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In this plant the 5-lobed fibro-vascular cylinder of the pedicel sends off five cords intended for the calyx (Fig. 8, sep.) ; but, before reaching the base of the superior sepal, it sends off an inner- most and lowest cord to become the dorsal one of the carpel {d. car.), which, in this flower, is thus super- posed to a sepal. It also sends off two, right and left, one for each petal alternating with it (pet.) ; so that each petal receives tw^o cords, one from each adjacent sepal, — a most unusual condition of things, for petals have almost invariably their own cords issuing from the pedicel. Lastly, the same sepaline Fip. S.— A^rtical amUransverse pec- ^ "^ ' ■■■ tions of tlie wall ot the inferior cord provides that of the stamen ovary of Campanulu medium •^ , . (after Van Ticghem). (st.) superposed to it. In this flower, therefore, we can understand why there is no petal- iue whorl of stamens ; simply because the corolla does not possess its own proper fibro-vascular cords to give rise to them. On the other hand, in the Malvacecv after the axis has supplied cords for the sepals, others furnish those of the corolla J these latter, however, by radial division form two <13'"'" 44 THE STRUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. to eacli pstal, subsequently dividing into several ; for the same pair bj repeated tangential division gives rise to the series of stamens (which have been thus doubled) superposed to each petal, both having arisen from a common cord. With regard to the numerous carpels of Hollyhock, I find that the axial cylinder which has given rise to the five sepals continues on, and by radial division again supplies cords to the carpels, which are grouped into five sets super- posed to the sepals, as may be easily seen if the pistil be examined from below. Hence, as the sepaline or petaline cords in these flowers each undertake to form a large number of extra parts — many stamens in the one case, and many carpels in the other — it is presumable that neither sepaline stamens nor petaline carpels could be formed. With regard to the presence, and consequently the relative position, of one whorl rather than the other of the gyncecium, it is due to the fact that sometimes the sepaline cord will give rise to the dorsal carpellary, as in Altlicea and Campa- nula; at others, it is the petnline, as in Fuchsia, Sedum, Ivy, etc. ; so that the carpels become superposed to the sepals or petals accordingly. As instructive instances of variations in this respect occurring in the same family, it may be mentioned that all species of Campanula which have five carpels, as also Walilenbergia capensis, Michauxia, Canarina, and Lighffootia suhulata, have their carpels superposed to the sepals and stamens. On the other hand, Musschia {Campanula aurea, L.) Flatycodon {C. grandijtora, Jacq.), and Microcodon have the carpels superposed to the petals. The fact that either the sepals or the petals can have the carpels superposed to them respectively, just as they can each have a whorl of stamens, and that, in some few orders, the two whorls are actually present, as in Butomece and Juncaginece, led me to assume two whorls as the primary THE PRINCIPLE OF ARRANGEMENT. 45 or ancestral number of carpels in an ideally complete flower. Besides the usual alternation of whorls resulting from a regular and equal displacement of every part of the whorl, there may be unequal displacements ; thus, while Cistus has a pentamerous flower, with strict alternation of its whorls, Helianfhemum has a tendency to be trimerous ; first, in the two outer sepals being reduced in size, and the pistil to three carpels instead of five. In this flower there are five petals, but in correlation with the preceding irregularities, it will be found that two pairs of petals stand superposed to the sepals, Nos. 3 and 5, while a single petal is over No. 4 ; Nos. 1 and 2, therefore, have none superposed to them. With regard to the stamens, it may be added that those of Cistus consist, first, of one whorl of five, the most interior and first developed superposed to the sepals ; and a second whorl superposed to the petals, in which the stamens are grouped into five clusters. The staminal whorls arise centrifugally. Another cause of a change of order in the whorls results from substitution of one kind for another. Thus, in the female flower of Zanthoxylon, the five carpels are superposed to the five sepals. In the male, five stamens now occupy exactly the same place as the carpels, the corolla alternating with the sepals in both kinds.* The interpretation I would suggest is that the sepals, being the only whorl of the perianth developed, the calyx is the only source for supplying the dorsal cords of the carpels which thus become necessarily superposed to them. From what has now been said, it will be seen that the arrangement of the essential organs of a flower is, as a general * See Figs, in Le Maout and Decaisne's Descriptive and Analytical Botany, p. 324-. The female flower is described as apetalous, but Payer discovered rudiments of the petals. 46 THE STRUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. rule, most intimately connected witli the union of tlieir fibro- vascular cords with those of the perianth ; and as parts of flowers are often multiplied, as the petals of Camellia, perianth-leaves of Daffodils, etc., such has given rise to the idea of chorisis or dedouhlement of French authors ; as if one organ had split into two or more. That vascular cords can become repeatedly bifurcated is abundantly observable, whether radially, as in the case of the carpels of the Holly- hock, or tangentially, as in producing the stamens of the same flower. The more correct way, therefore, of regarding the process would seem to be, first, to recognize the phjUo- tactical origin of the perianth as the basis to start from, and then to regard each fibro-vascular cord as an instrument for furnishing any number of appendages, whether they be additional petals, stamens, or carpels, by the process of chorisis, not of the complete organ, as generally meant, bat of the cord belonging to it. To summarize these remarks — we find that the cause of the alternation of the whorls of the perianth, or of the calyx and corolla, is due to their being made up of cycles of spiral arrangements, which are projected on to the same plane, and so form verticils. Their positions are then shifted so that the parts of each whorl bisect the angles between the parts of the whorl succeeding or preceding it. Secondly, having laid this foundation, the stamens and carpels follow in superposition to one or other or both of the preceding whorls in consequence of the branching of the fibro-vascular cords. And this accounts for super- position. It may be still further inquired why in some cases the sepaline, and why in others it is the petaline cords which give rise to a whorl of stamens or carpels, as the case niay be. The reply at present must be speculative, for there may THE PRINCIPLE OF ARRANGEMENT. 47 be more than one influence at Avork to determine vvliat wliorl shall follow each of those of the perianth. The immediate cause is nutrition; but the deeper question, what directs the nutrition to one cord rather than another, can only be guessed at in most cases : but as the petaline stamens are generally absent from at least the gamojpetaltu, it would seem that the enhancement of the corolla through the agency of insects has caused the whorl of stamens in front of it to be atrophied through compensation. Some special circumstance, however, we know not what, liave interfered to retain that whorl in Primulacecc, and some few other plants. The reader must be reminded, however, that this method of branching in order to give rise to stamens and carpels from the cords of the perianth is not universal. When they are many, it is done by the fibro-vascular cylinder of the pedicel becoming much enlarged, and consisting of a great number of cords, all arising by lateral chorisis, it is true, but long before they enter the floral members ; so that by the time the latter are about to emerge they each receive their own cords from the general axial cylinder. This is what happens e.g., in Eanunculacece and Cnicifenv. 48 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER V. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. Cohesion. — General Observations. This term signifies the ■union between parts of the same kind or whorl ; and the prefix gamo- is used in conjunction with the terminations -sepalons, -petalons, and -phyllous, — to indicate that the parts of the calyx, corolla, and perianth respectively cohere. In the case of the stamens, they are said to be mon-, di-, tri-, or poly-adelphous, according as the filaments cohere into one, two, three, or more groups ; while syngenesious is used for the coherence of anthers, and, lastly, syncarpous denotes that the carpels of a pistil cohere. There are two kinds of cohesion, congenital and by con- tact.* Congenital cohesion I regard as an advance upon freedom, or a further state of differentiation ; for, according to the principles of Evolution, freedom or separation of parts must precede their union ; jnst as, for example, bones are free in the embryo which beconle " ankylosed " in the adult ; or always free in a fish, while their homologues cohere in higher types of vertebrates. Congenital cohesion applies to by far the greater number of cases of union amongst the parts of the different whorls * We might appropriately distinguish these two kinds of union by the terms connate or "born together," and coherent or "sticking together." THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 49 of flowers, respectively. Cohesion by contact is the cause of the anthers being syngenesious in the Compositor It applies, sometimes at least, to the two margins of each carpel when in contact up the axis of an ovary, as of that of a Lily. The stigmas of Asclepias are at first free, but later in their deve- lopment they become coherent by contact. Congenital cohesion takes place almost from the very commencement of growth and development of the parts, so that when full-grown there may be no trace of the line of cohesion. Fibre- vascular cords, indeed, often occur in the very position of it, not unfrequently branching off in various ways, as, e.g., at the fork to nourish the adjacent free portions of the limb. This occurs in the calyx of Stachys and the corolla of Primula, etc. In Camimnula rotundifolia the fibro- vascular system of the corolla becomes completely altered, and instead of representing that of distinct leaves in contact by their edges, the veins ramify and anastomose all over the general space between the two adjacent dorsal ribs, com- pletely obliterating all trace of the line of union between them. In the case of the Primrose, however, the calyx has the exact appearance of five pinnately nerved leaves being united by their thin and impoverished edges, where there is nothing but translucent tissue without any cords at all. It is important to observe this more or less complete modification of the fibro-vascular system under congenital cohesion, as it shows how much more highly differentiated a condition has been acquired than when the parts are free. In the latter case they represent more closely the forms and venation of distinct foliar organs. As a curious instance of cohesion of both kinds in the same organ, may be mentioned the corolla of Phyfeiima ; the basal portion of which consists of five petals congenitally united ; but the five portions of the limb cohere by contact E 50 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. at tlie apex, and so form a tube which collects the pollen shed iuto it by the five free anthers, which are included "within this corolla-tube (Fig. 9). They thus form the " cylinder " for the " piston " action of the pistil which continues to grow, and so sweeps out the pollen beyond the extremity of the tube, just as it does from the syngenesious anthers of the Com- positce and Lobelia. The five portions of the corolla thus cohering by con- tact subsequently become more or less free. The rationale of Cohesion lies in its adaptation to insect agency, and Fig. 9. — rhi/teuma (a.{ter Miiller). . -,. . ^ ^ . i- implies a greater degree or specializa- tion than when the parts of the whorls are free. Thus in Thalamiflorce, of such an order as Banunculacece with regular flowers and with all the parts of the perianth whorls free, the flowers are usually visited by a much greater number and variety of insects than are those of orders of Corolliflorce. For example, Miiller records sixty-two species of insects as seen by him to visit Ranunculus acris ; whereas the humble-bee alone enters the gamopetalous tube of the Foxglove. This adapta- tion of form to insect visitors will be better appreciated when we come to discuss that principle of Variation, w^hich so powerfully affects floral structure. It occasionally happens that parts normally united become free : the process is called " dialysis," and may be regarded as a reversion to an ancestral free condition. Fig. 10 repre- sents a flower of Mimidus in this condition. The rationale of cohesion in the sepals, petals, and stamens, I regard as the immediate result of hypertrophy set up by insect agency, THE PllINCIPLE OF COHESION. 51 -Mimnlus undergoing "Dialysis' (after Baillon). aided by the close proximity of the parts; and as a resulting effect, is the ever-increasing adaptation to the requirements of insects, which are more and more specialized for them, so that, for example, Lepldoptera are almost solely adapted to long tubular flowers like the Honeysuckle. An analogous process of congenital cohesion is well seen in the fasciation of stems which occurs particularly often in succulent shoots, as Asparagus, Cabbage, Lettuce, and the young shoots of the Ash tree. This is most reasonably referred to hypertrophy coupled with the close proximity of the buds which ought to have developed into independent shoots. Again, cohesion between the sepals or petals of Orchids is not uncommon abnormally under cultivation ; and would also seem to be due to the stimulating conditions under which they are artificially cultivated. Hypertrophy in an organ is due to a special flow of nutriment to it ; and cohesion may result from the close proximity of the parts of the whorl to one another ; but the influence which brin<^s about the determination of sap to a particular point, I take to be the mechanical strains induced by the insect visitors when alighting upon the flower iu search for nectar or pollen. If this principle be correct, that the tubular structure of calyces and corollas, as we see them now, has arisen through the requirements of those organs to meet strains thrown upon them ; I think it will furnish the solution to many a question that may arise as to the peculiar shapes of corollas, etc., besides expliaining the very principle of cohesion itself. An Ol THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. insect alights on one or two petals. In order to support it, an immense gain is secured if the flower can call ia the aid of the other petals ; and this is obviously obtained by their cohesion into a tube, just so far as the required strength is wanted, Nothing would be gained by the portions of the limb being united, as far as additional strength was required to bear the burden. The tubular structure is the strongest possible, and when short, as in rotate corollas, little extra aid is required ; but if it be long and visited by heavy insects and not by Lepidoptera, which hover in front of the flower and only insert their long and slender proboscides, then the tube finds additional support in the calyx being tubular as well. At other times mutual support is gained by the close contact of the flowers, as in a capitulum of the Composifce, from which the calyx vanishes. Of course, every degree conceivable is met with between short, stout, and strong tubes with no additional aid, and slender ones supported by a strengthened gamosepalous calyx. These are adapted to insects which alight upon the corolla limb; while for Lepidoptera the tube is more elongated, and, as no weight is thrown on the anterior petals, no extra support is required. That this is the true interpretation of the origin of a gamopetalous corolla, appears from such negative evidence as is seen, for example, in Lonicera Peri- clymenum and Asperula taurina* which have greatly elongated and contracted tubes, deriving no support from the arrested calyx; and although somewhat two-lipped, the anterior member is no larger than the others ; the reverse being always the case when a heavy insect is the regular visitor. These two species are exclusively fertilised by the Lepidoptera, such as the Hawk-moth, which only hovers in front of the orifice, but throws no weight upon the corolla. * See Miiller's figures, Fertilisation, etc., pp. 296, 303. THE PRFNCIPLE OF COHESION. r)3 We may see, as it wore, Nature's first attempt to form a tubular process in the Cruciferce. Here it is obtained by simple approximation of tbe slender claws of the petals, which are supported by the erect and closely imbricated sepals. A step furtlier is ga'ined in Dianthus, in which tbo sepals cohere but the petals are still free. The third and last stage is arrived at when both calyx and corolla are tubular. Subsequent to this state of cohesion many additional structures may arise as they are required in the formation of ribs, etc., as already explained; while the very form of the tube may change from a purely straight cylinder to a curved or expanded funnel, etc., according as special strains liave to be met, which the original form was not well calcu- lated to sustain. These changes of Form will be more fully discussed when I treat of that principle of Variation. 54 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER YI. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION — Continued. Cohesion op the Sepals, or Gamosepalous Calyx. — This is congenital, and may be free, as in the Carnation and Primrose, or associated with a " receptacular tube," as in Leguminosoi and Rosacece. As sepals mostly I'epresent the petioles of leaves, the tubular part of a gamosepalous calyx consists really of the fusion of the expanded petioles, the teeth of the limb being all that remains to represent the blades which are usually suppressed. The main fibro-vascular cords correspond to the mid-ribs, while the interspaces are either without additional " marginal " cords, as in the Primrose, or with single or double cords in the line of junction, as in the Labiatce ; or they may be covered with anastoraozing reticulations without any linear cord at all, as in Mimulus. With regard to the presence of linear cords in the line of suture, if there be five sepals, there will be at least ten ribs to the calyx ; i.e., if there be only one marginal cord ; but as there are two margins which cohere, they may have a separate cord apiece ; and then there may result fifteen cords in all. Thus Stacliys has five dorsal cords with barely traces of five marginal ones ; Ballota has ten, and Nepeta fifteen. The above arrangements may be modified by the separa- tion of the two marginal cords in certain places but not in THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 55 otbers, wLile supernumerary cords can be formed, Avhicli appear to have for their function to strengthen the calyx to meet the strain upon it when an insect ab'ghts upon the flower. In the calyx of some species of Salvia, which is strongly bi-lobed, though retaining its five teeth, three dorsal ((J) are posterior and two are anterior. There are two single marginal (m) cords between the three posterior and dorsal, which coi-re- j j spend to the mid-ribs of three sepals. Tlie m 917 two lateral and marginal cords are each tti m double; while a supernumerary cord (5) lies ^^ '^ beneath the lip of the corolla between the two anterior marginals. The accompanying diagram of the sepaline cords of 8. Verhenaca will illustrate the arrangement. The arrangement of the cords (m and s) shows that the strain being greater on the anterior side, the calyx has, as it were, stretclied in that direction, the two marginals having separated so widely in front, as to require an extra cord (5). The two lateral ones have not separated to so great an extent, while on the posterior side, where little or no strain is felt, the marginal cords have remained single. As the cord (s) shows how Nature can add a fibro-vascular cord if required, so one or more can be subtracted by atrophy Avhere no stress occurs. Thus the petals of the Composite have no dorsal or median cords, the five sepaline only being present below, but pass up the margins of the petals. Con- versely, in the Primrose, the calyx, giving no support to the corolla, has no marginal cords. The above diagram will represent the distribution of the sepaline cords of S. glutinosa and other species, as well as /S\ Verhenaca, but in S. pratensis the strain has apparently 5G THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. been not so great, consequently the supernumerary cord (s) has not been developed. Such slight differences are significant, because they show how readily an organ can respond to different degrees of force brought to bear upon it by different insect visitors ; and the cords are invariably placed j ast where the strains are greatest. The number of ribs to the calyx has been adopted by systematists as generic characters in some of the Labiatce, as well as the tabular or campanulate shape of it. Now, it will be found that the shape corresponds with the requirements of the corolla ; so that if the tube of the latter be compara- tively short and slender, the calyx completely encloses it, and has its surface strengthened by a variable number of ribs according to the genus ; though they are not always constant on the same plant. As examples, may be mentioned, Mentha and Melittis, which have a broad campanulate calyx, and a broad tube to the corolla. Stachys has 5-10 ribs surrounding the cylindrical corolla-tube. Galeopsis versicolor has 10 prominent ribs, and 10 others which reach from the base of the calyx- tube to about half-way up. Melissa has a very narrow elongated calyx, which tits the slender tube of the corolla exactly, and has 13 or 14 ribs.* Similarly Nepeta Cataria and N. Glechoma support the contracted slender basal part of the corolla-tube, and have 15 ribs to the calyx. Teucrium Scorodonia has only 5 dorsal ribs and 2 (posterior) marginal. The calyx is very broad compared with the slender corolla-tube, and scarcely, if at all, supports it. This flower, is visited both by bees, and nocturnal Lepidoptera which suck without throwing any weight upon the flower. Cohesion of Petals, or Gamopetalous Coeolla. — As * This difference in the number of ribs depends upon the lateral and marginal beins: sinc^le or double. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 57 already stated, this is congenital, and, as with the ealj-x, so with the corolla, the line of junction may be marked by a marginal cord, or the interspace covered with reticulations as in Campanula rotundifoUa. As in the calyx of many Labiates, so there may be super- numerary cords in the corolla, until they may be greatly increased in number, as iii Convolvulus Senium, Digitalis, etc. The cords being straight in the tube may ramify in the lobes, adding thereby marginal veins to the latter, as in Frimula and the Com.positce. In this last, the petals are devoid of median nerves, hence the importance of the mar- ginal with their branches up the edges of the corolline lobes. It would be superfluous to multiply examples if the principle be understood ; and what I particularly wish the reader to realize is the, so to say, extraordinary plasticity which resides in these organs of flowers, in that they evidently have the power of altering their structure to meet a variety of requirements ; so that if we might compare them to architectural buildings, we might say that the floral Architect at one time saw not only a chance of some orna- mental improvements in a frieze at some particular place, graceful lines of colour or curvature in another ; or, again, flutings, dejDressions, and elevations, etc., all breaking up any chance of monotony : but cunningly adds elegant buttresses without, as well as runs up ribs of masonry within the walls ; which, while intended to meet particular strains, only add additional charms to the general and harmonious beauty of the entire fabric. Cohesion of Stamens — (1) " Adelpiious " Filaments. — This occurs in various degrees, from a comparatively slight union at the base, as in Linum usitatissimum, to a short distance from the anthers, as in Malvacece and Leguminosa\ It is undoubtedly an adaptation to insect agency. 58 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. If the stamens be monadelplious, and the union be extended, it may completely enclose the usual honey-secreting surface characteristic of allied genera, the result being that it can secrete none at all. In such cases, insects are deceived in visiting the flower, as in Genista, and some other mona- delphous genera of Leguminosce. Otherwise, the honey is secreted by some other source external to the staminal tube, as in Lhium catharticum ; in w^hich flower five inconspicuous glands occur on a fleshy ring, just opposite the stamens. In Malva, the honey is found in five pits between the bases of the petals, and in Telargoniwm in a long tube formed by one sepal, the insertion of which remains far below that of the others, which are carried up by the growth of the pedicel. In Laburnum,^ as in Orchis, instead of a secretion, the fluid is only to be secured by piercing succulent tissue which is found in front of the vexillum in the form of a cellular cushion. In diadelphous species of the Legumitiosce, the honey may be secreted by the inner basal portion of the staminal tube,* or else, and perhaps more usually, by an annular disk which surrounds the short pedicel of the ovary, as in Pisum. In this case the honey is easily secured by the proper insects as the superior stamen is free, and there is also an additional facility of access by means of an oval space formed by the widening of the staminal tube just above their base. In Cercis, the disk is very large, and the 10 stamens stand in depressions around it. Consequently they are entirely free. The staminal tube, together with the petals, which are more or less interlocked together, protect the honey from being rifled by the wrong insects,! as it can only be secured * According to Miiller. t A curious additional protection occurs in Hippocrepis comosa, in that the claw of the vexillum, which is elevated in a remarkable manner, THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 59 by such as have proboscides of sufficient length to reach it, corresponding, of course, to each species or genus. Papilionaceous flowers being irregular, and visited in but one way, it is only the superior stamen which is free; but the staminal tube is often imitated in other flowers where there may be no cohesion at all, as by the tribe OcimoidecB of Labiates, Collinsiabi color of the ScrophularinecB Sbnd. Polygala, etc. Similarly, in the case of regular flowers, the mona- delphous condition may be closely mimicked by filaments which are stout and sufficiently rigid to form a column. This occurs in Cruciferce, Viola, Convolvulus, Crocus, etc. In some cases, as in Cramhe and Beutzia, the filaments are pro- vided with wing-like structures which render the tube more complete. In orange flowers, a certain amount of cohesion is actually obtained between some of the filaments. (2) Syngenesious Anthers. — These, as stated, are not congenitally united, but by simple contact. As with fila- ments, so with these, it is an adaptation to insect fertilisation. Jasione montana furnishes a good instance for an incipient stage where they just unite at their bases only. This cohesion is completed in the genus Synantliera of the same order CampanulacecB, as well as in the sub-order Loheliece. In other cases of true syngenesious anthers there is a complete lateral fusion, as in Lobelia and Compositoi, in Gloxinia and Im- patiens. In all these cases the cohesion is by lateral con- tact only, and not congenital ; that is to say, the papilh^e of the future anthers on emerging from the axis grow to a somewhat considerable stage of development as incipient anthers before coming into contact. They then coalesce, apparently by a slight solution of the surface of the cellular carries a triangular flap, which exactly covers the orifice leading to the honey. A somewhat similar flap occurs in the petals of Phascolus and Delphinium, which likewise keeps out unwelcome guests. 60 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. walls whicli touch ; so that when they are fully grown the cohesion is firmly secured. An imitative cohesion is seen in the anthers of the Heartsease, which arises ffom the interlocking of marginal hairs down the sides of the cells. Anthers, when thas closely approximate without actual cohesion, are usually called " connivent," as in Ericaceoe, and the word is perhaps appropriate to those of Solanum Dulcamara; but in this plant the union is very close, and might even be considered as syngenesious. The rationale of the close approximation of anthers, or of actual cohesion between them, is the effect of insect agency, just as for the filaments ; but the method of extraction of the pollen varies. In Viola, the proboscis is thrust through a small orifice between the connectival appendages of the lower pair of stamens, in order to reach the end of the honey-collecting spur. In Heaths and some of their allies, the anther-cells are at first in contact, and so prevent the pollen from escaping ; but each anther is provided with two auricles which extend to the corolla. A bee on entering first strikes the projecting stigma, but its proboscis soon turns one of the auricles aside, which, acting as a lever, dislocates the rest, and a shower of pollen falls out. In Goinj)ositm and Lobelia there is a true piston action. The style continuing to elongate drives the pollen out of the cylinder formed by the anthers, and elevates it above the flower, thereby rendering it easy to be dispersed by insects. This is well seen in Gentaurea (Fig. 11) ; (a) represents the stamens with the anther-cells closed above by the connectival appendages. The arrow shows the direction of the insertion of the proboscis of a bee to reach the annular Fig. 11. — Stamens of Centaurea. THE PIIINCIPLE OF COHESION. Gl lioney-disk at the base of the style ; in Z), the style-arms have spread after protrusion through the separated connectives. The brush-like tuft of hairs has swept the pollen out by means of the piston-action of the style. In Campanula, the action is different, for the anthers though connivent, have not yet become syngenesious, as in allied genera, e.g. Lobelia. They at first closely surround the style, which is provided with long collecting hairs upon which the pollen is caught. The anthers then shrivel and fall down. Subsequently a bee enters the expanded bell, grasps the style with her legs, and so transfers the pollen to the abdomen. This method is identical with that followed by bees in getting honey from Crocus, though in this genus the anthers remain erect, and, being extrorse, at once discharge the pollen upon the insect without the interven- tion of the style. 62 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER VII. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION — Continued. Cohesion of Carpels, or Syncarpous Pistil. — The accepted doctrine that the carpels are metamorphosed leaves, will be considered more fully when teratological modifications come to be discussed ; and the proof that an ordinary carpel, such as a legume, is merely a leaf folded upon itself in a conduplicate manner with the margins coalescing and then metamorphosed into a new organ, requires no special evidence now. That a syncarpous pistil consists of two or more carpellary leaves coalescing is equally admitted ; and there are two methods of cohesion. Either the carpels may be ah initio composed of unclosed leaves, which cohere by their edges* respectively in contact, thus forming a single cavity provided with parietal placentas, — such a union implying a more primitive or arrested condition, from an evolutionary point of view ; f or they may be individually more or less closed before coalescence takes place, in this case by their lateral surfaces. The axile placentation is the result. The * The theory that the placentas are, at least in part, axial, will be seen to be erroneous in consequence of the orientation of their vascular cords {e.g. Fig. 12, c, p. 64; and Fig. 13, a, h, p. 65). f Thus the parietal placentation of Orohanche is probably a result of degradation through parasitism, from the axile, of the Scrophularinece. It may be compared to a " cleft palate " and "hare-lip " in man. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 63 margins show every degree of union from a mere contact without real cohesion, tlience, cohesion by contact, to a solid central axial structure formed by congenital cohesion. Lastly, the ovary may be one-chambered, with a free-central placenta, as in CaryopTiylleoi Siiid Primulacece ; or with one or more ovules attached at the base, as in Bumex, Compositce, Graminea\ etc. It is these latter kinds especially which have given rise to much discussion as to the real nature of the placentas, and as to how far the axis enters into their construction. To ascertain this latter point, a study of the distribution and structure of the fibro-vascular cords of the axis and of the carpels would seem to afford the most promising clue to the interpretation. It has been already mentioned that the dorsal cords of carpels generally arise by lateral division from those of the sepals or petals ; and then the carpels will be superposed to the one or the other of these organs respectively ; * or, a group may emerge from the axial cylinder in a horse-shoe form, as seen in section ; the outermost cord becoming the dorsal- carpellary, and the ends of the curve the marginal. This is the case, for example, in Cyclamen. The point, then, at which the carpellary cords branch off from a common stem in the first case may be regarded as marking the termination of their axial character ; and in the latter case, at the separation of parts of the " horse-shoes " to form groups of threes. With regard to those cords which become marginal and placentary, it is important to notice the position of their spiral vessels. f If they are situated on the side of the cord nearest to the medulla, the cord may * See pp. 23, 24, and 42, 43, 44. t The cords are, of course, rcdnced to vessels and soft bast only, the former being mostly spiral, but occasionally becoming* more or less reticulated. I shall adopt the usual word Tracheoe. 64 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. generally be regarded as axial ; if, on the other side, i.e. nearest to the ovary-cell, and if transverse sections exhibit intermediate positions, in which they are central or scattered irregularly within the phloem, they are then marginal and placentary. They may change their position from one side to the other of the cord, as far as I have observed, in three different waj'-s. The whole cord may twist to the right or left, as in Hellebore (Fig. 12) ; or, secondly, it may divide into two, and each half turn towards an adjacent half of another cord and unite with the latter, as in Felargonium zonale (Fig. 13, 6) ; or, thirdly, the tracheee may traverse the phloem and so pass out at the opposite side at a higher level, as in Ivy (Fig. 14,/, p. 68). In any case, as soon as the tracheoB are so placed as to effect their object of nourishing the ovules, they may be pronounced to be unquestionably and strictly carpellary. I will take Hellebore as illustrating the first case. Fig. 12 represents a section of the floral -receptacle taken imme- b Fig. ]2. — Hellebore : sections at base of ovary. diately above the insertion of the innermost stamen?. There are nine cords* oriented as axial, three of which are beginning to curve outwards to form the dorsal cords of the three carpels. Sections made a little higher show that the three pairs of cords have spread out and revolved so as to bring their spiral vessels into a radial direction (&, c). In this * The tracheae are indicated hy black lines or dots, the phloem being inclosed within tho thin lines. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 65 position the tracheae of each pair of cords face each other. At this point, then, thej have quite lost their strictly axial character of facing the centre, and the axis is therefore no longer concerned in the structure. A little higher the cavities of the ovaries (indicated by the dotted lines) appear between the dorsal cord and the pair of marginal ones ; and now the latter turn their spirals completely towards the ovary cells, having rotated through 90° in all. The object of this rotation is to enable them to send off cords to the ovules. The second method is well seen in Geranium, Pelargonium zonale, and Impatiens. A section of the receptacle of the first two, made between the insertion of the stamens and the pistil, shows five groups of three cords each, arranged as in Fig. 13, a. Small portions of the ten staminal cords are Fig. 13.— Pelargonium: sections at base of ovary (a, b, after Van Ticghem). seen on the circumference of the section. The outermost one of each group of three will form the dorsal cord of the carpel. The two inner have their vessels already turned p 66 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. towards eacli other, as described in Hellebore, and are in part required for the placentas. They are, therefore, no longer oriented as in an axis, i.e. with all the vessels arranged on the inner edge of the cord and facing the central medulla. A short distance above the base of the pistil, the inner- most- cords divide in a somewhat irregular manner, but rearrange themselves symmetrically round the centre of the ground tissue in ten cords, as soon as the ovary cells have put in an appearance. The method by which this condition is arrived at was described by Van Tieghem in Geranium lo7igipes, and with slight modifications it will apply to Pelargonium zonale. Each of the lateral cords divides into two (Fig. 13, 6), the two interior and adjacent branches unite to form a single marginal cord with the tracheae within or on the outer side (Fig. 13, c). The two outermost branches pass off to the right and left, and proceed to join the corresponding halves from the neighbouring systems. The pairs uniting thus form five cords of double origin, alternating with the crescent-shaped marginal cords of the carpels (c). There are thus formed five in front of the ovary- cells, and five in front of the septa ; " which," Van Tieghem observes, " one would regard as axial, if one did not pay attention to the mode of formation of the cords and to their orientation." In his description of Imjoatiens Boyleana, he says that the two innermost branches (Fig. 13, 6) unite at first end to end, i.e. like an 8, with the tracheae at the extremities in contact ; they then form one cord with the spiral vessels towards the circumference of the section, by rotating through 90°, accompanied by complete fusion. In Pelargonium zonale, the ti'acheae become plunged, as it were, within the phloem-tissue of the cords, as shown in Fig, 13, c, which then fuse together laterally. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 67 Above the ovary-cells, at the base and thicker part of the stj'le, a section (Fig. 13, d) shows five solid circular buttresses, the tissue of which is continuous with the central paren- chyma, in the middle of which a lacuna (f) is formed by rupture. In the depression between the buttresses, a small portion of the style and conducting tissue forms a bridge, as in Fig. 13, d, showing a cavity below it. It is in this homogeneous mass of ground tissue that we have a complete fusion of the hypertrophied borders of the carpels which have thus entirely lost their individuality. The axis proper disappeared as soon as the spiral vessels became oriented, as in Fig. 13, a. Hence the dotted lines radiating from the centre (c) mark the ideal boundary of each carpel, and the line across the base of the ovary-cell is the place Avhere rupture will take place when the fruit is mature. The column, or so- called "carpophore," remaining is therefore entirely carpellary in its origin. The third method by which the tracheae pass from one side to the other of a cord is partly seen in the preceding ; and I suspect that this is the commonest method of all ; for though, when axial, the cord has its spiral vessels fixed at the inner angle, as soon as a change of position occurs or whenever it has to branch, the fixity of the position of the trachejB becomes relaxed, and they readily become enveloped in the rest of the tissue of the cord, and so pass from one side to the other with perfect facility, as will be seen in the case of the Ivy. When a syncarpous pistil has its ovary inferior — that is, imbedded in the receptacular tube — the real state of cohesion between the several carpels is masked in consequence of their partially undifferentiated state ; the ovaries of which then have the appearance of being simply isolated cavities 68 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. sunk within a mass of parenchymatous tissue. In fact, they might often be called " falsely syncarpous," a term applied to the Pomece, but which is equally applicable to Ivy and Fuchsia. In the pedicel of a flower of Ivy, there are, at a distance of about three-quarters of an inch from the tapering base of the inferior ovary, four fibro-vascular cords (Fig. 14, a). A little higher these split up into an irregular circle (?>), and shortly above the base of the receptaculartube there are fifteen (c), tea being more towards the circumference than the other five. The outer ten are for the sepals and petals. The five inner will appear superposed to the sepals (d), having been already separated off by radial ch crisis rather low down; these are for the stamens. Then from the petal- ine cords, by a similar method of chorisis, a small cord runs up the dorsal part of the This fixes the position Fig. 14. -Ivy : sections from pedicel to summit of ovary. ovary-cell and another up the axis of the five carpels (if so many be present) as superposed to the petals (d). There are often only four, or even three, THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 69 ovary-cells developed. Wlieu tlils is llie ease, tlie cords of the centre become fused into four or three (2 -f- 2 -f 1) (e), and take up a position alternating with the ovary-cells. They become even more welded together higher up ; but they separate again, to form twice as many as there are ovary- cells (/). If there be three, then each cord may bifurcate, though they do not all do so in every instance ; so that out of 12 cords, three Ovular cords are given off to nourish the ovules (/), and the rest run up the styles, though the total number of cords may be less than 12, as variations seem to take place. The ground tissue consists of a loose merenchyma, except- ing three or four layers of cells below the epidermis, which are more compact; the ovary-cells — seemingly reduced to a thickened epidermal layer only — are plunged freely into this tissue (e). The cords run up the centre perfectly independent of the ovary-cells (e) with their spiral vessels on the inside, surrounding a central medulla. Were it not for the presence of the dorsal cord, there is nothing to hinder one from calling them axial. It is not until they reach the top of the ovary-cells that these cords bifurcate and send off one branch each into the pendulous ovules, the other branches being conveyed upwards into the styles (/). The above description Avill give a fair example of the distribution of the cords for supplying the several members of the whorls. The reader can estimate how far the central cylinder should be called axial. The fact is, that the whole of the tissue of the carpels, excepting the thickened internal epidermis covering the ovules, is totally lost in the general spongy mass in which they are imbedded. But since the petaline cord gives rise to the small dorsal-carpellary and one axial, theoretically these two belong to the carpellary leaf ; and on this ground we should feel inclined to regard the central cords not as axial but marginal and carpellaiy, 70 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. notwithstanding tlie fact that the tracheae are oriented inwards ; since it is not until they reach the level of the insertion of the ovules that they pass either to the middle or opposite side of the cord. The rest of the carpellary tissues are undifferentiated, as stated above, and it is this very common condition in the case of inferior ovaries that has led botanists to regard the lower parts of the carpels as being of an axial nature and not foliar. The Formation of Septa. — With regard to the union of the surfaces of the carpels to form the septa, the rule is for the adjacent epidermides to be altogether wanting ; and, if the median tissue be thick, the wslUs of two adjacent ovary- cells may be very wide asunder, as in the Ivy, On the other hand, the septa may be reduced to the two epidermal layers alone, and then they are often scarcely coherent at all, as in Balsam and Lemon. In some cases, the epidermides are not in contact through- out their entire surfaces, and whenever this is the case the- characteristic epidermal cells reappear, as in Liliacece and AmarylUdacece. Similarly, as soon as the carpels of Hellebore become free, the epidermides of the margins appear in their proper character, w^hich now cohere only by contact. It is the same with the axile placentas of the Lily. As instances where the axis seems to be more decidedly prolonged up the centre, are Lychnis and allied members of the SilenecB. Ph. Van Tieghem has also shown how an axial cylinder ascends up the middle of the flower of Campanula medium for about two-thirds of the height. Thus Fig. 15, a, represents a section of the fluted pedicel ; b shows the lobes isolated, each containing a portion of the fibro-vascular cylinder. In c, the broken central cylinder has again closed up, a section showing a complete circle of ati axial character. The triangular basal portions of the ovary-cells have now THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 71 appeared, d represents a section of two-thirds of the height of the inferior ovary; but now the fibro-vascular cjh'nder is dissociated, and forms fifteen separate cords — two being marginal to each placenta and one belonging to each sept4im. As the cords have their spiral vessels reversed in position, i.e. facing outwards and not inwards towards the centre, their axial character has ceased.* a c Fig. 15. — Campanula medium (after Van Tiegbem). The rule appears to me to be that as soon as, or even before the level of the insertion of the ovules is reached, the internal position of the tracheae is abandoned. This is the case with Li/chnis. In some cases there is an apparently axial formation, * I do not find that matters can be really expressed quite so "diagram- matically " as, e.g., in bis figure d ; for Van Tiegbem does not pay much attention to the central and scattered positions of the trachece, which I take to be quite as significant as their outward orientation ; for as the ovules are approached they become dispersed, though a medulla remains. I'l THE STIIUCTURE OF FLOWERS. which has proved to be misleading. Thus, in Geranium and alhed genera, the beak-like process from which portions of the carpels separate when ripe is not axial at all, but simplj the coherent placentas of an entirely carpellary origin.