% ^. ^. lltU pbrarg 
 ^ortl| Carolina ^tatc College 

 Date Due 
 L. B. Cat, 
 animaliQf, Oegctatleg, anti.a^merals; 
 Translated from Gmelin's last Edition of the celebrated 
 Ifilh appropriate Coppcr-phdcs , 
 VOL. IV. 
 *' Thus may our life, exempt from public haunt, 
 " Find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, 
 " Sermons in stones, and good in every thing." 
 1 802. 
5SC5SC:3SC:::feC5*gCi3SC'3«C-3g!C--5SsC' J^sa;- sy*« 
 THE Animals of this Clafs are of flow motion, foft fubrtance, 
 able to increafc their bulk aiut reltore parts which have been 
 d ttroycd, extremely tenacious ot 'ifc, and the inhabitants ol miiul 
 places. Many of them are withont dillin£l head, and moft ot them 
 without /ir^/. They are principally diitinguilhed by their lentacula 
 or feeler I 
 Uy the Ancients they were not improperly called imperfeft ani- 
 ma 9, as being djilitutc of ^arj, nofe^ htudy eyes tiixd Je^s -^ and arc 
 ther«forc totally diilindt from Infeds. 
 They are divided in to five Orders, 
 I. INTESTINA. Are of a formation the moft Cmple, and 
 live, fome of them within other animals, 
 fome in waters, and a tew in the earth. 
 The Gordius perforates clay to give apas- 
 fage to fpiings and water; the Lumbriius 
 pierces the earth, that it may be expofed 
 to the a£tion of the air and moiflure : in 
 like manner, the Teredo penetrates wood, 
 and the PhJt/at and Mytilus rocks, tocfte^ 
 their diifoluiion* 
 Are naked, furnifhed with tentacula or 
 arms, for the molt part inhabitants of the 
 fea ; and by their phofphoreous quality, 
 illi'minate the dark abyfs of waters, rc- 
 fledling their lights to the firmament Thus 
 what is ben.ath the water correfponds 
 with that which is above. 
 A 2. 
 JV. C ^UOz 
 Arc MoUufca covered with calcareous ha- 
 bitations or Jhelh^ which they carry about 
 with them ; themfelves producing and often 
 penetratisg calcareous bodies. Like infefts, 
 they are multiplied into a vaft number of 
 fpecies and varieties : and both in form and 
 colours, exhibit fplendid examples of the 
 power of the Almighty Artificer. 
 Are compofite anima-s, holding a medium 
 between animals and vegetables. Moft of 
 them take root and grow up into ftems; 
 multiplying life in their branches and de- 
 ciduous buds, and in the transformation of 
 their animated bloflbms or polypes which 
 are endowed with fpontaneous motioti. 
 Plants therefore refemble Zoophytes, but 
 are deftitute of animation and the power of 
 locomotion : and Zoophytes are as it were 
 plants, but furniflied with fenfation and 
 the organs of fpontaneous motion. Of thtfe 
 fome are foft and naked, and are called 
 Zoophytes \ others are covered with a hard 
 (hell, and are denominated Lithophpes. 
 V. INFUSORIA. Are extremely minute animalcules, defli- 
 tute of tentacula ox feelers , and generally 
 not vifible to the naked eye. They are 
 moflly found in infufions of various vegeta- 
 ble fubftances; and after becoming dry, do 
 riot revive upon being replaced in moiUure. 
 I. INTESTINA. Simple naked Animals wiihoiit limbs* 
 A. Found within other Animals : eyei o. 
 1. Afcaris. 
 2i Trichocephalus. 
 4. Uncinaria, 
 3. Fil^ria. 
 5. ScoUx. 
 6. Ligula. 
 12. Ltnguetula. 
 8. Echynorhynchus. 
 1 1. 
 Body round, tapering each way : head with 
 3 veficles. 
 Body round, tapering towards the tail: 
 head furnifhed with a probofois. 
 Body filiform, elaftic : head with mem- 
 branaceous angular lips : tail ot the 
 fcmah aeiform or necdle-fhaped, of ihe 
 jfifde armed with 2 hook§ inciofeU in 
 pellucid veficle. 
 Body entirely filiform. 
 Body minute gelatinous opake: head ex- 
 fertile and reiradile, with 4 pehucid 
 Body linear equal and long. 
 Body deprelTed oblong : mouth placed on 
 the fore-part and furrounded with 4 
 Body round long; the fore-part globular 
 and truncate, with a circular aperture 
 fringed at the margin ; hini-part of 
 the female pt;int<;d, of the male hooded. 
 Body round: probofcis cylindrical, re- 
 tradlile, and crowned with hooked 
 Body round: head crowned with prickles. 
 Body pointed behind: the tore-part obtufe, 
 with an orbicular mouth. 
 Body round fmooth with a large dilated 
 Body deprefled ovate, with a terminal and 
 lateral poie. 
 Body fiat jointed : head with 4 orifices for 
 Body linear and ciliate each fide with re- 
 fledcd prickles. 
 Not inhabiting the bodies of other animals, 
 a. fi itbout the lateral pare,, 
 16. Goraius. 
 |6. Gordiits. Body equal filiform round and fmooth; 
 20. Hirudo, Body truncate at each extremity : head and 
 tail uilatcd when in motion. 
 b; Perforated with a lateral Pore, 
 17: Lutnhricui* Body round annulate, furnifhed with minute 
 concealed prickles. 
 19; Sipunculus, Bod) round : mouth cylindrical and narrower 
 than the head. 
 18. Planar tat. Body depreiled, with a ventral pore; 
 IL MOLLUSCA. Simple animals furnifhed with limbs. 
 A. Mouth placed ahovs. 
 Body fixed, with a fingle terminal dilatable 
 aperture furrounded by ttntacula or cirri. 
 Body fixed, with a fingle dilatable vertical 
 aperture furrounded withclavate tenacula, ' 
 Body fixed and furnilhed with a ri^id pe- 
 Body loofe fmooth, with a fingle aperture 
 without cirri. 
 Body fixed; with 2 aperture?, one of which 
 i? terminal,theo>her placed a little beneath. 
 Body loufe ; with 1 apeitures, one attach 
 Body loofe angular, open at each tnd, 
 B. Mouth placed beftre* 
 Pterotrachea, Body pervious gelatinous, with a moveablf 
 fin at the heaJ or tail. 
 Body round tapering articulate; feelers 2* 
 Mom mar I a^ 
 C. Mouth placed hejorc : body with a lateral perforation, 
 1\. Li max. 
 22. Laplyjia. 
 24. Doris* 
 38. Tethyr. 
 Feelers 4: vent common with the lateral 
 Feelers 4: vent placed above the lower ex* 
 Feelers 7 : vent above the lower extremities. 
 Body with 2 fmali pores on the ictt lide. 
 D. Alouth before', body furrounded vJith feelers en the fore-part, 
 4 J ; Holotburia, 
 Jiolothurla. Feelers or tentacula flefliy. 
 TerebeUa. Feelers or tentacula capillary. 
 E. Mouth before : body furnijhtd with arms, 
 Triton. Arms 12, divided; fomc of them chcllfcrous. 
 Sepia. Arms 8-lo, befct with fuckers. 
 Clio. Arms 2, membranaceous, extended like wings,* 
 Onchidium, Arms 2, dilated, placed ut the fides of the 
 Lobaria, Body above convex beneath flat, lobate. 
 Lerntea, Arms 2 or 3 each fide, round tienJer; a 
 ''caudal ovarie«. 
 Arms 6, each pair at a diflance. 
 F. Mtuth before : body furnijhed with peduncles or feet. 
 Body oval, furnifhed with eyes: feelers ft- 
 frtaccous annulate. 
 Body prcKeeding from a tube and and annu- 
 late: feelers ftathcred : eyes o. 
 Spio. Body proceeding from a tube and articulate: 
 .feeltrs 2, long (imple : eye;* 2. 
 Nereis. Body long creepinj^ , with lateral pencilled 
 peduncles or tett : feelers limple. 
 Naisi Body long creeping: peduncles or feet with 
 fimple briltles : feelers o : eyes 2 ox o. 
 G. Mouth placed beneath and generally central. 
 • Phyjfophora. Body gelatinous, hanging by an air bubble. 
 I. Meduja. Body gelatinous, fmooth. 
 . Lucernaria. Body gelatinous wrinkled and furnifhed 
 with arms. 
 . Jjierias. Body coriaceous flat, generally radiate, and 
 muricatc with papillar. 
 . Echinus, Body crullaccous and covered with moveable 
 III. TESTACEA. Mollufca covered with a fhcll 
 A. Multivalves : Jhells with many valves. 
 . Chiton, Valves placed in tranfverfe plates down the 
 . Lepas. Valves unecjual : body feflile. 
 54. Pbhoj 
 55. PhUas. 
 She;! bivalve : w^ith acceflTory vulvcs at the 
 B. Bivalves : Jhell zilth 2 valves, Conchs. 
 56. il^^tf. Hinge with generally a broad thick tooth, 
 not let into the oppofite valve. 
 57. StUn. Shell open at each end: hinge with a fingle 
 or doiiblti fubulate refleiSled tooth, not let 
 into the oppofite valve. 
 <8. XeUina. Hinge with the lateral teeth of one ?alve not 
 let into the other. 
 59. Cardium, Hinge y/iih remote penetrating lateral teeth. 
 60. Mactra. Hinge with a coinplicated triangular middle 
 toot', and an adjoining hollow. 
 61. Donax, Hinge with a generally remote lateral tooth, 
 not let into the oppolite valve. 
 (62. Venus, Hinge with generally 3 approximate divari- 
 cate teeth. 
 63. Spondylus. Hinge with 2 teeth fepcrated by a fmall 
 64. Chama. jHinge in one fhell, with 2 oblique obtufe 
 65. Area. Hinge with numerous penetrating teeth. 
 66. Ojlrea, Hinge without teeth, but an ovate hollow* 
 67. Anomia, Hinge without teeth, but generally a linear 
 deprelfion on the rim, the beak of one 
 vaive curved over the hinge. 
 68. Mytllus, Hinge without teeth, with a Tubulate de- 
 preifion, and generally fixed by a filky 
 69. Pinna, Hinge without teeth: valves united at one 
 end and open at the other. 
 70 Argonnuta, 
 •72. Conus. 
 73* Cypraa, 
 74, Bulla, 
 7j;. Voluta* 
 C. Univalves, with a regular fpire. 
 Shell with one cell, fpiral involute. 
 Shell with many cells, with a hole of com- 
 Aperture efFufe longitudinal, without teeth. 
 Aperture efFufe linear longitudinal, toothed 
 each fide. 
 Aperture a little contra<£led and placed ob- 
 Aperture etFufe j the jpillar plaited. 
 76, Buccinum* 
W O R M S. 
 -^6. Bucclnunt. 
 Aperture with a ftrtall canal leaning to the 
 Aperture with a fmall canal leaning to the left, 
 Aperture with a fmall llraight canal. 
 Aperture contra<El:ed and fomewhat fquare. 
 Aperture contracted and orbicular. 
 Aperture contradted, lunate on the inner fide. 
 Aperture contra£led and femiorbicular. 
 Shell with a row of orifices along the furface. 
 D. Univalves J without a regular fpire. 
 Patella. Shell conic the aperture widened like a bafon. 
 Dentalium. Shell flcndcr fubulatc, open at both ends. 
 Serpula. Shell tubular, moftly ferpentinc, adhering to 
 other bodies. 
 Teredt. Shell thin, pierced into wood. 
 Sabella. Shell eompofed of agglutinated grains of fand. 
 ZOOPHYTA. Compofite animals efflorefcing like 
 A. PP'ith a hard calcareous Jiem. Lithophytcs. 
 Coral with cylindrical tubes. 
 Coral with concave ftars. 
 Coral with fubulatc pores. 
 Coral with hollow round cells. 
 Stem ftony, 
 B. With a Jofter Jleni. 
 Stem horny, befet with fmall fpines, and 
 covered with a gelatinous fleftiy coat. 
 Stem horny, and covered with a cellular or 
 vafcular coat. 
 Stem corky. 
 Stem ftringy flexiic bibulous. 
 Stem covered with minute cellular por««. 
 Stem tubular filiform. 
 Stem with filiform calcareous joints. 
 Stem with filiform fibrous joints. 
 Stem coriaceous, refembling a quill. 
 Stem medullous naked. 
 Ce Hep or a. 
 94. Antipathes. 
 95. Gorgonia. 
I(j .. ^V O R M S. 
 V. INFUSORIA. Simple microfcopic animalcults. 
 • A. With external ero-ans. 
 1 04. Brachionus, 
 105. VorticcUa. 
 106. fr'tchoda. 
 107. Core aria. 
 1 1 4. Leucine ra. 
 Body covered with a fhell and ciliate at the tip. 
 Body naked and ciliate at the tip. 
 Body hairy on one lide. 
 Body rounded and furniflied with a tail. 
 Body every where ciliate. 
 B. Without external organs, jiattentd. 
 Body angular. 
 Body finuate. 
 Body oblong. 
 Body orbicular or ovate. 
 C. Without external organs, round. 
 113. Vibrio. 
 1 16. Enchelis. 
 115, Bad II aria. 
 Body hollow like, a purfe. 
 Body elongated. 
 Body cylindraceous. 
 Body compofed of ftraight flraw-likc fila- 
 ments, varying in pofition. 
 Body fphxrical. 
 Body -Ji mere point. 
 aris. II 
 1. ASCARIS. Body round claftic, and tape- 
 ring towards each extremity: head with 
 3 veficles: tail obtufe or fubulate: intef 
 tines Ipiral milk-white and pelhicid. 
 A. Infejiing the Mammalia. 
 *F/r«/V«.; Head fubulate: flin at the fides of the body very finely 
 crenate or wrinkled. Jfcarldel. 
 Mem. London Med. Ssc. v. p, 230. tt^i. 2. 
 Coeze Eingexv. p- loz. tab 5. fig. i — 3, 
 Valifn. Oper. \ . tr.b. 20 fig. C-i-io. 
 Btayich. dijior. Morb. tab. i,.fig. 20. 
 Phels. Hi/}. AUr. tab. i.ffa. i — j r. t. 2 fi i— ^. 
 MuU. Hifl. Verm I. 2. pi. tab, 34. • ■•^' 
 jr^mr JVm- A/^/?.;, p. 72 ^.7^. J )f^. 133-137. 
 Jnhabirsthe inte/iines of chii.Iren and thin people, principally 
 in the reftum. Ti>ey are generally in confiderable numbers, 
 and occafion miny troublefome fymptoms, creeping lometimcs 
 lip mo the llomach They are viviparous and about half an 
 inch long. The/rw^A- has a fmall punftiform aperture * little 
 below the head, through nhich the young are protruded. 
 AW nodofe and divided into 3 veficles, in the- middle of each 
 o/which there is an aperture, through which 11 receives uou- 
 rilhment: body a little dilated in the middle and wrink ed at 
 the Wes, pellucid and angular: tail gradudly tapering and 
 terminating in a fine point, with a fmall aperture or vent below 
 the iQiddle of the worm, 
 *ir^'' ■^^'''"- ^'S''^'>' •"^"^^'^d ^ith a tranfverfe contradion beneath 
 coiaes, jt . i-nouth triangular 
 Mem. Land, Med. Soc v. p. 2-33. tab. i. 
 ^ldro'va7id. Inf. lib, 6. p t^z.f.g. 4, r, 
 Johnfl. Inf. p, 158. /«3 24, w. 1. '* 
 Redi Amn.-ui'v. tab. lofg. 2, 3. 
 RediOpi'fc. 3. tab. lO. Jig. i — 4. 
 Klein Herpetol. p. 63. tab, Lfig.^. t. 2./. i—y 
 A51 Stockh. 1776. ;>. 140. tab. X. fig. i 3, 
 Da'veren. Verm. p. 68. tab ^.Jig, \, 2. 
 Muller Hi I}. Verm, i, 2. ;>. 35. 
 i^/cf/;'. Einge-~u.p. 29. /<7^. 8 /t, i 6. 
 ^^\" Jerrn. IntejL tab. 6 /^ H4-14S.. t. 7./. ,53 .,.-9; 
 Inhabits the inteftlne. of thin p, rlons, generally about the ,7^«;« 
 but fomctimes alcends into the llomach and creeps out of the 
 mouth and noilrils. They are frequently very numerous anti 
 vivacious: from 12 to 15 inches long, Bu^ tranfparent, 
 Jight yellow with a taint line down the fide. 
 ^ 2 They 
 WORMS. INTKSTfNA. i. Afcaris. 
 * Cants. 
 They are OTipiroas ard ciiftingui(h^d from the Lumhrieus ferreUri^ 
 or earth worm, in wanting the flcfhy ring below the head, and 
 in having 3 veficles. 
 //f«^ 3-lobcd, with a triangular aperture between: Body a little 
 tvrinkled, with a circular deprcffurc about the middle, in 
 which is a Imall punftiform aperture: tail fuhulate, with a 
 large orifice or vent below the middle of the body. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Vefpcrtilio auritus or long- 
 cared Bat. 
 Goes,. Ein^eiv, p^ 86. 
 Body pale : intcftine milk white and fpiral. 
 MuiJ. Zocl. ban 2. tab. 74. hg. \. 
 Geez Eingenu. p. 73. tab. 2. fig 9, 10. 
 Inhabits the intc ines oi feveral Ipccies of Seal, particularly the 
 Phoca 'vitulina gnenlanjifa and hi/pidm j ana is from half an 
 iach to 8 inches long, 
 Bodi tapering at each extremity, ending in a fine point behind 
 ai,d hooked: entirely pellucid. 
 Body forked behind, fetiform and curved before. 
 Mull. Zool.Dan. 2. tab. 74. /^. 3. 
 Inhabits the inteflines of the Fhcca Grasnlanaica or Greenland 
 Seal, and is about the fize of the laft. 
 Body pale: tnte/imes vino\ii[y twilled: head very pointed befor<? 
 at the bafe of u hich is a pore fecreting a Ihort probolcis. 
 Tail ending in a point: head flattened and winged each 
 fide with a membrane: fpermatic velfels curled, 
 IVetn Venn. lnte,i. l. p. II. tab. (). fig. 38—40. 
 Re:.i Opufc. 3, tab. S.fig. 1-4. 
 2 Redi An:m,'vi'V»in an. 'viv /. 75- 
 3 Rcdt Anim «a/«z , in an -viv. /. 73. tah. 13-/^. 8 \ 
 Kedi Opu/i 3. tab. 17 -fig' 3- 
 Found in the intvjrftcniis ot the Dog. 
 Vifceralis, Fonnd in the kidneys of ihe Dog. 
 Kedi Amm. 'vit; itian. liv, p. 308, tal\^, fig. 1| 
 Found in the inttftines of the Wolf. 
 Redi Anim, viv. in an. 'viv. p. 75, 
 Lateral memboanes of the head tapering backwards. 
 Froelich Naturf. 24. p. 1^0. tab. 4- _pg 30, 31. 
 Goez. Eipgew. p. 84. Klein Herpet.p. 63. 
 Inhabit: the intoftincs of the JVoIft sipd is principally /<»t»l}4 i» 
 the duodenum. 
 teonif. Found under the (kin of the Lion. 
 Redi Atiim. viv. in an. vi<u, p. 75, and f* 309. tab* 9*^3* 
 fi^nJis. Found in the intellines of the Tiger. 
 Redi Anim. vi'v.inan, 'vi'v.f. 19. 
 ,^S. Acad. Paris t 1763, /. 47. 
 Telis. Head with a grcyifh-white oblong veficle each 54?, whtcJi 
 is obtufe and pellucid on the hind-part. 
 Geex. Eirjgt^, p. 79. tab. It fg. 5> 9 — 13. 
 Redi Anim.'vi'u. in. an., vinj. p. 12, ii^b. 13>^' 8, 
 Inhabits the ftomach and inteftines of Cats, efpeswIJy tfe^e 
 which are thin and emaciated; is generally found i» CSofi* 
 derable numbers, and accompanied with the T(zmaferrt^a» 
 Cafi, Head without the oblong veficles. 
 Goez,. Eif:ge^w / 80. 
 found m the intcltines of the Cat: very much rcfcinbles the 
 lall, but IS eafily diftinguiihcd by its wanting the fefick* en 
 the head. 
 Martis^ Inhabit the inteftines of the Martin. 
 Goez, Eingetv. p. 84.. 
 BroKchialis Body whitifh, twifted or rolled up in balls, and appearing 
 as if full of granulations. 
 Wern. Verm Inteft. i. /«. 9, tab ^%y fig. 20, 21. 
 Inhabits the lungs of the Martin, and is generally foiiod tn C9B* 
 glomerate malles near the divilion of the bronchix, 
 Renalis. Found in the kidneys of the Martin. 
 Rtdt Anim. tvi'V, in. an, I'iv, p. ^o^, tab, g, fig I. 
 Mtphitidis. Inhabits the inteftines of the Viverra mephitis, or (kunk. 
 Redi Anim, viv, in an. vi'v, p. 1 4, 
 Cuhnis. Inhabits the inteftines of the Urfus gulo, or Glutton. 
 Redi Anim. I'iv. in an, 'vi-v. p. 14, 
 Talpa, Inhabits the ftomach and inteftines of the Mole. 
 Goex. Eingeiv. p-7S'^7' 
 ^urii. Tail feathered : inteftitie darker. 
 Wern. Verm, intcji, \, p, 80. tab. 3, fig. I — 7, 
 Iflhs bite 
t4 WORMS. INTESTINA. i.Afcaris. 
 Inhabits the ftomach qF the moufe. 
 Boi/y annulate; female with a triple foramen, 
 ///;•«, Inhabits the inteftines of the Goat. 
 Soemmer. ap, Gi/ez. Eingeiu, p^ 175. 
 Fituli, Body filiform ; tail rounded. 
 Gos?c. Eingeiu. p 91, tab: 2. fg. 7, B. 
 Vahfn op. tab. 34, pg- 2, 3. 
 Clerk. Lumbric. tab. 10, 11. fig. 2, 3. 
 Inhabits the lungs and trachea of Cattle : is viviparojis, and gc*' 
 nerally gregarious. 
 *Equi. Body cylindrical, large, pale. 
 Goeze Einge=w. p.6z, tab. i,fg. 1 — 3. 
 JBloch Eiace-w- p 30, tab, 8. Jig. 4 — 6. 
 Vardell. diff p- J\, tab» 2, fig. 6. 
 Inhabit! the intcftines of the Hor/e, and is often difcharged with 
 the dung: is the largtft of the genus, rneafuring often a foot 
 and half long, and is as thick as a man's little finger, 
 Bodf with frequently large brown patches. 
 Suh. Body pale, with a longitudinal pale ochre line down the 
 • fides. 
 Goez,, Eingeiv /•• 71. Pall Inf vinj, p. 14. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of S^ine. 
 Body as long as the laft, but much thinner. 
 Found in the lungs of the Boar. 
 Goez. E»ge^w p 92, ia/j. 2, fg 6. 
 Body brittle and eafily broken to pieces, tapering to a point at e?ch 
 extremity, about an inch long, and not thicker than a fine 
 thread : brings forth its young alive through an aperture on 
 the abdomen. 
 B- Found in Birds. 
 Jpil<rt Inhabits the intellines of the Falco chryfaetus or golden 
 Rcdi Afiim, ^vi-v. in an. 'vi-v. p. %l. 
 dlhicilla. Found in the inteftines of the Falco albicilla or cinereous 
 Bloih. Eiugtiu. /. 3 1 . 
 InJiabits the inteftines of the Falco Butco or Buzzard. 
 Goczs Eingc-i'.\p, Z^^ 
WORMS. INTESTINA. i. Afcaris. 
 Mihi Inhabits the ftomach and inteflincs of the Kite. 
 Getze Eingenu. f. 85, 126. 
 Body rather large and fpirally rolled up. 
 SubhuteoHis Inhabits the inteflines of the Falco fubbuteo or Hobby. 
 Block. Eitigeiv. />. 81. 
 Body very flender, refembling a fine needle. 
 Body obliquely truncate, obtufe, and flightly mucronate 
 behind, with two incurved prominent prickles behind 
 the pofterior aperture. 
 Fraclch Naturf. 2j^, p. 24, tai. 4, //g. 1 1 — 13. 
 Found in the fmaller intellincs of the Pfittacus afti'vui. 
 Inhabits the ftomach of the Crow, 
 Soemmer. af. Geoze Eingeiv. p. 75. 
 Redi Anim. i/iv. in an. (vj-v-p, 83. 
 Jnhabi*s the (kin about the throat of the Roller. 
 Goeze EiKge'w.p,go, tab. 2, fig, 5. 
 Pall. Inf. <inv. p. d I,' Block, EingcvJ. P- $1* 
 Inhabits the inteflines of the Swan, 
 Redi jimm. 'Viv. in an. i-iv. p. 80 ? 
 Body white and flattifh behind, 
 Bloch Bejch. Naturf. 4, p. 552, Goefte Einge^jj,p. 85. 
 Found in the inteilines of the Wild Duck', is vivaparous, and 
 from 4 to 2 inches long. 
 Inhabits the inteflines of the Anas fuligula, or tufted 
 Bloch Eingevo, p.^i. Oviparous. 
 fCarhonis Inhabits the crop of the Pelecanus carbo, or Corvorant. 
 Linnean Tranfact V. /, 24. 
 Body yellowifli brown, and coiled up into a ball or mafs. 
 *PelecttBii Inhabits the crop of the Pelecanus criflatus, or Shag. , 
 Refemblcs the lafl- Linnean Tranfact. v. p, 24. 
 Lari, Inhabits the inteflines of the Larus canus, or gull. 
 Bloch, Befch. derberl, Naturf. 4, p. 452. 
 Ciani^, In the inteflines of the Ardea ciconia, or Stork. 
 Redi /ir.im, 'vi'v, in an. <vi'v. *; 86, 
f6 WORMS. INTESTINA, i. Afcaris. 
 iardgf. In the intcftines of the Otis^arda, orBuftard. 
 Bioch. Eitigeiv. f-i^' 
 fafiJU/at Body papillous beneath: tail ending In a prickly briftlc. 
 Block, Einge-w p. 32, tab. 9. fig. I — 6. 
 Found in the inteitines of the Buftard; about 6 — 8 lines lonj, 
 and not thicker than a horfe hair. 
 Tail terminated by fometimes one, fometimcs 3 briftles, and 
 furnifhed with 2 unequjl fpines near the tail : papill.a on the 
 abdomen generally 4, with fomctiruca a fifth, and 3 Icflerone* 
 on each ilde of the tail. 
 Galhpavo- Inhabits the intcftines of the Turkey. 
 tth» Goeze Et/tge'w.p 85. 
 Gal/t't Head hooked; tail ending in a polat. 
 Goeze Eingenv p. 75, 76, 85, 86. tab. \, fig, 4, 7, t. 
 Found in the inteftines of young Cocks and Hens, 
 Gallince* Intefline clavate : tail rounded. 
 Goeze Eingo'uj. p 86. 
 Inhabits the csecum of the Hen, 
 fhaftani, Inteftine clavate: tail rounded. 
 Goeze Eingenu, p. 86, 
 Inliabics the inteilines of the Phaftanus pictus* 
 TttraoHttt Inhabits the inteftines of Groufc. 
 Redi Anim. viv. in an. 'viv^p, 82, 
 Columha Found in the inteftines of the Houfe- pigeon.. 
 Goeze Eingenjti.p. 84, 85. tab. \.fg. 6. 
 Alaudai Found in the inteftines of the Lark. 
 Goeze Eingetm p. 125. Vaxdell.dljf. p, 76. 
 Slurnlt Found in the intcftines of the Starling. 
 Goeze Eingt'W. p 86. 
 TitfdU Found in the liver of the Thrufh, Field-fare or Redwing. 
 Goeze Eingenu. p. 75, 77, 78. 85. tab. 2. fg. I — 3. 
 C. Infejiing Reptiles. 
 fiJIuiliiih. Inhabits the inteftines of the Tcftudo orbicularis, or rouni 
 Redi axivt. viv, in en, viv. p. 80- 
WORMS. INTESTINA. i. Afcafis. tf 
 Lacerta, Tail enjiing in a fine point. 
 Geexe Eingcw. p: to8. Doe'ver. Verm. p. ^yi 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Lacerta palujiris or Newt. 
 Biifoiis. Body filiform : tail rounded. 
 Gocze. Ein^env. p. 93, 94, 434. tab. \.fg. I — 3. /. 35./ 7— 10 
 In the inteftines of the load: viviparous. 
 fulnmalis. Body filiform : inteftlne black : tail rounded. 
 Gaez.e Eingenju.p. 95 — 97. tzh. ^. fig- 6 — 17. 
 Found in the lungs of the 'Joadand Natter-jack : viviparouf» 
 Ruletrte, Tail ending in a fine point. 
 Goez. Einf^e'w.p. 95, 97, lOi; 
 In the reftum 0? the 'Toad and "Natter-jack : viviparoaS| 
 ^rachealis. Tail fubulate. 
 Goe%. Einge'vj, p. (^%, tab, t, fig. 8. 
 In the lungs of the.'/oin/: viviparous. 
 Rana. Tail fubulate : inteftines clarate. 
 Goeze Ein%env, p. loi, tab. ^.fig. 4—9. 
 In the re<ftuin of Frogs : viviparous. 
 Intefiinalis. Body filiform: tail rounded. 
 In the inteftines of Frogs. Goexe Eingeiv. /. 100. 
 Di/pncos,' Tail ending in a fine point. 
 Gocze Eingeiv. p. 98. 
 Inhabits the lungs of Frogs^ and impedes their refpiration and 
 power of fwimming : is extremely fertile, viviparous and 
 ipirally twiftcd. 
 /k/jv;. Tail rounded. 
 Goeze Eingevj. p, 98, S'voammerd. Bill, Nat. p. 3 1 7, 
 Found in the lungs of Frogs, but does not like the former, 
 obftruft their refpiration or fwimming. 
 D. hms Fijh. 
 y!r-:,i!U. Found in the itUcflineS of Eels. 
 Redi amii/i. I'/t. in an. g^/i'V. p. 86, 
 • Marina, •Body filiform whitifh fmooth, twiftcd fpirally and lying 
 flat : intcftine tubular 
 Gordius Marinas. Brit. ZooL iv. tab, 20. fig. 3. 
 VOL. IV...C Jfcan, 
 WORMS. INTESTINA. i. Afcaris. 
 Jf/can. Ic, rar. Nat. tab. J. fig. a, b, c. 
 Common in the inteftines of fea fifli, particularly Herrings. 
 Bleaks are alfo obfcrvcd to rife at certain feafons to the top of 
 the water, and tumble about in feeming agonies, which has 
 been luppofcd to be occafioned by their being infcfted with 
 worms: aboui half an inch long. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the viviparous Blenny. 
 Mull. Schr, der her I. N a turf, i /. 216. 
 Btdy twilled in various ways and forming knot*. 
 Found in the Pleuronedles Rhombus or Pearl. 
 Mull, Schr. der berl. naturf, \.f.%\-^. 
 Body ftraight necdle-ftiaped and curved at both ends. 
 In the Perch, Goezi Einge^iv, p, go. 
 Body inclofed in a membranaceous globule, flightly bifid 
 and obtufe on the fore-part 
 O. Fabr. fx. Granl. p. 268. «. 243. 
 Found fometimes naked, fometimes inclofed in a globule, ad- 
 hering to the outer ikin of the ftomach of the 3-fpined 
 Body gelatinous fmooth flattifh, water-colour but milk-white at 
 each ei.d, and with a milk-white line down the back; about 
 4 lines long. 
 *LacHjlris. Body lying flat and fpirally twifted, tapering both ways. 
 Gordius Lacuftris. Syji. Nat. xii. 2. />. 1076. «. 5. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Stickle-back and liver of the Pike, 
 Body white fmooth and pointed at each extremity. 
 Siluri, Straight, needle-fhaded and incurved at each end. 
 In the Silurus Glanis. Block, Eingew. p. 31. 
 Ferionis, ^^^Y round and pale alh-clour. 
 In the inteftines of the Trout. Goeze Eiiigew, p, 77. 
 Body filiform: tail rounded. 
 In the inteftines of the Trout. Gtzze Enge-w. p, 93. 
 In the inteftines of the Saln^o marasna. 
 Kee/r, comm. Petrop. ll, p, 509. 
 Straight rigid acicnlar, and ilightly incurved at each end. 
 _^ BUck Eittge-ii:. p, 30, 3 I . Goexe EingenM. p, 90, ^ 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 2. Trichocephalus. 19 
 Found in the intcftines of the commo» Pike. 
 BoJy white, about 2 inches long. 
 llalecis. Body filiform piano- fpiral and twifted. 
 Bloch. Eingeiv. p. 33. lalf. 8 fg, 7.-10. 
 In the leminal veflels and intcftines of the Herring. 
 • Body about an inch long, and the thicknel's of a horfc-hair. 
 Argentina. Inhabits the intcftines of the Argentine. 
 Rtdi Anim, 'vi-v. in an^ n>ii\ /. 88. 
 Gobionis Body extremely (lender : tail truncate. 
 Goeze Einge'w.p. 127, tah. ^,jig' •"3* 
 Found about the liver of the Gudgeon. 
 Raja Body fetiform and flightly incurved on the fore-part, tapcr» 
 ing and entire on the hind-part. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2593, Ic. 2. tab. ';\,fig* 1 — 3. 
 Found in the ftomach of the Fuller-Kay. 
 Tail ending abruptly : fnout ver)? long. 
 Squall Found in the Shark : body glabrous. 
 Redi Anim. njiv. in un. 'viv. />. 85. 
 Le;hii Body rigid, horny, glabrous and pale brown : inteftines 
 filiform, with variouily twifted milk-white veirds: 
 tail ending in a minute globule. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3, p. 53. tab. Ill, fig. 1 — 4» 
 In the gullet of the Frog-fijh : lar^e. 
 E. Infejling IVormu 
 lumbrici Extremely minute and marked with 2 rows of darker dots; 
 tail fubulate. 
 Goeze Eingevj p. 1 10, tab, 4, fig.lO. 
 Gleich. auferU Micro fc, f. 58, tab. 27, 28. 
 Found in Lumbrici, between the fkin and humours, but is fel- 
 dom difcovered without the afTiftance of glalTes, 
 2. TRICHOCEPHALUS. Body round, 
 claitic and variouily twifted : head or 
 fore-part much thicker and furniflied with 
 a ilender exiertile probolbis : tail or lower 
 part long, capillary and tapering to a 
 fine point. 
 C 2 H^tninis* 
 WORMS. INTESTINA. 3. Filaria. 
 ^Homims, Body above (lightly crenate, beneath fmooth ; and very 
 finely (Iriate on the fore-part. 
 Trichuris vulgaris. Mem, Lo'id. Med. Soc. V. p, 252, tai. 3. 
 Roeder de Morb. Mucof. ed. Wrtjb,p.bz, tab. ^, fig. 4. 
 Wern. Verm, intell.p, 84 — 86, iab. 6; fg, I 38 — 143. 
 Bloch EingeiJO. 32, Jigt J'-<)- 
 Goeze EingenjJ. p. 113, tab. d, fig, I --5. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of fickiy children, generally the ccecum, 
 and in confiderable numbers : about 2 inches long, and in 
 colour refeinbles Afcarides, 
 Heaa obtufc and furnifhed with a very flcnder probofcis, which 
 it can ejeft or retraft at pleafure : tailor thinner part twice as 
 long as the thicker end, and tern^inating in a fine hair-like 
 *Equi, Inhabits the inteftines of the Horfe. 
 Goeze Ez»geav. p. 118, tah. 6, fig, 8. • 
 Body about 2 inches and a half long. 
 A^ri, Head furnifiied with crenate fcales each fide. 
 ^ Goeze Engeiv^p. 122, tab, 6, fig. 6, 7. 
 In the inteftines of the Boar: fize of T. Hominls 
 Murii, Head furnifhed with 3 yeficles. 
 Goeze Einge^M. p. \\()t tab.y, h. fig. \ — 5. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Moufe, between the duodenum 
 and re£tum. 
 Body befec with white vcficlcs on the thinner part« 
 Vulpiu Head a little pointed and refembling that of a ferpent : neck 
 tranfverfely ftriate and furnilhed with veficles. 
 F^tzl.ch Naturf. 24,/, 142, tab. /^,fig, 25 — 29, 
 Inhabits the cceeum of the Fcx. 
 Lacerta. Head fcaly each fide: tail hooked. 
 Goeze EzngetVyp. 123, tab. 7, A. fig. 6, 7. 
 PnlL no^j^ com7:i. Peirop. ig^ tab, 10, fig 6. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Lacerta apus. 
 5. FILARIA. pody round, filiform, equal 
 and quite fmooth : mouth dilated, with a 
 roundiili concave lip. 
 A. I»fefiing the Mammalia, 
 Medinenfis. Body entirely pale yellowift. 
 Gordius Mediucnfis. Syli.Nat,-iL\i. z. p, 1075, ». 3. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 3. Filirla. ^j 
 Sloan Jamaica, 'n,p. 190, tal;. 2.11, fg. i. 
 Inhabits both the Indies, and is Ircc^uent in the morning dew^ 
 from whence it enters the naked f"ec£ ot the flavcs, anc create^ 
 the melt trcublefome itching?, frequently accompanied witj^ 
 inflammation and tcver : it muft be cautiously drawn out by 
 means ot a piece of fiik tied round its head; foi if by being 
 too much Ilrained, the animal Jhould break, the part remain- 
 ing under the fkin grows with redoubled vigour, and ocelli' 
 fions often a fatal inflammation. It is frcjjuently 12 feet loRg, 
 and not larger than a horfe-hair. 
 Eqiii. Body tapering behind : tall finely pointed and incurved. 
 Akild. ap. Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. p. 49. tab log. Jig. 10. 
 Found in the cellular membrane of Iloifcs. 
 Leonis. Found In the Lion. 
 Reai Aaim.'vi'v. in an. viv, p. l/^,tab. g,fg, 2, 
 Martis. Inhabits the Martin. 
 Redi Anim. ifi'v, in an. 'vi'V. p, 1 5, tab. 9, fig, \ , 
 Lcporis. J" the cellular membrane of Hares, 
 PalL », nsrd, Beytr. 1. ;>, S3. 
 B. Infejilng Birds. 
 Falconis, '^" *h* cellular membrane about the abdomen and thig1i§ 
 of Hawks. 
 RcM Anim. 'vi'V, in an. 'via', p. 80, Vandell. di/f. /. 75. 
 Stri^ls. J" ^^^ cellular membrane about the head and ears of owl*, 
 Pall, n. nord. Bejtr. \, p. 83. 
 Cornicis. I" the crop and lungs of Crows. 
 Pall. n. nord. Beytr. i. /, 83. 
 Found In the cellular membrane of the Stork. 
 Redi Ajiim. <vi~j. in An. 'vi-v. /. 83. 
 CaL'inar ^" ^^^ fmaller Inteflines of Poultry. 
 Goeze Eingcnv. p. 126, tab. 7, B. Jig. 8- -10, 
 Body capillary and about -z incnes long, 
 C. Infcjiing infeCls in their perj'ecl flaie. 
 •Scavabai. Found in the Scarobxus fipictarius. , 
 Philofoph, TranJ\\. p. 45. 
 WORMS. iNTESTIlSfA. 3; Filaria. 
 Si/pia. Found in the Silpha obfeura. 
 Goeze Eingenv. p, \zi. 
 *Ciirabi, Found in the Carabus. 
 Fhilof. Tranf. «, 8i. Pall, de inf. inn>. p. 1 2; 
 Grylli. Fofind in tlie Gryllus or Cricket. ^ 
 Frifch, InJ. i 2, p, 3, tab. 2, Jig. I. Roef. Inf-, 2. p. 58^ 
 Sulz.HiJl.Inf.p.2>l. Pall. It. Up. 36. 
 i/hnoculi. Found in the Monoculus apusi 
 Wakh. Naturf. iz,p.t:{. 
 D. Itifejllng the larlja of InfeSlt, 
 Tail hooked. 
 Ggexe Eingeiu.p* I27, Schrc^nch^ Natur» p, t^'i. 
 1. Found in the Papilio polychloros. 
 Wern. Verm. Intajl. cent. I. p. 6, Body white. 
 2. Found in the Papilio Uiticai. 
 Wern. Ferm.int.i. p.b. Body yellIovvifh-grey» 
 3. Found in the Papilio Betuljs. 
 Wern. I^'ern. int. I. p, 6. Body white. 
 4. Found in the Papilio Quercus. 
 Wern. l^'erm. intejl^ 1, />. 6. Body vvbite» 
 5. Found ifi the Sphinx Euphorbias, 
 Hoef. \itf. I. Phal. I, p. 20. • 
 6. Found in the Phalsena Quercus. 
 IVtrn. Verm, inteft. \,p. 6. Body white. 
 7. Found in the Phalaena Caja. 
 Wern. Verm, intejt. i, p. 6. Body chcfnut^ 
 8. Found in the Phalzena Ziczac. 
 Degeer Inf. \,p. 309, tab, 34,/^. 6 — 8. 
 9. Found in the Phalxna nupta. 
 Gocze Einge^. p. 1 27, tab. ^,fg* 4-'— 6, 
 Jo. Found in the Phalxna Pfi, 
 Roef. Inf. I, Phal. 2, p. 6^^. 
 ■IX. Found in thePhala»na Pcllionella, 
 Gceze Ein^exv.p. 128- 
 Found under the fkin of the larva:, and is very dellruftive to 
 them: is fometimes folitary, and 4 — 7 inches long. 
 Body glabrous, hard, tapering both ways, but more obtufe on the 
 fore-part, and defended as it were with 3 oblong lips. 
 Found in the larvae of the Penthredo. 
 Ji'tt Stodh. 35,/, 181. 
WORMS. INTESTINA: 4; Uncinaria; 5. Scolex. ^ 
 Phryganea Found in the larvae of the Phryganea. 
 Degeer Inf. ii. i, /. 555: A. 14. /j". 12 — 14. 
 4. UNCINARIA. Body filiform, elafticj 
 the fore-part obfcurely tul^erciilate, with 
 iBcmbranaceous angular lips : tail of th<? 
 female ending in a fine point, of the 
 male armed with 2 cufpidate hooks iix- 
 clofed in a pellucid veficle. 
 Melist Female nearly ftraight : male with approximate hooks i.n a 
 rounded veficle. 
 Afcaris criniformis. Goeze Eingenu.p, io6. A. B» fig. 1—4. 
 Froelich Naturf. 24. /. 1 36. MulL Nat. 22, /. 55. 
 Found in the larger inteilines of the Badger, 
 fulph. Female bent into an angle ; male with remote 4-fange(^ 
 hooks in a heart- (haped 2-robed veficle. 
 Froelich Naturf. z^, p. 137, tab. ^, fig. 18, 19, 
 * Found in the larger inteftines of the Fox, 
 5. SCOLEX. Body gelatinous, varioufly 
 fliaped, broadiih on the fore-part antj. 
 pointed behind ; fometimes linear an(} 
 long, fometimes wrinkled and fliort,, 
 round, flexuous or deprelTed : head 
 protrufile and retractile. 
 fburoMcti- Head with 4 auricles. 
 ^ij. Mull. ZooU Dan.z, tab. 58. Var. 2,/). 53. 
 Scbr. der berl. Naturf. l, p. 206, 207, 210, 213; 
 Found in the intelHnal mucus of the Turbot, Sole, Plaife, GiL-ir 
 niad, and Lump fjh ; but is fcldom vilible to the naked eye. 
 //(?<7^ pellucid, with 2 oblong fhining red dots behind; auriclcf 
 plaited in various forms : Ki?i->4 pellucid, fhort, with a lunate 
 margin, which when alive is ved. 
 topbiit ^^ t^c inteftinal mucus of the Lophius pifcatorius. 
 A'luU. berl. Naturf, Schr. \, p. 21 1. 
 Body minute and hardly vilible to the naked eye : probably jth,c 
 iamc as the lall. 
 6. X.IGULA 
^4- WORMS. INTE3TINA. 6. Ligula. 
 6. LIGULA. ^fp^^y linear, equal, lon<T; the 
 fore-part obtiife ; tlic bind-!)art acute, 
 with an impreffed dorfai future. 
 {0ejiinalis Body dear white, and very narrow. 
 Bloch Elngevj. p. 4, tab. I, fi^. 1, 2. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 183, tab. 14, fg. i — 3. 
 Found in the intellines of the hlerganfir and Cruillemot : about a 
 foot long, and exaflly refembling a piece of tape. 
 Abdomina- Body pale afh, and rather broad. 
 lis, Fafciola inteftinaiis. Syjl- Nat. xii< 
 Ja. Stockh. 1747. tab. S,Jig. 6. 
 I. In the abdomen of the Loehe. 
 Bloch. Eingeiv. p. 2. 
 ' 2. In the abdomen of the Gudgeon. * 
 Bloch. Befch. der her I Naturf. 4^ p. 549* 
 3. In the abdomen of the Tench. 
 Bonnet. InJeaoU Abh. /. 62. 
 4. In the abdomen of the Crucian. 
 Pallas n. nord. Beytr. i, p, ioo< • 
 5. In the abdomen of the Dace. 
 Pallas n, nord. Beytr. \, p. c)^. 
 6. In the abdomen of the Bleak. 
 Bloch, Eijigeiu, p. 2. 
 7. In the abdomen of the Cyprinus Vimba. 
 Goeze Eingenv. p. 189, tab. 16, Jig. 7—9. 
 8. In the abdomen of the Bream. 
 Goze Eingexv.p. 187, tab. 16, Jig, 4—6. 
 Ruyfch.obft anat' n. 64, op. l, p. 61, tab. J", c. 
 Thefe are found principally in the mefentefy, emaciating the 
 fiih they infeft, and making them grow deformed : when they 
 cfcape from the body, they penetrate through the fkin : they 
 are are fometimes folitary and fometimes gregarious, about 
 lialf a line thick, and from 6 inches to 5 feet long. 
 7. STRONGYLUS. Body^ round, long, pel* 
 lucid, glabrous ; the fore-part globular, 
 truncate, with a circular aperture fringed 
 at the margin ; the hind-part of the fe^ 
 male entire and pointed, of the male 
 dilated into loofe, dillant, ])e]Iucid mem- 
 nsKxnt usMAXf ^f »'^^' . 
 J\r« C. Steu Colkg€ 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 8. Echinorhynchus. 
 Equlnusl Head opake : inteftine black. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 42. ftg. 1 — 12. 
 Geeze Eingenv, p. 137. tab. 9. B.fig. 10, 11. 
 Inhabits the ftomach of the Horfe, in great numbers* * 
 Male pale yellow with a fine yellowifh membrane covering the 
 inteftines, tail 3-leaved with a fmall fpine or two: female with. 
 white filifsrm veficles furrounding the inteftines. 
 Oviniis. Found in the inteftines of fheep. 
 O. Fal^r. ap, Mutl. Zoel. Dan, 2. i>. 8. 
 8. ECHINORYNCHUS. Body round: pro^ 
 b of CIS cylindrical retractile, and crowned 
 with hooked prickles. 
 Thefe are found fixed very firmly to the vifcera of various ani- 
 mals, generally the intelbnes ; and ohen remain on the fame 
 fpot during the whole life of the animal: they are moftly 
 gregarious, and are eafily dillinguifhed from the Ttenia. by 
 their round in<lrticulate body. 
 A. tnfedlng the Mammalia. 
 Body pate: inteftine milk-white and {piral. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 1 if. fig. I. 
 Found in great numbers in the inteftines of the harp and rough 
 'Seal, and often nearly devours them : from 3 inches and a 
 half to 8 inches long. 
 Boily pellucid membranaceous, tapering both ways, and poiuted 
 and hooked behind. 
 Tubifer. Body whitifh glabrous and tapering behind into a fine 
 Mull. Zool, Dan. 2. tab. 74- fig- 2. 
 In the llomiich of the harp Seal: about an inch long. 
 Gigas. Clear white: neck o: probofcis fheathed, with numerous 
 rows of hooked prickles: orifices of fudlion 7. 
 Gceze Emge-w. p. 143. tab. ll.fig- 1—6. 
 Bloch Eingcw, p. 26 tab. J. fig. I-'8. 
 Pallas ctmm. Petrop. 19./*. 202. tab. 11 fig. 3, 
 Found in the inteftiucs of Sivine, efpecially thofe which have 
 been fattened in fties: is gregarious and from 12 inches to 
 I and a half feet long, the filaments of the probofcis appear as 
 if united by 2 lateral ligaments. That which is found in the 
 Bor>r is more of a blueiih caft. 
 VOL, IV.— D BaUna-. 
26 WORMS. INTESTINA. 8. Echinorynchiis. 
 Balana* Inhabits the Jnteftines of th« Whale. 
 Phifps Jourti, p. lo^. tab. J -Jig. I. A, 6, C. 
 B. Inf tiling Birds, 
 Euteonis: Clear white: veficles of the tail blueifli and lentlform, 
 Goeze Eingenjo p. i^/^.tab. \z.fig, 1,2, A. 
 Found in the inteftiues of the Bu'x.xiird: 2 inches long. 
 Sfofis. Probofcis covered with numerous prickles, 
 Goe-ze Eingevj, p. i^^.tab, M.Jig. 13. 
 F«und in the larger inteltincs of the Strix /cops, 
 Aluconis, Body flightly wrinkled and opake : probofcis thickened. 
 Mull. ZooL Dan. 2. tatb. 6t>. fig» 1—4. 
 Found in the intcftines of the Strix aluco. 
 Body flexuous : probofcis armed with innumerable prickles, and 
 perforated at the tip in the centre, 
 Probofcis clavate. 
 Goeze Einge'w. p. X^^.tab. ll. Jig. 8—12. 
 Found in the larger inteftines of the Taivny Ow/. 
 P:ci, White, neck o : probofcis with fmall ferrate prickles, 
 Go£ze Einge<w. p. 150. tab. ii, fig. 1--5 and A. 
 Inhabits the inteltiaes of the Picus erythrocephalus and 'viridis; is 
 gregaiious and about half an inch long. 
 Boreal'n. Found in the inteftines of the Eider Duck. 
 Phipps Journ. p. 103. tab, J. fig, I. 
 Bofchaiis. Neck filiforni : probofcis a little prickly. 
 Goeze E7ige--w. p, 163. tab. I'^.fig* 6, 7. 
 Found in the intcllines of the Duck, 
 Anatis, Body fcarlet ovate : thorax and probofcis covered with 
 prickles, with a long fmooth neck between them. 
 Coeze EingCT-v. p. 164. tab, X'x^.fig, i. z. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the •vtl'vct Duck, 
 Mcrgi. Head and neck armed with prickles. 
 Block Eingenv. p, 28. tab, J. fig' 9— 1 1. 
 Found in confiderable numbers in the intcftines of the Mergtts 
 Miimtu! : \ inch and a half long. 
WORMS. INTESTIMA. S. Echinorhynchus. 
 Jlcat. Body with lateral wrinkles beneath on the fore-part. 
 Mull. Zcol. Dati. 2. tab. ']\.ftg. 8. 
 In the inteltines of the Aiuk: 4 inches long. 
 Body white with a black line down the back, roundifli and a little 
 pointed before, beneath flat, behind fubprifmatic and tapering 
 to an extremely fine point ; probably not of this genus. 
 Ardcaet Body flriatc: probofcis clavate. 
 Gceze Eingeiv p. 152. ta'J. w.fig. 6, 7. 
 Found in the Jrdea Alba. 
 Body conic behind and liouatc each fide in the middle. 
 Gazae. Inhabits the Ardea alba or great white Heron. 
 Redi anim. 'vi'v in an, 'ui'V. p 85. tab. 15. fig, 18. 
 Rtdi opufc, 3./1 229. tab, 21. fig, 9. 
 Vanelli. Tail with a white veficlc. 
 In the intellines of the Lapwing. Gscze Ei»gciv. f. 155. 
 Meriilae. Ovate: thorax prickly. 
 In the Black-bird and Tree Iparrow. Goeze Eingetjo. p. 165. 
 C. Infejling Reptiles. 
 Ranoi, White: probofcis united by 2 (lender white' filame^nts 
 Goeze Einge-xv. p 159. tab. \2.fg. 10, 11. 
 Pall, comm. Petrop. ig. p 4^2. ta/>. 9. fig. 2, A, a. 
 Pall. Nord. Beytr. \.p. 109. tab, $.Jg, 37. 
 Inhabits the intefline of Frogs : is gregarious and grecnifli or 
 pale grey. 
 Palcatus. Probofcis long and armed with many longitudinal rows of 
 hooks: body marked on the fore-part with a pellucid 
 blotch, on the hind-part with a pellucid dot. 
 Frcclicb Nsturf. 24. />. 117. tab. 4. fig. 22 — 24. 
 Found in the ducdcnam of the Salamnnder, near the pylorus. 
 D. Infejllng Fijh. 
 Anguillae. Body white fmooth : probofcis globular. 
 Mull. Zobl. Dan, 2. tab. 6g Jig. 1 — 3. 
 Le'wenh. Arcan. Nat. p. 313, 314.^%. Ij 2. 
 Inhabits the intcftines of the Eel: opake. 
 Proboftis fapported by the neck, and armed with 6 — 8 row^ of 
 hooks, each row containing 5 or 6: male with 7 opake globules 
 behind in a double row : fetnaU twice as long, with ovaries 
 containing the linear fanus. 
 D 2 Xiphice 
28 WORMS. INTESTINA. 8. Echinorynchus. 
 Xifhia. In the inteflines of the fword-fifli, which it often perforates. 
 Redi anim, 'viv. in an, 'viv. p. 8a. tab: z^. Jig. 7. 
 Redt Opu/c. 3, tab. i<^. fig. i, 
 Gandidus. Body opake white and flightly wrinkled. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan \, p 139. tab. "ij. fig. 7 — 10, and 2 t. 34./. 7« 
 Found in the intellines of the Jonk, Whiting pout, Whitings 
 Blennius ranitiuj, P/euroneSes platej)jides, RuJ^e, Perch and Cy- 
 prinus idbarus ; about 3 inchcb loiig, when extended at full 
 length, and of equal thicknefj throughout, 
 Body pale afh-co!our, yellowifli, brown, fulvous, fafFron, rcddifh 
 or violet, according to the different fpecics in which it has 
 been nourifhed : probofas with 9 — jj rows cf hooks, each 
 row with 9 — 16 hooks; the male is lefs and oltcn found in- 
 habiting diltinfl froi^i th^/entale. 
 Lintolatia. Body with tranfverfe brown lines interrupted in the middle^ 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 1. p. 142. tab. 37,/^. U — 14. 
 Pall. 7:ord, Beytr. I. p. 1 07. tab. I- fig. ^6. 
 Palh noi'. comm. Petrop. ig./- 452. tab, <^.fig' 2. 
 Found in the inteftincs oi Cod fifi. 
 Body about 2 in^he; long : ^robofiis armed with hoolc.% 
 Longicollts. Reddifh-white ; head rounded and longitadinally ftriate : 
 neck filiforui: probofcis flightly hooked, 
 Goex. Einge%v. p, 162 tab. iz.Jig. 12—14. 
 Found in the inteftines of the 'Torsk. 
 Probofcis armed with hooks. 
 P'.curaneaii Sides of the body with undulate impreilions* 
 Ma// Naturf, 10. />. 150. 
 Found in the intestines of the 7«ri^c>/. 
 Attcnuatus. G^obiferous* body equal yellow fmooth: neck filiform. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 1. p'. \iJ.tah. IJ.Jig. I— 3. 
 Pall. Nord. Beytr. i. p. wo, tab. t,. fi^ 38. 
 Found, though feldom, in the intestines of the Flounder. 
 Body pellucid, of equal thicknefs, obtufc and rounded behindi 
 probojcii united by a ligament each fide. 
 Annulatus. Globiferous : body ending in a point : neck wrinkled. 
 Mull. Zool Dan. I. p. i2>i. 
 In the intestines of the Father laJJier, Tonk. and Bream. 
 flatejfdda Snout pointed: body with an elevated terminal belt behind. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 74. '^^.5. 
 . Id 
 WORMS. INTESTINA. 8. Echinorynchus. 29 
 In the ftomach of the Fltaronoaes platejfoides. 
 Body pale finaoth, about 2 inches and a half long. 
 Body foft wrinkled and obtufe at each end. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. p. 140. Pall. nord. Bejtr. \,p. log. 
 I^ound in the invellincs of the Perch. 
 Probofcis with ip— ri2 rows of fpines. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I./. 140. Schr. Naturf, \.p. 214* 
 Inhabits the jnteftines of the PMJfe. 
 BocJy ftriate : probofcis clavatc. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 158, tab. 12.^^,7—9. 
 In the inceftincs of the bearded Ltchs. 
 Body clavate finooth : probofcis cylindrical, 
 MJ.i. Zool. Dan. 2 tab. 69. y^ i— 3» 
 Found in the intcftines of the Salmon. 
 Body white glabrous opake, ventricofe on the fore part an4 
 pointed behind: probofcis not fo prickly as in others. 
 White globiferous and fublobate at the fides behind: neck 
 cylindrical annulate: probofcis with 16 rows of iq 
 hooks each. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 17 p. 1 72. tab. 4. fig. 8 to. 
 In tiie intestines of young Salmon., about 4 times as fmall as ^. 
 Candidas and refembles E. annulatus. 
 White : tail rounded a^d inferted into the body : prebofels 
 Got'K.. Eingetv, p. 166. tab, iz.fg. 3-y. 
 Found in the liver of the Salmon: probably not of this genus, 
 Probofcis armed "vith inpunierable hooks. 
 inhabits the intcftines of the Trout. 
 Goez. Rnge-w. p. 157. tab. 12% fg- 5> 6. 
 Body reddifh and very long. 
 Maraenae. Body fpindlc-fhaped fmooth and flightly wrinkled, th^ 
 hind-part tapering and rather obtufe. 
 JS. Stockh, 1780. p. 44. tab. Z. fig. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the intestines of the Salmo maraena. 
 luciit Body pellucid and finooth. 
 MuU.Zcol. Dant i. p. 138. tab, 2)7 'f'S' ^"^' 
go WORMS. INTESTINA. 8. Echinorynchus. 
 Mull. Naturf. 12, /. 188, tah» S^f'S' *"5« 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 156, tab, \2,ftg. 3—4. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Pike. 
 Body yellowifli, narrower and obtufe behind. 
 Argeiuinte Inhabits the inteftines of the Argentine. 
 Redi an. ■vi'v in an. viv. p. 87. AH. Hafn. 2, p» 225. 
 Akfa Body filiform, the fofe part clavate and reddifh, with 6 
 rows of loofe prickles: probofcis pale, with 8 rows of 
 denfer prickks. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 1 7,/. 1 77, tabt ^,/ig. II, 12. 
 In the inteftines of the Sbad: 2 inches long. 
 Probofcis cylindrical, a little thicker in the middle : neck fhortand 
 deeper red, with 2 circles of prickles, 
 ^arbi Ovate, yello\^j fafciate : aeck long, white, cylindrical an<« 
 Sc branch Naturf. l8,/». 83, tab. %, fg. D^-H. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Barbel, 
 L ophii 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Carp. 
 Koehr.no^y cotnm. Petrop. 15,^. 500, tak. z6,fg, 5, 
 inhabits the inteftines of the Cyprinus idbarus. 
 Mull. Zaol. Dan. I,/. 140. Refembles E. candidus. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the R.oaGh. 
 Mull. Zoo I. Dan, I, p. 156, 
 Probofcis tuberous and prickly at the tip; body with a fin* 
 gle mouth or fucker on one fide and 4 on the other. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. z,tab. Ol,fig. 2—8. 
 Found, veryfeldom, in the inteftines of the Roach. 
 Bsdy elongated, obtufe at each end; probofcis narrowed behind 
 and armed at the tip with 6 ftraight prickles, each feated on 
 fmall globule. 
 Neck filiform : probofcis armed with very minute prickles. 
 In the inteftines of the Bream. Goex, BingeiM. p. 163. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Frog-fifli. 
 Mull. Sch. der berl. Naturf. I , />. 2 II . 
 iWy white, and coUcdlea into glomerate niaflcs, 
 Body rounded, white. 
 In the inteftines of the Sturgeon, 
 G!e«.,'Ehge--w. p, 157, 
 9. UMKVQh, 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 9. Hasruca. 10. Cucullanuj. 3^ 
 9. HiERUCA. Body round, the fore-part 2-. 
 necked, and iurrounded with a iiugh 
 row of prickles : probofcis 0, 
 ris Body grey ifh- white and wrinkled. 
 Gseze Eingeiu, p. 138, tab. 9, h. fig, 12. 
 Inhabits ;he inteftincs of the Moufe, and is diliinguillied ivova, 
 the Genus Echinorhynchus in wanting the retraftile probofcis. 
 10. CUCULLANUS. Body fliarp, pointed 
 behind and obtufe before : mouth orbi^ 
 cular, with a ftriate hood. 
 Thefe are moft of them viviparous, and generally inteftinal. 
 A. Infcf.ing the Mammalia. 
 TaJpa Inhabits the common Mole. 
 Goez. Eingetv. p. 1 30, tab. 8, fig. 7 — 8. 
 Is gregarious, inclofed in a membrane, fpirally twilled white, 
 and found in the fat about the peritoneum. 
 Ocreatus Body fafciolate : tail flieathed. 
 Goeze Eingenv. p. 182, tab. \S*fg- 6, 7. 
 Found in the intcfdnes of the Mole ; gregarious, oviparous, 2 
 inches long, and refembling a piece of Itraw, 
 Muris In the lefler inteftincs of the Moufe. 
 Goeze Ei/igev. p. 242. 
 B. Infejiing Birds. 
 Inhabits the intcftines of the Buzzard. 
 Gaeae Eingenv.p. 85. 
 C. Infejiing Reptiles. 
 Ran^e Tail foliaceous. 
 In the inteftincs of the Frog. Goezs Em^c^xu. p. 98. 
 D. Infejiing Fi'\ 
 Lncu/tris Body rufous and truncate before. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan, I. p. 146. 
32 WORMS. INTESTINA. n. CaryophyUiSus. i2,LinguatuIa. 
 1. In the Eel. Goeze Einge'w. p. 130. tab. g, A. j%g. I, 2, 
 2. In the Perch. Goeze Eing, p. 17,2, rao 9, B. fig. A. 
 3. In the Perea lutioperca. Go^z. £»«^'. tab. 9, A. /f^. 3. 
 4. In the Ruffe. Af«^. Nattirf. \,p. 214, 2, />. 133. 
 5. In the balmon. Go^g^ ^^n^"* /• I33- ^'^^^ 8, fg. 9. 10. 
 6. In the Trout. Goeze Eing. p. 133. 
 Thcfe are all found in the inteftines, the lafl: alfo in the liver* 
 and arc very fertile. 
 jiftariidei Head orbicular and hooked each fide : tail rounded, fhort^ 
 pointed, w^ith 2 exferted fpicules. 
 Goeze Einge^uj. p. 134, tab. %. fg.\ I— 16. 
 In the ftomach of the Silurius planus ; is gregarious, about an 
 inch long, greyilh-white, ana refembles the maggot of a fly. 
 Murinus Ycllowifh-afli, and obtufc on the fore-part. 
 Mull.Zoel, Dan. I, /. 144, tab. ^%yfg. I, 7. 
 1. Armed with cirri. Mull. ZooL Dan. i. tab, iS,fg. l-^y. 
 2. Without cirri. Mull. Zool. Dan. i,p. 144. tab, 38. <%. 8—11. 
 Found in the inteftines of Cod fijli : oviparous. 
 Bady long, flexuous, round, pellucid, and very finely ftriate 
 acrofs; intejling brown . l?ead bro^icr, fuborbicular, and ap- 
 pearing as if burnt on the fore-part: male armed with a 
 blackiih, fetaceous, bicufpidate prickle at the tail near the 
 vent : female with a tuberculate aperture in the middle of 
 the body. 
 11. CARYOPHYLL/EUS. Body round : 
 mouth dilated and frinoed. 
 Pifcium Inhabits the inteftines of various frcfti-wafer fifli, parti- 
 cularly the Carp, Tench, Jefes and Bream. 
 Gceze Eingeiu. p 180. tab. i 5,7%. 4, 5 
 Block, Eingew. p. 34, tab. 6 frg. 9 — I 3. 
 Body clay -colour, about an inch long» rounded at the hind-part 
 and broader before. 
 12. LINGUATALA. Body depreiTed, ob^ 
 long: • mouth placed before, lurrounded 
 with 4 pailages. 
 Senata Inhabits the lungs of the Hare. 
 Froelhh Netturf. z^. p. lifi.tab. ^. fg, 14» ^S- 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 13. Fafclola. 33 
 13. FASCIOLA. Body flattifli, with an aper- 
 ture or pore at the head, and generally 
 another at a diltance beneath, leldom a 
 fhigle one. Gourd-worm. Fluke. 
 Thefe are hermaphrodite, oviparous, and are generally found 
 in the ftomach, inteftines or liver: the inteflines are flexuous 
 and the ovaries lateral. 
 A. Infejiir.g the Mammalia. 
 Uominis Found in Mankind. 
 Doe'ver. Fernit p. 54. Clerk Lumbric. p, lig. 
 Vulpis Orbicular/ head thick, rounded, and feparated from the 
 trunk by a circular arch; hind-part flexuous at the 
 fides: tail with 2 cylindrical membranaceods appen- 
 dages eath fide. 
 Goeze Eiftgeiv. p. 176, tab. 14, fig. l\ — 13, 
 In the intellines of the Fox. 
 Putorii Minute and roiindifh, with 2 approximate pores. 
 Goeze Eingew.p. 175, tab. 14. I and a half line long^ 
 Found in the inteftines of the Polecat. 
 Melts Body thick : head triangular. 
 Goeze Eingenxj. p. 176, tab, \^, Jig, g, 10. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Badger. 
 refpirtili. Elongated round, with red inteftines. 
 fi/jis Mull. Zool. Dan. 2, tab. J2, fig. 12-- 16.. 
 Goeze Eingo^w. p. 171, tab. 14, fig- I -3. 
 In the inteftines of the long-eartd Bat, which it frequently 
 gnaws through. 
 Body rcddifli -brown, itefhy, tranfverfely ftriatc with minute dots 
 •Hepatica Body ovate and (harper before, with a white line down the 
 middle and fpot in the centre. 
 Schaff. Mojiogr. 'von, Ege.'Jch. ftg. \ — 17. 
 Clerk. Lumbr. p. 141, tab, C)-,fig. 2, and tab. \2,fig. H, M, 
 Philo/.^ranf- i.g, p. 248, tab. 7, f/g. i. 
 Bar but Genera of Worms, tab. z,fig. I. 
 Brejy Sammvl. p. 6()^,/!g. I — 4, 
 Inhabits the liver of Sbeep, and is often vomited up in brooks ; 
 is generally found lixcd by a pore nt. the exrremic}', .^nd ano- 
 thcr in the middle of the abdomen, and occafions dropfy and 
 the diiorder which is called the rot. * 
 VOL. IV.— F. Bed. 
34 WORMS. INTE.STINA. 13. Fafeiola. 
 Bsdy about an inch long, broader on the fore-part and termi- 
 nated by a tube, the back marked with about 8 longitudinal 
 furrows in 2 feries. 
 Bourn Found in the livers of Cattle. 
 Muli, Naturf, 18, /. 35, tab. \, fig. li. 
 Percorum Found in the liver of Swine. 
 Goeze Eingeiv, p, 171. 
 Jfri Found in the liver of the Boar. 
 Clerk. Lumbric. p. 119, 
 *Cervi Inhabits the liver of Deer. 
 Borlaje Nat, Hid. of Cornwall y tub. z\,fig. 10, 
 Equi In the liver of Horfes. 
 BuffoH. Hift. Nat.'w. p. 174, &c; 
 Thcfe 5 Jaft refemble F. hcpatica, and are probably only va- 
 Elapbi Body conic-ovate, with a very large aperture behind; 
 mouth alfurgent and remote. 
 Zeder Schr. Naturf. \o,p. 65, tab, 3.^. 8-11. 
 Inhabits the ftomach of the Stag, and is gregarious. 
 Body with a fingle pore. 
 B. Infefling Birds. 
 Bills In the gall du£^ of the black Eagle. 
 Braun. Schr-. Naturf. lO, p. 61, tab, ^tfg. 4> 5. 
 Body thick, gregarious. 
 Buteonis Inhabits the Inteftines of the Buzzard. 
 Body with 2 pores. Goeze Eingcw. p. 85. 
 Milvi Body flat, with a double pore: inteftines frondofe. 
 In the inteftines of the Kite. Goeze Eingeiv. p. ij^. 
 Body roundifh, with a fingle pore. 
 Goez. Eingenju. p. 174. tab. l^,fg. 4— 6^ 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Kite, 
 Very minute, varioufly (haped, inclofed in a cyft or bag, 
 and tcnaceous of life. 
 Braun. Sc^T. Naturf, 10, p. 63, tab. l,fg, 6, 7. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 13. Fafciola. 
 Found in the thorax of the Strix Aluco and the IleJge-hog under 
 the Ikin ; is probably not of this genas. 
 Anatis pojy reddifli and roimdifh, with a fingle pore. 
 Goeze Eingeiu. p. 174, tab, i^y_fig- 8—1 1. 
 B/och. Ehig. p. 35, tab. lO, tig. 5—7. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2, tab. SAf/'S- ^"3' 
 Found in the intellines of the Duck. 
 Body fmall, pellucid, and fometimes white; the fore-part ending 
 in a truncate triangle, the hind-part rounded : intcftines 
 black, lexuous: oTarw lateral. 
 Anferis Oblong, ovate, with oppofite papilljc placed in 2 rows : 
 pores approximate. 
 Fxoelich. Nitturf 24, p. U 2, tab. 4, fig, 5—7. 
 Found in the redum of the gocfc. 
 Gruis Inhabits the inteftincs of the Crane. 
 Blacb. Eing.p. ^^,tab. lO, fig.^—J. 
 Jrde«e Found in great numbers in the inteftines of the BittcJif. 
 Body fuborbicular. Gnei^e Eingsf:. p. 177, tab. ^S'/S' '• 
 C. Infcjiing Reptiles. 
 Salamatt' Oblong, fublincar, refembling an oil-flaflc: pofcs remote. 
 dra FroeMck. Haturf. z\,p. 119, tab. 4, fig. %—XO. 
 Found in the reftum of the Salamaxder. 
 Ran<e Body fubclavate : mouth feflile. 
 Goex.. Eingetv. p. 93, 178. tab. lS,fig. 2, 3, 
 Found in the intellines, lungs and liver of the Frog: it very 
 {[ow in motion, firft contrafling itfclf ini' a globular form, 
 and then dilating itfelf into a flat -broad Ihape. 
 Vncinulata Body armed with 2 ela{lic hooks on the hind-part. 
 Braun Schr. Naturf. 10, p. 58, tab. J,, fig- I--3. 
 Inhabits thcefculcnt Frog, under the common integuments of the 
 abdomen, in one or more numbers : in its motion it refemblcs 
 a leeeh. 
 D. hfcpng Fijh. 
 Elongated, round and tailed, with a papillary lateral poxc. 
 Mull. Zeol, Dan. I, /. 1 08, tab. S^,fg. S. 
 Inhabits the intellines of various Fifhcs. 
 Body of equal magnitude, with papillary pore?, the anterior one 
 larger and extending over the forc-parl of the body : tai/nVi- 
 i"orm, hall as long as the body. 
 £ 2 Difiicba. 
36 WORMS. INTESTINA. 13. Falciola. 
 Difiicha Elongated round, with a projeding excavated lateral pofc. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. \, p. 108, tab 30, fig. 9. 
 Found in the intllines of various Fifhes. 
 Body wrinkled, tapering lehind ; the forc-part fub-bifid at th^ 
 end, the divifions uneg^ual and excavated at the tip. 
 Angmll<£ Found in the Eel. 
 Lewwenh. Arcan. J^at. p. 306,^^. 6. 
 Scabra Elongated round, tranfvprfely flriate and ferrulate at ths 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. Zy tab. ^l, fig- I — 8. 
 Inhabits the ilomach of the IVhiting-pout. 
 Body minute, hardly vifible to the naked eye, vivid, pellucid and 
 protruding from its mouth a harder and hollowed fphrrrule ; 
 with a white double fli'orm vcITcl, and another blackifli flexu- 
 OU3 one filled with eggs, running down th? whole length of 
 the body. 
 £gl^tni Linear and flightly dep^-elTed: neck p. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. p. lo5, tab. 30, f.^. 4, 
 Inhabits the intefttncs of the Haddock. 
 Body half an inch long, cinereous, and rounded at the ends. 
 Blemiii Linear and flat : neck puffed up, with a divergent truncate 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I, p. Jo6, tab. 30, fg. 5, 2. /. 78, fg. 9. 
 Blcch. Einge'W. tab. 1, fg. lO, li. 
 In the irit llin^! mucus of the «vrv/^^ro7/5 Bler.ny, 
 Body not vifible to the naked eye, white, pellucid, generally 
 curved into an obtufe angle y the lateral pore larger, placed in 
 the angle of the body, and ppminent when in motion, with 
 3 white veficles j the lateral pore with one veficle. 
 Scarpa Body elleptic, and pcrfqrated at one end with a minute 
 papilla: heck o. 
 Mull Zool, Dan. \,p. 1 05, tab. '\0.fig. \. 
 In the inteilines of the Father lafneri 
 Body not vifible wiihont a glafs. pellocid, whitilli-grcy, obtqfe at. 
 ' each end and filled with eggs, 
 Platejjr^ Body elliptic and green. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2, tab. 78, f.g. \-'y 
 In the intellinal mucusof the/Va//?. 
 Body extremely minute, opake, divided into 6 alternate parts of 
 green and white; terminal pore large, lateral one placed in 
 the middle: ^^^j deep green. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 13. Fafciola. 37 
 Luctoperca Qvate-oblong and (lightly ventricofe : neck fhort : margin 
 of the terminal pore dihued and fmooth. 
 "MulL Zool. Dan. I, p. 105, tab. 30, /z^. 2. 
 In the inteftines of the Perca lucioperca. 
 Bodv dhoMt the fizeof agrain of fand,brownifh : neck cylindrical : 
 lateral pore a little prominent and narrower downwards. 
 Percii Ovate, ventricofe: neck Oiort : terminal pore nodulous at 
 the margin. 
 Mull, Z90I. Dan. I, p. 105, tab. 30, fig^ 3. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Ru_gei larger than the laft. 
 Body brown j 7iei.k white, cylindricalj granulate and terminated 
 by a pore : lai.eral pore feated at the bafc of the neck : body ob- 
 tufe behind. 
 liigecna. Body rounded, with a long neck. 
 Braun. Schr. herl. Naturf. 8, /. 236, tab, lo: 
 Found in the jntcllines of theP^rc^. 
 Cld'vata, Body roundifli, livid, wrinkled and clavate behind. 
 Naturalifi' s Mifcellany, ix. /fl^. 303, 
 Linnean Tranfaci. i, p. 187, tab, 17, fig. 2. 
 Inhabits the Ptcific Oqean, in theftomachof the Scomber Pelamis '. 
 about 2 inches long. 
 Body whitilh-brown with a blueifh call, and annulate with fine 
 wrinkles; towards the lower cxtreniity it becomes fphpsrically 
 gibbous, ending in an aperture : wrA flender when in motion: 
 lateral pore larger than the terminal one. 
 VarKa^ I^incar, round: neck divergent, obtufe and perforated be- 
 neath the tip. 
 Mull. ZooU Dan. 2, tab. 72. fig. 8--I I. 
 Found in the ftomach of the Salmon. 
 Body elongated, often diverging into an acute angle, fmooth 
 when extended, and a little wrinkled when contraded : late- 
 ral pore placed nearly in the middle ; a double filiform white 
 veficie running down each fide, and connected below with 2 
 white ovate opake bodiss : eggi numerous, fcattered, yellowifii- 
 grcen, in a flexuous hyaline tube, and each inclofed xn a pel- 
 lucid membrane, 
 I riocti Body elliptic, hyaline and rufous in the middle. 
 J^iull. Zool. Dan, z, tab. 72, fig. 4—7. 
 In the inteftines of the .b^Tw/z; Vf^ry minute, 
 fore-part of the body retradile and extenHle, includirg a filiform 
 coi^g'omeratc intelline and z veficlesj 
S8 WORMS. INTESTINA. 13. Fafciola. 
 Pixrionis, Oblong and a little depreflcd ; the fore-part with 6 equal 
 lobes on the margin. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2, tab. 72, fig. I — 3. 
 In the inteftinal mucus of the Salmon. 
 Body yellowifh, about a hnc long, the margin obtufely crenu- 
 late, the anterior lobes nearly fquarc and membranaceous, 
 Truttie Body oblong, v/ith 2 white lucid orbicular fpots behind the 
 lower aperture, 
 Froelich Naturf, 24.^. 126, tab. /^, fg. 1 6, I 7. 
 found in the rcflum of the Trout, 
 XjmhLe Oblong, flat, with a narrower retrailile neck. 
 O. labr. Fn. Grcznl, p. 329, n. 314. 
 Found in confiderablc numbers in the back of the Salmo Umbloy 
 beneath the £kin ; i and half line long. 
 Body whiciih, refembling a flafk, broader behind and obtufely 
 truncate, the margin acute. 
 J.ucii Lanceolate, with a crenate depreffed margin : neck long 
 and round. 
 Mull. Zool. Datu It p. 107, tab. 30,^^. 7, z. tab. J^ifg' 6—8. 
 Be/ch. berl. Naturf. 4, p. 537, tab. 14, fig. i — 4,, 
 Goeze Ein^eiv. p. 172, tab. 14, fig, 3. 
 Found in the Itomach and osfopliagus of the Pike, 
 Body vivid, red, i and half inch long, 
 Halecis Found in the ftomach of the Herring. 
 Lewwenht Epifi. 97, p. 47, 
 *Bran'.te Oblong, roimd, tapering and obtufe a< the bafe: ne<:k. 
 round and illghtly incurved. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. />. I I 7, tab. 30, fg. 6. 
 In the inteftines of Breams and Stnklebacks. 
 Bcdy white : lateral pore at the bafe of the neck* 
 Jefis 'Body ovate and narrower on the fore-part. 
 Block, Eingenv. /. 1 1 , tab. 2, fg^ 10, 1 1 . 
 In- the inteftines of the Cyprinus Jefes. 
 Body refembling a flask or long-nccked bottle. 
 E. Infejilng Worms. 
 ^^■Jiginif Body oblong, white : mouth with tranfverfc papilla3. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan, 2708. O. Fab.fn. Grceni. f/t 328, «. 3 1 3. 
 Found in the inteftines of the Cuttle-fjh, 
 1,4. T^NIA, 
WORMS. INTESTINA; 14; T^nia. 39 
 14. TiENLA. Body flat and compofed of 
 numerous articulations : head \vitli 4 
 orifices for fuiStion a little below the 
 mouth: mouth terminal, continued by a 
 Ihort tube into 2 ventral canals, and 
 generally crowned with a double feries 
 of retractile hooks or holders. 
 Thefc are deftincd to feed on the juices of various animals, and 
 are mollly found in the alimentary canal, ufually at the upper 
 part of it. They are fometimes found in great numbers, and 
 accafion very diftreffing ailments. They have the power of 
 reproducing parts which have been broken off, and are there- 
 fore removed with confiderable difficulty. They are ovipa- 
 rous, and difchargc their numerous eggs from the apertures on 
 the joints, 
 A. Found in other parts bcfides the inte/fines, and furnijhed 
 with a veftcle behind. Hydatids. 
 a, Infejling the Mammalia. 
 Pifiform, inclofed in a veficic : broad on the fore-part anil 
 pointed behind. 
 Philof. Iran/. 43, «. 475, p. 305. 
 Goeze Einge^v p. 196, 249, tab, 20. ^> fig. 12. a,b.' 
 Wern. Verm. Inteft. p, 68, tab. 9, fig. 29 — 33 
 Found in the liver, placenta, fack containing the dropfical fluid, 
 and other morbid tumours 0^ mankind: is fometimes folitary, 
 and fometimes many together in the fame veficle, 
 *CelIul3fie Solitary^ and inclofed in a cartilaginous veficle and 2-tailed 
 Wem. Ferm.InteJi. p. 2, tab. \,fig. I — 8. 
 Inhabits the cellular fubilancc of the mufcles of Man: about an 
 inch long, half as much broad and one-fourth as thick : h 
 very tenacious of life : head furnifhed with obtufe hooks. 
 Simite Inhabits the diaphragm of the Ape. 
 Size of a nut. Goeze Eingeav. p. 24, 
 Inhabits the liver of the Bat. 
 Bkch^ S(hr, berl, Naturf, \,p. 334. 
40 WORMS. Il^TESTlNA. 14. Taenia* 
 I'ulpis Found in the Fox. 
 Re<^i Anim. I'iv. in an. viv, p, 13. 
 Putorii Inhabits the liver of the Pole-cat* 
 Goeze Eingenu p, 2o6, 
 Urfi Pound in the Bear. 
 Redi Anivt. njiv, in an. 'viv. p. 74« 
 Gulonis Found in the Glutton. 
 Redi Anim. 'vi'Ui in an, a/i'V. p. 1 4, 15, 
 Hydatigena Single ; body elongated and gradually widening towards the 
 head, terminated by a velicle which is twice as long 
 and broad as the fore-part : head fellile, diftindl. 
 Batfch. Band^. p. I GO, « 8, /f^. 46. 
 Pal/. Mifcel. Zool.p 1 68, tab. \ 2, fig. l 2, 1 3. 
 Bloch. Schr, der herl Naturf. \, p. 338, tab, 10, fig 9. 
 Goeze Eingew. p. 223, tai^. ig^fg i, 2. 
 Inhabits the liver of the Norway Rat, black Rat and Ri:atir Rat : 
 I and a half to 8 and a half inches ion?. 
 Hind-part of the body tv/icc as narrow as the fore. parr, and four 
 times as narrow as the vcficle, linear in the middle : head 
 equal to the fore-end of the body : neck o. 
 Murina Single ; body elongated and growing gradually widet to- 
 wards the head, the joints denticulate behind at the 
 fides : veficle of the tail equaling the fore-part of the 
 body: head feflile, diltind. 
 Batfch.Bandw . p. 100, n.S,fg. 12—16, 18, 20,29,30,47—49, 
 Pall. Mifcel.Zoal p, 160, 168, 171, ta^. lO, /. 12, 13. 
 Goes:e Eing. p. 227, tab. 18, B./. 10—14, tab. 19,/. 3-14. 
 Werner Verm, intejl. 1 , />. 1 3 , tab. <:^,fzZyll. 
 Inhabits the liver of Mice : about the fize of a pea, though 
 fometimcs it is as large as a nut : is diftinguiflied from the kft 
 in having the joints longer, and the veficles at the tail much 
 Cordata Single, round, the corpufcule diftinftly infertcd and bent 
 in an angle: terminal vellel veniricofe, heart-fliapcd 
 and pointed behind. 
 Batfch. Band. p. 94, n. 4, /. 42, 43 . 
 Goeze Einge^M. />. 218, tab. 18, B. /. 6, 7. 
 Gaeze Eingeic.p. z^b, tab. iS,B.f 1 5-- 17. 
 In the livers of Mies and Harej. Veftck min-ite. * 
Worms, intestina. 14. Txnia. 4i 
 Pm/ormis. Single, round, turbinate, the animalcule contiguous and 
 running into the ovate venticofe veflei behind.. 
 Bat/ch Bandn.v. p. 96. n. S-f'S- 44' 45- 
 Rcdi anim. vi-v. in an. 'vi-v. p, 72 tab. J-T^?* "• 
 Goeze Eingetu, p. 200 — 2lg. tab. 18, A. and tab. 19, Bi Jig. 4,5. 
 Found in gi-fat numbers in the livers o[ Hares, efpecially old 
 ones, and coheres together in long bunches: is aboul the 
 iize of a pea and blueifh-white, 
 Vtriculatis Simple, round, the animalcule ditlinclly inferted and (Iraight; 
 veficle oblong, obtufe and bottle-lhaped behind. 
 Geozr Einoetv, p, iig.w. 3. fab. 1 8, ^/ig- B, 9, 
 In the cellular rubilancc of the womb of the gravid Hars. 
 Ferarum, Single, round, clavate ; the animalcule contiguous ami 
 confluent on the lower-part with the oval-oblong; 
 Batfch. Bandw. p. 98. n. 6 
 1. Found in Deer. Coeze Einge-ix. p. 205, 206. 
 2. In the Antelope Saiga. PaLl. 'loot. 12. tab., "i'/^g- S' 
 Inhabits the omentum, peritonjeum and liver ot Stags an^ Antelopts: 
 fize of a nut or walnut and fomotimei as large as a hen's egg, 
 Vefide rather coriaceous, with franftcrfc ftri« : neck wrinkled. 
 In the vifcera of the Goat. 
 Harttnan Mi/cel. Kar, Cur. 1 795 . /•. J 5 2 r tab. 2 1 . 
 Redi jinim. 'vi-v. m an. 'vlii. ^.75. 
 Ovilla. i"^ the lirer and omentum of fheep. 
 Goeze Einge-.K> p. 257. tab. 17./X. K'* ^I- 
 Fall. Mi/ceil. Zeol. p. 161. tab. \z.fig. I-II. 
 •Cerebralis Aggregate ; numerous animalcules united by their bafe to 
 a larqe common veficle, diftributed about the furtace, 
 and retradile within it : exterior veficle c 
 Batfch Bandvj p 84. «. \ • fig- 34 l^- 
 LctkeDreher der Schaafc Leipze, i-jZo tab.X.pg I --3. 
 Gceze Einge^'. p. 248. tab. 20. h.f'g. l-J. B- /• 6.-8. 
 Found in vaft numbers in the '^rain, or fpiral marrow, imme- 
 diately bencr>th the brain oijheep. Thefe noxi^-^us animalcules 
 occafion giddinclb and staggering, and the dileule known by 
 the name of Dur.t or Rickets ; which if the veficle con-air.ing 
 be broken, is incurable ; for thefe munute worm?, in fize no: 
 larger than a grain of fand, are each of them fuini(hed with 
 32-36 hooks on the head, by which ihey fix thcmlelvcs firmly 
 to the fubstance of the brain or it's coats. 1 hey chiefly attack 
 yearling Iambs, 
 VOL. IVi--F Vernjidna. 
42 WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Txnia. 
 rervecina. V^eficle large : body (hort, with imbricate wrinkles. 
 Goez, Eingenu, p. 208. tab. 17, A,y/V. 3-.C 
 In the periconjcum of fat Sheep. 
 Granulofa. Aggregate : numerous animalcules inclofed in a common 
 yeficlcand adhcaring loofely to the fides; external and 
 internal veilcle cailous. 
 Bat/ch. handiv. p. 87, n. 2 fig, 37. 
 Goeze Etngeix}. p. 258. tab. 20, ^.fig. 9-14. 
 Found in the liver oijhtepi the veficlea from the fize of a nut to 
 that of a hen's egg, and containing each many thoufand ani. 
 ma.cules fwimmmg in the fluid with which it is filled • they 
 are hardly vifible to the naked eye, fliort thick punfturcd and 
 obtuie at both ends. 
 Boi'tna. Single ; vcf.cle large: body fliort, with imbricate wrinkles. 
 liartman, Mt/cel. uat. curio f. dec. 2. ann. 4. obf. 73, 
 Pall- Mi/cell. Zool. />. 172. Goeze Einiew. p, 20c. ' 
 In the vifcera and liver of Cattle. 
 Jpri. Inhabits the liver of the Boar. 
 Goeze Eingew. p. 205, 206. tab, 17. B./^. i,. s; 
 Vefcile as large as a Walnut. 
 Globofa. Single, round ; the animalcule didinaiy inferted and form- 
 ing an angle; terminal veficle globular and etire. 
 Batjch. Band^.p. 89. n. 3./. 38 — 41. 
 ^chr. der bed. Naturf. i.p. 337. tab. lO.fg. 1—8; 
 1. In the Lungj. Bloch. Scbr. Naturf i.p. 337. 
 2. In the Spleen. Blocb. Scbr. Naturf. i.p. 337. 
 3. In the Liver. Goeze Einge-iu. tab. 17. A. fig. I, 2, 4, c. 
 4. In the Peritonaeum. Goeze Eingew. tab. 17. B, fig. 6— o 
 Pall. Mifcell Zool. p. ibt.tab. 12. fg, i—ii. ^* 
 Strals Mag. i.p. 64. fab. I, 2. 
 Found chiefly in the abdominal vifcera of Snvine ; fize of a 
 pigeon's egg and fometimes as large as an orange. 
 Body very finely wrinkled ; the terminal veficle many times as 
 large as the body, blueifli, but after the efcape of the animan- 
 cule ycUowifli. 
 Flmji. Conic, inclofed in a double veficle, the inner one adhering 
 at It's bafe: head turned towards the neck of the 
 Fifcher it! Wern. Verm. 3./. 65. tab. 5. 
 Found in the cellular fublhnce of the flefh of S^-ine. 
 Veficle oval, about the flze of a grain of millet-feed ; the outer 
 covering confifting of the cellalar ra cmbntne itfelf, and thick 
WORMS. INTE3TINA. 14. Tsnia. 43 
 claftic, fmooth within and wet with a humid ferum ; the in- 
 ner covering pellucid and filled with a reddifh ferum. 
 b. Infejling Reptiles. 
 Salatnan- Found in the Salamander, 
 ara. JleJi amim. 'vi'V. in an. iri'V,, p. iz't 
 Serpentum. Found is Serpents. 
 Redi anim, 'viv. in an^ 'vi^u. p, 1 2. 
 C. Infejling FiJJ). 
 Irutta. Inhabits gregarious in the liver of the Trout. 
 Froeliih Naturf. 24./. 127. 
 S. Found in the intejiina only, and without the terminal 
 a. Infejling the Mammalia. 
 ^Sotitim. Articulations long and narrower with marginal mouths, 
 one on each joint, and generally alternate: ovarite 
 Linn. TranfaSi. ii, p. 247. /a3. 2^.fg. 1—8. 
 Mem. Lond. Med» Soa. v. p. 257. tal>. 4. 
 Batfch Band-M. p. l 1 7. «, 3.7%. I — 6. 9 — il. 21—23, 53* 
 PsUl. Nord. Beytr. p. 46. «, I. tab. 2. fig. l--g. 
 Philof. Tranf. 1683. n. 146, talf. I, 2,fg. 2, 6; lO. 
 PhiloJ. Ira-tf. 1766./. 128. fni. 6. 
 Gkichen Natiirf, \.p. 203. tab. d.fg. lO— 13. 
 Clerk. Lumhr. tab. 7. A, B. 
 Larger. Goexe Eingenv. p. 278. tab. 21. fig,. 1—7. 
 Flat^ pellucid. Goeze Eingenv. tab. 21. fig. g--l2. 
 Inhabits the inteftmes of Mankind, generally at the upper-part 
 of the alimentary canal, where it feeds on the chyle and juices 
 already animalized: from 3 to 30 feet long, and has been found 
 even 60 feet. It is fometiines folitary, but gcnerallj in con- 
 fidcrable numbers, and occafions emaciacion and various dif- 
 treffing maladies; and adheres fo firmly to the inteftine, that 
 it is removed with great difficulty. 
 Head with a terminal mouth furrounded with 2 rows of radiate 
 hooks or holders ; and a little beneath on the flattened furface 
 4 tubercuiate orifices or fuckers, 2 on each fide: body compo- 
 ied of a number of diftinft joints appearing as if flieathed in 
 each other, each joint with a lateral marginal pore by which 
 it attaches icfelf to the inteftinesj ihofe near the head a little 
 F 2 fmaller 
44 WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Txnis. 
 fma)ler, enlarging towards the middle and gradually leflening 
 towards the tail : /^//ternjjnatcd by afemicircularjaint without 
 any aperture. 
 *Vulgans. Articulations fliort and broader, wi.th a mouth in the centre 
 qt each joint : ovaries ftcllate roiind |;he rnouth. 
 Metn. Land. Med Soc. v. p. 276. tab. 5. 
 Natural. tAiJcei. vii. tab. 241 . 
 Amoen. Acad- 2- p. 7. tab. l,fg- 2. 
 Pail, n, 7io>d. Reytr. I. p, 59. n. 3. tab. 3. fi^. 13 — 16. 
 Le Clerc. Lumir. p, 132. tab. 6.^g. 2. p. 136. /^i^. 7. 
 Platfri p. 129 /«/^ 5-/,§- l« i?- J 59 ^'2iJ. 3- A> '? ^* 
 ^«</r); GV«, Afrj. tab. z. fig 9 /«^. "^^ fig \6. 
 Wern. Verm, int^fi- P ^g. tab. ^.fig. ^7-rS7' 
 Journ. dcPhyf. 1777. /. 243. tab, t.fig. 3, 4. 
 Inhabits the inteftines ot Mankind, and like the laft, feeds on th? 
 chyle ; is fomctimes found 3 or 4 together, and is from 1 to 
 5 yards long : it is fo tenacious as to refill the moll violent 
 Boay broader in the middle and tapering to^vards both ends; 
 joints much narrower and broader than ihe last, finely striate 
 longitudinally and wrinkled tranfverfely at the fides : kead 
 referabling the last but is much narrower and fir.aller: tail 
 ci ding in a rounded joint: onjaries of a stellate ox corol-like 
 fhi|)e and placed round the mouths of the joints. 
 ms"'^°''' Articulations oblong ellipiic^ with fingle marginal mouths, 
 •l Canina. Mouths marginal and oppofite. 
 /,/."«. Tra:./a^,'\\, p. z6p. tab: 2^. fig. 9. 
 J na^K. Acad. Z. p. 8\. tab. 1 . /ig. 4. 
 Pal/. Beytr'. \, p, 57. «. 2. tab. 3. fig. 10 — 12. 
 Goex. Mnge^iu /• 3n t^tb. 21- fig- A — C. 
 Bloch, Einge'w. p. 17'. tab. $■ fig- 6, 7. 
 Werner Fer}?: inteft. p. ■^'i, tab Z.fi-g- (iJf — -69. 77— 7^). 
 Br.lf:h. Ban'JrVJ, p. \±gftg. 7. «, 24 — 26, 57, 65, l6l, 
 Inhiibits the intelline:^ oi' the Dog. 
 z, Lupi. joiuti fligiitly ibeathed and broadifh 2t the lateral margin : ovarie^ 
 ■ jij laicicuUtc branchesj ihe branches fublinear and divaricate, 
 the faicicuU oblique and niore fcparated. 
 Baifch. Bandiv. p. 11$. n. 4./. 54. 
 Qoc%e EingH'J- p- 3^7 • tab\ 22 fig. I — 5. 
 Bloch Enige^v. p. 20- tn>>. 20. fig. 6-8. 
 Ii!habit> the inteftines of the IFolf. 
 > r:.-/fii7. Joints fiightly flieathed and not margined: ovaries in faf?:iculat$ 
 branches, the branches inverfely ovate and fubpetiolate. 
 Ba'fcl. Bandw. i>, iz6. ?;. 5./. 55, 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Txnia. 45 
 Goeze Eingevj. p. 310, tab. 2Z, Pi, f. 6—9. 
 Block. Eingew, p. 20, », 19, /a^. 6,/". 6—8, 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the F«x, 
 4« Litterttta Joints flightly ftieathed and not margined : ovary narrow, and 
 confifting of a longitudinal fcries of ferpentinc lines, 
 Bat/ch. Band<w- p, 128, n,6,f. 56, 
 Gsfze Einge'W. p. 310, tab. 22, A. fig, IO--12. 
 Inhabits the intcftines of the Fox. 
 5. *Felis lladii of the head proje<^ing beyond the margin, 
 LinneanTranf.n. p. 260. tab. 25,/', li. 
 G.oez. Einge^J. p 315, tab. 22, B. /". .18— 22. 
 Inhabits the intellincs of the Cat. 
 6. Sciuri Joints flightly cohering and long, rounded and linear at each end ; 
 ovary pinnate and flightly lobed, the lobes curled : papill® 
 Bat/cb Bar-div. p 1 37, K. lO,^. 60. 
 Goeze Ei»ge<tv. p. 332, tab. 23, /" 14. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Squirrel. 
 7. Glirum Joints conglu!inate,oblong-ellJpiic : ovary irregularly pinnate\vith 
 very flender branches : papillae foUtary. 
 Bat{ch. Band'w. p. 134, n. S, fig. 58. 
 Goeze Einge'W p. 335, tab. Z^, fig. 5» 6. 
 Inhabits the inteltincs of the Dormou/e. 
 Thefe are all from 18 to 24 inches long, except the laft, which 
 is about an inch and a half; probofcis round : ne(;k not jointed j 
 eggs rounded, and rufous or brown. 
 Cucurbitina Body opake, yeliowiQi-white : all the joints fqu^re, with 
 alternate mouths. 
 Wern$r Verm, intefi, p. 56, tab. 3, fig. 70 — 76. 
 RtJiopufc 3. tab.X-Ji f. \. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of V>ogs; refemblcs T. folium, but i$ 
 thicker with a broader head, the joints more equal, and 
 broader on the hind-part, and furroundcd with a tumid mar* 
 gin, and the ovaries are lefs, 
 Serrata Joints ferrate, ftrlate : head large, 
 ' Bat/ch. Bandnu. p. 138, «. II, f. 19, 32, 61, 63,67, 
 Redi Anim. •vi'v. in an. vi-v. p'Jli tab, i 3»/^6— 7, 
 Redi opufc. 3. tab. 17,/". 1,2, 
 l.Canii In the inteftines of the Dog. Goeze Eingeiv. p. 349, tab. 25, B, 
 2, Felis j^eck very fliort. In the Cat. 
 Bloch. Eingenjo, p. 19, n. 18, tah. 6, f. I --5. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 337, lab. 24, f. 1--6, tab. 25, h.f. I— 5. 
 Pall. Noid. Bejtr. p 47, tab. z, f. I, 2. A. B. 3. 
 he a fere Lumhric. />. 41, 47, 51. tab. 'i,,f\ 1,2. tah, 9,/, 3, 4, 
 WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Tania. 
 Thcfe grow to 19 inches long and 3^ broad ; the jointt reftan- 
 gular, the fore -ones becoming gradually broader and fhorter : 
 cvan pinnate in pairs. 
 Joints orbicular : ovary pinnate, the divifions irregularly 
 branched, the branches thickifh at the tip : head 
 rounded : neck not jointed. 
 Batfch. Bandiju,p 135, n. 9,/". 59. 
 Goesie Eingenv. p. 350, tab. z6,f. 1—4. 
 Inhabits the inteftir.es of the Cat ; 2 2{- inches long, and about 
 3|- lines broad; of a clayey colour, with a line down the 
 middle: joints fubglobular. 
 Joints nearly fquare and truncate; body with a white lon- 
 gitudinal ftripc containing the bag-fliaped ovaries dif- 
 pofed in a row: neck twilled. 
 Batfch. Bd,nd-w. p. 143, n, \ 2, Jig. 68, 69. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 352, tai. 25. A./". — 10. 
 Found in the intelUnes of the Wild Cut : 6 inches long, and 
 not broader than a piece of ftraw : body blueiih-white. 
 In the intellines of the Weefel, Mariin and Polecat, 
 Goeze Eingenv. p. 336. Batfch. BendixK p 143. 
 Body about an inch long and ^ of a line broad. 
 FilamentO' Joints fquare ; ovaries lai era], twilled, elongated beyond the 
 fa, lateral naargin and terminating in the mouth of the 
 joint: propofcis pyrifonn. 
 Goeze Einge'w.p. 360, tab. 2-j, f. 6. 
 Batjh.Band'W. p. 160,. n. 18,/". 84, 85. 
 Inhabits^he inteftines of the Mole: father long: joints of the 
 body mort and conic, truncate. 
 Erinacei Joints ferrate, fhort: neck p: head crowned with a fnigle 
 feries of hooks. 
 Bloch. Eingenv. p. 20, tab. d, f-g. t, 2, 3, 7j 8. 
 Inhabits the intellines of the Hedge-hog. 
 Straminea Neck fimple and very thin : propQfcis pyriform : joints 4 
 times as broad as they are long. 
 Goeze Eingenv. ». 357, tab. 27,/". i — 3. 
 Batjch. Bandnu. 188, «. 31,/'. 116, 163. 
 Inhabits tlie intellines of the Mus cricetus ; about 8 inches long. 
 Body capillary on the fore-part and conic behind. 
 lU^fia Joints very fliort and broad, and tuberculate on one mar- 
 ' "^ ' gin: head large, quadrangular, truncate, with a fold 
 on the throat. 
 Jbi'.u. ap. MuiU 2«/. Dun. 3, /. 50, tab* IX O, fg. I . 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Taenia. 
 Pall, n, nord. Beytr. \, f, 75, tab. 3, fig, 20. 
 Cbabeit Malad. Verm. p. 22, tab. 2, _;f^. I. 
 In the ftomach and inteftines of the Hor/ei 26 — 30 inches long. 
 ^adriloba Body lanceolate, the joints very fhort : head truncate, 
 fquare, with 2 fmall lobes on each fide of the neck. 
 MulUZool. Dan, 3,/. 51, tab. 110, Jig. 2, 3. 
 Pall. n. nord. Beytr. 1,/. 71, tab. 3, fig. 21 — 24. 
 Inhabits the ftomach and inteftines of the Hor/e^ 
 Cafrina Round, conic; the joints very fhort, with 4 lateral mouths. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3, p. 52, tab. 1 10, Jig. 4, 5: 
 Inhabits the ftomacn and inteftines of the Goat. 
 b. Infejling Birds. 
 PJittaci Body filiform, with very fhort joints: head extremely 
 Goeze Eingeiv, p. 406. 
 Inhabits in great numbeis the inteftines of the P/ittaeus hra- 
 chyurus; above 14 feet long: /{'^^i rounded : «ff-4 not jointed. 
 Cernicit Upper joints funnel-fhaped, lower ones elliptic. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 337, tab. 2^, fg. 7, 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Croiv. 
 Serpentifor- Probofcis thicker at the tip and dilated at the bafc^ joints 
 wedge-fhaped, dilated and abbreviated. 
 Pali. H. nord. Beytr, i, p.ST, tab, Z' J^g' ^9* S^* 
 1. Head feflile : probofcis piftillary and convex at the tip. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. tab. 31,/". lo, 11, Bat/ch. Bandiu.f. 96-9?. 
 In the inteftines of Crows, Rooks and Magpies. 
 2. Head feffile : probofcis vcntricofc and pyriform. 
 Goeze Engeiv. tab^itf. 12, 13. Bat/ch. Band. lOI, 102. 
 In. :hc inteftines of Rai-ens and j^ays. 
 3. Neck not jointed : probofcis piftillary and flightly umbonatc at 
 the tip* 
 Goeze Eingenj. tab. 31,/". I O, 1 1. Batfch. Band./. 99, loO, 
 In the inteftines of Croivs and Rookst 
 4. In the golden Oriole. Goezi Einge-iv, p. 393. 
 5. In the Woodcock. Goeze Eiagew. p. 394. 
 6. In Coots, Goeze Eingeiv. p. 394. 
 7. In Plov'crs. Goeze Eingeiv. p. 394. 
 8. In the Lapwing. Goeze Eingeiv. p. 394, 
 9. In the Turtlc-Dove. Goeze Eingeiv. p. 394, 
 10. In the Thrufh, Goeze Ei?igi"iv. p. ■^g^. 
 II. In 
48 WORMS. iNTESTtNA. 14. Xxnia. 
 i I . In the Grofbeak, Goeze Eingeiv. p. ^(^■^i, 
 Thefc are white, with a very thin head, and about a fodt long* 
 Carjoeatac- Joints (harp and prominent at each margin : ovaries incon- 
 /// fpicuoys. 
 Mull. Naturf. 14. ^* 157. 
 Inhabits the inteftincs of the Nut'Craker. 
 Cruterifor- Joints pitcher-fhaped : neck very long and fimple : pro- 
 mis bofeis arrow-fhapedc 
 Goeze Eingew, p. 396. tab.'S,\y B./. 16—18. 
 Bat/ch. Bandtv. p. 180, «, l6, /. 103, 104. 
 Inhabits the inteftines oi t\iQ greater /petted Wood-pecker. 
 Body refembling a fine thread : head with a fingle ruw of hooks. 
 Torquata Head with a black ring : neck capillary : joints very fliort 
 and broad, the lalt acute. 
 Block. Einge'W. p. 16, tab. 4, y, I i~i 3. 
 In the inteftines of the Duck : is very numerous, S—g inches 
 long, and about a line broad, 
 Scolopacis In the inteftines of the Woodcock. Body white. 
 MulL Schr. der berl, Naturf. i, />. 218, 
 FiluM, Head rounded: probofels obtufe, with a fimple neck': 
 joints of the body inconfpicuous. 
 Goeze Einge'W, p. 393, n, 8, tab. 32, A.y. i — 7. 
 Wern.Verm.inteJl. I. p. 54, tab. 3,/. 58—60, 
 Bat/ch. Bandnu.p. 163, ». 19, tab. 86, 87. 
 In the inteftincs of the Woodcock: about 7 inches long, and not 
 thicker than a thread : body with 560 very thin articulations : 
 neck pundtured. 
 Infundihu- joints funnel-fliaped and ferrate: probofels cylindrical and 
 liformist long. 
 Goeze Engenu. p, 386, tab, 31, A. /g, 1—6. 
 BlochEingPw.p. 14, n 8, tab. 3, fig. 3, 4. 
 Block Naturf. 4, p, 555, tab. 12, /%■, 3 — 5. 
 /*a//. TVor/. -5^/r I, p. 87, /^J^ 3, fg. 29, :?0. 
 Bat/cb. Bandvj.p. 172, « ^ly fig' 31. 9' — 93> 164, 
 2. In the Buftard. Goez. EingeiM. p. 390 
 Found in great numbers in the inteftines of Ducks and Poultry, 
 about 13 inches long when extended : mouths alternate : pro- 
 bo/cii crowned with very Iharp recurved hooks. 
 ^turni. Joints longer, the lower ones tumid each fide : neck fliort> 
 fimple : head nearly fquare. 
 Goeze Einge-w. p. 397, n. ^li B. /ig. 19— ^2l« 
WORMS^ INTESTfNA. 14. Taenia. 49 
 I^ihabits the inteftincs of the Starling; very thin and about 5 
 inches long : the upper yw«rj rcfemblc very fine wrinkles, the 
 middle ones are flattifh-oval and globular. 
 Pajiris. Body thlckifti,- the joints very (hort and fringed on the hind- 
 part with a groove. 
 PalLn, nord. Beytr. l, />. 87, «. 10, ta6. 3, /g. 29, 30. 
 In the inteftines of the Sparronu and greater Redfole» 
 jiiruTidinis, ^o^y capillary: neck llmple : joints truncate, funnel- 
 In the intcilines of the Martin. Goexe Eingenv. p. 390. 
 Body hardly vifible, and about \ of an inch long. 
 c. Infejiing Flfli. 
 Nodulofa. Joints moilly piindured in the middle : head 2-llpped, each 
 lip with double tricufpidatc prickles. 
 Goeze Eingeiv. p. 418, tab. 34., Jig, 3 — 6. 
 Pall, nord, Beytr, i, p. 90, a. 12. tab, 3,/". 32 and 32. C. 
 Blech, Naturf, 4. /. 541, tab. 15. 
 Batjth, Bandiv. p. 148, «. 15, /, 76, 79. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Pikei Perch, Ruffe, Eel and Dace; 
 joints numerous, a little elevated in the middle, deprcfled and 
 fubcrcnate at the fides, the hinder ones fomething broader, 
 2, Inclofcd in a cyft. Pall, liord, Beytr, i, p, loi, tab, 3, f. 33. 
 Found ih the liver of the Perch. 
 C. Head unarmed ivith boohs. 
 a. Infe fling the Mammalia. 
 \ata. Whiter joints verjr Ihort and knotty in the middle, with a 
 finglc mouth on each. 
 Tranf.Linn. Soc. ii. p, 260, tab. 25, /. 12— 1 4. 
 Pall.n, nord, Beytr. \,p. 64, tab. 3,/. 17, 18. 
 Amoen, acad, 2, /. 80, tab. \i f. 3. 
 Bbnmt Mem, pres de Par, l, /. 47^, tab. 15, 16. 
 Gocze Einge^v. p. 298, tab. 21, fig. 8. 
 Gleichen Katurf. 4, /. 204, tab, t, fg. 1-9. 
 Batfck. Band^M. /». i H , ». 2, fig. 5 1 , 66. 
 2. Txnia tenclja. Pall, jiord Beytr. tub. 2, fig. 19, A, B. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of Mankind, principally the inhabitant* 
 oi S'-j.itzerland aLXi(LRu£ia, and is very rare in thisco&ntry j is 
 from 6 to 40 yards long, and is' more eafily expelled than the 
 VOL. IV.— G * Body 
 WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Taenia. 
 Body more opake, thicker and broader than T. vulgaris: joints 
 very finely ftriate, nearly half an inch broad and not more 
 than a line and a half Jong : ovaries difpofed like the petals of 
 a rofe. 
 Dentata, Head pointed and feflile: larger joints tranfverfcly ftriate, 
 all of them fhorter than they arc broad, with a raifed 
 mouth in the middle of each lateral margin. 
 Batjch. Bandnju. p. 184, «. zg, fg. no — 113. 
 Werner Verm, inteji. p. 49, tab. 3, fg, 47 — 57, 
 Inhabits theinteftinesof M««^/«</, but has not yet been diftinfl- 
 ly afcertained in this country: 10 — 12 feet long. 
 Btdy long, narrow and broader on the fore-part, thicker and 
 more tenacious than T, folium : head beneath refembling a 
 truncate heart : ovaries not vifible to the naked eye. 
 Phociti Headlong, fquare, with 4 auricles. 
 0. Fahr- Fn. Grcenl, p. 316, a 296. 
 Inhabits the reftum of the great Seal; is fetid, yellow, grega- 
 rious, 3 J feet long and 2 lines broad : Joints 400 and upwards, 
 the upper ones veryclofely fet and minute : i-^fl^/connefted to 
 the trunk by a narrower neck, 
 Bacillaris. Head rounded with a pyriform probofcis: joints extremely 
 narrow and refembling pieces of ftraw placed on each 
 Goexe Etngeiv. p, 359, tab. 27, fg. 4, 5. 
 Bat/ch. Bandiu,p. 191, n. 34,/^. 122, 123. 
 In the inteftines of the Mole; iize of a thread. 
 Neck not articulate. 
 *Pe8inatu Oblong lanceolate, and contrafted on the fore-part into a 
 very fliort probofcis : neck not confpicuous. 
 Goeze Eingeiu. p, 363, tab. ij, fig' 7"-l3» 
 Limburg Philof.Tranfa£l. ^6, tab. 6, f. i. 
 Pall, nor d. Bey tr. i,p. 75, ». j,tab, 3, /, 25—27. 
 Found in' confiderable numbers in the inteftines of the Hare; 
 about 6 inches long and confilling of more than 200 joints. 
 2. Inhabits the inteftines of the Rabbit. 
 Journal de Pbyf. Sept. lyyH, /. 229, tab. 2,/. '3. 
 Buffon. tiip, Nat. 12, tab. 13, p, 103. 
 3. In the inteftines and ftomach of the Marmotte, 
 Blumenbach Naturf. p. 412. 
 Ovina. Very long ; joints very narrow and fhort, and rounded at 
 each end: lateral velfels pellucid, diftin6l, with double 
 marginal oppofite mouths. 
 ^ Bloch. Eingevjtp. 16', ft. 14, tab, 5. fg, 1 — 5. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. Tania. 51 
 Goeze Eingeiv. f). 369, ;i. 10, tai. zS, fg. 1—12, 
 Batfcb. Band. p. 182, n. 28, fig. 109, 162. 
 Inhabits the inteitines of Shtepi is extremely fertile, and from 80 
 to 200 feet long; n-ith lateral oppofite mouths, one on each 
 edge of each joint ; the hind- part is capillary, 
 •2. Irthabits the inteftines of the Ox. '"" |^ 
 JranfaSi. Linn. Soc. II. /. 261, tab, 25, fig, 15, 1 6, 
 ^a Head fquare with 4 apertures : joints dilated and very fhort ; 
 mouths inconfpicuous. 
 PalJ. n. nord. Beytr. I^/. 71, »• 6, tab. "itfig- 20. 
 Goeze Einge-xv p. 353, tab. 25, B. fig, 1 1 — 13. 
 Batjch Band'VJ. p. 201, w. 42, /_§■. 1 37, I 38. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Horfe : 10 inches long. 
 Head large, with 2 membranaceous lobes on the hind-part each 
 fide; joiHti imbricate or incumbent on each other. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Ethiopian Hog. 
 PalL Spied, Zooi. 2, p. 22, lab, "it fi^^ 13. 
 b. Infefiing Birds. 
 ftra Upper joints rhombic, middle ones oval and pyrlform, 
 lower ones globular and pctiolate. 
 Goe%e Einge-w. p. 402, tab. 32, A- fig. l3-.l6i 
 Blccb Eingenu. p. 14, tab. It fig, 5—7. 
 Batfch Bandiu. p. \()l,fig. II9— tzi, 134.-136. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Buzzard, Lanner and Tbrujh, 
 Body about i z inches long, the fore-part capillary : proho/ci} 
 fhort and obtufc. 
 ta Head fquare; joints fquare with (harp angles and a whitle 
 knot in the middle refembling a pearl. 
 Goeze Einge-iv p. 403, tab. 32, B. fig. 17—23. 
 Batjch Band'w. p, 146, ». 14, y^^. 73 -75. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Buzzard', about a foot long, of a 
 clayey colour, and knotted all the way down : joints ftiorts : 
 neck fimple or o. 
 ^Jua Hind-part dilated, and fuddenly coutrafting itfelf towards 
 the fore-part like the thong of a coach-whip. 
 Goeze Einge-zv. p. 406. tab. 32, B. fig 28--31. 
 Batfch Bandiv. p. 170, n 2 2, fig. 90, 169. 
 Found in the mte incs oi' ihaKite: 2 inches long, 
 frobo/cit fhort, broad and truncate-conic, 
 G 2 Carj* ■ 
 WORMS. INTESTINA. 14. T^nia. 
 Candda- Joints oblong, the middle ones fomevvhat bell-fliapcd with 
 bforiq^ a pellucid parallel mark on the margin: the anteripr 
 end capillary. 
 Goeze Ei/igetv. p. ^!^.tab. 32. B. fig. 24—27, 
 Bflfjch Sand-xu. p 144. v. 13./. jo—yz. 
 ^^jl. Inhabits the inteftincs of the ^/uco OW. 
 Ned very long and minutely punftured : joints scar the rrck 
 with obtufe angles, the following ones rcfcmbling a candle* 
 Crenata. Head obtufe; neck very long: joints crenate and 6 tinips 
 as wide as they are lo»g. 
 Goeze EingeiO. p ^g^. tab. ^i,B, /ig. 14, 15. 
 Batfch Bandnu p, 187. «. lO,fig. I14, 115. 
 In the intcftines of the greater Jpotted Wcod-pc^^ket;. 
 Lanceplata^ Oblong-lanceolate and gradually diminifhing towards tlie 
 forc-pari: head rcfcmbling a wart; joiiits very {hort. 
 Block EingeiL' p. g. tah. i Jig. 5, 6. ■ 
 Goeze. Eingeiv, p. 337. tab. 2g,f/g. 3--12. 
 Pall. «. norif. Bejtr. i. p. 78, tab. I. fig. 26. 
 Batfch Bandnjj.p. 165. n. zo. fig. 88, 167. 
 Inhabita the inteftines or the Duck: 10 inches long, very tender 
 and when clean pure vvhite. 
 2. In the intcftines of* the Mcrganfr and Smeiv. 
 Bloch Einge--W, p. 10. tab. l .fig, 9, ' 
 Setigera. Body briftly on one fide, the briftlcs very thiii.fliort cylin- 
 drical and truncate. 
 Preelich Naturf. 24. /. ro6. tab. ^^fg. 1—7. 
 Inhabits the inteftiRcs oi the Gooft. 
 Anferis. Very minute and narrow, the fore-part capillary. 
 Goeze Eifige-xv, p. 380. tab: zg.fg. i. 
 Inhabits the inteftincs of the Gcofe. 
 Jnatis. |iead obtule: joints fomewhat trjangqlar \siih lateral 
 mouths under the margin. 
 Pall n. nord Beytr. \.p. 85. tab. z.fig. 23. 
 About 6 inches long qnd broader thap the fubfeq^ucnt onef, 
 Bloch. Naturf. 4./). 555. tab, 14. Hg. 5 — 7, 
 Batfch Bandwu, p. \()b. n 38 Jig. 13c. 
 About 4 inches long and marked with lines' 
 Gc'eze Einge-iv. p. 383. tab. ^C)-fg. i"3' 
 l^ead hammer-lhaped : about 17 inches long, 
 Pall. Nerd, Beytr. p $j.tab, '^.fg. 29. 
 |"ound in the icteftines of Z?:<f/;j;. ' 
 I ffafciola- 
 2, line at a. 
 3, malleus, 
 4> Avium. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. u. Taenia. 53 
 LaviJ. Head cylindrical ; neck very flender and long : joints 6 
 times as wide as ihcy are long. 
 Bloch Eiftgeiv. p. 15. tab, 4./^. 4-6. 
 Batfch. Bandnu, /*• 194- n. l^-f. 1 26, 1 27. 
 In the intcftines of the£)//rA-, ^po^eler and Goldcn-sye, 
 Joints hardly vifiblc to the naked eye, 
 Ctfieata. J-Jcad pointed fcflilc: joints wedge-fliapcd. 
 'Batfch Bandix. p. 1 90. n. 32. /". 1 1 7, 1 18. 
 Block Linge-iyj. p. I 5. tab. l-fig. I. 2. 
 Inhabits the inteilines of the A/y?<rr^, Dvf^, Corte zn^ Zho-vehy : 
 1 — 2 feet long; ^re^iJ/^/V fhprt, 
 yi/f^r. Joints twig-like: fore-part llcnderer and cylindrical. 
 ■ O. Tahr.fn. G^scnLp. l\%,n. 297. b. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the A-vok ; about 9 inches long. 
 Body whitifli, broader behind, and compofed of about i84Joint5, 
 each marked with a papilla at the margin each fide. 
 forda. Roundirti with he^rt-fhaped joints, the fore-part filiform 
 :^nd pointed 
 O. Fahrfn. Grotn!. p. 319- «• 298. 
 Inhabits the inteftines ot the Razor-bilh 
 Body whitilh, about 3 inches long, and coHipofed of 87 joints 
 each marked with a papilla on the margin each fide. 
 Joints rhombic with a few tranfverfe lines in the middle,, 
 the hind-raargin tumid and containing the ovaries. 
 Block Einge<w. p. I?, tab. 2' fig- ^-'9- 
 Werner Verm, intefi. p. i^^.tab. J,, fig. 5B--63. 
 Batjch Batidiv, p. 163. n. 19./. 86,87. 
 Iiihabirs in great numbers the 'nteilines of the Bitfiard. 
 ^culy about 4 feet long and as thick as a, horfe-hair : bead oblong; 
 neck capillary : ^o/zi/ J abqut 32000, fnort, broad and tender, 
 one lide denticulate, the ofher containing the ovary which 
 appears like a membrane twice as bro^d ^s the joint jtlelf. 
 Lima, Yeiy thin; neck fipiple: probofcis (lightly pctiolate and 
 with the head globtilar: joints Ihort dilated with q 
 prominent obtufe hinder angle. 
 Goeze Eingeiu. p. 399. tnbi 32. A. fg. 8-12. 
 Batfch Band-iv.p. 194. n. '^J.f. 28, 128, 125. 
 Found in great numbers in the inteftines ut Patridges. 
 Body extremely minute and ?,bout 5 lines long. 
 Maadaid, Thin pellqcid with a ferrate markin: front very fliort at^d 
 dilated, with a black eminence in the middle, and acute 
 prominent hind angles. 
54 WORMS. iNTE^yTINA. 14. T^nia. 
 Block Eingeiv. p. 14. tah. 4 ^. 1—3, ^ 
 'Batfch Band<w. p. K^^.n. 35. /I 124,125. 
 In the inteftines of die Red-iving. Bvdy white. 
 c. Infejiing Reptiles, 
 iufonii. Roundifh before and filiform behind : head continued ob- 
 tufe: joints cylindrical oblong and covered with a thin 
 membrane, the margin filvery. 
 Goeze Einje'W. p, 425, tab. ^^.Jig. 1—6 
 Baf/c/y, Banaiv. p. 216. «. 50./. 155— r63, 165. 
 In the inteftines of the 7 oa J and Salamander. 
 Body white opalce and about 6 inches long. 
 d, Infejiing pljh, 
 4nguifU. Head feflile diftin^l thicker: joints oblong with irregular 
 protuberances and 2 mouths on one fide. 
 Batfch Band'vj p. 21 1, n. 46./" 148^-150. 
 Goeze Engeiv. p. 414. (a^. 33. f:g. 6-8 
 Redi ^nim. 'vtt\ in ah. iii'V. />. 86. tab, X^.fig. 4. 
 Kedi Opufc. I, p, 252. tab. \^' fig, 4. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Eel: 4 feet long. 
 Head truncate before ; 8 firft joints longer : body compofed of 
 about 600 jonirs, the upper ones fquarc and twice as broad 
 as they are long, lower-ones orbicular and 8 times as broad 
 as they are long. 
 ^ugoja. Serrate/ head obtufely conic with papillae each fiile united 
 up to the tip : joints very fhort and dilated. 
 Batfch Band'w. p. 208. n. 44.^. 142—145. 
 Goexe Eingeiv. p. 410. tab. H-fig, i — 5. 
 Redi Anim. tvi'. in an. 'vi'v. />. gi, tab, 15 •fi'r. 10. 
 Rediopufc. 3. p. 245. tab. Z\,fig. 5. 
 In the inteftines oi Ccdfjh: about 3 feet long. 
 ^'eck fubcylindrical jointed : hinder yo/W/ full of eggs. 
 Scarpa. Head carinate: joints unequal, with lateral divergent mouths. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. j*.^. fig. \ — 7. 
 O. Fabr.fn Granl. p. 319.^. 299. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the artned Bullhead^ 
 Head changeable in it's form : body a little crenate on the margin 
 with a longitudinal line each fide : /«/"/ obtufc t\\X\xz'. joints 
 of the upper part of the body without mouths. 
 ^. Inhabits the inteftines of the '7;w.^ij/. 
 Mull. Naturf, I, p. 145 — 152, 18, />. 25, 
WORMS, INTESTINA. 14: Tania. 55 
 P»ta. Head bulbous with 4 prominent apertures : joints quad^ 
 rangular, with marginal mouths. 
 Mull. Zoo/. Dan. 2. tab. 44.,/%. I --4. 
 Found, though rarely, in the intcftines of the Sea Perch. 
 Body with a longitudinal white line each fide : jui»ts thicker 
 and flatter than in others : head obtufe and narrower than the 
 fubfequent joints. 
 2. Without the lateral lines. 
 Geeze Eingetu. p. 416. fab. 1%. fig- II — 14. 
 Batfcb. Bandiu. p. 157. \6.f. 80—82. 
 Inhabits the inteftiocs of the Silurus glanis. 
 Erythnm. Very broad; head fhort quadrangular 8-lobed : mouth St 
 the extremity of the head pundurcd. 
 O. Fabr./n. Graenl. P. 317. a. 297. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Norway Perch; about 6 feet long 
 and 4 lines broad : is exceedingly vivacious in fea-water. 
 Bpdy milk-white with a violcc-grey inteftine : Joints terminated 
 each fide with a papillary margin tending upwards, the m%l 
 margin with 10 lerratures. 
 Cernua. Inhabits the inteftines of the RufFe. 
 Pall, clench. %ooph, p. 414, 
 Sclida. Mouth placed under the margins of the joints : one extre 
 mity with a pointed joint. 
 Mull. Naturf. iS. p. 24 — 26. tab. I, fig. 1—5. 
 Pall. ». nord. Beytr. I. />, y6—yS, tab, Z,fg. 27. 
 Bat/ch Bandw.p. 224. n. 52 Jig. 170. 
 Found in the belly of the Stickleback which it renders tumid, is 
 harder and more folid than moil of it's kind and obtufely 
 margined each fide : joints very long with an excavated lon- 
 gitudinal line each fide. 
 Gajleroflei. yery thin with an obtufe tail. 
 Mull. Naturf. 18 /. 28 tab. i,fig. 6,7. 
 Inhabits the int.ftines of the St\citleback\ extremely minute, the 
 joints hardly vifiblc to the naked eye. 
 ■ ' ""' Body crenate : head continued : joints very (hort and par^lU 
 clipidcd with double bimarginate mouths. 
 Goeze Etngeiu. p. 415. tab. ^^,fg 9, 10. 
 Baffch Bandxv. p, 20g. n. ^^.fg. 146, 147. 
 In the inteftines of the Silurus Glanis; is lefs numerous and not 
 £0 large as T. nodulofa. 
56 WORMS. INTESTINA. 15. ¥urU. 
 SaJmonis Head globular, of a changable form : mouths it\d auoular 
 joints inconfpicuous. 
 Gcrze Eingeiu. /. 417, tab. 34, f. 1,2, 
 B/ochEinge-w.p. 15, tab. 4, fig. y— 10. 
 Befch. ber.L Naturf. 4, p. 545, tab. 10, /; 8, 9. 
 Batfch. Band-TM. p. 212, «. 47> /• I5i> 152. 
 2, T. tetragonoceps. PalL n. Beytr, tab. 3,/". 3I, A— D. 
 Batfch. Band--w. p. 20^, n. A^l, f. 139—141. 175. 
 Inhabits the inteftines of the Salmon ; from 2 lines to |: of a foot 
 long : head ova! and 5 tiraes as large a'' the joints : body round- 
 ifli, the joints gradually duniniftiing, behind, the laft 5 times 
 as long as the reft. 
 Frcelichii. Head and neck very long, flender, inarticulate and conti- 
 nuous : ovaries branched and furrounded with a late- 
 ral line. 
 Fnzlich Naturf . li^., f, 124, tab. 4,/. 20, 21. 
 Inhabits the iateftines of the Salmo WeliHianm. 
 BeSlangu- Joints tranfverfe, roiinded at the ifiargin, with a pellucid 
 lum, du£l in the middle bent nearly into a right angle, 
 Batfch. Band-w.p. 159, ». 17,/. 83. 174. 
 Bloch. Etr.genx.'. p. 1 1 , ». 3, tab. l ./". 7. 8. 
 In the inteftines oi the Barbel: hardly an inch long- 
 Bedy white, thin, femi-pellucid and thinner on tke tbre-parf. 
 Toruhfa, Long, protuberant, with an obtufe head and crenate neck: 
 joints orbicular with double differently Ihaped eyes. 
 Batfch. Bandvj. p. iSl, n, 2f,f. 105, 108. 
 Bloch Eingetu, p. 1 1, w. 4, tab. 2, fig. 1 — 4, 10, 11. 
 In the Cyprinus Jefes : about 2 feet long. 
 Head fiat and truncate on the fore-part : tied Ihort : Joints (bort, 
 Latkeps. Body with very fine tranfverfe wrinkles, the hind-part 
 thicker and obtufe at the end, the fore-part terminated 
 by a crenate contraftile lobe. 
 Pall. n.Nord. Beytr.p. 106, r.. 16, tab, 3, fig. 35.- 
 Inhabits in great numbers the inteftines of the Bream; is very 
 minute, about an inch long and foftifh. 
 15. FURIA. Body linear, equal, filiform, and 
 ciliate each fide with a lingle row of 
 refledbed prickies preffed clofe to the 
WORMS. INTESTINA. i6. Gordius. 57 
 Infernally FuRIA. 
 Amoen. Acad. 3, ^. 322, Fn. Succ.tO'jO. 
 - Soland Air. Api. I, w, 6. Pall, r.ord. Beytr. i, ^, 113. 
 Inhabits the vail marfhy plains of Bothnia and Finland; where 
 it crawls up fhrubs and fedge grafs, and being carried for- 
 wards by the wind, penetfatcs fuddenly into fuch expofed 
 parts of men and horfo as are not p; rpendicularly fituated. 
 It quickly buries itfelf under the fkin, leaving a black point 
 wh re it had e;Tteredj which is foon fucceeded by the mad 
 excruciating pains, inflammation and gangrene of the part, 
 fwooning and death. This all happens in checourfc of a day 
 or two, frequently within a few hours, unlef- the animal be 
 immediate'/ cxtrafted, which is effcfted with great caution 
 and cifficulty,- oy applying a pjultice of curds or cheefe ; or 
 carelullv diffcding between the mufcles where it had entered. 
 16. GORDIUS. Body round, filiform, equals 
 fiiiooth. Hair-worm, 
 Aquaticus Pa^e brown with dark extremities; 
 Pltur.M/relL iv. tab 121. 
 Pianc. conch, app. c. 22, tab. ^, f.F, 
 Inhabits fuft (lagaant waters, and is 4 — 6 inches long; it twifts 
 itf.-lfiat> viriou^ contortions and knots, and if in dutioufly 
 handled will inflict a bite at the end of the fingers, and occa-> 
 fion the complaint called a Whit'ow. Ft is vulgarly fupoofed 
 to '->e produced by horfc-hairs accidentally dropped into the 
 *Arglllace- Body uniformly yellowifli. 
 »/, Found m cUy at the bo.t>m of ftn^nant waters, which it pierces 
 L^r nigh ; and is hardly diftinguilhable from the laft. 
 Filiim. Bo?y fi'iform, whitifh and hyaline. 
 i\lull dili.Verm.'x z, p. 31, n. 162. 
 Found in the bari of old . ooJen pipes which have been placed 
 in the ground, for the purpofc ofconveying itrcims of water j 
 is extremely flen^er and a little tapering at o.ic end. 
 LciBeus Body uniformly white and opake. 
 Mull U't. fenn i. 2, p. 32, n. 163. 
 Fjuiid in Ihgii.mt waters; whea touched contrafls itfelf in a 
 fiiom.'nt, HuJ afterwards expands. 
 Arenarius, Body fulvous and obtufe. 
 MuU. tUJI, yerm.\, 2, p. 33. 
 Inhabits ihc f4ndy b '^ .1 <.A Chriftians Bay'in Norway. 
 VOL. Iv, -H 17. LUM- 
58 WORMS. INTESTINA. 17. Lumbncus, 
 17. LUMBRICUS, Body round, annulate, 
 with generally an elevated lielliy belt 
 near the head, moftl^ rough with minute 
 concealed prickles placed longitudinally, 
 and turnithed with a lateral aperture. 
 *fernjirii Body red, with 8 rows of prickles. Dew^werm, 
 Bnt,Zoo/. iv. p 33, tab, 19, /jg. 6, 
 Pdi'V. Cizoph, tab. 1 30, Ji^. 6, Red Exp. 4, tab, i$if, I» 
 Le/Jer TheoL des inf. par j^yonnet f. 1,2, 3 
 Murrey de Lumbrtc.Jet , obfer. tab. 2, f. I — 5. ' 
 Fhelfam Akar. tab. 2,/. 4, 5. Bonnet inf. 2. tab> 4* 
 2, Exaftly alifee, but about half the fize. 
 FeuK. Bnt.Zcdl W.p. 33, tab. 19, f. 6, A. 
 Inhabits decayed wood and the common foil, which by perfo'. 
 rating, ic renders fjit to receive the rain : devours the cotyledons 
 of plants and wanders about by night: is the food of Moles, 
 ■ Hedghogs and various birds. 
 Body with about 140 rings, each of which contains 4 pair of 
 prickles, not vifible to the eye butdifcoverable by the touch; 
 when expanded is convex each fide, and when contrafted is 
 fi.trifh beneath, with a xed canal down the whole body : the 
 beit is wrinkled and porous : moutb placed beneath the probofcis» 
 *Murinus. Back with 2 rows of briftly tubercles. Lug, 
 Penn Brit, Zoo/, iv. p. ^4, tab, \g,f.y, 
 It.Wgoth. i8(^, tab. ■^,f. 6, 
 Pall. no-v. Aii. Petrop. 2, p. 333, tab. i,/". 19,29. 
 Inhabits Ihores of Europe, where it buries itfelf deep in the fand, 
 leaving a little rifing with an aperture on the furface ; and is 
 ufed as a bait for fifh. 
 Body pale red, round and annulate with greater and lefler rings, 
 the firft prominent with 2 oppofite tufts of fhort briftles on 
 each; the lower-part fqiooth, 
 VermicuU' Body white, with 2 rows of prickles. 
 ris. Mull. Hiji. Fermi i,p, 26, ». 158. 
 Inhabits the wet and decayed trunks of trees and among moift 
 leaves, moving very expeditioufly in humid places, but twill- 
 ing itfelf up in dry ones : body polifhed, glabroQs, 
 Variegatus Rufous, fpotted, with 6 rows of prickles. 
 Bonnet Vers d*eau douce, tab, i, f, i — 5. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 17. Lumbricus. 59 
 Inhabits wet plantations, and is the moft beautiful of its kind : 
 body red very finely tcflellate with brown, with a fanguincous 
 line running down the wnole k)d7 : it eafiiy breaks in pieces, 
 and as eafily reproduces what has been loft, 
 Tuhifex. Body reddifh, with 2 rows of prickles. 
 Mull. Zoal. Dan, 3, j>. 4, tab. 84, f. i — 3. 
 Bonnet Vers d^eau douce, tab, 3> /^ 0, lO. 
 Trembley tiifi. Polyp, tab. 7, f. z. 
 Inhabits the bottom of rivuiets, where i: forms a perpendicular 
 tube of earth for its habitation. 
 Body pellucid, very fimple, thin and truncate at the tip, with a 
 dark inteftinc. 
 tineatui^ Body white with a longitudinal red line. 
 Mulkr V. Wurm, />. 1 10, 1 18, tab. 3, /. 4, 5. 
 Inhabits copiouily on the fhores of the Belticy among fea-weed ; 
 IS pellucid with a rather fhort bo^y, with a yellow artery on 
 the back, and a bifid vein towards the head : ovary white, 
 Ciliatust Body rufous and dilate between the rin^s. 
 Mull. Hiji. Ferm, i. 2, p 30. 
 Inhabits the fea-coafts of Nornx:ay, 
 ^o^i- glabrous, with about 40 legments, the interfeaions armed 
 with 4 tufts of very fhort briltlcs. 
 'i^bicola. White, with a red dorfal fpot on each of the fegments. 
 Mull. Zoo I. Dan, rar. 2, ta"^. 75, 
 Inhabits the bays of Nor<way which have a clayey boftom. in a 
 round membranaceous tube covered with mud, and about an 
 inch longer than itfelf : fegments of the boi^ zc, the inter- 
 feftions armed with 2 bnftles each fide : intefiint; black and 
 running down the whole body. 
 Bcbiurur, Body covered with rows of granulations, the hind-part 
 obtufely truncate and furrounded with a double c^o^vn 
 ot briftles. 
 Pall. Ml/cell, Zool. /. 1 46, tab, 11,/. 1,6. 
 Pa/l. Spicil. Zool. 10, p. 3, tab. \,f. \ — 5. 
 Inhabits the fandy bottom of the Ihores of Belgium : is moft ob- 
 fervable in winter, and is the food of Cod-fi(h ; body whitifh- 
 grey with fulvous vifcera, about the fize of ones midde 
 hnger : tongue flefhy, thickilh and boat-fhaped. 
 '71;alafe~ ^^^Y ftriate, dirty red with fhining red Ipots, beneath grey: 
 fria, mouth furrounded with a funnel-like tube, which is 
 wrinkled within and plaited at the margin. 
 Pall, Mi/cell, Zc'J,p. 47, tab. 11,/. 9. 
 H 2 Pali' 
6q worms. JNTESTINA. 17. Lumbricus, 
 Pall. Spicil, Zool. 10, p. 8, tah. \,f. 6. 
 Inhabits the fhores oi torr.nval/, bc:ween the clefts of fub-marine 
 rocks : laoi/y glabrous, mucoui?, thicker at one end and a 
 litttle pointed at the other, the mouth pJaced above with 3 
 faffren funnel. 
 EduU'a Body whitifti-flefh-colour, fubclavatc behind, diluted and 
 papillous before : m^ uth terminal and furrounded with 
 "a very villous rim or wrinkle. 
 Pall. Spicil. Zool. 10, tab. \, f. 7. 
 Inhabits the fajidy fhores of the iflands in the Indian Ocean % 
 nearly a foot long, and about as thick as a goofe-quill : buries 
 itfelf a foot or m re deep in the fand, and is eaten by the 
 Chir.eje : the rings between the villou<^ part and the hinder^ 
 end 278, and feparated by an annular ftria: the hind-part 
 bulbous, v> ith a double papilla ; the f«re-part bcf-t with nur 
 pierous flefh colour ones difpofed in tranfverfc rows. 
 *Oxjuruj. ^ody whltifh-livid, very fbarp at the hind-extremity an4 
 obtufe belore, wiih a round retra£lile and pxfertile 
 Pall. MtJceL Zool. p. 146, 147, tah. 11,/. 7. ?. 
 Inhabits the ^ujjex coaft j about ?n inch and a half long, and 
 annulate wirh very fine ftrise : fnout truEcate and ^ery finely 
 granulate, v\ ith a hardly vifible pore at its bafe. 
 Fragilii. Body red, with lateral divided warts and fafciculate brlftles. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan I,/". 73. 
 Inhabit ths muddy bottoms of the bays in Ncrii-ay. 
 Body refcmbling L. terreftris \vith above jco fmo-ith zn^ very 
 brittle ripgs ; headconic wi.h an approximate wrinkled mouth 
 Armiger. Body red, with double lanceolate lamellae on ihc belly and 
 none op the fort-part. 
 Mull. Zool Dan 1, p 73, «• Z(),tab:22, /". 4, 9. 
 Inb-^bits the iflands of Ac'itvy, at tbc bottoms of the baysj 
 about 20 lines long and confuting of about 200 rings. 
 Cirratus. Body armed with very long cirri. 
 Stra:m A8. hiJro/. 4, tub.\^, f.J, 
 Inhabits the hovu-ay feas, and is covered with annulate cirri, 
 Sahellaris Body jointed and truncnte at one end, the intcrfedions of 
 the joints thick and armed with 2 prickles. 
 Hull. ZooL Dan. 3, /. 37. tab. 104, / 5. 
 Inhabits the NovMcy feas : refcmbles L. lubicola. 
 1 8. FLA- 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 18. Planaria. 
 18. PLANARIA. Body gelatinous, flattifli, 
 with a double ventral pore : mouth ter- 
 A. JVithout eyes. 
 Ztagnalis. Ovate, browi), the fore-part pale. 
 Mull. Verm. i. 2, f. 53, « 178. ^all. inf. 'vin). p. l-JZ. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters : body opake, a little pointed on the 
 fore-part, pellucid with 2 milk-white fpots : eggs numerous, 
 whitifli and placed at the fides. 
 Nhra^ Oblong, black, and truncate on the fore-part, 
 J^uli Zool. Dan Z,p.\^.tab.\o(),f. -i,^. 
 Inhabits rivers: body flat beneath, with 2 whitifh pores towards 
 the hind-part difpofed longitudinally. 
 Brunnea. Oblong, rcddilh-brown with a longitudinal blgck line. 
 Mull. Hift. Verms i. Z. p. §4, «. 180. 
 Inhabits , refembles the laft, 
 Cilifita* Body long, deprefled and ciliate, 
 Joblot Mic, u 2. tab. 8, f. 5-u, and tab, 10, /. 13 ? 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters, under duck-weed : body grey, appear- 
 ing as if compofed of granulations, with moveable briftles, 
 the organ on the forepart rotatory. 
 QhIo^ Body long, pellucid and truncate before. 
 Mull. Hid. Verms i. 2,/, 56, n. 182. 
 Inhabits i\agnant water, under duck-weed : refembles the laft, 
 but is without thefringe, the margin all round i? teflelate with 
 veiy fine ftria: : it fwallows the Cyclidia which inhabit the 
 fame waters, and after a time difcharges them back again. 
 Puniiata. Body long, round and green. 
 Mull. HiH. Verm. \. 2, p. 57, n. 183. 
 Found early in the fpring in wet meadows. 
 Body obtu(e before, a little pointed behind, fprinklcd with fraall 
 black dotj, and containing 5 red fphacrical pellucid eggs. 
 Flacciday Body long, redd ifli -brown, with tranfverfe white lines and 
 a lateral one. 
 Mull. ZooL Dan. tab. 64, /. 3,4. 
 Found among heaps of fhells in the bays of Nornvay: when at 
 reft rolls itfelf up fpirally, and then gradually dilates itfelf, 
 J^ody a little tapering at each end, rcddifh, immaculate, ab(?s'e a 
 little convex and flat beneath. 
6i WORMS. INtESTINA. i8. Planaria. 
 ^o/gai Body long red. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. nh. S^.fg. i, z. 
 Inhabits bays of Nor-juay ; body ftriate with biack, obtufe at both 
 ends, above convex dotted with black, beneath paler with a 
 Iwnule compofed of black dots on the fore-part behind the 
 Jpgulatn. Body long redd ifli -brown with 1 white angles on the fore-- 
 Inhabits fandy bottoms of the Ocean ; large. 
 Body a little pointed before and obtufe behind ; above convex, 
 benenth pale: tube while pellucid; intefiine reddifh fpiral; 
 njent terminal; 
 Ftubrat Body oblong deprelTed and pale red. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 6S. Jig. g, lo. 
 Inhabits the deeps of Greenland ihores, upon fea weed* 
 Body with fine tranfverfe lines above. 
 ^'iW/j> ^°^y oblong, above convex with tiranrverfe white ftreaks 
 Mu/l. Zool. Dan. 2./. 77 tab. 68, /g. i — 4. 
 Found among the roots of marine Fud. 
 Body thickifli, beneath paler and uniform; the fore part obtufe 
 with a red cleft each fide, and obliquely truncate behind ; 
 towards the middle beneath is a ovate foramen : fvent in the 
 middle of the back. 
 Operculata. Body fubovate grey, and furnifhed beneath with a lid which 
 conceals the exfertile tube. 
 Mult. Zool. Dan, rar. 2. p 78. tab. (i^.fig. 5--S. 
 Inhabits though rarely the fandy fhores and amohg Fuci in the 
 bays of Norivay ; fomeihing refcmbles a Coffee-berry j and 
 moves by bending it's margin, and by ipeans of it's marginal 
 folds fixes itfelf to and afcends other bodies. 
 Body greenifh-grey with a paler line down the back, beneath 
 paler; the lid white; and the margin plaited 01* folded 
 ^abulafa. Body long, pointed on the fore-part, and truncate behind. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. p. 79- tab. dS.fg. 11, 12. 
 Ifihabits in great plenty among marine Confervas in Greenland^ 
 and the muddy bottoms of holes in rocks which retain water 
 through the fumnier; and proceeds with a lerpentine kind 
 of motion, but if the probofcis be touched contrads itfelf fud- 
 denly into a minute cube: bodv white, above greyifh. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. i8. Planaria, 
 Body pale ovate, very (harp pointed before, and wingejj 
 v/ith fmall curled longitudinal membranes. 
 Pall. Spicil Zool. IQ. p 20. tab: \,Jig. 12. a — e. 
 Found in ditches among Duck-weed ; very foft, pellucid, of a 
 changeable form, and mo\cs like a Aug, leaving a flime on th« 
 bodies it paffes over : when it meets another animal it draw^ 
 itfelf in like a fnail. 
 icormt, gody oval lanceolate, obtufe at each end, grey cinereous 
 dotted vv^ith black, with 2 very Ihort divergent tubes 
 on the fore-part. 
 Pall. Spicil. Zool. \o. p. 23. tab. l.fig. 14, a, b. 
 Inhabits Belgium^ in waters coverered with Duck-weed, anc} 
 when hurt or irritated fixes itfelf to other bodies like the 
 leech by means of it's tubes: body beneath whjtilh \vit^ 
 brownilh veins. 
 Gnfea, Body grey dilated, elongated and pointed on the fore-pa|-t, 
 the hind-part abbreviated and pointed. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. ^. p. 28. tat. 105. /f^. 1. 
 Inhabits waters of lakes among Conferva. 
 Fu/va. Depreflcd, broadifh, and pointed at each end, with a lopg 
 black fpot down the middle. 
 Inhabits Mu/l. Zoo,, Dan. 3./. 39, tai, 10^. /g. 2, 
 yiridata. Oblong, round, green, and fomewhat pointed at each Qnit 
 Mull. Z09U Dan. 3. p. 39. tab. lO^.Jig. 4. 
 Inhabits wet meadows in Autumn. 
 B. fVith u Jingle eye. 
 GUuca. A little elongated, cinereous, with a white iris. 
 MullHtJi. l^enn. 1,2./. 60, «, 184. 
 Inhabits waters and is about a line long, pointed before an4 
 broadifh behind, with fometimes a double black line in ti§ 
 iniddie of the back and meeting at the ends. 
 Lineata. Body long, above convex and cinereous with a longitudin,?! 
 Muil. tiili, yerm. \, Z. p 60. 
 Inhabits the Ihores of the Baltic i about a line and a half lo;)g:, 
 beneath pale with a brown patch in the middle, tapering 
 before and dilated behind. *^ ■ » 
6| WORMS. INTESTINA. iS. I^lanana. 
 Rutilans. Linear with a black eye, and tapering to a point before. 
 AW*. Zool. Dan. i- p 49- tab. \o(^. fg lo, li. 
 In che Baltic among Fuci. 
 C. With 2 eyes. 
 * Fufca. Black -brown with a femipcHucid whitifh fpot above the tail. 
 Hirudo nigra. Lin. •faanjad.xx. -p. 3 1 6. 
 Pall. Spied. Zool. \0 p 21 tab. 1. fig 1 3 a, b. 
 Found in flow ltreJn»^, upon aquatic plants. 
 Body when at lell circular and leldom above a I'ne in length, 
 when in motion linear deprtfled a \d extends irfelf to 3 1 nes 
 long : it's motion is unitorm, I'mooth, by gliding along the 
 fir earn. 
 • La5ea. Body deprefled, oblong, whitifh, and truncate on the fore* 
 Natur. MifceUany. xi. tab. 424. 
 Hirudo alba. Linn, 'iranf. \\. p. 316, 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. /». 47. tab. 109./^. i, 2. 
 Inhabits ponds and rivulets in the fummer ieafon, among aquatic 
 plants; when in motion about an inch long: body ,.ith a 
 white fpot in the middle, the purple vifcera elegantly branch- 
 ing round it; the margin white and very tranipareiit : ofary 
 oblong and generally pointed at the ends. 
 Tofva. Deprefled, oblong, cinereous or black and whitifh beneath : 
 iris white. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3./ 48. tab. \0().fg. 5, 6. 
 Fojjnd in waters ; about 4 or 5 lines I'^ng. 
 Body obtufe on the fore-part and a little pointed behind : eyz$ 
 pellucid beneath: ventral pores white with pinnate Lrov/n 
 inteftines : fometimes blackifh with 3 pores beneath and an 
 angular white fpot behind the eyes. 
 Tentaculata Deprefled, oblong, cinereous, and tubular on the fore-part. 
 Mull. Verm. z.p. 63. n. 187. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters, about 7 lines long. 
 Body nearl) obtufe at each end, the lateral margins finuate : back 
 with a whitifh fpot, fometimes brown margined with black 
 'dots: ^^//k whitifh or c\neT(to\x5 : intejlines fometimes vifible, 
 with fimple or forked branches. 
 Crenata: Deprefled, ovate-oblong, pale, with a crenulate margin. 
 Mull Hift. Verm. 2. /. 64. «. 188. 
 Inhabits lakes or Denmark i rcfemblcs P. laflea. 
 Back dull reddifh-brown with a whitifh fpot in the middle : 
 intejlines very much branched. 
 ^ . HelluQ. 
WORMS. INTESTINA; i8. Planaria. 
 tielltto. Body ovate, round, green. 
 Mull Zool. Dan. 3. /. 39 tab. loy fig, 3. 
 Inhabits wet meadows : about a line and a ha'f long. 
 Beily obtufc before and pointed behind : back duikj : mouth 
 white, ^ 
 Ob/cura, Ovate-oblong, white, and obtufe at both ends. 
 .Mull Hili. IVerm. 2. p. Ot; tt, 1 90. 
 Inhabits ponds : about a line long and fuhpellucid, 
 Rojlrata. Oblong, hyaline, elongated at the extremity: eyes red. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3./. 4e. tab I05. /ff 6. _ 
 Inh-ibits marfhe.s; jbout a line lon^, and whitifh with a pnrplifh 
 mafs in the middle. 
 Flat, membranaceous j white, with fcattered rufous fpecks 
 Mull Zool. Dan. \,p. 1 11;. tab. 32 /f- 3» 4« 
 Inhabits bays of AVtu.tj^; rcfviu )les DtIs -bvUr^i 
 ^0/6' beneath immaculate wiih 2 clulters of black dots refembling 
 a pair of eyes. 
 Flat, rather oblongs with a tentaculiim or feeler from each 
 fide of the head. 
 Mull Zool. Dan. \.p. 116. tab. 22. fg. 5 — 7 
 ini'.'.bitb biys of Norivay; Wiuri'h henealb dotted with white: 
 the fore-part exfertilc and rctra-^ilc like a pre ofcis : behi.^d 
 the tenwcula is a clufter of black dots, and another angular 
 One each fide at the bale. 
 Gblongv rufous, with a wh'te rofe-like fpot on the back. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. tab. 2o6. fig. 1, tab. loq.J.g; 7 — o 
 Inhabits wet woods, and r?fcmbles the Vorticel'a radiati : about 
 a line and ha f long: bri/j opake with a rell-icid marg'n, the 
 fore part with numerous pale rays, the nuddie with a white 
 S/aigata, Oblorig, pale, wiih 3 longitudinal lines. ' 
 Mull. Zool. Dan ■;./. 41 r,{b 10^. fig. 8. 
 Inhnbits wee marfiics : fo^j witu rufous ftreaks. 
 Crofa. Cylindrical, whitfe with black eyes, and pointed at both 
 Mull Zool. Dan. 3.^. 40. tab. loi^.Jig. 5. 
 Inhabit:; among aquatic plants i about 2 lines long, tliough fome- 
 timcs it is 10 Cimes as large: boJy pcliucid with 5—33 large 
 fphrerical red egg.''. 
 VOL. IV.— I Linearis: 
66 WORMS. INTESTINA. i8. Planaria. 
 Linearis, Long, roundifli, and very pale yellow. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan 3. p. 42. tab. \o6.fg, 2. 
 Inhabits wet hollows ot woods ; about a line and a half long and 
 ten times as narroiw ; the margin pellucid and white. 
 Terrejlris. Linear; above'convex cinereous, beneath -white. 
 Mull, tiiji. Fer'm. 2. p. 68. n. 196. 
 Inhabit: about moift clumps among mofs : contrafts and expands 
 itfelf like a leech, and moves like a fnail : body opake and 
 IttrHgDna. Pale yellow with 4 quadrangular lamellae. 
 IsUlL Zool. Dan. 3. />. 42. tab. lob. jig. i — 5. 
 Inhabits clear ftagnant waters: the lamilla ixz fubmemrana-b 
 ceous, pellucid, often times g fided, rarciy z-fided, 
 Catitata. Oblong, cinereous with a diftindl head. 
 Mull, Hift. Verm. z. p. 70. 
 Inhabits the Baltic: body vifcid, obtufe before and pointed 
 behind*, above gibbous blackilh with fcattered ^white dots, 
 beneath flat and white ; near the region of each fide above 
 is a white fpot, in the outer angle of which is the eye. 
 Caudata. Body rounded before and tapering into a tail behind. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. 2. tab, 6S. fig. 13 — 15. 
 Inhabits Ihores of Gr^f»/fl»</, among fea-wrack : is very vivac- 
 ciousj 2 lines long, fubconvex «nd yellowiih rufous. 
 Auriculata, Oblong, truncate and emarginate before and acute behind. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. 2. tab, 6S.Ji.g. 16, 1 7. 
 Inhabits Norivay, in fea-water; is hardly vifible to the naked 
 eye, gelatinous pellucid, with an oblong opake fpot in the 
 middle ; and contrails itfelf into a fphperical or ovate form. 
 Pilaris. Linear with a filiform contraftile taih 
 M»U. Zool. Dan. 2. tab, 6S. Jig. 18 — 29. 
 Found on the Madrepora prolifera; about an inch long and a 
 line broad : body flelhy and reddifh fulvous, obtufe before and 
 marked behii d with a reddilh fpot ; the fore-part befet with a 
 very fliort (hining fringe. 
 Lingua, Pellucid, brown-cinereous, and very obtufe at both ends. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. /. 40. tab. 105./^. 7. 
 Found in fifli ponds in the Autumn, 
 D. fFith 3 eyes. 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 19. Sipunculus. 6y 
 Cefferenjis. Body long, green, and rufous behind the head. 
 Mull. Zoot. Dan. z. tah. 64 fig. 5 %. 
 Inhabits Denmark, on the F«cus furccliatus; obtuie before and 
 pointed behind; fcgmencs of the body unequ 1 and marked 
 with a row gf minute whitifh dots, the interlcdions pale. 
 E. IVith4.Eyes. 
 'armorata Qblong, blueiOi-grey or pale. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3./. 43. tab. \o6. fg. z. 
 i?'ound in wet ditches, about half a line long: infeHines glome, 
 rate white wjxh a large round yellow fpo:: in the middle. 
 CanJid.i, Body long whirl (h vnth a clear white line down the middle 
 Mull. Hiji. Verm- 2. />. 71 
 Inhabits the Ihorcs of Greenland, ii,nder Ibncs : about 20/3 
 inches long : mQutb with ^n cxfertile tube. . 
 uucata^. /"ale reddiOi, broadly truncate before and rather fliarp 
 Mull. Zoch Dan. 3./. 43. tab. \o6. Jig. \, 
 F. Eyes tiumerous. 
 Tremsllaris Flat, membrsnaceous, pale yellow, with a finuate margin. 
 Mull. Zool Dan. I tab. 32 Jig. i, 2. 
 Inhabits the Baltic, and rcfembles a Tremella ; 9 lines long. 
 Body above greyifh, the difk ydlowilh with a pinnate line in 
 the middle, and behind this 2 white lunulcsj beneath whitifh 
 with 3 milk-white fpots. 
 • 19. SIPUNCULUS. i5(?4); round elongated: 
 viout/i eylindrical, at the end, and nar- 
 rower than the bod}^: aperture at the 
 lidc of the body and verucitbrm. 
 * Muiluj. Body covered with a clofe fkin and globular at the lower 
 Pennant. Brit. Zool. iv. p. ^6^ tab, zo. Jig. 10. 
 Barbut Gen. of Wormi. p. 16. tab. 2. fg^ 4. 
 Martin on Mjrin. Jfcrms. i.p. 4. tab, I. fig, 2. 
 Inhabits European Seas, under Hones; 8 inches Ion". 
 I 2 Bs^ 
68 WORMS. INTESTINA. 20, Hirudo. 
 Body conic and broader on the fore-part: mouth mnch flenderer 
 than the body, and armed with fleftiy 3-pointed papillas; 
 aperture near the upper-extremity. 
 SactatttJt Body covered w]th a loofe (kin, and rminded at the lower 
 Martin or Marine Wcrms, \,p,6,tab. %-f~g.^P 
 Barbut Gei:. of Worms, p. 17, tab 2, fg. \. 
 Amoen. Acad. 4, /. 454, tak. 3, fig. 5. 
 i?. Pall. Spicil.ZooL 10, /. 12, tab, 1, fig. 8. 
 Inhabits the American and Indian Seas : is fhancd like the former, 
 except in being inclofed as it were in a loofe bag, and in not 
 having the Jovver-end globular* 
 20. HIRUDO. Body oblong, truncate ac 
 both ends, unariried, cartilagenous, and 
 iiioves by jjijating the head and tail, and 
 controlling itlelf jptp q.n ^iroh. Leech. 
 Udica. Body deprefled, brown, with a hundfcd tranfverfe muricate 
 Inhabits maritime parts of //?<//«. 
 *M:diciaa^ Elongated, olive- black, with 6 yellow-ferruginous lines 
 '"• above, and fpotted with yellow beneath. 
 Medicinal Leech, 
 Natur, Ml/cell. vi. tab. 21.8, Bnt. Zool.'}M. p.o^t, 
 Barbut Gen. of Worms y />, 19, tab. 2, fig 5. 
 Ail. Stockh. 1757, p. 3c8, n 4, tab. d, fig. 1,2. 
 Found in ftagnant ponds arid ditches, and is the fpecies ufed 
 with fuch fucccfs as a phlebotomift in the praftice of Phylic : 
 is viviparous. 
 Body above compofed of numerous annuUir winkles, ^A'hich it can 
 .coutrafl or (.xpand at pleafure, and marked *\ith vsrie^attd 
 lines : mouth fmallcr than the tail, and armed with 3 cartila- 
 ginous teeth, vyith which it draws blood : tail compofed of 
 an annular roufcic, by which it has the power of feftening its 
 body firmly to any objcft. 
 •Ayaea//«- Elongated, olive-bro^vn, with an ochre-yellow marginal, 
 g^a, band. , Horje- leech. 
 T^aturaliffs Miicellany, vi. tab. 21 8. 
 Barbut Genera of Vy'cr till, p. 20. tab^Z, fig. 6. 
 feti'V. Gazoph. tab, 1 30, fig. 7. 
 Ad. Stockh. 17 S7* "' 4' '^^' ^' /d- 3» 4' 
WORMS INTESTINA. 20. Hirudo. 69 
 Found frequently in ftagnant waters, ditches and ponds; 4 — 6 
 inches long : bodf above dull olive-black, with an ochre margin 
 each fide ; beneath paler, with fometimes a few black fpots : 
 tail thicker than the head. This Ipccies fucjis blood wjtl| 
 great avidity and in large quantities, 
 Uneata, Elongated, grey, with 4 longitudinal blacjf lines on the 
 « MulLHifl. Verm 2, />. 39, ». 169. 
 Found early in the fpring in flagnant waters; about an inch an4 
 a half long ; body snnulate with numerous wrinkles, and wjtH 
 6 deep black eyes in a- double tranverfe row. 
 •Qctocula- Elongated, yellow-brown, with 8 eyes ip a lunate ferigs, 
 ta, J3. Stockh. 1757, tab. d. Jig. 5 — 8. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters, among aquatic plants, and preys on 
 monoculi and the fmaller animalcules; about 15 inches long. 
 Body fimetimes brown immapulate, lomeiimes fprinklcd above 
 with black dots ; fometimes brown withyellowifh dots abovej 
 fometimes yellow-brown with a knotty line in the middle an4 
 a lateral blackifh one pinnate within on the forcrpart ; fome, 
 times yellovvifli with loneitudinai lines, the middle one kno^, 
 ty, the lateral opes with j-emote j-ed dots : fy« often 9. 
 f S/ag-W/>. Elongated, cinereous, with 2 eyes. 
 Jld. Stockh. 1757, n. 4, tab. 6, Jig. 9 — 1 1. 
 Inhabits wet hollows and rivulets; about 9 lines long, 
 • Body whitilh, pellucid, fprinkled with cinereous dots and plaited 
 at the fides: eggs about 40, furroupded by a pellucid circle, 
 cinerous at firll and afterwards brown : the young after ex-» 
 clufion adhere by their tails to the belly of ihe mother. 
 *Cornpl0- ^ody dilated, cipereous, with a double tuberculate Hnc Oil 
 »i(a. the back, the margin ferrate, 
 ^ Acl. Stockh \'J^y, tab. bf fig. 12 — 14. 
 Found in (hallow Itreams ; about 4 lines long. 
 Body with tranverfe bands compofed of 3 pale lines, the margin 
 whitifli ; beneath grey: ^f^z^ pointed, white, with 6 eyes j 
 tail orbicular and cinereous. 
 ^Firidis, Body deprelTed, oblong, green with a tranfparent iiiargin, 
 and pointed at the tail. 
 Sha~jo. Tra'ijiii Linn. Soc,i,/). 93, fab. 7. 
 Inhabits clear cold waters {•about an eighth of an inch longj and 
 like molt of tlie Genus has a power of rcprodu(5tion aljnott 
 c^ual to that of the Polype; for if the animal be divided iu 
 every diredion, the parts will become perfeft animals, and 
 may be again divided and again reproduced ad infinitum. 
 WORMS. INTE5TINA. 20. Hirudo. 
 Boify deep grafs-green with a tranfparent border all round 
 2, deep black ; eggs 5 or 6, oval and deep brown. 
 ^Hiiero- Body dilated, pellucid, yellow, with an entire margin. 
 ciyta. Irembley hift.'Poh'p. tab. 7, fig- j. 
 Found in llreains among aquatic plants : 7 lines long ; and often 
 iixes itfelf oil the inhabitant of the iylclix planorbis, and. fucks 
 its juici'S. 
 Body flattifh, pointed before and broadifh behind j marked above 
 with numerous fine longitudinal ftriic of black fpecks, and 
 remote tranverfe brownifli oncs« the farthelt of which are 
 black with fulvous Ipecks ; head \N\\nG : eyes 4.— 6 : eggs nu- 
 merous, fphxrical, green, lurroundcd with a pellucid ring : 
 the young ones that efcape firil arc yellow, the latter one's 
 *.Gcbmetra Elongated^ yell£)wiftir-green y.ith 2 row.of \yhite fpots. 
 Peiinojit Bni. Zool. iv.p. 38, lab. 20,^.13. 
 Barbut Gen. o/Wstms, p, 20, tab. Z, f. /. 
 Ruef. InC 3, p, 159, tab. 32. f. I--4. 
 Frijch Inf. 6, /. 2.5, tab. I i. 
 Leaermuller micrsj'cop. tab. 84, f a--i. 
 Inhabits frefh v.aters, and fixes itfelf on the bodies of Trout. and 
 other fifh after the fpavvning fealon : 8 lines long : moves as 
 if meafuring like a compals. 
 Body tapering bcfjrc unJ vCry broad at the tail-end : eyes 4 ; 
 colour varying. 
 Cinereous with a teftelate aiargiji : eyes 8, in a double lon- 
 gitudinal row. 
 Mull. HtjL k'etm. 2, p. 45^ w. i.73. 
 • Inhabits rivulets i about iS lines long. 
 Body dilated and covered every where wjth black fpecks; above 
 wiih orange or white fpots^ or partly grey partly orange ; be- 
 neath grey with 2 rounded white fpots in the middle, 
 harghiflia Dilated, broWn with a telTelate margin : eyes 4, 
 Mull. Uiji. Verm. i. 2. /, 46, w^l74 
 Inhabits rivers, and rcfcmbles the lail ; 10 lines long. 
 Head obtufe before 'and narrowed behind, white, pellucid and- 
 • marked wiilt 2 tranfverfc brown bands : abdomen redcifh- 
 brown, with very minute ftriae meeting beneath in doubled 
 brown lines : back with 5 rows of whitifli dots, the lateral 
 margin white, with a double brown line divided into I'quarc 
 patches: /a// orbicula*-, pale with brown fpots on the margin. 
 <iroru. Dilated, yellow illi, and divided on the fore-part. 
 Mull. Zool. Da::. I,/. 69, n. 27, tab. 21,/. 1--5, 
WORMS. INTESTINA. 20. Hinulo. 7, 
 Found in the Tea, ufually wiihin the Venus eXoleta ; about 13 
 lines long and 7 broad : body marked with fine white ftrix, 
 the fore-part narrower and obtufe : eggt very numerous, 
 fphxrical, and fwimming in a gelatinous Huid, 
 Hifpoglofj. Dilated^ whltiOi, with a double white eye in the mitjdie of 
 the body. 
 M«/A ZooL Dan. 2, tab. 54, /!• 1—4.- 
 O.Fabr.fn. Grtrnl. p. 302, tab. i, /.,8, 
 Ba/leropu/c. 2, p. 138, tab. 8,/. it. ' 
 Inhabits the fea, generally fixed to the Ikin of Tuibots and Ho 
 Itbuts -body oval, deprefTed, pellucid, a little pointed befor- 
 and ending m a globular ring behind : head (omayNhn triani 
 gular With a cinereous fpot each fide : eyes not vifible • tail 
 \vith a row of tubercles beneath from the centre, and towards 
 the middle 2 hooks. 
 *Cre77ata% Slightly deprefTed, fuboval, with tranrvcrfe annular ftrla: 
 the margin crenulatc. ' 
 Tranfafl Linn. Soc.W p. 318, tab 29. 
 Found in (hallow ftreams among aquatic plant'. 
 Body_ greenifh inclining to a/h-colour, and tranrverfelv ftria^.> 
 with annular ibu-c, from whence arife the crenaturcs of th^ 
 nwgin : eyes 2, approximate •: upper furfacc convex, lower 
 'Muricata. Body round, tapering, tuberculate, and furnifhcd with -> 
 Ihort horns on the head. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv p. 38, tab. 20,/ 14. 
 BaJ}, opuf. I, p. 82, tab. 10, /. 2. 
 Muf. Adolph,Fred. l, p.()l, tab 8,/. 3. 
 Barbut Gen. of IVonns, p. 20, tab. 2, /. 8 
 Inhabits the lea and adheres to fifh. leading a black mark on the 
 .pot: W larger th,n the tail; W^ rtrongly annulate ani 
 tuberculate upon th^ rings: /^/7 very much dilated. 
 n-anchiata DeprelTed, tapering, whiillTi, with 7 branched bridles on 
 each lide: inteltines brown, bifid, pellucid. 
 Tranf act. Linn. Sec. ii. p. ig3, tab. 17. / 3 
 Inhabits the Pacifc Ocean ^nd adheres to Turtle: an inchlo.. 
 i?^./y foft, dcpreiled, annulate with fine wnnkJes. and ta:.(-nn'e 
 towards the head: W fmad, truncate: .,.,/ large, Su'l^ 
^i WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 21. Limsx. 
 Naked fimple animals, not included in aJJidl, 
 but furmjhed with, limbs, 
 2L LIMAX. Body oblong, creeping, with a 
 fleiliy kind ot Ihield above, and a longi- 
 tudinal flat disk beneath : aperture 
 placed on the right (ide, within ttie 
 Ihield: feelers 4, fituate ai)ove tho 
 mouth, with an eye at tiie tip of each 
 of the larger ones. Slug or Snail, 
 tavis. Body black, and almoft without wrinkles. 
 Mull, Hift. Ferm, ii. / i, «. 199. 
 Found among mofs, late in the autgmn : c; lines lorg. 
 Boify glofly, with undulate tranfverfe ftriae on the fhield; nar- 
 rower and not (o much wrinkled as the next. 
 *Jier, Body black and furrowed with deep wrinkles. 
 1. Deep black and paler beneath. 
 Natur. Mifiel. tab. l^^y. Barbut. Gen, tab. 'i,, /. \. 
 Lifi. An. AngU p 131. tab. 2, fg. 17. tab. anat. 5, /. 1, 
 Lijier extrc. anat. tab. 3, f^ I — 5. 
 Argtn<v. conch, tab, 28, /". 28. 
 Berl. Magaz. 3, p, 341, tab. 5, f. 72. 
 2. Black, with a pale greenilh ridge down the back, 
 3. Black, beneath white : mouth yellowifh. 
 Siuammedam Bibl. Nat, tab, 9, fg, i , 
 4. Chcfnut-brown, beneath white : mouth yellowifli. 
 Lifi. Synop. tab. \Q\, a, f 103, App, tab. 2, f. t. 
 Berl. Magaz. 3, p. 339, tab. 6, f, yi. 
 5. Duflcy-brown with a yellowifh mouth and Ureal; each fide. 
 Found in woods, meadows, fields and gardens j i| — 5 inches' 
 long : ~ crawls flowly, and leaves a flime upon whatever it 
 pafles over. 
 Feelers always black : back convex : JJiielii rovgli with numerous 
 dots : abaiotnen wrinkled. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. ii.tmuiK. 73 
 Alius, Body white. 
 1. Entirely white. 
 2. V^ Kite edged with yellow. 
 3. White, with an orange margin and hind-head. 
 4. White \Vith black feelers. 
 Inhabits woods and groves : from 3 lines to 5 inches long, 
 ^Rufus. Body above pale rufous, beneath white. 
 Lijf. Ans^. App. 6, tab. 2, /. i. Burbut, tab. 3, /. 2. 
 Hill, llifi., an. />. S7, tab. 3. 
 Inhabits (hady damp places and the bottoms of mountains : 1^ 
 inch long; body without fpotsorbclt: \^Tgtt feelers black 
 ^Flcrvus. Body amber-colour fpotted with white. 
 Found in herbage. Lif. Exerc, attat. tab. I, 
 ^Mdximus, Body cinereous, with or without fpots. 
 1. Body immaculate: fhield black. blue. 
 List, exerc. anat. tab. 3, f. 6, 7, 9, 10, 
 2. Shield fpotted with black : body with black longitudinal 
 Lister Anim. Angl, p. 127, tab. z, f. 15, 
 S-wammerdam Bibl. Nat. tab. 8, /". 7. 
 Berl. Magaz. 3, p. 336, tab.^,f. 69, 
 3. Shield ^nd body fp^ted with black. 
 Natural. Mi/c. tab. 137. Lister Sjn. f, 104, 
 Lifter tab. anat, J,/". 6 — lO. 
 Argenville Concho I, tab. 28,/". 3 1. 
 4. Body with 5 whitilhftreaks; the lower-one interrupted. 
 5. Body uich white and cinereous wrinkles, and black fpots in a 
 double row. 
 6. Body edged with white. 
 Inhabits woods, gardens and damp cellars : 4'— 5 inches long,' 
 Uyalmus. Body hyaline : feelers obfoletje, with a bro\yn line reaching 
 from the feelers to the IhieKi. 
 Inhabits damp moffy places, and is very deffruftive to the young 
 (hoots of kidney-beans ; belly with, numerous interrupted 
 *Agrestis, Body wfiitilh, with black feelers^ 
 List. Anim. Angl. p. 120, tab z, f. 16. Synops. f. I. 
 List. tab. anat. 5, y* II. Exerc. anat, tab. 3, /^ II.' 
 Argeriv. conch, tab. 28, f; 27. 
 ' VOL. I v.— K BerU 
7>4, WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 21. Limax. 
 Berl, Mugax. 36. p. 345, tab. 8, fg. 74. 
 ^/a«^. In/, 151, /^ii. II, fg. X. 
 1. Entirely whitifh^ immaculate. 
 2. Whitifh, with a yellowilh (hield. 
 Tran/aB. Linn. Soc. iv. />. 85, tah. 8, yfg-. I — 4. 
 This variety, and probably many others, has the power of fe- 
 crecing a large quantity of mucus from the under furfacc, and 
 formipg it into a thread, like a fpider's web ; by this means 
 it often fuipends itfelf, and defcends from the branches of 
 trees, or any heighth it had crawled up to. 
 3. Whitifli, with a black head. 
 4. Whitifh, with a cinereous back, 
 5. Whitifli, with fcattered black fpeckj. 
 Found in gardens, pafturesand groves, from May till December, 
 and is the fpecies which has been recommended to be fwal- 
 lowcd by confumptive perfons ; about half an inch long : 
 when touched it fticks as if dead to the fingers, 
 Cinctus. Yellowifli, with a cinereous belt on the (hield and body. 
 Mull. Hist. Verm. 7., p. 9, «• 205. 
 Found commonly in groves : z inches long. 
 Bsdy immaculate, beneath white. 
 Cinereous ; fhield -with a dqfky ftreak each fide : body pale 
 Mull, Hist. Ferm. ii. /. 10, «. 206, 
 Found on the Beech : back with a white ridge, each fide of 
 which it is blueifh-afh ; abdomen fometiraes fpotted with black. 
 RecticuU' Brown, with black dots on the fhield and lines on the body, 
 /^j. Schaff. Verf. i, tab. i, and tab. 2, fig, I — 3. 
 Inhabits gardens in Denmark and Germany: ij inch long. 
 Aureus. Yellow, immaculate, with black feelers. 
 Mull. Hist. Verm ii. p. 10, n. 208. 
 Inhabits groves of Denmark and Nor^way : an inch and half long. 
 Body beneath white, with a black line between the feelers. 
 Reddifh, with a blackifh lateral Hue and back. 
 Inhabits groves. Mull. Hist, Verm. \\. p. li, w. IC9. 
 Body 8 lines long, beneath white : abdomen with a longitudinal 
 brown fpot. 
 Greenifh, with black head and feelers. 
 Mull, Hist. Verm, ii. /«, 11, w. no. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 22. Onchidium. 23. LapHfia. 75 
 Found early i-n the Tpring in hollows of woods filled with dry 
 leaves : lo lines long : Jhield whicilh v/ith a yellovvilh cart. 
 * Lanccolu' LIncar-lanceolate and very (harp at each end ; the margin 
 •"s> furrounded with a membranaceous border : tentacula 
 or feelers o. 
 Pall. Spicil Zool. lo, p. 19, tab. I, fig,\\. 
 Found on the coalt o{ Cornwall : of a very uncertain Genus, 
 22, ONCHIDIUM. Body oblong, creeping, 
 tiat beneath : mouth placed belore : feel- 
 ers 2, fituate above the mouth : arms 2, 
 at the fides of the head : vent behmd, 
 and placed beneath. 
 Tvplue. GnCH. 
 IranfaH. Linn, Soc. V. p. I 32, 1 4^. 5, ^g. ^"^S- 
 Inhabits Bengal, on the leaves of the Typha clephartini : about 
 an inch long and ^ of an inch broad, bat linear and longer 
 when creeping. In appearance it very much rcfcmbles a Li- 
 max, I'Ut differs principally in wanting the fhield and lateral 
 pore, and in being furnifhed with a vent behind. 
 Boi/y above convex, alh-colour, and covered with irregular glan- 
 dular tubercles ; beneath Hat and ii:nooth : hea^l yellowifh, 
 fmall and placed beneath, which ^vhen the animal is in .mo- 
 tion is perpetually changing its form and llze, and drawn 
 in when at reft: mout/i) placed lengthways and continually va- 
 rying its fhape from circular to linear : feelers retraftilc, re- 
 fembling thofe of the Slug, and apparently tipt with eyes : 
 firms dilatable, folid» compreffod and lomewhaf palmate wheu 
 fully expanded. 
 23. LAPLISTA. jBo^/y creeping, covered with 
 refieci.ed membranes, with a membrana- 
 ceous ihield on the back covering the 
 luiigs: aperture placed on the right fide: 
 vent above the extremity of the back: 
 feelers 4, refembling ears. Sea-hare. 
 *Depilan!. Body pale lead-colour, immaculate. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool.\v_. tab. 2 \, Jig 21. 
 Barbui'i Genera of WonaSy p, 32, tab. 3, fg, 5, $. 
 Seha Muf. 3. tah^ t, fg. 8, g. 
 K 2 Inhabits 
76 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 24. Doris. 
 Inhilits European \pzi; from z to 5 inches long; is extremely 
 naufcous and fciid^ a' d is (aid to caufc the hair to fall off the 
 hai ds ot thofc who touch it. 
 Boay an appirently mifliapcn mafs enveloped in a loofe {kin, - 
 which folds over and nearly meets on the back : JJiieU nearly 
 in the middle of the back and circular: the z fore-feelers x\\\ck 
 anu placed forwards, the hind ones at a little ailtance back- 
 \vard5, and refembhng ears, and behind thefc are tne eja. 
 Fnfciata. Black ; the edges pf the membranaceous covering and pf the 
 feelers fcarlet. 
 Poiret Votage en Barbate 2, p. ", 
 Inhabits the (hores of Parbary, among rocks : when touched it 
 difcharges a black and red fames, but not fetid or depilatory 
 like the laft. 
 34-, DORIS. Body creeping, oblong, and flat 
 beneath : mouth plaised below, on the 
 fore-part; vent betiind on the back and 
 furrounded by a fringe; Jeelers 2—4, 
 feated on the upper part ol the body in 
 front, and retractile Ayithin tlieir propei: 
 A. TcntaciiM or feeler i 4. 
 FaJiicuUna Body linear, grey-ferruginous, with fubferniginous an4 
 fliarpilh paptllx on the b^ck. 
 Limax niarirns. lorjk. jinim. Mar. tab, 26, fig. 5, 
 Inhabits the Meffiterrattean Sea, and is generally found adhering. 
 to floating timber; about an inch long. 
 Body beneath pa e : feelers pale, pellucid. 
 Mimpia, Pale cinereous, with 4 rows of dorfal papillx. 
 Fofjk Ftn Arab p 100, n. 5. 
 Inhabits the ^ledite'ranean, on floating fca-wecd j about the fizc 
 of a grain of rice : hody paler beneath, oblorg : reins white, 
 placed ne?r the head : papiUig numerous, ovate-oblong, obtnie' 
 and pale cinereous. 
 Radiata. Silver-bhie, beneath white, with lateral extenfile radiatCT 
 iafciculate papillae. 
 67^«au 'Natural Mi/ceLvVi fab. 221. 
 Philof, Iranf 53, /. 57, 58. tab. 3. , 
WORMS. MPLLUSCA. 24. Doris. 
 Inhabits the West htdian Ocean; shove an inch long. 
 BoJy palf blue with a fi vcr glofs, the margi) and tips of all the 
 pai'illae rich blue, obtufe in front aod t.ipering to a fine point 
 Pennata, B^ck covered with fubcylindriclil papillae, incumbent tOr 
 wards the hind-part 
 Bomme Act. VUJf. 3, f, 292, tab, 3, fig. 2. 
 Inhabits the fhorcs of Zealand, on zoophytes ; hardly an incji 
 long : fomctimes whitifh-grey, fometimes rcddifli. 
 feregrina> Feelers 4, not retradile : body milk-white, with 10 rows 
 of blue-brown cirri or procefres. 
 £i!'JoIin. Polyp. Mar. 3, p. |go, tab. J, fig. 3. 
 Inhajits the Mediterranean 6ea, 
 Ajfiiniu Feelers. 4, not retradile, annulate and tipt with white: 
 body purple, with 7 rows of procelfes on the back. 
 Cavqlin. Pohp, Mar. 3, p. 193, tab. '], fig,A[, 
 Inhabits the Ahditerranean Sea, 
 *J'go. Body oval, fmooth, with 2 fmall feelers at the moijth : 
 vent lurroundcd by a ramified fringe. Sea Lemon. 
 Katur Ml/cell, tao. 145, Bar but Woims, tah, 4, fig. 4. 
 BitsZool. iv. p 43, tab 22, fig. 22. Boad/ch. Mar. t, 5,/. 4,5. 
 ln;,abits the Mediterranean and European Seai : 3|- inches long. 
 Body red, with fulphur fpots and black dots: fee/ers wnite dotr 
 ted with :ed at the tip: ijem furroandcd by an elcgaiKly 
 ramified fringe, fulphur fpotted with bhck. 
 B. ^Fiih 2 tentacuJa or feelers. 
 ^Verrueofa. 'Bo^y covered with tubercles above. 
 Mitella vcrucofa. Seba. Muf. 2, tab. 61, fig, 5. 
 Penn^jtt Bnty Zcol iv. p. 43, tab, 21, fig. 23. 
 Barbut Genera of Worms, p. 36, tab- 4-, fig. 1. 
 Inhabits the Indian and European Seas, 
 Body oblong, nearly cylindrical, convex and rounded^at the ex- 
 trcmerics* the back covered with warts or protuberances: 
 lateral margin deficfted -.pedal limb oval, oblong, with a fmooth 
 ^avigcya^ Body oval, white, with fafFron.colour clavate pedicels on 
 the back. 
 Muil. Zool. Dan. I, p 58, tab. XJtfig. I — 3. 
 Bomtne A8, VUjs. 3, p. 296. n. 4, /. 3 ? 
 Inhabits the Kor^way Sens, on fuci. 
^^ WORMS. MOLLU3CA. 24. Doris. 
 io.-ij gelatinous, fubpellucid : iead with a lateral yellow truncate 
 tubercle :y^/i?r J faffron -colon r : ra/7acute, witk a yellow Ipot. 
 ^adriline- White, with 4 black lines and fulphur auricles. 
 ata. MuU. Zoci Dffi. I, /. 59, n. 23, tab. 17, f. 4 — 6. 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas, on fuci. 
 ^£'<^ fometimes marked with fulphur fpots : feelen white. 
 ^apillofs. Body covered with papillx above, with a fmooth dorfal 
 Bafter op,/uhs. l, p. 8 1, tab.\o, f. \. 
 Forjk. Anim Mar. tab. 26, /. H ? 
 AaJIafn. Id, /. 11 — 16^ Aa.Flif. 3,/. 2. 
 Inhabits the European Ocean. 
 Auticulata. White, with red dorfal fafciculate papillas tipt with white. 
 Inhabits Norvjaj Seas. Act. Hafn. 10, p. 16. tab. 5,^. 6. 
 Lbcinulata Whitifh, with 6 pbovate papilliE on the back each lidc. 
 ¥orp. Anim. Mar. tab. 26, f, 4. 
 Inhabits Northern Seas-, among fuci ; about the fizfi of a large 
 loufe, and variable in itb fliape. 
 Cervi»af Reddifli-afi) with 8 branched papillae on th.e back. 
 Bom>re Act. Vh(f. "^i p. 290, n. z, f. i. 
 Inhabits Zealand^ on the Sertulaiia abictina ; about half an inch 
 long : head and tail furnifhed with branched papillse. 
 Coronata. Milk-white, beneath hyaline: back dotted with red, with 
 6 pyramidal papillae tipt with red each fide. 
 Act.VliJf. 1, p. 394, tab. 3,/. I — 3 and 3./1. 288^ 
 Inhabits fhores oi Zealand ', hardly an inch long, 
 Tetraque^ Quadrangular, coriaceous, pointed behind, above flat, with 
 tra, carunculate clefts at the angles. 
 Pall. no'v. Act. Petrop. 2, p. 237, tab. 5,/". 22. 
 A Inhabits the feas about the Curile IJlands, 'where it is boiled and 
 eaten by the inhabitants. 
 *MiIamel- Body ovalj and covered with a rough punctured plate. 
 lata, Barbui*s Genera of Worms, p. 36, tab.j^,f. 2. 
 Mull ZooLDan. 2, p. 22, tab J^"],/. 6 — 8. 
 Inhabits European Seas, and moves like a fnail. • 
 Body glabrous, above pale brown with cinereous dots, beneath 
 white ; the plais with fulphur dots above and white beneath : 
 feelers brown : -vent tranfvcrfe, and furroundcd with 6 fulphur 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 25. Aphrodlta. ^9 
 Obvelata. White ; body elongated, with a flexuous plate punclurecj 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2, tab. 47, _/". I, 2. 
 Plane. Conch. Mtn. p. 105., tab, 5,/. G. H. 
 Inhabits bays of Ni^rivay, and moves like a fnail. 
 Boclj/ lubpellucid, beneath glabrous ; the plate rough wjth con-* 
 vex dots above : /eelers funp]e. 
 Muricata. Body oval, and covered every with pale yellow tubercles, 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan. 3, tab. 85,/". 2-4. 
 Pilo/a, Body ovate., pale yellow, and covered with foft white hairsj 
 feelers fecretcd within their receptacles. 
 Mull. Zool, Dan. 3, p. 7, tab, 85, /. 5 — 8. 
 La'vis. Body oval, white; above flattifli and fmooth. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic, Mull. Zool. Dan. 2, tab. 47, f, 3 — ^, 
 Body flefhy, glabrous : 'vent furrounded with 8 plumes. 
 Arborefcens. Feelers branched: back gibbous and fhooting out ipt<^*' 
 Inhabits Ncr-xvuy Seas. Acl. Hafn. 10, /. 14, tab. 5, f. 5^ 
 Froniofa, Body covered every where with numerous branched cirri. 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas. Ad. Dronth. 5, /, 155, tab: 5,/. 2. 
 Stellata, Body oval, with an 8-rayed ftar at the vent, the ray# 
 JSomme Act. Vliff. 3, />. 298, n. 5, /. 4. 
 Inhabits the fhores of Zealand: body .vl^itijli-grey, beneath flat^ 
 and covered above with obtufc tubercles. 
 2.5. 2\PIIRODITA. •Body creeping, oblong, 
 covered with (bales, and fiirniihed witln 
 numerous briftly I'afeiculate teet each 
 lide : mouth tevinhial, cylindrical, retrace 
 tile : feelers 2, letaceous, annulate > 
 eyes 4. 
 *Acu!eata» Body oval, brown, beneath flcfii-colour ; v. iih long filiy 
 changeable hair each fide the body. 
 Nat, Mi/ccl, tab. 205, Barbut^s Wor^s, tain. 4, f. 4. 
 WORMS. MdLLUSCA. 25. Aphrodite, 
 Brit, Zool. iv, tab 2?, /. 25. 
 Rediopiifc. 3, tab. 25. 
 Pa//. M;jcel. Zool ^ TJr tabs 7, /. i — 3. 
 Bafterofufc fubs. Z. p. 62, tab b, j. 12. 
 Barrel Ic. plant, rar. p 131, /a^. 1284. 
 Sivanrntrdam ^ibL Nat, tab. ic, /". 8. 
 i>ebaMuf I tab 53,/ 3. /a^. 90, / I, 2. 
 Inhahits the European Seas. Hjid is o^ten found Ih the belly of 
 the Cod fifh; feeds on tcftaceous aniraaU., and is 4— -7 inches 
 Body convex above and covered ni:h fhort brcwr fin; the fide« 
 with long rich green gold hair rhixed with fh-r; fi ines : 
 •vent covered with 2 fca)e$ : be/(v covered with a naVed pale 
 fkin : mouth p'aced beneath : ,/?t;/ about 3.0-36 .ach fide, 
 each confilting of a tuft of 5- 6 liroDg blacic fpines. 
 *Scabra, Body oblong, with 2 roS^^s of alternate fcales : moutK 
 projedling, cylindrical. 
 A. pedunculata, Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 4> /"• 27. 
 Body much fnialler than the Mt, with 20 alternate fcales: legs 
 about 20 each fide. 
 *Sfuamata, Body oblong, covered with 2 rows of large unitormly- 
 coloured fcales dotted whh black. 
 Brit. Zool. iv. tab, 23,/. 26. ^ 
 Barbut, tab. 4, /. 6, 
 Ba/ier op. fubs. 2, /. 3, /a3. 6,/. 5. 
 Pall. Mijcel, Zool. p, git tab. "], f, l/i^, a-d. 
 H/Iull. Wurm. p. 170, tab. 13. 
 Ma//. Zoo/, 2>««. 3, /. 25. /«(^. 96, f. 1--4. 
 Inhabits i^«»-(y>?a« and Aliaiic Setts'; about an inch longj 
 Middle of the bark and ^f/Zjf fmooth; the other part covered 
 with large oppofitc rigid ochre-yellow fcales refcmbling thofe 
 of a fi(h, 24 in number. 
 tntbricata. Body oblong, with glabrous Variegated fcales. 
 Barbut* s Genera of Worms, /».43» '"''• 4» f' 7-' 
 Plana Oblong, with fmooth 2-coloured fcales. 
 Mull lV\irm. p. x^o. tab. i^-M- i — >. 
 Inhabits the Nortb Seas, about Iceland: i—z inches iong. 
 Boay flat each fide, ^nd narrower towards the tai!, oi aooiit 36 
 fegments and as many feet each fide, and furnifhed with as 
 many Icales on the back decreafing in fize toAVards the tail 
 and difpoled in 2 rows : probufds large thick. 
 * Lftiucta. 
 ' Lepidotd. Body oblongs with a red ft ripe down the back. 
 A. minuta. Brit. Zcol. iv. tab, 24. ^g 29. 
 Pall. Mi/cell. Zool. p. 94. tab. J.fg. 15, a, b. t. 8i/. I, t. 
 Bajier op. Sub/. I. b. I. tab. ^ fg 3. A— C. 
 Inhabits European Seas; noc an inch long. 
 Sca/ci inobriciue, very lineiy pundlurcd, about 14 pair; 
 Linear tapering; pcduricles comprefTed and divided at thfc 
 tip : fcales vclicular 
 Inhabits the Me dlt err ant an. Pall. Mi/. Zool. tab. 2./g 3 — 6. 
 Bed f very tender, with il pair of rounded fcales: peduncles ot 
 feet 3 j each iidc and rather long. 
 Oblong, violev/ with 15 dorfal fcales each fide. 
 Inhabits Mull. Zool. Dart. prod. 2645. 
 Scales of an uniform colour; middle of the back naked: legs 
 with a fimplc brillly papilla: lateral cirri o. 
 Inliabics Greentavd. Mull. Zool. Dan.prodr, zSj^O, 
 26 SPIO. Body projedling from a tube, 
 jointed and tiirniliied with dorfal fibres : 
 pedimcles or feet rough with briiiles and 
 placed towards the hixck\ feelers 2i long 
 limple; eyeJ 2, oblong. 
 * Beticormsi Feelers thin and ftriate. 
 O. Fabr Katu'/ 6. p. 259. n. Utah $./g, I — 7. 
 Bajier op. fubf. z. p. 134 tub. 12 f^g. 2. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, principally where there is a clayey bottoni : 
 about 3 inches long : the tube is comoofed of agglutinated 
 particles ot earthy (hin, erect, and thrice as long as the body; 
 from this the animal projcdi it*s capillary white feelers in 
 frarch ol fjod, which confifts of fmall marine worms: body 
 whitifii witii a tinge of green, with a red line down the 
 middle of the back, the f.ind-part fea green, the fore-paff 
 bhck'fli-grcy with traniverfc white ftriae : /:>ead pz]c. 
 rtiiu Feelers thick and annulate. 
 O. FiiW. Natur/. 6. p. 26.;. tab. S/^g- 8—12. 
 Inhabits feas about Greenland; an irch loiig. 
 Body o\i]ovf£, ycliowifh or reddilh u-iih a cinereous line ift the 
 middle and at each end : iu'ie fragile ere6l greenifli, from 
 wliich it projefls its feelers m fearcli ^t i'htiir'ix and orher 
 imall jr,.::ine worms. 
 VOL. IV.-L V 
82 WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 27. Amphitritc. 
 27. AMPHITRITE. Body projeaing from 
 a tube and nnnnlixtQ: peduncles or feet 
 fmall, numerous ', feelers 2, approximate, 
 feathered ; eyes 0. 
 Rgfiiformis. go^y rounded : feelers fimple. 
 Mull. JVurm. p. 194. tab, l6. Jig- I — 3. 
 iW«//. Zool. Dan. 3./. 13. tab 89. _fig. i, 2. 
 Inhabits the feas about Icelavd i about 3 inches long. 
 Body a moll beautiful red : head defended by 2 femicircular 
 arches: plumes 14, alternately red and white: annulatians o^ 
 the body 80 — 90, with each a minute tubercle each fide ; tail 
 pointed and not jointed : tube red, tough, coriaceous, fimple, 
 4 inches long. 
 Penicillui. Scutcl prickly ; probofcis clavatc 
 . Inhabits the fands about Naples; above j inches long. 
 Body with a black line down the middle and extending its 
 whole length : feelers with numeroas fibres fpotted with red 
 and yellow: probofcis as long as the plumes of the feelers: 
 peduncle white tubular, the club red lliiatc : tube white fmooth 
 firm and fomething fixed, 
 I'entila^ Fibres of the feelers ciliate on the inner margin : pro- 
 brum. Kofcis o. 
 Natur. Mifcellatty. ix. tab. 324. 
 Ellis' Corallines, p. 92. tab. 34. 
 2. Ba/ier op.fubfe. 2. p. 1 78. tah. 9. fig, I, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean', about 3 inches long. 
 jBu^ pale red, with 150 peduncles each fide: tube clay-colour, 
 tapering towards the bafe, fixed with a few fcattered fibrils 
 upon its furface, and rather coriaceous. 
 Auricama, With 2 cirri each fide: the fore-part with 2 rigid gold 
 Mull. Zool. Dan, I, p. 87. tab. 26. fg. 1-^6. 
 Pall. Mi/cell. Zool. l.plj. tab: g.fg 1—13. 
 Jl^/artifi, Conchyl. 69 — 72. tal}. ^' fg> 26, 27, 
 Martin. Conch. I. tab. /^. fig. 26. 
 Klein tubul.tnar, p. 21. tab. l-Jig. J. 
 Klein echinod. p. 62. tab. '^'^•/ig. 163. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic, hi-dian and South Seas, 
 lube brown, diaphanous, fragile, one end wedge-fliaped arid, 
 narrow, and fmoothcd within : head branched, white and 
 armed on the fore-part with 16 hooks: trunk inverfely conic, 
 fleel-blue, very fmooth. with 14 tufts of gold briftles each 
 fide at the margin, 3 or 4 in each : tail compofed of 3 oval 
 • minute hard laminzc, 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 28. Terebella. 83 
 Cridata. With 2 fmall branched horns. 
 Mull. Zooh Dan. 2, tab. JO,/. 1.-4; 
 Inhabits bays of Norivav, on old oyfler-fliclls 
 I^o^y ro'jnd, flcxuDii.o, reddifli-yelinw, of 17 fegments, the forc- 
 OHCs ii.rniflied each with >. protuberance and a bridle each 
 lide : /:ead with numeious c.fri 6 times (horter than the body • 
 /«^^_ fragile llexaous, compolcd of miid and pieces of broken 
 ^iSfr* ^'^'^ '''^'"'^' '^'''^ 2 '°^^' °^ ^"^^^' paleaceous fcalcs on the 
 /w«/«, crown. 
 M. «.x;. A?. A>/;-.^. 2. f. 235. /«i. 5. ;f,. 20. 
 Jnhabus the deeps of the I^dia,: Sea : about 4 inches lone 
 I^o,/y foft, tapering, flattifh above : peduncles crefted, armed ^virh 
 cm and terminated by a flefliy appendacc :/,,/,rj nameroas. 
 |P/«;,;e/2.. With 2 jointed feeler.., each nnder a tuft ot' pro,eOin^ 
 f briR.cs: body round, clavatc and roughiHi towards the 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3./.. 16. t,ih. 90./^. t. 2. 
 Inhabits Uori.'sny Seaj, among Muffles. 
 'is. TEREBELLA. Body oblong, crecpino-, 
 naked, often inclofed 'in a tube, furniihcd 
 with lateral faiciclesor tufts and branchiir: 
 mouth placed before, furniilied uith lips, 
 without teeth, and protruding a clavate 
 ])robofeis: /^f/^r^ numerous, ciliate, ca- 
 pillary, icated round the mouth. 
 Body round, with triple lateral fafcicles. 
 Mi'll. U'urm.p. 188. tab. i-. fir. i, 2. 
 7T'L'^¥' ^y77-"'nr.p. zx^^.'tab. l.fg, ,0, il. 
 Inhabits fcas about Icela>id with a fandy bottom 
 ^^' red, 3.4 inches long, compofed of about 60 or 70 annu- 
 Jations, and gradually tapering behind: upper-Iip with pro- 
 jea.ng cirri : uppcr-part of the back with a row of (hort cirri 
 a. the fides: /;.^r thick, fragile, as long aS the inhabitant- 
 uhen bruifcd it gives out a rod liquor which tinges water. 
 V/ith 8 cirri on the anterior part of the body, and 4 round 
 the mouth. 
 Barbut. Gen. cf Worms, p. 64. tab. 7. fg. i, . 
 ^d Stockh. 1754. p, ,44. tab. 3. /,g. A— F. 
 Inhabits the" Miditmanean, in holes of Rock% 
 L 2 
?4 WORMS. MOLLUSrA, 28, Terebella. 
 Bo^ blueifli, tapering behind : bead (ap'poned by a long retrac- 
 tile neck iH'uing out between the branched tecleri; tncutb 
 rounti, armed with cirri :yi't'^ fmali approximate, placed near 
 the head. 
 *Coftcti- Body whitifli, with numerous filiform cirri round the 
 "£^' mouth, the upper-ones very lorn;, branchiie deep red. 
 Pall. Mjcell. Z-oi. p. i^i tab \.fg. 17 — 22. 
 Pennant Brittjk Zoology, p. 47. tab. ()Z.Jig. 163. 
 Inhd its the Brttifh Coajis, withui the Sabcila tubiformis; about 
 5 inches long, pelJucidj and tapering towards the lower end : 
 body above red; head d^rxn^d with a icales beneuh : tube taper 
 ftrJghr, compofed of minute particles of fand, about the iizp 
 of a goofe quill and nearly half a foot long. 
 Cor^plana- Body dcprefTed, with 4 cirri round thp mouth, and a double 
 '^* fow of lateral penp iliecj protuberances each lidc 
 Br oijon "Jamaica, p. 395. tah. 39.^^. t. 
 Pal as ivlijcell- Zoo:, p. 109. tql>. 8. fig. 19—26, 
 s r; Inhabits- Seas round the Wejl Indian Ifiands, and is extremely 
 dellruflive to veflels lyirg at anchor: it cuts with great fa- 
 cility through the ftouteil plank, and burrows in;o the fubftancc, 
 jncruftating the fiJes of the hole with a fmooih tellaceous 
 coat ; with equal cafe and expedition it deftioys pileb and the 
 timber <if wharfs. 
 Body with about 130 figments : back with an obtiife longi. 
 tudinil flclhy fort of creft, 
 Caruncula- ^ody dcprefTed quadrangular, vlth 4 royrs of pencilled faf- 
 ''^' cicles, tbofe on the belly without cirri. 
 Nereis gigantei. SylL Nat. xii. 2. p. io85.«, 10. 
 Pali. Mi/cell, Zcol. p. 102, tub. S.Jig. 12, 13. 
 Seba MuJ\ 2. p ^l.tah. Si. fig. 7. 
 Inhabits the /Jmerican and Indian feas, and like the laft is very 
 dcltruflive to wharfs aini fhipping : 9-- 14 inches long. 
 Segments of the Icdy abcrat 90: lateral pencils yellow, leated on 
 a tranfverfe papilla, the ventral ones without cirri ; behind 
 the cirri on the back is an oval dcprefftd caruncle ; branchia: 
 or gills very much branched. 
 Rojirata. Body nearly quadrangular, \vith 4 rows of pencilled tufts; 
 palate elongated/ 
 Shanv. Kafur. Mifcell. ix. tab. 339. 
 Pall. Mifcell. Zool. p. 106. tab, 8. fg. ^4-10. 
 Inhabits the Indian Sea ; 8 inches to a foot long. 
 Body livid brown : tujts on the back deeper, thofc on tiie f.cos 
 • ycllowiOi, all tf then* fuin;fticd wjth a cnrus ; (rai.cl ia. \<^ry 
 • large. 
 Flail a. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 28. Tprebella. 85 
 flwuti. Body deprcifed, broad, with aboiit 37 branchiae or gills 
 each iule : tail toiked. 
 SL-ww Nai, Mtjccll. Vii. tah. 2^$. 
 Pall. Mi/cell. Zcol. f. 97. tab 8. /fj. 7 — 11. 
 Inhabits t!ic Indian Of(?/j,v: 2^-— 5 inches long. 
 ' Bfiiy with about 33 — 40 leguients ; ti^fts with thin yelIo\vifla 
 hairs: ^afi with a comprciied triangular crell turniflied with 
 2 cirri on the fore -part. 
 liubra. Body red, depreiTetl: tail terminated by 2 cirri: head with 
 1 horny moveable jaws. 
 Bammi Act, Vlij)'. 6. p. 379. /^. 4. A, B, 
 Inhabits Zt'«/««./; about 3 inches long. 
 Bods with about 144 tegiT>cnts, with a black ftreak down the 
 hack; head wliite c\ lim-Uical ; when fhakcn pours out a 
 whiiifh mucous ianics. 
 .iphrcdltiiis Body round and gradually tapering backwards, beneath a 
 little dcprelFcd with aa obfolete grcxjve: 8 fird feg- 
 ments without branchice, the -5 next with fimple ones, 
 the hinder-ones growing gradually larger and pinnate 
 on one fide 
 PalL No-v. ASl. Petrop. z. p. 229 tab ^. fg. l—Ji 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ^ about a t'ocjt and a lialf long. 
 Uod'i with aiiout j 50 fpgmcnts.: peduncles flefhy and furniHied 
 with a cirrus : head with 2 cirri. 
 Ricoi-nis, Probofcis with a fiaiple terminal 2-horned difk. 
 Ahildg, l^amrf. J. p. 138. tab. 3 Jig. 4. 
 Seba '^'uf. 3. tab. 16. Jig. ly. 
 ShaT.v- NatuMliJis Mij'cedl. viii. tab. 290 .'' 
 Inhabits the Amencau Ocean., and perforates into ibme of the 
 gl.-jt'ofe madrepores where it icfides and occafionally protrude^ 
 itfdf in iearch of foqd, 
 "tellata.. Probofcis with a triple perfoliate disk, the anterior on? 
 armed with a truncate horn ladiate with prickles. 
 Ahildg. Naturf. 9 p. 138. tab. 3. fig. 5. 
 Inhabits the Athencan Ocean. 
 UO* NEREIS. Bod-)> loiig, crc{^ping, with 
 numerous hileiul peduncles ov J eet ca^'h 
 {\Aq: feeler. s inn pic, i-arclv 0: eyes '2 or -V, 
 I'arel^' 0. 
 X Mfivt 
S6 WOkMS. MOLLUSCA. 29. Nereis. 
 A. Mouth furnipied with a clnzv or forceps. 
 P'erftcDlor. Body fubdepreflTed : peduncles pointed and fiirnlflied with 
 Mull. Wurm. p. 104. tab. d.fg. 1—6. 
 Inhabits European Heas \ 4 inches long. 
 Bodv with about 85 fcgmcnts growing gradually flendercr be- 
 hind, ochre-yellow with a dull red ilreak down the middle : 
 tail and anterior fegments of the body dirty grcenifh ; towards 
 the middle fhining with various iridefcem colours : upj.er- 
 feehrs 3, fnort, lubulate ; lower ones 2, pellucid, conic ; la- 
 Jatcral ortes 4, hofny : /ania red. 
 *NDfiiluca. Body blue-green^ with 23 fegments: hardly vifible to the 
 naked eye. 
 Earbut\f JVifmSy tab. if, fig. %. Aman. acad. '^. tab. 3. 
 Bailer cp./uhfcy tab. A^ fig. 3. 
 Thel'c are found in molt leas, and are the animals which fre- 
 quently illuminate the water, making it appear iis if on fire: 
 they are extremely minute, pellucid and highly phofphoreous, 
 giving an uncommonly lucid fplcndor to the waves in an 
 evening ; by their extreme numbers and fmallnefs they eafily 
 elude obfervation, but they may be dctefted by paffing a 
 fma!! quantity of the water through blotting-paper. 
 F'fftbriata. Body fubdeprefled : peduncles cirratc, glandular. 
 Mull. Wi<nn p. 144, tub, St fig. I --3. 
 Inhabits the Baltic : ab'-ut 3 inches long, and linear. 
 B^y fulvojs, with a blue line down the middle of the back aiid 
 belly : head with 8 feelers : ttiil terminated by 2 threads. 
 jfirmlllarij. Body fubdcprelTed : peduncles conid, with glandular cirri. 
 Mulljlfurm. p. liO^ iab.g, fig. I— 5. 
 Inhabits the Northern Seas, and buries itfelf deep in the fand : 
 about 15 lines long. 
 Body filiform, with 3 moniliform feelers each fide the head 5 ar- 
 ticulations about 120, all ahihed with a peduhcle cacK fide 
 /<3/7 ending in 2 long threads. 
 Iilo/li:. With lateral fafcicles of hairs above the peduncles. 
 Inhabits Norixay Seat. Fn. Succ. 2097. 
 ^£c/c!gica. Cody abc^ve convex : peduncles cirrate and warty. 
 . Pennant. Brit. Zool. iv. p.^J, tat>. 25, fg, 33. 
 Bajler op, fulfc. 2, p. 133, tab. 6, ji-j^ 6, 
 Mull. IVurm, p. 140, tab. 7, fi:g. I--3, 
 Act. llafn. 10, p. 169, tab, 2, fig. lO. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 29. Nereis. 87 
 Inhabits European Seas, among the roots of Ulvx, undpr Hones, and 
 in empty Ihells : about 7 inches long, and has aflcxuouskind 
 of motion. , 
 Boiiy tawny, with whitifli frontal, caudal and lateral cirri and 
 peduncles : janvs blackifh-brown : back with a fcarlet line 
 down the middle : head with a triangular white fpot between 
 the eyes, and 2 others at the fides: brijlles ferruginous; tait 
 terminated by 2 cirri. 
 Tubicola^ Body fubdeprelTed: peduncles (lightly cirrate and globular. 
 Mull. Zcol. Dan. 1, p.(}o, tab. iS, fig. 1—6, 
 Inhabits Nsrthern Seas. Body linear, with 5 ftraight feelers oa 
 the head ; forms a tough tube of the indurated moiiturc ex:« 
 uding from its pores. 
 Nor^jjegica. Body convex : peduncles cirrate, feathered. 
 MiiU-, Zcol. Dan. I, />.99, tab. 2g, /Ig. 1—3. 
 Gunner Act. Ntdr of, 4. p. 51, tab. z^ fig.J'-XZ* 
 Mus. Kirch. 13. /. 412. ftg. 8—10. 
 Inhabits bays of the Nortvay Seas ; fize of a goofc-quill. 
 Body with 126 fegments, yellowifh with a dull red line down 
 the back ; head with 5 equal feelers: neck horned each fide 
 above : tail terminated by 2 fine threads, thrice as long as 
 the feelers. 
 Pinnata. Body convcx : peduncles cirrate and pinnate. 
 Mull, Zool. Dun. I, /), 102. tab. 2g,Jig,\—~. 
 Inhabits bays of Nsrivay, on a blucifh clay. 
 5<7..v cl cfnut with a blue-glofs; fegments 106— 122; ieeuivrhh 
 5 jointed feelers; tail ending in z Ihort thick filaments. 
 Csrniculata ^ody fubdcprefled, pinnate: peduncles furnirtied with ^ 
 cirrus and long limple brilUe. 
 Mu/l. Zool. Dan 2. tab. ^2- fg 1 — 4. 
 Inhabits Nor-ivay Heas ; extremely minute and .".dive. 
 Body whiulh, fplcndid, andgafhed tach fide ; the fegments about 
 28 : lead with 6 feelers ; eyes glomerate and fine red: tail 
 ending in 2 filaments, longer than the feelers. 
 Pufilla. Body (lepreiTcd : peduncles cirrate, the filaments jointe3. 
 Inhabits Nor-ivay Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan. pro dr. 2631, 
 Incisa. Body convex, the fcgmems diftant: peduncles fimple 
 O. Fabr. Fn, Grcrnl. p. 255. n. 277. 
 Inhabits the Greenland Seas, \zt ficm lard. End among the rgqCj 
 of the larger Ulvie ; z\ inches lo; i,. 
88 WORMS. MOtLUSCA. 29. Ncrfeis. 
 Body elongated, above pale feriiig^noiis and greyi/h in the mid- 
 dle, beneath reddifh- white, with a longitudinal furrow down 
 themiddl*: her>d '\\'h 4 feelers: front with i Cirri: ja'v.s 
 yellow : fegments arout 80. 
 Mphroditoi- Body deprefTc'cl, not grooved : peduncles eiirate and furnifh- 
 idei, ed with papilla^. 
 0; Fabr, Fn. itdnl. p. 296. w. 27^. 
 Inhabits the Greenland Seas w th a muddy bottom ; an inchlong; 
 Head white; jdtvs and eyes blick : feilers 4: front with 2 cirri : 
 Wy pellucid, the tore-part ochre-yellow, the reft reddifh vvi:h 
 2 ferruginous lines on the ahdomen j fimetimes it is greenifh^ 
 with reddifh lines on the abdomen and traniverre ones on the 
 B. Mouth furn't pied iviih a prohojc'is. 
 *Carulea, Smooth, deprelTed, blueifli-green, pellucid. 
 Inhabits the Ocean. Brit. Zool p. 47. tab. 25. fig. 32. 
 Body fnining, about 4 inches long, with a groove along the belly. 
 *ritidis. Body deprcfTed : peduncles with lanceolate lafriellx or fcales. 
 ^dams 1 ratf. Lift. Soc. v. p, 8, 
 Mu/I, Wurtn. p. 162. tab. \l.fg, i — 6. 
 Inhabits the North Seas, and was found among young plants of 
 the Fucus pinnatifidus at Tenheigh ; 2 — 3 inchc^ long. 
 Body filiform, grafs-green. With about i 30 equal fegments : bead 
 with 3 feelers each fide : eyes 2, black : proboCcis clavate, which 
 it protrudes upon being touched : //?// with 2 fhort cirri. The 
 younger ones are reddi/h, with Inowy head, feelers, cirri an'.' 
 Maculaid. Body convex ; peduncles Svith heart-fiiaped fcales. 
 . Mull, Wurm p 156. tah. io. fg. 1—6. 
 Inhabits the AV/^iS/'af ; z~ — 4 inches long. 
 Body with 200 fegments, green with a darker longitudinal line 
 each fide, beneath paler and uniform : probofcis clavate, long, 
 white ftriate with red : tyei 2 : bead white, front with 2 tTiort 
 cirri each fide : feelers 4, white : brillles and fcales of the pe- 
 duncles yellow-green : M^/ ending in 2 fhort cirri. 
 Crafa. Body deprelTed : probofcis cylindrical : peduncles red, Vi^nh 
 branched briftles. 
 MuiUVur-n. p. 1 56. tab. I2. /|f. I-3. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, on floating fucus ; 4 inches long. 
 Body e.(\\i3X : head fmall, with 4 red feelers and 2 fhorter rec 
 frontal cirri : eyes 2, black : probofcis truncate^ exfertile : tan 
 * with 2 rigid uncaaal briftles, 
WORMS, MOLLUSCA. 29. Nereisi 
 Shili/era. Body depreflcd : peduncles with elliptic fcales^ 
 Mu//, Zool. Dan. 2 fai. 62. fig. 1- 3. 
 Inhabits bays of Noriuay. Body filiforiil white, with oblong 
 fcales on the back ; beneath a red line down the middle : 
 head vjxx^xb feelers ; eyes 2 : peduncles come, curved back, with 
 briitles at the tip^ and on one fide difpofcd in a fan-lhapcd 
 PunSata, Body (lightly deprelTed : peduncles furriifhed with vei^y long 
 Mull ZooL Han. 2, tab. 62. fig. 4, 5. 
 Inhabits the Northern Seas, in oyfter-fliclls or uiider ftones. 
 Body ycWowl^, with tranfverfclarovvn itreaiks and a longitudinal 
 l-ed line down the hack; fegment;^ abut 40: head with 4 cir- 
 ri : gyes 4 : cone of the peduncles marked with 4 black dots " 
 tail tndiDg in z cirri. 
 Mlfa, Body cdnvex i front horned : peduncles bifid* 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 62. fig. 6, 7 
 . Inhabits Nor-way Seat, on a clayey bottom. 
 Body white, annulate, and tapering behind: eyesO: phhfifcit 
 membranaceou-s very pellucid, and capable ot being inflitedl 
 to twice the width of the body : peduncles 77 each fide .1 . 
 Plava4 Body depfelTcd : peduncles with oblong-ovate fcales^' 
 Oi Fakr.fn. Greenl. p. 299. tab. 282. 
 Inhabits the North Seai, among the roots of Ulvae ; 27 lines long. 
 Body with about 140 fegments, yellow : feelers 2, united at the 
 bafe : probo/cts with 2 fhort cirri ; eyes 2, black : peduncles with 
 black brililes : tail with 2 black cirn. 
 Longa* Body (lightly dcprelTed, and fiirnilhed with Conic papillii 
 inltead of fcales of the peduncles. 
 O Fahr./n. Grant, p, "2,00 i n. 283. 
 Inhabits the (hofes of Greenland with a clayey Of fandy bote > , 
 near the mouths of rivers ; 9 inches long. 
 Body \^\t\\ (90— 240 fegments; fometimcs white, with black 
 brifties and cirn at the end of the tail ; fomctimes reddilh ab"*/ 
 or grey-green j fometimes greenilh above with darker fid-'i , 
 beneath whitilh with a braffy tinge : ptduncles bifid. 
 Ffijmatic^i Body triangular: peduncles diftant, with a fingle fetigera'is 
 papilla citrate above. 
 O. h'abr.fn. Grant, p. 302. n. 285. 
 Inhabits the (hores ot Greenland; about 6 lines long. 
 Body with 25 feg.Ticnts, ochre-yellow, with 3 grey lines on :' e 
 back: head wnh. numerous white cirri, neck with ir: eyes \: 
 rrt/'/ ending in 2 white cirri. 
 VOL. IV.— M B/ofm 
90 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 29. Nereis. 
 Bifront* Body deprelfed : peduncles with a fingle fetigcrous papilla 
 cirrate above^ the middle ones alio branched. 
 O. Fabt. fn. Grctnl. p, 303. », 286. 
 Inhabits with the ialt, ^nd is continually moving icfelf about; 
 near an inch long ; iegments 56. 
 Bsily redcljlh brown ; head -wh^ii : eyes 4 ; cirri 7, 
 Ccccai Body flightly convex: feelers 2, very fliort: peduncles 
 with double ciliate lanaellze. 
 0. Fabr.fn. Grxnl. p. 304. n. 287. 
 Inhabits iandy fhores of Greelanci, under ftones, and like the 
 Lumbricas burrows very deep ; 8 inches long. 
 Body with 86 — lOO fegmenis ; feelers obtulely conic; probofas 
 large, fphserical; eyts o. 
 Ebranchia- Body round, annular, and tapering both ways : peduncles 
 ia. cylindrical, ihort and bitarioufly pinnate each lide : 
 feelers o. 
 Pall. iiov. Ail. Petrop, 2. /. 231. tab, 5. fg, 8—1 o. 
 Inhabits the German and Indian feas. 
 Body blueifli or grey-brown, with 269 fegJlicnts, the laft crenatc. 
 T.amliigera ^ody flattifh and tapering both ways: probofcis ftellate 
 with 4 flelh-colour fpines: peduncles comprelfed and 
 - furnifhed with a femilunar fcale above, aod a larger 
 femi-heart-fliaped one beneath. 
 Shanv Natur. M. if cell, ix. tab. 311. 
 PalL nonj. act. Petrop. 2. p. 233. tab. 5. fig. 1 1 --17. 
 Inhabits the Indian, Mediterranean and Northern feas, among 
 aquatic plants, and is nearly 2 feet long. 
 Body ochre-colour, with a dark line down the middle of the 
 belly; fegments 200—550; head with 4 feelers; eyes 2, 
 black; /«// bifid. 
 Ciliata. Body depreflcd : moivth cylindrical, retractile: anterior 
 margin ciliate : feelers o. 
 MulL Zeol. Dan. 3. /. 14. tab, Sg, fig. 1—4. 
 C. Mouth furnifhed with a tube. 
 Prolifera. Body deprelfed : peduncles cirrate: front with a fingle 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 52. lig. 5—9. 
 Inhabits bays of Aoriufl)' ; fegments 32— 46. 
 Body rufous : head with 3 feelers : ejes 4, black : forceps and pro- 
 bofcis o, but in its Head a thick fiexuous pellucid tube : tail 
 with 2^cirri, 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 30. Nais. 91 
 ,'50. NATS. Body creeping, long, linear, pel- 
 lucid, deprelled: peduncles or feet -with 
 finali briitles each lide : tentacuLa or 
 feelers 0: eyes 2 or 0. 
 Vermicula- Lateral briftles o : chin bearded, 
 luris. Mull. IVtirm. tab. 4. Jig. 1,2. 
 Roe/. Inf. 3. f. 578. tab, 93. Jig. 1-7. 
 Found in Itagnant waters, adhering to duck-weed : 2 lincslong 
 Head fubclavate : e^et o: peduncles with 5—6 briillcs. 
 ^Serpentina Body ferpentinc, with red fpiral inteftines and triple black 
 Eha-iv, Nattir. Mi/cell. viii. tab. 270. 
 MuU, Wurm, /, %^, tab. 4. Jig. 3, 4. 
 RqcJ. Inf^ 3. p. 567. tab. 92. 
 Inhabits Europe, in ftagnant waters ; 9 lines long* 
 Peduncles warty, with 3 hooked briftles. 
 *Prohn/ci. With finglc lateral briftles and very long probofcis. 
 dea, Shanv Natur. Mrfcel. X. tab. 379. 
 Mull. JVurm. p. 14. tab. I. fg. 1—4. 
 Boef. Inf. %, p. 483. tab. 78. fg, 16, 17, tab, 79; /g-. I. 
 Tremhley Polyp, tab. 6. Lcdcrm. Micref. tab. 82. fg.f* h. 
 Inhabits clear ftagnant waters ; about \ of an inch long. 
 Body hyaline with a blackifli flexuous inteftinc, each fcgment 
 with a fingle longifli briftle each fide • head forked, and armed 
 with a mouth and tongue : ^ent terminal : feeds on invifible 
 aquatic infefts. 
 ^Unguis, With fingle lateral briftles, and without probofcis. 
 MulhWurm, p.y^, tab. z: Jig. I -4. 
 Inhabits river water; 4—5 lines long, and narrower than the lad. 
 Mouth placed before and obtufe; forceps and probofcis o: vent 
 *Digitata. With fingle lateral briftles : tail lacinia*e. 
 ^ha-w Natur. Mifcel. xii. Z^;^. 452. 
 Mull. Ifurrn. p. 90. tab. 5. fg. 1—4. 
 Found in Itagnant waters, or the fandy fcdiment of rivers, with 
 its head attached to the llalk of aquatic plants; 4 lines long. 
 Body with a reddilh vein down the middle, and turnifhed be- 
 neath with a double row of very minute cihate protube- 
 rances ; eyes o ; tail rounded and furniihed with 6 unequal 
 rctrartile proccfles, 
 M 2 Bat bat a. 
 WORMS. MOI^LUSCA. 3i.Afcidia, 
 1 areata. I^ateral briftles fafciculate: probofcis o. 
 Mull, ffurm. p. So. tab. 3. Jig. i — 3, 
 Found in the wet hollpwB of damp woods : 4 lines long, and is 
 generally found adhering to fnails. 
 ^o?y furnilhea witii hairs beneath, ebch fegment with 4 diver- 
 gent brjftlcs each fide ; fyet 2, black. 
 ( acft» I^ateral warts briftly : eyes p. 
 iW^/. Zodi Dan prodr, 2653. 
 lnhi\yi,x.i Northern S(as, and is probab'y the fame 3s Nereis caeca, 
 Littoralii' Lateral bridles either o, Tingle, double, or fafciculatc. 
 MuU. Zooi Dan. 2, tah. So, f':g. I — 8. 
 Ipiiabits the fandy (hores of Copenhagen, 
 iJo</y long, hliform. equal, red, very fragile and compofecl of nu» 
 merous crowded annulations, with j6, 30, 37 fegnients, each 
 furnilhcd with a lateral brilUc. 
 MarinM. Bpdy with fingle lateral briftles, and furnilhcd with an ex- 
 fertile tube 
 tabrlfn Granl p. 315. » tgj. 
 inhabits ifhores ot Greenland, under marine confervas; hardly 
 an inch long, and rcfembltts Nereis prolifera. 
 ^o</v whitifli with a yellow ifh»grey line down the middle, above 
 convex, beneath flat, and pointed behind : eyes 2. 
 Ouady'icuf' Lateral warts bifid and briftly: abdomen fiirniflied with 
 cirri tail 4-clett. 
 0. fait fn. Grcenl- / 315. n. 296. 
 Inhabits fandy coafts o{ Iceland, under ftones: 2| inches long. 
 Socy ompofed" of 104 annular fegments, lometimcs pale red, 
 ' lometimes reddifh grey with a longitudinal purple lire> which 
 is of a rjchcr colour beneath ; t-'pering towards both ends, and 
 flatter beneath: eyet Atid/eeUrs o : tail ending in 4 procefles, 
 31, ASCIPIA. Body fixed, roundifli, an4 
 apparently ifliiing from a ilieath : aper- 
 tures 2, generally j)laced near the upper 
 erid, one beneath tlie other. 
 Thcfe are found in the fea, and adhere by their bafe to rocks, 
 (hell.*, and other fubmarine fubftances: they are more or Icfs 
 gelatinous, a^J havt the power of fquirting out the water 
 they take in : foinc of them arc,, fculent ; molt of them feflile, 
 though a ftw are furniflied with a long italk or l«buljr ftem. 
 7 hey alternately contradl and dilate thtmfelves. 
 pi data. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 31. Afcidia. 9^ 
 Pafillofa. Body rough, and covered with fcarlet tubercles, 
 Innabitstiic Adratic, Barbut^s Worms, tab. ^. fig. It 
 Boadjch. Mar. 130. ttib. 10. /i^, I. 
 Gslatinojn. Body fmooth, fcarlet, and fubdiaphanous. 
 inhabits the Mediterranean, Broad/cb, Mar. tab. \0.fig. 3. 
 * Iptejlinii- Body elongated, fmooth, whitifti, membranaceous, like the 
 '^' inteftines of a quadruped. 
 Inha-^its European Seas. Barbut's Worms, tab. ^./ig 3. 
 Bttlierop.Jubf.Zyp 84 fab. \0.fig. 5, 
 Boadjch, mur. 132. tab. \o.flg. 4. 
 Gunner A^. nidrts. 3. />. 8 1, tab. I fig' 3» 4» 
 BodyronnA, !ong, and tapering towards the bafe : one of the 
 apertures placed 4t the fummit, the other a little below it and 
 latordl : under the membrane is another canal, reaching nearly 
 to the baie, and bending back up to the lower aperture 
 Quadriden- Smooth, whitifh : the apertures 4-toothed. 
 tata, Inhabitb North Seas, Mull. Zool. Dan. prodr, zyzt. 
 Body fubglobular, 4 lines long, with 2 prominent beaks. 
 * Rujlica, Oblong, brownifh with flefti-colour apertures ; the extre- 
 mities rough, the middle fmooth. 
 Brit. Zool iv. tab. 23./^, 35. Barbut. tab, <y.fg, 4, 
 Mul. Zool. Dan. i./>. 49. tab. \^,Jig. \-^^. 
 yohnfl. exang tab. \(). Jig. 8. 
 Inhabits European Sea* ; about 2 inches long. 
 Body flat beneath, one end turning up, 
 Ecbinat^ Body h^mifphifical, hifpid, with fcarlet gaping mouths. 
 Inhabits North Seas. Mull. Zaol. Dan. prodr. 2722. 
 Boay whitifh, covered with warts each of which is armed at the 
 tip wita divergent fubciliate prickles like the Caftus, the 3 
 uppcf ones larger flefh-colour and ending in apertures, 
 t^entuU, Body CQippreffed, hairy, with a red pouch: one of the 
 apertures lateral. 
 Mall. Zq^I. Dan. I. />. 24. n. 6. tab..^.fg 1-^4. 
 Planch. Canch.p. 1 09 tab. 7. Jfohnjf. exang. tab. 20. Jig, 2. 
 Gjfn. Jijcb. p. \^\.fig. I. Hill Anitn. \.tab f^. 
 lournPhy/. 1777. ^'^'- P- 3S6. tab. t. Jig. 1^3. 
 Inhabits the Northern Ocenn : 5, 6 inches long. 
 feJy like an unformed mafs and covered with the fibfUs of 
 Cc^nferva:, ochre-yeUoy. pellucid and gelatinous, 
94 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 31. Afcidla. 
 Venofa, Elongated, fubcompreflfed, torofe, red; pouch the fame 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. \. p. 85. tab. 25. Jig. i — 3, 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas, adhering to Fuci : apertures red. 
 Prunum. Ovate, {mooth, hyaline, with a white pouch : one of the 
 apertures lateral. 
 Muli. Zool. Dan. \.p. 127. ». 61. tab. ^J^-fg- I --3. 
 Inhabits Northern Seas; fiz2 and appearance of a piumb. 
 Skin milk-white, wrinkled; raysr of the apertures brown, 
 Conchikga, Covered with fragments of fhells : pouch white, and gra- 
 dually becoming blue. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. p. 128. «. 62. fai, 34, fig. 4.-6. 
 Inhabits fcas of Noriuaj j body gelatinous, fubdiaphanous, cy- 
 lindrical or oval. 
 Parallelo' White, CQnvex, hyaline: pouch reticulate yellowifh: one 
 gramma, of the apertures yellowilh. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan, 2. tab. ^^'Jg- I— 3. 
 Inhabits Norivay, amongft Fuci. 
 Body oblong, nearly fquare with obtufe angles, and fometimes 
 marked with fcarlet lines. 
 yirgbiea. Elongated-compreljed, cryftalline, fmooth, with tranfverfe 
 fcarlet rtrcaks: pouch reddilh. 
 Mull Zool- Dan. 2. tab. ^q.fg. 4, 
 Inhabits Nirnjoay Seas; on rocks, and refemblcs a piece of ice. 
 Aperture, furroundcd with a tew' fparlct dots. 
 Can'tna; Elongated, round, flaccid : pouch red. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. SS'-fiS' ^-'^' 
 Rediopufc, •},. tab. 21. fig. 6. 
 Redi amim. njiu. negl. ipi. 'uiv.p. lOU tab* l^' fg' 6, 
 Plane. Conch. p. 45. tab. ^.fg- 5. 
 Bsadfch JnJm. mar p. I 32. tab. lO.fg. 4, 5. 
 Jout-n. Phff. I'll']. Febr.p. \iJ.tab. i.//^. I--7. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic and Norivay Seas. 
 Skin large glabrous white fubpellucid : clrcuihference of the 
 apertures rich red, 
 Paiula. Roundifh, yellowifh, rough, with a red pouch: orifices 
 fcarlet patulous, one of them lateral. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab' 65. fig. i. 
 Inhabits the Norijuay Seas, on rock fuci. 
 Body pellucid ; mouth rtfcmbing a flafk, 
WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 31. Afcidia. 9^ 
 Ajperfi. Subcompre(rcci, roughifli, uhite: pouch fpotted with red. 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan. z, tab. d^./ig. 2. 
 BoJy heart-Hiaped: skin pcllacid and fraooth vviihin : pouch 
 Scatra, ComprelTed, whitifh, roughifli: pouch red, orifices the 
 fame colour. 
 Mull. Zuoi. Dan. 2, tah. (>S-/'g' 3- 
 Inhabits Nor^Maj Seas, adhering by it's fide to Fuci, 
 Body apparently fmooth, but roughifli to the touch : appertures 
 rather narrow with a conic ntck : pouch not fpotted : outer 
 skin very pellucid gelatinous and ffardiih. 
 Orbicularis Deprelfed, whitifli, with unequal raifed dots on the pouch, 
 r Inhabits Nor-ziay Seas ; on the Kucus rufus. 
 \> Body gelatinous, orbicular, half an inch diameter, pellucid with 
 [• anopakedisk: apert ure } coWneral, 6 7 toothed, with a fcarlec 
 !. do: at the tip of the teeth : pouch whitifh. 
 fCorrugata. Elongated, glabrous : pouch cinereous with white bands. 
 Muii. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 79. fig. 3, 4, 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas, adhering by it's roots to Fuci. 
 Body round flaccid plaited wrinkled, the outer skin hyalkjc ; 
 orifices pale yellow. 
 Lepadifor- Clavatc, hyaline : with a yellow inteftine. 
 mis. Mull. Zool. Dan. z. t ib. J(^.fig. 5. 
 Inhabits Seas of Norivay, adhering to Crabs and Fuci. 
 Body becoming eafily flaccid; club comprelfed and nearly fq^uare.- 
 Om/Za»a/« DcprefTed, unequal, whitifli, with black inteftines : orifi- 
 ces with tulvous dots. 
 €. Fab./n. Grccnl. p. 332. n. 320. 
 Inhabits landy fliorcs ot i,reeniand, adhering firmly bv its bafc 
 to Hones aid rocks : 9 lines long. 
 Body rather flefhy, oblong, pellucid, 
 ^ubcrculum Oblong, comprefl'ed gibbous, yellowifli with raifed dots of 
 the fame colour : orifices vertical red. 
 O. Fakr.fn Gra:nl. p. 332, n. 32!. 
 Inhabits the deeps about Greenland, and adheres firmly to the 
 roots of Ulv3c ; about 3. lines long. 
 f'iilo/a, Obovate, fixed by roots, covered with thick whitifli wool: 
 apertures terminal and uniform in colour. 
 0. Fatr.fn. Grani, p. 335. ». 322. 
 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 31. Afcidia. 
 Inhabits deeps of the Greenland Seas, fixed by its roots among 
 the roots oi Ulvse: about 4 lines .long. 
 Btdy erea found, covered with minute tubercles. 
 Oval, with a long filiform ftem j both the apertures lateral. 
 Nat4 MijcelL tahi 156. Mull. ZonU Dan, prod'-. 2741. 
 Inhabits the Northern Oceatii and is found firmly fix. d by its hafe 
 to ftones and rocks, and frequently covered dver with ferpulae 
 and Zoophytes : about 9 inches long. 
 Sodi reddifli-brownj covered with a thick callious skin ; within 
 glabrous and white : Jle/» round, fihform, rigid ereft, a little 
 bending, and thicker towards the tip: the clu^ or head fome- 
 times fmooth, fometiines flightly grooved : atertures rough 
 raifed and paler. 
 Peduncuk' Stem gradually tapering, the head or body fufiforra : both 
 ta, the apertures terminal. 
 Vortex ovifeia. Syd. Nat,xi\. Ed^'. Glean. 356. 
 PalU Sptdl. ZooU \o.p. 25; tab. \.fg, 16. 
 Inhabits the lea between AJta and North America, and is found 
 adhering to various marine fubftances. 
 Body coriaceous, very much wrinkled, fcarlet, with papillary 
 orifices furrounded by a few circular wrinkles. 
 *MammiJ' Somewhat parallelipiped and whitlfh: apertures terminal, 
 iaris. and ot the fame colour as the body. 
 Palt. Spicil. Zool. 10, p. 24. tab. I, fig. 15. ^ ^ 
 Inhabits the coaft of Comivall, and is found adhering in an 
 horizontal pofuion, to fubmarine rocks. 
 Body very irritable, varioufly fhaped wrinkled and gibbous, and 
 here and there fprinkled with foft hairs; of a coriaceous fub- 
 ftance and dirty whitifti : nipple of the aperture haemifphx- 
 rical and a moft elegant fcarlet within* 
 Glohularis. OvaUfphsrical, femipellucid: apertures terminal and fcarely 
 Inhabits the fands of the Frozen Sea. Pali It. 3. «. 57. /• 1°9' 
 Body ihoMt the fize of a cherry, affixed by a very fhort peduncle : 
 jj^in hardilh imootft, and covered with agglutinated particles 
 Phii/ca* Body round, red: both the apertures lateral. 
 Alcyonium Phufca. fersk.f*. ^g. p. iig. f- Sz. 
 Inhabits the Seas about Smyrna and Conjiantimple : 2 i inches 
 long. The Greeks take off the outer skin and eat it with lemort 
 j'lice. . n. • u 
 Body fmooth, obtufe at each extremity^ fomctimcs ftraight, 
 (^mctimes incurved^ 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 32. Satpa* 97 
 OeJaiina* Comprefled, fmooth, white, with a pale pouch : orifices 
 iurrounded with pale yellow dots. 
 Inhabks Norivay Seas. Mull. Zool, Dan. prodr^ ijlp 
 Cryflalina, Comprefred, fmooth, the pouch whitifh Snd fprinkled vi^Ith 
 ieariet dots, 
 lixhabits Nornuuy Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan.prodr. 2725. 
 Ocioietttata Oblong, a-beaked, fmooth, whitifh : apertures 8 and 6- 
 Inhabits Northern Seas. Ail. Hafn. lO, p. 1 68. fig, 7-9, 
 PatelUfor" Bddy white with a red didc. 
 mis, \Ti\A\ii\.\North Seas. Mull. Zco!. Dan. proar, zy^f). 
 Pyura, ■ Conic, fmooth, within papillous and red 5 wtth 2 terminal 
 tubes and 2 black dots between therti. 
 Inhabits the Chili (horcs, many of them inclofed together in a 
 fort of pouch or fack j they are eaten by the inhabitants. 
 Auranti.i.n Subglobular, with a fcarlct poucli covered with rougti 
 hardifh dots: papillae or nipples terminal cylindrical 
 and wrinkled. 
 Pall.noa'iAfli Peif-op. 2. p. 246. tab. J. fig. 38. 
 Ihhahir? the fe-^ round the Curilc IJlana^. and adheres by its bafe 
 to fhell and ftones : about the fize of an orange. 
 Glohuitris* Ovate-globular, femipellucid, glabrous, pedunculate, with 
 a finely pnndlured pouch: apertures diftant and very 
 flightly prominent. 
 Tall. no^. act. Petrop. 2. /. 247. tab. "J, fig. 39, 40. 
 Inhabits Ncnhern Seas, about the fize of a large cherry. 
 Body very (imple, v\ith a fhort peduncle or ftcm, pale grey, and 
 rough with fine agglutii ated iand. 
 Tafciculaii Body pyriform, fubferruginotis and flightly hairy : aperture 
 furronnded witli 10 fafciculate tentacula or feelers. 
 Shafw Nc,turaL Mi/cel. vi. ^ab. 214 
 Inhabits the leas about Borneo, and is a very elegant marine 
 82. SALPA. Body loofe, nayantj gelatinous, 
 tuburar, and open at eacli extremity : 
 intcjline placed obliquely. 
 •VOL. I v.— N Tho 
o? WORMS. MOLLUSCA. *32. Salpa. 
 The animals of this Genus are of a gregarious nature, and often 
 adhere together ; they fwim with great facility, and have the 
 power of contrafting or opening at pleafure the cavities at the 
 A, Furnljhcd with an appendage. 
 Maxima. Body with a fmall appendage at each extremity. 
 Inh3.bits the Mediterranean. Nat. Mifcei vii, tsb. 232. 
 Body hyaline with a bhieilh caft, ab-jat a fpan long, fomewhat 
 quadrangular, with a dull teftaceous fpot at the lovver end : 
 the lower appendage is fubulate, the upper conic. 
 Pinndta. Mouth terminal : back with a yellow and white line : ab- 
 domen with 2 reddilli-white lines. 
 Inhabits the I^lediferraasa ■, Forjk. fn. Arab. p. 1 1 3. n. 31. 
 Body about 2 inches long, nearly triangular, hyaline with an 
 opake line on the back: appendage referabling a fi-n, and ra- 
 ther triangular, 
 Democrati- Body fafclate and prickly behind. 
 ca. Shaiv Natur Mijcel, tab. 236, ForJk. jEgypt. /. n 3, ». 32. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, m large groupes, and fwimaiing 
 confufedly in all direftions : about an inch long. 
 Body oval, truncate before and ending in about 8 fpines behind, 
 with a blueifli nucleus at the bafe or a radiate circle/ 
 Mucronata. Mouth lateral : front with a hyaline fpine placed on the 
 right fide, and another at the tail placed on the left 
 fide: nucleus or Ipot behind oblong and blue. 
 Inbabits the Mediterranean. ForJk. fn, Arab. / 1 14, «. 33. 
 Body about an inch long, oblong-ovate, pointed behind : michut 
 B. JVithout the terminal appendage. 
 Punaata. Mcwth nearly terminal : back dotted with red and mucro- t 
 natc behind : tail projecting. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Forsk. fn, ./Egypt. ^.114. n, 34. 
 Body about an inch and a half long, hyaline with obfolcte bands 
 oji the abdomen : nudeus cr fpot nea<- the tail opake 2nd yel- 
 Qonfadtra- Mouth terminal : back gibbous. 
 ta. Inhabits the Mediterranean, Forsk. fn. Arab. p. 11^. n. 3 j. 
