SHORT-HORN CAriLE ALVIN H.SANDERS 1 ^4(7 JtftSljiiMr; Gift frcm the estate of George Cline April , 1990 Vci I =: \CA 8264 COfCo Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from NCSU Libraries littp:// SHORTHORN CATTLE A SERIES OF HISTORICAL SKETCHES, MEMOIRS AND RECORDS OF THE BREED AND ITS DEVELOPMENT IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, WITH AN APPENDIX BRINGING THE RECORD DOWN THROUGH THE OPENING YEARS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE AUTHOR BY MR. B. O. COWAN. D D D By ALVIN H. SANDERS. D. Agr.. LL. D. EDITOR OF '"THE BREEDER'S GAZETTE," AUTHOR OF "THE STORY OF THE HEREFORDS " AND "AT THE SIGN OF THE STOCK YARD INN" D D D CHICAGO: SANDERS PUBLISHING CO. Copyright. 1918, BY SANDERS PUBLISHING CO. All rights reserved. "The history of what man has accomplished in this world is, at bottom, the history of the great men who have worked here. They were the leaders of men, these great ones; the modelers, patterns, and, in a wide sense, creators of whatso- ever the general mass of men contrived to do or to attain." — Thomas Carlyle. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I— THE OLD SHORT-HORN COUNTRY AND ITS CATTLE. Some Short-horn shrines — A farmer's cow — Grass a prime factor in cattle-growing- — Birthplace and origin of the breed — Earliest known breeders — Some foundation stock . . . . 15-28 CHAPTER H — DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE. Faults of the old Teeswater stock — The Bakewell experiments — Ketton and Barmpton — The original Duchess cow — "The Beautiful Lady Maynard" — The bu)l Hubback — Foljambe and inbreeding — Favorite (252) an extraordinary sire — "The Durham Ox" — "The White Heifer That Traveled" — The "alloy" blood — As to Robert Colling — "The American Cow" — The Ketton Dispersion — The Barmpton sales — Pre- eminence of the CoUings 29-56 CHAPTER III — FOUNDATIONS OF THE BOOTH HERDS. The elder Booth — The Fairholme experiment — Some foundation sires — The Halnaby or Strawberry tribe — The Bracelets — Richard Booth at Studley — The Isabellas — John Booth at Killerby 57-68 CHAPTER IV— THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES. Early studies in cattle-breeding — Original investments — The Duchess blood — Student, experimenter and exhibitor — Bulls first used on the Duchesses — From Halton to Ridley Hall — Removal to Kirklevington — Belvedere (1706) of the Princess blood — The cross of Whitaker's Noifolk — The Matchem cow and the Oxfords — A show-yard disappointment — The Oxford Royal of 1839 — Prizes at Cambridge — A "brush" with the Booths — Duke of Northumberland (19 40) — Importance of tabulated pedigrees — The Wateiloos — Wild Eyes Tribe — The Cambridge (Red) Roses — Foggathorpe family — Blanche or Roan Duchess sort — The Secrets — So-called Bcll- Bates tribes — Last appearance in show-yard — Dispersion of the herd — Sixty-four Duchess females — Individual charac- ter of the cattle .... 69-113 5 b TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER V — PALMY DAYS AT KILLERBY AND WAR- LABY. Bracelet and Necklace — Buckingham — John Booth's sale — War- laby and its show-yard wonders — Faith, Hope and Charity — Crown Prince (10087) — Isabella Buckingham and other celebrities — The Blossoms and Windsor (4013) — Bride, Bridesmaid and Bride Elect — The quartette of "Queens" — Vivandiere, Campfollower and Soldier's Bride — Death of Richard Booth — The Booth method of breeding . . . . 119-137 CHAPTER VI^OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS. Lord Althorpe (Earl Spencer) — Jonas Whitaker — Wetherell, the "Nestor" of the trade — Wiley of Brandsby — The Knightley "Fillpails" — Fawkes of Farnley Hall — William Torr — The long roll of honor 138-156 CHAPTER VII — FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA. Character of the Gough & Miller cattle — Kentucky and the Pat- ton stock — An early New York importation — The Cox im- portation — The first pedigreed bulls — The "Seventeens" — Massachusetts importations — Early New York importations — Col. Powel's purchases — Ancestress of the Louans — Wal- ter Dun's importations 157-180 CHAPTER VIII — DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS. Feeding for seaboard markets — Oliio Importing Company — Felix Renick and confreres in England — Whitaker's selections of 1835 and 1836 — Sale of Oct. 29, 1836 — Final sale in 1837 — Thos. Bates to Felix Renick — Mr. Clay's importations to Kentucky — Dr. Martin's importation of 1839— R. Hutch- craft's importation — Fayette County Importing Co. — Impor- tations into Tennessee — ^William Neff's importation — Wait and other importations — First Bates bull for Kentucky 181-214 CHAPTER IX — EASTERN IMPORTATIONS — 183 to 1850. New Yoi-k importations — ^Vail's purchases of Bates cattle — Whitaker's shipments to America — Introduction of Princess blood — Miscellaneous importations 215-226 CHAPTER X— SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY IN AMERICA. The first "Duke" for America — Morris and Becar — The Earl Ducie sale in England — Thorndale and the Duchesses — Re- vival of interest in the West — Scioto Valley Importing Co. TABLE OF CONTENTS / — Madison Co. (O.) Co. — Northern Kentucky Association — Scott Co. (Ky.) Importing Co. — Clinton Co. (O.) Associa- tion — Clark Co. (O.) Co. — R. A. Alexander of Woodburn — First of the Airdrie Duchesses — The Alexander importation of July, 1853 — Subsequent shipments to Woodburn Farm — Importations by the Shakers — James S. Matson (Kentucky) — Wilson & Seawright (Ohio) — Mason and Bracken (Ken- tucky) Association — Livingston Co. (N. T. ) Association — Thomas Richardson (New York) — Dr. H. Wendell (New York) — J. O. Sheldon (New York) — R. F. Nichols (Louisi- ana) — First importations into Indiana — An early importa- tion to Wisconsin — The Illinois Importing Co. — Founding of the American Herd Book 227-273 CHAPTER XI — SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK. A new era dawns — Duke of Airdrie (12730) — George M. Bed- ford's lease of "The Duke" — Jere Duncan and Duke of Airdrie 2743 — Abram Renick and Airdrie 2 478 — Airdrie a bull-breeder — Inbreeding of the Roses of Sharon — The Van- meters — Young Phyllis — Young Mary — The Warflelds — Ren- ick 903 — Muscatoon 70.57 — The Loudon Duchesses — Adop- tion of Bates type and methods 274-315 CHAPTER XII — PROGRESS IN THE CENTRAL WEST. First Illinois herds — Early Indiana breeders — Pioneer breedei-s of Michigan — First Short-horns wes.t of the Mississippi — Foundation stock in Iowa — Early Wisconsin herds — ^Activ- ity in the show-yard — Wm. R. Duncan and Minister 6363 — J. M. Hill's sale — J. H. Pickrell — Sweepstakes 6230 — Gen. Grant 482.5 — Baron Booth of Lancaster 316-356 CHAPTER XIII — THE BIRTH OF A "BOOM." "Royal" honors for Bates cattle — Duchesses exported to Eng- land — The Grand Duchesses — Havering Park sale — Sheldon of Geneva — Geneva cattle abroad — "Walcott & Campbell — First Hillhurst importations — Gibson buys Booths for New York Mills — Sensational transfer of the Sheldon herd — "Duke" bulls in demand — The McMillan sale — Col. William S. King — The Lyndale show herd — Tycoon 7339 — King's victory at St. Louis — W. R. Duncan's sale — The beginning of live-stock Journalism 357-394 CHAPTER XIV — AN ERA OP EXPANSION. Hillhurst and Lyndale operations — Exportations to England — Clark Co. (Ky.) Importing Co. — High prices in Illinois — The gi-eat trade of 1872 — Oakland Favorite 10546 and Lou- don Duke 6th 10399 — The first National convention — Oppo- sition to prevailing "fashion" developed 395-409 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XV — THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE. Spring sales of 1873 — Dunmore's big deal — Summer sales — New Yorlt Mills dispersion — Kello's mistake — Sources of deteri- oration — 4th Duke of Geneva — English sales of 1873 . . 410-433 CHAPTER XVI — A GOLDEN AGE. Spring sales of 1874 — Lyndale sale at Dexter Park — Other Western events — Kentucky summer sales — Closing events of 1874 — The sales of 1875 — Glen Flora dispersion — Kissin- ger's sale — Elliott & Kent — Spears and the Nelly Blys — Pickrell's great sale — Jacobs' sale at West Liberty — Dexter Park auctions — The Avery & Murphy sale — Long prices at Meredith's — Airdrie Duchesses at $18,000 each — Big sales in the Blue Grass — Pushing the Princesses — The Trans- Mississippi trade — $3,500 for a Scotch heifer — Groom im- portations and sale — Other important transactions — All rec- ords broken at Dunmore — Torr's Triumph — Additional im- portations — Another Renick exportation — North Elkhorn (Ky.) importation — Closing events of 1875 434-480 CHAPTER XVII — THE TURN OF THE TIDE. Hon. George Brown and Bow Park — 4th Duke of Clarence — Opening sales of 1876 — Potts buys imp. Duke of Richmond — Col. HoUoway's big average — Albert Crane pays $23,600 for an Airdrie Duchess^$17,900 for 14th Duke of Thorn- dale — Closing events of 1876 — Pickrell and Kissinger — Spring sales of 1877 — Cochrane at Windermere — Sale sum- mary for 1877 — A falling market — Top prices in England for 1878— Dark days of 1879— The rally of 1880— The Vaile and Rumscy importations — Sales of 1881 — A new era at hand — Injudicious breeding — Evils of speculation — The spur of opposition — Scotch cattle to the fore 481-516 CHAPTER XVIII — SCOTLAND'S SEARCHING TEST. "Caledonia stern and wild" — Science, "roots" and Short-horns — Feed-lot considerations paramount — Crossing the border — Robertson of Ladykirk — Rennie of Phantasie — Barclay of Ury — Hutcheson of Monyruy — Grant Duff of Eden — Bra- with Bud — Simpson and Buchan Hero — Hay of Shethin. 517-540 CHAPTER XIX— AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON. A new type sought — The brothers Cruickshank — The farm at Sittyton — General plan pursued — The first of the Violets — Venus tribe — The family of Mimulus — Picotee and her progeny — The Matchless sort — The Broadhooks — Origin of TABLE OF CONTENTS V the Lady tribe — The Nonpareils — Sittyton Butterflys — Or- ange Blossoms — Admah, Kilmeny 3d, and Eliza by Brutus — Clipper tribe — The Victorias — The Lancasters — The Bra- with Buds — Duchesses of Gloster — The Secrets — The Cicely sort — Avalanche — Violette — The Lovelys — Barmpton Roses — The Spicys — The Lavenders — First Sittyton bulls — Fair- fax Royal (6987) — Hudson (9228), Report (10704) and Velvet Jacket (10998) — Matadore (11800) — Plantagenet (11906) — Doctor Buckingham (14405) — The Baron (13833) —Lord Bathurst (15173)— Master Butterfly 2d (14918) — John Bull (11618)— Lord Raglan (13244)— The Czar (20947) — Lancaster Comet (11663) — Champion of England (17526)— Windsor Augustus (19157)— Forth (17866) — Lord Privy Seal (16444) — Prince Alfred (27107) — Other outside bulls^ — Concentration of the Champion of England blood — Scotland's Pride and Pride of the Isles — Caesar Au- gustus — Royal Duke of Gloster — Roan Gauntlet — Barmpton — Cumberland 541-602 CHAPTER XX — OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS. Douglas of Athelstaneford — Campbell of Kinellar — The Nonpa- reils, Miss Ramsdens and Golden Drops — Early Kinellar sires — Booth cross disappointing — Marr of Uppermill — The Maudes — The Missies — The Princess Royals — The Alexan- drinas — The Roan or Red Ladys — The Bessies — The Claras — The Emmas — The Goldies — Sittyton sorts — Early sires at Uppermill — Heir of Englishman (24122) — Cherub 4th (83359) — Athabasca (47359) — William of Orange (50694) — Later Sittyton sires at Uppermill — Lethenty — Collynie. 603-625 CHAPTER XXI — RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN AMERICA. Early importations into Ontario — First Sittyton cattle in Canada — The Athelstane blood — Cruickshank cattle at the shows — Violet's Forth — The Golden Drops — Thompson's other im- portations — John Miller's first shipment — James I. David- son — Hon. John Dryden — Arthur Johnston — Miscellaneous Canadian importations — The lies importation into Illinois — Robt. Milne of Kelvin Grove — Lowman and Smith's im- portation — Scotch success at the shows — Potts and the Duke of Richmond — The Fanny Airdrie "nick" — Frederick William and "the twins" — A line of Cruickshank sires — Twenty years in the show-yard — The Wilhoit herd. . . 626-662 CHAPTER XXII — CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY. Sale of the Hillhurst Duchesses— Richard Gibson's sale of 18S2 — Woodburn sale of lS82^The Huston-Gibson sale — Pal- mer's sale of Scotch cattle—Kentucky Importing Co. of 1883 — Sale of Pickrell, Thomas & Smith — ^Kentucky sum- 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS mer sales of 1883 — Sale of the Holford Duchesses — The Hamiltons — Col. W. A. Harris of Linwoocl — Success of Baron Victor — The Linwood Golden Drops — Baron Laven- der 2d — Imp. Craven Knight — A search for sires — Princess Alice — Linwood's salutary influence — J. J. Hill of North Oaks — Hope's show herds of 1887 and 1889 — Luther Adams' importations — The shipment of 1887 — Cupbearer bought — "West Liberty sale — The memorable purchase of 1887 — Lakeside's show herd of 1888 — Third and last lot — Last successful Duchess sale — Sale of the Sittyton herd — The Cruickshank cows at CoUynie — Field Marshal and Mario — Scottish Archer and Count Lavender — Argentine and the shambles — Summary of Sittyton sales — Moberley and Young Abbottsburn — Mary Abbottsburn 7th — Forest Grove sale — Woodburn dispersion — Columbian Exposition awards — Re- cent importations — Herd-book consolidation. . . . . 663-743 CHAPTER XXIII— A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED. Universal adaptability — Feed-lot favorites — "Prime Scots" — Smithfield Club — American Fat-Stock Show — On the range — Dairy capacity — State fair tests — The Columbian records — The Wisconsin experiment — Official records in Iowa — Figures from New York — Polled Durhams. . . . . 744-780 CHAPTER XXIV— THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE. What constitutes success? — Inbreeding — Herd-book registration — Color — Handling quality — Constitution, character and conformation — Primary points in management — Does show- ing pay? — Selling the surplus — About animal portraiture — Tribal designation — Dignity of the breeder's calling — The future 781-811 APPENDIX CHAPTER I— RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE AND REVIVAL OF TRADE. WKitehall herd established — The American Royal — The Inter- national — Westi'ope's dispersion — Summer Hill herd sold — May sales — Chicago auction — The Hardings' Chicago sale — Some important shows — The second American Royal — A remarkable sale — The court of last resort — Sales of 1902 — Ohio sales — June sales — Shows of 1902 — The Interna- tional of 1902 — The Harding dispersion — Whitehall's sec- ond sale — The International of 1903 — The Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition — The International of 1904 834-87? TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 CHAPTER II— SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH. Woodhill herd — Cottage Hill herd — Sinnlssippi herd — Cumber- land's Last — Tebo Lawn — Choice Goods — Hallwood herd. 873-889 CHAPTER III— MORE HERDS ESTABLISHED— AND SOME IMPORTATIONS. Maxwalton — Thomas Johnson's herd — Some importations — — Choice Goods sold — Pine Grove herd — Maple Shade herd — The Allen Cattle Company — On historic ground — Lespe- deza farm — Craigielea herd — The Pleasant Valley herd. 890-913 CHAPTER IV— FROM THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSI- TION TO THE PANAMA-PACIFIC. A memorable sale — Browndale's twenty-ninth sale — Cherry Grove auction — The Des Moines show — The fair at Ham- line — The International — A phenomenal steer — About King Cumberland — The Anoka sale — The American Royal's great show — The 1909 International — Grand champion steers — Stanton's great sale — White & Smith — The eleventh International — The American Royal of 1911 — -Then the In- ternational — Milking Shorthorns — Seven-year average — Sales in 1913 — The International of 1913 — Enhancement of values — The American Royal — Panama-Pacific Exposition — National Western Stock Show. . .' 914-944 CHAPTER V— ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE. Maxwalton's sale — Bellows Bros.' auction — The calf sale in America — Imported cattle sold — The International show and sale — The Milking Shorthorns — The show of steers — The International sale — Public sale averages — A bright fu- ture — Sale of imported cattle — Oklahoma auctions — Autumn importations and sales — And then the greatest Interna- tional 945-972 CHAPTER VI— DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORNS. Official tests — The Glenside herd — Milking Shorthorns abroad — An important importation — Aids to development — Dual- purpose sales — Peer's remarkable sale — Glenside's new record 973-989 CHAPTER VII— EXPORTATIONS TO ARGENTINA. A hazardous shipment — Association exportations. . . . . 990-994 CHAPTER VIII— EXPANSION AT HEADQUARTERS. Shipments to Mexico — The secretaryship — Exchange of judges — Futurities extension work — "The Shorthorn in America" —And finally 995-1005 CHAPTER I THE OLD SHOET-HORN COUNTRY AND ITS CATTLE One briglit morning in the month of June a few years since the writer was a passenger in a vehicle that emerged from the environs of the comfortable little city of Darlington, England — once the Short- horn capital — into the open country so familiar a century ago to those rare old worthies who gave to the world the breed that forms the subject of our stor^^ Rural England at this season of the year will stir the blood of any human being who has any capacity whatever for the appreciation of pastoral panoramas. When to the natural beauty of the land- scape is added the charm of historic association and congenial companionship, it is indeed not difficult for a lover of Short-horns to while away a summer holi- day in the peaceful valley of the river Tees and con- tiguous territory in York and Durham, the ancestral home of the breed. Some Short-horn shrines. — Here are the grassy lanes of Hurworth, where the dam of Hubback grazed; there the farms once occupied by Charles and Robert Colling; yonder Yann with its quaint old market-place and Black Bull Inn. This cluster of cottages, nestling amidst sheltering vines and flow- is 16 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ering laburnums, holds the unpretentious roof of Thomas Bates, and marks also the historic little church-yard of Kirklevington with the tomb of the man to whom Short-horn history is primarily in- debted for the most dramatic event ever registered in the annals of agriculture.* We try to recall the figure of the keen old bachelor, but we seek in vain through the now-deserted fields for Belvedere, the Duke of Northumberland or Duchess 34th. That typical English hamlet of ye olden time — Great Smeaton — shows the house where Coates, the father of Short-horn pedigree records, compiled his earliest notes. Away over the hills is Eryholme, with its memories of "the beautiful Lady Maynard," and nearing the Tees at Croft a portrait of the $5,000 Comet still greets the eye on the sign-board of a way- side inn; while over the way is Stapleton, the farm where the famous old bull was buried. Passing from the train at Northallerton and mounting a trap in waiting we are soon on a perfect English roadway bound for one of the most cele- brated seats of Short-horn power. Wending our way between vine-clad walls and hawthorn hedges we traverse a gently-rolling Yorkshire landscape having for a background the distant Cleveland hills. Lost in admiration at the moving picture, not wholly unlike the fairest portions of the Blue-Grass region of Central Kentucky, we presently sight "red, white •The International contest for the possession of the Bates Duch- esses at New York Mills in 1873, when 198 head of Short-horn cattle sold for the astonishing total of $380,490. THE OLD SHORT-HORN COUNTRY 17 and roans" in all their glory, up to their knees in richest grass, on a sod that represents the growth of centuries. A Short-horn enthusiast's heart beats hig'h as he here approaches Warlaby and passing through a velvety lawn stands at the threshold so sacred to the house of Booth. There is a word to conjure with! Redolent with its recollections of Crown Prince, Queen of the May, Nectarine Blossom, Bride Elect and other names that hold a place in the great galaxy of Short-horn ''immortals"! "Many a valuable cup and hard-won medal may there be seen. The portrait of many a prize-taker decorates its rooms; and many a pleasant hour has been spent and ancient story told in this quiet Short- horn home, while the genuine old squire 'refilled his pipe and showed how fields were won.' " Away in the bleaker Northland, far beyond those beauteous English scenes bounded by "Tweed's fair river, broad and deep," is a Caledonian cottage hid away in one of the prettiest little gardens fancy can portray. So cosily does it seem ensconced that the wintry blasts from the neighboring German ocean surely lose a part of their hyperborean rigor before they reach that quiet fireside. We are in far-off Aberdeen. A white-haired octogenarian, Amos Cruickshank, there awaited the peaceful ending of a life that proved eminently useful to his fellow men, pure and elevating in its character, and fruitful of results to the Short-horn world. Modestly the Nestoi* of the North Country cattle-breeding told us some- 18 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE thing of liis life and work. We left liim, the sage of Sittyton, standing there amidst the greenery of his shrubs and flowers, and as we looked around upon the fields and paddocks that once held Champion of England, Pride of the Isles, Roan Gauntlet and Royal Northern, and Highland winners by the score, we felt the spell of a wondrous story brooding over those silent Scottish "braes." What have these men, their colleagues and their followers, accomplished? What is the nature of their legacy? Let us first turn for partial answer to the world's greatest exhibition of live stock and agricultural products. We are under the medieval walls of Castle Warwick. The flower of British Short-horn herds is assembled in the park. The meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society of Eng- land is in progress. The ripe fruit of generations of careful breeding is before us. We note the size and excellence of the various classes as they came for- ward upon that occasion to be judged; the "bloom" and the wealth of flesh and hair! We turn to our catalogue. Air trace at last to that same little valley of the Tees; some through Kirklevington, some through Warlaby, some through Sittyton, and some through other channels found in the broad-flowing currents of the breed. The crowds throng about the arena, where prince and peasant, great land-owners and tenant fanners and visitors from every clime meet to do honor to England's most widely-dissemi- nated race of domesticated animals, and, indirectly, THE OLD SHORT-HORX COUNTRY 19 to bear testimony to the noble service rendered to the cause of agriculture by the builders of this breed. A fanner's cow. — The average farmer, as dis- tinguished from the dairyman and professional feeder, maintaining cattle as an incidental, albeit necessary, feature of a well-ordered system of mixed husbandry, requires not only milk, cream and butter in good supply for domestic consumption, but the cows that provide him with these products are also expected to raise a calf each year that can be profit- ably utilized in consuming the grass and "rough- ness" of the farm; so that the males will command a fair price as yearlings and two-year-olds for feeding purposes and the heifers possess the requisite size and quality fitting them for retention in the breed- ing herd. Hence the necessity for a combined beef- and-milk-producing breed for general farm pur- poses. It is claimed by those who support its contentions that the Short-horn blood produces "the farmer's cow" par excellence of the world. The females often reach in full flesh 1,800 lbs. in weight, occasionally making 2,000 lbs., and with good farm keep at matu- rity should average say 1,400 lbs. in working con- dition. Aged bulls in high flesh occasionally weigh up to 2,800 lbs., but experienced breeders prefer sires that average from 2,000 lbs. to 2,400 lbs., extreme weights not being generally favored. In color they are red, roan, red with white markings or white. In Great Britain, the home of the breed, the roans pre- 20 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE dominate. This is indeed the one distinctive Short- horn color, never produced except by the presence of the blood of this breed. In America reds have been in special demand for some years past purely as a matter of fancy, although the other colors^ — save perhaps the pure whites — are also seen in nearly every herd. Good Short-horn cows should yield a fair flow of milk as well as fatten readily when dry. The steers possess smooth, level frames, mature quickly on the ordinary foods of the farm and are in great demand for feeding purposes. The bulls "cross" well upon cows of other types, being especially valued for leveling and refining the form of stock lacking size, finish and quality. Grass a prime factor in cattle-g'rowing. — England, the home of the Short-horn, with its moist, equitable climate, is a veritable paradise for herbivorous animals. During those trying months when Ameri- can pastures lie brown and bare under a fierce mid- summer sun those of England still afford green feed. Our blue-grass fields in June are luxuriant beyond compare, and in late autumnal days usually regain for a time much of their earlier splendor, but the season of uninterrupted grazing in England is longer and the pastures carry a greater variety of plants. While John Bull, therefore, owes much of his fame as a producer of the flesh-bearing breeds to the per- sistency of the island verdure it has remained, nevertheless, for an American to furnish agricultural literature with a fitting tribute to "the universal THE OLD SHOKT-HORN COUNTRY 21 beneficence of grass." Not in the midst of the peer- less pastures of old England, but on the rolling prairies of our own breezy "Sunflower State" of, Kansas Senator Ingalls found his inspiration. ''It yields no fruit in earth or air, yet should its harvest fail for a single year famine would depopulate the world."* From time immemorial it has been the mission of the herd and flock to convert this rich fruitage of the earth to the use of man, and one of the crown- ing triumphs of modern agriculture is found in the perfection to which domestic animals especially adapted to this end have been brought. England has ♦Readers of The Breeder^s Gazette have often expressed the wish that this rhetorical gem might be given permanent setting in some form. It was originally a part of a magazine article written by Mr. Ingalls many years ago. The much-admired passage is accordingly given a place here : "Next in profusion to the divine profusion of water, light and air, those three physical facts which render existence possible, may be reck- oned the universal beneficence of grass. Lying in the sunshine among the buttercups and dandelions of May, scarcely higher in intelligence than those minute tenants of that mimic wilderness, our earliest recol- lections are of grass ; and when the fitful fever is ended, and the fool- ish wrangle of the market and the forum is closed, grass heals over the scar which our descent into the bosom of the earth has made, and the carpet of the infant becomes the blanket of the dead. "Grass is the forgiveness of Nature — her constant benediction. Fields trampled with battle, saturated with blood, torn with the ruts of cannon, grow green again with grass, and carnage is forgotten. Streets abandoned by traffic become grass-grown, like rural lanes, and are obliterated. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass is immortal. Beleaguered by the sullen hosts of winter it with- draws into the impregnable fortress of its subterranean vitality and emerges upon the solicitation of spring. Sown by the winds, by wan- dering birds, propagated by the subtle horticulture of the elements which are its ministers and servants, it softens the rude outlines of the world. It evades the solitude of deserts, climbs the inaccessible slopes and pinnacles of mountains and modifies the history, character and destiny of nations. Unobtrusive and patient, it has immortal vigor and aggression. Banished from the thoroughfare and fields, it bides its time to return, and when vigilance is relaxed or the dynasty has per- ished it silently resumes the throne from which it has been expelled but which it never abdicates. It bears no blazonry of bloom to charm the .<:enses with fragrance or splendor, but its homely hue is more en- chanting than the lily or the rose. It yields no fruit in earth or air, yet should its harvest fail for a single year famine would depopulate the world." 22 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE easily taken the lead of all other nations in this fascinating and eminently practical pursuit, and in the Short-horn breed of cattle has given to the world a variety of farm stock that has probably been more widely distributed than any other known type. It has not only received by reason of its dual-purpose character more attention at the hands of the tenant f aiTuers and landed proprietors of Great Britain and Ireland than any other British breed, but has a firm hold upon the affections of the farmers of the United States and Canada under varying environments. It has been extensively introduced into Australia and Argentina and has a foothold in the grazing regions about the South African Cape. Continental Europe with all its conservatism has drawn frequently upon British Short-horn herds — France in particular maintaining good collections of registered stock. It has peculiar claims, therefore, to the title sometimes bestowed upon it as being "the one great cosmopoli- tan breed." Birthplace and origin of the breed. — The Short- horn — or "Durham" as formerly called by many farmers in the United States — is of composite origin, representing the result of generations of skillful blending of various original types. While its long period of incubation is shrouded in more or less un- certainty there is no question either as to its original habitat or its ancient lineage. Tradition, as well as authentic records, recognized the progenitors of the modern type in the Counties of Northumberland, THE OLD SHOET-HOEN COUNTRY 23 Durham, York and Lincoln for several centuries prior to the final crystallization of the breed in and about the Teeswater Valley. So much of a specula- tive character has been published relating to the gradual evolution in Northeastern England of the established type of which we write that it is not essential, nor would it be of any special profit, for us to undertake to travel extensively over that un- certain ground in this volume. For centuries it is said that Northern England was the home of a horned black breed, and black cattle predominated in Yorkshire and adjacent counties until the seven- teenth century. At this date two other well-known types existed in England, the "pied" cattle of Lin- colnshire, with ' ' more white than other colors, ' ' and the red stock of Somerset and Gloucestershire. By the middle of the eighteenth centuiy, although the Yorkshire cattle were still largely black, mixed colors began to make their appearance. ''But of all the cows in England," wrote William Ellis, in 1744, ''I think none comes up to the Holderness breed for their wide bags, short horns and large bodies, which render them (whether black or red) the most profit- able beasts for the dairyman, grazier and butcher. Some of them have yielded two or three gallons at a meal." This type took its name from the district of Holderness in Southeastern Yorkshire. About this time cattle were imported from continental Europe into the Eastern counties. These consisted chiefly of large white Dutch or Flanders cows. It 24 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE is also said that bulls were brought in from Holland and used on some of the herds of York and Durham. These Dutch cattle should not, however, be confused with the modern Holstein-Friesians. It is said that Michael Dobinson and Sir William St. Quintin — both of whom were among the earliest possessors of old-time short-horned herds — imported and used Dutch bulls. These various types were all of a very crude sort when contrasted with the breed finally evolved from them, and as we are more interested in the result than in speculation as to the remote origin of the race we need not dwell upon them. Earliest known breeders. — It is claimed that a short-horned type of cattle existed on the Yorkshire estates of the Earls and Dukes of Northumberland for a period of two hundred years prior to 1780. Herds of short-horned stock had also been in the possession of the Smith sons of Stanwick as early as the middle of the seventeenth century. The Aisla- bies of Studley Royal and Blacketts of Newby were likewise fond of good cattle and paid great atten- tion to the quality of their herds about this same period. Other prominent breeders prior to the year 1780 were Sir William St. Quintin, Sir James Penny- man* and Mr. Milbank of Barningham. The latter *To induce his tenants to pay more attention to the quality of their stock Sir James is said to have frequently made small wagers as to whose oxen would weisrh the most and bring: the best prices. Cadwal- lader Bates says: "The fai-m accounts commencing- from 1745 regu- larly recorded the sales of Pennyman Short-horns, with their weight and proof in tallow, for they were very often sold by weight. As the soil there is a strong clay no turnips were grown, and the cattle were kept in winter on only hay and straw. Notwithstanding this, the flve- year-old steers generally averaged about 1,960 lbs." THE OLD SHOKT-HOEN COUNTRY 25 secured some of his cattle from tlie Blacketts, but Ms reputation rests largely upon his use of the famous red-and-white Studley Bull (626), calved in 1737, that became the progenitor of many celebrated animals. Between the years 1730 and 1780 many eminent breeders gave their attention to the im- provement of their cattle, among them, besides those already mentioned, being Sharter, Pickering, Ste- phenson, Wetherell, Maynard, Dobinson, Charge, Wright, Hutchinson, Robson, Snowdon, Waistell, Eichard and William Barker, Brown, Hall, Hill, Best, Watson, Baker, Thompson, Jackson, Smith, Jolly, Masterman, Wallace and Eobertson. These names we find as breeders of the earliest cattle whose names and pedigrees are recorded in the first volume of the English Herd Book. It may be well to know that as this herd book was not published until the year 1822 — some thirty or forty years after the decease of many of those we have men- tioned — tradition, and the memory of men then living, as well as the written records of their prede- cessors, were the authorities on which the lineage of the earlier animals were admitted to record. Some foundation stock. — The Studley Bull (626), dropped in 1737, was one of the first great stock- getters of the breed of which there is record. The herd book furnishes no particulars concerning him, but he is described by competent contemporary authority as having been a red-and-white "pos- sessed of wonderful girth and depth of forequarters, 26 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOK.X CATTLE very short, neat frame and light offal." One of his sons, "Mr. Lakeland's bull," said to have attained great size and to have carried a good back, begot William Barker's Bull (51), that acquired reputa- tion as the sire of another one of the breed-founders known as "James Brown's Red Bull (97)." This noted bull was bred by John Thompson at Girling- ton Hall. At this date it was not customary to pre- serve the name or even a description of the cows from which sires in service were descended. The pedigree was traced through the bull line exclu- sively. Hence there is no record as to the maternal ancestry of these foundation sires. Mr. Coates, who collected the material for the first volume of the herd book, which still bears his name, had intended that a. description of the most noted animals should appear in the public registry. Although this plan was not adopted in the final revision of the book his notes on many of the earlier sires have nevertheless been preserved. From these it appears that "J. Brown's old red bull" had "good fore quarters and handle,* huggins and rumps not good, strong thighs, excellent getter." The progeny of this bull was apparently held in great esteem, and some of his daughters subsequently attained much reputation, one becoming the ancestress of the aftei*^^ards cele- brated Bates Duchess tribe, and another was the *This refers evidently to his "touch," as the handling qualities of breeding stock were carefully regarded by the original improvers ot the breed. THE OLD SHOET-HORN COUNTRY 27 ancestral dam of Eobert Colling 's old Red Rose sort. The most famous of all the foundation bulls, how- ever, was Hubback (319), his influence ha\dng been so great as to require special comment in these pages further on. Many bulls are recorded in the first volume of the English Herd Book that lived anterior to the year 1780, but aside from their names and that of a sire, and sometimes a grandsire, little or nothing seems to have been recorded of their ances- try, and nothing beyond can now be known of them. Among these, in addition to those already named, are Ralph Alcock's Bull (19), Allison's Gray Bull (26), J. Brown's White Bull (98), Hollon's Bull (313), Jolly's Bull (337), Kitt (357), Masterman's Bull (422), Paddock's Bull (477), William Robson's Bull (538), Sir James Penmanan's Bull (601), Jacob Smith's Bull (508), T. Smith's Bull (609), Snow- don's Bull (612), sire of Hubback (319); Studley White Bull (627), got by Studley Bull (626) ; Wais- tell's Bull (669), the same as Robson's Bull (558); and Walker's Bull (670), the same as Masterman's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). Of the cows contemporary with the bulls we have named few, if any, are recorded in either the first or subsequent volumes. We can, therefore, only infer that the cows were equally as well and care- fully bred as the bulls. Cattle fairs (not shows in the sense of our modern exhibitions), where beasts were taken to market for sale, were then, as now, 28 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE common in England, and probably many well-bred COWS and heifers were brought there for sale by their breeders and owners. These were doubtless taken by breeders of good cattle when the blood and quality were considered satisfactory and bred to the best bulls. From such market cows descended the more immediate ancestors of many celebrated Short- horns. It is no disparagement to those nameless cows that such is the fact, as very few pedigrees can now be traced by name on the female side beyond the year 1780, and but comparatively few beyond the year 1800. The earliest recorded pedigree in the female line known to Short-horn records is that which has long been referred to in England and America as the Princess family, tracing to the cow Tripes, bought by Thomas Hall in 1760. CHAPTER II DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE The attention given by the sturdy tenantry of the Teeswater country to the production of a superior grade of beef at this early date, as indicated by the roster of names set forth in the precediug chapter, was the response of the farmers of that district to the demands of Anglo-Saxon taste. On the opposite or continental shore of the German Ocean dairy products were esteemed an especial delicacy; and so the low countries gradually became the home of; what subsequently developed into the Holstein- Friesian breed. But the fox-hunting Yorkshire "squires" and the hon vivants of "merrie England" generally, demanded something more substantial at their banquet boards. Eich ''barons" of well-mar- bled beef appealed particularly to the palates of the hearty Britons, and right royally did the stock- growers of the Island meet the call. Widespread interest in the breeding of fine cattle developed. At Darlington, Durham Yarm and other central points market fairs, the forerunners of our modern shows, had begun to attract all the progressive farmers, feeders and graziers of the country-side both far and near. Each of those who took pride in cattle vied with the other in the exhibition of good speci- 30 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE mens of the Teeswater type; and we can easily imagine with what absorbing interest these breed- builders compared the relative merits of their stock and with what satisfaction they noted the progress being made. Herd books were not in existence. Blood lines were known only by word of mouth or sundr}^ traditions; but they were a superior class of men, these pioneers in the study of the laws of heredity as applied to animal life, and their local fairs were at once a forum and a market-place. Short-horn "parliaments," far-reaching in their in- fluence, assembled upon these occasions, frequently with some favorite bull or heifer as the storm center of debate. Then, as now, men differed as to the form of animals and methods of breeding to be pursued. There were few if any servile imitators. There was no established type or fashion to rule the hour. It was the formative stage in the evolution of the Short-horn as known to the succeeding generation, and each individual sought results largely after the dictates of his own personal judgment. Would that some of this same independence of thought and action might be brought to bear in the settlement of problems facing those who are endeavoring to per- petuate Short-horn characteristics at the present time! Faults of the old Teeswater stock.