* This will be understood from the description I have given of Pelargonium (p. 65). The raericarps of the fruit of an umbellifer are also suj^ported on a carpophore, which is likewise usually described as axial ; but anatomical investigations do not warrant the conclusion. The commissural surfaces are obviously merely the result of rupture between the two carpels which have cohered ; and, in consequence of this union, each epidermis fails to develop its true character, but remains in an arrested condition, having the cells somewhat smaller than the rest of the ground tissue. This enables the mericarps to separate readily on maturity. A double fibro-vascular cord runs up the centre to supply ovular cords at the summit of the ovary-cells. If one traces the cords from the pedicel, there will be found in the latter a complete 6bro-vascular cylinder. This spreads out at the base of the inferior ovary into ten clearly defined cords which run parallel to each other from base to apex, to furnish the petals and stamens ; while two only coalesce and form the axial cord. It is this cord which constitutes the stylopod when the fruit is ripe. Hence it is not axial, but simply the combined marginal cords of the two ovary-cells. Free Central Placentas. — The position of an ovule or ovules on a central support, free from the wall of the ovary, or directly on the base of the chamber, and apparently quite * Prof. A. Gray (I.e., p. 213) and Henfrey (El. Course ofBot., 4th ed. p. 100) both speak of it as axial ; thongh it was quite correctly described and figured by M. Seringe so long ago as 1838 (Mem. sur la Fruit des G6raniacees) : " Les bords de chaque carpel placentaires sent restes et forment la colonne." THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 73 central, has given rise to a good deal of discussion. Two views have been taken, one being that such ovules are, in some cases at least, axial in their origin, and not carpellarj at all ; others would refer all ovules, without exception, to a carpellary source. Analogy, indeed, would, if taken alone, seem to justify the latter conclusion, since the numerical proportion of ovules having a decidedly carpellary origin is unmistakably very great; and any doubt upon the matter seems to me to have arisen from a want of due appreciation of the arrest of development, or rather failure of a complete differentiation which has taken place between the ovary and axis at the place where the ovule or ovules appear. This arrest is particularly apparent, as already stated, in the case of inferior ovaries, as of the Ivy. Thus, in the Compositfr, the ovular papilla seems to arise at the base of a cavity in the axis, and might easily be thought to be axial ; but a slight eccentricity may be dis- cerned at a certain epoch which is the first indica- tion of its carpellary origin. In Beta the basal ovule arises in a very similar manner, but as the ovary becomes more developed, the ovule is carried up so as finally to become pendulous (Fig. 16, a, b, c.) It is much the same in Typha and allied genera. The same Fig. 16.— Beta (after Payor). 74 THE STKUCTURE OF FLOWERS. gradual elevation of tlie ovule occurs in Bicitius and other Euphorbiaceous plants. Similarly, if we compare tlie differences in allied genera, as Ranunculus and Thalictrum ; in the former genus the ovule arises at the very base of the carpel, close to its point of attachment to the axis, and remains there. In Clematis and Thalictrum, the marginal cleft of the carpel appears a little more decidedly above the base, so that the ovule from its earliest period is situated somewhat higher up, and by a further development is carried to a yet higher position, and so ultimately becomes pendulous. Exactly similar differences occur between the orders Compositce and Dipsacece. Hence, it would seem that basilar ovules owe their positions to corresponding degrees of arrest of the growth and development of the carpels, and especially of the basilar portions of the carpellary margins. I think, therefore, we may draw the following conclusion, that the particular form of energy which would cause a carpel to emerge out from and be developed freely and entirely from an axis, is more or less potential than actual.* Consequently, it develops the ovule just where that portion of the carpellary margin ivould have appeared had it been formed ; so that the tissue whence the ovular papilla emerges may be considered to be, strictly speaking, neither axial nor carpellary, but undif- ferentiated merenchyma, and potentially carpellary. From a single ovule we may now pass to pluri-ovular ovaries, Dioncea gives us an instance where many ovules arise at the base perfectly free from the ovarian wall. In this flower the pistil consists of five carpels, which emerge congeni tally out of the axis, first as a circular rim, which * It may be noted that it is more actual in Clematis, etc., in that several ovular papillae are produced in genera with pendulous ovules, besides being more elevated in position ; but only one in Ranunculus. THE PRINCIPLE OF COHESION. 7o then becomes a cup, wliicli finally contracts above to form the stjle, just as in Primuiacea\ It is, therefore, unilocular, while a circle of ovules appears on a thick ring of tissue within the base of the ovary. Other circles of ovules appear concentrically and centrifugally. It might be questioned, therefore, whether the ring which carries them were axial or not. I think, however, the same interpreta- tion will apply here as elsewhere ; that is to say, the ovules arise from the place where the bases of the carpels luould have ajjpeared had they been differentiated out of the axis. Iq the allied genus Drosera the placentas are strictly parietal, and the ovules, commencing to emerge lialf-way up the wall, appear successively, l>oth upwards and dcwnwards. Now, as they are centrifugal in Diona'a (corresponding to the upward development in Drosera), it looks as if only a portion of the upper half of the carpels were really repre- sented at all. In this genus there is a barren central space within the ring of ovules, 2oerhaps representing the termination of the axis. That the basal portion only of syncarpous pistils should bear ovules is common enough, and the pla- centas often swell out there to form bosses which we may reasonably conceive as coa- lescing to form the continuous ring character- istic of Dionam. Thus.4cer illustrates how each of the two carpels gives rise to two globular protuberances on which the ovules are borne (Fig. 17). Anemiopsis, as figured by Payer, has a confluent protuberance bearing several basifuofal ovules. Similar multiovular bosses i j.t. i7— Curpois -if ° o 7 1 c 7 7- • • ^cer (altor Payer). occur m boianece and hcropliularinca\ giving the characteristic dumb-bell shape in a transverse section. Now, if we imagine these SAvolleu ovuliferous placentas 70 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. arising from the basal portions of the carpellarj leaves to reacli the centre of the ovarian cbamber, and be there fused together into a solid mass, we should obtain the apparently axial structure of Primulacece, Santalacece, etc., with the few or numerous ovules hasipetal in order of development, cor- responding to the centrifugal order in Dioncea and the ascending order in Drosera. The probability that this is the correct view is supported by a case I have met with in which the carpels of Primula sinensis were dissociated, and more or less foliaceous with rudimentary ovules, not only along the margins, but with several borne on heel-like processes,* which extended towards the centre of the ovary, as represented in Fig. 18. Anatomical investigations entirely corrobo- ^.^ ~^T^ rate the carpellary nature of the central placenta of Primulacece. The circle of cords, usually ten in number, which pass up the column to nourish the ovules are originally separated from the sides of the sepaline by radial chorisis, and become superposed to the sepals ; the dorsal cords (about ten) having also parted company from the five sepaline and five petaline. The latter, however, do not give rise to any placentary cords ; hence there are really five carpels superposed to the sepals. With regard to the position of the spiral vessels, they are not oriented as if axial, but are completely embedded in the phloem, and consequently central. Moreover, the cords in section are circular in form, and not wedge-shaped. The central (if not external) position of the tracheae and the circular lorm of the cords are both eminently characteristic * Vau Tieghem, though once regarding the central placenta as axial (Recherches sur la Structure du Pistil, 1868), has more recently arrived at the same conclusion as myself (Traiie de Bot., 1884). THE PRINCirLE OF COHES[ON. 77 features when they first cease to be axial and become appen- dicular. Tlie accompanying diagrams (Fig. 19), (a) Lysi- machia nemoricm and (h) Primula veris, will illustrate these a. Fig. 19.— a, Lysimachia r)emo7'um ; b. Primula veris. remarks. The sections are taken on planes * where the pistil is emergirg fi'om the receptacle ; s. represents the sepaline cords ; ah. st. abortive staminal cords ; p. the petal- ine and staminal (combined) ; d.c. dorsal carpellary ; pi. c. placentary cords. A free central placenta may result from the destruction of the septa of an originally axile placenta, as occurs in the Caryophyllece. Thus, the ten rows of ovules in Lychnis sufficiently indicated tlieir marginal origin. I may add that a careful investigation into the origin and distribution of the cords has convinced me that the axis in flowers of the Caryophylleoi early ceases to take any part in the structure of the pistil. * Fig. a represents a section taken rather lower down than in Fig. & ; as the cords in the latter are still undiiforentiated in Fig. a. 78 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOV/ERS. CHAPTER VIII. THE PRINCIPLE OF ADHESION. Adhesion of Organs. — This term is distinguished from cohesion by limiting its application to the union of different whorls. Thus, if the petals or stamens be united to the calyx, they are called episepalous, a term usually syrony- mous with perigynous ; and if the stamens be adherent to the perianth or corolla, they are epiphyllous or epipetalous respectively, sometimes also described as perigynous. On the other hand, if the stamens and pistil be in close con- junction, showing an adhesion between the filament and the style, so that the anther and stigma are brought together, the term gynandrous is applied to them. Adhesion may be safely regarded as an advance upon cohesion; and there is, I think, a great probability of its being — perhaps, originally, in most if not all cases — a result of adaptation to insect agency. With regard to the perigynous condition which involves a more or less degree of adhesion of the petals and stamens to the calyx, this is in many clearly a result of the develop- ment of the receptacular tube with its honey-disk lining it, as in Bosacece. This causes the free portions of the petals and stamens to be carried away from the central axis, and placed in a ring "around the pistil," i.e. perigynous; while the more or less amount of adhesion of them to the calyx THE PRINCIPLE OF ADHESION. 79' has suggested the term episepalous. In the Rose, however, which secretes no honey, the sepals are almost, if not entirely free, and aiticulate readily ; whereas, in other rosaceous plants, if the receptacular tube does not itself fall off, as in Pruntis, the calyx remains persistent. Although it is usual to regard perigynous petals and stamens as episepalous as well — that is, " upon the sepals " — when the receptacular tube is well pronounced, it is more strictly in accordance with anatomical structure to regard the former as brought into close proximity . to the calyx, rather than being really inserted upon it. In many other cases, as in Lythrum and Daphne, the whole of the tube has all the appearance of being truly calycine and not recepta- cular; so that "episepalous" will then best describe their condition of adhesion. It is rare to find a gamopetalous corolla adhering to the calyx, but it is so in Cucurhltacece, as in the genera Cucumis and Bryonia, where the two outer whorls are united. Ph. Van Tieghem observes* that the union may be the result of the fusion of the respective parenchymas alone, leaving the cords proper to each organ distinct. I think, however, that it will be found to be more frequently the case that when the cords are superposed, they are fused together below, but separate when the organs become free. This is well seen in Primus. The sepaline and petaline cords branch, by tangential chorisis, about half-way up the receptacular tube, and thus give rise to ten stamens. Each of the petaline cords branches on either side again, at a different level, by radial fission, and gives rise to ten more.f So that if Ave retain the term " episepalous " for the stamens, we must understand that, while the actual stamen is practically free * Traite Botanique, p. 390. t This will be described more fully below (see Fig. 28, p. 95). 80 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. from the calyx, yet its cord is common with that of the latter below. The epiphy lions or epipetaloiis condition of the stamens is almost invariably associated with a state of cohesion of the perianth-leaves and petals of the corolla ; as exceptional instances are Scilla and Lychnis, which have the parts of the perianth and corolla free, but with the stamens adherent to them ; while, conversely, Campanulacece and Ericacece have gamopetalous corollas, but the stamens not adherent to them.* The rationale is primarily, in many, perhaps in every case, an adaptation to insect agency. In the majority of gamopetalous corollas, the honey usually lies somewhere between the insertion of the corolla and pistil, being secreted by one or more glands or an annular disk round the base of the ovary. There are two positions in which the anthers may be placed in regular gamopetalous flowers with reference to the visits of insects for the honey; either around the tube, as in the Primrose and Scilla, or close around the style, as in Convolvulus, Campanula, and Crocus. In the former case, when an insect passes its head or proboscis down the tube, it touches the anthers on one side of it and the stigma on the other ; but as the proboscis may pass on either side of the pistil in the same and different flowers, that is on the near or remote side, with reference to the position of the insect, such flowers have every facility of being crossed. If they be heterostyled, as the Primrose, then of course each kind has the greater chance of being crossed by the other sort. * The distribution of the cords in the floral receptacle of Azalea, between the insertion of the corolla and pistil, is very anomalous, having no symmetrical arrangement around the centre ; while the cords of the corolla of Campanula, as described above, are peculiar for other reasons. This may, perhaps, have something to do with the exceptional freedom of the stamens from the corolla. THE PRINCIPLE OF ADHESION. 81 In the case of Crocus, Convolvulus, and other flowers with a contracted base to the corolla or perianth, the anthers are situated close round the style. In these flowers, the insect alights on the stigmas, as already described, grasps the central column and sucks the honey head downwards, and so gets dusted on the abdomen, the pollen from which is thus trans- ferred to the next flower visited. The adhesion of the stamens to the corolla or perianth thus seems to give a rigidity and firmness, as well as leverage in some cases, so that the action of the insects is more accurately secured, and some one particular spot on their bodies invariably struck and dusted with pollen ; which would scarcely be the case if the filaments were free and at liberty to oscillate or swing about in any direction. In many flowers with irregular corollas, the stamens are declinate ; and their adhesion to the tube is then of manifest advantage, for the basal part of the filaments thus acquires an additional strength to act as a fulcrum, which enables the filaments to support the weight of the insect. In Echium, for example (Fig. 20, p. 82), the corolla is even strengthened by a rib where the stamen is inserted. This part constitutes the fulcrum. The line of force from the fulcrum intersects a line perpendicular to the filaments, corresponding to the weight of the insect ; while the third and upward force is that exerted by the filaments to counteract the resultant of the two former.* The origin of the adhesion between the stamens and the outer whorls is revealed by anatomical investigations ; for the rule is, as described in the case of Prunus, that the fibro- vascular cords of the stamens arise by division from those of the outer whorls whenever they are superposed to them. In other words, when adhesions are seen between the floral whorls, by being superposed to one another, then a * See also Figs. 38, 39, and 40, pp. 124-126, and consult text. 82 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. fusion of their respective cords will be found. Tf the members arise freely, as in Banunciilaceoe and Cruciferce, then their cords are inserted into the axis, having arisen by radial division or lateral chorisis. In the case of the gynandrons pistil, the stamens have their fibro-vascular cords more or less imbedded in the recep- Fig. 20. — Echium side view ; b, before, and c, after shedding pollen ; showing protandry. tacnlar tube, or rather the common tissue resulting from the fusion of the ovary and the tube together ; the anther then stands on the summit, and if there be a short or no style, but only the stigmas terminating the ovary, then the anther is in close contact with it, as in Hippuris, Orchis, etc. When there is a style, the filament may be prolonged in adhesion with it, as in most orchids possessing the so-called column. It is not THE PRINCIPLE OF ADHESION. 83 so, however, in Aristoloclda, according to Van Tieghem, though often described as such.* To summarize the above remarks, it seems clear that all adhesions between the two whorls of the perianth, to be found mostly in the Calyciflorce, is an accidental occurrence due to the hypertrophied condition of the axis in forming a receptacular tube ; so that the term " perigynous " is more strictly applicable than " episepalous." Adhesions between the filaments and corolla, or calyx if the former be wanting as in Daphne, is an adaptation to insect fertilisation ; Avhereby a more rigid position is acquired for the stamens, coupled with a gain of leverage, etc. Lastly, adhesions between the stamens and pistil only occur where there is a receptacular tube, or "disk," as in Nymphcea ; and the fusion of filaments with the style, or between anthers and stigmas, is brought about by the very close proximity of the organs w^hen in an early and undif- ferentiated state. * Duchartre, Ele^n. de Bot., p. 648; Henfrey, l.c.^ p. 125 ; Benth. and Hooker, Gen. PL, vol. iii., pt. 1, p. 123; Yan Tieghem, TraiU de Bot., i., p. 422. Van Tieghem's description and figure (Fig. 21) is as follows : — " The styles and stigmas are abortive, and the six carpels are reduced to their ovaries. It is, then, the thickened connectives of the anthers, coherent laterally into a tube and covered above with stigmatic papillae, which now play the part of stigmas and of the style." To judge from Payer's figures (Organog^nie, pi. 91 and pi. 109), the stigmas appear to rise from the inner side of the very short filaments, and might be interpreted as truly car- pellary stigmas, but fused to the former. A farther investi- gation of the distribution of the fibi'o- vascular cords should Fig. 21.— Aris- be made. Moreover, Asarum does not appear to have any- van^TieghemT thinj? so abnormal. 84 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER IX. THE CAUSE OF UNIONS. Having now noticed the different kinds of unions, we may ask what lias brought them about. We have seen how progressively complex conditions can be traced from entire freedom, as in Buttercups, through forms of Cohesion, such as the gamosepalous, gamopetalous, monadelphous conditions, etc. ; to cases of Adhesion, as of the perigynous and epipetalous states ; and, lastly, to the adhesion of the ovary to the receptacular tube. As stated above, these conditions are correlated with greater and progressive differentiations of the floral organs, which have been brought about by insect agencies. The above-mentioned and other terms do not, however, explain how or what the immediate influences are which induce unions of various kinds amongst the parts of flowers ; but some researches of Mr. Meehan on the Coniferce * will perhaps give us a clue. There is a well-known and a very generally prevailing feature amongst certain genera of Conifers — as of the CupressinecB, for example — that the foliage can appear nnder two forms, the leaves being either free from theii' bases, or more or less adherent to the axis. The two forms of leaves have been recognized as specific characters in Juniperus, * On the Leaves of the ConifercB, Proc. of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1869, p. 317. THE CALTSE OF UNIONS. 85 Retinospora, etc. ; but both kinds of foliage not infrequently appear together on the same plant; and, when this is the case, the spinescent and free leaves are borne on relatively less vigorous branches, the adherent foliage being charac- teristic of the more vigorous and quick-growing terminal shoots. It has been also noticed by Dr. M. T. Masters that not only do the broad and free leaves of Juniperus and Betinospora not occur on the leader shoots, but when the plant is varie- gated then free leaves (on the stem with arrested growth) are much more variegated than they are on the quick-grow- ing* leader shoot.* The last-mentioned observer has also noticed that the free foliage is characteristic of the younger condition of the plant, the adnate foliage that of the adiilt state. The conclusions arrived at by Mr. Median are as follows : (1) The true leaves of Goniferce are usually adnate with the branches. (2) Adnation is in proportion to vigour in the genus, species, or in the individuals of the same species, or branches of the same individual. (3) Many so-called dis- tinct species of Coniferce are the same, but with their leaves in various states of adnation. Another very common form of adhesion, to which I have already alluded and which is most probably due to hyper- trophy through succulency at an early stage, is fasciation.f Under this condition the fibro- vascular cylinder of at least two "axes," which would be normally separate, coalesce, and form an oval cylinder with, it may be, only a slight * Gard. Chron., 1883, vol. xix., p. 657. t For remarks ou this phenomenon the reader is referred to Dr. Masters's Teratology. It is particularly common in herbaceous plants, as Lettuces, Asparagus, etc., and not unfrequeut in Ash-trees. I observed a trailing plant of Cotoneaster growing over a rockery by the side of a stream in a garden, almost every branch of which was fasciated. 86 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. constriction indicating the union. The medullas, cortical and epidermal layers, are also continuous throughout and common to the whole. N^ow, the union of two opposite "appendages " to an axis, as in the case of connate leaves, may take place. This may be called foliar fasciation in which the fibro-vascular cords of each " leaf " are embedded in a common parenchyma, and all encased together within a common epidermis. If we regard the receptacular tube of, say, Fuchsia and Narcissus in the same light, though adherent to the ovary like a decurrent leaf of a thistle or Sedum, I see no argument against the supposition that the tube, in such cases as these, may be regarded as the fasciated petioles of the sepaline and perianthial leaves, now adherent to the ovary within them. A pear would seem to combine both axis and petioles, as the base of the ovaries is situated much above the commence- ment of the expansion of the pedicel (see Fig. 22, p. 90, and Fig. 26, p. 94, and consult text). Each case must, however, be interpreted on its own merits ; and I think there will be little difficulty about this, if we recognize the fact that both the pedicel and floral receptacle on the one hand, and the petioles or their floral equivalents on the other, can alike assume all the features of the so-called receptacular tube. Now let us apply these principles of union through hypertrophy to flowers, and we have an interpretation according to the theory advanced in this book : that differ- ences of floral structure depend largely upon different dis- tributions of nutrition in the several organs ; and that the irritation set up by insects themselves is one of the most potent causes of a flow of sap to certain definite places, which encourages local growths, thereby inducing these THE CAUSE OF UNIONS, 87 unions to take place between the parts of any whorl, form- ing "cohesions," and also between different whorls, or " adhesions." Other causes may determine them, for hypertrophy may set in through a purely vegetative stimulus ; for it is not unfrequent to see abnormal cohesions and adhesions in cul- tivated orchids, such as petals or sepals adhering to the column, etc. Such may, with a good deal of probability, be referred to the artificially stimulated conditions under which they are grown. These abnormal cohesions between members of the perianth, and adhesions to the column, have been observed both in this country and America.* As a particular instance of the latter kind, Mr. Meehan had observed several dozens of flowers of Fhaius grandiflorus which had the dorsal sepal united to the column, all being confined to separate spikes from those which have perfect flowers. In some cases, of the same plant two of the petals were united so as to form a hood over the column. Another peculiarity of Orchids is the tendency to convert sepals or petals into labella, and to multiply the spurs when an orchid is characterized by them so as to render them peloric, a sure sign of hypertrophy. f All these "monstrosities" seem to point to an excessively unstable condition of equilibrium in the flowers of Orchids ; and that they are peculiarly sensitive to the effects of nutri- tive stimuli, whether brought about by visits of insects or by artificial cultivation. So that the order Orchidece is particularly interesting, as furnishing indirect or even direct * As by Mr. T. Meehan. Proc. Acad. Nat. Soc. Phil, 1873, pp. 205, 276. t The remarkable influence of the presence of a " plant-bug," causing the normally irregular corolla of Clerodendron to become liypcrtrophied and peloric, will be described hereafter (p. 130). 88 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. jDroof for mj theory — that the forms and structures of flowers are the direct outcome of the responsive power of protoplasm to external stimuli.* * We may, perhaps, see some analogy between these unions amongst floral organs, which thus occur abnormally in orchids and normally in so many flowers, and inflammatory adhesions in the human subject. It is well known that certain, otherwise abnormal, unions may be con. genital, which usually only occur through inflammation set up by abnormal excitation, but they are not hereditary. I have alluded to hypertrophy and atrophy as causes of the struc- tures of flowers, and shall have more to say about them. I would here add the following analogous phenomena between the animal and vege- table kingdoms. Sir James Paget remarks : — " Constant extra-pressure on a part always appears to produce atrophy and absorption ; occasional pressure may, and usually does, produce hypertrophy and thickening. All the thickenings of the cuticle are the consequences of occasional pressure ; as the pressure of shoes in occasional walking, of tools occa- sionally used with the hand, and the like : for it seems a necessary con- dition for hypertrophy, in most parts, that they should enjoy intervals in which their nutrition may go on actively" (Led. on Surg. Path., i. , p. 89). The reader will perceive the significance of this passage when recalling the fact that insects' visits are intermittent. Atrophy by pressure and absoi'ption is seen in the growth of embryos ; while the constant pressure of a ligature arrests all growth at the constricted place. On the other hand, it would seem to be the persistent contact which causes a climber to thicken (see p. 156). ( 81) ) CHAPTER X. THE RECEPTACULAR TUBE. The Calyx or Receptacular Tube. — This organ consists of a cellular sheath of varying degrees of thickness, free from or adherent to the ovarj. Much discussion has arisen as to the true nature of it, whether it should be regarded as axial or foliar. The older view generally maintained v^as that it consisted of the lower part of the outermost whorl of the perianth or calyx — in other words, that the basal or petiolar portions of the sepaline leaves were coherent ; and if the ovary were inferior, then they were supposed to be adherent to the latter as well. Schleiden appears to have been the first botanist who propounded the view that it was axial and not foliar. He was followed by others ; but this idea took two forms. According to one, it was thought that everything below the summit of the inferior ovary — that is to say, the outer wall, the septa and placentas — was axial, and only the free portion of the summit of the ovary, together with the styles and stigmas, were foliar. According to the other view, it was maintained that the ovaries, styles, and stigmas were foliar, and the superficial covering to the ovary alone was axial. The first view was held by Schleiden, A. de Saint Hilaire, Trecul, Payer, Prantl, and Sachs ; * the latter by Decaisne, * E.ij. Sachs' Text-Book of Botaiiij, Eng. (2ik1) etl., p. 56G. 90 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Naiidfn, Ph. Van Tieghem, and, I think, English botanists in general.* There are three methods of investigation, which conjointly may guide us to the discovery of the real nature of the tube. The first is that of following its development; the second is teratological, and the third anatomical. Morphological Investigations. — In tracing the morpho- logical development of flowers of the Eosaceoe, where the receptacular tube is a characteristic feature, one notices how a border, surrounding the domelike termination of the axis which soon produces carpellary papillae, rises upwards and elevates the sepals and the papillee of the petals and stamens. This border ultimately forms the tube ; and the question is, whether it should be regarded as the basal part of the calyx or a development from the axis. In the Pomece we find the apocarpous condition of the pistil, characteristic of all the other members of the Bosacece still retained at first ; but in consequence of the growth and close proximity of the tube with the carpels, various degrees of adhesion are brought about between them ; thus, in Pyrus (Fig. 22, a), the bases only of the carpels are from the first fused into the axis. In Cotoneaster (b) the fusion Tig. 22.-a, pyrus ;h,Cotoneaster (after F.jer).^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^.^^^^ j^^^^j on the ovaries. Such " half- inferior " ovaries occur in other genera, as Saxifraga granulata, Gloxinia, etc. From such we pass to comptletely inferior states, as in Compositce * Bentham and Hooker describe the inferior ovary of the PomecB in the terms, " Calycis tubus ovario adnatus." THE RECEPTACULAR TUBE. 91 and U'nihelh'fera', while Ona graced' furnish illustrations of an extension of thereceptacular tube to considerable distances beyond the summit of the ovary, as in Circcea, and probably FucJiaia and OEfwthera are similar cases, A like prolongation is seen in some Compositce with " stipitate " pappus, as the Dandelion, Tragopogon, Eypochccris, etc. In tracing the development of the inferior ovary of the GompositcE, the cavity of the ovary appears to be sunk below the level of the first emergence of the corolla and stamens ; and it is this which has suggested the view that the ovary is part of the axis, and that only the style and upper portion of the ovary which is exposed is foliar. On the other hand, since there are abundant cases of transitional conditions ; as, for example, between species of Saxifrage, — ;S^. unihrosa having an entirely superior ovary ; S. granulata, one that is half-superior, and 8. tridactylites, a completely inferior ovary ; and moreover, if we compare the Pomece with the other tribes of Bosacece, comparative morphology does not tend to favour the above view held by Sachs, but rather inclines one to the impression that the basal part of the ovary must be carpellary and not axial, though there may be no visible line of demarcation between the cauline and foliar structures.* The existence of the above-mentioned facts, and many cases of reversion to entire freedom by "solution," supply good reasons for believing that the development of the carpels is more or less arrested below, wherever they are in contact with the receptacular tube ; yet they retain their power of developing at least one ovule, as is often the case in * To regard the septa of an inferior ovary " as the prolongations of the margins of the carpels downwards on the inside of the ovary " (Sachs' Text-Booh, p. 567), seems to be a very strained interpretation iu order to fit the axial theory. 92 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. gamopetaloiis epigynous orders. Moreover, the ovule is not strictly basilar and central, bat is really situated laterally. Anatomical investigations, as we sball see presently, entirely confirm this view. Teratological Investigations. — Teratological evidence of the axial, or in some cases, perhaps, petlolar nature of the so-called recepfcacular tube is tolerably abundant. Thus, in monstrous forms of flowers normally possessing inferior ovaries, the pistil is sometimes completely arrested, when the latter is replaced by a long pedicel which is usually wanting or else is very short, as in Honeysuckle, Epilohium, Orchis, etc. (Fig. 23).* Pears not unfrequently furnish similar instances, as in the case of the so-called "Bishop's Thumb Pear, which sometimes occurs of an elongated form, destitute of core and seeds. These fruits, which are merely swellings of the flower-stalk, are produced from the second crop of blossoms, which have not energy enough to produce carpels (core) with ovules or ripe seeds." t There is little doubt that the recepta- cular tube is, in these cases, converted into the rodlike structures in consequence of the total absence of the carpels from within it. In other words, it is axial. There are other indications of the tube being axial in its nature rather than foliar ; thus, it frequently becomes " pro- liferous ; " that is to say, flow^ers, or even branches, may grow out of it, as is often the case with Roses, Prickly Pear, JJmhellifercG, etc. J Again, certain kinds of Pears, Medlars, Fig. 23.— Orchis Mario, malformed. * a is the interior of the flower, consisting of a cap-like depression Avith two anthers. t Gardener's Chronicle, Oct. 9, 1886, p. 464. + Teratology, p. 100, seq. THE RECEPTACULAR TUBE. 93 Roses (Fig. 24), etc., occasionally bear foliage on the external surface of the tube, and when the calyx of the Rose becomes abnormally folia- ceous, stipules (Fig, 24, st.) may appear at the summit of the tube, indicating that Fig. 24. — Leaf-bearing receptacular tube of Rose (after Masters). Fig. 25.— Hawthorn with super- numerary free carpels (after lilasters). point to be the base of the sepal. Sometimes supernumerary carpels are borne freely on the top, as in the Hawthorn (Fig. 25). On the other hand, a tendency to hypertrophy is some- times discovered in the petioles of leaves of Apples* and Pears (Fig. 26, p. 94) ; and a not infrequent monstrosity is seen in Fuchsias, where one or more of the sepals become foliaceous, and then their petioles are formed but often remain more or less adherent to the ovary if present, which seems to imply that the tube in this plant might be formed * Mr. Meehan describes a similar instance of an Apple-tree which never bore jiowers but always had an abundance of fruit. Tlie latter, how- ever, were composed of metamorphosed and fleshy floral whorls. He adds, however, that cork-cells were formed abundantly on the outside of the apples; remarking, "It would seem, therefore, that with the lack of development in the inner series of whorls necessary to the perfect frnit, those which remained were liable to take on somewhat the character of bark structure " {Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1873, p. 99). 94. THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. by, or afc least is lioniologoas Fig. 26.— Pear with bypertrophied and sub-fasciate petioles. Fig. 27. — Fuchsia with foliaceous sepals and petals (after Masters). ith, the petiolar portion of the calycine leaves (Fig. 27). Phyllomes, however, are after all but modified portions of caulomes, and petioles are still less de- partures than are blades from the nature of an axis ; so that while in some cases one is inclined to regard the tube as more strictly axial, in others it seem to be more homologous with a sort of fasciation of petioles. We shall see directly that the receptacular tube of Prunus contains the basal portions of the cords proper to the calyx and corolla, so that we might regard the latter as, on the one hand, axial cords preparatory to forming the perianth ; or, on the other, perianthial cords not yet differentiated into petioles. Similarly, in the case of monocotyledonous flowers, as the Daffodil, since petioles are less dif- THE RECEPTACULAR TUBE. 95 ferentiated from blades in this class than in Dicotyledons, the inferior ovary may be due to the combination of the pistil with the united sheath-like portion of the perianth, which is prolonged above the summit of the ovary just as it is in Fuchsia, though it is not so prolonged in the Snowdrop. Anatomy of the ReceptacularTube. — Tracing the course of the fibro-vascular cords from the pedicel below the flower, say of Prunus Laiiro-cerasus, the common laurel, there will be found to be ten, corresponding to the sepals and petals. The cortical tissue and epidermis are continuous throughout, from the pedicel to the summit of the tube. It is well seen also in the tapering end of a pear, from which the cortex gradually widens, while the fibro-vascular cords run verti- cally up the middle. Before the cords arrive at the border of the free tube of the Laurel, they have given rise to the staminal cords by chorisis, as shown in Fig. 28, a, b. Fig. a *^^ sC7^'^^ St/ -,-st.e st.S ^ st.2 1) Fig 28. — Reoeptacular tube of Prunus (after Van Tieghem). represents a section near the edge of the tube in whicli both the sepaline (s) and the petaline (p) have given rise by tan- gential chorisis to a whorl of stamens {st. 1) ; but the petaline by radial chorisis to another whorl (st. 2), i.e. to twenty stamens in all. Fig. h represents a vertical view of the same.* * The single carpel is represented in Fig. a to show the position of its three cords, one being dorsal, and the other two marginal. 96 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. As long as the cords are simple, i.e. up to tlie horizontal lines in Fig. 6, there is nothing to distinguish them from cords of an axis, as in the pedicel. If, therefore, we regard the branches above those levels as belonging to the floral whorls, then the "axis" would terminate at different heights up the receptacular tube — which would seem to be rather too forced a view to be acceptable. Hence it would seem preferable to regard it entirely as axial until the portions of the perianth issue freely from the upper part of it. We might compare these branches of the fibro-vascular cords embedded in the axis to those belonging to ordinary leaves, which traverse the stem for various distances downwards till they ultimately vanish ; only in the case of leaves they are not coherent into a common cord below, but remain free from each other. Moreover, other members of the Bosacem show that they cannot be always petiolar ; because in the rose the sepals reveal their foliaceous character, first by always bearing rudimentary leaflets, and sometimes stipules as well at the top of the tube (Fig. 24, p. 93). Further complications in the distribution of the cords sometimes arise. Thus, in the tube of the Cherry, I find that the petaline cords assist in furnishing the calyx-limb with vascular cords, just as those corresponding to the arrested stamens of the Primrose enter the corolla of that plant. They either do not branch till they reach the angle between the sepals, or else from a point lower down. The small secondary branches are mainly directed outwards towards the margin, as represented in Fig. 29 ; s being sepaline, and jp the petaline cords. In examining transverse sections of inferior ovaries, what one almost invariably observes is an inner epidermis, on some part or parts of which are placentas with ovules, THE RECEPTACULAR TUBE. 97 an outer epidermis, and an intermediate ground tissue, apparently nearly uniform in character, from one epidermis to the other (as in Fig. 14, a to e, p. 68). A definite number of fibro-vascular cords penetrates this ground tissue. Theo- retically, if this structure consist of two parts, viz. the interior carpels and the exterior "tube," some line of demarcation might be expected to be traceable ; but in the majority of cases it would seem that, as neither the inner epidermis of the tube nor the outer one of the carpels are required, they are not developed at all ; and so the internal tissues of the two organs become confluent and uniform, and this accounts for the fact that the dorsal cords at least are simply embedded in this common tissue. Nevertheless, in some cases there actually is a certain differentiation in the tissue, as Van Tieghem has shown in the case of Alstroemeria versicolor (Fig. 30), where a yellow band of cells marks the Fig. 29. — Rcceptacular tube and calyx-limb of Cherry. Fig. m.—AUtrcemeria (after Van Tieghem). junction or congenital fusion of the two parts (indicated by the line in the figure). From the preceding descriptions, it Avill be seen, with regard to the sources of the cords belonging to the inner whorls, that they arise by division, radial or tangential as the case may be ; and then the secondary cords thus parted off are generally included within the tissue of the tube. H 98 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. These cords of the inner whorls may be given off at the terminal point of the pedicel; that is, at the base of the flower. In this case they may all run parallel from the base to the summit of the receptacular tube ; or they may branch at various heights within the tube itself, as in Prunus, described above ; or, lastly, they may not arise until the summit of the ovary is reached, when they pass off and enter their respective floral organs directly. These variations occur in both free receptacular tubes as well as when coherent to ovaries. As an example of the first case may be mentioned Alstroe- meria versicolor; of the second, Galanthus nivalis, or Snowdrop; and of the third. Narcissus. In Alstroemeria, all the floral appendages have their cords distinct and independent, but invaginated by the tube of parenchyma throughout (Fig. 30). In the Snowdrop, the carpellary cords are distinct, but the perianth and androecium are inserted in the pedicel by a single verticil of cords, which becomes double higher up. Lastly, in Narcissus, all the parts of the flower are originally inserted in the pedicel by six cords, of which three give rise by successive tangential fission to a radial series composed of the dorsal cords of the carpels, the stamens opposite to the sepals, and the sepals themselves. Similarly, the other three form the petals together with the whorl of stamens opposite to them.* In GaTTipanula, and to some extent in Lobelia, the cords * Ph. Van Tieghem, to whose researches I am indebted for the above, but which I have also paralleled in other cases, represents them neatly by the following formulas, wherein ( ) signifies vascular union, and [ ] the cellular union of the receptacular tube ; while (d) stands for the dorsal and (m) the marginal cords of the carpels. Stp signifies petaline and St. sepaline stamens. Alstroemeria— IS S + 3 P + 3 St, + 3 Stp + 3 CJ. Galanthus— IS (S +.St,) + 3 (P + Stp) + 3 CJ. Narcissus— [_S (S + St, + d C,) + 3 (P + Stp) + 3 CJ. THE RECEPTACULAR TUBE. 99 belonging to the petals are given off by radial chorisis from the sepaline, either quite from the base of the ovary or from about midway up the tube; they then diverge right or left at an acute angle, and, as soon as they have reached the summit of the ovary, pass up into the corolla.* As a rule, however, the petaline cords of flowers are quite distinct from the sepaline ; the six or ten, common to Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons respectively, forming the fibro-vascular cylinder in the pedicel. In all these and other cases the cords running up the receptacular tube proceed originally from the petiole, and are, so to say, even there intended for the appendages above. Normally they retain their axial character, in being arranged in a circle round the centre ; abnormally an appendicular character can be revealed, by their becoming free and assum- ing a foliaceous aspect, as in Roses or Fuchsia^ as mentioned above ; so that as long as the tube is normal, i.e. a cylinder of cortical parenchyma with cords, it is of the nature of axis, and can develop extra phyllomes and even buds ; but abnor- mally, the foliar nature, usually limited to the floral members at the summit, is extended to a greater distance lower down and the cords may now be converted into petioles, etc. Hence it appears undesirable to call it either a calyx tube or axial ; for these terms would seem to bind one to consider it permanently and in all cases as being either of one nature or the other. The term receptacular tube is therefore best, as it certainly " receives " or supports the whorls of the flowers ; and Teratology clearly shows that it can be either foliar (petiolar) or axial according to circumstances. * This reminds ono of the way in which stipular appendages of Galium, etc., are supplied with coi'ds — not by their intercalation into the common fibro-vascular cylinder of the stem, but — from a horizontal circular zone of fibres Avliich connects the cords of the opposite leaves. 100 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Just as the two complete vascular cylinders of two separate floral peduncles can become fused into one oval cylinder when the latter are " fasciated," so, too, would it seem that the cords belonging to the separate parts of a floral whorl, where there is no receptacular tube, can form a single united cylinder, which one then designates as the receptacular tube. In the case of the inferior ovary, 1 would again emphasize the fact that the difficulty felt as to what is axial and what carpellary is entirely removed if the undifferentiated con- dition of the carpels be thoroughly understood. Indeed, whenever two organs are congenitally in union the epidermis of each is undeveloped, and the two mesophyls become one ; so that the dorsal cords of the carpels and those proper to the axis are alike plunged into a common tissue, which, regarded as one, is neither wholly axial nor wholly carpellary. ( 101 ) CHAPTER XI. THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. The Form op the Perianth — G-eneral Observations. — It requires but a most cursory observation of flowers to notice how great is the variability in the forms of all their organs ; and the questions now before us are, how these morphological characters are correlated to the one process of pollination in order to secure the fertilisation of the flower, and how this infinite diversity of form has arisen. J\lost important differences in this respect follow from the fact of flowers being regular or irregular, and, when adapted to insects, according as the honey is easily accessible or not. Regular * flowers when borne singly are almost always terminal;! and when they are arranged in racemes, etc., they either stand out erect at the ends of their pedicels so as to be readily approached at any point of their circumference, as in the Wallflower, or else they are pendulous ; under w^hicli conditions, as a rule, no particular part is favoured by tho * It is usual to speak of a flower as being regular or irregular ; but the term should be, strictly speaking, confined to one whorl at a time ; though Avhen the corolla is irregular, the calyx and stamens are usually somewhat irregular as well. t The central and terminal flowers of many plants which elsewhere bear irregular flowers are often regular, as in Horse-chestnut, PeZa?