 Body about an inch long, nearly quadrangnlar, hyaline, foft, 
 with a globular-ovate nucleus behind the gibbofity of the back, 
 opake and reddifh-broWn with a pcUucid line proceeding 
 from it, 
WORMS MOLLUSCA. 33. Dagyfa. 
 Fa/ciata. Ovate-oblong: mouth terminal : abdomen fafciate: intcf- 
 tine filiform, incurved above the nucleus or fpot. 
 Inhabits the Mediterransan. Forsk. fn. Arab, f. 115. n. 36. 
 Body/ about an inch and a half lone, hyaline with 5 bands on the 
 abdomen: nucleus marginal, opake and ferruginous. 
 tipU, Subcylindrical, obtufe, hyaline, with ii reddifli-brown nu- 
 cleus : front wi^h 2 fmall tubes, the tips of which are 
 perforated and red 
 Inhabit? the Red Sea, Forsk. fn. Arab, p. 115. «..'3;7. 
 Body not an inch long, nffixcd by its hale to ftoncs or fponge : 
 nuchus near the bale, globglar and opake : intelUne bhieifh- 
 Africana, Subtriangular tranfverfely, with loftriK? mouth terminal : 
 bale with (i gibbofity and 3 nuclei, 
 Fonk fn. Arab. yEgypt. p. Il6. n. 38. 
 Inhabits fhores of Tuanis; about an inch and a ♦kalf long. 
 Body hyaline, the firll nucleus opake, brown and globular, the 
 reil whitish and fubpcUucid. 
 SoUtaria. Hyaline, oval: mouth terminal, with a blue tube: vent 
 lateral, blue. 
 Torsk.fn. Arab. ^'Egypt, p, 1 1 6. n, 39, 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, and is found adhering to grafs. 
 Bod)/ hardly an inph long, a little depreffed : nucleus near the 
 middle at the bafe, globular and pale reddilh brown, 
 falycratica. Mouth placed beneath the upper extremity : front and tail 
 [• Inhabits the Mediterranean, Forsk. fn, Arab. p. 116. ». 40. 
 Body about an inch and a half long, rather rigid : abdomen with 
 5 iranfverfe bands : nucleus globular, brown. 
 33. DAGYSA. Body \oo^e, nayantj angulaf, 
 tubular, and open at each extremity. 
 iiotatei. Bocy marked at one end with a brown fpot. 
 Banks and Solander, Ha'-jukefnvorth Foy, ii. p. 2, 
 Inhabits the Spatiijli Sea ; 3 inches long and l thick. 
 Thefe adhere to each other by the fides, and fo nearly i-ercmble 
 the Genus Salpa, that they might with propriety be incorpo- 
 rated into one. 
109 WORMS. MOLLUSCA, 34. Clava. 35. Aainia: 
 34. CLAVA. Body flefhy, gregarious, rla^ 
 vate, and fixed by a round peduncle: 
 aperture fmgle and vertical, 
 ^ara/itica. With a whitifh pellucid peduncle, opake red club or head, 
 and Covered with pellucid conic ere6l fpines. 
 Muller Berch. berl. Naturf i. f. 406 tah. 5 Jig. 3, 4. 
 Inhibits the Baltic, on iea weeds, fliell-firfi, and floating tim- 
 ber: liiic the Hydra it pofTcfles^ the power of dilating an4 
 coatrading the mouth. 
 35. ACTINIA. Body oblong, cylindrical, 
 fleihy, c(>ntra(!:tile, fixed by the bale ; 
 * niouth terrninal, expanfde, furroundtd 
 with numerous cirri, and without any 
 other aperture. 
 THefe marine animals are viviparous, and have no other aper- 
 ture except the mouth : they feed on Ihell fi(h ^nd other ma- 
 rine animals, which they draw in with their tcntacula or 
 feelers, in a Ihort time rejcfting through the fame aperture, 
 th' Ihells an^ indigcltible parts : they aflufne various forms, 
 and when the tentacula are all expanded, have the appearance 
 of full-blown flowers : ii\any pf them are eatable, and feme of 
 thejn very fapid. 
 Rufa, Rufous, with a rofy foramen or rnouth, and pale cirri; 
 Mull. Zool. Dan I- / 75. i<i^' 23- 
 Pi>ilof. Travf.\.i. tab. \b. fig. i — 3. Hill Anim. tah. 5. 
 ][nhabits the Ocean, and adhere? to rocks : its Ihape is very va- 
 • riaWe, cylihdrical, globular, or evolute : r/rr/whitifli, flender, 
 • flexible, movcabk and ihortcr than the diameter of the body^ 
 the tip truncate. 
 •Crajftcof" Body reds with thick conic cirri. 
 ^■f» Skaiu Natur. Mt/cei. tah^ 330 Barbut tab. 5, fig, 6, 
 BafUr opujc. Jubf. 3,/. I ZO. tab. \'^. fig., i. 
 Otcqueni P'hil, '^IranjaSl, 63. tab l6, fig. 10. tab. ij /. ll,l^. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic, European, and Nortb Seas, 
 Body pale red, tranfverfely wrinkled : cirri whitifh at the tips, 
 ^Plumof^, Tentacula fmall: the margin furroynded vith pencilled 
 !4u(l. ZooltDan, 3, f, 12, tab, Z^, fig. i..— 4. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 35.-Aaini. 
 Bapr op./ubf. 3. /. 1 12. tab. 1 3. Jig. 2. 
 Cunner act. Nidre/.^. p. 425. tab.']. » 
 Picquem. Phil. Ira^'Jaa. 63. />. 397. 
 Plane, conch tnia. nat, p. 43, ta6, 4. fig, 6, 
 Inhabits ihe European Ocean, and is a inoft beautiful jparine ani- 
 mal : its colours are very various> being red, fometimcs brown, 
 orchclnut, or yellovvi(h-brown, white, or yellow ilh-grcen ; 
 fometimes opake, ana often pellucid : the divifions of the 
 aperture arc white or rufous, and fometimes orange, 
 ^AntmonoT Body nearly cylindrical, fhortifh, red: interior tentacula 
 iiiei. ramiiicd, exttiior ones conic, obtufe. 
 Inhabits rocky coafts ol Europe. Natur. Mi/cel. tab. 26^ 27. 
 Bcdy with a triple row of circular tentacula, of a yellow colour 
 varied with red : when it becomes lantjuid it protrudes the 
 interior vifccra in the form of an inflated membrane, of a pale 
 yellow colour ftripcd with rays of red and pale iea-green, 
 Judaifa. Cylindrical, fmooth, truncate, with an internally undulate 
 fmooth ilcin, 
 ^r\\{9.\i\ts iV.t Mediterranean. Plane, conch, min. tab. 6. 
 ^Effata, Subcylindrical and angHlarlyflriate. 
 Inhabits the Of^aw. Bajl. op. fubf. i. tab. i^./g.Zt 
 Coccinta. Varied with white and red: cirri cylindrical and annulate, 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 63. fig. \ — 3. 
 Inhabits North Seas, fixed to hici and ftones. 
 Body cylindrical! truncate, glabrous, the upper margin armed 
 with a double row of conic white tentacula annulate with 
 red: the gland glabrous, with perforated fiflure* in the centre, 
 Undata. ]3ody conic, pale, with doubled wrinkled fulvous ftreaks. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 63. fig, 4, 5. 
 Inhabits North Seat, adhering to fuci and millepores. 
 ^c<^ cylindrical when protruded, and truncate-conic when re« 
 trafted : tentacula proceeding from tloe centre, pale, pellucid 
 and long- 
 Vidu ta. Grey, with longitudinal white ftreaks and cirri. 
 Mail, Zool. Dan. 2, tab. 63. fig, 6 — 8. 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas, on the Fucus ficcharinus. 
 ^0^ conic-truncate with 24 ftreaks : aperture with a wrinkled 
 t!c4 centre. 
 *Trun^ttta Pale reddifli-yellow, conic, pellucid, glabrous. 
 Dicl^uem, Philof. Tranf. by p. 387. /al. ij, fig, l^? 
 Inhabits ^he European Ocean. 
.102 WORMS. MOLLUSCA, 35. Aainia; 
 l^odoja. Wrinkled and grooved; larger at both extremities, the up- 
 p«r-one tnberculate, with intermediate fhort comprcf- 
 fcd fcarlet cirri. 
 0,Fahr. fn. Grarnl p. 350. «. 341. 
 Inhabits the deeps of the Greenland Seat; 4 inches long. 
 Body reddifh-whitc : aperture furrounded by a double row of 
 Spectahilis. Blue, fmooth : cirri thick, fpottcd with white: aperture 
 0,Fal>r.fn. Grcenl. p. 351. n. 342. b. 
 Inhdhiii Greenland (^or&s, in ihe caverns of rocks. 
 Body 2 inches long, with longitudinal Ureaks fometimgs dotted 
 with white. 
 Digitata. Fulvous dotted with white : cirri rofy, 
 Inh^h'ntKht Northern Ocenn. Mull. Zoil Dan. prodr.2-j(^6. 
 Body fofc, lubricous, whitifh-grey or reddiflix witb longitudinal 
 lines dotted with white. 
 Gigautea. Greenifli-grey, with a plaited border many times broader 
 than the body : tentacula nipple-lhaped and greenilh. 
 Inhabits the Jted Sea, Forjh.fn. Arab. p. 100. 5, 8. 
 Body 4 inches long : tentacula tipt with violet. 
 Alba, Gelatinous, Avhiiiih-hyaline: tentacula fmall, nipplcrlhap- 
 ed and oblong. 
 Forjk. fn. yEg\pt. ^rah. p, lOl. w. 9. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea,, £xed to ftones ; not an irich long. 
 Body with longitudinal dufky ftrjpes. 
 Viridit. Greenifli-browji, whh tentacula as long as the diameter of 
 the body. 
 Forsk.fn. y£gfpt. Arab. p. J 02, «. Jl. 
 Inhabits /Alexandria, fixed to fubmarine rocks. 
 Body about an inch in dianicter, with many rows of tentacula, 
 and under thefe marginal glands. 
 Friapus. Body cylindrical and dilated at the bafe : teritacula fpQtted, 
 Forsk.fn, Arab. p. 102. n, 12- 
 Inhabus the /?frf' 6Vi?, adhering to fliclls; 2 inches long. 
 Bodi whitifh clouded with h|-ovvn, with a red circle round the 
 mouth: tentacnla 3 times (horter than the diameter of the 
 body, the outer ones rcdcjifu, inner-ones yellow- 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 35. Aainia. 103 
 Qandida. Smooth with a wrinkled foramen: tentacula fctaceous, 
 riexuous, and placed at the margin. 
 Inhabits liorth Seas. Mull. ZooLDan. 3. />. 58. tab^ 1 15. 
 Bicornii, Hemifphxrical-oval, glabrous, 2-horned. 
 inhabits the Karth Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan. prodr. 2800. 
 VoVva. Body cylindrical and flat above, with 6 appendages at the 
 Inhabits the Hcrth Secu, Mull, Zool. Dart, prodr. 1801. 
 *Carjophl' Red-brown, with fmall pencillate tentacula. 
 lus. Martin Mnrine PForms. \. p: I. tab, \' fig. I. 
 Inhabits the Bntijk Coads. 
 Iris. Body with a whitifh centre, and obtufe cylindrical tenta- 
 cula, the outer ones rutous, inner ones blue. 
 Inhabits AW/. Seas, ■ Muli. Z.oqI. Dan. 3. tab, 82. fig. 5, 6. 
 Fiftella, Body with longitudinal tranrverfcly ftrlate wiinkles: ten- 
 tacula cylindrical, obtufe, annulate. 
 Inhabits NorthSeas. Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. /. 1 3. tab. SS. fig. 3, 
 Pufilla, Elliptical, fmooth ; \v\i\\ 2 rows of tentacula or rays, thg 
 outer ones tipt with black. 
 SiMartf. afl. Stock. 178S. 3. n.J. tab. 6. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits the Ocean in about 57 degrees latitude; about the fize 
 of a large pea, and is the principal food of Whales. 
 *Cereus. Body longitudinally grooved, with numerous unretradile 
 flender fea-green tentacula, rofy at the tips. 
 Nut, Mi/cell. tad ^Z^. Phil. Tranf, 52. tab. \. fig' I. 
 Inhabits the coafl of Cor«xo'^//. Body brown. 
 *Bdlis. Body warty \ head refembling the calyx of a flower: ten- 
 tacula rctradlile, variegated. Sea Daifie. 
 Philof. TranfcM. 52. p. 79. tab. \- f'g' 2. 
 Inhanits the coaft of Comnvall. 
 Stem fmooth, foft, iucining to car-nation, with white warts 
 changing infenfibly towariis the • oraer of ihe cup into purple 
 and at laft into dark brown : te?:tucuia or rays pellucid, un- 
 equal and of vanouj colours, fonoc of them pale alh with 
 brown fpots, othcr-j chefnut with white fpots : disk ftellatc, 
 compcJfed ot va ■■taied rays of a beautiful mixture pf browa 
 yellow alh-colour .ind white. 
ip4 WORMS. i\IOLLUSCA. 35. Aainia. 
 ^Gemmiacea 'Diik furrounded by fertiitranfparent retra£lilc tentaailat 
 body longitudinally ftriatc with numerous miliary 
 l^hilof- 'i ranfaSl . <;2. p. 82. tab. \ . /ig^ \, 
 Inhabits the coaft of Cornnvalt, in the fiflures of rocks. 
 Body pale red near the bafe, the reft yellow mixed with grcy- 
 aih : glands of the middle row white, the others the fame 
 colour as the ftem : tentacula whitifh, varied a: the upper-p<<rt 
 with feveral tranfverfe lines and brown fpots of ah irregular 
 figure, and like the backs of fome Snakes* 
 *Mefemhy' Diflc furrounded with retrad^ile tentacula, the outer mar- 
 anthemum. gin with a row of tubercles. 
 Philof, frajffaci 52. /. 83. tab. I. fg. 5. 
 lahabits rocky Ihores of England, and is red in the fiunmer, and 
 changes in the aujumn to a dufky-green or brown ; tentacula 
 red, blue, white or variegated: tuhercki varying iu colour. 
 Sociata. Body ilender, trumpet-fhaped, with a fub.,lobular head 
 furrounded with tentacula: progeny produced from 
 fiefhy tubes proceeding from the bafe. 
 Ellis PbiloJ, Tranf. 57. p. 436. tabi 19. fig. I, 2. 
 Sclander and EUi, Cor all. p. 5 tab. I, fig. 1,2. 
 Inhabits Barbadoes, fixed to rocks by its fraaller end, and gene- 
 rally found ir large groups. 
 Afitr, Stem thick, fmooth, flefhy, fubcylindrical, truncate at the 
 tip and furrounded with tentacula. , 
 Ellis Philof TranfaSi. 57. p. 436. tab. 19. /Tf. 3. 
 Inhabits the Weji India IJlauds. 
 Anetiune, ^^^Y flefhy, flattened ; the dilk (lightly 6-an ded, and fiif- 
 rounded with numerous rows of tentacu ai 
 Inhabits AT^/? Indies, Phil. Tranj, 57, tab. 19. fig. 4, 5. 
 Hilianthus. Body flefliy, flattened, falver-fliaped ; the difk round and 
 furrounded with numerous rows of tentacula. 
 Inhabits fVeJl Inaies, Phil. Tranf. 57. /. 436. tab. 19. /. 6, 7. 
 *Dianthus* Sitiooth, fubcylindrical ; the diflc 5-parfed and foliaceous,- 
 with fmall white tentacula : mouth elevated and 
 (triate . Sea Carnation. 
 Ellis Phil, Iranf. ^7. p. 436. tab: 19. fig. 8. 
 Inhabits rocky coafts o[ England, adhering to the under parts of 
 rocks : it hangs downwards, and when left by the tide has ihe 
 appearance of » ilender long-f^alked yellow figt 
WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 36. Mammaria. 10^ 
 C^leniiula. Stem fubturhinate: difk furrounded by petal-fhaped tenta- 
 cula or rays. Sea Marigold. 
 ticldticier arid Ellis Coral/., p. 7. faS, I. ^g. 5. 
 Uughcs Uifl. Barbadoti. p, 293. tab. z\. fg. i. 
 Inhabits Earbadoes, and when difturbed finks into a hole : the 
 diik f'sjrnifhed with 4 dark-coloured threads or arms, which 
 cioic. together like a forceps and inclofe the prey: probably a 
 fpccjes of Tubularia. 
 Doholu.r.. 3ody ^-fidcd arid greyifh; the fainter atigles rough with 2 
 rows of papilla?: disk a little convex and furrounded 
 with .2 tentacula or rays. ^ • (»i-> oi. 
 Pall. Ml/cell. Zool.p. 152. tab. g, fig. 10—12, and fab. ic. 
 Inhabit* the Cape cf goad Hape. Body nearly 10 ftded, 5 of the 
 angles obfoletc or fainter, truncate at both extrcrtiities, and 
 liendercr towards the lower-end: tentacula diylded, brown, 
 rough with minute granulations, 
 *Ma:ulcta ^^^^Y obfcure red beneath, Iranfparent white with fin6 
 purple fpots above: tentacula retracllle numerous fhort 
 4dani's TranfaSi. Lin. Soc. V. />. 8. 
 Inhabits the Sea of Mi!ford Ha^xn, furroUnding the apertures of 
 d<ifer:cd {hells of the Murex defpeflus 
 QoJ^- loagituuinany grooved, the edges of the bafe crcnatc : outer 
 circumterence of the aperture with a narrow (Iripe of pink : 
 u'heo expanded, the upper divifjon of the body feems formed 
 opflefhy bnrs placed iii a reticulate manner; and lined with a 
 fine mepibrane : from perforated warts,, plated irregularly on 
 ih-e outer, coat, iffue white ulaisicnts vari<}ufly' twifted. 
 36. :\ r AMiM ARI A. . - * Body , :fmooth, without^ 
 cirri or fa\'s : aperture fmgle. 
 MantKiJia. Body conic, ventrifofe, white. 
 Inhibits North Seat, Mull. Zool. Dan. prodr. 2718, 
 Varia. BoJy ovate, varied with >vHit'e,ancI piirole.' 
 Inhabits Northern Ocean'. Mull. Zoo}^ Danyprfdr. ijig. 
 Cobulus. Body globular, cinereous, and not fixed. 
 O. lubr.fn. Griznl. p. 329. «. 315. 
 Inhabits inc Greenland Sbore,, amongli the roots of Puci, and iz 
 the chief food at the TercbcUa cirrata. 
 liodv very fimple, fott,' fmoorh, gelatinoift with a ve/y thirt skin : 
 iicou: a li'.ic and half in diameter. 
 VOL. IV.— O 37. 
ia6 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 37. Pedicellaria. 38. Tethys. 
 37. PEDICELLARIA. 5<?4y foft and feated 
 on a rigid fixed peduncle : aperture fingle. 
 Clehifera. Head fphsrical: neck o. 
 MulU Zpol, pM*t. I. p. ^2. faL i(>.Jig. I — 5. 
 Inhabits Norttern Seat, among the fpincs of Echini. 
 Boify minute and rcfembling a Mucor : heaJ reddilh, having the 
 appearance of a fmall cherry : peduncle or flem tawny, and co« 
 veied with a gelatinous Hyaline skin. 
 Iriphylla. (lead 3-lobed, the lobes nearly fquare and unarmed : neck 
 , ' round. 
 "MuU. Zool. Dan. I. p. 54. tat>. l6./g. 6—9. 
 Inhabits Nor/h Seat, among the fpines of Echini. 
 /lead w'nh reddifh or hyaline lobes, fometimes ovate: neck flexu- 
 ous blue : peduncle chefnot-brown. 
 Tridtn%. Head 3-lobed, the lobes oval and awned: neck round. 
 Mull. Zool, Dan. \. p, 54. tah. 16. «. lO — 15. 
 Inhabits North Seat, among the fpines of Echini. 
 Heck frapoth hyaline, fometimes reddifh : lobes of the heaJ fome- 
 times 4., and 3 times as long as the neck, rarely unarmed with 
 awn. : peduncle reddifh and 3 times as long as the neck. 
 as. TETHYS. ^0^^ detached, rather oblong, 
 ' fleQ\y, without peduncles : rrwuth with a 
 terminal cylindrical probofcis, under an 
 expanded membrane or lip : apertures 2, 
 , on the left fide of the neck. 
 Leporina, Membrane or lip ciliate. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Column^ aquat, 27, tab 26. 
 Fimbria, Membrane qv lip crenulate or pointed. 
 Boadfch. Mar. -fab. ^.^g. i. 2 Barbut. tab. 6. fig. 1. 
 Inhabits ihc^ Adriatic Sea : abouf 6 inches' long. 
 Body white : lip rounded, fprcad over the fore-part of the head 
 and broader than the body, the border ycllowifh and thicker 
 than the lip. 
WCiRMS. MOLLUSCA. 39. Pterotrachea. 
 S9. FrEROTRACHEA. Body detached, 
 gelatinous, v/ith a moveable fin at the 
 abdomen or tail : eyes 2, placed within 
 the head. 
 wata. Abdomen and tail fiirni (lied with fins: head wi.h a round 
 perpendicular probofcis, and a coronet ot 10 fpines on 
 the tront. 
 Nat. Ml/cell. tab. 328. Forjk. Arab. p. 117. n, 41. 
 Inhabits ihe Mediterranean and Archipel-ago- 
 Body fubcylindrical, about a fpan long ind an inch in diameter; 
 head rounded on the fore-part and furnifhed in fronc with a 
 cornet of 10 conic fpines: beneath the coronet is thf pro- 
 bofcie, nearly 2 inches long, with a vvhitifh middle ncrvs. .tnd 
 thick hyaline tip and terminal mouth : e^e% ieated on each 
 fide the back of the neck intern-illy, and remote : trunk near 
 the fin beneath fpotted with white; abdomen rough beneath, 
 with an ovate pendulous pouch before the fin : vent near tne 
 ligament of the taii: /a/7 vertical, an inch long, triangular, 
 ■with 4 prickly lines each fide, and terminated each fide by a 
 icmicordate horizontal pinnule :^a ntuatedi)eyond the middle 
 of the body, orbicular, comprtfTed. and fixed to rhe white 
 ]aminx of the trunk which are crenate ea.h fide ; beneath in 
 the margin is another pinnule which i* bell-fhaped, hyaline, 
 and afiixed by a middle point. 
 ina^ Head elongated, projecting fmo^uh : fin central. 
 Inhabits Forjk. fn, /Egypt. Arab p, Il8.;j. 42. 
 Body hardly an inch long and very quick in motion ; eyes brown, 
 at the bafe of the head ; head not crowned by fpines : fm 
 onata. Head obtufe hyaline . inteftinc refpiratory and ciliate with 
 Inhabits— —ForjA.yJr. Jrah. /Egypt, p, n8. ;:. 43. 
 Body fubcylindrical, reddifh-hyaline : bead not dillincfl from the 
 trunk: f>r/ pellucid tranfverfe oval black: trunk W\t^ a few 
 whitifh dots beneath; fin roundiih longitudinal: intefiine 
 whitifh before and reddHh behind, fixed by a violet membrane 
 brown at the bafe; /ar'/ hyaline comprefTed tapering. 
 'Ota. Abdomen without fin: tail longer than the trunk, with 
 prickly lines and terminal horizontal fin. 
 Inhabits the Archipelago, Forsk.fn. Arab, p, 118. n. 44. 
io8 WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 40. Derris. 41. llolothuna. 
 3oa)i hyaline, 2 | inches long, with an opakc ycllowifh nucleus 
 covered with white pellucid gluten: M;/enfifomi, more than 
 twice the length of thd'trurfk, and turnilhed with a doubly 
 fcmicordate fin. • 
 '^O. DERRIS. Body cylindrical, cpinpofe4 
 of articulations: mouth tcimmd]:Jeelers 2^ 
 * Sanguinea X) E R R I S . 
 Tranfad. Linn. She. iii. p. 67. tah. \l fg. I, ?. 
 Inhabits the Coaft of Pcmlrokejhtr^. 
 Bodh cylindrical, gradually tapering to a point behiati, compofed 
 of joints and capable of great flexibility ; covered with a mem- 
 branaceous tranfparcnt coat, through which the internal parts 
 are \\^\h.c: head extended beyond the <iuter ssin, lefs than 
 the anterior Mrt of the body, to which it is conneftcd by a 
 nicmbranaceous covering forming a neck', feelers white, fitu- 
 ated at the top of the liead, and capUile "of being raifeJ or 
 deprefled at pleafure-; OT5«r,^'coh{ifting of 2 lip?, the upper- 
 one hooked and moveable, the IbU'er-one ftraight and fixed. 
 It moves by «n untjulatory inotioR of the whole body, 
 41. HOLOTHURIA. Body detached, cy- 
 liridrical, thick, naked, and open at the 
 {i^txeimty: mouth furrounded .by fiefhy 
 l^ranched ten taenia or feelers. 
 Thefe are all inhabitants of the fea, and expand or contract thcm- 
 felvcs at pleafure : the anrerior <»perture ferves them both as 
 a mouth apd a vent, and from the hinder one the/ rejc<^ 
 waters which hadlaeeii previouflj fucked in: the 'tentacula arc 
 EJegans. With 20 branched tcptiapuU ::'body papilfouSj ubove reddifli, 
 beneath while. ' "' 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. \.f. \.tah. \.fg. 1 — 3. 
 Gunner J/I. Sccckh. 1757.' *<?5. 4./I'; 3. 
 Inhabits the Northern Seas, and fquirts qut water like a fiphon 
 from the lower orifice; S-r-M inches long. 
 1 Body varied with red and white : ^apitU pointed diftant, thof- 
 of the back difpofed in 6 rows; teutaa,la flefhy white, the 
 tip furnidicd v/uh a tuft of fibres which are tubercul'atc 
 within. ■ 
'WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 41. Holothurla. 109 
 ^frontio/if. Tentacula trondolc : body fmopth. . 
 Inhabits Worth Seas, 0. Fabr, fn. Granl. p. 353. n, 344.- 
 -flort^ ovate Qbioiijg; (aitacula I o, larger than the head : apertures 
 3; behind the head, approximate, and a lateral one mors; 
 Poa':taj>us.Tent:u:nU branched: hqiy tapering behind, aqd rough 
 with dots beneath. 
 Mut!. TsOoL Dan, 3. p. 54. tab. 112, 113. 
 Act, Ztcckh. 176^, />: 265, /^z^. 10. 
 JnhaNifs Nornvay and Wediterranean Seas. 
 -5i ■>• ovate, flat beneath, with 10 retraftile lentacola ; the pof. 
 terior part conic and perforated at the end. 
 fremula. Upper-fiirface covered with numerous conic papillx, lower 
 with cylindrical ones: tentacula fafciculate. 
 Nntur. Mjce I tab. 172 ' Barbut's tVstn:s, tab. b.fig. z. 
 Boadfch, An. Mar. tab'. 6. tab. J, Jig. I 5. 
 Plane Conch, mut. not. loS. tab S,Jig, A, B. 
 f^a/fdelUif. p. Bg, f'ab.^,/g. l — :^, 
 torsk.fn. u-E^ypt Jrab,tab:^Cj,fig.h> 
 IvAxihns 'i)\t Medterranean and /Adriatic Sec}s ; a foot long. 
 5c./>' cv.'indrical jvhen extended, and ctlon| when contratflcd, 
 generally a beutjful mixure of red and white,' but it varies in 
 colour : the cylindrical tubes beneath the body afl as fo many 
 fnckers, by which the animal fixes itfelf £rmly to the bottom 
 oi the Tea. ■ ' 
 Phyfalii. Wit' difFcrenily fhapcd filiform pei^dulous cirri. 
 ^■hr.oin. Acad. 4 p. 2,4, lab. l- Jig. 6. 
 Sloan Jamaica. X. p. 7. tab. ^,_fig- C. 
 Ojb. It. 2,84. fab. 12,/. I, Barbutytab.6,/. 3. 
 Inhabits the /Itlantic, and appears lik a tranfparcnt bladder, 
 Bc^y o\'ate, fomewhac triangular and hyaline: bacli scute and all 
 er.en : fncut fpiral ard reddifli: tettfacula numerou', unequal, 
 fomc of them round, thick and fhort, fome capillary with a 
 globular yellow tip, others longer and filiform. 
 IhcUa. Oblong, with a fcjijarc crcll or comb and entire laterdl 
 lines. ' ' ■ ' 
 Brcnvnjamaic. tab. ^^,Jig. 3. Barbi^/;, tab. CJg. 4. 
 Inhabits the American and Weji fnMan itzs^ 
 Csudaia. OMong, with a round dcprcircd creft or comb and lateral 
 interrupted lines : polterior part ending in a prqjcclion 
 or tail. ' 
 Broiun Jamais . tab. 43, /o-. 4. Barbut, tab, 6, fig. 5. 
 ^habits d.neri(^n and J>idia:n ocean. 
fi6 WORMS. MOtLUSCA. 41. ffolothurla. 
 Pemdata. Oblong, with interrupted lateral lines, andj without cr^fl 
 or tail 
 Inhabits A^nerican Ocean. Bronmn Jamalc. p, 384. 
 Thefe 3 lalt are of an uncertain Genus: the ^o^oblong, round- 
 ^ cd, ftowly tapering to both ends, 3 — 4 inches long and aboat 
 1 in diameter; tranfparcntj of a firm gelatinous confifterce 
 and hollow ; opening by a fmall triangular aperture next the 
 creil, and a narrow round oric it the other extremity ; they 
 have a fpiral milky line down the back, under this another 
 larger opake ane, and on each fide below rhete another Imaller 
 purple one. They are fomctimes found finglc, and often 
 ilicking leftgChways togetitcr. 
 ^PentaSef. With 10 ramified tentaeula: body with 1; rows of papillx-, 
 Brit. Zool. Jv. lith. 26, Jig. 4I. Batbut, tab. 6. fg. 6. 
 PcmantPhtl. TranJ. J 701, p. 75. tab. ^ , Jig. 3, A, B. 
 Mull. Zool Dam I, /. 1 10, tab. 31^ jii. tab. J<i8, fig, l^^4. 
 Vandcll dij). p.%-j. tab, 2, fig. 12. 
 Planch. Comh. min. hot. tab. 6, Jig. D^ E, F. 
 Journ. Phyf. Oct. 1778, p 287, tab. W ^ jig. 1 — 6. 
 Inhabits Europeati icis: about 6 inches long. 
 Body grecnilh-brown : teniacula elegamly ramified, of a yellow 
 and filvcr colour; papillee with fmall retraftik filaments illa- 
 ing from them. 
 Pafillojk* With 10 frohdofc tentaeula: body ovate and covered every 
 where with pajoillae. 
 Mull. Zool. Dati. 3. /.. 47, tab. \0%, fig. ^. 
 Inhabits bays of the Sorth 8tas. ' 
 Spallanzd' With ^6 filamentoHS tentaeula. 
 jiii \v\\iihh% x\iC Meititerranean» Spallansii act. foa It, 2. 
 Pfiapui, Mdiith with fle(hy papilla;: body with annular flriac, and 
 Idhghudinal ones on the gland. 
 Mull, ZooLDaH. 3: /. 27, tab. 66, Jg. I. 
 jihildg. Naturf. 9. p. 133. tab 3. fig. I. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Medtterravean feas ; 6 inches long. 
 One half of the hod^ cylindrical with numerous annular ftrix, 
 and terminated by the mourh furroorldcd by 3 wrinkled ftriae 
 and protfilding an obloftg fafciculus O+rnais of tentaeula : the 
 6thcr half obovate, gland-fhaped, with 24 longitudinal parallel 
 elevated diHant rough ftris, the aperture concave furrounded 
 *-•' by an excavated annulnf ftria, and furhjfhed with numerous 
 fecurvcd fpines within, the exterior of ^'hich »re larger. 
 :"r '. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 41. Holotfaum. ^^ 
 ^quamara. With 8 flighjtly branched tcntacula : body above rough, 
 beneath fott. 
 Mull. Zcol. Dan. I. p. 35. n. 10. tah. 10. fig. I— 3. 
 Pall. no'V. act-. Petrof). z. p. 225. tab. 1 . fig 34 — 3-7. 
 Inhabits North Seas, and adheres ^rmly to rocks. 
 Penicillus, With 8 branched tentacula ; body bony, 5rfided. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. /. 36. n. II. M^. \o, fig. 4. 
 Inhabits deeps of the Northern Seas, on a muddy bottom. 
 Body immoveable, ventricofe, fmooth, white, with a brown cc^lr 
 lar which is black at the edges ; and a parallel granulate pa^c 
 ring behind the tentacyia which ire carinate and blackjfla- 
 Fu/ut. With 10 tentacula : body fufiform, downy. 
 Mull. Zooi. Dan. I. p. 37. «. 12. tah. lo. fig. 5,6. 
 Inhabits muddy deeps of the Notthem Seas, 
 Body cinereous, rough wi;h minute fcale^, and befet with very 
 Aiert fibres; protruding a cup-fliaped hollow body, furnifhe^ 
 beneath with a neck, and dilated above into an orb perforated 
 in the middle with a black {oTs.mcs^i te/Uacula denticulate at 
 the fide, , ,.,//:.. 
 Inhecrtns, Boidy brown with longitudinal wJiitift ftripes, and I2 iR.i- 
 Nat. Mifcell. tab. 26c. Forsk. /Egypt, tab. l^- fig. A. 
 Mall. Zool. Dan i. /. log. ». 49* tab. 31 fig. ^—7. 
 Inhabits Northern aud Red Seas ; much longer than moll other's. 
 [^ Body long, narrow, pellucid snd covered with inntamcr^ble vifcid 
 papillae, by means of which it ft^cks to whatever it touches: 
 tentacula ficQiy, lanceolate, and denticulate 0^ flightly brar\ch.- 
 ed each fide. 
 Lavij. Elongated, with white tcntacula: body witlv 5 royvs of 
 lines ar\d<lots. ' 
 O. Fa!>r. Fn. Granl. p. 353. «. 345. 
 Inhabits Greenland Seas, among rock?: hides itfelf frcjquently ^.9 
 the clay, protruding every other one of its tentacula ahd.cdn- 
 tra(fiing the others ^ 
 Body foft, fmooth, whitifh, pellucid, I ~-6 inches lojig : tentac^lf. 
 fo!r, whitifh, and 8-cleft at the tip. ' 
 ^I'sKuta. Oblong, with 12 tentacula: body with 5 rows of >v;^rts. 
 O. Fabr.fn. Gra:nl. p. 354. n. 346. 
 Inhabits Greenland Seas with a fandy bottom, and woves very 
 ;/lowy by means of its extended papillae. 
Hi WORMS. MOtLUSCA. 41. Holothum. 
 Boi^y 4 lines long, glabrous, fubmembranaceous, whitlfti and 
 rarely reddilh : each row of/^/V/Af confilUngof lO: lentacdu 
 yellovvifii ^rid 6-(.Ieft at the tip. 
 Forcipata. t'^entricofe ; both en».ls narrow and conie, the antei'ior one 
 0. Fabr.fn.Granr. p. 357. n- 3.49. 
 Inhab^s GnenlanJ St;cii, with a clayey bottom, and is is often de- 
 voured by the Cottus Scorpio; 5 ir^hes long. 
 BoJy foft, lubricous, with a thin (kin covered witli innumerable 
 hardly emtneAt dots : /creeps rigid, ochre- yelloiv, with curved 
 Zonaria, Oblong, deprefied ; v/ith a fieft-colour (liealh ^ind a whit-' 
 illi hyaline pouch, body marked with 5 yellow zones. 
 Pall. Spicil. Zool 10. p. 26. tuh. i, Jig. 17, A, B, C, 
 Inhabits the iea round /i;7//^j/fl. 
 Mouth tranfverfc» with prominsnE gaping lip% • 
 fiirdia': Body foft,*laJc, wiih white banda dotted with brown: teii- 
 tacula linear-lanceolate and toothed at the (Ides. 
 Forsk. /h. £g\pt, JraO. p. I Zl, k.-^B. 
 Inhabits the RciiSea, among Zofterx, and adheres to the hands 
 by means of its vilcid p.ipillx; i^ Ipan long. 
 Bo^y with 5 white ftfipes dotted with black, and alternate nar- 
 ro*v brown ones dotted with white : tertacilla i z, brown in 
 the middle and pale at the fides, 
 Max'f^'. Body rigid 'and nes^rly fquafe; ' above conV^j^, beneath (iat 
 and edged with white: tentacula filifd'rm and cut like 
 petals at the lip. 
 Inhabits thcRedSfa. Fonk.fr.. JEg. Arab. p. 121, 2. 50. 
 Be:^ about a foot long, hard and rough, with papilla! : tentacxila 
 grey-hyaline. ' 
 Impafiens'.', Body rigid,/ cinereoUs : tentacula fo, filiform,- 7-clefr and 
 denticulate at the tip. 
 , Forskfn.. ^£gyp,i. Arab. /> , I 2 1 , «. 5 i.. 
 Inhabits the (hores of the ReJ Sea, under (lone*, cr in the pores 
 of the Spongia officinalis. 
 Boiiy hardifti, cinereous, varied with fpots and bands, and rough 
 with hcmifphserical warrs whitiOi in the middle ac'-d approxi- 
 mate: tenftJcvlahyaWnc dotted with black andbbtufcly toothed. 
WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 42. Lobaria. 43. Triton. 44.LernaBi. nj 
 42. LOBARIA. Body above convex, beneath 
 flat, lobate. 
 ^au'rilcha Tail virith 4 lobes. 
 Mull. Zool. Da/1, 3. p. 30. tab. IOC, /^. 1—5. 
 Jfcaniui Act. Stockh. 1 772, 4, 5. /«^. lO^ fig. A)B. 
 Jnhabits Northern Seas. 
 43. TRITON, -eo^/ oblong: &w^/^ with an 
 involute Ipiral probofcis : tentacula or 
 afvis 12, 6 on each fide, divided nearly 
 to the l^alcy the hind-ones chelifercus, 
 ^ Liitcreus. TrITON. 
 Bttrhut's Worms, p. 6^, tabi 7. _fig. 2. 
 /'^//c/ TranJ'act. $0. p. 874, /«i. 34, /f^. A, 
 Inhabits Italy, in cavities of fubmarine rocks, and may be fcen 
 in various fpecies of Lepas, particularly the anatafera. 
 J&o4'Oval, the lower extremity rounded, larger, and divided into 
 lobes at the fides; heaJ oblong, rounded, not comprefled, ter- 
 minated by a tough membrane which connefts all the arms at 
 their bafe : prchufiis long, tapering to a point, and cartilagi- 
 nous : 7fiouth placed at the bafe of the tentacula : arms 6 pair, 
 the 3 lo.ver-pair chelifercus; all jointed, involute and ciliatc 
 on the inner margin. 
 44. LERN.^A, Body oblong, fomewhat cy- 
 lindrical, naked : tentacula or arms 2 or 
 3 each fide and round, by which it iif- 
 fixes itlelf: ovaries 2, projedling like 
 tails from the lower extremity. 
 Thefc are vvrithout eyes, and are very tronblefome to £lh, ad-* 
 hering very firmly principally to the gills and fins. 
 Body round, flexuous : rtiouih lateral and feated between 3 
 flightly branched horns. 
 Mull. Zool Dan. 3./. 65. tab. llS,fig.^. 
 Strctm Sorui. i. p 209. tab. I, fig 18. 
 Inhabits the North ^eaa,on the gills of Cod./iih, And is eaten ty 
 rbe Creenlandcn ; about 2 inches long. 
 VOL. IV. — P £e^ 
 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 44. Lernxa. 
 £ei/j hoHow, lucmbranaceous, thicker before and behind, dull 
 white or dirty red : neck long, tubular, filiform : tai/ ending 
 in a perpendicular groove ; ovaries z, compofed of long 
 twilled cirri. 
 jBody cylindrical, clavate behind : thorax fprked : tentacuU 
 lunate at the tip. 
 Barbiifs WormSy p. 67, tab. 7,/'g' 3. 
 Inhabits Pondsy fixed to the fides of Carp and Roach. 
 Body about half an inch long and not larger than a ftraw, found, 
 pale and fomewhat pellucid : tentacuU 4, 2 of them lunate at 
 the tips. 
 * Salmonea, B&dy obovate: thorax inverfely heart-fhaped: arms 2, ap- 
 proximate, linear. Salmsn-louje. 
 Barbut, tab.j,/!^. 4. Erander Pifc. 25. tab. It fig* I. 
 Gijler Afi.Stfckh, 1751, />. 185. tab. b, fig. 1—5. 
 Inhabits the gills oi Salmsv : t> lines long. 
 Body pale, foft : ^m</ f mall, oblong, rather convex, with 2 hori- 
 zontal lips, the upper armed with 2 rigid moveable hooks, 
 tlie lower fliort, bifid : abdemen inverfely ovat« : ovaries rouad, 
 granulate within, and as large bs the whole body. 
 ^A/ellina> Body lunate; thorax heart-ftiaped. 
 Barbut, tab, J, fig. 5. //. IV^oth, 171. tab. Z.ftg* 4. 
 Found in the gills o[ Cod znd Ling. 
 *Huchoms. Body knotty : tentacula or arms 2: ovary double and uni- 
 ted behind. 
 Schranch It. Ba-uar, p. 95. tab. 2, fig. A-«-J). 
 Found in the gills o'i the Salmo hucbo. 
 Bodjc\Q%t white and fomewhat cartilaginous, 
 CUvata. Body cylindrical, fubfinuate, and tripled beneath the tip of 
 the fnout. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. p. 119. «. 54. tab. ^^,fg, I. 
 Fcmnd in the fins, gills, mouth and eyes of the Perca »or-wegica. 
 j?(7<<>' pellucid, white, with red lints : neck narrow, yellowifh, 
 pointed at the top, incurved and knotty : ovaries tubular, the 
 eggs adhering on the outfide. 
 U cinattt Body fomething heart-fhaped : fnout fimplc, curved : 
 mouth terminal. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. i. p, IZO. n. 55. tab. 33, fg. 2, 
 Inhabits Greenland, on the fins and gills of Cod-fifh. 
 Body foft, pale, With a longitudinal groove down the middle of 
 the back ; ovariei rounded, and thickened towards the tip. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 44. LernJba. 
 ^hiua. Body rhomboid: arms 2 before and as many behind, all 
 nodofe: head with 2 curved horns, 
 Shatv Natur. Mi/cell. viii. tab. 295. 
 Muii. Zool Dan. \,p. 121. tab. 3^.//"« %' 
 Inhabits the gills of the ComiS Cohioi 7 n"^' ^^"Z' 
 Body blucifh-vvhitc: heaH roundifh, with 2 incirtved horns : 
 mouth placed between the horrs ard fiirrifHct^ v Jth 3 lips: 
 arms angular, curV'cd, knotty : ivteflmft tranlluccnt above : 
 tail bifid : ovaries fpiral, round, fut. ulate. 
 adiata. Body fquare, deprcfTed ; ^rith 3 pair of arms and 4 horns. 
 Shtiiv Nat. M'jcsl. viii. tab. 29^. 
 Mull Zcol. Dan. \. p. It 2.. ft. 57. :ab. 33, /(^, 4. 
 Fotmd about the m''uch of the Lcry-phtena >upej:ns. 
 Body about 1 1 lines long, dirty white cr cinereous, and rough 
 with hardidi tubcrclct ; the fides a little creoate.- head At- 
 prefltd, rounded, a bttle more convex beneath, and covered 
 with numerous papillx : cvaries large, oboval, 
 fodo/c, Body^ fquare, tuberculate: with 2 very ihort arms beneath 
 on eacii fide. • 
 Scuiu Natur. Mij.sl. viii, tab, 295. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. />• 153, «. 38. tab. 33./^. $. 
 Inhiibits about the mouth of the Fcrea noriut^ica. 
 Body foft, pale cinereott^:, above convtx, beneath concave, with 4, 
 hard white tubercles in the middle of the back, and 5 whife 
 teeth each fide : bead rounded and divided by a white Ilreak 
 in the middle : ovaries oboval. 
 'ytiMta. Body oblong, vflth 4 ftraight emarginate arms: head fub- 
 ihaiu Natur. Mifcel. viii. tab. 295. 
 Ma/7. Zeol. Dan, i. p. 124. n. 59. tab. 33i/^. 6. 
 Found on the Plai/e and Litiguatula, 
 £od)i covered with a pellucid fkin : front vi\\.\\ 2 horns armed with 
 a fingle tooth: mouth with 2 feelers! ovaries brown j eggs 
 ^cdtralis. Head orbicular, hecuifphafrical: abdomen obcordate with a 
 terminal truncate papilla. 
 Sha^u Natur. Mij'ccl. viii. tab. 295. 
 Mull. Zool. Dcrn. I, /, 125. «. 60. tab. -1,1, fg. J. 
 Found on the gills and perioral fins of tlounders, kc, 
 Bfdy white, diaphanous, covered with blackifh dots : croivn wuh 
 2 falciform proje(flions: fnont conic, truncate, with 4 minute 
 horns, 2 very Ihort fpines and 2 feelers near a third conic 
 fpine : arms 2, not curved : ovaries 2, rather tiarrow, fuban- 
 nulate and of equal diameter. 
 P 2 Lota. 
 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 45. Scyllafa. 
 Lota» With 4 unequal ovaries. 
 Oh (h^ %\\h of iiic Gai/us lota. Herm. Naturf. ig, tab.z,f,6t 
 Month with 2 hooks : appendages 4, cruciate. 
 Qydotfero* Body round, flexuous, with a double orifice in the middle of 
 runti the Inout: fnout terminated by three 3-parted horns. 
 I'ound on the Cyclopterus fpinofus- Mull. Zool Dan. 2745. 
 Body refembling L. brancliialis, but the horn is flender, turned 
 «p and entire at the tip: tail narrower, with 2 convex lobes 
 each fide • o'varies fimple, fpiral, and nearly 5 inches long 
 when extended. 
 2, JJody lefs: ovaries greenifh; 
 O;. the Cyclopterus liparis, Fabr.fn. Qreenl. pk 537. 
 Jfinnarumt Rufous; head cylindrical and roflrate on the fore-part? 
 tentacula 2, Innate, and bifid at the tip: arm only i. 
 / Cir. Fabr it: Nor-rv p. 282. «. 3. 
 Found on the ciorfa) fins of the Gadus barbatns. 
 Body deprefTed, fl; fhy, grooved on the back, with a cylindfical 
 arr. placed \ the fore paj-t of the bapk, and concealed in a 
 groove: ovaries loflg, cylindrical. 
 4o. SCYLL^flA, Body poinprefled aiid 
 grooved along the back : moi^tk confiit- 
 ing of a terminal toothlefs aperture : 
 tentacula or arms 3 p^ch fide, an4 
 placed beneath. 
 Body fixed : 4 extreme arms alike, the middle ones pa» 
 Barbui'i Worms y tab, 7, fig. 6. Seba. Muf. I . tab. 74. fg. i. 
 Inhabits the pceait, among boating fea-wecd. 
 Body roundinlj^oblong, broader behind and phtyfe : mouth placed 
 ■ at the end of the fmaller extremity : back grooved, with a cre- 
 nulate hollow by which it ilfixes itfclf to fea-weed : extreme 
 arms fmaller and rourded, middle pair oblong, foliaceoui, 
 bending over and fprinkled wjthin with papillae. 
 qomphoden- Body detached : firfl pair of arms naked and hollow at ih^ 
 fii, tip, the others with branched fibres within. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Forjh. JEg)pt. /, 103, ». i 3. 
■WORMS. M6LLUSCA. 46. Clio. ny 
 Uodf an inch long, pellucid, yellowifli with rufty-brown dots : 
 back flat, dotted with brown at the margins, with a row of 
 blue docs down the middle: /^//comprciled, with an elevated 
 rounded repand back, ajid furniihed each fide with Imail 
 brai'chcd fibres : abdomen dotted with blur and rough with a 
 row of 5 whitifh papillae down the middle of each fide : firft 
 pair of arms lefler and obovate, the reft contiguous with a 
 dcjiticulatp margin. 
 46. CLJO. Body oblong, nayant, o-cnerally 
 iheathed, and furniilied with $^ dilated 
 membranaceous arms or wins;-] ike pror 
 cefies': tentaculcp 3^ befidcs^^ in thg 
 Ccudata. With a large corapxeffed tailed fhcath. 
 Inhabits the Ocean.' Bar hut, tab. 7, fg, 7, ///. 
 PjratHidata Sheath triangular, pyramidal : mouth obllqiiely truncate. 
 Nat. Mi/cel, tab. 206. Barbut, tab. 7, fig. 7, 8. 
 Bronxns Jamaica., /. 386 tab. 43, iig. i. 
 Inhabits the yimeri can Ocean', about an inch long. 
 Body opake, flcHder, brownifh : eyes green : J/teath tranfpareni 
 blueifh: ar/wj rounded, blueilh : /'W fmall, rounded. 
 Retufa, With 2 tentacula: mouth horizontal, 2-toothcd : tail 
 p )intcd. 
 hihihhs ^meic;i>t Ocean. Brcnvn Jam. p.'^fiS. 
 Body fmall, gelatinou', pellucid, blueilh in the water, and fcarlct 
 ai each end : ^^<z^ narrower, globular, and divided by a groove 
 into 2 cheeks: fnouth terminal, furnifhed with a lip each fide 
 armed with 3 teeth, within which is another aperture armed 
 with 4 IcfTer cruciate teeth : tentacula at the mouth 2, loft; 
 ihoraii nearly globular: arms or luings fubrncmbranaceousj 
 which it ufes like a p lir ot oars, 
 Jonahs, Whitifh ; Jobcs of the head terminated hy a pointed flcfli 
 colour papilla: tentacula 3, flelhyat'the mouth." 
 Inhabits North Seas. Pall. Spial, Zool. 10. tab. l,/g.\S, 19. 
 Bidv {oft. cnvpreA with o r^t^nUilV. /1.:- . L r i.. j... i_i 
m WORlVfS. ]VlOLLUSCA. 47. Sepia. 
 Helictint, Body without (heath, and fpiral. 
 Mart. Spit. p. 141. tab. Q^ fig, e. 
 Inhabits the North Seas in great iiUmbers ; fixe of a ^ca. 
 rr/;/g-j ovate, obtufe, larger than the body» 
 Liffiadnd, Body without fheath, inverfely cohic. 
 Natur. Mifcel, tab. 252 Mart. Spit, tab, Y./g. ^. 
 Inhabits the Northern Octan ; about half an inch long. 
 iJo^'pale whitifh-brown, refenibling a Slug, a little cootra<fl:e<l 
 in the midddic and pointed at the end. 
 47. SEPIA. Body ilefhy, receivii-ig the breaft 
 in a llieatb, with a tubular aperture at 
 its b^fe : arms 8, befet with numerous 
 warts or fuckers, and in moil fpecies 2 
 pedunculated tentacula : head Ihort : 
 lyes large : mouth relembling a Parrot's 
 beak* CiUtle-fJh, 
 'Tbefe animals inhabit various Teas, and in hot clinaates fome of 
 them grow to a prodigious lizc ; they are armed with a dread- 
 ful apparatus of holders furniihed with fuckers, by which 
 they fallen upon and convey their prey to the mouth : they 
 have the power of fqulrting out a black fluid refembling ink, 
 and which is faid to be an ingredient in the compofion of 
 Indifln-lnk : the bdne in the back is converted into that ufeful 
 article of Ilationary called pounce : the eggs are depofit- d upon 
 fca-weed, and exatlly relcmblc a bunch of grapes; at the in- 
 ftant the female depofits them they arc white, but the males 
 foon pafs c/ver them to impregnate them> and they then be- 
 come black ; they are round with a little point at the end» 
 and in each of them is inclofed a living cuttle-fifli furrounded 
 by a gelatinous fluid* 
 ^O^opusi Body without tail or appendage i pedunculated terltacula or 
 longer arms o. 
 Natur. Mifcel. tab. -i^^i). Bariut, tab.S./g. U 
 Srba. Muf. 3. tah. z,fig. \ — 6. BeU. ajuat. tab. 331. 
 Kalreut. Afi. Feirop. "]. p. 321. tab, II. 12. 
 Pennant Brit. Zed. ivi tab, z^, fig. 44. 
 Inhabits the Mecliterranean and Indian Seas, in the latter of which 
 it fometimes grows to a vaft fize, the arms being 9 fathoms 
 long. In thefe feas the Indians never venture out without 
 hatchets in their boats, to cut off the arms, fliould it attempt 
 to fallen upon them and draw them under v»'ater. 
WORMS MOLLUSCA. 47. Sepia. 1,0 
 Body Ihort. rounded behind : anns tapering to a point, joirled at 
 the bafe by a membrane or web, and covered within with 2 
 rows of alternate fuckers. When opened, thii animal is faid 
 to exhibit fo flrong and fplendid a light, as perfeilly to illu- 
 minate a dark room. 
 f* Oj^dtfalfs Body wiihout tail or appendage, and fqrrounded by .a 
 margin : tentacula or longer arms 2. 
 Brit. Zoo/. IV. p. 55. Barhut, tab. Z.fg. 2. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tah. i. fig. 4. Okar. Muf. tab. 97. 
 luhabits the Ocean, and is the prey of the Whale tribe and 
 Plaife ; its arras arc alfo frequently eaten off by the conger 
 eel, and are reproduced; the bony fcale on the back is that 
 which is ufuallyfold in the ihops, and the blaclc matter which 
 it fquirts out to daricen the waters round it and elude the 
 pcrfuit of its enemies, is often ufed as ink. It was formerly 
 eaten by the Ancients, and is even now ufed as food by the 
 BqJ}' ovate, the margin crenate and interrupted at the bottom : 
 8 of the anns fhort and pointed ; the z tentacula 4 times as 
 long, rounded, the tips very broad and furnilhed within with 
 numerous fuckers. 
 Vug*icn. Body without tail or appendage: arms furniflicd with 
 *«'«• hooks. 
 Inhabits the Pacific. Molin. Chili, p. 174. 
 Sody rounded behind: arms furnilhed with hcoks. retr?.<fli;e 
 ♦vitJiin their proper (heaths inftead of fuckers. 
 H^xapus, Body tailed, 4 or 5 jointed : arms only 6. 
 Inhabits the Pacijic. Molin Chili, p. 175. 
 Body about half^ foot long, and the thicknefs of a finger: arm 
 furni(hed with very minute fuckers which ftick very fall to 
 whatever it fixes on. 
 *Medis. Body long, flendcr, cylindrical: tail finned, pointed, and 
 carmate each fide: long arms 2. 
 Brit Zool iv. tab. 29. fig. 45. Barbut' tab. S. fig. 3. 
 Inhabits the Ocea>t. and lomething refembles S. officinalis. 
 Body ending in a point, and furnilhed with a membrane each 
 Jide commencing about the middle of the body. 
 •lo'dgo. Body fnbcylindrical, fubulate, and furnilhed with a flattifli 
 inarp-edged rhombic memDranc at the tail each iide. 
 Ynral. hh/cell tab. 363. Barbut, t ,b 8. fi.. 4. 
 Bnt, ZooU xs, tab. 27.^7^. 43. Jsudh. Microj. x. tab. ij. 
i2o WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 48. Lucernarfa. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. \.fig. I — 4. t.^.f. 5, 6. 
 Olear Muf, 44. tab. zt. jig. 2. 
 Inhabits the Ocean f from 9 inches to 2 feet long. 
 ^£7V?> reddifti-brown, with 2 longer arms or tentacula: eyes fine 
 blue: tne c?.rti'aginous plate or bone in the back is Jong lance- 
 I'uped and tranlparent, a.-fl is placed as a Ipecies of PennatuU 
 by Stba Muf. 3. /a^. 16. fg. 9. 
 Sepiola. Body with 2 roureded wingi or proceTes behind. 
 -5r/V. Zool. tab. 29. /?^. 46. Barbut. tab. ^,fg, 5. 
 Johnft. aquat, tab. I. fig- 8. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and European Seai : fmall. 
 ^i?//)i fhort, rounded behind, with a rouna men)bra"ne or fin a^ 
 the lower extremity : longer arms 2, 
 Turticdta. Body entirely inclofed in a black pellucid membrane, with' 
 2 femicircular wings or proceflfes behind. 
 Inhabits the Pacific, Molm Chili. f>. 174. 
 Bedy large, fometimes weighing 150 pounds, and convertible 
 into a very pleafant and palatable food. 
 48. LUCERNARIA. ^^j^); gelatinous, wrink- 
 led, branched: mouth placed beneath. 
 Qjtadrtcor' g^jy j^^- coiled, with 4 forked a'rms tentaciilate at the 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. p. 147. n. 72. tab. o<)-fg- I — ^6. 
 Leske Naturg. \.p. 508. tab. lo.fg. 5, 
 Inhabits Northern Seas, on Fuci : feeds on polypi. 
 Bodi without head or eya, brown, pellucid, quadrangular, each 
 angle running into an arm the branchies of which arc termi- 
 nated by a fafciculus of 30 — ^40 tentacula : tail flcxuous in 
 the middle and difpofed in numerous plaits or folds, thickened 
 at the bafe and tapering gradually, obtufe at the tip, and 
 extenfile like the tentacula : meuti> white with cinereous ftris 
 and 4-toothed. 
 P^rygta. Body long papillous, with numerous globiferous arras de- 
 flefted into an hcemifphere: fixed at the bafe by a byfTus 
 or mafs of filaments. 
 O. Fabr.fn. grcenl. p 343. », 233. 
 Inhabits deeps of the Greenland Seast and feldom changes its 
 Body varying in fhape, about f an inch long, reddifh with whi- 
 ter globules and papilla; : neck ereft thick exfertile and befet 
WORMS. MOLLUSeA. 49. Mcdufa. J2i 
 With numerous cxfcrtile papillae : arnti flcnder, ftiort, impli- 
 cate or ent.tngled together. 
 Refenlbling a flask : neck rourtd, the lower extremities 
 dilated and fiirrounded with 8 fafcieiiH of tentacula. 
 0. Fabr.fn, Qrccnlp 341. n. ^^2, 
 Found in the Greenland Sens, sdhcring Vciy firmly to the lii^eft- 
 - Ulva, from which it rcArely moves: feeds on Onifci, an . is 
 about 1 ~ inch long. 
 Body biaclc or rcddtfli, rarely chcrnut-br6wn with a gold tingi, 
 lubricous, glabrous, the margin furrounded with 8 granulate 
 tubercles rcfcmbling fo many fafcicali of t'*n:acula ah )ut 60 
 in each and which are black tipt with white : mouth wmte. 
 49. MEDUSA. So'iy gelatinous,- otfeicular, 
 and generally flat underneath: mouth 
 central, beneath. 
 The animals of this genus Confift of a tender gelatinous n^al's of 
 different figure, furnifhed with arms jr tentacular proccfs 
 proceeding from the lower iurface: the I rger fpecies when 
 touched caufe a flight tingling and r<?dneis, and arc ufur.'!/ 
 denominated Sca-ncttles : they are funoofrd to coiftitute the 
 chief food of cetaceous fi(h ; and moil of them fhitfc with 
 great fplendor in the water. 
 A. Body vitth clliate ribsi 
 Body ovate with about 9 ciliate ribs. 
 Shano Natur. Mijcell. tab. 1 12. Matt. Spit«. t. p./*. h? 
 Broaon Jamaica. p 384. tab i^%. fig. 2. 
 Bafler op. fuhf. 3.^. I 23 tah I4. /fj-. 5-. 
 Inhabits Indian, Mediterranean and Uorth Seas : 3 f inches long, 
 Bodj obtufely S-anglcd, hollow, tranfparent, open v cne larger 
 extremity and of a tirm gelatinous iuhlhnce. It contracts and 
 expands with great f.'.ciliry : ril>s purplilh and fornilhei with 
 a finglc row o\ fhort flender fibres. 
 fileus. Body globular with 8 ciliate ribs and 2 ciliate cirri. 
 Ba/ier op. fubf. 3. p. 126. tab. i\-/.g. 6, 7. 
 Martin. Spitsb. tab. p. Jig. g. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Northern Seas. 
 lucumift Oblong with 8 ciliate ribs, without cirri. 
 0. Fvhr.fn, Granhp. 3D1. «. 353, 
 VOL. IV,~^ I^haVifs 
j2« WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 49. Mcdufa. 
 Inhabits the (.ireen/and Seas, and moves flowly by means of the 
 fibres on the ribs; when touched contrads itfelf into the 
 form of an apple. 
 Bodj white mixed with blue and covered with irregular red dots: 
 aperturet 2, terminal and meeting in the oblong middle cavity. 
 Q<vum. Oyate, with 8 ciliate ribs and 2 pair of cirri, one pair of 
 which is very long. 
 O. Fabr fn. Grccnl p. 362 «. 355, 
 Inhabits Greenland ^eas, and refembles a hat; feldom larger 
 than a Pigeon's egg. 
 Body lucid and very fragile, the fragments while alive blue, 
 B, Body Jmooth. 
 Perpita. Body above fiat, beneath a little convex grooved and villous. 
 Inhabits /Wr'fl. Aman, Acud. 4-/. 255. tab, 3./^. 7 — 9* 
 • Cruciata. Body marked with a milk-white crofs. 
 Inhaijits European Seen. Barbut'sJVorms. tab. 9. fg. I . 
 Body like a tranfparent colourlefs jelly, and furrounded at the 
 margin with fine fibres : the crofs marked with a brown fpot 
 on each arm. Is very luminous when under fnn-fhine. 
 Byjocella. Body convex, with 16 rays, and 4 united tentacula beneath. 
 Bali op./ubf. 2. p. 62. tab. '].fig, 5 ^ 
 Inhabits the fea round Portugal. 
 Body above whitifli, the rays compofed of extremely minute 
 'reddifh-brown dots : beneath concave : tentacula longer than 
 the body, lanceolate and marked with reddifh ihiac. 
 •^^«or^«. Flatliih, with a villous infleded tentaculate margin. 
 Bali, op./ubf 2. p. 55. tab. 5. fig. z, 3. 
 Inhabits the Ocean i extremely fimple foft and fringed at the 
 margin with white, 
 * /lurita. Convex above, with an infledlcd fringed margin ; beneath 
 with 4 arched cavities near the centre. 
 Barbut. tab. ().fg. 2. //. JVgoth. 172. /. 3./. 2. 
 Bafi,op.Jubf z,tab. lif.fg. ^.7,^2- p. S'^—^^' 
 Merret pin. p. l%.tab.']b,'j'J, 
 Found frequently floating on the furface of the fea ; 2 — 4 inches 
 diameter : when the iun ftiines upon it, re'fledls a beautiful 
 •Capilkta. Body convex with 16 indentations round the margin, and 
 numerous (lender filaments beneath. 
* P: 
 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 49. Medufa. 123 
 Barhut. tab. <). fig. 3. h. IVgoth. tab, 3. f. 3. 
 Bafier opuf fuhj. z. p. 60. tab, 5. <%. !• 
 Inhabits the Ocean: about 8 inches in diamcto. 
 Bo^j whitifh femipcllucid fragile ; above convex, beneath flit 
 with a rough circle, within which arc 8 pair of rays j and a 
 number of curled fibres and appendages from the cejitrc : 
 the margin divided into 8 portions, each of which is emar- 
 . Disk capitate, with 8 foramina or holes on the border: 
 beneath arched and hairy, 
 inhabits the 6fa' Bariut'j Warms, tab, ^•/ig. 4. 
 Bs(J'y with an irregular reile^e^ margia. 
 Marjupialis Semioval vs 1th 4 tentacula on the margin. 
 Barbul. tab. '^■J'g' 5. ^ia/ic. Comb, rar t. ^. f. 5. 
 Inhabits the Mgdnerraneun ; refemoles a purfe. 
 Hemf-ha- Hemifphrcrical with 4 tranfverfe ribs beneath, and mar- 
 ''""''• ginal tentacula and globules: the margin entire. 
 Muli. Zeol. Da'i. I. p. 22. n, 5. tab, yftg. I — 5. 
 Gronov. ad. Helv, 4 p. 38. tab. i^. fig, 7. 
 Inhabit* European Heas: about 2 lines in diameter, 
 Pelagtca, Hemifph^irical-conCave with a crenate incurved margin and 
 8 lentacula. 
 Inhibits the American an4' Ailaniic Seas. Lccjil. It, 105. 
 Xo3iljufc.» DeprcfTjd, with reudHh-brown warts and dots: margin 
 with 8 red tentacula. 
 Forfi.fn, /E^vpt, Arab. p. 10g./a5. 24. 
 Inhabits tiie Atlantic and Mediterranean Seat, where they wander 
 in large grouper, illuminating the waters, and it ihaken in 
 fea water emit iparks of light; xhcfe 2 lall are probably only 
 * Fi^/ca* Body with 16 brown rays and a brown circle in the middle ; 
 the circumference edged with alternate crooked tangs 
 and oval tubercles. 
 Boriaje Conrcuatl. p. 256. tab, 2^, fig, 7, 3. 
 ' Barbu/s Worms, 80. tab, <), fig, "J, 
 Inhabits the Coalt of Corn'u.'dH. Tentacula 41 lacerated, a litdc 
 exceeding rhe body. 
 * Piupura, Body with pale purple rays; and a light purple crofs in the 
 centre, between each bar of which is a deep purple 
 horfe- Uioe-Hiapcd mark. ' 
 0.2 InhabitJ 
lU ' WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 49, Medufa. 
 ' Inhibits €ortfivall. Borla/e Corn, ta^, z^. fig, g, lo. 
 Tevtacula 4i thick, fliort, not exceeding the body. 
 ^Tubercu' With 1 5 brown rays meeting at the centre, and fmall oval 
 laiH' tubercles round the margin : tentacula 4, plain, much 
 longer than the body. 
 Borla/eCornnuall, p. 257. tab. 25, fig. 1 1, 12, 
 Barbiit^s Worms, /. 81. tab. <^yfig> 8. 
 Inhabits the co»ft of Corn^ualL 
 * V»<i«!^'ta. M^-Tgin undulate, with fangs on the proj«fting parts: 
 Beneath 4 orifices, between which is a ftem divided 
 into 8 ragged tentacula. 
 Bor/a/e Cornnv. tab- 25,^. 15., J^arbut, tab. <^sf$'9* 
 Inhabits the coaft of CornivaU. 
 fLunulata, Margin tuberculate ; beneath in the centre 4 conic appen~, 
 dages forming a crofs, with fevcral others like ffcrrate 
 leaves furrounding it : tentacula 8. 
 Borla/e Cor^vJfll, f. 258. tab. Z^, fg. l6, 17. 
 Inhabits the coaft of Cori^iuaU 
 Tentacula not longer than th? rnargin, and between each a fcmi» 
 ' luar aperture. 
 Nu<ia. Orbicular, blue, withouj creft : tentacula of the difk naked, 
 of the ray with 3 rows of glands. 
 Holothuria nuda. Gmelin Syfi. Nat.p 3143 , w. 22. 
 Inhabits the Mediterratiean i not an incn diameter. 
 BoJy with a whitifh diflc above, and radiate with concentric 
 ftriae, the margin and border blue : tentacula filiform and 
 blueilh -hyaline, 
 Veklh, Orbicular, blue, with ^n oblique fimple creft or membrane, 
 and numerous tentacula beneath. 
 Shaw Nat, Mi/cell. tab. 250. 
 BrQ'wnJqTiicitcatp,'^%'J. tab. ^B. fig. I. 
 Jmperaf. Nat. tab. 91?. Col.ccphr. 20. t,ab. 22. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic and 'hlediterranean Seas, 
 j^pdji flat, thin, oval and marked with numerous concentric ftrije : 
 i/«7or o-f/? glafly, with nufnerous ilri^. 
 Spirans. Oval, blue, \f\\\\ oblique dividqd creft or veil, and numerous 
 tentacula beneath. ; 
 $ha''M Natur. hlijcell. tab. 247, 
 Holothuria Spirans. Gmelyn Syjl. Nat. p, ^y^^. 
 Inhabits the Meaiterranean\ about 2 inches long, 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 49. Medufa. j2S 
 Botiy thin, convex, and terminating in a -whitife centrai knob 
 above, blue with a brown border: frefi 2-parted and ftriate : 
 tent acuta filiform. 
 Pt^lmo. Hemifphxrical -concave, with a fringed border ; beneath 
 ftriate, t}ie ftem with 4 openings and 8 arms, 
 Shanu Natur. Mi/cei.vm. tab. 299. 
 Macri obsew. del pclm. mar. nap. 1778, tab. I, 
 Inhabits the Tii/can fea. 
 Body gelatinous, pellucid, tough, cryftalline : ^^a^ large, hemirr 
 pha;rical, concave beneath, and marked with numerous ftrias 
 crofTed by 16 diltant ligaments, each emitting a flaort branch 
 both fides: border fringed with nuoierous roundifh blue fcal- 
 lops : Jiem Urge, thick, f'quarc, with 4 lemioval openings, each 
 of which his a large lobe above and a fmaller beneath : 
 branches or arms proceeding from the lower part of the ftem 8, 
 fubcylindric, pendent and wrinkled behind ; befides thcfe are 
 >6 fubtrigonal appendages, bilid in front, and terminated on 
 the upper fide by a fiat wrinkled furface; they arife from the 
 beginning of each branch : the branches end in as many largi 
 fubpyramidieal branchia, their 2 exterior fides prominent and 
 ending in a thickly wrinkled furface : thefe are terminated by 
 8 oblong fubtriangular thick pendent bodies, ending in 3 flat 
 acute membranaceous pieces. WJthin the openings is a fiex- 
 uous flriate blucifh-yellow band. 
 Tj-rrbena* Convex \ the margin crenate, and furnifhed with very long 
 fibres or threads : beneath are 4 tentacula. 
 Inhabits Tujcan fea. Macri. chf. del palm. mar. p. ig. 
 Body fmooth, tender, hyaline fpotted with red; beneath arc 4 
 cavities, each marked with a red band. 
 /"w/ifrrt/dm Diflc prominent; the margin 8-tlrpeK divided and ftriate 
 beneath : tubercles 8. 
 Inhabits TuJ\an fea. Macri. obf. p. 20. 
 ^oajF hyaline, about 2 pounds wbight; beneath fulvous, with 
 innumerable curved fibres: tubercles bhieifh-white, ending in 
 2 Hems terminated by a pellucid whitiH^ membrane, which is 
 flaccid and blue or white at the tip. 
 Utriculus.. Bottle-ftiaped, with a very loQg granular central tentaculuni 
 beneath: margin with numerous blue tentacula tipt 
 with white. 
 Journ. d". Pl.-jf. ncv. 1787. /. 365. tab. 1, fg. 13, 14. 
 Inhabits the Ocean. Hyaline, with about 30 niarginal cirri. 
 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 4^. Medufa. 
 Caravella. Body ovate, with very long central tentacula beneath, and 
 a crenulate veil above. 
 Mull, Be/ch. Naturf. z. p. 150. tab.^tfg, 2, 
 Sloan Jamaic. I. p. 7. tah^ 4, 5. 
 Inhabits thi2 AtlanHci and inflames the hand by its touch. 
 B<fdy thin< fmooth, fhining, blueifh, hyaline, and tapering each 
 lide ; creft or -veil running the whole length of the back, femi- 
 lunar, comprefied, furrowed wiih branched grooves, and mark- 
 with rofy veins: /f«/fl<r«/a jointed, blue, fragile, and inter- 
 mixed with flxorter tuberclci-. 
 Vmbella. Tentacula of the diflc naked, of the margin glandular: 
 margin membranaceous, crenate. 
 Mull. Bffch.hlaturf, 2. lab. 295. tab. g,fg. 2,3, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian feas. 
 jSoJy rigid, deprefied, with radiate grooves above } beneath with 
 a clavate trunk in the middle, furrounded with fliort clavate 
 tubes: tvntacula ']o\nx.tA^ v,h)n 3 rows of glands. 
 Dimerpha. Back eminent: beneath a minute crofs furrounded with 5 
 apertures : margin ciliatc. 
 O. I'ahr.fn.Grcenl. p. 365. «. 359. 
 lr\hzb\ii North Seas i lefs than M. jequorea^ 
 Body wKen expanded orbicular, with a fquare inflefled margin ; 
 beneath concave : back divided into 4 parts by radiate groove?, 
 with an elevated central crofs and white fibres. 
 Campanu- Di fie gibbous,; the border vVidc and ciliatc: beneath a hairy 
 /a. crofs. 
 Inhabit? Greenland Sea, O. Fabr,fn, Granl, p. 366. «. 360. 
 Bodf conic-orbicular, beneath hollow and Inowy : frifige of the 
 margin and crofs yellow, the latter often white. 
 t>igttaia. Hyaline, with a piftil beneath in the centre : margiil 
 O. Fahr.fn. Grctnl. p, 366, «. 361. 
 ■ Inhabits the Greenland Seas, and leaps with its margin bent in. 
 Body very minute, conic, liriate : fringe yellow or white, and 
 hooked within : pillil ending in a yellow or white pencil. 
 froadif/a. Margin of the diHi varied with white opake fpots and dots : 
 tentacula 8, dichotomous, befet with white pedunculate 
 warts terminating in tufts. 
 Pall. Spicil. Zoo I. \o. p. Z(j. tab.2,fg,\'—l. 
 Inhabits the Jrckiepelago ; fmall. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 49. Medufu. 127 
 Bodj flattifh, a little convex above, the border membranaceous 
 and fringed with white fafciculi : beneath is a villous nucleus, 
 which in the lefler ones is 8-angIcd, and in the larger ones 
 letrafiyta. Hemifphjerical, without tentacula; furnifhed with 4 mar- 
 ginal tubes united into a prifm. 
 Forsk/n. yEg)'pt. Arab. p.\o6,n.ll . 
 Inhabits the Rt^ Sea ; about a fpan and a half acrofs. 
 Bo^Y hyaline, rather rigid : tales of the margin linear, 3 inches 
 long, ftraight and flat, 
 Oaoftyla. Hemifphierical, without marginal tentacula : beneath a 
 4-tolded column with 8 many-cleft lobes at the jipj 
 and 16 lateral app ndages. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Fonk.frix .^g. Arah. p. ip6. k. 1 8. 
 Hodj blueilh-hyaline, a foot in diameter; the column beneath 
 about an inch and a half long. 
 Andromeda Hemifpha?rical, without marginal arms: beneath 8 round 
 ramified toliacepus arms. 
 Inliabits the Red Sea » Sf^aiu Nin. Mi/cel tab. 259. ' 
 Body tranfparenl, pale yellowifh-brown or blueifh, with white 
 rays and entire margin; in the middle a fmall black crofs: 
 arpis white, and a little thicker than a goofe quill at the in- 
 Cerofta. Hemifphaerical, without marginal tentacula; beneath 8 
 cultrate arins, toothed each fide below. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, Forsk./n. /Eg. Arab. p. J 07. n. 20. 
 Body reddifh-hyalinc, about 4 inches acrofs, with a blue crols in 
 the centre: arms beneath broad, and 2-lobcd at the tip. 
 Per/ea. Hemifpharrical, hyaline, with an opake white ring within 
 4 times interrupted: marginal tentacula o. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Forsk.fn. JEg% Arch. p. 107. «. 21, 
 ^c</y about 2 inches wide, with a very promineif margin: arms 
 4, fublanceolate, about an inch long, and undulate at the 
 Cephea, Hemifphrerical, tubcrculatc, rct'difh-brown: beneath 8 
 arms villous at their cxircmiiies, and 9 very long 
 filiform tentacula. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Shaiv Net. I'ijceV, tab. 224. 
 Body pellucid, with 8 paler rays: armi bluciih with black ex- 
 trsmiiics : tentacula iomttiv 
 WORMS. MOLLtjSCA. 5o:.i>byn;bphora.. 
 ProBo fcii/a- Hcrm^phxilcji], with a long probofcis in the middle be- 
 f"» . neath; and 6 marginaT tentacula. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Forsk. fn. Arab. f. 108. n. 23. 
 Body hyaline, z\ inches broad, with a prominent equal margin : 
 prohofcii fubflexile and truncate at the tip, with a fringed 
 folded vcrfatilc membrane. 
 Mollkina. Dcpreffed, with 12 lateral apertures and tentacula. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Forsk. fn. Arabi p. 109, n. 25. 
 Bodv an inch and a half in diameter, hyaline, th« margin pro- 
 minent with 1 2 plaits. 
 Piiettta. Ovate-campanulate, ■♦yrith a hyaline globe abore: wJthirt 
 an oblong red nucleus : margin with numerous tenta- 
 ^ cula yellow at the bafe. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Forsk. fn. Arab. p. 1 1©. n. 26.- 
 Bodv about an and a half high, the margin a little cbntradled. 
 Crudgera. Hemifphasrical, with a reddifli crofs as wide as the body. 
 Inhabits ■ . Fonk.fn. JF.g. J'S. p. 1 10. n. 27. 
 ^i?/^' about the fize of half a cherry,' with 4 very minute whiic 
 approximate rmgs above ; the margin thin, prominent, vari- 
 oufly flexile and often reddilh : tentacula very numerous, not 
 as long as the body is wide. • 
 Unguicula^ Orbicular; above flat with 16 rays: the margin crenate, 
 ta» with 16 nightly incurved fangs. 
 Snuai-ts AH. Stockh. 1788. 3. n.-j. tab. 6, Jig. l. 
 Inhabits the ffiores of Jamaica ; fize of a fmall nutmeg. 
 Body diaphanous, blueifh, fpotted. 
 50. PHYSSOPHORA. Body gelatinous, 
 pendent from an aerial velicle, with 
 gelatinous feiTiIe members at the fides, 
 and numerous tentacula beneath. 
 Thefe are nearly allied to the IVIedufse, and might without much 
 impFopriety be removed into that Genus, 
 JJydrostati' Ch'al ; with numerous lateral 3-lobed veficles, open out- 
 ca. wardly: middle inteftine ind 4 larger tentacula red. 
 Forsk. fn. £gfpt. Arab. p. 119, n. 45. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; about half an inch long, compreffed.. 
 and always- fwims with the tip of the veficle above the water, 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 51. Afterias. 
 Ru/ucea. Orbicular, and imbricate with otlong horizontal foliaceous 
 membranes affixed to the veficle. 
 lr\h.zb\t< iht Mediterranean. Fersk.fr.. Arab, p, 120. ». 46. 
 Body hyaline, an inch in diimeter, and refemblej a full-blown 
 flower bending downwards : <veficle obtufe, ovate, reddifh, 
 and covered with flat obtufe fpliaccous membranes curved 
 and thickly laid. 
 Filifcrmis, Lateral iftembers oblong, filiform and pendent. 
 Inhabits ihj Mediterranean. Fenk, Arab. p. \zo. n. 47. 
 ^tdy very tender, not thicker than a thre.'d, and a fpan long, 
 hyaline; with an obtufe ovate head about the hzc of a grain 
 bi rice. 
 ii. ASTERIAS. Body depfeffed, covered 
 with a coriaceous cruft murkate with 
 tentacula, and grooved beneath: vioutfi 
 central, 5-rajed. Star-JiJJi. Sea-Jlar. 
 Thcfe are all inhabitants of the fea, and arc marked with a- 
 rough white Itorjy fpot above : they eJfily renew puts which 
 have been loll by viol nee, and fix themfclves to the bottom 
 by fwimming on the back and bending the xiyst 
 A. LuHate. 
 kobiliif Granulous, with a ridge round the margin, the diflc of 
 which is glabrous. 
 Inhabits NcrtJb Sc-as. Contop, Norsk. Natufg, 2. /. 291. 
 Fuhilluii Lubricous, with an entire fimple margin. 
 Muli Zool Dan l.p.6^. «. 25 tab. i(), fig.i^ 2, 
 I'-habits North Seas, round the ifland Kahoim. 
 Body above convex, covered with a Imooth fanguineous fkin, 
 tranfverfely Itrlate here and there, befet towards the margin 
 with loft cbtule white fpines, about the fizc of a millct-fecd, 
 and divided into loarex, the margin not articulate, but rough 
 in the angles with about 10 acute pipillx : beneath concav,, 
 fmooth, v.'hitifh, with a rofy tinge, and hollowsd by 5 grooves 
 each fide covered with horizontal batons. It tinges warm' 
 water with a tawny colour, 
 Militarit, Every where grP.nulous, with a palvinate margin, which is 
 alike granalous. 
 Inhabits Ntrth Seas. Mull. Zool, Dan, proJr, 28z8. 
 Vol. IV.— R luna. 
13P WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 51. Afterias, 
 Luna, Orbicular, entire. 
 Inhabit? India, Aman, Acad. \. p. 2^6. tab, ^y fig. 14. 
 Bod'i copipreileo and every whcie Sprinkled wiih xaifed dots, 
 B. SteUate. 
 *Pappo/a, With 12 — 14 ra^s, the edges of which arc furrounded 
 with Ihort fafcicular procelTes ; the (urface muricate* 
 Nat. Mi/celi. tab. 418. Burbutt tab. \Oyfg,z. 
 Linck. Afi. tab. 32, fig. 52. tab. l\,fig. 54. 
 Linck dell. mar. tab. 1 7, fg. ^8. 
 Seba Muf. %» tab. 8, fig. 5, Colupt* ecp. tab. 38, fig. A ? 
 Inhabits European and Ajiutic leas. 
 Body above ferruginous, the difli Ipotted with white, the rays 
 paler at the ends j beneath whitilh, with paler papillae and 
 black grooves dowp the rays, th? disk tinged witji red : rayt 
 1 1— 15> lanceolate and a little convex above. 
 Spongio/ai Roughifti ; with 5 femicylindrical obtufe rays, unarmed at 
 the edges, 
 O. Fabr,fn, GrcEttl. p. 368. «. 363, 
 Inhabits <^reenland Seas ; abut 7 lines in diameter. 
 Body pale reddilh, with a very minute red central protuberance 
 above, and rough with very minute crowded incumbent fpincs: 
 rays infleded at the edges. 
 *RuieHii Lax, with 5 lanceolate convex rays covered above with An- 
 gle fpines difpofcd in rows. 
 Afterias hifpida. Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 30, fig. 58. 
 Linck. tab. g,fig. I9t tab. ll, fig. 15. tab. 14,/^. 23. 
 Bafier opufc.Jubf. tab. 2, fig. i — 4. 
 Plot. Oxfordjh. 85. tab. ^,fi!g, 4. Barbut, tab. lo, fig* 3, 
 Seba Muf. tab. Syfig, 3, tab, 6, fig. 3, 4. 
 Olear. Muf. tab. 8, ftg. 4. Barr, rar. tab. i«88. 
 2, Baft, cpufc'.fubf 3. tab, iz, fi, I — 6. Column, aq, fab: 6, 
 3. Linck. dell. mar. tab. ^^t fig. 69, 
 Inhabits the Ocean; 9—14 inches in diameter. 
 Boify above red, pale orange, yellowilh, cinereous or black, (ome- 
 limes violet : rays 41 — 6, with 4 rows of papillae beneath : /»• 
 bercles fomctimes fcattercd or difpofed in rows, fometimes o: 
 prickles or briftles fometimes o. 
 "^Sepofitaf With 5 joujid rays jeticulate beneath, and covered above 
 with pedlinate prickles. 
 Borla/e Cornwall, p. Z^<). tab. t^^ fiig. 1 8. 
 Ltnck.ftetl. mart tab. 4, fig. 5, 7. tab. 9, /. 16. tali 30, /. 6z. 
 Aiterias fpinola. Pennant Brit, Zool. i\,p, 62. n.^k. 
 Inhabits European Seas j very fmall. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 51. AAerias. 131 
 EnJeca. With 9 rays every where covered with peainate prickles. 
 Linck. tab. l^,Jt^. 25. tah. 15, 16. /g. 26. fab. 17,/^. 27, 
 2. Rump/. Mu/ tah 15, f,g. F. 
 Inhabits North Seas. R.ys 5, 8, 10, generally 9. 
 ikZ/flw/a. With 6 rays, the edges with diftant projeaing fafcicular 
 flnhtbiti }^o)thern Seas. Seba Muf. .3. tab. 5, /J^.14, 15. 
 Boay pale yellovv^ about 2^ lines in diameter, flat each fide. 
 *ClaciaJ{. With 5 ancjular rays, the angles with prickly protuberances. 
 Linck. tab. 38, and t.^b. 39, fig.dc). 
 Inhabits the North Seas. Rays thick, lanceolate. 
 BoJy when alive rufous undulate with white, fometimes cine- 
 reous, brown or green j the dilk above with tubercles difpofed 
 in a circle, beneath hollow : tentacula numerous, pellucid, 
 with a row of fmall pinnules each fide.i back with a round 
 itriate operculum or lid. 
 ■ •fiiathrata With 5 fhort thick rays ; hirfute beneath and cancelled 
 f ahav€. 
 Inhabits Europtan Seas. Pennant Brit. Zoo), iv. tah. 30, fig. i. 
 ^chinite!. With 20 rays, each with 2 rows of fuckers and numerous 
 large and fmall moveable fpines. 
 • Inhabits Bata'via, Sohud zuA Ellis Zooph, tab. 60— 62. 
 Disk, like the riy^, covered with fpines. 
 iieai-culattt^ Rays 4, reticulate with prickles. 
 Linck. tab. 21, fig 36. tab. 41,/^. 72. 
 Seba Muf tab. 7, fig. , . Ru„f. Muf. tab. l 5, fig.D. 
 ^HJJf' 114 tab 9,/;^. I. Barbut,tab. 10, fig. 4. 
 , inhabits the Indian Seas. * t 
 ^hrygiana. Every where befet with papillce which are rofy beneath. 
 Inhaous N^r^ay. Aa. Nzdr. 4./. 424. tab. ,4, ;5^. ,, 2. 
 AW^«. With 5 con-vcx rays, longitudinally elevited and murlcate. 
 Barbnt, tab. 10, fig. 5. Qre^. M.f 123. tab. 8. 
 iT u^" 347^43. /«^. 7' a:?- 8 tab 25.y?f. 40. 
 f'^u "-^u^- ,'"f- 5'A? 7> 8. /«/^. 6./.^. ,, 2, , ,. ,2. 
 Inhabits the /W.aa Ocmw. 
 '^../^r.^. Lax, with a grey-brown furface and violet tubercles- 
 rays 5. 
 Pennant Brit, Zool. iv. tab. "^O, fig, 56. 
 Kadeap. Lin<k.p.<)y,fig. I — 9. 
 ^ 2 Inhabits 
^32 WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 51. Afterias. 
 Inhabits European and Northern Seas. 
 Body with fometimes a violet furtace, fomctimes with violet tij- 
 bercles only, thefe are either difpofed in jrows or irregularly 
 fcattereu: ^/ii orbicular : rayi ianceolatc and reddifti ac the 
 tip: beneath yellovvifh in the grooves. 
 Sanguin$^ Above fanguincous, the rays tipt with white. 
 lenta. ' Inhabits l^orth Seas. Mull. Zoof. Dan. pmdr 2836. 
 Perforata Unarmed, with perforated dots on the back. 
 inhxhir:^ North Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan prodr. z^l^. 
 Ar^ciaca Dilk broad : rays 5, ftibdepreffed and prickly at the margins. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan i~ p. Z- tai. 8y fg. \—3' 
 Aa. ^idrof. 4. tab. 1 4, fig. 3—6. 
 Barhut, tab. \o,fig.6. Barr. ic. 128 1. 
 Linck. tab. J^,ftg. H. *^^- ?»/%• 6- '''^- ^^J'^' ■ ^* 
 SeiciMuf. S- tab.b.f.^—i 
 Inhabits Mediterranean and North feas. 
 •P.u.nrh Rays <> i diHc reticulate and perforated with dots : tubercles 
 •E^ns. ^.y ^^ ^^^^.^^ fub;^rticu:ate: beneath a fmgle row of 
 lnhs.hns European Seas. Bar'mt, tab. 10» fig' 7* 
 All. irregularis, Brit. Zooi iv, p. 61. 
 Linck. tab. b,f, 13 tab. 12,/ 21. tab. 13,/.22. 
 iV^tf A/a/. 3. lab. 8, /^ 6. 8. Barr. ic, 1 285. 
 / • , With < femicylindrical obtufely 8-angled unarmed ray%,, 
 ;?7;;;/;?>. Muf. tab. 1 ?, /^. E Gr^w, M?/ ^fl^- 8, fig. 1 , 2. 
 I. habits AW/V-f-r^'J^'fl" and /«fl'/«« Teas. 
 i?«yx covered with obfolete warts, and between them at the 
 iides are hollow dots: beneath the warts are difpofed in a 
 *M,^bra With 5 broad membranaceous rays, extremely thin apd flat. 
 naaa Aft. placenta/ Pennant Erit, Zoot.\s.tai>.l\, pg. %^, tS- 
 Linck. Jiell. viar tab.\,f.2. 
 InkMis Europti^n and Mediterranean kzs. 
 Bays rough with tubercles : beneath with 5 elevated convex ri!:>s, 
 Gr««vAzm. Pentangular, unarmed, each fide telfellate with granula- 
 tions; the margin jointed, 
 Linck. fell, tab I 3. fig. 22- tab. r'],fg. &r<,' 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3/^9- '«*• 92- M' i— 4* 
 Inhabits the ifland Santa Craz, ^ 
 ^ ,^ ■' Q.Badifje 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 51, Afterias, ijj 
 C. Radiate, 
 Ro/ca. Rough, with reticulate granulations : rays round. 
 Mu/I. Zoo/. Dan, 2 tal/. 67. 
 Se^a MuJ. yp, 13. tab. J- fig. 5. 
 Inhabits the Belgic and Norfway Seas ; a very elegant fpccies. 
 ^0^ above rich rofe-colour, fometimcs inclining to orange, 
 with blackifh dots betw:;en the granulations ; beneath whitifH 
 with dilated grooves; a quadruple row of tentacula, and c 
 rows divergent pinnules ; rays white at the very tip. ' 
 fertufa. Rough, rays round with a narrow gibbous bafe. 
 Inhabits A'orfi' 6<?«j. MuU. Zool. Dan, prodr. 2839. 
 • Qphtura. jQ-j^ ^^y^^, f^^jg ^,f ^he angles ferrate. 
 ji3, Nidros.^-p- ij^.tab. "2^' fig. I 5. «b. 
 Brit Zool \w:tah. ■>,Z.fg- 62. Barbiit, tab, lO.ftg- g» 
 Sloan Jamaic. 2 tab. Zif\. fig 8. 9. 
 Lir:ck. tab. 1 \.ftg 17- Phiiic, Co,ich. tab. j^. fig. 4. 
 Inh>.b',tb the Ocean; [mal!, and njoves flowly. 
 BcJf generally above grey reddifh or violet, rarely white ; 
 g;abrous, with 5 rays : <//;(<!• orbicular : rays 4 times as Img 
 as the body, flenaer quadrangular flexuous and covered with 
 a lingle row uf fcales. 
 It ii. fuipeftcd thit the mifchievous effefls, which at certain 
 timciOl the year, are produced by CiLingthe common mulTels, 
 are occafijijcd by their having fed upon this fpecies of 
 4'^uleata, "V^ith glabrous prickles, fhorter than the diameter of the 
 Mull Zool. Dan. ^. p. 29. tab. 99-//^. 1 — ^. 
 LincL tab. zG.fig. 42. t. 40./ 71. 
 Inhabits the Ocean Rays 5. 
 Body varying i»- colour, orbicular, with n>i|iuts fcales beneath, 
 () qi wnich refemble a Corol. 
 Qliaris.^ With rough fpines, longer than the diameter of the rays. 
 Unci. tab. l^-fig. 56. /. 37./. 65. V. 40./. 71.., 
 Bar. rar. tab. I2g^. fig. I. Ba/but. tab. lo fg. lO. 
 Inhab'.lfi the Indian and ^lorth Seas. Rays 5. 
 9Sph^ru, With 5 flender jointed rays, hirfutc onthefidfsj with ^ 
 ■ ^' fmall globular head between the bafe of each jray. 
 Inhabits European Seas, Penn. Brit. JCool. iv. tab, ^2.fg, 63! 
 Bo^/y pentangular indentid fmooth above the apcrt'lre; beneath 
 9 Pentfthyllat 
i34 WORMS. MOLLliSCA. 51. Afterlas. 
 Pentd- With 5 flender rays, hirfute at the fides and telTellate aboVef 
 phytla* and below with green, fometimes with sky-blue. 
 Inhabits iJr/W/i Coalis. Bar/. Corniu. tab. z^. fg. 24. 
 Boi(y regularly pentangular. . ■ 
 * yaria. With 5 hirfute rays, annulate with red : body circular with 
 lo radiated ftreaks ; the end^ lozenge-fortn. 
 Inhabits Brit'tJ}} CoaJ!. Borl. Cbrnija. tab. i'^-fg. 21, 
 ^Acuhiu^i. With 5 flencer hirfute rays: body round, with alternately 
 broad and narrow ftrcaks from the centre. 
 Inhabits Britifit Coajis. Borl. Cornnv. tab. 25. fig. i<^. 
 * llafiata. With 9 hirfute jointed rays : body pentagonal Indented, 
 brownilh-rcd with 10 ochraceous ftreaks, 5 of which 
 a.re flender with javeline-ihstped extremities. 
 Inhabits BHtiJk Coddi. Borl. CorniJd, tab. ZS'/'S- ^^' 
 * Fi^a. With 5 flen<!er hirfute rays : body circular with 5 equidiftant 
 dents penetrating deep into the iides, and 5 light co- 
 loured ftreaks from the centre. 
 Inhabits Britijh Coajis. Borl, Cornnv. tab. 2^. fig. 20. 
 ^ Nigra. With 5 hirfute olive rays telTellate with deeper (hades; 
 body pentagonal black with 5 radiate (Ireaks of white* 
 Inhabits Britijh Coajis. Bor-l. Corniv. tsib, 2^,/:g. 23. 
 Tenella. W^ith 10 peftinate rays above; and filiform ones beneath^ 
 which are thickened at the joints. 
 Reiz. Aa. Stocklp. \-]%i.p. 233 n II. 
 In abits the coall o\ Santa Cruz-; lefs than the titxt. 
 Body white ; Hem of the rays longer. 
 ^Feflinata. With to pedinate rays above; and fewcfr filiform oncii 
 beneath, the joints equal: disk fmooth above. 
 Linck tab. "3,7, fig- 64, 66. Barbut t. \0. f II. 
 Seba. MuJ. 3. tah. <^-f/g. 3, 4. Pet Gaz. t. if- f.^. 
 Pennant Brit. ZooL iv. tab. ^S'Jig^ 7 1. 
 Inhabits European and Indian Seas. 
 Bcav covered above with 5 unequal valves j colour deep led : 
 filiform rajs beneath terminated by an incurved claw. 
 l^'ukira- With ID palmate- fubquadrifid peftinate rays above and 
 ]jiata. numerous filiform ones beneath : the diik granulate. 
 Li7:ck. tab. 2^ ' fg- 33- ^ 22./. 34. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. 
 • Caput 
WORMS MOLLUSCA. 52. Echrnus. ^35 
 With 5 divided and fubdivided rays: diflc arid rays gran«- 
 late : mouth deprelFed 
 Natur Mi/cetl. tab. 103. Barhtit. tab. 10. fg, 13. 
 L.nck. tab. \%.fg. 29 t. 19 /. 30. /. zo.f. 32, 
 Seha Mitf. 3. tab. ().fg- I, 2. /. 1 1./. I. 
 Knorr. delic. nat. tab. G, Mart. Spitz, tab. V.fg. E. 
 Inhabits moft Seas, and is an extremely curious fea animal : th£ 
 5 rays dividing into 2 fmaller ones, and each of thcfe dividing 
 again into 2 others ; which mode of regular fubdivifion i,3 
 continued to a vail extent, gradually decreafing in fize, till at 
 length the lamifications amount to many thoufands, forming 
 a beautiful net work. Its colour is fomecimes pale or reddifli- 
 white, fomctimes brown. 
 EarjaU. Rays divided and fubdivided ; diflc papillous and with th© 
 rays granulate: moj^th a little raifed. 
 Linck. tab. 2f).fig 48 /. lO.f, 49. Rumpf. Mu/ tab. 1(5. 
 Inhabits the dpe of ^ood Hope. Body fulvous, 
 Qligaefei. Rays very long aixd fiirple, with 2 acute moveable ilyles ^. 
 each joint. 
 Pall. nov. aa. Petrop. 2. p. 239. tab. (>-fig. 23 A, B. 
 Found near the Ifland C^r^uiv, adhering to Gor^onia;. 
 Body pentangular minute ochraceous and rather hard. 
 J^igritM,. With 5 jointed rays covered with inabrjcate fcales above, ar\d 
 lateral patulous ramifications ; difk obtufely pentan- 
 gular and granulate. 
 Inhabits Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. p. 20. fab. Ql-fig* I — 4. 
 Tricelcr. With five jointed rays pr6linate at the fides, the ramifica- 
 tions rough: difk hifped 
 Inhabits Faroe IJland. Mull. Zool. Dan 3. tab, 97 fig, \ — 5. 
 Fragilis% Difk orbicular murlcate, fpinous on the back : rays c, 
 jointed and pectinate at the lides, the ramificatioi^ 
 Inhabits hiorth 6cas. Mull. ^ool. Dan. 5. tab. ()^*/ig' l-r^* 
 ECHINUS. Body roundifli, covered 
 with a bony futured emit, and generally 
 furnillicd with moveable Ij^nes. mouth 
 placed beneath, and molily 5-valved. 
i26 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echiniis- 
 Thefe are all inhabitants of the Sea, and many of them have 
 P^/i^ been hitherto iound^in a foffile ftate: naany are efculent, and 
 ^ '■> they nrc in general armed with 5 (harp teith : the pores are 
 each furnilhed with a rctraftile tenfaculum or feeler, by which 
 the animal affixes itfelf to any objeft and ftops its motion: 
 the ("pines are connefttd to the outer (kin by very ftrong 
 ligaments,' and are the inftruments of motion. 
 A. Vent vertical: tentacula every where ftniplc. 
 a. Hemifpharical or ghbular. 
 iE/tuUfitus ^ubglobular; with 10 avenues of pores, the fpaces between- 
 covered with fmall tuoerclcs fupportlng the fpines. 
 , Na^ur, Mi/cell. tab. 223. Barbut, tab, I l./i". I 
 L-.fier Angl. 69 tab. -t^./ig 13. ^rit. Zool. iv. /. 34./. 74. 
 Klein echinod. ed Lejh. f. 76 tab. 3«./. I, 
 RumlfMuf. 31. tab. 13 f:g. B, C. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab, n.fig- 4- a, b. i. 12./. i, 6, 8, 9.' 
 Argent). Conch, p. 307. tdb. 25.//V. F. 
 Delic. Nat./el. tab. D fig. i.t.U. ii. f. l > 
 1. Seba Muf. 3. tab, \o.fg. 14. 
 2. Seba. Muf. 3. t2b. li.fg, 6. 
 3. Seba Muf. 3 tab. W.fg* 7- 
 /. Seba. Muf, 3. tab. 1 1. Jig. 9. 
 5. White. Molin. Hill. Chili. p.^ 175. 
 Inhabits European and Indian Seas. , 
 Bodv reddi(h or yellowilh : fpinss (hcrt violet colour, looflng their 
 colour and falling off the dead animal : pores in aboat 3 rows: 
 tubercles furrounded with a circle of Lffer ones : 'vent clofed by 
 a coriaceous membraae -covered with fpines. 
 ^kard. Subfphaerical, red, with blueifh fpines. 
 Inhabits Northern Seas. MuU, Zool Dan. Prodr. 2845, 
 Is probably the fame as the lalt, or Ech. lirdicus. 
 brcrbachU Hemifphaerital, pale, with long pale fpines. 
 enfts. Inhabits North Seas. Mull. Zool. Dan. prodr. 2846. 
 ^Mi/iattu Hemifphzerical deprelTed, with to anenues of pores, the 
 fpaces between with 2 rows of protuberances. 
 klcm. Echin. ed. Lejk. tab. 2. A, C, D. tab' ^ 3 1 . A, D. 
 Sloan Jamaica. 2 p. 268 tab. 24.^. Jg. i — •}, 
 Seba MuJ. ^.p. li.tab. lO. fig- i— 4- '<"^- ^^'fi' 5~^* 
 Del. Nat. I. tab. D. ii- yfg-. 3, 4, ^. tab. D, m./g. 4. 
 Gualt. lejl. fab, loj^ji^. G, H, I,L', K. 
Worms, mollusc a. 51. ficVmus. 137 
 Bajlcri, 2: Shell deprelTed, with fewer tubercles, and a ferrate line 
 down the middle of the fpaccs: pores of the avenues 
 placed in alternate rows of 2 and 3 foramina. 
 Ltsk ap. Klein, tab. 43. ftg. 3 — 5. tab. 49. f. i, 2. 
 BaJi.op.Juhs. 3. /. MZ.tab. ll.f. 2 — 8. 
 Reaum. 43. Par. ijlz. p. 177. /. 8. 
 Gualt. Teji. t. 107./ A. 
 Inhabits the European Qcean^ and is principally dillinguifhci 
 from Ech. efculcntus, in being lefs, in h iving the top more 
 deprcfied, and the avenues of pores narrower. 
 S'/vZ/grceiufi^-grcy, olive-green or reddifh-violet : ^^r%zx fpaca 
 with 8 rovv? of fiuall tubercles, befides fomc very minute 
 fcattered ones : leffer fpaces with 1 rows of larger and as ma- 
 ny Imall tubercles : anienues with a triple row of double pores: 
 [pines 3 — 4 lines long, ftriate, acute or obtufe, whitilh, violet^' 
 green or ulackilh •olive. 
 HerHiJfhce- Hcmifphcerical, deprefled, with 10 avenues of pores, the 
 ficus, fpaces with a ferrate future down the middle, and tranf- 
 vcrfe lines : mouth pentangular, the angles obtufe. 
 Klein, ed UA. tab. 2, E. tab \0,fig. 7. 
 Oualt. TeJl. tab. loy, fig. M 
 Dsl^c. Nat /el. p. 88. tab D, / 6. 
 Inhabits •, probably a variety of Ech. efculentus. 
 SJbcU yellowi(h-rcd with paler avenues, the bale ochraceous ^ 
 rough with larger and fmiller protuberances. 
 Jitgukfusi Hemifphxrical ; the fpaces granulate and bifarioufly wart- 
 cd, the larger ones bi parted by a ferrate future down' 
 the middle: avenues trifarioully porous. 
 Klein. Echin. ed tej. tab. z, F, tab. ^z,fg^ l. 
 2. Lefs, and grecni<h-grey. 
 Klein Echin. ed leik. p, 94. tab. 3, A, B. 
 Seba Muj. 3. ta!>, 10, Jig. 20. 
 Argen'v. c>nch. i. p. 310, ta/f. 25, /g. H. 
 Gua/t. TeJl. tab, 1 08, fig. A. 
 Delic. Nat.jH. I./. 88 tab. D", fig. 4, $. 
 Inhabits 7. Shell grey with a violet tinge. 
 Spaces wi:h rows of granulations and protuberances; aveniut 
 with double diftant pores, 
 ExtaifatHS, Hemifphccrical ; fp?ces granulate, all of them bifarioufly 
 tuberculate : avenues excavated and bifarioufly porous. 
 Klein Ech. ed. lesk. p*gS' ^^- 44» /'&* 3» 4» 
 SciUt de corp. 7nar. petrlf tab, 22, fig, 2, D. 
 Found at /eronn in a petrified Itatc : grey-ycllow» 
 VOL. IV.— S Qloluliti* 
tjg WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 Giohului. Hemifphaerical, fubg!obular, with 10 avenues, the fpaces 
 muritate at the fides and porous in the middle. 
 Inhabits ilic /ay,z«w Offal. Muj. Lud bir. -j 06, 
 This. is probably ihe lame as fc-ch. graimlatus. 
 Sj>b0roiJes Hemifphserical, gibbous : avenues 10, every where mufl- 
 cate and poioub in the middle. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 
 Gratilla, Hemifphsric^l, gibbous: avenues 10, triplicate; the fpaces 
 muricate in a dtcuHate form. 
 Inhabits the hidian Ocean. Muf Lud. XJlr. 707^ 
 Lixula, Hemifphserical, with 10 avenues in approximate pairi; 
 the fpaces tranfverfely muricate and pundtured. 
 Inhabits the hdtan Ocean, Muf. Lud. Ulr. 107, 
 Saxatilis» HemifphaiTical, depreffed ; pores of the avenues in a curved 
 line, the curves oblique at the bafe, 
 Uumpf. Amb. p.'t^\. tab, 14,/^ A. 
 Set- a Muf. 3 tab. iO,/i^. 11. Bat but j tab. II,/". 2« 
 Kietn ecktn. ed. lesk. tab, 5, and 30, A, B, 
 Delic nat./el. I, tab. D, n\,f2g'. 6; 
 2. Seba Muf. 3, tab. 13,/^, 10, 
 KletJi echmoa. ed. lesk. tab, 39, J"ig. 4. 
 3. Klein ec hi nod. ed. lesk. tab. 5, fig.c. 
 4. Klein tchinod. ed. lesk. tab. 5, Jig. b. 
 Inhibxii i\itMeutterranean, 2) Indian Seas, 
 5'-^<?//rubelliptic, viclet-grcy or white: protuberances violet, red-» 
 di/h or yejlowilh, in 2 or 3 longitudinal rows: pores of the 
 aHjenues double, 5 pair in a row: «;oz</^ large : «rf«/ furround- 
 ed with ovate acute fcutcs: fpines rigid, reddilh-brown,' with 
 violet tips. 
 /fw^r^f/a;. Orbicular, with 3 flat feneftrate bafe : fpaces 10, with un- 
 equal fmall and large tutjcrcles : mouth with 10 angles. 
 Klein echincd. ed. lesk. tab 4, A, B. tab^ 39, fig. 3, 
 WaUh dilwv.Z. p. 177. tab E, i. a, 1. 
 Inhabits . . Slell white, with granulations over all the 
 fpaces and avenues; in the larger Ipaces are 6 rows of warts 
 refemhling papillse : a^uenues broad, with 3 pair of pores and 
 2 towards the crown : fpines violet-black ; ijent pentangular. 
 Sttbakguh' Hemifphxrical, orbicular; with 10 fpaces, the Icffer ones 
 ris* elevated, and 10 rows ot tubercles in each. 
 Inhabits ■ ■, Klem ecbined, lesk, tab. 3. C, D. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 139 
 Sk^'/ ^T^cm^-n^ a little inc'ining to chcrnut, and pulvinate al 
 the Hafc: (iace^ with 4 tubercles placed in a rhombic form: 
 pores of the avenues curved, in 4 or 5 pairs. 
 * Ovarius, Ovate ; the br2;er fpaces bifarioiifly tuberculate, 
 Pht. OxforJ'h^p. \oS ta/-. 5, /ig.6. 
 Lairi. hthoph p 46. V 9 -,4— 949- ''='*• <?' A- 940. 
 Boursr '^ctrif t. 76 «. 340. tab. %t. fig. 340. 345» 34^. 
 Found in a petrified Hate in England and Normandy. 
 t>iadmd. Hemifphsrical, depr^fTecl, with 5 avenues longitudinally 
 tuberculate ; the fpaces lanceolate. 
 Klein ed Iffi. tab.T,J, Hi- I. 2. tab. ^\. g. \,g. 2. 
 Barhut, tab. 1 1, /%, 3. Peti'v. Amh. tab. 8, /i>. 5. 
 Rumpf, Muf. p. 35. tub. »3, w. 5. tab. 14. / B. 
 3. W ith tuhercuUts bands. Phsls . Zee-egel. />. 29, «. 27. 
 3. Greenifh-vellow.. Seba Muf. 3. /fl^. 1I>/^. 10, 
 4. BIicHfh, variolous, with long fpines. 
 Seba Muf. 3, tab. i^, fig. 5. 
 5. Ar/^/«. echinod. ed. led, tab. 46, fig,\. 
 4>. Spines black annulate with white. 
 Klein echinod. ed lesk p. 1 01. 
 Inhibit? finds of the Indian Ocean. 
 Shell orSicular, with a depreffed xQipy rich blue or grey-blue : 
 mouthUrgt: 'i-fa/' circular an. i farr>un.:ed vith a pentangular 
 Ikin : f>aces bifariouilv tuberculate, the tubercles perf .r ted at 
 the tin: a'uetues with 3 pair of pores at the bafe and I at the 
 tip: /'fines violet and blue-grey. 
 ^alafa*rius Sphxroi.?, clepreiTed: avenues 5, with black porous niargins, 
 grauulate in the mividle with a double row or larger 
 prominent dots 
 Pall Spiel. Zool. 10 p 31. tab. t, fig 4—7. 
 Kleii echtnnd. ed hik.p llv tab /[^,fitg. I — 4. 
 Inhil/us t'le Indian '^ea: greenilh-white. 
 Leff-'r uhrcln with >reen very brittle bridles: /pines refcmbling 
 the '\en of the Equifetum, whitifh 'annulate with green and 
 grey at the tip. 
 Araaeifor. Orbicular, grey, with purple-grey fpines thicker in the 
 tnii. middle. 
 Inhabits American Seas. Seba Muf. 3, tab. 1 3, /ig» 6, 
 Stellatui. With the lower fpines capillary. 
 Inhabits American Seas. Seba Muf. 3, tab. 1 3, ftg, 7. 
 S 2 Radial us. 
140 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. .l^chinus, 
 RaJistvs. With 5 radiate avenues, forked gt the tip. 
 Lesk. «p. Klettt. echin^ p. n 6, tab. 44, fig, i . 
 Seba Muf, '3, tab, 14, fig' 1,2. 
 Inhabits ' ■ . Each of the arvenus is terminated by 2 whitiih 
 lays, and perforated with pale red foramina. 
 Circinatus. With 10 granulate fpaces, bifarioufly tuberculate; the 
 larger ones excavated, the lefler ones elevated, and 
 fubpulvinate at the bafe. 
 Klein echin. eddake, p. 1 1 9, tab. 45, Jig, JO. 
 Scill. Corp. mar. tab. z^^ f. \? 
 Found hitherto only in a foffile ftatc. 
 Ciiarii. Hcmifphasrical, deprefled, with 5 flexuous linear ^vcnuesj^ 
 the fpaces alternately bifarious. 
 Kkin echin. ed. lesk. p. 125. tab. 7. Barbutt tab. 1 1 , /, 4. 
 1. Kleinlesk. tab. 7, A. tab. 39,/. I, 2. tab. 5ify.h, Ij2. 
 Seha Mvf. 3. p. 30, tab. 1 3, fig. 1 1, 1 2. 
 Delic h'at./eLtab D,/'g.2. 
 Phef. Zee-egel p. zg^ tab. i> fg. 10. 
 t. Lefs. Kkin, ed.Usk.p. J27. tab, 7, 
 .Rumpf. Amb. p. 33, tab. !2, fig. 3, 4. 
 ^^-^a Muf, 3, /«&. 3. Argennj. Conch, tab. 25. Ef. 
 Z)^/«r. nat. jel.tab. D. iii.//^. 5. 
 3. Spines fufiform. Seba Muf. 3I tab.. i^, fig. S. 
 Klein ed. lesk. tab. 41. f'g- 4. /^^- 7. L>, E. 
 i)cill. Corp. mar. tab. 22. fig. l — J. 
 Bonann. Muf. p. 92. yTg". 17,18. 
 Qualt. ted. tab. \Q%. ftg. D, E. PetiV' Amb.tab, 7,/. 2. 
 4. Spines claviculate. De luc. Naturf. 8. tab. 8. 
 Kktn.ed. leik. p. 134. tab. ^6. fig. 2, 3. 
 L««5. Lap. figi tab. 36. the middle figure. 
 5. Spines obtule. Aia//. Zoc/. Dan. prodr. 2848, 
 6. Echini Siamenfes. Rumpf. Amb. p. 34. 
 Inhiibits the Ocean, generally of a livid-grey colour and flat at 
 the bafe: fpaces granulate; with 2 rows of protuberances 
 placed alternately, furnillicd with perforated papillse, lur*- 
 tounded with a cjrcle or two of granulations, and leparated by 
 a groove running round them ; in the place of lefler ones is 
 an emment band between the avenues; wjc«/^ rather large. 
 MamiUatus Kemifphxricai, oval, with lo winding avenues ; the fpaces 
 muricaie and warty, the narrower ones abbreviated. 
 Kletn echificc, ea. lesk. tab. 6. 34, 39. fig, i. 
 Rnrnpf. AtiUp. 32. tab, 13, fig. I, z, 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 141 
 Seba Muf. I. tab. io,fg. ij. Barhut, tab. 1 1,/, 5. 
 Breyn. echin. t. i,/. 5. Cua!t, tejl. i, 108, B, C. 
 Argenv. Loncb. p. 310, /. 25, /". A. 
 f . Pbelf. Z^e-egel. p. 30, « 7. 
 ^. S^^^ 'V/z/ 3. />. 13,/. I, 2. 
 4. SehaMuf. 3. /. 13./. 3. 
 5. SebaMuf. 3./, 13,/, 4. 
 Z)f/. A'a/. I, /. D./, 3. t. D. Hi./ 7, «. 
 Inhabits Soutkern "^eas ; dcpreffed, of* ydlovr-afh colour inclin- 
 ing to brown, beneath paler. 
 Spaces 10, the papillx' not perforated as in the laft, but lur- 
 rounded with elevated circle? j in the larger /pacei are about 
 16 — 18 protuberances jhe middle ones larger, in the leffer 
 fpaces about 14; aijenues with 4 — 5 pair of pores at thebafe: 
 moutb large: nient rounded and furrounded with lofcales, c 
 of which arc perforated ; colour of thc/pingi variable. 
 L'ucunter^ Hemifphasrical, oval, with 10 flexuous avenues; fpaces 
 muricate, the narrower on^s longitudinal. 
 Klein echinod. ed, lesk. t. 4. C, D. 
 Seha Mu/. 3. /. 10,/ 6, 16. /. 1 1 , /". 1 1 . 
 Breyn. echin. t, I ,/. 6. Gualt, te/t. t. I07J/. C. 
 Delic. nat.fel. i.p. 89. /. P. \.f, 8/ 
 t. Suborbicular, Klein lesk. t. z^, /."£,, ?. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, and varies much in colour i fomctimes 
 yellow -cinereous, fometimes blueifh or blackifli: the bafc 
 pulvinate. • 
 houih large: in each ,^^z<-^ is a double row of larger warts, and a 
 fextuple row of fmall ones in the larger fpace.-, which in the 
 leffer is quintuple: avenues with 4—5 pair of pores towards 
 the ends, and 6 in the middle. 
 J^ram. fleraifph^ricaUcval ami fli^htly deprefTed; with very fhort 
 obtiifc truncate Ipiiits, the marginal ones clavatc and 
 Klein ed.lesk. /. 47,/. I, 2. /. 44,/. 5. 
 Bar hut's Worms., t.w.f.b. 
 Jrgen'villt Lonch, l.p. 310. /. 25,/. F, G. 
 Jjihabits jndian Seas. Circumference nearly orbicular, ciHcreous 
 inciini.g to violet : j-a'cej 10, very finely grarulate, with 
 fometimef an oiluple row of larger protuberances in the larget- 
 ones, difpofed in a quincunx, and a double row in the leiTe'r 
 ones: aojenues hrown, excavated, granulate, broad, with 4 
 rows of pores: ///«o violet, feme of them clavatc, fome an^' 
 plar at the tip, and fome cylindrical, 
i^i WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 ^'CeretraUs, Hcmifphaerical orbicular, with 10 fpaces alternately nar- 
 rower and covered with fcattered papillae : avenues flat, 
 meting in confluent pairs before the area of the crown. 
 Morton NortbznUt. p. 234.. tab, lO. fig, id, 
 tu^d.lithopb. Brit. «. 979 — 98 1. 
 Lejk. ed. klein. p. 136. tab. 8. A, B. 
 Lang. lap. fig. p. t2 2. tab. 31. 
 Bourg. petrif. tab. 51. fig. 334., 33$. 
 t. Ploi'^taffordfh. p. 178 — \q%. tab f^.Jig. 21. 
 I.ffi:. ed. klein. echin. p. 138. tab. 8, C. 
 Hookas Works, p. 284, tab. Z. fig. 2, 3. 
 Liiler lap. co(h. p. 120. ti\ et fig. 19. 
 Lluid. litb Brit. p. 4.6. fig. 942, 943, 
 Jang, lap' fig- p' 124. tab. 35. 
 t^aletti. Muf. 2. tab. ^./fg. 8. 
 Bourgmt petrif . p. ^b. tab. ^z. fig. 345. 346c 
 Schfuthz. oryhsgr. p. '^I'J' fig- I 34« 
 Scheuchx. phys.facr. tab. t^G.fig. 65.- 
 Baier oryi'iegr. noric. tab. jfig- 36. 
 3. Klein, echinod. ed, Lefk. p: 140. tab. ^^, fig. z. 
 Rumbf. Amb. p. 337. tab. S9'f'g- E. 
 4. Llein. ecbin. ed. LeiLe. 141. tab. S. ftg. !D, E. 
 Inhabits various P'lrts of the world, and as yet has only be<h 
 found in a foffile Hate, in a chalky and flinty foil. 
 Jfiirizafts, Orbicular dep re iTed ; tubercles furrowed with a groove up 
 to the tip and furrouned with a circle of granulations. 
 Klein, ecbiuod. ed. Lesk. tab. 8. F, tab. afi.fig. 5, 
 Found among chalk in a foffile fta^e* 
 Ajfulatus. Shell fcutfellate, the fcutels united by tranfverfe futures. 
 Klein, ecbinod. p. I 5. § 26. 
 2. Teffellate. Klein ecbinod p. 16. § 27. 
 .Inhabits— —probably not i diltinrt fpecies. 
 Sardicus. Orbicular depreffed tuberculate, with t© imprefled avenues » 
 the fpaces multifarioufly tubercled, with an imprelfed 
 future down the middle. 
 Klein, ed. Leske. tab. 9. A, B. tab. S^-Pg' 4-"^« 
 Plane, comm. Bonon i. p. 236. tab. l.f'gi 4» S" 
 Bonan. recr. I. p. (^z,fig. 19. 
 Scill. corp.mar. tab. ^yfg- I • ^' 3^. B. a. j 
 Inhabits the Tufcamwd. Adriatic Seas i large, grey-yellowifh-red, 
 the bafc nearly fiat and more yellow; \iX'izx fpacei with tu- 
 bercles difpoied in 8-12 ro^vs, with lefler ones and imall 
 granulations in tne interltices j the lefler fpaees with 4-6 rows 
 of fmaller tubercles ; a-cenues with 5 pair of pores placed m an 
 arched row: mouth fmall with lo linuofities. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 14^ 
 U •>} mui. Hemifpharrical dcprefieil ; the fpaces void of tubercles in 
 the middle towards the upper part?, the ieffer ones 
 more elevated: avenues narrow and bounded each fide 
 by a row of tubercles. 
 Klein. echinod.ed.Lcsk. p. 148, tab. lo,A. 
 Inhabits Oiive green, the tubercles and bafc of thf avcr 
 nues whiter: Urger ^accs with 12 rows of tub- roles at the 
 broadcil part, leflcr Ipaces with 3, e-ich tubercle furrounded 
 with a circle of lefl'er ones : a-venues hardly 2 lines broad, with 
 3 pi-ir of pores intermixed with granulations : mcuib iaxzWi 
 fjent furrouded with pentinguiar fcalcs. 
 reriegatut. Orbicular fubangular; middle fpaces rofy, rich green cacli 
 fide: avenues whitilh-green: bafe whitiih. 
 Klein, echinod, td. Leik. p. 149. tab. 10. B, C. 
 Scba Muf. i- tab. lO.fig. 13. Gualt.teli. t. lOJ./.F. 
 Inhabits Largery^^rfi with the appearance of 3-4 warts furr 
 rounded with granulations, IclTer fpaces a Intle elevated witri 
 3 rows of warts: avemies with 3 pair of pores: n.oui/f roundifl) 
 and very faindy finuate. 
 Pfijiulojus. :^arger fpaces divided in the middle by a future, witli 
 numerous tranfverfe rows of tubercles increaling irj 
 number towards the middle; leiTer fpaces more elevated, 
 Klein echinod. ^d. Leske. p. i 50. ta'tf. 1 1 . A, B, C, D. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. 10 fig. 8. 10. 15. 
 Inhabits-: hardly an inch high and about 2 in diameter^ 
 brow nilh grey inclining to red, the leflcr fpaces paler, the 
 bafe whitiih, and the protuberances reddifh : y^^fci 10, the 
 larger ones with a rough difk, the future bounded by minute 
 granulations each fiuc. with rows of tubercles confilUng at firft 
 of one, then of 2, fo that in the middle they amount to about 
 10; Icflor fpaces with 2 rows of tubercles with a ferrate line 
 and minute granulations between them ; a'venues with 4 — ; 
 pair of pores running into oblique lines : mouth with broad 
 (Sranulatus Suborbicular fubangular : middle of the fpaces naked and 
 divided by a future ferrate each fide, the larger onee 
 ^ with 7 rows of tubercles, the Ieffer ones with 4. 
 Klein echinod. ed. Leske. p. 150. tab. 1 I. E, F. 
 Inhabits -about I of an inch high and i { in diameter, tha 
 bafe pulvinate and with the margin of the larger fpaces greenilh- 
 grey. middle of the larger {paces and the Ieffer ones dull green; 
 a'venuet with 3 pair of pores placed in a triangle : 'vent cir- 
 cular with 10 fcalcs at the margin expanded Itke a rofe, 
J44 WORMS. MOLLUSCA.- 52. Echpius. 
 TefellatHs. Wrth lo fpaces divided in the middle by a future and tcftelv 
 late: avenues 10 bij)orous : mouth circular. 
 Klei*i echinod. ed. Lesk. p. 153,. tab. II, G. 
 Found hitherto only in a foifile ftate. 
 Botryoidct. Spaces divided by a longitudinal future in the middle, the 
 larger ones bifariouily tuberculate : avenues with a 
 double curved rov/ of pores. 
 Ki'ein ccbind. ed. Lesk. f, \ 54. tab. 1 1. H,- 
 found as yet only in a foffile ftate. 
 TcrtutKH' Hemifphajrical, v^ith 10 fpaces bifarioufly tuberculate» the: 
 iicut, tubercles crenate and furrounded by a circle of granu- 
 lations ; the larger fpaces with 4 longitudinal grooves^ 
 , the leffer ones with 2. 
 Klein echinod. ed. Lesk. tab. 10, D, E. tab. ^\. jig, 2. 
 Inhabits Cinereous blueifh or greenifh, the bafe and avenuet' 
 yellowifh : avenues bipbrous," che pores placed in a thickly- 
 ferrate line; bafe pulvinate : mouth fmall ; <vent furrounaei 
 with ro fcalcs. 
 b. Sameihing refemhing the figure of ajbield. 
 ^Sinuatut, Convex; avenues 10 ftriate; fpaces 10: tubercles furroirndcd 
 with a circle of granulations. Polar Jione, 
 Plot. Oxfordjh. p. 91, 92. tab. z. fig. 9, 10- 
 Klein echinod. ed. Lesk. p. 157. tab. 12. 
 Lifier lap cochl. p. 224. 
 Luid. lithoph. Brit, p. 48. «. 97I. 
 Morton Northamptonjh. pi xi\. «. I. 
 Found hitherto only in a toilile ftate. 
 One of the ^ac^i" divided by an excavated linus : wvenuei broad 
 and punctured at each margin : bafe a little excavated and 
 furrowed by ^ divergent grooves: mouth fmall pentagonal. 
 Semigkbo' Hemifphxrical, grooved,' with a fiat bafe: the protubcran- 
 f"'' ces placed in rows. 
 Klein echinod- ed. Lesk.p, rjS, tab. \^.fig. I. 
 Lang, lap. ^g.p. 119. tab., 34. 
 Volkm. Sil./ubt. l.^, 179. tab. $0.fig, 5. 
 Bourg. petrifi. lab. 52. fig, 3<}.2. 
 Found hitherto in a foflrle ftate only.' 
 duin^ue- Painted with innumerable annulations, with a hollow inr 
 fabiafus, the middle furrounding a 5-rayed convex flar/ 
 Klein, echinod, ed, Lesk, p, 159. /<nl'. 4i-y%. h 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52, Echinus, i4S 
 tFali. tnonum, dikv. z. p, iBi, tab. E, iii. f. 4. 
 Ferf. der bafel. merkio 22. tab, iz.fig, I. 
 Found hitherto among foffiles only. 
 Consideus, Subconic with an elliptic circumference : fpaces and ave- 
 nues 10, the latter tranfverfely grooved and porous at 
 the inargin, the former divided by a ftraight excavated 
 , future. 
 K'ein echomd. ed. lesk. p. 1 ^g. tab. 43,/"- 2. 
 Found as yet only in a fofliie ft:te: prorunenr.ces of tVie Tpaces 
 thickly placed and furrounded by a circle of g^anulation^ ' 
 bafe flat, groovc:d : vent circular. 
 B. Vent placed beneath ; mrutb without tentaeiila. 
 a. Bafe circular, in the periphery of which is the vcnL 
 *Jlhb ca- Spaces I?,- covered with numerous fmall white tubercles, 
 isruu the larger ones uiiiicU by a ferrate future and tranf- 
 verfely lincate, the leifer onts tcrmiiiated by a foramefs 
 at the crown : avenues 10, oiporous. 
 Plot- O.xforafli. j 35- tab. Z- fig X3. 
 Morton iSorthnmftunjh p 235. «. 1. 
 Lnjd. lithchh B'it. p -47. n. 958, 9591. 
 liesk.ed, Klein echinod p. 162 ta'y. 13, A. B. 
 Jldrov. Muf. TtieiaU. / 455. Z'^. 4- 
 Besi. Gc.ioph. c6n:ir. ta'K 19, 
 Lang, la^. fig^p. 125. ta^. ^d, fg. 1. 
 Mtil- ech. ivagr, p Jt fg> (>• 
 Breyn. ech. />. 57, tab, z, tig. I, 2. 
 Bourg pctrif p 77 tab $!;■>/§ S^'* 
 F und hiiherc.) oniv in a f'/fti;e fate. 
 Suboval : mouth orbicular, Imali : HJttii ovate. 
 Dcprejfus. Spaces ic, the larger ones divided in the iitiddic by a fu- 
 ture: avenues 10, biporous: crown dcprclied: yi-Att 
 KL'in echin. ed, ksk. p, 164.. .'. 4.0, /. 5,6. 
 WWc/?> diiwv. fftr^fium 2. p. i So /, E. ii /I 6, 7, 
 Me/l. ech. ivjgr. p.'/. t. i, f. ?.. 
 Kundm, rar. nut.i't art. yt /-g' 12, 
 Nafarl.liafel. ^erkzv. 2 2. tab- 22, fig. W. 
 Found hitlicrto .>nly iil a fol'ilc tlate. 
 /f5«rf nioaeratc, with 10. lliarp finuofitics; i'^;?/ large, ovate. 
 VOL. iV. — T *yi:haus. 
146 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 *P'ulgarisf Orbicular; with 10 avenues, 2 of them always nea-r each 
 Morton Norihbampt. p- 235. ». 2, fah. \0, fig. II. 
 Liji, Up cocbl. p. ZXCf'fig. 18. 
 Lutd Itth. hnt. p. 46. n 944--950. 
 Klein cchrnod. Usk.tub. « 3>/?^. C — k- ^ H» /• * — ^• 
 IFAlch dawj. t. E. 1./ I, 2. a. /, 2. r. 9. d. f. 2. g./. i; 
 Aidro'V. iAuf. p. 455,/ 3—6. 
 0/!fflr MuJ. Goitorp.t.zi, f. 5,6, 
 Scoiopendrites. Ovum anguhium. BeJI. gaz. cent. tab. ig. ' 
 Buffonites. Muj. Caicecl. p. if^i. 
 Rumpj. Amboin. tab, \, jig- 6—9, 
 Mercat. metah. p. 246, pg. l — 4. 
 Mell. ech. fVagr. p. 7, taO. l,J>g, 3, 4. 
 Afy//. memcr. Saxon, p, 45 — 47. y^^. 2, 4) 5, 9, 10, 
 ■Volkvt.JtleJ.fubterr. p.xyt). tab. lo,Jig. 6, E. 
 /f(?/w. lithogr. anger b. ^.71. /«^. 8, yz^. 13. 
 Breyn. echin. p% 57. /<J^. 2^7%. 3> 4^ 
 ^j/^w. biblioth. app. tab. 2"^, fig. 27O. 
 Found frequently in a foflile itate, in nurcbcrlcfs varieties of form. 
 ^aJri- With 4 avenues of pores. 
 fefciatus, Klein ecbtnod. edlesk.p. 170. /«i, 47, _/f^« 3 — 5. 
 Gehler charaii.foffil. extran, />• 1 3> fig. i • 
 WaUb diluv. tab, 9, d. y;^. 3, g. y?^. 7—9. 
 Found in a foflile ftate: circumference fometimes orbicular, 
 fometimcs approaching to an oval, 
 Sexfafiia- With 6 avenues of pores. 
 tus, Klein ecbtnod. td. lesk. p. 170, tab. 50, Jig* 1,2. 
 Gehler char Q&, fojji I. ext.p i"^, fig. 2, 
 Walch diluv. monum* Juppl. tab. 9, g. fig, 4—6. 
 Founjd hitherto only in a foffile ftate. 
 b. The haje exaBly circular'. 
 Suhuculus. Avenues 10, biporous; fpaces 10, 5 larger and 5 lefs : 
 mouth and vent fmall, orbicular. 
 !• Klein ecbinod. ed. lesk. tab, 14, fig. 1, m*- 
 2. Klein ecbtnod, ed ksh. tab, 14, y. n, o. 
 Found bnly in a foffile ft»te : tbr fpaces befet with very fmall 
 circles : pores of the avenues very minute and crowded clofe 
 c. The haJe oval, 
 Cyclaftomut* Oblong, fubdeprefled : crown with 5 pores : mouth placed 
 in the middle and round : vent oblong and near the 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Mcufa. 
 Klein ethtnod. ed. lesk p. 173. tab. 17, fig. 4, $. 
 Mull.Zool. Dan. 3./. 18. tah. g\,/.S> ^» 
 Rumff. Jmb. p. 6. tab. l^,jig. D. 
 Seba Muf '^. p. '^6 tab. 15J/30--37. 
 Delic. nat.Jel. p 90, tab. D. i, /". 1 1. 
 Bayer or^iloir ncr.iah. $/'•$$* 
 Inhabits : cinereous or yellowifh : the bafe pulvinate ; 
 ypaces 10, divided by a ferrate line down the middle, and he- 
 let with minute tubercles inclofed in a circle : anjenues 10, 
 biporciis, and extending to the mouth. 
 SemiUttaris Vent longitudinally oblong ; mouth tranfverfe and fcmi- 
 Klein echinod, ed. lesk. p. 174. tab. 49,/". 8, 9. 
 Muf. Tei/ln. p. 114. tab.d. f.z, 
 Seba Muf 3./. 19, tab. 10, f. 7. 
 Inhabits the Asiatic feai pale ycllowifh-afh. 
 ."ffw/iycrw/j. Mouth pentangular; avenues 10, ftriate: larger fpaces 
 airulate or divided into plates, the pieces pentangular. 
 Klein echinod. ed, leske,p. \ 74. 
 i>cill.corp mariM. t,\l,f. 1,2. 
 inhabits : probaoly not qf thi<* diviiion. 
 d. Bafe oval, acute ; vent oppcjite the mouth. 
 *S£titatus» Convex, beneath flat : fpaces tuberculaie and alternately- 
 larger, the larger ones ilividi^d by a ferrate future in 
 the middle : mouth tranfverfe kidney-ihapcd, 
 Luid. lith. Brit. p. 46. ». 95 ' -'95 3. 
 Breytt cch. p. 58 tab. 3,/". t , ?. 
 Albildg.Ste'venikl. p iz. tab. 2,/. I--5; 
 I. Walch dilwv. tn',n. Z. p. 1 79 /. E, i. a.y. 4. 
 Klein echinod. ed. lesk tab ^2.,/ 4 
 a. W, Icb diJwv. monunt, Z. p 176. / E, i,y, 3,41' 
 Klein echincd. ed. lesk", t. iZ.f.z, 3. 
 Found only in a foflile ft^te : tubercles of the jpacei intermixed 
 with very minu'e granularioi'- : »jo«/^ furrounded with tuber- 
 cles fomcvvhat larger .ind forming a triangle: i>eHt fubovate : 
 bafe a little cinvcx 'osvard'; the margin, with a more eminent 
 ftnpe in the middle, bounded each fide by 2 finely granulate 
 Ovatus. Ovate, aflulate, the pieces hexangular : crown naked : vent 
 Klein echinod, ed lejk. p. 178. tab, S^ijig. 3. 
 Hsak^/ Works, tab, 2, fg. 4 ? 
 T 2 J* itkin 
^48 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus, 
 2. Klein echttt' ed. hsk. fab ^z, fig. 5, 
 IVakh diluv. motmm.^z. p. I 79, iab, E. i, a,/'. 5, 
 Aldre'v. MuJ. mei. f. 455, f.g- 3. 
 Bytem. bihlioth. app. tab. 23,7%. 270. 
 3, Klein echin. ea. lesk. ic. tit, and tab, 8,/* G. 
 JValch dilu-v. monum 2 /. 177. tab. E, a. /I 3, 
 Found hitherto only in \ foffile ftate. 
 5/^^/7 compofed of 20 rows of pieces, 10 larger and lolefs all of 
 then; united by a ferrate future: /paces 10 larger and \o 
 fnialler, in the latter of which are j impreflcd dots ; mouth 
 rounded, fmall : vent fuboval, 
 '^ Pu/}u!u/uj» Spaces obfolete and not tuberculate: avenues with raifed 
 dots difpnfcd in pairs: crown imprelfcd. 
 Plot. Oxfurdfli. §36 tub.z. ftg. \j^. 
 Luid hth, Bnt. p. 47, «. 954. 
 Lifi. lap. cochl.p. 215 f.g. 2()- 31. 
 Klcim. echinod. ed. lesk p. \ 80 tab. 16, A, B. 
 Mrno'2 Northampt. /• 335. tab. 10, fig, 12. 
 Hod's Works, p- 284, tab. 3. fig. y, 
 Hehv. lith Angerb.p.yo tab.'i. fg. 12, 
 Mell.fih.'VJagr. tab. X-pg- 7, 8. 
 Kundm. rar. nat. et art. p- 95. tab. 5. fir, 8, 9, 
 Found in a foflile Itate : refembles Ech. fcutatua in figure, cir- 
 cumference, moutti and vent. 
 ^adri" With 4. double rows of dots. 
 radtatus* Klein echinod, ed. lesk p. \%z. tab, 54, /. l. 
 Mell de cap. fig: Lubec. p. z8. /. 2,f. 7. 
 Fouiid hitherto in a fpffik itace only. 
 Mitiof, Ovate, with a flat or concave bafe : fpaces and avenues lo, 
 the latter biporous ; mouth traniverfe, roundifh: vent 
 1. Papillous. Kkitt ed. lesk. tab. 16, C, D. 
 J. Waved. Kieined. lesk. tab. 17. a,^, 
 Brem.ecbin. p. 58. tab. 3,/. 3, 4. 
 3. Smooth. Klein eihin. ed. lesk. lah. 17, c, do 
 Voikm.liks- ju^t, tab. '^O. fig. 7. 
 Found in a (qiTile ftate. 
 Puhiuu Qvate, with 10 fimply porous ayenucs; half pf ihe vent 
 Klein echinod. ed. leb, p. 184. tab. 44. /". 5. 
 Found hither;oonU in afolile flat^. 
 Xhc 5 XdiX^cr /paces marked vviui imprefled circlci* 
 «» Thi. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus, 
 e. The baje Ir regular ^ with % expanded fetal-Jhaped marks 
 Qn the furfiiCff 
 t The margin ivith angular jlnuojities, 
 Ko/iiceus. FUttifh and roundiOi-oval : avenues 5, oval, with i dotted 
 Barbut, tab. 1 1, fig* Q. 8loan Jamaic. tab. 242,/". 6 — 1 1. 
 Klein echinod. ed, Uik, p. 185, tab. 17, A. 
 Rumpf. Amb. tab. 14, C. Peti<v* Amb.tab. 1 4,/. 10, 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. u,/ 2, 3. 
 Delic. nat fel. i,p. 91. tab. D. l.f. t2, 
 2. Klein echinod. ed. lesk. tab. tg. A, B» 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. 15, fig, u, 12, 
 (Jualt. teft, \. tab. 1 10, A. 
 3. Kletn echiv.od. ed, kik, tab. 1 8, B, 
 Boccan. obf. p. 324, tab.f.g. l. 
 4. Seba Muf, 3. tab. ^$, fg.\Zy 14> 23, 24, 
 5. iC/f/w echinod, ed lesk. tab. 40. /a^. 41 >y. i. 
 Inhabits the yfyf«//V Ocean^ the laft variety foiTle ; yellowiili, 
 brown, fometimes dirty cinereous; covered with fmall tuber* 
 cles like grains of fand, and difpofed in a quincunx form. 
 Altus, Crow^n elevated, orbicular ; avenues broad, with convergent 
 granulate tips. 
 Klein echinod ed. lesk. p. \^C). tab. 53,/. 4. 
 Sc II. Corp. mar. tab, 9, fig. I, 2. Bonan. ricr. t. 36, f. I. 
 Walch diluv. monum. J'uppl. tab. 9, d. «. I. 
 Found in a foffile ftate : higher than the laft : about Z inchei 
 high and 6 broad at the widcft part of the bafe. 
 +t Ovate J with an entire margin, 
 lOv'formis, Convex and flat beneath: avenues 10, biporous and cx^ 
 panded in a llellate form: crowrn with 4 pores. 
 K'e':n echinod. ed. lesk. p. 191. tab, 20, c,d, 
 1. Klein echin ed. lesk. tab. \ 8, C, D, 
 2. Kle'n. echin. ed. lesk. tab 20, a, b, 
 jll.-^rov Muf. met. p. 498, Ji^. i, 2, 
 Rumpf, Amb. tab. 59. fig, D, 
 Breyn. echin. p. 59. tab. 2, Jig. 45. 
 Walch diluv monum. 2. p. 81 tab. E. iii, «, 5. 
 3. SebaMuf. ^. fab. lo, fig. 23. 
 Inhabits ; above brovvnifh-grey, beneath whitifli-grcy j 
 granu'ate, with a circle round the granulations; mouth tranf- 
 yerfe and flightly kidney-fhaped : vent marginal, near tha 
 mouth : bafe with a paler glabrous line in the mid41c, reaching 
 from one end of the fhell to the other. 
150 WORiMS. MOLLtrSCA. 52. Echinus; 
 Oriiculatus Granulate; avenues biporous, the pores united by a tranf- 
 verfe imprctred line, and the intermediate fpaces di- 
 vided by a ferrate line in the middle, the reft of the 
 fur face 5 -par ted. 
 Klein, echinod.ed. leike^p. 194.. tab. 41, fig»i' 
 Walch nwnum. diluu. p. I Si . tah. 41 > _/. 2. 
 Bourg.pctrif.f.-jy. tab. i^'i,, fig. -3,^2, 
 Found in a pctrihed ftate, and a very indiftinfl.fpecies. 
 f. Flat on Icth fides ! the avenues rcjemhllng petals : 7nonth 
 ctntral, fat, toothed : crotun zvith 4 pores, 
 i JVith c Jtnucite margin and perforate Jurface. 
 Biforit, The bafe wiih 5 grooves and 10 flexuous radiate line? : near 
 the vent 2 oblong foramina. 
 Kiein cchnnd. ed. ksh. p. 169. tab. 21. A, B, 
 J.elic. nat.Jll. 1. />. 92. tab. D. i-/?jf. i. 
 St. Muller Linncijch. Naturf. 6. B. tab.S,f. B, 
 Inhabits ; above a little convex and pale yellowifli-afii, 
 beneath ochraccous: fonietim'ts roundifh, fomenmes obtulcly 
 triangular; the margin fomettmcs finuous, lometimes flexu- 
 ous : .»;;5a?^ obtufely pentangular: vent fometimes circular, 
 fometimes trxnrverlely oval; the adjacent foramina fometimes 
 fliorter and fubovate, fometimes longer, narrower or linear: 
 avenues refembling ovate petals or leaves, confiding of a fingle 
 inner row of dots, and a row of oblique ftriae penetrating the 
 ^ehiaporuu Avenues emarglnnte at the tip:- vent near the nioutb, •vvlth 
 5 foramina. 
 Klein echinod, ed. lesh, p. 197. tab. ztt/ig.CfD. 
 Hugh, Barb. 280. tab. 24,/?^. 3, 4. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 15,/. 9, 10. 
 jdrgennj. conch, z. p. 63. teih. 7, f.g. C. 
 Gualt, teJJ. tab. 1 ic, fig. K. 
 Detic. nat.fel. i. p. 93. tab D. i. fig. 16, 
 Inhabits : obtulely pentagonal ; above \vhitl(h-afh with a 
 reddiih tinge ; beneath hollowed towards the middle, white 
 •with a lutle yellow and blue veins ; fell with prominent divi- 
 fions: at'enues oval: mouth obtufely pentagonal, the lips a 
 iittlc prominent and perforated with a foramen : i-cnt nearly 
 fquare with adjacent linear and fuboval foramina: cro'wn 
 marked with a pentagonal liar. 
 tkxdpbrus. Orbicular, with narrow avenues, and 6 narrow foramina 
 near the vent. 
 Klein echinod. ed. lake, p. 199. tab. 50^ fig. 3, 4. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab. l^, fig.j,Z. 
 Delic. nat./el. i.p. 93 tab. D. i-fig. 17. 
 Inhabits the Indian, American and i^outh Jeas, and very much 
 refembica the lall : cinereous: froau« umbiiicare : ^^c a luile 
 hollowed, darker and marked with frondofe lines. 
 BmargiKa" Subpentagonal, with ovate avenues : vent oval, more re^ 
 /'". mote from the mouth, with 6 foramina clofc to the 
 Klein echinod- ed. lesk. p. zoo. tab 90, fig. 5, 6, 
 Inhabits the ifland Bourbon; greenilh-brown. 
 Shell a flightly heart Ihaped oval, a little pulvinatc, finuous, 4 
 inches and 6 lines in tranfverfe diameter, crown patulous, 
 bafe a little flatter, and marked with fleyuous branched fculpr 
 tured lines. 
 Juritus, Margin waved, the lower-one rounded, the upper-one 
 nearly fquare and twice divided, with an opening pore 
 between every 2 of the avenues, 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 15. Jig. i, 2. 
 Inhabits /'^r//a« feas ; yellowilh-grey, the upper margin tawny : 
 the bafe flat, puntlured and marked with radiate ilrise; fvent 
 oblong and placed near the mouth. 
 Jnauritus,' Subcordate and aifulate, the pieces hexagonal : avenues 5, 
 oval, emarginate at the tip, the fifth longer, and a jofe 
 between every two of them. 
 Rvmpf. Amb. p. 37. tab. 14, F, 
 2. Seba Muf. 3. tab. 15, fg. 3, 4. 
 Inhabits Amboina, in the river Pfagnitoe j 5 — 6 inches high and 
 as many broad; the broader end thrice divided i thm anc} 
 thickly covered with granulations fpinous at the bafej above 
 reddilh-afli, beneath violet-red, 
 ^etraporui^^ Orbicular, lightly finuous, and perforated each fidp with 4 
 foramina: vent circular. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 15, fig. 5,6. 
 Inhabits : pale yellow-grey: froovn with 5 foramina ; 
 fl'i'ifKKi?/ obtufe at the tip; the bafe funowcd with 10 flexupsf 
 grooves bifid at the tips : mouth rounded and 5-toothed, 
 tt With a Jinuate margiyi and entire Jurf ace, 
 *La'ranum. Avenues oval, finely ftriate and clcfi at the tip : 
 prominent : vent circular and near the margin. 
 Klein echin. ed. lesk. p, 204. tab, 2^ fig, a, b, c. 
 Riimpf. Amb. p. 36. tab. 14, y/g.E. 
l^i WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 Plot.Ox/rdJh.p tji. \ $$./^ 12. 
 Gualt. teft. I JO, fi^. C,C. Hoce. ohf, p, 296. fig, 2, 
 Seba Mu/. 3. tub x:;, fig. 25, 26. 
 Inhabits — — , Granuht:, ochraceou?, ovate, fubprntagonal; 
 t'.e bafe with 5 excavated rays divided into fo many equal 
 fpaces ; mouth ohtufely pe: tagonil ; fvent hardly the breadth of 
 a line diftart from the margin: cro=wn perforated with 5 fora- 
 mina between the avenues, 
 SairstunJus Orbicular, with radiate avenues. 
 K/ein Echin. ed lesk p. 206. tab. 47, fig. /. 
 Sail, Corp. mar. tab, 8, Jig^ >~^3- 
 Andrtte Br a. d, Schnu. tab. $, /ig> g. 
 Valent. Muf, tab, 3, Jig. 7. b. 
 Found hitherto only in a fofSIe ftate. 
 RtticuU' Ovate, flattifli, with 5 oval avenues: the furface reticulate. 
 /aj. K'ein Ech. ed. lesk. p. 207. tab 4^, fiq 8, 9, 
 Barbut, tab. 11, Jig. \o. Gualt. Tell. t. 1 lO, /. D, 
 Rumpf. 4tnb. tab 14, Bg. C. 
 Seha M"J 3. tab. 15, f.g. 23, 24, 35, 36, 38. 
 Inhabits American and Ir.aian Ocean. 
 Othicutaris Circular, with oval acute avenues: the bafe with 10 im- 
 prelled porous rays: vent mid- way between the mouth 
 and margin, both circular 
 Klein. Echtn. ed le k. p. 208. tab. 45, Jig. 6, 7. 
 Gualt. TeJl. tab, i \o, fig. B. Breyn. ech, tab. "Jy fig, I, 2, 
 Bocc. obj p. 269. fig. 2, 3. . . 
 Lang, lap fig- p. 122. ta.b. 35. the laftfigure. 
 Inhabits the Indian Sea. 
 Gorrallatus Orbicular, with oval obtufe fhort avenues. 
 ■Klein ed. lesk. p. 20g, tab. ^0,fig. 4. 
 IValch dilun:.monum. z. p. 180. tab. E, \\. f. 8. 
 Found hitherto only in a foiEle ftate. 
 ttt With the margin toothed. 
 Decadacty^ Shell perforated with 4 oblong foramina; the margin with 
 la,^ 1 teeth . 
 Klein echin. ed. lejL p. 209. tab, 22,/. A, B. 
 Gualt. Teji. tab. \00, fig. H. 
 Seba Muf. 3, tab. iS-fg >7> i^- 
 Inhabits ^htli rough with granulations ; above blueifh- 
 green varied w^ith cinereous; the avenues and luture^^ pale 
 ficfh-colour; the baf. ycllovviih flefh colour, with loimprei- 
 fed flexuous groove?, bifid at the tip and green ifh alh : a-ve- 
 nues lanceolate-oval, entire, biporous, united by oblique ft las: 
 teeth of the margin alternately fhortcr ; mouth rounded : 'vene 
 ovate. ^^0" 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Etfhlnu^. 153 
 OBoddSiy- The fore-part orbicular and perforated with 2 foracirna, 
 '''^* . the hind-part 8-toothed: avenues lanceolate, 
 KUin, e<J>ino{i, ed. Lesk^p. 2\\. tab, zz.fig, C, D. 
 Breyn echin. p. 6x. tab. 1 fig* 5, 6. 
 Gualt. teft. tab., 1 10. fig- F. 
 2. Margin lo-tootlicd. Seba Muf. 5. ^^i. l^-fg' J 5, 16. 
 Inhabits Soeli whitilh-afli ; affulate, the pieces convex ; 
 cro-ixsn umbilicate : avenues emarginate. 
 O'rhiculus. Porc-part orbicular entire, hind-part Unequally toothed: 
 avenues lanceolate cleft and bent, 
 Klein echin. ed. Lsjk p. z\z. tab. zz'Jfg.Et F, 
 Rumpf. Amb. tab. M^.fg. i, 
 lireyn. echin. tab. ^.fig 3,4. 
 Bocc, ob/erv. p, Z'J'^. fig. I5. 
 Valent.'Muf. l- p. l-J^. fig. Z. 
 Argeni'ille Conch. 2, tab. J. Jig. 1). 
 2. Klein echmod. eJ. Lejk. tab. it<^. fig, 6, 7,' 
 ^tba. M.uf. ytah. \<^.fig. 19, 20. 
 Inhabits the Indian ^,a. 6Yv//flat, foborbicular, not perforated 
 compofed of hexangular piece. ; the bafe flat with imprefrcd 
 grooves: arjenuet Q\i\\ mouth ronvAt^ : w«/ oval. 
 g. IVith 10 avenues en the croiim, the raysjiraight biporour 
 and liillate: mouth and vent apbroxiviate in the middle 
 part of the bajc, ' 
 Su:Um. Surface globular, with an orbicular circumference • bafe 
 narrow and flat in the middle: fides grooved: avenues 
 pulvinate: crown excentric 
 Phef. Zse-egel.p. 131. ;;. \. tab. l.fig. I 5. 
 Kiem. Echin. cd Lejk. p. 213. tab. 48. 2 a. 2 c. 
 hihabits 5;^^//yellovvilh-aih: cro<vjn pertoratcd with 4 pores- 
 mouth cu-cular: wnt rather oblong and fmaller tiian the 
 temraiis. Surft^ce glubufar, circumference fuborbicular: bafe pulvi- 
 nate : fides very lightly grooved: avenues llightly pul- 
 vinate: crown central. 
 Pheij. Zee egel. p. i^i. n. 2. tab. t. fig. 6—10. 
 Inhabits peihaps a variety of the lalt. 
 ili'i////» very miinitc and orbicular, 
 ^rrj:i;n. Surhice globular,- circumference fuboval : bafe a little nar- 
 rowed: fides grooved: avenues fubpulvinatc: crowii 
 \'0L. IV.— U 
154 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 Phlf, Zet-egel f, I3i.«. 3. tab. \.fig, ll — 15. 
 Inhabits-. larger tiian Ech, nucleus : mouth and 'vcnt eqaa], 
 Cranlolaris Surface globular on the fore-part, the hind-part nearly 5- 
 angled pulvinate and floping; circumference elliptic: 
 ' bafe a little narrowed: lides grooved: avenues pulvinate: 
 crown eccentric. 
 PkelJ. Zeeegel. p. 132, n. 4. tab. \.fg. l6 — 20. 
 Klein eckinoa. ea. Lejky p. 214, tab, 48,^^. 3 a, 3 e. 
 Pall. Sfinl, Zcol. 9. fab. I Jg. 24. 
 Inhabits India: while, a'^d covered with granulations furroundci 
 with 911 engraved circle : crown with 4 pores. 
 Turcicus. Surf::ce and bafe pulvinate, circumference elliptic; fides 
 hardly grooved : avenues fubpulvinate : crown llightly 
 depreffcd and central. 
 Thelj Zee-egel. p, 35, 132. tab. \.fig. 21 — 25. 
 Inhabits probably a variety of the laft. 
 V'dax Surface globular, circumference obtufely oval : bafe a little 
 narrowed : fides grooved : avenues flattilh : crown 
 Thelf. Zee.egel. p. 133. tab. \. fig. 26 — 30. 
 Inhabits \)\z Adriatic : refembles Ech, craniolaris. 
 Oi'khon. Surface pulvinate: circumference obtufely oval: bafe glo- 
 bular: iKies flightly grooved : crown central, 
 PheJf.Zce (gel.tab. I. fig. 3' — 35- 
 Inhabits perhaps a variety of Ech. craniolaris. 
 Lathyruu Surface and bafe pulvinate, circumference oval: fides flightly 
 grooved: avenues pulvinate : crown nearly central. 
 Phelf. Zee-egel. p. 133. tab. 2. fig. 1—5. 
 Klein echincd ed. Lesk. p. 215. tib. ^8. fig. 1 a. I c. 
 Inhabits Shell dull yellow ifli -grey, and of a fliiddle fize 
 between Ech. nucleus and craniolaris. 
 Kqidnus. Surface and bafe pulvinate, circumference elliptic : fides 
 fmooth : avciiues lubpulvmaie : crown central. 
 PhelJ. Zee egei.p. x^^.tah. 2. fig. O—lO. 
 Inhabits' Kiar,. ed. l,ssk. /». 2 1 5. 
 Surlace pulvinate and nearly flat, circumference ovate and 
 fubpentangiiiar: baie narrowed: fiues grooved : avenues 
 pulvinate: crown central. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 155 
 Phelf. Zee-egel.p. 134. tab. 2. fig. 13-15. 
 Pall. Spkil. Zool. 9. />, 34. /a/$. I. fig. 25. 
 Found frequently on the I'andy coafts of the Netherlands. 
 Mouth orbicular, 
 Taha. Surface and bafe pulvinate; circumfefence obtufely oval; 
 fides hardly grooved: avenues flat: crown a litUe pro- 
 minent and central. 
 Phelf 7,ee egel. tab. 'i. fig, 16--20. 
 Klein echlnoa.ed. Lesk. p. 2 1 6. tab, ^J^fig.d^ 
 Delic. Kat.fd. \.p. go. tab. D i.//>. 10. 
 Inhabits Size of a pea, ochraceous and granulate. 
 InejuuHs. Surface gibbous on the fore-part, the hind-part flat and 
 floping;. circumference oblong-oval and nearly pen- 
 tangular: bafe globular and a little narrowed: fides 
 grooved: avenues fubpulvinate : crown central. 
 Phelf. Zee egel. tab. Z'fg, 2 I --2 5. 
 Inhabits -Rack unequal. 
 R-an:>m. Surface globular and mora Hoping behind, circumference 
 acutely oval: bafe globular: fides grooved; avenues 
 fubpulvinate: crown central. 
 Phelf. Zee-egel. tab. 2. fig. 25—30. 
 Inhabits probably a variety of Ech, minutus. 
 Miffonius. Surface globular, circumference ovate heart-fhaped and 
 fubtrigonal : bafe pulvinate: fides fliiditly grooved: 
 avenues pulvinate: crown nearly central. 
 Phelf. Zec-egel.p. 1^6. tab. Z-fg. 31 — 36. 
 inhabits probably a variety of Ech. minutus. 
 C. Vent lateral: mouth %uith pencilled tentacula. 
 a. Circular; msuth central : vent Jquare, 
 PUcenta. Subconic, with I o fpaces alternately narrower : avenues 5, 
 lax flat and gaping at the tip. 
 Barhut tab. ll> fig. 1 1, Rumpf Amb. ttib. \\.fig. G. 
 Kteitiechin, ed. Lejk. p. 217. tab, 20. A, B, 
 Peti'v. Ai)ib. tab. i l^fig. 5. Cualt. tefi, t. 210./. G. 
 Briyn echin. p. 64. tab. 7. fig. 7, 8, 
 Seba Mif. i.tab. l^.ftg. 21, 22. 
 Inhabits the ^Southern Ocean; a little convex and and conoid; the 
 circumference lomewhat angular; the bale R^t : Jpac^s divi^ 
 ded by an obtufely toothed vertical line; -vent placed on t^ij 
 lurtice and nearly marginal. 
 t^ 2 b. Heart ~ 
156 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus. 
 b. Heart-Jfjaped; the crown grooved. 
 •Corangui- Above convex, with 5 imprefTed quadrifarioufly poroii? 
 "'*"'• . avenues and 5 fpaces, 
 1. Luid. lith. Brit, p. ^j-fig- 964 — 967. 
 Hook. p. 285. tab, 3.J^J-. 8. Morton. Js'orthamp. p, 335, 
 Klein eel: inod. ed, Lcsk.p. zz\.. tab. f, 23. C. 
 Breyn ecbtn. p. 62 tah. $-fg' 5? 6. 
 Ritt. oryQol. goJI.p. 226, t^ab. i. fg. J. 
 2. Walcb Monum. diluv. 2. p» 176. tab. E. i'/g- 5. 0., 
 3. If'^ikh Monum. dilwv, l^p. i8lp tah. E. Ui, fig, i. 
 4. Fhelf, Zee-egel. p, 40. Pluimhart. 
 5. Klein, echin ed.Lesk.p. 2Z^, tab. /['y.fig. X2. 
 6. KUin. echin. ed. Lah. p 225. tab. z%. A,B> E, F, 
 i*/?/ Oxfordfn. tab. 2.ftg. W. t. J.f. 9. 
 Lifer lap. cochl.p. zz^.fig. 28, 29. 
 Liid lith Brit. p. y/'.'n. 968, 969. 
 ilJt'//f lap fig. Lubec, tab. z.f<g. ^» 
 Bytem. Bibl. app.tab. (j> fig- 33. t. z^.fig. 27 U 
 i)'fl/Vr oryBogr. Noric p. 35. //i/'. '^ fg- 41- 42. 
 Walch, ailwv. Monu?n. fuppl. p. 224. /'^i(J. 9 h.y?^. 13- 
 Found hitherto in a foflile ftate only; and is probably the iimc 
 as Ech. purpurcue, in a petfifid Uate. 
 *LacunoJat Qvate gibbous, with 5 deprelTed avenues. 
 T'rit. Zool. iv. tab. '$$'fig' 76. Barhut t. li.f. 8. 
 A7f;«, ?<r.6. ^y. Z.<?;/f. tab. 23. A, B. /fi<&. 24, a, b. ^. 27. A, , 
 Rumpf. A7nb.p. 36. tab. l^.fg. 2. 
 G//i7//. ^f'/?. tub. 109 C. iJoff. o/^/". /. 296./?^. I, 
 !)<•/;<:. Nat.fl. I p. t^6.tab>. P. iii./^. 3. 
 Jldyonj. tePt.p. 404. //^. l', 2. 
 /ildro'V. muj. met. p. 490,/?^. 2, 3. 
 Bonan. recr. 2. ;>. '^Z-fg' 1 5. 
 SdUcorp. may. tab. "J, fig' i- /. lo./. 4* r. 25./", 2. 
 /iW*; JFo /Ja.^. 28^. tab. 3 //j-, 9. 
 jfCundm. rar nat.et. art.p.(^^. tab. ^'fg' 7* 
 2. Bhel/. Zee-egel. p. 40. ». 9, 
 3. P/'c//: Zee-egk. p. 40. ». 1 3, 
 4. KJsi;:, ech. cd. Leik. tab. 2^'fig- C. d, e, /, 38. /5j. ^ 
 Lifier Amm. Ang. app.p. z'S.f^. 3. 
 Breyn echiK, p. 61 tab. $' f'g' J) 2, 
 Seba. Muf. 3. tab. 10. fig. 2i. a, h. 
 Jrs^env. Conch, p. 311. fab. ZS-fg. 1' 
 Delic. Nat.fel. I. tab. D. V fg. 14.. r^ii. D. ii./Tg- (■'> 7* 
 5* P^t'/f. Zci-egcl. p. 40; «. 1 1. 
WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 5a. plchinps. if 
 Inhabits Indian Jtlantic and European Seas. 
 Shell witti a purpjilh top: /paces tuberculate in waved rows; the 
 lower fide Ituddcd and divided by 2 Imooth fpaccs : /pines 
 <hort thick mixed with long ones. 
 c. Heart'/haped ; the croivn not grooved. 
 Raaiatus. Avenues 4; with impreded itrias porous on each fide: cxmn 
 with 4 pores : fpaces 10, divided by a ferrate future in. 
 the middle and arched tranfverfe futures. 
 Klein, echini ed. Le/k.p. 234. iah. 25. 
 Walch Monu>n. dtlwu.p. 182. tab:Y^, iv. «. I, 2. 
 Found hitherto only in a foSle ftate. 
 Bafe flac: mouth a little kidncy-lhaped and fiirroundcd with % 
 fubpentagonal ftar of pores : i/tH/ roundifli, with 3 angles on 
 the margin : ei'venucs confifting of a row of pores placed «!ofc 
 together in pairs, each convergent; on the crown. 
 Purpureus. Avenues 4, petal-fliapcd, lanceolate: larger tubercles placed 
 in a zig-zag manrier: fpinc? acicular incurved white. 
 Klein echinod. ed. Leskc. ta^. 43.^2. 3 — 5- '• 45'/' 5* 
 Mull. /Lord. Dan. I. p. 1 7. ». 4. tab. 6, 
 . Argen'ville Qonh, p. 31 1, tab. ^'^-/ig. 3. 
 /////'/ Animals, tab. II, Scill' Lerp. mar. tab. \ i.ftg. I. 
 Inhabits North Seas: above convex; the fides floping ; forcr 
 part with 2 proje6^ions, hind-part truncate; bsncath flatj 
 from the mouth to the vent a little convex and purple : verj^ 
 finely granulate and befet with fmall fubclavate briflles, and 
 fpatulate fpines feated on white tubercles : near the vent a 
 kidncy-fliaped ftripc of minute white granulations and fur- 
 rounded with numerous white tubercles* 
 Fu/llHi. Oval with 5 avenues: vent remote. 
 Mull. Zcol. Dan. '^. p. 17. fab: g\./ig. l-^^. 
 Inhabits the North Seas; very mir.ute and diftinft from Ech. 
 Ucunofijs ; probably not of this diyifion, 
 Complanti' A Httle flattened c- ,h fide : fpaces and avenues 10, 2 of then^ 
 till. placed in the furrows of the back. 
 Klein echinod. ed. Lesk, p 238. tab. S^-fi- ^; *• 
 lafig. lap /ig. tab. 35 fg, 1,2. 
 Scbeuz. lith. Heh.p. di/igt 84, 
 Scheutz. orsSJol. p. H^' f'g- 135- 
 Breyn. echin. p. 63, t^b. 6 fig- I, 2. 
 Bourg. petri/ p. 76. tab, 51./'!^. 330» 333' 334* 
 Found in a foflile ftate : roundifh. 
158 WOkMS. MOLLUSC A. 52. Echinus. 
 *Suhglobu'- Both ends convex, fubglobular, afTulate: avenues 10, with 
 Int. biporous (Irix; vent ovate. 
 Morton Northamp. p. zi^.tab. lO.fig, 8, 9* 
 Lift,lap,cocU.p. IZZ- fig' 26-. 
 Luid. lith. El it. p. 49. 71. 983—994. 
 Scheuchz. Muf. diluu. p. 85* n. 800, 814. 
 Brcyn Echin. p. 61. tab. ^.fig. 3, 4. 
 BufaL Nat. Msrknjo.p. 2598. tab. zz. fig, k, 
 \Valch Monum. dilii-u- z. p, 182. tab. E. iv.//^. 3, 4/ 
 Found in foiTiie ftate : granulate, with 4 pores on the c«own 
 /paces divided by a longitudinal ferrate future, and grooved 
 -.with tranfverfe curvfid lines, the pieces 7ilided : mouth fome- 
 what kidney-fhapcd and futrounded \vi:h tubercles difpofed in 
 a ftellate form, 
 Aiiattciytts Oblohgj hcart-fhaped and fubconiC ; the bafe flatter : ave- 
 nues and fpaces 10 : mouth rounded and furrounded 
 with an elevated maigin: vent oval and emarginate 
 Klein, echinod.edt LesL t. z^^,.tab. ^l.fig. I, 2. 
 Found in a foffile ftate : the larger fpaces with 7-angular piecesj 
 leffer ones 6 -and j-awghd : -vent furruunded with an elevated 
 Ekordatus. With a double crown. 
 Klei7i. echinoJ. ed. Lesk.p. 244. tab. 47. fig. 6. ' 
 Asdrea Br. a. d' Schvj. p, 16. tab. z. fig. C. 
 Found hitherto in a petrifid ftate only. 
 Carinaiut. Middl^of the back carinate. 
 Klein, echin. ed. Lefk. p. Zif<^,tabi S^'fS- ^» 5* 
 Bajer QryB. Nor. tab. y fig' 43. 
 Valent. Mif. z. tab. "^.fig. J.n- \. 
 Found in a fofuk ftatej refcmbles the lall, but Is natrowef behidd: 
 mouth kidney -Aliped : vent obfolete. 
 c. Ovate ; the avenues grooved. 
 ifSpata?us Ovate, gibbous, with 4 deprcfifed avenues. 
 ^ ' Brit. Zool. XV. tab. l^.f'g. 75. Bnrhut. t. W.f. 7. 
 Ginann. adv. z p. 41. tab. zg.fg. 174. 
 I. Spotted. Klein echinod.ed. Lesk. tab. z\. A, B tab.zS. h, 
 Scill. corp, mar. tab. 4, fg' 2, 3. 
 Ru?npr. ^mb. p. 36. tab. 14. K.i. 
 Gualt. tejl. tab. 109. fig. A. 
 l. Larger. Phclf. Zie-egeL p. o^<). n. r« 
 Knotty. Seba Muf. i- t.i! , 10. fg, 19, 
WORMS. MOLLUSC A. 52. Eckinus. 159 
 4. Seba \Ju/. 3. tab. \o.fg. 22. 
 c. Of one colour. Klein echinod, ed. Lesk. tab, 26. B, C 
 ' Sloan Jamaica, z. tab. 242. ^g, 3—5. 
 6. Ovate. Kiein echind. ed. Lesk. tab. S^-f'S- 4« 
 'Vetic. nat.fei. l'/. 91. tab. D, \.fig. «3- 
 -7. Carinate. Klein, ed. lesk. tab. ^S-ftg- 4> 5» 
 Seoa Muf. 3. tab. \\.f>g.'h 4; 
 Gtt^/r. tefl. tab. 108. /};§-. Cj, G. 
 8. Very large. Seba Muf. 3. tab. \\'fig' 5> 6- 
 *GW/. ind. tefl. tab. \oq. fig. B B 
 Inhabits i\fo/?5^^^: pale iulphur when freih , 1 M 
 k//a little heart-fhaVd, gibbous at one end, ^^"^ marked vth 
 a deep groove at ehe other: Jpmes flender, rcfembling briltles. 
 fnoft remarkably fragile. 
 d. Ovflte; fhe avenues not grooved. 
 Brijjoides Oblong; ^vith 4 biporous o^atc lanceolate avenues u^^^^^^^^ 
 ' by tranfverfe grooves, with larger tubercles placed 
 arch-wife between them. 
 Klein echinod. ed. lesk. p. 257. tob. 27. B. 
 Aldro'v.MuJ. Met. p. ASS' k' '^■ 
 Scilla corp. Mar. tab. 10. fg. I. 
 Breyn. ecbin. tab. i^.fig. 3- • ... 
 VValch. dduv. Monutn. tab. E. ui. fg. 5. , . 
 Found frequently in a foffile ftate : affulate, rougn wnh granu. 
 Tations:^«.«///kidncy-fhaped and furrounded with a penta- 
 gonol ftar of pores. 
 Teres Convex, with 4 biporous petal-fhaped avenues not united. 
 Klein echinod. ed lesk. p 252. tab. 49./?^- 12, 13. 
 r« i. a carinate line perforated with pore. Mch fide defcen- 
 ding from the crown. 
 Oli-va Above convex punfturcd olive, with a double naked ban<i 
 reaching trom the mouth to the bent. 
 Klein echin. ed. Lesk. p. Z<^Z. tab. \\,fig> f. g- 
 Seba Mill. 3 . //i^. 1 5 . /?^- 3 1 ' 3 2 . 
 Inhabits 'Shell wittt 4 Itellate rays above. 
 Amygdala Refembing an almond in figure. ... 
 Inhabits, Klein, ed. Lesk, tab. 24. /^.J), J. 
1^0 Worms. MOLLUSCA. 52. Echinus; 
 t't'dAV Altulate, oval; with lo avenues and fpac^s, the latter dU 
 .vided by a ferrate future in the middle. 
 Klein, ecbtn. ed^ Lesk,p. 253. tab. 41* fig. 5. 
 Annon. Aa. Hslv. 4. p. 275, tab, \i^. fig. • — 3. 
 Walch diluv Monuni. Z, p. I 82. tcth. E, iii fig. 6< 
 Found hitherto only in a foflilc Itate, and is probably not of this 
 Pyrlformis Ovate, and gibbous at one end; the bafe flat: avenues 5, 
 fomewhat petal-fhaped J?nd obfoletely porous. 
 kUin echin. ed. Leik. p. 255. tai). ^^-fig. "]* t. 51./ 5» 6. 
 Found hitherto in a tofEle fcate only. 
 Mouth and 'veni round, the former lomcthing hcarc-'fh^pcd an- 
 gular and 5-lipped. 
 tdpifi:ancri Obiijfely ov^al, co'nvex : crown excentric and perforated 
 with 4 poies : avenues 5, brpoious, ovate-lanceolate 
 arid cleft at the tip, 
 Klein echinod. ed. lesk. f. 256. tah, \<)f fig. 10, II.' 
 Found as yet only in a foffile Hate. 
 Month as in the lad : 'vent placed above the broader margin of 
 the Ihell, mouth at the narrower end and nearer the bafe : hafe 
 flat, flight. y excavated, naked in the middle, elfewherc covered 
 w-ith a circle of tubercles difpofed in rows. 
 Patiilaris Very much deprelTed ; with avenues rcfembling a ftar. 
 Khin, echinod. ed. leske, p. 256. tab. ^"tftfig. 5 — 7. 
 Found only in a foffile Hate: circumference ovate; back a little 
 convexj the bafe flightly excavated ; fides granulate : mwth 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 53. Chho«. 161 
 Animals fo/t, of a fimple JlruElwre^ and, co^ 
 vered with, a calcareous habitation orJhelL 
 53. CHITON, ^nma/ inhabiting the fliell a 
 Doris : Jllell confifling of feveral fegnients 
 or valves difpofed down the back. 
 Itiipidus. Shell with 6 plates or valves, ftriate. 
 Scbrcst Conchfl. 3. /• 493. tab. q, fig. 18. 
 Inhabits America', middle fixed ; blacki/h-grey with white fpots 
 and dots; very finely ftriate, the ftrise minutely granulate. 
 Thalafmus Shell 6-valvedj glabrous, oval, fea-green, with a paler 
 middlcline above and thin hyaline border. 
 Schrat. Eiuh in conch. 3. p, 509. «. 1 8, 
 Schrcet. n. Litterat. 4. p. 4. tab. 1 , fg. 1 . 
 Inhabits — — . Shell a little convex, 
 Tubercula- Shell 7-valved ; body tuberculate. 
 /^j^ SchrcEt. conchyl, ^. p. 494. fab. <jt fig* I9« 
 Inhabits ^zwfr/r« ; oblong-oval, narrow, with tubercles above 
 dirpofed in a quincunx; the fides cinereous mixed with white 
 and marked with brown undulate bands; back grcenilh with 
 a broad deep black band. 
 •Crinitusi S^ell 7-valvcd, thickly fet with (hort hairs, 
 Penn. Brit. 7.ool. iv. /i 71. tab. 36^ fg. I. 
 Inhabits the fear near Aberdeen ; not an inch long. 
 Atukatus. Shell 8-valved, ftriate: body a little prickly. 
 Barbui's Shells, p 8. tab. it fig' 2, 
 Amctn acad. 8, tab. 3, fig. I, 
 Murr. ted. p. 40. tab. 2, fg. I, 
 Ruv.pf. Muf. t. 10./. 4. Ed-vo. Glean, t. 286, /. B. 
 Seba 'Muf. 2. tai.bu fig. 4. 
 Chemn, conch, 10. tab. 173, fg, 1692. 
 2. Chernn. conch, 10 tab 1 73, Fig. 1 69 1 ? 
 Inhabits dfia. Shell tuberculate, ov«l, rough on the upper-part, 
 with narrow fubulatered flightly curved unequal prickles i the 
 laft valve fraaller. 
 VOL. IV.—X Tafci, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 53. Chiton. 
 Fajciatla' Shell 8-valved: body with a tuft of hairs on each fide of 
 rsi, the valves. 
 Cheirm. conch. lo. :ab.- 173, fig. xd'^Z, 
 \vih&h\t& Barhary; cinereous, fmooth, the valves flightly carinatc 
 with a tuft of whitiih hairs at the fides of each. 
 S^immfitt. Shell S-valved, femlftriate : the margin covered with mi- 
 nute fcales. 
 Shaw Naturalili's Mi/cellany, viii. tab. 257. 
 Chemn. conch. 8, tab. 94, _/>^. 788— 791. 
 Chemu. chiton, tab. I , fig. i . 
 Petiv. Gaxoph. tab. i ,fig. 4. 
 SpevgUr Naturf. l . p. 292. /. 7,/. L, M. 
 Born Muf. C<£S* Find. tefi» tab^l^f, 1,2. 
 2. Rough, variegatedi Chevin.chit.tab. \y f, ^.z^hs 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 94, fig* 792, 793. 
 3. Smooth, variegated. Chemn* chitt tab^ \,f 4. 
 j{, jirgenv. conch, tab. z^, fig. M. 
 5. 7-valved. Chemn, conch. 10. tab, 173,/*. l689» 
 Schrcet. in Litter at, 4. p. 14. tab. I, frg, 2. 
 6. Chemn. conch. 10. /ai. I'JZ* fs* ^^go. 
 Inhabits America ; Valves very rarely 7, divided in two parts, 
 one of which is granulate, the other finely ftriate ; ca- 
 rinate, the extreme valves lunulate : grcenilh with alternate 
 black and yellow or whitifti bands. 
 PunBatHt. Shell 8-valved, fmooth : body with excavated dots. 
 Eph. not. cur, 1727. /> 63. tab» i^fg. I, 2. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab I, fig. \ 3. 
 Inhabits Europe^ Alia and America* 
 Ruben Shell S-valved, fubftriate, the ftriae curved: body red. 
 Ja. Kidrofs 3. /. 364, tab. (i^fig^ 1 4. 
 Chemn. chiton* tab. 2, fig-. 8. 
 Chemn. conch. 2>. tab. g6tfig.2l^* 
 2. Marbled. Chemn. conch. 8. tab, q^,f. 812. 
 Inhabits North Seas ; oval, oblongifh, with acarinate back, about 
 an inch long; tawny, with a darker ilreak on the back bor- 
 dered with white : margin of the animal brown or yellow 
 with red fpots and dots. 2) Marbled with white and red. 
 Albiu, Shell 8-valved, fmooth, with tranfverfe lines at the margins 
 of the valves: body white. 
 Barhut*s SheJIs» p. 8. tab. i,Jig, I. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 53. Chiton. ^65 
 Chemn, conch. 8. tai. 96,/^ 81 7, Chit, tab. 2, f, 9. 
 Inhabits Nortiwa Seat : oval, fmooth, white, the 2 end valves 
 Cinams, Shell 8-valved, fmooth, carinate: body reddifli -with a fub- 
 ciliatc border. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 96, fg. 818. 
 Born. Maf. Caf. Vmd. tefi. tab. l,fig.'^. 
 Inhabits Norivay Seas, among the roots of Ulvje ; 2 lines long''i 
 depreiled, and narrower before, with 2 longitudinal grooves 
 dosvn the back bounding the ridge in the middle : when alive 
 both the (hell and aniuial are reddlffi, when dried cinereous. 
 Bicolor, Shell 8-valved, thick, ridged ; the outfide fea-green, ihe in- 
 (ide fnowy edged vrith black. 
 Chemn- cnnch. 8. tab. 94, fig^ 794» 
 Inhabits , rather large? the valves repand in the middle, 
 the fora-one with radiate ftriae, 
 Cerajtma, Shell 8-valved, cherry-colour, fmooth, with fnowy margi- 
 nal teeth. 
 « Chemn. caach. 8. tab. 94,^. 796. 
 Inhabits , The animal when dried becomes black. 
 Magellani' Shell 8-valved, thick, black-brown; above convex, with 
 cus, a blackiih band in the middle of the back, and lateral 
 yellowiHi llriae. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 95, ^g, 'J<)J» 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 1, pg. 14, 15. 
 Inhabits the Straights of Magellan ; large. 
 Shell blacit within in the middle, elfcwhere ftnc green edged, 
 round with brown, 
 Fujiui. Shell 8-vilved, brown, fmooth ; the infide and teeth of the 
 margin fnowy: back with triangular black fpots and 
 dull yeilowilh bands each fide. 
 Chemn. conch. 8 tab. 95, fig. 799, 800. 
 Inhabits India', narrower than the lalt, with namerous teeth on 
 the margin, and larger one? on the 2 end valves ; back more 
 elevated and carinate, 
 Metcuhtust Shell 8-valved, fmooth, within fea-grcen ; the margin co- 
 vered with grey-white fcales : middle-valves on the 
 fore- part and fome of them each fide fpotted with brown. 
 Inhabits , CJienm. conch. 8, tab, 95, hg, 802. 
 X 5 Mar. 
|64 WORMS. TESTACEA. 53. Chiton. 
 Marmora- Shell 8-valved, fmooth, elegantly varied with white and 
 ''*'• blackifh, the middle valves greenilh within. 
 Chemn, conch. 8. tab. %> J'lg' 803—805. 
 Ckemn. chiton, tab. It f'g" 5. 
 Knor, Fergn. j^. tab, ^Tifjg' 3> 4' 
 2. 7-valved, Schrast. Litt. 4. tai. V^, fig. 3. 
 Inhabits 4fnerica j varioufly marked with alternate blackifh and 
 white bands, ftreaks, veins and fpots ; the border tumid, fca- 
 \y, with alternate whitifh llecl-blue and blackifh patchej, 
 Grtf^aA/Zw/, Piceous ; above flat with numerous raifed dots difpofcd in 
 rows ; border broad, coriaceous, fpinous, with alternate 
 black and white patchc?. 
 Chemn. conch. 8, tab. 96, fg. 906. 
 Inhabits Ameuca. Valves 8, rarely 7, 
 Piceu.'% Shell 8-valved ; above fmooth, piceous, and varied with 
 white and black. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 96. Jig^ 807 — 8 1 o, 
 Chemn. chiton, tab. 2, Jj^. 6. and 6. a, b, c. 
 Inhihits American and Red Seas ; refembles the laft. 
 Shfll black in the middle within ; the fides grcenifli : back with 
 alternate black fpots, and whitilh fpots, bands and veins t 
 calves rarely 7 or 6« 
 Induii Shell 8-valved, whitifh-afii, with a fcaly border: middle- 
 valves very finely pundtured. 
 Inhabit* America* Chemn. conch. 8, ta^, 96, fig, 811. 
 Miitimut. Shell 8-valved, fmooth^ black, and co\'ered here and there 
 with meal. 
 Chemn. conch ^'i. tab. <^^i fg> 8 1 4. 
 Inhabits the Norijuay Seat i very fmall, 
 Cimex. Shell 8-vaIved, carinate, djaphanouf?, banded : each of the 
 extreme valves very finely punctured. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab 96. fig 81 j, 
 inhabits fiornvay ; fmall : within whitilh-alh ; with alterniate 
 blackifh and paler bands, 
 4-f'^llus, Shell 8-valvcd, deep black, above convex with a ycUpwifh 
 fpot on each of th«» valves. 
 Chemn. conch 8. tab. ^(}, Jig. 816. 
 Inhabits i^orth Seat ; afiixed to the Mytihis modiolus. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Lepas. 165 
 6-igas» Shell 8-valved, thick, convex, white: the firfl: valve ere* 
 nate, the laii toothed, the middle-ones cmarginate. 
 Ckemn, conch, 8. tab 96, fg. iJip. 
 Chemn chiton tab. 2, ftg. 10. 
 \n\\3b'\t$ i)Lit Cape of Good Hope ; above 4 inches long ; the bor- 
 der tumid, coriaceous and black-brown. 
 Iflandiciis, Shell 8-valved, fubcylindrical, very finely punctured, and 
 black with a cinereous boraer. 
 Inhabits . ichrcrt. Eivl. in conch, 3. p. 509, n. ig. 
 Shellvtry minute and narrow at each end. 
 ■ *Margina- Shell 8-valved, fmooth, with a ferrate refleded margin. 
 tusi Inhabits Britain. Penn, Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 36, y?^. z. 
 *Lev.'s. Shell 8-valved, quite fmooth, with an elevated band down 
 the back. 
 Inhabits i?ri/«»«. Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 36, /. 3. 
 Amicalatus, Shell 8-valved, kidney-(haped, and very fragile, and co- 
 vered outwardly with a rough coriaceous membrane. 
 Pall. nonj. A8, Petrop. 2. p. 241. tab. 7, fig-, 26 — 30. 
 Inhabits the Kurile Ijlands \ above 6 inches long : the valves im- 
 o^-. LEPAS. Animal a Triton : jliell affixed 
 at the bafe, and cpnlifting ol" many un- 
 equal erect valves. Acorn-Jlidl. 
 *^alanus. Shell conic, grooved; operculum or lid (hurp-polnted. 
 Dono'vans Britijh Shells, i. tab. 30, y". 1. 
 Pennant Brit. Zcol. \\\ p. 72. tab. 37. /"• 4- 
 Ellis Philof. Iran/. 1758. 2. tab. J,^, f. 17. 
 Lifler conch, tab. 443./". 286. Barbuty t, l,f. 5* 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vind. tefl. tab. i , /. 4. 
 Lewivenh. ap. 82. /. 472. tab. ^6^. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tah.<)y, fig. 820. 
 2. Chemn. conch. S. tab, 97, ftg, 826. 
 3, Bonan. Muf Kirch, ^.f'g'}}* 
 Inhabits European and Mediterranean fca?, adhering in the great* 
 til abundance to rocks, {hells, ice. generally whitifii j with 
 about 6 outer valvee, 3 of which are elevated and ftriate, and 
 3 excavated and fraoother : the pieces compofing the lid are 
 finely crenate with tranfvcrfe wrinklef, 2 leiTcr, and 4 larger 
 ^nd pointed. 
i6d WORMS. TESl'ACEA. 54. Lepas. 
 * Balamides Shell conic, truncate, fmooth: operculum or lid obtufc* 
 Donovans Britifh Shells, i. tah. 36, pg 2. 
 Da Cofia Brit, conch. ^.284. tai. iji/ig' f» 
 Lifter hifi. anim. /irtgl. tab. 5 , fig, 4 1 , 
 Lifter conch, tab. i\^a^. Jig, 287. 
 Penn. Brit. ZooL iv. tab. 37, /g. 5. 
 Chemn. concb. 8. /fi^, 97, _/?^, 821— 825, 
 1, Seated cm a long tabular rugged ftalk, 
 Donovan s Britijh Shelit, 1. tab. 36. fig, 3, 
 Pennant Brit.Zool. iv. /a^. iy,/ig. J- A, 
 Inhabits European^ American and Indian Seas, on rocks, flones^ 
 ihclls, &c, leis than the iaft, and is wbitiih cinereous or 
 *lntfnexta Somewhat deprefTed ; valves imbricate and obliquely ftriatc. 
 Doncvani Brit. Shells V. tab, "i^, fig. I. 
 Lepas ftriau, Brtt. ZogI. iv. tab. yjyfig. 7. 
 Inhabits Britifi coajist adhering to oyfters, &c. 
 *Ctirtmli' Shell with a dilated bafe and rather narrow aperture: valres 
 enjist grooved near the lower edges. 
 Pennant Brit. ZooL iv, /. 73. tab, l'],fig, 6. 
 Ellis Philcf. TrctnfaS. 175^. tab. l\, fig. 16. 
 Inhabits coaft of Corntuall: refembles a limpet.- 
 *'fintinna* Shell conlc, obtufe, bell-fhaped, rugged and fixed, 
 tulutn. Bar but' s Shells- tab. I . fg, 6. 
 Lifer conch, tab. 443, fig. 285. 
 Ellis Philof.Tranf 1758. tab. 34, fig.%, 
 Argenv conch, tab. 26, fg. A, B. 
 Chemn. concb. 8. tab. <)y,fg» 828 — 83 I. 
 Klein Oftr. tab. 12, fg. 97. Kumpf. Muf, t. 4I,/. A, B. 
 Guali. teft. tab, \o6. Jig, E, H, I. 
 Knorr. Kergn. 2. tab. 2, /. 65. tab, ^O, f. x, 
 Z. White. Chem. conch. R, tab. gS,fig, 832. 
 Inhabits European^ Indian and American leas, and is frequently 
 found adhering to the bottoms of Ihips and pieces of wreck : 
 _/72f// purple, varied with white and red, or blucifh ; Ibmetimes 
 cylindrical, or a little thicker: the elevated 'vahrs are perpen- 
 dicularly ftriate, the deprelTed ones tranfverfely : pieces ot the 
 lid nearly e<jual« 
 *Diadema* Shell roundifli, 6-lobed ; the valves grooved longitudinally. 
 Dono'vans Britifh Shells, ii. tab. 56, 
 Lifter cc?ich. tab. 445, fg. 288. 
 iralch. Naturf. 8. tab. 4, fig. A,^, C. 
 Klein Ojlrac. tab. 12, f. 98. Barbut, tab. l,f. 7. 
 Schrater Journ, 4. tab» Zf fig, 4, 5. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Lepas. 
 Guah. tejl. tab, lo6, fig. Q^ 
 Born, Muf. Ctef, Vind. tefi. tab. l, fig,^^6. 
 Chemtt. conch. 8. tab. 99, fg, 843, 844. 
 Inhabits European and Indian leas : airty white, nearly an inch 
 high, narrower on the upper part, the upper aperture funnel, 
 ftiapcd, and about half the width of the other part of the ihclj ; 
 'val'Vii 12, triangular, 6 of which arc excavated or deeper tham 
 the others, and marked with hne'tranfvcrfc Itriae, the other 6 
 are elevated, and confift of 4—5.-6 prominent ridges placed 
 clofe to each other, and tranfverfcly marked with crenate ftrix. 
 Shell fubconic, with 6 elevated wrinkled 4^parte(i lobes; 
 the lid membranaceous and 2-toothed, 
 Da Cojia Brit, conch, tab. \'J, f, 2. 
 Philof. TranfaR. 1758 f.z. tab. ^\, f. I. 
 Rump/, Muf. tab. 14, /. H. Petiv. Amb. tab, 1 ,/. 1 1, - 
 Waicb Naturf. lO. tab. lO, f II, 12. 
 Chemn. conch., 8. lab. 99, /". 845, 846, 
 Found adhering to the peftoril wrinkles and fins of the Pbaliena 
 hoops; about 15 lines high and 10 broad at the bafe; thick, 
 lamellous, and a little mrrower at the top ; above truncate 
 and very obtufe, the mouth clofcd with a lax ycllowiOi mem- 
 br.ne; 'v^i/i'fj 12, triangular, 6 of which are elevated, nearly 
 equal, marked with trdnfverfe wrinkled granulations, and 
 furrowed with % longitudinal 4-parted grooves; 6 are lower 
 and marked with fine tranfverfe ftriae. Thefe 2 lail fo nearly 
 refcmblc each other, that they might without much impro? 
 priety conllitutc one fpecies, 
 ^CeHata, Shell fomewhat conic, with equidiftant ribs divergent from 
 the aperture: lid pointed. 
 Donrmant Rrit.jJi ?)hells, i fab 30, f. 2. 
 Found adhering to rocks on the Pembrokcjkire coaft. 
 *Oinoid€5, Shell, conic, fmooth, the valves pointed: aperture very fmal!., 
 Donavans Britifli Jhelli, l, tab ^O, j:j. 3. 
 Found at V/eymout'-, adhering to ttii Lcpas anatifera. 
 Shell fmall, reddiih : valves nuely tcllcl:atc. 
 ^Tejiudina* Shell plano-convex, with 6 excavated (Iriate rays. 
 r:cm Bllii Philof. travf. 1758 ta-^. 34,7/1;. 12, 13, 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 40, f g. K. 
 BoHan. Muf. Kirch. I. fig. ■^4. 36, 37. 
 Gualt. Tefi. fab. 106. fig. M, N, O, P. 
 Peti<v. Gazoph. tab. 9, fig. 9, jiU, 
 Plane, conch, tab. ^i fig- 2. 
 Chemtt» couch. 8. tab, ()^. ftg. 8^7, 848. 
 • y 
 h /• 9- 
^68 WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Lepas, 
 Inhabits the Ocean, and is found commonly adhering to fliells ;, 
 fomething refem^les a globe cue off in the middle: white, 
 fmoothifh, the lower aperture hexagonal and twice as broad 
 as the upper: lid compofwd of 4 triangular pieces infertcd on 
 a membrane. 
 Guleata. Shell helmet-form, with 2 lateral aperture. 
 Scbrcet. Einl. conch. 3. tab, 9 fig. 20, a, b. 
 Found adhering to the Gorgoma 'verrucofa and 'vsntilabrum : fhcU 
 boat fliaped, fmooth, with a rhombic apertare. 
 Palmipes* Shell ere<9:, conic ; the valves palmate at the bafe. 
 Inhabits the Ocean. Mant.pl. 2. p. 544. 
 Shell white, a little depreffed, fize of a large pea, fmooth i 
 valves 4 — 6, divided as far as the middle into 5 — 6 iegments : 
 lid 4-valved, oblique. 
 ^lulipa. Shell fubcubic, fmooth : lid acute and tranfverfely ftriate* 
 Olaf.hl. Res. ^Ol tx a. tab. \i,fig. 13, 
 Ajcan. ic. rar. 'Natur. tab. Jo, 
 Inhabits the Northern Ocean. 
 Mitella, ^hell comprefled, ered and irregularly ftriate. 
 Ellis fhilof.'lran/. 1 758. tab. 2^, fig. 4. 
 Pet.iiaz. tab. 6,/. 10. Ritrnpf. Muf. tab. 47,/. M. 
 Klein oUrac. tab. \z. fig. \0Q. 
 SebaMuf. 2, tab. 61, ftg. 8.3. /. iS,f. 3, 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab, 100, fig. 849, 850. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; Vvhite, covered with a dirty yellow 
 ikin ; vahes numerous, generally triangular, unequal, acute, 
 feated on a common black peduncle, which is coriaceous, fca»- 
 ly and hollow within. 
 Scalpellum. Shell compreired, 13-valved, fmoothifh, and feated on i 
 fcaly peduncle. 
 Ellis Philof. Tranf. 1758. tab. 34, fg. 4. 
 Gualt. teft. 106. fig. C. Klein. /. 1 2, /. 91 /* 
 Mull. ZooL Dan, 3. /. 23. tab. 94, fig. I, 2. 
 Lifer conch, tab. 439. fig. 281. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. /. 294. l^ign. f. f. a. h^ 
 Inhabits North Seas ; lefo than L anatifern : 'val'ves refembling 
 fcales, 6 each fide, the longer one curved and inclofing the 
 others : peduncle very fhort, with annular wrinkles. 
 Jnferfera. Shell comprefled, 5-valved, flriate, feated on a peduncle. 
 Lif. conch, tab. 44, f. 283. Exerc, anal. t. 19,/. 4. $• 
 Gualt. lOb.fg. 2, 3. A'/W«, t. 12, /. 2,3. 
 Chemn. conch. 8, tab. 100,/. 856. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Lepas. 169 
 Inhabits the American and Atlnntic fea*, and ie rometi'mps found 
 in a foffilc ftate : fedunde pale faftVon : firft val've curved, 
 fmooth and carinatc on the hack, the reft with diftant ftria;, 
 each of the larger ones turgid towar"ds the peduncle, with a 
 wedged divergent end; the fniallcr ones narrower and mord 
 ^Anaiiura Shell compreficd, 5-valved, fmooth, feated on a peduncle. 
 Natur. Mifcell. tab. igt. Barbiit, tab. l, f. lO. 
 Pennant Brit. Zocl. iv. tab. 38, f, 9. 
 Dono'vans But.Jhells, i. tab. 7. 
 EUis Philo/TranJ. 1758. tab 34,/. 6. 
 Da coda Brit, conch, tab \S, / 3. 
 Lifter conch tab 440,/ 283. 
 Chzmn.c::nch. tab. 1 00,/. 853 — 855, 
 GualtAcjt. tab. \o6, f A, E, 
 Jr^en-v. co.>,ck. tab. 26, / E. Zoomorph, t, 7,/. I, K, 
 Seba M"/. 3. tab. 16. /. I. A. 2. 
 2. She'l rounded. Lift. comb. tab. 439, /. 280. 
 3. The longer valve fpinou^; on the back. 
 Lijinr mnch. tab. 439. fig. 282. 
 4. Cancellate wich fine ftnaei cinereous. 
 Guaks Test. tab. io6j fig- B. 
 Inhabits moft feas, and is generally found fixed in clufters txf 
 the bottoms of veffels- and old piecesof floating timber ; gene- 
 rally v^hitiih wich a blue call, the margins of the valves yel- 
 low ; fonictim^r> marked with a ray or two dotted with black: 
 peduncle long, coriaceous, black, and very much wrinkled to- 
 wards the fhell, and growing paler and pellucid towards rhe 
 bale, extenfile ; Ibmctinies though rarely red : ^jal-ues h^ely 
 itiiaie; the 2 larger ones triangular ; the 2 top ones nearly 
 triangular and about half the fize; the other narrow, long, 
 curved, rounded at the back, a little protuberant at the bale 
 and inclofing the others. 
 This fpecies was formerly fuppofed to be the origin of the 
 Ecrnacie goofe. See Gerard^ s Herbal, p. 1587, 1588. 
 Aurita, Shell membranaceous, ventricofe, featcdon a tube and eared: 
 mouth 8-valved, tootlied. 
 EUts Philof. IranJ. 1758. tab. ^^,/.i. 
 ^eba Muf, 3. tab. 16, f. 5. 'Ediv. Gkan. t. 286, /". A. 
 Cher:in. conch. 8. tab. lOO. /. 857, 858, 
 inhabits iS'orth Seal : peduncle long. 
 Pfitteci Shell hooked behind, 6-valvcd, wrinkled. 
 M«lin Hut, Nat. Chili, p. 179. 
 VOL. IV i — Y inhabit* 
i7b WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Lcpis. 
 Inhabits the Coaft ofChi/i; hardly an inch long: the z larger 
 valves referable a parrot's bill : ffejh. white tender and very 
 Miner. Shell reddifli, 6-'Valved, unequal : liJ ppinted. 
 Inhabits India, Chemn, Conch. 8. tab, <)']-.fig. 827. 
 5'^f'// marked with tranfverfe curved lines dotted with white* 
 Vtrruca. Shell hemlfphxrical, ferrate, 6-valved; the 4 outer valve 
 and lid plaited. 
 Spengler Naturf, I./. loi. tab, I. fig. I — 9. 
 Strcetn. A£l. Hafn, 10. /. 6. tab, ■^. pz* " — 9- 
 Inhabits iVor/^ S^fl/; affixed to the Oflrea iflandica and others; 
 Angujlata. Shell elongated, fmooth, 6-valved: the aperture narrow: lid 
 very minute. 
 Bonan recr. et. Mu/. Kirch. I, fig- 15. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. <j^'fg. 835. 
 Inhabits Valves with a groove at the point of conjunftion ; 
 fometimes flriate with red and white» 
 Pcrofa. Shell granulate ftriate conic tubular; the lid obtufe. 
 Schrat. Journ. 4. tab, z. jig, 6. a, b. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. g9./g. 836. 
 2. Larger and broad, Klein Ojir, tab, iz.^g.gS. 
 Lijler Conch, tab. 2^2. fig. z%j^. 
 Inhabits India '. when frefli it is green on the outfide, but after- 
 wards becomes black above and white beneath. 
 Elongata. <^^\ cylindrical fnowy pellucid 6-valved and cleft above: 
 lid obtufe grooved and tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. <^%. fig. 838. 
 Chemn. Schr. Naturf. 5. tab. ^.fig. 2, 
 Bchrctt. Journ. 4. tab. 2. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits Iceland; a very rare fpecies : hardly 5 lines broad and 
 above 3 inches long; tranfverfely annulate and knotty heic 
 and there beneath, 
 Patellaris, Shell 6-valved; outw^ardly violet mixed with white, and 
 marked with fine longitudinal ftris : within falcate: 
 valves denticulate at the margin. 
 Spengler Schr. Naturf. 5. tab, ^,fig. 4» 
 Chemn, Lonch, 8, tab. gS.fig. 839. 
 Inhabit? Coromandel ; a very rare fpecies. 
 Teeth of the i-ahes alternately mfcrtcd in each other, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Lepas. 
 Spino/a. Shell conic with 12 triangular valves, 6 of them more de- 
 prelFed lefs and whitilh tranfverfely ftriate, 6 purple 
 and longitudinally ftriate; all armed with tubular re- 
 curved fpines. 
 Chemn, Schr. Naturf. 5. tab. 5. fig. 3, 4. 
 Chemn. Conch, Z.tab. gS./ig. 84, /. 99./. 841. 
 Inhabits I/idta. Lid wich 4 pointed waved llriat-e valvcs> 
 yiolacea. Shell thick glabrous 6-valved, white with violet rays. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. gg./ig. 842. 
 Inhabits India i (lightly gropved within, 
 Pollicipetp Shell comprefTed erc£^, many-valved, fmooth ; feated on a 
 fhort hard fcaly coriaceous peduncle. 
 Argennj. Conch, tab. 26. ftg. D. Zoom^ t, J,/» G. 
 Knorr, Vergnt 5. tab. l^./ig. 7. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. 1 00. /tg. 851, 852. 
 Inhabits the Mediterrunean. 
 The 4 larger i>alvts turned towards each other like the beak of a 
 bird; leffer ones more than ?o. 
 Cjlindrica. Cylindrical, (lightly curved, with a very large oblique ori- 
 fice ; lip horned, 
 Gronon). Zooph, tab. ig.f. 3» 4. 
 Ellis Philof, tranfad. i^O.Jig. 15. 
 Inhabits ihorcs oi Africa, under the torrid zone. 
 Shell oval-truncate conic, with 6 bluei(h valves (haded with 
 white, and 6 elevated reddifh ones fpmous and per- 
 pendicularly ftriate. 
 Scbrcrt. Einl.Conrh. I. p. ^l^^- tab. ^ Jig 21 ; 
 Inhabits frequently found perforated by the Teredo, about 
 an inch high; /rVobtule. 
 Shell folid white deprelTed with carinous gropvcs, within 
 unequally fmooth. 
 Pall. Nov. Aa. Petrop. 2. p, 240. tab. d.fig, 24. A, B. 
 Inhabits the KuriU IJlands. 
 Conico-convex, with 4 ferrate-ftriate valves : lid a-valved. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. p. 21. tab, <)if. fig. 1^4. 
 Inhabits the Northern Seat, 
 55. PHLOAS. 
172 WORMS. TESTACEA. 55. Phloas. 
 ^5. PH '■ J AS. Animal an Afcidia ijhell bw 
 valve, divaricate, with ieveral lelier dif- 
 ferently ihaped accelibry ones at the 
 hinge; hinges recurved, united by a car- 
 tillage: in the inlide beneath the hinge 
 is an incurved tooth. 
 The inhabitants of this genus perforate clay fpongy ftones and 
 wood, while in the younger Itate, and as they increale in fizcj 
 enlarge theirjiabitation within, and thus become imprifoiied : 
 they contain a phofpherous liquor of great brilliancy in the 
 dark, and which illuininaces whatever it touches or happens 
 to fall upon* 
 *Da8jlut. Shell oblong, with reticulate fubfpinous ftrias on the upper 
 Penn. Brit. Zool. iv. />. 76. tab, '^'^> fig' lO, 
 Lifter Conch, tab^ ^I'h-fiZ' "^1^' 
 Liner An. Angl. app. tab. 2. fig. 3.' 
 Lijier exerc Atiat, tab. ig.fig. I, 2. 
 Gualt. tejl. tab. \0^,fig. A, B, C, D. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. \6. fig. a, b,c, d. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Find. teji. tab< \.fg, 7. 
 Argenv, Conch, tab. 26. fig. H, I. 
 Chemn, Concha 8. tab. loi.fg, 859; 
 Inhabits among rocks of Europe, and fhincs by night ; 5 inches 
 long: entirely white with fometimes an ochraceous caft, thin, 
 fragile, elongated and wedge-fhaped on the fore-part, convex 
 behind ; the margin inflefled ; marked with fuhipinous llrias 
 which become gradually more indiftinfl : hinge rcfembling a 
 fpoon : acceJJ'orj •vah>es 4. 
 Cojlata. Shell ovate, and ftriate with elevated ribs* 
 Lifter Conch, tab. AZ^- f'g * ^^7* 
 Bonann. recr 3. fig. 35. Muf.kirch, 2. f. 1 05. 
 Gualt, teji.tab. lO^.fig. G. 
 Knorr.Vergn. 2. tab. 2^. fig. 4. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. lO\, fig. 863. 
 Inhabits /imerican Seas: white, nearly 6 inches long; the ribs 
 oblique and armed with elevate fcales or obtufe fpines. 
 Striata. Shell ovate, and multitlarioufly firiate. 
 Gua/i. te/i- tab. 10^. fg. F. 
 Qhemn. Conch. S. tab. 102. fig. 86a— 866. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 55. Phloas, 17^ 
 Inhabit* Southern Europe and India, and the coaft of Barbary ; 
 the ftriae here and there decuflate : the part near the hinge 
 glabrous and withoat ilriac, 
 '* Candida. Shell oblong, and muiicate on all parts with decuffate ftria:. 
 Brit. Zoot. iv. tab. ^^./ig- I •• Barbut. t, \. f. \\, 
 lili. An. Angl. tab. S-/jg- 39* Conc/j. t, 435./. zfi, 
 Gualt.tejl- tab. XO^.fig. 2. 
 Bonann Muf. kirch. 2. tab. 24.. 
 Inhabits European and American Seas; very thin ; within filvery 
 and more glabrous ; rounded at each end : tooth of the hings 
 flender and clett : length near an inch, breadth an inch and 
 a h*lf. 
 Pujilla, Shell oblong, rounded, with arched ftria:. 
 Broivn Jamaica. 417. tab. ^o.fig. II. 
 Kumpf.Muf. tab. 46,//^. H, Burbut. t. I./. I, 2. 
 Petiv. Amb. tab. ig. fig 8. 
 Adanfon Senegal, tab. ig./ig. 1,2.? 
 Martin. Befck. Naturf. 2. tab. I 2. fig. 6 — 9. 
 Spen^l, Bejcb, Naturf. 4. tab. 5 fig. I — 5. 
 Chemn, Conch. 8. tab. \ol.fig. 867 — 871, a, b. 
 Inhabits America and Inaia, and penetrates the bottoms of Ships. 
 Shell white or brownjlh, gaping on the fore-part, globular under 
 the top, and marked with reticulate knotty (Iris. 
 • Cri/pata, Shell oval, the part next the hinge more'obtufe waved and 
 (triate : tooth of the hinge curved large and ftrong. 
 Peiinant Brit. Zool. iv. p. 77. ta^. /^o.jig. 12. 
 Lift. An. Ang. tab. Cj.fig. 38. App. t. z.f. y, 
 Li/ier Exerc. Anat. tab, ig. /ig. 3. 
 Lijler Conch, tab. ^^^.fig. 279. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. lOZ. fig. 872-. 874. 
 2. Shell thinner and fmaller ; tooth flender, obIi<|ue, 
 Pennant Brit. ZooL p, 77. «, 13. tab. /^o.fig. 13.' 
 Inhabits European Seas ; nearly 2 inches long and 3 ~ broad ; 
 primary (hells divided by a tranfverfe wrinkled groove in the 
 the middle, accefTory ones fmall. 
 Qrientalis. Shell oblong with a ftraight margin; one half quite fmooth, 
 the other with reticulate ftria:. 
 Lijler Conch, tab. 431 . fg, 274. 
 Chemn. Conch. 8. tab. loi.fg. 860. 
 JValch Naturf it,. p. 86. tab. 3../%. 15. 
 Inhabits Siam and Tranquebar ; large and thin : fhells gaping at 
 pnc end only, and n^aiked within with reticulate ftrix. 
,74 WORMS. TESTACEA. 56* Mya. 
 Camptchi^ Shell narrow white and very finely ftriate, 
 entii. Lift. Conch, tabs 432. fg. 275. 
 Inhabits the Bay of Campechy: an iudillinft fpecies. 
 Cordata, Shell (hort turgid and furrowed with fine elevated tranfverfe 
 ftrias; aperture heart-lhaped. 
 SchfcEt. Eittl Conch. 3. p. 544. t^i. 9. fig, 22—24. 
 Inhabits affixed to Coralls : Jhtll very thin fragile dirty white 
 the tore- part fmooth except a few arched ridges, 
 Chtloenfif, ■ Shell oblong, a little deprefTed, with ciftant longitudinal 
 Inhabits Chili, on rockr. Mo/. Hi/i, Chili, p. 179^ 
 She// 5 inches long, with minute appendages. 
 Ttredula* Shell oblong white, with a longitudinal brown granulate 
 Pal/. No'-u. Acl. Pnrop' 2. p. 240. tab, (>'/ig. 26. A, D# 
 Inhabits the Belgic Shores, and penetrates timber. 
 Hiani, Shell bivalve white with tranfverfe arched ftrix ; above con- 
 nivent ; convex in the middle ; beneath wedge-lhaped, 
 with a very large oval iperture, 
 Cl}emn, Conch. 10. tab. ijz.fig. 1678^^1681 
 Spengl. noni. aB.Joc. Dan. 2' fig 8-- 1 r. 
 Inhabits American Ifiands, and perforates • calcareous rocks and 
 56. M YA . Animal an A fcidia ; Jhell bivalve, 
 generally gaping at one end : hinge with 
 broad thick Itrong teeth, feldom more 
 than one, and not inferted into the op-- 
 pofitc vah^e. 
 The animals of this genus perforate into the fand and clay at the 
 bottom of the fca^ burying themfelves and their Ihells wholly 
 or in part. 'J 
 ^'Iruncata. Shell ovate truncate and gaping greatly behind: tooth pro- 
 jedling forwards and vtry obtufe. 
 Pennant. Urit. Zoo/, iv. /. 7H. tab. \\.fig. 14. 
 Liji. Conch, tab. ^zS./tg. 269. /Ir.^/. t: 5./. 96. 
 /.% Ify^oth. 199. n. 3. tab. ^.fig. 3. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 56. Mya. 175 
 Gualt. 7ejl. tab. C)\. fig. D. 
 Chtmti. conch. 6. tab. I. fig. l, 2. 
 2, Lilier conch, tab. ^iq, fig. 770. 
 Inhabits European leas; z\ inches Jong. 
 ^^/-/Z dirty-white covered with a yeliowifh-brown flcin, thick, 
 convex, with irregular tracfverfe ftris forming wrinkles^ 
 within quite fmooth : \\\t fijh is frequently eaten, and is a 
 principal food of lea birds. 
 *Declivis. Shell brittle, femitranfparent, flisping downwards near the 
 open end ; the hinge Higluly prominent. 
 Found about the Hebrides. Brit. Zool. iv. p. 79. 
 Shell lefs gaping than the laft: Jifii in great efteem as a food 
 among the inhabitants. 
 * Arenaria, Shell ovate, rounded beiiind: tooih projeding forwards, 
 rounded and furnilhed with a lateral fmallcr one. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. /. 79, tab. 42. 
 LiHer Cinch, tab, 418, ^g, 262. 
 Bafter op. fuhf. r.p.bc). tab. 7, fig. i — 3, 
 Argenv. Zoom. tab. ^,fi. 10. Lefifertest. fig. 106. 
 Horn Muf. Caf. Find, test, tab. 7, ftg. A, 
 Chemn. conch. 6. Vign, et tab. 1$ fig- 3> 4» 
 2. Lister conch, tab. 419, fitg. 263. 
 Inhabits F.aropean feas, under the fand ; z\ inches long ; ycllov. - 
 ifh rcddi(h-brown or dirty-white :,^«// marked with tranfverfe 
 wrinkled ftris : tooth of the hinge longer and more ob:uf<: 
 than that of M. truncata. 
 *Piaer::m. Shell ovate ; with a finglc longitudinal crenulate tooth in 
 one hinge, and 2 in the other. 
 Pennant Bnt. Zool. iv. /. 79. tab. 43, fig. 17. 
 Lister can^h. tab. \^6,fig.l, tab. 1 47. /. 2, 3. 
 List. An. Ang. tab.z, f. 30. App.tcib, I,/. '4. 
 Gualt. Test. tab. 7,/. E. Barbut, tab. 2,f i. 
 Argenuille conih. tab. 2"]% ftg. lo. Zoom. t.%.,f. 11, 
 Schrcet. Flufconch, tab. 2,/. 2. tab. 3, f. 2 — 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 6, /a5, i , fig. 6» 
 2. Chemn. conch, 6. /«^. 3, _/^. 23, 24. 
 3. Lift, conch, tab. 1 48. / 
 4. Argenville conch' tab. 29, J?^. 1 8, 
 5. Schrcet. Flufconch. tab. l,fig. 3. 
 6. Schrcet. Flufconch. tab. 9, /%. I • 
,76 WORMS. TEStACEA. 56. Mya: 
 Inhabits frefh rivers of ^a*-^^^, 2) Barbary, 6) Tranquebary and 
 is the fhell which is commonly ufed to put water colours in : 
 1 1 inch long, 3^ hroad ; covered with a brownilTi or blackifll 
 coat, and under this yellow ifh or gri-enifhj with green rays; 
 within fmooth and clay-colour: very thin and brittle, and 
 docs not gape at either end. 
 * Margati" Shell ovat6, a little contracted in the middle of the thinner 
 lifenu margin: primary tooth of the hinge conic : protube- 
 rant parts near the hinge decorticated. 
 Brit. ZooL'w tab.^i,,/, 18. Barbutytab, z,f. 2. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 1 49, Jig. 4- 
 LifterAnim. Angl. app. tab. i, ftg- l- 
 Gualt. tab lOZ, fig. C. Klein, tab. 10, f. 4.7. 
 Knurr. Vergn. 4. tab. 2^, fig, 2. 
 Chetnn conch 6. tab. i. fg. 5. 
 Inhabits moll parts of the Ardic circle, and is generally found in 
 mountainous rivers and ab -ur cataracls ; about 5 inches broad 
 and 2~ long : J&et'/ thick, coarfe, opak-e, tranfverlely wrinkled, 
 black on the outfide, and O'ten corroded by worms: hinge 
 without lateral teeth, the primary tooth being received into a 
 broad cleft loorh of theoppofite hlnge- 
 This ihell is noted for producing large quantities of mother of 
 pearl and peirl, thefe latter being a difeafe of the lifh analo- 
 gous to the rtone in the human body. The river Conway in 
 .Wales was formerly famous for producing pearl of great fizc 
 and value. 
 Pirna. Shell oblong, dilated, the narrower bafe comprelfed. 
 Knorr. I'erg't. 4. tab. I 5, Jtg. 2, 4, 5. 
 Chet7in. conch. 8 tab. 83, / 738, 739. t. 84, f. 748. 
 Schroet. Einl conch. 2. tab J, fig- 4. 
 Inhabits the Magellanic Strait.' and fhores of Barbara ; refembles 
 a ham or leg of mutton : JJielKmoot^x, blue and white, open at 
 one end : inl'ead of the hi^'ge is a deep tranfverfe hollow, in 
 the iftiddle of which is a Iharp tooth in each valve : probably 
 not of thii Genus. 
 ^^ul/ella. Shell tongue-fhaped ; the hinge terminal, deprefled and 
 Lifter conch, tab. IO55./. 10. 
 Rump/. MuJ. tab. 46. fig. A. Gualt. tab. 90. /. H. 
 talent. Mu/ tab. 16. fig. 28. Barbut. tab. 2. f, 3. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 5. tab. it fg' ^ — 3« 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 2. fg. 8 — 1 1. 
 Inhabits the /Ww.* li inch broad, 4 inches long. 
 •■ Shell varying in form according to its age: the t/^Z-i/w rather flat, 
 gaping, finely ftriate tranfverlely, outwardly yellovvifh radiate 
 with blackifll and yellowifli : tooth long, broad and grooved 
 along the middle : probably not of this Genus* 
 Ar^icao Shell ftriafe, the valves with 2 fubfpinous ridges 
 without teeth. 
 O. Fabr.jn' Grccnl. /. 407. «. 408. 
 Inhabits the North Seas, among algae ; l| — 7 h'nes long; fize 
 of a bean, pale yellow and milk-white within; rcfembles an 
 Area: anteriorly ImprefL-d and a little flattifti ; the fore-part 
 vcr}"- obtufc, the hind-part (horter and fharpifh, 
 itftntula. Shell oval, e^uivalve, widely gaping arid ftriatc: hinge 
 without teeth. 
 Pall. It. 2. f. 700. 
 Inhabits Tandy fltores of the CaJ^ian Sea, about an inch long : 
 Jhe/I thin, a little antiquated, white, with about 33 ftriaein each 
 valve, which are diitant at the fliorter end and more crowded 
 in the broader : Imige with a thickifli inflefted lip. 
 RadUta,- Shell equivalve, pellucid, very finely ftfiate tranfverfely, 
 yellowiih-iireen with livid rays: valves Very broad on 
 one fide and very narrow on the other. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 2. yf^. 7. 
 2. Brownifh with blue radiate lines. 
 Lifter conch, tab. i 52. fig. 7. 
 Inhabits rivers of Malabar; thinner and mofc fragile than M. 
 piflorum, broader and more flat ; infide clay-colour: primary 
 tooth of the hinge crenate. 
 Oblonga. Ovate-oblong; one valve with a broad flrong tooth let into 
 a hollow of the other valve, and a lelFer tooth inferted 
 between 2 fmall ones of the oppofite valve. 
 Chemn. conch. 6'. tab. 2. Jig. IZ. 
 Inhabits . Shell 1 1 inch long, 3 inches bropd, and is more 
 ventrieofe than Maflra lutraria: refembles M. arenaria, of 
 which it is perhaps only a variety. 
 Anaiina, Shell globular, fnowy, pellucid : primary tooth of the hinge 
 prominent and rounded. 
 AJanfon Senegal, tab, 19, fig, 2. 
 Chemn. couch . 6. tab. 2. fig. 13. 
 Inhabits Guinea, and refembles the Solen anatinus. 
 $hell\s\\.\i decuffate ftrise : each -value repand on one fide; 
 Hicoharica. Shell equlvalve, fnowv, ovate-oblong, with decu (Tate flria?: 
 tooth of the hinge finglc, broad, perpendicular aind 
 Chtmn, conch, d, tab t 3. jig, 1 7, 1 8. 
 VOL. IV.--Z Inhabits 
178 WORMS. TESTACEA. 56. Mya. 
 Inhahits Nicobar IJlands : valves on one fide convex, broad and 
 roundea at the margin, on the otner more angular, narrow, 
 flat and gaping, 
 jinstralis. Shell ovate-comprefTed, clofed : hinge with 2 lateral teeth. 
 Chemn. conch, 6. tab. 3, Jig. ig, 20. 
 Inhabits New Zealand: dirty ochraccous. / 
 Gaditana. Shell rounded, flattifh, tranfverfely ftriate ; ochraceoMS, 
 within white. 
 Inhabits fhoresof Cadez. Chemn, conch. 6. tab. '^.fig, 22. 
 Corrugata* Shell rhombic, green ; the protuberant parts wrinkled. 
 Mull. Befch. tlatwf. i,. p, 58. tab. I. Jig. 7, 8. 
 Schrizt. Flujconch. tab. 9. fig. 3, 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 3. Jig. 22. a, b. 
 Inhahits rivers of Coromandei, and when the outer fkin or epi- 
 dermis is removed is clay colour; thin, pel ucid, and marked 
 with wrinkled ftnae from each part of the hinge; within 
 painted with fine radiate ilriae : 1 1 — 1 5 lines long. 
 Rugosa, Shell oval, wrinkled, outwardly greenifh, within margari- 
 taceous: primary tooth of the hinge crenulate, with a 
 longitudinal lateral one, double in the other valve. 
 Chemn, conch. 10. p. 36^, tab. 170. jig. 1649. 
 Inhabits rivers on the coaft of Coromandei. 
 Nodosa, Sliell oval, thin, greenifh ; the protuberant parts knotty. 
 Inhabits . Chemn. conch. 10. tab. ijo. f. 1650. 
 NoriK-egica, Shell oval, longitudinally and thickly ftriate : one end 
 rounded, the other truncate: protuberant parts de- 
 Inliabits — — . Chemn. conch. 10. tab. \']Q.f. 1 647, 1648. 
 Spuria. SJiell rhombic, green ; the protuberant part glabrous. 
 Schrcst. Einl, conch. 2, 617. tab, 7, fig. 5. 
 Inhabits rivers of Tranquebar ; refemblcs M. corrugata, but is 
 nearly twice as large. 
 Gljcemeris, Shell gaping at both ends, very thick, laraellous, oblong- 
 oval, vvrlh tranfverfe wrinkled ftrirc : primary tooth of 
 the hinge very thick. . 
 Lt/ier conch, /ai. 414. Jig, 258. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 57. Solcn. 179 
 Klein O/trac. tab. 1 1 . fig, 72, 
 Gualt. test, tab, 90. fig. A. 
 Born UuJ Car/, k'ind. tejt. tab. I. f.%, 
 Chemn conch. 6. tab. 3, jig. 25. 
 Inhabits the European Ocean, particularly the Spanijh and Medi' 
 terranean kis ; 5 inches long and nearly 10 broad: cinereous 
 or ochracecuj, within cretaceous : hinge with a lefler tooth 
 and a ferics of wrinkles : refembJes a Solen. 
 SjrmatO' Shell ovatc, deprenTcd; margin of the hinge wilh a fubulate 
 phora. projcdion near the primary tooth, that of the other 
 valve dilated. 
 Grono-v, Z.ooph. tab, 18. fig, 1,2. 
 Inhabits ri\ers of Guinea : marginal teeth each fide with parallel 
 NitUa. Shell oval, white, fmooth; with an obtufe tooth in each 
 Inhabits Ncrtvay. Mull. Zool. Dttn. prodr. 2963. 
 Membranw Shell ovate, membranaceous, white, with a.prcwradled rc- 
 eea. iledled margin at the probofcis. 
 Inhabits . Olafs. ijl, ref. 901. tab. \\, f. lO. 
 ^yffifera. Shell coarfe and thick, oblong, ftriate, convex : hinge with- 
 "out tooth. 
 //. Wgoth. 198. tab. ^y fig. 2. 
 Inhabits fifTures of rocks on the Creenlavd coz^, and is generally 
 found affixed by a byfTus or mafs of iilamenti : 8 — 1 ■}\ lines 
 *Dtthiei Shell with an oval and large hiatus oopofite the hinge, and 
 the rudiment of a tooth within one valve. 
 Found near Weymcuth, Brit. 7ool. iv tab. 44 
 ^hell brown and brittle, length of a horfe-bean, and fliapcd like 
 a Pidachia nuti 
 57. SOLEN. Animal an Afcidia: JJidl bi- 
 valve, oblong, open at both ends: lunge 
 with a liibulate retie6i;ed tooth., often 
 double, and not inferted in tlie oppoiite 
 valve. Razor -Jlieath. 
 Z 2 * Farina, 
i8o WORMS. TESTACEA. 57. Solen. 
 *Vagina, Shell linear, ftraight, roundifh, one end margined; hinge 
 with a fingle oppofite tooth in each valve. 
 Barbui's Shells, p. 20. fab. 2, fg. 4. 
 Lifer conch, tab. ^cx), /. 255. tab, 418, /g. 256, tab. 412, /".I. 
 tab. 1056, /_^. J. 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fig. 57. MuJ. Kirch, 2. fg. 56. 
 GW/. r^. /-a^. 95, Jig. C, D, E. 
 Klfin Ofirae. tab. 1 1, Jig. 65. 
 Lejfer teftaceoth. Jig. 1 20. 
 /Tinory Vergn. I r<?^ 28, _/f^. 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. /a^. 4, fig. 26 — 28, f/a, c. 
 3. hiji. conch, tab, \\z. Jig,S, 
 Inhabits European and Indian feas : 6 — 7 inches broad and about 
 I long: T^f// yi-liOwifh, divided diagonally into 2 triangles, 
 one of which is ftriate longitudinally, the other tranfverlely, 
 and marked with curved bands. 
 *Silijua, Shell linear, (Iraight ; one hinge 2-toothed. 
 Donovans Britip ShelL, ii. tab. 46. 
 Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 4-i;,Jig 20, Barbut, tab. Z. y. 9. 
 Lifler anim. Angl. tab, 5, fig. 37. 
 ^^//. /4^aa/. /fl<^. 414,/. 2. JP/afff. «fff^, /. 3,/, 6, 
 Gina». Ard, 2, /. 37. /^^. 2'j,J:g. 170. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. /a^. 7, y". l. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. /<ii. 4, ^^ 39, f/ d, 
 2, Shell marked with rofy lunules. 
 Schrcet. Einl, conch. 2. tab, 7, Jg. 6. 
 Inhibits European {sis, 2) India: 7 — 8 ij chei broad and ij 
 long : fhell equally broad and compreffed, with a double 
 tooth at the hinge receiving another oppofite, and on one fide 
 another fharp toodi direfted downwards; colour olive-brown, 
 with a conoid a fh colour mirk dividing the (hells diagonal!), 
 one part itriate longitudinally, the other tranfverfely. 
 "'EnP^s. Shell linear, a little bovi^ed like a f^ymetar: one hinge a* 
 Donov'ins Britifh Shells, ii. tab. 50. 
 Pennant Brit. Zoolxv. tab. Af'^tJig.ZZ* 
 Lijler conch, tab. 311, fg. 257. 
 hifler An. Angl. cppi tab. 2. J:g. 9, 
 Argen<v co'ch tab. Z/^, Jig.Q. 
 Chemn. conch 6. tab. 4, J. 30. et c. 
 Schrcet. Einl. ranch, z. p. 262, tab. "J, f. 7. 
 Inhabits European feas : about inches brc d. 
 ^/^d// coloured and marked like the lail, rounded at f,oth ends: 
 the 2 teeth of one valve infcrted into a triangular hoi'.ow of 
 the other. 
WORMS. TESTAGEA. 57. Solen. jgl 
 ^Pelhicidus Sliell fubarched, fuboval, pellucid : one hinge 2-toothcd. 
 Inhabits /inglefea- Ent.Zo'l, iv. p, 84, tsh.^b.f. 23, 
 Shel! thin, pellucid, about an inch broad, v.itli a double fliarp 
 tooth in one valve receiving a fingle one from tht cppufite, 
 with a proccfs in each Ihcll pointing towards the cartilage of 
 the hinge. 
 •Legume/1. Shell linear-oval, ftraight : hinges placed in the middle and 
 2-toothcd, one ot them bihd. 
 Dono'van s Bntjjh Shells, ii. tab 53, 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tah,^t.f. 24. 
 Adatifon St/itfg. tab. 19, /. 3. Plane, tab 3. y. 5. 
 Lijier conch, tab. 420. fig. 264. 
 Gnalt. tell. tab. 91. f. A- Klein elir. t. I \,f, 66. 
 BornMuf. C(rf. Hnd. ie/t. tab. 2, /. ?, 2. 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tab. '^t fig' 32—34. 
 Inhabits European and /itiantic feas : i\ inches broad. 
 .S'^'^/Zluhpellucid, rsdiate from the hinge to the margin, ronnded 
 at both ends, 
 *Cu!tellus, Shell fomewhat kidney-ihaped, with 4 fingle topth in one 
 valve, and 2 in the other, 
 Peiin. l^rit. Zool. iv. tab \b, fig. 25. 
 BarbHCs Shells, tub. 2, fig. 9. Lilter, tab. 421. 
 Ijfjfer tejf.f. 186. Gualt. teji. tab. 90, /. f . 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. i^^- fg E. 
 Clemn. conch- 6. tab. 5. f. 36, 37. 
 Inhabits European and India', above 2 inches broad, 
 iS/iv// fragile, covered with a rough cuticle, under which it \% 
 dirty-white with tawny marks; both ends rounded, 
 f.adiaUi:^ Shell oval, flraight, fmooth, with a tranfverfe deprelTed rib 
 growing on one fide. 
 Barbuf, tab. z.f,6. Lifer, tab. j^Z2, f z66. 
 Rttmpf. Mif. tab. 49,/. E. 
 Gualt. TeJi. tab. 91. /: B. 
 Ar^enville conch, tab- 22, f. P, 
 Knorr delic. tab. B. \\\. f. 9. I'ergn, I. tab, 6. f 5. 
 Chem. conch. 6. tab. 5. f. 38 — 40. 
 inhabits jndta; very thin and brittle : fell violet with 4 trsr.f- 
 verfe white rays growing larger towards the thinner margin, 
 rarely 2 : the deprcfTcd rib running nearly the length of the 
 (licU ; hinge callous each fide, both the valyes 2 -toothed. 
 Strigilatu.', Shell oval, obliquely ftriate. 
 Lifer, tab, 416. f. 260. Gt<alt. tell. tab. 91, C, 
 Bonan. recr.z.f 77. Muf. Kirch. Z.f. 76. 
 Rumpf Mif m/', 45. N. Kf.'qrr. Vgrgn.b. t. j f./^'. 
Ig2 WORMS. TESTACEA. 57. Solcn. 
 Adayisfeneg. i. tab. 19./?^. 2. 
 Murr.fund. te/i. tab. 2- fig. 7. 
 Lhemn. Conch. 6. ra5. (>./ig. 41, 42. 
 3. Shell white. Lifl. Conck, tab, \z\,fig. 265. 
 Bonan. recr, '^. fig. 353. iVfz^ Kirch. Z.figi 107. 
 Klein, o/lrac. tab. it. fig. 68, 
 Adansjeneg^ 1. /^^, \<^. fig, I. 
 Chann. Conch. 6. /<2i^. b.Jig. 43, 44. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean Atlantic and Indian Seas. 
 Shell ro(y with 2 white rays, ftrong and ventricofe : z?"//?^^ a 
 little prominent at the margin with a thin refleded tooth. 
 Jistttifius^ Shell ovate membranaceous hairy, with a falcate rib at the 
 kumff Muf. tab. 75. O. Argennj. Crmch. tab, 22. R. 
 Born Mnf. Caf. Vind. teji. fyZ"^. njign. 
 Ckemn. cone. 6. tab. 6. fig. 46 — 48. 
 Inhabit-s the Indian Ocean, on a faudy bottom. 
 uhill pellucid, white, thin like paper ; one end rounded and 
 clofed. the other gaping like the beak of a bird : tooth in each 
 valve refembling an car-picker. 
 Macha. Shell oval-oblong, truncate before : otie^hinge 2-toothed. 
 Inhabits the Pacific. Mofi. Hill. Chili p. 178.6-7 inches long; 
 brown varied with blue : proQuces pearl, 
 Bullatus. Shell roundifli iiiflated fubrtriate ; the fore-part gaping in 
 confcquence of its crenatiires, 
 , Barbut^s Hhells tab. l.fg. 7. Gualt. tefl, tub. 85, A. 
 Cbemn. Conch. 6. tab, ^.fig. 49-50, 
 Inhabits Indian and American Seas : brittle, white fpotted or 
 clouded with purple, longitudinally ftriate, fubpelllucid : hinge 
 with a finglc tooth, marginal ones rernote coinprell'ed and in* 
 I'crted in a hohow of the other yalve, 
 Minuius. Shell oval ; angles of the valves ferrate. 
 Lefer Conch, tab. 426. fi.g. 267. 
 Spengkr catal. rais. tab, 6.fg. 6 — 8. 
 Chetnn. Conch, 6. tab. d- fig. 51, 52. 
 Inhabits Northern Europe, among zoophytes; fue of a cucumber- 
 feed ; longitudinally ftriate, truncate at the top, with acute 
 ferrate ridges diverging from the hinge towards the top. 
 firens. Shell ovate-oblong, with tumid bolTes. 
 Inhabits Ja-va : very brittle, diaphanous, white, outwar41y 
 grcenidi, valves unequal ; refembling in Ihape the Mya piflo- 
 runi : the tip and bafe hardly clofed; with 2 approximate 
 teeth ia one hin^- and none in the oppontc. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 57. Solcn. 
 Diphos, Shell oval flraight fmooth, with prominent membranes. 
 yalent Muf. tab. IJ,- fg' ?• 
 Chemn. tench. 6 tab, T'f'g- 53> 54* 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean i rsfenibles S. radiatus: z \ inches 
 long and 5 inches broad : covered with a greenifti cuticle 
 under which it is violet with numerous rays, 2 of which are 
 more dillindl: hinge with 2 teeth in one valve and one in 
 the other. 
 Minimus, Shell linear-oval ftraight ; hinges lateral 2-toothed, one of 
 them bifid. 
 Chemn. Conch 6. tsh. <,.fig. 31. a, b. 
 Inhabits Trannuebar\ refembles S. legumen but is much Icfs : 
 cuticle yellowifh, under which it is clear white; inner rib 
 running down the whole fhell, 
 Maximus, Shell linear oval ftiaight, with arched ftrias; hinges lateral 
 Chemn. Cogch, 6. tab. ^-ftg. 35. 
 Inhabits fhores of Nicobar, a very rare fpecies. 
 Shell thin pellucid, white covered with a yellowilh cuticle: 4 
 inches broad, i and a half long ; gaping at both ends ; teetk 
 of the hing* not receiving one another. 
 Cearaatus. Shell tranfverfely wrinkled, contraftcd in the middle, 
 rounded at both ends: hinge in the middle, with fome- 
 times one, fometimes 2 teeth in either valve. 
 Chemn. Conch. 6, tab. ^•fig' 45. 
 Schrizt. Flujconch. tab. (j.Jig. 17. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlands : I of an inch long, 2 and a half broad. 
 SMI dirty white and gaping at both ends. 
 Rojcui. Shell rofy, equivalve : tooth of the hinge fubbifid, and in- 
 ferte(4 in a hollow of the oppolite valve. 
 Chemn. Conch. 6. tab, 7. fig. 55. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea-, refembles Tellina radiata, but is open at 
 both ends. 
 Shell oval quite fmooth: hinge callous 2-toothed. 
 LiO. tab. I'^l -fig, 236. Knorr. f-'ergn. 4. /. 5 /. 4. 
 Chemn. Comh. 6. tab. "J. fig. 56. 
 Inhabits Jamaica: beaks rofy without and within. 
 Shell equivalve, tranfverfely flriate: hinge with a finglt 
 Chemn. Conch. 6. tab. "]' fig- 57, 58. 
 Inhabits Nicnbar ijlunds ; niiddle-lizedi 
 Shell ^VRy rofy witii white rays. 
tS/, WORMS. TESTACEA. 5.9. Tcllina. 
 Oicidens. Shell tranfverfely ftriate, fmooth at the protuberant parts, 
 radiate with white and reddifh : both the hinges 2- 
 toothed with a hollow in the middle. 
 Inhabits Chemn. Covch. 6. tab. j' f'g. Ji. 
 SMI with, a few white and reddirti fpois here jind there, within 
 white : above 4 inches broad and 2 long ; both ends gaping : 
 the hinge lateral. 
 ^Cri/ptu. Shell partly fmooth, partly rough with undulate crimped 
 lines: hinge with a very long narrow tooth, 
 Lejier Anim, Angl tab. 5. fig. 38. 
 Found frequently in the river lees; refenlbles S* anatinus: pro- 
 bably not a diftinft fpecies. 
 ipenvUri. Protuberances or beaks of the (hell 2-parted: primary tooth 
 of the hinge rounded, acce'Jary ones long and narrow, 
 one of them curved. 
 Inhabits Spcr.gl catal. ralf. tab* ^'fig- 8,9. 
 Shell hardly an inch long, 2 and a half broad ; rounded at both 
 .58. TELLINA. Animal a Tetliys : Jhell bi- 
 valve, generally floping on one fide; in 
 the fore-part of one valre a convex, of 
 the other a concave fold . hinge with 
 ufuallj 3-teeth, the lateral ones fmooth 
 in one lliell. 
 A. Ovate and thichrjh. 
 Gargadia. Shell roundifh comprefled and wrinkled on the forepart: 
 valves toothed on the flope. 
 Barbut. tab. l-fg. I. LeJJer teji.fig. II9. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab^ ifi, N. Klein, tab. ID. fig, 55, 
 Chemn. Concb. 6. tab. 8 jig, 63, 64 a, b. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: very rare. 
 Shell white, the top and infide yellowifh : middle tooth of the 
 hinge cleft. 
 ttnguafelis Shell fubovate, rough, with lunate fcales difpofcd in at 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 45. G. Gualt. leH. tab. 76, B, 
 Klein Ofl.ac. tab, 1 1 .yff. 62. 
 Knorr Vergn, 2. tab. Z. fig- I 
 Chemn, Conch, 6, tab, 8._/^. 6^» 
Worms. TESTACEA. 58; Telllna. 185 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: about twice as broad as it is long ^ 
 the top and a few rays diverging from it pale rdfe-colour. 
 Virgaia» Shell oval v^^Ith tranfverfe recurved ftrias, angular: lateral 
 teeth a little prominent. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 4?.//^. H. 
 Argen<viUe Conch, tab 25. fig. G. 
 Kncrr. Vergn. 2. tab. 2\.fig. 4. and 4. /. 25./. i. 
 Clxmn^ conch, 6. tab, ^'fg. 66—72. 
 i. Gualt, ted. tab. 89. /fg". E. 
 3. Otcah. test. tab. S6./g. <3. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Atlantic Seas ; nearly 2 inches long and 
 2 and a half broad : white or yellowifh with generally a fev/ 
 t-ofy ray? : middle tooth of the hinge clefr, lateral ones trian- 
 gular, one placed- on the flope the other behind the crown. 
 /Jngu/aia. Shell fubovate, angular before, with tranfverfe recurved 
 ftrix: lateral teeth o. 
 Lister Conch, tab. 388./%. 235. /. 406,/". 252. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. g- fg- 74» 75. 
 Schrcct. Einl. Cone. 2, tab, 7.7%. 8. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : i and a half inch long, 2 broad : re- 
 fcmtles T. virgata but is lefs oblong, entirely white, the an- 
 terior angle feated more, outwardly, and the opening behind 
 the crown oval. 
 f:^ri. Shell oval with tranfverfe recurved ftrias: lateral teeth 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 45. /j?. D. 
 Kncrr. Fergn, 6. tab. 12. fig. 2, 
 Schrizt. Lml. Conch, z, tab. T^fig, g* 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tak lO. /ig. 92, 93. 
 2. Chemn. concb, 6. t. \0,f. 94. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean j refembles T. virgata but is lefs and 
 more na rowed : the fore part infleded and vcr) rough, with 
 tranlverfe wrinkles crolled in the middle by perpendicular 
 ftrix ; fometimes cinereous with brown rays, fometimes white 
 with blue rays, rometimes blueiih fpottcd with white with red 
 rays, fometimes reddifh-white with red-rays. 
 2. White-alh with rays varied with red. 
 * Fragilis. Shell ovate white gibbous, with tranfverfe rec'urved ftrias: 
 beaks yellowilh. 
 Pennant Brit. Zoal. iv. pi S6. tab, ^y.f. 26.- 
 Chemn, conch, 5. tub, <^- f. 84. 
 VOL. IV,— A a Ifehakits 
i86 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tellina. 
 Inhabits European Seas: an inch broad and very brittle: the 
 ftrije are croflcd by longitudinal ones : hinge with a fingle 
 cleft tooi/j in one valve, in the other 2, both valves without 
 lateral ones: colour white. 
 *DepreJ]a, Shell very thick depreired oblong white, with tranfverfe 
 concentric ftrias. 
 Inhabits Europe. Brit. Zool. iv, />. 87, tah. ^J. fig. 27, 
 * Craffa. Shell very thick broad depfelTed, with numerous concentric 
 (Irise : the fides unequal. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tah. \^.fig 28. 
 Inhabits Europe. I |- of an inch broad, i | long. 
 Shell ovate with tranfverfe undulate wrinkles: hinge with 
 2 lateral teeth ; left valve with a fingle cleft primary 
 one, the other 2. 
 Born. Muf. Car/. Find. tefi. tab. 2< fig. 3, 4. 
 Chemn. Conch. 6. tah. ^. jig- 62. 
 Inhabits Indian and American Seas ; a little broader than it is 
 long and fmooth within : white or yeliowi/h. 
