1 ^ METCALF LIBRARY OF I885_IQ56 ' INSTITUTIONS O F ENTOMOLOGY: Being a Tranflation of LlNNi^US'S ORDINES P: T GENERA INSECTORUM; O R, SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF INSECTS. COLIATID VITK The DIFFERENT SYSTEMS of GEOFFROY, SCH/TFFER and SCOPOLI ; ' TOGETHER W J T H OBSERVATIONS of the TRANSLATOR. By THOMAS PATTINSON YEATS. L O N DON: Printed for R. H O R S F I E L D. No. 22, ludg^te Hreit. MDCCLXXJlf. ( ili ) P R E F A C E. ^ OiMfe Friends, for whdfe judgment I kj' entertain the hi^hefl deference, hav- ing repeatedly requeried me to add an en- graving of each G nus of Jnfcds to the following Work, I think myfelf under an obligation to inform them of the reafons which prevented my complying with their defire. The extraordinary expence which Would have attended fcch engravings mufl neceffarily have enhanced the price o£ the Work, and defeated its principal dc- fign, by preventing a number of fuch per- fons as have mofi: occafion for it from pur- chafing it 3 this expence would have been fo much the greater, as it would not have fufficed to have figured one infed: of each Linna^an GenuS;, but would have been ab- folutely necefiary to have given one, at leall, of each family or fedtion of fuch ge* nera as contain infeds differing much from one another in their external appearance : add to this, that I could have done little a 2 more iv PREFACE. more than copy the excellent figures of Geofi'roy and Scha3fFer, the firft of whiclv are to be purchafed at as eafy a rate, per- haps, as I could have afforded them, with' the advantage of adding another ufeful work to the purchafer's library. As this book, however, is written in a language not univerfaily underflood, fuch perfons as think new engravings abfolutely necef- fary to the well underdanding Linnaeus's Syflem, will, I hope, foon have an oppor- tunity of procuring them ; for, fenfible that nothing is fo conducive to the per- fedlion of entomological fcience as the knowledge of the fpecies, I intend com- municating lo the Public defcriptions and figures, coloured after nature, of a large number of very rare infeds, from different parts of the world, amongft which will be contained fomc not met with in any col- ledlion but my own, and not defcribed by any author whatever. In this Work, I fliall endeavour to infert one fpecimen, at lead, of every LinniEan Genus, with the parts from which the generical charaders aje taken, delineated in fuch a manner as to PREFACE. V to obviate every difficulty, making, at the (.jmetime, fuch alterations in the fyftem of that author, as infers, with chara<5ters un- known to him at the time of his framing: it, fhall render abfolutely necefTary, With refpedl to the followinor (lieets, if, on the one hand, I have not anfvvered the expedtations of my friends, I flatter myfelf that I have exceeded them on the other, by extending my plan confiderably beyond the original defign ; for I have not only taken all the paiiis in my power to render the meaning of Linnieus as plain as poflible y but confidering that it would be^ an advantage to beginners to be acquainted with the fyilems of fome other authors, each of which has his feparate admirers, and has made confiderable alterations la that of LinnsEUS, I willingly undertook lo collate and compare thofe different Syf- tems, and explain the reafons which in- duced their authors to differ from their common Mader. The moft diflinguifhed among thefe are Geoffroy, Scopoli and SchaefFer -, the firO: of whom, in his Hif- toire vi PREFACE. toire Abregei des LifcBcsy publifhed at Paris in 1764, has belides changing the or- ders, or firfl: grand divifions, of the Lin- njean Syftem, formed from the different families of Linnsean genera^ many new genera, fome of them very judicioufly, others, perhaps, without fufiicient grounds. It may, however, befaid, in defence of his frequent diviiions of the Linnasan genefaj that, as his Syflem was a partial one, con- fined to the infeds of a fmall diflridl, he could not take notice, in his Work, of thofe, (as I may call them) intermediate infei^s, which connedl the feveral families, and prove them to belong to the fame genus, fuch infeds being frequently exotic. Scopoli, in his Entomologia Carniolica, publifhed at Vienna in 17 63, has made few alterations in the Linnaan Syflem ; but thofe feem every one to be well founded, and his fpecinc charaders equal thofe of LinuiTUS. Schxffer, in his Elementa Rntomologicet printed at Ratiibon, in 1766^ has followed Geoffroy with very few and inconfiderable variations; but his figures convey PREFACE. Vll convey a pretty good idea of his genera, though they cannot be pronounced fuperior to thofe oF that author. I Hiould have been glad to have given fome account of the Syflcm of Poda, a fefuit, a work much praifed by Scopoh, which alone is fuffi- cient to convey an advantageous idea of ir, but have not been able to procure it, nor learn hov/ or in what he differs from Linnffius. The Reader will iind, that I have not only explained the circumdances from which the above-tncntioncd Authors have taken their claffical and ecnerical didinc- tions, but likewife the more minute ones, which induced them to form their genera into JeSiions or families. By thefe means the beginner, indead of contentino' himfelf with attending to a few of the more ftriking charaders, will be led to tile coriilJeration of every part of the in- fect j and as the bed: method of berominsr acquainted with thofe characters is the comparing of infe6ls known to belong to a certain particular genus, with the defcrip- tion given of that genus, I have taken care (when viiL PREFACE. when I could learn it) to apply to each could it moft familiar Englifh name, by which any Ipecics belonging to it is known. If this Eftay Hiall conduce to the render- ing fo rational an entertainment as the contemplation and ftudy of the works of Nature more univerfal, or more pleafing, I (hall think my trouble more than re- paid, and wifh it no other fuccefs than that its defedls may induce fome more able Entomologift to favour the Public with, one more perfect. CORRECTIONS and ADDITIONS. Page 2 5, 1. I, inilead of Cherma and Coccus, read, the Cbermet of Linnau%^ Pjge a6, 1. 6, fur gtnui ttaA g»nu!. Page 27, 1, zz, for An bari^ le^d jSutbors. FaL'e 4S, I, 17, ti r Crioteris, reaj Crhcerii. Page 49, 1. 3, ioT in gtvc^al, reari Jcr the mcji part. Page yg, I. 13, alter the woid trotcbtt aHd, and a feuccous, lateral, artitulated jivgsr j htmg Cs'c. Page 11 1, 1.3, fot ci'itaimrg, read corfiJI'wg. Page iii, 1. i, tor hchfirm, read fheiiftrm. Pjge ii2, 1, 18, after the word tbey, add/c. Page 123, L 3, 4, orrjit the wordt like Cbtrmcs. Page 127, 1. 5, for gcnericsily, read ^emrally. Pjge 136, 1. 3, 4, for jomezvhai refembltng, read and Jome'w^'at reftmh/f. Prfg- 154, 1. J4, ioT latva, read lar'vee Id. I. 22, for i'brygar.enfVeiA Phrygania. Page 165, 1, 5, omU the word anrV, Page iSl, 1, S, add atter the word ot generical, or. Id. 1, 9, for namely lead 35a»r*, Pjge 20S, J. antipenuJt. tor their, read .'ix;. Page 209, fof midjile, read midd'e. Page 213, I. 16, for Volumella, lead VuiuuUm', Line 24, id. id Page 229, I. penult, for cb'yiahiy read cbryalidit P»ge 244, I. 3, for /arva, leod larva. INSECTS. LinnsEUs Syft. Nat. Vol. I. P. 2, P. 533'. Properties peculiar to Insects, and the Charadlers by which they are diftinguilhed from the other Clafles of the Animal Kingdom. INSECTS are fmall animals, having many feet, and breathing through pores arranged along their fides. Their {km (with which they are covered as with a coat of mail) is of a hard or boney con- liftence. They are furnifhed with moveable antennae, growing from the head, and A which CHARACTERS, &c. which feem to be endued with an exqui- fite fenfe of feeling. The body of thefe animals is compofed of a head:, a trunks an abdomen^ and limbs. The head is for the mod part di{lin(fl from the trunks being attached to that part by a kind of articulation or joint. It is furnifhed with eycs^ antenna;^ and, in gene- ral, with a mouth, but want's brains, nojlrils, and ears, The eyes are moftly two in number, without eyelids. They are either fimple or compound, confiding of one or more lenfes, and are the organs of vifion in thefe as well as other animals. Mod infe(fts have two antenncey which are compofed of an indefinite number of articulations ; their ufe is as yet wholly un- known. They vary much in form, and are either Setaceous, OF INSECTS. Setaceous, growing gradually taper to- wards their point or extre- mity. Tiliform, refembling a thread, being throughout of equal thick- nefs. Moniliform, confifting of a feries of knobs, like a necklace of beads, Clavatedy formed like a club, encreafing in thicknefs from the bafe to the point. Vapitated, encreafing in thicknefs to- wards their extremity, as the clubbed antennas, from which they arc diftingmfhed by the form of their laft or exterior articulation, which is larger and rounder than the others, forming a kind of capitulum, bt head^ A z Fifile, 4 CHARACTERS, &c. Fifiky which are like the laft-men- tioned, but have the head fplit or divided longitudinally into different //^/^j or lamince, PeBinafedy which have lateral appen- dices, refembling the teeth of a comb, or Bearded, refembling a feather. They are termed Jhort (breviores) when fliorter than the body, midling (mediocre^) when of equal length with the body, and long (longiores) when longer than that part. The palpi^ by fome called feelers^ are articulated, fixed to the mouth, and gene- rally either four or fix in number, confid- ing of 2, 4, 3, joints : thefe feem to ferve inftead of hands to infedts, they making ufe of them to approach their food to the mouth, and fuftain it while eating. The OF INSECTS. 5 The mouth is generally placed under the head, fometimes in the breaft ; it is furnifhed with a rojlrum or probojcis^ an upper Up ^ jaws placed tranfverfallyj /^^^/y^, a tongiie, and 2. palate-, fome infers have no mouth. lihQjietrjfnata or gems, are three bright convex fpots, or tubercules, placed upon the crown or upper part of the head. The trunk is the part fituate between the head and the abdomen ; fome of the feet are fixed to it ; the upper part of it is called the thorax, behind which is xhQ fcutellu?n, or efcutcheon (generally of a triangular form) for the infertion of which a piece appears to be cut put of the interior margin of each elytron : the under part is called ihtjlernum and hreaji. The abdomen, or lower body, contains the Jlomach, intejtines, and liifcera ; it confifts of five rings, or fegments, and is pierced on the fides with fpiracula, or pores, which A 3 fupply 6 CHARACTERS, &c, fupply the want of lungs j the upper part of it is called the tergiwiy or back, the un- der part the venter ^ or belly ^ which is ter- minated by the anus. The limbs are the tail and the feet, tq which (in many fubjedts) we may add the unngs. The tail terminates the abdomen , it fometlmes has two appendices, or horns, and Ibmetimes none ; it is ^lih^rjimple, or armed "vj'ith. a forceps, 2, fork, a brijlle, or a kind oi claw ov fting, which again is q.\- x\itY fmple, or compofed, fmooth, ov jagged like a faw. The feet arc compofed of Femora, or thighs (the joints immediately fixed to the body ;) tibia, or fiajtks (the fecond joints) the tarf^ which form the third fet, are compofed of an indefinite number of arti- culations, and are terminated by the un- gues, or nails : fomc have a kind of hand f chela } OF INSECTS. (chela) or claw, with a moveable thumb ; the hind feet are formed for executing dif- ferent movements, as running, leaping, fwinwiing. The wings are, in fome fubjeds, two, in others, four in number, and are ei- ther Plain, ftretched out their whole length without folds; P Heat He, folded up -, B?'e5l, fuftained in an ered po.fition, (o that their extremities almofl meet above the back of the infe(fl j Patent, open, expanded, extended, in an horizontal pofition ; Jnciunbent, covering horizontally the abdo- men of the infed-^ JDcJleSfed, in their pofitionfomewhatrefem- bling the ridge of a houfe, decli- ning downwards along the fides of the infed, but in fuch a manner A A that 8 G H A R A C T E R S, &c. that the Inner margins meet above the abdomen. Reverfedy which differ from the laft-men- tioned, in the pofition of the un- der wings, thefe being placed hor rizontally, fo that their edges pro- je<5t confiderably from under the margin of the upper ones, which lafl: are in the fame direction as in the deJleBed. Indent edy with the edges cut out or fcoUoped. ] Caudateciy in which qne or more of the fibres of the wings are fpread out or extended confiderably beyond the margin, into a kind of taiL Or Reticulated, when the veins or mem^ branes of the wing crofs one an- other fo as to refemble net-work. They are painted with fpots f macula) bands (fajcix^) Jireaks (firigce) which, >vhen extended lengthways, are called (lince) OF INSECTS. (linea) linesy and with fo'mts or dots T'he.y are marked with Jligmates, or fpots, (haped like kidneys, and adorned with ocelli, or eyes, which confifl of one or n^ore rings {the iris) endofing a fpot f the pupil J which in general is of a diffe- rent colour from the iris ; thefe are either in their upper or under wings, and on the upper or under fides of the wings. The elytra^ or wing-cafes, are two in number, of a cruftaceous fubftance, and cover the under wings 5 they are for the moft part moveable, asnd are either T^runcatedy cut off at their extremity in ^ diredl line. Spinous, with fpines or pointed elevations, Or Berrafed, with the exterior margin edged with fpines, or teeth, like a faw. Their lo CHARACTERS, &c. * ■■!■■■'■-■■ - ■ ■ -- " ' ■ ■■ — --■■I " ■■■■■■■ — - ■ . ■ mmmmmmm^ Their fuperficies is either Scab?-cus^ rough. Striated J marked with flight or fhallow furrows. Pcrcatedy with fharp longitudinal ridges, Sulcatedy deeply furrowed : Or PunSfiiaied, marked with concave or con- vex fpots, ^he upper wings, or wing- cafes, are call- ed hemelytra, when of a fubftance harder and flronger than the membranaceous wings which they cover, and yet fofter than the elytra of the Coleoptera. The halteres (poifers) are placed under the wings of Dipterous infeBs, or fuch as have but two wings, and probably ferve to keep their bodies in equiiibrio, when in the acfl of flying ; they are compofed of a head fixed at the end of a fmall pedicle or flaik. As OF INSECTS. II As to fex, thefe animals are either male ox female, which propagate their fpe- cies ; or neuters, which are incapable of ge- neration, and feem to be devoted to the fervjce of the other more perfecfl in- feds. The meta?norphofis In many infcifls, is threefold, and confifts In a change of ftruc- ture, effected by the fubjed cafting the different coats in which the perfe<5l; infed is included, and as it were coa- cealed. The eggy containing the infedt in its fmalleft fize, or firft ftate, is expelled from the ovary, as in other oviparous ani- mals. From the egg Is produced the larva, or caterpillar, which is of a moift or humid fubflance, fofter and larger than the cggy is without wings, flerile, or incapable of generation, flow in its motion, and is al- ways exceedingly voracious when it meets with the food to which it is mod addided, but 12 CHARACTERS, &c. but more temperate when obliged to put up with that of which it is lefs fond. Many larvse have a great number of feefy Others have none. The pupa, or chryfaUs, is drier and harder than the larva, confined in a nar- rov/ compafs, and is either ?iaked, or co~ 'vered with a kind of web; it often wants the mouth. Again, it is either I.. Compleat, having feet, and making ufe of all its limbs, as the Spider ( Ara^ nea) the Tick (Acarus) the Wood-- loiife fOnifcusj a. ^emi-compleat, or half compleat, which have feet, but only the rudiments, or, as it were, buds of wings, as the Graf shopper (GryllusJ the Froghoppcr f Cicada J the Bug (CimexJ the Dragon-Fly (LibeU lula) and the Ephemera. 3. Inccmpleaty having feet and \yings, but which are immoveable, as in th,e Bee^ the Ant, and the Tipula, /^. Shrowded^ OF INSECTS. 13 4. Shrowded (obteBa) wrapped up in a cruftaceous covering, of fuch a form, that the part which con- tains the head and thorax may be diftinguiflied from that wherein the abdomen is lodged^ as in Lepidopterous infeds. 5. Straiteiied (coarBata) confined in a cafe of a globular make, not formed fo as to diftinguifli the different parts of the infed: it contains, as in the Mufcck (the Fly) and Oc- Jij'us (the Gad-fly, The infedt, efcaped from its laft prifon, is in the third, or perfed; ftatc, is adive, performs the work of generation, and is furnifhed with antenna, which it gene- rally wanted in its other forms. The ftrudure of the fame identical ani- mal is therefore threefold, which fuppofes a like complication in the fcience, fince, in order to know it well, we muft be ac- quainted with the three different flates through which it paffes. Thefe i4 CHARACTERS, &c. Thefe animals are mute when not pro- vi4ed with fome particular inftruhient fc- pirate and diftind from the mouth, with which they make a noife (as many do by the fridion of fome of their joints) and deaf, though they are by fome means fen- fible of the vibration of the air -, they are every where more in number than the fpe- cies of exifling plants, but feem fewer, on account of the greater field they have to range in. According to the climates they inhabit, they are either tropica/, arcikal, or €intar5ficaiy which lad, however, are as yet unknown. In point of duration they are iinnual (except fach as inhabit the waters) and, confidered as individuals are the fmalleft of animals, but, taken all to- gether, form. tLe greateft part (with re- gard to bulk) of the animal kingdom. Their influence in the (Economy of na- ture is likewife the g;-ea:eil:, but being more generally diffufeil, and from their miniitenefs lefs obvious, is not fo liable to be defeated, as if exercifed by larger ani- animals, v/hich fecurity is the more necef- 2 fart- OF INSECTS. ^S fary,astheyare the yearly fervants of Nature, appointed in fufficient number for the per- fedling fuch of her defigns as they are moil capable of accomplifhing, viz. preferving a due proportion among plants, confuming every thing that is mifplaced, fuperfluous, dead, or decayed in her produdlions ; and> laflly, becoming nourifliment to other ani- mals, and that chiefly to birds. Infefls are faid to hibahif thofe plants only upon which they feed, not thofe on which they fomctimes may be met vvith^ and trivial names, taken from that circum- ftance, are in general the beft, as being beO: adapted to the purpofe of rendering art fubfervient to the explication of the views and police of nature. It is in confequcnce of thefe views and regulations, that we find fome infects occupied in preparing, others in purifying, others, again, in de- ftroying (according to the different apart- ments allotted them) the materials onr which they work. ORDINES INSECTORUM; O R T H E ORDERS OF INSECTS* INSECTS are divided into different orders, from the circumflance of their having or wanting wings, and from the number or fubftance of which thofe parts are compofed, in fuch as are furniihed with them, as follows: 1. Cokoptera. Which have four wings j the upper ones called the Elytra, are entirely cruflaceous, be- ing of a hardjhorny fubrtance, and join, or meet together, on the upper part of the bo- dy in a direct line or future. 2. Hemiptera. Which have four wings ; the elytra differ from thofe of the former order in their B hardnefs 1 8 ORDINES INSECTORUM. 2. Hemipura. hardnefs, rather refembling flrong parchment or vel- lum, than the horny fub- ftance of the Coleoptera ; they cover the body hori- zontally ; the inner margins extend the one over the other, not meeting in a di- redl line, as in the Cole- optera. 3. Lepidoftera, Which have four v^^ings, all membranaceous, and . imbricated, or covered with fcalcs, fixed upon them nearly in the fame manner as tiles are laid upon the roofs of houfes. 4. Neuroptera, Thefe have likewife four membranaceous wings, but which are naked, not being covered with fcales as in the lafl mentioned genus , their abdomen is unarmed, or without afting. 5. Hynt" ORDINES INSECTORtJM. 19 5. Hymencptera. Which have four mem- branaceous naked wings, as the prcceeding order, but the abdomen armed with a fting. 6. "Dipt era. Which have only two wings, being furnished with poifcrs or balancers, Hal^ Ures^ inftead of under wings. 7. Aptera, Or thofe which want wings. The mod: diftingtjjflied writers who have formed Syftems of Entomology befides our Au- thor, are, (as I have obferved in my Preface) Geoffroy, Scopoli, and Schjeffer ; each of thefe authors have purfued methods of arrangement very different from that of Linnasus, and from thofe of one another. I fhall now proceed to give an account of their firft, or general divifion, and fliew wherein that differs from the orders invented and laid down as above, by Linnseus. Geoffroy has divided this clafs of the animal kingdom into fix fcdions only, uniting the In- fefta Neuroptera and Hymenoptera of Linnseus, in his fourth, which accordingly conHfls of all B 2 fuch io ORDINES INSECTORUM. fuch infefis as have fonr naked membranaceous wings ; thefe he has arranged under different ar- ticles or orders, according to the number of joints, or articulations, of which their feet are compofed, rejefting Linns'.us's divifion taken from the circumftance of their having or want- ing flings, which, however, feems to argue them of very different natures and difpofitions. The order, or clafs, HymenopteroHy of Lin- nseus, indeed labours under one inconvenience, which may frequently miQead a beginner : I mean that of the male infedls wanting the fling, or^rincipal charaderiflic, which feparates them from the Neuroptera. He will, however, foon learn to diftineuifh them from infedls belongina- to that genus, by the fhape of their bodies, which, excepting thofe of fome Ichneumons, are Ihorter, thicker, and flrongcr than the bodies of the Neu- roptera j and particularly from the texture of their wings, in which the membranes run in general longitudinally, with very few crofs ones : where- as the larger veins are fo frequently croffed in the wings of the Neuroptera by fmall ones, as to make the wing refemble net-work. The Infe£ia Cokopfera, or fuch as have the elytra of an horny or cruflaceous fubftance, in their whole length, and the mouth armed with jaws, compofe the firfl fei^ion of this author,, which ORDINES INSECTORUM. 