Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/markhamsfareweltOOmark ^^^ w ^- MarJ^anis Faretpel to HUSBANDRY: OR, The Enriching of all forts of Barren and Sterile Grounds in our Nation , to be as Fruitful in all manner of Grain, Pulfe, and Grafs, as the beft Grounds whatfocvcr. Together withtlie Annoyances andPreiervation of aM Grain and Se^d , from one year to many years. As alio a Husbandly computation of Men and Cattels daily Labours, their Expences, Charges, and utmort profixs* Nownewlv the Tenth time rens'd,corre(ftedand amen- ded, together with many new Additioas, and cheap Experiments. For the bettering of Arable Pafture^ and Woody Grounds ; Of mikmg good all Grounds again, fpoiled with over-flowing of Salt water by Sea breaches i as alfo the enriching oftheHop- Garden. And many otlier things never publilhed before. By G. Marh^am. LONDON', Printed for George Sarvbridge^ at the vSign of the Bibl^ on LitdgAte-HiU, 1616, cf\ u W Il^ dS^ ^ dBi «lt* ^ ^ "V^-^ V^V cfi gfi dSii ■ uSj^ To the R I G H T W O R S H I P F U L AND His moft Worthy FRIEND, BON HAM NORTON, E% Worthy Sir, KNoipledge^ which is the divine mother of certain Goodnefs^ ne- ver came jtmvelcome to a know- ing Judgment'^ no more J hope ^ jhallthis my labour to your worthy Selffince douhtlefi you jhall find in it many things neceffary^ and nothing which hath not in it fome particular touch of profit : It is a wor\ your former incouragements to my other la- hours didcriatetn me^ and the wants you worthily found, I hope jh all bringyoufup- A 2 plies flies both n^holefome and hecomming. The experience ,1 ajfure your goodnep^ mjs the exfence of a hitter and tedious Winter , hut the contentmeiit C in gaining my nvJJjJ made it more fleafant then all the three other Seafons. What ever it he^ it comes to you full of love ^ full offervice. And Jim e I h^ioip Virtue meafureth all things by its onpn goodn^s ; it is enough to me^ that I fy/otvyou are that Virtue, Inyon is fow- er to judge ^ in you is Authority ta exerafe Mercy ; let them both fly e from your good- nefs mth that mildnefs^ that in then\my hopes may be cron?ned ^ and iUf^jelffeJi ever atyourfervice,. Gervase Markham. Xlie ^ >v W -?-. The Preface to the Keadery^\ti a\ui Shewing the ure3profit5iin(ftrtitli of the Work.-' THe ufe and apl^licatio/j of this /For k^ f gentle Rea- der) i^ to reduce the Hard^ Barren^ .tnd Sterile Grounds, fuch asnere never fruttfn.11^ orfuchas .. :.'iT: . have been fruitfully and Are 'made barren by'iU Hffshandry^to be generally as fruit full as any ground whap- fsever ; from whence (hall enfue thefe general profits, Firfi^Plenty of Corn andPulfe; becauft all grounds bet no made able and aft for Tillage , the Kingdome may afford to fmvefor one bujbell that is noiv^hereafter fi e hundred, fo mghty great are the unfruitful I rvajh of Heaths^ Do)vnes^ Mores^ andfuch like^^ rvhich at this day lye unprofitable;and to this abiwdance of€orn will arife an equal I abundance of Grafs and Pafiure: fo% as thj be fl ground of the worfi is to be converted to Pafiure^ and the ir or ft to Tillage] fo that ivorfl being tilled and drefl^ rvhen it hath done bearing of Cor n^ {which. wUl be in fix or f even years) jh all for xs many years more bear asgoodj'aflure either for breedirJg or feeding as can be required^ and then bc'.ng ncrvly dreft again.fhallnew- /: fourijh in its firfi profit. Secondly^ rvhere.ts in fruitf nil places^ the third or fourth fart of all arable ground is lof in the fallow' or tilth ground^ no^' inthefe barren grounds^ you jball keep no fallorv f eld at all^ but all ffjaJA bear either Corn or Grafs ; that fallow part ferving topayforthe charge beforred on it,^ and the reji. Taflly^ whereas in fertile grounds you cannot have either /VheM^ Barley .^or Rye,^ under trro^ three^four, fve^ and fix. To the Reader. fix [everAUplowi?2gs^ asfdlomng i/z January ii;?^* Februa- r> , Stirring in April Andybiy, Soiling //? July 4;?^ Auguft, fVinter-rtdging in Odober And November , and Somng^ fk^ith other Ardors \ now In theje hard grounds rejlored^you Jhall not vlorv above trvice at the mofl , to the faving of the Hushanamam pains ^ his Cattels trarjell^ and a. larger limita- tion of time for other necepary buftnejjes. for the truth of the iVork^ he that tvill ride into the hxr- ren parts (j/HDe vonfliire or Cornw all , into the Mount ai- nous parts ofV^^X^s^intothe hard parts of Middlelex^ or D2iih)MxQ^or tnto the cold parts (/Northumberland, Cumberland, Weftmerland, LancalHre, or Chefliire ; /hall find, where induflry is ufed^ a fnll fatisfaCiion for dL that is here written. Farewell Thine . G. M. Book 2. MARKHAM HIS Farewel to Husbandry. CHAP, I. 7he NatKre of Grounds in general \ But particularly efthe barren and jieril earth, TO come to the full effe(9: of my purpofe, with- out any preambulation , or fatisfadtion to the curious , (for to the hone(tIy vertuous are all mine endeavours dired^edj you fhall underftand that it is meet, that every Hus- bandman be skilful in the true knowledge of the nature of grounds ■■> as, which is fruitful, wliich not ; of which in my hrlt Books 1 have written fufficient- ly V nor do I in this Book intend to write any tittle that is in them contained-, forasllovenot Tiz«/o/(?gy, fol deadly hate to wrong my friend. Grounds, then, as I haTc formerly written in my firft book9, being fimple or compounded i as iimple Clays, Sands, or Gravels together, may be all good, and all tir to bring forth tncrcafe j or all evil and barren, and unht for proht : for eve- ry Earth , whether it be Goiple or^ compound , whether ot it fclf or of double mixture , doth participate wholly with the Clime wherein it lyeth i and as that is more hot, or more cold, more moift or more dry, fo is the earth ever more or Itis Cifuilful. . Yet for the bettci underftaniiing of the plain; Goua— The Kno)vleige (f Book 2. Country-man, ycu fl.all know that both the fruitful and un- fru U fid Grounds ha vcdicir icvenlficcs and charaders, where- by they b: as well known, as by the clime or fitaation of the continent > for that ground, which, though ic bear not any ex- traordinary abundance of grafs , yet will load it fdf with ftrong a^d lufiy wccd>, as Hemlocks, Docks, Mallows, Nettles, ftct- lock , and fuch like , is undoubtedly a moft rich and truitful ground f-^r any grain whatfocver. And alio, that ground which beareth Rcc'd?, Ru(heSjClover, Dii{ic,3nd fuch like,isever fruit- ful in Grafs and Herbage, fo that fmall colt, and Icfs labour in fuch grounds, will ever make good the proht of the Husband- man : But with tlicfe rich grounds, at this time I have nothing to do. To come down then to the barren and unwholcCjiHc Grounds, you (hall underftand that they are to be known three fevcral wayes : firft , by the Clime and Continent whercm they lyes ncxtjby their conftitution and condition , and lartly,by out- ward faces and charaders. By the Climeand Continent,as when the ground Ives hx remote from the Sun , or >vhcn it lyes inountainousand high , flony and rocky , or fo nccr unto the ;$kirts and bc-rders of the Sea , that the continual Foggs , Storms, Miiis, and ill Vapours arifingtiora thence do poyfon and (tarve the earth : all which are moft apparent Cgns ff bar- renneis. By the ConlHrution and Ccndition,as when the ground is cither too cxtrearoly cold and moift , i r clfe too violently hot and dry » cither of which produceth much hardnefs to bring forth, and (hcwcth thecaith, fo lying to be good for little or no proht. By the outward faces and Charadtcrs, as when you fee r inftead of Grafs,which would be green, fio wry ,and thick grow- ing) a pale thin moflic fubrtancc cover the earth , as i^noft com- monly is upon all high Plain-?, Heaths, Down?, and fuch like ■•> or when you fee the ground covered with Hcaih, Ling, Broom, BrakcB, Goifc, or fuch like, they be rroft apparent figns of inn- nitc great baricnncfs, as may be ictn in n^any Mores, Forrclts, and other wild and woody places. And ol ihcfc unfertile places, you Ihail underftand, that it is the clay ground , which for the molipart bnrgs forth the Mofs, the Broom , the Gorte, and ;<'ucb like i) the fand, which br in gcih forth Brakes. Ling, Heath, - > , • and Book 2. BxrrenGroimd^ and the mixt earth, which utters Whinnes, bryars, and a world of fuch like unnatural and biftardly iiTnes. Thus having a true knowledge of the Nature and Condition of your ground, you fhall then proceed to the ordering, earing, and drelling of the fame, whereby it may not only be purged and cleanfed from thofe faults which hindred the increafe there- of, but alfo fo much bettered and rerincd, that the beft ground may not boaft of more ample increafe, nor your more truitfull placed Neighbouis exceed you in any thing, more then in a lit- tle eafc. CHAP. I L Ofxhi Ordering, Tdling^ and Vrefftng ofallfirtiofplaifi hsncn CUyes^ rvhitlj^r they befim^le or compound* j Hou whom it hath pleafed God to place upon a barren and A hard foil,whofe bread muH: evermore be ground with fweat and labour, thatmaift nobly and vidorioufly boaft the conque(\ of the earth, having conquered Nature by altering Nature, and yet made nature better than ihee was before: thou I fay tlut taketh this honeft delight in goodnefs, hearken unto thefe fol- lowing Precepts. As foon as thou hall well pondered and confidered the na- j]^^ {{^ cmU tureof thy ground,8c doft rind that it is altogether barren &un- ching of bar- fruitful, tlie clymc and condition not fuffering it to bring forth rcnGreund?- any thing of worth or profit, and that thou haft well weighed what manner of earth it is, as that namely, it is either a Umple Clay, or a Clay fo mixt with othet earths, that yet notwith- ftanding the Clay is ftill moft predominant*, thou ftialt then felc(ft or chu(e out of this earth fo much as to thy felf flnll (cem conve- nient, it being anfwerablc to the ftrength of thy Team,and the ability ofthy purfc and labour to compafs i and this earth fo chofen out, thou fhall about the beginning of AXiy, in a fa*r feafon break up with a ftrong Plough, fuch as is generally ufed inallftrong Clay grounds, the Share being rather long then broad, and the Coulter rather fomewhat bending then ftreight and caven according as the nature of the ground fiiall require, B- which The Jnriching of Book which every fimple Plough-man will foor Hnd out in turning up two or three furrows , for according to the cutting of the earth, fo muft the Husbandman falkion the tcmpei ot his Plough. The manntr Now for the manner of plowing this bad and barren earthy ©f Ploughing, if the ground lye free from water i which comtnonly all evit barren earths doj) you (hall then throw down your Furrows flat, and betwixt every Furrow you (ball leave a baulke of earih half as broad as the Furrow, and fo go overhand plow you* whole earth up, without making any difference or dirtinction of lands : but if you fear any annoyance of Watcr,then \ou {hall lay your Furrows more high, neir, and clofc together, dividing the grounds into fevcral lands, and proportioning every land to lye the higheft in the mid ft, fo that the water may have a dci^ cent or pafTage on either fide. Hacking of Now fo foon as you have thus plowed" up your land, and tur^ Ground. ncd all the fwarth inward unto the earth, you {hall then take Hacks of Iron, well fteelcd,and reafonabk {haTp,rach a compe- tent number, as your purfe or power can compafs, or the great, nefs of your ground requitcth: for you {hall undcrftandjthai one good hacker, bring a lufiy labourer, will at good eafe hack or cut mori then halt an acre of ground in a day \ and with tbefc hacks you fhall hew and cut to pieces all the canh lortTiCrly plowed up furrow by furrow > and not the furrows on^ly, but' alfo each fevtral baulke that was left between, and any other green fwarth whatfoever the plough had efcapcd^and it {hall be cut into as fnr. 11 pieces as conveniently as you can \ for thereby is your tr.ould made iruch more mellow and pjentiful,and your Seed at fuch tinxas it is to Le call into the earth, a great deal the better and fafcr covered, and much more fooncr made to fprout and bring forth ircreafe. Now for the (tape and fa{b'Qa *if ihefc Hacks, you (hall behold it in this hgure. W]!C» Book 2. Barren Clays, When you have thus hacked all )*our ground, and broke ta pieces all hard cruds and roughnefs cf the fwarth, you (>.all then immediately, with all the convenient fpeed you can (becaufc time is very precious in thefe labours) if you be near unto any part q.^^ ^ ortheSea-coaft,or to any other Creek or River, where the fait- wa- ter hath a continual rccourfe^thence fetch Ceither on Horfe-back, orinCait, or other Tumbril, fuch as the nature of the Coun- try , or your own eafe can afford) great ftore of the fait fand, and with it cover your ground which hath been formerly plowed and hackt, allowing unto every acre of ground, threc- (core or fourfcore full bu(hels of fand,which is a very good and competent proportions and this fand thus laid,{hall be very well fpread and mixed among the other hackt and broken earth. And herein is to be noted, that not any other fand but the fait is good or available for this purpofe, becaufe it is the brine and (altnefs of the fame which breedeth this fertillity and fruitful- nefs in the earth, choaking the growth of all weeds, and bad things which would fprout from the earth, and giving ftrength, vigour, and comfort to all kind of grain,or pulfe, or any fruit of better nature. When you have thus fanded your earth, you (hall then if you have any Limeftoncs about your grounds fas barren earths are Qr^iiJI^ feldomc without) or if you have any quarries of ftone (which arc fcldome unaccompanied with Lime-llone) gather fuch Lime- rtone together, and make a Kiln in the moft convenient place you have, as well for the carriage of the Lime, as for the gathe- ring together of the Itone, and having burnt your Lime, the ^nanner whereof is fo generally well known through the whole Kiugdome, that in tliis place it necdeth little or norcpctition,you (hall then on^ every Aae fo formerly plowed, hackt,and fanded, beltow at Icaft forty or elfe fifty bu(hels of Lime, fpreading and B 2 mixing 5 T^e Inriching of Book 2, mixing it exceedingly well with the other fand and earth i and hirein is to be noted, that the ftronger and (harper the Lime is, the better the earth will be made thereby, and the greater en* creafe and profit will ifTuefrom the fame: neither (hall you need to rcfpcd the colour and complexion of the Lime, as whether it be purely white fas that which is made from Chalke^ or, gray fas that which is made from the fmall Lime-ftone; or elfc blackilli brown ^as that which is made from the great ftone and main QuarryO Cnce it is the ftrergth and goodnefs of the Lime, not the beauty and colour, which brings forth the profits. MaBuriftg of ^^'^^ '^^^ ^^is Lime is of excellent ufe,and wonderful profit, Gfound. do but behold almoft all the Countries of the Ringdome where there is sny barrenncfs, and you (liall find and fee how fre- quently Lime is ufed, infomuch,that of mine own knowledge in , fmce it is onely the N\*ant of warmth and fat ncfs, which manure breedeth andcaufeth all manner of fruit- ful nefs. Times for all After you hare thus manured all your ground, it is to be fup- labours. pofcd that the feafon cf the year will be (hot on, for the labour of finding will take little lefs than two months, your ground" being of an indifferent great quantity, except you havea(fi(l- ancc and help of many of your friends , which is a courtefie .' that Book 2. Barren Ground. that every Husbandman n^ay embrace, bur not truft unto s for 1 would not with any man that hath not Tenants to com- inand, to prefume on other friends, left they fail him, and fo his work lye half done, and half undone j which is a great Charadter of negligence and itr.providence: but let every one proportion their labours according to their own ftrengrh;,and 'rc-r." -r- the number of their ordinary families^ The Liming of your ground will take at leaft half fo much time as the fanding, and . the Manuring rather more than lefs than the Liming i fothatby any reafonablc computation of time, beginning to plow your ground at the beginning of A/jy, ere it be Hackt,Sanded, Limed, and Manured, hlichaelttiw will be come, which is the end of Sepemhir ; for I allow the month of hhy to plowing and haek- ingi jF««^ and July for Sanding-, Auguji for Liming> & Sepemher for Manuring. So then to proceed on with our labour, at Micha" elmas^ or from that time to the end of C^t'/rr, you (hall begin to plow over that ground again which formerly you had Plow- ed, Hackt, Sanded, Limed and Manured', and at thislatttr -^^"'^ ^^°'^' plowing you (hall plow the ground fomewhat deeper then ^' ycu did before i and taking a good ftitch (as they call it in Hus- bandry) you fnall be furc to raifc up the quick earth, which had not been ftirred up with the Plough betore, making your furrows greater and deeper than formerly they were, and lay- ing them elofcr and rounder together then they were before > and in this order or latter earing, you (hall be careful to Plough your Ground as clean as ycu can without balks.or other efcapes in husbandryjandas you thus plow your ground, you (haHhave certain Hackers, with their Hacks to follow the Plough,and to cut the earth and furrows into very fmill peeces, as was for- second hacJr- tcerly (hewed in the hacking and cutting ot the firftarderithen iog. fofconasyour ground is thus ploughed and hackf, you (hall take a paire ortwoofvery ftrong andgood Iron harrows, and p. « „ with thera you fliall go over your ground, tearing that which jj,-_ was formerly ploughed and hackt into more fmall peecesthan be- fore, and railing up the mould in much greater abundance than was formerly fecn .' which work once tinillied, you (hall then fake your Seed which would be the ftneft, cleancfr, and belt Wheat you. can provide, and after the manner of -good Hus- bandly,. 8 T%e Inrkh'mg of Book 2. The fccond ■Harrowing, ^r r • . a "^'^'^ ^^ ^" ^?r " °" '^' g*"^"'-^ ^^'^ plentffuHy , nor Of fowing the Uarvmg the ground for want ol Seed (^which were a tyrannous tccd. penury^ nor yetchoaking it with too ir.uch, which isaslavifha too cry; but giving it ihc lull duc,kave it to the Earth and Gods bleiling. Now fo loon as you have thus fcwn your k^^, forthwith you fhall take all the harrows agiin, harrowing the feed into . the earth, and covering it clofc and well with all care and di- ligence; and in this latter harrowmg,vou (hall have great rcfpcd to break every dot as inuch as you can, and fo ftirr up and inake as mucn mould as you can, and the hncrfuch mould is made, the better itis,fo it cover deep and clofc, for you (h.ll un- derhand, that all thcfe kinds of barren Clayes arc naturally tough cold, and binding, whereby thcylhrite andchoakany Fiidts in die ^{)'"g ^'lat growcs within them i for the natural toughncfs of £anh. the earth will not give any thing leave to fprout, or if it do Iprout, the binding nature thereof To tetters and locks it within the nnould, that it cannot ifTuc outi or if it do ^with extreme Itrugling; rife through the pores of the fame, yet doth the cold prdcntly ftarve the root, and makcthe fremmc utterly unable to bring forth fruit, or any proHt at all, fo that if the toughncfs be not converted to a gentle loofencfs, and cafie dividing of it lell, the coldnefs unto wanr.th, and the hard binding unto a foft liberty there can be fmall hope of commodity, which this man- ner of dreibng the earth bringcrh to pafs^ for the mixture of the iand taKcs away the toughncfs, the Lim: biings heat, and the tnanure comfort and hbrrty : As for (he hackmg and cutting tnc earth, that is, to raake all the reft f mbolizc and mix toge- ther i for as ifany by a Difpenfatory make a Medicine and caft ,, his ingredients confuledly ore upon another, without care of TT)ixture, nitltirg, or d.ifointion, (hall rind but a corrupt,difor- derly andi.I compounded rcc.it i fo hcthat drr ffcth andmr-nu- ': reth his ground, arxl dcth not by hackin^.. plowing, orfomc other Husbandry courfc irJx the earth, and the cr.mrrl}pcr- kdly well togcther,l>)aIl fcldome rind prorit trr m his fced,6r rind any n.anoi witdcurousto bcccmchis imid^.r. Novv 1 muft but this barren hard earth of which I now write, muft oncly be broken by this violent and extreme labour, orellethcre will neither be mould, ea4rth,or any converturefor theSeed,but only foul, great, and diforderly clots and lumps,through which the grain can never pafs, and that which lyeth uncovered wilt be made a prey to fowl,and other verm!ne,which will hourly d^ lUoy it. Ji ii \i irja .mm '.nhnik After you have fown and harrowed the groun(J,you (hall'then ©f cKktthi^ fee if there remain any clots or hard lumps of earth unbroken, ^^^ Eanl^. which the teeth of the harrow are not able to tear in pieces (as it is very likely you fliall perceive many) for thefe hard barren earths which are plowed up in their green fwarths, are nothing neer fo eafily broken and brought to mould, as are the mellow foft earths which have been formerly plowed many times before, becaufe the hard and intricate roots ofthe Grafs, Mofs,and other quick fubftances growing upon the fame doth bind and hold the mould fo clofe and hi\ together, befides the natural firength and hardnefs ofthe earth, that without much indudry and pain*.- full labour, it is impoflible to bring it to that fincnefs of mould which Art and good Husbandry rcquireth^ therefore asfoon as you behold thofe clots and lumps to lye undiffevered, and un- broken, you (hall forthwith take good Hrong clotting bectlcSjOr:. mauls made of hard, and very found wood^according tothepra-- portion of this ligurc* )i^»)^iii>^>tnfi>'^:i>'jy.tit ittn. .t^i'H^ij^m;^±ii^^±2LL And with thefe mauls or clotting beetles, you fhall break z\V- the hard clots and lumps of earth in pieces, even to fo fmall duft as polfibly you can, becaufe you arc toprefuppofc that thefeclots- thus hard, tough, and unwilling to be withany.me ansdigeflcd' ixitG . 10 The /nrUhing of Book 2. into raould, are eirher not at all, or el(c very inlufliciently mix- ed with the Sand, Lime, and other manures : and therefore you mult rather break them that thereby ihey may mixe, and give eafie pafTagc to the Grain, and not like heavy poyfcs and dead himps lye and prefs down the Seed fo that it cannot (prout* Another man- But if it fo'fall out, partly by the hardnelTc of the ill earth, ner ofClot- partly through the feafon and drynefs of the year, that thefe ^OS* clot and lumps of earth will either net be broken at all, or at leaft fo infurticiently that the mould will not be any thing Hcar fo tine as you would have it » you ihall then, having done your beft endeavour, let your ground reft till there have fain a good round (bower or two of riin : which may wet the clots through Bnd through, and then the next fair blaft ycu (hall take ycur clot- ting beetles, but not thofc which you took before in the dry feafon, but fv me much lighter, broader and tiatter, being made of thick Afh-boards more than a foot fquare, and above two in- ches in thickrefs, according to this figure. And with thcfe flat Maulcsand Beetles, you (hall break all the unbroken clots and lumps of earth which fhall trouble or annoy your ground, making your Lands iS plain andfmooth as is polhble, fo that the grain may have eafie paffage forth i which labour as foon as you have hnifhcd, you ft^ill then refer theincreafe and profperitythcrecfunto the mercies of God, who no doubt will give his blelling according to thy labour and thankfulncfs. As Book 2. of Barren Grounds, ii As touching the trimming and weeding of this Corn, after OfWcedingi it is fprung a foot abov>; the earth, or thereabout, you (hall un- derftaiid, that thefe hard barren grounds arc very feidome trou- bled with wecdsi for weeds, efpecially gicat,rtrong,andortlnlive we.d>, are the ilTues ot rich and f^rtik foils-i yet, it throuj^jh the trim.ming and making of this earth (which is not commonly feen) you do perceive any ilore ofthiltlesor other grofler weeds to fpring up, you (h.all then in the month of AIj)', with hooks, rippers, and foch like tools , cut them away , or pull thenn up by the roo:es, which indeed is the better manner of *veed- ing. Now here is to be under !iood, that your ground being thus Scvera] Seeds drelfcd and trimmfd as is before fl^ewed,yoa may very wdl for Several years. the two iirll years (bw Wheat or Rye upon it, but Wheat is the greater protic and more certain fcedi the third year bellow- ing but your fold of Sheep upon it, that is, manuring it with -your Sheep, (for it is to be intended, that in thefe barren earths iheeparc the greatelrftock of which theHusbanJman can boiiij vol: m .y very well fow it withBarley,and havea fruiifull & plen- tiful! crop thereon i the next three years, you may fow it with Oa:s •> and the (cventh year you may {ow it with fmall white Garden Peafeor Beans, according as you ihall hnd the ftrength .and goodnefs of the ground, f for Beans defire fomewhat a richer foyl than the Peale i) then for three or four years follow- ing the feven, ycu may let it lye at reft for graf5,ind doubtlef^ it will yield you either as good paiturc,or a-sgoodMeadowasyou can.r^-afonably require, And then after the expencc of this time,it ■fiiall be good that you drcfs and order your ground ag-.in in fach fort as was fonriCrly declared, and thus you may every year drefs one or other piece of ground, till you have gone ail over all your ground, or at leaft as much as you iV-all think expedient \ ani without faile, he that is Mailer cf the molt fruittuileft rnd ri- cheA foyl, ihall not boau of anygreitev increafe rhcn yixi ihall, only your charge may be a little more, and fo (hall be -alio your commodity, which Qiall make an amends for you charge .' as for your toyles, yours tna'l be much the Icfs, by a iult compu- tation i for though you have many labours , yet they are bu: Summer labours, and neither hurt yojr own b:dv , nor your C Cattel •, 12 The Inr'iching of Book 2. 0'.)jcftion. Anfwcr. Ordering Karth where Sinds wan< tctli. Sov«i.ng of l4lC. Cattel s whereas the Maftcr of the lich foyl isincuntinuall work both winter and Sumnocr, labouring twice fo much to confound' the rupctfluous growth ofVVeeds,asyou do to beget the incrcafc of Corn, and whereas he murt ever keep a third or fourth part of his Corn ground without fruit,you fhall not keep any which fhall not yield you a fufficient Commodity. Now me-thinks I hear in this place to be obje then you fliall ( having Hrll lookt into the Nature of your ground, and hnd for this 1 can affure you, both from a mofl certain knowledge , and a moft worthy P>.clation,that a Gentleman buying fome ilore ofS.cd-wheaci and inforft to bring it home by Sea, by fonK cafuil means , fome of the Sacks at the unlading , fell into the Sea, and were muchdrencht in the fait- water, whereat the Gen- tleman being grieved C as doubting fome hurt to come to the feed) yetinforli ofnecelliry to make ufe thereof, caufed all the wheat which was fo wet to be fown by its fclf in a particular place, and upon the worrt ground which hehad,f as much def- pairinginthe increafe therecfj and it is moft infallib'y true, that of that wet feed, he received at Icaft rive fold more prohc then of any othericnd from thence it came,that this experiment of Brine and the fo wing of fait hath taken place ifrom which the painful Husbandman hath found fuchinrinitc increafe to arife, that the ufe thereof will never be laid down in this Kingdome, Neither is the thing it felf without good and ftrong probability of miuch increafe and flrength for the bettering of all manner of arable grounds i for there is nothing which killcth weeds,quicks,and o- ther offences of the ground fo much as faltnefs : for what makes your Pidgeons dung &: your Pullens dung to be better for arable gTOunds,then any other dung,or manure wh3tfoever,but by rea- fon of the faltnefs thereof •, by which faltneCs alfo^you may judge the Arcngthand he^t thereof, in {o much that the proper talk of lTre,oranyhot thing is ever fait i alfo we fay in Philofophy, that blojd which carry. th the vital heat and warmth of the body is in tartefalt,and foa nourifher, maintainer, and incrcafer of all the ftrength and vigour of the inward faculties-, whereas Flcgm, Choler. and Melancholly, which arc the hurts, and confounders of the vital fpirits, the rirll is in tafle fweet, the fecond bitter, and the laft of an earthly and dry talk, full of much loathfomc- cefs» Now again, you (hall undcrflandj that as you thus wet or oflleeping C a ftcep feed ia brine* i^ Barren CUyes» Book n ftcfp your wheat feed, fo you may alb ftecp any other Seed -, as- bailey jOatSjbeans.peafe.lupins, FetchcSjand fuch like i of which vf ur bc2ns,pcafc.and lupins, ycu may Itccp more than any of the icfr, and your Oats the leaft. As touching Rye, it (hall 'oc good r.ot to ftecp it at all, for it is a great enenny to all manner of wet and rooydure , info- ir.uch, that the curious Husbanditun will forbear to few it in- any fhowic of rain, bearing in his nnind this ancient adage, or fiying, that 'Rye rv/L' droTCiid in the Heifer ■■, as on the con- trary part, Tf^t.eat ppctdilbe forpn fj mtiji that it might jiick^ to the Hfp(r : Yet notwithftanding, when you do fow Rye in any of thefe In-hnds, and cold barren Countries, where fand is not to be gotten, vou rnall not by any means onnit the fowing ofyour fall before ', for it is noihfngnccr fo irioiftasitis warm and com-- fcrtablc, CHAP. III. I 0/the orderirtz^ '^'^^"'gi ^^^ dreeing of all rough Barren Chyes^ nhitber fjmple tr cemp(und, bf rig Uden and ovcr-rttn veith Gffrfe^ Broom ^ and fitch lik^, NExt unto thefe plain barren earths, which by reafon of their heights, are fubjed in the Winter time to all man- ner of ccld, froalis, llormes, tempers, blalls, and winds, which are the perfect hinderersofall enaeafes and growth s and in the Summer time to all hot fcorchin?, fcaldings, and hcry icflcd^ions of the Sunne, which on the contrarv part, burneth and. withcrcth away that little fceming increafc which cp- peareth above the earth i I will place that barren cliy whe- ther itbemixt or unmixr, which lying not fohigh, 2tA being fubjc(f^ unto thofj hurts and otllnces, fccmeth to be a little more frcicfull, yet cither by the extream co!d moifture there- of, or the ftony hardnefs and other malignant qualitie?, is no kfs barren than that of which 1 have formerly written , which indeed is that barren and vile (byle, which ^11 n-ither brjr^ucn ncr grafs, but is cr.C'- cvcr-iun and quit: covered ever Book 2. -Corfe-i Broom') &c. 15 ever with great, thick, and tall bulhes of Gorfc or Furrss, uhich ismoti fnarp, wocdy, and grois weed, (o full of pricks, that nsichcr Horfc^Bcaft, Shccp.nor Goats^darethiufr thdr nofe to the giound to gather up rhat little poor grafs, which grow- eth thereon. And albeit thSz Gcrfe or Furs are one way a little comniodity to the need full Husbmdman, in being a reafor.a- ble gocd fuel, cither for baking,brewing^ or divers other fudden and necetlary ufcs s yet ia as much as the profit being compared' with the great qumtity of earth which they cover and deirroy, and which with good Husbandry might be brought to great fruitfulnefsj it is indeed no protir at all i it fhall not be amils for every gocd Husbandman that is psfter'd and ovcr-laden. with fnch grourd, to feek by way ofgoc-d Husbandry how to reduce and bring it to that perte(5tion and excellency whch may be beft for his own particular commodity, and general good cf the Kingdcme wherein he liveth. Then there is another kind of foile which is nothing at all differing from this, but is every wiy as barren and iierile, (which is as noyfcme a weed as the former) and though it have rot fuch (harp prickles as the otlier, whereby to hinder tiie gra7ing of Cattel , yet doth it grow fo ciofe and thick toge- ther, and is naturally fo poifonous and otf^^nfive to graft, that you fhall feldome fee any grow vvhere this Brcom profpereih \ hcfidcs, thebittcrncfs thereot is fo unpleafant and dabftf.ill to all kind cf Caticl , that not any will ever crop or bite upon the fime,cnly it is of feme nccclfary ufe for the poor Husbandman, in refpedt that it fcrveth him both iorfueUj tor thatching and the covering of his houfes, (being tor th-it p'lrpofe, of all, the Icngefr luling) and alfo for the making of Ikcfoms for clean- iingot thehcufe and barnts, or elfe for fale ivk^ commodity in the Market \ all which pronts as before I fiid,- bsing compared wish the lois of the grcund. and the good ncfe that might be reaped from Therefore I would wilh every man that is Mafter of fuch grounds, whether they be over- run wiih Gcw^fe, Furrcs, Brcom, Of any fuch kind of gvoft, wood y. or r.ibluncial weed, hrl\ to cut 1 6 DeJlroyingoffVeeis. Book 2. Ddiroy:ng of up the weed ( of what fortfocver it be, whether Gorfc^ Fjrs or Weeds. Broom ) as <1ofe and necr to the ground as ycu can polDbly , and then making them up in fhrats or bigge f2g2,ots , csrry tbcm home, and Ihck them Lp very dry, fo as no ram may enter or pierce into them, for the fmallcft wet will rot and confuroc them to dirt and hlthiuefs \ which done, you (hall make Labou- rers with hacks , picks and luch like tools, to ftub up all the roots which you left in the gr:>und, even to the very bottom of the fame> and thefe roc:s you thall be very csrcful to have Aubbed up exceeding clean, by no means Ifatmg ( fo near as you can ) any part or parccll of the roots khind ycu i then thdc rx)Otsthus liubbed up, yoaihall diligently gather toaerhct into little heaps , as biggc as Mo2l-hi!l5,"and place thcnTupon the ground a pretty diihnoe one from another, and (o let theca lye till the Sun and Wind hare dr)-ed them : for it is intended, that this labour mui^ begin about the latter end of -^/r?