— The Short- horn of that day was not only lacking in uniformity in some essential points but as a breed possessed serious faults calling for radical treatment. Pos- DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 31 sibly as accurate a statement as has been handed down bearing upon the character of the old Tees- water stock, which formed the basis of "the im- proved Short-horn," is that of William Carr, the historian of the afterward-celebrated herds of the Messrs. Booth. He says that the best specimens of the breed at that time were ' ' generally wide-backed, well-framed cows, deep in their fore quarters, soft and mellow in their hair and 'handling' and possess- ing, with average milking qualities, a remarkable disposition to fatten. Their horns were rather longer than those of their descendants of the present day and inclining upward. The defects were those of an undue prominence of the hip and shoulder point, a want of length in the hind quarters, of width in the floor of the chest, of fullness generally before and behind the shoulders, as well as of flesh upon the shoulder itself. They had a somewhat dis- proportionate abdomen, were too long in the legs and showed a want of substance, indicative of deli- cacy, in the hide. They failed also in the essential requisite of taking on their flesh evenly and firmly over the whole frame, which frequently gave them an unlevel appearance. There was, moreover, a gen- eral want of compactness in their conformation." The Bakewell Experiments. — Eobert Bakewell of Dishley, a Leicestershire farmer, worked out about this period a system of stock-breeding that was des- tined to play henceforth a prominent part, not only in the development of the Short-horn but in the 32 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE evolution of nearly all our other improved breeds as well. Whatever may have been the practice of the ancients in respect to the coupling of animals closely related it remained for Bakewell to demon- strate to the stock-breeders of the last century that in the concentration of the blood of animals possess- ing desired characteristics a method was provided whereby results could be quickly and definitely attained. This idea was diametrically opposed to the principles and practice governing the operations of Bakewell's contemporaries. Incestuous breeding of animals was held in abhorrence, and when Bake- well began breeding long-wooled sheep, Lancashire Long-horned cattle and cart horses from close affini- ties his neighbors gave him credit for being some- what daft. He was a man of considerable means at the beginning of his experiments, and brought more or less scientific knowledge to bear upon his work. His system contemplated first the selection of foun- dation stock approximating in form and character as closely as possible the type he sought to estab- lish. With these as a basis their immediate de- scendants were interbred in such a way as to give a strong concentration of the blood of the original selections. The idea was of course the creation of a family likeness or type — a group of animals homo- geneous in blood and uniform in characteristics. Resort to fresh blood was only had when an animal was found elsewhere that possessed in marked de- gree as an individual the particular points desired. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPKOVED TYPE 33 The plan soon began to reveal marvelous results, and orders for breeding stock began to come from all parts of the island. King George III himself made personal inquiries as to "the new discovery" in stock-breeding, and about the time the early Short-horn breeders became specially interested in their work the Bakewell system was arousing much curiosity, even among those conservatives who had stoutly opposed the theory. Bakewell did not use Short-horns in his experi- ments. He kept a few of the old sort, it is said, merely to show by contrast the superiority of his new breed of Long-horns. While he achieved a per- manent success with his sheep the Long-horns were not destined to general popularity. The method em- ployed in fixing the type, however, was soon seized upon by some of the younger elements in the Short- horn breeding ranks, and with wonderful effect, as we "^vill now proceed to note. Ketton and Barmpton. — About three miles north- east of Darlington, in the county of Durham, over- looking a little stream that flows into the Tees at Croft, is the farm of Barmpton, and about a mile beyond is Ketton. Upon these two farms the modern Short-horn may be said to have had its origin. Charles Colling, Sr., father of Charles and Robert, the first great improvers of the breed, had laid the foundation for a Short-horn herd at Ketton Farm by the purchase of a cow called Cherry at Yarm Fair, but finding farming unprofitable at this time he gave 34 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOR^'^ CATTLE up the property to his son Charles. The brothers set about breeding Short-horns at a time when values of farm products in England were much de- pressed. The American Kevolution had just been terminated, and, in common with all other farm property in Great Britain, cattle were still feeling the demoralizing effects of war. The original Duchess cow. — Charles Colling had heard of Bakewell and his work, and in 1783 made a prolonged study, at Dishley, of the theory and practice of in-and-in or "close" breeding. In June of the following year he bought in Darlington mar- ket a cow which he named Duchess that gave rise to the family that afterwards became the subject of the wildest cattle speculation known in all the annals of English or American agriculture. She was bought from Thomas Appleby, a tenant farmer on the Stanwick estate of Sir Hugh Smithson, after- wards created Duke of Northumberland. As already stated, the Stanwick herds had been celebrated locally from a very ancient period. The primal Duchess was described as "a massive, short-legged animal of a beautiful yellow-red flecked color; her breast was near the ground and her back wide. She was, too, a great grower. Mr. Colling considered her handling very superior, and no one was a better judge. He even went so far as to say that he con- sidered her the best cow he ever had or ever saw, and confessed that he could never breed as good a one from her, even from his best bulls, which im- DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 35 proved all his other cattle." This fine cow cost but thirteen pounds sterling. About the same date Charles Colling bought a cow named Daisy said to have been descended from MasteiTQan's Bull and belonging to a family of cows noted for their milk- ing properties. Moreover, it was said that she was "very neat in shape and very inclinable to make fat."^ *'The Beautiful Lady Maynard."— In 1786 Gabriel Thornton, who had lived with Mr. Maynard of Ery- holme as bailiff for some ten years, entered Charles Colling 's service. The quality of the Eryholme cat- tle naturally came under consideration, and in Sep- tember of that year Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colling rode over to Mr. Maynard 's to inspect the herd.* Their attention was at once claimed by a handsome seven-year-old cow then called Favorite "that Miss Maynard was milking." This cow was a roan pos- sessing the long horns of the old Teeswater type aud came from a well-established tribe. She was bought for twenty-eight guineas, and Mr. Colling agreed also to take her heifer calf — that received the name of Young Strawberry and was sired by Dalton Duke (188) — at ten guineas. At the time of this purchase the cow was again in calf to Dalton Duke and gave birth to a bull to that service at Ketton in 1787. The name of this cow, the most celebrated of all the earlv *It is said that Mrs. Colling was quite as much interested in cattle- breeding as her husband, and having no children she had leisure to in- dulge her love for the stock. 36 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE matrons of the breed, was changed by Mr. Colling to Lady Maynard. She became the ancestress of several famous families and of the bulls that fairly created "the improved Short-horn." The Bull Hubback. — While Charles Colling was making these purchases of foundation stock his brother Kobert was not idle. The author of one of the latest English contributions to Short-horn liter- ature* asserts that in Duchess, Cherry, Daisy and Lady Maynard Charles Colling was possessed of "the four best short-horned cows in existence." Eobert Colling had bought with judgment from such good herds as those of Messrs. Milbank, Hill, Wat- son, Wright, Sir William St. Quintin and Best, all of whom were known to possess fine cattle, and in the case of the selection and use of the celebrated bull Hubback Eobert seems to have shown rather more discernment than Charles. There is no gain- saying the far-reaching influence of the blood of this bull as a factor in the improvement of the breed. Indeed some credit him with being the one real foun- tain head of modern Short-horn excellence. The tes- timony of Thomas Bates (one of the most dis- tinguished of all those who followed Colling, and of whom we shall speak more at length later on) was particularly radical upon this proposition. He said: "It was the opinion of all good judges in my early days that had it not been for the bull Hubback and his descendants the old valuable breed of Short-horns would have been entirely lost, and that where Hubback's blood was wanting they had no ♦Cadwallader John Bates of Langley Castle, Northumberland. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPEO\^ED TYPE 37 real merit, and no stock ought to have been put in any herd book of Short-horns which had not Hubback"s blood in their veins. Had this been done, then the Herd Book of Short-horns would have been a valuable record; as it is, it is undeserving of notice, and ought no longer to be continued as a book of ref- erence, as ninety-nine animals out of a hundred in Coates' Herd Book should never have been entered there." Mr. Bates may be called a prejudiced witness. He was a man of very decided convictions ; dogmatic to the last degree. While it is not probable that Hub- back held, Atlas-like, in his day the whole future of the breed upon his shoulders there is no doubt that he imparted a quality and refinement of character that had been comparatively rare prior to his ap- pearance. Short-horn histoiy abounds in cases where out- standing merit has failed of adequate appreciation, but the story of Hubback, summarized below, prob- ably surpasses all others of its class.* He was thus ♦John Hunter, the breeder of Hubback, was a brick-layer and lived at Hurworth. He had once been a tenant farmer and bred Short- horn cattle, which, when leaving his farm to live at Hurworth, he sold all off, excepting one choice little cow he took with him, and as he had no pasture of his own for her to graze in she ran in the lanes of the town. While there she was put to "George Snowdon's Bull," also in Hurworth. From him the cow dropped a bull calf. Soon afterward the cow and calf were driven to Darlington market and there sold to a Mr. Bassnett, a timber merchant. Bassnett retained the cow but sold the calf to a blacksmith at Hornby, five miles out from Darling- ton. The dam of the calf taking on flesh readily would not again breed and after some months was fattened and slaughtered. Growing to a useful age, the young bull in 1783 was found, at six years old. in the hands of a Mr. Fawcett, living at Haughton Hill, not far from Darlington. Mr. Wright (a noted Short-horn breeder) says that Charles Colling, going into Darlington market weekly, used to notice some excellent veal, and upon inquiry ascertained that the calves were got by a bull belonging to Mr. Fawcett of Haughton Hill. This bull, then known as Fawcett's Bull, and some years afterwards called Hubback, was at the time serving cows at a shilling each (about twenty-flve cents). Charles Colling, however, as the merits of the beast were talked over between himself and others, did not appear particularly impressed with them But Robert Colling and his neighbor, Mr. Waistell of Ali-hill, who had also seen the bull, thought better of him and more accurately measured 38 A HISTORY OF GHORT-HORN CATTLE described by Coates: "Head good, horns small and fine, neck fine, breast well formed and fine to the touch, shoulders rather upright, girth good, loins, belly and sides fair, rump and hips extraordinary, flank and twist wonderful." He was a yellow-red with some white, calved in 1777. He was got by Snowdon's Bull (612), he by Waistell's Bull (558), he by Masterman's Bull (422), son of Studley Bull (626). His dam was out of a cow bred by Mr. Ste- phenson of Ketton "from a tribe in his possession forty years. ' ' It was at one time alleged that there was Kyloe (West Highland) blood in Hubback's veins on his dam's side, but this is not substantiated. Robert Colling used Hubback for a time and then sold him to his brother Charles, who kept him in service two seasons, after which he was sold, at ten years of age, to Mr. Hubback, in whose hands he remained up to his death at the age of fourteen years. It appears that neither Waistell nor either of the Collings truly appreciated the merits of Hub- back until after they had parted with him and saw the excellence of his stock as they grew up and developed. He was a small bull — his dam was small his value. The two. soon after Good Friday, in April, 1783, bought him of Mr. Fawcett for ten guineas (about $50) and took him home, where he was jointly owned and used to their separate herds. Colling having seventeen and Waistell eleven cows served by him during the season. In the following November (1783) Charles Colling, having changed his opinion of the merits of the bull, offered his owners eight guineas (about $40) for him, and they sold him. , . - , • i.- Charles Colling kept the bull two years, using him freely m nis herd, and then sold him late in 1785, at ten years old, to a Mr. Hub- back at North Seton, in Northumberland. The bull had no name when Colling sold him. Mr. Hubback u.sed him (the bull then being called Hubback's Bull) until the year 1793, when he was fourteen years old, and he was vigorous to the last. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPKOVED TYPE 39 for a Short-horn, but a very handsome cow, of fine symmetry, with a nice touch and fine, long mossy hair. All these choice qualities Hubback took from her. As size was a meritorious point in Short-horns at that time it is highly probable that the Collings discarded him for that deficiency more than any other. Yet the subsequent reputation of Hubback among the breeders was higher than that of any other bull of his time, and it was considered a great merit in any Short-horn which could trace its pedi- gree back into his blood, which no doubt could be easily done, as he was, both before and after the Collings owned him, open to the public at a cheap rate of service. It is said that his stock had capa- cious chests, prominent bosoms, thick, mossy coats, mellow skin, with a great deal of fine flesh spread evenly over the whole carcass. Mr. Bates stated that Hubback had "clean, waxy horns, mild, bright eyes, a pleasing countenance, and was one of the most remarkably quick feeders ever known. He re- tained his soft and downy coat long into the summer. His handling was superior to that of any bull of the day." Foljambe and inbreeding. — Among other good heifers left at Ketton by Hubback was one called Haughton, said to have been "fine and neat." Mr. Colling had apparently not a high enough opinion of Hubback at that time, however, to go to the ex- treme of Bakewell's system and breed her back to her sire, for he sent her to be bred to Richard Bar- 40 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ker's Bull (52), "a large, well-shaped, but coarse; wiry-haired beast with a black nose." The produce was the noted bull Foljambe (263), a white with a few red spots, that seems to have combined some of the good points of both sire and dam. He was a big, wide-backed, ''thick beast of great substance," inheriting scale and constitution from his sire and some of Hubback's good handling quality from his dam. Although sold as a young bull at fifty guineas Foljambe was used upon some of Colling 's best cows, among others the rich red roan Lady Maynard, the produce being a heifer called Phoenix. To the cover of Foljambe Lady Maynard 's Dalton Duke heifer Young Strawberry dropped the bull Bolingbroke (86), called by Coates the best bull he ever saw. It is at this point that the Bakewell system was first tried. The Lady Maynard heifer Phoenix (by Fol- jambe) was bred to the Young Strawberrj^ (daugh- ter of Lady Maynard) bull Bolingbroke (by Fol- jambe), the produce of this close breeding being the celebrated bull Favorite (252). It is claimed by his- torians of the Bates herd that this mating was not directed as a well-matured scheme. Phoenix had previously been bred to Robert Colling 's Ben (70). According to Bell the cow was not bred back to Ben again because a coolness had arisen between the two brothers, and was only served by Bolingbroke sim- ply in order that "she might have a calf of some sort." This may or may not be true, but the fact remains nevertheless that Favorite, with his double DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 41 infusion of the blood of Foljambe and Lady May- nard, represented the first fruit of the application of the policy of in-and-in breeding to Short-horn cattle. Colling sold Bolingbroke when eight years old to Mr. Jobling for seventy guineas. Vigorous to the last, the old bull was killed at Newcastle in 1800, being- sold at one shilling per pound. It is said that his stock had, as a rule, red bodies with some white on their faces, thus resembling somewhat in their mark- ings the modern Hereford. Favorite (252) an extraordinary sire. — This great- est of all old-time sires was ' ' a large, massive bull of good constitution, with a fine, bold eye, remarkably good loins and long, level hind quarters. His shoul- der points stood wide and were somewhat coarse; they protruded into the neck. His horns were long and strong." Coates called him "low in the back." Waistell said he was "a grand beast * * * with a good coat and as good a handler as ever was felt." It is said that he resembled his dam. Phoenix, rather than his sire, Bolingbroke. Favorite was a light roan, dropped in 1793, and died in 1809. So nearly did he meet Mr. Colling 's view as to what a Short-horn bull should be that he now began a most extraordinary course of inbreed- ing. For years the bull was used indiscriminately upon his own offspring, often to the third and in one or two instances to the fifth and sixth generations. His get were not only the most celebrated Short- horns of their day, but his immediate descendants 42 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE constitute a large percentage of the entire founda- tion stock upon which the herd-book record stands. He was bred back to his own dam, the produce being a heifer, Young Phoenix, To still farther test the Bakewell system this heifer was then bred to her own sire, the issue of that doubly-incestuous union being the bull Comet (155), the pride of his time, and the first Short-horn to sell for $5,000. The first calf got by Favorite was dropped by the Duchess cow, and the second was a bull that was afterwards steered and acquired celebrity as "The Durham Ox." — It must be borne in mind that at this time the Short-horns were a local breed of cattle, confined chiefly to the counties of ancient Northumbria, and the best of them were to be found in and about the Valley of the Tees. The Collings, in the exercise of their usual foresight and sagacity, determined to give their cattle a wide reputation through the kingdom, and for that purpose Charles prepared the Durham Ox for public exhibition. As this ox achieved a wide reputation and successfully drew the merits of the Short-horns to the attention of the cattle-breeding public, although it has been frequently published, a full account of him will be repeated. He was among the earliest calves got by Favorite (252), **bred in the year 1796, and out of a common black-and-white cow, bought for Charles Colling by John Simpson, at Durham Fair, for £14 ($70)." Although the dam of the Durham Ox was said to have been "a common cow," yet from the DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 43 price which Colling paid for her, and the marvelous excellence of the steer descended from her, it is altogether probable she possessed much of the "com- mon" Short-horn blood of the vicinity. Judging from her color she was probably not highly bred, but it is certain that she had much quality. This steer Colling fed up to his greatest flesh-taking capacity until nearly five years old, when he had attained a reputed weight of 3,024 lbs. He was then purchased to be exhibited by Mr. Bulmer of Harmby, in Februaiy, 1801, for £140 ($700). Balmer had a traveling carriage made to cavry him through the country, and after traveling and exhibiting him five weeks sold the carriage and ox at Eotherham to John Day for £250 ($1,250). On the 14th day of May ensuing, Mr. Day could have sold him for £525 ($2,625) ; on the 13th day of June for £1,000 ($5,000), and on the 8th of July for £2,000 ($10,000), but he refused all these offers, which were strong proofs of the excellence of the ox, as well as his exhibition value. Mr. Day traveled with him nearly six years through the principal parts of England and Scot- land, till at Oxford, on the 19th of February, the ox dislocated his hip bone, and continued in that state till the 15th of April, when he was killed, and not- withstanding he must have lost considerable flesh during these eight weeks of illness, yet his dead weight was: Four quarters, 2,322 lbs.; tallow, 156 lbs.; hide, 142 lbs.; total, 2,620 lbs. This was at the age of eleven years, under all the disadvantages of 44 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE six years traveling in a jolting carriage and eiglit weeks of painful lameness. At ten years old Mr. Day stated his live weight to have been nearly 3,400 lbs. "The White Heifer That Traveled. "—About the year 1806 Robert Colling reared a purely-bred heifer, afterward called the "White Heifer That Traveled," which he sent out through the principal agricultural counties for exhibition. The date of her birth is not given in the first volume E. H. B., where her pedigree is recorded. She was also got by Favorite (252) from a dam called "Favorite Cow," bred by R. Colling. The name of "Favorite Cow's" sire is not given. Her grandam, "Yellow Cow," was by Punch (531), and her great-grandam was by An- thony Reed's Bull (538), and bred by Mr. Best of Manfield. The "White Heifer" being twinned with a bull, and herself not breeding, she was fed up to her greatest flesh-taking capacity and extensively exhibited. Her age w^hen slaughtered is not given, but the account states that her live weight could not have been less than 2,300 lbs., and her dead weight was estimated at 1,820 lbs. There were other extraordinary, large and heavy cattle bred and fed by the Short-horn breeders con- temporary with the Collings, whose recorded weight we might give, but as they all run about the same scale it is not important to record them here. It is sufficient to say that the great reputation which the Collings and their animals acquired was through the DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 45 wider knowledge which the public abroad obtained of them by these public exhibitions. Thus the Col- lings became conspicuously known, and were con- sidered by those not intimately acquainted with the other breeders around them as, if not the founders, at least the great improvers of the newly-advertised and meritorious breed. The "alloy" blood.— In the year 1791, after Charles Colling had been ten years a Short-horn breeder and had his choicest Short-horn families well established, one of his neighbors. Col. O'Calla- ghan, purchased two Scotch Galloway hornless heifers and brought to his farm. He agreed with Colling to have the heifers served by his bull Bol- ingbroke (86), with the understanding that if the calves were bulls Colling was to have them; if heif- ers, O'Callaghan was to retain them. One of these heifers, red in color, dropped a red-and-white roan bull calf in the year 1792, which immediately became the property of Colling. The other calf was a heifer, which was kept by O'Callaghan. Colling had an aged Short-horn cow, ' ' Old Johanna, ' ' bred by him- self, of moderate quality, got by "Lame Bull" (358), bred by Robert Colling. That is all which is given of her pedigree, no dam being mentioned. Yet Lame Bull had two crosses of Hubback (319) in him, and his great-grandam was by James Brown's Red Bull (97), so far giving Mm an excellent pedigree. Old Johanna not having bred a calf for two years was put to this Son of Bolingbroke (from the Gallo- 46 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE way heifer), when a yearling, and he got her in calf. The produce was another bull calf, in 1794, Grand- son of Bolingbroke (280), red and white in color, which Colling also kept, being three-fourths Short- horn and one-fourth Galloway blood. Colling 's cow Phoenix, the dam of Favorite (252), had become somewhat aged, and not having had a calf since the birth of Favorite, although put to good bulls, as a last resort she was coupled to this Grandson of Bol- ingbroke, when a yearling, in 1795, and by him she had a red-and-white heifer calf in the year 1796. This calf Colling called "Lady." She had one- eighth part Galloway blood. Proving a very good one. Colling reared this heifer, and at maturity bred her successively to his bulls Favorite (252), her half- brother; Cupid (177), otherwise closely related to her; and to Comet (155), still more closely related. She produced the heifers Countess, one-sixteenth Galloway, by Cupid; and Laura, also one-sixteenth Galloway, by Favorite, both of which proved fine cows. Her bull calves were Washington (674), one- sixteenth Galloway, by Favorite; also Major (397), one-sixteenth; George (276), one-sixteenth; and Sir Charles (592), one-sixteenth Galloway; the three last ones by Comet (155). The two "alloy" bulls, "O'Callaghan's Son of Bolingbroke" (469), and "Grandson of Bolingbroke" (280), as well as the cows Lady and her daughters Countess and Laura and some of their descendants, were re- corded in Vol. I, E. H. B., many years after Col- DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPEOVED TYPE 47 ling had sold them, with their Galloway cross dis- tinctly stated. Although very little of this blood remained in the descendants of these so-called "alloy" cattle at the time of the Ketton sale of 1810 — the outcross having been buried fathoms deep by pure Short-horn blood — there was an effort subsequently made to discredit them, but happily the controversy once waged over them no longer interests practical breeders. As to Robert Colling. — In his youth Eobert had been apprenticed to a grocer, but his health declin- ing he embraced farming. He had often visited Mr. Culley, a noted farmer, stock-breeder and agricul- tural writer, and took lessons from him in farming, turnip-growing and stock-feeding. He had obtained Leicester sheep from Bakewell, and for many years bred and sold them with great success, simultaneous with his pursuit of cattle-breeding. His annual ram- lettings were extensive and profitable. Some of his earliest stock he obtained from Mr. Milbank of Barningham. They were considered as among the best of the Teeswater cattle, and noted for their excellent grazing properties. He also se- lected the best cows to be obtained from other breed- ers, and having the bull Hubback (319), as previ- ously stated, in the year 1783, by which he had sev- enteen cows served, it may well be supposed that he made a ready and sure start through the best blood and the best animals he could obtain in the founda- 48 A HISTOKY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE tion of his herd. He bred with skill and judgment, and founded several different families, among the rest the AVildair, the Red Rose, the Princess, the Bright Eyes, and others, which became in future hands, as well as his own, widely noted as the basis of superior herds. He also bred many noted bulls. Among the earliest of them were Broken-horn (95), by Hubback (319); Punch (513), by Broken-horn; Ben (70), and Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Punch; Colling's (Robert) White Bull (151), by Favorite (252); Marske (418), by Favorite [his dam and grandam also by Favorite; great-grandam by Hub- back (319) — that became a very noted bull, useful thirteen years, and died at fifteen years old] ; North Star (459), by Favorite [and full brother to the "White Heifer That Traveled"]; Phenomenon (491), by Favorite, and Styford (629) by Favorite. "The American Cow." — Among the cows bred by Robert Colling was one which has obtained celeb- rity, through her descendants, as "The American Cow"; and it was a subject of inquiry for many years, both in England and America, why a cow so ancient in lineage should have been called by a name so foreign to her birthplace, and after a coun- try where the Short-horns at that time were almost unknown. We first find her name in the pedigree of Red Rose, in first edition of Vol. I, p. 457, E. H. B., as follows: "Red, calved in 1811, bred by Mr. Hus- tler, property of Mr. T. Bates; got by Yarborough (705), dam (bred by R. Colling and called The DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPEOVED TYPE 49 American Cow) by Favorite (252), grandam by Punch (531), great-grandam by Foljambe (263), great-great-grandam by Hubback (319)." In the above pedigree The American Cow is orig- inally identified. In Vol. II, p. 497, first edition E. H. B., the same Red Rose is again recorded as Red Rose 1st, her dam being "The American Cow," as before. In a conversation with the late L. F. Allen, Mr. John Thornton of London, who visited this country in the winter of 1870-71, remarked that he had never learned why the American Cow was so called, although he had made diligent inquiries in England for the reason. The American history of the cow, as we have been informed on authority which we deem good, is this: In some year, not long after 1801, a son of Mr. Hustler, who was a Short-horn cattle-breeder in Yorkshire, emigrated to New York, and brought with him some Short-horn cattle, among which was this nameless cow, or then heifer, afterward dam of the Red Rose 1st, which his father bought of Robert Colling. The younger Hustler went into business in New York city, and put his cattle into the adjoining county of Westchester. After a few years' stay in America he returned to England, and not finding his Short-horns appreciated on this side the ocean (as we find no record of them or their produce in this country) Mr. Hustler took this cow back with him, as she was a remarkably good beast, and put her into his father's herd. Then, on being put to Yar- 50 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE borough, she became the dam of Red Rose, after- ward purchased by Mr. Bates, he calling her Red Rose 1st, which, in his hands, was the ancestress of the tribe of Red Rose, from whom many excellent animals have descended. The only English account we have of The American Cow, aside from her pedi- gree, which we have quoted, is that "she was sent to America, and taken back to England. ' ' It is hardly necessary to follow Robert Colling through the various particulars of his breeding. The brothers bred much in concert, followed the same system of blood concentration, and in fact were al- most identical in their practice. To sum up the results of their joint action, it may be said that they, in the midst of older and more experienced breeders, combated the rooted prejudices of the day, and through the Bakewell system established a new school of breeding. The Ketton Dispersion. — Enjoying the prestige of success and reputation, in the month of October, 1810, Charles Colling made a public sale of his herd at Ketton and retired from breeding. It was then the heydey of agricultural prosperity in the British Islands. England had engaged in the continental wars of Europe against the first Napoleon; specie payments had been many years suspended by her banks and at the national treasurj^; prices of agricul- tural produce were highly inflated, and so far as pounds, shillings and pence then rated — probably quite double to what they were ten years afterward DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPEOVED TYPE 51 — the sums wliich were bid for his cattle were both unprecedented and enormous. The sale was well advertised, and its results marked an era in Short- horn history. Twenty-nine cows and heifers fetched £4,066 13s., an average of £140 4s. 7d.; eighteen bulls and bull calves brought £3,049 4s., an average of £169 8s., the forty-seven head selling for £7,115 17s., an average of £151 8s. Three-fourths of the cattle were got by the bulls Favorite (252) and his son Comet (155), and the remaining fourth by bulls of their get. Furthermore, a large proportion of the cows were in calf to Comet. This bull brought 1,000 guineas. The highest-priced female was one of his daughters, the three-year-old Lily, that brought 410 guineas. The "alloy" cow Countess, ''undoubtedly the finest cow in the sale," brought 400 guineas.* The Barmpton Sales. — Eight years after the sale of the Ketton herd Robert Colling, in the year 1818, made a partial sale of his stock, and in 1820 the closing sale, which finished his career as a breeder. *We quote relative to the sale from Thornton's Circular of April, 1869, as follows: "The sale was on a fine October day, and early in the morning people rode and drove to Ketton, leaving their horses and rigs at the adjoining farms ; all the straw-yards were full and the throng at the sale immense ; everything was eaten up, so that bread had to be sent for into Darlington. Mr. Kingston, the auctioneer, sold the cattle by the sand-glass, and in accordance with the custom of the time received about twenty-flve guineas for the business, the work of the sale fall- ing more on the owner than the auctioneer. The cattle were not fed up for the sale, but kept naturally, and sold when they were in great condition from natural keep. "The Ketton stock at this time is described by Mr. Wright as of great size and substance, with fine, long hind quarters ; the space from the hip to the rib was long and counteracted by a broad back and high, round ribs. The shoulders of the males were upright, and the knuckles, or shoulder points, large and coarse — a defect not so 52 A HISTORY OF .SHORT-HOR]Sr CATTLE At the time of his first sale, in 1818, he had been before the public as a leading and prominent breeder thirty-eight years, and at his final sale, in 1820, apparent in the females. The general contour, or side view, was stately and imposing-, but their great superiority consisted in their ex- traordinary inclination to fatten. On handling the skin was loose and pliant, and the feel under it remarkably mellow and kind. The color was greatly varied, red, red-and-white, roan, and also white being- found in the same kindred, while in all cases of close affinity there was a tendency to white, with red ears and spots. "Many of the cows were excellent milkers, giving twelve full quarts at a meal. Cherry, the first lot, was one of them, a plain cow in color, red and a little white, whose descendants are now in existence in the neighborhood of Stockton-on-Tees and Malton, Torks. Countess [alloy] was undoubtedly the finest cow in the sale, but she wanted hair and milk ; in character she came nearest to Mason's style, and her back and belly formed parallel lines. She produced three heifers and the bull Constellation (163), in Maj. Rudd's possession, and died in 1816. Selina [alloy] had the style of her dam, Countess, but not her magnifi- cent appearance ; she bred ten calves at Denton Park, and her descend- ants in the ninth and tenth generations are still in existence at Siddington, Gloucestershire. Lady lacked elegance, but had great substance and good hair ; in color she was red-and-white. "Lily, pure bred, sold to Maj. Rudd for 400 guineas ($2,152), a splendid white cow, was the higliest-priced female, but did nothing in Maj. Rudd's possession. Daisy, a small roan cow, but a grand mill-cer, was most fruitful with Maj. Bower ; her dam. Old Daisy, who gave thirty-two quarts of milk a day, had been sold to Mr. Hustler, who bred Fairy from her, the ancestress of Rev. J. D. Jefferson's Lady Abbesses. This Fairy was afterward bought by Mr. Bates, who reckoned her to be the finest specimen of quality imaginable ; he had long, thick, downy coat, with a superb flesh underneath, which to a superficial observer appeared hard, tlie cow being in a rapidly advanc- ing condition. Cory [alloy], out of the 400-guineas cow Countess, had a pretty red frame, but ugly cock horns, and was resold to Maj. Bower, who bred ten calves from her. Magdalene was a little red cow, with a large bag and belly and short quarters ; although the dam of the celebrated red-and-white bull Blyth Comet (85), her only produce besides Ossian (476), she was not first rate, and wanted hair, yet when dry had a great propensity to feed. "The only cow that Charles Colling reserved was ]Magdalene [by Comet, dam by Cupid], a great favorite and an extraordinary milker, giving sixteen quarts twice a day. Mr. Whitaker prevailed upon Charles Colling to let him have her : the numerous and well-known 'Chaff' tribe is descended from this cow. "Comet (155) was the great attraction of the sale, and his close breeding [by Favorite (252), dam by Favorite (252), out of Favorite's (252) dam], did not detract from his value or appearance. Charles Colling declared him to be the best bull he ever bred or saw. He wa^ a beautiful light roan, dark [red] neck with a fine masculine head, broad and deep breast, shoulders well laid back, crops and loins good, hind quarters long, straight, and well packed, thighs thick, twist full and well let down, with nice straight hocks and hind legs. He had fair-sized horns, ears large and hairy, and a grandeur of style and carriage that was indescribable. It was admitted that no bull so good had ever before been seen, and eminent breeders have since said that they never again saw his equal. In one point, however, opinions dif- DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 53 forty years. During all that time, like his brother Charles, he had been a large seller of stock as well as a considerable purchaser. He sold his surplus animals to other breeders, through which the blood fered. Some few objected to his shoulders as not being good, or a little too strong in the knuckles ; others asserted that he was there, as in every other point, faultless. The near shoulder was slightly shrunk in, apparently diseased, which may have arisen from a violent sprain that he received when a calf. When brought into the ring he was put up at 600 guineas. Thomas Newton, a small dairyman at Bishop Auck- land, bid 850 guineas, and Mr. John Wright, standing beside him, asked why he bid? 'To take in cows at a good profit,' said he, and while talking the glass run out at 1,000 guineas ($5,000). Mr. John Hutton of Marske, who was unable to get to the sale, bid 1,600 guineas for him, as well as Sir H. Vane Tempest, who Was delayed, and drove up just as the sale was finishing. Comet was located at Cleasby, three miles from Darlington, and was kept in a small paddock, with a loose box in the corner. The condition of purchase was that the four buyers should send twelve cows each annually to him., and Mr. Wright was to have one extra for his keep. Mr. Wright died in the meantime, and Comet gradually sank, his body breaking out into sores. Remus (550) is supposed to have been his last calf. Miss Wright kept a man ex- pressly to attend to Comet, and when the bull died he was buried in the center of the paddock, and a chestnut tree planted on his grave. The paddock is known as 'Comet's garth' [enclosure] to this day. Mr. Thornton of Stapleton purchased this field, and the tree having grown to an enormous size was grubbed up on the 3d of February, 1865, and Comet's skeleton laid bare ; his rib bone measured two feet one inch, and the leg bone, knee to ankle joint, nine inches to five inches circum- ference. Many of the other bones were quite perfect, and the whole are preserved in a glass case as a curiosity at Stapleton, near Darlington. "North Star (458), own brother to Comet, and a year younger. was used and died at Gen. Simpson's in Fifeshire ; he was a little lighter in color but fully as fine in quality, or perhaps rather thicker, though not such a perfectly elegant animal as Comet. Young Phcenix, their dam, only produced one other calf, a heifer, that died young. "Major (397), a nice bull, but not particularly handsome, and of a red-and-white color, begot much good stock in Lincolnshire for many years. He was hired bv Mr. John Charge, who bred Western Comet (689) by him, out of Gentle Kitty. Western Comet was acknowledged to be the best bull and finest stock-getter ever brought into Cumber- land. He was used to his daughters and granddaughters, and from this close alliance came the Wharfdale tribe, recently so successful in Ireland. Petrarch (488) was a splendid-looking bull, but wanted hair, whilst Northumberland (464), who had big knuckles, was used, like Ossian (476) in Westmoreland, for several seasons, both becoming celebrated sires. Ketton (346) also showed strong knuckles and event- ually went into Nottinghamshire. Albion (14) is said to have done more good than any other bull used at Killerby [Thomas Booth's]. Young Duchess, known afterwards as Duchess 1st [bought by Thomas Bates], was a fine red heifer and developed into a large, handsome cow, with a good deal of the elegance and style of her sire. Comet. She was never quite so splendid an animal as her grandam, the Duchess, by the Daisy Bull (186)." 