 203 seepage 57,59 Selenastrum 129, 131 Sellards 69 serpents 390 sewage 140 sewage contamination 357 sewers 1 59 sheepshead 235, 291, 292 shelter-building 257,314,340 shelters. .258, 260, 294, 326, 372, 395 shell, butterfly 291 " yellow sand 291 shells 244 shoals30, 73,90,91,145, 156,231,232, 307,331,333,343 shore lines 404, 406, 407 shore vegetation 91, 131 PAGH shovels 25(1 shrimps 183, 1*4, 192 Sialididae 2 12, 213, 221 Sialis 214 Sida 301 Silica 52, 53, 109, no silt 26, 27, 29, 42, 67, 77, 84, 85, 191, 251, 252, 254 silt, adherent 340 " depositions of 90 " excess of $2(> " inwash of Simocephalus 185, [fik Simuliidae 227 Simulium 81, 259, 280, 358, 363, 364 sinks 68, 69 Siphlonurus (= Siphlurus) 205, siphons 252 Sirenia 273 Sisyra 214, 215 sludge 17; sluiceways 169 Smith, Lucy Wright 204 snails 180, 181, 216, 227, 254, 260, 337, 340, 345, 357, 370, 373 388, 398, 399 snails, limpet-shaped 182 " operculate 182, 356 " pulmonate [82 " viviparous 1 82 snakes 250 snipes 239 societies, aquatic 294, 296 bog 348 lenitic. . .315, 316, 356, 360 11 limnetic 293, 294 " littoral 294, 314. 3-- lotfc 315,356, 360,362, 372, 373 soils, calcareous 41, 51, 137 11 siliceous 41 Solanum dulcamara 245 soldier-flies solids, dissolved ; " suspended 41, 43. 54 solidity solutions sow-bugs 193 Sparganium spatterdock 154, 3: spawning ground i spawning time. . 436 Index PAGE Spelerpes 237, 374 spermaries 138 sperm nuclei 151 Sphaerella 103, 104 Sphaeriidae 181 sphagnum 89, 94, 11 7, 146, 147, 149, 2*4,348,349,350,351,352, 353, 355, 359 Sphenophorus 34^ spicules 164, 266 spiders 183, 192, 346 spiracles 270, 275, 276 Spirillum 140 Spirodela 149, 334 Spirogyra 119, 120,216,223,263,322 . 336 Spirotaenia 119 Spirulina 133 sponge fishers 30 sponges. 165, 266, 269, 332, 335, 341 sponges, fresh-water 164, 265, 266, 325 sponges, marine 266 spongilla flies 214,280 sporangia 143 spore development 310 spores 140, 142, 296 springs 53, 57, 59, 64, 84, 152 springtails 195, 338 stagnation 35, 39 starches 244 statoblasts 164, 165, 169, 247, 265, 266, 269, 325 Staurastrum 51, 119, 299 Stauroneis Ill Stenostomum 170 Stentor 160,332 Stephanoceros 178, 299 Stephanodiscus . . . . in, 1 12, 114, 297 Steuer 27 Sticklebacks 234, 235 Stokes, Alfred C 19 stomates 151, 270, 271 stoneflies 195, 203, 259, 278, 280, 345, 360, 368, 374 stoneworts 50, 52, 101, 137, 138, 139, 251,263,319,334 strainers 252, 253, 365 strata, soluble 68 stratification, horizontal 307 thermal 31, 34, 35, 39, 46,54,71 Stratiomyia 338 PAGE stream-line form 249, 250, 251, 259, 273, 274, 3U, 366 streams. . . .59, 77, 141, 231, 319, 406 streams, pollution of 80, 130 Streptothrix 142 Strodtmann 305 sturgeon, shovel-nosed 235 sturgeon 291,333,356 Stylaria 173 suckers 232, 233, 234, 259 sulfur 53 sundew 156, 283, 351 sunfish 232, 233, 234, 388 Surber 289 surface film 181, 327, 328, 337 swale-flies 230, 277, 329, 346 swales 56, 64 Swammerdam 16, 202 Swamp, Dismal 90 Okefenokee 93 swamps, coniferous 1 52 " marine 90 sweet flag 157, 343 swimmerets 192 symbiosis 282 Symphynota 287 Synchaeta 178, 299, 300, 303 Synedra 1 11, 112, 297 Synura 103, 107, 303 Syrphidae 229 syrphus flies 339, 380 Tabelaria in, 114, 115, 245, 297, 303, 305 Tabanidae 227 tadpoles 236 tailfin 251 Tanypus 225 Tanytarsus 257, 371, 372 tardigrade 164 tear-thumb 343, 344 teeth, raptorial 235, 313 temperature 25, 37, 244, 248, 304, 306, 307, 308 temperature, at different depths 32, 34, 35, 36, 38 changes of 40 conditions of . .32, 36, 46 fluctuations of 345 " levels of 39 " optimum 131 range of 33, 34 " yearly cycle of 34 Index 437 PACK tentacles 176 terns 342 Tetmemorus 119 Tetrapedia 130, 299 Tetraspora 129, 131 thallus 153 thermocline 37, 39, 72, 309, 311 thoracic appendages . ... 