/, and be- ginning of A%. Then fo foon as yon find thefe roots arcthorowly dr^'cd, you (hall pile them handfom.cly together, hying them a little hol- low one from another , and then with a hsck cut up fome of the fame earth , and therewithal! cover all the recti quite over, only leaving a vent hole at the top, and on one (idc , and fo let tarn-nz of ^^^ ^''I'^rcft two or three dayes, till the earth be a little parch:, Bail.'' ^"^ ^^^^^^ *^^" ^^^^ ^^^ 2"^ ^c>m: other light do' fuel which is apteft to blaze, and with the famek-ndh every hill, not learing them till yoa kc them perfcd'y on fire \ w>.'ich done, let them bum both day and n=ght. till thefublhnce being wholly con- fumed, the fire go out of it o vn fdf, and this in fome Ccun- tiicsis called the httnmtg e/Bjit. Now as foon asth? fire hath been extinguilhed fortwoor three thSm ^^^^^' '''''" ^^^^^ ^'^'" ^°^'- ^^-^ ^^"^'^ (hovil;^ & beetles to break Eardi. ^^^ ^"^ ^^rnt earth in pieces ) you (hall fpread all the aflics clean over the ground i which done, you fhall with a very long plouiih tear up the earth into great and d?:p furrows, and divide it into Lan^s, as you (hall think meet and convenient , laying them higher, and flatter, as you (hall have occaHon, and as thegrcund lycth mor^ or !:fs within the danger of water , whether it be the over-flowing of fome necr "Neighbouring Er^oks, Book 2^ Burnwg of Bane, ij Brooks, or Rivers, or elfe other franding water occafioned by Rain and extraordinary Showrcs, which muft be carefully Caufes of un« lookt uHto i bccaufe all over-flows and inundations of water ^'^"^'^"^°^»- is a mighty deliroyer and con Turner of grain v but thefe barren, grounds of which I now write, are very fcldome oppreft with water i for moft commonly they lye {o high, that the continu- all drynefs thereof is a (hong occafion of the. niucJi unfruit- fulnefs. After you havj thus burnt your bait, and plowed up your ground, you (hall then with your hacks hack it intofmall, pieces, in fuch manner as was declared in. the former Chapter i then you lliall (if the Sea be any thing near youj fand it with filt fand (as before fiid^ then lime it, and after, manure it either with Ox-dung, Horfe-dung, rotten Straw, mudd of Ponds and Ditches, the fpitling of Houfe-floores, or fweeping of Channels ^Jnure" ^^ and Streets, or fuch hkei or for want of all thefe.in cafe you d well neer unto the Sea-coalt (where manure for the moft part is in greateli fcarcity, and thchardeft to come, by) you (hall gather trom the bottom of the rocks (where the feydge of the Sea continually bearcth) a. certain black weed, which they call Hemp-weed, having great broad leaves, and growing in great abundance, in thick tufts, and hanging iogether likepeafe-firawv and' with thefe weeds you fliall cover your lands all over ofQ^p. . a pretty good thicTincfs, and then forthwith you fliall plow it °^^*''^' again fomcwhat deeper, and with fomewhac greater furrows then before, raifliig up tiie new quick cartlito intermingle, and mix with thofe manures and helps which thou \\Ai formerly pre- pared and laid upon the ground i then you fliall again hack it, and harrow it i then you fliall take Pigeons dung, or Pullens dung (that is, any kind of land fowl whatfoever, bat by no means any water fowl) or Pigeons dung and Pullens dung Of diTcrs Mi- mixttf g.ther, and allowing to cv.ryacre two or thre: bufliels ^^'^"' thereof, which is the true quantity of feed proportioned for the fame, andthis dung b.ing broken and maflit into fmall pieces, you fhall put into your Syclop or Hopper, ana in the fame ir.an- nera^youfow your corn, you fl^all fow this dung upon the ground, and then imircdLitcly after it^ you fliall fow your Wheat, either fteept in brine, fir-clfefalt Sea- water, or unfiecpt as^you fhall think good •, but in cafe you can. neither get fait find i8 o o Book z. Mixture of Maaurei. Of weeding. Time for WecdmC- fand nor Sea Rock- weirds, then you (hall by no means oroit the fteeping ot' your Seed \ neither (hall you fail before you fow ycurSjed, to mix wl;h your pidgeons and pullcis durg, a full equal part ct Biy-fi!r well dryed 2nd broke, and fo fown with the dung upon the land, and then the iced ufter it \ which done, you Ihall harrow it again, clot it,(lcight it.and fmoorh it,in fach fort as was foriiKrly declared in the former Chapter, for thefc labour? have no aUcrations,butn:.ui^ in^all points be done as was before frt duwn. Now touching the weediTig of this earth, after the Corn bo oinncth to grow about the gvound^thereisnofear to he had ei- ther of Thi files, Tares, Cockles, Darnel, Docks, and fuch like ftrong weeds, which indeed are the i(ruesof good grcunds ill ordered and Iwndlcd \ but the weeds which you (hall moli fear in this place, is young Gorfe, or Furrs, or clfe yoL;ng Broom, which are very apt to grow from the lean part or parcel! of roots that l>.a!l be kft behind \ Nay, the very na:ure of thofc barren earths is fuch, that cf its own accord it will bring foriU rhofe weed?; the cold (harpnefs of the air mixing with the flerili- ry & roughnefs of the earth, being the caufe that it will give life to no oti-!er better plants » therefore fo foon as you Hiall behold any of them to appear above the earth, though they benotiialfa hn>zcr high, ycu (hall prcfcntly with all diligence pull them »p by the roots, and caft them away, or lay them in heaps that they may be afterwards burnt, and the alhcs fprinkkdupon the e;TOund : And herein is f o be obf.rved,that the younger and the 'fooner thatyou do pull up^Iiefe weeds, the bater it is, and the eafilier tbe^' will come from thee2rth,and the fooner bedefiroy- cd : forallthcfe mixtures wherewith already you have b.cn taught to mix -your earth, are in themfeWes fuch naturall ene- mies to all thefe kind of barren weeds, that fhould you omit the manual labour of dcllroying them fvvhich no good Husband willirigly will doj) yet in time the earth of it felf, and the often plowing of the fircie would kave no fcch oifcnce of weeds, or o- ther growths which might hinder the corn. Now touching the belt time when to pull away thefe weeds, though generally it muO be done a(roon as they ^d appear above the ground > yet it (hall not be amils for you i\.^ defer the work Book 2* Rough Barrett QUyes. 19 work till after a (howre of rain, and then immediately after the ground is wet ) and fo by that means more apt and wil- ling to open and forfake the rootfartned within it J you (hall with aM diligence pull them out of the ground, and deftroy them : neither (hall you puU them out of the ground with your hands only \ for the Gorfe have exceeding (harp pricks,(b that with your naked hands you are not able to touch thtm, and to arm your hands againl^ them, with (hong thick gloves, would be too boilterous and comberforae, (b that (bmeticres you might either mifs the weeds, and pull up the corn y or el(e pull up the corn and weeds both together i therefore to pre- vent all thefe cifualties or hiaderances, you (hall take a pair of /ong fmall wooden Nippers, made after the form of this ijgure. And with thefe you (hall pull the weeds out of the ground, and caft them into the furrows by the fides of the Land, till your dayesworkbcfini(hcd, and then with a rake you (hall rake them together, and fo lay them in heaps to dry and wither, in more convenient places-, that when time (hall ferve,you may burn them, and uie them, as was before declared. Lallly, you (hall have great refped, that if this ground be vc- Gatherim! of ry much troubled with loofe Hones, as flint,pibble, and fuch like, ftoacs. that then you very carfeully get them gathered from the ground] both before and after you have plowed it, and to lay them on heaps in other vacant places, where they may fervc for pavings, and fuch like purpofcs when time requireth : but if the ground be over-run with great, or elfe fmall Limcftones,as for the mofJ part thefe barren grounds are i then (hall you with all care gather fhem up, and lay them in great heaps in fome cor- ner of your held, where you may make a convenient Limekiln, andfo there burn thefe .flones thus gathered, which will be D both 20 Rough Barren QUyes, Book 2. both an inlinite profit, and an infinite eafe to (he reft of your labouis. CHAP. IV Of the oritring^ I'lll'ing^ ani Dre^ng cfaV rwgh barren Clayei^ . whether fim^le or compotincl^ thut are over.runn with IVhinnes^ orfUcb like. N" vt Ext unto this barren Clay, which is over-run with Furle, Broom, and fuch like, I will place that barren and unfer- tile earth, being alfo a Clay, whether fimple or compound , which is OYcr-run onely with Whinns, and indeed bearing little or no other burthen, or if it do bear any other burthen as fomc little (hort mo the grafs, yet is that grafs fo covered o- verwith thefc (harp Whinns, that not any beaft dare put his nofe to the ground, or bite upon the fame •, and indeed this kind of earth is not any whit at all kfs barren than thofe of which I have already written, but rather more, in that the malignant qualities thereof are not fo foon corrcded, nor yet the vertues fo foon reftored. What whiiiBcs Whinnes are a certain kind of rough dry weeds, which grow btifhic and thick together, very fhort and clofc unto the ground, being of a dark brown colour, and ofcrookcdgrowth,thickand confufcd, and full of knots,and thofe knots armed with hardjong (harp pricks like thorns or bryars, they have little brown leaves which fliaddow the pricks, and do wind their branches fo one into another, that they can hardly be feparatcd, yet is not their growth at any time little more than a handfuU above theearth, Only they fpread exceedingly, and will runn and cover over a v;hole field, choakingup all forts of good plants whatfoevcr, and turning the beft grafs that is, to mofs and filthincfs: where- foreifatany time you be Mafter of any fuch naughty and bar- ren ground, and would have it reduced unto goodnefsand fer-r tility, you fhall firft take a fint thinn paring fliovcl* made of the b:fl Iron, and well tteelcd,and hardoned round about the cdgesj £';cordingto the form of this figure following. And: Book 2. iVith JVhinnes, &c. 21 W>WM))jjjmj 'M>M)WJjmtj),^,,),,,,)in,jjjjjjjfjjjjjj,jjjjjj,t,, And with this paring-ftiovcl, you (hall firft pare up al! the upper fvvarthof the ground, above two inches, or an inch and a half thick at the leaft, and every paring would be fomc three foot in length at the leaft, and fo broad as the Ihovel will conveniently give it leave, and this fwarth thus pared up, you fliall hrfi turn the whinny or Grafs- tide downward, and the earth fide upward and fo let it lye two or three dayes in the Sun to dry (for this work is intended to begin in the month of M^y) and when that fide is well dryed, you fhall turn the other fide, and dry it alfo, then when all the fwarth is dryed, you (hall gather fix or feven pceces together, and turning the Whinny or Grafs fide inward and the earth fide outward, you (hall make round hollow lit- tle hills thereof, much according to the fa(hion of this Figure following. And the inward hollownefs like unto the hollownefsofan Oven, but much lefs in compafs •> which done, you fliall rtll the hoUow^nefs with dry chips, or fmall flicks, or Furfe and Straw D 2 mixed 32 Barren Clayes, Book 2, mixed fogcLher, which you (hall put in at the vent-hole which {hall be ktt on one fide of the hill, and kindling it wich fire, you (hall burn all that fwarth in fuch fort a$ you burnt the roots^ of your Furfe and Broom before v for this is alfo called a burning of bait, as well as the former •, for i^ is a raolt principal nouriilicr cf the earth, and a very fudden deftroyer of all malignant weeds whatfocvcr. Breaking of ^^^^"^ ^^^ burning of your hills, as foon as the fire is utterly Biits. quenched and gone cut, and no heat at all left in the hills ^ ycu IhaU then with clotting beetles beat them all down to duft, and then with fliovcls you (hall fpread the alhes quite over all the ground, as was before declared in the former Chapter : and h.rcinis to benotcd, that you muft place thefe hills as thick and clofe together as by any means pollibly you can, making your hills fo much the le (sand lowcr,tbat they may Hand thicker and nearer together , and (o cover m.ore ground , and thereby the heat and (^rength of the fire to difperfe it fclf over all that peece of ground i for the fire burning upon the earth, doth as much good for the inriching of the earth, and defhoy- ing of the weeds, as the a(hes doth which are fpread upon the fame. Howing. Now after your bait is in this manner burned and fpread, you (hall then Tas before (hewcdj plough up your ground in good large furrows, then hack it very fmall, Sand ir, Lime it, and manure it i and of all' manures, there is not any better for this ground than Oxe-dung,and a(hes well mixt together i of which, a(hcs.thofcofbean-llraw,Peafe-ftr3w,or any other draw are befti and thofe of Wood ■■> or Fern next, and thofe of Sea-coal, or Fir- coal are the wor(l of all. Swines dung is not much amifs tbr this ground, for though it be a greater breeder of weeds and thifilcsin good and fertile grounds, yet in this cold, hard, and barren earth it workcth no fuch effedl, but is a great comforter and warm m.ciflnerof thefam.e. After you have thus made your ground, as foon as Wheat (ecd-time com.mcfh, which is the latter end of September , and beginning oiOdobtr^ you ihall then v^n^h great care plow over your ground again, and take great refped that you turn up your turro'.vs it-ucji deeper than before, and tliat for two fpecial ciufes»- Book 2. fVith /f'hirjnes, drc. 23 caufcs i the firOjthat the n.w earth may the better b; mixt with the old earth, and thofe liclps that are added thereunto i and fccondlyj that you may be furc to tear up the roots of all the Whinns from the very bjttom of the earth, not futfering any part of them to remain behind, and for tJiis purpofe it ihall not be amifs to have an idle boy or two to follow your plow , and to gather away all the roots that ("ball be torn up, or any way elfe left bare above ground, which roois ihall be laid on heaps in convenient places, and then attcr burnt, and the alhes thereof fprcad upon the ground ; which vvill be a very great comfort unto the feed, being a fpeedy help unto the fprou- ting thereof, and a very warm comforter of the roor after the ftemmc is fpindlcd above ground, for in thefc cold barren earths nothing doth fo much Ipoyl and fliycorn, as the dead coldnefs xvhichlyeth attheroot thereof-, for in many of thefe unfertill places, you (hall fee Corn at the hrfi fowing (whil/t there is a little firength in the ground^ fprout in great abundance.promi- fingnsuch hope of the prorit : but when it should fpindle and come to much better perfcdf ion, that poor ftrcngth being fpenc and confumed, and the cold and drynefs of the foyl, having ^ k were over-come all m.srter of comfort, then prefently yott ftall fee the blade of the Corn turn yellow, the ficmm or Ihlk to • wither, and either put forth no ear at all, or elfc a very poor^ little empty one, being lade^ with nothing but a raoli dry chafhehusk without fabitance. But to come again to our pur- pofe, after you have thus plowed up your ground the fecond time, you (hall then- hack i: again, and harrow it, as was decla- red in the farmer Chapter- i. then you (hall take your feed- wheat which hath been ikept either in brine or Sta-watcr, and to every buChel of that feed you (hall add a bul>.el of bay-fair, . and mixthena very well toge her in your Hopper- or Sydlop, and fofoWe them together upon the ground,obfeTving todoublc " your cad fo off, that you may not fiil to call that trae quantity- offtcd into the earth, which otherwifeyou would have done, , if fo be there had been no mixture at all, forte do otherwife were to deceive the ground, and a handfull of feed fo fjved would b-e the lofs of a p^ck in the time of Harvcit v therefoie have greit rofpLdi" that your ground have his due i for it is r.o n.cjc- 24 Harrowing. Weeding. fTith Ltng Heath. Book 2. Profits. more coir, though it be a lUtlc labour. When your feed is Town, you (hall harrow it again the fecond time, clot, fmocth it,and Height it, as was before declared in the former Chapter;. As touching the weeding of this groundjit is the leaft labour of all other, for the earth being fo corred:ed as is before fhewed, it will naturally of ir fclfput torih no weeds, efpecially if you remerr.bcr to plo-jgh itdetp, 3nd beiurero tear up and gather a- way al' the quick roots, othcrwifcit that labour be any thing negleded, then will it put forth both Whins aud great ftore of other rough weeds, which as foonasyou (hall perceive to ap* pear, you (hall prefcntly with.\our wooden nippers pull thciii up by the roots, as was at large declared in the foregoing Chap- ter- Now for the general proh: ct thisgrcjr.d thus made and pre- pared, it is the fame that the two former are, that is to fay, it will bear you good andfuffccient Wheat, in plentifull abundance for the fpace of two or three yearssrhen barky a year afierithen Oats three years together after the barky, and peafe or beans a yeat after the cats i then Laftly, very good Medow or Paftare for the fpice of three cr four years after, and then you (hall begin and dre{s it again, as was formerly declared. CHAP. V. OJ the ordering^ liUinZy ai'dVufftug of aH barren Chyes. vplyether fmfle cr ccw^ou»d^ rrhdclf are d'cr-run with Ling «r Heathy THcre followcth now fuccellively another fort of barren earth, which indeed is rruch more.Acrile and barren than anv of the other formerly written upon i becaufe they, out of their own nature, do bear a certain kind ofgrafsor food which will relieve ordinary hard liore-Cattel , whether it be Sheep, Goats, or young Beafts: But this eartli, of which I am now to en- treat, bcarerh nografsat all, but only a vile tikhy black brown weed, which wt call Ling, t r Heath, the tender tops whereof Cattcl and wild Deer will foiretimcs crop, yet it is to them but Jif tie relief, and o:ily maintaincihlitc and no more. Nov^ BcMDk 2. Barre\Claye. 2 J Now albeit fome may objed unto h:ie, that this kind of foyl is ever a fandy foyl, and no' clay, as may be fecn in mofi Chafes, . ForreHSjand Down \ yet 1 anfwer, that albeit it hold fo in gene- ral, yet there are divers clays, efpecially in mountainous Coun- tries, that are peftercd with thefe kind of weeds, as may be feen in the North, and North- welt part oiVevorf^iire^ in fome parts of Cornvp ilt, and in many parts both of North and Sourh ^alesy and thefe clay grounds which are thus offended with thefc weeds of Ling, or Heath, are much more barren and unfruitful than the Sands, becaufe of their much more coldnefs i yet thole dayes which are mixed with either black Sand, dun S^nd, or yellow Sand, andover-runn thus with Heath or' Ling, are the moft barren of all. To make any further defcripcion of this Heath or Ling, being a thing fo notoriouily known over all this Ringdome, I hold it meerly neediefs , only, to fuy it is a rough brown weed, (hooting out abundance of ihlkes from one root, with little dark leaves, and fiowcrs on the top, of a pale reddilh colour, much inclining unto Peach colour at' the firft : but being full blown, they are then a little more whitiflu You therefore that havcany fuch ground, and delirc to bring Deflroying , of i it to fruitfulnefs, and bearing of good Corn and Grafs in a H^a^h.. reafonable abundance , you (liall lirft with fythes or iharp hooks fbut old fythes are the better; cut down all the Heath, or Ling, which growcth upon the earth you intend to convert to goodnefs, fonecr the ground as polhbly you can •, then when it is cut down (which would ever be at the beginning of the Month ofA%j you (hall let it lye upon the ground daily tolling- and turning it ti'l it become very dry, then fpreading it all ov^r the ground, and mixing or covering it with dry Ifraw of any kind whattoevcr, you fhall prefently'fet it on lire in fo ma. ny feveral corners of the field, that all the feveral hrcsin the ends may meet in one poynt, and not leave any part of the mowcn- Heath or Ling unburnt, or any part of the ground unfcorched b , After this is done, and the ground cooled, you fliall with vour. flat clotting beetles beat the allies hard into the ground, then you (hall take a flrongplow, with a broad winged lhare,and an; edven coulter, and you (hall plow up all this g^round thus burnt 2:6 Barren Qayes,. Book 2. in very large and deep farrowcs, by no means picking ou any of the quick roots which (ha'l remain in the furrows fo turned up, but letting them reft in the earth llilU then with your hacks, and the help of your Iron paring (hovel, you (hall cut up tiie furrows, formerly turned up, into fliort pieces.of three foot, or tlirce foot and a half long, and fomc Itfs as occ<:fion (hull fervc : then with thefe pieces, you (hall buiid little hollow I i'ls, fuch as in the former Chapter you made of the upper Hvarth ol the grcund only > and then hlling the hollownefs with dry heath, and diy llraw n ixt together, you (Vail fet every hill on fiic^ Another bur- ^^^ ^^, hwxn the very fubftarce of the earth into afnes, which will foon be done by reafon of the infinite number of roots and fmall firings, which lye mixt in the earth, and the drynefs thereof occalioned by the former burning : And this is another kind of burning of Biite, much differing from all the former, and yet to as great end and profit as any whatfoever i and thefe hills muft, as the former, be placed one as near another asispolll- ble, fo as they may fpread and cover over the greateft part of the ground,and leaving no more than a good rcafonable path to pafs between hill and hill. Now as foon as you have burned all your Biite , and that your hills are cold, you (hall then as was before (hewed in the former Chaprer, with beetles and (liovels break down the hills, and fpread the earth and afhes over all the grounds which done, you fliall fand it fif the fituation of the ground be anfwera- b'e tht-reunto ) and lime it in fuch fort as was fliewed in the (Icond Chapter i then when it is limed, and the lime equally fpread, not more in one place than in another, you (hall then manure it with the beft manure you can provide , of which tiicrc is none better or more proper for the ground than mans ordure, and the rubbifh , fwcepings, parings, and fpitlings of houfes mixt together : for want of thisf becaufe it may not be in io great plenty as other manures) you may fake cither old Oxedung, or Horfc dung, or for want of them (he old rotten and muddy (iaddUs or bottomes of Corn flacks of Reeds, cfpccially Pcafc-flacks, or Bean-ftacks, provided that it be throughly rotten > for the Icfs rotten it is, the worfe it is, Alfo the fcourings of comimon Sewers, and cfpccially thofe througii Book 2. Dcflroying offf^eeds. tj through which much of mans urine doth pafs, is a moft won- derful and beneticial manure for thefe grounds > Co are alfo the fcowring of finks and channels, which come from Kitchins and wa(h-houfcs, where great ftore of brine and falc broathis (hed, and other greafie, far, and putriried fubfianccs, as alfo abun- dance of fopc-fuds, and buck-athes, and other fope and Ice- wafhings, than which , there is no better manure that can be ufcdfor thefe kind of grounds* After your ground is thus pcrfedly made and manured, and that Wheat-feed time doth draw on,whlch (as before was fhcw- ed) is ever at the Utter end o^Sepember^you fliall then plow up your ground again in that manner as was (hewed for the former earths, to wit, much deeper than before : for you are to under- hand, that this ground being dreft, as is before declared, there will nothing remain of the furrows which were hrrt plowed up but fhea(hes, which being covered with fand,lime,and manure, the earth will lie plain and kvel, fo that of necel(ity you muft raife up new furrows of new earth, which being done, you Ihall then with your hacks, cut all the new earth into very fmall pieces, mixing them well with the other mould made orfand,Iimc,manureand alhesithen as wasbefore f .id,you fhail harrow it to make the mixture Co much the better, and the mou'd fomuch the Hner : and then if it have been fandcd,yr>u may fow your feed-wheat fimply of it fclf, without anydoubl of the plentiful increafe thereof-, but if it have not been landed, then as in the foregoing Chapter, you (hall not only Itecp your Seed in brine rasb:forc fhewcd^ but alfo you (hall mix your Seed with Bay-falt, and fo fowe into the ground ■■> or if at the time of fo wing (after it is plowed,hickt,aHd harrowed )you bc- ftow either Pigeons-dung, or PalIcFi5-dung,or Shccps-dung up- on the Land,itwill be muchb;tter, and the Corn will give a much greater increafe. Now as foon as you Land is fown, you (hall forthwith harrow it again, and cover the S:ed very clofei then you (hill clot it, fmooth it, and lleigb.r it Cas was before Ihewed.) As touching the weeding and cleanGn^of this earth tfrer the Weediog. Corn is fprung up, you (hall underkand that there is great care to be had theicunto.fjr this ground is much fwibjed^ unto weed-s, E and 28 JVith Dngor HeAth^ Book 2. i;iMlthorccf" the vTorfi kind : fcr although tor the mofi part *' will be tiee rrc:^ all inaniicr of foft and lender weeds, as thilUes, cockle. darml, kcilccksj dcck?> rape, and fach like herbal fiujf^ yctit isn-uch fuhjed to twitch-bryars, which grow at both cnds.Linj^VVildc-uine,and fuch-likcjany ol" which asfoonasyoi* £hall lee to appear-* or peep abov: the earth, you (hall prefen^ly with your Nippers pull ibcm up by the roots, and no: fuller them in any wife to lock ahandtul above the ground \ for '\{ youdo,their hardncfs is fogjreat, and their rcoti fo large and fiA tixt into the mould, that you can bv noir.far.s pull thera away without great lols and hurt to the grain, Fulling up with them all fuch roots of Corn, as fnall be fixed near about thcon : for- any other weak and fupcifluous things which (bill grow frond the Land, you may with ordinary weeding hooks cut them a- way i as for long ^a{s, whether it be fott or f^dge.or any other ilich-likc liul^, you lluU not fiirit>but let it grow ; for it keep- pth warm the roots of your Corn, and givetii nouriihment and incieirc thereunto. Now for the profit ot tris Soil thus ordered and husbanded, it is equal with any of theformer,and will bear Wheat very plentitully for tlie fpace of the three lirft years ^good Bailey the fourth year with the help of the ll^cep fold (as was before laid) and good Oats the fifth, rixth,and feventh ycarsvand very good fmalllVafe, the eighth year (for beans this Soyl will yery hardly btar atalOaod-tliCTimth, tcn:h, and eleventh year it will bear very good meadow (though not altogeriier very nnc pure grafs, yet very good feeding and wholfom gra6,or fo good pafture as a man can reafonably require for any holding Cattle whatfocver •» nay, it will alfo iudiJfcrently well feed, and fat Cattle, though peradventure itrequiretha little longer time than other liner ground will. CHAP. VI. (Xf i]ct critrm^^ T/HiHg and Vregitfg '^fjUfhinfi/n^U hjrrtn Sd.tds^ b(arhtgnctbn:^kttt ajJt^rt m 0f grjfr. H. A viae thus fin as large manner as 1 hope llall be ncedfjl tor any judicious or iiiditfcrent Reader' written of the Na- tures, Oxdcri35%l lowing«,iiid Drcilings^f all minucr oi bar- ren B "tok 2. BjirrcnSinds, rcn and unrniitful Clays, whether they b: fimuile of than- felvcs, or elfe compounded with orher earths, as S:nd5,Chi1k5, Gravcls,and fuch like', (hewingby thofenaturul burthens which condnually of their own eccord thq' do produce (which indeed isthc cafiefi and fafeft way of knowledge) how to amend and btttcr them, and bring them to that perfedion of fruitfulnels that the boft earth (hall but in a very fir.all degree exceed them, nay, nay hardly any rhin^ at all, except in the fiving of a lict'e charge and fjme labour, without which nothing is to be obtain- ed by the Husbandman , neither is this charge or labour thi^s bcdowed on thcfe birren Grounds to be gtiucht at by any honeri ir.ind i fince the worrt crop of ten or eleven will malx& good hischarge and toil with a reafonable Intere.1 \ f:> thi^ I make account, nine or ten years proh:5 come into his Buns wichout purchafci for it is to be intended, thatal'l thcfe earths formerly fpoken of, arenottobe drcll, or to put the Husband- man to any charge more than tne hrll year of ten or eleven, for the fecond year he (haJ! as foon as he hath gathered his Wheatofti which will be in -rf«g/^f,and HnilTit otiier parts of his Havverr,prer;ntly put his Plow into the fame VVheat-grownd a* gain,and plow it up, hack it,arid harrow ir,fowc it, harrow it a- gain, clod it, and weed it, as in the former year, and foconfe- quenily of all the reft of the years following •, whereby you per- ceivcihit all labours and charges ate faved rt.ore than' once plowing and fowing. This then conlideced,i:ncceffari!y now followcth that I fp-ak cf the bettering, and bringing into jxrrfedhon ot all manner of barren fand Grounds, being liirply f f fhcmklv-.'s^ without cny mixrure of other earths, except orfe and' the fame kind s as far.d with find, though perad venture fhcctilont^of the Sands may alter^as red with whitciycllow with Wick/^f^.- which inasmuch as the whole fubfiance is fand wiihout any. contrary mixrute;' there it may well be called ttmple'and not coitipound •, ^nd * t thefe Sands, I purpofe totYca:, i'^f.^rrrcrly I did of t1ie Chyi . that is to fay, by their outward faces and Chafad'er5,which arc tKofe burrhensandiricreuil^, which t>t' theirown pr0ptr nature, without any helporcomipulfion Gfany otUe^, theyprt^duce and- briing forth into the worM'. ' ' .■■•'.. I :;.<• , E 2 And 2P 5© Barren S^nds, Book 2^ And firrt of that naughty cold aud barren Sand, which lyin^ upon liigh, llony, and mountaioons Pvocky places, or elfc upon lower cold bleak Plains, fubjcdt to the North, and North-Eaft winds and tempcft?, or bordering upon the Seas>doih not bring forth any thing but a lliort niolfie grafs, which the Sun maketh bicrcr, and the cold dews fulfonae and unfavory In tafte. IT any ir.in dien be M-fter of fuch unprontable and unfruitful earthy and dcllretohaveit brought to goodnefe, and perfcclion, you Plowiae. ^-^^J lirr:,at the beginning of the Spring , as about middle Apr}!