54 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE, of many of his best animals was imparted to their herds, since become famous. Like his brother Charles, whenever he had found a well-bred female whose superior good qualities pleased him, if it were possible he also availed himself, by purchase, of her merits. As with the sale of Charles in 1810, the widely advertised first sale of Robert in 1818, with a greater number of animals, brought a large attend- ance of the most spirited breeders of England. It took place on the 29th and 30th days of Septem- ber. Sixty-one cattle were sold for £7,852 19s., an average of £128 14s. 9d. The top price was 621 guineas for the four-year-old bull Lancaster (360). Mr. Booth of Killerby paid 270 guineas for the bull calf Pilot (496). The final closing-out sale of the herd occurred Oct. 3, 1820, and like that of 1818 attracted wide attention. The forty-six head brought £2,273 15s. 6d., an average of £49 8s. 7d., the highest price paid being 350 guineas by Sir C. Loraine for the five- year-old bull Baronet (62). The total of the two sales was £10,126 14s. 6d. Commenting upon these prices Mr. John Thornton, than whom there is no higher authority in England, says: "Although the average of the Barmpton sale, 1818, was under that of Ketton, 1810, there is every reason to believe that it was a better sale. In 1810 things were at war price and everything high, whilst in 1818 there was peace and a general depression upon agriculture. The 'alloy' blood, too, in the Ketton stock tended DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPROVED TYPE 55 to promote competition for the purer strains at Bai-mpton. The bulls are said by Mr. Wetherell to have been the finest lot he ever saw at one sale. They doubled the average of the cows, and, taking the highest-priced family at Ketton against the high- est-priced one at Barmpton, we have the follow- ing result in favor of the Barmpton stock : At Ket- ton the Phoenix tribe, sixteen (including Comet, 1,000 guineas), averaged £221 3s.; at Barmpton the Red Rose tribe, eleven (including Lancaster, 621 guineas), averaged £269 3s. 6d., and the thirteen favorite Wildairs averaged £142 17s. 6d." Pre-eminence of the Ceilings. — While the Short- horn history of this particular period must deal mainly with the operations of the brothers Colling, it will of course be understood that they had many intelligent contemporaries. Whether the Collings really earned the right to be called the first great improvers of the modern Short-horn, or whether they gained their fame mainly by reason of the nov- elty of their methods and their superior enterprise as advertisers, the fact remains that more pedigrees in the Short-horn herd books of England and Amer- ica trace to the Colling herds than to any other dozen herds of the same period combined. Mani- festly there was some good reason for the general adoption of Colling blood. That the breeders of that day conceded leadership to the breeder of Foljambe, Favorite and Comet is indicated by a testimonial tendered Charles Colling on his retirement from 56 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE breeding in 1810 — a valuable piece of plate bearing the following inscription : PRESENTED TO MR. CHARLES COLLING, THE GREAT IMPROVER OF THE SHORT-HORNED BREED OF CATTLE, BY THE BREEDERS (Upivards of fifty), "WHOSE NAMES ARE ANNEXED, AS A TOKEN OF GRATITUDE DUE FOR THE BENEFIT THEY HAVE DERIVED FROM HIS JUDGMENT, AND ALSO AS A TESTIMONY OF THEIR ESTEEM FOR HIM AS A MAN. 1810. THOS. BOOTH, OF KILLERBY.— (From photograph of painting, repro- duced by courtesy of Richard Booth, Esq., Warlaby, North AUerton, England.) CHAPTER III FOUNDATIONS OF THE BOOTH HEEDS Free use of the Colling blood was made in every herd of any imi3ortance in the Short-horn breeding districts, but of all those who availed themselves directly of the improvement wrought at Ketton and Barmpton the names of the elder (Thomas) Booth, Thomas Bates, Christopher Mason, Earl Spencer and Jonas Whitaker are among the most conspicuous. Indeed, one of the first things learned by those who take up the study of the Short-horn is the fact that for upward of half a century the main question in the minds of a large proportion of the breeders on both sides the Atlantic seemed to have been whether to adopt the Bates or the Booth line of breeding. As a matter of fact, the cattle bequeathed originally by the Messrs. Booth and Thomas Bates were un- questionably of the highest order of merit, the for- mer representing a type distinguished especially for substance and flesh and the latter a class of cattle of the dual-purpose sort, possessing much refinement of character and undoubted quality. In each case the stock represented a remarkable concentration of blood, possessed a singular uniformity in general characteristics, and displayed remarkable prepo- tency when crossed upon cattle of mixed or mis- 57 58 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HOBN CATTLE cellaneous breeding. In the ''craze" that set in for stock of one or the other of these two great rival types both naturally suffered from the very popu- larity that gave them prominence. Speculators, as distinguished from constructive breeders, appeared upon the scene and a traffic in "fashionable pedi- grees" sprang up which finally ended in disaster both to the breed and to those who recklessly per- sisted in their mad career of in-and-in or "line" breeding, with its inevitable dangers intensified by the retention for breeding purposes of all animals, good, bad and indifferent, that could trace descent direct from Bates or Booth sources. Particularly was this true of the Bates Short-homs. The story of the rise and extension of the Booth and Bates power forms one of the most important parts of the Short-horn history of the nineteenth century; and a knowledge of the main facts connected there- with is as 3ssential as it may be useful to those who are now engaged in the breeding of Short-horn cattle. We therefore next take up the narrative of the origin of these two dominant varieties, with incidental references to the work of other early breed builders. The Elder Booth. — Thos. Booth, the founder of the group of tribes that still bear his name, was the owner of the beautiful Yorkshire estate of Kil- lerby in the fertile valley of the Swale and of War- laby in the vale of the Wiske. He began his work with Short-horns at Killerby prior to the year 1790. FOUNDATIOXS OF THE BOOTH HERDS 59 In common with the Collings and nearly all of his other contemporaries, Mr. Booth endeavored to solve the problem of how to refine the old Teeswater stock. He realized the faults of the prevailing type and was among the first to concede that through Hubback (319) and the Bakewell system the Col- lings had probably hit upon the long-sought line of progression. Unlike Mr. Bates and many other breeders of the time, he did not deem it essential, however, to go to Ketton and Barmpton for females to carry on his experiments. He had an idea that by crossing moderate-sized, strongly-bred Colling bulls upon large-framed, roomy cows showing great constitution and an aptitude to fatten he could im- prove even upon the work of the Collings. To this extent, therefore, he must be credited with greater originality than some of his brother breeders. Moreover, the outcome revealed that he possessed quite as much skill as he had independence of char- acter. The first of the "improved" or Colling bulls se- lected for this purpose were Twin Brother to Ben (660) and one of his sons, both bred by Eobert Col- ling. This brought in a strong infusion of the blood of Hubback, through Punch (531) and Foljambe (263), in addition to which the grandam of Twin Brother to Ben went to Hubback direct. The Fairholme experiment. — Among Mr. Booth's earlier selections were five heifer calves from a set of cows owned by a Mr. Broader of Fairholme, a 60 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE dairy farmer and tenant of Lord Harewood in the parish of Ainderby; one of which — Fairhohne by name — became the ancestress of several illustrious families. The dams of these calves were described as "fine cattle; good dairy cows and great grazers when dry; somewhat incompact in frame and steer- ish in appearance, but of very robust constitution." Mr. Booth evidently put substance ahead of points of less practical importance, and from the very first regarded flesh-making capacity and breadth of back and loin of more value than persistent flow of milk. While there were some cows of marked dairy capac- ity in his original herd, they soon acquired a dis- position to "dry off" quickly and put on great wealth of flesh, a trait which ever afterward dis- tinguished the best of the Booth cattle. The result of the use of the Colling bulls upon the Fairholme heifers fulfilled all expectations. From this "nick" descended the Fairholme or Blos- som tribe, the old Booth Red Rose tribe and the Ari- adne or Bright Eyes tribe, from which group came some of the best of the Killerby and Warlaby cattle, among others the noted Twin Cow (by Albion), her son Navigator and a score of great show cattle, in- cluding such celebrities as Bloom, Plum Blossom, Nectarine Blossom, Venus Victrix, Baron Warlaby and Windsor. Some foundation sires. — The first Colling bulls were reinforced by the purchase of Suworrow (636), also of Barmpton breeding, and full of the blood of FOUNDATIONS OF THE BOOTH HERDS 61 Hubback and Favorite; and the work of crossing these bulls upon carefully selected cows of different origin was continued. At Charles Colling 's sale in 1810 the light roan bull calf Albion (14) was pur- chased for sixty guineas, and it is said that he effect- ed even greater improvement in the herd than the Ben bulls or Suworrow. His get were uniformly round-ribbed and stood near to the ground. He was intensely bred in the Favorite blood, although carry- ing also a cross of the so-called ''alloy" through Washington (674). Another of the early sires was Pilot (496), of Robert Colling 's breeding, purchased at the Barmpton sale of 1818 for 270 guineas; also overflowing with the blood of Favorite (252). Still more of the same blood was secured through Mar- shall Beresford (415), bred by Maj. Bower, a broth- er-in-law of Mr. Booth's, from Comet (155) and Charles Colling 's Daisy. Great care was taken in mating the animals to try and breed out defects and establish desired charac- teristics; and having, by a judicious course of selec- tion and the use of strongly-bred Colling bulls, acquired a good degree of uniformity in essential points, the Bakewell idea of breeding from close affinities was successfully adopted. No sooner had the successful issue of the cross of the first Colling bulls upon the Fairholme and other cows become ap- parent than Mr. Booth began concentrating the blood of their progeny. Sir Henry (597) and his son Lame Bull (359) and Young Albion (15) were 62 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE among the earlier sires representing the fruits of Mr. Booth's first inbreeding. The Halnaby or Strawberry tribe. — Another foun- dation dam was a yellow-red and white cow that appealed to Mr. Booth's practiced eye in the Dar- lington market about 1797. She was bought and crossed with Colling blood, and became the matron of a celebrated family. The first named cow in the maternal line was Halnaby, by Lame Bull (359). Bred to Albion (14) she produced the noted stock- getter Young Albion (15), the first of the Booth- bred bulls to be let out on hire,* a practice which afterwards became a settled policy in the manage- ment of the Booth herds, and had much to commend it, for it enabled the owners to avail themselves of the services of many bulls that developed into great sires that would otherwise have been lost to them in the ordinary course of selling. From the Halnabys also came the bulls Eockingham and Priam, the lat- ter sire of the renowned show "twins" Necklace and Bracelet. To this same foundation also trace the Bianca and Bride Elect sort. The famous cow White Strawberry, the dam of the excellent stock bull Leonard (4210), was the ancestress of Monk, Medora, Red Rose, and her "queenly" quartette of *Toung' Albion, according to Carr, "went to Mr. Scroope's of Danby Hall, near Middleham, who had a fine, large, robust herd of cattle, related tlirough some of the bulls used to the Colling blood. In 1812 the Squire of Danby challenged Mr. Thomas Booth to show, "for rump and dozen" (the usual stakes at that day being rump stealis and a dozen of wine), the best lot of heifers he had against the same number of his own, the match to be decided at Bedale. Although a good lot the Danby had to give place to the Killerby and Warlaby contingent." FOUNDATIONS OF THE BOOTH HEEDS 63 daughters — Queen of the May, Queen Mab, Queen of the Vale and Queen of the Ocean — all by Crown Prince. Young Matchem (4422) was descended from White Rose, own sister to Young Albion, the same family producing Young Rachel, the dam of Mr. Ambler's celebrated Grand Turk (12969). In- deed pages might be filled with the triumphs in show-yards and breeding herds of animals going back to the yellow-red cow picked up by Thomas Booth at Darlington market. The Bracelets. — This family was derived from one of the heifers sired by Suworrow. Nothing is known of the cow from which she was bred, but the Suwor- row heifer became the ancestress of a fine cow. Coun- tess, dropped in 1812 to the cover of Albion, from whence descended Toy, the dam of Necklace and Bracelet, those twin tributes to the greatness and genius of the Booths as cattle-breeders. From the same source also came Col. Towneley's Pearly and Mr. Torr's Young Bracelet family. The earlier representatives of these Fairholme, Halnaby and Bracelet tribes constituted Thomas Booth's breeding herd at Killerby up to the year 1814, by which time he had acquired a reputation as a skillful improver second to none. At that early date the modern system of high-feeding for the show-yards had not yet come into vogue.* The breeding cows at Killerby were on pasture the great- *Carr says that Mr. Crofton was the first to introduce the idea of "training" Sliort-horns for show — "house-feeding cows and iieifers in summer months." 64 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE er portion of the year, and were wintered mainly on hay. Heifers were put to breeding at an early age — generally calving as two-year-olds. Richard Booth at Studley. — In the year 1814 Rich- ard, son of Thomas Booth, leased the farm of Stud- ley, some fifteen miles south of Killerby, near Ripon, and began breeding Short-horns on his own account. He had been a close student of his father's methods, and at Studley carried the Booth stock to even great- er perfection than it had yet attained at Killerby. He purchased from his father the cow Bright Eyes, by Lame Bull, and her two heifers by Albion — Ari- adne and Agnes. Ariadne became at Studley the dam of the famous Anna by Pilot.* The Isabellas. — This great Studley tribe was bred from another one of those Darlington market cows — a roan of untraced breeding, except that she was got by ''Mr. Burrell's Bull of Burdon." Her color and her quality constituted her passport into Rich- ard Booth's good judgment. She is said to have possessed "a remarkably ample development of fore quarters," and Mr. Bruere, who afterward bred a noted herd of Booth cattle, remarks that as a school- boy at Ripon he "well remembered the brimming *Anna was one of the best show cows of her day, and in 1824 walked from Studley to Manchester Show, "gaining first prize there, walking back, and producing within a fortnight Young Anna." Anna is said to have borne a close resemblance to Queen of the Ocean. She^ also gave birth to Adelaide, the highest-priced female sold at the Stud- ley sale in 1834, and was the grandam of Mr. Storer's Princess Julia. From Anna, through her daughter Young Anna, were descended two of Mr. Torr's families ; and from Agnes, daughter of Bright Eyes, came Mr. Fawkes' Verbena and her descendants. Agamemnon, an own brother of Ariadne, was "a bull of extraordinary substance, good hind quarters, heavy flanks, deep twist and well-covered hips." FOXJNDATIOXS OF THE BOOTH HERDS 65 pails of milk she gave." Bred to Agamemnon (9), of the Killerby Bright Eyes blood, she produced the ''White Cow," which, mated with Pilot, dropped "the matchless Isabella, so long remembered in show-field annals and to this day quoted as a perfect specimen of her race."* It is said that "Isabella and her descendants brought the massive yet exquisitely molded fore quarters into the herd, and also the straight under- line of the belly, for which the Warlaby animals are so remarkable," and the same authority, Mr. Carr, adds: "That such a cow should have had but three crosses of blood is striking evidence of the impress- ive efficacy of these early bulls, and confirms Mr. R. Booth's opinion that four crosses of really first-rate bulls of sterling blood upon a good market cow of ♦Speaking- of Isabella, Mr. Carr says: "Pedestrians crossing the fields to the ruins of Fountain Abbey might generally see her and Anna, perhaps the two best cows of their day, with a blooming bevy of fair heifers, attended by Young Albion ; and many a traveler lingered on his way to admire their buxom forms, picturing to himself, perhaps, how the monks of the old abbey would have gloried in such beeves. Isabella was the Rev. Henry Berry's beau ideal of a Short-horn. In 1823, Sir Charles Morgan having offered a premium to promote a trial of merit between Herefords and Short-horns, Mr. Berry wrote to the editor of the Farmers' Journal requesting him to give publicity to the following offer: 'I will produce as a competitor for Sir Charles Mor- gan's premium at Christmas next a Short-horned cow, then nine years old, expecting to drop her eighth living calf (at separate births) in June now next ensuing, against any Hereford in England seven or nine years old having had calves for years in the same proportion. I will also, on the same occasion, produce a Short-horn heifer three years old, having had a living calf, allowing to the Herefords the same ample scope — all England — for the production of a competitor. It will be obvious to your readers that in thus pitting two individuals against so numerous a tribe as the Herefords I must entertain considerable confidence in their merits, and it will be as easy to draw a correct conclusion should my offer not be accepted.' The cow and heifer which, by permission of the owners, Mr. Berry proposed bringing into competi- tion with the Herefords were Mr. Whitaker's cow Moss Rose and Mr. Booth's heifer Isabella, by Pilot. The challenge was not taken up." 66 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the ordinary Short-horn breed should suffice for the production of an animal with all the characteristics of the high-caste Short-horn." Isabella produced among other celebrities the Koyal prize-winning Isa- bella Buckingham; and of all the cows owned by Eichard Booth at the time of the Studley sale of 1834 she (Isabella) alone was retained and trans- ferred to Warlaby, where she produced in her eighteenth year the heifer Isabella Matchem, that proved a prolific breeder. The entire family was noted for its tendency to lay on flesh rapidly on grass. "White Cow," by Agamemnon, produced besides Isabella, Lady Sarah and "Own Sister to Isabella," and was then sold to Mr. Paley. The "Own Sister" became the dam of Blossom, whose daughter Medora — sold to Mr. Fawkes — proved an extraordinary breeder.* A Marshal Beresford cow, Madame, taken from Killerby to Studley, became the matron of a tribe that made up an important proportion of the stock sold at the dispersion of 1834. They were good milkers and ripened quickly when not nursing calves. They were largely descended through a cow •A writer in BelTs Messenger, probably Mr. William Housman, speaking of this cow, said: "A gentleman who has been conversant with the herds of Great Britain for at least a quarter of a century declares that one of the most interesting sights he ever saw at an agri- cultural exhibition was on the show ground at Otley some years ago, when, after the judging, the famous Booth cow Medora, by Ambo, was led around the ring, followed by her six daughters, all of them, as well as the mother, decorated with prize favors. The daughters were Gulnare, Haidee and Zuleka (by Norfolk) ; Victoria and Fair Maid of Athens (by Sir Thomas Fairfax), and a heifer named Myrrah, by Rockingham (2550)." POUNDATIOXS OF THE BOOTH HERDS 67 called Miss Foote, that was from Fair Maid, a daughter of Madame. Probably the two best bulls used at Studley were Pilot (496), hired from Killerby, and Julius Caesar (1143), the latter a son of Young Albion (15) out of one of the Killerby Bed Roses by Albion (14). This was called a very evenly-built bull, and he proved exceedingly prepotent, a fact which is not surpris- ing in view of his strong breeding. He traced six times to Thos. Booth's Twin Brother to Ben. Pilot proved a great stock bull in all three of the Booth herds. As already stated, he was also very closely bred. He was let for a time to Mr. Eennie, but his stock developed such extraordinary merit that he was recalled and freely used. He was a small, com- pact bull, much inclined to i3ut on flesh. As already noted, the herd at Studley was closed out in 1834. This step was greatly regretted in later years by Mr. Eichard Booth, but Mrs. Lawrence, the proprietress of Studley, required some of the best pastures for other purposes, and there seemed no other course open but a sale of the herd. Mr. Booth then retired to Sharrow, near Ripon, until the fol- lowing year, when he succeeded to his father's herd at Warlaby. John Booth at Killerby. — In 1819, upon the occa- sion of the marriage of his son John (brother to Eichard), Mr. Thomas Booth gave up Killerby and a portion of the herd to the former, and removed to his other farm, Warlaby, near Northallerton, taking 68 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN OATTLE with him to that place a draft from the Fairholme (or Blossom) and the old Eed Rose tribes. The Bracelets were all left for the son at Killerby.* The period extending from 1820 down to about 1835 was not characterized by the same widespread interest in Short-horn breeding that had prevailed for twenty-five years previous, and we are without special particulars concerning the Killerby and War- laby stocks during those years. Fox-hunting seemed of more importance to a goodly section of the York- shire farmers than the development of their herds of cattle. Still there were some who remained stead- fastly by the work under adverse circumstances, and among these the Messrs. Booth and Mr. Bates were distinguished for their pertinacity and skill. As what may be termed the more modem history of the Booths may be said, therefore, to begin late in the ''thirties," we will leave the story of the operations at Killerby and Warlaby at this point to bring down to a similar date (1835) the work undertaken by Thomas Bates and some of his contemporaries. *Killerby is one of the pleasantest of the pleasant homes in Eng- land. It is a substantial square manor-house, picturesquely situated on a gentle eminence to the south of the river Swale, and two miles from Catterick, the site of the once important Roman camp and city of Cataractonium. The house occupies the site of the ancient castle of Killerby, once a stronghold of great magnitude, founded in the reign of Edward I, by Sir Brian Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel. It is approached by a road winding through verdant pastures thrown together in the form of a park, adorned here and there with noble elm and walnut trees. The estate consisted of about 500 acres of arable and pasture land." — Carr's History. THdS. BATES. OF KIRKI.EYINGTON.— (Reproduced by courtesy of Cadwallader John Bates, Langley Castle, Northumtierland, England. ) CHAPTER IV THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES ' ' A wonderful, wonderful man ! He might become anything — even Prime Minister — if he would not talk so much." Such was Earl Spencer's jocular but nevertheless close-fitting characterization of Thomas Bates. Conspicuous among all those who exercised powerful individual influence upon the for- tunes of the breed after the dawn of the nineteenth century; partially contemporary in time with the Ceilings, although much younger in years, the unique and interesting personality of Mr. Bates was first projected into the field of Short-horn cattle- breeding about the year 1800. From the date of his death in 1849 for a period of about a quarter of a century cattle bearing the Bates blood were one of the great factors in the Short-horn trade not only of England but of the United States as well. During that period so great was the demand for animals descending from his favorite Duchess tribe that a range of speculative values unheard of before or since was for a time established, the climax being reached at New York Mills, near Utica, N. Y., in 1873, when the fabulous sum of $40,600 was bid for a single specimen of that family. 69 70 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE ' ' Duke ' ' bulls for years held tlie balance of power in the American Short-horn breeding world, fashion- ing the type of cattle bred in hundreds of herds. On account, therefore, of the far-reaching influence exerted by them upon the fortunes of the breed we must devote considerable space to the story of Thomas Bates and how he conceived and carried out his pet plan for the preservation of what he believed to be the best of all the early Short-horn blood. Injudicious in-and-in breeding, the retention for breeding purposes of all animals dropped within the charmed circle of the Kirldevington tribes, regard- less of individual character, and the evil influence of certain reckless speculators, long since under- mined the work of Thomas Bates ; but the main facts connected with his career and the world-wide popu- larity attained after his death by stock derived from the Kirklevington herd must ever possess a fascina- tion for the student of Short-horn history. More- over, they are not without a lesson to posterity. Early studies in cattle-breeding. — Bora at Aydon Castle, Northumberland, in 1775, at the age of twen- ty-five Bates leased the extensive farm and estate of Halton Castle, a few miles distant from his birth- place. This was in the Tyneside country, just west of Newcastle. First adopting "West Highland cattle for grazing and fattening purposes he, like many other intelligent farmers of that day, was deeply impressed by the exhibition of fat Short-horn stock of the Colling blood. It appears that the young man THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 71 had gained a considerable knowledge of the Tees- water cattle before making his first investments in them. After the fashion of the time he was in the habit of visiting Darlington on market or "fair" days, and there met many of the most prominent Short-horn breeders of the period. These markets were held on Mondays and provided an admirable opportunity for study and comparison. One can readily appreciate the value to a beginner in breed- ing of such a school as was provided by these Yarm and Darlington fairs. Mr. Mason of Chilton, the Joblings, the Collings, Maynard of Eryholme, the elder Booth, and many other experienced men were in the throng of those who constituted the Short- horn "Senate" at the King's Head and the Black Bull Inn. Those market fairs of a hundred years ago, from whence sjDrang the Eoyal and Smithfield Shows, as well as our American State fairs, fur- nished the first great stimulus to Short-horn im- provement and were the means of enlisting the inter- est of the farmers of all England in the breed, a fact which serves to emphasize the far-reaching im- portance of such events and the necessity of sup- porting them heartily at all times. Bates was a keen observer at the time he began frequenting these market-places. The heterogeneous mixture that had up to this time constituted the old Teeswater breed was rapidly being fused into some- thing like a homogeneous type. The fires about the refining crucible were burning brightly — especially 72 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE at Ketton, where appeal liad been made to Bake- well 's magic power. Thomas Bates watched the workmen at their task; visited among them, and finally seized upon what he regarded as the best material then in the hands of the master-spirits in the business. He became quite intimate with Charles Colling, and usually stayed at Ketton, or with Mason of Chilton, from Saturday night to Monday, on the occasion of his attending Darlington market. It was at the great ''fair" held at this place on the first Monday in March of 1799 that "the wonderful Durham Ox" was exhibited; but while the great Colling steer was astounding the gaping crowd the thoughts of the bright young Northumberland farm- er were otherwise engaged. Another beast of Ket- ton breeding was claiming his close attention. He was meditating the selection of foundation stock for a breeding herd, and had been especially attracted by a roan heifer of the Duchess blood shown upon this occasion by Charles Colling, He doubtless knew by hearsay of the excellence of the original Stanwick cow of that name already referred to, and his good opinion of this particular roan heifer was heightened by the fact that he "thrice met Mr. Thompson, a well-known judge of stock from Northumberland," by her side during the day. The Durham Ox was got by Favorite (252) out of a common black-and-white cow bought at Durham Fair; but, like his sire, the steer was roan, a fact of interest, in connection with the bullock's wonderful THOMAS BATES AXD THE DUCHESSES 73 character, as foreshadowing the prepotency of sires representing a strong concentration of blood. Among other remarks heard by Mr. Bates from those who were discussing the great steer was one to the effect that the most perfect animals likely to be bred in the ensuing years would be those sired by Favorite out of Hubback cows. This thought, it is said, took deep root in the young man's mind and governed him largely in his subsequent choice of breeding stock. Original investments. — On May day, 1800, Bates took possession of the Halton Castle Farm. In March of that year he had bought his first Short- horn. It does not appear, however, as if he had at that time made up his mind fully as to which was the best Colling blood; for this initial purchase was a heifer sired by Ben out of a cow called Venus, that was an own sister to the roan two-year-old heifer Maiy which Colling sold to Gen. Simson of Fife- shire, Scotland, in 1806 for 300 guineas. Subse- quently Bates changed his mind about the blood of Ben and expressed great aversion for it. This would indicate that the heifer for some reason did not do well at Halton. The great price (for 1800) of 100 guineas was paid for her, the largest sum Colling had up to that time received for a cow. Mr. Bates and his friends claimed that the pajrment.of this fancy figure was a prime factor in giving the Ketton stock prestige over the other herds of that period. In the fall of 1800 Mr. Bates bought from Robert 74 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Colling some young steers sired by Favorite (252) for feeding purposes. He hired Daisy Bull (186) from Charles Colling, and afterward bought him for thirty guineas. In 1803 he hired Styford (629) from Robert Colling. Both were by Favorite (252). Some West Highland heifers had meantime been acquired, as Mr. Bates at that time believed that by crossing them with good Short-horn bulls feeding stock could be obtained that would be superior to any but the best types of the Short-horns of that period. The Colling bulls named were therefore obtained mainly for crossing purposes. Both Daisy Bull and Styford are said to have revealed clearly the Hubback character in their hair and handling. The Duchess blood. — About this time a very sub- stantial legacy was received from an aunt, and this enabled Mr. Bates to go on with his Short-horn breeding. For 100 guineas he bought from Charles Colling in 1804 the cow Duchess, by Daisy Bull (186), then four years old and in calf to Favorite. A heifer from her was also bargained for at sixty guineas, but at Mrs. Colling 's request was given up and returned to Ketton. In this cow Bates claimed to have secured not only the best cow in England but the only one then living running direct from Hubback to Favorite. He was very anxious to breed her to Mr. Charles Colling 's Duke (224), by Favor- ite, then going out to hire to a Mr. Gibson, and al- though promised the service was unable to secure it — a fact which led to bad blood between Bates and DUCHESS, BY DAISY BULL (186); BRED BY CHAS. COLLING. tf* ^^^^^^^■,. ^ ^^^^■gajBa»i<.,---«g^F:''«g-'' >^%^ ^Sf^fj W- ^ ^1 ^i r ifcMv ' Jf '«-^/ .4" ^ — ->^ KETTON 1st (709); BHBD BY CHAS. COLLING. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 75 Colling. In 1805 Duchess, by Daisy Bull, produced a bull calf, Ketton (709), by Favorite (252), which was retained for subsequent service. She dropped one heifer. Baroness, by St. John (572), but becom- ing a "shy" breeder was reluctantly sold to Mr. Donkin of Sandhoe, and as she did not in his pos- session settle down to bulls of desired form and quality her other calves (all bulls) did not carry the blood Mr. Bates sought. She was always a deep, rich milker, making as high as 14 lbs. of butter per week, and when fed off at seventeen years of age she is said to have made an excellent carcass of beef. Bates had made up his mind that this Duchess blood was the most valuable strain in the entire breed and resolved to persevere in his efforts at acquiring it.* At the Ketton dispersion in 1810 he bought Young Duchess, a grand-daughter of Duchess by Daisy Bull, sired by the 1,000-guinea bull Comet (155), at 183 guineas. She was evidently not one of the best individuals in that memorable sale. Indeed she was pronounced "shabby" by the whole neigh- *In a letter written to Mr. Bailey in 1810 Bates said: "A heifer of this Duchess breed, being the first calf got by old Favorite, weighed when little more than three years old within six pounds of 100 stone, fourteen pounds to the stone, and was allowed to be a greater curiosity than the Ketton ox of the same age when shown with him at Darling- ton in the spring of 1799. The pedigree of Young Duchess as I re- ceived it from Mr. and Mrs. Colling is thus : By Comet, dam of Favorite ; grandam by Daisy (a son of Favorite) ; great-grandam by Favorite ; great-great-grandam by Hubback ; great-great-great-gran- dam by Mr. Brown's famous old bull Aldbrough. And what adds to the value of this pedigree is that the cow by Mr. Brown's old bull was as good as any of the tribe since, without her of course being improved by those bulls which have so much benefited the other tribes of Short-horns. Mrs. Colling assured me that this tribe has always been the best milking tribe. This Duchess tribe is the only instance now remaining of the produce of Hubback being put to Favorite with- out some other bull intervening, which circumstance, added to their being a great milk-and-butter tribe, give them a pre-eminence over any other tribe of Short-horns." 76 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE borliood about Halton, Mr. Bates Sr., in particular, ridiculing liis son's purchase. Thomas relied upon her breeding and her quality, however, and bided his time. Under the name of Duchess 1st she proved the ancestress of the far-famed Duchess family, which ultimately became the highest-priced and most-widely-sought tribe known in Short-horn his- tory. He immediately began asserting with char- acteristic assurance the extreme value of this heifer on account of her descent, and announced that he would not take £1,000 for his bargain! Such was the beginning of the Duchess "boom." Student, experimenter and exhibitor. — In 1810, at the age of thirty-five years, this ambitious North- umberland tenant farmer became a student at Edin- burgh University — a fact which should not be with- out its lesson to those who at the present day are wrestling with the problems presented by our mod- ern agriculture. His course of lectures embraced not only practical agriculture but mental and moral science. He took copious notes which have been preserved, from which it is clear he made good use of his time. After his return to Halton we find him busy with various farming and feeding operations and experiments in the handling and storage of for- age crops. It took, in his opinion, a working capital of five times the amount of one's rent to farm profit- ably. At Halton he employed a capital of £7,500, one-half of which he had expended under his twenty- one-year lease in permanent improvements, of which THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 77 he only liad the benefit during the unexpired term of the lease. Not satisfied with this sort of a situa- tion he bought a portion (1,000 acres) of the manor of Kirklevington, near Yarm, in Yorkshire, for £30,000, of which £20,000 was paid in cash. This property, then as now, presented no very flattering prospect to a good farmer. The land is a cold clay, fairly good for grass, but requiring careful manage- ment for tillage. Mr. Bates always had regard for the milking trait in his cattle, and conducted extended experiments to determine the relation between quantity and quality of milk and butter. It is related that the cow Duch- ess, by Daisy Bull, "gave on grass alone without other food in the summer of 1807 at Halton fourteen quarts of milk twice a day. Each quart of milk, when set up and churned separately, yielded one and one-half ounces of butter or forty-two ounces a day. The butter was made up for the Newcastle market in ten and one-half-ounce packages, which were sold at one shilling each. The skim-milk was bought by the laborers at a penny a quart, and allowing two shillings for the subtraction of the cream this made 14s. 4d. a week. Altogether, therefore, the cow brought in more than two guineas a week." He insisted that many breeders were making a mistake in disregarding the dairy qualities of their cattle,* a *"On a certain occasion Mason of Chilton called to breakfast at Halton. Barbara Giles, the housekeeper, had just put the week's butter in readiness for the Newcastle market on the Saturday, and Bates told him that however ready he was for breakfast he should have none, until he had counted the butter. There were 300 half-pounds to go to the market, besides what was used in the house and sold at home. 78 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE point which is not without its practical application at the present time. He was also an earnest student of feeding problems, and two of his steers, "the brindled ox" of 1808 and "white ox" of 1810, at- tracted much attention and attested his skill in that direction. He experimented carefully upon the rela- tive merits of the systems of soiling and grazing, and in a memorable address to the Boards of Agri- culture of the United Kingdom made a strenuous plea for extended experimentation as to the various breeds of live stock. It thus appears that Thomas Bates was wide-awake to the necessities of his time in relation to successful farming, and in some re- spects at least a long way in advance of his con- temporaries. Bates was an exhibitor of cattle at the Tyneside shows, held sometimes thrice a year, from their in- ception in 1804, and was successful at every show until that of 1812, when he considered himself shab- bily treated by the judges. So incensed was he at the decisions here that he never afterward entered There were then thirty cows which had calved, and the butter sold for above one shilling the half pound. This left more than ten shillings for each cow in butter alone, besides the value of the milk otherwise sold, while all the calves were reared by the pail and none allowed to suck. Had all the milk been creamed and made into butter there would have been twice the number of pats. Mason, thrown off his guard at this display of dairy produce, confessed to Bates: 'You can go on breeding Short-horns because they pay you in milk, butter and beef, but we cannot do so unless we sell them at high prices to breeders.' "Mason, as Bates plainly told him, was keeping at the time three sets of cows, one to breed calves and then get dry (which was no hard matter) in order to attract notice by their high condition, a second as wet nurses to rear the calves, and a third to supply his family with milk and butter. 'This,' Bates added many years after- ward, 'is a system that would ruin any man if he had the land rent free and no outgoings to pay, yet many continue to pursue this reck- less course in order to gain premiums, attract public attention and gratify their vanity at the cost of their pockets.' " — Farmer's Magazine. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 79 the sliow-yard as a competitor until the York meet- ing of 1838. Bulls first used on the Duchesses. — As already mentioned, Duchess by Daisy Bull, claimed as the best Short-horn cow of her time, dropped to the cover of Favorite (252) a bull which was named Ketton in honor of his Colling derivation. This was the first bull of the Duchess blood owned and used by Mr. Bates, and in spite of his "close" breeding was a beast of strong constitution and possessed of the refinement and character so earnestly sought.