-srcmtwm, several of the Scrophularinece, as Snapdragon, Linaria, Pentstemon^ etc. 102 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. insect more than another. It is onlj when the flower is situated laterally and projects horizontally, or approximately so, with its limb or border in a vertical plane, and, moreover, is more or less closely applied to the axis, that an insect is compelled to alight upon it on one side only, when approach- ing it directly from the front. It then throws all its weight upon the organs on the lower or anterior side of the flower, as is the case with the keel petals of papilionaceous flowers, with the lips of Labiates, etc. ; or else its weight is sustained by the stamens or style, or by both together, as in Epilohium angustifolium, Circma, Veronica, Larkspur, and Monkshood ; and whenever the stamens are declinate, as in Horse-chestnut, Dictamnus, Echium, Amaryllis, etc. Flowers which have irregular corollas mostly show various degrees of " bilateral " form in their different whorls, and, have been called " zygomorphic." Such flowers, as a rule, do not receive the visits from so many different species of insects as regular flowers. These latter, not being charac- terized by the possession of any very definite contrivances for securing special insect agency, are accordingly visited by a much greater number and variety than those flowers which have become markedly adapted, and consequently restricted to particular visitors. It must not be forgotten, however, that regular flowers, if the tube leading to the honey be very contracted and more or less elongated, may become almost as much exclusive as very irregular ones ; for such flowers are mainly restricted to Lepidoptera. The following examples may suffice to illustrate these facts. Ranunculus acris, which is perfectly regular and with no specialized structure, is visited, according to Miiller, by more than sixty different species of insects ; whereas species of Aconitum and Deljphinium, the two most highly differentiated THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. 103 and the only genera with irregular flowers of the same order, are adapted to, and mainly visited by the larger species of bees. Similarly of conspicuous and regular flowers of BosacecG, Prunus communishas twenty-seven visitors; Spircea Ulmaria, twenty-two ; Euhusfruticosus, sixty-seven ; Fragaria vesca, twenty-five; Cratcegus oxyacantha, fifty-seven. On the other hand, of irregular flowers, Digitalis purpurea has only three useful visitors ; Linaria, nine or more species of bees, and Orchis mascula only eight. As an instance of a long-tubed regular flower, Lonicera ccBrulea may be mentioned. It is adapted to humble-bees, by which it is chiefly visited. Similarly, the flower of the Honeysuckle, the lobes of which are scarcely if at all unequal, admits only a few lepidopterous insects which can reach the honey. So, too, Asperula taurina, which has a tube 9 to 11 mm. long, is visited by nocturnal Lepidoptera. The Origin of Irregularity. — With reference to the theoretical origin of irregular whorls, I assume that they have all descended from regular ones through external influences.* With regard to terminal, regular flowers the flow of sap is directed equally, radially, and in all directions on reaching the floral receptacle, and there is no inherent cause to make a terminal flower zygomorphic, or to induce one or more parts of any whorl to groAV differently from the rest. Hence the primary cause of irregularity must come from without, and I regard this cause as issuing from the insect itself ; namely, the mechanical influence of its weight and pressures. To this external irritation the protoplasm of the cells responds, and gives rise to tissues which are thrown out to withstand the strains due to the extraneous pressures * The fibro-vascular cords of the pedicel are arranged at regular intervals, and are perfectly symmetrical around the medulla in irregular flowers, just as they are in the case of regular ones. 104 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. of tlie insect, and so the flower prepares itself to maintain an equilibrium under the tensions imposed upon it, and irregu- larities are the result. Such, for example, occur in bilobed calyces, as of Furze and Salvia; in the many forms of " lips," or labella,* and enlarged anterior petals ; in dependent stamens, as of Aconite and Epilohium angustifolium, or in the more usually declinate condition, as of Dictamnus, Amaryllis, etc. In these latter instances, in which the androecium bears the burden, the anterior petal is either, as a rule, unaffected, and shows no increase in size, or else there is a tendency to atrophy, so that it is reduced in size, as are the keel petals in Amherstia. It is sometimes even wanting altogether, as in the Horse-chestnut.f * If the flower be resupinate, then it is the posterior organ which, now being in the front, has become enlarged ; as in Viola and Orchis. t There has been more than one investigation into the causes of zygomorphism (as by Vochtang, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. GesselL, iii. (1885), p. 341 ; and Pringsheim's Jahrh. f. Wiss. Bot., xvii. (1886), p. 297 : also, by Dr. F. Noll, Arbeit. Bot. Inst. Wiirzlurg, iii. (1887), p. 315). H. Vochtung distinguishes three different sets of causes as producing zygomorphism, viz. gravitation only ; gravitation acting on the consti- tution of the organs ; and the constitution of the organs alone. An objection to gravitation pure and simple is, that all flowers would be more or less subject to it, and become more or less zygomorphic accordingly. It does not account for the infinite diversity in the forms of zygomorphic organs ; nor for the many correlations for insect fertilisation which exist between all parts of the flower. If to gravitation, however, we add the weight of the insect, which simply intensifies it, and couple with this the pressures exerted by the insect in various directions, then we have an adequate theory, which gravitation alone could not supply. When Vochtung speaks of " consti- tution alone" as a cause, I presume he means hereditary effect. If so, I would quite agree with him, as zygomorphic flowers now grow to be such from purely hereditary influences. When, however, he would attribute the form of Epilobium angustifolium to geotropism, as the supposed cause of the lowermost petals bending upwards, and the stamens and style downwards (see Fig. 34, p. Ill), I do not see how THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. 105 Compensating processes thus come into play, so that while some parts are enlarged others are diminished, the former always having to bear the strains, while the latter are free from them. Thus the lip of Lamiti7n consists of one much-enlarged petal, which forms an excellent landing-place, but the two lateral petals, not being required, are atrophied to mere points. Similarly, while the two posterior petals enlarge to form the hood, presumably due to the backward thrust of the insect's head, the posterior stamen has vanished altogether. The gamosepalous calyx now furnishes its aid to support the slender tube of the corolla, not only by doubling its number of ribs, but by uniting them all together by means of a sclerenchymatous cylinder within the mesophyl. If the tube of the corolla be very strong and well able alone to support the insect, the adhesion of the filaments being also a powerful addition to its strength, then the calj'x often remains polysepalous, as occurs in the Foxglove, Snapdragon, Petunia, etc. If, instead of the anterior petal forming the landing- place, the tube of a gamopetalous corolla has enlarged so as to admit the ingress of an insect w^hich partly or entirely crawls into it; then it is this tubular part which, more especially having to bear the strain upon it, bulges outwards, or becomes more or less inflated in form ; while the lip or anterior petal, not having to bear the entire burden, is not particularly enlarged, if it be at all. The Foxglove and Gloxinia, as well as Petunia to a slight extent, illustrate this adaptation in irregular flowers, while "campanulate" flowers afford examples amongst regular ones. gravitation can act in any other way than " downwards." Bat if one observes how a humble-bee suspends itself on the stamens while its body, so to say, thrusts the petals aside and upwai'ds, we find a much more satisfactory interpretation in the theory I have proposed. 106 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. If no more than the head of an insect enter the flower, then the corolla shapes itself to fit it. Thus Snowberry, Scropliularia, and Bpijpactis only admit the heads of wasps, which are the regular visitors of these plants. Other instances in which the limb is not much, if at all, enlarged occur in flowers especially adapted to Lepidoptera. Hovering, as they generally do, before the flowers, and in- serting their long proboscides while on the wing, there is no tendency to develop larger anterior petals, but the irritation affects the tube only, which thus elongates and contracts, resulting in little or no irregularity in the flowers, as in (EnotTiera biennis, in which the calyx tube has contracted, or in Honeysuckle, which has a tubular corolla. If bees or other insects visit the flower as well, then some degree of obliquity may result, as in Teucriwm Scorodonia. Thus, then, may we get a rationale of the structure and form of floral organs, and their great diversity corresponds to a similar diversity in the insect world ; for the flower, if it be visited by many, will presumably take a form correspond- ing to the resultant of the forces brought to bear upon it ; if visited by few, it will shape itself in accordance with the requirements of its principal visitors ; and thus is it that while some easily accessible flowers receive many classes of insects, others are restricted to few, or even one ; and then the insect and the flower are so closely correlated as to almost impress upon one the idea that they were mutually created for each other ! The accompanying figures of Duvernoia adhatodoides * may illustrate my meaning. Looking at Fig. 31, a, alone (sup- posing we know nothing of insect visitors), one might ask, For what use is this great irregularity ? why and how has it * From a paper by Mrs. Barber, Journ. Lin. Soc. Bot., vol. xi., p. 469. THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. 107 come into existence ? And no answer is forthcoming. Now- turning to Fig. 31, 6, we see one use at least. The weight of the bee must be very great ; and the curious shape of the lip, with its lateral ridges, is evi- dently not only an ex- cellent landing-place, but is so constructed as to bear that Aveiglit. Moreover, the two walls slope off, and are gripped by the legs of Fig. 31. — Duvernoia adhatodoides. the bee, so that it evidently can secure an excellent purchase, and can thus rifle the flower of its treasures at its ease. Irregular corollas are very numerous, but certain prin- ciples, traceable to insect action, govern their forms. In the first place, the side upon which the insect rests, or at least upon which its weight is thrown, is always enlarged, and mostly forms the landing-place. It is almost always the anterior petal ; if, however, the pedicel or ovary has been too slender to support it, then it has sometimes become twisted, and the flower is said to be resupinate, so that the posterior petal becomes anterior in position, and is now the larger one, since it supplies the landing-place for insects, as in Orchis. Fumaria might be called semi-resupinate, as the corolla has only rotated through 90°. A slight modification occurs in the "Bee-orchis," Ophrys apifera, which is usually described as having a twisted ovary like a true Orchis ; but in this species it has scarcely if any twist at all; the flower, however, is bent over to the opposite side of the stem, so that while the posterior petal is still the labellum, the ovary has itself remained perfectly straight. 108 THE STKUCTURE OF FLOWERS. The next point to notice is that when the anterior petal is enlarged, the posterior one or more often enlarges also, while a corresponding tendency to atrophy affects the lateral ones. This is seen in many species of Leguminosce, Scrophu- larinecE, and Labiatce, and in zygomorphic flowers generally. It occurs thus in the wing petals of many papilionaceous flowers, as is particularly well seen in OnohrycJiis. The immediate causes, I repeat, I would recognize in the weight of the insect in front, the local irritations behind, due to the thrust of the insect's head and probing for nectar, coupled with the absence of all strains upon the sides. In some papilionaceous flowers the wing petals form a landing-place, as in Indigofera and Phaseolus. Whenever this is the case, they too are enlarged, as the lateral ones are in Fig. 31, and undertake the duty impressed upon them. When, therefore, one finds as an invariable rule how the front petals enlarge when flowers are compacted and visited only from the front, and thus become irregular ; and as such often occur in orders where flowers are normally regular, as Iberis, Gentaurea, Heracleum, etc. ; and, moreover, when the same phenomena appear in orders having no affinity between them, as in Labiatce and Orcliidece; and are, indeed, to be found throughout the length and breadth of the floral world, one is justified in attributing such iiTCgularities to a common cause, that being, according to my theory, the responsive power of protoplasm to the irritations from with- out, set up by insect and other agencies. Many other special cases might be described from the different orders of plants, but the above will suflQce to illus- trate this principle of responsive action with resulting correla- tions to insect agency. I would here, however, call the reader's attention to the mechanical arrangement of forces as shown in Lamium and EcJiium, where it will be seen that the THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. 109 adhesions of the stamens to the corolla furnish the fulcra, the cohesion of the petals into a tube affording a greatly increased power of resistance ; the weight of the insect on the labellum or declinate stamens is, of course, vertically downwards, and the line of the resultant, which the lip in Lamium and the stamens whenever declinate have to exert, passes through the point of meeting of the first two, and so sustains the insect while visiting the flower. Other and analogous instances will be described here- after. Good illustrations of the occurrence of great thickenings just where the strain will be most felt, may be seen in the slipper-shaped flowers of Calceolaria (Fig. 32), Coryantlies, and Cypripedium. Thus Calceolaria Pavonii possesses a thick ridge along the upper edges of the curved basal part, which carries the inflated end upon which the bee stands, and which it depresses to get the honey. In this species it may be noticed the anther-cells are separated (a), so that they can oscillate as they do in Fig. 32.— calceolaria Pa- Salvia. In Cypripedium the edge is folded ^'^"^^ ^''^''' ^''"''^• inw^ards, thus strengthening the same part; while in Cory- antlies the lower portion is enormously enlarged, thus acting as a powerful spring which forces the anterior end of the labellum to be in close contact with the column. The Origin of Irregularity ix the Axdrcecium. — As it is wath the perianth, so is it with the androecium : if the petals are regular the stamens are usually regular also ; but when irregularity occurs in the corolla the staminal whorl follows suit, and the position and form of the stamens are equally correlated to the effectual pollination of the flower. Thus, as hypertrophy affects the anterior side of the 110 THE STEUCTURE OF FLOWERS. flowers of Labiates, the anterior stamens are almost invariably the larger pair. On the other hand, atrophy has affected the posterior side of the staminal whorl, causing the total loss of the fifth stamen, and, to some extent, a reduction in length of the next pair of filaments. When the weight of the insect is thrown upon the stamens, they either hang downwards, and the insect is suspended upon them, as in Epilohium angustifolium, or else they become declinate and then the anterior petal, being relieved, does not enlarge, either remaining of the same size as the rest, or else diminishes, and may even vanish alto- gether. Thus Vallota, with its perfectly regular perianth and spreading stamens, may be compared with Amaryllis, which has declinate stamens and a small anterior petal. The terminal flower of a " thyrse " of the Horse-chestnut, like the terminal flower of a "truss" of Pelargonium, is often regular with spreading stamens, whereas the normal flowers have declinate stamens, and usually only four petals, the fifth or anterior one being altogether suppressed. In some flowers the sta- mens are dependent at first, but their anthers rise up when dehiscing, and so the fila- ments become declinate in the pollinating stage. This is the case with Delphinium, Bjpilobium angustifolium, and Dictamnus (Fig. 33). In this flower the anterior petal is of much the same size as the others, but is often displaced (Fig. 33), and not immediately below the stamens, — this Fig. 33. — Dictamnus (after Tieghem). THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. Ill lateral displacement of the anterior petal being not always carried out, as it is in the next flower to be described. In Epilohium angustifolium (Fig. 34) and Godetia, w^hich have no anterior petals, the bees cling to the dependent stamens, while the petals have become permanently displaced, the two lower being somewhat raised, so that the angular distances are not the same. In Azalea and Bhododendron there is no anterior petal, but the posterior one is slightly enlarged, and this alone possesses extra colouring and the "path-finder." The stamens, being declinate, carry the insect without the aid of the corolla, so that the antero-lateral Fig. 34. — EpiloMum angustifolium. Fig. 35.— Feronica Chavicedrys (after Miiller). pair of petals, not sharing in the support of the insect, are not enlarged at all. In Circcca and Vero7iica Chamcedrys (Fig. 35), the insect clings to the two stamens and style ; and the anterior petals are not enlarged, while in the latter flower it is, as usually the case, the smallest, the stamens of Veronica being attached to the lateral petals have to supply the fulcra for leverage, and consequently these have now become relatively hyper- trophied. In many flowers which have sub-declinate stamens, the latter lie in a more or less boat-shaped anterior petal, show- ing that the action of the insect has somewhat affected both the whorls together, as they have each some share in carry- 112 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. ing the insect. Such is the case in the Ocimoidece of Labiates, in Gollinsia hicolor, the " Lemon-scented " Pelargonium, etc. Correlation of G-rowth. — I have only referred to the forms of flowers as grouped under the terms "regular" or " irregular," and alluded to a few instances ; for it is not my object in this work to merely give illustrations of various kinds, which are presumably well known to the reader, but to offer a rationale of the whole, without, however, attempt- ing to say how each individual shape has actually come into existence. To do this, it would be impossible in the present state of our knowledge of the history of flowers; my object being to suggest a probable cause, namely, the mechanical influence of insects, without excluding others which we cannot trace. Nutrition, however, must be always borne in mind as an important one, hereditary influences as others — as, for example, in the restoration of an irregular flower to a condition of regularity, as occurs in Linaria, Lmnium, Glox- inia, etc. The point, however, which I would specially emphasize is the correlation existing between the several parts of the organs, so that, regarded collectively, they all conspire to secure one and the same end, that being the pollination of the flower. Thus, as I have shown above, the calyx of Salvia has a form and structure correlated to the tube of the corolla ; the corolla has a form in strict adapta- tion to the weight and pressures of the insect which rests upon the lip. The stamens are, again, correlated to the pres- sures brought to bear upon them, and have grown in response, forming the remarkable lever-processes, which are also found in species of Calceolaria. Lastly, the style and stigma are correlated to the position of the anthers. Hyper- trophy in one direction has brought about atrophy in another, so that the two posterior stamens, are rudimentary, while the fifth has vanished alto2:ether. THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. 113 Now, it might be argued, that when one organ changes its form others must do so in obedience to the " laws of cor- relation of growth," as Mr. Darwin showed to be the case with the feet and bills of pigeons. In plants, however, the connection between various parts, even in close proximity, is by no means so intimate as between different organs of the higher animals ; while the theory advanced here gives a common interpretation for the whole of the so-called correla- tions found in any flower. That one is justified in saying that correlated growths are much restricted in plants, is clear from the experience of horticulturists ; thus, while, e.g., the varieties of pease are infinite, they having been the object of selection alone, the flowers which produce them have virtually remained unchanged. A sino-le coincidence has little or no scientific weigfht as indicating cause and effect. It is only when coincidences can be multiplied that the}^ furnish a probability of a high order; which, even if they do not admit of a verifiable ex- periment, still furnish a tiioral conviction, which, by the rules of philosophy, is equivalent to a demonstration. Now, this is exactly the case with irregular flowers. They always occur in similar positions ; they are always constructed so that the insect in adaptation to them can gain access to the honey in the easiest way ; their organs are so situated that the pollen should be transferred accurately to the stigma, etc. And when we find them distributed cvery- w^here throughout phanerogamous plants, the probability that the same or analogous causes have brought them about is of a very high order indeed. Moreover, since we have abundant evidence of the re- sponsive power of protoplasm to build up tissues wherever they are required, I am not assuming an influence on the one hand Avithout ample evidence of the probability of the 114 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. responsive action on the other, coupled, of course, witli here- ditary and other influences which fix the variation. Thus, then, as I believe, all flowers as we have them now, which are in perfect adaptation to insect agency, are the outcome of the resultant of all the forces, external and internal, which the insect has actually brought into play or stimulated into action by visiting them for their honey or pollen. The belief that such processes may have grown in response to mechanical irritations is supported by some interesting experiments made by Mr. O'Brien, of Harrow, who has kindly favoured me with the following remarks : " With reference to impressions conveyed by ' nervous ' force in Orchid flowers, whereby the expansion of the sepals and j^etals signifies to the reproductive organs that the time for fertilisation has arrived, I have observed that the periods of maturing and of decay may be either arrested or hastened in certain orchids by artificial means. With reference to arrest- ing decay, I took such flowers as Stanhopea and Goryanthes, which have large membranous sepals, and which, in the ordinary course of events, become reflexed soon after the opening of the flowers, and shortly afterwards wither. These are then followed by the other parts. By seizing the opportunity as soon as they expand, and by passing a thread round them, so as to keep them in the condition of the flower when just on the point of expansion, they may be kept good for a long time, the flowers evidently, as it were, not realizing the increased lapse of time, and being unaware that they had passed the period when they would have been ready for fertilisation. When so secured, a flower of Goryanthes speciosa on my table kept fresh three times as long as it would have done on the plant. The dripping of the water from the horns above the bucket is also arrested. Finally, on releasing the ligature, the broad wing-like sepals imme- THE FORMS OF FLORAL ORGANS. 115 diately became reflexed, and tlie water commenced to drip. Shortly afterwards the wings shrivelled np, and the flower decayed in the same manner as it would have done a week before if left to itself on the plant. " I will now give an example of deceiving a flower by artificial means, by making it believe that its fertilisation has been accomplished without its having taken place at all. Miltonia Russelliana carefully guards the approach to the column by closing the petals over it ; but on pushing these petals aside with a pencil, I always found that the labellum faded, and withdrew upwards very soon afterwards. The showy portion of the flower, evidently having had it con- veyed to it that its duty was performed, then followed suit. On carrying the deception still further to the reproductive organs, by placing small pieces of grit on the stigma, I found that the ovaries would swell in many cases, just as though the flower had been properly fertilised by pollen. This same result often takes place in Orchid flowers .under cultivation, and seed-vessels are obtained of full size, but, of course, with no vitality in the grains within." As an analogous instance, I will add that it is the belief of M. O. Beccari that ants are not only responsible for the remarkable growths in Myrmecodia and Hydnopliytum, etc., but that they have become indispensable for the healthy development of such plants. The investigations of M. Treub on Bischidia, the pitchers of which are frequented by ants, like the stipules of Acacia spluvrocepliala, seem to justify one in concluding that genus also to be one of these so-called " Ant-plants " {Ann. du Jard. Bot. de Buitenzorg, iii., p. 13). Dr. Lundstrom also believes that the habit of producing *' domatia " is now hereditary, without the actual presence of the insects (see Journ. Boy. Micr. Soc. 1888, p. 87.) 116 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XII. THE ORIGIN OF " ZYGOMORPHISM." Bilateral Symmetry. — A feature abundantly illustrated through the flowering world, in the construction of irregular flowers which are highly specialized for insect agency, and of which the Labiates and Scrophularinece, for example, fur- nish many instances, is the hypertrophy of the corolla in the direction of an antero-posterior plane, giving rise to a bilateral structure. On the one hand, the lips of various kinds, as also the keel, and often the wing petals too, where they help to sup- port the insects in papilionaceous flowers, are accounted for by the weight of the insects bringing about a responsive action in the protoplasm, thus determining a flow of nutriment to the parts demanding it, which now grow into the forms re- quired. On the other hand, the opposite or posterior side is often influenced as well, so that, as in Lamium, the lobes of the two posterior petals have grown into the enlarged hood. The cause of this I take to be the powerful tJirust which insects exert against the posterior side while their weight is expended on the anterior. If a humble-bee be watched, as represented in Fig. 31 (p. 107), it will be seen how eagerly and determinedly it forces its way into a corolla -tube if it expand upwards, as in Duvernoia or Lamium. All the pres- sure is exerted along the median plane, like an oblong wedge THE ORIGIN OF " ZVGOMORPHISM." 117 thrust into a circular tube. The corolla then " gives," as it were, and expands along the antero-posterior plane. The calyx follows suit, and often assumes a bilobed f annel-shaped tube as well ; while the lateral lobes of the corolla tend to atrophy, since they do not lie along the line of the pressure due to the weight of the insect (see Fig. 406, p. 126.) If the floral organs be imagined to consist of some plastic, extensible, but not elastic substance, and be subjected to various pressures, strains, thrusts, etc., in imitation of the motions of insects, it is readily conceivable how the parts would yield, stretch, or bulge, and become fixed into shapes very closely resembling what has actually taken place in nature. In reality, of course, the ability to grow in response to the forces applied is to be substituted for the theoretical plasticity and extensibility of the imaginary material. Compensatory degenerations occur in various directions, as in the atrophy of the lateral petal-lobes of Lammm, the loss of the fifth posterior stamen, the reduction in length of the filaments of the posterior pair of stamens. In this latter respect Nepeta differs from other genera ; but as we can readily conceive how all sorts of differences may and do exist in the direction and degree of the forces applied to flowers, some exceptional ones must have occurred in that genus which has favoured the growth of the posterior pair, so that they have become the longer ones ; for there is no rule without an exception. As another illustration, Teucrium may be taken. In this genus the "hood" is entirely wanting; but here, again, pig. 36._pio,,.er of the interpretation is that, no hypertrophy Teucrium (after ^ . ' J f t J /?y^. yag., 1279). having been applied to them, the two petals of which it is composed have become reduced in size and "cleft," as shown in Fig. 86, of T. (Teucris) orientale. Bees, 118 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. when visiting tlie flowers, hang downwards upon the corolla, as the hp and adjoining lobes are in one vertical plane, and give no thrust upon the posterior side. All weight, therefore, is thrown upon the front, just as it is on the stamens of Epilohium angiistifolium, described above. Their weight has consequently, so to say, "split" the hood in twain, and the stamens now stand erect in the cleft. The peculiar form of the corolla, with the whole of the limb dependent in a vertical direction, must throw the weight of the insect so much to the front, that the leverage will be at a considerable disadvantage — much more so than when the insect stands more directly over the tube of a corolla; which latter, in that case, is often strengthened by that of the calyx. To meet this difiBculty the pedicel is curved over at the top, as may be readily seen in our common Wood- sage, and forms a spring; while hypertrophy has attacked the posterior side of the calyx, in that it now carries two extra 7 marginal ribs, one on either side of the pos- m m terior dorsal one, as shown in the accompany- d d ing diagram. This is exactly the reverse of ^' d what occurs in Salvia, and others which are much more strengthened on the anterior side, when the insect stands more directly over the centre of the flower. Additional aid is also gained by the tube of the corolla of Teucrium being resilient ; the anterior pair of stamens form two thick ridges, much aiding it in this respect ; the posterior pair, however, are, so to say, " sunk " into the tissue of the corolla as to be invisible in a transverse section. Transitional Forms. — We may sometimes, as it were, catch the formation of irregular and zygomorphic flowers in the process of formation ; for it not infrequently happens that one genus will be irregular amongst its allied regular ones. Thus Verhascum and Petunia are transitional genera, THE ORIGIN OF " ZYGOMORPHISM." 119 and stand intermediate between Solanacece and Scrophula- rinece. The former genus has a less zjgomorphic corolla than many of the latter order, and also retains the fifth stamen in varying degrees of utility. We might regard both these genera as Solanaceous, and on the road to acquiring zygo- morphism, but to which neither has yet fully attained. " The short-tube [of Verbascum nigrum^ widens out into a flat, five-lobed limb, which takes up an almost vertical position ; the inferior lobe is the longest, and the two superior are shorter than the lateral lobes, so that an insect settles most conveniently upon the inferior. The stamens project almost horizontally, but curve slightlj^ upwards from the tube, and diverge slightly from one another ; they alternate with the petals, and again the superior is the shortest, and the two inferior longer than the lateral ones. . . . The style is shorter than the inferior stamens, and bent down slightly below them." From this description, taken from Miiller's work,* which, with slight modifications, would describe Petunia as well, the reader will see how these flowers fulfil the requirements of self-adaptation to insect agency ; and in every point of detail are they responding to the forces impinged upon them. The weight of the insect being well to the front, hypertrophy is commencing on the anterior side, while atrophy follows on the others, there being no special thrust as yet on the posterior side of the flowers. There are many other genera and species which stand in intermediate positions between others, and it has always been a matter of doubt to systematists as to which they should be referred. The interpretation of their existence I take to be as here described, namely, that they are in an actual transitional state, brought about by insect agency, if * Fertilisation, etc., p. 429. 120 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. they be flowers yisited; or by fluctuating conditions of nutri- tion, if not ; and then, arrested in that state. A further remark on a significant point may be added on Petunia. In this flower, as in Vei'hascum, the limb of the corolla stands in a vertical plane, the anterior lobe is a trifle larger than the others, the five stamens have a slight tendency to be atrophied on the posterior side, while the stigma has become just so much displaced as to hinder self- fertilisation. This property is, however, by no means yet lost. Florists are aware of it, and find it necessary to self- fertilise, but not to cross, these flowers artificially to secure plenty of seed ; Mr. Darwin corroborates this (Cross and Self, etc., p. 193). We have, then, here a case, but by no means an isolated one, in which the forms of the floral organs are undergoing a change, but the physiological characters of the essential organs have not yet been influenced by the external stimulus, so as to become more or less inert upon one another, as is sometimes the case in highly differentiated flowers. Indeed, it would seem to be a universal rule that morpho- logical changes are more readily acquired than physiological barrenness ; as by far the great majority of plants have retained their self-fertilising powers ; and, when they have lost it, it is easily and rapidly reacquired when the necessary conditions are supplied. Ecliium is another instance of almost a single genus amongst others of the same order characterized by great and persistent regularity. Bhododendron and Azalea may be compared with other genera of Ericacece, and the reader will readily suggest others. Sometimes the irregularity is confined to the stamens or style, or both, which may have a tendency to become decli- nate, as in Calhma, in some Liliaceous and Amaryllidaceous THE ORIGIN OF " ZYGOMORPHISM. 121 plants, as Narcissus Gorhularia. In Anagallis arvensis and Lycium harharum there is notliing but an obliquity in the style observable. In all the flowers which tend to show irregularities the rule is that the corolla-limb stands in a vertical plane, so that the flowers are visited from the front. This I take, as mentioned above, to be generally a primary necessity for bringing about irregularities of all kinds. There are some campanulate and pendulous flowers where irregularity occurs in the lengths of the filaments or the size of the anthers. Thus, I have observed great fluctuations in the stamens of Narcissus cernuus : some of these I have illustrated in Fig. 37. I noticed that a peduncle always bore the same form in every flower of its umbel. There were mostly three floAvers in each, as of a, h, and d; one specimen of a and one of e had only a single flower ; and one of c had two flowers. In a, h, c, d, the three short stamens, as well as the three long ones, were all of the same height, respectively shorter set was taller than the rest. Similar fluctuations are not at all uncommon in cultivated heterostyled plants, as Primroses ; as will be alluded to again in discussing the conditions of heterostylism. In Fritillaria Meleagris, though no irregularity occurs in the perianth leaves, it often appears in the androecium, and is more especially observable in the lengths of the anthers. This would seem, therefore, to be another instance of incipient change. Calluna vulgaris is likewise just commencing to be Xarcissus cernuus. but in e one of the 122 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. irregular. The flowers are almost horizontal, closely com- pacted against the axis, and consequently not readily visited on any side except from the front. The style and stamens curve upwards, so that " the smaller bees and flies thrust the head or proboscis from the front into the flower, and the upward curvature of the style and stamens causes the insect to enter by the lower half of the flower, and so to get dusted with pollen from above." * Miiller also notices, about this flower, that " the style, which even in the bud overtops the stamens, grows very markedly after the flower opens, as the flower itself does. As a rule, it attains its full length only after the anthers have completely shed their pollen, at which time also the four-lobed stigma reaches its full development." He gives five figures of Saxifraga Seguieri to show the progressive stages of development. In the first or female (protogynous) condition the stigmas only are mature, the anthers, petals, and sepals being far from having attained their full size. It is not until half tbe anthers have shed their pollen, and the others ready to do so, that the flower attains its complete dimensions. f I refer to these facts, which are equally applicable to many other flowers, to show that growth normally continues after insects have commenced to visit flowers ; so that there is plenty of opportunity for the petals, stamens, etc., to respond to the insect's action before reaching maturity. Dr. F. Noll has investigated the various movements of zygomorphic flowers during growth, resulting in the external position of the flower; and he finds that the excess of weight on one side is, when necessary, counterbalanced by active tensions (see Jl. E. Mic. Soc, 1887, p. 612 andreffs.). * Fertilisatiov, etc., p. 379. f Ibid, p. 244. ( 128 ) CHAPTER XIII. THE EFFECTS OF STEAINS ON STRUCTURES. Vegetative Organs. — In explaining the origin of iiTCgulur flowers by insect agency, it will not be amiss to fortify the theory by describing other instances apart from flowers, and to add further results which I believe to accrue from the persistent action of insects on the one hand, and a ready response on the part of the organ on the other. Researches into the anatomy of stems have proved the existence of this responsive power. Thus, a tree will develop wood in a particular direction if it be compelled to meet special strains imposed upon it ; for Andrew Knight found that when trees were allowed freedom in one direction only, and were thus made to oscillate in definite directions, either east and west or north and south, the stem became elliptical in section, the long axis corresponding to the direction of oscillation. Mr. Herbert Spencer has also described how Cactuses, if submitted to particular strains, develop wood to meet them. The various kinds of the supporting tissues of pedicels, such as collenchyma, sclerenchyma, the so-called liber-fibres as well as true woody fibre, are all so many contrivances of the stems to support the weight of the flowers and fruits, and to overcome gravity. So, again, in the case of apples and pears, if they hang vertically downwards they grow as 124 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. sjmmetricallj round tlie insertion of tlie stalk as an orange ; but if the pedicel projects obliquely from the branch, they then thicken along the upper side, forming a sort of buttress running down into the stalk, which also itself tends to thicken. This enlargement, which gives the peculiar " lop- sidedness " to several kinds of pears especially, and in a lesser degree to some sorts of apples, is simply due to the fact that the force required to counteract the resultant of the two forces, gravity and tension — which act vertically downwards and along the stalk, respectively — must be increased in proportion as the direction of the stalk ap- proaches the horizontal one. The accompanying diagram (Fig. 38) represents the basal end of a Dr. Jules Guyot pear ^ and in the position in which it hangs upon the tree. The lettev lu (weight) is in the line of gravity, t (tension) acts along the stalk, while r coun- teracts the resultant, which tends to tear the pear from the stalk at the upper side. This strain must be met, and the increased thickness Fig. 38.— Diagram of the end of a along this Upper sidc enables the pear Dr. Jules Guyot pear. , • j_ •. j -i • •^ to resist it, and thus prevents the frait, especially if it be a large and heavy kind, from being wrenched from the stalk. A somewhat similar development often occurs with plums and lemons ; only, as there is no receptacular tube in either case, the weight of the fruit causes them to produce a thick fold in the carpel on the under side, together with some degree of hypertrophy on the upper, where the tension occurs. It is not uninteresting to notice how branches of trees similarly sustain the strain produced by their own weight. This is done by growing at an acute angle (originally caused THE EFFECTS OF STRAINS ON STRUCTURES. 125 by arising in the axil of a horizontally inserted leaf), much more often than in a strictly horizontal direction. The branch, after growing for a short distance upwards, generally bends downwards, assuming just the same curvature as of declinate stamens which have to support the weight of insects. If the vertical line in the adjoining diagram (Fig. 39) represent the trunk, and the curved | line a branch, the insertion at /sup- l^^s^^^^^^l's^^^^ ^y^ plies the fulcrum, w is the weight of /IT '\ the branch, and acts in a vertical I ^\A line, 'p is the power requii^d to ^^:k counteract the resultant of these two ^^ forces. ^ When the bough breaks, either ^t^nS^Klng ^iHi^! through an additional weight of snow ^'^"*^" ^^ ^•^'"''• or by its own weight on decay, it snaps off at the point p, i.e. the place where the force acts, as it can no longer over- come the resultant of / and iv. Reproductive Organs. — Applying these principles to floral structures, we have already seen in how many ways the strain to which parts of flowers are subjected, through the weights and pressures of insects, are met and overcome. In a large number of instances the organ becomes curved, and assumes the character of a spring, yielding on pressure, but recovering its position when pressure is removed. It is often so with the claws of the petals of jDapilionaceous flowers, the stamens of Dicenira^ Corydalis, and Veronica Chamcedrys. Similar structures are seen in many styles, as those of Pansy (Fig. 54), and in genera of Polygalacecc. All declinate stamens partake of it to a more or less degree. The distribution of the forces brought into play to support the insect is exactly the same as when a bough 126 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Fig. 40a.— Diagram of declinate stamens, illustrating the distri- bution of forces. has to support its own weight, as will be easily understood from Avhat has been described, and by referring to the diagram (Fig. 4:0a). If the tissue does not remain firm under pressure, then the lever-action of a spring may fail to be secured, and the organ will oscillate freely, as on a pivot. This I take to be another result of a constant, but of course unconscious, effort of the insect to push the organ in a certain direc- tion. It is thus that anthers become versatile, and oscillate, and may become even inverted in position, when pollination is being effected by insects. Consequently anthers normally introrse can be made to assume a pseudo-extrorse position. This happens with some Crucifercu as Cardamine pratensis, Tulips, etc. A similar cause I would attribute to the formation of the oscillating anthers of Salvia, and of the species of Calceolaria, as G. Favonii, which form the section Aposecos of that genus, as shown in Fig. 32, a, p. 109. As an example of an entire flower illus- trating the distribution of forces, the accom- panying figure of Lamium album (Fig. 40&) will explain how the forms of the calyx and corolla are adjusted to bear the weight of the insect. The bee alights on the lip and Fisr. 40b. — Lamium al- .-, <• ^^ ^ • a^ l^ it bum, showing distri- then partially crawls into the expanded bution of forces. -^louth of the corolla, SO that its weight now lies in the direction of iv. The fulcrum will be at /, and the resultant of these is in the opposite direction to r. This is where the strain will be felt ; so that it is just at this THE EFFECTS OF STRAINS ON STRUCTURES. 127 point where the backward curvature takes place which gives strength to the corolla-tube. This latter is also greatly supported by the tube of the calyx, which, as stated, has a curiously thickened cylinder within the mesophyl. Finally, if we may admit the existence of this adaptability to strains and other external forces, and that the various structures of flowers will grow in response to them and develop themselves accordingly, we have a clue to the interpretation of every one of the most diverse forms which may be found in flowers adapted to insect agency. Similarly, with regard to several classes of cell structure which are now recognized as having a supportive function, such as collenchyma, sclerenchyma, wood fibres, etc., I would con- tend that such are not formed originally and anteriorly to the requirements of the plant; but that strains have been responded to, and the tissues formed accordingly. Then, subsequent!}^, hereditary influences have come into play, so that noiu they may appear even before there is any actual necessity for them, I find that M. J. Baranetzki's observations * on the thick- ening of cell-walls tend to corroborate this view; for he, too, has arrived at the conclusion that the secondary formations on the interior of the cell-walls are always in adaptation to protect the cell- wall against the pressures exercised upon it. In alluding to the above instances of levers and mecha- nical powers in plants, one mentally recalls how abundant they are in the distribution of the bones and muscles in vertebrates. These latter are, of course, situated only and exactly where they are required. I cannot help thinking, therefore, that the old view was fundamentally correct ; that such have been gradually brought into existence by the efforts to meet the strains put upon them. If this be true, then one and the same law has prevailed in the evolution of organs in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms. * Ann. des Sci. Nat. {Bot), iv. (1886), p. 135. 