21 which he has divided into three articles : The firft, containing thofe infeds whofe elytra arc cruftaceous or horny, and cover the abdomen entirely : The fecond, thofe whole elytra are likewife cruftaceous, but cover only a part of the abdomen : The third, thofe whole elytra are of a fofter fubftance than the foregoing ones, and almoft membranaceous ; This lad article coinprehends fuch of the Linnasan Infe£laHemip- iera as have the elytra, femi cruftaceous in the whole length, or lefs hard, than thofe of the Cokoptera, and the mouth furnifhed with jaws, as the gryllus, orgralshopper,&c. This feflion is farther divided into orders, from the number of articulations found in the feet of the different in feds which compofe it. His fecond fedion, or, lnfe5la Hemiptera^ contains fuch of Linn^us's Hemiptera, as have elytra femi-cruftaccous only to a certain diftance from their bafe, as the Cimex or Bug, &c. but as this feflion, in which he has attempted to corred LinnjEus, I think with fuccefs, would ftill, in that fituation, have remained very incompleat, the Kermes and Coccus which he had referred to it, having only two wings, and thofe of the Pfylla and Aphis being all four equally coria- ceous J he has taken his effential charade r frm the probofcis or roftrum, with which the mouths of all the infeds that compofe it are furniflied. B 3 This 22 ORDINES INSECTORUM, This probofcis, in mofl: of the genera, is placed in the head of the infedl, in others, (as the Pfyl- Ja, the Kermes and Coccus) in the bread, bc' tween the firft and fecond pair of legs. In the third fedion, or Injedla Lepidoptera, he agrees entirely with Linnaeus, as in his fifth, the Infe5fa Biptera^ and his fixth, the InfeSla Aptera. In the Divifion of thefe feftjons into genera, he differs very much from Linnaeus, as will be fub- fequently fliewn. SchaefFer, who differs effcntially from Linnajus, and in fome things from Geoffroy, has divided his infedis into claffes, as follow : 1. Inre(5ba Coleopteromacroptera, or infefls whofe elytra are cruflaceous in their whole length, and longer than the abdomen. This clafs comprehends the infefls ar- ranged by Geoffroy under the firft article of the Coleoptera. 2. Infefta Colcoptero-microptera, differing from the former only in the length of their elytra, which, in this clafs, are not fo long as the abdomen. The ORDINES INSECTORUM. 23 This clafs contains the infedls which com- pofc the fecond article of the Coleoptera in Geoffroy. 3. Infe6la Coleoptero-hymenoptera, feu He- miptera, or fuch infeds as have the elytra half cruftaceous, or becoming membrana- ceous towards their extremity. 4'. Infeda Hymeno-lepidoptera, or with wings imbricated with fcales. 5. Infefba Hymeno-gymnoptera, or with na- ked and membranaceous wings ; in this clafs he has not only followed Geoffroy in uniting the Neuroptera and Hymenoptera of Linn^us, but has mod unnaturally arran- ged the different kinds of Grylli, as giaff- hoppers, locufts, crickets, and the blattse, or cockroaches, among wafps, bees, dra- gon-flies, and others of the fame nature. 6. Infeda Diptera, or infefts having two wings 5 among thefe he has placed the Coccus and Cbermes, which two genera feem to form a new clafs, differing from all others but the Diptera in the number of their wings, and from that genus in their want of halteres or ballancers. B 4 7. In- 24 ORDINES INSECTORUM. 7. Infefta Aptera, or without wings. The five firfl: claffes he has divided into orders, from the' number of articulations in their feet j and the whole into genera, as will be hereafter noticed. Scopoli agrees with Geoffrey in uniting all fuch infedts as have the elytra cruftaceous in their whole length, under the clafs Coleopteron. The Grylli, Mantes ^ and Blai t a, (grajs hopper s,zn<\ iockroaches) feem however to form a clafs entirely diftind from the Coleoptera, from the different confiftence or fubftance of their elytra ; the fhape of their heads, and the foftnefs of their bodies ; and from the Hemiptera, in their having the mouth armed with jaws, nor extended into a probofcis : Thefe reafons may probably engage fomc future fyftematic writer to unite them in a new clafs, which may be termed Infe^ia Hemely- trato-maxillofa ; preferving to the Hemiptera, the name of Infe^a Probofcidea, given to that clafs by Scopoli. The other orders into which Scopoli has divided his infefts, are the fame with thofe of Linn^us j only to the fifth order or Hymenoptera of that au- thor, he has given the name of lnfe5la Acukata^ from their fling -, to the fixth, or Infe£ia Dip- tera, that of the Hallerata^ doubtlefs to diftin- gliifh ORDINES INSECTORUM. 15 euifli that order from the Coccus and Chermes^ which have two wings, but want the halteres; and to the fevcnth, or Aptera^ that of Pedef- 4ria, o rdo O R D O I. INSECTA COLEOPTERA. This order is known by the cruftaceous elytra which cover the wings, and contains the following genera. Gbnus I. ScARAB^us the Beetle, Linn. Syft. Nat. page 361, The Scarabaeus is diftinguifhed by the following characters. The Antenna, or horns, terminate in a kind of club, which is divided longitudinally into different plates, or laminae, in fome feven, in moft three, in others two in number. The fecond joint of the anterior or fore- moft pair of legs, is armed with fpines or teeth. Of Scarab^us COLEOPTERA: 27 Of this genus there are three fedions or famUies, diftinguifhed from one another as follows : 1. Thofe in which the thorax i^ armed with horns. 2. Thofe which have that part (imple or unarmed, but which have horns on their heads. 3. Thofe in which the head and thorax are both fimple or without horns. Some of the infedls belonging to each of thefe fannilies, are fcuteUati^ or furnilhed with the part called the efcutcheon, and others belonging likewife to each of them, are excutellati^ or wane that part. This circumftance has induced Schsf- fer and Geoffroy to divide the Scarabasi into two genera, the one called Scarabaus, containing fuch as have the efcutcheon, the other termed Opris, compofed of thofe which want it. The Scarabai in each of thefe two laft mention- ed anthors, are divided into different families or feflions, from the number of the plates or lami- nse, of which the club that terminates the an- tennas is compofed. The 9S ORDER I. Scarabseus. The Copres are divided into families by Schsef- fer, in the fame manner as Linnaeus has divided his Scarabasi, viz. from their having or wanting horns on the head or thorax. Scopoli has preferved the Linnasan genus entire, but has founded the divifions of it into fedtions, upon the number of fpines, or teeth, with which the fore legs of the different fpecies are armed. The beetle called the Bull comber, and the two others mentioned beneath, are familiar inftances of this genus. The Larvae, Caterpillars, or Grubs of many Scarab^i, lead a fedentary life under ground j moft of thefe delight in, and feed upon dung, whilft others, particularly thofe from which the hairy Scarabaei, fuch as the Garden Beetle and Cockchafer are produced, live under, and con- fume the roots of plants ; thefe laft having com- pleated their metamorphofis, feed on the leaves of plants; Genus Lucanus. COLEOPTERA. 29 Genus II. Lucanus the Stag-Beetle. LiNN. Syft. Nat. page 559. The antennae of the Lucanus end or terminate in a club or knob, but of a differ- ent nature from that of the preceeding ge- nus, the club being as it were comprefTed, or flattened on one fide, which part thus comprefTed, is divided into fhort plates or laminae, refembling the teeth of a comb. The Maxillay or Jaws, are flrong, por- red:cd or advanced before the head, and are armed with teeth. Schseffer and Geoffrey have given "to this ge- nus the name of Platycerus, without changing a- ny of its charaifleriftics. Geoffrey, however, has divided it into two families, from the form of the antenna ; the firfl: family contains fuch as have the antennae bent in the middle, and forming a kind of elbow or angle from the end of the firft articulation, which, in this divifion, is as long as all the others: The fecond comprehends thofc whofe antennae are ftraight, or extended, with the firfl articulation of the fame length as the others. Scopdi so O R D E R I. Lucanos. Scopoli agrees with Linnasus in name and cha- rafters. The large Stag beetle is fufficiently known ; Its larva or grub, as mod probably thofe of all the other Lucani, lives in rotten or decayed wood, and refembles thofe of the foregoing genus. G £ N U| Dcrmeftes. COLEOPTERA. 31 Genus III. Dermestes. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 561. The antennas of the Dermeftides end in a pcrfoliated club, or a head of an oval form, divided into different horizontal plates or leaves, which feem to be united together by a fmall ftalk pafling through their centre, and have three articulations thicker or larger fized than the others. The thorax is of a convex form, and flightly margined. The head is bent in, and as it were con- cealed under the thorax. SchsefFer and Geoffrey have taken from one of the Dermeftides of our author the genus they have termed Bojlrichius, This infedt differs from the other Dermeftides in the cubical (hape of its thorax, Its antennae are not perfoliated, but the three laft articulations are much larger than the others. The genus to which they have given the name oiC^ela feems like wife to belong to the Linnsean Dermeftis, from which it differs principally in having 21 O R D E R I. Dermeftes. having fix articulations of the antennae larger than the others, and in the conical form of its thorax, which is likewife without any margin. Geoffroy likewife adds to the charaflers by which Linnaeus diftinguiflies this genus ; that the lafl: articulation of the antennae is folid, which confideration, joined to that of the antennas in feveral of the Linnaean filphs, appearing rather to be perfoliated, than growing regularly thicker towards their extremity, probably induced him to refer fuch filphas to this genus ; thefe infcds, however, differ much more effentially from the Dermejiides than from the Silphce^ which lafl they perfedly refemble in their external appearance, in the flatnefs, breadth, and margin of their elytra, and the appendix or knob at the bafe of their hinder thighs, found upon all the Silpha?, and which Scopoli makes an efTential charadter- iftic of that genus. Geoffroy has likewife placed fome of the Lin- naean Dermeflides in which the lafl articulations of the antennae are longer than in the others, a- mong his Byrrhi^ the Linnaan Ptini, Scopoli has brought to this genus the Silpha Vefpilio of Linnsus, on account of its antennse, which are perfoliated. He obferves, that this 3 animal Dermeftes. COLEOPTERA. 33 infeci: keeps the middle line between, or conneds the two genera. The larvn?, or maggots of the Dermeftides, feed upon the carcafes of dead animals, every kind of vi(5luals, dried fl^ins, the bark of trees, wood and feeds. Some of them make terrible havoc in colledions of birds, infeds, herbs, &c. Thefe laft refifl: the drugs generally made ufe of in mufeums for the deftrudion of infefls, fuch as green wax, camphire, &c. but are killed by arfenic. Gekvs 34 ORDER I. Ptinus. Genus IV. Ptinus. LlNN. Syfl:. Nat. page ^6^. The antennse of the Ptini are filiform : The lafi:, or exterior articulations are lon- ger than the others. The thorax is nearly round, with a mar- gin into which the head is received or drawn back. GeofFroy has given the generical name of Byr- rhus to feme of the Ptini, in which he has ob- ferved the antennse to be femi-clavated, or grow- ing fomewhat larger towards their extremity. To the Ptinus Pe^inicorntSy Linn. No. i. (which certainly differs much from the others of the fame genus, in r.he form of the antennae, they being (as its name infers) pedinated, and to another relemblicg it> he has given that of Ptilinus. That author likewife has placed the Ptinus Fw\ Linn. No. 5. among his Bruchiy from the fpherical form of its thorax. Scopoli has placed the fame infeft among his Bupreftidcs; he does not feem to have known the other infeds belonging to this genus. The Ptinus. COLEOPTERA; 35 The larvae or maggots of the P//»/, are found in the trunks of decayed trees, in old tables, chairs, &c. Some live and undergo their me- tamorphofes among hay, dried leaves, collefti- ons of dried plants, &c. C 2 GlMUf 36 ORDER r. Hmer. Genus V. Hister. Linn. Syft. Nat. page §66. The firft articulation of the antennae of this infedl is compreffed or flattened, and curve; the laft, or terminating one, is Confiderably larger than the others, and appears to be a folid knob. The head is drawn within the body, fo that the jaws only appear. The mouth is armed with jaws like a forceps. The elytra are fhorter than the body. The fore legs are dentated, as in the Scarabaeus, Geoffroy and Sehasffer have given the name of Attehhus to this genus, preferving all its chara6teriflics, adding, however, that the anten- nae are broken, or form an angle from the end of the firll articulation, and that the feet are curforii, or made for running. The firft has obferved that the capitulum, or knob of the antennae which appears to be folid, 2 is Hiaer. coleoptera: 37 is compofed of feveral rings or circles ftrongly united together, but which the infe£l can fepa- rate and difplay, or contrail at pleafure^ Scopoli agrees with Linnreus like wife in name. The infefls belonging to this genus, as well as their larvas are frequently met with in the dung of hories, cows, &c. C 2 Gewus 38 O R D E R I. Gyrinus. Genus VI. Gyrinus, Linn. Syft. Nat. page gSy. The antennae of this infedt are club- formed, ftifF, and fhorter than the head. It has four eyes, two on the upper, and two on the under fide of the head. Geoffroy adds to the above charaders that the feet are natalorii or formed for fwimming. Scopoli has arranged the Gyrinus along with the Dytifci, from which it differs effentially in the number of its eyes and the form of its anten- nae; thefe indeed in fome of the Dytifci are clubbed, but the club is perfoliated, nor are the antennas ftiff as in the Gyrinus^ The infeifr called the Water-flea belonging to this genus, is very frequently met with in (land- ing waters, and eafily diftinguifhed by its fhin- ing black colour, and the fwiftnsfs and circular diredion of its motion in fwimming. I do not know that its larva has yet been ob- ferved, but it may probably be found along with that of the Dytifcus, which without doubt it refembles. Genus Byrrhus. COLEOPTERA. 39 Genus VII. Byrrhus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 568. The antennre cf the Byrrhus are club- formed, and terminate in a capitulum or knob, which is of an oval form, rather comprefled or flattened, and almoft of a foUd fubftance, {fub folidum,) Geoffrey and Schseffer agree with Linnaeus in the definition of this genus, to which they have given the name oi Anthrenus^ the infecls belong- ing to it being generally found upon flowers. Schffiffer has added to the charafters afilgned to i-t by our author, that the head is bent, or in- clined downwards, and hid under the thorax ; which particularity is of great fervice in diftin- guilhing this infeft, the form of the antennas a^ lone being fcarcc fufficient for that purpofe. Geoffrey obferves that the larvse of the An- threni are found upon plants, or in the bodies of half decayed animals ; they often undergo their metamorphofis in the bodies of preferved ir.feiSts, which they reduce to powder. GSNUS 40 O R D E R I. Silpha. Genus VIII. Silpha. Linn. Syft. Nat. page ^6^. The antennas of the Silphse are fmall a£ their bafe, and grow infeniibly thicker to- wards the end. The elytra have a margin. The head is prominent. The thorax is rather flattened, with a margin. SchjefTer has 'compofed two genera from the Silphas of our author. The one named Silpha^ containing fuch Linn^an Silpha as have the margins of the head and thorax moft apparent, and the thorax more convex : The other, called Pehis^ compofed of thofe in which the margin of the elytra is Icfs apparent, and the thorax flatr ter than in the others. Geoffrey has arranged feveral of thofe infc(rr§ among his Dermeftides, and of the others ha% form.ed the genus Peltis, containing fuch as have the thorax and elytra more (Irongly mar- gined, and whofe antenna appear to be be per- foliaied. Scopoli Silpha. COLEOPTERA, 41 Scopoli adds to the Linnseanchara<5ters of the Silphse their having a kind of lamina or knob, which terminates in a fpine, fjtuate at the bafc of their hinder thighs, Many of the Siiphas are found early in the fpfing, under theloofe bark of trees, and they, a.s well as their Lirvic, feed chiefly on the half- fdecayed carcafes of animals. Genur 42 O R D E R I. CafTida. Genus IX. Cassida, the Tortoise Beetle. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 574. The antennae of the Caffida are nearly filiform, but grow fomevvhat thicker to- wards the end. The elytra have a broad margin. The head is entirely concealed under the thorax. The thorax is flat and margined, form- ing a kind of {hield for the head. The infe(ft called the Green Tortoife Beetle, belongs to this genus. The larvs of the Caffida eat the under fide of the leaves of plants, and ofcen, as it were, hide themfelve^ under a cover of their own excre- ments, fupported in the air above their bodies, by means of their forked tail. Schseffer and Geoffroy have adopted this genus without any alteradons. The latter obferves, that the antennse are ncdofce, knotty, or com- pofed of large articulations. Scopoli has refer- red to it the Lampyrides No^iluca and Sangui- 3 nea, Caffida. COLEOPTERA. 43 nea^ though thefe two iniefts feem to differ much from the Caflidas in the form of the fegments of their belly, which terminate on each fide ia round and fofc appendices ; the belly of the Caf- fida on the contrary is fimple. The oblong form and flatnefs of the abdomen in the lampy rides ferves likewife to diftinguifh them from the Caffida, which lad are almoft o- val, with the abdomen much more elevated in ^he middle than on the fides ; from which cir- cumftance the name of Tortoife Beetle has been given to it in our language. Genus 44 O R D E R I. Coccinella. Genus X. Coccinella. Linn. Syft. Nat. page ^yg» The antennae of the CoraW/tf are fub- clavated, or increafe a little in thicknefs towards the end. The laft joint appears as if the end of it was chopped off. The palpi are club-formed, the laft ar- ticulation being (haped fomewhat like a heart. The body is hemifpherlcal. The thorax and elytra are margined. The abdomen, or belly, is flat. This genus is fubdivided into fedions from the colour of the elytra, and of the fpots with which they are adorned, as fol- lows : 1. Thofe whofe elytra are red or yellow, with black fpots. 2. Thofe fpotted with white, on a redor yellow ground. 3. Thofe Cocclnelli. COLEOPTERA. 45 3, Thofe with black elytra fpottcd with red. 4. Thofe with black elytra, and white or yellow fpots. Scopoli Tays that the Ccccinella differs chiefly from the Chryfomela in the length of the antenna, thofe of the Coccinella being fhorter than the thorax, but in the Chryfomela twice the length of that part. The antenna differ likewife in fhape, thofe of the lafl mentioned genus being fi- liform, or throughout of equal thicknefs, whe- reas thofe of the Coccinella grow thicker towards the end. Schjeffer and Geoffroy agree with Linnasus in the charaders of this genus. The larvse of the Coccinella devour the A- phides, and by that means contribute to cure plants which thofe animals infeft, of the Phi- ibiriafis, or loufy difeafe. Genus '4^ O R D E R I. Chryfomela* Genus XL Chrysomela. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 586; The antennae of the Chryfomela are'com- pofed of little globular articulations which grow larger towards the end ; and fome- what refemble a necklace of beads. Neither the thorax nor elytra have any margin. Linnaeus has divided this genus into fa- milies, as follows: 1. Thofe whofe bodies are of an oval form. 2. Thofe whofe hinder thighs are much thicker than the others, being faltatoriae, or made for leaping. 3. Thofe whofe bodies are of a cylindrical form. 4. Thofe of an oblong form, and in which the thorax is broader or wider than the abdomen. 5. Thofe Chryfomela. COLEOPTERA. 47 5 Thofe which are long, of a llender make, and which have the thorax of e- qual breadth with the abdomen. Linnasus obferves that this laft mentioned family differs a Httle from the preceding ones, being more oblong, and the body more elevated in the middle than on the fides, but that he had not been able to difcover the limits ^by which they fhould be diftin- guifhed, nor any other genus under which they could be more properly arranged. From thcfe different kinds of Chryfomela: Geoffrov has formed feveral genera, viz. The Gakrtica, which differs from the other Linnsan Chryfomelas in the roughnefs and mar- gin of its thorax. The Chryfomela, whofe thorax is fmooth and margined. The Cryptocephalus, thearticulations of whofe antennse are rather longer than in thofe of the other LinnjEan Chryfomelse, and the thorax of an hemifpherical form. The 4^ ORDER I. Chryfomela, The Crioceris^ which differs from the other genera in the cyhndrical form of its thorax. The Jbiaperis^ the articulations of whofe an- tennas being rather larger than in the other fpe- cies of the Linnsean Chryfomela, appear to be perfoliated. The thorax in this genus, of which he has only one fpecies, is convex and margined. The AUicay which genus comprehends that family of the Linnsean Chryfomclas, whofe hin- der thighs are made for leaping. The Mdolontha^ whofe antenna are ferrated, or with lateral appendices like a faw, and pla- ced on the fore part of the head before the eyes. ScH.