* He was undoubtedly a good bull, although his por- trait — drawn in 1814 — would indicate some promi- nence of hip and lightness of flank. He was red- and-white and remained seven years in service. This is the bull of which "Tommy" Thompson, the cow- man, said, "he never got a middling calf" — all were regarded as above the average. From 1816 to 1820 the bulls Ketton 2d (710) and Ketton 3d (349) (the former a son and the latter a grandson of Ketton 1st) were used, but their get were not equal to the progeny of the son of the old *More than sixty years afterward Mr. William Charlton, who had lived near Bates and ultimately settled at Sutton in Essex, wrote: "I think I can see the grand old animal standing in the bull park with his fine head and placid countenance, his beautifully-arched neck, his deep and roomy chest, his short and wide-spread legs, his hand- some shoulders and full crops, his long, straight and level back, his heavy flank and deep ribs, his well-formed, beautiful quarters and heavv thighs, and his tail so nicely set as to give symmetry to his whole frame. How oft on my youthful mind was impressed the idea that I should never see his like again ! His image was so imprinted upon my memory that whenever I began to examine a prize bull Ketton came full in view, and then many defects were soon prominent. Still, although Mr. Bates used Ketton for so many years, a Duchess heifer or bullock could easily be picked out of his herd. There was something in their very countenance and in their prominent gait, and, above all, in their superior touch like none else. In that last quality they had no equals." 80 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE Duchess cow. Ketton 2d was out of an unnamed cow by a grandson of Favorite; second dam by J. Brown's Eed Bull, but Ketton 3d was a Duchess, sired by Ketton 2d out of Duchess 3d by Ketton 1st; second dam Duchess 1st by Comet. The earnestness with which Mr. Bates adopted the Bakewell scheme of in-and-in breeding is here apparent. He never- theless tried the experiment of breeding to Marske (418), then thirteen years old, a roan of Colling blood "that Maynard had bought at the Barmpton sale. This brought in a dash of good fresh blood. Although Marske was a son of Favorite (252) his dam was Eobert Colling 's noted cow Old Bright Eyes, that gave fifteen quarts of milk twice per day. Bates had owned a sister to Marske for some years, and regarded the family as one of the best of the day — always of course excepting his favorite Duch- esses. The Marske cows, however, did not fully meet his expectations, and he sent Duchess 3d, by Ketton 1st, to Donkin's to be bred to Duke (226), the Duchess bull by Favorite. This was getting back direct to the highly-prized blood, and Bates spoke to Lord Althorpe of this mating as "the only hope of the Short-horns."* When we recall the fact that the fruits of a long period of careful breeding were at that time in the hands of contemporary breeders *"I will give you fifty guineas for the chance, calf or no calf," said Lord Althorpe. "I would not take 200 guineas for the chance," was Bates' reply. In response to Lord Althorpe's invitation Bates stayed at Wiseton for the Doncaster meeting of 1820. As the party were leaving the dining-room after dessert Lord Althorpe, turning to one of his friends, said of Bates : "Wonderful man ! Wonderful man ! He might become anything, even Prime Minister, if he would not talk so much." THOMAS BATES AXD THE DUCHESSES 81 we have in this remark a characteristic illustration of the arrogant position Mr. Bates was wont to as- sume in reference to his own cattle. So persistently did he assert their suj)eriority that his claims, to- gether with the admitted merit of his stock, at length began to make an impression.* Lord Al- thorpe became one of his patrons, hiring the young Duchess bull His Grace (311) for service at Wiseton. Mr. Whitaker had hired Ketton 3d and subsequently exchanged him to Lord Althorpe for His Grace. From Halton to Ridley Hall.— Although the Kirk- levington projDerty had been bought in 1811, the lease of Halton did not expire until 1821, and Mr. Bates continued in possession there until that date. Either because he was loath to leave Northumber- land, or because his Kirklevington land had not yet been brought into the desired state of fertility, he purchased Ridley Hall on the South Tyne, to which he removed from Halton in May, 1821. In a letter written to Jonas Whitaker in 1822 Bates said: "I have now two bulls (The Earl and Duke 2d) by Duke out of Duchess 3d, the dam of Ketton 3d, and a heifer by Marske * James Fawcett of Scaleby Castle gave this description of the Duchesses about this date : "The character of the Duchesses at this time was that of good and handsome wide-spread cows, with broad backs, projecting loins and ribs, short legs and prominent bosoms. The head was generally inclined rather to be short and wide than long and narrow, with full clear eyes and muzzle, the ears rather long and hairy, the horns of considerable length but of free, waxy quality. They were good milkers, and had for the most part a robust, healthy appearance. Their color was almost uniformly red, with, in many of them, a tendency to white about the flank. They had also generally what Mr. Bates called the Duchess spot of white above the nostril. A strange anomaly occurred in the case of Duchess 6th. I recollect her being calved. She was very handsome and of the most orthodox color, but with a round spot of several inches on the flank, of the deepest black. WTiether this indicated a harking back to some an- cestral Highland alloy or a freak of the cow's imagination is a curious question." 82 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOR.N CATTLE (Duchess 7th) out of the same cow and bulled by The Earl, and for the three I would not take 3,000 guineas, bad as times are for farmers. Old Ketton's stock were the up-making of me, and now that I have again got the blood pure of other mixtures I shall never again part with it for any other tribe of Short-horns I have ever seen." The "hope of the Short-horns" proved to be a bull which was named The Earl (646) and used ex- tensively for four or five years at Ridley Hall. He was succeeded by his son 2d Hubback (1423). This bull was bred from a cow called Acklam Red Rose (or Red Rose 1st), of Colling derivation, that Bates had bought from a Mr. Hustler, and he grew into what is said to have been the best of all the earlier bulls used in the herd. His dam (from whom the Cambridge Roses and the American Rose of Sharons descended) possessed all old Hubback 's handling quality. He was a light-red bull said to have been remarkably perfect in his points and evenly and smoothly fleshed. His stock were uniform in shape, color, hair and handling, "as well as in counte- nance." His heifers all proved good milkers. We have in his case another illustration of the fact that strongly-bred sires very often get their best stock from cows not bred "in line." Certain it is that The Earl's best calf was 2d Hubback from a Red Rose dam, none of the bull calves from the Duch- esses equaling him.* *2d Hubback's measurements at eight years old have been handed down as follows : Girth at crops, 8 feet ; girth at ribs, 9 feet 3 inches ; g-irth hooks over thick of flanlt, 8 feet 4 inches ; breadth of hooks, 2 feet 6 inches plumb ; length from breast plumb to tail, 6 feet ; length of rumps, 2 feet ; length from breast to crops, 2 feet ; length from crops to hooks, 2 feet ; girth of fore leg below the knee, 8 inches ; g'irth of horns at root next the head, 8 inches. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 83 It is said that while at Ridley Hall Bates took no steps to bring his herd before the public. He rarely let any bulls and kept no bull calves except those he thought he might require for himself or which his friends desired for their own herds. He used the knife freely and fed off his steers, as well as such cows and heifers as did not settle down to breeding at an early age. Many a good female was undoubt- edly thus sacrificed. He never had calves born dur- ing the three summer months. He very seldom sent any fat cattle to the market. The principal butchers in Newcastle and Shields came to buy his stock at home. Removal to Kirklevington. — May 1, 1830, Mr. Bates transferred his residence and breeding opera- tions from Eidley Hall — which he had sold — to Kirk- levington; included in the herd, which was driven across country, being "fifty cows and heifers by 2d Hubback, all as alike as beans and leaving a great impression wherever they passed." 2d Hubback was let the following year to Whitaker, and, disap- pointed in the development of a yearling bull from Duchess 22d that he had intended to use, Bates bought from AVhitaker for 100 guineas the bull Gam- bier (2046) by Bertram (1716), a bull of Colling's Old Daisy tribe that had just been sold to Col. Powell for shipment to America. Gambler's dam was of the Western Comet or Gentle Kitty blood. Gambler did not satisfy Bates as a stock-getter, and hearing of Mr. Stephen's roan bull of the old Prin- cess blood he went to see him. 84 A HISTOEY OP SHOET-HORN CATTLE Belvedere (1706) of the Princess blood.— In tlie accepted accounts of the purchase of this bull we have a striking example of Mr. Bates' supreme self- confidence. He believed in the Hubback and Duch- ess blood above everything else. He claimed he had founded his herd upon the best cow of the breed in her day. He had been successful with Ketton 1st and The Earl, both Duchess bulls, and with 2d Hub- back, son of a Duchess bull, but had little luck with sires tried from other sources. The tribe was now very closely bred and he seemed at a loss to know how to proceed. He had up to 1831 bred but thirty- two Duchess cows in as many years. In brief the tribe had not been prolific, and whenever cows passed over a year or two he fed them off. He would not admit that other contemporary bloods were worthy of being crossed upon his Duchesses. He had spoken his mind freely concerning the breed- ing of nearly all the other herds in the district and had awakened many antagonisms. He would not use anything that carried the so-called "alloy" blood. In short he was seriously hampered in his search for sires by reason of the fact that he had ''blacklisted" nearly all the available material. At the same time he now required fresh blood. He had long held in respect the old Robert Colling Princess strain. The original cow of that name car- ried a double cross of Favorite on top of Hubback. This was a combination which in his radical opinion constituted a prime source of Short-horn excellence. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 85 He was not aware that any bull descending direct from this base without admixture of (to him) objec- tionable blood was at that late date obtainable. By chance, however, he learned that John Stephenson of Wolviston had a roan bull so descended, and he lost no time in looking him up. His purchase of Duchess 1st at the Ketton sale on account of her breeding rather than her individual merit illus- trated his unfaltering faith in the doctrine that "blood will tell." With this case in mind it is rea- sonably certain, in view of the trouble he was now in with his Duchesses, that Bates went over to Wolvis- ton prepared to buy this precious Princess bull — "the last of a long race of well-descended Short- horns" — fairly regardless of the appearance of the animal himself. At any rate we are told that on passing by the bull-barn the head of Belvedere (1706) — for such was his name and herd-book num- ber — was visible, and that the moment Bates caught sight of it he expressed a positive determination to secure the bull. Not every man will buy a breeding bull solely for the blood that flows in his veins. Still less would the average man be likely to settle so im- portant a matter by a mere glimpse of a bull 's coun- tenance. Bates had his own peculiar ideas about breeding, however. He was not governed by the or- dinary rules observed by his contemporaries, and his swift decision to buy at any price this roan bull at Wolviston — evidently made as soon as Stephenson had told him how Belvedere was bred, and before he 86 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE had seen the bull at all — may be cited as one of the instances where he manifested real genius as a cat- tle-breeder. Belvedere's sire, Waterloo (2816), and dam, Angelina 2d, were own brother and sister; the pedigree therefore represented an extraordinary con- centration of the blood of old Princess* and Favorite (252). There was really something of a bull went with that head and pedigree. Belvedere was six years old at the time Bates bought him. Stephenson was allowed to name his own price and was modest enough to place it at £50. This occurred June 22, 1831. The next day the bull was driven to Kirk- levington. No sooner had Bates got him than he announced that he would by the union of the Prin- cess and Duchess blood produce "Short-horns such as the world has never seen," and in the opinion of some capable judges he very nearly made good his boast. The bull with which he boldly proclaimed he would make the ' ' hit ' ' of his life as a breeder was a big one, possessing extreme length and heavy shoul- ders, but was a yellow-roan, evidently full of quality; *The Princess cow had been bought originally from Robert CoUing bv Sir Henry Vane Tempest at the reputed great price of 700 guineas. Sir Henry's widow, the Countess of Antrim, had the cow bought at Wvnvard sale in 1813, and sent her to Barmpton to be bred to the bull Wellington (680), a son of Comet (155). Colling told her agent that he "never allowed anv gentleman's cows" to be served by his bull, and so could not comply with Lady Antrim's request. The agent of the Countess started to return to Wynyard, when Ceiling's servant came running after him to say that he had told hi.s master that Prmcess was not a gentleman's cow but a lady's and that Colling was so amused at the slv intercession that he at once waived his rule upon the point of giving his bull's service to other breeders and would per- mit Princess to be bred. The thrifty Yorl^shire man, however, did not permit his gallantry to prevent his charging her ladyship ten good guineas for the service. The produce of this coupling was the bull Young Wynyard, sire of Waterloo (2816). THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 87 "soft as a mole to the touch." He had the "hot- blood temper" of his sire Waterloo, and it took three men to get him safely started off down Sandy Lane the morning he left Stephenson's to begin the work of regenerating the Duchesses. The breeding of bulls to their own dams or daugh- ters was a common occurrence at Kirklevington prior to the time of Belvedere. None but inbred Duchess bulls had been used upon cows of this favor- ite family except Marske (418), of the Bright Eyes blood, and 2d Hubback, by the Duchess bull The Earl (646) out of Hustler's Eed Rose. The cross of Belvedere upon the Duchess and other tribes which Mr. Bates had meantime acquired proved the sound- ness of his judgment. The Princess bull was used extensively until twelve years old and then slaugh- tered. This was in 1837. He did much for the herd, siring, among other noted animals, the famous Duch- ess 34th, which, bred back to her own sire, gave Mr. Bates his greatest bull — Duke of Northumberland (1940). The Duke was but two years old at the time Belvedere was sent off, so that an elder son of Bel- vedere — Short Tail (2621), from Duchess 29th (and said to have been a better bull than his sire) — was placed in service. His dam, Duchess 29th, was got by 2d Hubback out of one of that bull 's own daugh- ters. Duchess 19th, so that the practice of breeding from close affinities went steadily on. The cross of Whitaker's Norfolk.— In 1834 Felix Reniek and his colleagues, representing the Ohio Im- 88 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE porting Co., visited England to buy Short-horns. Bates showed them every attention and offered them some of his best cows and heifers, including Duchess 34th. He seems to have indulged his loquacity to its fullest extent upon his American visitors, tendering advice freely as to the other English herds of that period. Among other characteristic "pointers" given was one to the effect that Belvedere's sire, Waterloo (2816), then in his sixteenth year, and Norfolk (2377) were "the only two bulls besides Bel- vedere that were in the least likely to get good stock." What the Americans bought on this mem- orable visit will be dealt with in a subsequent chap- ter. Norfolk (2377), a handsome roan bull, was then but two years old. He had been bred by Mr. Whit- aker and sold to Mr. F. H. Fawkes of Farnley Hall. His sire was Mr. Bates' 2d Hubback, and his dam Nonpareil by Magnet (2240), running down through the Colling blood to a Hubback cow at the base. That Bates was sincere in his advice to the Ameri- cans cannot be doubted, for shortly afterward he sent five of his own best cows to be bulled by Nor- folk. But three of these stood to the service— to- wit: Duchess 33d, Waterloo and Blanche — which circumstance was regarded by Mr. Bates at the time as fortunate, the immediate results not proving satis- factory. This paralleled the subsequent experience of John Booth in breeding Bracelet to Mussulman; but, as in the case of Booth's Buckingham, when MR. RAISES' CLEVEL.4N0 I.AU (3407) AT FIVE YEARS OM). WHITAKERS NORFOLK (2377), AT FIVE YEARS OLD. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 89 the percentage of fresh blood was reduced so that it was quite subordinate to the main current, its stimulating effect became apparent. The heifer Duchess 38th, dropped by Duchess 33d to Norfolk, gave rise to the entire Thorndale, Geneva and Oneida Duchess groups; and the Norfolk-Waterloo heifer founded a family that has occupied a promi- nent place in the progress of the breed. Norfolk was individually one of the great bulls of his time, and as he was a son of 2d Hubback his character supplied striking proof of the value of Bates bulls for service in other herds. He had substance, flesh and a heavy coat of hair, showing greater thickness and compactness of conformation than Belvedere. The Matchem Cow and the Oxfords. — In April, 1831, Mr. Bates had attended a sale of "improved" Short-horn cattle, held by a Mr. John Brown of Nunstainton, near Chilton, in the County of Durham, and bought seventeen cows and heifers at an average of £9 5s. Among these was a white four-year-old by Matchem (2281), for which he paid £15 10s. Bates called her Matchem Cow. Her sire was the same Mason-bred bull whose blood had been previously introduced into the Booth herd at Killerby. Her dam was by the Princess bull Young Wynyard (2859). Her breeding back of this has not been traced, but she must have shown conclusive evi- dence of pure Short-horn descent; for, as has been well said of Mr. Bates, ''he trusted very much to the evidence of his eye, which, considering the subse- 90 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOBN CATTLE quent excellence of Ms stock and the great impulse of decided improvement thej^ have given to all cattle with which they have come to be paired, must have had within it the light of decided genius. ' ' At nine years of age Matchem Cow produced at Kirkleving- ton a bull by Short Tail (2621), and in 1838 another by the same sire. These two roan bulls, recorded as Cleveland Lad (3407) and Cleveland Lad 2d (3408), were used in the herd and constituted the Oxford outcross upon the Duchesses. Bates had always de- nounced the Mason blood, with which the Matchem Cow was doubtless well filled, but the progeny of the cow by his own bulls satisfied him nevertheless, and the Cleveland Lads were not only used as stock bulls, but her daughters, Oxford Premium Cow and Oxford 2d, were retained and became the ances- tresses of the tribe since known as the Oxfords. The line of the former has now been extinct for many years. A show-yard disappointment. — Mr. Bates sent seven head of cattle to the newly-established York- shire Show in 1838, headed by the two-year-old double-Belvedere Duchess bull Duke of Northumber- land (1940), and including a pair of two-year-old Duchess heifers, Duchesses 41st and 42d, both by Belvedere ; a yearling Duchess heifer. Duchess 43d, also with a double dip of Belvedere; the roan four- year-old cow Ked Eose 13th, by Belvedere; the white three-year-old cow Short-horns 4th, by Bel- vedere, and a three-year-old from the Matchem Cow, THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 91 got by Duke of Cleveland (1937), a bull that bad been dropped by Duchess 26th to a service by Mr. Whitaker's Bertram (1716). The Duke of North- umberland received first in his class against eight competitors, but was passed over entirely in the bull championship contest; first prize in a ring of fifteen entries going to Earl Spencer's Hecatomb (2102), of Mason blood, and second to Mr. Wiley's Carcase (3285), afterward imported to America. This was a hard blow, and it was contended by Mr. Bates that Mr. John Grey, the judge, was improperly influenced by being beholden to Earl Spencer for substantial business favors. With his females, however, Mr. Bates was more successful. In the aged-cow class (entries to be in calf or in milk) Red Eose 13th was passed over, the ribbon going to John Colling 's Rosanne. In the three-year-old ring (also in calf or in milk) Short-horns 4th — a fine dairy cow — was first and the Matchem heifer second in a class of six. In a class of ten two-year-old heifers Duchess 41st won, and in yearling heifers (eight) Duchess 42d was second. These ratings did not satisfy Mr. Bates. He felt that his three best animals, "The Duke," Red Rose 13th and Duchess 43d, had been rejected unfairly. He therefore determined to show at The Oxford Royal of 1839. — When the time came Red Rose 13th was not in a fit condition to travel, so Duke of Northumberland and Duchess 43d were started along with Duchess 42d and the Matchem 92 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE heifer. They were shipped by steamer from Middlesbrough to London.* This was the first meeting of the English National Show. The exhibition was held upon the farm of Mr. John Pinfold, and the entries were not numer- ous. The Kirklevington cattle were the center of attraction in the Short-horn class, and Mr. Bates had the pleasure of seeing Duke of Northumberland head a list of seven bulls; the Matchem Cow's daugh- ter a class of four; Duchess 42d a class of three two- year-olds, and Duchess 43d a class of nine yearlings. That these were a beautiful lot of Short-horns is amply attested. Mr. George Drewry, the late vet- eran herd manager of the Duke of Devonshire at Holker Hall, writing after a lapse of fifty years, said: ''The two things that I remember best at Oxford were the Duke of Northumberland and Duchess 43d. These I still think were the best two Short-horns I ever saw." In honor of the young Matchem Cow's victory she was here dubbed the "Oxford Premium Cow" — hence the tribal name. At a dinner given in the quadrangle of Queen's College during this show Daniel Webster, who was a visitor at the exhibition, said, in a speech which held closely the attention of the audience: "In the country to which I belong societies like this exist on ♦"Bates went with them in the same steamship from Middlesbrough to London and himself saw their treatment. In landing at London Duke of Northumberland slipped and lay across the gangway. Bates patted him on the head, calling him 'poor boy, poor boy' and the huge animal remained perfectly passive until he was rescued. Fortunately The Duke received no injury. The four Short-horns proceeded from London in a freight boat by the Aylesbury branch of the Grand Junc- tion Canal." — Cadwallader Bates. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 93 a small scale in many parts, and they have been found to be very highly beneficial and advantageous. They give rewards for speci- mens of fine animals and the improvement of implements of hus- bandry which may tend to facilitate the art of agriculture, and which were not before known. They turn their attention to everything which tends lo improve the state of the farmer, and, I may add, among other means of advancing his condition, that they have imported largely to America from the best breeds of animals in England, and from the gentleman who has been so fortunate as to take so tnaa^ prizes to-day. From his stock, on the banks of the Ohio and its tributary stream, I have seen fine animals raised which have been supplied from his farms in York- shire and Northumberland." Prizes at Cambridge. — Having, as he thought, vin- dicated the honor of his Duchesses at Oxford, Mr. Bates decided not to risk fitting and sliowing any of them the following year. Still smarting under the defeat of Red Rose 13th at York, he sent her to the Royal at Cambridge, along with Cleveland Lad (3407) and a young Waterloo bull calf by Duke of Northumberland. Red Rose here had her re- venge, winning first in a class of six cows. Her name was then changed to Cambridge Premium Cow. The Waterloo calf also won, but Cleveland Lad was turned down, the prize falling to Hero (4021), a roan owned in Norfolk; a bull which Cad- wallader Bates asserts was ''never heard of before nor since."* His picture may be found in Coates' Herd Book, Vol. IV. Cleveland Lad had not been specially fitted for show; and fat, then as now, was *It is related that "a gentleman came up to Bates in the show-yard and said 'Had I been blindfolded I could have told all of your cattle by the feel of my fingers.' 'As the stewards of the yard hear your remarks, I hope in the future the judges will be blindfolded,' was Bates' reply." 94 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE a prime necessity. The prizes won by the Kirklev- ington cattle at the two great university cities led to many inquiries for the blood. A "brush" with the Booths.— In 1841 Cleveland Lad was sent to the Liverpool Royal alone, he being the only member of the show herds left without "vindication"; and he was there placed by the judges at the head of the bulls on exhibition. That same season Mr. Bates sent Oxford Premium Cow to the Highland at Berwick, but she was beaten by John Booth's Necklace, on the ground that the Bates cow was "deficient in girth and gaudy be- hind." He also showed at the Yorkshire of 1841, receiving the bull championship on Cleveland Lad. Duke of Cambridge — the Waterloo calf shown in 1840 — here won first as a yearling over a young bull from Killerby and others. The honors of the three-year-old cow class were divided between Duch- esses 42d and 43d, It is stated that the jovial John Booth bantered his esteemed contemporary the belligerent Bates upon this occasion about his backwardness about exhibiting longer at leading shows, and inferentially challenged him to show a cow at the next year's Royal. These two men were clearly at the head of their profession at the time, but despite their rival- ries were good friends. The meeting took place at York in 1842, and to the infinite satisfaction of the great champion of the Duchesses a cow of that line in her tenth year had the extraordinary honor of THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 95 beating Killerby's great Necklace. The story of this memorable contest is told by Mr. Bates' people in the following language : "There was in milk at Kirklevington a ten-year-old unregen- erate dairy cow, which liad never been shown nor had ever been intended to be. When about twelve months old she had broken her leg, and as Bates would not employ a veterinary, Thomas Bell set it with the help of the journeyman miller. For some years she had scarcely ever tasted a turnip in the winter months. Since May Day she had been going in the ordinary cow pasture, and was as ignorant as any Northern farmer of what a bonne bouchc meant. Without any preliminary training at all old Brokenleg (Duchess 34th) walked by road about forty miles to York, in the company of her son, Duke of Northum- berland (1940). The judges ordered the fifteen cows entered to parade twice around the ring, and then told old 'Tommy Myers,' the Kirklevington cowman, to stand on one side with Brokenleg. A murmur of indignation broke from the people present, who imagined she was being excluded from the prize list. "Myers remained for an hour or so thinking, as he said, 'they were gannin' to use me very badly,' while the judges kept dis- puting over Necklace and one of Mr. Mason Hopper's cows. 'They could not rightly judge of stars in the presence of the sun.' Myers, who had supposed they were determining which was to be first and which second, was greatly relieved when they sent Brokenleg 'the white rose' and placed Necklace behind her. When the crowning trophy was placed on Duchess 34th's head there was a burst of applause. She was as like the first Duchess as two animals could be, in color and in that grandeur of style and appearance, such as no animal ever had except a Duchess. "Bates had good reason to be satisfied with the result of the tug-of-war when Killerby met Kirklevington. It was the only challenge he ever accepted. That the decision was perfectly just was confirmed by Mr. Eastwood, a breeder who had as much admiration for one line of stock as for the other, so long as the animal was a good one, but who thought that a little weight should be allowed to fashion. Mr. John Booth asked him why 96 A HISTORY OP SHORT-HORN CATTLE it was that Brokenleg beat Necklace. 'Well,' he replied, 'I think, Mr. Booth, you are fairly beaten; if I had been one of the judges I should have done the same.' 'Then,' said Booth, 'I am satis- fied.' Bates came up shortly afterward and asked Eastwood .the same question. 'I think you won fairly, Mr. Bates.' 'I am pleased to hear you say that' 'I told Mr. Booth so.' 'Then,' said Bates, 'I am more pleased still,' and the great rival breeders remained the best of friends. This was indeed one of the most remarkable old- time show-yard events of which any record has been handed down from the last generation, and proves the genuine merit of the Bates cattle of the early days. This cow, Duchess 34th, was the dam of Duke of Northumberland (1940). — The produc- tion of this famous bull has always been considered the crowning triumph of Thomas Bates' career as a cattle-breeder. He was the acknowledged cham- pion bull of England in 1842. Bates, writing of him in 1839, had said: '^I can state from measurements I took of the celebrated Comet (155) that The Duke was nearly double his weight both at ten months and at two years old," adding, in allusion to his well-known affection for the Duchess family: "I selected this tribe of Short-horns as superior to all other cattle, not only as small consumers of food but as great growers and quick grazers, with the finest quality of beef, and also giving a great quantity of very rich milk." The live weight of The Duke at three years and eight months was 2,520 lbs. Mr. Bates has left the following statement con- cerning him and his family, which will be of interest in this connection. It was addressed to a publishing THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 97 house about to produce portraits of "The Duke" and his dam: "I named this bull Duke of Northumberland to perpetuate the commemoration that it is to the judgment and attention of the ancestors of the present Duke of Northumberland that this coun- try and the world are indebted for a tribe of cattle which Mr. Charles Colling repeatedly assured me was the best he ever had or ever saw. As a proof that they have improved under my care I may mention that the Duke of Northumberland's dam consumes one-third less food than my first Duchess, purchased in 1804, and that her milk yields one-third more butter for each quart of milk, while there is also a greater growth of carcass and an increased aptitude to fatten. "It is now above sixty years since I became impressed with the importance of selecting the very best animals to breed from. For twenty-five years afterward I lost no opportunity of ascer- taining the merits of the various tribes of Short-horns. It was only then that this could be done. There is scarce a vestige now remaining of the many excellent cattle then in existence. Since I became possessed of the tribe I have never used any bulls that had not Duchess blood — except Belvedere (1706), and he was the last bull of a long race of well-descended Short-horns — without perceiving immediately the error. "As the post hour draws near I must conclude in order to enable you to print this letter in the same paper with the por- traits of 'The Duke' and his dam. I do not expect any artist can do them justice. They must be seen, and the more they are examined the more their excellence will appear to a true con- noisseur, but there are few good judges — a hundred men viay he found to make a Prime Minister to one fit to judge of the real merits of Short-horns.'" Importance of tabulated pedigrees. — If Mr. Bates had submitted for publication along with this eulogy of the Duchess family the subjoined tabulation of the Duke of Northumberland's pedigree the propri- ety of substituting an account of the merits of the 98 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE Princess for that of the Duchess line might have been suggested. DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND (1940) a a a ^2. "I §1 d > -^ > K _ o -^o K OIIT) CJlM -5! -^ H> ►<>• H<> 'B'^ 5l> ^ „cr(T> ^c-Q ^oe ^ o a ^^2. ^m'W ^c-'i _^ -t. a (-': a, ,.= « ,^ c g a. g c c. £ g ^2 3 0:2. — H^ ip -^» 532. 2" s-2. 2 S- v, B a C, K o ''"' C S "■• 'Ji- "^ o a ^ "■- o ^ 01 '^ o o: r; a '3 »^ co_ °(i5 "S ?ra " o h;3 " o " ^ M_ •^^"c.T ■_- ta~ •=)- o-c-i ^k; '^S riD- i^-- "^ 2 S° ^Z S^ SK^ 2 K = '5 5^-' 5'5 2 "* ^ " ^ wi - iv It: li B 10 "< CT C c;t < oi ^ -^ *< CI B -■» < en ^^-' — O O- *- ;:^ » C, >»^ B 9? £= -1 "^ B B -J Blot out the Princess blood and the dashes of Red Rose and Marske from this pedigree and there re- mains but a "thin red line" to preach a Duchess THOMAS BATES AXD THE DUCHESSES 99 sermon from. ' ' The best bull of his time, ' ' the best bull the keen-witted laird of Kirklevington ever bred, the bull for which almost any sum could have been had, was indeed a credit to the skill and judg- ment of Thomas Bates, but he carried only 25 per cent of Duchess blood. Moreover his dam, the prize cow Duchess Sitli — 50 per cent Princess blood — was a better beast than either Duchess 29th or 20th. It is apparent, therefore, that Princess on Duchess re- sulted, as Bates had predicted, in producing Short- horns superior even to the original Duchesses. We need but print the same Duke of Xorthumber- land pedigree in the regulation Short-horn Herd Book and Short-hom catalogue style to show how a miscarriage of justice in estimating family credits has been bred and fostered by a i^ernicious system of pedigree registration; a system that so palpably exaggerates the relative imjDortance of a certain portion of the maternal ancestry that it seems strange that it should still be tolerated. Duke of Northujibeeland, roan, calved Oct. 15, 1835; bred by T. Bates; got by Belvedere (1706), dam Duchess 34th by Belve- dere (1706); second dam Duchess 29th by 2d Hubback; third dam Duchess 20th by The Earl (1511); fourth dam Duchess 8th by Marske (418) ; fifth dam Duchess 2d by Ketton 1st (709) ; sixth dam Duchess 1st by Comet (155) ; seventh dam Duchess by Daisy Bull (186); eighth dam by Favorite (252), etc. Clearly one would say this is a Duchess bull. He was not, however, so far as blood elements are con- cerned, entitled to such appellation at all, as we have already shown. Just how much the Stanwick Cow, or "mv first Duchess," or the "ancestors of the 100 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOE.N CATTLE present Duke of Northumberland" had to do with the merit of this great bull must be self-evident from our tabulation. Justice compels the placing of the laurel wreath rather upon Thomas Bates and his great "find" at Wolviston, the Princess bull Belve- dere. The merit of the earlier Duchesses had been largely lost through excessive inbreeding. The Prin- cess-and-Oxford crossed stock that acquired fame under the Duchess name in the Short-horn world were in truth Bates cattle, but had only a small per- centage of the old Duchess blood. The responsibility for the existing scheme of Short-horn tribal nomenclature and prevailing meth- ods of herd-book registration does not rest entirely upon Mr. Bates. We only use this case as an illus- tration of the fact that the system is calculated to befog rather than enlighten those who seek to fathom the depths of Short-horn pedigree records. One has but to transcribe to a tabulated blank the pedigree of any animal recorded in the Short-horn Herd Books of Great Britain and America to see at a glance what an absurdly small proportion of the ancestry is presented. Those who have all the herd books at their command can under the present sys- tem, it is true, ferret out the facts as to the blood lines of their cattle, but until the tabulation method is adopted for catalogues and transfer certificates the average buyer will possess but the mere shadow of a pedigree. The Waterloos. — During the same year that Mr. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 101 Bates bought Belvedere and the Matchem Cow he had purchased from Thomas Parkin of Thorpe, in the Count j^ of Durham, "a short-legged, wide, red cow, with the look of a pure Short-horn." She car- ried a double cross of the Princess bull Waterloo (2816), and was doubtless descended all around from a well-bred ancestry. That she was a cow of marked individual merit seems clear from the fact that she was one of the five "top" females chosen to be sent to be bred to Norfolk (2377). A heifer (Waterloo 3d) resulted from that service, and she became the ancestress of a fine family of cattle still bearing her name. The Waterloos were for years distinguished for their thick, mellow flesh and furry coats, and during the days when Short-horn fan- ciers were paying all sorts of extravagant prices the tribe steadily maintained its outstanding merit. Indeed it is doubtful if any other of the Bates fam- "*mes held its character so persistently for so many years under the stress of continued line breeding. Further evidence of the original excellence of the Waterloos is afforded by the fact that Waterloos 12th and 13tli were the only females bought at the Bates dispersion by two shrewd Scottish breeders in attendance, viz., Amos Cruickshank of Sittyton and W. Hay of Shethin. Wild Eyes Tribe. — This family traces descent from a roan heifer calf bought at a sale made by Mr. Parrington at Middlesbrough in April, 1832, for £3. She had seven crosses of registered bulls on a 102 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE foundation laid in the herd of Mr. Dobinson. Bates claimed that through this heifer (Wild Eyes) he got ''the only good blood ( Dobinson 's) that the Colling herds did not contain." Her sire, Emperor (1974), was sold to the Russian Government. At the date of the Kirklevington dispersion sale this was the most numerous sort in the herd. The Cambridge (Red) Roses. — Of this strain was 2d Hubback and Red Rose 13th — the Cambridge prize cow previously mentioned. It came into the herd early through Red Rose 1st of Mr. Hustler's breeding (by Yarborough), daughter of the Ameri- can Cow, whose history is given in a preceding chap- ter. Red Rose 5th of this family produced to Bel- vedere Rose of Sharon, imported by the Ohio Com- pany, and ancestress of the American tribe of that name. Under the name of Cambridge and Hoydon Roses and Rose of Sharons the descendants of the Cambridge premium cow subsequently became the subject of extensive speculations on both sides the Atlantic. Foggathorpe family. — The original Foggathorpe cow cost Mr. Bates £113 at Mr. Henry Edward's sale at Castle Howard in 1839. She was a roan, nearly ten years old at the time of the purchase. She was thought to resemble old Princess in character and to carry the blood of Charles Colling 's White Bull (151) — which Mr. Bates prized highly. Her descendants, however, did not acquire as much celebrity as the other Kirklevington sorts. THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 103 Blanche or Roan Duchess sort. — Another noted tribe resting upon a Kirklevington base was that of Bhmche, derived from the fine okl stock of Mr. Hutchinson of Grassy Nook. Bates bred them for some time, and BUmche 5th, by the Duke of North- umberland, produced in Mr. Towneley's hands Roan Duchess, dam of the famous Royal prize-winning Roan Duchess 2d by Frederick (11489). The Secrets. — This tribe derives rank as " a Bates sort" from the fact that the maternal ancestresses were cows bred and owned by Mr. Bates. The foundation cow, old White Rose, was a half-sister to the dam of Belvedere, both being daughters of the Princess bull Young Wynyard. When ten years old she was bred to Whitaker's Gambler (2046). This was in 1832. The produce, the roan White Rose 1st, to the cover of Short Tail, gave birth in 1837 to Secret, sold in 1844 to C. W. Harvey. The family derives its name from this cow, and subse- quently attained reputation in two directions, to- wit: Bates-crossed in the hands of English breed- ers and Scotch-crossed by Mr. Cruickshank of Sitty- ton. No representative of this (nor of the Blanche) family were contained in the herd at the date of its dispersion. So-called Bell-Bates tribes. — Several families of Short-horns built up under Kirklevington 's wing by Mr. Bates' tenants — the Messrs. Bell — subsequently shared in the great wave of popularity that finally set in toward the Bates blood. Among these were 104 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE the Barringtons, Kirklevingtons, Acombs, Darling- tons, Fletchers (or Filberts), Places, Harts, Geor- gianas and Hudsons. The Messrs. Bell had the use of Kirklevington bulls, and Mr. Bates himself selected some of the foundation dams. Last appearance in show-yard. — For years Mr. Bates argued in favor of prizes at shows for family groups, and in 1847, at the urgent request of the Secretary of the Yorkshire Society, he sent the roan Oxford 2d, then eight years old, along with the four youngest of her progeny — two bulls and two heifers — and also one of her grandsons to the Scar- borough meeting. The roan bull 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), then three years old, was included in the lot, and defeated the noted Capt. Shafto (6833), that had been bought by Mr. Parkinson for 325 guineas and was champion bull at the Northampton Royal a few weeks previous. All six of the group sent to Scarborough gained prizes. At York in 1848 Bates again exhibited, but with- out success, receiving but one jDrize, a second on 2d Duke of Oxford. It is insisted, however, that the decisions gave universal dissatisfaction. This was his last appearance in the show-yard. He had bit- terly opposed the whole system of training cattle for show,* and was wont to ridicule the claims of most of the winners. * "Bates was disgusted at the amount of fulsome nonsense written about the 'invincible' Belleville (6778), which won the championship prize, and considered it his duty to warn foreigners against supposing that the decision at the Royal Shows, given by judges who were in- THOMAS BATES AND TflE DUCHESSES 105 Dispersion of the herd. — On the 25th of July, 1849, at the age of seventy-four years, after a half a century's work with Short-horns, Thomas Bates passed to his rest, and was buried in the little church-yard at Kirklevington. "The Druid" tells us that "his heart was with horn and hoof to the last. Those who strolled with him in his pastures recalled how the cows and even the young heifers would lick his hand and seem to listen to every gentle word and keen comment as if they penetrated its import; and even when the last struggle was nigh and he could wander among them no more he reclined on some straw in the cow-house that his eye might not lack its solace. ' ' Of the five nephews of Mr. Bates but one, Edward Bates, had received a training in agriculture, and he was living abroad. There was no member of the family, therefore, to carry on the herd, and it was accordingly put up at auction at Kirklevington May 9, 1850. The title page of the catalogue is repro- duced on the following page from a copy — now yel- low with age — in the possession of the author. But five families — Duchesses, Oxfords, Waterloos, Wild Eyes and Foggathorpes — were included in the directly interested in the success of the prize animals, were any guarantee of their usefulness as breeding stock. * * * On one oc- casion he drove a friend over from Kirklevington to see Belleville at Mr. J. Mason Hopper's, at Newham Grange, a few miles off. They met Hopper on the road. Bates greeted him with: 'I am bringing my friend to see your bull. I have told him that he is very fat and very quiet.' Hopper, who was rather a rough diamond, replied: 'If that's all you can tell him, gang back ; ye need gae no farther.' '* — Thomas Bates and the Kirklevington Short-horns. 