128 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER Xiy. ACQUIRED REGULARITY AND " PELORIA." Reversions to Regularity. — Dr. Masters observes that " in cultivated Pelargoniums, the central flower of the umbel or ' truss ' frequently retains its regularity of proportion, so as closely to approximate to the normal condition in the allied genus Geranium; this resemblance is rendered greater by the fact that, under such circumstances, the patches of darker colour characteristic of the ordinary flower are com- pletely wanting, the flower being as uniform in colour as in shape. Even the nectary, which is adherent to the upper surface of the pedicel in the normal flower, disappears, some- times completely, at other times partially. The direction of the stamens and style, and even that of the whole flower, becomes altered from the inclined to the vertical position. In addition to these changes, which are those most commonly met with, the number of the parts of the flower is sometimes augmented, and a tendency to pass from the vertioillate to the spiral arrangement manifested." * All the differentiations in an ordinary lateral blossom of Pelargonium brought about by insect agency are, in the above instances, reversed in consequence of the terminal position of the flower. A more complete illustration of the effect of manner of growth and the distribution of nutrition could not * Teratology^ p. 221. ACQUIRED REGULARITY AND " PELORIA." 129 well be given, showing how all the features of irregularity acquired by the ordinary form must have been induced or impressed upon the flower when growing laterally and easily visited, but that they are readily lost as soon as the sap can be distributed radially and so cause the parts to grow symmetrically round the now vertical axis. Besides the occasional appearance of one or more terminal and regular flowers among a truss of iri-egalar ones, it is the object of florists to induce all the blossoms of many irregular flowers to become regular. Thus cultivated Pelargoniums, Gloxinias, Azaleas, Pansies, etc., which arc normally irre- gular, tend to become regular under cultivation, and lose their characteristic features. In all these cases I am inclined to recognize negative evidence in favour of the theory advanced ; in that, presuming the characteristic irregularities to have been brought about by the agency of insects and through the crossing of distinct flowers by these creatures, and that the irregularities have arisen under the various pressures, etc. ; then, under cultiva- tion, though they may be repeatedly crossed by man — the process, however, not being effected in the same way as by insects, and consequently the causes of irregularity being wanting — the flowers now revert to their ancestral forms ; while ample supplies of nutriment doubtless play an important part in the process. Moreover, though any irregular flower may become regu- lar, it is a significant fact that normally regular flowers are never known to suddenly assume any definite irregular form. That the change from irregularity to regularity is an acquired constitutional affection is seen in the fact that, when the flowers of a drooping Gloxinia are fertilised with their own pollen, a large number of the seedlings will bear the erect regular form of flower. K 130 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. In the preceding cases tlie regularity occurring in normallj irregular flowers is due to the non-development or arrest of the usually characteristic features which give rise to the irregularity ; so that the resulting form is a reversion to, or a restoration of, the ancestral conditions of the flower which is assumed to have been perfectly regular. As insects, by their mechanical actions, are hei'e believed to have brought about irregularities in flowers ; so, con- versely, regularity can be reacquired through their agency in another way. Clerodendron is a plant in the corollas of which certain members of the family Tingidce take up their abode as pupse. The irritation induced by their presence brings about a hypertrophy of the corolla, which now assumes a regular form, while the filaments and style are likewise affected, becoming much thicker than in the normal, irregular flower. Reversions to regularity may, therefore, I think, be safely referred to nutrition as the immediate agent, though such extra flow of nutriment may be brought about by diverse causes. " Peloria." — Regularity may, however, arise in another way, by the members of the whorl or whorls normally irregular being all exactly alike. Instead of there being any arrest, there is here an excess of development. Thus, if, instead of the anterior petal of Linaria being the only one provided with a spur, all the petals become spuiTed, then the corolla will become regular ; but there is no other tendency to revert to the ancestral form. This variety constitutes the form called " Peloria " by Linnseus. There are, then, two factors, which appear either singly or together, in this process of change. First, a terminal position, as this tends to produce regularity in consequence of an equable flow of sap in all directions : just as this also ACQUIRED REGULARITY AND '' PELORIA." 131 determines the persistent regularity of all flowers which arc normally so situated and are visited from all directions. Ifc will be often found that when Snapdragons have pelo- rian blossoms they are in three-flowered cymes as in Cal- ceolarias, instead of a raceme, of which the central one is regular, while the lateral flowers are irregular. Secondly, whether terminal or not, the influence which first brought about the change in the anterior part of the flower spreads to and effects all the rest. This statement, of course, only expresses what one sees, without explaining the process ; but the fact that the energy peculiar to the formation of one organ can affect others is so common, that we may recognize the process as a principle of growth; just as stamens may become petaloid, on the one hand, or pistiloid on the other ; showing that "petaline energy" can affect the androecium in the first case, and "pistiline energy " in the latter. That the true pelorian form is correlated to vegetative energy is seen in the fact that such a flower obviously requires more material than a normal one, and that petalody of the stamens frequently accompanies the modification. Moreover, although of course usually sterile under such circumstances, yet pelorian Linarias have been reproduced when the seeds were sown in a rich soil. Mr. Darwin also raised sixteen seedling plants of a pelorian variety of Antirrhinum artificially fertilised by its own pollen, all of which were, as perfectly pelorian as the parent plant. That peloria is due to hypertrophy is also seen in the fact that it always arises by multiplication of the normally enlarged organ. Thus, in Linaria and Antirrhinum all the petals are spurred or pouched ; in pelorian Larkspurs and Aconites it is the spurred and hooded sepal which is repeated ; and in papilionaceous flowers it is the standard which is multiplied five times, etc. An abnormal increase in the number of petals 132 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. and stamens often occurs in pelorian Pelargoniums, Horse- chestnut, etc. If pelorian forms were equally constant as the one-spurred condition, botanists would undoubtedly have recognized them as species, or perhaps genera, as it is the comparatively slight difference in the length of the spur upon which they separate Linaria from Antirrhinum. Similarly Corydalis has normally but one spar and one nectary. It, however, bears occasionally two spurs and has two nectaries, as in Dicentra. " Peloria, then," as Dr. Masters observes,* "is especially interesting, physiologically as well as morphologically. It is also of value in a systematic point of view, as showing how closely the deviations from the ordinary form of one plant represent the ordinary conditions of another ; thus the peloric ' sleeve-like ' form of Calceolaria resembles the flowers of Fahiana, and De Candolle, comparing the peloric flowers of the Scrophulariacece with those [the normal ones] of Solanacece, concluded that the former natural order was only an habitual alteration from the type of the latter. Peloric flowers of Papilionacece in this way are undistinguishable from those of Bosacece. In like manner we may trace an analogy between the normal one-spurred Delphinium and the five-spurred Aquilegia, an analogy strengthened by such a case as that of the five-spurred flower of Delphinium.'" * Teratology, p. 236. ( 133 ) CHAPTER XV. THE ORIGIN OF FLORAL APPENDAGES. Epidermal Triciiomes, etc. — While all conspicuous flowers inyite insects of some sort or another to visit them, which, by so doing, pollinate their stigmas, it is an important thing to be able to exclude those which would rifle the flower of its treasures and yet not transfer the pollen from one flower to another. Dr. Kerner, in his interesting work entitled Flowers and their Unbidden Guests, has described and figured a large number of instances of the forms of flowers in which he detects various processes, some of which produce sticky secretions, others occurring as hairy " wheels " and "tangles " of wool, etc. ; all of which tend to stop the ingress of ants and other small insects, and thus prevent them from getting at the honey. The question at once arises. How have these processes been caused ? Without attempting to account for all, the theory I offer will, I maintain, be answerable for a good many, especially for several cases of secretive processes and for the hairy obstructions. All these 1 would suggest as the immediate results of the irritations set up by insects; so that, as a consequence, they occur just and only where they are wanted ; so that, while they form no hindrance to the larger and stronger insects which have presumably caused them to be developed, they, however, may effectually prevent the smaller ones from entering. 134 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. In many cases the capability of the flower to restrict itself to its proper visitors, and at the same time to exclude the wrong ones, is a common result of the differentiations which have taken place. Thus, an elongated tube, as in Evening Primrose, and in some species of Narcissus, etc., is a direct result of and adaptation to the long proboscides of Lepidoptera, and in proportion as the tube is elongated so does it prevent the ingress of short-tongued insects, or of those with short proboscides. Apart, however, from such and other general results of adaptations, w^hereby flowers have become, for example, irregular, and consequently their insect visitors are more and more restricted in number, there are innumerable out- growths of various kinds which act as special obstructions to the entry of small insects which would not be able to pollinate the flower. Thus, while many regular flowers, such as Gentians, have developed horizontal hairs all round the entrance to the tube of the corolla. Honeysuckle and Veronica Chamcedrys, which are irregular and approached from one side only, have developed them in the anterior side alone. In Amaryllis helladonria Kerner describes and figures (Fig. 41) a one-sided flap growing out of the perianth, and so folded as to furnish a very small orifice for the entrance of a proboscis. There is no such growth on the anterior side, but only on that one, the posterior, which is probed by an insect. In Gentiana Bavarica there are Fig. 41. — Base of flower of ^ met- , ,, t, . ,, , „ ryiiis showing honey-protector tooth-like processcs at the entrance OI (a er ernei> ^j^^ tubc, which remind one of the appendages to the corolla of some of the Sileiieo}. Monotropa glabra and Daphne Blagayana agree in having a large circular THE ORIGIN OF FLORAL APPENDAGES. 135 stig^ma nearly blocking up the tube ; and while in the former the irritation set up by the proboscis of an insect has (presumably) given rise to a glutinous secretion, in the latter it has caused a development of hair.* Did we but know what the insects were, and how they have poised themselves upon the flower, and in what way their proboscides and tongues have irritated the different parts, one might be able to describe more accurately the whole process ; but that such has been the cause and effect, as above described, seems to me to be too probable a theory to be hastily discarded in the absence of a better one. It is one of those arguments of deduction that escape the opportunity of verification, and can only rest for support upon the number of coincidences which can be found, and which collectively furnish a probability of a high order. When, then, we find that these processes always occur just where we know the heads, legs, bodies, and proboscides or tongues of insects habitually are placed and irritate the flower, we are justified in recognising, not only a coincidence, but a cause and effect, though we may not be able to trace the action in each individual case. Thus, it may be asked, * The remarkable fact of Ileliotrope being the solitary exception out of the order Apocynacea', with the stigma forming a circular riiu helow the summit, may meet with its interpretation from a like cause. The corolla is so folded round the style that it leaves no space between it and the latter. Hence it may, perhaps, have been due to a similar " rubbing," that has transferred the stigmatic surface from the now abandoned apex to a lower level, just where the style-arms ought to begin to diverge. The papillae, too, differ from the ordinary form in being pointed like fine hairs. The relative differences in the distribution of the papilla3 on the style-arms of the Composifte, I would also suggest as having been brought about by different insects which irritate them in various ways. So, too, the diverging stigmas of insect-fertilised cruciferous flowers may be compared with the small globular form of self-fertilising species of the Crucifene. 136 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Why are the three anterior petals of Tropceolum fringed, but the two posterior, which stand a long way behind, not so ? Why are hairs produced on the anterior side of a Honey- suckle and Veronica, but all round the mouth of the regular Gentiana ? And many other questions of a like sort might be raised. If we watch the habits of insects with their tongues, we may easily see how they irritate the various parts by licking them, not solely where the honey is secreted, but the filaments, etc. Thus Miiller often watched Rhingia rostrata licking the staminal hairs of Verhascum pliceniceum, and in many cases the hairs on the filaments offer a foothold to the insects while visiting the flowers, as in species of Mullein ; such hairs, if my theory be true, being the actual result of the insects clutching the filaments or rubbing them with their claws. In Gentatirea, the epidermal cells of the filaments have produced projecting processes, just where the proboscis rubs against them when searching for honey in the little cup (see Fig, 11, p. 60), from the middle of which the style issues, as shown by the direction of the arrow. These filaments also exhibit their extreme irritability by contracting, and so assisting in the " piston action " by dragging the anther-cylinder downwards over the style. While recognizing the coincidence between the localiza- tion of outgrowths, enations, trichomes, etc., and the position of the parts of insects in contact with flowers when searching for honey, one must not forget that a great number occur where such contacts do not take place. Hence we must look for other possible causes for their origin as well. One of the commonest forms of trichomes is glandular hairs, and, as Dr. Kerner has pointed out, when they occur on sepnls, pedicels, etc., they form admirable barriers to the approach of ants and other creeping insects, which might rifle the flower and yet not fertilise it. We must be on our guard, however, in THE ORIGIN OF FLORAL APPENDAGES. 137 asserting that nature has produced them in order to keep ants off ; for that line of reasoning is pretty sure to land us in faulty teleological methods. What causes them is not at present known in all cases ; though we may perceive that certain conditions, as growth in water, can bring about their disappearance, as Dr. Kerner remarked in the case of Polygonum amphibium, which only has them when growing on land. If, however, we ask, for example, why the Sweet-bi-iar has them all over it, and why the Dog-rose has none, I do not know how to reply to the question as yet. We may notice certain coincidences, that hairy herbaceous plants are com- moner in dry situations and smooth ones in watery; just as root-hairs occur in a loose sandy soil and their absence is noticeable in a heavy one ; but we do not know how these different media actually bring about these changes, though we may feel assured that it is solely due to the environment. If we, thus, look elsewhere than in flowers for any analogous processes they are by no means wanting. For example, it is simply the mechanical irritation brought about by contact with a foreign body, probably aided by moisture and a lessened de- gree of light, that causes the epidermal cells of the aerial roots of the Ivy and (3rchids (Fig. 42) to elon- gate into adhesive or clasp- ing hairs, so as to grasp the body for support. This is only a form of the ordinary root-hairs which are immediately developed when the tip is in contact with a moist soil, and each hair grips and glues itself Yip,. 42. — Adhesive epiilcrmal cells of roots of Orchids : a. aerial ; b, subterranean (after Janczewski). 138 THE STRUCTUllE OF FLOWERS. to the particles of soil.* Chatin noticed the production of hairs when the roots came in contaot with any obstacle ; f but Dr. M. T. Masters observes that the obstacle alone in their case is insufficient without moisture, for he found that the roots of Mustard-seed could penetrate a stiff claj,but did not develop any root-hairs until they came in contact with the sides of the pot — " Wherever there was a thin film of water investing a stone or the sides of a porous flower-pot or a plate of glass, there the root-hairs abounded." Besides a nutrient or moist medium, actual growth in water may enormously increase the length and quantity of root-hairs ; as may be seen in the dependent roots of floating plants of HydroGharis, etc. ; or in the hypertrophied con- ditions of the roots of grasses Avhen growing in water. That epidermal trichomes may be due to the irritation of insects is clearly seen by their appearance within the cavities of certain galls. J In the case, for example, of a very com- mon one on willows, the leaf bulges out below and forms a sort of bag, open or closed above. The tissues become hypertrophied though the epidermis and palisade cells are still recognizable lining the cavity. The leaf has scattered hairs on both sides ; but within the cavity much larger hairs, rich with protoplasmic or other matters, project from all sides into the interior. Some are straight, others curved, club-shaped, or with irregularly swollen ends, not unlike the forms produced on climbing roots by contact with a foreign body. Again, the crimson "spangles," so common on the underside of Oak-leaves, are covered with stellate clusters * Sachs' Phys. of PI. (Ei.g. ed.), 1887, fig. 12, p. 19. t Mem. Soc. Nat. Sci., Cherbourg, 1856, p. 5 ; referred to by Dr. M. T. Masters in Notes on Root-hairs, e^c, Joum. Roy. Hort. Soc, vol. v., p. 174. ;j; Caused by species of Netnatus. THE ORIGIN OF FLORAL APPENDAGES. 139 of hairs. Similarly, those of Cecidomyia Ulmarice on Spircea TJlmaria are hairy outside, and papillose within ; while similar ones of a Phytoptus on the Sycamore are lined with long blunt-ended hairs, and are clothed without by others, long and pointed. In all these cases the galls, as well as the hairs, are the product of irritation set up by the presence of the egg deposited by the insect.* As another very common instance of the presence of epidermal papillte and hairs, may be mentioned their occur- rence in the stylar and ovarian cavities. The former, and the placentas especially, may be clothed with delicate hairs exactly resembling root-hairs. Such may be well seen in the Poplar, Tamus, Eichardia ^tliiopica, etc. ; and since M. Guignard t has discovered that the mechanical and physio- logical irritation of the pollen-tubes is required to cause their development on the walls of the ovary in Vanilla, between the longitudinal bands of conducting tissue, it is, I think, a by no means improbable theory that the tufts of hairs over the nectaries, "tangles," "wheels," etc., on the filaments or corolla-tubes, have been actually caused by the irritation of insects, since they occur just where such irrita- tions are made. One use of certain outgrowths has been regarded as intended to protect the honey from rain. Why, however, some flowers should be so favoured wliile many others, as of the TJmhelliferca, have no protection at all, is not stated. The interpretation I have here offered will, of course, appi}'' to all such growths, whenever they may really keep off rain or " unwelcome guests." * Krasan lias lately discussed the formation of the woolliness of •^alls, etc., Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr., xxxvii. (1887), pp. 7, 47, 93, seqq. t Sur la Pollinisatiun et ses Effets chez les OrcliidecSy par M. L. GuigiKird, Ann. des Sci. Nat., tom. iv., 188G, p. 202. 14.0 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XVI. SECRETIVE TISSUES. Position of Nectaries.* — These honey-secreting organs seem capable of being formed anywhere. Of course they are mainly to be found in flowers, but many plants bear them elsewhere. Thus, some ferns have them on the rachis ; the common laurel, as also the almond and peach, have two at the base of the petiole ; beans and vefches, as well as species of Imjoatiens, have them on the stipules, as shown in Fig. 43. Bees may be often seen as busy about the young- shoots of laurel as if they were visiting flowers. Acacia s;ph(Brocei)liala has a large one, on the upper side of the petiole, which sup- plies those ants with food which take up their abode in the gigantic stipules peculiar to that genus. f * Les Nectaires, Ann. des Sci. Nat., Bot., vol. iii., p. 1, 1879 ; also, Etudes Anatomiques et Physiologiques des Nectaires, Compt. rend., torn. Ixxxviii., p. 662, 1879; also, Cross and Self Fertilisation of Plants, -p. 402; also, Stadler, Beitr. z. Kenntniss d. "Nectarieen ii. Biologie d. Blilthen. t See Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua ; also a paper by F. Darwin, in Trans. Lin. Soc, on the same subject. Fig. 43. — stipules of Impatiens : a. section showing anatomy b, with a drop of honey in the centre (after Kerner). SECRETIVE TISSUES. 141 A microscopic examination of the anatomy of nectaries shows them to be composed of small cells closely resembling the merismatic condition of ordinary cellular tissue (see Fig. 43, a), and similar to the arrested parenchyma of the pulvinus at the base of the petiole of sleeping leaves, which enables that organ to remain flexible. Or, again, it is very similar to the conducting tissue of the style, which owes its origin to the irritating effect of the pollen-tubes (chap, xviii.). The function of the nectary is to secrete honey, or, to speak more accurately, either principally glucose, or else cane sugar, or both, for the proportion varies greatly.* The position of nectaries in flowers is very various, and any organs can form them. It will be enough to enumerate a few localities as follows : The Lime, species of Malpighia,i and perhaps Coronilla, furnish instances, which are comparatively rare, of the sepals of the calyx being nectariferous. In Buttercups, Hellebore, and Aconite, nectar is secreted by the petals or their representatives. In Violets, Atragene (Fig. 44), Fentstemon, and Stellaria the filaments undertake the duty, while in Caltha, Monotropa, and Rhododendron it is the carpels or pistil. In most instances the honey is secreted by glands, disks, etc., issuing out of the floral receptacle. If the ovary Fig. 44.-Petais passing into be inferior, then the secreting structure T^j^^^a^ter Ser). '" is on its summit, as in the Tlmhelliferce ; and in that case it is the base of the styles from which the nectariferous tissue is developed. The Origin of Nectaries. — Limiting one's self to those in * Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr., viii. (1886), Rev. Bibl, p. 212. t Nature, vol. xvii., p. 78. 142 THE STRITCTURE OF FLOWERS. flowers, there are many reasons for inferring their existence to be due to the direct and irritating action of insects them- selves when searching for juices as food or otherwise. That a merely mechanical irritation may cause a flow of nutrient fluid to the spot, so that the tissues may increase ia size by the development of cells, which would not otherwise occur, is abundantly evident. It is seen, for example, in the growth and development of galls ; of the so-called " Ant- plants " on Myrmecodia (p. 115), Acacia sphcerocephala, etc. ; in the thickening of all climbing organs as soon as the irrita- tion of the foreign body has commenced ; hence the inference that hypertrophy may occur wherever an insect's proboscis can irritate the floral organs, is by no means without foundation. Why the cell-contents of nectaries should especially give rise to sugar, is a question at present beyond answering. Those of conducting tissues appear to do the same. In the case of nectaries it may, perhaps, have originated as a pathological phenomenon which has become fixed and hereditary; for pathological conditions often determine a flow of gum, as in Cherry-trees, resins in the Coniferce, watery and sugary dis- charges from wounds, etc. ; and it is impossible to draw any hard-and-fast line between a pathological and varietal state : as, for example, in closing the scar after the fall of the leaf the fibro- vascular bundles are sometimes stopped by gum — a process which, in this case, might be regarded as normal, and not pathological as in the former. If a particular locality be perpetually irritated, so to say, for generations, all analogy shows that the effect may become permanent and hereditary ; at least, as long as the irritation is persistently renewed year after year. And, on the con- trary, the theory is equally supported by the negative evi- dence of the disappearance of the honey-glands whenever the whole flower degenerates and becomes regularly self- fertilising SECRETIVE TISSUES. 143 or else anemophilous. In these cases, in unison with the degradation in size and colour of the corolla, or else its entire loss, the nectaries tend to and g-enei^lly vanish entirely ; as may be seen in Polygomcm aviculare as compared with P. Fagoinjrum and P. Bistorta. The simple origin of nectaries, then, accoi'ding to my theory, is that insects, having been attracted to the juicy tissues of flowers, by perpetually withdrawing fluids have thereby kept up a flow of the secretion which has become hereditary, while the irritated spot has developed into a glandular secreting organ.* These spots occur wherever the prevailing insect found it most convenient to search ; hence it is sometimes at one place, sometimes at another, even in closely allied plants. Thus, in Buttercups the stamens and carpels form a compact globe, especially the latter, and defy the penetration of a proboscis. The corolla, however, admits of an entrance of its base. In Atragene alpina the basal portion of the filament forms a nectary (Fig. 44). Comparing these with Caltha, the large carpels of this plant admit the passage of a proboscis between them ; and the nectaries are now developed on the sides of the ovaries, exactly where they would be irritated. In Ranunculus cortuscefolius, of the Canary Islands, which has a corolla more than two inches in diameter, the petals are entirely without honey-glands. On the other hand, the carpels are very large and flat, with plenty of space between them. Although I could detect no honey in plants grown at Floore, Weedon, the tissue over the centre of the ovary was modified, and exactly resembled the ordinary tissue o£ a honey-gland. If I am justified in assuming the carpels as * It is closely analogous to the action of the pollen-tube, which causes a flow of nutriment to the conducting tissue, only there is a physiological as well as mechanical irritation in that case. 144 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. nectariferous, this would bear out the above remarks, for it would be as easily accessible as in the case of Caltha. The merely occasional puncture and lesion caused by an insect whicli then flies away and does not keep up tbe irrita- tion — unless it be renewed by other insects — would not of itself be hereditary.* Thus, for example, Anemone nemorosa appears to be honeyless, but supplies pollen to bees ; yet Miiller noticed them frequently probing between the sepals and stamens, apparently to obtain juices wheremth to moisten the pollen. This process may have been the actual origin of nectaries, the result of a wound 'constantly repeated and kept up, being a flow of a sweet secretion, which has thus attracted insects and induced them to repeat the process. Analogous Cases. — A somewhat analogous illustration is that of galls, but in them the presence of the eg^, and sub- sequently the grub, keeps up the irritation. These remark- able structures do not form spontaneously as nectaries now do, without a puncture ; still, even in this case, there may be, for all we know, a predisposition to form them ; perhaps seen in the readiness with which the Oak forms so many kinds, and they may be now, perhaps, much larger than they were when insects of any particular species first punctured the ancestral oak upon which so many kinds have now been evolved. t The apex of a shoot of Yew attacked by Cecidomyia taxi is transformed into a fleshy ring curiously resembling the honey-disk of many flowers. It is well known that in the human subject there may be a predisposition for tumorous or cancerous growths which is hereditary; and there would seem to be a very close * Injuries, especially to the nerves, may be hereditary in man ; see "Nature, xxiv., p. 257. t M. E. Heckel thinks that the female "gall-flowers" of the Fig, with an abortive ovary, in which the Cynips blastophaga lays its egg, is now an hereditary form {Bull. Soc. Bot. de Fr., 1886, p. 41). SECRETIVE TISSUES. 145 resemblance between tumours and galls, though originating from different sources, both being hjpertrophied conditions of certain normal tissues. For example. Sir B. C. Brodie thus describes a fatty tumour : " There is no distinct boundary to it, and joa cannot say where the natural adipose structure ends and the morbid growth begins." It is pre- cisely similar with galls, which are due to cell-division setting in at certain points of the epidermis and subjacent tissues. Although lesions and mutilations will not as a rule prove to have any hereditary effects, yet the tendency to respond to an irritation becomes permanent, and the form and structure of the resulting organ may actually appear long before the irritation is applied. This is conspicuously the case in the tendrils of Ampelopsis Veitchii, in which the adhesive " pads " are in preparation before any contact with a wall has taken place. This is not the case with A. hederacea. Similarly the aerial and climbing roots of Ivy are regularly produced only on the shaded side. They can, however, be readily made to form on the opposite side, if that be artificially shaded ; and where, indeed, they may be not infrequently found in nature, where they can be of no use. Such cases prove that the tendency to produce them is an hereditary affection which is present before the irritation is brought into play. Again, with regard to the tendrils of the Gucurbitacece, though the coiling does not take place till the irritating effect induced by contact with a foreign body has brought it about, yet the tendency is seemingly so strongly hereditary that, in several cases, the tendrils are coiled while undeveloped in the bud, and have to straighten themselves before again coiling on contact, as may be seen in the common Bryony. In the case, however, of a mutilation, when it has been once made, the place heals over, and there is an end of all L 146 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. special vital action at the place. If, however, the same place be induced to secrete bj constantly repeated irritations, as the same flower is repeatedly visited over and over again before it fades, and the flowers of its offspring have to un- dergo the same process, year after year, generation after generation, I think it is at least a reasonable surmise that there will at last ensue a permanent flow of fluid to the place, with a corresponding modification of structure, and so the nectary becomes established. If, however, from any cause the flowers become neglected, then the nectaries degenerate and ultimately disappear. Apart from some general theory of the kind proposed, it is impossible to assign a reason for glands appearing at all sorts of places in flowers. A theory to be worthy of accep- tance must meet all cases, if possible, and I maintain that the one I propose is compatible with every observation that has been made in flowers.* * I would suggest a similar origin for the insectivorous pitchers of Nepenthes. They originate, as Sir J. D. Hooker has shown, from water- glands. The eifort to dispose of water brought up by the fibro- vascular cord keeps the tissue of water-glands at the extremity of a cord in a state of plethora, thereby somewhat arresting any change of form and retaining the cells in the very characteristic merismatic stage. And if it now meet with an external irritation from insects attracted by the escape of fluids a further response to their influence begins, and the wonderful structures we are familiar with in the pitchers of Nepenthes are the final result. I see no greater difficulty in conceiving of such an origin than in any other complex structure, such as the human eye. If the latter could originate from an epidermal cell sensitive to light only, and by succes- sive increments, traceable more or less distinctly through the various strata of animal life, finally reach the highest and most complex form of that of man, there is nothing inconceivable in the growth and differentiation of a pitcher in response to an external stimulus. What I cannot conceive of is, that any organ has ever originated without a definite stimulating cause acting persistently in one and the SECRETIVE TISSUES. 147 With reference to the continuous flow of nectar, I would draw some analogy from animal secretions. Mr. Darwin, in speaking of the cow, observes*: "We may attribute the excellence of our cows and of certain goats, partly to the continued selection of the best milking animals, and partly to the inherited effect of the increased action, through mans art, of the secreti7ig glands.'' This fact, recorded in the last sentence, which I have italicized, is only one example of the general principle of increase of growth by use, which I take to be strictly analogous to what takes place in the vegetable kingdom. And we may notice, in its special application to the formation of glands and other structures by mechanical irritation, that it is none other than a mechanical irritation which keeps uj) the secretion of milk for prolonged periods. The common or physical basis of vegetable life, namely protoplasm, is very nearly f indistinguishable in its properties from that of animals. Their behaviour is every day being proved to be not only similar but identical in the two kingdoms. The effects, under mechanical irritations and strains, of nutritive matters of the same kind, of poisonous substances, of electricity, etc., all show that the bond which unites the animal and vegetable kingdoms together is of one and the same nature, and that the links of the chain are forged out of this common basis of life. It is not to be wondered at, then, but rather to be antici- same direction. In the case of the eye, I take that cause to be light. In the case of an irregular corolla or the pitcher of Nepenthes, I assume it to be insects (2V. Lin. Soc, xxii., p. 415 j Ann. Sci. Nat., 4 ser., xii., p. 222). Conversely, in the absence of light the eye vanishes ; in the absence of insects, corolla, honey, etc., go; so that negative evidence tends to support the positive in all cases alike ; see Or. of Sp., 6th ed., p. 110. * Anim. and PI. under Bom., ii., p. 300. t See Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. 1887, 771. 148 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. pated, that tissues will behave alike in both kingdoms ; that organs will grow with use and degenerate with disuse ; that they will develop processes to meet strains put upon thera, as the limbs of animals have done and as stems * will do by forming special tissues; and, on the other hand, that they will atrophy if not called upon to display their powers, as parasitic organisms abundantly show in both kingdoms ; and as plants degenerate in water, which saves them the trouble of supporting themselves. All this is exactly what one finds to be the case in every department of the animal and vegetable kingdoms alike, whenever we search diligently into the anatomy and meaning of the histological details of all parts of organisms. COREELATIONS OF PlORAL NeCTARIES WITH POLLINATION. — There is yet another point observable in glands. As the position of a gland or nectary is just where it is most easily accessible to the particular insects which visit the flower — a fact abundantly illustrated throughout the floral world, — and since the sole use of it to the plant, as far as we can see, is that it should attract insects which transfer the pollen from one flower to another, one naturally looks to see if the positions of the anthers and stigmas are in any way correlated to that of the honey-gland. Such is, in fact, * I would throw out a suggestion that the anomalous stems of climbers, which often develop supernumerary collateral axes, but all coherent in one common stem, may be due to a response to the strains to which these stems are subjected, occurring in various directions, as they hang dependent on other trees. Other peculiar features, as of innumerable vessels, feeble wood tissues, etc., I take to be due to degeneracy, through these stems not being self-supporting, so that they have assumed very much the anatomical characters of subterranean roots. Again, just as the pericycle plays so important a part in the structure of many roots, it will be found that this same active layer is the parent of at least several of the above-mentioned supernumerary tissues in climbers, as in the tendrils of Cucurhita, Bryonia, etc. SECRETIVE TISSUES. 149 invariably the case ; so that one cannot but infer that a common cause has brought about their correlated positions. This close correlation is, of course, especially observable in the more highly differentiated flowers. In regular flowers, accessible on all sides, the glands are placed symmetrically round the flower — whether on the sepals, as in Lime ; on the petals, as in a Buttercup; or on the receptacle, as in Geranium pratense, — or else there is formed a disk, as in so many "disci- floral " plants. As soon, however, as a flower begins to show some tendency to irregularity, or the flow^er is visited in one way only, the honey-secreting organ at once becomes more restricted in localization; as in the Wallflow^er, where it forms two cushions, out of the middle of which the shorter stamens arise, while the petals form two pseudo-tubes leading down to those two glands. Again, in the Lahiatce, so markedly zygomorphic, the honey-gland is often restricted to the anterior side, on which the proboscis is inserted. Similarly in Antirrliinum majus, "the honey is secreted by the smooth green fleshy base of the ovary, whose upper part is paler in colour and covered with fine hairs ; ... it remains adherent to the nectary and to the base of the anterior stamens. The short wide spur permits the insect's proboscis to reach the honey from below ; above and in front it is protected by a thick fringe of stiff knobbed hairs on the angles of the anterior stamens."* It is hardly worth while giving other cases to prove the universal rule, that the position of the honey and its gland is always where it is most accessible ; and the position of the anthers is, at the same time, just where they w^ill be most conveniently struck by the insect; while the style and stigma supply a third correlation, so that the latter organ invariably hits the insect where the pollen has been previously placed. * Miiller, Fertilisation, etc., p. 433. 150 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. One more point may be noticed in connection with the above-mentioned correlations, namely, the motility of many stamens. This is always in reference to fertilisation, and, if it be an adaptation to intercrossing, then the anther takes lip snch a position that the insect strikes it when searching for lioney, as in tlie Aconite and Tropreolum. If, on the contrary, the motion is to secure self-fertilisation, then it is regardless of the honey, and may actually interfere with, the access to it by insects, as in the Rosacece : for in members of this order, with an indefinite number of stamens, the further they spread away from the pistil the more readily is the boney accessible; but when they curve inwards, and crowd over the stigmas in the centre, they completely cover up and conceal tlie honey-disk. The position of the anthers in relation to the honey- secreting organs will, I tbink, often be found to be the clue to certain anomalies in flowers. Thus in Geranium pratense it has been noticed that the petaline stamens stand ulti- mately externally to the calycine. Now, the position of the five glands in front of tbe sepals requires tbat a tubular space should exist above them, down which an insect may thrust its proboscis, as in the Wallflower. Consequently the five stamens in front of tbe sepals must be so disposed as not to interfere witb this passage. This can only be secured hy their bending well inwards towards the styles below, and then outwards, above, so as to bring the anthers again on the same vertical plane as those of the petaline stamens. The more internal position of the calycine stamens, and the external position of the petaline ones, are immediately due to the gland, so to say, forcing the former inwards, while tbe buttress-like bases of the carpels thrust the latter out- wards. This gives rise to the so-called obdiplostemony of the GeraniacecB. ( 131 ) CHAPTER XVII. SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. General Illustrations — Protoplasmic Irritability. — Having now stated on. what grounds I believe that the cohesions and adhesions between them, as w^ell as the forms of floral struc- tures have arisen — namely, in response to the irritations set up mainly by insect agencies, coupled with the effects of nutrition, atrophy, hereditary influences, etc., — it will be desirable to show briefly, not only how remarkably sensitive almost all parts, both vegetative and reproductive, are to the action of stimuli, but how they exhibit even visibly respon- sive effects, both in the protoplasm of the cells and in the tissues which are composed of them. The sensitiveness of living protoplasm is one of its most marked and well-known phenomena. It exhibits changes in its distribution within the cell as well as motions, which are the direct result of external stimuli. These may be very various, such as light, heat, electricity, or a merely mechani- cal irritation, as well as organic and inorganic solutions. Of the effects of stimuli upon the protoplasm, some may be beneficial, and partake of the nature of nutrition, as may be witnessed in the protoplasmic " aggregation " of insec- tivorous plants.* Very similar appearances follow electrical * Sec Darwin's Insectivorous Plants, fig. 7, p. 40. 152 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. or ineclianical irritations. Thus Fig. 45* shows the effect of electrical action on the threads of protoplasm ; a represents a cell of a hair of Tradescantia Virgi- niaca ; h the same, after the application of an electrical current. The following are Dr. Weiss's observations upon this phenomenon : — " A constant electrical current is without influence upon the protoplasmic excitation ; whereas the alternate shocJisf * From Weiss's Anatomie der Fflanzen, p. 95. t Pfeffer has noticed that the weight, 'per se, '''Lwl£1'a°"'o™°a' ::t o* the body in contact [if .ery slight?] is of dition ; b, under electrical no consequence to tendrils. Thus cotton-wool action (after Weiss). weighing '00025 grain produced no effect if carefully placed on them ; but it did when a gentle impact was caused by slight currents of air. Tentacles of Drosera have a sensitiveness very similar to that of tendrils, inasmuch as small splinters of glass only produced irrilation of the glands when they caused a rubbing as the result of concussion (see Journ. Boy. Micr. Soc, 1886, p. 285). Pfeffer concludes that the conduction of sensitiveness is not alto- gether due to a continuity of protoplasm, as it does not extend to the epidermis. Since, however, the outer cell-wall of the epidermis can grow when in contact with a foreign body, it would seem to clearly indicate that under such circumstances it still retained its protoplasm ; and that the modern view of the cell-wall being at first a protoplasmic layer, and not altogether a dead secretion from the protoplasm within it, is correct ; for otherwise it is difficult to imagine how it could adapt itself to the surfaces of foreign objects at all. Heckel, in studying the movements of the stamens in Sparmannia, Cistus, and Helianthemum, discovered that the epidermis plays an important part : " L'epiderme, contrairemeat a ce que voulait Morren {Ann. des Sci. Nat., t. xix., p. 104), est done dans quelques cas Torgane principal et visible du mouvement. Je me suis mieux assure du role qu'il remplit, en enlevant cet epiderme quand les dimensions des filets mobiles le permettaient sans mutilation profonde (Cistus ladaniferus) : tout mouvement alors etait suspendu " {Bull, de la Soc. Bat. de Fr., torn, xxi., 1874, p. 212). See below, p. 163. SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. 153 of an inductional apparatus always produce more or less deeply extending changes in the form of the plasm, which resumes its normal character if the power exerted be not too strong. The protoplasm immediately forms itself under the induc- tional shocks into lumps or balls ; and, moreover, often sends club-shaped extensions with great suddenness and energy into the cell lumen, and immediately brings the circulation to a standstill. The rotation returns, however, after a period of rest, the extensions are draw^n in, and the former net-shaped distribution of the protoplasm is restored, even when the whole mass of the plasm has been changed into a number of colourless balls and lumps. If the current is allowed to go only through a limited portion of the cell, then the streaming stops also in this tract only, and that, too, amid the formation of the lumps and balls. " A sudden increase and decrease of temperature acts in the same way ; there ensues a formation of drops, a cessation of the current, etc. Yet even here a return to the normal constitution takes place if no real coagulation of the proto- plasm has occurred. On the contrary, the current often ensues, after its recommencement, with a greatly heightened speed, and even boisterously. The grains, etc., found in the cell-sap outside the protoplasm are, however violently the current may flow, in no way influenced by it, but remain at rest." M. E. Heckel has described * the effect of a mechanical irritation on the protoplasm of the cells of the filaments of Berheris. He says that the cells of the irritable part are arranged in a parallel manner, being longer than broad. Their contents are of a yellow colour, and disseminated throughout the whole cavity, but especially applied upon the walls. After receiving the excitation, the same cells, the surface of which is striated transversely, are massed * Bull, de la Soc. Bot. de Fr., torn, xxi., 1874, p. 208. 