 Infiatas ^^^^^ rounded thick fnowy gibbous, with very fine longi- 
 tudinal fl:ria;. 
 Inhabits Chemn, conch, 6. tah. ^' fig. 76. 
 Muliangu- Shell ovate, a little ventricofe, unequivalve, with decuflate 
 ^"^^^ ftria: and finuate before : hinge with a lingle primary 
 cleft tooth in the left valve, and 2 in the other. 
 Chemn conch. 6. tah, ().fig. yj. 
 Inhabits fhores oi Tranquebar : whitifti-afh. 
 Papyracea, Shell thin ovate ventricofe and tranfverfcly ftrlate, with 
 plaited wrinkles on the fore-part : hinges without 
 lateral teeth, and with 2 primary ones. 
 Inhabits Guinea. Chemn. conch. 6. tab. <)'fig' 7?. 
 Shell Ahont 3 lines long, and i | inch broad; brittle, excavated 
 in the middle, white within and fmooth. 
 Gihbofa. Shell fomething triangular ventricofe and finely ftriate tranf- 
 verfely : hinge with a ftrong lateral tooth. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teji. tab. 77. fig. Q. 
 Shell whitifh-green, inflcited each fide, fhorter on one fide: 
 hinge with a fmglc primary tooth. 
 hejuilatera Shell equivalve roundifli white, with a few tranfverfe ftrix 
 towards the margin. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teji, tab. 2^,/ig. C. 
 Knorrii, Shell rich red with a violet margin. 
 Inhabits Knorr. f^ergn. ^. tab. 21. /ig. 5. 
 SM/ 2 \ inches broad, 1 i long. 
 BorKi'i. Shell tranfverfely ftriate i one fide bent and reddifh, with 
 red rays. 
 Born Muf. Ca-f. Vind. ted. tah. 2. fig. 5. 
 Inha':,its Shell I- of an inch long, 2 inches broad. 
 P«/?//<3. Shell ovate ventricofe thin tranfverfely ftriate : hinge in one 
 valve without teeth, in the other with a double primary 
 Schrat. Flu/conch, p. 194. tab. ^.fig. 7. a, b. 
 Inhabits rivers of Europe: very minute, dirty white, fnowy 
 within, and brittle. 
 * Maculata Shell fubovate thickiih, with decufTate ftris, and irregular 
 Found at lenb^. 'Iran/. Lin. Soc, 'nu p. 252. 
 Figure of the Ipots diflimilar in different fpccimens, but cxaflly 
 alike in both valves. 
 •Ri'valis. Shell obliquely fubovate, tranfverfely grooved, horn-colour. 
 Maton TranJ.Unn. Soc. iii. tab l^'/'g- 37 — 4<^- 
 Gu^lt. teji. tab. '] . fig. C, C. 
 Found in the river A'von near Salijhury : fize of a pca^ 
 Shell rough, with broader grooves, flattifh \)t\prt: hinge placed 
 not in the middle but towards one end, with hardifh promi- 
 nent teeth. 
 B. OvatCf comprejfed. 
 Shell oval fmooth, with prominent membranes. 
 Inhabits European Ocean. MuJ. Lud, Ulr 479. «- 23, 
 Shell Cizc of an egg, re idifli -white, with faint tranfverfe ftrix, 
 witi.in white; cartilage white: hinge with a diftinft future 
 each fide marked ^vith minute tranfverfe red ftriae, and 3 
 teeth in each valve. 
 Tiliacea. Shell oval, with rough pubes^ the flattened fides ferrate. 
 Barbut. tab Z-fg' ^- J^^'^ff ^^«/« f^b. 45. K. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 22. E. Klein, tab, il.ftg. 64. 
 Aa 2 J\>:orr 
i8S WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tellina.. 
 Knor» Vergn, 5. tab. 2<^, fig. 2. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. \o, fi^* 95. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean i very rare; if inch long, 3 broad. 
 Primary tooth of the hinge cleft, lateral one long. 
 *PLznata, Shell ovate, comprelTed, tranfverfely fubftriatc, fmooth, 
 with acute margins. 
 Donwarii B>it. fnelh,\. tab. 19, /". 2, 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv, tab. 48, f. 29, 
 Gualt. left. tab. 89, fig, G ? 
 Regenf. conch, i. tab. 3. ^g.zSi 
 Chemn. conch, tab. Hifg- too? 
 Inhabits European and Mediterranean feas : fmall. ^ 
 iSi'f^// very thin, flat, pellucid, red, whitifh or deep violet, with 
 concentric red Tmes ; the margin very acute. 
 •J/ar/aW/J Shell ovate-oblong, with pale purple rays: hinge with 'A 
 fingle tooth in one valve inferted between 2 teeth 'n\ 
 the oppolite valve. 
 Dononiani BritflelU, ii. tab. i^x., fg. 2. 
 AdanfS^neg. i. tab, ijffg.zo. 
 Lifer, tab./^\j. Jrgewv^canch. tab. 22,1, 
 Born. Muf Caf. Find, teft, tab. 2, f. 6, 7. 
 Chemn, conch. 6, tab. 7. fg. 59, 60. a, b. 
 Solen vcfpertinus, Gmelin Syft. Nat. p. 3228. 
 Inhabits European and Atlantic feas : refembles a Solen in being 
 a little open at both ends, and not bent to either fide : within 
 varied with blue and white j fometimes fmooth, fometimes 
 fouglx with tranlverfe ftrije. 
 La'vigata, Shell ovat<", fmooih ; lateral teeth margine'd: pubes with 
 rough ftrise: membranes inflected, 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 45, fg. I ? 
 Chemn. conch 6. tcib. 12. fig. ill. 
 Schrat. EinL conch, 2. tab. Jt fg' 10. 
 2. Lifter conch, tab. %^T,fig- 234. 
 Inhabits European and Indian Seas: white with reddilh rays, 
 yvithin redaiflij yellowifh or white. 
 *Radiata. Shell oblong, with taint longitudinal ft^ix, poliQied : fur 
 ture behind the be^ks caniculate 
 Brtt. Zool. iv. tab. 49,/". 30. Lister, tab. 393. y. 24c. 
 Gualt. tefi, tab. 89. I, Argcn'v. conch, tab. it, A. 
 Klein Oflrac. tab. I 1 , fg, 60. 
 Knorr delict fcL tab. B. iii. fig. 8. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. l<^'fg. 1,4. tab. Z. f. 2, 4. 
 Regenf. conch, i. tab, 8. fg. 22- 
 Chemn. covch. 6* tai*. 11. /fg-' 102. 
 a. W'i'.: 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Telllna. 189 
 2, With unequal fides, very large, wrinkled, white with thelnfidc 
 filvery. Gualt. Te/t, tab. 88, P? 
 ^, With unequal fides, a little wrinkled, brown near the margin, 
 furroundcd in the middle with a whitilh band, and purplifli 
 near the hinge. Gualf. teft, tab. 89, A ? 
 4. Shell yellow, Knorf Fergn. 4. tai- 2, fig, 2, 
 5. Born Muf. Caf. Vind. teft. tab. 2, fig, 10 ? 
 Inhabits European and American Teas : generally whitjlh, with 
 red rays, and ting«d with a faint purple within, 
 Xostrata. Shell oblong ; the fore-part produced into an angular beak, 
 the angles flightly toothed. 
 Lipr conch. tab.l%z. fg. 225. tab, 395. /. 242 ? 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 45. L. Argen'V. ccnch. tab. 22, O. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 86. D ? tab. 88. T» 
 Klein Ofirac. tab. llyfig. 63. 
 Knorr Verg^n. 4. tab. 2 fig, 3' — 5. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. Teft. tab, 2, / 12. 
 Chenin. conch 6. tab. lO. fg. 96. t. il./. 104. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : fometiiaes white with frequently 
 rofy rays, fometimes red with white rays, fometimes ydlpw, 
 *lneqtii- Shell oblong, produced into a beak : upper valve flat, 
 'vahiis. lovrer convex. 
 Donp'vans Brit. Shells, ii. tab. ^l. frg* I. 
 Grotto'V. Zooph. lab. iS. fg. 3, 
 . Brunn, Befch, Naturf. 3. tab. 7^ fig. 25 — 28. 
 Qhemn. conch. 6, tab. 1 1. fg. 106. a, b, c, d. 
 Inhabits European and Horth Seas : white, fmooth, pellucid, with 
 a ftraight dorfal future running out into an obtufe patulous 
 beak : hinge with 2 primary teeth and no lateral ones. 
 •frifajci' Shell ovate, fmoothifh, triradiate with red and flightly ftri- 
 f»r«. ate tranfverfely. 
 Dcnofvans Brit, fnells. ji. tab. 20. 
 Barbut, tab. I, fig. 3. 
 Ufter an. Ang. app. 32, ftg. 8, 
 Chemn. ccnch. 6. tab. 12, Jig. 114. a, b. 
 z. With tranfverfe red ftripcs croffing the rays, 
 Barbut y tab. 3. fig. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 12, fig. 115, 116. 
 Inhabits Eurepean fcas : whitilh or pale red with deep red rays 
 by threes ; the anterior part or flopc more obtufe, with an 
 ov.atQ aperture. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tellina. 
 *In£aniat{t Shell ovate, a little produced on the fore-part, flattifh : the 
 beaks or crown fubmucronate. 
 Penaant Bnt. Zool. iv. tab. 47, f. "^X, 
 Li/kr An. Ang. app. tab. i, jig. 8. 
 Born Mil/. Caf. VzrJ. te/t. tab. 2, fig. i 3. 
 Cheum. conch. 6. tab. \2, Jig, 110. 
 2. Edged with white. Chemn. conch. 6. tab. \o, /. 117. 
 3. Entirely recJ. Lifter conch, tab. 405./. 25l>~- 
 4. Red wilhio. Ltster conch, tab. 435,/". 250. 
 Inhabits European and Mediterranean feas : nearly 2 inches broad; 
 covered with a brown curticle, undep which it is whiciih 
 with a few red rays. 
 Dtnacina. Shell ovate, flattiQi, fmoothilh, and very obtufe on the 
 Gualt. Test. tab.S^, N ? Chemtt. conch. 6. tab. My f. 119? 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean; refembles the laft, but is lefs and 
 purplift), with numerous red rays ; Hope very obtufe and trun- 
 cate as in the Donax. 
 fruHcata» Shell oval, coi-nprelTed, fubftriate; the fore part truncate 
 and marked with a diitindt future. 
 Inhabits Ja<va\ rcfetnblcs T. incarnata, but is violet, more 
 brittle, and the iore-part more truncate : all the teeth of the 
 hinge emarginate. 
 Trilatcra. Shell flat; the fore-part truncate and yellow: crown white: 
 hinge with a finglp primary and lateral tooth. 
 Inhabits — — . Chemn. conch. 6, tab. 10, f 85. 
 i'-^f// triangular : i\ inch long, more than 2 broad. 
 Chibngal Shell oblong, brittle, yellowilh : hinge with a fmgle primary 
 tooth in one valve and 2 in the other. 
 Chemn. Conch. 6. tab. lo.fg 87. 
 Inhabits European Seas: fhell rounded on one fide, 
 ^peHgleri. Shell white, tranfverfely ftrlate, and bifarioufly hooked 
 each fide. 
 Spetigler Befch. Naturf. \. tab. c^-fg- I- — 3. 
 apengler cataL raif tab. 4, fg. 3 — 5, 
 Chemn. L,cnch, 6. tab. 10. fg. 88 — 90. 
 2. Without the hooks. Li/Ier conch, tab. 398, y. 237. 
 \r\\\^Q\\.i'Nicohar1fands: thick, 11 lines long and 2 inches 8 
 lines broad : white with a rofy crown, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tclllna. 19? 
 *Rtigcsa. Shell oval, with rugged concentric ftrix. 
 Inhabits Weymouth Brit. Zool. iv. tab, ^"J, f' 34. 
 Shell about the fize of a filbert. 
 •Corn-fbi. Shell oval-oblong, (deeply flriate parallel to the margin; 
 enjis. Inhabits CormJIi coa/t. Borl. Corn. tab. 28./. 23. 
 Fervemit. Shell oblong-ovate, comprefled, radiate with white an4 
 reddilh, with fine tranfverfc ftriae : hinge without Ia» 
 teral teeth. 
 LiHer conch, tab. 394, fg. 241. 
 Chemn. Conch. 6. tab. M.Jig. 9 1. 
 Inhabits North Seas : an inch Jong and 2 broad, 
 Ofercuiata. Shell purple, with white bands and deculTate ftrix ; one 
 end more produced : one valve convex, the other flat, 
 Knorr. I ergn. 6. tab. 12, Jig. i? 
 Chemn. conch. C. tab. I \.j>g. 97. 
 2. Ochraceous, Chemn. Conch. 6. tab. i^'/g. 9^» 
 Inhabits In^ia ? zl inches broad, i| long: hinge without late, 
 ral teeth, a fingle primary one in one valve and 2 in the other / 
 Jhdl with fine tranfverfe llrisc ; 2) tranfverfe ftriae thicker ; 
 hinge with a lateral tooth, the primary one cleft, in the hit 
 valve a fingle one, and 2 in the other. 
 -Hyalina. Shell oval, unequivalvc, flat, pellucid, with very fine decuf- 
 fate ftrix: hinge without lateral teeth, 
 Chemn. conch, 6. tab. 1 1 .jig. 99. 
 2. Schrat. Einl. conch. 3. p. 6, n. 14. 
 Inhabits Guinea, 2) India; x^ inch long, nearly ^ broad. 
 Shell {t.Qwy, thin, with a very acute margin : left valve with » 
 fingle primary tooth, the other with 2. 
 #'//rftf. Shell yellowiQi, very thin, perpendicularly ftriate and pro- 
 duced before: hinge without lateral teeth. 
 Chemn conch. 6 tab.\\,f \o\. 
 Inhabits hcrth and Baltic Seas : very brittle, rounded behind ; 
 hinge with a fingle pnir.a'y tooth in the opper-valve and i 
 fmall ones in the lower. 
 Lauceolata. Shell oval, very thin, pellucid, tranfverfely ftriate and 
 pointed before : hini^c vnihout lateral teeth in one 
 Chemn. cotich, 6» tab. i ; 
192 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. TelUna. 
 Inhabits India: 10 lines long, an inch and 8 lines broad; (had- 
 ed with reddilh ; primary tooth of the hinge fingle and flightly 
 Afelituu Shell oval, pellucid, varying in different pofitions of light, 
 with a rib in each valve reaching from the hinge t» 
 the outer margin, 
 Chonn. conch. 6. tab. 12, Jig. I07. 
 2. Papyraceous, white* Schrcct. conch. 3. /< 8. a. 18, 
 Inhabits Nicohar: very thin. 
 Coccinea, Shell oval, pellucid, fcarlef, with fine tranrverfe ftric* 
 Chemn. conch, 6. tab. 12. f. 109. 
 Inhabits the fea round Iceldnd: very thin. 
 Virgima, Shell with fine trahfverfe ftris, and produced forward* 
 into a beak. 
 Li ft fr conch, tab. 159. ftg. 15,. 
 Inhabits rivers oi Virginia : very finall and rounded. 
 Alata. Shell green, nearly triatigular ; the margin dilated. 
 Lifter ^ tab, 1 60. /. 16. Klein o/tr, tab, 9, f. 36. 
 Inhabits : near 2 inches broad, and i| long: of an ua- 
 certain Genus and divifion. 
 Pe^inaia. Sheil rounded, flat, thin, brownilh, with longitudinal ftria: 
 Inhabits ■— — , Lifter conch, tab, 300, fig. 137. 
 Angustata. Shell flattifh, red with white rays, one end pointed, .th« 
 other rouiided. 
 Inhabits . Lifter conch, tab. 383, f. 26, 
 ^bell middle-fized, twice as broad as it is long. 
 Variegata, Shell oval, rounded at each end, variegated, with a whlt- 
 i(h ray at the crown. 
 Lifer conch, tab, 384./*. 27. 
 2. Broad, whitifh and radiate with red. 
 Lifer conch, tab, 385,/". 232* 
 3. Small, whitifh, with purple fpots or rays. 
 Inhabits » Lijier conch, tabi 389, fig. 228, 
 IXadagaf' Shell oval, a little pointed at oiie end. 
 earienfi. Lift, coucb, tab. 386,^.233. 
 Inhabits Madagafan z\ inches long, 3j broad. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tclliaa. 
 * Rhomho- 
 Shell purplifh at each end. 
 Lifter conch, tub, 39 1, /g. 230. 
 2. Cualt. left. tab. 77. %. L ? 
 3. Guah.teji. tab. J-J, fti- '^ ^ 
 Inhabits .An inch and a half long, and fomething broaden 
 Shell pointed at one end, within yeltdwifh, without radi- 
 ate arid rough with tranfvcrfe Itrix. 
 Inhabits . i| inch long, 3 inches broad. 
 Shell {lightly Wedged, whitifh andi trahfverfely lhlate„ 
 I.^/?. Co^cij. tab. 401. ftg. 244.- 
 Tiiangularand thick.. Lifter touch, tab. /^Oi. f.^^S' 
 lnr>«'bits : above an incfi lOng, i^ broad, 
 Shell wh'te, with unequal fides, a little pointed at one end, 
 Lftfr conch, tab. /{r>7, fig. 2^'^. , , 
 Inhabits Nor'waji Seai ; i^ inch long, nearly 2 broad. 
 Shell tli'clr, ".'le bcnk nurplifli without. 
 L//f. conch, tab. 40S, f-.g. 2'^4, 
 Inhabits Jamaica: an inch lDQg,'r|-'bro'ad. 
 She'll outwardly white and rough with tranfverfe ftri^/ 
 yvith'ii b^uciOi. . 
 Lijter An. Aug. p. 17 1, tah. 4. fig. 26. 
 2, Bonan.recr. 2. fig. 4^5- Muf. Kirch. 2. f. 47. . 
 Found in th^^ river Tees: 2 inches broad, above 1 long. 
 Shell purplifli-tawny with white rays. 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fg. 42. Mu/', Kirch. 2. f. 41; 
 Inhabits Bntifti iad Baltic Seas: afl irich long, ij- broad. 
 Shell rofy with a \vhite band. 
 Bonan. recr. z.f.g.^\. Muf Kirch. 2. /". 43- 
 Inhabits lliorcs ot 1 ifcany : rometimes white, with a fpot on the 
 knob relembiing the' flower of a pomgranatc 
 Shell whltidi with a paler band, within yellow, 
 Guak. Test. tab. 77. H > 
 2. Gualt. Teft. tab. 77. M ? . 
 Inhabits , 2) with a purplifh hinge. 
 Shell reddil"h, with pale yellow fpots and decudate ftri«= 
 Gualt. teft. tab.S^. f C. 
 Inhabits — . Shell i of an inch long, 1 1 broad, 
 VOL. iV. — B b Pla/i^' 
194 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. TelHna; 
 Plana, Shell with unequal fides, deprefled and very minutely 
 Inhabits . Gualt» ttft. tab. 88, fig. H, I, L. 
 Shell white or purplilh, fometimes rofy. 
 Striata. Shell with unequal fides, round at both ends, rofy-white, 
 Inhabits — — ;. Gualt. teft. tab. 89,/^. C. 
 Shell 2 inchef broad, t| long, 
 Refea. Shell rofy, with thin ribs running from the hinge to the 
 Inhabits . Knorr Vergn, 5. tah, <), fg. 3. 
 Shell an inch long, i| broad. 
 Punirea. Shell oval, flat, with equal fides and very thick tranfverfc 
 ftria?, light fcarlet. 
 Born. Muf. CaJ. Vihd. teft. tah. 7, >%. 8. 
 Inhabit! — — . Shell an inch long and nearly z broad. 
 ComplarM- Shell obovate, flattened, obfoletcly ftriate, recdifh with a 
 /«. dilated margin, and aflightiy downy gape on theflope. 
 Born. Muf. Ceej. Vind. teft. tab. 2, fig. 9. 
 Inhabits — — — . Shell nearly 2 inches long and 3 broad. 
 Fabula, Shell ovate, comprefled, infleftcd, a little produced before; 
 one valve fmooth, the other with oblique fefleded Itrias. 
 Grononj. Zooph. tab. 18, fig. 9. 
 I»habits Meditenaman, America and }^orth Seas. 
 Shell white, about the fize ot a Lupine feed. 
 Jdanfoni, Shell whitifh with a violet hinge. 
 AdanfoH Seneg. tab. 17. fig. 9. 
 Foarul frequently on the African fhores, in hollows of rocks 
 filled with fait water : 2 lines broad, 
 Cancellata, Shell thin, dirty-white, with numerous fine longitudinal 
 grooves crofling the tranfverfe wrinkles. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic. Adanj Seneg. tab. ^7t fig- 19. 
 Shell ©pake, an inch broad, and not quite fo long. 
 Strigoja, Shell with whitiflli band", glabrous and wrinkled at the 
 margin : upper-valve with 2 teeth in the hinge, the 
 other with 3. 
 Adanfan Stneg, tab. 1 7, fig. 9, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tellina. ig5 
 Inhabits African Shores: about twice as broad as long ; the 
 younger ones with yellowifh bands which in the full grown 
 ones are grey -violet. 
 C. Suborhiciilar. 
 Dalaujlina. Shell dilated-orbicular, with lateral teeth in one valve. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: whitifh with obfolete rutous rays: 
 fize of a Lupine. 
 Remits. Shell fuborbicular comprefled and tranfverfely wrinkled. 
 Barbut. tab, Z-f'g- $. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 43. I. 
 Lift Conch, tab. 206. fig, 102. 
 Murr.fund. ted. tab. z. fig. 8- 
 Born Muf. Cas. Vind. teli. tab. 2.ftg. I I. 
 Chemn, cone. 6. tab. 12. fg. i iz. 1 13. > 
 Inhabits the Indian and American Ocean : about 3 inches long 
 and 3 i broad: the amyrican fpecimens have a yellowifh mixture 
 and the wrinkles are not fo llrong. 
 Reticulata, Shell lentiform, or rcfembling the leaves of the Duck-weed, 
 comprelFed reticulate. 
 Barbut'' s Shells, tab. I. fig. 6, 
 Inhabits India: 2 inches long and i ^ broad. 
 Shell white with tranfvcrfe ftris crofled by the longitudinal ribs; 
 within yellowifli : behind the beaks a hcath-fhaped very iTiort 
 imprcffion : hinj,e with 2 very finail primary teeth and a finglc 
 lateral one each fide. 
 Sco.liti'!*^ Shell lenticular roughs with lunate fc^les difpofed in a 
 Rumjf. Muf. tab. 43. E. Gualt. t(Ji. tab. 76. E. 
 Knorr, Vergn. 6. tab. 37 fis^. 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 6, tab. \l fig 122 — 124* 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : 2 j inches long, 2 \ broad, 
 ^hcll white with ferruginous Ipots. with an oblong hollow behind 
 the beaks, the lips not grooved. 
 \aS(H, Shell lentiform gibbous white pellucid fmooth. 
 Gualt. tejl. tab. Jl.fg. D. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab I'^.f'g. 1 25. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean i a little larger than a Lapinc, with 
 faint tranfverfe ftriacj the hinge without teeth. 
 • Carnwia, ^^^^^ fuborbicular, white with a rofy tinge within and with- 
 out; the outfide with belts of a deeper red, and marked 
 with fine ftrL-e difpofed in oblique and reflcfted direc- 
 B b 2 Donovan*! 
196 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tcllina. 
 Doncvar^s Brit. Shells, il. tab. 47. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool, iv, tab. \().'jig' 32. 
 Lijl. An. Angl. tab. if. fig. 25, Conch, tab. 2'i<)>fig- l/^^ 
 Born Muf. iXifs. Vind. teji. tab. 2'yig. 14. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. I'i'/ig- 126. 
 2. Entirely white. Brit, Zool. iv. tab, /^.g./ig. 3Z. A. 
 Inhzhiia Europe And American Ijlands: its teeth refembles a Car- 
 dium, but has a flope on one fide. 
 • Bimacu- 
 Shell triangularly rounded ftnooth, syhitifli with 1 oblong 
 red foots on the infide, 
 Donm/an s Brit Shells. X.iab. ig-fig- I. 
 Chemn, conch, 6. tab. I'^./'ig. 127. 
 2> Chemn. conch. 6. tab. i'^'/ig. 132. a, b. 
 Inhabits European and American Heas; hardly an inch broad, with 
 ■ a few very faint tranlverfe ftri<e, generally whicifh on the out- 
 fide; the flexure or flope is hardly diltinguilhablc. 
 Bale^icii Shell rpundifli fmooth, the outfide bloom colour. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 13. fig. 128. 
 Inhabits the Baltic: about tne fize of a horfc-bean. 
 Shell very thin fragile brittle, wjthin whitiih. 
 PiJ/ormit. 3hell fubglobular fmooth, within carnation, obliquely fub- 
 ftriate, the itriae rette£led into an acute angle on the 
 Inhabits Europe, at the mouths of rivers : fize of a f ea. 
 Shell white with a purplifh top, rarely entirely white: the ftriac 
 hardly vifible to the naked eye : primary tooth of the hinge 
 fimple, lateral ones a little prominent. 
 Di'varicata Shell fubglobular white, with oblique bifarious flri.c. 
 iijier. tab. 301.//^. 142. Klein, oflr.t.^.f. 28. 
 honun. recr. l- fig- 349- ^W. hzrch. 2./, IC4. 
 Ckcmn. conch. 6. tab. l^./ig' lig> 1 3°. 
 Inhabits the American and Mediterranean Seas', abont an ircH 
 long: foraetimes blueifh or cinereous, but generally whitifli : 
 Jiria very thin undulate and diverging both ways: margin 
 crenate: f.exure p : primary tooth of the hinge double, lateral 
 OFfps 0; \i probably a Cardium. 
 Tifgitaria. Shell fubglobular pale, furrcundeU with pbliqv.c uniform 
 Chemr.. conch. 6. tab. 12. fig. 120, 121. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Amnican and Inaicn Scrs: fre nf ^ 
 pea and nearly an inch long ; generally fincoih, often reddifl;- 
WORMS. TESTACBA. 58. Tellina. f^j 
 orange, fometimes marlced with undulate ritfons fpots ; the 
 ftrije inclitje o'>liquely towards the oflrer margin like the liner. 
 at the ends of the fingers, which gives it the appearance pt 
 being ipirally llriate. 
 f Cornta. Shall globular glabrous horn-colour, with z tranfverfe groov^e. 
 Pennant Brit. Zocl. iv. tab. 49-y?!J'. 3'i- 
 Lljler, tab. ^^<^-fig- 14. Guat. tefi. t. -;./ B, C. 
 lAller an. Auj^L tab. y. fig. 31. App. tab. \.pg 5. 
 j-lrger.-v. Cotuh, tab. 27. fig. g Zcom, /. ij. /'. 10. 
 Schrat. Flujconcb. tab^ ^-fg- 3 — 'i* 
 Chsmn. conch. 6. tab. i 3. y/^. i 33, a, b. 
 Inhabits ponds and f rtih water of Eumpg ; fize of a pea. 
 Shell peiiucid polifhcd, very finely llriate acrofsj within blucidi- 
 ' white, without white or pale or blucifli-aih, with tranlverfe 
 black curves one of which is more dilHnd; aoout the fize of 
 a pea, often more than twice as large : lateral teeth of the hinge 
 elongated, rniddlc-ones hardly any. 
 La^ulfris. Shell rhoir.bic flattiili glabrous, with an acute protuberance; 
 £hemn. conch. 6. tab. ^^'fg- I3>- 
 Inhabits pools or niarfhcs oi Europe : 6 lines long and 4 broad j 
 viviparous : 7'';t'// brownifh, the back of the valves cinereousj 
 the margin white, within white; the youger ones entirely 
 white and diaphanous: bini^^e without middle teeth, lateral 
 ones 6 obiqlete. 
 4ni7'iccip ^'ncll fpmcwhat heart-lhaped, tranfverfcly grooved, with an 
 ' obtufe ptotuberance. 
 Chemn. conch, b tab. 13. fig. I 34. 
 Inhabits pools and ditches of Europe', i — 5 lines broad. 
 Shell Icfs globular than T. cornea, within glabrous and bluciihj 
 without white brown or yelhjw with a bl^ckifh rib or two j 
 the younger ones entirely white and pellucid : h<f7ge vvitli 2 
 middle teeth in each v.vlvc and a lateral one each nde. 
 FJuwinAtii. Shell triangular gibbous and tranrvcrfely ftriate. 
 Inhabrs the Euphrates. Mull. Venn. z.p. 20,. ;/, 390. 
 Shell thick hard opake, broader towards the hinge on the forcr 
 part: outwardly g'-ccn with imbricate ftrin; parralle! with the 
 aperture, within blue: hinge with (> middle teeth, the lateral 
 Cdch fide long and with the receiving grooves crenulated, . 
 Fluminea. Sh^ll triani^iilar t^bbous tranfvcrfely ribbed. 
 Mull. lerm. t rr. et liu-j. 2. pK Z06. n. 391 . 
 Inhabits the river which waflics Canton in China, 6 — S lints 
 long nd broad: opake, without green, witliin whitifii marked 
 wi'.h fi black femicirc'.e : hinge as in the former. 
198 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Tellhu. 
 PlwviauUs^ Shell triangular, tranfverfcly wrinkled. 
 J^ull. Verm, terr, et flu-u. 2, /. 2o6. n. J92. 
 Inhabits Canton, and with the 2 laft approach to the genus 
 Venus ; hinge as in the former ones : 8 lines long, 9 broad : 
 therica. Shell globular fmooth polifhed, with a toothed margin, 
 Bonann. recr. 2. fig. %z. Mu/. ktrch. z. fig. 31. 
 Inhabits fhores of Iberia ' fmall, ruflet-brown, fometimes yel- 
 lowifh-brown mixed with black. 
 Adriattca' Shell fubglobular, without white within margaritaceous : 
 the margin denticulate. 
 Borann. recr. Z. fig. 34. Muf. kirch, 1. fig, 33, 
 Inhabits the Ihores of the Adriatic: fmall. 
 Siiiuofa. Shell fubglobular, equivalve and equal Tided, with a few 
 tranfverfe ftriae. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab. yj.fg. D, E, 
 i"^*// middle-fized, whitifli or reddifh. 
 Purpurata. Shell with equal fides, fmooth, fine lucid purple. 
 Gualt. teli. tab. Il-fg. L. 
 Inhabits -Shell in inch long and i \ broad. 
 Candida, gbell fuborbicular, with fine tx^nfverfe ftriae, white, 
 Gualt. teji. tab. yj.fg. A. 
 2. Lefs and fmooth. Gualt, te/I^ tab. 77, P, 
 Gallica. Shell triangular pe6>inate. 
 Argenville Conch, tab. zi.fg. I 1. 
 Inhabits France in the Marine: hinge wirh a fingle tooth, 
 ^enegalenfii Shell triangular-globofe, thick hard fmooth, with tranfverfe 
 Inhabits /^/r/Vtf. Adans, Seneg. tab. 17.//^, 14. 
 Shell white or flefh-colour, fometimes red radiate with white. 
 Airguhfa. Shell oval flattiih, tranfverfcly ftriate, the fore-part angu- 
 larly infledled: primary tooth of the hinge bifid, lateral 
 ones remote. 
 L-.habits Ameri.a. Chemn. cone, 10. tab., ^'].fg* 1^5 4> '^Sj* 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardium. 199 
 Polygona, Shell white tranfverfely ftriate, orbicular, angular on the 
 fore-part : hinge without lateral teeth, the primary one 
 projecting doubled, in ohe valve 2. 
 Inhabits hdia. Chemn. cone. lo. tab, ijo.fig. 1651 16^3. 
 59. CARDIUM. Anivial a Tethys : fiell 
 bivalve, ncarJj equilateral, equi valve, ge^ 
 nerallj convex, longitudinally ribbed 
 Itriate or grooved, with a toothed margin; 
 hinge with 2 teeth near the beak, and a 
 larger remote lateral one each lide, each 
 locking into the oppofite. Cockle* 
 Coitatum, Shell gibbous equivalve, with elevate carinate concave 
 membranaceous ribs. 
 Barbut's Shells, tab. "3,. fig. j. Major. tef,tab. lo. 
 Jrgen'v. Conch, tab. 26. A. Gualt. teli. tab. JZ.T>. 
 Adanfon Heneg. tab. iS.fg. 2. 
 Lift Conch, tab. 327- Ru??ipf. Muf. tab. J^S.Jg. 6- 
 Column, purp. 26. tab. 27. Kncrr. Vergn. i. tab, 2%.fg, 22. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. i^, fg. 1 61. 
 Inhabits the Jfrican Ocean: 3 inches long, 3 I broad, and above 
 3 high ; w/hitifh with broad brown grooves. 
 Cardifa. Shell heart-fhaped, the valves comprefTed and carinate wiib 
 teeth : beaks approximate. 
 Barbut. tab. ^.fg. 8, Gualt. teli. tab. S4. fg. B, C, D. 
 Li^er Conch, tab. 318. 319. Knotr. Vergn. i- tab. z^.fg.z, 
 Rumpf. Muj.tab. 42. E. Klein- ofjr. tab. 10. fig. 39. 
 Argen^v. Conch, tab. 26. I. Zocjnorph.tab. 12. K. 
 Bonann. recr. 2. tig, ^9. Muf. lurch. 2. fig. 48. 
 Knorr Vergn. \,tab, l8. fg. ■^.t.ii.f.i. 
 Born Mnf. Caf. Find. teji. tab, 2. fig. 15—18. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. i^^.fg. 143 — 146. 
 2. Lister Conch, tab 320. yfp-. 157. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : 2 \ incnes long, and ahove 2 broad ; 
 refemblcs the human heart: the ribs are placed obliquely, 
 and before the beaks is a heart-fhaped deprefiure or gape: 
 generally whitifli with fometimes a few rtd fpots ; fometin^c* 
 flat on each fide, rometimes concave on one fide. 
 Rojeiim, Shell heart-fhaped; the fore-part furrowed with lines, the 
 hind-part with broader ftirae, forming by their con- 
 jundlion the figure of a heart: one part convex, the 
 other concave. 
^oo WOx^MS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardium. 
 Argeti'V, Cnnch. tab. 23, D, Cbsmn, cone tab: \^./g, 147.' 
 ] nhzb Its N:cobar tjliifi:/' : riilcmbles C. cardifl-t. 
 Sbcul varL-d with vvt>i:e and role-colour, with a heart-fhape^ 
 gape before the be-..ks. 
 ketufum. Shell heart-fliaped ; the valves firiate crenulate fubcarrnatc : 
 behind the bea'ks a h'lnate hearr-lhapfed gape. 
 Born Muf. CeeSj. Find teU. tab. 3. fig. j , 2. 
 Chemh. cone. 6, tab. 14. yf^. 139 — 142. 
 Inhabits India, Arabia and Egypt; a middle fpecies bstwe:- '" 
 hemicardiuin and C. fraguni : about 2 inches long and ncariy 
 as much broad ; thick, milk-whice, anteriorly concav', con- 
 vex behindy appearing as if truncate: tht niargih' with plaited 
 Shell heart- fharped, fubquadritefal, with carinate valves:' 
 beaks diftant. 
 Barbut. tab. I. fig, 9. Rumpf. Muf tab. 44. H. 
 Peti-u. Amb. tab. 1 7. /". 4. Guatt.test. tab. 83,0, 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. tab. '^fig, 3- 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. \6-fig, 159, 1 60. 
 Inhzbrn t\\Q Indian Ocean; refem ^les C cardlfl'a. 
 ahcll outfide ochraceous, within I'nowy ; a few of the rrbs gla- 
 brous, the rail nodulous with the intermediate grooves vvrinklec^ 
 and marked with excavated dots. 
 Lithocar- Shell heart-fhaped, fubtrilateral, the valves traiifverfely 
 a'iiim, grooved, the fore-part longitudinally itrrate. 
 Found hitherto in a fofiile Hate only : refcmbles the laft : •val'ves 
 carinate on the fore-part, the ridges crenulate: beak^ approx- 
 imate, with an ovate g-ipe beneath them, the upper-part of 
 which is ikttilh longitudinally crenulate ftriate with a higher 
 Liveatiim, Shell heai t-fliaped, carinate, the fore-part obliquely trun- 
 cate, thin, quite fmooth, fnowy with gilt ftriae: marv 
 gin denticulate. 
 Ktiemm. lab. Rudaht.p 210. tab, 12, ftg. 4, 
 Inhabits— — 5:^1.'// above an inch long. 
 * Medium. Shell fomething heart-fhaped, fubangular; the valves an- 
 gular grooved fmooth. 
 Dono'vans Brit. Shells, i. tab. 32. pg. 11 
 Liiter. Comb. tab. 316. Gualt, test. tab. Zr^^i 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fig. 94. Muf. hieh. 2. fig. 91 . 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tab. 29. ftg. 5^6. t, ZO.j. 5. 
 Spcngkr Conch, tab, ^-fig' k» 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardiura. 201 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. l6, Jig, 1 62-— 164. 
 2. Schrat. Einl. in conch, 2, tab, "], fig. il. 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tab. 16, fitg, 165 ? 
 Inhabits European and American fcas : refembles C. hemicardium. 
 Shell marked with chefnut or brown fpots j ribs numerous, the 
 intermediate grooves fmooth ; valves on one fide a little trun- 
 cate, but prominent in the middle: hinge with a fmgle pri- 
 mary tooth; 
 *AcuUatum Shell fomewhat hcart-fliaped ; the ribs high and grooved 
 down the middle, and befet with large hollowed fpines 
 hear the circumference. 
 Dono'vans Britijh Shells y i. tab. 6. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab, $0.fi. 37, 
 Lijier conch, tab. 321, Bar but, tab. "^y fig, 10. 
 Jrgen-ville conch, tab. Zl, B. Gualt. teft, tab.JZ. A. 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fig. 96, 97. Muj. Kirch, 2. fig, 95, 97, 98. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. 86. jig. 4. 
 Murr. fund, tefiiac. tab. 2, fig 9. 
 Chemn. co>ich.6. tab. 15,/". 155 — 157. 
 2. 5f3« Muf. 3. /«^ 86, /^. 5. 
 3. 5^i^rt Mw/". 3. tab. ^tyfiig 8. 
 4. Born Muf. Ccef. Find. te/t. tab. Z, f. S» 
 5. Bonan, Muf, Kirch. 2. //j^'. 94. 
 Inhabits Furopeau and Mediterranean feas ; refembles C. echina- 
 tu;ri, but is longer, more con\ex and a little truncate on one 
 fide, but elevated towards the margin, with 2 ribs: yellowifli- 
 brown with fometimes darker bands: hinge with 2 teeth in 
 each valve, lateral ones 2 in one valve and 3 in the other. 
 *Echina' Shell llightly heart-fhapcd, with carinate fpinous ri^>s. 
 turn. Penn. Brit. Zool. iv.p. 90, ». 38. 
 Lifer conch, tab. 324; An. Aug, tab. ^fftg, 53- 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. tab l^y/lg, I, 2. /. l^,f. I — 4, 
 Bonan. rccr. z.f. 90. Mif. Krch. z.f. 88. 
 Gualt. Tefi. tab, 72. f. B. Clein oftr. tab. IC,/, 40. 
 Da cufta Brit, conch, tab. 14, f, 2. 
 Seba Muf ^.tab. S6. fig. 3. 
 Murr.tefiac. tab. Zy fig. 19. 
 Lefii. Naturg. i. tab. to, fig. 8, 
 Chemn, conch, 6. /ai&. 15. ^^. 158. 
 2. 5f^fi M///; 3. /a^. 86. fig. 13. 
 3. Bonan. recr. 2. fig-JZ. Muf, Kirch, z, f» J I. 
 Inhabits European Seas: white or tawny with white bands; 
 fmaller than the laft and more rounded : the grooves deep, 
 about 18, and wrinkled near the hinge: the prickles grow- 
 ing larger from the middle towards the circumference, and 
 none near the hrnge. 
 VOL. IV.— C c *eiliarc 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardium. 
 •Ciliare, Shell (lightly heart-fliapei!, with triangular ribs befct along 
 the ridges with thin ("pines. 
 Dono'vans Britifh Sbelb, i. tab. 32.^. 2. 
 Pennant Brit, Zool. iv. tab. 50, /" 39. 
 Barhut, tab. %. f. H. Lifter conch, tab. 3?^. 
 Gnalt.teft.tab. 72. C. KnorrVergn^t.^^f, 5, 
 C/f^/w. fonfi&. 6. /a^. 17,/. 171, 12. 
 Inhabits: European Seas y fize of a hazel nut, 
 5/f'f//thin, britrle, whitifh, with about 18 ribs: the grooves 
 tranfverfcly wrinkled ; the ribs triangular and fpinous, 
 Ciliatum, Shell (lightly heart-diaped ; with elevated fubtriangular ci- 
 liate grooves. 
 O. Fabr.jn- Granl. /, 410. «. 411. 
 Inhabits ^^15^/6 Seas, and very inuch refembles the laft, but has 
 32 — 38 ribs : Jhell thick, oblique, convex, 19 lines broad, 18 
 long, under the curticle cinereous or whitifh grey, within 
 white; grooves with undulate ftrias ; ribs ciliateon the ridges, 
 the middle ones a little convex, the lateral ones triangular. 
 Tubercular Shell fomewhat heart-(haped, with obtufe knotty iranf- 
 tum. vcrfely ftriate grooves. 
 Lt/er conch, tab, 329. Rumpf. Mnf. t. 48, f,\\, 
 Bonan. recr et Muf. Kirch 2. fig. ICO. 
 Gttalt. Teft tab. 71. M. Argenv. Zoom, tab., 6, C, D. 
 Seba Muf. 3 tab 86, Jig 7 
 Knorr. i^ergn. 5. tab. 30, f, 2, and 6. /, 8, /. 3. 
 Reoenf, conch 1. tab. 8, fig. 23, 24. 
 Ckemn. conch. 6. tab. \']t fig 1 73. 
 2. Seba Muf. 3. tab, 26 ^ fig. 2, 
 3. Seba Muf. 3. tab. ?6, ftg. 6. 
 4. SebuMuf 3. /«^. 86, /}^. 14. 
 5. Knorr Fergn, 2. /<^^. 29, /%. 4. 
 6. Knorr Vergn, 3. /a^. ^,fig, 5. 
 Inhabits x)^t Mediterranean : varioully coloured and marked, ge- 
 nerally brown with darker bands, or white with brown bandsi 
 very convex and tranfverfcly wrinkled, with about 20 — 23 
 ribs, which are convex and fprinkled with a few knob?, 
 hocardia. Shell heart-fhaped, with arched imbricate fcales along the 
 hifler, tab, 323, Rumpf- Mtf. tab. 48, /. 9, 
 Bonan. reir. 2. f. 95. Mny. Kirch, f 93. 
 Jrgenv. conch, tab. 23, M. Oiear. Gott. t, 29, f, 3/ 
 Rsgenf. conch. I. tab. ^, fig. ^b 
 Born. Muf. Caf.Vind. iefi, p. 39* I'igv.. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardium. 503 
 Chmn. comh. 6. tab. 17, fig. 174 — 176- 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: i\ inches long, and nearly as much 
 broad : greyifh-white with a few red Ipots or clauds, within 
 white, purple in the middle : hingt with a fingle primary 
 tooth in each valve. 
 Fragum. Shell fomcwhat heart-Oiaped, fubangular, with elevated 
 lunulas down the grooves. 
 Lifier, tab. 3 1 5, fig. 152. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 44, G. 
 Bonan, recr. 3. /. 374. Muf. Kirch. 2./. 1 lO. 
 Petinj. Amh. tab. 18, /- 21. Gualt. tefi. tab. 83, E, 
 Born. Muf. Caf. find, tejt, tab. 3, /. 3> 4- 
 Schrttter Journ. Nat. 3, tab. 2, ftg. 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 16. fg. 166, 167. 
 2, Kmrr Vergn. 4, tab. 34, fig. 5, 
 3. GW/. /^y?. /<2^. 17, /. N. 
 Inhabits /w^'fl ; fomething triangular, white with fulphur lu- 
 nules, within fnowy : the ribs flattilh. 
 Vnedo. Shell fubcordate, with lunate coloured grooves. 
 Lifier conch, tab. 315,/. 151. Guait.teft. t. 83, A. 
 Jrgenv. conch, tab. 23, N, Rumbf. Muf. t. 44, F. 
 Bonan. ren: 1. fig 375. Muf Kirch. 2. f lOg. 
 Petiu. Amb. tab. 17, /. 4. Valent. abb. t. 16,/. 23. 
 Seba Muj. 3. /fl^. 86, fig. 12, 
 Knorr. Vergn 2. /<z3. zg, f.l. 
 Regenf, conch. I. /^^ 3./. 25. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. M^. 16. /i^. 1 68, 1 69. , 
 a. Knorr Vergn. 2. /«i. 29, //]^. 3? 
 Inhabits /W/a; refembles C. fr.'gum, but is twice as large, and 
 has fewer red fcales on the grooves : the lips of the anterior 
 margin incumbent. 
 MuricatuM Shell fubcordate, grooved and murlcate at the fides. 
 Lifier conch- tab. IZZ. ftg. 159. t, 326, _/", 163. 
 Knorr Vergn 4. tab l^, fg. 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. ly.fig. 177, 178. 
 Inhabits America: cinereous, white or yellowifti, mixed or fpot- 
 tcd with bay; the margin ferrate: hinge with 2 red ftripes 
 Magnum, ^hcll oblong, with angular grooves ferrate at the fide. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. tj. fig, 1 91. 
 2. Lifter conch, tab. H^tfig- 168. 
 Bonaft.recr. 2, yi<r. 92. Muf, Kirch. 2, f. 90. 
 Born. Muf, C^f.Find. tefi. tab. 3./. <), 7. 
 C c 2 Cbejfin 
204 WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardium. 
 Chemn, cench, 6. tab. "i."}* Jig. 179. 
 3. Gualt. left. tab. 17, fig. H, 
 Born. Muf. Ctef. Vind. te/t, tab, 3, fig. ;o. 
 Chemn, couch. 6. tab. 17. fig, 180, ' 
 4. Martyn Univ. Conchol. 2. tab. 80, 
 Inhabits America and /«^jV«: Ihell ferrate on the margin, with 
 20—30 grooves tranfverfely wrinkled; yellowilh, withih 
 white: 2) ochraceous wijh tawny (pots: 3) cinereous 
 with blackifti fpots. 
 Tlavttm. Shell fubovate, grooved, the anterior margin rough, the 
 poftisrior one toothed. 
 Banan. recr. 2, fig. 72, Muf. Kirch. 2. f. 79. 
 Sckrat. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 7, /". 1 1. a, b. 
 2. Knorr Vergn, 6, fab, 3. /"• 5« . 
 3. Gualt: tefi. tab.']\,f.Q. 
 4. 5o«fl« rfrr. 2. /, 89, Af^. Kirch. Z, f. %J. 
 5. Rumpf. Muf. tab, 44, ^^. E. 
 Petiv. Amb. a^. 29. tab. 8, y?^. 3. 
 Inhabits /«<//'« ; the back and hind-part generally yellow and 
 fometimes fpotted, the reft and infide white: ribs about '27, 
 convex, the 5 or 6 anterior ones with fharp fpines, 12—13 
 hind-ones with flat tubercles, the others fmooth. 
 ^^a-viga- Shell obovate, with obfolete longitudinal ftriae and a few 
 tUTi. tranfverfe ones concealed by a thin cuticle. 
 Donovan sBritifli Shell:, W. tab, 54, 
 Pennant Brit. Zool iv. tab. ^l,fig 40, 
 Lifi. conch, tab, 332. Gualt. teft. tab. 82, A. 
 Knor'- Vergn. 2. tab. 20, /". 4, 5. /. 10, f. 7, 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab, \ 8, fig. \ 89. 
 2. Kecmmer conch, tab, \ 2, fi^, 4 ? 
 3, Martyn univerf, Conchol, 2. tab.jg. 
 Inhabits £«;'o//'«« and American feas; 
 2 inches long and nearly 2 broad : 
 varioufly coloured and marked, but generally of a deep brown 
 fulphur orange or red, fometimes fpotted and fometimes mark- 
 ed with tranlverfe bands. 
 refemblcs the lad : above 
 the margin ferrate within : 
 Serratum, *Shcll obovate, fmooth, with obfolete flrix ; the interior 
 margin ferrate. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. I 8. f. 185, 186. 
 Inhabits Mediterranean and Indian feas; lefs than C* Izevigatum, 
 and not fo convex ; yellow; the exterior margin crcnulatc ; 
 beaks regular. 
 ' ■ ' *Eduk, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. tig. Cardium. 2.o5 
 ♦ UuJc, Shell antiquated, with about 28 deprefTed fibs, with obfole^. 
 recurved fcales Common Cockl 
 Petmant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. ^Oy fig, 41. 
 Lifler conch, tab. 333./. 170. tab. 334>/. t7i» 
 Lifter Anin, AngL tab. S> fi^ 34' 
 Gualt. test. tab. 71, F. Knorr f^ergn. 6. tab. 8,/". 2, 4. 
 Cbemn. conch. 6. l^ign. 4, C. tab. l().f. 1 94. 
 Found on all Tandy coalls, in great abundance, lodged a little 
 beneath the fand ; their place is pointed out by a round depref- 
 fed fpot : Jhell generally white, with fometimes a blueifh or 
 yelIowi{h caft ; the ribs a little rough near the circumference,' 
 The filh affords a ivholefome and nouriftiing food. 
 Ifiandicum, Shell grooved, with about 36 triangular fmooth ribs. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. ^<)t f'g* 195' 
 Inhabits /(Tf/flW and Greenland ^e^s ; refembles the laft, but the 
 grooves arc deeper and more numerous, and there is no tranf- 
 verfe Itriae except the outer margin: blackifh, fometimes banded. 
 Shell antiquated, glabrous, thin, moufe-colour, with angu- 
 lar ferruginous lines ; the margin fmooth, with obfo- 
 lete longitudinal ftria?. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. K), fg. 198. 
 Inhabits Greenland and Iceland: z^ inches long, 3I broad: 
 fometimes marked with brownifii bands ; probably a variety 
 of C. edule. 
 Shell antiquated, with ?o remote grooves, the intermediate 
 fpaces rugged. 
 B arbutus Shells, tab, 3, fig. 12, 
 Regenf. conch. I. tab. 12, fg. 77, 78, 
 Chefiin. conch. 6. tab. 19, fig. 197. 
 Inhabits European feas, principally the Mediterranean : refembles 
 C. edule, but the Ihells have an evident ridge on the fore- 
 margin when clofed, a narrow depreffure behind the beaks, 
 the grooves deeper, and the ribs fewer and more convex : 
 colour fometimes ferruginous with livid bands; fometimes 
 white, the anterior part brown, within blueifh ; fometimes 
 white with ferruginous ycllowifli or blueifh bands. 
 Shell fiibantiquated, the forepart glaucous, the hind-part 
 with 20 grooves imbricate upwards : beaks violet. 
 Poire t Voyage en Bark. z. p. \'^. 
 Inhabits 5ar^«ry ; 10 lines high, 12 broad, 8 deep. 
 Pectinatum, Shell (lightly heart-fliaped and pCiHilnate, 
 Murr^fund.tejl. tab. 2, fig, 18, 
iQS WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardlum. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: white, with diftant ftrias rough 
 upwards; the cavity under the beaks yellow; behind the 
 beaks an o^ate gape, margins prominent, 
 virgineum. Shell triangular-rounded, equilateral, with tranfverfe mem- 
 branaceo-recurved wrinkles: hinges blue. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, and approaches to the Genus Madra 
 in the lateral teeth of the hinge: elegantly banded, covered 
 with a glaucous cuticle, and white within. 
 i, Chemn. conch. 6, tab, l8,yi l8i, 
 Grcno-v. Zooph. tab. i8, _/". 5, 
 Inhabits /W/rt and //w<?nV«: fliell thin, brittle, longitudinally 
 flriaie, purple on the anterior margin and red at the beaks. 
 frilatefum Shell triangular, gibbous, ftriate. 
 Inhabits tne Cafpian fea : a very indiftinft fpccies. 
 JuHcuU. Shell heart- fhaped, fubrhombic, with 24 ribs each fide, 
 the grooves very finely crenulate : beaks diftant. 
 Inhabits Arabia and Egypt. Regenf. conch. 2. tah. 9. 
 Shell whhe, pellucid, z^ inches long, i| broad: margin of the 
 back revolutc, toothed. 
 7>/A» Shell oval, fmooth, the mafgins each fide the beaks ftriate. 
 Inhabits . SMI fmooth, cinereous, radiate with white : 
 beaks refie£led. 
 Monftro/um. Shell gibbous, one fide imprefied and ochraceous, the other 
 convex, heart-lhaped and whitilh fpotted with yellow ; 
 the valves with toothed ridges. 
 Chetnn.conch.6. tab. 1 4, fig^ 149, 150. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlandt : a very rare fpecics. 
 €ftna. Shell gibbous with prickly ribs, the anterior ones with re- 
 curved membranaceous tubercles crenate at the fides, 
 the intermediate grooves granulate, 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. ^ St fig' 153, 154. 
 2. SbrcEt. Eint. in conch. 2. tab, j, fig. 13^ a, b.- 
 Inhabits Kicchar IJIands : ochraceous, the anterior margin flefh- 
 colour, beaks reddifh ; z) ribs more rounded, not prickly 
 but granulate. 
 Riftgens. Shell rounded, ventricofe, white, with deep teeth on the 
 margin, the anterior ones rofy. 
 Lifter, tab. 350. Jdan/,Seneg. tab. \o, ftg. i* 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardiura. 207 
 Knorr rergn. 4. tab. 14, /. 3, 6, t. 3./. 4. 
 Chemn. conch, 6. Z^^. 16. Jig. 1 70. 
 Inhabits Ihores of Africa and America. 
 Papyrace- Shell pellucid, cinereous, with thin longitudinal ftrjar, 
 «w. Inhabits /n^/«. CAf»T«. conch. 6. /«A. 1 8. fig. 1 84. 
 5i{>f// very brittle, within white, with purpUfti fpots. 
 Aeolicum, Shell thick, with longitudinal anterior ftrix, and tranfverfp 
 poftcrior ones. ' 
 LiRer conch, tab. 314. Argenv conch tah.z\yhf 
 Bonan. rtcr. z.fg 91. Muf Kirch, z.fig. 89. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. 26,/. I, 2. tab. 27,/. 3. 
 Chemn conch. 6. /a/^. 18./. l87» '^8. 
 Inhabits 6V«^fl and the Antilly IJIands ; very convex, varied 
 with white and reddilh. 
 Oblongum. Shell yellowifli, oblong, turgid, ribbed, the anterior parts 
 glabrous, heart-lhaped, with a crenate margin. 
 Chemn. conch, 6. tab. t(), fg- X9C'. 
 Bom. Muf. Caf. Find, tell tab. 3, /. 8. 
 Inhabits the Meaiterranean : 3 inches long, and about Zj broa,d .: 
 ribs about 30. 
 Craffum, Shell brownifh, rather oblong, thick, antiquated, with 
 deeper teeth on the margin. 
 Schrat. Einl. conch, 2. tab. "], fig. 12. 
 Lifter conch, tab. ^^2. fig. 169. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and North Seas ; refembles C. ob- 
 longum, but is much larger, not fo narrow, thicker, and hif 
 abouc 23 Hatter ribs. 
 Latum. Shell broad, with unequal fides, within white ; the ribf 
 rather flat and fpiiiulous. • 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tab 19. fig. 192, 193. 
 Knorr Vet gn d. tab 7-fif,.6, 
 Born. Muf. Cr/. Find. Teft. tab. 3, /. 9. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar and hlicobar Jfland^ : % inches long, zf 
 broad ; fometimes white on the crown, yellowiflj in the mid- 
 dle and edged with yellow ; fometimcb the crown i.^ varied 
 with brown, the other part yellowi(h with a few brown bandi. 
 *Pvgma;um Shell fomewhat heart-fhaped, fuban'nilar ; the grooves ^*mr 
 bricated or befet witii recurv<id fca'es. 
 Donovan, i. tab. "^z, fig- 3 Lilk" cofuh. tah. 317. 
 Inhabits Englijh coasts: reddifli-brown or blueiih-whitc. 
5o8 WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Cardiuni. 
 Maculatum, Shell (potted, with crowded undulate wrinkles ; ribs broad, 
 grooves very rarrow : within pale rofy. 
 inhabits the bay of Catnpechy. Lifter conch, tab, 328. 
 Shell nearly 3 inches long and 3I broad, 
 Flexuosum, Shell rounded, brown ^ the ribs a little ffexuous, grooves 
 Lister conch, tab, 343>y. 180. 
 Inhabits—— Shell \\ of an inch long, and about as much broad. 
 *Flu'viatile Shell flattilh, thick, white, with fiat ribs. 
 Lifter an. Ang. p. iSj. tab 5. fig. 3. 
 Found, though rarely, at the moath of the Tees, 
 Gaditiinttm, Shell rounded, yello'wifh-whitc, varied widi red grecrr 
 and brown, and marked with decufl^ate ftrire. 
 Bonan. recr 2. /. 63. Muf. Kirch, 2, f 62. 
 Inhabits near Gadez: probably an Arca,^ 
 Brajilenfe, Shell rounded, v^^ith broad fiat ribs very finely crenate*'- 
 Bonan. recr. l- fig. 395- Muf. Kirch. Z. /, 117. 
 Inhabits commonly the fhores of Brafil, 
 AmhQintnfe. Shell rather oblong, white with blackilh fpots ; the ribs 
 very convex. 
 Inhabits ^;«io/««. Bonan. Muf. Kirch. Z,f, 129. 
 Shell \\ inches long, with about i2 ribs, 
 Squamofum, Shell heart-fhaped, equilateral, tawny-white, and purpliflt 
 within : ribs with imbricate fcales. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab. yi-fig. N. 
 Refembles C. fragum, but wants the teeth at the anterior margin. 
 Cancella- Shell reddilh, thin^ rounded, with dccufTate ftrisc. 
 turn. Inhabits minute. Gualt. teft, tab. 75. /%. £. 
 Ruhigino' Shell reddifh, unequal-fided, with convex ribs tranfvcrfely 
 Inhabits Gualt. Teft. tab. 8^, fig. D. 
 Alhtdtm, Shell unequal-fided, ribbed, whitilh, within purpl«. 
 Inhabits — — minute. Gualt. Test. tab. 83,/. H. 
 firefcins* Shell inequilateral, oblong, with very fine ribs doubled 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 60. Madlra. 2o^ 
 Inhabits Gualt, test. tab. %\-fg. A, 
 Shell bricrie pellucid, greenifh-white, with fomctimes a few rofy 
 fpots, within filver/. 
 Tajctatum. Shell rounded, whitifli with a brown band: the ribs acute. 
 Inhabits Knorr. Vergn. 6. tab. '^■fig. 3. 
 Hinge brown and cinereous on the outilde. 
 50. AlACTRA. Animal a Tethys : fiell bi- 
 valve, itilequal lided, equivalve: middle 
 tooth of the hinge comphcalcd, with a 
 ftnall hoUon- each fide, lateral ones re- 
 mote and inferted into each other. 
 iiptrtgUrt. Shell, fmooth, with a flat anterior margin on which is a 
 lunate gape. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. 20. fig. 199 — 201. 
 Shengl.Cdtab. tab. Z-fig. i — 3. Schrcct. Lift, i./ig,^ — 6.. 
 Inhabits the Cape of good Hot>e: nearly as large as a man's hand: 
 a little gaping, pale, fubdiaphanous, fubtriangular, 3 i inches 
 broad: the anterior fide fubcarinate, the pofterior flattifh and 
 firiate; gape before the hinge lunate acute and reaching to 
 the hollow of the hinge : beaks incurved : intera! teeth of the 
 hinge triangular. 
 .hcatana. Shell with tranfverfe wrinkled plaits, diaphanous: anterior 
 niargin flattilli : behind the beaks a comprefled oblong 
 Chemn. cone. 6, tab, 20 fig, 202--204, 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean '. 1-2 inches long, 2 | broad. 
 Shell \.\\\x\. WVp. paper, with fmooth lanceolate depreffions each 
 fide the hinge, the anterior one flattifh with a ridge near the 
 beaks, the pofterior one imprefled and more ovate; beaks in- 
 curved recurved: lateral teeth oi the hinge compofed of 2 
 parallel membranes. 
 Papyracea. Shell very thin pellucid white convex, the fore-part a little 
 gaping, very finely ftriate and ribbed. 
 Chemn. cone, 6. tab. 'i.T^-ftg- 23. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlandt, extremel7 rare: refembles the.laft, but 
 is more convex and unequal fidcd ; except in the hinge, is 
 very like a Tcllina. 
 VOL. IV.-D d Striitula, 
2io [WORMS. TESTACEA. 60. Madra. 
 Siriatula, Shell fmooth ciaphanous; the beaks fubftriate, with a 
 fmooth marginal impreflion betore them furroundcd 
 by a rim. 
 Guah. teft. tab. 85. F. Knorr Vergnt 6. tah* 'iA'f'S' ^* 
 Chert- . cone. 6. tab. z\,fig, 205, 2o6. 
 Inh'Sbits the Mediterranean and Ccromatidet Coajis: about 2 | 
 inchej long and 3 broad : white, fubtriangular, rather convex, 
 a little gaping on the fore-margin. 
 Striata. Shell thick triangular, with ftrong thick crowded fmooth 
 arched ftrias. 
 Inhabits Chemn, cone, 6, tah. 22, fig. 222. 
 Shell white, glabrous within at the b^aks. 
 Rotundata, gj^gjj obiufely trian!J:ular, whitifh, with milk-white bands 
 on the bea.vS ; the margins each fide the beaks violet. 
 Liner, tab. 263. Schrcr.t. Einl. Conch. 2. tab. ^' fig* I* 
 2. Lifter Conch, tab. zb^. fig. 100 f" 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: i \ inch long and niarly 2 broad; 
 the fore-part marked with very fine ftriae. 
 Glabrata, Shell fmooth diaphanous ftriate ; the beaks very fmooth, 
 the margins each fide of them ftriate. 
 Gualt teft. tab. 7 1 . fig. A. 
 Chemn cone. 6. tah. 22' fig. 2l6, 217. 
 Inhabits the African and Indian Oceanf. if inch long and 2 
 broad j white, with very fmooth beaks ftriate on the border. 
 Kiiida: Shell fnowy glolTy thick diaphanous fmooth: depreffions 
 each fide the beaks ftriate, the anterior one marked 
 with a ridge. 
 Schrcet. Einl. pone. 2. tab. S.fg, 2, 3. 
 Inhabits refembles the laft, but the beaks are retrovertcd and 
 diftant, and the (hell triangular. 
 Ccrallina, Shell fmooth fubdiaphanous, white with paler bands. 
 Bor,anrecr. T"fig. 53. MuJ kirch, 2. fig. 52, 
 Rondel teft. \.tab, 33. Gualt. test. tab. 71. B. 
 Klein ostr. tab. i 2. fig. 80. Plane, conch, t. 3./". 4? 
 Chemn tone. 6. tab. zz. fig. 218, 219. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Guinea : 2 inches broad, I \ long: 
 triangular, with obtufe depreifions each fide the beaks, 
 Lailent Shell thin turgid pellucid white, the fore-part very finely 
 ftriate with paler bands. 
 Chtmntconc. 6. tab. zz.fig. 220. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 60. Maara. 
 Inhabits the Indian Oceavi refemblcs the laft. but is more equal 
 thinner and more convex ; the anterior part flattilh with an 
 obtul'e margin, 
 ^Stultorum. 2>\ic\\ femitranfpareBt fmooth glolTy, obfolctely radiate, vrhite 
 withoiit and purplilh within. 
 Pennant Brit. Zoo), iv. tah. 52. *ig. 42* Barhut. t. 4../. 1. 
 Lister conch, tab. Z^\. Gualt test tat. J\f^- C, 
 jidunftfeneg. tab. ^l-fig- 1 6. Knorr. yergn.6. t. i^.f, I. 
 Murr. fund. test. tab. 7. fig. lO. 
 Bo->n Muf C^ef. Vi>id. teft.f. 50. ^ign^ 
 Chemn cone 6. tab ZTjfi 224 -227. 
 .Inhabits European and American Seas : lize of a hazel nut. 
 She// very convex, fo.nething triangular, brown teftaceous or 
 cinereous, with or without very faint rays. 
 iarandts. Shell femitranfparcnt fmooth, fawn colour with pale rays: 
 the beak and hinge placed beyond the middle. 
 Cl>enin. cone. 6. tab. 23. Ji^. 228. 
 Inh4bics refembles the lalt, but is 2 5 inches long, 3^ broad, 
 gaping at the extreme angle, the anterior fiae more produced. 
 • iio/iJa, 5hgi] opake fmooth Kh fubantiqiiatcd. 
 Pennant Bnt. Zoo/, iv. tub, S'^-J^i' 43* A. /. S^'/' 43' 
 Duno'van's Brit. §he//s. ii, tal>. 61. JDa Co/la. tab. ^'i- fig' I. 
 Lifter Conc/y.tab. Zj^.fig. 87, 88. Barbut. t. 4./". 2. 
 Lijter Anim. Ang/. tab, 4. fi^, 24 
 Bonann. recr. 2. tah. 51, 52. Muf. ^irch. 2 tab. 80, 81. 
 Klein Oftr. tab. lO. fig. 42. /(norr, Vergn. 6- t' 8./. 5. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. zt,. jig. 229. 230. 
 2. Chemn cone. ID. tab, yo-fg 1656. 
 Found very commonly on European Shores, 
 ShelZ very thick ftrong, white yellowifh cinereous or brown, 
 frequently marked with blue or pale orange belts ; in a live 
 ftate Iniooth, in the dead with a few high tranfverfe ftrias like 
 ribs: lateral teeth fmall elongated with a large hollow, the 
 middle tooth fmall. 
 *Lutraria. Shell oval-oblong fmooth, without lateral teeth. 
 Donovan*! Brit She//s. v. tab. 58. 
 Pennant Tirit. ZnyJ iv. tah. 53. fig, 44; 
 Da Costa Brit Conch tab. X"]- jig. 4. 
 Lister Conch, tab 455. An. Ang/. tab. ^, fig. \i^. 
 Bo nan. recr, et Muf. kirch. t. fig. 19, 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab, 45. M. Gualt. test. tah. 90. A. 2. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. 2\.ft^ 240, 241. 
 inhabits European Coasttt near the mouths of rivers. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA, 60. M^ara. 
 Shell much produced on one fide, and gaping at both ends J 
 refembles a Mya : dirty white or yellowifh tinged with orange 
 and irregularly clouded with brown : hinge with a fmali and 
 large triangular cavity in one vajve, and a fimilar cavity with 
 an elevated triangular tooth in the other, 
 Cygnus, Shell fnowy thick 3-rided, very finely ftriatq tranfverfely; 
 the fore-part llattKh and flightly wrinkled : behind the 
 beaks a broad heart-fhaped thinly ftriate impicJUon. 
 Cbemn, cone, 6. tah. 21, fig. 207. 
 Inhabits franquebar : ao inch long and rather more broad. 
 Uaculata, Shell obtufely triangular fmooth thin, with pcl'ucid chcfnut 
 fpots, within white and very finely ftriate; behind the 
 beaks a heart-lliaped impreflion..' 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. zi.fig., 208. 
 Inhabits India ; about i \ inch long and rather broader. 
 TurgtWa, Shell inflated, faintly ftriate, ochraceous and white within; 
 beaks diftant purplifh : hinge with a iupernumerary 
 triangular double tooth. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tait 2 1 .fig. 210, 2 1 1 . 
 Inhabits Tranquebar: z \ inches long, 3 | broad ; thin fubpel- 
 lucid, finely flriate and wrinkled before and behind. 
 Violacta* Shell thin, obfoletely radiate, finely ftriate tranfverfely : 
 margins each fide the beaks whitifh: hinge with i 
 fupcrnumerary double triangular tooth. 
 Chemn cone. 6. tab. ZZ, fig. 213, 214. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab, ^'fg- 2? • 
 Inhabits Tranquebar : aboUt 2 inches long and 3 broad. 
 Shell thin fcrittlc griping here and there, anterior margin oblong 
 elevated wrinkled. 
 Cuneata. Shell wedge-fhaped blue finely flriate tfanfverfely, the mar- 
 gin crcnulaie within. 
 Chemn^ cor.c. 6. tab. zz.fig. 2 1 3. 
 Inhabits refembles the lalt, but is only an inch long and 
 jiardly as much broad : foinctimes white^ ' 
 Glauca, Shell ovate, dirty white with glacous rays, very finely ftri- 
 ate tranfverfely, the anterior part wrinkled. 
 Born Muf Vas. Vind. test. tab. '^i jig. 1 1, 12. 
 Chemn. cone, 6. tab. z^.fg. 232,233. 
 Inhabits the Meaiterrar.ean : 2 | inches long, 3 ^ broad: beaks 
 turned backwards, with a narrow gape between them. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 60. Maara. 2J3 
 PelluaJa. Shell ovate tliin pellucid white, with unequal tranfverf? 
 Chemn, cone. 6. lab. 24. fig. 2 34.- 
 Inhabits Guinea; i \ inch long, and z hroiA \ Jhell brittle, a 
 little produced torwards and gaping. 
 Franii:s. Shell ovate thin fmppth pellncid flattiO^^ the anterior gape 
 tranfverfely itriate ai^d wrinkled. 
 Chemn cone. 6. tab. 24. fig. 235. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlands ; refeinbles the laft. 
 Sbgll gaping and ilightly plaited on the fore-part ; the margin 
 'acute, fubangular before and rounded behind. 
 Rugo/fl. Shell ovate, dirty white, with elevated longitudinal ftrla; 
 croiTing the tranfverfe ones which are a little more 
 Inhabits Eurofenn Ocean. Chemn cone. ^. tab.. lJf.fig> 236. 
 Shell z\ inches long, 2 | broad ; thick and white within. 
 Nicobarica- Shell ovate thin pellucid fmooth pn the fpre-part, the hind- 
 part with cancellate llrice. 
 Jnhabits Nicobar Ijlands. Chemn. cone, 6, tab. 2^. fig. zyj. 
 Complanata Shell ovate thin with arched plaits, the plaits tranrverfely 
 fhiate : lateral teeth o. 
 Inhabits India. Chemn. cone. 6. tab. z\.fig. 238, 
 Shell \\\\\\.z or blueifl^: an inch long, 2 \ broad. 
 • Llitcri, Shell very thin, nearly round, whitifh : hinge with a tri- 
 angular tooth and large pyriforiti hollow, 
 Lifler Anim. AngL tab. \. fg^ 23. 
 Found at the mouth of the river Tees: I \ inch long and 2 broad. 
 '■'i^ifita. Shell ovate comprefled tranfverfely {Iriate: teeth of th? 
 hinge very minute, with a large oblique hollow. 
 Adans Conch, tab. I 7. fig. 18. 
 Chemn. co7tc, 6. tab. ().fig' 21, 
 Peti'V. Gazoph. tab. ()■ fig. 3. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : 21 lines broad, 17 high, and 7 deep. 
 61. DON AX. Animal a Tcthys; JJicll bU 
 valve, wilii generally a crcnulate margin,, 
 the frontal margin very obtulb : liin<>(: 
 with 2 teeth., and a fingic niargaial one. 
 plaeed a little beliind, rarely doubk: 
 trii)le or 0. 
U4 WORMS. TESTACEA. 6i. Donax. 
 Scorfum, Shell tiiangular heart-fhaped, with a flat frontal margin 
 Lifter tab '1,'j']. fig zzo. ^rgen^j Conh. tab. z\. L, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. J./ig. J. E. 
 Born Muf. C^f. Vind. teft. tab. ^.fig. i, 2, 
 C herttn, cenc. 6. fab, 2^.fi^. 242 — 247. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; cinereous mixed here and there with 
 Violet, within fnowy except near the hinge which is violet: 
 marginal teetb double in each valve with an intermediate ca- 
 Pube/cenu Shell ciliate with fpines on the frontal margin. 
 Barbut. tab. ^,fig. i . Rump/ Muf. tab. 42. F. 
 Chemn.conc. tab 2'^, jig. 24S. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; refembles the laft on the infide, but 
 on the outfide is whitifti with fine decuffate ftri e : fore-margin 
 flat with an ovate gape , behind the beaks aa ovate oblon<r 
 aepreflure. * 
 P.f'go/a, Shell wrinkled and gibbous before, with crcnate mar ins. 
 Li/er. tab. ^yi^. Adans, %eng. tab. i^./ig. i. ^ ' 
 Bovan.recr. 2. tab. 37, 38. Muf. kircb. z fig. 7,6, 37. 
 Gualt. test, tab. 89, F. Argenv. Conch- tab. 22, L. 
 KUiji ostrac, tab. 1 1 ftg. 61 , 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. S6./lg. 10, li. 
 Chetfin. cone. 6. tab. 25. fig. 250 — 252, 
 Schmt. Journ. z. tab. 2. Jig* 9. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean Atlantic and American Seas: general'v 
 I of an inch long and i broid ; marked with various colours, 
 and frequently banded, v/ithjn violet and white: marginal 
 t$oth o. 
 ♦ Trunculus Shell fmooth in front, within violet, the margins crenatc. 
 Donovan's Br-t Shelh. i. tab. 2().Jig. I. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. SS /g- ■^S' 
 lister Concb. tab. 376. Jn. Angl.tab. ^. fig. 31;; 
 Mans Seneg. tab iS.fg. 2. Gualt. test. tab. 88. 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fig. 47. Muf kirch. 2, fig. 48, 
 Knorr ^ergn. i. tab. y.fg. 7. Barbut. t.±,f. ;, 
 Born. Muf Caf Vind. teft. tab. 4. fig. 3, 4. 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. 26. fig. 253, 254*. 
 InhihitsEuropean Coasts : whitiOi with a yellow tinee and marked 
 with brown and purple bands, elegantly ftriate longitudinally, 
 varies in its colour: fomething more than an inch broad. 
 very obtufe before and every where ftriate, the mardn 
 denticulate. ' ^ 
 l"'"'f.^"f ^'"'*^''" Europe. Knorr. Ver^n. 6. tab, 28. fi<r. 8. 
 <V.y// white and rather gibbous. ** 
 ♦ Den 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 6i. Donax. 215 
 Shell very obtufe in front, the lips tranfverfely wrinkled, 
 finely ftriate longitudinally, the margin denticulate, 
 Donofvari s Brit. Shells, i. tab. 24* 
 Liter. Conch, tab. 376 fig. 218.219. 
 Liji. An. Angl. tab. $.fig. 3;. Barbut.t. \.f. 4. 
 Gualt tell, tab, 89. Knorr. Vergn. 2. tab. Z^.JJg. 2, J, 
 Chemn» conch. 6. tab. 2b., fig. 256, 257. 
 2. Knorr. Vergn. 2. tab. 2^. jig. 4. 5. 
 Inhabits European and American Seas: larger than D. trunculus< 
 Shell wedge (haped, longitudinally ftriate generally whitifh or 
 blueifh with different fliades of brown and varioufly coloured 
 rays or bands, within whitifh. 
 Shell wedge-fhaped, the margins very entire. 
 Li/ler Conch, tab. 392"_/%. 23 1. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. '].fig% 3. 
 Born Muf. C«tf. Vind. teft. p. ^z. Vign. 
 Chemn. conch. 6, tab. 26. fig. 260. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 7. fig. 7, 
 3. Chemn. conch- 6. tab, 20. fig. 267. 
 Inhabits I'ranjuebar ; an inch long, i | broad. 
 Shell white, often radiate with blue, 2 ) yellow or rufous with a 
 violet margin ; traniverfely wrinRled ii; Front with perpendi- 
 cular lines croiTing the wrinkles, with fine decullate ftriae 
 clfewhere : within violet and white. 
 Shell gibbous, very finely ftriate tranfverfely, fpotted with 
 yellow: tip of the umbo or crown and entire band at 
 the outer margin blueilh, the former intercepted by a 
 white ray. 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tab. lb. fig. 266. 
 Inhabits rcfembles the next, but i? thicker and the beaks arc 
 bent towards the anterior margin and is ciofed at each hde. 
 Shell ovate comprefled fmooth, marked with purple waved 
 lines ; margins crenulate. 
 Lifter conch, tab ^jg, fig. 222. t 2So,f 223. 
 Adans Seneg. tab. ij.fig. 31. Bamut. t. \.f. f^. 
 Bonan.recr. z.fig. X'^,. Muf. kirch. Z.fig 42. 
 Rumpf. ^^luf. tab. 43. L, M. Guahlteli. tab, 88, Qj 
 Petiv Amb.Aq.tab. 2,fg,'J. t 18./. 5. 
 Kl'inoft. tab i-l.f'g. 59- Murr.tell. t. 2.f. 5, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. ifg' 4, 5. 
 Chemn. conch, b. tab. 2b. fig. 2b\ — 26c. 
 2. Lifter Conch, tab. 38l.y)j. 1 24. 
 Inhabits the Malabar Coasts, elegantly painted with angular 
 reddilh blueifh or brown lines: the hinge Ibmething relem- 
 bles that of a Venu?. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 6i. Donax. 
 Muricatd. Shell ovate, with muricate ihiE: the margin denticulate. 
 Inhabit!* the Indtat: Ocean. Muf. Lud. JJlr. 496. «. 54. 
 Shel giSbous r.ddifV., the frontal nlargin gaping and ending each 
 lide in a conipreffed tooth. 
 * Iriis» Shell oval, with tranfverle v/aved ere6l ftriate membrana- 
 ceous wrinkles or foliations. 
 DoTWuans Brit- Sbells} tab. 2(^.fig.2. 
 Da Cojla Bnt. Conch, tab. \S.fig. 6. 
 Gualt. ieft. tab. g';'/ig. A, 
 Chemn, conch. 6 tab. 26. fig. 268 — 270. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, and is found frequently on tlie fhores 
 oi De'vonJIiire and Corfiivall buried in tie lands : about the' 
 fize of a fmall Icidncy-bean ; the anterior part> very obtufe and 
 marked with arclied wrinkles which are ereft and a little re- 
 fledled and larger towards the lim: the hinge fomewhatrefcmbles 
 that of a Venus. 
 Ldvigatai Shell obtufe before, obfoletely ftriate at the fides, yellowifh- 
 grcen within and violet at the beaks; margin very 
 entire: hinge without marginal teeth, 
 Chetm. conch. 6. tab. 2^. Jig. 249. 
 Inhabits Iranquebar: an inch and 6 lines long, z inches 3 lines 
 broad : margins near the beak a licrle incumbent. 
 Sfino/a, Shell fnowy, within blueifli : the hind-part friiooth and 
 perpendicularly llriate, fore-part truncate and very 
 finely cancellate; the angles fpinous. 
 Chemn. conch, 6. tab. 36. fig. 258. 
 Inhabits Tranquebari very rare: beaks glabrous i hinge as in 
 D. rugofa. 
 Incoi'nata. gj^gjj flefli-colour, the anterior part truncate wrinkled and 
 marked with reticulate ftrix, hind-part wedge-fbaped 
 and furrowed with fine perpendicular flri«. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 26. fig. 2^9. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar; fomctimes croiTed with a few yellowifli 
 Argented, Shell oval fmooth, olive green within filvery: the margin 
 with more elevated acute teeth near the hinge. 
 Inhabits Gualt, test. tab. SS./ig. R. 
 Micclor, Shell ovate, with elevated ftriae crofling a few tranfverfe 
 ones; rufous with a white ray on one fide. 
 Inhabits Gualt. test, tab. 88./^. S. 
 Radiata , 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 217 
 Hdiimfit, ghell brown with hyaline fpots; the outfide with crowded 
 arched tranfverfe (Irix, infide With perpendicular ones; 
 the fore-part wrinkled, 
 Schrat. EirJ. conqL ^.tab.S./ig: ^» . . ^ 
 Inhihks 3 ra?iqueUr: about an inch broad and more than l r 
 long • the fore-parc not very obtafe and marked with 2 white 
 ravl, the hind-part rounded with a white border} within 
 Inowyfpotted with pale yellow and blueilh ; ^/r« with a 
 fingie obtufe middle tooth in each valve, and a double tuar- 
 ginal one in each: margin or rim very entire. 
 Stramhiea. Shell with very thin perpendicular ftrias gfofllng tne tranf- 
 verfe ribs on the for«-part; ftraw-colour with darker 
 tranfverfe bands; the margin tawny and very entire 
 Schrcvt. Einl. ConcL 3. tab. S./ig. 4. a, b. 
 Inhabits -above an inch long and I broad : within flcfh- 
 colour, violet towards the rim, with a broad fubconvex border 
 on the anterior part: licaks teddifh : ^■«^f with 2 marginal 
 teeth in each valve. 
 CrtW/Va. Shell entirely white with a few thin arched tranfverfe ftri^e 
 which are oblique towards the rim : hinge with 3 ob- 
 lique middle teeth : margin very entire. 
 Schrat. Einl concha 3. tah. S fig. 5. . . 
 Inhabits Tranqueban not quite an inch long and fomething 
 broader ; Jliell thin brittle, a little elevated in the middle on 
 the forc-paft : the ftrisc forming wfinklcs towards the nm. 
 .63.- VENUS. Animal a Tethys : JJiell bivalve, 
 the tiontal margin tiattened with in- 
 cumbent hps: hmge with 3 teeth, all of 
 tlieiii approximate, the lateral ones di- 
 vergent at the tip. 
 A. Shell fomewhat heart-Jhaped. 
 Dlone. ■ Shell tranfverfely grooved, with a double row of fpines on 
 the flattened lide. 
 Sha^M biatur Mi/cetl. tab. 163. Barbut. tab. ^.ftg. 9. 
 Ltfler tab. 307. Bcnan. Muf. kirch, Z.fg- »2i« 
 Rumpf. M-.i/. tab. ifi>pg- 4. Oear. UuJ\ 29. fig. 4. 
 Peti'v. Gaz. tab, Z\./'g. 9- Oualt. teli. t. id. f.Y>. 
 Leffertcst. fig* 134. Argen'vilk cone, tab; Zt, f'tg.U 
 VOL, iV.— E e M»rr* 
2i8 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Murr.fund. test. tab. Z. ftg. il, i6. 17. 
 Knorr. Vergn. I. tab. ^' f'g. 3. 4. 
 Knorr delic. nat. Jel tab. B./ig. 9. 
 Born Muf. des. V^ind. teli.p. 57 'vign.fig. a. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab^ zj,fig. 271 — 273. 
 Schrcet. Litter at. \'fig. l> 2, 
 Inhabits the American Ocean, and is extremely rare and valuable. 
 5/&f// equivalve, fomewhat heart-fhaped, rounded, pale, pink, a 
 little gibbous before and behind, and marked with tranfverfe 
 parallel fharpened ribs; within fraooth white and arched or 
 vaulted under the knobs: hinge of the left valve 3-toothed, the 
 teeth approximate and diftinfl from the focket, the middle one 
 comprefled and fmaller, the lateral ones divergent thickifh and 
 obtafe; the othsr valve with 2 approximate compreffed teeth 
 between 2 hollows : margin or rim very obtufe and entire: 
 beaks recurved rather obtufe and glabrous at the tip, with an 
 ovate flefh-colour depreffion behind them : the flattened fide 
 fleHi-colour with a pale border and yellowifh ftripe reaching 
 half way from the beaks, obliquely ftriate, and furnilhed with 
 a row of fpines each fide originating *rom every fecond or 
 third rib of the fhell, the fpines incurved growing gradually 
 longer and grooved beneath; within thefe and near the beaks 
 is another row of 5 fmaller fpines each fide. 
 Paphya. Shell fomewhat heart-fliaped with thickened wrinkles; the 
 flattened fide with attenuated wrinkles, and complica- 
 ted lips. 
 Lifier Conch, tab. 279. Regenf. conch, x.tab. J 'fig' ii» 
 JSonann. recr, z.fig. 75. Muf. kirch. z.fig- 72. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. Af^-fig. 5. Gualt. tefi. tab. 85. A* 
 Spengl. conch, tab, \-fig- I. Argen'V. conch, tab. 21. B. 
 Knorr, Vergn. 2. tab. z%.fjg. 2. 6. /. 5./, 6, t. b.f. 2, 
 Chemn. conch. 6- tab. 2j. ftg. 274 — 276. 
 I 2. Chemn.. conch. 6. tab. 2"], fig. 277. 
 3. Knorr Vergn. b. tab. ^.fig. 6. 
 Inhabits American IJlands: 2 inches long, i f broad. 
 «S>^f// white with brown fpots Itrias and waves, the anterior part 
 with ^angular brownifh lines : the tranfverfe ribs are broad 
 and convex : behind the beaks a brown depreffion. 
 Marica^ Shell fomewhat heart-fliaped, with decuflate ftria; : the 
 flattened margin lamellous. 
 Lister conch, tab, ^(^y. Argen'V. Zoom. tab. 12.C,' 
 Chemn. cone. 6. tab. 2"]. fig. 282 — 286. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean : very rare. 
 ^hell white with reddifh-brown fpots rays and veins ; the margin 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 219 
 ^yferai Shell fomewhat heart-fhaped with tranfverfe remote reflec- 
 ted grooves; the margin crenulate, 
 Lijler. conch, tab. 277, 278. 285, a. 
 Bonan. recr. "^./ig- 348/" Muf. Kirch, 2. fig. 103. 
 Gnalt. teft. tab, 88 D. Klein ofir. tab. i-O.fig. 48, 49. 
 KnorrVcrgn. 4. tab. 2^. fig. 3 ? t, Z%.f. 3. 
 Grono'V. Zooph. tab. 1 8 fg. 8. 
 Born. Muf. CaJ\ Vind. teft, tab. 4. fig, 9. 
 Chernn. conch. 6. tab. 2-]. fig. 279 — 281 ? t. zS.f, 287 — 294. 
 2, Lister cone. tab. 2S0, fig. 117. E. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean; rare and valuable ; varies in colour 
 and marks: ribs thin and (harp. 
 Bajana, Shell brittle glabrous, with a few tranfverfe ftria?. 
 Bonann. Miif. Kirch. 2. fig. 124, 1 25, 
 Inhabits Brafl : ochraceous varied with black, 
 Exca>vata, Shell lentiform, tranfverfcly ftriate, with a deep heart- 
 fliaped depreilion behind the beaks ; flat fide broad. 
 Schrast. Einl. in conch. 3. tab, ^.fg. 10. 
 Inhabits refembles V- linuata, but the (Iriae are thinner and 
 acute, forming wrinkles on the anterior and potterior fides; 
 colour brown yellow or whicilh-alh; the flat margin fcaly. 
 *Verru:ofa. Shell with membranaceous tranfverfe ftriate grooves forming 
 tubercles towards the outer margins ; the margin 
 Donovan s Britifh Shells, ii. tab, 44. 
 Borbafe Cornn.vall. tab. 21, fig. 31. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool' tab. S'^-fg- 48. 
 Da Costa Brit, conch, tab. \z.fig, i. 
 Adan s Seneg. tab, \S. fig. I. Gualt. teji. tab. 75* H, 
 Petiv. Gax.oph.tab. q^Jig. 1 7. Lijler. conch, tab^ 284. 
 Argen-ville conch, tab. 2 1 . fig. 60. 
 Born Muf. Cotf. Vind. teft. tab. \. fig. 7. 
 Chetnn. conch. 6. tab. 2().fig. 299. a, b. 300. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Engltjli and Antilly coafts : thick, 2 
 inches long and as much broad; fometimcs marked with a 
 few brown fpots and rays* 
 Lapicida, Shell white, longitudinally ftriate forwards and tranfverfeiy 
 Chemn. conch. 10, p. 356. tab, \J2,fig, 1664, 1665. 
 Inhabits American IJlands, 
 Divergenr. Shell white, with very fine crowded divergent ftrije. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. lyz.fig, 1666. 1667. 
 Inhabits American IJlaads, 
 E e z Carina- 
220 WORMS. TESTACEA. 6a. Venus. 
 Cajtna, Shell with tranfverfe recurved acmte grooves ; the pofterior 
 margin crenulate, and grooved behind the beaks. 
 Lijier conch, tab. 2^6. ftg. \zy 
 Coemn. conch. 6, tab. z(). jig, 301, 302 .'' 
 Sxhrcet. Einl. in conch. 3. tab. S./ig. 6. 
 Inhabits European Seas, and is often found in a foffile {late; 
 Shell white with brown fpots ftris and marks; dejprcilion behiijd 
 the beaks browp ; beaks reddiih, 
 Cancel/ata, Shell with tranfverre jncmbranaceoiis remote ftriac and ^ 
 heart-ihaped deprellion behind the beaks. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. $<)'/ig' 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. l^./tg. 137. t. 29./. 304 — 307. 
 Inhabits the InJian Ocean; above an inch long and i| broad; 
 cinereous with obfcure brown rays, within red or brownifli j 
 lom^times funowed with longitudinal ilrix ; margin crenulate. 
 • p^Uina. Shell radiate, wi^h tranfyerfp o|)tufe Arise : hind tooth at 
 the hinge very minute : margin crenulate. 
 Lhter. tab. 281, 282, 295. Brit. Zofoh Jv. tab- S^- /'S' S°' 
 Klein ostr, tab. \o.fig. 54. Bytem. app. t. II, /". 39. C-? 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. l^.fig. 2—5. 
 Born Muf. Ccef. Vind, teft. p. 57. i»gn. fg, b, 
 Chemn. conch, 6. tab» 30.^^.308,310. 
 2. Lifter conch, tab. 295.7%. 132? 
 ■ Inhabits Amrican and European Seas ; an inch long and i| broad j 
 thick flattilh very fmooth, varying in colour, with ufually 
 about 3 brownifh or reddifh rays, and a few angular lines; 
 depreflion behind the beaks brown heart-fliapcd i the anterior 
 lope with brown lines and fpots. 
 Guhmnds, Shell cinereous, within fnowy, with tranfverfe acute {Iriac : 
 anterior margins white, the lips finely flriate and rofy: 
 margin very entire. ' 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 30. Jtg. 31?. 
 Bern. Muf. Caf. Vind^ teju tab. ^. fig. %, 
 S, Chemn. oncb, 6. tab. ^^m Jig. 312, 
 Inhabits fhores of Africa, rel'emblcs the lad. 
 Shell mixed here and there with pale rcddifh ; the (Iriac elevated 
 and ilrong but not branched ^ depreflion behind the beaks 
 Fetulca* Shell flightly grooved, the margin crenulate : anterior mar- 
 gm with a fubovate gape, the membranes acute. 
 Inhabits Southern Europe; fize of an hazel nut: clouded vyith 
 white and brown : deprellion behind the beaks oblong, 
WORMS. TESTA CEA. 62. Venus. 
 Shell with tranfverfe obtufc greoves: lips of the anterior 
 margin with an elevated angle. 
 "Rumpf. Muf. tab. 43. fij^. A ? O ? Guah. teft, tab. 83. I. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. teii ta,b. 4,/. >p. 
 Chemn. conch. 6, tab. l\,fig. 333. 334. 
 Inhibits Ameuca and Indian Ocean; an inch long, l| broad; 
 whitilh with rufous dots or rays, or cinereous with brownifh 
 fpots and llris, fometimes though rarely ("nowy with blade 
 depreiTures each fide the beak and blue hinge: tranfverfe 
 Itrias flightly crenate and bifid towards the front ; frontal 
 margin rctufe rufous obliquely ftriate with elevated gibbous 
 lateral angles : nurgin very flightly crenulate. 
 Shell with tranfverfe parallel very obtufe grooves: frontal 
 margin glabrous : deprelljon behind the beaks ovate. 
 Lister conch, tab^ 26%. Jig, 104, 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. T,.f. ^, 
 Chemn. couch 6. tab. IZ.f, 337 — 339, 
 Inhabits India; refemblcs V. Chioni j 2 \ inches long and nearly 
 3 broad : fiuU thick flaitifli, flefh-colour with numerous brown 
 rays and an orange band towards the margin .• in front a 
 long narrow gape : hin^e with 4 middle teeth. 
 Shell thick ilrong with flight tranfverfe ftricc and covered 
 with a brown cuticle, within pale violet j deprelFion 
 behind the beaks ovate : margin crenulate. 
 Lijler tab. z-]\.fig. 107. 
 Spengl. Schr. Naturf. 6. tab. d-fig. J -3. 
 Chemn. conclp. lO- tab. 17I. fig. 1659, i66o. 
 Inhabits Europe and North America, and is found foflile in the 
 the mountains of H'v.'eden, in North America, thefe fhells are 
 called Clatnst and the Indians make their Wumpum or Indian 
 money of them. 
 Shell above 3 inches long and nearly as much broad, ovate, nar- 
 rowed on the fore-pan ; under the cuticle brown Itraw-colour 
 with violet rays beneath and on the fore- part, Viith elevated. 
 tranfverfe femiclrcular ftriie and longitudinal grooves : im- 
 preiTion behind the b:aks heart-ihaped and longitudinally 
 ftriate; frontal margin glabrou-s, 
 *J^lindica. Shell thick ftrong with flight tranfverfe ftrix and covered 
 with a brown cuticle, within pure white : impreilion 
 behind the beaks o : margin entire. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 53. f,<T, 47, 
 Lifter tab 272. Anin. Angl. tab. i^. fig. 22. 
 Da Cofa Brit conch, tab. l-^.fig. 5. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab, S^.fig. B. 
 Born, Muf. Ccif.i^md. tell. tab. ^.fJg. u. 
 • ^\eree^ 
22^ WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. "i^-fig' 341* 
 2. Lijier conch, tab. lo^y. fig, 3, 
 3. Chemn, conch, tab. 32. /%. 342. jidatfs feneg, tab. \6,Jig. 7. 
 Inhabits Europe Africa and the Cafpian Sea : ^l inches long and 
 nearly 4 broad. The fifli is eaten by the Icelanders. 
 She!/ covered with a thin gloffy cuticle tranfverfely ftriate and 
 brown in the older fliells yellow in the younger, under which 
 it is white with tranfverle reddifli bands; within entirely 
 white: anterior flope long narrow clofed : margin acute and 
 very entire, 
 9 Chione. Shell fmooth with fine tranfverfe wrinkles: the margin 
 entire : hind-tooth of the hinge lanceolate. 
 Donovans Briiijh Shells, i. tab. I J. 
 Leigh Lacajping. tab. 3 /. 5. 
 Ufter conch, tab. 269. Gualt: left, tab, S6./.A. 
 lionan. reir. 2-f-g. 64, 65. Muj. Kirch, 2./. 63, 64. 
 Argen'v. conch, tao, 21 C. KnorrVergn. 6. tab. 4./^ !• 
 Reojn/. conch. 1. tab. S. f. 17. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 32.^. 343. 
 2. Rumpf. Muf.tab. 42. G. Pet. Amb. tab. 18,/. 20. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab, ^z./' 340. 
 3, Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 32. y. 344* 
 Inhabits Britijh and Afiatic Seas : 2 | inches long and 3 \ broad; 
 Jfiell imooth glofiy, brown or buff-colour with a few taint rays, 
 v/ithin pure wni.e ; 3) Tnowy with faint angular reddilh lines, 
 Maculata. Shell fmooth with a few faint fpots. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 270. Gualt, tell. tab. 86. I. 
 Argennjille conch, tab. 21. H. Megenf. conch. I, tab.%.f. 16, 
 Adans feneg, 1. tab. IJ.f, 15. 
 Knorr Vergn. z.tab, z%.f. 5 and 5, t,ZO.f, 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. ^^.fg- 345. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean; refemblcs the laft, but is only 1 1 
 inch long and 2 \ broad : white brown or greenilh-brown, 
 with brown or tawny fpots and fometimes 2 interrupted rays: 
 hind-tooth of the hinfje fliort thick obtufe. 
 Meretrtxt Shell glabrous, with a brown gibbous flope before and 
 gaping membranes: margin entire. 
 Gualt. Tejl. tab. 76. C. Argenz>. conch, tab* 21. F, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6, tab. 6./! 3. 
 Schrcet. Journ. 3. tab, z.f. 7. 
 Chemn, conch, 6, tab. 33./^. 347 — 352. 
 2. Boiit. Muf. C^f. Find. t:fl. tab. 4. /. 12, I 3. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocew?, near the mouths of rivers. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 223 
 Shell thick convex quite rniooth, fometimes white fometimes 
 brown, with or without rays; within white. 
 Tumid, quite fmooth radiate with white, lips of the an- 
 terior Hope fubvioleti 
 Cualt. Test, tab. ^"i. fig. V. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 4. tab. 2^,/ig. 2 and 6. t, 10. f. 5. 
 Schrczt. Einl csnch. 3 tab. 8,/jg. 7. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian Seas', about I |- inch long 
 and 1 |- broad ; 77t«'// glofly yellowifh with white blueifh or 
 browniih rays: anterior flope oblong, pointed below, imprefled, 
 glabrpus, varied with white and blue i iinprelfion behind the 
 beaks nightly heart-lhaped and white. 
 Shell triangular rounded, gibbous, quite fmooth and marked 
 with angular characters. 
 Lijler conch, tab, z^J, 258, 259, 262, 287. 
 Eonan.recr. l- fig. 376, 378. Muf. Kirch. 2./. 311,312. 
 Rumpf. Amb. tab. 42 k. Gualt. Tejl. tab. 82. H. 
 Valtnt. Abh. tab. i^-f'S- ^^- ■^''g^^'^' coach, tab, 21, M* 
 Lejfer teftaceoth.Jig. 108, 109. 
 Knorr y^ergn. i. tab. z%.fig, 2, 2. /. 10./. 2, 3. t, if.f, 4 and 6. 
 tab. 6. fig. 5, 6. 
 Chemn. conch, 6, tab. ^^ fig- 367 — 381. 
 Regenf. conch. I, tab. 1 fig, 3, 4. t. \.f.Sf\» 
 Inhabits the Indian Qrean and Red Sea : 1 f inch long and nearly 
 2 broad; white with brown chefnut and pale yellow lines 
 forming triangles, and marked with tranfverfe very fine arched 
 ftriae : margin very entire. 
 Shell fmooth, tranfverfely ftriate before and behind: pofte- 
 rior flope obcordate with violet veins. 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean. 
 Shell ovate comprefl^ed, tranfverfely ftriate, with a gaping 
 future behind. 
 Lifler conch, tab. 378. Argenv. Zoom. tab. 12 B' 
 Knon l^cign. 6. tah. 7, fig, 2, 4, 6, 5, 6. 1 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. ^7^. f.g. 450 — 454* 
 Inhabits the American And Indian Ocean; I finch long, 2 f broad: 
 Jhell white with blueifh brown or ro(y angular lines or Ipots, 
 or violet, or marked with alternate blue and flame-colour 
 bands; within v/hite with tranlverle ilriae : bea/is diiUnt : 
 anterior flope cut: margin denticulate. 
 Shell fubovate tranfverfely ftriate and fubpdlucidi the 
 membranes clofed. 
 O. Fabr.fn. Grccal. p. 41 2. h, 41 3. 
 WORMS. TEST ACi^A. 62. Venus. 
 Inhabits Iceland^ among the ulva foliacca: 1-2 inches broad; i i 
 long ; Jkell thin brittle oblong, outwardly violet-brown with 
 a whicilh border, within white without longitudinal ftrix. 
 • DsPiorata Shell oval, langitudlnally wriiikled^ famipellucid, radiate 
 with purple and white within and without, 
 Pennartt Brit. ZooLi^.tab Sl'M' 54* 
 Lifter conch, tab. 425./^. 273. 
 Seba Muf, i.tab. 86.}%. \y r 
 Knorr Vergn. t. tab, zo. Jig. 5 and j, /. 11./ 2. 
 , Chetnn,conCh.6.taif.(^.jfig.'J<^-^^2, 
 2. Chemn, 6. tab. f.fig> 83. kuml>f. Muf. tabt 4^. C. 
 Peti'v, Arab. tab. 17./^. 9. Gualt. ieft. tab. 85. G. 
 Inhabits European and American Seas : 1 f — 2 inches long, 2 {- 
 5 broad : marked with a few tranlverfc stria: croffing the 
 wrinkles; without white cinereous yellowi(h or purple with a 
 few blueifh or reddifh rays : htngs with 2 teeth in one valve 
 and I which is cleft in the other. 
 Fimhriata. Shell oval gibbous, longitudinally ftriate and trahfverfely 
 grooved ; the margin crcnulate. 
 Bar but. tab. \ jig. 1 1 Argen'v. conch tab. 21. Gi 
 Li fier conch, tab SSJ./f. 172. t. 1056.^: \? 
 RumpJ. Muf tab. 43. F. Guak. tefi. tab 75. C. 
 Petiv. amb. tab. x^.fig. 8. Klein ostr. t. 10./. 52* 
 Born, f^'uf. Co/, yind. te/t. tab. 5 Jig. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. /[.^.Jig. 448, 449. 
 2. Reddifh with a blackilh margin and without longitudinal strisc. 
 Rum/)/. Muf. tab. 43 G. Petit', atrtb. tab, l^./g. 10. 
 Inhabits East India : 2 inches long and 3 broad. 
 She// white strong with an oblong gaping (lopCj and imprefiion 
 behind the beaks : hinge with 2 middle teeth and 2 lateral 
 Reticulata. Shell with elevated dccuiTate ftrise, and a hcart-fhaped de- 
 preflion behind the beaks ; the margin entire. 
 LiJler conch, tab. 836. Gualt. teft. tab. 83. L. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. tub. \o.fg. 3. 
 Chemn. ccnch. 6. tab. 3b. fig. 382 — 384. 
 2. Spotted with brown or red. Gualt. test. tab. %%. A. 
 Inhabits /«^m; rcfembles the last, but is more heart-fhaped ; z 
 inches long, 2 \ broad, and is more gibbous : jhell white with 
 brownifh or reddifh clouds, fometimce radiate or fpotted ; the 
 * stria: chin, the tranfverfe ones a little curved ; hinge with 3 
 Squamo/a, Shell with reticulate ftria: and fcaly on the back part. 
 Barbut, tab. 4. /, x 2, Rumpf* Mnf. tab, 44. M» 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 225 
 Petrj, amb. tab. ^^.f'g- 17. Gualt. test, tab, 33. G. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tah, ^X-fig. 335- 
 Inhabits ImUa ; refembles V. flexuofa. 
 Shell yellovvifh Or ferruginous, the anterior Hope Imprcfled ob- 
 long-ovatc with blue veins and lines> pofterior flope brown; 
 within white : margin entire. 
 Shell roundifh, with dctufTate membranaceous ftria:: lips 
 Gualt, test. tab. 76. G. Argetiv. conch, tab. 23, F, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab, xo.fig. I. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 36.//^. 388, 389, 
 2. Lister conch, tab. l^\. fig. 178. 
 Inhabits India; refembles V. reticulata, but is more coarfc folid 
 and convex : pollerior flope flit and hardly impreiTed; outiide 
 marked with brown fpots lines and marks, the fore-part browH: 
 within blue. 
 Shell nearly triangular fraooth', retufe before and behind. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 252. Gitalt. teli. tah, 75. Q^ 
 Adanf. Seneg. I. tub, IcS./ig. 4. 
 Chemn conck. 6. tab. l^-ftg- 33°- 3 3 2. 
 Zi Velio wifh -brown with bluciihlips. 
 Knorr. l^ergn. 6. tab, ^.ftg. 4. 
 Inhabits Africa, 2) the Mediterranean ; about an inch long and 
 fomething broader ; marked with fine iranfverfe ftriae : yel- 
 lowifli-brown white or cinereous with fometlmes 2 brown 
 Shell with tranfverfe membranaceous arched ftrix: pofterior 
 flope reddifh, heart-fhaped with oblique lips. 
 Argenv* conch, tab. 21. k. I'al. abh. tab. iS-fg' 21. 
 Chemn conch, 6. tab. 7.%. fg. zg'^—zgj. 
 Inhabits the Indian Seas; very rare.- pale flefh-colour with a 
 white knob, the anterior flope red glabrous deep with an ob- 
 long gape. 
 Shell gibbous with tranfverfe membranaceous arched ftrias: 
 pofterior Hope heart-ftiaped: margin crcnulate. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 2^. fg. 303. 
 Inhabits India, above 2 inches long and as mucn broad. 
 .Ji>eV/ thick, whitifli afh with oblong chefnut fpots ; anterior flope 
 oblong fubimorefled, in the left valve glabrous and varied 
 with white and brown, with an oblong gape. 
 Shell with tranfverfe arched ftriae membranaceous towards 
 the margin: anterior flppe fhort, pofterior imprcftion 
 VOL. IV.— F f Schret 
226 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Shral. EinL in conch, 3. tab. %• Jig. 8, 9. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea; relembles V. quineenfis.' 
 SheJ/ bloeitti on the foie-part outwardly, within deeper; hind* 
 part generally dirty white. 
 GranulataX Shell rounded, with decuflate ftrix, the fore-part and cre- 
 nulate margm vio'et. 
 Bern. MuJ, Caf. Vind. tej), tab. if. Jig* 5, 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. "^o.fg. 3 1 3« 
 Inhabits the American Ocean ; rerembles V. marica, but the an- 
 terior flope is glabrous and fometimes livid fometimes varied 
 with white and blueifli; Jhell white varied with livid or 
 blackifti fpots and angular lines : pofterior impreflion hcart- 
 fhaped and blackifh or blueifh. 
 Imbricattit ^^^ ^'^^ perpendicular imbricate ribs tranfverfely ftriatej 
 the margin crenate 
 Lister conch, tab, 497. hg. 52. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. %0. fig. 314* 315. 
 Found in a foflile ftate in France', the hinge is that of a Venus, 
 but in its general appearance it more refembles a Cardium. 
 Divaricata Shell with thin tranfverfe longitudinal ftrias crofling fome 
 divergent ones towards the margin : pofterior imprellion 
 ovate: maagin crenate. 
 Lifter tab. 310. Chemn. conch. S. tab, '^o.fig. 316. 
 Inhabits Eaji India: white with brown lines veins and fpots: 
 anterior flope oblong gaping veined blackilh-brown ; hinge 
 with 4 teeth. 
 Contraria* Shell oblong flattifli with tranfverfe ftriae contrary on the 
 hind-part: margin crenate. 
 Chemn, conch 6. tab. 30. ^g. 317—319. 
 Inhabits Guinea ; refembles Cardium ^olicum. 
 Shell oi various colours; the anterior flope and inner margin of 
 the pofterior fpottted with black. 
 Galhu* Shell oblong-ov?te radiate, with thick crowded tranfverfe 
 ftrras: anterior lope broad ovate: pofterior impreffion 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tab. 'i'i-.fig, 324, 325. 
 Inhabits Malabar, 1 \ inch long and above 2 broad; the 
 younger ones cinereous, the old ones yellowifti with 4 
 darker rays. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Flammea, Shell tranfverfely ftriate, the back glabrous: anterior flope 
 very broad with brown lines: imi»refIion behind the 
 beaks heart-ihaped with brown lines. 
 Scbrcet. Einl. Conch. 3. /. 200. tab. S./tg. 12. 
 2. With 3 brown rays. Schrctt. conch, p. 200. n. 146. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, refembles the laft, but the knob is bluei/h 
 and the (hell is white with cinereous lines fpots and marks. 
 Corbicula, Shell triangular fmooth truncate each fide with ycllowifh 
 rays: Hope heart- (haped: margin very entire. 
 Knorr Fergn. 5. tah. 15. fig. 2 and 6, t, lo.f. 5. 
 Cl^emn. conch. 6. tab. Z^'f^S' 5^^- 
 Inhabits the At /antic and American Seat : anterior flope pale 
 chefnut with a large gape. 
 * Sinuo/a. Shell fomewhat triangular thin Convex, with a deep obtufe 
 indentation in the middle of the front. 
 Dono'vans Britijh Shells, ii. tah. \z.fig. 2. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. SS'/'i' S'* A. 
 Found at Weymouth, 
 Shell triangular, quite fmooth, olivaceous obfcurely baneed; 
 within white or blucilh : anterior flope heart-fliaped, 
 porterior ovate. 
 Martin. I. Manigf. I. tab. \.fig. 1.2. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. '},'i.fig» i2y--^2^. 
 Inhabits rivers of Guinea ; very rarei 
 Shell thick coarfe, with convergent beaks, and crcnate teeth in 
 the hinge. 
 Shell green, within white, with tranfverfe unequal mem- 
 branaceous ftrias : margin acute. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. ifZ.ftg , H. 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tah, ^2. jig, 2 36, 
 Inhabits rivers of Ceylon : 2 \ inches long and 3 broad j with an 
 oblong gape on the anterior flope: 2 of the hinge-teeth cleft. 
 Shell gibbous fnowy, the anterior part convex and with the 
 infide pale violet ; anterior flope roundith, pofterior 
 hcart-fhaped ; margin very entire. 
 Chemn: conch, 6. tab. H.fig. 346. 
 Inhabits India : on the anterior flope is a large oblong gape ; 
 anterior tooth of the hinge in each valve crenulate. 
 Shell thin glabrous convex, white varied with brown pofte- 
 rior Hope elongated, with oblique tumid lips : hinge 
 with 4 teeth. 
 F f 2 Cualt, 
228 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Guali.test, tab. 75. M. Knorr l^ergtt. 4. tab^ ^./[ifig. z. 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tab. I'^.ftg* 353' 354« 
 Inhzhks Mauritius IJIattd; rcfemblcs V. laeta. 
 S^e/I marked with brown rays fpots and angular lines : anterior 
 flope excavated with an oblong gape, 
 Opima* Shell thick convex, with an ovate anterior flope and ovate 
 heart-fliapcd one behind : hinge with only 3 teeth. 
 Chemn. concb. 6. tab. l\-Jig' 355 — 357. 
 Inhabits India: fometimes pale with darker rays, fometiines 
 white with blueifh fpots and clouds, fometimes grey with 
 darker fpots and clouds. 
 Xrl*'*^fata.^\izVi convex, grey; with 3 blackilh-blue rays: poflerior 
 < flope elongated, with tumid lips. 
 Inhabits ^rtfa^K^W. Chernn. conch. 6. tab. 'i\- fg^ 358. 
 VehuUfai Shell ochraceous with cinereous and bliieidi fpots: antcrioj 
 flope oval with blweifli lips, pofterior flope ovate 
 (^hemn. cench. 6. tab. 34. fig. 359—361. 
 \xxh-}^\i%Tranquebar'. generally marked with 4 ra)s varied v/ith, 
 cinercoijs and white. 
 Contemta? Shell thick triangular equilateral glabrous, with convergent 
 beaks: prirnary tooth of the Ijinge crenulate. 
 Chemn^conch. 6. tab. '^\' fig. 362, 363. 
 Inhabits Afa/a^ar; minute, ^^a^i fometimes white, fometlme« 
 reddlHi ordufky, fometimes marked with a fanguineous M. 
 Japoniea, Shell oblong-ovate, inequilateral, with crowded tranfvcrfe| 
 flrias at the fides: poflerioi: iiiaprelfiou ol^long-ovate. 
 Bonann. Muf. kirch.Z.fig, X^S^'f 
 Chemn. conch. 6 tab. ^^-fig' 364, 
 Inhabits Jafan: yellowifti or milk-white with purple triangular 
 charafters arid angles : probably not of this divifion. 
 Striata. Sh^ll ventricofe, angular at the anterior part, with tranfverfe 
 thick fmooth ilightly arch<;d ftri*e ; polterlor impreflior 
 Bonan. recr. Z.fig* 377. Muf. Kirch. Z. ftg. 113. 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 36. /j-. 385. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 36. fig. 386. 
 Inhabits India', grey-white with brown rays clouds and fpots;; 
 anterior flope ovate with plaited lips. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 229 
 Textile. Shell oval quite fmooth inequilateral: flopes oblong with 
 pale chclnut or oblong lines: margin very entire. 
 Lifter Conch, tub. 400. KnorrVergn. 2. tab, z^.fig. 4. 
 Chtmn. conch. 7, tab. ^l.f'g- 442, 443» 
 Inhabits Mulakar and t;ie lied Sea ; i ^ inch long, 2 I broad : 
 ycllowifh or pale flefli-coj.)ur with blucilh or brownilh veins; 
 lips of the anterior flope rounded. 
 Ccrrugiiia. Shell ovate vi'hitifh, with tranTverfe ftriae, which on the 
 anterior part are thick and Itrong, on the pollerior part 
 very thin and undulate in the iTiiddie. 
 Qbemn. conch. 7. tab. ^z. fig. 444. 
 Inhabits int Mediterranean: anterior flopc with an oblong gaping 
 Monftrofc. Shell ovate whitifli with decuffate flrix : hinge with only 
 1 teeth in the left vale. 
 Chemn, conch, 7. tab. \z.fig. 445. 446. a, b. 
 Inhabits Nicbar JJlamis, very rare: the left valve extends over 
 the other at the liinge and at the fides. 
 Fonderofa, Shell folid weighty inequilateral, wrinkled on both fides, 
 cinereous: margin crenulate : hinge with 2 teeth. 
 Chemn. Naturf. 19. tab. \S.fig. a, d. 
 Chemn conch. 7. tab. tg.fig. A — D. 
 Inhabits the 6W/.'itT-^ Ocean: oblong-ovate: beaks turned back: 
 poflerior i:v;pre{!ion ovai?. 
 Siihviridij, Shell grecnifli glabrous thick, with prominent beaks: mar- 
 gin Very entire. , 
 \Ti.\\.i.hiti—-^^Lister Csnch. tab; l^^./ig. 13; 
 Kollrata. Shell ovate with perpendicular fcalyftriac cro/fing the tranf- 
 verle ones 
 Lijier.tab. 346. Klein, odr, tab, lo./igl 51. 
 2. Lifter conch, tab. 348./}^. j 86. 
 Inhabits 2) fpotted with brown. 
 l-tft'^. Shell brown with very fine perpendicular ftrix. 
 Lister conch, tab. 423. yl?. 271, 
 Inhabits -1 | inch long, 2 | broad. 
 Lufitanica^ Shell oblong with fine tranfverfe ftria; : the margin crenatc. 
 Bonan.recr. z.fig. 45. Muf. Kirch, 2.fig» ^*, 
 Inhabits Seas round Portugal, 
230 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 PunSulata Shell ovate, white with bay lines and yellowifli dots. 
 Bofian. recr. 2. fig- 46. Muf, Kirch, z.fig. 45. 
 Inhabits feas round Corjica. 
 Fa/data, Shell round fraooth, with bay and yellowilh rays; one part 
 blue, the other livid. 
 Inhabits BonaK.recr, 2i fig. 66. Muf. Kirch. 2. fig. 65. 
 Cornea, Shell oval inequilateral and (lightly wrinkled, fleQi-colour 
 with 3 rays. 
 Bonanrecr. 3. ftg. 3?2. Muf. Kirch. z,fig. 1 1 5. 
 Inhabits 1 ^ inch long, 2 ^ broad ; towards the center in- 
 clining to roly or purple, 
 Virgata. Shell fteel-blue with pale yellow rays, within violet. 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 42. I. Pet. Amb. tab. \Z.fig. 16. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; refembles V, coaxan but is thinner. 
 I'erf color. Shell oval obliquely ftriatc, whitilh with white fulvid blue- 
 ifli and red rays. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teji. tab. S6.fig. B, C. 
 5^c// inequilateral and deeply grooved. 
 fariegaia. Shell ovate inequilateral, very finely ftriatc and dotted with 
 blueilh, with brownift] and blackiih rays. 
 Inhabits GuaJt teft, tab. 89. H. 
 Shell with a few tranCverfe white lines, 
 4methyfir.a Shell ovate violet, with perpendicular (Iria:. 
 Inhabits Argennj. Couch, tab, zi.Jig, D, 
 Shell near 2 inches long and 2 \ broad. 
 Calipyga, Shell ovate behind, tranfveifely Inequilateral^, flriatQ and 
 marked with angular lines. 
 Born Muf Ctes. Find. test, tah^ S' fS'> *• 
 2. Bonan, recr, 2. fig. 62. Muf Kirch. 2, ftg. 61. 
 Inhabits the Ihores of Lijbon : yellowifli with brown lines and a 
 fnowy knob. 
 Senegaknfis Shell ovate with very fine decufTate ftria;, white or flefli- 
 colour varied with brown. 
 Inhabits S^Hf^a/. Adans. Seneg.tab. ij.fg. II. 
 Wf// minute, i i inch broad and not an inch long. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Mctadoa, Shell triangular, white or yellow, with about 40 tranfverfc 
 parallel grooves. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adant Seneg. tab. \%. fig» 5* 
 Refembles V. tripla; about i f- inch long. 
 Siucinaai Shell heart-lhaped with tranfverfe remote excavated grooves; 
 the margin crenulate. 
 Inhabits Mant. z. p. 546. 
 Shell about the fize of the little finger, with 14 grooves: pof- 
 terior flope ovate imprcffed, anterior flope with a jagged 
 Cimprefa. Shell flightly hcart-fhapcd, very much comprefTcd, tranf- 
 verfely grooved. 
 Inhabits Mant. 2. /. 546. 
 Margin very entire : Hopes linear and a little jagged. 
 Auliralis. Shell hcart-lhaped polllhed, white with brownifh charac- 
 ters ; the margin very entire. 
 Chemn, conch. lO. tab. ijl'/'g- 1662, 
 2. Martyn univers. Conchol. tab. 40 /* 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean. 
 Gigantea, Shell ovate livid, with numerous interrupted blueifli rays:, 
 pofterior impreflion ovat«r 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab, I'/l'f'g* 1661. 
 Favann, Conch, tab. ^^.fig" 9'» 
 Inhabits Ihores of Ceylon and Florida. 
 B. Orbicular. 
 Shell lentiform with crenate decuflate ftrix : pofterior flope 
 imprelTed ovate. 
 Lijler.tab. '^Y], Adans./eneg. tab. 16. fig. 3, 
 Bonan. recr. 2.. ^g,6g. Muj. Kirch. 2.. fig. 70. 
 Rumpf. MuJ. tab. 43. H, Gualt, tell. tab. 77. A. 
 Petiai. Amb.aq. tab. iS./tg. 9. 
 Argen-vilk ecnch, tab. 2 i.fig* E. 
 Eytem. app. tab, 1 1 ./"ig. 44. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 2. tab. if. fig, I. /. 3./". 2* and 6. /. I'J.f 2, 
 Chemn. conch. 6, tab. IfJ-jig. 390, 391. 
 2. Knorr Fergr. 4. tab. "^.fig. 2. 
 3. Venus orbicularis. Syjl. Nat. %.p. 688. 
 \vi\i2ki\X^ American and Indian Ocean; large. 
232 . WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Veuu?. 
 SMI (omtiimes entirely white, fometimes reddifh at the fides 
 and red within with a yellow knob ; perpendicular ftrise 
 ftrqnger ; margin within glabrous, without crenate ; flopes 
 narrow : hinge with 2 middle teeth. 
 Proflrata. Shell orbicular, tranfverfely flriate, with rough membra- 
 naceous lips. 
 Born Mil/. Cf»s, Find. tejl. tab, S'f'S' ^• 
 Chemn. conch.b.tab^ 29./^;?. 298. 
 Inhabits Coromandel ; 2 inches long and a little lefs broad. 
 Shell flattened black cinereous or brownifh : beaks inflefted : 
 anterior Hope with an oblong g:ipe, pofterior heart-fhaped. 
 Penfyha- Shell lentiform with glabrous wrinkles, white, with a lou- 
 yj^^^ gitudinal groove on the anterior part each fide. 
 Lifter. r«^. 305. Argenu. conch, tab. 21. N. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. 1 4. fig. 4. 
 Born. Muf. C<:ef. Find. tejl. tab. ^.fig, 8. 
 Schrent. Journ. 31. tab. '2.. fig. 8. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 37. fig. 394 — 396. 
 2. With an additional longitudinal groove behind. 
 Lifier Conrh. tab. 265 ? tab. 298. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. 39i^/%. 408, 409. 
 3. Very brittle. O.Fab.fn. Grant, p. 313.W. 314.^ 
 Inhabits America', 2 inches long : white lolid with a linear fron- 
 tal gape; pofterior imprcflion fmall wrinkled heart-fhapcd : 
 margin very entire. 
 spuria. Shell white fubglabrous, with a longitudinal groove on the 
 anterior part : hinge without lateral teeth. 
 Lister. Conch, tab. 2g6. fig. 153. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. '^^.fg. 399. 
 Inhabits Iceland vc^^ Ferroe IJland', refembles the laft. 
 Iscrustata. Shell lentiform glabrous and quite fmooth with excavated 
 Inhabits India. Muf. Lud. Ulr. p. qoj. n. 68. 
 Shell covered with a thick whitifh crult within, and is probably 
 the fame as V. tigerina deformed by age. 
 Puniiaia. Shell lentiform, longitudinally grooved, dotted within. 
 Ru?npf Muf. tab. 43. D. Gualt, teft. tab. 75. D. 
 Petiv. Amb. aq. tab. iS.fig. 6. 
 Chemn. conch. "J.tab, l~.fg. 397, 398" 
 Inhabits India, 2 inches long, 2 I broad. 
 5W/ thick antiquated, white mixed here and there with reddlfli, 
 covered within with a thick ochraccous cruft j the margin 
 very entire, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62, Venus. ^33 
 *Exclcta. Shell lentiform, tranfverfely ftriate, pale with obfolete 
 rays ; pofterior Hope hcart-lhapcd, 
 Donovan s Br:t Shells, ii. tab. \t.fig. i. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. ^S.feg.^g. 
 Da Cojla Bnt, Conch, tab. It.fig- 5- 
 Lister, tab. ZC)Z.ftg' I 28. /. 297./. I 34, 
 Gualt,test^ tab, 75. F. Adam. fen. i. tab, \6.ftg. 4. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vtnd. teft. tab. S- fg- 9« 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 2^. Jig' 40Z — 404. 
 2. With a few longitudinal yellowKh lines. 
 Brit. Zool. iv. td). 54./i'« 49- A, Lister, tab. 293. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. /fl<^. jJ^. /?^^. 406. 
 Inhabits Nor--May and Brilijh Coasts i about 2 inches long and as 
 much broad; refembles V. prolifataj but is more convex and 
 the lips are riot rough: beaks incurved: within covered with 
 a thick whitifh crelt : pofterior impreffion ferruginous. 
 • Utidata.- Shell thin convex orbicular, whitifh tinged with yellow; 
 with thin tranfverfe (inx: margins waved. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. SS-J'S- S^\ 
 Inhabits BritiJIi Seas; fize of i hazel nut. 
 Tumidula. Shell gibbous, with tfanlverfe remote rather obfolete 
 Inhabits-: Mant. 2. p. 546 : margin very entire. 
 Sinenfis. Shell longitudinally flriato, with tranfverfe white and vi- 
 olet arches. 
 Chemn conch. 10. tab. ly I. f/g. 1663, 
 Inhabits the Qhintfe Shores, 
 Sinuata. Shell lentiform, tranfverfely ftriate, with an oblong gaping 
 fent on the anterior Hope: hinge with 4. teeth. 
 Lifter conch, tab 294. fig, I JO. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. lab. ^S./ig. 400, 40 r. 
 2. With a few paler bands. 
 Lifer conch, tab. 2()0. fig. I 26. 
 3. Like var. 2. but fma'.lcr. 
 Lifier conch, tab. zSg. fig. 125, 
 Cuait, test. tab. 7$./ig- N. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. l^-fig. j. 
 Inhabits Nicobar If anus ; refembles V, exoleta, but is lefs or- 
 bicular, more convex, aiul tlie ftriae are more elevated, 
 * Bona.'is. Shell lentiform, wit!i very remote tranfverfe membrana- 
 ceous ftrix. 
 VOL. IV.— G g Br.-. 
234 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Brit. Zool. IV. p. 96. Cualt. test. tab. TS'fig- 5. 
 lt(ler conch, tab. 21^^. fig* 88. 
 Li/ler an. Angl. tab. \.Jig. 23. 
 Chemn. conch.. 7. tab. 2)9' fg' 4^2 — 414' 
 Inhabits European Seas i i | inch long and nearly 2 broad; co- 
 vered with a chefnut cuticlcj under which it is white, angu- 
 lar, with unequal ftrix which are a little more remote than 
 they are in V. exolcta: anterior flope with a long and narrow 
 fent, pofterior depreffion heart-fhaped : hinge with 1 tooth in 
 one valve and 2 in the other. 
 Pe^inata. Shell fublentiform with longitudinal wrinkled grooves, 
 branched near the anterior margin. 
 / Lister Conch, tab. 312,313. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 42. D. Pet.amb.tab. \%.jig. 14. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 72. E, F. tab. 75. A. 
 Argenv, conch, tab, 21. P. Knorr Vergn. 6. tab, '^' fig* 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 39. fig. 415—419. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American Ocean ; above I \ inch long, 
 and about 2 broad, more ©r lefs convex, fomctimes white with 
 a brown pofterior ftope and a few fpots on the anterior part, 
 fometimes entirely (potted with brown, fometimes marked 
 with a few black brown fpots on the anterior part : margin 
 unequally crenate. 
 Scripic. Shell lentiform.comprefred ftriate angular, the hinder angle 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab' 43, C. Argen'v. conch, tab. 24. M, 
 Pet. Amb. tab. i8./j-, 3. Gualt, teft.tttb. -j-j. C. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. l^'fig. 3. 
 Cherfin.corich. 7. tab. J^O. fig. 420—426. 
 2. Born. Muf. Caf. Find. te/t. tab. ^. fig, 7. 
 Chernn. conch. 7. tflb l().fig. 410, 41 I. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean and Red Sea : very rare,' 
 Shell truncate each fide, the hind-part more fo than the fore ; 
 within white with a brown fpot j without varied : margin 
 very entire : dopes marked with chefnut fpots. 
 Edcnrula. Shell fubglobular-lenticular, wrinkled, without teeth: 
 pofterior flope ovate. 
 Lister conch, tab. 260. Gualt. test. tab. 88. B. 
 Chemn. conchi 7. tab. 40./%. 427—429. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: diaphanous whitifh, when frc(h a 
 little reddifh, within golden except the margin which is very 
 entire : fent on the anterior flope narrow : beaks turned back, 
 Clr.aa. Shell very convex and furrounded with rings, the inter- 
 mediate grooves crenate: pofterior Hope heart-fliaped ; 
 margin crenulate. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 235 
 Chemn, conch. 6. tah, ">,(>* fig' 387. 
 Inhabits— Minute, white wiih ferruginous fpots and clouds, 
 within with a few purple fpots under the beaks. 
 Cancentrica Shell white fuborbicular compfeflcd, ■with concentric ftrix : 
 margin very entire : porterior flope heart-fhaped. 
 Adans Jeneg I. tab. iG.fig. 5. 
 Lister conch, tab. 261. 288, 291. 
 Cualt. teH. tab. 'jb.f'g. F. 
 Born. Muf. Ca:f. Vind. teH. tab. S' Tig. S' 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. 37.//^. 392, 393. 
 Inhabits the dtlantic and Ameiican Seas: r;uher large; anterior 
 flope gaping : hinge with 4 oblique approximate teeth. 
 Juvenilisi Shell lentiform, with tranfverrc crowded circular ftrii ofi 
 the anterior part which terminate in wrinkles behind: 
 poftcrior Hope hcart-lhaped : margin very entire, 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. "i^.fig- 407. 
 Inhabits India : white with chefnut fpots varied with white 
 bands and rays; anterior flope with an oblong linuate gape, 
 IJijIrio* Shell lentiform with tranfverfe acute arched ilrias : margin 
 entire ; pollerior Hope heart-lhaped ferruginous, 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. l''^- fig» 407. 
 Inhabits India: varied with ciieiiiut fpots and rays: anterior 
 flope long broad linuate and marked with whice and chefnut 
 Globo/a. Shell globular hyaline with very fine tranfverfe flrias: mar- 
 gin very entire : hinge wim 2 teeth. 
 Chemn. conch, y. tab, /[.6. fig, j^.^0, 431. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea; very rare: about an inch long and i \ 
 ' broad; flopes flightly impreflcd. 
 Pe£lunculu! Shell orbicular equilateral, tranfverfely wrinkled and varie-. 
 gated with rufous. 
 Inhabits Japan. Lifter, tab. 254, 255, 256^ 
 Albida. Shell orbicular fubcompreffed equilateral white, with very 
 fine tranfverfe itris. 
 Inhabits Jauiaica. Lijier. tab. 373.//^. ico^ 
 2. luister conch, tab. 274. tig. i lo, 
 Campechettm Shell orbicular inequilateral, with crowded acute tranfverfe 
 fis. flrice. 
 Lister conch, tab. 283, yf^-. 12I» 
 Inhabits Camt<echy . 2 v inches longt 
 G g 2 Cra£a: 
236 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Crajfa. Shell orbicular folid compreffed, with fine tranfvcrfe ftrix 
 and red rays. ' 
 Inhabits Lifier conch, tab. t^'^.ftg^ 136. 
 Purpura/- Shell orbicular with very fine tranfvcrfe ftriae and purplilli 
 ceiti, rays. 
 Inhabits Lijler conch, tab. "^oy/lg. 144, 
 2. Lifler conch, tab. 364. Klein cstr. tai. l^'jig' SI- 
 Rubra. S^ell orbicular inequilateral, cliefnut with darker rays and 
 ■ crowded thick tranfvcrfe flrix. 
 Inhabits J<w;fl/<rfl. Lister, tab. -^oS. fig. ii(^. 
 Pv.filh. Shell orbicular inequilateral, whitifh with perpendicular 
 ftrias. J 
 Inhabits*-— Z//j/^r fo«f^, /<7^. ^ii.f'g. 147. 1 
 This is probably a fpccies of Cardium. 
 Violacea. Shell violet within, with perpendicular fcaly flrix : margin 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab, 338./?^. 175. 
 Shell middle-fizcd, longer than it is broad, 
 S^adicta, Shell chefnut, with perpendicular ftriae which arc fcaly 
 towards the margin. 
 Lister conch, tab, 340. fig. \yj. 
 Inhabits ■ 2 inches long and nearly 2 f broad. 
 Cancellata, SheH fubrufous csncellate. ' 
 \xA\dki\X:i'— -^Lister conch, tab. i\^. pg. 181. minute. 
 Lengaknjis Shell orbicular, nearly equilateral, with thick perpendicu- 
 lar ftriae : beaks turned back. ' 
 Inhabits Bengal. Lister conch, tab, l\S, fg, 182. 
 * ^urea. Shell fuborbicular golden inequilateral, with very fine 
 crowded tranfverfe ihix. 
 Inhzhlii Englana, Lister conch, tab. zo\. fig, 249. 
 Cbfcura. Shell broyvn with very thin perpendicular ftriae. 
 Inhabits Lifter conch, tab. ^z^. fig. 111. 
 Shell I 4 of an inch long, z |- broad. 
 I'lrturata, ^^^^^ orbicular fubequilateral, with perpendicular wrinkles 
 and puiple ravs. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 137 
 Lister conch, tab. ^z\. Jig, 272. 
 Inhabits 1 | inch long, i I b'oad. 
 Xux. Shell lentiform teftaceous wrinkle.^, the poflcrior flope 
 Eonan. recr. 2. F,g, 39. Muf. kirch, '^■. J'^. 38, 
 Inhabits Seas of ')onia, 
 Rugata. Shell orbicular teftaceous fubequilateral, with diflant tranf- 
 vcrfe Avrijikles. 
 Inhabits-*— -/iow(3«« recr. Z- fig. 5-^. 
 Bonan, Muf, Kirch, z, fig. ^Z, 
 Gihbula, Shell lentiforrn, tranfverfely ftriate, truncate on the an- 
 terior parr. 
 Inhabits rBonan recr. z.fig. 55. 
 Bonan Muf. kirch. z.ftg. 53. 
 Sieilata, Shell orbicular fmooth, golden with a wh.ite ftar at the 
 Inhabits Lisbon^ Bonan, recr, '^*AZ' ^^* 
 halua. Shell orbicular paje yellow, with elevated tranfverfe diftant 
 Bonan recr. Z,fig, 76. Muf. Kirch. Z. fig' 75. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, about Italy. 
 Brafiliana, Shell lentiform, yellowifh-bFOwn, with tranfverfe thin dif- 
 tant ihi^ : anterior flope broad blueilh, poiterior flope 
 heart-fliaped blueilh- 
 Bonan, recr. Z'fi'Z* 345* Muf, Kirch, z.fig. 102. 
 2. Bonan. recr. I. fig, 380. Muf. kirch. 2. jig. 114* 
 Inhabits fliorcs o'i Braftl: beaks bent back. 
 Pellucida. Shell orbicular pellucid fmooth ; anterior flope pale golden 
 with chefnut fpots, poftcrior flope heart-fhaped with 
 green and red veins. 
 Inhabits .Brafil. Bonan, recr. "i.f'g' 397- 
 Bonan Mif, kirch. z, ft g. 118. 
 ^oloferic^ Shell orbicular folid, white with undulate gold ftr^x, and a 
 broad yellow band towards the margin varied with 
 tranfverfe brown lines. 
 Bcnan. recr. "i. fig. 398. Muf. hiich. z.fig. 1 1 9. 
 Inhabits larger than V. pellucida. 
^38 Worms, testacea. 62. Venus. 
 Macajf- Shell orbicular ventricofe thick, brownifh radiate with 
 arica. white, and marked with annular ftrias. 
 Inhabits MacaJJar. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 43. K. 
 Petiv- amh. aq. tab. \%.ftg. 13. 
 Jurantia. Shell fuborbicular orange-colour. 
 Inhabits Valent,ahh tab. ii^.frg 20. 
 Shell nearly 2 inches long, and 2 \ broad, 
 Fuha. Shell lentiform fulvous, with very fine circular ftriae. 
 Inhabits Guah. tejl. tab. y^-ftg. E* 
 Candida, Shell orbicular white, with reticulate liria;. 
 Inhabits Qualt. te/t. tab. 75. fig L. 
 Albicans. Shell orbicular, tranfverfely ftriate, whitilh with brown 
 Ipots lines and angular charaders. 
 Inhabits— —G'W/. test. tab. T^'fg' G. 
 Vndulata. Shell fuborbicular, tranfverfely ftriate, whittfli with teddifli 
 undulate lines and dots. 
 Inhabits^ Gualt. tefl. tab, 7$. fig. 0. 
 2, Gualt, te/t. tab, T^-fig- ?• 
 ' 3. Gualt. teit. tab. J$.jig. R. 
 4. Gualt. teJl. tab, "jS./ig. A. 
 Litieata, Shell orbicular equilateral, white with very fine tr^nfverfe 
 ftrias which are thicker towards the margin. 
 Inhabits Gualt. fe/t. tab. JJ.ftg. B. 
 Lavis Shell fmooth, nearly equilateral, whitifti, 
 Inhabits Gualt. tefi. tab. JJ.ftg. F. 
 2. Gualt. Test, tab, JJ.ftg, G. 
 Cornea. Shell orbicular fmooth inequilateral, livid horn-colour with 
 a tranfverfe white line. 
 Inhabits " . -Gualt. Jest, lab, Zz.fig. B. 
 Guttata. Shell orbicular fulvid, dotted with white at the margin. 
 Inhabits Gualt. test, tab, %z.fig% F. •♦ 
 Rufe/cens, Shell inequilateral reddifb, fmooth with a few tranfverfe 
 Inhabits — Guah, test. tab. ^S'/tg- D. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Shell lentiform, with cancellate ftrix and radiate ; the mar- 
 gin crenulate : greeniOi with darker fpots. 
 Jn habits- ■ ■ 'Argewv. Zoomorph. tab, ^./tg. B. 
 Shell white with radiate fpots and arched ftriae, in the mid- 
 dle a large grey fpot tapering upwards. 
 Inhabits Argenv. Zoomorph, tab, iz. ftg. G. 
 f umens. 
 Shell entirely flefh-colour, with longitudinal ribs crofling 
 the rather remote tranfverfe wrinkles. 
 Inhabits ■ Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. '^. ftg'. 3» 
 Shell I \ inch long and 1 \ broad; 
 Shell thin, a little convex, with fine tranfverfe ftria: : within 
 fnowy, without marked with the letter W and many 
 fcattered dots: beaks infledled. 
 Inhabits- ■ Regenf. conch, i.tab. y./ig. 12. 
 Shell tumid folid fmooth, with a few tranfverfe wrinkles 
 towards the margin. 
 Inhabits Africa. AdanSyfeneg. i.tab. 16. fig. J* 
 Shell covered with a dirty white fkin, i ^ inch long and above « 
 broad : hinge with 4 teeth in each valve. 
 Diaphane,. Shell thin orbioular pellucid quite fmooth fnowy: 
 with 2 teeth in each valve. 
 Inhabits Africa, Adam Jeneg. I. tab. iS.fig, 8; 
 Shell about an inch and a half in diameter. 
 Shell fuborbicular comprefled hard tranfverfely grooved, 
 reddifli with brown rays, within violet. 
 Adansfeneg. I. tab. ijifg^ 12. 
 Inhabits Africa: about 6 inches broad, 4 \ long: probably not 
 of this Genus. 
 Shell orbicular comprelfed fnowy, with longitudinal rounded 
 grooves crolTed by tranfverfe ftris, 
 Adans feneg. I. tab. l^.fg. 3. 
 Inhabits Africa: about 9 lines in diameter; grooves 26 — 30: 
 hinge with very (hort teeth. 
 Shell tranfparcnt, pale fulvous within and without, with 
 very fine longitudinal grooves. 
 Inhabits ^/ru-^z. Adans feneg. \,tab. iS.fg. 4. 
 About 16 lines long and not fo much broad, 
^4o WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Dj/cors, Shell orbicular, a little convex ; with longitudinal ftri^, the 
 miJdle ones perpendicular, the outer ones oblique 
 divergent and crolfed by tranfverfe ones, the interme- 
 diate grooves and inner margin crenate. 
 Inhabits Schrctt. Eir.l. in conch, 3. tab. S.Jig. ji. 
 Shell inequilateral whitifli or ochraceous, with a few undu'Iaie 
 ftrice or rays, fometimes marked with a few brown fpocs and 
 clouds, within white: pofterior Hope oblong hearc-fliaped ; 
 anterior flope narrow oblong brown, the lips cancellate white 
 with black lines; 
 Jcukata. Sheil orbicular fubequilaferal, with elevated acute tubcr- 
 culate ribs: margin denticulate and crenate: hinge 
 ■with 2 middle teeth. 
 Inhabits Schrat. Einl. in conch, 3. tab. 8. fig. 13. 
 Shell rarely of one colour rcfembling the bloffoms of the peach 
 tree, generally white ftriate with brown : the grooves deep. 
 C. Oval a little angular near the beaks. 
 *Litterata, Shell ovate, a little angular before^ with numerous fubun^ 
 dulate tranfverfe Itrias. 
 Pennant Brit. ZooL tab. S7-.^g' S3' 
 Lijier Conch, tab. 402.^. 246. 
 RutnpJ, Muf. tab. 43. B. Gualt. test. tab. 86. E, F. 
 Argennj, conch, tab, 2 1. A. Petinj. amb, tab. \%.fg, 2. 
 Bonan.recr. 2. fig. 67. MuJ\ Kirch. 2. Jig- 66. 120, 
 Valent abh. tab. 13. fig. 6. /. 14./. 13. 
 Knorr Fergn. 1. tab, ^>fig^ 4« Barbut. t. 4. y. ij, 
 Regenf. conch. I. tab. 4. fig. 39. 
 Chemn, conch. 7. tab, 41. fig. 432 — 434» 
 2. Clouded. Chemn. conch, 7. ^ 41.^. 435, 
 Valent. abh. t. \\.f. lO, 1 1, 12, 1 4. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. r, »4./i i. 
 3. Dotted. Chemn. conch, 7. tab. 41. fig, 436, 437. 
 Valent. abh. /. 15./. 19. 
 4. Sprinkled. Chemn, conch, ']y tab. \1. jig. 438. 
 5. Radiace. Chemn. conch, 7. tab. J^i, fig. 439. 
 6. Spotted. Martin. Naturg. I. /. iz.f. 4. 
 7. Valent abh. tab. l^.fig. 7 — 9. t. l^'f" IJ, x8. 
 8. Regenf. conch, 1. t. if. f. 40 ? 
 Inhabits Europe and India; z inches long, 2 ^ broad. 
 Shell thick, whitifh with zig zag lines which in the European 
 fpecimens are very faint ; anterior flope long narrow deep, 
 with a longifh broad ftnt .• beaks very fmall. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 24 i 
 Skell inequilateral thin, with fine deCuflate ftriaj, white re- 
 ticulate with brown. 
 Guah. teji. tab, ?6. fig. H. 
 Chemn. conch, j. tab. /^i^fig. 440. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Britifi coajlr^ 
 Rotmdata, Shell ovate, a little angular before, with tranfverfe flrias: 
 middle tooth of the hinge bifid. 
 Argenv.ZoGm. tab. 12. D. Olear gotl. tab. 2().ftg. 2. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 2. tah. \2,fg. 4, 
 Chemn, concb, 7. tab. ^2. Jig. 441. 
 Inhabits the Indian 0^ea\ ; 1 \ ir.ch long and 3 broad ; brown- 
 ifh or ycllouifli with rays conipofed ot brown and yellow 
 fpots ; pollcrior flope ovate lanceolate. 
 *Decu/fata. Shell ovate with decufTate ftri^e, angular before. 
 Gualtteft. tab. Z^.fig. E, I, L. Bnt. Zool. iv. t, 56./, 56? 
 Brjrn Muf. Cits. Vind. test. tab. $ fig. 2, 3. 
 Chemn. comb. 7. /. 43-/". 45 5 > 456. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean \ i \ inch long and 2 broad. 
 5/6(?// thick Hrong convex, varying in colour, radiate fpotted or 
 Itreaked ; within white mixed with yt How : p(;llerior flope 
 very minute and rctufe : anterior flope long narrow with ge- 
 nerally an inner blue margin : hinge with generally 2 cletc 
 teeth .' 
 Virgima. Shell fubovatc, fubangular before, with unequal tranfverfe 
 ftria:: : anterior flope tumid. 
 Chemn. 7. tab. \2.fig. 447- t- 43- /• 457> 458- a — c. 
 Inhabits tlic Adriatic, and other feas ; refembles the laft, but is 
 lefs and without the perpendicular itria;. 
 .Si^f// reddifli, lometimes radiate, with cinereous fpots or angular 
 brown lir.e^j within white or ycUowifll, lometimes blue at the 
 fides or margin, more or lers ovate, and the tranfverle ilriae 
 more or lefs confpicuous : the filh is eatable. 
 Virginica^ Shell ovatc tranfverfely wrinkled : hinge with 2 teeth, 
 inhabits I'irginia. Lifter conch, t. 390. _/'. 229. 
 5^^// about an inch long and i ^ broad. 
 *Rhombot- gj^gj] deprelfed rhomboid, with concentrtc and very neat 
 ftrix; pale brown variegated. 
 Inhabits Britijh Coajiti Brit. 7.ool. \v. p. 97. n. 55. 
 Shell ^ of an inch long and i ^ broad. 
 Cvuentaia. Sliell ovate Inequilateral, tranfverfely ftriate and fpottcd wjth 
 * VOL, IV.— Hh li.tcr 
242 WORMS. FESTACEA. 62. Venus. 
 Lister «tnch, taK 396, Klein utr. tah, 10, jig. 50. 
 2. LiRer conch, t. 403./'. 247. 
 Inhabits—— 5/6^// with rough ftris. 
 Liat/ctm. 5|jgij ovate tranfverfely ftriate, without radiate and marked 
 towards the margin with charadcrs lines and fpots, 
 within yellowifh. 
 lahibits— — Z,/j/^ conch, tab. 404. _/7^. 248, 
 Sanguinc" Shell oval fmootli yellowifh with red fpots and dots. 
 Unta. Bonan. recr 2. fig. 68. Uuf Kirch. 2. ftg. 67. 
 Inhabits (horcs of Naplet : i \ inch long, i \ broad* 
 jirgentea^ Shell oblongifli fmooth, filvery with black lines united into 
 Bonan, recr. z.fig. 85. MuJ. Kirch, z.f. 84. 
 Inhabits (hores about Cadez, 
 Donacina, Shell oblongifti flattened, the anterior part tranfverfely 
 grooved ; the internal margin crenulate : flopes linear 
 Inhabits— —A''«orr Vergm 6. /. 28. y. 7- 
 Sbell I \ inch long, i \ broad : fometimes of one colour, fome* 
 time& marked with fpots lines or angles : hinge with only z 
 Jfra, Shell grooved, the knob pointed: poftcrlor excavation 
 wrinkled and heart- fhaped. 
 AdoHt jeneg. \.t. 16. f. 6. 
 Inhabits Africa: an inch broad; the grooves very fine and 
 about 130, 
 Dealhata. Shell oblong thin flattened, blueifli when the filh is alii^e and 
 fnowy when dead. 
 Adans.feneg. \,t. 17./- 1 8. 
 Inhabits Africa : i | inch broad and about ha'fas long. 
 Lithophaga Shell ovate reticulate, gaping each fide : hinge with 2 teeth 
 alternately bifid. 
 A£l,Taur. 1786,1787.^. i( — \^-pg< t> 2. 
 Inhabits (bores o^ Croatia, among rocks and ftones. 
 63. SPON- 
WORMS. TESTACEA, 63, Spondylos, 24^ 
 63. SPONDYLUS. ArtDnal a Teihys: JJiell 
 hard, folid, with unequal valves; one of 
 the valves convex, the other rather iiat: 
 hinge with 2 recurved teeth feparated by 
 a fmall hollow, 
 (^aiianpus» Shell flightly eared and fpinous. 
 Lil^er coneh. tab. 206 — 209. Barlttt, tab. 5- /%» ^♦ 
 Adanf. Seneg. 1. tah. 1 4. fig. 6, 7. 
 Bonart. recr. and Afw/l Kirch. Z* fig. 20—22, 
 Ruml>f. Muf tab. 47. E. tab. 48. I. 
 Petiv. Amb. aq. tab. zo, f. 6, 
 Gualt, tefi. tab. 99, F. tab. lOl, A, B. 
 Argenv. conch, iah. 20, B, E. 
 Arginv. Zoom, tab. 1 2. f. A. 
 Klein oftr. tab. 8^ /. 23. /. 9, /. 37. 
 5'r5a Mzj/; 3. /. 88./. I— II. /. 89,/. 1—7. 
 Rtgtnf. conch, tab. 4.. /. 48. 
 Knorr Delic. tab.B, iv. /". I. 
 ilT/forr /^tr^n. 1. tab. y.f. I, 5. /. g, f. »• 
 Murray teft. tab. z. f^a^. 
 Born. Muf. Caf Vind. tejl. 76. vign. 
 a^emn. conch. 7. tab. J^^.f 459-462. t. 45. /. 463-4^. /a*. 
 46./. 472. /. 47. /: 474--478- J . f J ' 
 Inhabits Mediterranean, Indian and other feas, and is tound m 
 infinite varieties as to fi2e, thicknefs and colours; fon^etirjtej 
 entirely purple, orange, white or bloom -col oar, lometiijiw 
 marked with various llreaks, Ipots, dots or bands. 
 Rtgius, Shell without ears and fpinous. 
 ArgenvtI/e conch, tab. zo, fig. G. 
 Chemn. conch. ~j , tab. ^^i fig» 47'* 
 2. Knorr Vergn, 5, tab, d, fig* 2. 
 3. Knorr Vergn, 5. tab, l^y fig. 1. 
 4. Aroenville conch, tab, 20, fg. L ? M ? 
 Inhabits India^ 3) near Malta: very rare. 
 5>^^// fubglobular, within white, without purplirti, fcarlct, flame- 
 colour, orange or white : /pines generally 2 inches long, fome- 
 times cylindrical, with a crcnate margin. 
 FUcatus^ Shell without cars or fpines, plaited. 
 Adanf. Seneg. tab. \^, fg. 2. 
 Lifter conch, tab. zio,fig. 44. tab. 1059,/", 1. 
 Gualt. left. tab. 99, E. tab 104, F? 
 Schr at. litter at, 1. tab. 1, fig. 7. 
 H h 2 Cherttn. 
244 WORMS. TESTACEA. 64. Chatna. 
 Chemn. conch. 7, tab. 47. fig, 475 — 482* 
 2. Orange-rolour. Regenf. cmch. i . tah^c). f. 30. 
 Inhabits mdiay America and the Mediterraneanr 
 S/:^el/whiti, with yellowifh, reddifh, brownifli, or violet lines 
 and veins. 
 Citreus. Shell oblong, plaited, fpinous. 
 Inhabits Anen-viUe conch, tab. 20, ftg. K. 
 6'/{'f// imbricate, about 2 inches long, 1 1; broad ; cilron-coloui- 
 or red with an orange inner margin. 
 6^. CHAMi\. Animal a Tethys: Jliell h\- 
 valvc, rather coarfc : hinge witli a callous 
 gibbolity, obliquely infertcd in an ob- 
 lique hollow : anterior dope clofecl. 
 C»r. Shell roundifh, fmooth: beaks recurved: anterior flope 
 with a gaping fent. 
 Lif.er, tab. iy^.f. ill. Bar ha, tab. 6. f. 1. 
 Bonan. recr. 2, f. 88. ^^^f. Kirch. 2. fig. 92. 
 Rutnpf. Muf. tab. 48./. 10. Gicalt.tefi. tab. 71, E. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 86. fig, I. 
 Ginann. aarial. tab. 2. tab. 19. y^. I 2(j» 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. /^^. 8. fi^. I. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. /^^. 48.}%. 483. ' 
 Inhabits the Adriatic and Cafpian Teas : very large. 
 Shell covered with a blackifli ikin, under which it is varied with 
 white and brownifli : thick, roundifli, tranfverf;ly wrinkled, 
 clofcd ; the margin very entire; valves reiembling a turgid 
 heart : beais rcddifh, large, twilled like a ram's horn : polte- 
 rior flope retufe, a little elevated in the middle ; anterior flope 
 ^'i"^'- Shell plaited, with arched fcales : pofterior Hope gnping, 
 with crenulate rnargins. 
 Lifier, tab. 35? — 3i;4. Barbut, tab. (>' figf 2- 
 P.timpf. Muf. tab. 42. A, B. Arg. conch, tab. 23. E. 
 Lonan.recr. z. fig 83, 84. Muf Kirch. 2. /^. 82, 83. 
 Petiv. Jmb. aq. tab.f^, f. 13. tab. J, fig' 13* 
 Gualt. tef.tah. ^2. f A— G. tab. 93. f. B. 
 Klein (jfir. tab. \0, fg. 53. Olear. Muf. tab. 29. /. 6. 
 Knovrl'crgn. I. tab. 19. f. 3, and 6. tab, 3'', /. 3. 
 RegCTf. conch. 1. /a^. 10. yfg-. 48. 
 Murray tefiaceoL tab. l.f. 12, 20. 
 Chemn, conch. 7. /«(^. 49, f. 492 — 496. 
 2, Qhemn'. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 64. Chama. 245 
 2. Chemn. conch. J, tab. 49. ftg. 497« 
 Inhabits ihc Indian Octan; and is foinetimes fo fmall as not to 
 incalure at; inch in 1 ;iigt!i ; fom times hr exceeds all other 
 teftaccoiis proUudions, hj^ving been found of the weight of 
 of 532 poundo, ar.d the nfh or itjhabitant fo large as to fur- 
 niHi 120 men with food, and llrong enough to cut afunder a 
 cable and lop off men's hands : JkeU iucid, white, fometimes 
 jofy varied with yellow, red and white : pollerior aperture 
 ovate, with a tumid crenatc circumterence ; njar^in toothed : 
 hipge armed with a tooth bcfides the calju5. 
 Uippopu!, vShcll plaited, muricate: pofterior ilopc retnfe^ clofctfj 
 BarbiUy tab. 6. f. 3. Li Cter^ conch, tab. 349, 350, 
 RuiKpf. Ml'/, t. 42. C. Jrg. conch, t. 23. H. 
 Boiian. rccr. 2. /. 81, 82. Muf, Kirch. 2. /. 80, 8j. 
 Peti-v. Jmh. aq. tab. 18. /. 15. 
 Curlt. ted. tab.<^l. A. Leffer tejl.fig. 124. 
 Hegenf. conc^ij. I. tab. lo.y. 49. 
 Knorr Vergn. \ . tab. 22, /• 1,2, and 6, tah^ 9. y. 3. 
 Boi-n. Muf. Caf. Find, teli, p. 79. njigv. 
 Chcmn. conch, 7. tab. qo. f. 49S, 499. 
 Inhabits the India Ocean: 5 inches long and 7 broad. 
 Shell \s\\\x.(i. varied with red and purple Ipot?, fometimc? yellow- 
 ifh ; ventricofe: hinge witii yellow callofities, in one valve 2, 
 4nt!quata, Shell fomewhat hcart-fhap,ed^ wjth longitudinal grpoves, 
 ar.d tranfvcrfe Itriie. 
 Adanf. ^en. I . tub. 16. f. 2. 
 ^onan recr,. 2. f. 98, Muf. Kirch. 2./". 6. 
 Valent.abh. tab. ib.f. 30. Gualt.teft. t. 71, I, L. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. 10. f. 3, and /. 14, _/'. 2. 
 Chcmn conch. 7. tab, j\.%. fig. 488 -491 , 
 Inhabits American, Atlantic ard Indian feas. 
 iS^**// inequilateral, with brown or ferruginons /pots; ribs 19— » 
 22, tranlverlely ftriatc : margin toothed : beaks inllcdlcd 
 |3?.ck ; anterior margin wjtl. a deep clofed fcnt, 
 Trapezia. Shell trapeziform, gibbons, with longitudinal crenulatc 
 Schrcct. EinU in conch. 3. tab. S, fig. 17. 
 Inhahhs Nerivay feas ; fmall, about the Cizq of a pea; white 
 mixed with brown towards the margin, gibbous WMthacrenaie 
 margin .- ftrix about 20, with unequal obtufe knots : beaks a 
 little recurved : pollerior ilope ovate, heart-ihaped ; anterior 
 flops oblong, flat and crenate on ihcoutfide, 
246 WORMS. TESTACEA. 64. Chama, 
 Smior^cum siieii fuborbicular, compreffed, coarfe, with decuflate Rtix, 
 lata, 2. Lime Lehrh.Thierr, 2. taB.^y,/^k? 
 Inhabits — — S-hell longitudinally ftriate and imbricate with 
 fcales ; pofteriorflope withawhitifh lobc;hind-njargincrenate^ 
 €ah(ttlaia. Shell oblong, with imbricate grooves ; the anterior pan' 
 ManJ. Seneg, I. tab. 15. fig, 8. 
 Lister conch, tab. 347. Gualt. teft. tab. 90. /, F. 
 Born Muj: Ctef. Vtnd. teft. tab. 5, /. 10, 1 1, 
 Cbemn. conch, J, tab ^O. Jig. 500, 501. 
 2. Litter conch, tab. -i^^. fig, 186? 
 J. Bonan. Muf. Kirch, z, fig. \z-j. 
 Inhabits tne Atlantic, American and Indian {^3.%, attd is fbmecime» 
 found foiTjle ; about ^ an inch long and \\ broad: white, 
 rather brown when young; hinge with 2 teeth: exterior 
 margin ierrate, interior f«>ooth. 
 CafJata. Shell heart-fhapcdj tranrveFfely ftriate; one fide elongated, 
 2, Kidney -fhaped. Knorr Fergn. z.taB.Z'^.f. 7. 
 Chemn, conch. 7. tab. 50, fig. 502, 503. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Red Seas : 'ferruginous or chefnat, 
 Sntiata. Shell roundKh, with toothed grooves- mixed with dots: 
 pofterior flope retufe. 
 Inhabits — — — Shell white, the outfide reddifli : grooves ele- 
 vated, longitudinally toothed and alternately Ihortcr: margin 
 crenulate; pollerior Hope hcarc-fhaped. 
 Otlenga. Shell oblong, the fore-part angnlar, with anterior acute 
 Chemn. conch. J. tab. ^O^fg. 504, 5O5, 
 Inhabits fhorcs of Gi<;K^/?, and refembles Mytilus modiohis. 
 Shell fabdiaphanous, white, with very fine decuffate llrise, wjthfn 
 citron-colour: margin very entire, hinge with 3 middle teeth, 
 and an oblong acute lateral one locking into a hollow between 
 2 teeth in the oppofite valve. 
 Lazarus* Shell imbricate with jagged lamellae ; beak a little fpiral 
 Argenfu. conch, tab. 20. P. Knorr Vergn. I, /. %, f.\. 
 Rum*f. hluf. tab. 47, C. /, 48, /. 3. 
 Vaient. abh.tab. 13, /fg. 4. t» 16, y. 22- 
 SehaMuj. 3. tab, SS.f. 12, /. 89,/. 6, 9, li' 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 64. Charaa. 2^7 
 Bern Muf. Caf. Vind. teft. tahi^.f. 12 — 1 4. 
 Chemn. conch, ■j.tah. ^i-fg. 507 — 509. 
 Inhabits incUa^ and is found adhering to rocks. 
 Shell yzMio-vi Qx white with red bfiaks, within glabrous; the up- 
 per valve a little lefs and flatter ; in the hinge of the lower 
 valve an obtufe thick broad callus crenate on each fide, witij 
 an oblique adjacent hollow. 
 JGtypkeUet. Shell orbicuiar, muricate ; one valve a little flatter, the 
 other with a fubfpiral produced beak. 
 Sloan. Jamau tab. 241./". 4 -7. Later, tab. 212, 2 1 3, 
 Adanf Seneg. I. tab 15. Klein oflr. tab^ \Z. f. 86. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. loi, fig.Q — F. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 16. f. i. 
 Cbemn, conch, '],tab. ^l./ig. 510— 5 1 3, 
 2. Gualt. test. tab. \oi. Jig. hi 
 3. Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. 6. fig. I. 
 4. Schrat. Einl. in conch. 3. tab. 8* f. l<). 
 5. Chemn conch. 9. tab. l\6.fig. 992. 
 <j. Chemn conch, g, tab. \\6,pg. 993. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, American and Indian feas, fixed to 
 rocks: yellow or red varied with reddifh or white: fcales 
 fomctimes more foliaceous, fomctimes arched and muricate. 
 hUvnis, Shell with conic valves, and horn- fhaped oblixjuetubulaj 
 beaks longer than the x^alve. 
 Lifter. tab. 214. Klein, o/lr. tab, iz.fig. 87,88. 
 Major teftac. tab. 2. Gualt. tefts tab. lOl, f, G, 
 Chemn. Naturf. 20. tab. l. fig. I — 5. 
 Chemn. conch, y.tab. S^./ig- 516 — 520- 
 Schrcet. Btnl. in conch. 3. tab. 8, fig. 18. 
 Inhabits American, Indian and Mediterranean feat. 
 Shell yellow each iide red or white, with imbricate lanpiellas and 
 Seldom wrinkled. 
 A-cinella. Shell grooved, muricate, with excavated dots: hijige with 
 a fe/file callus. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 355. Clear. Muf. tab. 29. f. 3. 
 Bonan. recr. l.f. 336. Muf, Kirch, z. f. HI. 
 Chemn. 7. tab. $z. f 552, 553. Lejfer teft.f. 98, 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. tab, l^./ig. I. t. 36. yi i,2. 
 Inhabits the American Oiean ; 2 inches broad and nearly as much 
 long: white with fometlmes rofy fpincs, within yellow.ifh; 
 the margin crenate : pofterior excavation large, heart Ihaped, 
 warty, wrmklcd. with frequently an appendage on one fid<v 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 64. Chama. 
 Moltkiatia. Shell obtufely triangular equilateral plaited : anterior fl'ope 
 elevated, with oblique pUits and lbi:e. 
 Chemn. conch, j. tab. 48. /i^. 4S4 — 4.87. 
 Inhabits ^refembles (_h. Cor, ubout the fize of an hazel nur: 
 milk-white opake, the beaks a little diltant : hirige wuli a 
 rounded narrow tooth un-ier the beaks and an adjoining hollow 
 fov the inlertion of the tooth in the oppofite valve ; a little' 
 forwards is anothet long deep hollow between 2 teeth, and 3, 
 little farther back another round dilated tooth. 
 Concamra- Shell with tranfverfe wrinkles eroding the broad longitudl- 
 . ''«• nal. flrije: in the middle ot each valve within is au 
 additional chamber. 
 Walch. Naftirf. 12. p. 53. tat>. I -fig- 3~ 7» 
 Cheinn, conch. 7. tah. ^o.j'ig- 506. a — d. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: fmall, whitifli, verj rare. 
 Shell rounded, with lam'ellse difpofed in rows : Jnternaf 
 margin crenulaie. 
 Seba.Muf, l^tab. 88-yj^; 8: 
 K7iorr Fergn, \.t.zi> f. 2, and 5. /. 24./". I* 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. ^^-fg- 514J 515. 
 2. Seha Muf. 3. tab. 89. fig» 12 ? 
 Inhabits the American Ocean ; refembles Ch. gryphoides. 
 iS/^'i'// fometimes yellow or red, fometimes varied with white and 
 red, within white or red or variegated; both the valves con'- 
 vex, the lam,ellze increafing towards the margin. Probably a 
 variety of C. Lazarus, 
 I'oliacea* Shell white with foliaceous ferrat-e tranfverfe flrioc, the 
 interftices crenate: beaks recurved. 
 Lister conch, tab. 215— 217. //[g-. 51-^-53. 
 Klein o/ir. tab. i z. fig. 8 1 . 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. ^Z.fig. 521, 
 2. Li Her conch tah. 21 ^./ig. 50. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and American Seas, and is found i'D:'':.'\l 
 in Campanid : fometimes round, fometimes oblong. 
 A rat a 4 
 Shell rounded, white undulate with brov.^n, with triangular 
 wrinkled perpendicular ribs : margin unequal. 
 Bonan.recr. 2.figt 86. Muf. Kirch. z.fig< 84. 
 Inhabits Ihorcs of Sy;-<Jf«/^ ; probably a Cardiv.m. 
 Shell wrinkled oblong narrow brown: lower'valve with a 
 proje6ling rounded fubincurved beak. 
 Inhabits Guall. test. tab. \o\.fig. L 
 Shell roundifli ventricofe Inequivalve muricate, with fcat- 
 tered unequal fcaly fpines. 
 Inhabits America. Regenf. conch, I. /. \. f. 44. 
 Shell citron colour. 
 Shell roundiih, longitudinally ftriate: pafterior flope retufe. 
 Molin.nat. Hist. Chili p. 178. 
 Inhabits the Chilcfe (hores, where it buries itfelf in the fands." 
 Jliell white violet and yellow, within elegantly purple : about 
 4 inches in diameter: the iifh is a very rich arid picafant food. 
 Shell fubnrbicular, with very deep grooves: tHe wrinkles 
 flightly imbricate: margin doubly folded. 
 Inhabits- about the fize of a man's finger; gibbous, thick, 
 with 30 grooves; the outer margin with concave eminent 
 projcdions from the wrinkle?, the inner margin obtufe plaited: 
 hinge with 2 or 3 oblique grooves declining towards the an* 
 terior fide* 
 Shell oblique with a lateral obliqiie pit,- wrinkled: callus 
 of the hinge toothed. 
 Inhabits Barban ; refembles Anomia Gryphi. 
 ^hell very ponderous and thick, about the lize of a fid; beaks 
 obliquely incurved back: anterior Hope longitudinaliv grooved 
 and oblique towards the beaks, poJlerior flopc longitudinally 
 Shell cylindrical white diaphanous, with deeuflate ftriaD; the 
 tranfverfe ItriaJ arched and imbricate; 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. 10. tab. i-jz. fig. 1673, 1674. 
 Qo. ARCA. Animal a Tethys?7^^// bivalve, 
 equivalve: hznge with numerous Iharp 
 tec til altsrnately inlerted between each 
 A. Alargin very entire : Leah recurved. 
 Shell parallclipiped^ deeply ftn'ate longitudinally, the lefrer 
 valve obliquely carmate. 
 Rwnjif. MuJ. tatft 47. y^^- k. Gualt. ts/i. tab. 9v B. 
 Eonann. Miif. kirch. l.fig' I 2^> 123. Bar but. tab. "J. fig. I. 
 Peti'V. amht tab. 20. fig. 9. Argeivv, conch, tab. Ig. I. 
 Klein ndr. tab. 9>.fig, 16. Lef'er tejl.fig, 137. 
 VOL. IV.— li Knzrr 
250 WORMS. TESTACEA. 65. Area. 
 Knnrr. Vergn. I. tab, '^I'f'K' 3* 
 MuHin. Bejch. l^aiiirf 3. tab. b. fig, 14. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. ^},. fig- 524* 525. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean and is extremely rare. 
 5/^/=// white, fometimes with brown 1 fh f'pots or clouds, thrice as 
 broad as it is long } the infide ftriate, the outlide ftriate in 
 various direfticns ; valves diffimiJar: margin crenate within, 
 and in younger fhells without aifo. 
 jB. Margin entire : beaks inJleSfed, 
 *.h,ote. Shell oblong ftriate and emarginate at the tip : beaks very 
 remote : margin gaping. . Noah's Ark. 
 Area tortuofa. Pennant Brit. ZooJ. iv. p. 97. 
 Barlafe Nat.Hili. Cornvjall tab. z%.fig. 15, 16, 
 Barbut, tab. "J. fig. 2. Lifer, t. 368, 369. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 44. P. Gualt.iest tab. 87. G,H. I. 
 Jdans.feneg> i. tab. \%. ftg. 9. Leffer test, fig, 138. 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fig. '^2. Muf. Kirch. 2. fig. 31. 
 Peti'Vi amb% tab. \'].fig. 10. Argenu. conch, tab. 23, G. 
 Knorr. delic. fcl. tab. B. y.fg- 2, 
 Knorr Vergn. l. tab. \6.f.g. 1,2. 
 Regenf. conch. I* tab. 12. /ig. 73 
 Chemn. y.tab. ^i. fig. 529-531. t. 54./. 532, 533, 
 2. Argen'ville cone' »tah. 29.^^, 20. A. 
 Inhibits the Mediterranean Atlantic and American Seat. 
 Shell rhomboid, white, generally fpotted clouded ftriate undulate 
 or veined with brown or yellow j outer margin crenate, the 
 inner entire, 
 •Barbata. Shell oblong ftriate, bearded with byffiis: beaks approx. 
 imate : margin clofed. 
 Lister conch, tab. 231. Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. 2. f^» 7, 
 Bonan, recr. 2. fig. 79. Muf. Kirch. 2- fig. 78. 
 Cualt test. tab. 9. F. Argen-v. Conch. tab, 72. M* 
 Murray, testaceol, tab, 2. jig, 22. 
 Martin Befch. Naturf. 3. tab. 6.fgi 8. 
 Chemn. conch. 7, tab, 54._/%. 535. 
 2. Gualt. test. tab. 90. Hg. B. 
 Martin Befch. 3. tab. d.fg, 12. 
 Chemn.conck, J. tal, 54./'. 53-ijw 
 3. Seba Muf 3. t. 88./. 1 3. M://! /^/J /, 6./r i. 
 CZv^W. ««f/;;. 7. /. 54./. 536, 537, 
 ^. Rumpf. Muf. t.Af\.f.L, 
 Inhabits European American and Indian Seas, 
 abeU pale chelnut under the byflus, fomctimcs mixed with white, 
 and marked with dccultate flrise: the fibres in the angle of 
 Icfflion are nodulous. 
 25 1 
 Modiolus. Shell oblong ftriate, and angular anteriorly. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; refembles Mytilus modiolus, and is 
 about the fize of a large bean : within white or pak violet, 
 without ycllowifh : hinge elongated : valves anteriorly deeply 
 filiate, behind a little longer than the beaks. 
 Shell ovate pellucid fubftriate, with a diflincSl prominent 
 anterior flope : hinge ciliar. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : white finely polifhed and very mi- 
 nute, nearly triangular with fine tranfierfe femilunar ftris .• 
 beaks placed in the middle: flope tranfvcrfely ftriate: teeth 
 fubulate and very fliarp : margin without teeth within and 
 0-vata. Shell ovate with deculTate flrlas, fnow^y and covered with a 
 ruflct-brown epidermis or fkin: margin gaping. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Chemn. conch. 7. tab. S^'/ig- 538, 
 SMI hrgc with an undulate grooved and flriate pofterior exca- 
 vation : probably not of this family. 
 Pellucida. Shell pellucid briitle, rounded at each end, obfolelcly ftriate: 
 teeth of the hinge very fliarp, 
 Spengler Catal. l . tab. I o. fig. II. 
 Chemn, cor.ch. 7. /. 55./". 541. a, b. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlandr. thin, ftraw-colour or brown, within 
 Rcjirata. Shell a little convex with tranfverfe ftrias ; the hind-parr 
 rounded, fore-part extended into an acute beak. 
 Martin. Bejch Naturf. 3. tab, "}. fig' 1 7, 18. 
 Schrezt. jiiijconch. tab. C).fig. 2. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. SS^fig- 54^' 3, b. 
 Inhabits the Baltic and Norivay Seas ; refembles the laft. 
 Shell \ an inch long, i \ broad, covered with a greenifii fkin : 
 beaks minute and bent back. 
 Srictta. Shell lentiform, with very numerous decuflate ftrias, late- 
 ritious and reddilh within: polterior excavation trian- 
 gular: hinge arched. 
 Chemn, conch. 7. tab. 58. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea: an inch broad, and fomething longer, 
 Pulfhclla. Shell roundifli, biradiate, with tranfverfe arched ftria?. 
 Inhabits Rumpf,Mn/. tab, ^7-fig> I. 
252 WORMS. TESTACEA. 65. Area. 
 Afra, Shell whitifli, covered with a whiter flcin, with deculTate 
 flrise, grooved and obliquely truncate. 
 Inhabits /Ifnca. Adans^feneg. i* tab. \%. fig. 8. 
 Shell 4-5 lines long and 3 broad: longitudinal grooves 40 — 50, 
 tranfverfe ones 20: bedki approximate : margin clofcd. 
 Voffilis. Shell thick roundifh, longitudinally ftriate and tranfverfely 
 ribbed ; the ribs \yith undulate rtri^:. 
 Schrat. neue litterat. T.,fig. 3, 4. 
 Found in a foffile ftate in thp Dutchy of Vmbourg : 5 inches 
 long, 3 I broad. 
 Caticellata. Shell with cancellate {Irix and bearded ; the margin gaping 
 in the middle. 
 Schraet. Einl. Conch. 3. tab. <^. fig- 2. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean; covered with a mofly (kin, under 
 which it is brownilh, outwardly mixed with white with 4 
 tufts of hairs: beoh flightly recurved with a lanceolate de- 
 preffion behind them. 
 Minuta, Shell a little comprelTed, traufverfely ftriate, tapering at the 
 remoter end add rolinded at the oppodte ones. 
 Chemn. ccnch. 10. tab. ^"jo.ftg. 1657, 1658. 
 Inhabits the Greenland Seas ; refembles a Mya ; 2\ lines long : 4 
 broad: ochraceous, glabrous, clofed: beaks connivent white 
 acute not ilriate. 
 C. Alarg'in crettaiet beaks recurved. 
 ♦ Lafiea, Shell fubrhombic diaphanous, with obfolete decuffate ftris. 
 I-iPici' conch, tab. 235.//^. 69. 
 Bonai:n. recr. l-fig- 34. Mvf. kirch. Z.f. 33. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. ^S-fig- 547« 
 Inhabits moll flt^ropsan Seas: iizc of a horfe-bcan; beaks ap- 
 Kaduhfa.-^. Shell oblong with ftriate tubercles: beak? incurved remote: 
 , margin entire clofed. 
 il'fa//. Zool. Dan. prodr. 2984. 
 Ijihabit? Denmark -^ reiembles the laft. 
 A • . Shell obliquely heart-fhaped, with numerous unartne4 
 .%nttouatitt r 1 J 1 .. 
 Liiter cijub. tab. 2 30. //■§•. 64. /. 236. f. 70. 
 Adam Jeneg. \. tab., l^ifg 7- Barhut. /. 8. /', 3. 
 Bor.an recr. ard Muf, Kirch. 2. fig. 73, 74. 
WORM?. TESTACEA. 65. Area. 253 
 Rujnpf, Muf. tab. 44. I. Guah,test. tab. 87. B, C. 
 PetfO. tab. ij.f. 8. Klein 'ojir. tab. 11./". 73. 
 Grono-j. Zotph. tub. \%, /. 1 3. Murr. t(Ji. tab. z, f. 15. 
 Knorr Vergn. 1. tab. 24. fig. 3, 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 55. y/^, 548, 549. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean , Indian and Amfrican feas, 
 5ZW/ rather large, white covered with a hairy ikin : the anterior 
 flope with a comprcffed prominent angle. 
 Senilis. Shell obliquely he?)rt-(haped, fmooth, with 5 grooves: 
 margin plaited. 
 AdanJ. Sen'g. I. tab. I 8. /. 5, 
 ■ Lifier conch, tab. 238. Gnalt. tell, tab. 87. D. 
 'Argen'v. conch. t(ib. 23. fig. k. 
 Chd/nn.conch.'j. tab. 56. /^ 554—556. 
 Inhabits America and Africa: 3 inches long and 4 broad. 
 .S;6t7/ thick, white, covered witii a black (kin mixed with fea~ 
 green: anterior part gaping. 
 Granofa^ Shell (lightly hcart-fhaped, v/ith muricate grooves. 
 Lifter., tab. 241, 242. Peliv. amb. tab. \'].f. 7. 
 Major telt. tab, 10, f. 3. Rumpf. hluf. tab. 44. /» k. 
 Ga<2//. /p//. tab, B7, E. Argen-v. conch, f.23, C. 
 Klein oftr. tab. to. y. 45, 46. 
 Knorr Tergn. 6. /^2^. 34> ^^. 2. 
 Martin Befh. Naturf.'i. tab. 6. f.lO. 
 Chemn. conch. 7: /«^. S^' A^' SS7' 
 Inhabits the j^nerican and Indian Ocean: l| inch long, t|brQadj 
 white, nearly equilateral, with about 20 ribs which arc co- 
 vered with fpinous tubercles, 
 Cerbicu/a, Shell Ovate, a little compreiTed, with perpendicular knotty 
 (Iris: beaks obtufe, approxitrjaie. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. fab. 56. _/fg^./558, 
 2. L«/^r conch, tab. 2^4. /i^. 68. 
 ■ Klein Ojir. tab. 10. f. 43, 44. 
 Chemn. conch, j, tab. 56, _/". 559, 
 Inhabits hicohar IJlands; refemblcs the lafi: : about ic lines Ions, 
 and an inch brpad : 2) fubglobalar with capillary ftrix within. 
 Decujfata. Shell lenticular, with longitudinal ftrire crofTed by hardlv 
 vifible tranfverfe ones: anterior ilopeclofed. 
 Regenf. conch. I. tab. z- fg. zz. 
 Knori- Vergn. 5. tab. lO.fg. 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. S7-fS' S^^* 
 Inhabits the American Ocean : Ihsll varied with fcattcrcd brown 
 fpots : hinge {lightly arclied, 
254 WORMS. TESTACEA. 65. Area. 
 JE^ulatera Shell lenticular, nearly equilateral, perpendicularly ftriate 
 without and within ; white with chefnut fpots. 
 Chemn. conch. 7 tab. ^1 • fig' 562. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: refembles the 1 aft, but the fhell is 
 thinner and the beaks approximate, 
 Fallens, Shell lenticular, fuboblique, with decuflate ftrioe: anterior 
 flope with a very narrow fent. 
 Schrcet. Einl. in conch, "i^, tab. 1^. f I. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American Ocean. 
 Shell equilateral, within white, without pale with here and there 
 a dulky fpoc or cloud and fine ftrire croffed by very numerous 
 and very fine tranfverfe ones : heaks connivent, placed in the 
 middle: ^/w^.? arched. 
 Cuculhis. Shell ventricofe, with decufTate flrl^ : anterior flope hearl- 
 Ihaped : valves augmented, with a curved rib within 
 which is barred with violet, one of them prominent: 
 beaks remote. 
 Martin Befch. Natwf. 3. tab. J.f. 15, 1 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 7, tab. 53, f. 526—528. 
 Inhabits Nicobar JJlands ; above 2 inches long and 3 broad : the 
 outlide cinnamon : probably not of this divifion. 
 Magellatii' Shell rounded each fide, chefnut, and marked with decuHate 
 ca. ftriae : the external margin inflected and repand in the 
 middle: beaks approximate. 
 Chemn. conch. J. tab, 53. fig. 539. 
 Inhabits the ftraits of M«^^//««. 
 Reticulata. Shell fubrhombiG, white, with decuHate flri^: beaks ap- 
 proximate: anterior flope heart-fllaped, 
 Li/ier Conch, tab. ^i-^.Jig. 67. 
 Martin Befch Naturf. 3. tab, 6, /. 9. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. /. 54./'. 540. 
 Inhabits refembles A. Noas. Prqbably not of this divifion. 
 Candida. Shell 'pellucid, rhomboid, with decaiTatc ftrias ; the fore- 
 part produced, the hind-part truncate : beaks remote: 
 margin with an ovatc-ciliatc gape behind. 
 Chimn. conch. 7. tab, ^S'fiS' S'f-^- 
 :. Chemn. conch. 7. tab. ^S'J'S' 543' 
 Inhabitb the American ocean, and African fhores. 
 Shell white, appearing as if granulate, and covered with a black- 
 ifli-brovvn epiderniis or ikin. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 65. Area. 255 
 Ituiicai Shell inequivalve, ovate, with flat longitudinal Hv'ix. and 
 deep grooves: anterior flope heart-ihaped. 
 Li/Ier conch, tab. z^z. fig. 66, 
 Martin Befch. Naturf, 3. tab. 6. _/. 13. 
 Chemn conch. 7. tab. 55. fig. 543. 
 Z. Mariin.Befch. Naturf. i. tab. 6. Jig. II. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. ^(i-fig. 552. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : \ of an inchlong, i|-broad. 
 Shell white covered with a brown villous fkin. 
 Jamaicenjis Shell rounded before and truncate behind, with crenate or 
 nodulous perpendicular ribs. 
 Inhabits Jamaica. Lijier conch, t. Z2(),f. 64. 
 Campechi' Shell ovate with broad crenate or fcaly perpendicular ftria; t 
 enfii* hinge arched. 
 Lijier conch, tab. 237. /. 71. 
 2. Lifter conch, tab. 243, fig. 74. 
 Inhabits Campechy bay. 2) Barbadoes, 
 Lata. Shell broadifh, cancellate, truncate before: the flattened 
 fide heart-fhapcd. 
 Inhabits ■ Gualt. test, tab, 90. fg. C- 
 iS^f// ventricofc, hardly an inch broad and about half as long ; 
 probably ot the next divifion, 
 Senegahnfis Shell ovate, longitndinally grooved with flight tranfverfe 
 wrinkles ; white. 
 Adan$. Sene^. I. tab. 18. fg. 6. 
 Inhabits Africa: 8 lines long and 10 broad; fometimes redSifli; 
 grooved within. 
 D. Margin crenate ; beaks infcclea'. 
 Vndata. Shell lenticular, without cars, fmoothifli, with a plaited 
 Bor.an.recr. z /. 60, 61. Muf Kirch, z. f. 58, 60. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 72. G, Knorr Vergn, 6. /. 14./'. 4, 
 Martin Befch. Naturf. i. fab.b f. z. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 57. fg. 560. 
 Inhabits the Americah Ocean; refembles the next. 
 Shell 2 incnes long and nearly as much broad, equivalve, with 
 very fine crowded tranfverfe flria;; fpottcd with brown, with- 
 in white and (ometimes fpolted with brown : beah approxi- 
 mate ; hinge arched. 
256 WORMS. TESTACEA. 62. Area. 
 PeHunculus Shell lenticular, flightly ea;- d, widi .lightly imbricafe 
 grooves: the margin pliited 
 Lifter conch, tab, 239 / 73 Barhnt, t. J.f A* 
 Bonan Muj„ Kirch. Z.Ji^^. 129. Guult, test, tu: , 72, H. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. 12 fig, 4 
 Martin Bejch. Naturf. 3. tab. 6. /%. 3,4. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. ///^, ';'6,fig 5t>S, 569. 
 Inhabits tlie America'! Or^azt and Red Sea: flattifli, i|inch long 
 and fomething broader; white with fcattefed brown fpots 
 which are fometimcs ceflelate, within brown fometimes mixed 
 with white: grooves 16 — 'zo: hinge arched. 
 Fe^inata. Shell lenticular, without ears, with Idngitutlinal fir.ooth 
 Cbemn. conch.j. tab ^^%. ft 570. ». i, 2,/. 571. 
 2. Lifter Conch, tab. 239. y'. 81. Klein ofr. tab. 10. fig. 41. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean; aclembles the laft, but is lefs and 
 more convex: brown, chefnut or pale yellow, fpotttd, cloud- 
 ed or waved ; within brownifh or white. 
 'Gljcjme- Shell fuborbicular, gibbous and faintly flriate tranfverrely . 
 fis. Donovan s Brit fhe/h, ii. tab. 37. 
 Pennant Brit.Zool iv. tab. S^y jig, 58, 
 Da CoftaBnt. Conch, tab I i, fig. 22. 
 Lister conch, tab. 247. Barbiit, t. 7, f, 5. 
 Adanf Seneg* i. tab iS.fg. 10. 
 Gua/t. tefi, tab. 82. fig. C, D. 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tab. 21 fig. 4, and 6. I, 1 4./'. 3. 
 Chemn, conch, 7. tab 57, /f^. 564. 
 Inhabits Mediterranean^ European and Indian feas. 
 <S-6«?// 2 — 4 inches in diameter : hinge arched : colour generally 
 whitifh, with ferruginous zigzag lines or marics, foineiimss 
 reddifli oryellowifn, fometimes fpottcd, clouded or undula:;;. 
 Pilo/^i. Sliell fuborbicular, equilateral, hairy. 
 Lister conch, tab. 240. Gualt. tefl. t. 73. A. 
 Bonan, recr, 1, fig. 80. Muf. Kirch. Z.f, 79. 
 Knorr Vergn, 2. tab. 2'}^.f,6.Sc6.t.l z.f. 4. 
 Martin Befch, Naturf. 3. tab, 6,f. i. 
 Chemn, conch, y.tab. ST'/'i-S^S* S^^' 
 Z, Bonan, recr, 2. jig. 78. Muf. Kiri:h» z.f. 77. 
 3. Lister conch, tab 246. fig, % it 
 Born MuJ\ Caf. Vind.tell, tab. 6,/. i, a, b. 
 4. Bonan, Muf, Kirch. 2. fig. 131? 
 Inhabits Mediterranean, Afattc and American feas : z\ inches long, 
 z\ broad : brown, within white and fometimes fpotted with 
 brown, covered with a villous skin : the perpendicular ftria; 
 obhq_ue and confpicuous w^ithin, crofled by tranfverfe wrinkles. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrca, - 257 
 hunimariii; Shell roundilli, fmooth, flightly eared and tranfverfelyflriate. 
 Inhabits ihe Metiiterrafiean ; /ize of a man's nail. 
 Shell ipo\i{hcd, with undulate rufous marks: the ftrias verv fine. 
 ^Nucleus* Shell obliquely ovate, fmoothifh, with a triangular hinge. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab, ^%.fg, 59. 
 Barhut, tab. J^Jig. 6. Gualt. test. t. 88. R. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab, 58. fig, 574- a» b. . 
 Inhabits European feas, and is fometimcs found foflile ; fize of 
 an hazel nut; covered with an olivaceous skin under which it 
 is white, within filvery : fiell unequally triangular, witii very 
 fine perpendicular flria crolTed by a few arched tranfvcrfc 
 ones: djpreSon b hind the beaks hearc-lhaped. 
 Rhomhoidea Shell entirely white, rhomboid heart-fhaped and ribbed, 
 the anterior anddorfai ribs knotty: beaks remote. 
 Listtr. tab. 244, fg. 75. Gualt- teft. t. 87, A. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tub. i.t« fig' 2. 
 Chemn. conch 7 tab. St),fig. ^^l, a, b. 
 Inhabits the Indian 2ivA American Ocian'i interior flope heart 
 fliaped, p.ifterior one rhomboid. 
 Marmorata Shell eqiiilateral, thin, flattifh, with very fine decufTate 
 (Irias : beaks approximate : hinge arched. 
 Lhemn. cbnch. 7. tub. 57 fig, 563. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: white varied with yellowifh cha- 
 rafters and fpots. 
 Angulofa. Shell ventricofe, with longitudinal ftrioe and lines, and an- 
 gular on one fide : beaks approximate: hinge arched. 
 Lister conch, tab. 245. fig. 76. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. ^J' fiig. 567. 
 Inhabits fhores of Africa and American Octan: brown with a 
 few fpots. 
 Scapha. Shell oblong, very much deprcflcd, ftriate : beaks very 
 nightly prominent. 
 Inhabits C^'/ij«. Gronov. Zooph. tab. 18. f.f. 
 6Y). OSTREA. Animal a Tethys : fiell bi- 
 valve, generally with unequal valves and 
 ilightly eared, hinge without teetli^ but 
 furniihcd with an ovate hollow, and moft- 
 ly lateral tratilVerlc grooves. Oyjler. 
 VOL. IV. — K k " Moft 
258 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 
 Mod of this genus are furniftied at the hinge internally with 
 numerous parallel tranfverfe grooves in each valve, and are 
 immediately diftinguiflied from the Genus Area, in not hav- 
 ing teeth alternately locking in each other : the Scallops leap 
 out of the water to the diftance of half a yard, and opening 
 the (hells, ejed the water within them; after which they fink 
 under the water ,^ and fuddcnly clofe the flieils with a loud fnap. 
 A. Falves funi'Jhed with ears and radiate. Scallop. 
 a. JEquilateral : ears of the valves equal. 
 * Maxima, Shell with about 14 rounded and longitudinally ftriate rays. 
 Doncvaris Brit fheils, n. tab. 49. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool iv. tab. 59. fig. 6i. 
 Da Cofta Brit, conch, p. 140. tab. 9./". 3/ 
 Lister, an. Ang. tab. V,. f. 29. Conch, t, 263, 167. 
 Bonan recr. z.fig- 8 Muf. Kirch. 2. y. 7. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 98. A, B t. 99. A. 
 Knorr Vergn. I, tab. \^.f. I, 2. & 2. /. 14./! I. 
 Regenf. conch. I. tab. 2./. 19, /. 7./. 3. 
 Bytem app. tab. \z. fig. 50. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 60. fig. 585 — 587, 
 2. Lijter conch, tab. i6S. it 
 3. Knorr delic. nat,fet, tab, B. 'n.fg. 2 ? 
 Knorr Vergn. \. tab. 4. fig. 2 ? 
 Found in moll European Teas, in large beds ; whence they are 
 dredged up, and pickled and barrelled for fale. This is the 
 Ihell which was formerly worn by pilgrims on the hat or coat, 
 as a mark that they had croffed the fea, for the purpofe of pay. 
 ing their devotions at the Holy Land : in commemoration of 
 which it is ftill preferved in the Arms of many families. 
 <S^^/^ about 5 inches long and ji broad : ears laage, with decuf- 
 fate ftrias : hinge with a large deep hollow : loiver-'val've con. 
 vex, white, often varied with red bands or fpots; upper-nialrug 
 flat, reddifh. 
 *yacobcca. Shell with about 14 angular and longitudinally ftriaterays. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 60 fig. 62. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 165, 166, Lejfer teft. fig. 139. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. Kirch. 2,f, 3, 4, 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. 22./. 3, 5. /. 22./ 4 and 6, t. 38,/. I. 
 Gualt. teft. tab,()(^. B. 
 Cbemn conch. 7. tab. 60, fig. 588, 589. 
 Inhabits European feas ; lefs than the lall. 
 Grooves of the 7^f//tran fvcrfely ftriate; upper-ualnje ^^.U with 
 rounded rays, which are very finely ftriate tranfverfely'; hnver 
 <val-ve with angular rays, which are ftriate longitudinally : ears 
 concave and fmooth on the upper fide. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oflrea. 259 
 ZUzac. Shell with 18 flattened rays. 
 Lijier conch, tab. 1 86. fig. 5. 
 Re gen f. conch. 1. fab. W.fig. 53> 
 Knorr Vtrgn. 2. fab. l^, fig. 3. /. 20, yi 1. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab, 6\. fig. 590 — 592, 
 Inhabits the American Otean; fometimesof one colour, fometimes 
 vaiiega'ed: ^«r/ very finely wrinkled : Ju-u>cr-n'a!ve cor\\ ex, 
 with 18— 20 rays, which are very finely flriate tranfverfely, 
 and about twice the number of perpendicular ftrijs within ; 
 uppir-'val-ve flat, with about twice as many angular lines as 
 there are rays, 
 Striatula, Shell with 1 6 faint rays with tranfverfe membranaceous 
 ftrix; the tnargin very entire. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 523. ». lOl. 
 Shell middle fixed, varied with purple and white, within yel- 
 Jowilh : interlHces of the rays white : liiver' valve almolt as 
 flat as the upper. 
 Miniita. Shell with 20 convex rays. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 524. n. 1 02. 
 Shell ibowt the fizc of a nut: hn.ver-'val've white and very con- 
 vex : uppcr-'val-ve white clouded with brown, flatter and 
 Pkuroncilts Shell equivalve, with 12 doubled rays, and fmooth on the 
 Barbut, tab, 8 /7^. i. Rumpf. ¥u/. t. 45. A, B. 
 j^rgenv. conch, tab. 27. G. Gualt. teji, t. 73. R. 
 Bor.an. recr. 3. fig. 354. A////". Kirch. 2 f, 108. 
 Peli-j. Am!>.tab.\\j.ftg. -M^. Lef]'er tcj\. f.%Cj. 
 Klein oflr. tab. ()• f'g. 30* Knorr Vergn. i. tab. ZO.f. 3, 4. 
 Chemn conch. 7. tab. 61. fig. 595. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 5. tab z\. fig. 6. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; fomctimcs rcddiHi, or flefti-colour, or 
 liver-colour, within filvery ; 2) orange radiate with red : 4^ 
 inches long and gaping at each end. 
 Laurentiit Upper-valve fubconvex, finooth, with fine perpendicular 
 lines crolTing very fine concentric tranfverfe ftria; ; 
 lower-valve with 24 rays, and 48 ftriae within. 
 Chemn conch. 7. tab. 61. fig. 593. 
 Inhabits fhores 01 >'outh Amertra: very r^re. 
 Shell 2 inches 8 lines long and about ?s much broad : upper -'valiis 
 chcfnut with white rjys and whitifli fpotsj lonuer-'val've white 
 (haded with vellowifli, the valves a little darker. 
 K k 2 Jtpcnica 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 
 Japonica, Shell equivalve, a little convex, margined with yellow : 
 upper-valve with fairt lines crofling concentric tranf- 
 verfe bands, and 48 elevated ftrix within. 
 Chemn. conch 7. tal. 62. fig. 596, 
 Inhabits fhores of (ruitiea and Japan; 5!- inches long and broad: 
 refembles O. Pleuronefte?, but is is coarfer and thicker : ears 
 very finely wrinkled, and furnifhed with, a protuberar.ee or 
 Jinob beneath : Iciver-'va/^e ochraceous and quite finooth. 
 Magellani-' Shell equivalve, glabrous, with oblong crowded ftrias. 
 cat Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 62. fig 597. 
 Inhabits the Straits of Magella7i; rcfemtJes O. Pleuronefles : 
 j^z^// lateritious, not radiate, quite fmoth within : ufper-'val've 
 . more convex ; loiuer-'valve flitter than in moft others : ears 
 tranfvarfely ftriatc. 
 llybria'a. Shell with 9 or 10 rays, the interflices longitudinally ftri- 
 ate: margin repand within. 
 Lister conch tab. 173. Klein 0/trac. t. <^.f. l\. 
 Chemn. conch. 7 tab. 63 /%. 601,602. 
 Inhabits the Nornvay/easi thin: lon.ver-'val've vi)\\tQ, upper. 'val-ve 
 fanguineou", with anguhr veins and lines. 
 yU'dula Shell nearly equivalve, with 12 convex rays crofled by 
 crenate ftria;. 
 Barbuty tab. 8. fig, 2. Rumpf. Muf. t 44. A. 
 Lifiet (onch, tab. ij^yfig. 11? tab. ^T^t fi' 12. 
 Peti'v. Amb. tab. \j/f. I. Gualt. tfst. tab. 74. L. 
 Argenm. conch, tab. 24. D. Knorr Vergn. 5. /. 9,y. 4 ,' 
 Chemn. conch, j.ta'y (i^- fig- 599,600. 
 Inhabit;-, the InSanOcean : 3^ inches long, 2f broad. 
 6^^// oblong, white, or varied with white and brown : lo^verr 
 'val've a little more convex } cars wrinkled and furrowed with 
 oblique ftiis. 
 Imlricata. Shell nearly equivalve, flattifh, with 9 unequal rays im- 
 bricate with fcales. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 69. f. G. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea ; refembles the Isft. 
 Shell whitifh with purple fpots, and a litiie crenate at the mar- 
 gin ; the rays alternately larger, 
 SrJfotma'a. ^^ell roundiih, with 8 convex chefnut rays: ears roundidj, 
 white with a yellowiOi border. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. 19. _/. 4. 
 Inhabits Shell i| inch long and 2 broad. 
WORMS, TESTACEA. 66. Oftrca. 
 flica. Shell nearly equivalve, with 6 cf-^nvex fmoothiOi rays ancj 
 filiate ucrols. 
 Ru7n^f. Mil/, tab . j^\ O. \..ister conch, tab. 171. 
 Bonan. recr. and hltij. Krrch. I.fig- 9, lO. 
 Petinj. amb, aq. tab. z.Jig. \o. 
 Gualt. tej't. tab. 74. C. Argen'v conch, tab. 24. C 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. bz.fg. 598. a, b. 
 2. Gualt. test, tab, "Jl- ji%. E ? 
 Inhabits lndia\ al oat \\ inch long and an inch bjroad. 
 Shell white, or white fpotted with brown, or red ipottcd with 
 white ; the tranlvcric tlriae placed ac a diltancc ^rom each other: 
 jnar^in repaid. 
 Crer.ata. Shell roiindifh with convex rays, the outer ones finely ftriatc 
 longitudinally: margin deeply crenate. 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab, I'jo.fig, 7. 
 Ears tranfverfcly itrlate. 
 • Sinuo/a. Shell ovatc with very numerous and fine flriir ; the margir] 
 creiiate wiihin. 
 Lift. An. Angl. tab. 5. fig, 31. Conch, tab. 172, 
 Inhabits Britift} Seas: ih^W varied with fafiron. 
 Spammo/a, Shell oblong with fcaly rays, the interflices broader and 
 marked with perpendicular ftrice 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab. 184 /z^. 21. 
 Shell varied with angular lines ^nd fpots : ears wrinkled perr 
 Dubia, Shell roundilh, with 18 rays imbricate with fcales. 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab. \<)Z.fig. 29. 
 She'd nearly \ inch long : ears llriate traniVerfely. 
 *Suhrufa. Shell with 20 fmooth rays, the interflices tranfycrfeiy flriatet 
 margin crenate. 
 Dono--vans Brit. Shells. \. tab. 12. 
 Pennant Brit. TjooI. iv. tab. bo. fig. 60. 
 Borlufe Ccrniuall. tab, z%.fig. 18, 21, 22. 
 Lijter Anim. Angl p. 185. tab. ^.fig- 30, 
 Inhabits Britijli Shores -j 2 inchss long and as much broad. 
 Shell t\\\n, generally pale red, fometimcs fpotted with white and 
 black : ears transverfely llriate. 
 VeiTtcolcr^ Shell flattened with 18 fmooth rays, the interflices Cancellate- 
 Inhabits Bonan. ;vfr. and Muf. kirch. 2. fip. 6. 
 iS,6^// pale yellow, white, fea. green, biackifh erred: ears XxzrA- 
 vcrfely liriate. 
l62 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oflrca. 
 Rafea^ Shell ro^mdift, with 5 rays. 
 Inhabits Botian. recr &r\d. Maf. kirch. z.ftg, i6. 
 5/W/ middle-fized, rofy with white rays, or green mixed with 
 yellowifh lurid and leek-green, with livid rays. 
 tiijca. Shell brown, with flat rays which difappear towards the 
 Bonan. recr. Z. fig. 87. Muf. kirch. 2. fig. 86. 
 Klein o(lr. tab, ^-fig' 35. 
 Inhabits the Indian Sea ; ftvell white within; lower-valve con- 
 vex, upper-valve flat. 
 f^mis. Shell thin flat purple, with very minute perpendicular ftria; 
 crolfing circular tranlverlo ones: within the ftrije are 
 Inhabits •^Gualt. teji.tab. I^.fig, C. 
 Lutea. Shell thin pale yellow with thick r-ays. 
 Inhabits Giialt. tefl. tab. ji.D. 
 z. Regenf. conch . i. tab. "J'figt^i^' 
 Murkatai ^hell roundiih, white with a mixture of fafFron : the rays 
 convex and very finely and Iharply muricate. 
 Inhabits— —G«a//. teli. tab. 73. I. z\ inches long. 
 Cofifper/a. Shell roundifih, tawny dotted with white and black: the 
 rays thick. 
 Inhabits. Gualt. test, tab. 73. O. fmall. 
 Kodukfa, Shell roundifh, brown with black tranfverfe lines and dots: 
 the rays convex and knotty. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab. 73. P. 
 Kadiata* Shell thin, whitifti-rofy with white ftripes; the rays 
 Inhabits ■ ' -Gualt. teft. tab y^fig. Q^ 
 Punilata, Shell oblong, pale yellow fpotted with white: beaks varied 
 with white and brown : the rays crcnate. 
 Inhabits Gualt. test. tab. ']\fig. G. 
 Shell z inches long : ears cancellate. 
 Actikafa, Shell thill, varied with rofy and whitifh, roundifli ; the 
 rays thick with aculate fcales. 
 Inhabits- Gualt. Test tab. 74. H. fizg of the laft. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 263 
 fUna. Shell thin flat, white with a fafFron hinge: the rays rounij 
 and broad. 
 Inhabits Gualt, left. tab. 'J^,fig, I. 
 Pufilla. Shell oblong red and very minutely ftriate. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teji. tab. "J^.fig. A. 
 Flanie/cem, Shell convex each fide and ycllowi(h within; the rays convex, 
 lt).\izh\is-——Regenf. conch, i , tab, i . fig, 8. fmall. 
 Flabellum' Shell roundifh, deep red with a white hinge and few fpot*; 
 the rays fmooth. 
 Inhabits - ' " Regenf. conch, i. tab, (^-fig, 33. 
 SfondyloJes Shell glabrous red. 
 Inhabits Regcnf, conch, i. tab. ^-ftg* 34.' 
 Rcfembles a Spondylus, but the ears are equal, 
 Violacea. Shell flattifh each fide, thcoutfide brown, the infide vtolet 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Regenf, conch, l. tab, 1 i.fig. 52, 
 Aurantia. Shell roundifh plaited and very finely ftriate longitudinally, 
 with a white femicircular band towards the hinge. 
 Inhabits ■ ' '•Regenf. conch, i, tab. ii.fg. ^6. 
 Vittata. Shell within purple, without with alternate brown and red 
 bands; the rays convex. 
 Inhabits ■ Rsgenf. conch, i.tab, w.ftg, jg. 
 Miniata, Shell white with confluent red fpots ; the rays rou^-h: the 
 convex valve with tranfverfe crifp lamellae. 
 Inhabits Eorn Muf. Cas. Find. test. tab. 7. fig. i. 
 Shell I inch 6 lines long, i inch 4 lines bjoad. 
 Jnfata. Shell convex each fide, clofed oblong pellucid, with 335 
 Born. Muf. Ccef. Find. teft. tab. 6. fig. /, 8. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 68. fig. 648, b. 
 Inhabit? very rare : ochraceous, thin, and twice as long 
 as it is broad, 
 b. Ears unequaly cue of them generally ciliate with fpltus 
 ■ PaJUtm.. 
254 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 
 Pallium. Shell equivalve with I2 convex rays, flriate rough and im- 
 bricate with fcales. Ducal Mantle. 
 Bar but. tub. ^.f'g. ?. Rumpf. Muf tab. 44 B. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 24.. I. Gualt tefi. tab. 74. F« 
 Lister conch, tab. 187. fetinj. amb. tab, ^"J.figy 2. 
 VaUnt. abh. tab. l6.fg. 26. M:irr. tej}. t. 2./. 4. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab. ^"J. fig. 8 — 12. 
 RegcKi). conch. I, /-a^, 6. Hg. 59. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 1. tab. 5. r«'i. zx.fig. I, i. /. 27, /i z. 
 Chemn, conch, 7. ^a^. 64, fg. boy. 
 2. 5^^« il/«/". 5. /fl^. Sj.fg. 17 ? 
 3. Kjwrr Tergn. i. ^c^. tg. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits India. Shell (olid, red varied with brown and white." 
 ^arr llriate crenate or fcaly, one ot them longer; margin of 
 the fhell denticulate. 
 dRKgmno. gjj^j^ equivalve, with 9 thick obtufe rays, the interftices 
 longitudinally ftriatetuberculatc and prickly. 
 Chemn, conch. 7. tab. 64 fig. 608. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea ; reiemblesche lad. 
 Shell white with fanguineous fpots; the margin with crenate 
 plaits, the border purplifh ; ears with tranfverfc nodulous 
 Maculofa. Shell equivalve, pale yellow with tawny fpots; rays \1 - 
 thick and flattiih : ears white with dull ferruginous 
 marks and tranfverfe fcaly ribs. 
 Inhabits Knorr Vcrgn. 2. tab. ig.Jig. 5. 
 tJodofa. Shell with 9 rays covered with apparently vcficular tuber- 
 Barbut.fab. S.^g.^.. Bonan. M.u/. Kirch, t.fig. 138. 
 Argenij. conch, tab. 24. F. Lifier, tab. iS6._fi'g. 24. 
 Rumpf. Muf. t. 48. f. 7, Gualt. test. tab. 99. C, D» 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. ^I . fg. I — 5. 
 Regenf. conch. \. tab. 4. fg. 38. 
 Kmrr delic. tiaf fel. t. B. xi.f. 5. 
 Knorr Tergn. i. tab. 5. /". I, and /ai. 13,/. ^. 
 Spengler Befch. Naturf. z,tab. 13, /ff. I, 2. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. /a^. 64, f. 609—76 11. 
 2. A'worr Vergn* 2. tab. Zl-fg- 5 ? 
 3. Knorr Vergn. 3. /a^. 24./^^. I. /. 25,/. 1. 
 Inhabits the American and African Ocean. 
 Shell fometimes red or fcarler, fometimes varied wiih r^d and 
 white or tawny and white mixed with yellow: upper-'valve 
 more convex than the lower : ear fpinous within and beneath. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftfea. 265 
 Pesfelisi Shell with 9 ftriate rough rays : one of the ears Very fmall. 
 Bonan.recT. Z' fig' J. Muf. Kirch. Z.f. 8. 
 Bom. Muf. Caf. yhd. te/t, tab. 6. fig. 2. 
 Ckemn, conch, j. tab. 6^. fig. 6 1 2. /. 65. y. 613, 
 Inhabits rhe (hores of jfrica: fmall, thin, pellucid, general!/ 
 pale flefh-colour fpotted and veined, within glabrous white, 
 with fubundulate rays and crenatc plaits on the margin: ears 
 with tranfverfe knotty llri^e. 
 Pellucensk Shell nearly cqliivalve with 9 rays, fmooth with fpdon-lik^ 
 hemifphaerial fcales on the lower valve. 
 8. Chcmn. couth. 7. tab. 66. jig. 625 — 627. 
 Inhabits the African Seas : ovate, miilute, pellucid, glabrous, 
 white; the upper.'valve fpotted. with red, 
 dbliterata. Siiell ftnooth on the oiitnde with 24 doubled rays. 
 Ckemn. conch. 7. tab. 66 fig. 622 — bl\. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; refembles V. Pleuroncftes, biit is 
 lei's : Jliell with very fine decuffate ftrias ; the lower-valve pale 
 rediilh, and yellowiih at the hinge ; upper-Valve dirty red 
 or pale tawny. 
 Sanguinea: Shell equivalvc with 22 rough tqys: ears fmall. 
 Listsr conch, tab, l^^.fig. 22. Guuit. teit, tab. 74, M ? 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. bt). fig. 628, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, dl.amic and American Seas. 
 Shell roundi/h fl^tilh, red fcarlet or tawny ; tne fpaces betwceh 
 the r»ys ftriate longitudinally: about 2 inches Idng and i| 
 ♦ Varia. Shell equivalve with abowt 30 compreifed rays befet with 
 tranfverfe prickly fcales: one car very fmail. 
 DoTio-vans Britifh Shells, i. tab. l.fig. I. 
 Pennant BritiZooi. iv, tab. 61. fig 64. 
 Da Cofa Brit conch, t, \o.f. I, 2, 4, 5, 7, g. 
 Li/ler conch, tab. 187. /[rgen-ville conch, tab. 24. H, 
 Bor.an. recr. and Muf. Kirch, 2.. fig, 5. 
 Cualt. tefi. tab. 73, G> H. tab. 74. R. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 2. tab. i^. f'g. 3— *5. f. Jt. /. 3. /. i2,f. 5, 6. 
 t. 16. f. 2. Argenv, conch, tab. 24. H. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 66. fig. O33, 634. 
 Inhabits moil European Seas: varies much in colour, from pale 
 yellow to various fhades of orange and brown, with fometimej 
 a tew white fpots : /hell rather convex, with rough jags or 
 fpinous protuberances down the rays; fpaces between th.e rays 
 not rtriate : one ear very fmall with a double row of fpines, the 
 •thcr with wrinkled plaits and armed beneath with 5-7 fpines, 
 VOL, IV.— .LI *Fuffc* 
266 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Ollrca. 
 * PufiOt Shell equivalve with about 40 filiform rays, the furface often 
 irregular or diftorted. 
 Donovan* s Brit Shells, i. tab. "i,^. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. bx.flg. 65. 
 DaCosta Brit. Cotich. tab. \o.fig. 3, 6. 
 Lifter an, Ang. p. 186. tab. ^.fig 31. 
 Lister conch, tab. \%\.ftg. 18. t. 189 f, 23. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch, z- fig. 15. 
 Knorr. f^ergn. 4. tab. i 2 ftg. 2 and 5. /. 1 3. /I 2, 
 Chemn. conch. 7. ?fl/^. dy-ftg 635, 636. 
 Inhabits European Atlantic and American Seas, 
 Shell generally fmall and a little longer thas it is broad, fome- 
 rimes with a i'mooth furface, but moftly with an irregular 
 waved furface as if deformed by an accident : very variable 
 in its colours and marks, but commonly fine red: one of the 
 ears is vtry Imall, the other fharply fpined beneath. 
 *Oh/oleta. Shell fmooth equivalve femitranfparent, dark purple, with 
 ^ fubofeiete rays. 
 Donaiian's Brit. Shells, i. tab. X'f'g' 2. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 6l B_fg. 66. 
 Inhabits Britijli Coafis^ f of an inch long. 
 Shell\.\i\r\i the valves equal and fhallow, v. ithin fmooth and brown 
 with a pearly glofs ; outfide dull purplifli-brown with nu- 
 merous longitudinal ftriae between the rays; ears very unequal 
 • Lavis. Shell very fmooth 5 ears ribbed. 
 Inhabits Anglefea. Brit. Zool. iv. /. 102. a. 67. 
 • Glabra. £ars nearly or quite equal: fhell equivalve with 10— 15 
 fmooth flattilh rays ; the infide with elevated doubled 
 Bonann- Muf. Kirch, and recr. 2. fig. 11 — I 3. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 73. H. tab. 74. A — D. F. Z. 
 Klein ofir. tab. (). fg. 29. Seba. Muf 3. tab. Sy.fg. 16. 
 Pegenf. conch. I. tab. I. fig. 10. r. 3 f. 30, 31. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. 8. fig. 5, 2. /. \0.f. 2, 
 Born Muf. Cas. Vind. tell. tab. 6, fig. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 6y.fg. 638 — 645. 
 Inhabits European and American Seas : nearly 2 inches long and 
 as many broad; roundifh ; red yellow or brown, fpotted or 
 clouded, fometimes white with the upper valve fpotted with 
 brown : margin repaid. 
 • OptrcuU- Shell with about 20 rays, roundifli and rough with decuflale 
 ris. ftrias ; the upper valve a little more convex. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. OArea. 267 
 Lifierccnch. tab. 190, 191. 
 Seha Mil/, 3. tab. "ij.fg. 15. 
 Knorr Vergn. z, tab. "i^. Jig. z\ 3 ? 
 Chemn. conch, j-. tab. 67. Jig» 646. 
 Schrcet. Eir.l, in conch. 3. tab. 9. jig. 3. 
 2. jKwarr Vergn. 5, //j^. 28, //V, 4. 
 Inhabits northern feas oi' Europe : 2{ inches long and broad. 
 ^/-r// gaping, generally variegated with ipots and other marks ; 
 rays acute, fometimes rounded : margin repand and toothed 
 within : ears with decuflate wrinkled ftrix, the larger one 
 cmarginate and fpinous under the incifure. 
 Gibbai Shell equivalve, gibbous, with 20 glabrous rays. 
 Broivn Jamaic, tab. 40. f. 10. Gualt. test- t. 73, F. 
 Re genf. conch. I. tab. \,fg. II. t. z,f. 16, 17. 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tab. iS,/ 2, Sif 2. /. 5./. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 6^, fig. 619, 620. 
 2. ^//?fr Conch, tab. 182. yi 19. 
 Inhabits the American and Atlantic fea.'. 
 ShtU convex esch lidc, red with fometimes a few white fpots, 
 and marked vvitii fine crenate longitudinal 4txiffi; margin crc- 
 nate ; ears nearly equal. 
 Sulcata, Shell white with flefli-coiour fpots ^ the rays glabrous, 32 
 on the lower-valve and 25 on the upper. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. tejl. tab. 6, ftg. ^y 6. 
 Chemn. co?ich, 7 tab. 63. fig, 603, 604. 
 Inhabits fhores of Malabar; about \\ inch long and fomething 
 broader: margin plaited, crenate ; fov.'sr-'valve with an em*t- 
 ginate fpinous ear, upper-valve flattened. 
 Hiflrionica, Shell thin, flattened, pellucid, with very fine tranfvcrfe 
 wrinkles and 1 1 rays. 
 Bonan.recr. and Muf Kirch. 2, fg. 14. 
 Kncrr Vergn. 4. tab. \z, fg. 13. 
 Born Muf. Cesf. Vind. tetl, p. 97, lign.Jig, 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 7, tab. 65, y" 614. 
 Inhabits 5/.^// fpottcd with red, white ?nd black: ravs 
 waved: ^«r^ nearly equal. ' 
 IJandica, Shell orbicular, with purple circles and about 100 rays 
 //. Wgoth. tab. 5. fig. 7. Lifer, tab. 1057. f a, 
 Gualt. test. tab. 73. R. Sela Muf, 3. /. 87./. 7, 
 Knorr delic. tab. B. ii. fig. 3, 4. 
 i^^l^rr Vergn i tab. ^, fg. i. ,. 5,/. ^^ & ,^ ^^ 
 Spetigler ^chreb.Naturf. \. tab. ^,fg.r ^'' 
 Chemn. conch, 7. /<?/^, 65. /fj. 615, 616. 
 ^ ^ - Inhabits 
26S WORMS. TESTACEA, 66. Oftrea. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean^ m innumerable varieties. 
 Shell 3|- inches long, '^\ broad: fometimes whitifli, but moftly 
 mixed with a fioe pale bloom or yellowifti, and markrd with 
 tranfverfe femilunar bands: upper-'valve more elegantly mark- 
 ed, with 50-100 rays rough with acute imbricate fcales : mar- 
 gin crenate : ears with tranfverfe fcaly ftrise, the larger one 
 ^marginatc and fpinous: ihe Jijk is eaten. 
 IriraJiata Shell nearly equivalvc, glabrous, immaculate, with verV 
 minute ftri<e. 
 Mull. Dool. Dan. 2. tah. 6o. jig. I, 2. 
 Found amopg Fuci in the feas of Noriuay. 
 Shell red with fmall white fpots, within reddifh : upper-valve 
 with 3 rays : ovary of the fifh yellowifti. 
 Fuci^ Shell nearly equivalvc, (Iriate, fpotted, rough, tow^ards the 
 Muli. Zool. Dan. z.tah.^Osf. y — ^. 
 Inhabits "North f>eas, on the Fucus faccharlnus. 
 Shell rufous with whitifh or paler fpots, within red and qbitq 
 fmooth with pellucid fpots: rays of the upper-valve obfokte : 
 ovary of the ftfh rich red. 
 Tigerina. Shell nearly equivalvc, Ilriatc, glabrous, red with whitifli 
 Mull, Zeol. Dan. z. tab. 6. fig. 6 — 8. 
 Inhabits the liorth Seas, on Fuel : lower-valve more deeply 
 grooved, and varied with large undulate cofluent pale yellow 
 fpots ; upper-valve dotted .' ovary of the fifli white. 
 Septemrofii' Shelj nearly equivaTv^, flriate, glabroiis, with 7 convex rays, 
 ata. Inhabits Northern Seas, Mull. Zool. Dan. prodr. 2992, 
 Jrata. Shell nearly equivalvc, within and without grooved and 
 red y one part rough, the other glabrous. 
 Inhabits l^orth Seas. Mull, Zool. Dofi.prodr. 2995. 
 Seftateria,^ Shell convex each fide with 22 rounded and tranfverfe 
 wrinkled ra)»s, the interllices with longitudinal granu- 
 late ftriqp. 
 Ftgenf, conch. X . tab. 3 . fig, 36 ? 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 65, fig. 617. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; 2 inches 9 lines long, and about as 
 much broad; cutfide chefnut varied with violet and white, 
 infide riolc:, the circumference bordered Vvith dull bay. 
 y-v-, Citrina 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66, Oftrea. 
 Citrina, Shell orange, with 22 rounded rays and plaited margin i 
 lower-valve flatter. 
 Valent. ahh. tab. \l-, fig- I. 
 Che. fin. conch. 7. tab.Gi^. ftg.S\9,. 
 Inhabits /«</ia ; fome of the rays are fcaly, and ^Ontc of the 
 grooves have granulate lines. 
 TurgfJa; Shell equally co'nvex, both fides with 20 glabrous rays, the 
 iriterltices with tranfvcrfe <:rowded wrinlcles ; the 
 margin with plaited teeth. 
 Lister concha tab. 169. fig. ^. 
 Chemn. conch. 7- tab. 6^. Jig. 6zl. a, b. 
 Inhabits the Jn^ian and American Teas: ears very minute : lower- 
 valve white, upper-valve yellowifli varied with brown, white 
 and cinereous, 
 ^ulphurea. Shell flattened, thin» pellucid, ftriate, with numerous i«T 
 bricate rays; the margin with crenate plaits. 
 Seha Muf. 3. tab. 87. fig. ^3, 18. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 66. fig. 629, 
 2. Seba Muf, 3. tab. 97. fig. 14. 
 Chemn. conch. 7 /n^. 66. fig. 630, 93 1. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea i % inches long and a little narrower. 
 Shell t\nn, fragile, fulphur or orange, fomctimes red with an 
 orange hinge and a femilunar white band, or viried with, 
 white and pale tawny with a fanguineous border: lo'wer-'val'yg 
 with equal rays, thofe of the upper-'vaiiie alternately Icfj^, 
 Pgrphyrea. Shell convex, purple, within white or red, with 25 thick 
 rounded fcaly rays. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 66. fig. 632. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea ; 2 inches 3 lines long 'and as much broad : 
 Jhell vzr'xtd with a few white fpots. 
 fitrea. Shell hyaline with an acute margin, very flender rays, and 
 concentric fcaly curves. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. dj. fig. 637^ a. 
 2. Chemn conch. 7. tab. 6-j.fig. 637. b, 3. 
 Inhabits the iVor/A .Sfizj ; among Fuci and Zoophytes: lizeofa 
 pea; /-<?// fmooth, brittle, v/hite, or varied with white and 
 red ; one ear emarginate and fpinous. 
 Tranqucha- Shell with 20 rounded rays, the intcrflices very finely 
 ria, wrinkled: margin repand, 
 Lijler conch, tab. 179. Giialt ted. tabi 73. L,M. 
 Knorr Fergn. 2. tab. 4, fig. 2, 3. 
 Born Muf. Cfef Vind. left. tab. 7, fg. 2. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Qftrca, 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. 6j. fig. 647, 648, 
 Inhabits Tranquebar: fometimes of one colour, which is moftly 
 orange, fometimes varied with undulate brown red or cine- 
 reous fpots : upper --valve more convex. 
 Shell white with purple fpots and numerous unequal rays: 
 the margin crenate. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Chemn. conch. 7, tab. 69, H. 
 Crenulaia. Shell oblong, with undulate rays and flriJE, and tranfvcrfc 
 interrupted bands : margin crenulate. 
 Inhabits Lifier conch, tab. iJS^f' 12. a. Small. 
 Snnominata Shell roundifh, fpotted, with deep grooves very fmely ftriate 
 tranfverfely: margin crenulate. 
 Inhabits Lifler conch, tab. 1 75,/. 12. b. Small. 
 One of the ears hardly vifible. 
 Rufe/cens « 
 at a. 
 Shell roundifh, pale rufous, with 24 rays : the ears with 
 decuflate llrice. 
 Inhabits Ltfler conch, tab. \2o, f. 17, Middle-fized. 
 Shell roundifh, with thick rays furniflied with diftant pa- 
 rallel fcales, and prickly at the fides. 
 Inhabits Liller conch, tab. 183,/}^. 20, 
 Shell convex, fpotted ; the margin crenate. 
 Shell rather oblong, with narrow fcaly rays, the interftices 
 broader and ftriate perpendicularly: ears with perpen- 
 dicular wrinkles. 
 Inhabits Lifter conch tab. I 84, f. 2i. 
 Shell ViTied with angular lines and fpots. 
 .Shell flattened, with 10 finooth flat unequal rays: ears 
 tranfverfely ftriate 
 Inhabits Lr/ter conch, tab. 188, /. 26. 
 Shell thin, w|th depreffed fcaly rays: ears fliort, 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 44, fig. C, ' 
 2. Regenf. conch ■ i. tab. 10, fig 45. 
 Inhabits India and the North Seas. 
 Shell bay, or cinereous fpotted with black, fometimes white or 
 carmine or pale orange. 
 Shell with 20 rays and tranfverfe fetnilunar bands. 
 Inhabits India, talent, abh. tab. I 3, f, 2. 
 Shell rad ; referables O. maxima, but the ears are unequal. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 2ji 
 Media. Shell fomevvhat oblong, with crowded rays. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab. 74. f. N, O. 
 ShiU middle- fizcd, reddifli, iaffron or piceous. 
 Crocea. Shell fatfron, with muricate fcaly rays alternately lefs. 
 Inhabits — — Gualt. teft. tab. 74, f. P. Small. 
 Florida. Shell roundifh, white, with rofy fpots. 
 Inhabits — Gualt, tejl. tab. 74, /. (^ Small, radiate, 
 Ochrcknca, Shell oblong, ochraceous, with rays fmooth on one part and 
 granulate on the other. 
 Inhabits Gualt. tcjt. tab^ 74, /. S. Minute, 
 Mu/teltBa, Shell pale tawny, with yellow fpots and bands and fmooth 
 rays: ears tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Inhabits — ^- Gualt. teji. tab. j^, f. T, 
 Shell z\ inches long and about as much broad. 
 flammea. Shell faffron, rather oblong, with very fine perpendicular 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab. 74, /. V. yQT<j minute. 
 Jncarnata, Shell rather oblong, flcfli-colour, with interrupted red 
 bands and flattened rays. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab; 74, /". X. Small. 
 Guttata, Shell yellowifh, rounded, dotted with red, with rays un- 
 equally conv^erging at the hinge- 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tab. 74, B, B. Small. 
 Deprejjit. Shell ochraceous, with flat bifid rays. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft. tub. ■^4. /. D, D. 
 Shell iho\xx. an inch long and fomething broader.' 
 Reg:at Shell roundifh, deep red, with ronnded rays. 
 Inhabits Seba Muj. 3. tab. 87, fig. 6. 
 Ear of the lower-valve deeply emarginate. 
 Palliata, Shell equivalve, with numerous fmooth rays. 
 Inhabits Kmrr Vergn. i. tab. 19. /. 2. 
 Refembles O. Pallium, but is lefs rough, and has fewer rays; 
 T^if// llraw-colour with purple undulate bands. 
 Smlnuda, Shell orange, oblong, muricate, with fcales as far as the 
 middle; with 22 rays. 
 Inhabits — — Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 9. f. 4. 
 Shell x\ of an inch long, \\ broad: ears with very fine fcale;?. 
^72 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oflrea. 
 Modista. Shell roundifh, hoary, with brownifhj reddilh and bhieifh 
 fpots ; (paces between the rays broad. 
 Inhabits ^ Regevf. conch, 1. tab. 5. fig. 55. 
 Shell with 2 filiform bands at the hinge. 
 Principalis 5h?ll purple with a brown margin ; the rays fcaly frotrf 
 the middle and Imooth at the hinge. 
 Inhabits — — Regenf. canch. I. tob. t2j f. 63. 
 Thftioior* Sheii variegated, with peflinate fmooth rays. 
 Inhabits Regenf . conch, 1, tab. 12, T. 64, 
 C» Valves mori gib'ojus on one fide, 
 flavicantk Shell nearly equivalve, with 8 ftriate rays, the margiii 
 rounded on one lide. 
 Inhabits South Seas. Muf. Lud, Utr. 531, a. 1 17. 
 Shell ratiier oblique, white varied with brown and red, within 
 white i the rays yellow ; one of the ears vciy ihorr, 
 ^afiafa. Shell equlvalve, with 20 rough rays, the interftices ftriate : 
 ears equal, fmall. 
 Lifer conch, tab. 177. fig. 14* 
 Gualt, tejL tab. 74. E, E. tab, 88, F, F. G. 
 Inhabits the American and Atlantic (eas. 
 Shell white, pellucid, gaping each fide, very finely ftriate within ; 
 the margin crenate. 
 Fragifi:, Shell equivalve, with 25 rays; margin very entire : ears 
 Chemn. conch. 7. /. 68. y, 650. 
 Inhabits Nicobar Iflandt ; refembles the laft, but is flatter and 
 has more rays : fhell K\i\Xi, brittle, x\ inch long and about 
 , half as broad, 
 LiJAa. Shell equivalve, with 22 imbricate fcaly rays, rounded z\ 
 one margin: ears obliterated. 
 Bar but, tab, 8, fig. 5. Peti'V. Amb. ^ 8,/. 4, 
 Argent, conch, tab. 24, E, Gualt. tejt. tab. 88, F. 
 Bonan. recr. 2 f. -jl. Muf. Kirch. 2. /. 69. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 44. D. Klein oftr, t. 9, /, 35- 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 34, fig, 3. 
 Chemn. conchy 6. tab. 68, fig. 65 J , 
 2. Gualt. teft, tab. 88, fta, E. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean y Indian and Redfeas, 
 Shell -finches long, _2| broad ; white and rather flat ; the number 
 of rays uRcertain, the fcales elevated and acute: ears wrinkled. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 273 
 Olatialist Shell equlvalve, with 50 imbricate interrupted rays : ears 
 equal, one of them unequally plaited. 
 Lifter conch, tab, 176. Klein ojlr, t.(), f. 32, 33, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 38. fg. <;. 
 Chtmti. conch. -] . tab.6Z. fig. 652. 
 2. Cbemn. conch. 7. tab. 62* fg. 653. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean ; refembles the laft, but has more 
 numerous rays: y/i^// fnowy with a crenatc mcrgin j 3) mar- 
 git\ entire* 
 Hians, Shell whitifh, thin, gaping each fide and oblique^ with 
 obfolete undulate rays and tranfverfc rounded femi- 
 lunar ftrix. * 
 Schrtrt. Einl. in conch. 3. tab. <^, figi 4* 
 Inhabits Nor^vjay ; if inch long, \ of ah inch broad: ears very 
 finall and acute : margin crenate, very entire within. 
 E.-cavata. Shell dirty-A^hrte, -with longitudinal undulate (Irix and a 
 few tranfverfe rings, fmooth within : one ear obfo- 
 lete: margin very entire. 
 Cbe.vtn. conch. 7. ta!>. 68./, 654. 
 Inhabits Norway, rare: 5 inches long, 3^ broad." 
 B. Rough and generally plated on the outftde. Oyfters. 
 Malleus. Shell equivalve 3-lobed, 2 of the lobes placed tranfverfely 
 like the head of a hammer^ 
 Barhut, tab. 9. fig. I. Rumpf. Muf. tab., 47, H. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 19. A. Gualt, test. tab. 96. D ? 
 Lip. tab. 219. Bonan, Muf. Kirch. 24 fg. 120. 
 Petiv. Amb. aq. tab. zOy fig. 10. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 91. /. 4, 5. tab.()i. f. i, 2. 
 Spenghr teft. conch, tab. i. fig. A. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 70. fig. 65^, 656, 
 Inhabits deeps of jhc Lndian and South Seas : very rare. 
 Shell Aboi\t 6 inches long arid 41 broad ; black with a dark bTne 
 caft, gaping, formed like a crofs ; the valves lamellate. 
 yalftllat Shell fubppllucid, narrow, elongated, brittle, lamellate; one 
 end rounded ; within very fmooth and gloflTy, 
 Chemn. conch. S. tab. 70. fig. 657. , 
 2. Mart. allg. Naturfi 4. tab. 147, fig. z. 
 Inhabits tlie /?f^ .S'^/j; 3-'- inches long, i broad. "* 
 Shell violet, tawny or ferruginous, gaping at the hinge; rough 
 on the outfide, and thinner at the rounded end. 
 VOL. IV.— M m Anatina. 
274 WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrca. 
 Jnatina* Shell pellucid, lamellate and laterally incurved. 
 Spengler catal. ralf. tab. 6. Jig. 1,2. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. JOy f. 658. tab. 'Jitf. 659. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlands : about an inch broad, and including 
 the curvature 3 inches long: its fhape in fome manner refem- 
 bles a duck when fitting : Jhel/ thiUf brittle, varied with white 
 and violet, 
 Diluviaaa. Shell plaited on the outfide ; the margin with ered acutan- 
 gular teeth. 
 Found in a foffile ftate in the calcareous mountains of SnueJett, 
 \ out the fize of a common oyfter; the margin with ereft 
 'ierratures formed as it were of the imbricate lamella: of the 
 fhell, and tranfverfely ftriate : valves wiih peftinate plaits 
 and acute wrinkles. 
 Folium. Shell ovate, obtufely plaited at the fides, parafitical. 
 Barbut, tab. 9, fig. 2. Rumpf. Muf. tab. \-]t A, 
 Peti'u. Amh. tab, \o, /. 1. Argenv. conch, r* 19. F. 
 Klein Oftr. tab. 8. jig. ZZ. SpengU conch, tab. I, H. 
 Knorr Vergn. \. tab. 23,//^. 2. 
 Chemn, conch. 8. tab. 71, fig. 662—666, 
 2j Schra:t. litterat. 2. tab, I. fig. 5, 6. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, where it is frequently found adhering 
 to Gorgoniae : Jhell ftraw-coulour, pale tawny or violet, within 
 filvery : hinge with a triangular hollow : upper'<val<ve turgid on 
 the back towards the middle, wrinkled each fide and tranf- 
 verfely ribbed y lo^er-'vahe lefs^ flatter and grooved in the 
 Orbicularis Shell orbicular, flat, vrith an entire crenate margin. 
 Gualt. ted. tab. 104, G. Chemn, 8. tab. 74. ftg. 680 ? 
 Inhabits — — Shell with a very obtufe margin, about the fixe 
 of the end joint of the thumb. 
 *Edulis, Shell nearly orbicular and rugged, with undulate imbricate 
 fcales : one valve flat and very entire. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab 62, lower figure. 
 Lister An. Ang. tab. ^' fig% 26. 
 Lister conch, tab. 202. jig. 36. /. 203, /. 37. 
 Bonan. recr. 2' jig' 70. Muf, Kirch. 2. f. 68. 
 Cualt. tejl, tab. 102. A, B. Argenti. Zoom, /. 5. A, 
 Bafier op,fubf. 2. tab. 8, Hg. 1,2. 8, 9, 
 Ginann. adr. 2. tab. iS.fig. 127. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. 2^, ftg. 2. /. 25./. 2, 
 Chemn. conch. 6. tab. 74. fig. 682. 
 2, Adanf. Senig. 1. tab, 14. fig, 3. 
 Lister t tab, 193, 194, Klein oftr, tab, 8,/. 21,' 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 275 
 Born Miif. Caf. Vind. teft. tab, 6. /. 9, lo. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab, Jh/^g. 672, 673. 
 3. Martin allg. Natur/. 4. tab. 48,/. 3, 4. 
 4. Chemn. conch. 8. /fl^. 71, /. 660 ? 
 5. am«. «»f^. 8. tab. 71, /. 661. 
 Inhabits £«r./.«» »nd /.^r«« feas, «ffi^e^/°/,'^^'^' ^'^ , V^^^^^ 
 beds: the fi(h is well known as a palatable and nutrit ous 
 food : A// of various fizes, forms and colours, vvithin white 
 and often gloiTy like mother of pearl : the old nicUs have often 
 an Anomia fixed to them, and arc frequently covered with 
 Serpuls, Lepades, Sertularix and other marine produft>ons. 
 Smiabrata Shell oval, llightly cared, fmooth, with an oblique bafe. 
 Gualtt test. tab. 84. fig. H. 
 Schrat. einl. in conch. 3. tab, 6. fig-^- , ^ 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, about if inch long and Xj broad . 
 dirty olive with a few undulate white lines : very thin ; each 
 valve convex and ending in a beak: htnge with 5 rounded 
 •Striata. Shell oval with longitudinal filiforni ridges: infide green. 
 Donovan sBritiJhJhelU, ii. tab. /^<i. 
 Da Co/ta Brit, conch, tab. \ I , fig> 4. 
 Lifter An. Ang. tub. 4. fig. 4, 
 Gualt. conch, tab. 104, fig* B ? , . ,. 
 Inhabits European feas ; about an inch in diameter. 
 5.^.// thick, ftrong, nearly opake, not membranaceous as m the 
 common oyfter, with numerous flender irregular ridges di- 
 vStowards the bottom : upper-.alve flattilh, lower cOn. 
 cave: htnge broad, deep, fomewhat triangular and ftr a e 
 tranfverfely. In many (hells is a white radiate mark below 
 the hinge, formed by the cartilage of the hlh. 
 Tornicata. Shell rough, p^long, linear, with divergent hinges vaulted 
 Chemn conch. 8. tab. ^l^fg- 667. a, b. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Shell brittle, membranaceous, tawny, 
 about as long as a finger, terminating at the hinge in an elon- 
 gated acutangular beak. 
 Sirienftu Shell rough, lamellate, unequal and glabrous within : lower- 
 valve larger, concave and ending in a beak, with 10 
 obtufe plaits. 
 Chemn conch. 8. tab. -Jl^ fig. 668. 
 ln\iih\r.^ Chinefe f lores ; 4 inches long and a Wttle narrower: 
 fiell ruffet-brown, within whitifli towards the hinge, 
 M m 2 S!'°"' 
 WORMS. TESTACEA.^ 66. Oftrea. 
 Spondilo' Shell equivalve,^ pellucid, flattened, oval, beaked, glabrous, 
 idea, ^\x\i perpendicular undulate granulate ftrix on the 
 upper- valve : margin very (harp. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 72. fig. 669, 670. 
 Inhabits India i 3 inches 2 lines long, 2 inches 5 lines broad: 
 flieli white with a few tawny fpots. 
 farJkahUu Shell plaited and terminating in a long incurved hollow 
 be^k ; the middle ribs with imbricate fpinous wrinkles \ 
 the other valve flat. 
 Chemn. conch, 8 tab. 72.^.671, a, c. 
 Inhabits the Red/ea: 2 inches 3 lines long, and about an inch 
 broad : the fldt valve whitifh, the other iubviolet. 
 fUcatula. Shell with longitudinal wrinkleji plaits j the Jpwer-valve a 
 little lefs and flatter. 
 Gualt. te/t. tab. \o/^, fig. A. 
 Chemn, conch, 8. tab, 73. /%, 674, 
 Inhabits American and Mediterranean feas : varies very much ill 
 fhape and fize, bup is generally cinereous with a mixture of 
 violet, ibuietimes vvhite with red or blueifh I'treajis. 
 ^ostrata. Shell oblong, rugged; the upper- valve lamellate with a 
 denticulate margin, the other excavated and longitudi- 
 nally grooved : beak prominent. 
 Gualt. teft, tab. 102, fg.t>. 
 chemn. conch. 8. tab.y^. fg'^?^' 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: upper -valve yellowifh-green, the 
 other violet yaried with white ; within cretaceous or chalky, 
 rirginica. Shell nearly equlvalve, thick, rough, lamcllous ; one valve 
 with a prominent beak. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 200. fig. 34. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab^ J'^- fig' 677, 
 Z. Lister conch tab. 20 1. f. 35. 
 Chemn, conch. 8. tai. 74. fg. 678. 
 Inhabits American and Indian Oiean : 9 inches long and 4 broad : 
 whitifh or ochraceous, within gloffy-white. 
 Cornucctia' Upper-valve flat, lower- one hollow and ftriate, rough with 
 fcales, wrinkles and plaits, and ending in an elongated 
 Batn Muf. Caf. Find. teft. tab. (*, ftg. 1 1, 12,. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab 74. fig. 679. 
 Inhabits the Indian and African oceane 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrca. 277 
 Paralitica. Shell thin ; lower- valve convex and thicker, the other flat,. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 46. O. Klein Oftr. tab. 8. /. 1 7. 
 Peti-v, Amb. tab. IQ. /^. U. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. "^.fig' 68 1. 
 2. Adanf.Seneg. l. tab. 14. fg. I. 
 3. Chemn conck. 9. /<:^. Il6./7f. 997. 
 Inhabits the y;;<//'«« and Atlantic leas, and fixes icfelf to the roots 
 and ftumps of trees growing dole to and hanging over the wa- 
 ter, cfpecially the Mangifera ; varies in iorm and fize, hue is 
 often as large as the palm of liic hand. 
 ^xalbiJa, ^\xq\\ thin, the upper-valve longer and more convex. 
 KnorrVergn. 5. tab. i<i/ig- 3. 4. 
 Inhabits the Adriatic, and is found fixed to other fhells fometimes 
 »lone fometimes feveral together; about 1 | inch long, hut is 
 variable as to (hape and fize ; generally whitifh, rarely yello\v' 
 or violet. 
 GriHata. Shell rugged, with imbricate lamella : the margin with 
 obtufely plaited teeth; the beak of one valve produced. 
 Born. 1^'uf. Caf. Vind. te/t. i. tab. J. fig, 3. 
 Inhabits— —A'^^// an inch long and 10 lines broad, white witlj 
 a few black fpots : kinge with a broad conic tooth in the 
 ^^egaknf.t Shell equivalve roundilh Imooth flat. 
 Adans jcneg. i. tab. \\.fig. 5. 
 Inhabits fhorcs of Senegal, and adheres to rocks; about 2 inches 
 in diameter: tawny, within whitifh. 
 ■Stellata* Shell thin dcprefled rough unequal; the upper-valve ribbed, 
 the ribs with a few fpines. 
 Schrat. Einl. in Conch. 3. tab. 9 fig. 7. a, b. 