^ or earlier, with a firong Plow anfwerable to the Soil, yet fomc- what kfs, both in Timbers and Irons,then thit wherewith you plow your Clay ground, plow fo much of thatcarth upas you may conveniently compafs, to fowe and drefs exadly, and per- t-d'yj for to undertake more, were to make all unprotirab!c,and to caA away much labour and charge, widiout any profit. This ground you lliall plough of an indifferent depth, though not fo. deep as the Clays,you Ihall by the farrows,though flat,yct clofc one to another, without leaving any bulk betvvcen, but plough- ing all very clean, yet not fo very clean and clofe together, that you may lay the green fwarth, to the new ploughed or quick e^rth i but rather turn one fwarth againO anothcr,fo as the fur- rows may lie, and no more but touch the edges one of another : • This when ycu hare done, you (hall then with your hacks, cut and break all the earth fo turned up into very fmall pieces, and net only the earth fo turned up into very fraall pieces, hut alfo other green fwarth which was left unplowed ■, provided- that b^^fore this labour of hacking,you let the ground lie certain days in the furrows, that one fwarth heating and fcilding the 0- thcr, they may both equally rot and grow mellow together : which once perceived by the blackncfs thereof, you may then at your pleafure hack it, and cut it, as is- before decla- red. Ob}eftioo. ^°^ ^'^^^ ^^y *" ^^'^ P^*^*^ ob)cd unto me,That this labour of hacking (hould be ncedlefs, in as much as all fand grounds whatfocver arcout of their own nature fo light, lcK)ft, andwil- lingtodiHever, that thistoyl might very wefl and togrod pur- pclc be faved. Am'wcr. To thLsIanfwer,Thattrucitis,moflSandsin their own na- Book 2. Of Marling, 31 turcs arc loofeand light, and willing todiflcver into Hnc mould without any extremity, efpecially rich and fruitful Sands, n-hofe predominant quality of warmth, giveth nourilhment and in- creafe : But thcfe barren and cold Sands, in which isacertain flegmatiquetoughnefs, and m^olt unwholfom drinefs, arc of a clean contrary nature, and through the rtony hardnefs thereof, they are as unapt to break and dilTever , as any Clay whatfc- evcr : bcfides, the fwarth being of a tough moliie fubftancc, (which ever carrieth a hard (Irong root anfwerable with the cold' in which it is engendrcdj doth fo conlhntly bind, fetter, and' hold the mould together, that it is impolUblefor any harrow to break it in pieces, or to gather from it fo much mould as may fcrvc to cover the Corn, and give it root when it is Town into the fame : And therefore this work of hacking is necelTary, when therefore you have thushacktyour Land, and diftri- OfMarljngi- buted the mould into many fmall pieces, you fhall then with all expedition Marie \x ■■> which forafmuch asit is no general nor common pra(^ice in every part of this Kingdom, I will Hrft tell you what Marie is, and then how to hnd it, dig it, and ufc it for your hd\ behoof. Marie, you (hall then underrTand,is('according to the dciini- «^^ tion of MafierBfr;fjr and therefore hold a mean, and. (ee there bean indifferent mixture between the Marie and the carLh,on uhiehit is laid. For the general iinding out of this Marie, there is no better way for rcadmcrs,and the fa ving of chargcs,tha*n by a great Au- gur or Wimble of Iron, made toicceive many bit^ one longer than ir,other,and fo wrciling one after another into theground to draw out the earth, till you hnd you arc come to the Marie, which peiccived, ai,d an alTay taken,- you may then dig at your pleafure. Now for the places molt likely where to find this Marie, it. is commonly found in the lowclt parts of high Countries,'ncar Lakes and fmall Brooks, and in the high parts of low Coun- tries, upon the knolls of fmall hills, or within the Clifosofhigh Mcuntainous Banks, which bound great Rivers in : To con- clude, you Hi:!! fcidom Hnd any ot ihcfe barren Sands,but they are cither verged about with Marie Grounds, or il you will bcnow the labour to dig below the Saad, you fl^all not fail, cither ro find Marle,or fome Quarr> offione,or both^for in fome l^laces Marie licth very deep , in other fome places within Book 2. Of Marling, 33 a Spidcs graft of the upper fwarth of the earth : therefore ic (hall bi: good for yen to make proof of all the mo^ likely parts of your Ground to find out this Marie ^and as foon as you have found it out, you (lull with Mittocks and Spades digit up and carry it to your l.md , there laying i«t in big round lieaps, and fetting them within a yard or two one of another : riius when you have hllcd over all your Ground (which would be done wicli as great tpccd as might be i for the antient cullom of this Kingdom w-as, when any man went about to Marie his • ground, all his Tenants, Neighbours and Friends would come and help him tohalkn on the work} you (hall then (pread all thofe heaps, and mixing the Clayvvell with the Sand, you fiiall lay all fir.ooth and level together; and herein \s to beobferved, that if the hnd you thus Marie ft-iall lie againft thelldeof any great Hill or Mountain, whereby there will be much dcfccnt in the ground \ then you fl-nll (by a!l means) lay double as much Marie, Sand, or other compoft on the top of the Hdl as on the bottom, becaufe the rain and (howrs which (hall fall, will c- ver waih the fatne(s of the earth down to the lowefr parts the re- ef. Now in the laying of your Marie, you arc to hold this 00- iervatioRj That if you lay it on hard and binding ground;., then you arc to lay it in the beginning of Winter : but if 011 grounds of contrary nature, then it muft be laid in the Sprin^,^ or Summer. Again, you (hall obCerve, that if you cannot get any i^erfcCt and rich Marie, if then you can get of that eirth which is called Fulkis earth', and where the one is not, com- monly evjr the other is, then you may ufe it in the fame man- ner as you fhould Marie, and it is found to be very near as pro • Htablc. when your ground "is thus Mirkd (if you be near to the Ad J it ion'?. Sea-Hde; you flull u;i take of Chialk an4-'. Chalk, if any be to be had near you, and that yoa may liy in the uic. iiioic pkctiful minaer than., the Sind > and a-ib-.i: ix i^ faid, thJt. 34 Of Cktlk. Book 2^ that Cha'.k is a wearier out of the ground, and maketh a rich fa- ther, yet a poor Ton , in this Soil it doth ROt fo hold, for as it fret- tct!i and waftcth away the-uoodnefs that is in the Clay grounds, fo itccmtortcrh and rr.uch Itrcngthencth the fand-carths; and this Chalk yoi: fhall lay in the lame rr.anner as you did your Marl, and in the fame manner fprcad it and level it \ which -done, ^t?ij(hall then Lime it, as was before (hewed in the Clay gTunds> yet rot fo abundantly, bccaufe alfo a half part will be fufticienr : afreryour Liming, ycu (hall then manure it with the be(t mar.ure you have, whether it be dung of CattlejHoife, Sheep, Goats, Straw, or other rubbi(h-, and that being done, and Sced-tirre drawethon. ycu (hill then plow upyoiir t,round aj^ain, mixing the new quick earth and the former Soyls fo wclltogetlier, that there m.ay be little dil>ingui(hn-.ent between thera : then you fhall hack it again, then harrow it , ai.a la(i- Jy fcwc it witii good, found, and peTfe yet according to ihe firengh of the ground, you m::y ufc y.^-u difcretior, ub- ierving th t if you fowc Whcit, then to Ikcp it before in brme or fait fei- water, as wis be:crc dcicnbcd •, but if ycu fowc Rye, ti^.en you nail fowc i: limply without any hc'p?, except it be Pigeons- dung, or Bay-falt {Im.ply cf itf-lf, in fuch manner as hach been before declared, either fowing the fait with the Corn, or before the Corn, as fliall fecm belt in your own difcrction. Alter your Iced is fowr, ycu (h.allthen harrow it again, clot it, fiT.ooth it, and (Icight it, as be fere is fhcwcd in the fecond C!iaptcr:>which dene' after the Corn is Ihot above t!xcarth}you fh:H tliCn lock to tl-e weeding of ir,beingfomcwhat a little too ir.'Jch fubjed to certain particular Weeds, as are Harc-bottlcs, wild Che(<-bol!<:, Gypfie-flowers, and fi:ch-likc, any of which, when you f:e themfprung up, you (Va'.l immediately cut them away ckjfc by the roots \ as for rearing their roots out of the ^rc^r-.d with your Nippers , it is not much m.atcrial, for the cutting of them is fufficient^fre they will hardly ever again grow to do you any hindcrancc , many other weeds there may grow air.ongfi thcfe, which are ilfo to be ait away, but thefe are the principal, and ofn';cftnotc *, vthereof as fecn a? vou haveciean- fed Book 2. Of Qhdk^ And, the -profit, 3; 5 fed your lands of thefe and the reft, you (hall then refer the fur- ther incrcafe of your profit unto Gods Providence. Laftly,you (hall underftand that this ground being thu« plow- Thcprofics. ed, dreft, ami ordered^ will without any more drelliHg,but once plowing and fowing, every year bear you good Wheat or good Rye three years together *, then good Barley the fourth year > good Oats, thehfth, fixth, and feventh years i excelknt good Lupins the eighth year.and very good Meadow or Pafturc three or four years after, and then it (hall be necelTary todrelsita- gain in (uch manner as was before defcribed. C H A P. VII. Of the Flopping^ T^i^i^fgt Ovdering, and Inriching of a& barren Sand^ rvhich are laden and over.run with Brak^n^ Fern^ or Heath, N Ext unto this plain, cold, barren Sand, which bearethno other burthen but a (hort moflie Grafs, I will place that Sand which is laden and over-run with Braken,Fern,or Heath, as being by many degrees more barren than the former, both tii refped that it is more loofe and lefs fubftantial, as alfo in that it is more dry and harfh , and altogether without nutri- ment , more than an extreme llerile coldnefs', as appeareth by • the burthen it bringeth forth, which is Braken or Fern, a hard, rough, tough weed, good fornothingbutto burn, or elfe to lit- ter ftore Beads withal, for the breeding of Manure '-> or if you flrow it in the High- ways where many Travellers pafs, it will alfo there turn to good reafonable compofl. Of this kind of ground,if you be Mafter,and would reduce it Of deftroying unto fertility and goodnefs, you (hall tirft, whether the braken Braken. be tall and high fas I have fctn fomcashighas amanon Horfe- backjor (hort,and1ow(and indeed moft commonly thefe barren earths arc, for tall Fern or Braken flicws (bme ftrength in the ground^ you fliall with fythes firft mow it down in the month cf Miy^ then wither it and dry it upon the ground, and after fpread it as thin as you can over all the earth you intend to plow •, which donc,you (hall bring your plow and begin toplo'.v the ground after this order ; inft you (hall turn up your furrow, F and ^ Groiwds ;d up, or the ground fo covered i and jull fo much ground you lliall leave unplovrcd between farrow and furrow, fo that your land may lie a furrow and a green balk, till you have gone over all tlie ground i then you ihall take a paring- fhovel ot Iron, and pare. up the green fwarthof all the balks between the furrows at leafi rwo inches thick, and inio pieces oftwo or three foot long, and with ihefe pieces of c3Tth,and the dry Fern which is pared Lip with them, you In^ll make little round hollow bait- hills, as in the third or.fciirth Chapter, and rhefe hills fhaJl be fct thick and-cbfe overall the ground, and ^ fvt it on rire aiid burn it , then when the rire is extind,and ihe. hills cold,you (hall hrlt with your hacks cut in pieces, all the funow that were formerly turned up, and then break down the burnt hills, and mix the a(hes and earth with the other mould very well toge- ther \ which donc,pu (hall then with all fpeed rPiarle this earth or Marie. asfulficiently aspollibly may be, notfcanting it of Kfailc, but beftowing it very plentiful upon the fame > which done, you fliall then plough it over again, and p'owing it exceeding we! , not leaving any ground whatfoever untom up with the plow i tor you Ihall undcrftand, that the reafon of leaving the fv^rrrjer fcBlks,was,that at this fecond plowing after the Marie wasfpuad U|)on the ground, thcnew,quick,and unllirred frtlh earth rriight iiswellbe ihrred up to mix with the MarkJ, 2s the other d^3id earth and a(hcsformeily received, whereby a frelhcomtoit Ihould be brought to the ground, and an equal mixture without too much drinefe, and this fccond Ardor or Plowing would be- g:n about the latter end of Jufie. Sanding and After your ground hath been thus marlcd,and the fecond time Liming. plowed, you Ihall then fand it with fak Sca-fand, Lime ir, and iiiinure it, as was dcclaied in the foregoing Chapter : and ot all Manures for this Soil, there is not any fo exceeding gocd as (Ixtps-manure, which, although of the Husbandn^n it be eftec- ir^ed a Manure but for one year, yet by experience in ijiis giound ithapncth orherwlfe, and is as durable, and as long laring a compoli asany that ca-n be ufcd>anc! bcfidcs,it is a cre.t t'efipw- cr of Thirties, to which this ground is very n :u:h fubjcd^, b> caufe Book 2. Brahn.Fern^^z. ^7 caufe upon the alteration of the ground the Fern, is alfo ,i>atural- ' ly apt to alter into Thiltlcj as we daily fee. When your ground is thus drelt, and well ordered, and the Plowingand Seed-time comcih on, youlhall theii plough it again in fuch ° ^"^' manner as you did the fecond time, that is to fay, very deep, Cle, and after the rnanner of good Husbandry , without any rcrtj balks or other diforders \ then (hall yoi;' hack it very well,, then harrow it,and then {q-nz \x. bat by mine advice,inany cafe, I would not have you to beftow any Wheat upon this Soil, (except it be two or three bufhels on the bcft part thereof, for experience-fake, or provillon for yourhoufholdj for it is a great enemy unto Wheat, and more than the marl ; it hath no nourifh- mcnt in it for the Dme, becaufe all thatcometh from thefalt- Sand, Lime, and Manure, is little enough to takeaway the na- tural fterility of the earth it felf, and give it ftrength to bear Rye, which it will do very plentifully i and therefore I\vould wifl^ you for the hrrt three years only to fowe the befl Rye you can get into this ground i the fourth year,to fowe Barley \ thq hfth, lixthj and feventh, Oats •, and of Oats, the black Oat is t fie befr for this ground, makeththe beft and kindlieft Oit-meal, and feedeth Horfe or Cattle the founded i as alfo it is of thchardell conllitution, and endureth cither cold or drinefs much better than the white Oat, the cut Oat, or any Oat whatfoevcr \ the eighth year you Ihall only fowe Lupins, or Fetches •, and three years after you (hall let it lie for Grafs, and then drefsrt again as beforc-faidi for it isto beunderftood, thacin all the following years (after the firft yearj you '(hall beftow no labour upon this ground, more than plowing, fowing, hacking, and harrowing at Seed-time only. But to proceed to*thc orderly labour of this ground, after you L^'^our after havefown your Rye, you flnll then harrpw it again, clot it, ^°^'^"S« fmoothit, and fleightit, as was before (hewed in the fecond . ^.n-rr Chapter of this, Book. And although a man would imiginethat the fandy loofnefs of this Soil, vyould not need much clotting or flcightingof the Earth, yet jayjeaGip of the mixture therjC- of with the Marie and Manure, it' will fo hp'd and cleave toge- ther, that it will a^kgpod liron^ Ubpur to loofen it,' a^d lay^it fo hollow and.fraoothj as^n .fight it flipuld be. • /''"j _' F 2 ■ ' "tdiicii- 38 Sdnds over -run Book 2. ^k'ccdiDg. Touching the Weeds which are moft fubjea to th:s S^il, they arc Thirties and young Brakes, or Ferns, \vhich will grow up within the Com, which, before they rife fo high as the Corn,3ncl cvtn as it were at the hrft appearing, yoamuit with yotu wood- den Nippers pull up by the roots, and after take up and Uy in fome convenient place where the; may wither and ro:. and io turn CO good Manure. CHAP. VI H. Of the Flcttingy liling, Ordsring^ a->id Enriching f aX bar- Tin Sifids^ trkiih jrc Isdin j^td rzf y.-: wnb Jiviicb^-'- l-f-'.'ld Bnar. H Aving Written futficiently of this hard and wrren, wjfi«, wildjfandy t:round, which i? ovcr-raa with BTakcn^Fem, Heath, and fuch like. I will now proceed, and unto it joyn an- other Sand which is much more barren, and that is the Sand that bringeih forth nothing but wild Twitch, Bryars, Thoro- balh, and fuch like under-growth, of young irilliking wood, which never would rife or come toprohr. the biiter cold drinefs of the earth wherein it growcih, and the fnarp fiornriS to which the Clime is contia.ually fub eel boih day and ntght, blifiing it in fuch marjicr, that nothing cppearcth but li.rvcd, withered, and utterly unprohrablcburthens.good hor nothing but the lire, and that in a very limple fort. Such grounds if you be Maftcr of, and would reduce it to pront and fruitfulnefe, you fliill tirft with hooks, or axes cut up the upper-growth thereof, that is, the bu(hes, young Trees, and fuch liktithe- you (hall alfu ftub up the Rontf, nor leaving any p-rt of them behind in the canh, carrying away both home to yourhojfc to be employed ei- ther for fuel, or the mending of the hedges, or fuch like,as you Dcftroying 'of (hall have occafion j this done, you (hall take a pair of ftrong Twitch and Jj-q^ harrows, and with them ycu thill harrow over all the ^"' earth, tearing up all the Twitch, Bryars, and rough grafs fo by the roots, that not any part but the bare earth may be feen i and when ycur Harrows arc cloyed, you ihall unlade them in fcvcral places of the ground, laying all fuch rubbilh of weeds, and Other fturt' which the Harrows (ball gather up in aii«le rcuntl Book 2. with Twitch Bryars^Scz* 39 round hill clofe up together, that they may fweat, wither and dry i then fpreading them abroad, and mixing them well with drylkaw, burn ihcm all over the ground, leaving no part of the weeds or thegrafs unconfumed ,thcn, without beating in of the alhes, you fhall prefently plow the ground all over very clean as may be, laying il e lurrows as clofc as you csn to crc another,and leaving no earth ^ntoucht or untorn up with the plough i which done, you (hall immediately hack h mto fmall pieces, and as you hack it, you (hall have idle Boys to go by the hackers, to gather away all the roots which they (hall loolen or break from the mouId,and hying them on heaps on the worfi pait of the ground, they ihalhhere burn them, and fprcad the alhes thereon i after your ground is thus harrowed,plowed and backt, you (hall then muckir, as was formerly fliewed in the fix^h Chapter i thenlhall you fandit, lime it, and manure it as before- fiid. Now of Manures, which are moft proper for this Soil, you Manure^:- fl-ial! under(hnd,:hat either Cxe,or Horfe-manurc, r9tten draw, orthefcouringof Yardsisvery good, provided that with any of thcfe Manur-es, or all thefe Manures, you mix the broad-leU- vQ d weeds, and other green weeds, whi^h do grow in Ditches, Brooks, Ponds, or Lakes, under Willaw-trecs, which vvithan Ifon Rake, Drag, or fuch like Inlhument, you may eafily draw upon the Banks,and fo carry it to your Land, and there mingle it with the other manure, and fo let it rot in the ground y this Manure thus mixed is of all other mo(^ exceHent for this Soil, 1 ' both by the experience of the Antients who have left it unto me- < mory, as alfo by daily pradlife now ufed in fundry parts of this Kingdom, as well bccaufc ofthe temperate coolncfs thereof, which in a kindly manner alTwages the lime and fand, as alfo through moi(iLire, which dilVilling through thofe warm Soils, doth quicken the cold liar ve d earth, and giveth a wonderful cncreafetotheSced, that (hall be thrown into the fame. After your ground is thus fufficiently drcft with thefe Soils Harrowing, and Manures, you (hall then plow it again the fecond time, and other U* ■ which would be after Michaelm^ i after the plowing you (halV ^*^'**^ then hack it again, and be furc to mix the earth and thenaanures ,, very well together, then you (hall break it in gentle manner ';- . ,^ ^f with >i ' **/ 4' Grouxdsai'er-runwith Boak ^' with youi Harrowc, and then fowc it i which don:, yoa (hajl hirrowit much more pair-fully, and not leaving any clofs or hard iurth unbroken that the Harrow can pul! in pice? : as touching the Seed, which is littelt for this earth, itisthcfame that is fpokcn ot' in the next foregoing Chapter \ as namely, the "bsli Rye, or the befi NLilin, which is Rye and Wheat equally n.ixc together v or it' there be two pans Rye, and but one Wiiear, the S^ed will be forr.uch the more certain and fure holding , and tliis Seed you may (owe on this ground shree years toge- ther i thjn Barley, then O^t?, and ^o t)rth,is is formjrly writ of the grounds foregoing. After yo.:r ground ii fo wn and har- rowed, you (hall :hc-n clot i*-. Height ir, and Gnooth it as you did the other ground before, and then laftly with your bick Hiirows ' that is, with a piir of Hirrov5,thc teeth turned up- ward from the ground, and the back of the Hirrow next unto the ground, you fnall run over all the ground, and gather from the lame all the locf, Grafs. Twitch,or other Weeds that ftiall any ways be ra fed up, and the faUie fo gathered you ihall lay at tlie Lafids ends in heaps, either to rot tor manure,or elfe at the linric cf the year to be burnt for alhes, and fprinkled on the earth the next Seed year. Larrly,toudiing the weeding of this Soi^, you (hall under- frand the Weeds which are molt incident ih.rcunto, are all the Hireyou rirft wentabcutto dcibroyi as namely, Tw.tch, rough •vi.d Grais, and young woody under-grcwth>belidcs, Thiftlc<:, Hare-boftlcs,ar.d Gyplic-t'.oweTSitherctorc you (lull have a great c:re at the hrll appearance of the Corn, to fee what Weeds arife with it tor thele weeds are ever fully as hat\y as the Corn J and asfoon as you fee them appear, bo.h your fclf and your people vfith yvurhand fliallpull them up by the rcots, and (^) weed your laud :i% you would weed a Garden, or Woad ground. Now it at this firti weeding Cwhich will beat the latter Spring, com- monly called AOc/>-i^/mj*, or the winter Spring^ you happen to omit and let f-'me weeds pafs your hands unpullcd up f which very- well may chance info great a work ; you (hall then the ' Spiibgnext tbljowiri^ ', feeing theraashigh, cr peracj venture hii; .^r than the Corn) widi your woodd^n nippers pull them up by tke roots from the grouod, and ^o ufi them a.way. As "Book 2. Twitch ar I rili-Bryxr. ^i As touching the cutting thcra up clofe by ^\t ground with or- dinary weed-hooks, 1 do in no foit allow it i toi thcfc kind of weeds are fo apt to grow, and alio lo IWift in growth, that if you cut them never ib clofe in the Spring, yet they will again over-mount the Corn before Harveli^and by reafon of their grcat- ncfs, toughnefs, and much hardnefs,. choak and lUy much Coin that {hall grow about thcm> and therefore by all means y.oui {bill pull thefe weeds up by the roots whilU tiicy aictend:r (if. poilibleyoucan) or othcrvvife in their Ihongcii growth, fith tlieir furterance brcedeth great lofs and deftruition, C H A P. I X. Of their FlowiMg^ I'l^ingi Ordering^ and Eriri hhtg ofJl bar- ren Sands J which are over-run with Moors^ or mojrilh jiinking ii»g Grafs* UNto thefe foregoing barren Sands, of which I have alrea- dy written, I will lartly )oyn this h\x barren faad, being of all earths, whether Clay or Sand, the moll: b;rren. ^nd that is that rilthy, black, mooriOi Sand which bearcth nothing but ftinkingputriried Grafs o: Mofs,or Mo s and Grafsmixed toge- ~ ther, to which not any Beaft or Cattle, how courfly or hardly bred foever, will at any time lay their mouths •» and this kind of ground alfo is very much fubj-dto mirlhes and q jagmires, of which that which is covered with Mofs or Grafs, is the worit, and that which is tufted above with Ru(hes, the bel\,and foon- elt reduced unto goodnefs: In brief, all thefe kind of grounds generally are extremely mcift and cold, the fuperabundancc whereot is theoccalion of theinrinitcfterility and barrennefs of the fuTie. And mereforehe that is Marter of fuch unprofitable Earthj. ana would have it brought to fomeprolit or goodnefs, (lull: Hrlt coniider the fcituation of the Ground, as whether it lie high Of low i for fome of thefe marilh grounds lie low in the Valleys, fomeon the Cdcsof Hills,, and fome on the tops of Mountains : then, whether the much moiftnefs thereof be fed by River, La];e , or Spring, whofe veins not having currant pailigethrough, or upon the earth, fpreads look'ngly over all. tlic 4* Moorijb S/wds. Book 2. the face thereof, and Co rotting rhs mould with too much wet, makes it not on?y unpalTab!-, bjt alfo u:tcr}y unprofitable tor any gcxxl burthen. Grounds foe Now if you nrrd thit this marilh Earth lie in the bottom which done,as foon as the earth is dry, you fhall hack k, and break it into (mall pieces, and then you (hall alfo fand it, lime it, and manure it. And laftly, you fcall Marl it, but if no fait fand be to be had, then inficad of it you (hal! chalk if, yet of all the reft you (hall take the leaA part of chalk. This done, about the latter end of July you (hall plow up the ground again with fomewhat a better and deeper flitch thaiv you did before, that if any of the itraw be unrottcd, or uncon- iusned, it may again be raifed up with the new moyft earth,and fo made to wafce more fpcedily •, and if at this (econd carry- ing you do fee any great hard clots to rife, then with your hacks you (hall break thofe hard clots in pieces, laying the Land clean without clots, weeds, or any other annoyance, and fo let it reft till Odobcr, at which time you (hall plough it over again,hack it, harrow it,3nd then fow it with the bcft Seed- wheats for this foyl ihus dreft and manured, albeit it be of all other the mo(* bar- ren, yet by reafon of this moyllurc, which at pleafure may be put to it, or taken frcm it, and the mixture of thefe comfor- table foyles and comports, it is made as good and fruitful a? any earth what foever, and will bear Wheat abundantly for the fpace of three years together , then good Barley the fourth year, with a little help of a Sheep-fold, or Shceps manure : then Rye the hfth years Oats the fixth, thefeventh and eighth years s fmall Peafe the ninth year v good meadow or palUire three years following, and then lobe new dreft again, as before- laid. Now as foon as your Seed-Wheat is fown, you (hall then WKTov-ing- harrow the ground again, and be fure to cover the Wheat both deep and clofci as for tl*e dot^^^which lliall arife from this foyl,, Book 2. wet GroitTtds, ^^ it (hall not natter whether you break t^^eni or no, for by rcafon ofthcirmoifturejthey will be plyantand cafic for the Wheat to pafs through, fo that you (hall net care how rough your land lye, fo it lyc clean, and the Corn well covereci \ but for all o- ther feeds, you (hall break the clots to duft, and lay the land as fmooth as may be. , ' Now for the weeding of this foyl, you will not be much trou- WcediM. bled therewith, becaufe this ground naturally of its own accord putteth forth no weeds,morc than thofe which are ingendred by the new made fruitfulnefs thereof, and thofe weeds tor the mofl part are a kind of fmall fcdge,or hollow retdi any of which if you fee appear, or with them any other kind of wccd,you Ihall at the Hrft appearance, either pull them up by the roots with your woodden nipper3,or clfc cut them clofe by the ground with your weed-hooks. CHAP. X. A general way for the enriching of any p&or arable gronrJ^ either Clay or Sand^ rpitb lefs charge than formerly, F the former demon (irations and inftrudtions which 1 have fhewed thee, appear neither too difficult, or too colrly ffor now Ifpeak to theephin,limple,pcor Husbandmawjand yet thou art matter of none but barren earth, then thou (ha't by thine own induftry,ortheindurtry of thy Children, Scrvants,and fuch like , or by contradting with Taylors, Botchers, or any poor *^Sgsof people that will defervea penny, gather up, get or buy all the ''^^^^^^ cloth* rags, (hrcds, old bafe pieces ot woollen cloth whatfocver, which are onely caft , and fit for nothing but the Dung-hill, and of tiefe thou canllcompafs but a fackfull, or a fackfull and a half, it is fufficient for t!ie drelfing of an acre of arable ground. Thele (hredsand ragsftornfmalljor hackt and hewed intofnall pieces or bits, thou flialt thinly fpread over the land before fallowing time, then coming to fallow , plough them all into the ground, &bcfure to cover them, then giveyour land the reft of itsardors, asfiirring, foyling, ridging, Sec. in their due feafons,and after an husbandly manner: then when you come to f^ w it,you (hill take G 2 the I /^ " A^oorjjb SMJids. Book 24 ^eepikg rf ihc llimic thick "water ^hich cormcrt^ firom 'dartg-hills, or for fecrfcorm. vr>r ' i:cT in whidi Cow-dung hath been fieeped, and ther- ^ fttcp your fecd-ccrn ^ that is to fay , it it be biile)', you ihall (ircp if for the fpicc of thirty fix hours,or there- abouts, if jr be Wheat, but eighteen hours^and if it be Pea fc, but Or any prCft. twelve hourr, tcr Rye, cr OitSjHCt at 2II; and the feed thus ?^c^ cd, voi ftiailfow it atceiding to good Husbandry, and there is TiO do-btof wonderful! increafe. There be ethers which take the Seed-corn, and fteeping it in gc-cd f:ore of Cow-dars. and v^ atcr. ftir all togethtr for sn hour in the iroicing, aixj an hcur at right, and thcti being (etled, drain the water trcm the feed and the dung, and the next morn- ing fow the com -ind the dung boch together en the land, being furecot to feint the Land cfSccdjind no doubt the increaf: \\'A\ be wccderfull. Nowif thiscannct be conveniently done, or that you uant dung, if then you rzke crdinsry water, and therein ftecp your feed, it isgood-a.'ib- andeipedally fot barley, and is appiove dl h-; daily experience* •• .■ Shinngs of ^'^^ r-c^v n- e-thicks, I hear the poor man akers, and fuch hke^ and get a\\ the waft fl^a rings of horn which thru carft poUib'y corr.pafs . as befoje of -the rags, fo ofthefe 1 f:ck and a half, or two fack? will dref? an a- crc: thele fnaving? 'which are indeed good for no other ufe you {hall frstter irpoa the 'and as yru did the rags, then plow ihein ID after the fame manner, fo order the ercund. lolbw. and ^f^r^fe ii cr ftrcp the feed, and '^e inac; ' j v^ - : great: Thcfe manure ....... v^ars v,;: .....'. Hcnfcofcit- jenewiag, Nowif nfrheieyoHcannot get fjfticient totrima your .^ ' ' • • ' ■ ■ Btcheis, S«'^f--'.vo- rr.en, ■ ^ -. - like > andfrv>ni thof Oxe, Cow. or- B«fl, .C-^" ■'■ ^ ' '..Deer.'"" -' ,• ' .tchcweth t; . mdceJ. 7'.Ti''» nt- tiintiycaiiawaytoihcdungjiiii, asidcfpikd: Ani tiicfc hofe- Book 2( x}Ioorijb Sa/jds. ^j youfliaU cut and l^vv into fmall pieces, and fcatter thick upon your land at fallowing time, then plow them in, as forefaid, and do in all points.as with the other manures already recited, and fo flecp your feed, and thcr^ c?i,iinoi be a greater inricher of arable - ,, . ground whatfoeyer^vi.n v , \ ^ . Now ifall thefe wilf not yet compoft your hnd ,. you \\\i\\ then fee what fope-afhes you can get, or buy, for of all manures there is none more excellent, for bclldes,ir giveth an exceeding firength and fatncfs to the Land i it alfo killeth all manner oi weeds, great and fmall, as Broom, Gorfc, \Vhinncs,and the like, andjit killexh all Himner of \Vormsy& venemouseteepingthingsi ^'i^ jl^M -jo it is excellent for Woad,8cthe ground renewed yearlytherewiih, of Woad; may be fown continually : Thcfe fope-aOies mull be laid on the Land after falbwing,and then Airrcd in \ two load thereof will ferve to drefs an acre : when it is ht for (ced, th,: feed nr^uft be ftccpt as aforefa-id,and then fowp,and ^be iccreafe will quit the charge; manifold. Thefe Ibpc-afbes are alio excellent good for i ; . -;- Jj^i Hemp, and Flax, being thinly fown upon the Land, after it is Theei^n^lh| plowed, and immediately before the Seed be fown ; but if you o* ordinary have more Land to drefs, then you mu.'r make ufe of your own ""^'^'^^* ordinary manure , as is Oxe-dung, Horfc-dung, and the Lk.% "which that you may make richer and lirongcr than other.wifc dt" its own nature it would be, you fnall caufe contiraully to be .'5obx)IdlO thrown upon it, all your powdrcd beef broth, and all otherfsh: .?'* broths or brines , which (hall grow or breed in your hoafe'ii alfo all manner of foap fudds, or other fudds , and walhing-, which ("hall proceed trom the Laundery , and this wil; fo tirengthcn and enrich your manure, that every bad fluU he .worth hvc of that which wantcth this help. Thijre be diveiis other manures, which do wonderfully, enricli aiid fatten all manner of barren grounds, as namely, the hair of beafrs hides, The hair>; ot Cwhichfor the moll p^rr, Tanners and Glovers do calt away,; '^^^^'^ '•'''' '" thisthinly fpreadon the Land, and plowed in, brings every .,. year a fruittuU crop» Again, if Braken,or Fern be hyed a foot ^^'"'^^' thick upon the earth , and thena layer of earth upon it, then a- nother layer of braken , and a layer of earth upon it, then a- notheilayer of braKcn, and another layer of earth, and fo lay- er upon layer, till the heap be as bigg as y u intend it, and fo lef^to rotall the Winter following, there cannot be a better ^8 t^Sedgc, bean ftalks, or any other waft growth,take I fay,eith(.r any one, ^^^^ of Fern. or more of thefe, or altogether, as you ftand polTeft of them,and Straw, 8kc. bum them to afhes, and therewith cover your land the fecond time, and then in fummer ftirr it within a Month, after foyl it, then at the beginning of OCiober^ or a little before, plough it again, and fow it with Rye the tirft crop, and you (hall fee the increafe will b: very plentiful! i the next year you may fow it with Wheat, the third year with Barley, the fourth year with Pcafe, Lupins, Fetches, or any other pulfe, and then begin with Wheatagains for itis credibly faid, that this manner of drelling thefe barren, wooddy grounds,(halI maintain and keep the earth in good heart, and ftrength in the worft pbces, for thefpacc of four years, in that which is in any thing reafonable for the fpace of fix years, and where there is any fmall touch of fertility, for the fpace of ilxteen years, of which there are daily experiences in Frj«ff,about the Forreli of ylrderh^nd fome with us here in E«(^- /iia^j in> many wooddy plicis. CHAP.. «^o Horv to tnnch Book i. CHAP. XII. 77;f vuniUT of reducing and bri>igi}7g into tijeir jirtt ^'rftdhH jS forts of^iUJidt^ nrbich hr^e been over-jbwei^or fpeiUd by fjlt-rv2ter^ or the Sej-hreach, either arshle erfjjlare^ a j!f> tbe enriching^ rr bitterhig of tbefjme, THcre is notliiug more: hard orditiicult in alj the art ofhus- bin dry , then this point ot which I aninowto intrcatias of mis Ubour. ^^jj^^jy^ jj^^ reducing and bringing unto thc.r hrii perfedion all forrs of ground?, which have b;2en ov^r- flowed, or elfe fpoiied by tiie Sea-bieach, and bringing in ot too great abundance of falt-warer, which to fome.mcn oriirthcxpensnce^nd tree from thofe dangerous trcublcs,T"nay appear a matrcr very fleighr, and J-XF"^" the wound moli cali: ivA carable i and the rather, becauL* in all my tbrn^es relations, and dcmonluations, touching the bettcriog of ever fcueral fort of ground, I do app]y,2S one of m, ' ' ingcedicnts, t)r ilmplcs, by wi^ich to cure Barrmnefs, S - .ruilo e>fi - Cil^-^'^^^ds, fait- water, fi!:-brinc, ALhes, Lirur, Chilk,and nriao:^' 0* .w»i7: other things of fait natur:, as indeed all the manures and marlc«: whatfocver, cnuft cither have a fait quality in thenn , or they cannot produce fiuitfulnefs, fo that to argue limply from natu- ral reafoni If fait be theoccaficm of fruittlilnefs, and iiKrcat. then there cannot bi- much hurt done by thcfe over-flowcs c t ths filt-wrter , that it fhauld rather add a fattening and enriching to the ground , then any way to impoveriih it , and make it incapable of growth or bunhen. Eut cxperience,r which is the bilt Mii'rrefst ihews us the contrary, and there is nothing more Doifome and pclUlcnt to the earth, then the fuper-abun- Tlic vices dance,' and too great cxcefscf fa Itnefs*, for according to our old frr!'