183, 188, 189 Thysanura 195 Tipulidae 297 Tipula 360 tides 73 toads 236, 237 Taeniopteryx 279 topography 74 trachea 275 tracheae 270, 278, 279 Trachelomonas 103, 108 tracheoles 278, 279 transpiration 3-1 8 Trembly 16 Triaenodes 215, 218, 280, 337 Triarthra 299, 300 Tribonema 124, 126 Trichobacteria 141, 142 Trichodesmium 101 Trichoptera 195, 214 trochophores 250 Trochosphaera 178 trout 163, 176, 313, 385, 393, 394 trumpets, respiratory 277,280 tubercles 256 tube-dwellers 37° tubes 121, 226, 240, 278, 372 tubers 272, 380, 382 Tubifex 173, 174, 254, 340 turtles 175, 238, 343, 390 tusks, mandibular 255, 256 Typhaceae 156 Typha 91, 321, 334, 346 Ulothrix 124, 336 Unio 181, 323, 324 Urodela 236 Uroglena 295 Utricularia 117, i55, 28 4, 28 5 Vacuoles 3 IO Vallisneria 153, 240 valves 109, 252, 273, 288 vapor 55 vaporization 4° Vaucheria 121 PAGE vegetable forage 399 vegetative propagation 272 ventral suckers 367 vertebrates 239, 37 | Volvox. . . 101, 104, 105, 245, 282, 337 Vorticella 161, 295, 299 Ward, H. B 28, 312 waste wet lands 401,402,407 water-boatman 201, 211, 276 water-birds 239, 240 water-bloom 14, 15, 101, 104, 106, 129, 132, 133, 161, 295, 296, 299 water-borne diseases 21 water-bugs 195,210,276,318 water-content 26 water-cress 145 water crops yj2, 403 water crowfoot 156, 319, 344 water culture 377, 378, 379, 391 , 400 401,402,403,404,406, 409 waterfalls 64, 80, 81, 1 17, 358 water-fern 134, 145, I49i 33 I water-fleas 19, 185, 186, 246, 247, 248, 249, 266, 267,26c), 285, 300, 327,328,.387.390 t 39l.392 waterfowl 9 I , 2 39,3 ,So > 4°9 water-garden 378,404, 407, 409 water-glass 409 water hemlock 345 water horn wort 319 water-lily 154, 334, 3 82 , 404 water-meadows 153, 401') water milfoil 154, 155, 319 water-mites 193, 194, 301 water mold 140, 143, 144 water mosses 140, 148 water-net 122, 123 water-penny 224, 2<>o, 36s water-plantain ^24, 345 water plants too water power 4°3 water purslane 156 water reservoirs. . . 169, 349, 401, 402 water-scorpion 212 water-shamrock 140, 405, 407 water shield 154. 334, 4°- water-skaters water snakes water-striders water table 5 438 Index PAGE water-tiger 280 water-vole 273 water walking-stick 276 water weeds. . .156, 161, 190,232,392 water, buoyancy of 3° densitv of .30, 31, 36, 54. 3 14 depth of 29,307,321 for drinking 21 fertility of 56 force of 135 freezing of 31, 80 ground 30, 56 hardness of 5 1 high and low 74. 9° mineral content of 52, 53 mobility of 3° population of 100 run-off 56, 57, 85, 117 running 39 as a solvent 25, 40 stagnant 13° standing 44 storage of 4°3 surface tension of 54 thermal conservation of 40, 79 transparency of . . . 26, 308, 309 turbidity of 27 underground channels of . 70 viscosity of 30, 54, 244, 248, 249 wastage of 403, 404 waters, alkaline 51 cave 191 drainage 48 flood 42 PAGE waters, mineralized -40 polluted 162 " public 386, 400 Weismann 301 wells 191 Wesenberg-Lund 248 whales 19, 274, 275 Whipple, G. C 27, 42, 401 whitefish. ... 231, 233, 313, 388, 393 wiers 169 Will-o'-thewisp 96 willows 158 Wilson, W. M 79 winds 27, 33, 35, 85 Wolffia 15° Wolle in worms 254, 257, 285, 367, 390 worms, cylindric 172 hair 174 Nematode 172 Nemertine 174 oligochete 325 parasitic 174 thread 172 true 34° wrigglers 227, 250, 339 Wright, A. H 236, 237 Zaitha 211 Zannichcllia. 153 zooids 166, 169 Zostera 334 Zygnema 119 zygospores 120, 263 ERRATA PAGE 19 line 4, for Connecticut read New Jersey 33 line 2, for effect read affect; line 4, for procession read precession. 97 last line, for club rush read spike rush. 103 at end after Ceratium add, (figure reversed in copying). 127 line 4, for form read forms. head line, for Tetranspora read Blue-green Algae. line 14, for dessicated read desiccated. line 12, for Relicit read Relict. heading, for Lymph read Nymph. line 12, for p. 280 read p. 279. line 1, for p. 359 read p. 360. line 18, for keep it long afloat read insure that it will float. line 31, for fig. 134 on p 226 read fig. 223 on p. 373. line 27, for Siphlurus read Siphlonurus. line 5, for season read period. line 18, for Hibenaculea read Hibernacula. line 28, for fifty read twenty; line 29, for 59 and 100 read SO and 60. in legend to fig. 201 for tigrinum read punctatum. line 1, for eaves read leaves. line 6, for Siphlurus read Siphlonurus. add in proper order this line: Page 292. A Bed of Pickerel Weed. fig. 178 with legend reprinted below: 43 8 Index PAGE water-tiger 280 waters : :£;*■ ' ill ■I ii ■