 Inhabits Guinea, and is found afHxed to other bodies by the 
 hinge: fometimes round fometimes oblong ; very thin, whire 
 with red or blucifh rays fpots or marks. 
 0~a/is» Shell oval very thin and terminating in a Ihort acute lateral 
 channelled beak ; with oblblete unequal perpendicular 
 Shreet. Einl. in conch. S. tab. ()-fig* 8. 
 Inhabits Shell about an inch long, brittle, whitifli, within 
 gloffy filver-white : lo--.i£r-'-jalue exceeding the upper both m 
 length and breadth. 
 ■:t>jracea. Shell roundilh fnowy very thin pellucid \ upper-valve ter- 
 minating in a fhort acute beak. 
inS WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea. 
 Schrat, Einl. conch , I. p. 378. 
 Found firmly fixed with the Lepas Tintinnabulum. 
 Annuiata. Shell equivalve orbicular white, with concentric fcmicircles. 
 Inhabits North Seas. Mull, ZooK Dan, frodr. 2987, 
 Retu/a. Shell equivalve oblong white glabrous ftriate ; with an um- 
 bo or knob remote from the hinge. 
 Inhabits l^orth Seas, Mull. Zool.Dan. prodr, 2988. 
 C. Hinge with a perpendicular grooved llne» 
 Ptrna, Shell equivalve obovate unequal, rounder at one end, 
 Barbut. tab. <^.fig' 3- Lijler. tab. 199. 228. 
 Klein ojir. tat), ^.fig- 1 9) 20. Seba Muf. 3. tab, 90. 
 Martin Bejch Naturf. 3. tab. J. fig, 20, 21. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. S^'/'g' 579. 580. 
 Schrcet. Einl.in conch, '^.tab. <)'fig* 5. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American Seat; about 2f inches long, 
 and in figure fomething refemblcs a ham or gammon of bacon: 
 Jiiell white or dull ferruginous, lamellate, fmoorh at the hinge, 
 with a fhort ftraight open beak. 
 I/ognomum. Shell equivalve, with a larger lobe nearly forming a right 
 ■■ angle with the hinge. 
 Barbut. tah. <).fig. 4. Rumpf. Muf. tab, 47, I. 
 Petiv. Amb. aq.tab. zo.ftg. II. 
 Klein ollr. tah. "^.fig. 1 5, Seba Muf. 3. /. 91 . /". 6. 
 Chemn. cor,ch. 7. tab. ^^.fig' 584. 
 2, Seba MuJ -i^.tab. ()\.Jig J. 
 3, Gualt. tell. tab. 97, A. f^aknt.abh, tah. X^'fig* 5* 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. ()l.Jig. 8. 
 Knorr Vergn. ^. t. lO.f, I, 2. and 6. /. l^'f I. 
 Martin Befh. Naturf. 3. t. f.f 19* 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. ^g.fg' 582. 
 4, Chemn. conch. 7. tab. ^(^.Jig* 583* 
 Inhabits xhz Indian^Ocean and South Seas; 5 — 7 inches long, and 
 about I A broad in the middle: Jliell black with a violet mix- 
 ture and pearly within ; lamellate with an open beak : a very 
 rare itell. 
 Efhppiuw,. Shell equivalve orbicular compreired membranaceous. 
 Li/ler conch, tah. zij. Klein, oftr. tab. iS.fg. 8. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tah, ()0.fg. I. 
 Knorr. f'^ergrt. 6. tab. 21. %. I. 
 Martin Be/ch. Naturf. 3, t. J.f. Z2. 
 Chemn. conch. 7. tab. sS Jig, 576, 577, , , , . 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 66. Oftrea, 279 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean and Cape of good hope : very rare. 
 ^bell about 5 inches long, 5 \ broad, blacki(h fciruginous or 
 purplifh and pearly within ; roundifh, lamsllate, with a very 
 acute margin. 
 f'tSla, Shell equivalve thin pellucid and pointed at the hinge, the 
 other end dilated: margin very acute. 
 Martin Befcb. Maturf, 3. tab. ".Jig. 23, 24. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. 58. fig. 575, 
 Inhabits the ked Sea i more than an inch broad and above 2 
 long; ycllowilh-brown with paler undulate rays. 
 Legumen, Shell flat hoary thin pellucid lamellate : hinge with an ob- 
 lique line; the interftices of the grooves black. 
 Chemn. conch, 7. tab. $().fg' 578. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlands : 4 lines broad and above 2 inches long : 
 near the knob is a livid fpot. 
 Alatai Shell flat brittle pellucid, andf dilated towards the margin \ 
 hinge with an oblique Hnc ending in a fmall beak. 
 Inhabits America. Chemn. conch. 7. tab. '^(). fig% 581. 
 Mytihides, Shell nearly equivalve ovate ventricofe flraight. 
 Schreb. berl, Naturf. 2. tab. <)'jig. 9. 
 Found in a foffile itatc in Alface. 
 Terta. Shell equivalve intorted. 
 Schreb. berl. Naturf. 2. p» 276. 
 Found foffile in Alface, 
 Pes ktra, ^-^^w equivalve fmooth wcdge-fhaped with 6 obtufe plaits. 
 Lifer, tab. 171. Gualt test. tab. 74. C. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. iJ.fig.A. 
 Inhabits Shell varied with purplifli and white and marked 
 with very fine longitudinal l^rias ; the margin flightly fcallopcd. 
 67. ANOMIA. 
28o WOI^MS. TESTACEA. 67. Anomii; 
 67. ANOMIA. Animal an ematginate cili-' 
 ate ftrap-fllaped body, with briftles or 
 fringe affixed to the upper-valve; arms 
 2, Knear longer than the body, connivent 
 T)roje6liiig, alternate on the vdve and 
 ciliate each fide, the fringe? affixed to 
 each valve: Jliell bivalve, inequivalve, 
 one of the valves flattifli, the otlier gib- 
 bous at the bafe with a produced beak, 
 generally curved over the hinge ; one of 
 the valves often perforated near the bafe: 
 hinge with a linear prominent cicatrix 
 and a lateral tooth placed Avithin, but in 
 the flat valve on the very margin: 2 bo- 
 ny rays for the bafe of thd animal. 
 Cfanhlarit Shell orbicular, the gibbous valve conico-convex, the flat 
 valve with 3 hollows at the bafe. 
 Retz. Schr. berl. Naturf. z. tab, \.fig. 2, 3. 
 Chemn: conch. 8. tab. "jS.fig. 687. a, b. 
 2. Chemtu concL 8. tab. 7^- fig- 688. a, b. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean Seas and Philippine Ifiands., and is 
 fometimes found foffile; about an inch long and | of an inch 
 broad : whitifh ; the lower-valve thicker,, within qre 3 fmooth 
 * P fi- ^^'^^ oblong with branched grooves, the gibbous valve with 
 2 hollows behind^ 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab, 'jS./ig. 689^ 690. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, and is often found foffile : about an 
 inch long and I broad : flat valve perforated, the other rough 
 with longitudinal fcaly Urise which are here and there bifid, 
 ^Ephippium Shell roundifli pellucid with wrinkled p.\aits; the flat valve 
 Donovans Brit. Shells, \. tab, 26, 
 Penn. Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 62. 
 Da Cojla Brit, conch, tab, ll./ig» Z' 
 Bonan. reef, z.fig' 56, Muf. kirch, ^t fg' SS' 
 Gualt. i:eft. tab.^gj. B. Lifier. tab. 20^./ig, 38. 
 Ginannadr. 2. tab, ZJ , jig. X72. Barbut. t. XO,f. 3. 
 Argenw, conch, tab. X^.fig. C. 
 Chemn, concb, 8. tab, jb^fig. 692, 693. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 67. Anomia. 281 
 Inhabits European and American Seas, and is frequently found 
 fticking to the common oyftcr ; about 2 inches long, 2^ broad; 
 the outfide rugged and fitray, the infide fmooth and pearly: 
 varies much in colours, but all have generally a filvery hue. 
 •Ce/>a Shell obovate unequal violet; upper valve convex, Ipwer 
 Knorrt Vefgn. 6. tab. g./Tfi 5% 
 Murray tejiaceol. tab. 2. /7|-. 1 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 76. fig. 694, 695. 
 Inhabits European and Ameiican Heas ; about the fize of a wain tit; 
 varies in it's (hape: lower-valve white, upper-valve reddifh- 
 blue; refembles the laft but is much lefs and fmoothcr. 
 Elefirica, Shell roumlKh yell6v»r fmooth j one Valve convex and gibbous, 
 Borhut. tab. Cj.fig. 4. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 47. L. 
 Lijler. tab. 20^. Jig. 39? Pethj. amb. t. io,/, 8, 
 Knorr Fergn. 5. tab. t$.fg' 6. 
 Chemn. concha 8. tab. 76. fig. 691. 
 Inhabits Coalts of yf^rzca; refembles the laft. 
 Shell fmall brittle extremely thin ; lower-valve flatter with an 
 oval perforation and a fmall knob in the region of the hinge, 
 *Squamula Shell Tmall orbicular, very entire, thin like the fcale of a 
 fi(h ; one margin gibbous and fmooth. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. p. 109. «. 71. 
 Chemn conch. 8. tab. l^-fig. 696. 
 Found frequently in the European Seas, adhering tooyfters crabs , 
 and other fifh : 7^1^// minute flat delicate and filvery, one valve 
 generally perforated. 
 Patellifor- Shell ovate convex fubdiaphanous ftrlate, the pofterior beak. 
 mi's. recurved and fmooth. 
 Inh'ibirs l^arth ^eas. Mull. 7.ool. Dan. prodr, 2999.- 
 6'^^// whitifh thin brittle, refembling Patella luteaj marked with 
 very fine longitudinal ftrisc croffed by tranfverfe ones ; beak 
 obfolcne: lo=i>jar-valvt flat fmooth and perforated at the bafe. 
 •Scobinata, Shell roiindilh, fmooth and rough within; the beak per- 
 Gualt. tejl, tab. ^^^^fig- A. 
 Chemn, conch. 8. tab, 1^- fig, 704 f 
 Schrott. Journ, 3. tab. 2. fig. 4. 
 Schrat, Einl, in conch. 3. tab. 9. fig. 9, 
 Inhabits the Off i3«: thin pellucid white, very finely ftriate, fil- 
 very within i the outer margin glabrous and acute- 
 VOL. IV.— N n Aurha. 
282 WORMS. TESTACEA. 67, Anomia, 
 Aurita, Shell fubovate ftriate and {lightly eared ; beak perforated. 
 Gualt teft. tab. <)6.Jig. B. 
 Inhabits Noriuay Seas ; refembles A. Caput ferpentis. 
 Retuja, Shell obovate ftriate retufe with a longtitudinal concavity ; 
 beak perforated. 
 Fit. Suec. 2153. Mull. Zool. Dan. trodr. 3000. 
 Inhabits Noriuay Seas, adhering to Zoophytes, 
 *Gryfi>ur Shell oblong finooth, with an obfolete lateral plait on one 
 valve and ineurved beak, the other valve fhort and 
 Mu/. lejjin. tab. 'y. fig. 9. Olear, Muf, t, 33./". 3t 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 59. B. Bonan recr. 2. //>. 31. 
 Lijler an. Angl, p. 238. tab, ^-fig* 45. 
 Column, aq. p. S^-f'S'S^' 
 Found frequently in a foflile ftate : Jhell lamellate wrinkled, va- 
 riable in form and fize. 
 • PeSens, Shell femiorbicular deprefled with numerous ftrias : one 
 valve flat. 
 Lifier an. Angl. p. 243. tab. <^yfig* 49. 
 Found in a folfile ftate : jliell with a tranfverfe line near the hinge, 
 Striatuhs Shell roundifh and a little dilated, gibbous each fide, ftriatej 
 valves equal. 
 Found hitherto in a foflile ftate only. 
 Shell roundifti, but much broader than it is long, more gibbous 
 behind, the anterior margin thin. 
 *Truncata. Shell fuborbicnlar obfoletely ftriate ; the hinge truncate. 
 Lister csnch. tab. \(}Z. fig. 23, 
 Lister, anim Angl. tab. 9. fig. 50, 
 Born Muf. C^s. Find. test. t. b.f. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab "jj-fig. 701. a, b, 
 Schrect. Joum. 3. tab. Z.fig. 5. 
 Inhabits j£'ttro/'^a« ^^^i, affixed to corals; refembles A. ftriatula, 
 but has a ftraight jagged hinge : Jhell whitifh, broader than it 
 is long, convex with very fine decuflate wrinkles, within 
 Re^cularit. ^^^^^ heart-ftiaped with decuflate ftria;, the fhorter valve 
 more gibbous. 
 Muf leftn.p. 88. tab. <;.ftg. 5. 
 Found foffile; Jhell with rather prominent comprefled iides, the 
 beak of the flat valve a little prominent. 
 Plicate I la. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 67. Anomla. 285 
 Tlicatella. Shell dilated lunate plaited, with longitudinally flriate grooves, 
 the middle broader 
 Found hitherto in a foffile ftate only. 
 Shell flightly miiricate at the fides, with longitudinal plaits; 
 back of the upper valve a little pronainent. 
 * Crifpa. Shell dilated triangular plaited with wrinkled grooves, the 
 middle broader. 
 Muf. Teff. tab, i^.fig. 7. Liji. Angl. t. 9./. 56. 
 Found in a foffile flate in England ^nd SivitzerlanJ. 
 Shell nearly lunate, with 5 or 6 wrinkled arched tranfvcrfe grooves, 
 the fides flightly mucronate : beak of the upper-valve pro- 
 *Lacuno/a» Shell foundifh with numerous grooves, the valves plaited at 
 the tip ; one of them ftiortcr and pitted : the tip 4- 
 Lister an. Angl. f. 249. tab. 9./^. 57. 
 Muf. Tef. tab. t;./'tg. 6. Grew. Muj\ tab. ig./ig. 6. 
 Klein estr. tab, M./ig. 57. 
 Found hitherto in a foffile ftate only. 
 Pubefcenst Shell obovate grooved ; the beak of one valve prominent, 
 of the other gaping, 
 Schrcrt. Einl. in conch. 3. tab. ^- fig. a, b. 
 Inhabits Nornjoay Seas, on zoophytes. 
 Shell fmall, about the fi'ze of a Cucumber feed, white nearly 
 equivaive, covered with fmall ereft dirtant hairs which are 
 probably a minute fpecies of fea weed, or fpunge, not retufe 
 or plaited, longitudinally grooved. 
 • Cu/piikta Shell conic pointed grooved ; one valve- convex with an 
 incurved beak, the Other pyramidal with a large trian- 
 gular foramen. 
 ^ranfaSl. Linn. Soc Vol. 3. tab. l- figy I— 4. 
 Inhabits Derbyjliiret in a pctrifid Hate. 
 Lcnver 'vah'e convex broad, wrought with clofe thick longitudinal 
 ribs and crofled by a few flight concentric circles ; the middle 
 rib much larger, forming a convex ridge down the centre of 
 the valve, increafing in breadth towards the margin in which 
 place they are undulate, the number of ribs above 29; beai 
 fmall pointed and curved over the hinge, a ftraight line extending 
 the breadth of the ftiell : upper-<val~je pyramidal, gradually 
 tapering to a fine point, the back rounded, longitudinally ribbed 
 and indented with a deep concave groove, corrcfpondent to the 
 ridge in the other valve ; the groove and ribs crofled by a few 
 ftrong diftant wrinkle?; the front or part extending from the 
 N n 2 hinjjc. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 67. Anomia. 
 hinge to the tip, flat, fmooth and perforated, the perforation 
 large and refembling a long perpendicular flit or fent. 
 Far£la, Shell roundifli with numerous grooves j the valves convex 
 and 8-to6thed at the tip. 
 Found foflile in Switzerland and IVeJifihalia, 
 5/&f // foraetimes nearly globular. 
 Caput' Shell obovate, ftriate, downy ;*one valve with a longer per- 
 Serpentis» '' foratedbeak. 
 Grundier Naturf. z. tab, l- fig. 1 — 6.\ 
 Born Muf. Caf. Find. tefi. tab, 6. fig. 13. 
 Schrat. abh. Naturg. 2. tab. 5. f. 8. a, b. /. 9. a, b, 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 78 Jig. 7 1 2. 
 Inhabits the deeps of the AVii'flj'yJaj, generally found adhering 
 to the Madrepora prolifera : fnell white, longitudinally and a 
 little tranfverfely ftriiite, comprefled forwards with a crenulate 
 margin : hing^ pipjninent at the fide and armed wiih a tooth 
 in each valve : upper-'vahe prominent behind and longer each 
 way, declined on the fore-part and marked with a groove in 
 the middle, the tip perforated, through which it affixes itfelf 
 to corals and zoophites by a ftrong ligament: lowet .'vahe 
 rounded and retufe before. 
 flerebra- Shell obovate, frnooth, convex: one yalye with 3 plaits, 
 tub* the other with 2. 
 Lifter Anim. Ang p. 240. tab. 8. jig. 46 ? 
 Column, purp. 1 2. fig, 1. /. 32. 
 Klein ofir. tab. II. fg. 74. 
 Found plentifully in a foffilc ftatc : the beak of one valve pro- 
 minent and perforated, 
 Angulata, Shell with comprefTcd plaits at the fidej of the bafe anteri- 
 orly, the middle 3-toothed. 
 Muf. ^ejftn. p. 96. tab. 5. fig. 4, 
 Found in a foffile ftate: fxell fmooth in othpr parts and varying 
 / in the number of plaits forwards. 
 Hyllerita, Shel} dilated, fmooth, convex, ftriate, vyith about 3 lobes \ 
 the anterior part dcpreiTed, with an acute margin. 
 Muf. lej/in. p. 90. tab. 5. fg. 1 — 3.- 
 Wolf Hcijj.fubtcrr. tab, 3. jig. 3 — 5, 
 Worm. Muf. tab. 83, 
 Foucd in a fofTile ftate in Germany ; varies in fizc and fomething 
 in its figure : fnell fmooth, rarely marked with fine ftri^ j one 
 valve Ihorter and very convex in the middle, with deprcfled 
 fidcij the othef longer and flat, and ending in a raihtr long 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 67. Anoraia. 
 Shell 2-lobed, equal, ftriate. 
 Found hitherto in a foffile ftatc only. 
 Shell orbicular, flat, pellucid ; hinge with 2 linear callofities 
 growing internally on the Ihell. 
 Ltjier conch, tab. 225,^^.60. tab. 226,/. 61. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. go. Knorr rergn. 2. tab. 24. /. I. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 79. fig. 716. 
 Inhabits the hiJian Ocean \ 5 inches long and as mOch broad : 
 Jhell white, Ihining.filvery within, pellucid, thin, brittle, with 
 very fine longitudinal llrias crofling the arched tranfverfe 
 wrinkles : upptr-valve nearly flat. 
 Shell nearly quadrangular, convex, and yery neatly clofed, 
 bronzed; the margin repand. 
 Bonann. Muf, Kirch. 2, }%. 1 35 • 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 90. the middle figure. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 79. fig. 714. 
 'j. • Shell lefs, one valve white. 
 Rumpf. ¥uf. tab. 47. B. Gualt. tefty t. 1 04. B, 
 Petii). Amh. aq. tab. 20. fig. 3. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 90. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean', refembles the lalK 
 Shell lamellate, glofly within, often above 7 inches long and 
 broad, with a few pale chefnut rays, and innumerable longi- 
 tudinal ftris reflefting iridefcent colours towards the margin ; 
 hinge with 2 callofities convergent towards the knob. 
 Shpll povered vyith fpines as long as .the fhcll. 
 Inhabits England, in a foffile ftate. 
 Shell rouBdifli, prickly, the crown fmooth and recurved 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 77' fig. 702. 
 Inhabits Noriuayjeas, on Fuci and Zoophytes : lozver-vahe flat, 
 fmooth and perforated at the crown. 
 Muricata, Shell hyaline, ventricofe, the crown bent towards the 
 right: upper-valve longitudinally ftriate, the ftria: 
 ending in Icales and hollow fpines. 
 Cheoin. conch. 8. p, 65. I'ign. 1 3. /Ig. A, B. 
 2. Chemn. conch, 8. p. 65. i^ign. l^. fig. C,D. 
 Inhibhs Guinea. Shell fnowy ; the lower-vaKc flat and very 
 thin, the circumference ot th- perforation elevated, with i 
 lateral tooth. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 67. Anomia. 
 Squaina, Shell oblong, with a rounded margin: one valve flat, thin, 
 Smooth, with a large ovate perforation at the tip, the 
 other a little convex and longitudinally ftriate. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. ']']• ftg- 697. 
 Inhabits feas of Norvjay ; larger than A. Squamula. 
 Shell brittle, adhering to other bodies by the flat valve, 
 FunBata. Shell orbicular, hyaline, thin, ptindured 5 the flat Valve 
 perforated at the tip, with impreired dots on the outfide. 
 Inhabits Feroe If.and. Chemn. conch. 7. tab. TJ • f- 698 
 Shell fhiall, brittle, with elevated dots on the outfide of the 
 convex valve. 
 Undulata. Shell with a crenate rtiargin ; the flat valve very thin and 
 fniooth, with a large oval perforation; the convex 
 valve with tranfverfe arched flirias crofllng undulate 
 longitudinal ones. 
 Cktmn. conch. %. iah.-jj. Jigi Sqc), 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean anii North feas j fometimes reddifh, 
 Capenjist Shell longitudinally ftriate, a little truncate, with a rounded 
 crenate margin ; the flat valve with a 2-fpined rib 
 Chemn'. conch, %, tab, 77. fig. 703* a — C. 
 Inhabits the Capeof Good Hope : fometimes reddifli or white. 
 Detruncata Shell truncate^ orbicular, longitudinally ftriate; the flat 
 valve with 3 ribs within, the other valve longitudinally 
 ftriate within and divided by a partition in the middle. 
 Gualt. tefu tab. 96. fig. C. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab, 78. fig. 705. a — d. 
 Inhabits the JVjW//«r««^a», adnenng to corals: fmall and per- 
 forated at the crown. 
 ^' it re a. 
 Shell horny, fmooth and convex each fide ; the upper- 
 valve emarginate and radiate at the fides, with an 
 elevated fanguineous back and prominent perforated 
 Chemn. conch* 8. tab^ 7^'f'g- 706. 
 Inhabits India. Shell tiiin, pellucid. 
 Shell ovate, ventricofc, hyaline, cxtreflHely thin ; lower- 
 valve' with 2 bony rays at the hinge befides lateral 
 teeth ; upper-valve with a prominent perforated tip. 
 uirgeii'-u. Zoo?n. tab. 1 2. E. Knurr Vcr^n, 4* r. 30._/~. 4. 
 ll'i'.Uh 2\utuyf. 3. tab. ^.f.^* 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 67. Anomia. 
 Bern Maif. Caf. Vind. tefi. p. 1 1 6. fvign, 
 Spengler cat at. raif, tab. ^. f. 1, 2. 
 Schrat. jfourn. 3. tab. 2. f. I. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. "]%. f. 707 — 709. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean \ \\ inch long and about an inch 
 broad : glolTy within. 
 CraniuTT,, Shell fmooth, ventricofe, with fine tranfverfe ftria;. 
 Inhabits Nernjcayjeas. Schrcct. Journ. 3. tab. z,f. 2. 
 Shell \ of an inch broad and fomething longer, very thin, cover- 
 ed with a dirty brownifh fkin, under which it is i'nowy and 
 pellucid : the longer valve perforated at the tip, with very fine 
 tranfverfe ftria; croffing very crowded undulate longitudinal 
 Dor/ata, Shell heart-lhapcd, folid, with arched tranfverfe rings and 
 wrinkles, and longitudinal ftrite and grooves ; the 
 convex valve perforated at the tip and elevated on the 
 Gunther Naturf. 3. tab. 2,' f'i' I—- 3* 
 Chemn. conch, 8. tab, 78. fig. 710, 71 I. 
 Inhabits Megallamc feas, and is often found foflile : Jlie/l cincr 
 reous, the margin, repand, 
 Pfittacea, Shell horny with very fine longitudinal flris; the (horter 
 valve gibbous; the longer one flat with an incurved 
 perforated tip, the perforation triangular. 
 Lister, tab. z\\. f. 46, Argen-ville conch, t. 23. 6. 
 Klein oftr, tab. 12. fio. 84, 85, 
 Spengler catal. raif, tab. 4. fg. 8. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 78. fig. 713, a— c. 
 Inhabits Greenland feas ; very rare : Jhell rather large, pellucid, 
 with an acute fmooth angular margin. 
 tridentata Shell yellowifli, pellucid, thin, with very fine tranfverfq 
 flria?, tricufpidate, with tubular points, the valves 
 Chemn, conch. 8. p, 65. 'vign. I 3. /. a— d. F, G, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : the broader fide with plaits and 4 
 longitudinal grooves : crown obtufe, femiorbicular, 
 Spondjlodes Shell ovate, antiquated, with an obtufe caniculate beak. 
 Inhabits Litter conch, tab. 211. fig, 45. 
 Klein ofr, tab. 12, fig. 82, 83. 
 Vetttricafa, Shell fubovate, fcjid, with a caniculate beak, 
 Scbraf. Journ, 2, tab.z.fg. 3, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 
 Inhabits . • " found adhering to the Madrepora prolifera : 
 Jhell dirty oehre ; with a large perforation at the tip, longer 
 on one fide. 
 Qryphfdei Shell oval, fmootb,- foHdy opake; the leffef valve with a 
 ftraightifli obtufe truncate beak. 
 Inhabits — — Schrat, jfourn, 4. tab. 2, Jig. 8. 
 Shell whitifh : refembles A. Gryphus, 
 fkxuofa. Shell very thin, lamellate^ hollowed in the middle ) the 
 upper-valve flat ; lower-valve convex towards the 
 Crown, with an orbicular perforation beneath the 
 Inhabits Notnvay /eas, adhering to the Madrepora prolifera; 
 Jke/1 fmoke-colour, the convex part of the lower-valve filveiy. 
 Rugofa, Shell obovate ; the upper valve convex for the. greater p^rt, 
 and very finely wrinkled ; lower-valve very thin and 
 fmootb with a kidncy-fhaped perforation. 
 SchrcEt. Einl. in conch. 3. tab, 9. fig. 12. 
 Inhabits Nor'wajfeas, fixed to the Madrepora prolifera. 
 Shell whitilh, with a very acut?e margin^ 
 Cylindrical Shell very thin, cylindrical and narrowed outwardly; up- 
 per-valve gibbous, lower hollow. 
 Schrcct. Einl. in conch, 3. tab, 9. fg. I 3. 
 Inhabits North feasi adhering to the fpines of the Echinus Cidaris J 
 Nucleus* Shell glabrous, oval and longitudinally grooved. 
 Inhabits North feas. Mull. Zool, Dan. prodr. c|oo8. 
 Avenacea. Shell pyriform, protraded and llightly comprefTed towards 
 the hinges. 
 Inhabits North feas. Mult. Zool. Dan. frodr, 5004, 
 Sandalium. Shell turbinate, the back flat, with a ftrlate cavity ; the 
 lid flat and hcmifphaerical. 
 inhabits Germany, in a foiTiIe ftate : in figure fomething refembles 
 the Madrepora turbinata: Jliell foYid, thick, about the fize of 
 a man's little finger : the lid or flat valve concentrically ftriatc. 
 68. jVIYTILUS. Animal allied to an Afcidia: 
 Jhell bivalve, rough, generally affixed by 
 a bj^fTus or beard of filky filaments: hinge 
 molUy without teeth, with generally a 
 fubulate excavated longitudinal line. 
WORMS. tESTACEA. 68. Stilus. 289 
 A. ParafttUal : affixed as it were by claws. 
 Cfista gdli Shell plaited fpinous; both lips rough. 
 Barbut. tab. I I. fig, 12. Riunlif, Muf. tab. 47. D. 
 Argenu. conch, tat>. 20. D, Pcti-v. amb. tab, 20. fig, 2, 
 • Cuult. teft. tab. 104. E. Knorr. del. tab. B. iv. fig. 8. 
 KnorrVergn. Af.tab. \0.fig. 3 — 5 and 5. t, \6.f. i.- /. IJ.f. 1-3, 
 Cbemn. cinch. 8, tab. y6.fzg. 683> 684. 
 2^ Qualt.teit. idh. xo^.fig.f). 
 Chemfi. couch. 8. tab. yi-fig. 675. 
 3. Davr/. catal.fy/i. i, tab, ig.fig. ic« 
 4.' Chemn. conch. 9. tab. i 16. fig. 998. 
 Inhabits tlie Lu/:a/i Ocean and Red Sea, affixed to Gorgon ia ; 
 fiell purple-violet pale cinnamon or bay, rough with laifcd 
 dots, within honey-colour; nearly equivalvc clofed with 
 5-8-10 oblique or llraight acute plaits: hollow at the hinge 
 tfyotis: Shell plaited and imbrlc.ite with brcid comprclfed fcalesi 
 both lips Imooth. 
 Barbut, tab. W. fig. 3. Gualt. test. tab. 103. A. 
 Argetfj. Zoomarph. tab. l 2 ■ fig. F. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. I^.fig. 685. 
 Inhabits the Ocea-.i, on beds of Coral ;/:f// dirty grocninx-ycllow 
 lamellate, the phits curved here and there and bci'ei: with 
 hollow grooved nuclei* 
 ^rons. Shell plaited fmoothlfh : one lip rough. 
 Jrgenv. ccnch.tab. 19. D. Gualt, test. tab. 104. C. 
 Knorr I'ergn. 4 tab. S.fg. 3. 
 Bom. Muf. Caf. Find. teft. p., 121, '■Jign.fig, b. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tah. Jyf^. 6S6. 
 Inhabits the American OceM, on Coral beds : ,<'..•;/ red difh blueifli 
 or brown, gencrall) oval with the margin pif.ited each fide and 
 denticulate : /o^-iver-i'a/ve glabrous and groo"cd in the middle.^ 
 ppper-val-ve rough with raifed dots a: the margin and an ele- 
 vated rib in the middle. 
 5. Fiat 6r ccmprejfed into a fiottcyud form and jiightly eafi:d. 
 kargartii. Shell flattened, nearly orbicular, with a tranfverfc bafc im- 
 feriis. bricatc with toothed tunics. 
 Barbut. tab. 10. fig. 4, Rumpf Muf. tab. AJ. F. 
 Argeni'ille conch, tab. 20. A. 'Gualt. teft. ti%j^. f. 2, F, Ci. 
 Liihr. tah. 221. fig. 56. tab, 223, 22.). 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf Kirch. 2. fig. i.' 
 Peti'V. amb. aq. tab. 20. fig. 4 — 7. 
 Knorr rergn. z. /. 25./. i—^ and 4. .♦. i >'. r, i . 
 VOL. IV.~Oo ' /i„rn 
290 WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 
 Born, Muf. Ccpf, Vind. teft. p. I2i. 'vign. fig. A. 
 Chemn. conch-. 8. tab. %.fig. 717. — 721. a, b. 
 Inhabits American and Indian Seas ; about 8 inches long and 
 fometbing broader; the infide is beautifully polifhed and 
 produces the true Mother of pearl, ^ind frequently the moft 
 valuable pearls ; the outfide fometimes fea-grcen or chcfnut 
 or bloom-co!our with white rays, or whrtifti with green rays; 
 when the outer coat is removed it has the fame perlaceous 
 luftre as the infide: tne younger fhells have ears as long as 
 the fhell and refcmble feallops. 
 Unguis, Shell round! fh longitudinally flriate pellucid and flightly 
 \Ti\izb\iithcNlediterranean. Muf, Lud.Ulr. 539. «. 131*^ 
 Shell very thin hyaline, with very fine perpendicular ftrise, 
 about the fize of a man's nail; is probably of the genus 
 C. Ventricoje or convex. 
 * Liiho- Shell cylindrical, rounded at both ends. 
 phagus. Bar but, tab. 10. fig, 5. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 46. F, 
 Argenv. Conch, tab. z6. K Zoom, tab, J'fig* 5. 
 Johnll exjang. tab. i$.fig. 1 8, 19. 
 Bonan. recr. Z.fig: zy — 29? Muf. Kirch. Z.fig% 27, 2?. 
 Petiv. amb, aq. tab. ()> fig, 13. 
 Lifier conch, tab. 427. tah. 437. the laft figure. 
 Gualt. test, tab. 90, D. Lefier test.frg. 132. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. tell. tab. "J. fig. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. ^2. fig. 729, 730. 
 2. Cinnamon colour. Chemn. 8. tab, ^2, fig, 730. 
 Inhabits European American and Indian Seas, penetrating and 
 eating away corals rocks and even the hardeft marbles : about 
 an inch broad and 3 long ; marked with arched tranfverfe * 
 Hixix. : fiell h\&ck bay or greenifh, within opal-blue filvery- 
 white er perlaceous, The European fpecimens have a thin 
 brittle fhell ; the Indian ones are fofter and nearly coriaceous. 
 * Bugofus. Shell rhombic oval brittle rugged antiquated and rounded 
 at the ends.. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab, 63. fig. 72. 
 Schrcet. Eir.l. in conch, y. tab. ^.fig. 1 4. a, b. 
 Inhabits Northern European Seas and lake?; and is ufually found 
 lodged in great numbers in lime ftone, each in a feparate 
 apartment, with apertures too fmall for the fhell to pafs through 
 without breaking the flone : fiiell about the fize of the laft joint 
 of the little finger, dirty grey, within half blue half white, 
 and marked with vtry fmall longitudinal ftrije crofiing ih« tranf- 
 verfe wrinkles. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 291 
 Jittocularu. Shell blue flriate with vaulted knobs and a white di/repi- 
 ment or partition. 
 Spengler catal rais. tab. (>.fil[. 3 — C. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tah. %i,fig. 736. a,b. 737. i 3. ^ 
 Inhabits Nicohar IJlands: ovate ; the anterior part flat, the mid- 
 dle convex and gaping with an oval foramen ; the hind-part 
 convex; covered with green Ikin, 
 Pxitstus. Shell convex, one of the margins angular; the frontal ex- 
 tremity crenate. 
 Lijier conch- tah. 365, /7g. 205. 
 Chemn. conch, tah. S^.Jig. 754. 
 Inhihiti American Ocean and Red Sea ', i | inch long : ferrugi- 
 nous vvhitifh yellowifh or brown, fomctimes blueifli : hms' 
 with 4 or 5 lateral teeth. 
 Barbatus. Shell fmoothilh, ferruginous on the outfide, and bearded at 
 the tip. 
 Ginann. adr. 2. p. 36. tab. zj,/}g. 169. 
 Gualt. tell. tab. ()\.fig. H. 2 ? 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab, ^^.fio-. 740, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Norivay Seas; anhering to Litho- 
 phytes; | of an inch long; under the ficin reddifli-ferruginous 
 blue or whitiih. 
 ♦ BJu/ij, Shell fmoothifli violet, the valves (lightly recurved on the 
 obtufe fide and fomewhat angular on the acute C\de: 
 beaks pointed. 
 Pennant Brit. Zoo/, tab. bj^.fig, 73. 
 Later conch, t. 362. f. zOOi Barbut. t, litf. 6, 
 Lifter an. Ang. tub. ^,/ig. 28, 
 Bonan. recr. z.fig, 30. Muf. Kirch, z, f. 29. 
 Ginann. adr. z. p, 36. tab. ll,fig, 168. 
 Baster op,fuhf. 3. p. loi. /. u./. 9—1 1, 
 Argentine Zoom. t. 5./. D, E, F. 
 Knorr Vergn, I. tab. \. fig, 5, 6 and 4. /. 15./. 1,' 
 Regenf. I./.7./. 8. ^ 11./, 58. r. 12. Z". 71, 72.' 
 Chemn, conch. 8. t. 84./. 750, 751. 755. 
 2. Lifter Conch, tab, 362. fig. 201. 
 3. Lister conch, t. ^Sz./. 202. 
 4. Lister conch, t. 363./". 204. 
 5. Gualt. test. t. J. A. 
 Inhabits European and Indian ^eai ; generally 2-3 inches long, but 
 IS much larger within the tropics and fn^allcr more mrthwarJ; 
 found in larg; beds, and geneaally adhering to other bodies 
 by means of the long filky beard ; the fifh affords a rich food, 
 but IS often extremely noxious to many conftitutions. 
 O o 2 Sheli 
292 WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 
 Shell n&ixiy triangular, flightly carinate near the beaks, coycrcci 
 with a brownifh fkin, under which it is rich violet, fometimes 
 yellowifh, fometimes ftriped with pale rays. 
 * Iiuur-va- Shell very crookei on one fide near the beaks, then greatly 
 ti'S' dilated; within \yith a violet tinge. 
 On the dnglefea Coast. Brit Zool. iv. tab, 6j^.Jig, 74.. 
 Uhll covered with a thick rough flcin. 
 • PcUucicius Shell oval tranfparent and very elegantly radiate length ways 
 wiih purple and blue. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 63. A^, 75. 
 Found at Jngle/ea, in oyfter beds : z inches long. 
 *U7rJ)ilica' Shell contracted into a deep rugged cavity oppofite the binge, 
 ''''•'• forming a deep hpUow wh?ii the valves are clofed. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. (i'^^fg. 75. 
 Donovan s Brit. Shells. \\. tab. 40. 
 Found at Jnghjea-y nearly '5 inches long. 
 Shell oval, reiembling M. modiolu;, but is diftinguifliecj by the 
 remarkable indentation near the beal;s. 
 • Curtus. Shell fliort ventricofe obtufe at the beaks and dirty yellow. 
 Found at Weymouth. Brit. ZcoL iv. tab. 64. fig. 76. A. 
 Ungulatus. Shell fn^ooth {lightly curved ; hind-margin infle£led : hinge 
 terminal 2-toothed. 
 Lister, tab. 360,364: Gualt,4est. tab.^i, E. 
 Regenf. conch. \. tab. 4. I:g. 47. 
 Chemn ccuch. 8. tab 84./". 756. 
 2. Chemn. conch. %. tab. 84- f. 747. 
 Inhabits the MedjUrranean and Cape of good hope, 2) Nenv Zealand: 
 refcmbles M. eduli?, but is ^ inches long and z\ broad: fiicll 
 green blueifh ov blai k vvith a mixture of green, annulate; 
 aeaks ciillant pointed : hinge with 6 teeth at the tip, the groove 
 with very nuwierous crenatiircs: 'valves very convex, refemb- 
 ling the hoof of an Qx, ' 
 Bi'u-ns. Shell ihiaie flightly curved, th^ hind-margin infleiSled : 
 hinge terminal 2-tooti)cd. 
 Lister, tab 3;6i 3 58, 366. 
 fC'ein o^tr. tab <)> pg. 24.. 
 Knorr I'ergn. 4 / SO-/". 3 and 6, t. ^,f. 3. 
 Chemn. ronch. S, tab. ^l-fig 742,743. 
 Inhabits the Meaiferranmn Aithiopic 'Atlantic and li'MflgcIla'uc Seas ; 
 haral/an ich long; /^f//llriatc lon<>itudinally, cove.'cd with a 
 cinereous f-:inj under which it u brown blue or thtck, 
 ' ' * Medio- 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 
 *\loiiiolu}. Shell fmooth blackifti, obtufe at the fmaller end and rounded 
 at the other \ one fide angular near the beaks, 
 Tennant. Brit, Zool. iv. taL. bb.fig. 77, 
 J)onovans Brit- Shells. \. tab. 23. 
 Da Cofia Brit conch, t. I 5./". 5. Barhut, t. w, J. J. 
 Mull. 'Zool. Dan. 1. tab, K^-i^.f. 2— -5, 
 Lifter, t. 359 /, 198. Adam Jhug. \.t. \^.f, 1. 
 Argen<v. conch, tab. 22. C. Rumpf, Muf. tab. 46. B, C, D ? 
 Gualt. teftt tab. 91. H- Knorr Fergn. 4. f. I5-/", 3. 
 Klein ojir.t, c^.fz^. t. W.f. 67. 
 Chemn. conch. §. t. Sy./. 757-^760. 
 2. Li Her conch, t. ^^6 /. 194. 
 Klein oflr. 12. tab, 78, 79. 
 ^, Lifier conch, tab. 1057./". 5. 
 Inhabits luropean American and Indian Seas, adhering to Fuci and 
 ' Zoophytes; 6-7 inches long arid nearly 3 broad. 
 5/^^//blueifh under the fl;in or with a mixture of -white, ronietir:ie§ 
 white or yellowifh with red rays, or half cht-fnut and white 1 
 beaks tumid oblong; the front ftriatc; hind-pjrt prominent ; 
 hin^e near the beaks : the Jijh red or orange and eatable. 
 '^Cygneiis. Shell ovate very brittle and tranfverfely wrinkled: the aq^ 
 terior end comprefTed, the other rounded: hinge lateral. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 6y./ig. 78. 
 Dono-vans Brit. Shells, ii. tah. 55, 
 Lilier conch, tab. 156. An^ Angl. app. t. 2.f. 29, 
 Gualt tefl. tab. 7. ¥. Schra-t. Flii/c. tab, 3./, 1, 
 Argeti-ville conch, \,tab. Z\. fig. 5, 6, 7, 11. 
 ClKmn, conch. 8, tab. 85./". 762. 
 2. Radiate. Lifter conch, tab. x^^.f. \o, 
 3. Lifter conch, tab. I50.y^. 5? 
 Found frequently in Rivere and Poqdsj i-r-^^ inches broad and 
 nearly 3 long : fiell ^tn'^, covered with a greenifli Ccin, uijder 
 which it is tranfverfely wrinkled, oehraceous or varied with 
 bright brown and fomctimes radiate : within white opake and 
 often rough with Imall peayls : beaks minute retroverted and 
 9 Anaflaus Shell oval, a little comprefTed, very brittle and fcmitranf. 
 parent, with a menibranaceous margin: beaks decij- 
 Pennant Brit, Zool, iv, t.':b. 6S. fg. 79. 
 Lifer, tab. I 53. //^, 8. Klein ofr. t. (). f. 26. 
 Gualt, test. tab. 7. E. Schrcef. Flufc. tab, Lfi^. 2, 3. 
 Argen-v, conch, i. 'tab. 'z^.jig- i, 2. Zoom', t. 8./. S — 11. 
 Petixi. Gazoph, tab. '^J^.fig. 8, 9. 
 Ghemn. conch. 8. tab, 'bb.fig. 763, 
 2. Lister conch, tab, I54, fig. 9. 
 3- Lilier conch, tab. ^^o.fig. 6? 
294 WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus 
 Inhabit^ frefh waters of Europe; refembles the laft but is longer 
 and narrower ; about 5 inches long and z 5 broad; Jlie// very 
 thin pellncid, rounded at both ends, greenifli with very fine 
 ftrije parallel with the aperture and a few blackifh wrinkles ; 
 within glofiy white blue or yeilowifh and fometimes fhining 
 with iridclcent colours. 
 t)ucks and Crows are extremely fond of this and the laft fpecies : 
 crows, when the fhell is too hard for their bills, fly with it to 
 a great heighth, drop the fhell on a rock, and pick out the 
 meat after the fhell is broken by the fall. 
 I'lftdts, %\xc\\ fmooth ovate membranaceous pellucid, with a termi- 
 nal hinge. 
 \T\\\ih\x.i Southern Ocean, Earhut. tab. Jl./ig, lO. 
 ShU grscn, very thin, about the hze of a man's nail, 
 Ruhr. ^hell wrinkled, the valves oblique and dilated in front : 
 margin of the hinge equaling the tip. 
 Inhabits Southern Ocean. Mu/. Lud. Ulr. 543. v. 139. 
 Shell red minute convex, with a very fhort compreffed tooth in 
 the hinge. 
 jHu:. Shell tranfverfely ftriate; beaks gibbous: hinge lateral. 
 Inhabits fhores of C^//;'. Molin. Chil. p. \'jj. 
 Shell about 6 inch«s long and 3I broad, covered with a blue (kin, 
 under which it is fnowy with a blue tinge: the/^ is white 
 and a very grateful food. 
 Jter, Shell groved and fcaly behind. 
 Inhabits C>6///. Molm, Hist, Chili. . p, iyj» 
 Shell rough like a Pinna, lefs than the iart, dull blue: the^^^ is 
 black and n^t eatable. 
 • Df/cers. Shell oval horny fubdiaphanous : the extremities ftriate lon- 
 gitudinally, the middle tranfverfely. 
 Dono'vans Brit. Shells, i. taL 25, 
 Herman Katur/. \y. tab. I- fig- 5 — 8. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Find, te/t, p. 1 2 1 . vign, 
 Chemn. Naturf. 10. tab. \.fig- 8. 
 Chemn. conch. %. tab. %^'fig. 764/— 768. 
 Schreet Einl. in conch. 3. p. 444. tab, ^-fig' 15- 
 Inhabits Europeam^ad, Southern Seas, affixed to rocks and other 
 fhells by its beard ; fiell fmall brittle fcmitranlparent, brown 
 with fometimes a mixture of green near the edges, within blue, 
 ifli with a red or grcenifh-white tinge :_ the outfide is divided 
 into.3 compartments, the middle of which is marked with ex- 
 tremely fine tranfverfely ftrijc : thc/ifi is not eatable, with a 
 white foot, fulvous lips, red-brown branchiae and anterior aper- 
 tures, and brown back. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 68- Mytilus. 
 Hirundc, Shell fmooth ; the valves 2^1obed, lobe at thehinge longer 
 and thinner. 
 Lider. tab. Z20, 224. Barhut. tab. Us Jig. 8. 
 Adans feneg. I. tab. i^'f-S' ^• 
 Argen'v. conch, tab, 19. B. Gualt. teff. tab. 94. B. 
 Rumffi MuJ. tab. 46. G, Petiv. amb. tab^ ^9-J'ig' 9' 
 Bonan. recr. 2. fig. 58. Muf. Kirch, z.f. 57. 
 Klein ojir. tab. 8./ig. 13. /. 9./. 38. 
 Knorr, delic Nat. tab. B, ^v./ig. 7. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4, tab. S./ig. 5 and 5, /. lO.y. l, z. 
 Cbemn. Conch. 8. tab. 8l./lg. 722 — 725. 
 2. Chemn. concha 8. tab. ^i-fig- 726. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 8. /^^. Sl,/ig. yz-]. 
 4. G«^//, m/. /^(^. 94. A. Knorr. ^'ergn. 6. tab. zl 
 Chemn. cor.ch. 8. tab. Si. fig. 728. 
 5. Adans feneg, x.tah. l^'f'^' 5' 
 6. Chemn. conch. 10. tab. lyi. fig. 1672. 
 Inhabits the Indian American Mediterranean and Atlantic Seas, ir;. 
 great varieties of fize thicknefs form olour and marking? : 
 Jhell contrafted at the bafe, with very fine and crowded tranl- 
 verle wrinkles j within pearly, 
 Phkadis, Shell oblongs more obtufc on the fore-part, rough with 
 tranfverfe wrinkles. 
 It, Wgoth. tab» ^. fig- 22. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3, /. I I. tab. ?>-J.fig» I — 3» 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab %z.fig. 735. 
 Inhabits the North Seas, and penetrates beds bf Coral and rocks 
 like the Phloas: about if inch long and I5 broad: the ends 
 not quite clofed : hinge without teeth, or with a very fnjali 
 Striatulus. Shell very finely ftriate; the hinge terminal and i-toothed. 
 Born Muf Caf. /ind. tefl. tab. J.fg<. J ? 
 Lhemn. conch. 8. tab. S^.fg. 744. iy b. 
 Schraet. Einl. in conch. 3- t. <).f. 16. 
 Inhabits the Northermx\6. Indian Seas ; \\ inch long and i^- 
 broad :7^«'//femilunar, dilated on the fo c-part, fuodiaphanous, 
 chefnut: the margin very hncJy crenate outwardly. 
 Shell flattifh on one Tide and infledled, with convergent in- 
 curved beaks : hinge i-toothed, 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab, Sz.fig. 732. 
 Inhabit* the American Ocean: within pale clay-coliur covered 
 with a brown coat or flcin. 
 Plicatut. Shell rhombic inequiialeral, tranfverfeiy flriate and wrink- 
 led: beaks incurved. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Myt'iliis. 
 Chemn. conch, ^.iabi 9,1. fig. 733. 
 Inhabits iiicohar Ijlands'. (hell hya'ine very brittle, within palc 
 filvery ; one end rounded, the other dilated and angular. 
 Shell 6vat*» fubdiaphanousy with very fine longitudinal ftriaej 
 margin acute: hinge 2-toothed. 
 Chemn, couch, 8. tah. 82. jig. 734. 
 Inhabits "Nicobar Ijlands; very rare. She/l (nowy and polifhed 
 ■^/^'■- Shell nearly triangular, dilated before and flattifh gaping 
 behind : beaks pointed turned back : margin very acute. 
 Born Ml./. Caf. Find. left. tah. J. fig. 6, 7, 
 Knbrr Vtrgn. 4. tah, i 5. fig. 5 ? 
 Chemn conch. 8. tab. '^l-fig. 739' — 741. 
 Inhabits Southern parts ol the Mediterranean and flaores of Africa •. 
 4 inches long and 2 broad ; within ochraceous with iridcfcent 
 colour?, without ftraw-colour mixed with greenifh and yel!owi(h 
 and marked with reddiili lines and angles: perhaps a variety 
 of My a Perna. 
 S,marag- Shell nearly triangulaf flattifh ? hinge 2-toothed in onr 
 dinus. valve and i -toothed in the other. 
 Chemn, conch. 8. tab, S'^.fig. 745. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 8. tab, 84. %. 746. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar; green and a little perlaceoas within: 2! 
 Inhabits Guinea ; brown with a green margin' and fometimes 
 a few fpots on the diflc. 
 VerF.color. Shell nearly triangular fiattifli : hinge i-toothed ; margin 
 glabrous acute. 
 ArgenfO. conch, tab. iz<jig. Q. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. ^j^.fitg, 748, 
 Inhabits fhores of Guinea, refembles M. afer : 3 inches long and 
 above 2 broad : _/?»f// covered with a brown skin, under which 
 it is marked with crowded dull green tranfverfe Uria; 2 bands 
 and varied with violet white and chelnut : probably a variety 
 of My a Perna. 
 Corallio- Shell carinate in the middle' and crenate at the margin, 
 phagus. vvith an obtufc knob. 
 Chemn conch. S. tab. ii^'/ig- 7$2^ 
 Inhabits the Jtdianznd American Ociartt and perforates rocks like a 
 Phloas : about ^ of an inch long. 
 tineatun Shell triangular and dilated outwards, with angular deculT- 
 ate and Confluent lines : hinge 2-toothcd. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 
 CtHmn. conch » 8. tab, %\,fig. 75^- 
 Inhabits ^hell minute, ycUowifh with a mixture of green, 
 within a little Hlvery. 
 Fabm. Shell oval rufous flriatc, with a crcnulate margin. 
 Chemttt conch. %. tab. 85.^^. 761, 
 Inhabits the feas of Greenland, affixed to rocks by a bronzed 
 bvflus or beard, and is the food of the Anas hyemalis and hil- 
 trionica ; ^if// inflated femipellucid fmooth, covered with a 
 bro^Q skin under which it is white and margaritaceous 
 Ftmjiatilis. Shell thin flightly wedged, \*^ithiri red^ifh : beaks recurved 
 and large 
 Liter concha tab. ^^T-ftg- 12, 
 ■ Inhabits ffjih waters oi Europe i refembles M. anatinus, and is 
 probably not a diftind fpecies. 
 Shell oblong narrow wi'h very fine tranfverfe ftrias: one 
 iide emar^inate, the othei" rounded : beaks prominent 
 Lifier conch, tab. 3^9. /^f. 197. 
 Inhabits^ Shell minute brown. 
 Shell broad fliort and rounded behind : beaks conic protu- 
 Inhabits— —Z,//?fr ro»f^. tab. '^(i\»fig, 199. b. 
 Klein 0/tr. tab, ^.jig* 27./. 129. 
 Shell broad and covered with a rough rugged yellow coat, 
 within milky. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. kirch. Z-fg. 17. 
 Inhabits the Perfian Sea; thrice as broad as it is long? 
 Shell broad very fmooth, flammeous or rofe-colour with 
 white bands i beaks obtufe. 
 Bonan recr, Z.ftg, 35. Muf, Kirch, i-ftg- 34* 
 Inhabits Portugal ; thrice as broad as it is long. 
 Shell pellucid Ihining, blueidi with a claret-colour and pale 
 red band. 
 Bonan. recr. "i-fig- 352. Muf. Kirch. Z.J, 106. 
 Inhabits Brajil, twice as broad as it is long. 
 Shell broad and rounded at both ends, claret-colour with 
 inidulate blucifh and greeniih itria; : margin ferrate. 
 Inhabits the Portuguefe Sea; longer than M. oifttts, 
 VOL. IV,-. P p ' Pur^ 
298 WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus, 
 Purpureust Shell rounded behind ; pale flefli-Golour> purple within: the 
 margin denticulate. 
 Bonan.recr. I. fig. 384. Muf. Kirch, z.f. 116, 
 Inhabits Ihores of Braftl, 
 Saxatilis. Shell ear-fhaped, with granulate wrinjiles on the outer fide 
 dilated and rounded. 
 Rumpf Muf. tab, 46. D. 
 Inhabits Amhoina, affixed to rocks, and is eaten by Ducks and 
 fwine : fhorter and broader than the joint of a finger. 
 Argenteus. Shell tranfverfely ftriate, rounded at each end, brown, fil- 
 very within: beaks rounded, 
 Inhabits Gualt. test. tab. 7. J). 
 Fulgidus* Shell narrow (hining blufh-^olour with violet fpots at the 
 fides: beaks rounded dilated, 
 Argen'v, conch, tab. zz. fig. D, 
 Inhabits the kis oi MageUan : Ihines like mother of pearlv 
 Jzureus, Shell gibbous azure with yellowilh ftripes beneath ; beajcs 
 Argenv. conch, fab. zz, fig. H. 
 Inhabits SheU about an inch broad and | long, narrowed Zt 
 the lower margin. 
 Murinusi Shell moufe-colour with violet fpots and a bfoad rounded 
 rofy margin: beaks pointed ftraight, 
 Inhabits Guinea. Argen^v. conch, tab, ZZ. K. 
 Regenf conch. l, tab, <^.fig. 32. 
 Tejlaceut. Shell long narrow, covered with a,teftaceous fkin, under 
 which it is (hining filvery varied with blue red yellow 
 and brown. 
 InYiihit?——^ Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. ij.y/g-. 4. 
 Reiembles M. modiolus but is larger and far more beautiful. 
 Virgaius. Shell dilated outwardly, greenifh-yellow with rofy ftripes: 
 beaks obtufe curved. 
 Inhabits Knorr Vc9gn. 4. tab, z.f tg, 2. 
 Cordatus, Shell oblong very thin, white with obfolete flrix, with a 
 heart-lhaped gape behind. 
 Spengi. Befch. Naturf, z. tab. 9. A. fig. 3 — 5. 
 Spengl, catal, raisf taht ^•fig* '3— '*?» Coll.f, iz. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 68. Mytilus. 299 
 Martin Befch. Katitrf, 2. tab. iz.ftg. 1. 
 2. Murtyn u>ii-vers~ Conch 2.tab,'jj. 
 Inhabits the mdian and Southern Octan^ adhering to corals and 
 marine fubllances. 
 Stagnalis. Shell oval flattifh and tranfverfely ribbed. 
 Schrctt. Flujconcb, tab. 1. fi^, I. 
 Found, n the lake Sch^aitjea, refembles M. cygneus, but is as 
 much as 8 inches broad and \\ long, and is lei's convex; j^Zt?// 
 grcenifh with darker rays and yellowifh-brown at the margin. 
 Zelhifis* Shell oVal conVex, rounded behind, elongated and obtufeJv 
 pointed before: beaks obfoiete. 
 Schrivt. Flufconchi tab. 2, Jig. 1. 
 Inhabits liagnant waters oi Germany, refembles M. cygneus but 
 is 7 inches broad and 3 long; greenifh-yellow. 
 Rojeuu Shell fuborbicular with 15 triangular crefted grooves and 
 alternate triangular teeth. 
 Inhabits Africa. Adans Scneg. i. tab. M^.fig. 4. 
 Shell ro(yt within white, purple at the margin; 3 inches broad 
 and a litde fhorter : probably not of this genus. 
 Puniceus, Shell gibbous pointed, with 15 grooves: margin toothed. 
 Inhabits Y^irrt. Adanf. Seneg. 1. tab. \^. fig. 2. 
 Shell 14 lines long and about half as broad; under the fulvous 
 s^in violet or fcarlet, fometimes mixed with brown and »reen: 
 binge with 4 very^ minute teeth. 
 Nige>\t Shell flat thin with Very fine grooves, covered with a black 
 fkin under which it is inilky and ttnely poliihed. 
 Inhabits Africa. Adanf. Seneg. i. tab. 15. _/?§•. 3. 
 Shell very thin, about an inch and a half long, with about 100 
 grooves : hiage with i or 2 minute teeth'. 
 Lxvigatusk Shell flat fmooth covered with a thick fulvous fkin, under 
 which it is rofy. 
 Inha'nts Africa, Adans. faneg. 1. tab. ^S'J^S' 4* 
 Shell 2 J inches long and about half as wide ; within perlaceous; 
 the skin fometimes with a greenifh mixture; hmge w.ch 2--3 
 Diibius» Shell tranfverfely wrinkled, obtufc at each end, fulvous, 
 within margaritaceous: beaks obibiete : hinge without 
 Adans Jeneg. \^ tab. ly. /ig. 2 1. 
 Inhabits frelh waters of Senegal; <; inches brorad, 2 lony;, 
 Ppz " To!j. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 69. Pinna. 
 Tolymor-, Shell 5-celled ; valves carinate and flattifh on the incumbent 
 /^w* fide : beaks obtufe and infle<Sed backwards. 
 ?all. it. I. app. n. 85. 
 Inhabits the Ruffian/ea j about the fize of a plumb-ftone, and is 
 found in frefh waters 4 times as large ; adheres in mafles to 
 ftones and marine fuftanccs by means of fmall tufts of byflus: 
 Jhellhrown, the divifions of the cells \exy Ihort, 
 Cfl«/W«/«/ Shell fmoothifh, chefnut-brown, within parti-coloured: 
 focket of the hinge catiiculatc. 
 Inhabits New Zealand, Mcutyn univ. conch, z. tab. 78. 
 Shell oblong, thin, greenifh, truncate: bea)cs fharp and 
 carinate ; valves gaping at the end. 
 Shaiu Natur. Mi/cell. ix. tab. 315. upper figures. 
 Patella unguis. Gmelin Syji. Nat. 3710. n. 95. 
 Riimpf. Muf. tab. 4. L. Petiv. Gaz. tab, 32. /g. 9. 
 I)a coda conch, tab. z.f. 2. Hump, conch, tab. 2. L, 
 Fanjan. conch. I. tab. 4 fig. TL. 
 Chemn. Naturf, 22. tab. 3. fig. A-E. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. ijz fig. 1675 — 1677. 
 Inhabits Amboina: whitifh with a caft of green: upper-ends 
 very fharp, forming a prominent keel : valves exactly fimilar 
 but open at each extremity. 
 Shell oblong, thin, greenifh, truncate: beaks (harp and 
 carjnate ; valves completely clofed.- 
 Shaw Nat. Mifcel. ix. tab. 315. lower figures. 
 Inhabits Japan, and exaftly refembles the lafl, except in having 
 the valves exadly clofed, 
 69. PINNA, Animal a Limax: Jlicll bivalve, 
 fragile, upright, gaping at one end, and 
 fuvnillied witli a byllus or beard : hmgc 
 without teeth, the valves united into one. 
 The inhabitants of thefe fhells produce a large quantity of fine 
 flrong liyflus, which by the Italians is woven into a f(n-t of filk : 
 the flicUs are generally found flanding ereft in the fnioother 
 waters of bays, with the larger end a little open : the fjfh of 
 many of ihem is a very rich food. 
 Shell vaulted, with arched fcales arranged in rows. 
 ' Bar but, tab. 12. fig. 1. Lister conch, tab, 373, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 69. Pinna. 301 
 Adanj. Seneg. l.tab, li^.fig. 5. Gualt.teit. tal>.yg. C, 
 Gir.ann. .4dr. 2. taB, 25. Jig. 1 66. 
 Chemn conch. 8. tah. 8S. fig. yj^. 
 2. Rum;/. Mil/'. tnh.A^b. jig, \\. Gualt. tefl, tab. 8l» A. 
 Pietiv. Amb.aq. tah. iq pg.t. 
 Chcmn. conch. 8, trh. 88. fig. 774. 
 Inha- its the American and Atlantic Oceans: iz — 16 inches long, 
 4f — 8 hroad : lliejl red, with 6—8 grooves. 2) Inhabits the 
 Indian and Red Scfis : black \vith hardly vifible grooves. 
 Shell longitudinally flrlate half-way ; one fide (lightly wrin- 
 kled iranrverfely. 
 Gua/e. tefi. tah. 79. A. Jrgenv. Zoom, tab, 5. N? 
 Ch?':x\\ conch. 8 tab, 8"/. fig. 770. 
 ?, Che.-: conch. 8 //r^, 87. /ig. 771. 
 Inhabiio the Lidtan Ocean; 3 infhes long and 4 broad ; {he'I 
 triangular, hjrny, 2) 4|^ inches long, 2 1 broad : lefs, thin- 
 ner and mori? rare. 
 Nc^.'is, Shell ftriate, with caniculo-tubular fubimbricate fcales. 
 JBqnan recr. 2 Jig 24. AlnJ. Kirch, z. Jig. 2b. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 78. B. Seba h^uj, 3. tab. 9I. fg. 3. 
 Knorr delic. nat tab. B. v. fig- 3. 
 Knorr Vngn. 2, /(3i^ 26, f. i. Lisie*, tab. 373. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. /^/', 8<.). Jig, 775, 776. 
 2. Lijier. tab. ^JZ. Chetnn. conch. 8. r, 89./". 777. 
 3. Knorr Vergn, 2. /a^. 26. y";^. 2. 
 Chemn. conch. 8, /a^. ^Z. fig. 7^5. 
 4« Argenv. conch, tab. 2 2. y^^. F. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. ^«^. 86. y'/]^. 769, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Adriatic and American feas ; 7!^ inches 
 long, 3|- broad : jliell brown, the exterior margin rounded ; 
 fcales larger towards the edges and nearly \ an inch long: 
 one haU of the valves ribbed, the other with tranfverfe wrin- 
 kles, which towards the broader part are crofled with ftriae. 
 "'Mun'cata, Shell (Iriate, with concave ovate acute fcales. 
 Dono'vans Brit.fiells, i. tab. 10. 
 P. fragilis. Pennant Brit. Zoal.'w. tab. ()J, J. 80. 
 Da cojia Brit, conch, tab, 16. f 3. 
 Barhuty tab. \2,f 2. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 46. M. 
 Petiv. Amb. tab. 10. f. 7. Gualt. tell, t, 79, F. 
 Lifter conch, tabi 370? 371? 
 Chemn. csnch- 8. tab. 90. Jig. 779. 
 Sckrctt. einl. in conch. 3. tab. 9, f. 17. 
 Inhabits European and Indian feas : 3 — 9 inches long and J— 3 
 broad: JJi ell thin, brittle, pellucid, horny ; the outfide witu 
 longitudinal ribs rough with rows of fmall prickles, 
 'W^ORMS. TESTACEA. 69. Pinila. 
 Retundaia Shell with obfolete fcales, the margin rounded. 
 Gualt, teji. tab. 8o. A, B. Seba MuJ. 3. /. 91./. i. 
 Chemn, conch. 8 tab . f^'i^, fig. ^9. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; fometimes above 2 feet long j JJ.^ell 
 oblong, whitifh, with perpendicular undulate parallel wrin- 
 kles, and very fine concave acute fcattered fcales on the broad- 
 er part. 
 Squ&mefa. Shell with very fine undulate fcales and flexuous broad 
 wrinkles ; the fmaller end pointed and naked. 
 tifier^tab. 374. Gualt. left. tab,y%. A. 
 Argen'ville conch, tab. 2 2. fig, B. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 92. fig. 784. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; about 13 inches long'and 6\ broad : 
 a little chefnut at the larger end and whiiifh at the fraall one ; 
 the external margin angular. 
 Cartiiai Shell thin^flefh-cblourj naked, longitudinally grooved ; the 
 external margin acute and rouhded. 
 Knorr Vcrgn, 2. tab. 23 fig. 1. 
 Inhabits fometies variea with white fpots. 
 Sue cat a. 
 to at a. 
 Shell fmooth, fatchel-fhaped, a little ere£l and flightly faf- 
 Barbuf, tab. li. f 3. Gualt. tef. tab. 79, F- 
 Rumpf Muf. tab. 46, N. Petiv Amb. tab. ig,f. 7. 
 Chemn. conch. 2, tab, 90, _/". 779. Lificr,t, 371? 
 Schr^t. einl. in conch. 3. tab. <)• fig. 17. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian feas ; 55 inches long, 2| 
 broad : Jhell thin, above reddifh, beneath vvhitilh, above flat 
 with a rounded margin, beneath gibbous, without fcales, but 
 marked with 10 broadifti longitudinal Itriae. 
 Shell fmooth> tubular^ finger-fliaped, incurved, the extreme 
 margin membranaceous. 
 Inhabits Inaia. Muf. Lud. Ulr, 546. n, 146. 
 5'^^// flattilh, oblong, pellucid. 
 Shell nakedj lobed. 
 Inhabits India. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 547. k. 147. 
 Shell llraw-colour, wiih purple llria", membranaceous and 
 heart-lhaped when the valves are open ; the lateral lobes 
 rounded and broaaer, with a nerve from the ningc to the 
 lobes, arid from the nerve are lateral lines. 
 yinea. Shell hyaline, with longitudinal fubundulate ftrias, the ftrias 
 wiih a few fcales and crolfed by other tranfverfe ftrix 
 at the margin. 
WORMS, TESTACEA. 69, Pinna. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 78. C. tab. 79, E» 
 Chemn. cdnch. 8. tab. 87. jig. 772. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; very rare, 
 Shell narrow, long, naked, carinatc, with tranfverfe uji? 
 dulate wrinkles. 
 Bman recr. 2. fig. 23. Muf. Kirch. 2,/. 25. 
 i?«;w//. M;/. /«^. 46. I, K. Klein oftr. tab. il./. 71.' 
 Peti-u. Amh. aq. tab. \g. f 4, 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. /'a^. 90. /. 778. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; pale horu-colour, curved at the hinge, 
 and marked with ?i few longitudinal ftrise. 
 Shell thin, infleaed at the lateral margin, yellowifli with 
 black-brown rays ; with a few longitudinal ftrix. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. go. Jg.ySo, 
 Inhabits the Red Sea; horn colour, long, with a few tranfverfc 
 curved ilrias at the gurved margin ; the larger end rounded. 
 Exusta," Shell flattifh, horny, with blackifli rays fpots and clouds, 
 and many fmooth ftriae ; a few fpinous ftriae with ca-. 
 niculate I'cales. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 91. fig. z. 
 Chemn. conch. 8. tab. 91, jig. 'j'hl. 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean of India \ rare. 
 Vexillum, Shell truncate ^ the outer margin, dilated, naked, horny, 
 with a few black clouds ; longitudinally ftriate pn the 
 fore-part and tranlvcrfcly wrinkled behind. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. teft. tab. 7. fg, 8. » 
 Chemn. conch. 8, tab. 91. Jig. 783. 
 Inhabits India; extremely rare: fnell appearing as if winged, 
 with a curved lateral margin. 
 Papyracea Shdll very thin, brittle, horny, with longitudinal ribs; the 
 extreme margin roundifh. 
 Chemn. conch. ^. tab.g$. fig. -^Sb, 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: back of the ribs fometimes fcaly; in 
 the middle of the fliell a violet-brown fpot, and a few tranf- 
 verfc wrinkles at the lateral margm. 
 Sanguinea, Shell flattifh, flightly incurved, red, with a few perpendi^ 
 cular fmooth llriae. 
 Inhabits Gua/t. teft.. tab. 79. fig. P. 
 Skdl 3 inches long : probably not a diltinft Ipecies. ' 
304 WORMS. TESTACEA. 70 Argonauta. 
 'BuUatai Shell very ftraight, tliin and perpendicu^ariy ftriate, with 
 tranfverfe fpinous wriiiklci at the loWer margin. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teft tab. 79. fig. C. 
 Probably not a diftind fpecies. 
 • 70. ARGONAUTA. Animal a Sepia or Clio: 
 Jhell univalve, fpiral, involute, membra*, 
 naceousj 1-celled. 
 jirgo. Keel or ridge of the fliell iligiitiy t<'>oihed each fide. 
 Lister conch, tab. 554, 555. Loch. Muf. Bejl. t. 19. 
 Bonan, recr^ and Muf. Kirch. I . fig. 13. ' 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 18. fi^. 1 04. A, B. 
 Gualt teft. tab. ii. A, B, t.\z. A, B, C. 
 Otear Muf. tab. iz> f. 4. Le[)er teft. t.l. n.6. 
 Kith oftr. tab, l-fg. 3. Murray tejt. t, \. f. 8. 
 Argenville conch, tab, 5. A — C. Zoom. t. z.f. 2, 3. 
 Muf, Gott-zvali/j tab, 40, fig. 272—274, 
 Seta Muf 3. tab. 84. fig. 4 — 12. 
 Ginann. adr. 2- tab. 3 fig. 29. 
 Knorr deli c. tab. B. \-, fg. 314. Vergn^ i. /aZi, 2./! 1.2.4, taO. 
 99./". \yand6. tab.'^l, 
 2. Martin conch. I. /«^. 1 7. //^, 1^7. 
 3, Martin conch. I. /<2^. I- fig. 158, 159. 
 4. Martin conch. I • /^z^. i 8 y}^. 1 60, 
 5, Martin conch, \, 'vign. &, fig. 2. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian Oceani and is the famous 
 Nautilus, fuppofed in the early ages of fociety, to have firft 
 taught men the ufe of fails : when it means eo fail, it dif- 
 charges a quantity of water, by which it was made heavier 
 than the fea-water, and rifing to the furface, ereds its arm-s 
 and throws out a membrane between them, by which means it 
 is driven forwards like a veflel under fail ; two of the arms it 
 hangs over the fhell, to ferve as oars or as a rudder. 
 Shell white or yellovviQi, with fmooth or knotty itriap or ribs^ 
 which are fometimes forked; the keel generally brownifti. 
 Fiireus, Keel of the fliell toothed in the middle. 
 Argenville Zoomorph. lab, lo, fig. B. 
 Martin, conch, i. p, 239. tab. 18, fig, 163. 
 Inhabits — — A very rare fpecies. Shell conic, tranfvcrfely 
 ribbed, with a convex keel : aperture ova!. 
 Cytniiutn, Keel of the {hell wrinkled and without teeth. 
 Gualt, teft, tab. 12. fig, D. 
 Martin, conch, J, tab. 18. fig. l6u 
WORMS. TEST ACE A. 71. Nautilus. 305 
 Inhihiis the Mediterranean : very fm all, deprefTed, thin, wrin- 
 kkd, with very fine longitudinal llris crolTing the wrinkles, 
 Ccrnu, Keel with 4 fmooth elevated rings. 
 Spengkr Befch. Naturf. 2. tab. I3. /", 3—5. 
 Chemn, conch. 10. tab. \y], fig, 1271— •I273. 
 Fa-van. cnnch^ tab. 5. fig. I. 
 InhnbitJ the Cape of Good Hope ; about a line high and 5 broad ; 
 JJie/l thin, pellucid, with llexuous llria; : whorls of the" I'pinc 
 all confpicuous outwardly and leparatej the aperture paraU 
 '■-ilicix. Shell perforated, with ah entire keef. 
 Pall.fpic. Zcol. 10. p. 38. Fab.fn. Grcznt, p. 386, n. 384. 
 Inhabits the Grecnlaid feas, and is feen frequently floating in 
 fpring iind autumn '. Jhell\&xy briule, white, with fine grooves: 
 about 3^ lines in diauieter. 
 71. NAUTILUS. AnimaU (Rumpf. Muf.tab. 
 yi'Jig. 13.) jlidl univalve, divided into 
 feveral departments com nmnieating with 
 each other by an aperture. 
 A. Spiral y rounded y with cofifiguous whorls. 
 PoMpi/ius, Aperture of the fliell heart-fhaped ; whorls obtule, fmooth. 
 Rump/. Mil/, tab. 17. A, C. Kiein ojir. t. l.f.l. 
 Lister conch, t. 550. /" «, 3 t. f^^\, 
 ^onfl. aq. tab. 10. fig. l, 2. 7. 
 Bo'ian recr. and Muf Kirch, \.ftgn 1,2. 
 Gualt. tefl. tab. 17. t\. fig. A, B. /. I7. B. /, 1 2. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 5, fig. E, F. 
 Petiv. Amb. tab. 3, /". 7. Ga-zoph. /, 99. D. 
 Seha Muf. 3. tab. S^, fig. t — 3. 
 Le/fer te/laceoth. tab. 2. fig. 1 1. 
 Kiwrr delic. nat. tab. ^fig- I, 2. and t. B. \. f. I, 2.' 
 Knorr Fergn. I. tab. l.f. 1,2. tab. Z. f 3. 
 Martin, conch, l. p. 226. 'vign. 10. t. lS,f. 1 64 — 1 67. 
 i. Lifier conch, tab; 1^2. fig. 4, 
 Knorr del. nat. tab.B. 3. fig. I. 
 Fai'an. conch, tab, 7, D, 3. Catal. raif, t. 2. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. /. 1^7'/ '274, 1275. 
 Inhabits the Indian and African Ocean ; often very large, and 
 finely variegated with brown flexuous ftreaks, fpots and marks, 
 under the outer covfring which is white ; within of a moft 
 beautiful pearly glofs. Of this fpecic?, the inhabitants of ihc 
 £aft make drinking cups. 
 VOL. IV,— Ci.q ♦C«/f«r 
3o6 WORMS. TESTACEA. 71. Nautilus. 
 *CaIcar. Aperture of the (hell linear: whorls with elevated joints. 
 Adt'tns and Kanmacker Microfc. p. 641. tah, x\-f. 31- 
 Plane, conch, 12- tah. \. fig. 3, 4. 
 Gualt. test' tab 19. B, C. Led. Micr. t. 8./,c, d, 
 Mantin. conch, i.tab. l(). fig. 168,169. 
 Found on Sheppy IJland: minute, white, opake, 
 *Cr!fpii-, Aperture of the (hell femicordate : joints of the whorls 
 Adams Microfc. p. 640* tab. 14. fig. 30. 
 Plane, conch. \0.t. l.f. 2. Gualt, test. /, 1 9. A, D. 
 Ginnann. Adr tab. l^. fig. 112. 
 Led. Microfc. tab. 8 fig. 6, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Sheppy IJland: very minute. 
 Shell opake, white, umbilicate each fide, granulate and marked 
 with flexuous ftris : back carinate : fiphon central : chambers 
 a little infleded in the middle, 
 *Beccarii, Aperture of the (hell obovate, the whorls twifted with 
 deep joints. 
 Adams Mtcrojc. p, 640. tah. 14, fig.zg. 
 Plane. conch, tab. \,f. I. Gualt teji. tab. 19'. H, H, I. 
 Ginann. adr. 2. tab. 14. f. III. Murray left. t. lyf. 16. 
 Martin, conch. I. tab. ig. f. 178, 179. t.zo. f. 175 — 177. 
 2. Shell comprefled, with a linear aperture and contiguous whorls 
 marked with elevated ftriae J many -rayed. 
 Grono^j. Zooph. tab. i<^. f. 5> 6, 
 Inhabits moft fhorcs. Shell deprefied, minute, fine pellucid 
 crimfon while the fifh is alive, white when dead. 
 *Laviga' Shell fpiral, with fmooth joints. 
 tulus, Adams Microfe. p.6i\.\. tab. i^. fig. ^l. 
 Found at Sand-juich: very minute. 
 ^-^^// femipellucid, white, glolTy. 
 *Depre/Ju' Shell fpiral, flightly umbilicated each fide, with many 
 ius. deprefied joints. 
 Adams Micr of. />. 641, tab. \\. f 33. 
 Found at Rerul'ver : very minute and rare, 
 »Si»f// white, opake. 
 *lSnhilica- Shell fpiral, umbilicate, with fpiral joints. 
 tulus. Adams Microfc. p. bi^\. tah. i^,fig.'i,\. 
 Found at Sand^vich : minute, white, opake. 
 *Crafulus0 Shell fpiral, thick, umbilicate each fide, with fine joints. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 641, tab. i^.fig. 35. 
 Found at Reculver, very rare : white, opake, minute. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 71. Nautilus. ' 307 
 *LobataIus Shell fplral lobate, the fpires rounded on one fide and dc- 
 prelTed on the other. 
 Adams Micro/c, p. 642. tab. l/^.fg. 36. 
 Found at Whitjiahle i minute white opake. 
 * Carina- Shell oblong carinate, with a narrow oval aperture. 
 tulm, Adams Micro fc. p. 642. tab. 14. fig^ 37. 
 Found at Handiuich'. rare, minute, white opake, 
 •Subarcua- Shpll a little bending, with raifed joints. 
 tulus, Jda}nsMicroJc,p.6^z. tab. l^-fg, 38. 
 Found at Sheppy ; minute opake brown. 
 Baltbicuf. Shell white convex with a linear aperture: firft whorl far 
 exceeding the others in fize. 
 Scbra^t. Einl. in conch. I. tab. 20. fig. I| 2. 
 Inhabits the Baltic; adhering to the roots of Fuci ; refemblcB 
 M Beccarii j 772^// fometimes opake fometimes poliflied, often 
 pellucid : iJhorls fometimes fmooth ftriate ribbed or tuber- 
 Ihlicitei, Whorls of the (hells concealed. 
 Schrat. Einl. in Stein. 4. tab. \o. fig. 2. 
 Found in a foifiie iUte on St. Peter's Mountain at Mctftritcb ; 
 very Imall : fometimes convex, fometimes depreffed, fmooth 
 or llriate, 
 Rugc/uj. Apertures of the (hell linear: whorls comprelTed with 
 thickened margins. 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean ; very fmall : white, fomewhat de- 
 prefTedj the internal divifions a Jittle promineut outwardly 
 and appearing like trajifverfe wrinkles. ' 
 Umbilica- Aperture of the (hell comprefled linear : whorls comprelTed: 
 tus, umbilicus concave. 
 Column. Fhytob. 2. tab. ^S./lg. E, 
 Inhabits Croatia: minute: ihell obliquely jaintedwith tranfverfc 
 grooves anlwering to the diiilions within, particulary at the 
 B. Spiral rounded ; with feparated whorls 
 Spicttla. Aperture of the (hell orbicular : whorle cylindrical. 
 Snvammerdam Bthl. is at. I, tab. J -fig- 7» 8. 
 Lister conch, tab. 550. 2. Bonann. MuJ. Kirch, l.fg. 39. 
 Rutnpf. Muf. tab. 20. fig. i. Gualt, test, tab. 19, E. 
 Qji 2 Argcn^d* 
3o8 WORMS. TESTACEA. 71. Nautilus. 
 Argenv, conch, toh. 5* G. Breyn'. pclyth. 2i. fg, z, 
 Klein oftr. tab. \.Jig, 6. By tern, app, tab. I \.fg. 49. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab, !• fig. 6. 
 Martin, conch. \. tab. zo. fig. 184, 185. 
 Inhabits the American and Indian Oceam ; about an inch in di- 
 ameter; whitilh. within Ihining like mother of pearl; orbicular, 
 the whorls gradually decreafing inwards, the firft a little ftraight, 
 fiphon contiguous to the walls of the {hells. 
 Spengleri. ^\y^\\ fmooth vvith 4conic tubercles. 
 Spengler Schr. Dan, Ges. 1. tab. z.fig. 9. b. c. 
 Inhabits India j very minute. 
 Vnguicula- Shell diaphanous, the middle partitions protuberant outwards: 
 tus, furface with 6 conic tubercles. 
 Spengler Schr, Dan, I . lab. 2 fig; 9. d. 
 Inhabits India ; very minute thin white polifhed and flightlv 
 G. Elongated and Jiratghtijh, 
 Setnilitms. Shell incurveai fpiral at the tip : whorls contiguous. 
 Column phyioh. 1-tib, zS.fig.D. 
 Martin, conch. 1. ta^. 20. fig. lt?6, 187. 
 Inhabits Croatia: very minute, convex, the partitions appearing 
 outwardly, fometimes umbilicate. 
 l^ituuj. Shell fubconic, with globulnr divifions growing gradually 
 lefs: the tip incurved fpiral. 
 Spevgl. Schr. Dan. 1. tab. 2. fig. lO, d — g. 
 Kletn Danz Naturfi. Schr, 2, tab. I, a. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea; found frequently foffile, 
 Obliouus, ^^^^^' ftraight with a flight curvature; the divifions obliquely 
 • • ' ftriatc. 
 Gualt tcfl, tab. ig.fiig. N. 
 Martin, conch, angn. I. fig: H, N. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Adriatic. Shell minute, with 
 a crcnate circumference; the fiphon central. 
 Raphawf' Shell fiibcylindrical with thick divifions marked with i2 
 t'>'um. elvated ftrias : fiphon central regular. 
 Ledcrtn. Microfc. tab. \.fg. X. lower figure. 
 Inhabits the Adriatic and Mediterrnnean Seas. 
 Raphanus. Shell jointed, the divifions thick with 17 elevated &.i\xi 
 fiphon fublateral oblique. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 71. Nautilus. 
 Lederm. Microfc. tab. 4. X. upper figure, tab. 8. F. 
 Plane conch ia^. \.fig. 6. Guilt, teji. tab. 9. L, IVI. 
 Inhabits the Adriatic and Mediterranean : minute. 
 Shell ovate oblong, with thick diviuons marked with 8 \^z 
 terniptcd elevated ilrise: ffphon oblique. 
 Inhabits the. Mediterranean; minute; aiilinguifhed from ^| 
 ]all in having the itrias at the pomt of the divifions a Jinlg 
 B^adicula. Shell oblong-ovate, with thick glabrous divifions. 
 Lederm. jnicrojc. tab. 8,/ig.e. t, ^.f I. s. 
 Plane, conch. 14. tab. I f:g, 5. 
 Inhabits the Adriatic; very rare and minute: fiphon a ]i;iJe 
 Fa/da. Shell with ftriate divifions and fmooth elevated joints. 
 Gualt. teit. tab. ig. O. Mart, conch, i. njign. I. D. 
 Inhabits the Adriatic: very finall. 
 Shell conic, with crowded llrise, obtufe at the tip and dentfcu- 
 J.ate at the margin; the fiphoi) ceijtral, 
 Ine^ualis. Shell cylindrical with 8 divifions, the fccond and third ygjrjj 
 Ihort: aperture margined. 
 Spengrl. Schr. Dan I. tab. z. fi^. lO. a-.— c. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea: very minute and clear white, 
 5ij>hunculus Shell fmooth with cylindrical remote divifions, the jglftfl 
 tapering cylindrical. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. l().fig, R, S. 
 Martin, conch, i. •i/;y« I. fi,^. F. FF. 
 Inhabits fe?s of Sicily, adhering to coral rocks. 
 <S^^//minuie, with 11 divifions alternately narrower andbrqadgf. 
 1{.egumen. Shell compreired jointed and margined at one end: fipl^gft 
 Gualt. teji. tabi 19. P. Lederm. micr. tab. 8. fig. g. 
 Martiji, conch, i 'vign. I. fig. e, E, I. 
 Inhabits the Aadnatic. Shell minute fubconic, the tip culti:|{j: 
 on one fide and flightly curved on the other. 
 Orthocera, Whorls of the fhell with carinate ftrix. 
 Schcuehx,. HeJ-v. "J- fig- 8. Dilu'y.()^S. 
 Inhabits the Oceamnd is frequently found foffilc. 
 * BelKi;;.., 
310 WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 * BeUtimita Shell equal fmooth conic acute. Thunder-ftonc, 
 Found in a foffile ftate in moft parts oi Europe t they have received 
 their englilh name from a notion that they are thunder bolts 
 and alwaiys found after a ftor:n. 
 Shell varying in fize, from i an inch to 8 inches, conical, a 
 little trani'parent, and when burnt or rubbed fmelling like 
 rafped horn. 
 'J'2. CONUS. Animal a lAmax: Jkell uni- 
 valve, convolute, turbinate : aperture ef- 
 fufe, longitudinal, linear, without teeth, 
 entire at the bafe: pillar fmooth. Cone. 
 A. Spire or turban nearly truncate. 
 Mar mor eu5, ^\\s:\\ zox\\c brown, with ovate fubangular white fpots : 
 whorls of the fpire caniculate. 
 Natural, Mifcellany. tao. 21 1. Lister conch, tab, 787. 
 Olear. Muj' tab. Z'^-fg. 2. Gualt. te/t, tab. 22. D. 
 Muf. Gott-voaU. tab. 14 fg. 104. a. 
 Bonanrecr. and Mu/.Kir<h,, 3. fig, 123. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 32. N. Argenv. conch, tab. 12. M. O, 
 falent.abh. tab. l- fig. 25. /. 5./. 43. /. 7./. 65. Ay 
 Peti'v, Gazoph. tab, 0^"], fig, il. 
 Seba Muf. I. tab i^^-fig. 1 — 4. 13 — 19. t. 47./i 1 — 4. 
 Knorr. P^er-gn. I. tab. 7. fig^ 4. t, 1 5./". 2, 
 Regenf. conch. \,tab. ^'fig- 53. 
 Martin conch. 2. tab. bz. fig. 685,686. 
 ?. Vaknt. abh, tab. 2. fig. 10. /. 5. f. 44. 
 Knorr P'^ergn. I. tab. 7. ^^. 4, 
 Martin. conch. 2. /«3. 62, fig. 687, 688, 
 3. Chemn. conch. lO. /«/•. 1 l%.fig. 1279: 
 4. Chet/in. conch. 10. /a^. I'^g.fig' 1292.- 
 Innabits the American Ocean. Shell very finely ftriatc, fometimcs 
 blackifti or fulvous ; the fpots often nearly triangular and run- 
 ning into bands; ivhorls emaiginate and armed with fpinous 
 Jmperia/ls. Shell whitilh with longitudinal livid bands and divided 
 brown and v/hite linear belts. ' 
 Rumj.<f. MitJ. tab, 34, H, I. Lister conch, tab. 766. 
 Jrgenv. conch, tab. "jbb.ftg. 15. Gualt. tell. tab< Zl, A. 
 Vuknt, abb, tab. Z"^. fig, 6. Klein ofir, t. 4. /", 84. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab, ^"J.fig. 1 8 — 21. 
 Knorr, Vtrgr^ z. tab. W.jig. Z. 
 Regenf. conch, l.Jab, 'i^fig' 35. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 Litter at us. 
 Martini conchy 2. tab. ()Z*fig. 690—692, 
 2. Mart, conch 2. tab. bz. fig. 693 ? 
 3. Lkemn. conch. 10. tah, 1^9'/'.?' '289. 
 4. Chemn. conch. 10. ta6. 139./;^. 1290, 129 I. 
 Inhabits rather rare, Sh,// large white with about 2 yellow- 
 i/h bands ai)d numerous belts com pofed of brown and white 
 interrupted belts: /"pire flat, painted with brown undulate 
 ftripes, often emarginatc. 
 Shell conic white with brown dots. 
 Li/ler tab, 773, 774. Rumpf. MuJ. tab. 31. D. 
 Bonan.recr.i.fig, 132? 363. Muf. Kirch, i. f. 357.' 
 Gualt, test. tab. Zl.fig. G. H. 
 Seba Mil/. 3. tab. ^$.fig. 3 — 5. 
 Mu/. Gotpwald. tab. 14.. fig. lOI. c, d. 
 Knorr. delic. nat. tab B. \\\.fig, 4. 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tah \6.fig. 3 and 3. /. 3.^^. 2, 
 Regenf. conch, i. tab. I- fig. 29. /. 4. f. 46. 
 Martini co^ich. 2, /^i^. 60. fg. 666 — 668, 
 2. Gualt.teft. tab. 22. fg. B, C. 
 5f^tf Mw/. 3. /a^. 44./^. 5—7. /. 45./. 8, 9, 12—15. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3, /a^. 6,/V^. 4 and 5. /. 24./. 5. 
 Martini, conch. 2. tab, t)O.Jig. 669. 
 Inhabits the AJiatic Ocean: foraetimes reddifh or yellowifii; 
 with fubcubic dots or fpots difpofed in rows, between which 
 are a few obfolcte yellow bands or chefnut lines: //>ire 
 marked with brown ftripes, nrore or lefs flat or convex. 
 Shell conic polifhed, with a pointed muricate fpire : whorl^ 
 Li/Ier tab. jSG.fg. 35. Rumpf Muf. tab. 33. Y.. 
 Retiv. Gazoph. tab. l\.fig. II. Valent abh. t. \.f. 9, 
 Gualt. test. tab. 20. fig. G. Olear. Muf. t. -3,1. f. 5. 
 Argenville conch, tab. i 2. T. zoom. tab. 3. F. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab. <^if.fig. II — 13 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tab. 7, fig. 3. and 2. /, 5,/. 2. 
 Regenv. conch. I. tab. 6. fig. 65, 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. $^-Jfg. 645 — 653. 
 2. Chemn. conch. lOt tab. 140. y%. 1301 — 1303. 
 Inhabits India. Shell ruflet-brown yellow or orange with 2—4 
 white bands marked with elongated Ipots : fpire whitifh varied 
 with undulate ftripes and pointed in the middle. 
 Shell conic, with a blueilh bafe. 
 Lijler conch, tab. 753, 754. 758. Rumpf. Muf. tah. 31. E. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 20. B. Kieinoftr. tab. /^..fg. 83. 
 Bonan. recr, I. fig. 365. Muf Kirch. I, fig, 356, 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. ^J.fg. 8, 9. 
§H WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 Knorr l^crgn. 2. tab. 2^, frr, 4,; & 3. .'. 22,/i ll 
 Ml//. Gott-w. tab. i3i/'i- 99, N. /^/'. 14,/". 105, a, h. 
 Martini conch. 2. ?«^. 53, /<;;. S^^-.j^g. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 4. /a A. lO /^^. 5. 
 Martini conch. 2. M^, 63, yf^. 70 1 — 703. 
 3. L//?fr ««^/'. /«i. 767, ^'.g. I 7. 
 Valent.ahh. tab. 6 yTg-. 52. tab %,/. Ji. 
 Gualt, test. tab. 21, H. Seba Muf 3. /. 55,/;' 4 — 9; 
 K?iorr Ver^n. 2. /i2^. \Zi Jig. 3. 
 Regenf. couch. \. tdb, 8. jf^. ig. 
 Martini conch. 2. /a^. 59, /". 653, 654, 
 4. Knorr P''ergn. 6. /a^. 1 1./^ 4? 
 5. Chemn. conch. Itf. /iSi^. 138,/'. 128 1. 
 Inhabits the /Ifrican Octan. Shell ftnooth, yellowilh, ofteii 
 fnowyj 3) tefTellate with white and red; 2) white with a 
 Uraw-colour band : _/^/;vblue, or blue with a white fprie 
 marked with an ochfaceous band. 
 Shell conic, glabrous, with a brown bale: fpire a little 
 convex. , 
 Litter, taby 786. 781? Vaknt. t. 'i^.f. 22, 23. t. 6.f. 49. 
 Mil/ Gott-z'j.tab. 12./. 85. b,c. tab. 13,/. 99'. e— g. 
 Knorr Fergn. 1. /«^. J. Jig. 6. /. \^. /■ 3. 
 Martini conch. 2 /fli5; qg. _yfo'. 660— 66^, 
 2. GWr. /^y?, /a^. 20. jig 1. 
 3. Rumpf. MuJ. tab. 33.X. Argenv. conch, t. 12. K;- 
 GW/. /^/?. r. 22. M. Regenf. I . t. J.f. 7. 
 4. Bcnan. recr. 3. /. 36 1. Af«/: Kirch. 3./. 354. 
 *S^3/2 Afa/" 3. tab,\z. fg, 26 — ^6. 
 5. Bonan. recr, Sc MuJ, Kirch, jy. 139. 
 6. Vaknt, tab. 5 /. 47. GW/. /^. /. 20, Q^ 
 SebaMuJ'. 3. tab. 42, yTg-. 40, 41. 
 Martini conch. 2. /. 57./« 630, 631. 
 7t Fauann. conch, z, tab. 15. A. 
 Chemn. conch. 10, tab. 138.//^. 1280. 
 8. Gualt. tefl* tab. 25. F. 
 Chemn conch, lo. tab. l/\.O.Jg. 1298, 
 9. Chemn. conch, 10. /. 144. A. y. a, b, 
 10. Kaemm. Cab. Raids fl. t, 7./. 4. 
 Inhabits v4/z]fl. Shell olive, yellow, brown, chefnut, or a mixture 
 of Tome of them, feldom of one colour ; generally with a while 
 band or two, with undulate or fquare fpots, and numerous 
 rows of dots or fpots ijfire fometimes flat and generally ftripcd. 
 Tribunus: Shell white, with 3 yellowifla bands fpotted with chefnut r 
 fpire a little convex ; the bafe tranfverfely ftriatc. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 2. t. 59. y. 655. 
 8hell painted with a few undulat-e chefnut lines. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 313 
 Milis, Shell conic, rough, with a brown bafe : fpire, convex. 
 Lister, tab. 786, yfg-. 34. uirgeni). conch, t, 12, L. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 33, W. Gualt. te'li, t. 20* N. . 
 SebaMuf. 3. Tab, \Z. fig. 23 — 25' 
 Muf. Gottixald. tab. 1 3. fig. gg. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab^ ^S*f' 4* ''^'^ 3* '• ^'Z* 2> 3. 
 Martini conch. Z. tab. jg,/*, 663, 664. 
 Inhabits /W/j : whitilh or yellowifh with longitudinal undulate 
 lines ; the bafe tranfverfely ftriate : near the fpire which is 
 fpotted with brown, is a brown band. 
 ■%ingulum. Shell conic, yellowifh, with a firigle elevated belt in the 
 riiiddle: fpire acute. 
 Inhabits Friendly JJlands, Mart, u/tiv, cofich, \, tab. 3g. 
 B« Pyr'ifornij with a rounded bafe : the cylinder half as- lon^ 
 again as the fpire. 
 Princpps. Shell yellowj; with purplifli-brown longitudinal branched 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. 1. fig. 138 ? 
 Schrcet. Einl. in conch, i . tab. I, fig. 3, 
 ■z. Lifierytab. 77g. Gualt. tejl. t 25. Q. 
 Argenn). conch, tab. 12, B. Knorr Verg. 3. t,\,f. 2, 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. 47, fig. 30,31. 
 Martini conch, z/tab. 63, _/". 69g, 70O. 
 3. Chemn. conch. ID ra^. 138, /*. 1276, 
 » Inhabits the Indies; z~ inches long, and marked with 2 white 
 bands which have a few brown fpots : fpire ohl\x(s, with very 
 fine tranfverfe ftriae: fpots on the fhell chefnut, with fomc 
 black ones above: 2) fhell ftiorter and black-brown* 
 Ammiralist Shell with rough punfturcs at the bafe. 
 I . Lar'va. Without bands. 
 tus. Martini conch. 2 tab. ^^tfg, 635, a. 
 Z. America- With irregular bands. 
 a. Shell brown, douched and fpotteci with white. 
 Rumpf Muf tub. 34, E. SebaMuf 3. /. 46,/. io. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 57, fg. 640. 
 b. Shell_ reticulate and clouded with chefnut, with fometimes a 
 white band. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 34. F. Jrgen'V Zoom. t. 10, K, L, V. 
 SebaMuf 3 tab. ^S. fig. n, 12. 20,23, 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab, 24, fg. 4. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 57, /'^. 638,639. 
 VOL. IV.~R r o White 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 c. White, fpotted, dotted and clouded with browji. 
 Littery tab. 759, 777. Gualt teji, tab, 21,/. L. 
 Knorr Ver^n 6. tab, t^,/tg.^. 
 Martini CO'! ch 2. tab. 61, Jig.6y3. 
 d. White wirh bands marked with orange lines. 
 Argeai'iile Zoom. tab. 20, fig. G. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab, 44, ftg. 6. 
 Martini conch. 2. /a^. 53, /?§•. 590* 
 e. Chemn. conch, jo, /^nJ. \j^o, fig. izgy. 
 3. With a fingle regular band. 
 t^Anglicus. With numerous pundured white belts: fhell red: the fpire 
 fpotted with brown. 
 Gualt left, tab. 20, fig. P. 
 KticrrVergn. ^,tah. ijyfig, 5. /. 24,/. 3. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 6 J , fig, 680. 
 h.Coronatuj With a belt ofredcjifh dots, and tranfverfely elevated lines. 
 Argenv. Zoom. tab. 10, fig, M, 
 Martini conch. 2. p. 275, w^gw. 26. p . %\if, f,\. 
 c. With a yellow band in the middle, and numerous pundtured 
 Argcn-j, Zoom. tab. 10, fg, N. 
 Martini conch. ?. njign. 2>'i. /. 214,/". 2. 
 d. Shell brown, with a white band and an oblique row of whitifh 
 Knorr Fergn, ^, tab. z^y fig. '^. 
 4. With 2 regular bands, 
 a. Repius, Bands orange with darker line?, the interllices white : fhell with 
 orange dots and undulate fpots. 
 Seln MuJ. 3. tab. 46, fig. 22, 23, 
 Martini co?ich. 2. tab blyfig. 677. 
 b. Bands varied with white and brown : fhell white with waved 
 brown Ipots. 
 Martin conch. 2. tab. 6z,flg. 684, 
 c. Bands yellowifh with trifarious brown lines : Ihell white ftriate 
 with brown. 
 K;;orr Fergn. 3, tab. 6, fig. 3. 
 d. Bands brown with granulate llrix : fhell clouded, white and 
 Martim Naturg, i./. 378, tab. \(),fig» 12. 
 5. With 3 regular bands. 
 a. Ordina- Shell tellaccous fpotted with white : bands white, fubreticulate, 
 ^^•^^^ with a jointed belt in the middle. 
 Knorr Fcrgn. 4. tab, ^, fig. I. Rnmpf. Muf, t. 34, C, 
 1 . Gui- 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 315 
 h.Guine- Shell Hraw-colour; the middle band with angular fplendid 
 en/is^ bloom-colour lines. 
 Argenv. Zoom. tab.\o, Q^ Cbemn. lo. tab. 144, A. j?^. l,k. 
 c. Surina- Shell bay with numerous dotted belts : bands fpotted, the lower- 
 Pten/ist one dotted with brown and white, 
 Argen-j. Zoom. tab. lb, fig. R, 
 Martini conch. 2. p. zSz.'vign. z6. p.214.,/'. 5. 
 f Cbemn. conch. 10, tab. \^(), Jig- J 293. 
 d. Shell brown, with hcart-fhaped white fpots : bands white, the 
 middle-one with 2 fquare fpots. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. 3. jig. I* 
 6. With 4 legular bands. 
 tk.Summus. Shell ferruginous with fcatte/ed white? fpots; bandsyellow, very 
 finely reticulate, the third with a belt fpotted with white. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tah. 34, B. Argen'viUe conch, tab. i 2, N. 
 Pett'V.Gax.oph. tab. zS,/ig. 4. A/nb. t. lS>f' ^^• 
 Seha Muf. 3. tah.^.'i, Jig. 5, 6. 
 Knorr del tab. B. v. fig. 6. Vergn. I. tah. S,f. 2. 
 Regenf. conch, 2. tab. l,f I. Favan. tab. ^J, fg- I> 1 • 
 Spenglcr Sc!t. coKcb. tab. \, fig- E. 
 • Born Muf Caf Vind. teft. tab. 7, fig. 1 1. , 
 Martini conch. 2, tab. 57, fig. 634.. 
 Chemn: conch. \Of tab. i^i, fig. 1308. 
 •f- Chemn. conch, 10, tab, \j[\.fig. 1309. 
 7. With 5 or more regular bands. 
 OcciderJalis Shell teftaceous fpotted with white and an articulate belt : bands 
 yellow, reticulate. 
 Argenv. Zoom. tab. 10, O, P. Seba R^uf 3. /. 48,/. 4. 
 Motini conch. 2. tab 57, fig. 63^. 
 S. With punttate-rcticulate belts. 
 3. Cedn Shell yellow painted with red : belts ij in number and milk- 
 W//, white. 
 Argenv. Zoom. tah. 10. H. Seba Muf. 3. tab,^2,f. 8. 
 Knorr I'ergn. 6. tab. It f'£. i. 
 Alartini conch. 2. tab. 57, fg. 663. 
 b. Shell orange with crowded elevated interrupted chefnut lines. 
 Spenglcr Befch. Katurf 1 tub. 9, fig. 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 10, tab i^l, fig 1306. 
 Inhabits the feasor South America, in almoft endlef- varieties* 
 fume are accounted io rare and prLCioui, tijat the Cedo i\W* 
 has been valued at 100 guineas. 
 l> icaritts Shell teftaceous fpotted with white; with 4 yellow imma- 
 culate bands, the fecond arit^uiarly divided. 
 R r 2 Ar^r^v 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. ri. Conus. 
 Argenv. Zoom. tab. 1 2, H. Rump/. Muf. tab. 34. D. 
 Petin). Amh. tab. 15, fig. 11. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. 3, fig. I. 
 Favann. conch, tab. I 7, yip;. I, 5. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. ^a^. 141. /Jp-. 1307. 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean. ' 
 t. Pafilt 
 Shell conic, fmooth, glabrous, with obtufe fculpturecj 
 LiJIer, tab. 784 ? Valent. abh, tab, 6. fg. 50 ? 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, ^g, /ig, 659. 
 Inhabits Shell yellow fpotted with white, and marked with 
 very nutnerous tranfverfe ftriae articulate with white & brown. 
 She!! fiibcyljpdrical, fmooth, glabrous. 
 Argenx'. conch. :ab, I 2, M ? Vxilent. tab, 3, /. 21. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. \'^j, fig. 13, 14? 
 Matin: c^nch, 2. tab. 62, fig. 689. 
 Schrc£t. Ein'i. in conch. \. p. 36, tab. \,f. 4, 
 Fa'vann. conch, tab. i\, fig, E, 2. 
 Chemn. conch, lO. tab. \^\,fig. 1312*' 
 i^ Chemn. conch. 10, tab. i^XyJig. 131 3, 1314* 
 ' Inhabits—— Shell tinely poliflied, yellow or brown with fome- 
 times an o.liye (hade, fpotted with white and marked with very 
 finely punftured tranfverfe ftriae. 
 Shell with linear belts articulate with \yhite 9n4 brown. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 34, G. Qlear. muf t. 32,/. 3, 
 AdanJ. Seneg. i . tab. 6, fig. \. 
 Lifter conch, tab. "J^lifig. 1 6, tab. 769,/". 17, b. 
 Bonan.recr. ^' fig. 337. Muf. Kirch. 3. /". 336. 
 Gualt. teft. tab, 22, fig. G, H. 
 Arg^env. conch, tab. 1 2, fig. Q. 
 Seba Muf.-*-^. tab. ^% fig. I — 3. 
 Knorr Vergn, 3, tab, I, fig. 1, 
 Martini conch, z. tab. 0, fig» 624, 625. 
 Argengille conch, tab. I 2, _/?^. V, 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 56. 
 Inhabits fliores of Guinea', ftiell red* with bands alternately t^{- 
 felate wi:h brown and red. 
 Clauciii, Shell emarginate at the bafe, flriate : fpire unarmctl, with 
 contiguous whorls. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 33, G, G. Val. abh, tab. 9,/. 84. 
 Bonan. recr. Sc Muf. Kirch. ^. f, IzSi 
 Gualt. tefi, tab. 22, fig. F. 
 Seba muf 3. tab, 45,/". 6. /. SS^fi- "^* 
 MufGotfwaU, tab, j^, fig. \oi> 1 03. 
 " "■ Knotir 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Gonufi. 
 Knorrvergti. I* tab, i7,/7g-. 4, & 2. tab. 7,/". t. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, 61, /ig. 670—674. 
 Chemn. conch. 10, /<7^, 138,/. 1277, Jz?^- 
 Inhabits India and Jfrica. Shell varied with brown chcrn4t 
 and red fpots fometimes difpofed in rows, the Ipire tranfverfcly 
 ftriate, fometimes more fornetimcs Icfs convex, and marke4 
 with ipots which are fometimes fquarc and rarely flriped. . 
 Monachus. Shell gibbous, clouded >yith blueiiTi-brown, acute, ftriate 
 at the bafe, 
 Rumpf. muj. tab. 33, C, C. Lister, lab. 756, /. 8, 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 25, ftg. M. 
 Seha mul\ 3. tab. 47,/- 27. tab, 48,/. 46, 47. 
 Knon 'vergn. ^. tab. l^yfig- 2. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab SS^f- ^'?' *^ — ^' 
 2. Chemn. conch. lO, fab. 1^2, /. l%ig, l^20. 
 Inhabits India? Shell {omet'mes dotted in rows. 
 Minimus: Shell greyifh fnrrounded with oblong dots. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, z tab. 55>/"' ^'3' 
 Knorr,Vergn. 5. tab. 25,/". 5, & 6. t„ \,f. 5. * 
 Rujiicus. Shell ov^e, rugge4 and ptiuricatp at the bafe ; the fpip 
 1, Without band. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab, 32, /. R. Gualt, teil. /. 25, R. 
 Seba muf. 3, tab, 43, y"/^. 32 ? 
 Martini conch, z, tab. 52, fig. 578, 
 2, With a band clouded with whitifh. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 25, E. Jrgen-v, conch, tab, 1?|D. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. ^2, fig, 37--39. 
 Martini conch, 2. tab. 67,, f. 694,695;. 
 Knorr l^ergn./\., tab, ^%ifig' %, 
 Muf, GottiAjaU, tab. \ 2, fig. 86, b ? 
 3, Chemn. conch. 10, /^z^, 144, A,f,c., f ? 
 Inhabits Africa, Shell livid : 2) varied with blackiHi lines ic dots. 
 Hfi'cator. Shell ovate, white, with reticulate yellow bands. 
 Adanf. Sencg. I. tab. 6, "f^. 3. 
 t/V/fr conch, tab. -]%%, ftg. 41, 
 ^cnfl« recr. & Af?/. A^tV<rA. 3. y*. 136. 
 Valent. abb. tab 7, fig. 65, B. 
 j^rgenv. conch, tab. 12, P. 5f^d: Mfc/ 3. tab. 54;,' 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. \,fig- 4. 
 Ma/I Gottivald. tab, i z,f. gz, a. 
 Martini conch. 2. ra^. 56, ^^. 619, 62O. 
 Inhabits Africa. Shell middle-fized, ibmctimc^ yellowiih v^^th 
 brown or tawny bands. 
3i8 WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 Betulinu!, Shell flightly emarginate at the bafe and wrinkled : the fpire! 
 flattifli and mucronate. 
 Lifter conch, tab. \6z./ig II. Rumpf. MuJ, tab. 31. 
 Bonan, recr. and Muf. Kirch. ^.Jig. 131. 
 Gualt, test. tab. zi-ftg- B. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. i^\-fig. ! — 4. /. 45./. 7, 10> li, 
 l/luf. GcttwaU. tah. i'^ fig. loi. a, b. 
 Knorr l^ergn. z. tab. 1 I. fig- 3. 
 Martin, conch. 2. tab. 60. fig. 665. 
 2, Martini ccnch. 2 tab 6l. fig. 6"/^. 
 3. Knorr D eh c. i.tab. H. 'if'g- 5? 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab l^l-figii'^it. 
 Inhabits India. Shell rather large, yellow or ochraceous, with 
 teffellate Ipotted bands and intermediate brown or yellow lines: 
 i) white with 3 rows ot violet charadlers : 3) v/hitc with 
 brown bands Ipots and dots, 
 F:gul:mi, Shell fiightJy emarginate at the bafe and wrinkled: fpire 
 acuminated, with flaitilh whorls. 
 Rumff. Muf tab. ■^i.fg.V. t. 33./ i. 
 Li/ier. tab. 'j'^y fig. 32. Gualt. teft. tab. 20. E. 
 Val. abh. tab. 4. fig. 45. Argenm. conch, tab, 12. A, 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. 54. fig. T— 4. 8. 
 Muf. GottzvaU,. tab. 1 1- fig. 98. a — f. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. \ x.fig. 2 and 5. /. l^.f, 2. 
 Re gen f. conch. I. /^3. lO./^^. 47. 
 Ma tin conch, z. tah. ^(^.fig. 656—658, 
 2. Knor^ Fergn. 6. tab. iS-/^i ^• 
 3, Che?nn. conch. 10. tab. 138 _/?^. 1285. 
 Inhabits India. Shell about 3 inches long, brown ferrnginous 
 or yellow, rarely olive^ with darker lines and fpire, within 
 generally whire, with fometinnes a yellow or while band or 
 two: 2) fhell more elongated, orange with darker lines and z 
 yellowifh bands, the fpire roddifh fpotted with black. 
 thraus. Shell ovate white, with black bands compofed of tranfverfe 
 Ru?npf. Muf. tab. 33. B. LiH. tab. 779.//^. 25. 
 Argennj . conch, tab. 12. G. Gualt. test. tab. 25. T. 
 , Adans feneg. 1. tab. (>.fig. 5. 
 Bonan. recr. and Mrff. Kirch. 3. fig. 12 2. 
 Fal. abh. tab. W.fig. 94. Petiv. Gaz. 99- y%. J2, ' 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. \-].fig. 28, 29. 
 Muf. Corfwald, tab. J 4. fig. lOI. e, f. f:g. 104. c, d. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. /<3^. 6. /5^. 2. 
 Martini conch. 2. /d!^. 56. _/?§■. 6 1 7. 
 2. Chemn. conch. lO. tab. 144 A.yf^. q, r. 
 Inhabits /W/«, «S/W/ rather fmall, i'onietimes reddifh with pa- 
 rallelo'ramatic fpots which are often chefnut. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Coiius. 319 
 Shell emarginate at the bafc, and ftriate: whorls of the 
 fpire channelled. 
 'Rumpf. Muf. tab. 33. Z, Lijler. tab. 'j^J. fig, 9. 
 Bo7ian. MiiJ. Kirch, l- fig. 408, 
 Gualt. test. tab. 25. N, O. Pet. Gaz. t. y^.f. i. 
 Argenm. Conch, tab. 31. E. Seba Muf. 3. tab. SS-fg* I . 
 fCnorr. aelic. Nat. tab. B. V./g. 7. 
 Knorr Vergn. l. tab. J 'fig-- 5 and 6, t. l6.f. 4. 
 MuJ. Gottivald. tab, tz.jig. 88. a — c. 
 Regenf. covch. I. //3^. J- fig, 2. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 6^. fig. "^W — 7 1 3. 
 2. Rumpf, Muf. tab. S^-ftg. 2? 
 5f5a iVL//; 3. tab. SS-/'S' ^3 - 
 Martini conch 2. tab ^^-fg, 698. a. 
 3. Lifer conch, tab, J 61. fig. 10. 
 Rumpf Muf. tab. ^l-fig. A. 
 GWf. /<?/?. /«/^. 25./?;^. P. 
 ^or« Af«/". C<#/". '/ind. tefi. t. 7./. 12. 
 Martini conch, z. tab. b^. ftg. 696, 697. 
 4. Chemn. conch. \o. tab. 139-/^^. 1294? 
 5. Chemn. conch. 10. /. 140 / 1295. 
 Inhabits Afta. Shell long narrow, white with fcattered blaclc 
 or red fpots which are fometimes glomerate and rarely united 
 into bands ; whorls of the fpire obtufe, in 2) and 3) crowned 
 >vith tubercles, 
 Varius. Shell elongated muricate, the fpire crowned and acute. 
 Lifter, tab yy^-fig. 21. Rumpf. Muf tab. 34 L; 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch,. 3._/%. 129. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 20. fig. F. 
 Argenwl/e conch, tab, iz. R. Zoom. tab. 10 A, 
 Seba Muf. 3. /. 44./. 19—22. t, 48./. 14, 17, 24, 25. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. /. 8./. 4. /. 24./. 5. 
 llegenf. conch' i, t. J. f f), lO 
 Martini conch, 2. t. 6\. f 679. /. 62./, 6S2. 
 2. Seba Muf 'i,. t. 48./ 26-28. 
 Fa'vann. conch, t. \6.f E. 
 Chemn. conch 10 t. i 38.^'^. 1284. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Shell white with brown chefnut or 
 yellow clouds, and granulate ilrias running over the whole 
 Achatinusl Shell elongated, very finely flriate tranfverfely, variously 
 clouded and fpotted with white: fpire fhort, fpotte^ 
 with brown and tipt with red. 
 S.eba Muf. 3. tab. 44.//^. 30, 
 Muf. Gottnvald. t. \z.f. 89. b. 90. 
 Martini conch. 2. /. 52./. 579, 58c, 
 2. Seba 
 WORMS. TEStACEA. 72. CdAus; 
 2. Seba Muf. 3. /. 44t/. 29. 
 '^. Chemn. conch. I0< /. \/^O.f, X296? 
 4. Qherkn. conch. lO. f. 142./* I 3 17. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean. 
 Shell with white rays and bands. 
 Valent, abh. tab. 6. fig. 01.. 
 Martini conch. 2. /, 53. /. 584. 
 Inhabits She/i hcowa, pale yellow or cinereous. 
 Shell with pale yellow or chefnut fpots, vrith generally 
 white or yellow tranfverfe bands compofed of grains' 
 or fpots. 
 Lister conch, tab. JJi^ fig- 18. t. 777. ^3. 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 34. M. Valent. abh. t.d.f. 48. 
 Bonan. recr. yfig. I 30. 364. Muf, Kirch, ^./ig. 1 30. 358; 
 Gualt.teft.t. zx.f.t^. 
 SebaMuf. 3./. 42./. 10,11,22. t.J^.f. 13-15. 
 Regsn'v. conch. 1. t. J.y. 37. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab SS'/'S' ^°3» ^°4» ^°^» ^®7* 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. \2.fig. 4. and 5. t, 22. f, 2. 
 Regenf. conch. I . r^'^. 1 1./'^. 54i 5$. 
 Martini, conch. 2. tab. $Sf'S' ^'^S* 
 3. Martini conch. 2, /«A. 55. /z^. 608; 
 4. Martini conch. 2. tab. ^'^.fg. 609 — 6u. 
 5. Seba Muf. 3. /e^, Al'fig' 29, 30. 
 6. /r«orr Vergn. 2 ' /<s^. I . fig% 7. 
 7. Knorr Vergn. Z.t. \.f. 6. 
 8. /sTwrr Vergn. 2. t. I. /". 5 ? 
 9. Knorr Vergn. 6. /. I./l 3. 
 10. Ar«f>rr. Vergn. t. t. uf. 4. 
 11. Gualt.teft, tab. 21. £). Flavan. conch. 2, tab.. 14. C. 
 Chcmn. conch, lo. tab, xi^O.fig. 1299. 
 12. Chetnn. conch. 10. /. xip.f. 1300. 
 Inhabits the Wiaa QfM«. Spire rather acute. 
 Jafpideus, Shell light olive with multifarious white dots and an oblique 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. SS'J^i' ^^^' 
 2. Muf. GottnvaU. t. 13./, 97- a. 
 Inhabits 5^^// oblong Imall. 
 Nebtilofus. Shell brown with blue cloud's and' white fpots.' 
 Gualt. test, tab, 25. R. Val, abh. tab. 9 fg. 74. 
 2. Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. Z-Jig* 126, 
 Knorr. Vergn. 3. f/s;^. 16. fig. 2. 
 Regenv. conch.- x.tab. 12. fig. 68. 
 Martini conch. 2-, tab. 'SS'Ji* ^^4« 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 Inhabits Shell narrow, a little convex towards the fpire ; 
 probably a variety of C. minimus, 
 Oculatus, Shell conic yellow, vtrith white eyes and band ; the baf- 
 ftriate obliquely. 
 Martin conch, z. tab. ^S.ftg.b\6. _ 
 Inhabits Spire a little ptominent ; probably not of this tribe. 
 Coffea. Shell (hort brown, with 2 white bands, thai neareft the 
 fpire fpotted with brown. 
 Martin, conch. 2. tab, <^(i-fig» 6 1 8. 
 Inhabits Shell middle-fized. 
 Jmadh Shell pale brown, with a broad band and articulate belts 
 above and beneath : fpire acute, crowned with tuber- 
 cles and very finely ftriate tranfyerfely. 
 Argenwlle Zootn. tah. lo. S. Conch, tab. I. fig' 5- 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. tab. ^.jig. 3- 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. S^-f'S- ^42» 043' 
 Fa'vann. eonch. tab. i S>fg' ^* 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. X^Z.fg- ^^22, 1323. ^ 
 Inhabits Shell more or kls narrow or ventncofe, 
 F^lmine^s Shell With chefnut ftripes running down the whole length : 
 • fpire acute and with the pillar-Hp fpotted with chefnut 
 the bafe acute and obliquely ftriate. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 2. tab. 58./^. 644. 
 Jrachnoi. Shell reticulate with chefnut, with 2 or 3 darker bands: 
 fleuj. fpire crowned and acute. 
 Jrgen-v. Zoom. tab. lO. T. Knorr Vergn. 6. tah. \.fig. 4. 
 Spenglerfelt. conch, tab r.fg. D. 
 Martini conch. 2. tah. (>\.fig' 676. 
 2. Chemn. conch. \0. tab. 144. A. y%. c, d. 
 Inhabits An extrefnely rare ipccies. 
 ^ ^ Shell brown with a white band, undulate with reddilh, 
 Uojf<itu,. ^^.^j^ ^j^.^j^ ^^j ^^^^^ ^^j^. fpire nodulous with a 
 granulate band. 
 Inhabits Gualt. te/t. tab. 20, fig. O. 
 lmcopa'.s Shell wbi^e clouded ftriped and fpotted with brown, with 
 numerous rows of white and brown dots: fpire crowned 
 with tubercles. 
 VOL. IV.— S s 
 WORMS. TEST ACE A. 72. Conus, 
 Lister conch, tab. 7S9'f'S' 4» '• 777-/« ?4« 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 21. L. Knorr Vergn. 6. /. 13./. J-. 
 Martin, conch. 2. tab. 61 /7f. 678. 
 3. Mar//« Haturg, \.p. 378. /a*. 19 fig* i?- 
 3. Gafl//. m/. tab. 20. //j-. L ? 
 4. Gtffl//. /f/?./. 20./. M? 
 5. Seba Muf. ^itab. 48.7%. 36, 37. 
 Chemn. conch, 10. /a*. 140./^. 1305. 
 Inhabits thp American Ocean. Spire generally acute. 
 Shell citron with black lines interrupted beneath: fpire 
 crowned with tubercles and with the bafe white. 
 Inhabits the Luraccas. Martin, conch, i, tab. t\. fig. 68 1. 
 Injularis. ^hell white with chefnut clouds fpots and dots : fpire acute. 
 Inhabits Martin, conch, 2, tab. hi. Jig. 683. 
 Coronatus, Shell with alternate articulate belts and tefFellate fpots t 
 fpire crowned with tybcTclcs. 
 Gualt. teJi. tab. ?o. R. Valent.abh. tab. I. fig, 24. 
 Bonanrecr. and Muf. Kirch. Z'fig- '34? 
 Muf. Goft-tvald. t. 1 2. /". 91. A, b. Jig. 92. b, 93. a— e. 
 2, Martin, conch. 2. tab. t^.fig. 709. 
 3» Martin, conch. 2, fab. 6^. Jig. yio, 
 4. Chemn. conch. lO. /a^. I39-]A^' I286. 
 5. Chemn. conch. 10. /. 139./- 1287, 1288. 
 Inhabits— —5i'f// minute, in yery numerous varieties, and often 
 with a white band. 
 PmSlatui. Shell with 2 yellowifh-browji baads gind nunjerous li;ie?jof 
 4ots: fpijre varied with yellow dots and lines. 
 Inhabits— —/C/zorr /^iP/-jK, 6.. tab. 13. fig. 6. 
 '/^ylanicus Shell fnowy with rofy and brown clouds, and numerous 
 articulate belts varied with white and chefnut: fpire 
 Martini neueji. Manig. I, p. 445^ fab. I. fig. 2.0. 
 C be mn conch. lO. tab. 1 42. fig. JI318. 
 Inhabits ■ The bafe obliquely grooved.. ^ 
 SJidus. Shell conic thick, tranfverfely ftriate, clouded with white 
 and brown, with a broad white band and pyramidal 
 fpire ,j the whorls channelled. 
 Inhabits-"!— C/?'m//. conch, 10. p. 59. tab, i>^i. fig. 1310, 
 C, Elongated 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 323 
 C. Ehngatedi «"^ rounded tit the bafe : the cylinder ss long 
 again as the f pi re. 
 Clavus. Shell with convex Tmooth flrix : the bafe blueifli. 
 Lifier. tab. J^^.fg. 34. Knorr Vcrgn. 5. r. II, f. 5. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, 52. /fj^. 57^. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 10. tab. Mf'^.fig- ^Z'^1' 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : extremely rare. 
 Shell narrow long yellow with white fpots, and 2 deeper hands 
 fpotted with white : the fpirc fpottcd and gradually tapering 
 to an obtultf point, 
 KuJJatella. Shell fubcylindrical, red, not crowned with tubercles, rough 
 with tuberculatc ftriz. 
 Rumpf. Mttf. tab. 33. E? Cualt left. tab. 25. I-. 
 Argennj. conch, tab, \'^. fig. P. 
 Mvf. Gottivald. t. 13./; 96. a — c. /. 43./. 52. a. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. ^-fg. / . 
 Martini conch. 2. t. 51. /" 567. 
 2. Chemn. conch, i. t. 143./". 1329. 
 Inhabits though rarely the Ifland Nujpitello in /Ifia. 
 Shell p3]e, clouded and fpotted with red, rarely entirely white, 
 with yellowifh- brown granulate tranfverfe ftria; ; Ipire ending 
 in an obtufe point* 
 ^ertbtlKim. Shell white fhadcd with blue, fubcylindtical, with annulate 
 ftria: and yellow bands. 
 Martini, conch. 2. tab. ^Z.fig. $77* 
 2. Lister conch, tab. 7it<^fig. 36. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. /«/>. 43,^^. I330» 
 3. Chemn. conchy \o. t, 43./. 1331. ». I. 
 Inhabits 2] varied with rows of browrt dots. 
 Coccineuj; Shell red \vith tranfverfc lines dotted with black, with a 
 white band and fpire fpotted with red. 
 Inhabits— —A';7orr Vergn. 5. tab. 2\.fig. 2. 
 2. With 2 white bands and numerous articulate belts, 
 La-tuu Shell fubcylindrical with annular ribs, red with darker 
 clouds and barred with white; the fpire fpotted. 
 Liter conch, tab. •j6o. fg. 5. 
 Knorr Fergn. 'J,. ta!>. 6.y7^. 5. 
 Inhabits— -—probably a variety of C. granulatus. 
 Ocbrokuciis Shell fubcylindrical yellow : the hafe obliquely (Iriate with 
 a white band near it: fpire pointed, with ftriped 
 S s ;? Martin. 
$24 WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 Martini c(mch. 2, tab. i^Zi fig. ^1'^, 
 Z. Sebaniuf, 3. tab. \\, fig, 12. 
 Inhabits Shell in 2) fpotted with yellow and chefnut, an4 
 Viried with decufl'ate ftrize dotted with red. 
 Liexns. Shell rufous with fulvous fpots and tranfverfe ftriae : fpire 
 fpotted with yellow : the bafe obliquely ftriate. 
 Inhabits Vaient. cbh. tab. %, fig. 7. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. ^2» fig. 572, 
 Jffinis, Shell blueifli.white, with 4 fulvous Hneate bands and in- 
 termediate dull purple dots or marks. 
 Martini conch, z. tab, ^z, fiig. 571. 
 Z. Vaknt. abh. z. tab ll-fitg. I40. 
 Inhabits Refembles C. araufiacus: the fpire fpotted, ihc fpots 
 in 2) are elongated into ftripcs, 
 Violaceus, Shell white with violet clouds and bands ; the rays pale 
 Ma^t. neue/l. matiigf. \,p. 444. tab. z, fig. 18, 1 9. 
 Inhabits — — Spire pyramidal, with 6 whorls. 
 Granulatut Shell rough, unarmed, with fmooth grooved ftrijE. 
 Rumpfi. muf. tab, 32, T, Gualt. tejl, tab, 25, H. 
 Peti'v. Aquat tab, '^y fig. i. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. d, fig. 5. 
 Lifler conch, tab. 76^, jig 12 ? tab. 760, fi. I. 
 Martini conch. Z. tab. S7,fig'(3l^. t- S2>/. 574, 575* 
 Z. Seba muf. 3- tab. 48, fig. z6. 
 Inhabits the African Ocean. Shell red with white bands and 
 purple lineate dots, 
 Po^zonias. Shell white within, the outfide yellowifli-^brown and rough 
 with very fine granulate lipes ; with a white -band at 
 the fpire denticulate beneath, another at the bafe with 
 a paler tinge ^nd numerous filiform ones. 
 Born. Muf. Cecf Find., ted. tab. J* fig. 13. 
 Inhabits Spi-re flattened, with ftriped fpots; the bafe put- 
 wardly dpfky and violet within. 
 Bifafciaius. Shell white, with angular chefnut lines and 2 orange bands ; 
 fpire prominent : ba(e furrounded with orange lines 
 and intermediate teflelate fpots. 
 Inhabits — '■ Born, muf Caf Vind. ted. tab. T,jig. 10. 
 h'iv€Ht, Shell conic, fnowy; the fpire prominent and crowned with 
 tubercles: aperture large. 
 Inhabits — — Born muf, Cesj. Vind. telU tab. J, f. 9. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 325 
 Jrau/iacus, Shell not crowned f fmooth, with whitifti bands: whorls 
 grooved at the tips. 
 Rump/, muf. tah, 34, A. Pet, Amb. t. 7,/. 7, 
 FaUnt, abh tab. 12^ fig. I CO. 
 Arg. Zoom tab, 10, 1. Stbamuf. 3. t. 48,^,7. 
 Kn^r Vergn. I. tab. %,Jig' 3 & 5. /. 24, ^^ I. 
 apengkr felt , conch, tab. 2, yi E. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, 57, fg. 636, 637. 
 2. Chemn.covch. 10, /a^. 144, A. /I 1. 
 Inhabits /W/a. S/)^// white, with 2 or 3 orange bands and 
 white lines tcflelate with brown foots: fpire with oblong red, 
 white and brown fpots. 
 Magus. Shell fubcylindrical, with longitudinal bands dotted with 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 32, Q. Gualt, test. t. 20, F ? 
 Bonan,recr. t,. f. 362. Muf. Kirch. 3./. 355;' 
 ylrg. Zoom. tab. II. C. Seba ;««/! 3. t. 44, f. 27. 
 Knorr Fcrgn. 6. tab. 16, /l 5? /. I,_/". 3. 
 Martini conch. 2. ta/>. 58, /". 641. 
 Inhabits India. Shell white, with pundate lines and oblong 
 chefnut, yellow and brown fpots: fpire acute, fpotted. 
 S'.-iatu!: Shell ovatc-oblong, gibbous, clouded^ with very fine parallel 
 brown ftria?. 
 Rumpf. muf tab. 3 1 , F. Gualt. test, tx 26, D, 
 Adanf. Semg. I . tab. 6, /. 2. 
 Lifer conch, tab. 7S5>y^ 7. tab, 760, f. 6. 
 Valent. abh. tab. 7, y!-^. 60, 61. 
 Petiv. Gaz. tab. 9S, /. 9. Argen<v. conch, t. 13. C. 
 Seha muf. 3. /a^. 42, f 5 — g. /. 47,/". 22, 23. 
 Mk/". Gottivald. tab. I2,fg. 83, a— g. 
 Knorr Vergn, l. t. 18,/. i,^& 3. /. 12./. 5. t. 21, /.I. t.Zl,/.^. 
 Regenf. conch, I. /a^. 8, /f^. 13. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. G^, fig. 714 — 716. 
 2. C/&fw;f ««r/^. I O, tab. 1 41 , /?g. I 3 I ' • 
 Inhabits Africa. Shell 4 inches long, fnowy with fometimes 
 reddifli or yellowifli Urisc, the bafe emarginate, tranfverfely 
 ftriate. ' 
 7efitilt, Shell with reticulate yellow veins, and yellow and brown 
 Argenz'. conch, tab. I 3,/. F, I. Lifter, t. 78S./. 40. 
 Adanf. Seneg. I. tah.6, f. 7. Rumpf. muf t. 32, O, P. 
 Bonan recr. i:L' Muf. Kirch, "i-fig- 135. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 25, I, A A. Clear, muf t. 3 1,/". I, 3. 
 ^eba muf. 3. tab. £^7,, fig. 6 — 12. /. 47./'. 13,17. 
 Muf Gittv.aLl. tab. \l, f. 85, a— c. /; 94, a, b, d—h^ 
,3^6 WORMS. TEStACEA. 72. Conus* 
 Knorr Fergn. I. tab. 1 8, /. 6, l^ 2. tab. 8,/. g, 
 Regenf. conch. I . tab. 6, y"/^. 62. 
 Martini conch. 2. /a(5. ^\t f. 598—600^6024 
 Chemn.Befch btrl Naturf. 3. /. 8,/. A. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. /<»^. 143,/! I324» ^S^S* 
 2. Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 143,/^ 1326,2. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 10. /(3/i. 143,/". 1326. b, c. 
 Inhabits A/ta. She// white with 3 orangfe bands: 2) blooJrt- 
 colour with 2 darker bands. 
 y!a/tcus4 Shell white, ^^'itH hrowri fetfcUlar veins and infternipted 
 longitudinal bands. 
 Kat. mi/ce/. tab. 396. Va/eni ahh. t. 9,/, 75. 
 Argenv conch, tab, 13,D, G. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 33, /*. 3j 4, 
 Bonan. recr, ic Muf. Kirch, "i,. fii^, 1 33. 
 CW/j ten. tab. 25, yfa. V, X, Z. 
 Sehamuf. 3, /<zi. 43,/}^. i — 5. /. 47,/. lo— 12. 
 0/ir«r Ma/! /fl^. ■^l, Jig. 4, 5. 
 Knorr Fergn. 2, tab- I,/ l-^^Jj ic'3. t,tg,f. li 
 Rcgenf. Conch, l. /«3. %i fig. 25. 
 5<7r«. il/a/; C'«^. /V«^. /f/?. /fl/^. 7, /. 14. 
 Chemn. conch. lOj M^. 143,/^. 1328, 
 1. Martini conc/x. z. tab. S^y /'g- S9^' 593' 594' 
 2. Mantiiti cohch. 2. tab, S3>/^i' S9^- 595* '•54»/' 59^* 
 3. Martini conch. 2. /rt^. S\t fig. S97' 
 4. Ycllowiih-brown with reticular perpendicular heart-fliaped fpots, 
 5. Martini conch. 2. tab. ^^1 fig. to I. * 
 Scba muf. 3. tab. ^Jtfig. y? 
 6. Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. 18, f 2i 
 Inhabits ^/?a. Varies much in ih colours. 
 'ZUmte^ Shell frtlodthj white, with bay charafters and rows of dots, 
 wi»h 3 white belts and Ipots; the tip reddilh: fpire 
 conic, with grooved whorls. 
 Martini conch, 2. tab. 53, fig. 590. 
 Chemn: conch. 10. tab. I4'i,fig. I33i» «. 2. 
 Z. Chemn'. conch. 10. tab. 138, /Vg. 1282, 1283» 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. 
 D. Ventr'icoje. in the middle and iontraSled at each end* 
 SinenRs. Shell ventricofe in the middle, yellow with white eyesi 
 the bafe tranfverfely llriate. 
 Inhabits ■ Regenf. conch \. tab. 12, fig. 66. 
 Martint conch. 2. tab, ^6, fig. 615. 
 E Thin^ ventricofe, and tinkling when thr*own on its back 
 upon a tabic, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 327 
 Sfeifrum, Shell blucifli, with yellow clouds ami ycllowiQi-while dots 
 and ftrix. 
 Rumff. muf. tab. 32, S/ Lijltr. tab. 783. 
 Val.abh. tab. ^. ftg. 39. Gualt. test, tab. 25, S. 
 Sebamuf 3. tab. 47>^. 34, 
 Muf. Gotfwald. tab. \2, Jig. 84; a-d. fig, 85. a. d. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. S.'fig 4. 
 Martini oonch. 2. /«^. 53, //g. 581—583. 
 ^. Chemn. conch. lOt //j^ 140, y. J 304. 
 3. Chemn. conch. lO. /fli. 144, A. y g, h. 
 4. Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 144, A,/". 0, p. 
 Inhabits the Adcuic Sea:. Spire rather acutc» 
 BuUatuf, 5hell y.eUow clouded with white. 
 Adanf. Seneg. \. tab. 5. y. 1. 
 Lifter, tab. 7^1, 742. 748, 749. Cualtteft. tah.zS. C. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 13, H. Regenf. conch, t. \\,f. 45. 
 SeSaMuf. 3. tab. ^Z, f/g. 14, 15. tab ^If Jig. 15, 1 6. 
 MuJ. Goifwald. tab. 10^ Jig. a— f. tab. 66. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. /a^. 8,/^. 2,3, tab. 11,/. 4. 
 Martini conch. 2. /a^ 65,/ 725 — 732, 
 Chemn. conch. lO. /tf^. 142. _//§■. 1 31 5, 1316. 
 Inhabits •S/f'^// thin, fometiines of one colour, frequently 
 fpotted, clouded or barred, more or Icfs vcntricofe ; the aper- 
 ture moftly ample and blueifh; fpire ibmetimes flat fometime^ 
 Tulipa, Sheil oblong, gibbous, fmooth : aperture gaping. 
 Jrgmv. conch, tab. 1 3, B. Lister., tab. j6^. 
 Benann. MuJ. Kirch. J- ^. 41 I. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 34, K. Val. abh. tab. JO, f. 89. 
 Stba MuJ, 3. tab. 4.2, Jig. 16-.21. /. 43,/. 20 — 2?. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. li, jig. 4. 
 Regenf. conch, l. tab. 2, fg. 20 
 Martini conch, 2, tab, 64, 65 . Jig. 7 1 8—72 1 . 
 liihabits India, jifrica and South America. Shell not crowned 
 with tubercles, white with here and there blucilh, brown, 
 yellow or red cloud?, ?nd painted with cbefnut interrupted 
 lines ; aperture blueilh : bafe obfolctely ftriate obliquely ; 
 fpire acute, fmooth, fpotted, with very fme tranfverfe Ihiae* ' 
 Geog^raphi' Shell oblong, gibbous, crowned : aperture gaping. 
 ciut Rumpf. MuJ. tab.^t, G. Arg. cnich. tab. 13, A. 
 Klein, ojlr. tab. 5, fig. go. Lijltr, tav. 747. 
 Bonan recr, Sc MuJ. Kirch. 3. /". 319. 
 GuaJt, test, tab, 26, E. Pctiv. Gaz.. tah, 98, /. 8. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 42,/'. i, 4. 
 Knerr Vergn. 3. tJb. 21,/. 2, .'c ^. /. 1 7,/. 5. 
 Mv/, Gott-vioU, tab, \x, ftg. 8 J, .1, 
328 WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cyprxa. 
 Martini conch, 2. tah^d^y f^ 7^7^ 
 Inhabits the Indian and Jfrican feas. Shell fubcylindrical, 
 wrinkled at the bafe and a little narrower, pellucid, white, 
 fpotted and clouded with brown : aperture white : fpire fomc- 
 times rofy. 
 Nubecula. Shell white, clowded and fpotted with orangcj with fcat- 
 tered white dots: fpire prominent, acute. 
 Inhabits Seba muf. 3. tab. ^z, fg. 14, 15, 
 Martini conch, 2. tab. ^6, /ig. 622. 
 2. Argen'v. conch, tab. l'^> fg' H. 
 Spurius: Shell white, with alternate rows of irregular chefnut of 
 blackifh fpots and interrupted pun6lured bands. 
 Inhabits Seba muf. 3. /. 44-1/. 24, 25, 28. /. 46,/. 24-. 29. 
 Gualt. ted. tab. 2 1 , D, F, Argennjille conch, t. l 2, C. 
 Kftorr'vergn, 3. tab. iS, fig. 5, & 5. tab. g, /. 6. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. ^b, fig. 626.-628. 
 Vexillum. Shell brown fhaded with white, with a white interrupted 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 31,/. S. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 20, M. t. 21, E. 
 iieba muf 3. tab. 44,/. 8--1 1. /. 45, f. 16, 17; 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. $y,f. 629. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 10 /<z^. 144, A. /. M. N. 
 Inhabits The white band is lometimes cruciate. 
 Fentricofus, Shell brown barred with white, beneath narrower (haded 
 with blueifli and fmooth : fpire conic, exferted. 
 Inhabits . < ■ Keemm. cab. RudolH. tab. ^yfig- 3> 4» 
 73. CYPPtiEA. Animal a Slug: jhell uni- 
 valve, involute, fubovate, fmooth, obtule 
 attach end : aperture effufe at each end, 
 linear, extending the whole length of the 
 ihell, and toothed each iide. 
 Coiory or Gourie. 
 Exanthma. Shell liightly turbinate, ferruginous with whitifli round 
 fpots and eyes: line down the back a little branched. 
 LiHer conch, tab. 698, 699. 
 Bonan. recr. 3.//jf. 257. Muf. Kirch. 3. fig' ^2^6. 
 Gualt. tcli. taby 16, O. Teti'v. Gaz, t. 96, f. 6, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypraa. 329 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. jb, ftg. ^, 5. 16, 18. 
 Muf. Gott--waU. tab. 1 4./; a--f. 
 Regenf. conch, i. /^/i. 6, y?^. 63. /^^. lO,/*. 38, 
 Martini conch. \. tab. 28, yf^. 289, /, 29,_/i 298, 300. 
 2. i//?^r conch, tab. 697,/}^. 44, 
 Chema. conch. 10, ra^. \^'^,fig' '343' 
 Inhabits the American and Atlantic feas. Shell beneath paler, 
 immaculate, fome of the fpots on the fides ocellate; teeth of 
 the aperture brown ; where the outer coat is worn oft'becomes 
 barred or teflclate with brown or blue : within fine purple. 
 Mappa. Shell nightly turbinate and marked with irregular charadlers: 
 line down the back branched. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab, 38, B. Arg. conch, tab. 18, B. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 76. fig. 3, 1 3. 
 Petiv. Gaz, tab. g6,fig. 6. Amb. aq. t. l6,f. Zm 
 Knorr delic. tab, B. iv. fig. 5. 
 Knorr Vergn, 1. tab. 26, fig 3. 
 Martini co7!ch I. tab. 25,^^.245,246. 
 Inhabits the Indian and African feas : refembles the laft, but is 
 (horter and not thtckened or fpottcd at the fides : full above 
 yellowifh-brown with a few white eyes, beneath fmooth, flefh- 
 colour with pale brown fpots: teeth of the aperture yellow. 
 Arabica, Shell flightly turbinate, with irregular chara6lcrs : ftripc 
 down the back fimplc. 
 Rumpf muf. tab, 38, M. Barr, rar. t. 1325,/. 20. 
 Liitery tab. 658, Gualt. tefi. tab. 16, V. 
 Lochn, Muf. Befler. tab. 2 1 , fig. 8. 
 Muf. Gottvjald. 2. tab. 7. fg. a— d. f. 8. b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. 2,/. 2. t. 12./. 2,6*6, /, 20,/, 2, 
 Martini conch. I tab. l\, fg. 328—330, 
 Schra:t. inn. Bau conch, tab. 3, fg. 5. 
 2. Lifer, tab,6i^<). Argennj. Zoom, tab, II, I. 
 Bonan. recr. 3, fg. 260. Muf Kirch, ^.f. z^g. 
 Muj. Gott^-ald. tab. 2. Hg. 8. a, 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab, l6, fg. I.< 
 Martini conch. I . tab. 3 1 ,fig. 3 3 1 . 
 3, Martini conch. 1. tab. Z(), fg. "^o^.' 
 Inhabits hjdia. Shell 2 — 3 inches long, above whitilh or bluc- 
 ifh, with irregular brown marks refembling Arabic characters j 
 the fides thickened and covered with dark purple fpots; lips of 
 the aperture flat, reddi(h-grey, the teeth pale chefnut : when 
 the outer coat is worn the Ihell is fometimes blueifli with 
 brown band?, or bay with here and there a whitifli cloud, or 
 pale with darker angular fpotb and lines, or brown mixed with 
 violet, fometimcs reddifh-blue, or white fhaJcd with blue. 
 VOL. rV.— T t Jrgus 
330 WORMS. TESTACEA; 73. Cyprxa. 
 Jrgus, Shell flightly turbinate, fubcylindrical, fprinkled with 
 eyes ; beneath 4 brown fpots. 
 Lifter^ tab, 705. Rump/. Muf. tab. 38, D, 
 Argenv. conch, tab. \ 8, jig. D. 
 Bonan. recr. IS Muf. Kirch. 3. fig. 263. 
 Barrel, rur. tab. i^2^,/ig, 25. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. 97, fig. 6. Gualt. tejl. tab, 16, F, 
 Vaknt. abh, tab^ ^o, fig. 86. LeJJer teft,f. 28. 
 Klein O fir t tab. 6, "f^. loi. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3>. tab. 1 1 , jig. 5, 
 Regenf. concha i, tab. 5, yj^. 57. 
 Martini canch, i. /«^. 28, /i^. 285, 286* 
 2. Favann., catal. raif. tab. 2. 
 Chemtt. conch. 10, ^«i. 145,//^. 1 344, 1 345. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Atlantic feas. Shell about 4 inches long, 
 narrow, above grey or yellowilh with 3 brown bands ; the 
 eyes fometimes connefted ; fpots beneath larger on the left 
 fide: lips ftraw-colour with brown teeth, 
 Tatudjna' Shell obtufe, fubcylindrical ; the extremities depreflfed. 
 ria. Lijler, tab. 689. Rumpf. muf. tfib. 3.8, Q. 
 Peti'V. Amb. aq. tab, 8, ftg. 7, 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. 27, fg, 2. 
 Martini conch. Z. tab. 27, fig. 271, 272. 
 Inhabits the Per/tan Gulfh and Indian Ocean. 
 Shell the largeft of its genus, whitiih with ruffet-brown clouds, 
 and large blackifh fpots fcattcred here and there, with fome- 
 times a few white ones, 
 Siercoraria. Shell flightly turbinatey gibbous, with livid and tcftaceous 
 fpots, ^anarginatc each fide, and flat beneath. 
 Lifter, tab. diij. Gualt. teft. tab, 15, T? 
 Column, aq. tab, 69, ftg. 1 , 2. 
 Peti'V. Ga?.. tab. 96, fig. 7, 8. 
 Barrel, ic. tab. 1321, ftg. 23. t, i^21,f.t^, 
 Muf. Gottiuald. tab. 3, fig. io. a, b, 
 Knorr Fergn. 4, tab.l^t fig. I. 
 Adauf. Seneg. J . tab. 5, _/?§•. I . A, 
 Schrat. Einl. in conch. I. fab. I, yTf. 5. 
 2. Goa/f. /^. /^^. 13, fg. L ? 
 3. Chemn. conch. 10. //z^- l<^^ifg. 1332, 
 4. Chemn. conch. lo. /a^. 144,//^. 1333. 
 Inhabits Guinea. Shell fubovate with glaucous waves, the fore- 
 part with a brown fpot near the fpire, the hind-part with a 
 deprefTed defiefted margin ; inner lip very retufe behind ; 
 aperture gibbous on the fore-part with white teeth, the inter- 
 <nediate grooves brown : under the outer coat (ometimes 
 grcenijCh-bluc with a iayt fpots or pellucid bands, fometimes 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypraea, 331 
 marked with brown fpots and a bine band ; or greenifh with 
 5 or 6 brown bands or z ilraight and 2 undulate bands ; or one 
 fide livid and the other greenifh ; or black with z white fpots ; 
 or blue with rcddifh I'pots; or pale blue with a reddilh glofs» 
 Carneola* Shell flightly turbinate, pale with fiefh-colour bands : mouth 
 violet- ' 
 Lister, tab. 665. Rumpf. muj. fd^. ■^S,K, 
 Pet. Gas:, tab. 30, fig 8. Gualt, teft. tab. 1 3, H. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 18, fig-O. 
 Muj. GottTJuaU, 5. tab. \6, fig. a,b? 
 Knorr Fetgn. 6. tab. 17, /ig 4. 
 Bom Muf. Ctsf. Vind. teft. tab. 8, ftg. t. 
 yiartynuni^'erf. conch, i. tab 14. 
 Martini conch, i. tab. 2%,fig.z^-j, 2S8, 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. 76, /f^. 23 ? 
 Inhabits the Aficitic Ocean: z\ inches long. 
 ^hill thin, narrow, beneath and within white; fometin^es above 
 cinereous with brown bands. 
 Zelra. Shell turbinate, cinereous with brown bands. 
 Lifter, tab. bbc). Argen'v. conch, tdb. \ 8, G. 
 Bonan recr. 3. fig. 266. Muf, Kirch. 3,/*. 265. 
 SchrcEt. Einl. in conch, I. p. lOl, t. I ,/". 6, 
 Inhabits /nJia : refembles the laft, but is twice as large, and the 
 fpire more prominent ; beneath arc obfolete eyes ; teeth of the 
 aperture brown, 
 Ta/f>a. Shell iiightly turbinate, fubcylindrical, teftaceous -with pale 
 bands: beneath thickened and brown. 
 Lijter conch, tab. 668, fg. 14. 
 ylrgenv. conch, tab, l8, H. Rumpf. Muf tab. 38, I. 
 Petiv. Amb. tab, \(>, fig. I. Gualt. teft. tab. 16, N, 
 Valent. abh.tab. 2. ftg. I 3. 
 Barret, rar. tab. 1325. fg. 19/ 
 Muf Gctt-uuald. tab, 6, fig. 23, a? 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tah. 27 fig. 2, 3. 
 Re'cnf. conch. 1. tab. lO, fig. 37. 
 Martini conch, l. t'ign- 27. p. 275, 274. 
 Inhabits India. Shell 3 inches long, nnely polilhed, above liver- 
 colour, cinereous, whitifh or yellowifh-brown with 3 paler 
 bands, within white: teeth of the aperture brown, the inter- 
 ftices grey. 
 Jmtihjstea. SheH flightly turbinate; the fides gibbous and decorticate; 
 back violet. 
 Lister, tab. 662, Rumpf. Muf t. 13, Q, 
 teti-^ t Gaz, talt 32, fg. I 0. 
 T t 7. Seba 
33* WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cyprsea. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. I^^ftg* 2. 
 Muf, Gcttnuald. tab, 3. fig. 1 3. a, b. t, 5. /. 18, c. 
 Knorr Vergn^ 5. /«ii. ^'^. ftg. 5, 
 Martini conch. I. /tf/'. 2^. fig. 247—249. 
 2. ^^/Jia Afi«/". 3. r^:^. lb. fig. 24? 
 Inhabits Madagajcar. Shell thin, with 4 clouded brownifh 
 . ' bands above ; the fides marked with various charadlers : 
 within blue. Spise lefs prominent than in C. Zebra. 
 PKrtaa. Shell {lightly turbinate lurid and (lightly barred ; the extre- 
 mities pale yellow with 2 black fpots. 
 tifer. tab. 671. 673. Jrgenv. conch, tab. 18. C. 
 Bonan recr. Z- fig' 251- Muf Kirch. 3. /f^. 250. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. \'i-fg' E, I. 
 Muf Gott<^ald. tab. S'f'g' '6' C 
 Adans jetieg. I. tah^ S fg' t. D. 
 Martini conch. 1. tab. 'i^O.fig. 315. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean Atlantic and A^nerican Seas, 
 Shell 2 inches long, long narrow, beneath white, above moufe- 
 colour with darker bands, or greenifh or reddilh with blueifh 
 bands, or brownifh with reddifh bands the margin of the 
 whorls fometipies black, or pale brown with whitifh bands, or 
 bay with obfcure or blueiOi bands, or chelnut with a yellovy 
 tfand and another white one, 
 VeneUi. Shell {lightly turbinate fpotted and marked with yellowifli 
 dots; the extremities fpotted with brown: throa^ 
 Inhabits— —Pt;/. Gaz. tab. 95. fig, 13. 
 Lota, Shell {lightly turbinate, white, with fub'ulate denticles. 
 Bonan. recr. o' fig' 245. ^^vf Kirch. $» fig. 244. 
 Muf Gotlwald. tab, S-f'^' 20- a — c. 
 Born Muf Cas. rind. test. tab. S.fgt 4, 5. 
 Martini conch, i. tab ^o.fig. 322. 
 2. Gualt. teft. tab. \6.fg. C? 
 Inhabits the Teas of Sicih. Shell milk-white and hrghly polifhed, 
 wiih a tranflucent blufh of red between the teeth of the left 
 Fragilis, Shell turbinate ovate glaucous with longitudinal teftaceous 
 waves and pale bands. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Gualt, test, tab, 16. Q. 
 Refembles C. arabica in fliape but i$ more thin. 
 Guttata, Shell thin gibbous, fulvous dotted with white, with an ho- 
 rizontal line \a the middle : beneath white, with yel- 
 low teeth. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypr^a. 
 Inhabits LUler, tab. 676. Gualt* tab. 16. I, 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 2^, jig. 252, 255. 
 Cinerea. Shell thin ventricofe, reddifh-grey with paler bands: mouth 
 Inhabits Gualt, test, tab. 16. H, L, M. 
 Lilier. tab, 667, 668. fig. 13. a, b. tab. 670. 
 Martini conch. I. tab, 2^- fig. 254, 255. 
 Plumbea. Shell llightly turbinate, thin ; back lead-colour with 4 
 bands varied with blue and brown undulate with 
 browniOi at the margin gnd marked with blue and 
 brown lines. 
 Martini conch, I. tab. zS./ig, 256. 
 Inhabits Giiinea: rcfembles C, Exanthema, 
 Shell flightly turbinate, ruflet-brown with white eyes and 
 3 paler bands on the back. 
 Lijier. tab. 6g-j. Knorr Vergn. I. tab. $ifig. 3,4. 
 Bonan. recr. "i- Jig. 267. Muf. Kirch. I- fig, 266^ 
 Martin, conch I. tab. z6.fig. 257, 258. 
 2. Fal, abh. tab, (). fig. 83. 
 3. Seba Muf 3. tab. "jS.fig. 20. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean, Shell ntkcr large and of a coffee- 
 colour hue. 
 Hi Brio. 
 Shell ovate flightly turbinate, with livid eyes; beneath flat 
 white; iidcs thickened black fpotted with brown: 
 dorlal line livid : throat violet. 
 Lister conch, tab. (>^<)-fig. 3. a. 
 Knorr Fergn. 2. /. \b f. i. 
 Martyn um-v. conch, tab. IJ. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 
 Autantium. Shell flighly turbinate orange with a white immaculate 
 edge: throat bright red. 
 Martyn uni'vers, couchol. 2, tab, 59, 
 Inhabits the Friendly Iflands, 
 Ferruginofa Shell thin elongated, ycUowilli or blucifli with ferruginous 
 fpots; within blue. 
 Martini conch. \. tab. zb.fig, 260 262. 
 Inhabits— —5^f// blue when worn down. 
^34 WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypr^a. 
 Livida. Shell thin elongated, uniformly flraw-colonr pale yeHovir ©r 
 reddifli : beneath dotted with brown : teeth fubulate. 
 Inhabits —Lzfler conch, tab. 656. 
 Bbnan, Miff. Kirch. 3./^. 405. 
 Gihba. Shell thin gibbous j the back clouded and tranfverfely 
 Lifter conch, tab, t^l-fig* 7. 
 Inhabits — ^rekmbles L. amethyftea. 
 Tiirhinata. Shell turbinate ovate, glaucous with angular pale fpotS. 
 Inhabits Born, f^'uf. CaJ. Vmd. telt . tab. 8. fig- 6» 
 2- Brown with z banus. hilier. tab. 675. 
 Venerea. Shell oblong, brown with ftriped gold fpots: within blue. 
 Inhabits Donan. recr. and Muf. Kirch, "i^.ftg. 262. 
 Purpura/- Shell oblong purpHdi ; beneath furfounded with a white 
 "'"' line. 
 Inhabits -Gualt. left. tab. 16. A, 
 2. Qualt. test. tab. \6.Jig, B. 
 Albida^ Shell oblong whitilli ; ends of the lips fpotted with fulvous. 
 Inhabits Gualt. ted. tab. 16. C, 
 kufejUBs. Shell oblong reddifh-brown, beneath whitidi. 
 Inhabits— ^^^ Gualt. tejl. tab. l6'D. 
 Tranfucens Shell cylindrical, cinereous with pellucid bands. 
 Inhabits -Guak. test. tab. 16. G, 
 VunBulata* Shell cylindrical fragile, white with tranfverfe bands gH 
 reddilh dots. 
 Inhabits— —*^Gtfa/r. m/. /«3. 16. P, 
 2. l^uj. (iolt<watd. tab. 6. Jig. 23. e, 
 rigrhia. Shell obtufe ovate (lightly turbinate, with a longitudinal 
 teftaceous line. 
 Inhabits ^eba Muf. 3. tcb. 76. fig. 12. 
 Rcfembles C, Tigris, but has a manif<jft fpire and much fewcf 
 r) L- Shell oblong, ferruginous with paler bands* 
 Inhabits »^^eba Muf 3. tab, 76. fig, 15* 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73, Cyprxa, 
 Trlfafcidta Shell turWnate thin blueifli-brown, with 3 yellowilh bands 
 varJeJ with brown at each cmi 
 Inhabits Knorr Vergn, 6, tab. iS. fig, z. very rare, 
 Con/purcata Shell turbinate, blueiih-white dotted and clouded with 
 Inhabits . Borg, Muf. Caf. Vind. teft, tab. 8. fig. i. 
 Bifafctata. Shell oblong fliaded with purplifli, with a draw-colour band 
 and another narrower white one, and a bfown border. 
 Inhabits Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. Teft. tab. S.ftg. 3, 
 Shell abouC'4 inches long.. 
 Cflindrtca. Shell cylindrical, above pale violet and fpotted with bfOwn 
 at the fides, with 2 browri fpots at each end. 
 Inhabits— —j&ora Muf. Goes, f^ind tejl. tab. ^-ftg. 10. 
 Lips white : back with fometimes ^ brownilh bands. 
 Shell cylindrical milk-white, one fide bordered and varied with 
 a few pale yellow narrow marks: back with 3 brownr- 
 ifh waved bands. 
 Inhabits Hchrat, tinl. in conch, l.p, t6i. tab. l.fg. 7. 
 Shell ovate, a littleHeprefTed, one fide llightly bordered : back 
 vyhitilh with crowded yeliowilli-brown dots and waves 
 and 3 obfolete darker bands. 
 Inhabits. Schrcet. Eijil. in Coxh, l.p, 165. «. 120. 
 She// very thin and narrow, beneath and at the fides white, i^ 
 inch long, ^ broad ; within the fpire are 2 brown lines; ont 
 lip without teeth, thofe of the other fubulate. 
 Shell oblong, of one colour wiih a tinge of bloom, beneath 
 dotted with white with the border of one fide and the 
 teeth of the lip white, above yellow at each end: fpire 
 tipt with black. 
 Inhabits- Shrat. Eini. in conch. \. p. \G^. n. 121. 
 Shell thin oblong barred with brown 3nd dottejJ with red at 
 the fides. 
 Inhabits — 'b^artiui coneh. 1. tab. 26 fg. 265, 266. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. '^•fig> 234. 
 Muf. Gott-wald. tab.^.fg, 14, g. 3. and /. 6./. 23. d. 
 Shell turbinate glaucous margined, above gibbous with tT.anf- 
 verfe brownilh bands: throat glaucous. 
 Inhabits G//m<7, £hemn. conch, \o, fab. 144. fi^, J 344* 
336 WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypra^a. 
 Regina, Shell gibbous, glaucous-brown with triangular teftaceous 
 and whitifh fpots and 3 tranfverfe bands: throat blackifti- 
 Inhabits Seba Muf, 3. tab. y6./er. 5/ ». 3. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. iS./ig. 2. /. 27./, 6. 
 Martini conch, l. tab. 22,/ig. 207, 208. 
 Undulata, Shell turbinate, undulate with brownifh clouded with pale 
 ochre, with deeper bands. 
 Inhtibits Mauritius JJIanii. Chemn> 10. tab. 144. _/?§•# 1337. 
 B. Obtufe and without manifeji fpire. 
 Caput Shell triangularly gibbous and rather obtufe behind. 
 ferpenlis. Lipr. tab. 702. fig. 50, Rumpf. Muf. tab. 38. F. 
 Bonan. recr. I. fig. 258, Muj. Kirch, l-fig. 1^1 ■. 
 Rondel, aq. 2. p. 103. fig. 3. 
 Pet, Gaz, tab. 26. fig. 9. Jmb. aq. t, 12./, 7. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 15. 1. O. Jdansfeneg. I. tab. 5. G, 
 MuJ. Gott-wald. tab. 6. Jig. 3 1 . a. d. 32. a. 
 Knorr. Fergn. 4. tab. g._fig. 3. 
 Martini Lonch. I. tab. 30. /f^. 316. 
 Inhabits Mauritinus and Nujfatella IJlands : if inch long. 
 .5/^^// brown fpotted with white, beneath white, within violet. 
 Rtticulum^ Shell roundiOi gibbous, brown with white confluent reticu- 
 ' late eyes and a white horizontal line in the middle of 
 the back ; beneath white. 
 Lipr. lab., 701. fg. 49. Martin, i. tab. 26. fig. 259. 
 2. Liiter conch, tab. yo^. fig. 53. 
 Inhabits.^ Refembles C. Caput ferpentis. 
 Mauritians Shell triangularly gibbous, behind depreifed acute, beneath 
 black . 
 Rutnpf Muf. tab. 38. E /«/. nbh. tab, 34./^. I. 
 lijler. tab. 703. Pet. Gaz. tab. ()6.fg. E. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf Kirch,. Z-fS' '^^^' 
 Gualt, tef.tab. i^.fg. S. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. jb.Jig. 19. 
 Mu/. Gott-wald. tab. 6. fig. 29. a,b,/7^. 30. a, b. 
 ^;;orr t^ergn. i. M^. I3.7f§;. I. 2. and 2. /. 27./. 5 
 Martini conch, l.tab. ZO.fg^ 3 1 7 — 3 19- 
 Inhabits the Iflands Java, Mauritius and hufatelk. 
 Shet'I Wrgc ipotted with brown. 
 yitellus. Shell livid with fmall white fpots. 
 Rimpr, Muf. tab. 38. L. Pet» Gaz, tab. 80.//^. 3. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cyprxa. 337 
 Lilkr toneh, tab. 6921693. 
 Bdttan recr. ^ Muf. Kirch, l.ftg* 254. 
 Gualt. tefi» tab. \'i,,fig' T, V. 
 Muf. Gott'vjald. tab. 2, fig. 9. a, d. 
 Kmrr vergn. 6. tab, 20, fig. 3. 
 Martini conch. I. tab 23, yi 228,229. 
 Inhabits the /W/a^ Ocean. Shell 2 inches long, \tty pale yeU 
 low with 3 obfoletc tranflucent bands, the fpots round, within 
 blue, the fides dotted and fpotted with cinereous. 
 JJ/tf.f, Shell retufe, gibboiis, cinereous with a longitudinal brown 
 band : teeth of the aperture blackilh. 
 Lifter, tab. 657, Rtmpf, muf. tab, 39. S, 
 Jirgewu. conch, tab. iS, fig. E. 
 Seba Muf. tab. 76, fig, Hi 34* 
 Knorr Fergn. ^, tab. 1 2, fig. 3. 
 Martini conch, t. tab, z^, fig. 222, 223. 
 Inhabits the American and Mediterranean feas, - 
 Shell folid, very flightly gibbotis, white at the fides and beneath: 
 back with pale brown fpots. 
 7igrii, Shell ovate, obtufe behind and rounded before, ferruginous 
 with deep brown fpots and a yellowifli longitudinal 
 dorfal line* 
 Katur. Mifeel. tab, 193. Lifter, tab. 68 1, 682. 
 Rumff.Muf. tab. 38, A. Pet. Gaz. t. 96,/. 17. 
 Barrel, rar. tab. I 325,/. 23. tab. 1326. /. 24. 
 Jtonan. recr. ^. fig. 231, 232, 256, 264, 265. 
 Bonan. Muf. Kirch. Z. fig. 231, 232, 255. 264, 265. 
 Pa/, abh. tab. I, fig. 3. tab. 3. fig. 29* 
 Gualt teft. tab. 14, fig. G, H, I, L, 
 Argenv. conch, tab, 1 8, F. 
 Seba muf 3. tab. "3,6, f, 7, 9, 14. 
 Olear. Muf. tab. 30, fig. 3. 
 Bytem.app. tab. IZ, fig, 55, a. 
 Muf, Gott'-wald, tab. 1. a, b.yir. 2, a, b. fig. 3, a. 
 ATworr r^^«. I. tmb, 26, /fg-. 4 Sf 6. tab, 2 1, /'.4, 5t 
 i5or«. Mtf/: C**/. Vind. teft. tab. 8,/. 7. 
 Martini conch. I. /a^. 24,/. 232 — 236. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean and ACtatic : 4I inches long. 
 Shell with fometimes a yellowifli or blueiih glofs, the fpots gene- 
 rally numerous and rounded ; beneath white ; dorfal line 
 flammta. Sliell ovate, obtufe behind and rounded before, with waved 
 yellow fpots. 
 Inhabits f^alent.aih, tab. /[t Jig. 30. Very rare. 
 VOL. IV.— U u Olivacca. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cyprsea. 
 OHvacea, Shell ovate, olive clouded with yellow and fpotted 
 with brown, beneath flat,, pale brown, within bluc- 
 ifh ; teeth of the lip white. 
 Inhabits Martini concb. l. tab, ^If/ig. 33s. 
 Refembles C. Tigris, but is lefs. 
 laminea. Shell ovate, very thin, white with greenifli-yellow dots 
 difpofed in rows, within violet. 
 Lister, tab. 672, /. 18. Gualt. test, tab, 16, S. 
 Sebamuf. 3. tab. yS, fig. i, 2, 8. 
 Muf. Gott<waU. tab. 1, fig- .11, a,b.y. 12. 
 Inhabits —— RefembUs C, Tigris. 
 tynx. Shell oblong-ovatc with brown dots and a yellowifli line; 
 the hind-part a little acute, with a rufous mouth. 
 Lifier, tab. 62^. Bumpfmuf. tab 38, N. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. 97, f. 17. Murray teji. tab. I, f. 10. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. \%, Z. tab. 14, B — D. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 55, «. 20 
 Muf. Gottixald. tab, \,ftg. 5, e. tab, 5,/. 18, a-.C, 
 Knorr Ferg. 4, tab. 9, /. 6, O 6. /. 23,/. 6. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. teft. tab, 8, / 8, 9, 
 Martini conch, 1. tab. z-x,, fig. 230,231. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. Z^yfig. 7? 
 Inhabits Madagafcar and the Indian Ocean. 
 Sbell ihont 2 inches long, whitifti, blueifh or yellow, the fides 
 and beneath white : lips rufous between the teeth, 
 Jfabella. Shell fubcylindrical with pale yellow extremities. 
 Listery tab. 660. Rumpf. muf. tab. 39, G, 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. 97, f. 16. Amb,aq. 16, /. 16. 
 jirgentii. conch, tab* I 8, P. Muf. Gottwald. t. 7, f 3^» 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. /a^. 9, fig 5. 
 Martini conch, l, M^. 27,/. 275/ 
 Inhabits Mauritius and Madagafcar iflands. 
 5<^f// i\ inch long, narrow, white or grey dotted with black and 
 fometiines barred : teeth of the lips white. 
 4mbigua. Shell pyriform, duflcy with paler clouds and fpots. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 76, yi^. 30. 
 Inhabits probably not a diftinft fpccies. 
 Scurra. Shell ovate-oblong, beneath flat, yellowilh with greenifli 
 and livid confluent drops; the fides varied with fcat- 
 tered brown dots. 
 Inhabits /«^;a. Martini conch, i. tab. 27,/", 276, 277, 
 Chemn, conch, 10. tab, 144>_/'. 1338, a, b. 
 C. Vm^ 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cyprxa. J39 
 C. Umhilicate or perforated. 
 Onyx, Shell beneath brown, ?bove whitilh. 
 Rumpf, muf. tab, 38, G Gualt. te/t. tab, I 5, N. 
 Bonan. recr, 3, fig, 255. Muf. Kirch. 3, /. 254. 
 2. Chemn. conch, 10, tah. 1 45, A. f. I 341 . 
 Lister conch, tab. 6^-J. fig. 2, 
 Inhabits J/ia ; fmall. 
 Shell AhQve ochraceous, relembling C. Caput ferpentis. 
 Clande/tiiia Shell with very fine tr^^nrverfe lines here and there con- 
 Inhabits Mia. Shell finooth, livid, fize of C. afellus, beneath 
 white, immaculate, above with an obfoletc pale band or two, 
 with yellowjlh ftrjs hardly vifible without the afiiftance of a 
 SuccinSla; The intprjor lip rounded at each extremity. 
 Inhabits Muf. Lud.. Xflr. 575. n. 197. 
 Ziczac^ Shell pale yellow wijh browii:dots, thp extremities with 1 
 brown fpots. 
 Lifter^ tah. 661, Muf Goffw, tab, ^, fig- t8, i»k- 
 Pet. Gaz. tab, \ 2, fg. 7, Argenv. conch, tab. 18. N, R. 
 Seha muf. '^. tab, 55./^ 2, 3, H. 
 Martini conch. I, tab. 11, fig. 224 — 227; 
 Inhabits Shell above pale flefh-colour with 3 obfolete 
 white bands and zigzag rcddilh or yellowilh lines, beneath 
 pale yellow I'potted with black ; fometimes ruffet-brown with 
 2 white bands undulate with brown, and white beneath ; or 
 white with longitudinal pale tawny undulate lineF, beneath 
 yellow dotted with brown ; or hoary with crowded darker an- 
 gular lines, beneath fnowy. 
 Hirundo. Shell above blueifli, the extremities marked with 2 brown 
 Lilier, tab. 674,/^. 20,21. Pet. Gaz. t. 30,/, 3. 
 Bonan, recr. 5c Mif. Kirch. 3./. 235.- 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 55, fg. 8j 9. 
 Muf Gottnjuald. tab, 6. fig. 25, b,C. 
 Knorr Fergn. 4. tab. Z^yfig. \. 
 Born Muf CafVind. tell. tab. 8,/. II. 
 Martini conch. I. tah^ 2%, fig. z^z. 
 Inhabits the Maldi-oa ifands, refembles C. afellus. 
 Shcll\oTi%, narrow, beneath white, the margin dotted, above of- 
 ten dotted or Ipotted with brown, with 2 tranfverfe white 
 ' U u 2 JjfHus 
34* WORMS, TESTACEA. 73. Cyprsa. 
 jifellus. Shell white with 3 brown bands. 
 Rumpfp Muf, tab. 39. M, Lijier, tab. 666. 
 Argeniiille conch, tab. x8. T. Gualt. tab. 18. M. CC, DD. 
 Pet. Gar. tab. if)' fig. il. Amh. aq' tab, 16, Jig, x8. 
 Bonanreer. zndMu/. Kirch, %'fig. 236. 
 Barrel rar. tab. \%tt'fig. 27. 
 Muf. Gottiuali. tab. 6. Jig. 26, a— c. 
 Bytem. app. tab. 12. ftg. 567—58. 
 Adans,feneg. i , tab. 5. fig: 8. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. /«^. 2^. fig. 3. 
 Martin, conch. 1. ra^. 27. Jig ^ 280, 281. 
 Inhabits the Madeira IJlands. Shell oblong minute, the band* 
 margined with yellpw and fomctiroes they arc reddifb, 
 Srroneg, Shell with an equal teftaceous fpot. 
 Inhabits Muf. Lud, Vlr. 577, n, 202. 
 Urfellut, Shell oblong white, above fmooth varied with brown and 
 marke^ with 2 brown dojts at the umbilicus or perfo- 
 Rumpf Muf. tab. 39. O. Gualt, tefi, fab. 1 5. li. 
 Martin, (onch. tab. Zj^. fg. z^i. 
 Inhabits— — 'Shell very minute and rare. 
 fvrunti Shell pale brown with paler bands and ochraceous fpols, 
 beneath and at the fide? fulvous, within blue^ 
 Gualt. teft. tab. \\'fg. E. 
 Martin conch \. tab, zS.fig. zSy, 268, 
 Z' Lijier conch, tab. ^bf..ftg. i2 ? 
 3. Muf Gottauald. tab. J. jig- 33- i, k ? 
 Inhabits— —Teeth of tl^e lip white, 
 MtKuJoJa, Shell narrow long with fleih-cplour fpots above varied with 
 pale fulvous and glaucous ones, the fides chefnut. 
 Inhabits ■ ■ Bonan, recr. 'i-fg. 259. Muf Kirch, f. 258. 
 fuilat Shell thin, the fides rufTet-brown, above white or pale 
 brown with tranfverfe bands or a fainter horizontal 
 Inhabits ■■ ■ Martin, conch. \. tab. zd.fig, 269, 170. 
 tndica% Shell cylindrical, marked above with charaders eyes and a 
 paler horizontal line, the ijdes bloom-colour dotted 
 with black; teeth of the lip brown. 
 Inhabits India. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 39. H. 
 Refembles C, arabica, and may be placed in the diviiion A, or C. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypr«». 341 
 Ovum. Shell thin oblong, olivaceous with fcattered ferruginous 
 (pots; beneath white 
 Muf. Got/ivalJ, fab. $ fig. 19 g. h.^/^. 22. b. 
 Martini conch, i. tab, i'J'fig' 178, 279. 
 inhahits— — 5^^// narrow, an4 when worn down is marked with. 
 3 blueifh bands above J interftices between the teeth of the 
 lips brownifh, 
 Felitta, Shell oblong narrow, plumbeous with ferruginous dots and 
 fpots, and paler bands marked at each end with % 
 brown fpots. 
 l-i/Ier.tab. 680. Sda Muf. 3- ta6, $<y-jig. J 9. »• 7, 
 Mar'ini conch. I. tab. zi.ftg, 283, 284. 
 Inhabits — —Shell ihovti. blueifh \yheR worn down. 
 Atcmaria, Shell oblong, fnowy dotted with brown, each end marked 
 with 2 dulky dots. 
 Martini csnch. \. tab. z%.fig. 283, 284, 
 Inhabits— t-^—i'itf// about \ an inch long. 
 Nciuto/a. Shell oblong gibbous, brown with chefnut fpots. 
 Inhabits . ■ Li Her conch, tab* 6$2./ig. 35, 
 Qchrohuca, Shell thin, ochraceous with paler fpots- 
 IHJkabits m> •Bonatt. recr» 3.^. 244, M"/^ Kirch, 3 ft 24^. 
 Stellata, Shell thin, cinereous dotted with brown, and marked with 
 tranfverfe elevated ftrije. 
 Inhabits— — Bor.nn. recr. ^-/ig' 24$. Muf. Kirch. 3./, 247, 
 Subjiava. Shell rather oblong gibbous fmooth yellowifh. 
 Inhabits Gualt, teji. tab. 13. D. 
 Leucogatter Shell oblong purple, beneath white. 
 Inhabits— ——Ga«//. tefi. tab. 13, F, 
 faritlofa. Shell oblong, duflcy with 2 bands on the back and whitiih 
 Inhabits Gualt. tefi. tab. 13. M— Q_T. T. 
 F^ly^j* Shell folid oblong, fulvous with brown fpots difpofcd in rows 
 and 2 duiky bands ; the fides anJ beneath falfron. 
 Inh^bJK — r—'(''<'flf' f'J^' '^^* 13. S. 
3n WORMS. TESTACEA. 72. Conus. 
 Lettcoitana. Shell oblong gibbous, clouded with brown and blue, the 
 fides fpotted with black ; mouth white. 
 Inhabits Guah. teff, tab. 14. A. 
 Uuedta, Shell ovate, marked above with line5, with a fpotted border. 
 Inhabits — - — ^rMw/*. Gottiuc^ld. tab. z. fig, 7. f, 
 2. Mu/, Gotfr^-a/ii. tab, ^./ig' 14. gj i. 
 Cancellata. Shell ovate gibbous, with cancellate fpots, and an horizon- 
 tal line above. 
 Inhabits — -^Muf. Gott^vald. tab. ^./ig, 1 8. l-r-n./Vj, 19. a— C' 
 Lutea, Shell brown! fh with t white bands, beneath pale yellow 
 dotted with brown. 
 Grcno--v. Zocph. tah. ^1 ■ fig- 1 9. 
 Inhabits i'y^^// oblong narrqw? 
 Badia^ Shell oblong gibbous, above bay with brown and white dots. 
 Inhabits — -~-^Bytem, apj>ar. tab. xz.ftg. 57. 
 Punilatai Shell ovate white with teftaceous dots. 
 Inhabits— —5A^// flightly margined; mouth viK\Xe» 
 Zonaria. Shell ovate fmoothiHi, yellow ifh with 4 brown lunules* 
 Chenn. crmeh. 10. tab. \i^\.fig. 1342. ►- 
 Inhabits the fhores of Guinea : very rare, 
 Conoidea, Jyip toothed within with 3 rows of tubercles : pillar-lip 
 without teeth. 
 Scopol, Delic. inf. 2. tab. 24. fig. 3,* 
 D. Margined. 
 Crihi-aria. Shell umbilicate, pale yellow with round white fpots. 
 Lifter, tab. 69;. Argen'v, Conch, tab. 18, X. 
 Fit. gnz. tab:. 80. K. tab. ^- fig. 3 ? 
 Muf. Gottivald. tab, z. fg. 7. c ? fg. 9. g, 
 Rei^enf conch. 1. tab. XZ.fg. 74. 
 Martini conch I. tab. ^l'fg» 336, 
 Inhabits— —5iW/ oblong narrow, fize of a fparrow's egg, ocel* 
 late, beneath enterely white, fomctimcs fpotted with yellov\« 
 between the teeth of the lip. 
 •Moneta* Shell whitifh with a knotty margin. 
 Litter, tab. 709. Argeiiv. conch, {ah. iS. K, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypraia. 343 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 39. C. LeJJer test fig. 26. 
 Pet, gaz. tab. ^"J-fig. 8- ^mb. aq. t. 16. f. 14. 
 Bonan. recr, & Muf. Kirch. I' fig, 233. 
 Sarrel.rar. tab. 1^2^, fig- 26 
 Gualt tefi. tab. ^J\- fig- 3 — 5. Murray test. t. I./. M. 
 il/a/. Gotfvjald. tab. "J fig. 42. a — g. 
 Bytem. appar. tab. \2.fig. 59. 
 Knorf Vergn. 4. /ai. 24.7%- 4> 
 Martini conch. \. tab, l^-fig- 337 — 34d« 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean Atlantic A'.thiopic and Indian Seas ; is 
 iifhed up by the Negro women, 3 days before or after full-moon, 
 and tranfported into Bengal Siam America and the adjacent 
 iflands, and is the fpecies ufed by the native Blacks in com- 
 merce, inllead of nwney. 
 Jnnu/ut, Shell furrounded on the back with a yellow ring. 
 Rump/. Muf. tab. 39. D. Pet. Gaz. tab. t.fig. 8. 
 Rondel, test . Z-fijg, 4- Gualt. test. tab. 14. fig. I, 2, 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. 3. ftg. 1 40, 141. 
 Muf Gottivald. tab. "J.fig. 33. f, g. 
 Knorr Fergn. /^. tab. g,fig. 4. t, l6.f. 4. 
 Martin, conch, i. tab, i^. fig. 239, 240. 
 Inhabits Amboina and Alexandria, 
 Shell ochraceous, within blue, beneath Hattifh.' 
 Caurica, Shell with a gibbous unequal whitifli margin dotted with 
 brown, the back marked with teftaceous clouds. 
 Lister, tab. 677, 678. Rumpf. muf. tab. 38. P. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab, 15, A A. Murray test. tab. I. fig. 13. 
 Martin, conch, i, tab. z().fig. 301, 302. 
 2. Rumpf. muf. tab. 38. O. 
 3, Martini couch. I . /. 29./". 303. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Shell folid. Beneath yellowifh or 
 white, with 4 obfulete brown bands. 
 Erofa, Shell with a jagged margin, yellow dotted with white, the 
 fides with a brownilh fpot. 
 Lister, tab. 690. Rumpf. muf. tab. 30. A. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. gj.fig. 19. Gualt. tefi. tab. 1 5. H. 
 Muf. Gottnuald. tab. ".fig. 37. a — c. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 20. fig. 4. 
 Born Muf C^f. Vind. tefi. tab. 8. f.g. 13. 
 Martini conch. I. ra^, 'i^o. fig. 320, 321. 
 Inhabits Mauritius and Afcenfion Ifiands. 
 Shell above convex, fometimcs brown or greenifli dotted with 
 white, fometimcs fpotted with pale brown with a {lightly ob- 
 lique grceniih line in the middle; beneath and at the fides, 
34+ WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypraca. 
 Derofa, Shell with a jagged margin, flefti-colour with a greenifh 
 back marked with fulvous dots, the fides dotted with 
 Inhabits the Ueiitfrranean^ Grono'V. Zooph. tab. iS./ig. lO. 
 SMlvfith 3 obfolcte bands above, beneath fmoothilh reddi(h. 
 Flaveela, Shell with a jagged margin yellow dotted with white, the 
 fides marked with obfolcte fcattered brown dots. 
 Inhabits The white docs or eyes are here and there running 
 into ftria:i very much refenablcs C. erofa. 
 S/urca, Shell flightly margined, yellowiOi with deeper fpccks, the 
 fides dotted with brown. 
 Inliabits the Mediterranean. S/W/ovate fmooth ; fometimes livid, 
 immaculate, diaphanous, without teeth; the margin above 
 crenulate brown* interior lip with a reflefted tip behind. 
 OS/onga. Shell oblong ovate, above blueifh dotted and fpotted with 
 brown, beneath and at the fides white. 
 Born. Muf. Ca/. f^ind. teli. tab. »,/'g' 14- 
 Inhabits SMI with a manifelt fpire, and therefore belongs 
 more properly to the divifion A. 
 StoliJa: Shell cinereous variegated with tcftaceous. 
 Rump/, muf. tab. 39. E. Argeiiv. conch, tab, 18, Y. 
 Seba muf. 3 . tab, 5 5 . fig. 1 z— 1 4 , 
 Muf. Gotfwald. tab. $.ftg. 22. a. c. /. 6./. 28 ? 
 Bor,t muf Caj. Vind. tell, tab. S.fg. 12 ? 15 ? 
 Martini cench, I. t, 28./. Z92, 293. 
 2. Bonann. recr. and Muf kirch. l-fg. 237. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 39. F. Muf Goitvjald. /. 6,/. Z/. 
 Martini conch, I. /. 28,/. 294, 295. 
 3. Giialt.tejt. t. 16. f. E. 
 4. Martini c(mch. I./, 28./. 296,297? 
 5. Lister conch, t. 679,/. 26, 
 Inhabits ^;7;^oMa: 1 flinch long. 
 Shell white beneath and at the fides. 
 Hehola. Shell triangularly gibbous, dotted with white, jagged behind, 
 beneath yellow immaculate. 
 Lister, tab. 69 1. Rutrpf. mul. lab. 39. B. 
 Bonan.recr. I. fig. 247. MuJ kirch. f. 246, 
 Gualt. test. tab. 15. B B. Leffer test. fig. 27. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. ^O, fig. ^26, 'iZ-^. 
 inhabits the Indian Ocean. Shell yellow with white dots and 
 eyes above, fometimes marked with chefniit Itars between 
 white or blueilh fpots, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypres: 345 
 O^cllata. Shell flightly margined, pale yellow with black eyes. 
 Lider. tab, 696. Pet. Gtv^. tah. ^.fig. 7. 
 Bonan. recr. '^. fig, 359. Muf. Kirch, ftg, 352, 
 Muf. Gott'-voald. tab. y.jig, 32. c, d, e ? 
 Martini conch. I. tab. '^\.fig.. 333, 334. 
 Inhabits Shell \ an inch long, the margin white dotted 
 with brown ; teeth of the lip whire. 
 Parana, ghell pale Violet dotted with white. 
 Born, muf C<ef. Vind, ted. tab. ^tftg* 1 6. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 'iO.jig, 324, 325. 
 2. Lister, tab. 694. Seba muf. 3. tab. 55. fig, 19. 
 Muf. Gottnuald. tab. J. fig, 33. b, c. 
 Martini conch, I. tab. l\.fig. 237,238. 
 Inhabits Shelly try fraall, above livid pale ydllow or brovvnifli 
 • Pedicultts. Shell with Humerous tranfvcrfe furrows^ fome of them 
 forked. Nun, 
 Dono^atisBritiflfiells. tab. 43. 
 Da Cofa Brit, conch, tab. 2. fig. 6, 6i 
 Penn Brit. Zool. iv. tab. JOffig, 82. 
 Borlafe Cornivull.p. 277. tab. z^.fig. 12, 13^ 
 Lifter An. Ang. tab. •>,. fig, 17. 
 Lifler conch, tab. 706, 707, 
 Argennj. conch, tab. 18. L. Zootn. tab. 3. I, K. 
 Rumpf muf, tab. 39. P, Gualti tab. 14. O, P. 15^ P, R. 
 Seba muj, 3. tab, SS'/'S' ^2* 
 Muf. GottKJuald. tab. S'/'g' 21* • 
 Knorr l^ergn, 6. tab. ij.fig. 6, 
 Martini conch. I. tab. zq.Jig. 306— 31I. 
 2. Much larger. Knorr Vergn. 6. /a^. y^^fg,"]* 
 Inhabits mod fea Coafts. Shell very fmall ovate, with various 
 tints of red or white and with or without fpots, and fometimes 
 marked with a longitudinal groove fometimes not, 
 Niir'eits, Shell margined each fide flightly produced and rugged, with 
 raifed tubercles above. 
 Lister, tab 708. Argenv. conch, tab. l8' V, 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 39. I. Gualt. tefistah. Mf.fig. Q, R, S, 
 Petiv. Gaz.. tab. ^"J-fig. 12. Amb. aq. t, 16. f. i I, 
 Muf, Gottifjald. tab. 8 fg. 44 a, b. 
 Knorr P'ergn. ^.tab. l^,fg. 7. 
 Regenf. conch. I. tab. 12, fig. 78. 
 Born Muf. Ca:s Vind test. t.%.f. 17. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. K^-fig- 312. 
 Inhabits the Ifland Nufjatillo. Shell oSlong white cinereous or 
 ileel- blue, about an inch long, the (ides tranfverlely grooved, 
 teeth of the lips acute. 
 VOL. IV.— X X Mada- 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cypraea. 
 Shell whitifli produced each fide, the back tuberculate and 
 marked with tranfverfe undulate flrias. 
 Lijier' tab. jio, fig. 6i. 
 Z. Muf. Gotfwald. tab. S.fig. 44. c, d. 
 Inhabits Maaagafcar ; refembles the laft, but is broader* 
 Shell fomewhat produced with elevated dots but not ftriate, 
 the extremities pale yellow. 
 Argennj. conch, tab. i8* S. ■ 
 Muj. Gotfwald, tab. 7. fig. 33. d ? e? 
 Knorr Fergn, 4. tab. l6./ig. 2. 
 Born Muf. Cas. Find. test. tab. S./ig, 18. 
 Martini conch, l. tab. zg. Jig. 313, 314. 
 Inhabits— —-SW/ inclining to chefnut, the tubercles Icfs than in 
 C. nucleus^ teeth of the lips reflefted. 
 Cicercula* Shell produced each fide and fprinklcd with raifed dots. 
 Lifer, tab. 7 10. fig. 60. Gualt. teff. tab. 14. T, 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. 3. ftg z^l. 
 Rum^. muf, tab, ig.fig. K. 
 Born muf Ctzj. Find. tefl. tab. B' /ig. 19. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. Z^.fig. 243, 244. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian Seas, 
 Shell white or whicifh, with a convex back. 
 Globulus Shell produced each fide and finooth. 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 39. L, N. Gualt. tejl. tab, 1 4. M, 
 Muf. Gottiuald. tab. 8. fig. 44. c, f. 
 Murray teft. tab. \,fig. 12. 
 Born muJ. Caf. Vind. test, tab, ^»fig. 20. 
 Martini conch, l. tab. z/^.fig. Z/^z, 
 Knorr Fergn. 6. tab. 21 fig, 7. 
 Chemn. conch, lo. tab, ^\$'fig' I349> 'SS*^* 
 2. Gualt. teft. tab 14. N. 
 Inhabits Afa, chiefly about Amboina. 
 (Si*^// globular white or yellow, rarely dotted with brown or red. 
 Affinis. Shell oblong, flightly produced, fmooth, yellow, ocellate 
 each fide before. 
 Knorr Fergn. 6. tab. Zl, fig. 7. 
 Inhabits refembles the laft, but is more oblgng. 
 Squalina» Shell thin oblong, white with ferruginous dots and fpots. 
 Lifter, tab, 684. fig. 31. /. 686./. 33, 
 Gualt. tefl. tab. 16 I. 
 Mu[. Gotfvoald. tab. i^-fig' 18. d — f. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. z^,fig. 250, 251. 
 ,2, Muf, Gottwald. tab, l.f'g- 33. a, b. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 73. Cyprx^. 347 
 Inhabits S&ellihln with fometimes confluent fpots, the margin 
 fpotted with brown, the back with often a whitilh horizontal 
 Fimbriata. Shell white or grey with obfolcte ferruginous fpots and 
 tranfverfe bands ; lips of the mouth marked with violet 
 Martini conch. I. tab. zfi-. fig. 263, 264. 
 Inhabits— —Si'f// red when worn down, 
 Cruenta, Shell gibbous, above blueilh with rufous dots, beneath ^xA 
 at the fides white; lips citron. 
 Inhabitb Qualt. tf/t. tab, 15. E. 
 Reticulata, Shell reticulate, the margin varied with ftriped fpots. 
 Inhabits Rump/. Muf. tab. 39. R. 
 Rubiginc/a Shell oblong white, within violet ; back' with a ferruginous 
 , blotch; each end marked with 2 pale yellow fpots: 
 teeth of the lips yellowilh. 
 Inhabits— —M«r//«/ ro«c-^. i. tab. 29.//^. 305. 
 Miliaris. Shell thin fliort, yellowifli-green with milk-white eyes and 
 marked with a lateral horizontal line. 
 Inhabits 'Liiter tab. 700, 701, 
 Martini conch, i.tab. ^o./ig. 323, 
 Acicularis. Shell folid, above yellowifli dotted with brown with an ho- 
 rizontal pale line, beneath milk-white, with impreffcd 
 dots at the margin. 
 lTA\3.h\ti—-r'Martini conch, i.tab. I'it fg> 335. 
 Craja. Shell thick, yellowifh with 3 whitiih bands: niouth blueifti. 
 Inlubits above 4 inches long, 
 Lijter conch, tab, 66^, fig, 8. 
 Vinofa. Shell above white with a claret (lain and marked with pur- 
 plilh eyes lurrounded with a black circle and an hori- 
 zontal white line : within blue. 
 Bonan. recr, l- fig 253. Muf. Kirch, "i,. fig. 252. 
 inhabits the Mediterranean. She/i with a fnowy margin, 
 Anguflaia. Shell narrow, brown with reddifh fpots at the fides. 
 Inhabits (hi.alt. tat. tab. 13. Q^Q^ 
 X X 2 Si/nihi. 
348 WORMS; TESTACEA; 74. Bulla. 
 ^imilis. Shell oblong gibbous, yellowifli dotted with white, with a 
 blackilh fpot at the margin. 
 Inhabits— —Ga«/^ ted. tab^ 13. R. 
 Striata, gj^g]] conyex blueifh-white dotted with browp: beneath 
 yellow ftriate on one fide. 
 Inhabits— —r<?W^ '{/?• f^l>' H* P* 
 Chinenlts, Shell oblong folid variegated, with orange lips. 
 Inhabits 1 ' Argsnv, conch, tab, l8. Z. 
 Pu/illa. Shell blueifh fpotted with brown and marked with 3 bands. 
 Inhabits ■ :, ■■ Argenn), conch, tab, i6./ig, i, 
 74. BULLA. Animal a Limax: Jhell uni- 
 valve convolute, unarmed ^vith teeth ; 
 aperture a little ftraitened, oblong, lon- 
 gitudinal, very entire at the bafe : pillar 
 oblique, fmooth« 
 QifutK, Shell ovate obtufe, (lightly 2-beaked: one of the lipq 
 Argeni). concb, tab, \%, A, Lister, tab. "J^'fig, 65. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab, 38. Q^ Lejir test. fig. 2Z. 
 Val. abh. tab. 4. fig, 32, 
 Peti<v, Gaz. tab. 97'/ig. '/. Amb, aq. tab. 8. fig. 9» 
 Bonan. recr. ^.fig. 252, ]^uf. Kirch, "^./ig. 25 1 • 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, 76., fig, 6, 10, 1 1 , 
 Muf. GottivaU. tab. "J fig. 43. a— -c, 
 Knorr f^ergn. 6 , tab. 3 3 . Jig, i , 
 Martini conch, \. tab. zz. fig 205, 206. 
 ^, Martyn^s unit'erf, Conchol, 2. tab, 60. 
 Inhabits Amboina, 2) the Friendly IJlands \ ffom it*s having one of 
 the lips toothed appears like a Cypraea : 4 inches long : fliell 
 fmooth fnovvy with a pale yellow mouth, 
 Y^hja* Shell 2-beaked, the beaks long ftriate acute. 
 Lister, tab. 71 \'fig. 63. Leffer test. fig. z^. 
 Argen-v, conch, tab. 18. I. Spengl. conch, tab. I. C. 
 Bonan. Muf. Kirch, '^.fig, 390. 
 Seba muf. -J^.tab. i^S.fg. i^ — 16, 
 Knorr Vergn. ^,tab. \,fg. 2. 3, and 6. /. 32./". 1. 
 Martini conch, \ . tab. z^.fg, 217. a, b./Tg-, 2 1 8, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 349 
 Inhabits Jamaica, and is exceedingly rars. 
 Shell t\\\v\, labglobular in the middle, tranfverfely ftriaic, white 
 or yellowifh a(h ; the beans are foraetimes a little curved. 
 Biroftrit* Shell 2-bpaked, tl^e margiji thickened outwardly: bcaki 
 long fraooth. 
 Lister conch, tab. 7 1 1 . fig, 6$. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. zo. fig. 5, 
 Inhabits Ja'va : refembles the laft but is much fmaller, hardly 
 as large as a bean, and the middle not fo much inflated: Jhell 
 Tmouth, whitilh flefh-colour with equal beaks obliquely trun- 
 cate, one of them a little afccndin^j : aperture n^ixly equal, 
 ^ut broadej towards the beak, 
 Sfglta* Shell oblong, rather obtufe at both ends, equal ; lip arched, 
 the margin thickened within. 
 Lilier. tab. jxz.ftg 68, Gualt, test.tab^ ^S'/^i' 4- 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. bS.fg, i — 3. 
 Ginann adv. 2. tab. I 3. fig- 95. 
 Barrel, ic. 31, 32, 35. 
 Marthii conch. I. tab, 23. ^g. 21 J, 216, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and ^idri^itic.. 
 Shell white fmooth, about twice the fize of a grain of wheat, 
 flightly beaked, without external fpire : fl/^r/ar^ longitudin*! 
 lunate, with a fma)l obfolete tooth at the tip of the pillar. 
 ferrucofa. Shell tranfverfely angular ovate, with a bony dot each fide, 
 LiBer, tab. 1\l. fig, 67, Lejj'er tejl.jig. 24. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. g(^.fig. Z. Amb. aq. t. l6,f. 22, 23. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 38. H. Gualt. test, tab, 16. F. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab, 18. M. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. ^^'fg. IJ: 
 Knorr Vergn' 4. tab. lb. fig, 7. 
 Mariini conch, I. tab. z^-jig. 220, 221. 
 Inhabits India: refembles a Cyprxa. 
 Sheli \Nh.\tt with reddifh extremities, oval, 
 Cibhofa. Shell angular with an elevated belt. 
 Lifer, tab. 71 \ fig. 64.. Argenv. conch, tab, 1 8. 0. 
 Column, Purp. tab, ^O.fg. 5. 
 Pet, Gaz. tab. 15. fig. 5. Lefer test, fig, 25. 
 Bonan, recr. and Muf. Kirch 3 •/i'- 249. 339, 
 Seba muf. ■},. tab. 55. //f. 18. 
 Muf. Gottivald. tab. S.fg. 46, a. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. lt\..fg. 3, 4 and 6. .'. 32./'. 4. 
 Martini conch, i . tab. 22. fig- 2 1 l — 214. 
 Inhabits Braftl. Shell loi^g narrow white or tinged v.'ith a bleom- 
 folour ; aperture ftraighc. 
350 WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 
 tfaucum. Shell rounded pellucid, flightly ftriate tranfverfely and per- 
 forated at each end. 
 Lijler. tab. 714./^ 73 Rump/- Muf. tab. 27. H. 
 Bonan, recr. and Muj. Kirch, l- ftg. 4. 
 Gualt, teft. tab. 13. G G. Argeti'v, conch, tab. 13. Q^ 
 Seba muf, 3. tab. 3.8. yfg-. 2, 3. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. /i?<^. 38./^. 2, 3. 
 Martin, conch. 6. /«./ 38 /i'^. 2, 3. 
 Martini conch. I. /^z^. 22 ^ij 200, 201, 
 Inhabits the /ifncun and Indian Seas : an inch long. 
 6'/^i?//thin, fometimes glabrous on the middle of the back. 
 • Afer-ta, Shell roundifli pellucid, iranfverfely fubflriate, one end much 
 produced : the apertures very open. 
 Gualt. test. tab. I 3 Jig. E E, 
 Martini conch x.p. 266 ijign. ^l-fig. 3. 
 Schrat. Eivl. in couch. I, tab. i-Jig. 8. a, b. 
 Fa'vann. conch, tabi 27. F. 7 
 Chemn. conch. 10. M/^. 146. /i^. 1354, 1355. 
 B. patula. Brit. Zool.'iv.p. 117 tab. ^o. Jig. 85. A. 
 i)fl Co/?« 5n>. conch, tab. Z.Jig. 3. 
 Inhabits Europe and Africa. HhellivcisWy one end much produced 
 and f ufiform ; the Jqvver.lip very much fprcad out. 
 IJjdatis, Shell rounded pellucid and flightly ftriate longitudinally : 
 Crown umbilicate. 
 Gualt, test. tab. ^.y fig. D D, 
 Chemn. conch, (). tab. \\%. jtg. lOig, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; about the fize of a (mall pea, and 
 refembles the laft. 
 * Ampulla. Shell rounded, obtufe at one end: crown umbilicate. 
 lifier. tab. 713, 7 1 4. fig. 72. 71^ f'g- 74- 
 Rutnpr. Muf. tab. 27. G. Le/Jer test fig, 3 1. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab, ^o. fg. 13. /. 99./. 14. 
 Gretv niif. tab. 9. /%. 7, 8. 
 Guali test. tab. I 2. E, F, I. 
 Murray test. tab. l-fg- 9- 
 Seba muf 3, tab. S'^-fg- 34—44 
 Knorr l^'ergn. 2. tab. S.fg. 1--5. /. 17./. 6. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 21. /%. 188-I93. /• 22./. 202-.204. 
 Inhabits moll feaCoalls; 2-3 inches long. 
 Shell whitQ marked with various fhadcs and fpots of red brown and 
 blue, with fometimes flexuous blacker grey lines; the inner 
 fide lapping over the pillar fo as to render it invifible. 
 • Lignaria. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 351 
 *Lignaria. Shell oblong-oval, tranCverefcly ftriate ; the crown narrower 
 and nightly umbilicate. 
 Do/Krjans Brits jliells, tab. 27. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 70. fg. 83. 
 Da Cofta Brit, conch, tab. 1. Jig. 9. 
 TranfaH. Vmn. Soc. ii./. I 5. tab. 2, 
 Lister conch, tab 7 1 4, Jig. 7 1 . 
 Bonan.MuJ. Kirch, l- Jig. 406, 
 iTwrr r^rga. 6. fab, ^Jijig- 4. 5« 
 Martin: conch, l. tab, Zl, Jig. 194, 195. 
 Inhabits the European coalts; nearly 3 inches long. 
 She/I thin, of a dirty colour like fome woods, within white : ///- 
 /arflexnous and vifible to the eye up to the crown. 
 The inhabitant of this fpecies, and probably thofe of moft of the 
 genus, is furnilhed with an organ exaftly refembling thcgiz- 
 zard of a fowl, and which it appears to ufe for the purpofe of 
 raafticating its food. 
 *Regullien- Shell thick, white, opake, the aperture comprefTed in the 
 /?;. middle. 
 Adams Microjct p. 640. lab. l^, Jig. 28. 
 Found at Recuher: very minute and rare. 
 Pfy/i;. Shell rounded, glabrous, pellucid and marked with tranf- 
 verfe lines : fpire rctufe. 
 Lisfer conch, f^b. yi^, ^g. y^. 
 Bonan. MuJ, Kirch. 3. /f^. 403. 
 Fal. alh. t. 2,/. 19. Gudlt. test. tab. 13, F F. 
 /Irgen-v. conch, t. 17, I, Klein ojir. t. 5. /"• 98. 
 Scba MuJ. 3. tab. 38.//^. 46 — 50. 
 Martini conch, i. tab. zi. fig. 196 — 198« 
 2. Kamm. cab. Rudolst. tab. 9, Jig. 5. 
 3. yiartyn uni'vcrj. conch, i. tab. ll. 
 Inhabits India. Shell very thin, with blackifli or brown lines, 
 between which are often rows of dots. 
 Amplujlra. Shell roundlfli with an elevated obtufe fpire and flefh- 
 colour bands. 
 Chemn. conch, lO. tab. 146, fig. 1350, 1351. 
 Inhabits Ajia^ Shell white. 
 Ficus. Shell obovate with a clavate crown indiftinft fpire and 
 elongated beak, the furface marked with reticulate 
 Lister t tab. 750, 751. Cv.alt. tcH. tab. 26, I, M. 
 Rumpf. muj. tab. 27, K. Lefjer teji. Jg-SI* 
 Petinj. Amb. aq, tab. 6, J^tg, 9. 
 Bonan. recr. S Muj', Kirch, 3. fig. 15. 
 » Argenvilljf 
^5/ WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 
 Argenville coneh. tah. 1 7 , jig, O, 
 Seliamuf. 3. tai. 62, fig. I — 6. 
 Muf GottTxald. tab. 10, fig. 70. a, b. 
 A'worr </(?//V. nat. tab. B, ii./?^. 7- 
 Kfiorr fergn, I. /«i. \^. fig. 4. ^3- '• 23,/. I J 
 Martini conch. 3. /«3. 66. /i^.- 733-735. 
 2. Z-n/^r fOKf/?'. /'fli. 877. 
 Martini conch. 3. /fl// 6b. fig. 736, 737^ 
 3. SebaMuf 3* /"rt^. 68j /fj. 19, 20. 
 4. Lister conch. tab< 816^ 
 A'/«« o/?r. /«^. 4. //^. 79, b^ 
 5. Schrcct.EinL m 'verjt. 4. z^^. io,fig^ 8. 
 Inhabits the American and Indian ocean ; 3 inches long. 
 5/W/whitifli, with cancellatc ftria; and fpots, dots or lines, within 
 white or blueilh : aperture large, with a fmilunar ineifure j the 
 tail or elongated beak hollow within. 
 Ra*)a. Shell rounded, torbinate, flightlyftriate, with a curved beak 
 and finely wrought fpire. 
 Jrgenv conch, tab. 17, K. Rumpf. muf, t» 27, F. 
 Cualt. tejl. tab. 26. fig. H. Klein oftr, /, 4,/, 80. 
 Valent. abh. tab. g, fg. 82. 
 Peti'V Ami), aq. tab, 9, fig. 8. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 38,/. 13 — 24. /. 68,/. 7, 8. 
 Knorr del. /. B. ii./ 8. Vergn. I, /. 19,/. 5. 
 Martini conch. 3. /a^. 68,//^. 747-749. 
 2, Chemn. conch. 10. /a/^. 142,/. 1364 — 1 366. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; 2 — 3 inches long. 
 5/W/ white 01 greenifh, and v/hen full grown evidently ftriate, 
 Thcfe 2 laft fpecies, by their projeding beaks, approach to the 
 Genus Murex. 
 Caniculata. Shell cylindrical, the whorls of the fpire grooved. 
 Inhabits ■ Shell teftaceous with paler clouds. 
 Qonoidea. Shell oblong-turbinate, fmooth, the bafe fubftriate, with 
 crenulate futures. 
 Inhabits Shell ochraceous, fize of an acorn ; the bafe emar- 
 ginate ; pillar-lip obtufe; pillar with 5 or 6 folds; fpire 
 conic, half as long as the (hell, the whorls thin and iinbricat'r 
 9nd appearing as if crenulate with dots at the margin. 
 • F0H//W/J Shell ovate, pellucid, with an obfolete fpire, the whorls 
 contrary or turning from right to left: aperture ovate- 
 Lilier conch, tab. 134. Anim.Ang. tab. z, f. 25, 
 Muller Naturf 15. tab.\,ftg. i — 12. 
 Guak. tej}, tab, $,ftg. C C. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulk. 353 
 Martini Berl. magaz- 4. tab. 1 1, fig. 6i. 
 SchroEt.flufconch. tab. 6, fig. 16. a, b. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. r^z^. iO^, fig. 877 — 880. 
 Inhabits the ftiores of the Danube^ and is found in many parts of 
 Europe in lakes and rivers: about \ of an inch long. 
 Shell thin, brittle, polifhed, yellowifh or white : jpire with 3 
 whorls, the laft inflated : inhabitant white or grey with a jag- 
 ged meAbrane. 
 Hypnorum, Shell ovate, pellucid, with a prominent contrary fpJre; the: 
 aperture ovate-lanceolate. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 103, fig. 882,883. a, b. 
 Inhabits Europe, among wet mofs ; probably a variety of the laft. 
 Turrita. Shell polifhed, with a pointed fpire : ap&rture oblong. 
 Mull, 'verm.fiuv. et terr. z. p,l6(). ». 345. 
 Inhabits Northern Europe, in ditches and wet meadows. 
 Shell 1—6 lines long, ovate-oblong,' the whorls turning contrary, 
 pellucid, fulvous or black : fpire with 3.-6 fmooth whorls: 
 inhabitant deep black, the tip of the feelers only white. 
 Gelatinofa. Shell Very brittle with a deprefTed contrary fpife : aperture 
 ending in a beak. 
 Inhabits rivers of Denmark, z\ lines long. 
 Zhell ventricofe, fulvous, diaphanous, very brittle and light as a 
 feather: Jpire broad, the whorls obfolete except the laftj in~ 
 habitant grey, thrice as large as the fhell, which it completely 
 involves in a thick gelatinous membrane. 
 Terebetlum, Shell cylindrical, with a fubulate fpire truncate at the bafe. 
 Lister, tab. 736. Rumpf. muf. tab. 30, S. 
 Peti-v. Amb. aq. tab. i 3, fig. 24. 
 Bonan recr. 13 Muf, Kirch, I. fiig. 57. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab, z%,0. Lejfer tefi.fig, 33, 
 Argenx'. conch, tab, 1 1, fig. G. 
 Klein ostr, tab. z, fig. 48, 49. 
 MuJ. GottzvaU, tab. 43, fig. 53, a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2, tab. 4, /ig. 4, 5. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab ^\if 568, 569, 
 3. Lister, tab, 737. Pet. Amb. tab, I 3, f. 24. 
 Chemn. C07ich. lO. tab. 1^6, fig, 1 362. 1363. 
 inhabits the Indian Ocean, and very much refembles a Conus. 
 ^hell narrow, above 2 inches long, generally tranfverfely ftriate, 
 white with ufually pale yellow fpots, dots or clouds, rarely 
 with 4 bands. 
 Cypraat Shell ovate ; the fpire indiftin£l and a little prominent at 
 the tip: aperture more dilated behind, the pillar 
 VOL. IV.— V y Knort 
J54 WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 
 Knorr'vergn. 6s tab, \, fig, $^ f. 2y,/. 6 I 
 Born Wluf. Caf Vind. teji. tab. 9, fig. 2 ? 
 Inhabits the Mediterramatty about the fize of an acorn ; is pro- 
 bably the Cyprsa Ipurca or Conus bullatusr in a different 
 ftagc of growth. 
 Virginca, Shell with particoloured double bands and purple truncate 
 Katur, Mifcell. tab. 268. Lister^ /. 15. 844. 
 Gualt. left. tab. 6. A. /. 45. J). 
 Petiv. Gaz. tab. 22, /". 1 1 . /. 1 5 1 ,y. i . ' 
 jlrgenv. Zoom. tab. 10, G. Spengler conch, t. l,G» 
 Schrat.Jlufconch tab- 8,y^. j, 4. ina. bau, conch, t, 5»/*. "^ 
 Knorr Verg. 6. tab. 28,/. 4, ^ i. /. ZQ,/, 7. 
 Bonan, recr, & A/m/". Kirch, "i'fig* 66. 
 5^^a «»«/". 3. tab. 40, yTg-. 38. 
 Klein ojlr. tab. \']tfig. \\(>, 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. iij, fig. 1000—1003. 
 2. Whorls contTary. Chemn. 10. t. 173 /. 1682, 1683. 
 Inhabits rivers of Afia. Shell twifted like a Turbo, with 8 
 whorls gradually tapering to a point, white or blueifh with 
 red, green, yellowifli, black, or brown hands : affrture nearly 
 Faffiata. ghell conic, pointed with tranfverfe bands and undulate 
 fpots : aperture white. 
 Seba Muf. 3 tab. 39, fig, 64 — 66. 69-. 74. 
 Knorr Vergit, 5. tab. z^, fig. 4. 
 Chemn, conch. 9. tah. 117, f% 1004— IO06, 
 1. White with blue bands. 
 Seba muf 3. tab, 39, f, 62, 63. 
 Jrgenv. conch, l . apf- tab. I , fig. G, 
 Martini Berl. magax, 3. tab, 5, f, 52. 
 2. White with brown bands. 
 Seba muf. 3. /a^. '},()• f'g. 67, 
 Gafl// /</?. r«^. 6, D. ^rg-. ««fZ'. r. 1 1, M. 
 3. White with variegated hands. 
 Z,//?^r, Mi. 12. Cualt. tut. tab. 6, C. 
 6'<fi5« muf. 3. /a^, 39, /. 68. 
 A7«« oftr. tab. It fig. 43. 
 Regerif. conch. I. M^. 10, fg. 46. 
 4. With a fulvous band, a violet one and a gold one. 
 Bonan recr. 3, fig. 379. M«/i ^/r<r^, 3,/". 366. 
 5. Chemn. conch. 9. /. lijtf. 1007, I008. 
 Inhabits South America and /«rf';a ; refembles the laft, but is longer 
 and not fo highly polilhed, and the pillar is entire, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 3:55 
 Strigata* Shell conic, pointed, glabrous, with undulate fulvous ftreaks! 
 pillar with a ftraight refledted beak. 
 Inhabits — i Mull, t^trm.fiwv. et terr. 2. /, 148. n ^^6. 
 Shell white, above 2 inches long, with a pale blueilh aperture : 
 pillar perforated : fpire with 8 whorls. 
 Stn'atula, Shell conic, white, ftriate, the pillar ftralght and refleded. 
 Inhabits A^uU. 'verm.JluV.et (err, 2. f. 1 47. «• 335. 
 Refembles the laft, but is much Icfs and without llrcaks. 
 Exarata, Shell oblong, pointed, white, grooved, with the aperture 
 inhabits Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 120,/. 1^31, J032. 
 iS;>&f// brittle, pellucid, with an imperforate ftraight pillar j fpire 
 with 6 or 7 whorls. 
 Bifafciata. Shell a little tapering, efe£k, white with 2 broad reddilh 
 bands at the aperture. 
 Inhabits - > -' ■- LtJliVy tab. 16. A land fpccies. 
 iimhlgua. Shell d little taperlngi a little comprelTed, pale flefh-colour 
 with 2 remote bands, one broader and brown, the 
 other blue. 
 Inhabits KnUrr Vergn. 6. tab. z'i, f'g, 4. 
 Zchra^' Shell ovate, pointed, with longitudinal brown bands : pillar 
 infleiled entire. 
 Lifier, tab. 9 — II. ^78, 580, 
 Pet, Gaz. tab. 44, /i y, ^rg* 2.ootn, tab. 1 1, L, 
 Seba muf. 3. tab 39,/. 50, 5c. 54, 55. ^ 71,/. 4, 5. 
 Bont.Muf.Ca/. Vind.tejL tab.xo,/. i, 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. it, f. 2. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 103,/". 875, 876. 
 4. Chemn, conch. (). tab. Il8,y. 1014— 1016, 
 Inhabits the Cape and Tranquebar : a land fpccies. 
 Shell white with crowded undulate lines, 
 lichatitia Shell ovate, pointed, with a wide crimfon mouth and tip j 
 pillar truncate. 
 Natur. Mi/cel. tab. 248. Column, aq. c. 8. t, 16, 
 Lifter, tab. 579. Ronan, recr. 3, f. igz. 
 Seba muf, 3. tab. "Jiifigs I — '3» 
 KUin ojlr. tab. l^fig% 60. Schrat^flufc, t. 6,_/i i, 
 Knorr delic. nat . tab. B. v,fig. I. 
 Knorr f^ergn. 3. tab. 3,/. I -^' 4. tab, 2^, /. i, 
 2 White tii^r witli yellow* 
 Y y 3 Qunlt. 
35^ WORMS. TESTACEA. 74. Bulla. 
 Guah, teji, M^. 45,8. Argennj, conch, l./. lO^E.. 
 Bonan, Muf. Kirch. 1- fig* 1 90. 
 Sehamuf. 3. tab. Jit fig- 7 — lO. 
 Muf. Gottwald. tab. 33. fig. 220. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, 118. /Tf. 1012, 1013, 
 3. Fulvous or white with acrimfon pillar, 
 4. White with crowded bands apd pale pillar. 
 Argenv.. conch. I. app, 2. L. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean : 8 inches long. 
 Shell generally whitiih with longitudinal undulate brown or 
 blueifh ftripes. 
 Thefe 2 laft {pecies approach in their fhape to the genus Helix. 
 Hyalina. Shell oblong, horn-colour, with a retufe fpire. 
 Muf. Gottnuald. tab- 8, fg. 20 ? 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 2\, fig. 199. 
 Inhabits 1 ■■• She// thin, hardly ^ an inch long. 
 Ovata, Shell fubovate, flightly 2-beaked, ftriate on the back and 
 ^ gibbous in the middle, chefnut with white fpots ;incl 
 bands, within violet. 
 Bonan. recr. ^ Muf. kirch. 3. fig. 262. 
 Martifii conch- I. tab. 22, fg. 207,208. 
 Inhabits — — refembles B. ovum, but is fnjoother and more ob- 
 long, and the ppper-lip not {o diftinftly toothed, 
 Ferruginofa Shell fubovate, equable, pale grey undulate with brown 
 and marked with ferruginous fpots and 2 white band§. 
 Martini conch. \. tab^ 22, fig. 209. 
 2. Muf, Gottwald. tab. %, fig. 53 ? 
 3, Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. z%.fig. \, 
 Inhabits - i \ inch long: refembles B^ ovata, 
 Velutny Shell extremely thin and umbilicate each fide, white with 
 capillary brown lines and a fnowy band edged with 
 brown each fide. 
 Martin, neujt, t^annig. 1. tab. 1,fg. 10, II. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. \^6. fg. 1348,1349, 
 2. Born. Muf. C^cf Vird. te/i. tab. 9,/. i. 
 Inhabits ■ She/J above an inch long. 
 Fe/icctt Shell ovate-oblong varied with cinereous, within milk- 
 white, folid, pellucid; aperture wide: back with 2 
 Bonan . recr. 3 . fg . 332. Muf. kirch, 3 . fig, 330. 
 Klein oftr. tab.(),fig. 96. 
 Iphabits Brafil: refembles B, ampulla. 
WORMS. TESTAGEA. 74. BuUa. 35/ 
 •CylinJrica Shell cylindrical fmooth white very tfiin and ilightly um. 
 Brit. Zool, iv. tab. JO. Jig. 85. 
 Gualt.test. tab. 1$'/^' '• 
 la'vann. conch, tab, 27 F- 5* 
 IJelbl. Bohem. ebb. 4. tah- Z-fig- 3°' 3i' 
 Cbemnconck. \o. tab. 146./^, 1 350, 1357. 
 Inhabits Europe : tvyice as large as a grain of wheat. 
 i^liva* Shell cylindri<;al, the aperture fuborbicular and dilated be- 
 Lister, tab. VH-A- 7° ^ ^^"" '• 'i'f' 99' *» ^.» 
 Jiihabits— ; — probablj the fame as the lall. 
 Valuta, Shell fmooth cylindrical olive ; aperture effufe ; pillar in- 
 flefted truncate. 
 Chemn. conch. 9, tab. WJ.fg 1009, 1 010. 
 Inhabits "^^ire with 7 whorls. 
 pomini- Shell fubcylindrical fpiral, reddifh with longitudinal^ ftria: 
 chenffs: and fpotted, the futures crenulate: pillar finuate 
 Inhabits St. Domingo. Chemn. conch. 9. tab. wj.fig loii. 
 Shell longitudinally grooved, narrow granulate at the fuiures : 
 the outerraoft whorls brown. 
 PurpHna. Shell ventricofe rugged and longitudinally ftreaked : pillai 
 truncate: aperture ovate with a pointed lip and deep 
 black border within. 
 Chemn. Qonch. 9. tab. \\%.fig. 1017, I0i§, 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. \\.fig. I, 
 Inhabits Jfricat.)n fields where rice is fown. 
 S/rete. Shell ovate thin brown rough. 
 Inhabits Knorr k'ergn. z. tab. ^.fig. 5. 
 Soliia. Shell folid, red varied with violet with a red margin : fpire 
 a little prominent. 
 Inhabits Knorr Vergn. 6. tub. Z\.Jig. 2. 
 &tercus Shell Inflated glabrous horny, cinnamon colour with 5 rows 
 tulicum. of dots: pillar finwate, with an acute lip. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 126. fig. 1026, 1027. 
 Fa-uann. Latal. tab. z.fg. 129. 
 Inhabits x — Shell extremely thin and ovate. 
 WORMS. TfiSTACEA. 75. V'oluia. 
 Scabra, Shell ovate rodgh lligfetly carinate on the back and marked 
 ■with deculfate ftriae, white with rofy lines: pillar 
 fcalloped reflefted. 
 inhabits jfa<va. Chemn, conch, XO, tab. \\%.fg, I352, 1353. 
 jakefa. Shell ovate pellucid, with a tnlncate channelled crown * 
 Muil. Zool. Dan. 2. p. 88 tab. yx.fg. \ — J. 
 Cherrin. conch. 10, tab. 146./^. 1358. «. 1—^3. 
 Inhabits Nor^Mciy Seas. Shell 6 lines long. 
 Shell cylindrical horny tranCverfely ftrlate with a retufe top 
 or crowh : whorls margined channelled. 
 Inhabits Ce)ilbtr. Chtmn, conth. 10. tab, 1^6. fg. 1359 — 1361. 
 TruHcafa» gj^gji hyaline thin oblong, with dn incufVed truncate pillar. 
 Inhabus Ka:mm Cab. Rud. tab lo./^. 5. 2 inches long. 
 Ctirriea> Shell ov^ite flefh-colotir gibbous: lip arched thickened anJ 
 toothed within. 
 Inhabits (hores oi Jfrica, Poiret 'voyage tn Barb, 2./. 2!. 
 •TrUHcata: gj^gj| fubovat white ftpake, with a truncate tip. 
 Jdams Tranf, LI tin. Soc. v. tab. \ fig. \,z. 
 Found on the fands in Pembrokefaire : very mmute, 
 VOLt'TA. Animal a Limax *JIieU 1- 
 celled fpiral: aperture without a beak 
 and Ibmewhat oftufe: /'zV/^r twilled or 
 plaited, generally without lips or perlb- 
 i^ation. Mitre. Volute, 
 A. Aperture entire, 
 Aiirii Shell cohtra£led oval-oblong with a rugged fpire: pillar 2- 
 Mida. toothed. 
 Lister, tab. 1658 fig. 6. Rumpf. muf. tab. 33. KNH. 
 Jrgen'V. conch, tab, lO, G. Gualt. test. tab. 55- G* 
 Pet. amb. tab. 8. fig. t. Klein o/tf. t, 7./. 122. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. yi.fig. 6. z\. it. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 2^. fig l. 
 Martini conch. 2. /. 43. /". 436 — 438* 
 Spenglerfelt. conch, tab. 1 . L. 
 2. Lister conch, tab. ^S7-/'S' 3^- b. 
 ai Ghtmn, conch, lO. t^ib. l^^.fig. 1395, 1356. , . , .. 
WORMS. TESTACEA, 75. Voluta. 35^ 
 Inhabits Inaia^ in m;»rfliy woods and fwamps, and very much 
 refcmbles an Helix; about 4 inches long: Jliell brown folid 
 wrinkled or ftriatc ; fpirc large with 6—9 whorls each termif 
 nated by a granulate band, the outer oncj cancellatp ; aperture 
 long, wider beneath. 
 flammea* Shell oval-oblong with a wide aperture : pillar i-toothed, 
 Lifter, tab. %\/i^.fig, 24, Mart, t. 43./. 439. 
 2. Lister conch, tab. Zz-j./ig. 49. c, 
 3. Lijier. tab. ^^if fig. 60. 
 4. Lister, tab. 834 fig. 61. 
 Inhabits S he U more inflated and fhorter than the laft; white 
 with perpendicular waved ted {tripes; pillar margined with 
 ^alca/a. Shell conlra£led oval-oblong grooved, whites dotted with 
 yellow : pillar with 2 plaits. 
 Martini concb. 2. tab. ^^. fg. 44O, 44 1. 
 Inhabits— -refemblcs the laft but is hardly | of an inch long, 
 and has a deep groove between each plait or fold of the pillar. 
 Bifafiata. Shell thin tranfverfely -ftriatc, flefh-colour with 2 white 
 bands: pillar i-toothed. 
 Lifter concb. tab. ^I'y. fg, 58. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 43. /7f. 442, 443.- 
 Inhabits— — not an inch long : aperture long narrow. 
 Fla'vai Shell contra^ed on the upper-part, yellow with a crenulate^ 
 lip : pillar with 2 plaits. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 43, fig, 444. 
 InUabits — Shell 4 |^ lines long : fometimes ehefhut with an 
 obfolcte darker band and white 3-loothed pillar : fpire with 
 7 flat whorls, 
 Minuta, Shell oval-oblong banded : pillar with 3 plaits. 
 Lister conch, tab. 834. fig. 59. 1 
 Martini conch, 2. tab. ^'i- fig. 445. 
 Inhabits— —S^tf// fometimes brown with 2—6 white bands, 
 fometimes white with 4 alternately yellow and coffee- coloux 
 bands and the lip 3 -ribbed. 
 Pufilla. Shell thin brown; whorls of the fpire canccIUte: pillar 3- 
 Qjualt. teft. tab. ^^.fg. F. 
 Marti*, concb. 2. tat>. 45. yi^, 446. 
 InAabits— -refcmbles V. auris midx but is very minute. 
^^o , WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluti. 
 Glabra. Shell oval-oblong glabrous with a refleaed grooved Hp? 
 pilFar i -toothed. 
 Martin, canch.z. tab. /Sf^.ftg'A^l^A^^- • r »i, ^r 
 Inhabits Shell near 2 inches long, more ventricofe than V. 
 auris mids and the aperture more contraaed above ? white 
 with perpendicular waved yellowifh or chefnut ftripes. 
 ^uri, Silent ^^d\ oval gibbous Ombilicate : pillar with a fingle thick 
 flexuous plait. 
 Born Muf. Caf.Vind. tell. tab. ().jig. 3> 4; - a . A 
 Inhabits- Shell glabrous, aboVe 2 inches long, inflated 
 fliort, brown with perpendicular undulate chefnut ftriae : 
 aperture ov&tt: /pire oht\ik. 
 Aui-isjuda Shell contraaed oblongs with a fmooth fpire and 3-toothe5J 
 Lister, tab. ^i. Botiaft. Muf. Kirch. J./^. 412. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. \\.fig 449— 451- 
 Schrat. Flufc. tab. c).fig. 10. Einl. conch. I. t. l.f. 9. 
 2. Liller. tab. 1058.//^. 9< GronoiJ. Zooth. tab. iS. /ig. 12. ^ 
 Inhabits fens of In^lia: refembles V. auris midae, but is lels 
 narrower and more oblong ; Jhell brown or white with waved 
 brown fpots j fpire with 6 whorls, the firft and outer ones very 
 finely cancellated 
 Juris Shell fufiform granulate with an ovate aperture: pillar cut 
 Malchi. and very fpreading. 
 Chemn> conch. 9. tab. 121. fig. 1037, 1041, 
 Inhabits Nenv Caledonia, near 3 inches long. 
 Shell covered with a dirty brown epidermis or cuticle, under 
 which it is white : fpire with 6 whorls convex and ribbed in 
 the middle : aperture white .' probably not of this genus. 
 ^Tornatilis Shell oval pointed at each end and fpirally ftriate : pillar wirfi 
 a iinglc fold. 
 Doni'vans Bnt. Shells, ii. tab. 57. 
 Da Costa Brit, cunch, tab. S./ig. 2. 
 Penn. Brit. ZooL iv. tab, Jl.fg- 86. 
 Lister, tab. 835. Knorr ^ergn. 6. tab. XCj.fg* 4- 
 Martini csnch. 3. tub. ^^./g. 442, 443- 
 Scbra:t. n. litterat. 3. tub. 2, ft|^. 12, 13. , 
 Inhabits (hores of £«ro/^. Shell pale red with white bancs.; 
 fpire with about 5 whorls, 
 . - ^ Shell thin brittle nearly cylindrical with a wide rounded 
 jonenjis. j^^outh: fpire obtufe with 1 whoris. 
 Inhabits the Ifland Jona, Brit. Zool. iv.tab. 71-/^. 87. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 361 
 • Allf3. Shell white opake and longitudinally ftriate. 
 Adam. Micro/c. p. 639. tab. l^.Jig. 27. 
 Found at Sandnjoich ; very minute : refcmbles the laft, except in 
 fize and the form of the aperture. 
 Solidula, Shell contra(9:ed oblong-ovate opake ftriate : fpire elevated 
 and a little pointed: pillar llightly plaited. 
 Bonan, recr. and Muf. Kirch. I. Jig* 1 45 ? 
 Klein Oftr, tab. I. fig. 72. 
 Schreet, n. litterat. 3. tab. 2. fig. 14, 15J 
 K<emm. cab. Rudolst. tab, 8. fig. 3, 
 Chemn. conch. \o. tab. ij^g./ig. 1405^ 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. 43.//^. 44O, 441. 
 Inhabits She/J with a grey longitudinal line. 
 Li-vida. Shell contra£led ovate cylindrical : fpire a little elevated and 
 fomewhat obtufe: pillar with 5 plaits. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 25. B, C. 
 Inhabits Africa. Shell ventricofe, about an inch long, livid with 
 tranfverle obfoletc pale bands. 
 Cjaffea. Shell conira6led fmooth vvith an obtufe fpire: aperture 
 toothed each fide. 
 Lister, tab. 834,/)^. 39. F am ann conch, t. 6^.f. 47. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. i2t. fig. 1 043, 1044, 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 43.. /Jg". 445" 
 Inhabits— —refembles a Conus, but the aperture is contrafled 
 behind : Jliell dull livid-colour. 
 B. Subcylindrical e?nargina/e. 
 Porphyria. Shell fmooth ; fpire obliterated at the bafe: lip retufe in 
 the middle : pillar obliquely ftriate. 
 Argenv. Conch, tab. 13. k. Rumpf, muf. tab. 39./". I. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. Kirch. ^.Jig. 142. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 24. P. Seba Muf. 3. tab. 53, E. 
 Muf. Gott-ivald. tab. i,z. fig. 19. a. 
 Knorr delic. t. B. iv./l 4. Vergn. l. /. 15./". »• 
 Regenf, conch. I. tab. 2' fig* 151 
 Martini conch. 2. t. ^y.f 485, 486. 498. 
 a. I.i/ler conch, tab. 727. 724? 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 24. N, O. Argenu* conchy tab* 13. N, 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 55./". A— D. 
 .\f///, Gott'-juald. tab. JfZ.fig* 22. a — c. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2, /. 12.^. I, 2. and 3. /, 2.y^ 3» 
 Martini conch, 2. /• 45./". 476, 477. 
 3. Martini conch. 2. /. d.8.y. 519. 
 VOL. IV.— Z z Inhabits 
362 WORMS.- TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Inhabits Bra/tli refembles the next but is 4 tinics as long, nearly 
 5 inches : ^zf// reddifh with numerous brown angular lines.* 
 lip tranfverfely ftriate with dirty yellow : pilar brownilh witTi 
 white plaits. 
 Oliva. Shell fmooth, the fpire refle£tcd^at the bafej pillar obliquely 
 Li/2er. tab. 718, 719, 731, 732, 734. 73?, 739, 740. 
 Gualt, teji. tab. z^^fig- B, G, M, N, P, Q, T. 
 Seha muf. 3. tab. Sl*M- G, I, L, M, O^Y. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tah. ^9' f>g- 2-^S- 
 Muf. Gottnvald. tab. \z.ftg. 1, 2,6, 7, 13, 15, 19. /. 43./. 25, 
 27>30'^«»34.35-37»39. 42' 
 K7iorr l^ergn. I. tab. iS'J'g- ?• 3" '• 2./. 4. /. 17./. 3« 5. t. ig.' 
 /. I. /. 26./. 3, 4. ^ 27./. 5. t. 28./. 6. and 6./. 23./. 5. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 45. %. 472-474, 475. 478-481. /. 46. 
 /; 486-490. 497. fab. 47. fig. 499-504. /. 48./. 509-518. 
 /. 49./. 531 /. 51./. 562, 563. 
 Chemn, conch. \0' tab. i/^j.fig, 1367— 1382. 
 Regenf, conch, l. tab. \.fig. 2. 
 VaUnt.abh. tab. %.fig. 68, 69. 
 Argennjille conch, tab. I'^.fig, O, R. S, Zoom» tah, II, A, 
 Klein oHr, tab, ^./ig- 91. a, b. 
 Inhabits tlig Indian Seas in almoft endlefs varieties of colours and 
 Annulata, Shell fmooth white with a carinate ring on the back. 
 Inhabits Lifter conch, tab. 7 1 7. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. ^^^f'g. 564. 
 2, With reddifh waves. Mart. Mannigf. t. 2.f, 21. 
 Utriculus, Shell elongated fmooth, with a rather prominent fpire. 
 Lifter conch, tab. 723. TlO.fig. 19 ? 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 24, G. Argennt. Zoom. tab. 13. M. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. XZ.fig. 4, 5. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 49, ^O. Jig. 539-542. 
 2. Mvf. Gotfvuald. tab. \z.fg. 9, 10. 14. a— c. I5« a, b. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 48, ^j-, 520. 
 3. Knorr l^ergn. 5. /c^. 4 yf^. 4. 
 Martini conch. 2.t. ^l.f. 565, 566. 
 4. Lister, tabf 733. Martin. 2, tab, 50./*, 543, 544, 
 5. Lister, tab. y 2^. fg. 13. 
 M«/*. Gettivald, /, 25,y, 173. b. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab ^O.fg 545—548. 
 6. Lister, tab. 722. Rumpf, MiiJ. tab. 39./- 9. 
 Bonan. recr. and M^/I Kirch, "i.fig. 141. 
 GW/. /^. /a^. 23. R, S. /ai. 24. A, 
 i'f^*? ;»»/. 3. tab, 53. P, Q. 
 . Muf. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 363 
 Muf. GottixaU. tab. ^z.fg. 2. b,c, 4.- /. 43./". 51. a— c. 
 Knorr Vergrt. 3. tak. \7'fig' 2 --5. /. 18./', 1,2, 
 Martini conth, 3. tab. 50. y)^. 549—554. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Etbiopic Seas, in numerous varieties; 
 refembles V, oliva, but is more elongated. 
 Hiatula, Shell thin with a cinereous fpotted back callous beneath: 
 aperture large: pillar toothed at the bafe. 
 Lifter, tab. 729. Martin. 2. tab. $o./ig. 555. 
 Inhabits the Spanifti coasts, refembles the laft: mouth blue or 
 or brown, rarely' white : back with a white or yellowilh cal- 
 jfei/pidea. Shell white dotted with greenifli-brown or violet : fpire 
 promiijent, the whorls with a band compofed of fpots 
 at the bafe. 
 LiHer.tab 726. Martin 2. tab. ^o.fig, ^^6 
 Inhabits the Spanijk fea, about an inch long, and has a very 
 prominent fpire. 
 Ni<veai' Shell fnovvy elongated fmooth banded. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 'yO.fig. 557> 558. 
 lii\\z\\ls xhQ Spanijh feas : firll whorl of the fpire brownifti or 
 reddilh with 2 white or clouded blue bands : probably a va- 
 riety of V. oliva or utriculus* 
 l/pidula. Shell fmooth with a prominent fpire and fingle margin: 
 pillar obliquely (Iriatc. 
 Adans. feneg. \. tab, ^.Ttg. ?• 
 Bonan.recr. l- f<g 396. Mitf. Kirch. Jig. 363. 
 Barr. ic tab, i^zz/jg 17. Rumpf. Muf- t. 39./. 7, 8. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. S9 f'g- 8- GuaJt. test, tab, 23. C — E. 
 Jrgenv. conch, tab, 13. Q. Seba mnf. 3. tab. 53. X. g — k. 
 MuJ,Gottn.vald. tab: \2.f1g, 1,3.6,7. /. 43./. 37,40-44, 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. \<^-fig- 3. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, ^<). fig. 522—530. 532-538. 
 i. LiHer. tab, 7 ZO. fig. 4, 5. Rumpf. Muf. t, l^tf 6. 
 Gualt, test. tab. 21- fg. H, I, L. (^ 
 Seba Mtrf 3. tab. Sl-f'g-^' 
 Muf. Gott^ald. tab, ^2. fig. 5.C. /. 43./. 36. 
 Knotr Vergn. 2, tab. \o,fig. 6, y. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, \(i.fig. 491, 492. 
 3. Lister conch, tab. 721. fig. 6, 7. 
 Muf. Gott^-Lvald. tab. 42. fig. 5. d. 15. h. 
 Martini conch, 2. t-ab, 46. fig. 493, 494. 
 Inhabits India in very numerous varieties, about an inch long, 2) 
 2 inches \on^: Jkt/i white with various markings, within 
 darker or brown. 
 Z 7, 2 Carncokis.' 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Carneeluit Shell orange with blue bands: fpire flattened and with the 
 aperture white. 
 Inhabits— —M«r//«/ fo«f^, 2. tab» ^6. Jig. 495. 
 N C. Oboval effufe emargtnate . 
 DaSiylu's. Shell frnooth, with decuflate ftrise, obtufe : pillar with 6 
 Lister, tab. Si ^. fig. 23? Guah. test. tab. 28. O, P. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, 53. S. 
 Favann. conch, tab. i^:/ig,F. I, 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. ^^O.fig. 141I, 1412^ 
 Inhabits Indian \\ inch long: Ihell varied with whitiih and 
 flelh-colcur, lip flightly crenate. 
 Miliaria, Shell flightly emarginate white with an obliterated pale 
 yellow fpire : pillar obliquely ftriate. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; refembles V. monilis, but is lefs, 
 Ihorter, more inflated and quite frnooth, fometimes entirely 
 pale yellow, 
 Monilis* Shell entire white with an obliterated white fpire; pilla,f 
 obliquely ftriate. 
 Muf. Gottnjoald. tab. 8. fig. 46,0. 
 Martint conch. 2. tab. ^Z.Jig. 426. 
 2. Adans Jemg, \. tab. 5. fig. 4. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab- 42 fig, 428, 
 Inhabits China where it is ufed to make beads and neck-laces, 
 I J an inch long: lip prominent, aperture large, pillar with 4 
 or 5 plaits. (2 Inhabits Jfrica^ 2\ lines long; pilUvr with 
 8 — 10 very ihin piaits, 
 Exilis. Shell obovate entire, yellowifh with 2 brown bands ; fpire 
 prominent : pillar obliquely flriate. 
 Inhabits— —-ikftzr^m conch. 2. tab. 42. Jig. 427. 
 2, GloiTy-white with a pale yellow band. 
 Schrat. einl. tn conch, i , tab. i-fig. 1 8, 
 Perficula ^^^^^^ frnooth with a retufe umbjlicate fpijre : pillar with 7 
 plaits: lip with a crenate margin. 
 1, Shell dotted with red. 
 Lister, tab. 803, fig. 10. Pet. Gaz. t. S.J'. 2. 
 £onan. recr. J^'Jig. 246. Muf. Kirch. '^•Jig, 245. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. zS.Jig. C, D, E. 
 Muf Gottiva/d. tab. S.Jig. 48, 49, 51. 
 MoTtini conch. 2. tab. ^z.fg, 421, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 365 
 2. Shell with red lines. 
 Lijier. tab. 803. fig. g. Adanf. Seneg. I. /. 4. /". 4. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab, 8. //>. lO. G:/^//. tett. tab. 28. B. 
 Bonan. recr. and Af/(/. Kirch, ^.fg. 238. 
 M«/. Gotfvoald. tab. ^,/ig' 48, 49, 51. 
 Knorr. Vergn. 6. tab. zi. Jig. b. 
 Martin, conch, 2. tab. ^z. fig. 419, 42b. 
 3. Shell reddifh fpotted with white, or uniformly white or blueilh- 
 Muj. Gottivnld. tab. ^.fig 46, 47. 5 1- 62. 
 M&rlini conch. 2. /«i^. \z.fig. 416 — 418. 
 4. Shell barred with black, the fpire a liule prominent, 
 Valent. abh.tab.<^,fig.']'i. 
 Inhabits the African Sea and Senega/: an inch long. 
 'Pallida, Shell entire, oblong-ovate, with an elevated fpire; pillar 
 with 4 plaits. 
 Tranf.iS. Linn. Soc ill./ 253. 
 Lifter conch, tab. yi^.jig. 70. 
 SchrcEt. Einl in conch \. tab. l-figy 10. a,b, 
 Adanf. Sen'.g. I . tab. 5, fig. 2. 3 
 Inhabits European and African Shores. Shell fmall long narrow 
 whitifh or wax-colour j refcmbles Bulla cylindrica, but has an 
 evident fpire and plaited pillar and is linely poliflicd. 
 Faba* Shell flightly emarginate fmooth and a little plaited : fpire 
 prominent: pillar with 4 plaits: lip with a crenulate 
 Adam feneg. I. tab. \fig 2. Gitalt test, tab. 28. Q^ 
 Muf.Gott<wald. tab. 2<i-ftg. 170. a — d. 