106 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE herd at date of sale. Nothing of an historical or descriptive nature was given in the catalogue, either KIRKLEVINGTON, NEAR YARM, YORKSHIRE. A CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE AND FAR-FAMED HERD OF PURE SHORT-HORNED CATTLE, THE LATE THOMAS BATES, ESQ. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, BY MR. H. STRAFFORD, AT KIRKLEVINGTON, NEAR YARM, ON THURSDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF MAY, 1850, SALE TO COMMENCE AT ONE O'CLOCK. KIRKLEVINGTON is two miles from Yarm, twelve miles from Darlington and twelve miles from North Allerton. from which places there is railway conveyance to all parts of the Kingdom. Catalogues may be had on application to Mr. Sthaj'fokd, 3, Camben Villas Camden Town, London. LONDON : PRINTED AT "THE MARK LANE EXPRESS" OFFICE. 24, NORFOLK STREET, STRAND. in the shape of foot-notes or introductory matter. No illustrations were attempted, and the peculiar THOMAS BATES AXD THE DUCHESSES 107 form of printing pedigrees, to which British breed- ers still cling, was used as follows: FornTii Duke of York (10167), roan, calved December 22, 1846; got by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), dam (Duchess 51st) by Cleveland Lad (3407), g. d. (Duchess 41st) by Belvedere (1706), gr. g. d. (Duchess 32d) by 2d Hubback (1423), gr. gr. g. d. (Duchess ISth) by 2d Hubback (1423), gr. gr. gr. g. d. (Duchess 12th) by The Earl (646), gr. gr. gr. gr. g. d. (Duchess 4th) by Ketton 2d (710), gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. g. d. (Duchess 1st), by Comet (155), gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. g. d. by Favorite (252). gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. g. d. by Daisy Bull ( 186 ) . gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. g. d. by Favorite (252), gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. g. d. by Hubback (319) , — by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). A darker hour for the placing of a fine herd of cattle upon the market could scarcely have been chosen. At the Oxford Royal, a decade previous, Mr. Bates had been offered 400 guineas each for his prize animals, and at that period he could doubtless have named his own price for the Duke of North- umberland, but times had meantime undergone a serious change. British agriculture was now pro- foundly depressed. Average prices at Smithfield market at Christmas, 1850, ranged from 3s. to 3s. lOd. per stone of eight pounds. It seemed fairly probable that the Kirklevington Short-horiis, repre- senting the life-work of one of the most enthusiastic breeders England has ever known, would simply be led to a sacrifice. Mr. Bates had often said that his cattle would never be appreciated at their full value during his own lifetime. He believed that his own 108 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEX CATTLE estimate of tliem would some day be accepted, and, in later years this indeed came to pass. The attendance was phenomenal in point of num- bers, being estimated at five thousand. America was represented by bids from Col. L. G. Morris and N. J. Becar. Curiosity attracted many. Some, who had felt the lash of Bates' free criticism during his lifetime, were present to exult in what they doubt- less hoped would prove a Waterloo for the Kirklev- ington cattle. As the first lot passed through, and the sand in the auctioneer's glass ran out at about twenty guineas each, these small-minded individuals broke into ironical cheers, but presently the spirited bidding of Mr. Anthony Maynard pulled values out of the mire and some good prices for the times were registered. The roan 4th Duke of York, then three years old, was conceded to be the outstanding bull of the lot, and had been valued by Mr. Bates at £1,000. When Earl Ducie started him at £200, how- ever — having previously made known his intention to buy the bull at any cost — competition for him was silenced, and the Duke went to His Lordship at what was considered a ''bargain-counter" price. The sale list in detail, as respects the Duchesses and Oxfords, is herewith presented: DUCHESSES. £ S. Duchess 51st, roan, calved Aug. 18, 1842— S. E. Bolden 63 Duchess 54th, red, calved Oct. 30, 1844— Mr. Eastwood 94 10 Duchess 55th, red, calved Oct. 31, 1844— Earl Ducie 110 5 Duchess 56th, red-and-white, calved Nov. 3, 1844 — Mr. Ambler 54 12 THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 109 £ s. Duchess 59th, roan, calved Nov. 21, 1847 — Earl Ducie 210 Duchess 61st, red-roan, calved Aug. 19, 1848 — Lord Fever- sham 105 Duchess 62d, red-and-white, calved Oct. 10, 1848 — Mr. Cham- pion 126 Duchess 64th, red, calved Aug. 10, 1849— Earl Ducie 162 15 Grand Duke (10284), red, calved February, 1848— Mr. Hay. 215 4th Duke of York (10167), roan, calved December, 1846 — Earl Ducie 210 Duke of Richmond (7996), roan, calved August, 1844 — A. L. Maynard 126 3d Duke of York (10166), red, calved October, 1845— G. D. Trotter 74 11 Duke of Athol (10150), red, calved September, 1849— Mr. Parker 42 5th Duke of York (10168), white, calved October, 1849— R. Bell 33 12 14 head sold for £1,627 10s., an average of £116 5s OXFORDS. £ s. Oxford 2d, roan, calved April 20, 1839— Marquis of Exeter. . 54 12 Oxford 4th, red-and-vi'hite, calved Aug. 8, 1843 — E. James.. 28 7 Oxford 5th, roan, calved Nov. 24, 1844— Col. L. G. Morris (U. S. A.) 74 11 Oxford 6th, red, calved Nov. 6, 1846— Earl Ducie 131 5 Oxford 9th, roan, calved Oct. 27, 1848— A. L. Maynard 42 Oxford 10th, red-and-white, calved Dec. 30, 1848— Col. Morris 53 11 Oxford 11th, roan, calved Aug. 25, 1849— Earl Ducie 131 5 Oxford 12th, roan, calved Aug. 27, 1849 — Lord Feversham. 85 1 Oxford 13th, roan, calved Jan. 7, 1850— N. J. Becar (U. S. A.) 63 3 Oxford 14th, roan, calved March 1, 1850 — Mr. Downes 21 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), roan, calved August, 1843— Earl Howe 110 5 3d Duke of Oxford (9047), roan, calved October, 1845— Mr. Robinson 64 1 Beverley (9664), red-and-white, calved October, 1848— Mr. Townshend 32 11 13 head sold for £894 12s., an average of £68 16s WILD EYES. 25 head sold for £1,203 6s., an average of £48 2s 110 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE WATERLOGS. 6 head sold for £357, an average of £59 10s CAMBRIDGE ROSES. 3 head sold for £147, an average of £49 FOGGATHORPES. 7 head sold for £328 13s., an average of £46 19s GENERAL AVERAGES. 68 head sold for £4,558, an average of £67 15 bulls sold for £1,309 7s., an average of £87 5s 5 bull calves sold for £201 12s., an average of £40 22 cows sold for £1,163 8s., an average of £52 17s 16 heifers sold for £21,221 3s., an average of £76 6s 10 heifer calves sold for £662 lis., an average of £66 5s Sixty-four Duchess females. — The followii.g tabu- lation showing the record of Duchess females in the hands of Mr. Bates — for which the author is in- debted to Mr. Richard Gibson — is worthy of being incorporated here for purposes of reference. It will be seen that there were but sixty-four Duchesses all told. Of these, the last (Duchess 64th) was calved after Mr. Bates' death. The one calf of Duchess 58th was Duchess 65th, that probably died young, as Lord Ducie recorded the 1850 calf of Duchess 55th also as Duchess 65th. Of the fifty- eight Duchesses old enough to breed previous to Mr. Bates' death, which number includes all that lived long enough to have numbers assigned them, two (13th and 57th) are recorded as having died young; one (53d) was a twin with a bull, and twen- ty-four others (so far as the Herd Book records in- form us) never produced calves. A cross from the prolific AVild Eyes tribe might have materially in- creased Duchess fertility during the ' ' forties. ' ' THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 111 Born Color Sire Dam Calves produced Name Male Female Bulls named Steers or un- named Lived Died 1808 1812 1815 1816 1817 1819 1820 1820 1821 182- 1823 1822 1823 1823 1834 1824 1825 1825 1825 1825 1825 1826 1836 1836 1836 1826 1827 1827 1829 laX) 1830 im\ 1832 1832 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1837 1837 I8:^a 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1840 ItMl 1842 1844 1844 1844 1845 1846 1847 1847 1848 1848 1848 1849 r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. red. r. & w. V. & w. r. & w. y. r. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. roan, r. & w. red. r. & w. r. & w. roan, roan, ro.-in. roan, roan, red. r. & w. r. & w. r. & w. red. r. & w. r. &w. white, roan, r. & w. roan, red. red. r. & w. roan, red. roan. red. roan. r. & w. roan. red. Comet 1 2 4 1 ........ ........ 1 4 2 4 3 1 4 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 4 5 4 9 6 8 3 11 6 12 8 3 9 11 6 8 3 16 6 20 20 26 19 19 29 19 19 30 33 30 19 32 30 34 37 30 34 37 30 30 38 41 38 41 49 38 51 50 54 1 1 1 3 2 Cleveland 1 2 1 ■ TheEarl The Earl TheEarl 1 TheEarl TheEarl 1 3d Earl 2d Hubback 2d Hubback 5 2 1 Duchess 20 2d Earl Duchess 21 2d Earl 2d Hubback Duchess 23 2d Earl ■ 1 1 I 2d Hubback Duchess 38 3d Hubback 2d Hubback 1 6 2d Hubback 3 2d Hubback Duchess 32 3d Hubback 1 1 1 2 Belvedere 4 1 Duchess 35 Gambler Duchess 36 Belvedere Duchess 37 Belvedere 1 1 2 2 Duchess 38 Norfolk Duchess 39 Belvedere Duchess 40 Belvedere Duchess 41 Belvedere 2 ........ ........ 1 2 Duchess 42 Belvedere Duchess 43 Belvedere Duchess 44 Short Tail Short Tail 1 Duchess 46 Short Tail Duchess 47 Short Tail Short Tail '""i" 1 3 .... 1 2 Duchess 49 Short Tail Duchess 50 Duchess 51 Duke of Northumberland. Cleveland Lad 1, Duchess 52 Holkar Duchess 53 Duke of Northumberland. 2d Cleveland Lad . . . Duchess 54 1 1 1 ........ 3 I 2 Duchess 55 Duchess 56 Duchess 57 4th Duke of Northumb'ld. 2d Duke of Northumblnd. ?d Cleveland Lad Duchess 58 1 Total 29 16 63 2 Duchess 59 2d Duke of Oxford 56 54 51 56 54 55 . Born previous to the death of Mr. Bates. July 25. 1849. and at that date not old enough to have Duchess 60 2d Duke of Oxford Duchess 61 2d Duke of Oxford Duchess 62 2d Duke of Oxford Duchess 63 2d Duke of Oxford Duchess 64 2d Duke of Oxford 112 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN^ CATTLE Individual character of the cattle. — It may be of interest to American breeders to know that, although the prevailing color of the old Duchesses had been red and white, thirty-eight of the herd of sixty-eight head sold in 1850 were roan and five pure white in color; fifteen being red-and-white and twelve red. The concentration of the blood of the light-colored Belvedere and of the white Matchem cow's sons — the Cleveland Lads — modified the orig- inal Duchess color as well as elevated the general excellence of the herd. A contemporary report of the sale in the Farmer's Magazine commended the character of the cattle in the following laudatory language : "In a combination of those qualities which constitute excellence in the Short-horn variety of cattle it may be asserted with con- fidence that the Kirklevington Herd at the time of its dispersion was unequaled by any other in existence. Magnificent size, straight and broad back, arched and well-spread ribs, wide bosom, snug shoulder, clean neck, light feet, small head, prominent and bright but placid eye, were features of usefulness and beauty which distinguished this herd in the very highest degree. While the hide is sufficiently thick to indicate an excellent constitution, its elasticity when felt between the fingers and thumb, and its floating under the hand upon the cellular texture beneath, to- gether with the soft and furry texture of the coat, evinced in an extraordinary degree throughout the herd excellent quality of flesh and disposition to rapid taking on fat. In the sixty-eight head of cattle not one could be characterized as inferior or even as mediocre, all ranking as first-class animals; and when an idea of inferiority arose it was only in reference to a comparison with others of this splendid herd, which, from their most extraordinary excellence, demand special notice." Thus passed into other hands a herd that was des- tined to receive recognition in the subsequent prog- ress of the breed beyond even the wildest dreams THOMAS BATES AND THE DUCHESSES 113 of its founder. At liis grave stands a substantial monument,* erected largely through the efforts of Mr. William Housman, one of the most entertaining of all English writers upon Short-horn cattle. It bears this simple inscription: THIS MEMORIAL OF THOMAS BATES, OF KIRKLEVIXGTOXj ONE OF THE MOST DISTIXGUISHED BREEDERS OF SHORT-IIORX CATTLE, IS RAISED BY A FEW FRIENDS WHO APPRECIATE HIS LABOURS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BRITISH STOCK AND RESPECT HIS CHARACTER. BORN JUNE 21ST, 1776. DIED 26th JULY, 1849. I DRAWN FROM rilOTOGEAPH BY THE ArXIIOR. lS:>-2. *The exact date of Mr. Bates' death was July 25. as already stated. Thi-ough some inadvertency the inscription on the monument reads "July 26th." CHAPTER V PALMY DAYS AT KILLERBY AND WARLABY The establishment of the Yorkshire and Royal Shows (1838-9) proved the means of attracting largely-increased attention to the breed, not only throughout Great Britain but in foreign lands as well. Mr. Bates was quick to see the advertising advantages presented, and had carried off high honors at the initial meetings of the National Show at Oxford and Cambridge. His contemporary', John Booth of Killerby, soon followed suit and began a career of conquest — in which his brother Richard soon joined — that gave the Booth cattle for a long series of years reputation as a heavy flesh-carrying type unequaled by any other in the Kingdom. Prior to that time the Booth herds had been kept mainly for dairy and grazing purposes, most of the males being steered. Their quick-feeding quality rendered them easily susceptible to ''training" for show. We have already detailed the division of the Kil- lerby Herd that occurred in 1814, at the time when Richard Booth began breeding at Studley. To take the place at Killerby of some of the cows sent to Studley Thomas Booth bought others, which when crossed with his strong-bred bulls gave rise to three very prominent families — the FarcAvells, the Brough- 114 KILLERBY AND WARLABY 115 tons, and the Dairymaids or Moss Roses. The matron of the Farewell tribe, like so many other good ones that proved successful breeders, was sim- ply a good market cow, showing Short-horn breed- ing and quality, purchased at Darlington. Among her descendants were the famous trio — Faith, Hope and Charity. The first Broughton cow came, like the Fairholme heifers, from a good dairy farmer, and of her line was Bliss, Blythe and Bonnet. The original Dairymaid came from a good stock of cattle near the village of Scorton. To her the prolific Vivandiere, Campfollower and Soldier's Bride traced in the maternal line. To these families were added the Gaudy (or Lady Betty) sort, bred from a cow bought from Mr. Taylor of Catterick; the Mantalinis, derived from the purchase of Sylph, by Eemus, from Mrs. Booth's sister, Miss Wright of Cleasby, and the Belindas, that originated from the stock of Miss Wright and Mr. Charge. The de- scendants of these cows, a portion of the Halnaby and Fairholme tribes, and the Bracelets consti- tuted the herd that graced "the quiet meadows of old Killerby," from whence John Booth selected the celebrated show animals sent to the early meetings of the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England. The sensation created by their appearance laid the foun- dation for the wide demand that subsequently set in for Booth blood. In five years four first prizes for the best Short-horn cows at the Royal were won by animals of Killerby breeding. 116 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Bracelet and Necklace. — In 1840 Killerby entered the lists at the Yorkshire Show at Northallerton and won first prize with the roan three-year-old Bracelet, by Priam (2452) — he a son of Isabella by Pilot — and second on the yearling heifer Mantalini. In 1841 Mr. Booth ventured into deeper water, showing at the Royal at Liverpool and the Highland at Ber- wick, as well as at the Yorkshire Show. Bracelet won first as cow at both of the national shows, and Mantalini first as two-year-old heifer. In 1842 Bracelet and her twin sister. Necklace, swept all before them at York, and Necklace was first at the Bristol Royal. Carr says: ''To this day it is a mooted question among those who remember the world-renowned twins to which of them could be most justly awarded the palm of beauty. Necklace is said to have had neater fore quarters and to have been rather better filled up behind the shoulders. Bracelet had fuller, longer and more level hind quarters." Writing in 1880, John Thornton said: "Many old breeders still maintain that as Duke of Northumberland was one of the finest bulls so Brace- let was the finest cow in their recollection." In 1843 Necklace overcame all opposition at Doncaster. These famous cows together brought home as tro- phies of show-yard war some thirty-five class and championship prizes and medals; Necklace finishing her career by winning a gold medal against thirty- seven competitors at the Smithfield Fat-Stock Show at London in 1846. Buckingham. — ^Bracelet was not only a reigning NECKLACE AT SIX YEAKS OLD. BRACELET AT FIVE YEARS OLD. JOHN BOOTH'S FAMOUS ROYAL, PRIZE-WINNING TWINS. KILLERBY AND WARLABY 117 show-yard queen, but proved a grand breeder, pro- ducing the fine white show cow Birthday, by Lord Stanley (4269), the prize bull Hamlet, by Leonard, and that extraordinary sire Buckingham (3239), the latter the result of mating with Col. Cradock's Mus- sulman (4525). Buckingham was sold to Richard Booth, who had in the meantime succeeded to his father's estate of Warlaby, and in his hands proved a uniform getter of broad-backed, round-ribbed stock, with shapely fore quarters and well-filled flanks. He was subsequently let to Mr. Barnes, who established a noted herd of Booth-bred cattle at Westland, Ireland, but the bull was unfortunately lost by the burning of the channel steamer that was conveying him to the Emerald Isle. Buckingham introduced the Old Cherry blood into the Booth herds, and illustrated the vivifying effect of a judi- cious outcross upon tribes that had been interbred for generations. No further proof of this is needed than the mere mention of the fact that Buckingham left at Warlaby, among other valuable progeny, the celebrated Charity, Plum Blossom, Bloom, Medora, Vivandiere, Isabella, Buckingham, Vanguard, Hope- well, Benedict and Baron Warlaby. Bracelet's famous daughter, Birthday, in turn produced the prize-winning heifer Gem (which Dixon says was Mr. Booth's model as respects compactness, beauti- ful hair and fine, even quality of flesh) and the white bull Lord George (10439), the sire of the 2d Duke of Athol (11376), in the pedigrees of Mr. Alex- 118 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOEX CATTLE ander's American Duchess of Airdrie. Another daughter of Bracelet was Pearl, grandam of Pearly, bought by Col. Towneley at the Killerby sale, that became the dam of the 500-g'uinea Ringlet. Bracelet was also the dam of the red bull Morning Star (6223), that was sold in 1844 as a two-year-old to Louis Philippe of France. Before crossing the Channel, however, he begot Vesper, the ancestress of the noted family of that name in the Booth-bred herd of Mr. R. S. Bruere. Necklace produced Jewel, the dam of Jeweller, used in the Towneley herd, the sire of the celebrated Barmpton Rose cow Butterfly. Mantalini, the show-yard companion of the twins, had a daughter, Pelerine, from whence came those "three graces," Rose of Autumn, Rose of Summer and Rose of Athelstane, in the herd of Mr. Douglas of Athelstaneford. John Booth's sale. — After playing a prominent part in the show-yard for a number of years and demonstrating beyond all dispute the flesh-making qualities and prepotent character of his cattle "the Squire of Killerby" sold his herd at auction in July, 1852, the sale being attended by breeders from all parts of the Kingdom. The depression prevailing at the time of the Bates sale still continued, and some of the animals were a few years later resold for three times the price paid at the sale. The forty- four lots averaged £48 12s. Bloom brought 110 guineas from Mr. Ambler, aud Birthright 105 guineas from Mr. Douglas. After the dispersion KILLEEBY AND WARLABY 119 John Booth did not again engage extensively in cattle-breeding.* His brother Eichard had pur- chased Venus Victrix at the top price of the sale (175 guineas) and afterwards presented her to her former owner. She was successfully exhibited at leading shows from 1852 to 1856, and also produced the two bulls King Arthur and King Alfred, both by Crown Prince, besides two choice heifers, Victrix and Venus de Medicis. The latter was sold to Mr. Douglas for 300 guineas and shown at the Paris Ex- position. At Mr. Booth's death in 1857 his sons in- herited this Venus Victrix tribe, as well as the de- scendants of Hecuba, by Hopewell; among the latter being the noted Forest Queen and Queen of Trumps. Hecuba w^as of the real rent-paying sort — a heavy milker and quick feeder. Another grand cow in the herd at this time was Soldier's Dream, of the old Moss Rose sort. Her dam had been presented to John Booth's sons by their uncle Richard. Warlaby and its show-yard wonders. — We now approach the zenith of Booth fame — the later *"Mr. Booth was a very fine-looking- man, upward of six feet and fifteen stone, with rare hands and a fine eye to hounds. This was the sport he loved best, and when he was on Jack o'Lantern or Rob Roy few men could cross the Bedale country with him. * * * He was full of joviality and good stories as well as the neatest of practical jokes. His friend Wetherell generally had his guard up, but when he received a letter, apparently from the Earl of Tankerville, saying that he was to lot and sell the wild White cattle of Chillingham, he puzzled for minutes as to how on earth His Lordship ever intended to catch them and bring them into the ring before he guessed the joke and its author. * * * Booth judged a great deal in England, and never went for great size either in a bull or a cow. As a man of fine, steady judgment in a cattle-ring he has perhaps never had an equal. He died in 1857, after a weary twelve months' illness, in his seventieth year, at Killerby, and a memorial window at Catterick, where he rests, was put up by his friends, and neighbors and the Short-horn world as well." — Saddle and Sirloin. 120 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE acliievements of that Achilles of British show-yard war, Richard Booth (late of Studley), who suc- ceeded to his father's estate of AVarlaby, in the grassy valley of the Wiske, in 1835. In his later years Thomas Booth had not endeavored to give the herd at Warlaby any special prominence. He had devoted fifty years of his useful life to the in- terests of the breed, and had lived to see the type created by his skill and genius recognized as one of the chief sources of Short-horn excellence. He was content, therefore, to leave to younger men the active "pushing" of their favorites. It is said that Richard on his entrance at Warlaby did not at first contemplate any special effort in the line of Short- horn breeding. Unlike his brother John — who had the traditional Yorkshire love for the excitement of the race-course and the hunting field — Richard had never been given to active pursuits, and "was only a quiet gig-man" from the early days. Happily for the breed, however, he changed his mind in relation to cattle-breeding and devoted the remainder of his days to the upbuilding of what was beyond all ques- tion the most remarkable herd of its time and one of the greatest known in Short-horn history. Thomas Booth had left at Warlaby cows of the Halnaby (Strawberry), Farewell, Blossom, Brough- ton, Daiiymaid and Christon families. To this col- lection Richard added old Isabella, by Pilot, then in her sixteenth year but still breeding. Killerby was at this date and for some years aftei*ward in the KILLERBY AND WAELABY 121 ascendant so fai* as public notoriety was concerned. The victories of Bracelet and Necklace, of Manta- lini, Ladythorne, Birthday and Hamlet had drawn all eyes upon the work of John Booth, but Richard of Warlaby was meantime buckling on his armor. He bought Bracelet's son Buckingham, bearing 50 per cent of Old Cherry blood, from his brother John; having already sent his own grand cow. White Strawberry, to be bulled by Lord Lieutenant (4260), of Mr. Eaine's breeding. White Strawberry was probably the best cow at Warlaby at that time. She was bred in every direction from the closest affini- ties of blood, her ancestors, male and female, being filled by repeated crosses with the blood of Albion and Pilot. She was a magiiificent broad-backed, wide-breasted animal, quite equal in merit to those buxom matrons, the red Anna and the roan Isabella by Pilot, the two best cows that either of the herds had previous to 1835 produced. The white bull Leonard (4210) was the result of this Booth-Raine union. In those days color did not condemn good cattle to destruction. Leonard was called a "little" bull, but the Booths were never partial to big ones. Moreover, he had great loins and widely-spread ribs. He was also rather heavy in the horn, but the laird of "Warlaby had confidence in his value as a sire and placed him in service. His blood, blended with that of Buckingham through the veins of that grand galaxy of Booth-bred cows, Isabella, White Straw- berry, Bracelet and Charity, ultimately found issue 122 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE in the world-renowned Crown Prince (10087), the bull of all Booth bulls; the bull that was to Warlaby what Duke of Northumberland was to Kirkleving- ton or Champion of England to Sittyton. Faith, Hope and Charity. — It was not until 1846 that Warlaby closed in earnest with the ruling ring- side powers of the United Kingdom. John Booth was out with a strong herd, including Necklace, Birthday, Mantalini, Gem and Hamlet — the latter regarded by John Booth as the best bull he ever bred. It was a significant fact that one of Richard's earliest ventures in the show-field had been made with a roan cow called Faith, of the Farewell family. She was a large and excellent cow, but somewhat masculine, and could only get a second against Necklace at the Yorkshire meeting, but her name represented the foundation upon which Warlaby built for the future — implicit confidence in the value of the blood combinations there at work. From Faith sprang Hope in the form of a roan daughter of that name — got by the white bull Leonard — that went to the Yorkshire Show in 1845 as a two-year- old and there became one of the first of a long and truly regal line of Warlaby winners. In 1846 Eichard Booth made his bow at the Royal, held that year in the Tyneside Country, near New- castle. Bracelet and Necklace were there, but for- tunately had graduated into the class for ''extra stock." Leonard's daughter, Hope, then three years old, defeated all other cows of her age in the yard, JOHX BOOTHS BIRTHDAY AT FOUR TEARS OLD. THE BOOTH COW VIVAXDIERE AT FIVE TEARS — BRED BT JOHX OUTHWAITE, BAINESSE, TORKSHIRE, ENGLAND. KILLEKBY AND WARLABY 123 repeating the performance at the Yorkshire at Wakefield. Not only did the handsome Hope accom- plish this in 1846, but what was even more to the point during that same year she produced to the cover of Buckingham the red heifer Charity, that subsequently attained imperishable renown as the mother of Crown Prince (10087). — This extraordinary breed- ing bull was a roan, dropped by Charity May 10, 1849, to a service by the white Fitz Leonard (7010). Mr. Carr says: ''Of Charity, who so long graced the Warlaby pastures, it is sufficient to say that she was the personification of all that is beautiful in Short-horn shape. Such was her regularity of form that a straight wand laid along her side longitudi- nally from the lower flank to the forearm and from the hips to the upper part of the shoulder blades touched at almost every point ; her quarters were so broad, her crops and shoulders so full, her ribs so boldly projected, and the space between them and the well-cushioned hips so arched over with flesh as to form a continuous line. It was difficult for the most hypercritical eye to detect a failing point in this perfectly-molded animal, and it was in conse- quence of Mr. Booth's high appreciation of her merits and those of her son that he made such free use of Crown Prince. Charity won every prize for which she was shoAvn save one, when she was beaten as a calf by another of the same herd, after which her career was one of unvaried success. She was 124 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE thrice decked with the white rosette at the Royal and thrice at the Yorkshire meetings. ' ' The Prince proved probably the greatest stock- getter of all the many celebrated bulls ever used at Warlaby. He was never shown, so valuable were his services in the breeding herd; his capacity in that respect was attested not only by such cham- pion show cattle as Nectarine Blossom and the four peerless "Queens," but his bulls — for one of which, the champion Windsor, Mr. Booth refused £1,000 — were in demand from all parts of the Kingdom. But one of his sons, Duke of Buckingham, was ever sold, Mr. Booth preferring to retain the ownership of all. They were let and used with remarkable results on some of the best herds of their time. Mr. Carr, the accomplished historian of the Booths, said of Crown Prince: "To the visitor at War- laby I would say: 'Si moniimentiim requiris, cir- cumspice!' " If you ask where is his monument, look around you. Isabella Buckingham and other celebrities. — Isa- bella, by Pilot, had produced nine calves before her transfer to Warlaby, but she there gave birth at the extreme age of eighteen years to the white heifer Isabella (Vol. VI, page 405, Coates' Herd Book), by Young Matchem (4422), that subsequently produced the white Fitz Leonard (7010), sire of Crown Prince (10087); the big, broad-backed, heavy-loined roan sire and show bull Vanguard (10994), that acquired fame in the great Booth-bred herd of Mr, Torr, and KILLERBY AND WARLABY 125 the roan heifers Innocence and Isabella Bucking- ham. Innocence in turn produced the white Leoni- das (10414), that sired the famous Monk (11824)— also white — one of the best Warlaby bulls. Carr says that the hair of Leonidas was so long that it fairly "waved in the wind, like the wool on a sheep's back." Isabella Buckingham, "a superb cow of great substance," was a roan, dropped March 29, 1845, and as her name implies was a daughter of Bracelet's son Buckingham. She thus joined the blood of one of the greatest of all Killerby cows to that of the queenly Isabella. The "imposing gran- deur" of the Warlaby Isabellas was a theme upon which admirers of the herd ever loved to dwell, and Isabella Buckingham of that line, like Charity, reaped a rich harvest of ribbons and rosettes. Indeed after 1846 Warlaby 's place in the National shows was for many years unquestioned. At the Northampton Eoyal of 1847 Cherry Blossom (by Buckingham), a noble cow "with massive fore quarters and of stately presence," was first; Isabella Buckingham was first-prize two-year-old, and Charity the first-prize yearling. At the same show held at York in 1848 Hope, Cliarity and Isabella were all winners. At the Norwich Eoyal of 1849 Charity was first and Isabella second. Cherry Blos- som heading the post-graduate class, and at the Highland Show at Glasgow they repeated in Scot- land what they had accomplished "South o' Tweed." 126 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Meantime Hope had produced to Buckingham the roan bull Hopewell (10332), that early demonstrated his mettle by winning first as a yearling at Leeds in 1849. Hopewell became a sire of great renown, Mr. Booth receiving for his services while on hire in various herds the great sum of £1,000, To the cover of Cherry Blossom's own brother, Baron Warlaby (7813), Hope gave birth to the short-legged thrifty roan bull Harbinger (10297), that won as a yearling at the Exeter Eoyal of 1850, and afterward proved a wonderful stock-getter, siring the prize cow Bridesmaid and Red Rose, the dam of the wonder- ful "Queens" to be mentioned further on. He also became known on this side of the Atlantic as the sire of Mr. Alexander's imp. Mazurka, ancestress of a very noted American tribe. Isabella Buckingham was first-prize cow at same show. Windsor (14013) ajid the Blossoms. — We have already noted the appearance of this family. Cherry Blossom, in the show-yard. In 1851 the roan four- year-old cow Plum Blossom, by Buckingham,* in calf to Crown Prince, won the first prize at the Windsor Royal, and in October following she gave birth to a white bull calf that afterward carried all *Plum Blossom, according to Carr, was "a level, lengthy, short- legged cow of great substance. She had abundance of hair, of a rich purple roan, a very sweet head and high-bred appearance. While still but a slip of a heifer (for Plum Blossom was no hot-house nursling, but a wilding of the fields from her birth) Mr. Eastwood, visiting Warlaby with the late Mr. Booth, had the sagacity to foresee the perfection to which she would mature. He made tempting overtures to compass her transfer to Towneley. which he flattered himself the latter did not seem disinclined to entertain : but on reviving the sub- ject after dinner Mr. Booth dashed his hopes by intimating that he could not allow him to 'put in his thumb and pull out this plum.' " KILLEEBY AND WAELABY 127 before liirn at the National and Northern county shows. In honor of his mother's victory at thj Eoyal he was dubbed Windsor. The calf began his winnings at Sheffield the following summer. That same year another of this family, Eose Blossom, gained first as a two-year-old at the Eoyal. Windsor made ten shows and won nine first prizes, being the ' ' bull card ' ' of the Warlaby exhibit from 1852 to 1855. He was spoken of as "the Comet of modern times. A very symmetrical animal, of extraordinary length, with a good masculine head and horn, a well-formed neck, a very deep and prom- inent breast, and well-covered, obliquely-laid shoul- ders; his back was admirably formed — firm and level — and his ribs were finely arched up to the shoulders, forming a cylindrical shape throughout; his quarters were very long and flat, his thighs, flank and twist remarkably deep and full, and his legs short and fine below the knee. From the top of his shoulder to the tip of his brisket he measured four feet ten inches." After winning at the Car- lisle Eoyal in 1855 an Australian breeder offered £1,000 for him, which proposition Mr. Booth de- clined. "Windsor was sire of the great show cow Soldier's Bride, presently to be mentioned. A few years later the big, all-conquering Nec- tarine Blossom, by Crown Prince, appeared. In 1857 she was the first-prize cow at York. In 1858 she was first at the Eoyal, first at the Yorkshire and winner of the 100-guinea cup at Durham Show 128 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE as best animal in the yard. In 1859 she was again first among cows at the Koyal. Of this tribe also was that broad, thick-fleshed prize cow Venus Vic- trix, shown by John Booth, as already noticed. Bride, Bridesmaid and Bride Elect. — A branch of Mr. Booth's favorite old Halnaby tribe threw out a blooming bevy of show-yard favorites between the years 1847 and 1857, beginning with Bagatelle by Buckingham, and including Bride by Hopewell, Bridesmaid by Harbinger, and the extraordinary white cow Bride Elect by Vanguard (10994). The latter was regarded as the wonder of her day in respect to her astonishing development of bosom and fore quarters, and also carried a beautiful head and horn. She was a leading winner in the Warlaby show herds from 1854 to 1858. The quartette of "Queens." — The same Halnaby or Strawberry tribe that gave Warlaby these Brides appeared again in full flower just as Bride Elect began to lose her bloom,* Red Rose, by Harbinger, producing to the cover of Crown Prince that re- markable group of heifers Queen of the May, Queen Mab, Queen of the Vale, and finally the noble Queen of the Ocean. It is related that a blank check ten- dered by Rev. J. Bolden for Red Rose — the dam of these celebrities — when she was a heifer was re- fused. Mr. Booth's vision as to her future useful- *01d Cuddy, long-time herdsman for Mr. Booth, would say: "Aye! yon's poor auld Bride Elect. Did ye ever see sic an a breast and sic leeght timbers? Yan wad wonder how sic bane could bear sae muckle beef. Look at her rumps and thighs, and loins, and aboon a', that breast! Why there be amaist plenty for twa beasts!" KILLERBY AND WARLABY 129 ness was in this case prophetic, as he was afterward offered 1,500 guineas for Queen of the May, the first of the daughters to enter the show-yard. This heifer be^an winning as a yearling at the Chelms- ford Royal of 1856. Queen Mab, "the Greek beauty," entered the prize list as a yearling at the same society's show at Shrewsbury in 1857. Queen of the Vale came forward in 1858. Queen of the Ocean was presented as a cow at the Battersea Eoyal of 1862, receiving first in her class and gold medal as best female in the yard. That same year she won the 100-guinea cup championship at Dur- ham County Show. In 1863, shown with Soldier's Bride, she was one of the first-prize pair of cows at the Worcester Royal, and first at the Yorkshire, Northumberland, North Lancashire, Craven, Halifax and Keighley Shows. Queen of the May has been described as almost a model. Her loins and chine were broad and deeply covered, her head sweetly feminine and her shoul- ders, girth and heck veins faultless. Her quarters were long and level; her only weakness being at the thigh. She was unfortunately permanently injured on a railway journey. Queen of the Vale and Queen Mab were described in the Journal of the Highland Agricultural Society, after winning first and second respectively, in the following language: "Queen of the Vale is a cow of faultless proportions, a perfect parallelogram in form, with well-fleshed, obliquely-laid shoulders, a good head and a very sweet neck and bosom, sweeping finely into the shoulders, the points of which are completely hidden by 130 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN" CATTLE the full neck vein. Queen Mab is, if possible, still more remark- able than her sister, for her broad, thick, level loins, depth of twist and armful of flank; but she is now perhaps less faultless, as her hind quarters are becoming plain and patchy from fat. She is, however, equal, if not superior, to Queen of the Vale in her marvelous capacity of girth, fore rib and bosom. Like her sister, she maintains her cylindrical proportions wonderfully throughout, the ribs retaining their circular form up to the shoulders, with which they blend without any depression either at the crops or behind the elbow, and from thence the fore quarters taper beautifully to the head." The massive Queen of tlie Ocean was a royal speci- men of her race, with the traditional Booth wealth of flesh, shortness of leg and perfect fore quarters. The Battersea judges called her "all that a cow should be." She became the dam of the bull Prince of Battersea, that won a lot of prizes as a calf and yearling but died from the effect of overheating at the Newcastle Eoyal of 1864. The great price of 800 guineas had been refused for him. Queen of the Vale had a heifer, Queen of the May 2d, that also became a great winner. Three of the victories of Queen Mab, Nectarine Blossom and Queen of the May reduced to Mr. Booth's possession the Durham Society's 100-guinea challenge cup, which thereafter became an heirloom of the house of Warlaby. Vivandiere, Campfollower and Soldier's Bride. — One of the most remarkable of the Warlaby matrons was the prolific Vivandiere, by Buckingham, Her description indicates that she was what the Scotch herdsmen call "a lady coo," or what is in common cattle-breeding parlance a "breedy" cow. Mr. Carr KILLEEBY AND WARLABY 131 incidentally gives us Richard Booth's testimony to be added to that of nearly all other eminent breeders to the effect that good breeding cows usually have good heads. He says: "The modest Vivandiere, with her beautiful head, was frequently unobserved, except by the admirers of a well-filled udder, unless brought into notice by the quiet observation from her owner 'Look at that head and hair!' " She had ten calves, among them being the prize-winning Prince Alfred, Prince Arthur, Welcome, Vivacity, Verity, Soldier's Nurse, and the great cow Camp- follower. Prince Alfred gained many prizes in 1864 and 1865, was used at Windsor, was let one year to the Emperor Napoleon III for the French Govern- ment Experimental Farm and afterwards spent two years at Lady Pigot's; Her Ladyship being an enthusiastic breeder of Booth Short-horns, and producing among other celebrities Eosedale by Valasco. Mr. Booth did not make a practice of showing his stock bulls, but Dixon says that "old Prince Alfred after making a perfect Ulysses of himself in the home farms of princes, emperors and baronets came out and was first in the bull class in the eleventh year of his age." One of the most valuable cows ever produced at Warlaby was Vivandiere 's daughter Campfollower, by Crown Prince. She was described as "a truly noble cow, with queenly gait." Moreover, she would have been a profitable cow in any working dairy. Indeed, she died at last from milk fever, 132 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORJT CATTLE after giving birth to the heifer Soldier's Nurse, that was presented by Kichard Booth to his nephews at Killerby. In the hands of the latter the "Nurse" jjroduced Soldier's Dream and the thick, heavy- fleshed bull Brigade Major, by Valasco. Campfol- lower probably contributed as much to the ultimate fame of Warlaby as any other member of the herd. Bred to Windsor (14013) she produced in 1859 the celebrated white show cow Soldier's Bride. As a yearling- the latter grew into an astonishing speci- men of early maturity, and later on became one of the most magnificent cows of her time, her grandly- arched ribs, beautiful bosom and great heart-girth marking her as one of the outstanding Short-horns of her day and generation. She traveled the circuit for several years with her renowned stable com- panion Queen of the Ocean, had the honor of defeat- ing that extraordinary cow upon several occasions, and in 1865 became the dam of the roan heifer Bride of the Vale, sold to Walcott & Campbell of New York for $5,000. In the spring of 1864 Campfol- lower dropped the roan bull Commander-in-Chief (21451), by Valasco (15443), in reference to which the venerable Mr. Wetherell said: "He is the best bull I have seen since the days of Comet." In the hands of Mr. T. C. Booth, who succeeded to the pos- session of Warlaby Herd, Commander-in-Chief ac- quired international fame. Death of Richard Booth.