PROPERTY OF 2^ p. METCAL.F LI B R ARY OF I I IQ85-IQ56 c. ^T '^ r\ <^ r" I y \y ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY BY E. DWIGHT SANDERSON DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR WEST VIRGINIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AND C. F. JACKSON PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON ■ NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY E. DWIGHT SANDERSON AND C. J. JACKSON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8,2.7 TEfte atfttnaeum jgregft GINN AND COMPANY • PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON • U.S.A. prp:face During recent years there has been increasing demand for short courses in elementary entomology. For several years past the authors have been endeavoring to present such courses to their students, but have encountered the difficulty that no textbook was available which met their needs. This book is, therefore, the authors' effort to furnish such a text for beginners, and if it is found useful to them and to the increasing number of teachers who are endeavoring to instruct them in the subject, the authors will feel well repaid. The work is confessedly very largely a com- pilation from the works of others (as, indeed, any such work must be), and it is obvious that many errors and defects may have been overlooked, although the authors have spared no pains to eliminate them. To those who observe such shortcomings, or who may be able to offer suggestions for the improvement of the book when revised, the authors will be under great obligation. It was originally intended to include several chapters treating of the various insect pests affecting crops and domestic animals, but it was found that such a work would be too cumbersome ; indeed, it is usually not possible to cover both elementary and economic entomology in a single course. The economic side of the subject has, however, been made the dominant note in the following pages, and the forms discussed are mostly those of economic importance. There is a popular belief, often held by young agricultural stu- dents, that the chief subject matter of a course in entomology should be a discussion of the common injurious insects. Expe- rience has shown that such an idea is fallacious, and that, from the standpoint of practical utility as well as from that of general cul- ture, a knowledge of the structure, habits, and classes of insects in general is much the more important phase of entomology for academic study. Economic entomology is important and should iv ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY not be neglected, but general entomology is the foundation upon which it must be erected, and without a knowledge of the elements of entomolog}^ a course in economic entomology will have but little meaning to the average student, whereas if the more general knowledge of the subject has been mastered, the study of the various insect pests may be profitably pursued by the individual, even if he has not been able to take a systematic course in that phase of the subject. Students should be encouraged to make free use of the standard textbooks for reference and to aid in the identification of speci- mens. Much interest may be added to the course by securing the available entomological publications of the state agricultural experi- ment stations (a list of which stations may be found in the Appendix) and those of the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., many of which may be had free of charge. The work outlined in the study of life histories, in collecting, and in the identification of insects is necessarily largely suggestive. The amount and nature of such work must depend upon the time available, the equipment, the time of year, and the local surround- ings of the school, and must be determined by every teacher to suit his own conditions. It should be emphasized, however, that a maximum of laboratory and field work and a minimum of book work will probably give the average student a better knowledge of insect life than the opposite arrangement, as the subject is one in which the student must secure his knowledge directly from the material, if it is to have much real meaning to him. The senior author is entirely responsible for the preparation of Parts I and II, and the junior author for Part III, although they have consulted together on all parts of the work. Many of the half-tone illustrations are from photographs by the senior author or from those of Dr. C. M, Weed, his prede- cessor at the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, while several new line drawings have been prepared for the work by Alma Drayer Jackson and Iris L. Wood, for whose generous aid the authors are greatly indebted. The remaining illustrations PREFACE V have been drawn from various sources, as indicated in the titles, but the authors are under particular obligations to the following persons for the loan of cuts for electrotyping : Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomolog)', United States Department of Agriculture ; Professor F. L. Washburn, State Entomologist of Minnesota; Dr. J. B. Smith, State Entomologist of New Jersey; Dr. V. L. Kellogg, of- Leland Stanford Junior University ; Dr. W. E. Britton, State Entomologist of Connecticut ; Dr. E. P. Felt, State Entomologist of New York ; Professor G. W. Herrick, of Cornell University ; Professor C. P. Gillette, Director of the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station ; P. Blakiston's Son & Co., and D. Appleton and Company. The authors are also greatly indebted to the following entomolo- gists for reading portions of the manuscript and criticizing the keys for the identification of insects, which criticisms have added greatly to the accuracy and reliability of the work : Professor Herbert Osborn, Dr. C. T. Brues, Mr. C. W. Johnson, Mr. Nathan Banks, Dr. J. B. Smith, Dr. Harrison G. Dyar, and Dr. A. D, MacGillivray. E. DWIGHT SANDERSON C. F. JACKSON CONTENTS . CHAPTER PAGE I. IXTRODUCTION I TART I. THE STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF INSECTS H. Insects and their Near Relatives 5 III. The Anatomy of Insects — External lo IV. The Anatomy of Insects — Internal 28 V. The Growth and Transformations of Insects ... 45 PART II. THE CLASSES OF INSECTS VI. The Classification of Insects 67 VII. Bristletails and Springtails (After A) 73 VIII. Cockroaches, Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets {Orthoptera) 76 IX. The Nerve-Winged Insects, Scorpion-Flies, Caddis- Flies, May-Flies, Stone-Flies, and Dragon-Flies . 89 X. TheWhite Ants, Book-Lice, AND BiRD-LiCE(/^z:^r}'/'7'£'/?.4) 103 XL The True Bugs, Aphides, and Scale \'s,{Hemiptera) 107 XII. The Beetles {Coleoptera) 136 XIII. The Butterflies and Moths {Lepidoptera) .... 172 XIV. The Flies, Mosquitoes, and Midges {Diptera) . . . 218 XV. The Saw-Flies, Ichneumons, Wasps, Bees, and Ants {Hymenoptera) ' . . 243 PART III. LABORATORY EXERCISES XVI. The External Anatomy of the Locust 275 XVII. A Comparison of the Different Types of Arthropoda 284 XVIII. A Comparison of Different Types of Insects; Struc- ture OF THE Bee, Fly, and Beetle 287 XIX. The Internal Anatomy of the Locust 290 XX. The Mouth-Parts of Insects 294 XXI. The Life History of Insects 298 XXII. The Classification of Insects 302 XXIII. Methods of Collecting Insects 330 XXIV. Methods of Preserving and Studying Insects . . . 343 APPENDIX 359 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 363 vii ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY CHAITKR I INTRODUCTION A professor of entomology in one of the leading universities has recently been quoted as saying that this is "the age of in- sects." Doubtless most of us have been accustomed to consider it "' the age of man," but although man's sway is dominant in all parts of the earth, there is considerable evidence that, from a purely biological standpoint, insects are the most characteristic form of life of the present age, and the statement quoted challenges our attention for more than a passing consideration. That such a statement should be made by a well-known ento- mologist, and should be widely quoted, is significant of the present attitude of the public toward insect life, which has changed radi- cally during the last generation. Not many years ago the entomol- ogist, or " bug collector," was looked upon as a harmless individual who amused himself with his hobby ; and as he was met with his butterfly net, the passer-by might lift his eyebrows as if questioning whether a grown man who would devote himself to such insignifi- cant creatures was really quite normal. To-day the public has come to appreciate that insect life plays a most important part in the economy of our civilization. Some of the problems which require the work of the trained entomologist are worthy of the highest scientific training and best executive ability. Insects and disease. The modern methods of sanitation for the control of malarial fever and yellow fever involve the control of mosquitoes, which transmit these diseases. More and more the sanitary measures which are making the tropics habitable for the more northern races of man are being made possible by a knowl- edge of the relation of insect life to the transmission of disease. Even the common house-fly, formerly considered a mere nuisance. 2 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY is now known to carry typhoid fever and probably various intestinal disorders, to which a large part of our infant mortality is due ; and it has been well said that, during the Cuban War, probably more American soldiers were killed through the agency of flies carrying typhoid germs than by Spanish bullets. Injury to crops. In their economic relations the insects affect- ing crops are by all odds of the most importance, many of them causing a loss of several million dollars a year to the farmers of the United States. The boll weevil destroys over $25,000,000 worth of cotton in Texas and Louisiana alone, and 10 per cent of the wheat crop of the entire country, valued at $60,000,000, is usually destroyed by insect pests. It has been estimated by competent authorities that 10 per cent of the total value of the farm products of the United States is annually lost by the ravages of insect pests, amounting to nearly $800,000,000 per annum. Injury to domestic animals. Domestic animals are affected by various insects, such as the warble, or ox-bot, and the screw worm, — which affect cattle, — the sheep maggot, and many others, in- cluding the ticks, which carry Texas fever and other diseases ; so that the annual loss to live stock through insects is estimated at $175,000,000 per year. Injury to household and stored goods. Housekeepers, manufac- turers, and wholesale dealers must take into consideration the insect life which affects all sorts of vegetable and animal products, and the aggregate loss due to the insect pests of household and stored goods must in the aggregate be a considerable item in domestic economy and mercantile business. Productive insects. A few insects contribute directly to the wealth of the w^orld : the silkworm produces over $200,000,000 worth of silk annually, and the product of the busy honey-bee amounts to over $20,000,000 per year in the United States alone. Beneficial insects. The direct relations of insects to mankind are by no means the most important phases of their ecology. The role of insects in the pollenization of fruits and flowers is fundamental to the successful fruiting and perpetuation of a large proportion of common plants. Again, a large number of insects prey upon or live within the bodies of other insects, and constitute the most impor- tant factor in the natural control of injurious species. Were it not INTRODUCTION 3 for these beneficial forms, which prevent the normal increase, many of our common injurious insects would become so numerous as to practically prohibit the growth of crops affected. Value of study of insects. The strictly economic aspect of insect life is not, however, the only phase worthy of our attention and study. The apathy with which the study of entomology was for- merly treated was unquestionably due to the general lack of interest in biology until recent years. During the last generation it has been more and more appreciated that man is but a child of nature, and that he can learn much in the proper conduct of his affairs by a study of the laws of life in general, whether of the uncivilized races of mankind, of insects, or of microscopic bacteria or protozoa. Our grandfathers hardly knew that bacteria existed '; to-day most of the science of pathology, and much of the practice of medicine, is based on an understanding of their life. It would seem, therefore, that insect life should furnish a large field for the student of general biolog}', and more and more biological problems of fundamental importance are being worked out through studies of insects. That this should be the case is extremely obvious when we remember that there are over 300,000 known species of insects, including over four fifths of the described species of animals, and that at the rate at which they are being described, it has been esti- mated that over a million species exist. The immense number of insects, both of species and of individuals, is undoubtedly due to their varied structure, which enables them to live under all possible conditions. Thus the larv'ae of many different species are adapted so that they live entirely in water, others bore in trees and plants, some are subterranean, while still others inhabit the tissues of do- mestic animals or of other insects. By the aid of their wings the adults spread rapidly and are thus able to migrate when necessity arises. Thus the insects possess such diversity of structure and habit that they are able to live under all external conditions, and on account of their immense numbers they have been able to adapt themselves to a changing environment which would have entirely obliterated classes or species few in number. Not only are insects the most abundant form of animal life, but they exhibit the highest degree of intelligence of any of the lower or invertebrate animals. The wisdom of the ant and the industry 4 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY and domestic economy of the honey-bee are proverbial, and new observations are constantly showing the wonderful intelligence, if it may be so called, evinced by many insects hitherto but little known. No class of animals is more fascinating or better rewards the study of the nature lover, as may be slightly appreciated from the perusal of the habits described in succeeding pages. It may now be evident, in view of the immense preponderance of species and individuals of insects in the animal kingdom, and their important role in the economy of nature, that there is some ground for describing the present as " the age of insects," though the term is of course used from a purely biological standpoint. PART I. THE STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF INSECTS CHAPTER II INSECTS AND THEIR NEAR RELATIVES If we are to study insects, it is necessary that we should have a clear conception of just what an insect is and how insects may be distinguished from other animals. Most of us recognize bees, flies, beetles, and butterflies as insects, but other forms of insect life we Fig. I. Earthworm w, mouth ; c, girdle, or clitellum. (After Jordan and Heath) should probably call "worms," and various insectlike animals are commonly termed " insects." The animal kingdom is divided intoJtwo^large^rpups_of animals, — those having a backbone, the Vertebrates, and those without a backbone, the Invertebrates. In the former are included all the Fig. 2. Diagram to express the fundamental structure of an arthropod a, antenna ; cil, alimentary canal ; b, brain ; d, dorsal vessel ; ex, exoskeleton ; /, limb ; ;?, nerve chain ; s, subesophageal ganglion. (After Schmeil, from Folsom) higher animals, such as the fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals ; while in the latter are included all the lower forms of life, vvhi^ are usually smaller in size and soft-bodied, as the molluscs, echino- derms, worms, insects, and their relatives. ^^'" 5 6 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The Invertebrata are divided into several branches, or phyla (sin- gular, phylum), which divisions are based on fundamental differences in the body structure of the animals in these groups. Of these phyla there are two which have the body made up of a series of segments and were at one time classed together as the Articiilata. Fig. 3. A lobster; a typical crustacean The first of these two phyla, the Vermes, or worms, has no jointed appendages, while the second, the Arthropoda, is characterized by having jointed appendages on either several or all segments of the body, from which the term "Arthropoda," from artJiron (joint) and pons (foot), is derived. The Arthropoda include the insects, spiders, myriapods, and crustaceans, all of which are related by the possession of these jointed appendages. The distinctions between INSECTS AND THEIR NEAR RELA'l'IVES 7 these four classes are based largely upon the manner in which the different segments are grouped together to form compact and distinct parts of the body, and b)- the number and position of the appendages. The Crustacea include the lobsters, crabs, crayfish, shrimps, bar- nacles, sow-bugs, etc., and are primarily distinguisTied from all other arthropods by_the_iactjhat they breathe by means of gills and live either in the water or in damp places. The body is divided into two main regions, the anterior segments be- ing usually covered b)- a single large shell forming the head-tho- rax, or cephalothorax, while the remaining segments form the ab- domen. Each segment usually bears a jpair of appendages. On the head are found two pairs of antennae, and on the thorax and ab- domen are numerous appendages fitted for walking or swimming. The only crustacean commonly mistaken for an insect is the little sow-bug, or pill-bug, found in greenhouses, under boards, or in darhprpraces~7I^gr4y. These rarely do any damage and may be readily distinguished from insects by the two pairs of antennae and the numerous appendages. The gills are to be found under plates on the lower side of the abdomen. The Arachnida include the spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites, and are almost entirely terrestrial. The body is divided into the cephalothorax and abdomen, as in the Crustacea, but there are^o antennas and but four pairs of legs. Although ticliS-ajid mites are not ins ects, yet they are so nearly related, and their injuries to plants and animals are so similar to insect depredations, that they are com- monl)' included in economic entomology. Spiders are, if anything, Fig. 4. Sow-bug, or pill-bug [Poirellis laevis) Enlarged. (After Jordan and Heath) 8 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY beneficial, though they feed on beneficial as well as on injurious insects, while scorpions are found only in tropical countries and are chiefly a nuisance on account of their poisonous sting. The Myriapoda include the myri- apods and centipedes, commonly called thousa mi-legs. Their body consists of a distinct head and a long abdomen, all of the segments of which are similar, and each of which bears a_j)air of legs, so that they are readily distinguished from all other arthropods. In many ways the myriapods are more closely re- lated to the insects than either of the other classes mentioned above. A few species sometimes injure vegetables or fruits lying on or in the ground, and these are considered as within the sphere of economic entomol- ogy ; but for the most part myriapods are harmless, al- though the house centipede Fig. 5. A spider ; a typical arachnid Fig. 6. A myriapod Fig. 7. A parasitic fly, showing parts of a typical insect ant^ antennae ; h, head ; /, thorax ; abd, abdomen ; wg, wings ; /, legs is a nuisance and is abhorred by the housekeeper. Some of the tropical myriapods reach relatively enormous size, being several inches long, and bear poison fangs in connection with the mouth-parts. The Insecta, or Hexapoda, include the tme insects, which form the largest group of animals as far as both the number of different species and the number of individuals are concerned. About 300,000 different species have already been described, while there is probably a total of 1,000,000 species in existence. The known species form over four fifths of the total number of INSECTS AND THEIR NEAR RELATIVES 9 animals now described. The adult insects are readily recognized from the other classes of arthropods, but many of the immature forms, such as maggots, lack the typical characteristics of the group. The segments of the body of an insect are grouped into three distinct regions, — thejiead, the thorax, and the abdomen, The liead bears a single pair of feelers, or antenn^, the mouth-parts, and the conipound eye^s. The thorax bears three pairs of jointed legs and in the adult stage usually two pairs of wings, though in the flies there is but a single pair and in a few orders wings are lacking. The abdomen is usually without appendages in the adult state, although on caterpillars and other immature stages prolegs, or false legs, which are not segmented, are often found. Comparative Structure of the Classes of Arthropoda Class Parts of Body AnTENN/E Eyes Legs in,>ge,/ I 2 3 Insecta Head, thorax, abdomen One pair Compound Six JJ7/tgA-ss Myriapoda I Head, abdomen One pair Compound One pair per segment Arachnida Head-thorax, abdomen None Simple Eight Aquatic I 2 Crustacea Head-thorax, abdomen Two pairs Compound Many CHAPTER III ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL Body structure. The extinct ancestors of the insects were doubtless elongate, wormlike animals composed of a series of cylindrical segments very similar in structure and with a pair of jointed appendages attached to each segment. The mouth being Fig. 8. Types of insect antennae A, filiform, from grasshopper {Schisfoccrca amcrkana) ; i?, clubbed, or clavate, from teneb- rionid beetle i^Nyctobaics pcnnsykaiilcus) ; C", pectinate, or feathered, from a moth ; Z*, aris- tate, with dorsal plumose arista, from a fly ; E^ lamellate, from a May-beetle {Lac/mosiema fiisca) ; F, moniliform, from a beetle at the anterior end, the appendages near it were developed to secure and tear up the food. Thus the mouth-parts were gradu- ally evolved, and the segments bearing them grew closer together until they coalesced and formed a single well-defined region, the head. With the development of wings the appendages of the pos- terior segments were useless and soon disappeared, and the legs on the three segments immediately back of the head became ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL II further specialized as organs of locomotion. With the development of the large muscles necessary for the propulsion of the wings and legs, these three segments back of the head became sharply differ- entiated from the rest, so that they now form a quite distinct region, the thorax. The remaining posterior segments, called the abdomoi, having lost most of their appendages, are quite similar in form, with the exception of those at the extreme posterior end, where the shape of the segments and of their appendages has been modified in connection with the external sexual organs. The insect is therefore divided into three well-defined parts, — the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, — which are composed of more or less visible segments. The head. The embiyolog}^ and nervous system of the head show that it was originally com- posed of six segments, almost no traces of which are now discernible except their append- ages, of which four pairs are rec- ognizable as homologous with the thoracic legs and the ab- dominal appendages of lower forms. These appendages con- sist of the feelers, or antennas, and three pairs of mouth-parts. The head also bears a pair of compound eyes and often a variable number of simple eyes, or ocelli. Antennae. The antennae are often called feelers, indicating their principal function as sense organs, which will be discussed in con- sidering the senses. The shape of the antennae is very different in different groups of insects, as is also the number of segments, both of which characters are of the greatest importance in dis- tinguishing the various groups. In the case of the katydid the threadlike antennas are much longer than the body, while in some flies they are reduced to mere knobs with a single strong bristle. The different shapes of the segments give rise to many different characteristic types of antennae, some of the more important of which are shown in Fig. 8. In many cases, notably in the moths '^^J Fig. 9. Head of drone bee, showing compound and simple eyes (After A. B. Comstock) 12 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY and mosquitoes, the antennae of the sexes are quite different, so that the sexes are readily distinguishable. Eyes. On either side of the antennae are found the large com- pound eyes, often forming the larger part of the side of the head, and sometimes, as in the dragon-fly and horse-fly, forming the major portion of the head. . The compound eyes are usually oval or circular in outline, and are called compound because, when examined under a lens, they are seen to be composed of large numbers of hexagonal areas, called facets. The number of these facets varies from 50 in certain ants to 4000 in the house-fly and -mx.p lab ^Ib.p Fig. 10. Face of grasshopper an/, antenna ; f/,iclypeus ; eye, compound eye ; /ad, labium ; //>r, labium ; /l>./, labial palpi ; ""^ mx./, maxillary palpi ; oc, ocellus 27,000 in certain sphinx moths. Between the compound eyes, on the front, or vertex, of the head, are two or three small oval or circular simjple^ eyes^-Calied^^^-///. Caterpillars and other larvae have no compound eyes, but on either side of the head have a group of from four to six ocelli. In many flies and bees the com- pound eyes of the male are larger and closer together than those of the female, this being due, possibly, to the male's leading a more active life. Mouth-parts. The mouth-parts are of prime importance, both from an economic and from a systematic standpoint. Upon their structure depends the kind of insecticide which may be effectively ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL 13 used, and their structure is so constant and characteristic in different groups as to furnish one of the best meansjaf classification. Most of the orders possess one of the two main types of mouth-parts, — those formed for biting (mandibulate), and those formed for sucking (suctorial, or haustellate). The bit- ing type, as found in the grasshopper, is the more typical, and will therefore be discussed first. The labr?nii, or up- pei^Jip, is a simple flap projecting over the upper part of the opening of the mouth and cover in^gjlifr-Hian- dibles. It is hingsd-On the posterior margin, but otherwise is free and may be slightly protruded 01^ retracted, to aid in bringing food to the mandibles. Fig. II. Mouth-parts of grasshopper, typical biting or mandibulate mouth-parts //'r, labrum, or upper lip ; md, mandible ; wx, maxilla ; hil>, labium, or lower lip ; /, palpus ; g, galea ; /, lacinia ; lig, ligula ; hyp, hypopharyn.x Fig. 12. Various forms of mandibles A, grasshopper {Melanopbts) ; B, tiger beetle (Cicindcfulae) ; T, bee {Apis) ■' D, Onthopha- gus ; E, lace-winged fly {Chrysopd) ; F-I, soldier termites. (After Hagen, from Folsom) The majtdibles, or jaws, are composed of a single toothlike piece and move in a transverse plane. The form of the mandibles 14 PILEMKNTARY ENTOMOLOGY is modified according to the food of the insect. Thus, in the grass- hopper and similar insects feeding upon vegetation the mandibles are short, with strong teeth at the tip and behind them a crushing or grinding surface. In carnivorous and pre- daciou§>insects the mandibles are usually long, slender, and sharply toothed, adapted for grasping the prey or tearing flesh. In certain of the Neuroptera, as in the aphis- lion (see page 92), the mandible has a deep groove on the inner surface, through which the juices of the plant-lice are sucked. In soldier ants the mandibles are developed as effective weapons, while in other forms they are otherwise specialized according to the food habits of the insect ; but they are always essentially biting organs. Beneath the mandibles are the maxillce, or under jaws. The maxillae are much more complex, con- sisting of a basal portion (stipes) which is hinged to the head (by the cardo) and which the palpus, galea, and lacinia. The palpus is composed of four or five segments, resembles a miniature antenna, and, like it, is a sensory organ. The inner lobes, the lacinia, are usually provided with teeth or spines and aid the mandibles in hold- ing and masticating the food. The third pair of mouth-parts have grown together on the median line so as to form a single piece, known as the labinni, or underlip. In the embryo this is composed of a pair of appendages similar to the maxillae, and for this reason is sometimes Fig. 13. Maxilla of a ground beetle {Harpa- lits i-ciliginosus), ventral aspect c, cardo ; g, galea ; /, la- cinia ; /, palpus ; //, palpi- fer; s, stipes ; sg, subgalea (After Folsom) bears three lobes, - Fig. 14. Labium of a ground beetle [Harpaliis caliginosits), ventral aspect g, united glossas, termed the glos- sa ; ;«, mentum ; /, palpus ; fg^ palpiger; /;•, paraglossa ; sm, sub- mentum. The median portion of the labium beyond the mentum is termed the ligula. (After Folsom) ANATOMY OK INSECTS — EXTERNAL 15 termed the second tnaxillce. The labium forms the floor of the mouth and assists the mandibles and maxillas with the food. It is hinged to the head at its base (by the viejitjivi\, and projecting from either side is a palpjis, similar in form and function to the maxijlary palpi. Between the palpi are one or two pairs of lobes, the ligiila. ""Projecting into the cavity of the mouth from the inner sur- face of the labium is the hypopharynx\ or tongue. This in the Fig. 15. Mouth-parts of the squash-bug lab^ labium, forming a sheath for the other parts ; Ibr^ labrum, fitting into the lower part of the suture of the labium ; nni, mandible ; w.v, max- illa. Mandibles and maxillee pulled out of labium Fig. 16. Side view of head of butterfly, with part of antennae {a) removed, showing mouth-parts w.v, maxillae ; /, labial palpus grasshopper is a fleshy, tonguelike organ, but in some orders it is quite differently developed. The salivary glands open near its attachment. Suctorial type of mouth-parts. The mandibulate mouth-parts of the different orders are all of so similar a type as to be appar- ently homologous. The suctorial mouth-parts consist of several i6 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY very distinct types, entirely dissimilar in structure and origin, resembling each other only in that they enable the insect to suck or lap its food rather than to bite it. Fig. 17. Cross section of proboscis of cotton-worm moth, showing concave inner faces of maxillae locked together to form the sucking tube (After Comstock) ,. „, ' ''■ '' » Fig. 18. Mouth-parts of female mosquito {Ciihx pipiens) A, dorsal aspect; B, transverse section; C, tip of maxilla; Z), tip of labrum-epipharynx ; (T, antenna ; c, compound eye ; //, hypopharynx ; /, labrum-epipharynx ; A, labium ; mx, maxilla ; w, mandible ; /, maxillary palpus, (After Folsom and Dimock) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL 17 Hemiptera. In the Hemiptera, or bugs, the labium forms a long, jointed beak, or rostrum (Fig. 15). This rostrum is cylindrical in section, and its evolution from the type of labium found in the grass- hopper may be understood by conceiving the labium of the latter to be greatly elongated and then curled up on either side until the lateral margins meet on the median line above, forming a su- ture, as seen in the hemipterous beak. At the base of this suture is found a triangular la- brum closing the base of the tube. The man- dibles and maxillae are long, . bristlelike or needlelike structures, sharply pointed and often bearing barbs at the tip, and the max- illae are locked to- gether so as to form a tube^ through which the juices are sucked. Lepidoptera. The moths ^nd butterflies possess a ver}' different style of sucking tube, or proboscis, which is curled up under the head like a watch spring. This is composed of the two maxillae, whose inner faces are concave and which lock together so as to form a tube which opens into tlie moufh. All the other mouth-parts are almost entirely absent in most forms, except the labial palpi. It is evident that this type of mouth-part is only adapted to sucking nectar from flowers and is never injurious to vegetation, while often adapted for pollenizing flowers which the moths frequent. The caterpillars of moths and butterflies have biting mouth-parts similar to those of the grasshopper. Fig. 19. Side view of head of a fly «, antenna ; wa/, maxillary palpus ; Ar/', labellum i8 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Diptera. The flies have several types of mouth-parts, all essen- tially suctorial. Those of the horse-fly and mosquito are good examples of the piercing type (Figs. 15, 18, 20). Superficially they resemble those of the Hemiptera, but the sheath of the beak is not so strong and is quite open above, and there are six lancetlike or- gans which in the horse-fly are quite strongly devel- oped. The esophagus is controlled by sets of mus- cles which make it an effec- tive bulb for pumping up the food. The common house-flies and blow-flies have mouth-parts (Fig. 1 9) adapted for rasping or lap- ping rather than for pierc- ing, though the liquid food is sucked up in much the same way. The proboscis consists principally of the very complex labium, or lower lip, which is very much expanded at the tip to form a pair of fleshy lobes. When looked at under the microscope, the tip of the proboscis is seen to contain a series of grooves and transverse horny ridges with sharp, projecting edges. With these rasplike projections the fly is enabled to scrape the surface of the food and gradually loosen small particles, which are dissolved or carried in the saliva to the mouth. Hymenoptera. The mouth-parts of the Hymenoptera include both biting and sucking types. The saw-flies and ants (Fig. 22) have well-developed biting mouth-parts, which are used as such, while in the wasps and bees the maxillae and labium form a tube Fig. 20. Mouth-parts of horse-fly {Tahantis) Upper figure showing mouth-parts separated, and lower figure showing lancets dissected out. (After J. B. Smith) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL 19 around the greatly elongated tongue (hypopharynx) which is used for lapping and sucking, though the mandibles are still functional and are used in shaping wax and pollen. It should be noted that in several of these orders having suctorial mouth-parts in the adult stage the larvae have true biting mouth- parts. Caterpillars of all the Lepidoptera and the larvae of many Fig. 21. Mouth-parts of the honey-bee a, antenna ; /, labellum ; g, glossa, or tongue ; bn, labrum ; Ip^ labial palpi ; m, mandible ; )«.v, maxilla ; mxp, maxillary palpus ; pg, paraglossa families of flies and Hymenoptera have biting mouth-parts and are injurious to vegetation, while the adults may be entirely harmless. This difference in the mouth-parts of the same insect in different stages must be borne in mind in considering insecticides for them. 20 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY We have stated that the structure of insects often determines the method of treating them. This may now be understood, for it is evident that ./ a poison such as Paris green, ap- phed to the food of a sucking in- sect, such as a plant-louse, would not be taken into the mouth through the sucking mouth- parts, which ex- tract only the juices beneath the sur- face, while it might be entirely effect- ive against an insect with biting mouth-parts, which consumed the sur- face covered by the poison. A better understanding of these simple facts of insect anatomy would save Amer- ican farmers thou- sands of dollars every year, now lost through ignorance. Thorax. The thorax is the middle region of the body, composed of the three segments back of the head, which are called the ^ro- tJiorax^ mesothoi-ax, and nietathorax respectively. As previously indicated, the differentiation of the thorax has been incidental to the development of the wings, and the structure of the thorax is determined by the development and use of the organs of locomo- tion. A pair of jointed legs is attached to each segment and Fig. 22. Mouth-parts of an ant {Mymiica ntl>?-a) A, seen from the lower side in siiti ; B and Z>, maxillae; C, labium seen from the upper side, detached ; a, mandible ; h^ maxilla ; f, mentum ; d, maxillary palp ; e, labial palp ; /, glossa or tongue ; g, adductor muscle of mandible ; h, abductor muscle of mandible ; /', labium ; k, gustatory organs ; /, duct of salivary glands ; ;«, maxillary comb : «, gular apodeme. (After Janet, from Wheeler) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL 21 the mesothorax and metathorax of most adult insects bear a pair of wings. The prothorax is usually smaller than the two posterior seg- ments, the relative size of which de- pends upon which pair of wings is the better developed. The dorsal surface, or back, of a tho- racic segment is called the tergmn, or notinn, the ven- tral or under sur- face is the sternum, and each side is a plcurum. These parts are further divided by sutures into distinct plates, or sclcritcs, to which the appendages are articulated. The de- velopment, shape, size, and position of these sclerites are characters of such uniformity that the sclerites are used in classifying in- sects, in much the same way as are the bones of the vertebrate animals. 22 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY i-Cla Fig. 24. Typical insect leg Cx, coxa ; C/a, claws ; Ji'it/, empodia ; /% femur ; Tar, tarsal segments ; Tl>, tibia ; Tr, trochanter, (.\fter Snodgrass, United States Department of .Agriculture) Legs. The legs articulate with the sternum and pleurum and con- sist of five parts, — the coxa , (ror/iajj tfj; fcitiu j:. tibia, and iarsj/s. The hase of the coxa forms the joint of the leg to the bod^', which is either of the ball- and-socket or of the hinge type. The tro- chanter is a small, in- termediate segment, which in parasitic Hy- menoptera is double. The femur is the largest segment in the leg, and in grass- hoppers and other jumping insects is strongly developed by the muscles with- in. The tibia is_ usu- ally long and slender. The tarsus is usually composed of several similar segments, five being the typical number. The last segment usually be ars a ^ir of sharp claws in adult insects and a single claw in larvae. Between the claws of most adult insects is a little pad, called a pnlvillns, or cmpodinm, a suckerlike organ which enables them to walk upon smooth surfaces and to cling to objects when upside down. Nearly all adult and most larval insects have three pairs of thoracic legs, but many boring and parasitic larvae have lost them entirely. The legs are often greatly modified according to the habits of the insect, not only for locomotion, but for grasping, digging, and other purposes. The legs of most beetles are typical of walking insects. In jumping insects, like the grasshopper and flea beetles, the hind femora ^re greatly developed. In diggingjnsects, such as the mole cricket and cicada nymphs, the tibia "and tarsus of the fore- legs are developed as shovels. The forelegs of many predacious insects, such as the mantis, assassin bugs, and others, bear teeth upon the opposing surfaces of the tibia and femur, which make them efficient grasping organs. The legs of the bees are highly developed : the forelegs bear a comb for cleaning the antennae, ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL the metatarsi bear a series of spines used as a pollen comb, and the metatibiae bear a fringe of hairs on the outer surface surround- ing what is called the pollen basket, adapted for carr)dng pollen. Fig. 25. Types of insect legs A, grasshopper {ScMstocerca ama-icmia) ; B, a cicindelid beetle {Cichtdela b-guiiata) ; C. a gyrinid beetle {Dincntcs vitlatiis) ; Z), ayoung mantis ; E, a mole cricket {G)yllotalpa borcalis) In aquatic forms the legs are variously developed for swimming or skimming over the surface. The males frequently have the fore- legs developed for grasping the females, as in the suckerlike disks on the fore tarsi of the predacious diving beetles {Dytiscidac). In general, insects which are strong fliers and are usually on the wing have weak legs. Wings. Millions of years ago insects became the pioneers in aerial navigation by the development of wings, which have un- doubtedly been chiefly responsible for the enormous development of insects as a class, living in all latitudes and environments. The largest existing insects are certain tropical moths whose wings expand nearly a foot, but fossils from the coal age show that immense phasmids (nearly related to grasshoppers) then existed, with a wing ex- panse of over two feet. The largest wings are not, however, always the most serviceable, and the strongest fliers are usually of medium size. ThejwingS-PE£- sent a variation of structure in almost every group, and, with the .fiADlVS Fig. 26. Hypothetical type of wing venation (Adapted from Comstock and Needham) 24 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY mouth-parts, form the most important basis for classification. Thus most of the orders are distinguished by differences in the wings, as indicated by their names, which usually end in -ptera (from pteron, a wing), and many insects may be classified to the genus or even to the species by the wings alone, this being particularly true of fossil forms, in which the wings are often the only parts well preserved. Most adult insects possesstwo pairs of wings, borne by the meso- thorax and metathorax, but in some parasitic orders the wings have been lost, and one order, the Thysanura, represents the primitive insect without wings. In the flies (Diptera) only the mesothoracic wings are developed^, and the metathoracic wings are represented by clublike appendages, called Jialtcrcs, or balancers. The relative shape and size of the two pairs vary greatly, and frequently the two wings of each side over- lap or are held together by various structures, so that they act as a single organ. The wings are strengthened by numerous thickenings, called veins, whose number and position form the basis of the classification of families, genera, and species. It has been shown by Professors Comstock and Needham that the prin- cipal veins are homologous in all the orders of insects, and that they have been derived from one original type, either by the disap- pearance of certain veins, by their growing together, or by the addition of supplementary veins. The typical longitudinal veins, as shown in Fig. 26, are the casta, subcosta, radius, media, cubittis, and anals. The costa (r) is unbranched and strengthens the anterior margin of the wing. The subcosta {se) is typically two- branched, though often single, and, where the costa is small or wanting, appears to be the first, or anterior, vein. The radius (;-) is typically five-branched, the base of the second principal branch, from which the four posterior branches divide, being known as the radial sector. The media («/) is typically four-branched, though often but two or three branches are present. Cubitus (r^)Jias Fig. 27. Wing of house-fly [Musca dotnesii- ca), showing speciaUzation of wing venation through reduction of veins c, costa ; r, radius ; m, media ; at, cubitus ; anal. (After Comstock) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL 25 usually two branches. The anal veins (a) are typically three in, number, but often one or two are lost, and in other groups the anal area is greatly expanded and they become many-branched. Specialization by reduction in the number of veins is seen in the wings of the flies, bees, and butterflies and moths, while special- ization by addition is found in the wings of Orthoptera and the neuropterous orders. In several orders the front wings are modified to form wing- covers for the hind wings and are not used in flight. Thus the front wings of the beetles, called elytra, are hard and horny, those of the grasshoppers are leathery, and those of the bugs are leath- ery at the base, with membranous tips. In addition to be- ing^qrgans of flight, the wings sometimes have other functions. T-hus in crickets and other Orthoptera the wings bear sound- producing structures, and the honey-bee maintains the temperature of its hive by the body heat derived from the incessant motion of the wmgs. Abdomen. The ten segments of the abdomen are the most dis- tinct and simple of the body. The jointed appendages have been almost entirely lost in adult insects, and the abdomen merely houses the respiratory, digestive, and genital systems, the posterior seg- ments being modified in connection with the external sexual organs. In the lowest order, the Thysanura, rudimentary abdominal append- ages still exist, and caterpillars and other larvae frequently bear several pairs of fleshy, unsegmented prolegs, or false legs, bearing a circlet of hooks at the tip. In several orders the "females bear an ovipositor, or ^-gg guide, which has been developed from a speciali- zation of the appendages of the seventh, eighth, and ninth seg- ments. The females of many grasshoppers and crickets bear large 28. ^\ ing of May-fly, showing specialization of wing venation by addition of wing veins Lettering as in Fig. 27. (After Folsom) 26 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY ovipositors, with which they are enabled to insert their eggs in the ground or in wood, but the greatest development of the ovipositor is found among hymenopterous insects in which it is formed for sawing, boring, or stinging. Another pair of jointed appendages, Fig. 29. Ovipositor of periodical cicada At rest at .A, and exserted at B — C^ called ccfci, are frequently found attached to the tenth abdominal segment. They are quite variable in length, but in May-flies are as long as the body and resemble very slender antennae projecting backward from the abdomen. In most cases they are tactile organs, but in the cockroach they assist in smelling. The nurnber of visible abdom- inal segments varies from five .to eleven in different orders, and fre- quently the number is different on the upper, or dorsal, and under,j3r ventral, sides. The structure of- the anal segments is usually different in the sexes and furnishes impor- tant characters for classificatioru - Integument. Before studying the internal anatomy, the skin, or integument, of the insect should be considered. This has become hardened so that it forms a firm outer skeleton, to which the mus- cles and internal organs are attached. Thus the parts of the insect skin, as have been described, are analogous to the bony skeleton Fig. 30. Section tlirough skin of a beetle {Chrysobothris) b, basement membrane ; c', primary cutic- ula ; C-, secondary cuticula ; //, hypoder- mis cell ; ;?, nucleus, (.'