 Knorr ^crgn. 4. tab. ij.fig. 6. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. ^z. fig. 432, 433. 
 Inhabits the African Ocean; about an inch long. 
 Shell n&Tiow Jong polifl;eci, hoary with rows of black dots, 
 ,^, » ,, Shell very entire fmooth with a lavigated fpire : pillar \yiih 
 4 plaits : lip gibbous margined toothed. 
 Adans feneg. 1. tab. \. fig. I. Lifter, tab. 818. 
 Gualt. teH. tab. 28. A, L. Klein, ofxr. t. ^.f. 92. 
 Muf. Gottniald. tab. Z'^.fig. 169 — 173. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. 21. ftg. 2. 3 and J. /. 23./I 3. 
 Martin, neujl mannigf. 4. /a^. 'i- fg- 25--28. 
 Martini conch. 2. /<aA. ifZ'fg' 429-431. 434, 435. 
 2- Shell ochraceous with black dots. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch, '^.fg. 49. 
 3. Shell narrower, bay, lip not margined, pillar with only 3 pidits. 
 Bonan, recr, "i- f.g. 326. Muf. Kirch, 2. fig, 100. 
 4. Shell 
366 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 ^. Shell white with yellow lines. 
 Seba muj\ 3. tab. ^S'/'i- 3^- 
 5. Shell white with purple clouds, whorls of the fpire margined, 
 Gromv. Zeoph, tab. ig./fg-. 13, 14. 
 6. Chemn. conch. 9 tab. 104.. Jig. 890,891. 
 7. Chemn. coHch 10 tab. \^o,Jig. 1422 -I424. 
 Inhabits the African and American Heat : i -2 inches long. 
 SaeU ehhf-r unitormly white cinereous or brown, fometimes ftri* 
 ate or undulate or mariced with ftriped Ipots or white eyes or 
 angular lines. 
 Piunu!», gj^gjj ygjy entire fmooth with a lasvigated fpire : pillar with 
 4 plaits : lip neither margined or toothed. 
 tijier. tab. SiJ. Adan% Jeusg, \. tab. \' fig. 3, 
 Martini conch z tab. J\.z. fig, A^zz, ^zt,. 
 Inhabits the i//<?W GsA-^tf : i| inch long. 
 Shell blue bliieilh or grccnifh grey, 
 kcticalata, gj^^jj ^j^j^ ^jjg|^j dCGulfate grooves: lip internally ftriate s 
 pillar nightly perforated. 
 Lifter, tab. 830. /trgenv. conch tab. 17. M, 
 Bonann. recr. and Muf. kirch. i. fig- S*. 
 Seba muf 3. tab. 49. >j?. SI' 55* 
 Muf. GottnvaU. /^^. 25. %. 1(35. a, b, 
 Knorr l^ergn. ^.tub. l&./'g 7? 
 Martini conch. 7,. tab. I zi. fig. IOO7--1009. 
 Z. Seba muf. 3. tab. ^()-fig. 5^-^ 
 Inhabits the Amtrican 0<ean and Qinr.ca : fheil 2 inches long and 
 about the fizc of a plum ; varied wiih white and paL- yellow, 
 or brown barred with white, rareiy entirely orown or white; 
 inflated wiih obfoleie grooves wnich are elevated into tubercles 
 in the angle of fedion: aperture white: lip traniverfely grooved; 
 pillar with a few doubled plans and iurnilhed with a ihort 
 M^^caforia. Shell ftriate, with an obtufe fpire : pillar retufe toothed, the 
 lip gibbous and denticulate. 
 Lifier- tab. 824. >^. 43. Pet. Gaz. t. 9./, 4. 
 Adanf. feneg. I tab, <^. fig. 29. 
 Bman. recr, and Muj kirch ^-ftg- 36. 
 Giiialt. te/i. tab, 43. I, L. Muf Gotlnuali. tab. 1 6. fig, I 2. b, c, 
 Y^ntrr l'e>'gn. 4. tab. 12, fig. 5, 6. t. iS f 3. 
 Martini conch, z. tab. 4.\-fig. 452—458. 
 2. Lijfer. tab. '^Z'J.fig- 49. E. 
 3-. Knorr Vergu, b. tah. \b. fig. 6, -] . 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 367 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean^ jEthiopic, American and Indian fcas, 
 refembles the next ; about | ol an inch long. 
 5/?^?// uniformly white or yellow, or varioufly marked with fpots, 
 clouds r,x bands; folid and Ihort, with tranfverfe elevated nor 
 dulous Ihiqe. 
 Rustica, Shell fmoothifh, with a prominent fpirc: pillar retufe, 
 denticulate, the lip gibbous and denticulate. 
 Lister, tab, Sz/^., fig. 44. /, 821;, 826./. 49, /. 827,/. 49. a,b. 
 Adams Seneg. I. talf. f)- /ig. 28. 
 Gualt. tell. tab. 43. ftg. C, D, E, G. H. 
 Bytem. app. tab. 11, /rg. 41. c, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab^ \%, fig. 4, 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 44. fig. 459. 462, 463. 465 — 471, 
 Inhabits the Medit err fine any /Ethiopic and American feas, in great 
 varieties of fize and marking?, and is diftinguilhed from the 
 laft by its wanting the ftriae; fometimcs uniformly red or y^el- 
 low, fometimes white, fpotted, ftriate or clouded with biown 
 chelnut or yellow. 
 Paupercula. Shell entire, fmoothifh, with a ftriate bafe: fpire a litll^ 
 prominent, the pillar with 4 plaits; lip obtufe. 
 Lijler, tab. 819, fg. 35, Gualt. teji, t. 55, L. 
 JCnorr Vergn^ 4. tab* 26, fig. 5. 
 Martini conch. ^. tab, l^c), fig. 1386,1387, 
 Schrtzt. Einl. in conch. I . tab. i tfig. 1 1 . 
 z. Gualt. teft, tab. 43, fig. O. F? 
 3. Chemn. conch, 10. tab. 1^0, fig. 1417, 1418. 
 Inhabits Mediterravean and Indian feas : Shell fplid, blackifh? 
 ferruginoys with longitudinal white lines. 
 Mendicaria Shell {lightly ftriate, with a fubgranulate fpIre : pillar 
 fmooth, the lip gibbous and denticulate. 
 Lifter, tab. 826. /. 47- Fet.Gaz. t. 1 I,/. 5. 
 Bonan. rccr. U Muf Kirch. 3. fig. 50. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 52, E, Knorr Vergn. 4, /. 16, f. 3. 
 Martini conch. 2. /fli. 44, fig. 460, 461, 
 \vi)M.\>\x.% \.\iQ Mediterranean &nd Indian i'ezs: Shtll black and a 
 little rough to the touch, fize of a kidney bean, the whorls 
 beneath with 3 yellow bands; fpire with a fingie afcending 
 line and flightly nodulous whorls. 
 Cancillatfi Shell entire, plaited, and reticulate crofs-wjfe : pillar with 
 3 plaits, nightly umbilicatc and a Ijttle produced. 
 ' Adanf. Seneg. I, tab. 2, Jig. 16. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 48, fig. E— E. 
 Bern Muf. Caf. hn//. teit. tab. 9, f. 7, 8. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 4. t^b. 5, fig. 5. 
368 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Inhabits the African ocean and Senegal; refembles the Murex 
 fenticofus, but is Ihorter : JJieli zhoat an inch long, with lon- 
 gitudinal ridges croffing fharp elevated tranfverfe ftriae, white 
 with 2 ferruginous bands on the back : Jjiire acute : pillar 
 ending in a fhort beak. 
 Elegans. Shell fmooth, white, with blue bands and yellow mouth : 
 fpire nearly obliterated ; pillar 6-toothed. 
 Lister, tab. 803,/". 1 1. Bonan. Muf, Kirch. 3./". 269. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab 42, fi^. 424, 425. 
 Inhabits Shell hardly an inch long. 
 Q'vum. Shell fmooth, greenifh-white, with numerous bands: lip 
 infledled: pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Kncrr Vergny 4. tab. Z^,/. 5. t, 27,/. I. 
 Inhabits Shell 2^ inches long. 
 J"*/«rf/«<7/^z. Spire obfolete : the fides with thickened margins: pillar 
 with 4 plaits. 
 Born Muf. iZaj Vtnd. test, tab. 9, /. 5, 6. 
 Favann. conch, tab. 29, fig. E. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab, I 50, y?f . 1 42 1. 
 Inhabits Shell fmooth, fnowy, rarely reddifh, or yellow 
 with 3 darker bands : mouth lanceolate, 
 Nucea, Shell fubflriatc, glabrous, with an obtufe fmooth prominent 
 fpire: pillar with 5 plaits. 
 Chemn. conch. lo. tab. 150, yTg-, 1419, 1420. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. 
 Conuu ^h^W conic, white, with hollow pundured grooves at the 
 bafe: whorls crenate : pillar with 6 plaits. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch, 10. tab. i^o^f. 1415, 1416. 
 D. Fuftform. 
 Iringa. Shell nearly entire, oblong, fmooth, with a prominent ex- 
 coriated fpire: pillar with 3 plaits: lip llightly 
 toothed inwardly. 
 Manf. Seneg. I. tab. <^y f. 27. Gualt.test. t.^^, B. 
 Schrcet. Einl. in conch. I. tab. i.f. iz. 
 inhabits the Mediterranean : j%J/ polifhcd, hardly an inch long, 
 clouded with pale yellow and white: pillar with very thin 
 plaits: /// not margined outwardly, but gibbous within in the 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. ^ 369 
 Cornicttla, Shell (lightly emarginate, oblong, fmooth, horny, with a 
 longifh fpire: pillar with 4 plaits: lip equal and 
 Gualt. test. tab. 43, fig. N ? 
 Schrat, inn, Bau. eonch. tab, 4. fig. 2. 
 Schrcet. Etnl. in conch. I. tab. l,y. 13. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and JEthiopic feas ; refembies the laft, 
 bur the fpire is longer and the lip not toothed or gibbous with- 
 in : fiellmo^\y fmooth, very rarely marked with line tranfverfe 
 ftris ; black with a reddifh -ochre or yellowilh-brown hue and 
 varied with wa^ed ftripcs, or pellucid like horn with fome- 
 times 2 whitilh bands. 
 yirgo. Shell entire, tapering, plaited and tranfverfely ftriatei pillar 
 with 3 plaits and perforated. 
 Inhabits Shell about a tinger*s length and marked with 
 about 12 grooves, the bafe reticulate: /pirt with 10 diftinft 
 whorls marked with a red line and 2 bands, the upper yellow 
 the lower-one white : beak elongated as in a Strombus. 
 Ocahriujcu- Shell emarginate, flriate and tranfverfely wrinkled : pillar 
 ^^» with 4 plaits and perforated: lip crenulate. 
 Rump/, muf, tab. 29, T. Gualt. teji. t. 53. D, H ? 
 Martini conch . ^. tab. \\<),fig. 1 388, 1389. 
 Inhabits India. Shell rough, white, with brown wrinkles, 
 rarely cinereous with white wrinkles j about 2 inches long. 
 IRj/fiina. Shell nearly entire, tranfverfely wrinkled: pillar with 4 
 plaits: lip crenulate. * 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 54, fig. G ? 
 Inhabits /ru//« ; refembies the laft, but is narrower, longer and 
 covered with flefh-colour fpots : beak entire, without perfora- 
 tion : lip recurved, crenulate and covered with rounded tu* 
 Nubihu Shell nearly entire, fmooth, yellowilh with red clouds, 
 tranfverfely ftriate: lip crenulate: pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Marty n univerf. conch. I . tal^. 2 3 . 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean and Friendly IJlaiids, 
 Sengui/uga, Shell emarginate, longitudinally grooved and tranfverfely 
 ftriate: pillar with 4 plaits: lip Imooth. 
 Lister, tab.Szx, fig. 38. Rump/, muj. tab. 29. V, 
 •Pf/, Gaz. tab. 4, fig. 5. Gualt. tefi. t. 53, F. 
 Bonan. recr. 13 Muf. Kirch. %. fig* "J^. 
 Seba Muf. I. tab. /^(), fig IJ,12. 15, r6. 
 Knorr rergn. 4, tab. 1 1 , f:g, 4, 
 VOL. IV. — 3 A Regenf, 
370 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Regenf. covch, i. tab. \. fig. 5. 
 Martini conch. \, tab 148. _/?§-. 1367,1368, 1373, 1374. 
 2. Adanf. Seneg. l. tab. <), f^g. 35 ? 
 Inhabits the Meditenanean and Indian (czs; \\ inch long. 
 Shell nodulous at the meeting of the grooves and ftriae, the grooves 
 red or marked with thin alternate white and brown bands : 
 fpire acute, the whorls with generally a double band compofed 
 of red dots, 
 Caffra. Shell emarginate, round, fmooth : whorls of the fpire with 
 plaited ftrias: pillar with about 4 plaits. 
 KnorrVerg. 5. tab. 19,/*. 4. Gualt.test. /. 53,E. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 49, ftg. 21, 22. 41. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. i^S./tg. 1369, 1370, 
 2. Bonan recr. ^ Muf. Kirch. 3. /". 74. 
 3. Knorr 'vergtt. ^, tab, ig, fig. 5. 
 Inhabits the Afialu fea\ z\ inches long. 
 Shell acute, black, violet or yellow, with white bands and more 
 orlefs diftinflly plaited. 
 Morio» • Shell (lightly emarginate, round, fmooth : pillar with about 
 . 3 plaits. 
 Inhabits very much refembles the laft, but is twice as thick, 
 brown, furrounded with afingle wliite line beneath, fpire not 
 ftriate, and the pillar has only 3 fmall pUits. 
 Acus» Shell tapering and tparked with trgnfvcrfe rows of red 
 dots: fpire pointed, fmooth. 
 Martini cmch. 4. tab. 157. fig, I493> I494* 
 Inhabits-' ■■■ Shell hardly an inch long, white or yellowifh- 
 Vulpecula, Shell emarginate, fubangular, unarmed and tranfverfely 
 ftriate: pillar with 4 plaits: throat ftriate. 
 Rumpf.muf. Tab, 39, R. Pet. Gaz. tab. 56,/'. J, 
 Gua/t, tej't. tab. 1^ if, fig. B, C. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 49' fig- 33> 34' 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. fab, 15,/^. 2. ^ 5. /, l6,/.3» 
 Martini conch. 4. tab.'^^^i.fig. 1366. 
 2, Checkered mitre. Martyn uni'verf, conch. I, /. 19, 
 Inhabits India ; about 2 inches long, 
 i/-^// long, narrow, ribbed, rufous -or yellow, with fometimes 
 darker bands : lip fpotted with brown : fillfir white with a 
 brown fpot in the middle, 
 Plicaria* Shell emarginate, angular, the anterior angles a little fpin- 
 ous: pillar with 4 plaits: lip fmooth, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Rvrnpf. Mil/, tab. 29, S, Lister, tah. Seo. 
 Bonan recr. Sc Muf. Kirch. 3, fig. 64, 65. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 54. D — F. Jrgen'V concL tab. 9, Q. 
 Klein ojir. tah. (), fig 87. 
 &eba Mhf. 3 tab. 39, fig, 23, 24. 
 Knorr Fergn* /. 15,/. 5.6. 3. /. 27, /*. 4, 6. /. 12,/. 5. 
 Martini conch. 4. /^;*, 148 /?. 1 362— I 365. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 10. /a^. 151- /'i'- 1444> '445* 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; 2 inches long. 
 Shell mxxow, long, pointed and tranfvcrfely ftrlate, within blue 
 barred with white^ or white with bands ot another colour, 
 without \N hite with red violet cinereous or green bands and 
 circulai- Itrise ; each end red, blue or cinereous, 
 BuUatat Shell cylindrical, glabrous, reddifh with fublivicl belts: 
 fpire obtufe: pillar with 4 plaits within: aperture 
 Chemn, conch. 10. tab. i^O, f. 1409, 1410. 
 Lijtert tab.%\lyf ii? Bonan, Muf. Kirch, ^.f, 269. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 42. /I^. 424, 425. 
 Knon- Vergn. 4. tah. 23, /. I . /. 27, /'• 1. 
 Inhabits the Indian i>c£an. 
 Crenulata, Shell cylindrical with decufTate flriae and impreflibd dot?, 
 white with ycUowilh clouds : lip and whorls nodulous, 
 the latter with crenulate margins: pillar with 8 plaits. 
 Chemn, conch; 10. tab. l^O,fig. 1413, 1414* 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 
 Scutulata. Shell tapering, hiack with white fpots and tranfvcrfely 
 ftriate: Hrft whorl a Uttle ventjricofe: pillar with 4 
 Chcnn. conch. lo. tab. l^ltfig- ^28, 1429. 
 Inliabits the Indian Ocean. 
 v'igra. Shell tapering, emarginate, blackifh : whorls flattilh : 
 lar with 4 plaits. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. ^S^'/'i" '43°» '43'' 
 Inhabits (hores of Guinea, India utid Greenland, 
 Subdivifa, Shell tapering, emarginate, longitudinally ribbed, plaited 
 and ftriate tranfvcrfely: pillar with 3 plaits. 
 Chetnn. conch. ID. tah. t 51, y'/^. 1434 — 1 437. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. 
 Cnientata. Shell tapering, emarginate, barred and tranfverfcly llriate, 
 with longicndinal knotty ribs fpotted with red: pillar 
 with 3 plaits. 
 A 2 
 {.'■he inn. 
372 WORMS. TESTACEA. ^5. Voluta. 
 Chemn. conch. lo. iah. iJiiT^J". 143S» 1439» 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 
 ^xajperaia Shell tapering, emarginate, granulous, with decufTate ftrire 
 and longitudinal ribs barred with brown : pillar with 
 5 plaits. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. IS\' fig- 1440, 1441. 
 J. Martyn uni'verfal conchoU I. tab. 21. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 
 Cranofa, Shell tapering, emarginate, tranfverfely ftriate and longi- 
 tudinally grooved, with elevated dots and reddifh lines, 
 the tip and bafe blackifh : pillar with 3 plaits. 
 Chemn. conch, xo. tab. \$\» fg' 1442, 1443. 
 Inhabits the Indian Orson, 
 Cajla, Shell tapering, fmooth, brown with white bands ; pillar 
 with 6 plaits and emarginate at the bafe. 
 Chemn. conch' 10. p. 174. 'vign. 20, fig. C, D. 
 Martyn uni'verfal conehol. 1 . tab, 20, 
 Inhabits the ihores of Amboina. 
 len4ozsnia: Shell tapering, chefnut with flexuous white bands: pillar 
 obfoletely plaited. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. \J^%. fig. I 37 1, 1372. 
 IValch Naturf. 4. tab. I. fig. 3, 4. 
 I^nhabits Shell 2 inches long, 
 Wtfjr«W, Shell tapering, white with reticulate and fpottcd brown 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. i^g, fig. 1377. 
 Inhabits '- M ■■ >S^g^ about an inch long. 
 Nodutofa. Shell tapering, brown, cancellate, the angles of fedion no- 
 dulous and whitilh : pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Inhabits. Gualt. teft. tab. 52. F, G, 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 149. y. 1385. 
 2. Martini conch, j^. tab. 149,/. 1390. ^ 
 Siadicea. Shpll tapering, chefnut with yellow clouds and fpots : fplre 
 with 8 longitudinally plaited and tranfverfely ftriate 
 whorls: pillar with 5 plaits. 
 Inhibits-"— -lUartiiii conch. 4. tab, 1^0. f, 1392. 
 4ifrantia. Shell ta-pering, or;i:^ge ; 4 firft whorls of the fpire with a 
 white band: lip denticulate: pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Inhabits— —A/ar//«/ conch. 4. tab. 150,/. 1393, J 394- 
 DecuJJata , 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Dccufata, Shell tapering, with decufTate ftriac, the longitudinal ones 
 undulate; yellow, with about 4 plaits on the pillar. 
 Inhabits 'Mai tint anch. 4. tab. 150 fig. 1395. 
 Pofygona, Shell tapering, pun£lnred ; the whorls longitudinally ribbecf 
 and very finely (Iriate tranfverl'ely, the 3 firft angular: 
 lip grooved: pillar ilightly nmbilicate, with about < 
 Inhabits ■ ■ Martini conch. 4. tak, J go.yff . 1401, 1402. 
 S&e^I very long and narrow, wiiiic Ihaded with brown and blacki 
 ^ire with lo whorls. 
 Acuminata. Shell tapering cancellate with a fliort cancellate beak : pillar 
 Marttni conch. 4. tab. \^0'Jig, 1403, 1404. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar i very long and narrow, pale yellow or vio- 
 let with (omecimes a white band : J'pire very acute at the tip. 
 Biphcata, Shell tapering flmooth, white with yellow fpots and black 
 dots: lip acute . pillars-plaited. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, \. tab. 149 Jig. 1375. 
 lurricula. Shell tapering; pillar with 2 plaits : whorls rather turgid, 
 with a band of black dots, the firfl; whorl double. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, tab. \\f)-Jig, 1376, 
 Lineata. Shell tapering, with perpendicular black .lines crofling a 
 white band: pillar with abo"it 3 plaits. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. ^. tab^ l\<).fig. 1378,1379. 
 Difcort. Shell tapering, beneath brown dotted with white, above 
 white with perpendicular waved yellow flripes. 
 Inhabits 'Martini conch. 4. tab. 1^0. //g. 1400. 
 2. More pointed and hoary with longitudinal fcriuginous ftrix; 
 Martini conch. ^. tab. l^o. fig. 1405. 
 SZW/ minute and ventricole beneath. 
 Shell tapering with very fine tranfverfe (Irix, duCcy with 
 red dot5i and 2 paler bands.. 
 Inhabits Martini couch. ^. tab. ^^^.fig. I4e(j. minute. 
 Shell tapering and grooved longitudinally, brown with a 
 tranfverfe white nodulous band: pillar 5-toothed. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, ^. tab. i^O./ig. 1407, 
^74 WORMS. TEStACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 La'vigaia. Shell tapering fmooth brown, border of the rnouth paler 
 fpire with a paler band. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. i^'^-fig- 1408, 
 Inhabits— — Shell narrow fmall. 
 Ocellata. Shell tapering, chefniit with white eyes. 
 Inhabits -Martini ionch. ^. tab. ^S^-J'S- ^4°9« niihute.' 
 j^^a/uta. Shell tapering, red with rows of black dots: lip prominent: 
 beak retieded. 
 Inha.bns-'—Mdnini conch, 4, tab. \<^o.fig. 1410. 
 Marmorea. Shell tapeiringj varied with white and brown : lip infle£led. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 4. fab. i$0,fig. 141 I. 
 Barbadenfts Shell tapfering reddifh with very fine tranfverfe ftriae: aper- 
 ture oblong-oval: fpire-obtufe. 
 Liter conch t tab. ?)i(),ftg. 33. ' 
 Inhabits the American Oiean\ about J|inch long. 
 Clathrata. Shell tapering cancellate With dti obtnfe fpire; lip margined: 
 beak retle(5led. 
 Inhabits tne Ajnerican Ocean. Lister, tab. Big. fig. 34. 
 Tricolor, Shell tapcring gibbous yellow, each of the whorls with a 
 white band telfellate with black : pillar 3-plaited. 
 Inhabits Bonan recr. and Muf. Kirch. '^- fi?. 37. 
 Shell tailed : fpire obtul'e at the top. 
 Turrita, Shell tapering," chefnut-brown with undulate brown lines, 
 with horizontal dbfolete nodulous plaits ; aperture 
 ftriate : pillar 3 plaited. 
 Lister, tab. 836. Martir.: tab. l^l.fig. 1317, 1318. 
 Inhabits Shell with a (lightly prominent beak. 
 Syracufana Shell tapering fmooth> white with perpendicular waved 
 blackifh-ycliow llripes. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch, 'i-fig. 40. 
 Inhabits Sjracufe ; longer and nirrovver than the laft. 
 Nitens. Shell tapering polifhed, chcfnut within white: pillar \Vith 
 4 plaits. 
 Bonan. recr. 3. fig. 322. IMuf, Kirch, "i- fig. 323, 
 Inhabits Hhe/l 4. little ventiicole. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 375 
 Qtnna, Shell tapering, citron with rufous bands. 
 Valtnt abh. z. tab. z. fig. 12. 
 Inhabits Shell z\ inches long, 
 l^ucronata. Shell tapering, pale brown and longitudinally ftriate: fpire 
 perforated: pillar perforated 4-plaited. 
 Inhabits ■ Gualt. tefi. tab. 52. M, 
 "Rvgofa. Shell tapering a little ventricofc, longitudinally wrinkled ar^d 
 tranfverfely ftriate, whitifli vvith piceous lines. 
 Inhabits r-Gualt. ttft. tab. 54. A. 
 Spire acute and ribbed at the tip : lip margined. 
 Strigofa. Shell tapering, cinereous (Iriate with red : fpire glabrous, 
 the whorls rather tumid. 
 Inhabits -Argen'V. conch, tab. 9. V. 
 Fojfilis. Shell tapering glabrous : pillar with 5 plaits. 
 Argenv. conch, tab, zg.yf^. 6. b. 
 Found hitherto in a foffile ftate only, 
 Leficofiiaa. Shell tapering thin glabrous, brown fujrounded with lines of 
 white dots. 
 Knorr Fergn, 2. tab. $.Jig. 7. 
 2. Nitted mitre. Martyn. univerf. conch, X. tab, 22. 
 Inhabits — ^-r^i)x\\t Friendly IJlandi. 
 Clathrns. Shell tapering, whitifli cancellate: whqrls with a band of 
 yellow fpots. 
 Inhabits Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. z-J.fig. 3. 
 Virgata, Shell tapering tranfverfely. ribbed, with a tranfverfe brown 
 band and longitudinal waved fpots. 
 Inhabits Knorr l^ergn. 4. tab. I \.fig. 2. 
 Shell thick, 2 inches long; aperture white ; the'ribs fcaly. ' 
 Leucoftoma. Shell tapering, cancellate, varied with tawny and while 
 with waved brown fpots; mouth ochraccous. ' 
 Inhabits . Knorr Vergn. \. tab, W-.fig. 3. 
 Variegata. Shell tapering tranfverfely ftriate, yellow with a brown 
 band and fpots and numerous Iclfer vvhite ones. 
 Inhabits Knorr Virgn. 5. tab. lS,/ig. 6. 
376 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Filiarit, Shell emarglnatc a little tapering marked with decufTate 
 ftriae and furrounded with fine red lines: pillar 3- 
 Inhabits Mant. z. p, 548. 
 ^iW/ pale fufiform, about the length of a little finger: throat 
 white with fimple lips: nuhorls 3, appearing as if begirt with 
 fine red moniliform threads, the lall with 12. 
 Voha. Shell cylindrical whitilh glabrous : fpire projeding abtufe 
 and emarginate at the bafe : pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 148./^, 1389, I 390. 
 Inhabits the fhores of Guinea ; above 2 inches long. 
 Zier-voyelii. Shell ovate bay, longitudinally wrinkled, beneath tranf- 
 verfely grooved : fpire obtufe and crenate at the future: 
 pillar 4-plaited : lip denticulate. 
 Inhabits Chemn. co7tcbt 10. tab. 149. _^^. 1406. 
 Rhinoceros. S'^^^' ovate-triangular rugged knotty tranfverfely grooved 
 and umbilicate: whorls muricate with knobs: pillar 
 3-plaited : lip toothed : throat ftriate. 
 Chemn. conch, 10. tab. ^^O.fig. 1407, 1408, 
 Inhabits fhores of Ktiu Guinea. 
 Codata. Shell tapering white : fpire with very fine tranfverfc ftriae 
 and rounded ribs, the firft whorl wit^ 3 brown bands : 
 pillar 4-plaited. 
 Inhabits' Schraet. Einl. in conch, \. tab. \' fg. 17. 
 Beak a little reflefted, with 6 oblique ftriar. 
 Shell ovale white: fpire fpotted with brown, the firft whorl 
 with 6 brown bands : tail emarginate : lip imprefTed : 
 pillar with 6 plaits. 
 Inhabits Schrctt. Einl. in conch, 1. tab \,Jig. 16. 
 Whorls oithi fpire marked with rows of black dots. 
 Shell emarginate Ariate and marked with hollow punctures: 
 lip denticulate : pillar 5- plaited. 
 Lijier. tab. Szz. Knorr l^ergn. z. tab. ^. fig- S« 
 Seba niuf, 3, tab. ^o.fg. 28. 47 — 49. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 54. fig- H. 
 Martini conch. ^. tab. l^j.Jig. 136 1. 
 2. Knorr Vtrgn. 2. tab. \,Jig. 6. 
 3, Fa'vanm conch, tab. 31. fig. D 3«' 
 Chtmn, conch. \Q.tab. ^^^'fig. 1432. '432' 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 37^ 
 Inhabits India; 3 inches long. Shell narrow brown, with darker 
 longicudinaJ Itrias and elevated iranfverfe ones covered with 
 flactilh granulations. 
 Cardinalis, Shell emarginate tranfverfely flriate, white with rows of 
 chefnut fpots which are generally teirellate: pillar with 
 5 plaits. 
 Lister, tab. 838. Gualt. tejl. tab. 53. G. 2. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, ^o./lg. 51, /. 5I._/1 6, 7. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. z%,fig. 3^ 
 Born Muf. Caf.Vind. teft. tabt^./tg, 11, iz« 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. i^J.fig. 135^, I359. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; refemblcs V. pcrtafa, but is more 
 vcntricofe and obtule. 
 Shell emarginate finooth : margins of the whorls entire : 
 lip denticulate : pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Natural. Mijcell. tub. 244. Lister, tab. S^g./tg. 66J 
 Rumf/. muf. tab. 29. K. Gualt, test. tab. 53. G. I. 
 Bonau. recr* and Muf. kirch, 'i^.fig. 120. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 9. C. Bytem. app. tab. i l./ig^ 47; 
 Seba muf. 3, tab ^i.fig. 8— 19. 
 Knorr delic. tab, B. iii. ftg. 3. l^ergn, I. tab. d.Jig^ Z' 
 Regeni;. conch. 1, tub. 3. /ig. 33. 
 Martini conch. 4. tub. l^y.fig. 1 360, a. 
 Inhabits India. The inhabitant or li(h is faid to be of a poifon- 
 ous nature, if eaten, and to wound thofc who toueh it with a 
 kind of pointed trunk. The natives of the iiliDd Taana fix 
 . the fhcils in handles and ufe them as hatchets. 
 Shelly inches long, covered with a yellowifti .brown cuticle, 
 under which it is white with rows of fquarifh bright red fpots 
 which arc rarely yellow and fometimes confluent.- 2 firft 
 who.ls of the fpire glabrous, the reft finely Itriate tranfverfely. 
 Shell emarginate traufverfely ftriate: margins of the whorls 
 and lip denticulate: pillar with 4 plaits. 
 ^haiu Natur. Mifcell tab. 244. lower figure. 
 Lifer, tab. S^g.ftg, 67. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 29. I. 
 honan.recr. ^nd Mu/'. kirch. "^-fig. 119. 
 Argeh'V. conch, tab. 9. E. Gualt. test. tab. 53, I, 
 Seba muf 3. tab. ^1 fig. I— 5. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. 6. tig, \i 
 Re genf. conch. I. t. \,f. \. 
 Mart'.ni c-.nch 4. /. 147. /: 1353, 1354/ 
 2. Lister, tah. 84O. Gualt te/l* tab. 53. I. 2* 
 Valent »bh. tab. $.fg. 45, 
 Seba muf. 3. /. 50./'. 29, 30. /. 51, /; 37, 
 Knorr Vergn, 4. tab. zi.fg. 2, 
 VOL.IV.-3B j,j^,,.„. 
378 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75, Volutin 
 Martini conch. 4. fab. 147. fig. 1355. 1356. 
 3, Kamm. Cab. Rutfolft. tab. g fg S. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean i refembles the laft, but tho fpots arc 
 more irregular and deeper coloured 
 Patriar* SJveU obovate folid tranfverfely ftriate, whltifh with fatFron 
 ehalis, and reddifti ftrlse, niarked with nodulous plaits: pillar 
 4.-plaited; whorls crowned with tubercles. 
 Inhabits /«///«. Cbenm conch. 10. tah. 150.^?^. 1425— -1427. 
 Mujica. Shell margined, with obtufe fpiqes in the whorle: pillar 
 with 8 plaits: lip fmooth and very thick- 
 leister y tab. 805, 806. 8fi2. Argewv. concb. tab 14, F. 
 Ronan. recr. ^ fig. 296 — 298 Muf kitch. yfig. 297—299. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 28. x z. 3. Bytem app. tab. 8 Jig. 48. 
 Mu/.Gottwald. t. \b.f. 155.3 — c. 117 a-r-d. Ii8. a, b. 119. b— f 
 ^eha muf. 3, tab. 57, fig. 7 — 21* 
 Kncrr Vergn. l.t.l^.f. 1,2. /. 15./. 4, 5. 3. r. 12./. I. 6, 
 /.. 23./.1. 
 Martini conch, -i^.tab^ 9^-fg- 926--933 
 2. Chemni concha \o, tab. \^C). fig. 1401 — 1404, 
 Kncrr Vergn. ^. tab. iz.fig. l' 
 Inhabits the American Ocean, Shelf with numerous tranfverfe 
 bands compofed of parallcll brown Hues, between which are 
 dots and marlcs in fome meafure refeinbling mufical notes ; 
 whltifh, rarely olive with 8 white bands and chcfnut dots ; 
 fometimes long and fufiform, fometifpes fhort and ventricofe : 
 fpires often long and acute, often Ihorter ami more obtufe : 
 pillar with 9--!? plaits, 
 Fefpertilio, Shell eiriarginate, with acute fpires on the whorls: pillar 4- 
 plaited; lip fmooth, 
 Lifter. 807,808. Rumpf.mu-f tab. 32. H. 
 Bonan. recr. I- fig, 294. 305. Muf. Kirch, ^.fig* J^J^ 306. 
 Valent abh. t^b. ^fig. I. t. J.f. 62. 
 Gualt. ten. tab. %%.fig. F, G, I, M, V, T ? 
 %eba muf. 3, tab. n. fig. 4, 5 Klfin oftr. t, 5./. 89. 
 Muf GotfwaU.tab. ij.fig. i2i.a-.c. 122. a -c 123. a,b, 
 Knorr delic. tab. J. \'l.fig. 5. Vergn. I. t. 22. f. 3. 
 Martini conch. ^ tab. 97. fig, 934 .940. 
 2. Valent abh. tab. J.fig.f^Z, Naturf. 19./, l»f.%, 
 3. Chemn. conch, g. tab. 10^. fig, 888, 889. 
 4. Chemn, conch. 10. tab. 149. 1397 — 134©. 
 Inhabits the Indian Seas ; 3—6 inches icJng. 
 5/f'f//whiteor}ellowifli,or tulvous with angular chefnut or brown 
 lines and fpots, fometimes thin fometimes niore inflated.* 
 ffhes longer and fharper or Shorter and more obtufe. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voltita. 379 
 Jrabi a. Shell emarginate, the whorls tuber<^ulatc and marked with 
 black charadlers: pillar 4-plaited. 
 Inhabits AVov Zealand, Mart. univ. conchoU 2. tab. 52. 
 Fltlrah, Shell emarginate, the whorls with fubacute fpines : pillar 
 with 5 ftronger plaits and 3 obfolete ones. 
 Vtfier. tab. 8og. Argeni), conch, tab. 14. D. 
 Bonan. recr. '^./ig- 293. Muf. Kirch. 3. fig. 292. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 28. Z. i . Olear muf tab. 30. Jig. 5, 6. 
 Muf. Gott=waU. tab. l()/ig. II5 C 1 1 9. a. 
 Sela muf. 3. tab. i^J'/'g. I, 2. 3. 6. 
 Knorr Vergn. \. tab. l\.fig. I, 2. and 6. t. ^^f. 1. 
 Martini conch, ^.tab. g6./ig. 924, 9*^. 
 Inhabits India and "Jamaic.i'y very rare: 6 inches long. 
 <S/v// marked with tranuerlechefnut lines which are often croffed 
 by longitudinal attd frequently undulate ones. 
 Turbintlius Shell nearly tintire turbinate, with Conic fomcwhat ereft 
 fpines, the upper ones larger: pillar with 4 plaits. 
 Liiter. tab, 81 1. Rump/. Muf. tab. 24. B. 
 Bonan recr. 1.f:g. 373. Miif, kirch . I. fig 367. 
 Gualt. tejl, tab. 26. L. Argenv. conch, tab, 14. P. 
 5^^fl muj. 3. /fl^. 49. /7f 76, 77. ^ 60/1 8. 
 Muf Gottnxjald, tab. I \.fg 79. a> b. 
 iv«crr TiPr^w. 2. /<j5. 2 /7f. 3. /. X'^.f. 2, 3. 
 Regtnf conch l.tab. 2. fig* l8. 
 Martini conch. 3. w^. *)^. ftg- 944. 
 Inhabits the Indian Oceant about 3 inches long, 
 ^i"?// white, outwardly barred with brown. 
 Capitellum, Shell ovate rugged knotty : pillar 3-plaited. 
 Lister, tab, 8 to. Gualt. teji. tab, 37. A. 
 Bonan recr, iftg. 270. Mnf. kirch, 3. /7j'. 272. 
 jirgenv. conch. t<J>. I 5 ftg. k. 
 /Tworr Vergn. 6, fa^, zo.fig. 6. /. 35./". 2. 
 Martini conch, 3. /a^. <)^.fig, 947» 948. 
 2, Martim conch 3. /«^. ^<)-f'g' 949» 950» 
 ATwrr Vergn. 6. /«^. "i^-fig- 4. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American Stay; refembles mur ex trunculus: 
 _/^*// 2| inches long, thick white, fometimes barred with 
 brown, marked with decuflate ribs. 
 Ceramica, Shell ovate acute, with divergent fplres: pillar with about 
 5 plaits. 
 Lister, tab. 829. Gualt. teJl. tab. 55- D. 
 Rumpf Muf. tab. 24. A. tab. 49. L. 
 Bonan. recr. ^-/ig. 286. il^Ay^ Kirch. S-/'^. 2S7. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. i j, E. Z-^^^r tef.Jtg, jb, 
 3 B 2 A';70r„ 
3^0 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Voluta. 
 Knorr Vergn. z. tab* "i-fig^ 2. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. ()().fig. 943. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. %„ tab. Z'^.fig- 2. and 6. /. zo.f, 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. \^%.jig. 1383, 1384. 
 Inhabits Caromandel and Cerapi ; refemb^cs V. Turbinelluj, 
 S^f// thick white with brown lines and fpots ; fpines on tKe 
 outer whorls gradually leffening into tubercles. 
 Pyrum, Shell oboyate flightly tailed, with llriate whorls on the 
 fpire, the tip produced and quite glabrous : pillar with 
 3 plaits 
 Lister, tab. 815. GuaJt. tefi, tab. 46. C, 
 Bonan, recr. and Muf, Kirch. '^. f-g. 194. 
 Muf. Gittiuald. tab. -J^rij fig. 22 1, a. 222. b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. "^(^ fig' !• 
 Martini conch, 3. tab. 95. _^^. 916, 917. 
 2. Lilier. tab. 816. fig, 26 Rumpf t, 36./. 7 ? 
 Kkin 0/tr, tab. ^. fig. 79 a. 
 Knorr Vergu. 6. /«^. Z"] • fig' i- 
 Mar'ini conch. 3. /a^. <)^.jfig' 918, 919. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 9. f/j/5. lO^, fig. 884 — 887. 
 Inhabits Tran^uebar and Ceylon, above 7 inches loJjg. 
 iS/'*//tranfverfely undulate, pale with rows of minute parallelogram. 
 fpots, the tip cylindrical, the bafe glabrous and obtufe : bealc 
 exferped fpreading and entjre. 
 lafponica. Shell obovate fmooth, with a pointed fpire and dilated belly. 
 Rumff, muf. tab. 'hT-fig* 3, 4* 
 Scba Muf. 3 tab. S7-/'g- 25, 26. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 11. fig- 2. 
 Martini conch. I, tab. Sg fig. 872, 873. 
 2i Bonan, Muf. Kirch. 3 fig. 395. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American Seas. Shell ochraceous witji 
 brown dots or lines, rarely undulate : pillar with 5 plaits. 
 Vexillnm. Shell ventricofe, yellowifh- white with orange bands ; the 
 firft whorl tubercnlate ahd much larger than the red; 
 pillar with about 6 plaits, 
 l<!atur Mifcell. tab. 52, Rumpf. muf. tab. IJ'fig' 2. 
 Jlrgenu. Zoom. tab. "/.fig' O 
 Knorr '/ergn. ^.tab. ^ -fig. i. 
 Spengler felt . conch, tub. 1 , F F. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab, 120 fig. 1O98. 
 Ketmmer Rudolii. Cah. tab. ^-fig- »• 6. 
 Chemn. conch' 10. vion. ZO. Jig. A, B. 
 inhabits the Indian Ocean, and u very rare, 
 iVW/emarginate, ventricote in the middle, with a pointed fpire; 
 in the aault iheli the orange bands are divided at the lip. 
WORMS TESTACEA. 75. Voluu. 33i 
 Fla^icanf. Shell pyriform fmooth with yellowifh clouds: fpire varied 
 with chcfnut fpots: pillar 4-plaited. 
 Inhabits Seba muf. 3. tah. 67. fi^. a, b. 
 Martini conch. 3, tab. <)SfZ- 9^^' 9^3* 
 Rupestris. Shell elongated ribbed, the ribs crolTed by very fine tranf- 
 verfe lines; lip margined: pillar with many plaits: 
 fpire papillary at the tip. 
 Martini cohch. 3 tah. ()'&-fig 941, 942 
 Inhabits 6'/'t7/ 4 inches long, yellowifli with brownifh clouds. 
 Kaja, Shell ventricofe, the fpire ribbed with very fine tranfverfe 
 flrias croiring the ribs: lip margined: pillar 3-plaited 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. ^q.fcg. 32. 
 Knorr Vergn. ^.tah. zb.fig. 6. 
 Martini conch. /\.. ta^. I 24, 1 25. y"/^. 1 1 72, TI73. 
 Inhabit" Mauntius IJland and 'Guinea, above an inch long : 
 brownifft with fine white lines, 
 Craticulata Shell tapering and tranfvcrfely rtriate, white with longitn- 
 dinal chefniit ribs: lip denticulate llriate: pillar with 
 3 plaits. 
 Lifler. tab: 919. 967. Knorr. 2. tab ^-/^g. 6. 
 Seha muf. 3. tah. '^O. fig. 55- ^ 51 /. 3I» 32- 
 Martini conch. 4. tah. 1382, 1383, 
 Inhabits— Wf// nearly 3 inches long. 
 Spiralis. Shell longitudinally ribbed and very finely ftriatc tranfverfely, 
 the 2 firll whorls with a row of acute tubercles : pillar 
 Rumpf. amh, tah. tc^. fig, X. 
 -Inhabits the Indian Seas; cinereous brown or white, narrow 3't 
 the bafe, cmarginate, flightly reflecftLd. 
 Shell a little ventricofe, ochraceous with white and brown 
 lines: lip .fubulate : fpire with convex whorls, the 
 firil 3 times as large as the relt. 
 Knorr Vcrgn. 6 tab. 2(). fig. i, 2. 
 Favann conch, tab. 28 t.. 
 Cbemn. conch lO. tah. \i^%.fg 1383,1384. 
 Inhabits the Straights rf Mngellan, 4^ iiich« long. 
 2. Knorr fWgn. j. tah. 2yfig. 2. 
 Shell z inches long, ana narrower; ending in a Iharp dagger, 
 like point ; fiHl whorl of the fpire oofcurel/ undula.e. 
3^2 WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Volou; 
 Filo/u. Shell very finely reticalate ftriafe, with elevated tfanfrerfe 
 belts : pillar 4-plaited : lip crenate. 
 Inhabits "Bom uiuf, Ctes. Vind, ieji. tab. g.fig' 9, 10. 
 Shell white with i6 chefnuc belcs: plilar a jictlc umoilicatc. 
 fujtata. Shell coarfe brown fmdoth, the bafe tranfverfely (Iriate : 
 fpire jobtufe, the firft whorl ventricofe with 4 narrow 
 bands, the reft with a bro;id white band : pillar umbi- 
 licate 3-plaited. 
 Inhabits— —^fi'/-^?.. Einlt in conchi. i. tab. \'fig- 1 5. 
 Et Vcntr'Kofe : fpiri papiUary at the tip. 
 iEthiopica, Shell cmarginatCj the fpire crowned with vaulted fpines 
 pillar 4-plaitc(!. 
 Lilier. tab. 797. 801, G*taJt. test. tab. 29. H, I. 
 Benan. recr, and Alif/. Kirch, "^-jig- !• 
 Argewuille conch, tab 17. F- liumpf. Muj tab, 3I. A, B. 
 Lejjer teji.ftg. 55. Seba muf. "i,, tab, 64. jig. I, 2, 4. tt 65. ^1 
 I, 2. 4. 10. \i t. 66./. I — J, 6 — 10. 15. 
 Muf. Gottiuald. tab. qfig. 64. n. 61. b. 
 Knorr delic. tab. B. ^ifig 2. Vtrgn. t. iff. I. 
 Martini conch, ^.tab. 7^ -j6. fg. 777-^788. 
 2, Chemn. conch. 10. /<7^. 148. /fg. 13874 138S. 
 Inhabits. /*fr/?« Afia and the Cape of good hope. 
 Shell J or 8 inches long, with ycllowiih fpdts or bahdsj (horter 
 and more vcntrieofe oc longer and narrower: fpwes long fhort 
 broad or narrow : knob at the end of the fpire fometimes ob- 
 'Cymbium. Shell erharginatCi whorb of the fpire with grooved margins: 
 pillar 4-plaited. 
 Lifter: tab. 796. 800 Gualu test. tab. 291 B, 
 Column, pur p. tg.tab, 30. fig 3. 
 Adansjeneg.t. 3-/'-. »• Argeii'v tab. 17. G. 
 Bonaii. recr. and Muf. Kirch, y fig 2. 
 Seba mrf 3. t 65 /. 5, 6. 8, 9. t. 66 /. 5. 
 Knorr delic. tab, B. V!;/^. 3. ^/?rg-«, z.t. ^O f, 1. 
 Martini conch. 3. /«i. "jo. fig. 762-765. 
 Inhabits 5^a;>? Africa and Jmetica: fometimes fhort and broad, 
 fometimes longer and narrower, fmooth, often uniform ia 
 colour, often marked with brown fpots ; /'/ callous. 
 Olid. Shell emarginatc, with a fmooth fpird"^: pillar with about 3 
 histir. tab. 794. Adans fineg. I. tab. 3. /fo. 2, 
 ilmian recr. and Muj, Kirch. 3 J/g. 6. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 75. Valuta. 383 
 Gualt. test, tab 29, A. Lefer teft. f. 54. 
 Argrnv. Zoom, tab.. 1 1, H. ^Uin oft. tab. 5, Jig, 97. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 66, fig. 13, 14. 16, 18. 
 Muf. Gottivald. tab. 10,/^. 68. a— c, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 23, fig. 2. 
 Martini conch. 3. ^a^. 7 1, yf^. 766. 
 Schrcef. Einl. in conch. I /«!&. \. fig- 14- 
 Inhabits Spain, Jf^i^'f^'i /ffhiopia and the Philippine Ijkt. 
 Sheil about 4 inches long, yellowilh or reddiOi, rarely varied w.il|j 
 brown, brqadjer thai> ihe laft. 
 jSmfiot Shell elongated, with a broad afjertujre: lip acute: wjipr^^ 
 of the fpire hardly vifible. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, a. tab 6^, fig- 7?2 — 724. 
 Shell vi'^xti or brown, about an inch long, 
 Nep(uni, 3hell cmiarginate, covered with a brown cuticle undef 
 which it is reddiih : lip a little prorijifient ; pillar Ar 
 Lijier, tab. 3 02. Gualt. teft, t. ij, A. A, 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. 64,/. 3. /. 65. /. 3. 7. /. 66,/. 4. 
 M^tini conch. 3. tab.'ji, fig. 767, 
 Inhabits the Perfian Gulph : 8 inches long and nearly a$ pjuch 
 broad : _/^/r^ with 4 whprls. 
 Navicula. Shell emarginate, the lip a little promiiient : pillar with 
 about 4 plaits. 
 Litter, tab 795. Knqrr Vergn. 5. /. 28,/ 2. 
 Seba ^uf. 3. /a^. 6^. fg. 10, 11. /a^. 66^ fg. \\, 12,17. 
 Martini conch. I. tab, "J I, fig. 768 — 771, 
 Inhabits refembles the laft, but is hardly 2 inches long: 
 fometimes uniformly ochraceous, rcddifh orphcfnut, foinetimes 
 fpotted or marbled. 
 Papillaris Shell elongated, with a long tubercle at the tip. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 6^, fig. 9. 
 Muf. Gottzy. tab. lO, fig. 6g. 
 Knorr Vergn, 5. tab, 28, fg, 7. 
 Inhabits ■■Tubercle at the tip fometimes obliq^ue. 
 hdica. Shell elongated, yellow with 3 bands of brown d9ts: pil- 
 lar 4-plaitcd. 
 Muf. GotiuiaU. tab. I O, fig. 64. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. 8, fig. i« 
 MartiMi conch. 3. /a^. 72. f/g. 772, 773. 
 Inhabits /«<//«. Sheil narrow, with 5 whorls, 
384 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Bucdnura. 
 Scapha.. Shell coarfe, clouded, with zigzag brown lines : pillar 
 blueifli and 4- plaited: lip fubulate. 
 Lilleri tab, 799. Gualt tejl. t. 28, S. 
 Bonan. recn S Mu/ Kirch. '^^ fig. 10. 
 Zeba muf. y tab. 6^^ fig. 51 6. 
 Klein oftr. tab. 5. /. 94. Le[fer tefl.f. (j6. 
 Martini -ranch. 3. tab 72, fi^. 774 — 776. 
 Inhabits the Cape of (aood Hope : extremely rare. 
 SheJ/ihoTt, broid, white or yellowilh : aperture broad : /pire with 
 6 whorls. 
 Cy/niidia. Shell ovate> glabrous, Whitifli with longitudinal red lines ; 
 whorls knotty : pillar 3-plaited. 
 Chemn, conch. lO. ial. i^S, fig, 1385, 1386. 
 Inhabits Indian Ocean : 2 inches long. 
 Prttputium Shell fubovate, teftaceous with reddifh-bay fpots : pillar 4- 
 plaited, cmarginate at the bafe. 
 Lijier, tab. 798, Seba miij. 3. tab. 66,/. 1 1 ? 
 Chetnn. c6nch. 10. tab, 148,/}^. 1^91, 1392* 
 Inhabits the coaft of Coromandel, 
 Clans. Shell cylindrical, yellowilh: pillar 3-plaited, cmarginate: 
 aperture efFufe, fpreading. 
 Chemn. conch, 10. tab, 148. /". 1393. 13^4. 
 Seba mvf 3. iab^b\.f. 9.*— il. t.b6,f. 13, 14. 
 Inhabits the Ealtern Ihores of Africa. 
 Reticulata Shell white, fmooth, reticulate with gold, emarginate : 
 pillar 4-plaitcd with a conic fpire, the tirll whorl cy- 
 lindrical and ventricofe. 
 Ka:mm. Cab, Rudolf, tab. ^, f i, 2. 
 Inhabits Java: above 2 inches long. 
 $peSlabilii Shell hrownifti-yellow ftriate with brown ; pillar 3-plaited. 
 Keemm. Cab. Rudolli. t. Itf l. 
 Da-oil. Cat al. I. tab, %, fig. S. 
 Inliabits the Magellamic Straiti : 5^ inches long. 
 76. BUCCINUM. Animal a Limax: Jlieli 
 univalve, Ipiral, gibbous : aperture ovate, 
 terminatino; in a iliort canal leanino; to 
 the right, ^vith a retule beak or projec- 
 tion: pillar-lip expanded. Whelk. 
 A. -&- 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Bucclnum. 3^5 
 A. Inflated, rounded, thin, fubdiaphanous and brittle. 
 Shell roundifh, furrounded with obtufc grooves between 
 which is an elevated line : aperture without teeth. 
 Lister, tab. 985. Pet, Gaz. tab. <^<)i fig. II. 
 Adanf, Seneg, I. tab. Ji jig' t>. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 27. D. Gualt. teft. tab., 44, T. 
 Kliin oftrac. tab. 4. fig. 74, 
 Muf. Gottivald. tab. 27. fig. 1 88. a> c. 189. a, d. 
 Kncrr Fergn, 5. tab. 12, f:g. I. 
 Martini concb. ^. tab. 1^7- fg- IO76, 1077. 
 Inhabits the Indian jea \ about 4 inches long. 
 Shell brown or browni(h with numerous darker cloud andfpotsS 
 fpire with 5 inflated whorls feparated by a groove. 
 Shell obovate, furrcFunded by grooves v*rhich are double on 
 the fore-part r aperture without teeth. 
 k'ifter, tab. 898. Gualt. test. tab. 42. A a. 
 Bonan. recr. "i^.f. 183. Wluj. kirch. Z.ftg" 179. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. I \6.fg. 1070. 
 Schrat. Eird. in conth. i. tab. 2, fig. 1, 
 2. Bonan. recr. 3. f, 26. Af«/*. Kirch, '^.f, 25, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Adriatic i nearly as large as a man*s 
 head : fkell ochraceous, nearly globular ; pillar umbilicate. 
 Shell ovate, inflated, flightly grooved and undulate with 
 white: aperture without teeth. 
 Lister, tab. 9S4. Column, aq. t. dc^if. 5. 
 Rumpf. muf. tabt 27, C. Argenv. conch. /. 17, A. , 
 Adanf. Seneg. 1. tab. 7, f. 5. Gualt. tab.^l. F. 
 Bonann. recr. 3. fig. 191. M///". /i/rc^. 3* f, 189. 
 i'^-^a OTi(/*. 3. tab. 68, yff. 12, 13, l6. 
 i^/«/". Gotcwald. tab. zy, fg. I, 2. 
 Knorr l^ergn, 3. /^^. 8, jf^. I. 
 Martini conch. "1,. tab. liy,fg' 1 07 8— 1080. 
 Inhabits India* America and /Ethiopia ; 6 inches long. 
 Shell yellow, undulate or waved with white, the ribs flattened : 
 pillar umbilicate : fpire with 5 or 6 prominent convex whorls, 
 between each of which is a i'mall groove. 
 Shell ovate furrounded with obtufe grooves: aperture 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 23. fg,^. tab. l-j, B. 
 Bonan recr. Jif Muf. kirch. 3. fig. 22. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 5 1 , C. Argenv. Conch, t. 27, Lj 
 Seia muf. 3. tab. 70. fig. 3, 4. 
 Muf, Gettivald. tab. 27, fig. 184,0* 
 VOL. IV. — 3 C Knorr 
386 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 23, fig. 2. 
 Martini conch 2 tab, 36, Jig. 370, 37 1 . 
 " 2. Z-///Vr fo«f^. tab. 792, 7'^. 45 ? 
 Inhabits Ja'voy /fmboina and Mexico : 2\ inches long. 
 5/&f// thick, wnite, fpotted with yellow or rcddifti : firft whorl of 
 xht/pire with 12—14 yellowifh ribs, the very tip polilhed. 
 Dolium. Shell ovate, furrounded with remote obtufe grooves \ beak a 
 little prominent 
 Rutnpf,muf- tab^ 27, A, Calceol muf. 3./. 41. 
 Lifter, tab. 899, Gualt. te/i. t. 39, E. 
 Bonan recr. 3. /. l6, 17. 25. Mt/ Kirch, f^ 16, 17. 28. 
 Jrgeniille conch tab. X"]. Jig. Q^ 
 SebamuJ. 3, //z^ 68,/.9— 11. tab. -JOjftg. i, 2. 5,6? 
 iV/a/". GottixaU. tab. ■i'],ftg- 185. b. 188, b, 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. Z, fig. 4. 
 Mavdni c^nch.tab n6— 118,/. IO72 — 1075,5082. 
 Inhabits feas of S/W/y, 4rnVfl and /Wj^j; refembles B. galea, but 
 is thinner : fiell white, fometimes fpotted with brown : pillar 
 Caudatum, Shell ovate, furrounded with rounded ribs ; the beak a little 
 Knorr Fergn. 5. tai, 3, y/]g-. 4. 
 Martifticonch.^. tab. \\S,fig,\oi^, 
 2? Z//?£r, //j/i. 940. Klein o/ir. tab 3, /". 61. 
 Knorr Fergn.6. tab. 2g, fiig. 5, 
 Inhabits — : SheJJhTOwn, umbilicate, with a wide aperture: 
 hp plaited and toothed within : Jpire with 6 fhort inflat d 
 whorls. 2) S^f// I of an inch long, thin, ftraw-colour, brown- 
 ifli in the ribs : whorls of the Jfiirg with very fine horizontal 
 Ni'vetm.l Shell fnowy, ribbed : outer whorls of the fpire hardly pro- 
 Inhabits— —A«orr ^(?r^«. 6. fab. 36. fig. 5. 
 ish^I/ hardly half an inch broad and high : a very uncertain 
 Clathratum Shell ovate, longitudinally wrinkled and tranfverfely plaited, 
 with a Ihort recurved beak. 
 Inhabits Born MuJ. Caf. Find. test. tab. 9, /, 17, 18. 
 Shell pale cinereous, the angles of the feflions tuberculate : fpire 
 acute, a Ijt'iJc prominent : pillar-lip crenatc and grooved 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Bucclnum. 387 
 • Lineatm-, Shell pyramidal or Oiarp pointed at bottom, white with 
 dark brown fpiral lines. 
 Donovans Brit. Shells, i. tab. 15. 
 Inhabits the coafl of (^ornrvall ; very fmall. 
 Sheil ovate, with about c whorls, the tip of the fpire acute ; va- 
 ries in the number and difpofition of the fpiral lines. 
 • Breve. Shell white with 5 whorls which are longitydinally ribbed 
 and tranfverfely ilriate. 
 Truv/a£ls linn. Snc. iii tai. 11,. fig- 3> 4. 
 Found on the Pembrokejhire Coajl. Shell opakc. 
 •Minimum, Shell minute, with 5 fpines, fpiraliy ftriate and tranfverfely 
 B. Minutum. Pennant. iv./>. \22. tab. 79. 
 /<??. Niaro<. w.tab. i^ fig' 24. 
 Inhabits England and Nvri>jay : lefs than a pea, 
 •Obfu/uhtm Shell white opake, with 3 fpires and oval aperfure. 
 jitlams and K^nmack. Microfc, p. 639. tab. \^.f'g, 25. 
 Found in Faverjliam Creek: very minute and rare. 
 B. JFith a fhort exfertetl reflea-e-d beak: Up unarmed out- 
 •Minutum. Shell white opake, with 3 whorls which are longitudinally 
 Tranfaa. Linn, Soc. iii. iah. 13./^. 7» 8. 
 Found on the Pcmbrckejliire Coafl: very minute. 
 • Litve. Shell fmooth, with 3 whorls ar^d a long beak. 
 Tranfaa. Li'in Soc, iii. tab. i^./ig. 7» 8. 
 InhaSits the Pembroke fair e Coast: very fmall. 
 Zhell white opakc, the firft whorl much more inflated than the 
 fecond : aperture oval. 
 •Ohtujifi- Shell fmo >th wnth 3 whorls and a long beak: aperture con- 
 mum, trudlcd. 
 ^ranfac:. Unn, Soc. IH. tab. i^-ftg- 9» to. 
 Found on the I'embrokcfnire coait: very minute, differs fr^m the 
 laU in the form of the aperture, and in having the whorls of 
 a nearly equal fize. 
 Echino- Shell with 4 tuberculate belts and prominent beak. 
 pborutr., Lifler, tab^ 1003. Rumjf.muf. tab. zy.ftg- I. 
 Bqpan recr, and Muf. Kirch, I- fig- 18, 19. 
 3C2 ^«'*^' 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Cualt. test, tab, /^"i-fig' 3. Argenvp conchy tab, 17. P. 
 Argenv. Zoom. tdb. 3. /7j?. H. 
 Gtnann. adr. 2. tab. S'f'g- 43» 
 Seba muf. 3 . tab, 68 , fig. 18. 
 JVf«/". Gotttuald. tab. 2^. fig, 1 64. /a^. ZJ'ftg. 1S6. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. ij.fig.i. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, \i.ftg. 407, 408. 
 2. Lifter, tab. loi I .//^. 71, e, f. 
 3. Bonan.recr. I, fig, 160. M«/. AT/Vf/t. 3. /". 1 62. 
 Inhabits the Adriatic znA Mediterranean Seas. 
 Shell brownilh with white tubercles within, tranfverfely flriate, 
 umbilicatc;>^/rf pyraijiidal : beak long, bent bacic : /;)5po]ifhcd: 
 belts often 5. ' 
 Shell a little plaited forwards, marked witb decufTate ftrias : 
 aperture toothed : beak recurved. 
 Lister, tab. 1002. Gualt. teft. tab. 40. C. 
 Borian. recr. I. fig. 1 56. Muf. Kirch, 3./. l6|. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. ^S-/ig, D ? 
 Martini conch, 2. tab. SJ.fg, 379, 380. 
 t. Knorr njergn. 3. tab. 28. fg, ^, 
 Favann. conch, tab, ZC. P. 4. 
 Seba muf. 3. tabl 53. ti, i, 2.- 
 Cbemn. conch, 10. ?^75. 153^. ftg. 1 459* 1460, 
 3. 5<ro/o/. delic.Infub. 2. f/ii. 2\.fig. \. 
 Inhabits Jamaica. Shell c'lnereoas or reddifh, with fomctimes a 
 row of tubercles at the bale of the Ipire, rarely with manife^ 
 longitudinal ilrix or cancellate. 
 Shell turbinate and cfowned wtth fpines: aperture toothed; 
 beak recurved. 
 Lifter, tab. ioo6. Rumpf. muf. tab. 2"^. jig. I. 
 Bonan, recr. and Muf. Kirch. I* ftg, 155. 
 Gualt. test. tab. J^o. D. Lejfer test, fig, ^6» 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, yyfig. 7, 8. 17, 1 8. 
 Muj. Gottioald. tab, 2/^.fg, 1 59. aa. bb. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab, 2. ftg. I. 
 Martini conch, z tab, Z'^fig- 348, 349; 
 2, liister. tab, loo8./z^. 71. b, C. 
 Rumpf, Muf. tab, 21. A- 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 35. fig. 362, 
 Inhabits India: 9—12 inches leng* 
 Shell white with reddifh or chefnut fpota. 
 Shell with deculTate ftrias and knotty belts between which is 
 a double line : aperture toothed : beak recurved. 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 23. D. Gualt tAt. tab. 40. F. 
 Barrel, rar: tab. 132^. fig. 29. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 389 
 Seha mu/. 3. t. 73./. 3, 4. g. 
 Knorr. yergn. 2. /. 9,/". 3 ? and 4. lah. I, 
 Rfgenf. conch. 1. / I2.y. 69 
 Martiti. conch. 2. /. 32./. 341. /. 3^-/ 346, 347. 
 Inhabits Ainerica and India; brown varied with re4(H(h and 
 white, the aperture fcariet with 2 white teeth and interflje- 
 diate black groovci. 
 Tubero/um. Shell with 2 tuberculate belts and lecurvcd beak. 
 Lister^ tab, 1004? Gualt. teft. tab. 41. A, A, A, 
 Bonan. recr» '^' fig- 323. Af///". Kirch, ^.f. 322. 
 Seba Mu/. 3. ta(). 73. //^?. 5, 6, lO, II, 14, 15. 
 Mu/. GottiuaU. tab. I"},, fig 1 59. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. /^^, lO./i^. I, 2. 
 Martini conch, z. tab. l\ fig- 359 '• 38./". 381,382. 
 2, >^V^a ff////". 3. /G^. 73. /^^. 2 ? 
 3. Knorr P'ergn. 6. /o^''. 18 /ig. I. 
 Inhabits the /tmerican Ocean : 10 inches long. 
 Sheil i'potted and waved with red and brown, when full grown 
 fomewhat triangular, wish decufiate ftrise : belts lometimc:; 
 3 or 4: aperture with white teeth and an intennediate black 
 FUmmeum. Shell ilightly plaited and crowned: aperture toothed: beak 
 Lister, tab. 1 005. Rump/.Mu/ tab. 33.//^?. 2. 
 Bonan- re<r. and Mu/. Kirch, "^.fg. 156. 
 Valent. abh. tab. 1 1'./ig, 99, lOO, 
 Seba mu/. 3. tab, 71' /'g- 19. 20. 
 MuC.Gott'wald. tab. z^./ig. 160. 
 Martir.i conch, 2. tab. '},\.ftg. 353, 354. 
 2. '$>eba mu/. 3. /a^. Jl-fg. «6. 
 3. Grono-j. Zoopb. tab. \^fig- 9. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: about 5 inches long- 
 iihel/ white with brown waved fpots : aperture with 7 black 
 fpots, the tecih ftrong and obtufe : pil/ar tranfverfely ribbed 
 with white, 
 Tejiculuj. Shell obovate, \vith dcciilTate ftrlx and elevated longitudinal 
 ones: aperture toothed: beak recurved. 
 Lister, tab. 1 00 1, Uump/. muj.tab. il fs^l 
 Bonan recr. I. fg- 162. Muf. Kirch. 3./. 163, 
 Vahnt.abh. tab. -J.fg. S9- Gualt. te/t. tab. 39. C. 
 Seba mu/, 3. tab.'jz./ig. 17 — 21. 
 Muf. Gotti^ald.tab.iz.fg. 145 — 149. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. r. 8./. 2. 
 Martini conch. 2.t- 37-/ 37>» 376* 
 2. .Martini conchy z. t. 37. f. 377» 378. 
390 WORMS. TESTACEA. 7.6 Buccinum. 
 Inhabits Ainerica and Indian about 4 inches long. 
 Zhell white or reddilh, generally fpotted with yellow ; inner pillar 
 Jip obliterated, outer one ochraceous (potted with brown : 
 pillar with white plaits or teeth. 
 DecuJJatum Shell with decuftale ftrine and cbvered with fmall fquare 
 fcales: aperture toothed: beak recurvet). 
 Lister, tah. 1006 Gualt. tell. tab. 40. B. 
 Bonan. ricr. and Muf. Kirch, i.fig' 157. 
 Muf. GcttivaU tab. l^. Tig. 154. b>c. 156, a', 157, a, b, 
 iCnorr Fergn 2. tab. \o. fig, 3, 4. 
 Mart im conch. 2. 't, 35./"- 36a, 3161 • 367, 368. 
 Inhabits Africa and 'he Mediterranean. Shell white frequently 
 teflellate cr undulate with brown: oulct pi'lar lip hugged 
 ftrong broad and crenate within, inner lip rough with railed 
 'Areola. Shell fubdriate ahd rurrotinded with 4 rows of fqUare Tpots: 
 aperture toothed: beak recurved: 
 Lijter. tab. I002. falent abh. tab. 9. tig. yj. 
 Rumff. muf. tab. t^-fi^- B, C I, 2. 5. 
 Adans feneg. I. /. 7 /■. 8 Argennj conch, tab 5. T. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. 3 ftg, 20, 21. 154 ? 
 Klein ojlr. tab. 6. fig. 102 ? 103. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 39. G, H. tab. 40 E. 
 Seba rnuf. 3. tab. JO. fig. 7 — 9. 
 Muf Gott'f:ald.t. 22 /. 150 — 152 b. t.T.'^.f. I 56. b. 
 Martini conch. 3./. 22,/. 344, 345. *. 34./. 35°— 35^' 
 2. Liter couch, taby loA,6 jig. 9 
 Inhabits /W<<2 and the Mediterranean: 3 inches iong. 
 Shell fometimes I'n.ooth, fometimcs more or lefs llriate : outer 
 pillar-lip with a toothed inner margin. 
 Ttgrinum. Shell ovate fmooth, blueifli with tranfverfe yellow bands 
 fpotted with brown and intermediute brown charaders. 
 Inhabits lienu Zealand. Martynuniijtrf. conch. 1. tab. 8. 
 Vndulatunu Shell with fometimes tranfverfe ftriai and waved fpots: 
 fpire obtufe and with the inner iip glabrous. 
 Lifter conch, tab. <^c^b. fig. 6l. 
 2. Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch, ">)• fig. >39' 
 Gualt. test, tab. 39. B. 
 3, Seba Muf 3. tab. 62. fig. J 4, is;. 17. 
 Inhabits relcmbles B. areola, but is more produced. 
 Cicdtrico- Shell ovate fmooth and covered with hollow pundures: 
 fum. ' fpire elongated : lips toothed', beak recurved. 
WORMS, TESTACEA. 76. Buccinmn. 39? 
 Grono'v Zoopb tab i<) fig I, 2. 
 Inhabits hHia ; refcmoles B areola but is more oval : Jpire cun^ 
 cellate : outer pi lar lip toothed, the inner wrinkled, 
 Tejellatum S^ell thin cinereous with white bands teflellate with brown: 
 whorls with 5 rows of tubercles. 
 Seha tnnf. 3. tab. 73 jig. I. 12, 13. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. l^.fig. 369. /. yj f, 374, 
 Inhabits the South Seas: extremely rare : 6 inches long. 
 PennatUfH. Shell white with variegated yellowifli chefnut and white 
 Ibands: beak recurved. 
 Inhabits India. Run.pf, muf. tab. 23. C. 
 Martini conch, 2. tab. 36. ^/^gv. 372, 373. 
 Maculofum. Shell with 4 fpotted bands : whorls a little prorninent and 
 longitudinally ribbed, the firll: crowned with tubercles. 
 Inhabits 1 i\ inches Jong, Litter, tab. 997. 
 Bilitseatum. Shell txanfyerfely ftriate : fpire obtufe, the whorls with a 
 fpotted band and 2 lines. 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab. 99 rf. 
 Gibbum* Shell coarfe, taanfverfely ftriate and wavc-fpotted : fpire 
 acute pyramidal. 
 Inhabits 2 inches long. Lister, tab. 999, 
 Ventricofum Shell vcntricofe ftriate: pillar-lip thin: beak ftiort. 
 Inhabits LiQer conch, tab. 1007, 
 Strigofum. Shell tranfverfely ftriate: fpire acute the 2 firft whorls 
 crowned with fpines: outer pillar-lip fpotted within 
 and emarginate without. 
 Inhabits Lifier corxh, tab. lOi l.fg. 71. f. 
 Rugofnm, Shell fmooth, with undulate fpots: fpire rugged and ftriate; 
 beak with 5 plaits: outer pillar-lip ftrong and ftraight* 
 Inhabits 3 inches long. Lister tab. io\^, 
 Pondtrofum Shell coarfe with a (lightly prominent acuje fpire: the firft 
 whorl crowned with tubercles: outer pillar-lip ribbed 
 Inhabits %\ inch long. J^ister. tab* io\6. Jig. 74, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Recurnji' Shell fmooth and marked with bands of riifous fpots ; fpirc 
 rolirum. a little prominent, the firft whorl inflated. 
 Lifter conch» tab. I0l6.y7^, 75. 
 Inhabits Barbadoes : i{ inches long. 
 Shell tranfverfely ftriate and fpotted here and there, with 3 
 equal bands: aperture blueifh within: outer pillar- 
 lip toothed, inner with rows of tubercles, 
 Botidn. recr. and Muf, Kirch. 3. fig. 158. 
 Inhabits Shell about 3 inches long. 
 Senegahcum §jjg]j ^|j|^ ^,^q tranfverfe Arts and 3 fpotted bands: fecond 
 whorl of the fpire furrounded with a turgid ring; 
 outer pilla;ry-lip crenate. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adanf, Seneg. x. tab. "-fig- 7» 
 Ochroku- Shell oehraceoiis, tranfverfely ftriafe : firft whorl of the 
 ''*'"• fpire crowned with fpines : outer pillar lip toothed, 
 the inner repand. 
 Inhabits ' 2\ inches long, Gualt. teft. tab. ^l-pg- 2« 
 Shell tranfverfely ftriate : fpire depreffed, the outer whorl 
 a little knotty at the margin: aperture toothed: beak 
 Inhabits America, Grotiov, Zooph. tabt ^<)^f'g' 181 
 Shell obovate umbilicate, fulvous, with very numerous tranf- 
 verfe ftrise: beak recurved: pillar-lip membranaceous 
 united : lip of the aperture acute. 
 Chemn. conch, lO. tab. i^z.fig. 1456, 
 Inhabits the Mediterraneajiy near Naples* 
 Shell ovate, tranfverfely grooved, whitifh with reddifti 
 bands, varicofe: fpire conic with decuffate ftrias: aper- 
 ture oblong toothed : inner pillar-lip plaited granulate; 
 lip of the aperture fringed fpotted. 
 Inhabits India. Fo'vanm conch, tab. 24. D. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. ^^Z'J^g' ^^'il* '45^* 
 Martini conch. 2. tab, "^^ fg- 35 6. 
 Tyrrhenum, Shell globular yellowifh grooved ftriate: fpire conic: apf- 
 ture white : lip margined and ftightly toothed within. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab, 153. yfj?. '461, 1462. 
 Bonan. recr, '^.ftg. 160. Wuf. Kirch. I'ftg, 162. 
 Gmnann. op.poHh. l.tab ^,fg.i^j^. t.(>.f, 45. 
 Inhabits the fcas round Tufeat^t 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 393 
 via- Shell ovate white, tranfverfely ftriate and grooved: fpire 
 conic : lip of the aperture doubled and toothed within; 
 pillar-lip turned back and wrinkled : beak very Ihort. 
 Inhabits India and America. Chemn, lo, /. 153./, 1463 14.66. 
 C. Lip pric\]y outwardly on the hind-part : in other rejpe6ls 
 rejemhling the lajl divijion. 
 ^"•^* Shell a little plaited and crowned with papillas. 
 Lifter, tab. 1015. Gualt. teji. tab. 39. D. I, 
 Bonan.recr. and Muf. Kirch, "i^./igs 1 1 3. 
 Rurnpf. muj. tab. 25. D, and fig. 6, 7. 
 Mtif. GoitzvaU. tab. 2%i/ig. 155, 156, 158. 161— 163, 
 Argenv. conch, tab, \\.fig. G, 
 Seba muf. 3. /. 53./. 8. 1 1 --16. 29, 30. 
 Martini conch. 2. /. 35./. 363. /. 38. f. 383-386. 
 2. Lijler, tab. loij. Seba muf 3. tab. ^^./ig. 21 ? 
 Fn habits America India and near Alexandria. 
 >S/^// ochraccous blueifh or white, rarely with waved fpots, fre- 
 quently with a tranfverfe band or two more or lefs evidently 
 ». Shfll fmooth and crowned with papilla;. 
 Litter tab. gg6./g. 60, Giea/t. teJi. tab. 40. A: 
 Rf.mpf. muf. tab. 25, A. and fig. 4. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 'Ji.-fg. II— 1 6. 
 MiiJ. Gott^vald. tab. zz. fig. 153. /, 23.^. 1 54. a: 
 Knorr l^ergn. 3. tab. ^.fig. 3. 
 Martini tonch. z. tab. ^Z. jig. 342, 343. 
 Schrat in Ban. conch, tab. "^-fig, 4. 
 Inhabits the Indian Sea ; about 5 inches long. 
 She/I cinereous with 4-6 darker banda, within brown, rarely" 
 traniverfely ftriate without, with an acute pyramidal fpire : 
 outer whorls canccllate : outer lip toothed and armed beneath 
 with 3 or 4 fpincs; inner lip rudged beneath and (lightly 
 punflurcd, above glabrous white. 
 Shell entirely fmooth. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 25. E. andyi^g-. 8, 9. 
 Bovan recr. and Muf. Kirch. I. fig. 1 52. 
 Gu.th. teli. tab. 39 F. L. Argenv. conch, tab. 14. H. 
 Seba muf 3. tab. S3-f'g- 3"7« to. 17—20. 
 MiiJ. Cott-iua/d. tab. z^.fig. 166. a, b. 167. 
 Kr.or' Vergn. 6. tab.. 1 I. fg. 3. 
 Rcgevf. conch. \.,tab. lo. fg. ^o. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 35. fig. 364. 366; 
 2. Seba muf. 3. tab. ^^.fg. 9. 
 3. Seba 7nuf. 3, tab. 53./^. 26, 27, 
 4. Siba muJ. 3. /fl//, 1^7% fg. 22. 
 ^ VOL. IV.— 3D 
 a, b. 1 68* a, b. 
394 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinura. 
 Tnhabits AUxandiia Amtrica and India. 
 Shell v/it\i yellovifh -brown waved fpots ; pillar with 2 pUjts: 
 probably a variety of B. erinaceus. 
 Tffulatum, Shell a little ventricofe: whorls of the fpirc with a band at 
 the bafe teflellate with black. 
 ti/ier. tab. 957. Martini conch z. tab. 38 fg 387. 388. 
 Inhabits-— >—5i'^// with generally waved chefnut fpots, 
 isfodulo/um, sj^gii (lightly plaited and crowned with papillae: lip fmooth, 
 fpotted above, the hind part with 2 rows of (harp 
 Inhabite— — 5^^rar/. Einl. in conch \ . tab. 2. jig. 9. 
 Refembles B* Erinaceus : about an inch long. 
 Fimbria, Shell grooved with an acute fpire, the whorls with rows of 
 Inhabits— —S^ia w«/". 3. tab. 53. /?g-. i> 2. 
 Shell large, yellowilh-grey with white grooves. 
 ^japillojum: Shell covered every where with tubercles. 
 Lister, tab. 969. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 29. M. 
 Gualt. tejl. tab. 44. G Argenv, conch. («b, 9 Q. 
 Seba muj. 3. tab^ 49. ftg. 57 -.59. 
 Knorr f^ergn. 2. tab. 2J./ig, 2, 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. I 25. fig, 1 204, 1205. 
 Inhabits the Fndian Sea, 2^ inches long ; rather rare. 
 Shell ytWowifh with chefnut fpots; the tubercles difpofcd in rows: 
 /// armed with 6 fpines, 
 CUaSt Shell fmooth, the inner pillar-lip 2-toothed. 
 Lister, tab. g^i./ig. 40. Rump/, Muf. tab, 29. P. 
 Seba muf. 3 tab. zg./ig. 56, 57. 60, 
 Kttorr Fergn ^. tab. ^. fig. 5. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. iz^./ig. II96— 1200, 
 Inhabits the Indian Ottan : very rare. 
 She/I fmooth, a little ventricofe, above 2 inches long, white with 
 oblique yellow or yellowifli-brown lines and brown fpots, the 
 tip red. 
 D. Pillar-lip dilated and thickened. 
 Ar<ularia. Shell plaited and crowned with papilla*. 
 Lister, tab, ^"JO. Rumpf. muf, tab. ZJ.IA, 
 Bonan recr. zn6. Muf Kirch, "i.fig, 175. 340. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 44. P, Q, R. Argenv. conch, tab, 14. G. 
 Seba muf . ^, tab. Sl'f'i' 28. 32-35. 37--41. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 395 
 'Muf. Gott-ivaU. tab. 26. fig. 178. d. 183. a C» 
 Knorr Vergn. 6, tab 2z. fig, 3. 
 Martini co^.ch. z. tab. ^\ jig. ^og — 412. 
 2. /?«/«;)/: Muf. tab. 27. N. GW/. test. tab. 4-^, N. 
 ^^*fl muf 3 /a^. 53.//^. 44,45. 
 Martini conch. 2. /«^. \\.Jfig. 41 3. 
 . Bnnan. recr, and Af»^ Kirch, 'i-fg. CO. 
 4. Gronov. Zooph. tab, ^9- fig. 7, 8. 
 5. CfeOT» «w^ 10. ^a^. 154.^7^. 1474. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, Shell v/hsit cinereous, or brown with 
 fomctim.5 a white band, rarely reddifh with a white band, 
 cancellate; //^ribbed. 
 • Pullus. Shell gibbous obliquely ftriate and tuberculate : aperture 
 Pentt. Brit. ZooL iv. tab. "jz.fig. 88. 
 Lilier. tab. 97 1 . Gualt, test, tab, 44. N. 
 Adans feneg. 1. tab. ^.ftg. II ? 
 Knort" Vergn. 6 /. 22./", 5, 
 Schra;t.. Einl. in conch. I. /. i.f. 2. 
 Inhabit? the Mediterranean and European Coasts. 
 Shell not zn inch long, brown or dull fcrruginoa~5 with decuflate 
 llrias and fometimes a tranfvcrfe white band or iwo :f/>ire 
 with 5 whorls t outer pillar-lip rounded and toothed, inner 
 one polifhcd white. 
 Gibbofaluffi Shell sibbou? frrtooth. 
 Lijier. tab. 972, 973. Gualt. teft. tab'. 44. L. 
 Bonan. recr, I. fig. 383. Muf Kirch. f, 369. 
 Muf. Gott-iuald. tab. zb.fig. 178. c, 
 Seba /«'//" 3. tab. 53. /f^. 46. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 6, /a^, 22 /ff. 6. 
 Martini conch. 2 /. 4I /! 414,415, 
 Schraet. Einl. in conch. I. ^. "^zc^fig. 3 a, b. 
 2. Knorr Ver^n. 6. M^. ZZ. fig. 4, 5, 
 3. Knorr Vergn. 6. /«^. 36. /f^. 5 ? 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian Seas : fnlall. 
 Shell (nowy or tinged orfpotted. 
 Mutabile. Shell fmooth, when full grown rugged: fpire exferted ,: 
 inner pillar lip extended forward andthickirti. 
 Inljabiis the Mediterranean. Gualt. tefi. tab, 44. B, 
 Shell thill fmooti>, pale, white or yellowi(h-bro\vn, with fome- 
 times 2 obfulete bands ; fpire very fine, the whorls very diftin£>, 
 a? long as the fhdl, the upper margit^'obfoletely white and 
 lufous ; the adult (hell longitudinally wrinkled cinereous and 
 3^2 Keriteum, 
396 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Heriteum, Shell convex obtufe fmooth ; inner pillar-Hp obfolete. 
 Gucdt teft. tab. (x^.Jig. C. l- 
 Bern Muf. Caf-Vind. teft. tab, lO, fig. 3, 4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : fize of a pea ; refembles a Ncrtta» 
 but the ap"rture is emarginate behind : Jliell nearly orbicular, 
 pale, beneath rather flat, white, gibbous, the upper future 
 towards the whorls with a purplifh vermicular line. 
 E. Pillar-lip appearing as if wonifiat. 
 Harpa. Shell with equal longitudinal diftindl mucronate veins : 
 pillar lip fmooth. 
 Lister, tab. 992 — 994. Klein, oftr. tab. (>> fig. 1 05. 
 Rumpf muj. tab. ■^2. K — M. Argemv. conch, tab. 1 7. D. 
 Bonan, recr. and Muf kirch. Ty.fig- 185. 
 Gualt, test, tab 39, C,D, E, G. Lef'er teji. ftg, ^(), 
 Seba muf 3. tab. 70. Mtf. Gottinjold. tab. 15. 
 Knorr Vergn, I. tab. g.fg^ 3 and 2. /. S./. 2. /. \<),f. I, 2. 
 Murray test. tab. \.fg 1 4. Regenf. conch. I. t. 2. f 14. 
 l^'artini conch, 3. tab. i\g.fig. 1090 — 1092. 1094--1097. 
 2. Pall Sfic. Zool. 10. tab, ^-fg. 1,2. 
 3. ( hemn. conch, 10. tab. lj2.fg. 1451. 
 4. Chemn. cor.ch. 10. tab. 152. fig. 1 45 3. 
 Inhabits the Indian Sea : 4 or 5 inches long. 
 Shell ovite, beneath generally bay or brown, with oblique nar- 
 rower or broader ribs and more or fewer black tranfverfe ftria: 
 which are fometimcs fpotted, the fpots often teflellate : the 
 inierftices of the ribs white with pennate fpots : 2) fell grey 
 with unduUte fpots, within purple-violet. 
 Costatum, Sh^U with equal longitudinal crowded mucronate veins : 
 pillar fmooth. 
 Argen'V'iUe zoom. tab. 1 1. F. Favann. conch, tab. 28, A. 4. 
 Martini conch, 3. tab. lig.fig. 1093, 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. 1 5 2, fig. 1452. 
 2. Martin uni'verf. couch, \.tab. 6. 
 Inhabits 2) Falkland Ifands ; extremely rare. 
 Shell \s\\\i approximate ribs which are feldom ftriatc aod fpotted: 
 probably a variety of the laft. 
 Fer/icum, Shell flat, with a crenulate lip and t^at pillar. 
 Lister, tab. 987. Ru?npf Muj. tab. 27. E. 
 Argen'v. conch' tab. 17. E. Gualt. tat, tab, 51. L. 
 Seba muf 3. tab. ']Z-fg 10, 1 1. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. z.fg- 5. and 4. t, 5. f. 4. 
 Martini con'fh. 3. tab. t().ftg. 760. 
 2. Valent /ibh. tab. 3. fig. 20. 
 3. Seba muf i. tab. "jz.fg' 12— 16. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 397 
 Favann, Conch, tab. 17. D. 3. 
 Cbemn conck. 10. tab. \^^.fig.i^6-j,1^6S. 
 Inhabits India and the Perjmn iiuiph : 4 inches long. 
 SheilhrovJXi traniVerfcly Ibiate and fpotted with white, or fur- 
 rounded with thread's fpotted with white and brown or with 
 bands Ipotted alike, 
 Monodon, Shell rough, with a crenulate lip: pillar flat, protruding 
 obliquely a fubulate fpine. 
 Pall. Spicil. zool. lO tab, 3 /'^. 3, 4. 
 Knorr yergn. 4. tab. ^O. fig. i. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. 69. fig. jdl. 
 Regenf. conch, z. tab. "J.fg, 2. 
 Fwuann conch, tab. 2.^ .Jig D i. 
 Martimi conch. I. tab. \o. fg. 50. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tah. 154, /f^, 1469, 147O. 
 Inhabits Jmetica, Shell grey, within whiti. 
 Fatulurr., Shell muricatc, the lip crcnate without: pillar falcate. 
 Ltjicr. tab. 989. Adam feneg. I. tab. 1 . fig. 3. 
 Bonan. recr. 3. fig, 368. Muf. kirch. 1. fig. 361. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 51. D, E. Knorr Vcrgn. 6. tab. Z\- fig> I» 
 Muf. Goti'vcald. tab. ib.ft^, 179. a. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. ()()■ ftg. 757, 758. 
 Inhabits America ana Ethiopia : 4 inches long. 
 Shell ftrong folid, with tranfverre black ilria? and fometimea 
 intermediate white lines and 2 white bands : whorls with a 
 triple knotty acute belt on the belly and a double lower-one 
 more obtufe. 
 Ha-mafloma ShgH flightly muricate, the lip ftriate wiihin: pillar flattifh: 
 throat tulvous. 
 Lhter, tab. 998. Gualt. teft. tab. 51. A. 
 MuJ. GottwaU. tab. 1 i.fig. 80. a, b, e, f ? 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. \ot. fig. 964, 965. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and /£thiopic : 2 inches long. 
 Hhell ovate coarle tranfvcrfely ftriate, brown or cinereou?, fome- 
 times marked with brown lines : /// crenulate within : fpirc 
 obtufe, the whorls iurroundcd with a double knottj b.^.nd. 
 * Lapillus. Shell ovate acute and fpirally ftriate, without protuberan- 
 ces: pillar flattiili. 
 Donovan s Brft. Shells, i. tab. II. 
 Penn Brit. Zool. iv. tab, "jz. fig. 89. 
 l^a Costa Brit, conch, tab. 7. fig. l — 4. 9. 12. 
 Lister, tab. 965. Anim. Angl tab. "i,. fig. 5.6. 
 Borlafe Corn'-ivall. p. 277. tab. 28, fig, 1 1, 
 Adanl. Scneg. i. tab, 7. fig. 4, 
3^8 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinun). 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. zg. fg. 4. 
 Martini conch, l-t^b. \z\. fig. mi, 1112. and 4. t. 1 22./. 1 1 24, 
 1125. U28, 1 1 29. 1136, 1137. 
 Inhabits £«ro/^« Shores', i^inch !ong< and i5 one of the fpecies 
 which yields a fine purple durable dye. 
 ^i-/?// white cinereous or yellowifh, often tranfVerfely barred and 
 fpirally grooved; fometinics thin without teeth in the aperture, 
 folnctinles more folid and the aperture toothed. 
 Smaragdu- Shell ovate, acute glabtods: pillar fiightly plaited and 
 ^'''- flattilh. 
 Inhabits Argetru. conch, tab. 6, P. 
 Shell gtoo\cd a la fhining like mother of pear], and ihintng with 
 a green glofs. 
 Julfai Shell a little fufiform, yellow iljh-brOWn : fpire cancellate, 
 the firll whorl nearly fmooth and thrice as long as the 
 Inhabits India. Martini conch 3 tab. 94, fig, 90S, 
 Shell ventricvjfc above, beneath narrow. 
 Pyrum. Shell turbinate, with a red aperture: pillar fmooth: fpire 
 Ihort, the firft whorl ventricofe. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. ^^-fig. 909, 9IC. 
 i, Scopol. deL hij. 2. tabi z\. fig, 2? 
 Inhabits India and the Red Hea : extremely rarigi 
 Spadiceum. Shell oblottg turbinate, chcfnur with trantverfe undulate 
 white lines. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 3. ttib. 94 fig. 911. 
 F({llik. Shell convex tranfverfely plaited : fpire fliort : pillar callous. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. c^\.figi,C)\z — 914. 
 Fouud foflilc in Germany. 
 Umhilicd' Shell oblong turbinate plaited: fpire knotty: aperture 
 '''^* grooved within : pillar flightly umbiticate. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 3. tab. <^^.fig. 9 1 5, a. 
 Candiduin, Shell oblong turbinate folid fmooth white* 
 Inhabits Martini conch, 3. -vtgn. '},\',fig- a, 3. 
 Stala. Shell oblong, the aperture oval emarginate 4-toothed » bafe 
 white; fpire acute, the whorls diftant, the firll with 4 
 glabrous ribs. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. BMCgi.num. 
 Martini eonch, 3. tab. 1 1 8./^. 10^9. a. b, 
 Schrcrt. Einl. in conch. 1. tab z.ftg^Z. 
 2, Knorr Vergn. 3 tab. J. fig. 2. 
 3. Lister conch, tab. loi^g./tg. 2. 
 Inhabits- Shell fom€times white, Cometimcs brown. 
 Shell ventricofe eoarfe grey glabrous, with an oval apcfturei 
 pillar callous, the bafe with 2 callofities. 
 Inhabits-! Martini conch. 3. tab, i ?0. fig. 1099, UOp, 
 Spire hardly piomineiit, with 5 whorls, 
 Shell fubglobular glabrous, the aperture oval and iTiargine4 
 each fide: lip toothed: pillar fubftri^te: fpire hardly 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. iZO./ig. MOl, I102. 
 found in a foffile ftatc; fie/ibrown, with a few oblique ftriae H 
 the bafe. 
 Labantnth- Shell ponderous convex glabrous, the whorls diftant and 
 «-f« margined ; aperture gmple oval : pillar with oblitjii^ 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab, ^y. t. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. I 20. fig, 1 103. 
 Inhabits ^o//<jz;^. iiif// pale yellovvilh-broy/i).. 
 Rfifiicum, Shell coarfc ovate oblong, white with tranfv'erfe brown ftr is? 
 aperture oval; beak a little prominent: firft Avhofji 
 Lifter, tab. 831, Adunf. Zenig. \. tab. (). fig' 25. 
 Gufllt. t£Jt, tab, 43, X. Knorr Vergi}, 3. tab. xi^. fig. 5. 
 Seba muf 3. tab, t^t^. fig. 14 — 16^ 
 Martini conch. 3, /a^. xzo.fig. \ 104, IlOj. 
 Inhabits India and Africa. The tranfverfe flria: arc often yjiried 
 with brown and white with a tinge of blue and gr.cen. 
 Varium^ Shejl ovate eoarfe, yellow with elevated nodulous trgnfverfe 
 darker ribs : aperture oval, without teeth. 
 Inhabits Knorr Vergn, 6, tab. 2'^.fg. 3. 
 Martini co/fch. -^.lab. tzi. Jig. »io6. 
 filofum. Shell ovate, whitilh furroiinded with red threads: fpire a 
 little prominent: aperture oval, the lip ftriate with jred,; 
 pillar llightly umbiljcatc. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. ^, ttfb. 121, fg. 1 113, 1I14. 
400 ' WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinura. 
 Coronatum* Shell ovate, ftriate, whitifh with chefnut fliades, and a 
 white band in the middle edged with brown fpots each 
 Martini conch. ^. tai. 121. fi^. IltJ, II16. 
 2. Lijier, taB. 986. Klein ofir. tab. 4, /. 75, 
 Inhabits Shell gibbous in the middle. 
 Squalidum. Shell fubglobular, whiti{h with leek-green and lurid tef- 
 fclate fpots difpofed in rows. 
 Bonan. recr. "i^s fig. 393- Muf. Kirch. '^t/'^f^Jt 
 Inhabits— —5//r^ with 4 whorls. 
 Crafum. Shell fubcylindrical, tranfverfely ftriate, reddilh with chef- 
 nut bands: lip denticulate. 
 Inhabits Cejlon. Kamm. Cab . Rudoiji , tab, "Ji fig* 2, 3. 
 Fornicatum Shell ftriate, brown fpotted and barred with white; whorls 
 caniculate with 4 rows of knots. 
 Kamm. Cab. Rudolli. tab. <^, jig- 1. 
 Inh'/bits Shell i\ inch long. 
 F. Smooth and not enumerated, in the former divijlons* 
 Spiratum. Shell fmooth, the whorls feparated by a canal : pillar ab- 
 rupt, perforated. 
 Column^ piirp. 15. tab, l6, fg. 2. 
 1. Lister, tab. 983. fig. c. Guatt. test. /. 5 I, B. 
 Argen<v. conch, tab. 17, N. Rumpf.muf. t. 49, D. 
 Bonann. recr. 3. ftg. 370. Muf. kirch. 3. f. 362. 
 Seba mtf. 3. tab. 73. fg. 21, 22, 24? 25 ? 
 Knorr Vergn. z.tab. (>-fig- 5. & 3t t,^,f^, 
 Regenf. conch, \. tab. 10, fg, /\.i. 
 ' Martini conch. 4. tab. i ZZ.fig. 1 1 i 8. 
 2, Lister, tab. 981./". 41. Rumpf muf. t, 49, C. 
 Bonan recr. Ijj Muf. kirch. 3. fig. 70. 
 Klein ojirac. tab. 2. fig. 46. Seba muf 3. /. 73,/"- I 3. 26. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. \ 22, fig. 1 1 20, 1 121. 
 Inhabits India and China; about 2 inches long. 
 i'/W/white with chefnut lines and fpots : Jpire with 6 or 7 whorls, 
 the firft vcntricofe : aperture ovate, emarginate, ending in a 
 canal above; the penoration deep and appearing 2-parted ; 
 bafe of l) blue. 
 Pyrozonias Shell with tranfverfe plaits and and undulate ftrix, the bafe 
 and fpire a little prominent : each of the whorls with 
 a fulvous band, the firft double. 
 Inhabits -Martini conch. 3. tab. 109,/. 1017, 
WORMS. T^STACEA. 76. Huccinum. 
 Lx'viufca* Shell oblong, very finely ftriate, pale brown with darker 
 ^»'»» bands : aperture oval, ending in a caBah firft whorl 
 gibbous and very large. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. I 24. fg. 1 1 50. 
 Inhabits indid. Spire with ^ or 6 whorls. 
 Ocellstum, Shell fmooth, black with rovvs of white fpots and dots: fpire 
 a little prominent, the firft whorl veatricofe. 
 Inhabits Martini conchy 4. /. 124,/! 1 160, 1 161. 
 Pyramidak Shell obtufely pyramidal and tranfverfely ftriate, white with 
 blackifh and brown clouds and ftripes, 
 \tt]\z\i\K%lranqutbar.i Lister, tab. ^So. 
 Martini concb. 4, tab. IZJ^., jig, 1 1 70, 1171. 
 Glaherri^ Shell quite glabrous and minute. 
 mum. Martini conch. 4. tab. l zz, ftg. 1 1 77— 1 182. 
 Inhabits— — Shell with (ometimcs a teffellate band on the 2 firft 
 whorjj, or with a row oi fpots oh the firft whorl» or undulate 
 fpotied and dotted with brown. 
 Strigo/umi Shell minute, tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. J^, tab. I25./- 1 1 83— II 88. 
 .S/^// toothed or fpotted in the aperture. 
 Trifafciu' Shell glabrous With 3 broad red bands within: firft whorl 
 ""w- ol the fpire ventricofe. 
 Inhabits — -Gualt. tefi, tab, 44, A. An inch long. 
 Leufozoniot Shell glabroiis, with a' whke band and chefnut lines. 
 Inhabits Seba muf. 3. tab. 39, fig. 37. iVlinute. 
 Cancella- Shell glabrous, with decuflating bands a;nd lines. 
 turn. Inhabits ■ 'Stbatrtuj. 3-, tab, "i^t fig, 38. 
 Obtujutr.. Shell glabrous,, ocbraceous: fpire with an obtufe blue tip, 
 the firft whorl ventricofe. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. \.%, fig. 3. 
 Martini Conch 4. tab, 12^, fig. It 93. 
 Inhabits ' * 5i^g//aboat 2 inches long. 
 Glittratum Shell glabtous with obfolete whorls, the loweft flightly 
 channelled and produced at the bafe. 
 Li^er tap. 794. Knorr. Vergn. 2. t.\\6,/lg. 4i 5* 
 Bonan. ret'r. i^ Mufi, Kirch. 3 fiig. I49» 
 VOL. IV. — 3 E Gualt 
402 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Guah.tejl. tab. 43 T. ylrgem). concha t. ^yG* 
 Martini conch, 4, tab. \Z2,f, 1 1 17. 
 2. Lijier, tab. 982. Klein o/ir, tab. 2. 7^^.' 47. 
 Martini conch. 2. //7^. I 22, jO^, 1 1"79. 
 3. Martyn univ. conch 2. tab, 48 ? 
 Inhabits America and Africa: l\^—^ inches long. 
 . (S/'ir// polifhed, orange mixed with white : 2) white with chcfnut 
 •'fpofs anda reddifh tip. 
 Stromboides Shell glabrous with diflin£k whorls i lip prominent : bafe 
 obliquely ftriate. 
 Inhabit?- Hermann. Naturf. 16. tah,z,fg. 5,6. 
 Shell yellowifh. brown, with 5 or 6 convex whorls. 
 Preero/um. Shell ovate, fmooth, black with a carious fpire, the pillar 
 Liiter conch, tab. 1 24. fig. 24 ? 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. MO, f, 1035,1036. 
 Inhabits Southern Europe: fize of a bean. 
 Shell coirk, with an abrupt jagged crown. 
 Australe^ Shell oblong, frrlooth, thin, faifciate, with an oval entire 
 Chemn. conch g; tab. 12O. /. 1 033, 1 034. 
 Fa^ann. Catal. tab I. fig. ^6. 
 Inhabits rivers of Nenv Zealand': 3 inches long, and appears an 
 intermediate fpecies between the Buccinum, Bulla and Helix. 
 Orhita. Shell ovate, thick, whitifh, tranfverfely ribbed and grooved: 
 aperture oval : lip plaited within ; pillar-lip flat. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. 154, y. 1471, 1472. 
 Martyn uni'verf. conchol. 2. fig. 45. 
 2. Chemn. conch. lO. tab. ^^^y fig- 1473* 
 Martyn uni'verf. conchol. I . fg. 7, 
 Inhabits fhores oi Neiv Zealand. 
 Turgitum. Shell obovate, lllghtly umbilicate, yellowifh with rows of 
 red fpots: lip finuate. 
 Chemn, conch. 10. tab. 154,/?^. 1475, 1476. 
 Zorn n.danz. Ahh. i. tub. 3, fig. 4, 
 Martyn uni-verf. conchol. 2. fig. 49. 
 Inhabits fhores of Nenw Zealand* 
 G. Angular f and not included in the former diviftons. 
 Und^um. Shell ovate, with tranfverfe elevated glabrous ftrix : belly 
 obtufely 5-angled : lip ftriatc within. 
 Littery tab, 938. Rnmpf. muf. tab. 29, O. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. ^ 403 
 Argenv. conch, tab. g. N, Beha muf. 3. tab. $2./ig. 26.- 
 Knorr qjercn. z. tab. \/^.figt 4» 5« 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. \zi.fig. 1 1 26, 11^7,' 
 2. Eon an. Muf. Kirch, 3, /^^. 399. 
 Inhabits Malacca: about 2 inches long. 
 ^/W/ yellovvifh with brown ftrjae, andiomctiroes, 71'or 8 angles: 
 beak chaonelled r^'flefted. ' , . ,', 
 Affne. ^\i^\\ ovate with tranfverfe elevated glabrous (Irias: l?elly 
 cylindrical: lip ftriate within. 
 Martini conch, i^. tab. IZI- fig- 1135- 
 Inhabits very much teiembles the lall. , 
 Treinqueha' gj^^jj ovatc, thc"fpire' li-angled and -traftfverfely ftriate: 
 '''"'^'" aperture toothed: lip orange: pillar perforated. 
 Muf. Gottwald. tab. 26, fig- \1%- a, b 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. l2'^./ig. I147— 1149. 
 Inhabits t!ie Coaft of CoromandfL 
 I'tr/icoh'-, Shell coarfc, dirty brown, tranfverfeiy ftviate, the interftices 
 of the rtrix with 2 rows oi black dots: fpire with 4 
 channelled whorls. 
 Inhabits India. Martini conch. 4 tt^b. 12^, /tg. II45. 
 Shell fliort with a large oblong aperture ending. in a fhort canal, 
 fometimes thin and long with angular lines, 
 Cruentatum Shell tranfverfcly ftriate, with red parallelogram fpots. 
 Inhabits ... i Martini conchy 4. tab. 123. fig^.x l,^ 3, . 1 1 44, 
 Sulcatum. Shell ovate, brown with fnowy fpots: whorl» of the fpire 
 grooved: throat llriate : lip crenulate, r .' 
 Inhabits - Bom muf, Cccs. Find, teji, fab. lO, fig. 5,6. 
 -•-.'■!• y -? 
 Rumffii. Shell thin yentrjcofe narrow, with a conic deprefTed fpire, 
 the firli and fecond whorls crowned with fpines. 
 Jnliabits: — — -Rumpf. muj, tab, 25./?^. 3. 4 incites long. 
 Bezoar. Shell roundifh wrinkled, the whorls lanacllate on jhe fore- 
 part: pillar perforated. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 15, G. Spengl. conch, tab. 2. H. 
 Martini conch. ^. tab. bS. fig. J 1^^, yS$. 
 lohabiis China. Shell dirty ochraccous varied with brown, 
 within yellow ; coarfe, with deculTate wrinkles or ftriae and a 
 Iblid bent beak wrinkled and covered with imbricate fcalcs : 
 fpire angular with lUaight fides, the fore-part flattifh plaited 
 cr toothed above. 
 1 E 2 GlaciaU' 
4P4 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinura. 
 C/aciale* Shell fmooth fubftriale ovate- pblong^ t^e I6vyejr whorl fub-' 
 Schrat, tt. litterat. 3. tab. "i-ftg. 20, 21. 
 Chemn. conch. \o. tab, l^Z- fig. 1446, J447' 
 Inhabits Ihores of the Northern Seas: 2 inches loBg. 
 ^i'f// thick ftony pale reddi/h, within glofly white : whorls 7, 
 with many curved angles. 
 9Undatttm. Shell oblong coarfe, with deep trapfverfe yndulate ftria: 
 whorls y, with many curved angles. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 73 fig. 90. 
 Lister, tab. gtz.ftg. 14. Jn.AnoJ, t,'^. f. z. 
 Bonan, recr. l-Jig- 1 89. M«/. Kirch. I. Jig. 19I. 
 ^uiiipf. Muf. tab. 29. H. ^f^« wa/T 3. r^^. l()'pg, 76 — 80, 
 iC«crr </(?//>. /fl^, B. yi. Jig^ 6. Fergn. 4. r. ig.jT. 1, 
 5or« wz///; C^. Vinct.'tcli. tab. ^fig. '4» '5* 
 Martini conch. \.tah. \i6. fig.' izod — 12X1. 
 ?. Bonan. MuJ. Kirch, "i,. Jig. 399. 
 3. Sebamuf. 3. ?«5. l<)-/ip: 8 1, 82. 
 4. 5or«. Mw/" Qf/I yind. teji.tab.c). fig. 15, 16. 
 ' -CheThn. conch, g.tab. 105. /Tg-, 892,893. 
 Inhabits Europe India and the North Sefis: 3-4 inches long. 
 •S/v// rsugh cinereous or brownirh, rarely chefnut barred with 
 ' white, or blue, tranfverfely and obliquely undulate : fpire with 
 7—9 whorls : aperture lunate, covered with a horny lid marked 
 op the outfide with fine concentric ftiiae. 
 •Striatum. Shell ovate-oblong with tranfverfe elevated ftria:, undulated 
 near the tip. 
 Tennani. 4. tctb. 7^. fig- 91. Lister tin. angl. t' 3- f- 3. 
 Inhabits Britijk Coajis : about 4 inches long. 
 aiiatum. Shell elongated flightly tailed angular and longitudinally 
 ■' ciliate: pillar flightly plaited. 
 O. Fabr. fn. Grcenl. p. 401. n. 402. 
 Inhabits Grf^w/^W^^fl^ : 6 inches long. 
 S/^f/Zwhitifli, within glabrous, covered with a ciliate plaited fkin« 
 aperture large : J'pire wiph 5 whorls, the point or beak glabrous. 
 Viridulum, Shell oblong fmooth glabrous pointed, with minute tranf- 
 ■ verfe llriae, longitudinally ribbed. 
 O. Fabr. fn. Grcenl. p. 402. n. 403. 
 Inhabits the deeps of G;-«Kt«n^: 4 lines long. 
 Shell long thin fuhdiaphhnoas grcenilh-white with a fhort ob- 
 tufe hardly rc|leded beak: pillar-hp ^cul&i J'pire wjth 6 or 7 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Carinatum, Shell oblong-conic tranfverfely (Iriate, the upper whorls 
 with many oblique and obtufe angles, lower-ones with 
 a fingle ridge. 
 Inhabits the 5ok//& Sea. Phipps yourn. tab. 13./*/^?. 2. 
 So latum. 
 Shell ovate with unequally diftant longitudinal tubercles on 
 the belly: lip caniculate and a little diflincl. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 16. tab. z./tg. 3,4. 
 Inhabits-' ■ refembks'^ r^ .d .tuni ; JJjell whitifli mixed wtth 
 yellow, wicn 6 ribs, he itrft and fecund whorls 5 times as 
 broad as the other?, the Ipire obtufe. 
 Shell oblong glabrous brown, with a yellowilh band in the 
 middle of the firft whorl. 
 Inhabits— Knorr yergn ^. tab. iO. ^g. 3, 
 Lineatnm, Shell cinereous with longitudinal imdulate and interrupted 
 tranfverfe brown Itrias : margin white fpotted with 
 brown: aperture white. 
 Inhabits Knorr I'ergn. 3. tab. \^,fig. 4, 
 Refem bles B. undatum, but has not the angle*. 
 Maclovien/e gj^gjj oblong with waved fpots and clouds : fpire fhort, the 
 firll whorl gibbous: tail narrow and a little prominent. 
 Inhabits I'^alent. abh. tab. W-fig' 97. 
 Foliorum, Shell thin with a fliort acute lUghtly ribbed fpire, the firft 
 whorl fubglobular. 
 Rumpf. MuJ\ tub. 29,//^- Y. 
 Inhabits India, among the leaves and branches of maritime 
 • Ihrubs, an inch lung: greeni(h-afh dotted with black. 
 Textum. Shell ventricofe cancellatc, with diftant vrhorls. 
 Marttr.i conch. 4. t ih, I2y./ig. I 201, 1202, 
 Inhabits— —SA// about an inch long. 
 Strigolum, Shell oblong longitudinally plaited and tranfverfely ftriate: 
 the ftri^ brown and black and itriate with white. 
 Bonun. Muf. Kirch, t,. fig 38. 
 Cherr.n. conch. 4. p. 49 vign, 38. fig- a, b» 
 Inhabits 67»f// hardly 2 inches long, a little ventricofe, the 
 aperture ribbed j pillar llightly plaited : probably a Murex. 
 * Angl'uuni Shell oblong with tranfverfe elevated ftrix : fpire with 6 
 brown whorls. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Euccinutn. 
 Lilier conch, tab. q'j'i,. fig. 17. 
 Bytem. app. tab. 1 1 . fig. 43, 
 Martini conch. ^ tab^ I z6. fig. J2I2. 
 Inhabits England Shell a. Wait venn-icofe. 
 * Porcatum j^^^^ ventrlcofe ribbed brown, the firft vyhorl a little 
 ''*'.'■ ■ ing the next. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6, tab. '2'^'. fig. 3 ? 
 Martini conch 4. tab. ii6.fig, 1 21 3, 121-4.. 
 2. 'LiP^er cor.ch. tab. ^^Z- i^-. i^* 
 Inhabics fhorci o\ Ejigtaiid. 
 Shell glabrous white; fpire obtufe and bluellh at the tip, 
 the firll whorl vehtricofe and twice as large as the 
 Inhahks ■ ■ ■ Martini conchl 4. tab. \T] . figi I 215, 1216. 
 2. Lister conch, tab. 97S fig. 35. 
 Shell oblong narrow glabrous, yellowifh with red waved 
 foots and clouds: the outer whorls perpendicularly 
 Inhabits Martini conch. ^. tub. ^'ij^fig. I 21 7. 
 Probably belongs to the genus Murex. 
 Pluwatum. ^hell t)blong narrow, clici'ruit with darker belts ; throat 
 narrow; black or blue, with while ftriate teeth: lip 
 Ihiate wijhin. 
 Lister: tab. 822. Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. z\.fig> 6. 
 Martin, conch. \. tab. \i'] ■ fg- '4.'^ — 1420. 
 Inhabits South American Ijlandsi Ipirc acute. 
 lyratum. Shell oblong narrow, horizontally ribbed, the ribs tranC^ 
 verfely flriate. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. \ZJ f'g. 1 22 1, 1222. 
 2. Bonan.recr. and Muf. K.rch. 3. /^ 34. 
 Inhabits 5>^ J/ elongated : pillar fmoctb. 
 Cluthratum S^*^^^ hoary ovate ventricote, with longitudinal ribs crolH^ 
 by tranfverfe plaits: lip grooved within. 
 Born r^ uf. C^f. I'ind. tejt. tab. C). ftg. i/j » 8. 
 Inhabits ,Spire acute : beak ftiort recurt^ed, 
 • Reiicula- Shell oblong ovate, tranfverfely ftriate and longitudinally 
 i,if„^ wrinkled: aperture glolly toothed. 
 Pennant, iv. tab. "Jif-fig. 92. Lister, tab, 966. 
 Pet. Caz. tab. 6.\.fig. 8. /. JS-f-.^^ 
 Bona n,' 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 7.6. Buccinnm. 407 
 ISonaft, recr. and tAuf. Kirch. Z' fig. Sz. 
 Gualt, left, tab, 44.. C Knorr Vergn, 5. t'ah^ 16, fig. 3. 
 B»rn muf Ctef Vind ted. tab. 9 fig 16. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab, 1 24. fig. I 164. 
 Inhabits European and Althiopic Seat: fize of a nut. 
 Shell generally brown, but varying to many colours. 
 *Minutum. ^\^q\\ minute, with 5 whorls, fpirally ftriate and tranfverfclv 
 Pennant Brit, Zool. iv. tab. 79. 
 A^. Nidrof. iv. tab, i^.fg, z^. 
 Inhabits England and Norway ; lefs than a pea. 
 Shell ovate cancellate white^ the firft whorl ventricofe, 
 I^artini co7ick, ^t tab, izi.fg. 11 22, 1123. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar i about an inch long. 
 Shell with 5 whorls: beak a little prominent. 
 Shell yellow with pale brown bands : fpire cancellate, the 
 whorls diitant flat, the firft a little convex : aperture 
 triangular, the lip toothed: pillar plaited verrucofc 
 Chemn. conch. 4. ^. i, vign. ^7' fig. a, b, c. 
 2. Knorr l^ergn, 6. tab. I 7. fg. 7, 
 Martini conch. 4. tab, izz. fg. I I 30. 
 Inhabits Shell fometimes reddifh : fpire with 6 whorls: per- 
 foration funnel -fhaped : extremely rare. 
 Shell with deculTate ftria?, brown within white. 
 Inhabits Jadia, Martini conch, a, tab, 12^. fg. i I3t{, 1 139. 
 Nodulofum, Shell white varied with brown, tranfverfely ftriate and here 
 and there nodulous. 
 Muf, Gottwald. tab, y6.fg. 125. d, e ? 
 Martini conch. 4. tab 123 fg. 1 1 40, 
 Inhabits ihores of American If.ands. 
 Pifcatorium Shell cancellate and nodulous in the angles of fedion ; 
 aperture toothed each fiJe, acute. 
 Lifer conch, tab. \oz\.fg. 89. 
 Martini conch, 4. tab. l 24. fg. I I 5 l , I 1 5 2. 
 Inhabits India', probably a Voluta. 
 .V. Af««r//;V Shell white, within yellowifh : lip 6-toothed: whorls 
 crowned with fpines, the firft with 4 rows. 
 Inhabits Mauritius, Martini conch. 4. tab. I2^,fg. 1153, 1 154, 
^o8 WORMS. TEST ACE A. 76. BuGclnura. 
 Armilhtufn Shell oblong, the aperture ample and without teeth, each of 
 the whorls crowned with a row of tubercles. 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab, 954. fg. $. 
 Knorr Vcrgn. j[, tab. z^- fig- 2. 
 Born muf. Laf, Vind. teli. tab, 1 1 ^fig. 6, 7. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab, 124' fig' I ' 5 5— 1 1 5 7. 
 Plicatulum. Shell oblong, perpendicularly plaited and tranfverfely ftriato, 
 ivith alternate white and brown bands, wfthin violet. 
 Inhabits Mia. Martini conch. 4. Ub, M^'fig- II5^> ^'59- 
 2. Gualt. test. tab. 44. ^g. E. 
 ^Vukatum Shell ventricofe oblong with longitudinal plait-like ftris; 
 croffed by very fine undulate tranfverfe ones. 
 Sebamuf. ■^.tab. /i^i).fig.b\,6z. 
 Martini conch. 4- tab. \Z\.fig. 1162, 116 J. 
 2. Gualt. test. tab. 44.-/5. V. 
 Mflr/,WfO«fA. 4. ^ 124./. 1165, 1166. ^ . ^ , . ^, , 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Ihores of ol England aUd the 
 ^/^rmiddre-nzed, varying in colour. With vfhite and blueilh- 
 brown and yellowifh alternate ftris. 
 StdatuH. Shell with party-coloured bands tranfverfely flriaterfpire 
 horizontally ribbed, one part of the firft whorl glabrous. 
 Martini conch, i,. tab. \^' fig. 1 1 67— 1169. 
 2. Seba Ml./ Z.tab,Si'fig'^l^- , ,.„ ,, .- v A 
 Inhabits Tra«y«f^«r. ShellhtoviH or reddiQi with white band?,- 
 or white with brown and reddifli bands; aperture toothed 
 \vithirt : pillar with a fingle f)lait. 
 Na»um, Shell minute white cancellate, the fpire acute. 
 Inhabits. Martini conch. 4. tab. tzs-fig' » 1 7°- 
 Exi/e. Shell finall natrow cancellate, with a large crenate fpotted 
 Inhabits Martini conch- 4. tab. 125./^. riS^-^i 19>. 
 Cha/p. Shell cancellate, with perpendicular ribs, the intcrlliccs 
 fmooth and l^at: aperture ovate. 
 Inhabits Martin: conch. 4. tab. 12$. fig. UQi- 
 Shell minute with an hardly prominent fpire. 
 Verrucofutn. Shell with deculTate ftaix, knotty in the angles of feftion, a. 
 little ventricofe, pale yellow with a blueith band on 
 each whorl. 
 Inhabits Guak test, tab, 43* M. i^ inch loas. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Alatum. Shell gibbous, with decufTate ftriae, knotty in -the angles of 
 fedion, the tranfvdrfe flrize undulate: lip winged. 
 Inhabits Gualt. test^ tab. 43. Z. an inch long. 
 Nigra punc- >^jjeii narrow rugged^ the wrinkles tuberculate with white 
 ''''"'"• and dotted with black. 
 -Gualt. teli. tab, 44, F. | of an inch long. 
 Nitidulum, Shell ovate-oblong polifhed barred and marked with longi- 
 tudinal rugged Itrix: lip (lightly toothed within. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch, 'i' Jig' 60. 
 Gualt. tefi. t^b. ^Z. fig. C. . 
 Martini conch, ^ tab. izi^.fig. 1x94? Iigj. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean', varying in colour and the number of 
 bands : often furrroundcd with a black belt : pillar-lip not 
 Z.rfrz/;^<2/*w gj^gll ovate-oblong polinicd ftriate with brown and fmooth; 
 aperture without teeth or pillar-lip. 
 Gualt. ted. tab. 25. B, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean; refembles B. nitidulum, but the 
 aperture is without teeth and the pillar without lip : fpire 
 without plaits : colour pale with obfoletc fpots and darker ftriae. 
 tamlhfum gj^^ji f^jg^tly plaited, tranfverfely ribbed, grooved tubercu- 
 late lamellous, barred with chefnut-brown and vvhite. 
 Chtmn. conch, 10. tab. 179. njign. 21. fig. A, B. 
 Manyn uniyerfal conchol. 2. Jig. 44. 
 Inhabits the I flands of Nc'w Zealand, 
 Scutalatum Shell fmooth chefnut-brown veined, with flattifli whorls and 
 obtufe beak. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. 'vign. 21. Jig. C, D. 
 Mart\n. uni-1'erj. conch 2. Jig. 55, 
 Inhabits Aiores of h^evj Zedland, 
 SauitoriuM, Shell ovate ventricofe black" vvith a (hort fpire: pillar de^ 
 prelfed white : throat white: lip llriate and crenulate 
 Chemn. conch. ID. tab. l^2./ig, 1449, 145O, 
 Martyti U7iiv. Conch. i.Jig.g. 
 inhabits (hores o( Ne-w Zealand. 
 yentricojtitn Shell ovate-oblong, brown (triate with White and flrghtly' 
 VOL. IV 3F 
^jo WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buceinum. 
 M»rtyn univ, conch. 2. tai. if]. 
 Inhabits St, (.^eorges Bay, 
 Tefiudineum Shell ovate fmooth with alternate .whitifh and browniih fpots 
 in interrupted rows. 
 Chemn. concha lO. tab. M^z.fig, I454. 
 Zornn, Danz. ahh, i. tab, ^./ig* 5. 
 Inhabits Ihores of Nenu Zealand, 
 Catarrhac' gjjgjj q^^iq rough, with crowded tranfveife grooves and 
 '''• flame-colour undulations. 
 Inhabits Nevj Zealand, Chemn. cen<h, \0, tab. ^S^./ig. 1455. 
 Tahiteu/e, Shell tapering tranfverfely ribbed and grooved, with a nodti- 
 lous fpiral flria at the future of the whorls: aperture 
 ovate: lip llightly plaited. 
 Inhabits Otaheite, Chemn, conch% lO. tab. l^^'f^Z' H77* 
 Lamellaturrt Shell imperforate lamellate, white within purple: lip white. 
 Kamm. Cab. Rudolft.p. 134. tab. <) ftg- 2, 
 Inhabits — Shell if inch long; 
 H. Tapering fubulate fmooth. 
 Ueculatum Shell a little fpindle-fhaped, with fmooth undivided very 
 entire whorls. 
 Lister, tab. 2^.6. fig. 74. Rump/, muf, tab. 30. A. 
 Bomn recr. Z-ftg. 3»7- ^«/« ■^'>"<"'^- i- f^S' 3»3« 
 Gualt. tell. tab. 56. I. Argennj. conch, tab. 1 1. A. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 56. fig, 4. 
 KnorrP'ergn. 3. tab. zyftg 2, 3? and 6. /. 19./. 6. ~ 
 Martini conch ^. tab. 153./?^- H40» 
 2. Rufnpf. muf. tab. 30. D. Seba muf. 3, tab. 56, fig, II. 
 Martini conch. 4. /a^. 153. /^f- i442« 
 Inhabits /^a and Jfrica : 8 inches long. 2) /»<//«, 
 iS/(»f// yellowi(h barred with white and marked with circles of 
 chcfnut fpots :^zr^ with 14. or more whorls, the outer ones 
 only tranfverfely ftriacc, in 2) all of them with horisontal 
 curved ftrix, 
 Sniuktumt Shell fubulate fmooth undivided very entire^ 
 Lister^ tab. 842. Adansfeneg, I. tab. ^-fg, 51" 
 Bonan.recr. and Muf Kirch, ^./ig. n8. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab, 30, B. Gualt. tef, tah, 56. B. • 
 ArgentK cunch. tab. II. A. Martin, tab. ^S^'ftg- 144I» 
 Seba muf 3, tab, S^-fS' '^» ^3' ^4* ^7» ^^* 
 2. ^»orr ^(rr^«« i. tab, 23./^. 4. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 411 
 Martini conch, ^i tab. i^^-Jg' 1443- X446, 1447' 
 3. Liuer. tab. 841./^. 845. c. 
 4. Seba Muf. 3. tab. li^.fg. 39. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vind. teli. tab, \o,fig. 9. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 5 inches long; refembles the laft, 
 but the firft whorl is not gibbous: {hell pale with roundifh or 
 fquarilh ferruginous fpots difpofed in pairs on each whorl. 
 Crenulatum Whorls of the fpire bifid with a crenatc margirj. 
 Lijier. tab. 2^6. fig. 75. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 30. E. 
 Gualt, test. tab. 5, L. Seba muf. 3. tab. s6._/Jg-. 9, JO. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. %.fig. J. 
 Martini coich. 4. tab. \<^^,jig. 1 445. 
 2. Borx Muf. Cas. Viiid teji. tab. \0. figX 8, 
 3. Seba muj. 3. tab 56 fig 35, 36. 
 4. Argenv. conch, tub, I ^,fig- I- 
 Inhabits Africa and India : above 5 inches loogi 
 She/l ocownifh flclh-colour, often whitifh; inferior margin of the 
 whorls furroundcd '.vith a crenate callus, the crenatures firiate 
 with brown and marked with nearly i'quare tubercles at the 
 fides, each of them likewik iurroundcd with a row of brown 
 dots the iirft of which is triple, 
 Heilicum, Whorls of the fpire bifid, the upper margin comprelTed 
 Gualt. te/r. tuj 56. C. Seba muf, 3. tab. 56. _/?§■. 21. 
 2. Gualt. tell. tab. 56.//^;. D 
 Inhabits .'ifrica : 4 inches long. Shell white, each of the whorls 
 furroundcd with an obfolete band fpotted with yellow. 
 Vittatum. Shell fubftriate, with a doable crenulate future on each of 
 the w hoi is. 
 Lister tab. ^11 -fig- S4- Adans f^neg. u tab. ^.ftg. 2. 
 K'ein odr.tcJy, J.J'g, 1 21- K^'iorr Vergn. 6 tab. l^.ftgf 4" 
 Martini co7:ch. 4. tab. lS$fig- 1 46 1 — H^S* 
 2. Jdat/ Seneg. I. tab. \.ftg, I. Lister, t. 997./. 33« 
 M<rtini conch. 4. ^. I 5 5 . /. 1 468— 1 470. 
 3. Knorr V/^rgn. 5. /. 22./. 5. 
 InnaDits yy:'rf«and India: above 2 inches long, 
 ^/W/foinetimcs blueini-afli with white bclcs; fometimes white, 
 the extreme whorls reddifh cinereous or blueifli.- ovate tape- 
 ring ; wich remote tranfverfe itrix : aperture large with a 
 white polilhed margin. 
 Strigilatum Whorls of the fpire bifid and obliquely ilriate. 
 Liiter. tab. 845 ./7^. 73. Rumpf maftab. 30, H, 
 Knorr ^ergn. 6. tab. ZZ.ftg- 8. 9. 
 Martini conch, 4, /, I55./» 1 45^' 
 3 F 2 2. Lifef 
412 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinunj. 
 2. Liliertah. 679. fig. 36, 37. Gualt. test, tab, 57. O. 
 Argenv conch, tab- i i. R, S. 
 Born Muf. Caf, Vind ted. tab, 11./. 10, 
 Ckemn. conch. 4.^. 235. vign, /^o.fig. i. 
 Inhabits Southern Seas of A/ia : 2} incKes long. 
 Shell &rz\v-co\ovir or brown: fpire with 16 — 20 whorls. 
 Duplicatum Whorls of the fpire biparted and (Iriate. 
 /.///^r. /«^, 837. fig. 64. Gi/fl//. /f/?. tab. 57. N. 
 Bonan. recr. Muf. Kirch. 3 ^^. 1 1 o. 
 Knorr Vergn 6. ^^3. 18./^. 6. /. 24./'. 5. 
 Martini conch. /^ tab. \$'^- fig. I455« 
 2. Born Muf. Caf, Find. teft. /, 10./. 13? 
 Inhabits [ndia : 4 inches long. S,6e// brown wjth paler belts and 
 a narrow white band on the firlt whorl, or,lleeI-blue, or recidifh, 
 longitudinally ftriate; the whorls divided by a broad flat 
 Lanceatum, gj^^u fj^Q^^f^ ^jjj^ entire whorls and longitudinal teftaceous 
 Rumpf, muf. tab. 30. G. Argen'v. conch, tab. \l. "Z. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6, tab. 24. J^?. 4. 
 Martini conch, if, tab. 134./^. 1450. 
 Inhabits /W/«. 5/^^// thin pellucid and very finely ftriate at the 
 tip, hoary, with an acute fpire ; ^<?tfi hardly retufe. 
 Whorls of the fpire bifid fmooth. 
 Lifer tab. 8^3. Uumpf. muf. tab. 30. C. 
 Bonan. rccr. and Muf. Kinh. 3. fig. \oj. 
 Gual. tteft. tab. 57. M.I? 
 Seba muf. '2^. tab. ^^-fgt 15. 19. 
 Knorr Fergn. \. tab, 2'^. fig. 5. and 6. t. iS.f. 5. 
 Martini conch. 4. ta'>, i^^.fg. 1 444. 
 2. Born Muf. Cfff Vind teft. tab. 10. fig. 7. 
 Inhabits Africa ana India ; above 4 inches long. 
 «Si6^// lateritious with white waved fpots and bands. 
 Murinum, Whorls of the fpire fubangular, with 3 muricate ftrice. 
 Inhabits Africa. Gualt. teft. tab. 57. P. 
 S/'f// black with a gibbous bafe, the whorls often white at the 
 Tigrijium, Shell pellucid, white with redvlilli dots; all the whorls 
 nightly emarginate on the buck. 
 Gualt. tefi.tab. 56. G. ^.eha muf. 3. tub. 56. A. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. l ^\. fg- 144^ 
 Inhabits Shell very minute. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinutn. 
 Shell acute whitifh with undulate horizontal lines: whorls 
 bifid crenulate wrinkled: pillar fpirally twilled. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 154 yf?. 1449' 
 Inhabits 5/W/ about if inch long, 
 Succinaus, Shell fubulate, horizontally ftriate: all the whorls girt. 
 Martini conch /^. tzL 154./?. 145'- 
 Inhabits the /W/«» Ocean : jJicU white or ftravv-colour. 
 Commacu' Shell fubulate varied with yellow or redddifli patches: whorls 
 latu7n. flattilh tranfverfely rtriate and furrounded with an 
 elevat(id belt. 
 Martini conch. \.tah. 154. fig. 1 45 2. 
 2, Knorr I'ergn. 6. /. 22 /. 8, 9. 
 Inhabits Shell white or greyilh. 
 Ilailatum. Shell a little ventricofe ; the whorls perpendicularly ftriate, 
 with alternate brown and white bands. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab, \^4fjig' I453» H54- 
 Inhabits 5/6f// hardly li inch long. 
 Aciculatum Shell white with brown bands of hollow dots. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 4. tab. ^^^-fig^ 1457' 
 Phallus. Whorls of the fpire longitudinally ribbed, the bafe with a 
 rugged future ; lip a little prominent and emarginate 
 Martini cotrch. ^. tab. 15; fig. 1 464, 1 46 5. 
 Inhabits India- S/j^/Zthin, covered with a brown flc^n, under 
 which it is yellowifh brownifh orreddiih and femitranrparent, 
 with white ribs, within fmooth: Ipire with o whoris, the 
 ribs a little curved. 
 Flumineum, Whorls of the fpire convex diftant tranfverfely ftriate, the; 
 upper-ones horizontally ribbed. 
 Lister, tab. n8. Mart. Bcrl. Mag. 4. tab. 10. fg. 52. 
 Found in frefti waters: 3I inches long. 
 Ajperum, Whorls of the fpire ribbed, and tranfverfely ftriate, the firft 
 gibbous: beak a little prominent. 
 Lilt er conch, tab. gz$-fig. 17, iS ? 
 Inhabits Shell if inch lon^. 
 Muricinum. Shell reticulate wrinkled, with an incurved fpire: aperture 
 crenate: pillar wrinkled; lip thickened. 
414 WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 
 Inhabits Lister conch, tab. <^l6, fig. 19. 
 Kefembles Murex clathratus : probably not of this tribe, 
 jubercula- ^ji t^g whorls furrounded with a row of tubercles. 
 '"*"' Inhabits Lifer tab. g^S./ig. 11. b. minute. 
 Shell fubulate ptinflured tranTverfcly flriate : aperture obr 
 ovate: whorls of the fpire furrounded with a band, the 
 firrt ventricofe. 
 Inhabits Lister tah.c^j^. fig, 38. An inch long. 
 Acicula. gj^^ji fubulate fmooth very thin and finely ftriate tranfverfely : 
 whorls of the fpire contiguous. 
 Inhabits in frefli waters. Lister tab. 1055.3^^. 7. 
 Shell tapering to a fine point ; aperture oval. 
 Yafciolatum Aperture of the fliell ovate-oblong: whorls ventricofe diftant 
 and horizontally ftriate, the ftriae elevated and feparated 
 by an intermediate band. 
 Inhabits Klein 0/tr tab. y.fig- 123. 
 Bonan, recr, and Muf. Kirch. },■ fig. 45. 
 Ki-veum. Shell fubulate fmooth, fnowy with 2 bands : whorls of the 
 fpire coniiguous. 
 Inhabits ■ — Klein oftr. tab "i-fg^ 1 1 7. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch^ i'/'^- 'OQ* 
 Mucrona- Shell a little ventricofe, white with brown undulations: 
 '*'■''• aperture oval. 
 Inhabits Bonan. Muf. kirch iftg. 400. 
 Shell above 3 inches long, with 5 whorls. 
 Digitellus. Shell coarfe, with a fubincurved obtufe tip. 
 Inhabits India. Rumpf. m:f. tab. 29. Q^ 
 Shell \ an inch long, fometimes granulate grey and barred, fome- 
 tim«s very fmooth and fnowy. 
 Ohliiimm, Whorls of the fpire entire with oblique decuflatc ftriae. 
 Inhabits India. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 30. F- 
 Shell 3. finger's length and the thicknefs of a quill. 
 Chalyheum. Shell fubangular grooved. 
 Inhabits India. Rumpf Twf. tab. I0,fig. r. 
 Shell x\ inch long, Iteel-blue or dotted with white and black. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 76. Buccinum. 415 
 Flaviatile. Shell thin with contiguous whorls and flightly emarginatc 
 Rump/, tab. 30. p. Mart. Berl. Mag. 4. tab. g. fig. 39. 
 Inhabits muddy mouths of rivers in InJia : 4- 5 inches long. 
 She// OTpike, greenilh-grey with lometimes bkcli lines. 
 Radiatum, Shell Tubulate, whitilh with rcddifh rays: whorls convex, 
 furrounded with granulate ftrix, the firft vcntricofe 
 and twice as large as the next. 
 Inhabits Gualt. teji. tab. 52. D. 
 Lividulums Whorls of the fpire longitudinally wrinkled and marked 
 with tranfverfe granulate ftrize, the firft twice as large 
 as the next 
 Inhabits " Gualt, teft. tab. 56. F. anc inch long. 
 Edentulum^ Whorls fpot ted: aperture long, without teeth: pillar plaited. 
 Inhabits " Argen-Vt conch, tab, 1 1. O. 
 Pugio, Shell longitudinally ftriate, with pundured fpotted bands 
 between the whorls. 
 Inhabits •Argenof. conch, tab, 1 1, Qj_ 
 Canicula- Shell fpotted, with 17 grooved whorls. 
 turn. Inhabits Argenv. concb, tab, 1 1 , T. 
 Varicofum. Whorls of the fpire convex and twice crowned, the firft 
 with 3 rows of punctures. 
 Inhabits Zeba muj\ 3. tab. S^f'S' ^7* 3i inches long. 
 Cujpidatum Shell fubulate fpotted, with convex fubremote whorls. 
 Inhabits ' . Seba muf. 3. tab, ^d.fig, zo. 
 Cinereum. Shell fubulate fmooth cinereous, with obfolete band?: whorls 
 undivided and longitudinally ftriate at the future, 
 Born muf. Ccts. Find. tcft. tab. lO. fig. II, 12. 
 Inhabits 'near 2 inches long, with 14 whorls. 
 Virgineum. <z^\^^\\ greenifh-yellow with 2 red bands: whorls of the fpire 
 flattifh : apertere large oval. 
 Inhabits rivers of l^irginia. Luter tab. \ i 3. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. ^, tab. \o fig. 48. 
 Proximo- Whorls of the fpire bifid; the lower-one fubflriate, the 
 '"^* upper-one filiform. 
 Inhabits Mant. 2./, 550. 5^^// iubulatc glo%. 
41 6 WORMS. TEST ACE A. 77. Strombus. 
 Monile. Whorls of the fpirc bifid; the upper-one grooved, th6 
 lower-one moniliform. 
 Inhabits MaKt. z. p. 550: fubulatc yellowiih-White. 
 Cingulaium Shell with 3 elevated belts grooved above and beneath. 
 Inhabits Iceland. Mant, z.p. 550. fize of a cherry. 
 5/^^// ovate cinereous tranfverfely ftriate ; the behs fmooth, 3 on 
 the belly and 2 on the fpire : ivhorls flattiOi above : aperture 
 obovate : pillar flattifh. 
 G i urn Whorls of the fpire bifid, the lower-one fwbAriate, the upper- 
 one more protuberant. 
 Inhabits Maxf. 2. p. 550. White fubulate, 
 ^Obtufulum Shell white glofly femipellucid : fpixe with 5 whorls : aper- 
 ture oval. 
 Found at Faveijham. A^am microjc. p, 63^. tab, H-/'^ 26, 
 77. STROMBUS. Animal a Limax : JhelL 
 univalve fpiral: aperture m\\c\\ dilated; 
 the lip expanding and produced into a 
 oroove leaning; to the left. 
 Th'efe (hells, in their younger llate, want the lip, and have a thin 
 turbinate appearance : many of them have therefore for this 
 reafon, been miftaken by authors, and referred to a Genus to 
 which they do not belong. 
 A. Lip projeHtug into linear dlvljiom or clazvs. 
 pufnj Shell tapering fmooth, with a fubulate beak and toothed 
 ■^ ' lip. 
 Lister tab. 854. Seba viuf. J. tab. ^^'.fig- 1 03. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. 6. H^. I, /• J-f- ^• 
 Martini conch. ^,tab. i^Ji./ig. 1 496, 1 497. 
 Spenghrfelt. Conch, tab. 3. B. 
 Chemn. Naturf. 9. tab, (^./tg, 2. Schrcet. Journ, 5. i. l.f, 2* 
 2. Bonan, recr. and lliuf. Kirch. I' pg^ 121. 
 Lister tab. 9 1 6. A^genv. conch, tab 10. D, 
 Klein oRr. tab. \. fig. 77. ^eha muf. 3. /. $6./. 2. 
 Martini conch, if. tabt '59- A?" '5^0. 
 Chtmn, conch. 4. p. 344. vign^/^l. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Stfombus. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea: refemblcs a Murex in having the beak ra- 
 ther ftraight, but approaches nearer to the Genus Strombus }n 
 being fmooth and having the lip toothed : JJtel/ brown, tranf- 
 verlely ftriatc at the bafe, the pillar white, beak black out- 
 *Pe^ Pek' Lip with 4 pale palmate angular claws: mouth fmooth. 
 '^''^' Corvo rani's Foot. 
 Dono-vtiHi Brit. Shells, tab. 4. Pennant tab. J^^ f, 94. 
 Da Coda Brit Lonchol, tab. 7. fg. 7. 
 Lider, tab. 865, 866. fg. 21, tab» l^S9» fg' 3« 
 Bonanrecr. and MuJ\ Kirch. "}). fig. 85. 87. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 53. A — C. Arg. conch. tab.\\t M. 
 Klein cjir, tab. 2, fig. 41 , 42. Le//er ted. f. 80. 
 Sehamuj. 3. tab. 6zy f. ij. Murray te ft. tab, \, fig. 2i, 
 Muf Gott-jjald. tab, 18, ^g. 130, a, b. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. tab. 8j,/ig. I, 2. 
 Martini conch, 3. tab. 2^. f'g.Sj^H — 850. 
 Inhabits European and American Seas : 2 inches long. 
 5iv// pointed, whitifh cinereous or reddifli, within white, fmo'oth, 
 poliflisd : nxihorls tuberculate. 
 Lip with 6 curved claws and fecurVed beak. 
 Lifier. tab, 87O. Rumff. muf. tab, 35. A 
 Gualt teft. tab. 35, B. Lochn. muf. Besl. t. 21, fi. 6, 
 Lejfer tefi. f. 81. Muf. Gottiu. t. 20, fi. 141, b. 
 Seba niuj. 3, tab, %z, fig. I, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12. 
 Knorr delic. tab. B. 11,/". I. Vergn. I. /. 27, y. I, 
 Martini conch, tab. 26. fig. 853, 854. /^i^. 87,/. 856, 857. 
 2. The younger fliell. Lifter, tab.Sy:;. 883. 
 Bonan recr. 3./. 314, 315. M// Kirch. 3./*, 3I7« 
 Rtmpf. muf, tab. 35, B, C. tab.'^jff. i; 
 Gualt, test, tab 26. B. /rt3. 35, A. 
 .^rZ-fl ;ww/". 3. /u3. 6l,fig. 34, /. 73, y. 29. /, 83,/. 1, 2. 
 A///! Gotttvald, tab, zi, fig, 144, B. 
 Martini conch. 3. /«^. 85. //V. 85 1, 852. /. g2,f. 895— 90I. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: very rare and valuable. 
 Shell large, brown varied with whit?, the back tuberculate : lip? 
 ftriate : cla^s 6 including the beak, very long, the 2 hind- 
 oses divergent and bent outwards. 
 Lip with 4 knotty claws, the hinder one very long. 
 Lister, tab. £67. Rumpf. Muj, tab. 36, K. 
 Argeiev. conch, tab. 14. K. talent, abh. t, 3,/. 28. 
 Bonanrecr. "i,* fig. 312, 313. Muf. klrch, "i^.f 316. 
 Gualt tefi. tab. 36, C. Seba muf, 3. /. 82,/". II, 15, 
 MuJ. Gctt^iaU. tab. zx. f 144, a. Knorr I'ergn. 2. /. 3,/. I, 
 Murray tefi, t, 1, f. 29, Mart, conch, t, 88./. 860. 
 VOL. IV. — 3G ' Inhabits 
4i8 . WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: 4 inches long. 
 Shell thick, the back tranfverfely flriate and tubercukte, mouth 
 violet, llriate and armed each fide with white teeth. 
 Lamhis, Lip with about 7 {traightifh claws and fmooth mouth.r 
 Rumpf. muj. tab. 35, F, H. Gnalt. test, t. 36, A, B, 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 82, fg. 8. Leffer tefi. t. 82. 
 Muf. Gottixald tab. 20, ftg, 1 41, a. 
 Martini cOnch, 3', tab. 86, fig. 855. t.^\,f. 888, 
 Chemn. Hatiirf. g. tab, 6^ /". I, a, 
 2. Rumpf. muj\ tab. 35, E, GW/. /fj^ r. 35, C. 
 Seba muf. 3 /a^. ^t, fig, 2,3,5,16, 17, 20, 
 M»/ Gcit'-ivald. tab.' zi, fig. 139. a. 142. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab.%-j, fig. 87, /^. 858, 859/ 
 Rumpf, muf. tab. 35, D, G. Gwa/r. /^j/. /. 30, A; 
 Lifer ^ tab. 866, f 21. Seba muf. 5. /. 16, /. 9, 10. 
 ifworr /Vr^w. 2. /a^. 27, fg. 4. & 3. f. 7,/ i. 
 iyja/". Goft-Tv. tab. \8. fg. 128, b. /, 28,/. 205, a, b. 
 Martini conch. 3. f.go.f 884- i^. 91,/. 889. /. 92,/. 902, 9O3. 
 3. Knorr l^ergn. 5. /«^, ^t f'g- 3* 
 Chemn. conch, lo. tab. 158, A^. 1508, 1509. 
 4. Chemn. conch. 10. /<7^. 155. /}^. 1478. 
 Inhabits /f/f<z. Shell large, brown varied with white, the mouth, 
 reddifh, claws not knotty, 
 Milkptda. Lip with 10 infledted claws and fubftriate mouth : back 
 c^mpreifed, gibbous. 
 Rumpf muf. tab. 36, I. Lister, tab. 868, 869. 
 Argent ille conch, tab. i^-fg. B. 
 Jionan. recr. 3. fig. 311. Muf kirch. "l. fig. 315. 
 ■ Martini conch. 3. /. 88./". 861, 862.. t. 93,/". 906, 907. 
 2. Chemn. conch, TO. /. 155./'. I479» '480, t.\(^'j,f. I494J I495 
 Inhabits the Southern coalts of Alia : rather rare. 
 Cla^ous. Shell tapering, fmooth, with a fubulate beak andfimple lip, 
 Inhabits -^^g^ conch, tab. 10, A 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. l^<^'fg, \^o\, 1502. 
 Lentigino- Lip thickened- aixl 3-lobed on the fore-part; back wartj 
 fus, . and crowned with tubercles: beakobtufe. 
 Lister, tab. 861. Rumpf muf. tab. 37, Q. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf Kirch. 1,.fig. 300. 
 Crualt, test, tab, 32, A. Arg^ conch, tab. 15, C, 
 Seba muf 3. /^/^. ^z, fig. 17, 1 8. /«(^. 6i,y; 17, r. 6*,/. xi, 30 
 Muf. Gottn^ald. tab. 178,/^. 128, a-d* 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tal, 13,/ 2. /. 26,/. 2, 3. 
 Martini conch. 3. Mi'. J^y/'g- 800— 8o2. 
 Chemn. conch. \o. tab. 158,% 1510, 1511.' 
 Inhih'ns A Cta ina America : 3I inchcslong. 
 5/?^// ponderous, brown and grecnilh ; lip and pillar pohlhed., 
 Fa/ciatus. Lip entire : back crowned with 3 rows of protuberances 
 and rofy between them. 
 fjfler, tab. 860, 883. Khin ostr. t. 6,/. 107. 
 z. Bonan. recr. 3 /%. 306. MuJ. kirch. 3./^. 307. 
 3. Seba muj\ 3. r^^. d^.jig- 6—8. 
 MuJ.GottiJ. tab. l"], Jig, 127. 
 A:«<7rr JV^«. 3- re^. i7./i;- i. & 5. ^ 16./ 4. 
 yl/ar/Zn/ rj^W:-. 3. tab. 82, /};^. 8 ^3, "34 t q, f 89c. 
 2. CLemn conch. 13. ^7(^. 155. A?- '4^3' ^^4- 
 ' Inhabits Africa. Shell white with numerous whorls lurrouaded 
 with a Tingle row of tubercles ; thinner and twice as long as 
 the laft, and the lip more acute and prominent. 
 Raninus, Lip thin, rugi^ed, repand above : back orange tranfyerfel/ 
 ftriate and crowned with tubercles: aperture polilhed, 
 Inhabits — —Kncrr Vergn, 6. tab, 29, fg, 8. 
 Callus. Lip mucronate on the fore-part and very long: back 
 crowned with tubercles: beak liraight. 
 Lister, tab. 874. 87 1. Rumpf. inuf. tab.y;, f. q. 
 Bonan. rccr.' 3. /jg. 307— 309. Mi'f kir.h.f. 308 — 311. 
 Gualt. tcft. tab. yi, M. K.em. ojlr. t. 6, f. lo8, 
 Uuf. Gott-juaU tab. 18,//;^. 129. a. /. 19,/. 133- '^^ 
 Knorr JcUc. tab.)i,\v.f 3. Ve'-gn 4. t.\2,f. I. 
 Martiniitconch. 3. tab. ^^^ fig. 841—847. 
 Argenv'lle ccnch. ta'if. \ 4^ jig, K. 
 Hebamuf, 3. tai), 6z,fig. 4, 5. 9, 10. 12. 14, 15. 27. 
 «. Seba Muf 3. tab, 6z,^fig. z, 3. /. 63,/. 6. 
 Chemn. conch. lO /«*^. 1 58, f.g., {506,1507. 
 lnhr^birs Afui and America : 6 inches long, the beak «— 2* 
 6'^-// Ibme'iimes uniformly brown, y.llow or violet, fometimes 
 va-ied with ipots and rays; the bacic furrounded with fmooth 
 ribs which arc lometiines fimple, fomctimes double i the firlt 
 whorl crowned v;iih tubercles which in the other whorls are 
 more or h.:{i confpicuous^ 
 Lip proje£tin:i into a iharp point 
 creel and acute. 
 Lister, tab. 871, 872, Rumpf. muf. tab. 37, R- 
 Argenz'. conch, t. 14, O. L'.valt. teli, t. 32, D, H. 
 3 G 2 
 back muricate: beak 
42» WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombys. 
 Bonan- recr. ^.f. 301, 302. Muf.kirck. 3 f, 302, 305, 
 Klein oflr. tab. 6, fig. 106. LeJJer te.t, tab^-jc^. 
 Muf. Gotttv. fab. 29./", 1-31. a—k. 132, 133, 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 6\. fig. i, '2, 3—6. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. 15. fg, i, 2. 
 Martini conch. 3. /^^. 84. y/g-, 838--84C. 
 Martyn iiniv. conch, i . ^^. i . 
 Chemn. conch. 10. /a^. 156,^, 1 485-- 1488, 
 Inhabits Southern coafts oi J/ta: 3 inches long. 
 J,^^// thick and generally variegated in colours j back crowned 
 ivith 3 cr 4 rows of tubercles, the interftices tranfverfely rib- 
 bed : outmoft whorl cancellate : mouth fleih-colour ; pillar 
 white : beak more or lefs eredl and acute, 
 ^ugilis. Anterior Up prominent, rounded, fmooth: fpire fpinous : 
 beak 3-Iobed, obtufe. 
 lister, tab 864. Gualt. tejl. tab. 31, G. tab. 32, B. 
 Bonan. recr. l- fig» 229. 299. Mtf. kirch. 3. /". 229. 301. 
 Argen-v. conch . tab. 15, A. Rumpf. muf. /. 36./". 6. 
 Muf. Goit^M. tab. \"jyf. iZ^. a, b. 126. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn, 1. tab. ^. fg. 1.^3. tab. \6, f.l. 
 Martini conch. 3 tab. 81. /ig. 830, 831. 
 2. Knorr Vergr, i. tab-^o, f. i. &6. r. 29. y. 6,7. 
 Muf. Gottiv. fab. 28,/. 202. a, b.c. 293. 204, a, b. 207. a. 
 Martini conch. 3. /a^. 90./. 882, 883. 
 1^, Chemn. conch. IC. tab. 1^6^ fig. 1 493. 
 ■ Inhabits Soiiih America. 5/^f//flefh. colour, reddifli or brownilh, 
 ■ within paler and polifhed : lip (lightly toothed within : back 
 fmooth : firll whorl of ihe fpire crowned with fpincs which in 
 the others grow gradually lefs, the outmoft whcrls cancellate, 
 Alafus. Anterior Up rounded, prominent, fmo»th : fpire unarmed : 
 beak 3-lpbed, obtufe. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. gi,fig. 804. 
 Schraet. Einl. in conch. 1 . p. 454. tab. 2, fig. 14. 
 Inhabits —Shell brown with a white band fpotted with 
 brown : fpire white, radiate and undulate with brown : belly 
 and pillar pale bay:' beak flefh-colour : mouth white: /// 
 within polifhed, brown, blue and red, the margin fic{h-co. 
 lour : back Imooth and crowned at the bafe with ilightly cur- 
 ved tubercles. 
 Marainatus h\p a little prominent: back margined, fmooth: beak 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. jc^.f^, 816. 
 Schrctt, Einl. m conch, l, /;. 431. tab. 2, fg. 10. 
 Chemn. conch, ic tab. i^b, /.g. 1489, 1490. 
 \ fnhabits 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 Inhabits— ——5^j?//yellow-brown with narrow white bands and 
 brown interrupted threads : the firft whorls pale brown, the 
 laft rofy : lip and pillar fnowy, toothed within : back fmooth: 
 4 firit whorls margined. 
 J^uhuanus. Lip a little prominent : back fmooth : whorls rounded, 
 Lister, tab. 849—851. Rumpf. muf. tab. 37, S. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 31. H, I. Jrgerrv, conch, tab. 14, N. 
 Seba muf. 3, tab. 61, jig. II — 14. 20. /. 6z, f. 31, 32. 
 Knorr rergrt. 5. tab. lO, Jig. 5, tj 6. /. 15,/. 3. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. 11. f' 789 — 791. ^ 88./. 865 — 869. 
 Muf. Gottivald. tab. 88, Jig. 191 . a, b. 
 2. Knorr l^ergn. 6. tab. xy, Jig. 2. 
 3. Chemn. conch, 10. tab. 157, fig. 1499, 1 $0O, 
 Inhabits Southern coafts of Afia: 2\ inches long. 
 . Shell white with' numerous rays or tranfverfe bands : pillar witk 
 black lines: throat led: //^reddilh. 
 Giblerulus Lip a little prominent: back fmooth: whorls gibbous, 
 Lister, tab. 847. Rumpf. muf. t. 37, Y. 
 Bonan recr. Sc Muf. Kirch. 3. fg. 150, 
 Falent. abh' tab. 7, / 64. Gualt. teft. t. 3 1 , N. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 1 4, fig. N. 
 Seba muj. 3, tab. 62, fig. 17 — 19. 51--53. t.Sz, f, 48, 49. 
 Ma/; GottnvaU. tab. 2%, fig. 190. a— d. 195. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. /a^. I4»/^ 3*^ 3- '• 13» Z^" 4* 
 Martini conch, tab. 27, ;f^. 792--798. 
 Inhabits the Southern fiiores o{ ARa. Shell white with nume- 
 rous bands fpots or clouds : lip llriatc within, and with the 
 pillar partly blue and red, 
 Onifcus. Shell obovate, with knotty belts and a fubulatc fmooth 
 Lister, tab. 79 T. Seba muf. 3. t. 55. f, 23, 
 Vaknt.ahh. t. A^. f 33. Craa//. teJL tab z\,\. 
 Muf, GottzoaU. t. 2b, f. 179. b. 180. 
 Knorr /ergn. 4. tab. f. 4. & 5. /. l ^,J. 4. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 34,/". 357, 358. 
 Inhabits vSo/</A American Ocean: about an inch long. 
 Shell pale with blackilh fpots ; the knobs dil'pofed in 3 longitu- 
 dinal rows : beak not projetflipg : fpire very obtufe and fur- 
 rounded with a finglc knott) belt : aperture white, longitudi- 
 nal : pillar fmooth : outer /./hardly repand. 
 C. Dilated, 
422 WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 C. Dilated, 
 Lucifer, i*'? rounded and entire on the fore-part : belly doubly fll-i- 
 ate: fpire crowned with tubercles, t.he upper ones 
 Lister, tab. 877, 878. Rumpf. muf. t. 49, M. 
 Bonan rear. 3. f. 288, 303. Muf. kirch. "^.f. 289, 305. 
 Barrel rar. t. i^zy, f. 7. Val. <ibh, t. 10, f. 81. 
 Gualt test. tab. 54. M. /. 55. A, B. 
 4r^. conch, t. 14. I. Klein oflr, t. \,f. 85. 
 Sebamuf. 3. /. 62,/. 38 — 40. Leffer tefi. f, 75. 
 Mzf. (yottiv. t. 28. V. 199, b. 200, a— c. t. '3,\,f 215—217. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab, 29, f i. & 3. ?. 5. /. 4. /. \6.f. 4, 
 Martin: conch. 3. tab, 90. /. 878, 879. 881. 885, 886. 
 2. Valent. abh. t, 10, f. 90' Gualt. test. t. 48, F ? 
 3. Bonan recr, and Muf. kirch. 2,. f. B6 ? 
 4. Lister, tab, 886? Guajt. test. t. ^4,M. 
 Inhzh'its South ^/fienica. Shell variegated, rcfembling the next, 
 but is thinner and armed with much iefs fpines; probably a 
 yoBnger fpecimen of St. gigas. 
 Gi^as ^'P '"0^"'^^^ ^^^ ^^^y l^rge: fhell crowned: belly and fpirc 
 with conic expanded fpines. 
 Lochn. Mif. BeJIer. /. 20. Column, aq. t, 60,/. 5. 
 Bonan. recr. %. /". 304. 321. 404, 405. 
 Bonan Muf. Kirch. 3./. 304. 321. 385, 386, 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 33. A. Olear. muf, tab. 32,/. 5. 
 Muf. Got f IV, tab. 1 8, fg. 128. a. 
 Martini ccnch. ^. tab,2o, / 824. 
 Inhabits South America: 10 inches long, 9 broad, 
 .S/?'^// glofly- white, within rich rofe-colour. 
 Latiffimuu ^^P rounded and very large : belly unarmed : fpire a little 
 Lifter, tab. 856, 862. Rumpf. muf tab, 36. L. 
 Sebamuf -^.tab.b-J,, f. l — 3. /. 83,/. 12— 14. 
 Martini conch. 3. /. 82, /. 832. /. 83, /. 83;. /. 8>5. /. 874-876. 
 Inhabits Afta. Shell folid, 14 inches long, vaiieJ with brown 
 and white, fometimes radiate : Up within white, mouth rofy. 
 Epidroiiis, ^'P rounded, fhort : belly fmooth: fpire a little knotty* 
 Lister, tab. 853, /.ID. Rumpf muf tab, 36, M, 
 Seha muf 3. tab. 62, fig. 21, 22, 26. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab^ 33. /~. 2. 
 Martini conch. 3- tab. 'j(^, fig. 82 i. ' 
 2, Bonan. recr. ISj Muf kirch. 3.^"'. 342. 
 Inhabits Southern Alia : 3 — 3f inches long. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 Shell white, fometimes variegated : /pire with knotty plaits, the 
 outmoft cancellate: lij) femicircular, fnowy within: pillar 
 Lip retufe gibbous: belly and fpire with knotty plaits; 
 aperture 2-lippcd fmooth. 
 Rumff. muf. tab. 36. P, Gualt. tej}. tab. 31. L. 
 Schrcct.. Einl. in conch. I. tab, 2' fig. H. 
 Chemn. conch 10. tab, 156. /?§•. \^^\, 1 492. 
 Inhabits Infiia: hardly \\ inch long. 
 Shell teftaceous or white with 2 bands above dotted with yellow 
 and 2 chefnut ones beneathy and rays running through the 
 whorls : //// whitifh ; mouth fmooth yellow and not ftriate. 
 Canarium. Shell fomewhat heart-fhaped with a rounded fhort retufe 
 fmooth lip: pillar fmooth. 
 Lister tab. S^'^./ig. 9. Rump/, muf. tab, 36. N. 
 Fet. Gaz. tab. gS.fig, 1 1. Argennj. conch, tab, 14. Q^. 
 Klein oftr, tab. ^.fig. 73. Knorr Vergn. i. t. 18./. 5, 
 Seha muf. 3, tab. 61. fg. 23 — 25. 28, 29, 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. Kirch, l-fg' H^* '47- 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. "J^- fig- 817, 8l8. 
 2. Seba muf 3. /«i. 61. fig. 16? 
 3. iL«orr Vergn. 3. /<3^. ll' fig' 3? 
 4. M«/: Gottivald. tab, 39. _/%. 135 ? b. 
 Inhabits Southern coafts of v^a: Zj inches long. 
 ShellyeWow or brown with fometimes brown angular tranfvcrfc 
 lines, very gibbous : pillar fnowy. 
 Lip rounded (hort : belly fmooth : fpire elongated, the 
 whorls divided by an elevated future. 
 Lister tab 8 ^2, fig, 8. /. 855./ 12. a, b. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 36, O. Argenv. conch, tab, 9. F. 
 Seba muj. 3. tab. 6z. fig. 18 — 20. 
 Muf Gotfvjald. tab. K)- fig' I 36. I 38. /. 28./. 2o6. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3, /^jii^. lo,fig, 2. 
 Martini conch, 3. tab, "Ji^, fig. 8I5. 819, 820. 
 2. Chemn, conch. 10. tab. i 55./?g-. 1481, 1482. 
 3. Chemn, conch. 10. /aiJ. ^S7*fiS '49^* 
 Inhabits ^/fdi : about 4 inches long. 
 Shell whitifh with brown bands, or brown with whJtifh fpotted 
 bands, rarely of orte colour: refembles St. epidromis but has 
 a longer fpire with more diftant and longitudinally plaited 
 Stucin£lus, Lip rounded retufe : belly fmooth with 4 pale Unear punc- 
 tured belts* 
424 WORMS. TESTACEA. 77, Strombus. 
 Lifter, tab. S^g.Jg. l6, Rumpf. Muf. taht 37. X. 
 Guah.test. tab. 33. B. j^genv. cotich. tab, 10. C. 
 Seba muf, 3. tab. 61. fig. 16. 
 Muj. Gottivald.tab. ^<) fg. 134. a, b. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. "jq.fig. 815, 8r6. /. 89./. 877. 
 2, 5or« A^a/*. CafVind. te/t. tab. 10. fig. 14, 15, 
 Inhabits J/ta^ Shell fmooth teftaceous, with a fmooth fubcari-' 
 rate back furrounded with bigeminate lines dotted with white: 
 fpire with ftriate whorls and a fmall crenate ridge : outer-lip 
 ftriate within, interiot fmooth gibbous artd fubftriate on the 
 Spinofus, 1-ip tapering eriiire fHghtly plaited and crowned with fine 
 fpines : fpire prickly. 
 Gualt test. tab. 55. E ? Pet. Gaz. tab. 78. fig.* 1 1. 
 j^rgen-v. conch, tab. ZC). fig. \6. 
 Found hitherto in a foffile ftate only : refembles Voluta vefper- 
 tilio, but h not emarginate at the bafe and the pillar is not 
 always plaited ; fl^ell whitifh with nirme>ou's purplilh parallel 
 linesi above angular, and crowned with very {harp fpiaes. 
 Fi/furella, -^ip continued into a longitudind cleft ridge. 
 Argenv. conch, tab, 23. lin, z, n. 6. 
 Pet, Gaz tab. Il-fg- j, 8. Murray test. t. I./. 30'. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 158.//^. 1 498, 1 499, 
 Inhabits hidia, and is frequently found foffile in Campania', 
 Shell white, fize of Turbo clathrus ; the whorls with carinatc 
 ribs, except the largeft which is fmooth beneath ; aperture ob- 
 long : outer-hp a little dilated, the inner-one united; beak 
 fhort ftraight. 
 Urceusi I^'P tapering retufe (hort ftriate : belly and fpire with knotty 
 plaits: aperture 2-lipped unarmed. 
 Lister, tab. 857. P..umpf Muf. tab. 37. F. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. 98. fig. iC). Valent. abh. t. 7'./. 65. 
 Bonan. recr, and Mif. Kirch, t^. fig. 144. 
 Gualt test. tab. 32. E. G. Knorr t^ergn, I. tab. l^-fig. 5. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. hd.fig. 28, 29. t. 61./. 24 — 30, 31. 57 — 59. 
 Muf Gottiuald. tab. z%.figi 193, 194. »» b. 196. a. d. iQ8.a— e. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. I'i.fg' 803 — 806. 
 2. Rumpf. muf 3. tab. 37. ^ 'fig. 870. 
 3. Seba muf 3, tab. 6\.fig. 28, 29. 36, 37. 
 4. Seba muf 3. tab. di.ftg. 32, 33. 35. 38, 39. 
 5. Seba muf, 3. tab, 6\ fig. 60, 61. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: 'z\. inches long: Tarics much in 
 colours and mark-s- 
 Trident aim. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombiis. 425 
 TriJentatus Shell thin, white with orange fpots and clouds: ^back 
 fmooth plaited: beak violet: whorls grooved: lip 3- 
 Lilier. tab. 858. Gualt. test. tab. 33. C, D, 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 61. fig. 34 
 Martini conch, 3. tab. 78. fig. 8 ID — 814. 
 2. Ckemn. conch. \o. tab. \^'].f'g- 1503. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: refemblcs the lall. 
 Dentatus* Lip tapering fhort toothed : belly and fpire plaited. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 61. fig. 25. 41 — 47. 55. 
 Schraet. Einl in conch. I . tab. 2- fig. l 2. 
 2. Sf<^a }n!if. 3. /a3, bi.ftg. 65 ? 56 ? 
 Inhabits refembles St. urceus, bnt the fpire is obliquely plaited 
 and the whorls arc more diftant and the ftrise on the aperture 
 are more diftina.- fjell \\ inch long, fometimes variegated, or 
 white fpotted with brown at the margin, or pale yellow with 
 white lines; fometimes thin and diaphanous, fometimes folid 
 and opake. 
 Cofiatus. Lip very thick, firft whorl crowned with tubercles, the 
 interftices of the tubercles plaited, the next tranfverfely 
 ribbed, the reft tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Lidcrtab. 863. Martini tab. Zx.fig. 829. 
 2. Muf. (Jctt-ivald. tab, 17. fig. 824. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. gi.fg' 887. 
 Inhabits Shel/ thick, 5 J: inches long and 5 broad ; frequently 
 pale yellow, and rofy between the tubercles. 
 Rryofiia. ShciI conic with a mucronate 8-toothed lip and krtotty 
 ^ fpire. 
 Lifer tab. 882. Martini conch, tab <)l>fg. 904, 905. 
 2. Seba muf 3. tab. b'}^. fig. 3. 
 Martini conch. 10. fab. * 5 9 • /ff 1 5 1 2 — i 5 1 5 • 
 Inhabits above 7 inches long : extremely rare. 
 Shell brown varied with white with a few blueifli clouds : proba-f 
 bly fiot of this divifion. 
 .ij^t^nis. cjhell tranfverfely ftriate gibbous: fpire unarmed, the firft 
 ^, horl crowned with tubercles. 
 Inhabit: —Lifier conch, tab. 889. fig. 10. 
 Latus. Lip a little prominent and twice einarginatc beneath: firft: 
 whorl of the fpire fmooth in the middle and tranf- 
 verfely llriate eacii fide, the others crowned with obtufe 
 Inhabits Seba muf ^,iab. 63./^^. 4, 5. 
 VOL. IV.— 3 H L^t-is. 
426 WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 Lavis. Shell fmooth, filvery radiate with brown, with obfolefe 
 tranfverfe plaits: fpire elongated, with inflated rounded 
 Regenf. conch. 1. tab. \2.Jig.6j. 
 Inhauits -fomeihing more than 2 inches long. 
 k^exillutiu Shell folid fubcylindrlcal, with alternate reddifh and ochra- 
 ceous bands : lip denticulate within : pillar flat glabrous 
 and emarginate at the bafe. 
 Chemn. conch. 10 tah, \^J.fig. 1504, 1505. 
 Kfcmm Rudoht. Cabin, tab. 7. fig. 2, 3. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: wety rare. 
 Nortvegicus shgij oblong fubulate white with round whorls : ' aperture 
 fpreading ovate: beak a little afcending. 
 Inhabits fhores of Noriuay : of an uncertain divifion. 
 D. Taperingy -with a very Jong fpire. 
 rubercula. Shell ovate-oblong tubereulate : lip thickened. 
 *"'• Seba Muf. 'i,.tab. S^'f'g- 21. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vtnd. teft. tab. 10. /ig: 16, 1 7, 
 Martifii conch. 4. fab. I ^7. fig. 1490. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. She/I very coarfe, the whorls covered 
 with rows of raifed horny dots : Zip gibbous : aperture ovate ; 
 beai very fhort recurved. 
 Paiuffrif. Shell fmoothiOi : lip feparated behind. 
 Lister tab. S^y.fig. 63. Rumj>f. Muf. tab. 30 Q. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, ^O.fig. 13, 14. 17, 18. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. 18 fig. i. and 5. /. 13./. 8. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 156. _//§■. 1 4.72. 
 Inhabits Savannas of the Inaian Ocean. 
 Shell thick yellow or brown, with 12—16 whorls, the firft twice 
 as large as the next, the reft longitudinally plaited and with 
 3—5 tranfverfe ftria:, 
 '^ff- Shell fmooth: lip feparated before and behind. 
 Lifer tab. 115 Seba muf. 3. tab. 56 fig. 13, 14. 
 Petiv. Ga%. tab. x^ fig. 1 6. Riimpf muf. tab. 13. R, 
 Chemn. conchy 9. tab. f^^./ig. 1227, 
 Inhabits Fens of Amboina : about 26 lines long. 
 5^^// black-brown or bay, within white, very finely ftriate tranf- 
 verfely: aperture ovate : fpire fubulate with 12 flattifh conti- 
 guous whorls. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 77. Strombus. 
 Lineatus. Shell fubnlatc brown with 7 fpiral impreired lines: aperture 
 Lister tab. Il6. Mart. Berl. Mag. 4. tab. \0.//g. 50. 
 Inhabits Shel/ 1 1 lines long, glabrous ; mouth blueilh with 
 decufl'ate firi^. 
 PunSatui. Shell fubulate, yellowifh with a white band ftriate with red 
 near the future: lefler whorls grooved. 
 Lister tal>. ()■](). fig 36. Pet. Gaz, t. i^.f- \6, 
 Rumpf. muf tab. 30 P. Gualt^ test. tab. 6. E, F ? 
 Kvorr Vergn I. tab %.pg. 7. 
 Martiji. Berl Magaz. tab. ()'fis,. 3Q. 
 Inhabits '^hell t\\\n pellucid glabrous, about 18 lines long: 
 mouth and pillar whitifh : aperture obovate : J^'ire with 12 or 
 I 3 whorls, the 6 larger onee fmooth. 
 Vihoi, Shell fubulate cinereous tranfverfely ftriate: whorls nodu- 
 lous and marked with red Itreaks. 
 Lister fab. \\q. Pet. Gax. tab. \oo.ftg. II. 
 Gualt te/i. ta'j.,6.G. Berl. Mag./^.tab^ ^o.fg. 51. 
 Chemn. conch 9, tab 1^6. /g. I 26 1, 1 262. 
 2. Marty n univ. conch. I tab. 12. 
 Inhabit? Coromandel z) Ftiendly IJlands: 4 — 14 lines long. 
 Aperture ovate: inner -lip glabrous: ^johorfs 8--II, each with 2 
 rou's of tubercles. 
 Auritus. Shell barred with brown: whorls muricate: apje^turc ovate. 
 Lister tab. izx.fg. 16. Berl Mag. ^. t. lO.f. ^^, 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 'i'^d- fg- 1265. 1266 
 Inhabits Africa: 16 lines long. 5/)^// h?rd, yellow or white 
 with a white mouth and pillar: outer lip repind : ffire with 
 7 whorls, each with 7 yellow thick obtufe comprcffcd tubercles. 
 Acukatuti^ ^\\c\\ browh liiberculate : whorls minute: lip depreffed 
 ■ ; crenulate. 
 Lister tab. 1 2,1, 122. Klein oflr. tab. Z fig. 39,, 
 Argen-xf. (onrh'tab. I I. Berl. Mag. 4. tab, i i.fT. 58. 
 Chemn. conch, f^.tab. 136 fig, 1 267, j 26S. 
 2. Hercules club. Martyn um'verf conchol, I. tab. 13, 
 Inhabit.s mardies of /frica : 1 8 lines long, 
 Shell hardifli with a v\hite mouth and pillar; y^/V,» with i 2 whorlx, 
 eac'i with 5 rows of tubeiclts which in the outer ones are conic 
 and acute. 
 Agnatns. Shell fmooth, th.e lip very prominent and eraarginate behind. 
 Inhabits ^ Seba tr.uj. 3. tab. ^o.fg, in. 
/^ig WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Dealbatus. Shell with tranfverfely ftriate black whorls, the outer ones 
 fraooth and with the margin of the lip and pillar white. 
 Inhabits Soba rnuf, 3. tab. $6, fig. 13, 14. 
 Fufcuj, Shell brown, with numerous tubercles on the whorls: Up 
 feparated before and behind, within ftrrate with brown. 
 Inhabits- Kncrr I'^ergn. ^. tab. i^./tg. %. 
 Marginatus Shell brown, the lowefl; "\yhqrl edg?d with white. 
 Inhabits -Knorr Fergn. ^. tab. zz. fig, 1^. 
 lividus. Shell fubangular, with fpinous knots; lip feparated on th? 
 Inhabits —Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 11,6, fig. 1269, 1270. 
 Sh!I brown, tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Striatus. Shell convex ftriate, white with a few fulvous ftreaks; 
 pillar finuate infleded. 
 Buccinum Striatum. Mull. Verm. 2. n. 339. 
 Inhabits Shell 2\ inches long, thin pellucid: aperture ovate^ 
 oblong :^zV^ with 7 or 8 whorls with incumbent margins: 
 probably a Helix. 
 Simter, Whorls turned contrary; fliell thin and longitudinally 
 Chemn. cctich.g. tab. 'i\4,, fig. ^'i2y<)'^l' 
 Found hitherto in a fofiilc ftate only in Helvetia, Shell i| inch 
 lone, with 10 whorls. 
 78. MUREX, Animal a Liniax: /i^// uni- 
 valve, Ipiral, rougli with membranaceous 
 futures: aperture oval, ending in an en- 
 tire fh-aigbt or Uiglitly alcending canal. 
 A. Spiiuiis, with a produced beak. 
 Ha^uellum. Shell ovate tuberculute, with a long fubulate ftraight muri- 
 • cate beak. 
 Lijter tab. 903. Rumpf. ttuif. tab. 26. F. 
 /Irgcnv- conch, tab, 16 B. Lefer lithol.fig. 71. 
 Bonan,recr. ^.ft^, 268. Muf Kirch. I. jig. ^-jO. 
 Gualt. teft. tab, 30. E. Klein Oftr. tab, 4.//^. 81, 
 Scba tnuf. 3, tab. •]^'f'g* 5> ^• 
WORMS, TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 429 
 Kmrr l^ergn. I. tab. i2.Jjg, 2, 3. 
 Martini conch. 3 tub. HS^J'S' 1066. 
 Z. Martini conc/j. 3 /. 1 15./- 1067, 1068. 
 Knorr yurgn. 3. / g.y, 4. 
 Inhabits /i/?« America and the i?f</ ^tw, and varies much in co- 
 lour and length of the tubercles on the beak .• aperture rounded, 
 generally rofy, mouth fometimes white ibmetimes blueilh, 
 Trihulur, Shell ovate with a triple row of fetaceous fpiries, the beak 
 elongated fiibulate with fimilar fpines. 
 Thorny Woodcock, 
 t. With fpines flioner than the beak. 
 Lijler tab. <)02. Da Cojia conch tab, ^^ fig- 5. 
 Bonan. recr. -^.jig, z6q. Muf. Kirch, ^-fig- 271. 
 Column, aq, t. ho.f. 6. Rumpf. Muf, tab. 26. G, 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 31. A,/^. 1 — 3, 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, J^'fg. 4. 
 LeJ/'er teft.fig. 72. Murray tefl. t. \.f, I J. 
 Knorr ddic. t. B. V.f. 5. Vergn. t, 1 1 ./. 3, 4, 
 Martini conch, 3. /. u3-/i 1053—1056. 
 2. With fpines as long or longer than the beak. 
 Natur Mi fell, tab. 460. Gualt. tef. t. 31. /! A. 4. 
 Rumpf, muf. t. z6.f. 3. 
 Argen'v. conch, t. \6.f. h.1 
 Sfbamuf 3. t.y^ f. 1--3. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. t. 27./. 1. 
 Martini conch. 3./. 113-/'. IO52. 
 Inhabits Alia America and the Red Sea : very rare. 
 S/ff//\vhiciih or reddilh tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Ccfttutus. Shell roundilli and furrounded with fubulatc obliqiffe fpines. 
 beak long fubulate tbaight with a few ftiort fpines. 
 Lister tab. 901. Column, aq. tab. 60. fig, 3. 
 A.ians feneg I. tab. 8. fig. 20. Gualt, teft. tab. 50. D. 
 Peti'V Gaz. tab. 68.ftg. 12. Rumpf. muf, t, z6.f. 5. 
 Bonan, recr, 3 fig. 2S3. Muf Kirch, "i,. f. 284. 
 Seba muf, 3. /fl\ 78.//^. 7— 9> 10, 1 1 ? 
 AT/zarr Vergn 6. /a^. ij.ftg.x. 
 Martini conch. 3. M^, 1 14 fi^. IO57. 
 Inhabits Southern coafts of Africa : very rare. 
 Shell 8 inches long, tranAerfely ftriate. white yellow or ptie 
 chcfnut, within rofy : fpines 2 inches long : --whorls rounded 
 Erandaris. Shell fubovatc furrounded with (Iraight fpines : beak ino- 
 deratc fubulate ftraight and obliquely furrounded with 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 liistcr, tah. 9C0. Ginan. adr. 2. /. 8, /". 61, 62. 
 Petiv. Gaz. taht 68, y. 1 2. Bvtem. app. t. 12,/. 60. 
 ^rg. Zoom. tab. 4. C Regenf, conch. \. t.6,f. 67- 
 iWa/:; Gottnu. tab. 38, /^ 26i. a — d. 263. a-r-c. 264, a— -d, 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. 18,/. i, 2. /. 22,/. 4, 5, 
 Martini conch' 3. /fi^. 114, 115 //^. 1058—1065. 
 Bonan. recr. 3. y}^. 282. Muf kirch. 3. _/". 283. 
 Gualt. testttai'. 36. F. 
 Bonan. recr. 3. /Tg', 281. 7kf«/". ^//r^. 3. /". 283. 
 Rumpf.muf.fab. zb, fig 4> ', 
 Fa'uann. conch, tab. 38.. E. I. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 164, /". 1571. 
 Chemn. conch, i o, tab. \b\, fiiy ' 5 30- - t 5 3 5 . 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Adriatic. 
 Shell white, cinereous or brownifli, with- a triple row of fmali 
 ffVpej, the third row ftiorter, rarely 9 Tingle row with the 
 beak unarmed. 
 Trunculus, Shell ovate, kn-tty and furronnded with fpincs on the fore- 
 part: beak Ihort, perforated, truncate. 
 Lijier, tab. 947. 952 ? lOIO ? Giialt. tett. t.^l- C, 
 Column, purp. tab. 13. fig. i. Klein ojir. t.6,f, 104, 
 Boruin recr. Z' fig' ^/l. 272. 274. 
 Bonan Muf. Kirch. 3. fig. 273, 274, 276. 
 Seha muf. 3. tab. z^z. fig. 15, 16. 
 Muf. Gottikjald. tab. 38, fif^. 256. c. 259. a.-f. 261. a, b. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. 13. fig. 1.5. t.il-f. 4. & 6. t, 1 9 /• 6.- 
 Mariini conch, I. tab, }og, fig. 1018--1020. 
 2. WnlcJo Petref. 2. tab^Q.m. ^g. 2? 7? 
 3. Spengler catal.raif. tab. Z-, fig. 2, 3. 
 4. Chemn. corich 9. /fl(5, 105./}^. 897, 898. ^ 
 5. Chemn. conch. \0, tab. 161. fig 1528, 1529. . • . • ;i,^ 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and J^amaica. . j,.„^t 
 Shell very variable in colour , fometimcs barfed ard tranfverfely 
 ftriate: heak fometimcs ftraight, fometinies bent to the left. 
 Pomum, Shell ovate, knotty,. with -5 — -7 protuhjerances: beak broad. 
 Lister, tab 994. Adanf Seneg. I. tab. g, f. 22,, 
 Arg, Zoom, tab, ■^,F.. Knorr Vergn 3. /a^. 9,/"* I. a 
 Martini conch, 3. z^^, 109, I lO, fig. 1021 — IO25. 
 Inhabits the£a,llerqiJiores of Africa ; coajfe and^panderous. 
 .iKJ:;* '(!■', -.ujr-i 8 ^W . 
 /JffK^iV;^ "Shell ovate, trarifverfely grooved, with'cphvex ribs crofiTed 
 by perpendicular knots: beak imperforate. 
 Adanf Seneg.. 1. tab. g% fig- 22. 
 '•'n 'A'- -Seba miif,'ytab.\(),fiig.t^'i 
 Kner" Fergn.- 4. tab. 23, fig.. 3. 
 Martini conch. 3. /«^, ilO. fig. 1026--1028. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Chemn, conch, 10, rah. S\. fg. 1540, 1541* 
 Inhabits the Eallern coafts of Africa, 
 Margin of the lif membranaceous : fpire with 7 diftinft whorls, 
 Triacart" Shell turgid, knotty, tianfverfeiy ftriate, with a triple. row 
 f^"^' of fpines. 
 Walch ^etref. 2. tab. C. i. /%. 5. 
 Found in a foffile ftate: Jliell (haped like a fig, with 5 or 6 hori- 
 zontal belts croffing the ftris : beak above an inch long: 3 
 outmoft ^whorls knotty and a little prominent. 
 Melanama- Shell tranfverfely ftriate, with 8 rows of hollow black 
 f^os, fpines : fpire a little knotty and prickly : beak fubulate. 
 Inhabits— —iW«r//«/ fOKf>&. 3. tab, 10^, Jig. 1015. 
 Radix. Shell white, with numerous rows of frondofe black undu- 
 late fpines. 
 Inhabits Argenv. Zoom. tab. 1 1, K. Extremely rare. 
 Candfdus. Shell white with rows of fpines and very fliort beak. 
 Inhabits - Argenv. conch, tab. 16. G; 
 Shell 2 inches long : fome of ihc /pines black. 
 FafciatJtj. Shell inflated, with rows of fpines, white barred with 
 brown: fpire with 4 diftindl turgid whorls. 
 Inhabits KnorrVergn. 6. tab, 40. ftg. 6, • 
 B. Sutures expanding into crijped foliations: beak abbrevi- 
 ated. Purpura. 
 Ramofus, Shell with a triple row of foliations and contiguous fpire : 
 beak truncate. 
 Rumpf. muf tab. 26. A, C. Lister, tab. 946^ 
 Argenv. conch, tab. i6. C, E, H. Zovm. t. 4, D, 
 Column, aq. tab. 60. Klein ojir. tab. 4, Jig. 82. 
 Bonan recr. Z'f'g 275, 2/6. Muf. Kirch, 3. /. 280, 281, 
 Gualt. tcli. tab. 37, D, G, H, T, L. 
 Scba Muf. 3. tab. '^2, Jig. 21. tab. yj,/. 1—4. 7—12. 
 MuJMotfw. tab. I'JyJ'g. 255. a. 256, b. tab. 38,/". 257, a. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. 25,/". 1,2. t. 26, f. 1 — 3. /. g,/! 3. 
 Martini conch. 3. tub. \0^y ftg, 990, 991. 993,994. 
 Inhabit? .■ifia, America, Ferlia and tiie Red Sea. 
 Shell tnnfvcriely ftriate, varying very much in fliape, colour and 
 appearance of the foliations. 
 Foliatus. Shell with a triple row of foliations : apertu^-e i-toothed. 
432 WORMS. TESTACEA, 78. Murex. 
 Martin univer/. coitchoh 2. ftg, 66* 
 " Chemn conch. \o ■ Jig. 153. 
 Inhabits the Eaftcrn fhores oi North America* 
 Scorpio, Shell with 4 rows of foliations : fpire capitate : beak truiW 
 Rumpf. tnuf. lah. 26. D. Gualt, teft. tab. 37. M. 
 Valent. abh. t. 4,/. 36. 37. Jrg. conch, t. 16, D. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. TJ'J'g. 13 — 16. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab, w.fg. 4, 5, 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. \o6. fg. 998 — 1003. 
 Inhabits Southern Afia : extremely rare and valoable. 
 Shell white, brown or black : aperture orbicular : one of the 
 <whorl$ turgid and larger than the reft. 
 Saxntilist Shell with 5 rows of foliations and contiguous fpire : beak 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 26, fig. 2. Klein oftr, t. 6, fig. lOQ. 
 Sehamuf. 3. tab. Tit fig. ?> 6. Murray test. t. lyf. 26. 
 Muf. Gottnjoald. tab. l^yftg. 255. a a. b b. 256. a. 257. b^c, 
 Regenf conch. 1. tab. 6,/. 6. tab. 9,/". 2b. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. 107, 108./". 1004-- 1 014. 
 2. Walch Petref. 2. tab. C. Jig. 3, 4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Altai in great Varieties. 
 Diaphanuu ShelVwhitc^ diaphanous, with 6 rows of foliations; the fo- 
 liations tipt with black. 
 Inhabits— —^rg-^«'V/'//if conch, tab. 16. F. 
 Cichoreum, Shell ochraceovs, tranfverfcly ftriate, with numerous row&^ 
 of foliations. 
 Inhabits Argenville conch, tab. 16, K. 
 Foliations not very prominent or crifped, 
 VerRcolor, Shell varied with white and red, with flat acute foliations" 
 pointed with black. 
 Inhabits-^'^ Knorr Fergn. 5, tab. ^, Jig. 1. 
 *Erinaceu.'. Shell fubangular ; the whorls crowned with tubular and fuh- 
 fpinous raifed fcales or points : beak (hort and covered, 
 Dono-van^s Brit. Shells, tab. 35 Pennant iv. t. 76, _/*. q<j. 
 Da Cofla Brit Lonchol. tab. 8. fg. 7. 
 Gualt. tejl. tab. 49. H. 
 Seba ntuj. 3. tab. 49, f. 78. 79, 
 Martini conch, 3. tab. no. fig. 1026 — 102?» 
 Inhabits European (cas : about 2 inches Icag. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 433 
 Shell extfemely nigged, furrounded with tubular fibs, each rib 
 ending uith its mouth on the angle : aperture extremely oval : 
 fpire pointed, with 6 whorls : /// broad and crenate. 
 Stnaitism Shell with 7 rows of foliations, white with elevated tranf- 
 verfe brown ftrice. 
 Martini co7ich. 3. tab. \0<^. ftg, 1016. 
 Gualt, lest, tab, ^o. fg. C ? 
 Inhabits India. Spire with 7 whorls. 
 Iripterus. Shell elongated, triangular, with membranaceous foliations 
 at th^ ani^ies. 
 Born.. Muf C.ff. Vind. left. tab. \Of fig. 18, 19. 
 Found foffile in Campania. Shell fnowy, tranfverfely wrinkled, 
 the wrinkles crofTcd by longitudinal Ilriai: aperture d'o\or\g- 
 ovate, granulate : fpire with 7 whorL granulate between the 
 bacellum. Shell umbilicate with muricate ribs^ the whorls flattifh 
 above with acute margins: lip crenate : beak ftraight, 
 Inhabits Nicobar. Chemn, conch. 10. /. 163,/'. 1561, 1562. 
 Mctacilla. Shell triangular, knotty, tranfverfely grooved, with a triple 
 row of tubercles: beak long, fubulate, flraight: 
 mouih white. 
 Inhabits /W/«. Chemn. conch. 10. tab, 163, _^^, 1563. 
 'Iriqueter, Shell long, fubulate, triangular, with reticulate ribs and 
 ftraight clofedbeak. 
 Inhabits Bom Muf. C^ef Find. tefl. tab. iijfig- i. 2. 
 Shell wh-rz f'potted with red: aperture elliptic, the lip crenate: 
 fpire pyramidal, with 6 whorls, 
 C. JJ' ith ihiek protuberant rounded futures, 
 Lyratuj, Shell With protuberances crofTed by fmooth belts : aperture 
 Inhabits Georges Baf. Martyn uniij. conch. 2, tab, 43, 
 Rana. Shell r6ugh with oppofite imprefTed protuberances, and a 
 mtiriuate belt or two: aperture cominonly toothlefs 
 and ovate. 
 Li/Jer, tab. 995,/^- 58. tab. 949, Pet. Oaz. t. IOC,/. 12. 
 Rumpf. muf tab. 44, G. Gualt. teji, tab, 49, L, 
 VOL. IV. — 3 I Bonan. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Bonanrecr. 2,-J^g' '^z. Muf. Kirch, l- fig. 1 8 J. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, 60, fig, 13. 15 — 19. 
 Muf, Gottnu, tab, 'i,(>. fig. 232. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab, 13, ftg, 6, 7. & 3. M^, 7,^. j. 
 Martini conch. 4, /dii, i^i,fig- I 268-^-12^6. 
 2. Lip crenate. Lifer, tab, 995* j^^. 59. 
 3. Bonanrecr. I- fig 350, Mw/^. kireh.'^, f, 346. 
 Inhabits /^/fa. Shell white, grey or brown, with elevated tranf- 
 verle ftriac which are {bmeiimes granulate. 
 Gyrinus. Shell with oppofite continued protuberances and barred 
 with tuberculate dots: aperture orbicular. 
 Lifter, tab. 939, Adanf. Seneg. l. tab 8,f. 13. 
 Gualt teft. tab. 49. E. Argenv. conch, tab. 9, P. 
 Sebamuf. 3, tab, 60., fig. 21--27 
 Mif Gott-iv. tab. 35,/. 228. /. 36,/. 231.2, b. 235.-237,238. 
 Knorr Vergn 6. tab. 2^. fig. 5, 6. 
 Martini conch, ^. tab. iZ-j.f. 1224--1227. t.\2%,f. 1229—1235. 
 2. Valent. abh. tab. i\,fig. 93 ? 
 3. Martyn uni'verf. conch 2. 41. 
 Inhabits the Mediterrariean, Atlantic, America and India, 
 Shel/ (,m.U, white or brown, with alternately lefs bands of ele- 
 vated dots. 
 J^sis. Shell turgid, with oppofite continued protuberances: fpirfe 
 pointed, the whorls furrounded with a crown of tu- 
 bercles, the outmofl: glabrous. 
 Inhabits ■ Falent. abh. tab. 1 1, fiig. 95. 
 Firft luhorl of the fpire with a triple or quadruple crown of 
 round tubercles. 
 Lampas, Shell with nearly oppofite protuberances, gibbous, the 
 protuberances longitudinally tubcrculate. 
 Lister, tab. 1 02 3, Rumpf.muf tab, 28. C, D. 
 Gualt. test tab. 50, D. Klein oflr, tab. 34 f. 59, 
 Muf. Gottixald. tab. 2^, fig. 174. x. a, b. 
 Bonanrecr. IcMuf. Kirch. I. fig. 103. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 9, D. Knorr Vergn. 2. tair. 2S, f. J. 
 Martini conch. 4. /. 128,/'. 1236, 1237. /. zg.f. 1238, 1239. 
 Inhabits India; 4 — 14 inches long. Shell red or chefnut and 
 rough with very minute tubercles : aperture oval, toothed each 
 fide, whitiQi fiefh-colour, with an orange oval border withiji. 
 OUariuvti Shell with alternate protuberances and numerous tubercles: 
 back unarmed behind and ftriate : aperture toothlefs. 
 Column, aq. tab. 53. Gualt. test, tab. 49, G. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 435 
 Bonanr^cr. y Muf^ kirch, y f. 1 05, 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. 9, fg. 5, 
 Martini conch. 4. tab \ 30, ^^^ . 1242? 
 Schrett. Einl. in conch. 1 . tab, 3 , /". I . 
 2. Walch. Petref 2. />. I 19. //i^. C. ii ^^. 5. 
 3. Jif/^fl »7///. 3. tab.^iffig. 34? 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and African feas, 
 Fcrnorale. Shell with deculFate protuberances, triangular, wrinkled 
 and knotty on the fore-part: aperture ovate, toothless. 
 Lister, tab. 941. Gr^oy Mk/I /. 11,/. 78. 
 Bonan.iecr. l.fig 290, Muf. kirch. %. fg^ 2g\. 
 Gualt. tcji. tab. 50, C. Jrgen'v. couch, t, 10, B. 
 ^^3/2 wo/. 3. /ii3. 63. fig. 7-- 10. 
 MufGotl-Mald. tab. 32, /}^. ziS. a-i. 
 A'wrr rt',?/, r^/^. B. iv./". 2. r^r^«. 4. /<z^. l6, /". I. 
 Regenf. concb. l . tab. 2 , fig. 2 1 . 
 Martini cench. 3. tab. 1 l J, //^f . I 39. 
 Inhabits Afia, Guinea and America: 5-7 inches long; 
 S/.'^// brown with tranfverfe ribs which are white towards the 
 aperture, with intermediate grooves tranlverfcly flriate : beak 
 turned inwards. 
 Cttfaceus, Shell with afingle profuberance, angular and a little wrin- 
 kled with knots : aperture tootncd: pillar perforated. 
 Lister, tab. 942? Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. Zif, fig. 5. ' 
 Seba muf, 3. tab. if^,f. 63, 64.. JI-tJ'},- '• 52,/". |0? H- 
 Muf. Gott-wald. tab. zy, fg.iSy. b. 
 Martini conch. 3. /fli-). l iS, Ji^. 1085 — 1088. 
 Chemn. conch, 10. tab. 163./^'. I 559, 1560. 
 Inhabits Barbary, Guinea and .Sow/ -6 America: 3 inches long. 
 67^^// brownifh with a tinge of bloom, or white, with perpen- 
 dicular undulate lines, 
 Lotorium, Shell with decuflate protuberances, angular with longitu- 
 dinal tuberculous knots: beak flcxuous: aperture 
 Lister, tab. 934, 937, 94S. Rumff. muf. tab, 26. B. 
 Argen-v. conch, tab. 10, fig. M. 
 Martini cntich. 4. tab. 130. /'. I 246, 1247. 1249. 
 Schrett. Einl, in conch, \. tab. 3, f. 2, 
 2, Seba muf. 3. tab. 57, /i- 30. 
 Knot r Vergn. 5. tab. 21, fig. i. 
 Martini conch, 4 tab, 131,/". 12^2, I 253, 
 Chemn. conch, 10. tab. 1 69, /i 1 634. 
 Inhabits t\it Mediterranean, 
 3 I 2 Pileare. 
 Shell Avith decuffate protuberances and a little wrinkled with 
 knots: aperture toothed : beak fubafcending. 
 Adanf, Seneg. I. tah. S./ig- 12 ? Runipf. muf. tab. 49. I. 
 Gualt. teji. tah. 49. A. Seha ?nuf. 3. tab. S'h-f'S'^' 2. 
 Muf. Gotfwald. tah. ^^.Jig, 227. a. 
 MartJnt conch. 4. tab. I 30, J 3 !./(?• I243. 1248. 125c. 
 Schrtxt. Einl. in conch. I. /. a.^^. tc^b. '^-fig. 3. 
 2. 5'^ifl wzf/. 3. tah. 52 //g-. 3 ? 
 Inhabits the MeiHtfrranean, 
 Bufonius. Shell with 6 oppofite continued vaulted protuberances ao^ 
 knotty belts; beak oblique. 
 jlrgeti'v, conch, tab. 9. R. ^ebamuf. 3, /"a^. 60. fig. 14. 20. 
 A/«/; GottivaU. tab. ^g.fig- 234. b. 
 Martini conch 4. //l<^. izgflg. 1240, 1241. 
 Inhabits — W<;//rare, and lefcmbling B. gyrinur, 
 Pyrrm. Shell varicofe ovate tranfverfely grooved and knotty, with a 
 long flexuoiis fybulate beak. 
 Lifter tab. 935 fig. 29. Ga«//. /a/, tab. 37, F, 
 i?KW^'C Mtt/. tab. 24. r, H. /zj^. 26. E. 
 Argenu. conch, tab, 10. O. /a3. 16. I. 
 ^/«/; ofir, tab. ^-fig. 64. /. 6./ 1 10. 
 Knorr Fergn. 2- /^j3. 7.//^. 2, 3. and 6. /. 26./. 2.' 
 Regenf, conch. I. ?«^. 5. //]§-. ?o. t.S.f, 60, 
 Martini conchy 3. Z^*^. 112. I.040 — 1044. IO48 — 1051, 
 2. Martynunioj. conchol. 2, /<s^. 56, 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, in numerous varieties. 
 5/W/ white, fomerimc' varied with biown, or chcfnut, oryellovv- 
 idi brown ; angular, longitudinally Itriate and tranfverfely 
 grooved : aperture oval toothed ; pillar fonietimes toothed, 
 fometimes topthlefs. 
 Qtudaftts, Shell thin t;ranfverfely (Ir'.ate, brown varied vi'ith white: 
 bpak fubulate : fpire a little prominent and tipt wi|h 
 brown, the whorls grooved, the firll gibbous. 
 Inhabits — -—Martini conch. 3. tab. i\l.fig. 1045 — 1047, 
 Z. Lifter conch, tab. 893.//^. 13 ? 
 Nubecula, Shell with decnfTate protuberances, obtufe with knotty 
 wrinkles: belly ec^ual: aperture toothed. 
 Gualt test, tab 49. I. Argen-v. conch, tab, 9. k. 
 Seba rmf. 3. tab. ifiypg^ I — 6. 
 Muj. Gottwald. tab. 36.//^. 228. b — d. 229. a, b. 230. a, b. 
 K'iorr Fergn l.tab. 1 3 'fg. 3, 4. and 3. t. 5./. 2, 3. 
 Martini conch, i^.tab. l^Z-fig- I 259-. 1 267. 
 Chemn. cench. IQ. tab. iSz.fg- I45^> I457« 
 Inhabits .tfrica India and South Ametica-. rathef rare. 
 £he/l ixd or yellow and barred. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 437 
 Scrobicula- Shell with neaily oppofite hollowed protuberances, fmooth: 
 (or. aperture toothed. 
 Litter fab. 943. Gualt test. tab. 49. B- 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. \00. fig. 12. Fa-vanm conch, tab. '^2.. E, 
 Sihrat. n litter at. ^. tub. 2.. fig' 16, 17. 
 Chemn. conch. 10 tab. 163.//^. '556,1557. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. 
 Reticularis. Shell with nearly oppofite protuberance?, reticulate, \yjth 
 tuberculate Ipots: pillar alnioit toothlefs beak afcending. 
 lister tab. 945- »• 30- X^jjT?^ teji ftg. 64. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. Kirch. 3 fig. \()l, 
 CuaU. test. tab. 49. M. tab. 50, A. 
 Murray teli, tab. i. fg I 8. 
 Born /I uf. C^f. yind. te/t. tab. M. fig- 5. 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 41 /ig. 405-6. and 4. /. 128./. 1228. 
 Schrcst. n litterat. 3. tab. l- fig. 18, 19. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and America: 6 inches long. 
 Shell tranfterfely ribbed and longitudinally llriate, with partu 
 coloured knots in the angles ot Tcdion : aperture with a rei 
 border ; lip toothed. 
 lameUo/ui. Shell with membranaceous protuberances continued through 
 the rpire and terminated with a fpine. 
 Inhabits Falkland IJlands. Martyn umnjerf. conchol. 2. tab. 42. 
 Nodatus, Whorls knotty: bealc flraight : aperture violet : lip toothed. 
 Inhabits Ne'w Holland. Mart* uni<v.concb, Z. tab. 51. 
 Anus. Shell with a dilated membranaceous protuberance and lips, 
 gibbous and reticulate with tubercles : aperture finuous: 
 beak er«<5l. 
 Lister tab. 833. Argcwv. conch, tab. 9. H 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 24. F. Gualt. teji. tab. 37, B ? 
 Pet. Gaz. tah. J'^.fg. 9. /. 99. f- 10. 
 Bonan recr l.fg. 279, 280. Muf Kirch. I. fig, 278, 279, 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. bo. fit]. 4. 6, 7. 
 Muf Gott^jiald. tab. "jb.fig. 177, 178. a, b, 
 Kncrr f^ergn. 3. tab. 3. fig. 5, 
 Martini conch. 2. tab. 41 .fig. 403, 404. 
 , 2. Gualt. tefi. tab 31. D. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Ada : 3 inches long. 
 Shell g ncrally bro'.vn with, white bands and Tubtriangular 
 Miliarif. Shell varicofe with tuberculate belts: aperture a little 
 toothed: beak elongated: whorls ventricofe. 
438 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Valent. ahh. z. tab. 14. a. 15. b. 16. c. 17. d. 18. e. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 3. tab. 2(),fig. 5. 
 Martini conch. ^. p. 303. 'y/^«, 'i^K.Jig. 1— 5. 
 Chemn. conch JO. tab, \b\. fig. 1532 — 1535. 
 Inhabits Shell cineieous greenifh rutous or white, the tu. 
 bercles fometimes black, rarely rufous. 
 Senegahnfis Shell tranfverfely ftrlate, with fpinous protuberances, the 
 fpines decreafing towards the head. 
 Adam feneg. I, tab. 8 fig. 1 9. 
 Inhabits Senegal: about 2| inches long. 
 Shell with 9 tubercle?, alternately lefs, each of them armed with 
 8 fpines ; Jpire with 8 whorls. 
 • Carinatus Shell ventricofe with 5 or 6 whorls forming angular ridges : 
 aperture femicircular : beak a little retleSed. 
 Inhabits Europe : 4 inches long. Pennant, tab. 77. £g. 96. 
 D. More or lefs fpinous and without tnanifefi beak, 
 Ricinus. Shell obovate, with fubulate fpines: aperture and lip toothed. 
 Rumpfi. muf. tab. 24. E, Gualt. tejl. tab, 28. N. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 60. fi.g. 37. 39. 42. Murray, t. \. f. 19. 
 Inhabits the Ap.atic Ocean: about if inch long. 
 Spines dilpofcd in rows: fpire prominent: ?nouth violet. 
 K'odus, Shell obovate with conic fpines: lip toothed: pillar fmooth 
 Inhabit? Knorr Fergn. 6. tab. li^.fig. 7. 3|: inches long. 
 Shell\t{% than M. ricinus: aperture flefh-colour. 
 Neritoideus Shell with numerous rows of knots : lip with pointed angles: 
 pillar flattifh. 
 Lister tab. 804. Khin ofir. tab. l. fig. 30. 
 Eonan. recr. and Mufi.kirch. ^- fig- 173. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab, 60. fig 41. 48. 
 Muf. Gotti.vald. tub, ix.fig. 81. a? b ? c. 
 Knorr Fergn. I. tab. 2^. fig. 5, 6, 
 Marti}ii conch. 3. tab. lOl. fig. qjz, 973. t^ XOZ, f. 976 — 979. 
 Inhabits India and refembles a Nerita or Miirex. 
 Shell fometimes white with black tubercles and violet mouth, or 
 jellowifh-brown with brown tubercles and yellow aperture : 
 firft <u;horl w'xrh 4 rows of tubercles on the back: lip armed 
 with 3 or 4 fpines : pillar with 2 — 4 teeth. 
 Fucus. Shell coarfe ventricofe ftriate tranfverfely with 4 rows of 
 knots: pillar impreiled and with the outmoft whorls 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Lister tab. 990. Gualt test, tab. 66. B. o. 
 Bonan recr, and Muf. kirch. 3. fig. 174. 
 Martini conch 3. taJ). 1 00, fig. g^q — 962. 
 Inhabits S/yel/ rare, about li inch long. 
 Pillar marKcd with 2 or 3 black dots. 
 Shell obovate and knotty on the fore-part : aperture tooth- 
 lefs and fuborbicular. 
 Inhabits Chine/i Shores. Mol. Hist Chil. p. 180. 
 SIkU 4 or 5 inci.es long .- the inhabitant is eaten by the natives 
 and contains a purple juice in a veficle on the neck. 
 Shell fubovate, with acute fpines: aperture toothlefs repand. 
 Argenv. conch, tab 14. P. Gualt. test. tab. 28. R. tab. 44. S» 
 Sebamuf. 3. tab, <^2.fig, 30, 31. /. 60./. 33. 43. 47. 
 Regenf. conch. I. tah. ^. fig. 32. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. io\. fig, 974,975, 
 2. Walch petref. 2. p, 120. tab. C n. fig. 9? :'. M 
 Inhabits Shell fometimes bay varied with white, or yellow- 
 i(h- brown with or without Cpots : fpi/n's in 4 rows: aperture 
 Shell ovate, with obfolete fpines: aperture toothlefs: pillar 
 tranfvei;fely ftriate. 
 Lider tab. g^^.fig, 8. /. 957. /". 9, 10. 
 Rump/, muf. tab. z\.fig. 5. Seba muf. 3. t. 60. f, 45. 
 Argen'v. conch tab 17. H. Knorr Vergn. 2)- t. zq. f. 6, 
 Muf. Gottnjoald. t. ll.f, 80. c, d. t. 26. f. 126. 
 Born Muj. Cess. Find teji t. g.f. 1 9, 20, 
 Martini conch. 3. /. 101. f. 966 — 968. 970. a, b. 971. 
 Schr(zt, Einl. in Verst. 4. /. "]. f. 7. 
 2. Lister t. 956. f. 7. Martini conch. 3. t. JOO./". 963. 
 3. Adans feneg. \.p. 100 /. -»./: i. 
 Inhabits Southern Afin, 2) wtltern fhores o{ Africa. 
 Shell whhc, or browniih vaiicd with white, more or Icfs turgid ; 
 fpines or tubercles blackifh. 
 Shell ovate ftriate, with 3—5 rows of obtufe fpines or tu- 
 bercles: aperture tranfverfely ftriate. 
 LiJIer tab. 958. y}^. 11. ^.991, 896. 955. 990. 
 Rumpf.muf. tab. 24. C, D. 
 Bonan. recr ^.fg. 381. Muf. kirch. 3. fig, 386* 
 Gualt. test. tab. 37. C. tab. 43. V. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 14. L. 
 Klein oHr. tab. 3. fig. 58. r. 7./*. n 2, 
 Sebamuf ^. f. 52./. 22, 23. zj, 28. /. 60. f. II, 12. 30 — 32, 
 KnorrVergn. q. t.^.f. 2. and 6. /. 24. y. 2. t. 35./*. 3. 
 Ma/ Gott'wald. t. 38./. 260. a? b ? /. 26. f 182. 
 Martini conch, 3,/. 99./, 945,94.6./. 100. f, 954 — 958. 
^1^ WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Inhabits Guinea India and the iflands of the Indian Ocean. 
 Shell tranfverfely ftriate on the back, and armed with rows of 
 obtufe fpitK-s or tubercles varying in numbers ; whorls of the 
 fpire diftant, 
 Sentico/us. Shell a little tapering, longitudinally ribbed and tranfverfel}r 
 canceJlate : aperture itriate 
 Bonan. recr. and MuJ. kirch. ifi^' 35» 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 29. N, Gualt. teji, tab. 51. G. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 9. O. Seba muf. 3. /. 49. f. 4^—48, 
 Kjtorr Vergn. 3. tab. 24 jfg". 4, 5. 
 Martini conch. 4. /. x^^x^.f. 1466, 1467 
 Innabits the Indian Ocean: about 2 inches long. 
 5/{'f//ycllowi{h with a brown band on each of the whorls, the rib? 
 prickly: aperture oblong: piUar with a fingle plait: fpir; 
 pointed, with diftant whorls. 
 Melengtra. gj^gjj obovate glaucous, with a fubfpinous whcrl rather 
 prominent fpire and fmooth aperture. 
 Lister tab. 904. Rumpf. mzif. tab. 24. 2, 3. 6. 
 Bonan. recr. yjig. 186. 293. Muf. kirch. f. 1 85. 296. 
 Gualt. tejl. tab. 26. P. /a^ 31. F. 
 ■ 'Argenv. conch, tab. 15. H. Seba muf. 3. t. J1- f l— 9r- 
 Muf GottiAjald. tab. 1 1 . fig. 71 , 72, 73. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. t. ij.f. and 2. t.io.f- I. 
 Regetif. cavch. l. t. $■ ^- 49* '• ^^-f 36. 
 Martini conch. 2. t. 39. 40^". 389 — 397. 
 2. A^Bcrr Vgrgjt. 3. /«^. 7._/%. 3. and 5. /. 4 /". 2. 
 3. Rumpf. muf. tab. 2Cj. D. /fl^. 24. /". 4. 
 ^f-^« iV//,/. 3. /. 49./*. 80--82. /. 52./. 19,20. /. 60./. 9, 16, 
 A/«/I G^tfu'. fab. w.fg. 74-78. /. 27./. 187. a. 
 Martin, conch. 2. /<2^. \0,fg, 398-402. 
 4. Chemn* conch. 10. /. \6^ f. 1 568, 
 Inhabits /«d';fl and ^Twmrc, in great varieties : 5I inches long. 
 Shell generaly brown barred with white; aperture oval larger 
 Jpire with knotty whorls, rarely fmooth, the firft very large and 
 turgid and mollly furroudcd v^iih fpines. 
 Ccnfui. Shell thick ventricofe white tranfverfely grooved and knotty^ 
 aperture repand ovate : lip finuous, plaited inwardly 
 and denticulate. 
 Inhabits India. Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 160, fig. 1516, 1517. 
 Lima. Shell brown fubovatc and llightly beaked, with crowded 
 nodulous paler beltj. 
 Inhabits Georges Bay, Martyn utti'V. Conch. 2, tab. 46. 
 E. With 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 E. IVith a long Jiraight fubulate clofed bcahy and unarmed 
 with Jpines, 
 Cario/us. Shell without beak, (lightly plaited, ovate, pointed: tip 
 Found in the Aqueduft at Se'ville: fize of a bean. 
 Shell oh\on^, pointed, cinereous, fubdiaphanous, longitudinally 
 grooved and emarginace at the bafe, 
 Babyloniust Shell tapering, with acute fpotted belts and ftraight tail : 
 lip cleft. 
 Lister, tai* 917. /". 11. Rumpf. mtif. t. 29. L. 
 Aygetinj. conch, tab. 9. M. Zoom, t, 4./". b, 
 Valent. abh. tab. \.fig. 8. Gualt. teit. tab. 52. Ni" 
 Knorr dellc. tab, B. w.f. 6. Vergn. t, 14./^ 2, 
 Regenf, conch, i. tab. \.f> 9. 
 Martini conch. 4. tah, I43._/. 133T— 1335- 
 2. Chemn, conch. 4. tab, 143. <vign. 39«/. B, C. 
 3. Bonan. recr. & Muf. Kirch. Z'f'g^ 4^» 
 Muf. GcttHvald. tah. 34. ;^. 221. f. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab 23. _/f^. 3. 
 4. Martini conch, 4. /«^. I45>^^. I345> 1346. 
 5. Chetnn. conch. 10. /^z^. \6z, fig. 1550,1551. 
 Inhabits India and American ijlands : 4 inches long. 
 Shell furrounded with white belts and marked with fquare brown 
 or black fpots. 
 jfuvanus. Shell tapering, with immaculate knotty belts: lip with a 
 feparate fcoop. 
 Lijler, tab. gi^. Alar t. conch, t. 143,/". 1336 — I 338. 
 Inhabits India; relembles the laft, but is white, immaculate and 
 fometimes varied with yellowifh-brown rays: beak longer or 
 ihorter : nvhorls carinate or tuberculate and fubllriate. 
 Shell ventricofe, pointed, with a cancellate refle£led beak: 
 • aperture oval: whorls with tranfverfe granulate ftriae : 
 bafe crowned with fpines. 
 Lister, tab, 1018. fig. 80. Adanf. Seneg. I. t.io.f, 3. 
 Gualt. test, tab. 56. M, N. Arg. conch. /. 1 1. F, 
 Seba mnf. 3. tah. 50. fig. 23, 24. 
 Martini conch, 4, tab. 1 57. Jig, 1487 ? 1489. 
 2. Lister, tab. 122. f. 18. Klein odr, t, z.f. 40. 
 3. Schrcet.flufconch. tah. 9 ^^.91 
 4 Martyn uni-u. conch. 2. tab, 58, 
 Inhabits Senegal. Shell fpotted, with a finglc plait on the 
 VOL. IV. — 3 K 
442 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Mufex. 
 Stramineus. Spire with elevated ring?, the interftices filled with fhor 
 flraw-like proje£lions: all the whorls Crowned with 
 tubercles at the bafe : aperture violet : lip undulate and 
 with the pillar fnowy. 
 Spengler l^aturf. 17. tab. z. fig. A, B, 
 Chevin. conch lO. tflb 160. fig, 15ZO, 1521. 
 Fofvan conch, tah. 79. S. Mart, uni'v, conch. Z, f. 53, 54* 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean. Shell ftraw-colour, 3 inches long, 
 Auflralis. Shell ovate, longitudinally flriate : lip undulate: whorls 
 caniculatc, the firft turgid and 4-plaited, the next 
 Spengler Katurf. 17 tab. 2. Jig. C, D. 
 Inhabits the t>outh Sea : 2\ inches long. 
 Shell ftraw-colour, with a yellow pillar and fnowy lip. 
 Uncinatus. Spire pointed and tranfverfely ftriate, the 4 firft whorls 
 with a callus armed with hooks in the middle, the 
 fifth and fixth ribbed, the reft glabrous. 
 Inhabits Schr at. fuf conch, tab. ^ Jig- 15. 
 Shell an inch long ; aperture oval : lip toothed : /pire with 9 
 *Turris, Shell tapering," the whorls crowned with tubercles and 
 furrounded with a granulate belt, the firft very finely 
 ftriate tranfverfely. 
 Inhabits Bonan. recr. & Muf. kirch. 3. f. 79, 
 Shell white with a reddifh band : refembles M, babyloniciis, but 
 the lip is entire. 
 Ceitntus. Beak a little refleded and obliquely ftriate: 3 firft whorls 
 of the fpire ribbed, the other 4 cafncellate, the firft obw 
 conic : pillar with a fingie plait, 
 Jrg. conch, tab^ 29./"- 3- Kvorr petrif 2. /,C. ii./*. 7. 
 Schraet. Elnl. in Verjl. 4. tab. 8, fig. 3. 8. 
 Found foffile in Campania: the ribs of the firft whorh terminat- 
 ing in fpines above. 
 Asper^ Shell longitudinally plaited and tranfverfely ribbed: fpire a 
 little prominent: aptrture ovate: lip crenulate. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 4 tab, 150./. 1396, 1397. 
 .S^^// reddifh, with 5 or 6 whorls; the libs acute. 
 Colus\ Shell tapering, ftriate, knotty, carinate. with a longftraight 
 beak : lip crenulate. 
 Liffer, tab,^\j.f, 10, t. 918. Rutnpf muf. tab. ig, F. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 443 
 Bonan. recr 3 fig- 360? Muf. kirch Z- f'g- 353^ 
 Guolt, test. tab. 52 L. Argen-v, conch tab. g B. 
 Klein odr. tab. 78? Knorr Ftrc^n, 3. tab, ^./ig. I. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. I 44 fig I 342. 
 2. Regenf. conch i. tab 2. fig, 52. 
 Fuvuim. conch, tab. 33 A. 5 tab. 35. C. I. 
 Chemn. conch. iG,tab. xbo.jig 1523. t \6l.f. 1536, 1537. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Shell vshite. cianfverfely llriafc, 
 round or angular ; ivhorh fepa-rated by a grf)OVe and crowned 
 •with knots, the upper- cues brown ; beak nearly 3 inches long, 
 beneath brownlih. 
 MoriCf Beak dilated: TneH black with a white band: whmls a 
 little knotty : pillar wrinkled. 
 Lister tab. 928 Adans. feneg. 1. tab. ()-/ig- 3I« 
 Bman recr. I' fig- 357 Muf Kirch 3/'- 350. 
 iieha Muf. 3. tub 80. ^y/orr //f//'.:. tab B ^-fg 4. 
 1 il//</; Gotl^ald, tabs zc^.fig. 209. a jr. 3i.y- 209. b. 
 Knorr Vergn \,tab. zo. fg^ 1,2. tyb.f 2. 
 Regenf. conch, i. tab. li- f'g- 6c. 
 Martini conch. 4. /«^. 139, I40,y75-. 1300 — 1303. 
 Inhabits Africa: 6 ind.cs lo>-'g. 
 Shell brown or cinereous an,d traivfverfcly ftriatc. 
 CochMum, Beak dilated : whorls of the fpirc flat above. 
 Argenij. conch, tab. 9. A, Favann conch, tab' 39. B, 3. 
 Seba muf 3. tub. ^z.fig. 6. t. 57 f 27, 28, 
 Chemn. conch 10. fab 1 64. y/^. 1569. 
 Inhabits the Inauin Ouan. 
 Spirillu!, Shell with a long beak : fpire niucronate, the whorls convex 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. Zif.fig- 3. Spengl.felt. <onch. tab. 3. E, 
 Mart ni conch. 7^. t'lb. ^^S fg' 1069. 
 Schrat Einl in conch. I. tab. r^. fig. ^. 
 lur.w'Aii -Irunquebar: refimblcs M. canicuhtus, but the whorls 
 arc not feparatsd by a groove •. fiell ventricofe beneath, con- 
 vex above ; fp:re with a prominent: ob^ulc knob in the centre, 
 t'.: whorl- furroundcd with an acute margin above: beak lub- 
 cylindrical, not dilaied to vards the aperture of the belly : 
 pilar with a tranfverle wrinkle. 
 CaniculeUut Beak dilated: whorls of the fpire feparatcd bv a fmall 
 Valent. abh. tab. 1 1 -fig, 92. Guolt. teji. tab. 47. A. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. b^.fig 21 ? 22 .^ 
 Kiorr delic. nat. tab. B. v\.fig. 4. 
 Murtim coach. 3. tab. 66, fg. 733 — 74c, /, 67./. 742, 
 3K2 Inhabits 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Inhabits Canada and the frozen Sea, Shell brown, fometimes 
 larger and uniform, fometimes kfs and radiate fmooth or tranf- 
 verfely ftriate : margin of the back knotty. 
 Ficuu Beak dilated : fhell ftriate, the whorls feparated by a fmall 
 canal; the outer-ones brown, the firll ciowned with 
 knobs at the bafe. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 3, tai>. 66. Jig. 741, 
 2. Guah. teH. tab. 26. N. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 16^. fig^ 156^4* 'S^j. 
 Carica. Beak dilated ; (hell tranfverfely ftriate : fpire a little pro- 
 minent, the whorls crowned with fpines at the bafc. 
 Lister tab. 880. Guah.. teft. tab. 47. B. 
 Knorr Fergn. \. tab. '^o.Jtg. 4. and 6. t. 27./". i. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. 6j.fig, 774. /. 69,/. 756, 757. 
 Inhabits about 8 inches long : fillar plaited. 
 Kapa. Shell folid umbilicate with a triple row of knots and tranf- 
 verfely ftriate: aperture large ftriate. 
 Knorr Fergn. 1^. tab. z\,fig.z. Spengl conch. 5. C. 
 Martini conch. 3. tab. 6%. Jig. 750 — 753, 
 2. Lister tab. 894, 895, 
 Inhabits India : refembles Bulla rapa, 
 Niveus, Beak dilated: ftiell fnowy diaphanous : whojls of the fpIre 
 feparated by a fmall groove, the firft with tranfverf^ 
 carinate ribs. 
 Bonan recr. yfig. 338. Muf. Kirch. 3./, 337. 
 Inhabits the Seas round BraJU. 
 Shell hemifphserical glabrous diaphanous, with a fpreading 
 ftraighl beak, crown papillary. 
 Lister tab, 881 . Ellis corallines, tub. 33. A. a. 
 Muf. Gottav. tab. 30. /7^. 2, 5. 
 Inhabits North America. Whorls convex and growing gradually 
 lefs towards the tip. 
 Aruanus, Beak dilated : fpire crowned with fpines. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. z^.fig- A. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muj. Kirch. 3. /* loi. 
 Chemn. conch. 4 /. 143. "vign. 39,, D- 
 Inliabiti AW' Guinea. 5^-^// coarle ponderous, blacker bhieifti, 
 furrounded with rings: aperture angular: beak rather Jong: 
 jpire niucronate. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Perver/us, Beak dilated and repand ; fpire turned contrary and flightly 
 Lister tab. 907, 908 ? Gualt. teji. tab, 30. B 
 Argenville conch, tab, 15. F. Ellis Curall. tab. 33. B, 
 Muf. Gottnviild. tab. ^z./ig. 219. a, b. 
 Bailer op.fubcef. tab. ^-fig' I. B. 
 Cbemn. conch. 9. tab, xoj./ig. 906, 907. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vind. tefi. tab. i\. fig. 8, 9. 
 2. Chemn. conch, 9. tab. iOJ./ig. 904, 905. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: exc edingly rare. 
 Spines fometimes pointed, fometimes more obtufe, 
 *Antiqutu* Beak dilated : (hell oblong with 8 round whorls, the firft 
 Lister conch, tab. 962./^. 1 5. An, angl. t. 3. /". I— 3. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. ta'K i\S,/g. 1.-3. 
 Bonan, recr. Z- fi&- *9° ^^^- ^^"^^k- if' ^92. 
 6eba Muf 3. tib. 39 fg. 75. /. 83. f, 3-6. t. 93./. j. 
 Martini conch. ^ tab. 1 38, /f^. 1292 — 1294. I 296. 
 Hermann Nat urf. 16 tab. Z-fg-J- 
 2. Seba muf 3. /<2(f. ^l.fig- 7 ? 
 3. Martin Mannigf. 4. /. 2./. I4? 
 Inhabits European 7Lr\6 frozen Seas: 4-6 inches long. 
 Shell difii, dirty yellow, very finely ftriate tranlVcrfely or longi- 
 tudinally plaited : whorls of ihc fpire feparated by a groove, 
 the middle-one fometimes crowned with tubercles, rarely turnetl 
 •DefpeElui, Beak dilated: lliell oblong ftriate and fomewhat rugged: 
 whorls 8, with 2 elevated lines. 
 Do72war!s Britifi ficlls . tab, 31. It. Wgoth. i. ^.f 8. 
 Pennant, Brit. Zool. iv. tab. y'&.fg. 98. 
 Da Cojia Brit, conch, tab, 6. fig. 4. 
 Lifter an. Ang. tab. 3 fg. \ . 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. I 38. fig, 1 295. 
 2. Lifter conch. IO57,/. I ? 
 3. Martyn uni'verf conch, if 5. Favann. Caial, t. A. f. 946. 
 Cbemn. conch X 10. tab. \6'^. fg. 1558. 
 Inhabits Europeau Seas : about 5 inches long. 
 S/6^// coarfe white, v. itii a glofTy orange-yellow aperture: the 
 ftfi is fometimes eaten, but is ofterier ufed as bait for Cod and 
 Ray fifh. 
 Fornicatus, Beak dilated: (hell ovate-oblong, the whorls ventricofe lon- 
 gitudinally ftriate and a little angular. 
 Inhabits Greenland Seas. O. Fabr.fn. Grtvnl. 399, 
 Shell zbovs 3 inches long, fubdiaphanous fmoothifh and yellow, 
 within white and glabrous : ivhorls 7, with wide tranfverfe 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Incrafatus. Shell oblong, tranfverfely wrinkled and longitudinally ftriate: 
 lip denticulate wiihin and thickened without. 
 Inhabits Ml. Nidros, 4./. 96. tab. \b.Jlg. 29. 
 •7ira»fd!/«j. Shell oblong longitudinally ribbed: beak a little reflefted 
 emarginate truncate. 
 M. collatus. Pennant Brit, Zool iv, tab. 79. 
 AS. Niaros. 4./. 97. tab. 16 fig. 26. 
 Inhabits European coajls : very minute, with 6 whorls. 
 • Jcumina- Shell narrow oblong ribbed, with 9 pointed fpire. 
 tus. Inhabits England. Fenn, Brit. Zooll. xs.tab, 79. minute, 
 -A^g^i' Shell gibbous with tranfverfc tuberculate ribs ; brown with 
 darker bands, within white: aperture ovate. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 49. B. Klein ojtr. tub. J ■ fig- 128, 
 Le/Jer teft.fig. 62. Knorr yergn. 5. tab. J./^J. 3. 
 Martini conch. 4- tab. izy fig. 1223. 
 2. ^eba muf. 3. tab. $7 fg S3' 
 Martini conch. 4. /^^. i^l^fg' I2S5> 1256. 
 Chemn. conch. lO.t. l6o.f. 1522. 
 3, Martyn univ. conch, i. /^^. 3. 
 Inhabits /W/a; i) Friendly and Society IJlands, "^ 
 Macuhfus* Shell cancellate, yellow with alternate white bands and 
 chefnut patches: fpire with ir round whorls. 
 Lijler tab. 1022, Runipf. muf. tab. 49. G, 
 Seba muj. 3 . tab. 5 I .y>j-. 20, 2 1 . 
 Martini conch. 4. /ai^. 1^2, fig- 1 257, 1 253. 
 Fa'vann. conch, tub. 'S'},fig. X? 
 2. Bonan. rccr. and A/^ A'zVf. $./ig'^ 48. 
 Inhabits /W/^ r extremely rare, / 
 Magella- Shell ventricofe umbilicate tranfverfely ftriate, cinereous 
 «/f«i. within violet: whorls of the fpire with paralell ribs, 
 the firft very large. 
 Knorr Vergn- 4. tab, ^o.fig. z. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab, l^g. fig. 1297. 
 2. Chemn conch. 10. tab. \b\.fg. 1570. 
 Inhabits the Straights of Magellan : refembles Buccinum harpa, 
 Shell with, an oval aperture; nvhorls with high acute foliaceons 
 Cancellatus Shell ovate folid opake cinereous: whorls of the fpire can- 
 cellate and feparated by a groove. 
 Inhabits m Knorr l^ergn, 2. tub, 27. fg. 3, 
 ^ Stolopaceus, 
WORMS, TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 ^cohpaceus. Shell brown, whorh furroundefl with grooves and with tu- 
 bercles above, tip of the tubercles and aperture white. 
 Inhabits Knorr f^ergn, 3 fal>. 26. fig 4. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 3. tab lb. A^. 5 ? 
 Van 2) more elongated and airty yellow, with an obfolete 
 band on the whorls, the tubercles more globular. 
 Litteratus, Shell ventricofe tapering fpotted with black : pillar with a 
 fingle plait : beak Ihort. 
 Inhabits Born Muf Ctef. Vind tell, tab, w.fig. I4> ^5« 
 Shell fnowy, with a wide aperture : fpire with 8 prickly whorls. 
 Trigonus. Shell fubtriangular cancellate : fpire with inflated contigu- 
 ous whorls, the firll with a large diftindl tubercle. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adam Jene^,. I. tab. 8. fig, 14. 
 Shell 2 inches long ; fpire with 7 whorls. 
 Semilunaris Shell longitudinally ribbed and very finely ftriate tranfverfely: 
 fpire with flattifh diitant whorls with rows of tubercles: 
 aperture femilunar. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adam.feneg. 1. tab. ^.fgt i^. 
 Shell an inch long, the whurls with a fingle row of tubercles 
 the fec«nd with a double or triple row, iirft with 6 or 7 rows, 
 CoJIatus, Shell with annular ftriae and inflated round whorls, each of 
 them with 9 rounded parallel fpinous ribs. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adam feneg. i.tab. 8./^. 19. 
 Shell about 2| inches long. 
 oulcatui. Shell rounded, with annular grooves : aperture oval: firft 
 whorl of the fpire turgid. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adam feneg I. tab. <^-Jig. 2 J. 
 Shell I \ inch iong, with 9 contiguous whorls, which are fometimes 
 inflated, fometimes flattifh. 
 Su/iformis, Shell elongated, with numerous rows of very minute crow- 
 ded tubercles. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adans feneg. i. tab. (),Jig. 23. 
 Shell 6 lines long, with about 8 whorls, the rirfl: with 12—15 
 rows of tubercles, the Iciond with 5, 
 Trifonis. Shell ventricofe oblong fmooth, with rounded whorls toothed 
 aperture and ihort beak. 
 LiHer tab.^^g. Rump/, Mu/. tab, zS,B. znd I. 
 yalent. abh. tab. ^.Jig. 66, 67. Gualt, test. tab. 48, A, 
 Bcvan recr, and Mh/, kirch. yfig. 188, 
448 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Stha muj, 3. tab» 8 1 . Knorr delic* tab, B. vi. y. i . 
 Muf. Gott-wald. tab. 34, fig. 224. a. tab, 35, /I 225, b. 
 Krtorr Fergn. 2. tab. 16./. 23. ^ 5. tab.^.f. I. 
 Martini conch. 4. /fl^. 134., 135. /I 1246, 1277—1283. 
 2. Z./j/«r. /fl^. 960, Muf. Gottnv, tab. 25. ^. 224, 
 Martini conch. ^. tab. 17,6, Jig, 1284,1285, 
 3. iiC/«« ojir, tab. 7. //§-. 127 ? 
 Inhabits India and the South feas : 2) the Mediterranean. 
 5/&f// 16 inches long, white and appearing as if covered with 
 brown, yellow and black fcales: pillar white with tranfverfe 
 black ftrise : whorls of the ^/r^ leparated by a nodulous future, 
 the firft marked with ftriate grooves. 
 This is the fpecics which is ufed by the natives of Netv Zealand 
 as a mufical fhell, and by the Africam and many nations of 
 the Eaft as a military horn. 
 Fuslo. Shell ventricofe, oblong, fmooth : fpire ftriate, with round- 
 ed whorls: aperture fmooth: beak (hort. 
 Lister, tab. 914* Adanf, Seneg. I. tab, 4, y, 3, 
 Rumpf, muf. tab. 49. E. Gualt. test, t. 52, I. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. i^j^fg. I 357. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Africa: very rare. 
 5>?>/?// about if inch long, white with brown or fulvous fpotS 
 often difpofed in rows. 
 Tulipa, Shell ventricofe, oblong, fmooth : whorls rounded, with a 
 double future: pillar with 2 plaits: beak dilated, 
 Liller, tab, 910,911. Argenv. conch, tab. 10, K. 
 Bonanrecr. 3.7% 187. Muf. Kirch. ^. fg- 1 86. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 49, H. Gualt. tef. tab, 46, A. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 71. fig. 23—31. 
 Muf Gott-wald. tab. 2(),fg.zzo. a,b. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. iS, fig. 5. ^ 6. tab, 29,/*. I, 
 Regenf. concb. 1. tab. ^^fig- 35. 
 Martini conch. 4. /. 136, 137./*. 1256--1291, 
 2. GW/. ^^i/. //i/^ 45 >>^- E ? 
 Inhabits 5o«/^ America. Shell generally fpotted and clouded, 
 within tranlverfely ftriate: whorls with rarely a fingle future. 
 Clathratusi Shell oblong, beaked and grooved, with longitudinal fub- 
 membranaceous plaits. 
 Lifer, tab. 926./^. 19. Klein ojir, tab. 3,/", Sj^ 
 Inhabits Iceland: refembles Turbo clathratus, but has a (hort 
 beak and numerous ereft comprefTed plaits. 
 Najfa, Shell folid, black or pale brown with a white fubdiapha- 
 nous band : whorls knotty : pillar a little plaited 
 Lister, tab. 828. Knorr Fergn. 6. tab. 20, f, 7. 
 Vaknt. abb. tab. 8./. 71. Regenf. conch, I. t. J,f. 1. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 122, I 23, fig. II 31 — 1 1 34* 
 Spengler felt, conch, tab. '^t Jig. F. 
 Inhabits ' — A fpccies between the Voluta and Murex; 
 Plictttus, Whorls of the fpire plaited and knotty. 
 Lister, tab, 939, fig, 34. a. Klein ojlr. t, "i,,/. 56, 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 49. fig. 70. 
 Martini conch. 4. tcib. 1 23, jig. 1 141, 1 142, 
 Inhabits, though rarely, in India. 
 Scala. Shell umbilicate, with diftant wedged ribbed and! tranf- 
 verfely ftriate whorls : aperture heart-fliaped. 
 Inhabits - •Muf. LeeJ. fig. B. 
 Chenin. conchy 4. p. 1. i:ign. 37.^^. a,b,c, 
 iVW/reddifli-white, fometimes yellow with pale brown bands. 
 Fi/cellu.T.t Shell angular, longitudinally plaited and tranfverfcly ftri- 
 ate: lip toothed : mouth violet: beak flraight, (hort. 
 Inhabits China., Chemn, conch, lO. /. i60i f. 1524, 1525, 
 Corona. Shell faftigiate, with brown and yellowifh bands : whorls 
 above flattifh with waved imbricate fcales: beak 
 ftraight, entire. 
 Inhabits Mexico. Da<vil. Catal. I. tab, 9. A. 
 Chemn. ctmch, lo. tab. \6\. figi 1526, 1527. 
 Beak dilated, fhell ovate, with a few elevated obtufe belts 
 on the whorls. 
 Bonan. recr. Sc Muf. Kirch. 3. f. 347. 
 Seba ?nuf. 3, tuh.\C). fig. 74? 75 ? 
 Knor*- Fergn. 5, tab. ^-fig, 5. 
 Inhabits the Ocean: fize of a walnut; 
 3hell horny, tapering both ways, furrounded with numerous ob- 
 tufe and very raifed belts, 2 on the whorl: />i/lar perforated: 
 aperture ovate^ a little tranfverfe forwards, excavated at the 
 outer margin, and tapering behind into a hardly manifell and 
 11 ghtly eniarginate canal. 
 Shell oblong, flender, white, the margins of the whorls 
 complicated, the tip tubercular: aperture toothlefs: 
 beak a little afcending. 
 Donovan^s Brit. Shells, tab. 38. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 76. fig. 90. 
 Da Costa Brit, conch, tab. 6. fig. 5. 
 Litter Anim, Angl. tab. I- fig 4. 
 VOL. JV. — 3L GUalt. 
450 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Cualt, tejt. tab. 46. F. 
 Inhabits ^r/V//7i znd North feas : 3inche»lonf. 
 SMI white covered with a brown £kin, tranfverrdy ftriate: jpir^ 
 with 8 round whorls, 
 Ligftanuu Shell oblong, Goarfe, with obtufely knotty whorls: aper- 
 ture toothlefs: beak Ihort, ftraightilh. 
 Bonan recr. i^ Muf, kirch. 3. y. 32 ? 
 ^eba muf, 3, t. 52, y 4. Knorr Vergil^ 6. /. 26. f. 5. 
 In-habits the Ocean: about a finger long. Hbeli Imooth, coarfc, 
 with a iingle row of knots on the whorls. 
 Trapezium, Shell oblong, obtufely angular, with flightly knotty whorls: 
 aperture toothed : beak fhort and ftraight. 
 Lifter, tab. 931, Knorr Fergn. 4. tab. 20, ^g, l, 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 29, E tab, 49, K. 
 Boiianrecr. '>,,fg- 287. Muf. Kirch. j.f.zSS, 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 46, B. Argetin) , conch, t. lO, F, 
 Muf. Gott^w. tab. 28. f. 208, /. 29, y. 210. a,b. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 1 39, f. 1 298, 1299. 
 2. Lister, tab. 920. Knorr t^ergn. 2. /. \^,f, J. 
 Rumpf. muj. tab. 29, G. /. 49, F. 
 Gualt test tab. 52, T. Jrgenv. conch, t, II, H. 
 Muf. Gott^eild. tab. ■^j^., fg. 22, z,h. 
 Martini conch, 4. tab. 1 40, /^, i 3 1 0, 1 3 il . 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: often above 6 inches long, 
 >^/er/ir^ tranfverfeljr ftriate within : ////ar plaited : ^f«^ wrinkled 
 outwardly : each of the nvhorls with a double brown line and 
 a row of obtufe tubercles, 
 Vefpertilio, Shell folid, ventricofe, fmooth, with an oblong-oval aper- 
 ture: beak and crowned fpire ftriate, the outer whorls 
 Lister, tab. 884, 885. Valent. abh. tdb. 6, fg. 57, 58. 
 Muf. GotfvjaU. tab. 31,^/. 203. a. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. X^Z.f. I 323, 1324. 1326,1327. 
 2. Sebamuf. 3. tab. ^z^ f'g 6? 
 3. Chemn. conch' \0. 164.^^^.1566,1567. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : above 4 inches long. 
 Shell ch^{xx\xt, within flefh-colour, 
 Scoljpius^ Shell thin, diaphanous, ventricofe and tranfverfely ftriate, 
 the middle of tiie back fmooth : fpire with obtufe un- 
 dulate knots; piliar 3-plaited. 
 Martini conch 4. tab. \^z~ fig. I 325. 
 2. Gualt. tej, tab. 52. R? 
 Inhabits between the Genera Voluta and Murex. 
WORxVrS. TESTACEA. 78. Murcx. 451 
 5/5(?// white, with 9 or lo whorls on thefpircj the tubercles 
 hollow within : leak &r\n\i\ite. 
 Uarpa, Shell ventricofe, longitudinally ribbed, the ribs tranfverfely 
 ftriate : fpirc a little pr )mincnt, the whorls diftant. 
 Inhabits— —A/^r/;/j/ conch. 4. tab, 142. Jtg. 1328 — 1330' 
 ^uha. Shell fufiform, tranfverfely ftriate, white with a brown tip 
 to the Q)ire: whorls diftant and crowned at the bafe 
 with knots. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. HJ./Tf. 1333. 
 Inhabits China: nearly 6 inches long. 
 Beak rather long : fpire with 8 whorls. 
 Syracufanus Shell oblong, with fti-iate plaited whorls covered with tu- 
 berculate ridges: aperture toothlefs: beak fliort. 
 Bonan recr. & Muj. kirch, 3. /?^. 80. 
 Inhabits i\\z Mediterranean : extr rnely rare, 
 //^i'or/j t.eitaci'0'js with white divifions : ^iTisi moderate, obliquely 
 ftriate outwardly. 
 Craticula- Shell oblong, with rounded plaited and tranfverfely reticu- 
 fus. Jate whorls: aperture toothed : beak fhort. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. 5^t7/ whitifh, flightly plaited longi- 
 tudinally, with elevated ferruginous angks : ivhorls with 
 elevated ftrias : aperture ftriate within. 
 Scriptus. Shell nearly without beak, fufiform, fmooth, pale with 
 longitudinal brown flria? : lip toothed. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : larger than a grain of barley. 
 Shell oblong, witl) fubpiceous flcxuous ftrize. 
 Ternatanus Shell tranfverfely ftriate, with diftant undulately tubercu- 
 late whorls: aperture oblong: beak ftraight, longifti. 
 • \ LiHery tab 892. Valent. ahh. tab. l,f. z. 
 Se'ia miif. 3, tab '^i. fig. 5* 
 Muf Gotivj.' tab. 31./. 211. a— c. 212. a, b. 214. 
 K>!orr I'ergn. 6. tab 15, pg. 4. /. 2^, fig I. 
 Martini conch. 4- tab. 140, yVjf. 1304, 1305. 
 Inhabits Temate I/land: 4 inches long: yellow. 
 Jnfundibu' Shell umbllicate, undulately knotty, with elevated browa 
 lum. ftriiE ; perforation tunneUlhaped : pilhr 2-plaited. 