^^^i!'^^ ProvcTb, oiomne nimium^ that too much of every thing is viri- ous, as we fee in the Itate of man's body, that your ftrongeft pr yfuns, as Atttimovy^ or Stihntm^ Colaqnintidj^ BJmhsrh^znd. the iikctakcn in a moderate rruarure,arealmoft heal thfull,3ndexpell thofc milignant qualities which ofjcnd the body, and occa- fion licknefs > but taken in the Icaft exccfs that can be dcvifed , thcvthen ''out of rluir riiious and naughty qualitie<;J do fud- Jenly and violently d:llroy all heat , and bring upon the bodv from Silt. Book 2. deducing Grou/tds to perfection. 51 body inevitable death, and mortality i fois it with this matter of fait, and the body ot the earth , tor as by the moderate di- ftributing thereot, it corrcdlcth all barren qualities, dilrerfeth cold, and naughty vapours, and yicldeth a kind of tatncTs and truitUilnels, whereby the Seed is made more apt toQprouf, and the ^oand more itrong or able to cherilli the lame, till it come to pcrfcdion, through the (harp, warm, and difperling quality The ahufeof thereof, fo being bellowed in too great abundance and cxeefs, ^-I't iiicxccfj. whereby the eartn is furftitwd, and as it were overcome, and drowned up with too much of this natural goodncfs, and helpful quality, then all his proper vertues turn to egregious vices, as his wlolfi-me Iharpnefs to a fretting, gnawing, and delhoying greedinels, his comfortable warmncfs to a confu- mingand wafting rierinefs, and his gcntlcnefsia difperling toan inicdiousand venemous pollution, by the joynt qualities of all vvhicii together, tiieground is made neither ht to receive any thing from the hand ot the Husbandman, nor yet to produce or bring forth any ot it felf, becaiife every good quality is abu- fcd or expelled, and nothing but unnaturulnefs , and (tcrility Ictt, which like a Serpent lodgcth in the ground,and will fuffer no good thing to have focicty with it ; And thcfe are thcetfccfs and milchiets which are occafioned by thcfc S. a- breaches, or inundations of the fait- water. It is certain, that although in the fait marflus, where the Sea Offaltraode- cometh in at certain times, and only walbcth or fprinklech "^'•''X ^^^d. the ground all over, and lb departetli, there is neither want of grals, nor yetcomp'aint of any evil quility in the grafs •, yet it is moft certain, that noovcrtlow of Sa!t-watcr,how little or moderate foe ver, can be truly Did to be w!-io'G)m for any kind Noovcri^ow of grafs-ground wharfoevcr "> for grafs is compoinulcd oi an in- of fjJr warer hnitewo^rld of plants and llmplc's and mo(h)l tiicm of leve- S°°'^-^'"S"'*- ral nafurts and qualities, fo that it it ;i;ive nour'lhment to one, yet it may dcltroy ten ■-, neither do I tind it by auy o\ the An- ricnrs, limply and properly applied untothi. grafs grounds, but rirfr unto the arable, in 'vhich having fpent itsprimary, or tirfi Urcngrh upon the fted-Cwinch isa ercat and greed/ dcvourer.or eater upol the Itrength, and tatnclsot the earth) it then pre- pares and makes the ground ir.orc able and lit to brin^ H foitU 52 /\:d:::h:gGrou7iJis to perfection. Book 2. Tlvcgroiu;^ forth grafs, and that of the bsft and hncft kind : for although i^^ »hc Malicrsof ihc Silt-marfhcs find a lint^ular and lire prune in thofe grounds for the feeding, breeding, taiting, ar.d fuHain- iog of ihur great Hocks ot Snccp \ which upon thclc Salt ground?, they lay they will uerer ro: or peri(h by that univcrfal Diffai'c i yet ihcy mufi not irr.pute it to the great quantity^ood- nefSjOr any growih in the grals, bur to the fait which they lick up in thegra(s,and to thefalt quality of the gra(s,which is not only an Antidote or prefervative againfi that noyfom and peliiiCT.t OTiOrtalit)', but alfo a delightful and plcalant tood wherein thofc Cattle take more contentment than in any o- ther thing whatfoever •, foihat 1 rouii ncccfiarily refi upon this Conclufion, that as more moderate walliing and overfiuwing of Silt-waters arc no certain or particular great helps uniografs- grounds,efpecially if they be applied thtieunro,and tothatpur- pofe limply at ihe rirft, wiihcut any other preparative or wor- king by a former means, 2s by tilbge, digging, delving, or the A truccaufc like v lb the exceeding great Inundation, or Sea-breaches which «f barramcfs. jj^ y^^ foaking and linking into the earth, muft needs be a certiin infallible , and almoft incurable caufe of barrenncfs, eating, fpoilin^, and confum.ing the very roots ol all man- ner of plants, trees, and growths , by which the ground is Wncrcr.i:i made uxierly incapable of generation or bringing toith : and f""'*^??^ ^ therefore where thefe great inundaiions or over-llowings can- "^^""^ not be either prevented or avoided, but as the feafons of the year, they do and muft hold their ccurfes s there I would not. wifhauyman tobeftow cither hi; labour or his colt, for it is lofsof timfpnd lofs of fubftance :but where it is tc be prevented ^*2j^"^ or avoided by induirry, or that ihofe over-flowing or Sca- ^""^ ' breaches a^me and happen by cafua^y or changc.as cither by the upna^uralnefs and fuperabundance of Tides being driven in by the violence and imperuoufncfs cf outragious winds, or by any ncgkd or breach in the Sea-walL cr other miihaps 1 1 the lik. rat^are, which hspneth feme tines fcarce once in an Age.at the rr.oll not above once or twice in many years \ in theli: cafcs there is iT»oft certain rewcdy, and the ground fo fpoikdand wafted, mavbvatrar.d indufiry be acain reduced and bioug'n to the fcr.Ler peifudi<:n and ^:dne£5 > nay.mmy nmes aciesiicd and fiCcd Book 2. overjloivedby Sdt'ivater. j:^ freed from many faults and fierilc qinlities, towhichic was ei- ther naturaVy addid^d, or clfcby chance and accident gie^v thereunto, by contuiu.M vveiiingand in^ployment without reft or retrclhing, by theartiticial means ot wholfi^m manures, or other ftrcngthningq which ought to be applied before thofe faults grow in extremities. Now touching the cure of thefe grounds which are th-JS worn out, decayed and mide barren by thefe inundati<^ns of Salt- water, ihcownfr thereof is Hrft to draw into his co;;fiaerition, that as the malignity and evil qualify of the eirtii is grown by too much fretting, gnawing, and waging of the Sa!t, fo it mull be allayed and qualiried by a quite contrary condition which is freflmcG : the contrary then to Saltr water, muli ofnc- ofthrcurc"*" ccffitybcfrefh-water, fo that you are to cali about your judg- mcnt,and by the view,!ituation,and kvel of the ground (which one contrary for the molt part canhav.^ bwt little difficulty in it, becaule helps anocher thefe grounds upon which the Sea thus brcaketh, muft ever be the lowed of all other, fo that a true defcent coming unto {x^ andatrue afcent coming from it, there is no hardncfs to con- vey any water-courfe thereunto i look how tobr:ng a frelhnefs which may conqncr and overcome this fatnefs , and tlatmud The\va»cring therefore be freih water, which by channels, ditc'ies, furrows, "J;'^^!^^/^^^ fluccs, and the like you may brinj^from any freOi river, fpring, ^^^ pond, or other freth-wat^r courfe ^though rem-:!ved fome di- llance of milc=; from the place to which you would convey it ) to the very place to which you dcfire to have it, and with this frdh water you lliiU wall> and g:n ly droA-n over {o much of your fpoiled grnind as you (li-^ll be able reafonably to deal \>ithal,inothcrco -s r-nd labour for that year \ and if you have plentiful ftore of fre(h water. tHcii having (cs I laidj dio^vncd • it over p.cntly, ab'^ut four inches, or half a foot deep, you (lull ^^^ toHraw {o let it lie two or three days, then d»-:in away that water by awav the frci!! the help of back ditches or by lluccsmade for that purpofe, water, which if the lituition of the groimd deny yon. and that there is nofuch convenient conveyance, then you fn.dl in the lowclt part of the ground f either joyningucon fon.e other fpoilcd ground, or upon (he Sea-wall or b:nkj plac: aCoy,whichm3y cither caft the water into the ether ground, or clQ over the wall' H 2 and 54 JRcduci/fg Grounds to ^erfeciion. Book 2,^ How oft to and bank into the Sea i and having thus drained away the canh"^^^ hrft water, you (hall then open your flucccs of frcfb wa- ter again, and drown your ground over the fecond time, and do in aJI things as you did before, and thus according to the plentirulncfs of your frcfli water , you fhal] drown your ground , or at Icali walh it over with frclli water twice a week, before the beginning of the Spring » and if the Salt-water have lain long, or be but new departed, then you (hall ufc your frefli water, for feme part of the Spring alfo. Hclpi.if tVefh Nowfome n^ay objcd unto me here, (and it is a matter al- uatcr be wan- together unlikely; that in fome ofthefe places, where thefe In- "°S' undations and Breaches are, it is impollible cither to find frefh Whether brae- ^^•^^^^'^j""^ to bring freOi water unto them,bccjuft all the fprings kifh water be ^or many miles about, being made naturally blacki(h, and the whoUoBic. rivers by the infedion o^ the fak tides, having loft the grcitcll part of their fwcct freOinefs i the Queftion nowrcftcth, whe- ther thefe brack! Hi waters are wholfomefor this purpofc, I, or No } To this I muft needs anfwcr, That they cannot in any wifebegocKl for thiofe fpoiled grounds, bccaufc the earth n-tu- rallyof anattradtivc and drawingcondition, fucking and ga- thering unto it felf any that is of a flurp fwcet> or fewer taltc, and efpccially faltnefs •, fo that being covered with thi fe brackifli waters, it will draw from them only their fair, fof which it hath too much already) and no part of the fre(hnefs which fliould qualihe and amend it : therefore, if cithcryour ground be thus lituated, or your neceirKicsthusunfupplicd,it is better,that you rather forbear this labor of wafhing or drowning^ yourcaitli, (though it be the firfr, the fpe edit ft and furcftcurc "otali other j than by watering it with infinite and unxvho^fomc waters, rather cncrcafs the nnifchicf , than any way delay k. . After you have watered your groviaJ, f if it be a work_ ofSo^t^!"& P'^'^'^^^ f" ^" attained unto^ or other wife ncgledcd^ ; it king a thco-jfcrva'ti. thing not polliblc to be found ; ynu ih.jlJthcn about the Inner oos tiiercjrt. end of M^rr/;, plow up id^thcf^ound with a good dot p ft itch,. tttm'ai> up> 1 l*r^.e tuirovv, and by'v^g it inio lands, raife sSih,^"^''^ them up as mucL as vou can, and make tlxm round, then look Book 2. overfljweciyy Sdt'WAter, 55 of what nature or temper the earth is, as whether it be fine fai^d, rough gravel, rtiff clay, or a mixtcarthjOr any of thefe contra- ries together : If itb: a tine fand, either white, red,or brown, it mittcrs net whether, then you (hall take any ckin earth vvhick is free trotn thefe fait wafl^ings, being of a mean or fmall fiilf- Ocfs, andlikewife ofas mean and htck richncfs, which being digged out of fome bank, pit, or other place where Icalt lots is to be had, you flia'.l carry 'it in tumbrels orcar iages to the new plowed ground, and 'here hriilay it in heaps as you do manure > then after fprcad it over the Land, and being dry, with clotting l^eetlcs break- it as fmall as you can poUibly v for ^ this hungry Clay bcing'of no rich and tat condition, will To ' fuck and draw the fait into -t, that it will take away much of the cvilquility, and mix'ng his tough quality with the loo(c cpnditionof the fand, they will both together become apt for fruirfu'ncfs and generation. If the fpoiled ground be a rough hard gravelly earth, then Jf q ^^j^"''^" you (hall mix or fpread upon it the belt and richelt frefh Clay yai> can get, or if there be any fuch fruitfulnets near about you, then with a good blew Marie, for that is the cooleft and the fre(he(i,and will the fooncft draw out the fjlc from the gravel, and give it anew nouri("hment,. whereby any Seed i"hall be ted and comforted which is caft into it. Ifthefpoilcdcarhbeof its own nature, a ftiflfand ^«^'S^ ^Jf clITv^^'""^ Clay, which i$ but feldom found fo near the Sca.(hore, then " after the plowing you O^all ir.ixit, and cover itover wichthe frcO.cft and rinefr Sand that you can podib'y get,for that will net only feparatc the Salt from the Clay5-and take away the natural touglineis and Ihft'iuf? of the fan.e, which hindcrcth and fuOo- cateth the tender fprouts, fo as they cannot cafily get out ofthe earth, -butallb by lending a gentle wjrmth, will alVwage the cold quality ol tnc Clay, and mike it bring fortli more abun- dantly^ Lafily, if the fjmc fpoiled earth be of a mixcc quality., then The mrxru^c you (hall look whether it be binding or loofentng. If it be of nnxi caf:U. binding; ikien yoia ("hall niix or cover it with tine hefh fand i if kkofcrting, theo with a leafonabkriclv and-tou.ih c'ay, lor fo ypulhallUringtt to an opea aud. comfor^aUc temper, maki...q 56 Eeiincing Grotmds to ferfeCtioft Book 2. The Tecond ,j)!o\vi ng. Election of Manures. ir able both to receive, clicri(h,and bring forth the Seedi which btforc cither too much wet, or too much drinefs did Itiflc and bind up within the clots and mould, (b as it had no itrcngth to bear it fclf through the fame. when you have covered your Lands vv/th this mixture, you fl)allthen plow it over a^ain before Midfumiucr, turning the. new laid c:rth unto the old earth, and as foon as that labour ishni(V\cd, you fliall then lade torth your manure or compofl unto it, in which you arc to have a great CJre what manure you clcd for that puvpofe, for it is not the vicheft and fatfeft manure, as, your Pigeeas-dung, or PuUens dung, Lime, Chalk, or A(hes, yc'ur Horfe-drn^, your (hovclin^s upon High-ways, your hearts hoofs, your Horn (havings,your Hjmp-v^'ccdjOr any other Weed which grovveth near the Sedge of tlx: Sea, neither your Oxe, or Cow.dung,though of all bcforc-n3mcd,that is the belt, wliich- doth the tr.olrgood upon thefc fpoilcd grounds, bccaud they have all in them a llrong quality of faltnefsor (harpnefs, which ■will rather add than diminiih the evil quality of the earth, but in Head of thcfcjyou thail take the mud of dried bottoms of Lakes, Ponds, and Ditches of frelVi-watcr, and the moifturc or wetter fuch mud or bottoms arc, the better it is, or ftravv wjiich is rotted by fomefreili watcr-ccurfe, rain, or the like : byno means t'*jat which is rotted by the urine or Aale of horfe or cat- tle,for that is the faltell of all other •, or you may take any Weeds whifch you fee grow in frcfli Rivers, Ditches, Ponds, or Lakes, efpccially thofe whicli grow at the bottoms of Willow, Sal- low, or Oli:r-Trces •, or you may take the old rags of woollen cloth, or any other manure which you know to be the wool- oVdicMamirc l*-"'^ ^^ frefliell:, and with any of thefc, or all thofe together, you (hall very plentifully cover ycur ground all over , and im-* mediately upon the covering or laying on, lee you prefenMy plow if, land after land •, for to give it any long refpit after it is fprcad, the Sun out of his attradive and llrong natural will cxhilc and draw out all the vcrtue from your manure, and fo fpoil much of your labour. when you have thus manured it, and plowed it, you may then let it reft till Michaelmas, at which tim.c you may plow it the lali; time, and then fowe it with the Ihongefi and hardell Wheat ThcbcflMi nures. The ordering The third plowing. Book 2. " everfljn'edhySalt'jvater. ^y Wheatyouhave,of which the white Pollard is the beft,ancl there is no quelhon but if it be fafcfrom a iecond Intmdation, your crop will be both plentiful and rich, and alfo acquit and pay largely fc^r all your former charges. The fecond year you need but only plow it as arorefaid,and then foweit withgood Hemp- feed, and be allured you will have a brave crop arife thereof", then the third year you Ihall plow it as flat as you can,fcill throw- ing it down, and not railing it up at all, and then fowe it with ji-^^ fecond' the befi Oats you can get, according to the nature and ftrength ^--ear fowing. ofyour Country, and be fure to harrow it well, and to break ^"<^ '^^^ird. every clot, and make the mould as tine as poffible, and the next year after your Oats, hy it for grafs, and I dare be bold, it will bear reafonable meadow ", yet would I not have you this year to preferve it tor that purpofe,but rather to graze it with Sheep Laying the or Cattle, efpecially Sheep, of which I would have you lay on earchfor good ftore •■> for it matters not how near or clofe to the ground ^" ^* they eat if, for the next year it will become to the fulncfs of pertedlion, and beasprohtable or more prohtableground than ever it was, and tl>en you may apply or accommodate it for what ufe they plcafe, citherarable. Meadow, or for continual grazing. And thus much touching the manner of reducing again, and Ofgrazing,. bringing unto their tirll perteclion, all f.;rts ot grounds which have been over-flowtd, or fpoilcd by Salt-water, or the Sea- breaches, whether if be arable or pa (lure j as alfo the enriching or. bettering of the fame. CHAP. XIII. Another vpay to enrich barren FjJhtreSy er Meadorvs^ without the help of rvater, IF your barren Paftures or Meadows be fo feated, that there is- no poilible means of wafliing or drowning them with water, you are then only toreilore and ftrengthen them by thectlica- cieof Manure or Scyl, without any other help, and tliis may divers ways be done, as bythofe manner of manurings, which 1- have formerly treated of. But to go a better, and briefer way to work, ai:id more for the cafe and capacity of the pbin Hus- bandman.^ 58 yhvxy to enrich barren Pajl IOCS, Book 2. bandman, uhenfocver you ihall be pofTeft of thcfe barren pa- CUy manure. Trures, it" the burcunds proc.cd from fand, or gravel then fomc Husbands ufc to manure the paUure over with the belt Clay they can get, hrlt laying it on heaps,thcn fpreaJIng itjind l-ftly, with clotting bect!:5 breaking it into as hne duft as they can get if, and this labour they cctnirionly peitorm as foon as they can after Harvc(t,when the latter fpringisearcn.and the earth is moft bareibut it the barreuncfs proceed from an hang:y,co!d,3nd Mconthcanh. dry cl.iv, then the manure is with the bcU rroonlh bbck earth which (hey can get, or with any moil\ manure whatfoevcr, e* fpccially, and above the relt, wh.n the Soil that is digged out of old ditches, ponds, or dried up liandinghkcs , and this earth mull belaid plcntilully uponihe ground in m J cure heaps, as aforefaid, that is to fay i nr!t in great heaps, then after broken and difperfcd over the whole ground ^ and lately, broken into fmall dull, and mixed wi.h the Uvarth ot the ground, and this labour, astiic other generally pertbrmed after the Harvtft, as a time of moli convenience, and giving the earth .1 nt rtfpit to fuck in the ftrengthand comfort ot' i\\c new earth, and alio ha- ving all the Winter after witli his frolis, fnows, and (howcrs, toniellow,ripcn,and mix together oneearth with the ether: and doubtlei's thi^; is a moll exceeding g(X)d Hnsbindry, and not to be rcfcll d ur carpt agiinli by any knowing or Ibund judgment » only it isno*- the moitabfolutc,or bed ot all wa^'s whatfrcvcr, but that (/tiurs may be found fomcv»hat morcne:r, and fomc- what mere commodious. TfccScrtway Therefore, whentbcvcr ycu fhall be owner of any of thcfe tocnrichpa- barren p-:iiurcs, or meadows, ot whit nature or condition foe- ticw°'^'""' v^rthecanhbciwhcthcr proceeding from gravel, land,cljy, or peltercd with any other mjlignant quality whatfoevcr, to re- dtceit toterfilityand goodncis in the fhorrefttime, andfothe molt prorit, about the Month of A/jrc/?, when all palUirc grounds are at the balel^, and d ) as it were remain a: a fland between decrealing and incrcaling, y(ui fhall begin then to lead forth your manure for the rcirtlhin^ of thcfe tarths, and the ma- TficSoyl ©f nure which you flu 1 carry unto tl-.efe grounds, (hall be the foil tSc ftrccts or oc firccts wtthin Cities or Towns, or the parings and gatlierings Htfc -v,a}s. up of the Hgh- ways, much beaten with travel, alfo the earth for Book 2. ThehejtwAy to Enrich. 5P for two or three foot deep, which lyeth under yoar dung-hill Earch under when the dung is removed, and carryed away, for this is moft ^""§""*^^'* precious and rich mould, and i? not aJcnc excellent for this ufe, fcutalfo for the ufe of Gardens,for the llrengthningandcomfor- gardea^or ting ot all forrs of tender plants, and for the ufe of Orchards, for Orchards, the comforting both of old and young Trees, when at any time their Roots, are bared, or otherwifc when there groweth any millike or decreafing. You (hall alfo take the fine cartq pr mould which is foand The mould inthehollowofold WillovV-tre?s,rilingfrom the rootupalmoft ofwiliow is to the middle of the Tree, at Icaftfo fir as the tree is hollow, for ^recj, than this, there is no earth or mould finer or richer. Of all thefe m.anure?, or of aoy one of them, or of as many as you can conveniently get, you (hall lead forth (b much as may very plentifully manure &: cover your ground all over-, you (hall riift lay it on the earth in reafonablc big heaps, that the Sun may not exhale the goodnefs out ofit,and then atyourbeft leifure,8c fo foonasyou can conveniently, you (lull fprcad it Univerfally over the field, difperfing it as equally as you can, unlcfeyouc lield be more barren in one place than in another, which if it be, then you fhall lay the greatefl plenty where it is moft barren, and the Icls where you find the greateft fertility, yet,by all means,fec you fcant-notany place, but give every one his due » for to do otherwifc would (hew much ill husbandry. Now it is the ufcof fome Husbandmen, that what mould or earth is laid out from fix a clock in the moming,tiIl three of the clock in the afternoon, that they make their Hinds fpread in the evening before they go to fupper \ and qucftionlefs it is a very good courfe, and worthy to be imitated of every good Hus- band* After you have laid forth your mould, and fpread it all over your pafture or meadow, then you (hall make fome boyes,girles, or other people, to pick and gather up all the ftones, fticks, or other unnecefTary matter which might happen to be led forth with the mould, and to pick and lay the pafture io clean as is pofGblc \ which done,it is to be inteHded,that yet notwithftand- ing this ground will lye exceeding rough, both in refpedt of the clots of earth, which will not eafily be broken, as alfo in re- 1 fpe(a: 6o ^ nerv way of Harrowing, Book fped of naturall roughncfs of thefe rich moulds, which at this time being digged up in the wet, will not eafily be fcpirited or diffolved, and therefore when you havehni(h:d the labours be- forcfaid, you (hall let the clots relt till the Sun and weather have drycd them, then after a groind (howi ''obferving to take the iirft that fallcth ; you fhall harrow your ground over, after this manner. You fhall cut down a pretty big white Thorn-tree , which A nrw way of ^.^ ^-^^j j},^ Hauthorn-tree , and make fure that it be wondcrt'ull **'"^^^°^' thick bufhie and rciigh grown i which doBe,you ihiU pla(hit as fiat is ycu can, and fpread it as broad as you can , and thofe branches or boughes which of nccetSty you mufi cut in funder, you (hall again plaih and thrufl into the body of the Trec,biud- ing them with cords or withs fo fafi thereto, that they may by no means fcarter or (bake out, and if any place appear hollow or thin, and cannot come to lie hard , tirm, and rough upon the ground, then ycu (hall take other rough bu(hes and thruft into the hollow places, and bind them from fiirring alfo , till you have made your plafli full and equall in all places, and that all the rcughnefs may be as in a tUt kvell equally touch the ground* when you have thus proportioned your Harrow , you ilia II then tike great loggs of wood, or pieces of timber, and with ropes bind them on the upper Cde of this rough Harrow, that the poifc X)f weight of them may keep the rough fide hard, and rirm to the earth , and then the Harrow will carry this prop<2tioQ oz h» gure. Xg 0,ql Book 2. A ne)v fvay off/arrowing. 6i To the big end of this harrow , you flialJ fix a flrong rope with a Swingle-tree with Treats, Oiler, and Harnefsjand one Horfe is fully fufficicntto draw it round about the Palture or Meadow ; fo with this Harrow you (hall harrow the ground all over, and it will not cnely break all the hard dots to a very fine duftj but alfo difpcrre thcra and drive thcnti into the ground, and give fuch a comfort to the tender roots of the young grafj, that newly fpringing , that it will double and treble the in- crcafc. And for mine own part, this experience I my felt have ..-•i ft en upon an extream barren Palhire ground in ^^''^^'^' /^•'^* •. Of j^uhb-fTi ' where none ofthefegnod moulds or foyles could be got ^ but amiiVcepiogs. this Husbandman was fain to take all thcrubbilhand coorfc earth even to the very fwecpings of his yard,and for want ot enough thereof, to take any ordinary earth he could get, and vvithit he dreft the ground in fuch fort 3S 1 have now laft fhewcd you, and this being done in /^pnl^ he iiad in June following as good Meadow as could be wiiht for, and w.is the firli Mea- dow I faw cut down in all that Country : from w'lencc 1 1 2 diaw 62 Ktdiui?ig Grounds to ^erfecfiof}^&c. Book 2. draw this conclufion. That where thefe better moulds or foyls are not to be had, if yet notnotwithlhnding vou take any or- dinary mould or earth whatfoever, and with it repkni(h your Pafiure or Meadow ground as is before {hewed, that without doubt you fhall hnd an inhiiite commodity.and profit thereby^ ibr even the rule of Reafon, and generall exf eiiince (htws us, that any frclh or quick mould comming to the root of th: G af , when icis in fpringing, mull needs be an inhniie comfort there- unto, and make it prcfper, and ll.oor up with a double hafte j and therefore 1 would have every Husband rr.an to make much cf the lubbifh, fwecpings, parings, and fpirliogs cf his houfeand- yard, and alfo of Cho veilings up of the high-waves, back-lanes, and other fuch places \ and cfpecially if they beany ihingclayie, cr moorii>),or fandy mixt with any other foyl > for of them he friaH find great ufc, according to the Husbandry and experience already defcribcd. of SojD-afhes Laiily, There is not any d\ing that naore enridjeth Pafture or ' " meadow ground then So3p-«ftxs, being thinly fcattercd and- fpread over the fame v and this labrur would ever be ccne 2t the Utter cndof^pr//, tor then Grafs is beginning to flroot up, and at that time finding a comfort, the cncteafe WiU mult-ply execs* dingly* CHAP. XIV. H.'ve tc enrich and niah^ the molt harren f.yl to hear excelleta good PjjUue (T ^leadoxv. •*_ ,», rr- nPO fpcok then of the bettering and enriching of th-fe barren Two waves to- I r ,,. , jt^^ »«j cr.ric hearth- earths, and reducing them to good ranure or Meadow, it is to be underftood.that there are but two certain waycsto coon- pafs and etfcik the fame, namely, water or manure. You arethen,whcn you go about thisprofitsbk bbonr,tocon- fider the firnation of t)ie earth you would a^nvert to Pafiure , and to cle<3: for this purpofe, the beft of this worfi earth you can lind, and that which lyes lowefLor elfc that which isfo defccn- ding, as that the bottom thereof may Autch to"the loweft ptrt of the continent, for the lower tlut fuch grr unds lye, the fooncr tbc^c arc made good. and brought to yroht. Next,you (hall coc— Gdcr Book 2 . To ^*^c rich Pajiure^af Me:tdoiv, 6^ fidcr what burthen of grafs it bearSj and whether the grafs be dean andintheof itfelt'Cwhich is the be ft and likeliefr foyl to %t made fruitfull ) or elfeiBixt with other worfer growths, as- Thiftle,Heath, Broom, or fuch like, and ifit be barthened with any ot thefe naughty weeds , you fiull hrildefcroy themby ftubbing them up by the roots, and by burning the upper fwartli of the earth with dry llraw inixt with the Weeds which you (hall cut from the fame, then it fhall be good for certain nights, both before the hrll snd latter fpring, to fold your (heep upon this giound.and that not in a fcant manner, but very plentiful, fo as the dung of them may cover over all the earth,and their feet trampling upon the ground, may not only bear in the dung,but alfo beat off all the fvvarth from the earth , that where the Fold gocth , there little cr no grafs may be perceived •, . then whilelt the ground is foft, and thus trampled, you (hall fow it all over with Hay-feeds, and then with your fbt board beetles, beat the ground fm.ooth and plain, which done, you (lull then frrow, or thinly cover the ground with the rotten iiadds of Hay.-fracks , and the moyft bottoms of Hay-barns, and, ovst-that, you flull fpread other llroQg manure, of which, Houfe-dung, or Horfe-dung, and mans ordure mixt together is the bell, or forwantoffuch, either the. manure of Oxen, Kine, or other beafrs ••> and- this m.anute alfo yo-j (hall fpread very thin upon the ground, and folet it lye till the Grafs comiC up through the fame, vvhich Graf; youfl.allby no means graie. or feed with your Cattell, but being come to th; perfcdlnefs of- growth, you ftiall mow it down i and although it will be the rirfi year but fnort and verycoorfc, yet it skillttii not •, for the enfuifig years (hall it yield profit > and brin^ fcith both fo goodgnfs, and fuch plenty thereof as reafonubly you can re- quire 5 for thisis but the iirft making of your gTOund,and altera-- tion of the nature thereof: neither (hall yon fhus drcfs yourr ground every year, but once in twenty or 40 ycars,having plenty . of water to relieve it. When therefore you have thus at hrit one- ly prepared your ground by defiroying.. the b.uren growth thereof, and by manuiirg, fowing, and dreiljug it,yau (hall then carefully fcarch about the higheft parts of the ground, and the hi^hjT pprtsofall ojhergror.nds, any way n€'^'.bv^uiing.round aboutv ^4 Of II ^ater'uig Ground, Book 2. *^ watering ^rounds. Heip= in rue Watering. WVien and how to water. about itj and fomewhat above tlie level thc;reot,to fee it you can find any Springs in the fame (as doubtlefs you car.not chuf: but do, except the ground be of rr.orc then ftrange nature •>) and the headsofall fuchfpiingsas you (hall find , you fhall by gutters Jind channels draw into thofc ditches which flull conr.pafs your itcadow round about, obfcrving cither to bring the water into that part of the nr:eadow ditch which ever lyeth higheft^and fo let it have a currant p^iT ge through the ditches down to the lower part thereof, and fointo fome Lake, Brcok,or other chan- nel!, and in this fort yru may bring your water a mile or two : Niy, 1 have fecn water brcught for this purpofe, three or four rr)i?-s, and the gain thereof hath quit the charge ia veiy plenti- flill manner. But if yiu cmnot find any Spring at all, nor can have tlie liclp ofjny Lake, Brook, River, or other channel! of moving water, (which is a doubt too curious, as being caft beyond the Moon.