\fter Tower, from Folsom) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — EXTERNAL 27 of higher animals in that th ey su pport the tissues of the body^ and their structure is characteristic of the different groups. This ha_rd- ening of the skin is found in all arthropods and is due to a sub- stance, called cJiitin , which is formed by the lower layer of cells of tliL' sl^in, the hypodermis, and which forms an impervious, hard la\cr o\cr the body of the entire animal, though but slightly devel- oped in the membranous joints between the segments. Chemically, chitin is somewhat akin to silk, or to the spongin of the sponge skele- ton. It is unaffected by ordinary acids and alkahes, though soluble in sodic or potassic hypochlorite. The insolubility of chitin is of impoi'tance in the consideration of insecticides, for there is hardly anything that can be applied to any but the most soft-bodied insects which will corrode the skin without injuring the foliage of the plants upon which they feed. The surface of the chitinous skin may be smooth or pitted, wrinkled, striated, granulated, or marked in various characteristic ways. The chitin is not only developed by the outer skin but is formed on the surface of the entire epider- mis, including the lining of the anterior part of the alimentary tract and the respiratory tubes, or trachea, as can be seen by the exam- ination of a cast skin after an insect has molted. CHAPTER IV ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL The general arrangement of the internal organs of an insect may be understood by a study of transverse and longitudinal sec- tions, as shown in Figs. 31 and 32. Attached to the inside of Fig. 31. Ideal section through an insect a, alimentan- canal ; //, heart ; «, nerve cord ; s, stigmata, or spiracles : /, tracheal tubes ; /, legs; 7c, wings. (From Riverside Natural Historj) the body wall are found layers of longitudinal and vertical mus- cles which control the body movements. Through the center of the body runs a large tube, the alimentary canal, or digestive tract. m h Fig. 32. Ideal longitudinal section of an insect, showing relative position of organs a, alimentary canal ; /;, heart ; ;«, muscle bands ; ;;, ner\'e cord ; ;', reproductive organs. (After Comstock) Just beneath the back is a small, transparent tube, the dorsal blood vessel, or heart. Along the median line, close to the ventral wall, is a series of small white knots, or ganglia, connected by a double 28 ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL 29 cord, which form the nervous system. On either side of each seg- ment is a small opening through the body wall, called a spiracle, through which air is admitted to the breathing tubes, which branch to all parts of the body and form the respiratory system. The re- prdductive organs are found in the posterior segments of the abdo- men and have a separate opening just below the anus. The digestive system. The digestive tract, or alimentar}- canal, consists of a more or less straight tube, occupying the larger part of the center of the body and divided into parts with special functions, whose development depends upon the food habits of the insect. Pharynx. The food, after being torn to pieces and ground up by the mouth-parts, is received into the pJiary}ix (often called the Fig. -^Tj. Digestive and excretory system of a grasshopper r, crop ; g, gizzard, or proventriculus concealed by caeca ; g.c^ gastric caeca ; /./, large intes- tine ; ;«, mouth ; m.t, Malpighian tubes ; o, esophagus ; r, rectum ; s^ stomach ; s.g^ salivary glands ; s.i, small intestine mouth), lying within the head, and in which it is acted upon by the saliva. In sucking insects the pharynx acts as a pumping organ, as already described. The saliva is secreted by the salivary glands, which lie along the esophagus in the thorax, whose ducts open at the base of the tongue (hypophan-nx). The saliva acts on starch, changing it into glucose as in the vertebrates ; in some carnivorous insects it acts on the proteids and is sometimes used to poison the prey ; in mosquitoes the poisonous saliva prevents the coagu- lation_i]£_the_blood_ofanimals, though its original function may ?o ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY have been to act on the proteids of plant juices. In most cater- pillars, of which the silkworm is the best example, and in many other insect larvae, certain salivary glands have become specialized so that their secretion hardens upon coming in contact with the air and forms the silk of which their cocoons are spun. Esophagus. The esophagus is a straight tube passing from the pharynx to the crop or gizzard, or directly into the stomach. Crop. The crop is practically a dilation of the posterior end of the esophagus and in herbivorous insects forms the larger part of the digestive tract. The food is stored in the crop until the action of the saliva has been completed, changing the starches into glucose sugar and the albuminoids into as- similable, peptonelike substances. In many insects which feed on liquids, the storage capacity of the crop is increased by a lateral pocket, which in some cases forms a separate sac communicating with the crop by a short neck. The walls of the crop contain a layer of muscles which force the food back into the gizzard when it is suffi- ciently digested. Gizzard. The gizzard [proven- tnculns) is found best developed in biting insects, such as grass- hoppers and beetles, which feed on coarse food, and is but slightly developed or absent in many orders. It is termed "gizzard " because it somewhat resembles the gizzard of a bird and was supposed to function similarly. It is a small, very muscular organ, lined within with strong chitinous teeth, or ridges, which strain the food, pre- venting the passage of large particles into the true stomach. Some have thought that these ridges aid in grinding the food, but this seems doubtful. Usually a valve allows the food to be forced from the gizzard back into the stomach, but prevents its return. Fig. 34. Cockroach dissected to show ahmentary canal and bands of muscles alx, alimentary canal. (After Hatshek and Cori, from Jordan and Kellogg) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL Stomach. The stomach {vcntriciilus) is usually a simple tube somewhat larger in diameter than the esophagus or intestine, but of variable size and strength. As the food passes into the stomach it is acted upon by the secretions of the ccccal tubes {gastric caca) which are glandular pouches, or tubes, opening into the anterior end of the stomach. Their number, size, and shape are quite vari- able, and they secrete a weak acid which emulsifies fats and con- verts albuminoids into peptones. The stomach is not lined with chitin, as is the rest of the alimentary tract, but is glandular and secretes a neutral or alkaline fluid which aids in the further diges- tion of the food. The chief function of the stomach, however, is to absorb the digested food and pass it into circulation. Fig. 35. Digestive canal of a carabid beetle /i, esophagus ; c, crop ; d, proventriculus ; /, stomach with its caeca ; g, posterior portion of stomach ; //, intestine ; /, two pairs of Malpighian tubes ; k, rectum ; /, anal glands. ' (After Dufour) Intestine. The food passes from the stomach into the intestine through a pyloric valve which prevents its passage backward. The intestine is divided into three fairly distinct parts, the ileum, colon, and recttnn. The length and size of these parts varies greatly ac- cording to the food of the insect, the ileum often being considerably coiled. In the ileum the digested food materials are absorbed and passed into the blood circulation ; the colon, which is often absent, contains undigested matter and waste products ; while the rectum has thick, muscular walls and expels the feces through the anus, which opens through the last segment of the abdomen. Malpighian tubes. Opening into the intestine, just back of the stomach, are several small, slender tubes, variable in number, in which uric acid is found, and which are considered to be excretory organs similar in function to the kidnevs of hig-her animals. 32 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY When arsenical insecticides are applied to the food of biting insects, the arsenic must be in the most insoluble form, to avoid burning the foliage, and it is therefore not dissolved until it reaches the stomach, when, having been mixed with the digestive juices mentioned, it becomes sufificiently soluble to be absorbed by the walls of the stomach and ileum. Some insects are able to consume a large amount of poison before an amount sufficient to kill them is dissolved and absorbed. In such cases poisons are some- times of no avail, because serious injury is done before the pest is brought under control, and other means must be employed. In the young stages of insects the digestion, and consequent growth, is ex- tremely rapid. A caterpillar will frequently eat and digest two or three times its own weight in a day. Thus the silkworm, when it hatches from the egg, weighs but one twentieth of a grain, but in 56 days, when full grown, it has consumed 120 oak leaves, weighing three fourths of a pound, and half an ounce of water, or 86,000 times its original . r 1 • 1 r 1 • 'Pig. 37. Diagram to indicate the weight, of which food 207 grains ^o^rse of the blood in the nymph of have been assimilated, one fourth a dragon-fly of a pound has been voided as a, aorta; /i, heart. The arrows show the excrement, and five ounces have ''""''" ''"'^^li'^Tro^'X '"'" evaporated as water. Circulatory system. The /j/ood vessels of an insect are exceed- ingly simple, consisting of a single dorsal tube, or heart, which Fig. 36. Diagram of a portion of the heart of a dragon-fly nymph 0, ostium ; f, valve. The arrows indicate the course of the blood. (After Kolbe, from Folsom) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL 33 extends the length of the body along the median line just beneath the notum. In the abdomen of adult insects this tube is divided into several chambers, each of which has a valve at either side, allowing the blood to flow into it but preventing its escape. The chambers are also separated by valves which allow the blood to flow forward but prevent its backward passage. The abdominal part of the tube, the heart proper, pulsates and drives the blood toward the head, while the forward part is a simple blood vessel, called the aorta, which usually divides in the head, where it ends abruptly, allowing the blood to flow into the body cavity. Thus the blood is admitted to the heart by the lateral valves, is forced forward to the head, and thence flows in more or less defined currents Y\G. 38. Portion of a trachea of a caterpillar, with its branches (After Leydig, from Gegenbauer) throughout the body, bathing all the organs. The pulsation of the heart and the flow of the blood may be observed in many thin- skinned larvae and nymphs. The blood consists of a watery fluid, — the plasma, or serum, — and the white corpuscles, or leucocytes. Usually colorless, it is often yellowish or greenish. The blood has almost nothing to do with the aeration of the tissues, that being done by the respiratory system, as described below, its chief function being to nourish the tissues with the food materials that it carries. Respiratory system. Insects have no lungs, but breathe through a system of tubes, called trachea, which extend to all parts of the body, bringing fresh air to the tissues and carrying off the carbon dioxide. On either side of two thoracic segments, and on all the .34 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY abdominal segments but the last two or three are small openings called spiracles, or stigmata, which are the external openings through which air is admitted to the trachea. The spiracles are guarded by hairs and other devices, to prevent the ingress of dust and foreign matter, and each has a valve operated by a special muscle which opens and closes it. From each spiracle a short tube extends inward and opens into a main tracheal tube which extends along the side of the body. There are commonly two of these main tubes, or tracheal trunks, on either side of the body, which give off three main branches in each segment. The upper branch goes to the dorsal muscles, the middle one branches to the alimentary canal and reproductive organs, and the lower one supplies the nerve cord and ventral muscles. These branches divide and subdivide into the finest tubes, which penetrate all the tissues, run- ning between the muscle fibers ; some authorities state that they may even en- ter individual cells. They do not end blindly, but anastomose so as to form a capillary network, so that a contin- uous circulation of air is possible. By opening the spiracles the air enters the tracheal system, and it is expelled by muscles which cause a vertical con- traction of the body walls and thus force it out. The rhythmic expansion and contraction of the body occurs at a regular rate, dependent upon the temperature and the activity of the insect, and resembles the breathing of higher animals. Many insects are provided with large air sacs which serve as air reservoirs. The trachea are readily recognized by their striated appearance, which is due to a thickening of the cuticle into a thread, which lies on the inner surface in a compact spiral, like a compressed spiral spring, and thus prevents the collapse of the tubes. Fig. 39. Diagram of tracheal system in body of a beetle sp, spiracles ; ii\ trachea. (After Kolbe) ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL In aquatic insects various respiratory devices have been developed. Many of them (May-fly, dragon-fly, stone-fly, and mosquito nymphs) bear tracheal gills which consist of a leaflike expansion, or a tuft of thin filaments, into which the trachea extend and divide into a fine network. The oxygen of the water passes through the gill mem- brane into the air of the trachea, and thus the air of the tracheal system is purified. No true gills, — that is, gills carrying blood vessels, like those of fishes, — are found in insects. Other aquatic insects carry a thin film of air with them, either by means of a thick coating of fine hairs to which air bubbles adhere, or beneath the wing-covers. The trachea are sometimes prolonged into tubes which pro- ject beyond the tip of the abdomen and extend to the surface of the water or mud in which these insects live. From the above description it is evident that insects possess the best-developed t)'pe of respir- atory system, extending as it does to all the tissues of the body, giving them a constant supply of fresh air and carrying off the waste gases. With an ample food supply this makes possible a rapid oxidation of the tissues, and undoubtedly is one of the chief reasons for the wonderful muscular activity, working power, and endurance of insects. The structure of the respiratory system is of great practical im- portance in combating insect pests. Many insects which cannot be destroyed with arsenical poisons are killed by contact insecti- cides in either a spray or a dust form. These contact insecticides destroy the insect by entering or clogging the spiracles or trachea. Oils are particularly valuable because they spread and pass readily through the hairs which guard the spiracles. Soap solutions leave a gummy deposit, when the water evaporates, which clogs the trachea. Finely divided dusts, such as fine tobacco dust, pyrethrum, and even air-slaked lime or road dust, will clog the spiracles of many insects. Insects living in grain, stored products, and other inac- cessible places are often destroyed by the use of poisonous gases, such as carbon bisulphide and hydrocyanic acid gas, which quickly Fig. 40. Diagram of trachea in head of cockroach /, trachea, or air tubes. Note branches to all the mouth-parts and the antennas. (After Miall and Denny) 36 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY asphyxiate them through the well-developed tracheal system, though occasionally the valves of the spiracles are so well developed that an insect may keep them closed for a long time, so that fumiga- tion, in order to be fatal, must be prolonged. Muscular system. Insects are well provided with powerful mus- cles, a caterpillar having some two thousand. The muscles are yellowish in color, and the fibers are striated as in the voluntary muscles of vertebrates. The simplest type of muscles is found in larvae and in the abdominal segments of adult insects, where the abc Fig. 41. Muscles of cockroach, of ventral, dorsal, and lateral walls, respectively a, alary muscle : (i/>c; abductor of coxa ; ai/c, adductor of cojcji ; /s, longitudinal sternal ; //, longitudinal tergal ; //A, longitudinal thoracic ; os, oblique sternal ; ts, tergo-sternal ; /jl, first tergo-sternal. (After Miall and Denny) muscles of each segment are very similar, forming segmented bands on the inside of the body wall. The longitudinal muscles beneath the tergum and above the sternum are arranged so that, when they contract, the body bends in that direction, and by their rhythmic contraction the looping walk of the caterpillar is produced. Oblique-sternal muscles bend the abdomen laterally, and vertical muscles draw the tergum and sternum together in expiration. The thorax of adult insects is filled with the strong muscles which operate the wings and legs, and the muscles which operate the mouth-parts occupy the back of the head. ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL Z7 The work performed by the muscles of insects appears prodigious compared with that done by higher animals. Thus the weakest insect can pull over twenty times its weight. A house-fly can carry a match, to equal which a man would need to carry a timber thirty-five feet long and as large around as his body. An earwig can lift twelve times its weight, and a honey-bee, in flight, carries four fifths of its weight. A small insect is relatively stronger than a large one, and the relative strength of insects is largely accounted for by their small size. This is due to the fact that the weight increases as the cube of a single dimension, while the strength of a muscle increases as the square of its diameter. The endurance and rapidity of muscular action of insects is no less mar- velous. By determin- ing the pitch of the note made by the wing vibrations of a gnat, physicists have shown that its wings may move as much as fifteen thou- sand times per minute. The prolonged vibra- tion of the honey-bee's wings is another instance of remarkable muscular endurance. Nervous system. The nervous system consists of a series of small white ganglia which are connected by a double nerve cord lying along the bottom of the body cavity. In the larvae there is usually one ganglion to each segment, but in the adult insects the ganglia are often fused together, those of the thorax and an- terior abdominal segments having grown together, as well as those toward the tip of the abdomen. In the head the ganglia have grown together to form the brain, which lies just above the esoph- agus and which is connected with the subesophageal ganglion by a double nerve cord, one commissure of which passes on either side Fig. 42. Nervous system of honey-bee, at a, and of its larva, at b, showing the simple type of the larva and the specialization in the adult due to fusion of the ganglia 38 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY of the esophagus, thus forming a nerve collar. The brain gives off nerves to the eyes, antennae, palpi, and other sensory organs of the head, receiving the sensory stimuli and controlling the coor- dinated muscular movements. In a general way the brain is the seat of whatever "will" an insect may have. The subesophageal ganglion coordinates the movements of the mouth-parts, as well as some bodily movements. The thoracic and abdominal ganglia give off nerves to all parts of their segments, the movements of which they control. They are more or less independent, each Fig. 43. Nervous system of head of cockroach a, antennal nerv'e ; a^, anterior lateral ganglion of sympathetic system ; i, brain ; d, salivary duct ; /, frontal ganglion ; /i, hypopharynx ; /, labrum ; //, labium ; m, mandibular nerve ; i/ix, maxillary nerve ; «/, nerve to labrum ; n/i, nerve to labium ; 0, optic nerve ; oc, esophageal commissure ; oe, esophagus ; /^, posterior lateral ganglion of sympathetic system ; r, recurrent nerve of sympathetic system ; s, subesophageal ganglion. (After Hofer, from Folsom) forming a nerve center for its segment. Thus a decapitated insect will walk or fly, and the abdomen of a grasshopper will continue to breathe, these functions being controlled by the seg- mental ganglia, though lacking coordination. In addition to the main nervous system there is a sympathetic system, one part of which runs along the upper part of the alimentary canal and con- trols the digestive process, while a small ventral sympathetic nerve gives off branches which control the spiracle muscles. Dr. J. B. Smith, in his " Economic Entomology," gives an interesting account of some experiments which show the relation of the brain and ganglia to the body : ANATOMY OF INSECTS — INTERNAL I found that if I cut off the abdomen completely, the fly would live for twenty-four hours thereafter ; with practically no digestive system, and with most of its heart gone. Turning the matter, I cut off the head, and found that it would live without a head for just about as long a time as it would without an abdomen. Of course death was bound to result from this mutilation in time, but the interesting feature is that no apparent symptom of pain developed. I found, however, that just as soon as I cut the large ganglion in the middle of the thorax I terminated life. Whatever sentimental feeling there may be in the matter of causing unnecessary pain, there is no reason to believe that insects have any well-developed sensitiveness, as we understand that term. The character of the insect nervous system is so entirely different from that of our own that we are left without real guides in our interpretation of the various sensitive structures. Man judges most things by himself, and where this guide fails, he is at a loss and cannot be certain that he interprets what he sees correctly. The senses of insects. Sight. Attention has already been called to the simple eyes, or ocelli, and the compound eyes. An ocellus consists of a lens, vitreous bod}', retina, and nerve, much like the eye of vertebrates, but its form is fixed, and as there is therefore no power of accommodation to the distance between it and the object seen, its power of vision must be extremely limited. As far as the ocelli are concerned, in- sects must be very nearsighted, for they are quite convex and will only focus at one distance, which must be short. Ex- periments have shown that light and darkness are distin- guished by the ocelli, for if the Fig. 44. structure of median ocellus of compound eyes of a grasshop- honey-bee, in sagittal section per are covered with varnish, /', hypodermis ; /, lens ; «, nerve ; /, iris pig- ,V ^^^ C^A ;*-,. „ ^,,4- ^C „ U^ ment; ;-, retinal cells; v, vitreous body. (After It can find its way out of a box Redikorzew, f^m Folsom) with a single opening. Prob- ably the ocelli are of more service in this way than in forming definite images, though insect larvas possess only ocelli. 40 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY I < The surface of the compound eye is composed of numerous hexagonal facets, each of which is the end of a single eye element called an ommatidium, which is prac- tically a separate and distinct eye. Each ommatidium is composed of the various optical elements necessary for vision, but it receives impressions only in a straight line, which form only a very small part of the total field of the insect's vision. This is due to the fact that each ommatidium is surrounded by black pigmented cells, which ab- sorb or reflect the light, as shown in Fig. 46, so that only those rays which come in a straight line impress the retina. Thus the whole view formed by the images from all the ommatidia as they reach the optic nerve must be like that of a mosaic. Insects are able to distinguish forms at but relatively short distances, vary- ing from two to five feet, and to Fig. 45. Portion of compound eye of fly {Calliphora vomitoria), radial section f, cornea ; /, iris pigment ; «, nerve fibers ; iic^ nerve cells ; r, retinal pig- ment ; t, trachea. (After Hickson, from Folsom) see distinctly only near-by objects. Large eyes, as those of the dragon- fly, give a wide field of vision, and numerous facets would give a greater distinctness of vision. In- sects' eyes are well adapted to detect motion, as a moving object affects the facets in succession, and motion is thus observed without moving the eyes. They are able to distinguish colors and often respond quite definitely to them, but their color sense seems to have a different range from that of man, as ants are sensible to the ultra-violet rays. Fig. 46. Illustrating mode of vision in compound eye " The light enters through the cornea. The rays which strike the sides of each tube or cone are absorbed by the black pigment which surrounds the tube. Ac- cordingly those rays of light only which pass through the crystalline cones directly (or are reflected from their sides), such as a-a' , b-b', c-c', d-d', e-e', will ever affect the nerves at a', b', , c, d, more enlarged.) (After Chittenden, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 65. Squash-bugs and nymphs at work on a young plant. (Natural size) 52 GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS from the thorax. In another week the skin is shed for a fourth time, and the fifth stage is easily recognized as a full-grown nymph, being one third inch long, and the wing pads and thorax being much enlarged. After feeding for another nine days it molts for the last time and transforms to the winged adult, the whole growth having re- quired from four to five weeks. Adult. The new adults be- come numerous in August, but neither mate nor lay any eggs during that season, continuing to feed until the first frosts of autumn blacken the leaves, when they rapidly disappear into winter quarters.^ During the middle of the day they fly here and there in search of suitable hibernating places, and finally hide along the edges of woodlands, or beneath leaves, under logs, boards, or whatever Fig. 66. First three stages of the nymphs of the differential locust. (Much enlarged) shelter may be adjacent to the garden, where they remain dormant until called back to activity by the warm sunshine of late spring. Life history of the differential locust (Melanoplus differentialis). Incomplete metamorphosis. Through- out the Mississippi Valley, from Illi- nois southward, the differential locust is one of the most common and de- structive grasshoppers, and is an excel- lent example of several of our more abundant and injurious species whose life histories and feeding habits are, in general, very similar. Fig. 67. Egg mass of the differential locust 1 The life history as given is for New England ; farther south the transforma- tions take place earlier and more rapidly, and in the extreme south there may be more than one generation. 54 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Nymphs. The little grasshoppers hatch about the middle of May (though we have observed hatching by the middle of March in central Texas) and are of a dusky brown color marked with yellow. The head and legs are the most prominent features of the young nymph. During their subsequent growth they molt five times, at intervals of from ten days to two weeks, the relative size and appear- ance of the different stages being shown in Fig. 6"/ . Professor H. A. Morgan, who made a careful study of an outbreak of this species in Mississippi in 1900, has given an inter- esting growth which quoted account of their and habits, from the followinof is Growtli. The young on first emerging from the eggs are sordid white and after an airing of an hour or two are darker, assuming a color not unlike the dark gray alluvial soil over which they feed. There are changes of color as the earlier stages are assumed, but until the close of the third stage these changes are not readily percep- tible in the field to the naked eye. At the close of stage four the greenish-yellow color becomes prominent on many forms, and in stage five the greenish-yellow and yellow ground colors predominate. The vigorous feeding and rapid growth of the young in stages four and five, and the prominence of the wing pads in stage five, cause the grasshoppers in these conditions to appear almost as conspicuous as adults. Habits. The habits of the young are interesting, and a knowledge of some of them may be helpful in developing remedies. After hatching they remain for several hours in close proximity to the egg pod from which they emerged. With this period of faint-heartedness over they may venture out for a few yards each day into the grass, weeds, or crop neighboring the egg area. Upon being disturbed they invariably make the effort to hop in the direction of their so- called nest. Nymphs emerging from eggs on a ditch bank, if forced into the water will seldom make the effort to reach the other side, but will turn back to the bank from which they were driven. As development takes place the extent Fig. 68. Last two stages of nymphs of differ- ential locust. (Enlarged) (;rowth and transformations of insects 55 of their peregrinations into the crop is easily traced by the shot-hole appearance of the leaves upon which they feed. The tender leaves of cocklebur are always preferred by the grasshoppers in the early stages. Young Bermuda grass is also a favorite food, and succulent grasses of all kinds are freely eaten. In the third, fourth, and fifth stages, as grass, weeds, and even shrubs disappear along the ditch banks and bayous, the crops of corn and cotton adjacent begin to show signs of vigorous attack, and the march of destruc- tion commences. ... A few hours before molting the grasshoppers tend to congregate and become sluggish. Molting varies as to time, and slightly as to manner, with different stages. In the early stages less time is required, and the operation occurs on the ground or upon low bunches of grass and weeds. Every effort of the grass- hoppers at this time seems to be to avoid conspicuity, and in doing so spare themselves, in a man- ner, enmity of parasites. After the molting of the first, second, and third stages it is not long before the young grasshoppers are suf- ficiently hardened to begin feed- ing again, but after the molt of the fourth and fifth stages, particularly the last molt, some time is required to extend the wings and dry and harden the body before feeding is reassumed. The last molt usually occurs on the upper and well- exposed leaves of corn and other plants upon which they may be feeding, though it is not uncom- mon for the grasshoppers to drop to the ground during the maneu- vers of the process. The reason for the selection of the more exposed places for the last molt is obvious. The bodies are large, and rapid drying protects them from fungous diseases which lurk in the more shaded and moist sections during the months of June and July. The last prominent habit to which we call attention is that of the fully grown grasshoppers to seek the shade offered by the growing plants during the hottest part of the day. Fig. 69. Nymph of last stage of differential locust with cast skin, on tip of corn plant (Authors' illustration, United .States Department of -Agriculture) 56 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Adults. The hoppers become full grown about the first of July. The adult is about one and one half inches long, its wings expand two and one half inches, and it is of a bright yellowish-green color. Fig. 70. The differential locust. (Enlarged) (Authors' illustration, United States Department of Agriculture) The head and thorax are olive-brown, and the fore-wings are of much the same color, without other markings than a brownish shade at the base ; the hind-wings are tinged with green ; the hind thighs are bright yellow, especially below, with four black marks ; the hind shanks are yel- low with black spines and a ring of the same color near the base. The adults at once attack any crops available, often finishing the destruc- tion of those injured by them as nymphs, but in a few days their ap- petites seem to become somewhat appeased and they commence to mate and to wander in search of suitable places for laying the eggs. Egg laying. Rela- tively few eggs are laid in cultivated ground, the favorite places being neglected fields grown up in grass and weeds, the edges of Fig. 71. Grasshopper ovipositing in a stump (Photograph by Weed) GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS 57 cultivated fields, private roadways, banks of ditches and small streams, and pasture lands. Alfalfa land is a favorite place for oviposition, and alfalfa is often seriously injured by this species. It is doubtless due to these egg-laying habits, and to the abundance of food on uncultivated land, that this species always increases enormously on land which has been flooded and then lies idle for a year or two. Most of the eggs are laid in Au- gust and early September. Each female deposits a single egg mass of about one hundred eggs just beneath the surface of the soil. During this season the fe- males may frequently be found with their abdomens thrust deep in the soil, as the process of egg laying requires some time. The eggs are arranged in an irregular yel- low mass which is coated with a gluey sub- stance, to which the earth ad- FlG. 72. Egg mass of the tent caterpillar (Photograph by Weed) heres and which protects them from changes of moisture and temperature. Life history of the tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americana). Complete meta- morphosis. With the bursting of the leaf buds in early spring the tips of the branches of apple and wild cherry trees are festooned by the small, tentlike webs of the tent caterpillar. Usually the web is formed on a small crotch, which gives it the tent shape, and farther out on the twig will be found the egg mass from which Fig. 73. Web of young tent caterpillars over the egg mass (Photograph by Weed) the little caterpillars hatched, just before the leaf buds opened. 5« ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The egg mass is from one half to three fourths of an inch long and forms a grayish-brown, knotlike band around the twig, closely resembling the bark in color. Each mass contains from one hun- dred fifty to two hundred fifty eggs, placed on end, packed closely together, and covered with a layer of light brown, frothy glue, which gives a tough, smooth, glistening surface to the whole mass. The eggs are deposited by the female moths by early midsummer ; when fresh the ^gg mass is white, but in a few days the color darkens. Larva, or caterpillar. Dur- ing late summer the little cater- pillars are formed within the eggs, but do not hatch until the next spring. Often they emerge before the leaf buds have expanded sufficiently to furnish any food, in which case they satisfy their appetites with the glutinous covering of the ^gg mass, spinning over it a thin web. Soon they are able to bore into the swollen buds, when a web is commenced at the nearest crotch. Wild cherry and apple, which are often stripped of their foliage year afteryear, are the favorite foods, but all the common fruit trees are more or less frequented, and sometimes the common shade trees are attacked and occasionally one is defoliated. The family instinct is very strong with the young caterpillars and all from one ^gg mass cooperate in spinning the tent which furnishes them shelter at night and during cold or wet weather. The tent is gradually enlarged by new layers of silk, which cover the masses of excreta in the lower layers, the caterpillars living between the outer layers. They com- mence feeding soon after sunrise, but often retire to the nest during the heat of the day, and always seek its shelter during cold days or Fig. 74. Partly formed web of the tent caterpillar (Photograph by Weed) GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS 59 when the sky becomes clouded and rain threatens. While young they feed together, each little caterpillar spinning a fine strand of silk wherever it goes, which forms a sort of trail for the others. They become full grown in six or seven weeks, during which time they have molted some four or, excep- tionally, five times, at intervals of eight or nine days, though the length of time between molts varies widely according to the food supply and weather conditions. After the fourth molt the fifth stage occupies about two weeks before the caterpillar transforms to the pupa. When full grown they become extremely restless, wan- der away from the nest, and are frequently encountered on walks and roadsides, and feed on al- most any plant found. They are now about two inches in length, deep black in color, thinly covered with yellowish hairs, with a white stripe dowTi the mid- dle of the back. At the middle pi^. 76. Full-grown tent caterpillars on web. (Reduced) of the side of (Photograph by Weed) Fig. 7 5. Tent caterpillars about half grown on web (Photograph by Weed) 6o ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY each segment is an oval, pale blue spot with a broader, velvety black spot adjoining it in front, giving somewhat the effect of an eyespot. Cocoon ajtd pupa. Having found a suitable place under loose bark, in a fence, in the grass or rubbish beneath the tree, or in the shelter of some neighboring building, the caterpillar settles down and proceeds to encase itself in a thin cocoon of tough white silk. In forming the cocoon the caterpillar rolls its head from side to side, the silk being drawn out from the lower lip and hardening as soon as it comes into contact with the air. With wonderful contor- tions it gradually shapes the oval cocoon, the outer part of which is composed of coarse, loose white threads, with a yellowish powder intermixed, while the inner layer forms a tougher, parchmentlike lining. Frequently, when the caterpil- lars are abundant and there is desirable shelter near the nest, several cocoons are formed en masse. Exhausted by its labors, the caterpillar now becomes quiet, the body shortens to about an inch long, and, finally, the skin Fig. 77. Web of tent caterpillars which has been riddled by birds. (Reduced) (Photograph by Weed) splits down the back, is sloughed off into one end of the cocoon, and the transformation to a brown, oval object, tho^ p?ipa, is accom- plished. The pupa is about an inch long, and the surface markings of the solid shell outline the legs and wings of the adult moth, but otherwise there is no indication of any relationship to the larva or to the adult, and, had we not seen it emerge from the larval skin, it would be difificult to believe that it is the same animal. Moth. In about three weeks the pupal shell splits open and the adult moth works its way out of one end of the cocoon. Like all moths GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS 6 1 the adults are night flyers and are frequently attracted to lights. They are stout-bodied, of a reddish-brown color, with two nearly Fig. 78. Tent caterpillar from above and from side. (Slightly enlarged) parallel white bands extending obliquely across the fore-wings. The males are much smaller and may be distinguished by the more Fig. 79. Cocoons of the tent caterpillar. (Natural size) (After Lowe) feathery antennae. The sexes soon mate and the females deposit the eggs, which remain on the twigs over winter, as already described. Fig. So. Female tent caterpillar moth at rest on leaf. (Slightly enlarged) (After Lowe) 4-^^ -i. *<--j-*vr^i*--K^Oii Fig. Si. Mourning cloak butterfly depositing eggs (After \\-eed) 62 GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS 6^ The life of the spiny elm caterpillar {Euvanessa antiopd). Com- plete metamorphosis. What boy does not remember, when the first warm days of spring hired him to a tramp in the woods, that a large, dark purple, yellow-bordered butterfly, usually found sipping the sap from a newly cut tree stump, was the first to greet him ? It is one of our commonest butterflies, and we have translated its German name of T^-aucrmantcl to "mourning cloak butterfly," though it is also often known as the Antiopa butterfly, from its specific name. It is a most cosmopolitan insect, occur- ring throughout North America as far south as Mexico and Florida, and is found over northern Europe and in Asia. Egg laying. Unlike most butter- flies it hibernates over winter, which accounts for its early and often some- what battered appearance in spring.^ When the leaves of the elm and poplar are nearly expanded, the female may be found laying her eggs upon the twigs of elm, poplar, and willow. Standing with wings spread, she de- posits the eggs in clusters around the twig, as shown in Fig. 8i, <7. In about two weeks the small, blackish cater- pillars emerge through round holes eaten out of the upper surface of the eggs, and crawl to the nearest leaf, where they range themselves side by side, with their heads toward the margin of the leaf. Feeding in this position, they nibble the green surface of the leaf but leave the network of veins untouched. Laji'a, or caterpillar. They continue to feed side by side for about a week, marching in processions from leaf to leaf as the food supply is exhausted. Each little caterpillar spins a silken thread 1 We are indebted, for much of the hfe history, to the account given by Dr. C. M. Weed in Bulletin 67, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Fig. 82. Eggs of the spiny elm caterpillar, or mourning cloak butterfly, on willow twig (Photograph by Weed) 64 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY wherever it goes, so that the many threads soon make a fine silken car- pet, which serves as a foothold. At the end of a week they molt ; the skin of each caterpillar splits down the back, and it crawls out with a new and larger skin, which has been' forming beneath the old one. The caterpil- lars remain quiet during molting, but they soon be- come active again and feed with in- creased voracity. Ever}^ week for the next three weeks this molting proc- ess is repeated, the cast skins decorating the de- foliated twigs, as shown in Fig. 84. As they grow, the caterpillars scatter over the neighbor- ing leaves, but still remain in colonies. Their appetites Fig. 83. The spiny elm caterpillar, or mourning cloak seem tO increase butterfly. (Slightly reduced) ^^ ^j^^^ g^^^,^ ^^^ Partly grown caterpillars, chr\'salis, empty chrysalis, and adults. (After Britton) GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS 65 Fig. 84. Twigs denuded by spiny elm cater- pillars, bearing their cast skins. (Reduced) they eat more of the leaf sub- stance, devouring all but the midrib and veins when half grown, and, when larger, leave only the midrib. The carpet- like web which they spin also becomes more evident as they gi'ow older, often binding to- gether the ends of near-by twigs, especially where the caterpillars rest after feeding. The full- grown caterpillar is about two inches long, with numerous branched black spines. It is blackish in color, with a row of red spots down the back, and with transverse rows of minute white spots. Pupa, or chrysalis. The caterpillars are full grown in (Photograph by Weed) about four weeks. Dr. Weed, in his interesting account of this spe- cies, describes its transformation as follows : They then leave the tree or shrub on which they have been feeding, and scatter about, seeking some sheltered situation. Having found this, — perhaps beneath a stump or along the underside of a fence, — each caterpillar spins a web of silk along the surface. It then entangles the hooked claws of its hind legs (anal prolegs) in this silken web and lets its body hang vertically with the head end curved upward. It remains in this position for some hours before the skin along the back just behind the head splits apart, and is gradually wriggled upward until it is finally all removed, and there hangs in place of the caterpillar a peculiar object having no definite form — that of the chrysalis} In this quiet chrvsalis the insect is apparently ^^*^- ^5- Mourning cloak 1 .. • ^ " ic ^ 1 •. •. butterfly emerging from almost as mert as a mummv. If you touch it, it , ?■ ■' chr)-salis 1 See Fig. S3. (Photograph by Weed) 66 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY will wriggle a little, but otherwise it hangs there mute and helpless. On the inside, however, the tissues are being made over in such a wonderful way that in about two weeks, from the mummy case into which the caterpillar entered, there comes a beautiful butterfly. When it first breaks the mummy shell its wings are very small, although its body, " feelers," and legs are well developed. By means of the latter it clings to the empty chrysalis while the wings expand. A butterfly in this position, with its wings nearly expanded, is shown in Fig. 86, from a photograph taken from a living specimen. In the course of half an hour the wings become fully de- veloped, and the butterfly is likely to crawl to some firmer support, where it will rest an hour or so before venturing on its first flight. In New Hampshire there seems to be but a single gen- eration a year, the newly emerged butterflies appear- ing in July or August and dis- appearing during August and September, though they are seen occasionally on warm days in late fall. Under the side of a log, beneath the loose bark of a dead tree, in woodpiles, and in similar sit- uations the butterflies are to be found during the winter lying flat on the side, sus- pended under a culvert, or in a hollow tree. Apparently they are dead, but if taken into a warm room, they will quickly revive and fly about, and if given a little sugar-water for food, will live for some time. Often in summer they will drop on one side, motionless, evidently feigning death, and if lying on a background of dead leaves, are very difficult to see. Fig. 86. Newly emerged mourning cloak butterfly hanging to empty chrysalis while its wings expand and harden (Photograph by Weed) PART II. THE CLASSES OF INSECTS CHAPTER \T THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS Identity of insects. If a crop of potatoes is being destroyed by the Colorado potato beetle, it is at once recognized as the cause of the injury, and the method of control is known or may be ascer- tained from books or bulletins. In many cases, however, insects are found abundant upon a crop which is evidently being injured, but the casual observer may not be able to determine just which are responsible for the injury without devoting more time to the matter than is available, or without more knowledge of the habits of insects than he possesses. Thus, when a colony of plant-lice is found ruining a crop, there are usually found with them various in- sects which are either preying upon them, as do the ladybird beetles, aphis-lions, and syrphus-fly larvae, or caring for them, as do the ants. No one would consider the ants as producing the aphides, but it is not at all uncommon for those unacquainted with the life history of plant-lice to assert that they are produced by the ladybird beetles or other insects which are found associated with them, which are consequently destroyed when they should be protected. If the insect is very evidently the cause of the injury, but of unknown iden- tity, it is of the utmost importance to identify it, so that its habits and the best means of control may be ascertained. A knowledge of the different kinds of insects is thus seen to be not only a matter of theoretical or biological knowledge, but of considerable practical importance. The classification of insects and the manner in which they may be identified may be illustrated by a study of the ladybird beetles already mentioned. Upon examining a ladybird beetle, we at once recognize it as a beetle from the hard wing-covers, with the mem- branous hind-wings folded beneath them, and die_bitingjTiouth^.arts. 67 68 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Thus we ascertain that it belongs to one of the several divisions, called orders, ^nto which all insects are divided known as tlie. order Cole opt cm. Some nineteen orders of insects are now recog- nized by entomologists, but only six or seven are of any economic importance. Most of the orders are distinguished by the structure of the wings, and the names of the orders usually end in the syl- lable //rr<^, irom ptcjvji, meaning "a wing." A brief survey of the beetles shows that the order Coleaplera consists of numerous fami- lies, which are grouped together according to the number of seg- ments in the hind tarsi. An examination of the hind tarsus of a ladybird beetle reveals that it is composed of but three segnients, which is characteristic of only one family, the CocciiielUdac,, the family of the ladybird beetles. A brief account of this family indi- cates that nearly all of its members are predacious upon plant- lice or other small insects, and that the more common forms are small yellow or red beetles with black spots, like the specimen in hand. It is evident, therefore, that our ladybird beetle is feeding upon the plant-lice and is in no way responsible for them, for a similar study of the plant-lice would show that they belong to an entirely different order (the Hemiptera), which has sucking mouth- parts and an entirely different life history. We should also learn from the account of the Coccinellidae that the little long-legged, blackish, brilliantly marked larvae which accompany the ladybirds are the young stage from which they develop, and that these larvae also feed upon the plant-lice. Probably we should find several different kinds of beetles, evidently all of the ladybird family, but differing in size, shape, and coloration. Should we desire to speak exactly of any one sort, we should be obliged to determine to what genus of the family it belonged, and then to which of several species in that genus. Usually the amateur will not be able to identify an insect farther than to its family, but in the case of common forms, especially those commonly injurious, the illustra- tions or descriptions of the insect or its characteristic work as given in textbooks, or the comparison of the specimen with those of a named collection, if one is available, will make it possible to definitely determine the species. Scientific names. The name of the genus and species together is commonly called the scientific name, and is in Latin and usually THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 69 printed in italics for its easy recognition. Scientific names are a necessity, because the common name of an insect in one commu- nity may often be applied to an entirely different species in some other section, or different common names may be applied to the same insect ; and they are written in Latin because that is under- stood by scientists in all countries, and is common to them all, which is true of no other language. The ladybird beetle in ques- tion may have been of the species novemnotata, meaning nine- spotted, and of the genus Coccinella, which is the typical genus of the family. This name is written Coccinella novemnotata Herbst. The name of the genus is always placed first and commenced with a capital letter, the name of the species following and commencing with a small letter. Botanists often commence the specific name with a capital letter if it is named for some person or country, but zoologists commence all specific names with small letters to dis- tinguish them readily from the generic names. After the scientific name proper is often placed the name, or an abbreviation of the name, of the author who originally described the species (as Herbst, in the above), for not infrequently different authors will use the same name for different species, which often results in endless confusion when the name of the author who has described each species under the name is not given. Thus the generic and specific names of a plant or animal are analogous to the Christian name and surname of a man, except that in the case of the latter the name applies to an individual, while in the former it applies to a large number of individuals.