(EFFER has followed Geoffroy in thefe al- terations, adding, that the head of the Cripto- cephalus is drawn back within the thorax ; that of the CrioeeriSy on the contrary, is ftretched forwards, or porreded. ScopoLi has arranged fuch of the Linnsean cval Chryfomelas as have the antennas fcarce fo long as the thorax, among his Coccinellse, others, "whofe heads appear to be a little drawn in, or, as it were, half hid under the thorax, among his bupeflrides ; and thofe of the fourth divifion, in which the thorax is rather broader than the head and body, among his Attelabi. The Chryfomela. COLEOPTERA. 49 The diftindions from which GeofFroy and SchrefFer have formed fo many new genera, are in general too trifling to be taken for generical j in which cafe, the multiplication of genera, in- ftead of elucidating the fcience, ferves but to render it more obfcure. The larvas of the Chryfomelse confume the pulp of leaves, reje(5ling the fibres : Thofe of the Chryfomela Saltatorise infefl: the cotyledons and tender leaves of plants. The infed called the Lady Cow, or Lady Bird, belongs to this genus. D Geni/s 5© O R D E R I. Hifpa. Genus XII. Hispa. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 609. The antennas in this genus are fufiform, growing gradually larger from each extre- mity towards the middle : they are fituate between the eyes, and are placed fo near one another at their bafe, as to feem to a- rife from the fame point. The thorax and elytra are in general co- vered with protuberances or fpines. Geoffrey has placed the only fpecies belong- ing to this genus, which he had met with in France, among his Crioceres, the oblong Chry- fomelse of Linnaeus. The fhape of the antennae and their fituation, however, fufficiently diftin- guifh the Hifpa from that genus. The larva of the Hifpa feems to be yet wholly unknown •, there are but two fpecies of the perfedb infed found in Europe, and they are to be met with at the roots, or on the blades of different kinds of grafs. Genus Bruchus. COLEOPTERA. Genus XIII. Bruchus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 604. The antennas of the Bruchi are filiform, growing thicker towards their extremity. Linnseus's definition of this genus is compre- hended in thefe few words-, and thetwoclrcum- flances from which the infed: is to be difcovered contradiflory, as fiHform antennas are through- out of equal fize j neither does he give fuch a defcription of any one of the fpecies arranged under it as can enable us to diflinguifli the Bruchus from other genera. I have only ken one fpecies, the Bruchus Pifi, in which the an- tennae are placed exaftly before the eyes, and are compofed of triangular articulations growing larger towards their extremity, with the lad one of an oval form. It has four palpi feated at the extremity of a probofcis which is rather broader than it is long. The elytra are rounded at their extremity, and a fourth part fhorter than the ab- domen. Whether or no thefe are generical cha. rafters, by which the other infers belonging to the Bruchus may be diilinguifhed, will beft be obferved by thofe who poffefs a greater number of the fpecies defcribed by Linnaeus. This in- fed is arranged by Scopoli under the genus term- Da ed 52 O R D E R I. Bruchus. ed by him Laria, to which he afllgns the fol- lowing charaflers : The antennas larger towards their extremity •, the thorax elevated in the mid- dle and rounded towards the fides •, the knob fi- tuate at the bafe of the thighs in the Silpha is wanting in this genus. The fame infeft is placed by Geoffrey with his Mylabres, which genus, he fays> equally rc- fembles his Chryfomelse, and the Linnasan Cur- culiones, conncfling the two genera. GfNUS Curculio. COLEOPTERA. 53 Genus XJV. Curculio. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 506. , The antenna? of the Curculio are fub- clavated, and feated in a roftrum or probof- cis, which is of a horny fubftance, and prominent. The CurcuHones are divided into the fol- lowing fedioHiS : 1. Thofe which have the rod rum longer than the thorax, and whofe thighs are limple, without teeth or fpines. 2. Thofe in which the roflrum is longer than the thorax, and the thighs dentated, 3. Thofe which have dentated thighs, and the roflrum fhortcr than the thorax. 4. Thofe whofe thighs are fimplc, and ro- flrum fhorter thau the thorax. Scopoli obferves that the Curculio is a nugglHi infefl, and that it endeavours to efcape its foes by contra6ting its members and letring itfelf fall to the Qiround. That author fwho didino-uifiies D 3 this 54 ORDER I. Curculio. this genus by the fame charaders as Linnasus) has divided it into two families, the firfl: where- of comprehends thofe which have ftraight or ex- tended antennas j this family is fub-divided into the following fedlions : I. Thofe in which the roftrum is thicker than the thighs and fliorter than the thorax -, among thefe he has placed fome Linnsean Attelabi. 2. Thofe which have the roftrum thicker than the thighs and longer than the thorax. 3. Thofe in which the roftrum isfmaller than the thighs and longer than the thorax ; the thighs in fome of the infers belono;ing to this fedtion are dentated^ in others, mutica^ or without fpines. The fecond family confifts of thofe whofe an- tennas are bent or form an angle, and contains the following fub-divifions : 1. Thofe with the roftrum larger than the thighs, which zxtfpinof^^ or armed with fpines. 2. Thofe with the roftrum as in the other, but without fpines on the thighs. 3. Thofe with the roftrum fmaller than the thighs, which are unarmed, or without fpines. Geoffioy Curculio. CCLEOPTERA. ^^ GeofFroy divides this genus (which with him is limited to fuch Linna^an Curculiones as have antennae bent, or forming an angle in their middle) into two families, from the circum- ftance of the thighs being armed with, or want- ing fpines. To others of them which have extended, or ftraight antenna, Cthofe belonging to the firft family of Scopoli's Curculiones) he has given the generical name of Rbincmacer^ under which genus he has likewife arranged fome Linnsan Attelabi. The genus named by him Mylahris, fecms to belong to the Curculio of our author; he has di- ftinguifhed it by the following characters. The antcnnce growing larger towards the end compofed of hemifpherical articulations, and placed upon a fhort and broad roftmm or pro- bofcis. Four fmall antennas ("perhaps palpi) placed at the extremity of the probofcis. Schseffcr has followed Geofiroy in thefe di- Tifions of the Linnjcan Curculiones. D 4 The gS O R D E R I. Curculio. The larvae of the long beaked Curculiones live upon fruits, feeds of different plants, and corn, often making terrible havoc in granaries. Thofe of the fhort beaked ones devour the leaves of plants j many of them pierce and lodge in the ftalks. The infed called the Weevil by farmers, be- longs to this genus. Genus Attehbus. CCLEOPTERA. 57 Genus XV. Attelabus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 619. The Attelabus is dlilinguiOicd by the fhape of its head, which is broader in the forepart (occafioned by the prominency of the eyes) than behind, or which tapers gradually from the eyes towards the thorax. The antennas are thicker towards their extremity than at their bafe. This genus Linnseus obferves is very obfcure, the infers arranged under it differing much from one another in their external appearance. This obfcurity I imagine however rather to proceed from his not having known a fufHcient number of infefls proper to be arranged under it, and his placing with thofe that are, fome others, fas the Clerus of Geoffrey) in which the ge- nerical charaders he affigns to it are not found, rather than from any defect in the charaders themfeives, having lately obferved in different colledlions many exotic infeds vv'hich anfwer moft exadly his definition of the Attelabus. If fome infeds which he has referred to it, were rejcded, the genus, I think, would be very diftinguilhable, and fufhciently numerous. Scopoli St ORDER I. Attdabus. Scopoli diftinguiflies the Attelabi by the fol- lowing charaders. The hinder part of the head gradually dimi- nifhing in fize. The eyes prominent. The thorax fomewhat broader than the dia- meter of the head, taken from one eye to the o- ther, and of a more cylindrical form. Among thefe he has arranged fome of the Linnsean Chryfomelse, whofe bodies are ob- long, and narrower than the thorax. Some of the Linnasan Attelabi are placed by him among hisCurculiones. The Clerus of Geoffroy and Schasffcr is taken partly from this genus, and partly from ihe Der- meftes of our author. They have given to that genus the following charaflers : The antennse club-formed, and placed on the head, the knob compofed of three articulations. No probofcis. The thorax almoft cylindrical, without any margin. The Attelabus. COLEOPTERA. 59 The under fide, or plant of the feet, fpongy. They have arranged fuch Attelabi as moft refemble the Curculiones, under the genus Rhi^ nomacer^ from which, howevt^r, thefe feem to differ eflentially in the fuuation of the antenna?, which, in the Aitelabus are placed upon the head, but in the Rhinomacer upon theroftrum. The larvse of many of the Attelabi refemble fo much thofe of the Curculiones as not to be diftinguiflied from tlifm without difficulty. Genus 6o O R D E R I. Cerambyx. Genus XVI. Cerambyx. Linn. Syft. Nat. Pag. "621. The antennae of the Ccrambycss are compofed of articulations, which gradually diminifli in fize as they approach towards, or are lituate nearer to the extremity. The Thorax is either armed with fplnes or gibbous made uneven by fmall eleva- tions. The Elytra are narrow, and through- out of equal breadth. This Genus is divided into fedions, from the form of the thorax, and that part being or not bein^ armed with fpines, as follows : 1. Thofe which have the thorax armed on each lide with moveable fpines. 2. Thofe in which the thorax is mar- gined, and iides armed with fpines. 3. Thofe Cerambyx. COLEOPTERA. 6t 3. Thofe in which the thorax is round, and armed with fixed fpines. 4. Thofe which have the thorax nearly of a cylindrical form, and unarmed, or without fpines. 5. Thofe which have the thorax of a roundiih form, refembling a globe flattened or deprelTcd on the upper fide. Scopoli has affigned the power of emitting a found or noife, by the friflion of the thorax, where joined to the body, as a charader of the Cerambyx •, this vague definition has occafioned his placing feveral of the Linnsan Cerambyces, which want that property, among his Lepturs: : he makes only two divifions of the remaining Cerambyces, the firft containing fuch as have the thorax armed with fpines ; the other, thofe in which that part is unarmed ; this method is more fimple than that of Linnsus, and per- haps as proper, in colledions confiding v/holly of European infcdts. GeofFroy and SchasfFer have formed feveral new genera from the different kinds of Ceram- byces, To 6t ORDER I. Cerambyx. To thofe which have ferrated antennae placed in the eyes, or furrounded at their bafe by the eyes, they have given the generic name Prionus, To thofe whofe antennae grow gradually taper, from the bafe towards their extremity, and are placed in the eye, they have preferved the name of Ceramhyx ; the thorax in this genus is armed with fpines. Others with fetaceous antennae placed in the eyes, and the thorax of a cylindrical form, with- out fpines, they have arranged along with their Lepturae. The antennas in their Jienocorus taper to- wards their extremity, a£ thofe of the Ceram- byx, but they are placed before the eyes, and the elytra diminilh in breadth towards their point. This genus is divided into two fami- lies, the firft of which only belong to the Lin- nsean Cerambyces, being fuch as have the thorax armed with fpines, the other, in which the thorax is unarmed, belongs to the Lepura of our author. The infeft generally known by the name of the Goat-Chafer, or Mufk- Beetle, is a Cerambyx, and as its thorax is round, and found Cerambyx. COLEOPTERA. 63 armed with fixed fpines, it muft belong to the third family of our author. It is frequently found on the willow in the autumn, and fmells like mufk, from which circumftance its name is taken. The larvse of the Cerambyces nourifli themfelves with the interior fubftance of trees, into which they penetrate, and where they live and perform their metamorphofis. Genvs 6.| O R D E R I. Leptiira. Genus XVII. Left ur a. I.iNN. Syft. Nat. Pag. 6i^. The antenna of the Lepturs are feta- ceous, growing gradually taper towards the end. The Elytra diminish in breadth towards their extremiy. The thorax is of a roundifli and flender make. This eenus is divided into two fed:ions, the firft containing thofe in which the thorax is fomewhat oblong, but broader at its bafe than where joined to the head, and whofe elytra are truncated or cut off at their extremity, in a dire(flline ; the fecond comprehends thofe in which the thorax is nearly of a globular form, and whofe elytra are obtufe at their extremities. Scopoli obferves, that the elytra of the Lep- turas are fliff, nor flexible as in the Cantharis. I The Leptura. COLEOPTERA* 65 The Genus, termed by Geoffroy Leptura^ is compofcd of fuch Linnasan Cerambyces as have fetaceous antennae, furrounded at their bafe by the eyes, and the thorax naked or without fpines, and fuch of the Lepturse of our author as have their antennae fituate in the eye : in this he is fol- lowed by SchsefFer ; the remaining Leptur^e are referred by thefe two authors to their 7?^»5- corus^ as before obferved. The larvae of this genus are found with thofe of the preceding one, and much refemble them in outward appearance and way of life. Dr. Berkenhout has called fome of the Lin- nsean Lepturge JVafp Beetles. I am not cer- tain whether they are generally known by that name. Genos 66 O R D E R I. Necydalis.. Genus XVIII. Necydalis. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 640. The antennae of the Necydalis are feta- ceous, as in the foregoing genus. The elytra are either fhorter than the ab- domen, or narrower, and of the fame length with that part. This genus is divided into two families : The firft containing thofe which have elytra ihorter than the wings and abdomen ; the other thofe in which the elytra are as long as the body, but narrower, being fhapcd like an awl, or drawn to a point, and a little curve at their extremities, SchxfFer has confined the genus Necydalis, to one infeft, the Necydalis Major, Linn. No. I. The others belonging to the fame feflion, he has arranged under his Mylabris, on account of their antennas, which according to him are fili- form, and placed upon a Ihort probofcis; the Necydalis of the fecond family or fedion, he has arranged among his Leptur^, from their an- tennae bfing frated in the eyes. 3 Thefe Necydalis. COLEOPTERA. I6f Thefe lafl: are placed by Scopoli among his Cantharides. The infefts belonging to the firfi divifion o^ this genus, differ from the Staphilini in the want of the little veficleSj or bladders, which thefe lafl frequently thrufl, or (boot out of the hinder part of their abdomen, when in diflrefs, and irt their antennas ; they differ from all the other Co- leopterous infeds, in their wings being extended their whole length, nor folded up under the e- lytra, which, on that account, feem to be of lefs ufe to the Necydalis than to the other genera belonging to that order, fince only fo much of the wing as is covered by the elytron can be pre- ferved by it. I do not find that the larva of the Necydalis 9 has been known to any author. GenuS 68 O R D E R I. Lampyns. Genus XIX. Lampyris. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 643. The antennsE of the Lampyris are filiform. The elytra are weak and flexible. The thorax is flat, and of a femiorbicular form, furroundingand concealing the head. The fegments of the abdomen termi- nate on each fide m papilla^ or litde appen- dices, which turn, or are bent upwards to- wards the elytra, and in part cover one ano- ther. The females, in general, want wings. Scopoli, who has only defcribed two fpeciei of this genus, has arranged them with the Caf- fida of Linnseus, giving to that genus the fimple chara6lerifl:ic of the head being concealed under the thorax. That charadcr the Lampyris has in common with the Caffida, from which, howe- ver it differs in the length and flatnefs of the bo- dy, in the fhape of the antennse, which in the Caflldagrow thicker towards their extremity, and in the papilla, or folds of the abdomen, which are Lampyris. COLFOPTERA; 6if arc wanting in the lafl nn ntioned genus, and ferve more particularly to difcinguirti the Lampyris. GeofFroy and Sch^rffer give the fame charac- ters to this genus as Linnaeus. The Pyrcchra of the lad meniioned author is a Linn^an L ampyris, with antennae pedinated on the one fide. The larvsK of thofe Lampyrides we are ac- quainted with, perfedlly refemble the female in- fe(5t, and feed upon leave s. The infed called in our language, the o-Iow- worm, from the fhinin^ light which ir emits, and which is fo frequently met with in the evenings about the month of June, in woods and mea- dows, belopf^s to this s^nu*, ^ 3 Gfnvs 70 O R D E R r. Camharis. Genus XX, Cantharis, Linn. Syft. Nat. page 647. The antennae of the Cantharis are feta» ceous. The thorax is margined, and (horter than the head. The elytra are flexible. The fides of the abdomen are edged with papillae, or appendices, folded upwards, as in the preceding genus. The Cantharides are divided into two fedions ; the firft diftinguiflied by the flat- nefs and breadth of the thorax, which part in the other is rounded on the fides and narrower. Scopoli, who defcribes under the fame gene- ric title fuch of the Linnaean Cantharides as he had found in his country, and which all belong to the firft feftion of our author, obferves, thaE the thorax, under which a part of the head is concealed, is of a convex form, Geoffrey Cantbarls. COLEOPTERA. 71 Geoffroy has given the generical name oi Ci- cindela to fuch of the Linnjean Cancharides as he has defcribed. He differs from LiniicEus in his opinion of the form of the antennse j which, ac- cording to him, are filiform rather than feta- ceous. His Pyrochroa is a Linnasan Cantharis, with pe6tinated antennae. The generical name of Cantharis he has given to the winged Meloes of Linnaeus, or thofe of his fecond fedion. SchaefFer has given the generical name of Tele- phorus to fome Linnasan Cantharides, which dif- fer from the others in the number of the articula- tions of which their tarfi are compofed. He has placed others of them, in which the antennae are feated in the eyes, and the thorax flat, with a lefs perceptible margin than in the others, among, his Lepturse. The larva of the Cantharis was almoft un- known to Linnasus, and wholly fo to Geoffroy. My ingenious friend Mr. Curtis has lately difco- vered it, and obferved the metamorphofis of fome of them ; they refemble thofe of the Cerambyx, and were found in the decayed trunk of a willow. E4 Genus fi O R D E R I. EUter. Genus XXI. Elater. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 651. The antennae of the Elater are feta- ccous. An elaftic ipring or fpine projects from the hinder extremity of the breail or un- der fide of the thorax. The infefl, when laid upon its back, rifes and fuftains itfelf upon the anterior part of its head, and the end, or point, of its abdomen or elytra, by which means the fpine of its bread is withdrawn from out of a groove or cavity of the abdomen, where it is lodged when in its natural pofitionj; then fuddenly bending its body, the fpine is ftruck with force acrofs a fmall ridge, or elevation, into the cavity from whence it was withdrawn, by which (hock, the parts of the body before fuftained in the air, are it) fortibly beat againft whatever the infedl 13 laid upon, as to caufe it to fpring, or re-^ bound, to a confiderable dirtance. Geoifroy Elater. COLECPTERA. tj Geoffroy obferves, that a cavity is fcoopedout of the under fide of the head and thorax of the Elater, in which the antennJE are lodged, probably to preferve them from the violence of the fall, when it makes the fingular leap which diflinguifhes it from all other inle(fls. The chara<5ler taken from the antennae by our author is extremely vague, for, as Schseficr juft- ly obferves, they are in fome fetaceous, in others filiform j fometimes they are ptdinated, and fometimes ferrated ; the fpines at the extremity of the thorax are, however, fufficient marks to diflinguifh them by, being found upon almoft every one of them, and rarely met with in any- other of the Coleopterous order of infedls. Sco- poli has called one of his Elateres Degener, be- caufe it differs from the others, in the want of thofe fpines, the hinder part of its thorax being round. Such are bed diftinguifhed from the Bupreflis (which genus the Elater moft refembles) by the elaftic fpine, fituate at the extremity of the breaft. Sch^tfer likewife obferves, that the hinder angles of the thorax are very much pointed or extended iniio fpines, and that the tarfi have five articulations, or joints. Linn£us 74 ORDER I, Elater. Linnseus was unacquainted with the larva of the Elater, but we learn from Geoffrey, that it lives and undergoes its metamorphofis in the trunks of decayed trees. That author, however, has faid nothing with regard to its formation, fo that we are flill igno- porant whether or no it refembles that of the Bu- preftis. The complcat infeds are frequently found on flowers and plarrts ; fome of them fre- quent the banks of running waters, fandy banks, &c. and are pretty well known. They are in feme places not improperly called Skippers* Genus Cicindela. COLEOPTERA. 