^ you fhjl! then not onely call ditches abaut this your Mea- dow ground, but alfo about all other grounds,which (hall lyca- bcut, and that in fuch fort,that they all may have no paffage but into the upper part ()f the meadow ditch, fo that what rain fo- cvcrfliall (all from the Skie upon thofe earths, it (hall be recei- ved into thnfc ditches, and by them conveyed into the meadow ditch : and to augment the (tore of this water, you (hall alio in fund ry parrs of fhofe upper grounds which are above the mea- dow in places moft convenient, dig brge Ponds or Pits, which both of then f-lvcsn-ay breed, and a!fo receive all fuch water as Ihall fill ncer abcutthcm, and thife Ponds or Pits being filled fas in tlie winter time ncccflaiily tlay mull needs be at every glut of rain} you n-.al! prefently by fmal! drains, made for that putpofe, let the water out fiom them into the ditches, and i my, it may be^not above once in a mans life time. And here alio is to be conridered,that the water which com- mcth from Clay or Marl grounds,beingthick,muddy,3nd puddy, is much better and richer than that which commethfrom fand, gravel, or pibble, and fo runneth clear and fmooth, for that ra- ther doth wafb away and confumc the goodnefs of the ground, than any way add ihrength thereunto. CHAP. XV. Of the inrichiftg and drejjirtg ofBarren grounds^ for the ufe ofHt'tnp or Flax, grounds ill VOU (hall un^crftand, that there are two forts of grounds, for Hcrap or I which out of their own natures utterly rcfufe to bear JFkx. Hemp or Flax j thct i^, the rich (lift bhck Clay, of tough folid and ha mould, whofe extreame fertility ^nd fatnefs givcth fuch a furcharge to the increafe of the iecd, tiiat cither with the ranknefs it runneth all into Bun and no rind j or elle the feed being tender, and the mould fad and h:avy, it baricth it fo dLep therein, that it can by no means get out ofihef^inc : The other isthemoli vile and extreme barren ground, which byreafon of the climate wherein it lyes, is fo exceeding fterile andunfruitfull, that it will neither bear thefe feed?, nor any other good feed. Andof thefe two foylsonly I purpofc in this place to treatifor which, fuch foylsas will niturally ficcommodl- oufly bear thefe feeds, I have nothing to do, in that I have fuf- ficicndy Book 2. for Hemp and Flax, - 6^^ ficiently written of them in mine Englijff Husbandman^ and Eng- lif} HoHfiivife^ which are books onely for good grounds, but this for all fuch grounds as arc utterly held withotit curc» To begin then with the ftiff black Clay, which albeit it be Black Clay for very rich for Corn, is moft poor for thefe feeds^ when you Hcrap, &c. would reduce and bring it to bear Hemp or Flax, which neet unto the Sea-coaft is of greater price and commodity than Corn any way can be, efpecially adjoyning unto any place of filhing, in refpedl of Nets and other Engines which is to be made of the fame, and which being daily wafted and confumed, muft like- wife be daily replenished \ you muft firft with a ftrong plough,fit for the nature of fuch land , plow up fo much ground as you intend to (owHemp or Flax upon, about the midft of May , if the weather be feafonable, and the ground not too hard : if otherwife, you muft ftay till a fliowr do fall, and that the earth be moiftncd, then ftiall you hack it and break the clots in fmall piecesj then with the fait Sea-fand,you ftiall fand it very plenti- fully, but if that be not to be gotten, and that you be very well affured of the natural richnefs of the earth, you fliall then fand it with the beft Red Ond you can get or find neer unto you , and upon every Acre of ground you thus fand withfrefh fand , you (hall fow three buftiels of Bay- fait, and then plowup again the earth, fand and fait together, which would be done about the latter end of the year, as after Michaelmas , and fo let the ground reft till feed-time, at which time you ftiall firftbefore-- you plough it,go down to the low rocks on which the Sea-beats^i^ and from thence with drags and other Engines , gather thofe' broad leaved black v/eeds, which are called Ore wood, and grovf in great tufts, and abundance about the ftiore j and thefe weeds ,.;.. ..... you fliall bring to your Hemp-land, and cover it all over with \IJj^'i/j^g5 the fame, and then you ftiall plow it again, buryingthe weed* * .,, ~ within the earth, • fJ' --^-'i:^- • And herein IS to be obferved, that in any wife yOuttluft hi'^ thefe weeds as wet upon the Land as when you bring them out of the Sea, provided ftill, that you add nootherwet unto them but the falt-water,for fotheyareofallfoyls and manures what* foever the onely beft and fruitfulleft, and moft cfpecial'fdr the'fe feeds, and breed' an increafc beyond expedation, ^1 ^i^iV/ K When 68 BArren Gronniis fcr B«^ feli-J?f,^^k- wirh your clottin^-bcctlc , jnd iucbiiit^ tools s tlieh after the tini Rreat (hovvr which fluH fa 1 alter' your fbyvini;; , you (hall run over your land thus fnvu witii your back Harrov.s, that is, widi a pair of large Har- rpwc, the wrpn^fide turned upward, to wir, the teeth turoedi irQQ(i the earth, aP'd rhel^ack to wards the earth j and if need be,. ^04 liijll lay ^ upon ^he Harrows -fome indiderent he-vy pieeej ofy^ood , which may keep the back of the Harrows clofer to. the ground, a^nd fogoover all the earth, and lay it ,a*rip-*poi^h,afidi light as is poihble, without leaving t^ne fmallett clot thit may be. unbroken. Now if (he ground be fown with Hcmp.^ you (bftHfnot thiiik pf weeding it at all, becaufe Hemp is^ fo lw.:ra grower, and fuch a poyfon unto allvvecds, that it ovcr-runncth,, choaketh,and defrrny^th thems but if it be fown with Flax or t-inc, which is a much tenderer feed, and biingeth forth more tender leaves and branches," then you lliall watch what weeds you (eefpringup, aud in their hrft growth pluck them upand call them away,. till you behold your Flax or Line to be grown, above; the weeds, aod then ^you may;lct it alone alfo, for after, it hath once gotten hcigbc^ it wiU vycn be over-grown with weeds. Now touching the other foyl, which tlirough the extrcame. ^^^h"b« barrennefs fhcreol, refuting to bring forth any good fruit at allv %Lc, * you fhallin all points drefs; it, as you.drefs your plain clayes, dcfcribed in the (econd Chapter of this Book, beginning at tha fame time of the yeir that is then appointed , orCif more necef- faiy occafions hold you- if you begin later, it lliall not be a« mifs^ and then at Micb.ielniM you (lull plow it over the fecond time, and manure it with fca- weeds, atvd Co let it lye at reft till Mxreh ("which is feed time) and then plow it again, and aia- rtire it with fca-weeds again, and after the plowing, you (hall hack. Book 2. Jfem^^ fUXfif^'C, ^9 hackir, and ifin the hacking you find the earth fciffand tough then you flull harrow it befote you fow ic , and harrow it again, breaking the earth lo fmall, and laying it fo fmooth as pollible yo« can, ullng tliC help both of the clotting beetles , and all other tools which may be available for breaking the earth and making the mould as tine as any a(Vies, then atter the ■firft great fiiowr of rain, perceiving the ground to be well rnoiUned, you (hall inltead of the back Harrows (which upoa this earth ir.ay be too ligiit ) take the great rowler which is de- •fcribcd in the book of the EngHfh Hu^hjyJman ^ht\T)Z, a great round piece of timber ofraany fi^uares, drawn either by Horfe or Oxen,but a fingle Horfe is bell,both in refpccS- oftmich tread- ing the ground,as alfo for the fwift going away or drawing of the fame : for the fwifter it is drawn, the better it breaketh the ground, and the lighter it leaveth the mould : and with this Touler, you (hall run over and fmooth your ground very well, leaving no clot unbroken, and (^o let it reft. As for the weeding of this ground, you (hall not refped: it ait wecdirw. all, for naturally it will put up no weed, the very ground of it fclf being a very great enemy thereunto, nor (hall you need to drefs this ground in the form before faid, but once in eight or ten years : only every feed time, when you plow it (as you (hall not need to plow it at any time,^ut feed time only) you (hall be- fore the plowing, cover or manure the Land with the fea-weed -before fpoken of, which will give (Irength enough to the ground, without any other alliftance. CHAP. XVI. 7he manner ofjtachir'.g of al Kind of grain or ^ulje rritb greateji fi^ety'j and leaji luff-, ^ TN thcfe barren and hard Countries, of which I have formerly -^ written, all forts of buildings are exceeding coftly and fcarce, bothinrefp:(ft ofthe clime, which is commonly moll extreme cold, mbuntainods, and nluch fubjeft to ilorm and tempe/i, as alfo through ^:he great Want of Wood and Timber , wl\ich m fhofehard f^iylsdothh-ardtyorbever profper, and therefore in fjch places buildings nouft be bo:h fmall and dear, fo that it wrll be very hard for the Husbandman to have houfe-room for K 2 all 70 Stacking of aH Book 2. all his com -> but that of necellity he rr.ult be inforccd to fiack much, or themoA put of his Corn without doors,which albeit it be a thing very ufuall in this Kingdome, yet is it in rriany pla- ces fo icruficicntly done, that the lofs which redounds thereby ( partly by the moyfture of theground, which commonly doth iDt and fpoyl at kafi a yard ihickncfs ct the bottom of the Stack next the ground, and partly through Mice, Ratf, and o- thcr VerrFiine, which breeding in the Stack, do eat and devour a gjeat part thereof, as alfo through many fuch line negligent cau- fcs; is greater than a Husband may with his credit be guilty of, cr a f roritable Husband will by any mieans fudfer to be loll fo negligent. To fncv/ then the manner how to Itack or mow your Corn without dooies, in fuch fort, as neither the ground (hall rot it, Dor thefe vermines defiroy it, nor any other lofs come to it by way of ill Husbar^dry, you (hall iirlt caufefour pieces of timber, or four ftone?, to be hewed broad and round at the neither endi like the fafhioa of a Sugar-loaf, cr this hgure. And thcfc pieces of wood or fione fl^all be in length three- fe»otor thereabout, and in compafs or breadth at the bottom , two foot, or a foot and a half, and at the top net above ohc foot : thefe four pieces of wood or ftone you (hall place in your fiack-yar«t , or other convenient place neer your thrafhing- floor, Book 2. kind of Grain, 7i' ftoor, and you (hall place them four fquare, of an equal di- ftsnce one troHi. another : then you (lull cut out four fmooth boards of two inches and a half thick at the lead, and full three foot fquare every way , and thcfe boards you (hall lay upon the heads or narrow tops ofthefe ftones or pieccsor timber accord-- ing to this Figure. Then fhall you take ftrong over layes of wood, and lay them four fquare from one board to another, according to this Fi- gure* Arid i *72 Stiickipg of all Book 2. And then upon thcfe ovcr-!aycrs you fliall by other fmaller pdlesclofe one by another, and then upon them you Ihall mow or ftack your Corn, wV^thcr it be Wheat, Barley , Oats, Pcafe, or any other kind ot t^rain, and be fure if you make your ftack handfomc and uptighr, which conlilleih in the Art and Workmanfliip of the Workmanj you (lull never receive lofs in your Corn : tor the'raidng ofit thus two or three foot from the grouiKl, will prcfervc it trom all moifiure or hurt thereof , and the broad boaxds which cover the four ground-pofls will not fuffer any Mice or other vcrmine to afccnd or come into the fame. , Now for the manner of laying your Corn into the Stack , you (hall be fure to turn the part of the iTieaf where the eares of the Corn lye ever inward into the Stack, and the other which is the ftraw end, you (hall ever turn outward, and by that means you (hallbe alTuredthat no flying Foul, asPigeons, Crows,and fuch like, can do you any hurt or annoyance upon the fame," Lafily, you (hall under(\arvd,--that you may make thefc Stacks ei- ther round, fquarc, or long- wife, yet round is the fafe(l,and if you do make them longwife,then yen iTiall fet them upon fix ground- .po(\s,or eight,accordingtothe kngth and proportion you would i}:jve, it, and aftci your Stack is made, you (hall then thatch it ve- ry well to keep out the wet 5 alfo if when ycu do Stack' yowr wheats yc'U do top your Stack with Oits or other courfe grain, it will be fo-mtich the better, and the Wheat will lye in greater fafety : for no part of a Stack well made, cfpecially a round 5cack, will fo foou take wtt rr hurt, as the top thcreoC CHAP. XVII. Ihe dif^afes and imferft Cihtts rvhicb happen to all manner oj Grain, ALbcit the manner of Sta' .-nf, 3nd laying up of Corn or Grain in thclorm befoic'k>»e\vcd, may to cver>* one give an a(Turan«c for the fafe and pruhtablckeepingthcreof as long as it induicth therein, and abidcrh in the eare, yet becaufe di- vers nceclhticsmay compel! the HusbanJman to thraOi our hrs Corn, us cither, tor prefcnt ufe of Straw, Chaff, Garbage, or c- thcr Book 2-, ki»d of Grain. 73 other commodities needful! unto him (as the fcafon ofthe year ihall fall out) I think it mofr neccffary in this pl3ce,to (hew how all manner ofGrainand Pulfe, of what nature foever, may moft fafclyand profitably be kept from all manner of annoyances, or corruptions whatfoever, being a work of that utility and good- nefs, that not any belonging to the Hu-:b3ndman doth exceed ic : Nor (halHt be fufncrent tofhewMhe orftras and difeafes of Grain with tiuir cures and healthful prelVrvarions, whiilV it is in tlie Huibandmians poflelfion, but alfo whilft it is in the earth, and at tl\e mercy of cold, hear, moyHiTefs, or drynefs , and net onely fubjcd: to the malignant mfluences of Stars and Planets^ with the encreating and de^reafing ofthe Moon and her cperations : but alfo of divers other hurtfuU Vermine •> IS birds, w^rms, pifmires, dorrs, fnails^, rooals , and" other fuch like : feme whereof confnme and de^-Dur the grain ere it fprout, other fprouting when the kernel is rotten , and turn- ed to fweet fubltanee, and others after it is fprouted, by devou- ring the hrit tender leaves, beforq they have any Inrength to ap- pear* above earth, being as it were but foft white threads nor char-ged into the ftr:ngth of green, becaufe the air an(i Sun hath not yet lookt upon it. To begin then with the iirft enemies of corn or grain, after Crows , it is thrown into the earth, there is none more noyforae then Fidgeons, and \ Croves^ and ChMf^hes; and other fmaller birds, which flocking ^'^*^*' after dieleeds-man will in amannei: devour and gather up the griin as faft as it is fown : for as according tothe old faying'. That rrtjny hands makf light warl^^ fo many of their raouths (being creatures that ever flye in flocks together) and their much nimblenefs in devouring , foon rob the earth of her Acre , and deprive the labouring Husbandniaa of very much profit , and the Grain which the creatures do raoftconfume, is all man- ner q1 white Cornu as Wheat of all kinds. Rye and Oats, as alfo * Hemp- feed, Lin-feed, Rape- feed, and fuch like : Neither are they only otTenfive during this time offowing, but after it Is fown and covered, digging it with their frrong bills out ofthe earth, and Co making the wafle greater and greater. The prevention or cure of this evill, is divers, as the aifcdi- -^^^ Curc,-^' ens of people, and cuftom of Countries do inftru^ them : for fome nA Offences of Crorvs, Book ; fome (cfpccially tlic frsnch-men) ufe when they fow ihcfe grains and feeds, firft to fprinkle it with the dregs or kes of their bit- terefi oyles, which whenthefe devouring fowls do tafte , they refufe to do any further hurt : Others ufc to fow Pigeons dung or Lime with their feed, which nicking unto the grain , the unfavorinefs thereof will make the fowl cal^ up the grain a- gain, and leave to do further hurt. But forafmuch as thefe medicines cannot ever be had, nor are ever wholefome for every ground, the onely beftand fafcft means to prevent this evil, is , to have ever fome young boy, with bow and arrows to follow the feed-man and Harrows, making a great noife and accla- mation , and (hooting his Arrows where he fliall fee thefe de- vourers light, not ceafing, but chafing them from the Land, and not fuffering them at any time to light upon the fame, and thefe fervants are called Field-keepers, or Crow-keepers, being of no lefs ufe and profit (for the time) then any other fervants what- foever. Nor is it fufficient to have the Field-keepers for the bare time of feed only , whiJcft the grain is in fowing, but he fliall alfo maintain them untill fuch tiirx as you fee the grain ap-> pear above the earth, which fcr Wheat or Rye, bccaufe they arc winter feeds, and fo longer in fprouting, will ask a full month \ for all other feeds which arc fownin the Spring, or Snmmer, a fortnight is full fufticicnt : And this Field keeper (hall not fail to be in the field an hour before Sun in the morning, and fo con- tinue till half an hour after Sun-fct in the evening, for at the rifing and fctting of the Sun is ever done the greatcft mifchief , for then are all creatures moft eager and hungry > and though the indurance may promife much pain and trouble, yet que- ftionkfs the labour to any free fpirit, is both eafie , and plea- fant. - , ,. . Alfo ifyour Field-keeper, inftead ofhis bow and arrows, do ufe to fl\oot off a musket, or Harquebufh, the report thereof will appear more terrible to thefe enemies of Ci>rn, and the profit thereof will be a great deal more : tor a (hot or two of powder will fave n.cre Corn, than a weeks whooping and (houting , one^y you rauA obfervc,that your Field-keeper wfc no bullet or hail-(hot, for fo 'he may turn fearing to killing. Now touch- ing tlic dcftru(5tion which thefe creatuies make of Corn after it is \ , Book 2. Pf^eo^s a^ Birds y dec, 75 is ftacktup by tearing off the thatchjand digging holes and pits therein > to prevent that, you (hall caufc the thatcher to fcatter upon the thatch, great ftore of afhes of any kind, or elfe Lime, that as the Pidgeonsor Crows tear up the ftraw, the Lime or aflies will fparklc into their eyes and narcs, which they will not indure j as for thofe parts of the Itack which cannot be thatcht, as the fides and ends » upon them you (hall prick divers fcare-crows, as dead Crows, or dead Pidgeons, or any other *ags,as the fhape of a man, made either of thumb-ropes of hay or ftrawjor elfe fome old caft-away apparel, flopt with ftraw, &fo fixed on the flack, alfo in this cafe you may ufe- Clap-mills, or fuch-like toys,which make a great noife.But to conclude,thc bcft prevention for chcfe CreaturesCif you want ability to maintain a field-keeper) is to take long lineis of pack-thread, and in them to knit divers feathers of divers colours, cfpccially white ones, and with little flakes fo faften them over the Corn, that with every breath of wind the feathers may dance and turn about, and the nearer that thcfe blinks or fcares come to the ground ("when the Corn is new fown) fo much the better it is, leaft the fowl find- ing a way to creep under them, begin not to rcfped thcmifo that a haml or.'two from th? ground is fufficient i Provided that the feathers and fcares have liberty to play and move. But if it be to fa ve Corn in ripening, that is to fay, a little before it be reapt, when the ears begin to harden , or when it li- eth in finglefheaf upon the Land, for then fowl and birds do as" great mifchief, as at any other (eafon, it fliall then be fit that you raife thefe lines or (cares upon higher ftakes, fo as they may play as much above the pars of Corn, as before they did above the earth j and aniongft thefe fcares thus made upon lines in fun- dry parts of the field, you (hall upon other ftakes place many o- ther bigger fcares, as dead Crows,Pics, Gleadf, Pigeon?, or fuch like, as al{() the proportion of a man formerly (hewed you, or any rags of cloith being black, fowl, and ugly, like Bakers mal- kins-, and than this , there is no faferway for the defence of Grain or Corn from thefe Birds, and fuchlike. The next great devourcrs or confumers of grain are Pi(mires OfPiiimrcs. or Ants, which although it b: but a little Creature, yet it is fo labourfome,that the grain which they carry away or deftroy by eating amounteth to a.grcat quantity, and the mifchief which L thefe •76 offences of Dores, Book 2. thefe little vermine do, after the Corn is covered in the ground, and before it fprour, for they creeping in at the little chinks of the earth, and finding the Corn, either drag it out, or eat it, fo that ic cannot grow, and the grain which they mort hurt, is all manner of white Corn,erpccially your rinelt and fmalleft Wheat, for the skin or hull isthinnelt, and the kernel whiteft and fweet- ert : alfo to barley they do much hurt, cfpecially that which is fuileft and belt ilikewife to Rye,Hemp.fecd,Lin-feed,and Rape- feed i as for Oats, becaufe it is double hull'd, and alfo your great whole llraw wheat, and polard wheat, whick is thick huird, their hurt is not fo much to them, and untopulfe no- thing at all, becaufe they are too heavy, too thick skinned, and bitter in talk. The Cure. ^^^ ^^'^ ^"'^^ ^"'^ prevention for thefe Pifroires, is, to fcarch your Corn-rields well, cfpecially under hedges and old trees, and on the top of Mole-hils,and if you hnd any beds or hills ol Ants or Pifmires, prefentlyatter Sun-fctcing, with hot fcalding wa- ter to drown the beds or hills, or wich wet ftraw and hre, to make fuch a fmoak upon them, as may fmother them to d(.aih : alfo if you manure your Corn-lands wijh afties, lime, or falt- fand, you (hall be well affured it will never breed Pifnares. Of Dores. Next unto thefe, your Dores or great black Clocks are ve- hement deftroyers of all kind of Coru, both white Corn and Pulfe, whiift it lietli dry on the earth, and before it fprout i tor for after itb^ginneth to fprout , they do no more touch ir, and thffc Dores dclboy it in the fame manner, as the Pifmires do, by creeping in at the I'mall crevices ol the earth, and hnding tlic grain, do as long a5 it is dry, feed thereon i and thougii they are no hoarders, or gatherers together ot the gram, keeping it in heaps in dry places, as the Pifmires and other vermine do, yet they are great feeders thereon, and that continually : beiides, they will ever chulc out the fulicl^ and belt Corn, and leave the leaner, whereby they do the Husbandman double injury,as firlk to dcvour,and then to devour but the bcft only. The Cure. Thecure or prevenion for thefe Doies, or blac'< Clocks, is in Sccd-timc to makL great -.moaks in your Corn-nclds, which will prefently chafe them from thence,for they arc the greateft enemies that may be Co all manner ot Imoak > but if that be not fultkient^ Book 2. Of f eld Rats and Mice, 77 fufticient, then immediately before you fowe your Corn, you fhal! very lightly fowe your Land with fliarp Lime, and when- foevcr the Dore (hall Hnd the fmell, or tafte thereof , prefcntly he will depart j or ifheeateth of the grain that toucheth the Lime, it is a prefcnt Poyfon unto him^-and there he dicth* After thefe, your held Rats and Mice are very vehement de- Of field Rats ftroyers of all manner of grain or Seeds before they fprout, efpe^ ^^^ Wicc dally all forts of wheat, and all forts ofpulfe, becaufe for rhe TOoftpart thofe kind of grains in many Soyls are fown under furrows, and not harrov/cd, Co that the furrows atfirftlyinga little hoUow, thefe Vermines getting in between the earth and them,willnot only devour and eat a great part of thcgrain,but alfo gather together great heaps thereof into their nelt, as is of- ten feen when at any time their ne(h are found, fome having more, (bme lels, according to their labours. And albeit in other Soils where the grain is fown above fur- row, and fo harrowed in, and laid mUch more clofe and fafe, they cannot do fo much hurt as in the former, yet even whh thefe they will with their feet dig out the Corn in great abun- dance, and though in lefs meafure, yet do hurt that is unfuffera- ble i fo that to conclude, neither Rye,BaTlcy,Oats,nor any other fmallerand more tender Seeds, arc free from their annoyance and delhudtion. Now the Cure and prevention for thefe Field Rats, or Mice, "^'^^ ^^'^^- are divers, according to the opinions of divers Authors, and divers of our beft experienced Husbandmen ; for fome ufe in the Dog-days, or Canicular days, when the Fields arc commonly bare, to fcarch out the holes and nells of thcfc Rats and Mice, which are eafily known, being little round holes in the earth, madefo round and artihcially as if they were made with aa Au- ger, no bigger than the body of the Creature that was to liein it, and into thefe holes they ufe to put a few Hemlok-feeds^oCv alfo topowd.r, and raixthem with courfc honey, till it come to apalk, and then lay itin th.. holes^ and moLi fufpitious places, and it will neiti.er lyive Rat nof Moufe about all your fields, but fuddcnly dcliroy them. Of Worms, ^^c nexr great dcftroyeis of Corn and Grain, are Worn-iS, and they dcliroy it in the fprouting, then when the ground hath rotted it, and the white or milk fubftance breaking opci^ the upper husk, (hootcth forth in little white threds at both ends^ upon which whilft it is fo moifi and tcnder,the worm fcedcth ex- treme, and fo devouring up the fubilancc or fpcrm, is the caufc thecorn cannot grow or get out of the groundjindthcfewar/n^ being as it were the main citizens within the earth, are fo innu- inerable, that the lofs which is bred by them is inHnite, The Cure* Now the cure or prevention forthefe \Vorms,isdivcrfly ta- keni for fome Husbandnicn ufe but only toftrikcinto.the PJow- Reft, and under the loweft edge of the {hebord certain crooked fpikcsof Iron of great nails half driven in, and turned back a- gain, with which as the Plow runs tearing in the ground, and turns up the furrow, ihofe pieces of Iron kill and tear in pieces fuch Worms as are either within or under the furrow that the Plow cafts up, and this is fure a very good Husbandry Piadtice, but not fufficiw'nt for the deftroying of fuch a fccrct hurtful ver- mine which is fo innumerable, and lieth fo much concealed i therefore more curious Husbands ufe befides this help of the PloWjto take Oxe-dung and mix it with riraw,and then tobnrn it up in the land making a great fmokc overall the land, imme- diately before you plow it for Seed, and it is thought that this will kill all the worms which lie fo high in the earth, as to hurt the Corn. Others ufe before they make cither the mixture or the fmoke, to wet the Ihaw in ftrong lye, and then adding it to the d ung, the fmoke will be fo much the ftrongcr, and the Worms kill'd the fooncri or if you fprinkle ftrong Lye upon your Seed, be- fore you fowe it, there is not any Worm that will touch the grain after : Alfo if you take hemp and boil it in water, and with the water fprinkle your {ttd^. before you fowc it, not any Of Hvcuotto ^O''"^ will come near to touch it, be wet. Yet it is to be obferved in this rule of wetting youi feed. corn, that Book 2 . Offences of fVorms, 19 that by no means you mufl wet your Sccd-Rye, for it is a Grain fo warm and tender, thitir will neither indurecold, wet, nor fiitf ground, in Pjn^.uch that the Plow-man hath a Proverb, that Rye well drown'd in the Hopper ", that is -to fay, it muft neither be f>'.vn on wet ground, nor in a wet day,fince prefent (howers= ar.eapt to deiiro)'. ~ . : . . Laltly-it is thought that oft plowing )K)ur ground in the wane of the Moon is a very good means to dertroy both. Touching that pradtice which many ufe,to gather the worms from their lands at Sun-rife, in bright dewy morning, and Sub- fet, when the worms couple above the earth, I hold it more lit ♦or fmall Gardens, than large Corn-hclds. -' i The next great deftroyers of Corn, are Snails, and they de- Of ftiayls. -. ftroyir after it is fprouted,feedingupon the tender white threds and (tons which Hart from the Seed and would rife above the earth, being theftem orftalk on which the ears (hould grow (were it not devoured and eaten up by- the Snails, and fuch like VermineJ as foon as it begins to peep up, or as it were to open the earth i whereby it is driven back and forced to die in the earth ; for thefe creatures fucking upthe tender fweetnefs, de- prive it both of life and nourifhment. The Cure and prevention for this evil, is to take the foot of The Cnrc . aChimney, and after your Corn hath been fown a week or ten days, or within two or three days after the rirft fhower of Rain which fhall fall after the Corn is fown \ you ("hall fowe this foot of the Chimney thinly over the Land, and not a Snai) will indurc to come thereon : Others ufe ( efpeeially in Trance and thofe more fertile Countries^ to take common Oyl-lees,and after the Corn hath been fown, and is ready to appear above the ground, tofprinkle it all over the Lands,by which means no Snail or fuch like Creature will indure to come near the fame. The next great dcftroyer of Corn is accounted theGrafnop- OfGraOioj^ per, and he alfo deftroyeth itatter it is fprouted, and appeareth pers. above ground as the Snail doth, but fomewhat more greedily, for he not only feedeth on the tender white flrings,but upon the iirft green leaves that appear alfo i by which nmeans the Corr> ls>not ab!e to fpring ojt briiig forth a ftem'or -ftalk to bear the . 8o Ojjencesof MoUs. Book 2 the car upon.orif i: do puttonhany,yei: it isfo fnullj weak and wretched, that the ear growing on the fan e, is withered and lean, and the grain dry and blaficd,and no better than dulf>nor is there any Corn that fcapeth the defiru(fiion of the Gralhop- per,he generally fcedeth on all : Hift on Wheat and F\yc, be- caufc they are the earlief}, then on Barly and Oa:s, ar-d laftly onpulfe, upon whofe leaf and blolTom he feedeih, whiiil the tirfi is f^ect and pteafantjCr the other green. Ihe Care Now the Cure or prevention for theL Creatures, is, accord- ii^ to the opinion of fome Husbandmen , to take Worm-wood, and boy 1 it well in water, till thefirength of the Woim-wood be gone thereinto, and then wet with tliai: water in the month ' o4.Aii>'jto fprinkle all your Corn over when the Sun is riling or ictting, aed not any Giafhoppcr will come near, or annoy fhefanie. Others ufe inftjad of VvMrm-wood tobol Centau- ry, and toufelhe water thereof in t'.e fame maimer as aforefaid, ao4 rind an equal prorit in the fame ; but it is moft certain that ^^bitfcrconcodion whatfc>ever, ufed andappU^d asaforefaid, will not leave any Graihopper about ycur held \ for any bitter- cefs is fuch an enemy unto them, that they cannot live where tb.ey feel any tafte thereof. OfI4ok* irhe laft offence ot living Creatures belonging to Corn cr Grain are Molcs.wiiich not only feed upon it at:er it isfproutcd, and fpjndlcd^by eating up the roots thereof,and fo confequcnt- ly by killing the whole Corn •, but alfo their digging and un- dermining ot the earth, do root up the Corn and dcfiroy it in raofi wondertul manner, for where they make their haunts, or 5re futfercd to dig, there they will defiioy almofi hah an acre in a day : neither make th,:^ choice either ot grounds or grain, tor aH grounds and grains are alike, if the ground be not too wet or iub);d lolQundation-SOrovcr-RowsC-S for the moft part Corn grounds arc uotj tor above all things Moles caimot indure wet ground, or earth of too moiii a quality. The Cure. Now the bcfl Cure or prevention againft thcfe Creaturcs,is,to tindout the trenches and paffa^cs, which arc moft plain & cafie to beknown by the turning up ut the new earth, and digging crois holes io^ fame, to watch either the going forth, or the coming back of the Mole, and when you fee her caft,toftrike her Book 2. Of Smuninefs atk MUderp, 8r her with an iron fork made ofmany grains, as eight or fix at the leafljind fo to kill anddeftroy them, which isfo gen-rally knowa amongft Husbandmen, that it is become a trade and occup^ition among thcm/j that it needs no farther defcription \ and the ra- ther, in as much as for three or four pence a fcore,you may have any ground cleanfed of Moles whatfocver, No^v there be fome others which have not this art of killing or catching of Moles, which only do take brimiione and wet link- ing liraw, or any thing elfe that will mKe a itink"ng fmoak,an(l putting fire thereto, fmoak all the places of their haunts, and by that means drive them all clean away from thecom landsimany other pradi'es they have, but none To good, certain, and pro- bable as thcfe already declared. Thus far I havcfpoken of thofe offences which proceed from offences fronj living Creatures, I will not treat of thofe which come and grow the influence from the influence of the Heavens, being malignant vjpours, ofche Heaven, which ftriking into the earth, do alter thefwectand pbafant nourishment thereof, and change it into bitternefs and rorten- ncfs, whereby the Corn is either llain ou:-right, withered and" made lean and unkind ly,or clfe the kernel turns to a hlthy bh:k- nefs, being bitter, dry and dul^y, like unto fnoak, whi:h the ■ ^ Husbandmen call fmuttinefs, or mildew. It comethalfosrro- ^f 5'?''«f'''<:rs therway, as namely, by over-ranknefs, or too muchhtnefs of^'^'^^^^^'^^^^- the earth, and this hapneth moft commonly only to Wheat > for if blacknefs happen :o any oth.-r grain, it comcth ofbl-fr- ing<;, cr other malice of the Stars, for ranknefs of the ground is in Barley^ Ry;r,or Oats only, make them lie Rat to the ground, the ftilk not being able to fupport the muUiplicity cf thecars, and fo by that means the grain ivantlng his true nourilnmcnt, grows wichcred, and cf no validity, nosv that tl.isis moficaiie to be found out, the ranknefs of the growing Com riling as it. were in clofc bundles together, and thed;ep blacknefs of the green blade will with fmall travel fliew you. This to cure and prevent, it (hall b; good before yoh;fo'w^^^ Curcr. your grain, to foweyour land lightly over with Chalk, fcj: that will abate his ovcr-rankncf?. ■' There be other malignant qualities which proceed from the'^^^'^^^*^- influences of the HsaVwiiS, or rather from the qualicies of "the. &2 ' Offences from the /nftue me of Heaven. Book 2 Planets or Elcments,which do many dangrous hurts unto Corn, as namely the Hail, the Lij,htning, the Thunder,or the PJanct- liruck, or Blafting, for all which the anticnt Husbandmen have fuggefted feveral Cures : as namely for the Hail, to plant the White-vine, or flick the branches thereof in the Corn-held: tor the Lightning, to clofe a Hedge- Toad in an earthen Pot, and burying her in the Corn- he id, or to plant or hang up the feathers of an Eagle, or a Seal-skin, or to fet Lawrel thercinifor the Thunder, to Ring Bells,to fhoot oif great Ordnance, or to burn (linking weeds in the Corn-field : And for lilafling, to take the fair horn of an Oxe, and mixing it with dung, to burn it in the Corn field, or to take the Branches of the Biy-tree,and to plant them in the Corn-field : But, in as much as all thefe, and many other the like, fmell rather of Conjuration, Charm, orExorcifm, thenof any probability of truth i I will neither here ftand much upon them, nor perfwade any man to give fur- ther credit unto them, than as to the vapours of mens brains, which do produce much, many times out of meet imagination \ and fo I will proceed unto thofe things whicli are of far greater likelihood* OfFrofts. The next evil which hapneth unto Corn or Grain, is that which cometh by froft and (harp-nipping colds, which ftar- ving the Root, and binding up all nouriOiment, makcth the Corn dry, wither, and never profper '•> and, than the violence of the froHs, there is nothing more bitter to Plants and Seeds i • for, cvtn Rafor-like^it cuttcth the veins and finews in pieces,and as (harp needles prickcth the heart cf every growing thing r For as the fire vvhich is molt hot, when it ragcth, burneth, and confumeth all things , (o the troft, which is moft cold when it continueth, flarveth and choakcth, or fliflcth whatfoever item- braccth* The Cure. Now the Cure or prevention for thofc evils which do hap- pen to grain by thcfe great frolls, is as fome Husbandmen fup- pofe, to cover the Land over when it is fown with a(hcsi others ipread draw or rotten litter upon their Corn, and not any of them but is fufticient to prevent the vvorfl injury that froll can Pyp,^ Themoft malignant quality which offcndcth grain, is mift and Book 2. Offences from the Infiuence of HeAven. 