- The scientific name also has a some- what analogous significance and use. Thus, if we speak of Patrick O'Connor or Napoleon Bonaparte, we at once think of the individ- uals known to us by those names. But the name also tells us that Patrick is of the O'Connor family, with their general characteris- tics, and we know the O'Connors to be from the Emerald Isle, which we know to be inhabited by people of the Caucasian race, and, similarly, we know the Bonapartes to be Corsican. In the same way the specific name of a plant or animal signifies its relationship to those acquainted with the different sorts. Thus the specific name novemnotata (or g-notata) at once signifies that this particular species of beetle has nine spots and is a separate species from bi- pnnetata, which has but two spots, while the generic name indicates 70 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY that it belongs to the genus Coccinella, to which this species and many others belong, and which we recognize in this case as prob- ably belonging to the family Coccincllidac, which we know to be a family of predacious beetles of the order Colcoptcra. Thus animals and plants are divided into the following succes- sive groups : Group Examples Phylum {Arthropodci) Class {Insecta) Order {Coleoptcra) Family {Coccinellidae) Genus {Coccinclla) Species {iioveninotatd) Coccinclla novemnotata Herbst. Species. The exact definition of a species has worried naturalists since the time of Linnaeus and is still under dispute, so that no exact definition will be attempted. It is evident that, inasmuch as it applies to a large number of individuals, and as we know that individuals vary exceedingly, it is largely a conception for our convenience in designating forms of life. Inasmuch as we now believe that all forms of life have had a common origin and have been gradually evolved from one or at least a very few original ancestors of all life during the millions of years of the earth's history, and as we know that species of plants and animals are now being formed, while others have disappeared from the earth, it is evident that the species now being formed will be very similar to each other and will be separated with great difficulty, if at all ; whereas those species which have existed for a long period of time, and whose nearly related species have disappeared, will be easily recognizable and form very distinct species. In short, it may be said that a species is aji aggregation of individuals of so similar a structJirc that they might all have been derived from the same parent, wJiicJi are more similar to each other tJian to any other in- dividuals, and which, ivhen bred together, prodiice progeny of the same degree of likctiess, which zvill also be fertile and produce their kind. The number of individuals in a species and their distribution THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 71 over the earth depend upon its habits and food supply. Some species are exceedingly limited in their distribution, — as, for in- stance, the little butterfly Oencis semidca, which inhabits only the highest peaks of the Wliite Mountains, — while others are quite cosmopolitan, living in many distant parts of the world and with quite different food habits, an example being the bollworm [Hcli- otJiis obsolcta), which is found on every continent. Some species are so rare that but one or two specimens have ever been taken, while others occur in such countless myriads as to become the •worst pests of crops. Genus. As a species is composed of individuals of similar struc- ture, so a genus is formed of a number of species having some common characteristics which make them more nearly related to each other than to any other species. In the same way genera are grouped together into families, which have some common charac- teristics distinguishing them from other families of genera, and families are likewise grouped into orders. Frequently, various other subdivisions are made for the purpose of bringing out certain re- lationships, which are evident but which do not seem to warrant definite rank. It should be observed that no standard exists as to what structural characters are sufficient for establishing a species, genus, or family, and that structures which will separate species in one order are of sufficient importance to separate families in another order, this all depending upon the constancy and relative importance of the character. Thus, orders are commonly divided into sub- orders, families into subfamilies, and genera into subgenera, while we recognize varieties and races of individuals within a species, as, for instance, the varieties and races of garden plants and domestic animals. In each case the subgroup is composed of a portion of the larger group, which has some common characters distinguish- ing it from the other subgroups of the same rank. Such terms as sections, divisions, tribes, and series are also used in the same sense. Inasmuch as some three hundred thousand species of insects have been described, it would evidently be impossible for any one person, or any one library, to have all the descriptions which are scattered throughout the scientific books and journals of all countries and languages. Hence most entomologists acquire a general knowledge of the larger groups and then make a special study of some one 72 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY family or small portion of a family, sending the insects of other groups to specialists of those groups for determination, and thus building up collections which they may use for the subsequent determination of specimens by comparison. The common families, and particularly those of economic importance, may usually be recognized by the amateur, and the identification of the family will usually indicate the possible economic importance of a given insect, and may lead to its definite identification, if it is a common form. In the following pages we have endeavored to give a very brief account of the characteristics of the more common orders and families of insects. Keys for their determination will be found in Chapter XX, CHAPTER VII BRISTLETAILS AND SPRINGTAILS (APTERA) Characteristics. Wingless insects which have no metamorphosis. Mandi- bles and maxillce retracted within the head, but used for biting and chewing soft substances. True compound eyes rarely present ; a group of simple eyes on each side of head in some genera. Abdomen sometimes furnished with rudimentary jointed appendages. This is a relatively unimportant order from the economic stand- point, but is of interest from the fact that it includes the most Fig. 87. Silver fish-moth [Lepisma saccharina). (Enlarged) A household nuisance and a good example of the bristletails. (After Marlatt, United .States Department x)f Agriculture) primitive insects now in existence. The name Aptera is given on account of the entire absence of wings, in consequence of which 73 74 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY - a there is no metamorphosis. In some forms there are rudimentary appendages on the underside of the abdomen, which are supposed to be degenerated abdominal legs, though not now capable of being used as such. The order is divided into two distinct suborders, sometimes considered separate orders. Bristletails {Thysanurd). One of the commonest bristletails is the little shiny fish-moth, which annoys housekeepers by getting into starched clothes, among books, papers, etc. It is about half an inch long, with long antennae and three bristles extending half the length of the body from the tip of the abdomen, and is covered with silvery scales which glisten as it darts around in a book- case or drawer, reminding one of a fish's scales flashing in the sunlight. They are very soft-bodied little insects, more abundant in warm climates, and feed on starchy matter or soft paper. In some species of bristletails the bris- tles have been modified into forcep- like appendages. Most bristletails are much smaller than the fish- moth, and are found beneath stones, logs, and loose bark, and in similar situ- ations ; and one genus {Machilis), found in many parts of the world, has rudimentary abdominal appendages, as shown in Fig. 88. Springtails {Collembold). Every boy who has worked in a northern maple-sugar " bush " knows the litde snow fleas, large numbers of which jump around on the snow and have a propen- sity for getting into the sap buckets. Other species are found on Fig. 88. Underside of abdomen of a female Machilis ?na>-iii>na, to show rudimentary limbs {a) of segments 2 to 9 ; c, cerci. (Enlarged) (After Oudemans, from Folsom) Fig. 89. The pond-sur- face springtail {^Stnyn- ihunis aquatiais) with spring extended. (Much enlarged) (After Schott, from Kellogg) BRISTLETAILS AND SPRINGTAILS 75 the surface of stagnant pools, in manure piles, in the decaying hollows of trees, in gardens, hotbeds, window boxes, and, in general, in moist places where decaying vegetation is found. They are usually microscopic in size, from one tenth to one twentieth of an inch long, but have an exceedingly inter- esting structure. Projecting forward from the underside of the next to the last ab- dominal segment is a long abdominal ap- pendage, or spring, by the extension of which the insect is enabled to shoot for- ward as if shot from a catapult, jumping a considerable distance. As the springtails feed only on decaying vegetation, they are never injurious, unless exceptional num- bers render them a nuisance. Occasionally such immense numbers of small spring- tails are found in manure heaps or on the surface of stagnant pools or ponds as to attract attention to them. Many of these little springtails are prettily colored with patterns composed of very minute scales. For this reason they are often used as test objects for microscopes, the quality of the lens being determined by its efficiency in revealing the very fine markings on these tiny scales. Fig. 90. Underside of the American springtail {Lepido- cyrtus atttericaniis) with the spring folded underneath the body. (Much enlarged) (After Howard and Marlatt) CHAPTER VIII COCKROACHES, GRASSHOPPERS, KATYDIDS, AND CRICKETS (ORTHOPTERA) Characteristics. Insects with four wings : the first pair, more or less leathery, not used for flight, and forming wing-covers for the hind-wings ; the second pair membranous, larger, with numerous veins, and folded like a fan. Mouth- parts formed for biting. Metamorphosis, incomplete. The members of this order are among the best known of any of our common insects, possibly because many of them form the Fig. 91. The German roach {Ectobia gennmiica) n, first stage ; b, second stage ; c, third stage ; d, fourth stage ; e, adult ; /, adult female with egg-case ; g, egg-case (enlarged) ; /;, adult with wings spread. {X\\ natural size except g.) (From Riley) main strength of the insect orchestra of a drowsy summer even- ing, while others are among the most destructive pests. We have already become fairly well acquainted with a common grasshopper (pp. 53-56) which forms a good type of the order. The biting mouth-parts, leathery fore-wings, and fanlike hind-wings make the order easily distinguishable, and from the latter characteristic comes the name " Orthoptera," from ortJws (straight) 2ivA pteron (wing), referring to the straight-folded wings. The order is divided into six families, which are readily distin- guished as regards both structure and habits. 76 ORTHOPTERA n Cockroaches, or running Orthoptera {Blattidae). The Croton bug, or German cockroach, is a famihar pest in all eastern cities, wherever kitchens, pantries, and living rooms are not kept scru- pulously clean. The name "Croton bug," as well as that of "water bug," comes from the fact that it was introduced into New York City about the same time as the Croton water system, with which it was associated in the popular mind. Roaches not only make themselves a nuisance by getting into everything, but Fig. 92. The oriental roach {Periplaneta orientalis). (Natural size) a, female : b^ male ; side view of female ; d^ half-grown nymph. (After Marlatt, United States Department o'f Agriculture) often do serious damage by gnawing the bindings of books, eating off wall paper, etc. Our common native species are larger, almost black, and live under stones and logs ; they are of no economic importance. The body of a roach is flattened, due to its habit of living in narrow cracks and similar out-of-the-way places, and the legs are long and enable it to run with remarkable swiftness for so awkward- looking an insect. About two dozen eggs are laid together in a single pod-shaped mass, which is covered with a brown cement, making it look much like a large bean, and is left lying in a crack or quite exposed. 7« ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The mantids, or grasping Orthoptera (Mantidae). Mantids are found commonly throughout the southern states, and form the only Fig. 93. The common European praying mantis (Afantis religiosa). (Natural size, from life) a, adult mantid patiently waiting or " praying " for its prey ; b, busily engaged in eating a live grasshopper. (After Slingerland) family of Orthoptera which is strictly predacious, as they feed en- tirely on other insects, and are therefore beneficial. They are curious- looking insects and are called praying mantes, from the prayerlike ORTHOPTERA 79 attitude assumed by the forelegs, which really, however, are merely held ready to quickly grasp any unwary insect prey which may come within reach. Early writers on natural history had many curious fancies concern- ing this insect, which are evinced by the name of our most common spe- cies, Alantis rcligiosa {mantis, "a prophet"), the name undoubtedly referring to the pious attitude. Fig. 94. Egg mass of the praying mantis. (Natural size) (After Slingerland) There are many local names for them, such as rear-horses, devil-horses, etc., while the southern negroes know them as mule killers and other sim- ilar names, from the supersti- tion that the brown saliva from their mouths will kill a mule. The eggs are laid in shingled masses, attached to a twig or weed, and are coated with a hard, gummy covering. The young, as well as the adults, feed on insects and are ex- tremely difficult to rear, as they are rabid cannibals, eating Fig. 95. Walking-stick resting on birch twig, the leaves of which were attacked by the birch-leaf skeletonizer (After Weed) 8o ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY each other with avidity. The adults have an extremely long prothorax, with a small transverse head, and long legs. In many tropical forms the wings are bright gi'een and closely resemble leaves, thoroughly protect- ing the insect as it awaits its prey. Walking-sticks, or walk- ing Orthoptera (Phasmidae). The walking-sticks are aptly described by their name ; so closely do they resemble the twig of a bush or tree that they are found with difficulty and usually quite by accident. Only one spe- cies occurs in the northern states, which feeds upon the foliage of forest trees and is particularly common on hazel and beech, the body color varying from greenish to brown according to the surroundings. In the tropics are many phasmids of large size and having wings which closely resemble leaves in both color and shape. The large, oval eggs are dropped loose upon the ground, where they pass the winter and hatch the next summer. The next three families all have the hind legs adapted for jumping, and are com- monly grouped together as the jumping Orthoptera. Most^ of the forms in these three families also have the ability to produce sounds either by their legs or j,,^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^jl^. wings. ing-stick Fig. 96. A pair of walking-sticks on a birch twi (Photograph by Weed) ORTHOPTERA 8l Fig. 98. The red-legged locust. (Natural size) (After Riley) The short-horned grasshoppers, or locusts (Acrididae). The word "grasshopper" is an American term for the insects which in the Old World are called locusts, as they are termed in the Biblical account of the Eg}^ptian plague of locusts. The locusts include all of our more com- mon grasshoppers, which have the antennae shorter than the body, and a short ovipositor. Man)- of them are seriously injurious. Their structure and life habits have alread}- been sufficiently discussed (Chaps. V, XVI), so that we shall merely consider a few of the more common and important forms. The most common throughout the East is the small red- legged locust {Melanoplus feniur-rubrtmi) and the nearly related lesser migra- tory locust {Mclanoplns at- lantis), hardly distinguish- able from each other by the casual observer, both of which are abundant in our pastures, and often do serious injury to grass and garden crops. One of the most common forms east of Fig. 99. Two-striped I'ii'ittafiis). grasshopper [Melanopliis (Natural size) (After Riley) Fig. 100. The bird grasshopper, or American locust. (Natural size) (After Riley) the Rockies is the Carolina locust, which flies up along the roadside and in waste places where it lives. It closely matches its surroundings 82 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY in color, but the hind-wings are black, with a broad yellow edge quite conspicuous in flight. Throughout the Mississippi Valley the differential locust {Mclaiiopliis ■diffcr- entialis) is one of the most destructive forms, being particu- larly injurious after floods, when it multi- plies rapidly on the un- cultivated land which has been flooded. A generation ago (i 874 -1877), the crops of the western part of the Mississippi Val- ley were utterly de- stroyed for several or migratory locusts Fig. ioi. Rocky Mountain locust laying eggs a, females ovipositing, with earth cut away to show tip of abdomen placing eggs at ysopa). (Greatly enlarged) (After S. J. Hunter) streams, where they feed on the young of various aquatic insects. They are readily recognized by the leglike appendages and a large tuft of tracheal gills on either side of each abdominal segment (Fig. 113). It requires nearly three years for the larva to become full grown, when it forms a cell beneath a stone, or some object near the bank, and pupates, the adult appearing about a month later. The adults are readily recognized, as they have a wing ex- panse of from four to five and one half inches and the males have remarkably long mandibles. On the rocks under which the larvae live the eggs are laid in chalklike masses of from two to three thousand. ? o-t: 91 92 ELEMENTARY ENTCJMOLOGY The aphis-lions {CJuysopidac) enemies of the noxious plant-Hce. are among the most important The lar\'as are small, dark-colored, spindle-shaped insects, from one fourth to one third of an inch long, with large, pincer- like jaws, much longer than the head, with which they grasp the aphides. On the inside of each mandible is a deep groove, against which the max- illa fits, thus forming a tube through which the juices of the (Photograph by Weed) ^^^^ ^^^ SUckcd intO the mOUth. When full grown, the larva spins a small, globular cocoon of pure white silk, in which it pupates. Frequently the old cocoons will be found with a small, circular lid which the adult has opened A Myrmeleonid, the ant-lion the aduh of Fig. 117. The ant-Uon a, larva of Myrmclcon sp. (three times natural size) ; b, pit of ant-lion, Myrmeleon sp., and below a pupal sand-cocoon from which the adult has just issued, the pupal skin remaining (natural size). (After Kellogg) in making its escape. The adults are about an inch long, of a deli- cate pale green color, with brown antennas and finely veined wings, which are held like a roof over the back, and which have given them the name of "lace-winged flies." The eyes are a glistening THE NERVE-WINGED INSECTS 93 Fig. ii8. A scorpion fly (Paiiorpa rttfesceiis) (Twice natural size) (After Kellogg) gold, from which they are sometimes called golden-eyes. The larvae feed not onlv upon plant-lice, but upon any soft-bodied insects which they can overpower, or on soft insect eggs, and will not infrequently attack their own species. The adults seem fully aware of these canni- balistic tastes, for they lay the little white eggs on stalks about half an inch high, placing them out of the reach of the larvae. In the undisturbed dust beneath an old shed, or beneath cliffs, or along warm banks, one will frequently find the little funnel-shaped pits of the ant-lions {Myrnielcojiidac), some- times locally known as " doodle bugs." At the bottom of the pit may be seen two out- stretched jaws awaiting any unwary insect which may slide down the crumbling sides. The larvae are not unlike those of the aphis-lions in general appearance, but have a larger abdomen and a small thorax and slender legs. The adults are dusky-colored, with long, narrow, delicate wings. They are poor fliers and are often attracted to lights (Fig. 1 16). The scorpion-flies (order Mecopterd) are readily distinguished by the long head, which is prolonged into a beak, at the end of which are the biting mouth-parts. They receive their common name " scorpion-flies " from the terminal segment of the males of the most common forms, which is enlarged and bears clasping organs, so that it looks like the fang at the tip of the body of a scorpion. They are entirely harmless, howe\'er, being car- nivorous both as adults and as larvas. The adults are most commonly found on foliage in shady places, though they not infrequently fly into lights, while the larvae look much like caterpillars and live in the soil. The caddis-flies (order Trichoptera) ^ have wings with but few cross veins but more or less densely clothed with hairs, thus being related ^ From t/in'x (a hair) ^nd pteroii (a wing). Fig. 1 19. Scorpion-fl)- larva {Paitorpa sp. times natural size) (After Felt, from Kellogg) (Three 94 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY to both the neuropterous insects and the Lepidoptera. The mouth- parts of the adults are quite rudimentary. The hind-wings are often somewhat larger than the fore-W'ings and are then folded under them in repose, the fore-wings being held like a roof over the back. The antennas are usually very long and slender. The lar- vae are aquatic and form an important item of fish food. Some of them build most interesting little cases from grains of gravel, small shells, bits of twigs, pine needles, or whatever rubbish may be at hand, lined within with silk, which they carr}' around with them, the head and thorax projecting out as they move or feed. Every small pool or brook harbors some of these interesting case bearers, which will hardly be distinguished except by closely watching the bottom until they are seen in motion. Most of these larvae are herbivorous, feeding on whatever vegetable matter is available, and look like small caterpillars. The caddis-worms of one group construct silken nets across small rapids, between stones, or upon the brink of little water- falls, which are doubtless of serv- ice in catching the tiny insects which float downstream, as the lar- vae which make them are known to be carnivorous. When ready to change to a pupa, the caddis- worm closes up the entrance to its case, but leaves an opening for the water to flow through so that the pupa can breathe, sometimes making a simple grating of silk over the entrance. Upon trans- forming to the adult the caddis-fly secures almost immediate use Fig. I20. Caddis-fly larval cases. (Enlarged) (After Furneaux) Fig. 121. Adult caddis-fly (Goiiioiaii- liiis dispcctiis Walk). (Enlarged) (After Xeedham) THE NERVE-WINGED INSECTS 95 of its wings, as is highly necessary if it is not to be drowned. Most insects require several minutes or even hours for the wings to ex- pand and harden, but Professor Comstock observed a caddis-fly which took flight immediately upon emergence from the water. The adults are usually gra)'ish, brownish, or dusky in color, marked with black or white, and are rarely observed except as they fly into lights. Pseudoneuroptera, with incomplete metamorphosis. All of the three orders just considered have a complete metamorphosis and are more or less closely related. The next three orders are all aquatic and have an incomplete metamorphosis, for which reason they are often grouped together as false Neuroptera {Psciuionciiroptcrd). The May-flies {Ephemenda) ^ are \^ ell named, for they are the most ephemeral of insects. The wings are exceedingly delicate and the fore-wings are much the larger, the hind-wings sometimes being entirely wanting. The mouth-parts of f ^^''^r " the adults are exceedingl)- rudimentary, fe* i/iM^:/' /. , / and they probably take no food. The Ml!'JAJLMm'it^ILJ:!ll antennse are short, but at the end of ^"'^- '--■ ^'^^^^ ^ net-building , , r 1 1 1 caddis-worm the long, soft abdomen are two or three , .... ,,., , (After Comstock) long, many-jomted, threadlike append- ages, the cerci, which are quite characteristic of the May-flies. On warm nights of late spring and early summer the lights of towns near rivers and lakes are often darkened by myriads of May-flies. They are light brown or dusky colored, with wings expanding from one to one and one half inches, and with cerci fully as long. The nymphs live at the bottom of ponds, streams, and lakes, feeding on small insects and vegetable matter in the ooze. Along either side of the nymph's abdomen is a row of delicate, platelike, fringed tracheal gills, through which it breathes, and at the tip of the abdomen are three feathery appendages. The legs are strong and enable it both to walk and to swim. The nymphs molt very frequently, there being as many as twenty molts in some species. After about the ninth molt the wing pads commence to appear on the back, and become 1 From cphemeros (lasting but a day). Fig. 123. May-flies {Ephemera varia Etn.) /, 2, side and back views of nymph ; 3^ 4, side and back view of adult male {Siphlurus alieniaius Say); j, 6, side and back view of nymph; 7, side view of adult male. (After Needham) 96 THE NERVE-WINGED INSECTS 97 Fig. 124. A stone-fly [Pteronarcys regalis). reduced) (After Newport, from Folsom) (Slightly larger with each successive molt, until the water nymph sheds its skin for the last time, the gills and mouth-parts are left behind, and the winged May- fly comes forth. After flying a short distance it alights and again sheds its skin, a thin layer coming off from all parts of the body, even from the wings, which process must certainly be the " exception which proves the rule, "for no other insects ever molt after becoming winged. The eggs are now deposited by the females either on the surface of the water or on stones beneath the surface, and in a few hours, or at most in a day or two, the adults die. The nymphs live from one to three years, according to the species, and form an important item of the food of fishes, but are otherwise of no economic importance. The stone-flies (order Plecopterd) ^ are quite similar to the May-flies in their general hab- its, but quite unlike them in appearance. The hind-wings are much larger than the fore- wings and are folded beneath them in plaits when at rest. The mouth-parts of the adults are of the biting type, but are often poorly developed. The antennae are rather long and slender, and usually there are two many- jointed cerci extending from the tip of the abdomen. The nymphs live beneath stones in swift-running streams and are from one ^ Yrom plecos (plaited), and fteron (wing). (After Comstock) Fig. 125. A stone-fly nymph 98 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY half to one and one half inches long ; with their long legs, and anten- nae and cerci projecting from either end, they have a very distinctive appearance, as shown in Fig. 125. Behind each leg is a clump of hairlike tracheal gills, very similar to those found on the dobson, through which they breathe. They are a favorite food of fishes, particularly of brook trout, and make excellent bait. When full grown the nymphs crawl upon rocks or reeds and transform to the adult stone-flies, the old skins being frequently found in such places. The adults are dull grayish or brownish, the more common forms being from one to one and one half inches long, and are usually found on foliage in shady places along streams. They probably take no food and live only long enough to lay the eggs. Some of the smaller spe- cies, about one fourth of an inch long, of a blackish color, are often common on snow in early spring, and frequent windows at that time. The dragon-flies and damsel- flies (order Odonata) are readily recognized by their long, nar- row, powerful wings, which are about equal in size and on the front margin of which is a little Fig. 126. A damsel-fly (Lestes uiicata Kirby), female (After Needham) notch and strong cross vein, called the nodus . The mouth-parts are well developed and are of the biting type, both larvae and adults being predacious upon other insects. The dragon-ffies and damsel-flies are distinguishable both as adults and as nymphs. The adult damsel- fly holds the wings vertically over the back when at rest, like a butter- fly ; the fore and hind wings are similar in shape, and the nymphs have three long, leaf like tracheal gills projecting from the tip of the abdomen. The dragon-flies hold their wings horizontally when at rest, the hind wings are usually much broader at the base, and the Fig. 127. Nymph of a damsel-fly (Lestes sp.). (Twice natural size) Showing the three leaflike tracheal gills at the tip of the abdomen. (After Kellogg) Fig. 128. Early stages of nymph of a dragon-fly (Aiiax jiniiits Dru.). (All en- larged) Showing changes of color pattern : A, newly hatched ; B, one fourth grown ; C, one half grown. (After Needham) Fig. 129. A dragon-fly and its development Nymphs feeding at / and j, showing extension of underlip or mask and the way prey is grasped by it ; 2, mature nymph ready to molt ; 4, skin of nymph from which the adult (j) has emerged. (After Brehm) 99 lOO ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY nymph has five converging, spinelike appendages at the tip of the abdomen. The dragon-flies are among the swiftest fliers, dart- ing here and there after small flies, and are impoitant enemies of mosquitoes. They have received many local names, such as darning needles, snake doctors, etc., with which are connected many curious superstitions of sewing up people's ears, bringing snakes to life, etc., of which they are of course entirely in- nocent. They are usually dark colored, though often brilliantly marked with metallic blue, green, and red. The damsel-flies are more slender-bodied and fly lazily about. The eggs are laid in the water or fastened to aquatic plants. From them hatch the little long-legged nymphs which may be found browsing in the ooze and mud of any pond. Dark-colored, flat, and spiny, they are hardly distinguishable from the debris of the bottom. They have a peculiar underlip, remarkably extensile, with two .powerful hooks at the tip, which, when thrown for- ward from the head, grasps the un- suspecting prey. When drawn in, the labium covers the front of the face and gives the nymph an exceed- ingly comical appearance, with its large, shrewd eyes on either side. The nymphs of the damsel-flies breathe through the tracheal gills at Fig. 130. A, part of two rows of respiratory folds from cuticular lining of rectum of dragon-fly nymph {^Esr/t/ni). The shaded parts are abundantly supplied with tracheal tubes, as shown at B, a small part of one leaflet highly magnified, showing many fine tra- cheal branches (Redrawn from Miall) the tip of the abdomen, but the dragon-fly nymphs have a peculiar way of drawing water into the rectum, whose walls are very thin and lined with numerous tra- chea, so that the air in the trachea is purified through the wall of the rectum as if it were a tracheal gill. The water from the rectum may be ejected forcibly, so as to drive the nymph suddenly for- ward. When full grown the nymph crawls up on a reed or plant ' WwoiS^ g ^.ii i i ' '"" ■' ' Fu;. 131. Development of a dragon-fly [Leiicorhinia glacialis Hagen) /, two nymphs on the bottom of the pond ; 2, the empty nymphal skin left clinging to a branch after transformation ; 3, the adult female ; 4,5, back and side views of the adult male (After Needham) loi I02 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY and molts for the last time, the adult quickly flying away and leaving the cast skin, which is often found intact and gives an excellent idea of the structure of the nymph, so remarkably unlike the adult in both form and habit. Fig. 132. Dragon-fly [Libelhda pulchella). (Slightly reduced) A, last nymphal skin ; i?, adult. (After Folsom) Summary of the Nerve-Winged Insects and their Relatives A. With complete metamorphosis : Order Nenroptera. Wings equal ; numerous cross veins. The dobsons {Sialidae). Larvae aquatic. The aphis-lions {Chrysopidae). Feed on aphides, etc. The ant-lions [Afyr/neleonidae). Larvae make pits in soil. Order Mecoptera. Scorpion-flies. Elongate head, and tip of abdomen fang- like. Larvae live underground. Order Trichoptera. Caddis-flies. Wings with few cross veins and clothed with hairs. Larvae live in water, many being case bearers. B. With incomplete metamorphosis {Psendo/ieuroptera) : Order Ephemerida. May-flies. Fore-wings much larger ; mouth-parts rudi- mentary. Nyrrlphs aquatic. Order Plecoptera. Stone-flies. Hind-wings larger and plaited beneath the fore-wings when at rest. Nymphs aquatic. Order Odonata. Dragon-flies and damsel-flies. Wings about equal in size, with a nodus on the front margin. Nymphs aquatic. CHAPTER X THE WHITE ANTS, BOOK-LICE, AND BIRD-LICE (PLATYPTERA) Characteristics. Insects with two pairs of delicate, membranous wings equal or the hind pair smaller, and with the principal veins few and simple, or entirely wingless ; mouth-parts, mandibulate ; body, flattened ; prothorax, broad ; meta- morphosis, incomplete. The Platyptera (from platys, "flat," d.ri^ ptcron, "a wing," allud- ing to the wings of the white ants, which lie flat on the back when at rest) include three groups, which are often considered as separate orders and are quite dis- tinct in appearance and habits, but may well be placed in a single or- der based upon the struc- tural characters given above. When present the wings are never net- veined, and the book-lice and bird-lice are wing- less. The body is usually flattened and the pro- thorax is usually well- developed and distinct. The white ants {Ter- mitidae) are well-known inhabitants of fallen logs and decaying wood, and are readily mistaken for ants by the casual observer. The light yellowish color and the fact that the abdomen is broadly joined to the thorax, with no toothed constriction, as in the true ants, easily distinguish them. Though entirely unrelated to the true ants, they have a very similar social organization, with several distinct castes, of which only the so-called 103 '^IW'"' Fir,. a, queen : White ants, or termites. (Enlarged) male; r, worker; d, soldier. (.After Jordan and Kellogg) I04 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY kings and queens are winged. The wings are long and narrow, somewhat leathery in texture, and are furnished with numerous but somewhat indistinct veins, are about equal in size, and are laid flat on the back when at rest. They have well-devel- oped biting mouth-parts, the mandibles of the sol- diers projecting well for- ward of the huge head. They are most abundant in the tropics, where they are serious pests of all kinds of woodwork, mining into foundations, posts, furniture, and whatever happens in their way. The nests of the tropical species are often of large size, form- ing mounds sometimes twelve feet high, or huge, roundish masses several feet thick attached to trees. But one species ( Tcrvicsflavipcs) Fig. 134. White ants' nest on trunk uf tree (at arrow) in Cuba (Photograph by Slingerland) Fig. 135. Psociis liiieatiis. (Much enlarged) (After J. B.Smith) is common throughout the United States ; it is usually found in old logs and stumps, but sometimes establishes its nests beneath THE WHITE ANTS, BOOK-LICE, AND BIRD-LICE 105 Fig. 136. A psocid (side view), showing position of wings at rest. (Thirteen times natural size) (After Kellogg) buildings, whose wooden foundations are then attacked and often so mined as to necessitate their removal. Such instances are more common in the South, but even in the North porch timbers are often attacked, and now and then the white ants invade a building ^ and thoroughly tunnel the studding and even the lathing. The workers of both sexes are wingless, of a dirty white color, and busy themselves in building their nests, caring for the young termites, and securing food for the whole colony. The soldiers are also of both sexes, wingless, and resemble the work- ers, except that the heads are of immense size, being frequently as large as the rest of the body, and bear very strong mandibles, which form effective weapons. The kings and queens are really merely fathers and mothers, for they produce the colony but do not rule it. In early summer the kings (males) and queens (females) swarm forth from the nest and, after a short flight, shed their wings. Individual males and females now mate and are ready to start a new colony, but unless they are found and established by some workers they perish, and thus only few of them ever survive. If a pair are fortunate enough to be discovered by some workers, they are provided with food and are imprisoned in a circular cell. The queen now commences to develop eggs, and her body enlarges enormously, finally becoming nothing but a huge sack, often six inches long, filled with eggs. She is fed by the workers, who carry away the eggs and rear the young, which resemble the adults in general form. Thus -the domestic economy of these colonies is hardly less interesting than that of the true ants. Book-lice. In neglected libraries or in old books which have been stored are to be found the tiny book-lice (Psocidae) which feed upon the paper bindings. They are exceedingly wise-looking little insects when examined with a lens, having all the appearance of being Fig. 137. A wingless book- louse (.-i/n'/i' J- sp.). (Greatly enlarged) (After Kellogg) io6 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY adapted to their surroundings. Other members of this family, called psocids, are winged and look much like large plant-lice. The wings are of a dusky color, have a very characteristic venation, and are held roof-shaped over the back. Psocids feed on lichens and decay- ing wood and are fre- quently found in large masses on fences or tree trunks, where they are suspected of doing mischief, but they are entirely harmless and need not be disturbed. The biting bird-lice (Mallophagd) are curious looking, wingless para- sites which infest the feathers of poultry and birds, while some infest sheep and mammals. They have biting mouth-parts and feed on feathers, hair, and bits of skin, thus differing from the true lice (see p. 121), which have sucking mouth-parts with which they extract the blood. The flat- tened bodies and curiously shaped heads enable one to identify them readily. A dust bath, with a frequent thorough cleansing of the poultry house by spraying with kerosene and then whitewash- ing, will usually prevent serious annoyance to poultry. Fig. 138. Biting lice (A/a//o^Aaga). (Greatly enlarged) a, turkey-louse {Goniodes siylifer Nitsch) (after Cuvier); b, the biting dog-louse (Trichodectes latus Nitsch) (after Denny). (From Osborn, United States Department of Agriculture) CHAPTER XI THE TRUE BUGS, APHIDES, AND SCALE INSECTS {HEMIPTERA) Characteristics. Insects with four wings, except in the parasitic forms ; fore- wings, thickened at the base, with membranous tips and overlapping on the back in the Heteroptera, but entirely membranous and sloping at the sides of the body in the suborder Homoptera ; mouth-parts, suctorial ; antennae, few- jointed ; metamorphosis, incomplete. Ordinarily all insects or small, insectlike animals are called bugs by the uninitiated, but when the entomologist speaks of a Fig. 139. Fore-wings of Heteroptera, showing thickened veins and arrangement of veins in membranous tip characteristic of various families /, Capsidae ; 2, Pyrrhocorldac ; s, I^ygaeidae ; 4, Coreidae ; j, A^abidac ; 6, Acantliidae (After Comstock) bug he refers to an insect of the order Hcmiptcra. The insects of this order are readily recognized by the strong, pointed suck- ing beak which extends from the head between the legs, and in which are inclosed the other mouth-parts, as already described (see p. 17). They develop with an incomplete metamorphosis, as has been described for the squash-bug (p. 50), which is a good ex- ample of one group. The name of the order, Haniptera, is de- rived from herni (half) and pteron (wing), but is really applicable to only one suborder, the Heteroptera. The name Heteroptera has a similar significance, referring to the fore-wings, which ha\'e the 107 io8 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 140. A winged pea aphis, illustrating the uni- form translucent, membranous texture and vena- tion of the wings of the Homoptera. (Much enlarged) basal half thickened and the tips membranous and overlapping, while the hind-wings are en- tirely membranous, so that the wings are unlike {hcicros), and the beak arises from the front of the head. In the other principal suborder, the Homoptera, the wings are membranous throughout and slope at the sides of the body like a roof, both pairs of wings being alike {hornoios), and the beak arises from the back of the head. A third suborder, the Para- sita, are entirely wingless, degen- erate forms which are parasitic on man and other mammals. Suborder Heteroptera The aquatic bugs. Several families of true bugs inhabit our streams, ponds, and lakes. The water-boatmen {Corisidac) are from one fourth to one half an inch long, and of a brownish color, but appear like glistening silver as they dive through the water, carrying with them a thin coatingof air which they breathe. Their near relatives, the back- swimmers {Notoncctidac), differ in that they swim upside down ,1 . , 1 1 . , 1 , Fig. 141. Back-swimmers {N'otoneda) on their backs, which are shaped ^^ ^,^ ^^^ water-boatman {Corixa) B. like the keel of a boat instead of (Slightly enlarged) being fiat. The water-scorpions (After Linville and Kelly) THE TRUE BUGS 109 {Nepidac) are so called from the long tube extending from the tip of the abdomen, which is thrust to the surface of the water for breathing. They are elongate insects, with long legs, the front Fig. 142. A water-scorpion [Rajiatra fitsca). (Enlarged) (After Lugger) pair being fitted for grasping their prey, and live on the stems of plants, which they closely resemble. The giant water-bugs {Belostoniidac) are probably better known to most boys as electric-light bugs, for with the advent of the arc light they have become very numerous on the streets on warm summer even- ings. The largest are over two inches long and can inflict a pain- ful wound with their strong beaks, which they use for preying upon other insects and small fish. These larger water-bugs, as well as the back swimmers, often become a serious pest where the artificial propagation of fish is attempted. Many of the females fasten their eggs to their own backs with a waterproof glue. Every one who has been fishing knows the water-striders {Hydro- hatidac) which dart here and there over the surface and suddenly Fig. 143. The undulating back- swimmer {A^ohviecta uiiditlata). (Twice natural size) (After Weed) B Fig. 144. A, the giant water-bug or electric-light bug {Belostoma aniericaiia) ; B, the western water-bug {Serphus sp.), male, with eggs deposited on its back by the female. (Natural size) (After Kellogg) Fig. 145. A water-strider [Hygrotrechits remigiis Say). (Enlarged) (After Lugger) Fig. 146. The masked bedbug hunter [Opsicoetus personatus Linn.), adult and dust-covered nymphs. (Enlarged) (After Brehm) Fig. 147. The big bedbug or bloodsucking cone-nose {Co7iorhiniis sattgjiistiga). (Enlarged) a, /', last stages of nymphs ; c, d, adults. (After Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) II I I 12 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY leap for some unwaty midge or other small insect. They usually occur together in some numbers, and some kinds have been seen on the ocean hundreds of miles from land. All of the aquatic bugs are predacious upon other insects or upon small aquatic animals or fish, and may therefore be either beneficial or injurious, according to the nature of the food. Fig. 14S. The wheel-bug (Prionidits cristatiis Linn.), eggs, nymphs, and adults (After Glover, United States Department of Agriculture) The predacious bugs. Several terrestrial families are predacious and may be conveniently considered together. The assassin-bugs {Rcduviidac) are well named in this respect. They feed on soft- bodied insects, but unfortunately are not discriminating in their choice, so that frequently beneficial insects are destroyed in large numbers. They are more common in the South, where one of the largest species is known as the wheel-bug {Arihis cristatiis) from the large hump, like a cogwheel, on the back. In the North are several species, commonly found around houses, one of which is THE TRUE BUGS 113 known as the masked bedbug hunter, from the habit of the nymph of covering itself with dust and rubbish so as to be thoroughly con- cealed as it waits in dusty corners for its prey. This species, with Fig. 149. Thread-legged bug {Emesa longipes De G.) (After Lugger) another {Melanolcstcs picipcs), was the subject of considerable newspaper notoriety a few years ago as the kissing bug, since it not infrequently attacks the lips of people while they are asleep. The Fig. 150. A damsel-bug (Coriscus subcoleoptents Kby. ) (After Lugger) thread-legged bugs {Evicsidac) are well described by their name, all of the legs being long and threadlike. The forelegs are fitted for grasping the prey, resembling those of the mantis, and the anten- nae are bent so as to simulate forelegs. They are sometimes found 114 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 151. Phymaia wolfii. (7, b, side and back views ; f, front leg ; Fig. 155. The harlequin cabbage-bug a, b, adults (natural size) ; c, side view of head with mandibular and maxillary setae out of beak ; d, eggs with newly hatched young ; e, nymphs ; /, egg masses with one egg hatching and newly hatched nymph on lower right mass scutellum enlarged so that it covers nearly the whole abdomen and gives the bug the appearance of a beetle, for which it is fre- quently mistaken by a beginner. They infest various plants and often injure berries by imparting their disagreeable odor, as do the stink-bugs. Plant-bugs. The remaining families of Heteroptera feed entirely on vegetation and may for convenience be grouped together as plant-bugs. They are all more or less elongate in form, with slender legs, and antennae about half the length of the body. The families THE TRUE BUGS 117 Fig. 156. Lace-bug [Corythuca aniiata Say), adult, eggs, and nymph (After Comstock, United States Department of Agriculture) are most readily distinguished by the venation of the front wings, several of which are shown in Fig. 139, p. 107. The lace-bugs {Tingiti- dae) are found commonly on the leaves of bass- wood, hawthorn, and quince, occasionally in- juring the latter. " One glance at the fine white meshes that cover the wings and spined thorax is sufficient," says Pro- fessor Comstock, "to dis- tinguish them from all other insects, for these are the only ones that are clothed from head to foot in fine white Brussels net." They are small insects, about the size of plant-lice, and suck the juices of the leaves. The eggs are cov- ered with a sticky sub- stance and look like fungi on the undersurface of the leaf. The leaf -bugs (Capsidae) form the largest family of Heteroptera, having over two hundred fifty species in this country. One of the most common species is the tarnished plant-bug {Lygus pj'atensis). This is yellowish- or greenish- brown in color, about one fourth of an inch long (Fig. 157), and at- tacks a great variety of plants, being injurious to nursery trees, sugar beets, strawberries, and various vegetables and flowering plants, causing the tips of plants like the dahlia and potato to Fig. 157. Tarnished plant-bug. (About four times natural size) (7, bj c, d, four stages of nymphs ; e, adult bug. (After Forbes and Chittenden) ii8 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY wither beyond the point where the httle bug has inserted its beak. The four-hned leaf-bug {Poecilocapsiis lineatus) is yellowish or P'iG. 158. The four-lined leaf-bug «, adult (enlarged) ; b, adult (natural size) ; c, single egg (greatly enlarged) ; d, lengthwise section of stem, showing eggs in position (enlarged). (After Slingerland) greenish, with four black stripes (Fig. 158), and is often a serious enemy of currants, laying its eggs in the stalks and thus killing the tips. The cotton leaf-bug is found throughout the country on Fig. 159. Cotton leaf-bug [Calocoris rapidiis) a, mature bug ; b, young nymph ; c, fourth stage of nymph ; d, fifth stage of nymph (Authors' illustration, United States Department of Agriculture) THE TRUE BUGS 119 various flowers and is sometimes an enemy of the sugar beet, but in the South it is best known for causing the cotton squares to drop and producing black spots and distortions of the bolls. It is dark Fig. 160. A stilt-bug {Jalysus sphiosiis Say). (Enlarged) (After Lugger) brown, with a narrow yellow border, the prothorax being )ellow and red with two black spots. Nearly related is the red-bug family [Py?