— On the 31st of October, 1864, "full of years and honors," Richard Booth KILLERBY AND WAELABY 133 died at the age of seventy-six. Shortly before his death he had refused an offer of £15,000 for his herd, Avhich, while at that time reduced to some thirty head, included, among other "future-great" individuals. Lady Blithe 's sensational yearling heifer Lady Fragrant and Campfollower's baby bull Commander-in-Chief — a pair destined to add, in other hands, fresh laurels to the house of Booth. The delightful "Boswell" of this remarkable family of Short-horn breeders (William Carr) takes leave of Richard Booth, "the good old man," in the fol- lowing characteristic language: "He sleeps in peace beneath the shade of the old grey tower of Ainderby, that looks down upon the scene of his useful and quiet labors. But Warlaby is there still, and his kith and kin retain its hall and herd. And it may be added — for it is a circumstance too well known to savor at all of flattery — -that his nephew and successor, Mr. T. C. Booth, is no unworthy or unskillful heir, while his amiable wife lends a new charm to the old place; and his rising family gives the promise of the continuance of the long-continued Warlaby herd for generations yet to come." The Booth method of breeding. — The Messrs. Booth always adhered to the proposition that they secured their best results by interbreeding their own established tribes. At the same time they were aware of the fact that inbreeding the cattle in their possession was quite a different proposition from, and was probably attended by more dangers than, inbreeding as practiced by the CoUings. In the latter case the cattle that were incestuously bred had no prior relationships. With the Booth stock as it existed at Warlaby inbreeding meant the mat- 134 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEX CATTLE ing of close affinities, as nearly all ran back origin- ally to Hubback and Favorite tlirougli a hundred different channels. So we find them introducing at a comparatively early period the Mason blood of Matchem — to which Bates also resorted later — and Lord Stanley (4269), of the Earl of Carlisle's breed- ing. The breeding of John Booth 's Bracelet to Col. Cradock's Mussulman, and of Eichard Booth's White Strawberry to Lord Lieutenant, of Raine's blood, proved to be wise procedure. Neither Buck- ingham nor Leonard, the two bulls secured from those outside services, were extraordinary individ- uals. In fact the former was called ' ' shabby. ' ' But when the fresh blood (50 per cent) carried by these bulls was reduced to 25 per cent, as found in their progeny, the result, as must appear from the fore- going recital, was all that could be desired. Indeed, in the case of the matchless sire Crown Prince both of these fresh currents met in diluted form. Lord Stanley, bred to Bracelet, gave John Booth's noted show cow Birthday. Two later attempts at outcrossing were made, one through the bull Exquisite (8048) and the other through Water King (11024), but both were con- sidered at the time as having been unsuccessful. Nevertheless Isabella Buckingham's daughter Sam- ple, by Exquisite, was bred to Crown Prince, and the product of that union — a heifer called Speci- men — was (contrary to Mr. Booth's usual practice) bred back to her own sire (Crown Prince) ; the KILLERBY AND WARLABY 135 double cross of that bull upon the outcrossed cow producing the prize-winning Lady Grace, that was first at the Cleveland Show^ at Yarm in 1861. In her the true Booth type ^vas completely regained, and her daughter Graceful w^as one of a pair of prize heifers at Worcester Royal. Carr states that both of these animals -were of robust constitution, with abundance of hair. Exquisite w^as bought by Messrs. Booth and Torr at the Wiseton sale at thir- teen months old for 370 guineas. He is said to have had plenty of substance and "a profusion of beau- tiful hair," and combined Mason's and Earl Spen- cer's blood. AVater King was a roan, bred by Mr. Torr from Baron Warlaby (7813) out of the Bates Waterloo cow^ Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649). While Mr. Booth did not fancy his calves, yet one of his daughters — Peach Blossom — was good enough to go into the show herd in 1852, and w^on second to Bridesmaid at the Eoyal at Gloucester. A Water King heifer — Welcome, from Campfollow^er — w^as called "homely," but her daughter Welcome Hope, by Hopew^ell, was good. Old Cuddy said of her: "Aye, Hopewell has putten in some gude w^ork when he gat that heifer. She wad make up a slash- in' cow, though she have a touch o' Bates bluid in her; but then, ye ken, Hopewell wad mak' up a' deficiencies." The fecundity of the Booth cattle was unfavor- ably affected by high feeding for show. They had 136 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HOKX CATTLE not been as intensely bred as the Bates Duchesses. The limited number of the latter produced during a period of nearly fifty years by Mr. Bates — as shown by the table printed on page 111 — was unquestion- ably due to incestuous mating. The complete ex- tinction, in the female line, of some of the best War- laby tribes — such as the Blossoms and Charities — was laid at the door of the exacting requirements of the Roj^al and other show-yards. We may conclude this reference to the work of John and Richard Booth by the following quotation from Saddle and Sirloin: "A more remarkable contrast than these two celebrated broth- ers, both in form and temperament, is seldom met with in prac- tice. John, the elder, was, like Robert Colling, perhaps the more original thinker of the two, but not the same steady worker. He was more the man of the world, fond of a gallop with the Bedale and always ripe and ready for a little fun; while Richard was much more of the dignified recluse and thought 'no place like home.' .Tohn delighted to go off on judging expeditions, while Richard never donned the ermine and only cared for a good lodg- ing or his 'ease at mine inn' during a great show, that he might see a few select standard-bearers, who would share his winning pleasure or sympathize with him if he were beaten. John was an apt and ready speaker and never sat down without some quaint, racy sentiment which set the table in a roar; Richard merely rose and bowed to the Chairman and "Vice in turn and let himself down again, with a simple word of thanks to the company. One was more off-handed and hardly valued his herd enough; the other was the man of business who appraised it to a nicety." The Warlaby bulls were for years in such demand that it was with difficulty customers could be sup- plied. Ireland's Short-horn herds were fairly dom- inated by them, while in England such distinguished KILLEKBY AND WABLABY 137 breeders as Lady Pigot, Messrs. Torr, Bruere, Outh- waite, Peel, Pawlett and others, by their intelligent manipulation of Booth blood, assisted materially in giving it that high renown which it has so long enjoyed. CHAPTER VI OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS The earlier volumes of the English Herd Book contain the names of many successful breeders, but the operations of most of them were more or less obscured by the brilliant achievements at Ketton, Barmpton, Killerby, Kirklevington and Warlaby. It must not be supposed, however, that all early knowledge of the art of Short-horn breeding began and ended with the eminent breeders mentioned in the foregoing pages. The careers of these Napo- leons of the trade necessarily occupy our attention somewhat to the disadvantage of other worthy workers in the cause of improvement, but no survey of the foundation upon which our American Short- horn breeding rests would be complete without some reference at this point to a few other herds that ex- isted prior to, or contemporaneous with, the period when our leading pioneer buyers entered the English market. Mason of Chilton. — About midway between the cities of Durham and Darlington Mr. Christopher Mason of Chilton established a herd from which Kirklevington, Killerby, Warlaby, Ury, Sittyton and various American herds derived undoubted elements of strength^various detractors to the con- 138 OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 139 trary notwithstanding. Mr. Wetherell always in- sisted that "Mason got rid of the open shoulders and improved the fore quarters generally." The foundation of the herd was drawn largely from the stock of Mr. Maynard of Eryholme. One section of it descended through Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188), a daughter of "the beautiful Lady May- nard," bought by Charles Colling, as detailed in a preceding chapter. From this cow and her white heifer, Lily by Favorite (252), descended the great family of Victorias afterwards so popular on both sides the Atlantic. From Lily's family also came Earl Spencer's Hecatomb (2102), that defeated Mr. Bates' renowmed Duke of Northumberland (1940) at York in 1838. From Lily also descended Great Mogul (14651), first-prize bull calf at Salisbury Eoyal; likewise Exquisite (8048), for which Messrs. Booth and Torr paid $1,850 as a yearling; and also the Eoyal prize-winning roan Bolivar (25649), sold to Mr. Brierley. Another section of the Chilton herd descended from the cow Fortune, bred by Charles Colling, and running through Bolingbroke (86), Foljambe (263) and Hubback (319) to a cow bred by Mr. Maynard. She proved very prolific, giving Mr. Mason ten calves (of which six were bulls) between 1796 and 1807. America is indebted to Fortune, as founda- tion dam, for the AVoodburn Miss Wileys and the famous Bedford and Warfield Loudon Duchesses. Also for the Baroness family, ten of which sold at 140 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE E. Gr. Bedford's sale in 1874 for an average of $600 each. Our Lady Cliesterfords claim a similar origin; and of this tribe was Dodona, a noted Eng- lish cow that, after having been sold to Earl Spencer as barren, in the skillful hands of Mr. Jonas Webb had 190 descendants within a period of twenty-five years. Matchem (2281), sire of the Matchem cow that gave Mr. Bates his Oxford tribe, was bred by Mason from a Fortune foundation. The Matchem blood also went into the Booth herds. Usurer (9763), used by Lord Ducie upon the Bates Duch- esses, came from Cassandra, daughter of Mr. Mason's No. 25; and of similar extraction was the cow Goodness — ancestress of the American family of that name — that sold at auction in Kentucky for $2,025. Mr. Mason made a memorable closing-out sale in 1829, which was largely attended by leading breed- ers. Earl Spencer being one of the heaviest buyers. At this sale the highest-priced lot was the three- year-old roan heifer Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420), purchased by Capt. Barclay of Ury, along with sev- eral other females, and taken to Scotland. Her dam Avas the famous Portia. At Ury Lady Sarah was bred back to her own son. Monarch (4495), the pro- duce being the great breeding bull Mahomed (6170), sire of The Pacha (7612) and other animals from whence many of Scotland's greatest cattle have de- scended. From this same Mason sale also came Mary Ann (by Sillery), ancestress of a noted Scot- OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 141 tisli family. From Mr. Holmes' purchases at this sale (taken to Ireland) Mr. Amos Cruickshank afterward obtained the foundation dam of the Sitty- ton Victorias; and last, but by no means least, we may pass some credit to Mason of Chilton for the ancestral dam of the now-celebrated Cruickshank bull-breeding' Clipper tribe. Lord Althorpe (Earl Spencer). — The nobility dis- played interest in the breed in the early days as now. One of the first to engage in the business was Lord Althorpe, afterwards Earl Spencer, of Wise- ton, near Doncaster. He was prominent in politics for many years and on that account unable to devote as much attention to the work as tenant farmers could give to it, but he nevertheless managed to inform himself thoroughly and finally accumulated probably the largest herd of the day in England.* Bates early acquired an influence over him, assisted him in some of his selections of breeding stock, was frequently his guest at Wiseton, and let for his use one or two of the earlier Duchess bulls, but subse- quently their relations became strained, owing, it *Earl Spencer was at one time Chancellor of the Exchequer. Still he had much neater passion for Short-horns than for politics. John Grey of Dilston, a man who attained high honor in connection with North Country agriculture, usually called on His Lordship at the Government offices when in London. '•'You've come about coics, sir/' observed the attendant, "so yell no' have long to wait." In his younger days Grey was a schoolmate of John and Richard Booth at Richmond. He was a great lover of cattle and was wont to spend his vacations with the Collings, Charge and Maynard. Dr. Tate once asked him what he found to talk about during those visits, to which the youth replied in due classic phrase: "Comet et id genus omne." — Saddle and Sirloin. 142 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN' CATTLE is said, to His Lordship's endeavoring to hire away from Bates Eobert Bell, whom he desired to put in charge of the Wiseton Short-horns. At Eobert Colling 's sale Lord Althorpe purchased the five-year-old cow Nonpareil at 370 guineas, the four-year-old Rosette at 300 guineas, the three-year- old bull Eegent (544) — all by Wellington — at 145 guineas, and Diana by Favorite, at 78 guineas. Mr. Bates warned him that in his judgment these were not of desirable breeding on account of the large infusion of the blood of Ben (70). He also advanced the superior claims of his Duchesses, and induced Althorpe to send the high-priced Eosette to be bred to Duke (226), after which the Duke bull His Grace (311) was hired from Bates. At the Mason sale His Lordship bought sixteen females and a bull, paying up to 145 guineas. The Earl was more or less of a speculator in cattle, but was credited with having done much toward making Short-horns "fashionable" among the great landed proprietors. He is said to have been the first to command an extensive bull trade, and has been called a "cow jobber." His herd was of mixed origin and composition, and it is said was crossed in-and-in, in imitation of the Collings, until consti- tution was sacrificed. This fault seems to have been corrected, however, for at the time of Earl Spencer 's death in the "forties" the herd numbered about 150 head, and his legatee, a Mr. Hall, soon afterward disposed of them at public sale at high prices, one OTHEE EMINENT ENGLISH BEEEDEES 143 bull bringing 400 guineas, another 370 guineas, and some of the cows 200 guineas each. Jonas Whitalcer. — Near the great manufacturing city of Leeds, in Southwestern Yorkshire, Mr. Jonas Whitaker, a Quaker cotton-spinner, built up at Otley one of the largest and best herds of its time; a herd in which some of the greatest of the old-time bulls were used, and from which our early importers drew some of their most valuable material. Whitaker had more cattle recorded in the first three volumes of cows in Coates' Herd Book than any breeder in England, Earl Spencer not excepted. In fact it was due to his personal efforts that Coates was enabled to issue the first volume of the herd book at Otley in 1822. He was proud of the dairy capacity of his stock, paying as much attention to the udders as to any other point in the conformation of his cows and heifers. Among his most celebrated bulls were Frederick (1060) and his sons Bertram (1716) and Fairfax (1023). Frederick was intensely bred in the blood of Favorite and Comet. Mr. Bates' Enchanter (244), Ketton 3d (349) and 2d Hubback (1423) were also in service. From Mason he had His Highness (2125); from Col. Trotter's came Plato (505) and from Robert Colling 's Harold (291). Sir Charles Tempest's Dan O'Connell (3557) also appears in the Whitaker pedigrees. When the agents of the Ohio Importing Co. vis- ited England in 1834 they were much impressed by the excellence of Mr. "WHiitaker's herd and bought 144 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN' CATTLE some of tlieir best cattle from liim, including the cow Josephine, by Norfolk, and bull Duke of York (1941), by Frederick. From this herd also came George Renick's Prince Charles (2461), by Norfolk. The Renicks used Whitaker blood freely in the Rose of Sharons. Mr. Rotch and Col. Powell — American importers of a still earlier date — had also bought of Whitaker, as will be detailed further on. Whitaker drew him foundation stock from the best of the old-established herds, and had such sound old blood as that of Charles Colling 's Old Daisy and Magdalena; Robert Colling's Bright E-yes and Golden Pippin; Mason's Portia; Maj. Rudd's Daisys; Mr. Charge's Prettymaid and Venus; John Booth's Moss Roses and Bracelets; Wetherell's Ro- sanne, a Red Rose through the American Cow 's line ; Col. Trotter's Georgiana, the Feldom tribe, from whence came the celebrated progeny of Fair Frances; Miss Fairfax, dam of the Bristol Royal winner Sir Thomas Fairfax; the prolific Moss Rose, and Nonpareil, the dam of the great bull Norfolk (2377), sold to Mr. Fawkes and resorted to by Thomas Bates. In fact Bates bought Nonpareil at Mr. Whitaker 's dispersion sale of 1833 for 102 guineas, besides breeding some of his best cows to her son. Wetherell, the "Nestor" of the trade. — As a mere lad Wetherell listened to the lively bidding under the lime trees at Ketton in 1810, and like many others had an enthusiasm for the "red, white and OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 145 roan" kindled in his breast that day which lasted throughout a long and useful life. At Barmpton sale eight years later he bought Lady Anne at 100 guineas and Cleopatra at 133 guineas, and before night had them lodged at Holm House, where he proceeded to build up his first herd. Here was bred the famous Eosanna and the bulls Magnet (2240) and St. Leger (1414), the latter sold to Mr. Rennie for 250 guineas. The herd was closed out in 1828 and another founded near Durham by the purchase at strong prices of good cattle from contemporary breeders. He gave 250 guineas for Emperor (1839) and 100 guineas for his dam Blossom at Mr. Hut- ton's sale. Emperor was shown at the Newcastle Eoyal in 1846 and won over a field of twenty-four competitors. He had in this herd also the cele- brated Barmpton Rose, and after breeding Princess Royal from her she was sold to Henry Watson. She was carrying at that time Buttercup, that became the dam of Butterfly, which when crossed with Frederick produced at Towneley the never-beaten $6,000 Master Butterfly. It was from Mr. Wether- ell's third herd at Kirkbridge that Eastwood got Blanche 5th by Duke of Northumberland and Roan Duchess. From these came Towneley 's great Roan Duchess 2d and the show heifer Blanche 6th. An outbreak of pleuro-pneumonia nearly destroyed the Kirkbridge Herd and the farm had to be given up, but nothing daunted a fourth herd was established at Aldboro. Here he had in charge of his devoted 146 A HISTOEY OF SPIORT-HORX CATTLE herdsman, John Ward, such good ones as the roan Moss Rose, that stood next to Warlaby's Nectarine Blossom in many a hard-fought battle; the beautiful Stanley Rose "with her gay little head and Bride Elect bosom"; the stately broad-backed Lady Scar- boro and the line bull Statesman, measuring twenty- six inches from "hooks" to tail. At Aldsboro the roan Rosette was also bred (1856) and sold to Mr. Eastwood, who declared her the "best calf" he ever saw and afterward "the sweetest cow." She was winner of many Royal and other prizes and chal- lenge cups. This herd was at length dispersed at a memorable auction sale which was well attended, and averaged about seventy-three guineas for forty- eight lots. Stanley Rose topped the sale amid great cheering at 300 guineas from Lady Pigot. In the course of his long and active connection with the trade Mr. Wetherell acquired a great fund of "cattle lore," and he was never happier than when in the company of kindred spirits with whom he could hold discourse on the "red, white and roan." That delightful "gossip" of days "lang syne," the late H. H. Dixon, who under the nom do. plume of "The Druid" has fairly thrown a glamor of romance about the lives and characters of the leading British breeders and sportsmen of the olden times, writing of Wetherell, his home and his friends, says: " 'Nestor's' little home at Aldborough has many a herd me- mento on its walls. There is the cow bred by Mr. Thomas Booth which he sold at two years old to Mr. Carter of Thcakstone and OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 147 then bought back at beef price and put to Comus (1861). She had three heifers, and Mr. Rennie, Sr., of Phantassie bid him 500 guineas for them and ended by buying the oldest out of the pas- ture for 250 guineas. The second went to Mr. Whitkaer. Three roans are there from Herring's hand and painted in Memmon's year, when he was a struggling coachman-artist in Spring Gar- dens, Doncaster. Comet (155) is said to be the only one by Weaver in existence. Mr. Wetherell always thought Comet too long, but still a more elegant bull than Duke of Northumberland, who had also to struggle against rather upright shoulders. Comet's kith and kin are there in St. John and Gaudy, by Favor- ite, bred by Mason, who always loved good hair. " 'Bid me discourse' is an invitation Mr. Wetherell never shrank from; and, with the brothers Colling, Mr. Thomas Booth, Sir Tatton Sykes, Capt. Barclay and Mr. Wiley on his walls, it would be strange if he did not sit by the hour in his easy chair and tell of old times and Short-horn doings when they were all in the flesh. At times the gig comes for the Chief Baron to go over and spend a few days at Killerby and Warlaby. He presides there in great state at those 'high-private trials' of Short-horns under the trees in the home garth and cites the Charity prece- dents. Mr. John Outhwaite frequently assists, and, adopting a mode of practice quite unknown to the Westminster law courts, that learned Baron generally backs his opinion from the bench for one, if not two, new hats. " 'Great constitution' is Mr. Wetherell's leading tenet, but 'great size' never was; and if he does illustrate it he goes to Col. Cradock, who gloried in it, and whose 'Magnum Bonuvi teas like the Great Eastern.' He always considers that Earl Spencer began the bull trade and made Short-horns, so to speak, fashionable with the landlords. It was the thing to go to Wiseton — more espe- cially about the St. Leger time — and if visitors liked a cow they bargained to give £50 for the produce. The Earl crossed in till he sacrificed constitution — they had thin fore quarters and no breasts — and it was then that Mason, a very clever, first-class judge, a hater of 'fool's fat' and open shoulders, and most de- cided about fore quarters and a good neck vein, came to the Earl's aid. Whitaker was a great keeper, and all for the milk- bag, and Bates' mellow, light-fleshed sort grew less and less 148 A HISTORY OP SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE robust — they would get fat, but they would not swell and thicken like the Booths, which will stand any amount of high pressure. Such is a mere fragment of his confession of Short-horn faith." From Wetherell's herd came some of the best of the early American importations into New Eng- land. Wiley of Brandsby. — Samuel Wiley resided in the East Riding of Yorkshire; "his long, low-pitched house, with the dark-green Cotoniastus creeping over it and peeping with its red tlowrets in at every lattice," being "quite the realization of a snug Yorkshire home." He was a great lover of Leices- ter sheep and Short-horns, and in 1814 began cattle- breeding by hiring from Wright of Cleasby a son of the $5,000 Comet. Adonis, another Comet bull, did him much good service, and was followed by an own brother, Jupiter (343), the succession being maintained by North Star (459) and Harold (291), which were returned to Robert Colling before the Barmpton sale of 1818. At that event he bought the ten-year-old bull Midas (435), after a bit of warm work with Sir William Cooke, at 170 guineas. From Midas he bred his great Grazier (1085), that was used by Sir John Johnstone, Lord Feversham, Smith of West Rasen and others until fourteen years of age. One of his best sons was Ganthorpe (2049), bred at Castle Howard. Wliitaker blood was intro- duced by Mr. Wiley through His Highness (2125), an own brother to the 210-guinea Highflyer at the Mason sale. Sultan (1485), a descendant of Gen. Simson's 300-guinea purchase, Mary, at C. Colling 's OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 149 sale, was also used after having proved his worth by siring in Northumberland a class of cattle that the border breeders for many years fondly styled "the good old Jobson sort." Sultan got during his one year's service at Brandsby the cow Sultana, from which to the cover of Belshazzar, that had been hired from Castle Howard, was bred the famous bull Carcase (3285), that as a yearling stood second to Hecatomb at York in 1838 in the bull champion- ship class, defeating Mr. Bates' Duke of Northum- berland, and was soon afterward sold for 200 guineas. Another prize bull of Wiley's breeding was Van Dunck (10992), champion at the Yorkshire, first- prize two-year-old at the Highland, and after being placed second in the bull championship at same show to Maynard's Crusade sold for 125 guineas to an Aberdeenshire man. The Wiley cattle were not much shown for a number of years after these victo- ries, but prizes were not infrequently won on Brandsby bullocks at York Fat-Stock Shows. As late as 1869 Mr. Wiley reappeared with show cattle at the Royal at Manchester, where he won first in a ring of two dozen bulls with Earl of Derby, and at the Yorkshire the same bull was second to War- laby's great Commander-in-Chief. The Knightley "Fillpails."— Sir Charles Knight- ley of Fawsley Park, Daventry, after giving up hounds, about 1818, founded a herd in the Midlands that acquired a celebrity for its output of milk. 150 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE cream, butter and beef even more famous than that attained by Whitaker. Indeed, the ''Fawsley Fill- pails," with their "beautiful fore quarters, gay car- riage, general elegance and strong family likeness, ' ' were long recognized on both sides of the xltlantic as constituting a type within the breed almost as distinct as those to which Bates and the Booths gave their names. A marked uniformity was attained by the interbreeding of several different tribes. The Rosys sprang from a cow of that name, bred by Mr. Barker of Richmond; the Eubys were obtained from a cow of Hon. C. Arbuthnot's breeding; the Prim- roses came from the old Charge stock ; the Quickleys from a cow called Valuable, bought from Maj. Bower, and the Walnuts from a Booth foundation. After a dash of Booth — through the bulls Argus (759) and Swing (2721) — and a cross from Robert- son, of Ladykirk through Caliph (1774), the process of crossing the descendants of these foundation dams was begun; among the Fawsley-bred sires used in this concentration being the noted Ruby bulls Grey Friar (9172) and Little John (4232). A new element came in through the Arbuthnot cow Sylph (ancestress of the celebrated Charmer and Sweet- heart families), bought especially to breed a bull from. To a service by Little John she produced Fawsley (6004), a sire that was extensively used. Tlie successful inbreeding of these strains was fol- lowed by a well-considered cross of Princess blood through the noted Earl of Dublin (10178), a white OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 151 bull bred by J. Steplienson of Wolviston, tracing to Angelina by Phenomenon, the mother of the dam of Belvedere (1706). John Thornton says: "Sir Charles took a great fancy to the Earl of Dublin, but the only opinion that could be obtained from him was that 'any bull was big enough if he were good enough.' " At a memorable sale held at Fawsley in 1S56 the celebrated white cow Cold Cream, by Earl of Dub- lin, was bought for the Eoyal herd at Windsor at 100 guineas, a great price for the times. A grand- daughter of this fine dairy cow. Lady Knightley 2d, was first-prize winner at the Royal as a yearling, and was sold for 500 guineas to Walcott & Campbell of New York Mills, at whose sale she brought $3,100 and her two daughters $5,000 and $4,000 respec- tively. Bosquet, a bull whose name is often met with in Xorth Country pedigrees, bought by Hay of She- thin at the Fawsley sale of 1856 for 200 guineas, was of this same branch (Furbelow) of the Quickley tribe. At this same great sale Mr. Thorne of New York bought four Eosys at an average of about $590 each. The Knightleys seemed to nick particu- larly well with Bates-bred sires in the hands of cer- tain leading English breeders, and were for many years classed among the best Short-horns of their time. Fawkes of Farnley Hall.— "The vale of the Wharfe is adorned with elegant mansions, and the views obtained from the neighboring elevations are 152 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOKX CATTLE at once noble and inspiring. ' ' So runs a paragraph in an old Yorkshire chronicle. It was here that Whitaker had his cattle, and hard by the little mar- ket town of Otley was established also the fine old herd of Mr. F. H. Fawkes of Farnley Hall. Whit- aker 's Norfolk (2377), the grand roan bull for which the Ohio Co. offered $2,000 in vain, was the first bull purchase, and in 1834 Verbena and Medora were bought at Richard Booth's Studley sale. They were only ''babies" at the time, but Medora developed into a noble cow and produced nine calves. It seems that after Whitaker disposed of his herd in 1833 he bought some three dozen well-bred Short-horn cows for the use of the help at the Burley Mills. Mr. Fawkes was so favorably impressed with this useful set of cows that he arranged to have a number of them — to be chosen by himself — bred to Norfolk. He was to pay ten guineas for each calf at a week old, provided it ' ' did not have a black nose and had no symptoms of unsoundness." Some sixty head were thus transferred to Fawsley, and the first ten bull calves by Norfolk averaged 100 guineas each. One of these was out of a half-sister to the cow Young Phyllis, ancestress of the American family of that name, and grew up to fame under the title Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), a Royal and Yorkshire winner. He was sold at four years to B. Wilson of Brawith for 250 guineas. These Whitaker cows and others, mainly of Booth, Buccleuch and Brawith breeding, constituted a herd that supplied many OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BEEEDERS 153 prize bulls and heifers at the English shows, among them being the white Lord Marquis (10459), by the 200-guinea bull Laudable (9282). The dam of the Marquis was out of Zuleika, a daughter of Norfolk's, out of the Booth-bred Medora. John Thornton tells us that the herd was made up largely of "full roans," and it was the oivner's prac- tice to use light-colored hulls on dark-colored coivs as being more productive of good colors. Mr. Fawkes took a keen delight in his cattle, and loved to entertain appreciative visitors not only with the roans in his pastures but among the wondrous ' ' Turners ' ' that hung in the picture galleiy at ' ' the Hall." William Terr. — One of the most remarkable char- acters of his time was Torr of Riby and Aylesby, Lincolnshire. A contemporary of John and Richard Booth and Thomas Bates, a man of indomitable en- ergy and extraordinary resources, holding thou- sands of acres under lease, he acquired fame as a successful tenant farmer second to none in English history. Leicester sheep and Short-horns were his favorite "rent-payers." The latter he bred along independent lines for some twenty years, but in 1844 he took the oath of allegiance to the house of Booth, beginning with two years' service from the white Lord Lieutenant- White StrawbeiTy bull Leonard (4210). Vanguard (10994), by Buckingham out of Young Isabella, came for six years and left a grand set of cows, possessing great scale, deep flesh and 154 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOKX CATTLE rare coats. He was exchanged for one year for Crown Prince, and left altogether some 200 calves. Baron Warlaby (7813) — by Buckingham — Hope- well, British Prince, Fitzclarence, Royal Bride- groom, Prince of Warlaby, Leonidas, Monk, Lord Blithe and Mountain Chief were all hired from Rich- ard Booth, and from Barnes of Ireland came Dr. McHale and The Druid. From his own Booth-bred stock were derive.d such sires as Booth Royal, Breastplate, Killerby Monk and Blinkhoolie. Torr's herd became in its latter days one of the most celebrated in England, and its dispersion was marked by most extraordinary prices. As this did not occur, however, until 1875 we will reserve fur- ther details for a subsequent chapter. The long roll of honor. — To undertake individual comment upon the work of all who are specially de- serving by reason of their success in breeding, from the days of the Collings down to the great rise of the Bates and Booth power, is indeed a hopeless task. The records of Coates' Herd Book and of the Eng- lish sale-rings and show-yards abound in evidence of the fact that hundreds of strong, sturdy charac- ters in various parts of the United Kingdom were engaged in the upbuilding of the breed. "VVe cannot indeed begin to mention in this connection even the names of all who have earned the gratitude of pos- terity for their intelligent devotion to the work of Short-horn improvement. We have only given place in this chapter to the foregoing personal references OTHER EMINENT ENGLISH BREEDERS 155 by way of emphasizing the fact that the breed did not lack intelligent champions outside of the recog- nized leaders in the work. Those named were per- haps not more w^orthy than many of their contempo- raries, but to particularize further would burden our work too heavily with foundation facts. We would feign dwell here upon what was done by such men as the Jobsons, Charge of Darlington, Lawson of Stapleton, Cattley of Brandsby, Col. Cra- dock, E. Thornton, Messrs. Crofton, George Coates, the Wrights of Cleasby, Sir C. R. Tempest, Cham- pion of Blyth, Unthank of Penrith, Smith of West Rasen, A. L. and J. C. Maynard, Maj. Bower, Hon. J. Simpson, Col. Trotter, W. F. Paley, Rev. H. Berry, Lax of Ravensworth, Maj. Rudd, Raine, B. Wilson of Brawith, Wilkinson of Lenton, Capt. Barclay of Ury, Amos Cruickshank, Rennie of Plian- tassie, Robertson of Ladykirk, Grant Duff of Eden, and point out the distinguished service rendered to the breed in its earlier years by such noblemen as the Earl of Carlisle of Castle Howard, Yorkshire; the Marquis of Exeter, Stamford ; the Duke of Leeds and of Buccleuch, Earl Brownlow and other great landed proprietors. We are tempted here also to go into the operations of Earl Ducie of Tortworth, Bow- ly of Siddington, Bruere of Braithwaite, Peel of Knowlmere, Col. Towneley and others who carried the colors of the reds, whites and roans to such great heights at a little later period, but we have now reached the point where we must begin our 156 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN- CATTLE account of the breed in the New World, in the course of which we shall have occasion to revert not only to some of these but to the herds of Scotland. The visitor in Britain will find many memorials of Wellington and Nelson. The heroes of Waterloo and Trafalgar England has indeed not forgotten. Her parks and public places are decorated by cap- tured cannon. Deep down in their hearts, however, the English people have an equal pride in what has been accomplished in their pastures and paddocks. The paths of peace have indeed yielded to them "victories no less renowned than those of war." The wealth, the brains, the persistence of the British nation have joined with nature in developing an agriculture that has proved fruitful beyond com- pare in the production of improved varieties of flesh-bearing animals. No National memorial is needed to commemorate the triumph of men like those whose names have been enumerated in this and preceding chapters. They have won their way into the memories and affectionate regard of the Anglo- Saxon world in a manner at once peaceful, practical and patriotic. Every man, woman or child who sets tooth in savory sirloin or rich roast ''rib of beef" pays involuntary tribute to the genius of those who led the early line of progress in cattle-breeding in the historic confines of York and Durham. CHAPTER VII FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA From the green pastures of Old England to tlie Western shores of the stormy North Atlantic was indeed "a far cry" to those enterprising pioneers who first conceived the idea of transplanting Short- horns from these ancestral herds to the virgin soil of the United States. Ocean cables and fast "liners" were not at their command. Three thousand miles of watery waste had to be traversed by vessels sail- ing at the mercy of ^'Eolus, and the god of the winds was not always in a propitious mood. However, this did not operate as a bar upon the aspirations of those who, knowing the merit of the newly-established Short-horn breed, determined to introduce the blood in the seaboard States. Unfortunately we have no verified records as to earliest shipments. Virginia in the Van. — The Republic is indebted to the Old Dominion for the primal importation of Short-honi cattle. No sooner had the war of the Revolution reached a triumphant termination under the masterly guidance of the great Virginian than the work of providing the ways and means for a more diversified system of agriculture was taken up by the farmers and planters of that section. Some- thing more than tobacco was wanted. The historic 157 158 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE "valley" was really well adapted to the require- ments of live-stock liusbandrj^ As nearly as can be ascertained at this late day it was in 1783 that the first improved cattle were purchased in England for Virginia. A Mr. Miller of that State in connec- tion with Mr. Gough of Baltimore, must be given credit for the initial shipment. As to the number purchased no record has been preserved. As to their character we only know that they represented two distinct types — one known locally as the milk breed and the other as the beef breed. Character of the Gough & Miller cattle. — The ''milk