75 Genus XXII. Cicindela. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 6^y, The antennas of the Cicindelje are feta- ceous. The maxillae, or jaws, advance confide- rably before the head, and are armed with teeth. The eyes are rather prominent. The thorax is roundish and margined. Scopoli and Schjeffcr obferve that the Cicin- dela have an obtufe lamina, or knob, at the bafe of the hindermofl: thighs, and that the head is broader than the thorax j which circumftance is chiefly occafioned by the prominency of the eyes. Geoffroy has arranged fuch infecfls belonging to this genus of our author as he has defcribed among his Buprejlides^ (the Linnfean Carabi) from which the Cicindela principally differs in the form of the thorax, which in it, is roundifh, but in the Carabus of the form of a heart, and cyt oiFat the end in a direft line. This difFer- ence^ 76 O R D E R I. Cicindela. ence, however, he reconciles, by dividing his Bupreftides into two families, diftinguifhed from one another by thefe circumftances. The eyes of the Cicindela are much more prominent than thofe of the Carabi. SchaefFer adds to the charaders given by our author to this genus as above, that the jaws are crooked, and the feet made for running. The larvse of this genus live chiefly with thofe of the Carabi, in deep holes under the earth, and as well as the perfed infers, devour weakef animals for their food. G E N v; s Bupreflis. COLEOPTERA. 77 Genus XXIII. Buprestis. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 6^g. The antennae of the Bupreflis arc feta- ceous, and as long as the thorax. The head is half retraced, or drawn back within the thorax. They are divided into three families, di- flinguilhed by the following marks. The elytra in the firft decline towards the (ides, being much elevated at the fu- ture, and particularly fo, near their bafe. In the fecond, they are ferrated, or armed with (hort fpines, near their extre- mity. In the third, they are whole, or entire. Scopoli has arranged fuch of the Bupreftides of our author as he knew, among his Mordellse, of which genus he fays nothing more than that they have an appendix or broad plate, which co- vers and defends the hindmoft thighs, forming ^ kind of cavity into which they are received. The 7^ ORDER h Bupreflfs. The genus to which that author has given the name of Buprejlis, confifts chiefly of the oblong Chryfomelse of Linnaeus as before obferved. He diftinguiflies that genus by the following charac- ters. The antennse never fhorter than the thorax. The head deflefbed, half drawn back within the thorax. The thorax as It were fweJled, or puffed up like a cufhion, (puhinatus). The abdomen obtufe. According to him the other Linnean Chfyfa- melse differ from thofe arranged with his Bu- preftides in their heads, (which are porreftcd or advanced before the thorax) being lefs thick of bulky ; and in the antennae, which in the Chry* fomels are twice the length of the thorax. The antennse are generally ferrated in this ge- nus, as obferved by Geoffroy, who has given the generical name of Cuctijus to the -French Bu- jpreftides. Schasffer fays that the mouth of the Bupreftis is armed with jaws and palpi, that thetarfi have ■five articulations, and that the elytra are mar- gined, and cover the abdomen, Ths Bnpreais. COLEOPTERA; 79 The Buprejlis and Elater refemble one ano- ther very much, and are bed diftinguifhed by the fpines, which terminate the bread and tho- rax of the latter. There are but few fpecies of this genus found in Europe, and we are wholly unacquainted with their larvas and metamorphofis ; they are generally of bright (hining colours, from which circumftance Geoffroy has chofen the generical name which he has given them. Genus 8^6 O R D E R J. Dytlfcus; Genus XXIV. Dytiscus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 66^. The antennae of the Dytifcus are either fetaceous, or increafe in fize towards the end, and have a perfollated capitulum or head. The hind feet are hairy, made for fwim- ming, and are armed with fmall claws. This genus is divided into two families ; the firft compofed of thofe which have per- foliated antennae; the fecond of thofe in which the antennse are fetaceous. Geoffroy has formed from the two Linnxan families cf Dytifci, as many genera. To thofe with perfoliated antennas ('which he fays are fhorter than the palpi) he gives the generical name of Hydrophilus j the others, in which, according to him the antennae are filiform, and longer than the head, he calls Dyiici. Schseffer, who has adopted this divifion of the Linnean genus, fays, that the tarfi of the Dytifcus have five articulation?-, that the body is oblong Dytifcus. COLKOPTERA. 8i oblong;, and the head obtufe; the mouth of the Hydrophilus, according to the fame author, is armed with jaws, and has fcrur palpi, two of which are longer, and two fliorter than the an- tennae. Scopoli obferves that the Dytifcus is a dull and fluggifh infefl. The plants, or under fide of the fore feet of* the male Dytifci are hemifphericah The elytra of the females are generally furrowed. The firft refemble the Dermeftides ; the females are more like the Carabi : It is very difficult to didin- guifh the fex or fpecies. Their larvse are fre- quently met with in ditches, they are not to be bred, or do not go through their metamorphofis when confined, without great difficulty ; and jf two or three are kept together in a fmall place, never fail to devour one another. Many fpecies of the compleat infecfl are very common in fl:ag- nated waters, which they quit in the evening to fly about. They are known by the name of Water Beetles, Genus 82 ORDER I. Carabus. Genus XXV. Carabus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 631. The antennas of the Carabus are feta- ceous. The thorax is (haped fomewhat like a a heart, the point of which is cut off, and is margined. The elytra have a margin. The Carabi differ greatly in fize, and are divided from that circumftance, into two families; the firft containing the larger, the fecond the fmaller ones. Geoffrey has united the Cicindela of our au- thor with this genus, under the generical name of Buprejiis, given by Linnaeus to another genus ; he adds to the above chara<5lers of the Carabus, that they have a confiderable lamina or knob at the bafeof the thighs, which is found alfo in the Ci- cindela, but is fcarce fufficientjto juftify the placing that infed under the fame genus with the Carabus, from which it differs in the prominen- 3 cy Carabus. COLEOPTERA. Sj cy of the eyes, and the roundnefs of its tho- rax : The fame knob is found at the bafe of the thighs of the Silpha, and fome other infefls. The fame author aflerts, that the antennas in this genus, and likewife in the Cicindela, are iili- form rather than fetaceous, which is fomecimes cbfervable in European fubjefls, but generally in thofe as well as in exotic ones, they taper to- wards the point. Schseffer obferves, that the head of the Cara- bus is prominent, the mouth armed with jaws, and four articulated palpi, and that the feet are made for running. The tarfi in all the feet are compofed of five articulations. Scopoli, who divides this genus into families from the fame circumftance as Linnaeus, fixes the length of the firft or greater ones at fcven lines. Th^ larvs of the Carabi live in the ground or in decayed wood, where they perform their metamorphofis •, they themfelves live chiefly on weaker infeds, or fmall larvae. The name of Ground Beetle has been given by fome authors to the Carabus -, others have cal* led it the Blaine Worm, F ± Genus S4 ORDER I. Tenebrio, Genus XXVI. Tenebrio. Linn. Syfl. Nat. Pag. 674. The antennae of the Tenebrio are moni- liform, or relemble a firing of beads : the ultimate articulation is rounder than the others. The thorax has a margin, and is of a con- vex form, though rather flattifh, the eleva- tion being inconfiderable. The head is porreded, or flretched for- wards. The Elytra are rather ftiff. This genus is divided into twofedions; the firfl containing fuch Tenebriones as want wings, and in which the elytra are united, or without a longitudinal future ; the fecond, fuch as are furniihed with wings. According Tenebrio. COLEOPTERA. 85 According to Scopoli, the antennse in this genus are always longer than the thorax : he alfo obferves, that many of the Tenebriones very mnch refemble the Carabi, but are diftin- guiflied by the antennae, and by the lamina at the bafe of the thighs, in the Carabi, which is never found in the Tenebrio i to which add, that the abdomen of this laft is more oblong, and not fo flat as that of the Carabus ; and that the tarfi of its hind feet have only four arti- culations. Geoffroy obferves,'that the antennae in fome of the Tenebriones are compofed of long articula- tions, which are throughout of equal fize, in others, of globular, or oblong ones, growing larger towards their extremity, and from this circumftance he has divided them into two fa- milies, in which he is followed by SchosfFer. Scopoli has preferred the method of Linnaeus. The larvae of the Tenebriones arc frequently met with under heaps of weeds, branches of trees and other refufe of gardens ; fome of them Vivt under ground, others in meal, negleded and dry bread, &c. The compleat infects are F 3 found S6 ORDER I. Tenebrio. found in houfes, gardens, and fdndy places i they run with great fwiftnefs, and generally emit a very fcetid fmell ; they are, on that account, fometimes called Jlinking Beetles. One fpecies, frequently found in houfes, is called the Jlow- legged Beetle. Gen us Meloc. COLEOPTERA. 87 Genus XXVII. Meloe. Linn. Syft. Nat. Pag. 6yg. The antennae of the Meloe, hke thofe of the preceding genus, refemble a firing of beads, but the laft articulation, which in the Tenebrio is round, in this genus is of an oblong oval form. The thorax is roundifh. The elytra are foft and flexible. The head is infledted and gibbous. Many of the Meloes want wings, with which others of them are furnifhed 3 they are divided into two families -, the iirfl: con- taining thofe which are apterous, and have elytra (liorter than the abdomen ; the fe- cond, thofe which are winged and have elytra as long as the body, by which the wings are wholly covered. Scopoli adds to the Linnsean chara6lers of the Meloe, that the thorax tapers, or grows flen- F 4 derer 88 O R D E R L Mebe, derer from its middle towards each each ex- tremity. Linn^us has united with this genus the No- toxus of Geoffroy, remarkable from the horn upon its thorax; Vid : Linn. Mel. No. 14. Geoffroy aflerts that its antennse are filiform, which circumftance fliould feem to feparate it from the Meloe, to which, however, our author, who appears very unwilling to multiply the ge- nera of infe<5ts from trivial circumftances, thinks jt refemiDles more than to any other. Geoffroy has feparated the Meloe Schafferi Linn. No. 12, from the other fpecies of our au- thor, on account of its antennse, and has given to it the generical name of Cerocoma : according to him the antennas of the female are compofed of eleven articulations, the ten firft of which are very fhort, ^nd the eleventh, or exterior one, at lead as long as a third part of the whole an- tenne ; thofe of the male infedt are pe(5liniformed and bent fo as to refemble the letter S in Iliape, The fame author has arranged fiich of the Linnsan Meloes as have the thorax fcabrous, or rough, along with his Canfbarides, and has preferved the generical name of oar author to the Mel. frofcarab^us. No. i. This infedl he was Meloe. COLEOPTERA. 89 was obliged to feparatefrom the others, in order to place it in his fecond fedion, or Coleopte- rous infects with elytra fhorter than the abdo- men. All the Linnsean Melocs have five articula- tions in the taiTi of the two firfl:, and four in thofe of the lall pair of feet. The larvse of the Meloes feed chiefly on the leaves of plants, on which the compleat infects ^re likewife to be met with. The infedl called the Spanifh Fly, or Blifter- Beetle, belongs to this genus, though placed by peoffroy among his Cantharides. Genus 90 O R D E R I. Mordella. Genus XXVIII. Mordella. Linn. Syft. Nat. Pag. 682. The antennae of the Meloe are filiform, and ferrated. The head is deflected, or bent under the neck. The elytra are curve, or inclined down- wards towards their point. The palpi are comprefled, clubbed, and obliquely truncated. A broad lamina is feated at the bafe of the abdomen, before the thighs. Scbseffer, defcribing the Mordel. Aculeata, Linn. No. 2, fays, that the thorax of that in- fefl, and of the other Mordellse, is convex, and narrower in the fore part than behind, and that the elytra are convex and margined ; which ob- fervations hold good in all the infeds belonging to this genus, which I have feen. According to the fame Author, their feet are faltatorii, or made for leaping. According Mordella. COLEOPTERA. gi According to Geoffroy, the antennas of the Mordella are compofed of triangular articula- tions. The tarfi of the firft pair of feet conftft of four, and thofe of the lafl: pair of five joints. The Mordella are common on flowers j their larv£ are yet unknown. Genus 92 O R D E R I. Sraphilinus. Genus XXIX. Staphilinus. Linn. Syft. Nat. Pag. 683. The antennas of the Staphilinus are mo- niliform. The elytra are not above half the length of the abdomen. The wings arc folded up, and concealed under the elytra. The tail, or extremity of the abdomen, h, Jimple, not being armed as that of the following genus, but is provided with two oblong veiicles, which the infedt can fhoot out or retradt at pleafure. Geoffroy differs from our Author, and frorrj Scopoli, with regard to the antennas of this genus, which, according to him, are fiHform. The tarfi, in all the feet, are compofed of five articulations. The Staphilini are very voracious, devouring every kind of weaker infers, eventhofe of their own fpecies. Some of them are found upon flowers, Staphilinus. COLEOPTERA. 93 flowers, but they chiefly inhabit the dung of cows ; their larvce which refemble them fo much as fcarce to be diftinguifliable, Uve in humid places under the ground. The Staphilini are by fome called Rove^ Beetles, Genus 94 O R D E R I. ForBcuIa. Genus XXX. Forficula. Linn. Syft. Nat. Pag. 68^- The antennsB in this genus are fe- taceous. The elytra afe much fhortcr than the abdomen. The wings are folded, and covered by the elytra. The extremity of the abdomen is armed with a kind of forceps, in which, and in the formation of the antennse, this genus differs from the Staphilinus. According to Schseffer, the wings of the Forfi- cula are not entirely covered by the elytra, from under which I have frequently obferved the points to projeifl. The tarfi, in each of the feet, confifl only of three articulations. This infe(5l is found everywhere In the fields, woods, and gardens, and is even at this time formidable to many people, from the idea that H Forficula. COLEOPTERA. 95 it enters the ears, and pierces into the brain, which, however, anatomifts know to be impoF- fible, there being no communication between thofe parts, and the jaws of the infedl too weak to effed one. It has been, from that circum- ftance, called the Earwig; the larva differs very little from the compleat infefl, and is very lively, running with great agility. ORDER t 96 ] ORDER II. INSECTA HEMIPTERA. The mouth and probofcis of the infeds which compofe this order, are inflected and bent inwards towards the breaft. The wings are hemelytratce, or of a fabftance lefs hard and ftrong than thofe of the preceding order, but more fo than the membranaceous ones of the following orders j the upper wings are femi-coria- ceous J they do not meet together in a lon- gitudinal future, as in the foregoing order, but have fome part of their interior mar- gins croflTed, or laid one over the other, above the abdomen. This order contains the following ge- nera, viz. Genus I. Blatta. Linn. Syft. Nat, Pag. 6^y, The head of the Blatta is infleded. The antennx are fetaceous. The Blatta. HEMIPTERA. gy The elytra and wings are extended, fmooth, and femi coriaceous^ or of a fub- fiance fomevvhat like velium. The thorax is rather flat, of an orbicular form, and margined. The feet are curforii, or made for run- ning. The abdomen is terminated by two little appendices, like horns. To the above chara6lers of the Blatta we may add, that the mouth is armed with jaws, and furnifhed with palpi ; that the antennce in moil fiibjc61s are as long as the body, and that the abdomen is as broad as the thorax. The upper wings crofs over one another, above the abdomen, and are much ftronger than the under ones, which laft, according to Schseffer, are folded ; in fome fiibjcdls, how- ever, they are extended like the elytra. The tarfi of the fore feet have five joints, thofc of the hindmod have only four, Geoftroy and SchsfFer obferve, that the horns which terminate the abdomen of the Blatta, are wrinkled or furrov/ed tranfverfely. G The 98 ORDER II. Bhuta. The Blatta avoid the light, and with their larvae, feed upon all kinds of food, but are more particularly fond of bread, meal, putrid bodies, and roots of plants •, they are frequent in bakel's fhops, and in cellars ; they fiy the approach of danger with great fwiftnefs ; with us they are called Cockroaches. The infecl, called the Kakkerlac, fo well known, and fo much dreaded by the inhabitants of the American Iflands, belongs to this genus. V.7ENUS Mantis. HEMIPTERA: ^9 Genus II. Mantis. Linn. Syfl:. Nat. page 689. The head of the Mantis is unfteady, or appears, from its continual nodding motion, to be flightly attached to the thorax. The mouth is armed with jaws and furniflied with palpi. The antennae are fetaceous. The four wings are membranaceous, and wrapped round the body ; the under ones are folded. The anterior, or firfl; pair of feet, are comprefTed, armed on the under fide, with teeth like a faw, and terminated by a fingle nail or crotchet. The four hind ones are grejforii, or formed rather for ad- vancing flowly, than for performing quick movements. The thorax is extended to a confiderable length, narrow, and throughout of equal iize, G 2 Scopoli lOO ORDER II. Mantis; Scopoli has confounded this genus with the Gryllus as Linnseus had done in the tenth editi- on of his Syftema Naturre. It differs chiefly .from that infed in the number of articulations of which its tarfi are compofed ; (thefe in the Mantis are always five, but in the different fa- milies of Grylli, are fometimes three, fome- times four) and in its having only one crotchet or nail, to thofe of the firfl pair of feet. The eyes of the Mantis are prominent, and its head perfeftly refembles thofe of the fecond family of the Linnsean Libelluls. The elytra are not much ftronger than the un- der wings. The abdomen is terminated by little appen- dices or horns, lefs ftiffthan thole of the Blattas; that part is not always long and narrow, as af- ferted by Schsffer, but in fome fubjedls flat and \ery broad compared with its length. Thelaft mentioned author calls the feet JaUatorii made for leaping, which they do not appear, nor are obferved to be, by any other author I have ra^i with. This InfeiTc is, with us, called the Camel Cric- ket. It is looked upon by the Africans as a fa- cred Mantis. IirZMIPTERA. loi cred animal (according to Geoffroy, the French peafants hold it nearly in the fame light), from its frequently affuming a praying or fupplicating pofture, reding upon its hind feet, and elevat- ing and folding the firfl: pair. G 3 Genls 101 ORDER II. Gryllus. Genus VI. Gryllus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 692. The head of the Gryllus is infleded, armed with jaws, and furnifhed with palpi. The antennas, in fome fubjeds, are feta- ccous, in others, filiform. The wings are declined towards, and wrapped round the fides of the body ; the under ones are folded up, fo as to be con- cealed under the elytra. All the feet are armed with two nails or two crotchets J the hind ones are formed leaping. The Grylli are divided into different fedions as follows : I. The Acridce, which have the head of a ccnic form, and longer than the thorax -, their antennae are enfi- form, or fomewhat refembling a fword. 2. Bullce Gryllus MEMIPTERA: 103 2. Bullae, which arc diflinguifhcd by a kind of creft or elevation on the thorax : Their antennae are flior- ter than the thorax, and filiform. 3. Achetce, which are known by two Setce or Briftles^ fituate above the extre- mity of their abdomen. The houfe-cricket belongs to this fa- mily. 4. T^etigoni,^ : The females In this fedlon are didinguiflied by a kind of tube with which the extrem.ity of their abdomen is furnifhed, and through which they depofit their eggs in the ground. The antenna in both fexes of this family are feta- ceous. 5. Locujice^ in which fed:ion the tail is fimple, without the fetse by v;hich the Achetcs are diuinguifhed, or the tube that terminates the tail of the females in the preceed- ing genus. Their antennse are filiform, G 4 Gcoffroy 104 ORDER 11. Gryllns. Geoffrey has formed from fome of z\:e(c fedions as many different genera. To the Achet.