8^ and fog \ which being naughty vapours drawn froni the infe<3:- ed parts of the earth, and fall upon the Corn, do not only make the grain leprous, but alfo infedting the better earth after the kindly nouriflimcnt thereof, and as it were diftiJling corruption in the veins, makes all that depends thereupon moft leprous and unwhojforti, and thereupon altcreth the quality, quite turning fweetncfsinto bitternefs, fulnefsintoemptincfs , and goodnels into bd nefsjto the great iols of the Husbandmen,and the much difreputation of jhe ground. Now the Cure and prevention of this evil, according to the The Cure, opinion of all the beft Husbandmen, is, to take weeds gieen, the twigs of bramble, and other brufi^ woods, wet firaw,or fuch like ftuif, and binding them up in great bundles , to put lire thereto, making a great and violent fmoke, and then taking the advan- tage of the wind, to walk up and down the held and fmoke it, which is thought a certain remedy to take away thofe inconve- niencies which happen by the venome and poylbn ofthefe mifts and fogs. Now to qonc!udc,of the difeafesand infirmities which happen Corn rcapt to Corn whiKlit is in the held, there is not any formerly fpoken ^'''"• of more dangerous, or ofvilder quality than the reaping, mow- ing, or gathering inof Corn wet, or too green,and unhardncdv for fuch moifture, when the Corn is (heaved up clofc together,, orftacktor mowed up, forthwith, gathereth hear, and cither fetteth the Corn on fire, or eife the moifture being of lefs quan- tity, and not apt to flame, yet \t. corrupteth the grain and (triw, " and brecdeth a frinkingmouldineis or rottennefs about it : fo that the Grain either becomes dung or dirt,or at leaft f) Itink- ing and unfavory , that it is good for no ufc or purpore,as is dai- ly feen where carelefs Husbands gather in their Grain without refped or Government , making liie old Proverb, l.]ut hajie ever briiigs rvjjh. The Cure and prevention of this evil, is the well-husbanding The Cure, andmanaging ofthe Harvclr, asrirft with a careful and vvclU judging eye to look upon your Corn.and to know by the hang- ing downward of the car, looking a*^ it were back to the ground, and by the hardncft of the Grain, whether it be ripe orno-, then looking to the cleanncfs of the Corn, as whether it M be 84 Of Corn rent wet. Book 2* be full of ereennefs, as grafs, weeds, and iuch hke : or clean of i: \c\i without any mixrurs ; if you rind there be any weeds mixt with ir, ihen you may reap it fo riiuch the fooner, though the kemtfl be not fo well hardned as you would wiih : and above all things , have a care never to Ihcar Corn in the rain or wer. no, tier fo triuch as with the mornings or c- venicgs dew upon ir, bu: even in the heat and brighrnefsof the day. Then having reapt your Corn fo full cf grafs and weeds yc'u ihall by r:c means iheaf ir, but fpreading it thin in the Sun, let the grafs wither all that day, which when you perceive to charge ccloar and grow dry, then bind ir up in {heaves, an3 let it lie lingle a day. that the wind and Sun may get into it, and dry the greens more fufficiently \ then lay it in (hocks cf lii cr eight (heaves apiece, and in thofe (hocks, turn the cars fo inward, that the other big- ger ends may defend then: from all the rain, wet or dew th-t may fall upon them : then a day or two after , lay them in ihocks cf twenty , 01 tbur -nd twenty fneaves a- piece, and in thcfe O-.ock?. let them take a fweat ; then break them open in a bright Sun-fhine day. and letting the air pafs thcrow them, to dry their, torthwith lead the grain home, and houfe it or fiack it in fuch fort as was fnewed in Hi'.t totmer Chapter, and be fure the grain thiis ordered and dri- ed can never take hurt : but if the feafon of the year fall cut fo extraordinary evil and full of wet, that bv no means you c^n get your Corn dry home, { which although it be icldcme fecD. yet it is poliible tobefcen ) in this cafe you muft bring it home as well as you can, and having your Kilne well ordered and bedded, yon (hall lay asmany (heaves thereon, as it can contain, and turning and tolhng them over a very gen lie fire, by flow degrees, dry them very pcrfcdly as i^ear as you can, with no greater a heat than that which the Sun ^veth, and then mow and ftackthennup atyourpleafurc, fcr ihc air will fwcercn them cgain, and take away all fracll or iiriokt or other annoyance > only obfcrve, not to Track them up whiiftThc hic or heat is in them, but whtn they are cold, and io fhcy wjlj be as fwect as msy be. Nc-'v it ii iif»t aiiiifs that I fpcak here. a word cr two of wjthr Of Com Book 2. OfwajhtQom, 85 wafht Corn, or the wafhing of Corn : True it is Cas before I have written) that all forts of Wheat whatfoever are fubjed either by the ranknefs of the ground, blading or clfc mil- dewing, to a kind of filthy footy blacknefs, as is already (hewed i and this footy Corn is taken two ways, generally and particularly : generally, if the whole Land b.^ftricken, and no Corn faved, but all fpoilcd, which is called mildew- ed •> or particularly, where but forae certain ears are ftruck, or fome certain part of the grain, as when it is black at botli ends, yet lull and found in the middeft, and this is called fmutcht Corn, being disfigured in part, but not in all. This fmutchtCorn, which is liricken here and there, if theblalkd ears be not culled out from the other, which to do is an Husbandry exceeding good and very worthy) when it Com- eth under the flayl, the dufi of thofe black blalled ears will fo foul all therelt of the Corn, that it will lookblackand ill-tavoured,and fo become unferviceable and unmarketable-,for the blafted Corn is both bitter and unwholfome : In this cafe, you muftof force wa(h this Corn, and you mud do it iw two or three waters, till you fee all the blacknefs quite gones which done, then drain away your water clean , and laying the Corn on fair window cloaths, or coverlids, lay it in the hear of the Sun, and fo dry it again till it be fo hard that it will grind : But if the time of the year will not ferve for the Suns drying it, then you fiiall dry it on a Kiln, with a very foft and gentle fire, and then cool it in the air to reco- ver the fweetnefs again, and then the Corn is as fcrviceable as any other : only for Seed it will by no means (erve, both by means of the blalting, which makes the kernel impcrfcd: at both ends where it ihould fprout, as alfo the too much drying thereof, by which it is fo much hardncd, that the ground ham ^^^ enfoy ^ no ftrcngth to rcfolveit •, therefore it is the Office of every Hus- ' ' " bandman when hechufeth his Seed-Corn, to cfchew by all means this wafht Corn as a Grain that is loll in the earth, and will by no means grow. Therefore that you m:y know wafht Corn from all other to know -Corn, and fo not to be cozened by any deceit in the ill HuS- waflitCorn, i)andman, you Ihall take it up in your Hand, and if the Corn M 2 look 9S Hew to preferve aU forts of Grahf, Book 2. look bright, clear, and fVaning, being all of oneintirc colour, wirhour change or ditferencc, then be fure the Corn is unwaftit and p:rf:(f^. Butifyou hnd it look whiterat the ends than in any other part of the Corn j3nd that the whitcncfs is black and not ihining, ib that there is a changeable colour in the Cor:":, th.^n be alTurcd that the Corn is wafht, and then by no means apt for Seed or increafe. Again, put three or four grains into your mouth, and chew their), and thenifthetafte be fwectand pleafant.and grind mel- low and gently between your teeth,then is the Corn not wafhti but if it have a bitterifh, or flefhy raw tafte, and grind hard between your teeth with much roughnc(s, then hath the Corn been wafht, and dried again, and is not good for Seed v alfo when Corn is more than ordinarily moil>,ormore than or- dinarily dry, both are very ill fignes, and (hew either imperfed: Corn, or imperftdV keeping, for the beA and good Com indeed, crer holdeth an indifferent temperature, betwixt drinefs and moi/hue. - CHAP. XVIII. Hsw to k^eep aSnunner ef Grairt^ either thraOrt or nnthrajht , vpith Ujji lofs the hngej\ time ', artd horv tifrejitne rt from aHinfirnuies^ and Vermine in the Houfe or Game r. TO proceed to the keeping and preferving of Com and Grain, it is ^0 be underftood, thit it is :o be done two fe« ^^^^ veral ways, that is to fay, in the Ear, and cut of the Ear *, in the ftack, when it isileanfed and drefled. Keeping Corn Touching the keeping of Corn in the Ear, or in the Stack, wtheearor there is no better nor fafer way than that already defcribcd in M) the chaff, ^j^^ ilxrcenth Chapter, being free from all offences whatfocver, that can come to hurt it. Now there be others that cut off theEar<; of then- Corn, and then put them into great Chelis cr Hutches of wood ffuch as arc very frequent and much ufed in Ireland^ and other Countries where War rageth^and fokcep itfweetand g,ood many years : Qihcis Keeping ot Corn two- Book 2. OfCorninthe£:ir. 87 Others ufe to beat it out of the ear, but not feparate it from the Chaff^ and then Uying a lear of the Straw more than a foot thick, to lay a good thick lear of the thratht Corn ■, and thus lay lear upon lear, till you have made up your fiack, in fuch propor- tion as you (hall think convenient ", and this m\\ keep all kind ot Corn, or Grain, or other Sced?,found,f\ve£t,and ritiorany pnr- pofe,at leaftadoivn ycar5,or more^as tome have fuppofed, with- out either too muchdrying,vvithering,moifiening5 or moulding. And furely tkisis a very excellent way tor the fmringupofmudi Corn in a very little room, and may as well be done with Coni as wich l^raw ■•> only it is not to be done in Barn nor Houfe, be- caufe Mice, Rats, and other kind of Vermine will work much Jeftrucf^ion thereupon, but on a Stack, or Hovel m.adeand pro- portioned in fuch form as was fhewed b:fore in the llxteenth Chapter, and fo it will ftand fate without all annoyance, as long as it Ihall pleafe the owner to keep it i furc I am, it will h(\ thus fully twelve years » yet fome Authors athrm, it wdl laft rifry years, but that is a fpace of years b;yond my trial. Touching thekecping of Corn after it is thraflic and drefr, it Keeping cf is divers ways to be done, as by ftowage or place of Icai, as Gar- Corn ov-.i c-\ i\txs, Hutches, and fuch like, by labour and indullry, as with the ^^^^.p^'^r fliovel, or elfe by device or medicine. For Gamas, they be made divers ways, according to thena- Of Gameis*- tureofthe Country, and cufiom of the people. Someare made with clay, and fome trodden withhair, ftraw chopt, and fuch like : but thefe arc the worft, and do fooneft corrupt Corn •. for althongh they are warm, which is a great pre-- fcrvation to Corn, yet they yield duft, and t>om that dull is bred fleas, mitss, weavels, and other Vcimine which do fpoil Corn, and make it eafily rot. Others are made oflioneand limejbut they are fubjec^ again ft wet weather, to yield forth a moift dew, which corrupteth and fotteth Corn. Others are made of Brick and Lime, and they arc very good againrt the Weave), and other fmall Vermine, but the Lime is (harp, and fo confequently very unwhokfoeiic for all manner of Grain. The beil Garner thar.can be mside to keep ail manner of Grains in,, 88 Of Garners and Hutches. Book 2, in, is made of playftcr, burnt, and brought into mortcr, and fo railing it up vnih the help of fmall ftoRcs hidden and placed in the midltot the wall, to make both the infidc and outlldcofthe Garner of fmoothphyfter, r.oftone being fcen but hidden at leaft two fingers thick on each fide, and all the bottom alfomult -befnadeofplaylteri fornoP.oot keepeth Corn fo well, cf what kind foever it bei and th<^fc Garners would be placed as near as you can to to the backs, or lides of Chimneys, or as near the air ot the lire as you can conveniently i fcr as there is nothing more cold then plainer, yet it is cvjr fo dry and free from moifturc, that wi:h no change of the :ir or weather it relenteth,but keep- eth the Corn ever in one Itate of goodnefs, whilfr the warm fianding thereof is fuch a comfort in the winter, and the natu- nl coolncfs of the thing fofoveraign in Sum.mer, tfiat thegraia ever abideth in one ftate without alteration. >h...,y.^ Now fcr Hutches, or great chefls, bins, dry fats,and fuch like, they are made of old, dry.and wcll-feafoned Oak-boards,plain- ed fmcoth, and clofe joyned and g,kwed together, with covers and lids made alfo very clofe, whereby little or no air can comeinj fomc of thcfe great Bins, or Hutches, made of dry board?, are made open and without covers, but they are not fo good, for the air covering the upper-part of the Corn, and the ■TTiiddle partfwcating, brcedeth corruption, or mulh'ncfs, which hurtcth and fpoikth the Corn : bcfidcs, they are fomewhattoo warm, and thereby make any green Corn apt to corrupt and fmcll. Of Hutches. Toucliing the ufe of Garners and Hutches,they are principal- ly tokec-p Male alter it is dricd,or Barley,which is for the ufe of bread or meal , and here is to be noted, that the beft manner of keeping Malt, is to keep it in the Corn,that is to fay, in the duft, and other hith which ccmcth with it frorri the Kilne, as thusi when hrft you lay your Malt on the Kilne to be dried , you know -here is3t one end a certain fprout, or fmall thred, which grows from the Corn, and is called the Come, which by the rubbing and drying of the Malt falls away, and leaves the Corn dean, and fmug oiit (elf,and when you trim and drcfsupyour Malt for the Mill, is vsinnowcd and cicanfed away : This you (hall prefeivc and put altogether into your Garner or Hutch, which Book 2. Of Garners and Hutches, 89 which will be fo mellow and ripen your Malt,thac in the fp^nd- ing rhereof^ a peck will go further, than a peck and a hilt kept of a contrary fafeion » and although fonie are pcrfwaded that this Come or Malt dull, is a great breeder of the vvorm or wea^ vel, by reafon of the much heat thereof, being indeed of the pti" reft of the heart of the Corn \ yet it is not (o, unlcfs feme rank- neis or moil\ure do get to the Corny and then it breeds weavels in infinite abundance, and therefore by all means be furc that Xour Garners and Hutches do fund exceeding dry, and then there is no fear of the lofs of Corn, nor Ihall you need to drefs or winnow your Male but as you fpend it. LaQIy, here is tobenotcd5that.although I here joyn GarncrSj Hutchcs,Cherrs,and Bins tog:cher,yet 1 make them not all of c^ qual goodnefsifor the pbifier Ginierisabfolutcly the beli ot all, the dofe Hutch or Che(} next, and the open Binhfto yet any, or all, fufhcient enough to keep Malt, Barley, or fmall Seeds, divers years without imperfedion» It is written by fome of the anricnted- Authors, that Wheif hath been kept in thefeclofe Hutches or Chefis fwect, the fpacc of fifty years i yet I hold the rule fomcwhat doubtful, both be^ caufe wheat of it felf, lying foclofe p:;ckt togcther,i5 apt 10 heat and fweat, and that heat commonly turneth to fiultinefs, and the fweat to corruption \ but that it may thus be prefer ved from worms, weavels, mites, and other vermine breeding in G)rn,it is doubtlefs and infallible. Now for the prefervation of Wheat, which is the moft prin- Topreferve.: cipal grain, of grcatefl ufc, and greatel^ price, and therewith- "^* almolUender, andapicd to take hurt, the experiments are di- vers, as mens fancies, and pradifcs have found out-, for fome Husbandmen hold opinion, efpccially the French and Spa- tiijh^ That if you take tlic Lees of common Oyl (fo it be fweet^ and rprinkleit uponyour Wheat as it lies , either in the Garner, or upon the floor,thatit will prcfervc it from all corruption and annoyance wharfoevcr> r,or doth it prefcrvc Wheat only, but all other manner ofTgrain whacfocver, nor doth it pre ferve Corn . alone from mifchiet but if Corn by cafualcy be tainted or hurf^ it doth recover it again^ and brings it to the frrlt fwectncfsvami ifcither worms or wcayels be bred in if, the OylprcfcntJ^ 90 ' To preferve fVheat. Book 2. kills them, and frees the Corn from thatroifchiefiasfcr fmallet kz^s^ ashcirip, line snd rape, this Oyl doth not only kccpthcoi long and found, but alto teeds and nouriflKS them, and makes them better, either for the ground, or for ufe, cithcrinthe mill, cr in Medicine. There b.- others that ufe to take Chalk,and beat it to powder, and then fcatter it amcngft their Wheat, when they put it into the Garner, and have found that thereby their Gra'n hath been wouderfully prefervcd from all imperfed^ion > and furely there is great reafon for the fime, bccaufc the drinefs of the Chalk drinketh up the moilturc vfhich fweateth from the Grain, and is thehrft breeder of all putrifadion : Alfo it cool- eth and alTwagcth the immoderate heat which is ingendrcd in the Corn, by reafon of the packt and clofe lying toge- ther. Again, there be others which ufeto lay great ftore of Worm- wood amongft their Wheat, which likewifc prefcrverhit from all anroyanccs,efpecially from W^orms and Weavcls,as alfo from Micc,Rat5,and fuch devouring Vermine, neither will the Corn corrupt or grow faulty, as long as the Worm-wood rem-ins a- mongft it. In Itjly^ the careful Husbands ufe to take a certain dry earth or clay, called car.h ot Olintbut^oT Cerintbut^ and this cart^^ they beat amongll their Wheat, and t en putitintothc Garner or Hutch, and itwillkeep it found and fwect divers years together ', then when they have occalion to ufe,with fmall reeing lives todrcfs it from the Corn, and fo pieferve the dufl, which Will bfi and ferve you many years together, even almort an age \ as fomchave reported, and is at this day to be fccn in many parrt;©*' Italy, and other places. Again, I have ior mine own part fcen in the iHand of the Azsnis^ certain very great large Caves, or pits made under rhe earth, <"4 thcfalhion of a Spatiijh earthen Lear, that is to fay, jgrcar and fpaci^usin the midli, and narrow both at the top and bottom, like a bra^s Pot, or great gla(s Vial, and made as fm for Wheat which is fo reaped, i? fel- «lom or never fubjeft to lofs or putrifadion 'being got in dry, or in husbandry manner ordered and handled} becaufe that Coc- leftial body baih fvich a power and infiucnce in the growth of Com and Seeds, that asihegroweth, fothey grow, and as Ok wancth, fo they abate and wither. And truly tor my own part, in my poor Husbandry, IhaYC made this cbfcrvation, that I have reaped Corn at the beginning ofthewane(to mine eye and judgment^ great,full^an4 bd'd as the Plow-man calls it, and within few days after, when itcaL"5C to thraihing, I have found it mcft poor,hungry,and fmallCom: nor could I give or hnd any other reafon for the fame, but that it was reaped in an ill and rooft unfeafonablc time : for, on the contrary part, I have ever found that Corn reaped upon the change, being ripe, full, and every way ht for the Bam ("and Jthe weather fair and dry above head; it hath never altered, but kept his hrfiand perfed goodncfs v fothat I cannot chufe, but in this cafe think tficobfervation of the Moon to be a thing of great efled and validity, appointed by God as a fecord means for our help and profit : "when therefore your Corn is thns fea- fonably and well got in, you ihall fhrafhit, winnow it,ar>d drcfs irfo clean as you can, ihcn carry it up into your C'hambers or lofts appointed f«5i that purpofe, of whofe floors by all means I " weuld wifn to be caft of the beft plaifrer ^ for boards is too hot, and clay is too apt to breed Verminc : On this pkifter floor you (hall fpread your Wheat.not above a foot thick at the upper- irujft, and fo let it lie, obtrving once in four or in tire days at the TTiOidjWidi a large wooddcn il-ovcl to tarn the Wh^ttquirs over and ever, and thus doing, you (hall be fure to keep n as fwect, found,and good, as when it lirft came into theBarn:for neither can the heat, fwcar, nor coldnefs offend it, the Hrft being cooled and terr.percd by the opening and difperflng, the fccond dried up by the air which hathfiree recourie unto it, and the hft com- forted by the labour and tolling of the (hovel, caftmg it up and down from one place to another : and though (ome curious Hosbands may objcdt, That this manner of keeping Com dricth it: Book 2. ToPreferveRye, pj it fomewhat too much,and thereby difableth if for fome parti- cular purpofcs, as for feed and fuch likeryct in chat they are much iTiirtaken s for this ftirring and moving of Grain, is not a dry- ing of it,but rather a great comforter and ftrcngthncr of it, di- fperfing back into the Corn, thofe wholcfome vapours which (hould do it good C by way of communication and fellow (hip with the Grain ) and cxpJling thofe ill humors which fweat- ingoutofit would otherwife confound and hurt it, fc that in conclulion , for the true an4 long keeping of Wheat fweet, found, and perfedi, without lofs or corruption, there is no way more fafe oreafie,than thislartexpreflfed, being of all other the bed, although in ihew it appear fleightand trivial, as for the moft part things of the grcateft moment in this nature do : but- to the judiciais Husbandman I refer it, whofe aim is afthc v«orth and fublbnce, not at the words and curious glofs, fet forth in ftrange ingredients. Touching the keeping of Rye, or Maflin, or, as fome call Jo prefcrve it, Munck-corn, or Blend-corn , being part Rye, and part ^^' Wheat mixed together, that which prelervcth Wheat, will al- fo prtferve it, for they are Grains of like nature, only the Rye is fomewhat hotter and drier, and therefore will endure Ibmc- what more moiflure : yet to fpeak particularly touching the prefervationof Rye , there is nothing better than theplaifter floor, and oft turning s the clo(e Hutch is alfo exceeding good, fo is the Pipe or dry fat, but being once opened, and the air en- tring into the Com, except it be ioon fpcnt, it will foon putri- fic> for though in the clofe keeping, it laft long, yet when it comes to the air it will quickly receive taint. Laftly,forthc prorit in keeping of Rye, indeed there is nothingbetter than to ply it, and tread it hard into Veflek or Barrels, wherein falc hath been much lodged, or other brine or fait matter : provi- ded always that the Veffels be fvvcet and untainted , no ways fubjedt to faultinefs or other unfavoury fmells,from which there isnoprefcrvation. Concerning the prefer v a ti on and keeping of Beans, which p° ^'"^'^'^^'^ are indeed amoregrofs and fatter Grain thin any heretofore written of, and out of thefulnefs of their fubftance, m.ore fub- jedl to moifture and thofe dankifn humors which corrupt Corn: N a The ^A To Preferve Beans. Book 2. The careful Husbandman obfervcth two RulC;,firft,not to thrafh any Beans or Fulfe, more than for neceflary ufc ( as tor the Stable or Mill J before it be middle Mi»rcl>, at which time the Grain, having taken a kindly fwcatinthe Mow, Stack, or Hovel, is become fo dry, firm, and folid, that no floor, wall, or other place of Lear can make it relent, or give again (except g'^Cit abufcy and too moift keeping ) for it is to be underftood, that this fort of Pulfe or Grain is of it felf fo exceeding moift and apt to fweat in the Mow, that all Husbandmen endeavoui by no means to houfc it, or lay it within doors, but feek to make it up in (lacks and hovels without doorsvnot fo much that houfe-room is wanting, as that the benefit of the Sud, and ^ Air, which pierceth through the fame, drieth and ripeneth the Corn in fuch kindly manner, asmaketh it as ferviceableas any other ;and indeed,the fir ft invention of ftacks, hovels, reeks, and fuch like, did not fpring fo much from the want of hou» fing, as from the good and pcofit which the Husbandman found to accrue to this kind of Grain, only by reafon of laying it a- bjoad i for it is certain, that Beans and Peafe neither grow to- gether, nor ripen together,but put forth their increafe one after another > for you (hall fee upon one ftalk, blooms, fwads and ripe cods : fo likewife in the gathering of Pulfe ( when it is reaped from the ground ) you (hall fee fomedry and withered, fome ripe, fome half ripe, fome abfolutcly green, and as but now- ingrowing. Now all thefc muft be reapt together, and if you ftay them in the field till all be of like drinefs, queftionlefs theoldeft will fhake and fhed upon the ground before the youngeft be ripened, and what that lofs will redound to, every Husbandman can judge : So alfo to houfc and mow up in a clofe mow, the dry Pul e with the green, furely the green cannot chufe but inflame and heat the dryland the d ry fb heated to give fire to the green, till both be cither rotted or confumcd i and hence it came, that expert Husbandmen dcvifed to lay their Pulfe,for the moft parr, ever without doors, in flacks,rccks,and hovels, that the Sun and • ■ wind palling thorow them,njight bring all the grain to an e- ^al drinefs and hardncfs. .Ag^iitJjPuJfc being of all grain thjccorfeft and fullcft offub- ftmce Book 2. To Preferve Beans and Peafe, p,^ ftancc in it felF, and the ftraw ever big and fubftantia],and full of broad thick leaves, ever moiinnd fappy •, it mult needs fol- low thatthis grain muft ev^r be moll apt to fweatin the mow, andfd neceflarily craveth the greateft Itore of air,and the long- eft time in drying •, fo that to return to my rirft purpofe, it mull needs follow, that no Beans or Peafe can be ripe or feafoned in the mow, till it be mid-M-arc^ at leaft j for it is an old laying, among the beft riusbands,/^^/ aMjrch rt>Jnd ii jjlt rvhich Jeaja.- neth allFulfe : And if ufe or neccility compel men to thralh their Pulfc before that time, the Grain is foimperfed, that it mult be Kilne-dried, or elfe it is lit neither for the ufe of Bread nor Pro- - vender. ,ri Now herein is tobeunderftood, that Peafe or Beans which are Kilne-dried, maybe kept found, fweet, andgood,eitheron plaiftcr-floois., boarded- floors, or earthy- floors , the fpace of many years, without turning, or tolling > nor need you tore- fped how thick the heap lie, iince Beans alter they are once dried on the Kline, or in the Sun, never after will thaw, give again, or relent, but remain in their Hrlt found ncfs : But if you preferve your Beans for other ufes, astoboyl in your pot, and feed your Servants withal, asisufedin Somerfetjhire^ and ma- ny other Wellernly parts of this Kingdom, then it fhallb^good for you to take Oyl-barrels, Oyl-cask that is fweet, and hrll calk them all over within and without with a(hes, and then put your Beans therein, and clofe up the heads, and as it is aflirmed by divers great Authors of Husbandry, it will keep Beans found, fweet, and good, twenty years i nay, fome give inftances of Beans which have been thus kept and preferved the fpace of one hundred and twenty years •, and furely I ampcrfwjiied that if Beans be well and dry got, at thrafhtat a feafonable time of the year, as in March^ ^^^y that thus kept, .they will laft theut- tcrmoft of a manspleafurc. ' tl , Now for the keeping or prefervihg of Peafe or Fetchc?, which Prefcrving of of all other Grain whatfoever, is mcft fubjcdl to rottcnncfs ''.^•i^'-' or and imperfedlion, becaufe out of its own nature it is apt to ^"^"^5' breed Worms, Wcavels, and Mites, by reafon of the much lulhioufnefsand fwectncfs of the kernel of the Grain : you Ihall iaall things obferve the fame couriesthat you do with your Beans, , gS To Preferve Penfe AnA f€Uh€s, Book 2. Bears, both touching your gathering, drying, (lacking, ard alfo thrafliing \ for as they are molt apt to go together, be- ing near ot nature and condition on: to the other, fo it is ht thai you do apply unto then^ one aijd the felf fame Medicine or remedy. And herein is to be noted, that as Pcafe arc of more gene- ral ufc then Beans, as for Horfe Provender, feeding of Swine, Pidgeoiis, Pulkns,and fuch like> as alfo for Bread, Pottage, to boyl with or without meat i tor certainly, it is a moft whol- fome and llrong food, as may be fcen by the people of "Dt- voMjhire, Cirnrval^ and Somerfttjhire^ of whofe great Arength of body not any reafcn can begiven more probablytban theirmuch feeding on this grain, and their acquaintance with much and Itrong labour : So they ought with more care and circumlpedi- on to be prefer ved from all thole annoyances that naturally are apt to hurt them, as worms, rottennefs, mould, mulHnefs, and fuch like. And firft, there is notliing better for the long and well keeping of Pcafe, then the very well drying ofthcra, cither in the Sun, or on the Kilne, efpecially thofc which you ufe for Bread, Provender, or feeding of Swine: and although fonM Husbands ufe to feed Swine with undried Peafe, nay, many times both undried and undreft, that is to fay, the Pulfe or Chaff not taken away j and are of opinion that the Grains fo given, fooner feedeth and fatti.th up Swine than the other, yet they are deceived i for albeit it fwell and purf"up a Bcaft, yet is the flelh and fat neither fo good, found, and long laft- ing, as that which is gotten with dry fotxl, nor doth it make, a Swine fo thirfry » and the Husbandman is ever aflTured, that* when his Swine drinks not well, he feeds not well : therc*^ fere what Pcafe you keep for Bread, or feeding of Cattle, by' all means dry them well, and lay them either in Garners or floors , arnlthcy will lali found and good without breeding worms or weavels, as long as you pleafe. But thofe which yOH keep for food at your own Table.as in Pottage,or other ufes, muftby no means be too m^uch dried, becaufe then they ask a double time in boyling, and fptnd a double quantity of fewel jri their preparing. Some Book 2. r< sPreferv€ Pe^fA. 97 Some ufe after they be dean thr.i(ht and ^cefr, to lay them in a cool clofe Garner, cither of Plailler, Earth, or Boards, of which Plaifter is the beft •■, as for any thing that relenteth, or yieldeth moifturc, aslin^c, ^one-walls, or fuchlike , it ismoft hurtful, and ijumediately makeih Peafe mo^ld ^r^d rot : alfoit is good to lay your Pcafe in thick h^:jps..in -your Garner, 'ibr that will preferve them moift the longer time i but to j^read them thin upon the floor, by whkh means the Sun, Air, ani Wind may pafs thorow them, is not fo, good, for it dri- €th them too fore, and taketh from them much of their fweetnefs and goodijicfs , which ought mo.ft carefully to be and quefiionlefs.Lthis is a very good ^nd laudable wpy i for the Pulfe and Chaff doth maintain tiicm fweet apd moift, and yet keeptth thena wjth- alfo warm and comfortable, that they laft much .longer, than -^any other way whatfoerer i and in this manner of prefer ving Peafe is to be noted, that by all means you muft lee them lie apon adry earthen floor, fo long as they are in the Chatf, ra- ther than on the board, or on Plsuftcr, and yet in this cafe nay, if .any have in former tunc. 98 To Pr^fcr've Linttls or Lupns^ Book i- time been b:ed in thcm,thi5 iranrer Gf keeping ihc grain kiU ra JLi.W wf '^^^"^- *^ det>rcycth them forever. Ladboc '^ ^'<^^ rheicis another fort rfPulfc, which are called Lentils Lapins. er Lupir.s-, which a!beit they are cot fo gcr.eru'\' ufed tor the lood ind fallcDance of man, yet they arc for Horlc, Swine, and . other CatiIe,2SCL jch in rcoueft as any grain whatfoevcr, and io- tdecd do feed faiiCf,^nd foe ner than other ordinary Pu',fe,and the 'flcth fo \tA, is fweetcr and pleafanter both to the eye ard to the tal'fe, than that which is fed with Bsans or Peafe \ alfo they arc a P-lfe very Phybcal and good for many Mfdicines, as may ap- pear by the works of rraoy learned Phyiltians -, and tiitfc the looger they 2rc kept, the better they are,and fullfr ot pront. To prefervc tbcfiv id good and found efnte, it is naeet \o reap them io very foir weather, and co lUck them up exceeding dry, and if they be laid in the Bam, or any ck fe hcufe, it is not amifei for they will indure houfmg better than any other Pulfe, yet the foooer you beat them oct of the fira w. or thcafh them up, tbebener it is i for Huibandtren fuppcfe there is no greater hurt to this kind of Griin, than the long keeping it in the (haw \ for it is of fud; ranknefs, that the vers' f^"^ ^^^ cods breed in itmuch putiefiKltirn i and I try fcU' cbfcivcd both in Sfain^ and in the neighbourir.g Irtands, where is greitabun- daccecf this kind of Graiu, that thr>' do co foooei gather it ar. r' ' ir horoe^ but imrr ediitcly they thra(h it \ nay, fome thr_ : the /jclds upart th; Lands where it grows, and fo bring it home, and then fprcad it en fair bearded floors in very gTiat heapf, or lay it up rn ckfe Hutches, or Bins, fuch as whcat,and other white grain is tobekeptin.Ifycu dry this kind ofPullcin the Sun, or upcnakilnc, with a very moderate and foft hre. acd then lay it up either in a clofe Garner, or ciofe Hutch, it will laft many years found, good , and without cor- lupticD. There be ether Husbandmen which mix wiJi this grain, when it is thra(h:, a haif part of hot, dry, white (and, or atlcaft cover the whole heap of pulfe with the fan d, and do find th2t it keeps the grain v.ry fxind cod good many years to- gether. But to conclude, if you take firongvinegarand a good quantity o\ Lafirptimm, dlltclvc and miixthem very wellto- |g|Ctha,and tiaCD having laid your Lentils or Lupins together on Book 2. Prefervmg of Lentils^ ^Q, ^p a fairboard.d fl ;or, in large, broad, and flat heaps, about two tooc, or two foot and a halt thick > with the vinegar and Lafer- pttHm fprmkic overall the heap,and not any change oF weather tro s, worms or other vermine (lull do them hurt , but they ~ Ml remam found and good as many years as you pleafe to keep them : there are other Husbandmen,that inllead of this be. fore rchearled take only fweet Oyl, and fprinklc it all over the Uram , and hnd tne fame vertue and ctfed,for ncirher worms Zr^nf '. "'•"' ^-^'l f^^-^h it, nor will the radical humour thereof at any time wafte or decay, but remain rtrong, fulLand found, without any kind of diminiihing , nor (hall you find any a bXl"^h°^ ''' '' ^fll^'^S •" '^' meafure,but that which wal a bu(hel this year, will be alfo a bu(hel the next year, and as many years after as you pleafe, which is no fmall profit to the Whereas on the other part, if the Grain be either dried in the Sun, °" the Kline or by the Wind, you (hall hardly have of every fuch bu(hel fo dried, three pecks and a half again which ,s by computation at every quarter, which is eight bul a^tfo r^l^'^n^^^'u^"^' '"^ ^'' '^' P^^^hafe thus priferved, asbeforefaid, (hallbeasgood for anyufe whatfoever , fit fo; fuchCorntobeimployed in, as any other dried grain whatfoe- aTd TsSr^'^^^^^ -^y' -^ ^^-g-h-- Soodmeal, Now touching the preferving and keeping of Oats, itis to Prefervingof b und rftood, that ofall grain it is lealt cafual,becaufeof it felf Oa"'^ naturally »t breedeth no evil vermine,and is again preferved nd def nded w.th a double Husk, whereby neither cold , moifture, hear, nordrinefs, isablefofoon to pierce and hurt it as other grams, which are more thin clad and tender •, yet becaufe it^of great and nece(rary ufe both for Cattle and Pullen, and that nd nn7i V ^'^y'ut "°' "^"^^^'^^ "" ^^11 ^>^^P houfe with, out It, you Ihall know, that the bcft way to preferveit longeft K iln ? 