154 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. together or aggregated, so as to occupy only two-thirds of the space they formerly required. The contents, retreating from different points of the circumference, are condensed in the centre of the cell, and the transverse strige are pro- nounced in a high degree. The cells at the back of the fila- ment are contracted in repose, and extended under irritation, i.e. in an opposite manner to that of the other side of the filament. The irritability does not reside in the epidermis. A result of this aggregation must be a frequent displace- ment of the nucleus. In Weiss's figure the irritation hap- pened to be made apparently at one end of the cell, while the nucleus was at the other ; but in Heckel's description it appears that the protoplasm is drawn from every point ; so that, supposing the nucleus had been at the lower end of the cell (Fig. 45, a), it would have been most probably displaced. The consequence would be, that if such a nucleus formed its cell-plate, the ultimate position of that plate would be different from what it would have been had no irritation been applied to the organ. Though one does not look to electricity as a cause in nature, yet that light determines the direction of cell-division is abundantly proved in the case of leaves, whose tissues alter according to their position ; the palisade cells, for instance, bring formed on both sides, if the exposure to light be equal, or on the under side if that be placed uppermost. Similarly does it influence the formation of stomata.* Again, Stahl has shown that the direction of the division of the nucleus, which takes place in the spores of Equisetum depends upon the direction of the rays of light; the two daughter-nuclei lying in the direction of the ray. On the other hand, the nucleus at the greater distance from the source of light is that of the root-cell, while the one nearer to the source of * M. L. Dufour., Ann. Sci. Nat., torn. 50 (1887), p. 31 1. See below, p. 173. SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. 155 liglit is that of the pi-otlialliiim cell.* Climbing roots of Ivy also appear on the darker side of the shoot, etc. It is impossible to regard the above cases as isolated, but they are special instances, revealing not only the general irritability of protoplasm, but the minuter effects upon the nucleus, which, in its turn, is thus compelled "to respond," and sets up cell-division, i.e. the formation of a tissue in the direction of the external influence, as mentioned above in the sentence I have italicized. The next very important point to notice is that cell-divi- sion can take place in response to, and in the direction of an external mechanical stimulus, just as well as in that of light. As the sensitive plant is influenced by, and visibly moves its foliage under the irritation of a touch or of varying degrees of light, so do I assume that the peculiar anatomical structures which permit of those motions are the direct result of external stimuli. Sparmannia, it may be added, exhibits three kinds of movement, viz.. Sleep in the calyx and corolla, 'mechanical irritability in the stamens, and an elevation of the peduncle. (See Heckel, Z.c, p. 210.) If this position be granted we have at least a working hypothesis for the present theory of the origin of floral structures. Formation of Tissues due to Irritability. — Apart from the preceding theoretical supposition, there may be fre- quently witnessed an actual formation of tissues of various kinds, through hypertrophy on the one hand, often coupled with atrophy on the other, and entirely brought about by physical or mechanical irritations. Cell-division is thus set up, a result which would not have occurred had not the external stimulus been applied. It is an important fact to notice, that in some cases the abnormal growth, though immediately following the stimulus, * See Jl. Roy. Micr. Soc, 188G,p. 287; and BnlL Soc. Bot. Fr.,2l, p. 65. 156 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. and never occurring without it, leaves no hereditary effect as in the case of galls * and of the thickening of the tissues of some climbers after they liave caught and clung to a foreign body, such as the petioles of Clematis,^ and the hooked peduncles of Uncaria (Fig. 46). In other cases the effect has become hereditary, and may then be regarded as a specific character. These differences are well seen in the tendrils of Ampe- lopsis hederacea as compared w4th those of A. Veitchii. In the former there are no traces of the adhesive "pads" at the ter- minations of the slender hooked tips of the branching tendrils, Fig. 46.-Climbing peduncle of Uncaria, Until COntact with the SUrfaCC of (aSr'xr'eubr' '"'"'''"^ "" "''^^"'' ^ wall bas occurrcd. On the latter species, however, the pads are in course of development before any contact has taken place just as the aerial roots of Ivy begin to appear before contact. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the effect of contact has become more or less hereditary in the latter Japanese species, though not in the American. These tendrils behave exactly like the clasping roots of Orchids, Ivy, etc., as well as the so-called "roots" of Lavii- naria, Cutleria, etc. Indeed, the way in which subterra- nean root-hairs fix themselves to particles of the soil is by essentially the same method. The irritation caused by con- tact aided by moisture excites the cell-wall to grow out into protuberant processes, which enables it to adapt itself to the * I have examined a considerable number of galls, and can qnite corroborate M. Prillieux, who has shown how the normal tissues become hypertrophied {Ann. des Sci. Nat., ser. 6, tom. ii. (1876), p. 113). t See Climbing Plants, fig. 1, p. 47, and fig. 4, p. 74. SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. 157 irregularities of the surface- of the particles. An excretion of mucilage appears to follow, which fixes the organ to the foreign support. The irritation not only affects the epider- mal layer, but the subjacent tissues as well, which then assist the former in grasping the support.* Another result of growth due to external agencies is seen in the hypertrophied stipules of Acacia spluerocephala and the stems of Myrmecodium, etc., in consequence of the irritation set up by ants. Dr. Beccari f (and M. Treub %) has examined these " Ant-plants," which occur in Buhiaceaj, Mijristicacece, EicphorhiacecB, Verbenacece, Melastomacern, and Palmcc, and explains the abnormal structures by variability and heredity. A small swelling appears on the tigellum of Myrmecodium serving the purpose of a reservoir of water, but which only grows larger through the agency of ants. These creatures induce hypertrophy of the cellular tissue. This, then, be- comes hereditary. I would venture to go further, and attribute the large honey-pits at the base of the leaf-stalk on Acacia sphcerocephala, as well as the terminal " fruit-bodies " occurring on the tips of the leaflets, to the same cause, viz. the mechanical irritation of the ants. There is, in fact, an abundance of evidence to prove that many organs of a plant, if subjected to irritation, can respond to it, and not only increase in size by hypertrophy, but materially alter their anatomical structure and develop new processes. Secondly, that these altered states, if the irrita- tion be persisted in, may become hereditary. * See Fig. 42, a, (p. 137), which represents the inferior side of an aerial root of Plialcenopsis amahilis in contact with a surface ; b is that of a root wliich has penetrated the soil (Organisation dorsiventrale dans les Racines des Orchidies, par M. E. Jauczewski. Ann. des Sci. Nat., ser. 7, torn, ii., p. 55. t Malesia, ii. (1884). See Arch. Ital. de Biol., vi. (1885), p. 305. X Ann. Jard. Bat. Buit., iii., p. 129 (1882). 158 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. The influence of tlie environment upon the anatomical and morphological structures of plants has been lately and widely studied from several points of view ; and it has been shown conclusively, by Constatin and others, how a change of medium — as, for example, from air to a subterranean one, or, ao-ain, to water — profoundly affects every tissue of the plant, whether the root, stem, or leaves be submitted to it. So, too, leaves of many plants have been proved to be very sensitive to changes of position and to different amounts of light — which is a most potent and exciting cause in affecting the raesophyl, palisade, and other tissues, including the epider- mis, stomata, and even cuticle. It is foreign to my purpose to describe or discuss these details in the vegetative system, of plants ; my sole object being to draw attention to the fact, and then to apply it to the structure of flowers. Ieritability of the Floral Organs. — Perhaps no parts of plants are more keenly sensitive to stimuli, or show a greater number and variety of results to excitement than flowers. A large proportion resemble plants which sleep, i.e. they exhibit movements according to the amount of light and heat which they receive. So various is this, that Linnseus was able to frame his floral clock. While many thus open their petals at definite periods and subsequently close them and die, as Convolvulus ; yet a large number reopen them again when the due amount of light returns, like Daisies and other Composites, Anagallis arvensis, Mesemhryanthemum, etc. Others, like Silene nutans, unroll their petals at night, but roll them up again by day.* Besides these spontaneous motions of the perianth, the stamens often exhibit move- ments, apparently without any external stimulus. Thus Parnassia and Saxifrages slowly move their stamens in suc- * See Dr. Kerner's description of this flower. Flowers and their Unhidden Guests, p. 133. SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. 159 cession, either towards the pistil as in the latter, or away from it as in the former. Other flowers, like Cratcegus, liubus, and Alisma, have them at first spreading away from, but afterwards bending over the pistil. These processes facilitate one or other kind of fertilisation, and are very common. Slow movements of the filaments after the anthers have discharged their pollen, so as to place them out of the way of the pistil, are not at all uncommon in strongly protan- drous flowers. Echium* and Teucrium Sc-orodoniaf will illus- trate this well-known phenomenon. The "lemon-scented" or " oak-leaved " species of Pelargonium has small and very irregular flowers, somewhat papilionaceous in appearance, with the stamens declinate, lying on the anterior petal ; the style lies beneath them, with the five stigmas quite undeve- loped. After the anthers have shed their pollen, they fall off, and the filaments bend down outside the flower, while the stigmas now come to maturity and lie in the very place where the anthers lay before them. Similar slow movements are very common in the styles and stigmas of plants. In the CompositcB and Campanula, Lobelia, Gentiana, etc., the style arms with their stigmatic papillae curl backwards, and so secure self-fertilisation. In several of the Scrophularinece and Lahiattv, the style gradually bends ov^er, so that the stigma comes in contact Avith the pollen. This, however, may be partly due to pro- longed growth. As examples, may be mentioned Bhinanthus, Melampyrum, Galeopsis, Stachys sylvatica, etc. Treviranus says the same thing occurs with Gladiolus, the style curving back towards the anthers. J * Cf. Figs. 20, h and c, p. 82 : h shows the position of the stamens before pollination ; c, after it. + See Miiller's Fertilisation, etc., p. 500, fig. 1G9. X Ibid., p. 548. 160 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. In addition to slow and seemingly spontaneous move- ments, to which all organs of a flower are liable, there are mary rapid actions, brought about by the direct means of external stimuli applied to them. Thus Indigofera and Genista are two genera in which the claws of the petals are in a great state of tension when the flower is open, and the moment they are touched it explodes. The claws, from having been horizontal, curl down- wards, and the staminal tube with the included pistil is jerked up- wards. Thus Fig. 47, a, represents a flower of G. tinctoria just expanded. On passing a pencil point down the front of the standard, the wings and keel petals drop vertically, as seen in Fig. 47, 6, looked at from the front. The staminal tube now lies against the standard. The keel, from its extreme tension, splits where it curls at the base, and be- comes wrinkled in fi'Ont, as seen in Fig. 47, c. There is a plant of the order Convolvulaceoe, the corolla of which ^. ,^ ^ .. .. ^ . I, actually closes on receivino: a me- Fig. 4:1.— Genista tinctoria: a, he- "^ o fore, b, after explosion ; c, claws chanical toUch. M. H, Dutrochct, of keel. after observing that the movements of Mimosa pudica and Dioncea muscijpula are all in one direction only, as also of the stamens of Cactus opuntia and Berheris, adds : •' Mais il est quelques cas oil cette incurvation oscillatoire s'effectue dans plusieurs sens dilferents, tel est, par exemple, le phenomene que presente une plante du genre Ypomcea, observee aux Antilles par M. Turpin, plante encore SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. 161 inedite, qu'il designe sous le nom d'Ypomaia sensitiva. Le tissu membraneux de la corolle campanulee, de cette plante est soutenu par des filets ou par des nervures qui, au moindre attouchement, se plissent ou s'incurvent sinueusement, de maniere a entrainer le tissu membrane iix de la corolle, laquelle, de cette maniere, se ferme completement ; elle ne tarde point a s'ouvrir de nouveau lorsque la cause qui avait determine sa plicature a cesse d'agir." * M. Dutrochet then observes that this phenomenon is in no way essentially different from the closing of the corolla of Convolvulus, to which Ypomwa is nearly allied, when it passes into the sleep- ing state, as does the calyx or perianth of the Nyctaginece. Lopezia coronata exhibits a curious and rapid movement a L c Fig. 48. — Lopezia (after Hildebrand). (For description, see text.) in a staminode. Miiller thus describes it : f " In each flower there is present one perfect stamen ; a second, standing immediately below, is reduced to a spathulate leaf, whose two halves fold upwards, and, in the first stage, projecting horizontally from the flower, inclose the anther of the perfect stamen (Fig. 48, a). The stalk of the spathulate leaf has an elastic tension downwards (b) ; the filament of the stamen an elastic tension upwards (6), so when an insect alights on the projecting spoon-shaped blade, as the only convenient * Recherches Anatomiques et Physiologiques sur la Structure Intime des Animanx et des Vdgetaux et sur leur Motilitt^, 1824, p. 64. t Fertilisation, etc., p. 265. M 162 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. spot from which to reach two drops of honej that seem to rest upon a knee-shaped hend in the upper petals (a), the leaf springs downwards (6), and the stamen is set free and flies upwards, dusting the lower surface of the insect with pollen. When the stamen has thus served its purpose, it gradually curves upwards out of the flower (c), and the style which was hitherto undeveloped grows gradually out of the flower in a horizontal direction, so as to form another alighting place (c)." Rapid movements in the stamens are not unknown. I described that of Medicago * many years ago, and now supply figures. Fig. 49, a repre- sents the front view of a flower on expansion ; b, the same after a bee has exploded it — the staminal column has now arisen, curled up- wards, and abuts against the " standard ; c shows the curved posi- tion of the stamens, the corolla being removed. The stamens are inelastic, as they will not return to (For de- a horizonal position without break- ing across, if pressed downwards. Many other rapid movements of the filaments are too well known to need description, such as those of Berheris, Helian- themum, Sparmannia, Centaurea, and TJrtica ; while Orchids exhibit various movements in the caudicles of their pollinia. Besides slow movements, the pistil often exhibits rapid ones on being touched, as are known to occur in Stylidium, Canna, Mar ant a and allied plants ; while the flap-like stigmas of Mimulus,f and of several genera of orders allied to the Scrophularinece; close together on being irritated mechanically. * Journ. Lin. Soc, vol. ix. p. 327. t Mr. F. W. Oliver has lately investigated the mode of conduction Fig. i^.— Medicago sativa scription, see text ) SENSITIVENESS AND IRRITABILITY OF PLANT ORGANS. 1G3 There is no need to describe a long series of movements, my object being simply to empliasize tbe fact that sensitive- ness and irritability are pronounced phenomena in flowers, which point to a highly irritable condition of the protoplasm contained in the cells of all the floral members.* And, although we cannot now trace the progress of change in the floral organs under the mechanical and physiological impulses due to insect agency, the probability that these have been the actual influences to which the tissues have responded, and thence evolved the existing floral structures, will now, I trust, appear to the reader to be of a very high order. of the irritation in the stigmas of Marty nia lutea and M. prohoscidea, and of Mhnulus luteus and M. cardinalis. He believes it to be due to the continuity of the protoplasm from cell to cell. The tissue of the stigma consists of two lamellae. The irritability is confined to several layers of prismatic cells on the inner side of the lamella, where the continuity of protoplasm was determined. (Quoted from Journ. Boy. Micr. Soc, 1887, p. 781. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell., v. (1887), p. 162.) Mr. Oliver has also lately contributed a valuable paper to the Annals of Botany (vol. i., p. 237, pi. xii., 1888), on " The Sensitive Labellum of Masdevallia muscosa." Continuity of the protoplasm occurs in the irritable "crest" on the labellum, which rapidly rises on being touched; the mechanism being closely comparable with that of the pulvinus of Mimosa. The author corroborates Mr. Gardiner's observation that a large amount of tannin occurs in the cells Avith which such irritability is concerned. References are also given to descriptions of other Orchids remai*kable for having irritable perianths. ♦ For further information on the effects of light and heat upon the opening and closing of flowers, the reader is referred to Sachs' Physiology of Plants, chap, xxxvi., p. 6l;l, where the author gives an account of PfefPer's investigations. It is not clear, however, how temperature acts. A casual discovery may perhaps supply a hint. On forcing air into the flower-stalk of the white Water-lily, I found that the petals instantly spread open. May not, therefore, a rise of temperature cause the air within the tissues to expand, and so at least help to produce the same effect ? 164 THE STEUCTUBE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XVIII. IRRITATION OF THE POLLEN-TUBE — THE ORIGIN OF CONDUCTING TISSUES. The first effect produced by the action of the germination of the pollen-tube is the formation of the so-called conducting tissue or layers of specialized cells which nourish the tube in its downward growth. Like glandular nectaries, this tissue consists of small merismatic-like cells, highly charged with nutritive and saccharine substances. In some cases it is a metamorphosed condition of the epidermis alone, as Fig. 50. section of (epidermal) conducting tissue of Fumaria ; h, that of Ruhus , c. section of ovary of Crucifer (after Capes.) M. Capes has shown in his researches,* as in Fumaria. Fig. 50, a, represents a section of the stylar canal, the lining epidermis having its cells charged with such matters, while * Ann. des Sci. Nat, vii., 1878, p. 209. ORIGIN OF CONDUCTING TISSUES. 165 three pollen-tubes are seen in section. Fig. 50, b, shows the formation of conducting tissue at the angle of the inflected carpellary edges of Uuhus. The epidermal and subjacent cells form the conducting tissue in this case. The cells on the outskirts are charged with sphaeraphids. Fig. 50, c, is a section of the ovary of a Crucifer. The replura or false dissipi- ment, as in the Papaveracece., forms the machinery for conduct- ing the tubes. The dotted lines show the original lines of fusion. Now, if my theory be true, that no structure exists which has not been brought into existence through some foreign action having been brought to bear upon it — either directly from without, as insect agency, light, etc., or indirectly through nutrition within the plant, — then, the existence of this specialized tissue would never have arisen had it not been for the irritating action of the pollen-tubes. The analogous influence of the mycelium of a parasitic fungus here gives us the clue. As such causes hypertrophy to set in, and induces nutritive matters to accumulate upon which the fungus lives, — just as the irritation of the egg or pupa of a cynips or other insect causes a similar accumula- tion of richly nutritive substances to be niade within the tissues of the gall upon which it feeds, — so the germinating power of the pollen-grain and the growth of the pollen- tube have actually brought about the formation of these highly nutritive conducting tissues of the style. The effect has then become hereditary, so that they are now in course of formation, at least, during the development of the flower in preparation for the ingress of the pollen-tubes. The remarkably stimulating action of the pollen-Uibe had been observed more especially in Orchids. Hildebrand noticed that the influence of the pollen was twofold, in that it determined the growth of the ovary and the complete formation of the ovules before the process of fecundation had 166 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. taken place.* M. Guignard has described the effects result- ing from his experiments. f Thus, in the case of Vanilla aromatica, he found the development of the ovary was very rapid after pollinisation. At the time of flowering, the placentas have only the rudiments of the papillae which will develop into ovules, and the couducting tissue formed by the epidermis and subjacent layers on either side of the placentary projections is still undifferentiated. In the intervals which separate the bands of conducting tissue, corresponding to the midribs of the carpels, there is no appreciable modifications before fecundation ; but as soon as that has taken place, a layer of elongated papillae, filled with a granular substance, arises. With regard to the development of ovules, M. Guignard remarks : " La pollinisa- tion et la germination du pollen sont indispensables a leur formation. L'ovaire d'une fleur non pollinisee ne s'accroit pas et tombe quelques jours apres I'epanouissement." As soon, however, as the pollen-tubes are formed, the ovules begin to grow, until the twentieth day, when the pri- mine thickens (much more than in other orchids) and finally gives to the matured ovule a globular form. In the mean time the embryo-sac and sexual apparatus have been forming, and are completed (excepting the fusion of the two members of each tetrad, which does not take place to form the secondary embryo-sac nucleus) in little more than a month after pollinisation. Five weeks after that period, fecundation commences. In following the progress of the pollen-tubes, it is not * Die Fruchthildung der Orchideen, ein Beweis fiir doppelte Virhung des Pollen, Bot. Zeit., 1863. Bastardirungsversuche an Orchideen, Bot. Zeit., 1865. t Ann. des Sci. Nat., 1886, torn, iv., p. 202; see also Maury, Observations sur la Pollinisations des Orchidees, comp. rend, de I'Acad. des Sci., 2 Aout, 1886; and also Guignard, do., 19 Juillet, 1886. ORIGIN OF CONDUCTING TISSUES. 167 till •from the twelfth to the fifteenth day that some of them arrive at the base of the ovary. Before the sexual apparatus is complete, the extremities of the pollen-tubes separate from the mass of tubes overlying the conducting tissue, twist in various directions, scrambling over the placentary lobes and their ramifications, and so approach nearer and nearer to the ovular fucicles ; but they only penetrate the micropyles, after the formation of the sexual apparatus. It is supposed by Strasburger that the synergidas expel a liquid destined to guide the pollen-tube to the embryo-sac ; others think their function is to aid in the solution of tissues for nourishment. In Vanilla, for example, the upper part of the embryo-sac is absorbed where occupied by the synergidae, and is then covered by the elongated border of the primine. M. Guignard, however, adds : — " II est possible qu'il soit attire par un liquide expulse par les synergides,* comme le pense M. Stras- burger, ou bien aussi, comme je crois I'avoir constate, par I'efcat special de la couche superficielle des membranes cellu- laires da bord interne du tegument." f On the action of the pollen-tubes M. Guignard writes as f ollow^s : — "Au contact des faisceaux polliniques, le tissu conducteur olfre un contenu riche en sucre reducteur ; I'ami- don, dans le cas actuel, ne se trouve qu'au voisinage et du cote externe des faisceaux libero-ligneux des parois ovari- ennes. Outre le pouvoir d'attaquer la substance amylacee et d'intervertir la saccharose, comme I'ont montre tout recem- ment M. Van Tieghem,J et M. Strasburger,§ les tubes polli- niques peuvent aussi, a I'aide des ferments qu'ils contiennent, ♦ Sijnergidce is better, being nearer Sunergatai. t L.c, p. 209. X Sur VInversion du Sttcre de Canne par le Pollen, Bull. Sec. Bot. de France, 1886. § Ueher Fremdartige Bestailhuny, Pringsh. Jahrb., vol. xvii. 168 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. dissondre la cellulose, aiusi qne le proiivent les soudures ^vec fusion que j'ai observees plusieurs fois entre eux dans les cultures, ou le phenomene est plus facile a voir. D'ailleurs, la penetration directe des tubes polliniques dans les papilles du stigmate de plusieurs fleurs, apres dissolution de la membrane cellulaire, est un fait du meme ordre." I quote this passage in full, that the reader may see bow it completely corroborates my belief that tbe metamorphosis of the epidermis and subjacent layers to form the conducting tissue is entirely owing to the action of the tubes themselves, as well as the conversion of starch into saccharine, and there- fore easily absorbable matters. M. P. Maury has noticed very analogous facts in Vei^has- cum, in that " at the period of pollination the ovules are still in a rudimentary condition, and altogether unfit for fertilisa- tion. The nucellus is entirely occupied by the embryo-sac, in the protoplasmic contents of which there is as yet no differentiation of oosphere, synergidee, or antipodals. It is only after the pollen- tube reaches the micropylar canal that these begin to be formed." * This observation corroborates what I have said above, that not only is the pistil delayed in development in insect- crossing flowers, but that arrest of growth may affect all parts, and particularly the ovules ; and I strongly suspect if more instances, of the Gamopetalce especially, were examined it would be found to be the rule and not an exception. M. Maury's investigations also agree with M. G-uignard's, in that the action of the pollen-tube is a stimulating one, and brings about developments which would not, and, indeed, cannot, otherwise take place. In Vanda tricolor pallens, experimented upon by M. * Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr., viii. (1886), p. 529, quoted from notice in Journ. Roij. Micr. Soc, 1887, p. 433. ORIGIN OF CONDUCTING TISSUES. 1G9 Guignard, he noticed the not infrequent effect of a rapid change of colour in the perianth after pollination, although it did not fade for a week. The swelling began on the second day in the " gynosteme," and progressed towards the ovary. From having been four centimetres long on the day of pollination, December 4th, 1885, by the 15th of April, 1886, it had grown to seven centimetres. The ovules, how- ever, were not full grown, the embryo-sac having still its primitive nucleus ; by the 15th of May, the ovules had attained their complete development. By the 1st of June, fecundation had taken place in nearly all the ovules. Hence about six months were required for the process. In this species the spaces over the mid-ribs were covered with long hairs, corresponding to the papillae in Vanilla. In both they appear to have gi^own after, and as a result of, pollination.* In a flower oiAngrcecum superhum "which became arrested the influence of the pollen-tube was remarkably illustrated. Three weeks after pollination an arrest of development followed in the ovary ; it had sensibly increased in diameter in the upper part. On examining the ovarian cavity at the top, M. Guignard found only a small number of pollen-tubes, relatively short in length. f Another abnormal case was a Vanilla, in which, from some unknown cause, only two bundles of pollen-tubes were formed on either side of a placenta. Here the ovaiy grew on that side, causing a strong curvature. On the opposite side, the wall and the placentas with their ovules were atrophied. * Max Wichnra found that silky hairs -were sometimes the sole result of his attempts to hybridize willows ; and as analogous instances are the clothing the interior and exterior surfaces of galls with papillas or hairs, an indirect result of the irritation set up by the pupae (p. 138). t A like interpretation may be given to Vegetable Marrows when they swell only at their distal end. 170 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. The exciting effect of the tubes is seen when Orchids are crossed which have no affinity, and are therefore incapable of fertilisation. Thus, the pollination of Orchis mascula by Gypripedium paviflorum even determined the formation of the sexual ap23aratus in the former. Similarly, when Orchis and Listera, as well as Ophrys and Limodorum were crossed, ovules reaching various degrees of development were pro- duced, but none were impregnated. Everything indicates (writes M. Guignard) that the development of the ovules is subordinated to that of the ovary. In exotic Orchids the thickness of this organ and its elongation are often very pronounced before the appearance of the ovules.* Analogous results have been obtained by Max Wichura's experiments f in hybridizing Willows, who noticed the following degrees of failure indicating the various amounts of influence that the pollen-tube had over the sexual ap- paratus of the plants crossed : (1) the ovaries swell and ripen, but contain no seed ; . (2) the ovaries are quite filled with silky hairs which clothe the umbilical cord end of the seed, but contain no embryo ; (3) seeds are present, but small and incapable of germination ; (4) seeds apparently perfect, but do not germinate ; (5) seeds germinate, but the seedlings are weak, and soon wither ; (6) seeds few but fertile and active ; (7) seeds numerous with only a few fertile ; (8) seeds numerous and fertile. * Gaertner, in his Memoire sur les Organes Reproducteurs des Phanero- games, devotes a special chapter to the enlargement of the ovary without previous pollination, with the result of a pseudo-fruit (Versuche u. Beoh. iiher die Befrucht. Organe der Vollk. Gewdchse, 1844). t Die Bastardhefruchtung in Pjtanzenreich, erlautert an den Bastarden der Deiden, Yon Max Wichura. Mit zwei Tafeln. 4to., Breslau, 1865. Abstract by Rev. M. J. Berkeley, Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc, New Series, vol. i., p. 57. ORIGIN OF CONDUCTING TISSUES. 171 Similar results occur in many cultivated plants without hybridizing ; as appear in seedless Oranges ; Grapes, such as " Sultanas ; " Bananas, Cucumbers, etc. Every other cause capable of acting in the same way will produce a like result, as in various instances of parasitism, when the cells become hypertropbied, as do those occupied by Synchyfriiun, or as in the roots invaded by Plasmodiophora. M. Guignard quotes an interesting case, which fully bears out the theory advanced in this book, of the results of the irritation of insects. He says, "A I'appui de cette maniere du voir je citerai une observation interessante que le hasard a fournie a M. Treub,* et dont ce savant a bien compris la signification reelle." " Ayant rencontre des ovaires de Liparis latifolia qui presentaient un epaississement plus ou moins considerable, meme dans les fleurs non epanouies, et ou la poUinisation directe ou indirecte n'avait pu se faire, il trouva a I'interieur des petites larves qui y avaient penetre de tres bonne heure. Ces larves ne paraissaient exercer aucune influence nuisible sur les cellules, et semblaient avoir la faculte de se mouvoir librement dans la cavite ovarienne, bien qu'on les trouvat au contact de la parol ou des placentas. Elles se nourrissaient evidemment des sues de I'organe envahi ; a peine voyait-on une legere alteration de quelques cellules avec lesqu elles elles etaient en contact. Compares a ceux des fleurs normales avant la poUinisation, ces ovaires habites par les larves oif raient des placentas plus grands et plus digites, sur lesquels s'etaient developpes finalement des ovules revetus de leurs deux teguments formes comme sous I'influence de la poUi- nisation. Les dimensions des ovules ne differaient pas de ceux des graiues mures provenant d'ovaires pollinees, et non envahis par des larves. * Notes surl'Embryon, etc., Ann. du Jard. Buit., iii., p. 121, pi. xix. 172 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. " II etait done evident que les parasites avaient determine les memes effets que les tubes polliniques : raccroisement des ovaires et des placentas et le developpement des ovules." The reader will liere see the importance of this curious instance as bearing upon my general theory of growth in response to irritation ; so that if ovaries, placentas, and ovules can be stimulated into growth and development, there is no a 'priori reason why other parts of flowers may not equally well grow in response to irritations set up by the insect visitors ; as I have ali'eady shown to be the case in Clerodendron* and in Mr. O'Brien's experiments. f Perhaps it will not be amiss to notice here a very similar action of the suspensor in Orchids, described by M. Treub, which grows "backwards," escapes from the micropyle, and then ramifies in various ways, clasping and burrowing into the ovarian walls like a parasite in order to convey nutritive matters to the rudimentary pro-embryo. [j] Finally, M. Guignard remarks upon the degradations in the essential organs of Orchids as accounting for the well- known difficulty in raising seed from them : " Malgre le nombre immense des grains formees dans les conditions natnrelles comme dans les serres, nombre qui parait etre d'ailleurs une signe de degradation physiologique dans une famille ou la dilferenciation morphologique des organes floraux est cependant si elevee, I'insuffisance de reserve alimentaire contenue dans leur embryon microscopique, en necessitant des conditions speciales pour le developpement, suffit peut-etre a expliquer les difficultes et les insucces de la reproduction des orcbidees par gi'aines, et la parcimonie relative avec laquelle elles sont distribuees dans la nature." * See p. 130. f See p. 114. X Notes sur VEmhryog^nie de quelques OrchidSes, Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akadamie van Wetenschappen, 1879. ORIGIN OF CONDUCTING TISSUES. 173 With regard to the difficulty of rearing Orchids, the reader may be referred to the Report on the Orchids Confer- ence,* in which Mr. B. T. Lowne observes : " One of the difficulties in rearing seedling Orchids arises, I believe, from the fact that the pollen is only developed from the prolifica- tion of the mother cells, after the polliiiia are placed on the stigma." He also found that, besides the pistil thus stimu- lating the pollen, "the stimulation due to the presence of the pollinia gives rise to the development of the capsule, even whilst the ovules remain unimpregnated." f The sig'nificance of the above details lies in the fact that external influences, both mechanical and physiological, can bring about changes in the epidermal X a-nd sub-epidermal layers, with a determination of a flow of fluids of a specific character to those specialized tissues. As this is proved to be true for the conducting tissues, so do I infer it to be equally so for glands of various kinds. * Journ. of Roy. Hort. Sac, vol. vii. ; see paper by Mr- H. J. Veitch, p. 22. t L.c, p. 48. " Degeneracy " will be discussed in Chaps, XXYI. and XXVII. X M. Mer found that stomata were developed in the epidermis of galls on vine-leaves which normally had none. " Insolation " or exposure to light has a marked influence on the form of the epidermal cells, and in increasing the number of stomata. The walls become straighter and thicker, and especially the cuticle. M. Mer believes the production of stomata to be the direct result of the accumulation of nutrient substances. Comp. Rend, xcv., 1882, p. 395. See also Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc, 1882, p. 530, and 1883, p. 91. See above, p. 154. Another important paper on the same subject, fully corroborating these observations, has lately appeared, by M. L. Dufour, entitled, Influence de la Lumiere sur la Forme et la Structure des Feuilles, Ann. des Sci. Nat., 7 ser., torn. 5 (1887), p. 311. 174 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XIX. COLOURS OF FLOWERS. The Laws of Colour. — M. de Candolle proposed to divide the colours of flow^ers into two series, tlie Xanthic and Cyanic, the former containing yellow-green, yellow, yellow-orange, orange and orange-red ; the latter, blue-green, blue, blue- violet, violet, and violet-red ; red being intermediate between the two series. It was thought tbat flowers w^ere rigidly bound by these series, and never transgressed them, but that the tints of a species might vary through each. Thus the editor of the Gardener s Chronicle, replying to a correspondent on Feb. 2, 1842 (p, 97), remarks that "a blue Dahlia was not to be expected. On the other hand, the Hyacinth, being of the cyanic series, a yellow Hyacinth will not occur." Yellow Hyacinths are, however, common enough now. Even in 1856, Dr. Lindley found it necessary to conclude a leading article on the subject with the words : "At all events the cyanic and xanthic speculations of philosophers must now be laid up in the limbo of pleasant dreams." The many exceptions to this supposed rule met with between 1845 and 1856 elicited the above remark, and notably a species of Delphinium, viz. D. Gardinale, containing " golden yellow in the petals, which are as scarlet as a soldier's jacket everywhere else, one of the last of Messrs. COLOURS OF FLOWERS. 175 Veitch's fine Californian introductions. In this flower there is no sign of blue. Yet, if there is a genus more pre- eminently blue than any other cyanic race, it is surely Delphinium.'" It is true that some species have never yet transgressed their bounds, so that Dahlias still refuse to be bhie now as in 1845 ; and we are still ignorant of the reason. The effect of nutrition upon the colours of plants is well known, in that they vary much more in a garden soil than in the Avild state ; and differ in colouring according to the character and ingredients of the soil. Thus, as described by a writer in Hovey's Magazine of Horticulture,* striped Dahlias will be best kept clean by planting them in a poor soil, while rich soil invariably runs them. I^.g. D. var. striata formosis- sima : No. 1 was planted in a poor gravelly soil, in an open situation ; all the flowers but two were beautifully mottled. N'o. 2 was planted upon a rich, cool, sandy loam ; not one- half of the flowers were mottled. No. 3 consisted of three plants, very highly enriched ; every bloom but one was self- coloured. Similar effects follow on the variegated foliage of Pelargoniums, according as they are growm in a too rich soil or light one.f " Alum is said to render the Hydrangea blue; and some saline substances, such as phosphate of iron and muriate of ammonia, appear to brighten the tint of red." J It often happens, however, that blue and pink corymbs occur on the same plant of Hydrangea. A cutting taken from a blue Hydrangea growing at Southampton, and transferred to Bedfont, changed to the usual colour on blooming there. § Chloride of lime has been known to make a whole-coloured * Quoted in the Gard. Chron., 1842, p. 8. t Gard. Chron., 1876, p. 567. X Ibid., 1813, p. 577. § Ibid., 1886, vol. xxvi., p. 118. 176 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Camellia become striped; while ammonia enhances the colours of Balsams. Oxidization is believed to have great influence in chang- ing the colours of plants, just as it affects certain juices when exposed to the air. Thus, if a leaf of the Socotrine Aloe be injured, the juice is at first violet in tint, but it soon turns to brown. If a potato be grated, the pulp rapidly browns in a similar way. Many fungi, especially noted for their poison- ous properties, turn blue on injury, as species of Boletus. Moreover, they do not do so if exposed to nitrogen, hydrogen, or carbonic acid ; hence it is presumably the oxygen which effects the change. Some flowers change their colours from their first open- ing to a full expansion : such as Cohcea, from green to violet ; several Boraginaceous plants, from red or even yellow to blue- purple. Lycium harharum, the popularly called " Tea-plant," is a well-known instance. Others change during the day, as the " Changeable Hibiscus.'^ This plant has flowers white in the morning, pink at noon, and bright red by sundown.* Similarly, a Phlox of a bright pink colour, " in the early morn- ing, by five o'clock, has its colour of a lightish blue, which continues to alter as the sun advances, and by nine or ten o'clock becomes its proper colour ; the clump which catches the sun's rays first changes first, while the other is still blue." Though referring these and other well-known instances to oxidization, Dr. Lindley, from whose leading article the above remarks are partly taken, concludes with the observation, " In fact, we know very little about the cause of changes in colour, either in plants or animals." Perhaps it remains so still. The intensity of the colours of many high Alpine flowers * According to M. Ramon de la Sagra; quoted in Gard. Chron., 1842, p. 555. COLOURS OF FLOWERS. 177 has often been noticed ; and when plants growing near Paris were transfen^ed to a much higher latitude, the flowers deepened in colour. This, however, is thought not to be due to a clearer atmosphere, but to the enhancement of the foliage, as M. Ch. Flahault showed that the leaves of plants of the same species are larger in proportion as the latitude is higher, the comparatively large dimensions being due to the duration of light of a relatively feeble intensity. Flowers being dependent upon leaves, great importance must be attached to tbe power of the latter to store up nutriment for them. Thus, in the case of Hyacinths both blue and red, M. Flahault found no difference in the colour of the flowers when grown in the light or in the dark, the colour being at the expense of the material stored up in the bulbs. Other experimenters have found that, while some flowers show no difference, others do ; thus Askenazy found no difference in Tulips and Crocuses, though the leaves were etiolated in the dark. With Hyacinths, however, contrary to Flahault, he found that light exerted a two-fold influence, an acceleration of at least a fortnight in flowering and a much more intense a.nd more diffused colour ; those in darkness being only tinged where the uncoloured ones where darkest. Pulmonaria officinalis in darkness changed from red to blue, as usual ; but in proportion as the buds were in a less advanced stage when placed in darkness, so were the colours fainter. His conclusion is that some flowers require light to develop their normal colours, while others are independent of it.* Mr. Sorby t agrees with Askenazy ; and concludes that the arrest of normal development in darkness varies with the nature of the colouring matters, the effect being greater with the more easily decomposable substances, " Those substances which when dissolved out from the petals are the most easily ♦ Bot. Zeit, Jan., April, 1876. t Nature, April 13, 1876. N 178 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. decolorised by exposure to light, are formed in relatively greater amount when the flowers are grown in the dark. This is easily explained if we assume that a higher vital power, depending on the presence of light, is necessary to overcome the more powerful chemical affinities of the less stable compounds." The crossing of flowers is well known, and much practised by florists, to enhance the variety of tints. The interpreta- tion is that crossing is a stimulating process, and provokes the petaline energy to a high degree. From the preceding remarks it will be now gathered that colours, jper se, are a result of nutrition; and that the prevalence of brighter colours in conspicuous flowers which are regularly visited by insects is due to the stimulating effects which they have produced, thereby causing more nutritive fluids to pour into the attractive organs. Besides, however, this general result of brilliant colouring there are those peculiar and special displays of bright tints distributed in spots and streaks in certain and definite places only. These have been called " guides " and "path-finders," as they invariably lead to the nectaries. If the theory be true which I am endeavouring to maintain throughout this book, all these effects are simply the direct results of the insects themselves. The guides, like obstructing tangles of hair and nectaries, are always exactly where the irritation would be set up ; and I take them to be one result of a more localized flow of nutriment to the positions in question. Instead, therefore, of a flower having first painted a petal with a golden streak to invite the insect, and to show it the right way of entering, the first insect visitors themselves induced the flower to do it, and so benefited all future comers. The Origin of Colours. — Mr. Grant Allen has written COLOURS OF FLOWERS. 179 an interesting little book on The Colours of Floicers* in which he expresses his belief that the first colour on depart- ing from the primitive green was yellow. When we remem- ber that the spore-cases and spores of Lycopodium, the anther-cells of Cupressus, and the whole anther-scale of Pinus and all the pollens of Gymnosperms are yellow, — again, when we come to Dicotyledons and find the prevailing tint of stamens is the same, — we gather probabilities in support of that view. That Nature next introduced reds, and only lately, so to say, succeeded in manufacturing blues, seems probable from the comparative rarity of the last colour. Moreover, when flowers individually change from one colour to another as they develop from the bud to maturity, it is always in that order — i.e. from reds to mauves or purples, as in Hjchium, Fulmonaria, etc., or even from yellows through reds to purples, as in Myosotis versicolor, so that we still seem to gather additional support to the theory. If, however, we ask what has caused these changes, we are as yet in the dark. A few hints are attainable, and that is all. Yellows and reds seem to be due to substances allied to the oxidized products of chlorophyll in autumn leaves. Again, chlorophyll grains on turning yellow in fruits (Lyciuiii) become angular, two or three pointed, and finally granular. In the same way the yellow granules of petals (Cucurbita) resemble " amyloplasts," or starch-forming corpuscles.j The general conclusion one arrives at from various observations is that the original change from the ancestral green to, probably, yellow is correlated to the change of function ; but why the first colour was yellow, and why it ever gave place to red or blue, is unknown. Supposing the yellow-green colour to have spread to the adjacent parts which then attracted insects, as it does in * In Nature scries. t Sachs' Veg. Phijs,, p. 320. 