breed" was described as having short horns and heavy and compact carcasses, the cows display- ing marked dairy propensities. In color they were red, red-and-white and roan — proof positive that they were of Short-horn origin. The stock of the "beef breed" were longer-horned and "rangier" in conformation. They lacked the smooth, even lines of the so-called "milk breed" and were slower in coming to maturity. They attained large size and made heavy carcasses of beef when fully grown and finished. It seems equally certain, therefore, that they represented one of the older types of the breed, probably the sort bred in the Holderness district of Yorkshire. This importation, it will be noted, ante- dates the Colling improvement. About two years later, or somewhere between 1790 and 1795, one or both of these same pioneer importers made a further shipment of cattle of similar types from England. FIRST IMPORTATIOXS TO AMERICA 159 That good use was made of this blood in the valley of the South branch of the Potomac and adjaceuu territory cannot be doubted. Then, as now, the "first families" of the Dominion were proud of their country estates, possessing the real English fond- ness for rural pursuits and the finer types of domes- tic animal. Kentucky and the Patton stock. — The making of the Ohio Valley States soon followed. Over the walls of the Alleghenies, lured by the golden promise of the fair and fruitful lands beyond the Blue Kidge, the Virginians entered into the price- less heritage of the blue-grass regions of Ohio and Kentucky. The former grazing-grounds of the bison were dedicated to lowing herds, showing in many instances traces of the magic touch of roan. In the first introduction of the Gough & Miller blood into Central Kentucky we find, therefore, the genn of the gigantic American cattle trade of the present day. The conjunction of Short-horn blood with the rich grains and grasses of the Ohio Valley called into being an industry that has not yet received its full credit in connection with ''the winning of the West." Lewis F. Allen tells the story of how the Pattons laid the foundation for nearly all that fol- lows in this volume relating to the extension of Short-horn blood throughout the great agricultural States in the following language: "Two years after the first importation, in the year 1785, two sons and a son-in-law (Mr. Gay) of 'Mr. Matthew Patton, then a resident of Virginia, took into Clark Co., Ky., one of its fine 160 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE bluegrass localities, a young bull and several heifers, half blooded (and they could only have been calves or less than yearlings), of their then-called 'English' cattle. These animals were said to have been purchased of Mr. Gough. It is not necessary to fur- ther note these animals, as they were but grades, only to show the spirit of enterprise among some of the early cattle-breeders of the State in obtaining better stock than Kentucky then af- forded for their improvement. "In 1790 the elder Mr. Patton removed from Virginia to Clark County, in Kentucky, and took with him a bull and cow directly descended from the Gough & Miller importation of the 'milk' breed, also some half-blooded cows of both the 'milk' and 'beef breeds. The 'beef breed were 'long-haired, large, coarse, slowly coming to maturity and fattening badly until fully grown, yet tolerable milkers.' The 'milk' breed (of which the bull and cow first named were of pure descent) were short-horned, coming early to maturity and fattening kindly. Their milking quali- ties were extraordinary. It was not at all uncommon for cows of this breed to give thirty-two quarts of milk daily. The Short- horn bull, red in color, with white face, rather heavy horns yet smooth and round in form, was called Mars. He is recorded by number 1850, American Herd Book. The cow was called Venus, white in color, with red ears, small short horns turning down. She bred two bull calves to Mars and soon afterward died. Mars got many calves on the native cows in Kentucky, which were said by the old breeders to be both excellent milkers and good fatten- ing animals. Mars remained with Mr. Patton until the death of the latter, in 1803, when the bull was sold to a Mr. Peeples, in Montgomery Co., Ky., in whose possession he died in 1806. Of the two bulls descended from Mars and Venus one was taken to Jessamine Co., Ky., the other to Ohio, probably the Scioto Val- ley; but as all this breed or breeds, in their various intermix- tures after their introduction in Kentucky, were called 'Patton stock,' they became commingled, the shorter-horned and refined ones with the longer-horned and coarser ones, and were, for many years afterward, universally known by that name only. "In the year 1803 Mr. Daniel Harrison, James Patton and James Gray, of Clark Co., Ky., bought of Mr. Miller, the importer, living in Virginia, a two-year-old bull, descended from a bull FIEST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 161 and cow of his importation. This bull was called Pluto (825 A. H. B.) and said to be of the 'milk' breed. He is described as 'dark-roan or red in color, large in size, with small head and neck, light short horns, small-boned and heavily fleshed.' He was bred mostly to 'Patton' cows and produced some fine milk- ers. He was taken to Ohio about the year 1812 and died soon afterward. "In the year 1810 Capt. William Smith of Fayette Co., Ky., purchased of the before-mentioned Mr. Miller of Virginia and brought to Kentucky a bull called Buzzard 304 (3254). He was coarser, larger, and taller than Pluto, but not so heavy. He was bred in different herds many years, and also used by the Society of Shakers at Pleasant Hill, Mercer Co., Ky., in 1821 and for some years afterward. "In the year 1811 the bull Shaker (2193 A. H. B.) was bought of Mr. Miller aforesaid, and used some years both by the Pleasant Hill, Ky., and Union Village, 0., Societies of Shakers. They afterward sold him to Messrs. Welton and Hutchcraft of Kentucky. He was of the 'milk,' or Short-horn breed. This ac- count we have from Messrs. Micajah Burnett of the Pleasant Hill and Peter Boyd of the Union Village Societies, and al- though they each differ in some non-essential items the identity of the bull is fully recognized. These four bulls, viz., Mars, Pluto, Buzzard and Shaker, appear to have been purely bred from the Gough & Miller importations previous to the year 1810. From these bulls, but not on equally pure-hred cows of those importations, descended many animals whose pedigrees have been recognized and recorded as Short-horns in the earlier vol- umes of the English Herd Book, and of consequence since in the American Herd Book, as the latter is founded on the English publication as standard authority in all matters of Short-horn genealogy. "During the years above mentioned several other bulls from the Gough & Miller Virginia stock were brought into Kentucky and Ohio — some with names and some without names other than those of their owners — as 'Inskip's Bull,' 'Peeples' Bull' (Mars, probably), 'Witherspoon's Bull,' 'Bluff,' and others. Some pedi- grees in the herd books run back into several of those bulls, which, as many pure-bred crosses have since been made upon 162 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE their descendants and been recorded in the English Herd Book, must be classed in the family of Short-horns. "From the above accounts it is understood where and how the 'Patton stock' originated. There can be no doubt that some of the original importations of Gough & Miller were well-bred cat- tle of the Short-horn or Teeswater breed (which were identical in original blood), but without pedigrees; also that others of them may have been of the Holderness variety— coarser and less improved — of the same race. From the various accounts which, we have gathered from different quarters in Ohio and Kentucky some of them were rough animals, tardy in arriving at matur- ity; others fine both in figure and quality, and most of the cows descended from them proved excellent milkers. Their colors were more or less red, white and roan, which are true Short- horn colors. "These accounts are about as accurate and as much to the point as the English traditions relating to the ancient Short- horns or Teeswaters in their native land, and may be received as a fair basis on which to found the genealogy of all the pedi- grees which trace back into the 'Patton' blood and are found recorded in both the English and American Herd Books." An early New York importation. — Tradition is authority for the statement that about the year 1791 a Mr. Heaton, who liad emigrated from England to New York in 1775 and followed for some years the occupation of a butcher, returned to England and brought back with him several Short-horn cattle from the herd of George Culley of Northumberland, What became of these cattle neither tradition nor written history of the day records. In 1796 it is further stated that Mr. Heaton returned to England and brought out a bull and cow which he had bought from one of the brothers Colling and took them to his farm in Westchester Co., N. Y., where he then resided. It is surmised that the Short-horns which FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 163 he had previously imported liad also been taken to that place, but as to this there is no verified account. What finally became of the Heaton cattle and their descendants nothing definite is known, except that some superior cattle were for many years grown in Westchester Co., N. Y., after the present century came in, but no pedigrees of them have been traced except in one or two instances through "Brisbane's bull," which was purchased of Mr. Heaton by the late Mr. James Brisbane of Batavia, N. Y., in the early years of this century. The bull left much val- uable stock in the vicinit}^ of Batavia and was sup- posed to be a pure-bred Short-horn. Of the Heaton stock retained in the vicinity of New York nothing further is known. It is altogether probable that the people of that vicinity, knowing little of any breed in those days, let the stock ' ' run out, ' ' and that the blood was finally lost in the common herds of the country.* The Cox importation. — While the Virginians were settling upon the virgin fields of Kentucky, and helping to occupy the rich country to the north of the broad stream of the Ohio, enterprising men were seeking to introduce advanced ideas in agriculture throughout the territory once dominated by the Iroquois. " Squaw-f amiing " had not caused the lands of the Empire State to blossom as the rose, and the white pioneers had made little progress in the line of live-stock improvement. *In this connection see also tlie story of tlie importation and return of "The American Cow," page 48. 164 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOKX CATTLE Immediately after the close of the war of 1812 with the mother country Mr. Cox, an Englishman, brought into Rensselaer County, near Albany, N. Y., a Short-horn bull and two cows that were placed upon the farm of Mr. Cadwallader Colden. This was before Coates and Whitaker had brought the English Herd Book even to its manuscript stage. No pedigrees came with the cattle. From this trio a numerous progeny resulted, known in Short-horn parlance as "Cox Importation Cattle." The de- scendants of the Cox cows were subsequently crossed by the bulls Comet (or Cornet) 2649 (158) and Nel- son 1914, imported in June, 1823, by Messrs. Cox & Wayne. Some of the cows thus descended passed into the possession of a Mr. Matthew Bullock of Albany County, and their progeny acquired local reputation under the name of "Bullock stock." They were described as "large, robust animals, good, although not remarkably fine in quality, but of true Short-horn type." Comet, or Cornet, was a red-and-white (spotted) bull, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson of Denton Park, Otley, and was got by Meteor (432) — of the elder Booth's breeding — a son of Albion (14) out of a cow by C. Colling 's Windsor (698). Nelson was a red-and-white bull by Nelson (449), a roan bred by Simpson of Babworth and got by Colling 's Ketton (346), he by the $5,000 Comet, going back on the dam's side to Charles Colling 's herd. The first pedigreed bulls. — According to Allen the first pedigreed Short-horn bulls to set hoof on Amer- FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 165 ican soil were Marquis (408) and Moscow (9413), imported into the Genesee Valley of New York, in 1817, by Samuel M. Hopkins of Moscow. Mr. War- field lists this importation as ' ' supposed. ' ' The very cream of the Charles Colling blood is represented in the breeding of Marquis (from Mr. Jonas Whit- aker's), as he had for dam the far-famed Magdalena, by Comet, and his sire was Wellington (679), in- tensely bred in the blood of Favorite (252) on the Old Cherry foundation. Moscow (9413) was like- wise deep in the richest Short-horn blood of his time. He was a roan of Sir Henry Vane Tempest's breed- ing, of the Princess blood, sired by Wynyard (703) out of Elvira by Phenomenon (491); second dam Princess by Favorite (252). Along wdth this well- bred pair of bulls Allen says there came a cow called Princess that was said to be descended from a Eobert ancestry. It is said that descendants of these cattle, crossed by bulls from Col. Powel's herd, presently to be mentioned, were purchased by the Holland Land Co. for the benefit of the settlers upon that corporation's land near Batavia, in West- ern New York, and were carefully bred for many years. The "Seventeens." — The first direct importation from England into the territoiy west of the Alle- ghenies was made by Col. Lewis Sanders of Ken- tucky, "a gentleman of character and position," who was at this time actively engaged in manufac- turing, merchandising and farming. He resided 166 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN^ CATTLE latterly in Gallatin County not far from where the Kentucky River flows into the Ohio, a short distance below Cincinnati. The following statement as to the cattle purchased on his order in 1817 is in Col. San- ders' own language: "I was induced to send the order for the cattle (in the fall of 1816) by seeing an account of Charles Colling's great sale in 1810. At this sale enormous prices were paid — 1,000 guineas for the bull Comet. This induced me to think there was a value unknown to us in these cattle, and as I then had the control of means determined to procure some of this breed. For somfe years previous I was in the regular receipt of English publica- tions on agricultural improvements and improvements in the various descriptions of stock. From the reported surveys of counties I was pretty well posted as to the localities of the most esteemed breeds of cattle. My mind was made up, fixing on the Short-horns as most suitable for us. I had frequent conversa- tions on this matter with my friend and neighbor Capt. William Smith, then an eminent breeder of cattle. He was thoroughly impressed in favor of the old Long-horn breed. To gratify him and to please some old South Branch feeders I ordered a pair of Long-horns, and was more willing to do so from the fact that this was the breed selected by the distinguished Mr. Bake- well for his experimental, yet most successful improvements. I forwarded to the house of Buchanan, Smith & Co. of Liverpool $1,500 to make the purchase, expecting to get three pair only, with instructions to procure a competent judge and suitable agent to go into the cattle district and make the selection, the animals not to be over two years old, and no restriction as to price. At the time the Holderness breed was in highest repute for milkers. I directed that the agent should be sent to York- shire to procure a pair of that breed, then to the River Tees, in Durham County, for a pair of Short-horn Durhams. then to the County of Westmoreland for a pair of the Long-horns, etc. "The agent sent from Liverpool, J. C. Etches, a celebrated butcher of that place, went as directed and purchased six pair instead of throe. It being soon after the war all kinds of prod- FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 167 uce had much cheapened and the stock sold lov/er than was ex- pected. "After the cattle were shipped from Liverpool on the vessel Mohawk, bound to Baltimore, Md., where the cattle afterward landed, I sold one-third interest in them to Capt. William Smith and another third to Dr. Tegarden of Kentucky." Of tlie twelve animals bought, eight (four bulls and four heifers) were Short-horns and four (two bulls and two heifers) were Long-horas. The im- portation was made five years prior to the publica- tion of Vol. I of the English Herd Book, at a time when comparatively few of the old-country breeders gave that strict attention to their private records that afterward became imperative. The only infor- mation furnished in tlie invoice as to the Short- horns is indicated below: " 'No. 1. Bull from Mr. Clement Winston, on the River Tees, got by Mr. Constable's bull, brother to Comet.' afterward (155) E. H. B. The name of this bull was San Martin, afterward (2599) in E. H. B. " 'No. 2. Bull, Holderness breed, from Mr. Scott, out of a cow which gave thirty-four quarts of milk per day.' The name of this bull was Tecumseh, afterward (5409) E. H. B. " 'No. 3. Bull from Mr. Reed, Westholme, of his own old breed.' This bull is probably the one called Comet, afterward 1382 A. H. B. Said to have been got by either Comet (155) or his brother North Star (458) E. H. B. " 'No. 4. Bull, Holderness breed, from Mr. Humphreys, got by Mr. Mason's bull of Islington.' No herd-book record appears to have since been made of this bull, and we know not what be- came of him. Mr. Clay states that one of the bulls 'was sold to Capt. Fowler, who afterward sold him to Gen. Fletcher, and was taken to Bath Co., Ky., where he died.' "Of the females the invoice states that " 'No. 7 was a heifer from Mr. Wilson, Staindrop, Dunham breed.' 168 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE^ CATTLE " 'Nos. 8, 9, 10 were heifers from Mr. Shipman, on the River Tees, of his own breed." " 'In the division of the Short-horns above named Col San ders became owner of the bulls San Martin and Tecumseh.' Col. Sanders states that Comet became the property of Dr. Tegarden. " 'Of the Shipman heifers No. 7 became the property of Capt. Smith and was called the "Durham Cow." ' " 'Of the three remaining two were retained by Col. Sanders, one of which was called "Mrs. Motte" and the other named the "Teeswater Cow." ' "The fourth heifer died in Maryland, never having reached Kentucky." The descendants of the three heifers Mrs. Motte, the Durham Cow and the Teeswater Cow are to this day known as "The Seventeens," so called from the date of the original importation. Mrs. Motte* produced the four red heifers Lady Munday, Miss Motte and Sylvia to San Martin, and Lady Alice by Tecumseh, besides five bulls. The Durham Cow was also prolific, dropping eleven calves — five heifers and six bulls — her last four being sired by her own son Napoleon 1899, by San Martin. The Teeswater Cow gave birth to four heifers and two bulls. The leading Kentucky and Ohio farmers of that period availed themselves largely of this oppor- *In view of the large number of descendants of Mrs. Motte through- out the country the following excerpt from a letter written to the author by Mr. William Warfleld under date of Feb. 21, 1899, may be of inter- est: "Upon the occasion of Col. Sanders' last visit to my father in the fifties I heard him state the facts as to the naming of Mrs. Motte. At Charleston, S. C, during the Revolutionary War, lived Maj. Motte of the United States army and his family. Mrs. Motte being a very great patriot was much concerned in the destruction of a certain fort which interfered very much with the reduction of the city. She learned that the destruction of a very fine residence which was her own property — and which was already in the possession of the enemy — would remove the difficulty of reducing this fort. She presented the besiegers with a quiver of African arrows to be used for that purpose. Skewers armed with combustible materials were al-so used with more effect." In com- memoration of this patriotic sacrifice Col. Sanders gave the name ot Mrs. Motte to bis imported cow. FIKST IIMPORTATIOXS TO AMERICA 169 tunity for improving tlieir herds, among those who purchased progeny from the three Sanders cows being Gen. Garrard, Dr. S. D. Martin, Maj. Gano, Dr. AVarfield, Judge Haggin, Walter Dun, T. P. Dudley and the Ohio Shakers. Mrs. Motte's daugh- ters Lady Kate, Lady Munday and Sylvia inherited the fecundity of their dam, producing in the aggre- gate thirty calves, more than one-half of them through Lady Munday and Sylvia, the property of Gen. Garrard. The Durham Cow's daughter Lady Durham left five heifers and three bulls, two of the former going into the hands of Benjamin Warfield. It thus aj^pears that the importation of 1817 became an important element in the breeding operations of those enterprising men who laid the foundation for the subsequent popularity of the breed in the States bordering upon the Ohio Eiver; and the cattle de- rived from that source were for a long series of years among the very best Short-horns known in the LTnited States. Notwithstanding the marked excellence of the so-called "Seventeens" there sprang up, after the era of herd books and "fashion" in blood lines asserted powerful influence upon the breed, a preju- dice against them which practical men were unfor- tunately unable to wholly overcome. Parties who were breeding from cattle drawn from the latter and fully-pedigreed importations began casting asper- sions upon the ''purity" of the blood of the Sanders stock because the foundation dams had no extended 170 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE pedigrees. In regard to this mucli nonsense has been written. For instance, the "cock-and-bull" story of the late Ambrose Stevens, as published in Vol. II of the American Short-horn Herd Book and repeated in Allen's "History of the Short-horns" (page 166), fitting Mrs. Motte out with a long pedi- gree running back to Lady Maynard, alleged to have been supplied by Thos. Bates. This had no basis whatever in fact. The simple truth is that the cattle bought by the butcher, Mr. Etches, were doubtless good ones individually, although not bred by men who had preserved records of their breeding or acquired reputations. The animals clearly belonged to the same class of market stock from w^hence Thomas Booth drew the ancestral dams of a number of those families that afterward acquired inter- national fame at Killerby and Warlaby, as detailed in preceding chapters. In the hands of such men as Garrard, Clay, Warfield, Bedford, the Renicks, Trimble, Harrold and other breeders of sound judg- ment a class of cattle sprang from this foundation that would have compared favorably with the best results attained by their English contemporaries, the Messrs. Booth and others, whose cattle — similarly descended — became "fashionable." In vain was this fact pointed out by thoughtful and disinterested men. Vain were all the winnings of the descendants of the importation of 1817 at the great shows of the West. The fiat of fashion went out against them in the later years, and whole herds of valuable cattle FIRST IMPOETATIOXS TO AMERICA. 171 carrying but a mere droi^ of the original ''Seven- teen" blood were practically lost to the breed be- cause of the unreasoning prejudice created against them.* The imported Long-horns were sold by Col. San- ders to Capt. Smith and Dr. Tegarden, in whose hands they did not prove pojDular. Some experi- mental crosses between cattle carrying Short-horn blood and the Long-horns were made in Kentucky, Virginia and Ohio,t but the judgment of the best breeders of the day was not favorable and the Long- horns presently disappeared. In 1818 Mr. James Prentice of Lexington, Ky., imported the two bulls Prince Regent 877 and John Bull 5981/^, both certified to be of pure Short-horn *The late Judge T. C. Jones of Delaware, C, one of the closest stu- dents of American Short-horn breeding, once said : "We have a great many Short-horns of high, and even fashionable rank, the origin of whose lineage is quite as obscure as that of the Short-horns of Col. San- ders — at a period much less remote than the date of that importation. * * * A large class of valuable cattle, with well-established char- acteristics, has been sacrificed. Following the whims and fancies of speculators in pedigrees, in some instances, thick-fleshed and quick- feeding cattle of this and other unfashionable strains of blood have been discarded to make way for light-fleshed and unthrifty animals of the fancy sorts." t George Renick of Ohio was among those who tried the cross and discarded the Long-horn blood. Writing upon this subject Mr. Brutus J. Clav of Bourbon Co., Ky., said: "We recollect in 1821, when just verging into manhood, taking a horseback journey from Columbus to Circleville, C, in the vicinity of which latter town the Renick brothers owned large landed estates. We saw a herd of a dozen or more long- horned cattle grazing in a field by the side of the road. Their singular appearance, grazing on the rich blue grass or lying under the shade of the majestic trees, attracted our attention. We rode up to the fence, hitched our horse and went into the field to view them. They had every appearance of being either pure-bred or high grades of the Long-horn breed with long, drooping horns pushing forward beyond their noses or falling below their jaws, light brindle in color, with white stripes along their backs, as we now see their portraits in the books. They were long-bodied, a little swayed in the back, not very compact in shape, but withal imposing animals to the eye. We made no inquiries about them at the time, as we knew little of breeds of cattle. Thirty years after- ward, being again at Circleville, and having a better knowledge of breeds, on inquiry for cattle of that character we could find no trace nor even a recollection of them among the older farmers of the vicinity." 172 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HOEN^ CATTLE blood but not supplied with pedigrees. John Bull was described as a deep red, of fine size and good form, with small down-curving horns. Prince Re- gent was "pied," white with some red spots. As indicating the enterprise of the Kentucky breeders of that day in the work of improving their cattle, it may be stated that these bulls were purchased by Nathaniel Hart of Woodford County and John Hart of Fayette County for $1,500, and they are said to have left good stock. It thus appears that the foundation of the Short-horn breeding interest in Kentucky and Ohio was laid mainly in the Gough & Miller (Patton) and the Sanders bloods, which were more or less intenningled for a long series of years. Massachusetts importations. — In November, 1817, Samuel Williams of Massachusetts, a merchant, at that time residing in London, purchased of Mr. Wetherell and sent out to his brother Stephen Wil- liams of Northboro, Mass., the bull Young Denton (963). He was a roan, sixteen months old at the time of importation, and was used in Massachusetts for about ten years, after which he was taken to the State of Maine, where he died in 1830. He was con- sidered a very choice specimen of the breed. In 1818 Mr. Cornelius Coolidge of Boston imported the bull CcBlebs 349 and the cow Flora, both bred by Mason of Chilton and both sired by the sons of Comet (155). Mr. Williams sent out in 1822 the roan yearling heifer Arabella, by North Star (460) FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 173 out of Aurora by Comet (155), wliich was also of Mr. Wetherell's breeding. Her descendants, like nearly all other Short-horns tracing to the earlier importations into New York and New England, were distinguished for their excellent dairy qualities. The Arabellas were at one time a large and valuable family. During the same year several other cows were imported into Massachusetts by Messrs. Lee, Orr, Monson, and perhaps others, most of them being purchased from the Wetherell herd. Among these were Tuberose, by North Star (460), and Harriet, by Denton (198), a son of Comet. The latter was de- scribed as a very fine cow, nearly white in color. In 1823 and 1824 Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin of the British Navy, who was born in the State of Massa- chusetts, sent out to the Massachusetts Agricultural Society the roan bull Admiral (1608) and the red- and-white cow Annabella, by Major (398), also from the Wetherell herd. A numerous progeny claim de- scent from these animals. In another shipment he sent the white cow Blanche, by a son of Comet; Snowdrop, by Fitz Favorite (1042), and the heifer Emma, by Wellington (683). Reference is made in the American Herd Book to a bull called Fortunatus, or Holdemess, as having been bred by George Faulkner and imported by Gor- ham Parsons, Brighton, Mass., in 1818. We cannot identify him. In 1828 Mr. Francis Eotch of New York, who was then in England, shipped to his brother-in-law Ben- 174 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE jamin Kodman, New Bedford, Mass., the bull Devon- shire (966) and the cows Adeliza, Dulcibella and Galatea, all from the herd of Mr. Whitaker, all roans, all possessing good pedigrees, and all sired by the famous Frederick (1060). The cows gave rise to families bearing their respective names, which, like the Pansies and Arabellas, acquired wide repute for their excellence at the pail. Devonshire was bought by Lewis F. Allen, founder of the Amer- ican Short-horn Herd Book, in 1834 and died at eleven years of age. He was a bull of good scale and fine points. Adeliza and Dulcibella were good cows, prolific breeders, excellent milkers, and lived to be aged animals.* In 1831-32 the young white cow Eoxanne, by Frederick, and her white heifer Mary Whitaker were added to Mr. Eodman's hold- ings by purchase from Jonas Whitaker. In 1830 Mr. Enoch Silsby of Boston imported the cow Agatha, by Sir Charles (1440), and the year- ling bull Boston (1735), both roans from the herd of Mr. Curry of Northumberland. The.y proved ex- cellent breeders, and Agatha's descendants subse- quently became widely and favorably known. Early New York importations. — Gen. Stephen Van Eensselaer of Albany, N. Y., brought out in 1823 ♦Speaking of the purchase of these Whitaker cattle Mr. Rotch said: "I arrived at Otley just in time to attend an exhibition of stock, whicli was then the great and leading show of the North for Short-horns. My sudden arrival as an American created much interest and kindly feel- ing, which showed itself in the strong wish that I should not go away without obtaining the animals I selected, though they were not intended for sale." Mr. Rotch was a fine type of that intelligent body of men seeking in the early days the improvement of American live stock. He lived to a green old age at his country home in Otsego Co., New York, and retained a great interest in Short-horns to the last. FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 175 from the herd of Mr. Champion the bull Washington (1566)* and the cows Conquest and Pansy by Blaize (76). Conquest failed to breed, but Pansy had sev- eral daughters by Washington that gave rise to a very noted family of dairy Short-horns, afterward popular throughout New England and the AVest. In 1821 Humphrey Hollis, an Englishman who emigrated to New York, brought out two cows called Hart and Xudd, said to be sired by Ceilings' Wellington. Their descendants were at one time to be found in New York and Pennsylvania herds. In 1823 George M. Tibbetts of Troy brought out a red bull called Young Comet 2419. In 1828 a Mr. Green of New York imported the bull Banquo 1226 and sent him to the State of Maine. About the same date Abijah Hammond of Westchester County brought out the cow Old Willey, unpedigreed, sev- eral of whose descendants are recorded in the first volume of the American Herd Book. In 1822 and succeeding years Mr. Charles Henry Hall, a New York merchant who had previously lived and done business in various European coun- tries, imported a number of Short-horns selected from good English herds, among them the cows Princess, by Lancaster (360), that was bred in 1816, by Pobert Colling; Canada, by Sir Peter (606); Primrose, by George; and bulls Eegent 899, Young Hector and Comet. A few of Mr. Hall's cattle bred * Lewis F. Allen lends his name to the statement that Washington lived to be nineteen years old, doing service in his eighteenth year. 176 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOR^r CATTLE from these importations were kept on a small farm near Harlem, but the major portion were taken to Greenbush, near Albany, where they were kept and bred for some years. It seems that Mr. Hall was not careful to preserve accurately the breeding records of his stock, and through this inattention the cor- rect lineage of many of his cattle was lost. Largely through the influence of these purchases several other New York business men imported Short-horns and bred them on Long Island and in Westchester County, but the pedigrees of these were neglected. Col. Powel's purchases. — Between the years 1822 and 1831 Col. John H. Powel of Powelton, near Philadelphia, imported about twenty-four head of cows and heifers and seven bulls, a majority of which were of Mr. Whitaker's breeding. Included among these were the bulls Bertram (1716), Bolivar (804), Gloucester (1074) and Memnon (1223)— all by Frederick (1060) ; and the cows Belina by Barmp- ton (54), Desdemona by Frederick (1060) ; Cleopatra (of Richard Booth's breeding) by Pilot (496), Ruby by Young Dimple (971) and Mandane by Richmond (1380) — all of which founded good families of dual- purpose cattle. Belina was indeed one of the great dairy cows of her time, having a well-authenticated butter record of 201^ lbs. per week. Cleopatra was the first Booth-bred cow imported to America and was sold by Col. Powel to David Sutton of Ken- tucky in 1833. She was called ' ' a grand cow. ' '* ♦See Preface A. H. B., Vol. XIV. FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 177 The bull Bertram not only had the endorsement of Thomas Bates* but was recognized by American breeders as one of the best Short-horn bulls that had been imported up to that period. He was a com- pactly-fashioned, short-legged red of Colling 's Old Daisy sort, possessing a fine touch, good hair and an impressive individuality. Allen says: ''The cows struck us as being of excellent quality, wdth indications of giving large quantities of milk; were good in form, long in body, straight on back, broad in the hips, with fine heads and horns, excellent coats of hair and well-shaped udders." Ancestress of the Louans. — In 1821 a Mr. Law of Baltimore, Md., imported the roan cow Rosemary (of J. C. Curwen's breeding), by Flash (261), and her white heifer Virginia, by General (272), that afterward passed into the possession of Col. Powel and became the ancestress of the family so noted in Kentucky and other Western States under the name of Louans. From the Curwen herd Mr. Law also bought the bull Bishop (73) and the cow Assurance. During the same year there was imported into Maryland the roan bull Champion (864), the white heifer White Rose, by Warrior (673), and the red- and- white heifer Shepherdess, by Magnet (392) — all *"I think the bxiU Bertram which you have bought of Mr. Whitaker of Greenholme is the best bull I know of at present to lay the founda- tion of a good stock of Short-horns in any country. He is descended from one of the best-milking and quickest-grazing tribes, and one which yielded meat of the best quality, and, as I found by experiments, left the most for the food consumed. I used the Daisy bull, brother of the great-grandam of Bertram, above thirty years ago. * * * j con- sider Bertram a much superior bull to Comet, which bull I saw sold for 1,000 guineas at public sale, and afterward £1,500 was offej-ed for him." — Thomas Bates to Col. Powel, 1831. 178 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE of Mr. Champion's breeding. White Rose was in calf to Blaize (76) — sire of imp. Pansy previously mentioned — and was sold to Gov. Lloyd of Mary- land. She produced to this English service the bull Wye Comet (1591). Shepherdess and Wye Comet were sold to Col. Powel. Mr. Allen credits this importation to Col. John S. Skinner, and Mr. War- field to a Mr. Oliver. Walter Dun's importations.— In 1833 Mr. Walter Dun, a Scotchman living near Lexington, Ky., sent an order to a friend, one William Douglas, residing in the South of Scotland, to go into Yorkshire and buy several head of Short-horns to be shipped out to America. Ample funds were supplied, and the animals were to be chosen with reference to quality rather than to price or pedigree. Six head were bought and shipped from Liverpool, Sept. 5, 1833, arriving safely in Kentucky on Nov. 26 following. This shipment proved of much value in capable hands on both sides of the Ohio River, some of the best cattle of succeeding years tracing descent to it. The imported cows were Caroline (red), by Dash- wood; Red Rose (red-and-white), by Ernesty; White Rose (white), by Publicola; Multiflora (roan), by Walter; Daisy (red-and-white), by Wild, and Pre- mium (roan), by Maximus, which were accompanied by the two-year-old bull Symmetry (5382). Some of the bulls appearing in certain of these pedigrees were not at that time recorded in England, on ac- count of which efforts to discredit their descendants FIRST IMPORTATIONS TO AMERICA 179 were subsequently made; and, as in the case of the "Seventeens," Pattons and Cox cattle, such efforts were attended with more or less success. In 1836, in connection with Mr. Samuel Smith, Mr. Dun sent another order to Mr. Douglas, which was filled by the shipment of the roan bull Comet (1854), the red-and-white George (2059), and the cows Mary Ann (roan), by Middlesboro; Adelaide (roan), by Magnum Bonum (22-13), and Jewess. The latter proved barren. Adelaide was in calf to Brutus (1752), and gave birth to the heifer Beauty of Wharfdale. Mary Ann had been served in Eng- land by Xorfolk, and gave birth to the roan bull calf Otley (1632). To these cows the American Adelaide and Mary Ann families trace. In 1838 Mr. Dun imported two bulls from Premium, by Maximus, and Young Charlotte, by Thorp, recorded as Otho 794 and Tarik 1022. Meantime the Ohio Co. had begun its memorable importations, and the desire for good Short-horns among the better class of farmers was universal. Messrs. Dun and Smith both died shortly after these latter importations, and at an auction sale held by their executors Sept. 11, 1838, the prices made re- vealed the fact that the breeders of that period were both prosperous and enterprising. Imp. Adelaide brought $1,375 from Messrs. Dillard & Ferguson, and her daughter $755 from F. S. Eead. The cow Adeline brought $1,030, and her daughter $440. Imp. Mary Ann and her Norfolk bull calf, then but ten 180 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE days old, fetched $2,100 from Messrs. R. G. Jackson and B. P. Gray, and Allen states that Messrs. Wes- son and Shropshire afterward gave that amount for Otley alone. At this same sale R. T. Dillard and C. R. Ferguson gave $1,235 for ihe cow Ellen, C. C. Morgan $1,230 for the cow Cleopatra and W. S. Hume $1,000 for the bull calf Oliver Keen— all the property of Mr. Smith's estate. The bull Comet had meantime become the individual property of Mr. John G. Dun, and for him the great price of $3,000 was offered by Mr. Gray, one of the buyers of im]). Mary Ann. He was bred by Mr. Crofton from a Mason foundation, Otley was supposed to have been bred by Mr. Fawkes. CHAPTER VIII DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS In a general way it may be said that during the first period following the early introduction of Short-horn blood into America the type developed greatest favor among the holders of the rich lands of Central Kentucky and Southern Central Ohio. In New England and New York it had been chiefly in the hands of gentlemen of wealth and leisure, and the farmers of that section, who kept cattle mainly for the dairy and the yoke, were rather inclined to regard the breed as a mere "fancy" type, not specially adapted to their comparatively thin soils and rigorous climate. Still the merit of Short-horn cows as dairy cattle was recognized, and the blood was freely used by those who saw, particularly in the AVetherell and Whitaker stock, a valuable "gen- eral-purpose" type. In Ohio and Kentucky the Short-horns found a most congenial home, and quickly acquired favor among practical men in close touch with the Balti- more and Philadelphia markets— men who had found in the Gough & Miller and Sanders cattle a class of stock that made wonderful response to good keep. Theirs was a veritable land of plenty — a country teeming with corn and blue grass. York 181 182 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN- CATTLE and Durham were fairly distanced in comparison, so far as unlimited feed supplies were concerned. Hundreds of prime Short-horn bullocks were matured and driven across the mountains to the seaboard markets. It was in the course of this trade that the Ohio Valley drovers and graziers, living remote from the great centers of population, learned of the establishment of the Powel herd, and in spite of the distance and obstacles to be overcome they invested in fresh blood from that source and intro- duced it upon their ''Pattons" and " Seventeens. " When we consider the length of the journey from Cincinnati to Philadelphia before the days of rail- roads one can but admire the pluck and enterprise displayed by the sturdy pioneers engaged in this trans-Allegheny cattle traffic. Those who had been fortunate enough in the first rush of the tide of emigration to secure large holdings in Kentucky and Ohio found that Short-horn blood enabled them to reap a rich harvest from their grain and pasture lands. Never has there been a more complete dem- onstration of the value of good blood in farming operations than was afforded by the history of the introduction of the Short-horn into the Ohio Valley States. To them the hoof of the ''red, white and roan" was indeed golden, and to this day no other type of cattle has found equal favor among those enjoying the fruits of the Short-horn's peaceful in- vasion of the ancestral acres. Feeding for seaboard markets. — Virginians from DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 183 the valley of the South Branch of the Potomac were the most influential of the pioneers who settled in Southern Central Ohio and Kentucky early in the nineteenth century. They had been accustomed to breeding cattle for grazing and feeding purposes and originated the system of fattening steers in large numbers by feeding ' ' shock ' ' corn in the open fields during the winter months. Among the earliest of these emigrants were the brothers George and Felix Renick, from Hardy Co., Va., who found their way over the mountains on horseback, with the aid of a compass,* and selected large tracts of land in the valley of the Scioto River, near the present site of Chillicothe, 0. Other members of the Renick family followed them, but George and Felix by their enterprise in cattle-growing gained the right to recognition as the most distinguished of those who laid the foundation for Short-horn breeding in the State of their adoption. George Renick first conceived the idea of driving fat cattle from the Scioto to Baltimore, and although his Virginia friends scouted the plan as impracti- cable, he nevertheless put it to the test, and in 1805 successfully drove sixty-eight head through in good condition and disposed of them at a round profit. The problem of a market was solved, and the in- dustry developed with amazing rapidity. In 1817 Felix Renick drove 100 head of prime fat Short- *Hon. T. C. Jones' address before the Iowa Short-horn Breeders' Association in 1881. 