-- rJiocoridac), named after the red-bug, or cotton-stainer {Dysdcrcus Fig. 161. The chinch-bug. (Much enlarged) Adult at left ; a, l>, eggs ; c, newly hatched nymph : , young nymph (enlarged); c, cast skin of full-grown nymph; d, side view of female to show beak, c, and ovipositor, /. (Natural size except i>.) (After Marlatt and Riley, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 168. Buffalo tree-hopper and twig of apple tree showing eggs and adult Adult (enlarged) at left ; a, adult (natural size) ; i, recent egg punctures ; , three female scales (considerably enlarged); c, female scale lifted from leaf, showing mass of eggs (enlarged). (After Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) eggs neath it. turity she dies and the old skin forms the scale which covers the laid be- The Lecaniums occur upon various greenhouse plants such as crotons, upon the peach and plum, and upon citrous fniits. The cottony maple scale is a species common on maple shade trees and gives off a mass of cottony wax in which the eggs are laid. The armored scales are much smaller, flat, circular, Fig. 185. The oyster- shell scale on poplar twig (Photograph by Weed) Fig. 184. The col- or elongate in outline, and tony maple scale 1 J ^ (Enlarged) mclude our most common ^ ^ , , . , (After Comstock) species. Upon hatching, the young scale insect crawls about for an hour or two and then settles down, inserts its beak in the leaf or bark, and henceforth the females remain in the same place. Soon waxy fila- ments commence to exude from the body, which mat down into a small scale covering the insect. When the skin is molted, it is added to the center or one end of the scale, which is gradually enlarged and assumes a characteristic shape. With the first molts the THE TRUE BUGS 133 female loses her legs and eyes, and the body becomes a mere mass of yellowish protoplasm with long, threadlike mouth-parts and a characteristic fringe of plates and hairs at the tip of the abdo- men, by which the species is principally distinguished. They are named armored scales be- cause the scales of this group are mere coverings and form no part of the insect. The scales of the males are much smaller than those of the females, and after the second molt the male goes into a true pupa stage (otherwise the Hemiptera have incomplete metamorphosis), the legs, wings, and antennae being outlined, and with the next molt the adult male emerges from the scale and flies, to fertilize the fe- male. The adult males of all the Coccidae have but a single pair of Fig. 186. Female San Jose scale, mature female insect removed from beneath it. (Greatly enlarged) (After Alwood) Fig. 187. n, winged male San Jose scale (much enlarged); A, young scale insect (enlarged 125 times) (After Alwood) wings, like the flies {Diptera), and bear long antennae and usually one or two long processes from the tip of the abdomen. They are very small whitish or yellowish insects, and usually fly at night, so 134 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY that they are rarely seen unless reared from the scales. Among the most common of the armored scales are the oyster-shell bark-louse (so called on account of the resemblance of the brown scale to an oyster Fig. i88. Peach twigs infested with San Jose scale. (Much enlarged) At left, large mature female and small young scales are clustered in a groove of the twig. At right is shown a large female scale with the scale proper raised, showing the insect beneath. (After Britton) shell), which is common on apple and several shade trees ; the San Jose scale, possibly the most serious pest of fruit trees ; the rose scale, common on roses, raspberries, and blackberry canes ; and the various fiat scales found on palms and other greenhouse and house plants. THE TRUE BUGS Summary of the Hemiptera I. Suborder Hctcropiera. Wings unlike. I . Aquatic bugs. The water-boatmen [Corisidae). The back-swimmers {Notonectidae). The water-scorpions {Xepidae). The giant water-bugs (Belosto)nidae). The water-striders {Hydrobatidae). 2. Predacious bugs. The assassin-bugs {Reduviidae). The long-legged bugs [E/nesidae). The damsel-bugs [A'cTbidae). The ambush-bugs {Phymatidae). The bedbugs {Acanthidae). The stink-bugs, or shield-shaped bugs {Pe/ifiifotfiidae). 3. Plant bugs. The stink-bugs, or shield-shaped bugs {Pentato>/iidae). The lace-bugs (Tingitidae). The leaf-bugs {Capsidae). The red-bugs {Pyrr/iocoridae). The stilt-bugs {Berytidae). The chinch-bugs {Lygeidae). The squash-bugs (Coreidae). II. Suborder Parasita. Wingless parasites of animals. III. Sxxhorder Ho7nopfera. Wings alike, translucent. 1. The. cicdidz.?, (Cicadidae). 2. The plant-hoppers. The tree-hoppers {Menibracidae). The frog-hoppers, or spittle insects {Cercopidae). The leaf-hoppers {Jassidae). 3. The psyllas, or jumping plant-lice {Psyllidae). 4. The plant-lice {Aphididae). 5. The scale insects (Coccidae). 135 CHAPTER XII THE BEETLES (COLEOPTERA) Characteristics. Fore-wings, horny or leathery, forming wing-covers (elytra), which meet in a straight line down the back ; hind-wings, membranous, tips folded back under the wing-covers when at rest ; mandibulate mouth-parts ; metamorphosis, complete. The hard wing-covers of this order are so characteristic that a beetle is commonly recognized as such, and they have given the Fig. 189. A water-scavenger beetle with wing-covers and wings expanded as when in flight. (Natural size) (After Folsom) order its scientific name, from coleos (a sheath) and pteron (a wing). The beetles form one of the largest orders, with over twelve thousand species in America north of Mexico, belonging to some eighty families, only the most common of which will be mentioned. They have a complete metamorphosis, the larvae being commonly called grubs, and the pupae are usually found either in the ground 136 THE BEETLES 137 or in the foodstuff of the larvae. Both larvae and adults have biting mouth-parts, similar to those of the grasshopper, the structure vary- ing with the food habits of the species. The families of beetles are divided into several groups, based largely on the structure of the tarsi and antennae, which aid the student in their identification. The order is primarily divided into the typical beetles {Coleoptcni gcnuina), in which the head is nor- mal, and the snout-beetles {RJiynchopJwra), in which the head is prolonged into a snout, or beak, at the tip of which are the biting mouth-parts. The Typical Beetles {Cqleoptera GENU IX a) Four principal sections of the families of typical beetles are distinguished by the num- ber of segments in the tarsi. L BEETLES WITH FIVE-JOINTED TARSI [PENTAMERA) The first section is distinguished by all of the tarsi being composed of five segments, and is divided into four tribes according to the structure of the antennae. " TJie Carnivorous Beetles {Adephagd) The carnivorous, or predacious, beetles include several families, all of which feed upon other insects and are therefore bene- ficial. The antennae are threadlike, with dis- tinct, cylindrical segments. Fig. 190. A tiger-beetle {Cicindela limbata). (Hair line shows natural size) (After Bruner) The tiger-beetles (Cicindelidae). Along sandy paths, roadsides, rail- road embankments, and in similar open, sunny spots, the tiger- beetles fly up and dart swiftly ahead as one approaches. They are swift runners and stalk their prey on foot. Most of our com- mon species are either a brilliant, metallic green or a brownish- bronze, banded or spotted with yellow. The larvae live in little burrows in the ground, the head appearing at the opening so that the eyes command the surroundings, and any unwar)' passing insect may be seized with the strong jaws. Toward the tip of the abdomen ivS ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY •«^vt.. is a decided hump, and surmounting it are strong, curved spines which serve as an anchor, so that a captured insect cannot drag the lar\^a from its burrow. The vo- racity of these beetles makes the name "tiger-beetle" fitting, but un- fortunately they are of little bene- fit to the farmer, as they do not frequent cultivated fields, and though they de- stroy many insects, but few of them are of any economic importance. The brilliant green species are favorites of collectors, and one must be some- thing of a sportsman to secure many of them, so readily do they fly. Like many other active insects they may often be easily caught towards sundown. Ground-beetles. Upon turning over a stone or a log, one frequently sees small, flat, black beetles scurrying away, which belong to the fam- ily of ground-beetles (Carabidac). Their name is Fig. iqi. A tiger" ^ o \ beetle and its lar- indicative of their habits, as their long legs fit va in its burrow. _ (Natural size) (After Linville and Kelly) them for chas- ing rapidly over the ground in pursuit of small insects, though some of them ascend trees in search of cater- pillars. This is a large family, which has some twelve hundred '^^ Fig. 192. A ground-beetle [Calosoma sp.) feeding on a country, and as cutworm ; below, a species of Ca7-abus both larvae and (After Brehm) THE BEETLES 139 adults feed on many of our most noxious insects, ground-beetles must rank among the farmer's best friends. The larvae live in the ground, or in places similar to those of the adults, and are also pre- dacious. The larvae are elongate, the body tapering slightly at either end, with the strong jaws projecting in front and two bristly append- ages at the tip of the abdomen. Our largest common species is the searcher {Caloscwm scrutator), whose wing-covers are a beautiful green or violet, mar- gined with reddish, and whose body is marked with blue, gold, green, and copper. It fre- quently ascends trees in search of caterpillars, and, with nearly related species, often does good work in destroying large numbers of them when they become overabun- dant. A European spe- cies of this genus has recently been imported into Massachusetts to prey upon the gypsy- moth caterpillars. A medium-sized species with yellowish-red head and thorax and bright blue wing-covers {Lcbia (After Howard, United States Department of Agriculture) graiiciis) (Fig. 195) has made a name for itself as an enemy of the eggs and larv^ of the Colorado potato-beetle. Our most common species are from one fourth to one half an inch long, either shining black or with greenish, bluish, or coppery reflections, and veiy frequently fly to lights in considerable numbers. Their larvae feed on soft-bodied insects which go into the ground to pupate, such as the plum curculio and others, while the larger ones are among the most important enemies of cutworms and various caterpillars. Fig. 193. European ground-beetle {Calosoma sycGphattia) imported to prey on the gypsy and brown-tail moths I40 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The predacious diving-beetles (Dytisci- dae) are to be found in any pond, where they may be seen suspended at the sur- face of the water with the tip of the abdo- men thrust up so that air may be drawn in under the elytra, or diving here and there after their prey, which consists of any insects that they can overpower, small aquatic animals, and occasionally small fish. The largest species are about an inch long, while the commoner ones are one half or three fourths as large and are brownish-black, often marked with dull yellow. The hind legs are long, flattened, and fringed with hairs, forming admirable swim- ming organs. The larvae are elongate, spindle- shaped grubs, with strong, ferocious-looking jaws, with which they grasp and suck out the juices of their prey, which has given them the name of water-tigers. Whirligig-beetles. Every pool is the home of a school of the well-known whirligig-beetles {Gyri- nidac), which chase each other over the surface, where they feed on small insects which fall into the water. They are usually much smaller than the last-named family, are oval in shape, much flattened, of a jet-black color, and Fig. 194. A ground-beetle (Calosoiiia calichiin). (Natural size) Fig. 195. Lebia grandis, an im- portant enemy of the potato-beetle (Enlarged) Fig. 196. A common ground-beetle {Harpahis caliginosus). (Enlarged) A, its larva; B, head of larva, showing mouth-parts. (After Riley) THE BEETLES 141 are readily recognizable by the front margin of the head extending across the eyes so that there seems to be a pair of eyes on both the upper and the under surface. The Club-Homed Beetles {Clavieoi-Jiia) The antennae of the beetles of this tribe are either '^ gradually or abruptly thickened toward the tip so as to form a club. The common families either live as scav- engers or feed on stored products, but there is a large series of small fam- ilies with the most varied habits, al- though not many include species of serious economic importance. The water-scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae) closely resemble the predacious diving-beetles, but are more convex above and more flattened below, have more highly polished wing-covers, and have Fig. 197. A predacious diving-beetle (Dytiscus sp.). (Natural size) (r, larva, or "water-tiger"; h, pupa; c, adult. (After Kellogg) Fig. 198. Whirligig-beetles {Uyr/in.!\u ]. 1 Xaiural sizci (.\fter Linville and Kelly) antennae that are decidedly clubbed, though often concealed beneath the head. They feed on decaying animal and plant tissues, though they not uncommonly catch small insects, and the larvae feed 14: ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY entirely on insects, snails, tadpoles, etc. Both middle and hind legs are developed for swimming and are used alternately. 'ucA/k^.:^~-^:^^=l^ Fig. 199. Water-scavenger beetles [Ilydrophilits sp.), larva, and peculiar egg mass on leaf (After Brehm) Carrion-beetles (Silphidae). Wherever a dead animal has. been left exposed, the carrion- or burying-beetles may be found feeding upon' it. The more com- mon carrion-beetles of the genus SilpJia are of a broad, oval shape, much flattened, with small heads, and feed beneath the car- rion. The burying-beetles {Xccropliorus) are much larger, from an inch to an inch and a half long, with thick, stout, rectangular bodies, and with large , ,,, , , heads. The common spe- A burying-beetle [Aecrophonis sp.). , , , • , (Slightly enlarged) cies are blackish, marked (After Linviiie and Kelly) with dull red. Their name Fig. 200. THE BEETLES 143 Fig. 201. A carrion-beetle (Silpka iiovaboraceiisis) and (One and one half times natural size) (After Kellogg) larv; is derived from their habit of excavating beneath dead animals, which they gradually drop beneath the surface and then cover with soil. Both adults and larvae feed on decomposing animals and are among the chief natural agents for their sanitary disposal, though some species are predacious and others feed on decaying fungi. The larvae are black, flattened, with the segments sharply marked, and are found with the adults. The rove-beetles (Staphylinidae). The rove-beetles are readily recognized by the very short wing-covers, usually not o\'er a third of the length of the abdo- men. Most species are very small, but the more common ones are from half an inch to an inch long, with narrow, parallel- sided bodies. They run about swiftly and when disturbed curl up the abdomen as if to sting. The larger common species are found with the SilpJiidac feeding on carrion or decaying organic matter, being commonly found in dump heaps, while the smaller species feed on pollen, fungi, or small insects. Cucujidae. The saw-toothed grain-beetle {Silvamis siirinaniensis), which is one of our commonest grain pests, is a good ex- ample of the small family Citcujidac. It is a small, flat beetle, an eighth of an inch long, and readily distinguished from other small grain insects by the ser- rated edges of the thorax. It feeds also on all sorts of fruits, seeds, and dry pantry stores, as do the little whitish larvae. The other com- mon species are much-flattened beetles which live beneath bark and feed upon small insects and fungi. One of these {Cticnjtis clavipes) is a bright red, with eyes and antennae black and tibiae and tarsi dark, and is readily recognized by the thin body. Larder-beetles. Every housewife knows that she must be on the lookout for the small carpet-beetle, often called the buffalo-moth {AiitJircnus scropJinlai-ia), and for the larder-beetle {Dcrmestes Fig. 202. A rove-beetle and its larva 144 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY lardarius), in stored meats or feathers. These are typical represent- atives of a small family, Dcrmestidac, of oval, plump beetles, the largest being about one third of an inch long. They are usually grayish, brownish, or blackish, marked with colors due to minute scales with which the body is covered. All of this family feed on Fig. 203. The saw-toothed grain-beetle. (Much enlarged) a, adult; /', pupa; <-, larva. (After Chittenden, United States Department of Agriculture) dried animal substances, and some of the smaller species are par- ticularly noxious to the entomologist, as they are the worst pests which he has to combat in his collection cases. TJic Saxv-Horncd Beetles {Serrieornia) The tribe of saw-horned beetles includes several families of quite different habits, which are very loosely related by all having serrated antennae, the segments of the antennae being prolonged inward so as to give the whole antenna a saw-toothed or serrate appearance. Click-beetles. Every boy knows the long click-beetles, or snap- ping beetles {Elateridae), which, when placed on their backs, will flop up in the air with a decided click, or snap. They are flat, elongate beetles, the commoner forms being about three fourths of an inch long and of a dull brown color. The head is small and the posterior angles of the thorax are much prolonged, giving it Fig. 204. The carpet-beetle, or buffalo-moth. (Enlarged) a, larva ; /', pupa in lar\-al skin ; f, pupa from below ; d, adult. (After Kiley) Fig. 205. The larder-beetle. (Enlarged) a, lar\-a ; /', pupa ; <■, adult beetle, (.\fter Howard, United States Department of .Agriculture) 14s 146 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY a characteristic shield shape. The larvae are known as wire-worms and are among the worst pests of corn and small grains. Some wire-worms live under bark and in decaying wood, the adult of one of these being the common eyed elater {Alans ociilatjis), a large species an inch and a half long, blackish, flecked with gray, with two large, velvet-black, white-rimmed eyespots on the thorax, which give it a very wise appearance. The metallic wood-borers {Bupres- tidae) have much the same general shape as the click-beetles, but the tips of the elytra are more pointed, the beetles are unable to spring, and their colors are metallic. The adults are medi- um-sized beetles, often found on flowers or bark, and do no harm as adults. The larvae are flat, whitish grubs with small, brown heads Fig. 206. The eyed elater (Ahn/ ocitlatus.) (Slightly enlarged) (After Linville and Kelly) Fig. 207. a, beetle of wheat wire-worm [Agriotes 7na>icHs) ; /', beetle of Drasterius elegans ; c, larva of same. (Much enlarged) (After Forbes) THE BEETLES 147 and with the prothorax greatly widened, giving them the name "flat-headed borers," which is also often applied to the family. They are to be found beneath bark, making irregular cham- bers in the sapwood and in the inside of the bark. Some feed only on dead or dying tim- ber, while others, like the flat-headed apple-borer, attack healthy trees and often cause their destruction. One of the common smaller species is the red-necked blackberry-borer. It is a third of an inch long, with black wing-covers, dark bronze head, and coppery bronze prothorax. The larva bores in the sapwood of the rasp- berry and blackberry, causing a gall-lik^ swelling, and when full grown bores into the pith, where it pupates. m^ The fireflies {Lampyri- dae) which twinkle in the dusk of a warm summer evening are not realh' flies, but beetles, though their bodies and wing- covers are much softer in texture than those of most beetles Fic. ::oS. Flat-headed apple-tree borer. (Twice natural size) a, \zT\a ; I', beetle ; c, head of male ; /i A^> birds among colonies ^ ^--et*-^ C ^^f of plant-lice that they are frequently mis- taken as the parents of the aphides, and the misguided grower carefully picks them off and destroys them, thinking he is elimi- nating the cause of the aphid infestation, whereas he is really destroying nature's most efficient agents for its alleviation. The eggs are laid in little yellow masses on the leaves or bark where- ever food is abundant. The lan-^ are commonly about one fourth of an inch long, strongly tapering at either end,' with long legs, and often marked with spiny processes. They run here and there in search of food, feed voracioush- on any unlucky plant-lice or insects' eggs which fall in their path, and, when full grown, attach themselves to bark, leaves, or fences by the tip of the abdomen and there pupate, the cast lar\^al skin often remaining over the pupa. The beetles hibernate over winter. The nine-spotted ladybird {Coccinella g-notata) is one of the larger common }"ellow species, with nine black spots, and the little two-spotted ladybird {Adalia bipiinctata) is smaller, slightly broader, and frequently associated with the former species. The twice-stabbed ladybird {Chiloconis biviilnerns) is black with a red spot on each wing-co\'er. Its spiny larv'a is black, and, with the adult, feeds upon scale Fig. 238. The twire-stabbed ladybird-beetle {Chi/oconts biviilnerits Muls.) and laiA'a. (Enlarged) (.A.fter Riley) THE BEETLES 163 insects, often checking their increase notice- ably. Recently a very similar species, the Asiatic ladybird, was imported from China to prey upon the San Jose scale, but has not be- come established in this country. Several very small, black species of the genus Microweisea, with their little black larvae, are also among the most effective enemies of scale insects. One of the most remarkable cases of the utilization of a beneficial insect was the intro- duction into California of the Australian lady- bird {Vedalia cardinalis), which in a few years was able to almost entirely subdue the cottony cushion-scale, which was destroying the orange trees. Unfortunately, there are some sinners among the ladybirds, for there are one or two large, hemispherical, black-spotted, yellow spe- cies of the genus Epilachna, which defoliate Fig. 239. Pup^ of the cucumbers, melons, and beans. twice-stabbed ladybird- beetle, in cast larval skins IV. BEETLES WITH DIF- FERENT-JOINTED TARSI {HETEROMERA) The section Hctcroin- era is distinguished by having the front and mid- dle feet with five tarsal segments, while the hind feet have but four ; hence the name "different- jointed." A number of small, obscure families are included in this sec- tion, only two being of sufficient importance to warrant consideration. Fig. 240. Australian ladybird-beetle (JVovius cardinalis), the enemy of the white scale. (Natural size) a, ladybird lan'ae feeding on adult female and egg sac ; /', pupa ; c, adult ladybird ; d, orange twig, showing scales and ladybirds. (After Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 241. Mkroweisea misella, a small black ladybird-beetle which feeds on scales. (All greatly enlarged) (?, beetle ; /', larva ; c, pupa ; d, blossom end of pear, shovvino; San Jose scales upon which the beetles and their larvae are feeding, and pupae in the calyx. (After Howard and Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 242. The squash ladybird-beetle (7, larva ; b, pupa ; f, adult beetle (three times natural size) ; ._ Fig. 243. The meal-worm ( Tenehrio molitor) (7. lana : /■, pupa; c, female beetle ; y~<^)- (After Chittenden, United States Department of Agriculture) sculptured. They attack corn, timothy, and other grasses, particu- larly the coarse swamp grasses and sedges. The fat white larvse «^ led Fig. 255. The fruit-tree bark-beetle {Scolyttis ntgulosits) a, adult ; li, same in profile ; c, pupa ; iiis thoe Boisd.), female (After Fiske) butterflies which flit along the road- sides in spring. Others are blackish or bluish above, often with two or more fine, threadlike tails extending from the hind-wings, and are marked with fine, hairlike streaks on the under- surface, which has given them the name of " hair streaks." The larvae are quite different from other cater- pillars, being flat, elliptical in outline (with the head retracted), and quite sluglike in appearance. Very few of them are ever injurious, the worst offender being the cotton-square borer {Uranotcs melli- nns), which bores into cotton squares and occasionally attacks beans and cowpeas by eating into the pods. The four-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae) include most of our common larger forms, and are so called on account of the great reduction of the fore-legs ; this makes them of no service in walking, and the legs are folded on the breast. The common monarch, or milk- weed, butterfly (Anosia plexippns), whose green, black-ringed caterpillars feed upon the foliage of the milkweed, is a good example of the family. The spiny elm caterpil- lar, already described (see p. 63), also belongs here. The dark, reddish-brown butterflies of the hop mer- chant {Polygonia comma) are of interest, for when they fold their ragged- edged wings and alight Fig. 270. The acadian hair- streak (Thecla acadica Edw.), underside of female (Photograph by Fiske) Fig. 71. The cotton square-borer {L'ranotes melliniii). (All somewhat enlarged) a, dorsal view of butterfly ; b, butterfly with wings closed; c, larva (side view) ; J, pupa. (After Howard, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 273. The viceroy butterfly (Ba- Fig. 272. The monarch butterfly (Anoiia silarchia archippus) and its chrysalis. plexippus) on thistle. (Reduced) (Reduced) (Photograph by Weed) (Photograph by Weed) Fig. 274. Caterpillar and chrysalis of the monarch butterfly (Photograph by Weed) 180 Fig. 276. The myrina butuill)- {Ar- gynnis myrina Cramer), male (After Fiske) Fig. 275. Caterpillar of the viceroy butterfly. (Reduced) (Photograph by Weed) L// ' "<-►■; Fig. 277. Harris's butterfly {McUtaea harrisii Scud.), undersurface, male (Photograph by Fiske) Fig. 278. The tharos butterfly {Phy- ciodes tharos Dru.), female, upper and under surfaces (After Fiske) Fig. 279. The American tortoise butterfly [Vanessa milberti Godart), upper and under surfaces (After.Fiske) iSi I«2 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 2^ Hunter's butterfl\- (jyi-aiiu Fab.), male (After Fiske) I III lit era among dead leaves, as they frequently do when pursued in woodland, the underwings so closely resemble the leaves as to make them quite indis- tinguishable. A bright, silvery comma is seen on the underside of each hind-wing, which gives the specific name. The larvae are red- dish or yellowish, with black head and black- j branched spines ; they feed on elm and net- tles, though they are better known as pests of the hop-vine. The dull, grayish-brown butterflies, with numerous eyespots on the borders of their wings, which flit through our woodlands like changing shadows, are known as meadow-browns, or satyrs, and also belong to this large family. The larvae of the more common species feed on grass, and may be recognized by the caudal segment being bifurcated. The fritillaries, or argynnids, are another group of common butter- flies included in this family. They are usually of medium size, of a golden-brown color, marked with rows of black spots above and with bright, silvery spots on the under- surface. There are several species which are very difficult to distin- guish, and whose caterpillars feed on violets. One of the smaller fk, ^gi. Hunter's butterfly at rest, species, very similar to the larger showing underwing and chrysalis forms, is illustrated in Fig. 276, (Photograph by weed) THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 183 Moths The moths fly by night, are readily attracted to Hghts, and are often called millers. When at rest the wings are folded upon or around the abdomen. The an- tennas are thread- like or feathered, but are never en- larged at the tip. In striking con- trast to the butter- flies, most of our moths are little in evidence, but al- most all of their caterpillars are in- jurious and require incessant fighting to control them. No attempt will be made to indicate the natural relationships of the families, which will be grouped and described in such a way as to best aid in their recogni- tion. Several of the more un- common families have been purposely omitted from the discussion. Three large, nearly related families of small moths are commonly grouped together as Microlepidoptera, on account of their relatively small size in contrast to the remaining fam- ilies. The laro^er moths and the Fig. 282. The white-banded purple butterfly {Linieiiitis arthemis Dru.), male (After Fiske) Fig. 283. The canthus butterfly 'T c\cd brown [Xeoiivinpha caitthiis Boisd. and Lee), undersurface (After Fiske) butterflies are termed Macrolepidoptera. This grouping together of the larger and smaller moths is a classification for the conven- ience of the collector and is not based on any specific difference of structure. 1 84 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY MICROLEPIDOPTERA The tineids (Tineidae) are our smallest moths and may be dis- tinguished by the long, narrow wings having a broad fringe of hair, particularly on the hind-wings, which are often very Fig. 284. A tineid leaf-miner of the oak {[Jthocolletis hamaihyadella) a, I), larva, flat and round forms ; c, pupa ; d, moth ; c, oak leaf showing mines, with cocoons sxf,f. (After Comstock) narrow, with a fringe several times as broad. Many of the larvae are leaf-miners, feeding between the surfaces of leaves, in which they tunnel out mines whose shape is charac- teristic of the species; some are linear, others serpentine, some are trumpet-shaped, while others are irregular blotches. These little larvae are usually white, and are very much flattened, with small, wedge-shaped heads, Fig. 285. The apple leaf-miner. (Greatly enlarged) a, moth ; b^ moth at rest ; c, larva ; d, pupa. (After Quain- tance, United States Department of Agriculture) THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 185 with only rudiments of legs, and with the abdomen constricted between the segments. Many of them hibernate in the fallen Fig. 286. The cigar case-bearer. (Much enlarged) a, female moth ; /', side view of pupa ; r, larva ; d, egg ; e, wing venation ; /, upper view of cigar-shaped case with three-lobed opening at tip ; g^ side view of same ; li, the case as it appears in the spring ; /, the fall and winter case. (After Hammar, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture) leaves, in which they pupate and transform the next summer. A well-known example is the apple-leaf trumpet miner {TiscJieria malifoliella), whose brown, trumpet-shaped mines are common in apple leaves and often cause con- siderable damage. Some of the cat- erpillars of this family make little cases of silk, in which they reside and which are carried over the abdomen as they feed on the foli- age, much like the shell of a snail. Common examples are the pistol-case bearer and the cigar- case bearer, which are common on apple foliage and are so named F"iG. 287. The case-making clothes moth {Tinea pellioitella). (Enlarged) ix, adult ; /', lar\-a ; c, larva in case. (After Riley) 1 86 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 288. The angumois grain-moth [Sitotroga cerealella 01.). (Enlarged) rt, eggs ; b, larva at work ; f, larva ; d, pupa ; ^, /", moth. (After Chittenden, United States Department of Agriculture) from the shapes of the cases. Nearly related to them are the little clothes moths, the plague of every housekeeper, which feed on woolens, furs, etc. There are several species : one makes a case of bits of food fastened to- gether with silk, another builds a tube, and a third feeds unprotected. The more common forms are of a brown color and may be distin- guished from other small moths which frequent the house by the broad fringe to the wings already mentioned. Another mem- ber of this family which is a serious pest of stored corn in the South is the angumois grain-moth {GclecJiia cerealella), whose larvae live in the kernels of corn and annu- ally destroy millions of dollars' worth. The leaf -rollers {Tortricidae). Here and there on various shrubs and plants will be found leaves which have been rolled up and fastened together with silk by a little cater- pillar living within. Most of this is done by the leaf-rollers, which are the most characteristic of the family Tortricidae, though by no means all leaf-rollers belong to this group. The oblique-banded leaf -roller {ArcJiips rosaceana) is found commonly on roses and various fruit trees, occa- sionally becoming injurious, while its ■Bfrf ^<^ Fig. 289. The oblique-banded leaf- roller {Archips rosaceana). (Slightly enlarged) a, egg-mass ; l>, larva ; r, pupa ; d, female moth ; c, male moth THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 187 near relative, the cherry-tree leaf-roller (A. ccrasivorana), festoons the branches of the wild and cultivated cherries with its large nests of leaves fastened together with silk, in which a whole brood of the yellow larvae live and transform. Another group of this family includes the well-known codling moth (Cydia povwnclla), the worst pest of the apple grower, and the eye-spotted bud moth [Tnictoccra occllana), which bores in the young buds of the apple, as well as nu- merous other larvae which bore in the buds, termi- nal twigs, fruits, and seeds of va- rious trees and plants. The pyralids. The third family, Pymlidae, includes some half dozen families of quite di- verse appearance and habits, among which are the larger "micros," some of the largest having a wing expanse of one and one half inches and being larger than the smaller forms of the macrolepidoptera. Many of the caterpillars be- longing to this group attack low-growing vegeta- tion, the garden web-worm {Lo- xostege siniila- lis) being one which now and then becomes a pest in various parts of the country, attacking gar- 1 1,1 Fig. 2Q2. Codling-moth larva in its den crops, sugar beets and young ,,i,,ter cocoon under a bit of bark cotton, and corn. The full-grown (Enlarged and natural size) Fig. 291. The codling moth. (Enlarged) (After Slingerland) Fig. 290. Web and empty pupal skins of the cherry leaf- roller [Archips cerasi- vorana). (Reduced) (Photograph by W'eed) 1 88 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY caterpillars are slightly over an inch long, yellowish or yellowish- green, marked with numerous shining black tubercles or warts, and may be recog- nized by the fine web which they spin over the food. The moths are of a yellowish-buff color, with darker mark- ings (see Fig. 293). The melon caterpil- lar and the pickle- worm ( DiapJiania hvalinata and iiiti- dalis) are serious crop pests in the Gulf States, though they occur farther north and in the West. The caterpillars are about an inch long, yellowish or greenish-yellow, and feed on the foliage, flowers, and fruit. Among the typical pyralids is the clover-hay Fig. 293. The garden web-worm (Loxostet^'c siniilalis) a, male moth : b, larva, lateral view : c, larva, dorsal view ; antennae. The females of our common species, of which the white-marked tussock-moth i^Hcincrocampa leucostigma) is a good example, are wingless and look more like hairy grubs or fat spiders than moths. These wingless females pair as soon as they emerge from the cocoons, and then lay their eggs upon them and die. The eggs of this species are usually found on the trunks of trees, and are covered with a white substance looking like frosting. The caterpillar is ' about one and one half inches long, with a pair of black pencils of hairs projecting a half inch forward on either side of the head, and a single pencil of similar length extend- ing from the tip of the abdomen. The head and a small glandular dot on the center of the sixth and seventh abdom- «. - «.T7«> ' • inal segments are ^^E Vf bright red, the body ^^■^K -^ is yellow banded with ^^^^^ black, and the first four abdominal seg- ments bear brushlike tufts of white hairs. This species often becomes a serious pest of shade and fruit trees, while nearly related species are common but not so injurious. To this family belong the gypsy moth {Porthctria dispar) and the brown- tail moth {Ejiproctis chryson'hoed), both of which have been imported from Europe into New England, where they have done enormous damage to trees of all kinds. The male gypsy moth is tawny brown, with black markings, while the female is much larger, and is white, with wavy blackish lines across the wings. The female is unable to use her wings for flight, and lays her eggs on ■h Fig. 321. Male and female gypsy moths size) (Natural (After Forbush and Fernald) THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 205 Fig. 322. Gypsy-moth caterpillars. (Natural size) (After Britton) the bark near the cocoon. The caterpillar is two and one half inches long when full grown, of a dark, sooty color, somewhat hair)', and with a double row of five pairs of blue and six pairs of red tuber- cles down the middle of the back, which distinguish it from all other com- mon caterpillars. The brown-tail moths are pure white, with a brown tuft of hairs at the tip of the abdomen, more prominent in the female. Both sexes are strong flyers and are carried readily by the wind. The eggs are laid in a mass on the foliage and are covered with brown hairs from the tip of the female's abdomen. They hatch early in August, and after feeding two or three weeks the little caterpillars draw p,^^ .,._ ^nre brown-tail moth, the leaves together at the tips of the male and female. (Natural size) 206 ELEMENTARY ENl'OMOLOGY Fig. 324. The brown-tail-moth caterpillar, from side and back. (Natural size) branches with strands of silk and in them spin Httle silken cells, the whole forming a strong web, within which they pass the winter and emerge to complete their growth in the spring. The caterpillars defoliate fruit and shade trees, but never attack conifers, as do the partly grown gypsy-moth caterj3illars. They are one and one half inches long, of a dark brown color marked with patches of orange, and covered with numerous long, barbed hairs. On the side of each segment is a characteristic white dash, and the little red spots characteristic of this family are found on the center of the sixth and seventh abdom- inal segments. The tubercles along the back and sides are thickly covered with short brown hairs, the masses having a velvety appearance. These are the nettling hairs, which, when they alight on the skin, produce an eruption very similar to that caused by poison ivy, and which is so painful and annoying that, where the cater- pillars become abundant, they render life miserable for the inhabitants dur- ing early summer. As the nests of this pest have been imported on pear seedlings by nurserymen in almost every state during the past two years, it will be remarkable if it is not soon found outside of New England, and should be constantly watched for, so that it may be brought under control at once before it spreads. This family is a small one, and has almost no species r • • , • 1 • tit;- 321;. Winter web of the of economic importance m this country brown-tail-moth caterpillars other than those mentioned. (Reduced) THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 207 Fig. 326. The salt-marsh caterpillar (Estigt/iLiic acraL-a), one of the " woolly bears " The tiger-moths (Arctiidae) are well named, for many of them are conspicuously striped or spotted with orange, red, or black. Among the larvae are the well- known hairy "woolly bears," which crawl across the walks in late fall and early spring, faithful harbingers of winter and summer. The moths are frequently attracted to lights, when their brilliant colors al- ways command attention. On some of the larvae the hairs are massed into brushes much like those of the tussock-moths, as is the case with the com- mon harlequin milkweed cater- pillar {Cj'cnia eglc), which is Fig. 327. The hickory tiger-moth [Hale- sidoia caryae) and its larva clothed with tufts of orange, black, and white hairs, and is the most Fig. 728. The common red-and-black , -n ,1 ^^^ caterpillar of the Isabella tiger-moth COmmon caterpillar on the milk- {Pyrrharctia isabeiid) wccd. Our most common species (After comstock) is possibly the Isabella tiger-moth 208 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY {Pyrrharctia isabclla), whose hairy larva is reddish-brown in the middle and black at either end. It does but litde harm, but is the species commonly seen on walks in fall and spring, so that it is well known. The fall web-worm is the common caterpil- lar which covers our fruit trees with its unsightly webs in late sum- mer. The moths are pure white or spotted with black. The caterpillars vary from yellow- ish to blackish, with darker lines and spots, and are covered with long hairs. Most of the caterpillars of this family feed on low-growing vege- tation and weeds ; several now and then become over- abundant and at- tack garden crops. Fig. 329. The fall web-worm. (All slightly enlarged) (7, light form of full grown larva; /', dark form of same ; r, pupa ; d, spotted form of moth. (After Howard, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture) The hawk-moths {Sphingidae) are sometimes called humming- bird moths, for the larger species are fully as large as a humming bird, with three to five inches wing expanse, and are frequently found hovering over petunias and similar flowers on warm summer evenings. They are easily recognized from their long, spindle- shaped bodies, strong, narrow wings, and thick, prismatic antennae, which are often curved back at the tip, forming a slight hook. The THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 209 proboscis is very long, in some species being twice as long as the body, and is coiled up under the head like a watch spring. Many of the caterpillars are known as hornworms, from the strong horn on top of the last segment, which is quite characteristic of the family, though in some cases it is replaced by a bright, glassy eyespot. "When at rest," says Dr. J. B. Smith, "some of them have the habit of elevating the front part of