 List:r, tab. 921,/. 14. Seha muf. 3. r. i'O,/". 54, 
 Bonan reir. & Muf, Kirch, fig. 104. 
 3 L 2 Chemn. 
452 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex, 
 Chemn. conch. 4- /• 143. 'vign, 59. a. 
 Inhabits— —5"^^// 4 inches long, with 9 whorls: very rare. 
 PoJygonus. Shell a little ventricofe, undulate with tubercles, ftriate 
 grooved and obtufely angled : black with an oval aper- 
 ture and fhort beak. 
 Lister tab. 922. Argenv. conch, tab. 10. L. 
 Bonan. recr, and M.uJ\ kirch. '^- fig. 75. 
 Gualt. teji, tab. 52. P. Muf. Gott-w. tab. ^4-' fig' 222. g. 
 Knorr l^ergn^ 5. tab. lO, fig. 4. and 6. /. i^.^. 5. /. 37. /". 1. 
 Martini conch, 4. ^, 140. y. I 306 — 1309. /. i^l./. 1315 — 1316/ 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: 3j inches long. 
 Shell fometimes umbilicate, i'ometimes not : pillar with or with- 
 out plaits. 
 JJlanatcus, Shell tranfvejrfely ftria^c, fnovk^y covered with a brow^n (kin: 
 fpire papillous at the tip with round whorls, the firft 
 very large and ventricofe. 
 Inhabits Iceland. Martini conch. 4. tab. it^x.fg. 1312, 1313. 
 Shell f^ inches long, with 6 — 9 whorls: aperture oblong: beak 
 ihort : lip acute : pillar fmooth. 
 Ltevigatus, Shell fufiform : fpire tranfverfely (Iriate, with diftant flattifl; 
 whorls, the firft round and fmooth : beak rather long, 
 jlrgenvilk conch, tab. zg, v. 6. fig. 4. 
 Martini conch, 4. tab. 141. fig, T319J 132c, 
 Schrat, EinU in Verfi 4. tab. 10. fig. 7. 
 Found foffile in Campania : 3| inches long. 
 Aperture oval; beak iometimes a litt|e bene, 
 Fojplii, $liell fufiform thin cancellate, with a long beak. 
 Martini conrh. 4. tab. \\\.fg. I 321, 1322, 
 Schrcct. Einl. in rent. 4. tab. S.fg. 5. 
 Found foiTiIe in Campania: \\ inch long. 
 WhorL more or lefs ciiPant : pillar plaited ( r fnriOOth, 
 Cant^ditf. Shell fnowy tranfverfely ftriate : fpire with diftant whorls 
 carinate in the middle and crowned with tubercles: 
 aperture oval: lip grpovcd within ajid denticulate at 
 the margin. 
 Martini conch. ^. tab. i/\.^.f^. I 339. 
 Inhabits Shell g I- inches long, 
 Anfatus. She!) brown tranfverfely ftriate : fpire mucronate, the whorls 
 diflant convex and knotty at the bale: beak long. 
 Regerf. conch. I. tab. iz, fig. 62. 
 Martin: conch. A^.tah. \if\. fig. 1340. 
 Inhabits ^5!; inches long: the ilrja alternately Icfs, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 453 
 Undatus. Shell folld ventricofe with waved angles and very finely 
 ftriate tranfveiTely : fpiire mucronatc, the whorls knotty 
 at the bafe : lip denticulate. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 145. fig. J 34 3* 
 Inhabit.s India : %\ inches long, and ponderous. 
 Shell vi\Ci\.z, with 14 whorls and {lightly incurved beak. 
 LongiJJimus Shell thin ftriate, with an obtufe knotty fpire and long very 
 ltrai<j;ht beak. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. l\^. fig, 1344* 
 Inhabits //r^/a : finches long. 67^/7 white, with lO whorls. 
 tanaa. Shell narrowed: whorls of the fpire tranfverfcly libbed and 
 longitudinally crenatc: aperture ovate, ribbed with 
 white within and toothed at the margin: pillar-2 
 Inhabits Ajnbotna. Martini conch. 4. tab. 14;.//^. I 347. 
 Shell exceedingly thin and narrow, the younger ones reddifh, the 
 adult ones white, interflices of the ribs and aperture violet : 
 jpire with 1 1 or 12 whorls. 
 Jnguttus* Shell narrowed: firft whorl of the fpire longitudinally 
 plaited and tranfveifely ribbed, the others fmooth and 
 round: beak tranfverfely ribbed. 
 Inhabits talent abh. tab, i.ftg. 6. refembles the laft. 
 Verfifolor. Shell fubcylindrical with an obtufe fpire, the whorls round 
 and Ilriate, the lower-ones moftiy glabrous* 
 Kncrr Vergn, ^. tab. \/^,fig. I. 
 Martini ccnch. 4. tab. \ip.fig. 1 348. 
 Inhabits India: Jhe II hxQVivi vai legated, rare!) fnowy; with 9 
 Verrucofui. Shell uinbilicate and furiounded with belts, the middle ones 
 more raifed : whorls crowned with tubercles whick 
 are fpotted with brown : beak infleded. 
 Martini conch. i\.. tab. \^G.fg. I 349. ^IS^' 
 2. Martini conch. ^. t, x^i^.f. I 341. 
 3. Bonan recr. and Muf. kirch. Z' j'S' ^^* 
 4. Mil/. Gott^vald. /. 43./, 221. e, 
 innaOits the Red Sea. 
 Striatulus, Shell thin tranfverfely ftriate: fpire mucronate, the whorls 
 round: beak long: aperture ovate: lip crenulate. 
 Muf. Gott-joald. tab. l\. fg- 22 1. c, d. 
 Martini conch. 4. /. I 46. /: i 35 i , 1352, 
 Inhabits Shell 4 inches long, covered with s brown fkin. 
454 WORMS. TESTACEA. r8. Murex. 
 Pardalisi Shell rounded, white with violet fpots, longitudinally rib- 
 bed and tranfverlely itriate : fpire obtufe: beak long. 
 Inhabits— Kmrr Ver^n. 2 tab. 9. fig. 4. 
 Martini conch 4. /. 149./". 1384^ 
 2. Bonan. r^rr. and Muf. kirch. ^. ^g- 145. 
 Gigas, Whorls of the fpire turgid gibbons nodulous and anulate : 
 beak reflefted: lip denticulate beneath 
 Inhabits Lister tab. 931. Shell z\ inches long. 
 Lignofust Shell whitifh ; fpire obtufe, the whorls flightly crowned 
 with wrhikied unequal tubercles: beak tranfverfely 
 Inhabits. Gualt. tea. tab, 52. O. Shell l| inch long. 
 Gibbulus, Shell tapering orange: fpire obtufe, the whorls diftant with 
 longitudinal ribs and iiexuous traniverfe ftris: beak 
 Inhabits Knorr Vergn, ^.tab. lO, fig. 4, 
 Qranularis She}] tapering: fpire with contiguous whorls feparated by a 
 flexuous line, the firll ventricofe. 
 inhabits the Aanatic. Knorr Vergn^ 4. tab. i^.fg. 4, 
 Fexillum^ Shell tapering tranfverfely ribbed : whorls coi^vex: aperture 
 oval: lip denticulate: beak ihort. 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab, zb.fg. 5. 
 Inhabits- - ■■■ Shell orange with brown belts, 
 Vulpinut'. Shell oblong ventricofe ; the whoils with a ftriate margin: 
 aperture glabrous: beak Ihort and bent outwards. 
 Born Muj, Ctfs. Vindttft. tub. \0.fg, II, 
 Inhabits " ■ Shell middie-fizcd, tawny, with 8 whorls, 
 /^fer. Shell ovate, tranfverfely ftriate: fpire with flattifti whorls 
 crowned with a row of lounded tubercles, 
 Ixxh^hits Senegal. Adans feneg. \. tab, ^- fig- i^- 
 Shell I \ inch long, fulvous or white varied with brown : 
 <ivhor!s 9. 
 Campanicus Shell ventricofe: fpire obtufe cancellate with carinate whorlsj 
 the firft ventricofe and fmooth : beak long fmooth, 
 Argenfille cciuh. tab, 29. n. 6.fg. 5. 
 Schrcct, Einl. in rent. 4. r. 8. /". 7. 
 Found fofEle in Campariia : 3 inches long, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Arenofust Whods of the fpire with dcculTate ribs, the firft very large 
 the 3 outmoft fmooth: beak acute: aperture oval: lip 
 toothed outwardly. 
 Spengl.fchr, Dan. ge^. I. tab. 2. fig^ 8. 
 Inhabits tne fandy ihores oi India : very fmall. 
 Maroccmlis Shell narrow browniHi tranfverfely ftriate: fpire mucronate, 
 withdiftantcontrary round longitudinally ribbed whorls: 
 beak prominent: aperture oval. 
 Mariin.n. Mannig 4. tab. 2. fig. 17 — 19, 
 ScnrtTt. in Bau. cone t \.f. 6, ( 
 Cbemn conch. 9./. 105./. 896. 
 Inhabits fhores o{ Morocco: \\ inch' long.' 
 Lineatus. Shell oblong, whitifh with tranfverfe reddilh (IriiE : beak 
 ^ ihort llraight. 
 Inhabits Ne-w Zealand, Cbemn, 10. tah, i6\.fig. 1 572. 
 Perron. Shell a little tapering, the whorls carinate above, margined 
 and flattened: beak long llraight. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 161^, /ig 1573, 1574. 
 Davtl. catal. rais. I. /. 5./", L, 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean. 
 Larva. Shell cylindrical : fpire with a crenate callous belt, the 
 upper-whorls with plaited knots, lower-ones flattilh : 
 beak ftraight (hort emarginate. 
 Inhabits ■ ■ Chemn. conch, 10, tab. \6\.fg. 1575,1576. 
 Neritoideus Shell folid thick coarfe: fpire exferted, the whorls tranf- 
 verfely ftriate: aperture femiorbicular and ftriate : 
 beak ihort itraight. 
 InhaL;iCs -" ' Chemn. conch. 10, tab. it^.Jig. 1577, 1578, 
 Prfjmaticus Shell ovate-angular, iridefcent, longitudinally grooved and 
 plaited: beakih-rt: lip detuiculate. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab^^b^ f:g. 1635, 1636. 
 Marfan, um^xerf conch. I -fig. 2. 
 Inliabits India and the South Seas. 
 Columla* ■ Shell with longitudinal plaited ribs and tranfverfely grooved 
 *■""" angular fpuious carinate, ahernately varied with white 
 and brown : whorls leifening fuddenly ; beak Ihort 
 ftraight : mouth violet. 
 Inhabits Fu/o Co.idor. Martvn uni-u. cojtch fig, 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 10, tab. ib^.fg. ^^i7t 1638. 
456 Worms, testacea. 78. Murex. 
 A/penivius. Shell ribbed, varied with brown yellow and white: whoris 
 oblique with a tuberculate margin and brown band 
 ia the middle and another white one : beak. Ihort dila- 
 ted afcending. 
 Kamm. Cab. RudoUt. tab. ^- fig- 7. 
 Inhabits ShellnarXy 2 inches long. 
 Undulattts. Shell white undulate with bay, with grooves marked with 
 raifed ftrias : whorls nodulous at the maagin ; beak 
 Ktemm. Cab. Rudoht, tab, XO.jig, I. 
 Inhabits Red Sea : above 4 inches long. 
 F. Tapering, fubulafe, with a very Jhort beak 
 Vertagus, Whorls of the fpire plaited above : beak afcending : pillar 
 plaited within. 
 Lifter tab. tozo. jig. 83. Rumpf. Mitf. tab. 30, K. 
 Peti<v Gaz. tab. K,6.fig. 4. Gualt. teji. tab, 57, D. 
 Bonon recr. and MnJ. kirch. I, fig* 84. 
 Jlrgennj, conch, tab. 1 1. P. Klein oRr. t, ll.f. i\8» 
 Seba muf 3. tab. ^O.fig. 22. 42. <. $\.f. 24. 33, 34. 
 Ktwrr Fergn 6. tab. 40 fig* 4, J* 
 Murray test. tab. i.fig. 28, 
 Martini conch, 4r. tab. i ;6, \^7>fig. '479' '4^°, 
 2. LiRer tab. tozi.fig. 85, b. Gualt. test. tab. 57. F, H* 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. ^'^»ftg. 43, 44. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. /. 20. f. 3. and 5. /. i;. 6, 
 Martini conch. 4./. 1 57,/', 1 481, 1482. 
 Inhabits India: about 3 inches long, with 15 or more round 
 whorls feparated by a groove, the lower-ones fmooth on one 
 part : beak very fhort, 
 Aluco* Whorls of the fpire tuberculate with a fpinous ftreak in the 
 middle; pillar with a fmgle plait: beak afcending. 
 Lister tab. 1025. Rumpf. muf. tab. 30. O, 
 Adanf. Seneg. i. tab. lo.fig. 2, Gualt test, tab, 57. G. 
 Bonan. recr, and Aluf. Kirch. "^tfig^^T- 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. ^o.fig. if, 16. 36. 
 Knorr Fergn. i. tab. l6. fig. J^. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 156.//^. 1473 — 1477. 
 2, Lifer tab, 1017. Argenv. conch, tab. 4. H. 
 Rumpf. tnuf. tab. 30. N. Gualt. test. tab. 57. A, Bf 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 50./'^. 37* 39. '• i^'f' 2Z, 23. 25, 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. /<?^. id. fig. 5. 
 Martini conch. 4. /^^. i^d-fig. H?^' 
 3. Spengl, Nat. 9. //ai. i^.f'g' 3. Fa<van. conch, tab, 79. N. 
 Chetnn. conch, to, tab. itZ' fig. 1548, 1 549. 
 4, Sc&r.-et, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 4. Shrcet, Flu/cmch. tab. %»fig> 1 1, I 2. 
 Bonan rear, and Muf. kirchsfig. 82, 
 Inhabits the Southem Ocean Red Sea and Atlantic 4 inches long, 
 ^Z*^// generally whitifh fprinkled with blueifli or brownilh dots; 
 nuhorh tranfverfely ftriate ; lip rounded : aperture oval. 
 Annularis. Whorls furrounded with longitudinally ftriate belts, the firft 
 whorl tranfverfely ftriate: beak afcending. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 4. tab. 1 57. fig. i486, 
 Plicatulust Shell ventrlcofe with a tranfverfely ftriate fpire, the whorls 
 with longitudinal]^ knotty plaits: aperture oval. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. \$7-fig. 1 488. 
 Inhabits Shell yellowilh with white plaits: fpire with 8 
 whorls; pillar with a lingle wrinkle. 
 Sordidus. Shell ventricofe tranfverfely ftriate and crowned with black 
 knots: lip dilated. 
 Inhabits Martini conchy /{.. tab. I'y^./'g' 1490. 
 Shell generally blueifh, with • hardly prominent beak: probably 
 a variety ofStrombus tuberculaius. 
 Cingulatuj. Spire tranfverfely ftriate and grooved, the whorls furrounded 
 with 3 rows of granulations, the firft alittie knotty. 
 Inhabits Iranquebar. Martini conch, 4.. tab. ^Sl'fiS' H9^* 
 Fufat:^ Shell brown rounded : firft whorl of the fpire gibbous, the 
 following ones varicofe, the laft with numerous fpines. 
 Inhabits ■ — Mart. BirU Mag. 4. tab. \0.fig. C4, 
 Lister tah. 120. Klein ojir, t.z.f. 38. 
 Fafciatus, Shell tranfverft'ly ftriate : the fpire crowned. 
 Lister tab. \z\.fig. j6. Mart. Be^U Mag. 4. tab. 10. fig. 55. 
 z. LUhr t. izi,f 17. Klein cpr.t. 2. f. 39. 
 Martini Ber I. Magaz. 4. t. \0.f, 56, 
 Inhabits Rivers of America, 
 Flu^iatilis., Shell brown : firft whorls of the fpire crowned with fpioes 
 the others with knots: aperture repand. ' 
 Inhabits lijler tab. 122 Jig. 20. 
 Martin. Ber I. Magaz. 4, ta'^. ll.Jig. 58. 
 .ilatui^ Shell reticulate : fpire mucronate, the firft whorl grooved 
 and tranfverfely Ihiate: lip winged. 
 Inhabits ■ - Martini conch. 4. tab. 159./"^. 1503, I CO4, 
 apire annulate, with 9 whorls furrounded wuh a llriate band. 
 VOL. IV— 5iVI Ncdulo/us, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Nodulofus, Shell tranfvcrfely ftriate and alternately barred with brown 
 and white : fpire mucronate, the whorls diftant with 
 undulate knots. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 159. fig. 1505, 1506. 
 Inhabits. Shell with a (lightly prominent lip. 
 TereheUa. Shell with a triple moniliform belt on each of the whorls : 
 aperture oval, with curved ftris within. 
 Knorr Fergn. l-tab. 15. fig. 3. 
 Martini conch 4./. 1 55./. 1 45 8 — 1460. 
 Schrat. inn. Bau. conch, t. 5./". 2. 
 2. Bonanrecr, ^.fig. ^Z-], Mvf^kirch. 'i,.fig. 328. 
 3. Born Muf. Ca/. Vind teli. tab. lU/^. v6. 
 Inhabits Shell \-zk inches long, chefnut or brown OT 
 whitifh-chefnut ; fometimes uniform, or chefnut with white 
 belts, or white with chefnut belts: aperture often varied with 
 blue and white. 
 Fufcatus. Spire with crenolate whorls, the upper ftria denticulate. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 56. H. Jrgenv. conch, tab. 11. the laft figure. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Shell white covered with a brown 
 fkin, the bafe obtufe: whorls with each a knotty belt in the 
 middle and a band each fide, one of them granulate, the ©ther- 
 Toruk/ui. Whorls of the fpire with a flightly knotty zone above : beak 
 Inhabits Shell white, fmooth or marked with obfolete lon- 
 gitudinal ftriae, the tip plaited : zone of the whorls elevated 
 gibbous obtufe. 
 Hadula, Whorls of the fpire tuberculate, with a double row of punc- 
 tured (Iriae. 
 Inhabits Africa. Scljrert. Einl. in conch. I. tal. 3. fig. 6. 
 Shell reddilh or brown : tubercles often tipt with white : aperture 
 Whorls of the fpire grooved tranfverfely ftriate and muricate: 
 beak afcending. 
 Inhabits Guinea. Schrat. Einl. in conch. I. tab. 3- A; 7* 
 ^>t^// milk-white with rows of brown dots, folid with 12 — 14 
 longitudinal grooves: aperture fuboval : pillar with a finglc 
 beak acute afcending. 
 ^ ; ,. , Shell rough with decuflate tubercles : 
 GraKu/a.us, ^ .^^^^ ^5^^ 1020./;^. 84. Rump/, muf, tab. 30. L. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex:. 459 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 1 1, k. Klein ofir, tab. 7,/^. 1 19« 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. %\.fig- 35- 
 Martini conch. 4. tah. 1 5 7- A- '4^3' 
 Inhabits India. Shell z inches long, white .• the n^:horls longi- 
 tudinally ribbed and tranfverfely llriate ; aperture oval ; pillar 
 with a tingle plait. 
 •Duollaius Whorls ofthefpire with longitudinal plaited grooves, the 
 tip appearing as if broken otF. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 69. 
 Inhabits European ^as\ refembles Helix dccollatus, but is emar- 
 ginate at the bale; aperture obovate : upper-margin of the 
 whorls tapering with longitudinal ftriae and imbricate plaits, 
 the grooves black opake. 
 hUluccamis Shell ftriate : whorls of the fpire tranfverfely grooved with 
 undulate longitudinal plaits: lip dilated crenulate: 
 beak tubular. 
 Liliertab. 1021. fig. 85. b. Gualt.tesf. tab. 57. E. 
 Bonan. recr. and A/a/C kirch. "^.fig- 6iJ. 
 Rumpf. muf. tah ^o. fig. T. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. \<^']%fig. J 484, 1 485. 
 Inhabits marlhes of Molucca Ifiands, 
 Minimus. Shell with tranfverfe undulate ftrije crofled by longitudinal 
 lines: aperture orbicular. 
 Inhabits Jamaica. L'Jier tab, 1018, fi^. 81. 
 Strigilatus. Shell longitudinally ftriate : whorls undivided, with a fnowy 
 belt at the future fpottcd with rufous. 
 Inhabits Bom Muf. Qaf Vind. teji, tab. lO, fig. 10. 
 Tubercula- Shell tranfverfely ftriate and furrounded with glabrous knots: 
 tut' lip thickened. 
 Inhabits Born Muf Crtf Vind tefi. tab. 10, <%. 16, 17. 
 Shell folid, a liule gibbous, obtiife ; the knots black tipt with 
 Gihhofus% Whorls of the fpire margined: belly gibbous: lip cleft 
 denticulate: beak Ihort. 
 Inhabits Btrn muf. Ca-f. Find. tefi. tah. i i.fig. 12, 13. 
 apire with 9 ilriate whorui and longitudinally plaited; heak 
 ftraight Ihort : Jhell with redailh fpots. 
 J, Shell black, the whorls tranfverfely ftriate and tuberculate: 
 ^* pillar with a ftngle plait: beak ftraight. 
 Inhabits Born Mul. Caj- Vmd.tefl, tab, M'fig. 17, i8.' 
 Spin with 10 whorls ; Up crenulate. 
 3 M 2 • Cott' 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Shell with 4 contrary whorls marked with double ftria;: 
 beak dilated. 
 Lister tab. 950. Regenf.. conch, tab. \. fig. 36. 
 Martin n. Mannigf. 4. tab. z fig% 14. 
 Fwoann. Conch, tab. 32 I. N. tab.jc). I. F. tab. 80. I, R. 
 Chemn. conch. 9 tab. 10^. fig. 894, 895. 
 Inhabits European and North Seas. ■ 
 Shell contrary hyaline, with 6 very finely crenulate whorls. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. 9. tab. lO^.flg. 899, 
 Shell tapering, very rough with granulations; lip doubled 
 emarginate each fide arid toothed whhin: aperture 
 oval Itriate. ■ ■ ' 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. 10. tab, ibz.ftg. 1544, 1545. 
 Shell tranfverfely (Iriate and fpotted: whorls with plaited 
 knots: beak afcending: lip doubled dilated, pillar-lip' 
 replicated and glabrous. 
 Inhabits Pullo Condore. Martyn univerf. conch. 2. tab. 57, 
 Che?nn. conch. lO, /, 256. yign. 22. A, B. 
 Shell yellowilh hexagonal with tranfverfe granulate ftriae: 
 firft whorl tuberculate; apei^ture roundilh: lip dilated, 
 Chemn. conch, to. tab. \bz. ftg. 1554, 1555. 
 Inhabits the ^gutb Sea, and is frequently found foffile. 
 Shell with 5 fpirally Ilriate whorls and remote ribs : beak 
 Inhabits the Welch coads. Linn. Tranf. iii. p. 55, 
 5/^f// very minute elegant and pellucid. 
 79. TROCHUS. Anwial a Limax: >^// 
 '■ univalve, Ipiral, more oriels conic; aper- 
 ture fonicwhat anirular or rounded, tiie 
 upper-lide tranfveife and contracted: 
 pillar placed obliquely. 
 A. Eredff ivith the pillar perforated. 
 Shell conic finoothilli fubumbilicatc. 
 Liste)>- tab. 617. 619, 620. Olear muf, tab^ 29.//^. 5. 
 hot:an, recr. and MuJ. Kirch, l-fig- 102. 
 Humpf. MuJ. tab. 21. A. and 3, 4. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 461 
 Gualt teft. tab. 59. B, C. Argenv. conch, tab, 8. C. 
 'hluj. Gott-wald. tab. 39. fig. 265. a — c. 
 Regenf. concb^ 1. /. 4. /". 42, 
 Knorr Vergn. I./. 12. A 4. and 2. /. 5./. I, /. 6./*. 1. 
 Chemn. comh.^. t. 167./. 1605 — i6og. /^ 168./. 1614, 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, ^heil larg-: ponderoui r.ith oblique 
 red perpendicular llriar, and fine pol'.ftied filvery when the 
 outer coat is taken off; the tip obfoktely knotty, the whorls 
 without knots: inner-lip oblolety 2-lobed : aperture filvery: is 
 diltinguifhed from the next fpecies by its fm oth mouth and 
 in not having the pillar denticulate, and the bafe of the belly 
 js convex and linooth. 
 ^aculatus. Shell conic tuberculate with an oblique perforation : inner* 
 lip obfoleteJy 2-lobed. 
 Lister tab 632 ? Rumpf.muf /a^. 21. B, C .' 
 Bonan. recr. and Muj. Kirch, "^.fig. 96, 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 61. D- Murray, teji. tab, i.Jjg- 20. 
 Mu/.GottivaU. tab. 39./^ 266 a?b? 
 C/jemn.co!.\b. 5. fab 168.7%. '615 — l6l8. 
 Schrcet. EinL in conch. I. tab. 3 fg. ()- 
 2, Cbemn. conch. 5. tab. i6g. fig 1623, 1624. 
 Inhabits Alia and South America : flicll ponderous, furrounded 
 with rows of tubercles varying in heighth, and m-rked with 
 red brown white and green rays .• J'pire with 9 flattilh whorls, 
 Perfpeai'vus Shell convex obtufe margined, with a pervious crenulate 
 umbilicus or navel. 
 Lifler tab, 636, Rump/\ muf tab. 37. L. 
 Jlrgen'v. conch, tab, 8. M. Peti-v. amb. t. 2. f. 14, 
 Bonan recr. I- fig. 27, 28. Muf Ktrch. 3./. 26, 27. 
 Gualt. test, tab. 65. O. Lefcr tefi.fig 7. 
 Seba muf. 3. /. 40 /. I, 2, 13, 14.28. 41, 42, 
 Knorr yergn l.tab. iX.fg. 1,2, 
 Regenf. conch. I. tab. ii,fig. 61. 
 Born Muf Caf Vind, telt.p. 326. vign, f. b. 
 Chemn, conch. 1^. tab. X'jzffg. 1691 — 1696, 
 2, Lifieriab 633? Gualt. te/i tab 6^.D, 
 ■ Inhabits Afia and Al'nca . 2| inches long and an inch high* 
 Shell flat on oue fide, the penoration funnel-fhaped with a double 
 granulate belt: a moll beaulitui fliell. 
 flybriduj. Shell convex : pillar 2-toothed: perforation crenulate. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 173. fig. 1702? 170c ? 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean', refenibles the laft, but is lefs and 
 varied with white and browr., beneath white, and the perfo- 
 ration is harrower. 
46'^ WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Cruciatus. Shell convex with callo-punftured ftriz: pillar i-toothed. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab^ 171. fig. 1674. 
 Schrcet. Einl. in conch. I. tab. 3. /7^. lO. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Shell flTfUginous or reddifh with 
 whitifti bands : /pire with 4 or 5 whorls. 
 * P/W««?«// Shell fubovate, flriate, with concatenate globular dots; 
 pillar and aperture toothed: umbilicus crenate. 
 Lister, tab. 637. Argenv. conch, tab. 8, fg, L, Q. 
 Jdans. Seneg. I. tab ll^fg- $• Pet. Gaz. t, 14,/. 10/ 
 Bonan recr ^ Muf Ktrch. l- fig. 222» 223. 
 Gualt, isji. tab. 63. _fig. B. 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tab. 30, /g", 6.- ^ 4. M(J. 26,/. 3, 4. 
 Chemn, conch ^. tub. \']\, fig. \()jz, 1673, 
 2. Chemn. conch. 5. /«^. 171^ y^^ 1678. 
 Inhabits European and Afiaiicfeas. Shell red covered with al- 
 ternate ftriae <)i concatenate white and black dpLS and red ones. 
 •Magus, Shell obliquely umbilicate and convex : the ridges of the 
 whorls rifing into obtufe tubercles. 
 Donovans Brit, Shells, I . tab. 8. 
 Da Cojla Brit. Conch, tab. 3, fig. I. 
 Pennant Brit.Zool. if. tab. 80. fig. 107. 
 Borlafe Cornivall, p. 278. tab. 28, fig. 6. 
 /.m^r, /d^, 641. f. 32. Jrgewv conch, t. 8. S. 
 Gaa//. /^. /«^. 62, L. /rt3. 64, C ? 
 Sebamuf. 3. /«/^. ^\,fig' 4 — &• 
 jfiTwrr Vergn. 6s /«^. 27, /"/j. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. ^. tab. ij^tfiig' 1656— 1660. 
 2. Adanf. Seneg. I. /^^. I2, fig. 8? 
 Inhabits European and Ajrican Coafts , 
 Shell gencriWy white with fine red zig-zag ftripes and waves, or 
 dull yellow with dark brown lliipes : /pire with 4 or 5 obfo- 
 letely flriate whorls: when the outer coat is taken off, is of a 
 rich filvery perlaceous colour. 
 Modulus. Shell flriate, above plaited, beneath more convex : aperture 
 ovate, I -toothed. 
 Lister, tab. 653. fig. 52. Che/nn. 5. /. 171, f. 1665. 
 Schrcet. Einl. in conch. I . tab. 3, y". II. 
 2. Lister, tab. t^"*,,/. 53. tab.b$^. 
 Inhabits the Redfea: fize of Tr. pharaonis. 
 Shell fublenticular, whitifh with purplifh fpots ; mouth ftriate^ 
 Mur.ieatus. Shell fubumbilicate, ovate with muricate tubercles. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Gualt. test, t, 64, H. 
 Shell white, with an ovate fmooth aperture, andjminute oblong 
 perforation ; fizc of a nut, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 ^caber. Shell fubovate, with alternate larger moniliform grooves. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 171,/. 1667 ? 
 Shell blackifh with a yellowifli aperture. 
 ^ariusn Shell obliquely umbilicate, convex, with flightly margined 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean^ Shell pale with greyifh bands, fur- 
 rounded with an obfolete margin. 
 *Ciuerarius Shell obliquely umbilicate, ovate with rounded whorls. 
 Donavan tab, 74. Da cotta, tab. 1* fm 4. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. \v. p. 127. «. 106 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 171. jig. 1686. 
 Common on the European Jliores. Shell cinereous with oblique 
 pale bands, or white with dirty-brown fpots : fizc of a pea, 
 DivaricH- Shell fubumbilicate, the perforation nearly confolidated ; 
 tus. ovate, tlTe loweft whorl more remote. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Greenland feas . 
 Shell green barred with red dots. 
 *Umbilica- Shell conico-convex, with an exadlly cylindrical {)ervioW3^ 
 ">. perforation : the whorl flightly emargihate. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv, tab. 80, /. 106. 
 Liffer, tab 641. Anim. Ang. t. 3./'. 1 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. ifi,/. 1 666. 
 Inhabits European fiores : IhcU dirty-white with purple waves : 
 perforation white within : varies much in colours. 
 Solarij. Shell convex, conic, with fpinous margined whorls: apeiv 
 ture femi-heart-fhaped 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 20, fig K. 
 Man tin Keust. Mannig. \. tab. Z,/,l^, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 173,/". 1700* 1701. 
 2. Gold-colour with brown rays. 
 Litter, tab. 6zz. Seba muj. 3 tab. 59> ^^« 1 — 4* 
 Bonan. recr. l- fig. 366, 367. Muf. Kirch, ^.f. 359, 360. 
 Klein oftr. tab. \, f 19. LeJJ'er testae, fig. 15. 
 Kncrr yergn. 4. tab. S,f.z.ScC. t. z6,f. 4. 
 Chemn. conch 5. tab, 174,/. 1 7 16, 1717. 
 SchrcEt. Journ. ^.f. 9 the lid. 
 Inhabits India and America: 2 inches in diameter. 
 Shell w'hitifh, tranfverl'ely Itriate : the margin of the ivhorh fer- 
 rate with fpinous projections. 
 leilum. Shell depreflcd, oblique, white with brown lines: fpire 
 tranfverlely ftriatc and longitudinally ribbed, the firit 
 whorl ventricofe : aperture orbicular. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Lister^ tab 653./ 51.* Gualt, tejl. t^(i\.f^ 6, 
 Kncrr Vergn. 4. tab. 6. j'tg 5. 
 Chemnx conch. 5. ra^. l65._/f^. 1567, 1 568. 
 Chemit. conch. 5, tab. 165. _/%. 1569, 1570? 
 Lister, tab. 654./". 54. Fa'van. comb. 2, t, 8. D, 
 Keemm. Cab. Rudolst. tab. 12. f I. 
 Chemn, conch. lO. /a^. 165, y%. 1583, I 584. 
 Inhabits refemblcs an Helix : pilldr with a brown border: 
 firft lAjhorl twice as large as the reft. 
 Camu. Shell conic, white fpotted with red : whorls round, with 
 moniliform belts of granulations. 
 Inhabits India. Chemn, conch. 5. tab. 167. f. 1610. 
 Perforation reaching through the firll whorl only. 
 Sfinofus* Shell fubequal, mucronate: whorls of the fpire fpinous 
 beneath : a band each fide lineate with white and 
 black, and a triple row of knots. 
 Inhabits ' Chemn conch. 5. tab. l^'J.fig' 161 1, Very rare. 
 Shell violet and blackifh : fpire with 9 whorls. 
 Jujuhinus, Shell lateritious fpotted with white ; the bafe flat, with 
 concentric lines of concatenate dots : whorls canicu- 
 late, telfelate at the lower margin with white and 
 chefnut, and furrounded each fide with elevated dots. 
 Muf Gottnuald. tab. 39. fig, 269 ? 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. loy.f 1612, 1613.^ 
 Inhabits South America : refembles Tr. ziziphinus, 
 Alveare, Shell with knotty plaits and tranfverfe granulate ftriae^ 
 with belts of concatenate dots : perforation funnel- 
 form : pillar crenulate. 
 Chemn, 5. tab. 168, f. 1619. Gualt test. t. 60. P. 
 2. Chemn, conch. 5. tab. \6%.f. 1 622. 
 Inhabits JnJia. Shell green and white, within perlaceous, very 
 finely annulate. 
 Conca'ons, Bafe of the (hell and continued perforation funnelform: 
 fpire with contiguous undulate-plaited whorls : aper- 
 ture denticulate at the margin. 
 Chemn, conch. 5, tab. l6S. fiP, 1 620, 1621. 
 2. Gualt, test. tab. b^. fig. A, 
 3. Lifery tab. 627. Klein cftr. tab. I. f. 20. 
 Inhabits India : about z inches broad and high. 
 Shell a mixture of fca-grcen, red Jind vioktv aperture compreited 
 each fide. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. trochus. 4^5 
 ShelJ furrounded with granulations and knots, green, to- 
 wards the tip whitilli, the very tip varied with biack 
 dots. A ^ 
 Inhabits India, Chemn. conch, 5. iab. 169. f, 1625, ib2b. 
 Cofijper/us^ Shell covered with white, greenifh and buff-colour fpots, 
 -the tip with red and black one?, within perlaceous, 
 the bafe white fpotted with red: whorls with many 
 rows of knots, the lower margins glabrous. 
 Inhabits India. Giialt. teft. t. 60. B. 
 Chemn. conch. $. tah. 169./ 1627. 
 rentoriumi Shell with wrinkled plaits, covered with a hyaline cuticle 
 under which it is fea-gr.en, within perlaceous: 
 whorls knotty beneath with concatenate dots 111 the 
 Inhabits India. Chemn. conch, 5. t. l6g.f. 1628. 
 ywo firft 'whorlj very diftant : per/oration funnel form. 
 Ochrokucus Shell with wrinkled plaits, obliquely crenate and tranf- 
 verfely ftriate : the bafe flat, white with red dots. 
 Inhabits India, Chemn. conch t; tab 169,/. 1629. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 169 / 1632. 
 Btellatus, Shell with plaited wrinkles, fea-green: whorls with con- 
 catenate dots, the upper-ones with a radiate fpinous 
 Inhabits India, Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \6().f. 16 30. 
 ^penzUri, Shell furrounded with numerous rows of ochraceous knots' 
 and granulations waved with red: one part of the 
 bafe fmooth. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. $. tab. \6^, fig. 1 63 1. 
 Cosratu!. Shell with elevated concatenate dots: whorls with oblong 
 white knots beneath, and intermediate purple grooves. 
 Inhabits Argenv. conch, tab. S. T. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab, 169. /Jjf. 1633, 1634. 
 Shell white at the bafe, ftriate and punaured, radiate with red 
 towards the fpire, 
 ha-q-mlis: Shell rough with unequal knots and granulations: whorls 
 with many rows of knots, each marginal row with 
 larger tubercles. 
 Inhabit: Gualt. ted. tab: 60. O. 
 VOL. IV. — 3 N Chemn. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab, 170.//^. 1635, 1636 
 5>^// generally green with chefnut clouds and rays; the bafe 
 white granulous, with rofy rays. 
 Regius. Shell tranfverfely ftriate with many rows of knots, white 
 with a rofy Ihade : each margin of the whorl a little 
 prominent: perforation funnel-form. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch, 5. tab. ijo./ig, 1637. 
 Shell with a white flat bafe, furrounded with concentric granu- 
 late ftriae, 
 ferrucofus. Shell conic, white radiate with purple; perforation funnel- 
 form immaculate: margin of the whorls nodulous. 
 Inhabits— —C/'fWw. conch. 5. tab, 170. fig, 1638. 
 Cylindricm Shell cylindrical brownifh, with convex whorls marked 
 with tranfverfe crenulate ftriae; perforation a little 
 Chemn. couch, 5. tab. i-jo.ftg. 1639. a, b. 
 Inhabits Shell middle-fized and very rare. 
 Ra4iatut. Shell pyramidal radiate with red: whorls with concatenate 
 dots: perforation funnel-form. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. ijo./ig, 1 640. 
 2. Chemn. conch, 5, tab. ijo./ig. 1641, 1642. a, b. 
 3. Gualt, test, tab. 6l,/ig, E? 
 Inhabits South America and the adjacent iflands. 
 FiriMs. Shell green, with 5 rows of knots on the firft whorl and 4 
 on the next, the reft glabrous. 
 Inhabits Chemn, conch, 5. tab. \ JO. fig, 1 643, 1 644, 
 Perforation funnel-form, not following the diredion of the 
 Rufiicui, Shell obtufely pyramidal, black-brown. 
 Inhabits China. Chemn, conch, 5, tab, ^jo.fig, 1645, 1646. 
 Nigenimus Shell deep black : fpire tranfverfely ftriate, the whorls 
 flattilh : pillar i-toothed. 
 Inhabits C>^/>?<5;. Chemn. conch. 5. tab. xjo.fig* 1647. 
 Fanulum. Whorls of the fpire ochraceous with fpotted tubercles, 
 feparated by a fpotted wrinkled groove. 
 Inhabits Knorr ^ergn. j^,tah. 2.^. fig. 5. 
 Bonan. recr, I. fig, 396. Muf, Kirch, ^-/'g. 372t 
 Chemn. conch, ^. tab. ijO.ftg.iS^S, 1649, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 467 
 Strlgofus, Shell pyramidal tranfverfely ftriate, ochraceous varied with 
 black at the tip : whorls of the fpire flattilh, the 
 margin a little tumid and fpotted with red. 
 Chemn. couch. ^, tab, ^^o.fig, 1650. 2) 1651: 
 Inhabits fhores of Morocco; very fmalU 
 fyramis. Shell pyramidal with chefnut fpots and clouds: whorls 
 with a vaulted nodulous margin. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tah. 170. fig. 1652. 2) 1653. 
 Inhabits Shell f an inch 2) an inch high, with granulate 
 llriae between the tubercles of the margin, 
 Caj>en/!j. Shell deprefied, varied with white and chefnut ; the bafe 
 convex with a fcarlet ring marked with deeper fpots. 
 Inhabi:s the CaJ)e. Chemn. conch. 5. tab. iji-figi 1661. 1662. 
 ^Sypius. Shell depreifed, white fpotted with red : whorls diftant, 
 tranfverfely ftriate and plaited : pillar i-toothed. 
 Chemn. conch 5. lab. \-]\.jig, 1663, 1664. 
 Inhabits the Sea near Suez. : | of ao inch long. 
 Deprefus. Shell depreflfed, whitifh radiate with red and red at the tip: 
 whorls girt with a belt of moniliform dots. 
 Inhabits-f Chemn. conch. 5. tab. iT^.ftg- 1668. 2) J669. 
 Lavigatus Shell pale brown, with a fubconvex bafe: whprls fmooth, 
 obfolctcly flriaie tranfverfely: perforation funnel-form 
 and white. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 170. fig. 1670. minute. 
 Graenlan- \q\\ pellucid flefh-colour, wjth a convex bafe: whorls 
 dicus, convex and very finely ftriate tranfverfely. 
 \x\h3.h\r.s Greenland. Chemn conch. ^. tab, \-]X. fig. idl^- 
 Spire with 6 whorls: aperture luborbicular. 
 Ro/eus. Shell convex rofy grooved, with a very minute perforation. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 17 !.//>. 1675. 
 Inhabits the Capeofgood liope : very fmall. 
 Patholatus. Shell depreflcd, brown with whitifh fpots. 
 Inhabits Chemn. 5. tab. \']\-fg. 1676. very minute. 
 Viridulus. Shell greenifh obliquely radiate with white: whorls convex, 
 with a belt of moniliform granulations: pillar toothed. 
 Jnhabits Chemn. conch. 5. tab. ij^.fg. 1677. 
 3 N 2 Vrbanus. 
^68 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Urbamis. Shell convex, with numerous rows of granulations : perfo» 
 ration denticulate : aperture crenulate. 
 \r\\2h\\.s——'Chemn. conch. <:.. tah 'iji-fig. 31670, 
 Granulationi partly white partly flefh- colour, 
 Guineenfii. Shell clouded with browij and grey, with numerous rows of 
 grr ulations and knots: aperture crenate; perforation 
 TrV^ab'ir Guinea. Chuni^ conch. ^. tab,, ijl. jig, l^i'io. 
 Shell 8 lines brood and above 6 high. 
 Nodultu. Sh^ll cinereous with moniliform belts of granulations; 
 perforaiion white toothed; aperture crenate. 
 Inhabits Cbemn. conch, 5. tab^ ijlt/ig. 1 681. 
 Carneus. Shell deprefTed, pale flefh-colour with crowded monilifornj 
 belts of graiiu.ations: perforation large i-toothed. 
 Inhabits — -—Chcmn. conch/ ^ tab. iji, fig. 1682, 
 ^Teff'ellatus Shell tranfverfciy ftriate: fpire with dirtant whorls ^nd 
 numerous fquare fpots. 
 ln\iib\x.& European Seas ^ Chemn. ^^ tab, l^l'/ig* 1683. 
 Croceui, Shell convex chefnut: fpire with convex whorls, the outer 
 ones faffron. 
 Inhabits Jfnca, Chemn. conch, 5. tab. ^']\yfig> 1 684, 
 Obliquatus. Shell deprelTed convex with oblique fubviolet rays : fpire 
 with convex whorls. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Chemn. 5- tab. "iji.fg' 1685. 
 Vittatus. Shell convex chefnut; whorls with a fillet varied with red 
 and white at the upper margin. 
 Irj.'ubits Chetnn. conch. 5 tab. \']\-fig. 1687. 
 ArgenniilU conch, tab. 9 Jig. E. 
 Sfhrceteri. Shell deprefled pyramidal, with a concave bafe : whorls 
 Xxznivcx^cly iKnzic and obliquely ribbed, the firfl with 
 a carinate margin : perforation hmnel-lorm. 
 Foflile in Campania. Schrcct. Einl. in conch. 2. /. J. J". 2, 3, 
 Indicm. Shell conic-convex, >vith unarmed whorls: aperture femi- 
 Inhabits India. Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \JZ.Jig. 1697, 1698. 
 Shell ^urdU an inch -'ligh, very finely Itnate oblic^uely : per/orafion 
 fpiral : ipiie wuh 5 hyaline whorls. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 469 
 hfurii Shell dcprcired chefnut : whorls flattifh with numerous rows 
 }ituj:,rr^:t of granulations, tranfverfely ftriate and crenate : per- 
 foration pervious and crtnulate. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch, 5. /.173. f. 1706, 1707. very rare. 
 Stra/n'tneui. Shell ftraw-cplour, the whorls convex crenate dccufiT-tely 
 {triate and feparatedby a groove: perforation pervious. 
 Liitcr tiib.6T,<^ Chemn. ^, tab, x-jz. fig. 1699. 
 Inlubics ftioresot Tranquebar: fpire with 5 orb whorls^ 
 Fariegatus* Shell wlute with brovvnifh rays and marked with crenate 
 llrias : perforation pervious crenate. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. 5. tab, tyi.fig. 1708, 1709, 
 Areola, Shell convex tranfverfely ftriate, white with fquare reddifh 
 fpots : perforation crenulate. 
 Inhabits— —C^i'/««. fonc.^. 5. tab. ifi^. fig. 1710, 1711, 
 Whorls of \.\iQ fpire feparated by a white llreak. 
 Jnermis, Shell greenifh-yellow with longitudinal plaited ribs termi- 
 nated by a fpine : aperture comprefled: perforation 
 Inhabits --Chemn. conch. 5. tab. lyi-fig- 1712, 171 3. 
 Imperialis, Shell conlc, olive covered with rows of raifed violet fcales: 
 whorls inflated with a fpinous radiate margin: pcrfo* 
 ration funnel-form white. 
 Chemn. conch. 5* tab. 173. ly^.fig. 1714, 1711;. 
 Inhabits the South Seas; rather large : /pire with 7 whorls. 
 Planus, Shell deprelTed ftraw-colour with darker ribs: whorls of 
 the fpire plaited: perforation pervious. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch, 5. tab. 174. yfg-. 1721, 1722. 
 Albidus, Shell conic white with oblique brown bands: whorls cani- 
 culate near the future- 
 Inhabits Born Muj. Ca^s. Vind tefi. tab \o,fig. 19, 20. 
 fufcatus. Shell conic, the bafe greenifh-grey fpotted with brownl: 
 whorls round: perforation cylindrical. 
 Inhabits Born Mufi. Cirs. Find. tefi. tab, 12. fig. i, 2, 
 Fajciattu. Shell Conic fmooth, white fpotted with brown and barred 
 with rofy: whorls round, flattilh at the future. 
 Inhabits Born MuJ, C^s, Find. tell. tab. 12, fg, 3, 4. 
470 WORMS. TESTACEA. 78. Murex. 
 Corallinui* Shell conic, red dotted with white, (lightly perforated j 
 whorls round, the firll with 15 rows of tubercles, the 
 next with 6. 
 Inhabits Senegal, Adans, feneg. I, tab, iz.fig.^, 2) c. 
 Shell 4 lines long : Jpire with 6 whorls. 
 Cri/etfs. Shell grey with whitifh fpots : whorls flattifh and tranf-j 
 verfely grooved. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adanf. Seneg, 1. tab, iz. fig, 6. 
 Ferrugimu; Shell convex, the whorls turned contrary. 
 Martin neuefl. Mannigf. 4. tab. \.fig. 1,2. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. /. 1 14. /. 977. a, b. 
 Found near Scaphujia, converted into Iron ore. 
 Novus. Shell pyramidal with contrary round whorls, 3 of them 
 with a quadruple trifarious row of tubercles, the fourth 
 exceedingly ftiftant. 
 Spengl. n, Samml. Dan. get. l.iab. \.fg-- 5. 
 Chemn. conch- 9. /. 113./^ 970. 
 Inhabits— —5>6£'// with a flat bafa and comprefle^ aperture. 
 Fragilis. Shell extremely thin and wax-colour: firfl: whorl of the 
 fpire large, with a brown band in the middle. 
 Inhabits Schrast, Einl. in conch, \, tab. i. Jig. \6. minute. 
 Callo/us. Shell obtufcly pyramidal : fpire with 4 elevated contiguous 
 whorls, tumid at the margin. 
 Chemn, conch. 9. tab, I 2Z. fg. 1 05 I . 
 SchrcEt. fiufconch.tah-b.fig. lO. z) ftgy \Z. 
 Inhabits Shell with a comprcfled aperture and pervious per. 
 Af^f* Shell convex, grey with whitilh fpots : whorls flattlfh. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adanf. Seneg. I. tab. iz.fg. 6. 
 Shell about 6 lines long and twice as much broad- 
 Neritcideus Shell fubovate, convex-dcpreflTed, fmooth reddifli glabrous. 
 Inhabits Greenland. O. Fabr.fi. Gnznl.p, 393. n, 391 . 
 Shell 2 lines long, the inhabitant blueifh-black. 
 Perlatutt Shell reddifti with elevated dots, unequally ribbed: fpire 
 deprcJTed, the whorls convex. 
 Inhabits— —iw?«z/w. Ca^. Rudolst, tab, 12, /tg, i. fmall, 
 • Terrestrisi 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 471 
 *Terrestris Shell minute, conic, livid. 
 Pennant Brit.Zool. iv. tab. 8, fg. 1 08. 
 Found on the mountains of Cumberland. 
 •Fuscui. Shell opake, brown, margined, with 5 fpires and roundifh 
 Jdams Microjcopey p. 638. tab. \\tjig- 24* 
 Found common at Sandwich. 
 B. ImperferatCy ereity the umbilicus or navel chfed, 
 Veitiarius, Shell conic-convex, with a gibbous callous bafe and fome- 
 what heart-fhaped aperture. 
 Lifter, tab. 649 — 652. Pet, Gaz. tab. il, /", 6. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. t^, jig. A, B E--H. 
 Bonan. *ecr. Z- fg. 208— 2IO. 355, 356. 
 Bonon, MnJ.kirch. 3. f:g. 208, 209. 2U. 348,349. 
 Klein o(ir. tab. I, fg. 13 — 15. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. 2^- jig- 4- & 6, tab. 22, f. 7. 
 Chemn, conch. 5, tab. 166. fg. 1601. a— h. 1 602. I — 3. 
 Schra;t. Einl. in conch. I. tab I, fg. 12, 13. 
 Inhabits the Mediterraneamnd Ada: very fmall. 
 Shell fmooth, above glaucous with tranfverfe waves or zigzag 
 lines, beneath with a broad whitifh convex callus ; varies 
 much in its markings. 
 Labia. Shell ovate, fubftriatc: pillar i-toothed. 
 Liller, tab. S^^-f'S- 42- '^^« 645. Rumpf. muf /. 21. E. 
 Adanf.feneg. I. tab, 12, fig. 2. J? g. conch, t.6. K, 
 Born muf C(zs. Find. teft. tab. \l, fig. 7, 8. 
 Chemn, conch 5. tab. 166, Hg. 1579— I 58 1. 
 2. ATworr '/ergn. I. /«<^. iO, fg. 7, 
 3. Martyn univerf.conchol. I. /a^. 34* 
 Inhabits vfwVr, ^/-/fa and Neiju Zealandj refembles a Turbo. 
 ^uber. Shell a little deprefled: whorls fubcarinate, and nodulous 
 at the upper and lower margin. 
 Sebamuf. 3 tab. ']if.fig, 12. Argenv. conch. t.S. I. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. 3. /}^. 2. & 4 tab. 4,/. 3, 4. 
 Regenf. conch. I. /^(^. 12, jig. 76. 
 C/^?w/z. fowc/?), 5. /a/^. 164,/. 1561 /. 165,/. 1572--1576. 
 2. Regenf conch, i. r«^ 3, //^. 27. 
 Inhabits the 1^ editerranean dnd South America. 
 Shell ponderous, green with various marks, lometimes 2 inches 
 in diameter : luhorls longicudiaally ribbed : probably a Turbo. 
 Stn'afus, Shell conic: the lad whorl a little angular: aperture 
472 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus, 
 inhabits the Mediterranean^. Gualt. test, tab, 6i« N. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 162, fig. I 527, I 528. 
 Shell minute, white with oblique black lines. 
 *Conuius. Shell conic, fmooth : whorls feparated by a prominent line. 
 Donovan's Brit.Jhells, tab. 8. /??. 2, 3, 
 Da Costa Brit, conchol. tab 2, jig. 4. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv.tab. 80, /ig. 104. 
 Lister, tab. 616, Jig. 2. Gualt. te/t, t. 61, fig. B. G. Mi 
 Chemn cor^ch. ^. tab. 166, fig. l^SS—i ^g\. 
 Inhabits Europeanfeas, and is hardly dillinft from the next. 
 Shell xzdi or yellow with cbefnut bands or raysj the tip tuber, 
 cular : nuhorls flattilh, the outer ones knotty. 
 Zizjpbi- Shell conic, livid, fmooth, tranfverfelj ftriate: whorls 
 Dono'vans Brit.Jhells, ii, tab. yz. 
 Da casta Brit, conch, tab. 3. fig. 2; 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. So.f/g, 103. 
 Lister, tab. b\6,f. I. Anim. Ang. t. -i,. f. 14. 
 Gualt. te/t. t.b\,Q. Arg conch t.S.'N. 
 Klein oftr. tab. 2, /. 36. Rumpf. muf. t. 21./. if 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. /. i^ff- 2> 3» and 6. /. zj.f» Ji 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. te/t. tab. 12,/. 9, lO. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tc^b. i6b. Jig. 1592— 1 598. 
 Inhabits Enropean and African coalts. Shell generally livid or 
 pale red variegated with deeper red or brown ftreaks and 
 marks : ^whorls contiguous, the upper ones very finely gra- 
 Qlelifcui> Shell conic, furrounded with numerous rows of white or 
 green moniliform granulations : pillar i-toothcd. 
 tlhabits iW/^. Knorr Vergn I. tab. 12. 
 Chemn. conch. 5 . tab. 1 60, fig. \ 5 I o — \ 512. 
 Shell 2 inches high and as much in diameter. 
 Diitortus* Shell folid, white, polifhed, ftriate, dlftortcd and obtufe at 
 the tip: firft whorl gibbous: aperture comprefted, 
 Pallas fpicil. zool. lO, tab. 'i- fig. 7, 8. 
 Martin. Berl. Satnmh ■J.tab. I, fig- 4, J. 
 Chemn conch. 5 tab. 160. fig. 1513, a, b. 
 Inhabits Spire with 7 whorls ; of an uncertain tribe. 
 Virgeau!, Shell pyramidal, with rofy and white ftripesand numerous 
 rows of knots: the bafe with concentric white and 
 red circles. 
WORMS. TEStACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Inhabits India, Lifter , tab. ^Z^. ftg. 17. 
 Chemn. conch. <^. tab, \6o. fig. I 5 I 4, 1515. 
 2. Muf. Gottnvalti. tab 39. pg, 268, 270. 
 Ftvsolatust Shell cinereous variegated vi^ith greenifh, whitifh and red« 
 difh : whorls of the fpire tuberculate at the lower 
 margin, the outmoft hollowed round. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \b\. fig. I 5 16 -I 5 19. 
 Inhabits the Redjea : whorls 13 : pillar i-toolhed. 
 Idiapbanust Shell thin, pellucid, with alternate chefnut and white liio- 
 niliform belts of granularions : whorls convex. 
 Spengl. Naturf. 9. tab. 5 fig. 2. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 161. fg. 1520, 152 1. 
 Inhabits (heres of Nevj Zealand : \\ inch high, and as much 
 broad : aperture large. 
 /<;■/. Shell covered with a fmooth coat, under which it is blue- 
 ilh with reddifli angular and undulate lines, and Ihin- 
 ing with rich iridefcent colours; ftriate, 
 Walch Naturf 4 tab. 1. fig, 5, 6. 
 Zorn Naturf. 7. tab. 2. fig. Q t C. 2, 
 Chemn conch. 5. tab, 161 /^. 1522, 1523, 
 ^ Martjn univerf. conch. I . tab. 24. 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocecn. 
 Shell w'nh an acute fpire and 7 — 9 contiguous whorls. 
 ^straiiu. Shell pyramidal, tranfverfely ftriate, varied with white aftd 
 red, the tip green^ pellucid. 
 Chemn, conch 5. tab. l6i. fig. 1524, 1525. 
 Inhabits the South fea: an inch high : whorls 7. • 
 Netatw. Sfiell with decuflate ftriae, wkhin grooved: the tip deep red. 
 Inhabits Schrcet. jfourn. 5. />. 438.y/^. 10, 11. 
 Schrat. Einl. in conch, i . tai. 3, f. 14. 
 Mlegani, Shell pyramidal, ftriate, brownifti purple. 
 Inhabits the South fea- Zorn. Nat. 7. / z.f. D, 1,2, 
 Thefe 2 laH are probably varieties of Tr. rollratus. 
 'ilefanojto- Shell obtufely pyramidal fpotted with greenifli : apcfture 
 ma, (letp black within 
 Inhabits the South fea. Chemn. 5. tab, 161./. 1526, a, b. 
 Irythroleu' Shell minute, pyramidal, ftriate with white and red. 
 «>, Inhabits Morocco, Chemn. 5 tab. 162. y, 1529. a, b. 
 VOL. IV. — 3O Pune^ 
474 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Pmilulatus Shell very minute, red, pundulale. 
 Inhabits Moroffo. Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \(>z. fg. 1530. 
 Jmbricatus Shell pyramidal, obliquely grooved,^ plaited and ribbed; 
 whorls a little prominent at the margin. 
 Lis/er, tab. 628. Guatt. tejL tab. 60. Q_ 
 Born. Muf Qtcf.Vind. teR. tab. 12. fig, 1 9, 20. 
 Chemn. conch* 5. tabs \62,f. I 531. 
 2. Knorr Ver-tt ■^. tab. 29 /Ig. I, 2. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. r«^. \tz, f. 1532, 1533* 
 Inhabits ^o«/^ American ieas. 
 Amtricanui Shell longitudinally grooved, ochraceous: whorls trunf- 
 verfely ftriate : lip denticulate: 
 C/^'mw. «»<:*• 5- tab. 162,/. 1534, 1535. 
 Inhabits South America^ fpire with 6 whorls. 
 Ccelattis, Shell fea- green, with protuberances and oblique fcaly 
 plaits : whorls of the fpire tranfverfely Itriate and 
 grooved in the middle, the lower margin of the firft 
 whorl rough with concave fpines. 
 Lister conch, tab. 6j^6. tab 6^j. fig 40. 
 Bon. recr. 3./. 1 1 . 167, 394. Mu/. Kirch. 3./.1 1, 12. 167. 38a 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 60. Jig. I, 2. 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. it. fig- J. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 162 fig. I 5 36, I537. 
 2. Fa'van. conch, t. 79. I? Martin conch, \. f. 53, 
 C/^fw». fowf-^. 10. tab. 16^. fig. 1581, 1582. 
 Purtureus. Shell purple, with plaited tuberculate whorls, and very mi* 
 nute moniliform belts of granulations: aperture fub« 
 Inhabits— C-^^z/zw. c(>nch. 5. tab. xSz, f. 1538, 1539. very rare. 
 Cookii. Shell fea-grcen with numerous rows of tubercles and ob- 
 lique undulate plaits: whorls of the fpire caniculatc 
 each fide, the firft above convex, beneath flattifli. 
 Spengler Naturf. 9. tab. 3. fig. 5, 6, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. i^-x^./ig. 1540. and a, b. /. 164. f. 1551. 
 Inhabits Cooke's Bay:. 4 inches Jong and as much broad, and 
 covered with 3 horny lid. 
 Nodukjitt, Shell brownilh with a convex bafe : whorls with a fingle 
 row of tubercles, the firft with 2 : each lip margined. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. i^l-f. I545> 1 546. 
 Inhabits the Soiah/eas and America i tubercles white. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Mauritia- Shell pyramidal, white varied with reddifh and green : 
 anus, whorls fpinous, with an obtufe lower margin: pillar 
 emarginate, plaited. 
 Litter, tab, (iz<^. GuaJt. tej}. tab, 6l. D.F. 
 Bonati. recr. ii. Muf. Ktrch. "i- f'g 90. 
 Lhemn conch. 5, tab 163 Jig. 1547, 1548. 
 Inhabits the iilands Bourbon and Mauritius: whorls 10 — J2. 
 Fetiestratuf Shell white, pyramidal : whorls of the fpire longitadinally 
 ribbed, with tranfyerfe monilit'orm belts ot green 
 grauLila ions. 
 ^umpf muf tab. zx.f. 7, Regenf. conch. \. t.z. f. 13- 
 Gucdt test. tab. 60. N. hluf. Qottnx) t. 'i(), f. 267. 
 Chemn conch, 1^. tab* 163, /". 1549, 1550. 
 Inhabits the Indian &nd South jeas : ij inch wide. 
 Pillar flightly incurved, with an excavated tooth, 
 H^Ucimis, Shell convex each fide, folid: fpire fmootli, the 2 firft 
 wjioris obliquely ribbed and excavated in the middle: 
 aperture nearly femilunar. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab 6. Jig, z, 
 Chemn. conch, ^. tab. \h\. fig 15 60. 
 Inhabits S.uth American feas. 
 Shell ovate, with undulate ribs and tranfverfe ftrias : aper- 
 ture a little comprelfcd; whorls of the fpire ventricofe, 
 the firft fubcarinate at the-bafe 
 Chemn conck, 5. tab. 16.5 fig 1 562, 1563. 
 Inhabits the South fen: 2 inches broad and high. 
 Shell black, the ribs of the firil whorl ending in a row of tuber- 
 cles : pdlar fine green, 
 Shell obtufely pyramidal, black with a purple band at the 
 bale: pillar white: all the whorls of the fpire rounded. 
 Knorr Very n. 5 tab 3. fig. I. 
 Inhabits Lhipa: fpire with 5 or 6 whorls, the band at the bafe 
 ottcu fpottcd w^ith white and yellow. 
 Shell black with a fubconvex granulate bafe : whorls grooved, 
 with moniiilorm belts of alternate black and white 
 Chemn. conch. <j. tab. 165. fi^, 1571. 
 Inhabits the South Jea. Shell minute, with 5 whqrls. 
 Shell obtufe: whorls roun<l, with many rows of tubercles, 
 grooved and tranfverfcly flriate: pillar toothed : aper- 
 ture lunatet 
 1 O 2 Inhabits 
47^ WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Inhabits. Chemn* conch, 5, tab. 166. /. 1782. 
 5^^// cinereous or teftaceous; pillar-lip plaited and wrinkled 
 Tejfellatus. Shell conic r- convex, tranfverfely ftriate, with oblongr 
 fquare fpots difpofed in rows : aperture large, fub- 
 compreired : pillar lip fpotted with black: pillar 
 ■white, tooth-like. 
 Born. Muf. Ctej- Vind. test. tab. ^2,fig, $, 6, 
 Chemn. conch, 5. tab. \6b,fig. 1583. 
 2. Qhemn. conch ^., tab. \bb. fig. 1 585. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 5, tab. 166. fig. 1586, 1587. 
 4. Lilier, tah. 642. Adanf. Heneg. \. t.\z. f. 1, 
 Bonan. recr, $5" Muf kirch. 3. fig. zoi. 
 Gualt. tefi, t. 63. f. D, E. G. Klein oftr. t. 2. 7.53, 54. 
 Kncrr Vergn. \. tab. \o^ fig. 6. 
 Chemn conch. ^. tab. 166./. I 5 84, 
 , Intiabirs the Mediterranean, 4) Africct, 
 Wh'.rls of the ^»r round, the fpots blackifh or cinereous, rarely 
 dttrinus. Shell conic-convex, citron with angular black lines; the 
 2 firft whorls fhaded with brown. 
 Inhabits Jfia. K/forr Vergn. I. tab. 10. f. 7, 
 Granatum, Shell pyramidal, white variegated with fcarlet, the bafe 
 fubconvex: whdrls convex with moniliform belts of 
 granulations, the 2 firft very large. 
 Chemn. conch- 5. tab. 170. fig, 1654, 1655. 
 Innubits the iteuthfea: about 2 inches high and nearly as much 
 broad ; fpire withg or ;o whorls, 
 Crocatus. Shell fmooth, conic, whije with a fafFron tip: whorls 
 round and feparated by a groove at the future. 
 Inhat)ils — —Born MuJ, Qeef. Vind, tejt. tab. \l. f^ II, 12. 
 Conchyli^ Whorls round and obfoletely plaited, the firft brpwnifh : 
 o^borm. aperture compreilcd, browniih ; mouth and concave 
 bale brown. 
 Martin, befch. Berl. Naturf 2. tab. iz.j. 2, 3. 
 Born. Mufi (J,aj Vmd. test. tab. \ 2. fig. 21, 22, 
 Qhemn, conch. 5. tab. 172. fig. 1688—^690. 
 InhaDUs 6outh Ainerica : 2 niches hi^h, z\ broad, and is often 
 found with iloncs, corals and teltaceous lubllances adhering to 
 it: Ji^ire vvith 6 whorls. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 477 
 pantheri. Shell convex, white with green brown and fulvous fpots; 
 nus. whorls with 2 rows of tubercles, the fecond whojrl 
 plaited carinate. 
 Inhabits Senegal. Adans faneg. i. tah. 12. fig. 9. ^) fig- 10. 
 Shell about 8 lines long and fomcthing broader. 
 Grandma- Shell rough with concatenate globules, the bafe convex 
 tus. y>i\x\\ concentric granulate ftrias: lip doubled toothed. 
 Inhabits Falmetton IJJand. Martyn. iini'ver/. conch, I. fig. 38. 
 CbemJi. (onck, 10. tab. l6g./ig. 1639. 
 hequalis, $hell deprelfed, with belts dotted with white beneath: 
 whorls crowned with fpines and a double row of raifedl 
 Inhabits Friendly IJlands, Martyn univ, conch, I. tah. 31. 
 Tigris. Shell fubovate, grey with red ftripes and tranfverfely ftrUte 
 with white. 
 Inhabits Ne=w Zealand, Martyn univ. conch. Z, fig. 75. 
 Pulligo, Shell conic, brown obliquely ftriate with black. 
 Inhabits Georges Bay, Martyn univ. conch. 2. tab. 76, 
 * Parvus, Shell conic white, with 4 tuberculate whorls. 
 Found on the Pembrokejhire coast, TranJ, Linn^ Sec, iii. /. 65. 
 C. Tapering, with an exferted pillar, and falling on the 
 Jide when placed upon the baje. 
 Telefcopium Shell imperforate ftriate, with a fpiral pillar. 
 Lister tab. bza^, Argenv. conch tab. II.B. 
 Bonan recr., and Muj\ kirch 1. fig. 92. 
 Ruinff. niuf. tab. Zl. fig. 12, Gualt. test, tab. 60. D, E. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab. 50 fig. i — 12. Murray test. t. l.f. 2J. 
 Knorr del. tab. B ^^fg. 9 Vergn. 'i^.t. 22 f 2, 3. 
 Born Muf. Cr^f.l'ind teii. p. 326. 'vign.ftg, d. 
 Chemn. conch. ^. p.\bo.fig. 1507 — 1509. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocet^n : about 4 inches long 
 .S/ff/V tapering, like a tclleicope when drawn out; brown liver- 
 colour or blackilh, the firft whorl generally barred with white; 
 //V/«r a little prominent, with a tooth or plait in the middle : 
 Hvhorls flattifh, 
 Dolabratus Slioit umbilicatc glabrous: pillar with recurved twifted 
 Lister tab. 844. Argenv. ccr.ch. tab. 11. L. 
478 WORMS. TESTACEA. 79. Trochus. 
 Knorr Fergn, 6. tab. 29. fi^. 2. Walcb, Nat. f, t. 3./'. 5,. 
 Chemn, conch, ^.t. }6y./. 1603, 1604. 
 2. Lister tab. 8^^. Jig. 72. b. 
 3. Pet. Gaz. t. 118./. 15. GW/. /^//. tab. 4. M* 
 Inhabits 5o«/^ America. Shell white, generally furrounded witl^ 
 yellow lines and a few brown ones; nuhorls roundifli, feparatecj 
 \)y a fine groove : aperture toothed; pillar with 3 plaits, 
 Perver/us* Shell imperforate glabrous : whorls contrary, with a double 
 row of excavated dots 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : fmall, hom colour. 
 Whorls cylindrical, with "crenate pundlures : aperture fquare: 
 pillar a liitle prominent at the bafe. , 
 Pu/tllust Shell flat at the bafe, with fine tranfverfe Ariae croflTed by 
 oblique finer ones: aperture comprelftd: whorls con- 
 Spengl. «, Schrift, d^en. t , tab. I . fig, I , 
 Chemn. conch 9. tab, Wij.fig. 996. 
 Inhabits the Indian Seas, and is generally found among the fand 
 within fide larger fhcllsi hardly \ of an inch long; probably 
 a variety of the laft. 
 Vndulatui, ^^^^^ ^^^ ^* ^'^^ \>2i{ty with longitudinal ribs crofling 
 flexuous tranfverfe itrias: aperture femilunar: whorls 
 Spengl. n. Schr. dan, x.tab. \.fig. 2, 
 Chemn. conch, g. tab. 11$' Jig ^^1* 
 Inhabits the Indian fiorei : lefs than the laft. 
 yentricofus. Shell cancellate, glabrous at the bafe: aperture fubovate: 
 whorls contrary, the upper-ones ventricofe and turgid. 
 Spengl. Schrift. deen. I. tab, i. fig. 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 9 t. Wl-f. 968. 
 Inhabits the Indian funds: fize of the laft. 
 Anmlatus, Whorls of the fpirfe contrary and ribbed each fide: aperture 
 nearly fquare. 
 Spengl. Schr. dan. I. tab, I. fig, 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. t. 1 13./^ 969. 
 Inhabits the Indian Sands: fize of the laft: ^whorls j2 — 15, 
 Flumineus. Shell fubpyramidal umbilicate fmooth, white with a reddifh 
 tip: whorls feparated by a groove: aperture femi-' 
 Inhabits Shrart, Fhfcmch, tab. 2, fig. 16. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 479 
 Pundatus, Shell imperforate, the whorls with a triple row of promi- 
 nent dots. 
 Inhabits Southern Europe and Africa: fize of a barley-corn. 
 Shell ferruginous, covered over with obtufe : aperture fquare: 
 pillar hardly vifible and caniculate. 
 Sfriatellus. Shell imperforate, with longitudinal oblique parallel ftri^e. 
 Inhabits the Mediferranean : fmall, white tipt with violet. 
 Ziczar. Shell fubftriate and painted with darker angular lines: aper- 
 ture fuborbicular. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tah, \b6,Jig 1 599. 3, b, 
 2. Lister tab 583. /f. 38. 
 Ckemn. conch. 5. tab. 166. fig. 1600. a, b. 
 Inhabits — ^^Whorls 5 or 6 : of an uncertain genus. 
 Lunaris, Shell contrary, moderately convex fmooth and (lightly um"- 
 bilicate: whorls 5. 
 Inhabits— —C/^?««, conch. 9. tah. iiS-fig' 97^» 
 Hirtenlls. Shell pyramidal, nearly imperforate, white with a reddilb 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. MZ. fig. 1055, 1056, 
 Fouud in gardens, in warmer climates. 
 SO. TURBO. Animal a Limax : j%<?// uni- 
 valve, fpiral folid: aperture contradted 
 orbicular entire. WreatK 
 A. Pillar 'margin of the aperture dilated imperforate. 
 Shell roundifh fmooth and very obtufe, ventricofe above, 
 Knorr Vergn. 6. tab. 2lf'g- 8. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 185./^. 1854. n. a — f? 
 Inhabits Northern Seas : /hell brown variegated with white. 
 Shell ovate glabrous and rather obtufe. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 6. tub. 23 fg. 9. 
 Chemn, eonch. 5. tab. 185. fig. 1854. n. 1 — 1 1 ?' 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and America: minute. 
 Shell iomttima uniformly yellow red or brown, fometimes va-- 
 riegated or marked with bands and lines : aperture ovate: re- 
 (embles a Nerita. 
48o WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 ^LittcreuSt Shell fubovate acute flriate. PerriwinhU» 
 Dononjans Brit. Shells, I. tab, JJ.yf^. I* 2. 
 Pennant Brit. Zonl.x iv. tab, ^y, fig. 102. 
 Bajler op./uhfec. 3, tab. l^'fig- I. 
 Lister tab, 585 fig, 43. Anim, angly t. 3. yi gf. 
 GW/. /^y?! tab. 45. A. C. G. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab, 6, L, Zoomorph. tab. 3. A. 
 J5<jr/« Muf. Caf. Find, tefi.ftg. I 3, 1 4. 
 Chemn, conch, 5. /a^. 185./%. 1857, 1855. 1855* 
 2, Lister conch, tab \o^C). fig, 6 — 8. 
 Inhabits moft European Shores, and are faid by Sailors to indicate 
 ftormy weather if feen crawling high up the rocks, and calm 
 weather when they defcend; the ti(h is very frequently eaten. 
 Shell about l| inch high, very finely ftriite tranfverfely, fome- 
 times blackifti with white lines, or brown with darker lines, 
 or rcddifh yellowifh or whitilh with various hues and markings: 
 whorls 5 — 7 contigi»us, the firll very large: aperture fub- 
 ^Tumidujt Shell pale red, with 5 diftindt tumid elegantly ftriate whorls, 
 the firft ventricofe. 
 Penn. Brit, Zool. iv. tab. S2. fig, 1 10. 
 Inhabits woods of England: very rare. 
 * Rudixt Shell fmooth, with 5 diftin£l tumid whorls: lip thick and 
 glofTy within. 
 Donovan s Britifii fiiells. l. tab. "iZ'fiS" 3» 
 Inhabits weftern coafts of England: >ery much rcfembles T, 
 littoreus, but the whorls are more diftinft and tumid and not 
 ftriate; colour greeniih with a pale margin to the aperture. 
 ^ Lineafus, Shell fomewhat conic, cinereous variegated with frne zig- 
 zag black ftreaks: pillar with a wide tooth. 
 Dono'van^s Brit. Shells, ii. tab. 71. 
 Da Cofia Brit. Conch, p, 1 00. tab. S.fig.y, 
 Inhabits the fouthcrn and weftern coafts of England,. 
 5'i'f// large thick, top-(haped, wuh irregular black or pale bfown 
 or reddifh -brown irregular lines ; when the outer coat is wora 
 off", the (hell appears of a fine perlaceous eolouf • 
 Muricatus* Shell umbilicate fubavate acute, furrounded with ftr)«e of 
 raifcd dots: pillar-margin a little obtufe. 
 Lister fab. "^O.fig. 28. Gualt. tefi, tab. 45. E. 
 Adans. Seneg, i. tai. XZ.jig. 2. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Find, teft, tab. iz.fig, lc$, l&. 
 Chemn, conch. 5. /. 177./'. 1752, 1753. 
 Inhabits Europe America and Africa: an inch high. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 481 
 Sbeil blueifh white with a brown mouth: av(!;er/f tranfverfely 
 ftriate and diftaiit. 
 lituus» Shel! fiibovafe fmooth : aperture lateral margined: umbi- 
 licus covered. 
 Inhabits Pulo Cofuiore. Martynuniv, conchol, I. tah, 27. 
 Punadatiu Shell fnbovate fmooth bro//n, with paler flat dotted belts: 
 aperturf clay colour. 
 Inhabits— —A/«r/|'«. um'V. conch. I. tah. 36. 
 B- Solid imperforate. 
 • Cimex, Shell oblong-Ovate with decuffite ftrias and eminent dots. 
 Dono<vati'i Brit. Shells tah. 2. lig, I, 
 Jdan$. feneg. i. tah. 10 l^ig. b? 
 Da Cojia lirit.covch.t. 8.V. 6. g. 
 Gualt. tefi. tah. 44. fig. X, 
 Inhabits European Coa/ls : verv minute. 
 ■S^/"// thick '.vhitlrti, without ^I'lfs: Up bordered with white within: 
 firft whorl of Xhc/pire 4 times as large as tne rell, 
 Pullu.s. Shell ovate fmooth, variegated red and white: aperture a 
 little angular forwards 
 Donovans Bnt, Shells tab. 2. fig. 2—^. 
 Da Coll a Brit Lonchol. /. 8./. I. 3. 
 Born Muf. Quj Vind.tefi. tah, xz.fig. 1 7, I S.- 
 Inhabits European feat , ,'7?if// mii ate thin tranl^iarent glofly, white 
 or rote-colour with red ji;h marks in various directions. 
 *Fa/ciatus: Shell oblong, white maroled or fafciaie with black: fpire 
 with 6 tumid wh )rls. 
 Doncrcaus Brt. ^heili i. tab, l2.. I. i^er tah* 19, 
 Pennant ftr/t. Zool. iv. rah, 82, yf^. 119.- 
 inhabits the IFelch .ioa/ls: \ an inch long, 
 Pcrfonahus, Shell convex fmooth: the aperture fomewhat angular. 
 Inhabits //^^'^ R.;;npf, >,t:(J\ tub. 19 % i. 
 5^^//cinerc^jus dotted -wi'.n crown ; rtfembles a Nerita. 
 Pttholatus^ Shell ovate fmooth glolfy : the whorls fomewhat angular on 
 the upper- p.irt. 
 Nat-tr MijceU. t.'b. ^!^g. Lijier tab. 584 /^. 39, 
 Rumpf muf. tut) 19 D. and^V. 5, 6, 7. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 6. v.. Zoom, tab, 10. D. 
 VaUnt. abb. ta;>. 6. fig. 55. Gu:.lt. te/f. tab,, 64. F, 
 VOL, IV— 5^ fC/ein 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 Klein oflr, tab, 2, fig, 51- Knorr ielic. t. B. T, iii. f. 7. 
 Knorr Fergn. l.tah 3. ftg. 4. and 2. t. zz.f» I, 2, 3. t. 3,/. 3. 
 /. 23 f 4. /. 28./. 2—5. 
 Regenf. conch, l. tab, S. fig, 18. /. 9./ 27. 
 Chemn.comh.^.t. 183, 184./. 1826— 1839. 
 2. Seba muf. 3, /. 74./ 3. 5. 7, 8 16. 
 3, Gualt.test. tab 63. I. Valent. abh t. 2. f- 27. 
 Inhabits India and ^o«/i' America: /^^/Z glabrous, ehefnut with 
 particoloured bands, very finely ftriate longitudinally : 'whorls 
 round: pillar yellowifh green, 
 Cochlusi Shell ovate ftriate, with a fingle thicker ftria on the back. 
 Lifier tab. 584. kg. \0. tab, 586. Klein cjir.t. Z.f 5 5- 
 Valent. abh. ^6. f 53, 54- 5^' Seba muf. 3. r. 74./. 30* 
 ir«cr/- /V^». I . / J /". 5 BegenJ. corch. \. t. \.f. 1 2. 
 C/^mw. fow/6, y. ^ 182./ 1805, 1806. 
 Schrat. Einl. in conch. 2, /. 3./. 17. 
 a. Argenv. conch, t. b.f Ql 
 3. iC«orr i^//r. /. B. iii,/ 6 ? Te^r^w. i, t. 3./. 3 ? _ 
 Inhabits /«^/a ; /-f// green or greenifh-brovvn varied with white, 
 and girt with white bands fpotted with brown, with very fine 
 longitudinal ftrias and a fingle thick tranlverfe one on the back; 
 aperture fil very. 
 Shell fubovate wrinkled: whorls farrounded with 2 rows 
 of vaulted fpines. 
 Rumff.muj.tab.iq E. Argenv. conch, tab, b.!). 
 Gualt. test. tab. 62. H. KUin ofir. t. 7./. 126, 
 Sebamuf. 3. tab. 74./^. 9 — H- 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. /. 14./. 2 and 5. /. 1 3./. 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /. 178./- ^7^^- ., ... 
 Inhabits India 5-6^// yellowifh radiate with biown, gilt within: 
 pillar and lip white : nvhorls diftant, tranfverfely ftriate and 
 marked with longitudinal lines, the upper-ones plaited. 
 Echinatus. Shell fubovate wrinkled, with obtufe vaulted fpines on the 
 whorls: pillar-lip expanded crenate. 
 Martynmi'verf, Conch., I. tab. 26. 2) tab. 3. 
 Inhabits the 6oiith fea and Friendly IJlands. 
 ^eatum Shell ovate, with obtufe deprefled fpines, beneath papillous. 
 perjicum, Argenv conch, tab. S.? } 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \t-2,.fig. I 543, 1544' 
 2. Spines pointed. Gualt test. tab. 60. M ? 
 Inhabits India. Shell cincre us with brown bands; nxhorls 6, 
 tranfverfely wrinkled, with 2 rows of fpines: mouth white 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 Shell conic, with obtufe concatenate fpines, beneath with 
 papillous (trice. 
 Rumpf. ffiuf tah l\. D. Argenv conch, tab. 8, A. 
 Lister tab. 64+. Knorr Vergn I. tab. z^.ftg. 3, 4. 
 Ke.n o/ir. tah. z.ftg. 37. ^Seba muf 3. /. 60./. 3, 
 Chemn. conch. ^. tab. idyf'g- 154'' '542- 
 Inliabits India. Shell 3 inches high, rough, with undulate plaits 
 and wrinkles: tellaceous, with an ochraceous aperture : _yj>/r* 
 with 8 or g whorls, the firft with 2 rows of fpines. 
 Shell fubconic, variegated with black and grey and covered 
 with hollow fcales : aperture margaritaceous crcnulate. 
 Inhabits F.-iendly ijlarjs. Martjn ur.i-v. conch. I. tab. '^^. 
 Shell pearly imperforate deprefTed: whorls rough, with 
 coinprcired hodow fpines above. 
 Lister tab. f^oS.fig. 46. Rufn/f. muf, tab, 20. I. 
 Ar^env. conch, tab- 6. R. tab. 8. H. 
 Gualt.test. tub 65 N. P. Klein ofir. /. I./. 2t ? 27. 
 Sebamuf ^. tab 59/'>- S' ^• 
 Knorr Fergn 4. tab 4 /7-:. 2—4 /. 6./. 2. t- 7./. I. 
 Chemn conch. ^. tub 164. /Ig- >^;2, 1553./. 124,/. )7l8— 1720. 
 2. i:he'rin conch, ^.t. 180/ 1786, 1787. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 10 /. 1650./ 1585, 1586. -r. • , 
 Inn?.Hits Indfa, 2) the MeJiterranean. Shell greeniih with 5 
 diftant knotty whorls. 
 Shell ftibovate (Iriate : whorls rugged above. 
 Lder tab. 647, /f. 41 » Knorr Ver^n. 2. /. 20./ I. 
 Bonan. recr. 3. fig. 12, 13. Muf kirch. J,, fig. 12 — 14. 
 Gualt teft. tab. 63. F. H Argen-v. conch, tab. 8. O, \ 
 Klein ofir. tab. 2 f'g- 50, 
 Chemn. conch t^. tab. 180.7%. ^7^2 — 1785. 
 2. r/'m«. 5. /• 181 / 1803, 1804; Gtt-a//. tab. 63, C. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Adriatic, 2) AVw Zealand. 
 Shell greerifli ciojded with cinereous or white : pillar red : throat 
 filvery; ni-horls with obfjleccly knotty wrinkles on the upper- 
 Shell fubovate fmooth: whorls with 3 rows of protuberances: 
 beak dilated behind. 
 Lister tab. 587 Gualt test. tab. 64. A. 
 Sebamuf 3. tab. 7^- fig 1,2. 
 Knor- Tergn. 3. tab. zd-fg. I. /• tl'f- '• 
 Chemn cor.ch. ^.tat. lyi^.fg. 1775. 1776. 
 Inhahits South America: refemblesT. olearius, but is thinner and 
 has 2 incomplete rows of knots : jhell dull green, with bands 
 compofed of white brown and reddilh ipots, 
 3 P 2 Sarmaticus, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 Sarmaiicus. Shell convex obtufe : whorls knotty above and fcparated by 
 a canal 
 Bonnn r cr. and Muf. Kirch "^^ fig. l66? 
 Ar^eifo conch tab. 8 V Regenf. conch !, tah. ^-jif, 7. 
 Chetnn conch 5 tab. y'jq jif^ '777> i?/^. '781. 
 2. Knoi*- deUc.tab.'^ \\\.ftg. 2. Vergn \.t 3 Z' 1. 
 Iiihahits Asiatic ?vd Af>:cun ^ea\ She// covered with ayeMonifh- 
 orange coat, under v^h'ch it is ceep black, within filvery : 
 •u/Wj- with rnany rows of kViOts, thofe ot the upper row very 
 Okarius. Shell convex obtufe fmooth angular. 
 Bonan recr. ai d May. Kirch'. 3 /:>. Q. 1 8it. 
 Rump/ muf tab, 19. A. P. G«^A ??/?. tab, 68, A.- 
 jfir/«« o///-, tab- 7- fig' '84. Khorr /■^er^fn. 2. t. 9-/". I* 
 iJ.emn, co-ch. <^.tah. 178 /"/p-. 1771, 1772. 
 2. i^c'/sw >ffr. 3./^. 406. M«/. Kirch. 3./". 38(5, 
 3. liee'f conch. I /i?/^ '^ fig^ 5? ? 
 • L.htmn. conch ^. taK IJ^-fig •773> 1774? 
 Inhabit- / ^'/a .*^,6t-// v. ith 3 rows of knots on the back: firft 
 whorl oblique gibbous. 
 Whorls of the fpire ronnd, with decu (Tate flrias ; the firft 
 with 3 rows of imbricate fpines. 
 Ckemn. conch. 5 tab 1-9 fig. 1779, 178c, 
 Intiabits China. Shel/ r<iih:.t large, olive. 
 Shell rugged: whorls round, diftant, tranfvcrfely flriatc, 
 anu armed with linall imbricate fpines. 
 Chann. CO ch 5 tab. \Zq fig. 1778, 1779. 
 Iniunts Cite Redjea 6Vpf/7,whiti(h wuli chefnut rays, or brown 
 r^diat^ wiih white; wic;un fiUery. • 
 Imperialism, Shell glabrous gloffy-green, withinfnowy: aperture filvery: 
 pillar lip call(>us above. 
 InhabUb China. Chemii. c n^h 5. tab. 180. fig. 1790. 
 WhorU of ihe/pire very convex. 
 Coronatus. Shell wrinkled, white with greeni'h clouds, the tip orange : 
 whorls crov\ncd with fpines and knots: pillar pnxiucqd 
 into a beak. • 
 Lijter tab. 57:;. Chemn. ^.tab. i So fig. 1791,1792, 
 2. A'r(re»'v conch, tab. 6 Q. Chemn. f^rab. i$0, fig. 1793' 
 Inhabits (eas of Maiacca : extremely r.ire. 
 Caniculatus Shell grooved and tranfvcrfely flriate, greenilh-whiie with a 
 few chefnut niarKS: whorls very convex. 
WOK MS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 4S5 
 Hegeftf, concb. I. tab lo fig. 44. 
 Chemn. coucb. ^ tab. \%l.fig. 1794. 
 lnhabit> India. Shell ponderous, with 6 whorls. 
 $et(^us. Whorls of the fpire cylindrical groo\'cd and tranfverfcly 
 itriate: outer pillar-lip crenate. 
 Rui/tpf. muf. tab. lO C. Gualt, test, tab 64,3. 
 CLermi conch. ^. tab. iSl./g 1 795, 1 796. 
 Inhabit^ Jfrdia. Shell with pccous fpocs and white and chefnut 
 rays j^l'^ccd alternately : ^ijhorif 6. 
 Spari'erius. Shell oblong with broad fmooth flrix, ycllowilli fpotted 
 with brown. 
 Cbemn conch. 5 tab. \%\.fig. 1793. 
 Inhibits India, Shell with unequal ftri^i and Cf round whorls: 
 aperture Ihining iike mother ot pearl. 
 Spino/us, Shell oblong, tranfverfely ftriate, the ftri^ fpinous: aperture 
 Inhabits India. Ch;mn.corch. ^.tah. iSi. /ig. 1797. 
 Shell vvhitifh and yellow radiate with black ; ivbjrls 6, 
 Moltkanus Shell filvery-grey with tranfverfe yellow and orange bands: 
 whorls with moniiiform belts of granulations, above 
 plaited knotty and armed with hoHo.v fpines. 
 Inhabits Ckemn, conch. 5. tai. \%\.fig. 1799, 1800. 
 Aperture perlaceous ; pillar iilvcry. 
 Shell variegated white and yellowifh : whorls round, tranf- 
 verfely Itriate, and feparateti by a canal. 
 Chemn conch. '^^ tab. iSl. fig. 1801, 1802. 
 2. Herman iVa/urf. \b. tab. z.fig 1,2. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, very rare: apertun fiivery within. 
 Qajianea, Shell tranfverfely (Iriate, chcfnut-brown fpoJted with white: 
 whorls furroundcd with rows of knots. 
 Ckcmn. conch. 5 tub. \%Z. f:g. I 807 — I 8 10. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 5. tab. xiz.fig. 1813, 1814. 
 3. Regenf. conch, i. tab. \z,fig. 70. 
 Inhabits South America. Spire with 5 whorls, 
 {^reiiulatus. Shell filvery-grey furroundcd with many rows of knots: 
 aperture milk-white within. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. ^- tab. \%z,fg. 181 1, i8l2. 
4&6 WORMS. TESTACEA. So. Turbo. 
 SmaragduC Shell ponderous, (lightly deprefled, fmoothifh and obliqAjely 
 wxinkled : fpire with 4 whorls^ the firft round and 
 Zorn Naturf, 7. tab.z. fig. A. 1. A, 2 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. I 82, f. 18 15, 1816. 
 Inhabits Ne^w Zealand: z inches broad and high. S/^^// green, 
 Pap'jraceus Shell pellucid, very thin and finely annulate, the firft whorl 
 very large, the next with a band varied v/ith white 
 and red ; aperture oval. 
 Inhabits -Lhemn. conch. ^^ tab. iSz.f. 1817, 1818, 1819? 
 JEthiops. Shell tranfverfely grooved, black with fine ftrias on the 
 firlt whorls, the reft filvery; each lip bordered with 
 Inhabits— —.ForK. MuJ. CaJ. find. teli. p. 34.0. 'vign.f.hi 
 Chemn conch z^.tab. \%z. fig. 1820, 1S21. 
 tS/'f// middle- fized, with a dilated aperture. 
 Ktcpbaricui Shell browniih, reticulate; v/horls furrounded with belts: 
 V aperture with a pellucid grceniih border : pillar with 
 a citron callus : throat g'^ldcn, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. i^Ztf xSzz, 1823- 
 2. Chemn. conch. ^ tab. \%z.fig. 18:^4, 1825. 
 3. Born Muf. Caf. Ifmd. lest. tab. 13./%. 10, I 7. 
 lvihd.hil& Nicobar ifa7idi: middle-iized. 
 Cidaris, Shell fmooth, with compreifed roundifh whorls, the firft 
 round aud very large: aperture comprefled, filvery- 
 grcen : pillar a little prominent. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. iS^.fg, 1840-1847, 
 Valent. abh. tab ^. f 35. Argenv. conch, t, 6. B. O. 
 Seba muj. 3. tab. 74. fig. I 3 — i;. 
 Schrcct. Etnl- in conch 2. />. 82, 83. 
 Inhabits India and China, in infinite varieties of colours and 
 Nigerrimus Shell fmooth, deep black: whorls with an excavated mar- 
 gin and diftant. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 185./. 1848. 2) 1849. 
 Inhabits i\\e. Southern Ocean. 
 tieliciitus. Shell fmooth, nearly imperforate, roundifh with contiguous 
 convex whorls : pillar thickened. 
 Born Muf Caf Vind. tejt. tab. iz. fg. 23, 24. 
 Inhabics — ■ Shell purple and greeniih with a fdvery throat. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 PunSlatus. Shell ovate, thick, with amucronate fpire : whorls fmooth, 
 fiattifh, the 2 firfl: very large. 
 Inhabits Senegal. AdanJ. Seneg. I. tab iz.Jig. \. 
 Shell 6 or 7 lines long, plumbeous, fometimes reddifh, with 
 rows of white dots, within cofFee-colour. 
 Hamafto- Shell ovate, folid, glabrous, with 6 ftriate whorls : aperture 
 ^^^* margined, oval. 
 Inhabits— — ScopoL delic. InJ. I. tah. 2^. Jig, B. 
 Shell 3 inches long, white : -uihorls ventricofe, contiguous, the 
 firlt reddifh above: aperture brownilh within, 
 Torquatus. Shell ovate, with convex tranfverfe grooves and rugged 
 ftrias: whorh with a knotty belt: mouth filvery. 
 Inhabits New Zealand. Marty n conch. 2. fig. 71. ' 
 Chemn. conch. 10. /. 295. 'vign, z\. jig. A, B. 
 Vndulatus. Shell ovate -convex, with longitudinal undulate ftreaks ; 
 fpire obtufe : mouth filvery. 
 Chemn. conch, IC tab. 196. fig, 1640, 164I. 
 Murt . uni'v . conch . I. tab. zc^. 
 Inhabits Nevj Zealand &n(\. Holland, 
 hiveust Shell fpiral, fnowy, diaphanous, tranfverfely ftriate : whorls 
 often diftorted. 
 Chemn. conch. 10 tab. l6^. fig. 1578,1579* 
 Ktemm. cab. Rudolji. tab 8. fg. 4, 5. 
 Inhabits Nicobar IJlands, 
 Helkoides, Shell horny, fubdiaphanous, with 3 ribs, fmoothifh; firft 
 whorls diltant : aperture triangular. 
 Chtmn. conch. 10 tah 165,^^ 1589,1590. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : probably an Helix, 
 *Nitidas. Shell fmooth, opake, obtufe, with 4 whorls : aperture oval. 
 Found on the Fembrokejhire coaft, Linn, Tranf. iii. ^. 65. 
 *Scriptus, Shell fmooth, opake, with 3 whorls, and brown lines re- 
 fembling charaders: aperture roundifh. 
 TranfaQ. Linn, boc lii p.^S- '^^' ^i-j- ''» ^2, 
 Found on the Pembrokffiire coast : minute. 
 The lines exaftly refemble thofe on the Lichen fcriptus. 
 *Cotfatus. Shell opake, with 4 whorls deeply ribbed longitudinally 
 and tranfverfely itriate : aperture oval. 
48S WORMS. TESTACEA. 8o. Turbo. 
 IranfaSl. Littn.Soc. iii. tab. I 3. Jig. 13, 14. 
 Fonhd on th?i f'em6*-oie/Jiire coijjt. Shell minute, white: aper- 
 ture margined: rihglod'y, 
 •Suhluteus. Shell opake, with 5 longitudinally ribbed whorls: aperture 
 rounded, margined. 
 ^ran/ail. Linn. Sdc. iii. tai>. I3.y. 15, 16. 
 On the PembrokeJIiire coast : minute, pale yellow, 
 •Ali&Jtu, Shell opake, with 5 longitudinally ribbed whorls ; aperture 
 roundifh, not margined. 
 7ranfaS. Linn. Sor. iii. tab. 13./^. I7, 18. 
 On the PembrokeJIiire csast. Shell minute.' 
 ^ReticttUt' Shell white, opake, with 4 reticulate whorls: aperture 
 tus» roundish. 
 TranJaSi Linn. Joe. iii. tab. 13. fig» 1 9, 20. 
 Adanti Microjc. p 636. tab. \ if. fig., 14, 
 On t\ic Pembrokejhire coast: minute. 
 •Ruber, Shell opake, fmooth, with 5 whorls: aperture roundifli. 
 Tranjaa. Linn, foe iii- tab ^1% fig* 21, 22, 
 Adams Microjc. p. 637. tab. \\.ftg. 15, 
 On the Pembrokejhiie coast : minute. 
 •Inttrititu- Shell pellucid, fmooth, -jvith 5 whorls feparated by a thin 
 tuii rib. 
 Tranjaci. Linn. foe, iii. tab. ^l*ftg. 23, 24* 
 On the Pemb'-okefiiire coast : minute. 
 Sbeli white, with a roundilh aperture^i 
 •Striatus. Shell pellucid, white, with 5 fpirally ftriate whorls : aper- 
 ture oval. 
 7ranja3. Linn. Joe, iii. tab. l^- f 25, 26. 
 On the Pembrokejhire coast. Shell minute. 
 •Subarcu- Shell pellucid, white and a little curved towards the tip, 
 «»/«j, with 10 longitudinally ribbed whorls. 
 TranJ'aB. Linn. Joe. iii. tab. 13. /". 27, 28, 
 On tht Pembrokejhire coast : minute. 
 *yEreus, Shell pellucid, with longitudinally ribbed whorls: aperture 
 TranJ'a6l.Linn. foe. iii. tab. 13, /". 29, 30. 
 On the Pembroke fhire coast : minute. 
 Shell brafTy between the ribs, the ribs whi>:. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 489 
 *EUgans. Shell pellucid, with 6 fpirally ftriate whorls, and remote 
 ribs : aperture oval. 
 TranfaSl. Linn. Joe. iii. tah. I 3. fig 31,32. 
 Found on \kiC Pembrokefnire coast: minute. 
 ^Ptllucidas S^ell pellucid, vrhite, with 5 reticulate whorls: ape/ture" 
 T^anfaS. Linn. foe. iii. tab. 13. fig, 33, 34, 
 Found on the PembrokeJIiire coafis minute. 
 *Canalicu' Shell pellucid, whitifh, with ^ longitudinally grooved 
 latus. whorls: aperture roundifh. 
 Coaft of Pemhrokejhire, Ltnn, Iranf, \\\tp. 253. 
 Shell minute, the fpires feparaied by an elevated line^ 
 *Di'vifuf. Shell pellucid, white, with 4 whorls, each divided into two 
 parts ; the upper one fmooth, the lower one fpirally 
 llriatc: aperture fuboval. 
 Tran/ait. Linn. foe. \i\. p. 254. 
 ' On the Pembrekejkire jands. Shell minute, 
 . C. SoliJy perforated. 
 Pica. Shell conic, rounded, fmooth, with a fmall tooth near th« 
 Liiter, tab. 640. /. 30. Gualt. teji. tab, 68. B. 
 /Irgenv. coneh. tab, 8, G. Adohj. Seneg. x.t.lZ.f. 7, 
 Peti'V. Gazoph. tab, J.f. 9. Kkin oitr. t. z.f. 52. 
 Bonan. reer. Sc MuJ. Kirch. 3./, 29, 30. 
 Knorr Vcrgn, I. tab. xo.f. i. & 2. t, z\. f, 3 ? 
 Regenf. conch. 1. tab. 6./. 66. /. i i-f. 57. 
 Chemn. conch. 4. t. 151./. 1420, 1421. Oi; 5, t, I'jb./^X'^'jO.i.'J^l. 
 2. .Chemn. conch. 5, /. I1S5./, 1850? 185 1? 
 3. Ciemn.conch. 1^. t. l-ji.f. 1769,1770? 
 Born Mil/. Ca-j-Vind. test, tab l^^./, l, Z. 
 Inhabits mo!t leas : Jri.ell folid, 2-^ inches high, 3j broad, radiate 
 with black : pi/lar chin, whuc : ivhorls 6, convex ; umbiucnt 
 or navel with a double canal. 
 SaK^uineissi Shell llightly umbilicate, conic-convex, ftriate, fmooth: 
 whorls llightly grooved. 
 Chemn. cvnch. c^.t. 1'77./. '756, 1757. 
 inhabits /^'hV^. Shell convex, red, lizeofapea: navel ComC' 
 times perluratcJ, Ibmetimja not. 
 Jy^y>:j.-/j~ S\\c\\ fiibovatc, with higher dorfal tranfverfcly ftriatc lines, 
 ««/. /iiiren^ilU ccK.b. t, 6. F. Knorr l-'^ergn. 3^/. 15. Jc 5, 
 VOL. IV. — 3 0^ Rumpf. 
 WORMS. tESTACEA. 86. turbo. 
 Rumpf. muf. t. 19, f. 2, Regenf. conch, i. /. ii./. 50, 
 Guait.teit. tab- 64 D. Seba muf. 3. /. 74./. 6. 
 Chemn. conch, ^, t. I77'y. 1758 — 1761, 1763—1765* 
 / 2. Valetit. ahh, tab. ^'fil' 79 — 81, 
 3, Seba muf. 3. /a^. "J^^fg. 20 — ^-22. 
 Inhabits /W/a. Shell whitifh radiate with brown, the tjp 
 fometimes red : fpire with 6 whorls, the iirft much larger than 
 the reft : aperture iilvcry. 
 Margarita- Shell fubovate, with higher fmooth dorfal lines. 
 ceus, Rumpf. muf. t, 19./", 3, 4. Regenf. conch, i, t. IG, /! 43. 
 Jrgenv, conch. /, 6, A. Seba muf. 3. /. 74. f. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 1^. tab. 177.^^.1762, 
 SchrcEt. Einl. in conch, 2. /. 3. /". 18. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Shell ventricofe, brown varied with 
 green and yellowifh : fpire with 5 or 6 whorls, 
 Verficohr. Shell glabrous, with very fine tranfverfe ftrise, varied with 
 green and white : whorls flattifh, contiguous, the firfl: 
 very large and rounded. / 
 Lister conch, tab, 576. fig. 29. 
 Chemn. conch* 5. tab, \']b.fig, 1740, 174X. 
 2, Chemn. conch. ^, i. 176./". 1347. a— d. 
 \nhih\u i)xt ii out h Je a. Spire with 4 whorls: lip z little cleft 
 and crenatc ; aperture fhining Ifke mother of pearl. 
 Delphinusi Shell with a rough umbilicus : whorls vvith branched fpines. 
 jirgenv. conch, tab. 6. H. Rumpf. muf t. 20. H. 
 Lister, tab. 608, f. 45. Valent. abh. tab. ^.f. 41. 
 Petiv. Ami. tab. 3. fig. i, Grenv, Muf. t. 11, f, 5,6, 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. kirch, 3. fig, 31, 
 Gualt. test. t. 68. C, D. Seba Muf. 3. /. 59- /, iz — 27. 
 Knorr Fergn, I. tab, 2^./, 4, 5. tff 4. /. 7./. 2, 3. /, 8./. I. 
 Regenf. conch. 1. /a^. S. fig, 14. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /<3i^. 175.7%. '725--1736. 
 Inhabits /wfl'/Vz. Shell brown, blackifh or reddifh varied with 
 white, in great varieties ot fize and difpofition of fpines: na- 
 njel rough with fpines and fcales : luhorls tranfverfely ftriate, 
 with ufually 2 rows of fpines, the outmoft flattened. 
 Kodulofus, Shell deprefled, knotty, with tranfverfe granulate ftriae : 
 firfl whorl with an unequally tuberculate ridge on the 
 Inhabits India. Chemn. conch. 5, tab, 1 74. fig, 1 723, 1 724* 
 Shell rcddifli-white with black granulations, 
 i>istortut. Shell fubmucronate, every where covered with fmoolh 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 491 
 Chemn. concha 5. tab. ^7^-/ig. '737 — '739^ 
 Sch^czt, EmI, in conch. 2. tab, "^.fig. 1 9 
 Inhabits India. Shell ro(y. the hafe white with many rows of red 
 knots : aperture and perforation fmooth yellow ; fpire with 6 
 prominent diftant whorls {eparated by a groove and marked 
 with a knotty ridge in the middle, 
 Stellarisi Shell greeni'ih with a convex bafe : whorls radiate with 
 fpines, the firft with 12 very large fpines. 
 Chemn. conch. 5, tah. ib^.fig, I553. 
 Inhabits the Houth /ea x fmall. 
 Acjikatui; Shell with a convex bafe: whorls crowned with laciniate 
 fpines, the firft with 9 very large ones, the outmoft 
 Chemn. conch. 1^. tab. 164.//^. 1554 — 1557. 
 lxi\iz\i\is Nicobcir I/lands'. "S/Z-^es fc^ .green^ 
 Stellatus. Shell yellowifh fubpyranntdal, with a flattened bafe: whorls 
 fpinulous at the lower margin. 
 Inhabits Kuorr i'ergn. 4. tab. if. fig- <,. 
 Chemn conch. 5. tah, i6^./ig. 1558, 1559. 
 Mefpilus. Whorls convex and feparated by a band teflellate with 
 * brown and white : aperture filvery : pillar white. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 176 fg. 1742, i743._ 
 Inhabits the South yea : refeinbles a medlar in colour. 
 Granulatus Shell furrounded with granulate or knotty rings, dirty 
 green with a reddilh tip : aperture filvery within ; 
 pillar-lip fpotted with orange. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab, \7b.fig, I744> 1745. 
 z. Chemn. conch, 5 tab. 176. fig. 1746. 
 3. Lilier conch, tab. 575-/? 28. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Souih/eas. 
 £ujus Shell imprefied above, concave beneath: fpire annulate, the 
 firft whorl very latge: perforation fpoon-ihaped. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 176. fg. 1748, 1749. 
 Inhabits tlie South fea. Shell white and green with obfcure 
 violet green red and generally teffellate fpots. 
 Atratus. ^^^^^ black ifli with double alternate black and cinereous 
 monilitorni belts ot granulations: pillar i -toothed. 
 Chemn. conch, 5. tab. \77*Jig. I754> J755. 
 Inhabits Nicobar Ijlands : fize of a nut. 
 3 Q 2 Denfatus, 
^92 WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 Denfatusi Shell deprelTed orbicular, white varied with brown : lower 
 marc^in of the pillar denticulate. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch, 5. tab^ 178 Jig. 1767, 1768. 
 Diademaf 5hell dirty green varied with brown and furrounded with 
 numerous crowded threads: whorls 4, the firft; very 
 Chemn. conch ij. tab. 145. vign^ 43, ftg. A, B, 
 Inhabits Nenju Zealand \ large. 
 Cinereus. Shell fmooth roiindifh, cinereous varied with white and 
 black : whorls fubrtriate ventricofe and flattened at the 
 Inhabits Born Muf. Cas. Find tefi. tab. \2-fig. 25, z6. 
 Carinattu. Shell thin diaphanous white round pyramidal : fpire with 
 6 carinate vNhorh: perforation fpiral. 
 Inhabits Born Muf. C^s. Find. tell. tab. l^./ig. 3, 4. 
 "^f""' Shell thin fmooth, with flattened whorls. 
 AdanJJtneg l. tab. iz.jig. 3. 2) fg. 4. 
 Inhat^its iienegal: 2 lines long. Brown fulvous or grey. 
 flanorbiu Shell depreiPed fmooth opake brown. 
 Ii.habitj (jreenland, under ilones. O. Fubr.fu. GrcenI.J>,^g^.n.^2}. 
 Shell with 4 Wiioris, i^ Hne in diameter. 
 JWarfW/w Shell hyaline fmooth fubcarinate^ with 6 rounded whorls ; 
 lip fringed refle£led. 
 Inhabits i.hemn. conch, g. tab. \zy hg* 1063. 
 Helicoides, Shell white, with angular brown linesabove: whorls rounded: 
 perforation detp wide and funnel-form. 
 Inhabits Chemn, conch, 9, tab, iz^fig, 1067, ic68; 
 Foliaceus, Shell pyramidal with foliaceous wrinkles, variegated white 
 ' and rofy : perforation large. 
 Inftabiis——C/ *.'««. conch. 9, tab. 123 Jig. 1069, 1070, 
 4figuii. Shell tranfverfely ftriate, green ftriped with black, within 
 Inhabits— —iV/a'-/}'« univtrf. conchol. 2. tab. 70. 
 Porf)h\rites. Shell granulate, variegated green black yellow and white, 
 flightly umbilicate, within margaritaqeous. 
 Inhabits iVVw Caledonia. Mart, um-v. conch, 2, tab. 72, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 493 
 Smatagdui. Shell quite slabrous ftrute gret-n. 
 Inhabits ifeiv Zealand. Mart, umv.conc. 2. tat. 73, 74« 
 D. Cancellule. 
 Crevellui. Shell witji a flattiOi fpreadii.g navel: whojls round, with 
 creisatc (iris. , ^ , 1 
 InaJ.its .lizj of a lupine. Shell (^>\yA rufous, above pUno- 
 convex. luncaih cor.cave with longitudinal llnse. 
 nermalis. Shell umbiHcate fomewhat oblong an4 pbtufe: whorls 
 rouml fiiiooth. 
 Found in fre(h water near the Baths in Tufcany^ 
 Hhell white minute, with 4 whorls. 
 Scalaris Shell conic, with diftant longitudinally ribbed whorls. 
 1. Shell perforated with 8 whorls. 
 Jrgenvule conch, tab. 1 1. B. Rumpf. muj. tab. 49- A. 
 Peiiv.amb. tab. Z.jig- 9- FaUnt. ubh. tab. 12 fig loi. 
 Gua't lelt.tab. 10. ZZ. Sfengl.feh conch, tub. I. B. 
 Knjrr Vergn. 4. tab 20 fg 2, 3. and 5 t. z^ f \.t 24./ 6. 
 Martini conch, J^. tab. I52, I«,'3-/'i- '4^6, 1427. 1430—1433. 
 Murray tejiaceol. tab i.Jig- 7. 
 2, Shell imperforate, with 10 whorls. 
 Pall. Spicii Zool. 10. tab, 3- /^ J. 6. 
 Martini Berl./amml 1 . tab. 7 /^. 1, 2. 
 Martini conch. 4. M'' i^z-fg. I 428, 1429, 
 Inhabits ^ariary, 2) CorumundeU z inchc;. long and very valuable. 
 5/7J/ white or r.d ifli with white riL>s: fillar o : it-^o/// rounded, 
 with thin caiiiiate iu' oi-lic;ae longitudinal continued ribs: 
 probably a variety of the next. 
 * Clathrus, Shell taper, not umbilicate: fpire with longitudinal ribs, 
 the whorls fmooth ventricofe and feparatcd by a dc-p 
 canal. Pulje JVentletrap. 
 Donoiafis Britjhelh. tab. 28. LiUer tab. $$i-/g. 50, 
 JJa Costn Brit comh tab. 7./^. II. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv, tab, 8l./g- Ul. A. 
 PufKpf. muJ. tab 29 W. Gualt. teji. tab. 58. H, 
 Bohan recr. and Muf Kirch, zf'Z * "• 
 Kkin oitr. i.Jig- 66. Plane, conch tab. 5.7%. 7, 8. 
 Oman adr. 2. tab. b.fig 54 Byiemm app. t. \z.f. 54, 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. I \. fig- 5, 4. /• 7I-/ 5* t zu.f. 4 — 6. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 153 fig. I434 — 1438. 
 2. PeHiicid with very thin ribs. Pennant, p. 129 a. ill. 
 3. Lip produced into a beak. Lister tab. 558. yfg- 50, 
 Inhabits European and Indian Seas: i — 2 inches long. 
 • Tuher. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 iSi"^// generally white, fometimea mixed vvith brown, or marked 
 With tranfverfe interrupted ferruginous rings, fometimes 
 marked with dots or lines; nsihirh with 12 — 16 ribs. From 
 x\\\o fhell was procured the violet ^yii of the ancients, 
 -Shell dufky with 12 finely tiiberculate whorls. 
 On t\iz Northumberland coal}. Pennant, tab. 82. fig. * iii. 
 Ambiguui, Shell tapering perforated, with contiguous fmooth ribbed 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, and very much referables T. clathrus, 
 except in bemg perforated : ^whorls pale with 2 or 3 /errugi- 
 nou-- hnes; the ribs twice as many as in T. clafhrus. . 
 Crenatus, Shell taper fubcancellate, with contiguous ribbed whorls 
 crenate above. 
 Inhabits Muf Lud.ulr, 659. fig^ 353. refembles T. clathrus. 
 Shell- white, nearly an mch long: /pire with 8 whoxh, the ribs 
 rounded ^nd io fome places obfolete. 
 Lalleui, Shell taper, with crowded longitudinal raifed ftrias. 
 Inhabit.- the Mediterranean. Gman. adr.tab. ^. fig. 55. 
 Shell fizco^ a barley-corn, fnow^ ; the.Ilriae not membranaceous, 
 Striatulus. Shell fubcancellate taper, with contiguous whorls and in- 
 terrupted varicofe belts. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean '. lize of a barley-corn. 
 Shell white, the whorls furrounded with fmall membranaceous 
 ftrice, and convex callous wrinkles ; c^^r/ar^ obovatej beneath 
 Uvaj, Shell ovate obtufe, with contiguouous whorls and imbricate 
 longitudinal ilriae. 
 Lister tab. 558.//^. 47 — 49. Pet Gaz.t ijf.z. 
 Bouanrecr. and Muf,kirch. %fig. 140. 
 Gualt. test, tab 58. D Sebamuf, ^.tab. SS'f'i-'^'^* 
 Kncrr V ergn, 6, tab. z^.fig- 4 
 Born Muf.CeCj Find. tett. p. 34O w^/z./i^. 2. 
 Martini conch. 4. tab. 1^2 /ig, 1439. ^> '^* 
 2. Chemn. conch. 9. tab. ll i-/ig. 947- 
 3. Lister tab. 40. Chcwi. 9, tab. WZ.fig. 956. 
 Inhabits South America: \\ inch long. 
 Shell white cinereous or chcfnut, umbilicate, with about 12 
 whorls, the firft thrice as large as the next, the intermediate 
 grooves with equal ftrls ; aperture i -toothed. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 Shell umbilicate rounded and rather acute: whorls round* 
 with decuH'ate ftria3 : aperture refledled. 
 Inhabits Nluf. Lud. Ulr. 660 » 355. 
 Sbe/l pellucid, brown or horny: aperture white within: naval 
 Shell oblong obtufe, with wrinkled ftrias : aperture with a 
 dilated flat crenate border. 
 Li/ler tab, 26, Sloan Jfamaic Z tab. Z^O^/ig. 12, I 3. 
 Pet Gaz. tah. I iS./ig. 11. Klein ofir. t. 3 /. 71. a, b. 
 Chemn. conch. 9, tab, iz^.Jig, 1060. a — e. 
 Martini Berl. Mag, 3, tab. S' J'S- 54- 
 Inhabits Jamaica and adjacent Iflands: 8 lines long. 
 Shell hard pellucid umbilicate, with 5 whorls. 
 Lunulatus. Shell cylindrical white reticulate: aperture remote. 
 Inhabits 5/^f//hard, pellucid, 7 lines long: 'whorls 5, marked 
 with 4. or 5 rcddilh tranfverfe lunate lines. 
 Labeo. Shell oblong umbilicate brown ftriate, with convex dots: 
 lip white dilated. 
 Lister tab. 25. Bro'wn Jamaic. tab. \o.jig. 5. 
 Bonan. recr. and \luf kirch ^-Jig- ^^. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. fab. IZ^. Jig. 1 061, io62» 
 Inhabits Jamaica : about i 5 lines long. 
 Shell pellucid, with fhining dots : mouth brown glabrous : "Mhorl's 
 5, protuberant: navel pervious. 
 *StrIatus, Shell ovate imperforate ventricofe, whitiih variegated with 
 red, and very finely ftriate fpirally: 
 Dono'vans Brit, jliells. ii. tab. 59. 
 Da losta Brit, conch, tab. <i Jig, 9. 
 Lilier. tab. ZJ, An. angl tab, z. fig. 5. Exerc avat. tab. l, 
 Gualt . tejl . tab 4./^. A, B. Pennant tab. %z. Jig. MO. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab I'i.Jig. 11, 12. Zoomr, t.g.f. 9. 
 Martini Berl. Mag. tab, 1. fig. 4 — 6. 
 Schrat Jiufconch^tab. f^. Jig. 15. a, b. 
 Inhabits woods of Europe '. about 6 lines long. 
 »Si'^'// hard, with 5 convex whorl?, and covered with a horny lid 
 marked with very fine radiate ftriae, 
 Rejexus, Shell umbilicate, convex and a little prominent: whorls 
 round fubltriate : aperture reflefted. 
 Inhabus Southern Europe : refembles the laft. 
 Dubius, Shell umbilicate oblong: whorls equal, with decuffate ftria;: 
 aperture dilated. 
 Inhabits Born, MuJ. CaJ, Find. teJl. tab. 1 3, Jg, 5, 6. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 
 limbatat. Shell fubovate, wrinkled, perforated, white. 
 Inhabits Coromaudel. Cbemn, conch. 9, tab* li"^,/. 1075* a, b. 
 E Tapering. 
 lmbricatus» Whorls of the fpire imbricate downwards. 
 Gualt. teft. t, 58. E. Mart 4 /. 152,/. 1 422. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. S^,/'g 26* 31 33, 34. 
 Knorr ^er^n. z. tab. 27, fig 1.^6. tab. 25,/. 2. 
 inhabits American IJlands : 4 inches long. 
 Shell hrown, variegated, rarely cinereous: ivhorls 8—12, withirt 
 white, flattened, tranfverfely ftriate, the ftrix very finely 
 Rtplicatus* Shell fmooth, the whorls imbricate upwards. 
 Botmn. recr. iff Muf. Kirch. 3. fig. 24. 
 Jrgen'v. conch tab. 1 1. E. Knorr Vergn. 6. /. 25./". 3 ? 
 Martini conch. 4. tab^ 1 5 1 ./. 1 41 2. 
 2. Lister conch tab. $go. Jig. 55. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar: above 3 inches long. 
 Shell horny or brown, very finely ftriarc tranfverfely J /pire wl^ 
 about 10 whorls : aperture ovaL 
 Acutangw Whorls with a fingle prominent acute tranfverfe rib. 
 lus. lifter, tab. 591,/ 59- Gualt. teft.t. 58. B. 
 Bonan, recr. iJ Muf Kirch. 3./. 1 17? 
 Knorr Vergn. 3. tab. 19. Jig. 5. 
 Martini conch. 4. /«^. 1 5 1 , /^. H' 3'- 
 2, Knorr Vergn. 6. /^j^ 19, fg. 5. 
 Inhabits Ihores of yr^w^i^f/^ar ; above 4 inches long. 
 Shell horny, cinereous or ochraceous, rarely hyaline, with ij-'i? 
 tranfverfely ftriate round whorls. 
 Whorls with 2 prominent acute tranfverfe ribs. 
 Liiter Anim. Ang. tab.^. fg-J. 
 Pennant Brit. Zoo I. vi. tab 8l,/. iI2. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. Kirch, y f 1 14. 
 Gualt. ten. tab. 58, C. Seba Muf. 3* /. 56./. 7, 8. 
 Martini conch. 4 tab. 151, /% 1414. 
 Inhabits BritiJIi coasts and Corotnandel: 5 inches long* 
 5/5-^// flefh-colour, horny, blueilh or violet, fdmetinies barred : 
 whorls 12 — 16, tranf^erfcly ftriate. 
 •Exoletusi Whorls with 2 prominent obtufe diftant tranfverfe ribs» 
 Dono'vath Brit. Shells, tab, ZZ, fig. l. 
 Da Cojia Brit, conch, tab. 7. fig- 8. 
 Lister, tab* 59 i, /. jS. Arg, ctnch, U\\,J, 10. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turto. 407 
 Bonan recr. and Muf* Kirch Z-fig- 113. 
 Martini conch. X. tab. 1 ;z, /. i ^.24, 1425. 
 Kntjrr I'Wgn. 6. tal>. ^9, fig. 2. 
 Schrat. jiufconch. tab. "&, fig- lO. 
 Inhabits £«>o/i^ and G«?w«.- ab'iut 2 inches long. 
 5>{'^//dark brown or variegated whie and brown, rarely blueifh 
 or whitt : nuhorls conci'guous and traniverfely tlnate. 
 *Terehra. Whorl? with 6 prominent acute ftria?. 
 Donovan's Britijh Jlielh, tab. 22. fig. 2. 
 Lister, tab. 590,/. ^4. Anim Anz^l. t.^,/.S. 
 Pennant, tab. Si, ffg. li^. Riw\'-f. miif t. 30. M. 
 Adanf.SeKeg. i. tab \6, fig. 6, 7. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf kirch. 3. y. 23 115, 
 Column, aq, tab 53, /f.^. 2. Gualt. tefi. t. 58, A, 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 1 1. D- Zoom, t, 4, F? 
 Seba mufi. 3'. /,a/i. jr, fig. I 2. 1 8. 25, 32. 40. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. /a^, 8. Jig- 6i 
 Martini conch. 4. //x^. 151. yfj-. 1 41 5 — 1 4 1 9. 
 2. Regenfi. conch. 2. /^^. I2,y 57. Martin conch* I, 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab 165. ^^. I 591—' 593- 
 Inhabits European, /African and Chinel'e ihures : 2 — 6 inches long. 
 5/5f// white or cream -colour with varioudy difpofcd markings of 
 pale red or orange : nuhoTiS 30 — 36, a little convex, each 
 with 5--9 ribs, 
 ^Ltevis* Shell with 8 fitiooth whorls, nearly obfolete. 
 Inhabits (liores of A'igtefea. Pennant, iv. t. 79. 
 6V7f// minute, about a third of an inch long, 
 *Albus. Shell white, with 8 tranfverfely flriate whorls. 
 Inhabits Britifii coafis. Pennant, iv. t, 79; 
 Variegatus, Whorls of the fpire ffattifli, with 7 obtufe ftrlas, 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. kirch. t^, fiv . \\z. 
 Seba muf. 3. tab. 56, fig. 30 37. 58. 
 K.iorr Ve^gn. 6. tab. 16, pg. 8 ? 
 Martini conch. \. tab. 1^2, fig 1423. 
 Inhabits South /jmerica ^nd Barlary: 2—3 inches long.' 
 S/Jc/I vtiri'jgated brown or yellowilh-brywo, very finely ftriate 
 trinfverlely : ivhorls fubconvex with a few Ipotted Itreaks. 
 Ungulinus, Whorls of the fpire with 10 obfoletc ftrix. 
 Inhabits Eitroi>ean and^. Mediterranean fas : 2-^^ inches long. 
 Shell white varied with brown, yehovy or cheinut, with about 
 24 whorls. 
 Thu fifi is veiitricofe, with a very long projeftile probofcis glo- 
 bular at the tip und armed with many cirri, 
 VOL. IV. — 3 R Crjsfa, 
493 WORMS. tESTACEA. S^o. Turbo. 
 CtyJ}alintts» Whorls of the fpiire ribbed : aperture ovate. 
 InYinhili Denmark, Mull. ZooL Dan. prodr. zgz^. 
 Jlhuluit Shell imperforatey glabrous, with rounded ftriaite whorls. 
 0. Fabr.fn. Grail. p. 394. n. 392. 
 Inhabits deeps of the Greenland feasy among the ! ranches of 
 Sertularias; nor 2 lines long ^hell pellucid, whitifti, fragile, 
 longitudinally groov«d: whorls 5. 
 AmuUitus. WhorVswith a prominent margitied fiiture. 
 Inhabits Gualt. test. tab. ^S^h. 
 SMI white, 5 of an inch long, with a fuboval aperture, 
 *Bidens. Shell pellucid, with contrary whorls and fubcrenate fvitures:^ 
 aperture 2-toothed behind. 
 Pennant, iv. tab. 81. Lister, /. 41. larger figure. 
 Benan recr. Isi Muf. kirch. 3./. 41 . 
 Gualt. test. tab. 4. D, E. Ginan. adr, 2. /. 3./. 23:. 
 Stram. Ad. Nidrof. 3. tab 6. 
 Schrcct, Einl. in eonch, 2. tah. '^. f. 12, 
 €hemn. conch. 9. tab. 1 12, f. 960. -964.' 
 Inhabits Europe, at the roots of trees : \ an' inch long. 
 Shell glabrous, brown, with fometimes a mixture of oraage: 
 tKihorU 10-12, armed with papilla: of very minute white 
 teeth at the junftures. 
 *P^ver/uT Shell pellucid, with contrary whorls nOt crenate: aperture 
 Donovan^ f Brit,JlieUs, ii. tab. 72. 
 Da Costa Brit, conch, p 107. f. ^. f. 15, 
 Morton Northampt. p. 416. tab. t^, f, i. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 82./. 116. 
 Lister, tah. 40, 41. Anim. Angl. z.f. 10, 1 1. 
 Gualt. test, tab, 4. C. Arg. conch, t. 28./ 11. 19. 20, 
 Argenv. Zoom, tab, 9. f. 13,14. Murray test. t. \.f, 2. 
 Ghemn, conch. 9. tab. wi.fig. 956— 959. a, b; 
 2. Chemn. conch. 9. tab. i \\.pg. 980, 
 3, Lister conch tab lO, fig. 16. 
 Inhabits among mofs and in old walls o( Europe: I of an incH 
 ^^f//brown, thin, glabrous, with about i r whorls; aperture -white, 
 Fu/ulus. Shell obtufe, with curved grooves and 11 whorls: aperture 
 Mull. Hist. Verm. 2. p. 109. «. 309. 
 Inhabits— —5/6*// about y\ lines lcng» 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 499 
 Fufuj, S hell obtufe, white, with ftraight grooves and 9 whorls; 
 aperture toothed. 
 Inhabit!-— -—5c»a« recr, 3, fig. 140. 
 i'^rZ/fufiforra, with a lunate aperture : /i/refle£led. 
 SuUatus. SheH obtufe, white, with oblique grooves; aperture nearly 
 fquare: lip refleded. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. I'iS-f'g- 1 23 I, 1232. 
 Inhabits— —.S/?>^// 12 lines long, lubpellucid, white, immaculate 
 and a little ventricofe: twhorlsS: A/rr/arf perpendicular, 
 ^fiJrUftis Shell contrary, yellowifli : aperture 4.'tQctfhed< 
 Lijtcr, tab. i^O, jig. 38, 
 Inhabits Barbary and Italy : 5 lines long. 
 Sfie/I glabrous with 9 whorls : aperture curved ; lif a little r«- 
 flefted and w^h xhe teeih white. 
 TriJettS/, Shell whitifli, with a 3-toothed aperture. 
 Gualt. tab. 4. F. Chemn. conch. 9. / ^iS' f' '236. 
 Inhabit- Itcily : 5 linci long : Jliell glabrous, very minutely ftrU 
 ate: muhprls 7 : aperture curved : lip a little reflefted. 
 •Mwforaw Shell ovate, pbtufe, pellucid, brittle, with 4 — ^ whorls: 
 aperture toothlefs, oval. 
 DcHvani Brit. i>hc!/s,n\. tab. 80. 
 Da Co/la Brit Lonchol.t. 5./. 16. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. tah.%z. fig. 1)8, 
 Lijter conch tab. 4 1 . the lea|l figure. 
 Lifiter Jnim, Angl. tab. 2. fig. .6, 
 j^rgenv. Zoom, tab, 9, fig. 1 1 . Geoffr. test. 20. 
 Stra'm. A8. Kidroj. 3. tab. I- fig. 7. 
 Martini Berl. Mogaz. 3. tab^ 5, fig. 63. 
 Schrait.ErdcoKch. tab. ^tfiig-J. 
 Chemn. conch 9. tab. il^./tg. 1076. 1,2. 
 2.. Lister /Inim. Angl. 2. fig. 8 ? 
 Jrgenv conch, tab. 2%, fig. 17. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 3. tab. ^, fig. 55, 
 Scbrttt. Erdconch. tab. l,/ig.6. 
 Found among niofs ; about a line long. 
 Shell thin, glabrous, pale brown : aperture with a white border, 
 in 2) with 8 teeth. 
 *Vha? Shell deep brown with 4 fpires, the firft ventricofe: aper- 
 ture oval. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. S6, fig. I 20. 
 On the Ul-va La^uca: fize of a grain of wheat. 
 3 R 2 •Trifoj- 
 WORMS. TESTACEi*. Sq. Turbo. 
 Shell imperforate, fmootb, wiih 5 nearly pbfoletc v/horl^ 
 tr^nrverfely barred : aperture oval. 
 Trunjaci Limi. foe 5 /> S- ^'^^' ^ ■>/'£- '2, 13; 
 F lund on the Pemh;-okefhire coast : minute. 
 Shell Dcilucid, whitifh u ith 2 tranfverfe red bands on the firft 
 whorl and one on the fecond. 
 •Membra- Shell fmooth, with 5 obliquely barred whorls : aperture 
 naceus. fuboval. ' 
 Tran/aii. Linn. foe. K,. tah. \,fig, 14, 15. 
 Found on the Pembroke&ire coast : mirute. 
 «S/^£;//yellouifh-bro.vn, thin, pellucid, imperforate, with oblique 
 ' yellow-brown llripes : is readily diftinguilhed by its membra- 
 naceous appearance, 
 *Interrup- Shell fmooth, with 5 fubobtufe whorls: aperture roundifh. 
 tus. "-iranfaa. I Ann. foe 5. tab. \.fig 16, 17. 
 Found on the ^etnhokefhire ceatt: minute. 
 ^ZifA gloffy, pellucid, white, imperforate: tf-^or/j with inter- 
 rupted. longitudmal bands of a rich ochraccous colour, 
 •Subrufus. Shell fmooth, with 5 whorls fomewhat angular above.^ 
 Iranjai. Linn foe 5. tah. ^, fig- • ^> 19. 
 Found on the Pimbrok'ejhtre coast: minute. 
 Shell opake, duU red, the upper-part ol each whorl marked with- 
 a white tranfverfe band. 
 •5/r/fflr«/. Spire with 3 whorls, the nrft with 3 tranfverfe ridges; 
 aperture fuboval. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 637. tah. \\, fig. 1 6. minute. 
 Found at 5«i3/^//fr: rare, ^i'd/ white, opake. 
 *Albidus. Shell with 7 ridged whorls and oval aperture. 
 Adams Micro fcope., p-^'^'J. tcih. i^,f!g. ij. minute. 
 Found at Seafaiter : rare: Shell white, opake. 
 • CartnatU' Shell carinatp, with 7 whorls: aperture contra6led, margijied. 
 Ins. Adams Micmfcope., p. bl'j.tab. 14,/. 1 8, minute. 
 Fou.id at Sandnxich: rare. Shell white, opake. 
 *Clathra- Shell barred, with 6 whorls: aperture oval, margined. 
 tulus. Adams Micro/cope. p.b-^J.tab. 14, fg. 19. mmutc. 
 Found at .JWat7V>6 ; very rare. .5^^// white, opake. 
 fCrafus, Shell thick, barred, with 5 whorls : aperture round, mar- 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 80. Turbo. 5©i 
 Adams Micrcfcope, tah. 1 4» /?• 20. minute. 
 Found at Sand'iuich: rare ^hell op^ke, white. 
 ffunflatus Shell reverfed, with 9 dotted whorls : aperture contra6led. 
 Ad<mi Microfc^pe, tah. 14 ^g 21. minute. 
 Fouiid it Sandwich. Shell l^ght brown, opake. 
 ^Shepeia- Shell with 6 reticulate whorls and fubmargined oval 
 *}itf» aperture. 
 Adams Micro fcope, p, 6 ',8, tab 14./^,? 2-- minute. 
 Found at ' heppey hland. Shell fcinipellucid, white, 
 fSa^dvi' Shell with 3 elegaritly reticulate fpires ; aperture oval and 
 foijii. toothed. 
 Adam M'cro/ope, tah. \^-fg. 2$^ 
 Found a; Sandnjjuh; minute. 67^^// white, pellucid. 
 Ohtusus, §hell fragile, with 5 dilliaa: tranfverfely ftriate whorls 
 barred with whi ilh. 
 Inhabits Scopol.delic. Inf i tab 25 C. 
 Shell re ddifh, as long as the little finger, imperf r^te : «u;^<?r/* 
 r undifh, each v\ ith a whitifh oand, the firil with a double 
 one: aperture fubovate, with a grey Ud 
 Aurisc^L Shell white, very fmooth: aperture with a fiattifh concave 
 pium» obtufe rctl^ded lip. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Argennj. conch, tah. 32 / 19. 
 Sheli fubulate, milk-white, with 7 or 8 whorls: a^e^ture dilated 
 like an ear-picker and margined, 
 Tolitusi Shell imperforate, glabrous, with an ovate ap-rture. 
 Inha: its the Mediterranean, Shtll fno .y, opake, finely poiilhed, 
 fizeof a barley-corn : whorls feparated by afine excavated line, 
 f^auiileuf. Shell flattifh, with annulate whorls crefted on the back. 
 Roef Inf 3. tab. 97. hg. 6, 7. Geofr. teji. 8. 
 H-fer .4(1. Hehet. 4. tah.() .Jig. 21, 22. 
 Chemn conch, g. tab. 123, fig. 1077- A. a. 
 Inhabits Eurof^e, among plants in ftaguant water : minute. 
 Shell ps\\\ic\d, very brittle, white, pale or cinerejus, above flat, 
 beneath convex and umbilicate : aperture long. 
 Oi/cUtus Whorls of the fpire with 1 obtufe approximate ridges, 
 inhabits Born. Muf. Cccf, Vtnd. telt. tab, \ 3. fig. 9. 
5«2 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Qtiinque- Shell fubumbilicate whitifli : aperture 5-toQthed. 
 dentam. Born Muf. Caf. Find. teli. tab. x^.ftg.q. 
 Inhabks-— — S^ell fubpellucid with 1 2 whorls. 
 J'yrafitida/is Shell horny pellucid ventricofe pyramidal : aperture a little 
 compreired above. 
 Inhabits Germany. Schrcst. erdconch. tab. \-ftg. 8. 
 Shell \ of an inch long, grey but turning whitifh aud opake aftejr 
 expofure to the fun and air. 
 vSl. HELIX. Animal a Li.max: Jliell wYxir- 
 valve, I'piral, fiibdiaplianous, !>riitle: aper- 
 pure cpntradted., feniiliin^r or roundilJi. 
 A. IP'hgrls ivith a cartnate acute margin. 
 Scarab^eut. S^J^ell ovate, both edges carinate; aperture tpothed. 
 Lister tab. I']'] fti. 31, 321 Guatt. test. tab. ^o.^. 
 Rumpf. tnuf.tab, 27. I. Klein oftr. tab. l./ig. 23, 24. 
 Pet. Gaz. tab. ^.fig. 10. Amhoin. tab. 1 1. Jig. 8. 
 Bonan. recr. i» fg. .385 Muf. kirch. "^./ig. 370. 
 Argenv. conch, tab g X- Knorr Fergn 6 tab. l^-/igt 2, 3c 
 Born Mu/. G^f. Vind. tej't. \. p. 364. ruign. fig. a. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 3, tab. 6. fig 67. 
 Favann. conch, tab. 65. tab D i, D 2. D4. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. i^t./ig. 1249 — '253* 
 Martyn univ. conch. I . tab 25. 
 Inhabits mountains of A/ia and the Friendly Jjlandsp and waa 
 formerly fupppoled to have fallen in (bowers from the clouds: 
 Jhell i| inch long, van-gated white and brown : 'vjhorls con- 
 tiguous, the firft convex : ap^-txre narrow compreffed , a little 
 flexu'^us; lip 3 toothed each fide, the outer lip acute and 
 fLapicida. Shell umbilicate, convex each fide : apertu-re tranfverfe 
 margined ovate. 
 Donovan s Brit.jhelh, tab. 39. fig. 2. 
 Da (ojia Brit. Cortch. tab. 4 fg 9 
 Penna/it Brit. Zool, iv. tab. ^'i fig. I 21. 
 Lijier tab, (yg. An.angl.iab Z.fig. 14. 
 Lister Exerc, anat. t>, 1 82. tab. $.fi-/. 4. 
 Bet. Gax. tab. QZ.fig- it. Geffr. tefi. 10. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 2. tab, $/ig 36. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. lab. li^'fig' 1 107, 
WORMS. TEStACEA. 8i. Helix. ^^o^ 
 Inhabits Europe, among rocks, in woods and hedges, and about 
 the bodies ot old trees : \ an inch in diameter. 
 5Z'f//reddilh horn-colour vviti ferruginous marks, or brown va- 
 ried with white, rarely hyaline: 'vuborls 5 ; navel pervious. 
 Marginafa Shell fubumbilicate, a little depreffed, obliquely ftriate, 
 white with rufous bands: aperture tranfverfe. 
 Inhabits Mull. bift. term. 2. p. 41. n. 241. 
 5/^«?// 9 lines in diameter, above convex, beneath flattilh: luhorls 
 4 glabrous, the firlt with 3 bands the reft with t: aperture 
 fomevvhat triangular. 
 Cicatricoja. 3|^gj], uiiibilicate, a little deprefleid and wrinkled, yellowifh 
 with concentric rufous lines: whorls contrary. 
 Argenv. corah, app. tab. I. C. Pet. Gaz tab. I^^fig. 6 ? 
 K<em. cab. Rud. tab. W.f'g' 6. fwvann. conch, tab. 63. K« 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 1 19./^. 123. vign. 19. 1. a. 
 Inhabits— —5-6^// thin pellucid, above convex, beneath gibbous : 
 ivhorls 5, the outmoft with rufous bands ; nawl pervious : 
 aperture nearly fquare, within white. 
 jEgopb. Shell umbilicate, a little deprefled, greenifli immaculate, 
 thalmos. with 7 whorlf. 
 Rumpf. muf tab, 27, P. Pet. Gax. tab. Z\. fig. 6. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 6. E. Bro'wn Jamaic. tab 40. A, B. 
 Inhabits India Barbara and South America ; an inch acrofs. 
 Shell horny, pale yellowifh -green, very finely ftriate tranfverfely; 
 nvhorh 6 or 7, flightly carinate when young ; nanjel pervious : 
 aperture lunate acute : mouth white. 
 Ocului capri %\it\\ fubcarinat« umbilicate convex: aperture margined.- 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. z-f.Q} Klein oflr, tab. I. fig. lO ? 
 jirgenv. conch, tab. ^.fig- F- 
 2. Martyn univ. conch, i. tab. 28. 
 Inhabits trees in J/ia. Shell whitifh witH a brown centre, gla- 
 brous : ivborls a little deprefTed, yellow ifh-brown? aperturi 
 white, beneath yellow : nafvel pervious, 
 • Atbella Shell umbilicate flattilh, beneath gibbous: aperture fome- 
 vvhat heart-fhaped. 
 Pennant Brtt. Zool. iv. tab. ^^- fig- 12Z. 
 Liliertab. 64. 80. 140. An.Angl.tah. z.fig. 1 3. 
 Gualt tejL tab. 3. F. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab \z6.fig. IC05, 1006. 
 Inhabits rocks and dry landy bilks of fKro/^ : fmall. 
 5/^^// glabrous, white immaculate^ or ftriptd along the fpines with. 
 brown and white: luhorls 5, rounded on the out-fide, very 
 iinvly llridte tranfverfely. 
^64 WORMS. TESTACEA. 81. HcWx, 
 Maculatai Shell perforate flattifli fubcarinate, white dotted withbrown^ 
 beneath gibbous with linear bands. 
 Inhabits Mull. Hiji. Verm^ z p. 25, yj/. 227. 
 Shell near 5 lines' acrofs, whrte with 2 bands of brown dots: 
 lAfherli 3. 
 Albina, Shell perforate flattifh wTiite, bentath gibbous: aperture 
 Mull. HiJi. Verm. 2. /. 25. n. 226 Lifter tab, 86 ? 
 Inhabits-— — refemb'es the laft. 5/6*?// immaculate, 3 lines acrofs: 
 ivhorls 3; probably not a diftinft fpecies. 
 Striatuld ^^^^^ fiibcafinate timbilicate convex ftriate, beneath more 
 gibbous: aperture roundilh lunate. 
 Inhabits Aigira and waterfalls of Lom'mrdy: minute. 
 Shell grey or clear white, very finely (triate tranfvcrfcly : 
 ivhorls 4 or 5 . 
 Aigira, Shell fubangular umbilicate convex, with 6 whorls; navel 
 Faniann, conch, tab. 63. L, 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. iz^. fig. IO93, IO94. 
 2. Born muf. Cccs. Find. teft. tab. l^.fig, 3, 4» 
 Inhabits Mauritiana: refembles the lalt, but the fpire has 6 
 whorls, the perforation is yizty much dilated, and the whorls 
 have an obfolete angle, 
 teucasi Shell fubcarinate umbilicate convex fmooth, beneath gibbous, 
 navel very minute: aperture roundiih lunate. 
 Inhabits Africa. Shell whitiih, with a purplilh band above arid 
 lines beneath. 
 Lts'vipes, Shell perforated fubdepreiTed fubcarinate contrary, pale 
 with a rufous band united to a white one« 
 Chemn. conch. 9. ta^ . 108. fig. 915, 916, 
 ^ Inhabits rekmbles the next, but the whorls are contrary. 
 Shell \ of an inch in diameter, pellucid thin, beneath more con- 
 vex: nxhofh 5, very finely flriatc tranfvcrfcly: aperture with 
 an acute margin, 
 Exilii Shell perforated depreffed fubcarinate, pale Vv-ith a rufous 
 band joined to a white one : whorls ftriate. 
 Inhabits 7ri-z»^ar^ar. Chemn. co>ich (^.tab. izq.Jig. 1 149 
 Shell 10 lines acrofs, pellucid, thin, beneath convex; nvhorls 5/ 
 aperture with an acute margin. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Shell fubglobukr dcprefled rough imperforate, dotted with 
 white, with 4 brownifli bands: lip refleded white. 
 Petiv. Gaz. tab. i ^y7g■. 1 1. Fa'vann. conch, tab. 64. k. 2, 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 9, tab. izq.fg. 1148, a — c. 
 Inhabits Italy and Portugal. 
 Shell umbilicate, convex each fide : aperture not margined; 
 Martin, n. Mnnnigf\ 4. tab. '^. fig 22, 23. 
 Inhabits- refembles H. lapicida, but is thinner, 5 lines high 
 and 16 broad and the navel is narrower. 
 pa icea. ^\^^\\ perforate fubdeprefTed umbilicate chefnut, with 5 
 Inhabits^ Keemm. cab. Rudolft. tab. 11, fig. 2. 
 Shell 7 lines high, 1 1 broad : umbilicus or navel and margin of 
 the lip whiiifh. 
 Incarnata. sh^ll perforate fubglobular fubcarinate horny, with 6 whorls: 
 lip fielh-colour. 
 Schr.rtr Erdconch, p. 174. n, 52 — 54. tab. 2. fig. 18. 
 Chemn, conch, g. tab. I'i'^.fiig. 1 206. 
 Inhabits woods o( Denmark and Germany : 6 lines broad. 
 Shell immaculate, with a pale edge, and very narrow perforation/ 
 Sencea. Shell perforate fubglobular fubcarinate, each fide convex 
 Mull. HiH. Ferm. z.p. 62. n. 258. 
 Inhabits Denmark in gardens.* 3 lines in diameter. 
 Shell horny tranfparent, with a pale ridge. 
 Crenulata. Shell perforate globular fubcarinate ftriate, white with a 
 brown band. 
 Inhabits Lytns. Lister conch , tab. 85. 
 Shell i\ lines wide, very finely ftriate, white with a brown tip: 
 lip acute: njchorls 5. 
 Shell fubcarinate umbilicate flat, above concave: aperture 
 oblique ovate and acute each fide. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab S^.fig. 12 1. 
 Lister An. Angl. tab. 2. Jig. 27. Gualt. test.ta.h. 4. E E* 
 Snvarnm. Bibl. nat. t. lO.f. 5. Kliin ojir. t. \. f. 8, 
 Mart. Berl. Magaz.tab. 8. fig. i8. 
 Born. Muf. Cerf. P'ind. tejt. t. 1 4-/'. 5, 6. 
 Schrcet.f.ujconch. tab. ^. fig, ^3 — ir, 
 2. Lip.er coruh. tch. 138.//g-. 42. 
 VOL.IV.-jS ^,,.^ 
5o6 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Petiv.gaz. tat. lo.jg. n. /. lOO,/. 'i6d 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, 126. fig. 1 102. k. 1,2. 
 Inhabits Ponds and rivers of Europe and 5.7r*flr)>; Imall. 
 A/?-.// pellucid horny, rarely opake, very nr.cly ftnate; ^vhorls 4 
 or 5, the firft much larger than the rell. 
 Ccmplanata Shell carinate downwards, umbilicate convex, beneath flat : 
 aperture femi heart-lhaped. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 127. ^^. 1 1 21 — 1 123. 
 Schr at. jivf conch, r. 5./ 22— 25. 
 Schr(Zt. Einl. in conch. 2, t. 4./. U 
 2. Martini conch. 4, /a^. S./o-. 22 ? 
 '^^^::t::l^^rJ'Lpe t, Bar^arr, 1-6X lines in 
 diameter : the inhabitant black, with rufous teniacu.a. 
 SheU brown or pale, lubpellucid, very finely ftnate tranlverfely : 
 nvhorls 5 or 6. 
 Shell fubcarinate imperforate convex, with an inverted ring- 
 cnt aperture: lip 4-plaited behind. 
 Sha^ Natur MifcelL tab. 374. tbe lelTer figures, 
 Liffertab.qq. Argen'v. conch, tab. zS.Jig. 13, 14- 
 Bonanrecr Ifig- 33°. 33^^ W' ^if' 3-/. 33'» 332^ 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 2. /. 4./. 42- »» °. 
 fa'vann. conch, tab. h^.fg. F. lO. 
 C-&m-«. fCBfi', 9. t. \og./. 919, 920. 
 Born Uuf. Caf. Vind tiji. t. 14./- ll, 12. 
 •7 Lifter tah 8^,84.87. 
 Inhabits 7;.^.4 : 1 i inch wide. Uell yellowifti-brown or cine- 
 reous with ferruginous fpots, or white with brown fpots: 
 ^;,^rf«rf oblong.cval, with 4, 5, 6 or 8 plaits or teeth: -wborlsb. 
 Shell imperforate fubcarinate, reddifti-brown with a white 
 ridge: aperture tranfverfe toothed and 3 plaited 
 Li.'tertab.qT,qZ. Chemn. <). tab. 126. fg l^^o--XM2. 
 Khn ojir. tab. 1 1 ,/^. 3 » • ^ l • f f '''^_ ^^«^^- ''"''• ^3' F' » . 
 2. Lister, tab. 96. Jrgen'V. conch, tab. 63. t . 4. 
 3. Lister tab. g^, Klein cjir.t. X.f.zz. 
 Inhabits /»zfnV^: about 9 lines in dianieter. u„,w. /;* 
 6'>&.// loughifh, fkttifh each fide, with 5 roundifh whorls. /// 
 lucr,.. Shell imperforate xvhite, above 6a,ti(h, beneath gibbous: 
 aperture tranrverfe 2-toothed. 
 ■' Ldmpas. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 507 
 Lammas* Shell imperforate, above flattifh, beneath gibbous ; whorls 
 fcarred, the outmoft divaricate. 
 Inhiibits very rare. Mull. Hift. Verm. 2./, 12. h. 211. 
 RciemDles the next, but ii 31 lines acrofs, very finely ftriate* 
 fulvous with a whitifh ridge and yellowifli mouth : Up orange 
 glabrous and very much reflected : ixihorls 4, broad flattifli. 
 Carocolla, Shell imperforate, a little convex each fide, with tranfvcrfe 
 white lip. 
 S/jaiv Natui . MifcelL 374. Lister t 63. 1055./", 5. 
 Cl-vmit. conch 9. tab. 12^, fig. lOc^o— 1002, 
 Va<viin cc?icb. t. t^.f. 12, Argeu'v. conch, tab. 8. D. 
 Scha muf. 3 tab. \o.fig, 16, 1 7. 
 Knorr Vergn- 4. tab. ^.fig. 2, 3, 
 Born Muf, C^j. Vind. test. t. 14. f. 9, ID. 
 Inhabits India: 18 lines wide, A land fpecies. 
 Shell generally chefnut with black rays, fonistimes beneath white, 
 or pale yellow and white beneath, or blacKifii with a pale 
 throat and white lip: ^whorls 5 or 6 fubconvex ; aperture 
 fomething triangular. 
 Lychnuchus Siiell imperforate top-fliaped : white with fulvous bands: 
 aperture tranfverfe 2-toothed. 
 IPihanjis L.;;Ur co7ich. tab. 90. 
 Shell with a double band on tlie upper.part of the whorl, 
 Cefa, Shell fubglobular umbilicate fubcarinate, yellowilh with a 
 whitifh band: aperture tranfverfe 2-toothed and fuiuate 
 Inhabitt. ■ 'Lister tab. 88. about an inch in diameter. 
 Shell convex each fide, with 5 contiguous whorls: aperture \\XTiz\^: 
 hp a little r^fleftcd : piliar-iip reflected thick. 
 Cotnu Shell fubcarinate imperforate convex : aperture with a wide 
 militare. margin. 
 Guah test. tah. 3. 1. Knorr I'ergn. 6, t. 32. f. 2. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. iZC).fig. 1142, 1 143? 
 Inhabits A'^/a ; rather large, A land fpecies. 
 Shell glabrous, white covered with a brown ikin : aperture fulvous 
 with a brown border ; ivhoyls obtufe. 
 Pellis Shell fubcarinate, with flame-colour red and white bands, 
 ferpentisy beneath furroundcd with 4 rows of dots : aperture 
 Lister tab. 66. Vet. Gaz. t. J S^'/^- '• 
 Fa'vann. conch, tab. ^"^^ fig- G. 3. 
 Inhabits warm parts of America. 
 3 S 2 • Vortex. 
5o8 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 * Vortex, Shell flat thin, above concave r aperture oval flat. 
 Donovan s Brit.fiells. iii. tab. jj. 
 Da casta Brit, conch, p. 65. tab. \. fg^ 12. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. iS'^./ig. 124. 
 Lister tab. 138. /7V. 43. Animangl. t. 2. f. z%. 
 Pctiv. Gaz. tab. c^z.fig. 6. Gtialt. test. tob. 4. G G. 
 Klein oftr, tab. l./ig. 9, Mitrt. Bert. Mag. t. S./. 19. 
 Schrcct.Jlufconch, tab, ^./ig. 1 6, 17. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. lij.fig. \ 127. a,b. 
 Inhabits ponds and rivers of Europe: i| — 4 lines wide. 
 Shell with very minute tranfverfe ilrise, yellow when it is empty ; 
 nvhorls 5 — 7, a little convex on one fide : aperture with a thin 
 acute margin. The inhabitant is rufous with white tentacula, 
 and extremely tenacious of life. 
 Scabra, Shell fubcarinate imperforate ovate pointed ftriatc. 
 Inhabits SheU with brown divided bands, the lower whorl 
 with an elevated line, 
 Gothica, Shell convex each fide, horny with fubferruginous bands. 
 Inhabits woods of S-xveilen* 
 Shell imperforate deprefTed, with deculTate ftrise : aperture 
 acute each fide. 
 Gualt test. tab. 68. E. Born mi'/. Caf. Find. tefl. /.' 13*/. 12, 13* 
 Chemn. conch. ^. p. Z'^-j. vign. 44,^7^-. A — C, 
 Chemn. conch, g.tab. 126. Jig. 11 CO, Iioi. 
 Schraets Einl. in conch. 2. tab. \> ftgt 2, 3. 
 Inhabits India; very rare. Aland fpecies. 
 •SZ"^// dirty grey, beneath convex : <7/i^r/«rtf triangular caniculate, 
 with a white border. 
 Tricarinata Shell top-fhaped fubimibih'cate acuminate, with convex 
 fpiral ftri^ and triple ridge: aperture dilated. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch. (^ tab. 126. fig. 1103,1104. 
 Shell 1 1 lines wide, pale with tranfverfe yellow ftreaks and 
 obfoletc fpiral llrix : nvhorls 5: aperture nearly circular: lip 
 v/hite with an acute margin. 
 IJogno' Shell hrowniih deprcflTed, the firrt whorl round: aperture 
 mostcmoi. contra6led, nearly triangular, 3-toothed and margined. 
 LiUertab. 93. Klein, ojir. tab, l.Jig. 22- 
 Inhabits Virginia and Jl/ace, 5^W/ nearly imperforate. 
 Cculus Shell deprefTed umbilicate: whorls contiguous, the fir ft: very 
 large: aperture oblong-ovate, with a pale fulvous 
 border within. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix: 
 Seba Muf, 3, tah. ^o.fig. 3 — 5. 
 Martini Naturf. 2. tab. 'J()figt I- 
 Inhabits Shell large folid, fiefh-colour, grey 6r alternately 
 hrownifh and yellow, with generally 6 or more brown or 
 blueifh bands ; n'.'borh 6, the outmofi: raucronate ; aperture 
 compreflcd, the lid red on the outfide, knotty and glofly. 
 Shell umbilicate, convex each fide, variegated white and 
 chtTnut: aperture winged and ilightl) margined. 
 Inhabits Born, Muf. Cx-f, yind. teji. tab. 14. _//•;. 1,2, 
 Margintlla Sliell umbilicate, obliquely ftriate, above convex: beneath 
 a little depreiTcd: firll whorl carinate : apertures tri- 
 angular tranfverfe margined. 
 Born Muf. Cars. Find.teji. tab. 14./%. f, 8. 
 Cbemn. coach. 9. tab. ^'2-^. fig. 1097. 
 Inhahits ■ ■■ i| inch broad, 8 lines high ; white with a brown 
 Sinuofa. Shell fubcarinatc imperforate, convex each fide, with hollow 
 • dots : whorls fubconvex contiguous : aperture tranf- 
 verfe 7-toothed. 
 Born Muf. C^s. Find. teff. tab. l^.fjg. I 3, 14. 
 Inhabits— —«S^^// with 6 whorls, 
 Macuhfa. Shell umbilicate fubcarinate, obliquely ftriate and a little 
 deprclfed, beneath convex : aperture lunate, with a 
 margined lip. 
 Born Muf CteJ. Vind.tell. tab. \\.fig. 15, 16. 
 Inhabits— —S/W/ white with fulvous fpots. 
 Pur.£lata. Shell fubumbilicate fubcarinate a little deprefled and rounded: 
 whorls round : aperture tranfverfe oblong, with a mar- 
 gined 3-toothed lip : pillar thickened emarginate 
 Inh'abits Born Muf. C«tf. Vind. tell. tab. l^-fig. ly, 18. 
 Shell brown with a narrow tranfverfe yellow band on the back 
 and dotted rays towards the futue : aperture reddifh, 
 Vitrta. Shell ovate fubumbilicate fcmipcllucid glabrous : whorls 5, 
 the firft gibbous, the reft carinate : aperture oblong- 
 Inhabits Born Muf. Caf. Vind. test tab. 15./^. 15, 16. 
 ^hell 2 inches high, ycllowifh brown with longitudinal undulate 
 fujphur bands. 
510 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8r. Helix. 
 Anmlaia, Shell umbilicate, a little deprefTed, white: whorls 4, the 
 fird gibbous and bicarinate. 
 Inhabits SchrcEt,Jiufconch,tab, ^.fig* 30, 
 Shell z lines in diameter, with an ovate aperture. 
 Rhenana, Shell umbilicate white, deprelTed above : whorls carinatc, 
 with irregular ftriae, the laft brown. 
 Inhabits the Rhine. Schrtzt fiufcomh. tab. $'fg. 31. a, b, 
 Na'vioo' Shell a little depreffed umbilicate, white with longitudinal 
 black fpots above and 5 bands beneath. 
 Inhabits Santa Cruz, Gualt. ttfi, tab, 3. Q. 
 Chemn. conch. 9, tab. I'^S-^g* IZ07. 
 Corrugata* Shell umbilicate wrinkled, and obliquely ftriate, grey : aper- 
 ture lunate, lip flefh-colour, remedied within. 
 Inhabits Jamaica. Liiter conch, tab, 55. 
 Chemn, conch, c^^tab, 'i-^'^.Jig* 1208*- 
 Faba, Shell imperforate fmooth, faiFron with brown margin and 
 bafe of the whorls: aperture blue. 
 Inhabits Otaheite. Mart, untnj . coJich , 2, tab. 69 
 Crena'ta. Shell rounded brown : whorls carinate : aperture finuous. 
 Inhabits Neiju Zealand, Mariyn univ, conch. 2, tab.6g, 
 L,arinata. gj^g|j {^rlate carinate, with 3 whorls: aperture fuboval. 
 Adams. Hicrofc. p. 635. tab^ 14. fig, 10. 
 Found in a frefh water ftrcam Vi&a.t Fa'verJIiam: minute. 
 <S-^f// pellucid, light brown. 
 B. Umbilicate, the whorls rounded. 
 • Cornea. Shell above umbilicate flat blackilh, with 4 round whorls. 
 Donovan s Brit. Shells, tab. Z9^J'g- '• 
 Da Costa Brit. Conch, tab. 4 /ig. 13. 
 Pennant. Brit. Zool. iv. fab. 125, 126. 
 Lifler tab, 137. An. angl. tab. 2. fig. 26, 
 Lister exerc anat. /, 59. tab. z.fig, I — 4. 
 Petiv. Gat, tab. 2. fi^. 95. Guah, test, tab, 4. D D. 
 Bonan. recr, "i- M' 3'^* ^'^^'if- kirch. Z' fg' 3'^* 
 S^ojammed, Bibl. nat. tab, \o.fg, 3, 4. 
 Argen'u, conch, tab. 27. fig. 2. 8. Zuom, t, S,/. 7. 
 Seba muf. tab. 39./^. I 7- i^norr Vergni 5. t, ZZ.f, 6, 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, I Z"], fig, 111 3 — 1 1 20. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 51* 
 Inhabits frelh waters of Europe and Coromandel, from a line to an 
 inch in diameter: /-r// chefnut, brown, rutous, whitifh, yel- 
 lowifb or blueifh, polifiied and very finely ttnate tranrverfely: 
 nvhorli 4 or 5, rarely turned contrary : the inhabitant is black, 
 with diriy-grey tentacula, and produces a fcarlet but not du- 
 rable dye. 
 Spirorbis. Shell concave each fide, flat, whitifh, with 5 rounded 
 Martini Berl Mogaz,^. tab. 8. fig, 20. 
 Inhabits ttagnant waters ot France and Germany. 
 Shell li line diameter, pellucid, yellowifh and hardly Itriate : 
 cwhorls 4 or 5 : aperture flightly lipped. 
 Polygvra.- Shell flattilh, orbicular : aperture oval, the lip fringed. 
 Inhabits Born, Mu/ Caf. te^t. tab. 14. fig. 19, 20. 
 Chemn, conchi 9. tab, \2-],f'S- ii^4' "25. 
 Contorta. Shell fubumbilicate, flat each fide, equal: aperture linear, 
 Peti'v. Gaz. tab. 92. fig. 8. ^chratt.fiufc t. 5./. 29. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. tab. S,/ig. 21. 
 Chemn. conch, 9. tal>. 127./. 1 126. 
 Inhabits llagnant waters of £aro/f .• i --2 lines wide. 
 Shell opikc, brown, chefnut or fulvous, with a pellucid centre : 
 ithorls 3-7, very clofely united : the inhabitant grey, with 
 tentacula edged with white. 
 Nttiiia. Shell polifiied, yellowifli, above convex, umbilicate, be- 
 neath flat, perforated. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. tab, % fig Zl. 
 Schrat.fiufconch. tab 5. fig. 27. 
 Inhabits ditches of D^nw^r/f: 1-3 lines in diameter. 
 5/>;// diaphanous, highly polifhed, fometimes brown: ivhorh 
 3-5, the outmoft much broader than the relt : aperture heart- 
 fhapcd: inhabitant black, the tentacula tipt with white, 
 when young entirely white. 
 Ma. Shell white, umbilicate each fide: aperture dilated. 
 Peti'v. Gaz. tab 92. fig. 7. Schrat .fiufc. tab. 5. /. 12. 
 Martin: Berl. Magaz, 4. tab. 8. /i^. 23. 
 Inhabits Denmark, on aquatic plants: 1-2 lines wide. 
 5i?^// pellucid, above flattifh, bereath convex ; ou/^or/f 4, round, 
 with very fine decuflate ilris, the outer larger than all the 
 others : aperture large, oblique : inhabitant grey, with white 
 tentacula and black eyes, 
 Cornu art- 
 WORMS. TEST ACE A. 8i. Hel 
 Shell pellucid, umbilicate above, ftriate with dots. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4, tab. 11. fig. 64, B. 
 Inhabits ditches in Denmark and Berlin', very much refembles 
 the younger Ihell of H. cornea. 
 Shell umbilicate, flattifh, with an oval aperture. 
 Lifter, tab. 136. Seba Muf. 3. tab 39. Z'. 14, 15. 
 Klein of tr. tab. l-/. 7. Schr(et. ftufc, tab. 9./, 13. 
 Knorr Vergn^ i. tab, z,Jig. 4, 5. & 2. tab. 13. f. 4. 
 Chemn. conch, 9. tab. 1 12. fig. 952, 953. 
 Inhabits C^/«a ; 1 2 — 16 lines in diameter, 
 tS"^^// generally white with 3, 4, 5 or 7 red bands, hard and very 
 finely llriate tranfierfely : ^'horls 4, convex : lip dilited. 
 Shell umbilicate, convex, hifpid, diaphanous, with 5 whorls: 
 aperture roundilh-lunate. 
 Helix rufefcens. Pennant, iv. tab, 85./". 127. 
 Lifter Anim, Ang. tab, 2, ftg. 12. 
 Peti'V.Gaz. tab, g^-fg' 13. ^-S. Helv. 5. tab, 3./. 13. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 2. tab. y f. 34. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, 122. fig. 105-7, 1058. 
 Inhabits woods of 'Europe. Shell pellucid, pale brownifh red 
 mottled with white, horny, brown, fulvous, yellowifh or 
 grey : nvhorls 4—6, the firll flightly carinate : inhabitant black. 
 Ampullacea Shell fubumbilicate, fubglobular, glabrous, the whorls more 
 ventricofe above: aperture very large, ovate-oblong: 
 umbilicus or navel nearly covered. 
 Lifter, tab. 130. Rumpf. conch, tab. 27. Q. 
 Petiv.Gaz, tab, 12./. 14. Guait. tcft. t. I. R. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 38. ftg. I — 7. 58, 59. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 5, tab. ^.fig- 2. Favan. conch. ?. 61. D. 8, 
 Schrcet.fufconch. tab. 6.f. 2. tab. 9. f. 14. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. ri,. tab. 6. fig. 68. 
 Che?nn. cotich. 9. tab. \z%.f. 1133 — 1135. 
 2. Lister, tab. 125. Chemn. 9. /. i2 8.y. 1136. 
 3. Zz/Zfr, tab. 128. ^f^fl Ma/! 3. t. ^0,f. 3—5. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. M^. i 29,/". 1 144, 11 45. 
 4« Argen'V. covch. tab. 17. B. 
 Inhabits Afia and America: \ --5 inches wide. 
 Shell polifhed, yellowifh or brown, with generally a few bands: 
 firll tuhorl very large : the fnail ii eaten. 
 Piscinalis. Shell globular, perforated, reddifh- brown. 
 Inhabits fifhponds oi Denmark. Mull. Verm. 2, n, 358. 
 ^ZW/hardilh, opake, very finely ftriatc tranfverfely, with a whit- 
 iih throat and 4 whorls. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8r. Helix. 
 Shell globular, perforated, greenifli: aperture rolled fpi- 
 rally inwards. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. tab. 8.^g. 26. 
 Inhabits lakes of Germany: refembles the laft, but is much lefs ; 
 pillar-lip whitifh. 
 Shell globular^ horny, with an obtufe crown. 
 Inhaiitifeas of Denmark: 1 — 2 lines wide. 
 BhM white 01 cinereous, immaculate, glabrous, with 4 convex' 
 whorls, the firft venrricofe. 
 Shell fubumbilicate, fubovate, obtufe, with a roundllh fe- 
 milunar aperture; reddifh-brown with obfolete paler 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab, R4, fig. 128, 
 Littery tab, 48. . Anim. Angl. tab. 2. fig,, li 
 Lijier exercit. anat. X. tab. 'i-fig- I — S. 
 Argen-v. conch, fab. z^.fg.'i. Gualt, te/i, t. i. A. 
 Martini Berl- Mag. 2, tab. l./g. I. A: 3. /. Z. /. 13. 
 CheMii. conch. 9. tab. I 28, fig, 1 1 38. a— C. 
 2. Gualt, test, tab. 2. B. Born Miif. Caf. t. 14./. 21, 23. 
 3. Lilhr, tab.^^.^j. ^g. 51,52. 1055./. 2. 
 4. Chernn. conch. 9. tab, 108. Jigr. 9o8--g:2. 
 Inliabits woods oi EuropCy and was introduced into England hy 
 Sir Ken ELM Digey, for medital purpoies. 
 The. Jnail h in many parts of Europe ufed as an article of food 
 during Lent j and was a favorite difh with the Remarks; it is 
 ovip<!rot3?, very tenaceous of life, and towards winter covers 
 its aperture with a calcareous lid. 
 Shell with 5 whorls, the firil very ventricofe. 
 Shell umbilicatc, roundilh, pointed: lip margined : aperture 
 Knotr l^ergn. c. tab. ^.fg- 3. Seba MuJ'. 3. /. 38._/-. 8? 
 Inhabits i^hell'pxle brown with 4 tranfverfc darker bands : 
 ^.pe/ture ydlowilji. 
 Shell fubumbilicate, convex, obtufe, yellowifh with a 
 brown band. 
 LiHer, tab. 54. 60. Gualt. tejl. tab, 3, D, E. 
 Argen-v. conch, tab. zZ fig. 10. Seba NLuf. 3. /. 39. /. I, 2» 
 Knorr Fergn. 5. tab. zz. fig. 7. Favann, conch, t. 6. F. I< 
 Born Muf. CaJ, Vinci, tell, tab, ! 3./. 14, 15. /. 15./'. i — lO. 
 Chemn. conch, g. tab» \\\. fig. 1167 — 75. 
 Inhabits woods ot Jamaica and China: i2'-l8 lines wide. 
 6'y6^// fulphur with a white band or two, or with a purple band 
 joined 10 a white one ; or yellow with a white band and bafe, 
 or a red band joined to a white one ; fometimes reddifh-brown 
 VOL. IV. — J T with. 
 Cast arte a. 
 WORMS. TEST ACE A. 8i. Helix. 
 with a white hand often united to a red one ; or black-brown 
 with a. white band and bafe ; or pale purple with a fulphur 
 band ; or white with a red band or two ; or yellow i(h- green 
 dotted with black, with a rufous band and line : ivhorls 5, 
 Shell perforated, fubglobular, dull chefnut with a rufous 
 band united to a white one: whorls ftriate. 
 Inhabit? Chemn. conch, g. tab, I5'./'- 1I77> 1178. 
 W:'^// pellucid, hard, thick: whorls 7 : aperture lunate. 
 Shell perforated, fubglobular, with hollow dots and a red 
 band: firft whorl larger and deflcfted inwardly above. 
 Inhabits Vhemn. conch. 10 tab. 131./. 1x76. 
 Shells lines wide, white, above yellowifli. 
 Shell globular, fubumbilicate, white : lip refle£led. 
 Lilier, tab. 44, fg. 41 t. 46. Gualt. teji, t, 2. G. 
 Chemn. conch, q. tub. 130,/". 1159, 1 1 60. 
 Inhabits — ■. — rcfemhles H. lucana, but the umbilicus is not dif- 
 tinft and the crown not deprcffed : 1 2 lines wide. 
 5i'f// glabrous, immaculate, thickifh, fometimes ilightly ribbed 
 tranfvcrfely, with 5 whorls. 
 Shell imperforate, deprelFed, grey with white dots: aper- 
 ture red-brown: lip the fame colour and toothed. . 
 Chemn. conch, 9. tab. I 30. Jig. 1 1 61. 
 Inhabits Jamaica and Pcrtugal. 
 Shell depreffed, umbilicate, white, with a cut margin. 
 Inhabits Favann. conch, tab. 64. S. 
 Chemn. ccnch, 9. tab. 130. _/>V, I166. 
 Shell umbilicate, convex, pointed: aperture fuborbicular, 
 a little refleded at the rhti : brown with a fingle black, 
 fpiral band. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 85. f. 130. 
 Lifter, tah. 56. An^m. Atigl. t. Z.f. 4. 
 Seba muf. 3. tah. 38./^. 68. 
 Ge-ve cor.ch tab. 30, fig 345--356. 
 Da Cofia Brit, conch, tah. 17. /". 6. 
 Chemn. conch 9 tab. 133. fig. IZ02. 
 Inhabit? flirubberies and hedges of Europe: 9^ lines wide. 
 5y&f// brown with minute yellowifl^ lines and a iingle dark band : 
 ivhorls about 5. '^'-' ' ' ' 
 ■i . '11- , . 
 Shell nearly imperforate', globular, pellucid, fulvous with a 
 white Up. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Mull. Hijh yerm. Z. p. 66. ». 249. 
 Inha'.ifi marfliy woods of Denma k : i -3 lines wide. 
 S)[, // glahrou?, very finely ftri..ce tranfverfely : aperture zrchcd, 
 narrow : 'u.'borl.' 7 : inhahiiant hyaline with black tentacula. 
 Epistylium Shell fubimperforatc, fubglobular, Rriate, white, with 7 
 Inhabits Lister, tab, 62. , n -n. r ,u 
 5/&^// 12 lines in diameter, hyaline, beneath flattilh, Imooth : 
 aperiure lunate : Up reficaed, polifhed. 
 Cin3a, Shell fubimperforate, fubglobular, white with rufous lip 
 and bands: whorls 5. 
 Inhabits Mull Hist.P'erm. Z. p. <i^<n.z<i\ 
 Rciembles the next, but is r8 lines wide, marked with very hne 
 ftria; and parallel bands, and has 5 whorls. 
 Lrgata. Shell fubimperforate, fubglogular, white with rufous bands: 
 lip white: whorls 4. 
 Innints Iraly Gualt, test. tab. 1. E. 
 Chernn conch 9 tab. 128 7%. i 137. 
 Shell 1 4 lines wide, with 5 bands pellucid withm : aperture ova.e. 
 Jspersa. Shell fubimperforate, fubglobular, pale yellow with 4 ru- 
 fous bands interrupted with white fpots : lip white. 
 jlrgenv. conch, tab. 28./ 1 1 . Peti-v. Gaz. t. byf. 4. 
 Knorr Vergn. tab. 24./. 3. Geve conch, t. 30. y. 344. 
 Martini BerL ALtgaz. 2. tab. Z. fig- l?" 
 Tavann. conch, tab. 63. /. D. 2, 3, 4. 
 Chemn, conch. 9. tab. l 30. /. 1 1 56-- 1 I ^'8. 
 Inhabits //«/F ; 1 z-- 18 lines in diameter. 
 ^hell a little rough with minute impreflcd dots : ixborls 4 . 
 aperture elongated. 
 E;ctensa Shell fubimperforate, fubglobular, pale, immaculate: aper- 
 ture large. 
 Inhabits Mull Hist. Ferm. 2, p. 60. k. 254. _ 
 Retembles H. pomatia, but thz ipire is l.-fs prominent : 16 lines 
 ' wide: apertnre TQpdnd : ni.-horls ^, di'X^rit. 
 Fisana. Shell perforated, globular, white with fubinterrupted red 
 bands : lip rofy. 
 Tefw Gar., tab. $z.f. l 2. Gualt. test. tab. 2. E. 
 Schnct. Erdccnch. tab. 2, jig> 22. a. 
 Chcmn. conch. 9. tab. 1 32._//^. I 1 86. 1 1 87. 
 Inhabits Barbar)' and Italy : ^^.-{ lines wide ; with 5 or 6 bands. 
 3 T 2 Strigata 
5i6 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 ^irigafa. Shell perforated, with a depreffed crown, white with ru- 
 fous bands and numerous lines: lip white each fide. 
 Inhabits //^z/y. Lister, tab. c^%\ 
 iS^^Z/polifhed, with {lightly curved ftriae : lo lines wide. 
 Kemoremis, Shell perforated, globular, polilhed, white with brown 
 Chemn. conch, g. tab» \zc).jig. 1146, 1147. 
 Inhabits /Ki//fl .- 15 lines wide-, refeniHlcs H. nemoralis, but la 
 thrice as large, thicker and harder : J/:ell poljftied, with 3 
 tinge of fulphur. 
 *Zonaria. Shell umbillcate, convex, flightly depreffed: aperture ra- 
 ther oblong and margined. 
 DoKO'vafi's Brit. Shells, tab. 65. Pet. Gaz. t. \J'f> 6. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab.%^. Jig. 133. 
 Da Coda Brit Lonchol. t. \, f, 7. 
 Gualt. test* tab. 3. L. Knorr Vergn, 1;. ^ 21. /". 3, 4. 
 Seba uiuj. 3. tab. 40. fig. 52, 53. 55. 
 Chemn. canch. 9. tab. 132, fig. 1 1 1 8, 1 1 19, 
 2. Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 85./". 133. A. 
 Inhabits Europe and Barbary: 11 --13 lines diameter. 
 Shell fometimes white with 1--6 rufous bandy, befides a few 
 white fpot*;, generally fpirally barred with narrow firjpes of 
 white dulky and yellow, or marked with obfolete whitifh 
 fpots and dufey lines: ivkorls 5, the firft very ventricofe. 
 Sfriaia. Shell umbilicate, fubdepreffed, ftriate, white. 
 Schrcct. Erdconch. n. 60, tub. z. Jig. 20. 
 Inhabits Italy: 6 lines wide. Shell bepeath cpnvex, with 6 
 rounded whorls; aperture lunate, 
 *EricetO' Shell umbilicate, depreffed, yellowifh with a brown band 
 rum, or bands. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 1^2. Jig. 1193—1195. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 3, O. Lister Anim. Angl. t. 2. f. 1 3. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 2. tab. 4. fiig. 46. 
 Cualt, test. tab. 2. Jig. L, M, P. 
 Inhabits Europe: 4—^11 lines wide. Shell \\\ih 1 -.9 brown 
 bandf, rarely white, 
 *Kitens, Shell umbilicate, fubdeprcffed, fulvous-horny or yellowilli- 
 green, pellucid, fubftriatc: aperture large. 
 H. pellacida. Pennant Brit. Zool. iv./. 138. «. 134. 
 Peti-v. Gaz. tab. ^^I- f- 14- Argent, conch, t. 28,/'. 4. 
 Sijuannn. BibL Nat. tab. 8, fig. 3. GeoJfr. test. 7. 
 ^tram. AU. NidroJ'. 3. tab. 6. jig. t6. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. §i. Helix. 
 Chetnn- conch . 9. tab. 1 27, /. 1 1 30. 1 1 3 1. 
 Inhabits wet woods of Europe : 1—4 lines wide. 
 Shell thin, brittle, pellucid : uperture femilunar with an acute 
 margin ; 'whorls 4 or 5. 
 Costatci, Shell fubdepreffed, umbilicate, cinereous r whorls ribbed : 
 aperture circular, with a white reHeded lip. 
 Inhabit? high lands ot Denmark: i line wide. 
 Shell a liftle convex, opake : nxihorh 4, tranfvcrfely plaited, 
 fulchella. Shell umbilicate, fubdepreffed : aperture circinate : lip 
 while, refledled. 
 Inhabit.' moift woods of Denmark. Gcoffr. tat. 6, 
 Shell I line wide, with minute ftriae not vifible to the naked 
 eye: ot-^cr// about 4: inhabitant \yh\te^ 
 jLotum^ata. Shell umbilicate, fubdepreffed, with elevajed tranfverfe 
 lines and ferruginous fpots. 
 Argennj. Zoom. tab. 9, fg. 10. Geoffr. teft, 9, 
 SchrcEt. Erdconch. tab, z, fg, 25. 
 Inhabits moill places, and among rotten wood in France, Ger- 
 many and Detifnarky very common : 2| lines 5,vide. 
 Shell white, beneath convex with fquare fpots and fometimes 
 none; 'v.horls 4— -6: aperture arched, without pillar-lip: 
 inhabitant white with obfcure fpots above and black head and 
 Cellaria. Shell umbilicate, deprefTed, yellowilh, polilhed, beneath 
 white: aperture large. 
 Schrast, Erdeonch. tab. 2, fg^ 6. 
 Chemn, conch. 9. tab. xzj.fig. I 129, 1, 2. 
 Inhabits cellars in Germany : ^~ lines wide. 
 ti'W/ glabrous, pellucid, beneath convex; ivhorls 5: aperture 
 lunate ; inhabitant white, pellucid, with a black eye and blue 
 optic nerve, 
 Cb'voh'.ta. Shell umbilicate, depreifed both fides ; whorls obvolute. 
 1. Whitifh, glabrous, with a triangular aperture. 
 Gualt. test. tab. 2. S. Berl Magaz. 2. /. ^./. 37, 
 ^<ff. Ileh. 5. tab. 3.7%. 16. Favann. conch, r.63. F. Z. 
 Schrcet. En/conch, tab, z./ig. 24. a, 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, \2y.Jig. 1128. a--c. 
 2. Brown, hifpid, with a lunar aperture. 
 Schrat. Erciconch. tab, 2-,fg' 24. a. Geojr, te/t. t, tZ, 
 Inhabits Itctly and ILuringia: 4 or 5 lires wide, 
 ^hell very finely firiate with 6 or 7 whorls : /// reflected. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Strigofula, Shell perforated fubdeprefTcd ftriate, white with a rufous 
 Inhabits France, 5 lines wide. Mull Verm, p. 24, ». 225. 
 Shell beneath convex, with about 6 Ahorls: lip thickifh white. 
 J^adia.ta> $hell perforated depreffed ftriate, beneath convex radiate. 
 Lister tab. 70. Pet. ga%. tab. 1 04. fig i. Guah. te.t. /. 2 /" 3. 
 Inhabits France l^ Virginia. Shell thick, variegated rut'Vis and 
 white, within entirely white: aperture lunate, without pillar- 
 Crystalltna. Shell perforated deprelTed glolTy-white diaphanous. 
 Inhabits Denmark, among mots. Mull, Verm. z. n, 223. 
 Shell a, line wide, beneath convex, with 4 or 5 whorls. 
 Ungulina, Shell umbilicate convex, the aperture margined fuborbicul;ar 
 and elongated above. 
 Rumpf, muj tab. zy. J^, Petiu, Gaz. tab. I./zg-. 6. 
 Klem oftr. tab. \. fg. I I . Seba muj\ t, 40./". 1 1. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. tell. /. 15./ 11, 12. 
 Cketnn. conch, c^.tab. 12,^. Jig. 1098, 1099. 1 
 Inhabits India: 16 lines wide, and I'hapea like an apple. I 
 Shell yellowilh-rufou?, glabrous poliflied, above a little deprefi'ed, 
 finely ftriale tranlvericly, with a pale purple raouth and 
 white lip. 
 Varica. Shell globular umbilicate whitifh yellow : whorls contrary, 
 the outmoll divaricate. 
 Inhabits Mull Hiji. 'verm. z. p. 70. n. ?66. 
 Shell 19 lines wide, hard, a little pdluod, with 5 rounded whorls 
 the firlt ventricoie ; aperture with an acu:e margin. 
 Fruticum. Shell globular umbilicate : aperture without pillar-lip. 
 Shrce.t. Erdconch, tab. zjig 1 9. 
 Cbemn conch, g. tab. I'^T,. fig 1203. 
 Inhaliits hedges of D^wwar;^: 7^ lines widci 
 Shell rather pellucid, with 6 whorls, fometimes pale yellow with 
 fcattered gold dots or blackilh fpnts and dots, or iulphur with 
 black fpots and fometimes a purple band, or yellowiih with a 
 purple bar,d and fpots, or brovvn with black fpots, or deep red 
 , with black fpots and with or without a purple band : /nail 
 white or various fhades of black, with black tentacula. 
 Lucena, Shell fubglobulr.r umbilicate, beneath gibbous : lip refie£led 
 Argenv. conch, tab. z%,fig. 7 ? 
 Schrcet. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 4. fig. 9. 
 Qhvnn. conch. 9. tab. I ^O.fig. i I 55' 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Hell*. 
 Inhabits Shell pellucid glabrous, fometimes entirely white* 
 fcmetimes yellowifh above: 'ivhofls 5, the firll very convex: 
 aperture lunate. 
 Shell fubglobular fubumlDiricate, white with crowded chef- 
 nut bands and blue crown : lip refl^-dled white. 
 Chemn. conch, q. tab. X'J^z.fig. i 190 — 1192. 
 Inhabits Cflrow<2«/<f/; 9 lines ir. diameter. 
 Shell opake refemhling a piece of dried wood with concentric 
 veins, with 5 whoris: aperture black-broWn with an acute 
 Shell fubglobular fubumbilicate, flefli-colourand tranfverfely 
 fhiate : lip refleded brown. 
 Inhabits 19 lines wide, Shell ventricofe, with 5 whorls 
 and lunate rofy aperture. 
 Shell umbilicate convex obtufcy with 5 round whorls: 
 navel wide: aperture fuborbicular. 
 Inhabits Southern Eurofe ; a land fpecics. !; 
 Shell whitifh with a brown band ; fize of a nut. 
 Shell umbilicate perforate convex obtufe, with 5 round 
 yellowifh-white whorls: umbilicus fpreading. 
 Gualt. tejUtah, 2. T. Murray test, t, i.f, 1, 
 Fanjann^ catal, tab. 2. fig. 107. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. /. 108 /". 913, 914. 
 2. Chemn conch. 10 /. l^Z-f' 1684,1685^, 
 Inhabits Southern Europe: a land fpecies. 
 Shell of one colour, nze of a fmall apple. 
 Shell umbilicate ovate, with 3 ftriatc whorls: aperture 
 ovate and united to the tip. 
 Inhabits rivers of Africa. Argen'v. conch, tab. 2y, fig. 3. 
 Shell with .♦ine tranlverfe crowded ftrjse and remoter longitudinal 
 ones : aperture large. 
 Shell umbilicate convex, with 5 round whorls: umbilicus 
 thin perforated: aperture fuborbicular. 
 Inhabits Southern Europe, Shell horn-coloar. 
 Shell umbilicate ovate-oblong, internally more coloured : 
 aperture fubovate. 
 Inhabits Shell ovate conic, very finely llriate, navel oblique: 
 aperture white Viithin. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Shell perforate ovate- ventricofe and ftreaked ; tip ribbed and 
 with the lip rofy : pillar white. 
 Inhabits Qhemn. conch, g. tab- i ig. ;f^. t020, I02i. 
 Shell zhovs 4 inches long, thick, pale yellow with rofy clavicles: 
 ixherls 6 : aperture oval. 
 shell perforate ovate-oblong ftriate, with rofy lip and 
 Shavj Natur. Mi/cell. tab. 294, Lister t. it,, f. 21. 
 Favann, conch, tab. 6^i/ig I. Seba muf. 3. ^. 71./". 1 7 — 20. 
 Walch Naturf. 12. tab. \' fig. I — 3. 
 Born Muf. def, Vind. tefi. tab. 15. fig. 21, 22. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. I \().jig. I022, 1023* 
 Inhabits >So«/^ America and India: above 3 inches long. 
 Shell pile or yellowifh-white, with 6 whorl?, oval aperture and 
 whitifh throat: inhabitant cinereous varied with lighter and 
 darker fliades and ftrcaks, with a tinge of blueifh and role- 
 colour on fome parts; the eggs are covered with a hard cal- 
 careous: Ihell,, and:e»aftly.rcfemble thofe,of a common Sparow. 
 Shell perforated bblortg, white with longitudinal rufous 
 bands: pillar refledled ftraight. 
 Adans feneg. \sp. 14. tab. I -fig' I, 
 Martini Berl. Mag. 1. tab, ^^ftg, 49* 
 Chemn, conch, g. tab. iig. /ig. 1024, 1025. 
 Inh!ib'ns Guinea: iS — zo lines long. 
 Shell thin pellucid glabrous, with undulate bands, and 8 or 9 
 equally decrcafing whorls: /// glolTy. white ; A^roaf blueifh. 
 Ftleus. Shell top-fhaped, white with rufous bands: aperture tranf- 
 verfe large: lip a little retie£led. 
 Chemn. conch, 9. tab, 1 \z.fig. 1046 — 1048, 
 Inhabits ■ '?ihell 15 lines long, with 3—5 bands: nichorh &, 
 varying in the number of bands; probably a variety of H. 
 Nuc/eata/ Shell top-fliaped umbilicate convex both fides, brown with 
 prickly ribs: lip whitilli. 
 Mull. Naturf. \(). tab. 2. fig. \,ii, in. 
 Chemn. conth. g, tab. 133../'^ 1209. 
 Inhabits woods of Denmark : -4; of a line wide. 
 Shell fubpellucid, vi'ith 4 rounded whorls, on each of which are 
 28 — 30 whitilh ribs: lip a little reHefted and membranaceous; 
 y/ifl/Vhyaline with blackiih head and tcntacula. 
 Shell top-fhaped umbilicate acuminate variegated: aperture 
 circinate: lip refleded. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Lifler tab, 50. Pet. Gaz. tab. TJ.fig- 6. 
 Sebamuf. 3, tab. ^o. fig. 18, ig. 
 Martini conch, q. t. 123,/. 1064 — 1 066. 
 Inhabits Shell 1 1 — 22 lines wide, poliflied glabrous fub- 
 ftriate, with 5^ very convex protuberant whorls, varied with 
 yellow and rufous, beneath white, with fometimes obfolete 
 concentric whorls, fometimes varied with rufous and brown 
 with a broad deeper band. 
 InTohulus, Shell top-fhaped umbiliGate pointed, white with fpiral con- 
 vex ftriaj : aperture circinate: lip refledted. 
 Lifter tab. 75* Born muf. Cas. Vind, teft. t. 14. f. 23, 24. 
 Seba muf, 3. tab. \o.fig. 56 — 58. 61. 63, 64. 
 Inhabits Shell 1 3 lines wide, very finely ftriate longitudinally, 
 not fo highly poliftied as the laft, with fometimes a rufous 
 band and fpots. 
 Neritina. Shell glabrous hardifh umbllicate, chefnut with white 
 bands: whorls flat beneath : aperture ovate-oblong, 
 Kteinm' Couch, Rudolji. p, 185. tab. w.fig. 7. 
 Inhabits—— —above an inch long : refembles H. ampullacea.- 
 *Tttrturum. Shell umbllicate rotinded thin, with a femllunar aperture. 
 Lister An. Angl. tab. 2. fig. 12. 
 SchJot/erb, A£i, Hehet. 5. tab. 3. A. fig, 13, 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 2. tab. ^■.fig' 34. 
 Inhabits woods oi Europe ; refembles H. rtemoralis, but the point 
 is more obtufe : ftiell grey reddifh or white, with a white or 
 brown border. 
 OltTjetcrum Shell umbllicate a little deprelTed yellow: aperture com- 
 prelled: firll whorl fiattilh round. 
 Inhabits Florence, among olive groves. GuaJt, test, tab. 3. G, 
 Shell umbllicate fubglobular fraooth, above deprelTed: aper* 
 ture lunar. 
 Born Muf. Ctrf. Vind, teft, tab. \$.ftg. 11,12. 
 Inhabits — ■ — bhell&vi inch high and ij wide, chefnut. 
 Shell fubumbilicate fmooth, whitifh with brown bands: 
 whorls convex : aperture lunate. 
 Born ^\uf C^J. P'ind. te/L lab, ib.fig. I, 2. 
 Inhabits— —iW/ 10 lines high and 2 lines more than an inch 
 Shell fubumbilicate Gonic, white with chefnut bands: aper^ 
 turc iemilunar : tip obtufe. 
 lohabils Jifr'n Muf. CaJ. P'ind. teft. tab, 16. fig, li, 12. 
 VOL. IV. —■ 3 U FufefcsKu 
^22 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8r. Helix. 
 Fu/cefcenst Shell rounded fubumbilicate thin, with a femilunar aperture 
 Inhabits Thuringia, Schrcet. erdconch^ tab. l.fig. 1 1. 
 2. Schrcet. fiufconch tab. b. fig. 14? 
 Shell brown white margaritaceous or wax colour and often 
 Terrejiris. Shell umbilicate with an obtufely mucronate fpire, the firft 
 whorl very large, the reft gradually decreafing: aper- 
 ture femilunar margined. 
 Inhabits Schrat.Erdconh. tab. "2.. fig. I9. 
 Shell white flefh -colour or agate with 6 whorls. 
 Shell rounded umbilicate thin glofly-white: aperture fe- 
 Inhabits Schrcet. Erdconch, tab. z.fig. 20. 
 Refembles the laft, but is lefs Ihorter and more rounded. 
 Shell flat both fides, umbilicate, with 6 whorls, the firft 
 round: aperture fuborbicular. 
 Inhabits Germany. %chra.t. Erdconch. tab. z^fig.. 22. a. 
 Shell white, fometimes barred with brown. 
 Shell umbilicate very thin flat polifhed and convex obove: 
 aperture femilunar compreffed. 
 Inhabits %chi(zt. Erdconch. tab. z.fig. 26, Aland fnail. 
 Shell white teftaceous horny or margaritaceous, with 5 contigu- 
 ous whorls. 
 Crepus- Shell umbilicate deprefled white, with 6 round whorls, the 
 cularis. third and fourth brown, the laft reddi(h at the tip: 
 aperture femilunar fmooth. 
 Inhabits Guinea. Martin. Mannigf. ^ytab. 3.7%. 20, 21. 
 Shell folid, with a fubpyramidal fpire. 
 Shell umbilicate pellucid, above flat and pale brown, be- 
 neath hemifphsricaily white: whorls contrary. 
 Martini n. MaJinigf. 4. tab. 'i^. fig. 2 2, 23. 
 2. Martini n. Mann. \.tab. I- fig. 24. 
 CUmn, conch. 9, t. 109./, 921, 922. 
 Inhabits fhores oi Guinea: probably of the fecond diviiion. 
 Avellana-. Shell umbilicate obtufely fubtriangular rough plaited and 
 filvery within : aperture fmooth eared : the firft whorl 
 with an elevated circle. 
 ^pengl. BeJ'ch berl. Naturf. i. tab. <).fig. 4, 5. 
 Lhemn. conch. 5, ^ 188./. 1919, 1 9 20. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 523 
 Inhabits the f,uthern Ocean; fize and colour of a nut, with a 
 white piJlar-]ip : probably a Nerita. 
 Rufe/cens. Shell inflated fubumbilicate fragile, with 5 whorls, the firil 
 very large and fubcomprelFed the reft convex : aperture 
 Inhabits rivers of Humhurg, Schrast . Jl:<fconch t 5 ■ /". 35 . 
 Shell 6V\rm wide, reddilh with a cheinut band, 
 Pervia. Shell umbilicate obtufely fubpyramidal, with 4 convex 
 whorls, the firft with an elevated circle the reil fur- 
 rounded with a groove: aperture femilunar. 
 Inhabits Schrat jivfconch. tab, 6. fig. lo. 5/^f//minute. 
 Lavijima^ Shell umbilicate oblong, with fmooth round whorls : aper- 
 ture orbicular 
 Inhabits- S c hr est f,uf conch, tab (>,fg. 12. refembles the lafti 
 Tafclcularh Shell umbilicate pellucid, with 3 whorls divided by a groove: 
 aperture orbicular and not margined. 
 Schrcntf.ufconch. tab. 6. fg. 1 \ ■ 
 Inhabits waters of ^trajhurg l£ Parts : very rare. 
 Shell vtry broad dufky : jfiailwah a creil beiides the 2 tentacula. 
 Holofericea, Shell umbilicate dtprelTed a little concave above, the firfl: 
 whorl villous Hat : aperture triangular margined. 
 Gualt, test. tab. 2, /§•. 5. Jdl. Helv. ^.i. ^. A. f. 16, 
 .Martini Berl. Magaz-, Z. tab, 3. fig, 37. 
 Schrtvt Erdconch, tab. Z. fig% 24, A. 
 Inhabits Frar.ce and S^vitzerland: j an inch wide* 
 Shall uith 6 whorls: aperture with a redJifh or white margin 
 . lurgida. Shell thin fragile white umbilicate, with fainter bands: 
 firft whorl round inflated: aperture fuborbicular and 
 not margined, 
 Inhabits wat-rs oi Hamburg. Zchrczt jiufconch. tab. <^. fg. 28. 
 67W/ 1 of an inch wide, wi:h 8 bands and 6 whorls. 
 Tenuis. Shell umbilicate pellucid horny tranfvcrfely ftriate and 
 convex, with 6 gradually decrealing whorls and lemi- 
 lunar aperture. 
 Inhabits- Schrcetjiu/conch, tab, 5. fig, 32, 
 Shell ^ot 5 lines in diameter, 
 3 ^ ^ Coriaceae 
524 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Coriacea. Shell cartilaginous horny, pale yellow fubpellucid gibbous: 
 fpire fimple with circular Itris. 
 Inhabits Kurik IJIands, ASl. Petrop. 2. tab. "J-fg^ 3 1 — 33. 
 S^ire covered with a calcoreous cruft within, 
 Cornwve- Shell deprefretl deeply umbilicate. 
 natorium, Chemn. couch. 9. tab i 27. fig. 1 1 32* H 33. 
 2, Chemn. conch. (). tab. log Jig. 317, 318. 
 Inhabits ^enegai, on the leaves and branches of trees. 
 Elegans, Shell pyramidal white umbilicate, with 6 acute flattifh 
 margined wh»rls. 
 Li/ier tab. 61, fig. 58. Fa'vann. conch, tabi 64. O. 
 Petiu. Gaz. tab. zz.Jig. 10. 
 Inhabits Barbary i5 jouthern Europe : a land fnail. 
 Coohana, gi^gjj pyramidal fmooth white obtufe, with a convex im^ 
 perforate bafc. 
 hi\ia)yiti foul h fe a IJIands. Chemn, 9. tab. 122. fig. 1049, 1050. 
 Bifientata, Shell pyramidal fubcarinate, banded and very finely ftriate, 
 with a 2-tD0thed reflected lip. 
 Chepm, conch. 9. tab. \zz. fig. 1052. a, b. 
 Found in the botanic garden at Strajburg, 
 Turbo. Shell pyramidal fublmperforate, varied with yellow and 
 Inhabits Corotnandel. Ch?mn. conchy 9. tab, \zz,fig% 1059. 
 Jrifa/ciata Shell conic-ovate, white with 3 brownifli bands on the 
 firft whorl: aperture fringed, with a dilated white lip. 
 Lister tab. Zl- fig 3'- Ceemn. g. t. I 34/'. 1215. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar: a land fpecies. 
 Bentia, Shell conjc-ventricofe perforated pellucid with a black tip: 
 firft whorl with 3 yellowilh bands: aperture ovate. 
 Chemn g. tab. i 34. f^g. I 2 1 6, I 2 1 7, Fwvann. conch, tab, 65. L ? 
 Inhabits Bengal. Shell very brittle. 
 frochgides. Shell top-fliaped perforated polifhed longitudinally ftriate: 
 whorls contrary, the firft carinate: aperture angular ; 
 pillar chefnut-brown. 
 Inhabits^ Chemn. conch, i©. tab. 173./^. 1686, 1687. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix: 525 
 *Tcmentofa Shell umbilicate, with 3 briftly whorls and roundifh aper- 
 Iran/a/I. Lin Soc. Ill p. 254. minute/ 
 Inhabits the Pembrokejhire ccaj}, on hoggy ground. 
 • Tubulata Shell with 3 longitudinally ftriate whorls and a margined 
 tube at the bafe. 
 Aiiams. Hranf^a. linn, foe, iii. p. 67. tab. 13. {ig. 35, 36, 
 Inhabits the coaji of Pemi>rohJhire : minute. 
 Shell With a fmgular margined tube, in the place of an umbilicur, 
 extending beyond the furface of the Ihell. 
 ^Fa/ciata, Shell fubumbilicate fmooth with 3 whorls, the firft more 
 ventricofe: aperture dilated. 
 Adams TranJ Linn, foe. V. tab. i.fg. 20, 2|, 
 Inhabits the fands itTenbeigh: minute, 
 ^z?"^// pellucid white, the firll whorl with 3 tranfverfe belts of a 
 rich marone colour, the middle belt broad, the lateral one* 
 • NitiMJm Shell umbilicate, with 2 jjwhorls very finely ftriate tranf- 
 /ima. verfely. 
 Adams Linn. TranjaB, V. tab. I. fig. 22 — 24. 
 Found on the Pembrokefltire coast: minute. 
 5i»f// corneous pellucid, with a brilliant glofs. 
 • Bicolor» Shell flightly umbilicate fmooth, with 2 whorls. 
 Tranfadt Linn, foe- v.tab. I./^. 25 — 27. 
 Found on the Pembrokcfliire coast: minute, 
 RefemMes the lafl, but is perleftly fmooth and not glofly, 
 within white. 
 • Spinofa, Shell fubglobular umbilicate : mouth roundifh with a thorny 
 Adams Microfcope. p. 636. tab. \/\..fg. II. 
 Found near Panterjliam: very minute and rare, 
 5/'£^// pellucid brown, 
 •Reticulata Shell fubumbilicate reticulate, with a rounded margined 
 Adams Microfope.p, 636. tab. \\tfig. 12. 
 Found at Re culver : very rare and minute, 
 ^hell white pellucid. 
 C. Rounded Imperforate, 
526 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Perwr/a, -Shell fubumbllicate ovate-oblong contrary fulphur. 
 Lister tab. 9. 34, 35. Argen'V, conch, tab.. 9. G, 
 Grenu. Muf. tab. lO.fg. 9. 
 Bonan recr. 0,. fig 116? Muf.kirch, 3./jj. 1 16. 401, 
 Gualt test. tab. 5. O, P. Seba muf. 3. tab, /[O.fg. 37. 
 Knorr Fergn. i, t. 16. f. 5. 4. /. 5,/. I. t. 28. /; 4, 5. and 5J 
 /. 23./. 4, 5. Delic. t. B. ii./. 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. M^. J X I ./?f • 928, 929. 
 2. Ci-mw. ««f^. 9. t. 1 10./, 930—937. 
 3. Chemn. conch. 9. ^. 1 1 2./. 950, 951. 
 4. Kammer Cab. Rudolft. tab. 10. fig. 3. 
 Inhabits India, 18— 28 lines long. 5/:'^// fulpliur with various 
 marks, fometiiiies with a green fpot and ratous band, lon.ie- 
 times with a deep brown oblique ftreak, or white with a rsd 
 fpot or numerous ones of a different colour: nuhorts 6 — 8; 
 lip thick. 
 Dextra, 3hell conic ydlow, with a reflefted white lip, 
 Pet. Gaz.. tab. ^t^./tg. 7. Lister t. 10./. 5 ? 
 Mart. BerL Mag. Z'. 5,/. 49 ? 
 Chemn. conch. 9. t. 134./. I2i0 — 1 21 2. 
 Inhabits ^^relembles the laft, but the whorls arc not contrary. 
 Shell glabrous, with 6 or 7 whorls and ovate aperture : uniformly 
 citron with a white throat, or fulphur with an oblique deep 
 brown ftreak and white throat, or white varioufly fpotted with 
 a blueilh throat : 18—22 lines long. 
 Reaa. Shell conic a little pointed, whitilh with a rufous band and 
 flreaks: lip rellected. 
 Inhabits relembles H. inverfa, but the whorls are not con. 
 trary. Shell with. 7 whorls, 2 inches 5 lines long. 
 Inwr/ei, Shell conic pointed pontrary, w ith a rufous band and ftreaks: 
 lip leflefted. 
 Lister tab. 36? Gualt. test. tab. 5. O. 
 Geve conch, tab. 10. Pet. Gaz.t. 76./. 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. lio. fig. 92;, 926. 
 Inhabits Mauritius and Bourborn Ijlands : 2| inches long. 
 Shell with 8 obliquely ftreaked whorls : aperture orvate and with 
 the lip white. 
 hterrupta. Shell conic pointed, white with fulvous ftreaks : lip White 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, I 34. fg. 1213,1214. 
 Inhabits 22 lines long. Shell with 7 whorls and 15 tranl- 
 verfe fulvous lines above, which are rufous beneath and obfot 
 lete in the middle, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Contraria. Shell conic pointed contrary, white with undulate inter- 
 rupted br'^'wn llreaks: lip refledled. 
 Sivammerdam Bibl. nat. tab. J.ftg. II. 
 Chemjt conch, g. t. Ill ./. 938, 939. 
 Inhabits 15 lines long: es^cremely rare, 
 Sh/l polifhed, the very tip black : aperture ovate, with pellucid 
 Lava. Shell fubcylindrical glabrous contrary barred: lip {lightly 
 reflefted: pillar yellow. 
 Lister tab. "H fig' 31. Knorr Vergn. 6. /, 29./*. 3, 
 Gualt. test. tab. 4. M ? Fan/an* nccnch. t, 65. y. I. A, 3. 
 Chemn, conch, g- t. Ill . f 94G--949. 
 Inhabits— —12.-16 lines long : vsry rare. 
 She// white with 2—6 rufous brown bands, which appear likewife 
 on the aperture. 
 Shell glolTy whitifh with very thin longitudinal ftrias: fpire 
 contrary hemifphasrical. 
 Spengkr ncv, A3. Dan. I . tab. I .fig^ 6. 
 Chemn. conch, g.t. II 3./. 972, 973. 
 Inhabits fands on the Arminian coaji : minute. 
 Jamaicen- Shell globular, chefnut-brown barred with white: lip 
 "^' fringed white : crown obtufe. 
 Lijter tab, 42, 43. Knorr Vergn. l,t. zi.f. 3. 
 Fa-vann, conch, tab. 63. M. Chemn. 9. /. i 29./. 1 140, 1 141. 
 Inhabits Jamaica. 
 Shell fubglobular deprelTed, with a concave bafe and lunate 
 . Inhabits Rhode IJIand, Chemn. conch, g.t, lyj.f, 1179, ii8o« 
 Shell oblong poiiihed white: aperture toothlefs: lip di- 
 Gualt. teft. tab, 4. R ? Chemn. conch. 9. tab, iS^./ig. 1 234. 
 Inhabits Inaia: 1 1 lines long. .9^(r//diaphanous, with 8 whorls: 
 aperture ovate : margin of the lip a little jagged. 
 PuJica, Shell oblong, a little wrinkled, rofy: aperture toothlefs: lip 
 dilated white. 
 Inhabit; Chemn. conch g, tab. izi./ig. 1042. 
 She/l 20 Jn:cs long, polKhed, with a white mouth : aperture 
 cvate-oblong; Up ycllowilh-rofy ; whorli about 6, 
528 WORMS. TESTACEA. Si. Helix. 
 lanthina. Shell nearly imperforate, roundlfh, obtufe, diaphanous and 
 very brittle: aperture dilated behind, with an emar- 
 ginate lip. 
 Lifter, tab. 572./. 24, Bro'wn Jamaic, tab. 39./- I. 
 Sloans Jamaica^ tab. 1 fg. 4. tab. ^JZ.fig. 23. 
 Column aq. 23. tab. zz. Purp. tab. 13./" 2. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab, 20. f. 2. Gualt- teji. t. 64. O. 
 Argennj. conch, tab. 16. S. Knorr Vergn. 2. t* 30. f* 2, 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /fl<J. 166./. 1577, 1578. 
 Inhabits moft feas : about an inch broad and high. 
 Shell v\o\tt with a fubtriangujar aperture: the y;^^^y/ when alive 
 fhines by night, and ftains the hand with a violet or purple die. 
 Gigantea. Shell imperforate, roundrlh, folid, with a depreffed fpirc. 
 Inhabits Scopol. del, In/ub. p, 66. tab. 25. A. 
 Shell very large, fmooth, white^ within brownifh: /pire yel- 
 lowifh, with 6 contiguous whorls not ftriate, the firft bay 
 within: ///margined. 
 *Vivipara. Shell imperforate, ventricofe, fubovate, _obtufe, brownilh 
 with dufky bands: aperture nearly orbicular. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 8^. /ig. 132. 
 Da Costa Brit, conch, tab, ^.fg. 2. Lifter, t. 126. 
 Lifter Anim, Ang. tab. z.f. i8. Anat. Exerc. 2. /. Z.f, 5» 12. 
 Petiv, Gaz., tab. 99. y. 16. Argenv.Zoom. tab, %./. 2, 
 Swamm. Bibl. tab, ^.f. 5 — 13. Gualt » te/t, t, 5. A,- 
 Frisch. Ins, 13. tab i. Knorr Vergn, 5. /, I7,y'. 4. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. 3^. /". rz. tai. 39./. 33, 34. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. /a^, 7./. 4—9. 
 Chemn. conch. 9, /«^. I 32. fg. 1 1 82, II 83. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters of Europe: 1 1 inch long. 
 5-^f//thin, pellucid, glabrous, very finely ftriatc longitudinally, 
 when young covered with fine cryftalline brillles, generally 
 barred, with a whitifh and blueifh throat, and 5 or 6 very 
 con rex whorls : viviparous. 
 Fafciata. Shell ovate-ventricofe, white with 3 Ihining red bands. 
 Gualt. te/t. tab. 5. M. Ginan. op. post. 2, t. i.f.6. 
 Inhabits Italy: 9 — 15 lines long; with 3 bands on the firft 
 whorl and 2 on the next : fpire acute : ivhorls 5 : throat 
 blueilh white, 
 Dijftmilis. Shell fubovate, pbinted, yellowifli-white with a black lip. 
 Schraet. EmL. in conch. 2, tab, ^. f. lO. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar. Shell pellucid, glabrous, with 6 whorls 
 and a pellucid glofly yellowilh-brawn lid, 
 • Nemoraltf 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 •NemoMlir Shell imperforate, roundifh, thin, pellucid and generally 
 marked with varioully coloured tranfverfe bands: 
 aperture pyriform. 
 Donovans Brit, fiells, tab, 13^. Pennant, p. 1 37. 
 Lister conch, tab. 57,/. 54. Anim, Ang. tab. z. /^ 3, 
 Li/ter Exerc.yinat. tab, 5. yfg-. i — 3. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 28. fg. 8. Zoom. tab. 9./. 5. 
 Ge-ve conch, tab. 32. /. 391 . 41 1 • 
 Chemn. conch. C). tab. Ijz./j-. ^96-1198. 
 Gualt. teft, tab. I, N, P. tab, Z. A, F, D. 
 Petiv. Gaz. tab. 91. Jig. 9-12. /4^ 9^} /• 9» 'O. 
 5f(Ja Ma/ ^.tab. 38, /fg-. 18. /«(^. 39, /, 19. tab. 40, /. 35. 
 Martini Berl. Mogaz. z~ tab,%. >%. 25 — 32. 
 Inhabirs woods oi Europe, in numerous varieties. 
 Shell Q — li lines wide, rufous or pale yellow, rarely bay 01 
 whitifli, with generally 2—5 bands of vai'ious colours, rarely 
 without bands ; luhorls 5. 
 *Hortenfis. Shell imperforate, globular, pale with broad interrupted 
 brown bands: lip white. Garden Snail. 
 Shaiv Natur. Mi/cell, l . tab. 30. 
 Da Costa Brit, conch, tab. 4. /"• I. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool iv. tab. 84. fig. 129. 
 Lister Anim. Angl. tab. 2, f. 2. Conch, tab. 49. 
 Oe-ve conch, M^. 30, /^. 357-36?' ''«^- 31./. 368-390. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 133./. 1 1 99-. 1 20 1 . 
 Inhabits Europe in gardens and orchards, and is exceedingly 
 deftrudlive to fiuit and tender leaves. Among the many pe- 
 culiarities of thefe animals, the mode by which they conduft 
 their amours, is the molt curious and furprifing ; at this feafon 
 they make their approaches by difcharging fevcrai fmall darto 
 at each other, which are of a fbarp form and of a horny fub- 
 ftsnce. Thefe are contained within a cavity on the right fide 
 of the neck, and are launched at each other, with fome degree 
 of force, at about the diilance of 2 inches ; till the quiver or 
 rcfervoir is exhauftcd, and then a reconciliation takes place, 
 and the animals unite. The eggs are peifedly round, and 
 about the fize of fmall peas. 
 Shell 7I--8 lines wide, fomet-mes entirely whitifh or various 
 Ihades of yellow, but generally variegated with duflcy linear 
 fptns, or blackiftv fpots and marks, and often with 1—5 
 brown bands. 
 * Luccrum, Shell imperforate, Found'ini, fmoothy whitifh with rufoiii; 
 ftreaks and bands: lipbrown. 
 Lifter, tab. 1058, /. I. Gualt. tefi. tab. I.C. 
 Inhabits fouthern parts of Europe^ refembles the lall, tut \s 
 larger, and has a whiter ground. 
 VOL. IV,— J X Qrij^a- 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix: 
 Grifea. Shell imperforate, fubovate, obtufe, grey with 2 pale 
 bands: aperture rather oblong. 
 Gualt, teji. tab. l. B Kncrr l^ergn. 4. tab. Z^.f-l. 
 Schrat. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 4. f. 7. 
 Chemn. conch, g. tab. l 30. fg. 1 1 56-- 1 158. 
 Inhabits 'woo'^soi Europe; refembles H, pomatia, 
 Eamaftoma Shell imperforate, roundifh, brown with a longitudinal 
 white band: aperture purple. 
 Bonan. Muf. Kirch, 3./. 364. Seba Muf. 3. /. 40,/. 6, 7. 
 Ge'ue conch, tab. 28. fg. 328, 329. 
 Schrcet, Einl. in conch, 2. tab. 4. y?^. 5, 6, 
 Chemn, conch. ^. tab. \ 2)0. Jig. 1050, 1051. 
 Inhabits Ceylon: if inch broad and nearly as much highi 
 ihell obtufe, within white, with 5 round whorls, the firft as 
 large again as the reft, the laft reddifh, 
 Pulh: Shell imperforate, fubovate, brown, flriped : aperture ob- 
 lique, margined, whitifh. 
 Lister, tab. ^2. Knorr Vergn. U tab. zt, /". 3. 
 Inhabits Shell refembling H. pomatia, 2 inches broad, i| 
 high, with 4 whorls. 
 Venujta. Shell imperforate, fubovate, fulphur with a white band 
 margined with red: lip refledlcd, margined. 
 Inhabits Kamm. conch. RudoUt. t. I \.f. 4, 5. 
 Shell 10 lines broad, 8| high, thin, fmooth, within whitifh, 
 with 4 whorls. 
 Pi£la» Shell imperforate, fubglobular, glabrous, with 4 round 
 whorls, the firft ventricofe, the others deprelfcd: 
 aperture lunar. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. test. tab. I 5, /. 17, 18. 
 Chemn. conch, 9. tab. f^o./. 1 162 — II 65. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf . Kirch, ^.f. 5. 
 Knorr Vergn. I. tab. lo* fig. 2. 
 Inhabits Italy. Shell pale cinereous with a brown pillar and 
 tranfverfe line at the future, or rofy with a brown pillar and 
 tranfverfe line, or fulphur with a brown pillar and red lines 
 at the margin of the whorls. 
 ■ Variegatat Shell imperforate, fubovate, covered with a brown cuticle, 
 under which it is barred: aperturfc white within. 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab. zy . f. 3. Schrcct Einl. in conch. 2. ^.4, f. 7. 
 Inhabits Itafyi Shell hrown radiate with white and marked with 
 yellowilh bands fpotted with white, or reddifh -white with 4 
 brown bands undulate with white, and 2 narrower ones fpot- 
 ted with white on the fecond whorl. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 531 
 SolUa. Shell imperforate folic! ovate fmcoth, with 6 round conti- 
 gi'oiis whorls: pillar thickened. 
 Bor72 Muf. Caf. ^ind„ test, tab, l^./ig. 1 8, 19. 
 Inhabits an inch and 3 lines long. Shell rofy with very thin 
 red and white interrupted lines. 
 Aperta, Shell imperforate fubglobular, very finely ftriate longitudi- 
 nally: whorls 3, the firft vcntricofe : aperture lunar : 
 pillar fpiral. 
 Chcmn. cench. (), tab 133./%. I 204, 1205. 
 Borp Alu/ C<tJ. Vtr.d. ted, tab. i-S-Z'S- '9' ^o. 
 Inhabits Shell brown. 
 Ver/icolor, Shell imperforate roundifli and tranfverfely ftriate : whorls 
 round, the fird ventricofe : aperture ovale. 
 Born Muf, CuJ. Vind. ted. tab 16 _/;^. 9, lO. 
 InhaSits fize of H. poniatia, Shell fnowy with tranfverfe 
 parallel blown lines and intermediate fatfron and rofy bands : 
 pillur rofy. 
 '"'*• Shell imperforate ovate, with 6 flattifh contiguous whorls : 
 aperture unequal 5-toothcd. 
 J Tihibus Sengal. Adanf. Seneg. l. tab. i. 
 Shell 3 lines long, pale fulvous or whitifh, the iirft whorl much 
 larger than the others. 
 Nucleus. Shell imperforate ovate glaucous and tranfverfely ftriate, 
 with black belts: aperture fmuous. 
 Inhabits Qtaheite. Mart, univ, conch. 2. tab. 61 , 
 Shell ovate imperforate finooth red, with a pale yellow 
 Inhabits Ne^w Zealand. Martyn univ. conch. 2. tab. 68. 
 ariegata ghgH imperforate fubpellucid fmooth, with red lines: whorls 
 4, tiie brft more ventricofe. 
 On the Welch coaA. Adams Linn: 7 ran/ iii p. 67. 
 Margin of the aperture very much fprcad : Jhell mintjte. 
 ^i'da. Shell with 3 whorls and rounded margined aperture. 
 On the Welch coafl. Adams Linn. TranJ, iii.^, 254, 
 i'/'^// minute pellucid, variegated with white and bronze, within 
 3X2 • Striata. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 f Striata. Shell ftriate, with a fuboval aperture: \yhorls reflefted on 
 the back. 
 j^Jams Microfc. p. S'ifS.tab. ij^.fg. 13. 
 Found at Saadtuich : very rare and minute. 
 5^f// pellucid greenifh. 
 D. "Tapering. 
 *pscolIata. Shell imperforate tapering, with a mutilate truncate fpire. 
 Lister tab. 17, 18. Fetiv. Gaz, tab, Gb.ftg. I. 
 Bnan. recr. t^ Muf. Kirch, "i-fig. 56. 
 Qualt. test. tab. 4. O — Q. Knorr Vergrt. 6. /. 32./, 3. 
 Argenv conch, tab. 27. fig. 5, Murray leji. tab. l.jig' 3« 
 Chemn, ccnch. 9 lab. 1-1,6. fig. 1254, 1 255. 
 2. Lister tab. 14. Gualt. teft. tab. 6. I. 
 Chemn. co^ch. 9. tab. ^^^.fig- I 226, 
 3. Fa'vaun. conch, tab. b^.fio^, B. ic. 
 Chemn. conch 9. /'^^. I36.y}j-. 1256— I -58. 
 Inhabits Europe JJia and Africa: 6 — I5f lines long. 
 5i'<'// whitifh otloi g polilhed fubftriate, with 4 — 7 whorls, the 
 firft nearly twice as larg^c as the next. 
 Stalaris. Shell conic-tapcrirjg irnperforate, with remote whorls : 
 aperture ovate. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, izS-f/g. 1 1 30. «. I — 3. 
 Inhabits She/I obliquely ftriate, pale rufous with 2 whitiih . 
 bands : /pire obtufe with 5 ventricofe whorls. 
 Circinata. Shell hyaline tranfverfely ribbed perforated and a little ta- 
 pering: whorls diftant: aperture circular. 
 Keemm, Conch. Rudolji. p. 182. tab. S./ig, 4, 5, 
 Inhabits— —fomething refembles Turbo icalaris. 
 Shell 6 lines high, yj- oroad, with acute lips, 
 Subcylin-. Shell imperforate tapering fubcylindrical obtufe, with 4. 
 drica, whorls and ovate aperture. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. \'i^./ig. 1 235. 
 Inhabits frefh water of AW/^f^;^ Europe- 
 Shell fize of a grain of rye, horny, pale, with a very obtufe tip .- 
 interior margin of the aperture reflcfted, 
 Stagnorum. Shell fubpcrforate and a little tapering, with 5 whorls and 
 ovate aperture. 
 Bailer opujc. fubs. p. 77. tab. J -fig. 4. 
 Inhabits frelli waters, Shet/ horny, pale, ovate-oblong, rather 
 acute, hardly as large as a bariey-corn, with s very minute 
 navel and margined apertuie, 
 » Oc':sra. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 533 
 ^Oiiona. Shell fubpcrforate tapering, with 8 whorls and roundifli 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tah. %b:fig. 135. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab 6. BB. Schrat.fiujconch. t. 8./. 6, a. 6. 
 2. Chemn. conch, 9. tab. I'i^./ig- 1264. 
 Inhabits Ponds of Europe and America, hardly 4 lines long. 
 She/I glabrous, very brittle, horny, with fometimes 6 whorls 
 feparated by a very thin line, the firft twice as large as the 
 next : umbilicus not vifible, 
 Tinera. Shell tapering convex ftriate, white with a few fulvous 
 ftreaks: pillar finuate inflefted. 
 Chemn. conch 9. tab. iZO. fig, 1028 — 103O. 
 Inhabits She/l 2\ inches long, thin pellucid, longitudinally 
 ilreaked: whorls 7-8 with incumbept margins: apertttre 
 Columna. Shell tapering, white with a fulvous tip and fpotted con- 
 trary whorls: aperture oblong. 
 Liffer tab. 38, 39. Bonan. Muf. Ktrch. ^.ftg. 400, 
 Favann. conch, tab. 61. fig. H. 2. H. J 3. 
 Chemn, conch, 9. /. \iz f. 954, 955. 
 Inhabits 27I lines long, .S;6^// pellucid, of the colour and 
 fplcndor of Alum, appearing as if radiate with fulvous fpots: 
 <TX'horls 7 or 8, gibbjus each lide, longitudinally and fpirally 
 ttriate, the fourth, fifth and fixth fulvous vvita white upper- 
 margin : aperture with pellucid fpots, not margined, the in-i 
 terior margin fulvous, 
 Pclla. Shell imperforate ovate pointed tranfverfely ftriate, brown 
 with yellow bands. 
 Inhabits /^/awf/. Mull. Zool. Dan.prodr. 2916. 
 Shell rufty-brovvn, decumbent, ovate-oblong, fize of a feed of 
 gromwell, the band on the firft whorl double, on the reft fingle: 
 aperture femi-ovate. 
 Plicaria. ^^<i^^ fubulate femipellucid and longitudinally plaited ; 
 whorls round : aperture ovate. 
 Born muf, C^ef. Vind. ted. tab. \6.fig. 4. 
 inhabits 5^^// with 10 whorls. 
 Undulata, Shell fubulate fmooth, very finely ftriate tranA'erfely: whorls 
 round : aperture ovate. 
 Born Muf, Ctej. Vind. test. tab. \6.fg. 15. 
 Inhabits Shell ^z\e, with longitudinal chefnut undulations: 
 n:'hcrls about I2: /i///«r glabrous. 
 , Fufcata. 
534 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8r. Helix. 
 Fufcaia. Shell fubiilate fmooth, very finely ftriate tranfverfely: whorls 
 round: aperture ovate. , 
 Born MuJ, Cas. Vind. tefl. tab. l6, fig. 1 7. 
 Chemn. conch, q. tab. 11^' fig- 1229. 
 Inhabits Shell yellov>i{h brown with a cinereous mouth: 
 <whorls about 10 .• pillar fmooth. 
 Priapust Shell imperforate tapering glabrous, with infleflcd pillar 
 and fomewhat dcpreired whorls. 
 Inhabits Grono^v zooph. 3. tab, ic). fg. 10, \\. very rare. 
 Shell b^y with 4 dotted bands, the firll whorl thrice as large as 
 the reft : ape>ture ovate. 
 Folliculus. Shell tapering pf'llucid glabrous, with a flightly plaited 
 pillar, lip thin. 
 Inhabits Barbary, Gronov. zooph, 3. tab. jg, fig. 15, 16. 
 Shell {izc of an oat, uniformly white with 5 or 6 round whorls, 
 all of them equal : aperture ovate. 
 Septum. Shell tapering milk-white, longitudinally ftriate, with 7 
 contiguous whorls: aperture ovate. 
 Mart. Berl. Magaz. "X, tab. <^. f>g. 53. Sihrctt Erdconch.t, \.f. I. 
 Inhabits mountains o^ fouthern Europe: \ an inch long. 
 5-6^//fomctimes marked with longitudinal grey lines. 
 Spkndidula. Shell thin glolFy pellucid, pale brown, with an oblong 
 aperture and 6 whorls. 
 Inhabits France : hardly a \ of an inch long. 
 Ultra. Shell tapering, with diftant ribbed whorls, the firft round, 
 the reft ttattilh : aperture oval. 
 Inhabits ? chr at . flitfconch . tab. <)-fg. I2. 
 •S/5'f// above an inch long, whitifh thin, with 8 or 9 whorls. 
 ^ Shell tapering black, very minutely ftriate, with rather con- 
 vex whorls and oblong-oval aperture. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. t.fig. GG. 
 Schrat jiufconch. tab lO. min. k.Jig. 5.^ 
 Inhabits 2 inches long. Shell v/'iih 7 whorls. 
 Cu/pidata* Shell tapering horny, very finely ftriate tranfverfely and 
 longitudinally plaited: aperture oval : lip acute. 
 Lifer tub. 118. Gualt. test. tab. 6. H. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 135.^^. 1228. 
 Inhabits Rivers oi India, 
 ' Crenata. 
WORMS, TESTACEA. 8r. Helix. 535 
 Crenata, Shell tapering white, fubftriate tranfverfely and furrounded 
 with a crenulate belt near the future. 
 Inhabits rivers of /W/«. Chemn conch, tab. i^S'fS* 1 230. 
 Carimla, Shell tapering fubumbilicate white; the firft whorl fub- 
 carinate, with a blackifh band. 
 Inhabits Chemn. cmcht 9. tab. \'i(>'fig. 1 263. ». 1 — 4, 
 Crocea, Shell cylindrical glabrous, yellowilh-orange, with an obtufe 
 Inhtbilt—— 'Chemn. conch. 9. tab, \l$-ftg. 1 233, 
 Lan/chau- gj^gji ^ Ij^^je tapering very glabrous chefnut-brown with 
 '^'^'^* darker fpots: throat whitilh. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 135. fig. 1243. *» h. 
 Inhabits Coromandel, infjefh waters. 
 Obtujata. Shell white, denfely ftriate, fubcylindrical : whorls a little 
 convex : lip margined. 
 Kitmm. Cab, Rudolit. tab. W.jig. 3. 
 Inhabits— —5^^// nearly 3 inches long. 
 Purpurea., Shell ovate-oblong, purplifh teflellate with purple, within 
 Martyn uni-v. conch. 2. tab. 68, middle figure. 
 Inhabits Neiu Zealand. 
 E. Ovate J imperforate. 
 Pupa.. Shell nearly imperforate ovate-oblong coarfe, with 6 whorls 
 and lunate oblong aperture. 
 Inhabits Mauntianay rwice as large as the next. 
 Barbara. Shell imperforate oblong coarfe, with 8 whorls and roundifb 
 lunate aperture. 
 Inhabits jilgira, fize of a barley-corn, 
 Amarula, Shell imperforate oblong, with fpinous toothed whorls. 
 Lister tab. I 33, 10(55./}^. 8. Gualt te/i. tab. b. B. 
 Rump/, muf tab. 33. F F Pett<v. Gaz tab. ^n/ig. 3, 
 Argen^j . conch tab. z-j . ftg, f, Seba muf ^. t. 53./". 24,2c. 
 Born Muf Caf. f^ind te/i. tab. 16 fig 21. 
 Chemn. comh. g. tab. i^^.fig. 1218,1219. 
 2. Chemn. ccnch. i). tab. I^ij. fig. 1220, I 221. 
 Irhabits rivers oi India: 9 — 19 lines long, 
536 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8r. Helix. 
 Shell black immaculate, with fpiral fubconvex ftriae and 5 or 6 
 whorls, each ot the ^whorls in the upper-part armed with 10 
 ftiarp.ipines; aperture large wide and white; outer lip acute, 
 inner-one thick. 
 Navia. Shell tranfverfely grooved, white with blackifh ftrias : 
 fpire pointed, with flattifli whorls, the firft larger and 
 Kamm\Cah. Rudolst. tab. S./ig. 3. 
 Inhabits tht /outiern Ocean : a little more than an irich long. 
 J/pera, Shell pointed cinereous tranfverfely ftriate : whorls toothed 
 and marked with red ftreaks. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab. 1^6. /Ig. 1259, 1260. 
 Inhabits fea marflies of Coromandel, ^\ — 8 lines long. 
 Shell ovate pellucid, fometimes dirty grey.brown with convex 
 fpiral ftris and undulate longitudinal tuberculate ftreaks: 
 tvhorls 7-8, each armed with 1 2 fpines : aperture ovate, outer- 
 lip acute, inner-one brown glofly, throat pale with pellucid 
 punflured red ftreaks. 
 •StagnaliJt Shell imperforate, ovate tapering to a point, fomewhat an- 
 gular by feveral longitudinal wrinkles: aperture ob- 
 Donovans Bnt.fiells. n. tab. lyi.f'g' 2. 
 Da casta Brit, conch, tab, 5. fig. II. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 8b. fg. 136. A. 
 Lister conch, tab. 132,/g. 21, Anim angl. t. Z. f. Z\» 
 Lijier Exetc anat. tab. 2.^g. 3, 4. 
 Bonan recr. and Mu/. kirch, "^./tg. 55. 
 Gualt> test. tab. 5. I. L. Kltin ojlr. t. 3./. 69. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. zj,fg. i, 2. Zoom, t, 8./. 5,b. 
 &eba Mu/. 3. tab. 39- y%. 5 2. 53* 
 Born Mu/. Ca/. Vind. teH.tab. \(y. fig. 16. 
 Chemn. conch 9. tab. \l%.fig- 1237—1240. 
 Inhabits ftill waters of Europe: z\ inches long, 
 ShelU\^m brittle, whitifh yellowifh or cinereous, rarely horny or 
 black, fometimdi glabrous, fometimes finely ftriate longitudi- 
 nally : w/'or/j 6 or 7, the firft ventricofc: Up repand and not 
 •Fragills, Shell imperforate, ovate tapering to a point, round pellu- 
 cid: aperture oblong-oval. 
 Lister tab. 8. /%. 3. Seba Mu/ 3. /. 39./". 41—46. 
 Martini Berl. Mag. 4. tab. c). jig. 35. 
 Schroet /lu/conch. tab. 7. fig. 8. 
 2. Argtnv. conch, tab. zi.n.d, fig, ift 
WORMS. tEStACEA. 8i. Helix. 5^7 
 Inhabits ftill waters oi Europe, and is probably only the laft in 
 a different ftage of growth. Sheli zho^x. 11 lines long, white 
 or golden fometimes barred with white ; fpire acute, with 
 5 — 7 whorls feparated by a fmall line, the firft i little ven- 
 tricoie : lip not margined. 
 ijiaora. ShcW cylindrical pointed horny, with an ovate aperture. 
 Shrat, Erdconch. tab 1 . fig. 15. 
 Inhabits moift meadows of Demnnrk : i^\ lines long. 
 Shell pellucid, with about 8 round whorls, the iirft with a 
 kidney-fhaped black tranfparent belt :y5z«i7 black with whitifh 
 *?alu(lns. Shell oblong pointed bi^own, with an oVate aperture. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv, p. i^g.tai. 86. /g. 136. B. 
 Lister An. angl. 2. tab. 22. . Gualt. test. tab. 5. E, 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4, t,g./. 37. 
 EchratjiuJ'concb. tab. "J- fig. 9,- IC 
 2. Schrcct fiufconch, tab, 7. fig. 7. 
 3. ^chr(ttfufconch. tah. j.fig. ll. 
 Inhabits boggy meadows of Europe; refembles H. ftagnalis, but 
 the fnail is cinereous with whitilh dotf, and the fhcU is 
 fomewhat ftronger and not fo much pointed at the end; fiell 
 2 — 9 lines long, with very fine crowded tranfverfe and fpiral 
 ■ ftrix, brown with fometimes a red band or two at the aperture.* 
 lip rcflefted white : ivhorls 5-6. 
 Irumatula. Shell ovate-obloT>g, the whorls truncate upwards: aper- 
 ture ovate. 
 Schrivt. fiufconch. tah, J. fig' I 3. 
 Inhabits Greece: i| — 5 lines long. Shell black fubpellucid 
 with 5 whorls amd incumbent fqualid lip. 
 eregrfi. ^\^q\\ horny fubconic, with an acute projection : aperture 
 Guult, test. tab. $./ig. c e. 
 C he mn conch g t. l^$f. 1244. «. 1,2. 
 Inhabits ftagnant wacers of Denmark: 2 — 8 lines long. 
 Zhell whitiih pellucid or black opakc : differs from H. auricula 
 in not being ventricofe and in having the whorls rather ab- 
 rupt and more elongated ; and from H. paluJlris in being 
 lomewhat conic. 
 Clutinofa. Shell ventricofe diaphanous, with an obiufe projection: 
 aperture wide. 
 Inhabits Denmark, chiefly on the leaves of the Nymphxa lutea; 
 1 J — 4 lines long. 
 VOL. IV. _ 3 y Shell 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Shell very thin fragile, yellow, with 2 or 3 whorls and repand 
 rounded aperture : 7«/7;7 white with cinereous dots and fur- 
 niftied with a gelatinous membrane covering the whole (hell. 
 * Putris, Shell imperforate obtufe ovate yellow, with 3 whorls : 
 aperture ovate. 
 Pennant Brit. ZooL iv. tai. S6./r^. 137. 
 Lister t. 123./. 23. An. angl. t. Z.f. 24. 
 Guah. test. tab. 5. H, Klein ojlr. t. 3./. 70. 
 Argenv. conch, t. 27. n. 6. /, 28. y. 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. ?, 135./. 1248. 
 Inhabits Europe in ponds: I --8 lines long. 
 Shell \zry pellucid thin fragile and membranaceous, with fine 
 crowded ftria: within and without : the firit ivhorl very large, 
 the 2 others minute: aperture not lipped :/«<?// deep black, 
 with 4 lentaculo. 
 Shell conic-pointed, white with a 
 Lifter tab, ig. Jig. 14. Gualt. tefi. tab. 4. N. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. /. 134./*. 1224. «. I, 2. 
 Inhabits //«/)» : 4 lines long. Shell with 7 
 times with 2 red bands on the larger whorl 
 red band: aperture 
 whorls, and fomc- 
 • aperture ovate. 
 Shell conic perforated, with rugged ftriae: aperture tranf- 
 verfe, lip retletSed. 
 Chemn, cor ch. g. tab. IZZ^fg. 1053,1054. 
 Inhabits— — I c| lines wide. 5^?^// varied with white and reddifh 
 brown wrinkles: nxjhorls about 6, and convex: aperture ovate- 
 with a thick white lip. 
 Shell fubcylindrical, with an oval toothlefs aperture. 
 Inhabits Greece; not a line long; refembles Turbo mufcorum, 
 but is fhorter, thrice as narrow and pointed; ixhorls 5. 
 Detrifa. Shell conicy white with tranfverfe rufous lines: aperture 
 Gualt. teji. tab, 5. N. Seba muf. 3. tab. ig.fig> 37* 
 Chemn. conch g. tab. il\-fg. iZZ^ a.-d. 
 Inhabirs Saxony. Shell 8-^- lines long, polifhed and obfoletely 
 ftreaked, with 6 whorls ; the lip a little refied\ed at the pillar. 
 Fentrico/a, Shell conic pale flriate, with a toothlefs aperture. 
 Inhabits Greece, 2 lines long : refembles H. trochus, but is more 
 ventricofe : whorls 7, the 4 outmoft very nearly of equal 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 *Obfcura. Shell conic brown : aperture toothlefs; lip white. 
 Lister Anlm. Angl. tab. 2- fig. 8 Argenv conch tab. 28. 
 Inhabits Europe, at the roots of trees. 5^<r// pointed, finely rtriate, 
 the ftrire vifible only by the help of a glafs : ivhorh 6 ; aperture 
 oval, with an acute margin; Up glolly-white: y«/j// white, 
 above duflcy, the eyes only black. 
 Shell conic fulvous poliflied pellucid acute : aperture tooth- 
 lefs ; lip reddifh. 
 Liiter Anim Anil. tab. I. f:g. 7. Schrcet. Erdconch. t. \.f, 9. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. S- f- S / S9 *> b. 
 Inhabits Europe, among mofj and vvei rotten wood: Zj lines long. 
 5/p^// glabrous finely' polifhed, rarely whitifh, with 5 or 6^ whorls 
 and ovate aperture : /'lail black, beneath white. 
 Shell imperforate fomewhat oblong pellucid acute, with an 
 ovate aperture. 
 Che.-nn. conch. 9. tab. i^S /'S' ' 24.6, 1 247. 
 Inhaoits wet meadows of Europe : an indiftincft fpecies. 
 Shell turbinate cinereous nearly imperforate: crown trun- 
 Argenv conch, tal. ^fig. 5. 
 Inhabits muddy ditches of Denmark: z\ lines long. 
 Shell pyramidal fqualid opake, with about 5 whorls: aperture 
 Angularis, Shell imperforate grecnilli ; the whorls fpirally angular: 
 throat white. 
 Li/ier tab. iZJ. Chemn. cnnch. 9. tab. 134 fig. I 222, I 223. 
 Inhabits China: i2 lines long. Shell con\c, very finely ftriate 
 tranfverlely; nvhorls 5, nearly perpendicular; aperture rounded, 
 • Tentacu* Shell imperforate ovate obtufc, clouded with brown : aper- 
 ^^^^* ture fubovate. 
 Pennant Brit. 7.ool. w.tab. SG.fg. 140. 
 Li/ier tab. 132. An. Angl. t. z.f. 19. 
 Da Coda Brit Lonch, tab. S-jig- 12. 
 Gualt. test. tab. S-f'S- ^' (^eofr. ted. 3. 
 Chemn. csnch, 9 tab. I'^^tffg- I 24 J, 
 Inhabits pond^ and ftill waters oi Europe, i — 4 lines long; 
 Shell horny diaphanous acute glabrous, bro^vn or dirty chefnut, 
 generally covered with mud : nvhcrls 4 or 5, rarely 6, round 
 conve:-: ; //./ovate horny pellucid white. 
5^ WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i, Helijc. 
 ^Juncu' Shell imperforate ovate gibbous, with a deprelTion in the 
 laria. middle of the lip: fplre acute and very Ihort: aperture 
 very much dilated. ' 
 Dono'vans Brit. Shells, ii, tah. $i'/ig. I. 
 Da Costa Brit, conch, tab. 6. fig. l6. 
 Pennant, iv. /, 86./". 138. Lijlgr exerc^anat. t. z,f^ 3, 4. 
 Lifter t. izyf. 22. Anim. Ang. t,2.f. 23. • 
 Bonan recr. t^ Mj/. kirch. 3 fig. 54. 
 Cualt. ieji. tah. 5. F, G. Muirav test. t. \.f. 4. 
 Argenn). conch, t. ij.f. J- t. 28 f. 22. zoom. t. 8,/", 6. 
 Born. Mil/ Caf. Vind. iefl. t. i-6 f. 20. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. t. 1 35./". 1241 , 1 242. 
 2, Schrcet, Flu/conch, t. 6./. 7. t.^"] f. Wi 
 Inhabits ponds of Europe: 2—15 lines long. 
 Shell vvhiiifh yellow cinereous or brownifli, rarely ribbed : ttohorh 
 3 — 5, the firft very ventricofe, the lail i'mall and funning a 
 intnute apex: /nail vvjiite with cinereous dots and black eyes, 
 *La<vigata Shell with 2 whorls, the firfl: very ventricofe, the other very 
 minute and placed laterally. , 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv/. 14. tab. B6./:g. I 39. 
 Inhabits ponds of Europe. Shell pale red, pellucid. 
 Balthica. Shell imperforate ovate pointed, with elevated wrinkles', 
 aperture ovate dilated. 
 Inhabits (hores of the Baltic. 
 iSiie// pellucid, with 4 whorls: /nailhlack, with 2 tentacula. 
 Neritoidea. Shell imperforate convex and Icngiludinally ftriate, with an 
 umbilical cleft: aperture roundilh. 
 Inhabits— —SW/ livid, with above 40 lUi^e. 
 Per/picua. \ Shell imperforate convex ovate, without lip : aperture ex- 
 tendinc; to the tip. , tt •• 
 Inhabits thf Mediterranean; betvA-cen a Bulla and Heiix. 
 6'/6f// milk-white tranfparent and very brittle. 
 Haliotoiclea Shell imperforate deprelfed, with v/aved ftrix : aperture 
 oval, open all the' A^ay down. 