180 THE STEUCTURE OF FLOWERS. some 'Eupliorhias and Ghrysosjolenium, for instance, tlien the visits of insects would bring the required stimulus to advance the colour to a pronounced yellow ; and so petals, it may be conceived, came into existence. Pale and White Varieties. — The paler tints or even a total absence of colour may seemingly occur as a variety of any plant. It is often a concomitant of habitual self- fertilisation in cases where the variety or species is a degradation from some conspicuous and brightly coloured insect- visited form. White-flowered individuals often appear as " sports " amongst seedlings ; the immediate cause of which it would be difficult to assign, beyond the general one of the absence of those nutritive conditions which are requisite for colours, as occurs in Gladioli* White, however, is useful as a starting-point for florists' flowers where great variegation is required. Thus M. Vilmorin "f says that " in ten examples of variegation which were produced under my own observation, the course was always the same. The original plant, with flowers whole- coloured, gave in the first instance a variety of flowers entirely white ; afterwards, variegations were produced from this white variety on its returning towards the coloured type. . . . This pure white variety usually gives in the first sowing a greater or less proportion of plants with flowers like those of the coloured type ; but by careful selection through several generations the pure white type is in most cases completely fixed. ... It is only among the white varieties not completely fixed that the variegations make their appear- ance ; at first they exhibit narrow pencillings, the coloured portion being only one-tenth, and sometimes only one- twentieth of the whole surface ; but then in the following * Garden, 1880, p. 327. t Flore des Ser. et des Jard. de VEur., (Qard. Chron., 1852, p. 500). COLOURS OF FLOWERS. 181 generation . . . the coloured portions begin to predominate. ... I have never been able to observe a single instance of variegation coming directly from the coloured original. The contrary, however, takes place with regard to the dottings ; these come directly from the coloured type." The variegated varieties the author had succeeded in fixing were Gomphrena glohosa ; Antirrhinun majus, Gonvoluulus tricolor, Nemopliila indg^iis, Portidaca grandiflora and Delphinium Ajacis. Other florists have found that by crossing whole-coloured flowers pure white seedlings may result. Abutilons have an instructive and, in part, a somewhat similar history. ISTo hybrids were raised from the old bronze- red and strijDed form, which was usually barren, until the white "Boule de Neige " was introduced. Mr. George crossed this with " Duke of Malakoff." The white one had itself previously thrown up every shade of dingy white ; but whether by being spontaneously crossed or not, does not appear to be known. Some of the colours of the seedlings of this cross were pale and dark pink, pale orange, bright carmine, salmon, orange-red, etc.* Somewhat analogous results were obtained by Mr. Veitch with Rhododendrons imported from Borneo. Thus a cross between the larger-flow^ered R. Javanicicm, which is orange- coloured, with the smaller white narrow-lobed B. Jasmini- florum, gave rise to the rose-coloured " Princess Royal." A further cross of the last with the parent B. Jasminiflorum eliminated the red colour ; the offspring, how^ever, retained the form and size of the corolla of the " Princess Royal." It is called " Princess Alexandra." In the above-mentioned the effect of the wdiite has been to separate the tints; so that from the old Bronze-red Abutilon Daricinii we get yellows and reds of different * Gard. Chron., 1878, p. 702. 182 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. shades. Similarly the orange or buff-yellow Rhododendron Javanicum has been split up into various reds ; the white having, so to say, eliminated the yellow. The subsequent effect of crossing with regard to flowers is variety. With this fact florists and horticulturists are familiar : for as soon as crossed or hybrid seedlings are raised the varieties of colouring become infinite. It has been observed that the " spots " are more persistent than the base-colour of the flower. This fact agrees with the theory advanced that they have, whenever they occur as guides or path-finders, been determined by the insects and then become hereditary as much as the shape of the flower itself ; and as that is maintained much more persistently than general colouring, so is that specialized colouring which has been equally due to insect agency. With regard to the correlations which exist between colours and insect visitors, Miiller especially has observed several. Thus beetles seem to affect yellows, e.g. Thalictrum and Galium verum ; wasps and carrion insects, reddish- browns, such as of Gomarum, Ejoipactis, etc., while the more intelligent bees, etc., delight in purples and blues ; and it is thought that their selective agency has determined the sur- vival of such special colours as they prefer. This has been probably the case, but we still want to know what is the immediate cause which induces one colour to change to another. As high colouring or conspicuousness if the flower be white is due to insects, so pale colouring and inconspicuous- ness is due to their absence ; but what the nature of the stimulus is we cannot tell. It enhances the assimilative powers ; for the crossed plants, as Mr. Darwin abundantly proved, are usually larger plants. It usually infuses some of the characters, floral or foliar, of the male parent — bat COLOURS OF FLOWERS. 183 not always : several experimenters assert that, after every precaution, the offspring exactly resemble the maternal parent. But one rule florists always adopt in order to enhance the colouring is to use the pollen of the better- coloured plant, the maternal parent being usually the in- ferior one. As an illustration of the relative effect, of crossing and self-fertilisation respectively on the production of colours, I quote the following passage from Mr. Darwin's work : * " The flowers produced by self -fertilised plants of the fourth generation [of Dianthus caryojphijUus or Carnation] were as uniform in tint as those of a wild species, being of a pale pink or rose-colour. Analogous cases [occurred] with Mimulus and Ipomma. . . . On the other hand, the flowers of plants raised from a cross with the fresh stock which bore dark crimson flowers, varied extremely in colour. . . . The great majority had their petals longitudinally and variously striped with two colours." Uniformity and paleness of tint are thus correlated with self -fertilisation ; and since, whenever the latter process is persevered with, an increase of fertility follows, it is not surprising to find that such tints are usually accompanied by an increased power of seed-bearing. Thus, Mr. Darwin found that, "the proportional number of seeds per capsule produced by the plants [of Dianthus'] of crossed origin, to those by the plants of self-fertilised origin, was as 100 : 125." Again, of Antirrhinum majus, the relative self-fertility of red and white varieties was as 9*8 : 20 ; of Mimulus luteus the same comparison gave the ratio of 100 : 147; while pale- coloured Pelargoniums are notoriously great seeders. "f * Cross and Self Fertilisation, etc., p. 139. f For further illustrations, see my paper on Self. fertilisation, etc. 184 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XX. THE EMERGENCE OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. Theoretically, as already stated, a perfect flower should or might be composed of six whorls, if its parts be not spirally disposed, — the perianth, androecium, and gynoecium each consisting of two verticils. The very general rule for their emergence from the axis is centripetal. The subsequent rates of development of the several whorls may vary con- siderably, so that one part which emerged first, or at least very early, may be late or the last to arrive at maturity. The calyx or outermost whorl of the perianth when present is nearly always the first to appear, and to grow rapidly to a relatively large size, and thus protects the more rudimentary parts within it ; but if it ultimately remains rudimentary itself, or, it may be, is not entirely arrested, then it is the corolla which first emerges, the function of pro- tecting the essential organs being relegated to it. Such is the case with the Gompositce, Valerianeoe, etc. The corolla, with rare exception, emerges before the stamens, though it is very generally rapidly passed in development by the latter organs. In Lopezia and Primtda, however, the stamens emerge first ; and this has led some botanists * to regard the petals of the last-named plant as * For references and literature on the structure of Primulacece, see Masters's paper, On some Points in the MorpJwlogy of the Primulacece, Trans. Lin. See, 2nd series, Botany, vol. i., p. 285. THE EMERGENCE OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. 185 outgrowths from the stamens. My own observations tend to confirm those of Dr. Masters, that it is an exceptional fact, and not constant. It appeared to him " that in Lysimaclda Nummularia the petals did really sometimes (but not always) precede the stamens in their development." The stamens emerge before the pistil, and if there be two whorls to the androecinm, it is the sepaline whorl which appears first; though the fully developed stamens sometimes assume a position, as already explained, within the petaline, as in Geraniacece. Like the corolla and staminal whorls, the carpellary appears all at once, and last of all. With reference to the emergence of the individual parts of the whorls, it is an almost invariable rule that those of the outermost whorl of the perianth or calyx, if it consist of three or five parts, rise centripetally in succession according to the laws of phyllotaxis. Thus, if the calyx be pentamerous, its parts invariably emerge in quincuncial order, thus consti- tuting a cycle of the f type. If it be trimerous, as in Mono- cotyledons, it is a cycle of the J type. If, however, it be tetramerous, then the parts emerge in decussating pairs, as in Tamarix tetrandra, Spannmuiia, Fhiladelphus, and the sepals in the Gruciferce* This clearly shows that a normally tetramerous calyx is the result of the combination of two pairs of leaves, corresponding to t^vo nodes, the internode between the pairs being suppressed. The parts of the inner whorl of the perianth or petals of the corolla, as also those of each staminal and carpellary whorl, almost invariably emerge simultaneously if the whorls be regular; though pronounced diiferences may occur in the case of in*egular flowers. Similarly, when there is a strong spiral tendency, as in the Banunculacece, members may arise * The lateral sepals, though overlapped by the other pair, are the first to receive their vascular cords from the axis. 186 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. successively. If the stamens be very numerous they usually emerge in centripetal order, as in Buttercups ; but they may form "centrifugal groups," as in Hypericum ; the numerous stamens of Gistus and Helianthemum, as well as of Cactus, Opuntia, and Mesemhryanthemum, and the Loasece, are also centrifugal in their development. Lastly, if the carpels form a whorl, they, too, emerge simultaneously ; but if they be numerous and spirally arranged they emerge and develop in succession. There are some additional points to be observed. The first is the method of change from tetramerous to pen- / .? tamerous in the same plant. Thus in Celastrus scandens, if the flower be tetramerous, the sepals appear in pairs, the antero-posterior first, then the lateral pair afterwards. If the flower be pentamerous the sepals arise in succession quincuncially, the numbers 1 and 3 being anterior ; numbers 4 and 5 are lateral, and number 2 posterior. Now, by referring to the diagrams above, it will be seen that this order is in exact agreement with the usual method of passing from opposite to alternate arrangements in the foliage. The correct angular distance or divergence being acquired immediately in the case of the calyx, by shifting the position of the parts so that the divergence of 144° is obtained. In the case of foliage, this is only secured after several internodes (see p. 18). THE EMERGENCE OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. 187 Exactly the same procedure occurs in Sparmannia and Philadelphus, which are tetramerous, as compared with Tilia and JJeutzia respectively, which are pentamerous (see Pl8). The next point to be noticed is the alteration in the order of emergence which takes place in irregular flowers. The rule seems to be that those parts of the flowers which assume a greater prominence in the mature state, or have some special function beyond the I'est, emerge and develop before the others. Thus in Leguminosoi and Lahiatcv., where there is a 23rominent " landing-place " for insects, the petals issue successively in an antero- posterior order. The carina of papilionaceous flowers composed of two petals appears first, then the alae together, and finally the vexillum. In Reseda, the sepals, petals, and stamens issue in a postero- anterior manner ; but while the sepals finally attain to much the same dimensions, the petals remain more or less atrophied as they emerge towards the anterior side. Then the stamens appear in the same order upon a cellular ring, which, later on, grows out into the unilateral disk between the petals and stamens. In a few regular flowers the simultaneity is also wanting : thus in Adoxa the sepals of the tetramerous terminal flower emerge in pairs, and the four petals simultaneously ; but in the lateral flowers the posterior sepals issue before the anterior ; and of the five petals the posterior one emerges first, the two lateral secondly, and the two anterior ones last of all. These modifications are continued in the order of flowering. Thus the terminal flower expands first, and " all at once." Of the lower lateral flowers the two upper posterior sepals open out first, then the posterior stamens mature and shed their pollen. The anthers dehisce in suc- cession from the lateral stamens, and lastly from the anterior 188 THE STEUCTURE OF FLOWERS. ones. The lower sepals do not separate until after the upper stamens have shed their pollen.* Though we are not in a position jet to account for all such deviations from general rules, yet I think in such cases as the Leguminosce and Lahiatce, and probably all irregular flowers, that the rationale may with great probability be assumed to be the stimulus given from without to meet the extra strain which certain petals or stamens or both have to sustain while supporting the weight of an insect when visiting them. To meet this demand an extra supjDly of nutriment is sent to the parts which thus require it ; and, in fact, I believe the final result has thus been actually brought about by the eifort of the plant itself, so that it has developed parts in accordance with its requirements in a manner parallel with that which has obtained in the animal kingdom. In the case of Acloxa I would regard the above-mentioned orders of development as a result of unequal distribution of nutriment in order of time. Thus the apical flower receives its nutriment first and develops first ; then the other flowers which are placed laterally subsequently. And this order of supply has affected the parts of the latter flowers in the same way, so that they develop from above downwards, or in a postero-anterior manner. It may be compared to a three-flowered cyme, of which the central flower expands first, and the two lower ones afterwards. A feature must here be noticed, though I do not think much stress need be laid upon it, which botanists have called " obdi- plostemony." f If a flower have one whorl of stamens of the same number as the petals it is isostemonous ; of two, diploste- monous ; and if the stamens of the outer whorl be opposite or * For a note on Adoxa, see my paper On the Origin of Floral Estiva- tions, Trans. Lin, Soc, 2ncl series, Botany, vol. i., p. 194. t Sachs' Text-BooJc, 2ncl edition, p. 601. THE EMERGENCE OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. 189 superposed to the petals, and therefore autipetalous, then the above term is used : for the rule is that the calycine whorl should be outermost and emerge first ; then the petaline, which usually takes a position higher up on the axil ; and, in at least most of the genera and orders where obdiplostemony has been noticed in the completely developed flower, it is simply due to the petaline whorl of filaments being, so to say, thrust outside the level of the calycine whorl by the protruding buttress-like bases of the carpels, as in Geranium pratense. This is still more the case in Oxalis, where, as in Geranium, the sepaline stamens become the taller set, the petaline the shorter ; and the position of the former being more internal than usual, ajDparently in consequence of the appendages which grow on the outer side of the filaments.* Again, the order of emergence may be the same as usual, namely the sepaline stamens first, then the petaline ; but the position of the latter, instead of being within as is the rule, may be apparently on exactly the same plane as the sepaline, as in Heaths. Since, however, they do not emerge simultaneously, but one set is intercalated between the other, or even outside of it (Fig. 51), this order of appear- ance is, to my mind, a sufficient proof that they do not really belong to the calycine Fig. 51. — Diagram whorl ""^ emergence of TTAJ.W1X. petaline stamens There is no greater difficulty in under- ^[de'''?he"sepai"n; standing this, than in seeing that a compres- (after Payer), sion of the internodes of opposite and verticillate leaves has taken place when double the usual number are present in a whorl. Thus privet has sometimes four leaves at one node, forming a quaternary whorl, and all on the same plane ; and * According to Frank, in Oxalideoe and Gei'aniacece, it is the auti- petalous stamens -vvliich are developed first. See above, p. 150. 190 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. this will remind the reader that, since floral whorls are based upon pbyllotaxis, ten stamens could not possibly form a cycle ; and although the eight stamens of a Heath might do so, there is nothing in the leaf arrangement of that genus to suggest their being a whorl of the f type. Since the petaline cords are usually united to the stamina! ones, the fact that the petaline stamens get sometimes, as it were, " dragged outwards," offers really no great difficulty ; but is, so to say, a mere accident brought about by the adaptations of the flower to insect agency. Indeed, to interpret these irregularities in the emer- gence, one must look to the final condition to see if there are any ultimate results in correlation with them. In Oxalis we get heterostylism with its corresponding different lengths of the filaments, and the necessary adjustments of the latter ; since there are at least two sets in each flower, for insects to readily secure the pollen. In Heaths all the anthers are arranged in a ring round the style, pressing their cells against it, and so closely approximated, that when a bee dislocates one by pushing the lever-like auricle to one side, she dislocates the whole, and so receives a shower of pollen. These final arrangements, therefore, are suggestive of the reason why the points of emergence of the stamens occur just where they do. In the case of Hypericum, where the stamens emerge centrifugally, from a definite number of original papillee, three or five as the case may be, the stigmas extend ontwards ; so that, if they have not been pollinated by insects, they can come in contact with the latest formed or the outermost anthers. ( 101 ) CHAPTER XXI. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. The order in which the several whorls of flow^ers emerge from the axis is, as stated above, almost invariable ; but the rates of development are very various, and imj^ortant sexual and other differences follow as the results. For flow^ers w^ith conspicuous corollas or other structures attractive to insects, the prevailing order of progression subsequent to emergence is first the calyx, secondly the stamens, and, if there be two series, the whorl superposed to the sepals grows first, afterwards the whorl superposed to the petals ; then follows the pistil to a point approaching maturity, when the corolla, just before expansion, grows very rapidly to its full size ; and finally the stigmas mature. The anthers have also grown long before the filaments, which at last elongate very rapidly. The usual result on maturity is various degrees of protandry, coupled with conspicuousness or attractiveness to insects. As a few of the examples I have examined maybe mentioned lianunculus acris, Cardamine pratensis, Stellaria Holostea, Lychnis dioica (male), Malva moschata, Geranium (larger flowered sp.), PelargoniuTn, Tropceolum, Epilobium hirsutum^ (Enotliera biennis, Ipomcea, Veronica Chama'drys, etc. In fact, this order of growth and development prevails generally with flowers having conspicuous corollas. The interpretation appears to be as follows. In such 192 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. flowers as these, energy is especially directed into the development of the corolla and androecium ; the former being large, and the latter supplied with much and often highly differentiated pollen. All this means the consumption of so much more nutriment ; and, as the chief amount of floral energy is thus directed first into the androecium, then into the corolla — which often attains a far greater size than the other organs, — consequently these two whorls tend to draw a large amount of nourishment to themselves. In conse- quence of this, the pistil has, temporarily at least, to suffer; so that its growth is for a time delayed, and it does not mature as early as the stamens, which had, moreover, a considerable start in the race to maturity. Hence the result is that the stamens are often mature and even shed all their pollen long before the stigmas are prepared to receive it. This, then, accounts for protandry being almost invariably the rule in the case of relatively conspicuous flowers.* If flowers have two or more whorls or many series of stamens, as have many genera of Garyopliylleoe, Gera7iiacece, Eanunculacece, and Rosacece, then the pistil may arrive at maturity hehveen the periods of different series, or con- temporaneously with some of them ; so that, while the flower is protandrous with regard to the first stamens which mature, it is homogamous with others, and thus self -fertilisation can be readily secured if the flower fail to be crossed. It may be here observed, though the fact will be dwelt upon again, that by far the greater majority of flowers, conspicuous or not, retain this provision for self- fertilisation ; and that those flowers which normally cannot possibly fertilise themselves are in a very small minority. * There ai'e a few protogynons flowers, it is true, which are more or less conspicuous, but these exceptional cases have their own inter- pretations, which will be considered later on (see Chap. XXII.). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. 193 Nearly the same order of development as the above is maintained with some that have rather inconspicuous flowers in consequence of the corolla being small ; but then it must be remembered that the other organs are proportionally small too, and, if they come at all, are visited by small insects. Such, for example, are Malva crispa, Veronica serpylUfoUa, V. agrestis, etc. In these flowers, however, the pistil has a remarkably rapid growth as compared with the preceding cases. The cause is, that energy is now directed at once to that organ, instead of being so largely occupied by the stamens and corolla. The result is that the pistil matures more rapidly than in the previous cases, and sometimes even simultaneously with the stamens. The flower is therefore more nearly homogamous, and self- fertilisation can with them more easily ensue. In many cases amongst inconspicuous flowers I could detect no appreciable difference at all in the rates of development of the essential organs. I would then describe the order as Calyx, Stamens + Pistil, Corolla. As examples are Lepidiuvi campestre, Sisyrnhrium AlUaria, and 8. officinalis, Nasturtium officinale, Corrigiola littoralis, (Enothera historta, etc. These are all, it will be noticed, very small-flowered plants. They are thus homogamous, and habitually self- fertilising. The next order of development to be noticed is Calyx, Stamens, Corolla, Pistil. As far as my observations go, this order appears to be mainly confined to gamopetalous flowers, with a hypogjnous corolla, as Linaria minor, L. Cymhalaria, Veronica spicata, Frimula,* Ancliusa officinalis, Borago offici- * This order of developTnent in Primi'ose has been observed by others, and apparently thought to be exceptional ; so that the somewhat strange suggestion of the corolla being an outgi'owth of the androecium was made by Pfeffer ; but it by no means stands alone in this respect. See Sachs, I.e., p. 609 ; Jahrb.fiir Wissensch., Box., vol. vii., p. 194. O 194 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. nalis, Amsinckia arigustifolia, Statice psilocladia and Plantago Coronopus, etc. The remarkable delay in the progress of the development of the corolla during the emergence and first stages of development of the stamens is the peculiar feature. It sometimes allows the stamens to emerge first, as in Primula ; or if they be nearly simultaneous, then the corolla may be suddenly checked, as in Veronica. But many differences occur; thus they emerge and grow up together in Samolus, while in Anchusa officinalis the corolla rapidly exceeds both stamens and pistil. In the case of Amsinckia the corolla and stamens appear to emerge almost together, and then follows the pistil, which the former quickly exceed in height. Then the pistil regains the height of the stamens, and they ultimately mature together. A similar procedure obtains with Plantago Coronopus : though the petals emerge first, the anthers quickly outstrip them, and the corolla grows considerably more than the pistil, which is consequently delayed ; but when they are nearly developed and the corolla becomes scarious, then the style elongates with great rapidity, and the stigmas mature first, so that the flower is ultimately protogjnous. Exactly the same course is followed by the floral whorls of Statice psilocladia. The next order of development is Calyx (if present), Corolla, Stamens, Pistil ; or even Corolla, Calyx, Stamens, Pistil. The cause of the corolla developing so soon is the arrest of the calyx, as in Umhelliferoi, Valerianece, and Co7ri- positce. The corolla now has to act as a protecting organ, and always keeps in advance of the essential organs. Indeed, in the orders with epigynous and garaopetalous corollas, in which the calyx is usually obsolete or nearly so, the corolla actually emerges before it. The last order of development to be mentioned in the case THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. 195 of flowers possessing a corolla is Calyx, Pistil, Stamens, Corolla. As examples, I find the following illustrate this condition : Ranunculus sceleratus, Gardamine liirsuta, Cerastium glomeratum, Arenaria trinerva, Sagina procumhens, Spergu- laria 7)iarma, Polycarpon tetraphyllum, Trifolium minus, Epilohium montanum, Gaura parviflora, etc. This appears to be the most general condition for very small and incon- spicuous flowers which are regularly self-fertilised. The interpretation is the exact converse of the order of develop- ment first described ; namely, of the whorls of conspicuous flowers. All the above are inconspicuous, many being rarely if ever visited by insects ; and as the corolla is minute, no nourishment is required for the petals, the stamens are often reduced in number and the quantity of pollen diminished. The pistil at once proceeds to grow, and the result is, if not homogany, protogyny. It must be now borne in mind that the above differences in the order of growth and development must not be regarded as at all absolute or invariable, but only general rules as to what takes place ; for the rates of growth of the respective whorls may vary in the same species according to external circumstances ; so that a plant may be protandrous at one time or place, homogamous or even protogynous elsewhere or in another season, as the case may be. Indeed, Miiller frequently calls attentioa to this fact, to which I shall have occasion to return. Emergence and Development of the Ovules. — If the ovules be tolerably numerous, the order in which they appear is not constant. It may be either from above downw-ards or from below upwards on the placenta. Thus, as Payer has shown by his drawings, in Viola, Reseda, Gistus, Tetrapoma, Fiimaria, Linum, Ruta, Melianthus, Staphylea, Spinva, and Opuntia the order is basifugal, or from below upwards. On 196 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. the other hand, in Macleya, Bicentra, Epimedium, Bartonia, Impatiens, Ly thrum, Dracophyllum, MalachiuTn, Ceo^astium, Frimula, and Samolus the order is basipetal, or from above downwards. When the row of ovules is very numerous, it is the rule that the point where they first begin to emerge is midway, and the development takes place both upwards and down- wards simultaneously. It is thus with Hellehorus and allied genera with follicles, Capparis, Epilohium, Trifolium, Cajo- phora, Lathy rus, Citrus, Fassiflora, and the Monocotyledonous orders, Iridacece and Amaryllidacece. Lythrum and Opmitia, however, both of which have considerable rows of ovules, develop them, as stated above, in a basipetal and basifugal manner respectively. On examining Payer's numerous figures, I find that w4ien the order of development is from below upwards, the ovules have their micropyles upward ; when they develop from above downwards, the micropyles grow downwards. In either case, occasionally the middle ones may be somewhat horizontal, if they are somewhat numerous, as in Bartonia, Spiroea, and Staphylea. When they are very numerous and develop both ways from a point midway, then the ovules may either turn upwards or downwards ; the majority being downwards in the proportion of nine to five. As a theoretical interpretation to account for the general fact of the central ovules developing first when there are long rows of them, it may be due to the car2)el being com- parable to a lanceolate leaf, where the longest and therefore the most vigorous nerve-branch of the pinnate nerves is in the middle. If the rows of ovules emerge from below upwards, the carpel may be comparable to a more primitive type, as of monocotyledons with a palmate foliage. Thus the only exceptions I can find in Payer's figures of Monocotyledons are THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORAL WHORLS. 197 tlic Gladiolus and Alstrosmeria, where thej are very numerous and follow the rule of commencing to emerge in the middle, and then proceed upwards and downwards. Though parietal placentas seem generally to have their ovules developed from below upwards, yet, as seen above, it is not uncommon with an axile placentation. If any interpretation be sought, I should feel inclined to associate it somewhat with a more primitive state of things, since a parietal placentation presents a more rudimentary character than an axile. But u-Jiy tliey are developed thus, sometimes upwards, sometimes down- wards, or both ways at once, is at present as inexplicable as the fact that leaves develop both basipetally and basifu gaily, either in their entirety, or as to their lobes and notches, which may be formed on either plan. Perhaps there may prove to be a common cause for both. 198 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XXII. Heterogamy* and Autogamy. PROTANDRT, PROTOGYNY, HOMOGAMY, AND ClEISTOGAMY. — These conditions prevail in nature in varying degrees of frequency. The first is common to all conspicuous flowers habitually visited by insects, and is accompanied by heterogamy. The fact that anthers mature their pollen before the stigmas of the same flower are ready to receive it, is due to the extra stimulus given to the androecium, which mostly effects simultaneously the enhancement of the corolla or perianth which attracts the insects (see p. 191). Like everything else in nature, it is very far from being absolute, and any flower may be protandrous at one time or place, while it may at another mature the essential organs together, and then it becomes homogamous, or it may be even protogynous. These latter conditions prevail in less conspicuous flowers and all those which are fluctuating between a condition * Heterogamy, i.e. union by intercrossing different flowers. Autogamy, i.e. union by self-fertilising one and the same flower. Protandry, i.e. stamens maturing the pollen before the stigmas of one and the same flower are ready to receive it. Protogyny, i.e. pistil maturing the stigmas before the pollen of one and the same flower is shed. Homogamy, i.e. pollen and stigmas of one and the same flower, maturing simultaneously. Cleistogamy, i.e. autogamous within an unopened perianth. HETEROGAMY AND AUTOGAMY. 199 requiring insect agency and self -fertilisation or autogamy ; as well as in the majority of flowers which are too incon- spicuous to invite insects at all, or which never expand. The series of such flowers terminates in perfect and perpetual cleistogamy. The first condition, or Protandry, does not now require special discussion or illustration ; as it is the prevailing one in most conspicuous flowers : though it must be distinctly borne in mind that the exceptions are rare in which a flower cannot fertilise itself at some period or other before it fades ; even though a large order, as Orchidece, may furnish many examples. Protogyny may arise from several causes. Miiller has mentioned about twenty species of plants irrespective of the Grasses which are more or less decidedly protogynous ; and what one notices is that many are Alpine species of genera which have other species dispersed elsewhere that are homo- gamous or protandrous. Thus Anemone alpma is protogynous, but A. Narcissifolia is protandrous. Ranunculus monfanus, B. parnassifolitos, R. pyrenceus are all protogynous. These may be compared with the smaller-flowered forms of B. aquatllis which are homogamous ; but U. fiammula, B. acris, B. repens and B. hulhosus are protandrous with the outermost stamens only. Thus, this genus supplies a progressive series. Other protogynous and mountain species are Bryas octopetala, species of Saxifrage, as S. androsacea and S. muscoides, and S. Seguieri : but Miiller found S. oppositifolia and S. tridac- tylites to be sometimes feebly protandrous, at others proto- gynous. On the other hand, 8. rotundifolia, S. aizoides, etc. are protandrous. Loiselcuria procumbens, Trientalis Europa'a, Bartsia alpina, Hntchinsia alpina, and Thalictruin alpinum are all protogynous. Secondly, a group of plants, the flowers of which have 200 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. tlie habit of blossoming early, as in the spring or the begin- ning of the summer, are protogjnous ; such are species of Hellebore, Prunus, and Crataegus, as well as the Horse-chestnut and Mandragora vernalis. Some species are characterized by the habit of living in shady places, as Geum urhanum and G. rivale, GhrysospleniuTYi oppositifolium, Gagea lutea, Paris quadrifolia. Lastly, others have minute flowers, as Geranium piisilluvi, Veronica serpyllifolia, Tojfieldia, and many other species, some of which I have mentioned Avhen treating of the emergence and development of the floral whorls, where I have explained the cause. * Wind-fertilised or aneraophilous flowers are for the most part protogynous ; for these flowers have been accompanied by strong degeneracy of the corolla and pollen, while all traces of nectariferous structures are almost invariably and entirely suppressed.! Hence Thalictrum minus, Poterium, Sanguisorha, Plantago sp., Callitriclie, Myriophyllum, Artemisia, Cheno- podium, AmentifercB, Jimcacece, and Graminece are all more or less characterized by being protogj^nous while they are anemophilous as well. If we are not in a position to trace the actual causes of protogyny in every instance, we can at least see several influences which can bring it about. Temperature will be seen hereafter to be a most potent one ; for a relatively lower temperature very frequently checks the energj^ of the corolla and stamens, without having any necessarily corresponding effect on the pistil, and several compensating processes then come into play ; so, conversely, the pistil now gains the ascendancy and can mature first. This, therefore, will * See Chaps. XX. and XXI. t Intercrossing by insects may be recovered in anemophilous flowers ; when honey may be again secreted, as in Salix caproea and Sanguisorha officinalis ; see Fertilisation, etc., p. 236, fig. 77. HETEROGAMY AND AUTOGAMY. 20l account for some mountain species, as well as those blossoming- early or in sLadj places, being protogjnous. It must not be regarded as universally true. If flowers so situated or circumstanced be abundantly visited by insects, they will respond to their influence ; and the consequence is, that many Alpine plants are even strongly protandrous, as well as spring-flowering plants and some which grow^ in shady places, as Sanicula Europcea, Odontites serotina, etc. It is when we compare the protogynous species with others of the same genus, that the influences of a lower temperature, shade, etc., more especially suggest themselves as true causes of protogyny in some species, while others may be liomo- garaous or protandrous. Many plants normally provided with conspicuous flowers, but accidentally growing in shady places, may often be found having them half opened or as quite closed buds, and yet fully fertile. The same occurs late in the season, when the flowering period is drawing to a close. Such flowers repre- sent the preliminary stages leading to a permanently homo- garaous or protogynous condition, as the case may be, which are mostly autogamous as well. Whatever may be the direct cause, and there may be others besides those I have mentioned, protogyny is easily brought about temporarily in individuals, or it may become hereditary and a permanent feature. It need now hardly be added that, before protogyny is reached and emphasized, all degrees of passage can be met with from strong to weak protandry ; then homogamy is acquired : and, after passing through oscillating conditions, permanent protogyny can be finally the result. Many individual plants vary in this respect, being some- times or in some places in one condition, and at other times and in other places in another condition. As nothing is 202 THE STEUCTURE OF FLOWERS. absolute in nature, so in this case, plants respond to the influences brought to bear upon them, and each individual maj vary accordingly, but if the influence be permanent, then the variation becomes hereditary, and one or other character is fixed, and may be regarded as specific or generic as the case may be. Should the environment change again, vi^hat may have been constant for generations will be once more broken up, and instability ensues. Miiller records several cases of such oscillations, as in Pulsatilla vernalis, Bryas octopetala, Bibes petneum, Gentiana campestris, Veronica serpyllifolia, V. spicata, Walnut, Hazel, etc. These vary from protandry throngh homogamy to protogyny. He also mentions species which have not yet arrived at complete protogyny, such as Stbbaldia procumbeyis and Ranunculus alpestris, mountain species Avhich are homo- gamous ; while R. glacialis is sometimes even slightly pro- tandrous. Papaver alpinum, Arabis alpina, and Biscutella Icevigata are also described as homogamous. As the transitions from a conspicuous, protandrous, and entomophilous or insect-fertilised flower to a homogamous and autogamous or self -fertilised one, as well as to anemo- phily, are the efi^ects of degeneracy, they will be considered more fully when that peculiar condition of floral structure comes to be discussed.* * See Chaps. XXVI. and XXVII. ( 203 ) CHAPTER XXIII. HETEROSTYLIS.M.* Dimorphic Flowers. — A large portion of Mr. Darwin's work on the " Forms of Flowers " deals with the varieties and phe- nomena of heterostylism, which is specially characteristic of the Primulacece, and BubiacecE, though several instances exist in other orders as well. He and Mr. J. Scott were mainly interested in showing that " illegitimate " or homomorphic unions were less prolific than " legitimate " or heteromorphic ; and inferentially took occasion to describe the differential sexual characters of the forms of the same species. With regard to this latter fact, when Mr. Darwin experimented with wild Cowslips, he first thought that they were tending towards a dioecious condition, and that the long-styled plants were more feminine in nature, and would produce more seed : conversely, that the short-styled plants were more masculine. Contrary to his anticipation, of plants marked growing in his garden, in an open field, and in a shady wood, the short-styled forms gave most seed, the weight of seed being in the proportion of 41 to 34 ; that is, the short-styled pro- duced more seed than the long-styled in the proportion of nearly 4 to 3. Similarly when a number of wild plants were * Heterostyled, i.e. plants with stamens and styles of different but corresponding lengths on separate plants. Honiostyled, i.e. when stamens and styles are of the same length. JJomo-, di., tri-, poly-, and hctero-moiyhic, i.e. flowers of the same, two, three, many, and different forms, respectively. 204 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. transferred to his garden, the result was as 430 to 332, the weight of seed being therefore nearly 4 to 3. Lastly, of plants covered by a net, six short-styled plants bore about 50 seeds, while 18 long-styled plants bore none at all. From these results, Mr. Darwin wrote, " we may safely conclude that the short-stjled form is more productive than the long-styled form. . . . Consequently my anticipation that the [long-styled form] would prove to be more feminine in nature, is exactly the reverse of the truth." * We shall see, however, that his surmise was probably, to some extent, right, nevertheless. Mr. Darwin and Mr. Scott have recorded a great number of experiments in crossing heterostyled plants, and the following tables, constructed from details given by those authors, show to what extent the plants named were benefited by crossing either way. LEGITIMATE OR HETEROMOEPHIC UNIONS. Long- Short- Differ- styled. styled. ence. Primula veris (Wt. of seeds of 100 capsules) tt)2 is to 44 18 P. elatior (Av. No. of seed 3 per capsule) 46'5 47-7 1-2 P. vulgaris , t66-9 65 1-9 „ var. alba [Scott] , 19 21 2 P. Sinensis „ , 50 §64 14 „ [Hildebrand] 41 44 3 P. Auricula [Scott] 73 §98 25 P. Sikkimensis „ ,, 85 §42 7 P. cortusoides „ „ 51 §61 10 P. involucrata „ „ 66 69 3 P. farinosa „ „ 52 56 4 Hottonia pal. [Miiller] , t91-4 66-2 25-2 Pulmonaria off. [Hild,] , 1-3 1-57 0-27 Mitchella repens , t4-6 4-1 0-5 Linum grandiflorum , 5-6 4-3 1-3 L. perenne , 7 8 1 L. flavum (3 flowers produced capsules) 1 3 2 * Forms, etc., p. 20. HETEROSTYLISM. 205 The first observation is that in twelve cases the short- styled are in excess of the long-styled, and in four cases (1) this is reversed. Hence Mr. Darwin's conclusion is not absolute ; and it is a somewhat remarkable fact that Primula veris (the Cowslip) is the identical species from which he deduced the conclusion that the short-styled was the more feminine of the two forms. The conclusion now arrived at from this species would be, that Avhen it is left to itself the short-styled form sets most seed ; but when artificially crossed it is the long-styled form which bears best. The cause of the former result is that some pollen in the short-styled form can fall upon the stigma and so secure self-fertilisation, which is impossible in the latter case. The same results occurred with Mr. Scott.* Hence Mr. Darwin's first conclusion, that the short-styled was the more feminine, was drawn from a wrong premise ; as it was not a question of sex so much as of union. When the results of self-fertilisation are compared, as given in the table on next page, it appears that the long-styled form of the Cowslip is the more feminine of the two, in the pro- portion of 42 to 30. Of that table, three cases of Primula sp. (|) only show the short-styled bearing more seed than the long-styled when illegitimately fertilised; viz., with Mr. Scott, P. vulgaris, var. alba, and P. Auricula (i.e. forms more or less modified by cultivation) ; and with Hildebrand, P. Sinensis, when crossed * Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot., vol. viii., 1864. This case may be taken to illustrate one of the disadvantages often accruing through groat differenti- ation and adaptation to insect visitors. Tliough it appears proved that legitimate crossing sets most seed when carefully and artificially effected; yet, when the process is left to the capricious visits of insects, Mr. Darwin's experiments show how nature fails to derive the full benefit of intercrossing ; so that the Cowslip has to be contented with the results of the illegitiniate union of the least fertile of the two forms. 206 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. by distinct plants. The difference, however, being only two in each ease, is practically inappreciable. Of the other genera, Linum shows a slight inclination in favour of short-styled ; but as this genus is exceedinglj^ barren when illegitimately fertilised, the results here given of that plant are insufficient for deducing conclusions ; at all events, these tables show that the long-styled form is certainly more prolific when illegitimately fertilised, than the short-styled form when similarly treated.* ILLEGITIMATE OR HC )MOMOR PHIC UNIONS. Long- Short- Differ- styled. styled. ence. Primula veris (Wt. of seeds of 100 capsules) 42 30 12 P. elatior (Av. No. cf seeds per capsule) 27-7 12-1 15-6 P. vulgaris „ 52-2 18-81 3-4 ,, var. alba [Scott] ,, 11 tl3 2 P. Sinensis ,, ,, 35 25 10 „ [Hild.] (plants distinct) „ 18 t20 2 „ „ (same flower) „ 17 8 9 P. Auricula [Scott] „ 12 tl4 2 P. Sikkimensis ,, „ 14 8 6 P. cortusoides „ „ 41 38 3 P. involucrata „ ,, 38 28 10 P. farinosa „ ,, 30 19 11 Hottonia palustris [Miiller] (plants distinct) ,, 77'5 18-7 58-8 „ ,, (same flower) „ 15-7 6-5 9-2 Pulmonaria off. [Hild.] Mitch ella repens ,, 2-2 2 0-2 Linum grandiflorum ,, 2-5 t4-2 1-7 L. perenne „ t3 3 ' " Too low " ? Referring to the column of Differences in the first table, it will be noticed that two of the four marked (1) of the long- styled are considerable, namely, P. veris and Hottonia ; but the * Mr. Darwin noticed that this was the case with the genus Prirtiida (Lc.,p.48). HETEROSTYLISM. 207 other two are practically inappreciable. On the other hand, considering every difference under 5 as inappreciable, there are four cases (§) of the short-styled in which it is consider- able ; and of these it was only 3 in the case of P. Sinensis with Hildebrand ; consequently one cannot confidently say that the short-styled is more feminine than the long-styled — at least, to any well-marked extent. With the corresponding column in the second table, one notices nine cases where the difference is great ; while in all of those marked (f) it is inappreciable. Hence the con- clusion is much more pronounced in favour of the greater fertility of the long-styled forms when illegitimately crossed. Miiller accounts for " the greater productiveness of illegitimate crossings in the case of the long-styled form of Huttonia than in short-styled flowers, to the fact that the former kind of illegitimate crossings occur frequently in nature ; as these flowers are visited by pollen-seeking flies which have no need to thrust their heads into the flower of the short-styled form," which is, therefore, presumably neglected.* The table I have here drawn up shows that the greater fertility of the long-styled form when illegitimately fertilised, is a general feature of heterostyled plants, and not peculiar to Hottonia pahtstris ; hence we must look to a more general cause. As another hypothesis, it may perhaps be suggested that, as the homomori)hic condition of short stamens with a short style seems to have been the primitive form, then in the * If Miillcr's idea be true, Hottonia furnishes another instance of the disadvantage of great differentiations, and is only one degree better off than the Cowslip. In either case, one is inclined to ask what has become of the proper insects (whatever they may be) required for the perfect intercrossing of these flowers. 