the body and curling the head under a little, giving them a fancied resemblance to a spJiinx, and from this the scientific name has been derived." A well- known example of this family is the large green tobacco or toma- to worm {Phlege- thontiiis q?nnq?ic- viacnlata),\N\\\ch. rags the foliage of these plants, and is the tobac- co grower's worst enemy. It has slanting white stripes along its sides, and, when fully grown, is about three inches long ; then it goes underground and transforms to a mahogany brown pupa from one and one half inches to two inches long, bearing a peculiar handlelike process bent back from the head, which has given it the names of " jug-handle grub " and " hornblower." The pupae remain in the soil over winter, and the moths emerge the next spring, there being two broods a season in the North and three or four in the South. The adults are among our most handsome moths, the wings expanding from three to five inches, ashen-gray in color, the fore-wings crossed by irregular darker lines with a white spot near the center, and the hind-wings Fig. 330. LarvcC of achemon sphinx Above, young larva with head extended and with caudal horn (en- larged); below, full-grown larva with head partly drawn in (natural size) Fig. 331. Typical sphinx moths [Deilcphila lineata P'ab. above and F/ioliis achemon below) (After Lugger) Fig. 332. Southern tobacco-worm moth. (Natural size) (After Britton) THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 21 I banded with black and white, while along the sides of the abdomen are five large yellow spots. The grapevine hog caterpillar (A>/i- pelophaga viyi'on) is typical of a series of species in which the caudal horn of the larva is lost and replaced by an eyespot ; the first two thoracic segments are much smaller and, with the head. Fig. 333. Southern tobacco-worm. (Natural size) (After Britton) are retracted into the metathorax. This has given some one the idea that they resemble fat porkers, — hence the name " hog cater- pillars." This larva is common on the grape and woodbine and is about two inches long, with a row of seven reddish or lilac spots set on a yellow background along the middle of the back, and a white stripe down each side, below which are seven oblique stripes. It is quite variable in color and is very commonly infested with braconid parasites (see page 251), whose cocoons are frequently found covering the caterpillars. Some of the smaller moths of this family have the wings nearly bare of scales, like the clear-winged moths, and, like them, fly around flowers during the day. The larger ones are often called humming-bird hawk-moths, while the smaller F'iG. 334. A clear-winged sphinx moth, or bee-moth {He maris ihysbe) 212 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY ones look quite like large bumblebees. They are readily recognized as belonging to this family by the form of the body, wings, and antennae. The saturnians (superfamily Saturnoided) include some forty-two species of our largest silkworm moths, divided into four families, which need not here be distinguished. The large, brilliantly colored larvae are readily reared, and from the cocoons are secured the handsome moths which are the pride of every collector. The males of this group are easily distinguished from the females by their broadly feathered antennae. The most important economic species Fig. 335. Life history of silk moth [Bcnibyx mori) : adult ; caterpillars of different ages; silken cocoons ; pupa; eggs. (Natural size) (After Jordan and Heath) of the group is the silkworm [Bonibyx mori), which is reared in Europe and Asia for its silk, furnishing all the silk of the world. It has been frequently introduced into this country, but, although it can be grown here, its commercial culture has never proved suc- cessful. It is one of the smaller moths of the group, expanding one and one half inches, the wings being of a cream color, with two or three brownish lines across the fore -wings. The larvae are of a creamy white color and feed on the leaves of the mulberry. Another small species which often defoliates our maples is the green-striped maple-worm {Anisota riibicuiida). The caterpillars are one and one half inches long, yellowish-green, striped with eight lighter lines THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 213 alternating with seven darker, almost blackish lines, with two prominent black horns on the thorax and a double row of short, thick spines along either side of the body. The moths are pale yellow banded with rose color, and are fre- quently taken at lights. Nearly related species, whose larvas are brownish with orange markings and similar black spines, attack the oak foliage. The lo moth {A?itoincris to) is one of the larger forms, with a wing expanse of nearly three inches, the fore-wings of the males being a brilliant yellow color and those of the female a dark purplish, both having a large eyespot on the center of the hind-wings. The full-grown larva is about two inches long, yellowish-green, with a broad brown or reddish stripe, edged with white, along either side, thickly covered with black- tipped, branched spines which are decidedly ftrl^e'd^Ipfe^wZ" Prisonous. The polyphemus moth (7>/..r /./j- {Anisoia rtihicitnJa) pheiHits) is ouc of our largest and handsomest species, expanding from four to five inches. It is of a yellowish or brownish color, with a dusky band, edged without with pink along the margins of both wings, and with a prominent e)-espot at the middle of each wing, those on the hind-wings being bordered by a large bluish patch. The lar- vas feed on oak and various fruit and shade trees ; they are three inches or more in length, of a bright green color, with an oblique yellow Fig. 337. The lo moth, female. (Natural size) line on the side (After Lugger) Fig. 338. lo moth caterpillar Fig. 339. ']\'Ica polvphemits caterpillar Fig. 340. Telea polyphemiis moth and cocoon. (Reduced) (After Lugger) 214 THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 215 of each abdominal segment, and with numerous small orange- colored tubercles with metallic reflections. The cocoon is oval, usually wrapped in a leaf, and is attached to the twigs of trees and shrubs. The luna moth {Ac tin hma) is a brilliant green species with long tails pro- jecting from the hind- wings ; it is frequently attracted to lights on warm evenings of early summer. Each wing bears a small eyespot, and the anterior margin of the fore-wings is purplish. The larvae feed on the leaves of wal- nut, hickory, and forest trees. Possibly our most common species is the cecropia moth {Saniia cecropia) whose long brown cocoons are fre- quently found on fruit and shade trees. The moths are a dusky, reddish brown, and may be readily recog- nized from Fig. 34 1 . The caterpillar is three or four inches long, of a bright green color, with six prom- inent tubercles on the thoracic segments, — the first four coral-red and the hinder two yellow, — and with smaller, similar yellow tubercles on the back of the abdom- inal segments. They feed commonly on fruit and shade trees, but are never numerous enough to do much damage. The cocoons of a Fig. 341. The cecropia moth {Samia cecropia), larva, cocoon, and moth at rest. (All reduced) (Photograph by A\'eed) 2l6 ELEMENTARY ENTOxMOLOGY Fig. 342. The promethea moth [Callosamia prornethia). (Reduced) (Photograph from hfe by Weed) Fig. 343. Pendent cocoons of prome- thea moth. (Greatly reduced) nearly related species {Callosarnia prometJiid) hang pendent from the twigs of wild-cherr)^, ash, willow, and other trees. Although many attempts have been made to manu- facture the silk in the cocoons of these native species, they have so far been un- successful. Our common tent caterpillar, which is fully described on page 57, is a repre- sentative of a family of this group {Lasi- ocampidae), though much smaller in size than the preceding, having a wing ex- panse of one and Fig. 344. Luna moth [Adia Itma). (Reduced) one half inches. (Photograph from life by weed) THE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS 217 Fig. 345. Caterpillar of the imperial moth (Basilona imperialis). (Natural size) Summary of the Lepidoptera Butterflies. Day flyers. Antennae clubbed. Wings held vertically. Skippers {Hcsperina). Antennae hooked. True butterflies (^Papilioitind). Swallowtail butterflies {Papilio/iidae). White and yellow butterflies {Pieridae), Gossamer-winged butterflies {Lycaenidae). Four-footed butterflies {Xynnphalidae). MoTH.s. Night flyers. Antennae not clubbed. Wings held flat. Microlepidoptera. Family ( Tineidae). Leaf -miners, clothes moths, etc. Family (Tortricidae). Leaf -rollers, bud-borers, etc. Family {Pyralidae). Leaf-folders, meal-worms, close-wings, bee-moth, etc. Macrolepidoptera (in part). Carpenter-moths (Cossidae). Larvae wood borers. Clear-winged moths {Sesiidae). Larvae wood borers. Prominents (Notodontidae). Measuring-worms (family Geoniefrhiac). Owlet-moths {Noctuidae). Tussock-moths [Lipai-idae). Tiger-moths [Arctiidae). H awk-moths [Sp/u'/ij^'idae). Saturnians (superfamily Saturnoidea). Silkworm moths. Tent- caterpillar moths. CHAPTER XIV FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES (DIPTERA) Characteristics. Insects with one pair of wings borne by the mesothorax; the hind-wings represented by a pair of knobbed threads, called halteres ; mouth-parts, suctorial ; metamorphosis, complete. Ordinarily all sorts of small insects with membranous wings are indiscriminately called ^Z/cj-, and the term " fly " has been used to form part of a compound name for insects of several different orders, such as May- fly, sawfly, gallfly, butterfly, etc., but," considered from the entomological stand- point, a fly is a two- winged insect of the order Diptcra. With this in mind, it is al- ways easy to distin- guish flies, as no other order has a single pair of wings (except the male scale insects), and the name of the order becomes significant, being derived from dis (two) and ptcron (wing). The hind-wings are replaced by a pair of odd, club-shaped organs, called balancers, or halteres, which seem to be concerned with main- taining the equilibrium of the insect and are, of course, peculiar to this order. A few of the parasitic families are wingless. The mouth-parts have already been referred to (see page i8) and are fitted for sucking the juices of plants and animals, though in some there are strong, lancelike mouth-parts fitted for piercing, while in others a large, fleshy proboscis, fitted for rasping and lapping, is developed. 218 Fig. 346. The house-fly. (Enlarged) a, larva, or maggot; b, puparium ; c, adult. (After Howard United States Department of Agriculture) FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 219 The transformations are always complete. The most common larvae are termed "maggots," and are headless and foodess, white, or light-colored, tapering to a point at the head, usually with a horny, rasplike feeding organ retruded within the head, though many absorb nutriment from the surrounding food through the skin. In other larvae the head and mouth-parts are well developed, while some, like the mosquito wrigglers, lead a most active life. The pupas are usually naked or inclosed in the last larval skin, though a few make cocoons. Instead of being molted, the last larval skin of most common flies becomes hard and distended, and the pupa separates with- in it, so that the lar- val skin practically forms a cocoon for the pupa and is known as a pupa- rium, which looks much like a large brown or black seed. The Diptera is one of the largest orders, with over five thousand species in this country (a great majority of which may be classed as injurious), and includes many serious crop pests and most of the insects which carry disease. The different fami- lies are distinguished by the structure of the antennae and of the wing veins, and are divided into two suborders, the typical Dip- tera {Diptera gennina), including all the common families, and the Pnpipara, including three small families of parasitic species, mostly wingless. Fig. 347. A crane-fly [Tipiila hebes Loew) a, larva, or meadow-maggot ; b, pupa ; c, adult male fly. (After Weed) 220 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY -gjfc I. Typical Diptera {Diptera genuina) Disregarding characters of the puparium which are not readily observable, the typical Diptera are divided into two series of fami- lies, based upon the length of the antennae, known as the Long- horned Diptera, which have more than five antennal segments, and the Short- horned Diptera, having not more than five segments. LONG-HORNED DIPTERA {XEIMATOCERA) The crane-flies (Tipulidae) are easily recognized by their long, slender bodies, narrow wings, and exceed- ingly long, fragile legs, which characteristics have given them the name " granddaddy-long-legs, " a name more correctly ap- plied to the harvestmen, which are round-bodied spiders with very long legs. The maggots of crane-flies, sometimes called leather- jackets, or meadow-mag- gots, are dirty white, with a tough skin, and feed upon the roots of plants, decaying vegetable matter, and fungi. They are fre- quently found in the decay- ing wood and mold in the crotch of an old tree or in a stump, while several species which feed on their roots sometimes become abundant enough to do considerable damage to grasses and grains. The adults are among our largest flies, the common species Fig. 348. Life history of a mosquito {Cii/ex sp.). (Much enlarged) On the surface of the water, a small raft of eggs in the water, several long, slender larvae (wrigglers) and one large-headed pupa (tumbler) ; above water, an adult. (From life, after Kellogg) the FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 221 having a wing expanse of from one and one half to two inches. The giant crane-fiy {Holoriisia mbigmosd), of Cahfornia, is the Fig. 349. Anopheles mosquito and malaria a, larva; b, pupa; c, adult; d, the blast introduced into the blood by the mosquito ; e to J, stages through which the plasmodium passes in the red blood corpuscle ; i, the spores which enter new blood corpuscles ; /, ;«, the microgamete ; a, 0, the macrogamete ; /, flagellae forming ; ^, union of a flagellum with macrogamete ; r, fusion of nuclei ; s, the vermicule ; i to y, formation of the zygote in the mosquito stomach, the fully developed zygote, J, rupturing to produce blasts. (After J. B. Smith) largest species of the order, being two inches long and the legs spreading some four inches. What advantage the crane-flies derive from their size is a question, as they are very awkward and fragile. 222 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The mosquitoes (Culicidae) are so well known as to need no description, but there are many mosquitolike flies which might easily be confused with them. They have the mouth-parts developed into a strong proboscis fitted for piercing, and the antennae of the males are strongly plumose (see Fig. 53) ; but the most distinctive character consists of a fringe of scales along the margin of the wing and also along the wing-veins, which can be readily seen with a lens. The eggs are laid in small masses on the surface Fig. 350. Resting positions of Anopheles and Cnlex mosquitoes. (Slightly enlarged) (After Grassi) Fig. 351. The yellow-fever mosquito {Stegomyia calopus). (Enlarged) (After Howard, United States Department of Agriculture) of quiet or slow-moving water, and hatch in from one to four days. The larvae are the well-known wrigglers of ponds and ditches, with their characteristic long, squirming bodies, thick head end, and FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 223 forked abdomen. They breathe through the respiratory tube pro- jecting upward from the abdomen, which is thrust through the surface of the water as the wriggler rests at the surface. The wrigglers feed on bits of organic matter and microorganisms. The pupa has the head and thorax very remarkably enlarged, and there are two breathing tubes which project from the back of the Mil ^''^v-^fl ■ k . S. "■ -^ . Hk^ -:>^ ' &:^ ^^^^Ife^^Hii^riflBjfe ^9 ^^■i^^l^'Sk^K IBhB Fig. 35- AVing of a mosquito (Miiuso/na titillaiis Walk.) enlarged, showing scales on veins, and a portion of same further enlarged (After Felt) thorax. The pupa stage lasts from one to three days, the whole life from t^g to adult requiring from eight days to two or three weeks. Not only are mosquitoes exceedingly annoying, rendering some sections almost uninhabitable, but it has been shown -that malarial fever is transmitted only by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, and that the dreaded yellow fever is similarly carried only by species of the genus Stegomyia, which has resulted in an entire change in the methods of controlling these diseases. Ver)^ much can be 224 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY done toward the riddance of mosquitoes in thickly settled com- munities by destroying their breeding places by draining or filling the pools and by oiling the surface of small ponds, rain barrels, etc. True midges (Chironomidae). Many of these look much like mosquitoes, the males having the plumose antennae and being of about the same size, but the wing-veins are simpler and fewer in Fig. 353. A midge [C/i/iv/io»/it.\ sp.). {(ireatly enlarged) a, adult male ; /', pupa ; c, larva, (.-^fter Felt) number, and lack the scales. Most of the larvae are aquatic, being of very long, threadlike worms which live in the slime and decaying vegetation at the bottom of pools and streams, where they feed on vegetable matter. Many are a bright red in color and have been called blood-worms. The minute punkies, or " no-see-ums," are among the worst enemies of the hunter and fisherman, and one must have a thick skin to withstand their bloodthirsty attacks. Fig. 354. A punkie, or "no-see-um" (Ceruto/o^ou £7eii/f en /i/s). (Greatly enlarged) a, adult ; /', head of same ; c, lar\a ; d, head of same ; e, pupa. (After Pratt, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 355. (7, a net-winged midge (Z^^d- lioicphala elcgaiititliis), female (two and one half times natural length); b,c, upper and under sides of larva of B. comstockii (five times natural length) (After Kellogg) 225 226 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY They are grayish-black, not over one twenty-fifth of an inch long, and the larvae develop in the water in stumps and logs and under damp, dead bark. The net-winged midges (Blepharoceridae) are so called on account of the peculiar network of small veins crossing the main wing- veins around the margin of the wing, which are peculiar to this family. The small, black larvae live in masses on the rocks in swift- running moun- tain streams, and seem to have but seven segments strongly constricted at each joint. The Dixa-midges (Dixidae) include but a single genus, whose larvae are also aquatic. Both of the last families com- prise only a few uncommon species, and lack the whorls of hairs of the male antennae. The black-flies (Simuliidae). Another pest of mountain lovers is the black fly, the females of which are most bloodthirsty and often Fig. 356. A black fly (Simiiliitm vemisttifii (Four times natural size) (7, larva ; b^ pupa ; ^, adult. (After Weed) Fig. 357. The fickle midge (Sciara iiiconstaiis), a fungus-gnat sometimes trouble- some in greenhouses. (Much enlarged) a, male ; b, genital organs of same ; c, female ; d, enlarged antennal segments of same ; e, maxillary palpus of same ; /, tip of abdomen of same from side ; g^ pupa ; h, larva. (After Chittenden, United States Department of Agriculture) FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 227 appear in immense numbers. The larvae are found attached to rocks in shallow, swift-flowing streams, where they feed on various minute plants and bits of vegetation. The adult flies are about one fifth of an inch long, stout-bodied, blackish, with short legs and an- tennae, though the antennae have many distinct segments. Recent experiments made in the White Mountains indicate that it may be possible to eradicate the larvae in mountain resort regions by oiling the streams with Phinotas oil. The southern buffalo gnat is a serious pest of domestic animals in the South, such immense swarms sometimes appearing as to cause their death. Fig. 358. The pine-cone willow gall caused by a cecidomyiid, cut open at right to show maggots within (After Washburn) Fungus-gnats. Wherever there is decaying vegetable matter or damp fungi, as in decaying wood, under damp bark, in decom- posing leaves, etc., there are found small, white or pink maggots, which develop into the graceful little fungus-gnats {Mycetophilidac). The larvae often stick together in large patches, and sometimes form long processions of wriggling maggots. One species feeds on injured apples, while another has been shown to cause a form of potato scab, and one is a serious pest of mushrooms, but most of the larvae are entirely harmless. The flies are mosquitolike in general form, but the antennae are bare and the coxae are unusually long. 228 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 359. Pear midge [Di- plosh pyrivora). (Enlarged) (After Riley) Gall-gnats. The smallest and most deli- cate of the gnatlike flies are the gall-gnats {Cecidomyiidae). The adults are rarely over one eighth of an inch long, with long antennae clothed with short hairs, and with the wing-veins greatly reduced in number. They will be rarely noticed by the begin- ner, but the work of the larv^ is often much in evidence, owing to their feeding within the stems and leaves of plants and giving rise to galls. Frequently a green, cone-shaped gall is found on the tips of willow twigs, known as the pine-cone willow-gall, which is caused by one of these larvae {Cccidomyia strobiloides). The larvae of the clover-seed midge live in the heads of clover and destroy the seed so that in many sections it is often impossible to mature it. The best-known exam- ple of the family, an d our worst wheat pest, is the Hessian fly, so called be- cause it was sup- posedly introduced in straw brought over to Long Is- land by the Hes- sian troops during the Revolutionary War. The mag- gots bore into the crown and stalks of wheat, weaken- ing the plant and seriously curtailing production where they are abundant. Fig. 360. The Hessian fly, adult male. (Much enlarged) (After Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 229 Fig. 361. Horse-fly {Tahanus atratics) n, lan'a ; fi, pupa ; c, adult, (.\fter Riley) SHORf-HORNEl) FLIES {BRACHYCEKA) In this section the antennae are composed of from three to five segments, the famihes being divided into three groups according to the structure of the \ V/ / antennae, and being fur- ther distinguished by w^^ ^^-"•••""?=gr r^^^)^ .^=r:^^^grr^^^^ the wing-vcnation. .3 X. , — ..-^jMBirfiii* . . . ^ ev In the first group the third segment of the an- tenna is clearly ringed, showing that it is made up of several segments grown together. Horse-flies. The best- known family of this group is that of the horse-flies {Tabaiiidae). They are well-known pests of live stock and often become annoying to man. The adults have short, broad heads, large eyes, thick bodies, short, oval abdo- mens, and strong, powerful wings, which enable them to outstrip the swiftest horse. They are often most trouble- some along wooded roads, where they will attack a horse in swarms and, with their loud buzzing, render the animal frantic. The larvae are long, pointed maggots which live mostly in water in swampy places and along the edges of streams and ponds, and are carnivorous. In the swamp lands of southern Texas and Louisiana the large horse-flies appear in such swarms as to make life for cattle almost impossible, and along our coasts wherever Fig. 362. A "green-head" {Tabanus liiieohx Fab.) (Much enlarged) (After Lugger) 2^^0 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY there is marshland the well-known green heads annoy bathers as well as animals. Our largest horse-fly is an inch long, with a two-inch wing expanse, and of a dull black color, while other common, smaller species are brown, with the wings banded with black. Only the females are bloodsuckers, the males feeding on the pollen of flowers. The soldier-flies (Stratiomyidae) somewhat resemble the smaller horse-flies, and are so named on account of the bright yellow or green stripes across the abdomen. The antennae are somewhat longer Fig. 363. Stratiomyia discalis. (Greatly enlarged) (After Lugger) and the wing venation is quite characteristic. The adults are found on flowers near water, and the larvae are carnivorous or feed on decaying vegetable matter, living in water, earth, or decaying wood. In the second group are found two families having four or five distinct antennal segments, — the robber-flies {Asilidac) and the nearly related Midas-flies {Midaidac), which have very similar habits. The robber-flies (Asilidae). They are well named, being large, hairy, ferocious-looking flies, which are strong, swift flyers. They may often be seen resting quietly on a dead twig, which they closely resemble in color ; suddenly they will dart off and in mid-air will snatch a fly or any insect which they can overpower, in much the FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 2^1 Fig. 364. A robber-fly [Stenopogon inqninattis), and another {Dasylis soceata) resembling a bumble-bee. (Natural size) (After Kellogg) same manner as does a dragon-fly. The most common species are of a sober gray color, marked with white, yellow, or black, with a long, tapering abdomen, long, narrow wings, large, keen eyes, and a strong proboscis, with which they suck the juices of their prey. Other species are thickly clothed with black and yellow hairs, so that they closely resemble bumble- bees. The lar\'se are mostly pre- dacious and live in the ground or in decaying wood, where they feed on the larvae of beetles and on decaying vegetable matter. The robber-flies can hardly be con- sidered beneficial, as they rarely feed on noxious insects to any extent, and often destroy bees. In the third group is a considerable series of important families, in which the first two segments of the antennae are small and the third is large and clublike and bears a single, conspicuous bristle, called an arista. The bee-flies {Bomhyliidae) are medium-sized, oval-shaped flies, with a thick covering of yellow hairs, giving them a resemblance to bees which is increased by their habit of hover- ing over flowers, upon the nectar of which the flies feed by means of their long tongues. Some of them frequent orchards and aid in carrying the pollen from flower to flower by means of the body hairs, to which it adheres. The lar\^ae live in the ground and are very beneficial, being para- sitic upon cutworms, army- worms, and grasshopper eggs. The long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae) should be mentioned, for they are of such a striking metallic green, or blue, as to attract Fig. 365. A bee-fly {Bombylius sp.). (En- larged) (After Weed) 232 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY attention as they flit over rank-growing foliage in damp places. The adults feed on small flies, and the larvae live underground, being either predacious or feeding on decaying vegetable matter. The wasp-flies {Conopidae) should also be mentioned, on account of their close rell%ai- blance to wasps, with ^wich they may readily b^confused at first glance, and which they undoubtedly mimic. They are narrow-waisted, the tip of the abdomen is like that of a wasp, and they are often banded and colored to heighten the likeness. The head is robust, which has given them the common name of " thick-headed flies." The bodies of Fig. 366. A long-legged ditiiis sipho) (After Lugger) fly [Psilopo- larvae are parasitic within the wasps, bumble-bees, and grasshoppers, on which the eggs are laid. The adults feed on nectar and pollen of flowers, over which they may be found hovering. The flower-flies (Syrphidae) are medium- to-large-sized, bright-colored flies which feed upon nectar and pollen of flowers, over which they may be seen to hover, almost motion- less, for several seconds and then to dart off and as quickly return. These flies may be readily recognized by a thicken- ing which looks like a vein extending across the middle of the wing. Our more common species of the genus Syrp/uis have the abdo- men marked with alternate bands of black and yellow, and have greenish, bronze, or yellowish bodies. They lay their small, oval, white eggs Fig. 367. A wasplike fly [P/iysocephala njfitiis). (One and one half times natural size) (After Kellogg) Fig. 368. The bee- fly [Eristaiis ienax). (Natural size) FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 233 Fig. 369. Rat-tailed maggot, larva of a syrphid fly similar to Fig. 368. (Twice natural size) (After Kellogg) among colonies of plant-lice, around which the flies may be seen hovering, and the maggots devour the aphides greedily, being among their most important natural enemies. Some of the larger species are thickly covered with yellow and black hairs, thus closely resembling bumble-bees, in whose nests their larvae reside. A common species which is often found on windows in fall is known as the drone-fly, from its close resemblance to a honey-bee drone. Its lar- xa. lives in foul water and excrement, and is typical of a group which is often found in privies and similar filth. The larva is maggotlike in shape but has a long, extensile tube, through which it breathes, projecting from the tip of the abdomen to the surface of the food- material, which has given it the name of " rat-tailed maggot." None of the family seems to be injurious, and those larvae which feed on plant-lice are exceed- ingly beneficial. Bot-flies (Oestridae) . Another family in which the flies are well covered with hairs, so as to closely resemble bees, is that of the bot-flies, whose maggots are among the worst insect parasites of domestic animals. The adults have very rudimentary mouth- parts, so that they probably take no food. The eggs are usually laid on the hair of various animals, from which they are licked off and pass into the alimentary tract, though others lay them upon the lips or in the nostrils of the host. Among the more common are the horse bot-fly, which gives rise to the bots in the stomach of the horse, the ox-warble fly, whose maggots pass from the stomach through the tissues of cattle and finally emerge through holes in the skin, causing " grubby " hides, and the sheep bot-fly, Fig. 370. A syrphus-fly ( ]'olucena erecta) which resembles a bumble-bee and is an inquiline in bumble-bees' nests (after S. J. Hunter); and a typical syrphus-fly {^Syn-phits ribesii) 2 34 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY whose maggots work in the nasal sinuses of sheep, causing " grub- in-the-head, " which often results in fatal vertigo, or "staggers." Other species affect various wild mammals, one inhabiting rabbits being particularly common in the South. When full grown, the bots pass out with the excreta, or drop to the ground, in which they pupate. The muscids. The last group of the typical flies is much the largest and is now held by most students of this order to represent from twenty to thirty families, so that it may be considered as a superfamily. They are all com- monly called muscids (superfamily Muscina) and the house-fly is the best-known example. No attempt will be made to give the technical distinctions by which the different families or subfamilies may be distinguished, for the knowledge of an expert is required for their recognition ; but the different groups will be considered according Fig. 371. The ox bot-fly {Hypoden liiieata) (After Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 372. The horse bot-fly [Gastrophiliis eqiti), male ; abdomen of female at left; egg attached to hair at right. (Much enlarged) ^ (After Lugger) FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES 235 Fig. 373. Bots in stomach of a horse ; some removed to show point of attachment (After Osbom, United States Department of Agriculture) to their habits. All are alike in having three-segmented antennae bearing a strong bristle near the base, the modifications of which aid in distinguishing the groups. The larvas are typical white or light- colored maggots livingwithin their food, and the pu- paria are usually formed on or in the soil. The discovery in recent years that the common house-fly and also many of its near relatives are re- sponsible for the spread of typhoid fever, intestinal diseases of in- fants, and possibly other infectious diseases has given new interest to the study of the common flies heretofore considered mere Fig. 374. Stable-fiy {Sto/No.xys calcit7-aiis), adult, larva, and puparium. (Enlarged) (.\fter Howard, United States Department of Agriculture) 236 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY nuisances. Very similar and almost indistinguishable from the house-fly is the common stable-fly, so annoying to cattle. The mouth- parts of the females are fitted for piercing. Just before a storm these flies frequently come into houses and annoy us, from which comes the saying that flies bite before a storm. Like those of the housefly, the larvae live in fresh horse manure. The little horn-flies often annoy cattle by assembling on their flanks and clustering at the base of the horns. The maggots develop in cow manure. The flesh-flies (Sarcophagidae) are so called because many of them lay their eggs on the bodies of dead animals or in open wounds. Fig. 375. The horn-fly. (Enlarged) (7, egg ; 1^, fly ; c and d, head and mouth-parts. (After J. B. Smith) though some of the larvse live in dung and decaying vegetable matter. The common flesh-fly {Sarcophaga sarraccnia) looks like a very large house-fly and gives birth to live maggots (the eggs hatching in the body of the female), which are deposited on fresh meat or in open wounds. The blow-flies and blue-bottle flies are about the size of house-flies, with the abdomen steely-blue or green- ish, and lay their eggs on meat, cheese, or other provisions, which are said to be " blown." The eggs hatch in a day ; the maggots feed on the juices of decaying meat and become full grown in a few days. The common blue-bottle or green-bottle fly {Liicilia cacsar) also lays its eggs on cow dung. The screw-worm fly {CJirysoniyia macellaria) is a bright, metallic green, about one third of an inch FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND MIDGES long, with four black stripes on the thorax. It is one of the most serious pests of cattle in the South and West, laying its eggs in wounds or sores in which the maggots develop, causing very serious festering sores. Sometimes it oviposits in human nostrils, the work of the larvae not infrequently resulting fatally. Fig. 376. The screw-worm fly {Liccilia inacellaria) (7, b, c, larva and details of same ; d, pupa ; f, adult ; /, head from side. (After J. B. Smith) The tachina-flies (Tachinidae) are found frequenting flowers ; they somewhat resemble the last group, but are commonly recognized by the numerous stout bristles and hairs with which they are clothed. The adults are mostly of a modest gray color, with thorax streaked with blackish-brown or gray, though some have yellow-banded or red abdomens. The eggs are laid on the bodies of caterpillars or on foliage on which they are feeding, and the maggots are parasitic within them. Any one who has tried rearing moths from their caterpillars will have encountered these flies, for often a score or more will inhabit a large caterpillar. When full grown the puparia are formed within the caterpillar or pupa, which never transforms. Some European species w^hich are parasitic on the gypsy moth have been imported into Massachusetts with the hope that they may aid in controlling that pest in this country. Fig. 377. A parasitic tachina-fly and its puparium (After Weed) 2 38 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The tachina-flies are among our most beneficial insects, their white eggs being commonly found on the necks of caterpillars and grasshoppers, the flies appearing in large num- bers whenever there is an outbreak of such caterpillars as the army- worm. Root-maggot flies (Anthomyiidae) are an- other group of trouble- some flies belonging to this series, many of whose larvae are serious pests of the roots of vegeta- bles. The flies somewhat resemble house-flies, but are smaller and slighter in build. The cabbage- maggot and onion-maggot are well-known examples of these inju- rious larvae, and wherever small flies are seen hovering around these or other root crops, such as radishes, turnips, beets, etc., Fig. 378. The cabbage-maggot. (Enlarged) a, larva ; /', pupa ; c, adult ; d, head ; c, antenna. (After Riley) Fig. 379. The apple-maggot a, adult ; b, larva, or maggot ; c, funnel of spiracle on head ; ti;iiitin?i). (Much enlarged) a, female, or queen ; b, same with wings ; c, male ; d, workers ; e, pupa ; /, larva ; g, egg of worker. (After Marlatt, United States Department of Agriculture) 257 Fig. .^09. The Argentine ant {IriJomyrmex humilis Mayr.) 1?, worker; b, fertile queen. (After Newell) Fig. 410. Mound nest of western agricultural-ant [Pogonomymtex occideutalis Cress.), showing entrance hole in mound, and cleared space around it (After Headlee and Dean) 258 HYMENOPTKRA 259 nests are made underground, and around the entrance all vegeta- tion is cleared off and regular runways radiate out Fig. 411. Western agricultural-ant, or mound-building prairie ant {Poiro- nomyrmex occiJentalis). (Enlarged) a, worker: b, queen. (After Headlee and Dean) among the neighboring grasses, the seeds the nest and furnish food. A few years ago into New Orleans from Argentina, known as the Argentine ant (Iridomyt-mex Juimilis), and has now spread over Louisiana and neighboring states, becoming a ver\- serious household pest as well as attacking vegeta- tion. Another common species of this fam- ily {Solenopsis geminata) is one of the most impor- tant enemies of the lar\ae of the cotton-boll weevil. It will thus be seen that our com- mon ants are of ver)- diverse habits and of var}ing eco- nomic impor- tance. They are much more abundant in of which are stored in a species was imported Fig. 412. Solenopsis geminata Fab., a native ant which is a val- uable enemy of the cotton-boll weevil. (Much enlarged) (After Hunter and Hinds, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 413. Work of the black carpenter-ant (Cam- poiiotus pennsylvanicits) in black spruce The injury to the living tree allowed the ants to enter, so that the heamvood was com- pletely destroyed by them and the tree fell. (After Hopkins) 26o ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY the South, and in the tropics become veritable pests. Various arti- ficial nests have been devised whereby colonies may be maintained indoors for study, for which no insects are of more interest.^ 2. WASPS Every small boy soon makes the acquaintance of the bees and wasps, which he naturally classes together from their ability to sting most painfully. The males, however, are entirely harmless, but Fig. 414. A digger-wasp {Ainniophila sp.). (Natural size) a, wasp putting an inch-worm into its nest burrow ; h^ tlie nest burrow with food for the young, paralyzed inch-worms in bottom and burrow nearly filled ; c, wasp bringing a bit of material to put over the filled nest burrow. (From life, after Kellogg) unfortunately we have no means of recognizing them in the field. The wasps may be distinguished from the bees by the first seg- ment of the hind tarsus being cylindrical and naked, and the body hairs being simple and unbranched. Digger-wasps {Sphecind). Several families of wasps are grouped together under this name, which is due to their habit of digging 1 See Kellogg's "American Insects," p. 548. HYMENOPTERA 261 holes in the ground or in wood, in which their nests are made. They are distinguished from the true wasps( [ rj;?^z';/«) by the wings lying flat on the body when at rest. They are solitary forms, each female making her own nest in which the eggs are laid, and pro- visioning it with spiders, caterpillars, or other insects, upon which the larvae feed. The food is stored alive in a remarkable manner. The female seizes the spider or insect and stings it in the nerve ganglia of the thorax, thus paralyzing it so that it remains alive but helpless. The prey thus para- lyzed is placed in the burrow, the egg is laid with it, and the tube is then sealed up, several compart- ments usually being made, one after another. When the egg hatches, the young larva finds an abundant supply of well-preserved food for its nourishment. Many of the nests are made in burrows in sandy banks, others in the pith of plants, such as the sumac and elder, while others make mud nests or tubes, as do the common mud daubers. Velvet-ants (Mutillidae). In the warmer parts of the country one will often see large, antlike insects thickly covered with black, red, or yellow hair, which has given them this name. The males are winged, but the females are wingless and can sting severely. One of the largest species is bright scarlet and black, two thirds of an inch long, and provisions its burrows, made in beaten paths, with flies and other insects, though it is known to enter beehives and kill bees. The spider-wasps (Psammocharidae) are slender, long-legged, blackish wasps with reddish or black wings, the body often marked with red or orange ; they provision their nests with spiders. They are mostly medium-sized wasps, though the tarantula hawk {Pepsis formosa), which preys upon the tarantulas of the southwest, is Fig. 415. A velvet-ant {Sphaero- phthalma siniilima), female. (Four times natural size) (After Lugger) 262 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY the largest species of the order, being nearly two inches long and having a wing expanse of over three inches. Not infrequently it is overpowered and destroyed by its formidable prey. Fig. 416. The tarantula-killer {Pepsis formosa). (Natural size) The thread-waisted wasps (Sphecidae) are readily recognized by the very long, threadlike petiole of the abdomen, and include our common mud-daubers, which make their nests under the eaves of buildings and in barns, attics, etc. The nests are composed of sev- eral tubes placed side by side, each of which is provisioned with spiders. They may be seen around pools, collecting mud for their nests, and jerking their wings from side to side in a nervous manner. A nearly related family {Beni- becidac), which burrows in the sand and provisions its nests with flies and similar insects, includes the large cicada-killer. This is Fig. 417. A mud-dauber {Pelopaeus cetneiitariiis) (After S. J. Hunter) HYMENOPTERA 263 one of our largest wasps, one and one fourth inches long, black or rusty in color, with the abdomen banded with yellow, which pounces upon a cicada and carries it off to its burrow in the ground as food for the larva. Other nearly related families of digger-wasps make their nests in the pith of plants or bore into more solid Fig. 418. Mud-dauber wasp {Pelopaeiis sp.) and nest. (Natural size) (After Linville and Kelly) wood, or often use the deserted burrow of some other insect (such as some of the bees which have similar habits), provisioning them with flies, spiders, and various insects. The true wasps (Vespina) may be distinguished from the digger- wasps by having the wings folded on the back like a fan when at rest, and the legs are not adapted to burrowing, being free from spines and bristles. The solitary-wasps {Enmenidae) resemble the 264 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY digger-wasps in their habits, making burrows in the earth or in wood, or forming their nests of mud and provisioning them with insects. (3ne of our common species {Euvicnes fratermis) makes a little mud nest on the twigs of bushes and trees, which looks like a miniature water-jug. The young are fed on caterpillars, and enjoy cankerworms when these are available. Other species of this family look like small yel- low-jackets. The Social- wasps Fig. 419. Female Sphecius spcciosus carry- ing cicada to her burrow. (Natural size) (After Riley, United States Department of Agriculture) ( ] ^espidac) live in colonies and, be- sides males and females, have a form of undeveloped females known as workers, all of which are winged. They build their nests either in the ground or attached to bushes, trees, or buildings, and construct them of paper made from bits of wood chewed up and formed into a paste, for they discovered the possibility of making paper from wood pulp long before man thought of it. They are very jealous of their homes and enforce a wholesome respect for them upon whoever even accidentally disturbs them, as every one who has attacked a nest of yellow-jackets or hornets is Fig. 420. The fraternal potter wasp {Einnoies fraiefuiis) and its earthen nest (Photograph by Weed) Fig. 421. Poiisies annularis and its nest. (Two thirds natural size) (After Quaintance and Brues, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 422. Nest of yellow-jacket {]~espa sp.) ; at right, nest opened to show combs (Photograph by Weed) 265 266 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 423. White-faced wasp (I' iiiaciilata) well aware. The adults are predacious and feed their young on insects which have been masticated. Not infrequently, where an outbreak of caterpillars occurs, wasps will be seen carrying them off to their nests in considerable numbers ; we have observed them at work on the cotton boll-worm and leaf-worms in the South. But two genera are com- mon in the East. Polistcs are black ringed with yellow, or are brownish, and have long, spindle-shaped abdo- mens. Their nests are composed of a single comb and are attached by a short stem. The genus Vespa includes the hornets and yellow-jackets, which are black, spotted or banded with yellow, or yellowish-white, with a short, stout body, and the abdomen attached by a very short peduncle. Their nests are formed of several layers of combs, all of which are covered with a waterproof covering of paper, made from weatherworn wood of stumps, trees, fences, and buildings. The nests are gradually enlarged, new combs being added and the outer envelope being enlarged to cover them. The males and workers die in the fall, and the females hiber- nate over winter and start a new colony in the spring. 