 Adans /cneg. 1. tabi Z' /ig- 2.' Rumlf. mu/. tah. 4. R. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3./. lO!./: 1-4. 
 Petiv, Gaz. t. I 2. /. 4. Gualt. te/l. tab. 69. F. 
 Bonan. Mu/. Kirch, ^-fi^. 4-04- 
 Argen'u. conch, tab. 3. C. Klein, oftr.t. 7./. 114. 
 Knlrr I'^ergn- 4- /, 17./' v ^^ '• 39' •'"• S' 
 Martini conch. \ . t. 16./. I 5 I- 154. 
 2. Chetnn. conch. 10. /. 165./. 1598, 1599. , . ,. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean Atlantic Indian and North feas, and 
 may with propriety be referred to the Genus Haliotis. 
 Shell ?i^l elliptic thin pellucid, white, or reddifh with a white 
 band, or orange with 2 paler bands, flightly cancellate out- 
 wardly: ivhorls 4 lateral: lip very acui^: Jhail fmall white 
 wit,h ? fliort t.entacula : f:d o^ 
 Muralij. Shell imperforate fubdepreffed, white: with 6 whorls, 
 Schrcst. Erdconch, tab, 2.fg. 27 ? Geoffr. teft. 4. 
 Inhabit.s\Fr^««; 6 lines wide, i'^^// pellucid, convex each fide, 
 with a thickiih white lip. 
 Vertigo, Shell cylindrical glabrous obfcure fulvous: whorls round 
 contrary : aperture nearly fquare and 6-toothed. 
 Inhabits Denmark, in decayed wood : a line long. 
 6hell with 4 or 5 whorls ; fnail pellucid, above blueilh, beneath 
 white, with 2 linear tentacula tipt with tya, 
 Carychium, Shell hyaline fubconic glabrous : aperture ovate, with 
 about 3 teeth within. 
 Inhabits Denmark, among rotten leaves : not a line long. 
 Shell with 5 round whorls: /natl yeWow, with 2 truncate tenta- 
 cula furnifhed with eyes at the bafe. 
 ''i»o. Shell fubimperforate convex, with remote comprefled 
 grooves : aperture femiorbicular. 
 Irihihks the Mediterranean. Adam feneg, x.tah. \Z- fig. I? 
 Shell fmall white, refembling a Ncrita, but the inntr lip is not 
 reflected ; with the umbilicus open in the younger and (hut in 
 the adult fliells ; fpire lateral obtufe, furrounded with 6 ele- 
 vated grooies. 
 Shell imperforate ovate black : aperture ovate. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. taS. <)>fig' 36. 
 Schr^t.fiufconch. /. 7./. 3, 4, 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters of Greece : refembles H. ftagnalis, but 
 is about half the fize, lefs pointed, the firlt whorl not fo ven- 
 tricofe, and the lip lefs prominent. 
 Shell fubcylindrical, with decuflate ftrije, hyaline with 
 chefnut marks and tipt with brown : whorls contrary, 
 3 of them very large and depreffed in the middle. 
 Martini n. Mannigf^-^. lab. l-f-g- 15, 16. 
 Inhabits Guinea, Sp:re with 7 whorls. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Mamrata, Shell marbled with white cinereous and blue, obtufe; 
 whorls round: the firfl twice as long as the red, in- 
 flated in the middle and longitudinally ftriate : aper- 
 ture ovate. 
 Bchrcet.jlufconch, tab. d. fig. 9- 
 Inhabits rivers of Strafijurg, 
 I of?in inch long: ivhorU 5, 
 Achatinii. ghell chefnut pellucid thin, with an ovate aperture. 
 Inhabits Schrcet flufconch tab. 6. fig, 15, a, b. 
 Refembles the lalt, but is lefs and has only 4 narrower whorls. 
 Luguhris. Shell ovate pointed pellucid, tranfverfely ftriate, covered 
 with a black (kin, under which it is ochraceous with 
 chefnut undulations: firft whorl twice as lare;e as the 
 reft: aperture oblong ovate. 
 Inhibits— ——Sci>r(rt fiu/concb, tab. d'fig. 13. 
 SMhhout 9 lines long, with 7 nuhorls. 
 Minima, Shell ovate conic fub imperforate : aperture orbicular: 2 
 laft whorls placed in the centre of the firft. 
 Inhabits Schrczt fiufconcb. tab, "J. fig. 1 8, 
 Shell ohinit, hardly i|- line long' 
 Jnfiata. Shell white folid opake, the 6rft whorl twice as large as all 
 the reft: aperture large margined. 
 Inhabits tlie river Unfirut, Schrcet, flu/conch, tab. 'J. fig- 5. 
 Albicans, Shell white opake pointed : aperture oval. 
 Inhabits waters of Hamburg, Schrat, fiufconch, t. 7. f, 6. 
 Repanda. Shell ovate pointed fubimperforate: firft whorl ventricofe 
 and larger than all the others: aperture fcmicircular. 
 Inhabits in ftagnant waters. Schr at. fiufconcb, tab, "J-fig, 16. 
 Shell 6 or 7 lines long. 
 Opaca, Shell ovate pointed folid whitifti opake: aperture ovate- 
 oblong: firft whorl larger than the reft. 
 Schrctt.fiuJ conch, tab.j.ftg. 17. 
 Inhabits aq^uatic Shell with 5 whorls. 
 Turgida, Shell obtufe, with 4 diftant whorls inflated in the middle : 
 aperture orbicular margined, 
 S>chr(Zt. fiufovch. tab, S.fg. 7. a, b. 
 Inhabits Shell 2 lines long. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 8i. Helix. 
 Carule/cens Shell blueifh ovate pointed, with fubventricofe whorls: 
 aperture oblong rounded. 
 Inhabits Frankfort. Schroet.Jiufconch. tab. ^■.fig. 8. a, b. 
 Shell 2 lines long, with 4 whorls. 
 Shell inflated, with 4 fliort whorls, the 2 lower-ones dif- 
 tant: aperture orbicular and not margined. 
 Inhabits y^^'if^. Schroet . fiuf. tab. '^■.fig. 9. a, b. 2 lines long.' 
 Undata. Shell imperforate oblong, white with longitudinal red un- 
 dulations: firft whorl of the fpire thrice as large as 
 the next : aperture ovate. 
 Inhabits Gualt:, teit. tab. 5. N. Schroet. fuj, t. lO. A.^.4. 
 Shell i\ inch lohg, with 6 or 7 whorls. 
 Teres. Shell imperforate oblong thin brown: firft whorl ovate and 
 thrice as large as the next : aperture ovate, 
 Gualt. test. tab. 5. N. Schroet. flu/conch, t. lO. A./. 7, 
 Inhabits^— 5;^?// with 4 whorls. 
 Subjlriata. Shell fubimperforate oblong ; very finely ftriate with white: 
 firft whorl twice as large as the next : aperure oval 
 Gualt, te:t. tab. 5, S. Schroet. flu/, tab, lO, A. fig. 6. 
 Inhabits— — I of an inch long, with 5 whorls. 
 Trigones- Shell fmooth brown, with a triangular margined aperture. 
 '^'"^' Gualt. test. tab. ^ C. Schroet. flnf. tab. 10. A./^, g. 
 Inhabits S-^^// minute. 
 Shell ventricofe pointed cinereous : firft whorl larger than 
 all the reft : aperture oval large, and margined on one 
 Gualt. test. tab. 5. Q. Schroet, flu/ tab. 10. B. flg. 2. 
 Inhabits - Shell \\ of an inch long, with a white band at 
 the pillar. 
 Shell oblong pointed, longitudinally ribbed and traniverfely 
 ftriate : aperture oval. 
 Inhabits Corojnandel. Schroet, fl.ufconch. tab. S.flg. 14. 
 Shell \ of an inch long, covered with a bl.ick fkin under which it 
 is Itriped with chefnut between the ribs; nvhorls 10, ecjuaDy 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 
 Peregrina* Shell ovate, imperforate : whorls round, diitant and equal- 
 ly decreafing: aperture oval. 
 SchrcBt. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. ^' Jig. II- 
 Inhabits American IJlandi: half an inch long. 
 5/^^// hyaline, fomctimes teftaceous, opakc, with 8 org whorls. 
 Danuhialis. Shell oblong, imperforate, with diflant ventricofc whorls! : 
 aperture orbicular. 
 hlarCtgl. Dauuh. 4. tab "ii.fig' I. 
 SchrcEt.Jlnfconch. tab. 10. 'B.Jig. 5. 
 Inhabits the Danube: 2f inches Ion*. 
 Turbinata. Shell oblong, imperforate, fmoofh, pointed: whorls in- 
 flated, the firft much larger, the reft gradually de- 
 creafing: aperture fuboval, margined. 
 Marsigl. Danub. 4. tab, ^l. Jig. 2. 
 Schrat.Jiujconch. tab. 10. B.y%. I. 
 Inhabits the Danube: 3f inches long, and lefs ventricofe than 
 the laft. 
 Curvata. Shell oblong, curved, fublmperforate, with an oval mar- 
 gined aperture. 
 Marfigl. Danub. 4. tab. Z^.fig' 4. 
 Schrcet. fuJco7ich. tab. 10.^. fig. 3. 
 Inhabits the Danube : 2| inches ia diameter. 
 Exitiu Shell thin, fmooth, white with chefnut bands; 
 tufe, with flattifh whorls. 
 Kamm.Cab. Rudolji. tab. 12. fig. 3. 
 2. Kfemm. Cab. Rud. tab. iz. Jig. 2. 
 3, Kamm. Cab. Rud. tab. \0. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits-i 5j&f// 6-8 lines, 3) an inch long. 
 fpire ob- 
 82. NERITA. Aniviai ?i lArn'Ax: fiellnm- 
 valve, fpiral, gibbous, flattiih at bottom: 
 aperture femiorbicular or femilunar: 
 pillar-lip tranfverlely truncate, iiattiili. 
 A. Umbillcate. 
 Canrena, Shell fmooth, with a (lightly pointed fpire, and gibbous 
 bifid umbilicus. 
 Lilier, tab. 559./; I. tab. 560. f. 3,4, 5. /. 561. /. 7. /. 563, 
 564. 5^6, f. 16. /. 568 f t.^-]z,j, 25. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. Sa.'Nerita. 545 
 Sonan recr. and Muf. hirch. Z-f'i' I^S* 224. 227, 228. 
 Gualt. test. /«^. 67. E I. N. O. Q. R. S. V. X. 
 Argen-v, conch, tab. J. Jig. 4. A. C. 
 Seha muf. 3. t.-^S.f. 26 — 29. 51 — 53. 57. 60 — 65. /. 40./. 66» 
 Knorr Vergn. 1. t. IQ.f. 3. 5. & 3, /. 15./. 4. t. 20. f, 4. 
 Adam feneg. I. tab. i^f-g. 2, 3, 
 £'orn muf Cces. Vind. teji. t. \'J,f. 1,2. 
 Cherm. conch. 5. /, 186 /I i860 — 1871. t. 187,/*. 1S76 — 1880. 
 1885— 1887. 1890—1893. t. 188./. 1921. 
 tnhabits I-ndia Africa and America in innumerable varieties of 
 fize colours and marks, being white yellowifh or blueifh with 
 varioufly difpofed fpots lines and clouds. 
 Cancellata. Shell with decuflate ftrias and impreired dots : fpire fubcla- 
 vate: umbilicus gibbous bifid. 
 He^mantt. Naturf. 16. tab. z.fg. 8, 9, 
 Chertin. conch. 5, /, 188. /". 1911--1914, 
 2. Chemn. conch. 10. t. 16^. f, 1596, 1 597. 
 Inhabits American Ifands. Shell white with obfolete fpots, 
 with lometimes a fulvous band and rays. 
 *GIaueina» Shell fmooth glofty : fpire rather obtufe: umbilicus partly 
 clofed by the piliar-Hp which is gibbous and 2-coloured. 
 Donoiuins Brit.Jhelh. tab. zo, fig. I, 
 Pennant Brit. Zcol. iv. /. 87./'. 141. 
 Bottan recr. and Muf, hrch. ^.fg. 225, 
 Gualt test. tab. 67. A, B. Argenv, conch, tab. 7, V, 
 Seba Muf 3. /. 39. /I 16. Regenf. conch. 1. /. ^,f. 34. 
 Knorr ^ergn. 2.t, II. f. I. and 6 r. I 3./'. 7. 
 Chemn. conch. 5, /. 186./". 1856— 1 859. 
 Inhabits coafts of Europe and Barbary : 2 inches long. 
 5/^t'// inflated, cinereous or reddiih with darker fliade?, the whorls 
 generally marked with a circle of fhort red brown marks: 
 umbiUcus varied with white and brown : pillar-lip fpread over 
 the fjrlt whorl : mouth chefnut c» deep brown; varies much 
 in fha4ps and marks. 
 Vitellur. Shell fubglobular, with a perforated equal umbilicus. 
 Litter tab. ^6^. Seba muj. 3.*?. 38,/" 30. 
 Rur-.pf muf. tab. 22. A. Gualt. teft. tab: 69. I. 
 Knorr delic. tab, '\\- fig. 9. Vergn. \ t.'j f. 2. t, 2. f, 5. 
 Chemn. conch, 5. tab. iS6, fig I 866, 1867. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Shell yellow with white (hades and 
 fpots difpofed in rows, above with a dufky band, within and 
 round the umbilicus white. 
 AlbuintK. Shell convex : umbilicus fomcwhat heart-fliaped, with a 
 ilatt-er>ed lobe. 
 VOL. IV. — 3 Z Kumpf. 
546 WORMS. TESTACtA. 82. Nerlta. 
 Rumpf. mvf. tab. 22. B. Seba muf. 3. tab. \\-fig' g— 11.' 
 Knorr Vergn. 4. tab, 7. figt 4, 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /. 189./. 1924, 1925. 
 2. j4rgenv. conch, tdb. 7. T ? 
 Inhabits the Ca/^ cfgood Hope., Barbary, Nicobar Sff Molucca IJIandsf 
 extremely rare. Shell fmooth broad, liver-colour or pale 
 yellow, beneath white and flat« 
 Mammilla* Shell ovate glabrous: umbilicus partly covered: aperture 
 ovate. ' 
 Lifter tonch. tab. ^66. fig. 14; tab. 571* 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 22, F. Argenv. conch, tab, 7. X. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. ^^.f'g. 9, 10. 32* /. 41;/. 22. 
 Knorr Vergn. i . tab. b.ftg. 6, 7. & 4. r. 8.y. 4. Sc 6. ^ 40.y". 2, 3. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /, 189./". 1 928-. 193 3. 
 2. Chemn. conch. ^. t. 189/^1922, 1923. 
 J. GW/. /w/. /^7^. 67 y}^. F. 
 4. 5^a .v;uf. 3. /a^. ^\.fig. iz, 13. 
 Inhabits /W/a and America'. z\ inches long. 
 Shell fnovvy or ochraceous, rarely brown, very glabrous folid, 
 with 4 or 5 whorls, the outmoft very approximate* 
 Leucozonias Shell fubglobular folid, bay with white bands: fpire fome- 
 what deprelTed. 
 Kie?nm. Cab. Rudolf, tab, 12. fig. 5, 6. 
 Inhabits above an inch long : refembles T. Vitellas .' nxhorls 
 4 or 5. 
 ^adicea. Shell fubglobular folid, chefnut, beneath white> the tip 
 blueilh, throat with lateritious bands, and a white 
 one on the back. 
 Chemn. conch, ^.tab. l^J.fg, 1872, I 873, 
 2. Chemn. conch. 5./. 188./'. 1896. a, b. 1897. 
 Inhabits Mauritius If and ; rather large. 
 Shell thin rufous, umbilicus darker with a white border: 
 back and bafe of the fpire with a white band, throat 
 with a reddilh Band: pillar with a brown fillet. 
 Rum[f. muf. tab. 22. fig. D, 
 Born Muf Gaf Find. teft. tab, ^J.fig. 3, 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /. 187./, 1874, 1875. 
 Inh.abit3 Mauritius Ifand\ refembles the laft. ■ 
 Fulmtnea, Shell fubglobular, with angular tawny lines and flattened 
 Lister tab. <i(>j.fg, 17, Adans feneg. \. t. I 3./. 4. 
 iiualt, tef. tab, 67. IVl. Seba muf 3. tab. l^.fg. 33. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 547 
 Knorr Vergn. i. tab, \O.Jig. 4. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /. 187. I 88 1 — 1884. 
 2, Lilier conch, t. 567./; 18 ? 
 3. Giiait. tefc. t. 67./. H ? 
 Inhabits Africa, rare. Zhcll white or yellowifli. 
 Stercui gj^pn fmooth, fnowy with rufous fpots and fpecks: umbi- 
 mufcarum. jj^^^ gibbous bifiid. 
 Chemn. conch. ^. tab. iSj.Jig. 1894. 
 Inhabits the MeMterraneati and American feas : is probably only 
 a variety of H. canrena, 
 Orientalis, Shell fubglobular polifhed very fmooth, the bafe (?f the fpirc 
 a little wrinkled: pillar fnowy 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 188 fig. 1898, 1899. 
 2. Chemn. conch. 5. tab, 188./. 1004. 
 Inhabits F.afiernftas. Shell buff colour eich fide, with a narrow 
 v.'biteband in the miadle; 2) entirely Tnowy. 
 Ctuentata. Shell fubglobular, white with red fpots and dots, the tip 
 obtufe and blueilh, within blueilh : umbilicus fpiral. 
 Inhabits Chemn. conch, ^,tab. i8B,/ig. 1900, 1901. 
 Rugofa* Shell wrinkled, within glabrous, pale teftaceous: umbilicus 
 bordered with white, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 188./^. 1902, 19C3. 
 Inhabits American If.arJs, Shell covered with oblong crowded 
 Marochi. Shell fubglobular fmooth light green, within brownifh, 
 enfis. and livid at the tip, a little wrinkled at the angle of 
 the whorls. 
 Chemn% conch. 5. tab. 188.^ 'QOJ — 1910. 
 Inhabits Africa, i'^^// iometimes marked with feathered bands, 
 the younger ones thin and pellucid. 
 Sulcata. Shell fubglobular obliquely plaited: fpire mucronate: um- 
 bilicus bifid 
 Born Muf C>ej, Find. tef. tab. 17. /f^. 5, 6. 
 Inhabits tpire with 4 whorls. 
 Arachnoi' Shell white reticulate with reddifli lines and blackifh at the 
 . dsa. tip: worls convex : umbilicus nearly covered. 
 Inhabits' Chemn. conch, 5. tab^ iSS.fg. 1915, 1916. 
 3 Z 2 I 'it tat a. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 
 5hell fubglobular, bro\vn with a double white fiUet in the 
 middle, reticulate and denticulate each ilde» 
 Inhabits Africa. Chetnn. conch. 5. tab. x 88. fig. 19175 2918. 
 Shell thin pellucid fmooth oblong, the firft whorl ventricofe 
 flat and very large, the others coinpreifed : umbilicus 
 Lister tab. 142. 566./^. 1 6. Gualt. teft, tab. 67. D. 
 Born Muf. Ca-f. Vind. tejl. t. \^.f. 13, 14. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. t. iSg./". 1926, 1927. 
 2. Li/lert. 565./ 13. Knorr Fergn. 4.. /. 6./. 3, 4. 
 Regenf. conch. 1. tab. <i. fig 54. 
 Chemn. conch. ^. t. 189./". 1934, I93)« 
 3. Chemn. conch. 5, tab. 189. fig. 1936 — 1938. 
 4. Lister conch, tab. J59. fig. z. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. /. 190. f. 1940, 1941. 
 5. Rumpf. Muf tab. Zi.'S., 
 Inhabits the Indian fea: 2 inches long. 
 Shell viKitc orange or brown with browniOi chcfnut white or grey 
 bands fillets and veins and angular brov/n lines: region of the 
 umbilicus and pillar black or dufky, fometimes edged with 
 orange. \ 
 f Pallidula Shell femitranfparent horn-colour, the whorls rather pro- 
 minent: aperture femilunar and very patulous: um- 
 bilicus large. 
 Dono'vani BritiJIi fieUs.l. tab. 16. fig. |. 
 Da Costa Brit. Conch, p. ^\ . n^ 29. 
 Inhabits the ooafts at Kent ^ Dor/et: final!. 
 Papilla. Shell pellucid thin oblong with decufTate ftrice, dirty yellow: 
 apjiture fuboval : pillar white: umbilicus halfclofed. 
 Chemn. conch, 1^. tab. iSq.f^. 1939. 
 Inhabits fliores oi Tranquebar : 'whorls 4. 
 Clathrata. Shell deprefTed ovati;, tranfvcrfely undulate and longitu- 
 dinally ribbed, the ribs flat oblique and femilunar: 
 fpire papillary. 
 Foflile in Cajfipania. Schract. Etnl. in Conch. 2. lab, if.fg. 15. 
 Shell flattifh, with a circinate aperture. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. prodr. 2891, 
 Inhabits the North feas: probably not of this Genus, 
 inhabitant with 2 Ictateous ter.tacula, bearing the fives at the 
 poftcrior angle'. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 81. Helix. 
 IJlandica: Shell globular fubacute and rather thick : whorls 4, feparar 
 ted by very deep grooves. 
 Inhabits North /eas: probably pot of this tribe. 
 Affinis. Shell globular rather thick, with a fubnjucronate fpire and 
 3 whorls. 
 Zorn. Naturf, 7. tab. 2 fig B. I. B. 2. 
 Inhabits Ne-iu Zealand, and is probably a Trochu?. 
 5^/'^// ochraceous tipt with orange, aperture a litt)e iilvcry, 
 3. Imperforate^ u^ith the lips toothlefs. 
 Whorls of the fpire crowned with fpines. 
 Rump/, muf. tab, 22. O. Argen'V. conch, t. "]./. Z- 
 Peffv, amb. tab. "^ fig' 4. Fa'vann.conch% tab. 61. D. 70 
 Mart. Berl. Mag. 4. /. 8. f. 30, 
 IValch. Naturf 4. tab. I. fig- I. 
 Chetnn. conch. 9./". 124./'. 1083, 1084. 
 Inhabits India ind America: minute. 
 ^heli lometimcs blackifh with longer or fhortcr fpines, thinly 
 llriatc: firft whorl of the fpire large, the reft convex. 
 Shell grooved, with equal tubercles. 
 Rumpf muf. (ab, 22. M. Gualt, test. tab. 64. I? 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. Jl^l^fg- 1 8, 19. 
 Born Muf Ceef Vind. ted. t. 1 7./. 7. 8. 
 Chemti. conch. 5. tab, I go, fig. 1946, 1947. 
 Inhabits the Indian Iflands : fize of a Walnut. 
 Shell thin pellucid, white or cinereous, with tuberculate ribs and- 
 ftriate grooves ; fpire prominent acute. 
 Shell obfoletely ftriate. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea. Argenv. conch, tab, 7. M? 
 Shell ixig\\cy brown white or pale violet with longitudinal white 
 or teftaceous bands, fometimes marked with a longitudinal 
 white band. 
 *F!uviati. Shell rugged, fpotted ftreaked or reticulate. 
 "'^. Dono'vans Brit. JJiells. tab. l6fg. 2. 
 Pennant Brit, Zool. iv. /. 'i'J.f I42. 
 Lifier t. 141./. 38. Anim angl. t. 2.f. 20. 
 ijualt. teji. tab. 4, L. Ge've conch, t 1\.f. 258—265. 
 Argen'V. conch, t, 27, f. 3. zoom. t. ^ f 3. 
 Sivamm, Bibl, nat . tab, \o. fig, 2. 
 Ckemn. conch. 9. /. 124. f. 1088. a— c, 
 2, Liiter conch, t, Coj.f. 43. 
 5. Chemn* 
^^o WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 
 3, Chemn. conch. 9. tab, 12^. fig. 1086, 1087. a — 1. 
 4. Chmn. conch- 9. /. \Z\.f 1080, 108 1. 
 Inhabits rivers of Europe and Barbpry : 4 lines long. 
 Shell ovate with 3 whorls, the 2 fmall ones lateral, generally 
 marked with Tcaly fpots ; J>il/ar white. 
 * l^ittoralis Shell fmooth, with a carious crown and 4 whorls. 
 Doncvans Brit.JJiells. tab. TO. fig. 2. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. /, 87. y. 143. 
 Lister t. 607./. 39, 40. Jnirn. Angl. t. ^.f. II, 12, I 3, 
 Kkin ofir. tab. I. fig. 25, 26. 
 I^fihabits fea rocks of Europe: fize of a horfe-bean. 
 Shell ytWovf or ferruginous, with or without bands fpots or dots 
 of various colours, 
 *'Lacu8ris. Shell fmoothifli horny or blackiQi, ending in an exquifitely 
 fine point. 
 Guali. tefi. tab. J^.fig. M M. 
 Inhabits ftill wafers and warm fprings of Europe, very much re- 
 refemblcs the laft, but is horny or blackiih and fometimes 
 dotted with white. 
 Itlagdalena Shell with wide grooves, black within white, the lip yel- 
 lowifh : lid fmooth 2-toothed. 
 Ad'ans feneg. 1. tab. i 3. fig. 5. 
 Inhabits Magdalen IJlands ; 6 lines long. 
 Shellyi'v^ 3 whorls, and recurved approximate teeth on the lid. 
 I/Iarginata. Shell thin, with decuflate ftris, tuberculate, black with 
 ochraceous fpots, fubglobular: aperture margined 
 Inhabits Schrat. Einl. in conch. 2. tab 4. fig, j6. 
 Shell glabrous within ; outer margin of the aperture cancellate : 
 pillar flat. 
 Dulia. Shell thin pellucid ovate polilhed, dull yellow varied with 
 black : outer-Hp acute, inner glabrous. 
 Chemn. conch, 5. tab. \QZ- fis- 2019, 2020. 
 Inhabits— ——very rare : cro-tin prominent. 
 •Pellucida. Shell fmooth pellucid, with 3 whorls. 
 I'ran/acl Linn. Sec. iu. p. S'J. 
 Found on the Pembrokejiiire coafi. very minute. 
 • Alta Shell fmooth fubpellucid, with 2 whorls. 
 IranfaH. Linn. Joe. in. p. 67. 
 Found on the Fembrokejhire ccafft very minute, 
 C. Im- 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 551 
 C. Imperforate y with the lips toothed. 
 Pulligera, Shell fmooth, coarfe, wi:h an excavated eye-like fmall 
 fpire: inner-lip fmooth, crenulated. 
 Lister, tab. 143. SebaMu/.'^. /, 41. /". 23— 26. 
 Rumpj. Muf. tab, 22. H. Petiv, Gaz. /. II. y. 4. 
 Gua/t. tell. tab. 4. H H. Knorr Vergn. 6. t, 13./. 3. ' 
 BornMuJ. Caf. Vind. teji. tab. 17. f. 9, lO. 
 Chemn, conch. 9. tab. \2/^.f, 1078, 1079. 
 Inhabits rivers of India: 14-- 1 6 lines long. 
 Shell hard, very finely Ilriatc tranfverfely, pellucid, black or 
 brovvnilh or reddilh ; <u:horls 2, one very large and terminat- 
 ing in an acute tooth: throat glabrous, polilhed, with a fine 
 blue or whitifh bottom, near the margin a broad fulvous 
 band ; inner-lip afcending, gloflV. 
 Undulata. Shell thin, fmooth, undulate: crov/n obtufe: outer-lip 
 fubftriate and toothlefs, inner-one a little denticulate. 
 Inhabits India, Chemn. conch, 5. t. \<^\.f. 1970, 1 97 1. 
 Aterrima, Shell thick, opake, globular, deep black with coloured 
 lines, within white: outer-lip glabrous, inner-lip 
 tuberculate, wrinkled. 
 Chemn- conch. 5. tab. 192. fig. 1 98 5, 1986, 
 Inhabits Shell very minutely ftriate. 
 Lar-va, Shell fmooth, fubglobular, white with yellowifli.brown 
 bands : crown «btufe : lip flightly denticulate. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab, 22. Jig. 6. 
 Chemn, conch. 5, tab, 193. y. 201 7. 
 lnh.^\i\ti Amboina; very rare : middle-fized. 
 Pupa, Shell fmooth, roundifb, milk-white, with tranfverfe pa- 
 rallel black ftrise on the whorls. 
 Inhabits Lip flat, with hardly vifible teeth. 
 £idens» Shell fmooth: inner-Hp a-toothed. 
 Chemn, conch, 10. tab. ^(>S. Jig. I594» ' 595« 
 Inhabits Shell fize of a pea, black or reddifh, obloletely 
 ftriate, fometimes pale yellow with whitilh clouds and 3 
 black bands. 
 Hindis, Shell fmooth, green: inner-lip crcnulate in the middle. 
 SchrtJCi.f. ,jconch. tab. 5. Jjg. 11. a, b. 
 Chemn, conch 9, tab. \2^,Jlg, 1089. a, b. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. ^2. Nerita. 
 Inhabits Minorca and Jamaica: fmaller than N. flaviatiljg. 
 SheU fometimes marked with white moniliform belts or longi- 
 tudinal undulate brown lines : aperture ovate, large : inner- 
 lip paler: cronvn hardly eonfpicuous and lateral. 
 Shell fmo'oth^ ovate: inner-lip denticulate. 
 Lister y tab. 6o6.fig. 35— 37* P^U'V. Gaz. /. M./. 5. 
 Bonan. retr. and Muf. Kirch. %.fig. 204. 
 Argenn). conch, tab. 7. P. Klein ojlr. t. z.f. 32, 
 Schrat. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. ^.fg. 14. 
 2. Li/tert tab. 604. fig. 24 — 27 ? 
 Inhabits rivers of India and South America : 2—10 lines long.- 
 Shell white, grey or yellowi(h, with Wack brown blueifh violet 
 or reddifh fpots, dots, angular lines or bands: cro-zvn very 
 obtufc and elongated : aperture ovate : inner-lip fometimes 
 PoUta, Shell fmooth, with an obliterated crown ; lip toothed eachr 
 Lifter conch, tab. 6oQ,fig. 17. tab. 602. 
 Bonan. recr. and Muf. kirch. I- fig* 221? 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. zi. I, K. Klein cfir. t. \.f. 29. 
 Gualt, tefi. tab. 66. D, F, G, H. /Irg. conch, t. 7. K. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. ^S./ig. 56. taL^g.f. I — 3. 
 Regenf, conch. I. t. 4./. 43. Knorr, 3. /. \.f. 4. 
 Born Muf. Cafi, Vind. tefi. tab. 17. fig. II — 1 6. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. i^^-fig- 200I— 2014. 
 2. Litter conch tab. So^.fig. 21? 
 3. Gualt. tefi. tab. 66. fig. E, I, L, M. 
 4. Seba Muf. -J,, tab. 41. y. 27. t. S9-/' ^3"^5« ^7- 
 Inhabits India and South /eas. Shell ovate, folid, polirtied, 
 varioufly ornamented with fpots, clouds and bands, or varied 
 black and white : both lips deep brown : throat moftly yellow. 
 Pdorotita, Shell ftriate ; lips toothed, the inner-one fiattiih and 
 Lister, tab.t^g^. fig. i. Knorr Vergn. ^, t. -i,, f. z, 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. kirch. "},. fig. 214. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 66. Z. Arg. conch, t. 7. G. O, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. l(^z. fig. J977--1984. 
 Inhabits American Iflands; refcmblcs N. grofl*a, but is of a red - 
 colour, the grooves are not fo deep, the outer-lip is not ere- 
 nate and the inner-one not convex : fhell rounded, white, 
 yellowi(h or red, with paler red (;^efnut blueifh or black fpots 
 and rays: aperture re f?tTid; fiillar ifaj^re^cd, with a faitron 
 fpot; //6ro<i/ faffron. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 553 
 Albkilla. Shell ftriate; lips flightly toothed, the inner-one tuberculate. 
 Lijter, tab. boo. fig. 1 6. Knorr Vergn. 6. t. 1 3,/'. 4. 
 Rumpf. Muf tab. 22 fig. 8. Arg. conch. /. 7. F. 
 SebaMuJ. 3. tah.ifX.fig. 23. /. $9./.' l6. 
 Chtmn. conch. 5. /<2^. ^(^'^-/ig- 2000. a--h. 
 Inhabits the C^z/if o/' Good Hope and Indian Ocean. 
 Shell {oVid, oblcng, white, reddifh or dirty-yellow with yellowilh 
 or reddifh or black fpots, clouds and bands : fro•^l;« lateral, 
 fiat : aperture very wide : throat narrow. 
 Uistric* Shell grooved and tranfverfely (Irlate : inner-lip toothed. 
 Lister, tab. 598. f.g. 11. Knorr Vergn. 6. /. 13. f. 2, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. t. igO.f. 1948, 1949. t. 191. f. i960, 1961, 
 Inhabits ' Shell vi'iih. jo unequal ribs, pale cinereous with 3 
 longitudinal brown bands, or reddilh or yellovvifh with 
 tranfverfc fiexuipus white bands : crc^vn very obtufe : outer- 
 lip glabrous, 
 ^licata. Shell grooved: lips toothed, the outer-one vi^ith acute conic 
 teeth each fide. 
 Lister^ tab, 595. fig. 3. $eba Mu/. 3. /. 59. f, 18. 
 Bonan recr. 3./', 386. Muf kirt-h 3.^. 37». 
 Cualt.teli. tab. 66 V. Klein oftr. t 5./. 1 00. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Find, te/t tab. 17 /^. 17, 18. 
 Inhabits L/din. Shell folid, rounded, milk-white, fometimes 
 fpotted, crown gecerally yellow, with 17--20 tranfverfe ribs: 
 aperture niTTOw : outer-lip with 5 or 6 teeth within ; inner. lip 
 convex, wrinkled, tuberculate, with 3 long ftrong teeth bc- 
 livies other lefTer ones. 
 Grojc. Shell grooved-: lips toothed, the Inner-one convex and 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 22. N. Seba Muf 3. t.^l.f, 15. 
 Chen./i. conch. 5. tab. t^l. fg. 1 968, 1969. 
 InhsWns Molucca If ands. Shell rounded, white with black and 
 cinereous vein? : cro^wn a little prominent : firft avhorl with »3 
 or 14 ribs: outer-lip crenulate outwardly and toothed within; 
 inner-lip white with a yellow fpot and 3 or 4 teeth, 
 ChansaUon Shtll with 2o grooves : lips toothed, the inner one wrinkled 
 and tuberculate. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 22. L. Knorr Vtrgn. 5. /. 15. f, 4. 
 Argen-v conch, tab, 7. Q. Gualt. teli. /.66. H. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tah. \<^z,fg. IQ8S.-1991. 
 Inhabits the hdian Ocean, ^\\^^^ varied with alternate undulate 
 black and white rays, or yellowifh undulate v.ith black and 
 \\ hitc, I'libglobular ; the ribs unequal and crofled by very fine 
 iJnfs; c-'Yt,"? deprefffid, lateral. 
 VOL. r/ . — 4 A Vndata 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Ncrita; 
 Shell with 30 grooves : lip tooothed, the inner-one wrinkle 
 and tuberculate. 
 Lhfer tab. 596./?^. 7. Gualt. test. tab. 66. P, 
 Bonan recr. in6. Muf. ktrch. Tf.fig' 215. 
 Chcmn, conch. 5. tab, igo. frg. 1950, 1951. 
 Inhabits the Indian jeas. Shell folid whitilh cinereous or rcddifh 
 with black or cinereous fpots and interrupted broad bands : 
 cronijn pointed and a little prominent : ribs about 30, flattened, 
 the intermediate grooves fmooth : pillar white. 
 Shell grooved : lips toothed : the inner-one tuberculate. 
 Lister tab ^()(>-Jig. 5. tab. 599. Pet.Gaz, t. lOO.y. 6. 
 Bonan recr, and Muf. kirch. I. fig. 220 ? 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 66. CC. Seba Muf. 3. /. 59./. 4. 6. lO, 
 Argennj. conch, tab. 7 1 ? Knorr l^ergn. 3. /. i.f. 5. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \()l, fig, i^j2, 1973. 
 Inhabits India. Shell dilated fcjiid large, white with black or 
 blueifh fpots: ribi 15—19, broad flattened: a/>erture wide : 
 pillar flat. 
 Maxima, Shell folid thick glabrous, with undulate black and yellowifh 
 rays: outer-lip toothlefs, inner-one a little concave 
 and 4-toothed. 
 Inh.ibits Chemn. conch. 5. tab, igo, fig. 1942, 1943. 
 Shell very large, within and at the aperture Inowy: itiner-lip. 
 fmooth and wtry broad. 
 lextilis. Shell with angular black lines, and 16 crenate ribs and 
 grooves: outer-lip crenate without and toothed within; 
 inner-lip wrinkled above and tuberculate beneath ; 
 palate toothed. 
 Inhabits Rumpf. Muf, tab, zz. fig. 3, very rare, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. t. igo.f. 1 944, 1945. 
 Shell deep black glabrous and very thinly ftriate above: 
 both lips white, the outer-one very finely grooved and 
 (lightly toothed within, the inner-one concave wrinkled 
 and tuberculate. 
 Chemn, conch. 5. tab. igo. fig. 1954, I9J5« 
 Inhabits the Atlantic American and South jeas. 
 Afcen/tonU. Shell with 16 white grooves, the ribs fpotted with white : 
 crown a little prominent: outer-lip glabrous each 
 fide, inner-one a little concave yellowilh and toothed. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \(^\.fig. 1956, 1957. 
 InhaSits Ajcenfion Ifland', rather large: cro-iMti generally worn 
 down, rarely black ; lid thin pellucid, 
 Lin e at a f 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nema. 555 
 Lineata. Mouth of tke ftiell and both lips white : whorls round, fur- 
 rounded with black parallel ftrice, the fpaces between 
 the ft ri 3; violet: outer-lip ftriate within. 
 Inhabits Malacca Seas. Chtmn, 5,. tab. K^i./ig. 1958, 1950. 
 Vtrrtcokr. $hell with blackifh blueiih red and white fquare fpots, and 
 bands fpotied with red and white: inner-lip ftriate 
 within and toothed each fide. 
 Chemn, conch. ^. tab. \(^i.fig. 1962, I963. 
 Inhabits j^ntilly IJlands. Shell with round whorls : croxvn a 
 little prominent : inner-lip wrinkled above and 4-Coothed 
 beneath, the middle-teeth larger. 
 ^'f^- Shell white, radiate with black without, with tranfverfe 
 rounded fmooth ftrias: inner-lip wrinkled and 4- 
 Inhabits the Indian feas. Rump/. 7nuf. tab. 22. Hg. 4. 
 Chemn. eonch. ^. tab. ic^x.jig, 1964, 1961;, 
 Croat' » a little prominent; outer -lip ci^mtz without and ftriate 
 Cojlata. Shell yellowifh within, fubglobular furrounded with thicker 
 ftria;, the interfticcs fnowy : both lips toothed, the 
 outer- one creuate without, inner-one fubconvcx 
 wrinkled and tubcrculate. 
 /?(?»•« MuJ. Cstf- Hnd.test. tab, iy,/ig. 19, 20. 
 Chemn. conch 5. tab. fgi^/jg. Ig66, 1967. 
 Inhabits Nicohar Ijlands. Shell luiret-brown or piceous: crov.m 
 very obtufe, generally worn and yellowilh or white : lipt 
 Quadricolor Shell fubviolct with a yellowilh tip, within white, with 
 elevated black ftriae : both lips toothed, the outer-one 
 grooved within, inner-one wiinkled. 
 Chemn. conch, 5. tab. K^i.fio. 1974, 1975. 
 Inhabits the Red fea. Shell with fometimes white lips and 
 u hire within. 
 MalaccenCis Shell grooved, yellowilh within : crown a little prominent: 
 outer-lip unarmed and crenulate outwardly, inner-lip 
 Inhabits Mallacca, Chemn. conch. 5, tab. loz.fg, 1976. 
 Aniillaru/n Shell fubglobular black, within white, grooved and ftriate: 
 crown obtufe : both lips wrinkled and denticulate. 
 4 ^^ 2 Chemn 
556 WORMS. TESTACEA. 82. Nerita. 
 Chemn, conch. ^. tab. tgz. fig. 1 987. 
 Common on the fhorea of Antiliy IJlands. 
 Flammea^ Shell fubglobular with crowded tranfverfc ftrias, white 
 with purplifh undulate rays: both lips toothed. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab, xc^z.fig. 1992, 1993' 
 2. Shaded with red, the rays inclining to black, 
 Chemn, conch. 5. tab. igz. Jig. 1994. 
 3. With bands pardy livid, partly dotted with red. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. \^z. fig. 1995. 
 Inhabits American IJlands. Cron.ijn 9 little prominent: outer-iif 
 grooved within : inner -lip wrinkled above, 
 fulgurans. Shell fubglobular with crowded tranfverfe ftriaj, deep black 
 with ochraccous rays : both lips (lightly denticulate, 
 the innfer-one tubcrculate in the niiddle. 
 Chemn, conch. 5. tab. \()2' fig. 1996, I997» 
 Inhabits Ainerican Ijtands, Cronvn hardly prominent: outer-lip 
 grooved within, the margin crenate and varied with white and 
 black, the fide denticulate; inner-lip a littie concave, tuber- 
 cijlate in the middle and flightly toothed beneath. 
 Tejfellala, Shell obtufe tranfverfely ftriaie, the ftrias marked with 
 nearly fqtiare white and black fpots": both lips den- 
 ticulate. . 
 Adam feneg. I. tab. xyfig. 2, 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. l^z. fig. 1998, 1 999. 
 Inhabits Iflatids between Africa and America : middle-fized. 
 bar^T-/?/" flightly ftriate within, with 1 or 2 teech; inner-lip 
 concave glabrous and denticulate beneath. 
 Bffafciata, Shell blackifh with 2 grey bands : crown white. 
 Rumpf.muf. tab. iz.fig.j. 
 Lhemn conch. 5. /. 193.7". 2015. 
 Inhabits /Hi/fiS : of an uncertain divifion. 
 Litierata. Shell fubglobular, white with various charafters: inner-lip 
 crenulate toothed. 
 Chemn. conch. 5. tab. 193. fig. 2016. 
 2. With bands compofcd of parallel line?, 
 Chemn. conch. 5,/, ig^-f 20 1 8. 
 Inhabits India. 
 Holacea, Shell ovate folid fmooth, violet dotted wilh white : inner- 
 lip denticulate beneath. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 83. Haliotis. 
 Martini conch, i.tab. \%.fig- 133j 134. 
 Meu/chen Katurf. 13. t. ^.f. 2.c — f, 
 2, White with chefnut fpots varied wich blsurk. 
 Mcufchtn Naturf. 13. tab, $, Jig. 3. g 
 Inhabits Skell rarely red or whitifh, fometimes darlc grey or 
 SsTtegalenfts Shell ovate obtufe folid deep black, within white, grooved : 
 both lips toothed. 
 Adans fene^. I. tab. \'},. fig. 1. 
 Inhabits Senegal : an inch broad and about half as wide, 
 i'.W/with 3 whorls, the firft turgid, with 25 — 30 grooves, the 2 
 others very minute.' 
 rromontorii Shell t)lack ovate pointed, with 30 grooves^ 
 Inhabits Africa. Adanj.Seneg. x.tab. i'^. Jg. 3. 
 Shell twice as broad as it is long, fometimes varied jwith white : 
 croivn compofed of 3 whorl? : left-ltp wrinkled. 
 Tricolor, ^hell variegated red black and whitifti: the firft with 15 
 elevated ftrije: both lips toothed 
 Inhabits Africa. Adans feneg. I. tab ^^.f^- 4. 
 Shelly 9 lines long: right-lip with 10 tceih; left-lip glabrous, 
 with 3 large cmarginate teeth. 
 Berverfa. Shell furroundcd with belts: fpirc contrary 
 Chcmn. conch, 9. tab. 1 1 4. Hg, 975, 976. 
 Found hitherto in a fuffilcftate only. 
 aperture 8- 
 Turritag Shell with alternate white and black bands, within white 1 
 crown very much elevated : puter-lip acute. 
 Chemn. conch. 9. tab, 124. ^g, 1085. 
 Inhabits the Antilfy Jflandsy in frefli waters. Whorh^. 
 Aculeata, Shell blackifti tranfverfely ftriate, the ftrix fpinous : ianer- 
 lip flattifh fmooih and (lightly toothed. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. \6o.Jig. 1642. 
 Inhabits rivers of India : reiembles N. pulligcra. 
 ^3. HALIOTIS. Animal a Limax: JJieU 
 univalve, dilated, ear-lhaped, with a lon- 
 gitudinal row of orifices along the lurface: 
 Jpire lateral and nearly concealed. 
 Sea Ear. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 83. Haliotis. 
 MiJa:, Shell roundifli, both fides poliflied. Midas Ear. 
 Lifter tab, 613, Knorr l^ergn. 5. ta6 ZO,/ig. 3. 
 Gualt, test, tab, 69. B. Valent. abh. t. 12. f. 102, 
 Martini conch, I. /. \\%f. 136. t. \$-f- 141. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean apd Cape of good hope'. 7 — 9 inches 
 t Jong. 
 Shell th\ckt within rich pearl -colour, the outfide with longitudi- 
 nal undulate wrinkles dirty green and generally covered with 
 marine fubftances; orifices 8— lO* 
 PTubereu'' Shell fubovate, the otitfide tranfverfcly grooved rugged and 
 /«/a. tuberculate. 
 Donovan* s Brit. Shells, tab. 5. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. SS./Jg. 1 44. 
 Da Cofia Brit Conch, t. z.f. l, 2. 
 Li/ler tab. 61 1. An. Angl. t. 3./. 16. 
 Adans./eneg. l. t. z.f. i. Rumpf. ntuf tab, 40, H. 
 Bonan recr. and MuJ. iirch. i. fig. 10, 11. 
 Qualt. tefi, tab. 69. I. Rezenf. conth. I. /. 8./. 20, 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 3. A. F. znom. tab. j, C. 
 Martini conch. 1 tab. 15, 16. fig. 145 — 149, 
 ^. Regenf. conch. 1. )•. 10 /", 42. 
 3. Argennj. zoom. tab. I. D. 
 4. Argen<v. conch tab. 3. D. 
 Inhabits moil 5^^/ ; 4 or 5 inches long. 
 Shell W\(\\ undulate wrinkles on the outfide: orifices about 28, of 
 which 4 — 6 are open .* tubercles unequal, fometimes obfolete 
 or wanting. 
 Striata, Shell ovate ferruginous, tranfverfely wrinkled and longi- 
 tudinally ftriate. 
 Knorr Vergn. 1. tab. ^y-f'g- z, 3. 
 Martini conch, \.t, 14./. 138, 
 2. Gualt. teft. tab. 69* E. 
 3, Schrcet. Einl. in conch. 2. t. ^.f. 17. 
 Inhabits /IfiaiJ JSarbary; refembles the laft, but is lefs, and the 
 wrinkles are not subcrculate and more regular, ferruginous red 
 or green fpotted with white, or varied with red and green : 
 orifices about 38, of which 4 or 5 are open. 
 Varia. Shell ovate with longitudinal ftria;, the larger ones tuber- 
 Lifter tab. 61 z, fig. 4. Gualt. teft. tab. 69. L. M. 
 Rumpf. muf. tab. 40. G. Klein, oftr. t. J.fi. 1 1 3. ? 
 Martini conch, tab. \^- fig- 144. 
 Inhabits India. Shell white or yellowifli-brown or dirty green 
 clouded, with elevated curved parallel ftriae growing larger 
 towards the fpire ; orifices 20 — 30, of which 4 or J aie open : 
 margin unequal. 
 Mar mo » 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 83. Haliotis. 
 Marmorata Shell oval, with longitudinal ftri» and obfolete tranfverfe 
 Lister, tab. 6 1 4. Knorr Vergn' 2,^.17./'. 4, 5. 
 Gualt. test, tab, 69. A,C. Arg. conch. /. 3, B; 
 Martini conch, i tab. \\.fig. 139. 
 Inhabits /Ifrica and India : z\--^ inches long. 
 Shell viTitd. with brown and white, or brown white and green, 
 or brown white green and red, with very fine femilunar lon- 
 gitudinal Ilris ; orifices about 30, of which 4 or 5 are open, 
 Afmum^ Shell fmoothifh, oblong, with a fomewhat falcate margin, 
 and elevated nerves on the outfide. Ajfes ear., 
 Lister, tab. b\o. Re renf. conch. \. t.<)./m2g. 
 Rumpf. Miif. tab. 40. E. F. Gualt. test. t. 60. D. 
 Argenv. conch, tab 3. E, Knorr I^ergn, 3, /. iS-J* '• 
 Martini conch, l. tab. 16. fig. 150, 
 Inhabits India: hardly 3 inches long. 
 Shell with very fine longitudinal ftriae, the outiide varied with 
 white green and brown, the infide green perlaceous : orifices 
 elevated, about 30, of which 5-7 are open: all they?r/> arc 
 granulate near the fpire and often dotted with red. 
 Par'ua. Shell ovate, red, with an elevated angle on the belly. 
 Knorr Vergn. i.tab. 20, f. 5. Murray test. t. 1./, 25 ? 
 Martini conch, l. tab. 14.7^. 137? 140. 
 Inhabits ^^/rica and India. Shell fometiines yellowifh, with 
 decufiate ftriae and a few tranfverfe plaits: orifices about 30, 
 of which 4 or 5 are open. 
 Bistriata. Shell ovate, greenifh fpotted with brown, with elevated 
 double tranfverfe ftriie. 
 Liffer, tab. 6iz./ig. 3? Martini coach, t. t, l^./. 1^2, ' 
 2. Martini conch. I. tab, 15. ;fj^, 143. 
 Inhabits Africa. Shell filvery on the infide, the outfide with a 
 pale purple fpot under the fpire branching into arched rays of 
 the fame colour down the back ; right margin acute and finu- 
 ous : 6 of the orifices open. 
 Australis, Shell varied with grey, blueifh and red, ovate, convex, 
 cancellate : fpire prominent, inflated. 
 Spengler Naturf 9. tab. ^. fig I. 
 Chemn. conch. lo. tab. 166. fig. 1603, 1604, 
 Inhabits New Zealand: 3- inches long, z\ broad. 
 Infide of the fijell yellow and red, margaritaceous, with 7 — 9 
 approximate open orifices, and elevated tranfverfe plaits, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. B-i. Haliotis. 
 Guineensis' Shell ovate, fubconvex, folid, with decuflTate flriae. 
 Schrcet. Einl, in conch 2. tab. 4, fig. 18. 
 Inhabits Gmw^a: 2— 2j inches long, 1^—2 broad. 
 Shell di\A\ green fpotted with white, chefnut towards the fpirc, 
 fometimes varied with green red and white, the infide red 
 and green pearl, with longitudinal curved equal llris and 
 parallel tranrverfe ones by two's and three's ; margin acute, 
 ftraight : orifices flattened, 6 of them open. 
 Imper/orata Shell ovate, imperforate, with prickly ribs : fpire exferted. 
 Meufchen Naturf. \%. tab.z.fig. 18, 18. e. 
 Chemti, conch. 10 tab. l66,/ig. 1600, 1601. 
 Inhabits Lidia, above an inch long ; extremely rare. 
 5>&^// cinereous, the middle fpines on the ribs ftronger: margin, 
 rather thin and acute. 
 Perver/a. Shell ovate, imperforate, the margin oblique above and 
 tiiberculate within: fpire contrary. 
 Martini n. Mannigf.^. tab. l* fig. 3. 
 Gualt, test. tab. 69. M ? 
 Found foffile : | of an inch long, f broad. 
 Plicata. Shell tranfverfely plaited on the outfide, the margin broad, 
 thick and very finely ftriate longitudinally. 
 Schrcet. Einl. in Verfi. 4. tab. J,, fig. 9. 
 Found foffile near HiUesia : \ of an inch long, \ broad. 
 Shell very much comprelTed, with 3 or 4 whorls. 
 Glabra, Shell ovate, fmoothifh, folid, varied with white and green : 
 fpire placed low. 
 Inhabits Cbemn conch 10. tab. 166, fig. 1602. 
 Shell 2 inches and 5 lines long, an inch and 9 lines broad : inner- 
 lip very broad : orifices 6, open : near the^ire a few tranfverfe 
 ftrisc, and a few longitudinal ones behind the orifices. 
 Vulchtrri' Shell roundifh, varied with rofy and white, with granulate 
 ^'** ilrise : fpire exferted. 
 Chcmn. conch. 10 tab. 1 66. fig. 160 5, 1 606. 
 Martyn unvverf. conchol. 2. tab. 62. 
 Inhabits the Houth Sf^ Ifiands : above 7 lines lang. 
 Shell ixiyeTy within ; inner margin very -broad : outer-lip crenate : 
 orifices 30, 6 of which are pervious. 
 Virginia^ Shell ovate with decuflate undulate ftrioe, dull green with 
 whitilh fpots and bands ; the under fide ihining with 
 fine iridelcent colours. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Chemti. conch. lo. tab. i66, /. 1607,1608. 
 Inhabits Neiv Zealand : an inch broad and 6 lines longer. 
 Shell with about 6 open orifices. 
 Ovina. Shell fuborbiciilar, dcprefTed, wrinkled, varied with white 
 chefnut and yellowifh, with pervious orifices in the 
 middle: fpire open. 
 Chemn. conch 10. tab 166. y. 1609. 
 Inhabits- Wr//furrounded with a triple elevated circle, and 
 covered with tubercles behind the wrinkles : ir.ner-Up broad. 
 G'lgantea. Shell oval, rugged, varied with white and red, fpotted, 
 within margaritaceous : fpire depreiled. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. 167. f. 1610, 161 1. 
 Martyn uni'verf. cone hoi. 2. f. 63, 
 \nh.Abi\.s Ne-M Holland : 4I — 6 mche? long, 3 1- broad. 
 Shell with undulate plaits and longitudinal llrise crofliDg the 
 tranfverfe wrinkles, and marked as it were with curved fillets : 
 Opert o;-///Vi?j- 3"'— 7 : inner-lip with a ver^ broad margin. 
 /r/V. Shell ventricofc, fulvid-brown, with tranfverfe wrinkles 
 and longitudinal tuberous plaits; the under-fide Ihin- 
 ing with changeable iridelccnt colours. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 167, f. 1612, 1 61 3. 
 Fanjann. conch. I. tab. I^^'ftg. D. 
 Martyn conchoL 2. tab. 61. 
 Inhabits Nenx) Zealaid : extremely rare and valuable, 
 ^hell \\ inches long, 3 broad, with 6 pervious orifices ; the 
 under fide reflecting the moll beautiful and 'rich variable 
 84. PATELLA. Animal a Liniax: Jlidl 
 univalve, fiibconic, ihaped like a bafon; 
 v.itliout ipire. Limpet. 
 A. Furnifred with an internal lip : /Jjell entire. 
 ".questris. Shell orbicular, perfoliate outwardly : lip vaulted perpen- 
 Lister y tab. 546,/". 38. Argn conch, t. 2, K. 
 Rumpf. Miif. tab. 40, P, Q^ Gualt. teU. t. 9./. 7. 
 Knorr f'crgn.S, tab. 22. /'. I. t. 35./"- 4, 5. 
 Murray teil. tab. \, f. 5. Speng. Nat. 9. /. 3, /". i, 2. 
 Martini conch, I. tab. i^- fig' 117--120. izy, 126. 
 VOL. IV. —A B 2. acv.v/. 
562' WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 2. Chemn, conch, xo-tah. \62>,Jig. 1630, 1631. 
 JrgefJTJ. conch, tab. 2,/. 5. Knorr Vergn, 6. /. 35,/. 4. 
 Da Cojla Conch, tab. 6 /. 9: Fa'van. conch, l. t. 4./. B, I. 
 Inhabits Indian and American feas : an inch wide. 
 Shell come, obliquely trancace, hyaline, with plaits, wrinkles 
 and ftrise running towards the margin : lip a littlvi obiique, 
 open on one part and placed in the centre of the crown. 
 Neriioidea. Shell ovate, with a fubfpiral tip: lip lateral. 
 Lijler, tab, 545./. 36. Walch Naturf. lO. /. I./. I? 2 ? 
 Meufchen Naturf. 13. tab. <^. fig» l? I a ? i b ? 
 Inhabit! : generally found adhering to other teftaceous fub- 
 i^ances. Shell fizc of a cherry, whitifti, glabrous, the older 
 ones rough with a few tranfverle wrinkles : coiK'n and inter- 
 nal valve lateral : inhabitant red. 
 Shell fubconic, fmooth: lip. fomewhat lateral. 
 Lister, tab. 546. yfg-. 39. Arg. conch, /. 2, F. 
 Gualt. teji. tab. 9. X. Bon an rec, dff Muf. kirch. l.f.12, 
 BornMuJ. Caf. Vind. tcfi. p. Jif\\. -vign, /i a, b. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. ll,/ig- 121—124, 
 2. Knorr l^ergn. 6. tab. 22. f, I. 
 Inhabits :^e Mediterranean^ Atlantic and Indian Seas, 
 Shell very thin, pellucid, glabrous, broader than it is high, with 
 an acute fubfiexuous crown : ///> concave, depreffed : generally 
 white with brown fpots or rays, fo.netimes chefnut fpeckled 
 with minute grey dots, 
 5ihcll oval, with a recurved tip: lip placed behind and fiat. 
 Lister, tab. 545./. 34. Adanf. Seneg. /. 2, f. 8. 
 Rump/. Muf. tab, 40. O. Mart, conch, t. 18./. 27, 28. 
 Chemn, conch. 9. tab, \i\.f, 1082. 
 Inhabits India and Goree, Shell convex, within white, the 
 outfidc red, with white fcaly fpots and tranfverfe undulate 
 blue lines : probably a Nerita, 
 Shell oval, obliquely recurved behind: Up placed behind 
 and concave. 
 Lister, tab, S\SfS- 33» 35* -^fg- conch, t. 2. N. 
 Muf, Gctt-Lvald. tab. ^o.fig. 275. a, b. 
 Knorr Vergn, 6. tab. 21. fg. 3. 
 IValch Naturf. 10. tab. 1. fg. 3,4. 
 Martini conch, 1. tab. l^. tig. 129, 130. 
 2. Kfg»:>ns Cab, Rudolli. p. 25. /. 2. f. 9. 
 3. Schrcct, Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 6. f. ID. 
 4- Lister, tab. 545-/' 37. Klein cj'tr. t, 8./. 8, 
 5. Knorr i'crgn. 6. /aii. \\, f. 5 ? 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Inhabits Barhadocs and the Mediterranean. 
 Shell generally white with a chcfnut margin, fometimes whitifh 
 with yellowi'h brown dorfal rays and lateral fpots, rarely uni- 
 formly rsddilh or chelhut : margin acute: Up prominent, 
 femilunar on the fore-part. 
 Acukatai Shell oval, -brown, with prickly flrias: crown recurved. 
 Chemn. conch. lO. tab. 168 Jig. 1624, 1625. 
 Da Cofla Ccnch. tab. 6.fig. i. Elements, t, Z; f.z. 
 Fa-vann, conch. I, tab. 4. fg. 3. 
 Walch Naturf. iO. tab. i.^g, $• 
 2. Fa-uann. conch. I. tab. \- jig- 2 ? 
 Inhabits American If.ands : refembles the laft. 
 Shell fmall, chei'nut or white, with longitudinal ftrijc : // white, 
 dividing the cavity into equal parts. 
 Shell conic, longitudinally plaited: internal lip lateral. 
 Chemn conch. Xo.tab. 168.7%. 1626, 1627. 
 Da Cofla conch, tab, 6. fig. 2. 
 Knorr Fergn. 3. tab. 29. fg. 1,2, 
 Fa'vann. conch, i. tab. i^- fig. A. i. 
 Meufchen Naturf. iS. tab. 2. fig. 1 6, 1 7. 
 Z. Argen'u. conch, tab. 2. fig. L. 
 Martini conch, i.tab. i^-fii' '35' 
 Inhabits Tran^uebar and Falkland Ifiandr. 
 Shell white both fides, thin, broader than it ii high, with ob- 
 lique plaits. 
 Auricula; Shell roundifli, with radiate grooves and flriate: crown 
 recurved: internal cavity car-lhapcd. 
 Chemn conch. 10. tab. ttS. fig. 1628, 1629. 
 Petiv. Gaz. 1. tab. 21. f. II. Da cofia conch, t. b.f 10. 
 Fa'vann. conch. I. tab. 4. fig. C. 2. 
 Inhabits Borneo, Santa Cruz, and Thomas Ifands. 
 Shell fnowy, fometimes violet reund the crown, often radiate with 
 black, lometimes brown within, the margin frequently white: 
 crozvn brown : border yellowifh. 
 Rugoja. Shell ovate, thin, hyaline, obfoletcly wrinkled tranfverfely : 
 margin unequal: lip unequally repand, hyaline. 
 Schrcet. «. Litterat. 3. /. 6. tub. \.f. I, 2. 
 Inhabits China, and is generally found in the Buccinum fpira- 
 tura. Shell above an inch long, with an obfolcte crown, 
 Gertends, Shell oval, flat, thin, white, glofTy, lamellate on theoutfide. 
 Adanf. Seneg. \. t.z.f. I O. Martini conch. I , / . I 3 . /'. I 3 1 , 1 3 2 . 
 Inhabits rocks at Goree : 5—6 lines in diameter. 
 4 B 2 Contorti^ 
 564 \VORMS. TESTACEA. ^4. Patella. 
 Contorta. Shell granulate with white, with very fine perpendicular 
 oblique ribs : lip very thin oblique an(^ covering half 
 the cavity. 
 WalchNaturf. 9. t. 3./. 3, 4. Meufchen Naturf. 18. t. 2./. 3, 4. 
 Martini Neueji. Manmgf. \. t. \.f. 3, 4. 
 2, Murtitii NeucH. Mannigf. I. /. /". 5, 6. 
 Inhabits very rare. Shell vvhitifli, within pale brown. 
 Explanata. Shell white, very finely flriate: crown inclining downwards 
 and dilated, behind which the IheU is deprelTed. 
 Inhabits Meufchen. Naturf. 1 8- tab. Z. fig- I'l. c. 
 Tlicata, Shell conic ochraceous, with ferruginous rays within, witu 
 longitudinal tranfverfely ftriate plaits. 
 Inhabits Meufch. Naturf. 18. tab, z.ftg. 12. I 2. a. 
 Croiun placed in the middle : 7nargim thin acute. 
 Shell white conic ftriate, with undulate grooves : crown a 
 little lateral. 
 Inhabits Meufch. Naturf. 18. tab. z. fig. 13, 
 Shell a little twifted, pellucid M'ith ferruginous fpots, 
 thinly plaited and tranfverfely grooved above: lip 
 undulately rcpand. 
 Meufch, Naturf. 18. tab. Z.fg. 15^ 15. b. 
 Inhabits foinething more than half an inch long. 
 Shell conic prickly, within glabrous. 
 MartNi Neuejl. Mannigf. I. tab. l.fig.J, P. 
 Found loiiile near Crigmn, 5/;^// calcareous wliitifh, covered on 
 the outfide with piickles. 
 B. IVith tbepiargin atigular or irregularly toothed. 
 Shell oval flattifh fmooth, the lip flat behind. 
 Guah. test, tab, 69. H. Adanifeneg. i. t. z.f 9? 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, cfpccially about Barbary, 
 Shell hynline iiibdcpreiTed, with a fcmiiunar lip. 
 Laciniofa, gjj^i] ^y|j)^ elevated unequal rays, thicker and obiufe on the 
 l^umpf. Muf tab. 40. C. Argen'v. conch, f. 2, O. 
 Knorr Vergti. b. t. 30./'. 2 — 4, 7, 8. Mart, conch. I. t. 10./".8l, 
 Inhabits India. Shell brown, tranfverfely llriaie betv«.ceu the 
 lays, the rays white: crc^jjn broad, rcfembiing 2 white eyes. 
 Saccharina. Shell angular v.iih 7 carinatc obtufe ribs. 
 Lntcr tab. z^lZ. fig. 10. Argen-v. coach, tah. 2. iVI. 
 Ruwff. mtf tab. 40, B. Petinj. a?/:b. t. o^.f. 3. 
 Klan oj]r. tab, ^.fty. <. Murruy te/i^ t. \.f. 6. 
W.ORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 565 
 Martini conch. I. tab. ()■ f'g- "O. 76. 77. 
 Inhabits Ja^a and BarbacfDes. Shell white within, uniform 
 radiate Ipotted or barred, folid, more or lefs deprefled, with 
 an obtufc fublateril crown ; the rays generally reaching beyond 
 the margin, generally' 4 lelfer ones between the 7 larger. 
 Barbara. Shell toothed, with 19 elevated vaulted m.uricate i^ays* 
 Knorr Vergn. 5. tab. \Tyfig. 5. 
 Sfhrati EinL in cotich. 2. tab. i^-ftg. I. 
 Inhabits Falkiand JJlands. Shell white, the outfide generally 
 marked with a broad brown band and rays, convex, with. 
 fraaller rays between the 19 larger-ones. 
 (iranularis Shell toothed, with elevated angular imbricate ftrice. 
 Lister tab. 536. Bonan. Muf, Kirch. X.fig. 22. 
 Gualt test. tab. 8. fig. D. Jlrgenv, conch, tab. 2. H. 
 Regenf. conch. \. t. z.f. 24. Martivi conch. I. /. 8./", 16. 
 Schreet. n. Utter at. 3.^. 19 — 24. n. 42 — 50. 53. 
 Inhabits Southern Europe and the Cape of good Hope. 
 Shell z inches long, generally white with a brown crown, fome- 
 times brown with white rays and paler crown with an och- 
 raceous margin, rarely blueifii with 2 white bands and brown 
 crown: Jliell oh\or\g convex, broader forwards, with 3 ftrias 
 covered with cinereous or brown granulations between z 
 fmooth ones, 
 Crajiatina, Sh^U angular, with numerous muricate ftrise. 
 Li/t'.r tab. 533, 534. Regenf. concb. I. t. (),f. 31. 
 Bonan. Muf. kirch. i.fg.Z'}, 28. 30. 
 Gualt. tefi, tab. 9. F. Martini concb. I. tab. ^.fig. Jl — 74. 
 Knorr delic. tab. B. v. fig' 8. Vergn. I. /. 30. y. 2. 
 Inhabits Jajnaica znA fouthern Europe : i i — 3 inches long. 
 Shell thin, the outfide white browniili horny or yeilowifh with 
 brown or chefnut fpots lines or fcales regularly or irregularly 
 difpofed, crown brown ; within ivory with the margin ipotted 
 with brown and yellow, the crown fulvous with a ferruginous 
 or yellowifh-brown margin, or variegated ; with very thin 
 iranfverfe undulate Urine and about 60 uneq^ual ribs. 
 *Vulgata, Shell with about 14 obfolete angles, and dilated acute crc- 
 nate margin : crown central. 
 Dotioojans Brit. Shells, tab. \.\. 
 Da Cat a Brit, conch, tab. 1. fg. 1, 2, 8. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. $<). fig. 145. 
 Lister Anim. Ang. tab, $.fgr 40. Gualt. tejl. t. %, Q. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf, kirch. I . fig. 4. 
 Kmrr I'ergn. 6, tab. zy-fi^- S. Mart, conch, i. t. ^.f. 38. 
566 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Inhabits marine rocks of Europe and India: z inches high, 3—4 
 wide; in the older fhells the margin is nearly even, and the 
 number of ribs irregular. 
 Shell varying in colour and marks, but generally cinereous, 
 white or reddifh, with or without bands. 
 fBepreJa. 3hell with about 14 angles, oblong: crown lateral. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool.iv. tab. %(^. fig. 146. 
 Inhabits rocks of fz/ro/i?; refembks the laft, but is more de- 
 prefTed and oblong, the crown is nearer one edge, and the 
 margin is more irregularly crenate. 
 Caruha* Shell crenate, fubangular, with numerous unequal flriae ; 
 beneath blue. 
 Born mAf. Ccrf. VinJ. tejl. tab, xS.fig.z? 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Shell ovate, convex, blackjfh on 
 the outfide, 
 Tubercular Shell (lightly tQpthed, conic, tuberculate, retufe behind. 
 ta. Inhabits Muf. Lud. Ulr. 6<^z. k. 417. 
 ^i-f/ZyellowiOi, with white tubercles difpofed iniows, 
 Lepas» Shell roundifh, pedinate, with imbricate tuberculate tranf- 
 verfely ftriate rays : crown incurved. 
 Da casta conch, tab, z.fig. 7. tab. 5. fig. 9. 
 Argfn-v. conch, tab. z. D. Fauan. conch, r. ?. 4. H. 2. 
 Chemn, conch. 10. /. 322. 'vign. zi^.fig> A, B. 
 2. Mart. univ. conchy i, tab. 1 7. Bronze Limpet. 
 Inhabits C/;///, .2) Falkland IJlands : 2i inches long, 3I broad. 
 S/W/ folid, tawny-yellow on the outfide, one part of the margin 
 imooth, the other tumid, unequally toothed. 
 Tricoliata, Shell oval, 3-ribbed, white, ftriate at the fides : internal 
 margin flattifh and a little jagged. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 168. fig. 1622, 1623. 
 Z. Born Muf. C<€f. Vind. te/t, tab. 18. /". 6? 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : refembles P. tricarinata, 
 •S^f// folid, with a mucronate recurved crown. 
 Mjtilina. Shell carinate, rounded on the fore-part, with undulate 
 ftria?, brown, perlaceous within ; the hinder margin 
 MarttniNeuefi, Mannigf, 1. tab. 2./. l 3, 14. 
 lielb. abh. Bohem. 4, tab. I . /. 5,6, 
 Inhabits Sottth America : an inch and 2 lines long. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Ovata, Shell toothed, oval, compreflb-conlc, ribbed, white, brown 
 between the ribs, within brown with white grooves. 
 Inhabits Helbling abh. Bohem, 4. tab. i. fg. 9, 10. 
 Shell g lines long, 6 broad, with about 40 unequal ribs. 
 Stellata. Shell angular, ovate, deprelFed, with 10 elevated rays, and 
 Ihorter intermediate ribs. 
 Inhabits Helbling abh. Bohem, 4. tab. l.f. 11. 
 Shell 8 lines long, 6 broad, thin, brown with white ribs, withia 
 fnowy with a brown bottom. , 
 hlandica. Shell folid, ovate, gibbous, unequally ribbed, within glab- 
 rous, with alternate cinereous and horny rays : mar- 
 gin crenate. 
 Ka-mm. Cab, Rudolfl. p. I 5. tab. 3. fig. 6. 
 Inhabits (hoies o{ Icela/id : an inch and 4 lines long. 
 Shell with imbricate ribs : croivn nearly in the middle, within 
 blue edged with white, 
 Cpna. Shell oval, fubpellucid, ribbed, the ribs here and there 
 tuberculate and foliaceous on the outfide. 
 BoTian recr, & Muf. kirch, i. fig. 5. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 9. H. Mart, conch, i . /, 9./. 79. 
 2. Argen-u. conch, tab, z. B. Mart, conch, i. /. 10. /", 86. 
 Inhabits fliores oi Cyprus: \\-'Zl- inches long; 
 Shell refembling P. barbara, white with a cinereous inner mar- 
 gin, fometiines with a broad white band: ctc"j.:ji furroundcd 
 with a brown ring : ribs 16--20 or more, 
 Cestata. Shell ovate, a little gibbous, white, with crowded un- 
 equal tuberculate rugged ribs. 
 Inhabits Schrcet n. Litterat. t,. p. 12. n.zj—zg. 
 Shell 2— 2|- inches long, with 20-40 prominent carinate ribs and 
 intermediate grooves which are ibmetimes brown, with fonic- 
 times a grey band on the infide near the bottom, or a ycllowifli 
 one (haped like a horfe-fhoe. 
 leucopleura Shell ovate, dufky, with crowded white fmooth unequal ribr. 
 Lifter, tab. 539./. 22. Knorr t^ergn. 6. tab. 28. /. 9. 
 Martini conch. 1. tab. 7. fig. 56, 57. 
 2. Schrat. », Litterat. ^.p. 13— 17. n. 30. 32—35. 37. 
 Inhabits- Shell minute, |-.i inch long, black, brown or 
 brovvnilh, rarely chefnut, fometimcs varied with white; 
 crovjn ufually brown. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. f>atella. 
 Striatula, Shell a little rugged, white with brown ffexuous ftfije 
 branching outwards, with 2 brown fpots in the bot- 
 tom of the hollow. 
 Inhabits Schrat. n. Litterat. 3. tab. i./. 3. an inch long. 
 Shell convex, with 8 larger tuberculate ribs befides lelTer 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. tefl. tab. \^.ftg. 62. 
 2. Lister, tab, ^'i'^-fig' ^ ' • Klein ofir. /. 8./. 5. 
 Martini conch, i, tab. \o. fig. 82, 83, 
 3. Schrczt. n. Litterat. 3. «. 40,41. tab. 1./.4- 
 Inhabits American IJlands : f — 1|: of an inch long. 
 Sbel/ entirely white; or cinereous on the outlide and clay-colour 
 wijhin, with a fpatulfite grey fpot edged with white; or pale 
 chefnut with a white crown and ribs, and white within with a 
 brownifli margin : or brownifh, within white with white 
 crown and ribs, the crown furrounded with a brown band : 
 ribs 11--16. 
 Rubra. Shell toothed, red under the brown fkin, with elevated 
 rounded ftrix, and leffer imbricate ones, within white. 
 Inhabits Schrat. EinL in conch. 2. p. 489. 72. 1 1 2, 
 Refembles P. granularis : i| inch long. 
 Shell with a chefnut crown furrounded with a broad white band, 
 with a chefnut margin, band and bottom within. 
 Hepatica. Shell ovate, gibbous, thin, toothed, liver-colour, with 
 elevated carinate obtufely fpined rtrise. 
 Inhabits Schrcst. EinL in ccnch. 2. tab. 5,/". 15. 
 Shell if inch long, with a white crown, the bottom and inner- 
 margin brownilh. 
 Badia, Shell fubconvex, brown, within bay, with 12 larger rays 
 each furrounded by a rib and as many leffer ones. 
 Schroet, EinL in conch. 2. tab. 1^. f.(^. 
 2. Schrrrt. n. Litterat. 3./). 41 — 49. «. 80 — 94. 
 Inhabits 2| inches long. Shell more or Icfs flat, rarely 
 pellucid, often fprinkled with green or cinereous dots, varied 
 or undulate with grey; fometimes inclining to pale yellow or 
 liver-colour, or (potted with black ; the margin and crown 
 varied with rays of different colours, the latter often with 5 
 rows of blue dots; the bottom with a fpatulate liver-colour or 
 greenifli fpot furrounded with a fingle or double differently 
 coloured band; the inner furface often inclining to brown, 
 pale yellow, liver-colour or grey. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 569 
 Fu/ce/cetts. Shell flattijfh, brownifh, with 10 elevated ftrias: crown of 
 a difFcrent colour: bottom with a pale liver-colour 
 Ipatulate fpot edged with glaucous and gold: inner 
 margin brown. 
 Schrcet, n, Litterat. 3.^. 50 — 53. ». 95 — lOO. 
 Inhabits Shell z\ — 3I inches long; more or Jefs convexi 
 often perpendicularly ftriate, and ufually varied or undulate 
 with black, or marked with paler linear bands : crmvn black 
 edged with grey, or liver-colour with angular brownifh and 
 black veins, or varied with cinereous and glaucous with a 
 whitilh margin, or gr'eenifh with a wliitiih margin : rays 
 lb — II, with- leffer ones between them, acute, obtufe or 
 flattened, fomeiimes golden : external margin fometimes 
 whitifh; inner furface with often fugacious gold fpots : fpoc 
 ac the bottom of the {hell rarely gfeenifh with a whitilh 
 Maculo/a, Shell flattened, the fore-part narrow and rounded, yellow- 
 ifh fpotted with brown, with a white crown ; with 
 flat rounded equal rays. 
 l-n\\zh\ls—— Scbroet, n. Litterat. 3. />. 54. «. loi. 2) 102. 
 Shell I — 1 inch long,' oval, within fpotted with white and 
 brown with a fpaculate brown fpot at ihe bottom : ra\'s 10 
 or II. 
 Rotundcaa. Shell fuboval, flattened, varied with brown', with rounded 
 flat ribs and differently coloured crown and bottom. 
 Inhabits— —-5firfr/. n, Litterat. 3./). 55. n. 103, 104. 
 Shell i'i"2| inches long, pale brown radiate or fpotted with 
 yellow : crciva grey-brown or liver-colour with a white bor- 
 der : margin fometimes cinereous with brown lines: bottom 
 dull liver-colour with a calcareous and whitifh belt, or cine- 
 reous varied with brownifh with a whitifh belt. 
 PeSen, Shell ovate, obfcurely edged with white, radiate, with 
 diftant ftrias pe6linate outwardly : crown grey: bot- 
 tom with a fubfpatulate fpot furrounded with a white 
 Schiott. n. Litterat. 3. w. 105. 2) 106, 
 5, Marty n uniieif. conch. I. tab. 16? 
 Inhabits }\orth America : i-J, ij: of an inch long. 
 ahell cinereous varied with brownifh, or white radiate with 
 brown : margin brown or black, within grey radiate with 
 ^rown : hoUcm brown or grey. 
 VOL TV. — 4C Carnt. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Corrugata. Shell ovate, wrinkled, chefnut : crown with a white cir- 
 cle: within cinereous, radiate with white: bottom 
 pale brown edged with white. 
 Inhabits— ^^c^r^r. «. Litterat. 3. ». 107. \ an inch long. 
 Shell oval, each fide brown radiate with white, with ele- 
 vated pedinatc ftriae: crown white: bottom yellowifh. 
 Inhabits Schrczt. n. Litterat. n, ic8. \ of an inch long. 
 Olfvacca. Shell ovate, olive, within brown varied with white, with 
 elevated unequal ftrije; the margin with 2 rows of 
 unequal fpines: crown pale yellow: bottom filvery 
 with a brown centre. 
 Inhabits Schrctt. Einl. in conch, 2. tab» ^-fg I. 
 Shell I an inch long, the bottom fu: rounded with a white belt. 
 Shell ovate, both fides wax-colour, perpendicularly ftriate, 
 Avith 13 flattened ribs and white bottom. 
 Inhabits Schra;t. n. Litterat. 3. ». I 10, Ii i. 
 Shell \ an inch long, fometimes ycliowifh with a filvery crown 
 furrounded with a double row of black dots; bottom fome- 
 times filvery. 
 Imprejfa-. Shell ovate, with elevated tranfverfely ftriate brownifh 
 ftriae fpotted wiih white and reaching half way down: 
 crown with a white impreffed circumference. 
 Inhabits Schrat. n. Litterat. 3. n. 112. 
 Shell I of an inch long : cron.m with 3 brownifh fpots : bottom 
 whitifli: internal marginhtowm^i, 
 Auraniia. Shell ovate, folid, citron undulate with brown, with ele- 
 vated crowded wrinkled ftria: and white bottom. 
 Inhabits SchrcEt. n. Litterat. 3. «, 1 1 3. an inch long. 
 Cingulufni Shell ovate, denticulate, cinereous with 3 black belts, 
 within milk-white, with elevated unequal ftrix nodu- 
 lous on the outfide and fpinous at the margin. 
 Inhabits- Schrart. «. Litterat. 3. ». 114, 115. fig, ^. 
 ^^'^^ AA- ri^'^^ '°"^' ^°'"^^^'"" 'V"'^'^ ^vith white : croivn acute, 
 reddilh 01 whitiih : internal margin cinereous varied with pale 
 brown : bottom pale yellow. 
 Shell ovate, white, with flattened ribs of unequal length, 
 brownilh between them : crown with a brown belt. 
 Schrait. Einl. in conch. 2. p. 494, r.. 127. 
 Inhabits iihell { an inch long : croijun obtufe. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Shell thin, ovate, white with a nodulous margin, -.vithiii 
 perlaceous with elevated chefnnt ftric-c : crown point- 
 ed, brown: bottom brown. 
 Cualt. tefl. tab. 9. E. Mart, conch. I. tah. i^.f. 40. a,b. 
 Inhabits Magellan s Straits: \ an inch long, 1 high. 
 Shell covered with a }>rown, yellow or white radiate with 
 brown Hcin. 
 Ochroltuca. Shell ochraccous with 3 yellow bands, and elevated acute 
 unequal ftrias : crown white: bottom filvery. 
 Schrctt. n, Litterat. 3, p. 64. n. 120. 
 Inhabits Shell an inch high, i-^ long. 
 Shell white, denticulate, with elevated acute unequal 
 ftrias: crown furrounded with a double row ot cine- 
 reous dots and a dufky-grey band. 
 Inhabits Schrcet. n. Litterat. 3./1.64. n.izi. 
 Shell zn inch long and nearly as much high. 
 Shell yellow radiate with brown, with elevated nodulous 
 unequal ftrias : crown and bottom white. 
 Scbrstt, n. Litterat. 3 /. 65. w. 122. 2) 123. 
 Inhabits 6'/6t7/ about \\ inch long. 
 Shell toothed, cinereous, with unequal elevated ftrias be- 
 tween which it is brown and rug>ied: crown pointed, 
 Schra't. n. Litterat. 3./). 66. «. 124, 125. 
 Inhabits Shell an inch long ; crown and bottom fometimes 
 lilvery : margin ofren citron with brownish rays. 
 Exalhida, Shell whitifh, with brownifh rays and elevaj:ed rounded 
 unequal Ilrice between which it is rugged : crown 
 obtufe, white, with a broad interrupted brown band 
 and another marginal one. 
 Zchrcet. n. Litterat. 3. p. 67. n. 126. 
 Inhabits Shell -. of an inch lon^. 
 cllata. Shell cinereous and brown, with decufFatc flria; and 2 rows 
 ot tubercles : crown yeilovvilh : bottom with a Ipatu- 
 late white fpot. 
 Schrat. n. Litterat. 3. p. 67. n. 127. 
 2. Grey with dulky rays and a few yellow flriie j within dirty- 
 yellow with a while bottom. 
 Martin, catch. 1, tab. ^' fig- ^T' 
 4 C 2 • Inh.ibits 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Putella. 
 Inhabits Jamaica: if inch long. Shell with fcattercd dots en 
 the ouclide, with brown rays within: bottom with a filvery 
 grey margin. 
 Shell rounded, fmooth, ycllowifh with a broad ci'tron 
 marginal band fpotted with brown, and another nar- 
 row one : margin dilated, acnte and a little rugged. 
 Inhabits Schrcct. «, Litterat. 3. />, 68. n. 129. 
 Shell \\ inch long, with 2 dufky rings within : crcivn varied 
 ivith blueifh, cinereous and white: bottom glaucous. 
 Argentea. Shell fmooth, thick, a little filvery, with 11 brown rays: 
 margin filvcry : crov/n pale yellow: bottom ivory 
 with a double white ring. 
 Schrcet. n, Li Herat. 3. />. 69. w. 130. 
 Inhabits-— ——nearly 2 inches long; very rare. 
 Cuprea. Shell white with ftrong rounded brown ribs, within perla- 
 ceous: crown and bottom coppery. 
 Inhabits —Schrcet. Einl. in conch, z. tab. 5 fig- ^\' 
 Shell 2 inches long: the larger ribs bordered' with black, with 
 here and there lefl'er ones between them. 
 Rubida. Shell pale liver-colour both fides, with alternjite larger and 
 lefler carinate ribs : crown flat, white. 
 Schrcet. 71, Litterat, 7,. ^, y 1. «. 1 33. 
 'Shell \\ of an inch long. 
 Shejl brown, glabrous above, with elevated crowded wluiQ 
 ftrice beneath : crown obtufe, white, with a fulvous 
 border : bottom fulvous. 
 •Schriet, n. Litterat. 
 3, />,7K /;. 134. 
 Shell \\ inch long, the ilria; reaching about i-ihird of itsheighth, 
 Flaircla. Shell yellow i(h varietj with brown, with flattened unequal 
 ribs: crown obtufe: bottom varied reddifh and white. 
 Inhabits — —Schrcet. n. Litterat. 5. ;;, 135. an inch long. 
 Jufyndiku. Shell denticulate, coniprcirtd each fide, rounded, yellow, 
 '«'»• with perpendicular ihia; and carinate ribs : bottom 
 varied white and cinereous. 
 Schroet. n, Litterat. 3. p, yz. ?i. 136. 
 Inhabits —Shell rare, 1 \ of an inch long. 
 Cjathus. Shell rounded, glabrous, white. 
 Inhabits ^ihroei, li, Litterat. i, n. x^-], fniail. 
WORMS. TESTAGEA. 84. Patella. 
 Sinica, Shell ovate, entirely yellow with undulate grooves, within 
 ftriate perpendicularly : margin fcalloped here and 
 Davil. Catal. tab. 2. A. J^art, conch I. t. (>./. 44, 
 • Inhabits China: 3 inches and 4 lines long. 
 Vunliata, Shell roundifli, white with m^ny-coloured dots, radiate at 
 the bafe and furrounded with 2 brown rings: margin 
 a little flexuous. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. X.tah.-J. fig' SS' 
 Bonan. rccr. and Muf. Kirch, I, fig, J- 
 Lugubrisi Shell ovate with anniilar ftrias, black, with elevated un- 
 jequal (trias : margin crenate: crown and bottom white. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, i. tab, 8. fig. 60. 
 Ulyffiponen- Shell ovate, toothed, yellowifh, with elevated flattened 
 f"» ftrix : crown pointed, orange. 
 Inhabits Ltpon, Martini conch, i. takt 8, fig. 62. 
 Umbellat Shell oblpng, red with elevated une(jual white ftriie: mar- 
 gin crenatel 
 Lijter, tab. 538. Adctnf. Scneg, 1, ti 2. fi. l. 
 Knorr Vergn i. tab. l^'Jig. 2. 3. & 5. t, ig. fi. 3. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. ^.fg. 63. 
 inhabits Africa, in numerous varieties. ^hell rarely flraw- 
 coloyr, lon^etimes fpotted or clouded. 
 Crenata. Shell thjn, pellucid, ftriate, blackifh, with olive rays, 
 within glaucous or cinereous: crown pointed : mar- 
 gin crenate: bottom milk-white. 
 Lifter, tab. 'HJ.fg- 1 6. Bonan. Muf, Kirch. \.f. 25. 
 Gualt, teft. tab. 9. G, Mart, conch, l. t. %.f. 64, 65. 
 Inhabits fliores of Jfrica, Malaga and Lijhon. 
 Tcrrugir.ea Shell ferruginous with angular or undulate rulTet lines and 
 cinereous belts, within milk-white with elevated 
 knotty ftri^e : margin plaited. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. 1. tab 8. fig. 66. 
 Shell rather large, oval or pyramidal, with alternately elevated 
 and deprefl'ed ribs : cronvn pointed, gericrally white furround- 
 ed with undulate ruflet lines : bott$m duH-white. 
 Melano. Shell oval, ochraceous, with elevated black ftrix, within 
 gramma» lilvcry, fpotted : crown pointed, white: bottom with 
 2 Itraw-colour foot. 
574 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 8. fg. 67. 
 Inhabits Crmvn fmooth : margin crcnate. 
 Repanda, Shell ovate, thin, within filvery with browuifli rays and 
 thin undulate ftrias, with bay granuljitions : margin 
 Martini conch. I, tab. 8. fig. 68. 
 Inhabits leas of Magellan. Crown pointed. 
 Aniuhfa* Shell oval, white, with very thin ftrise, and varied with red 
 ipots and dots : margin 8-angled. 
 Lijler conch, tab. 538. the lower tigUre. 
 Martini conch, i . tab. %. fig. 69. 
 2. Martini conch. \. tab. 10. fig. 88, 89. 
 Inhabits Shell in 2) orange with white Ilrigs and elevated 
 dots : botton yellow with a central orange ring ; margin with 
 a white ring. 
 Tigrina, Shell oval, fmooth; poliflied, pellucid, ftriate, with 7 yel- 
 yellowifli ribs, blueith-olive dotted with brown : mar- 
 gin 7- angled. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, i. tab. 9. fig. 78. 
 Shell perlaceous within : crciiun pointed, orange: bottom with an 
 orange fpot. 
 Monopis, Shell oblong, flattifh, bay ftriate with white, within 
 milk-white, with ii elevated unequal ftri* : crown 
 rounded, white. 
 Bonan. Muf. Kirch. I . fig, 32. 
 LeJJ'er ttfl.fig. 86. Martini conch. I. f, ()./- 80. 
 2. Li/ler, tab. 532. fig. 1 1. Klein ofir. t. ?>./. 5. 
 Martini conch, i. tab. \o. fig. 82. 
 Inhabits American Jfiands. She!! foraetimes brown white or 
 chefnuti the ftria; fometimes alternately white and brown. 
 Chloroflida Shell ovate, toothed, brown dotted with green, with 11 
 elevated hollow broader flriae, and as many narrower 
 ones: crown white. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, i. tab. lO. fig. 84, 
 Shell with a yellow or brown central fpot at the bottom. 
 Margari. Shell thin, unequally llriate, white, within perlaceous : 
 tacea^ crown with an orange mark furrounded with a yellow- 
 i(h ring: margin crenate. 
 Gualt, tell. tab. 8. L. Mart, conch, i. t. lO. /, 85. A, B. 
 Inhabits Iceland. Shell with fulvous or orasge clouds, and 
 tranfparent rays on the margin. Tenuif' 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 575 
 Tenujjjima. Shell oval, thin, ochraceous, with angular chefnut lines, 
 and elevated obtufe hollow unequal ftrix. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, i. tab. \o, /. 87. 
 SMI very thin and flat, with 10 — 12 ftrisc. 
 Mitrulm. Shell folid, fubconic, tranfverfely plaited, with a flexuous 
 Lipry tab. 534. /. 3. Klein ojir. 8. /. 1 1, 12; 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 12. fig. 11, 12. 
 Inhabits Barbadoes -, of an uncertain genus and divifion. 
 Shell mtrovf, white, rarely brown, more or lefs oblong. 
 Plicarta, Shell ovate, toothed, with 30 elevated obtufe undulate and 
 tranfverfely wrinkled Itrise. 
 Born.Muf, Cte/. Find. teft. tab, 1 3. /. I. 
 2, Knorr Vergn. %. tab. 30. fig, 1, 
 Inhabits itiorss oi Magellan^ s fraits i rarhei rare: 
 Shell with an obtufe crown, and 30 — 34 teeth on the margin. 
 Ptntagona. Shell whitifli, obtufely pentangular, with a dilated crenate 
 ^ margin: crown obtufe : bottom redd ifli. 
 Inhabits Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. tefi. t. 18./. 4, 5. 
 -^fita^ Shell ovate, tender, pellucid, with elevated ftriar, covered 
 with a whitiih cuticle under which it is filvery with 
 ruflet rays: crown and bottom coppery. 
 Martini Nueji. Mannigf. \.f 408. tab. 1. / 9. 
 \TCCii^\r.% Magellan i (iraits: if inch long. Cro<it» polifhed, 
 CoMchacea. Shell thin, oblong-ovate with very fine undulate ftriae, yel- 
 lowilh with elevated darker rays: crown recurved. 
 Martini Keueft. Mannigf. i. tab.z. f. 13, 14. 
 Inhabits South America^ and very much relembles the common 
 muflel, except the hinge: Jhell \yithin glabrous, pcrlaceous: 
 cro'wn brown : margin flcxuous. 
 Stannea, Shell ovate, filvery, with elevated flattened ftria; : crown 
 obtufr. Coppery: bottom with an oval bay mark: 
 margin flexuous. 
 Schraet. Einl. itt conch. 2. f, 489. ». 114. 
 Inhabits above an inch long. Shell fliining within, 
 Candidif. Shell fuborbicular, flriatc, white with a brownifh band 
 /''"*• dotted with brown, within grey with unequal rtri;e: 
 margin tranfverfely wrinkled. 
 Inhabit: ■ Schroet. n Litterat, ■^. p. 130. ». 254. 
 Cro-zy« obtufe, nearly central : bottom with a cretaceous fpatulate 
 0>ot- C. IFitv 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 C. ^ith a pointed recurved ftp or crowri. 
 •Hungari' Shell entire, conic, pointed, ftriate, with a hooked revolute 
 f'^' crown. 
 Dono'vafis Brit, faells, tab. 2 1 . 
 Pennant Erit. Zool. tv. tab. 90. fig. 1^7. , 
 Lipr^ tab. 544. f:g. 32, Bonan. Muf. Kirch, f. 23, 
 Gualt. tell. tab. 9. V V. Ginan, adr. 2. t. 3. /. 24. 
 Lejfer teli. fig. 85. Klein oftr. t. 8./, lO. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 2. R. Zoom. /. lo. f. 8. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 6. /a^. \6.ftg, 3. f'^ry? 2. ^ N. f. 3, 4. 
 £orn ind. Muf. Caf Vind. test, p. 414.. 'vign.f d. 
 Martini conch, l. tab. iz, fig. 107, 108. 
 Inhabits the American, Mediterrnnean and Afiatic feas. 
 Shell 2 inches high and as much broad, extremely thin and finely 
 ftriate longitudinally, fomctimes tranfverfely plaited or denti- 
 culate at the margin; generally whitifh with fhades of red; 
 within fmooth, white or reddifh, with a rofy bottom : fotne- 
 timcs found foffile, 
 Imbriceta, Shell entire, oblong, imbricate, the crown placed behind. 
 Patella antiquata, Gmelyn Syji. Nat. p. 3709. n, 90. 
 Inhabits— — Shell opake, white, with an ovate aperture, 
 ^Mammil" Shell entire, conic, ftriate, fubdiaphanous, with a reflected 
 ^'"'■f* fmooth crown. 
 Lifer, tab. '^'i,']. fg. IJ. Klein ostr. t. S.f. l. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. y.f^. 58, 59. 
 P. intorta. Pennant Brit. Zool. v. tab. 89. fg. 148 ? 
 Inhabits ftiores of the Mediterranean and Africa. 
 Shell folid, brown ftriate with white, with fometimes tranfverfe 
 yellowilh or white bands : cro^jun white. 
 7rieartnata Shell fubftriate, with 3 ribs on the fore-pait. 
 Schroet. n. Litterat. p. I'ji. f.%. a, b. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2 tab. ^.f. 2. 
 Inhabits ■z\ inches high and 3 long. 
 Shell fubovote, folid, dirty green, the margin a little denticulat?, 
 the infide fmooth : cro^n obtufe, cancellate at the hind-part. 
 PeQinata. Shell entire, ovate, with wrinkled (lightly branched ftrise : 
 crown nearly central, rcfleded and pointed. 
 Knorr Fergn. 6. tab. 2^. fig.g. 
 Schroet. Einl. tn conch, 2, tab. 5. f. 3. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: z inches long. 
 Shell opake, thin, cinereous, with numerous ftris of nwcqual 
 length; within fmooth varied withchefnut and lead-colour, 
 the bottom lead-colour ; croivn varied chcfnut and white. 
 Lute a. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 577 
 Lutta, Shell entire, oval, convex, flriate, with a fubmarginal re- 
 flefted mucronate crown. 
 Kumpf. Muf. tab. 40. T, Mart, conch, t- /. 17./. iS4j I 55« 
 Inhabits India: fize of a melon feed. 
 Shell fulvous : cro^-wn furrounded with a reddifh ring. 
 Cristata. Crown revolute : back crefted, carinate. 
 Inhabits S/W/comprefled, fragile, diaphanous, with nume- 
 rous tranfverfe grooves, and a very thin double membrane on 
 the back irregularly cut; border finuate ; aperture with an 
 acute dorfal angle. 
 * Lacustris, Shell very entire, oval, membranaceous, with a nearly 
 central mucronate reflecled (hell. 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 27. fig. I. Zoom. t. %.f. 1. 
 GiKan. op. poji. 2. tab. z. fig. 1 1. Geoffr. test. I. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. tab. 7. fig. 2, 3. 
 Inhabits frefh waters of Europe : 1 1 — z^ lines long. 
 Shell very thin and brittle, pellucid, white, above convex, be- 
 neath concave : croiuti with a very minute point : inhabitant 
 with 2 truncate concealed tentacula, furnifhed with eyes at 
 the interior angle. 
 *flu'viati- Shell very entire, oval, a little horny, with a marginal 
 mucronate crown : aperture oval. 
 Lister, tab. 141.//^-. 39. Anim.Ang. t. Z,f. 32. 
 Guah, test. tab. 4. A A. B B. Arg. conch, i. /. 27./. 1. 
 Martini Berl. Magaz. 4. tab. '] . fig. I. 
 S :hr at. fiuj conch, tab. $- f'g' ' — Z' 
 Inhabits rivers of Europe : z\ lines long: refembles the laft. 
 Shell hmtXe, pellucid, with only a few concentric llriae : point of 
 the cro^-r. rather obtufe, 
 C^eca, Shell entire with elevated dots and ftriate : crown acute* 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 1. tab. 12. fig. 1—3. 
 Inhabits bays ot Nor<way, on Itones. 
 Shell wWn^, with 60--80 ftrias : inhabitant white, ovate, without 
 the leaft appearance of eyes, 
 yirginea. Shell very entire, white with red bands. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I, tab. \Z. fig. ^, 5. 
 Iniiabits bays of AVova)', on l''uci. 
 Shell a\in\iis, with about iS bands and very minute concentric 
 llrias, within y.ellov/ifh ; inhabitant white, with a very broad 
 cl.t'ViUt flap or membrane and black eye$, 
 VOL. IV. — 4 t) Teffelata, 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84- Patella. 
 Ttjfelata. Shell very entire, whitifti teflTellate with red. 
 Muli, Zool Dan. I. tab, \z. fig. 6. 7. 
 Ola fit. lfi,tab. w.fig.w. 
 Inhabits Norway, on rocks and fuci. Shell very finely ftriate, 
 beneath dirty-yellow, within white (when frefh) : cronun ob- 
 tufe: inhabitant white with black eyes and dufky-white 
 fringed flap or membrane. 
 Fal-va. Shell very entire, orange, with a mucronate and nearly 
 vertical crown. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 1. tah. 1\. fig, 1-3. 
 Inhabits Norivay, on fuci ah-4 teftaceous fubftances. 
 Shell folid, fmooth, immaculate, with Ilri* hardly vifible with 
 the afliitance of a glafs : inhabitant white with a rounded head, 
 flat on the fore-part, cufpidate beneath each fide, sVith a 
 whicilh flap or membrane. 
 Suhfpiralit, Sliell ovate, with an obtufc fubfpiral tip. 
 Inhabits Nonmv, Mull, Zool. Dan. prodr, 2873, 
 Ambigua. Shell ovate, with a flightly toothed margin, and a fubacute 
 refle£led point. 
 Inhabits l^ur%vay. Mull. Zool, Dan. pro Jr. 2874, 
 Rubicmda, Shell very entire, fiibconic, fmoothiOi and reddilh. 
 Inhabits deeps of ijreenland: 2^ lines long. 
 5^f//fmoothi"i, with very fine crowded longitudinal ftriae on 
 the outfide : crcivn nearly central and turned forwards : aper- 
 ture oblong-orbicular : iuhahttant reddifti. 
 Borniana, Shrll ovate, very entire, with very fine longitudinal ftria?, 
 wite with red veins. 
 Inhabits HelbLng A8. Bohem. 4. tab. I. fg» 7. 
 i^^^// about 6 lines long, within glabrous. 
 Caiyptra. Shell entire, with fubintibricate ribs : crown hooked ; 
 margin fuuiate. 
 Chemn. iO.fig. 1643, lO^^. Martyn conch, i . /. 18. 
 Inhabits North America. Shell reddilh-brown, within white, 
 ftiadcd with reddifli and blueifii. 
 Melanoleu- Shell ftriate, very entire, alternately black and white, 
 t'l* Martini conch. \. tab. 7. fig. 56, 57. 
 2. Schrat. n, Litterat. 3. p 74. «. 142, 
 Inhabits Shell ^—i inch long : fr<3wa fometimes brownifh or 
 white : border often blueifh : bottom white, 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 PeSiunciiks Shell oblong, convex, with elevated nodulous ftria?, (lightly 
 toothed, within poliflied : crown curved forwards. 
 Martini conch, i . tab, I 2 , fig. 115,116. 
 Schroet.n. Littcrat. 3./-75— 77- «• I44--i49' 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vind. teft. tab. 18 fig 7. 
 Inhabits |--l inch long, snd very variable in colours; 
 the flriaj are of'en alternately larger and the protuberances are 
 fometimes elongated into fpines. 
 Fafciata, Shell ovate, white with a brown band, and elevated acute 
 ftrias: margin dilated, crenate and cinereous within. 
 Inhabits Schroet. v, Litterat. 3. p. yy. n, I 50. 
 ShfU about an inch long, the bottom varied whh brownifli and 
 Elegans, Shell with dcculTate ftris, white radiate with fed, denti- 
 culate: crown grey. 
 Inhabits Schroe'.n, Litterat: 3.^.78. n. 151. 
 SheU 2 inches long, with unequal llris and finer tranfvcrfe ones: 
 bottom with a fpatulate ivory I'pot. 
 Squamofai Shell with elevated flri.e tranfvcrfely undulate on the out- 
 fide, brown, filvery towards the margin: crovMi 
 bronzed, hooked. 
 Schroet. n. Litterat. 3./>.8l.^?. 155. 
 2. Knorr Vergn, 6. tab, 9. fig. I, 2. 
 3. Scbroet. n. Litterat 3./). 82. n. 157. 
 Inhabits 3-^ inert Siong: y/W/ within filvery ; margin pa"e 
 brown fpottca with white and cinereous on the outhde : rits 
 a.bout 38: cronxn obtufe. 
 Sjue/ida, Shell entire, brown, within wliitifh with a bUieifh bottom i 
 the margin blueilh riuliate with brown, with elevated 
 obfolete Itrii : crown knotty. 
 Inhabits Schroet. n. Litterat, 3.^. 83. n. 158. \\ inch long. 
 Crocea, Shell fmooth, fubangular, yellow radiate with brown: 
 crown obtufe, white: bottom with a fpatulate whit- 
 ilh fpot. 
 Inhabits Scbroet. Litterat 3. />. 83. n. 159. an inch long. 
 Candida. Shell ovate, fmooth, white both fides with a rofy belt on 
 the outfide. 
 Scbroet. Eml. m conch 2. tab 6, fig. 6. 
 Inhabits Shell \ an incti lung, with a lateral crown. 
580 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Trigona, Shell comprefTed, convex in the middle, cancellatc, white 
 with a brownifli band on the outfide and margin 
 within: crown marginal, obtufe. 
 Schrccf. K. Litterat. 3. p. 84. fig. 6. 
 Inhabits Shell ioWd, | an inch long. 
 Shell rounded, convex, thin, fmooth, whitifh with reddlfh 
 fpots: crown very obtufe, white, marginal. 
 Schroet.n. Lttierat.'^. p. 84. n. 162. 
 Inhabits Ferroe IJland ; | inch long, very entire. 
 Shell ovate, thin, pellucid, with very fine crowded ftria:, 
 chefnut with white fcales, within milk-white with a 
 brown fpot at the bottom : crown with an azure fpot. 
 • Lister, tab. ^2,0. fgi 8. Mart, conch. \. t. r2,/. 114. 
 Inhabits Tranquebar. 
 Ferverfa. Shell oblong, horny, Very thin, pellucid, glabrous, with a 
 ferruginous bafc. " ' 
 Jdanf. feneg. I. tab. 2. fig. 2. 
 Martini conch. I, tab. 12. fig. 114. A, B. 
 Inhabits yl/r/V«. Point of the ^ro^i;* recurved towards the hind- 
 parts of the fnaiL 
 Cernua, Shell with decuflate grooves, thin, pale flelh-colour, with 
 ■ "' an oblong aperture. • 
 Inhabits-t-^— Af^»/r/'. Naturf, 1 8. tab. z.fig. 9. & 9. a. 
 Incurva. Shell entirely white, flat: point of the crown twifted. 
 Inhabits--- — —Meufch, Naturf. i3. tab. z. fig. 10. & 10. b. 
 Interrupta. Shell oval, deprelTed, glabrous, brownlfn with green dots 
 difpofed in obliijue interrupted rays: crown with an 
 obtiife hook. • ':'■,- ■ ' "' 
 Schroct. Einl. in conch. 2. p. 490. n. i 16, x 17. 
 Inhabits— — -about an inch long. »S7W/ liver-colour or brown- 
 •' ilh with a few black 'dots among the green ones, within dirty 
 grey or pale olive j the bottom liver-colour, fometimcs lur- 
 rounded with a grey band, 
 D. Very entire, and not pointed at the tip or croivn. 
 Afra. Shell conic, flriate, grecnifli or pale brown, within white: 
 crown glabrous, white, obtufe, central : margin 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Adanf. feneg. 1. tab. 2. fig. 4. Gualt, tefiy t,^tf» 10. 
 Martini conch, 1. tab.c). Jig. 34. , • i 
 Inhabits the IJland Gorie, 
 Shell conic, "v^hite with brown rays marked with ftri?; 
 granulate with black: crown acute^ not radiate, and 
 furroUnded with a chefniit ring. • '■ 
 Gualt. te/t. tah. 8. N. tab. 9. A. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. 5. fig. 3;. a, b. 
 2. Gualt. tab. 8. M. Martini conch. \. t. ^. f. 36. a, b. 
 3. Gualt. tab. 8. P. Martini, x. tab. 6. /. 43. a, b. 
 Inhabits Portugal, on the fea rocks: very fmall. 
 Crown and Bottom of t\it Jhell fpotted with yellow: 2) cro\yq 
 and bottom immaculate, and the rays alternately white and 
 Shell rounded, convex, grey with deciifTate ftrias: crown 
 pointed, central and marked with 12 orange radiate 
 lines: bottom horny. .,, '."'v. 
 Inhabits Jamaica. Martini conch, I. tab. ^•fig'ZJ'' 
 Shell pyramidal, reddifli-grey, with very thin circular ftriae 
 crolTed by longitudinal ones: crown violet. 
 Argen'u. conch, tab, 2. A. Mart, conch. I. t.^. f,/^\. 
 Inhabits— ——refemblcs P. magellanica, but, is more depreHed 
 and broader at the bafe, and is dividedinto fmall triangular 
 departments by the croffing of the ftrise : longitudinal llria 
 about 12, ^ 
 flammca. Shell ovate, with very fine annulate ftriae,- reddifli-grey with 
 undulate browii rays: crown acute, central, white in 
 the middle. 
 yirgenu. conch, tab. 2. Q. Mart, conch, I. /. ^.f. 42. 
 Inhabits — ■ ^hell with a brown patch at the bottom, 
 Indica^ Shell reddifli-grey with radiate ftria:, glabrous, narrower 
 on one fide: crown acute, fmooth, furrounded with a 
 reddidi ring. 
 Gualt. te/t. tab. 8. E. Mart, conch. 1 . /. 7./. 49. 
 Inhabits Indioy 3! inches long : refembles P. ruftica, 
 Surinam' Shell thick, fubovate, yellowifh with black rays and longi- 
 ^"f"' tudinal luiequal ftrix, and furrounded with knotty 
 belts : crown obtufe, fmooth, white. 
 Martini conch. 1. tab, "J'fig, 50. 
 Inhabits Surinam. 
1^9 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Viteliina^ Shell ovate, yellow, with an unequally ftriate bafe, and 
 obtufe whitifh crown. 
 Inhabits -Knorr Fergn. l.*ab. 20, /g,, 2. 
 Mar;ini conch, I . tab."], figs 51, 
 S4»guino' Shell ovate^ convex, white, folid, with intermixed capillary 
 lenta, and flexuous elevated longitudiiial itriaa : crowji fur- 
 rounded with a broad ring dotted with red. 
 Lifter, /^3. 537 fig, 18. Mart, conch, i.tab, 7,/. 52, 
 2. Martini couch. I. tab. 7. ftg. 53. 
 Inhabits Africa. Crown lateral ; bottom often yellowifh. 
 laevigata. Shell ovate, yellow, within blueifh-white, with flattened 
 alternately thicker and thinner oblique ftriae : crown 
 white, fmooth, polifhcd. 
 Inhabits -Martini conch, l.tab. J. fig- 54- 
 $hell varied vyitb yellow »nd brown at the bottom. 
 Punaulata. Shell rounded, white with many-coloured dots, radiate to- 
 wards the bafe, and furrounded with 2 brown rings, 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. kirch. r. fg. 7. 
 Martini conch. I. tab.-], fig. 55. 
 Inhabitsr -Croixn furrounded witka few brown lines. 
 'i'i'tei'tf.^Shdl^fer^ entire, obOva^e, gibbous, pellucid, with 4 blue 
 "'"■;'-■'' ; rays.:"; 
 Do7iovan*s Brit, fhells, 1. tab. 3. 
 Da Coda Brit. Conch, tab. i.f. 4. Conch, tab. I./. 5, O. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab- go. fig. 1 50. 
 Lider, tab. 543 f. 27. Anim. A»gL app. tab. 2./. 10. 
 Borlafe Cornnually tab. 28. fig. I. 
 Petiv, Gaz. tab. 75./ 3. ^"orr Fergn. 6. tab. 28./. 6. 
 Walch h'aturf. 10. tab. I.f. 7, 
 Born.Mtif. Caf Find. teft. tab. iS.fig.g. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab, \6%.fig 1620, ttzi, 
 2. Hslblingabh. Bchem. A^. tab. \»fg- 8. 
 3. P. Ixvis. Pennant, tab qo. fig. 151. an old Ihell. 
 Inhabits European arid Northern /eas : fize of a walnut. 
 Shell tranfparcnt and horny, with 4—5 rays of blue dots, the 
 older ones thicker and irregular at the margin. 
 lefludinaria Shell very entire, acute, fmooth, glabrous. 
 Liiter, tab. 531. Arg. conch, tab. 2. P. 
 Bonan Muf ktrch. \>fig' 3'. Gualt. test, tab, 8. B. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 40. A. Martini. I. tab. d. fig. 45—48, 
 Knorr Fergn, \. tab. Z\.fig- I. & 3. /. 30. f. 2 — 5. 
 Walch Naturf. 8. tab. ^.fg. 2, 3. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Inhabits the Indian and North fcasy in numerous varieties. 
 Shell generally ferruginous with chefnut and yellow rays and 
 fpots, and very fine longitudinal ftriae crofTed by very thin 
 circular ones, within filvery ; or white with fquare brown or 
 cinerrous fpots forming rays ; within filvery with the bottom 
 brown, and the margin fpotted with brown. 
 Testudina- Shell very entire, ovate, ftriatc. 
 ^^« Chemn. conch. lO. tah, l68. €g. 1614, 1615. 
 Fwvann. conch, i. tah. \. Jig. Q. 2. 
 Kammer Rudolji.cmch, tab. 2. J\g. 4,5, 
 2. Crown obtufe and nearly central. Mull. Dan. 2875. 
 Inhabits Greenland feasy among Fuci ; 14 lines long. 
 Shell narrower forwards and greenifh, beneath violet or white 
 varied with fquare or undulate chefnut fpots ; within white : 
 inhabitant with a rich green difk and whitifh border, the 
 other parts white. 
 Comprejfa, Shell very entire, oval, oblong, (Iriate, fmooth, compreflcd 
 on the back. 
 Lister, tab. 541. Wakb Naiurf. 8. tab. 4. fig. \. 
 Bonan Muf. kirch. I. fg. 21 . Knorr Vergn. 6. t. 28. f. 1, 
 Martini conch, l. tah, 12. fg. 1 06. 
 2. Knorr Vergn. 2. tab, 26. Jig. 4* 
 3, Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. ^. 492. n. I zz. 
 Inhabits India : 4 inches long. 
 6'^^// thin, yellow, chefnut, cinereous or whiiifh, fometimes 
 fpotted, with broad flattifli ftria;, and hardy vifible tranfrerfc 
 Hustica, Shell very entire, conic, with 50 obtufe ftriae. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. $-Jg. 4. 
 Inhabits ■ ■ fometimes above 3^ inches long. 
 Shell whitifh, with often brownifti or chefnut bands; narrower 
 behind : crown nearer the hind*margin. 
 fujca. Shell very entire, ovate, obtufe, with elevated ftrije. 
 Inhabits Shell {uhcoxiic, blackilh-grey with about 39 cine- 
 reous filiform litix : cro-zvn nearly central, fomewhat obtufe 
 and often Airrounded with a band. 
 Notata- Shell entire, ftriate, with a fubmucronate ere6l crown, 
 within white, with a black heart-lhaped fpot white in 
 the middle. 
 Da Cojia Conchol. tah. J. _/f^. I . 
 Schroet. Evil, in conch, 2, tab. 5. fg. 5. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Kammer Rudolft.p. 13. tab. 2, Jig. 3, 7. 
 Cbemn conch. lO. /. 324, 'vign. 25. /. C, D/ 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, Shell minute, thin, oval, often 
 cinereous, with very fine elevated and finely granulate un- 
 equal black or brown ftris : cronun furrounded with a blackifh 
 ring: internal margin very finely crenate and fpotted with 
 black or brown, the bottom with fometimes a fpatulate fpot. 
 Shell very entire, oval, fubconvex, brown with a white 
 Schroet. EinJ. in conch, 2. tab. 5, fig. 6. 
 Inhabit? Shell ihowx. an inch long and I broad, thin, fmooth, 
 narrower behind, within milk-white, the bottom brown :. 
 crowuH coloured. 
 Reticulata. Shell entire, conic, comprefTed, with reticulate veins. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. S'fS' 7* j • i. 
 Inhabits Shell milk-white, much narrower behind, with 
 elevated decuffate ftrise : crown nearly central and obtufe. 
 Deaurata, Shell oval, entire, appearing as if gilt, within filvery, with 
 fomewhat inibricate ftriae : margin with plaited teeth. 
 Chemn, conch. 10. tab. 168. Jig. l6l6. a,b. 
 Martyn ConchoU 2. tab.S^i 
 N. Danz. abh. l. tab. 3. fg, II. A, B. 
 Fanjann. conch. 1. tab. i.f.D. I. tab. 3./,D. 3. 
 Inhabits the Jlraits 0/ Magellan and Falkland I/lands it 
 Shell with white rays on ^e ouilide : crown gilt. 
 Shell oval, entire, ftriate, black-brown radiate with white, 
 within filvery. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 168,/^. 1617. 
 Inhabits Friendly //lands and New Zealand. 
 Shell with decufl'ate ftriae ; crown and bottom white. 
 Shell entire, oval, pellucid, depreffed, ftriate, horny, radiate 
 with black fpots. 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. i68.y, 1618. 
 Inhabits New Zealand. Shell a little filvery within : crownyt\v\ 
 a yellowifh margin. 
 round! fh, the infide fomewhat filvery, the outfide 
 with reddifh ftreaks and a yellowifh border^ 
 Chemn. conch. 10. tab. 168, fg. 1619. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American feas . 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. PateTIaV 585 
 UTTthfllatai Shell entire, roundifh, diaphanous, deprelled, with yet- 
 Jowifh rays within : crown pale yellow : margin 
 very acute. 
 Da Coda Com hoi. tab.x.fig. 5, ^ 5./. 5. 
 Mufs. lefi. tab. b. fig. 5*. Favdn. conch, u /. 3. H. 
 Chemti, conch. \o. tab. l6(). fg. 1 645, 1 646. 
 DanjiL catal. raij, tab. z.fig. A» 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : 4 inches 3 lines long. 
 She/l rough with raifed dots on the infide ; the margin rarely 
 Ptutulaia, Shell thin, oval,' deprefled, radiate, white dotted with red, 
 within fmooth. 
 iJelbllngabh. Bohem. Af.tah- I./, iz. 
 , Inhabits Shell 6 lines long. 
 Symmetrica Shell ovate, conic, folid, bfowri divided into partions b/ 
 perpendicular white lines, within fmooth, white: 
 margin cut archwife. 
 Helbling abh. Bohem. 4. tab, I. fig.\ 3, 14. 
 Irthabits; — -6 lines long. 
 Shell with perpendicular lines of different fizes : crovtn central: 
 internal »7«rg/« varied with alternate white and biOWndotSi 
 Citfina, Shell ovate, convex, with very fine decuflate (Irias, white 
 with 2 broad yellow bands, within whitilh with a' 
 milk-white bottom: crov/n brownilh. 
 Kammtr conch. Rudolf], tab, 2. fig. 6. 
 Inhabits— —Si'f// folid, an inch and 10 lines long. 
 Capensis. Shell oval' with decurtate ft'rix, the longitudinal ones alter- 
 nately brown and white, within fomewhat perlaceous 
 with a white bottom. 
 AtgenV. conch, lab. 10. fig. O, 
 Kammer conch, Rudofji. tab. z.fig. I, i- 
 Jnhsihns the Cape 0/ Good Hope: i{- inch long. 
 Shell fmooth within ; the brown Itrise are broaddr, about 9-11, 
 and violet within, the white ones yellow within. 
 Jnotnaia. Shell coarfc, browii, orbicular, with a fubmarginal crown. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. taL 5. fig. t — 7. 
 Inhabits the deeps of the Norvuay feat, on rocks and dead tsila- 
 ceous lUibftances; probably not of this Genus. 
 Shell mmMic, rough with very fine raifcd dots,fomctimes cinere- 
 ous, beneath blue : inhabitant confifting cf 2 reddiftl tough 
 twifted mafics fringed down the whoie length, the fringes 
 VOL. IV. — 4 R com. 
58&7. WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 eompofed of crowded yellow rigid crifp hairs united to the 
 reft of the body by a blue tendon ; ovaries^ branched orange ; 
 eggs globular. 
 Guttata, Shell very finely ftriate and varied with dots of different 
 colours: bottom duflcy. 
 Schrtct. Einl. in conch. 2 tab. 6, fig. 2, 3. 
 Inhabits — '■ — 1 J an inch long : refembles P. comprefTa: 
 tS-^i?// generally cinereous, wyth fc-metimes a peach-colour bloom, 
 or Hver-coloiir variegated with white, wiih green and white 
 dots mollly difpofed in rays or rows, and generally with 2 or 
 3 darker bands or belts ; fometimes marked with decuilate ftrijcv 
 Mytilifor- Shell glabrous, lead-colour, v^'ith a white horfe-flioe fhaped 
 ^'•^* band within. 
 Schrat.-Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 6; Jig. 5. 
 Inhabits Fe^roe IJlatid, adhering to Zoophytes. 
 Shell about \, of an inch long, refembling a Mytilus, darker from 
 the back to the crown ; the bottom paler. 
 Scuti/ormis Shell oval, thin, black with white perpendicular flattened 
 Sch.rcct. n. Litter at. 3./. 103. n. 199— 20 1. 
 Inhabits Shell not an inch long, whitifh within ; rarely 
 cbefnut : cioiKin generally grey : bottom with a brownilh fpot. 
 Cochlear. Shell v^'hite, flattifh, one part narrow, caniculate within 
 with a blueifh callus Ihaped like a horfe-fhoe, the 
 other part rounded. 
 Knorr Vergn. 2. tab. lb. fig 3. 
 2. Schraet. n. Litterat. 3.^. 105 — 107, n. 204--207. 
 3. Born. Muf. Corf. Find. teR. tab. \'i.ftg.Z' 
 Inhabits ■■ Shell 1 — 2 inches long, fometimes folid, often 
 tranfverfely barred and ftriate, the interftices of the ftriae 
 chefnut ; the margin often ftriate on the outfide. 
 Craticulata Shell oval, thin, deprelTed, cancellate, radiate. 
 Schra't. zz, Litterat. 3. ^ III. ». 216—220, 
 Inhabits Shell i-- 1~ of an inch long, generally hoary within 
 white, with chefnut or reddifh-grey or red or yellowilh- 
 brown or alternately red and white rays, and fometimes Z 
 darker tranfverfe bands : cro^vn grey, cinereous, ochraccous or 
 white, fometimes dotted with red : bottom moflly white. 
 Cruentata* Shell oval, a little convex, varied with red and (lightly 
 toothed, with elevated unequal rough llrtx. 
 Schroet, n, Litterat. i^ p. 113, «. 221—225. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 •Shell I "2 inches long, cinereous or white with 
 rnixed white cinereous and brown fpots and dots fomttimej 
 dilpolcd in a lore of crown-Iike fhape : croivn and bottom 
 white, the border of the latter Ibnietimes fpottcd with black 
 ox cinereous. 
 Papyracea^ Shell depreffed, tliin, hyaline dotted wiih red, with chefinit 
 jays outwardly, and crowded thinner and j^ranuiaie 
 thicker llrix. 
 ^chrctt. Einl. in conch. 2. tab 5- >%• 12. 
 Inhabits Shell zn inch long : crowi^n obtuie, 
 CylinJricet. Shell oval, flat, with crowded longitudinal ilria- of unequal 
 thickncfs and all granulate. 
 Schrat, Einl. ill conch. 2. tab. 5. fig. 13. 
 2. Schrcef. EinL in conch. 2 p. 487. «. 108. 
 3. Schrat. n.litterat. 2,, p^l\Z--\lz. n 229, 230. 232. 
 Inhabits ^hcll about an inch long and as much wide, va- 
 ried with r.'d and whice with a chefnut crown, within white 
 \vich the bottom cinereour ; or marked with rofy Ipots and 
 rays, within wliite and red, with a white crown ; or white 
 with reddifh Ipots, dots and rajs, the crown and bottom milk- 
 white, the former h;rroundcd with a crown I'potted with 
 brown; or white with crowded red dots, the tip furrounded 
 wirh a brown coronet; or pale yellow with chefnut i'pots, and 
 yeliowilh crown and bottom. 
 Decujfutat Shell fomewhat convex, white with crowded red dots, 
 within radiate with red and white, with deculfate 
 glabrous ftriae and a few longitudinal thicker while ones. 
 Inhabits Schrat. ». Litterut. 3. p. 119. n. 231. 
 Shell \\ inch long: crm\:n obiufe, white; bottom with a whitifh 
 fpatulate fpot. 
 Hamato- Shell thin, depreifed, white dotted with red, within brown- 
 itiHa, ifhj fpotted, itriate : crown varied wiiii cinereous and 
 Inhabits Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. ^. Jig. II. 
 Shell nea.r an inch long, with a grey-telbceouslpot at the bouoni. 
 AjieToidis„ Shell flattifli, cancellate, cinereous with a chefnut liar and 
 rays towards the mart;in : crown fniooth, grey fur- 
 rounded with brown dots. 
 Inhabits Schrcvt. n. Litterut. 3. p; 121. n 235. 
 Shell iW\a, an inch long, with a leilaceous bottom, ' 
 4 E 2 
588 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Oralis. Shell oval, fomewhat convex, thin, with crowded ftriae, 
 grey with blackifli rays and fpots. 
 Inhabits Schroet, EinL in conch. 2. tab, 5. fig. lO. 
 Shell hear an ineh long : cronvn obtufe, yellowHh furroundcd 
 with a band of white dots : hottbm cinereous furroundcd with 
 a white band. 
 Rubella, Shell a little convex, (Iriate, reddifli: crown whitifh fppt- 
 ted with red: bottom whitifli." 
 Inhabit! Schroet. n: Litterat. "J,, p. 122. n. 238, 239. 
 Shell above half an inch long, fometimes thicker or thinner. 
 Sfe^abilis. .Shell fl^ttifh, a littie wrinkled, flriate, reddifti-white wit]> 
 a chefnut band towards the crown and another bay one 
 at the margii). 
 Inhabits Schroet. n. Litterat. 3. />. J24. n. 241. 
 6h/ll 3 inches long, with about 18 larger ftrise and numerous 
 leffer ones between them : croivn flat, cinereous : bottom with 
 a fpatulate white fpot furroundcd with a cinereous and a red- 
 difh border. . 
 Cfffi/purca- Shell foHd, flaitifh, Ibiate, black y/ith cinereous dots, withi^ 
 ^^ blueifh: crown dirty-yellow". 
 Inhabits — —Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. p. 497. n, 133. 
 Shell near 2 inches long, narrower on one fide, with flattened 
 Ilriae : interna] margin filvery : bottom with an oval liver-colour 
 fpot furroundcd with a white horfe-fhoe fhaped band. 
 Melanostic- Shell folid, flattiOi, (l/i.-te, whitifli wiih cinereous rays and 
 ''*• black dots, within blueifh : crown a little pointed and 
 Schroet. Etnl. in conch. 2. tcib. 6. fg. g. 
 Inhabits refembles P. confpurcata, but is lefs and fubpel- 
 lucid, and the black dots are dlfpcifed in 5 or 6 belts: bottom 
 l(|ualid furroundcd with a horfe-fhoe- fliaped grey band. 
 Jtra. Shell black, ftriate, with a paler crown: bottom with a 
 brownifli mark furroundcd with a white horfe-fhoe- 
 Ihaped band. 
 Inhabits Schroet. n, Litterat: ^. p. 129. «. 251. 
 Shell li inch long: cro-xvn white or variegated brownifli and 
 ftraw-colour: internal margi'h cinereous or blue :■ bottom with 
 a brown or variegated whi-te and browni/h fpatulate fpot. 
 Specularis. Shell oval, convex, foHd, glabro-js, liver-colour, within and 
 the crown brownifli, the latter furroundcd with a white 
 border and iRterrupted brownifli band. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Inhabits Schvoet. n. Litterat, 3. p. 129. ». 252. 
 Spot at the bottom furrounded with a cretaceous horfe-flioe- 
 fliapcd band. 
 Canefcem, Shell oval, black, within blueifh, ftriate, the larger ftrias 
 flattened and grey: crown obtufe, brownifli with a 
 whitifh area- 
 Inhabits— —5'<:/>ro<'/. ;;. Litterat, %> p. 131. «. 255. 
 Shell above 2 inches long : bottom with an oval brownilh patch : 
 »jar^/« a iittle crenatc. 
 prefcens. Shell oblong, flattlfli, dilated each (;de and ftriate, olivaceous 
 radiate and fpotted with white, within blue. 
 Inhabits Schroet. Einl, in conch . 2^ tab. d.Jig. 8. 
 Shell \\ inch long, narrower on one fide, wich longitudinal 
 equal fi"? and fewer narrower ones : croiun obtufe, with, a 
 yellow liver-colour fpot: bottom with a fpatulate orange fpot 
 bordered with whitifh. 
 Bulla, Shell rounded, convex, longitudinally ftriate and tranfverfely 
 wrinkled, brownilh, within rulFet-brown with whitilh 
 and brownifh rays, and 2 milk-white bands above. 
 Inhabits Schroet. Litterat, 3.^. 132. n. 257. 
 Shell i\ inch long, with unequal ftriae : croavn a little pointed 
 and whitilh : fpot at the bottom varied with white and brown, 
 Revoluta. Shell fuboval, crenate, ftriate, ochraceous with red fpots 
 and rays, broader on one fide : margin revolute. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 6, fig. 7. 
 Inhabits an inch long, within white, with unequal ftriae, the 
 larger ones flattened : crown Ilraw-colour, 
 S^uamata. Shell ovate, convex, ftriate, the ftriae fcaly, varied with 
 whjte and black : crown neaily central, grey. 
 Inhabits ^Schroet. Einl. in conch, 2. tab. 6. fig. 4. 
 Shell an inch long, radiate with black on the narrower fide, with 
 very fine crowded longitudinal ttriae : bottom whitifh liver- 
 Teftacea. Shell ovate, very finely ftriate, teftaccous, with 3 tranfverfe 
 brownifh rings, within pale yellow with a whitifli 
 Inhabits Scbroet. n. Litterat' ■^. p. 135. k. 261. 
 Shell near an inch long, with an obtufe crown. 
 Capillaris. Shell ovate, thin, brown, with darker bands and paler ftrix, 
 within brownifh : crown and bottom white. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Inhabits Schrcci. n. Liiterat. 3./. I 36. «. 262.' 
 Shelly of an inch long, with very thin perpendicular ftris. 
 Shell ovate, narrower on one fide, very finely ftriate, blue- 
 iih, with a white band towards the margin and ano» 
 ther biueifh one: crown and margin white. 
 Inhabits- Schraet. «. Litltrat. 3. / 136, «. 263. 
 Shell |- cff an inch leng, with perpendicular ftrise, within white 
 with a yellowifb -brown band, and another white one fur- 
 rounding the yellow bottoin. 
 Shell ovate, flattlfh, ^riate, varied 'with yellowifh and 
 brown and dotted with green, within brown : crown 
 Schrcet. n, Litterat. 3. />, 137. n. 264. 
 Inhabits -Bhell liardly half an inch long. 
 Shell oval, fubconvex, unequally ftriate^ whitilh with a 
 few black lines reaching half-way : bottom with an 
 ochraceous fpatulate fpot. 
 Inhabits ^chroet. Einl. in conch. 2. p, 493. n. 124, 
 Shell near an inch long, within glofly-white. 
 Shell oval, fiattilh, folid, with a few black rays reaching 
 half-way: bottom with a fpatulate white fpot. 
 Inhabits Schrcet. «. litterat, 3. p. 138. n. 266. 
 Shell \ of an inch long, refembles the lall, but is not ftriate. 
 *Rotalis. Shell white, opake, fiat, round, with a regularly toothed 
 Kanmach. and Adapts Microfc, p, 635. tab. \\.fig. 9. 
 Fonnd At Sandnjoich : very minute and rare. 
 Shell ovate, convex, very finely ftriate and varied with 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. p. 493, «. 126. 
 2. Schroet. n. Litterat. 3, p. 1 38. n. 267. 
 3. SchrcEt. M, Litterat. ^. p. 139. n. 269. 
 Inhabits Shell near an inch long, with black dots, fpots and 
 bands varied with chefnut and brown ones. 
 Shell rounded, folid, glabrous, honey-colour, within while: 
 crown brownifh : margin fpotted with brown and 
 filvery within : bottom with a liver-colour fpatulate 
WORMS. TESTAC£A. 84. Patella. ^91 
 Schrat Einl. in conch, 2. ^. 403. ». laj. 
 Inhabits Shell above | of an inch long. 
 Anceps* Shell folid, glabrous, a little pointed, pale chefnut, within 
 pale flefh-colour. 
 Inhabits— —5c^r^/. «. Litterat. 3./. 139. ». 271, 
 Guineen/is, Shell ovate, convex, very fmooth, one fide broader and 
 chefnut, the other with the crown pale yellow : 
 margin flefh-colour each fide. 
 SchrcEt. n. Liiterat. 3. p. 140. «. 272. 
 luliabits Guinea; near ^ of an inch long: rare. 
 Compkinata Shell deprefied-hcmifphxrical, obfoletely cancellafe, varied 
 with white and brownilh. 
 Inhabits Schraet. n. Litterat. 3./. 141. n. 274, 
 Shell minute, with a flattened crown, brownilh bottom, and the 
 margin white on one fide. 
 Vire^ata. Shell ovate, longitudinally firiate, whitifh with brown rays 
 and crown, within perlaceous. 
 Inhabits Born Muf. Caf.Vind. teft. 1. tab. 18./. 10. 
 Uinjea. Shell fubconrC; folid, glabrous, fnowy, with tranfverfe 
 concentric rings. 
 Inhabits Africa. Adans. feneg. i. tab. i»fg. 3. 
 Shell about 4 lines wide, with 7 or 8 rings and rounded crown: 
 Grifta, Shell oval with crowded radiate grooves, within polifhed; 
 crown nearly central. 
 Inhabits y^rzVfl. Adanf. feneg. i.tah.z.fg,^. 
 Shell nearly an inch long, when frefh generally grey or with a 
 call of green, fometimes whitifh or vinaccous with brown 
 bands j the grooves brown, and bottom whitifli. 
 Kavicula, Shell narrow with decuffate f^ria;, rofy with a whitidi 
 callous belt on one fide in the middle and whitilli 
 bottom ; margin revoluteeach fide. 
 Meufch. Naturf. I S. /. 9. tab. ^.f'g- 6- 
 2. Meufch. Naturf. 18./. 9, tab. 2. fig. 5. 
 Inhabits Shell in inch long, with a very acute margin, 
 Cingulata. Shell fuboval, obfoletely ftriate, ferruginous with 2 elevated 
 obfcurely barred belts: crown nearly central. 
 Meufih. Naturf. 18. p. 8. tab. z.f'^- 7. 
 Inhabits Margin revolute each fide. 
 ^ Faro a. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Shell clear whrte with undulate ftria5 narrow, the broader 
 fide with an acute callus, the narrower fide repand. 
 Meufch. Naturf. i8. /. lo. tab. 2. fig.S. 
 Inhabits — ^Shell i\ inch long: cronxjn turned towards thtf 
 narrower fide. 
 Shell fmall, entire, without glofs, whitilh faintly radiate 
 with red. 
 Donovarts Brii.Jhells, i. fali. 'i\.fig, 2, 
 Da Costa Brit. Conch, p. 7. «. 3. 
 Inhabits the De'vonjhire Coafis j very rare. 
 5,^^// rather larger than a pea, thin, femipellucid, ofadeprefled 
 conic fliane, whitilh with a few longitudinal rays of pale red 
 or purplifli-brown, within whitilh : crown inclining to one Iide» 
 E. With the crown or tip perforated. 
 Shell oval, conic, with reticulate ftriae, cleft on the fore- 
 part: crown recurved. 
 Dono<vai^s Brit, fnellsi i. tab. 3. fig. 2. 
 Da CoRa Brit. Conch, tab, i.f. 4. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 90. fig. 1^1. 
 Lister, tab. $^1' fg. 28- Pet. Gaz. tab. 75./. 2. 
 Mulli Zool. Dan, X . tab. 24. ftgt 7—9. 
 Born Muf. Gtef. Vind. te/t, tab. iS./g. 12. 
 Martini concb. i. tab. \z. fig, 1 09, HO. 
 Inhabits European and Barbary Coafis: fmall. 
 Shell coxixc, yellowilh-white, within white, fmooth : inhabitant 
 white with large black eyes and a cinereous flap fringed with 
 Fijfurella. Shell grooved and perforated on the fore-part : crown 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. I . tab. 24. fg. 4—6. 
 ln\iAh\ti Iceland feas, adhering to ftones : 3|- lines long. 
 Shell refembling the laft, but is not reticulate, grey, within 
 fmooth : inhabitant yellowifh. 
 Pufiula. Shell oval, gibbous-convex, with reticulate ftriae and cre- 
 nate margin. 
 Lister, tab. ^zS. fig. 3. Pet. Gaz. tab. 3,/. 12. 
 Da Coda Conchol. tab. J. fig, 12. 
 Chemni conch. 10. tab. 168. fig. 1632, 1633, 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2, tab, S'fig- 8, 
 2. Martini Befih. Naturf. 2, tab. 12. /C 4, 5. 
 Schrcet. n. Litterat. 3./- 173- tab. I, fig, 9. 
 3. Meufchtn Naturf . i8. tab. z. fig. 1, 
WOUMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 595 
 Inhabits th& Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian feas. 
 Shell white, perforated near the pofterior margin, with decuiTate 
 unequal radiate ftria:. 
 *Gfieca. Shell ovate, convex, reticulate, the margin crenulafe in- 
 DononjaJis Brit, fliells, i, tab, Zl, fg. 3. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool.'iw. tab. Sg,/g. 153, 
 Lister, tab. 527. Knorr Vergn, I. tab. 40./". 3. 
 Adanf.feneg. I . tab. z.fg. 7, Gualt, teji. tab. 9. N, 
 iovan recr. and Muf, kirch. i. fig.6. 
 ^4rgen-v. concht tab. 2. I. Klein ojlr. tab, %, f, 3. 
 Regenf. conch, i , tab. 2. Jig. 23. 
 Martini conch, l. tab, I l.j^jf. g-S— lOI. 1 04. 
 Inhabits European feas. ^'i'f// widci before, white, cinereous or 
 yellow, fpottcd, radiate or variegated, with elevated rough 
 ftriae tuberculate in the angles of leftion. 
 Nimboja. Shell Ovate, ftriate, rugged, brov/n, with an oblong. 
 Lifter, tab. 548. /jj. 4. Adanf. femeg, I. tab. 2,/. 6. 
 Column, aq. II. tab. iz.Jig. 3. Arg, conch % tab, 2. C. 
 Ginan. Adr, 2. tab. 2. fig' 19. 
 Bonan recr, & Mw/l kirch. l . ^Tg-. 3. 
 Guah. test, tab, 9. /7f. Q. R. S. T. 
 Martini conch, i. /a^. W.ftg. 91, 92. 
 Inhabits the Jlf^rfi'/^rr<zwfl« and ////fln/;c ; refembies the laft, but 
 is not reticulate. 
 ^hell about 2 inches long, white, grey or red, with fometimes 
 violet rays and clouded with green towards the bottom ; the 
 ftriae very fine, and fcaly or nodulous. 
 Nubecula, Shell fiibovate, nigged, white radiate with red, with an 
 ovate perforation. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : refembies P. nimbofa, but is lefs 
 and the bottom is browft. 
 Fi^a. Shell ovate, foHd, clouded, white and green with oblique 
 undulate alternate violet and white rays. 
 Davil. Catal. tab. 3. C- Mart conch. I. tab. 1 1./. 9c. 
 Inhabits the Straits of Magellan ; 35- inches long. 
 '$>hell furrounded with 6 doubled rings: croTxn with a roiind 
 Barbaien- Shell oblong, unequally ftriate, within fmooth, milk-white 
 Cu. with grcenilh bands : margin crenulate. 
 Lister, tab. 528./;^, 7. Mart:ni. i . tab. I l.f. 93. 96. 
 VOLIV. — 4F Inhabits 
^4 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 InhaBits Barbadoes, Shell grey or yellowifh-green fpotted or 
 radiate, the ftri* granulate or fcaly : perforation circular and 
 furrounded with a chclnut ring. 
 Jamaicen- Shell whitifh, tranfverfely annulate, with longitudinal 
 fis, ftrias covered with foliaccons tubercles which are larger 
 Lifier, tab. ^zi.fg.S. Martini, I. tab, 11./. 94. 
 2. Schrcet. n. Litterat. 3, p. 146. n. 282. 
 Inhabits Jamaica and Barbadoes : perforation oblong. 
 C'affra. Shell ovate, comprefled, ftriate, very finely annulate and 
 radiate with black : bottom milk-white : perforation 
 nearly central. 
 Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. Martin. I. tab. l\. /.<)$. 
 Shell cinereous or white, often green towards the crown. 
 Perforata. Shell a little convex, tranfverfely wrinkled, brownifli with 
 ftraw-colour rays and fpots, with longitudinal ftrise 
 alternately larger and fcaly. 
 Inhabits Martini conch, i^tab. W.fig.c^-]. 
 Shell i\ inch long, brownifh, with alternate white and greenilh 
 bands within : croiun paler, furrounded with a ftraw-colour 
 ring : margin flightly toothed and crenate within : bottom 
 ^ Porphyro' Shell oblong, comprelTed, unequally flriate, white with 5 
 zonias. purple interrupted belts, within greenifti-white. 
 Martini conch. I. rab. 12. fg, 102, 103, 
 2. Schrctt. n. Litterat. 3.^. 155. n. 299. 
 Inhabits North America. Perforation minute, orbicular and fur- 
 rounde|l on the infide with a red circle 
 Rofea. Shell very thinly ftriate, with alternate rofy and white 
 rays: perforation oval. 
 Lijferf tab. 529. Mart, conch. I. tab. \Z.f 1 05. 
 Inhabits 5^^// minute, white or brown, with fometimes a 
 tranfverfe rofy band, within often greenifh ; fometimes oblong, 
 comprefled, or rounded and convex ; perforation furrounded 
 with a jed ring on the infide. 
 Scutellum, Shell each fide repand, comprefTed : perforation radiate with 
 Meu/chen Naturf. \%. p. 11. tab. 2. fig. 2, J, 
 Schrttt. EinL in conch. 2. tab.d.fig, \\, 
 SchrsEtf n. Litterat. 3. tab. l./ig. 8. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Inhabits Shell i — 1| inch long ; fometimes marked with 
 more or lels elevated belts, with crowded longitudinal ftrias or 
 grooved ; yellowifh-white with narrow undulate violet or 
 cinereous rays, or half white and blue, or varied grey and 
 white, or white radiate with red grooves, or outwardly 
 marked with rofy rays, or entirely cinereous ; within ufually 
 Avellana, Shell thin, white, with very fine ftrix- : perforation oblong 
 and divided by a ligament. 
 Inhabits Meu/chen Naturf. 18. tab. z.Jig,\> 
 ?. Argen-v. conch, tab. 2. fig. E ? 
 Margin a little rcvolute each fide. 
 Spino/a^ Shell ovate, convex, white, with elevated ftrias growing 
 thicker towards the margin and marked with 4 rows 
 of tubercles, the exterior tubercles fpinous. 
 Inhabits Schrcet. Einl. tn conch. 2. tab. 6,/". iz. 
 Shell within whitifh : cronxn rofy : perforation oblong : inner- 
 margin crenate. 
 Denticula- Shell ovate, gibbous, whitifh radiate with brown, within 
 ta* green, with elevated fomewhat rugged alternately 
 larger ftriae : margin denticulate, crenate within. 
 Inhabits Schrctt. Einl. in conch, z.p. Jicj. ». 169. 
 Shell in inch long, with a parallelogiam perforation and white 
 Noduloja, Shell ovate, convex, with elevated nodulous ftrias crofling 
 thinner tranfverfe ones, within white: crown black. 
 Schrcet. Etnl. in conch. 2. p. 514. «. 170. 
 2. SchrcEt. n.Litteratt 3./1. 160. n 306. 
 Inhabits- Shell fometrmes grey with white ftrix, within 
 often marked with pale grey bands : margin repand. 
 Angufiat Shell depreffed, white, with elevated ftrias, every fourth of 
 which is larger: perforation very narrow and fur- 
 rounded with a chefnut band on the outfide, and a 
 green one within. 
 Schroet. Einl, in conch, 2. tab, d. fig* 13. 
 Inhabits Shell about | of an inch long, 
 Inaqitalis, Shell ovate, convex, with decuifate ftriae, white, fomething 
 triangular on the broader fide: perforation furrounded 
 with an elevated ring, round which is a red line. 
 Inhabits Schroet. Eml. in conch, 2. /, 5 1 4. «. 172. 
 Shell an inch long ; margin with a greenifli band within. 
 4 f 2 Minuta. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 • 1 
 Minuta. Shell oval, pyramidal, reddifh with 12 elevated white 
 ftrii : bbttprn white: perforation oval and nearly 
 central: margin denticulate. 
 Inhabits— — Schrcct. Einl. in conch. /. 5 1 5. ». 1 73. an inch long. 
 Confper/a. Shell ovate, convex, ftriate, yellowifh with red dots and 3 
 oblique rays: within fmooth, white. 
 Inhabits ^Schrtz't. Einl. tn'cpnch. 2, p. 515. ff. 174. 
 Shell not an inch Jong : croiun nearly central with a linear perfo^ 
 ration : margin entire, 
 Ruhe/csm. Shell oval, ftriate, reddifh with a white band in the middle, 
 within white: margin entire : perforation linear. 
 Inhabits-: Schroet.Einl. in conch. 2. />. 515. «. 175". 
 Shell near an inch long, thin : margin of the broader fide repand. 
 Sanguinea. Shell oval, thin, red, within greenifli-white, with longi- 
 tudinal' ftriae crofling finer tranfverfe ories which are 
 rugged outwardly. 
 Inhabits Schroet. Einl, in covch. 2. f. 516. n. 176. 
 Shell about half an inch long, narrow, with an entire margiji 
 ' and reddilh bottom. ■ ' 
 Vfntricofa. Shell oval, ventricofe, with decuflate red ftriae, within 
 white: crown deprelfed, ' with an brbichlar perfora- 
 tion : margin eutire. 
 Schroet. Einl. incovch. 2. iah 6. Jig.\^i, 
 Inhabits Shell nearly an inch long. 
 TrirrJiata. Shell oval, flatiifli, ftriate, white with 3 broyn rays, within 
 whitilh : perforation linear : margin entire. 
 Inhabits Schroet. Einl. in conch, z. tab. 6. fg. 16. 
 S/;>^//half an inch long, with a nearly central crown. 
 Tenuis, Shell oval, a little convex, pellucid, longitudinally ftriate, 
 white with 5 half-brown ray§, within yellowilh. 
 Inhabits Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2 '/>. ^\ 7. ». 1 79. 
 Shell not half an inch long: per/oration with a cinereous margin 
 dotted within. 
 Melnnozo- Shell convex, rofy with an interrupted black band and elc- 
 f,ias,~ ' vated unequal white ftrice : within Imooth, white:, 
 niargjn denticulate. 
 Inhabits -Schroet. «, Litter at. 3. /. 148. n. 286. 
 Shell \\ inch long, the larger flria; Icaly : crcn.vn pointed, v^ith an 
 orbicular perforation asd furrouhdcd within with an elevated 
 grey ring. Ejjujh. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 SJu/*** Shell convex, rofy with elevated nodulous white alternately 
 larger ftrix: perforation round and large. 
 Schrcrt. n, Litterat, 3./. 149. n. 287. 2) 288. 3) 289. 
 Inhabits -Shell 1 1 inch long : margin flightly crenate and 
 greeniih within, 
 Funicea, Shell convex, chefnut, with unequal crowded decufTate 
 ftriic, within fmobth with alternate green and white 
 bands: perforation round. 
 Schrcrt. n. Lttterat. 3, p. 150. n. 290. 2) 291. 
 Inhabits Shell zhove an inch long: perforation furtounded 
 with a chefnut ring, an elevated white one within : margin 
 Rufe/cens. Shell convex, white {haded with red, and here and there 
 ftriate wjth red, with granulate ftrias; witjiin fmooth, 
 Inhabits— —5f^r^/. «, Litterat. 3./, 151. w. 292. 
 Margin entire, tranfvcrfeiy ftriate : perforation oval. 
 Jiimdiata. Shell convex, above dear white cancellate, longitudinally 
 ftriate towards the margin with a rofy band. 
 Inhabits Schroet.n. Litterat. 3./. 152. «. 293. 
 Shell an inch long, within fmooth, white : margin nearly entire : 
 perforation orbicular, 
 LaSiea^ Shell convex, white, with unequal acute glabrous ftris, 
 within fmooth: crown rofy: perforation large, or- 
 Inhabits— —Sf>6ra?/, ». Litterat, 3. />. 152. «. 294. an inch long, 
 Fyramida- Shell convex, rofy, ftriate, with 12 fmooth ribs, within 
 Us, fmooth, greenilh-white. 
 Inhabits— —5fAr<E/. n, Litterat, 3. /. 153. n. 295. \\ inch long. 
 Bicokr. Shell narrow, alternately radiate with chefnut and white, 
 with unequial thick lamellate ftriae, within fmooth, 
 white: margin crcnulate 
 Inhabits '^chroet. n, Litterat. 3. f. 153. n. 295. 
 Shell 1 5 inch long, with an infiefted margin : perforation oblong. 
 Erjthroce. Shell Convex, white, with red lines outwardly and elevated 
 phalay rugged cor^trary ftrise, 10 of them larger : margin 
 repand, intiedled. 
 Inhabits Schrcet. n. Litterat. 3. f. 154. », 297. 
 Shell \\ inch long : croifin reddilh. 
 Verruca fa. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 84. Patella. 
 Vemicofa. Shell above brown, ftriate, terminated by a knotty belt, 
 beneath radiate with red, with acute nodulous ribs : 
 margin denticulate, repand. 
 Inhabits— —5rJ&rof/, ». Litterat. 3. f, 156. ». 300. 
 Shell \ of an inch long, a little convex, within fmooth, greenifh- 
 white ; ferforaticn orbicular. 
 Shell convex, with nodulous unequal ribs, the larger ones 
 yellowifh-brown, and marked with black dots difpofed 
 in interrupted circles, within greenifh-white : crown 
 Inhabits- Sckroet, n. Litterat. 5. tab, 1. fig. 7. 
 Margin repand, within entire grafs-green : perforation furrounded 
 withia with an elevated grafs-coiour ring and another browrn 
 ^hell a little convex, narrow, white with red lines, out-- 
 wardly fpotted with black, with elevated convex un- 
 equal ftriae : perforation oblong with a chefnut margin. 
 Inhabits Schtcet, n, Litterat. 3.^. 158. «. 1 03. 
 SMI ^ of an inch long, with a crenate margin: perforation ■w.'Csx 
 a reddilh ring within. 
 Cottdicam, Shell white, chefnut towards the margin, with 20 alter- 
 nately larger ribs : crown rcddilh with an oblong 
 Inhabits — —Schroet. ». Litterat. 3. ». 304. near an inch long. 
 Succinda, Shell ovate, pointed, white, above fmooth, with an elevated 
 belt in the middle, dotted with ferruginous towards 
 the margin, with elevated unequal fmooth ftrix : 
 margin denticulate. 
 Inhabits Sehaet. n. Litterat. 3./. 160. n. 307. 
 5i6r//^of an inch long; perforation narrow, orbicular, 
 Ptt/illa, Shell flattifh, white, fuborbicular, with 20 alternately lefs 
 and (horter elevated ftrias : perforation round and fur- 
 rounded each fide with a reddilh circle. 
 Inhabits Schroet. n. Litterat. 3./. l6l. n, 308, 
 Shell \ an inch long and broad. 
 Flavefcens. Shell Very thin, efFufe, pointed, finely ftriate, yellowilb 
 with 6 brown rays: margin denticulate: crown cine- 
 reous with an oblong perforation. 
 Inhabits— —5fi^o;/. w. Litterat. «. 315. | an inch long. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 85. Dentalium. 
 Jniiquata. Shell a little convex, obfoletely ftriate, white with red 
 ftriate rays on the outfide : perforation oblong, unequal. 
 Inhabits Schroet. n. Litterat, 3, p, 167. «. 319. 
 Shell an inch long, with an entire margin, 
 GaUata, Shell folid, ovate, comprefTed, within white : crown a little 
 recurved, obtufe with a linear perforation: margin 
 Helbltng Abh. Boh em, if p* 1 03. tah. I 'fig. 3, 4. 
 Inhabits ■ '■ Shell 6 lines long, ftriate : margin ochraceous 
 Per/ottata. Shell convex, with decuflate lines and black rays. 
 Martyn univ. conchol. 2. tab. 64. 
 Inhabits Falkland IJlandi, 
 85. DENTALIUM. Animal 2i Terebella: 
 Jhell univalve, tubular, ftraight or (lightly 
 curved, with undivided cavity open at 
 both ends. Tooth-JhelL 
 Elefhanti- Shell with 10 ribs, flightly curved, ftriate. 
 num. Sha^M Natur. Mifcel. vii. tab. 226. 
 Rumpj. Muf, tab. 41. I. Lifter, tab. 547,/. I. 
 ylrgenv, conch, tab 3. H. Zoom, tab, i.H. 
 FetvuyAmb. tab. \^.fig. 33. Ga%oph, tab. 13./". 9, 
 Bonan. rscr. l^ MuJ. Kirch. I. fig. 8, 
 Gualt, teft. tab. 10. I. Ginan. Adr. 2. tab. I./". I, 
 Knorr Vergn \. tab. 29. fig. 3. 
 Born Mu/. Caf. Vind. tefi. p. 430. ijign» 
 Martini conch. I. tab. X. fig. ^. A, 
 2, Argenv. conch, tab, 3. I, 
 Inhabits Indean and European feas : 4 inches long. 
 Shell green with darker bands, deeply grooved, the tip white r 
 within fmooth. 
 Aprinum^ Shell with 10 ribs, flightly curved, fmooth. 
 Martini conch, i . tab. 4. fig. B. 
 Inhabits Indian feas, and is probably a variety of the lad. 
 6'it^// white, deeply grooved, with 8—12 ribs, between which it 
 is cither very fmooth or very finely ftriate. 
 Arcuatum, Shell ribbed, curved, fabulate, of one colour. 
 Inhabits Gualt, tefi. tab. 10. A|. G. 
 Shell grcenifh, probably not a diftinA fpecies. 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 85. Dfentalium. 
 Striatulutit' Shell with 8 ribs and 8 ftrix, pointed, green tipt with wbite.< 
 Liflert tab. ^^7- Jig. I. the lower figure. 
 Martini conch, l. tab. l. Jig. j. B. 
 Inhabits the Sicilian feas ; jefembles D. elepharttinum, but is 
 longer and narrower, and the larger aperture is angular, the 
 fmaller very narrow tni round. 
 Sextngulum Shell with 6 ribs, ftriate. 
 Inhabits Schroet. EinU in cench. 2. /. 531. ». I2„ 
 Found foffile at Loretto. 
 Dentalis, Shell with 20 ftriae, flightly curved, interrupted. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab.^i. fig. 6. 
 Born. Muf. Caf. Vind. te(i. tab. 18. fig. 1 1. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Shell red or tipt with red, 
 Fafciatimt Shell very finely ftriate, flightly curved, grey with darker 
 J ilOv bands. 
 .' , "^ Inhabits 5'/«7y. Martini conch. \. tab. i. Jig. '^.'B, 
 Sheii minute, folid, about the thicknefs of a fcrow-quill, with 4 
 or 5 dull cinereous or brown bands. 
 Return, Shell ftraight, with doubled or tripled ftrias, and annulate. 
 Gua/t. teji. tab. 20. H. Martin. 1 . tab. I . /• 4. H. 
 Schroet. Ein. in Verji. tab. ^. fg. $. 
 Inhabits— ——refembles D. elephantinum, but is lefs acutCj and 
 the aperture is larger and more acute, and betides the longitu- 
 dinal ftrix, which are rarely tripled, is marked with annular 
 ones ; JJiell greenilh-white, or white^ or tcftaeeous with green 
 Fe^U. Shell roundifh, fontewhat obtufe, with very fine equal ftrise. 
 Schroet, Einl. in Verft, 4. tab. 3. fig. 7. 
 Found foffile near Loretto: refembles D. ftriatulum, but is not 
 angular, and lefs pointed. 
 Amtulatum. Shell round, obliquely ftriate. 
 Found foffile. Guettard Miner. Beluji. 4. tab. 5 . fig. 3 . 
 -Jiadula. Shell flightly curved, fomewhat obtufe, with decuirate 
 ftria?, the longitudinal ones granulate. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. p. 530. ». 9. 
 Found foffile in Piedmont: about an inch long. 
 hterruptum Shell with decufTate ftrias, all of them fmooth, the longi- 
 tudinal ftriK with finer interrupted ones. 
 Schroet. Einl, in conch. 2. p. 530. ». 10, 
 Found foffile in Piedmont. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 85. Dentaliuin. 
 Politum^ Shell round, (lightly curved, continued, with Very crowd- 
 ed annular ftrix. 
 Rumpf. Mu/. tab. 41. fig. 5. Gualt. tejl. tab. lo. F. 
 Martini conch. I. tab. I , fig. 3, A. 
 Inhabits Ltdian and European feas : i| inch long, 
 6"-6^//polinied, finely pointed, milk-white, rarely rofy with white 
 or green annular ftria:. 
 Ehurneutr* Shell round, (lightly Curved, Continued, with remote rings. 
 Fnhabits India: very much refembles D. entalis. 
 Shell white, fmooth, polifhed, with numerous convex annvrlar 
 *Entali.'i Shell round, (lightly curved, continued, fmobth'. 
 Donovatis Brit. JheHs, ii. tab. 48. 
 3a Cofia Brit. Conch. 2, tab. 10. 
 Pennant Brit, Zool. iv. tab, 90. fg. I 52. 
 Borlafe Cornivall, p. zyb, tab. z'i.f. 5, 
 Lister, tab. 547. f. 2. tab. 1056.^.4. 
 Argennj. concha tab. 3. K. /a3. 29,/". 2. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf. Kirch. 1 .y. 9. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. lo» E. Ginan. adr. tab, \.f. 2. 
 Knnrr Vergn. i. tab. 29./". 4. Martin. \, t. ^.f. Ij 2, 
 Inhabits Indian and European fhores : i| inch long. 
 Shell white, reddilh' or pale yellowifh, polifhed. with ilriae fo 
 very minute as hardly to be vifible without the affiftance of a' 
 Arietinutnm Shell round, ctirved, continued, fmooth. 
 Inhabits "^candina-via- Mull. Zool. Dan. predr, 2853. 
 Refembles the laft, but is more curved and hardly an eighth part 
 as large. 
 Comeum, Shell round, (lightly ciirved, interrupted, opakc. 
 Schroet. Einl.in conch. 2. tab. (>-fiig- 16. 
 lT)\i3.'b\ts x.\\c African Ocean : i^ inch long. 
 5i'<'// fmooth, horny, yellowilh-brown, with an obtufe rounded tip. 
 Kebulc/um, Shell curved, very fmooth, white, with fulvous clouds and 
 Inhabits Sicily; reft^mbles D. fafciatum, but is more curved, 
 longer and thinner. 
 feUucidum, Shell horny, flexile, (Iraightifh, round, fmooth. 
 Schroet. Eiiil. in conch. 2. tah. 6. fig. 17. 
 Inhabits the Kotth feas : z\ inches long. 
 ^htll horny or pale honey-colour, very narrow and thin, not 
 eticrvefcing with acids, 
 VOI.IV. — 4G Vitreum. 
 * Imperfo- 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 86. Serpula. 
 Shell hyaline, glabrous and (lightly curved. 
 Schroet. EinU in conch. 2. /. 53 1 . «. J I . 
 Found foffile in Piedmont : f of an inch long. 
 Shell {q\\^, thin, tapering gradually, 
 Shell round, ftraightifh, fmooth, minute. 
 Inhabits the Mediterraneatu Plane, conch, t. 2. f. 2. 
 Shell fo very minnte as not to be difcernable by the naked eye, 
 and refembling a fmall briftle or one of the fpines of aa Echinus. 
 Shell white, opake, tranfverfely ftriate, imperforate. 
 Kanmach. and Adams Micro/c. p. 63;. tab. 1 4./. 8* 
 Found at Sandwich ; not very common : minute. 
 86 SERPULA. ^/zma/ aTerebella: JJiell 
 univalve, tubular, generally adhering to 
 other fubftances; often leparated inter- 
 nally bv divilions at uncertain diltances. 
 Nautiloides Shell fiattifh, minute, confluent, verrucofe, fpiral, with 
 very thin femilunar internal divifions. 
 Schroet. n. Litterat. 3. tab. 3. f. 22, 23, 
 Inhabits Nor-wayfeas, adhering to the Madrepora prolifera, very 
 minnte, brownilh or vi?hite; of an uncertain figure, fometimes 
 rather oblong, fomecimes more orbicular: divilions parallel : 
 aperture \ery narrow. 
 Semilunum. Shell regular, oval, loofe, glabrous. 
 Guah. ten. tab. X./. S. Plane, conch, t. z.f. 1 1 
 Martini conch. \. tab. 3. f. 22. a,b- 
 Inhabits the Adriatic and Red/eas, and fometimes found foffile. 
 Shell \viTd.\y larger than a grain offand, white or yellowilh ; the 
 whor's prelTcd clofe together : aperture narrow, comprefled. 
 Planorbis. Shell orbicular, regular, flat, equal. 
 Found adhering to fhells. Fn./ucc. 2102, 
 Shell refembling a round fcalc, and when broken horizontally 
 exhibiting the appearance of a fpire in minute concentric 
 yiriUumi Shell regular, fpiral, orbicular, pellucid, with round gra- 
 dually decreafmg whorls 
 Plane, conch, tab. \ ./. 8. Ginan. adr.l. tab.Z. f. 7. 
 Martini conch, l . tab. 3./. 2C. C, D. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 86. Scrpula. 603 
 PaU% no-v: J^. Petrop 2. tab. i^.f.ii. Animal. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, on Zoophytes, Sertulariae and other marine 
 fubftances : refembles S. Ipirorbis, but is much lefs. 
 *Spirorbis. Shell regular, fpiral, orbicular, the whorls flightly canicu- 
 late above and inwardly, and growing gradually lefs 
 towards the centre. 
 Domt'aiis Brit.J).^ell5, i. tab. g. 
 Da Co Ha Brit. Conch, tab. 2. /. II. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv tab 91. fig. 155. 
 Lijier, tah.^t^^.f. 5. Ginan, adr. l. t. 2. f. 8. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3 tab. 86. fig. 1-6. 
 Petinj. Gaz. tab. 35./. 8. Gua/t. tell. tab. 10. O. 
 Klein tubul. tab. \.f.%. Bafter op. I. tab. 9, f. 3. 
 I^artin. conch. I. t.ab. 3, /". 21. A, B,0. 
 2. Cbemn conch. 9, tab. wd. f. 999. 
 Inhabits moft feas, adhering to Fuci and Zoophytes. 
 6''!'^// white, without polifh, not complicated, but dilpofed fingly 
 on the fubftances it is attached to : ^/^»-/ar^ circular. 
 *Triquetra Shell creeping, flexuous, triangular. 
 Gualt. teji, tab. lO. P. hiartin. I. tcib. 3 •/". 3S« 
 Ephetn. Ac. Nat. Cur. 1 72". /. 3 1 5, tab. i o. 
 Bajier opufc./ubf. i, tab. 9./. 2. A— C. 
 Sfroem. Acli Nidrof, ^, p. 53. tab. 2. f 14. 
 Siroem. ASi. Hafn. lO. />. 17. /a^. 6.y. 1—5. 
 j?or« Muf. C(r/. Vind. teji. tab. iS / 14. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, adhering to marine fubftances, ftonesand the 
 bottoms of ftiips, i--i inch long. 
 Shi// white, pellucid, irregularly twifted, carinate on the back, 
 fomeiimes denticulate, with a narrow circular aperture. 
 •Intricata, Shell filiform, rough, round, intricately twifted. 
 Pennant Brit. Zool. iv. tab. ()0. f. 157. 
 Gitettard Miner. Be/uji. 3. tab. d. f. 12,13. 
 Inhabits European and Indian feai, on fhells. 
 She// grccnifh-white, a litde rugged and coarfe. 
 Filogra- Shell capillary, fafciculate, in branched complications and 
 «^» cancellate. 
 Bocc. Muf. 21%. tab. z.f. 13. tab,-]./. 2. 
 AB, Petrop. -J. p. 374. tab. 16. /" 3. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab. lOO /. 8. 
 Guettard Miner. Beluft. 4. tab. 6.y, 14. 
 Schroet. Em/, in Verii, 4. tab. 2. f. I 2, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : ^ inches long, and forms a beauti- 
 ful kind of net-work. 
 4 G 2 Granulatai 
 WORMS. TESTACEA. 86. Scrpula. 
 Granuldta. Shell round, fpiral, glomerate, with 3 elevated ribs on the 
 upper fide. 
 Inhabits th&^Wth feas^ in large mafles, adhering to ftones, 
 Ihclls, Sec, Shell white, fize of a coriander feed, fubumbilicate. 
 •Centortu- Shell angular, rugged and irregularly entwined. 
 plicata. Pennant Bni. Zocl. iv. tab. 91./- 158. 
 Bonan recr, and Mvf. kirch. 1. fig. 20. G. 
 Argenv. conch, tab. 4. ^--^. Zoom. tab. i. L. 
 Martini conch. \. tab. 'i^fig- 24. A. 
 2. Argenv. conch, tab. 4. f. E. 
 Inhabits European and American feas; 3—4 inches long, and 
 fometimes as large as a goofe-quill ; Jhell white, cinereous or 
 yellowilh-brown, within fniooth, tranfverfely ftriate. 
 Glomerata. Shell round, glomerate, with decufTate wrinkles. 
 Adanf. fcneg- i. tab. z.f II, Argenni, conci>. tab, 4* G. 
 Bonan rec. ^ Mu/. kirch. 1. /. 20. E, ' 
 Gualt, test. tab. 10. T. Martin. 1. tab. 3. /^ 23. 
 Inhabits European and Atlantic feas, in large mafles. 
 Shell white, grey or browpilh, within fmooth. 
 Lumbrica- Shell round, flexuous, with a fpiral acute tip. 
 Pclythala • 
 Lister, tab. 548./". 1. Adanf . Jeneg, \,tab, \\. f. 
 Bonan Mvf. kirch. l.fig. 20. M. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab, 41. I. Gualt. test. tab. 10. Q^ V, 
 Ginan. adr. 2. tab. z.f. 1 4. Arg. conch, tab. 4. I. 
 Knorr Vergn. z.tab. 14./.!. & 4. tab. ij.f.z. 
 Martini conch. \. fab. 2. f. 12, B. tab. 3,/. 24. B, 
 2. Bonan recr. and Muf. kirch. i.f.zo. A } 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 41./. 4. Martin. I. tab. Z.f. 15, 
 3. Bcnaft recr. and Muf. kirch. I ./. 20. (^ ? 
 Knorr Vergn. \ . tab'. 29. /". 5 ? 
 Martini conch. I. /i?^. 2, f. \6. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic and Indian feas, in large mafles. 
 5/6^/i' 3"5 inches long, tranfverfely ribbed apd longitudinally 
 Shell round, diaphanous, fmooth, ftraightifli, with nurnerous 
 internal divifions. 
 Rumpf. Muf, tab. 41. D, E. Martin, l. tab. I. /'. 6. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian feas, under the fands, 
 6'^^// outwardly white, tranfverfely wrinkled and annulate, the 
 infide feparaced by imperforated convex and concave divifions, 
 making it appear as if it con filled of numerous united tubes. 
 Arenaria. Shell jointed, entire,diftind, flattifl} beneath. 
 Adanf. fneg. 1. tab. W.f. 5. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 86. Serpula. 60$ 
 Bonan recr. an J Muf. kirch. I . fig. 20. B, 
 Guait, teft. tab. 10. L. N. Jrg. conch, tab, 4. H. 
 Martini coach, i, tab. 'i- fg- i9' A, B, C. 
 2. Rumpf. Muf. tab. 41. h} Martin. \. tab. \.f, lO, E' 
 Inhabits India and Africa; is probably a Teredo, 
 Shell white with pale brown undulate rays, or whitifti ; the out* 
 lide cancellate, within fmooth: fpirally twifted ; ttriae about 
 100, fometimes nodulous. 
 'nguinal Shell roundilli, fublpiral, with a longitudinal jointed cleft. 
 Lister^ tab. 548. fig. 2. Rumpf. Muf tab. 41. H. z. 
 Bonaa recr, and Muj. kirch. I ,fig. 20. H ? 
 Guatt. teft, tab. 10. Z. Guett. Min. 4. tab. 5. f- 36. 
 £or/i Muf. Caf. Vind. teft. tab. \%, fig. \^. 
 Martini conch. \. tab. z. fig- 13. A, B, C. /. 14. 
 2. Lister^ tab. 1 05 6. fig. 3 ? Klein tubul. tab. I. / 3. 
 Seba Muf. 3 . tab. 94 ? Martin. 1 . tab. \. f. ^\\ 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: varies much in figure being round 
 or angular, more or Icfs flexuous, glabrous or rough, with the 
 joints of the cleft often obfolcte. 
 Vermicn' Shell round, tapering, curved, wrinkled. 
 laris. Shaiu Natur. Mifcel. viii. /a^. 283. 
 Ellis Corall. tab. ^S.fg. 2. Klein tub. tab i./. 1? 
 Inhabits the European feas : 2 — 3 inches long. 
 Shell whitifh, ending in an obtufe point : inhabitant bright fear- 
 let with elegantly feathered tentacula, from the midft of which 
 arifes a trumpct-fhaped tube and a lefTer fimple one, 
 VnzV, Shell round, ftraight, taper, with a dilated radiate larger 
 extremity, the di(k covered with cylindrical pores. 
 Shanv Natur. Mifcel. tab. l8S. 
 Da Cofta Elements ofConchol. p. 285. tab. z. fig 8. 
 Lider, tab. 548./^. 3. j1rgen-v. conch, tab. 3. G. 
 Bonan recr. and Muf kirch. I- fg% 38. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. \\. fig. 7. Valent, abh, tab. 10. f. 87. 
 Gualt. teft. tab. 10. M, Muf.Leef />. 3. n. ^,f. l. 
 Knorr l^ergn. 4. tab. zS.fg. I. & 6. tab. 40./". 1. 
 Martini conch, I tab. \. fig. 7. 
 Martini Befch. Bert. Naturf 2. tab. \\.f. l — 5. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: 3 — 5 inches long. 
 Shell wliite or cinereous with a faint fhade of red, fmoothifh, 
 tapering and open at the fmall end; the dilated margin at the 
 larger end terminating in numerous fmall tubes, the difk convex 
 and covered with round perforations with a longitudinal linear 
 one in the middle, 
 Echinala • 
6o6 WORMS. TESTACEA. 86. Serpu'a. 
 Echinata, Shell roundifli, flexuous, rofy, with numerous rows of 
 prickles, obtufe at the «nd. 
 Gualt. teji. tab, lO. R. Mnrt'mi, \, tab, Z.fig. 8. 
 Inhabits fize of a crow-quill : aperture margined. 
 Ocrea. Shell roundifli, ftriate, brown. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 41. K. Martini, 1. tab. i. f. 9. 
 Inhabits the Indian Occan^ affixed to Coral?. 
 Proten/a, Shell polifhed, fmoothifli, with annulate plaits, a little 
 tapering towards the end. 
 Rumpf. Muf. tab. 4 1 , K. Martini, i . tab. 2. f, I 2. A. 
 Inhabits Indian and American Teas : fize of a quill. 
 Shell ivory, \vhi:i(h or blueilh, either ftraight or panly bent. 
 Decujfata. ghell round with deculTate ftrias, flightly wrinkled, flexu- 
 ous, red, within fmooth, vvliite. 
 Inhabits Lijter, tab. ^x-j.fg.j^. Mart. I. tab. z.f. 17. 
 Probojcidea Shell fmooth, white, the broader part flraight and tranf- 
 verfcly plaited. 
 Inhabits Martini conch. I. tab. z.f g. 18. A, B. 
 Shell 2—4 inches long, white or footy-brown. 
 4'^'** Shell fubflriate, yelipwifti-brown, round, twilled into 3 
 whorls, with a central tip. 
 Inhabits Goree. Jdanf.fneg. i. tab. ii.fg.j^. A, B, 
 Martini conch, 1. tab. "^.fg, zo. A, B. 
 Cereolus. Shell round, fmooth, yellowilh, many times twifleJ. 
 Da'vil. Catal. raif. 1. tab. 4. fig. E. 
 Martini conch. 1 . tab. 1' fg. 20. E. 
 Inhabits America. Shell long, narrow. 
 Cornucopia Shell conic, fpirally twifted, yellowifli with brown bands, 
 the middle round and twilled: aperture orbicular. 
 Born Muf. Caf. Vind. teft lab. l^.f. \o, Ind, i.f,\, 2. 
 inhabits 5^^^// obtufe at the tip. 
 Goreen/js^ Shtll round, cancellate, yellow, within horny. 
 Adatif.feneg, I . /. 64. tab, 1 1 . fig. 3. 
 Inhabits Goree, fixed to tefticeous fubftances and wood: 8—9 
 inches long, with elevated ftrix, the longitudinal ones crowded. 
 Iniefiinalis. Shell triangular, twifteft, fragile, tuberculate, with hollow 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 86 Serpula. 
 Adanf.feneg- i. f. 166. tab. ii- fig' 6. 
 Inhabits Africa : 8—9 inches long. 
 <S'/v//whitini, fmgularly twilled, fubumbilicate, within glabrousi 
 Infundibu' Shell round, white, tranfverfely ftriate and thrice twifted, 
 ^««- the firft bend appearing as if compofed of 5 funnels 
 placed in each other. 
 Martini Befch. Berl. Naturf. 2. tab. 12. %• 1. 
 Inhabits the Indian Oceany fixed to ftones. 
 Shell cinereous, above convex, beneath flat, pyramidal and 
 many times twifted, the bends decreafing inwardly. 
 Spengler Be/ch. Naturf. 2. tab^ g, ^- fig' 3 — 5* 
 Spengler Catal. raif. tab. $'fg' 12 — 17. 
 Inhabitffthe Indian fea, adhering to teftaceous fubftances, about 
 an inch long ; open at the narrower end, fometimes ftraightilh 
 or a little bent. 
 Dtnticulata Shell white, round, fubulate, ftraight, toothed at the fides, 
 with a longitudinal glabrous rib in the middle; the tip 
 a little incurved, glabrous. 
 Schrat, Einl. in comh. 2. tab, 6,f, 18. 
 Found in the Lepas tintinnabalum : ^ of an inch long, 
 Melitsnfis. Shell roundilh, twifted, umbilicate, with decuflate ftria: 
 and longitudinal nodulous ribs, within fmooth with 
 numerous divifions. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conrh. z, tab, 6. f K^- 
 , Found foffile in Malta. The 2 fivft bends placed on each other. 
 Norwegica. Shell round, fmooth, incurved, with a nearly obfolete un- 
 dulate bafe: mouth obliquely truncate. 
 Inhabits Norivay, Ail. Nidr. 4. tab. z.f, \ 1 — 13. 
 PorreSla. Shell round, fmooth, polMhed, afcending in a flexuous 
 manner from the fpiral bafe. 
 Inhabits North feas. Mull.Ziol. Dan. prodr, 286c. 
 Shell refembling S. fpirillus, but is whiter, pellucid and not 
 rugged; inhabitant Ihort, with a red back and paler fides. 
 Fitrsa. Shell round, regular, fpiral, orbicular, pellucid, ftiining, 
 wrinkled, with a thickened aperture. 
 O. Fabr. fn Groenl. p, 382. «. 378. 
 Inhabits Greenland leas, on Scrtulariae, Fuci, ftones and other 
 marine fubftances ; rcfembles S. glomcrata: Jhell thick, umbi- 
 licate, nut a line in diameter, foniecimes reddiih. 
 \VORMS. TESTACEA. 86'. Sei'pula. 
 Cancellata. Shell fpiral, glomerate, with 3 grooves, the lower groove 
 interrupted by tranfverfe ribs. 
 O. Fabr.fn. Groenl, />. 383. «. 379. 
 Inhabits Greenland Jeas i refembles S. granulata- 
 SheJ/ white, grey or greenifli : aperture 2-toothed. 
 SieUaris. Shell fuborbicular, umbilicate, coiivex, radiate with 
 O. Fabr.fn. Groenl. f. 383. n. 380. 
 Inhabits Greenland feas, on Sertulariae and ftones. 
 Shell not larger than a needle, violet, reddifti-brownor yeUowi{h 
 radiate with white, beneath flat, with a fingle whorl or bend : 
 aperture very minute. 
 Gigdntta, Shell fomewhat triangular and a little flexuous, gradually 
 tapering, violet, within fmooth, pale yellow: aperture 
 white, with undulate ftriae and armed with a conic 
 Pallas Mifcell. Zobl. tab. 9./. 2 — 10. 
 Stba Muf. 1. tab. 29./. I, 2. 
 Inhabits Africa and America, fixed to rocks and corals. 
 Shell half a foot high and as thick as the little finger : inhabitant 
 CtHtrea. Shell filiform, glabrous, conglomerate, perforated. 
 Forfi:, fn. Arab. /. I 28. «. 27. 
 Inhabits fhores of MaJJilia ; refembles S. intricata, but is glab- 
 rous, greyilh-white and flexuous. 
 ^Sulcata. Shell with 2 whorls, deeply and fpirally grooved. 
 Adams. Tranf. Linn. foe. iii. p. 254, 
 Inhabits the coaft of Pembroke/hire, on the roots of the Fucu? 
 digitatus : Jhell greenilh, minute. 
 '*0<valis. Shell fuboval, imperforated. 
 Adams. Tranf. Linn. fc. V. p. 4. tab, I. f. I8 — 30, 
 Found at Tenby. Shell with 2 bends forming an oval, and never 
 perforated ; minute. 
 *ReJlexa, Shell regular, rounded, with a reflefted margin at the a- 
 Adams. Tranf, Linn. foe. v. p. 4, tab, i.y^, 31, 32. 
 Found on the Pembrokejhire fands ; minute : Jhell gloiTy, white, 
 perforated : aperture above the plane of the fpire. 
 *Contea, Shell regular, rounded, pellucid, with 3 whorb, 
 Adamt. Tranf Linn. foe. v, p. 5. tab, \.f. JJ — 35- 
 On the Pembrokejhire coaft. Brownifh, horny. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 87. Teredo. 6oq 
 *BUornis» Shell femilunar, ventricofe, white, opake, glofTy. 
 Kanm. and Adams Microfc, p, 633. tab. 14. f. z. 
 Found at Sandiuich and Recul-ver: minute. 
 *P^rforata Shell femilunar, perforated^ whiter opake, gloffy. 
 Kanm, and Adams Mitrofc. p. 633. tab, \\>f» 3. 
 \v\vd^\X.% Sand-yiich : very rare, minute. 
 *La£lea. Shell oval, thin, fmooth, pellucid, with milky veins. 
 Ada7?is Microfc.pt 634. tab. \\.f. 4. 
 Found at Sandvjtch : very rare and minute. 
 *Lag.tna» Shell rounded, flrlate, grooved, with a narraw neck. 
 jidams Microfc. p.6^\, tab. 14./". 5. 
 Found at Sand-tvicb and Sbeppey : minute. 
 6'i'W/Ihaped cxadly like an oil-flafk, whitifh. 
 *Rttorta. Shell rounded, margined, with a (lender recurvedf ncck* 
 Adams Microfc, p. 634. tab. \^-f. 6. 
 Inhabits Sandrjcich : rather rare. 
 Shell white, opakey Ihaped like a retort. 
 *Incurvata Shell ftraight^ with 3 clofe whorls at the rmaller end. 
 Adams Micrnjc. p. 634. tab. i^.f. 7. 
 Inhiinis Sandivfch : rare minute. 
 5j^^// white, femitranfparent; refembles Nautilus fcmiliruu'^, but 
 has not the internal concamerated ihudlure. 
 8r. TEREDO. Animal a Terebella, with 2 
 calcareous heniifphaTical valves cut off 
 before, and 2 lanceolate ones : Jhell ta- 
 pering, flex nous, and capable oi pene- 
 trating wood. 
 •Kaijalh. %\^^\\ very thiiv, cylindrical, fmooth. S/jip-zvir/r.. 
 l^alifn. Kat, 2. tab. 4. Rtimpf. Muf. tab. 41 . F, G. 
 Selliui Hiff. Nat. Tered. \']%l- 4- '<''•'' '• 
 Adanfon feneg. tab 1 9 . fg. I . 
 a. SlabUr Aa, yUJjtn^., i. p.^Sj. tab. 2. 
 found in the fides and bouomsof fhip.", and the lloutell oak pales 
 which have remained ror.icrimc under water, and was im- 
 ported from India. The deilrue'Unn thcfc worms ciFoiTt in tiU' 
 water i? almoll equal to that-of theTcrmesor white ant on land. 
 SMI more or lefs twilled, rather obtufe at the tip, and 4 — 6 
 inthco long. 
 VOL. IV. — 4 H Utrictilus. 
6io WORMS. TESTAGEA. 88. Sabella. 
 Utriculus. Shell folid, cylindrical, undulate. 
 Kammer Conch. Rudolji, p. 7. tab, i . 
 Inhabits in wood ; about 7 inches long. 
 Shell white, fubpellucid, very much bent, gradually tapering, 
 with an oval aperture divided in the middle by a partition. 
 Cla-va, Shell clavate at one end, the other incurved, narrow^er, ob- 
 tufe and perforated in the middle. 
 Walch Naturf. 10. /. 38. tab, I. fig, 9, 10. 
 Spengler Nalurf. 13. tab. \.fig. \ — 'II. tab, 2. f. 12 — 14.' 
 Found in the feed veflels of the Xylofteum granatum: near z inches 
 long, and not half a one wide : _/^^// rough, brownifh on the 
 outlidc, within fraooth, more or lefs flexuous. 
 88. SABELLA. Animal a Nereis, with a 
 ringent mouth and 2 thicker tentacula 
 behind the head: j'^f// tubular, compofed 
 of particles of fand, broken fliells and 
 vegetable fuitbances united to a mem- 
 brane by a glutinous cement. 
 Scrupo/a. Shell folitary, loofe, fimple, curved, with lentiform gloffy 
 Inhabits India and American IJlands. Shell fubulate, obtufe at 
 th€ tip, as thick as a fwan's quill, and compofed of equal 
 white grains of fand. 
 Scahra. Shell folitary, fixed by the bafe, Ilmple, curved, with radi- 
 ate-rough granulations. 
 \nh.zh\ts America. Ad. Petrop. 1766, tab. <^'fg- i>2. 
 ^-Aheolata With numerous parallel tubes communicating by an aper- 
 ture forming in the mafs the appearance of honey- 
 Ellis Corals, p. 90. tab. 36. Brit. Zool. iv. tab. ()Z,f. 162. 
 Inhabits European Coafisy covering the rocks for a confiiderable 
 fpace, and eafily breaking under the feet. 
 5/^^// compofed chiefly of fand and very fine fragments of fliells; 
 the tabes ftraightifli, 2 — 3 inches long. 
 *C/jrjsDu'on Shell folitary, fubcylindrical, papyraceous, chiefly compofed 
 of fragments of Ihells. 
 Btrg, Act, Stcckh. 1765. tcib.(^.fg. I — 3. 
WORMS. TESJACEA. 88. Sabella. 6ri 
 Klein tub. tab. i. fig, 4. Baf.er op, tab. 9./. 4. 
 Martir: couch, l. tah, 4. fig. 29, 30. 
 S. rudis. Pennant Brit, Zool. \v. p. 147. n. 161. 
 Inhabits European and Indian feas : 2 — 6 inches long, and as thick 
 as a quill : fiiell pointed, dirty yellow, flexile while it is wet. 
 • Eelgica. Shell ftraight, conic, compofed of minute particles of fand. 
 Klein tub. tah. \.fir.^. Echinod. tab. 33. A, B, 
 Martini conch, i. tab. 4. fig. 37. 
 3. tubiformis. Brit. Zool. \v. tab. c)i. fig. 163. 
 Inhabits £arijy)<'/?» O^/Zj: 2--3 inches long. 
 Re^angula Shell brown with alternate white and black rings, Ilraight 
 with a redtangular gibbous extremity. 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 10. D. Martin, i. M^^. 4..}?^. ,3!. 
 Inhabits— —-9 inches long, not half acne in diameter. 
 Capenjis. Shell cylindrical, conic, open at both ends, membranaceous, 
 rough, with interrupted tranlVerfe (Iriac. 
 Mull. Linn.Naturf. 6. tab. \C).Jig 6, 7. 
 Inhabits the promontory oi Good Hope. 
 Nigra.' Shell cylindrical, black, fmoothiHi ontheoutlide, compofed 
 of very minute particles of fand. 
 Schrat.flufconch. tah. l l. Min. D. Jig, I. 
 Inhabits rivulets oiThuringia: |^ an inch long. 
 Stagnalis, Shell ftraight, tapering,- open at both ends, fmooth, with a 
 margined aperture, compofed of moil minute particles 
 of fand. 
 Schrast.fiufconch. tah. I 1 . 71///;. C./ 13. Min. D. /. 9. 
 Inhabits rivers ot Thuringic : fometimcs black and i'olitary, fomc- 
 times cinereous and adhering in a mals to the Ranunculus 
 Conica, Shell narrow, conic, fmooth, ftraight, cinereous, wiih a 
 blackifh open tip, compofed of molt minute particles 
 of fand. 
 Schnrt.Jlujconch. tab, 11. C. /". 14. 
 Inhabits near Jena; not \ an inch long: aperture not margined. 
 Uncinate, Shell fmooth, round, tapering, with an open hooked tip. 
 Schrat.Jiuiconch. tab. 1 1 . D. /I 8. 
 Inhabits rivers of Thurtngia ; 5 of an inch long: Jhell folitary, 
 compofed of very fine iand, cinereous or black, or cinereous 
 above and black beneath. 
 4 H 2 Sabuh a. 
5,2 W;ORMS. TESTACEA. 88. Sabella. 
 Sabulofa, Shell cylindrical, clofed at the Up, fubdavate, perforated, 
 cornpofed of larger grains of fan'd. 
 Schrcet.fiufconch. tab. II. niin, D. jig. 4.^ 
 Inhabits Ihuringiavci^ Belgiwni not an inch long. 
 Shell ftraight, or a little infleited in the middle, cinereous or 
 black, or cinereous above and black'beneath, 
 Vegetabilis. Shell depreffed, corapofed of fragments of twigs ftems and 
 bark, and broken pieces of the Tellina cornea. 
 Schrcet.fiufconch- tab. \\. mitt, ^-fig- 9- 
 Inhabits waters of Thuringia ; an inch long. 
 Ammoniata Shell polygono-cylindrical, within fmootli, con^pofed of 
 fragments of the Cornu ammotiis. 
 Inhabits rivers. Schrcct. fi>i/conch, tab. n . C. fig. I o. 
 Helicina. Shell roun(^, within fmooth, compofed of fragments of the 
 Helix pufilla. 
 Schrcet.fiufconch. tab. 11 . C. min. fi%.\\. 
 Inhabits ibgnant wiicrs o^ Thuringia ', an inch long. 
 Dtmidiata. Qne part of the (hell compofed of fand or gravel, the other 
 thicker, clavate and compofed of fragments of Ihells. 
 Schrcet.fi.uf conch, tab. W- fig-V^.* 
 Inhabits waters of Thuringia, 
 Fixa. Shell compofed of fmall ftpnes, tapering tpwards the tip. 
 Schrcet.fiufconch. tab. i I. min. C. fig. 12. 
 Inhabits Thuringia, affixed to ftones in the water: an inch long, 
 gregarious, open at the fide by which it is fixed, 
 Clavata. Shell compofed of fmall ftones, the open end clavate and 
 cohfiflihg of larger ftcSnes. 
 Schroet.fiujconch. tab. n* min. D, fig. 2* 
 Itihihiti Thuringia : folitary. 
 Corticalis. Shell compofed of pieces of bark, towards tl>e end of broken 
 Schroct. fiufconch. tab. Ii. min. Ti. fig. 5. 
 Inhabits rivers of Thuringia, in numerous varieties. 
 Arundina- Shejl fubconjc, open at both ends, compofed of fragments 
 '*'''*• of the bark of reeds placed on each other. 
 Sckroet.fiuf conch, tab. I 1 , min. D.fig. 6. 
 Inhabits Thuringia : about an inch long* 
 AcuUata. Shell roundifh, compcfcd of fmall twigs and tlie culras oi 
 grades the points of which projedl a little. 
WORMS. TESTACEA. 88. Sabclla. 613 
 Schroet. Jlufconch, tab. i I'fg* D. 7. 
 Inhabits Thuringia : about an inch long. 
 Shell iom&i\mti conic, fomctimes cylindrical. 
 Mar/upia' Shell black, the open end c^indrical and narrower^ the 
 ^"' other part turgid and ovate. 
 Schroet. Einl. in conch. 2. tab. 6. fig.tx. 
 Inhabits above z inches Ipng, compofed of particles of black 
 fand ; within fmooth, ' 
 Norwegicut Shell roundifh, open at both ends, brittle, membranaceous, 
 compofed of very minute grains of fand» 
 Schroet. Einl. inconch. 2, f. 591. «. 20. 
 Inhabits J^erivay : above 4. inches long, and about the thicknefs 
 of a crow's quill, 
 Lumhricalis Shell coarfe, creeping, fragile, opep at both ends : the in- 
 habitant not furnilhed with tcntacula at the mouth, 
 with a prickly jointed body. 
 O. Fabr.fn. Groenl. p. ^y/^. n. 369. 
 Inhabits the deeps of the Greenland feat, fixed to (lones. 
 Shell grey, compofed of particles of fand cemented to a fomewhat 
 convex membrane, within lubricous, poliftied : inhabitant ru- 
 fous annulate with white, beneath paler, with 21 joints, each 
 armed on the back with 2 fpincs, and 2 other terminal ones 
 which are unarmed. 
 Jndica. 3hell cylindrical, compofed of capillary fubcylindrical ag^ 
 glujinated cryftals of quartz. 
 .Abildg. Schr. Berl. Naturf, 9. ^, 144. tab. 4. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 
6i4 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 89. Tubipora. 
 Compofite anii^als, efflorefcing like vegetables, 
 89. TUBIPORA. Animal a Nereis? coral 
 confilling of ere6l hollow cylindrical pa- 
 rallel aggregate tubes. Tubipore. 
 Mujlca, With fafciGulate conneded tube?, and tranfverfe diftant 
 membranaceous diirepiments- 
 Natur. Mi/cell. tab. 98. lournef. In/l. tab. 34-2. 
 Bauh. Hi/i. I'jig'Z' BeJ. MuJ. Lochn. tab. Z^. 
 Bonan Muf. Kirch, tab. 289, fg. 14. 
 Moris. Hist. 3./. 15. tab, zo. Jig. 22. 
 Peti'u. GaZ' tab. 67. fg. lO, II. Ed-xv. a'V. tab. 93. 
 Wel/ch Hecafi. tab. 44. Vahnt hid. lift, tab, S.Jg. 5. 
 Buttn. Coral, p. 18. tab. \- fig' 3. 
 Rumpf. Amb. 6. tab. 85. fig. 2. 
 , ' "-ifr.' Seba Muf. 3. tab. \ lo.fig. 89. Knorr delic. tab, A. 3, 
 Argen'v. conch, tab. 26, fig. A. 
 Martini conch. \. p. 2 1. ^ign. 2, 
 2. Pall. Zooph. ed. Belg. tab. 10. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits Indian and American Xt^Sy fixed to rocks and Other 
 corals : bright fcarlet, confifting of an affortment of upright 
 parallel tubes rifing over each other by ftages like the cells of 
 an honey-comb, divided by tranfverfe partitions. The Indians 
 ufe it in cafes of flrangury and wounds ii'iflifted by venemous 
 Caienulata, With parallel tubes united into an anaftomozing varioufly 
 twifted kind of net-work. 
 Aman. Acad. l. p. 1 03. tab. 4./. 20. 
 Bromel. lithogr.fp. 2. tab. 23 — 27. 
 Helb, lithe gr. tab. 5. f. I — 6. tab. 6. f. 1. 
 Buttn. Corallogr. tab. \. f. 2. 
 Volkm. ftlef.fubt, tab. 58./. 7. tab. 20. /. 3. 
 Found call frequently on the fhores of the Baltic ; confifting of 
 an ereft membrane not feparated by divifions, varioufly twilled, 
 with a falligiate margin of one row of concatinate tubes, 
 •Serpens. With ere£l cylindrical very fhort diftant axillary tubes, and 
 a creeping dichotomous divaricate bafe. 
 Ellis Corall, p. 74. n. 6. tab. 27. /. E. e. 
 Amctn.Acad. l, p. loy. tab. 4. f, 26. 
 Muf, Teffin. tab. 3. f, %, Plane, conch, tab. 1 8. N. n, 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 89. Tubipora. 615 
 MarJ. HiH. Mar. p. 153. fah.\'i,\,f. 168. , . . 
 Caft frequently on the Qiores of the Eurepearty Baliit and Amtrttan 
 feas, and generally found adhering to the ftalks of Fuci and 
 Corallines : minute, white or pale red ; the incruftation conx- 
 pofed of circular rows of fmall and almoft parallel tubes. 
 Tafdcularis With- filiform fafciculate tubes, anaftomozing occafionally 
 at the fides. 
 O. Fabr.fn. Grccnl. 429. . 
 Inhabits the Ihores of Greenland, and fometimcs found in calca- 
 reous mountains, about the thicknefs of a fparrow's quill: 
 white, not quite flraight, with the tranfveffe conncding 
 pieces narrower. 
 Ram/a, Separated by roundifli intcrftices, the tubes of the confluent 
 branches fimple, flexuous, aggregate, conglutinatc. 
 Kalreuter Aa. Petrop. 7. /; 374. tab. 16./. 3. 
 Inhabits the White Sea: without ftem, narrower at the bafe, 
 with the branches fpread every way, very brittle, whitifh, 
 within white. 
 Pinnafa. Dichotoraous, ereft^ with the tubes difpo^fed in a pinnate 
 Mar/.Hift. Mar. tab. 34./. 167. n. l. 3. 4./.I6&. «. 1— -3. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ^ about an inch high and as thick as C 
 large thread : greyifh or greenifh, with equal patulous branches. 
 Penieillata, Furnilhed with a ftem, the head thickened and formed of 
 tubes connedled towards the bafe. 
 0. Fabr.fn. Granl. p. 429. n. 430. 
 Inhabits Greenland feas, affixed to tcftaceous fubftances, 3 lines 
 long, li broad: white, ereft, rcfembling T. fafciculans. 
 Flahdlaris Deprefied, fan-fhaped, affixed, radiate with parallel con- 
 ne6led tubes. 
 O. ffl^r./«. Grar«/./>.430. «. 431. . . rti 
 Inhabits Greenland feas, fixed to the lower larface of the Ulva 
 maxima, inline broad: gre>, with radiate ftrix, refembhivg 
 the fegment of a circle. 
 Stellata. With diflinft tubes conneaed in numerous retnote hori- 
 zontally tubular llages,. the furface radiate with Itriae. 
 Modeer Aa.Stockh. I7?S. 3. n. 10 tab.-j.f. i. 
 Found hitherto in a fofEle Itate only. 
 Strues. With diftant divergent loofe tubes often bent behind, con- 
 neded by lelTer firnple horizontal tubes. 
 mkvmz lith^ p. 52, t. 5 /. 7. Buttncr Corall. p. 22. /. 2./. 9. 
 Found hitherto in a folGle ttateonly. 9^- ^^^' 
6ie WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora, 
 90. MADREPORA. Animal refembling 
 a Medufa: coral with lamellate llar- 
 fliaped cavities. Madrepore. 
 A. Compojedof aftngU J\ar. 
 ■■«' . / . . 
 * Verruca* Star orbicular, flattilh, feflile, with a convex difk full af 
 ««• tubular pores and radiate border. 
 Forjk, it. rer. Nat. tab. 26. d D. 
 Ginan. Adr. \0. tab. 4. f. 10. 
 Solander and Ellis Coir all. p. 137. n. 13. 
 Inhabits the European, Mediterranean and Rid Seas, adhering to 
 marine vegetables and the fofter Zoophytes : fize of a fplit pea, 
 and appears an intermediate fpecies between the Madrepore, 
 Tubipore and Millepore: white or jrellowifh, with aggregate 
 tubes on the diflc like the florets of a compofita" flower, and a 
 flattened flriate border like the rays of thefe flowers. 
 Turbinata. Turbinate, feflile, fmooth, with an hemifphjerical concave 
 Langl. tap. fig, p. 52. tab. 12.' 
 Helnjuing lithogr. tab. ^. f. 9 — 1 1. 13, 15. 17. 
 Wolf. Hajf. tab. 10. f. 3, 4. 
 Founid foflile in Gothland and Campaniu, 
 ^Porpita. Without ftem: flar convex, orbicular, with a depreired 
 Centre, berieath flat, margined, fmooth. 
 Aman. Acad. i. p. i)l. n. Z. tab. i^.f. 5. 
 Scheuchz. lithogr. Helv. fg, 43 > 44* 
 Buttn. Coral, p. z\.fg. 3. 5. 
 Ll'wydlith.p.\'^\„ Brom, lith p. 33v/". a — h^ 
 Inhabits the Indian and Red Seasy and is frequently found foffilc 
 in .Europe, fize of a Lupine. 
 Fufigitet. Orbicular, convex, with fimple longitudinal laminas or gills, 
 beneath concave and papillous. 
 Shanv Natur. Mifcet. tab. 79. ForJk. ic. rer. tab. 42. 
 Soland. and Ellis Cor all. /. 149 n.z. tah,z%. f.$yt. 
 Bef,. hhif. Lochn. tab. 26. fg. 3. 
 Cluf.exet. p. 125. tab. iCfg- I- 
 f^..Uni. Ind. litt. p. 568. tab. 9. /if. 2. 
 Olear Muf. p. 68. tab. 34./^ 2. 
 Rumpf. Amb. 6, />. 247. tab. 88. fg. I. 4. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 1 10./. 6. h. t. \i I./. 1,2. t, ixz.f, 28 — 30, 
 Kncrr delic. tab. A. iii. «. 4. 
 2. Prickly. Pall, eknch, zcoph,p,zS4^ n. 165, b. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. Gi-j 
 Inhabits the Indian and Red Seas : fometimes with, fometimes 
 without foot-ftalk; i — 6 inches in diameter: white, with a 
 concave centre and rough beneath: gilU acute, alternately 
 Ihorter and irregularly ferrate. 
 Without ftem: gills granulate at the fides, denticulate at 
 the margin and placed In a triple ordei', the' thifd 
 reaching from thk centre to the margin. 
 f^oland. and Ellis Coral/, p. 148". «. l'. ta^. 28. f. 1—4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; l- inch diameter. 
 All the gi/ls denticulate at the margin dnd very rough at the fides : 
 the younger fpccimerts flat, the adult ones convex. 
 Glavate, turbinate with a tapering bafe: ftar obconic with 
 a doubled prominent jagged centre. 
 Soland. and F.llts Cordll. p. 150, n. 3. tab. 28 Jig. 7. 
 Plancconch. ed. 2. p. 128. tab. app. 18. fig. M. 
 Inhabits Southern coalls oi Europe ; about 2 inches long and I 
 diameter : white and very hard : gills about 40, with as many 
 intermediate fmaller ones, the latter reaching to the margin, 
 but not extending td the centre like the larger ones. 
 B. IFith numerous feparate Jidrs, and continued gills. 
 Ptleus. Without ftem, oblong, convex, beneath concave; with 
 longitudinal row§ of concatenate (tars : gills crowded, 
 Soland. and EllisCarclh p. 1 59. tab.J^^. 
 Rumpf. Amb. 6. p. 24S. tai. 88. fg. 2, 3. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. \ XI. fig. 3. 5. 
 2. Seba Mil/. 3- tab. in. fig. 6. tab. wz.f- 31- 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. In the furrow along the middle is a 
 line of ftars with their gills difpofed each fide in a radiate form ; 
 under thefe each fide are 2 other rows of ftars, as it were linked 
 together, with their rays nearly parallel and pointing upwards 
 and downwards : margin all round terminated by fharp ereft 
 hminje or gills. 
 Crifmta. Follaccous, crefted, with rows of ftars_ imprefTed in the 
 centre; the foliation* broad and flattifh. 
 Salami, and Ellis Corall. p.\^8. n.ZJ. tab. 31./. 3. 4- 
 Inhabits the Indian and South Stas. 
 i^anuea.- SefTilr, with .large crowded frondefcent ftars, the ffonds 
 perpendicular, waved and jagged. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. i>. 1 58. n. 28, tab. 44. 
 Sfba Muf. 3. tab, 89. Jig lO. 
 Inhabit? the /tmerican Ocean? very rare. 
 VOL. IV. — 4 I Ficprdts^ 
6i8 , WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 
 FicoUes. Foliaceousy crefted, with fcattered ftars ; the lateral folia- 
 tions flattifh, marginal ones fharply carinate: grlls 
 Inhabits the South fea. SolanJ. and Ellis, p. 159. ». 29; 
 Acerofa, FoliaceoiiSy crefted, with fcattered ftars \ lateral foliations 
 flat, terminal ones fubearinate: gills needb-fhaped. 
 Inhabit? ■ Soldnd, and Ellis, p. 159, n, 30. 
 Lichejt, Foliaceous, crefted, with obconic rounded rows of ftars and 
 very acute carinate fubflexuous obliquely placed fo- 
 Inhabits the South fea. Soland, md Ellis, p. 160. «. 33. 
 Jgaricites. Without ftem ; with carinate grooves and concatenate ftars. 
 Soland. and Ellis CoralL p. I 59. n. 32, 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. i 10. /. 6. C C. 
 jirgen'V. Oryft. p 367. tab. 22, f. 7. 
 Knorr delic. i . />. 25. tab. A. X./! I . 
 \.Vi^2k>\x.% American IJlands; 5 or 6 inches in diameter ; cinereous, 
 confifting of various divergent femiorbicular gill?, with nume- 
 rous ferpemine grooves, in the bottom of which are placed 
 the ftars. 
 Ekphanto' Somewhat turbinarte, with granulous parallel gills and feat- 
 tt*i* tercd jagged prominulent ftars within. 
 Tall. el. zooph. p. 290. n. 168. b. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; an intermediate fpccies between 
 M. la<ftuca and agaricites : refembles a thin feflile undulately 
 curled lamina, with the ftars difpofed nearly in the form of a 
 Cruflacea, Cruftaceous, with a flat ftellate furface compofed of thick 
 toothed concatenate rays. 
 Pall. el. zoDph. p.igi. n. 170. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: obcufely conic, with the ftars dif- 
 pofed in a quincunx form. 
 Incrujianj. Unequal, with prominent conic truncate hollow ftars, 
 which are diltant at the tip and lamellate within. 
 Forjk.fn. Arab. /). I 35. >r. 16. 
 Inhabits the Red fea. Stars about the fize of a pea at the bafe and 
 half the fize at the tip: probably not a diftinft fpecies. "* 
 Exe/a, " Cruftaceous, with reticulate concatenate ftars and abrupt 
 conic acute interfticcs. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 619 
 Soland. and Ellis Cor all. pi l6l, «. 38. tab. 49-7%. 3. 
 Inhabits the Pacific Ocean: white, with conic v\arts rmooth at 
 the tips : ^///j rough, unequal, 
 Filo^rana, Without (tern, funple with a very thin ferpentine lahy- 
 rinthic liar, with an acute I'uiure and flat pcrloraitd 
 inhabits the Indian Ocean. Gualt- ind. tejl. tab, 97. 
 Efper Pfanz. 3. /. i 39. »• 20. tab. z^. fig^ 1,2. 
 Natans. Simple without ftalk : Itar ferpentine, labyrir.thic, with 
 the dilks of the undulations very broad \ future obtufe : 
 coral porous, fmoother. 
 Efper Pf.anz. 3. /, 140. w. 21. tab. 23. 
 Seba Muf. 3. p. 201. tab. 99. fig. 9, lO. 
 Inhabits the Indian and American fcas. 
 AnthophyU Simple with a;) ovate ftalk : ftar terminal, hemifpha^rical, 
 lum- concave, with radiate thicker gills at the boitum. 
 Efper pjia7ix. 3. /.1 43. t.z^ f.l-^. Baft. hijl. rer. nat, l- /. 44.^ 6. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. 
 C. fVitb numerous united Jlars. . 
 Labyrin- Without ftalk : ftar with ferpentine undulations, and ob- 
 thica. tufe future. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 160. n. 34. tab. 46./. 3, 4. 
 Bejl. Muf. tab. 26. y. I, 2. Petiv. Gaz tub. 68. n. I 1. 
 Valent. ind. lift. p. 509. n. 2. tab. 9. /'. i . 
 Cualt. teli. tab. 10. fg. 29. b. 97. b. 
 OlearMuf. Gott. tab. 34..,%. l. 3. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. III. fig. 7, 8. z./^, 112./: \. 4 — 7. 
 Knorr delic. tab. A. iv. «. I. 
 Inhabits India and ^ow/j Atnerica ; very variable in form, and 
 often many feet in diameter : in the Caribbee Iflands it is often 
 burnt into lime : gills denticulate and j igged at the ends. 
 Sinuofa. With fpreading fliort flexuouB undulations and unequal 
 jagged diifepiments, the prominent undulations moltly 
 doubled : gills denticulate. 
 Inhabits Sauth America. Soland. and Ellis, p. |6o. n. 35. 
 Meendrites. Without ftalk: ftar with ferperntineundulationsSf acute future. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall . p. \b\ . n. ^-J . tab. ^%. f. \ . 
 Gualt. tefi. tab. 51. b. Knorr dclic. tab. A. iii./l 2. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. 109. fg. 9, 10. tab. I 1 2. /. 2, 3, 4 ? 
 Inhdbks Soutb . 'America and the Mediterranean : the undulations are 
 larger and looier than in M. labyrinthica, and the fubllancc is 
 more folid and nearly Itony ; the centres of the ftars radiate 
 with thick gills. 4 I 2 Areola. 
620 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 
 Jreola, Without' ftalk : undulations dilated and in fome places 
 ' ■ doubled, with narrow truncate margin : gills crenate. 
 SolanJ. and Ellii Coratl. p. l6l. «. 36. tab. 47. f. 4, 5. 
 Bejler Muf tab. 2.8. Petiv pterigr. tab- 20./. 16. 
 Shane Jamaic. I. /. $6. «. lo, 1 1. tab. J 3/ 3. 
 J?K»;//. y^wA. r.z^. 87./. I, Valent. hid. 3. /«^. 52, /. C L. 
 Mj/Zw Chin. p. ?20. Mi5.45. «. 7. 
 Jrgen-v. Orya. tab. 22. «. 4. /C^w. '''i''. ''Z^- 9'/- 7» 
 KnorrJelic. tal?,A,\l./. i,Z' 
 I. Bauh. Hid. 3, ^. 801./. 3, 
 5<r/^^ Ma/, 3./fl^. 108./. 3. 5. tab. l\Z.J\ 25—27. 
 inhabits 7W/a and South America: rofy, beneath fmooth. 
 Abdita. Subconglomerajte with ftar-fliaped angular obconic folia- 
 tions and'fimple undulations: gills narrow, with 
 crenulate teeth. 
 $oland.' and Ellis Corall. p. 16?. n. 39. tab. S^-fg' 2« 
 Inhabits probably a yaiiety of IVI. favofa. 
 Phrygian With long narrow undulations and perpendicular prominent 
 ones, the diflepiments firaple, lamellate, lobulate ; 
 gills rather remote. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 162. n^J^O. tab. 48./.?. 
 Inhabits the Southern Ocean. 
 fometimes flexuous. 
 Undulations fometimes ftraight. 
 Repanda. Prominent undulations thickened, the diffepiments fimplc 
 and hardly united : gills numerous, moft of them 
 thickened withjn. 
 Inhabits— — Soland. and Ellis Corall. />. 162. n. 41, 
 Ambigua, Undulations ftar-fhaped and ficxqous, the prominent ones 
 thickened; dilfepiments fimple and thickilh : gills 
 Inhabits-. — Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 162, n. 42. 
 pcedalea. With deep ftiort undulations and perpendicular prominent 
 ones, the dilT'piments jagged : gills ferrate. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. />. l6l, «. 43. tab. 46. /. 1,2. 
 Inhabits the Eaft Indian Ocea,n, 
 Cnofa, Cellular, wiih doubled foliaceous prominent undulation^ 
 and fnnpje diiTepiments: gills foliaceous,eqiial. 
 Soland. and Ellis Eorall. p. 163. n. 44. tab. 5 I . /"- I . 
 SebaMul, 3. tab. ipcj./. Q, 10. 
 Inhabits Smoother than moil of its genus, and covered wuh 
 numerous tells, 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 
 Clivp/a. Undulations narrow at the bafe with equal difTepiments, 
 the prominent ones fimple and thickilh ; gills alter- 
 nately abbreviated. 
 Soland. and Ellis Cqrall p, 163. ». 4J. tah.^\.f, 2. 
 Inhabits South America : rounded and nodulous. 
 Cerebrum. Nearly globular with very long tortuous undulations an(l 
 terminating flattill) prominent ones. Brain-Jionc. 
 ^haiu Natur. Mi/rell. tab. 1 I 8. 
 PeUv. Gaz. tab. 68. n.Xl. Soland. and Ellis, p, 163. «. 46. 
 Inhabits — -z inches to z feet in diameter. 
 Jimoluta, Undulations dilated at the bafe and fliort with nearly equa' 
 narrow dilFepiments, the prominent ones fimple. 
 Inhabits— —5o/a;;d'. and Ellis Corall, p» 164. n. 47. 
 Implicata, IJndulations rounded aiid nearly perpendicularly with equal 
 broad dilFepiments, the propiinent ones doubled and 
 Soland' and Hits CojalU p» 164, n. 48. 
 Undulations fpiral: ftar fimple or double with a pundlured 
 centre: rays ferrulate. 
 Spengler n<m. A£it Dan. Hafn. l . />. 40. icon* 
 Inhabits Tranquebar: between the Teftacea and Zoophyta. 
 p. Aggr.fgate^ undivided^ with diJlinSl Jlars and porulous 
 tuberculous prominent undulations. 
 Stars angular, concave, conne6led. 
 Holand. and Ellis Cor all. /». 167. k. 61. tab. 50. f. I. 
 Amcen. Acad. I. p. 96. tab. 4 /. 16. 
 Bocc. Muf. I. tab. 5./. 3. Cualt. tejl, tab, 19. n. 23. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 1 1 2. /. 8. 10. 21. c. 
 Kiiorr delic. tab. A. \w. f.z. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: \vhite, ftriate at the fides; when 
 divided tranfverlcly appears reticulate, with unequal pores and 
 fpots: gills toothed, 
 Subconglomerate with ftar-fliaped angular undulations and 
 fimple narrow divifions : gills denticulate. 
 Inhabits Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 167. ». 62, 
 Probably only a variety of M. favofa. 
 Stars diftant, roimd or oblong, unequal and elevated at the 
 margin, the intefftices with fomewhat concave radiate 
 Inhabits SoIanJ, and Ellis Corall, p. i6y. »,63. 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madiepora. 
 guanas. With angular convex ftars which are concave on the difkt 
 Poland and Ellis Corall, p, i68. n. 64, tab, \'J.f. 6. 
 jtmttn. Acad. i. p. 92. tab, 4./" 8, 9. 
 Heltxing lith. tab. ^.f.zz Seba Muf 3. tab. iO^,f. il." 
 Eocc. Muf. tab. 9./. 7. Wolf HaJJ. tab. 10. f. 3,4. 
 Folkm. ftl. 1. tab. iS.f. 5. tab. 19./. 3. a, b. 
 Knorr delic. I. /^^. A, vL fig- \. 
 Schrezt. EinL in Verli. 3. tab, J.fl'i tab. 9. /. 4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and South American feas, and is fre- 
 quently found foffile ; gibbous, and when diifefted tranfverfely 
 refeijibling a white net with hexanguJar fpots including a 
 white ring, and ftriate between the net and the ring : gills 
 lhades„ With crowded obconic rounded and fomewhat angular ftars 
 and thick porous divitions, the centres flattifh and 
 Inhabits — x — Solandcr find Ellis Corall. p. |68. «. 65-. 
 With crowded rounded and fomewhat angular ftars and 
 thick rather convex divifions: alternpite gills nearly 
 united at the margin: centres fimple. 
 Inhabits Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 168. n. 66, t, /^()-f, 2, 
 With fomewhat crowded imprelTed ftars and thick flattifti 
 nearly diftind; divifions: gills very thin: centres a 
 little worn. 
 Inhabits Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 168. n, 67. t. 47./" 7. 
 Gtlls by fours, reaching to the centre, the 3 intermediate ones 
 connivent near the bafe. 
 Pleiades. Stars roundifti with acute elevated margins, the interftices 
 concave, fmoothifti, and in fonie parts a little cavernous. 
 Inhabits— —50/ffW. y Mm Corall. p. 169. ». 68. /. 53./. 7, 8. 
 Pupillo/g, Somewhat aggregate; ftars cylindracco-papillous, with 
 thickened rounded oblique margins. 
 Inhabits Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 169, ». 70. 
 Refembles M. muricata, of which it may probably be the em- 
 bryo, but the papillje are contiguous and difpoled in a fingle 
 Radiata. Stars cylindraccous with elevated margins, the interftices 
 broad, concave and radiate with grooves. 
 Inhabits Solander i^ Ellis Corall. p. 169. ». 71 . tab. \-].f. 8. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepota. 623 
 tatthrofa. Stars roundilh with many rays and elevated margins, the 
 interftices radiate with grooves, a little narrowed and 
 Sloane JamaUat i. tab, z\. fig. 4. 
 Solander and Ellii Cor all. />. 170. a. 72. 
 Inhabits the Weft Indian IJlands. 
 Polygena. With minute crov/ded ftars intermixed with larger perfo- 
 rated ones, the bottom concave, cylindrical. 
 Aman. Acad. 4. />, 258. tab. I. jig. i $• 
 Inhabits the Indian fea : refemblcs a white cruft 2 inches thick : 
 the fmaller ftars minute and rather obtufe and 12-rayed. the 
 larger ones as big as the end of a finger, more gibbous, with an 
 empty cavity between them. 
 Jrenofa. With contiguous flattiih ochraceous ftars. 
 Inhabits Algira: white, with rather large ftars, fomelimes a 
 little elevated and verrucofe, 
 Initrliinaa With round diftant immerfcd cylindraceous ftars, the inter- 
 ftices porous. 
 Solander aud Ellis Corall. p. 167. n. 60. tab. 56. 
 Pcti-v. Gaz. tab, 10. Jig. 12. 
 Inhabits India, America and Norway : large, flattened aud fome- 
 what branched, grey. 
 Sponoiofa. Somewhat dilated, with craggy foliations obtufe above and 
 flat beneath: ftars funnel-form, deep, unequal. 
 Inhabits. Solander and Ellis Corall. p, 164. a. 49. 
 FoUofa. Somewhat dilated, with foliations fomewhat cragg>' and 
 verrucofe above, beneath ttattifti: ftars unequal, imall. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 164. n. 50. tab. 52. 
 Rumpf. Muf. 6. tab. %■]./. 2. Gualt. tefl. tab. 42. b. 
 Seba hAuf. 3 tab. no./. 7. Muf. Bejler,tab, 27. . 
 Turgot Mem.inftr.tabiz. h. 
 Baier mon. rer. petr- tab. 2./. 3, 4. 
 Inhabits the /b^/^?; 0<.-;a»; large, rofy. 
 Porculata. Stars obconic, with acute margins and in fome places re- 
 mote, the interftices fmooih : gills every where gra- 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 165. «. 51. 
 Ellis Corall. ti.b. 32. f:g. A. i . A. 3.. 
 Inhabits grcyilh-whiie and very rare. 
 WORMS. 200PHYTA. 90: Madrepora. 
 Stellulaia. With round diftant equal cylinders of ftars elevated at the 
 margins, the interflices flattifh and roughifli. 
 Inhabits— —So/aWifr $if Ellis Coral/, p. 165. talf. 53. €g. 3, 4. 
 Afiroites, Subglobular with very numerous immerfed ftars, the inter- 
 flices porous. 
 Sha^M Natur. Mifcel. tab. 15$. Her^. Marl, tab. 11./". 32. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. i\z. fig. 12. 14. 
 Knorr aelic. I . tab. A. X. Jig. 4. 
 Myll. fax, fubterr. 1. tab. Z-Jig- I. 
 Kundm. rvr. Nat. tab. 10. /, 9 — 17, 
 Argenv. Oryiiol. tab. 23./". 4. lO. 19, 
 Solander and EHis Cor all. p. 165. «. ^3. 
 Inhabits South America, in large mafles : whitifh, 
 SttUata. Solid, rough outwardly, with fcattered convex ftars impref- 
 fed in the middle. 
 Pallas el. zooph. p, yz^- n. xg\i 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : grey, rough with minute points, 
 Uodulofa, With crorwded obconic ftars, the interftices and gills acerofe 
 and roughifli: coral a little nodulous. 
 \n\ia.h\X.s—— ^Solander and Ellis Cor all. p. 165. n, 54. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. liz,ftg. l8. 
 Acropora, Hemifphasrical with crowded annular prominent crenatc 
 Inhabits ■ ^tars fraall, elevated, with a deeper centre. 
 Caverno/a. Stars immerfed, falver-fliaped with a ftriate border and fe- 
 parated by an elevated future. 
 Solander l^ Ellis Corall. p. 169, w. 69, tab. 53./. 1,2. 
 SebaMuf.%. tab. WZ.f. 1 5. 19. 22. 
 Bocc.Muf. tab xi. 5./. 4- Arg. OrySi. tab. Z^. f. 9. 16, 
 Kundm. rar. Nat. tab. lO. f.6. 
 Knorr delic, i . tab. A. iv. f. j. 
 Volkm, Stlef. fubt. I. fab. 18./. 1. 
 Bourg. petrifaSi. tab. 4. f. 26. tab. 7, f. 36, 
 Knorr pelrif. z. fab. F. n. 2. tab. F. vi.y. 3. 
 luhihits Soutb A^.erica and the Mediterranean : ftars elevated, the 
 future forming a pentagonal net-work : probably a variety of 
 M. radiata in a younger {late. 
 Punffafa. With crowded ftar-like points compofed of 10 dots. 
 Inhabits the European Ocean and Mediterranean : rounded, white, 
 friable, with fmall unequal ftar-like dots. 
WORMS. ZCOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 625 
 Cdlycularis Cylindets united : ftars concave, with a rather prominent 
 Ca'uolin»pol. mar, \. tah,/x,.f. \ — 5. 2) 6 — 8. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: roundifli, brown, with often diftinft 
 lateral cylinders, tranfverfcly wrinkled oiuwardly : the ;a/j«- 
 bitant is an Adlinia, and is a large fluggiih, animal. 
 Truncaia. Joints turbinate, proliferous, coalefcing at the extreme 
 margin : ftars truncate,- with a concave cylindrical dific. 
 Aman. Acad. l.p. 93. tab. 4. /. X. 3. 
 Folkm, Silef./ubt. l.p. 121. tab. 19./, i. a, b. 
 Rnorr petrif. 2. 2. tab. I**, fig. 2, tab. G. I». /. 2. and 3. 
 Suppl. tab. vi. b.y. 3. 
 Found foffile : a little rugged, with joints of equal length anil 
 Stellaris, Joints proliferous, central, folitary: ftars conne^ied by a 
 dilated margin.- 
 Amaen. Acad. \. p, 94. tab. ^' fig. xi. 4. 
 Found foffile on the fhores of Gothland: flems funple, paiallel,' 
 ere(ft, as thick as a finger, and a palm or more long : bark 
 obfoletcly flriate, with cup-fliaped joints an inch Jong. 
 Organum. Corals cylindrical, fmooth, diftant, combined, v.ith de- 
 fledted membranes. 
 Amarri. Acad. \,p. 96. tab.i^. fig.v\. I. ' 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, but is more frequently found lo^uz : cy- 
 linders parallel, as thick as an oat-flraw. 
 Divergent. Subglobular, with divergent cylinders Handing out beyond 
 the furface twice their diameter. 
 Forjk. fn. yEgypt, Arab, p, 136. ». 19. 
 Fonnd foflile * probably a variety of the lafl:. 
 *Muftca'u, Corals cylindrical, ftrlate, diliant, united by numcroj; . 
 tranfverfe difiepiments. 
 Shaa>: Natur. Mi/cell. tab. 414. 
 Ellis Philcfoph. Tranfaa. Z.I. />• 432. /. 20. f. 1 4. 
 Borloft Corii'VJalU p. 24 r. tab.Z"]. fig. 7, 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p, 165. k. 55. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, and is fometimcs caft on the Jrijh 
 coafts, and often found petriiied : rcr.?/ white, and often very 
 Denticulata Stars unequal, the gills with an elevated margin, the larger 
 ones aciue with a procefs at the bafe ; interitices grooved. 
 Inhabits Sol.-ind. and Ellis, p. 166. tab. 49. /, i. 
 VOL. IV. — 4 K Fav-r/taia. 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 9©. Madrepora. 
 Fanieolata. Stars fomewhat angular, many-rayed, and here and there 
 doubled when cut longitudinally. 
 Inhabits Salander and Ellis Cor all, p. 166. /. 53. /". 5, 6, 
 Ttetefora. Stars fomewhat angular with filamentous gHls, and reticu- 
 late when cut longitudinally. 
 Inhabits Solarul^r and Ellis CoralL />. 166, /, 54-/'. 3-5* 
 Eotulo/a. Stars cylindraceous with few rays, the gills ere6l and acute 
 towards the margin, with an cred fpine at the bafe. • 
 Inhabits Solander and Ellis CoralL p. 166, t. 55. 
 Cefpitofa. Corals round, (lightly branched, flriate, approximate, with 
 turbinate concave reticulate (tars. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. Gunlt. tefl. tab* 61. 
 Coral white, ftonv, very large and often foft ; frequently found 
 Flexuo/a. Corals cylindrical, rough, flexuous, approxinaatc, with 
 concave ftriate ftars. 
 Amcen, Acad. \,p. 96. tab. 4./". 23. 5. 
 Found caft on the ffiores of the Baltic, and is probably a variety 
 of M. cefpitofa, 
 Tafeicularis Cor'als flraight;; cylindrical, glabrous, divergent. 
 Rumpf, MuJ. 6. tab. 87./^. 8. Gualt, teft. t. 106. G. 
 Bonan Muf. Kirch, tab, 5. fig. \, 
 Bcccon. Muf. tab. 9. «. J.y". I- 
 Knorr delic. tab, A. iv. « 4. 
 Argen'V. OryFiol. tab. 22. fig. 6, 
 Bourg,petri/aii. tab. 4. /, 25. tab, 10. f. 47. 
 Volkm. filef. fubt, tab. ij,/.^. 
 Her/n, Marlogr. tab. 12. fig. lO. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: white, ftony, folid, unequal; fre- 
 quently found foflile in Euiope. 
 Stars orbicular, with a tumid dilated radiate margin, the 
 interllices dotted. 
 f^olkm. Ji lef fubt. \. p. 121. tab. \ 9. fig^ z, , 
 Knorr petnf. fuppl. tab.w'l. %, fig. 2. 
 Gnett. Mem. 2. />. 425. & 3. p. J09, tab. 51./". 2, 
 Found foflile in Silefia : ftars flat, with about 30 unequal denti- 
 culate gills. 
 Coral of many fhapes, with foHtary orbicular flat unequally 
 radiate ftars, with a fmooth flat and hardly prominent 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 627 
 Guett, Mfm, 2. /. 421 , Sc 3. ft 509. fai. 47./". 7. 
 Knorr petrif. ii, 2, /<j:^. F. v. Jig. i. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, often growing to other marine fubilanccs, 
 white, folid, fubglobular or flattened, the ftars about a line in 
 Tuhkrit. Tubes cylijidrical, very entire, a little prominent and c*:- 
 panded into an unequally radiate flar. 
 JValch Naturf. 5.^.48. n. 7, 
 Found often foffile : tubes about the fize of a crow-quill: liars 
 with about 6 thiclter gills, between each of which are 3 leflcr 
 Mfimillaris St^rs orbicular, prominent, wart-like, excavated. 
 Guett, Mem. 3, /. 514. tah. S^.Jfg. 3. 
 Schrat. Einl. in f^'er^. 3. tai. 6. /^ 3. 
 Found foflilc near Frankfort : ftars without border. 
 Paulloides, Glabrous ; ftars large, many-rayed, a little elevated, with a 
 minute centre. 
 Guett. Mem. 3. />. 506, tab. 48, fig. 2-4, 
 Buttn. Coral, fubt. p. 24. tab. \. fig. 2, 
 Knorr petrif . ii. 2. tab. F, vi._/ff.4. 
 Found foffile : fan with thick equal rays, often above 35. 
 Gkbularis, Stars large, rounded, equally rayed, M'ith a large perforated 
 Inhabits.— —A'aWw, rar. Nat. fab. 10. f 7, 
 J//«w. Stars rounded, large, fomewhat crowded, with a very mi- 
 nute hardly excavated centre. 
 Scheuchz, luhogr. Helv, p. 36. /, n. 49. 
 Found foffile near Bafe : ftars 3 — 4 lines wide. 
 Perfreta. Stars crowded, minute, excavated, with perforated gills. 
 Inhabits IVa/cb Naturf, 5. p. 54 — 58. 
 Coral fcmetimes hcmifphsrical and nearly a foot in diameter: 
 fan 12 -rayed, 
 Vermicula- Stars with unequal undulate fmooth rays. 
 ris. Lang. lap. fg, tielv. p. 60. tab. 20. 
 Bourg. petref. tab. 3. fig, 19. 
 Vol'-m. file/, fubt. p. 119. tab. \8.f. 4. 
 Found toflile : ffars 5 or 6 lines in diameter, with about S prin- 
 cipal rays, fome of them forked J centre minute. 
 *Arachno' Stars crowded, minute, flattened, with fu^undiilate fliort 
 ides, equal rays. 
 4 K 2 Fhtt 
628 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madiepora, 
 P:oti N.-t. Hift. ofOxfordJh. lah. z.fg.j. 
 h.li's lliih o/FoJJiles, tab. 7. 
 Guett. Mejn. 2. /. 435. &-' 3. p. 508. tab. 49./. 2. 
 Volhm. [ikf.fubt. p. 1 20. /a^. I ^'fig- II. 
 Srhrat. EinU m Verfl, 3. /. 461 , /a^. 9./. 3. 
 found fo.Tile : cor^/hemilphsrical '.Jiars with 1 2 contingent rays„ 
 Vnda!ata> J-ars large, elevated, with elongated curved rays. 
 '' - '. petr. ^.f. 33, Knorr petr^ ii. 2. /. F. vi./i I. 
 Mem, 2./. 441. 3. /1.49I. /^^. ^o.f, I. 
 -.:id foffile: y?^rj 5 or lines wide, with about 24 rays. 
 :■...*:«. Stars every where contiguous, with united membranaceous 
 Forji.fn. jEgypt. Arab. p. 131. 
 In.Hat ics the Red Seay where ic forms vaft rocks, and is ufed In 
 building and bnrnt into lime : Jiars c6ncave, with a very thia 
 brittle margin : gills fometimes radiate, fometimes only mar- 
 ginal : (T^wrrtf orbicular and rough with a row of fmail tubercles, 
 Monile. Stars funnel-form, without diflc, covered with gills and 
 divilions; gills equal, radiant, denticulate and conti- 
 nued into the next ftar. 
 Forjk.fn. /Eg. Arab. p. 133. «. 6. 
 Found foflile in Arabia: ftars as large as a pea, the centre lefs 
 than a muftard-feed. 
 Dadalica. Stars fomevvhat hexagonal, with united reticulate divifions 
 tooth,ed internally and at the margin. 
 Forjk. fn. j£g. Jrab. p. I'il- n.j. 
 Inhabits tl^e Red Sea: Itars fnowy, very thin and toothed within. 
 MoKotlriata Divifions between the old ftars elevated into rough lanceo- 
 late tongue-fliaped procelTes. 
 ForJk,fn. uEg. Arab. p. I 33. n. 8. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea: fpongy, tough, fnowy. 
 Contignatio Flattifh, orbicujar, with linear ftars at the circumference 
 tending to the centre, the middle ones ovate, divaricate 
 and nearly contiguous. 
 Forjk.fyi. j^g. Jrah. p. 134. r.C). 
 Inhabits the Red Sea; often a foot in di:;iiictcr. 
 Crifsata. Corals ventricofe-conic, fmooih, rough towards the tip; 
 ftars angular-rounded labyrintbic and funiilhed with. 
 alternately fliorter rows of gills. 
 i. ^■fp'-'*' Pf-nr'Tc. 3. /, I 50. n. 24. tab. z5. 
 t Inhabits fhcres of CV.'/wa. 
 *** ' P 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 90. Madrepora. 
 J^"f» Unequal, with fpongy papilljE and fuperficial flattifh dif- 
 tant ftars. 
 Inhabits theRe^ Sea. Forsk.fn. jEg. Arab. />. i 35. «. 14, 
 Cu/pidaton Corals conic, grooved ; ftars turbinate, with ftraight elon- 
 gated acuje gills. 
 Inhabits China. Efper Pfanz. 3. tab. 28. 
 E. Branihed, luith dijlinfi liars and tuberculous poruhus 
 Pontes. Slightly branched, compofite, rough, with fubflellate 
 crowded pores. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall, p, 172. «. yj, tab, \'].f, I X 
 Imper, Hift. Nat. 802. tab. 814, 
 Mori/. Hiji. Plant. 3. tab. \o. n. I 2. 
 Petiv.Pterig. tab., 20. fg. 15. Knorr delic. t.A.i./. 3. 
 Sloant 'Jamaic. tab. \%. fig, 14. Gualt. tefi. t. 20. 
 Muf. GottxK\ tab. A^J.f. 3- Bocc. Muf. t. 9. /; i — 4. 
 Inhabits hidia and South America: clear white, outwardly often 
 grey : branches patulous, fubdichotomous or alternate, very 
 obtufe, and rough with eminent dots. 
 pigitaia. Branches clavate, flattened ; ftars fcattercd, 6-raycd, with 
 a projedling vaulted upper margin. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. log.fig, 11. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 1 70. n, 74. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : refembles the laft. 
 Coral white, outwardly yellowifh-grey. 
 Damcor' Very much branched, the branches tapering and fubdivided \ 
 nis. ftars crowded, blind, ciliate. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 176. «. 73. 
 Morif. Hiti. Plant. 3. tab. 10. fig. 1 1. 
 Gualt. teJl- tab, 104. b. Knorr delic. tab. A. x.f, 4. 
 Rumpf. Atnb. 6. /. 240. tab. 86. fig. 3. 
 Inhabits Africa and hdia, and refembles the next, but wants the 
 wart-like protuberances. 
 Yerructfa. Very much branched, the branches obtufe and fumifhed 
 Avith numerous fimpler wart-like fubdivifions; ftars 
 fcattercd, crowded, ciliate. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 172. n. 78. 
 Weinm.phytanth. 2. p. 426. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits the African and Indian Oceans, 
 Muriccita, Compofite and fublmbricate, with obliquely truncate pro- 
 minent afcending ftars. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 171. n. 76. tab, 57. 
 Befi. MuJ. tab. 26. fig. 4. Muf. Lochn. tab. 23. 
 Uorif. liifi. Plant. 3,;). 656./. 15. /. 10. ». 3. & 9. 
 fetiv, ptcrig, tab. i^.fig. J. Si 18, 
630 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 99: Madrepora. 
 Vahnt. Tnd. 4. tah. 52. fig, D D. 
 Rumpf. Amh.S. p. 239. tab. SG.Jig. i. 
 £p^. Nat. Cur. Dec. ii. A, in. p. 78. tab. 3./. i. 
 Lang.lap.f.g. Helv. p. 57. tab. 17. ». i, 2. 
 Weinm. phytanth. 2. p. 234. /a^. 426. Jig. 9. 
 ^/o^ff^ Catal.p. 2. ////?. 1. ^. 53. ». 4. tab. 17. /". 4, 
 SebaMuf. 3. /<2^. 116. /%. 5. 
 Knorr delic. tab. A. ii. /f^. '> 2. 
 Valent. Muf. 1. j». 104. /^. 2. ^. 8. 13. 
 Muf. Gottiu. tab. 48. Jig. 2, 3, 
 1. With long pointed branches, and without Smaller fubdivifions. 
 Slcane Jamaica y \. p. 51. tab. \^t Jig* 3. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab, 1 14. fg. 1. 
 2. With divaricate branches, and fhort leathered divergent pointed 
 3. With afcending ftraight fubequal matted branches & fubdivifions. 
 4. With decumbent anaftomozing lower branches, and afcending 
 fhort acute fubdivifions. 
 Marj. Hid. Mar. tab. 34. «. 169./'. r, 2. /. 35. ». 1 70. 
 RumpJ.Amb. (>. p. 240. /a^« 86. /^. 2. 
 A/or//: ^//?. /*/«»/, 3. /. 657. /a^. 10. /f^. 10. 
 KleiK dub. p. 1 8. tab. ii. ^. i . 
 Kundm. rar.pf 159. /a^. (). fig. 10, II. 
 5. Branches united into a palm at the bafe, with divergent fub- 
 divifions. , 
 Shane "Jamaica, 1. /. 58. «. 5. tab. I'J.fig* 3. 
 Martini n. Mannigf. \. p. 10, tah. \,J. 1. 
 6. With numerous divergent branches and fubdivifions : cylinders 
 of ftars turbinate, with thickened rounded margins. 
 Seba MuJ, 3. tab. 108. fig. 6. 
 Inhabits India and South America: white, 3) reddifh. 
 fpfligtata, Coarfe, fubdichotomous, faftigiate : flars decorticated out- 
 Seha MuJ. 3. tab. 109. fig. I. t, WO. J, 3. /. 1 16. f. 4, 
 Injiabits South America: white, nearly a foot high. 
 Ramea, Branches ftriate, fubpinnate, cylindrical, truncate, with 
 terminal ftars. 
 Shaiu Natur. Mijcell. tab. 194. 
 Tourn* Inji. tab, 340, Donat. Adr. tab. 6. 
 PhiloJ. Hranja£l, 47. p. 105. tab. 4. 
 Cinan, Adr. \.p. 8. tab. W-fig' 5. 
 Befi. MuJ. tab. 25. Petiv. Gaz. tab, 76. n,J. 
 Shanxj jijr. app. p. 48. ». 36. tab. 36. 
 A/or//, if//, PL 3. /. 656. /«^. 10. fig. I. 
 RumpJ. Amb. 6. /a^. 87./. 4. Z)'««3. Mijc. tab^ j\-j . 
 Torrub. Uijp. tab, 10, fig. 13. Pla'U, conch, tab, i 8. 
WORMS. ZOCPHYTA. 90. Madrepora, 631 
 Sonan Muf. Kirch, tah, 285. fig. 6. 
 Knorr delic. i. tab.h.. \'n.fig. 2. 
 Inhabits the Indian, Mediterranean and yfflanticfczs, 2 feet high: 
 ftony, ferruginous, and marlced with fine longitudinal ftriae, 
 fome of which are undulatfe. 
 Tubular, glabrous, flexuous, obliquely ftriate, with alter- 
 nate branches and concave ftars pointing 2 ways. 
 BeJJer Muf. tab, 25. Valent, Muf. I. p. 104. tab. 8. 
 Weinm. ph'tant. 2. ;•. 233. tab. 426. a. 
 Eph. Nat. Cur. Dec. ii. A. 3. />. 78. tab. 3. 
 Seba Mufi 3. tab. 116. n, 12. /fwsrr D^//f . /. A, i. n. 2. 
 Muf. Gottnxn tab. 48.^^. 4. tab. 49. /f^. I. 
 lurgot.Metn, tab. 22. E. Blackiu. Herb. tab. 342. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, and is found foffile in Europe. 
 Coral white, perforated within. 
 Subdichotomous, ftraight, folid, with alternate eminent ftars. 
 BocconMuf. p. 256. tab.i^. », 5. fig.d. 
 Petiv. Gaz, tab, 76. ». 8. Argenv. OrySl. p. 324. /. 15, 
 Mar/, Hid. Mar. p. I 39. tah. 30. w. 140. , 
 Pontopp. AVw. I./. 282. Mi. 14. f. G. 
 5/r^;». .(4iS. MVro/; 4./>. 49. /<:^. 8./. 2 — 4. 
 Martini n. Mannigf. 3./. 4i9«/'. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, American and ^orio^feas: milk- 
 white, diffufe, about the thicknefs of the little finger and a 
 fpan hign. 
 Rojea. Much branching, rofe-colour, with numerous prominent 
 margined ftars. 
 Shavj liatur. Mi/cell. tab. 383. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; about 4 inches high. 
 Ccral a beautiful rofe-colour when recent, and afterwards fading 
 to a palei tinge : branches a little tapering towarda the bafe. 
 Hiriella. Stars every where alternate, prominent, with exfcrted acute 
 P atlas el. Zooph, /i. 313. «. 182. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : white* 
 Limitata. Branches a little flattened, with feattered 6-rayed ftars equal 
 at the margin. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall, p. IJZ. n. 79. 
 Inhabits Interfaces rough, with fubreticulate lines. 
 Boiryoidef, With thick faftigiate obtufc cluftered branches and reticulate 
 craggy undulations. 
 Inhabits— —3'<?/(7nd', and Ellis Corall. pt lyi, n, 80, 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 96. Madrepora; 
 Gram/a, A little branching, crefted and fomevvhaff fingered, with 
 the branches obtufe; all the undulations acutely cari- 
 nate : ftars linear and irregular. 
 Inhabits Soland. and Ellis Cor all. /. 1 7 3. «. 8 1 . 
 PtoJifera, Subdichotomons, coalefcing, with ftars at the fide prolife- 
 rous, terminal, concave. 
 Bejler Muf. Loch. tab. 25. Muf. Gottw. tab- icl'f'1' 
 Weinm.phstant. z.p. 234. tab.^zS.f. I. 