£ of our author he atrributes the generical name ofGry/ius^ adding to the Linnaean cnaradlers, that they have three ftemmata, and that the tarfi are compofed of three articulations. To the Locujl^ he has given that of Acrydium^ adding, that the antenna are one half fliorter than the abdomen, that they have three ftemmata, and three joints to the tarfi, as in the laft men- tioned genus. And ta^ To the I'etigojti^, that of Lacujia, thefe, ac- cording to him have filiform antennae longer than the abdomen, and difi^er from the two precetd- ing genera in the formation of their tarfi, which have four articulations. Scha^ffer has followed him in this difpofition of the Linnjean Grylli, each having firft' arranged them in different or- ders, according to their own fyftem. He ob- ferves, that the upper wings of each genus are lefs tranfparent, but of a ftronger fubflance than the under ones. The larvae, or caterpillars of the Grylli, very much refemble the perfe6l infefls, and, in ge- neral, live under ground. The Chryfalids very 3 much Gryllus. HEMIPTERA. ,05 much refemble and accompany their parents, many of which feed upon the leaves of plants. Others, which live in houfes, prefer bread, meal, and every kind of farinaceous fubftance ; feme of them are with us called locufts^ others grcfihoppers, others again. Crickets, Genus xo6 ORDER n. Fulgora. V - Genus IV. Fulgora. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 703. The front, or fore part of the head of the Fulgora is drawn out, extended, and empty. The antennae are feated below the eyes, having two articulations, whereof the ex- terior is larger, and of a globular form. The roftrum is infleded, or bent inwards under the body. The feet are formed for walking. In this circumftance particularly it differs from the following genus, with which it was confounded before the laft edition of the Syft. Nature. This genus feems to have been unknown to Geoffrey, Schsffer, and Scopoli. One of the infeds belonging to it is however found in Ger- many, and two different fpecies have been caught in this country ; the one by the author of tha: ufeful and elegant work the Flora Anglica, the other by my friend Mr. Grey. Whether the larvs Fiilgora. HEMIPTERA. 107 iarvas of thofe infe<5ls (which differ very little from fome fpecics of the Cicadas) refemble thofe belonging to that genus or not, is yet unknown. The foreheads of many Fulgora: (efpecially thofe found in China^ emit a very lively, Ihining light, in the night-time, which, accord- ing to fome authors, is fufHcient to read by; 1 have not heard that the European ful- goras poflefs that quality. Genus \:*^. io8 ORDER II. Cicada. _ _ Genus V. Cicada. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 704. The roftrum of the Cicada is bent in- wards, under the breafl. The antennae are fetaceous. The four wings are membranaceous, de- cHning along the fides of the body. The feet in moft fubjeds are formed for leaping, in others (particularly the jna- iiijera) for walking or creeping. They are divided into different fedtions, as follow : 1. The FoUacice, in which the thorax is compreffed, membranaceous, and larger than the body. 2. The Crudafiet which have the thorax armed on each fide with a horn, or fpine. 3. The Cicada. HEMIPTERA. 109 3. The ManifercUy difLinguifhed by their feet, which are not made for leaping. 4. The Ranatrre, which differ from the laft fedlion in their hind mofl: feet, which are faltatorii, or made for leaping. J. The Deflexa, whofe wings are wrapped round the fides of the body. Geofiroy obferves, that the antenncc of the Cicada are fhorter than their head, and that the under wings are crofied one over the other. Scopoli has divided the Cicada into ditferent feftions, from thefubflance of their elytra j the firft having thofe parts wholly coriaceous ; in the fecond, they are coriaceous only half their length ; in the third, they are membranaceous. The pupae, or chryfalids, of m^.ny Cicadse, differ from the perfedt infeft only in the Ihort- nefs of their elytra and wings j they run and leap upon plants and flowers with great agility. The larvse of the Ranatra difcharge a kind of froth from the anus and pores of the body, under which they conceal themfelves from the rapacity iio ORDER If. Cicada. rapacity of fuch ftronger infedls as prey upoii them. Thole of the Maniferas pafs a whole year under ground ; thefe lafl make a noife like the cricket. The Cicada is called by fome Englilh au- thors, the Frog-hopper-, by others, the Flea- iocuji. Genus Notonefta. HEMIPTERA, m Genus VII. Notonecta. Linn. Syfl-. Nat. page 705. The roftrum of the Kotone(fta is in- flexed. The antennce are fhorter than the tho- rax. The four wings which are coriaceous from their bafe to their middle, are folded together crolTwife. The hind feet are hairy, and formed for fwimmino:. o Geoffrey adJs to the above charaders of the! Notonedla, that ic has an efcutcheon, that its tarfi have two articulations, and that all the fix feet are equally formed for fwimming, which they appear to be in all the Linncean fpecies, excepc the Not. Striata, Linn. Syft. Nat. No. 2. From this in re<5l Geofifroy has formed a feparate genus termed Corixa, with the following diftinft charac5lers: No efcutcheon. • The tarfi containing only of ofie articulation." Six 112 ORDER II. Notoneda. Six feet, the anterior pair hcliform, or like the claws of a crab, the laft pair only formed for iwimming. In this he is followed by SchaefFer. The NotonedjE are not uncommon in {land- ing waters ; they fwim upon their backs on the furface of the water with great agility ; their Jarv^e refemble them very much. The name of Boat-fly has been given them, not improper- ly, by fome Englilh authors. The abdomen of the Notoneda is terminated by four little horns or appendices. Genu; Nepa. HEMIPTERA. n^ Genus VII. Kepa. Linn. Syft. Nat. page ii8. The rollrum of the Nepa is bent in- wards. The antennae — * *— The four wings are folded together croflwife, with the anterior part coriaceous as in the prececding genus. The two fore feet are cheliform, or refemble the claws of a crab j the four others are formed for walking. Geoffrey aflerts that the Pedes Cheliformes, or fore feet of Linnsus, are the antennss of the infedt, which according to him has but four feet. That author has given to this genus the name of Hepa, and adds that the Tarfi are compofed of one fingle articulation. He has formed a diftind genus from the Nepa Cimicoides of Linnseus, in which infcft he had difcovered very fhort antennse fitu- ate under the eye; and which is farther dif- tinguifhed from the other Nep^e, by hav- H ing IT4 ORDER II. Ncpa. ing tarfi compofed of two articulations. This genus he has named Naucoris. Schseffer has purfued the lame method preferable to that of our author, who is followed by Scopoli. The laft mentioned author has obferved, by the help of the microfcope, a tubercule, or fmall elevation, near the eyes of the Nepa, on which are two or three hairs, which he takes to be the antennae. The Neps are well known by the name of Water Scorpions. They are frequent in {land- ing waters, as well as their larvas and chryfalids, both which refemble them very much. They live chiefly upon aquatic infefls, and are exceed- ingly voracious. Genus Cimcx. HEMIPTERA. 115 Genus VIII. Cimex. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 715. The roftrum of the Cimex is Inflefted. The antennae are longer than the thorax. The wings are folded together crofT- wife ; the upper ones are coriaceous from their bafe towards their middle. Their back is flat. The thorax is margined. The feet are formed for running. This genus is divided Into different fcc- tions, as follows : 1 . The Apteriy or thofe without wings. 2. The Scufellafiy in which the efcutcheon is extended fo far as to cover the abdomen and the wings. Ha 3. The ii6 ORDER II. Cimcx 3. The Coleoptratiy whofc elytra are wholly coriaceous, not becoming mem- branaceous towards their extre- mity, as in the other Cimices, 4. The Membranaceii whofe elytra are membranaceous J thefe ace very much deprefTed, like a leaf. 5. The SptJiofiy in which the thorax is armed, on each fide, with a fpine. 6. The Rotufidatiy which are of an oval form, without fpines on the thorax. 7. The Seticomes, in which the antenna become fetaceous towards their point. 8. The Oblojigi, or thofe of an oblong figure. 9. Thofe whofe antennae are wholly feta- ceous, and as long as the body. I 10. The Cimex. HEMIPTERA. 117 10. The Spi7jipede5j which have their thighs armed with fpines. ir. T\it Linear es, diftinguifhed by their long and narrow body. Geoffrey obferves, that the antennas of the Cimices are compofed either of four or five arti- culations (from which circumftances he has di- vided them into two families) and that they are longer than the head. The tarfi have five articulations. The larvseof the Cimices run about, and, like the compleat infed;, fuck in their food through their beak : many of them live upon the juices of plants, others upon the blood of animals ; feveral are found in the waters, and others fre- quent houfes, among which is the common Bed-Bug, an infeft but too well known. They differ from other infecfts in their foftnefs, and mod of them emit a very foetid fmell. The common Bed Bug belongs to the family of Apterous Cimices. Scopoli, however, pre- tends that it is likewife found with wings. H 3 Gz.\'0$ ii8 ORDER II. Aphis. Genus IX. Aphis. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 733. The roftrum of the Aphis is bent in- wards. Their antennae are longer than the thorax, ** They have either four eredt wings, or are without wings. Their feet are made for walking. They have generally two little horns or fpines placed on the hinder part of their abdornen, Schafffer aHerts, that all the male Aphides have wings, and that all the females are apterous. The tarfi, in each fex, have only one articu- lation. The antennas are fetaceous. Geoffroy has obferved, that the aphides have two beaks, one of which is feated in the breaft, the other in the head ; this laft extends iO^ and is laid upon the b^fe of the pedorai one, ♦ind Aphis. HEMIPTERA. 119 ferves, as that author fuppofes, to convey to the head a pare of that nourifhrncnt which the in- fr£t taiies or fucks in, by means of the perioral beak. The infefls belonging to this fingular genus, in the fummer bring forth live young, and in the autumn lay eggs. Entomologies affert, that from the copulation of the parents fpring daughters, grand daughters, great-grand-daugh- ters, and great great-grand -daughters, or females foecundated to the fifth (according to ^^//^d"/, to the ninth) generation, fome with, others with- out wings, without diftin£lion of fex, in the fame fpecies ; many of them are provided with two horns on the hinder part of the abdomen, with which they extradl the fweet-tafted dew from flowers. The Aphides are devoured by the larva of the Nlyrmelion Formicarium of Linnaeus ; Ants are likewife very fond of them, on account of a fweet liquor with which their bodies are hu« medted. They are exceeding common, and are generally termed the lice of the plant which each particular fpecies infeft. U 4 Genvs 120 ORDER II. Chermes. Genus X. Chermes. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 2,11* The roftrum of the Chermes is placed in the breaft. The antenns are longer than the thorax. The wings are decHned along the fides of the abdomen. The thorax is gibbous. The feet are made for leaping. Geoffrey has named this genus Pfylla^ and obferves that its abdomen ends in a point, that it has three (lemmata, that the roftrum is fituate between the firft and fccond pair of legs, and that the tarfi are compofed of two articu- lations. SchaefFer, who v;ith Scopoli has preferved the Linnasan name to this genus, fays, that the an- tennae are fetaceous, and longer than the thorax. The larv:c of the Chermes have fix feet, re- femble the compleat infeft, and are generally covered with a hairy or woolly fubftance. The winged Chermes. HEMIPTERA. 1.21 winged inle(5ts leap or fpring with great agility, and infeft a great number of different trees and plants : the females infert their eggs under the furface of the leaves, by means of a tube, with which their abdomen is armed, thereby caufing the little tubercules, or galls, with which the leaves of the afh, the fir, and other trees, arc fometimesalmon: wholly covered. <^ £ 11 u s 122 ORDER II. Coccus / Genus XI. Coccus. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 569. The roftrum of the Coccus is fituate in the breaft. The hinder part of the abdomen is briftly. The males have two ered wings. The females are apterous. Schafffer obferves, that their antenna are fc- taceous. ' The female Cocci fix themft^lves and adhere, almoft immovably, to the roots, and fometimes to the branches of plants, where they are vifited by the winged males ; fome of them having thus fixed themfelves, lofe entirely the form and appearance of infc«5ls -, their bodies fwel!, their fkin ftretches, and becomes fmooth, the fegments of their abdomen difappear, and they much refemble fome kinds of galls or excrefcen- ces found frequently on the leaves and branches of plants, that in general they are miftaken for fuch i after which changement, the abdomen ferves only for a kind of covering or fhell, under which the eggs are concealed ; to thcfe GcofFroy has Coccus. HEMIPTERA. 123 has given the generical name ofChermes. Others, again (though they hkewife fix themielves, and adhere immovably to the leaves of plants, like Chermes) preferve the lorm of infed till they have laid their eggs and perifh ; to thefe, that author haspreferved theLinnsean generical name of Coccus. Thefe are likewife diftinguifhed from the Chermes by the form of their abdo- men, which part, in the females, is more ob- long, and compofed of a greater number of feg- ments than in the females of the other genus ; a kind of down, or cotton, likewife grows out of their belly, which ferves as a neft in which they depofit their eggs •, the males of all of them aie much lefs than the females, and the larvse of all the different fpecics perfectly refemble one an- other. Thefe infe<5ls, whether the Linnsan method of arranging them, or that of Geoffroy is adopt- ed, differ (as before obferved) from all other Dipterous ones, in the want o^ halter es or poijers^ and from the other clalfes, in the number of their wings, which circumftances render them very diftinguilhable. GlNHS 124 ORDER II. Thrips. Genus XII. Thrips. Linn. Sy^. Nat. page 743. The roftrum of the Thrips is obfcure, or fo fmali as to be fcarce perceptible. The antennae are as long as the thorax. The body is flender, and of equal thick- nefs in its whole length. The abdomen is reflexible, or bent upwards. The four wings are extended, incumbent upon the back of the infed:, narrow in pro- portion to their length, and crofs one an- other at fome diflance from their bafe. GeofFroy fays, that the antennse in this genus are filiform. He has not been able to difcover the probofcis of this infed, and afferts, with Sc'iEeffer, that the mouth is formed by a fimple longitudinal cleft, in which, he adds, it is poffibls that the jaws may be concealed 5 and as the Thrips would, in his Thrips. HEMIPTERA. u^ his opinion, be a Coleopterous infed, if thofe jaws really exifted, he has taken that circum- flance for granted, and has accordingly arranged it under that clafs : the other reafons" for which he has aOlgned it that place, appear to me without force, fince the charadleriftics from which he has deduced them are likewife found in the Hemipterous in fedb ; theie are the form of the antenna, their pofitioTi, that of the legs, the two firfl: of which are attached to the thorax, the four others to the abdomen, and the confidence of their elytra, which are lefs flexible than the wings. .'.jidw ■ The tarfus of each foot has only two articu- lations, the fecond of which Bonani and others have obferved to form a kind of veficle, or bladder. Thefe infefls are very common on flowers, upon which they run, or rather leap, with great vivacity, often bending their bodies upwards. Their habitation is generally under the bark of trees. •Scopoli has obferved that they fkip or fpring rather by means of the abdomen, than of their feer ; they are in general fo fmall as fcarce to be perceptible. Their larvas run as brifldy as them- felves, and are often of a red colour. ORDER. [ 126 } ORDER III. INSECTA LEPIDOPTERA. The infedls which compofe this or- der have four wings, covered with a fari- naceous powder, or a kind of fcales, difpofed in regular rows, nearly in the fame manner as tiles are laid upon the roofs of houfes. The beautiful colours which adorn the wings of Lepidopterous infedts are formed by thefe fcales, and if, by any accident, they are rubbed off, the wings appear to be nothing more than a naked membrane. Their mouth is furnished with a fpiral tongue, which they ran unfold or extend, and roll up again at pleafure. Their bodies are hairy. This Papilio. LF.PIDOPTERA. 127 This order is divided into three genera, viz. Genus I. Papilio. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 744. The antennae of the Papilio (generically known with us by the name of Butterfly) grow thicker towards their extremity, and are in moft fubjedts terminated by a kind of capitulum, or head. Their wings, when fitting or at reft, are eredl, infomuch,that their extremities meet or touch one another above the body. They fly in the day-time. They are divided into feftions, diftin- guilhed one from another by the following charadleriftics. I. The Equites, known by the fliape of their fuperior or upper wings, which are longer from their hinder corner or angle to their anterior extremity, than from the fame 128 ODERR III. Papilio. fame point to their bafe j fome of thefe have filiform antennas, in which particular they refemble the genus Fhalena^ or moths, from which, however, they are eafily diftinguifhed, by their out- ward appearance, their bodies being much lighter, or lefs bulky, and not fo well covered with hair, and by the fliape of their upper wings. The Equites are either ^roesy which are known by the bloody fpots found upon their breads -, thefe are likewifc ge- nerally of a dark or black colour : Or Achiviy on the breads of which the bloody fpots of the 'Troes are not found, and are farther diftinguiflied by an ocellum, or fpot, refembling an eye, fituate at the inner corner of their pofterior wings 3 Papillo. LEPIDOPTERA; 1 29 wings ; the colours of the Achivi are generally gay, and and they are either Simple, of one colour : Or Variegated, adorned with various colours. Such of the Equites as we are acquainted with have fix feet. 2. The Heliconii'. thefe are diftinguifhed by the narrownefs of their wings, which fometimes appear (efpe- cially towards their extremities) to be naked, or deprived of fcales 5 their upper wings are of an ob- long form, the under ones are very fhort in proportion to their breadth : this laft charaderiflic, however, is not univerfal -, feme infed:s, which referable the Heli- conii in every other particular, be- ing referred to that fedion, though their under wings are pro- I portionably 1 30 ORDER III. Papilio. portionably long j as the Pap. Afpolo, Mnemojyney &c. all their four wings have the edges or margins entire. 3. The Danaiy the edges of whofe wings are entire. They are either Candidly the ground colour of whofe wings is always white, or Fejiivi, the canvas, or reigning colour of whofe wings is never white ; thefe are like- wife adorned with a great variety of colours, which fcldom occurs in the Candid/. The Danai refemhle the Heliconii in the edges of their wings, being entire, but are eafily diftinguifhed by the {bape of them, thofe of the Danai being round, thofe of the Heliconii obiong j they ap- pear likewife to be of a ftronger texture, and rougher, being better covered with fcales, efpecially at their extremities. 4. The Papilib. LEPIDOPTERA. 15 r 4. The NympbaleSf diftinguKhed from the Heliconii and Danai, by the edges of their wings, which are indent- ed or fcolloped. They are ei- ther Gemmati^ in which family the wings are addrned with eyes ; thefe eyes are found on all the four wings, in fome fpe- cies, in others on the upper wings, in others on the under wings only : Or Phalerati, the wings in which di- vifion want the eyes by which the Gemmati are dif- tinguifhed, but are not lefs beautiful, being generally painted with a great variety of colours. 5. The Plebeii, which are fmaller in gene- ral than the otherSj and are either Riirales, diflinguifhed by the fpots on their wings being olfcure, I a which 132 ORDER III. Papilio. which term does not regard the colours of the fpots, often very beautiful, but their na- ture, they not being pellucid, or tranfparent : Or Urbicoli, the fpots on the wings of which are for the mod part tranfparent. The divifion of the Butterflies into families, from the circumftances chofen by Linnaeus, feems liable to many objedions -, the family of the Plebeii, in particular, is very inaccurate, and contains infefts very different from one an- other, at the fame time that they refemble, and have all the charaders of fome or other of the preceding ones, under which many of them, I think, might be properly arranged *, the remain- ing Plebeii would compofe a family very didinft from all the others, and which might be formed into two fedions, the firft containing fmall But- terflies, having long and flexible or weak tails, flender bodies, and clubbed antennae, as theC«- pido, the Marfyas, the Bcetkits, &c. the other diflinguilhed by the fhortnefs, thicknefs, or breadth of tlieir head, thorax, and abdomen, and by the fliape of their upper wings, which in thefe laft are pointed at their extremity, and long in proportion Papilio. LEPIDOPTERA. 