3. BEES [APINA) Most of our com- mon bees are readily distinguished as such by the general shape and hairy clothing of Fig. 424. (7, mouth-parts of a short-tongued bee {Pivsopis piibescens) (note short, broad, fiaphke tongue, or glossa) ; b, mouth-parts of a long-tongued bee {Anthophora pilipes) (note greatly extended tongue). (Much enlarged) (After Sharpe, from Kellogg) HYMENOPTERA 267 the body. Some of them, however, may be confused with some of the wasps, from which they may be separated by the structure of the first segment of the hind tarsus (which is dilated, flattened, and usually provided with numerous hairs to aid in carrying pollen) and also by the fact that the body hairs are covered with short branches instead of being simple, as in wasps. They are quite variable in habit : some are solitary, — that is, each female makes a nest for her young, as do the solitary wasps ; others lay their eggs in the nests of other bees ; while others, of which the honey-bee is the best example, live in colonies. The nests may always be recognized, how- ever, by their being stored with pollen and honey and never with insects. Two families are recognized, which are dis- tinguished by the length of the tip of the labium, or glossa. In the Short-tongued bees {Andre- nidac) the tip of the labium is shorter than the base, while in the Long-tongued bees (Apidae) it is much longer and en- ables them to secure the nectar from deeper flowers. All of the bees are of great economic importance, for as they go from flower to flower the pollen be- comes attached to the hairs of the body as well as to the special structures on the legs, by which they transport it, and is brushed off on the stigma of the next flower visited. Thus the bees are the most important agents in the cross-fer- tilization of flowers, without which many plants will not set their seed or fruit. For this reason those who grow cucumbers and tomatoes under glass always have a hive of bees to fertilize the flowers, and where bees are scarce, many of our common fruits set but sparingly. Fig. 425. Nest of Aiidrena, the mining bee (After Packard) 268 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 426. A common short-tongued bee (A/i- drena sp.). (Slightly enlarged) None of the short-tongued bees hve in colonies, and many of them make their nests in the ground, which has given them the name of "mining bees." Their tunnels are usually branched, each branch terminating in a single cell, which is lined with a sort of glazing. After this cell is filled with nectar and pollen, the ^g^ is laid and the cell is then sealed up. Quite commonly, large numbers of these tunnels will be found near together, forming large villages. Some of the smaller forms mine into the sides of sand banks and cliffs, their numerous holes making the surface appear as if it had received a charge from a shotgun. These little females of the genus Halictiis have the interesting habit of making a common burrow into a bank and then each making a side passage to her own cells, so that, as Professor Comstock aptly remarks, "While Andrcna builds villages composed of individual homes, Halictns makes cities composed of apartment houses." Fig. 427. A mining- bee {Ha I ictus lerouxii var. nthomm Ckll.). (Slightly enlarged) Fig. 428. The leaf-cutter bee and a leaf-covered cell removed from its burrow. (Natural size) (After Linville and Kelly) HYMENOPTERA 269 The majority of the Long-tongued bees (Apidac) are soHtary and have most diverse nesting habits : some make their cells in the ground, as do the miners ; others are potters, and fashion nests of mud, which are attached to the stems of plants ; some are carpenters, boring holes in wood ; while some go so far as to upholster their nests with neatly cut pieces of leaves, with which the cells are lined and covered. The leaf- cutter bees are peculiarly interesting forms, though of no particular economic importance. They bore a hole in soft or decaying wood, in the bottom of which is deftly fitted a piece of a leaf, rose leaves being commonly used, so as to make a thimblelike cup. In this the pollen and nectar are placed and an egg is laid, and then a circular-shaped piece of leaf is jammed down so as to make a tight wad over the cell, and another similar cell is made above it. The circular areas cut from rose leaves b\' these bees may frequently be noticed. Others are known as carpenter-bees, making their nests in wood. The smaller carpenter-bee {Ceratitia ditpla) inhabits the dead stems of sumac or the hollow stems of other plants, which are cleaned out and used over again by the young. Several cells are made and separated by little chips. When the tunnel is full, the female waits for her children to grow up. " The lower one hatches first," says Professor Comstock, " and after it has attained its growth, it tears down the partition above it, and then waits patiently for the one above to do the same. Finally, after the last one in the top cell has matured, the mother ^.^ ^3^ ^^ carpenter-bee (Xylocopa caroUna Linn.) ; leads forth her full- b, first segment of hind tarsus ; c, same of bumble-bee fledged famil\- in a (After Waish) Fig. 429. Nest of carpenter-bee. (Reduced) (After Jordan and Kellogg) 270 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY flight into the sunshine." The larger carpenter-bee {Xylocopa virginicd) closely resembles a bumble-bee, being fully as large, yellow and black in color, with a metallic blue reflection on the abdomen. It excavates its nests in solid wood, often boring for a foot or more. Many of the long-tongued bees are known as guest-bees, from their habit of laying their eggs in the cells of other bees, which rear the larvae of the intruders as they do their own. The largest of these {Psythiriis) so closely resemble bumble-bees that it is difficult to distinguish them from the males, though the females are readily recognized from their lacking the pollen-basket borne by the hind-legs of the bumble-bees. Just why they are tolerated is a mystery, for the I bumble-bees allow them to go in and out of their nests with the greatest freedom. The social bees include our common bumble-bee and the domesticated honey-bees. The bumble-bees are of considerable importance to the farmer, for they are the only ones whose tongues are long enough to feed TTrr. .-,T AT^cf „f K ui^ k^^ m h on red-clover blossoms, so that 1"IG. 431. JNest 01 bumble-bee (Bombiis ' sp.), showing opening at the surface of they are entirely responsible for the ground and also brood cells in the jj-g pollination, and where they cavity beneath . . ,.„^ , are scarce it is ditticult to secure (Adapted from McCook by Kellogg) r 1 1 t • a crop 01 clover seed. It is hardly necessary to describe the nest of a bumble-bee, for what country boy does not look back upon the stirring experiences in- cident to the robbing of their nests, or of accidentally disturbing one while mowing, and being given good reason to remember the fact. The queens are larger than the males or workers, and are the only forms which live over winter. In the spring the queen finds some deserted mouse nest and within it places a ball of pol- len and her eggs. The larvae feed on the pollen and, when full HYMENOPTERA 71 a Fig. 432. Jiumble-bees a, worker; /', queen, or fertile female. (After Jordan and Kellogg) grown, make strong, brown, silken cocoons, in which they change to pupae. These cocoons are strengthened with wax by the queens, and are used for storing honey, after the young emerge. The first broods are all workers, and af- ter their appearance the queen has nothing more to do but lay her eggs. Later in the season the males and other queens appear, all living together in the same nest. In the fall the young queens crawl away to a suitable hibernating place, and in the spring start new colonies, in the manner previously described. Honey-bees. Probably no other insect is of quite as much human interest as the honey-bee. Apiculture is a well-developed art, its hterature is extensive, and its devotees have well-organized associ- ations. The honey-bee was brought from Europe by the early settlers of this country, and swarms have escaped, which have become the wild bees now found in hollow trees. There are three forms in every hive, — the queen, the drones, or males, and the workers, which are imperfectly devel- oped females. The workers are the common forms with which we are familiar, and which do all the work of the colony. The drones are larger than the workers, are reared in larger cells, and are blunter and broader in shape. They are relatively few in number, and occur only in the early summer, during the swarming season, after which they are expelled from the nest or killed by the workers. Fig. 433. The honey-bee {A/>/s mellifica) .{, queen ; B, drone ; C, worker. (After Kellogg) 272 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY The queen bee is much larger than the work- er, and has a long, pointed body. She is developed in a special cell sev- eral times the size of an or- dinary cell and readily distin- guishable, as it extends at a right angle to the other cells. The larvae are all fed by the workers, who provide honey and bee-bread, composed of pollen and nectar, for the ordinary cells which are to develop workers and Fig. 434. Queen cells of the honey-bee, and worker brood in various stages (After Benton, United States Department of Agriculture) Fig. 435. Honey-bees building comb (side of hive removed) (After Benton, United States Department of Agriculture) HYMENOPTERA 273 drones, but for the queen cell a royal jelly, which is excreted from the mouths of the workers and is very nutritious. Any worker egg may be developed into a queen at the desire of the workers by enlarging the cell and feed- ing the larva with this royal jelly. In the spring new queens appear in the colony, which are defended from the old queen by the workers, when the old queen, with many of her subjects, forms a new swarm and goes off to start a new colony, thus insuring the multiplication and continuance of the spe- cies. The comb is made of wax, and is constructed in thin, hexagonal cells so as to use as little material as possible, for it takes twenty- one pounds of honey to make one pound of wax. To secure the wax, some of the workers gorge themselves with honey and hang in a curtainlike mass in the hive. In a day or so the wax commences to exude from the wax plates on the underside of the abdomen and is scraped off and used by other workers in construct- ing the comb. From the buds of various trees, particularly the poplar, they collect a sort of resin, called propolis, which is used for cementing crevices in the hive. The Fig. 436. Legs of the honey-bee .-/, left front leg of worker (anterior view), show- ing position of notch (M) of antenna cleaner on base of first tarsal joint (/ Tar) and of clos- ing spine (cc) on end of tibia (77^) ; B, left hind-leg of worker (anterior view), showing the pollen-basket (67') on outer surface of tibia (Ti) ; C, inner view of first tarsal joint of hind- leg of worker, showing rows of pollen-gather- ing hairs and the so-called " wax shears." (After Snodgrass, United States Department of Agriculture) 2 74 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY bee-bread on which the larvae are fed is made from the pollen of flowers and is carried to the nest on the hind-legs, which have a hair-encircled area, called the pollen-basket, for transporting it. The honey is stored for food during the winter, and is made from the nectar of flowers, which is taken into the honey-stomach, where it is changed to honey, and is then regurgitated into the cells of the comb. Summary of the Hymenoptera Suborder I. Boring Hymenoptera {Terebratitia). With ovipositor and two- segmented trochanters. Section I. Plant-eating Hymenoptera. Abdomen not constricted. Family. Saw-flies {Tenthredinidae). Horn-tails {Siricidae). Section 2. Gall-inhabiting Hymenoptera {Cynipidae). Section 3. Parasitic Hymenoptera. Abdomen petiolate. Family. Ichneumon-flies (IcJmeiimonidae). Braconid-flies {Braconidae). Chalcis-flies {Chalcididae). Proctotrypid-flies {Proctotiypidae). Suborder II. Stinging Hymenoptera {Aculeata). Females bearing a sting; simple trochanters. Section i. Ants (superfamily Fo)-)nicind). Family. Common ants (Camponotidae). Stinging ants {Myrmicidae). Section 2. Wasps. First segment of metatarsi cylindrical ; hairs simple. A. Digger-wasps (superfamily Sphecina). Family. Velvet-ants {Mutillidae). Spider-wasps {Psatumocharidae). Thread-waisted wasps (SpJiecidae). Bembecids {Bembecidae\ and others. B. True wasps (superfamily Vespina). Wings folded fanlike on back when at rest. Family. Solitary wasps {Eujuenidae). Social wasps {Vespidae). Section 3. Bees (superfamily Apina). First segment of metatarsi, broad, flattened, hairy ; body hairs, plumose. Family. Short-tongued bees {Andrenidae). Long-tongued bees (Apidae). Solitary bees, guest-bees, social bees. PART III. LABORATORY EXERCISES CHAPTER XVI THE EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST Note. Beyond a doubt, one of the most difficult problems every instructor in the biological laboratory has to meet is to determine the amount of assistance which shall be given individual students. In advanced work, probably the best plan is to train students to rely on their own resources and to solve their own problems. In elementary classes, however, far too much time is often wasted in the laboratory because the instructor does not happen to be at hand to aid and direct the student. For this reason the following instructions are given, more or less in detail, with the hope that the students may intelligently carry on their work without the constant attention of the instructor. In order to derive the most benefit from the laboratory work, it is essential that the students should verify every detail of structure herein given before pro- ceeding with the drawings, the latter being considered simply as a means to an end. In fact, the amount of good derived by the student from the laboratory work is largely dependent upon the energy of the individual. For this reason the lab- oratory work should not be judged entirely by the drawings, and, if possible, the actual amount of information obtained by the student in the laboratory should be determined by examinations similar to those given in lecture or recitation work. For details concerning laboratory methods and equipment, see Chapter XXIII. Section I, External Anatomy of the Grasshopper (Type OF Class Insecta) Material. The red-legged locust {Melanoplus femi(i--rubruni) has been selected as the type of the class Insecta, partly on account of its abundance and the ease with which it may be collected, and partly on account of its simplicity of structure. Specimens for class work should be collected in the late summer or early fall, and preserved in 85 per cent alcohol for three or four >- days. After this time has elapsed, they should be transferred to 80 per cent ^ alcohol, to which 10 per cent of pure glycerin has been added. If soaked in p: warm water a short time before using, the specimens will be rendered soft and « pliable. The students should verify the following points : q 1. Body covering. Carefully examine with a hand lens the body "b covering of the specimen, and note that it is made up of a series 27 s 276 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY of hardened plates. These plates are known as sclerites, and the depression between two plates is called a suture. The hardness of the plates is due to the deposition of a horny substance called chitin. 2. General divisions of the body. Typically the bodies of all insects are divided into a series of rings, or segments. In many places two or more of these rings have grown together, or are fused. Again, in certain regions of the body, parts of the segments may be lost. Regardless of the amount of variation in this respect, however, we find that the segments are always grouped into three regions, known as head, thorax, and abdomen. a. The head. The head is made up of a number of segments, which are fused together, forming a boxlike structure. On the head are found the eyes, mouth-parts, and antennas. b. TJie thorax. This is the second division of the body, and consists of three segments, known as the prothorax (division nearest the head), mesothorax, and metathorax. Each of these segments bears a pair of walking appendages, and in addition the meso- thorax and metathorax are provided with wings. c. 71ie abdomen. This is the third division of the body, and is made up of eleven segments. The posterior segments, however, are not complete, showing modifications. Exercise 1. Pin the specimen to the bottom of a dissecting dish, spread the wings and wing-covers of one side, and make an enlarged drawing (dorsal view) of the entire insect, showing the above-named divisions. 3. Detailed study of the head. As already noted, the head of the locust is made up of a number of segments which have been firmly fused together. The following divisions should be noticed : a. The epicrarimm. This is a boxlike piece which surrounds the eyes and forms the basis of attachment for the movable parts of the head. It extends down the front of the head, between the eyes, to the transverse suture, and down the sides of the head to the base of the mouth-parts. The sides of the epicranium below the compound eyes are known as the genae, or cheeks, while the front of the head between the compound eyes is called the frons. b. The eonipojind eyes. These are situated upon the upper por- tion of the sides of the head, and are large, brown, oval areas with THE EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST 277 smooth, highly poHshed surfaces. If examined with a lens, the surface will be seen to be made up of a number of hexagonal areas, which are known as facets. c. The ocelli. These are sometimes called the simple eyes, and consist of three very small, almost transparent oval areas. One of the ocelli is situated on the front of the head just below the lowest margin of the compound eyes ; the other two are placed in the top of the impression which contains the bases of the antennas, and in contact with the upper portion of the compound eyes. d. The aiiteiuHC. These are two long, threadlike processes situ- ated median to the compound eyes. Each consists of about twenty- six segments. Each antenna arises from an oval depression known as the antennary fossa, and is attached by a thin membrane which admits of motion in all directions. e. TJie clypeus. This is a short, rectangular piece attached to the lower straight edge of the epicranium. f . TJte mouth-parts. These consist of a number of separate parts attached to the ventral region of the epicranium, and will be studied in detail later. Exercise 2. Make an enlarged drawing of the front of the head, showing the above parts. Exercise 3. Make an enlarged drawing of the side of the head, showing all the parts. Exercise 4. Remove the head and notice the occipital foramen, or the large opening by which the cavity of the head communicates with that of the neck and thorax. Section II. Mouth-Parts of Locusts Material. In order to effectively study the mouth-parts of the locust each student should be provided with prepared slides as well as with the alcoholic specimens. As the parts are removed for study they should be mounted on glass slides in a glycerin solution, and may then be compared with the pre- pared mounts. The parts may be removed by grasping them at their attachment with a pair of stout forceps and pulling them back at right angles to their attachment. 1. Labrum. The labrum, or upper lip, is a flaplike piece at- tached to the lower edge of the clypeus. The free edge is deeply notched on the median line. 278 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY 2. Mandibles. These lie directly beneath the labrum and con- sist of a pair of. short, thick pieces. The inner edge is somewhat flattened and provided with a number of toothlike projections which form the grinding surface of the mandibles. 3. Maxillae. These are the second pair of jaws ; they lie directly beneath the mandibles and are much more complicated in struc- ture. After they have been removed and mounted in glycerin, the following parts can be distinguished : a. The cardo. This forms the attachment or basal piece of the maxilla, and is triangular in shape. b. Tiie stipes. This is a quadrangular-shaped segment forming the central part of the maxilla. One side is attached to the cardo, and two of the other sides form the attachment for the remaining structures. c. The lacinia. This is attached to the inner edge of the stipes, and is a long, curved piece terminating in a row of sharp teeth. d. TJie galea. This portion of the maxilla articulates with the stipes on its outer edge, just below the attachment of the lacinia. It closely resembles this latter structure, except that the end is rounded instead of being toothed. e. The maxillary palpcs. These arise from a basal portion known as the palpifer, which articulates with the stipes between the attachment of the galea and the cardo. The palpae consist of five long, slender segments, and, like the antennae, are sensory in function. 4. Labium. The labium, or under lip, forms the under part of the mouth and, together with the upper lip, almost incloses the mandibles and maxillae. The labium is a complicated structure made up of the following parts : a. The submentimi. This forms the attachment to the epicra- nium and is a crescent-shaped piece. It is also joined to the membrane which connects the head with the thorax. b. TJie inentiLiii. This is the central portion of the labium, and is joined to the distal margin of the submentum. c. TJie ligula. The ligula consists of two large, movable flaps attached to the distal, or outer, edge of the mentum, and forms the terminal, central portion of the labium. THK EXTERNAL ANATOMY OE THE LOCUST 279 d. The labial palpcc. These resemble the maxillary palpae, but consist of only four segments, which are attached to the palpifers. These are located on either side of the mcntum, below the attach- ment of the ligula. 5. Hypopharynx. The hypopharynx, or tongue, is located on the floor of the mouth, between the maxillae. It is diamond-shaped when viewed from above, and is covered with numerous small taste setae. Exercise 5. Make a careful drawing of the mouth-parts, showing all of the above-named structures. Section III. The Thorax Material. Each student should be provided with both alcoholic and dry speci- mens, and should remove the wings and legs from one side of the body only. 1. Divisions of the thorax. As has already been noted, the thorax is divided into three segments, known as the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax. 2. Prothorax. This is the segment to which the head is attached, and may be divided into two regions, — a dorsal region known as the pronotum, and a ventral region known as the sternum. a. The pronotum. This is a bonnetlike piece extending over the dorsal and lateral region of the prothorax. It is made up of a fusion of four plates, which are indicated by the transverse sutures. Anteriorly there is an opening corresponding to the occipital fora- men of the epicranium. b. TJic stcrniim. The ventral side, or sternum, of the prothorax is also made up of separate plates, or sclerites. The anterior sclerite bears a spine on the median line. c. The prothoracic legs. These arise from the ventral, lateral region of the prothorax. Their structure will be noted later. 3. Mesothorax and metathorax. The sclerites of these two segments are very intimately associated, and their structure will be discussed together. The mesothorax is joined to the prothorax by a membrane which permits of more or less movement. Posteriorly the metathorax is joined immovably with the first abdominal seg- ment. The hiesothorax and metathorax form a strong, boxlike struc- ture for the support of the wing and leg muscles. Like the prothorax 28o ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY these segments are made up of separate plates, held together by a tough, connecting membrane. These plates may, however, be divided into three groups : the tergum, or dorsal region ; the sternum, or ventral region ; and the pleuron, or lateral region. On the dorsal and ventral regions of the body the sutures separating the mesothorax from the metathorax are not very distinct. On the sides of the body, however, there is a very distinct line, or suture, running from the posterior border of the attachment of the second pair of legs toward the dorsal part of the body. This suture divides the mesothorax from the metathorax. The pleura of each of the posterior thoracic segments are again divided by transverse sutures, so that each pleuron consists of two sclerites. a. The legs. The mesothoracic and metathoracic legs arise from the lower posterior border of the pleura of their respective seg- ments, and are joined to the thorax by a tough, elastic membrane, b. The wings. The wings have a more anterior origin in respect to their thoracic segments than do the legs. Each pair arises at the union of the pleura and tergum. c. The spij-aeles. The spiracles, or openings of the respiratory system, consist of two pair 6i liplike structures situated on either side of the bqdy on the anterior margin of the pleural plates. The mesothoracic spiracle is concealed by the posterior edge of the pronotum. The metathoracic spiracle is located just dorsal to the mesothoracic leg, near the suture separating the two segments. There is another spiracle just dorsal to the attachment of the meta- thoracic leg, but this belongs to the first abdominal segment. Exercise 6, Make a full-page drawing of a side view of the thorax of a locust with the wings and legs removed, showing all of the parts noted above. Section IV. The Thoracic AppENDACiES Material. With a pair of fine-pointed scissors remove the legs from one side of the body of the locust and arrange them on a piece of white paper in their regular order. Also remove the wing and wing-cover (mesothoracic wing) from one side and pin to a thin sheet of cork, spreading the wing to its full dimension. 1. Legs. Make a comparative study of the legs, which will be found to consist of the following segments : THE EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST 28 1 a. TJic coxa. This is the first segment, and is attached to the thorax by a tough, elastic membrane. It is short, almost globular, and is more distinct on the prothoracic legs than on the other two. b. TJic trocJiaiitcr. This is the second segment, and is consid- erably shorter than the coxa, and partially or entirely fused with the next segment. It is hard to distinguish except in the first pair of legs. c. The fcj/uir. lliis is the third and largest segment of the leg, and in the case of the metathoracic leg contains the muscles used in jumping. d. The tibia. This is the fourth segment, and is much more slender than the femur, although about equaling it in length. e. 77ie tarstts. This is the last division, and is made up of three short segments freely articulating with each other. These seg- ments bear a series of pads, which terminate on the last one in a large, suckerlike disk known as the pulvillus. On each side of the pulvillus is a pair of claws, the ungues. Exercise 7. Make drawings of the first and third thoracic legs, showing all the parts. 2. Wing-covers. The wing-covers are leathery in texture and do not fold fanlike over the abdomen, as do the two wings. They are strengthened by numerous veins and cross veins. Exercise 8. Make an enlarged drawing of a wing-cover, noting the arrange- ment and number of the veins and cross veins ; also note the attachment to the mesothorax. 3. Wings. These are sometimes called the second, or meta- thoracic, wings. They are membranous in texture and fold fanlike when not in use. They are also strengthened by numerous veins and cross veins, as are the wing-covers. Exercise 9. Make an enlarged drawing of a wing, showing the arrangement of the veins, method of folding, attachment, etc. 282 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Section V. The Abdomen Material. Each student should be provided with one alcoholic specimen each of the male and the female locust. The remains of the specimens used in previous sections will be sufficient. 1. Abdomen of the male. The abdomen of the male locust con- sists of eleven segments ; only seven of these, however, are complete. a. The first abdominal segmejtt. This is made up of a curved, dorsal shield, the tergum, which terminates just above the attach- ment of the third pair of legs. This piece partially surrounds the tympanic membrane, or ear, which is a large, crescent-shaped area covered with a semitransparent membrane. Between the ear and the attachment of the legs are the spiracles, which have already been noted. The ventral part of the first segment, the sternum, is not attached to the tergum, owing to the large size of the attach- ment of the legs. The pleura are entirely absent. b. The second to eighth abdominal segments. These are all quite similar, consisting of a dorsal tergum, which extends laterally to near the ventral part of the body, where it joins the sternum. The pleura, or side pieces, noted in connection with the thorax, have been inseparably fused to the tergum. One pair of spiracles is located at the anterior margin of each segment near the union of the sternum and tergum. c. Segments nine and ten. The terga of these two segments are partially fused together, the union of the two being indicated by the presence of a transverse suture. The sterna of these two segments are entirely fused and much modified, forming a broad, platelike piece. d. Segment eleven. This is represented only by the tergum, which forms the terminal, dorsal, shield-shaped piece. e. TJie cerci. These are a pair of plates attached to the lateral, posterior border of the tenth segment, and extend back past the end of the eleventh tergum. f. The snbgenital plate. This is attached to the ninth sternum and forms the most posterior ventral plate of the body. g. The podical plates. These lie directly beneath the cerci and ventral to the eleventh tergum. The anus opens between these plates, and the genital chamber lies directly below them. THE EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST 283 Exercise 10. Make an enlarged drawing of the side view of the abdomen of the male locust, showing all of the above parts. 2. Abdomen of the female. The abdomen of the female from the first to the seventh segment is nearly the same as in the male. a. Segment eigJit. This segment resembles the other segments, except that the sternum is nearly twice as long, and is known as the subgenital plate. b. Segments nine, ten, and eleven. These are essentially like those of the male, the tergum of nine and ten being partially fused, and tergum eleven forming the terminal, dorsal shield. c. The eeiri and podieal plates. These plates are similar to those in the male, except that the podieal plates are much more prominent. d. TJie ovipositor. The ovipositor consists of three pairs of movable plates. The dorsal pair lie just ventral to the eleventh tergum and are long, lance-shaped pieces with hard, pointed tips. The ventral pair arises just dorsal to the eighth sternum and resembles the dorsal pair. When these four pieces are brought together, their points are in contact, forming a sharp organ b}' means of which the female bores the holes in the ground in which to deposit her eggs. The third set of plates are known as the egg guides. These are much smaller and are located median to the plates of the true ovipositor. Exercise 11. Make a drawing of the side view of the last five segments of the female locust. CHAPTER XVII A COMPARISON OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ARTHROPODA Section VI. Comparison of Insects and Crustaceans (Types, Locust and Crayfish) Material. Alcoholic specimens of both crayfish and locusts should be pro- vided, although the student by this time should be familiar with the structure of the locust. The lobster is much larger and easier to work than the crayfish, and instructions here given will apply to either. Both the lobster and the crayfish may be obtained from any of the natural-history supply companies. Crayfish may be collected in many sections of the country from streams and ponds, and should be preserved in the same manner as recommended for the locust. Material for Exercise 17 (the sow-bug) can be obtained in abundance under boards and stones and in other damp locations. It may be preserved in alcohol. Exercise 12. Comparison of the anatomy of the crayfish atid the locust. With the two specimens at hand, write out a careful comparison of the following points : 1. Nature of the body covering. 2. General divisions of the body. (A fusion of the head and thorax is known as the cephalothorax.) Exercise 13. The head and head appendages. Remove the appendages from one side of the crayfish, beginning with the first appendage anterior to the first walking leg. These may be removed by grasping them near their attachment with a pair of strong forceps, and pulling them backwards toward the posterior end of the body. As each one is removed, it should be laid on a piece of wet blotting paper in regular order. The appendages of the crayfish are numbered from the anterior to the posterior end of the body. The head appendages are as follows : 1 . The antennule, consisting of a basal piece and two long, slender filaments. 2. The antenna, consisting of a basal piece, one long, slender filament, known as the endopodite, and a short, platelike projection, known as the exopodite. 3. The mandibles. 4. 5. The first and second maxillae. The above include all the head append- ages. Write out a careful comparison of these appendages and corresponding appendages in the locust. Also with a hand lens make a comparative study of the eyes. 284 THE- DIFFERENT TYPES OF ARTHROPODA 285 Exercise 14. ./ coiiiparison of the llioracit appendages. Appendages 6, 7, and 8 of the thorax are known as the first, second, and third inaxillipeds, and the appendages from 9-13 are the walking appendages. Write out a comparison of the thoracic appendages, noting the number, segmentation, etc. Exercise 15. A comparative study of the abdomens of the crayfish and locust. Appendages 14-20 of the crayfish are known as the swimmerets. Compare these with the more anterior appendages of the crayfish. Also write out a careful comparison of the segmentation of the abdomens of the crayfish and locust. Exercise 16. Make a drawing of the side view of the crayfish, naming the different appendages and divisions of the body. Exercise 17. Make drawings of appendages 2, 10, and 16. Exercise 18. Comparison of the locust and sow-bug. Write out a careful comparison of these two forms, noting : 1. The nature of the body covering. 2. The general divisions and segmentation of the body. 3. The nature of the appendages. 4. The number and position of the appendages. Exercise 19. Make a drawing of the ventral view of the sow-bug, showing the number, position, and arrangement of the appendages. Section VII. Comparison of Insects and Myriapoda (Types, Locust and Centipede) Material. Centipedes are flattened, wormlike animals living under logs, stones, and other damp localities. They are quite common in most places, and may be collected and preserved in 75 per cent alcohol. Large specimens may usually be supplied by most of the natural-history supply houses. Exercise 20. Write out a detailed comparison of a centipede and locust, noting the following points : 1 . The general divisions of the body. 2. The nature of body covering. 3. The segmentation of the body. 4. The eyes and antennae. 5. The mouth-parts. 6. The legs, number of their segments, etc. Exercise 21. Make a drawing of the dorsal view of the head. Exercise 22. Make a drawing of a ventral view of the head. 2 86 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Section VIIL Comparison of Insects and Arachnida (TvpES, Spider {Argiopc) and Locust) Material. When possible, the ladder-spider should be collected for this work, as it is large, brilliantly colored, and can usually be collected in large numbers in the fall. Exercise 23. Write out a careful comparison of the following parts: 1. The cov'ering of the body and segmentation. 2. The general divisions of the body. 3. The eyes (located on the anterior portion of the cephalothorax), their number, arrangement, etc. 4. The mouth-parts, consisting of the mandibles, with terminal fang, maxillae, hypopharynx, and a rudimentary labium. 5. The legs, number, number of segments, etc. 6. The abdomen, including the following structures : a. The opening of the book-lungs, which lie on either side of the me- dian line at the anterior end of the abdomen and are respiratory in function. b. The genital opening, situated in the female on a prominent median tubercle located between the book-lungs. c. The spinnerets, consisting of six papillae at the posterior end of the body. Exercise 24. Make a drawing of a dorsal view of the spider. Exercise 25. Make a drawing of the mandibles and maxillae of the spider. CHAPTER XVIII A COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF INSECTS; STRUCTURE OF THE BEE, FLY, AND BEETLE Section IX. Anatomy of the Honey-Bee (Second Type of THE Class Insecta) Material. The ordinary honey-bee can be easily collected for this work, and should be in as fresh a condition as possible. While alcoholic specimens will do, it is much better to furnish the students with fresh material, or to dry the specimens and place them in a moist chamber about two hours before using. It is almost imperative that the students be supplied with prepared slides of the legs to supplement the dry material. As this section's work will not deal with the mouth-parts, prepared slides of these will not be needed until later. 1. General anatomy of the honey-bee. The bee furnishes an ex- cellent example of the specialization of insects, all of the parts being modified for a special purpose. This laboratory section's work is intended to give the student an idea of these modifications, with the exception of the mouth-parts, which will be studied later. The plan of structure does not differ much from that of the locust ; the student, however, should notice the following points : Exercise 26. Write out a careful comparison of the bee and locust as follows : 1. The nature of the body covering. 2. The segmentation of the body. 3. The divisions of the body. 4. The number and position of the appendages. 5. The structure of the head (except the mouth-parts). Note the compound eyes, ocelli, and antennas. 2. Modifications of the prothoracic leg. Carefully remove the prothoracic legs and mount in the glycerin solution. Compare with the prepared slides and notice the following points (the gen- eral divisions of the leg are the same as those of the locust) : a. TIic coxa. This basal piece is a rather large, triangular seg- ment attached to the prothorax. 287 288 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY b. TJic trocJiajitcr. This is proportionally larger than in the locust ; aside from this it shows no special modifications. c. TJie fcimir. This is a large, club-shaped joint covered with long hairs. d. The tibia. This segment is smaller than the preceding and is provided with a spine at the lower end. e. The tarsus. The tarsus consists of five segments, the first being nearly as large as the tibia. It is provided with a notch, near its attachment to the tibia, which, together with the spine on the latter segment, forms the antenna cleaner. Notice also the bilobed claws on the end of the tarsus, together with the median, flaplike structure known as the empodium. This secretes a slicky substance, which enables the bee to walk on a smooth surface. Exercise 27. Make an enlarged drawing of a prothoracic leg, showing the segmentation, antenna cleaner, claws, etc. 3. Mesothoracic leg. The mesothoracic leg differs but slightly from the prothoracic leg, except that the antenna cleaner is absent and that on the inner side of the tibia there is a spur used in loosen- ing the pollen from flowers. Exercise 28. Make drawing of the inner side of the tibia and tarsus of the mesothoracic leg, showing the spine. 4. Metathoracic leg. This resembles the prothoracic leg, with the following modifications : a. T]ic pollen-basket. The outer surface of the tibia of the third thoracic leg is smooth and surrounded with a row of long, incurved hairs. This is known as the pollen-basket, and is used in carr)dng the pollen to the hive. b. TJie ivax piiieeis. Between the end of the tibia and the tarsus is a pincerlike structure consisting of a row of thick, flattened spines on the edge of the tibia, which come in contact with the smooth edge of the tarsus. These wax pincers are supposed to be used in re- moving the plates of wax from the abdomen, where they are secreted. c. TJie pollen eomb. This structure is located on the inner sur- face of the flat, basal segment of the tarsus, and consists of nine parallel rows of bristles, which are used in combing the pollen from the body, where it collects while the bee is gathering nectar. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT INSECTS 289 Exercise 29. Make a drawing of the inner surface of tlie third thoracic leg. Exercise 30. Make a drawing of the outer surface of the third thoracic leg. Exercise 31. Examine the wings of the bee under the compound micro- scope and make a drawing showing the fine hooks and groove by means of which the wings ai'e locked together during flight. Also notice the arrangement of the veins. Section X. Comparison of the Flv with the Loclst and Bee Material. Probably the best material for the study of the anatomy of the Diptera is some of the large horse-flies, like Taba)iiis atra/us, although these may be hard to secure in sufficient numbers. If these cannot be secured, any of the smaller, more abundant species will suffice. The material may be pre- served in 75 per cent alcohol, or dried, the latter method probably being pref- erable for a study of the external parts ; the specimens should, however, be placed in a moist chamber at least twenty-four hours before they are wanted for use. Exercise 32. Write out a careful comparative description of the external anatomy of the fl}\ comparing it with the locust and the bee, and noting the following points of structure : 1 . The divisions of the body, the body covering, and the segmentation. 2. The head and its appendages, with the exception of the mouth-parts. 3. The thorax and thoracic appendages. 4. The abdomen and its segmentation. Exercise 33. Make a drawing of the wing of a fly, comparing it with the text figure. Section XI. Comparison oi' a Beetle with the Locust AND Bee Material. Almost any of the larger beetles will serve for this work, although the May-beetle will probably be the easiest to secure. These should be pre- served in the alcohol-glycerin solution. Exercise 34. Write out a comparison of the beetle with the locust and bee, noting : 1 . The nature of the body covering, the segmentation, and the divisions of the body. 2. The head, including the eyes and antennae. (If time permits, the mouth-parts of the beetle might profitably be dissected and compared with those of the locust.) 3. The thorax, including the wings and wing-covers, especially noting the modification of the wing-covers. 4. The abdomen, the number of segments, etc. Exercise 35. Make a drawing of the antennas, wings, and wing-covers of the beetle. CHAPTER XIX THE INTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST Section XII MateriaL Fresh material will be found the most satisfactor}' for this work, the specimens being placed in 85 per cent alcohol for about an hour before being used. If fresh material is not available, alcoholic specimens that have been previously soaked in warm water for a short time will work very satisfactorily. After removing the wings and legs from the right side of the locust, make a longitudinal, dorsal incision to the right of the median, dorsal line, and the entire length of the body. Make a similar longitudinal ventral incision to the right of the midventral line. Remove carefully the right side of the chitinous covering, exposing all of the internal organs, of which the following systems should be studied : 1. Digestive system. The digestive system occupies the greater part of the thoracic and the ventral part of the abdominal cavity. It is essentially a continuous tube, divided into the following re- gions, each with a particular function to perform. a. TJic esophagus. This is a cylindrical tube, with tough, mus- cular walls. It runs from the mouth, opening dorsally to a point opposite the foramenal aperture, where it bends at right angles and enters the thorax. b. TJie crop. This is an enlargement of the esophagus and, be- ginning in the mesothorax, runs to the abdomen, almost filling the mesothoracic and metathoracic cavities, c. The giaaard {provejitriciilus). This is the next division (not found in the genus Aeridiiun) . The walls are thick and muscular, and on the inside are lined with a series of chitinous plates which are used in completing the mastication of the food, d. The stomach (ventrietdiis). This division is separated from the gizzard by a slight constriction. It is approximately the same diameter as the gizzard and extends from the first to the seventh segment of the abdomen, e. TJie large intestine. This is of somewhat smaller diameter than the stomach and runs from the seventh to the tenth segment, 290 THE INTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST 29 1 f , TJic small intestine. The small intestine is a short, muscular tube running from the end of the large intestine toward the dorsal part of the body and ending in segment eleven, g. The rectuui. The rectum is a short, muscular enlargement in segment eleven and ends in the anal opening. 2. Accessory organs of digestion. In connection with the ali- mentary tract are a certain number of glands or glandular structures which either aid in the digestion of the food or assist in eliminating the waste products. a. TJie salivary glands. These are small, white glands located on either side of the esophagus in the thorax. They open out into two main ducts which lead to the mouth. b. The gastfie cccca. The gastric caeca consist of a set of eight double, cone-shaped pouches which open at the union of the crop and stomach. They form a complete belt around the alimentary tract at this point and secrete a fluid which aids in digestion. c. The Malpigiiian tubules. The Malpighian tubules are a sys- tem of ver}' fine, hairlike tubes which arise from the most anterior end of the large intestine. Their function is excretory, similar to that of the kidneys. 3. Reproductive system. The ease with which the organs of this system may be distinguished depends considerably on the sex and the time of year at which the specimens were collected. a. Female reproduetive organs. In the fall, just before the eggs are deposited, the entire abdomen of the female is filled with a yellow, coarsely granular organ known as the ovary. There are a pair of these, one located on either side of the body. Running from the posterior end of the ovary are two small tubes called the oviducts, which unite near the posterior end of the body to form the vagina. This opens externally upon the upper surface of the subgenital plate, between the ovipositor. On a median line slightly dorsal to the ^g^ guides there is a second opening, which communi- cates with a long, slender tube ending in an enlarged pouch known as the spermatheca. This entire structure is very difficult to locate. b. Male reproductive organs. The general arrangement of the male reproductive organs is quite similar to that of the female, only much smaller. The two pair of testes (corresponding to the ovaries) lie on the dorsal side of the stomach and are inclosed in a saclike 2 92 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY membrane. Leading from the testes are two very fine, hairlike tubes known as the vas deferens. These pass down to the ventral side of the body on either side of the alimentary tract and unite, forming the ejaculatory duct, which opens dorsally to the subgenital plate. Just before the union of the vas deferens they are joined on either side by a number of fine tubules known as the seminal vesicles, the function of which is to store up the products of the reproductive glands. Exercise 36. Make a careful drawing of the side view of a locust, showing the alimentary tract, accessory organs of digestion, and either the male or the female reproductive system. 4. Nervous system. With a pair of fine scissors cut the alimen- tary tract through the esophagus and small intestine, and carefully remove, together with the reproductive organs. Great care must be taken to not injure or displace any of the other organs. Also care- fully remove the right side of the chitinous portion of the head. The nervous system consists principally of a supra-esophageal ganglion, or brain, which lies dorsal to the esophagus. This is a large, whitish mass of nervous tissue and, if carefully dissected, can be seen to be directly connected with the compound eyes. Running on either side of the esophagus is a small, white nerve cord that unites on the ventral side, forming the sub-esophageal ganglion. Running from this ganglion toward the posterior end of the body is the ventral nerve cord. If carefully examined, this will be found to consist of two parallel white cords that are occasionally united by the ventral ganglia, from which arise numerous lateral nerves. These ventral ganglia occur in the following segments, — the prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax, and abdominal segments two, three, five, six, and seven. 