208 THE STRUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. long-styled form the stamens are unchanged, while the pistil has elongated ; whereas, in the short-stjled form, with now elevated stamens, these and their pollen have presumably become differentiated, while the pistil has remained un- changed, Now the above result appears to indicate the fact that the long-styled pistil has not become physiologically differentiated to so great an extent as the pollen of the long- stamened form. The result is that it can be fertilised by the unchanged pollen of the same form more easily than the short- styled primitive form of pistil by the more highly differentiated pollen. This is not stated as a proved fact, and must be only regarded as a hypothetical suggestion. The extreme limits of differentiation are reached when the flower is heterostyled in form but dioecious in function. Thus j^giphila ohdurata seemed to Mr; Darwin to be in a dioecious condition, but derived from heterostylism, in which the long-styled was apparently female, and the short-styled male. The species which shows the most marked difference between the produce of the legitimate fertilisation of the two forms is P. Auricula (or cultivated vars. of Auricula). It had been asserted by Prof. Treviranus that the long-styled unions were absolutely barren.* Mr. Scott shows that this idea arose from the fact that the plant in question had not been crossed. His experiments prove that the short-styled is the most fertile, whether legitimately or illegitimately crossed, though in the latter the difference is slighter : in the former the ratio being 8 to 6 ; and in the latter, 7 to 6. Homostyled forms of P. Auricula are not uncommon. Mr. Scott found that 9 capsules gave 272 seeds, or an average of 30 seeds per capsule. Comparing this with the following results, its extreme fertility becomes apparent : — * Scott, I.e., p. 90. HETEROSTYLISM. 209 Short-styled X homostyled gave 8 seeds per capsule. Short-styled X short-styled ,, 14 ,, ,, „ Long-styled X homostyled ,, 5 „ ,, ,, Long-styled X long-styled „ 12 „ „ „ The pollen of the homostyled resembled that of the long- styled in appearance, though the stamens were situated high up as in the usual short-styled form. This seems to corrobo- rate what was said above ; for we have here also a long pistil fairly fertile with undifferentiated pollen. Another species of Primula which often bears homo- morphic flowers is P. Sinensis. Mr. Darwin's attention was first directed to it by observing a long-styled plant — de- scended from a self-fertilised long-styled parent — with the stamens low down but with the pistil of the short-styled form, though the length of the style varied in different flowers on the same umbel. He fertilised eight flowers with their own pollen, obtaining five capsules with an average of forty-three seeds. The examination of the pollen of two equal-styled plants showed a vast number of small shrivelled grains. In the case of two white-floivered plants, in which the pistil was neither properly long-styled nor short-styled, the size of the grains was in the proportion of 100 to 88 ; whereas, between perfectly characterized long and short-styled plants it would have been 100 to 57. Of the first-mentioned homomorphic plants, four spon- taneously yielded 180 capsules, with an average of o4*8 seeds, one containing 72 ; a result higher than could be expected of either form if self-fertilised. The next genei-a- tion proved to be all equal-styled, i.e. the grandchildren of the four original plants. One of these bore an average of 5 long-styled ,, .. 127 »j .. 100 ,, ,, short-styled )> .. 108 j> .. t25 illegit. „ long sta. of mid-st. „ .. 55 it .. 93 5> >> long sta. of short-st. >) .. 69 It .. 54 J> JJ short sta. of long- St. ,, .. 47 )) .. to » >> short sta. of mid-st. „ .. From these results Mr. Darwin concluded that each form of pistil is as fully fertile as possible, only when it receives pollen from the stamens of the same length as itself, these being legitimate unions. It will be seen that the mid-styled form is the most fertile of the three when legitimately fer- tilised ; and as all illegitimate unions of the long- and short- styled forms were too sterile for any averages, the mid-styled form is also the most fertile when illegitimately crossed, and is least fertile with its own stamens, as indicated above by the (t). Hence self-fertilisation in this species is at a very low ebb. A few more remarks deduced from Mr. Darwin's observa- tions t niay be added here. From the three forms occurring in approximately equal numbers in a state of nature, and from the results of sowing seed naturally produced, there is reason to belief that each form, when legitimately fertilised, repro- duces all three forms in about equal numbers. When they are illegitimately crossed with pollen from the same form, they evince a strong but not exclusive tendency to reproduce the parent form alone. * Forms of Flowers, p. 152. f L.c. p. 203. 212 THE STRUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. When the short or mid-stjled forms were illegitimately crossed bj the long-styled, then the two parent forms alone were reproduced, but in no case did the third form appear. When, however, the mid-styled form was illegitimately fertilised by the longest stamens of the short-styled, the seed- lings consisted of all three forms. Tbis illegitimate union was noticed as being singularly fertile, and the seedlings themselves exhibited no signs of sterility, but grew to the full height. Finally, of the three forms, the long-styled evinces some- what the strongest tendency to reappear amongst the off- spring, whether both, or one, or neither of the parents are long-styled. Although L. Salicaria has not, as far as I know, shown any signs of variability in the lengths of its filaments and styles, yet, as is perhaps generally the case with heterostyled plants, there are one or more species of the same genus which are normally homostyled. Thus L. hyssopifolium, which is not social, and is a dwarf form and an annual, bears only six to nine stamens, the anthers of which surround the stigma, which is included within the calyx. The three stamens, which vary in being present or absent, correspond with the six shorter stamens of L. Salicaria. The stigma and anthers are upturned as in the last species, and so indicate the fact that it is a degenerate form from L. Salicaria or some other intercrossing species, though it has now reacquired its self- fertilising properties. Oxalis is a genus having trimorphic species. Many of them are extremely infertile with their " own form " pollen. Such are the long-styled form of 0. tetraphylla, versicolor, Brasiliensis, and co7}ipressa. On the other hand, in the long-styled form of 0. incarnata, rosea, and Piottce, and in the mid-styled form of 0. carnosa, no self- sterility occurs.* * According to Hildebrand, Bot. Zcitg., xlv., pp. 1, 17, 33. HETEROSTYLISM. 213 Origin of Heterostylism. — The question maj be now- asked, How has heterostylism arisen ? We have seen, in the first place, that in many cases there is a certain instabilit}- in the length of the filaments of the stamens and of the styles, in that they are liable to alter spontaneously, and especially under cultivation.* In the case of Primula Auricula^ the homomorphic form has the anthers and stigma at the orifice, while in P. Sine?isis they are often both low down ; it is clear that either might arise in two ways. In the case of the former, the stamens, while resembling in position that of the stamens in the short-styled, form, have pollen like that of the long- styled, the pistil being of that kind. Hence it is reasonable to assume that the anthers have been uplifted. In the Chinese Primrose it is the reverse ; so that the pistil of a long-styled form has been lowered to the level of the stamens; the stigmas, too, are that of the short-styled. Eecognizing this instability of the essential organs, it is reasonable to assume that it may be due to varying degrees of nutrition which can readily bring about such changes, a relatively strong vegetative vigour elevating the stamens in the one case, while a slight tendency to degeneracy with lessened vital vigour tends to suppress the pistil in the other. Assuming a homomorphic form to have been the primitive and ancestral state," we can realize how dimorphism has been brought about by such varying degrees of stimulus having been applied to the stamens and pistil. Insect agency I take to have been this cause, which, at the same time, has by selection Jixed the heights of the stamens and style so * See the description, given above, of Narcissus cernuus, Fig. 37, p. 121. Mr. Darwin found Qilia to vary mnch in this respect. It may be added that it is a not uncommon feature in flowers which are not heterostyled, as e.g. cultivated Gladioli and Croci, Fritillaria Meleagris, etc. 214 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. as to render them permanently dimorphic for legitimate fertilisation. The predominant insect or insects were (as I surmise) the direct cause of arresting the fluctuations which they themselves, as well as accidental sources of nutriment, had set up in the lengths of the essential organs, thus compelling them to retain their anthers and stigmas at the correct height. If there were from one to three prominent kinds of insect-visitors the flowers might become adapted to them, and trimorphism he the result ; if four, tetramorphism ; and there is no a, priori reason why there should not be polymor- phic flowers as well, in the strict sense of the prefix of that term, provided a flower could furnish a sufficiency of stamens. It is further to be noticed that the rule holds good with heterostyled plants, as with all other kinds of differentiation, that in nature, whenever self -fertilisation can be effected, more seed is borne than by the forms requiring intercrossing. First, whenever it can be brought about mechanically; as has been observed in P. Sinensis, by the corolla, when falling off, dragging the anthers over the stigma in the long-styled form, which consequently yields more seed.* In P. veris, it does not do so ; but as pollen can fall in the short-styled form, in this species that form is thus the most fertile (see above, p. 205). Secondly, when these plants are artificially and legiti- mately fertilised, and not left to the chance visits of capricious insects, then the results are as they should be ; but if self -fertilisation be artificially and repeatedly practised, then nature responds to the act ; the anthers and pollen may in part degenerate, but what is left good is ample to secure abundant seed, and the self -fertilised form surpasses even the * Darwin fonnd that, in tbe absence of insects, the long-styled form of P. Sinensis was twenty-four times as productive as the short-styled. HETEROSTYLISM. 215 legitimately fertilised heteromorphic unions in fertility. Thus, Mr. Darwin observes, " The self-fertility of Primula veris increased after several generations of illegitimate fertili- sation, which is a process closely analogous to self-fertilisa- tion, * Lastly, if honioniorphic forms occur spontaneously, as is often the case with species of Primula, Mr. Darwin has shown they are not only " capable of spontaneous legitimate fertilisation, but are rather more productive than ordinary flowers legitimately fertilised." f It was Mr. Scott who suggested that the equal-styled varieties arose through reversion to a foi-mer homostyled condition of the genus. Mr. Darwin supported this view in consequence of observing " the remarkable fidelity with wdiich the equal-styled variation is transmitted after it has once appeared." | * Cross and Self Fertilisation, p. 351. t Forms of Flowers, p. 273; and Cross and Self Fertilisation, p. 352. X Forms, etc., p. 274; Mr. Darwin was so profoundly impressed with the supposed advantages of intercrossing, that he again and again asserts most positively that self -fertilisation is injurious, often in diametrical opposition to his own statements and experiments. Thus, while speaking of heterostyled trimorphic plants, he says, " As I have elsewhere shown (The Effects of Cross, etc.), most plants, when fertilised with their own pollen, or that from the same plant, are in some degree sterile, and the seedlings raised from such unions are likewise in some degree sterile, dwarfed, and feeble." Yet, in the work quoted, he has not only shown that, when he persevered with self-fertilisation for several generati(ms, he found it was just the reverse; as with "Hero" Ipomcea, the white Mimulus, etc., and with Primula, as stated above ; but lie more than once draws an opposite conclusion, as when speaking of self- fertile varieties (I.e., p. 352): "It is difficult to avoid the suspicion that self-fertilisation is in some respects advantageous. . . . Should this suspicion be hereafter verified, it would throw light on the existence [of cleistogamy]." It is this "suspicion" which I have completely veri- fied ; and, indeed, any idea of " injuriousness " is refuted by the majoritij 216 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Besides the more obvious differences in the relative lengths of the styles and filaments* of heterostyled flowers, the rule is for the stigmas of the long-styled to be larger or longer than those of the short-styled, f and to have their papillae longer and broader. Thus in the nine species of Primula described by Mr. Darwin, in two only were the stigmas nearly alike in both. Of three species of Linum, L. flaviini alone had an appre- ciable difference in the stigmas. In Pulmonai'ia qffi.cinalis and Polygonum fagojpyrum, Forsythia suspensa and ^giphila elata, it was not, or scarcely appreciable. Again, besides those mentioned there were twenty species in which the stigmas of the long-styled were markedly superior to those of the short-styled. of plants in a wild state being constantly self-fertilised, as Miiller, and, indeed, Mr. Darwin himself has shown to be the case. Thus, he gives two lists, of forty-nine species in each, (Cross and Self Fert., etc., pp. 3 57 and 365), one of self-sterile, the other of self-fertile plants, and adds, " I do not, however, believe that if all known plants were tried in tlie same manner, half would be found to be sterile within the specified limits; for many flowers were selected for experiment which presented some remarkable structure ; and such flowers often require insect aid " (I.e., p. 270). The proportion of self-sterile plants is, in fact, extremely small. Miiller remarks, e.g., of the highly differentiated order 8cro2ohu- larinece, that " in default of insect-visitors, self -fertilisation takes place in most forms ; and in only a few are insect-visits, and consequently cross-fertilisation, so far insured that self-fertilisation is never required and has become impossible." Similarly of Lahiatce he says, " Self- fertilisation seems to be rendered impossible only in the species of Nepeta, Thymus, Mentha, and Salvia described". (Fertilisation, etc., pp. 464 and 503). Moreover, while Mr. Darwin includes the Fox-glove and Linaria vulgaris among his sterile plants, Miiller considers them both to be self -fertilising. * Exceptions occur, thus Cordia and Linum grandiflorum have little or no difference in the length of the stamens. t Leucosmia Burnettiana is remarkable for having the stigma of the short-styled form the more papillose (Forms of Flowers, p. 114). HETEROSTYLISM. 217 On the other hand, the anthers of the short-styled are usually longer and contain larger pollen grains than tbose of the long-styled, the pollen of which is also often more translucent and smoother. Of all the species included in the above-mentioned thirty- six species, only five seem to have the pollen of both forms of the same size, and two in w^hich it was reversed. The five species are Leucosmia Bttrnettiana, Linum grandiforum, Cordia, Gilia pulchella, and Coccocypselum. The two in which the pollen grains of the long-styled form were the larger, were Gilia mici'antha and Phlox suhulata. The presence of cases where the usnal differences are not pronounced is just what one expects to find, in accordance with the laws of differentiation ; whereby intermediate conditions are to be looked for. Thus some species of Primula afford great differences in the shapes of the stigmas, P. veris being globular in the long-styled, and depressed in the short-styled ; while in P. Sinensis it is elongated : but in other species, as P. Sikkimensis and P. farinosa, there is but little difference between the stigmas of the two forms. In some cases the differences reside entirely in the stamens or pollen grains, as in Forsytliia suspensa^ in which, although (contrary to the rule) the anthers of the long-styled are in length as 100:87 compared with the short-styled, yet the pollen grains are as 94 : 100, which agrees with the rule. W\i\\ Linum graruliflorum and Cordia and Gilia pulchella, etc., the difference lies in the pistil. On the other hand, the difference may reside in the stamens, as in JEgiphila elata, the pollen grains being as 62 : 100, i.e. in the long-styled as compared with the short-styled. JEgiphila obdurata has the stigmas of the long-styled in length 100 : 55 as compared with the short-styled ; and the length of the anthers as 44- : 100. This is, therefore, 218 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. apparently truly heterostyled, but from Mr. Darwin's obser- vations lie thinks the short-styled incapable of fertilisation ; moreover the anthers of the long-styled form were " brown, tough, and devoid of pollen." He considers that, from having been heterostyled, it has now become dioecious, or else gyno- dioecious. M. W. Burck has shown * that several genera of BuhiacecB are heterostyled in form but quite dioecious. Faramea affords another curious difference. In the longf- styled form the stigma is short and broad ; in the short- styled, it is long, thin, and curled. The anthers of the short-styled are a little larger than those of the long-styled, and the size of their pollen grains are as 100 : 67. But the most remarkable difference (of which no other instance is known) is in the fact that while the pollen grains of the short-styled forms are covered with sharp points, the smaller ones are quite smooth. The anthers, moreover, rotate outwards in the short-styled, but do not do so in the long-styled flowers. A similar rotation takes place in some of the Cruciferce, and facilitates intercrossing. A somewhat analogous torsion occurs in some styles and stigmas, as of Linum perenne, Luzula arvensis, Begonia, etc. The smaller and smooth pollen, in the more degenerate condition of the long-styled form, is suggestive of the origin of that of Avind-fertilised flowers, which has sometimes acquired the same form. Indeed, the two forms of pollen (figured by Mr. Darwin at p. 129 of Forms of Flowers) exactly correspond to the very common spinescent form in inter- crossing species of Com^jositce, and to that of the anemophilous Artemisia of the same order, respectively. The general conclusion, therefore, derived from the com- * Sur V Organisation Florale chez qiielques Ruhiacees. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 3, p. 105. HETEROSTYLISM. 219 parison of tliese minute details, is that the long-styled form of flower represents a more fully developed pistil, and therefore a more female condition ; while the short-styled is more male : and, as we have seen above, this is borne out by the comparison of the offspring ; and, lastly, by the probable dioecious condition of ^giphila ohdurata, as well as by the actual dioecism of some species of Mtisscenda and Morinda umhellata ; while Musscenda cylindrocarpa and certain other species of Morinda are hermaphrodite without heterostylism (Burck, I.e.). 220 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XXIV. PARTIAL DICLIXISM. Gynodkecism and Gynomoxcecism. * — In acconnting for the origin of certain floral structures, it must be borne in mind that the habits and constitutions of plants are so infinitely various, that the interpretation given for that of a structure in one case may fail to be satisfactory when tested by another ; and an argument apparently sound for the expla- nation of a special phenomenon in a particular plant or plants may not at all apply to that of others. Thus, while the Hazel may mature its stamens before the pistils on a slight rise of temperature in early spring, there are many herbs, if they happen to blossom in spring earlier than is their custom, in summer, or what may be their optimum period, may have the staminal whorl more or less deranged, as such plants require a relatively higher temperature to develop them perfectly. f This is particularly characteristic of gynodioecious plants. Thus, e.g., most of the distinctly protandrous species of the Alsinece are in this condition, and * Gynodic£ci?m signifies that the same si^ecies may have both female and hermaphrodite plants. Gynomonoecism signifies that the same plant may bear both female and hermaphrodite flowers. t This will be discussed more fully in the next chapter. PARTIAL DICLINISM. 221 the plants with small, usually pistillate flowers are chiefly in blossom at the beginning of the flowering period of the larger-flowered hermaphrodite plants of this section of the Caryophyllece. Similarly, Caffea arahica produces small pis- tillate flowers in Guatemala at the beginning of the season. * It is the same with Geranmm macrorliizon and many species of Pelargonium, etc. f Gynodioecism also prevails in the Lahiatce, but both female and hermaphrodite plants for the most part blossom simul- taneously in summer. It may be noticed that the corolla is almost invariably reduced in size in female flowers, whether the species be strictly dioecious as in Bryony, or gynodicecious as Thyme, showing the close interdependence between the corolla and stamens. X That climatal conditions are likewise connected with the Gynodioecism of the Lahiatce seems probable from the behaviour of Thymus SerpijUum ; for Delpino found that it was trimorphic in the warmer region of Florence, having flowers with greatly developed stamens and the pistil in every stage of abortion or even absent (see Chapter XXV.) ; other flowers showed the exact converse ; and, lastly, others were hermaphrodite. Miiller, however, on the other hand, in Westphalia and Thuringia; Ascherson, in Brandenburg; Hildebrand, in the Rhine provinces ; and Mr. Darwin, in England, never met with the purely male form ; though Dr. Ogle found some with the pistil permanently immature. § Similarly, Eriophorum angustifolium is gynodicecious in Scotland and the Arctic regions. || Besides temperature, the character of the soil has most probably much effect in bringing about this kind of partial * Miiller, Fertilisation, etc., p. 304. f L.c, p. 158. X See Forms of Flowers, pp. 307-309. § Miiller, I.e., p. 474. || Forms of Flowers, p. 307. 222 THE STRUCTUKE OF FLOWERS. diclinism. Mr. Darwin thought " a very dry station apparently favours the presence of the female form," * i.e, a lessened vegetative vigour tends to check the development of the corolla and stamens, especially if a low temperature accompanies it ; just as, conversely, we have seen how a high temperature enhances it. Mr. Hart thus found that, with Nepeta GlecJioma, all the plants which he examined near Kilkenny were females ; while all near Bath were hermaph- rodites, and near Hertford both forms were present, but with a preponderance of hermaphrodites. f Both Miiller and Mr. Darwin offer theories to account for the origin of these gynodicecious plants. Miiller, after quoting Hildebrand's view, which he rejects, ;|; says,§ " Of the flowers of the same species gi'owing together, the most conspicuous are first visited by insects, and if the flowers on some plants are smaller than on others, perhaps owing to scanty nourishment, they will generally be visited last. If the plant is so much visited by insects that cross- fertilisation is fully insured by means of protandrous dicho- gamy, and self-fertilisation is thus rendered quite needless, then the stamens of the last-visited small-flowered plants are useless, and Natural Selection will tend to make them disappear, because the loss of useless organs is manifestly advantageous for every organism. " This explanation rests upon the hypotheses, (1) that the flowers of those species in which small-flowered female plants occur together with large-flowered hermaphrodite plants are plentifully visited by insects and are markedly * Forms of Flowers, p. 301 t Nature, 1873, p. 162; and see below, p. 239. % Fertilisation, etc., p. 473. § L.C., p. 484. Compare his remarks on Scahiosa arvensis, I.e., pp. 310, 311. PARTIAL DICLINISM. 223 protandrous ; (2) that variation in size of the flowers has always taken place, not among the flowers on a single plant, but between the flowers on different individuals." Mr. Darwin suggests another view : * "As the production of a large supply of seeds evidently is of high importance to many plants, and . . . the females produce many more seeds than the hermaphrodites, increased fertility seems to me the more probable cause of the formation and separation of the two forms." " S. M.," reviewing Mr. Darwin's work in the Journal of Botany^ 1877, p. 375, "felt compelled to differ from the author, and adds, " For ourselves we cannot help thinking that gynodioecism can be better explained on the view of a sufficiency of pollen for the fertilisation of all the individuals of a species being produced by only a few of the flowers, so that instead of some of the anthers of all the flow^ers becoming abortive — a very common occurrence — we see here abortion of all the anthers of some of the flowers. . . . All known instances of gynodioecism relate to species which have the maximum of stamens possessed by the orders to which they relatively belong, and are without any complex entomophilous structure. . . . We may also remark on the pauciovulate condition of gynodioecions species, and ask why do we not see this form of sexual separation in multiovulate ones P" In reply to this writer's suggestions, I would remark that in all entomophilous flowers far too much pollen is produced and wasted ; that Mr. Darwin's observation, that a bee could fertilise ten pistils with pollen from one flower of Satureia, might readily apply to hundreds of cases where no gynodioecism exists ; and as long as insects visit flowers the tendency is not to contabescence and abortion of the * Forms of Flowers, p, 304. 224 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. anthers, but to higher differentiations and an increase in the quantity of pollen. Secondly, that the orders, with gyno- dicecism have the maximum of stamens, is not universally true. Pelargonium having only seven out of tea. Again, the Labiatm are especially characterized by " entomophilous structures." Lastly, the order Garyophyllece is multiovulate. In the first two interpretations, those of Miiller and Darwin, Miiller suggests scanty nourishment as a cause for the diminished size of the female flowers, which might apply to any or every protandrous plant and so give rise to gyno- dicecism ; for if it be a sufficient cause in one family, why has it not brought it about in all ? This cause alone does not touch the question, Why is gynodioecism peculiarly common in the Alsinece of the Caryophyllem and in Lahiafce ? Mr. Darwin thinks that an increased fertility of the female may be the cause ; but he seems to forget that no flower of the Lahiatce can bear more than four seeds, so that, supposing a female plant to have the same number of flowers as a her- maphrodite, if it bears more seeds it must be due to the decrease infertility of the latter, and not to any increase in the former. * It is, in fact, a very common occui'rence for a flower of any member of the Lahiatce to bear one, two, or three only, as well as four nutlets in an individual fruit. Mr, Darwin " doubts much whether natural selection has come into play," and notices that " the abortion of the stamens ought in the females to bave added, through the law of compensation, to the size of the corolla," as is the case in the ray florets of the gynomonoecious Co7)vpositce. He, however, recognizes the * In his experiment with Satureia hortensis, Mr. Dar\\an collected seeds from the finest of ten female plants, and they weighed 78 grains ; while those from the single hermaphrodite, which was a rather larger plant than the female, weighed only 33"2 grains ; that is, in the ratio of 00 to 43 (Forms of Floivers, p. 303). PARTIAL DICLINISM. 225 intimate connection between the corolla and androecium, and thinks that " the decreased size of the female corollas is due to a tendency to abortion spreading from the stamens to the petals." In noting all the plants mentioned by Miiller and Mr. Darwin as gynodioecious, there are besides the two Avell- marked groups already mentioned, viz., Alsinece and Labiatce, the following isolated genera or species. Pelargonium, Gera- nium macrorhizo7i, Sherardia arvensis, Valeriana montana, Scahiosa, Cnicus, Echium vulgare and Plantago ; to the ComjpositcBj I can add Achillcea millefolium; and I think also Vines may be included in the list. The first and important point to note about the flowering of the Alsinece is that the female flowers are the first to open, at the hegin7iing of the season* It is the same with Geranium macrohizon, Pelargonium, and Coffee in Guatemala. Now, we have already seen how sensitive the androecium and the corolla are to a low temperature, so that we have here a direct cause which will account for the check upon the growth and development of these two whorls. Applying this principle to the Labiatce, we must remember that as a group they are correlated to a warmer climate, their " home " being the Mediterranean and even warmer regions ; hence I assume their greater hereditary sensitiveness to a low temperature in those descendants which occupy a cooler temperate zone. This may, I think, account for the predominance of purely female forms, as well as the presence of stamens in ever}' degree of degeneracy. How far the same principle will apply to the other gynodioecious genera and species, I will not pretend to offer an opinion, as not enough is yet known about them ; * See Ilikiebrand's observation, p. 234, aud Sexuality and Tempera- TUKE, p. 237. Q 226 THE STKUCTURE OF FLOWERS. only we must always remember that there may be a variety of causes which may equally well bring about the same result. It may be also borne in mind here that another result of low temperature is, while retaining the function of the androecium, to arrest the expansion of the corolla and to render the flowers self-fertilising. This is peculiarly the case with the Alsinece ; while Laviium amplexicaule fails to open its earliest small-flowered flowers at all, being strictly cleistogamous. The preceding cases of gynodioecism are all associated with a more or less degree of protandry. It is rarer to find it accompanied with protogyny in the hermaphrodite form. Miiller records it in Plantago lanceolata in England, which I can corroborate, and in P. media in Germany. These plants are aneraophilous, and in a state of passage from an ento- mophilous ancestry ; so that it may have been retained from an early condition. Gynomonoecism is not particularly common, except in the Gompositce., where the ray florets are often female, while the disk florets are hermaphrodite. This is due to com- pensation ; for transitional states may be seen in flowers which are passing into the "double" condition; for as the corolla changes its form and becomes ligulate, the stamens are sup23ressed, and the style arms alter their shape. Anemone hepatica is said to be gynomoncBcious,* and also Syringa Persica.f I have seen no case, and no description is given of these two, so that I can only suggest that it may be a result from degeneracy, perhaps on the road to a petaloid condition of the stamens. Such a state I have found in a Plantago which was gvnodioecious. * Dr. S. Calloni, Arch. 8ci. Phys. et Nat., xiii., 1885, p. 409. t Miiller, Fertilisation, etc., p. 393. PARTIAL DICLINISM. 227 Androdicecism and Andromoncecism.* — These conditions do not appear to prevail to the same extent as the female forms of flowers. Both of these kinds are not at all un- common in the Umhelliferce, and are a result of exhaustion, for the umbels produced at the end of the season are often entirely male ; or, if at other periods, it is generally the central florets which develop no pistils, as in Astrantia minor. Miiller has noticed how " the weaker plants usually bear but one umbel consisting only of male flowers." This would make it androdioecious. I find that andromoncecism prevails in Astrantia major, Gariim, Smyrnium, and in Trinia vulgaris. This last, growing on the Clifton downs, bore umbels which were altogether male, after the hermaphrodite ones had formed their fruit. Daucus grandiflora is remarkable for having three kinds of flowers. According to Miiller, the central ones are male; at the edge of the umbellule the flowers are neuter, with the outermost petal greatly enlarged; lastly, at the margin of the whole umbel, are female florets in which the outer petals attain to a gigantic size.f * Androdioecism signifies that the same species has both male and hermaphrodite plants. Andromoncecism signifies that the same plant bears both male and hermaphrodite flowers. t I would here remind the reader that the interpretation given above (Chapters XI.-XIII.) of the origin of irregular corollas, applies equally well to those cases where it is only in the outermost florets of a cluster where the petals are enlarged, as in Iberis, many of the Com- positoe, and UmhellifercB, as well as in Hydrangea, Guelder Rose, etc. In all these, when insects first approach the umbel and alight on the border of it, any or each individual floret on the margin may have to carry the burden. As soon, however, as the insect passes the edge of the cluster, its weight is distributed over several florets ; so that they are not sub- mitted to any special strains upon one, i.e. the outer side only. The same remarks apply to Mentha, as compared with Lamium. The insect visits one flower at a time in the latter, but scrambles over several in the former, which has (presumably) degraded in consequence. 228 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. Caltlia palustris is said to be androdioecious, but no details are given by the observer.* Besides the UmbelUfer(B,'\ where andromonoecism seems to be a characteristic feature, Miiller mentions Asperula taurina and Galium Gruciata, Fulmonaria officinalis, Goriaria 7yiyrtifolia,eiJid Diospyrus Virginiana as being andromonoecious. The hermaphrodite flowers of these species are protandrous. In Galium Gruciata, Mr. Darwin noticed that the pistil is suppressed in most of the lower flowers, the upper remaining hermaphrodite. Heterostylism may tend to produce the same result when the stamens of the long-styled forms degenerate so far as to become atrophied without the pistil losing its functions. Fulmonaria angustifolia and Phlox siibulafa give hints of this condition.;]: Asperula scoparia was at first thought by Mr. Darwin to be heterostyled, but finding the anthers to be des- titute of pollen, he considered it to be dioecious. A. taurina, as figured by Mu]ler,§ shows great variability in the lengths of the filaments and styles, and he pronounces it to be andro- monoecious. Hence, as so many of the Buhiacece are hetero- styled, there seems eYery probability of one result of this peculiarity, being one or other kind of this incompletely afl'ected or partial diclinism. In the case of Goriaria myrti- folia, Hildebrand found that it was the first flowers which were male only. In Maples, as in Galium Gruciata, the rule is for the three or more flowered corymb to have the central one hermaphrodite, and the lower or outer ones male. This * Lecoq, Geog. Bot., torn, iv., p. 488. t Miiller says that in Sanicula Europcea the outer flowers are male, and develop after the inner ones, which are hermaphrodite. This is so anomalous, that one suspects an error somewhere. I ha^e not had any opportunity of examining fresh flowers. X Forms of Flowers, p. 287. § Fertilisation, etc., p. 303. PARTIAL DICLINISM. 229 clearly is a question of the distributiou of nutrition ; the lower, being the later ones to expand, are the weaker.* Miiller mentions Horse-chestnuts as being also andro- raonoecious ; and what is exceptional is that the hermaphro- dite flowers are protogynous. This, however, may be due to the early period of flowering, like species of Prunus and Gratcegus. The reader Avill now perceive that there may be several causes at work to produce these kinds of " partial diclinism ; " and that what is required is to ascertain, if possible, by observation and experiment, which is the one peculiar to each species. Secondly, when any one or more causes has been sufficiently persistent, the results become hereditary ; so that certain species, genera, and orders become more or less characterized by these peculiar features. * Compare the observations on Adoxa, p. 188. 230 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. CHAPTER XXV. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. General Observations. — As the environment is now known to have most potent influences on the anatomical structure of the vegetative system of plants, thereby affecting their outward and visible morphological characters as well ; so are there many causes which affect the reproductive system, at one time influencing the andrcecium, at another the gynoe- cium, favouring them or the reverse as the case may be ; so that eitlier sex or even both may be entirely suppressed, and a hermaphrodite flower become male, female, or neuter. With regard to the most general agency, there seems to be a tolerably uniform consensus of opinion that the female sex in plants is correlated with a relatively stronger vital vigour than the male; and this is just what an a priori assumption would look for, as the duration of existence and the work to be done in making fruit require a greater expenditure of energy than the temporary function of the stamens. We must, however, distinguish between a healthy vital vigour, and any excessive vegetative growth, as occurs under high cultivation, and as is often the result of intercrossing. If this latter surpass the requisite or optimum conditions for the healthy performance of the functions of all the organs SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 231 of a plant, then either of the sexual organs may begin to deterioriate, till they become metamorphosed into petals or leaves, or else degenerate and vanish. It is true enough that we know nothing of the real nature of life ; but it is easy to see that, of the various phases of development, from germination to the production of seed, each should have the proper amount of energy at its disposal, and no more ; for if any one organ be stimulated beyond the optimum degree, others suffer through atrophy. The first and well-known distinction to be noticed lies, of course, between the " vegetative energy," by means of which roots, stems, branches, and foliage are developed, and the "reproductive energy," w^hich brings about the formation of flowers, fruit, and seed. If either of these be unduly excited, the other diminishes. Thus, as long as fruit trees are developing much wood and foliage, they either bear fruit badly or not at all. Plants which are propagated largely by vegetative means of multiplication, such as bulbs, corms, tubers, etc., are notorious for failing to set seed as well. As an instance in nature, Ranunculus Ficaria maybe mentioned. This plant propagates itself by "root-tubers" and by aerial corms, and rarely produces much fruit, for the pollen often remains in an arrested state.* Conversely, if vegetative energy be checked by root and branch pruning, bark-ringing, etc., the reproductive energy is promoted, and an abundance of fruit is the reward. Similar results follow a decrease of energy through impoverishment, when enormous crops of fruit may be borne by trees, as I have seen in Portugal Laurels, when the roots had penetrated a bed of gravel and the branches became decayed. Apart from tliese general considerations certain special conditions are found to favour one sex more than the other, * See Van Tiegliem on II. Ficaria, Ann. des Sci. Nat., v., sc'r. 5, p. 88. 232 THE STKUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. SO that normally hermaphrodite flowers may become uni- sexual, and every possible degree between these two extreme cases can be met with in nature and cultivation. The problem, therefore, is to discover v^^hat the immediate causes may be in each case which stimulate or suppress the energy required for the proper development of the stamens and pistil respectively. There appears to be a closer bond between the stamens and corolla than between the two kinds of essential organs themselves ; * thus, if the corolla degenerate, the antipetalous stamens at least tend to follow suit, as in the Alswece. On the other hand, the first tendency towards " doubling " appears in a more or less pronounced petalody of the androecium. As petals are a nearer approximation to foliar organs, the above means that vegetative energy is moie prone to affect the stamens, when from some cause they have first begun to lose their proper function, than the pistil. The pistil may fail in its development from two classes of causes : either from an undue display of the vegetative vigour, as in completely double flowers — though it may be unaffected in a partially double one ; or else from excessive feebleness, under which a flower may succeed in making the androecium, but has not sufficient energy to develop the gynoecium ; as, e.g., often takes place in the flowers of the Umhellifero} at the close of the season. There is no absolute rule in these matters, and differences result from various degrees of energy at the disposal of the * A study of the vascular system of flowers and their axes bears this out, as the provision made for the stamens usually arises from the perianthial cords, while that for the pistil is mostly isolated off in rather a more marked and independent manner. Exceptions occur, as in Ballota nigra, in which the four stamens originate from the same cords as those of the placentas. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 233 whorls, giving rise to corresponding results of different degrees of development in the respective sexes. The points to be clearly perceived are that a plant shoultl be able to develop all its organs in perfection ; that there is an optimum degree of energy for each ; and that, though it is customary to group these energies under the two expres- sions, vegetative and reproductive, yet tbe principle may be carried out in detail : so that, e.g., an enlarged corolla tends to destroy the stamens, as of the ray florets of Dahlia, or even the pistil too, if it be very large, as in Gentaurea. A stimu- lated androecium brings about an arrest in the pistil, and causes protandry ; and if the perianth be highly developed, as in orchids, the enhancement of the former may cause degeneracy in the ovules. Sexuality and Nutrition. — Assuming, for the present, that the ancestral condition of all flowers, excepting, perhaps, those of the Gymnosperms, was hermaphrodite, many instances exist of the same species having male, female, and herma- phrodite flowers, such as* the Ash, Silene inflata, etc., where the aborted organs often remain more or less rudimentary. It cannot be pretended as yet that the cause or causes can be at all positively asserted, in eacli case, for the tendency to abortion either in the stamens or pistil ; but there are certain well-ascertained facts which can undoubtedly play a part in the processes of degeneration or exaltation of the staminal and carpellary energies respectively. If they be sufficiently persistent the subsequent generations can, then, become completely diclinous, without a trace of the other sex remaining ; yet, as is well-known, any diclinous plant may reproduce by reversion the lost sex, thereby revealing its original hermaphroditism. In endeavouring to trace the present condition of diclinous flowers back to an ancestral hermaphrodite condi- 234< THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. tion, it will be as well to consider certain significant facts which may help us in ascertaining the cause of their present diclinisna. " Hildebrand has shown," writes Mr. Darwin, " that with hermaphrodite plants which are strongly protandrous the stamens in the flowers which open first sometimes abort, . . . Conversely the pistils in the flowers which open last sometimes abort." Similarly Gartner observed that "if tbe anthers on a plant are contabescent (and when this occurs it is always at a very early period of growtb) the female organs are sometimes precociously developed." * A reason for this is that, on the one hand, since a higher temperature is correlated with protandry, the first flowers open when the optimum temperature has not arisen; so that the stamens are checked, a cooler temperature being less inimical to the development of the gynoecium. On the other hand, the last flowers of the season are produced when the vital energy is waning, and although the flowers may expand, they are too feeble to develop the pistil. Now exactly the converse may occur; thus Mr. W. Gr. Smith called attention f to the seemingly unobserved fact that Euphorbia amygdaloides ahvays bears terminal male flowers alone at first, and subsequently the two sexes together on lower lateral " flowers." This agrees with Gasianea Americana,^ as noticed by Mr. Meehan. In these two cases, * Forms of Floivers, p. 283. I hardly think this can be always the case ; for, of Vines growing side by side, some will occasionally have the anthers utterly devoid of sound pollen, bnt with the pistil normal ; while others will be entirely hermaphrodite with no sign of contabescence. I have examined such, supplied to me by Mr. Barron from the gardens of the Royal Horticultural Society at Chiswick. The cause is at present very obscure. t Journ. ofBot, 1864, p. 196. t Proc. Acad. N. Sci. of FhiJadel., 1873, p. 290. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 235 therefore, we have instances of the plants flowering and bearing male organs only before the highest effort of vital energy is displayed — the preliminary and feebler effort being capable of developing the androeciiim alone. With regard to diclinous trees, many examples could be found to illustrate the principle that the female flowers are normally produced by stronger shoots than the male. Mr. Meehan has particularly called attention to this fact. Tor instance, " Jiiglans nigra* exhibits three grades of growing buds. The largest make the most vigorous shoots. These seem to be wholly devoted to the increase of the woody system of the tree. Lower down, the strong last year's shoots arise from buds not quite so large. These make shoots less vigorous than the other class, and bear the female flow^ers on their apices. Below these are numerous small weak buds, which either do not push into growth at all, or when they do, bear simply the male catkins." Again, Gastanea Americana bears two crops of male flowers, the first of which disarticulate and are useless ; the second appear about ten days later, accompanied by clusters of females. Occasionally a tree will be entirely female. Mr. Meehan also calls attention to the fact that isolated trees of Birch, though producing an abundance of male and female flowers, very often have not a perfect seed. Hazels are sometimes protogynous, sometimes protandrous ; and if the latter condition prevail, there may be little or no fruit, as often occurs in Pennsylvania. After making analogous observations on American Maples, he summarizes his remarks on the latter as follows : — " Male flowers do not appear on a female Maple-tree till some of its vital power has been exhausted. * Laws of Sex in J. Nigray Proc. Acad. N. Sci. of Phil., 1873, p. 290. 