133 proportion to their width, as the Proteus^Phidias^ and others. The antennae in this laft divifion are gene- rally uncinnated or crooked at their extremity ; fome of" them have likewife tails, but thefe are very broad and ftrong, and are always ciliated or edged with a fringe of hairs, as in the Pro- teus, Sec. The bloody fpots mentioned by LinniEUs, are not always found on the breafls of the Eq. Tro- jani, nor is the interior angle of the Achivi al- ways adorned with an eye, kt that the fureft me- thod is to refer fuch Equites as are of dark or mourning colours, to the family of the Trees, and thole of gay, lively ones, to that of the The under wings of a great many of the Papi- liones, placed by Linnceus among his Heliconii, are flightly indented, and as they are without eyes, they ought, ftriflly fpsaking, to be referred to the Nympkales Phakrati, but are diftinguifii- able by the delicacy of their texture, and the fmoothnefs of their wings, which are lefs cover- ed with fcales than thofe of the laft- mentioned family. I 3 The 134 ORDER III. Papilio. The under wings of the Danai Fejiivi arc likewife often indented, but in that cafe they are generally edged v/ith a kind of fringe, or their margins, efpecially on the under fide, furrounded by one or more waved lines, or rows of white fpots ; thofe Butterflies, therefore, whofe wings are h\M Jligbtly indented, adorned with eyes, and the margins furrounded by rows of white fpots, or narrow^ waving lines, belong rather to this family than to that of the Nytnphales Gemmali, Scopoli and GeofFroy have divided this genus into different families principally from the num- ber of their feet •, a method which cannot eafily be purfued in cabinets where exotic Butterflies are. admitted, thefe parts being generally de- ftroyed before luch infetfls reach Europe. The other circumftances from which Geoflroy has taken his divifions into families, viz. the form of the caterpillars, is totally impracflicable, ex- cept where the collector admits no other But- terflies into his cabinet but fuch as he has himfelf pofieflfed in the caterpillar flate. The pupce of all Butterflies are ohte5fa and naked, and, except thofe of the Da?iai Candidi^ are fufpended perpendicularly in the open air, being attached by their tail to the under fides of branches of treesj leaves of plants, &c. ' 2. Thofe Papilio. LEPIDOPTERA. 135 Thofe of the Danai Candidi (at lead of fuch as we arc acquainted with) are fufpended ho' rizontalfyt being fixed by the tail as thofe of the other families, but are fupported in an horizontal pofition by means of a thread pafT- ed round the middle of their body and at- tached obliquely to the part above the head. The caterpillars of many of them are ex- ceedingly common, and fufficiently known ; thofe of many Equires have two horns fitu- ate in their necks, near the head, which they can Ihoot out and draw in at pleafure. It is yet unknown, whether or no the others of that fe<5lion have thefe horns, but it is to be hoped that fome curious Entomologift will make this point an objeft of his refearches : the larveC of the Pap. Apoilo refembles thofe of the Equitcs in that refpe(5^, I4 Genus 136 ORDER III. Sphinx. Genus II. Sphinx. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 795. The antennas of the Sphinges are thicker in the middle than at the extremities, fome- what refembling a prifm in form. The wings are defledted, the outer mar- gins declining towards the fides. Their flight is flow and heavy. They are divided into families, as follows; 1. The Legitimce\ thefe have either Angulated wings, with the anus fimple, not terminated by a tuft of hair : Or Entire wings, with the anus iimple ; Or Entire wings, with the anus ter- minated by a tuft of hair. 2. The Adfcitc2i differing from the others in their external appearance and Caterpillars. I The Sphinx. LEPIDOPTERA. vg; The Sphinges fly either early in the morning, or after (un-fet in the evening ; they fiy as it were heavily and fluggilhly, often emllting a kind of found. Th_ey fuck the nedtar of fiovvcrs with their tongues, though they feldorn fettle upon them : mofl of them undergo their meta- morphofis in the earth ; their chryfuhds are ch- te^la^ but inclofed in a kind of covering, or web, compofed generally of courfe materials, in which particular they differ entirely from the preceding genus, the chryfalids belonging to which are naked, and fufpended in the open air. The bodies of mofl of their caterpillars are fmooth, or without hair, and have a horn or fpine ficuate above the anus ; that, however, of the Sphinx FilipenduU Linn. No. 34, wants this horn, as Geoffroy has obferved ; for which rea- fon that author has feparated it from the other fpecies, that infect alone compofing his third family : his two others are diftinguiQied by their having or wanting tongues ; the antennae of thefe two lafl:- mentioned families, he fays, are prifmaric, but throughout of equal thicknefs, thofe of the Sph. Filipendulsp, on the contrary, are much larger in the middle than towards their extremities. Scopoli 138 ORDER III. Sphinx. Scopoli has divided the Sphinges into two fec- tions J the firft containing fuch as undergo their metamorphofis in the ground ; the iecond, thofe which undergo their laft changement above ground. This method can only be purl'ued by thofe who obferve the metamorphofis of every Sphinx they place in their colledtion, fince it is impoflible to procure its natural hiftory along with every infedl, efpecially fuch as are fent from far diftant countries : the divifions of genera into fe(5lions Ihould always be taken from fome remarkable circumftance found conftantly upon the infefts, after their death. The name of Hawk-moth has been given, by moft Englifl] authors, to the Sphinx. Genu* Plialena. l^EPIDOPTERA, 139 Genus III. Phalena the Moth. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 808. The antennae of the Phalenas are feta- ceous, decreafing in lize from the bafe to- >vards the point. Their wings, when at reft, are in general deflected. They fly in the night. This genus is divided into the following families ; 1. Attaci, whofe wings incline down- wards, and are fpread open. Thefe have either Pedinated antennae, without a tongue. Pectinated antennae, and a fpiral tongue : Or Setaceous antenna?, with a fpiral tongue. 2. Bofnhyces, I40 ORDER III. Phalena. 2. Bombyces, whofe wings cover the body in a pofition nearly horizontal, and which have pedtinated antennae. Thefe are either EUngues, which want the tongue, or have it fo fhort as not to be manifeflly fpiral. Again their wings are either Reverfed or defleBed. Ov Spirilingues, which have a fpi- ral tongue, and are either Crijlatee, with a kind of creft, or tuft of hair on the back, Or LaveSy with fmooth backs. 3. NoSfiicBf whofe wings are incumbent, as in the Bombyces, from which they differ chiefly in the forma- tion of their antennse, which are fetaceous. The Phalena. LEPIDOPTERA. 141 The Noduae are either Elingues, wanting tongues ; Or Spirilingues^ having fpiral tongues. 4, GeometrcSi whofe wings, when at reft, are extended horizontally. The antennae, In one fubdivifion of this fedlion, are FeSiinated In another, Cetaceous* The under wings in each of thefe divi- lions are either Angulatedy Or round, with entire edges. 5. I'ortrkes : the wings of the Tortrices are exceedingly obtufe ; their ex- terior margin is curve, and de- clines 14.2 ORDER III. Phaleni. lines towards the fides of the body. Thefe have (hort palpi. 6. Pyralis : the inner margin of the wings in this fedion are laid one over the other ; the wings themfelves decline a little towards the fides of the body, and in fliape re- femble a delta^ or triangle ; thefe have confiderable palpi of diffe- rent forms, which has induced Scopoli to divide them into two fed:ions j the one containing thofe whofc palpi are curve, or bent upwards; the other, thofe in which thefe parts are extended. 7. ^ima : the wings of the Tinia: are wrap- ped or folded up round the body fo as to give the infe6t a cylin- drical form ; the forehead is fl:r etched out, or advanced for- wards. Many Phalepa. LEPIDOPTERA. 145 Many of the Tinia; have incum- bent wings expanded tl;ieir whole breadth, and feem to form a very diftind: fedion, differing from the Tiniaj in that particular ; from the Pyralides in the want of palpi, and diftinguifhed from the other families of Phalxna: by their por- redted forehead, and a kind of fringe, with which the interior margins of their wings, are edged. 8. Alucitce : the wings of this divifion are fplit, or divided into branches, al- mofl: to their bafe. Geoffrey bas feparated ihe lafl family of our author, the Pb. AluciU, from the other Pha- losn^e, under the generical name of Pterophorus^ on account of the chryfalids of the infe(5ls belonging to it being naked, and fufpended ho- rizontally in the open air, as thofe of the Da- nat Candidly or third family of butterflies, in which particular they certainly differ elfentially from the Phalcena, whofe Chryfalids are either concealed in the ground, or proteffled from the inclemency of the weather by a covering, which fomc 144 ORDER Iir. Phalena. fome of them, as the Silk-worm, compofe of the rlcheft materials. That author has likewlfe formed the Tini^e into a feparate genus with the Linn^an charac- ters and name. The remaining Phalens he has divided into two families •, in the firfl: of which the antennae are pe(flinated ; in the other filiform ; thefe families again are fubdivided into the Elingues^ and the Lingual^, in each of which fedions the wings are, in fome fub- jefls, deflsdled^ in others, extended horizontally ; among thefe he has difperfed the Tortrices and Pyrdides of Linnaeus. Scopoli obferves that this divifion, taken from the antennae, labours under very great difficulties, thole parts being formed differently in the different fexesof Fhalens, befides that of procuring both fexes of each fpecies compleat -, for thefe reafons he has reunited the Bombyces and Nocluis of Linnsus (feparated by Geoffroy on account of the different formation of their antenncE) under the title Bombyx •, thefe he has divided into two feclions, the infeds belong- ing to one of which, undergo their transforma- tion under the ground ; the others above ground ; the tongue is wanting in the firft of thefe fhalena; LEPIDOPTERA? 145. thefe feftions ; ia the other, fome have, fome want, that part. The GeometrsE are divided by him into three feftions ; the firfl: having angulated, the fecond dentated, the other entire wings. His divlfion of the Pyralides, taken from the palpi, has been mentioned above. His TinU are likewife formed into two kc-^ tions, from their wings being convoluted or ex- tended. The caterpillars of moths are either Smooth, without elevations, Or tuherculatedy with fmall gibbofitles upon their bodies, refembling knots. Nakedy without hairs or down,! Or hairy. They differ likewife in the number of their feet, as follows : The Bomhyces and No5lu^ have fixteen feet. The tinU have fourteen. K The 146 ORDER III. Phalena: The Phalcsna Gamma alone has twelve. Mod of the Geometry have ten. Thofe of all the different families have fix feet at the breaft, or fore -part of the body, ex- cept the Vinula, Furca, Lacertina, and a few others ; the chief difference, therefore, lies in the abdominal feet, which are either eight, fix, four, or two, in number, or are entirely wanting. The caterpillars of the Geometrae have fix perioral or fore feet, two tail, or hind feet, two others, a little before the tail, and want the ab- dominal ones, which makes them refemble JLeaches in their gait. From the fame circum- Itance, likewife, the name of Geometry has been given to them, becaufe they feem to meafure the ground over which they advance. They reft in an ereft pofture, fupported only by the feet fitu- ate under their tail : thofe of fuch of this family as have pedlinated antennse, refemble fo much the branches of the plants upon which they feed, as not tobe eafily diftinguifhed from them. This refemblance, without doubt, contributes very much to preferve them from the voracity of the different birds which prey upon them. The Phalena. LEPIDOPTERA. 247 The caterpillars of the Tortrices roll up, and fallen together by a thread the leaves of the plants upon which they feed ; thus fecuring to themfelves a kind of retreat. The caterpillars of moft of the Tine^e keep always under fome kind of covering, where they live and feed in fecurity ; fome of them roll up the leaves of plants for their habitation ; others, which feed only upon the interior furface of leaves, lodge themfelves under the epidermis, or exterior fkin ; others, again, in woollen cloths^ fkins of beads and birds, &c. Thefe all under- go their metamorphofis in the places and under the coverings in which they had lived -, Ibme few live in fociety under a kind of web formed by their joint induftry : the moths which are produced from thefe laft have generally, as Lin- nseus obfervesi expanded wings. According to Geoffroy, the Caterpillars of fome Tiniae have eight, others have fourteen, and others, agaih, fixteeri feet. The pups, or chryfalids, are either fimple, bi- have a kind of hook at their extremity ; they are all enclofed in a web or covering j fome of them pafs that ftate under the ground, others K 2 arc 148 ' ORDER III. Phalerta; are fixed to the under fides of branches of trees, walls, &c. The webs of the firft confift gene- rally of very coarfe materials, ftrongly attached together by a few threads of filk. Thofe of the others have generally more filk, and are weaved more naturally ; that of the Silk-worm furniflies an article which long was confidercd as for mere luxury, but which is now of univer- fal utility. ORDER [ '49 ] ORDER IV. INSECTA NEUROPTERA. The infects belonging to this order have four membranaceous, naked wings, reticu- lated with veins, or in which the mem- branes crofs one another fo as to appear Hke net-work. Their tail is unarmed, or without a fling, but is frequently furnilhed with appen- dices like pincers, by which the males are diflinguifhed. This order contains the following ge- nera : Genus I. Libellula. Lint). Syft. Nat. Pag. 901. The mouth of the Libellula is armed with jaws, which are always more than two in number. K3 The I50 ORDER IV. Libellula: •' ' ' ! ^ — The antennae are fliorter than the thorax. The wings are expanded, without folds. The tail of the male is furniflied with a kind of forceps. The libellula are divided into two fami- lies J the firft With wings extended horizontally, when at reft ; the fecond Diftinguiftied by the eyes being placed at a diftance from one another ; the wings in this family are eredt and the eyes very prominent. GeofFroy adds to the above chara6lers of the Libellulse, that they have three ftemmata fituate between the eyes, and that their tarfi are qom- pofed of three articulations. He divides them into two feftions ; the firft having ere<5b wings (when at reft J the fecond patent, or open and extended wings. The infedls belonging to the firft divifion of -iiibellulas live chiefly upon Moths, the others upon Mufcje, or flies i they are all exceeding- Libellula. NEUROPTERA. 151 ly voracious ; Linnseus calls them the Hawks of Gymnopteroiis infeds. The larvse of both live and run, rather than fwim, in the water i they devour aquatic infects weaker than them- fehes, and are not lefs voracious than the com- pleat infe6ls •, they are likewife exceedingly cruel, being frequently obferved to kill and tear other infedts to pieces when not preflcd by hunger, fince they leave the carcafes entire. The figure of the larva is very fingular, and may be feen in Geoffroyy torn. 2. tab. The chryfalis differs very little from the larva, and like it runs with great agility in the water, devouring fmaller infects. It generally quits the water before it undergoes its final change- ment. The manner in which fome of the Libellulae ef- fectuate the work of (];eneration is truly fingular : the male purfues his female on the wing, and in- Head of endeavouring to win her by gentle means to his embraces, feizes her with the for- ceps at his tail by the neck, where he holds her fall, till fhe, to get quit of fo cumberfome a bur- then, willingly, or unwillingly, approaches her tail, in which are fituate her organs of genera- tion to the breaft of her ravifher (under which his fexual parts are placedj thus united in a kind K 4 oi 152 ORDER IV. Libellula: of ring, the male not quitting his hold of the female's neck, they continue their flight until the work is performed. The Libellulse are by fome called Dragon^ flies J by others. Adder-bolts ; they are frequently met with in the fummer feafon, near (landing waters, where the females go to depofit their eggs; the different fexes are often differently co- loured, and the fpecies vary very much, which renders it difficult to diftingiiifh them. Genos Ephemera; NEUROPTERA'; 153 Genus IJ. Ephemera. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 906. The mouth of the Ephemera has nei- ther teeth nor paipi. The ftemmata are two in number, fi* tuate above the eyes, and larger than they are generally found to be in other in- fers. The wings are eredt, the hinder ones much fhorter than the others. The tail is furniflied 'with appendices, refembling hairs, or briftles. They are divided into two fedtions ; the firft having two, the other three fetas, or briftles, on the tail. GeofFroy aflerts that the ftemmata are three in number, which I have obferved them to be in feme fpecies. Sch^fFer adds to the Linnaean cbaraflers of the Ephemera, That 154 ORDER IV. Ephemera. That the antennae are fetaceous and ihort. That the tarfus of each foot has five articu«" lations, and That tlie thorax is very Ihort^ Their flight is flow and heavy, which ren- I ders them an eafy prey to fwallows, and other birds. Thefe infefts differ in many particulars from all others ; their caterpillars live in the water, where earth and clay feem to be their only nourifliment for three whole years, the time they confume in preparing for their metamor- phofis, which they undertake and effedl in a few moments. The larva, when ready to quit that fl:ate, arifes to the furface of the water, and getting infl:antaneoufly rid of his fkin, becomes achryfalis. This chryfalis is furniflied with wings, which it makes ufe of to fly to the firfl: tree or wall it meets, and there fettling, in the fame moment quits a fecond ikin, and becomes a per- fe<5l Ephemera. In that ftate, for which it had been fo long preparing, the pleafures it enjoys muft be very fenfible, if they are lively in pro- portion to the fliortnefs of their duration ; the infedl: Ephemera; NEUROPTERA; 155 infeft generally celebrating its nuptials, pro- ducing the fruit of them, and dying within the Ipace of a few hours, feldom or never furviving the day on which it may be faid to have really begun to live. I They differ no lefs from other infeds, in , ^ the manner of propagating their fpecies, than * t\ in the fhortnefs of their lives, and their long . u-. continuation in the caterpillar (late. The fe- ' ^ male Ephemera has no fooner quitted her chryfalis, than fhe returns to the water from ;X a * whence Ihe fprang, upon the furface of which •*" (he lays her eggs -, the male, attentive to all 1^ her motions, takes care immediately to fecun- date the eggs, nearly in the fame manner as fifh fa:cundate thofe of their females. (Geoff.) The antennsE of the perfeft infefl rcfemble hairs, being without joints or articulations. When at reft, the fore legs are advanced or ftretched out before the head. The Ephemeras are very frequent near wa- ters : they multiply amazingly in fome places, infomuch that Scopoli aiTerts the peafants in his neighbourhood to be difcontented with their 156 ORDER IV. Ephemera: their ihare of them, unlefs each can colled at lealt twenty cart-loads, making ufe of them for manuring their lands, which purpofe they anfwer exceedingly well. They arc called with" us May flies. Genus Pliryganea. NEUROPTERA: j^y ' Genus III. Phryganea. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 908. The mouth of the Phryganea is without teeth, but is furnifhed with four palpi. The (lemmata are three in number. The antenna are longer than the thorax. The wings are incumbent, or laid hori- zontally on the body. The under wings are folded, fo as to be concealed under the upper ones. This genus is divided into two fec-^ tions. The firfl diflinguiflied by two truncated fetae, refembling unfpun filken threads, which terminate the abdomen. In the fecond the abdomen is fimple, or wants thofe appendices. Geoffroy has feparated thefe two families of Phryganeje, 158 ORDER IV. Phryganea. Phryganeas, and given to the firft: the generical name of ferla. Thefe perU differ from the other Phrygane£e (to which he has preferved that generical name) not only in the appendices of t!ie tail, but alfo in the pofition of the wings^ which, in the latter, decline from the inner mar- gins, towards the ifldes, fo as to refemble the fidge of a houfe, and are curve, or turned up- wards, at their extremity ; and in the number of articulations, which compofe their tarfi, thefe, in the Perla, are but three j in the Phryganea they are five* The Perlffi and Phryganeae, however, do not feem to differ genetically •, their larva perfedtly refembling one another, and their mannet of liv- ing the fame ; they likewife perform their metar- morphofis in the fame feafon, and In the tubes in which they dwell while larvae. The latter, however, remain confiderably longer in thechry- falis than the Perlae. In the jrear 1768, I had an opportunity of obferving the metamorphofis of three of the perlas, and four phryganea ; the Chryfalids were all kept together, and in the fame degree of heat : two of the perfeft infeds were produced on the eighth, and ano- ther on the ninth day (after their refpedlive transfof- Phryganea; NEUROPTERA. 