5. Muscular system. In elementary work of this sort no attempt will be made to trace out the different sets of muscles, but the general relation of the different muscles to the segments should be noted. In the mesothorax and metathorax notice the large wing mus- cles ; also in the abdomen notice the longitudinal and ventral bands. 6. Respiratory system. The respiratory system is made up of tubes known as trachea. These open out along either side of the body ; the openings, which have already been noted, are termed the THE INTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE LOCUST 293 spiracles. Soon after entering the body the trachea unite to form two large lateral trunks. T^rom these, dorsal branches are given off, which unite, forming two parallel dorsal trunks. Running off from both the dorsal and lateral trunks are smaller branches, which separate into extremely minute tubes and ramify through all the tissues. Exercise 37. If fresh specimens are at hand, mount in water some of the fatty tissue surrounding the alimentary tract, and examine under the compound microscope. The trachea will be seen as much-branched silver-colored tubes. Make a careful drawing. Exercise 38. Make a drawing of the side view of the locust, with the alimen- tary tract and reproductive organs removed, showing the general arrangement of the muscular, tracheal, and nervous systems. 7. Circulatory system. The circulatory system consists of a dorsal, median, tubular heart. This can be seen in fresh specimens by removing the dorsal body wall. Exercise 39. In order to observe the rhythmic contraction of the heart, obtain living larvae of mosquitoes, dragon-flies, or Ma3'-flies. Place them in water on a slide and examine under the microscope. Draw. CHAPTER XX MOUTH-PARTS OF INSECTS The type of biting mouth-parts has already been considered in Chapter XVI, the forms here considered being more highly specialized. Section XIII. Sucking Mouth-Parts (Type, Squash-Bug) Material. Students should be provided with prepared slides of the mouth- parts of the squash-bug. They should also have alcoholic specimens, as the arrangement of the parts cannot be easily distinguished on the prepared slides. Before studying the prepared slides the students should dissect out the mouth- parts of an alcoholic specimen. With a pair of sharp-pointed scissors cut off the ventral part of the head and place it in a thick glycerin solution, consist- ing of equal parts of glycerin and alcohol. Then, under the lens of a dissect- ing microscope, pull the long proboscis apart, noting the order of arrangement of the different pieces. The mouth-parts of the squash-bug consist of a long, jointed beak in which are found four long, threadlike setae. They should be compared with the mouth-parts of the locust. 1. Labrum. The labrum, or upper lip, is a long, triangular, sharply pointed piece, with slightly serrated edge, and fits over the groove of the lower lip. 2. Mandibles. The mandibles are a pair of long, hairlike setae with sharp-toothed points. They adhere very closely together, and are used in cutting into the tissues of plants in order to induce a flow of sap. 3. Maxillae. These closely resemble the mandibles and, like them, lock together, forming a lancelike structure. They are used in piercing plants, the same as the mandibles. 4. Labium. The labium, or under lip, is formed into a long, partially closed tube„ in which lie the mandibles and maxillae. It is made up of four segments of about equal length. Exercise 40. Make a careful drawing of the mouth-parts of the squash-bug, showing the above details. 294 MOUTH-PARTS OF INSECTS 295 Section XIV. Specialized Piercing Mouth-Parts (Type, Horse-fly) Material. Specimens of any of the common horse-flies (Tabaiais) will do for this work, though only female flies can be used, as the mandibles are lack- ing in the males. The two sexes may be distinguished by the position of the eyes. In the male the eyes touch for a greater or less distance, while in the female there is a narrow space between the eyes. The mouth-parts are quite conspicuous and should be removed and mounted as in the previous section. Students should also be provided with prepared slides. A comparison should be made with the mouth-parts already studied. The mouth-parts of the fly are more highly specialized than those of the squash-bug, and consist of a number of stylets, or flat, pointed pieces, more or less completely inclosed in the fleshy under lip. They consist of the following parts : 1. Labrum. The labrum, or upper lip, is the uppermost stylet, and consists of a flat, unpaired piece, bluntly tipped. It is broader than any of the remaining stylets. 2. Mandibles. These consist of a pair of flat, smooth, sharply pointed pieces adapted for piercing. 3. Maxillae. These are the second pair of stylets and are under- neath the mandibles, which they very closely resemble. The max- illae are narrower than the mandibles, are less strongly chitinized, and are, provided with palps, which are attached to the base of each maxilla. The palps consist of two segments and are thick, clublike structures covered with very fine hairs. 4. Hypopharynx. The hypopharynx, or tongue, is a slender, unpaired piece resembling very much the labrum, but is narrower and more sharply pointed. It lies directly underneath the maxillae. 5. Labium. This is a conspicuous, proboscislike structure, which partially incloses the other mouth-parts. At the end of the labium is a large, fleshy, disklike piece called the labella. It con- sists of two lobes, which fit closely around the stylets when they are being used. Exercise 41. Make careful drawings of the above mouth-parts. 296 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Section XV. Sucking Mouth-Parts (Type, Butterfly) Material. The commonest type, and one of the best for this work, is the monarch butterfly [Anosta plexippus). These may be collected and dried and the scales carefully removed from the head with a stiff camel's-hair brush. Part of the specimens should be boiled in caustic potash (KOH) and the head mounted in balsam. The remainder of the specimens should be placed in the moist chamber for a day or so before they are wanted. The mouth-parts of the Lepidoptera are greatly modified, and only careful study reveals the relation between them and the biting mouth-parts of the locust. 1. Labrum. This is a very short, quadrangular piece, ahnost or entirely indistinguishable in some species, as it is immovably joined to the clypeus. 2. Mandibles. The mandibles are almost entirely wanting in the monarch butterfly, although they are represented in some forms by two triangular pieces which are of little or no use to the insect. In some of the moths they are more highly developed. 3. Maxillae. The maxillae are the most conspicuous part of the mouth, the two together forming a long, coiled sucking tube used in drawing up nectar. Each maxilla is deeply grooved on the inner side, the two fitting together, forming a complete tube. The maxillary palps are wanting in this form, although present 'in some of the lower forms. 4. Labium. The labium consists of a small, triangular flap almost completely fused with the base of the maxillae. Extending out from either side of the labium are the large labial palps, which form two prominent, plumelike projections from either side of the head. They are three-jointed and covered with scales. Exercise 42. Make a drawing of the mouth-parts of the monarch butterfly, showing the above in detail. Section XVI. Sucking and Biting Mouth-Parts (Type, Honey-bee) Material. The honey-bees for this section's work may be preserved in 75 per cent alcohol. It may be found advantageous to substitute the bumble-bee, as the mouth-parts are larger and more easily dissected. In either case it is desirable that the students be provided with prepared slides. The mouth-parts MOUTH-PARTS OF INSECTS 297 of the honey-bee are made up of the typical number of parts, but are adapted both for biting and sucking. The student should refer to the other types of mouth-parts already studied. 1. Labrum. This consists of a small, rectangular piece attached to the clypeus, and resembles closely the labrum of the locust. 2. Mandibles. These are hard, well-developed structures, more elongated than in the locust, and are devoid of teeth. 3. Maxillae. The maxillse are complicated structures and, as in the locust, consist of the following parts : a. TJie cardo. This serves as the attachment to the epicranium and is an elongated piece. b. TJic stipes. These are rather thick, club-shaped pieces strongly chitinized. c. The maxillary palps. These are short and almost atrophied, located at the distal, outer edge of the stipes. d. TJie laeinia galea. These two structures are fused together in the bee and form a pair of elongated pieces deeply grooved on the inner edge. When fitted together, they form a partially closed tube more or less completely surrounding the parts of the labium, 4. Labium. The labium, or under lip, is even more modified than the maxillae, and consists of the following parts : a. TJie subfuentiim. This is a triangular, basal piece, running off from which are two small, rodlike pieces known as the lora. b. The mentinn. This is a large, pear-shaped piece attached to the submentum. c. TJie labial palps. The labial palps are greatly modified, form- ing two long, four-jointed structures grooved on the inner edge. When these are fitted together, they form a tube which in turn is inclosed by the laeinia galea of the maxillae. d. TJie paraglossa. This is a sheathlike arrangement which incloses the base of the tongue, lies median to the palps, and is attached to the mentum. 5. Tongue. The tongue is a long, flexible rod, densely covered with hairs. Along the ventral side there is a deep groove, forming almost a complete tube, and at the end is a flaplike structure known as the flabellum. Exercise 43. Make a careful drawing of the mouth-parts of the honey-bee, showing the above structures in detail. CHAPTER XXI THE LIFE HISTORY OF INSECTS Section XVII. Life History of a Plant-Louse (Family Aphididae) Material. The family Aphididae probably furnishes some of the best ex- amples for the study of incomplete metamorphosis of insects. It does not matter much what particular species is selected for this work, as any of the ordinary aphids attacking greenhouse plants will be found quite satisfactory. Among the forms most easily managed may be mentioned the lettuce aphis and the rose aphis. These may almost always be secured at any time of year. For work on the lettuce aphis each student should be provided with a flowerpot in which is growing one small lettuce plant. The instructor should keep on hand a supply of aphids. These should be grown on lettuce under a large bell jar, to prevent the escape of the winged forms. Each student should be given one wingless, viviparous female just before the insect reaches maturity. It will be recalled that the life history of the Aphididae may vary considerably with the different species. Nearly all of them, how- ever, have two forms of reproduction, known as viviparous repro- duction (in which the living young are brought forth without the fertilization of the female by the male) and oviparous reproduction (in which eggs are deposited by fertilized females). The sexual forms are usually brought forth in the fall by a viviparous female, and after mating, the oviparous female deposits eggs which are not hatched until the next spring. From these eggs are hatched the viviparous females, this form of reproduction continuing throughout the summer. It will also be recalled that of the viviparous forms part may be winged and part wingless. Exercise 44. Watch the viviparous female carefully and write up a detailed set of notes, including the following observations : 1. Date of birth of first young, giving the hour when the observation was made. 2. Date of birth of subsequent young, giving the number of young, the day, and the hour when observed. Be sure that only one viviparous female is present on each culture, and keep careful track of all the offspring. 298 THE LIFE HISTORY OF INSECTS 299 3. Number the offspring consecutively, according to age, and note which developed into winged and which into wingless forms. 4. Note the age at which each of these individuals begins reproduction. It might be suggested that when the first of this generation begins reproducing, it is best to remove the young in order to prevent confusion of the generations. Exercise 45. Make a chart from your above notes, giving the number of the individual, whether winged or wingless, date of birth, date of maturity (when first young is produced). Exercise 46. Notes on the rapidity of growth. Isolate some newly born individuals, noting the date and hour of birth. Watch these carefully, and note the date and the hour that molting occurs. The cast skin will usually be found near the young aphids, which begin feeding soon after molting. Those indi- viduals just having molted will be found to be the lightest in color, but the cast skin should be taken as the only proof that the insect has molted. As soon as these individuals begin to reproduce, tabulate your above notes, giving the number of hours between each molt for each individual. Exercise 47. Write up a detailed set of notes describing one wingless in- dividual after each molt, up to and including the adult form, noting all the changes which may occur. Exercise 48. Write up a detailed set of notes, similar to the above, for the winged form. Exercise 49. Mount a wingless individual in the alcohol-glycerin solution and make a drawing of the dorsal view. (The aphids should first be dipped in 95 per cent alcohol, and may then be mounted directly in the glycerin solution.) Exercise 50. Mount a winged individual in the alcohol-glycerin solution and make a drawing of the dorsal view. Section XVIII. Life History of the Dragon-Fly Material. It will be quite impractical for a class in elementary entomology to try to trace the complete life history of the dragon-fly, but this form will give the student a good idea of the habits and structure of aquatic nymphs. The dragon-flies deposit their eggs on water plants, and as soon as these hatch, the young nymphs settle to the bottom of the pond and may be found, at almost any time of the year, crawling about in decaying vegetation or other sediment. The easiest way to secure them is to rake out the sediment from the quiet pools of a stream, or from the edge of ponds, with an ordinary garden rake. The nymphs, together with a small amount of sediment, should be placed in an aquarium until ready for observation. This applies especially to material collected in the fall, as it will be difhcult for each individual student to provide food and suitable conditions for the nymphs that he may have under his observation. When this work is undertaken by a class, each student should be provided with a glass dish containing three or four of the largest-sized nymphs. As it is necessary to feed the nymphs on other aquatic insects, it might be better not to collect the material until early spring. 300 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Exercise 51. Obseri'a/io/is on the structure of i/ie nymphs. Write up a careful description of the nymphs, noting the details of structure. In the description, refer to and use the terms with which you have already become familiar in your description of other forms. Exercise 52. Habits of the nymphs. Make as many notes as possible on the general habits of the nymphs, noting their methods of feeding, locomotion, secreting themselves, etc. (see page 98). Exercise 53. Observations on the transfoiinaiion of nymphs. Note care- fully whether or not the nymph molts, or sheds its skin, and, if observed, how the act is performed. Toward spring the nymphs should be placed in the sun- light as much as possible. Each dish should also be provided with a number of sticks, up which the nymphs may crawl when they are ready to transform to the adult stage. If possible, observe this transformation and write up a com- plete set of notes on the subject. Section XIX. Complete Metamorphosis, Life History of THE Cabbage Butterfly {Pontia rapae) Material. The following instructions have been prepared especially for the study of the cabbage butterfly, though the life history of any of the other Lepi- doptera may be studied in the same manner, substituting, of course, -the proper food plants. Each student should be provided with a flowerpot in which is grow- ing a young cabbage plant. If this work may be begun by the middle of Septem- ber, cabbage butterflies should be collected and one pair placed in each of a number of breeding cages (see Chapter XXIII). The pots containing the young plants can be placed in the cages, and daily observations made for the presence of eggs. After the eggs hatch, a large lantern globe, the top of which has been covered with cheesecloth, should be placed over each plant, to prevent the escape of the larvae. Exercise 54. Egg deposition. The student should, if possible, determine and make notes of the following points : 1. On what part of the leaf are the eggs deposited .-^ 2. Are they deposited in clusters or singly.-* 3. The number of eggs deposited by one female. 4. The period of incubation. 5. Describe and make drawings of the eggs. Exercise 55. Observations on the larva. Determine and make notes of the number of molts, describing each of the larval stages. Exercise 56. Observations on the pupce. If possible, observe the transfor- mation of the larvae to the pupal form. Note the locality selected for pupation, the attachment of the pupa, and length of time in the pupal stage. Also draw and describe. (After pupation the pupse should be removed to a cool, dark place and left until spring, or, if wanted for more immediate use, they should be placed in a light, warm room, where they will probably emerge in a short THE LIFE HISTORY OF INSECT'S 30 1 time. Low temperatures are not injurious, but too much moisture must be avoided. The latter part of March the pupae may be brought out and again placed under observation.) Exercise 57. The emergence of the adult. Note the date and the method of emergence, and write a brief description of the adult. Section XX. Complete Metamorphosis. Life History of THE Fruit-Fly {Drosophila sp.) Material. Material for this work may be secured by placing decaying bananas in the sunlight for a few days. The material should then be cov- ered with a bell jar and used as a stock culture. Each student should be pro- vided with a glass tumbler containing about one fourth of an inch of decayed banana. Cut a piece of black paper the size of the tumbler and lay on top of the banana, and cover the tumbler securely with a glass plate. The student should then place three or four adult fruit-flies in the tumbler. Exercise 58. Write up a careful set of notes on the following points : 1. Describe, and make a drawing of egg, which will be deposited on the black paper. 2. Note the length of time of incubation. 3. Describe, and make a drawing of a larva. 4. If possible, determine the length of the larval stage. 5. Describe, and make a drawing of a pupa. 6. Determine the length of the pupal stage. 7. Describe the adult, and determine the distinguishing characters of the sexes. CHAPTER XXII CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS Section XXI. Classification of the Orders of Insects Material. One of two methods may be employed for this work : (a) Each student should be required to make a collection of insects containing repre- sentatives of at least eight of the principal orders. (/>) Provide each student with a representative collection of twenty-five insects. These should be num- bered from one to twenty-five, and should contain as nearly representative forms as possible. Exercise 59. On a sheet of paper place the numbers one to twenty-five. After each number write the order (to be determined by the key) to which the corresponding insect belongs. Section XXII. Classification of Families Material. Give each student a collection representing as nearly as possible the different families of insects treated in the key. It will be found convenient to place twenty-five insects on a block, each block containing only the insects of one order, thus obviating the necessity of classifying every insect to its order before placing it in the family. The insects should be distributed as follows : One block containing representatives of the lower orders (Neuroptera and Neuropteroid insects) ; one block of Hemiptera ; two of Coleoptera ; two of Lepidoptera ; one of Hymenoptera ; and one of Diptera. Exercise 60. Classification of the families of the lower orders. On a sheet of paper place the numbers one to twenty-five. After each number write the family (to be determined by the key) to which the corre- sponding insect belongs. If possible, by referring to the text or by compari- son with a named collection, identify common forms to genus and species. Exercise 61. Classification of the families of Hemiptera. Exercise 62. Classification of the families of Coleoptera. Exercise 63. Classification of the families of Coleoptera. Exercise 64. Classification of the families of Lepidoptera. Exercise 65. Classification of the families of Lepidoptera. Exercise 66. Classification of the families of Hymenoptera. Exercise 67. Classification of the families of Diptera. 302 CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 303 KEY TO THE ORDERS OF INSECTS The principles underlying the classification of insects have already- been discussed in the text. In arranging this key an attempt has been made to eliminate all useless characters and to include only those families commonly encountered. Possibly this elimination has been carried too far for some of the extreme forms of the different orders ; however, in an elementary textbook it is not deemed prac- tical to include material that would be of use only to the specialist. Several families are included in the key which are not mentioned in the text. This becomes necessary for the complete arrangement of the key, and may be of use in aiding students to determine the more uncommon families which they may collect. In giving out specimens for determination the teacher should, if possible, use only those families described in the text. The following key is intended only for the identification of typical adult forms. An attempt has been made to produce a usable key in preference to a strictly natural one. An ideal key should, of course, combine these two characteristics, but it has been found necessary many times to sacrifice the natural arrangement for clearness. In the production of these keys the authors are indebted to all previous workers in entomology. Due credit is given in every case where a key has been adapted from another author's work. KEY TO THE ORDERS A. Mouth-parts adapted for biting. B. Without wings, or rudiments of wings. C. Mouth-parts retracted within the head. (Page 73) . . Aptera CC. Mouth-parts not retracted within the head. D. Abdomen joined to thorax by slender petiole. Ants. (Page 243) Hymenoptera DD. Abdomen broadly joined to thorax. E. Insects small, body antlike or louselike in form. Bird-lice ; book-lice; white ants. (Page 103) . . . Platyptera £E. Insects of medium or large size. Body not antlike or louselike in form. jF. Head prolonged into beak, at the end of which are the biting mouth-parts. Scorpion-flies. (Page 93) Mecoptera E/\ Head not prolonged into beak. 304 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY G. Antennae filiform. Cockroaches ; grasshoppers ; walking sticks. (Page 76) . . . Orthoptera GG. Antennae serrated, or of various types, but not fili- form. Fireflies, etc. (Page 136) . . Coleoptera BB. Winged insects. C. First pair of wings horny, meeting in a straight line down the back. D. Abdomen with forceplike appendages. Earwigs. (Page 87) EUPLE.XOPTERA DD. Abdomen without forceplike appendages. (Page 136) Coleoptera CC. First pair of wings leathery or membranous. D. Wings membranous ; the second pair, if present, not folded in plaits under first. E. Head prolonged into beak, at the extremity of which are the biting mouth-parts. Scorpion-flies. (Page 93) Mecoptera EE. Head not prolonged into beak. F. Wings with but few cross veins. (Page 243) Hvmexoptera FF. Wings net-veined ; abdomen broadly joined to thorax. G. Abdomen provided with two or three long, many- jointed filaments. (Page 95) . . Ephemerida GG. Abdomen without jointed filaments. H. Antennae short, awl-shaped, and inconspicuous ; wings of equal size, held horizontal, vertical, or parallel to the body; not rooflike. Dragon-flies. (Page 98) Odonata HH. AntennEE not awl-shaped, more or less prom- inent. /. Wings folded flat on body. Body compact, antlike, and flattened or louselike in form. Platvptera //. Wings rooflike over body; body linear. (Page 90) Neuroptera DD. First pair of wings more or less leathery, with second pair folded under first. E. Wings clothed with hairs. Caddis-flies. (Page 93) Trichoptera EE. Wings not clothed with hairs. F. First pair of wings leathery, second membranous. Not alike in structure. (Page 76) ... Orthoptera FF. Wings alike in structure, both more or less leathery. G. Tarsi 5-jointed. (Page 90) . . . Neuroptera GG. Tarsi less than 5-jointed. Stone-flies. (Page 97) Plecoptera CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 305 AA. Mouth-parts adapted for sucking. B. Mouth-parts not adapted for piercing. C. Body covered with scales, wings usually broad. Butterflies and moths. (Page 172) Lepidoptera CC. Body not covered with scales, wings comparatively narrow. D. Mandibles, if present, not fitted for biting. E. Two pair of wings, fringed with hair. Thrips. Physopoda EE. One pair of wings usually naked, or with microscopic hairs. Flies. (Page 218) Diptera DD. Mandibles normally developed Hymexoptera BB. Mouth-parts adapted for piercing. C. Mouth-parts consisting of a jointed tube containing the brisdelike mandibles and maxillae. Bugs. (Page 107) . . . Hemiptera CC. Mouth-parts consisting of a fleshy tube containing usually bristle- like mandibles and maxillae. D. Wingless insects ; body laterally compressed. Fleas. (Page 240) Siphonaptera DD. Winged or wingless insects, body not laterally compressed. E. Tarsus provided with single strong, hooklike claw. Wing- less parasitic lice of mammals. (Page 107). Hemiptera EE. Tarsus normal. Winged or wingless insects. (Page 218) Diptera KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF APTERA 1 A. Abdomen elongate, composed of at least ten segments; antennae many- jointed ; abdomen usually provided with a pair of two-or-more-jointed, fila- mentous, or forceplike appendages. (Page 74) Suborder I, Thysanura B. Body covered with scales Lepismidae BB. Body not covered with scales. C. Abdomen without caudal appendages . . . Anisophaeridae CC. Abdomen with caudal appendages. D. Caudal appendages sickle-shaped Japygidae DD. Caudal appendages consisting of many-jointed filaments. Campodeidae A A. Abdomen composed of not more than six segments; antennae of not more than eight segments ; ventral spring usually present, but no ter- minal abdominal appendages. Springtails. (Page 74) Suborder II, Collembola B. Ventral spring present. C. Ventral spring attached on penultimate abdominal segment. D. Abdomen globular, only slightly longer than broad. Sminthuridae DD. Abdomen cylindrical, longer than broad. Entomobryidae 1 Revised from Dr. K. W. v. Ualla Tone's " Die Gattungen und Arten der Apterygogenea." 3o6 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY CC. Ventral spring attached to antepenultimate abdominal segment. PODURIDAE BB. Ventral spring absent Aphoruridae THE EPHEMERIDA This order includes only a single family, the members of which have deli- cate membranous wings with a fine network of veins. The fore-wings are large, and the hind-wings much smaller or wanting. Mouth-parts rudimentary. May-flies. (Page 95) Ephemeridae KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF ODONATAi A. Front and hind wings similar in outline, distinctly narrow at base, held vertically over the back when at rest. Damsel-flies. (Page 98) Sub- order Zygoptera B. Wings with not less than five antecubital cross veins. Calopterygidae BB. Wings with not more than three, usually two, antecubital cross veins. Agrionidae A A. Front and hind wings dissimilar, the hind-wings being much wider at the base ; wings held horizontally when at rest. Dragon-flies. (Page 98) Suborder Axisoptera B. Antecubital cross veins of first and second rows usually meeting each other Libelluudae BB. Antecubital cross veins of first and second rows not meeting each other. C. Eyes meeting above in median line of head ; abdomen with lateral ridges Aeschnidae CC. Eyes separate, or nearly so ; abdomen without lateral ridges. D. Eyes touching at a single point, or barely apart. CORDULEGASTERIDAE DD. Eyes distinctly separated Gomphidae THE PLECOPTERA This order includes only a single family, having four membranous wings, the hind-wings being folded plaitlike under the fore-wings. The mouth-parts are biting, but slightly developed. Stone-flies. (Page 97) . . . Perlidae KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF NEUROPTERA A. Hind-wings broad at base, the inner margin folded in plaits. Dobsons. (Page 90) SlALIDAE A A. Hind-wings narrow at base, not folded in plaits. B. Prothorax greatly prolonged into necklike stalk. ^ Revised from Kellogg's "American Insects." CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 307 C. Prothoracic legs normal Raphidiidae CC. Prothoracic legs fitted for grasping Mantispidae BB. Prothorax normal. C. Wings clear, densely net-veined. D. Antennae filiform, without terminal knob. Lace wings. (Page 92) Chrvsopidae DD. Antennas filiform, with terminal knob. Ant-lions. (Page 93 ) Mvrmeleoxidae CC. Wings more or less opaque, with many longitudinal but few cross veins Hemerobiidae THE MECOPTERA This order includes only one family, having four membranous wings, fur- nished with numerous veins. The head is prolonged into a beak, at the end of which are the biting mouth-parts. Scorpion-flies. (Page 93) Panorpidae THE TRICHOPTERA This order includes but one family, having four membranous wings, fur- nished with numerous longitudinal but few cross veins ; wings more or less densely covered with hair ; rudimentary biting mouth-parts. Caddis-flies. (Page 93) Phryganeidae KEY TO THE PLATYPTERA A. Body cylindrical, social insects with white, antlike bodies. White ants. (Page 103) Termitidae A A. Body depressed, if cylindrical, not antlike. Nonsocial, louselike insects. B. Antennae of not more than five segments. Bird-lice. (Page 106) Suborder Mallophaga C. Antennas exposed, consisting of three or five segments. D. With three-segmented antennae ; tarsi with one claw ; infesting mammals only Trichodectidae DD. With five-segmented antennas ; tarsi with two claws ; infesting birds only Philopteridae CC. Antennas concealed in shallow cavities on underside of head, con- sisting of four segments. D. Tarsi with one claw ; infesting mammals only . Gyropidae DD. Tarsi with two claws ; infesting birds only , . Liotheidae BB. Filiform antennae of more than five segments. Suborder Corrodentia C. Wings well developed ; ocelli present in addition to the compound eyes. Bark-lice. (Page 105) Psocidae CC. Wings and ocelli wanting. Book-lice. (Page 105) . Atropidae 3o8 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY THE EUPLEXOPTERA This order includes a single family the members of which have four wings : the first pair are leathery or horny, meeting in a straight line down the middle of the back ; the second pair are membranous, with numerous radiating veins folded lengthwise like a fan and then crosswise under the first pair. Earwigs. (Page 87) FOKFICULIDAE KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF ORTHOPTERA A. Third pair of legs not adapted for leaping. B. Body oval, dorsoventrally compressed. Cockroaches. (Page jj) Blattidae BB. Body elongate, not dorsoventrally compressed. C. First pair of legs fitted for grasping and holding their prey ; prono- tum longer than any of the other body segments. Praying mantis. (Page 78) Maxtidae CC. First pair of legs not fitted for grasping and holding prey ; prono- tum short. Walking-sticks. (Page 80) Phasmidae A A. Third pair of legs adapted for leaping. B. Antennae shorter than body. Locusts. (Page 81). . . Acrididae BB. Antennae longer than body. C. Tarsi consisting of four segments. Long-horned grasshoppers. (Page 83) LocusTiDAE CC. Tarsi consisting of three segments. Crickets. (Page 85) Gryllidae THE THYSANOPTERA This order includes but a single family of very small insects with long, narrow, membranous wings, having but few or no veins and bordered by a fringe of long hair : the tarsi swollen, bladderlike, with or without claws. Physopodae KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF HEMIPTERAi A. Wingless insects with fleshy unjointed beak; parasitic on mammals. (Suborder Parasitica.) Suctorial lice. (Page 121) . . Pediculidae AA. Winged or wingless insects, with a jointed beak. B. First pair of wings leathery at the base, membranous at the tip, the tips overlapping on the back ; beak arising from front part of head. Suborder Heteroptera C. Antennae shorter than head. Aquatic or shore insects. D. With two ocelli. Toad-bugs Galgulidae DD. Without ocelli. 1 Adapted from Kellogg's "American Insects." « CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 309 E. Hind tarsus without claws. F. Pronotum overlapping head above. Back-swimmers. (Page 108) NOTONECTIDAE FF. Head overlapping prothorax above. Water-boatman. (Page 108) CoRisiDAE EE. Hind tarsus with claws. F. Caudal end of abdomen furnished with a respiratory tube. Water-scorpions. (Page 109) . . . Nepidae FF. Caudal end of abdomen without respiratory tube. G. Hind legs flattened, adapted for swimming. Giant water-bug. (Page 109) . . . Belostomatidae GG. Hind legs slender, not adapted for swimming. Naucoridae CC. Antennae at least as long as head. D. Head as long as entire thorax Limnobatidae DD. Head shorter than thorax. E. Last segment of tarsus more or less split, with claws inserted before apex. F. Body elongated ; beak four-jointed. Water-striders. (Page 109) Hydrobatidae FF. Body usually stout and oval ; beak three-jointed. Velidae EE. Last segment of tarsus entire, and with claws inserted at apex. F. Antennae of three or four segments. • G. Beak three-jointed. H. Body very long and slender . . Emesidae HH. Body not long and slender. /. Front legs with greatly thickened femora. Ambush-bugs. (Page 114) . Phvmatidae //. Front legs with normal femora, or at least not unusually wide. J. Antennasof three segments. Assassin-bugs. (Page 112) Reduviidae JJ. Antennas of four segments. K. Tarsus of two segments : body very flat. Flat-bugs .... Aradidae KK. Tarsus of three segments. L. Dorsal portion of body more or less rounded ; beak long, reaching to or beyond second coxa. Shore-bugs. Saldidae LL. Dorsal part of body flat ; beak not reaching beyond second coxa. Bed- bugs. (Page I 14) ACANTHIDAE 3IO ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY GG. Beak four-jointed. H. Ocelli absent. /. Membrane of front wings with two large cells at the base, from which arise about eight branching veins. Red-bugs. Pyrrhocoridae //. Membrane of front wings with one or two closed cells at the base, and with no longitudi- nal veins. Leaf-bugs. (Page 117) Capsidae HH. Ocelli present. /. Front legs fitted for grasping prey, the tibia being armed with spines and capable of being closed tightly on the femora, which are unusu- ally stout. Damsel-bugs . . . Nabidae //. Front legs not differing from the others. J. Body and legs very long and slender. Stilt-bugs Berytidae JJ. Body not unusually slender. K. Tarsus two-jointed; wing-covers resem- bling lace network. Lace-bugs. (Page 117) TiNGITIDAE KK. Tarsus three-jointed. L. Membrane with four or five simple veins arising from its base. Chinch-bug family. (Page 120) Lygaeidae LL. Membrane with many forked veins springing from a transverse basal vein. Squash-bugs. (Page 121) Coreidae FF. Antennae of five segments. G. Dorsal portion of body flat. H. Tibia with few or no spines. Stink-bugs. (Page 115) Pentatomidae HH. Tibia armed with rows of spines . Cydnidae GG. Dorsal portion of body strongly convex. H. Prothorax rounded in front, nearly straight be- hind ; lateral margin of scutellum with a furrow in which the edges of the wing-covers fit when closed. Negro-bugs . . . Thyreocoridae HH. Prothorax not as above ; lateral margin of scutellum without furrow. Shield-backed bugs. Scutelleridae BB. Wings membranous or sometimes leathery throughout ; beak arising from the hinder parts of the lower side of the head. Suborder Homoptera CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 311 C. Beak evidently arising from head ; tarsi three-jointed ; antennae minute, bristlelike. D. With three ocelli ; males with musical organs. Cicadas. (Page 122) CiCADIDAE DD. With two ocelli or none ; males without musical organs. E. Antennae inserted on sides of cheek beneath the eyes. FULGORIDAE ^ EE. Antennas inserted in front of and between the eyes. E. Pronotum prolonged posteriorly over the abdomen or at least over the scutellum. Tree-hoppers. (Page 124) Membracidae FF. Pronotum not prolonged above abdomen. G. Hind tibia armed with one or two stout teeth and with short, stout spines at tip. Spittle-insects. (Page 124) Cercopidae GG. Hind tibia with two rows of spines. Leaf-hoppers. (Page 125) Jassidae CC. Beak apparently arising from between the front co.\ae, or absent ; tarsi one- or two-jointed. D. Hind femora fitted for leaping; antennas of nine or ten seg- ments with two bristles on apex. Jumping plant-lice. (Page 127) Psyllidae DD. Hind femora normal ; antennae usually with less than ten segments. E. Legs long and slender ; wings transparent. Plant-lice. (Page 127) Aphididae EE, Legs short ; wings usually opaque. F. Tarsus consisting of two joints ; body covered with a whitish powder, male and female each with four wings. Aleyrodidae FF. Tarsus consisting of one joint ; adult male with two wings ; female wingless, with the body scale-like or gall-like in form. Scale insects. (Page 129) Coccidae KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA Head not prolonged into beak. [Coleopfera geiutiiia.) B. First and second tarsus consisting of five segments ; third tarsus con- sisting of four segments Section Heteromera C. Head without distinct neck ; narrower than thorax and more or less inserted in it; body wall hard. Darkling-beetles. (Page 165) Texebrionidae CC. Head with distinct neck and as wide as prothorax ; body soft and elytra flexible. Blister-beetles Meloidae BB. First, second, and third tarsi of same number of segments. 312 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY C. Tarsi consisting of five segments . . . Section Pentamera £). Antennas filiform, with distinct cylindrical segments. Tribe Adephaga £. Legs adapted for swimming, aquatic in habits. /^. Eyes divided laterally, making apparently four compound eyes. Whirligig-beetles. (Page 140) . . Gvrixiuae /^f. Eyes not divided. Predacious diving-beetles. Dvtiscidae JSE. Legs adapted for running ; terrestrial in habit. /^. Antennae inserted on front of head above base of man- dibles. Tiger beetles. (Page 137) . Cicixdelidae /7\ Antennae inserted on sides of head between base of mandibles and eyes. Predacious ground-beetles. (Page 138) Carabidae DD. Antennae not filiform. £. Antennas capitate or clavate . . . Tribe Clavicornia /^. Aquatic, legs fitted for swimming. Water-scavenger beetles. (Page 141) Hydrophilidae /-T^. Terrestrial, legs not fitted for swimming. G. Antennas moniliform, the segments gradually en- larging toward the end ; elytra covering only basal half of abdomen. Rove-beetles . Staphylinidae GG. Antennae of various forms (clavate or capitate) ; elytra covering most of abdomen. H. Abdomen with six or more ventral segments ; an- terior coxas conical ; antennae gradually thickened or clavate. Carrion-beetles. (Page 142) Silphidae ////. Abdomen with five ventral segments ; anterior coxae conical and projecting from the coxal cavi- ties ; last three segments of the antennas forming a large club. Larder-beetles, etc. Dermestidae EE. Antennae serrate or lamellate. E Antennas serrated. Saw-horned beetles. (Page 144) Tribe Serricornia G. Head inserted in thorax, which extends as far as compound eyes ; body elongated or elliptical. //. First two abdominal segments fused together on ventral side. Metallic wood-borers. (Page 146) Buprestidae ////. First two abdominal segments not fused. Click- beetles. (Page 144) .... Elateridae • GG. Head not inserted in thorax as far as compound eyes. //. Head bent nearly at right angles to thorax, which protrudes over it. Size usually less than one fourth of an inch Ptiniuae CLASSIFICATIOxN OF INSECTS 313 HH. Head normal, but partially or nearly covered by thin anterior margin of thorax. /. Wing-covers flexible ; body elongated and flattened ; antennas not enlarged at tip. Fire- flies. (Page 147) .... Lampyridae //. Wing-covers firm ; body not much flattened ; antennas often enlarged at tip. Checkered- beetles Cleridae FF. Antennas lamellate, composed of a stemlike portion on the end of which are a number of flat, bladelike segments Tribe Lamellicornia G. Antennas elbowed ; terminal lamella consisting of fixed transverse plates. Stag-beetles. (Page 148) LUCANIDAE GG. AntenncE not elbowed ; terminal lamella consisting of flat plates which fold together. Leaf chafers and scavenger-beetles. (Page 149) . Scarabaeidae CC. Tarsus less than five segments. D. Tarsus consisting of four segments. (Page 153) Section Tetramera E. Body short and more or less oval ; antennas short. F. Front of head not prolonged as a short, broad beak ; elytra usually covering tip of abdomen ; larvas and adults leaf feeders. Leaf-beetles. (Page 153) Chrvsomelidae FF. Front of head prolonged as a short, quadrate beak ; elytra short, exposing tip of abdomen. Pea- and bean- weevils. (Page 158) Bruchidae EE. Body long and cylindrical; antennae long. (Page 158) Cerambvcidae DD. Tarsus consisting of three segments ; comparatively small beetles with semispherical bodies. Ladybird beetles. (Page 161) (Section Trimera) Coccixellidae A A. Head prolonged into a beaklike structure at the end of which are biting mouth-parts. B. The dorsum of the last segment of the male divided transversely so that, when viewed dorsally, this sex appears to have one more body segment than the female. C. Mandibles with a scar of the anterior aspect . Otiorhynchidae CC. Mandibles without scar on anterior aspect. Curculios. (Page 167) Curculionidae BB. Dorsum of last segment of both sexes undivided. C. Tibia not serrated. Bill-bugs and granary-weevils. (Page i6g) Calandridae CC. Tibia serrated. Bark-beetles. (Page 1 70) ... Scolytidae s c ^^ ^^ rrr^ Fig. 437. Diagram of wings of Hepialus gracilis, showing jugum (/) and similarity of venation of fore- and hind-wings (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 438. Venation of a tortricid moth (Cacoecia cenisivora>ia) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) f^rj r-f Fig. 439. Venation of a pyralid moth (Py rails farinalis) cs, costal vein ; sc, subcostal vein ; r, radial vein ; m, medial vein ; c, cubital vein ; a, anal vein. Note the hairlike projection, the fraenulum, at the base of the hind-wing. This fits into a little pocket on the fore- wing. (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 440. Venation of a saturniid {Bombyx niori) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) 314 a a P"iG. 441. Venation of a cossid {Prioiioxysiiis robinae) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 442. ^'enation of a hes- perid {Epargyreus titynis) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) ri f^rs Fig. 443. Venation of a notodontid {Notodo7Jta stragtila) (.After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 444. Venation of a geome- trid {Dyspepteris abortivaria) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) 315 e^r^ Fig. 445. Venation of a noctuid (Ag/viis ypsilon ) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) a a Fig. 446. Venation of a lasio- campid {Malacasomaamtricana) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 447. Venation of a zygaenid [Ctenucha virgin tea) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 448. Venation of a lycaenid ( Ch r\iso]. haniis ihoe) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) 316 'C2 Fig. 449. Venation of a papilionid (Papilio folyxenes) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 450. Venation of an arctiid {Halesidota tessellata) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 451. Venation of a nymphalid [Basila)xhia astyaiiax) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) Fig. 452. Venation of a pierid {PoHtia protodice) . ( Enlarged) (After Comstock, from Kellogg) 317 31 8 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF LEPIDOPTERAi A. Lepidoptera with slender antennae, the tips of which are expanded or dilated. Mostly diurnal in habits. Butterflies and skippers. B. Dilation of antennae terminated by recurved hook. Wing venation as in Fig. 261. Skippers. (Page 174) Hesperidae BB. Dilation of antennas not terminated by recurved hook. C First pair of legs normal, or simply reduced in size. D. First pair of legs reduced in size. Wing venation as in Fig. 448. (Page 178) Lycaenidae DD. First pair of legs normally developed. E. Front tibia without pads ; claws toothed ; cubital of fore- wing three-branched. Fig. 452. (Page 178) . Pieridae EE. Front tibia with pads ; claws not toothed ; cubital of fore- wing four-branched. Fig. 449. Swallowtails. (Page 175) Papilionidae CC. First pair of legs atrophied, without claws ; wing venation as in Fig. 451. (Page 179) Nymphalidae A A. Lepidoptera with antennae of various forms but never enlarged at tip. Mostly nocturnal in habits. Moths. B. Hind-wings with not over two complete anal veins. C. Second and third median veins arising together ; w" not arising from center of discal cell. D. Humeral vein present in hind-wing, arising at base of costal. Fraenulum absent. Fig. 446. (Page 216) . Lasiocampidae DD. Humeral vein absent ; fraenulum present. E. Subcosta and radius of hind-wing fused to near apex of discal cell ; ocelli present. Tiger moths. Fig. 450. (Page 207) Arctiidae EE. Subcosta and radius of hind-wing distinct, or but slightly fused. E. Diurnal moths with simple antennae and contrasting coloration. Wood nymphs .... Agarlstidae EE. Nocturnal moths with simple or pectinate antennae and without contrasting coloration. G. Ocelli absent ; antennae pectinate. Tussock-moth. (Page 203) Liparidae GG. Ocelli present ; antennas usually simple. Owlet moths. Fig. 445. (Page 199) . . . Noctuidae CC. Second and third median vein not arising together, arising from center of discal vein. D. Fraenulum present. E. Subcosta and radius of hind-wing connected near base by crossbar. Hawk moths. (Page 208) . . . Sphingidae 1 This key has been adapted from keys of Holland, Smith, Bunter, and others. CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 319 EE. Subcosta and radius of hind-wing not connected by crossbar. E. Moths with heavy abdomens and narrow, strong fore- wings. Prominents. Fig. 443. (Page 193) NOTODONTIDAE EE. Moths with narrow, slender abdomens, and broad, deli- cate wings. Fig. 444. (Page 195) . C}eometridae DD. Fraenulum absent. E. Tongue absent ; tibia without spurs. Fig. 440. (Page 212) Superfamily Saturxoidea ^ EE. Tongue present ; tibia with spurs. Royal moths. Ceratocampidae BB. Hind-wing with three complete anal veins. C. Wings transparent, free from scales. Fore-wings narrow. Clear- winged moths. (Page 192) Sesiidae CC. Wings covered with scales. D. Hind-wings with subcosta fused with or approximate to radius. Fig. 439. (Page 187) Pvraudae DD. Hind-wings with subcosta and radius far apart. E. Small moths with fringe on inner angle of hind-wing unusually long. F. Second anal vein of hind-wing forked at base. Leaf- rollers. Fig. 438. (Page 186) . . . Tortricidae^ EE. Second anal vein of hind-wing not forked at base. Leaf- miners. (Page 184) TiNEIDAE EE. Large or medium-sized moths, without unusual fringe on hind-wing. E. Anal veins of fore-wing partially fused. Bag-worm moths PSYCHIDAE EE. Anal veins of fore-wing not fused. Carpenter moths. (Page 191) CossiDAE KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF HYMENOPTERA3 Posterior trochanter consisting of two segments ; ovipositor modified into a saw, or borer. B. Abdomen broadly joined to thorax. C. Tibia of forelegs with two terminal spurs ; female with sawlike ovipositor. Saw-flies. (Page 244) .... Tenthredinidae CC. Tibia of foreleg with one terminal spur ; female with ovipositor fitted for boring. Horn-tails. (Page 246) .... Siricidae BB. Abdomen joined to thorax by slender petiole. 