236 THE STHUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. " Branch-buds bearing female flowers have vital power suflBcient to develop into branches. "Branch-buds bearing male flowers have not vital power enough to develop into branches, but remain as spars, which ever after produce male flowers only. " Buds producing male flowers only, are more excited by a slight rise of temperature than females, and expand at a low temperature under which the females remain quiescent " [_i.e. when the winter temperature begins to give way to the rise in early spring, the males are more easily excited into maturity]. * As another authority, I would refer to a paper by Mr. Moore, upon the appearance of male flowers on female trees, such as the Papaw, etc. He alludes to Dr. Wight's views, in that he attributes these changes " to the modifying power of the soil and climate acting on the dormant energies of the rudimentary ovaries and developing them into prolific fruit, but at the cost of the male organs." In another case of the Papaw one fertile flower was produced, and that the first which expanded, others being all male. " It would seem that fertile flowers in these instances have only been de- veloped when the greatest vital energy is present in the plant, which is the case when they first begin to expand. Other instances," Mr. Moore adds, " might be quoted to show that vigour and healthiness increase the female line of vital force in vegetables, whilst weakness is more conducive to the male development." This view was corroborated by a case of a young plant of Nepenthes distillatona, raised from seed. Mr. Moore describes and figures it in the same paper. The lowermost flowers of the raceme bore both stamens and pistil, the * 071 the Relation of Heat to the Sexes of Flowers, Proc Acad. Kat. Sci. of Phil., 1882, p. 1. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2o7 carpels of which were somewhat dissociated. On the upper half they were entirely male. He did not succeed in impreg- nating any of the numerous and well-formed ovules. He observes : " This well-authenticated case also favours the theory that vigour in the plant is productive of the female line of vital force." * It is a common phenomenon for diclinous trees to change their sex in diiferent places or seasons. Ashes and Maples, as well as Palms, have been known to do this. The only in- terpretation being apparently the difference which occurs in the climatal conditions from year to year, or the modifications of temperature, soil, etc., consequent on different environing circumstances. Sexuality and Temperature. — Temperature has a marked influence on the sexes. A relatively high temperature favours the corolla and androecium, while a comparatively lower one the gynoecium. A. Knight long ago found that Water- melons grown with a maximum of 110° by day, usually varying from 90° to 105°, with a minimum of 70° at night, grew with luxuriance, but bore no fruit, though it had a profusion of minute male blossoms. This experience is corroborated by present horticulturists. He was not sur- prised, as he had for many years previously succeeded, by long-continued low temperature, in making cucumber plants produce female flowers only. Mr. Median's observations on the development of buds on certain trees appeared to corroborate this view of Knight's. He remarks that, in the year 1884, after a winter of uniformly low temjieraturo, the male and female flow^ers of the nut appeared together ; but in other years it was * Trans. Irish Acad., xxiv., p. 629; see also a paper ou " Sexuality," by Dr. M. T. Masters, Pojj. Sci. Rev., xii., p. 3G3, 1873, and his Teratology, p. 190; also, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. of Phil., 1873, p. 290. 238 THE STRUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. found that a few warm days in winter would advance the male flowers, so that they would mature some weeks before the female flowers opened. Hence the latter were generally unfertilised.* That the stamens are much more sensitive to and pre- cocious in their development under a rise of temperature, is seen in the behaviour of plants in different countries. Thus it is asserted f that Stratiotes aloides produces its carpels with greater abundance towards the northern limit of its geographical distribution, and its stamens, on the contrary, are more frequently developed in more southern districts. J These tendencies to check one or the other sex, may lead to monoecious diclinism ; and even complete dioecism seems, at all events to some extent, due to climate, as differences occur in widely separated countries ; thus Honchenya peploides is frequently hermaphrodite in America, but usually sub- dioecious in England. § Mr. Darwin, in his experiments, found that Mimulus luteus was very sterile in one year ; and he attributed the fact partly to the extreme heat of the season. || * Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. of Phil, 1884, p. 116. t Teratology, p. 196. X Perhaps the propagation by apogamy of the female plants of Chara crinita may be a resource to which this plant has been driven in consequence of the male plants not thriving in a cool region. Sachs says that the female is found throughout the whole of Northern Europe, but the male is only knovm to occur in Transylvania, South of France, and by the Caspian (Plujs. of Plants, p. 801). The idea is suggested by this that when temperature arrests the male without checking the vegetative system, a plant may adopt vegetative methods of multiplication. Thus, instead of regarding the " root-tubers " and aerial corms of Ranunculus Ficaria as the cause of the degeneracy of the pollen in that plant ; perhaps it would be more correct to reverse the process. § Teratology, ^.19Q. \\ Cross and Self Pert., etc., -p. Q8. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 239 Mr. Darwin also records ^ how " a tendency to the separation of the sexes in the cultivated Strawberry seems to be much more strongly marked in the United States than in Europe; and this appears to be the result of the direct action of climate on the reproductive organs." Quotino" from the Gardener's GJironide^ t ^^ adds, " Many of the varieties in the United States consist of three forms, namely, females, which produce a heavy crop of fruit, — of hermaphro- dites, which ' seldom produce other than a very scanty crop of inferior and imperfect berries,' — and of males which pro- duce none. . . . The males bear large, the hermaphrodites mid-sized, and the females small flowers. The latter plants produce few runners, whilst the two other forms produce many; ... we may therefore infer that much more vital force is expended in the production of ovules and fruit than in the production of pollen." Conversely, as runners were more abundant with male and hermaphrodite plants, we see here an instance of vege- tative groivth correlated with the male elements at the expense of the female. Sexuality and the Soil. — Muller has given two instruc- tive cases where it is pretty certain that the soil was a chief cause of the separation of the sexes. [J; Biantlius deltoides, near Lippstadt, offers interesting gradations from her- maphroditism to gynodioDcism and gynomoncecism. "On the border of a meadow, of some hundred stems examined by myself, all the flowers, without exception, proved to be pro- tandrous, with a normal development of the anthers and stigmas. On the grass-grown slope of a sandy hill likewise, all the stems produced protandrous flowers, but on many stems the stamens, although emerging above the petals * Fcyrms of Flowers, p. 293. f 18GI, p. 710. X Nature, vol. xxiv., p. 532. 240 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. before tlie development of the styles and stigmas, bore diminislied whitish anthers, not opening at all, and contai-aing also some shrivelled pollen-grains. Lastly, in a barren sandy locality, many of the stems produced female flowers, v^ith stamens aborted in the same degree as in D. superhus, and not infrequently such female flowers and protaudrous her- maphrodite ones are found on the same stem." Wiegman also found the Bianthus had contabescent stamens v^hen growing on a dry and sterile bank. The conditions here mentioned are very like those more than once described as associated with double flowers, in which the stamens have also de- generated but taken the petaloid form. Hence I think we may directly trace the degeneracy of the anthers and pollen to atrophy ; since chemical analyses of pollen prove that the most important constituents required are potash, nitrogen, and phosphorus pentoxide,* probably wanting in the localities mentioned. " Centaurea Jacea " Miiller describes f " as having its flower-heads of the same stem always of the same form, but different stems of the same locality often present astonishing differences in their flower-heads. " In the most common and apparently original form, the flower-heads consist of florets which are all of the same tubular shape, and all contain both fully developed anthers and stigma, the divergence of the outer florets giving to the whole head a diameter of 20-30 mm. From this original form variation has gone on in two opposite directions, the final effects of this variation being, on the one side, very conspicuous male flower-heads of 50-55 mm. diameter ; and on the other side less conspicuous female flower-heads of * From an analysis of Ash blossomSj by Professor Church, Journal of Botany, 1877, p. 364. f Nature, vol. xxv., p. 241. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIKONMENT. 241 30-85 mm. diameter. In both these extreme forms the outer row of florets possesses greatly enlarged radiating corollas which are sexually functionless, but useful in making the flower-mass more conspicuous. In the male flower-heads, anthers and pistils of the disk-florets are well-developed, but the style-branches never open so as to expose their stigmatic surfaces, and in their basal portion are grown together. In the female flower-heads, on the contrary, only the pistil of the disk-florets is fully developed, the anthers being pollenless, shrivelled, and brownish coloured. " These two extreme forms are linked with the original one by a continuous series of gradations. When in the original form variation begins in one direction, the outer row of florets gradually becomes longer and more radiating, and in the same degree their sexual organs diminish in size and become functionless, the anthers first aborting, and then the pistil. Finally, the barren ray-florets continuing to increase, the pistils of the disk-florets, too, become function- less, and the conspicuous male flower-head is accomplished. " In the contrary variation some of the outer florets of the original form begin to diminish in size, while their anthers become brownish and pollenless, and this change step by step proceeds inwards and seizes a greater and greater number of disk-florets, until the whole flower-head is female, and reduced to a diameter of 15-18 mm. This state being reached, the corollas of the marginal flowers recommence to increase and become radiating, while at the same time their anthers disappear without leaving any trace, and their style-branches remain closed together." Calendula officinalis furnishes another instance of com- plete change of sex, most probably caused by varying con- ditions of nutrition supplied by the soil. In the normal *' single " form the disk florets are male, but with club- R 242 THE STRUCTURE OF FLOWERS. shaped stigmas. The two style arms, being fused together and strongly papillose, are only useful for thrusting out the pollen from the anther cylinder. In "double" forms the corollas all become ligulate, the stamens disappear altogether, and the style arms of the pistils assume the normal form characteristic of the ray florets. They now set seed, so that the entire capitulum is female, and forms fruit.*' Polygamous states often occur in trees growing apparently under the same conditions, and although we cannot doubt that they are due to different degrees of nutrition, yet they cannot be readily correlated to visible differences in the environment. Mr. Darwin thus describes the Ash : f "I examined fifteen trees growing in the same field ; of these, eight produced male flowers alone, and in the autumn not a single seed ; four produced only female flowers, which set an abundance of seeds ; three were hermaphrodites, and two of them produced nearly as many seeds as the female trees, whilst the third produced none, so that it was in function a male. The separation of the sexes, however, is not com- plete in the Ash ; for the female flowers include stamens, which drop off at an early period, and their anthers, which never open or dehisce, generally contain pulpy matter instead of pollen. On some female trees, however, I found a few anthers containing pollen-grains apparently sound. On the male trees most of the flowers include pistils, but these likewise drop off at an early period ; and the ovules, which ultimately abort, are very small compared with those in female flowers of the same age." It may be added that the stamens are sometimes sub- * I found no difference whatever between the plants raised from the larger seeds of the ray florets and the smaller ones of the disk florets. They all gave rise to the " single " form of capitulum. t Forms of Flowers, p. 11. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 243 petaloid forming staminodia — another hint that " conta- bescence " is closely akin to petalody of the androecium. Sexuality and Heterogamy. — Another source of diclinism may theoretically be attributed to protandry and protogyny carried to such a degree that the opposite sex is arrested altogether. Many plants have their flowers hovering about homogamy, some individuals being protandrous, others proto- gynous, according to locality, etc. Thus Saxifrages and species of Bihes are in this condition. We know that as soon as a flower is fertilised, the corolla fades and mostly falls. This means that the nourishment is now directed into the pistil. In a protogynous flower the petals and stamens may be in a very undeveloped state, while the stigma is ready for pollination.* If it be fertilised it no longer requires other organs, and nourishment may be abstracted from the corolla and stamens, which therefore would tend to abort. Let this procedure become hereditary, and we get passages to female flowers. Moreover, the more female forms tend less to degeneracy, plant for plant, than the hermaphrodites, as Darwin showed with Satureia, and as is known to be the case with Strawberries in the United States, and again as is the case Avith the Ash, described above. Therefore female plants might be produced abundantly which would keep that form permanent. Conversely, plants growing in the open with an increase of temperature, and readily seen and visited by insects, become strongly protandrous ; consequently the pistil is at first delayed in development with a corresponding tendency to enfeeblement in comparison with the more purely female plants. The results of crossing those conspicuous flowers — and * See e.g. Miiller's figures of Saxifraga Seguieri in different stages, Fertilisation, etc., p. 244. 244 THE STKUCTUEE OF FLOWERS. tlie more conspicuous the more masculine is the flower, and the more attractive will it be — one with another, would not therefore be so advantageous as crossing the more female plants with the conspicuous. The former, too, produce relatively more offspring, and might tend to oust the others, and reproduce both the "more masculine" and the "more female " sorts. Intercrossing, therefore, coupled with en- vironing conditions, may together bring about dioecism, as in Strawberries. As this reasoning is rather deductive, it must be only considered as a suggestion. Sexuality and Heterostylism. — This undoubtedly is another source of diclinism, as already alluded to. Mr, Darwin alludes * to Coprosma and Mitchella as indicating this fact. " Coprosma is dioecious, and in the male flowers the stamens are exserted, and in the female flowers the stigmas ; so that, judging from the afiinities of these genera, it seems probable that an ancient short-styled form, bearing long stamens with large anthers and large pollen-grains (as in the case of several Rubiaceous genera), has been converted into the male Coprosma; and that an ancient long-styled form, with short stamens, small anthers, and small pollen- grains, has been converted into the female form. According to Mr. Meehan,t Mitchella repens is dioecious in some districts : for he says that one form has small sessile anthers without a trace of pollen, the pistil being perfect ; while in another form the stamens are perfect and the pistil rudi- mentary. Mitchella, therefore, would seem to be heterostyled in one district and dioecious in another," and this can scarcely be due to anything but environment. * Forms of Florvers, etc., p. 285. See also above, p. 228. t Proc. Acad, of Sci. of Philadelphia, July 28, 1868, p. 183. I do not gather from Mr. Meehan's account that he found any difference as to locality. Dioecism appears to be a constant character. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 245 Summarizing the various influences of the environment as climatic — such as temperature and light, shade and obscurity, humidity and drought, as well as varieties of soil and degrees of nourishment, and possibly others — we soon see how careful one must be in attributing a result to any one or special cause alone. What we can do is, as it were, to pick out of them, as tolerably well-ascertained, condi- tions which seem to favour, say, the female as compared with the male organs or flowers — such as, e.g., a mean or optimum condition of vegetative energy, a relatively low temperature, no excess of nutriment, a due amount of light, humidity, etc.; or again, on the other hand, a relatively higher tempera- ture, which favours and stimulates the staminal energies, the androecium being more keenly sensitive and more readily responsive to slight increments of temperature than is the gyncecium. The duration of the male elements being shorter than that of the female, they can come more quickly to maturity and perish earlier, as seen, for example, in the first flowering deciduous male catkins of Castanea Americana mentioned above. These, having been formed at the close of the preceding year (like many male flowers of the Unihelliferce late in the season), may represent the ex- piring energy of the year's growth. They open first, as soon as a sufficient though slight increment of temperature occurs, but quickly fall off, quite useless, as no female flowers are open to be benefited by them. Again, many, if not the majority of gynodioecious plants would seem to be produced by the first flowers opening before the temperature was sufficiently high to allow of the corolla and stamens to develop properly ; and though many female flowers of the Labiatce now blossom simultaneously with the hermaphrodite flowers of the same species ; this may be, perhaps, accounted for by hereditary influences, as 246 THE STRUCTUKE OF FLOWERS. Mr. Darwin showed that seeds of the female plants of Thyme yielded both female and hermaphrodite plants. Although, therefore, we are unable to fathom all the mysteries of Nature's procedure, we can detect some of the lines upon which she works, and perceive how, in all cases, it is the environment — but sometimes one set of influences, sometimes another — which, being brought to bear upon the plant, the latter responds to it ; and some form of what may be called "incipient diclinism " is the first result. If, then, these influences be kept up, hereditary conservatism comes into play, and such slight beginnings tow^ards a separation of the sexes becomes fixed — only temporarily, however, — which constitute the first step, to be followed by others, till absolute and almost irrevocable dicecism is the final result. Dr. M. T. Masters has collected several cases in which one or other of the sexes has been arrested, apparently in consequence of the nature of the soil and other conditions of the environment. I refer the reader to his " Teratology," as my object is not merely to enumerate all the instances known, but sufiicient to establish the theory advanced, — that it is the environment that first influences the organism, w^hich then responds to it; and that, secondly, all adaptive variations thus set up — provided the environment continue to exert its influences — can become fixed by heredity. The consequence is that they are ultimately recognized as constant and specific characters. The Origin of Sex. — If now the environment has been proved to exert potent effects upon the development of the sexual apparatus of flowers, there still remains the ques- tion how far is either sex or both present, or at least poten- tial, in the embryo. Marked differences have resulted fi'om sowing fresh or well-matured and older seeds of melons. SEXUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 247 M. Ai'baumont found that j-oiing seeds gave rise to plants of extraordinary vegetative vigour ; moderately aged ones gave rise to corresponding moderately vigorous plants with both male and female flowers; while older seeds gave rise to still less vigorous plants, but which, when properly nourished, formed female buds.* M. F. Cazzuolaf also found that melons raised from fresh seed bore a larger proportion of male flowers than female ; Avhile older seed bore more female flowers : and this has been confirmed. Another interesting result was obtained by M. Triewald, wdio grew twenty-one out of twenty-four melon seeds which were forty-one years old. The branches were very narrow, yet they produced early and plenty of good melons.;]: A cause of the differences of vigour in the plants raised from seeds of different age is, perhaps, connected with the fact that fresh melon seeds contain a neutral oil, which becomes more and more acid by keeping. This increased acidity coincides with a diminished germinative power ; § and proportionately, therefore, less liable to run into excessive vegetative growth. The next condition to be observed is that resulting from sowing seeds of diclinous plants thickly or thinly. Hoff- man's experiments || in this direction showed that 283 male * Bull, de la Soc. de Bot. de Fr., 1878, p. 111. t Bull, de Tuscan. Hort. Soc, 1877. X Gard. Chron., 1879, p. 470. § M. Ladureau in Ann. Agronomiques. Mr. Dai'win also found that fresh seeds of Iberi.k- 59.- Atragene, staminal nectaries of, (fig. 44) 141 Atrophy and hypertrophy in animal kingdom, 88 ; as causes of irregu- larities, 108 ; in compensation, 105 ; in zygomorphism, 116, seqq. 342 INDEX. Autogamy, explained, 198, 311. See Self-fertilisation. Axis, and appendage, homology be- tween, 309 ; floral, cause of arrest of, 6 B Betciy formation of ovule of, (fig. 16) 73 Boughs, curvature of, due to strain, (fig. 39) 125 Bracts, petaloid, 286, (figs. 62, 63) 287 ; pistiloid (glumes), (fig. 65) 288 ; progressive changes in, 286 ; transitional forms of, in Hellebore, (fig. 61) 286 Bulbs, origin of, from funicle, 310 ; from leaf-sheath, 310 Cabbages, excrescences on, homologous with ovules, 307 Oalyx, arrest of, 8, 184, 194; pro- gressive metamorphosis of, 288 ; -tube, 89, seqq. See Sepals. Campamda medium, anatomy of flower of, (fig. 8) 43, (fig. 15) 71 Campanulacece, arrangement of carpels in genera of, 44 Capparidece, androecium of, and sym- metry in flower of, 33 Carpels, arrest of, 4, 8, 278 ; in (7am- panulaceoB, 44 ; cohesion of, 62 ; decrease by compensation, 21, 278 ; phyllody of, 302 ; superposition of, 44, seqq. ; typical number of whorls of, 4. See Pistil. Carpophore, placental origin of, 72 Cell-division and light, 154 Cell-wall, thickening of, to resist pi'essure, 127 Centaurea, adaptations for fertilisa- tion, (fig. 11) 60 ; and sexuality, 240 Change of symmetry, 18, 186 Chorisis, and arrangement, 24, 39, 44, 46 ; multiplication of stamens by, 44, and of carpels by, 44, 308, and of ovules by (in Orchids), 309 Cleistogamy, and anemophily, 264 ; and degeneracy, 251, seqq. ; and en- vironment, 263 ; explained, 198 ; in flowers, 251 ; illustrations of, 257- 262; in Impatiens, (fig. 58) 261 ; in Lamium, (fig. 59) 261 ; origin of, 262-264; in Oxalis, (fig. 57) 260; in Salvia, (fig. 60) 262; in Violets, (figs. 55, 56) 257, 258 Cohesion, of carpels, 62 ; illustrations of, 49, 50 ; origin of, 50 ; of petals, 56 ; in Fhyteuma, (fig. 9) 50 ; principle of, 5, 48 ; of sepals, 54 ; of stamens, 57 ; to resist strains, 51, 53 ; varieties of, congenital and by contact, 48 Colours, of Alpine flowers, 176 ; changes in, 176 ; and darkness, 177 ; effect of crossing on, 178 ; effect of salts on, 175 ; of flowers, 174 ; and insects, 182 ; laws of, 174 ; nutri- tion and, 178 ; origin of, 178 ; as pathfinders, 178, and arrest of, 253 ; white and pale tints, and self-fertilisation, 253; whole, and self-fertilisation, 183 Compensation, in adaptations of flowers, 105, 117 ; atrophy and hypertrophy in, 105 ; increase of seeds and decrease of carpels by, 21, 278; in irregular flowers, 103, seqq. ; in rudimentary organs, 284 Conducting tissue, of Orchids, 165 ; origin of, by irritation of pollen- tube, 165, seqq. ; structure of, (fig. 50) 164 Coniferas, foliage of, adnate and free, 84; origin of flowers and the, 337 Connivent anthers, of Violet, 60 Contabescence of anthers, 275 Cords, fibro-vasGular, alteration in orientation of, 64, 65 ; as floral units, 300, 308, 309 ; in flower of Campanula, (fig. 8) 43, (fig. 15) 71 ; increase in number of, 55-57 ; orientation of phloem and tracheae INDEX. 343 in, 63 ; in receptacular tubes, (fig. 14) 68, (fig. 28) 95, (fig. 30) 97 ; sepaline, of Salvia, 55 ; as origin of the staminal and carpellary, in Malvacea;, 43, 44 Corollas, appendages to, origin of, 133, seqq. ; form of, 101, seqq. ; meta- morphoses of, 292, 301 ; movements in, of Genista, (fig. 47) 160 ; of Lopezia, (fig. 48) 161 ; origin of, irregular, 103, seqq.; petals of, displacement of, by insects, (figs. 33-35) 110, 111; polliniferous, 292, 293 ; progressive metamor- phoses of, 292 ; reduction of size of,9, 254, in Geranium, 252; regular and irregular, 101, seqq.; sensi- tiveness in, Ypornoea, 161 ; stameni- ferous, (figs. 72, 73) 292, 293; strains, effect of, on the formation of, 101, seqq., 126; structure of bilateral, 116, seqq. ; virescence of, (figs. 83, 84) 301, seqq. See Petals. Correlation of growth, 112, 113, 117 ; irregularities by, 108 Cross-fertilisation, advantages of, in evolution of species, 330, and in horticulture, 311; colour, effects on, 178; disadvantages of, 314; rationale of, 312 ; stimulus pro- duced by, 312 ; views of Mr. Darwin on, 315 Crxiciferoi, anatomy of floral recep- tacle, (fig. 6) 32 ; symmetry of, 32 D Darkness and colours, 177 Declinate stamens, in Dictamnus,(fig. 33) 110; distribution of forces in, of Echium, (fig. 20) 82 ; of Epilo- bium, (fig. 34) 111; origin of, due to weight of insects, 110, 111 Degeneracy and degradation, of an- drcecium, 273 ; and androdioecism, 227 ; and anemophily, 266 ; of flowers, 251, seqq.; in inconspicuous flowers, cause of, 251 ; in Orchids, 172,281,319; origin cf, 282 ; and self- fertilisation, 252, seqq. Development, of floral whorls, 191, and continuous during flowering, 122 ; order of, of parts of flowers, relative only, 195; rates of, in pistil, 192, 193 Dialysis, explained, 5, 50 ; in Mimu- lus, {i\g. 10)51 Diclinism, and heterostylism, 228 ; partial, 220 : in primitive flowers, 337 Dimorphism, and fertilisation in Viola tricolor, 255 ; and heterostylism, 203; in stamens, (fig. 37) 121 Dioecism, and heterostylism as cause of, 218; of primitive flowers, 337 Domatia, hereditary formation of, 115, 142, 157 Doubling, causes of, 298 Drosera, metamorphoses of tentacles of, into ovules, 307 Duvernoia, zygomorphism of, origin of, (fig. 31) 107 Electricity, effects on protoplasm, (fig. 45) 152, on nucleus, 154 Emergence, alteration in order of, in regular and in irregular flowers, 187 ; and development of ovules, 195, and interpretation of, 196; of floral whorls, 184; order of, 184 Energy, reproductive and vegetative, 231, seqq. Environment, action of, ^Ir. Darwin's views on, 336; influence of, 158; origin of species through, 329, seqq. See Preface. Epidermis, origin of root hairs on, (fig. 42), 137 Eranthis, arrangement and number of parts in flower of, 22 Exclusion, of insects from flowers, 102, 133, seqq. Excrescences, on corolla, (fig. 87) 306 ; on cabbage-leaves, as homo- logues of ovules, 307 344 INDEX. Fasciation, 51, 85 ; of petioles of pear, (fig. 26) 94 Fertilisation, cross- (^see s.v.) ; and origin of species, 329 ; by pollen- tube (see s.v.) ; varieties of, 311; self- (see s.v.) Fibro-vascular cord, as a fundamental unit, 300, 308, 309. See Cord. Flora, of Dovi-efjeld, and self-fertilisa- tion, 259 ; of Galapagos Islands, 270 ; of Greenland, 270 Floral symmetry, correlation with phyllotaxis, 14; explained, 4, 5; variations in, 12 Floral whorls, development of, order of, 191; emergence of, 184; sym- metrical decrease and increase in, 18 ; unsymmetrical, 20. See Whorls. Flowers, conspicuous, development of parts of, 191; degeneracy in, 251 ; inconspicuous, origin of, 251 ; origin of, 337 ; typical, structure of, (fig. 1)3 Forces, effects of mechanical, etc. See Mechanical forces. Forms, of floral organs, 101, seqq. ; dimorphic, of stamens, (fig. 37) 121; principle of, 5; transitional, 118, seqq. Funicle, bulb arising from, 310 ; as origin of ovule, 303 G Galls, analogous to tumours, 144 ; due to irritation, 144; hairs of, 138 Garidella, arrangement and number of parts in, (fig. 4) 21 Glands and rudimentary organs, 283. See Nectaries. Growth of organs, continuous during flowering period, 122 ; correlation of, 112, 333 Guides, degeneracy of, in self-fertil- ised flowers, 253 ; origin of, 178 Gymnosperms, and the origin of flowers, 337 Gynandrous, 82 ; Aristolochia, (fig. 21) 83 Gynodioecism, causes of, 221, seqq. ; and climate, 221 ; explained, 220 ; origin of, 222, seqq. ; and soil, 221 Gynoecium, degeneracy of, 278 ; ex- plained, 4 ; unsymmetrical decrease in, 20. See Carpels and Pistil. Gynomonoecism, examples of, 226 ; explained, 220 H Hairs, on filaments, origin of, 136 (see fig. 11, 60) ; in galls, 138; on roots, origin of, 137 ; on seeds, 170 ; within styles, origin of, 139 ; tangles and wheels, origin of, 133, seqq. Heliotrope, stigma of, cause of ano- malous, 135 Hellebore, alteration in orientation of cords, (fig. 12) 64; arrangement and number of parts of floral whorls (fig. 5), 22 Hercogamy, explained, 317 ; in Orchids, 314 ; relative character of, 319 Hermaphroditism, origin of, Mr. Darwin's theory of, and observa- tions on, 339 Heterogamy, explained, 198 ; and sexuality, 243 Heteromorphic flowers explained, 203 Heterostylism, explained, 203 ; and diclinism, 228 ; and dicecism, 218 and degrees of fertility, 204, seqq. origin of, 213 ; and sexuality, 244 structure of stigmas in, 216; un- stable, in stamens of JSfarcissus cernuus, (fig. 37) 121 Homoganiy, explained, 198 ; and anemophily, 269 ; fluctuating con- ditions about, 201 Homology, of appendages and axis, INDEX. 345 309 ; explained, 285 ; [origin of, 300 Honiomorphic conditions, 203 Homostyled, flowers, ex[)lHined, 203 ; forms of Auricula, 208 ; of Primula Sinensis, 209 Hooks of Uncaria, (fig. 46) 156 Hy])ertrophy, in animal kingdom, 88 ; cause of, 51, 83 ; effects of, in unions, 86, 87 ; form, a cause of, 105, seqq. ; 116, seqq. ; in Orchids, 87 ; of placentas, 307 Illegitimate, or homomorphie unions 206 Tmpatiens, secretive stipules of, (fig. 43) 140 Impregnation, a form of nutrition, 250 Inconspicuous flowers, 251, seqq. ; anemophilous, 265 ; due to degene- rac}^, 251, seqq. ; origin of, 282 ; self-fertilising, 253, seqq. Insects, origin of species by agency of, 329 ; relative proportion of, in regular and irregular flowers, 102, 103, 314 ; visitors to ConipositcB, 315 Irregularity, origin of, 103 Irritability. See Ant-plants, Appen- dages, Form, Protoplasm, Zygo- morphism. Laws, of alternation, 41 ; of colour, 174 ; of superposition, 41 Leaf, cabbage, excrescences on, 307 ; of Coniferce, adnate and free, 84, 85 ; opposite and verticillate, 9 ; transition from opposite to verti- cillate, (fig. 2) 11, 17, 18. See Phyllotaxis. Leaf-traces, of Arabis albida, (fig. 7) 39 ; compared with floral, 40 Liber-fibre, origin of, 250 Light, and cell-division, 154 ; in- fluences of, on loaves, 154; on roots of Ivy, 155 ; on nucleus, 154 ; and sleep of calyx and corolla, 155 Lysimachia, anatomy of floral re- "ceptacle of, (fig. 19) 77 M Mechanical forces, action on boughs, 125 ; on corolla, 126 ; on ])ear growth, 124; on stamens, 81, 82, 126 ; tissues, formation of, by, 155, seqq. See Irritability. Metnmorphosis, of bracts, 286 ; of calyx, 288; of corolla, 292, 302; of flowers, 285, 295 ; of pistil, 295 ; of stamens, 292, 298 ; of tentacles of Brosera, 307 Movements, in corolla, 160; of fila- ments, 159, 161, 162; of pistil, 162; of stamens, 162; of staminode, 161 ; of stigmas and styles, 159, 162 N Narcissus cernuus, unstable hetero- stylism of, 121 Natural selection, difficulties of, 333 ; forms of, 330, seqq. ; insufllcient as a cause, 335. See Selection. Nectaries, 140, seqq. ; and adelphous stamens, 58 ; irritation, an origin of, 141, 143 ; and pollination, 148 ; position of, 140, seqq. ; staminal in Atragene, (fig. 44) 141 ; stipular in Impatiens, (fig. 43) 140 Nepenthes, origin of i)itcher of, 146 Nucleus, effect of electrical irritation on, 154, of light on, 154 ; of pollen- tube, effect of, 250 Numbers, illustrations of special, 25- 38 ; origin of, 9 ; principle of 4, 7 346 INDEX. Obdiplostemony, 188 ; cause of, 190 ; origin of, 150 Opposite and verticillate leaves, 9 ; as origin of alternate, 11 Orchids, adhesive roots of, (fig. 42) 137 ; conducting tissue of, 165 ; de- generacy in, 172, 280, 319 ; effect of irritations on, mechanical, 114, of larvae, 171, physiological, of pollen-tubes, 165, seqq. ; hyper- trophy in, 87 ; monstrous, 87 ; self- fertilising, 253, 318 Order of development of floral whorls, relative only, 195 Organs, floral, slow development of, 122 ; rudimentary, 283 Origin of species, fertilisation and, 329 ; by natural selection, 333 ; by response of protoplasm to environ- ment, 3, 50, 51, 84, seqq., 88, 103, seqq., 112, soqq., 116, seqq., 126, 133, seqq. Ovary, arrest of, 169; growth from irritation of larva?, 171, from me- chanical irritations, 114 ; from pollen-tube, 170, seqq. Ovules, basilai-, interpretation of, 74 ; of Beta (fig. 16), 73 ; emergence of, 195; homology of, 303, seqq.; foliaceous, (fig. 85) 305; meta- morphoses of, 305, seqq. ; of Or- chids, 166, seqq., 281 ; order of de- velopment, interpretation of, 196 ; origin of, 303, seqq. ; phyllody of, 302, (fig. 85) 305, (fig. 86) 306 Pansy, stigma and style of, (fig. 54) 255 ; self-fertilising forms, (fig. 55) 257 Pathfinders and colours, 178 Pear, cause of obliquity at base of, (fig. 38) 124 ; interpretation of re- ceptacular tube of, 86, (fig. 22, a) 90, (fig. 26) 94 ; effect of tension and weight of, upon form of, 124 Pedicel, origin from peduncle in Erodium, 309 Pelargonium, anatomv of floral recep- tacle, (fig. 13) 65-67 Peloria, 128, seqq. ; causes of, 130 ; and generic characters, 132 ; he- reditary, 131 ; and hypertrophy, 131; induced by Tingidce, 130 Perianth, excrescence on, (fig. 87) 306 ; form of, 101 Perigynous condition, 78 Petals, adhesion of, 78, seqq. ; co- hesion of, 56, seqq. ; colours of, 174, seqq. ; 253, 270, {see Colours) ; irritability of, 158, (fig. 47) 160, (fig. 49) 162. See Corolla. Phyllody, of carpels, 302 ; of floral whorls, 301, seqq. ; of ovules, 302. See Ovule. Phyllotaxis, and aestivation, (fig. 3) 15 ; and arrangement, 39, seqq. ; and number, 9, seqq. ; and origin of flowers, 339 Phyteuma, cohesions of, (fig. 9) 50 Pistil, carpels, number of, 4, 7, seqq. : superposition of, 46, 47, in (7am- panulacea;, 44 ; degeneracy in, 278 ; development of, rate of, 192 ; fibro- vascular cords of, (figs. 12, 13, 14, 16) 64, 65, 68, 71, 73 ; metamor- phoses of, 295, seqq. ; movements of, 162 ; rationale of superposition in, 46, 47 ; syncarpous, 62, seqq. See Carpel, Gynoecium, Ovary, Re- ceptacular Tube. Pitcher of Nepenthes, origin of, 146, 307 Placenta, axile, 62 ; as a carpophore, 72; cords of, 64-77; free-central, 72, 76, (fig. 19) 77 ; hypertrophy of, 307 ; parietal, of Orchids, a sign of degeneracy, 281 Pollen, of anemophilous flowers, 267 ; of cleistogamous flowers, 258, seqq. ; degeneracy of, 273, 276 ; of Orchids, 173 ; in ovules, 296 ; quan- INDEX. 347 tity, reduction of, 273; of self- fertilising plants, 254 Pollen-tube, effects of, 166, 167; irritation due to, 164, seqq. ; in Orchids, 166, seqq. ; in Oxalis, 260 ; in Verbascum, 168 ; in Violets, 258 ; in Willows, 170 Pollination and nectaries, correlation between, 148 Polygamous flowers and environment, 242 Pressure, effects of mechanical, 101, seqq., 116, seqq., 123, seqq., 156, seqq. ; resistance to, by cell-wall, 127 Primine and secundine, foliacious, 306 Primulacece, free-central placenta of, interpretation of, (figs. 18, 19) 76, 77 Principles, general, 1 ; of variation, 4 Protandry, cause of, 198 ; explained, 198; illustrations of, 191, seqq.; in Echium, (fig. 20) 82 ; and self- fertilisation, 272, 273, seqq. Protogyny, anemophily as a cause of, 200," 269; causes of, 199, seqq.; emergence and order of develop- ment of flowers with, 195; ex- plained, 198 ; inconspicuousness of many flowers with, 195 Protoplasm, common to animal and vegetable kingdoms, and pheno- mena same in both, 147 ; irrita- bility of, to electricity, 152, to temperature, 153, to touch, 153, seqq. ; origin of species due to responsive powers of {see Origin of Species) ; transmission of effects of irritation by continuity of, 163 R lianuncuIacecB, arrangement in, illus- trations of, 21 ; symmetry in, illus- trations of, 21 Receptacle, flora], anatomy of, in CrncifercCj (fig. 6) 32 ; in Helle- bore, (fig. 12)>>4; in Ivy, (fig. 14) 68 ; in Lysimachia, (fig. 19) 77 ; in Pelargonium, (Hg. 13) 65; in Primula, (fig. 19) 77 Receptacular tube, 89, seqq. ; ana- tomy of, in Alstrcemeria, (fig. 30) 97 ; arrested conditions in, 91, 100 ; with calvx foliaceous, (fig. 67) 289; of Cherrv, (fig. 29) 97; of Cotoneaster, (fig. 22, b) 90; of Fuchsia, (fig. 27) 94 ; of Galanthus, 98; of Hawthorn, (fig. 25) 93; interpretation of, 86 ; morphologi- cal investigations of, 90 ; of Mus- swnda, (fig. 68) 290; of Narcissus, 98 ; of Orchids, (fig. 23) 92 ; of Pear, 86, (fig. 22, a) 90, (fig. 26) 94; of Prunus, (fig. 28) 95; of Rose, (fig. 24) 93 ; teratological in- vestigations of, 92 ; views of, 89 Regularity, acquired, 128; explained, 5 ; observations on, 101 ; position of flowers with, 101 ; Tingidoe as causing, 130. See Peloria. Resupination, origin of, 107 Roots, adhesive, of Orchids, (fig. 42) 137 ; origin of hairs on, 137 ; of Ivy, eftects of light on, 155 Rudimentary organs, 283 Salvia, cleistogamous species, 262, 263 ; cords of sepals of, 55 ; fila- ments of, 268; self-fertilising spe- cies, 261 Scent, absence of, in self-fertilising flowers, 254 Secretive tissues, as conducting, 164, seqq.; irritation as a cause of, 142 ; of milk, 147 ; as nectaries, 140, seqq.; in Nepenthes, 146; origin of, 141 Secundine, and primine, foliaceous, 306 Seeds, character of, for double flowers, 299 ; number of, compared with carpels, 21, 278, with stamens, 275 ; proportion of, to seedlinjjs in Orchids, 280 348 INDEX. Selection, constitutional, 330, 334; experiment in, 331; by insects, 335 ; of the luckiest, 331 ; natural, 333. See Natural Selection. Self-fertilisation, and the flora of Dovrefjeld, 259 ; cosmopolitan, 283 ; Mr. Darwin's views on, 215, and review of, 315, seqq. ; and de- generacy, 252 ; of Upilobium, (fig. 53) 255; general, 192, 199, 216; and homomorphism, 214; illustra- tions of, (tigs. 52-60) 255-262 ; injuriousness of, disproved, 315, seqq. ; misinterpretations regard- ing, 312, seqq.; of Orchids, 253, 318; peculiarities of, 253; rapid recovery of, 320; o{ Stellaria media, (Hg. 52) 255 ; and whole colour- ing, 183 Sensitiveness, 151. See Protoplasm. Sepaline cords, source of staminal and carpellary, 42, seqq. ; in Cam- panula, (fi^. 8) 43, and (fig. 15) 71 ; Lahiatce increase of, in calyx of, 56 ; Salvia, in calyx of, 55 Sepals, arrest of, 8 ; carpellary lobes of, in Pea, (fig. 70) 292 ; cords of, in Campanula, (fig. 8) 43, (fig. 15) 71, and in Hollyhock, 44; de- velopment of, order of, 191 seqq. ; emergence of, 184, seqq., and iu Cruciferce, 32 ; foliaceous, in Ra- nunculus (fig. QQ), in Trifolium (fig. 67), 289 ; homologous with petioles, 288 ; lateral pair of, in Crucifei-s, first to emerge, (fig. 6) 32, 185 ; nectaries superposed to, in Hellebore, (fig. 5) 22 ; numbers of, in whorls, 25, seqq. ; ovulife- rous, in Violet, (fig. 71) 292 ; pe- taloid, one abnormally in Linaria, (fig. 69) 291, normally in Mus- sceyida, (fig. Q9>) 290 ; petals super- posed to, in Garidella, (fig. 4) 21 ; pistiloid, 291 ; staminoid, 291 ; ve- nation of, 289 Septa, absorption of, in liber and wood-fibres, 250 ; foi'mation of, in pistils, 70, seqq. Sex, sudden appearance of, 338 ; arrest of, 246 ; change of, in Calen- dula, 241 ; origin of, 246, 249 ; of seeds, 247 ; and soil, 239 ; and temperature, 237 Sexuality, in Calendula, 241 ; in Cen- taurea, 240 ; and environment, 230, 245 ; and heterogamy, 243 ; and heterostylism, 244 ; and nutri- tion, 233, seqq. ; and soil, 239 Solution, explained, 5 Spring, in corolla of Genista, (fig. 47) 160; of stamens in Medicago, (fir. 49) 162 ; of styles 125, of Viola, (fig. 54) 255 Stamens, adelphous, and nectaries, 58 ; adhesion of, and mechanical forces, 81 ; cohesion of, 57 ; declinate, • 110, 125, in Dictamnus, (fig. 33) 110; in Echium, (fig. 20), 82; in Epilohium, (fig. 34), 111; dimorphic, (fig. 37) 121; distribution of forces in, 81, 126 ; with heterostylism, 203, seqq. ; irregularity in, origin of, 109 ; irritability of, 159, 161 ; more- ment of, 162 ; metamorphoses of, 292, 298 ; petaline, cause of absence of, 7, 20 ; whorls, number of, 8 Staminode, movement of, in Lopezia, (fig. 48) 161 Stigmas, of anemophilous flowers, 269 ; of Aristolochia, (fig. 21) 83 ; of heterostyled flowers, 216; irri- tability of, 115, 163; long-lived, 269 ; movements of, 162 ; by pro- toplasmic continuity, 163 Stimulus, produced by crossing, ad- vantages of, 330 ; temporary effect of, 312, 330 Stipules, of Acacia sphcerocephala, due to irritation, 157 ; nectariferous, of Impatiens, (fig. 43) 140 Strains, effect on boughs, (fig. 39) 125 ; and cohesions, 51, 53 ; hypertrophy by, in pears, (fig. 38) 124, in pedi- cels, 123, on stems, 123, on struc- tures, 123 seqq. Struggle for existence in seedliug.s, period of greatest, 330 INDEX. .34.9 Styles, hairs within, origin of, 139 ; of heterostyled plants, 203, seqq. ; movement of springs in, of Pansy, (fig, 54) 255 ; piston-action of, (fig. 11) 60; of self-fertilising plants, 254 Stylopod, placental origin of, 72 Superposition, of carpels, 44 ; laws of, 41 Supportive tissues, 127 Symmetry, floral, changes in, 186 ; decrease and increase of, 18 ; illus- trations of, in BanunculaceoB, 21 ; and phyllotaxis, 14 ; variations of, 12 Syncarpous pistil, 62 Syngenesious anthers, 59 Tendrils, of Ampelopsis, 145 ; of Cucurbitacece, 145 ; thickening of, due to irritation, 156 Teratology, 2, 285, seqq. ; 295, seqq. ; 301, seqq. Teucrmm, structure of flower in adap- tation to insects, 56, (fig. 36) 117 Trichomes, origin of, 133, seqq. Trimorphic flowers, 210, seqq. Typical flower, diagram and structure of, (fig. 1) 3 U Uncaria, hook of, (fig. 46) 156 Unions, cause of, 84 ; elfect of hyper- trophy in, 86 ; illegitimate, 206 ; legitimate, 204 Unsymnietrical, corolla, 5 ; decrease in floral whorls, 20 Variation, principles of, in flower.-, 4 Vascular cords, in Campanula, (fig. 8) 43 ; as floral units, 300, 308, 309 ; in Malvacece, 43 ; origin of, 42. See Cords. Versatile anthers, cause of, 268 ; in wind-fertilised flowers, 266, seqq. Verticillate and opposite leaves, 91 Vessels and cells, constructed to resist pressure, 127 ; as supportive, 127 Violet, cleistogamous, (fig. 56) 258 ; style and stigma of, in self-fertilising forms, (fig. 55) 257 Virescence, explained, 301 W Weeds, and fertilisation, 281 ; self- fertilising, cosmopolitan, 283 White flowers, 180; etiect of crossing with, 180 ; and self-fertilisation, 182 Whorls, floral, alternation of, 39, seqq. ; arrangement of, 39, seqq. ; examples of one to twelve membered, 25, seqq.; illustrations from Banun- culacece, 21, seqq. ; origin of, in Cruciferce, (fig. 6) 32 ; project' d cycles, 38 ; superposition of, 39, seqq. ; symmetrical increase an I decrease of, 18, and cause of, 19 ; of typical flower, (fig. 1) 3 Wind-fertilised flowers. See Ane- mophilous and Anemophily. Wood-fibre, origin of, 250 Zygomorphism, origin of, seqq. 102, llts PRIKTEU BY WILLIA.M CLOWES .\ND SONS, LIRUTEU, LONDON ANU BECCLES. A LIST OF KEG AN PAUL, TRENCH & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. 11,87. 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" This edition will be useful to those who want a good text, well and clearly printed, in convenient little volumes that will slip easily into an overcoat pocket or a travelling-bag." — St. fames' s Gazette, " We know no prettier edition of Shaksperefor the price." — Academy. *' It is refreshing to meet with an edition of Shakspere of convenient size and low price, without either notes or introductions of any sort to distract the attention of the reader. " — Saturday Revieiv. "It is exquisite. Each volume is handy, is beautifully printed, and in every way lends itself to the taste of the cultivated student of Shak- spere. " — Scotstnaii. London : Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., i, Paternoster Square. SHAKSPERE'S WORKS. THE PARCHMENT LIBRARY EDIl In 12 volumes Elzevir 8vo., choicely printed on han paper, and bound in parchment or cloth, price j[, or in vellum, price j[^\ \qs. The set of 12 volumes may also be had in a stron box, price £^z iT-^-j o^^ with an oak hanging shelf, £, SOME PRESS NOTICES. "... There is, perhaps, no edition in which the works of ,' can be read in such luxury of type and quiet distinction of for and we warmly recommend it." — Pall Mall Gazette. "For elegance of form and beauty of typography, no i Shakspere hitherto published has excelled the ' Parchmen Edition.' . . . They are in the strictest sense pocket volume type is bold, and, being on tine white hand-made paper, can 1 the weakest of sight. The print is judiciously confined to the ' being more appropriate to library editions. The whole will be in the cream-coloured parchment which gives the name to tj — Daily N'eivs. " The Parchment Library Edition of Shakspere needs 1 praise. " — Saturday Rcvicxv. Just published. Price 5j». AN INDEX TO THE WORKS OF SHAKS? Applicable to all editions of Shakspere, and giving reference, to notable passages and significant expressions ; brief histoi plays ; geographical names and historic incidents ; menti characters and sketches of imjjortant ones ; together with ex of allusions and olxscure and obsolete words and phrases. By EVANGELINE M. O'CONNOR. London : Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., i, PATicKNObTEK SHAKSPERE'S WORKS. SPECIMEN OF TYPE. Printe . jn^^ merchant of Venice Act i volum The ^^^'^^' ^y wind, cooling my broth, • Would blow me to an ague, when I thought \r What harm a wind too great might do at sea. . ^ ' should not see the sandy hour-glass run leatnei^^^^ I should think of shallows and of flats, \nd see my wealthy Andrew, dock'd in sand, /ailing her high-top lower than her ribs ! To kiss her burial. Should I go to church Vnd see the holy edifice of stone, ind not bethink me straight of dangerous rocks, /Vhich touching but my gentle vessel's side, Vould scatter all her spices on the stream, Cnrobe the roaring waters with my silks, i.nd, in a word, but even now worth this, .nd now worth nothing ? Shall I have the thought o think on this, and shall I lack the thought 'hat such a thing bechanc'd would make me sad ? ut tell not me : I know Antonio ; sad to think upon his merchandise. Ant. Believe me, no : I thank my fortune for it, 'y ventures are not in one bottom trusted, or to one place ; nor is my whole estate pon the fortune of this present year : herefore my merchandise makes me not sad. Salar. Why, then you are in love. Ant. Fie, fie ! Salar. Not in love neither ? Then let us say you are sad, icause you are not merry ; and 'twere as easy :)r you to laugh, and leap, and say you are merry, "Thicause you are not sad. Now, by two-headed clearly \ j^nus, ^^^y*;^ iture hath fram'd strange fellows in her time ; {£ j^ J me that will evermore peep through their eyes size and d laugh like parrots at a bag- piper ; distract d other of such vinegar aspect "It is m every ^ spere."- ~~"~ ""^ VEGAN, Paul, Trench & Co., i. Paternoster Square." LoNDo: mmm mmmimmmmmmmmm THh 4^^^^. X ^ mmmmm>m'mm''i**ff^^ SCIENTIFIC SERIES