'a I '^"^' '° ^^y '^ "^^'' ^'^her in the Sun or on^the Klin and then cither put it in a clofe Garner, or clofe Cask and It will keep many years found and fweet '-asK,and xi/orrt'f>''r ^''Y'''^ of Oatmeal, whichis the inner Ker- nel ot the Oats, and a gram of moft fpecial ufe in the Hus- S^ band. 100 Prefervingof any Meal, Book bandmans houfe, as in his Pottage, in his Pudding?, and in ma- ny other meats neceffarily ufedfor the labouring man ", it is an experiment not altogether fo curious as any of the reli former- ly written of, forno Oat-meal can be made, but tke Oats murt be exceedingly wellkiln dried, or elfe tlie kernel will not part from the hull, and being dried, as is rit, that drying is fufficiect to keep and prcf.rve the Oat-meal divers years. Provided ever, that prefently after the making of your Oat- meal, you put it into dry clofeCask, or dry clofc Garners (but Cask is bettcr^^and fo that it may remain exceeding dry,' for any thaw or moifuire corrupts it ' and as near as you can, let it have Cit it be poilible; fomc air of the fire, for the warmer it (lands, the better and longerit will lafi. as experience flieweth. Preferring of For the prefrrvmg and long keeping of any fort of mcal,there. any mciL ^j ^^ better way than firfi to boult and fearfe him from his bran, for the bran is very apt to corrode and putririe the meal,and to bring it to a faultinefs ormuftinefs : then into very fweetand clean dry cask clofe and well bound, tread in your w.td\ fo hard as you can polhbly tread it, and then head it up clofe,and fo you may either keep it by land or water fo long as you pleafe, and when you have any occalion to fpend of it, be furc to kiolen no more of the meal than you prefent'.y ufe, for :he fafter andclofer the meal licth together, the longer and fweeter it will lafr, for it is the gathering of the air that only corrupts it. And here is alfo to be noted, that you fhould not prefently as- foon as your meal is ground, boult it from the bran, but rather let it lie a week or fortnight in the bran, in fome clofe bin or trough, and then after that time boult or fearfe it, and you (hall find it to aiTord you in every buOiel, more meal by at leaft half a peck, than if you (hould prefently boult it as foon as it comes from the mill i whence it proceeds, that the cunning and skilful Baker will ever have a week or fortnights provifion of meal be- fore hand, which lying fo long in the bran, pays double interell for the continuance. Now if it fall out fo, that either by trade or merchandife, or other ocjaHons, you biiy any meal by way of tranfportation, which is caskt up, (as^much meal is fold by the barrel j you (hall prefently as foon as yow have bought it ( if it be for your own uie Book 2. Pr eferving of all fmall Seeds. loi ufc or expence ) break open their heads, and empty the meal upon fair Iheets on a dean door, and then fpreading it abroad, let the San and Air pafs thorough it, which will dry up the fweati and if there be any taint of faultincfs, take it away, and bring the meal to his Hrfl rweetnefs,and then immediately boult out the courfc bran, and after, as was before declared , tread it hard into ftelh and fweet cask j and thus you may keep your provilion of meal all the yearlong: nay, if need require,twoor diree years i for after the hrll fweat is taken away, and kind- ly dried, there is no doubt to be made of any that (hall follow after. LalHy, touching the prefervation and keeping of all manner preferving of of fmall feeds of what nature and quality foever they bc,whether all fmallfccds^ Hemp, Lime, Rape, Muftard-feed, or any other Garden-feed whatfoever, though truly and properly they laft but one year, nor are ht for Seed or Increafe after that date expired : yet in as much as they are medicinable after, and a much longer time* therefore you (hall underftand, that the bell way to keep them fafe and found, and ritteft for ufe and profit, is, fir(t to gather them as foon as you perceive them to be ripe, and the weather being bright, clear and dry, then you (hall dry and wither them in the (hade, and not in the Sun, efpecially upon a plaiftered floor, where the Sun lookethto the South, and befure that as little Sun and moifture come to them as you can, for both are main enemies \ which done, bind them up in bundles without thraChing, andfo hang them up, and keep them in their own cods, and they will laft for all ufes, a full year, and for fome particular ufes two or three years i and in this manner you may alfo prefcrve all manner of hcrbs,.weeds, flowers, roots, and the barks or rinds of all manner of trees, CHAP. XIX. Hovp to h^ef Grain ^ either for tranfpvtation hy Sea, erforttfg in a lofvn ef War or Garrifon, from one year to one hundred and twenty. 'Ofpeakof the Grains and Pulfes which arc mccteft for the Sea, and their fevcral ufes. O 2 It 102 Of Rice, Book ^\ gnin?nd^ It is to be undcrrtood, that the beft and principallcft Grain Polfca^tSca. '^^^'ch is indeed both moll fweet, moft t'refh, molt pica fan t in Of Rice and t^^*^, and mo ft laliing, is Rice, which i.khough it grow not the Uie. much in our Kingdom, but that we are beholden to our good Neighbours for tiie trade thereof, yet it is in fuch plenty where wetetchit, that we need neither complain of the Icarcity, nor the coir, and fo much the rather, in that a peck thereof will go further then a bulhclof any other Grain : Ot this Rice is made many good and vvholfome dilhes, fome thick,fume thin, fome hiked, fomeboyled, as thus : If you take a qujitcr of a pound of Pvice, and boyl it in apoitleot water, tiJi it come un- to an inditfercnt thicknefs, and then put it into a good lump • of potted or barrelled butter, and as much Suiar as (l>all falt- wite fcafon it to an indifferent fwectncfs, \\. is a dilh of meat meet tor an Euiperour at Sea, wholcfomc, good, and light of digefturc, and will be .".s much as four rcafonablc men can wclJ eat at a meal -, fur the nature of Pvice is fuch, that it will fwj> in boyling, and grow to that bignefs, that in an inilant it wiT thicken a pottle » fome ufc the night before they boyl it, to fteep it info much water, as will only cover the Rice all over, and then the next day boyl it in a pottle of water or more, and the Rice fo ftecped will fo fwell that all the rirlt water will be drunk up, and a great deal of lefs boyling will ferve to make It ready i and fure,thaathis a man cannot find a cheaper way ta kcd men, Irnce one pint ot water, and the fourth part of a quarter of pound of Rice (which come not to above halfa penny- at the deareft i\ckoning^ is a meal fufficicnt for a mans eating, having Bisket and Drink proportionably. And this dilh of meat being thus thioboykd, is called Sea- Lob-lolly, and after fait feeding, is wondrous whokfome and con f rtablc to any man- whether he be lick, found or difeafed, and both r.batcth infir- mities, and hafincth the healing of all wounds. There bj others, that after they have fteeped this R-ce f as aforc-faidj do then boyl it in like manner, till it be fo thick that a fpoor.inay Itand upright in if, and noliquidnefs of the water perceived i then put a good lump of butter into it, and boyl it witli ir, and fiir it about, and it will make it come moft clean out oi the pot in which it isboyled? then feafon it with Sugaj; Book 1. Of rvheat, 103 Sugar, and a little Cynnamon, and it will be adiOiofmeat right good and delicate, and meet tor any man of what Quality foever, that is svorch goodncfs or prefcrvingj nor need the quan- tity exceed the proportion already prefcribed. Again, if youhavc Meal in the Ship, if you take of this Rice ficeped \\\ watcr,and a little lightly boy led and feafoned with Su- gar,Cinnamon,ind Ginger,and a good quantity of Butter, and then bake it in little Paities,you Pnall rind it a m.o't delicate p^e> lant,and wholfoine meat, and that a p.nny in it ihiUgofurchcr, and give bwtur contentment than four penny worth ot Beef,Ea- con,Fiih,pr any otier hard fait meat;, yet I do not wifli any man ct Ship-board to make this a continual feeding drtli, for then it is ijoth too pleafant and too llrong, and where evacuation of forac humouis are wanting, may breed inconveniences in ihong bod.es •, but rather ufc it once a week as a Phylical nourifhcr^ or tor the comfort of lick and difc-fcd men, whofe fromacbs are tane away, or elfe weaknedi there may be madealfo ofthls R'cc in timeofneceimy (being ground to a tke m:al; an excellent good Bread or Rusk, which ispleafanter, fweetcr, and much, longer laiiing than any made of Wheat, or any other Grain whatfoeveri befides many other Seeds, which would in this place (hew but too much curiofrty to repeat. The next Grain unto Rice,.wbichisof cftimation and great Wheat,and. fcrvice at Sea,is wbe3t,of which although there be divers kind Sj ^^^ "^'^• yet they arc all alike for the ferving of this purpofe i only the laigeand thick hull'd wheat being well dried Jwillhfi the long- eft, but thefinall snd hne skinn'd Wheat yields the purer flowr, and makesthe better Meah Now of this Wheat is made di- vers di(he5 of meat, f^r fome take it, and bruife or beat i: in bags till the upper skin be beaten off, and then having dreftand win- DDwcdit,boy] it in clean water till itburft.and grow as thick as Pap, then take it from the hre,3nd being hot, put it into fevcral dithesof wood, or trays, fo much in every diih, or tray,as may ferve four men,and fo let it cool,then give it to the fick or found as you {hall be direded, and it is an excellent good meat,eithcr cold or clfehot,and a little butter melted with it,or being again boyledin frelh water, and fcafoned with Salt and a little Sugar, it makes an excellent Grcwel,or Loblolly,which is a veryfove- reiga- 104 ^/ Oaf -meal. Book 2. reign at Sea. Alfo your parched Wheat is a very good food at Sea, and ot much rcqueft and eftimation , bcingfprinkled with a little fait i and of this food a little will fcrve a man at a time, by reafon that the much fweetnefs thereof foon fillethaid cloyeth the rtoraach, yctiiis wondrous light of digeftion, and breeds great ftrength, and much good blood, as we daily find by experience. Of Oat-meal The next Grain unto this which is to be recommended to the aadtheufe. 5^ ^^^^ which is indeed not any thing inferior to either of the other goingbeforc, bothtor ftrength andlafting; is Oat-meal, which by reafon of the great drincfs, and drying thereof, feels little or no imperfed^ion at the Sea, as being unapt to fuck or draw in any of the ill or moift vapours thereof. Of this Oat- meal is made many good t'relh, and comfortable meats at Sea, as Grewel, or Lob-lolly, by boyling itinfrcfli water, and fea- foning it with Salt, and f if you have it continually) fome- times with Sugar and a few Currants, and a little Mace, which is meat of great lirength and goodncfs , tfpecially for f-ich as are lick and weak > for it is a great reftorer of nature, and a purger of the blood i alfo to ftcep the whole Grotes of Oat- meal a night in water, and then draining them, and putting it in a bag- boil it till the Grots break s then putting it out of the bag, butter it with butter, audit is excellent food i as alfo boyling Oat-raeal in freili Water with Barm, or Dregs,and the hinder-cndeof your Beer-barrels, makes an exCv.llent good pot- tage, and is of great ufe in all the parts of the Weft-Country, efpecially where Mariners or Sea-men live, and are called by the name cf Drounbn pottage. Alfo, of Oat- meal is made that meat which is called in the Wei}, Wafhbrew, and may be made at the Sea at your plcafure, beinga meat of that great account amongfi Dezonjhire and Cor»//&. m,cn, that they will allow it to be a meat of lingular great frrcngth and goDdncfs, and withal (b light of digefiion , that a man can very hardly furfeit upon itat any time > and I am the rather induced to bwlicvc the lame, bccaufe I have obfcrv.d and feen many cf the labouring iren of that Country to cat {vc[\ an unmca£i- 1 able quantify thereof, that in mine eye one mans Supper would iavc fervid awholctamily. But Book 2. Of Bxrley, I05__ But you will ray,Hunger and labour are fuch excellent Sauce, that they digefi any thing. To that I anfwer, That I have feen Gentlemen and Gentle- wonr.en of that Country , of whom as much curiofity hath attended, as is liable to the City \ nay, fuch as have had fick- n^fs their bcrt familiar, yet cat of this with great and (harp appetiC-% and when health was m.o ft to be feared, thentoboafi cf molt foundnefs. This Jf^jpbrcrv is to look upon like Poin- ters Size, or new made Jelly, being nothing but the very heart of the O^t-meal , boylcd and drained to that heighth and thicknef?, having neither Hull nor Byan in it , but the pure Mtal and Water, and is to b:; eaten either with Wine, lirong Beer, or 'Ale, or with clarified Honey, according to mens itomachs and abilities* Now this the eaters thereof afiirm, that by no .means- it mult be chewed, but rather fwallowed by the fpoonful whole, becaufc chawing like a Pill makes it tarte unpleafant. There is again another meat to be made, of Oat-meal, which is called Girt-brerp^ and is fomewhat more couife, and iefs pleafant thzn Jyajl:.hre7v^ having bo:h the bran and hulls in it,ycc it is accounted a food of a very good ftrength, and exceeding wholfome for mans body i and of my knowkdg much ufed and much defeed of all labouring peifons that aic. acquainted with it : Many other foods there arc to be made of Oat-meal , but thefe (ball be at this time fully fufH-.- dent. The next Grain to this I account Barley, which may be eve- Of Barley and4 ry .way ufed like unto Wheat, cither to make Grewel, or to be ^""^ creyed,parcht, orboyledi and for Barley for this purpofe of food, the beft is French Barley, the next is Barley-big, or bear-Barley, - and the worftare the fpice or Battledore-Barley, and out com- mon Englifh Barley* And as Barley or Whcatj fo you may ufe your Buck, and your ^"ck and the Iridian Siligo, for they are of like nature, only they are a Ion- " * ger time in their beating, fleeping, and boyling, becaufe they are naturally more hard and more dry, by reafon of the heat of the Climate in which the beftgrow ■■, and it is ever tobeobfcr- vedforaRule, that the drier you keep your Corn at Sea, the better it is, and fweeter,and longer lafting. Now V io6 Of Pulfe. Book 2. DFPu!fe, aad Now having (hf wed the ufe of thefe lighter g,raias,l willcon,e I'Tcd^''^ toPulfe, and Ihew their ufe and b;ncmatS-a, or in befiegcd Towns ; and ot Pulfc, I will hrlt fpeak of Beans as a principal food, wholfome and llrong , and though not fo hneand light ofdigeflion as of any of the formtr, yet exceeding hearty and found ,nnd a gr:a: breeder of good blood : They are for the molt part to b: boyled whole, till fuchtimeas they appear foft and tender, or begin to break, and then drained from the water arc ferved in Trays, and well faked, and fo eaten s a pottle whereof is thought a tull proportion for four nr.en : and of thefe Beans there arc divers kinds, as the common Garden-bean, or the The French- French- bean,which is great, broad and flat^and thefe arc the beft bean. to boyl either with meat, or by themfelvcs, and ask the leaft la- bour, b:caufe their outer skin is moll tender, and the inward fubftance rooft apt to be molihed and foftned , they may alfo be boyled when they are young and green, and when they are old and dry, and the meat at both times h good and favory. TheEidney. The next Bean to thefe are the Kidney- bean, which is flatter bean. and Ic/Ter, & nearer the proportion of a Kidney,th.n the French- bean is, and this is alfo a Garaen-bcan.and whilft it is young and green is to be eaten Sallet-wife after they are belled, both the Cod and Bean tcgethcr,aDd it is c.rta.na better Sallet cannot be tafied \ for the Cod 01 Husk is every way as excellent in talk as the Bean is i but ifrcr they grow old and dry, and that the moi- fhirc is gone our of the Cod, then it is meet to thrafh them, and boyl them like the French- bean, and they are every way as good meat, and as foon boy!cd, and as tender. Common-field The next Bean to thefe are your common and ordinary field Bcansjtheufe. £»ajj5 which having tough and hard slins ask more boyling tfjan theorher bcans,and arc forr.ewhat harder in tal(e,yct a good fotind food alfo v there be many that parch th and ofthcfc Garden pcaie,thcrc arc divers kinds, as white peafc, French peafejHarrings, Rounfivals, and fuch Hke, the rirll being the longeft latlers, the fecond thr pleafantcft in taHe, the third theearlieft and tcndcrcil, and the laft largeft and fulled. TIic held peafe are only of two kinds, as the white pcafe and several ferr! the gray peafe j and they feldome make pottage.bccaufc they are of Garden- unapt to breakj but are only for boyling and making otleap P^^^^ pea^, or for parching, yet a good and a ftrong food : and as we ufepeaTe, foin other countries theyufe Lupins, Lentils, Tares, Fetches, and fuch like fmaller pulfc, but they are neither {o good, wholcfome, nor favoury in tai{e,bcinga kind of grain" more rank, fulfome'j and breeding of ill blood and infecflion within: thefe iti cafesof Sea-fare and war- farc,ought principally to be efchcwed and fiiunned. Now it refieth after this long digreilion of thefe feveralf grains, ^and their ufes, with the meats and profits which are"" made of ^^cm, that we come to the fafe manner of keeping and prcferving them either by Land or Water, for Vidlual,or Tranf- portition. fo as they may lart and indure without ill f ncll or rottenncfs. And ririi for tranfpoftation ofgrain bySea,it is two wayesto Grain for be done,3S either \vi great quantities for trade and the victualling ti^dc. of other nations, or in fmaller quantity for vidualling the men ia the Sbip, prepared for a ling asd tedious voyage. For the tranfporting of Grain for trade in great qumtities, To tranfporc it is to be intended the voyage is feldome long , but from Grain for neighbour to neighbour, and tlierefore commonly they make T«de. clofe decks in the Thips to receive the grain, fair and even board- ed, ye^;if fuch decks be matted and lined, both under, and oii each iide, it is rhuch the betters and this matting would be llrong and thin. There" be Tome which make the decks only of mats, and fure it is fweet, but not (o (trongasthe boards; theretore the b ft way of tranfportation, is, to have Itrong boarded decks well mattf4 > and thcnfpreading the Corn ofa reifonab'c chicl^ncfs, to cover it with matting agaia,and then to lay corn on it a,^-'.in, and then m.ats agiin, tlut between every re'.i>)ii s!)!.- rhic.-n ■/< < 1 io8 Trjifijportathn ofGrjJn, Book 2. Giiin a mat may lye i the profit whereof is , that when the Lorn with his o'-^n heat, and the working of the Sea fhall begin to fwear, which fwear, for want of air to dry it up, would turn top'jtrefidion« Then thefe iLats thus lying between, win not onely exhale -nd fuck ijp the fweat, but slfo keep the Corn fo ccol and dry, that no impcrficlion fhali come unto it. And here is to be notcd,That thefc mats thould rather be made of dry white bents, thi D of flags and bull ulhi for ihebfnt isa hrm, dry, crifp thing, end will not relent or fweatof it ftlf^but thcflag or bulrufhisa fpurgy and foft fubfi-rce, '.vhich is never en.pty of its own and ether moyriures. y^^.-_,.,..3g Now for tranrportirgcf Gruins. for Victuals for the Ship^ ci V;du4>;. which is in iLUch faiiller quantity, becaufc it is but fcr the private ufe of a few within the fhip i the onely beft and fafcft way, i?, to take Salt-fifn barrels, or any Cask in which any Salt hn\ harh been piled, as Cod, Herrings, Salmon, Sprats , or any other powdred Filh \ and whilft the velfels are fweet , you fhall chalk them both within and without with plailler , daubing them all ever , dien into them put your Graihof%vhar kind foever it tc , and head them up clofe , and then ftow them in fuch convenient dry place of the (hip, as you {hall think tit, and quellicnlefe if belief may be ^iven to the worthiefi AuthcTS which havev^^i:il) this kind, you may thus keep your. Grain fwcet, fcund, ^nd in full perft(9^ion from one year to an hundred ard twenty years ■•, but certainly daily experience fl-iCws U5, that ail kind of Grain thus put up and kept , will remain tbund and fweet, three, fr.ur, and as fome fay, fcven years, for fo far hwli lately been tryM : and what here I fpeak c>f (hip- board, the like may be done in any To^^'n of War or Garrifon, whether bifi.gcd, or notbtfieged, or inanyother place , where tny necefijty fhall compel > the proofof this manner of pilling ox imting upof Grain, fervcth as well for Land as Sea- GHAP, Book 2* £r;Hchifig of barren Groimds^ iop CHAP. XX. TJk h^rkhing of all mannev of barren Grotinds, and h mak^ it fruiifnll to hear Hopps. TPHe Hop of all plants is the moft tender, and can endure nei- '*' ther too rich a gtound, nor yet too poor; for being planted in the firll, itbringeth forth only leaves and nobells, and in the latter yieldeth neither leaves nor bells. Now in the firft fort of Ground, which is fertile and rich, I -Abanng fer- have nothing to do but only to advife how you may allay and tiiity. leflen that too much fatncfs, by mixing your liills well with Chalk j or finall fharp Gravel, if it be a ha (Tel or mix'd mould > and with good ftore of red fand if it be a liiff chy , for ei- ther of thc(e mixtures will in fhort fpace abate any fertili- But if the foyl be contrary to this, that i=;, extream barren , increafing af - then you fhall feck by thcfe means following to increafe the fertility, fertility. Firrt,when you have taken a view of that barren earth , which you intend to convert to a Hop-garden i you (liall firft look to the lltuation thereof, whether it lye high or low, whe- ther it be fubjed to inundations or drownings, or that it lye choice of fafe and free from any fuch annoyance : If it be fubjedt to great Earth, and deep over-flowcs, then it is no ground for this purpofei but ifitbeoncly lyable but to fome Irnall wafhings, then you may bya fewfmall drains and fewerscaft through your allcys,cjnvey away the water to fome lower grounds, fo as it may not con- Draiiing wa- ■ tinue long iii the Gardens to do hurt. Befides, for a further fafe- ter. ty to the Hop, you fliall make your hills a great deal bigger and higher, that when any over-flow fhall happen,the water may not reach abcve the mid-part of the hill at the moft, for the root » may endure moiftning, but not drowning •, and this water thus running through the alleyes, and not drowning the root , will bring to the ground very much fertility. But howfocver, after you have eas'd your ground of thefe particwlar faults, yet the general fault, which is barrennefs, will remain ftill : therefore, having plotted out your Garden,and fenced it fuRiciently about, you (hall then drt up your hills about Michaelmiif , placing P 3 - them 110 Enmhing ofhArrfn Grounds^ Book 2. Cafung of ^ncTC in a very orderly manner.and r^aking alleyes between therr. lillis and of four or tive foot breadth between hill and hill, fo as a man *^^ may walk at pk-afure through and about them: neither fhall rhtfe hills ftap.d all dired^ly be- hind one another, fer fo one will 0000 cverftudc another , which is an annoyance , but according to g o o this Figure,whcrc there is a largc- nefs of rpace, a»d a by-paffage ,0 o g o through which the Sun may come to givi comfort to every Plant. Thefe hills, if the ground be free from wafer, may be raifcd ■ sbout two foot, or a foct and a hilf higji, and of a compifs an- fwerabk to the heighth i neither fo l:ule , that the hill may be fharp like a Sugar-loaf, nor yet fo big, that the hili may lye flat, and fo rerain and hold any rain or wet, which (hall fall up- on it ) but you fhall keep a due middk proportion, making the hill convenient for your Plants and px ks , and fo as it may ihoctor put off any wet, or other annoyance , which (hall fall upon it. The compoli- ^'^^ ^^^^ ^'^'^ V^" ^^^^ "Ot make intirely, all of one mould, DOB of the but you fhall rake, as it were, a third part or better thereof, enriching of then another part of the earth which lyeth under dung-hills, hills. ajj^j the laft part of Sope-afhis i and thefe three bodyes you lliallrTiix equally together, and cf them compound your Hop- hills : but if this fcem fcnrjcwhat difficult, and that you cannot ijnd enough for your parpofc of either of thefe manures, then you may take three parts of the natural earth, and bat onely a fourth pirt of the other two, and therefore nJx your Hop-hills, and it wH! be futHcicnt to aiTord you profit enough, provided ycu be able «" nee in three or four years to rciicw it, for fo long this will la/r in full Arcngth and power, f rcwrmz of ^Vhf n you have thus made up your hills, you fhall then pare the allies. "P '*''^'^ 2. paring fhovel all t'le green fwarrh quite through all your allyes at leaf: fc.ur fingers thick, and with the fwarth fo pared up, you fhall cover all your hills aln oft to th.ctop, turn- ing the green fwarih next unto the earth, fo as it may rot, for that isan excellent manure alio ; then when your allyes arc all thus Book 2. TomjikeitfruuffdforHopps. iir thus cleanfed of their fwarth^you (hall take good ftoreotbraken, or fern, and ftrow it all over quite thorow all the allies/o that it may lye in a good thickiiefs, almolt to the midrt of the hills , which having all the Winter to rot in, will not only be an ex- ceeding comfort to the hills, and preferve both them and their plants from many evils, but alfo being fl-iovdled up together with the earth in the fpring time, will be a marvellous fcrong manure wherewith to repleni(h the hills, and to make them to proff)cr exceedingly , and to fave much other coll and charges as well in manure as in carriage. \Vhen your hills are thus inriched, and your allies thus pre- -j-j^^ planting pared, you (hall then open your hills in the top, and fet your of Hopps. plants, that is to fay, in every hill four plants at the leafi, being well prepared i aud this (liould be done in the month oWVtober^ andthefe plants muft be fet good and deep in the earth , and covered «il over atthelcaft four fingers thick : and if with the earth which covercth thefe plants you mix Ox-blood and Lime, it will not onely give great comfort and nouriOiment to the Plants, but alfo defend and fave the roots from worms and other vermines , which otherwife would feek to deftroy them. After yonr Garden is thus planted over, you (hall then pqH^p ^^ let it reft till the following Spring, and about Ap-il , rinding Hopps. the fmall Twines of your Hopps idued out of the Hills and running alongfi the ground, you (hall then fet up your Poles , which Poles, fo they be long and Irreight, may be of any wood you pleafe, as eithtr A(h, Elme,\VithyjWillow,or Sallow,and in the fetting up of the(e poles, you (hall have two very carefull refpeand as thefc,fo alfo all the other twigs, which are any way derived from the main Sien, leaving not any at all to run upon the grounds for that is altogether pro- iitlcfsjandto no ufe. Of weeding For the weeding of this barren earth thus made into an Hop- Hops. Garden, there is little care to be had : for hrft,the foap a(hes where- with the hills are manured, the Ox blood and the Limc,arc fuch enemies to all manner of weeds, that they will not fuffer any to grow where they abide: Next,the Biaken arnl Fern, which coyc- . icth the allcyes, is fuch a poyfoner and fmothercr fef any thing that ihall grew underneath it, that it will not fuffer any weed to pap or fpring up through it •, yet if in any efpecial place, where neither ot thefe defences come, it happen that any weeds dogrow,ihcn you fhall with your belt care cut them away , or pull them up, andfo your Garden fliall remain comely, pleafiint and fruit full to every profpcdt. C H A P. X X I. A generall comfutation of ntetij and Cjttels labours : rvhat each may do vpuhuut hurt daily. Sowing . ^ , TPO fpeak generally of all Husbandly works , where the ^^ A Country is tolerable, without any extraordinary difficul- ty, you fhall underltand, that a man may well in ft iffs ground?, plow an Acre, or an Acre and a half, and in light fand grounds two or three Acres with one Team in a day , and he may p'oughand f)we in iHft ground two Acres and an half each day , and \^ light ground four at leali with one Team ■-, and al- wayc5 what he fowcth, that he may harrow the fame day alfo. A Book 2\ a^d CdUe/s labour, 113 A man may well mow of good and deep loggy meadow, or ofrough, uneven meadow, every day one acre i mowing clean and making a fraooth board of well (landing and good fimootli meadow, an acre and a half each day; and of very thin and fhortgrafs, or upland meadow, two acres at the leal] leafl every day. Alfo, he may mow of Corn, as Barky and Oats, if it be thick. Mowing, loggy, and beaten down to the earth, making fair work, and not cutting off the heads of the ears,and leaving the flra w flill grow- ing one acre and a half in a day : but if it be good, thick, and ftir ftanding corn,then he may mow two acres, or tw© acres and half in a day j but if the corn be fhcrt, and thin, then he may mow three, and foraetimes four Acres in a day, and not be over- laboured : Al(b of beans he may mow as much , and ofpeafe mixt with beans, having a hook to follow him, no lefs i for they are works in this nature moft eafie, and kaft trouble- fome. One man with a Binder may well reap an Acre of Wheat Reaping. or Rye in a day, if it be principal good and well ftanding, but if laid or beaten down with weather, then three rood is fully fufficient for a dayes labours but if it be thin and upright ftand- ing, then he may reap and bind five roods in a day : Offmall peafe, Fetches, and fuch like, a man may v;ell reap two acres every day. Now forafmuch as it is a cuftom in divers Countries C and Binding of^ truly it is exceeding profitable and worthy imitation ) to ftieaf Barley and and bind up both Barley and Oats, as