1 Includes families Bombycidae, Saturniidae. 2 Includes families Grapholithidae, Conchylidae, and Tortricidae. ^ Modified from Cresson. 320 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY C. Fore-wings with few or no cross veins ; if a few cross veins are present, the abdomen is not compressed. \'ery small parasitic Hymenoptera. D. Ovipositor issuing before apex of abdomen . Chalcididae I?D. Ovipositor issuing from apex of abdomen. (Page 253) PROCTOTRYPID.A.E CC. Fore-wings with one or more closed cells. D. Fore-wings without a stigma, or costal vein. Gall-flies. (Page 246) CVXIPIDAE D£>. Fore-wings with a stigma. E. Fore-wing with two recurvent veins . Ichxeu.monidae EE. Fore-wing with one recurvent vein . . Bracoxidae A A. Posterior trochanter consisting of a single segment. B. Fore-wings with no closed submarginal cells. C. Abdomen long and slender ; antennas long and filiform. Pelecixidae CC. Abdomen short, but little longer than the head and thorax together ; antennae short and elbowed. Cuckoo-fiies . . . Chrysididae BB. Fore-wings with at least one closed submarginal cell. C. First abdominal segment, and sometimes the second, forming a knot, or node, on the upper side of the petiole. Ants. (Page 254) Superfamily FOR.MICIXA D. First segment of the abdomen forming the petiole. E. Abdomen somewhat constricted between the second and third segments ; sting present Poxeridae EE. Abdomen not constricted between the second and third segments : sting absent Campoxotidae W. Petiole consisting of the first and second segments of abdomen ; sting present IMvrmicidae CC. Petiole normal, without scales or nodes. £>. First segment of tarsus of hind-leg cylindrical, and naked, or wdth little hair. E. Wings folded longitudinally when at rest. True wasps. (Page 263) Superfamily Vespixa E. Antennae clavate or knobbed at tip . . Masaridae EE. Antennas filiform or nearly so. G. Tibia of second pair of legs with a single terminal spur Eumexidae GG. Tibia of second pair of legs with two terminal spurs. Tarsal claws simple. (Page 264) Vespidae EE. Wings not folded longitudinally when at rest. Digger- wasps. (Page 260) Superfamily Sphecixa E. Sides of the pronotum extending back to the base of the wings. CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 32 1 G. First abdominal segment distinctly separated from the second on the ventral side by a constriction. H. Tibia of second pair of legs with two terminal spurs; females wingless. Velvet ants. (Page 261) MUTILLIDAE HH. Tibia of second pair of legs with single terminal spur SCOLIIDAE GG. First and second segment of abdomen not separated on ventral side by constriction. (Page 261) PSAMMOCHARIDAE FF. Prothorax forming a narrow collar, not reaching to base of wing. G. Base of abdomen with a long, slender petiole. (Page 262) Sphecidae GG. Base of abdomen without long, slender petiole. Bembecidae DD. First segment of tarsus of hind-leg expanded and flattened, furnished with numerous hairs, often poorly developed in para- sitic bees. Bees. (Page 266) .... Superfamily Apina E. Glossa short and flat, no longer than the mentum. Short- tongued bees. (Page 267) Axdrenidae EE. Glossa long and slender, not flattened. Long-tongued bees. (Page 267) Apidae KEY TO THE MORE IMPORTANT FAMILIES OF DIPTERAi A. Adults nonparasitic upon the warm-blooded vertebrates; habits variable. Abdomen distinctly segmented. Rarely viviparous. B. Anal cell rarely narrowed at the margin ; antennas consisting of more than 5 joints, usually elongate, filiform, and verticellate, rarely pecti- nate or with a differentiated style or arista . . . Nematocera C. Veins of the wings covered with hairs, the usual cross veins want- ing. Small mothlike flies Psvchodidae CC. Veins and margin of the wings fringed with scales. Mosquitoes. (Fig. 455) Culicidae D. Thorax with a distinct V-shaped suture ; wings variable. Crane- flies. (Fig. 453) Tipulidae DD. Thorax without the distinct V-shaped suture. E. Discal cell present. False crane-flies . . . Rhyphidae EE. Discal cell wanting. F. Wings with few longitudinal veins ; tibiae without spurs. Gall-gnats. (Fig. 458) Cecidomyiidae FF. Tibiae with spurs ; coxae elongate. Fungus-gnats. (Fig. 459) Mycetophilidae ^ By C. W. Johnson, Curator Boston Society of Natural History. Fig. 453. Venation of a tipulid {Protoplasa fitchii) (After Comstock) )-4»S Fig. 454. Venation of Blepkarocera sp. (After Comstock) Fig. 455. Venation of a mosquito {Cii/ex sp.) (After Comstock) r' 7-2*3 Fig. 456. Venation of a Chironomiis sp. (After Comstock) Fig. 457. Venation of a soldier-fly (Stratiofnyia sp.) (After Comstock) 322 CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 323 G. Abdomen slender ; wings narrow ; antennae plumose in the males. Midges. (Fig. 456) Chironomidae GG. Abdomen short and thick ; antennae shorter than the thorax, nonplumose. H. Wings very broad, anterior veins stout, the other weak. The black-flics . . . . Slmuliidae HH. Wings large but more normal in character ; legs strong, front femora often thickened. BiBlONIDAE BB. Anal closed or distinctly narrowed, second vein never fucate ; antennae usually with three joints, the third joint sometimes complex and com- posed of numerous annuli Brachvcera C. Third joint of the antennas with from 4- to 8-segmented annuli. D. Squamae rather large : third joint of the antennas without a style or arista. Horse-flies Tabaxidae DD. Squamae small or vestigial. E. Costal vein does not extend beyond the tip of the wing, longitudinal veins covered anteriorly ; posterior veins often weak; tibiae without spurs. Soldier-flies. (Fig. 457) Stratiomyidae EE. Costal vein encompasses the wing ; posterior veins strong ; middle tibiae at least with distinct spurs ; antennae extremely variable Leptidae CC. Third joint of antennae simple, not composed of numerous annuli. D. Antennae long, clavate, apparently 4-jointed ; palpi small or wanting. Mydas-flies Mydaidae DD. Antennae 3-jointed, often with a variable style or arista ; palpi always present, usually prominent. Robber-flies . Asilidae E. Antennae apparently 2-jointed ; anterior veins stout, the others weak and extending obliquely across the wing. Small hunch-backed flies Phoridae EE. Antennae 2- or 3-jointed ; head small ; squamae very large ; abdomen inflated. Parasitic on spiders . . Cyrtidae E. Third antennal joint usually with a terminal style, pro- boscis often prominent ; body frequently covered with long, delicate hairs. Bee-flies. (Fig. 460) Bombyliidae EF. Third antennal joint without terminal style ; fourth vein terminates at or before the tip of the wing. Window- flies SCENOPINIDAE G, Small, for the most part bright-colored green or blue ; second boscal cell confluent with the discal cell ; arista dorsal or terminal. Predacious. Dolichopodidae GG. Small, not brightly colored ; head small, eyes some- times contiguous ; proboscis rigid. Predacious. Empididae Fig. 458. Venation of a cecidomyiid gall-gnat (After Comstock) Fig. 459. Venation of a fungus-gnat {I\Iycetophilidae) (After W'innertz, adapted from Comstock) yS 13 la cu^ m3+cu' Fig. 460. Venation of a bombyliid {Peniarbes capita) (After Comstock) "cvJyla Fig. 461. Venation of a bot-fly {Gastrophihis sp.) (After Comstock) 324 CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 325 H. Third joint almost always with a dorsal arista ; a spurious longitudinal vein between the third and fourth longitudinal veins ; first posterior cell al- waysclosed. Flower-flies. (Fig. 463) Svrphidae HH. No spurious longitudinal veins. /. Small ; hind tarsi enlarged and often orna- mented in the male arista terminal. Flat- footed flies Platypezidae //. Small ; head large, composed chiefly of eyes ; arista dorsal. Big-eyed flies. Pipuxculidae /. Squamae small or vestigial ; eyes never con- tiguous ; the front in both sexes of equal width ; thorax vnthout complete transverse suture Acalvpterae K. Auxiliary vein distinct, the first vein ends near or beyond the middle of the wings ; a distinct bristle on each side of the face; oval vibrissae present ; front usually with well-developed bristles and hairs Cordvluridae KK. Front never brisdy near the antennas ; abdomen cylindrical, contracted near the base. Small shining black flies. Cheese-maggot, etc. . . Sepsidae L. No oral vibrissae ; abdomen elon- gate, often narrowly constricted, proboscis long and folded near the middle. (Fig. 462) . Conopidae LL. Upper fronto-orbital bristles only present; preapical tibial bristle rarely present ; arista rarely plumose ; ovi- positor horny ; wings usually pic- tured Ortalidae M. Fronto-orbital bristles present or absent ; second joint of the antennas often elongate ; arista plumose ; preapical tibial bristle present; ovipositor not horny; wings often pictured. Meadow- flies . . . SCIOMYZIDAE MM. One or two fronto-orbital bris- tles ; third joint of the antennae more or less elongate ; preapical bristle absent or present. All small species. Sapromyzidae cu*ia Fig. 462. Venation of a conopid {Coiiops affinis) •(After Comstock) sc r' r2*3 Y**5 Fig. 463. Venation of a syrphid {Eristalis sp.) (After Comstock) la ciiz ^^^ Fig. 464. Venation of a dixa midge {Dixa sp.) (After Comstock) Y4*S Fig. 465. Venation of an empidid {^Rhamphomyia sp.) (After Comstock) 326 CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 327 N. Auxiliary vein absent or in- complete; first vein usually ends in the costa before the middle of the wing; head produced on each side into a lateral process for the eyes . . . Diopsidae NN. Hind metatarsi incrassated and usually shorter than the second joint ; oval vibrissae present. Small fiies about excrement near water. BORBORIDAE O. Discal and basal cells united, anal cell absent; front bare or at most bristly above. Small, usually light-colored flies . . OSCINIDAE 00. Front often brisdy, face often very convex, mouth cavity usually large ; no oval vibrissas. Small dark-colored flies about water. Ephvdridae P. Anal cell complete ; oral vibrissas pres- ent ; aristae long, plu- mose, or pectinate above. Vinegar or pomace flies. Drosphilidae PP. Aristabare or pubes- cent ; front bristly at least as far as the middle. Very small flies, compris- ing most of the leaf- miners. Agromyzidae Q. Oval vibrissae ab- sent ; anal cell an- gular ; no preapi- cal tibial bristle; 328 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY ovipositor long and jointed ; wings usually pictured. Fruit- flies. Trypetidae QQ. Anal cell not pro- duced ; antennae usually elongated and decumbent. Rather small elongate flies. PSILIDAE JJ. Squamae large ; front of male narrowed or eyes contiguous ; thorax with complete transverse suture . . . Calvpterae K. Oval opening small ; the mouth-parts small or vestigial. Larvae parasitic upon mammals. Bot-flies. (Fig. 461) Oestridae KK. Oval opening of usual size, not vestigial ; hypopleurae with a tuft of bristles ; first posterior cell narrowed or closed ; arista bare or somewhat pubescent. Larva parasitic upon the early stages of other insects Tachixidae L. Arista bare on the outer half ; dor- sum of the abdomen rarely bristly on the anterior part. Larva usually feeds on decaying animal matter. Flesh-flies . . Sarcophagidae LL. Arista entirely plumose ; dorsum of the abdomen usually bristly on the anterior part ; legs long. Larva para- sitic on other insects . Dexiidae M. Arista plumose; abdominal seg- ments without bristles except near the tip ; first posterior cell narrowed or closed. House-fly, etc MUSCIDAE MM. Arista plumose, pubescent, or bare ; first posterior cell very slightly or not at all narrowed at the margin. Larva are vege- table feeders. Axthomvudae CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 329 A A. Adults usually cctoparasitic upon warm-blooded vertebrates; abdomen indistinctly segmented. Larva; born when about to pupate. I'upipaka />. Winged or wingless flies ; eyes faceted ; palpi forming a sheath for the proboscis ; veins of the wing, when present, crowded anteriorly, the weaker veins running obliquely across the wing. Parasitic upon birds and mammals. House-flies Mippoboscidae BB. Winged or wingless: when present the wings are pubescent, with parallel veins and outer cross-veins ; eyes usually unfacetcd ; ocelli wanting ; antennae 2-jointed ; palpi broad, not forming a sheath for the proboscis. Usually parasitic upon bats .... Stkeblidae C. Wingless; halteres present ; eyes vestigial ; head folding back on the dorsum of the thorax. Small, spiderlike flies ; parasitic upon bats. Bat-ticks Nycteribiidak CC. Wingless; halteres absent; eyes vestigial; last joint of the tarsi with a pair of comblike appendages. Parasitic upon the honey- bee. Bee-louse Bkaulidae CHAPTER XXIII METHODS OF COLLECTING INSECTS The following instructions on the methods and equipment for collecting and preserving insects have been compiled to give as concise information on the subject as possible. Most of the methods and equipment have been tried and tested out either by the author or under his observation. There are a number of accessible bulletins and papers on this subject, one of the best of which is United States National Museum Bulletin No. 6j, " Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects," by Nathan Banks.^ Field kit. In order to secure a collection that is at all valuable, it is necessary to make special trips after insects, and to be provided with special equipment. Therefore, among the first requirements is a means of carrying the outfit so that every article will be accessible. TJic haversack. This is one of the most common means of carrying collecting outfits, and if constructed of the proper material, will be found very handy. The size will depend somewhat on the length of the trip taken, but for ordinary purposes a sack twelve by fourteen by four inches will be found most convenient. It should be provided with a good flap, to fasten by means of a buckle or snap, as well as with shoulder straps and loops for the belt. These latter are very important, as they prevent the sack from flopping about while collecting. Canvas or khaki makes very serviceable sacks, but they are not waterproof. Some of the numerous imitation leathers or heavy oilcloth will wear nearly as long and be much more serviceable. The haversack should have at least three separate compartments, and if manufactured at home, with a little ingenuity one can provide a place for each article of the outfit. Collecting coat. Any comfortable, loose-fitting coat may, with a little alteration, be converted into an entomologist's collecting coat. The requirements are a sufficient number of pockets to hold the ^ See also the bottom of page 359. 330 METHODS OF COLLECTING INSECTS field outfit. The ordinary khaki or duck's-back hunting coat will be found very convenient, having, as it does, an abundance of room for accommodating cyanide bottles, folding nets, and other necessar}' articles. Collecting belt (Fig. 466). For short, half-day excursions a loose- fitted, woven belt, about three or four inches wide, provided with pockets to hold cyanide bottles, forceps, storage boxes, etc., is veiy 5^ W *^ 9 Qj**-^ i^^-'-^i^^.^-'-:;;: m » Fig. 466. A collecting belt (.A.fter Banks) serviceable. The objection to this affair, however, is the unavoid- able width of the belt. These belts may be obtained, with a complete collecting outfit, from any of the entomological supply companies. Insect nets. Of first importance to the entomologist is the insect net. In its simplest form the net consists of a ring, or hoop, firmly attached to a handle two or three feet in length. Attached to the hoop is a net about eighteen inches in depth. A very serviceable net may be constructed by bending a stout wire into a circle (Fig. 467), then bending the ends back at right angles and lashing them 332 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY firmly to the stick with stout binding wire. The ring will be held much more firmly if the ends of the wire are sharpened and again bent at right angles and driven into the stick. Also, a groove cut in either side of the stick for the reception of the wire will make it much stouter. There are numerous other ways of constructing net frames, but most of them are too complicated for practical use. Many folding frames of various types may be obtained of entomo- logical supply companies, but none of these are equal to the spring- steel, folding landing nets sold by dealers in fish tackle. These may be obtained with a three-foot, jointed handle, are nearly as light, and will stand much more wear than any of the regular insect-net frames on the market. The simplest and lightest net ring is that of the simplex net (see Appendix) ; this consists of a thin steel band which is easily coiled up and carried in the pocket, and readily attached to the handle. Numerous materials are used in the construction of the net itself. Mosquito bar is sometimes used, but this lasts but a short time and is too coarse to catch small insects. A fine bobbinet is far superior to the mosquito bar, as is also cheesecloth. With any of these mate- rials a hem of stout cotton cloth should first be sewed to the net, through which to run the net frame. The net should be about eighteen inches in depth, tapering nearly to a point. The net above described is to be used for all ordinary purposes, such as catching butterflies, dragon flies, etc., but is scarcely suitable for certain kinds of collecting. The sweeping net. This type of net is very similar to the one just described, except that the frame is much heavier and the net of stronger material, such as denim or canvas. It is used by sweep- ing it back and forth rapidly over the tops of the bushes, through long grass, weed patches, etc. After sweeping back and forth a number of times, the net is given a half turn, which prevents the Fig. 467. A wire net frame METHODS OF COLLECTING INSP:CTS 333 insects from escaping. An improved form of this net consists of an outer sack with square in place of tapering bottom, the sack to be made out of cheesecloth, cotton cloth, or some such material. On the inside of this is fitted a short, funnel-shaped net made out of bobbinet or light cheesecloth. This net has an opening of about two inches at the bottom. In sweeping, the insects pass down through this opening between the two nets and are unable to es- cape. In this way great numbers of grass insects may be collected without stopping to remove them from the net. The insects may be stupefied by placing the entire net in a pail together with a piece of cotton saturated with ether. For aquatic collecting certain other types of nets are desirable, although the ordinary insect net may sometimes be used to advantage. Water dip net (Fig. 468). The frame of this type of net is usu- ally flattened on one side so as to allow the net to be manipulated Fig. 46S. A water dip net Fig. 469. A small dip net (After Packard) (After Howard) closer to the bottom. The net itself should be made of fine brass- wire netting, about twelve inches in diameter and of about the same depth. Fig. 469 shows a dip net with a flange, or lip, of tin or sheet iron, which is useful in dislodging aquatic larvae or insects from around stones, thick weeds, etc. TJic sag net (Fig. 470), This form of aquatic net is described by Professor James G. Needham, who is probably our best authority on aquatic insects, as follows : It consists of a ring of stout spring wire three to four feet in diameter, to which is attached a very shallow bag of bobbinet, and at one side is a handle only long enough to be held readily. It is intended to catch insects adrift in the stream, and is accompanied by an instrument for dislodging them. Such an instrument is figured below the net. It consists of a handle three or 334 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY four feet long, with a double hook at one side and a brush at the other side at its distal end. To illustrate the use of this apparatus, suppose we wish to collect the insects from the stones obstructing a brook. We place the net directly below the obstruction and in the current, and adjust it to the bottom by downward pressure on the handle with one hand, while with the other we rapidly overturn the stone and with a brush sweep free the clinging insects. These are driven by the current into the net, when it is then lifted and emptied. Sag net, hook and brush for col- lecting in rapids (After Needham) Fig. 470. An aquatic sieve net (Fig. 471). This net is intended to be used in stagnant water or on sandy bottoms where there is but httle vegetation. The frame consists of a Hght steel rod, sides of heavy tin or galvanized iron, and a bottom of fine brass or galvanized Fig. 471. An aquatic sieve net (After Needham) wire netting. When provided with a long handle, this net may be used from the shore, and is particularly recommended for burrowing nymphs of aquatic insects. Rake net. The rake net consists of an ordinary garden rake, with a stiff semicircle of wire fastened on the upper side of the rake above the teeth. This should be braced to the handle with another piece of wire. A net is then attached to the upper part of the rake and around the semicircle of wire. This is very useful in slightly weedy water, or where there is a large amount of debris on the bottom. When the bottom of a pond or stream is raked, the insects, nymphs, and small crustaceans are either entangled in the debris and brought to shore, or, in trying to escape the rake teeth, swim back into the net. The debris should be carefully METHODS OF COLLECTING INSECTS t-': searched for any nymphs or larvae that may be entangled in it. This form of net is particularly useful in collecting dragon-fly nymphs, and is much superior to the ordinary garden rake, which has often been recommended for this purpose. Cyanide bottle (Figs. 472 and 473). These bottles should be provided in at least three sizes, the largest with a di- ameter of two and one half inches or more, a smaller, straight- necked bottle with a diameter of an inch and a half, and an- other much smaller straight-necked bot- tle with a diameter of about half an inch. Before much collect- ing is done, the stu- dent will probably find it necessary to provide himself with two complete sets of these bottles, with possibly one or two extra of the smaller sizes. Cyanide bottles are made in the following manner : Place a few good-sized pieces of potassium cya- nide (a most deadly poison) in the bottom of each bottle, and cover the cyanide with dry plaster of Paris. (As the fumes of potassium cyanide are very poisonous, it should be handled with extreme care.) Then mix up a thick paste of plaster of Paris and water, and pour over the dr}' plaster in the bottles. Leave standing open for a few hours, until the water has evaporated Fig. 472. A cya- nide bottle for the pocket. (One half actual size) Fig. 473. A larger cyanide bottle with paper strips to give sup- port to the insects (After Banks) 3J^ ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY and the plaster of Paris set. After this the bottle should always be kept corked, so as to retain the strength of the cyanide. The ad- vantage in putting the dvf plaster of Paris in first is that it absorbs the moisture and will keep the bottle dry longer than if the wet plaster is poured directly over the cyanide. It will also be found advantageous to place a few strips of dry blotting paper in each cyanide bottle, as this serves the double purpose of helping to absorb the moisture and preventing the insects from shaking about. After the insects are caught in the net, they should be transferred to the cyanide bottle, which, if properly constructed, will stupefy them in a few seconds. Insects, especially beetles, should not be removed from the bottle for an hour, although Hymenoptera and Diptera will be killed within ten minutes. If the cyanide is too dry, it does not act so rapidly, and a few drops of soda water will greatly increase its efficiency. Very small cyanide bottles may be made by placing a piece of cyanide in the bottom, covered with cotton or blotting paper. If possible, only insects of the same size should be placed together in the cyanide bot- tles. Fragile insects, or those with scaly wings, should not be put in with the general collection. Chloroform bottle (Fig. 474). While not an absolute essential to the collecting of insects, the chloroform bottle will be found one of the most valuable assets, especially to the collector of Lepidoptera. One of the most convenient forms consists of a small-mouthed bottle, into the cork of which has been inserted a camel's-hair brush. These will be found most useful in collecting very small insects or butterflies. In collecting very small insects, touching them with a brush moistened in chloroform is sufficient to kill them, and at the same time the insects will adhere to the brush and may thus be transferred to the storage bottle or box. In collecting Lepidoptera the sides of the thorax should be moistened with the chloroform before placing them in the c\-anide bottle. Fig. 474. Chloroform bottle with a brush stopper (After Banks) METHODS OF COLLECTING INSECTS 337 Another form of chloroform bottle suitable for stupefying large Lepidoptera is made by inserting a fine-pointed medicine dropper through the cork of the bottle. A few drops of chloroform can then be applied directly to the specimens, through the net, before they are removed. This will also be found convenient in collecting some of the larger Hymenoptera. Since the chloroform has a tendency to harden the specimens, only a sufficient amount should be used to stupefy the insects, which should immediately be placed in the cyanide bottle. AlcohoL This is another accessory that should be used in the field only in collecting very small insects, such as Thysanura, very small larvae, Aphididae, etc. The alcohol outfit should consist of a number of small, straight-necked vials, fitted with cork stoppers, about half filled with 75 per cent alcohol. In addition to these vials the collector should have a larger bottle and brush, similar to the chloroform bottle described above. This bottle should contain 95 per cent of alcohol and 5 per cent of glycerin. The speci- mens are killed b\' touching them witli the brush moistened in the 95 per cent alcohol, after which they are washed off into the bottle containing the weaker alcohol. The reason of this combination of two grades of alcohol is that many insects are protected with a waxy secretion which the weaker alcohol will not penetrate. Of course, specimens should not be collected in this way unless they are to be preserved permanently in some liquid medium. In collect- ing some Thysanura it may be found necessary to dispense with the glycerin, although it has a tendency to retain the color better than the alcohol alone. Collecting forceps. While these are not absolutely essential to the field kit, it will be found convenient to have a pair of stout, broad-pointed forceps for handling stinging Hymenoptera, some beetles, and other insects that are liable to injure the collector. Fine-pointed forceps should also be taken along to handle very small insects, although a moistened camel's-hair brush will serve the same purpose. Hatchet and chisel. These tools will be found very useful in collecting wood-boring insects and their larvae. The marble safety ax stands in a class by itself, being far superior to anything else on the market for this purpose. Even in general collecting this ax will 338 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY be found very useful for numerous purposes. In addition to the ax, many collectors always carry a chisel, but this will be found of but little advantage except in collecting wood-boring larvae. Receptacles for carrying insects. For general collecting, one should always carry a number of receptacles in which to place the insects as soon as they have been killed in the cyanide bottle. For Fig. 475. The paper envelope for Lepidoptera, and method of folding it /, first fold ; 2, second fold. (After Banks) METHODS OF COLLECTING INSECTS 339 this purpose ordinary pill boxes of various sizes are most conven- ient. Each box should be partly filled with crushed tissue paper, to prevent the insects from shaking about. Care should be taken not to place too many insects together. If the insects cannot be mounted at once, the date of collecting, the locality, and other notes may be written on the outside of the box. For very small insects gelatin capsules will prove more useful than the pill boxes. Large-sized capsules especially adapted to this purpose may be obtained of entomological supply companies or large drug houses. Glass bottles should never be used for this purpose, as the moisture from the bodies of the insects soon causes them to deteriorate, or otherwise injures the more delicate specimens. Also, cotton should not be used in the pill boxes or capsules, as the claws and delicate hairs of the insects become entangled and often broken off. Small paper envelopes will be found very useful in carrying Lepidoptera, but they should be packed in a tin or wooden box to prevent crushing. Collecting larvae. The method of collecting larvae depends somewhat upon the manner in which they are to be preserved. Small larvae, to be preserved in alcohol or mounted on slides, may be placed directly in the alcohol-glycerin solution, as indicated above. The larger forms, which are to be blown (see page 353), should be placed in tin boxes, together with a small amount of their food plant. Aquatic forms which it is desirous to keep alive must be packed in damp moss or damp paper, or else carried in a large, open receptacle filled with water. If placed in a bottle or tightly closed receptacle, they will soon die. One danger of carry- ing aquatic larvae or nymphs in water is that the larger forms will often destroy the smaller ones, especially if dragon-fly nymphs have been collected. There is much less liability of this occurring if the nymphs are packed in wet moss or paper. Insect traps. Many insects can be collected much more easily by means of traps than in any other way. These traps may consist of some form of light for attracting insects, some attractive food from which the insects may be collected as they come to it, or a trap that the insects will fall into. The funnel trap. The ordinary glass or tin funnel is fre- quently employed in trapping insects. One of the simplest ways 340 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY of using this is to fit a cyanide or alcohol bottle over the lower end of the funnel, and sink the bottle and funnel in the ground level with the surface. This is particularly useful along the coast or in sandy localities where ground beetles are numerous. This will prove more effective for carrion beetles if a dead fish, mouse, or piece of meat is strung on a wire and laid across the funnel. The funnel is also used in collecting very small insects, like Thysanura. The simplest method is to take an ordinary glass funnel, from twelve to twenty-four inches in diameter, and place a cork stopper in the lower end of the neck. The neck is to be partly filled with alcohol. The funnel should then be placed in a basin with straight sides, which is partly filled with water. The basin may be of tin or granite ware, of slightly smaller diameter than the top of the funnel, but deep enough so that the neck of the funnel does not rest on the bottom. If the funnel is not heavy enough to prevent floating, it may be held in position by strips of lead laid across the top. This apparatus should then be placed over a gas flame or some other even heat, and the temperature of the water raised to between sixty and one hundred degrees. Since alcohol evaporates so rapidly, it should not be placed in the funnel until the apparatus is ready for use. The mate- rial containing the insects, such as leaves, decayed wood, etc., is next placed in a sieve, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than that of the funnel. The sieve is then placed over the top of the funnel, and the insects, attracted by the heat, rapidly work their way through the material and drop down into the funnel. The insects are removed from the funnel by taking out the cork stopper and allowing the alcohol to run out into a bottle. A very convenient time to collect these small insects is during the early fall or winter. Cotton-cloth bags may be used to gather up the decaying leaves, wood, etc., which are then brought to the laboratory and the insects sorted out. Fig. 476. A simple trap lantern METHODS OF COLLECTING INSECTS 541 Many insects can be secured in the fall by providing suitable places in which they may hibernate, such as boards, old gunny sacks, etc. placed on the ground. Another method is to place strips of cloth or gimny sacks around the tmnks of trees, and examine them frequently for insects. LigJit traps. Numerous forms of traps have been constructed, to take advantage of the habit of some insects of flying toward the light. One of the simplest of these traps (Fig. 476) is made by placing an ordinar}' lantern in a shallow pan eighteen or twenty inches in diameter and four inches deep. This apparatus is then placed on a stump, fence post, or other con- spicuous locality. The lantern is then lighted, and an inch or two of water, covered with a film of kerosene, is placed in the pan. Leave the trap overnight (the darker the better) and in the morn- ing remove the insects and place them in gasoline or benzine for a short time, to remove the kero- sene. Thev can then be laid on blotting paper, dried, and mounted in the usual way. Another method of using the trap lantern is to suspend a lantern above a large tin funnel with a diameter of twent}' or twenty-four inches. At the bottom of the funnel is placed a cyanide bottle. The insects, particularly beetles, fly against the light and fall into the funnel and, the sides being smooth, roll down into the cyanide bottle, ©ther more elaborate arrangements may be fitted up, but either of the above forms will do for most cases. Baiting insects. This form of collecting is used principally in capturing moths and other insects that have a fondness for sweets. As usually practiced, the entomologist goes out just at Svrvs. Fig. 477. The Gillette trap light A lantern is hung over the mouth of the funnel 342 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY twilight with a mixture of sugar and rum, sugar and vinegar, or some such substance, which is painted on the trunks of trees. After an hour or so the trees are visited by the entomologist, who is armed with a dark lantern or a bicycle lantern. The moths are caught either by means of a net or by carefully approaching the tree and placing a large-mouthed cyanide bottle over the insects as they feed. Warm, cloudy nights are best for this work, although one is not always assured of success. If pieces of decaying fish, meat, or other animal matter are placed in a convenient locality and examined from time to time, large numbers of beetles may be collected. CHAPTER XXIV METHODS OF PRESERVING AND STUDYING INSECTS The work of the entomologist is only just begun when the insects are collected. They must then be pinned, dried, and labeled, the latter mcluding the identification, which in itself is no little matter. Mounting insects. Insects should be mounted as soon as pos- sible after being killed. When it is impossible to mount them immediately, put the insects in shallow pill boxes packed in tis- sue paper, and set in a warm place to dry. When ready to mount, remove the lid and place the box in a tight glass jar, together with a sponge dipped in camphor water. The insects should be left in this chamber for from 24 to 48 hours, when they can be mounted as usual. Insects should be mounted on insect pins. These are made especially for the purpose, are about an inch and a half in length, and range in size from No. 000, the most slender, up to No. 8, which is the largest. Nos. i, 2, and 3, however, will do for nearly Fig. 478. Pinning forceps all purposes, with a few of No. 5 for the larger moths. No. 3 is large enough for almost all larger insects, and insects too small for No. I should be mounted on points. The pins may be obtained in either the black japanned or the plain white metal ; the latter, however, should be used only in mounting insects on points, as a green verdigris is produced near the insect, which corrodes the pin. The collector should be careful to have all the insects at the same distance from the head of the pin ; this not only makes the 343 344 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY collection look better, but also makes it much easier to handle and study. The general rule followed by entomologists is that one fourth of the pin shall project above the insect. For this purpose a pinning block is almost indispensable, the construction of which will be readily understood by referring to Fig. 479. The lower hole should be one fourth the length of the pin in depth, the second, one half the length, and the third, three fourths the length. After the pin has been pushed through the insect, the head is inserted in the lower hole and the insect pushed down until the back touches the block. The second hole is for evening up the labels, and the third one for placing points on the pins. A great deal of skill is required in pinning insects properly. The specimen should be grasped by the thumb and forefinger Fig. 479. A pinning block and held very lightly in the groove formed between the tips of the thumb and forefinger while the pin is inserted in the proper place. Another method is to place the insects on some soft substance, as a folded handkerchief, and turning the insect ventral side down, insert the pin, finishing the operation on the pinning block. Since the different groups of insects present certain structural peculiarities, the following system of pinning the members of different orders has gradually been formed. (The directions for mounting on points and slides are given below.) Thysanura and CoUembola. All of the smaller species are mounted on microscope slides ; the larger forms are pinned through the metathorax. A very fine wire is run entirely through the body, to serve as a support. In the case of the Thysanura, this should be inserted just underneath the long, median setae and run forward well into the thorax. If the end is left projecting, it may be made to serve as a support for the posterior setae. PRESERVING AND STUDYING INSECTS 345 May-flies, dragon -flies, and stone-flies. The pin is inserted in the metathorax, and a fine wire run from the end of the body into the thorax. In the case of the May-flies this wire should be left projecting to serve as a support for the posterior setas, which should be attached to the wire. The wings of both the May-flies and dragon-flies should be spread. This is done by means of a spreading board. Spreading boards. Fig. 480 shows the construction of a simple spreading board. Two soft-pine boards are placed parallel on short crosspieces, the boards being at a slight angle to each other. The edges of the board should be from one sixteenth to one half an inch apart, depending on the size of the insects to be mounted. A thin sheet of cork is glued to the underside of the boards. When the spread- ing board is used, the insect is pinned in the ordinary man- ner and the pin is then forced through the sheet of cork until the dorsal portion of the insect is nearly level with the upper surface of the boards. The spreading board, of course, must be selected with a groove wide enough to accommodate the body of the insect. After being placed on the spreading board, the wings of the insect are brought forward and held in position by narrow strips of paper or tracing cloth, as shown in the illustration. Glass-headed pins are handy for pinning the strips. The spreading board is then set away until the insect is thoroughly dry. In the case of the May-flies the front margins of the first pair of wings are brought forward until they are at right angles with the body. In the case of the dragon-flies the hind margins of the first pair of wings should be at right angles to the body. In pinning stone-flies, usually only the wings of the right side are spread, Fig. 4S0. Board showinc spreading Lepidoptera. method of (Reduced) 346 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 481. Showing method of pinning Orthoptera (After Washburn) although some entomologists spread the wings on both sides. The front margins of the hind pair of wings should be at right angles to the body, the front pair being brought forward until they just touch the hind pair. Platyptera. White ants are usually mounted in alcohol, or on microscope slides, although the winged forms may be pinned through the metathorax. The wings are seldom spread. Book- lice are mounted either on points or on microscope slides, while bird-lice are invariably mounted on microscope slides. Earwigs are mounted on points, or, in the larger forms, the pin is inserted through the anterior portion of the right wing-cover. Orthoptera (Fig. 481). In the ordinaiy grasshopper, and in those forms having the prono- tum well developed, the pin is usually inserted through the posterior margin of the pronotum. In forms in which the pronotum is not well developed the pin is run through the metathorax. The wings may or may not be spread, but the usual method is to spread the wings on the right side of the body. Care should be taken to arrange the legs and antennae, the latter being laid back over the body, if possible. The legs may be held in position by running the pin through a square of stiff paper, which is brought up to the proper distance and the legs kept in a natural position until dry. Hemiptera (Fig. 482). All of the larger He- miptera are pinned through the metathorax ; the smaller forms, with the exception of the Aphididae and scale insects, are mounted on points. The two latter groups require special methods of mounting. The Aphididae are frequently mounted by plac- ing them on a glass slide and covering them with a drop of Canada balsam dissolved in xylol. They are allowed to stand for twenty- four hours, when a small amount of fresh balsam is applied, and Fig. 482. Showing method of pinning Hemiptera (After Washburn) PRESERVING AND STUDYING INSBXTS 347 the specimens covered with a cover glass. This method is far from satisfactory, as the balsam soon clouds, but at present it is the only thing that can be recommended as a permanent mount. Two methods are employed in mounting scale insects. The entire scales are mounted by taking a thin strip of bark on which is found a colony of scales, and after leaving it in the cyanide bottle for twenty-four hours, it is placed between two pieces of celluloid. The two plates of celluloid are held apart by a cell cut out of cardboard, and the entire mount sealed with passe-partout tape. The thickness of the cell depends upon the thickness of the piece of bark to be mounted. It will be found very convenient to have these cells cut the size of an ordinary microscope slide. This form of mounting \\\\\ do only for very superficial study, and some of the scales must be cleared and mounted in balsam. This is done by removing the scales from the bark and, in the case of the armored or flat scales, removing the insects from under the scales and placing them in a small test tube with caustic potash solution. These should be boiled until clear, the length of time depending upon the thickness of the scales. They are then washed in water by sedimentation ; that is, the test tube is filled with water and held in a vertical position until the scales have settled to the bot- tom. The water is then nearly all drawn off with a pipette, and the process is repeated. After all of the caustic potash has been re- moved, they are washed in 95 per cent alcohol and cleared in xylol. They should then be removed to a glass slide by means of a camel's-hair brush, and mounted in balsam. Since the last seg- ment of the abdomen, the pygidium, is the only part of the insect used in classification, this is all that it is necessary to mount, Neuroptera, Mecoptera, and Tricoptera. These forms are all pinned through the metathorax ; the wings may or may not be spread, but it is usually best to spread the wings at least on one side of the body, the hind borders of the front pair of wings being brought forward at right angles to the body. Lepidoptera (Fig. 480). In mounting Lepidoptera the pin is run through the mesothorax or metathorax ; the wings are always spread, the front pair being brought forward until the hind margins are at right angles to the body. This rule is invariably followed both with the moths and butterflies. The smaller forms are usually 348 ELEMENTARY ENTOMOLOGY Fig. 483. Showing method of pinning Coleoptera (After Washbum) mounted on elbow pins, or on bits of fine silver wire {ininntic7i- nadeln), which are stuck through bits of cork or pith and pinned like a cardboard point. Diptera. In the Diptera the pin is run through the central part of the thorax, and the wings, if not spread, should be extended. In the long-legged flies, as the crane-fly, the legs should be supported until the specimen is dry. In fact, it is not a bad idea to place a permanent piece of cardboard on the pins hold- ing such specimens. The smaller Diptera are usually mounted on wire or cardboard points. Coleoptera (Fig. 483). All of the larger Cole- optera are pinned through the anterior inner portion of the right wing-cover. The wings are never spread, and but little attention need be given the specimens after pin- ning, as the legs usually adjust themselves. The smaller forms are mounted on cardboard points and should be glued on the side to reveal the undersurface. Hymenoptera (Fig. 484). These are pinned through the metathorax ; the wings may or may not be spread. Some of the more slender forms, as the Ichneumon-flies, require a support until they are dry. Many of the parasitic Hymenoptera are mounted on slides in Canada balsam, but the usual way is to mount on points, either cardboard or wire. Mounting insects on points. General directions have al- ready been given for mounting insects on points. It may be well, however, to men- tion some of the different types of points used in mounting insects. Micro-pins (Fig. 486, d) are largely used for mounting Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, and Diptera. These micro-pins {niijiutien-iiadchi) Fig. 484. Showing method of pinning Hymenoptera (.\fter Washbum) Fig. 485. Point punch PRESERVING AND STUDYING INSECTS 349 consist of very fine pieces of steel wire, and may be run through narrow strips of cork, pieces of paper, or small squares of cork, as shown in Fig. 486, /;, <■/, and c. Elbow pins (Fig. 486, c) present a neater appearance than the micro-pins, and may be obtained of entomological supply companies. 4^x^. V ^7 ^ \ d c