159 transformations) ; thefe three proved all to be- long to the firft family of Linnfean Phryganeas, or the Perlas of GeofFroy. Another perfed in- feft quitted the chryfalis on the fourteenth day after its entering into that ftate, and two others on the nineteenth day : the three lafl proved all to be Phryganeae, of the fecond Linnaean divi- fion, or the Phryganese of Geoffroy •, the other chryfalis perifhed without coming to perfedion. This circumftance, however, will, I prefume, fcarce be deemed fufficient to form a generical diftindion between the two infedls, tho' when added to the others before-mentioned, they may jointly render the divifion of the Genus into families, very proper, Scopoli has preferved the Linnscan Genus jntire, with the fame charaflers, as that j author has affigned to them, but has taken his divifion of it into families, from different j circumftances. In his firft, the wings are in- cumbent, in the other defieded. That author has obferved, that one fpecies of the lezard is exceedingly fond of the Phryganea, and that the Phryg. Bicaudata Linn. Syft. Nat, No. i. carries her eggs about with her, attached to the under fide of her abdomen, as fome fpiders are likewife known to do. 3 Schjeffer t^o O R D E R IV. Phryganea; SchaeflPer has divided this Genus into the Per- la and Phryganea, with the fame diftinft charac- ters as GeofFroy ; thefe two authors, I appre- hend, were chiefly induced to purfue that me- thod, becaufe the number of joints, of which the Tarfi are compofed, obliged them to ar- range the different kinds of Phryganea under different orders. The Antennae of the Linnsean Phry* ganeae, are filiform, and they have three ftem- jnata. The lefTer Phryganeas refemble the Tineje fo niuch,asnottobediflinguifhed from them without difficulty ; but, upon clofe examination, efpecially if the eye is aided by the microfcope, the wings of the firfl are found to be almofl co* vered with fhort hairs inflead of the fcales ■which adorn the wings of the Tinese. The mouth of the Phryganea is like wife furnifhed with palpi, which are wanting in the Tineas. The larvjE belonging to this Genus, live in the vv^ater in tubes of filk, covered on the out- fide with fmall pieces of wood, fand, gravel, leaves of plants, &c. Nay, fometimes the larva attaches to its tube the fmaller teftaceous ani- mals* Phryganea. NEUROPTERA. i6t mals, yet alive, with their ftiells, and drags them about with it. They are much fought after by fifhermen, by whom they are foir.e- times called Stoui, or Cod Baii ; the perfeft inre(5l is generally called the Spring fly, and is frequent near running waters, where the females refort to lay their eggs. They generally fettle on the fides of walls, branches of trees, &c. which are leaft expofed to the fun, whofe influ- ence they feem to dread, feldom flying in the day time. Swallows are obferved to feed upon them. C £N U^ i62 ORDER IV. Hfcmerobius. Genus IV. Hemerobius. Linn. Syfl-. Nat. page 911. The mouth of the Hemerobius is armed with two teeth, and has four palpi. The (lemmata are wanting. The wings are defleded, and not folded, as in the preceding Genus. The antennsB are fetaceous, advanced before the head, and longer than the thorax. The thorax is of a convex form. The Hemerobius is fufficiently diftinguifhed from the Ephemera and Phryganea, by the po- fition and formation of its mouth, which ad- vances forwards, and is armed with teeth. The Antennas diftinguifli it from the fol- lowing Genera belonging to this order. Schaeffer obferves, that the abdomen grows flen- der towards its extremity, that the wings are in fome fubjeds incumbent^ in others defie^fed, and Memeroblus. NEUROPTERA. iS^ _ ■■---- ^ that the Tarfi are compofed of five articu- lations. Geoffroy has referred one fpecies, the Hemerob. No. 12. of our author j to his G. Phrygama ; and Linnasus himfelf appears doubtful to which of the two genera that in- fedl belongs. The under wings of moft Hemerobii are of equal length with the upper ones ; they are all four much weaker than in the preceding neurop- terous genera^ which makes their flight flow and unfl:eady. Some of therh are found hear (landing wa- ters, others frequent gardens and fields ; moll: of them are very ill fcented. Their larvse feed chiefly upon the aphides, of which they are exceedingly fond j but they fometimcs devour other infers, and even one another. One fpecies belonging to this Genus, is known among us by the name of the Golden L 2 Genus i64 ORDER IV. Myrmelbn. Genus V. Myrmeliqn. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 913. The mouth of the Myrmelion is armed with jaws, two teeth, and four long palpi. It has no flemmata-. The tail, in the male fex, is furnished with a kind of forceps, formed by two ftraight filaments. Their antenna are club-formed, and as long as the thorax. Their wings are defleded. Geoffroy, who has defcribed only one fpecies of the Myrmelion, does not obferve that the tail of the male is furniflied with a forceps. The fpecies he defcribed was perhaps incom- pleat, or he had met with none of the male fex ; he adds that the four wings are all of equal length, and has given to that infeft the generical name of Fcrmicaleo^ in which he is followed by Scharffer, who obferves that the wings in that genus Myrmellon. KEUROPTERA. 165 genus are defleded, and the tarfi compofed of five articulations. The laft mentioned author has given the gene- rical name of Lihelloides to another fpccies, in which the tail is forcipated, and the antenna; as long as the body, and the abdomen as broad as the thorax. The Myrmeleon differs chi.^fly from the He- merobius, under which Genus Linnaeus had arranged it in the tenth edition oi his Syjiema X^atura, in the form of the antennte, which are much (horter than rhofe of the Hemerobius, in which Genus they are likewife fetaceous : the mile Hemerobius alfo wants the forceps which terminates the tail of the Myrmeleon. The larva of the Myrmeleon lives chi^fiy upon ants ; the perfed inle be- fides the bafc. 6. Thofe with fetaceous antennse, compofed of feveral articulations. Geoffroy and Scha?ffer have feparated the firft of thefe families from the others (though their larv^ and metamorphofis argue them not to differ generically) and have given their new genus the name of Crahro^ with the following chara<5lers : The antenna club formed. The under wings Ihorter than the uppef ones. The mouth armed with jaws. The fling placed at the extremity of the ab- domen, and ferrated. a. The Tenthredo. HYMENOPTERA. 175 The abdomen throughout of equal fize, and clofely joined to the thorax. Three ftemmata. The remaining Tenthredines which, according to Geoffrey, have fihform antennas, that author has divided into three families •, the firfl: com- pofed of fuch as have nine ; the fecond of fuch as have eleven, and the third of fuch as have thirteen articulations in their antennse. The fame author obferves, that the under wings, likewife, of the Tenthredo^ are fhorter than the upper ones ; that the abdomen is clofely united to the thorax, not joined to it by a petiolum, or little (talk, as in the Cynips, nor becoming fmaller from its extremity towards its bafe, fo a^ tp form a kind of petiolum, as in the Ichneumon ; ^nd that tiie antennae differ from thofe of the lad- mentioned genus in the form of their articula- tions, thefe in the Tenthredo are long, and rather rough, which makes their antennse appear as if compofed of fo many knots ; thofe of the Ichneumon, on the contrary, are fo very fhorc as fcarce to be perceptible, and exceedingly fmooth, fo that, if not attentively examined, the antennje would appear to be inarciculated, or Jike a briftle. Scopoli 17^ O R D E R V. Tenthrcda; Scopoli, who has only defcribed a fmall number of Tcnthredines, has divided them into two families ; the firft containing thofe with felavatedj the other, thofe having fili' form antennse, with feven or eight articula- tions : thefe laft, he obfervcs, turn afide, or bend downwards their antennse, when under appre- henfions of danger. The different fexes in this genus are in general differently coloured, which circumflance renders the knowledge of the fpecies very difBcult. The larva of the Tenthredo differs entirely from that of all the other Hymenopterous infects, and refembles that of the Butterfly and Moth fo much as cafily to be millaken for one of them : this refemblance has induced fome Entomolo* gifts, who had attributed the term caterpillar to the larvas of lepidopterous infe<51:s alone, to call thofe of the Tenthredo falfe caterpillars j there is neverthelefs one certain rule to diftin- guifh them by, that is by examining the num- ber of their feet ; thefe, in the true caterpillar, never exceed fixteen, and are feldom fo many 5 thofe of the falfe one, on the contrary, always exceed that number, being generally from eigh- teen to twenty -two : the fix firft, or peroral ones,are hard, or fcaly, and terminate each in a point, as thofe of the true caterpillar -, the re- maining Tenthredo. HYMENOPTERA. 177 maining ones are fofc and membranaceous, but deprived of the crotchets which terminate the membranaceous feet of the others : befides this diftinftion taken from the number of the feet, their heads are formed very differently j that of the falfe caterpillar confiding of one hard fcale; that of the true one, on the contrary, is com- pofed of two pieces, or fcalcs, which Geoffroy calls hcods ; the eyes of thefe lafl are likewife much larger than thofe of the others. Thel arvfe of the Tenthredines feed chiefly upon the rofe and willow trees, and undergo their iaft changemenc in the earth ; their fhrowd, or web, refembles net-work, being compofed of large, filken threads, between each of which great Spaces are left, perhaps to let the humidity of the earth pierce to the chryfalis ; the leafl: excefs of humidity ordrynefs in the earth kills thofe chry- falids, for which reafon it is very difficult to bring them to perfeftion in boxes : out of more than three hundred larvas of Tenthredines, which were nourifhed by Geoffroy, notmore than five or fix fucceeded, though he took the utmoft pains to keep the earth in a proper ftate. Vid, Geoff. Paris. /. 2, />. 269. The Tenthredo is called, by fome Englifh Authors, the Saw-fly^ from the formation of M its 178 O RDER V. Tcnthredo. its fting, which differs from that of all other in- fe6ls (that of the following genus only excepted) in being dentated or armed with teeth, like the inftrument from which its name is taken •, this fting, however, is not in the lead dangerous, iis weaknefs preventing the infedt from doing any mifchief with it. Genits Sirex. HYMONOPTERA. 179 Genus III. Sirex. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 928. The mouth of the Sirex is armed with two ftrong jaws. The palpi, which are two in number, are truncated. The antennae are filiform, and contaiA upwards of twenty-four articulations. The (ling is dentarted like a faw, pro- jedled, ftrong, and ftifF. The abdomen is flender, and terminates in a point or fpine, from under which the f^ing proje<5ts. The wings are lanceolated (their extre- mities being drawn to a (harp point) and are extended their whole length, not folded as thofe of the Vcfpa. Scopoli has arranged th^ Sirices along with ^e Ichneumons, as Linnseus had likewife done in the former editions of his Syftcma Nature 5 M 2 ^hof« l8o ORDER V. Sirex, thofe inre(5ts, however, differ very much in their external appearance, formation, and manners j the abdomen of the Sirex is as broad as the thorax, and clofely connected with, or joined to, that part : the abdomen of the Ichneumon, on the contrary, is either joined to the thorax by a petiolum or ftalk, or grows much larger to- wards its extremity than at its bafe •, the fting of the female Ichneumon terminates -the abdomen, and is of a cylindrical form ; that of the female Sirex projecfts from the under fide of the abdomen, is denta- ted like a faw, and the abdomen itfelf is ter- miftated by a kind of horn or fpine. The fe- male of the Ichneumon lays her eggs in the bo- dies of other infeds (which (lie pierces for that purpofe with her fting) and particularly in the bo- dies of caterpillars of Lepidopterous infeds, upon which the larvje feed, and where they remain till prepared for the chryfalis flate ; the female Sirex lays her eggs in the interior of decayed trees ; the larva mofu probably feeds upon the wood, and always undergoes its laft metamor- phofis in the place where it had lived while in the caterpillar ftate; From all thefe circum- ftances, we may I prefume fafely conclude, that the Sirex differs generically from the Ich- , neumon. Geoffroy Sirex. HYMENOPTERA. jSi Geoffrey has only defcribed one fpecies be- longing to this genus j to that infecl he has given the geneiical nanic of Urocerus, a name taken from the point which terminates the ab- domen, and -which it were to be wifhed that Linnreiis had adopted, fince he himfelf looks upon the needlefs multiplication or changemenc of trivial names as a fault. Schfeffer has followed Geoffroy in tlie names and charaders of this genus. Thefe two au- thors add to the Linnasan characlers, that the tarfi are compofed of five articulations, and the under wings (horter than the upper ones. The Sirex is very rare to be met with, but feveral fpecies of ic have been caught in Eng- land. It is generally called the Tailed PFafp. M 3 6£Nvs iS2 ORDER V. Ichneumon. Genus IV. Ichneumon. LiMN'. Syft. Nat. page 930. The mouth of the Ichneumon is armed with jaws, without any tongue. The antenna? contain more than thirty articulations. The abdomen is generally joined to the body by a pedicle, or ftalk. The fting is exferted, or projeds beyond the abdomen, and is inclofed in a cylindfi- cai fheath, compofed of two valves. The Ichneumons are divided into fami- lies, from the colour of their fcutellun; and antenncc, as follow ; 1, Thofe with the fcutellum white, and the antennx noted vyith a white ring, or circle. 2. Thofe with a white fcutellum, and black antenna;. 3. Thofe- Ichneumon. HYMENOPTERA. 183 3. Thofe vvhofe Icutellum k of the fame colour with the thorax, and which have a white ring on the antennae. 4. ^hofe with the fcutellum of the lame colour as the thorax, and the an- tennx black and fctaceojs. 5. Thofe whofe antennce are yellow and fetaceous. 6. Thofe with filiform antennae, having the abdomen of an oval and flender form. The antenna in this fa- mily often contain no more than ten articulations, the firfl of which is much longer than the others, and the infecfts in general are much fmaller than the preceding ones. ScopoH has united the Sirices of Linnspus with this genus, dividing it into two families ; the firfl containing the laft-mentioned infects ; the fecond, the Ichneumons. He aflei ts, that the under wings, in the firft family, are folded, M 4 the 1 84 ORDER V. Ichneumon. the fecond he has fubdivided from the colour of their antennas. Geoffroy adds to the Linn^an charaders of the Ichneumon, that its antennae are in a conti- nual trembling motion ; that the upper wings are longer than the under ones, and the (lemmata three in number. That author has arranged fome Ichneumons belonging to the lad family, which have the abdomen of an oval form, under the firft family of his Cynips. Linnaeus (as has been before obferved) has placed the Eulophus of Geoffroy under this ge- nus, from which that infedt differs in its an- tennse, which are pedtinated. Its larva, from the account given of it by Geof- froy, muft refemble that of the Cynips -, but Linnseus afferts that, like that of the Ichneumon, \t lives in the bodies of other larvae. The fpecles of Ichneumons are not eafily de- termined, the different fcxes varying much in their colours, nor can thediftinft fpecific charac- ters be well taken from any other circum- ftance. Many Ichneumon. HYMENOPTERA. 185 Many apterous infefls are found, which, without doubt, belong to this genus ; thefe very much refemble the aprerous MtuilLi;^ from which they are diftinguifhed, when living, by the continual vibration of their antenns, which mo- ition is not obferved in the antennse of the Mii- tilte, and after death, by the roundnefs of their thorax, which is lefs retufe than that of the other genus, and by their long and flender abdomen, which is likevvife frequently joined to the tho- rax by a petiolum. They are diftinguifhed from the Sphex, which they like wife refemble, by the number of articulations in their an- tenna. Some of thefe apterous Ichneumons are, with- out doubt, females, having the fting, through which that fex depofit their eggs ; others of them appear, from their being deprived of that iling, to be males. Geoffroy however afferts, that they are all females : perhaps that author had only met with fuch as had (tings. The larv^ of many Ichneumons not only Jive, but likewife undergo their metamorphofis, in the chryfalids or caterpillars of Lepidopte- rous infeds ; others of them, when arrived at their full growth, pierce the flcins of their lodg- ": menK, 1^6 ORDER V. Ichneumon. mcnts, which they quit, and fixing theinfejves to the fides of walls, branches of trees, &c. there pafs the chryfalis ftate under cover of a fjlken web. The name of Ichiuumon-fly has been given to this genus, by fome Englifh authors. S^NCSr Sphex. HYMENOPTERA. 187 ^ ' ' ^ f n il >. . .i ..» Genus V. Sphex. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 941. The mouth of the Sphex is armed wltlj jaws, but has no tongue. The articulations of their antennas ar^ ten in number. The wings, in each fex, are extended, without folds, and laid horizontally upon the back. The fting, which is fliarp and pointed, is concealed within the abdomen. This genus is divided into two families ; in the £rfl: of which, the abdomen is petio- lated, or joined to the thorax by a flalk ; m the other, the abdomen is fubfefile, or of a (lender make, nearly of equal lize in its whole lengthj and attached to the abdomei> wdihout a petiolum. Scopoli has divided his Spheges (to which he gives the lame characters as above, excepting what relates tatheir aitennas) into three families j i88 ORDER V. Sphex. the two firfl of which are Linnsan Spheges, and diftingiiifhed from one another by the fame circumftances as by Linnaeus ; the third (the abdomen of which he fays is fefiile) contains the Chryfes of our author, which differ from the Spheges in the formation of their antennae, in the lateral fcaie of the abdomen, which the laft-> mentioned infed^s want, and in the fpines which terminate the thorax and belly, Geoffrey has placed fuch Spheges as were known to him among his Ichneumons, as Linnaeus had likewife done, in the tenth edi- tion of his Syfl. Naturae. It has already been fhewn, that they differ from that genus in the number of articulations which compofe their antennse, and in the pofition of their fling, which in the laft- mentioned senus is exferted. &^ SchasfFer has, like Linnseus, feparated the Spheges from the Ichneumons, and afTigns them the follovvino- characters : 't3 The tarfus of each foot compofed of five articulations. The antennas club-formed, and bent. The mouth armed with jaws, and furnifliecj with palpi. g The Sphex. HYMENOPTERA. 189 The flemmata three in number. The wings extended, incumbent, without •folds, and the under ones fhorter than the upper ones. The abdomen of an oblong form. The (ling pointed, and concealed within the abdomen. A great number of exotic infefts have lately been brought from different countries, which would certainly belong to this genus, if they were not provided with long membranaceous tongues, like thofe of the Bee, from which genus other circumftances again feparate them. Whether or no thefe inTedls differ generically from the Sphex does not appear to have been determined. Many fpecies of this genus are common in England ; they are chiefly found in woods and hedges ; their larvas feed upon dead infedls, in the bodies of which they are produced from the egg •, fome fpecies dig holes in the earth with their fore feet, like dogs, in which holes they bury dead infedb, chiefly fpiders or Lepidopte- rous larvs, and after having depofited their eggs In IQO O R D E R V. Sphex. in the bodies of thefe infe(5ls, they carefully clofe the holes with earth. It is very probable that fome fpecies of Apte- rous Spheges are found in England, which matter muft be determined by the external ap- pearance, the fling*s being concealed within the abdomen, and the number of articulations in the antennsc. The Sphex is called by fome, the Ichneumon- like an arch {fornkatum) with a kind of la- teral fcale on the under fide. The anus is dentated, or terminated by teeth or fpines, and likewife armed with a iting, which projeds a little. The wings are extended, not folded, a's it! the Vefpa. The body is of a (hining colour, and ap» pears as if gilt. Scopoli, as before obfsrved, has arranged the Chryfes among hii Sphcgcs. Geoffrey 192 ORDER V. Chryfis, Geoffroy has placed them among the Vefpse, as Linnsus had done in the tenth edition of his Syftem : he has, however, formed them into a feparate family, under the title oi Golden Wafps. They differ chiefly from that genus in the pofi- tion of their wings, which are not folded, and in the fpines fituate on each extremity of the tho- rax, in mofl fpecies of the Chryfis. Schasffer has adopted Linnasus's method in preference to that of Geoffroy, adding to the charaders of that author, that the antennas are bent and cylindrical •, that the tarfus of each foot is compofed of five articulations ; that the four wings are all equally traofparent, and have very few nerves or membranes ; and that the abdo- men is oval, and.of equal fize with the thorax. The Chryfis lives chiefly in the holes of old walls, where they likewife lay their eggs : their larvas refennble that of the Wafp. •" Genus Vefpa. HYMENOPTERA. 