 Seba Muf 3, tabs 1 16./. 3. Ediu. Av, t. 94^. 
 Pontopp. Noriv. I. p. 282. a. 3. tab. 14. A. 
 A/f. Nidrof, 4. p. 34. tab. 2./. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the Nor'way /ea ; white, very folid : ^ar; funnel-form, 
 with about 8 gills. 
 Striata. Branching, with fiibulatc fubdivifions and ftar-like pores in 
 longitudinal rows. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 171. «. 75. tab. 31. f» 1,2. 
 Marf. Hiji. Mar. tab. 32./. 152. 
 Inhabits the Eafleni Ocean: white, ftouy, difFufe, about the fizc 
 of a large quill and near a foot high. 
 CaSus, With comprefled divergent intricate dichotomous branches 
 carinate at the edge, the fides with contiguous ftars. 
 Forjk.fn. /Eg, Arab, p. I 34. «. I 3. 
 Found foflile in Arabia; about a foot high: branches a. little 
 ereft, in tranfverfe rows. 
 Corymbofa. Branches of the corymb thicker at the tip and marked with 
 prickly ftrix : ftars terminal, folitary, repand, lobed. 
 Inhabits Forjk.fn. y£g. Arab, p. 1 37. n, 20. 
 Branches as thick as a finger : Jiars an inch wide. 
 With prominent obconic bud-like ftat-s. 
 Mull, Linn. Syft. 6. p. 107. tab. 23./". 7. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: fnow-white. 
 Prcbkmati- With oblique minute immerfed diftant ftars, and broad 
 '"'* pun6lured margin. 
 Knorr Delic, i. tab, A. X./. 3. Muf Gotf-vj. tab. 49. /: 5. 
 Inhabits about the Ayttilly IJlands ; ftony, rough, fea-greeh, fome- 
 times as thick as a man's arm and 5 feet high ; the interftices 
 of the ftars marked with lines. 
 Spuria. Slightly branched and dichotomous, with cylindrical tubes 
 filled with fmall irregularly difpofed longitudinal divifions. 
 Pah. el. Zoopk. p. 145. n. 35. k k. 
 Inhabits ochraceous : probably not of this Genus. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Millcpora. 
 Infundilu- Turbinate, ftriate, funnel-form, with flightly prominent 
 liformis. f^ars within. 
 Gualt. test, tab, 42. Pall. el. Zooph. /. 332. n. 195. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean i refembles M. inuricata: whitftf folid ; 
 probably not Of this divifion. 
 Jngalo/a. Dichotomous, faftigiate, with terminal turbinate angular 
 ftars and toothed gills. 
 Scba Muf. 3. tab. 109./. 2, I'i 
 Knbrr delic. \.tah. h, \^. f. ^. 
 Inhabits the American feas : fliort, thiclc, cellular, rmooth, white. 
 Difcoides. Difk-lhaped, fomewhat pedunculate and roughifii, with 
 marginal fafciculate Itars. 
 Pall, el Zocph.p. 306. n. 177. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: probably not of this tribe. 
 Chakidi' With prominent remote cylindrical tabes of liars lamellate 
 ('*"'» without and within. 
 TorJk.fn^yEgyp.Arab.p. I 36. n. 17. 
 Inhabits the Redfea : roughifh ; ot" an uncertain tribe- 
 Concamera- Flat, with remote fta-rs a little prominent at the margin, 
 '*• the interflices lamellate. 
 Forjk.fn. /Eg. Arab. p. I 3-6. n. I 8. 
 Found foffile J of an uncertain tribe. 
 Rofacea, Furnifhed with a ftem and branched, the lelTer branches 
 cylindrical, afcending and apprclTed : ftars terminal. 
 Efpcr Pflanz. 3. />. 1 1 5. n. i^. tab. iS-fS' 2--4- 
 Knorr delic. nat. i, tab. A. z.f.z. 
 Inhabits— —rofy, white or g.rey. 
 91. MILLEPORA. Animal an Hydra or 
 Polype: coral moitly branched and co- 
 vered with cylindrical turbinate pores. 
 AUicornis. Branched, comprelTed, ftraight, with fcattcred hardly vifible 
 Shanx: Katur. Mi/cell. tab. 419. 
 Sloane "Jamaicai I . tab. 17. fig. \. 
 Solan j. and Ellis Corall. /, 1 4 1 . ». 19. 
 Morif. Hiji. Plant, 3. />. 656. Jig. 15, tal. 10. n. 24. 27* 
 VOL. IV. — 4 L Peti^,'. 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Millepora. 
 Petiv,Pterig. tab, l8.//. 13. Edxv. av. tab. 94. 
 Lliuyd lith. p. 6. n. 92,93. tab. '^. 
 Seba Mr'/. 3. tab. 106. «. 8. tab. 114. w. i, tab, 116, «. 8. 
 KnO'V dciic. I. tab. A, 2. «. 3. 
 Inhabits the /W/'^xw and American feas, and is often found incruf- 
 ting pieces of rock, gorgonia and cocoa-nuts : dull white with 
 fometimes a yellowifh tinge, fmooth, folid, rtony, fometime$ 
 brittle, with very minute remote pores. 
 Fiat, rough, divided info thick plates bending different 
 ways, the tops of which are fometimes lobed and both 
 fides furnifhed with cylindrical fubftellate pores. 
 SohrJ. and Ellis Corall. p. 1 42. «. 2C. tat, 12./. 4. 
 Peti'v. Gaz. tab. 10. /g. 12. 
 Found in vaft mafles in the Eafl Indian Ocean : the laminze or 
 plates geneially half an inch thick and full of minute pores 
 between the ftar-like cells; an intermediate fpccies between 
 the Madrepores and Millcporf s. 
 Somewhat comprefTed and murlcate, with eminent pores 
 which are here and there cleft. 
 Gualf. tell. tab. 55, Mar/. Hist. tab. 32./, 152 — 157. 
 ASl. Nidros. 4. / 64. tab. z. fig. 20 — 22. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Norixiay feas: ereft, pointing two 
 way--, roundifi), with crowded pores at the branches cleft on 
 the lower fide. 
 Turbinate, with very crowded angular pores. 
 Found call on the fhores of Gothland. 
 Tubes 0^ pores with tranfverfe divifions within. 
 Truncate. Dichotomous, erc6l, with truncate branches. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 141. «. 18. tab, 23. f, 1—8, 
 Pbilo/oph Tran/aa. 57. tab. 17 /". I--8, 
 A8.Ha/n. \o. p. 258. tab. 9. fig. 10. 
 Ginann, op.poftk. z. p.%. tab. i.fig. 3. 
 Mar/. H;ji. Mar. p, 145. tab. 12. /. 154. 
 Mu/. Loch. tab. 23. Donat. Adr, 55. tab. 7. 
 Cwjolin. pol, mar. I. tab, 3. f. 9 — 1 1. 21. h t. ()./. 7. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and North /eas : yellowifh-grey and 
 appearing as if covered with a coat of varnifh, very brittle, 
 within greyifh : branches divaricate and fubdichotomous ; the 
 pores placed in a quincunx order, 
 Miniacea. Very minute, branching into fmall lobes and covered with 
 very fmall pores. 
 Soland. anS Elhs Corall. p. I 37. «. 12. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Milkpora. 635 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Irjian feas : a beautiful little cor->' 
 and the fmalleft of its genus being feldom above a quarter of 
 an inch high : the whole furface when magnified appears full 
 of minute white blind pore?, and on the tops of the lobesare 
 feveral fcattered holes furroundcd with a margin : the bale is 
 broad, by which it adheres to-fl.ell?, corals and rockf. 
 •Cervicor- A little compr^fled, dichotomous, with cells on botii fidc^s 
 fa's. and tubular fomewhat prominent florets. 
 So/<2nd. and Ellis Eorall. /. i 3 4 . «. 8. 
 Borlofe Cornnvcill, tab.Z\. fig. 7. 
 Marj. Hill. Mar. p. 134. ^3.32 / 15:, I55« 
 Ihnan. Muf. Kirch, tab. 286. «. 13. 
 Cinann cp polih. z.tab.^.f. '4* ^ 
 \nh2ih\ts ihQ Mediterranean and Comijii CoaH ; 5 — 6 inches high ; 
 reddifli or yellowiOi-brown, within whitifh; branched lile 
 the horns of a flag, and appearing as if covered with varnifli ; 
 very brittle and much narrower than M. fafcialis, but not \o 
 flat: a few of tJie pores are divided at the bafe as in M. afperH. 
 *Skenei. ComprefTed and llightly branched, with cells on both fides 
 difpofed in alternate rows; cells turbinate with a gap- 
 ing mouth and covered with a helmet, the undcr-lip 
 furnilhed with a fmall tooth. 
 Solander and E/lit Corall. p. I'i'y. n (). 
 Found near Jberdcen, adhering to rocks; of a bright fhinirg 
 white colour, and appearing as if covered with a filvcr varnifli. 
 Pumila, Depreflcd, with fcattered irregular retufe branches every 
 where porous and roughilh. 
 M^r/. Hiji. Mar. tab. 36. /: 175. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, on ihells and rocks, 3 inches high ; 
 folid, very much branched, pule grey, wichih white. 
 Compreffa. Furnifhed with a ftcm llightly branched and a little com- 
 prelFed: branches diltant: pores every where a little 
 prominent and rough. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. 
 •Lichenoi' Caulefcent, decumbent, with waved nearly oppofite den'.i- 
 des. culate branches: pores a little prominent on the upfer 
 fide and ftriate beneath. 
 Sha^ Natur. Mi/cell. tab. 416. 
 Ellis Corallines, p. 95. tab. 35. / B. b. 
 Marf.IIilL Mar. tab. 33 /. 162—164. 
 Seba Muf. ^. tab. 100. f. 10, 
 dn. Adr. I. tab. I /• 4. Boddart 7.ooph. /. 8, /". 2. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and European coails, on ftoncs an 1 cthe. 
 marine fubllances; milk-white, very brittle and about 2 11 ch.s 
 long. 4 L 2 Violacea. 
636 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Millepora. 
 Violacea. Flat, branching, with ere£l flexuous round branches a little 
 compreffed, with u porous future encompafling the 
 Soland and Ellis Ccrall p. 1 40. «. 17. 
 Inhabits the South Sea Jfiands, about 3 inches high j fine violet- 
 blue, with 2 rows of fmall pores each fide the margin befides 
 the line of larger ones furrounding it: furface rough, wiih 
 here and there clufters of little ftuds. 
 Tuhulifera. Solid, branched, with tubular fcattered pores; branches 
 confluent, with tapering rough extremities. 
 Jl^flr/: HW. Mar. /• 1 47. tab. 3 I . J^^. I 47» ' 48. 
 Inhabits the 5zV//;V7«' feas ; about 4 inches high, white, foUd, the 
 trunk and larger branches fmooth. 
 *fafcialis. Mcnibranaceous, flat, narrow, branched, flexuous, wit^ 
 pores on both fides. 
 EUis Cor all. /, 72. tab. 30. fig. b. 
 Borlafe Com'wall, tab, 7.\.jig.b. 
 Marf. HiJi.Mar.p. 148. tab. 'H. fg. 160. n. I — 3. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. /. I 33. «, 7. 
 Inhabits the MfrtV/frr.3»z^fl« and the coaft of the //?i? o/" ?r/^/&/, and 
 grows in irregular mafl'es : bra7iches flat, narrow and irregularly 
 lubdivided, which coalefce, twift and branch out again, leav- 
 ing hollow fpaces between them ; about 6 inches in diameter. 
 ^J^oliacea. Foliaceous, flexuous, uniting here and there at the extre- 
 mities, and covered with hardly viilble pores on both 
 fur faces. 
 Ellii Coral, p. 71. tab. 30,/^. A, B, C. 
 Found growing to an oyfter-fhcll at the IJle of Wight : from 3 
 inches to a foot long: white, ftony. 
 Zeyianica, Compofed of thin concrefcent irregularly divided mem- 
 branes, with rows of oblong cells each fide. 
 Pall. el. 7.ooph. p. 44. «. 10. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: white. 
 Eorniculofa Cruftaceous, with rows of vaulted cells furniflied with 9 
 fmall ringent lip and clofed by a membrane. 
 Pall. el. Zooph. p. ^7. «. 12. 
 Inhabits South America, adhering to other corallines : refembles 
 the Flullra foliacea, and may -probably be a Celleporc. 
 Cr^iHulcnta Cruftaceous, fomewhat branching and irregularly fliaped, 
 with rows of oblong cells clwfed by a membrane, and 
 very entire dLvl(io;:s. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Millepora. 637 
 Bal}er op.fubf 1./. 83. taB.'J.fg,^, 5. 
 Scba Muf- 3, tah^ \oo.f. 2. 
 Inhabits the fait dykes of Hollnndy and the Atlantk i greyifh- 
 white, aud forming fubglobular jnafTcs. 
 Erofa, Cruftaceous, with open qells pe£iinate at the lateral margin. 
 Pall, el Zooph, /. 38, «. 7. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean, affixed to rocks, 
 Celk with ere^ fubulatc teeth, about 4 each fide. 
 Reticulata. Membranaceous, with anaftomofing deprefled linear 
 branches rough on the upper furtace, with prominent 
 SoldnJer and Ellii Cor all. p. 1 39. ». 15. 
 Ginann. op, pojih. l. p. 9. tab, 4. /f . 8. 
 Jrgenu. Orj^, p 367. tab. 22, f, 5. 
 Bonan. hiluf. Kirch. 3. p, 266. ». 14.. tab, 43. y. \Z, 
 Marf, tiifi. Mar. tab. ^ot- fl' '^5» '66. 
 Roqjtes dt Maum. Pohp, p jz. tab. 15. C. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and IVeJi Indies : white, brittle, hori- 
 zontal, convolute and very much branched, the reticulate 
 branches growing in an undulate manner and coalcfcing here 
 and there ; the upper furface rough with pointed pores, the 
 under furface ftriate. 
 ^Cellulofa. Mcrnbranaceous, reticulate, funnel-form, irregularly waved 
 and plaited ^t the margin, with numerous pores on one, 
 Sha~JV Natur. Mifcell. tab. 1 69. 
 Ellit Corall. p. 72 tab. zS-fg- D. d. F. 
 Solander aud Elli} Corall. />. 138. «. 14. 
 Pontopp. Hili. Noriv. 1. tab. 14. f. F. 
 Ja. Nidrof, 4./ 77. tub. 3,/. |. d. f.fg. 3. 
 Argen'v. Oryct, tab. zz. fig. 2. D\ub. Mij'c. tab. 23, 
 P.umpf.Amb. 6, p. 24.7. tab. ^"J.f. 5, 
 Bonan Muf. Ktrcb. tab. zS6. fig. 10. 
 Borlafe Corn^vall, tab. 24. fig. 10. 
 Kundm. rer. nat. t. iz.f. 3. Muf. Guttiv, t, 48. /l 5. 
 Marf, Hili. Mar. p. 149. tab. 33. /". 161 . «. I 2. 
 Cinan. Adr. tab. \fig- 9. Knorr Delic. t. A. iii.y. 3. 
 Walch. Naturf. '^. tab Z,fz. Chahr. Str. ic. ^JJ, 
 Seha Muf -2^. tab. 100. fig.w. fab. 10\, f. ^, 6. 
 Cavol pol. mar. l. tab. 3 fg. 12 — I 5. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and European feas, fixed to marine 
 fubftances, and refemblcs a piece of lace, confiding of a flat 
 credt undulating membrane covered with large regular perfo- 
 rations, fometime? difp^fed in a cup-fnaped form, at other 
 times running into loofe folds with a waved margin like a 
 ruffle; about 3 inches high, foiid, brittle, white or yellowifh- 
 ^rey, with ve^y vivacious polypes, Clath' 
638 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Miilepora. 
 Clathrata, Umbilicate, reticulate, with flat dichotomous atraftomifing 
 branches porous on one furface. 
 Pall. el. Zooph. p. 1 45 . «. 1 49. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, and appears an intermediate fpecies 
 between IVI. cellulofa and lichenoides : white, and feated on a 
 Tolid centre. 
 Reticulum, Compofed of very much branched anaftomofing cancellate 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, covering the furface of (hells and the 
 roots of Fuci : refembles a fpider's web, and is compofed of 
 fine capillary threads. 
 Spongitej, Caulefcent, ered, with angular innibricate anaftomofing 
 Muf, Tejin. 118. tab. 11. f, z. 
 Inhabits- refembles a fponge, about a foot long: pores not 
 Coriacea. Submembranaceous, femiorbicular and nearly horizontal, 
 with a fev/ pores on the lower furface. 
 Shavj Affr. app. p. 47. fig. I , 
 Bonan. Muf Kirch, tab. 289. fig. 16. 
 Cwvnlin. pol. mar. 3. p. 258. tab. ()-fg- I 5- 
 Inhabits the yftJantir and Numidian feas, covering the ftems of the 
 Fucus cartilagineuj, and forming covers for the chambers of 
 other corals : probably not of this genus. 
 Cakarea. Branched, milk-white, folid, dichotomous, with tapering 
 coalefcing fubdivifions 
 Solander and Ellis Cor all. p. 129. n. I. /. 23./". IJ. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean \ 4 inches high. 
 Branches growing fmallcr towards the end, and generally regu- 
 larly fubdivided. 
 *Polymor- Cruflaceoiis, folid, irregularly fliaped, but generally branch- 
 pha. ed and tuberculate, and without vifible pores. 
 EllisCorall. p.jd. tab. 27. c. Muf. Lochn. tab. 23. 
 Borl. Corniv^p. 293./'. 2-5. Blackiu, Herb. t. 343, 
 Solander l£ Ellis Cor all. p. i 30. ». 2. 
 Peiiv.pterogr. tab, 1 8._/I 5. Sloane Jamaica, I . /. 1 8. /". 2. 
 Plane, conch, tab. \Osjig. c. b. tab. I 3 — 1 7. 
 Eonan. Muf Kirch, tab. 289. fig» 15, 
 Ginann, op. polih. \. p. \, tab. \.fig> 2. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. \oZ.fg, 8. tab. I 1 6, fg. 6, 7. 
 Inhabits mofl; European leas, and is the common Coral of the 
 ftiops; in many places it gro'.ssin fuchsbundance that it is 
 burnt for manure : its colour is either red, ycllowilh, greenilh 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 91. Millepora. 
 cinereous, but feldom white: fometimcs it is fliaped like the 
 kernel of a walnut, often in large coinpreflcd mafTes, fome- 
 :imes like a fmall bunch of grapes, bnt moft frequently in Ihort 
 irregular ramihcations of a chalky taberculate appearance and 
 llony fubftance. 
 Com{)ofed of cretaceous ere£l laminae or plates cro fling one 
 another and uniting differently here and there. 
 Soland. and Ellis Cora II. p, I ;i I , ?/. 3. tab. 23. /". g. 
 Inhabits the coaft; oi Portugal, in mafles of 5 or 6 inches wide. 
 Confiding of thin femicircular plates difpofed horizontally. 
 Solander and Ellis Cor all. p, 1 31, ?;. 4. tab. Z'^.f. lO — 1 2. 
 Inhabits the Cornijk coaft, adhering to and covering the M, poly- 
 niorpha, and is either red, purpliQi, yellow or whitifh : ex- 
 tremely thin and brittle, with femicircular plates of various 
 fizes conftantly growing horizontally with their margins bend- 
 ing over, making them convex on the upper fide and concave 
 Irregularly ihaped, brittle, rough, and compofed of (harp- 
 pointed roundifli cells. 
 F.llis Corall. p. 75. «. 7. tab. z-].f.g,¥. f. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. /. I 3 5. «. l O. 
 Inhabits the Britifi coafts, and is often found incrufting many of 
 the Sertularize, in fmall irregular maffes, appearing like white 
 fand ftrongly united together : branches generally cylindrical^ 
 each about half an inch long : cells placed round about in al- 
 ternate order, ihaped like an helmet juft opening, with a hole 
 in the middle ; probably a Madrepore. 
 *lubulo/a. Parafuic, cruftaceous, pale purple, with fmall tubular cells 
 difpofed in tranfverfe rows or whorls, 
 Ellis Corall, p. 74. n. 6. tab. 27. /^. E.e. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 1 36, n. 1 1 . 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Britijh ccajlsy and is found fre» 
 quently encompaffing the llem of the Sertularia falcata : tubes 
 ereft or declining, 
 Pinnata. Dichotomous, cred, with tubular pores difpofed in a pin- 
 nate order. 
 Mar/ Hi/. Mar. p. 152. t.^l.f. 167. ». I. 3. 4. & 2, 3. S'P'^53' 
 t. "it^.f. 168, n. 1 — 3. 
 Inhabits the Medttermnean ; greyifli wh?n recent, fometimes 
 green, about an inch high, and very brittle, 
 *L{l:acea. Creeping proftrate, in obtufe linear divifions, with tubular 
 pores on the upper furtacc difpofed in tranfverfe rows. 
64© WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 92. Cellepora. 
 Plane conch, app. p. 112. tab. l^.Jig. N. n. 
 Mar/. Hijl. Mar, p, 153. tai. 'i^,fig. 168. n. 4. Si 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Cornijh coafi, and fomewhat re- 
 fembles M. tubulofa^ but is white. 
 Carduncu' Irregularly fhaped, membranaceous, with concentric wrin- 
 lus. kles and central triangular pyramidal tubes. 
 Ca'volin. pol. mar. I. /- 7I. tab. '^/fig. 1 9, 20. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, and is generally found adhering to 
 Sertulariss ; minute, white, fubpellucid, and fomething refeni' 
 bling the flower of a thiftle. 
 92. CELLEPORA. Animal an Hydra or 
 Polype: <:^r<2/ fomewhat membranaceous, 
 compofed oi round cells. Cellepore, 
 Ramulofa. Dichotomous, fafciculatej with round obtufe ramifications, 
 and very crowded cylindrical tubes. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. prcdr. 3049. 
 Inhabits the Northern Ocean: very brittle and much branched, 
 and appearing as if compofed of grains of fand. 
 Spottgites^ With rows of tubular top-fliaped cells in fingle layers, the 
 openings of which are margined. 
 Solander and Ellis CoralL /. 132. «. 5. 
 Gualt. teji. tab, 70, 7 i . Muf. Bejl. tab. 28. 
 Bonan, Muf. Kirch, tab, I l.Jig. k. 
 Cavolin. pol. mar. i. tab. 3./". 16 — 18. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and North Seas : white, grey or red, 
 and marked on the under fide of the cells with lines between 
 each row : 2—5 inches in diameter. 
 •Pumicofa, Irregular, very brittle, ere6l, with gibbous mucronate 
 crowded cells. 
 Ellis CoralL tab. 30./. D. d. Borh Cornnv. tab. 24./. 8. 
 2. Marf. Hill. Mar. tab. 3 I, 32. f. 149, 151. 
 Plane, conch, tab. Z'j.Jig. I. 
 Inhabits European and Indian feas, and refembles a piece of 
 Pumice ftone. 
 Verrucofa. With ovate cells in a round mafs, the mouths of which are 
 about 3-toothed. 
 O.Fabr.fn. GrainL p. z^-^^. n. 440. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and North fias, on Fnci and fhells : 
 white, v.ith very minute pore?. 
 an at a. 
 Ciliata. With convex cells, the mouths of which are fringed with 
 0. Fahr.fn. Groenl. />. 434. «. 441, 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and North Seas, on Fuel : grey, with 
 an irregular number of teeth on the mouths. 
 Hyalina, With fubglobular diaphanous cells, the mouths of which 
 are oblique and unarmed. 
 Cwjolin, poL mar. 3./1. 242. tab. g. fg. 8, 9. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, covering Fuci and fiiells as with a cruft : 
 • white, verruccfe. 
 tlitida. With fubcylindrical pellucid annulate cells, the mouths of 
 which are terminal and unarnied. 
 0. Fahr.fn. Grctnl. />. 435. «. 443. 
 Inhabits the Grftr^/aW leas, oh Algae : white, polifhed, pellucid* 
 Annulata, With oval ventricofc annulate cells, the mouths of which 
 are ringent and about 4-toothcd. 
 O. Fahr.fn. Gra:nl. p. 436. n, 444. 
 Inhabits the Ocaan, on Fuci, ftoncs and Lepades; a very beau- 
 tiful little fpecics: fi"//? glabrous, reddifh. 
 O.'k LSIS. Animal grawing hi tire foi'm of a 
 |)huit : Jlem Itoiiv, jointed, the johits 
 loiioitudinallv Itriate, united bv Iboiioy 
 oi" horny juncluies, and covered by a 
 tbt't porous cellular tielli or bark: mouths 
 belet with oviparous polypes. Coral, 
 Uippu'ts^ With whi*e ftriate joints and black junctures. 
 Shai': Natur, Mifcll. lab. 106. Ediv. Ji', tab. 93. 
 Solander if! Ellis Cor ajl. p. 105. «. 2. rah. 3./. I — 5' 
 Rumpf Amb. 6. tab. 84. Guult. tefi. \\%. f.\h. 
 Olear Muf. p. 69. tab. 35./, 4. BfJJ. Muf. fab. 23. 
 Ronon. Miff Kirch, tab. ^z.n. ^, 
 Valent. hid. litt. tab. % . fig. 2 — \. 
 Vclentyn, bid 3. tab. S^-fig- AAA. 
 Sda Muf, 3. /ah. 105. /?. 3. /. 1 10. K. 1 2. 
 Knorr delic. tab. A. i. n. 5. 
 z. Ifis clongata. EfperThiertf. \. tab. 6, 
 laiiabits chiefly the Indian ieas, growing to rocks, and isfjoni 
 z inches to 2 feet long: ilony joints longer, black junftures 
 iBore contrafted. 
 VOL. I v.— 4 M 
 Ochr exeat 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 93. Ifis. 
 Stem coralline, with fmooth joints and decorticated junc- 
 Peti-v. GaK. tab, l^ fig. lo. Zsba Muf. 3. t. 106. y.4. 
 Inhabits tne Indian and ^thiopc fcas j about half a foot high, 
 fomewhat flexuous ; joints clear flelh-colour, with a cinnabar 
 fleili befe: with convex papillx. 
 Stem corufline, with decorticated joints and knotty junc- 
 Ellis Philof. Tranfa^. 50. /. 1 89 tab. 3. 
 Soldnder and Ellis Cor all, p I o ^ . « I , 
 Rutnpf. Amb. 6. p. 234. tab. 8^. fig. I. 
 Seha Muf. 3, tab. 104. fig. i. 
 Inhabits the Eafi Indies among the Spice IJlands : deep red, 
 fcmetJmes white with the junftiires brownifh-ycUow : ftem 
 irregularly channelled as if eaten into: branches numerous, 
 dichotomous, fpread : joints connefled by deep yellow fpongy 
 knobs :_/f//z pale yeJIow, full of ftellate mouths: pcljjies wi;h 
 8 claws. 
 *Entrscba, Stem teilaceou?, round, with orbicular perforated joints 
 and verticillate dichotomous branches. 
 Inhabits the Ocean. Stem about the thicknefs of a finger, with 
 crowded fl;it orbicular joints perforated in the centre, the 
 perforation pentangular with the difk fubllriate from the 
 centre: outer bark ox flejli unequal and furrcunded with a 
 row of tubercles : branches thin, dichotomous, continued and 
 notjointed. It Ihould feem therefore that thofe foffde bodies 
 calkd EntrcchifZ\c petrified fpecimens of this fpecies of Coral, 
 *Alleria. Stem tertaceous, jointed, pentagonal : branches verticillate, 
 with a terminal dichotomous ftar. 
 Ellis encrin. 1 764. 4. tab. I '^- fig- 14' 
 Philojoph. Tranfacl. 52. tab. 14. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, and is found foflile in all parts of Europe, 
 and known by the name of the Star fione. 
 Coccineai Sterp, jointed, (lender, very red and fubftriate: joints united 
 by lliort yellovvilh fpongy junctures: fleih on the out- 
 fide covered with Imall Icarlet prominent ceils, each 
 furnillied with a mouih. 
 Soiander and Ellis Corall. p. 1 07. », 3. tab. 11. f, 5. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, 2 or 3 inches high. 
 Coral very minute with irregularly fpreading branche?, and i> 
 rarely found quite vvhi:e. 
 94. AN- 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 94. Antipathcs. 643 
 94. ANTIPATHES. Animal growing in the 
 form of a plant: fiem expanded at the 
 ])ale, internally horny befet Avltli (inall 
 fpincs, externally eovered with a gela- 
 tinous lielh befet with numerous polype- 
 bearing tubercles. 
 spiralis. With a very fimple fplral rough ftem. 
 SolarJer iS Ellis Coralh p. 99. n.\. tab. l()./^ I — 6. 
 Rumpf. A?nb. 6. p. 202. tab. 78. C. 
 Valer.tytt Ird. 3. tab. 52. fig. B B. 
 Eph. Aa. Nat. Cur. 2 A. 3. /- 78. tnb 4 /. 4. 
 Inhabits the Indian, Mediterranean and North Seas : of a bard 
 horny black fubftance, exceedingly brittle, very long and 
 variouHy twjfted, and abjut the iizc of a writing pin. 
 Ulex. Very much branched, with fcattered fpreading very rough 
 fubulate branches. 
 Solandt-r iff Ellis Ccrall. p. lOO. w. 2. tab, 19. ^g. J, S. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: deep black, with irregularly difp ifed 
 and varioufly direfted ovate cavities diipeiied abojut the 
 branches, of a brownidi-yellow colour, and fuppolcd to be 
 the ovaries, 
 Subpinnata Branched, pinnate, rough, with fetaceous alternate fub- 
 divifions and a few others proceeding tranfverlely 
 from I hem. 
 Solander and Ellis Cor all. />, loc. n. 3. tab. ig,/- 9> lO. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean : ciucreou-, with anib(.r Ipines. 
 Myriophjlla With numerous incurved pinnate branches, the fubdivifions 
 with other leiler fpinou^ pinnules on the upper fuie. 
 Solander and Ellis C'orall. p. 102. n. 4. tab. 19/. 1 l. 1 -• 
 Sbaiv Natur. Mifcell. tab. 352. 
 Peti'v. Gaz, tab, 35. fig. 12. 
 Breyn prodr. 2. p. ^^.ic.p. 33. tcb. 29. 
 Inhabits the Indian Octan, and has the appearance of a finj fnad; ' 
 fhrub: very rough and yellowiih-brovvu. 
 Alopeciu With fpinous fetaceous clofely paniclcd branches. 
 roidcs, Solander ajid Ellis Ccrall. p» 102. v. 5. 
 Inhabits Sjouth Carolina, about 2 Icet high, and riles from a bro ::-l 
 fpread bale, dividing nito feveral large branch?.') ilai: on one fide 
 with a groove along the middle ; it then iubdivides into t.n-.iiirr 
 branches, forming cloic panicles not ur.iike the fox-t^iil grals: 
 tiic outfide gieyilh, ttie uiiide black and very briulc, 
 4M2 Cupreffu:,. 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 94. Antipaihes. 
 Cuprejfus. Growing in the form of a fimple rough panicle, with re- 
 curved branches. 
 Solander and Ellis Cor all, p, 103. n. 6. 
 Sha-iv Nartur. MifcelL tah, 320. 
 Kumpf. Jtnb. 6. p 207. tab. So. Jjg. 2. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. 106, fig. \, 
 Inhabit!: the Indian Ocean, thowt z feet long, and covered with 2 
 brownifh down, under which it is deep black. 
 Oricalcea. Braify, fmooth, with a fimple rigid flexuous ftem and alter- 
 nate fcattered dichotomous branches. 
 Rumpf. Amb, 6. p. 227. tab. 80. fig. 2. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab. 100. fig. 17 — 19. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean : a foot long, and very rigid. 
 Dichoioma, Very long, dichotomous and upright. 
 Marf.HiJi. Mar. p, 10^. tab. 21,22. /%. loi, &r/.68. tab. j[0. 
 fig. 179, K. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the Medittrranean : 2 feet high, round, dufky. 
 Clathrata. Very much branched, intricate, with confufed fub^livifions 
 ' every where coalefcing, the younger ones fetaceous. 
 Morif. Hiji' Plant. 3. /•, 65 2. tab. \o.n.\%. 
 BocconMuf. p. 259. tab. 9. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; a foot long, and black within^ 
 riabellum. Dilated, very much branched and fubdivided, the fubdivi- 
 fions branching both ways and cohering together in a 
 reticulate manner. 
 Inhahics the Indian Ocean. Rutnpf. Amb. 6. p. 209. 
 Cffra/ undulately curved, half a foot wide, black, rough. 
 Pennacea. Branched, fomewhat incurved, the branches with fetaceous^ 
 very crowded rough fubdiviiions. 
 Jldro'V. Muf. Met. p. 848. ic. I. 
 Inhabits the Inaian Ocean; about a foot high and nearly as thick 
 at the Item : grey, rough, v/ithin black. 
 Very much branched, very rough, black, with fcattered 
 branches covered every where with fubulate fubdivifions. 
 Rumpf Amb. 6. /. 207. Fall Zcoph.p. 208. n. 233. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; a foot high, and deep black. 
 Very much branched, with fetaceous decompofite fubdivifions. 
 Rumpf. Amb. 6. p. 208. tab. 80. fig. 3. * 
 Inhabits the Me4itrrrai'.i;an: a lootlu^h, black. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95. Gorgonia. 645 
 po. GORGONIA. Animal growing in the 
 form pf a plant: Jtem coriaceous, corky, 
 woody, horny, or bony, compofed of 
 glalfy fibres, or Uke ftone, itriate, taper- 
 ing, dilated at the bafe, covered with a 
 vatcular or cellular flelh or bark, and 
 becoming fpongy and friable \vlien dry : 
 mouths oT Jlorets covering the furface of 
 tiie Item and po)ype-bearing. 
 Itpadifera Dichotomous, with crowded imbricate refle6led compann- 
 late mouths or florets. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 84. «. 8. tab. l},- fg. ly 2. 
 Pontopp. Noriv. I p. 252. tab. 13 fig. H. 
 Cuvner. Ad Nidros. z. p. ^2\. tai 9. 
 C/u/. Exct. 122. tab. 123. Bi'Jl^ Muf. tab, 24. 
 Bailer op. Jubf. 2. /. i 30. tab. 1 1, fig. l . 
 Inhabits the Noriuay eas ; near 2 teet high : fiejk pa!c, covered 
 with minute whicilh fcalcs: /o/r/j covered with white imbricate 
 fcales, and have the appearance of fmail Berpacles : fiem white 
 with a ftony bafe and cartilaginous branchci^, 
 yerudlla- Pinnate, branched, with alternate parallel fubdivifions 
 ris. covered with verlicillate incurved florets. 
 Etlis Corall. p. 60. tab. 26. fig. S^ T, V. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 83. w, 7. 
 Mar/. Hifl.Mar.p. lOi . tab. 20. fig 94—96. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and North Seas : 2 — 3. feet high; 
 Stem very brittle, white or yellowifh, compofed of layers of a 
 Jhining pearly flielly (ubilancC": flejh covered with white glafiy 
 fcales : branches flexile, 
 ^P/flM/BKf. Branching both ways, with flexuous rarely anaftoinofing 
 branches covered with conic florets. 
 Ellis Corall. p. tj . tab 27, /fg- a A, A I . A 2. A 3. 
 Solar der and EUis Corall />. 86 n. lO. 
 Gunner Ail. Nidros. 3./. I. tab I. 
 Breyn. prodr. 3. tub 29. Borl. Corn-M. p. 238. tab f. i. 
 Marf I-Iifi. Mar. p.gi. tab. 17 p. 157. ta'\ 35,/. 171. 
 Pontopp. Hijl. Noriv. I. p 273. tab. 1 1. «. 2, 3- 
 InhuMts European and Indian leas : 2 feet high. 
 Stem erert, woody, yellow, fcarlet, reddifh or cinereous : branches 
 fiatiifl), bending irregaUrly towards each other and rarely 
 uniting : f.oreti furrounded at the top with fmall fpincs. 
646 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95. Gorgonia. 
 Mollis, Coriaceous, dichotomous, with perpendicular tubular florets. 
 Pallas el. Zooph,p zo'i^.n.x 10. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean \ nearly i^ foot high; brown-yiolet, 
 with long flender branches and brown ftem. 
 Sucdnea. Round, amber-colour, dichotomous, rigid ; the ftem covered 
 with tubercular gaping florets. 
 T alias el. Zooph. p, 200- n. 128. 
 Inhabits- very rare, above half a foot high, with a tefta- 
 ceous Hem. 
 Americana. Branched and fubdivided, the fubdivifions nearly oppofite 
 deprefled with rows of fuckers on each margin : flelh 
 yellowi(h, pale purple within: bone horny. 
 Zoland. and Ellis Cor all. p,8y. v. 1 1. ta6. 14., Jig. 3. 
 Inhabits the Weft Indies : purplifh or yellowifhj refembles G, 
 Exferta. Round, with a few alternate branches: florets alternate, 
 8-valved: flcfh covered with minute white fcales: 
 bone brownifh, horny. 
 Colander and Ellis Cor all. p. 87. ». 12. lah, l^.Jig 1,2. 
 Inhabits the If^e/i Indies; about 2 feet high: tranches long, flen- 
 der, white: polypes with 8 tentacula, and exferted. 
 Patula. Comprcfl'ed, with flcxuous fubplnnate branches, crimfon i 
 with 2 rows of florets each fide, each furrounded with 
 a whitifli ring: bone brownifli, horny. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall, p. 88. «. 1 3. tai. ^'^.fg- 3j 4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean. 
 Ceratophjta Branched, with divaricate eredl fubdivifions each marked ' 
 with 2 furrows: florets white, in irrcgiilar rows: 
 flefli purple: bone black, horny. 
 Solander and Ellis Ccrall. p. 81. k. 4. tab. 12. fig. 2, 3, 
 Pluk. Amal. p. 102. /. 454 /. 13. Eocc. Muf. tab. p. 8. 
 Pet. Gaz. iah. 31./. 8. Muf. Gotfv.'. t. ^6.f, I. 
 Marf. HiJ}. Mar. p. 99. tab. 19. n. 83. 
 Catejhy Carol. 2. tab. 13. lurgot Mem. t. 23. B. 
 Seha Muf. 3, tab 1 07. n. 3. Kmrr Delic. t. A. V. «. 2. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean t Atlutntic and South American feas; 
 about a foot high : ftejh bright purple. 
 Juncea. With a very fimple round ft;em tapering both ways: bone 
 dufl^y, hoiny: flelh orange-colour with 2 furrows: 
 florets longifli. • 
 Solander arid Ellis Corall. /. 8 1 . «. 3. 
 ' Seba 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95, Gorgonia. 
 Seha Muf. 3. tah. 105. n. I. a. 
 Inhabits the American IJlandsy adhering to ftones: about 3 feet 
 long, and very flexible when alive, 
 Flammea. Comprefled, branched and fubdividcd: bone flat, horny: 
 flefh fcarlet, covered with minute florets. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 80. «. 2. tah. II. 
 Inhabits the Cape 0/ Good Hope: bright flame-colour. 
 Vmbracu' Fan fhaped, fubreticulate, with numerous round divergent 
 li^m. branches: flefh reddilh, covered with florets. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 80. n. I. tab. lO. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: rtem fhort, rifing from a broad bafe, 
 fending forth 2 or 3 thick branches, from which proceed many- 
 long flendcr (mailer ones all tending to the cijcumference and 
 united here and there by lefler fide ones, forming a kind of 
 Purpurea, Subdichotomous, with divaricate flender branches: flefh 
 violet, covered with minute tubercles. 
 Pdilas el. Zooph. />. l 87. «. 1 1 8. 
 Inhabits South America: round, fmooth, blackifh, the ends of the 
 branches yellow. 
 Safappo. Dichotomous, round, with divaricate flender branches : 
 flefli red, with numerous hairy florets. 
 Rumpf. Am'), b. p. 223. tab. 83. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; a foot long : black, horny, and fre- 
 qucutly found with bcrnacles adhering to it. 
 Palma. Flat, with numerous very long fimple divifions : flefh 
 fmooth, with fcattered fimple pores. 
 Pallas el. Zoobh.p. \ 89. ;:. 1 20. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; 2-6 feet long : brown, horny, co- 
 vered with a calcareous coat, and flexile. 
 Radicata. Very much branched, corky, with very minute fcattered 
 pores, and many-cleft at the bafe. 
 Seba Muf. 3 tab. 106. n. 6. 
 Inhabits African feas : fubdichotomous, grey, of the fubftance 
 and appearance of cork, with a branched trunk 2 inches high. 
 Subere/a, Woody, very much branched, diiFufe, the branches compref- 
 fed& grooved, & covered with fubflellatc fcattered pores, 
 Ellis Corall. p. 64. /. 26. fig. P, Q. Soland. & Ellis, /.gS- n. 19. 
 Turgot Mem. Inftr. tab. 23. fg. C. 
 Inhabits India and Africa; near 3 feet high : fejk red, fpongy : 
 tone pale red, corky : branches long, round, cred^. 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95. Gorgonia. 
 Coralloides. Woody, erea, fubdichotomous and variouHy fliaped: 
 rofy, tuberous, with ftellate tuberculate florets. 
 Bocc.Obj Ep.tab.p.is. ^ , ^ , 
 ln\izhn% x\\t Mediterranean ; near a foot long : pale grey, 
 tough, with yellow florets. 
 Dichotomous, divaricate, with the flefh red and covered 
 with papillous fcattered fubimbricate pores. 
 Solander and Ellis Cor all. /, 96. «. 23. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic: pale, brittle, 4 feet long : branches fquare, 
 with rows of pores at the angles. 
 Very fimplc, ftraight, with a decompofite leafy bafe, and 
 foft tuberculate flefli. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. /). I 82. k- 1 1 3. 
 Inhabits the buUan fea; brown, tapering towards the tip: 
 flefli cinereous when dry. 
 Simple, rigid, with a calcareous white fubtuberculate flefli. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p. I 82. «. 1 14. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: blackifli. 
 rtminalis. Very long, dcprefled, branched, with ere£l fubdivifions : 
 flefli yellow : florets feated along each margin of the 
 Solander and Ellis Cora II. /. 82. «. 5, tah. I 2. /. 1 : 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Atlantic; above a foot high: 
 branches long, flender: Jorets white, with 8 tentacula or claws : 
 hone blackifli, hcrny, 
 Muricata, Round, with deprefled fubdivided branches:^ flefh firm, 
 whitilh, covered \yith ered cylindrical fpinous florets.: 
 bone 2-edged, blackifli. 
 Catejby Carol. 3. tab. 37. Turgot Mem. /. 23, A. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. /). 82. n. 6. 
 Petinj. pterlgr. tab. 18. J^f. 9, lO. 
 Knorr Delic. tub, A. vi. « 4. 
 Ginan. Adr. l.p.lG. tab. 10. f. 23. 
 Inhabits about the Amejican IJlands ; 2 — 3 feet high: coriaceous, 
 horny, with a white medullary nerve. 
 •Verruco/a. Eifarious, with round flexuous branches and a whitifli 
 calcareous bark covered with white prominent flureis. 
 Philof. TranfaB. 44. p. 5 1, tab. 2. & 50. /. 34,/. 19. a. 
 Marf. Hijl. Mar. p. ig. 96. 104. tab. 1 6. 18. 21. 
 Seba Muf, 3. tab. 106. n, 3. Cavol. pol. Mar. 1 - /. 1 , 
 Knorr Delic, i . tab. A, v. fg. I . 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95. Gorgonia, 649 
 Ginann. Jdr. \, p.M^. tab. 'J* fig. 20. 21. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 89. n. J 4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean^ Weft hdian and R^itifn Teas, adher- 
 ing to roiks or incrufting the t,ipa> calceolus; a foot and half 
 high or more, and grows in a fan-fhapcd ma-^ncr: when dry 13 
 of a dirty-whirr or cinereous colour : bone (fi a fubftance be- 
 tween wood and horn. 
 Antipathes, Shrubby, with ered alternate panicled branches: bone with 
 fiexuous ftri£c. 
 Vaient. Ltd. htt, p, qoi. tab. ^.fig- •• a. 
 yalentyn. Ind 4, tab. 52. ». 51. epit.p. zS. 
 Seba Mu/, 3. tabs 104. «. 2. /. 1 07. n. 4, 
 Ginann. .■idr. l./>. 17. tab. 13, I4- f 29. 
 Kmrr Delic. tab. A.\. f. l. t. A. vi./, I. Donat. Mon, t. i, 2. 
 Muf, G St tic. /. 63. tab. ^g.fig 4. 6. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Mediterranean fcas ; above 2 feet high ■ 
 horny, deep black, with a grey baik. This afFards the blac.'' 
 Coral of the (hops, 
 *Ancefs, Slightly branched, with comprefled Rem and branches, each 
 with a row of florets along both. the niargins. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 68. tab. 27. /f^. g, n 2, 
 Solan,der and Ellis Corall, p. Sg n i^. 
 Peti-v, p'en'g. tab. \%./ 12. Catejby Carol. 2. t. 34. 
 Sloane Jarniic. 1 . /. 56. n. I 5. tab. 24. fig. 4. 
 Inhabit.^ the American and Bntip cor.sts ; nearly 2 feet high 
 Jlcfiy calcareous : bone roundifh, final! at the ends, of a horny 
 leathery texture: when recent of a fine vidlet colour, bur 
 when dry yellowjfh or white. 
 I^obilis. With fpread irregular flightly tapering branches: fl fh red, 
 fott, flippery and full of minute pores: bone ftony^ 
 bright red and irregularly ftriate. Red Corah 
 Soiarder and Ellis Corall p. 90- n. 16 tab. 13./". 3, 4. 
 Ellis Corall. /. 93. tch. 1,^. fig. a. 
 Dcnati Adr. p. 43 tab. 5. Cav.pol. mar. I. /. 2. 
 Bonan Muf Kirch, p. 265. tab. p. 2S4. r., \. 
 Tournef. Infl. p. 572, tab. 339. 
 Marf liift. Mar.p ic8. tab. 22 — 29 />. 16S. teb.^o,/. 182, 
 K,iOir Dtlic. tab. A n. 1,2. tab. A. li. n,^, 
 Seba Muf 3. tab u^. /^. I — 7. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Red Sea; is very beautiful, valu- 
 ab-e, and grows to about a foot in hc'ght : porfs or ficnts irre- 
 gularly placed and a little prominent, ccniilbng of 8 valves, 
 from v.hich proceed the polypes with S teniacula. 
 vol.iv,>-jN cr.,ra. 
 650 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95. Gorgonia. 
 Crajfcy Round, dichotomous, with long thick divaricate ere£l 
 branches: tirelh thick, violet, with fmall prominei t 
 approximate equidiftant pores: bone dark brown, 
 Solar.iidr and Ellis Cor all. p g I . ». 1 7. 
 JB. Parts. 1700./. 34. tab 2. 
 Hughes Hist. Barbud. tab. 27 fig. I. 
 L haiits the Wt't Indies: florets with 8 tentacula. 
 A little compreflfed and pinnate, with comprefTed very fim- 
 ple branches : flefli red, with oblong pores. 
 Seba Muf. 3. /. 1 14.^, 3. D'aubent. ic. Mi/c. 48, 
 Breyn. prodr. 3, p 34. tab. 30. 
 Inhabits the African %r\6. horth Seas', \\ — 4 feet high; horny, 
 brown, yellowifh on the branches. 
 Flat, very much branched and fubdivided, with yellow 
 bark and purple pores in double rows. 
 Shavj Natur, Mijlell. tab 263. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Atlantic Teas: a foot high. 
 Trunk flat, hranched j the branches pinnate, the fmallcr ">ne= often 
 fubdivided and dichotomous : ^ow horny: Jlefli fmooth with 
 nuinerous mi'^^ute (abcrculate pores difpofed in a double row 
 en the margins of the branches. 
 / iolacea, A little deprefled with pinnate branches : bark violet, nearly 
 fquare, with fomesvhat prominent pores. 
 Pallas el. Zooph p. 176. ». 108. 
 Inh bits t' e American feas ; above a foot long, horny, and often 
 with the Lepas calceolus adhering to it.^ 
 Sete/a, Round^ pinnate, with diffufe fubdivifions and purplifh bark. 
 Olear Muf tah 35./^. I Befl Muf. Lockn. t. 24. 
 Sloane "Jamaica, \ p-$'' ». 14 tab. 22./". I — 5. 
 Catrjby Caroliuat t tab. 3 J. 
 Morif Hi/}, t'ltnt- ^.p.b^z t. to. n. lO. 
 Inhabits the Mediterra>ean and American feas: very upright, 
 ncirly 2 feet high, the old hark often greyifh or incrullcd with 
 a yellowiih or white calcareous matter. 
 fttechi- Subdichotomous, very much branched, with a yellow 2- 
 Kans, grooved bark covered with red pores. 
 Maf Hift. Mar. p. 103. tab 20 fig.2>() — 93. 
 Inhabits about 2 feet highj horny, black, with amber- 
 coloured ramifications. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 95. Gorgonia. 651 
 ftfiinaia. Round, with parallel afcending fimple branches inclining 
 the fame way • bark red, with gibbous fcatterxid pores ; 
 bone white, hard, brittle. 
 Se^a Muf, 3 tub. lo:j. f.; . 1 a, 
 S^Ia'niey iff Ellis Coral, p. 85. /;, 9. 
 Inhabits the East LmUes: branches all from one fide. 
 Ahittina, Branched and fiibdivided . bark yellow with rows of purple 
 (inrcts each lide: bone horny, veilowiih. 
 ZoIaniUi and Ellis Cerall. p Qq. «, 23. tab. 1 6, 
 i'iunenet /imalth tah. 4^2 f 3. 
 Inhibits Apia'; a out a foot high, and often covered wit^ f:niU 
 heinac'cs: flat, wi.ii the oL'er oianchc irregular, the younger 
 ones pinnate like the bertqlaria abietina. 
 Cfl^f«/a/tf. Branched and fubdivided, with ered thick ramifications 
 cov rird with truncate papillx: fldh cinereous wiih.ut 
 and purpliih within, tuniilh'd with lar^^e cup-Ihaped 
 flircis: bone daik brown, horny 
 Inhabits 'i^olandir and Ellu Corall /»95. a(. 21. 
 Briareut, With very few thicker branches and dilated bafe: fieOi pale 
 grey without and whitifh within: bone compofcd of 
 fmail purple glally needles irregularly and clofcly Jifr 
 pofcd longitudinally. 
 Solander and EUn i.^orall. p. ())■ « to. fai, 1 4. Jig. t, 2. 
 Inhabits the IVest Indies; rtlcmbles an Alcyjr.ium. 
 Floreti large, prominent, numerous and irregu'arly difpofed. 
 FfHtalina, Reticulate, with the branches comprelTed externally at the 
 fides ; bark red. 
 Rumpf. Amh. 6. p. Z05. tab. 8g. fig. I, 
 Inhibits the Indian Ocean: black or brown, 
 Reticulum, Reticulate, with very clofe-fet round ramificatious and red 
 tuberculatc bark. 
 Seba MuJ 3. tah. 105, n. 1 6. lab. 1 07. n. 6, 
 Jnhabitb the Indian Ocean: very p^nJcrju^, grey, 
 Clutbrut. Reticu'ate, woody, with round ramibcatioas and fmoi)th 
 bark covered with funpie pores. 
 \ P alius el. /.o<jph. p 168. « 103 
 In:iibits— . .near 2 palms high: pale with a thin rcddifh-grc/ 
 *FlabelluTn ileticulate, with the branches GomprcfiTed on the inner fide: 
 bar<v yellow or purpluh : ooue DiacK, horny anj lli^htiy 
 Itriatc on tnc larger branches. Venm's tan. 
 4 N 2 EUn 
652 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 96. Alcyonium.. 
 Ellis Corall. p.6x. tab.zS. A, Peti'v, ptertgr. tab. i S./. 8. 
 Bejl. Muf. fa!'. 24. Clear Mu/. f. 69. t. 39./. 2- 
 Bonan Muf ICirch. p. 226. «. 13 fg. p. Z^6. 
 lonub. Hi/I Hi/pan. tab. 10. fig, \z. 
 Marl. tiilLMur.p. 100 tab. \<^-fig 84. 
 ^u^got Mem. Inlir. tab, 23. /? D. 
 Knorr Delic tai^, A J 2. A? 1. /. A I 3./. I, 2. 
 Inhabits moil leas, and is ofren feveral feet high and expanded 
 into a l-Tgerurface: flexile, horny, black, the older barl whitifh 
 or grey : pcrgs irregularly placed, but generally in the form of 
 ■■i. quincunx : trunk and hranches pinn^.te, and by mens of the. 
 I'maller branches blending together torming an elegant kind of 
 net-work : tclypet with 8 c1»vns. 
 95. ALCYONIUM. ^?7zma/ generally grow- 
 ing ill the form of a plant: Jiem iixed, 
 Heiliy, gelatinous, fpongy or coriaceous, 
 befet with poly]:)e-bearing lleliate cells. 
 Arlirmm. Steni arbnrefceiit, with obtufe branches and papillary pores, 
 Sba-M Katur. Mifce'l. tab. 334. Muf. TeJJ, I2C. /. lO, 
 A^. Nidrof, i^. p. S7. tab. W'fig' J — 8. 
 Pontopp,. Nomv. p. zj^, Z'J^. tab.iz. n. 4, 5, 
 K/slreut. KO'V. Comm. Pctrop. j. p. 345, t. 13, 14. 
 Inhabits the Indian and l^orth Seas, and grows to 6 or 7 feet irj 
 heighth : fyfi thick, rofy, with tubercles unequally difpofed, 
 within more yellow, with a whitifh harder fubftance refem- 
 bling the bony part of a Gorgonia : bratu^f-Vcry rugged and 
 Exoi, Stem arborefcent, coriaceous, fcarlet and branched towards 
 the top, with papillary Itars. 
 Mcrf Hiji. Mar p. 85. 163. tab. II, «. 74, 75. t. 38, 39. 
 Bohad. Mar. p. l\^, tab.q. fg.6,y. 
 Plane. Aa. Senens. 2. p. 222. tab, 2>.f, 6-8, 
 Petiv Pi Ital tab. \-Jig- 2,3. 
 Qinann Adr. \.p 45, tab. 50. 
 Scba-jjh- Mlumenpol. l~^:^.iab 3. 
 Inhabits tiie Mediterrariccuf, affixed %o rocks apd fliclis, and grows 
 to half a foot high and as thick as a finger; Imuoth, white 
 \ within with a liardcf central fuuftancc : oviparous. 
 *Diptaium WiUiout flcm, oblong, lobcd, of a coriaceous vvrinkicd f^t- 
 itancc covered with minute papilla;, piad Ivsan s Hani. 
 Eilis Corall, p. 83. tiib. 32. fig. a A. A. 2. ' 
 Vhtloj.^YAnj, 53. /,zo. /". 10 — 13. Ban, ic. I293, 1294, 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 96. Alcyonium. 653 
 Ja. Paris. 1742. ^ 294. tab.().fg.\. 
 Balier op./uh,. \,p. 24. tab. y Jig. 6, 7. r a /v 
 InhaSitj European CoasU, adhering to Hones and Ihells, of anelh> 
 coriaceous luhftance, pale rcddifli grey without, whinfh with- 
 in, and covered with itciiate papUlx protruding polypes with 
 8 claws. 
 •Sch/ofcr:, Roundifh, flefliy, livid, covered with obturdy rayed yellow 
 Bor/iife Comteallyp. 254. /a(^. 25. /■. 1—4. 
 Schtoj^er Fbil -t-anf. 49. />. /^\g, ta6 14. 
 G^rt. Pall. Spidl. Zool. 10. p. -^J. tab. if. f. \ — 5. 
 Inhabi-.s the Bnufk CoaOs, adhering M Fuci and ftones: brown 
 'or grey lib, with 5-- 12 rays on the ftars, perforated at the bafe. 
 lyncHTlum, Globular, fibrous, ye low, tuberculate. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. I. p^i^ (ab.S^.Jig.U 
 Mar/: Hift. Mar. p. 82. tab 14. «. 72.73- 
 Pla>:c.Acl Senens. 2. p. Z\^, tub.% hg.i,l. 
 Donaii Adr p 60.64. n. 1.2. tt-b. 10. 
 Inhal.its the yicditerrarean and Cape of Good Uopt : cartilaginous, 
 about the colour and fizc of an unrifc orange. . 
 ■*S^rfa, Subglobular, hollow, pulpous, green, with very thick-fet 
 hyaline papillx. Sea Purfe. 
 Mar'j. ILli. Mar. p. 80. tab 13 t: 6g. 
 Cavolin. poI. mar.' 3. p. 261. tab q fg. »7. 
 Inhabits Britijh and Mediterranean ii;as: coriaceous, foft, about 
 the aze of a 1 in all apple, 
 Cjdtmu/n, Roundilli, yellow, Tpongy, fmooth, within red. 
 Afv/V. Zool. Da». 3. tab. 8i. /;>. 3 — 5. 
 {>otnti 4dr. 5 p. 56. n. \. tab.C). 
 Plane, conch, app /■• H 3- «• >. 2- y^*^' »0- B. D. H. 
 Se''a Mul 3. tab qc) fig- 4. 
 Jnhahttb the African, Mednerranean and l^trth Seas, fixed to rocks 
 and curals. 
 •ficuj, Lobcd like a pair of lungs, ^ ihy, dark olive or livid, 
 covered with fmall 6-rayed lUrs, within lull ot fmall 
 ye.ioJV particles iike the inilde of a hg. Sea Fi^, 
 £iin Corttil. p.Sz tab iy.J>^.h.ii. 
 MarJ. IhiL Mar. p. 87. tab. \6.f. 79. 
 Mineral Beluji. .^. p. 137- f^'^-f «— 3* , . . , . 
 In^a-it' the Mcdtierrunean m<X European leas, and is rarely found 
 •Gelatins. Gelatinous, yellowilh, irregularly formed. Pudding-zveed. 
 Jan., LUu 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 96. Alcyonium. 
 Ellis Corallines^ /. 87. tab, ^z. f D. 
 Bafier cp./uhs, \. tah. \ . fig. 5. S. 
 Plane conch, ed. 2. />. 1 1 ;. ta^. 10. fi^, A. 
 - . ■ .'."" Johns It. Cant, p 3. /'. ;. Seha Muf 3. /. 98. f. 4.. 
 ' : Inhabits European «.nd North Seas, adhering to marine Cubftances, 
 and is fometimrs roundilh, fomeiimes branched, 
 Mattus Irregularly (haped, with obtufe perforated protuberances. 
 Diabolic i>ela Muf, 3. tab. 97. /. 3? 
 Inhabits Iceland; refembJes the dry pulp of a Lycoperdon ; the 
 outfide fmooth, ard protruding above into a few fhort obiufc 
 finger-like projeflions which arc perforated at the tip, 
 •Arem/um. Flat, femicircular, confifting of agglutinated fand, pale 
 Shanu Notur MiJceU. tab. 272. 
 hliis Corall. p, 74 tab. i^./g. C. 
 Fluftra arenofa SolanderiS Ellis. p. 17. n, 10, 
 Irnn/ud. Linn. Sac, v./>. 230. tab, lb. 
 Inhdtnts European Coa;!s, adhering to Fuci and Ihells, covered 
 ,».'jf>T">:-' With fniall ceils, and friable when dry. 
 Botryoidet. Yellow-purple, with a thick ftupofe ftenj ranjifying on the 
 upper pan, with very thick crowded branchets. 
 Shiiiu Kamr. M^ifall. tab 376. 
 Spongia floribunda Pall. Zooph. p. 378. Gmelin, p. 3824, », 321 
 Inhabits the coalls of ^1?^y Holland, adhering to rocks. 
 Stem and principal branche-- pale yellow, the fmaller ramification* 
 bright crimfon or purple: fubjianre fofti(h, tough ; the termi. 
 iial cluUers confilling of divided and fubdivided tubular pro. 
 cefles, each ending in a pale yellow flower (haped organ per* 
 foraicd at the top; refembics a Cauliflower head. 
 Ji^ajfd. Irregularly fhapcd, fulvous, fpongy, patulous, with 5 radiati} 
 itar? each having a black centre. 
 Mull. Zoul. Dan. i'P'i- tab.Si.f. 1, 2. 
 Inliabiib the Nor^yuof feas. 
 Cranium, Tuberous, white, briftly. 
 Poniopp. Nomu. 1. p. Z^Z. tab. I 3./I lo. 
 Inhabits the feas round Nornvay, 
 Rubrum. Cruftaceous, foft, carmine, with deeper-coloured fcattercd 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3./. 2. tab, %Z. f, 1—4. 
 Inhabits the Norway feas. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 96. Alcyonium. 655 
 Mammlllo* WhitiOi, coiiaceoup, with convex fmooth protuberances, 
 A^' each with a hoilovv fubitellate centre and united together. 
 Soh/tder and Ellis Corali p. 1 79. «. 5, tab. l. Jig. ^, 5. 
 Sloane Jamaica, I. tab. 2i fig. i — 3. 
 Inhabits the ^^ /k^/>j ; polypes with 12 claws. ' 
 Qcelletum, Ferruginous, coriaceous, with fuhcylindrical wrinkled pro- 
 tuaerances radiate and ocellate at the tip. 
 Solander and Eliis Corali. p 180. « 6 tab. i. Jig. 6, 
 Inhaliits the kf^efi InditSy adhering to rocks, and grows in cluflerg 
 like the laft : jlan i z-raycd. 
 Jubero/urtf Yellowifli, full of knobs, with the tips often divided, ai^4 
 tubular crowdsd pores. 
 Solander ^ Etlts Lorall. p. l 80. «. 7. 
 Inhabits Mauritius Ijland : Zj inches long, |i high. 
 Flejh leathery when diy, like that of a Gurgonig. 
 Corgonoides Cinereous, of a flelhy fubftance mixed with fand, with 
 radiate tuberculate cells. 
 Solander and EUis Ccrali />, l8t h 8. tab (),/. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the Well Indies, adhering to Corals and rocks, and is 
 frequently found incrulting leveral of the Scrtuiariae: c(lls 
 with I 2 rays, and much fmaller th^n thole of the A. mam- 
 millofum or ocellatum. 
 A^estinum. Stem finnple, roundiHi, with every where fcattered largifh 
 Bocc. cbf app, 24. ic. p. 273. Pet, Gaz. t. 23./. 2. 
 Inhabits the American feas ; very porous, vvhitiQi, within rofy. 
 Alhurnum. White, very much branched, tapering and fubdivided, with 
 tubular terminal pores. 
 Pailas el. Zooph, p 34G. n. 201 . 
 Inhabits the indianlei; palilh- white : ffems about as thick as the 
 little finger, and nearly half a fojt high. 
 i^apilU/imt Cruftaceou<;, covered with large crowded convex papillx. 
 Marf Htji Mar p, 86 tab. IJ. /. 76—78. 
 Ldubits— — ^rey fcrrugisous, refembling dry leather, 
 ^Cenglomt' Gelat?nou'', c^^nvcx, with conglomerate finger-like divifions 
 Toiu/M. jjj^j toothlefs terminal mouths. 
 Gtrrtn. ap. P 11. Spie Zoo/. 10 p 39. t. 4./. 6. 
 Inh.i'^irs the omII of Corn-wall, generally adhering ta Fuel ; 
 whitiib wuh 4 ccmral funneJ-fonn civiiy, and globular eggs. 
^6 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongia. 
 *J/cidiO' Cruftaceous, coriaceous, with fcattered tubercles each with 
 ides, 2 ilightly toothed mouths. 
 Gart :- ail. Sptal. Z^ol. lo p, 40. » 3. t, 4./. 7. 
 , Inhabits the Cornijh Coattj adhering to the Fucus palmatus ; pale 
 rcddi{h or faffron colour; each of the tabercles perforated 
 with a double minute fcarlet orifice. 
 SiHoUum* With numerous cylindrical flems of a foft fleihy fubftance, 
 each with a ilellate orifice at the tip. 
 Phipps 'Jcurn. p. 199 tab. 13 €g. I 
 Inhabits the ihv/rcs at Spitzburg ; very like A mammillofum. 
 Vermitulare Green, branched, with obtufe cylindrical faftigiatc branches. 
 Ca'VMlitt. pol mar 3. p. 264 tab. 9.//. 16. 
 Inhabits the iilands round Naples, affixed to rocks. 
 Steilatum^ With 2 ftellate terminal mouths. 
 Bomme AS. Vlijf. 3. /. ^06, Jig. 5. A, B. 
 Inhabits funnel-form, included in a pellucid fack or ikin : 
 probably not oi this genus. 
 Cornicula- With 4 ftellate mouths Ttirrounding the middle tubercle, and 
 turn. 4 ere£l terminal fmall horns. 
 Bomme Acl. VliJ). 3. /. 307 fig. 6, 
 Inhabits the Ed^tc feas: probably not of this genus. 
 97. SPONGIA. Animal fixed, flexile, torpid, 
 of various forms, compofed either of re- 
 ticulate fibres or mafies of fmall fpines 
 interwoven together, and clothed with a 
 gelatinous flelh full of fmall mouths on 
 its furface, by which it abforbs and re- 
 jeds water. " Sponge. 
 rentila- Fan-fliaped, regular, foft, with reticulate woody veins 
 hrum- covered with pores like a honey-comb. 
 Philcf. Tranfaa. 55 /. 289 tab 1 1 . H. 
 Pontopp. Nor^. I . /. 25 I . tab. I 3 /f . 8. 
 Gunner Aci. Nidns. 4. /. 74. /• 3 Z' I, 2 /. 4. / 3, 4. 
 Seba Muf 3. tab. g^.f. 8. Rump/ Amb. 6. p. ZS3. tab. 89 i 
 Inhabits the Nor^way and Amencattf' leas; about 6 inches high 
 and 5 broad : exadl'y reCembles a finall Gorgo- ia fl..bellum m 
 its ihape and ramifications, except that the pores are angular 
 and the fubftancc is Ipongy. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongia. 657 
 Fan-{haped, orbicular, cartilaginous, with fquare reticu- 
 late fibres. 
 Sha-w Nartur. Mi/ceJI. tab 380. Petiv. Gaz. t, 32./. !. 
 Rump/. Amh. 6 tab. So./. 1. 
 Seha M:if. 3. f, I 83 tab. gq. /". 2. 4. 
 Inhabits the Indian and Red Seas ; 6—8 inches high and 4 or 5 
 broad j refembles the laft, 
 Infundihu- Funnel- form, flexile, with the furface mofe or lefs rough- 
 liformis, cned. 
 Shaiu Natur. Ml/cell. tab. 145. Pet. pterigr. /, g./. 4. 6. 
 Gunner A£t. Niaros. 4. /. 78.. tah.^.f. 5, 
 Rumpf. Amh. b. p. 254, tab. 90./. i, 
 Mu/, Richt.p. 384 /fli^. 14./. F. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Indian feas, adhering to rocks, 6 
 Indies to if foot in diameter: pale brown and lefs tenacious 
 than the common fponge. 
 Fistularis* Tubular, fimple, brittle and growing gradually larger. 
 Sloane Jamaica, l.p.bz. tab. 24./. I. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab 95/ 1,7. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; 3—4 feet long, when dry blackilh- 
 Aculeata, Tubular, branched, tough, porous and fomewhat prickly. 
 Sloane Januiica, \. p.b^. tab. l$- fg- 4- 
 Plukn. Phjt. tab. WZ.Jig. 4. 
 2. Petiv. Pierig. tabs \()-Jig- 9* 
 Rump/. Arr.b. b.p 255. tab. 55. fig. 2. 
 Inhabits India and Zouth America; pale grey and very tough. 
 Jubulo/a, Tubular, branched, tough, the tubes erea proceeding from 
 one fide of the ftern and tapeaug 
 Solander and ElUs Corail. p. 188. n. 9. tab. 58./. 7. 
 ^eha Miif. -i^.tob. C)-j,fig. 2. 
 Inhabit- the Indian Ooan; 4—6 inches high, of a deep orange- 
 yellow colour, and hoJow through the whole infide. 
 *Coren£ta. Minute, confifting of a fingle tube and crowned at the tip 
 with a ray oi ipines. 
 Sola.ider and Ellis Coralt. p. IQC. n. 1 3. tab. S^.fg- 8, 9. 
 Inhabits the SuJ/ex Coa.^t ; p.^le yellow, the rays that compofe the 
 crown blight pearl colour, hollow and open at the top, and 
 when magnified appears covered with little riling points, 
 Ciliata. Simple, tubular, conic, flcxuous, tapering upwards and 
 fringed at the tip. 
 VOL. IV. — 40 0. Fabr- 
658 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongla. 
 O, Fabr.fn. Greenl f. 44?. »■ 44^* 
 Inhabits the Greenland kis, adhering to the larger Ulvx j about 
 8 lines long: white, filk> , downy on the outTide, and rarely 
 found double* 
 CanceUatek Tubular, porous, with cancellate fibres. 
 Inhabits the Ocean: ferrnginous, elaftic, with a prickly furface; 
 the tube as thick as a finger, with a few lateral perforations. 
 Rubra, Tough, fimple, carious, dull red, roundifh, depre{*-d, with 
 elevated tubercles and equal pores. 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, fixed to Itones. 
 h'igra. Tough, globular, equal, inflated, black without, cinereous 
 Inhabits the Red Sea, on rocks* 
 Cffciiialis. Irregularly formed, porous, tough, lobed, wooly. 
 Philof Tranfaa. 5;. p, 288. tab, 10._/%.D,E. 
 Soland. and Ellis Cor all. / , i 8 3 . «. 1 . 
 Inhabits the Archiepdago, Mediterranean and Indian fcas, adhering 
 to rocks by a broad bafe, ad is often found inclofmg fmall 
 ftones, fliells and particles of fand : variety of marine animals 
 pierce and gnaw it into itregular winding cavities which appear 
 on the outfide by large hole* higher than the reft: its colour 
 varies from a pale to a deep yellow : the internal part, whett 
 cat perpendicular, confifts of Imall tubes compofed of reticu- 
 late fibre5, and ending on the outfide in an infinite number of 
 fmall circular holes which are the bibulous mouths of the ani- 
 mal, each of which is furrounded by a few ereft pointed fibres. 
 This is the common Sponge of the fhops. 
 *Qculaia, Porous, foft and very much branched, the branches a little 
 comprelFed, ercft and often uniting together. 
 Ell'.s dtrall. p. 80. tab. ^z. f F. f. 
 Philof. Iranfaa, 55./. 288. tab ic/ig-B. 
 Bocc. Muf. p. Z58 /. 116. Ruyfch The/. I, t. ^, 
 Seba Muf. 3, tab. 97. fg 5 — 7. 
 Pcntopp. Nat. 'Nor'vo. \.p z6j. tab.xz. 
 Inhabits the ^rf'/^yA fcas ; 5— to inches high : pale yellow, the 
 branches ending obiufely. 
 Muricata. Porous, much branched, angular, tough, the pores cylindri- 
 cal, fubulate, prominent, equal, many-cleft and hifpid. 
 Philof Tra^f 5 J. p. 288. /. I I . F. Muf Tef. p. \\%. t. 1 1./. I. 
 Sehn Muf. 3. tab. i88. tab. 99. fg. 7. 
 Inhabits Gwnea, on rocjxSj grey, corky, the branches furrounded 
 on all fides with fmall obtufe fhaggy tufts: fiem as thick as a 
 finger, branches about the thicknsls of a quill. 
V/ORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongi'a. 
 Nojo/a, Porous, fiightly branched, irregularly formed, rough and 
 very tough, with knotty perforations on the branches. 
 Sloane Jamaica, l. p. 63. t ib, z^. fii 5. Seba Muf 5. t. 96./. 2. 
 Inhabirs the American Lcean; reddifh-grey or whitilh, and about 
 the thicknefs of a finger. 
 '^Imintofa Porou?, irregularly formed, brittle, foft, downy, interwoven 
 with minuteit fpi.nes. 
 Lllh Coral!, /. 80. tab. j6./^. d. d i . D i, 
 Inhabits the Britfn, African and Indian Coafts, aiherirg to 
 marine fubftances ; when frcfh of a bright orange-colour and 
 full of gelatinous flvih, when dry whitifh and very light, and 
 if broken refembles the crumh or foft part of bread. It ap- 
 pears to be compof-d of a number of minute fpines, and upon 
 handling ftings and raifes blillcrs like Cow-itcii, 
 Bacillaris. Irregularly formed, caulefcent, eretft, with appreffed poru- 
 lous branches. 
 Mull. ZooL Dan. prodr. 3086. 
 I Inhabits the Kor-yuay Ocean; a foot ana half high, and ahriutth.e 
 thicknefs of a finger: round, of the confidence of common 
 ~ Sponge but more compafl, with very numerous pores appea,r- 
 jng as if perforated b} a very fine needle. 
 9 DichoiO'. Dichotomous, with erc£l cylindrical elaflic woolly branchej 
 ma» proceeding from one fide of the flem. 
 Philof. Tranf 55./; 289 tab. l\,fgl. 
 Pontopp. Norqjo. I . />. 2 5 I . tab. 12. Jr^. 7, 
 Gunner Aci.Nidrou 4. p. 'jc). tab, 5. fig. \. :. 6./, I . 
 Rump/ A nib. 6. tab. 86. /J^. 3? 
 Inhabits European znd Indian (m: 5 — ^ inches high, pale yel- 
 low and full of minute pofcs. 
 *Stupo/af With round foft downy branches. 
 Philof. Tranf. 1;^. p. z88. tab. to. C. 
 Ii^hat'-jts the S^ijex Oast ; 3 inches high, pale yellow- 
 ^Griitata, Flat, ere£l, foft, with rows of fmall pores a little projedl- 
 ing along the top 
 Pbilof Trarj. 55. />. 288 tab 1 1 . G. 
 Inhabits the Bnitjh ihore?, adhering to rocks : generally 2 inches 
 high and 3 long; yellowifh, and growing in the Ibapc of a 
 Cock's comb, 
 *Palmata» Palmate, with finger-like divifions round the furface: 
 pores a little prominent and irregularly difpofcd. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall p 189. «. 10 tab 58./. 6. 
 Inhabits tlie Sujfex Coast : reddifh inclining to yellow, vNich a fofi; 
 woolly iubltancc like S, oculata. 
 4 O 2 ProUft'.s. 
66o WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongia. 
 froliferat Flat, with numerous palmate branches ending in finger- 
 like divifions. 
 So land, and Ellis Cor all. p. I 89, «. 1 1 . tab. 58. /\ 5 . 
 Inhabits North /America j grows in large bunches, about 6 inches 
 high, very porous, reticulate within and full of minute fpincs 
 on the outfidc. 
 * Botryoides Very tender, branched, cwered with bunches of ovate 
 tubercles open at the top. 
 Solandef and Ellis Corall. p. 190. «. 12. tah. 58. f. 1—4, 
 Inhabits the BritiJIi Coasts', bright fliining vvliire ; the bunches 
 made up of oblong-oval tubercles like grapes open at the end ; 
 the fur'ace, when highly magnified, feems covered with maffes 
 of 3 -rayed fpinous Itars. 
 *Panicea. Irregularly formed, whitifh, foft, very tender and full of 
 very minute pores. 
 SebaMuf. 3. tab.i^b.f. 4. tnb.gg. n, 3. 
 Inhabits the fea betv^cen England ind Holland^ intermixed with 
 Fuci and other marine produftions : probably the fame as S. 
 fuha. Irregularly formed but (lightly branched, fulvous and very 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. 95.7^. 9. tab, 96, /I i. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: gelatinous, brown between the 
 Tuhularia. ComprelTed, felTile, a little rigid and yellovvifh, with fmall 
 rongitudinal tubes. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. /. 38^. «. 229. 
 Inhabits the American fea, feaced on rocks ; frctjuently blackifli 
 Fibrilloja» Irregularly (haped, a little flattened and tender, with diver- 
 gent crowded interwoven fibres and fcattered toothed 
 PaUai el. Zooph. p. 382. n. 228. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: grey, foft, fan-lhaped or divided, 
 or caulefcent. 
 fa/ciculata Rigid, fubglobular, compofed of fibfous prifmatic branched 
 taitigiate bunches. 
 Plane conch, ed. 2. app, 2. /• I 17. tab. 1 5. E. 
 Inhabits th^ Mediterranean i pale, fulvous or yellow! fh-grey. 
WORMS. 'ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongi^. 66i 
 Ba/ia. A little rigid, blackifli, in undulate divifions, with a round 
 Rumrf, /!mb. 6. p. tc;-^ tah» 89. 
 Inhabits the Indian Oiean, on ftones : about as thick as a finger.^ 
 t'tchenoidei. Irregularly fhaped, with fdft branching fcattcred andfome- 
 what conncdled fibres. 
 Palljs el. Zioph. p. 378. n 223. 
 Inhabits the Ineitan Ocean-, rekmbles a fhriibby Lichen, 
 Papillaris, Cruftaceoiis, tender, fofr, with perforated papillae. 
 Seba Muf 3 tab ()7.fg. 3. 
 Inhabits the American Ocean: pale grey, gelatinous, brown. 
 Cavernofa. Irregularly formed, feffile, very tough, cavernous, with 
 numerous prominent papillae on the furface. 
 Pallas el. Zooph, p.^C)^ n 24.4 
 Inhabits the American fca ; fize of a man's fill: yellowilh-vvhite, 
 fometimes fulvous within. 
 Sinuo/at Cruftaceous, tender, tough, with a very thickly porous 
 Pallas el. 7ooph. p. 394. n, 244. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean? incrufting other bodies : yellowilh- 
 Frondoja^ Grey, frondofe, jagged, tough, fubreticulate and feparated 
 into divifions on one fide. 
 Inhabits India, lurgot Mem. Lutr. tah. 24. A. 
 Jgaricina, Comprefled, lobed, fcfllle, downy, reticulate and rauricate 
 with ftiff hairs on the outfide. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p 397 tab 248 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean: yellowiftl-brown, 
 7upba. Branched, foft, with afccnding fubacute branches every 
 where muricate with flifF hairs. 
 Mar/. Hid. Mar. p. Si. tab 1 4 n 7I. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; of a woolly fubftance. 
 Membra- Irregularly formed, flisihtly branched, cellular, muricate 
 no/a, outwardly, purplith-black. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, Seba Mu/. 3. tah. 95/". 3. 
 Ccmpre/fa» Simple, comprefTed, conic, with a longitudinal cleft aper- 
 ture internally. 
 0, Fabr.fns Cranl p. 448- n. 467. 
 Inhabits the Greenland feas, an inch long : creft> tawny, Por-, 
662 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 97. Spongia, 
 Pmillum. Cylindrical, pedicillate, with perforated top. 
 O, Fahr. fn. Grctnl. p. 449. «. 46?. 
 Inhabits North Seas, not z lines long: whitiiyi, and refembling a 
 glafs tumbler, 
 Coalita. Very much branched, foft, tender, yellow, the branches a 
 little compreffed. 
 Inhabits North Seas, ]ifu/I. ^ooL Dan, 3, p. jx. t, 120. 
 Plflna, Expanded, cruftaCeous, fan-fhaped. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan, prodr. 3090. 
 Inhabits North Seas: probably not 9 diftinft fpccies. 
 Crmaia. White, comprefTed, with pinnatifid obtufe muricate woolly 
 Inhabits Norivay, Mull, Zool: Dan* f>rodr. 3093. 
 Offiformij, White, flightly branched, with a thickened pitted top. 
 Inhabits Norway, Mull. Zool. Dan, i./. J49. /fl^.40. 
 Macida. White, cruftaceous, projc6ling into fpines. 
 inhabits Norivay, Mull. Zool, Dan. prodr. 3095, 
 lictformis. Porous, rigid, turbinate, with a perforated tip. 
 Inhabits Barbary, Pair. Kpy- Barb. z. p. 61. 
 *Lacuflrisi Creeping, brittle, with ere£l round obtufe branches. 
 Found at the bottom of lakes in Eni^land and Sivede?! : covered 
 with flattered p.res, in which are fomeiimes found during 
 autumti fmad blueiih fhining globules, 
 *Pluviatt' Green, ere^, fragile, of many irregular branches. 
 lis, Pluknet Almag, p T^^S. tab. 11 z./g. ^. 
 Pupp.Jl,jan. p. 308 tab. I. Jig. I. 
 Laf.fi. PruJJ. p, 172, tab. 52. 
 Inhabits frclh waters of Europe ix\d PruJJia : dull green, with 
 hardly the appearance of animal life, of a fifliy fmell, and with 
 the pores full of green gelatinous granulations : vtry much 
 refcmbles the lalt. 
 Friahilis, Cinereous, friable, fefllle, irregularly fhaped and flightly 
 Wartmann et Girtann. Natiirf. 22, 
 Inhabits lakes ot Ger?tiany, and is the food of iilh. 
 Caftaliutri With dichotomous round incurved branches. 
 SchrcettrNaturf, 23, p. 149. tab. 2. 
 Pound in old aquedufts ; probably not of this genus» 
 9§. irXUSTRA. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 98. Fluftra. 663 
 £)8. FLUSTRA. Animal a Polype proceeding 
 from porous cells; T^^w fixed, foliaceous, 
 membranaceous, confifting of numerous 
 rows of cells united together and woven, 
 like a matt. Horn-wrack, 
 *Feliaeea, Foliaceous, branched, with rounded wedge-fhaped fub- 
 Natur. Mi/cell. tab. 39 ti Tourn. Instr I. tab. 334. 
 Solanderand Ellis Corall /. 1 2. n. 2. iai. 2. f, 8. 
 Ellis Corall.p 70. tab. l().fg. a. A— E. 
 Mori/. Hift. PL 3./> 6J.6. tab. S.Jig, 1 6. 
 A^i. Paris. 1742./. 298 tab lo./,?". 3. 
 Inhabits the European and Mediterranean feas, about 6 inches 
 high, and adhering to fhclls and rocks: pale yellowifh- 
 brown, and porous on eath furface. 
 *Trurcata, Foliaceous, fubdivided, with linear truncate fubdivifions. 
 El/is Corall. p. 69 tab. z^.fig- a. A, B. 
 Moris. Hist. PI. 3. p. 646. tab. S.^g. I 7. 
 Inhihils European i'eas ; about 5 ir.ches long: pale ycUowifli- 
 brown, parous each fide, britcle, with oblong-fquare cells. 
 *Pih/a. Foliaceous, varioufly branched, with a fetaceous tooth oa 
 the lower part of each pore. 
 Ellis Corall. p.il tab. 3 1 . Seba Muf. 3. tab. 1 00. /. i o. 
 Ail. Paris. 1712. />. 42 tab.i^. fig. xo. 
 ASl.Stcxkh.lJi^l.p.MZ.tab.l.fi^.l — 4. 
 Inhabits the European and Meditoranean fcas, incrufting Fuci 
 and Scrlulariai : whitifh, porous both fides. 
 ^Chartacea Papyraceous with cells on both fides, the tops of the branches 
 truncate like the edge of an axe. 
 Solander aud Ellis Corall. p. I 3. ». 4. 
 Inhibits the Bntijh fhores, adhering to fhells : of a thin femi. 
 tranlparenc texture, like fine paper, very light itraw-colour: 
 the tops ' f the branches fomctimes digitated, fometimes irre- 
 gularly divided : cells oblong-lquare. 
 •Carhacea, Foliaceous, fubdivlded, with a fingle layer of cells. 
 Solander avd Ellit Corall p. 114. n. 5. tab. 3 /". 6, 7. 
 Inhabits the coall of Scotland ; yellowifh-brown : celts large, fub- 
 pellucid in the middle, abuve ovate, beneath truncate, the 
 walls lurrounding them appiraring to be formed oi a flender 
$64 WORMS. 200PHYTA. 98. Fluftra. 
 Bomhjcina* Frondefcent, vrith obtufe branches divided into 2 or 3 parts 
 growing together in tufts, fending forth fmali radical 
 tubes, and having a fingle layer of cells 
 Soland and Ellis CoralL p 14. n. 6. tab. 4./" b. B. B I, 
 Inhabits the Bahama IJlandsi of a filky fubllance. 
 rertifillata Parafitical, with flattifh linear branches narrower at the 
 bafe, and rows of top-lhaped ciliate cells difpofed in 
 whorls one above another. 
 Soland. and Ellis Eorall. p. 15. w. 7. tab. 4. a. A. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean; adhering to Fuci : «///, when mag* 
 nified, appear furrounded by fharp denticles, witft a long 
 brittle in the front of each bending inwards like a horn, the 
 mouths incline forwards, and their whole fcmitranfparent 
 fubllance appears full of fmall points. 
 *Deniata, Parafitical, foliaceous, with fliining oval cells in a fingle 
 layer, the mouths furrounded by fharp infledled teeth. 
 Ellis Corall.p. 73. tab. 29 y%. D. D I. 
 Philof Tranf. 48. /. 630. tab. 22. fig. 4. D. 
 Inhabits the (hores of England, adhering to Fuci and other fub- 
 marine fubftance^: white, fenjipellucid. 
 -•Bullata. Parafitical, with ovate projeding white cells, the mouths 
 of which are round and armed with fmall fpines. 
 Ellis Corall. /. 72 tab, lO.fig, d. D. 
 Inhabits the Britijh Coaftj, on Fuci, fometimes furrounding the 
 ftems, fometimes fpread on the leaves. 
 7$mentofa, Parafitical, foft, woolly, with invifible cells. 
 Mull.Zool, Dan. ^. p. 24. tab g$-fg. I, 2.. 
 Inhabits the Baltic and North Seas, on Fuci and Sertulariasi 
 Bettticulata Parafitical, with oval diftinft cells 3-toothed at the oppofite 
 margins, their mouths margined. 
 Mull. ZooL Dan. %. p* 24. tab. ()j,Jig. l> 2. 
 Inhabits the North Seas, on Fuci and fltells. 
 ttihuloftti Parafitical, membranaceous, with fingle oblong-ovate cells 
 and tubular ereft mouths. 
 Soln^der and Ellts Corall. p.\'j,n. ll. 
 Inhabits St. Domingo^ adhering to Fuci, and is chiefly diftin- 
 guifhed by its tubulous mouth ; deep yellowilh, femitranfparent, 
 Frondefcent, fpongy, the fronds branched and muricate on 
 one fide, with very rough belts. 
 Pall. el. Zooph, />. 49. «. 14. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; about an inch high ; pale grey. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 99. Tubularia. 
 FrondUulo' Frondefcent, with obtiife crowded branches thrice divided, 
 A" and a fingle layer of cells. 
 Stha Muf. 3. tab, 96./'^. 6. 
 Inhabits the Irniian Ocean: whitllh with grey ftuds, 
 Papyracea^ Cruftaceour, frondefcent^ with a wedge- (haped many-cleft 
 fingly lamellate frond: cells oblong-rhombic and rin- 
 gent at the top. 
 Marf. Hift. Mar, tab. 6,fg. 2$, 26. 
 Cwvolin. poL mar. 3. p 247. tab. ()■. fig. lO. 
 Inhabits the M:eiiterranean : yellowilh, roughifli on onefurface. 
 Hirta, Parafitical, flat, coriaceous, with contra£led dillant cells. 
 0. h'abr. fit. GrcEnl. p. 438. n. 44S. 
 Inhabits the Greenland fcas, on the Fucus nodofus : fulvous, with 
 narrow celU, brittle. 
 •Membra. Parafitical, membranaceous, with oblong-quadrangularcells 
 nacea, pointed at the upper projeding angles. 
 Mull. Zocl Da;!. 3. /. 163. tab. uy.fig. I, 2. 
 Sohnd. and Ellis Cor all. />. 1 8. ;r. i 2. 
 Inhabits the BritiJIi and North Seasf adhering to various fub- 
 marine fubllances: very thin, cinereous or whicifli. 
 Lineata. Parafitical, flat, foliaceous, undivided, with oval cells in 
 tranfverfe rows. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. prodr. 305 5. 
 O. Fabr.fn. Granl. p. 437. n. 447. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, on f uci; rcfcnibles the laft, but the cells are 
 oval, aoproximate, 8-tooihed and placed in tranfyerfe rows, 
 with an empty fpace between every row. 
 O'J. TUBULARIA. Stem tubular, limjjle or 
 b)iuicliecl, fixed by tlic bale: animal 
 proceeding trom the end of the tube, 
 and havmiii; its head crt^lied witli ten- 
 Magnlfica. Ttibe fimple, whitiUs: tentacula very numerous, variegated 
 wiifi red and white, 
 iihavj Natur. Mifcell' tab. 45 O. 
 1'rar.jact. Linn. >:ioc. v,p. zzi. tab. 9, 
 VOL. IV. — 4? 
 Ir habits 
666 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 99. Tubularia. 
 Inhabits the Weft Indies, adhering to rocks, and is by far the 
 largcil and moft fplendid of its genus : like the reft of its tribe 
 it has the power of withdrawing its tentacula within the tube, 
 and the tube within the rock on which itrefides: in fome de- 
 gree it feems to connefl the Genera Tubularia and Amphitrite, 
 having the annulatcd wrinkled tube of the one arud the retrac- 
 tile tentaculated body of the Othef. 
 Cornucnpia Pale yellow, with a fimple flexuous wrinkled tube tapering 
 Ca-voUn.pol. mir J./. 250. tab. <)■ fig* 1 1, 12. 
 Inhabits the Meditetrantan and American feas, on Corals, and is 
 annulate with wrinkles its whole length j it grows either fingly 
 or' in numbers* 
 *hdi'vifa. With undiviaed ftems and twirted joints. 
 Sha-w.Natur. l^ifcell. tab. ^gz, 
 Ellis Cor all /- 3 l. w. 2, tab. 16. C. 
 Philofoph. Tran/aa. 48. tab. 17. D ? 28. /. 6. f. 7. 
 Bocc. muf. p 258. tab. (>,fig. 5« 
 Jet. Paris. iJ^Z. p. 296. tab, ic.f. 2. 
 Ba/Ier op./ub/ l. tab. ^ fig. ^, ^, 
 Inhabits European and Mediterranean feas, 2 — 3 inches high, ad- 
 hering to rocks aird fhells: tubes ftraw-colour, interwoven with 
 each other : bodies of the animals pale red : keadshi'ight crimfon, 
 •Ramo/a. With branched ftems and twifled joints. 
 Ellis Cor all. p. 31. n. 3. tab. 16. A. tab. 1 7. A. 
 Inhabits the European Coasts : tubes branched and fubdivided, 
 Ramea. Tubes compofite, branched, with alternate branches and 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p. 83. n. 40. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean: tubes rigid, horny, grcy-brown, 
 *Fistulofa, Stems dichotomous, with fmall cylLiidrical joints and 
 loz'enge-lhaped cells. f 
 Ellis Corall. p. 46. tab. 23. Barrel, ic. 1 275. w, 7. 
 Plukn. ph\togr. tab. 26. Jig. 3. 
 Cellaria farciminoides. Soland. £5" Ellis, p. 26. ». 1 3. 
 2. Petiv. pi. Ital. tab. Z.f.Q. Barrtl.pl. 1275. n. 8. 
 Inhabits the European, Mrditen-ancan and Atlantic feas, about 3. 
 inches high, and about as thick as a piece of twine : terminal 
 branches clavate : ficms terminating in (lender membranaceous 
 FragilJs. Stents dichotomous, 'tfith comprelTed joints. 
 Skane Ja*tr:!ca, l. p,6i. n. 28. tab, 30. /ig. iZt 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 99. Tubularia. 667 
 Pluk/i. phytogr. tab. l68. fig. 4. 
 Inlubits xhe. American Teas; rcfemble* a Coralline. 
 Tuhes flexile, brittfr, white orgreenifh, calcareous, about the fize 
 of the culm of a grafs. 
 *MiiJcoida, Stems flightly dichotomouf, and every where covered with 
 annular wrinkles. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 30. n. I, tab. i6, fig. h. 
 Phihf. Tr an/act. 48. tab. I 7. jig. C. 
 Bafi. op.Jubf. I, tab. 2 f. 3, 4. /a^. 3./. 2-^4. 
 Sebamuf 3, M^, \o6.f. 7. 
 Inhabits the European and Mediterratiean foa?, and is often found 
 partly deftroyed by the Onifcus phthyficus: /«^« pale grey, 
 about an inch long and hardly thicker than a coarfe thrca.i, 
 growing in cluftcrs together, narrower at the bottom, and 
 here and there wrinkled its whole length. 
 Papyracea, With a very large papyraceous tube, alternately branched. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p 88 n. 45. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; ereft, very white within, as thick as 
 a goofe-quill, 
 Penicillus. With aggregate fimple radicated tubes, proliferous and 
 tufted at the tip, 
 Pallas el. Zooph. /. 87. n. 44, 
 Inhabits the American Ocean : tubes white, femipellucid, about an 
 inch long, as thick as an oat-llraw, and entirely annulate: 
 probably an Amphitrite. 
 Acetabulum Stems filiform, each terminated by a rtriate rndiate calca- 
 reous cup or target. 
 Bejl. muf. t. 27. Tourn. injl. l. p. 569. tab. 338. 
 Donati Adr. p. 28. «, 2. tab 3. 
 Ca'vol pol. mar. 3. p. 254. tab. 9, f.g. 14, 
 2. Target or cup ilriate, but not radiate. 
 Bronvn Jamaica', p. 74. tab. 40. pg A. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and Afnerican Teas, growing to ft.onei> 
 and Ihells: white, foft, very brittle when dry ; tubes very hm- 
 ple, about z inches long and as thick as a ftraw. 
 Splachnea, Stems capillary, very funple, each with a fmooth terminal 
 membranaceous cup or target. 
 InhaDits the Mediterranean; 2 niches long and not thicker than a 
 horle-hair; horn-colour, with numerous tubes frjm the lame 
 root : target flexile, 
 4 P 2 • Corjiu. 
668 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 99. Tubulana. 
 *Corynat Sljghtly branched, filiform, papyraceous, jointed, with ovate 
 pointed capfules perforated with a dilatable mouth, and 
 terminated by cylindrical armed tentacula. 
 GcErtn, ap. Pall. Spiiil. Zool, lO. p, 40. tab. ^.f, 8. 
 Inhabits the (h.ort% o^ England znd Holland, adhering to Fuci and 
 Sertularias, without tubular radicles, fand-coloiir or deep red, 
 narrower at the bafe, without he'ad or retraifiile tentacula : 
 cap/tiles perforated over the whole iurface : tentacula proceed- 
 ing from the perforations of the capfuie?, hyaline, globular at 
 the tip, and producing eggs at the bafe. 
 ^Jlfinis, Simple, (lightly annulate, foft, with tapering tentacula fur- 
 rounding the retradlile papillary mouth. 
 Pall. SpiciL Zool, 10. /. 36. 41 . tab. \, f. 9. 
 Inhabits the fhorcs of England and Holstein, growing in cluflers 
 oh Fuci, refembles the laft ; capfules with muricate tentacula, 
 producing eggs at the bafe. 
 Fabrtaa. Stellate, with pinnate cirri and 6 rays round the rnouth. 
 O, Fabr.fn. Grccn!. p. J\^o. n, 450. f. 12. 
 Inhabits Nor^juay iwd Greenland ihores, frequently found in the 
 clefts of rocks, and has rot the power to protrude its body from 
 the tub?, but expands its cirri beyond the tube when covered 
 by the tide; about 6 inches long: tubeereA, thrice as long as 
 the woriij, g^ey, green or white : ito/^n dirty-green v^ith a pale 
 tail and white cirri, tranfverfely grooved, round and thicker 
 in the middle, 
 Lcngicornis With 2 fetaceous cirri, ten times as long as the body. 
 Inhabits —Mull. Zool. Dun. prodr. 3070. 
 Multicorms With above 20 cirri white in the centre: body round, hy- 
 aline, inclofed in a moiil lube. 
 Inhabits— —A/«A. Zocl. Dan. 3. p. 15. tab. 90./. i — 3. 
 Repent. Crefted, with radiate cirri each fide : ilieath proje£ling: 
 tube opake, procumbent. 
 Scha'ff. Armpol. 1754. tab. \ . f. 1,2, 
 Inhabits ilagnant waters of Northern Europe, and is often found 
 ' feated on the leaves and ikrns of the iMympha-a, refembling a 
 uhite gelatinous niafs: lubes fubcylindrical, brown, narrower ac 
 tlie baie and thicker at tiie lip: <v;oym hyaline. 
 *Cp.mpanu- Tentacula difpofed in the form of a crefccnt ; body projecl- 
 ^'^^^' ing btyond the Iheath: orihces ot the iheaih annulate: 
 tube either llmple or palmate.) 
 iihanu ^atur. Mr/'cell, tab. 354, 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 99. Tubulam. 669 
 Trembl palyp. 3. p. 209. tab. lo. fig. 8, gj 
 Ja. Stockh. 8. ^. 203. tab. t. fig. 5, 6. 
 Baker mtc-ofc, p 306. z^^. 12.fi, i 5 — 20, 
 Adams micrtfc. p. 441. /^^- 2 2 yff. 32. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters of Europe', foft, tr^nfparent, indofed in a 
 bell-fhaped cafe; the plume with about 60 cirri oj: ttntacula. 
 ^Reptanst Xentacpla difpofed in the form of a crefccnt: body con- 
 ceplcd within the Iheath : orifices of the Ihcaih an- 
 Roe/. Inf. l.poht. p.if\1. tab. 73 — 75. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters of Eta-ope, and exadly refemMes fhe Uft, 
 but the body is never projetfled beyond the tube or fheath, 
 ^uhana^ With a funrael-form creft, ciliate at the bafe. 
 Blumenb. Naturg. p. 441 . ». 3. 
 Inhabits llagnant waters about Gottingtn : tentacula or cirri about 
 20, and faftigiatc. 
 SteUarit, Crefted, with pedinate cirri and conical hyaline tv»be. 
 MuU.f^erm.i. 2. p 18. Zoo/ Datt. proa'r, :o6^. 
 Inhabits the fhorcs of the Baltic, on Fuci : v\ nen the water is in 
 the Icaft degree ag.tated, it rctrafts its nne white cirr^ wimin 
 the tube, which is as long again as the cirri, 
 $imphx„ With 8 linear cirri and conic hyaline tube. 
 Mull. Verm. i. 2. p. 19. Zo^L Dan. prodr, 3069. 
 inhabits Norivay feas, on the Fuciis node us : tubes ctcE\, linglc: 
 •worm hyaline, with white rctradile cirri. 
 Spallanzam With 5 plumous cirri peclinate each fide ; tube cylindrical, 
 »:. horny and incurved beneath. 
 Inhabits the Med^ten-anean. Spa/lanz. A£t. ItaL 2», 
 Memhranw With a double concentric row of tubular tentacula: tube 
 'fi' membranaceous, vifcid, contradf ile, cylindrical, longer 
 than the animal. 
 Inhabits Cue Mediterranean. SpalLnz. Act. Ital. 2. 
 *Flabelli. With aggregate parallel tubes difpofed in feparate radiate 
 formis, buuuks. 
 Irani. Linn. Soc- V. p. I 2. fab. z f. i 2 — 14. 
 Innabits tlie Pembrokejiiirc Coast, on the Lonferva rubra, minute : 
 //<?«! cylinarical, a little dilated at the bale, and becoming fud- 
 dcnJy dilated into a comprciicd fan-fhapcd form, trom which 
 proceed 8 rays, each coinpoled of fcveral equal yzty minute 
 cylint^ncal tubes. 
iSyo WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loo. Corallina. 
 100. CORALLINA. Animal growing in the 
 form of a plant: Jlevi fixed, with calca- 
 reous fubdivided branches, moftly jointed. 
 Tridenst Trichotomous, with comprefTed 3-lobed flat joints. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall, /. 109. tab, lO.f. a. 
 Inhabits North American IJlands: joints large. 
 Opuntta. Tiichotomous, with cotnprefled kidney-lhaped joints wav* 
 ed at the edge- 
 Splander and Ellis Corall. -p. 1 lO. tab. 29./. b. 
 Ellis Corall. /. 35. tab. 25,/^. b. B, B I . 
 Plykn. fhytogr. tab. 26. Jig. l . 
 Peti'v. pterigr. tab. to. Jig. 19. 
 Sloane Jamaica, i. />• 57. tab. 20. f. 2. 
 Inhabits the Wejl Indies and Mediterranean ; white, branched, 
 with Ibmevvhat kidney-fhaped joints. 
 Mptiile. Trichotomous, with the lower joints comprefTed, convex, 
 • wedge- fhaped, oblong, the upper ones fubcylindrical. 
 Sounder y Ellis Corall. p. 1 10. tah. 20. f. c. 
 Inhabits the coaft of Jamaica: very much branched. 
 IncraJ/ata. Trichotomous, with comprefled plano-convex wedge-fhap, 
 ed joints. 
 Solander iff Ellis Corall. p.\\\. tab. 20. /: d. d 1 — 3. D 1--6, 
 Ellis CoralL p 53. tab. 25./. a. A^ 
 Inhabits the IVeJi Indian IJlands » 
 Tuna, Trichotomous, with coanprefred flat roundilh joints, 
 Solander l^ Ellis Corall. p.\\\. tab. ZO.f. c. 
 Parkin/on Iheat. p. \ 294. Jg. 1 2. 
 J^arf. hiji. mar. ^.65. tab, 7' f> 3'« 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, 
 Nodulofa. Trichotomous, very much branched, with thick wedge- 
 fhaped joints, thofe at the divifions broader, the ter- 
 minal ones tricufpidate or ovate. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. ^.421. n. 3. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; a foot and half high : very thicic, 
 ftrong, white. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loo. Corallina. 671 
 *Squamatai Trichotomoiis, the joints of the ftem roundly-comprefTed 
 and wedge-fliaped, thofe of the branches flatly com- 
 prefled, terminal ones flattifli and iharply 2-edged. 
 Ellis Cofall. f 47. tab. 24,/^. c C. 
 Inhabits the Britijh Coajis; fea green,! 
 Lsricatai Trichomotous, with comprelFed Tome what convex wedge- 
 (haped joints with angular fides, the terminal ones 
 with fmall obtufe lobes, 
 Solander Cf Ellis Corall. /. 1 1 7. «. 19. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean, 4 times as thick as C, officinalis. 
 Palmate, Trichotomous, with comprefTed fomewhat convex wedo-e- 
 fhaped joints flightly toothed at the tip, the extreme ones 
 broad and often furnifhed with ftiort finger-like lobes. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 118, tab. 21. Jig. a.. A, 
 Inhabits the American {&2i% : glofly white* 
 *Eiongata, Trichotomous, with the joints of the ftem roundifh wedgc- 
 fhaped, thofe of the branches cylindrical, the extreme 
 ones a little obtufe and fome of them capitate. 
 Ellis Corall- p. 49, tab. 24. fg "f,. 
 Inhabits the Cornijli Coall, reddilh or purplifli ; very flerider and 
 longer and Imaller than C. officinalis. 
 Sttbulata* Trichomotous, with the joints of the ftem wedge-ftiaped 
 and 2-edged, fending out fmall pointed branches from, 
 the top of each of their fides, with round joints. 
 Solander & Ellis Corall. p 119. tab. 21 . b. B. 
 Inhabits the fVeff Indies : flat, white, fmall, flender, appearing as 
 if clofely feathered, and is the moft delicate of all the tribe. 
 Crani/era, Trichotomous, with the joints of the ftem comprefTed 
 wedge^lhaped, thofe of the branches roundilh and 
 furnilhed with oppofite ovate ovaries feated on fmall 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. I 20. tah. 21. c. C. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and African leas: fea-grcen and of a 
 iine (lender texture. 
 • Officinalis Doubly pinnate and fometimes trichotomous, with the joints 
 of the item (omewhat wedge-lhap d or turbinate, thofe 
 of the branches round, fome of the terminal ones ca- 
 Shaiv Natur. Mi/cell. tah. 198. Phik. phytoz^r. tab. 48./. 4. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 48. tah, 24./. a. A. A i. B, B l. B z. 
672 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 100. Corallina. 
 Tourn.Infi. t./. 557. tab. 338. A, Barr. ic. 1276. A* 
 Ruffel aq. Mar, tit. fig. 3. Moris. Hijl. PI. 3. ^. 65 l. t. 9. 
 Seba Muf. 3, tab. 100. fig. 13 — 15. 
 ASI. Haf)i, 10. tab. c. fig. 7, Lobil. ic. 2. 240. 
 'Solander 55? i^/Aj CV«//. /. Ii 8. tab^ 23. /". 14, 1 5. 
 Common on almoft every (hore, growing in cluftered tufts 2 — 5 
 inches long, about the thicknefs of a large thread ; white, 
 ^reenifh, yellowifh, purple or reddiOi, and frequently a mix- 
 ture of all the colours. This is the fpecies fometimes uled ia 
 powder as an abfoibent and vermifuge, 
 Pinneta. With pinnate branches without joints^ and covered with a 
 mealy fubftance. 
 Inhabits Solander cff Ellis Corall. p. W], n.xj^ 
 *Ruhns, Dichotomous> filiform, with the joints of the ftem rounds 
 thofe fupporting the divifions elavate, fome of the 
 lower ones 2-horned. 
 Ellij Csrall. p. 50. tab. 24, «. 5. fig. e. E. 
 Ca'volin, pel, man 3 p. 257. tab.(). fig 16. 
 Inhabits the Britifi and Mediterranean feas; 2 inches long, red. 
 *CriSata. Dichotomous, filiform, in crefted clufters, with roundiflr 
 joints, thofe fupporting the laft fubdivifions clavate. 
 Elhs Corall. p-S"^- '^^- 24. n. "J. fig. f. F. 
 Sloanejamaua, i. p. 58. n. 19. tab. 20 fig. 5. 
 Plukn, phytogr. tab. 168. /. 3. Barrel, ic. I 296./. 2. 
 Inhabits the farc^f^a and yfmfrzV«« feas; 1-2 inches long, and 
 . difpofed in creft-like tufts : red, purple, white, green or yel- 
 •Spertno- Dichotomous, filiform, with roundifh branches, thofe 
 phoros, fupporting the 2 laft fubdivifions clavate, terminal 
 ones long, fetaceous* 
 Ellis Corall. p. 51. tab, 24. «. 8, fig. g. G. 
 Moris. Hi/I. PI. 3. p. 6^1, tab. 9. fig, 9. 
 2, Ellis Ccrall. tab, 24. «. 9 fig. h. Hw 
 Inhabits the Comifa Coafi : milk-white, about an inch long, aad 
 more loofe and fpread than the laft. 
 •Ctrnicula- Dichotomous, with the joints of the ftem and branches 2- 
 ta. horned, thofe of the fubdivifions roundilh. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 50. tab, 24. n. 6, /. d D. 
 Inhabits the Cornifii Coafi. A variety grows in the IVefi Indies, 
 with all the joints horned. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loo, Corallina. 673 
 Fragiliji- Dichotomous, with fmooth even cylindrieal joints, the ex- 
 '"<*• treme ones broadL-r at the tip. 
 Solander and Ellis Cor all. p. I 23, n.q. tab. 21. Jig»^i 
 ^laane Jamaica J i. />. 53. tab. 20 fig. I. 
 Inhabits the Wcfl Indian and Mediterranean feas : very brittle, 
 milk-white, and about 2 inches long; 
 Fruticulo/a, Dichotomous, with round branches tapering tov/ards the 
 extremities, without joints and mealy 
 Solander i^ Ellis Corall. p. I 16. «. 1 6, tab. 22. f, 5. 
 Inhabits the ihores of the Bahama TJlands. 
 Indurata^ Dichotomous, with round fmooth fpreading branches 
 fcarcely jointed. 
 Solander b' Ellis Corall. p, \l6. n. 1$. tab. 22./. 7. 
 Inhabits the fhores of the Bahama 'Jlands, 
 Lichinoides, Dichotomous, with the branches a little rugged and not 
 jointed, dilated and flattened at the tips. 
 Solander iff ElliS Corall. p f 16. «. 1 4. tab. zz.f.%. 
 Inhabits the fliores of the Bahama IJlands: fea green. 
 Rugofa. Dichotomous, with cylindrical branches hardly jointed^ 
 rough with tranfverfe, wrinkles and comprelFed at the 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 1 15. w. 13. tab. 22./. 3. 
 Sloane "Jamaica^ I. /). 61 . tab^ 20. fig. lO. 
 Plukn. phytogr. tab. 168. fig. ^. 
 Inhabits the fhores o'i "Jamaica. 
 Marghiata, Dichotomous, whh fcarcely jointed fmooth flat branches 
 with a raifed margin. 
 Scland. and Ellis Corall p. W^.n.M. tab. Z2.f. 6. 
 Inhabits the thores of the Bahama IJlands. 
 Cylindrica. Dichotomous, with cylindrical nearly equal fmooth joints. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. I 14. 7/. i j. tab. 12. J. 4. 
 Inhabits the V/ejl Indies : joints a little larger at the tops. 
 Oblongata^ DIchotomous, with oblong cylindrical joints a little com- 
 Solander "d Ellis Corall. p. 114. n \o, tab. iz. f. \. 
 Inhabits the Bahajna IJlands: joints thicker than thofc of the lail, 
 and ir.ore diltant than thofe of the next. 
 VOL. IV. — 4 CL Obtujata. 
674 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loo. Coralllna. 
 Ohtnfata: Dichotomous, with oval-oblong joints a little comprefTed 
 ami rounded at the ends. 
 Solander ^ Ellis Corall. /. 1 1 3. ». 9. tab. 22. /". 2. 
 Inhabits the fhores of the Bahama IJlands, 
 Lapidrfcens Dichotomous, with cylindrical downy branches. 
 Solander l3 Ellis Corall. p.liz. tab. 2 1 . g. tab, 2 2, 9. ^ 
 Inhabits -appears covered with fhort hair-hke verticillate 
 down of a reddifh colour, as if the outer calcareous coat was 
 eaten off, or as if another calcareous layer vias about to be 
 produced : ^em lometimes trichotomous. 
 Barbafa. Dichotomous, with Oiort cylindrical joints, the extreme 
 ones bearded at the tips. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 54- ^^^' ^S' f' C* ^• 
 Sloane Jamaica, i, /. 58. «. 17. tab. 20./. 3. 
 Inhabits the fhores of Jamaica: about 3 inches long. 
 Rofurium. Dichotomous, with round bead-like joints, thofe of the 
 ftem longer and cylindrical. 
 Solander arSEllis Corall. p. III. n. 6. tab. 21. f, h. H. H I— 3. 
 S/oane Januica, l. ^. 58. ». 18. tab. 20. f. 4. ■, c \ 
 Inhabits the Wejl Indies: joints fmaller towards the ends ot the 
 Cufpidata. Branches often dividing into 4 and ending in (harp points, 
 joints cylindric.1l and united by a glutinous ten^^nous 
 Solander ^ Ellis Corall. p. 1 24.. «. 30. ^a^. 2 1 . Jig. f. 
 Inhabits the IVeJi Indies: very brittle, white, and grows in tutts 
 about 3 inches high. 
 Tribulus. Branches often dividing into 5, joints 2-edged and united by 
 a glutinous tendinous fubftance. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 124. k. 31. tab. 21. fg. e. 
 Inhabits the U^'eji Indies : whitifh and larger than the iaft. 
 Flahellum, Stem fimple, incrufted, with the branches flicking together 
 in a foliaceous fan-fhaped manner and fomewhat 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. I 24. «. 32. tab. 24. 
 Inhabits the Wefi Indies, of various colours, from a greenilh-brown 
 to milk-white ; fometimes of a flat kidney fhaped form and 
 about an inch high, fometimes expanding to a large fubdi- 
 vided lobed and undulated mafs from i to 5 inches high and 
 as many broad : ^sm terminated by a tuft of fine radical tubes. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertularia. 675 
 Congluti' Stem fingle, flighfly incrufted, with all the branches dicho- 
 nata, tomous and agglutinated together, forming a naked 
 fan-fhaped leaf. 
 Solander Jif Ellif CcrnlL p. 1 25. w. 33. tab. 25,/. 7. 
 Inhabits the Bahaman IJlands ; i|- inch high, fea-green. 
 Phanix. Stem fingle, incrufted, terminating in an oblong frond 
 compofed of diftinil fafciciilatc branches, produced on 
 all fides, the fubdiviiions of which are united together 
 and appear quite flat. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall p, 126. «, 34. tah. 25./". 2, 3. 
 Inhabits the Bahama IJlands: milk-white, 3I inches liigh. 
 Peniculum. Stem fingle, membranaceous, wrinkled, ter-niinated by an 
 orbicular tuft of jointtrd dichotomous ramifications. 
 Solander atid Ellis Corall p 127. tah. j.f 5 — 8. t. 25. f. t. 
 Inhabits the American feas, growing many together. 
 Stem regularly wrinkled, fmaller at the bafe, from which it fends 
 f^nh many branched tubes of an equal thicknefs their whole 
 length : branches at the top covered witn a calcareous cruft full 
 of minute pores, 
 Penicillust Stem fingle, incrufted, terminated by an orbicular tuft of 
 dichotomous filiform jointed ramifications. 
 Solander avd Ellis CorulL p. I 26. n. 35. tah. 25./". 4-6. 
 Jma-n. Acad. if. p. 257. tab. l-fg. i. 
 Seba Mtif. I. tab. X-fg. 10. 
 Inhabits the ff''cst Indies; i — 4 inches long, generally white. 
 Terrestris. With oppofite branches, cylindrical joints, and lateral pe- 
 duncled tranfverfely wrinkled fructifications. 
 Meefefl. Frif. p,-]^. n. 503. tab. i. 
 Inhabits wooas oi Friejland ; a few lines high, and is very pro- 
 bably a fhrubby Lichen. 
 101. SERTULARIA. Animal orowino- in 
 the form of a plant: Jlem branched, 
 producing Polypes from cup-lhaped 
 denticles or minute cells. 
 A- Stem hornyy tubulary fixed by the hafe^ befet with cup- 
 Jhapad denticles, and furnijhed with vejicles or ovaries 
 containing polypes, eggs or the living young. 
 4 0^2 *Rofaeea. 
 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertularia. 
 *Ro/acea, Panicled, with oppofitc tubular truncate denticles and alter^ 
 nate branches; veficles crowned with fpincs. 
 Ellis Corall p 8. tab. 4, Phil. Tranj'aa. 48. t. 23./ 5. 
 Sebamuf 3» tab. 69. y. 6. 
 Inhabits [he European feas, growing on fhells or creeping up other 
 Corallines, white ; 'veficles refembling the bloflbm of the pome- 
 *PHmila. Denticles oppofitc, pointed, recurved j veficles obovate : 
 branches loofe and irregular. 
 Ellis Corall- p. 9, tab. 5. n. %. fig- a. A. 
 Phihf- Tr an/act. 48. tab. ZZ- Jig. 6. F F. & 57. /. 19./. I K 
 JSt. Pans. 1 7 1 1 . /. 297. tab. \ i . fg. 4. M M. 
 Seba Mul, 3. tab, \oo. fig. \. 
 Ca-vol. pul. mar. 3. ^. 216. tab. 8. fig. 8 — lO. 
 Inhabits the Ocean, on Fuci, particularly the ferratus. 
 * Opercula- Denticles oppofite, pointed and nearly ered : veficles ob- 
 ta, Qvate, covc^red with a lid; branches alternate. 
 Ellis Corall. p 8. tab. 3. n. 6./. b. B. 
 Plukn, phytogr. tab, 47. fig. 1 1 . Bocc, Muf. t.6. f.8. 
 Seba Muf. 3. tab. \oz. fig. I. 
 Moris. Hifi. PI. 3,/>. 150. tab. 9. n. 2, 3. 
 Inhabits the European and American feas, on Fuci and {hells : 
 tivigs about 5 inches long : denticles bicufpidate, with a Ihort 
 briitle each fide. 
 *Tamarif- Denticles nearly oppofite, truncate, 3-toothcd : veficles 
 ca, ovate, 2-toolhed, with a Ihort tube in the centre; 
 branches alternate. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 4. tab. \, n.\. fig. a, A. 
 Inhabits the European feas, and is the largeft of its kind, near 4 
 inches long, and growing to Hiells, 
 *Mietina. Denticles nearly oppofite, tubular, oval ; veficles oval : 
 branches alternate. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 4. tab. I .fig. b. B. Pluk, phytogr. t. 48. f. 5. 
 Moris. Hift. PI. 3. p. 653. tab. 9. 
 Mar/. Hifi. Mar. p. 76. tab, ^J-fig' 19. 
 Baji. op.fnhf. 2. tab. 7 /T 2, 3. 
 Inhabits the European and Mediterranean feas, growing to fliells ; 
 about 5 inchts Jong, and often covered with Imall Serpulas : 
 branchei often pinnate. 
 *ifvii^ra. Denticles nearly oppofitc, minute: veficles large, placed all 
 on one fide, oval, quadr«in^ular ; branches pinnate. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. SertuUrla. 677 
 Pallas el. 7.ooph. /• 135. «. 82. 
 Inhabits the Cornijh Coaft, growing on the Mytilas margaritiferus : 
 4 inches long, blackilh. 
 * Fu/ce/cens T>Gniic\ts nearly oppofite, tubular: veficles numerous, 
 placed all on one fide, minute, with 3 tubercles on 
 each: branches pinnate. 
 Bajier op.Jubs, I. tab. \ . fig. 6. 
 Inhabits the Cornijh Coaji ; refembles the laft, but is grey-brown. 
 Oh/okta. Denticles generally placed in 8 rows, ovate, flightly heart- 
 fhaped and difpofed in a quincunx form : branches 
 alternate, pinnate. 
 j^n. Pctrop. 1778. 2. p. 137 tab. j.fig B. 
 Inhabit? the Frozen Sea; about 5 inches high, horn-colour, with 
 the joints becoming moore and more obfolete towards the top, 
 Pinui, Denticles fubfpinous, generally difpofed in 6 rows: veficles 
 bottle- Ihaped, fur^id, fubdiaphanous, with fimple 
 mouth: branches pinnate, nearly alternate. 
 Jit. Pttrop. 17R0. I. p.22.1. tah 9, fig. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the White Sea, fixed to flieils ; horny. 
 Quprefoides Denticles fimple, obliquely truncate, with a flightly promi- 
 nent mouth: veficie'^ ovate, with a fubtubular mouth: 
 branches dichotomous, loofe, and with the trunk 
 jointed, with 2 rings at tlie jundlures. 
 Act.Petrop. 2780. 1./, 224. tall. <^. fig. 3,4. 
 Inhabits tne ?^w/f 6V«: fuodiaphanous, yellowilh, and nearly 
 half 8 fooc long, 
 • Cuprejfina Denticles nearly oppofite, obliquely truncate and a little 
 pointed: veficles obovaie, 2-toothcd: blanches pani- 
 cled and very long. 
 Ellti Corah, p. 7 tab 'i 1. ^ fig. a. A. 
 Sef'a Muf, 3 taO. ici. fi^ I 2, 
 Common m all the European feas, in a long pointed loofe panicle. 
 ^Jlrgentca, Denticles nearly oppofite, pointed: veficles oval: branches 
 alternate, panicled. 
 Ehii Cctiii p 6. tab, 2. ». 4. fig. c. C. 
 PLun. yintogr. tab. %Af. fig. 3. Bocc, muf. tab, 6, fig, 9, 
 Jioris. Hiti. Pi. 3./) 6^0. tab. 9. «. 4. 
 Baiur op.Jubfi i. tab, I. pg. l, 2. 
 Inhabits tiiC European and Affiencan fe^s ; refembles the laft, but 
 the branches are flaorter and loofer, Sc the panicle more obtufe, 
678 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Settularia. 
 *'RugoJxi^ Denticles nearly oppofite, obfolete : veficles much wrinkled ^ 
 and 3-toothed: branches fcattered- 
 EUis Coral! /. 26. tab. 15. n. Z^, fig a. A. 
 Inhabits the European feas, on the Fluftra foliacea and other 
 ^HaUcina. Denticles alternate, tubular, 2-jointed : veficles oval, each 
 united a.ong the ficie to a fmail tubular Italic: ftem 
 alternately branched and pinnate. 
 Ellis Corall. p 17 tab. 10, Philof. '•Vranfi j8 /. 17. E, F, G. 
 Edix:. Glean, tab 286. Seba Muf. 3. /. 100. «. 16, 
 Inhabits Europeatt ixid Mediterranean itdiS, '. horny, )ellowini-grey: 
 dintic.es nearly obloleie. 
 *Thuja. Denticles in 2 rows clofely adhering alternately to the ftem : 
 veficles obovate, margined : flcm waved and ftiff, with 
 a tuft of dichotomous branches near the tip. 
 Ellis Cor all. f, lO. tab. 5. n.(j. fig. B, b. 
 Sibb. Scot. 2. p. 56. tab I. 
 Seba MuJ. 3. tab. 100 fig. 17 — 19. t. \o6.f. 2. a. 
 Inhabits the northern coaft of England and the Mediterranean : 
 about half a foot long. 
 *Myrio- Denticles truncate, apprefTed to the ftem and all leaning one 
 phyllum, way: ftem giboous on the fide oppofite the branches: 
 branches leaning one Way. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 14. tab.S. Barrel, ic. 1292./", 2. 
 GtKan. Acir^iob. W f. 24. Peti'V.pl. Ital. t. 2.f. 1 1, 
 Inhabits the European and Mediterranean feas j about 3 inches 
 long, pale horny : Hem romewhat angular, with arched protu- 
 berances oppofite the branches : denticles 'featcd in a focket 
 furnifhed with a fhort fpme on the lower part, 
 "Hytnoides. Denticles pointing one way, campanulate, toothed and 
 beaked : ftems with pinnate branches and very crowded 
 T alias el. Zooph. ^. i 55. «. 97. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocea>i ; half a foot high, brown horny, with 
 yellowifh intricate radicles. 
 Specio/a, Denticles campanulate, effufe, toothed and ftipulate : ftem 
 pinnate, rigid, with incurved branches moftly point- 
 ing one way. 
 Pa/las el. Zooph, />. I 52, «, 95. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean, adhering to the tubular radicles of 
 Gorgonias: brown horny; 3 — 4 inches long, 
 *F ale at a. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertularia. 
 •Falcata. Denticles pointing one way, imbricate, truncate: veficles 
 ovate : branches pinnate, alternate. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 12. tab. 7. w, 1 1. /a. A. 
 Moris. Hist. PI. 3. p. 650. tab. 9, Hg. 2. 
 Plukn. phytogr. tab. 47../%- ' 2. 
 2. Ellis Corall. tab. 98. /;?. 5, 6. 
 Inhabits Eurotean and /W/fl»? feas ; 3 inches to a foot long ; flem a 
 little flexuous : denticles in a fingle row. 
 *Pluma. Denticles pointing one way, imbricate, campanulate: ve- 
 ficles gibbous, crefted: branches pinnate, alternate, 
 Ellis Corall. p. 13 tab 7. k. 12. b. B. 
 i'^^a Muf. 3, /. ioi.y%, 1. 
 Bocc. Muf. /.257. tab.6. Jig.6, 
 Ca'volin. pol, mar. 3 p. 210. tab. ^- Jig' 5«. 
 Inhabits the European Coalis, climbing up Fuci : branches ]o'wtcd : 
 denticles ferrate at the margin and fupported in front by a fmall 
 hollow fpine: 'v^Hcles with a denticulate margin and generally 
 5 oblique crelled ribs, 
 Echinata. Denticles oppofite, pointing one way, campanulate: veficles 
 crefted : branches pinnate, alternate, lanceolate. 
 Fn. Succ. 2246. Pallas el. Zooph. p. 152. « 94. 
 Inhabits the ihorcs of S-weden, on Fuci. 
 "Antennina Denticles verticillate, in fours, fetaceous: veficles obliquely 
 truncate, verticillate: Items generally fimple. 
 Ellis Corall. /. 1 5. tab. 9. a. A. Bocc. Muf. tab. 6,/. 2, 
 Plukn. phytogr. tab. i^%. jig. 6. Pet. pi. tab. 2. f. 10. 
 Ginann. opufc- 1 6. tab. l\. Jig. 25. 
 2, Branched. Ellis Phil. Tranf. 48. tab. 22. 
 Inhabits the Britijli Coasts; often near a foot high, yellow with 
 very fine capillary yelloAifh radicles: fiem furrounded with 
 Imall incurved fetaceous branches, on the upper fides of which 
 are rows of fmall cup-fiiaped denticles: njeficles placed on pe- 
 dicles obliquely open towards the flem and placed round it at 
 the infertion of the branches. 
 • Verticil- 
 Denticles obfolete : veficles campanulate, toothed round the 
 rim, on long twilted pedicles, and placed in fours 
 round the Item: branches a tcrnate. 
 Ellis CorAl, p. 23. tab. i 3. «. 20. tig. a. A. 
 Inhabits the Brittjh Coasts : itcra ribbed, very loofcly branched : 
 denticles not vifible: -ue/icles nearly ertd, glutinous: ovaries 
 oval, ending in a tuOuUr mouth. 
68o WORMS. Z00t>HYTA. loi. Sertularia. 
 Gelatinofa. Veficles campanulate: ftcm with numerous decompofste 
 fpreading branches. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p. 1 1 6. »• 67. Ray Syn p. 34. n. 7. 
 Inhabits the Netherlands; haJf a foot long, grey-brown. 
 *Volubilisi Denticles obfolete: veficles alternate, campanulate^ toothed 
 round the rira^ on long twilled pedicles: branches 
 Ellis Corall. p. 24. tab. 14. «. 21. a. A, 
 Solanderand Ellis Corall. /. 5 1 . n. 22. tab. 4. /", e. E. f. F. 
 Philof. Iran/. 57. /. 437. tab. 19. fg. 9. 
 Bailer op. i,tab. 2. fig. 2. a. b. d. /. 3, 4. c. e. /. 7. a — c. 
 Inhabits the Eurr peart iezs, climbing up other Sertulariae, whit- 
 ifh, minute : /lem loofely branched ; ovaries egg-ftiaped, fmooth 
 or tranfverrely wrinkled. 
 '^Sjringa* Denticles obfolete : veficles cylindrical, moftly alternate, 
 placed on ihort twifted pedicles. 
 Ellis Corall. f. 25. tab. x\.fig. b. B. 
 Sertularia repens. Soland. & Ellis, p. 52. n. 23. 
 Inhabits the European Coafis, on ftielis or creeping up other Ser- 
 tulariae; yellowifti. 
 •Cu/cutat Denticles obfolete: veficles oval, axillary; branches oppo- 
 fite, fimple 
 Ellis Corall. p. 28. tab. 1 4. n. zS.fg. C. C. 
 Mull. Zcol. Dan, i.p.bz. tab 117. fig- \ — 3- 
 Inhabits European feas, adhering to Fuci. 
 *?ustulofai Stem with alternate dichotomous branches, obfoletely den- 
 ticulate on the upper part. 
 Ellis Corall. /. 54, tab. 27. fig. b. B. 
 Inhabits the fhores of the Ifie of Wight ; 4 inches long. ^ 
 Stem rifing into alternate dichoc-'mous joints, with fmall denticles, 
 having a circular rim with a point in the middle of each to- 
 wards the upper part of each joint* 
 *Frufe/cens Denticles cylindrical, campanulate, placed in a fingle row- 
 on the iniide of the branches: branches alternate, 
 Soiander and Ellis Corall. p. 55. «• 2^. tab. 6./. a. A* 
 Inhabits the Britifii ftiores : rather harJ., blackifh with brown 
 branches; /?f;w eompofed of fmall united tubes. 
 Pinaster. Denticles oppofite, fefiile, with an incurved tubular tip:, 
 veficles larue, ovate, quadrangular, the angles termi- 
 nating in a'fpine, and furnilhed with a tubular mouth 
 in the centre, placed in a row along the branches: 
 branches alternate. 
 Inhabits Scland. ij Ellis, p. 55. ». 30. /. 6. b. B. Pen' 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertulr^ria. 68i 
 Pennaftila, Denticles in a fingle row, crenale on the rim and fupportcd 
 by a flender truncate incurvfc>d horn : branches oppofite. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 56. ». 31. tah, 7. fig. I, 2. 
 InhaHits l\it Indian Ocean ; 5 or 6 inches long : yellowifli. brown: 
 denticles with 2 oppofite fpines on the rim, 
 ^iliculc; Denticles oppofite, ovate, with a fingle ereft one at the 
 jundliires of the branches: veficles obovate with a tu- 
 bular mouth in the centre: ftem zig-zag wiih alternate 
 Solander and EUii Corall. p. 57. n. 32. tab. 6, c. C. 
 Inhabits the Bri/iJIi ihotQs ; very tender: fem much branched. 
 Ouadnden- Denticles in fours, oppofite, at the joints oftheftem: flem 
 '^'"' fimple, with the joints tapering and twilled towards 
 the bafe. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p, 57. ». 33. tab. 5. g, G. 
 Inhabits the African ihoxQS, on the Fucus lendigerus. 
 Spicata, Denticles in threes, cylindrical, terminal and nearly clofed 
 atthemoutii: veficles ovate, axillary: ftem tubular, 
 panicled, annulate, with trichotomous branches dif- 
 pofed in whorls round the rings. 
 Inhabits Solunder and Ellis Corall. p, 58. «. 34* 
 *E'vansii. Denticles (hort, oppofite: veficles lobed, arifing from oppo- 
 fite branches : branches oppofite. 
 Soiafid and Ellis Corall- p 58. n. 34. 
 Inhabits the Britijli coafr, on Fuci : 2 inches high, very {lender 
 and yellow with fulvous veficles. 
 *Muricafa, Denticles pediclcd, proceeding alternately from the joints 
 of the branches: veficles oval, fpinous : ftem jointed. 
 Solii/id. and Ellis Corall. p. 59. n. 36. tab n , f, 3, 4. 
 Inrabits the fiiore? o{ Scotland: veficles nearly globular, placed 
 on pedicles, and full of pointed fpines from crefled ribs. 
 Secio.daric. Denticles in a fingle row, campanulate: veficles axillary: 
 item minute, white, incurved. 
 Cavolin. pol. vmr 3. p. 226. tab. %.f. iq, 16. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; hardly 3 lines high, and not thicker 
 than a very hnc brilllc. 
 Miscnensii^ Denticles alternate, very thin, fpreading : vtfic'es oval, 
 peduncles axillary: ilem much branched, dichotomous. 
 VOL. I\\ — 4R Ca^jol 
682 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertularia. 
 Caniol. pel, mar. 3./. 187. tab I- fig. I, 2. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; very tender, pellucid towards the tip, 
 and fometimes covered with the Cancer linearis. 
 Racemosa-. Denticles icattered, pellucid : veficles cltiftered : flem 
 ftraight, round, opake, horny, with flightly curved 
 Cavol. poh mar. 3. p, 160. tab^bif, 1,2. 
 Inhabits the Miditcrranean, 
 *V'va. Denticles obfolete : veficles ovate, cluftered: flem flightly 
 branched, with alternate fubdivifions. 
 EHh CoralUp-l-j. n. z^. tab 15./^. c. C* 
 Inhabits the fhores of Holland and Britain, adhering to other 
 Zoophytes ; 'veficles tranfparent with a white nucleus, 
 *Lendigera Denticles obfolete: veficles cylindrical, arranged in a fingle 
 row along the branches and growing gradually lefs 
 towards the top : ftem and branches jointed. 
 1.111$ Corall. /. 27. tab. I 5, n. 24. fig. b. B. 
 Canjol. pol mau 3./'. 229 tab.^.f. i, 2. 
 Inhabits the European coaits, on other Zoophytes, 
 Branches lubdivided and irregularly interwoven : tvefules placed 
 in parallel rai.ks along the infide of the branches, and growing 
 gradually fhorter towards tlie top of the joints, 
 *Gem(ula- Denticles alternate, twilled: veficles obovate with a tubular 
 ^^' mouth in the centre: Hem branched, jointed, flexuous. 
 Ella Corall. p. 22. tab i 2, n. 19./". b. B. 
 Philcj. 7ranfi2Si, 48. tab 2 2. fig. I. 
 Caoiol. pal. mar 3. p. 205. tab S,f. I, 2. 
 A^.Stoclib. ly^z. p. 114.. tab, ^. fig. ^ — 10. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 3. /. 61. t. l17.fi. ^ — 4- 
 Inhabits tlie European coafts, adhering to Fuci. 
 *2?/V,^(7/owrf Denticles obfolete: veficles obovate, axillary, dn twifted 
 pedicles: fiem dichotomous with t wilted joints. 
 Ellii Corall, p. 21. tab. 12. n. iS. fig. a.A. c. C. 
 Cavol. pol. ?nar 3. p. 194. tab. 7. fig. 5 — 7. 
 Inhabits the Britijh and Dutch coaits j near a foot long: white, 
 but becoming teilaceous with age.- 
 ^Sftnoja. Denticles obfolete: veficles ovate, fubulate: branches di- 
 chotomous, fpinous. 
 Ellti Corall. p. 20. tab, I I, ». i^.fig. b. d. B, C, D. 
 Inhaoits the European Ceis ; about 8 inches long. 
 Sten compoled of interwoven tubular fibres: branches flexuous, 
 iotiie, forJccd, with pointed tips. *i'in/iata. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Scrtularia. 683 
 •Pinnata. Denticles obfolcte : yeficlcs oblong furrounded with a coronet 
 of tubercles at the rim: (tern fimplc, pinnaie, lanceolate. 
 Ellis Cor all, p 19. tab. w.fig. 1 6. a. A. 
 Inhabits i-Kro/-^ and i//<//Vi; 3 inches high. 
 Stem fimple, with alternate fubdivifions : ve^dcs placed in cluRcrs 
 round the ftern. 
 *Sftacea. Denticles obfolete, remote, placed in a row on the upper 
 fide of the branches: velkles oblong, axillary; item 
 fimple, vvithaternae bent divifions 
 Ellis Corall. tab. ^S /g. 4' Nar^.r. Mifcell. tab. 71. 
 Inhabits the European coafts ; if inch high. 
 •Paljzoni. Denticles alternate, (lightly toothed: veficles obovate, 
 as, tranfverfely wrinkled : Item loofely branched. 
 Ellis Corall. f. 5. tab. 2. n. 3 /-- a. A. b. B. 
 Caniol pol. Miw. 3 p. 224. tab. 8 f^. I 2— 14. 
 Scba MuJ. 3. tab 102. «• 4 tub. \o\ ». 6 
 Inhabits moft fcas, adhering to marine fubftanccj. 
 rennaria. Denticles placed in a row on one fide the branches : veflcles 
 oval : llem twilled and doubly pinnate. 
 Caiol. pol. mar. 3, /. I 34- f^f^- S- H' 1-6. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean fea, growing in tufts on rocks: Item 
 ftraight,afc€nding,Hcxile, horny, broAvnwiihwhitilh branches, 
 •Lichen. Denticles alternate, obtufe, in 2 imbricate rows a^ong the 
 ^strum. if em: vcllcl-s ovate, in 2 parallel rows along the 
 branches: Ifem fimple, alternately pinnate. 
 Ellis Corall. p \i. tab. \6. 
 Inhabits the Irtjh Seas, Iidia, A:ia and America. 
 Stem crea, jointed, comprelied, denticulate ; branches alternate, 
 denticuldtf, ftraignt. 
 Cedrina, Denticles fubcvlindrical, tubular, in 4 imbricate rows: 
 branches irregular, quadrangular and thicker upwards. 
 Pallai el. Zcoph ;> ug. « 86. , 
 Inhabits the leas of Kamt/chatka ,' branches dichotomDUS, ootule, 
 with 4 rows of veficles. 
 •/;«^r;Vfl/« Veficles fubclavate, irregularly imbricate upwards: ftem 
 nightly branched. 
 Iranf Linn. Soc. V. p.W. tab. Z. fig 5 — 1 1. 
 InhaSits the welfern coallof Entain, on the Fucus nodofus; re- 
 lembles the lall, but the veficles are not placed in any regular 
 feries: a'^out 3 inches high: the lmaller/'r^«f^c-/ have the ve- 
 ficies placed bifariouny, but towards the tip they be.ome^m- 
 Jjricate, 4 ^ ? 
684 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. lor. Sertularla. 
 Purpurea. ^Denudes fubovate, tubular, in 4 imbricate rows; vcficlcs. 
 ere£t, campanulate: branches dicliotomous, fquare. 
 Pallas el. Zooph., f. 140. «. 87. 
 Inhabits thcfca loind Kamtfchatka : blackilh -purple, faftigiate. 
 Articulata, Denticles apprefTed: veficles ovate, rather large, covered 
 with a lid and place.d in a fmgle row: ftcm joimed, 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p. 1 37. n, 84. 
 Inhabits the Atlantic^ creeping on fhellsj about 2 inches long, 
 pale yellow, 
 lilicina. Denticles imbricate, placed on one fide only : veficles joint- 
 ed: ftem granulate, branched and pinnate, tiie fubdivi- 
 fions alternate, 
 Pallas el. Zooph. />, 1 56. «. 98. 
 Inhabits the InMan Ocean ; pale, 3 inches long. 
 fruticans. Denticles in a fingle row on one fide, femicampanulatc: 
 ftem granulate, woody, with alternate fetaceous fub- 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p, 157, n. 99, 
 Inhabits the American feat,, in tufts onfliellsj 6 inches long, 
 B. Stem crujlaceous^ inclining to flone, and compojed of rows 
 of cells : veficles o, In the place of which are Jmall glo- 
 bules. Cellaria. 
 * Bur/aria. Denticles oppofite, compreflcd, truncate : ftem branched, 
 Eltii Cor all. p. 4.1. tab 22. «. 8. a. A, 
 Inhabits the B>itifli coafts, adhering to Fuci : minute, flexile, 
 . hyaline ; denticksc&x'imic, with a fmall clavate tube at top. 
 *Lcriculata Denticles oppofite, obliquely truncate and nearly obfolete : 
 branches ere£l, dichot< mous. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 40 tab^ 2 \. fg. b. B. 
 Inhabits the BriiiJIi coart, on old Sertulari:e. 
 *Pastigia-i Denticles aU^rnate, pointed : branches dichotomuui,^ tXK^. 
 t^' Eliis Corail. p. /^i. tut,\%. 
 C.ai'cl. pel. niar. 3. /• 237. tab. 9. fig. 3, 4. 
 CcilarM plumofa SoUmdet 13 Ellis Lorall. p.z\. n, I. 
 Inhabits the Britifr. fea? : tiir.tichs with a black I'pot in the middle. 
 ^ A-vicli■^ 
WORMS, ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertularia. 685 
 9jv!cula- Denticles pointing one way, nearly oppofite and furnifhed 
 yi^' with 2 mucronate appendages: globules appendagd: 
 ftem branched, dichotomous. 
 £Ilij C.orali. p 36. tab. 20 fig. a. A. 
 Inhabits \)\q European icd^i; 1 — 2 inches long, dirty grey, brittle, 
 '*Nentin», Denticles alternate, acute, pointing one way': branches 
 dichotomous, unequal, flrai^ht. 
 ElliiCorall, p 3 J. tab. 19. Philof 1 ran/. 48. t 5. a. A, 
 Inhabits the Europea^i and Amcican fi*as ; foft, 
 Globules with an opening I'unounded by a dark-coloured margin*- 
 '^Scrupofa. Denticles alternate, angular, fpinous: branches dichoto^ 
 mnus, creeping. 
 Ellis Corall. p. 38. tah. 20. /f. C. C. 
 Inhabit" moil feas ; very britte, linear, pale, with a double row 
 of ceils. 
 Filoja, Denticles alternate, oblique, with a long mouth : branches 
 dichotcmuus, lalligia'.e, ftrong. 
 Pallas el. Zooph. p. 72. n. 29, 
 Lihabits the Mediterranean; hardly 4 lines long. 
 Cri/pa. Verv much branched, dichotomous, elongated, crifp, with 
 deprtfred ovate joints furnilhed with cells on one fide. 
 Seba Mil/. 3. tab. 101. n. 8. 
 Inhabits the East : large, flexile, pale grey. 
 fkceofa. Very much branched, dichotomous, fartigiate, with fome- 
 what wedge- fhaped joints having cells on one fide, 
 Pallas el, Zooph. p. 70. n 27. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; large, whitifh with greyifh flexile 
 *Fet>tanj. Denticles alternate, 2 -toothed: branches dichotomous, 
 Ellis Corall p. 37. tab. 20. fg. b. B. 
 liihaL.us the European fcas, adhering to the Fluftra foliacea, not 
 an inch long ; white or pale grey. 
 Parasitica, Denticles verticillate, turbinate, ciliate, parafitical. 
 Ca-vf'l. pel. mnr. 3. p. 181 tab. 6. fg- 8 — > 3. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean and l^orth Seas, adhering to other 
 Sertularia; and Corallincb; dull red, with terminal denticle?. 
 *Ci!iata, penticles alternate, ciliate, funnel-form: branches dicho- 
 tomous, crett. 
686 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. loi. Sertularia. 
 Ellis Corath p. 38. tab. 20. fig. d. D. 
 Inhabits the European feas, on marine fu'^ftances; 4 or 5 lines 
 high, whitilh: ceils with wide mouths. 
 ^Eburnea, Denticles alternate, truncate, a little prominent: veficles 
 gibbous, with a tubular beak on one fide : branches 
 fp reading. 
 Ellis Condi p. 39. tab 21. fig. a. A. 
 Cai-cl. pel. mar. 3. p 240. tab. g. Jig, 5 — 7. 
 Inhabit.': the £u^opea/2 afid Mediterruneanim, on other Scrtularis 
 and Fuel ; an inch high, white, 
 ^pornuta, Dentic'es alternate, truncate, with a flngle hair on the top 
 of each: veficlts gibbcus, \vi;h a tubular bealc: 
 branches alternate. 
 Ellis Corall p. 42. tab. z\.fg. c. C. 
 Inhabits the European and hUditerranean feas, on Fuci ; ftony, 
 clear white and hardly 4 lines long: denticles curved, taper- 
 ing towards the bale and placed on each other, 
 ^l-oricata. Denticles in a concatenate row pointing one way, with a 
 margined mouth horned beneath: branches alternate. 
 Eilis Corall / 42 tab. zz. fig, h. B. 
 Inhabits the Hntijh ana Mediterranean (zn?, on Fqci, 
 Denticles like inverted horns pLced on eacU other, with a fhort 
 hair on the top. 
 '^Anguina. Stem very fimple, without denticles, but befet with very 
 fimple obtufe clavate arms each with a lateral opening. 
 Ellis Corall p 43. tub zz.Jig- c C. D. 
 Cavol. pol. mar. 3. ^ 221 tab. 8 /". I I. 
 Inhabits the Eurcpe n and Mediteranean feas, climbing up ma- 
 rine fubftances; wMtc, fot't, flexile, varying in torni, and ap- 
 pears to conneft the Sertuhriac and Hydrs : /?r«.f teltaceous. 
 Cereoides. Denticles imbricate, with fomewhat prominent mouths; 
 flem branched, jointed, the joints cylindrical. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 26. «. 14, tab 5 fg. b. & — E. 
 Inhabits the coaft of .'Ifnca ; 3 inches high : whitifh, ftony, ag. 
 gregate, with ftiort joints, 
 Tulipifera. CcKs in threes on the upper p?rt of the joints and united 
 together; ftcm branched, with clavate joints. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. ZJ . n. 1 5. tab. 5. a. A. 
 Inhabits the Wen Indies^ adhering to Fuci; about half an inch 
 high and clear white: (Itm llo.iy, fnbdiaphanous ; cells often 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 102. Pennatula. 68^ 
 FiabellutTt' Stony, branched, jointed, dichotomous, the joints fomewhat 
 wedge-fhaped and having cells on one fide. 
 Solander and Ellts Corall. p. 28, n. 1 6. tab. 4, c. C, 
 Inhabits the Bahama IJlands, about 2 inches high, white, grow- 
 ing in tufts: joints convex and ftriate on one fide, the other 
 flat, with a triple row of cells, 3. 2. 2. 
 *Ternata, Branched, dichotomous, jointed, creeping, the joints nearly 
 top-fhaped dnd angular at their lides, with 3 cells in 
 the front of each. 
 Solander and Ellis Corall. p. 30 n. 1 8, 
 Inhabits the fhores of Scotland i ftony, femitranfparent. 
 Cirrata. Stcny, jointed, flat, dichotomous, incurved, the joints fub* 
 ciliare, ovate, tnmcate, flat and having cells on one fide. 
 Soland. and Ellis Corall. p. 29, »• 1 7. tab. 4. d. D. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; about 2 inches high, white: joints 
 convex and Hriate on one furface, the other flattened, with a 
 double row of cells, 3, z. 
 Optintioides Branches in threes, v^ith cylindrical joints covered with 
 flightly prominent pores. 
 Cellularia opuntioides. Pall. Zooph. p. 61. n, 20i 
 Inhabits the Eastern Ocean; about half an inch high, erefl, very 
 much branched, white, ftony, with the pores dilpofed in a 
 quincunx form. 
 X02. PENNATULA. Animal not affixed, 
 of various lliapes, fupported by a bony 
 part within, naked at the bafe, tlie upper 
 part with generally lateral ramifications 
 i'urnillied with rows of" tubular denticles 
 producing radiate Polypes from each tube. 
 Sea Pen. 
 Coceinea. Stem round, radfcating, with papillous polype-bearing fides, 
 and clavak; at the top. 
 Lcpech. /ta. Petrop. 1778, z. p. 1 36. tab. 7. A. 
 Inhibits the deeps of the Pf'hite Sea, and unites the 2 Genera 
 A'cyonium and Pennatula: foft, red, an inch and half high 
 ana a- thick as the lutlc fin^ci, wrinkled, with the papilla: 
 diipofcd in luwj. 
6^8 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. t02. Pennatuk. 
 Cri/ea, Stem flefliy, with a fmooth midrib and imbricate plaited 
 fpinous ramifications. 
 Ban-, ic tab. I316. Petiv. pL It. tab. \.f. 8, . 
 Ellis Phil T-anf. 53 tab. li.fiz 6 — 10. 
 Aldrov. Zooph, tab. 18./. 35. Johtt. exang, t. 20. 
 Seba Muf, 3. /. 39. tab. M.fg. 8. 
 Albin. annot. Acad I. />. 77 tab. S. fg. i, 2, 
 Boadfch. Mar^p. 109 tab. g fig. i — 3 
 Inhabits the Adriatic^ about 8 inches long; {bines by night: 
 back of the midrib lanceolate, fmoothifh : ra^^s imbricate and 
 undulate on the anterior margin, the lobules armed with a 
 fpine and obtufcly crenatc at the margin. 
 *Pho/pho' Stem flefhy, with a rough midrib and imbricate ramifications. 
 ^'»' Ellis Philof. Tranfaa. ^^.p.^zb tab. 19./. I— 5. 
 . Shanv Natur. K^ifcell. tab. 39. Boad. Mar. t. 8./. 5. 
 SebaMuf. I. tab. 6, f. I. Ginan. Adr. tab. ^'^.f. \\\, 
 Aldrov. Zooph. tab. 18. fig. 36. 
 Johst. exang. tab. zo. Barrel, ic. 1313, 1314. 
 Plane, covch. c. 18 tab. %.fig. E. D. 
 Pontopp. Dan. Atl. tab, 30./. 1-^3. Uornu. /, 17./. I — 3. 
 Albin. annot. Acad. 1 . tab. 6. fig, 3 — 5 ? 
 Petii). pi. It. tab. I. fig. 5, 6. 
 Inhabits moft feas, and emits a very rtrong phofphoric light in 
 the dark; about 4 inches long, red: fiem villous, with a lan- 
 ceolate rough midrib and nearly incumbent rays, the tubes 
 pointing all one way. 
 Vilofa. Stem a little flelhy, with the rib feathered each fide and 
 furnifhed with 2 filiform tentacula at the bafe. 
 FAlis Philo/oph. Tranfo.a, 53. tab.ZQ f. 15. 
 Boccon. Muf. tab. zo. Jig. 15. 
 Inhabits the European {as ; 4 — 6 inches long: ^e/n roundiih, 
 wrinkled, with crowded fetaceous ramifications. 
 Rubra. Stem flefhy, with a broad tuberculate midrib, the ramifi- 
 cations imbricate with each a ihort fpine at the bafe. 
 EUis PhAof. Tra?!/. 53^ tab.Zl.Jig. I, 2. 
 Boadfch. Mar p, lOi. tab. ^- Jig. i — 3. 
 Inhabicsthe Mediterranean; about 6 inches long j v^hitifh varied 
 n-ith red dots and faffron lines: Jlem long, obovate, with a 
 fubulate midrib, and crowded imbricate rays granulate on the 
 back at the bafe ; lubes unarmed, in a double row at the tip. 
 AUra'ulis. Stem filiform, with lunate diftant alternate ramifications. 
 Ellis Philof.^rranf. 53. tab zo. J' 17. 
 Mull. Zcol Dan. \,p oJi.tab.W.f \ — 3. 
 Muf. Adclph. Fr. I. p. 96. ra^. 19./.4. 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 102. Pennatiila. 
 Inhabits the American, Atlantic and Norivay feas; 3 or 4 inches 
 long, fulvous : ficm finooth, ferrulate each fide, with a linear 
 midrib and remote alternate rays : tu6es round, with a fpinous 
 Sagiita. Stem filiform, with clofe-fet ramifications and naked at 
 the top, 
 Ellis Philof. Tranf. 53. tab, ZO. fig, 16. 
 A7ncen Acad. 4. p.'2.<^T tab. i 3./^. l 3. 
 Inhabits the Ocean: probably not a diftinft fpecies, 
 Aniennina. Stem nearly quadrangular, fetaceous, with polype-fuckers 
 on 3 fides. 
 Ellis Philof Tranf. 53. />• 43I- tab. zo. fig. \. 
 Boadfcb. Mar. p, 112. tab. f.f. 4, 5. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; 2 feet 10 inches high; yellowini 
 dotted with red ; fievi tapering : rajs with crowded fefiile 
 StelBferay Simple, equal, with foHtary polypes towards the tip. 
 Mull, Zool. Dan. \.p, 133. ». 60, tab. ^^./ l — 3. 
 Inhabits the Nor-ivay feas ; sbout 4 inches long, ficfhy, reddifu, 
 thickened and obtufe beneajh, above with 5 alternate polypes. 
 Fhalhides, Simple, with a cylindrical midrib every where covered 
 with polypes. 
 Pall. Mi/cell. Zool. p. 109. tab. 15./", 5 — 9. 
 Inhabus the Indian Ocean ; f a foot long, grey : midrit about as 
 thick as a child's finger : bone fquare. 
 Arundina- Stem quadrangu'ar and very long. 
 cea. /. Pabr It. Nor<w. p. 349. 
 Inhabits the M-rway feas ; 4 feet long: y?fw linear, with cylin- 
 drical riys of folitary tube's, which are dcci'ducus, ercft, 
 crowded and feated on a thin pedicle. 
 Simple, linear, tapering, with a round midrib producing 
 polypes on one fide, 
 Pallas el. Zooph.p. 372. « 118. 
 Inhabits the G)<-^a« ; a foot and half long : /Ji^w fiefhy, thicker 
 and longer than the midrib: bone foincwhat flexile. 
 Juncen, Simple, linear, with a truncate rib and tranfverfe polype- 
 bearing wrinkles each fide. 
 Pall, 7.:.')pb. />, 37 I. H. 21 7. 6eba Muf. 3. tab. 1 14./. 2. 
 VOL. IV, — 4 S InJabJiis 
690 WORxMS. ZOOPHYTA. 102. Pennatula. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean ; 2 feet long, white, beneath horny, the 
 rays mixed, lulvous and white: jiem 5 or 6 inches long, foft, 
 vermicular and 4 or 5 times as long as the midrib : bone white 
 and very brittle, 
 Grandiu Pen-fhaped, linear-lanceolate, with a fmooth round ftem 
 and jagged toothed ramifications. 
 Pall. Zooph. p. 366. K. 213. Kumpf. Muf. p. 43, 44. ». 2, 
 Inhabits the Indiaa Ocean; a foot long, greenifti-grey, fhines with 
 a cinereous light in the dark, and fometimes flings the hand 
 if it be touched: bone brittle, tapering both ways: ramifica- 
 tions imbricate. 
 Argentea. Pen-fhaped, lanceolate, with a fniooth round ftem and very 
 clofe-fet innbricate ftriate ramifications. 
 Sha^M Nalur. Mi/tell, tab, \ 24. 
 Solander and Ellis Corail. p. 66, n. 9. tab, S.fig. 1— 3. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean; about a foot long, rich fxlvery white ' 
 elegantly ftriate along the ramifications with lines of black: 
 like moil of its tribe it is luminous in the dark. 
 "Encrinus. Stem quadrangular, taper, very long, bony, co\'ered with a 
 callous membrane, with an umbellate clufter of po- 
 lypes from the top, 
 Ellit Corail. p. 96. tab. 37. PhiL Tranf. 48. p* 305. t. 12. 
 An, Petmp, 1766. p. 425. teb. li. fig. 7. 
 Inhabits the Greenland feas j above 6 feet long, and when takta 
 {xcOi\ from the Tea appears like a nofcgay of yellow flowers : 
 upper-part or umbel compcfed of 20 — 50 cylindrical polypes, 
 tath with 8 claws at the tip and featid on along pedicle. 
 Cvnomorium Cylindrical, flefhy, fomewhat clavate, bearing polypes on 
 the whole upper furfacc. 
 Sbatu Nahr. Mi/cel/. tab. 1 70. 
 F.llis Cat. ^ngl. tab. 2i. fig. 3 — 5. 
 Pall. Mi/all. Zcol. tab- 13/%! — 4. 
 Inhabits the Mediterranean ; reddifh, about 4 inches long, of a 
 granulated appearance and Cf^'ered on the thicker part with 
 Virlvulnr tubercle.', through the orifices of which the pol)pc« 
 } rotruae themfelves : bone flighily hollow or channelled on 
 one fide. 
 Reni/ormis. Stem round, vermicular, fnpporting a kidney-lhaped leaf- 
 like head producing polypes on one furfacc. 
 Shaiv Natur. Mifuli tab. 139. 
 Ellis PbiloJ. TranJuSi. 53. tab. \<)-fig. 6— lO, 
WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 103. Hydra. 691 
 Inhabits South Carolina: body expanded, kidney-fhaped, flar, 
 rifing from a fhort round ftem, and covered on the upper 
 furface with numerous tubular orifices, through which the 
 polypes are protruded at pleafure ; the upper furface rich pur- 
 ple, the under fide Icfs brilliant and fometimes yellowifti. 
 i03. HYDRA. Animal fixing itfelf bj the 
 bafe, linear, gelatinous, naked, contract 
 tile and furnilhed with fetaceous tenta- 
 c*Ada or feelers, inhabiting freili waters, 
 and producing its deciduous offspring or 
 eggs from the fides. Polype^ 
 Gelatino/a, Minute, gelatinous, milk-white, cyllndrica!, withr2ten- 
 tacula fliortcr than the bodv. 
 Mull. Z.ocl. Dun. 3./. 25. Mi^, 95 /. I, 2.' 
 Inhabits Denmark., in cluitcrs on the under fide of Fuci. 
 "Viridis. With about 10 tentacula (horter than the body. 
 Adams tfj Krcnm, Microfc. p. 364 tab. 21./. 5. 
 TretnbUy P'Aip. l. p. zz. tab. l./.X. 
 Ledermulkr Microfc. tab 6j,f. c, f. 
 Roef. Inf. 3. Polyp. p.^^i.taS 88, 89. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters and fluw ftreams of Europe, generaliy on 
 the under furface of plants, and appears like a little tranfparcnt 
 green jelly when contrafted and quiefcent; when expanded it 
 is a linear body, fixed at one end, and furrounded at the other 
 by tentacula or arms placed in a circle round the mouth, and 
 gradually producing its young from the fides, which at firft 
 feem fmall papillae, increafing in length, till they aflumc the 
 form of the parent, and clien dropping off. Like all its tribe, 
 jt has the power of reproducing parts which have been de- 
 ftroyed, and if cut or divided in any dire£lion, each feparutc 
 part becomes a pcrfeft Polype: tentacula 8 — 10. 
 *Tufca. With about 8 tentacula, many times longer than the bodv. 
 Adamsl^ Kanm. Microfc. p. 363. tab. zi.f. 7, 8. 
 Ellis Cor nil. tab. zS.C. Schc^ff. PoljP, /^^ . 3 . /. i . 
 Trembley Polyp. I, p. zz. tab. I. /". 3, 4. 
 Roe/. Inf. S, polyp, p. $0^. tab. 84 — 87. 
 Inhabits frefh waters of Europe; grey-brown, a little taper to- 
 wards the bale, with abuut 8 very fine fetaceous tentacula or 
 4 S 2 *Grt/ea, 
5g2 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 103. Hydra. 
 •Gri/ea. With about 7 tentacula longer than the body. 
 Mams y K^nm. Microfc.fs 364. tab. z\.f,6. 
 ' Philof.Tranfaa. 57. /•430. tab. 9. 
 TrePihley Polyp. \. p.zi. tab. I,/, z. 
 ^^z/('^r Microfc. tab. 7. /. 3 — "]. 
 LedennuUer Microjc. tab. 67. m. 
 Roef. Inf. 3. />o/v/. /. 473. tab. 78—83. 
 Inhabits rivulets and ftagnant waters.; yellovvifh, tapering to- 
 wards the bafc, with fomctimes i z arms or tentacula. 
 K^alkns. With about 6 tentacula as long as the body. 
 Reef. Ir.f, 3. pohp. />. 465. tab. 76, 77. 
 Inhabits clear waters of Europe, but not fo common as the others ; 
 body pale yellowilh, tapering towards the bafe, very tender, 
 with whitifh tentacula or arms. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 104. Brachionus. 
 J\iinute fimijle animalcules^ Jeldom vifible to 
 the naked eye, 
 104. BRANCHIONUS. ^o^y contraaile, 
 covered with a iliell, and furniihed at 
 the head with ciljate rotatpry organs. 
 *Urceolaris Bell-fhaped, with the fliell many -toothed at the tip and 
 rounded at the bafe: tail long, bifid at the end. 
 Sh(cw Natur, Mifcell. tab. 195. 
 Baker Micro/c p. 338. tab. \z. f. 7 — 10. 
 Adams Micro/c. p. 568. tab. TZ.f. 36 — 38. t. zy.f. 56, 57, 
 Vcrticella urteolans. Donwv. Brit Inj. tab. ly.f, I, 2. 
 Found frequently in ftagnant water, appearing to the naked eye 
 as a fmall white fpcck : rotatory organ double, which it can 
 protrude and conceal at pleafure. 
 Patella, Univalve, vrith the Ihell 2-toothcd at the tip and emargi- 
 natc at the bafe: tail ending in 2 briiUes. 
 Joblot Mtcro/c. \. z. tab. d^. f, F. G ? 
 Inhabits ftagnant water ot Europe: flieli flat, cr) flaline, ovate- 
 orbicular; bead, trunk and tail diftin£t. 
 *Striatus, Univalve, with an ovate flriate flicIl 6-toothed at the tip 
 and entire at the bafe; without tail. 
 Adarns Micro/c. p 564. tab. ZJ. f. 64, 65. 
 In laic water: pellucia, cryllailinc, truncate on the fore-part and 
 rounded behind: /bell wzty\n% in form, with 12 longitudinal 
 Cirratus. Plvalve ; the (hell unarmed and abbreviated at the tip and 
 2- horned at the bafe: tail long ending in 2 briltles. 
 '^obiot Micro/c. 2. p. 54. tab. b.f. tc. A — D. 
 InrtabJts waters oi Europe ; veniricofe and fubpellucid : fneU 
 Ihorter tnan the body: head conic and bearcied each lidc: 
 trunk ovate. 
 '"Iriput, Bivalve : the Ihell unarmed at the top and 3-horned at the 
 bafe: tail double. 
 Adams Micrnfc. p. 566. tal. 27. f. 59. 
 f ound m waters which have been kept fonnetime, very pellucid 
 and nearly triangular, with a double rotatory oigan. 
 • UHcinatus, 
694 WORMS, INFUSORIA. 104. Brachionus. 
 ^Uncinatui Bivalve; fhell unarmed and rounded at the tip, the bafc i- 
 toothed : tail with 2 briftles, 
 Adams Micrefc. p. 567. tab. 27. /". 55. 
 Found in ditcb-warcr: Jfjell rounded and capable of being 
 opened at both ends, the forc-part armed with a hook : tail 
 compofed of 4 or 5 points, 
 *Muerona- Bivalve; fhcll 2-toothed at the bafe and tip: tail with a, 
 tus. double fpine. 
 Mull. yerm. i. i,/. 134. ;..146. 
 Found in ftagnant water : rotatory trgan mucronate in the mid- 
 dle : m// with, moveable pellucid fpines: faell cryftalime, 
 rather oblong, truncate both fides, 
 Cernuui. With a hairy peduncle and drooping heads. 
 Pall. Spicil. Zool. 10, tab. 4. /. 10. 
 Found in the Tubulari^ fijlulo/a, 
 *Calycifo' Simple, calyculate, with the fliell crenjte behind and the 
 nu. upper lip of the mouth 4.- toothed. 
 Baker Mtcrifc />, 304. tab. 1 z.f, 4—6. 
 Found in various waters. 
 Tuhifex. Shell tubular, punftured ; body producing offspring in an 
 oppofite dire£lion : border lobed and ciliate. 
 Schczff Monogr. 1755. tah. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters : probably not of this Genus, 
 ^^adri- Shell ventricofe, 4.-toothed at the tip ; rotatory organ dou- 
 dentatus, ble: the bafe 2-horned: tail long, ending in 2 ihort 
 Adams i^ Ktenm. Micro/c p 569, tah. ^J./. 580 
 Baker Mic. tab. \z. f. \\ — 13. 
 Hermann, Naturf. ig. ^. 47, tab. 2. f. g* 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters, and fwiras with great fwiftnefs : Jhell 
 very pellucid, 
 *Patina^ Shell orbicular, unarmed, entire, with a double rotatory 
 organ and fliort iimple tail. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 19. f. 48, tab. 2./. lO. 
 Eikhorn Naturg. WaJJerm. tab. I. /I 2. 4. 
 Vorcicella circiilaris. Shanjj Nat. Mifc. tab. 199. 
 Found in ftagnant waters filled with vegetables. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. Vorticella. 69s 
 105. VORTICELLA. Body contradHle, 
 naked, and furniflied with ciliate ro- 
 tatory organs. 
 A. Seated on a pedicle or Jlem. 
 *Racemo/a, Compound, with a rigid ftem, and very much branched 
 long pedicles. 
 Adams Microfc. />. 563. n. 355, 
 Inhabits ftagnant water: pedicle very long, flcnder, from which 
 proceed an innumerable number of pellucid pearls. 
 *Pohpina, Compound, bell-fnaped, with retortile branched ft-em, 
 Shai.v Natur. Mt/cell. tab, 278. 
 Adams l^ Kitnm. Microfc. p. 563. tab. 2J . f, 61. 
 Mull, an, inf. p. 328. tab. ^t.Jig. 7— y. 
 Ellis Cor all. tab. X^^fg. b. B. c. C. 
 Trembley Phil. Tranf. 44. /• 64.9. tab. \. f.^,6. 
 Bailer op. Jubf, I. tab. ■^.f.g. i. a--c. 
 Inh'abits the European leas, adhering to Fuci, and appears to the 
 naked eye like a white point. 
 •Anastati. Compound, bell-fliaped, with an oblique mouth and fcaly 
 <■<*• rigid item. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 397. tab, 21. fg. I 3 — 1 6. 
 Philof. Tranf. 44. tib. I./. 7 — 9. & 49. tab. 7./. I — 6, 
 Ad. Siockh. 1746 tab. d.fg. 4, 5. 
 Needham Microfc. tab. 7. fg. 2—5. 
 Inhabits frefh waters, forming a clufter branched out in various 
 directions: o^uaries feated on the ftems in the form of bulbs, 
 which detach themfelves from the ftems and fix themfelves to 
 other fubllances, producing a new duller. 
 Con glome' 
 Compound, with jagged toothed heads and mafiy-fiowcreS 
 Item as thick as a quill. 
 Inhabits the Indian Ocean. Atncen. Acad. 4. /. 3./. 1. 
 Compound, with obevate naked florets and 2 double tenta- 
 cula: ftem branched. 
 Adams iff K^rnm. Microfc p. 400. tab. 22. f. 25, 26. 
 Roeflnf 3. polyp. p. 6o'j. tab 98./. I, 2. d, e. 
 Inhabits tbgnant waters: the bafc pellucid, the top truncate: 
 lateral arms z each fide. 
696 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. Vortlcclla. 
 *Opercula- Compound, with naked oval florets and a branched flem. 
 ria. Adams Microfc. p. 401 tab. 22. fig. ZC). 
 BakerMicogr. p. 351. tab, \l, fig. 13, 1 4. 
 Ledermuller Micro/c. tab. SS fig.W. 
 Roe/. Inf. "^.polyp.p.bo^. tab 98. fig 5, 6j 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters, in clullers branching out from a ftem, 
 *Tuherofa, Stem dichotomous, with turbinate florets 2 or 3-tubercled. 
 Baker Micogr. ^.350. tab. i 3 . fig, i o- - 1 3 . 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters; rigid, tubercles of the florets convex, 
 Bians. Simple, lemon-lhaped, with a retortile flem. 
 Uriib. an. inf.p.^x-j.f. I. B. C. K./. z. G. F, E./.I 3.B.F.C.H. 
 Found in old infiifions, and is one of the lealt of its tribe : florets 
 gaping: peduncle thrice as long as the floret: tail 6 timei 
 ftiorter than the bod) . 
 Bellis. Simple, hemifphxricai, with a contra6lile margin. 
 Adams Microfc. p,^(iZ. n. 349. 
 Found in ftagnant ditch-water; body yellow, refembling the 
 flower of a daify: head fcarcely pellucid: margin cilate, 
 moving in rotatory manner : peduncle long, pellucid, bifid at 
 the tip, 
 *Vmhtlla' Simple, globular, with blackifli granulations and rigid flem.^ 
 r/«, Adams Microfc. p. 402. tab. 22. fig. 30. 
 Baker Micogr. p. 348. tab. l 3. /. 6, 7. 
 Pbilof Tranj. ^'3,. p. 1 7 1 . tab. 1 1 ./. 5-7. 
 Roef Inf. 3. polyp ;5. 614. tab. lOO. 
 Ledermuller Microfc. tab- ?>%./. t. n. 
 Inhabits ftagnant waters, on plants and other fubftances, refem- 
 bling a fpot of mould : branches dichotomous : clufiers faftigiate. 
 *Berherina Simple, oval, with a branched rigid ftem and white gra- 
 Adams Microfc. p, 406. Phil. Tranf. 43. p. 1 79. 
 Roef Inf. 3. polyp. 613. tab. 99. 
 Ledermuller Microfc. tab. 88./ q. f. 
 Ff>und in frefli water : branches of the clufters tranfparent, when 
 cluftcred together appearing of a chaugeable violet colour. 
 Digitalis. Stem umbellate, with cylindrical half-clofed florets having 
 a fingle longitudinal groove. 
 Ada7ns Microfc. p 406, tab. 2 2. /". 31. 
 Roef. Inf. 3. polyp, p, 607. tab. 98./. 4. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. Vorticelh. 
 In ftagnant pools: body cryftalline, with 3 pellucid points 
 difpofed lengthway?, the tip obliquely truncate and the mar- 
 gin bent back : dem fhort. 
 Simple, green, bell-fhaped, with the margin fefiedled and 
 pedicle twifted. 
 Ada7!is Mia-ofc. p. 561. n. 347. 
 Inhabits rivers of Deiunark, on Confervx, in vafl numbers, re- 
 fembling' a green gelatinous mafs : foret opake: bafe and pe- 
 duncle very long, hyaline. 
 Simple, truncate, with the peduncle retortilc at the tip. 
 Adams Microfc. p, 56]. n. 345. 
 Found in ftagnant waters, invi/lble to the naked eye : floret in- 
 verfcly conic, Tested on a long rigid peduncle: whtjn con- 
 tracted it appears to be annulate. 
 Simple, turbinate, with a twitted pedunclp. 
 Jdams Microjc. /, 560. n. 347. 
 In ftagnant waters: pedicle fpirally twifted : foret tipt with whit? 
 and appearing as if furrounded with a lucid ring. 
 Simple, fpha^rical, with a double head. 
 Adams Microfc. />, 562. n. 3 50. 
 Found in the fhells of Monoculi, among (ea Confervas, invifible 
 to the naked eye : hcadi or florets hyaline filled with obfcure 
 ^Kebulifi- Simple, egg-ihaped, with a rcflexile ftem. 
 ra. Adams Microfc. p. 560. tab. ZJ . fig. b6. 
 Inhat)it3 the B'altic, on the Conferva polymorpha, invifible to 
 the naked eye: floret narrow at the bafc, truncate and mar- 
 gined when open, ovate when fhur. 
 *ConvalIa- Simple, bcll-flvaped, with retortile ftem. 
 ria, a/jazu Naftir. Mi/'cell. tab, 312. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 407. tab. iz.fi^. 39. 
 Baker Micogr. p. 339. tab. \-^. f^. i. d, e. 
 Ro!f. InJ. 3. pohp. p, 1^97 , tab. 97. 
 Midi. anim. irfuf. p. 315. /a^, 44 fg, 16. 
 Leder?nuller Microfc. tab. SS. fg. T. 
 Ca-voliii. poL mar 3. /. 253. /a^. 9./". I 3. 
 Inhabits trefn wafers on other fubilances, and appears to tin. 
 naked eye as fo many whi.e points: ffems tontradhrg fKlucn- 
 ly in a Ipiral manner, and in a moment expanding thcmfclvea 
 VOL. TV. — 4 T 
 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. Vorticella. 
 *LMnaris. Simple, hemifphaerical, with a lunate aperture and retortile 
 Donovans EngL Inf. i. tab. S.fg. I --3. 
 Aaams Microfc. p. 560. tab. 27./. 54. 
 In ftagnant water? : foret cup-fhapcd, with a protuberant margin 
 ciliate each fide with undulating hairs. 
 *GJohula- Simple, fpha?rical, with a twifted ftem. 
 ria» Jdams Microfc. f>. 559. n. 34O. 
 Hill. Hist. Anim. tab. l.fig. 1. 
 Found in ftagnant waters on rmall Monoculi : fiortt crowned 
 with peflinate fringe. 
 Simple, defleded, with a fliort ftem and retradile head. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 559. n. 335. 
 InfreQi waters: head^t\\\XQ\Ay pendulous, the anterior part trun- 
 cate, occafionaily contrafting icfelf twice as fhort as the ftem, 
 fhaped like a tohacco-pipe. 
 Simple, obovate, with a very minute peduncle and contrac- 
 tile orifice. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 558. «, 334. 
 In ftagnant waters, not vifible to the naked eye: floret hyaline, 
 ereft, pear-fhaped, the aperture contraftilc into an obtufe point: 
 fiem notcontra(ftile and 4 times as (hoit as the head. 
 Simple, obovate, with a minute retra6lile ftem. 
 Hill Hist. Anim tab. \.f. 2. 
 2. Schaff. Grun. Armpol. /ai. 1./, 8. h. 
 In ftagnant waters, not vifible to the naked eye, hyaline : floret 
 4 tunes as long as the head. 
 Simple, creepirfg, with a lo-cleft mouth and capillary ftem. 
 Inhabits the African Ocean, on iubmarine plants; white, fome- 
 times branching out : peduncle ereft, foft, about 3 lines long : 
 faret fomewhat bcU-fhapcd. 
 Vaginafa. Simple, eredl, ovate-truncate, the ftem inclofed in a fheath. 
 Adams Micrcfc. p. 559. «. 336. 
 *C:trina. Simple, of many fhapes, with a contractile mouth and 
 equal ftem. 
 All arm Micrnfc. /> 558. tab. 27. /*. 53. 
 In ftagnant water.- head large, hyaline, with grccnifti -yellow 
 I'pccks; //fw curved. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. VortictlU. 699 
 Cyathina. Simple, cup-{hapcd, with a twilled ftem. 
 . Mull. Zool. Dan, I . />. I 3 I . «. 63. tab 3;/- I • 
 In fea w.uer which has been kcrt fiine time; hyaline, vague, 
 with a thin long ftem : /)^(2^fubfphxrical, ventricofe. 
 PutrUa. Simple, with a retra£lile tip and rigid flcm. 
 Mull. Zool, Dan. I. p. I 32. n. 64. tab. 35. f. z. 
 In putrid fea water: hyaline, gelatinous, cblong, ventricofe, thft 
 orifice doling into an obloHg tubercle : f.em hircliy tv^icc as 
 long as the head. 
 PateUina. Simple, faucer-diaped, wi(h a retortile fteiTi. 
 Mull. Zod. Dan. \. p. I 33. ?;. 65. tab. 35./". 3. 
 In fea water which has bei:n kept a little while: h} aline, qu'xk 
 in motion : Jiem thin, 4 times as long as the head. 
 13. Furnijhed with a ia'tl. 
 •Fh/culoja Cliiflercd, oblong-ovate, with a dilated pellucid did-:. 
 Adams Mi(ro/c. p. 557. tal). 27./. 51, 52. 
 Inhabits fens, adhering to ihc Ceratophylhim, and appears to 
 the naked eye like a yellow globule : /jj^jJ olicn drawn mio the 
 abdomen, exhibiting a broad kidney-fliaped dilk : abdomen ob- 
 long-oval, pellucid, with a few black fpots : tail fhirp, twice 
 as long as the abdomen, and rough, annulate or fraDoth. 
 •Social:!* Cluftcred, clavate, with a rough furfacc. 
 Hydra locialis. Jdarns Micr-jjc. p 395. /. zi./". 1 1. 
 Philof. TranJ. 49. p. 249. tuh. j.f. I. 
 Roef Inf. 3. polyp tab 94. f. l — 6. ?. 9)i 96. 
 Ledei-mulkr Microfc. tab. US./, f. g. 
 Inhabits llagnant waters, growing in duller? on the Ceratophyl- 
 lum, and united by their fmall thin tails to a common centre : 
 /5'^<3«'lanKtnnes contr«£ting into an alinoft globular form. 
 *Stentoreci, Tnimpet-fhaped, with a ciiiate margin. 
 Hydra ftentorea. Adams Micr.p. 39^. t. zz.f. 27, 28. 
 Baker Micogr. p. 340. tab. 13. iig. I. f, g. 
 Rocf Inf. 3. poLyp. p. 594. tab. 94. /. 7, 8. 
 Ledn-fnuller Micrcfc tab. 88./. d. e. i. 
 Inhabits frefli waters, adhering fingly by the Ihort tail: bod'i 
 white, green or blue. 
 * Hyacin* Simple, furniftied with an involucre, border of" the mouth 
 thiTta, many -toothed. 
 Baker Micogr. p. 302. tab. 12. f. 2, 
 Vague, oblong, with a taper tail. 
 4 T 2 Auriculata. 
70O WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. Vorticella. 
 Aitrkulaia. Naked, with a ftnall briflle at the tail. 
 Mull. Verm. I. /, 1 1 1. n- 119. 
 In freih waters: pellucid, cylindrical, the aperture dilated into a 
 Imall ear each fide, the middle divifion nearly triangular. 
 *Furcata. CylindricaJ, wilh a fimple aperture and iimple bifid tail. 
 Adams MicroJ'c. p. 556 w. 324, 
 In common water; /a// divided into 2 parts, which unite whcH 
 at relt. 
 Senta. Mouth fpinous, tail cleft at the tip. 
 Mull. Verm. i. p. log, n. 1 17. 
 In fhallow dreams ; pellucid, variouHy plaited, truncate for- 
 wards, with a fingle rotatory organ and ycllowi/h inteftine. 
 *Caiulus, Cylindrical, with a plain aperture and refledled bifid tail, 
 Adams Microfc. p.'i,z^. tab. Z'j.ftg. ^O. 
 Jobiol MicroJ'c, i. 2. tab. 13, fg. X. 
 in marfhy waters: thick, mufcular, varioufly folded: head ton- 
 nefted by a fhort neck : tail fliort ending ia 2 fmall briftles, 
 and exfciced or concealed at pleafure. 
 FMis. Cylindrical, with an unarmed mouth, the tail ending in 3 
 long fpines. 
 Adams MicroJ'c. p. 5 56. ». 327. 
 In frtfh waters : bodyiWxck'. tail &c\ite, with 2 pellucid fpines 
 alternately receding and approaching. 
 FennicAc- Cylindrical, annulate, with an exfertile probofcis. 
 ris. 'Jcblot MicroJ'c. \. p.^O.'tab. W.Jig.A. — Z. 
 In frefh waters: Lody elongared, iiclhy, changeable, with about 8 
 or 9 wrinkles, the tip obtui'e or ending in 2 fpines : prstojsis 
 jointed, bifid : tail ending m 2 pellucid fpines. 
 '^Macvoura With a double rotatory organ^ and Header tail ending in a 
 triple fpine. 
 Baker Mico^r. p, 380, tab. j 2. Jig. \. 
 Herman]:. N'^lurf. l(^. p 57, tab. 1- Jig. 23. 
 In inarOiy waters : relu-mbies V. rotatoria, but is entirely hyaline, 
 ^Rotatoria. Cylindrical, wilh a double rotatory organ and long tail fur« 
 nilhed Avith 4 points. 
 Adams Micr. p. 54^^. /. 26./! I — 3. 6. 7. II — 23. t. 27./,46— 49, 
 JhliHi^t.Amm. tab. I, z. 
 Baker Micnjc p 348. tab. ll,J-r, 1 — 14, 
 Baker micr. expl. p. 95. tab. 6—0. 
 Joblot Microfc. 2. /;. 96, tab. 5./. A — E. Tv. 
 ' la 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. VorticcHa. yot 
 In ftagnant waters, and appears to the naked eye like ayellovvifh 
 dot, and in rain water that has Hood fomc time in gutters and 
 cifterns : it very frequently changes its form and motion, from 
 a long taper body to a fhort broad flat one : the rotatory organs 
 turn like wheels with confidcrable velocity : tail compofqd of 
 about 3 retractile jvjints and terminated by 4 minute hooks. 
 •Laclnala- Inverfely conic, with the aperture lobcd, and tail furniflied 
 tti* with 2 fmall brillles. 
 Jdami Microfc. p. 547. tab. ZJ-f. 45. 
 In pure water: pellucid, cylindrical, with molecular inteftines: 
 moves wi:h velocity in an oblique direftion. 
 Sacculata, Inverfely conic, with a lunate aperture: trunk 2-toothed 
 behind, wtth a long 2-leaved tail. 
 ^dams Micro/c, f, e^/^^. tab. 27./". 42,43. 
 C. Without tall or Jiem. 
 * Ampulla. Contained in a bottle-fliaped pellucid bag: head divided 
 into 2 lobes. 
 Adams Microfc p. 544. tab. zb.f. 4, 5, 
 Bag in the fhapc of a common water-bottle, in which the ani- 
 malcule is pbced, fometimcs at the bottom, fometimes nearly 
 filling it. 
 *Crat^ga- Subglobular, cluftered and fometimes united by a very mi- 
 fii' nute Item or tail. 
 Adams Microfc, p, 400. tab. zz. f. 40. 
 Baker Micogr.p. ^^J.tab. > 3./"- 5. I — 3. 
 Reef. Inf. 7^. polyp, p. 604. tab.C)%.f. 2, a a. 3. 
 Lederinulier Mtcrojc. tab. 88. y. o, p. 
 Found in mud and about the Monoculus quadricornis in the 
 month of April, generally heaped together in a Iphaerical form 
 and often united to a common Iblk, 
 Caniculata. Dilated, pellucid, with an incifton in il.c (ice. 
 Adams ^licrojc p. 544. ». 310. 
 In intulions of ditch water, and appears to the naked eye as a 
 \yhice point: gregarious, pellucid, with aark intcilincs. 
 *Nafuta, Cylindrical, with a projcding point in the middle of the cup. 
 Donav.ini Engl. Inf. tub. zq. f,. 2. 
 Aaums Microfc. p. 541. tab. Z'J. f. 38, 39. 
 In lU^nanc water :' inviiible to the naked eye, pellucid, cTianging 
 itb iorni perpetually, quick in motion; and having the rota- 
 tory organ lurrounding t.^e middle Of the body.' 
^02 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 105. Vorticella. 
 *Crateri^ Nearly fquare, with ciliate tufts behind. 
 formis. Adarr.i Microjc. p. 1^4.3. tab. 27. f. 40, 4 1 . Hill., t. \ ,f. 2. 
 Common in infufions of grafs ; very vivacious and pellucid, 
 with the internal molecules calily feen, round, longer than it 
 is broad, with convex fides. 
 *Trvnca' Cylindrical, Avith the tip truncate, and fhort crowded fringe. 
 tella. Hill Hi.'t. A»im. f.6. tib i. 
 In ftagnant water: hyaline with viiible black molecules, round* 
 ed behind ; fliin perfeftly fmocth and coiourlefs. 
 *Limacina» Cylindrical, truncate, with 2 pair of rotatory organs. 
 Adanis MicroJc. p, 543. tab. tj.f, 60. 
 In ftagnant waters, about the mouths and feelers of teltaceous 
 animals J hyaline, not viiible to the naked eye, 
 *J)i/cina. Orbicular, with a ciliate margin and a kind of convex lian- 
 die on tlie hind-part. 
 Adams Microfc. /. 542. tab. 26, f. 8—10. 
 Cortiuta, Jnverfely conic, green, opake. 
 MuU. Verm. !./>. 59. «. lOO, 
 la marlhes j thick, of a changeable form and moves obliquely, 
 *Cin3a. Xrapeziform, black i(h-greei), opake. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 536. tab. 27./. 30. 
 In m rfhcs: of an irregular Ihape, fometimcs oval and appearing 
 as if furrounded with a tranfverfe keel in the middle, invjliblc 
 to the naked eye and ciliate on all fides. 
 *Polymor' Mapy-lhaped, green, opake. 
 pha, Adams Microjc. p. 539. tab. 27./. 33 — 35. 
 Befch. Berl. Naturf. 2, p. 20. tab 1. 
 Appears to the naked eye like a green point moving with great 
 agility, and perpetually changes itfplf into a variety ot forms: 
 body granulous. 
 Cylindrical, uniform, green, opake. 
 Adams Microjc. p. 536. tab. zj.f, 31. 
 Donovans Erg/. Inf. tab. 29. f. 3. 
 In freili water, appearing to the naked ^e a mere green point: 
 body obtufe at tijc extremities j moves circularly er in a Itraigtit 
 fLurfata, Green, with a truncate mouth & central papillary projection. 
 Adams Microfc. /. 537. tab. ZJ.f. 32. 
 In fait water: round, pro:.;incnc, fJIed with molecules. 
 • Nigra, 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. io6. Trichoda. 703 
 * Nigra* Top-fhaped, black. 
 Adams Microfc.p. 538. tab. Zf. fg. 36, 37. 
 Dono-vatis Engl. Inf. tab. 26 Jig. 3. 
 In water which has ftagnated on meadows, appearing to the naked 
 eye like a black, fpeck: hotiy conical,. opake, obtufc at one end 
 Ind acute at the other 
 106. TRICHODA. Worm invifible, pellucid, 
 hairy or horned. 
 A. Hairy. 
 Crandinella Sphasrical, pellucid, hairy on the upper part.. 
 \ Adams Microfc. p. 507. «. 172. 
 In frefh water and vegetable infufions: a minute pellucid glo- 
 bule furnifhed at the top with Ihort hair.^. 
 *Cjmeta, Sphcerical, hairy on the fore-part, with an appendant glo- 
 bule behind. 
 Adams Microfc. p 507, tab. 1^- fg 46, 47. 
 Dono'vans Brit, Inf tab. 26. jig. t. 
 Inhabits pure water : a pellucid globule with bright molecules, 
 and furnifhed with an appendant lefler globule behind, fome- 
 times 2. 
 *Granata, Sphasrical, with an opake centre, the periphery hairy. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 507. tab. 25. fig. 48. 
 In ftagnant waters: an opake globule with a pellucid margin 
 furrounded with (horc hairs. 
 *Sol, Globular, and every wnerc radiate with hairs. 
 Adums Microfc. p. 50S. tab. 25. /%. 65, 66. 
 Sha^ju Natur. Mifceil tab 453, 
 Johlot Microfc. \. p. 64. tab J . fg. 1 5. 
 Found in water which has been kept fome time; Body round, 
 cryftalline, dilatable and contradile, fall of molecules and 
 beiet with numerous divergent rays of hairs longer than the 
 diameter of the body. 
 •Bomb*, Changeable, with a few hairs difperfed on the fore-part. 
 Adums Mtcrrfc p 509 tab 2iJ. ^| 67,08. 
 Schr. Beytr. I'^Hjp 14^) tab, uf L, 
 In ftagnant water: ^n^i; thick, pellL;cid, yellowiHi with paler mo- 
 lecules, moving with vdociiy and ifrun^mg various ihapes. 
 WORMS. INFUSORIA. toS. Trichoda. 
 OrBis. Orbicular, emarginate and hairy on the fore-part. 
 In pure waters. Adams Microfc. p. 509, n. io8. 
 Body fmooth, fphaerical, pellucid, filled with molecules. 
 Urnula. Pitcher-fhaped, hairy on the fore-part. 
 Jdams Micro/c. p. 509. tab, 25. f. 64. 
 In ditch water : pellucid, membranaceous, the fore-part narrowed 
 truncate and hairy, the hind-part ventricofe and ending in a 
 point; filled with black molecules. 
 Vrinarium. Ovate, with a very Ihort hairy neck. 
 Joblot Micro/c. I . ;. 65 . tab. 8./. 2—4 ? 
 In infufions of hay : deprefied, filled with molecules, the hairs 
 of the neck very fhort. 
 Convex-conic, ciliate on the fore-part, the hind-part lobed. 
 Jdams Micro/c. p, 510. tab. 25,/. 63. 
 In frefh waters i triangular, convex- on b-.th fides^ 
 Clavate, the fore-part hairy, large behind. 
 Adams Micro/c. /. 5 10. «. 1 87. 
 In old infufions of hsy: round, not pellucid, narrow before. 
 Ovate-oblong, gibbous, deprelfed on the fore-part. 
 Adams Microjc. p. 511. tab. 25./. 6l, 62. 
 In clear waters : bod;) rounded behind, the fore-part with a fhorc 
 thick dilatable neck furniflied with extremely Ihort hairs. 
 Oval, obtufe behind, v/lth a long contradlile neck. 
 Adams Micro/c. p S^^- *^^' ^5;/' 56—60. 
 In animal or vegetable infufions : afl'umes a great number of 
 various fhapes, from orbicular to nearly linear, but generally 
 elliptical, pointed at one end, with a long neck terminated by 
 a knob at the other. 
 •Gibba. Oblong, gibbous in the middle and oh the back, both ends 
 obiufe, the fore-part hairy. 
 Adams Micro/c. /. 5 i 3- tab. 25./. 55. 
 Body pellucid, with numerous obfcu re molecules, 
 *Patens. Long, round, with an oblong aperture on the fore-part, the 
 etlges of which are ciliate. 
 Adams Micro/c . p . 514. tab. 25./, 54. 
 In fait water : long, cylindrical, a little taper at the ends, and 
 filled with molecules* 
 • U-vuIa. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. io6. Trlchodd. yd^ 
 * Uvula, Flattifh, elongated, of unequal fize, hairy on the fore-part. 
 Adams Micro/c. p. 515. tab. 2^- fig- 53. 
 Dono'vans Brit. Inf. tab. ^. Jig' 4. 
 In vegetable infufions: long, fiat, flexuous, nearly of an equal 
 fize, filled with blackilh molecules and lucid globules near the 
 SuUatat Ovate, vcntricofe, pointed at the tip, with a groove along 
 the abdomen ciliate each fide. 
 Mams Micro/'c />. 5 1 1 . «. 2 ! i . 
 Mull. Zocl. Dan. 2. tah.ll.fig. 16 — 20< 
 Found between the valves of the Mytilus edulis : yellowifh, the 
 fore-part pale without fringe* 
 *Anas. Elongated, clavate, the tip of the neck hairy beneath. 
 Adams Mkrofc.p. 518. /«/a 25. "f^. 49. 
 In pure water: fmooth, filled with darkifh molecules. 
 *Farcimen, Long, thick, furrounded with fmall briftles. 
 Adams Mictofc. p. ^iS, tab. 25. fig. 50. (;2. 
 Body round , pellucid, thicker at one ead,covered with lucid velicles* 
 *Linter, Ovate-oblong, a little prominent at each end. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 519. tab. 25 . fig, 51. 
 In old grafs infufions: varies in Ihape, and fometimcs has a rota- 
 tory motion. 
 ^Vanicu' Cylindrical, clavate, with a fliort hairy neck. 
 iaris, Adams Microjc. p. 519. tnh. 27. fig. l, a— e. 
 Dono-varis Brit. Inf. tab. ^"J-ftg- 3. 
 In river water: gelatinous, the fore-part pellucid, the hind-part 
 filled with mokcules, dilates and contracts itfelf. 
 *M*litaa. Oblong, ciliate, with dilatable neck globular ai the end and 
 furrounded with hairs. 
 Adam's Microfc. f. 520 tab. 2y.fg. 3. 
 DonoTjans Brit. Inf tab. z(^.f,g. I. 
 In fait water: body larger on the hind'part. 
 *Fimhri- Obovate, hairy at the tip, the hind-part obliquely truncate 
 ata, and ferrate. 
 Adams Mic'-ofc. p. 520, tab. 27 fig. 2. 
 Body pellucid, ftlled with fmall molecules. 
 Camelus. Thickilh, hairy before, emarginate each fide in the middle. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 520. n. zzz. 
 In vcgerahle infufions : ventricofe on the fore-parr, and appear- 
 ing as if divided into 2 tubercles in the middle. 
 VOL. IV. — A U *P.attu.. 
7o6 WORMS. INFUSORIA. io6. Trichoda. 
 *Rattust Oblong, carinate, the fore^part hairy, the hind-part with 
 a very long brillle. 
 Jiiams Micro/c.p. 52 1. tab. 27. fig. /^. 
 Hermann. Haturf, 20. tah. ^./. 47. 
 In llagnant water : the inteftines vifible in a gibbofity on the back. 
 Jnquilinus^ Sheathed in a cylindrical bag, with a fmall pedicle retortile 
 within the bag. 
 MulL Zoot, Dan. 1./. 31. «. 8. /fl3. 9. ». 2. 
 In fea water : Jlieath 3 or 4 times as long as the body, rarely pe» 
 dui.culatc: body covered with molecules, 
 *Innata, Sheathed in a cylindrical bag, with a pedicle proje^ile be- 
 yond it. 
 Adams Mictofc. /, 526' tah. 2y.fig. 1 1 • 
 In fait water: funnel-form, contradile. 
 ^ransfuga. Broad, the fore-part hairy, the hind-part briftly ; one fide 
 finuate, the other pointed. 
 Mull.Zosl. Dan. \. p. 29. tab. 9. », 1. 
 In marine water kept a little while : twice as long as it is broad, 
 the fore part rounded, the back convex beyond the middle and 
 ending in a fquare tail obliquely truncate. 
 Ciliate, Ventricofe, the hind- part covered with hair. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. z. tab. 73. fg. 13 — 15. 
 In frefh water: yellowilh, thick, kidncy-lhaped or triangular, 
 every where covered with hairs. 
 *Cycli(iium. Ovate, gaping at the tip and and hairy at the bafe. 
 Adams Micro/c. f. 527. tab. 2J.fig. 15. 
 JohlotMicrofc. \. tab. l.f. 3. tab. 8./. 9. tah. 10. f. 1 9. 
 In vegetable infufions : pellucid, the hind-part filled with globules, 
 * Pulex, Ovate, with an incifion on the fore-part, the front and bafe 
 Adams Micro/c. f. 507. tah. 27. /g. 12. 
 In frclh water: crcft, a little convex, pellucid, filled with dark 
 molecules : /rent obtufc with a few fcattered hairs. 
 *Lynceus. Nearly fqiiare, with a hooked beak and hairy mouth, 
 Adams Microfc. p. 528. tab. zj.jig. 16. 
 In water kept fome time : membranaceous, compreffcd, with the 
 inceUines cmmentiy viiiLle* 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. io6. Trichoda. 
 * Charon. 
 • Cimex, 
 Boat-Oiaped, grooved, hairy at both ends. 
 Adamt Micro/c. p. 529. tab. 1"] • fg' I/i 18. 
 In fea water : body oval, hollowed on the upper part, convex anj 
 furrowed beneath. 
 Oval, with a lucid margin, hairy before and behind. 
 Adams Micro/c. p. 529. tab. 27. fig. 19. 
 Geeze Be/ch. BerJ. Ncturf. 3. tab. f>.f. 7 — 12. 
 Joblot Micro/c. I. p. 78. tab. Z./. 3. tab. 8./1 99, 
 In vegetable infufions: hack con"Vex, beneath flat, vyrith an incilion 
 pn the margin before. 
 Pellionella. Cylindrical, the fore-part hairy, the hind-part briftly. 
 Adams Micro/c. p. 527. n. 249. 
 In vegetable infufions: thick in the middle and pellucid with a 
 few molecules, the fides obtufe. 
 j^ngulus. Angular, with a hairy tip. 
 yJdams Micrc/c. /. 5 1 8 n.ZlO. 
 In infufions of hay: long, roundifh, divided by a kind of arti» 
 culation into 2 parts of equal breadth. 
 Vr/ula. Fl^ttifti, elongated, equal, hairy on the fore-part. 
 Mull, l^crm. \ • p. 94- ». 99. 
 In putrid infufions: flcxiious, equal, roundiih, 6 times as long 
 as it is broad. 
 Semilma, Semiorbicular, the fore-part hairy beneath. 
 Mull. Verm. \. f. 85. n. 86. 
 In vegetable infufions : flattened, with the figures of the naoon in 
 its firft quarter before it : hair very fhort. 
 Pupal Hooded, with a hairy front and inflected tail. 
 Adams Micro/c. p^ 520. n. 224. 
 In frefh waters, refembling the pupa of a gnat : roundifh with 
 very fhort hairs on the head, in the lower part of which is a 
 tranfparent veficle : /«;/ oblique. 
 •Ppcillum, Oblong, truncate and hairy before, the tail jointed and di- 
 vided into 2 briftles. 
 Adams Micro/c. p. 522. tab. IJ. /g. 5,6. 
 Dono-vans Brit. In/, tab. 1 4. 
 In marfhes : ^o^- cylindrical, pellucid, margined: meuth when 
 doled appears ending in 2 fpines : tail wuh 2 pair of brillles, 
 one on the fccpnd joint, the other on the laftf 
 4 U 2 Claiius. 
7o8 WORMS. INFUSORIA. io6. Trichoda. 
 Lla'vus. The fore-part round and hairy, the other end furniflied 
 wiih a (harp tail. 
 Adams Microfc. p. ^Z2, », 230. 
 In marflies: refembles a common nail. 
 * Mufculus. Oval, hairy on the fore-part, the hind-part with aproje£l- 
 ing tail beneath. 
 Adams Microfc. /•. 523. tah. 27. fig. J, 
 In old infufions of hay ; fmooth, with a double margin or line 
 beneath, the fore-part narrow and furniflied with ftiort hairs, 
 beneath the hind-part is a fmall pointed tail. 
 *DeIphinus Oblong, hairy on the fore-part, the hind-patt ending in 9 
 reflected truncate tail. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 524. tab. 27. fig. 8. 
 In infufions of hay : fmooth, pellucid, cgg-(hapcd. 
 Cla'ua, Clavatc, with a hairy front and refiexilc tail. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 524. «. 236. 
 In marlhes ; pellucid, both ends obtufe. 
 CunicuJus, Oblong, hairy before, pointed behind. 
 Adatns Microfc. p. 52+. «. 327. 
 In frefh waters : flat, filled with molecules and black veftclc^ 
 obtufe before, the hind-part with a tranfparent tip. 
 •Fifiis. Oblong, hairy before, the hind-part terminating in a very 
 fine flender tail. 
 Adams Microfc. p 525. tab. 27./. 13, 14, 
 In water kept fonic time : fmooth, pellucid, longer than it re 
 broad, fiiled with yellow molecules, the fore-part obtufe. 
 Larus. Elongated, round, hairy, with a double tail. 
 Adams Microfc. />, 525. n. 340. 
 *Longicau- Cylindrical, the fore-part truncate and furroundcd witli 
 da. hairs, tail long with 2 joints and 2 bridles. 
 Adams Microfc, p. 525.. tab. 27. fig. 10. 
 Dono'uans Brit. Inf tab, 26. fig^ Z, 
 B. Furmjhed xvith 
 '*Acarus. Round, prominent, cirrate behind and fharp before. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 534. tab. 27. fig. 27. 
 In f'lcfh waters : vcntricofe, pear-Ihaped, full of black molcculos, 
 the tip tranlpafont find radiate with 4 long curved foft cirri. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. io6. Trichoda. 709 
 * Ludii. Gibbous, cirrate on on? edge and hairy on the other, tail 
 forked and ftretched forwards. 
 Jdami Microfc, p. 534. tab-X"]. fig- 26. 
 Dono'van^s Brit. Inf. tab. 20. Jig. 2. 
 In flagnant water : fmooth, pellucid, full of fmall points, clavate: 
 cirri placed at the top and in the middle. 
 Sannie, Incurved, the upper-part cirrate, the lower-part hairy, 
 Adams Microfc. p. 534. ». 276. 
 In pools : cirri placed on each fide the head. 
 Volutatoit Lunate, cirrate on the fore-part. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 535. w. 277. 
 Body fliaped like a crefcent, with a few lucid points, the convex 
 part furnifhed with a row of hairs, beneath are 4 cirri. 
 C. Horned. Kerona. 
 Ljncafler^ Nearly fquare, the diflc covered with fhining horn-like 
 Mull. Zcol. Dan, I. p. 33. tab. 9. «. 3, 
 In fea w-ter which has been kept: minute. 
 *Hillri9, Oblong, with mucronate points on the fore-part and longi- 
 tudinal fin-like bridles behind. 
 Adams Mtcro/c p 53 I. tab. 27, Jig. 20, 
 Bod)' membranaceous, pellucid, M-jth 4 or 5 hlack points on the 
 fore- part, the middle with clofe bLxk Ipecks and a few large 
 white fpotf, near the lower-part a few longitudinal brilllcs 
 not reaching beyond the body. 
 *Cjpris. Pear-fhaped, finuate towards the hind-part, the fore-part 
 Adams Microfc. p. 531. tab. z"]. Jig. 21. 
 Jn ditch water : comprefled, rounded behind. 
 *PateUa. Covered with an univalve Ihell, emarginate and horned on 
 the fore-part, the hind-part with pendulous ftexilq 
 Adams Microfc. p. 53 1, tab. 27. Jig. 2 2, 23. 
 In marfh water: Jhell nearly orbicular, cryftalline. 
 fullajlar. Ovate, the fore-part finuate Avith acred ir> front, bafe hairy. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 532. tab. 27. fig.z^, 25. 
 In ditches: pellucid with lucid molecuies, front truncate and 
 furrounded with hair, the fore-part ftnuous, 
yio WORMS. INFUSORIA. 107. Ccrcaria. 
 * JAytilus. Oblong, broader at each extremity, tranfparent, ciliate 
 and horned. 
 Jdams Microjc. p. 532. tab. 27. Jig. 2g. 
 In marfh water ; f ellucid, white and rounded at hoth ends, dark 
 in the midcle with black intcftines niixcd with a few white 
 molecules, the fore -part ciliatc and armed with % horns, the 
 hind-psrt ciliate and furniftxcd with 2 briftles reaching beyond 
 the margin. 
 Ovate, hairy on the fore-part and briftly behind. 
 Jdams Microfc- p. 532. n. 270, 
 In vegetable and animal infufions ; comprcfl'ed, with 
 moveable lucid dots on the fore-part. 
 2 or 3 
 Oblong; hairy at both ends and ciliate on the back. 
 Adams Mtcrofc. />. 533- "• 271- 
 In ftagnant water ; Imooth, opake, crooked, with a very Iharp tail 
 furnilhed with unequal rows of moveable hairs, 
 Cahitium. Broadifh, oblong, with glittering horns pn the fore-part. 
 Jdams Microfc. p. 533. n. 272. 
 In vegetable infufions: broad, flat, obtufe at both ends, with a 
 black fpot and a few briftles near the hinder extremity ; on the 
 fore-part 2 moveable horns ^nd 3-5 black moveable points. 
 107. CERCARIA. Worvi ijivifible to the 
 naked eye^ pellucid and furnilhed with 
 a tail. 
 fCjrinus, Round, with a (harp-pointed tail. 
 Baker Microfc expl. tab. 10. fg. 1 I 
 U ill an. tab. i. 3. Leixjenb. ep. 41./. J. 
 Frank. Samml. 4./. 227. ». l.f. a. p. 372. /, J./", a, b. 
 l^ederjuulhr an. f perm. fig. 1,2? 
 In animal infufions : white, gelatinous, fore-part nearly globular, 
 finquieta. Changeable, convex, with a fmooth tail. 
 Jdams Microfc. />• 493. tab. 25./. 30, 31. 
 In fait water: white, gelatinoBi, changing its Ihapc intc a fpha:- 
 rical long or oval figure, but always prefcrving its tail. 
 9lmna. Changeable, fomewhat flattened, with an annulate tail. 
 Jdamt Microfc. p. 494. tab. 25. /. 33 — 35. 
 In ditch water : body changing to oblong, triangular or kidncy- 
 ihaped: tail ihort, thick, annulate, or long, flexile without rings, 
 * lurbo^ 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 107. Cercaria. 
 *7urbo. Globular, Gontradled in the middle, with a fetaceous tail. 
 Adams Micro/e, p.^g^. tab. z<i- fg. 30. 
 Body pellucid, partly oval, partly Iphaerical, appearing compofed 
 of 2 unequ,Jil globular bodies: tail fometiines ftraight, fome- 
 times refleifledt 
 *Podura. Cylindrical, taper, pointed and (lightly cleft behind. 
 Adams Microfc. /. 494 tab. 25. fig. 36, 37. 
 Ib marfhy places : pellucid, with black molecules on the trunk : 
 head rounded, with a contradion a little below it. 
 • Mutabi/is Changeable, cylindrical, red or green, with a pointed 
 flightly bifid tail. 
 Shaiu Natur,Mi/ccll. tab. 1 07. 
 Found in ftagnant pools in fuch innumerable myriads as to cover 
 the whole furface with a ftieetof green or red, giving it fome- 
 timcs the appearance of being tinged with blood ; varies its 
 pollure from a 2ong cylindrical body larger in the middle to a 
 nearly globular one : the extremities arc pellucid. 
 Cattllus* Body 3-parted, with a forked tail. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 496. n, 134. 
 In water where flowers have been kept : /&ffld' moveable, affixed to 
 the body by a point: abdomen not fo wide, but twice as long 
 as the head, and filled with inteftines: /a;/ (horter than -the 
 head and narrower than the abdomen, ending in 1 briftles 
 which it can unite and feparate at pleafure. 
 *Lupui» Cylindrical, thick, elongated, the tail ending in 2 fpines. 
 Adams Microfc p. 497. tab. 25. fg. 39. 
 In ftagnant waters : head truncate, divided from the body by a 
 contraftion : tail much narrower than the body and ending in 
 2 bright moveable fpines. 
 *yermicu' Cylindrical, annulate, with an exfertile probofcis and fork- 
 hris, ed tail. 
 Adams Microjc, p. 497. tab. 25. fig, 40. 
 In ftagnant water : body divided into 8 or 9 annulations, tapering 
 towards the tail, the tip either obtule or lunate. 
 PUur»*ectei Orbicular, the tail confilling of one briftle. 
 Adams Microjc. p. ^c^i. «. 139. 
 In water which has been long kept : in the fore-part are 2 black- 
 id) points, and orbicular jnteihnes in the middle. 
 *Tripui. Nearly triangular, with a pointed rcllefleJ arm each fide 
 and ftraight t4il. 
 Adams Microjc. ^. 498. /«^ 25. /. 38. 
 In ialt v/alcr: body flat, pellucid. Cjdidium. 
712 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 108. Burfaria. 109. Gonium. 
 Cyclidium, Oval, flightly emarginate behind, with an exfertile tail. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 499. «, 141 
 In pure water : bod-j fmooth, membranaceous, pcllucidj with d 
 black margin : inteftines pellucid veiicles. 
 Ttnax, Membranaceous, rather thick before, the tail 3 times as 
 fhort as the body. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 499 n. 142. 
 In water in which the fordes of the teeth has been infufed : body 
 oval, pellucid, the fore-part truncate, the hind -part acute and 
 ending in a fhort talL 
 108. BURSARIA. Worm very fimple, mem- 
 branaceous, hollow. 
 TruKtate/Ia Vcntricofe, truncate at the top. 
 Adams Microfc. /, 491. « 119. 
 In niarfhy water: body white, oval, truncate at the top, with a 
 large hollow descending toi the bafe^ with fometimes 4 or 5 
 yellow eggs at the bottom. 
 ^Hirundi' Oval, pointed at each end, with a fharp fin each fide. 
 xtlla. Adams Microfc. p. 492 tab. 25. f. 19. 
 Dono'vatis But, Inf. tab., 5. /". 2. 
 In ditch and marfhy water: a pellucid hollow mcmbrame, mov- 
 ing forwards like a bird in ilight. 
 *Duplellat Elliptic, with tlie edges folded over leaving a narrow longi- 
 tudinal cavity. 
 Adams Microfc. p. 492, tab. 25. f. 1 8. 
 Found among duck-weed ; without vifible inteftines. 
 109. GONIUiM. Worm very fimple, flat, an- 
 gular, invifible to the naked eye. 
 *Pe£ltrale. QiTadrangular, pellucid, with 16 fphxrical molecules. 
 Adams Micrefc. p. /^Sg. tab- 25./! 17. 
 Aa. Stockh. 1 781 . /, 21 . Kl. Schr. i . /. 1 5./. 1—3, 
 Goeze ap. Bonnet InfeSlol. p, 376. tab. \.f. 8. 
 Schr. Beytr. Nat. p. 107. tab. 4./'. 23 — 27. 
 In pure water: molecules oval, nearly equal in fize, fet in a qua- 
 drangular membrane like diamonds in a ring, the lower ones a 
 little larger than the reft.- 
WORMS. INFUSORIA, no. Colpcda. 713 
 Pulvinatum Qiiadrangular, opake, with 4 cylindrical protuberances. 
 Found on dungliills. Adams Microfc. />. 49. ». 1 1 5- 
 Body like a quadrangular membrane, appearing as if formed of 
 3 or 4 cylindrical pillows flauencd or funk here and there. 
 Poh/phari' Orbicular, pellucid, with innumerable fpha^rical molecules. 
 cur/i. Sd'ranck Beytr. i.p.\^$.tah.z. fig.l,K. 
 In ftagnant water : greeni(h-yello\v, coiupofcd of innumerable 
 lucid globules contained in a membrane. 
 Truntatum With obtufe angles, and arched on the hind-part. 
 Adams Microfc. /. 491. k. I18. , • , i rj 
 In pure water; the fore-part a ftraight line, with which thelides 
 form obtufe angles, the ends of the fides bcMng united by a 
 curved line; the internal molecules dark-green, with 2 little 
 bright veficles in the middle. 
 ReaangH- With right angles, aud arched on the hind-part. 
 lum. Adams Mtc.cfc. p. 490. «. llj. 
 Angle at the bafe a right one : intcftines green. 
 110. COLPODA. Worm inviiiblc to tlic 
 naked eye, very iiinple, pellucid, flat, 
 Lamella, Elongated, membranaceous, curved on the fore-part. 
 Adams Murolc p. 484. ti. 98. . , , 
 In water : refembles a long narrow pelK'cid membrane, narrower 
 and obtufe behind, curved towards the top, wiih a ridgc or 
 foid going through the middle : it moves to and Uo on us edge 
 aid not on the flat fide. 
 Rcpuml Oblong, hooked on the fore-part. 
 Adams Microfc. p 484. ;/. 100. , ,• . 
 In t'urcr water; fore- part bent into a kind of hook, the hind-part 
 obtufe : one of the edges from the top to the middle dilated, 
 tnick .ind apparently triangular. 
 V 'eka^-ls. Clungeable, with the fore-part hooked, hind-part folded up. 
 Ada?ns Microfc. p.A^d. tao. 2^. /%. 2 2. 
 Dono-Oc-Js Brit. Inf. tab -^2. jig. 2. . j r 1 
 Jn watf^r impregnared with vegetables: membrme dihnea, unci,, 
 fwUi'jd, which is varioufly bent every mnnient; the tore-part 
 dear and bright, the hind-part vaviouily plaited and fuU of 
 molecule?, th;J mari^in linuou?. 
 VOL. IV'. — 4X >Cwa/4j. 
 WORMS. INFUSORIA, iii. Paramecium. 
 •KlucuUus, Ovate, ventricofe, nith an incifion beneath the tip. 
 Adams tmcrofc. p. 487, tab, 25. fig, 23, 
 Jobloi microfc. j. tab. 2. /. 2 — 7. tab. 3./. F, G. P. 
 Ledermulter tmcrofc. p,SS, tab. ^S. Jig. I. 
 ^-rz/^fry an, in/us, p. 59./. ^. D— G, O. f.\o. C—F. 
 Spallanz, an. tnfus. p, 128, 129. tab. \'f,^i 4. 
 Schranck Beytr. Haturfr^p. 17. /^^. 1. /: 2 1. ' 
 Go.-z^ fi^//:.. 5frA Naturf. 3. ^. 376. /«/5. 8./. I — 6. 
 In various vegetable infufions ; pellucid, with an irregular mar- 
 gin, filled v.'ith bright molecules,- generally oval, with the top 
 beni in:o a kind of beak, fomeiimes oblong, but ufaally ob- 
 fjfe, wich 8 — 24 bright molecules. 
 Ren, Thick, and iinjiate in the middle. 
 yoblot mlcrojt. \. p. 65, tab. i. Jig. 3. A — C. 
 in infufions of hay : yellow, thick, opake, 3 little contrafled in 
 the middle fo as to give it the appearance of a kidney. fofin> 
 and ii.led with molecules. 
 *Tyrim. Convex, oval, the tip produced into a beak. 
 Adams mtcroj'c. p. 4S9. tab. 25. Jg, ZO, 21. 
 Body uniform, tranlparent, pale, filled with molecules^ the neck 
 rather long and a little bf nt. 
 hippocrtpis, 'Phick, narrow in the middle, femilunar, greenifh. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. p. 169. n. 59. tab. 3. f. 60, 
 In measiow water which has been kept : very aftive. 
 111, PARAMECIUM. Worm invifible to 
 the naked eye, limple, pellucid, flatten- 
 f1 obkmg. 
 CompreiTed, longUudinally plaited towards the fore-part, 
 acute behind. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. lab. 3, fg, 41.8. 
 Hilia7i:;n. \. tab. 5. IVrifh. an. itfus. fig. J. &. E. 
 In ditch water and infufions ; membranaceous, 4 limes as long a» 
 it is broad, the fore-part obtafe, hyaline, the hind-part filled 
 with molecuks ; the fold reaching from the middle to the tip 
 "Chryfalis, Cylindrical, longitudinally plaited on the fore-part and 
 obtufe behind. 
 Adams raierofc p. 483, /<3^, 25. fg, 26. 
 In fait water: refembles the lall, but is more oStofe behind; the 
 margins filled with black globules. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 112. Cyclidium, 715 
 *0vifcru7n. Deprcffed, with large ova! molecules within. 
 Adams ijiicrofc. p. i^8^. tah. z^. fif, 25. 
 Bodj oval, pellucid, with black grains. 
 *M2rgitja' DeprefTed, grey, with a double margin. 
 turn. Adams micro fc. p. 483. tah.i^. fig. 24. 
 Body flat, eiliptical, with a clear Ipiral inteftine. ^ 
 Caudafum, Pointed at both ends, the middle broader and filled with 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. />• i S7- tab. 3. fig. 38, 
 In waters among duck-weed : motion lluu'. 
 Anceps. Tail 2-edgcd, head obtufe. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. p. 1 57. tab. 5. f^g. 59. 
 In water producing the Hydrocharis : ilovv in modon- 
 Acutum. Tail 2-edged, head acute. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. f, 158. tab. 3'! fig. 40. 
 In ftagnant water: flow, continually agitating the tail. 
 U2. CYCLIDIUM. Worm invifible to Uic 
 naked eye, very fimple, pellucid, flat, 
 orbicular or oval. 
 *Bulla» Orbicular, tranfparent. 
 Hill (inbn. tab. 1.2. IVrifij. infus.f. J, b, 
 In infulions of hay: pellucid, white, with the edges a little 
 darker; motion llo>.v and circular. 
 Milium » Elliptical, tranfparent. 
 Adams miirofc. f. 479. a. 84. 
 In vegetable infulions: pellucid, cryftalline, membranaceous 
 with aline through the whole length. 
 Glaucoma* Oval, with hardly viiible intcdines. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. p. 148. tah. 3./. 27- b ? 
 In water which has been kept 6 months: polUicid, membrana- 
 ceous, witii tranfparent grcenilh-blue iuteltincs, and k)iiic:uiuci 
 a blackilh margin. 
 *Radiansy Ovate, with diltiaclly vifible iiitellincs. 
 Hill hill. anim. tab. v. fig l- 
 Hermann, Naturf. 20. />. 151. tab. 3. ng. i-j, i. 
 A X 2 ^lalh'.KZt 
 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 113. Vibrio. 
 Spallanx, an. in/us. tab. l./ig* Z-6. 
 In vegetable infufiolis : pellucid, with a blackifh margin, and 
 tranfparent veficular inteftines inclofed in a blueiJh pellicle. 
 Rofiratum, Oval, the fore-part ending in a point. 
 Adams tmcrofc. p. 480, n. 88. 
 In vegetable infufions : fmooth, pellucid, with a blue canal 
 within branching into 2 arms and 2 tranfverfe lines jurt be- 
 neath the middle of the body. 
 *Nuclsus. Oval, the hind-part ending in a point. 
 Hill hil}, an'm. tab. i . ftg. 4 ? 
 In vegetable infufions, refembling a grape feed: inteftines vifi- 
 ble, the fore and hind-part dark each fide. 
 *Peciiculus. Oval, convex above, flat beneath. 
 Tremble)! polyp. \i p. 7.^2. tab. y. fg, 10, tl. 
 Goeze Befch. Nat. z. p. 281. tab. ^.fg. I 3. 
 Found on the arms of the Hydra fufca: gelatinous, whitifh, 
 each end deprefTed and truncate, one end fometimes cleft. 
 113. VIBRIO. Worvi invifibJe to tlic naked 
 eve, very tiniple, round, elongated. 
 Linear, obfcure, mod minute. 
 Ada^ns microfc. p. 451. n. 52. 
 In vegetable infufions : a moft minute animalcule, even Icfs ihaa 
 Monas. teimo, and appearing little more than tremulous lon^j 
 Linear, equal, truncate at both extremities. 
 Leivenh. arc nat. p. 4O. fg. F. />. 3 1 5. f. C, D. 
 Job lot microfc. i. p.bj. tab- ^. Jig. 12. 14. 
 In vegetable infufions : minute, gelatinous, with a languid fer^ 
 pentine aftion. 
 Filiform, flexuous. 
 Hermann. KatiirJ\ %0. p. 150. tab. 3./'. 27. g. 
 Le'ixenh. efijl. phyf J^l . fg, 5. 
 In water kept fome time: a minute round undulating geUtinoui 
 line, without vifibic inccltines. 
 Verniiculus. Gelatinous, thick, obtufe before, acute behind. 
 Lcr.venh. arcan. nut, ^.18. fig. 5, 
 In marihy water: vvUicc, laulky, cyhndrical, with a }anj.ui4 un* 
 dulatory motio:i, 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. 113. Vibrio. 
 htcflinum. Gelatinous, round, fniallcr on the fore-part. 
 Adams microfc p. 454. n zg. 
 In marfli water : cylindrical, milky, obtufe at both ends, with 
 mteftines, but with 4 or 5 round eggs behind. 
 *Lunula. Bow-ftiaped, pointed at eaeh end. 
 jidams microfc. p. 458. tab. 25./! 16. 
 Body green, with a few globules difpofed longitudinally. 
 Malleus, Linear, with a globule at' the bafe and tranfverfe line at 
 the tip. 
 Adams microfc. p. 459- «. 65. 
 In putrid fea water : white, pellucid, rcfembling the letter T, 
 with a globule at the bafe, when it changes its motion it ap- 
 pears like the letter V. 
 *Serpeniu- Of an equal fize and rather pointed at both ends. 
 ^*^^* Mill, attim. tab. \. Spallanz.. microfc. p. \Zg./. 2. 12. 
 Frank. Samml. 4. p. 227. n. \.f. b — f. 
 In vegetable infufions of leveral weeks Handing : whitifli, fre- 
 quently convolute and drawn into different figures, marked 
 with a longitudinal row of minute dots. 
 * Aceti. Rather rigid, with a tapering pointed tail and a retradile 
 protuberance at the bafe. 
 Adams microfc. />, 461 . tab. W. f. 7. 
 Baker microfc, tab. lO- f, 8, 9. 
 Hook micogr. p. 216. tab, 2^. f. 3. 
 he-ixenh, op. p. '^.f, 1— o. fobiot micr. tab, \* 
 Goezf Naturf. I. tab. 3. /", iz — ig. 
 In vinegar and other mild acids: very fertile, pellucid and ac- 
 tive ; it is both viviparous and oviparous. 
 'Glutinis. Filiform, with a dark fliield on the back furrounded with 
 a white ring : head obtufe. 
 Adams microfc. /. 462. tab. 1 1. /", 6. 8. 9. lO. 
 Ledermuller microfc. p. 33. tab. ij.f. I. 
 In parte and other vifcid fubilances which have been kept fome 
 time : refembles the laft, but is much flower, Ihorter and lefs 
 pointed at the tail. 
 '^.Ajtgidlula. Somewhat rigid, tapering both way?. 
 Shaw Nalur. '^Ufcell. tab. 431. Adams micr. tab. 1 1 . /". 4, 5, 
 Mull, an, iff us. />. 63. tab. 9. Hook micr, tab, z^, f 2, 
 Baker emtl, for micr ojc, p. 244. tab. lO. ». 9. 
 SpallanXi. an. ufui. p. xZc^.f, 12. Gleich. micr. p. 61. /. 28.y. 6. 
7iS WORMS. INFUSORIA. 113. Vibrio. 
 In pafte, vegetable fediment and infufions of grain : pellucid, 
 with hardly vifible inteftines, but fometimes a tranfverie line 
 in the middle, and «»rely a longitudinal row of globules ; it is 
 oviparous. A variety is found in fea water, io no refpefta 
 Utriculus, Round, the fore-part narrow and triincate, the hind-part 
 Adams microfc. />. 475. w. 73. 
 In putrid water; fomething refen>bling a bottle in fhapc, the 
 upper part pellucid, the lower part filled vyith molecules, the 
 neck perpetually moving about, 
 Fafc'ivla, Tapering at the fore-part, broader in the middle^ pointed 
 at the hind-part. 
 Adam$ microjc, /• 475. «• 74^ 
 In water thawed from che froft: pellucid, with molecular points 
 in the middle and an alimentary canal juft vifible : vtty quick 
 in motion. 
 Solymhus, Thick, pointed at the end, the neck a little bent. 
 Adami microfc. p. 476. «. 7$. 
 Body fomething refcmbling a bird, of flow motion, with the 
 trunk foinething triangular, and a round obtufc neck. 
 Cygnus. Ventricofe, with a crook <»d neck. 
 Adams microfc. p ^yjm n. yS. 
 In ftagnsnt water : l>od)) fwelling out in the middle part, and full 
 of dark molecaies and lucid inteftines, the neck equal to the 
 reft oi^ the body : very fraail and inaflive. 
 *Anfer. Elliptic, with a long neck and tubercle on the back. 
 Adams microfc, p.j^j-j. tab. 25, fig. zj. 2g. 
 In water where dock-weed grows; elliptic, round, full of mole- 
 cule?, produced into a bending neck on the fore-part longer 
 than the body, the hind-part fharp and bright. 
 *01or^ Elliptical, with a very long neck clavate at the end. 
 Adams microfc. p. ^yS, tab. 2^. f/g. 28. 
 Donovan s Brit. Inf. tab. 32. fig. I. 
 In water replete with decayed vegetables : membranaceous, dilat- 
 able, moving the neck perpetually, fomcwhat pointed behind. 
 Falx. Gibbous, obtufe behind, with a crooked neck. 
 Adams microjc. p. ^yS, », Si, 
 In marfliy water: pellucid, above flat, beneath gibbous, v/ith 
 a fixed curved neck, the body filled with minute globules and 
 2 larger lucid ones. DifHuens. 
WORMS, IKtFUSORlA. 114. Leucophra. 
 Diffuens.' Branching into various diredions. 
 Jdams microfc. p, 436. tab. 25. fig. 2, 3, 
 In fenny fituations, appearing like a grey mafs, and filled with 
 black molecules : it changes itfelf into an almoft cndlcfs variety 
 of forms. 
 "PtKteta, Shooting out into a fine point. 
 Jdams m'nrofc. p. 436. tab. 25. fig. 4, 5. 
 Donovan s Engl. Inf. tab, 32. fig. 3, 4' 
 In river water: body pellucid, gelatinous, filled with black mo- 
 lecules, changes its form like the laft, but always terminated 
 in a point. 
 114. LEUCOPHRA. Worm inviiible to the 
 naked -eye, every where ciiiate. 
 *Confiiaor, Sphzerical, fubopake, with moveable inteftines. 
 Baker empl. microfe. tab. 3, r, 3. 
 In clear water : yellowifh with dark edges, and filled with moft 
 minute molecules in perpetually violent agitation. 
 I •Veficulife- Ovate, with veficular inteftinej. 
 ra, Adams microfc. p. 502. tab, z^. fig. 4 1. 
 Body pellucid with a dark edge, the middle fiecincntly appear- 
 ing blue. 
 Aruta. Black, pointed. 
 Mull. Zool, Dan. rar. z. /, 97. 
 Fluxa, Sinuate, kidney-fliapcd. 
 Mull. Zoo}. Dan. 2. tab. 'J't,. fig. ■j—\6. 
 Body oblong, yellowifh, obtufe on one part, the other prodoced 
 into a cone, and generally tiiled with molecules. 
 Armilla. Round, annular. 
 Mull. Zool. Dan. 2. tab. 73. fig. 11,12. 
 Body a little thickened above and bent like a ring. 
 *Cornuta. Inverfely conic, green, opake. 
 Adams microfc. p. 506. tab. 25. fig. 42,43, 
 In marfliy grounds: body broad and trancatc on toe fore-parr, 
 with a Imall fpine each fide, the bind-pirc peilacid and 
 pointed, fon'.etimcs it appears oval or kiiney-i!i<!pcd, and 
 vvhen the water which contains it evaporates, it brcits into 
 toolccular vefieles. * iiett' 
720 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 115. Bacillaria. 116. Enchells. 
 *Heterocli- Cylindrical, obtufe on the fore-part, the hind-part furniih- 
 ta. ed with a double crefled exfertile organ. 
 Adams microfc. p. $06. tab. 25. fig. 44, 45. 
 Body to the naked eye like a white point: inteftincs yifible. 
 Nodulata, Qvate-oblong, deprelTed, with a double row of tubercles. 
 Mull, Zuol. Dan. 2. tab. 80. fg. a — e. 
 Gleichen microfc. p. 59. tab. 27. fig. I. tab, 28. fig. 11. 
 Found in the intefline? of the Liimbricus terrefiris and hlais litto- 
 ralis : very pellucid, fliining like filver, and is propagated by 
 a tranfverfe divifion; oval when young, and growing more 
 oblong with age, truncate at the tip. 
 11.5. BACILLARIA. jB^iy confining of cy- 
 lindrical itraw-like filaments, piaced pa- 
 rallel to each other, and fi'equentlj 
 changing their pofition. 
 Paradoxa. B. 
 Vibrio paxilifer. Jdams microfcy p. 455. tab, 25.' fig. 13 — 15. 
 Shaiv Natiir. Mi f cell, tab, 436, 
 Mull, avim, infuf. p. 54. tab. 7. f.g. 3— 7« 
 Found on the Uha latiffima: body compofed of 5 — 40 linear 
 yellowifli fliort filaments, united together, forming themfelves 
 into a I'quare zigzag or extended line, but always preferving 
 their parallelifm and refting in a fquare. 
 11(5. ENCHELIS. Worm invifible to the 
 naked eye, very fnnple, cylindrical. 
 Virldis, Green, fubcylindrical, obliquely truncate before, 
 Ada7ns microfc. ^.443. k. 25. 
 In water kept fevcral weeks : body opake, with an obtufe tail and 
 obfcure inteftines : conllantly varies its motion from right to 
 *fpunSiifera Green, fubcylindrical, obtufe before, pointed behind. 
 Adams microfc. /. 443. tab. 25, fig. 8. 
 In marflics: body opake, with a pelhicid foot containing 2 black 
 docs in the fore-part, and a double dark band in the middle. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. ii6. Enchelis. 721 
 Nehulo/a, Ovate-cylindrical, with vifible moveable inteftines. 
 Adams microfc. p. 444. «• 30. 
 In the fame wafer as the Cyclidium glaucoma : body narrower be- 
 fore; in moving elevates the fore-part of the body, 
 Farcimen, Cylindrical, curved, truncate at both ends. 
 Joblot Microfc. \. p. 33. tab. $.fg. 2. M. 
 in water kept fome time : l/odv opake, 4 times as long as it is 
 broad, in moving turns the extremities oppofite ways fo as to 
 form the letter S. 
 9emi/uMum, Cylindrical, equal. 
 Adams miciDfc. /i. 445. ». 31. 
 In water kept a few days : body twice as long as it is broad, pel- 
 lucid before, opake behind, moves by alternately afcending 
 and defcending, and fomctimes joins the extremities together, 
 0-vulum, Cylindrical-ovate, exquifitely tranfparcnt. 
 /i-dams microfc, p. 445. a. 33. 
 In dunghills among Monades : minute. 
 Frrum, Inverfely conic, tranfparent behind. 
 Adams microfc. p. 446 «. 34. 
 In ftagnant water: body obtufe, protuberant before, filled with 
 molecides; motion rapid, paffing backwards and forwards: 
 when at relt it feems to have a fmall tubercle in the middle of 
 the body, 
 Tufus. Cylindrical, narrower and truncate at both extremities 
 Adams microfc p. 447. ». 38. 
 In pure water: bi^dy flow in motion, with a longitudinal flightly 
 curved inteltine, filled with a blueifli fluid & blackifla molecuJs, 
 Fritillus^ Cylindrical, truncate at the fore-part. 
 Adams microfc. p. i^if"], n. 39. 
 In infufions of giafs or hay : hod^ pellucid, convex, obtufe be- 
 hind ; moves backwards and forwards in a line with a waver- 
 ing agitation. 
 *Caudata. Elongated, obtufe before, tapering to a tail behind. 
 Adams microfc. p. ^^"J. tab. l^.f^r. g. 
 Boay grey, pellucid, covered with globular molecules, the fore- 
 part obtufe, the hind-part tapering to a tranfparent tail, 
 EpiHomium, Elongated, cylindrical, with a flender fubglobular tip. 
 Adams microfc. p. 448. «. 41'. 
 In putrid water: round, obtufe behind, minute. 
 VOL. IV. — 4 Y •Ritro- 
722 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 117. Volvox. 
 *2etrogra' Tranfparent, narrower before with a globular tip. 
 da. Adams microfc. p. AfAf^. tab. 2^. Jig. II, 12. 
 £ody gelatinous, without vifible inteftines ; moves fide-ways and 
 fometimcs retrograde. 
 *Truneus. Cylindrical, with a dilated round head. 
 Adams micrefc. p. 450. tab, 25. Jig. lO. 
 Body large, mucous, grey, rather opake, the fore-part globular, 
 the hind-part obtul'e, with fomeMmes 3 teeth protruded from 
 the middle on one fide, filled with globules: motion flow, 
 from right to left. 
 Spatula, Cylindrical, ftriate, with a tranfparent fpatulate tip. 
 Adams microjc. p. 450. », 49. 
 In ftagnant waters: body cryftalline, with fine longitudinal fur- 
 rows and a few globules, the top dilated : moves in an undu- 
 late manner. 
 Papula, Cylindrical, with a papillary tip. 
 Adams microfc. p. 45 1 . «. 50. 
 In dunghills: ^0^ round, protuberant, opake before, furntfhcd 
 with a papillar finger-lhaped head, pellucid behind, both ends 
 obtufe : motion rotatory, in an oblique direftion. 
 117. VOLVOX. PF<?rw invifible to the naked 
 eje, fimple, pellucid, fphoerical. 
 Globulus, Globular, the hind-part fomcwhat obfcure. 
 Adams microfc. p. 438. «. 15. 
 In vegetable infufions : body fometimes fomething oval, with the 
 inteftines juft vifible behind : has a flow fluttering motion. 
 filula, Sphjerical, with immoveable green inteftines. 
 Adama 7nia-ofc. p^ Af'i^Z, n. 16, 
 In purer waters : body apparently encompafl*ed by a kind of halo, 
 and has a rotatory motion. 
 •Spbterula. Sphasrical, with fimilar rounded molecules. 
 AdaMS microfc. p. 439. tab. 25. f. 6. 
 Schrank Beytr. \. p. 141. tab. 2. F. 
 Hermann. Nalurf. 20. p, 154. tab, 3. fg. 33. 
 In ftagnant waters : body compol'ed of about 60 pellucid homoge- 
 neous tranfparent or greenilh-yellow points: moves flowly 
 about a quarter of a circle from right to left, and then back 
 f gain from left to right. 
WORMS. INFUSORIA. ii8. Monas. 723 
 Vva^ Orbicular, with ovate pellucid amber-colour molecules 
 conneded by a point. 
 Hermann. Naturf. 20. p. 148. tab. "i. Jig. 27. f. 
 In marlh water: body compofed of about 8 — 10 molecules, anci 
 has a quick equal rotatory motion. 
 •Lunula, Hemifphxrical, with fimilar crefcent-fliaped molecules. 
 Adams micro/c. p. 439. tab. 25. Jig. 7, 
 In marlh water: body tranfparent, compofed of numerous lunate 
 homogeneous moleculeb, and has a double motion, that of the 
 whole mafs turning flowly round, and of the molecules one 
 among the other, 
 Dimidiatus Globular when at reft, hemifpha^rical in motion, 
 Wiik.Aa.Stockh. 1762. 
 Found on the tails of Tadpoles; minute, 
 *G!ohator. Sphasrical, membranaceous, with various fized homoge- 
 neous molecules. 
 ShaiM Natur. Mi/cell. tab. 427. 
 Baker empl.for tnicrofc. p, 322. tab. lt.Jig.2-j, 
 Mull. anim. itifus. p. 18. tab. 3. fig. 12, 13. 
 Roe/. Inf. I. polyp, p. 617. tttb,\0\. Jig. I — 3. 
 Leivenb. arc. nat. p. 149 — 152. fg, 2. 
 De Geer Aft, Stockh, 1761. p. 1 1 i. tab. '>^.fig. I — 5. 
 In ftagnant water and vegetable infufiens : body green or yellow, 
 moving (lowly round its axis in all direclions, a pellucid mem- 
 brane covered with fmaller and larger molecules, and thcfe 
 provided with a ftill fmaller molecular progeny, containing 
 within itfelf a tribe of already impregnated defcendants. 
 ftleus, Hemifpha?rical, membranaceous, hollow beneath. 
 Schrank Beytr. I. p. 144, tab. 2. Jg. G, H, 
 In water kept in a glafs : greenifh, continually turning round 
 its axis 
 Bulla, Membranaceous, fuboval. 
 Mart. Journ.PhyJ. 1787. p. 2^15, tab. 2. fig. 12. 
 In water kept in a glafs ; refemhics a foap-hubble, fometimes 
 folitary, often gregarious, and is continually turning round 
 its axis. 
 118. MON.AS. Worm invifible to the naked 
 eye, moft fimple, pellucid, rcfcmbling a, 
 4 Y 2 *Atomu4* 
 '*Jiomus. Whitiili, with a variable point. 
 Adams inicrofc. p. 431. tab. Zi^. fg- l« 
 In fea water kept a long time: body a white point, fomcthing 
 oval, with a minute black dot variable in its pofition, rarely 
 with 2, 
 PunSium, A folid opake black point. 
 Adams 7)ii^roJc. /).43i.«.3. 
 In fetid infuiions of pears : body round, long, moving in a flow 
 wavering manner. 
 *Mka* Tranfparent, "with an oval moveablq circle In the middle. 
 Com. men m purer waters. Adamstmcrojc. p. /\.i'i,. n.b. 
 Body a lucid point, variable in its motions, and encoinpaffed by 
 a beautiful halo. 
 *Lens, Tranfparent, with fnmetimes a grcenifh margin. 
 Baker tnicrofc. expL tab. 10 Jig. I — 3. 
 Lenjue-tib. arcan. rat. p. 40. fig. il» 
 Hill bin. an. tab. i. I. Spalianx. an. inf,f. II. 
 Jobi'ot Micrcfc. I. tab. 5./?. 8. Z. 
 Ifrijb. anim. infuf, fig. 1 — 4. 
 Found in all water : a round pellucid dot, frequently in oiaffes^ 
 without the leait veftige of inteftines. 
 Termc A moii minute funple gelatinous point. 
 Jdams microfc. p. 430. k. I . 
 In moft animal and vegetable infufions: of sll known animals 
 the moft minute and fimple, being fo extremely delicate and 
 tranfparent as often to elude the moft highly magnifymg 
 powers, blending as it were in the water in which it fwims. 
 Thefe are thy glorious Wirks^ parent ofgo^d 
 ^Im ighty. m 1 1. x o N - 
[ 7^5 ] 
 A fear is 
 C^Uepora. Celjeltc 
 Clava — 
 Conus. Cone 
 Coral — 
 Corallina. Csralline 
 Carvarant^s faat 
 Deed mans hand 
 Doris — 
 Ducal mantle — 
 Duck bernacle 
 — 100 
 — 310 
 — 417 
 — 3^ 
 — 99 
 — 599 
 - 76 
 , . ^5 
 Garden f nail 
 Madrcpora. Madrepore 
 Medufa — , 
 Millepora. Millepore 
 Mya — 
 Nerita. Nerite 
 Noah's ark 
 Polar Jione 
 Red Co'ral 
 Salmon-loufc - 
 Scolcx ~ 
 Sea-mar igcfld 
 Sea-Jiar — 
 Solen — 
 Spongia. Sponge 
 ^ Star-fijh - 
 - 84. 
 — 72 
 Tellina — 
 Tcrebella — 
 Teredo — 
 Trichoda — 
 Trochus — 
 Tube- worm 
 Tubipora. Tubipc 
 Venus' s fan 
 Voluta. Folute 
 ff 'ate ring-pot 
 PFentlet: ap 
 '• ^IL •!"''" Kf^f/l-^^f^^Ptio" of the Cral,, for » befide. 5 chektc hands or 
 claws," read »• befides 2 chelate hands or claws." 
 I. aj8, 1. 15. for tedJiJh^ icad redJiJL. 
 217, 1. n, ior grojjing, read crojjing. 
 220, I. 27, ioT tofe, xt^^JLpe. 
 224, I. 4, for *Dejioratu, read *Defiorata. 
 226, 1. 22, for muagln, read margin. 
 1. 34, ioT lope, rad y/ope. 
 480, 1. 2J, for RuJix, read Rud/t. 
 131, 1.24, iox reaiculaiay vtz.i reticulata. 
 3t>7. '• II. ior J pines, xti>i fpires ; Aud ior /piraliy, T./fhally. 
 D, ii-'iUiums, Printer, Hivameat 
 N. C. Slate Co[f«ff