well as Wheat or Rye, Ctats. ani that both favcth much Corn, and alfo makes it takea great deal lefs room, and that this labour is to be done after the mow- ers, as the other was after the reapers, by gathering the Barley, or Oats up without a fickle or hook, as it lyes in the fwath, and fo binding it ]n fheafs, you ftiall underftand, that one man in a day ftiall bind as much as one mower can mow s and if the man be any thing skilful in the labour^ two binders will bind as much as three mowers can mow. For the gathering or inning of Grain, no> man can propor- Q^j^ering lu tion the number of loads, or quantity of ground, ihall daily be of Grain. feffOiight home, fith the journeyed are uncertain, fome going a- 114 y^ Computation of mens Book 2. a mile, fomc half a mile, and fomc two mile : tlicrefore it is the Husbandmans bcft way, the firft day to go with his Teamhim- fclf , and both to obfervc the labour and diftance of place, and by that to compute what may be done after , without hurt to his cattelj and where he fails of any hope , there to make a frrid account of the errour i for it is either ignorance or carclef- ncfs which brings forth mifchances, fpcaking of husbandry , as over-throwing the Team, over-loading the Team, breaking ne- ceffary inftrumcnts, or not rcfpeding the wayes and paflages ■■> any cf which may in a day hinder more then half a dayes la- bour. •Dirching. Again, a man may in a day ditch and quickfet of a rcafonablc ditch four foot broad, and three foot dcep,a rod or a pole a day \ allowing llxtccn feet to the rod, and lo of large meafure leii ground, and of lefs ground larger m.eafure according tothefutti- ciency ot the fence which ycu purpofe to make. Hedging. A man may hedge alfo in a day, if the hedge be good and Tub- ftantial, tl-iat is to fay, Hvc foot high, well bound, thick Ilackt, and clofc laid, two rod in a day \ and if the work be lower or thinner, then double fo much more according to the former pro- portion. rUfhing. f^*^^ ^'^^5 plaflMng of hedges, or making a quick fence, if he do it workmanly, and that the growth bejiigh and well growD,aud then he lay it thick, cUjfc, and (Irongly bound in the top, tur- ning the quick downward and intvard,to plafh a rod a day,i^ as rr.ifch as any man can well do ; but if he platli it after the welt- country fadiion, that is, oncly cutting it down, and layin^t along clofcro the ground, fcekiftgonly tliickncfs, and not mrch guard cr ccirilinef% then he may well pbfli a rod and a half a day without trouble : And fure in tb.is work is great care and art to be uffd, 3S well for the prcfcrvation ofthequick,as the good- nefs of the fence, being a thing of worth and valJiiiy Mj>ii**» Book a. 4ndCattels labours, 115 therfor Garden, Orchard, or Corn-fetting, then to delve half a rood in a day, is a very great proportion, be^aufe ordinarily to delve, as to receive ordinary Seeds, requires but one fpadc graft in depth i but extraordinarily to delve,asfor enriching and bet- tering of the ground,and to cleanfe it fromitones, weeds, and other annoyances, will require two fpadcs graft at the leaft. Laftly, a man may thra(h if the Corn be good and clean, with- Thrafhing. out fome extraordinary abufe or poverty in the grain,in one day four Bufiiels of Wheat or Rye, iix bufhels of Barley or OAts,and five bufhel-s of Beans or Peafe : but then the Pulfe muft be ima- gined to be exceeding good, otherwife a man (hall thrafh lefsof It, than of any other kind of Grain i for as when it is well loa- den, it yieldeth plentifully, fo when it is poor and lightly loa- den, it yieldeth little or nothing, and yet hath not one ilrokc lefs of the flail, nor any labour faved, more than belongs to the beft pulfe whatfoevcr, being ever at leaft three times turned,and four times beaten over. Having thus generally run over (m a fliort computation) the The partictj, labours of the Husbandman, I vvjll now briefly as I can, go ^^^ expencs over the particular days labour of a Farmer or Plow-man,(hew- °^* *^^* ing the particular expcnce of every hour in the day, from his Hrft rifing, till his going to bed, as thus for example : we will fuppofe it to be after Chriilmai^zn^ about plow-day( which is the rirftfetting out of the PlowJ and at what time men either begin to fallow, or to break up P.afe-earth, which is to lie to bait, according to the cuftom of the Country •, at this time the Plow- inan (hall rife before four ot the Clock in the morning, & after thanks given to God for hisrcfl,and prayerfor the fuccefsofhis labourS,he (hall go into his ftable,or bcaft-houfc, and firft he (hall fodder his Cattle, then cleanfe the houfe, and make the booths clean,rub down the Cattlejand cleanfe their skins from all hlth v then he (hall curry hisHorfcs,rubthcm with cloathsand wifps, and make both them and the (table as clean as may be \ then he (hall water both his Oxen and Horfcs, & houfing them again, give them more fodder,& to his Horfe by all means Provender! as Chaif,-and dry Peafc or Beans,or Oat-huls, Peafe or Peans, or clean Oats,or clean Garbadge f which is the hinder ends of any Grain but RyeJ with the Itraw chopt fmall amongft it, accord. Q* ing :ii6 ^ CompHtAtion of mens^ Book 2. ding as tlic ability of the Husbandman is. And whiUt they arc eating their meat, he flull make rea- dy his Co!krs,Hames, Treates, Halters, Mullens, and Fbw- geares, feeing every thing ht, and in his due place, and to ihafe labours I will alio allow full two hours , that is , from four ofthe clock till fixi then he ihall come in to brcaktafl, and to that I allow him half an hour, and then another half hour to (he gearing and yoaking of his Cattle, fp that at fevcn of the clock he may fct forward to his labour, and then he thai! plough from fcven of the Clock in the morning, till betwixt two ond three in the afternoon \ then he (hall unyoke and bring home his Cattle, and having rubb'd thtm, drell them and cieanfcd away all dirt and hlth, he (hall fodder them, an^igivc them meat s then (hall the fcrvants go in to their dinner, which aibwed half an hour, it will then be towards four ofthe clock, at which time he flull goto his Cattle again, and rubbing them down, and ckanfmg their lialls,give them more (odder : which done, he (hall go into the Barn, and provide and make ready fodder of all kinds for' the next day, whether it be hay, draw, or blend-fodder, according to the aiaility of the Husbandman. * \*"'^ ' This being dene, and carried into the (lable, Oxc-houfe, or other convenient place, he ll^all then go water his Cattle, and give them more meat, and to his Horle-Provcndcr, as before is iliewcd : and by this time it will draw pa ft fix of the Clock, at which time he ihall coine into fupper, and after fuppcr, he ihall citl.ir by the (ire (ide mend hisfhoocs both for himfdfand rhcir Family, or beat, or knock Hemp, or Flax, or pick and fiamp Apples or Crabs, for Cyder or Verjuyce , orelfc grind Malt on the Qucrncs, pick Candle-mlhcs, ©r do 1( me Hus- barwHyortice withindoors till it be full eight a Clgck : Then fliallhc take hi^ Lanthorn and Candle, and go kt his Cattle, and having clcanftd the Hall and plaiiks , litter them down i look that they be fafely tied, and tl^n fodder, and give them meat (br aVl night ■-> then giving God thanks for benefits received t-hat'day, let him and the whole houfhold go to their rcll till the next niorrting. -I Now it \i .to be intended, that there may ' bs in the Houfc- hold .'lib K '. i l ■ ' ■gQok 2. an dCatnls labours, iiy hold more fcrvants than one : and fo you will demand of me what the reft of the fervants (hall be imploycdin, before and after the time of plowing. To this lanfwer, that they may cither go into the Barn andthrafli, hll or empty the Malt fitj load or unload the Kilne, or any other good and necclTary work that is about the yard i and after they come from plowing, fome may go into the Barn and thrafh, fome hedge, ditch, ftop gaps in broken Fences, dig in the Orchard or Garden, or any other Out-work, which is needful to be done , and which about the Husbandman is never wanting, efpecially one muft have a care every night to look to the men- ding or fliarpeningof the Plough-irons, and the repairing of the Plough and Plough-gears, if any be out of order •, for to defer them till the morrow, were the lofs of a days work, and an ill point of Husbandry. Now for the particular labours of Cattle, though it be al- Particular la- already inclulively fpoken of in that which is gone before, hours of Cat- where I fliew you how much a man may conveniently plough ^^* in a day with one Team or Draught of Cattle , yet for further fati9fad:i®n, you (hall undcrrtand, that in your Cattle there arc many things to be obferved, as the kind, the number, and the Soil they labour in. For the kind , which are Oxen, Bulls, or Horfes '> the bcfl for the draught are Oxen, and the reafon I have fliewed in my former Works : The next are Horfes, and the worft, Bui's, bccaufe they are mofr troublefome : the num- ber fit for the Plough, iseighr, fix or four v for the Cart, five or four i and for the Wain^i, never under fix, except in leading home of Harvell, where loading eafilv, four very good Oxen arefutficient i for the Soil, if it be in the tougheit and dcepcft earth, eight Beads can do no more but fallow or break up Peafe earth i no, nor fewer fiir, if the feafon grow hard and dry i forfoyling, Winter rigging and Seed furrow, fixBeafts may difpatch that labour : if the Soil be mix'd and haf- fel, then fix may fallow and fowe Peafe, and four do every other ordure : but if it be light and eafie Sand, then four is enough in every feafon. For the quantity of their work, an Oxe-plough may not do fo much as a Horfe-plough , becaufc they arenotfo fwift, nor maybe driven out of their pace, bc- ii8 The y^pp lie Ation of Husbandry Book 2. ing more apt tofurleit than Horfcs bc/o that for an Ox-plough ro do an Acre , and an Horfc-plow an Acre and a Rood, or an Acre and a halt in g^ood ground, is work fully fuflkicnt. CHAP. X X 1 1. Ihe ayflyltig of Huihandry to the feveral Count re f of thU Kingdom^ rvherein is (hewed the Off.ce and Duty of the Carter cr FlorV'Tnan. IT is to be underAood, that Husbandry doth vary accord- ing to the Nature and Climates of CounrricS : not one rule obferved in al, places, but according as the Earth, the Air» the much or little hear> moifcure or cold doth increife or di- minifh, fo mull the skiltul Husbandm.nn alter his Icjfons, la- bours and inllruments » for in llirf" Clays, as are all the trufr- Tul Vales of this Kingdom ( of which Ihave named inoftpart in a Chapter bttbie ^ as alfo Hunt irigton-jh ire ^ Bedford-fhire^ Cambtidgi-lhire^ and many oiherof likenaturei al! manner of arable work muft be begunbctimcs in the year, and thcPlough? and Inllrumcntsmullbc of large liic, and llrong rimbcrj^nd the labour great and painful : fo alfo in m xti^MlSjthat are good and truittul, as Northatnpton-fhire^ Hjrtfjrd-Jhire, molt part of Kenty tjj^x^ Bark^tre^ and Counties of like nature i all arable toils ^vould bcgm at laticr feafons, and the Ploughs and Inftruments H'ould be of middle llze, andindirtlrent timbers, and the la- bour fomewhat lefs than the other*, but the light fandy grounds •which have alfo a certain natural fruitfulncls in them, as in J^jrjolk^^ Suffulk^ moli part of Lincdn-jhire^ Hjmf^j'tre^ Surry ^ and Counties ot that nature, all arable toils would begin at the Liteit feafon<;,and the Ploughs and luftrumcnts would be of the fmallellandlighccft iize, and of thelealt timber, and the labour of all the other is ealiclt. Lartly, ior the barren unfruitful earth Cof which only I have written in this fas in Dcvonjhire ^ Cornwall many parts of V^alcs,^ l)jjh\f.ure^ Laticajliire^ Chtjhire^ Tork^-jhire^ and manyo- rbcf like, or worfc than they : the arable toils would have a ht icalbn of the year, according tothetemp:ratenefsof the year, w-hicii if it liappcacajlfjthen you muli begin your labours at lat- ter. Book 2. to fever d Countries, ii9 tt; fcaron,and for your Plough and Inflruments, thcyinufi: not k( > any certain proportion,but be framed ever according to the git id, thcliionger and Hi tfer ground having ever the ftrong ana trge Plough, with Inltruments ot like kind,and the Ughttr eartti a Plow and Inllruments of more eafie fubltance: as for the labour, it mud be fuch,and no other, than that which hath been already declared in this Book. And hence it comes, that the office and duty of every skilful Plow-man, orCart-r, is, rtrrt to look to the nature of the earth, next to the feafons of the year , then to the cuAoms and falViions of the place wherein he Ijveth i whichcul^oms, although they be held as fecond natures amonglt us > and that the bell reafons of the beft work-men commonly are, that thus I dojbecaufe thus they do i yet would I with no man to bind himlclf more ftrid- ly to curtom, than the difcourfe of reafon fliall be his warrant, and as I would not have him to prejudicate in his own opinion, fo 1 would not have him too great a flave to other mens tradi- tion, butrtanding upon the ground of reafon,- made good by experience , I would ever have him profit in his own judg- ment. Now the further office and duty of the Husbandman,is,with The Garter's great care and diligence, to refpedl in what fort fafliion to office, plough his ground : for although I have in the former Chapter (hewed how hefhouldhy his furrows, what depth he fliall plow them, and how he (hall be able to raife and gain the greatcit (lore of mould ■■, yet is there alfo another confideration to be had, nolefs prohtable to the Husbandman than any of the former » and that is, how to lay your Land bell for your own profit and eafc, as alfo iheeafeof your Cattle which iTialldraw with- in your draught,as thus for inftanccilf your arable Land (hall lie againrt the iide of any fkep hill ( as for the moil part all barren earths do ; if then you flull plow (uch Land diredly againlt the hill, beginning below, and io afccnding Itrcight upright, and fo down again, and up again, this very labour and toyling a- gainft the hill will breed fuch a bitter wearifomnefs to the cat- tle, and fuch adifcouragemcnt, that you fliall not be able to compafs one half part of your labour, befides the danger of o\fer-heating and furfeiting of youtbcafts, whence will fpring many 120 Th^ Office of a Carter. Book 2. many trortal difcafes : Therefore when you (hall plough any fuch ground, be fare to plough it Gde-ways over-thw3rt the hill, where your Beafts may tread on the kvel ground, and ne- ver directly up and down, fofhall the Corapoft and Shnure which you lay upoi: the ground not be fo foon wafh d away frotn tkic upper-part ot theground, becaufe ihs hirrows not lying fTreight dowrn in an even defccn:, but turned crofs- win's up- wirdagainfi :he hill, itraafi necellarily hold the Soil within it, and not ktit wafhaway. ^ ^"^ ^^^ Again, it is the o&ceofevery good Plow-man ?o know what Hia .g t. Cattle are meetclt tor his draught, as whether Oxen or Horfc, or both Oxen and Horfe : wherein is to be underltood, that al- though of all draughts whatfoever wirhin this Kingdora, there is none fo good to plough withaljbotb. in rcffccft cf the firength, frability,indurance, and hrnels for labour, as the Oxen are, in whom there is feldom or never any lofs , becoufc whcnfoevcr hisfavicefjileth in the draught, hisflclh will be of good price in the G-.arr.bksi y:t r.otwithiUnding in this cafe a man mufr nc- cellarilybind hirafelfmuch to the cuftom of theCcuntn.', and tifhion ot his neighbours \ for if ycu (hall live in a place wherr fuel is fcarce and far to be fetch 'd,a5 cwnnoonly it is in all barren Countries, which tor the moft pirt are Aony Champains, or cold Mountains •> and your Neighbours, as well for the fpced of ibeirJourncys,as for length, keep Horfe-draughts \ in this cafe alfoyoumuft do :he like, or elfe you tliall want their conapany in your Journey, which is both difcomfort and dilproiit, if any mi(chaiM:e or cafoaity fnall happen \ cr being inforcd to drive your Oxen as fair as rhcy do their Hcrfe, ycu (hall nor only oyer-hcar,:ire,brui{c,ind fpoil thetr.,but alfo rr.ake them utterly uoht either tor t'eeding or labour i and theretore if your Efrate br mean, and that you have no more bu: what neceifity requires, then ycu (hall for: your Plow or Team according to the fa- (hion of your Coun'ry, and the ufe of your neighlwurs : but if God have blsfi you with plenty, then it fhall not be amifs for yjijuohave ever an Oxe-draught or two to till yrur Land \ and a Horie-draught to do all your forraign abroad bufineflTes : (b ihpll your work at home ever go conlrat^tly forward, and your outward ncceffary Provilions be never NN'anting. Now for Book 2 . The Office of a Carter, 121 for theii-iixture of Oxen and Horfcs together, it falletli out of- tentimes that the Plow-man of force mutt be provided with Cattle of b^jth kind, as if he happen to live in a rocky Country, where the iteepncis of the Hills, and narrownefs of the ways, will neither futfer Cart, Wain,nor Tumbrel to pafs i in fhiscifc you (hall keep Oxen for the Plow to till the ground wich, and Horfesto carry pots and hooks : the tirft to carry for.h your manure, and the other to bring home your Hay and Corn-har- vefi, your fuel and other provilions, which arC needful for your family, as they do both in Comrvjl , and other mountainous Countries, where Carts and Wains^ and fuch likcdraught,have no pollible paffage, , '"'- ^. "■' ' *'^* Again, it is the office and duty of every good Plow-man to know his feveral labours, for every fcveral month through the who'e year,whereby noday nor hour may be mifpentjbut evay tinneand feafon employed according as his nature rcquireth : as thus for example. In the Month oi 'January^ the painful Plow-man, if he live in yamirp fertile and good Soyls, as among rich, fimple Clays, he (hall firft plow up his Peafe earth, becaufe it muft lie to take bait be- fore it be fown *, but if he live in fruitful, well mixt Soyls, then m this month he Ihall begin to fallow the field he will lay to reft the year following : but if he live upon hard barren earths ( of which chiefly I writejthcn in this month he (hall water his mea- dows 6c pailure grounds,and he (hall drain and make dry his ara- ble grounds,efpecially where he intends to fowc Peafc,Oats, or Barley the Seed-time following. Alfo he ihall Hub up all fuch rough grounds, as he intends to fowe the year following. You (hall meafure and trim up your Garden moulds, and you (hall comfort with manure, fand, or lim.e, or all three mixt together, the Roots of all barren Fruit-trees j and alfo cut down all fuch Timber,on1y there will be lofs in the Barkjfor the time is fome- whattoo ear'y forit to rifc.Lal]ly,you may tranfplantatt man- ner of Fruit-trees,the weather being open,and the ground eafie i you may rear Calves, remove Bees , and for your own health keep your body warm, let good diet and vvholefome be your Phyfitian, and rather with excrcifc than fawcc encrea'"c your appetite^ In 122 The labours for the Book 2. FtbiMirj*^ In the month oi^ February ^cither fct or fowc all forts of Beans, Pcafc, and other Pulfc, and the OilTer your ground is, the fooncr begin your worki prepare your Garden-mould, and make it cafie and tender i prune and trim all forts of Fruit-trees, from mofs, cankers, and all fuperfluous branches?pla(h your hedges,and lay your quick-fets clofe and intire together •, plant Rofes, Goofc- berries,and any fruit that grows upon little bulhes i graft at the latter end of this month upon young and tender (locks, but by all means overlade not the ttocks. Laftly, for your health, take heed of cold, forbear meats that are flirayand phlegmatick, and if need require, either purge, ^^^^^ bathe, or bleed, as Art (hall dired you. In the month of March^ make an end of fowing of all forts of fmall PuIfcjanJ begin to fowe Oats, Barley, and Rye, which is called Afurc/7-Ryeigraft all forts of Fruit-trees, and with young Plants and Syens repleni(h your Nurfery ■•, cover the roots of all trees that are bared,and with fat earth lay them clofe and warm: if any Tree do grow barren, bore holes in the Root,and drive hard wedges or pins of Oak-wood therein, and that will bring fruitfulnefsitranfplantall forts of Summer-flowers,andgivenew comfort of manure and earth to all early Out-landi(h flowers, cfpecially to the Cron^n Empcrial Tul'fs^ Hyacinth^ and Nar^ c/JJiiSot' all (hapc-sand coburs i> cut down under-wood for fuel and fencing, and look wdl to your Ewes, for then is the princi- pal time of yeaning. And laftly, bathe often, and bleed but upon extrcmity,purgc not without good counfel, and let your diet be cool and tem- perate. In the month of Jprily hnifh up all your Barley-feed, and be- gin to (owe your Hemp and Flax : fowc your Gardcn-feeds,and f^ant all forts of Herbs i hnifli grafting in the Hock, but begin your principal inoculation, for then the Rind is moll pliant and gentle ^ open ycur Hives, and give Bees free libcrty,and leave to Iviccour them with food, and let them labour for their living* Now cut down all great Oak-timber, fornow the bark wiH life, and be in fcafon for the Tanners i now fcour your ditches, and gather fuch manure as you make in the ftreets and high- ways, into great heaps together^ lay your meadows^ Height your corn- Book 2. feverd Months^ x^y corn-ground, gather away (lones, repair your high-wayeSySct Oziers and Willows, and caft up the banks and mines of all decayed fences. Laftly, for your health, either purge, bathe, or blec as ycu» (hall haveoccafion, and ufe all wholefome recreation : for than moderate exercife in this month ^ there is no better Phyr fick. In the month of A%, fow Barley upon all light fands and" May* burning ground?, fo likewifc do your Hemp, or flax, and al- fo all forts offender garden leeds, as are Cucumbers, and Mel- Ions, and all kind of fwect fmelling herbs and flowers i Fal- low your flilf clayes , fummer ftir your mixt earth , and foyl all light and loofchot fands i prepare all barren earth for Wheat and Rye, burn bait, ftub Gorfe or Furs, and root out Broom aid Fern •, begin to fold your fliecp, lead forth manure, and bring home fuell and fencing j weed your winter corn, follow your common works, and put all forts of grafs either in pafture or teather \ put your Mares to the Horfe, let nothing be wanting to furnilh the Dairy i and now put off all your Winter fed Cat- tel, for now they are fcarecft and dearelh put young ftears and dry kincnow to feed at fre(h grafs, and away with allpcafe-fed iheep \ for the fwcetnefs of grafs mutton will pull down their prices. Laftly, for your health, ufe drink that will cool and purge the blood, and all other fuch phyfical precepts, as true Art fhall prefcribe you : but beware of Mountebanks, and old wives tales, the latter hath no ground, and the other no truth, but apparent coufenage. In the month ofjme^ carry fand, marle,lime, and manure of June.'; what kind foever to your land i bring home your coals and o- ther necelTary fuel fetch far offi fhcar early fat (heep, fow all forts of tender herbs, cut rank low meadows, make the firft re- turn of your fat cattel, gather early fummer fruits, diftill all forts of plants and herbs whatfoever. And laftly, for your health, ufe much exercife, thin dyet, and chart thoughts. In the month of J«/y, apply your hay harveft i for a day jyiy, fl xkt is many pounds loft i chiefly, when the weather is uncon- R ftant. j;^ Tloc hb ours for tht Beak Ibnr, fh^ar sll msnncr of fidd-fticep, Summcr-riir rich ftiff' grounds, foyl all mixr earths, and htter foyl all loofe hot fands. Let herbs you would piercrve,row run to feeds cut off the (hlks of our-hhdi(h-fioNvers, and cover tUc roots with new tanh,. fo well rr.ixt with manure as may be •, fell all fuch Lsmbs as you- ftedforthcburchcrjand riilllead forth fandjmarl,liir.c.and other iXiJnure s fence up your crpfts.gra'zc ycur tldcr undcr-wcods, and bring home all your held-tii-nb.r. And hrtly, for your health, ablUin from all phyfick, bleed not but upon violent occilion, and neither meddle with Wine, Wo- men, nor no other wantonneis. A'-'gufi, In the Mcnth oi Avigu^ ^ SPP-Y Y^ui^ Corn Harvelf , (hear cjown ycur Whest and Rye, mow your Birky and Oars^And- make the fecond return of your ftt fhtep and cattle •, gather-. all your Summer greater ttuit , Plums, Apples, and P^arsv in Summer make yt^ur fweet Perry, 2nd Cyder ■•, S^t llips, and r.Tn;ofall forts ot Gilly-tk'>wfrs , and other flowers, and tranfpbnt them that were fet the Spring before, and at the end of this month begin to winter-rig all fruitful foyls whatfrc- ver, Gtld yo«r hmbs, carry n anurc from your dove-coats , and put your fwine to the early or Hrft maft. And ladly, tor your health, (hun fcalts and banquet*:. Let Phyftcloalone, hate wine, and ondy take delight in drinks thai are cooj and tcm— peratc. Semptcrabcr. ^" ^^ rr.oniii ff Sepitnber, reap your pcafe , beans, and all' other pulfe, making a tinal ci:dot your harveft v now bcrtow. , upon your wheat Land your principal manure, and no^v fow your VVhcutand Rye, both in rich and in barren -climates s now put your f.ving ro-maft.ofall hands, gather your winter fruif,3Tid make fak of your wooll, and other fummer commodities-, now put Oif thofe frocks of bees, yoa mean to fJl, or take for your own u(e,clofe thatch and daub warm aH the furviving hivc^.and look that rif> Drone, Mice, or other V^rminc be in or abouf them \ T>ov,- ihatch your (iacis^and recks, thrafh your kc6 Rye and wheat, and m::kc an end witli your cart of all forraign jour- La.niy, foryvur health, in thismonth. ufc Phyfick, but mode- r^felyi forbear frtiitsthatarejoo pleafant or iotten,and.as death, rtiun ryor and furfcit. !c Book 2. feverd Moi^s^ 125 In the Hlcnuh t)^Oaober^ finidi your wheat-Ceed, and fcour 06iober. ditches *nd ponds^phQi and ]ay hec!j>es and quickfeCjCTaufplant, jremovc or Set all manner offruit-trecs, of what nature ox quali- ty foever, make your Winter Cider and Perry/pare your private padfturcs, and eatopycmrcorn-hcldsand CoiT>rnons t and now awke an end of winter lidgtngj draw fufr&ws to drain, and keep dry your new fown corns follow hard tliernikingofyourmaiti rear all fuch calves as Hiallfall^ and wean rhofe^oalsfromyom draught marcsjwhich the Spring before were foaled: now fell al) fuch ftieepas you will not winter, give over foldings aad fepajratc ■Lannbs from the £ wcs, which you purpofe , Tr|"tlie Month of December^ put your (hecp and fwine to the ^ •^ttre'Reeks, and fat them for the flaughter and markets now ^"™ ^' kill your fmall porks, and large bacons, lop hedges and trees , faw out your timber for building, and liy it to ieafon s and if your land be exceeding ftiff^andrifeup in an extraordinary fur- row, then in this month begin to plow up that ground whereoa you mean to fow -clean beans only. > now cover your jdainty fruit trees over with canvanlc,and hide all your bert flowers from froft and ftorraes, with rotten old horfe-litter i now drain all your corn-iields, and as occafion fhall fcrve, fo water and keep moid R 2 your J 26 The laboi^rs for-i &i. Book your mcado wsi now become the fowler, with Piece,Nets,and all manner ofEngineSjforin this month no fowl isoutoffeafoninow fi(h for the Carp, the Bream, Pike, Tench, Barbel, Peal and Sal- mon. And hftly, for your health, cat meats that arc hot and nou- ri(hing, drink good wine that is neat, fprightly and lufty, keep thy body well clad, and thy houfe warm, forfake whatfoever is flegmatick, ajfid banifli all care from thy heart, for nothing is more unwholefomethen a troubled fpirit* Many other obfervations belong unto the office of our skilful Plow- man or Farmer •, but fince,they may be imagined too curi^ ous, too needlefe, or too tedious, I will ftay my pen wirh thefc already reheatfed, and think to have written fufticicntly, touch- ing the application of grounds, and office of the Plow-man. The End (^/^arkham'i fAurvellto Hmhundryi 'V: .mff iJjC The ^\■>1 \ • \ The Table. tkffv #9% Afv t!Sf9 tf©^ ctV^ tXff t^fs 035S aJtii ijji 2;S!s Sas aS itw ' c^ ^•U;^'^^ The Tabfe and general Contents of the. whole Book. CHAP. I. TH E Nature of Grounds in general pag, i The kjtojvkdge of barren grounds. p. 2. CHAP. 11. 7be Ordering^ "^^^^'^g-, ««^ ^^^f- fing of all barren clayesj fjmple 9r compound. ' p. 3 . 7he fr^ inriching of barren grounds. p. 3. The manner ofpkmng. p. 4. The hackings fanding^ and timing of grounds P. 4, 5- Additions. The ufe and profit of lime. p, 5. The manuring^ofgrounds, p. 6. The times forafriabonrs. p. 6. Ihe fecond plowing^ p. 7, Usefecond hackings p. 7. Thefirfi harrovping, p. 7. OffovetHg the feed: p. 8. jJhefecond harrovping* ib. Faults in the earth, ib. The clotting, of grounds. p. ^. Another manner of dotting, p. i o. F^n-i^g of grounds ^ Weeding. P* l ' ♦ Making fif Baits, An objeCiion and anjjver. p. 12.! Breaking of Baits t . The ordering of earths where fand 1 flowing, vfantethf ib.^ ^Sovping of Salt, P-^S* 7 he excellency of fait, ib. Of jleeping feed in brine. p» ig. CHAP. in. 0/^/:?^ ordering^ tilling^ anddref- (mg of all rough barren clay , fimple or compound^ boing over- run rvith Curfcj Broom^or^ &c^ p. I+. 7I?e defiroying ef weeds. p. 1 6, Burning ofBait^ ib. 7he hre.4<^, Shjiii'gs efhem ib» \Hc(fs »fCatteU ib. X)f the floppifTg^t tilings jrtd dref. OtWxad, ^ '^'42, fing of all barren Sands, ihat^Jhe eHrichlkg of ortlinaf^' jifj' ■ are (jer-rnnn'ith^ak^n.Fem^^ HKre. ib. - or Heatbt^^"'''-^^'^ - Ofjand.rg and limbtg. Offl Tvmg and Ivrfivg. Labcurs .ifterfon-trt^. Of raeedi'fg. :\.i'^W: CHAP, vm -p. 3^.iAd'ditroTi5. CHAP, XI. p. 3^« Hojv tomrich frc.r4) anyharrtn p. 37.! rcu-hnwydypvund^bn'Mgrtew' tK i ly jiuhhed -Ht, p. 4^. p. 28^, 'Additions. C^hV. Xn. ^ _.. ;V>^ «5/>^ mannfr 'f rf(hierir^\ d*f^ ^^r J hwiJig:^ iiilitfg. tvpitb\ Uiou ^ all ftfrts rf ^ vcniif . itn'itd\ attd n^d Bryary^^^ \ - whiih i\ive been oi'tr-f.^vrtd p. 5^. * tTf^ledhyfah-rvaiet^cr^ei' .C/»f dtfiroying oftwk^ sndvry- ' • brtach^^iiour arabhe , cr M •i:.a> ib. - ^Jtkre^ ^ gffi iheenfichhfr\r T!ie Table. heiterh^ sfihe C^nie* p. 50. Addition?. CHAP. XlII. Amlhcr fPi*)' to enrich harren pa- Jhre^ or meadcvv^ trithout the htlp ofrfjter, p. 5^. CHAP. XIV, Hoxp to enrich or tnal^ ihe mofi barrm Joyl. to- bear excelettt good pjjture or meadoiv. p. 62 . Oj wall riig grounds. p. 6^. The help in watertug, rb. Of Gfallor.fftrs. i^. Of Mules ^ and the cure p. 80. Qffemes jrcm the injluence of. Heaven. p. 8j. ^fftnnttinefs or mildetfj^ mid the ■ Cure. • '■"'-'"'- ^''^- Addition?. ' ib. Of Hail and th cure» ib. Of Lighumg , Frofts^ , ^hfis , fogsattdblajhngs^aHd the cure 82. ^5, ll^en and hirv to ufjter. ib. [ C()rn rf'aprrpfl^ afid the. cure, 83. 1^i>e b€\\ feafo'nfdY rpattrirtg Tp.SyOfn^aJJk corn. p. S3, CHAP. XV. Jhe enriching barren ground j^, for Hemp or Flax, p. 6^. Black^clay for Himp. p. ^7. , life nUfking ill earth hear H(m%, p. 6%'. TJyerveedntg, p. 6^ CHAP. XVI. The manner offtackin^ all kind of Jo l^ierf rvafht corn. p. 84. CHAP. XVIII. How t9 k^efall manner of Gram thrafht or unthrjfht the longeji time^and horp t^.^referve it^&c, p. 8^; Of Garners. p, 87. \0fHji4.i'hef and thtir ufes p. Grain ruith Icali l7fs^ CHAP, xvir 70. To p-ejerve Wheat, p, 8p, Jo preferve Rye. p^ p^, Jofreferve Beans, ib„ Jhe difeafes and impcrfeVuons\Jnprefinie Ft aje or Retches. gK. rrhich happen •to all maimer of To preferve Lentils orLupins.pB, Grain* ip.jz.^To pre fen-e Oats. ,d. Crorvs^FidgeonSy or Birds ^and the | Jo preferve Oai-meaU . p. P5?, Cure. p. 73t't^^ prfewe any mead. p. ido. Additions. . p. 7-t. Jh^pr^fervingofallfrpallfeeds^ Of Tifm'.ns and Veres, rvith th rure, p.75w^- Of field Rats and Mice^ and the Cure. p. 77. Of rvnrm s audi he cure* . p . 7 8 1 Of Rye not to be veet, OfrSHails p. lai. CHAP. XIX. Hovp to keep Grain cither for tran- ,. _^ortaiion^or^&c, p. iGi. Jhe'ufc qf Grain. p. ro2. \h.pffulfe, ib.. P* 7P- Of Rice and the ufe \h. I Of The Tabic. Of Ifljeat^a-nd the up. p. 103. 1 OfOjt'Weal, andthenjc. p,i04.| OfBarky^ and the ufe, p. 105 . Oj' Buck^^ and the ufe. ib. Of Ptilpy and the ufe, p. 106. OfFrench-heans. ib. Of the Kidney 'he an, ib. Of common field beans, ib. Of Peaje, and their ufe, ib. Siveralfortsofpeafe, p. 107, Ta tranjport Grain, ib. Additions. CHAP.. XX. The enriching of barren Grounds, and to mak^ itfruitfull to bear Boffs, p. icp Abating aid encreafmg of fer- tility, ib. Choice of grounds, ib. Cafiing the hills. p. 1 1 o. Fref.rring the Allies^ and Plan- tingihelis^p, ib. CHAP. XXI. A general computation ofm:n& cattels labours^ &c* p. 1 2 2 « OfPhvetug^ Sowing.^ and Movo- ing ib. Of Ke aping and gathe.i-g Graint p. 113. Of Ditching, Hedging, Plajhing p. 114. Of Delving and thrailnng. 114, The particular expences of a Day, ib. The particular labour ofCatteh p. 117. CHAP. XXII. The applying of Htuhandry to the feveral Countries. p. 11 8, The Carters office. p« i ip» Of Cattel for the Draught. 121. The feveral labours of the feveral hlontht, p. 121. to 126. ADDITION. An Excellent tpay to take Mules, and to freferve goad Ground from fitch Annoyance, lilt Garlick, Onions, or Leeks, into the mouths ofthe holes, and they will come out quickly, as amazed. FINIS. •■>■'' ^^J*"- *kj« •