193 Genus VII. Vespa, the Wasp. Linn. Syft. Nat. Pag. 984. The mouth of the Vefpa is armed with jaws, but has no tongue. The upper wings arc folded In both fexes. The fting, which is fharp and pointed, is concealed within the abdomen. The body is fmooth, without hair; The eyes (as obfervcd by De Geer) are lunular. Geoffrey affigns the following chara<5lers to the Warp. The antennse bent, with the firft articulation very long in proportion to the others. The inferior wings Ihorter than the upper ones. The mouth armed with jaws, and provided with an infle5led membranaceous tongue. The fting fmooth and pointed. N The 194 ORDER V. Vefpa. The abdomen attached to the thorax by a fhort pedicle. Three ftemmata. The body fmooch, without any hairs upon it. From the above it will appear, that Linnseus and GeofFroy differ very eflentially with regard to one charader affigned by the latter to the Wafp, viz. that of its having a membranaceous tongue, the exiftence of which Linnseus denies, but which, according to the other, is placed in the mouth between the jaws, bent inwards under ^the bread, and compofed of feveral pieces or membranaceous iilaments, exadly like that of the Bee ; this difference, in a matter to all ap- pearance fo eafy to be decided, is furprifing: No author, befides Geoffrey, that I am acquaint- ed with, pretends that the Wafp has a tongue, nor could I ever perceive it, though 1 have pur- pofely examined a great number of European Wafps, and particularly fuch fpecies as are de- fcribed by that author, and which were taken in France •, all, indeed, have a kind of broad, mem- branaceous fkin under the jaws, at the bafe, or upon the fides of which, the palpi are feated ; this membrane does not, however, in the Icaft refemble a tongue, nor does it feem calculated to fervc Vefpn. HYMENOPTERA. 195 fcrve inftead cf one ; it has the appearance of a little bag with the mouth downwards, but doe» not clofe on the under fide i towards the end It is jagged, and divided into lobes, exaflly like the petals of Tome flowers. If Geoffroy took this membrane (which is always very fhort) for a tongue refembling that of the Bee, he was certainly miftaken, or had not examined it with fufficient attention. IJnnJEUs's charaflef perhaps ought not to be taken for generical, fince he himfelf defcribes one exotic fpecies, and feveral others are found in the cabinets of the curious, which are pro- vided with tongues ; the.e, indeed, differ Very much from the tongue of the Bee, being (in fuch fpecies as I have met with, and particularly in two or three which I poirefs myfelf) fliort, ftiff, extended, and concealed under the upper lip, which for that purpofe is drawn or length- ened out into a horny, pointed probofcis ; the bo- dies of fome of thefe infecls are hairy, like Bees, others are fmooth, or without hairs. It is to be hoped that fome ingenious traveller will take upon himfelf the taflc of examining whether or no thefe laft- mentioned infecfls differ ge- nerically from the Wdfp and the Bee, or to which of them the different fpecies be- long, which can only be done by thofe who (hall N 2 have 196 ORDER V. Vefpa. have opportunities of examining their manner of living and metamorphofis. SchaefFer fays, that the mouth of the wafp is furnifhed with palpi, but does not mention the tongue ; the tarfi, according to him, are com- pofed of five articulations. Scopoli fays, that the wafp has no tongue. Many kinds of Wafps live in focieties, after the manner of Bees, and like them make combs, in which they depofit their eggs •, they likewife feed their larvae with honey, but of a very inferior quality to that of the Bee ; others of them conftrudl a different or feparate nefl for each egg. The larvae and chryfalids of all of them re- femble that of the Bee. Genus Apis. HYMENOPTERA. 19; Genus VIII. Apis, the Bee. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 953. The mouth of the Bee is armed with jaws, and furniflied with a probofcis, in- clofed in a bivalve (heath, and inclined downwards under the body. The wings are extended, and without folds in each fex. The females and neuters carry a (harp pointed fling concealed in their abdo- men. This Genus is divided into two families, the firft containing fuch as have the body fmooth, without any, or with very few hairs; the fecond, compofcd of thofe whofc bo- dies arc very hairy, and which emit a found as they fly. Scopoll having obferved that the quantity of hair on the bodies of the different fpecies of Bees, encreafes fo gradually, as likewife the N 5 noifc 19S O R D E R V. Apis. nolle they make in their flight, as to render it difficult to determiiie where the firft family of Linnsus fhall end, or the other commence, has therefore preferred to divide them into families^ f;om the form of their antennse, which in fome are whole and extended, in others bent, and forming an angle from their bafe ; this divifion feems liable to fewer inconve- niencies than that of Linnaeus, though it frequently connefls Bees which differ much in their outward appearance. Geoffroy obferves that the under wings of the Bees are fliorter than the upper ones -, that the firft articulation of their antenna in each fcx, is much longer than the others ; that the abdomen isjoin'd to the thorax by a fhort pe- dicle, and that they have three ftemmata. He has divided them into families for the fame cir- cumftances as Linnaeus. The tarfi in this Genus are compofed of four articulations. The Bee is too well known to be eafily confounded with any other Genus of In- fcfls. The female of the domeftic Bee is much larger than the male or neuter ; her an- tennae contain fifteen articulations •, her abdomen is compofed of fcven fegmcntSjand is muchlon2;er 3 than Apis. HYMENOPTERA. 199 than her wings. The antennae of the male con- tain only eleven articulations, nor has that fex any fting -, the neuters are much fmaller than the males or females, their antennse contain fif- teen articulations •, they are likewife remarkable by the hairinefs of the under fide of their hind- moft thighs, which refemble a kind ot brufh, with which they gather the fine powder fcat- tered fiom x.\\q Anihera of flowers, and from which the wax or comb is made. The induftry of thefe little animals, which is as profitabfe as curious in itfelf, will always continue to excite the admiration of the wifer part of mankind, Swammerdam, Reaumur, Hagftrom, D'Aubenton, Geofiroy, and other authors, have wrote their hiftory with great accuracy. Swammerdam, above all, de- ferves to be read with the greateft attention. N 4 Genus 200 ORDER V. Formica. Genus IX. Formica, the Ant. Linn. Syft. Nat. page 962. The Formica (called among us the Pifmire, Emmit, or Ant) is diftinguifhed by the little upright fcalc which is fituate between the thorax and the abdomen. The fting with which the females and neuters are armed, is concealed within the abdomen. The males and females are winged, the neuters apterous. To the above characflers of the Ant, Geoff- roy adds that the antennae form an angle, their firft articulation being very long in proportion to the others, that the (lemmata are three in number, and the abdomen joined to the thorax by a (hortftalk. Schseffer likewife adds, that the mouth is armed with jaws, that the wings are inciim- benr, Formica. HYMENOPTERA. 201 bent, and the taiTi compofed of five articu- lations. The Ants live in focieties compofed of males, females, and neuters -, the males are much fmaller than the females and neuters, but are diftingui'hable from the largenefs of their eyes, which are not fo well proportioned to the fize of their body as in the other fexes. No fooner is the work of generation per- formed, than the male and female ants perifh, as well as moft of the neuters ; fome of thefe, how- ever, outlive the winter, but pafs that feafon in their habitation, without movement, or any figns of life. How ufelefs then would be that prudence and affiduity in laying up a (lock of provifions for the winter, attributed, for fo many ages, to the Ant ? The female Ant feems to take no farther care of the young, after having depofited her eggs ; the important office of nourifhing the larvae, and preferving the chryfalids, is entirely left to the neuters, whofe affedlion for a progeny neither begot nor brought forth by them, can never be fufficiently wondered at ; they labour jncefTantly to fupply the larvs: with provifions, and 202 O R D E R V. Form ica. arnd are conftantly employed in preferving the chryfalids from humidity in wet feafons, or ex- pofing them to the warmth of the fun when it is fair. Thefe chryfalids are much larger than themfelves, yet are carried about by them with eafe ; many kinds of birds are very fond of, and devour them, as well as the Ants them- felves. Genus Miuilla. HYMENOPTERA. 203 Genus X. Mutilla. Linn. Syfl. Nat. page 966. The Mutilla;, for the moft part, want wings. Their body is covered with a kind of down. The thorax ftrikes off bluntly at its bafe, or rifes perpendicularly from the part where joined to the abdomen. The fling is pointed, and concealed within the body. The Mutills are as yet very I:tde known, only two or three fpecies have been found with wings, and we are ignorant whether thefe are males or females; perhaps they live in fociety like the Ant, and the apterous fpecies are neuters. Moft of the infers without wings, arranged by different authors under this Genus, appear to be either Ichneumon's or Spheges -, that defcribed by Scopoli was moft probably an Ichneumon, from the vibraung motion of its antennae •, and Linna-us 204 O R D E R V. Mutilla. Linnseus himfelf is of opinion, that two of the five European fpecies defcribed by him, belong rather to the laft- mentioned Genus than to the Mutilla ; thefe two fpecies, as well as the Mu- tilla Europ/ea, Linn. No. 4. have been found in England, but their manner of living, their larvae, and metamorphofis, are wholly unknown, as the Genus itfelf appears to have been to GeofFroy and Schaeffer, fince neither of thefe au- thors has defcribed any of the fpecies belonging to it. ORDER ( 205 ) ORDER VI. INSECTA DIPTERA. The infedls belonging to this order have two wings. They are furniflied with a poifer or ba- lancer, (Halteres) fituate under each wing; which is terminated by a capltulum or knob. The bafe is concealed or fecured under a little fcale, by which it is covered as by a fhed. This order contains the following ge- nera, viz. Genus I. Oestrus. LiNM. Syft. Nat. Pag. gSg. The Oeftrus has no mouth, in the place of which three fmall imprefled points are found 2o6 ORDER VI. OeftrL^^. found, without any vifible probofcis or roftrum. Geoffroy obferves, that the antennse of the Oeftrus are fetaceous, and grow, or are placed, upon a fmall point or button.- They have three {lemmata. Frifch, in his defcription of the Oeftrus Bo- vis, Linn. No. i, alTerts, tliat that infed: has a roftrum, which it can draw within its head, and fhoot out at pleafure. Schseffer obferves, that the abdomen in this Genus is of equal fize with the thorax. •:.-o.-Tij The larvae of the Ocflri lay hid in the bo- dies of cattle, where they are nourifhed the whole winter ; the perfect infedls are to be met with in the fummer almofl: wherever horfes, cows, or fheep are grazing \, fome of them lay their eggs under the fkin of cows or oxen, which they pierce for that purpofe •, others, for the fame end, enter the inteilines of horfts by the anus, and others, again, depofit them in the noftrils of fheep j in thefe different habitations the Oeflrus. DIPTERA; 207 the larvae refide till full grown, when they let themfelves fall to the earth, and generally pafs the chryfalid flate under cover of the firft (lone they meet with. The Oeftrus is in fome places known by the name of theG^^ F^. Genus 2oS ORDER VI. Tipula. Genus II. Tipula. Linn. Syfl:. Nat. page 970. The head of the Tipula is long, or feems lengthened out. The upper jaw is formed like an arch. The palpi arc two in number, curve, and longer than the head. The probofcis is Ihort, and bent in- wards. They are divided into two fe(5lions, the firft containing thofe in which the wings are open or extended when at reft -, the other thofe whofe wings cover the body horizontally when fitting. Scopoli has divided the tipula into two fa- milies, in the firft of which their antennas are pec- tinated in the males, bothfexes in the other have fimplc antennae. J ' Geoffrey Tipiila. D I P T E R A. 209 Geoffroy has felefled fome of the Linnsean Tipnlse, in which the antennsc appear to be per- foliated, and are (horter than the head, and ar- ranged them under a new genus, to which he has given the name of Bibio. The antennae, in the figure he has given of the Bibio, appear ra- ther to be formed of large articulations, growing regularly fmaller towards the extremity, than perfoliated •, In the antennae of the Bibio, fi- gured by Schasffer, the articulations feem to be largefl: in the midfile, and to decreafe in fize to- wards the bafe and extremity. The larvse of the Bibiones differ very effentially from thofe of the Tipulse, in the number of their ftigmates, which, like thofe of the caterpillars of Lepidop- terous infedls, are arranged along the body on each fegment ; in the Tipulx;, they are but four in number, two at the head and two at the tail ; thefe laft are found in the trunks of decayed trees, thofe of the Bibio are moft frequent in the dung of cows. The Tipulas have three ftem- mata. They are called, by fome Englifh authors, Crane-Flies : many kinds of fiQi, birds, and larvae of aquatic infers devour them. O Genus 2IO ORDER VI. Mufca. Genus III. Musca. Ltnn. Syfl-. Nat. page 979. The mouth of the Mufca is formed by a foft, flelhy probofcis, with two lateral lips ; it wants palpi. The Mufcx are divided into different families, from the form of their antennse, as follows : 1. Filatce, with fimple antennae, or whofe antenniE are without any lateral hair or feather. 2. Armata, in which the antennae are fur- nished with a lateral hair, or fea- ther y thefe laft are either T^omentofa^ or Piloj£. The bodies of the T^omentofce are downy, though fcarce per- ceptibly fo ; and they are cither Thmatce Mufca. DIPTERA, 21 r Plwnatce^ having a lateral plume, or feather on the antennae : Or Setarice, withafimple hair on the lide of the antennje. The PHofa have a fmall number of haJBS fcattered upon their bodies, principally upon the thorax j they are either Plumata, with a lateral feather : Or Setarice, with a lateral hair. Geoffrey has divided the Linn^ean Mufcaf into the lollowing genera : I. Stratiomys: This genus comprehends fuch of them as have the hinder part of the thorax armed with fpincs, and the an- tenn:E without any lateral hair or fea- ther, and forming an angle from the end of the firft joint, which is much longer than the others ; it is farther divided into two families, the firfl hav- ing two, the other fix fpines, on the thorax. O2 The 2i« ORDER VI. Mufca. The larvse of this genus live in the water, and devour fmall aquatic infe(5bs •, the fly itfelf is found frequently near pools of water, whi- ther it reforts to lay its eggs. 2. Mufca^ compofed of fuch Linn^ean Mufcse as have folid antennas, of a flattifh form, fomewhat refembling the mouth of a fpoon in fhape, and accompanied by a lateral hair j this genus he has divided into families, from the following cir- cumftances : I. Thofe whofe wings are of various co- Q" lours. 2. Thofe which have, on the fore part of the head, a kind of pelicle, or mem- brane, which appears as if fwelled, and forms to the infed: a kind of mafk, ge- nerally of a light colour. 3. Thofe whofe bodies are of various co- lours. 4. Thofe of a gold colour,. 5. Thofe of the mod common colours, or fuch as have nothing remarkable about them. 3 The Mufca. DIPT ERA. 21$ " " " " "'' - — ■■ l.ll 111 — ^■■■■^ ^- M Ml,^ The larvas of fome of this genus devour the the Aphides -, thefe larvae feem to want eyes, and lengthen or ftretch out their head as if to feel for their prey j others live in and confume all kinds of putrid flelh ; others are found in cheefe ; oihers, again, in the excrement of different animal^ ; many live in the water, and prefer the mofl putrid and muddy. 3. VoLucELLA, which genus contains the Mufc^ Plumata of Linnseus, or thofe whofe antennae are furnifhed with a la- teral feather. The mouth of this genus, according to Geoffroy, is formed by a probofcis concealed within a flieath. The larva of the voluncella perfecT:ly refem- bles that of the Mufca, and is frequent upon the rofe. 4. Nemotelus : this genus is compofed of fuch Linnasan Mufcs as have moniliform antennse ending in a kind of fliarp point. The mouth refembles that of the Voluncella. O 3 5. SCATHCPSF, 214 ORDER Vr. Mufca. 5. ScATHOPSi, which differs from his Mufca only in the fhape of the antennae, which are fihform. Schaeffer has adopted all thefe new genera, and obferves that they have each three ftem- mata. Scopoli has formed the following new genera from the Linnsan Mufcse, on account of the different formation of their probofcis, or an- tennas : 1. Mitfca, to which he gives the following charafters : The mouth armed with a retraftable probofcis, which is dilated at its extremity, and furnifhed with clavated palpi, fituate at its bafe. 2. Ceria : the roftrum of the Ceria is formed like that of the Mufca. The antennse are moniliform, with the laft articulation larger than the others. This genus belongs to the firft family of I^in- njcan Mufcse. 3, Conops : Mufca. DIPTERA. 215 3. Conops : which genus is diilinguifheil by the following characters : The mouth armed with a quadrifcted roftrum, two of which fetrc are longer than the others j the fheath of the roftrum is retra6lib!e, fiefhy, and terminated by lips : the upper lip is formed by two lobes, the under one is bifid. The fetre or biiftles above-mentioned, are fi- tuate, ia this and the following genera, at the bafe, and extended longitudinally towards the extremity of the roftrum. The Conops is formed in part from fuch LinnfEan Mufcse as have a lateral feather, in part from fuch as have a lateral hair on their antennas J and Scopoii has divided them, from that circumftance, into two families. 4. Anthrax-, the mouth of the Anthrax is armed with a bifeted roftrum ; the flieath is fleftiy at its bafe, and retradible ; its extremity is fimply dilated, not divided into lips, as in the Conops. The palpi are feated in the middle of the roftrum. O 4 Scopoii 2i6 ORDER VI. Mufca. Scopoli has only defcribed one fpecies of- this genus, which is the Mufca Morio, No. 9, of Linnaeus. The Mufcse are the moft common of all in- icds, and are known to every one. The name of Fiy is particularly applied to them. Genus Tabanus. D I P T E R A. 217 Genus IV. Tabanus. Linn. Syfl. Nat. page 999. The mouth of the Tabanus is extended into a flefliy probofcis, teroiinated by two lips. The roftrum is furniilied with two pointed palpi placed on each fide of, and parallel to, the probofcis. Scopoli afligtis the following charaflers to the Tabanus : The mouth armed with a probofcis, on which are five bridles ; thefe bridles are feated (as in his Conops, Anthrax, &c.) at the bafe of the roftrum, and extended almoft to its extremity. The flieath is univalve and obtufe. The palpi are two in number, acuminated, porreded, parallel, and incumbent upon the roftrum, fo as to form a kind of fecond or upper valve to the fheath. The fpecific chara6lers of the Tabani are chiefly taken from the colour of the eyes, which this ^i8 ORD ER VI. Tabanus. this author obferves ought to be examined while the infedt is yet alive. Geoffroy afferts, that the roftrum of the Ta- banus is accompanied by two llrong teeth, with which the infefl pierces the fl l^ V 1> 4j 't: TJ "a TT ;;: "^ -O T3 "T^ -O -U " "3 T3 -U Q ►-^ >— 1 1— » 1— 1 CO 1-1 •— ( K- 1 I— I ei O • to «« -C erf Ftilinus Byrrhus Bruchus Attelabus Idem Anthrenus Dermeftes Peltis Idem Idem Galeruca Chryfomel Cryptocep Crioceris Diaperis Alrica MeioloJith U^ 1 Ux -V" -^ Wv-^ ( ^ . Q rh vo oo o> , b CJ Th co CO CO CO ^ ^ -^ :2: NO €4 3 c CO CO «- =5 =3 ns 2^ CJ CQ to C3 uu -S2 g X CO 'tZ 3 )-■ 3 u 3 O *y 3 .2 "» £ 3 3 ^3 _G rS *-• 4-> >% *-. 2 cu o. u c: qj 4^ u ^ «« U J J :5u *ii v! » ' H 03 (O •2 ,« 13^ 3 0H £ £ E E £ £ ££££££ o a> lU 4J lU ^ OJ ij aj Oj OJ dj W OJ ''^ nT^ 4 K4 'O'o'^'tJ'T^xj'a'XJ'o ^2;^;^ w ^J o k. i-i u i^V^Mi (_« ; If o teM <*i ^v O rh vO Ui vrj vo «5 vo SO VO vo cr> Z h-i • 3 .2 CO 3 "13 rambyx ptura .S2 •5 ^ 3 4-t flj *^ PQ u < U hJ :z; •—4 3 1—4 >—* >< • > • XVI. XVII. C V o to J5 c« c^ G u Idem Idem Mordel Dytifcu s s o ►Si CO nj 3 O rt (/> Crf-G -J _ _, 4J c3 ct: cu ^^■'^ 3 2(iHHUH:iSUMSSu^S;^S S ESSE OJ er ndela reftis to ibus ebrio § c ^:^^ J U WUm D UH • • X X XXI. XXII. XXIII. > XI XXV. XXVI. NO c > X X > X 1^ NO <>5 S S (^ T3 -a '-'•-' w ^ to 20 o = 62 o 2 :z; a. w H Ph :^ w <: H O CO ►Si 03 E S fa fa 0\ On .^ so K^ CO ti< 6 p^ <: H w CO w Q O ESSES (L, dj a> t£^u ;z; ;z; c e e E E (U OJ U OJ "Q 13 TJ "-O E ^ ^ ^ E E E Q o CO V «>3 -C o ^^UU ►^ t3 -o ^ n r^ 'a rt C 3 •-< -" CO .9^ H tr K^ t^ •— < -^ O < Pi H Oh o W o V s ~ s ?^ % o ^ c CL ►—I I— I 0-1 3-1 H « CO 0\ CO « o « g Oi-G c "2 P^ • • ^ •— « >— < »— 4 <— 4 i-H en t— • 3 C f> > s o O r^ »H . V t)0 n Ph .9* s» *c .s: >» ^H^W Oh a: S OmX ^ U c Co o "■a C o s t^ (U c c X X 1—1 t-^ s s CO C/3 (— I i-ii HI b-* a. ^i C5 w O E Q E E E Li (L) C P^ q^ (u (U HD -O TJ ^i^ t—* ^.m ^ ^E E E CO L/ I— ( »--i >— I o «^ ^ o C C X. Geoffr ibro ^3 c u O o E 3 C o S 3 c s tTl 1-1 w S-i J= 3 -C W . (D E £ < H »— I Q < W CO UH^^W^>223 ^- V SEE (U v O $5 C CO CI C o E 5 oo ctn On ctn O O M »-l ^ l-l d «N £^ ^ cJ^U>^[2S o 3 c o ;> Ifi CO O O bO « 3 3 C 3 < H a. < H O W CO z V c)3 4J w u rs 'o X o S o CO o :s>:2:c)^22 w ex, o c o u s (U o 44 S -2 H I— « ^ •— I t^ o o (SS 5 ^*>^ g ^ d^ 3 C ^ s s s s O 1) o o -_) T? "T? ^3 "O TS C/3 s c rj c c: c a O OJ (L) < 2 ~ 15 "-^ < w H P-. < < u (i) CO 1 CO g >— c G c c c a^ c r c c ■£ f= P .2^ c b fc: 5 b c r- C '^ a. •-Hh— iC^I— (I— (•— II— 1»— IH- li—ll— 'M-t HHl— 1»— en c 3 3 E£ inoc nifc felk em em % cQ <2S o Pi o t4 i^ o^ O (^ in r>. o\ CO CO ^ ri- rh t- 'jj- 04 C^ ^ O ^lU £ 3 ;-5 H^ Ph H P-. o. 3 rS — »- -c 5 '—' ;> ^ ?5><>< rf H =■> 3 c O X VV-; s-a ■w f /rj^