184 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORNT CATTLE horn steers through to Philadelphia, receiving for them in that market $134 per head ! In 1818 George Renick sent a drove through to New York — the first Western cattle ever seen there — that sold for $69 per head.* These cattle were descended from the Gough & Miller stock, the roan bull Pluto 825 being one of the sources from whence that blood was derived. Felix Eenick became the leading feeder of "top" cattle in his State, and aside from the Messrs. Goff of Kentucky, was probably the most extensive breeder and feeder of well-bred bullocks in the United States in his day. George Renick also fed largely for nearly fifty years. Other successful Ohio breeders and feeders of the early days were Gov. Allen Trimble, John I. Van Meter, James Vanse, John Grouse, William, Jona- than and Thomas Renick, Messrs. Huston, M. L. Sul- livant and R. R. Seymour. The latter fed from 100 to 700 head annually, and in 1841 drove 840 head through to Philadelphia.f The Shakers of Warren County also gave their attention to the improvement of their cattle by the use of the Patton and "Seven- teen" blood. Cattle-feeding was thoroughly estab- lished as a profitable industr}^ by the time the Walter Dun importations were made, and the rivalry that •Related by the late William Renick of Circleville, O. tMr. Seymour removed from Virginia to Ohio in 1830. He says that wlien he left Virginia all the principal cattlemen in the South Branch Valley had stork of English blood, either of the Gough & Miller im- portations or the Long-horns, and in some instances they had a mix- ture of those bi-c-eds ; as was also the ca.«e to some extent in Kentucky and Ohio. This accounts for the fact that about fifty years ago it was not uncommon to hear people speak of "Long-horn Durhams." This mixture, however, proved very generally unpopular. DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 185 developed between the breeders and feeders on either side of the Ohio River was like unto that which existed in Britain ' ' twixt North o ' Tweed and South o' Tweed." The owners of the Dun cattle were loud in their claims as to" the superiority of their stock over the other Short-horns of that period. The bull Comet was their trump card and was hav- ing quite his own way at the cattle shows.* Ken- tucky was for the time being "on top." Men of similar blood and with equal pride in their herds dwelt across the river, however, and they did not propose to pennit their friends, relatives and com- petitors in Fayette, Bourbon, Clark and adjacent (Kentucky) counties to hold the whip hand. They had the land, the feed, the brains and the capital to defend their own position in the cattle trade, and they were men of action. They had indeed already taken steps to protect and promote their own in- terests by the formation of the memorable Ohio Importing Company. — Felix Eenick, a man deserving high rank in American Short-horn history as one of the most intelligent of all those who helped to place the 'infant industry" squarely upon its feet, was the prime mover in a proposition looking to the formation of a joint stock company to be made up of the leading contemporary cattle-growers of the Scioto Valley and contiguous Ohio territory for the purchase of English cattle. Nov. 2, 1833, ex- Governors Allen Trimble and Duncan McArthur, •William Warfield, in Breeder's Gazette, Aug. 5. 1886. 186 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE with the Messrs. Eenick and others, formed a com- pany "for the purpose of promoting the interests of agriculture and of introducing an improved breed of cattle," and they, together with the subscribers mentioned below, contributed the amount of money necessary ' ' to import from England some of the best improved cattle of that country." There were in all about fifty shareholders, but two of whom resided out of the State. These were Isaac Cunningham of Kentucky and W. H. Cunningham of Virginia. The following is a list of the other subscribers from the several counties represented in this association: Ross — Ex-Gov. Duncan McAr- thur, Felix Renick, George Renick, James Vanse, R. R. Seymour, E. J. Harness, Arthur Watts, S. Mc- Neil, John McNeil, Wesley Claypool, John T. Webb, Robert Stewart, Archibald Stewart, Jas. G. White, John Pancake, John Foster, John Crouse, Presley Morris, John L. Taylor, B. J. Davis and Charles Davis. The subscribers in Pickaway County were: William Renick, S. S. Denney, Thomas Huston, Elias Florence, Josiah Renick, Harness Renick, Thomas Renick, William Renick, Jr., Jonathan Renick, Elias Pratt, John Boggs, Sr., J. M. Alkire, Francis Camp- bell, Evan Stevenson, Ashel Renick and George Rad- cliff. From Franklin County were: M. L. Sullivant, Lyne Sterling and E. W. Gwynne. Fayette — Bat- teal Harrison, A. Hagler and M. Patterson. High- land — Ex-Gov. Allen Trimble and H. P. Gallaway. Pike — John I. Vanmeter. DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 187 The stockholders appointed Felix Renick as their agent to proceed to England and select the cattle. That his experience was such as to qualify him ad- mirably for the work must appear from what has already been stated concerning his commanding position in reference to bullock-breeding. Edwin J. Harness and Josiah Renick were designated to act as assistants. They were not limited to the purchase of Short-horns, the idea being to entrust the trio with plenary powers. Members of the company were willing to experiment with other breeds if they thought advisable, and in a letter written by Henry Clay to Gov. Trimble, dated Washington, D. C, Dec. 13, 1833, the great Kentuckian advised the purchase of tj^pical specimens of the ''Durham," Hereford and Devon breeds. He thought the Devons might do well, as being specially adapted for contending with the hardships of the long journey from the AVest to the Eastern markets. That Mr. Renick was not averse to studying this proposition is shown by the fact that while at Baltimore en route to England he and his colleagues visited a herd of Devons be- longing to Mr. Patterson of that city and they were well pleased with the "rubies." Proceeding to Philadelphia they called upon Col. Powel, examined his Short-horn herd, and received many useful hints from him in reference to the purchasing and ship- ping of stock across the Atlantic. It is of interest in this connection as showing the changes in popular taste in respect to color that Felix Renick spoke of 188 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKN- CATTLE the Powel cattle as "white, red-and-white pied and the fashionable roan. ' ' They had set out from Ohio upon their long journey on Jan. 29, 1834, and it is needless to say that they arrived in England free from prejudice not only as between the different breeds but also as between the rival breeders of Short-horns, concerning whom they had doubtless heard something from Col. Powel before embarking for the other side. Felix Renick and confreres in England. — The Ohio Co.'s agents landed at Liverpool March 24, 1834, and immediately addressed themselves to the busi- ness in hand. As the visit was an historic one, by reason of its far-reaching effects upon Amer- ican Short-horn breeding, some details will be of in- terest. After examining a few herds about Liverpool they journeyed toward Yorkshire, stopping at Leeds to see the herd of Mr. W. F. Paley. Finding his stock of excellent breeding and quality they secured options on a few animals. They next attended the Eipley show, after which they proceeded to Studley to see Richard Booth's herd. With the Studley cat- tle Mr. Renick was well pleased, but as they were then announced to be sold at a later date at auction none could be priced. The herds of J. Woodhouse, A. L. Maynard, J. Clark and the elder Booth (at Killerby) were next seen. Arriving at Darlington the Americans fell in with Thos. Bates. They were at once invited to Kirklevington, Mr. Bates insisting DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 189 that they make his house their headquarters while in that vicinity.* Mr. Renick writing of this said: '"Mr. Bates is a wealthy bachelor, owns a fine farm of 1,000 acres, all under best cultivation. He keeps a dairy of forty or fifty cows, generally of the best Short-horn blood, from which he raises some very fine stock, and had then on hand some young bulls and heifers better than any we have seen else- where." Bates was evidently flattered by the com- 13liments bestowed by these intelligent foreign visi- tors — the more so, doubtless, as they had alread}' been at Studley and Killerby — and to the surprise of his friends offered to sell them six of his best females. The Americans were not yet ready to buy, however, and continued their investigations. Bates furnished them with horses and rode with his guests for several days among the herds of the Valley of the Tees; "but," says Felix Eenick, "from our own observations, as well as the judgment of Mr. Bates, their stock [that of the neighboring breeders] is generally ' going back. ' ' ' He expressed disappoint- ment at the character of many of the herds visited. They then turned Southward, "Mr. Bates going with us." Evidentlv the sage of Kirklevington was *This incident is thus rejated by Cadwallader Bates : "On Easter Monday, 1834, Bates was as usual at Darlington market. Some Ameri- cans staying at the King's Head came up and spoke to him. « * • In the course of the conversation Bates soon found that they possessed a great knowledge upon the subject of Short-horns. * * * He gave them full details of his experience, telling them, among other things, that Belvedere's sire, Waterloo (2816). then in his sixteenth year, and Norfolk (2377) were the only two bulls besides Belvedere (1766) that were in his opinion the least likely to get good stock." — "Thomas Bates and the Eirllevington Short-horns," page 2>7. 190 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOR>J CATTLE determined that his guests should not "go wrong" in their buying — from his standpoint — if he could prevent it. In company with Bates they called on Jonas Whitaker, who had dispersed his herd the pre- vious autumn. At this point in their inquiries it was arranged for Messrs. Harness and Josiali Renick to go to Lon- don and thence into Hereford and Devonshire as per Henry Clay's suggestion. If pleased with those breeds Felix Eenick was to join them and decide as to what should be done. The impression made upon these gentlemen was evidently not favorable as against the Short-horns as no purchases were made. Meantime Felix Renick went with Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Paley to Lord Althorpe's, and with Bates to Lord Feversham's. Mr. Fawkes, Col. Cradock and Mr. Raine were also visited. It thus appears that a very thorough examination of the English herds of that date was made, and in a letter to his friend, S. S. Denney of Ohio, Felix Renick gave his impressions of the cattle as follows: "From the appearance of many of the old bulls and cows we have seen, which are now from twelve to twenty years of age, it is very evident to me that their stocks here have been rather on the decline for some years back owing to several causes, the principal of which I believe to be the unbounded prejudices gen- erally prevailing among the breeders, each one thinking his own the best and consequently breeding in-and-in too much, to the great injury of their stock, although some of them are now par- tially convinced of tfteir error and in some measure changing their practice. "We have done the best we could and procured some that are at least as good as the country affords, for which we have paid DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HEEDS 191 all sorts of prices, from 30 guineas up to 175 guineas, such is the disparity of prices. The value depends almost entirely upon the purity of blood and high pedigree. If a breeder here goes to purchase an animal for his own use to breed from he will not have it at all if he cannot trace it back some 50 or 100 years and have it descended from the famous bull Comet, that sold for 1,000 guineas, or some other equally as good; and on the side of the dam it must also have descended from Old Daisy, for whom some hundred guineas were refused, or some other equal in their estimation. Thus you see the situation we are placed in. We must either take cattle without pedigree or much of anything else to recommend them or take those that have at least pedigrees, with more excellence of form and size, at a high price. The latter was in our judgment the better of the two alternatives and the one we have so far pursued, and shall con- tinue to pursue, and take fewer in number." Having looked the ground over to Ms satisfaction Mr. Renick selected and bought nineteen head of cattle — seven bulls and twelve females. Norfolk he had been unable to secure from Mr. Fawkes at an alleged offer of 400 guineas. Mr. Bates had priced his "pet beauty," Duchess 33d, at 150 guineas. Duchess 34th at 100 guineas, and the Matchem Cow at 15 guineas, but neither of these noted animals was bought. It is alleged that the influence of Mr. Whitaker was strenuously exerted against the pur- chase of these two Duchesses, but as the former (bred to Norfolk) became the ancestress of the costly New York Mills cattle and the other produced the Duke of Northumberland it was probably well for Bates interests that the Americans did not take them. Mr. Renick was particularly pleased with the young stock by Belvedere and took four of his get — two bulls and two heifers. The cattle were 192 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE skipped during the summer of 1834 to Philadelphia, whence they were driven over the mountains through to Chillicothe and placed upon Mr. Eenick's farm. The judgment of the stockholders and contemporary breeders was that Mr. Eenick had discharged his difficult task in an eminently satisfactory manner. The bulls were put out in service among the share- holders and the company instructed Mr. Renick to proceed with arrangements looking towards further shipments. Two of the heifers included in this importation of 1834 gave rise to families of Short-horns which are at the present day among the most numerous to be found in the leading Short-horn breeding States. These were the roan heifers Rose of Sharon, bred by Mr. Bates and sired by Belvedere, and Young Mary, bred by J. Clark and sired by Jupiter. Young Mary was taken to Kentucky and is said to have produced no less than fourteen heifer calves, besides one or two bulls — possibly the most extraordinary case on record. She lived to be twenty-one years old. The red cow Blossom, by. Fitz Favorite, and the heifer Matilda, by Imperial, also left numerous descend- ants. Among the bulls of this first importation were the three-year-old roan Reformer (2505), of Raine breeding; the yearling Duke of York (1941), of Whitaker's breeding, and Rantipole (2478), bred by Mr. Paley, mainly of Booth descent. Whitaker's selections of 1835 and 1836.— Mr. Renick deemed it safe to risk the judgment of Mr. DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 193 Whitaker for such additional stock as might be wanted, and made the company's desires known in the course of a letter from which we quote : "I am authorized by the company to make another small im- portation in the spring, which I beg the favor of doing through you. The calf of your old cow Minna by Norfolk I shall expect, provided he still continues to do well and proves, when the time arrives for starting him, to be first rate in form, size, han- dling, etc. This will be left entirely to your own judgment and decision. But we wish, if possible, to have something a little superior to anything that has yet been imported. If you do not consider him so at that time we do not wish him sent. We also wish you to procure us two young cows with calves by Nor- folk or other good bull. * * * The prices we were asked for year-old bull calves by Lord Althorpe and Mr. Bates were fifty guineas. From others we could have purchased them, perhaps equally good, from that price down to thirty guineas. We want none without fair pedigrees, but form and size they must have or they will not be well received here. You will, of course, not forget the handling and quality." The importation of 1835 was a small one and in- cluded several animals sent out on individual ac- count. It was upon this occasion that Mr. Bates shipped to America the Skipton Bridge Bull (5208) and the heifer Hon. Miss Barrington as a present to the Bishop of Ohio at Kenyon College. In 1836 a large shipment was forwarded, including many splendid specimens of the breed. These lots came via New York, being shipped from Albany to Buffalo by the Erie Canal, by lake from Buffalo to Cleve- land, and thence driven "overland" to Chillicothe. Great care and judgment were evidently used in making these selections. Whitaker had the assist- ance of Mr. Paley and Mr. Fawkes and wrote to Mr. 194 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE^T CATTLE Renick shortly before the cattle were forwarded as follows : "Mr. Fawkes and I returned last night from our tour of in- spection among all the principal breeders from Ripon to the Bishop of Durham's; thence to Mr. Bates', Mr. Maynard's, Mr. Wiley's, Mr. Harrison's in the East Riding, Castle Howard, and, in conclusion, the Earl of Spencer's at Wiseton. We were at it early and late for seven days. Booth had nothing to sell. Col. Cradock will sell or let Magnum Bonum in the autumn, and in- tends writing to Gen. Gerrard, who, he says, offered him 400 guineas for him, and, the Colonel refusing to sell, he asked if another hundred would induce him. John Colling said the Gen- eral offered him 300 guineas for two heifers. Mr. Colling has now fixed to sell his entire herd in the autumn of 1837, John Maynard his in the autumn of this year. * * * i attempted to buy something of Mr. Bates, but he soared so high I could not grapple with him. For a bull calf five months old, by Belvedere, dam by Belvedere, grandam Duchess 34th, he had the modesty to ask 400 guineas. I could have bought two young bulls, but they were not good enough to send. Mr. Paley has bought three females, but I have not seen any of them but Sherwood's. I have finished my purchases within one beast but have not time to give you particulars — in fact, cannot, not having received au- thenticated pedigrees of several animals. I shall have exceeded your limits, but could not avoid it." The shipments of 1835 and 1836 embraced forty- two animals, bringing the total number of cattle im- ported by the Ohio Co. up to sixty-one head, a com- plete record of which may be found in the valuable list of imported cows compiled by Mr. William War- field and published by the American Short-horn Breeders' Association. Space will not permit us to enumerate all in this connection. It should be stated, however, that among the selections made by Mr. Whitaker were the afterward-celebrated cows DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 195 Josephine, by Norfolk (2377); Young Phyllis, by Fairfax (1023) ; Illustrious, by Emperor (1974), and Harriet, by Young Waterloo (2817). When Mr. Felix Kenick was at Mr. AVhitaker's in 1834 he fell quite in love with the cow Minna, by Frederick, mentioned in his letter already quoted. It seems that this cow was also a special favorite with Mrs. Whitaker, and she promised Mr. Renick that the next heifer calf produced by Minna should be re- served for him. The cow was bred to Norfolk, and the progeny — the red-and-white Josephine, dropped in November, 1835 — was sent out as a calf to Mr. Renick according to promise. She developed into a cow of outstanding excellence, and her descend- , ants for many years constituted one of the best families of Short-horns known in the Western States. Young Phyllis was a roan, dropped Sept. 11, 1831, bred by the Earl of Carlisle and imported for Mr. E. J. Harness. This cow had a very dis- tinguished career as a breeder in Kentucky, and her descendants are now to be found in many first-class herds. One of her daughters, Catherine Turley, by Goldfinder (2066), lived to be eighteen years old. Illustrious was also a roan, dropped March, 1835, and bred by Mr. Crofton. A high price was paid for her. Mr. Whitaker wrote: ''I consider her dear, but being a beautiful calf and from one of the best herds in the country I was obliged to give more than I thought she was worth. As you wished something superlative I could not leave her." De- 196 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE scendants of Illustrious attained high rank as show and breeding stock in various Western herds. Har- riet was a red-roan of March, 1835. She was im- ported for Mr. James Renick of Kentucky, a son-in- law of Mr. Felix Renick, and her blood, as well as that of Josephine and Illustrious, was aftenvard used by the late Abram Renick in crossing upon his Rose of Sharon family. Among the sixteen bulls imported in 1835 and 1836 one of the most noted was Comet Halley (1855), a light roan bred by John Maynard, sired by Match em (2281), dam by Frederick (1060), tracing to Robert Colling 's Golden Pippin. After Reformer .became inefficient this bull seems to haA^e been more generally used upon the best cows of the company than any other except the Duke of York. He had no difficulty in defeating in the show-yard the bull Comet of the Dun importation which we have pre- viously mentioned. Goldfinder (2066), a roan of 1835, had a very successful career as a breeder, fully confirming the hopes Mr. Whitaker expressed re- garding him at the time he was selected as a calf. Prince Charles (2461), another roan, calved in 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker and sired by Norfolk, ^vas im- ported specially for Mr. Geo. Renick and ranked among the very best of all the bulls brouglit out in the course of the operations of the Ohio Co. and its individual members. The roan bull Nimrod (2371), by Norfolk, matured into a grand animal, but he de- veloped what appeared to be a tumor before the DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 197 company's sale, and but for that would doubtless have brought a very long j^rice, as Abram Renick favored purchasing him instead of Matchem (2283), but his associates did not agree with him in this. Nimrod was bought by Col. Florence and used on grades. A few pure-bred cows were sent to him, however, by Harness, Eenick and others, the prod- uce being cattle of extraordinary merit. Sale of Oct. 29, 1836.— The object of the company — the transfer from England of a valuable stock of breeding cattle to Ohio soil — having now been accomplished, it was decided to close up the finan- cial affairs of the "syndicate" by means of auction sales, at which stockholders and outsiders alike would have the privilege of bidding. The first of these — which was the earliest important event of the kind in America — was held upon Felix Renick 's Indian Creek Farm, in Ross County, in the autumn of 1836. The cattle were in fine condition, the at- tendance was large and high prices were realized, as will appear from the subjoined report: cows AND HEIFERS. Teeswater, roan, calved Oct. 1832; bred by Bates, of Princess blood, and heifer calf Cometess, by Comet Halley— John I. Vanmeter, Pike Co., O $2,225 Young Mary, roan four-year-old, by Jupiter, and roan heifer calf Pocahontas, by Comet Halley — Edwin J. Harness, Ross County 1,500 Flora, roan four-year-old, by son of Young Albion (730), and bull calf Powhatan 8281^, by Comet Halley— George Renick, Ross County 1,205 Moss Rose, roan two-year-old heifer, by Stapleton (2698) — Jonathan Renick, Pickaway County 1,200 198 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE Malina, red-and- white two-year-old, bred by Whitaker — Isaac Cunningham, Kentucky $1,005 Blossom, red six-year-old, by Fitz Favorite (1042) — R. R. Seymour, Ross County 1,000 MatiMa, red-and-white, five years old, by Imperial (2151) — Arthur Watts, Ross County 1,000 Gaudy, red-and-white, five years old, bred by A. L. Maynard — James M. Trimble, Highland County 985 Lily of the Valley of the Tees, roan, five years old, bred by Raine — Thomas Huston, Pickaway County 950 Celestina, roan, two years old, bred by Whitaker — Thomas Huston, Pickaway County 930 Beauty of the West, red two-year-old heifer from imp. Blossom, by Fitz Favorite — Asahel Renick, Pickway County 900 Lady Abernethy, roan yearling (imported), bred by Mr. Wylie — Thomas Huston, Pickaway County 815 Illustrious, roan yearling, by Emperor (9174) — Abram Re- nick, Kentucky '^''^ Lady of the Lake, red, little white, yearling heifer, by Re- former (2505) out of imp. Rose of Sharon— R. R. Sey- mour, Ross County 775 Poppy, red-and-white heifer calf, by Rantipole (2478) out of Blossom by Fitz Favorite — Harness Renick, Picka- way County 610 Fink, red-and-white heifer calf, by imp. Duke of York (1941), dam imp. Duchess of Liverpool — William Trimble, Highland County 575 Duchess of Liverpool, imported in 1834, but unpedigreed — William M. Anderson, Ross County 570 Lady Paley, red-and-white heifer calf, by Rantipole (2478), dam imp. Flora — Alexander Renick, Ross County 510 Lilac, red, little white, yearling, by Rantipole (2478), dam Duchess of Liverpool — Elias Florence, Pickaway County 425 May Flower, red-and-white heifer calf, by Duke of York (1941), dam imp. Matilda — B. Harrison, Fayette County 405 Lucy, roan calf, pedigree in doubt — George Radcliff, Pick- away County 405 DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 199 Calypso, red-and-white, five years old, imported in 1834, sired by Bertram (1716)— S. McNeil, Ross County...? 325 Lady Blanche, sold as doubtful breeder — Charles Davis, Ross County 250 Lady Colling, doubtful breeder— J. T. Webb, Ross County. 205 BULLS. Duke of Norfolk (1939), red-and-white yearling, imported, sired by Norfolk (2377)— Robert Stewart, Ross County. $1,255 Young Waterloo (2817), roan, three years old, bred by Bates, of Princess blood — R. D. Lilley, Highland Coun- ty, for Gov. Trimble and others 1,250 Matchem (2283), roan, five years old, bred by J. Wood- house, sired by Imperial (2151) — Renick, Cunningham and Warfield of Kentucky 1,200 Greenholme Experiment (2075), roan, two years old, bred by Whitaker — James M. Trimble, Highland County... 1,150 Duke of York (1941), red-and-white three-year-old, bred by Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060) — R. R. Seymour, Ross County 1,120 Goldfinder (2066), roan yearling, bred by J. Lawson, sired by Charles (1815) — Renick, Cunningham and Warfield of Kentucky 1,095 Nimrod (2371), roan yearling, bred by Mr. Tempest, sired by Norfolk — Elias Florence, Pickaway County 1,040 Whitaker (2836), roan two-year-old, bred by Whitaker, sired by Norfolk, dam Minna, hence own brother to imp. Josephine — William M. Anderson, Ross county... 855 ;iantipole (2478), red-and-white four-year-old, bred by W. F. Paley — Arthur Watts, Ross County 810 Logan (2218), roan yearling, by Duke of York (1941), dam imp. Young Mary — J. Renick 750 Earl of Darlington (1944), roan three-year-old, bred by Bates and sired by Belvedere — B. Harrison, Fayette County 710 John Bull (2161), red, little white, bull calf, by Earl of Darlington, dam Gaudy — William Renick Jr., Ohio... 613 Duke of Leeds (1938), roan yearling, by Norfolk— John Grouse, Ross County 575 200 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE>r CATTLE Windham (2845), red-and-white yearling, bred by Earl Spencer — Charles Davis, Ross County $ 500 Davy Crockett (3571), roan yearling, recorded as from imp. Young Mary — Peter Ayres, Ohio 490 Snow Drop (2654), white yearling, by Reformer (2505), dam Lily of the Valley of the Tees — Stewart & Mc- Neil, Ohio 480 Independence (2152), roan yearling, by Earl of Darlington, dam imp. Matilda — Hagler & Peterson, Ross County. . . 400 Commodore Perry (1859), red yearling, by Reformer, dam imp. Teeswater — W. H. Creighton, Madison County... 400 Goliah (2068), red yearling by Earl of Darlington, dam imp. Calypso — Isaac V. Cunningham, Scioto County... 300 24 females sold for $19,545; an average of $814.37 19 bulls sold for 14,995; an average of 789.20 43 animals sold for 34,540, an average of 803.25 The bulls Eeformer and Columbus were sold at this sale as "unsound," and as they therefore com- manded a low price they are not included above. The company made a present to Felix Renick upon this occasion of the roan six-months-old bull calf Paragon of the West (4649), sired by imp. Duke of York (1941) out of imp. Rose of Sharon. This was a graceful act upon the part of the stockholders, as the calf was regarded as perhaps the most valuable young bull in the possession of the company at this date. Like his sire, the Duke of York, he proved a very superior stock-getter, and in the fall of 1837 won first prize as a yearling at the Ohio State Fair at Columbus. Rose of Sharon's daughter, Lady of the Lake, purchased by Mr. Seymour, proved a great breeder. She never grew into a large cow, but was exceedinglv neat, with a very handsome DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HEEDS 201 head and prominent eyes. She was of a deep-red color, with a little white on each flank and star in forehead. She was sold to George Renick, for whom she bred five heifers, to-wit: 1838 — Rose of Shan- non 2d, by Comet Halley (1855); 1839— Virginia, red-and-white, by Powhatan 8281/2 ; 1840— Thames, red, by Shakespeare (12062); 1842 — Flora, roan, by Shakespeare, and in 1844 Lady of the Lake 2d, red- roan, by Yonng Shakespeare 1311. All of these heifers left a valuable progeny, some of which, in the hands of Abram Renick of Kentucky, gained international fame. After the conclusion of this sale the imported bull Duke of Norfolk was resold to Gov. Vance and J. H. James of Champaign County for $1,400. Final sale in 1837.— On Oct. 24, 1837, the com- pany's affairs were finally closed up by a sale of such stock as still remained in its hands, which con- sisted at that date of the animals sold as per follow- ing list: BULI^S. Comet Halley (1855), light roan, bred by John Maynard; calved December, 1832; sired by Matchem (2281), dam by Frederick (1060)— George Renick and others $2,500 Acmon (1606),* roan, calved 1833; bred by W. Raine; by Anti-Radical (1642), dam Sally by Young Rockingham (2547)— M. L. Sullivant & Co., Columbus, 2,500 Hazlewood (2098), red-roan, calved April 9, 1836; bred by W. F. Paley; got by Norfolk (2377)— Gov. Trimble and R. R. Seymour i^OO Powhatan 828 v,, red-and-white, calved Oct. 6, 1836; got by imp. Comet Halley out of imp. Flora— Harness Renick 500 * Acmon was a great show bull and also proved a superior stock- getter. 202 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Bouncer (3196), roan, calved March 18, 1836; bred by Col. Cradock; got by Magnum Bonum (2243) — John Walk, Pickaway County $ 450 Santa Anna, roan, calved July 4, 1837; got by imp. Comet Halley out of Lily of the Valley of the Tees— J. C. Vance, Ohio Co., Va , 425 cows AND HEIFERS. Elizabeth (imported), roan, calved in 1832; bred by T. Harrison; got by Memnon (2293); and calf — Gov. J. Vance and William Vance, Champaign County $1,450 Flora (imported), roan, seven years, by son of Young Al- bion (730)— M. L. Sullivant, Columbus 1,300 Matilda (imported), red-and-white, calved April 12, 1831; by Imperial (2151) — Allen Trimble, Highland County.. 1,220 Arabella* (imported), red-and-white, calved March, 1834; bred by R. Pilkington; got by Victory (5565); and calf— Dr. Arthur Watts, Chillicothe 1,200 Blush (imported), white, calved Jan. 10, 1835; bred by Mr. Bowen; got by Monarch (2326) — John H. James, Cham- paign County 1,015 Emily (imported), "flecked," calved Feb. 25, 1875; by Maximus (2284); Asahel Renick, Pickaway County... 875 Victress, roan, calved Jan. 8, 1836; got (in England) by Norfolk (2377), dam imp. Meteor of the West— M. L. Sullivant, Columbus 700 Charlotte (imported), roan, calved March, 1833; bred by R. Pilkington; got by Alderman (1622)— J. G. White, Ross County 630 Fidelle (imported), roan, calved 1830; by Adrian (7720); bought of Whitaker, and the dam of bull Greenholme Experiment in the sale of 1836— Allen Trimble 610 6bulls sold for $ 7,075 ; an average of $1,179.15 9 females sold for 9,000; an average of 1,000.00 15 animals sold for 16,075; an average of 1,071.65 •Arabella was a grand cow and proved a great breeder, producing for Dr. Watts many fine animals — among others the twin show cows Bessie Belle and Mary Grey. Her son Marshal (41990) was used by George Renick and sired many fine cattle. DEVELOPMEXT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 203 This was a period of great expansion. Values of all sorts were inflated by paper-currency issues, and cattle shared in the general "boom." Hence the great price made at this sale. Allen speaks in his ''History of the Short-horns" (page 183) of the stockholders reaping ' ' a large profit on their invest- ment," but this was not true save in the case of a few of the minor members of the association, who were not buyers of cattle.* Nearly all the capital stock subscribed was repaid in cattle at high prices. Had the animals been re- sold soon the shareholders would have made a good profit, but most of them were in the business as a steady pursuit and kept the cattle until overtaken by the great depression that soon afterward set in. George Renick invested more liberally than any other one stockholder and had the largest herd, but his sales of surplus stock were made at moderate prices, and in 1846 he was obliged on account of advancing age to give up the management of his landed estates and his entire herd was offered at auction. ''Hard times" prevailed, however, at that period and but one-half the cattle were sold, and those at ruinous figures. The other Eenicks, Gov. Trimble, Messrs. Seymour, Sullivant, Vanmeter, Watts, et al., had also to be content with moderate returns until the revival which set in about 1850. ♦Among these was a well-known capitalist, Lyne Starling of Colum- bus, who. when the agent of the company called after the last sale and paid him more than double the amount of his investment, was amazed, and told Mr. Renick that he had intended the amount as a contribution for the improvement of the cattle of the country and had never expected a dollar in return. — Hon. T. C. Jones, in Breeder's Gazette, Sept. 7, i882. 204 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORy CATTLE The prime object, liowever — the providing of material for the improvement of the Ohio and Ken- tucky herds — had been attained, and in that fact the enterprising men who made these memorable importations found ample compensation. Speaking of the first importation, in a letter written July 26, 1834, Felix Eenick said: "We have already had a number of applications to purchase some of them and have been offered $500 for the youngest, a calf less than five months old. But we, as a company, have higher views than that of immediately realizing a little profit, provided it could be done. The object was first conceived and has so far been carried out for the good of the country, whether it has been well or illy executed is not for us to say." It is indeed difficult to overestimate the value of the Ohio Co. 's work. It gave to the West not only the Roses of Sharon, Young Marys, Young Phyllises and Josephines, but supplied crosses of fresh blood that proved powerful influences for good upon the herds derived from earlier importations. The entire industry in Ohio and Kentucky felt the quickening touch, and in later years the full fruition of the fondest hopes of the company were more than realized. Thomas Bates to Felix Renick. — The Ohio Co. had meditated a continuation of its importations, but the financial drift of the times was not favorable. In December, 1837, Felix Eenick had written to Mr. Bates in reference to further purchases, inquiring particularly about the Duke of Northumberland (1940). While nothing came of these negotiations, DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 205 the appended I'eply of Mr. Bates is given in full as possessing some historic interest. The italicized sentence is especially characteristic and shows that in spite of all his claims for the Duchess blood Bates was fully aware of the fact that it was the Princess bull Belvedere that really made his herd. We quote: "KiRKLEViNGTON, ApHl. 1838.— I think it on the whole better not to send you any of my own cattle this season, the exchange being so much against you. Next year, as you say you intend to continue importing, I might furnish you with ten young heifers or young cows having had a calf or two, and five or six young bulls, either of the age you got the two last from me or a year older. "The Duke of Northumberland (1940) and Short-tail (2621) are the only bulls I am now using, and their stock is even more promising than that of their sire Belvedere (1706). The four you got of me were all by Belvedere, and all my stock are by him and his sons. After the trials I have now had and seen of Short-horns for nearly sixty years nothing could induce me to use any bull that had not Belvedere's blood. You will find it all money thrown away to buy any hull that has not sprung from him. "Twenty-eight days after the birth of the Duke of Northum- berland (1940), Brokenleg (Duchess 34th), whom you will re- member, was again put to her sire Belvedere and brought 2d Duke of Northumberland. She has since brought me a heifer to her sire, and is now I expect in calf to Short-tail. "By putting Duke of York (1941) to the heifers you got of me you will bring their produce into disrepute. I will on no consideration whatever (if you would give me ten times the price I would otherwise have charged you for a heifer) sell you any heifers to put to any bulls but what I have bred, or are of my blood. Nor will I sell you at any price till you and the company you act with, under your joint hands, have solemnly promised not to do so. My object has never been to make money by breeding, but to improve the breed of Short-horns; and if I know it I will not sell any to anyone who has not the 206 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE same object in view. On this principle I began breeding, and I am convinced I have a better breed of Short-horns in my pos- session at present than there has been for the last fifty years, even in the best days of the Messrs. Colling. "The bull you ask me about sending you, Duke of Northum- berland, is everything I can wish in a bull, and Short-tail has taken after 2d Hubback, of whom his dam (Duchess 32d) had two crosses. Short-tail's sister (Duchess 41st), the best animal in my possession, I expect is in calf to the Duke of Northum- berland. The six from which your two were taken were good, but the breed of the years 1835-6 were far superior to those six, though very good. Brokenleg (Duchess 34th) I offered you at 100 guineas. If you were to send twenty times that sum for her and her produce I would not take it now. You will re- member I told you after buying the two heifers that if either of them died on the passage or did not breed when you got them home I would give you the two nearest in blood to them. Now (Red Rose 13th) a sister in blood to your Rose of Sharon (calved since you were here) has produced a heifer (2d Cam- bridge Rose) to her sire Belvedere; and for the two I would not take 1,000 guineas. These would have been yours now had yours not bred. I will not sell either cow or calf, but I have no objection to sell the bulls I breed from them, or from my Duchess tribe, which are far better animals than the Red Rose tribe. I will not part with the females of these tribes at present." Mr. Clay's importations to Kentucky. — In 1836 and 1837 Mr. H. Clay, Jr., Fayette Co., Ky., imported eleven head of Short-horns, including the bulls Lord Althorpe 658 and Neptune 743, and cows Britannia (roan), Victoria (White), by Osgodley, and Crocus (red-and-white), by Imperial (2151). The pedigrees of some of these cattle were imperfect or missing entirely. In 1838, in connection Avith Gen. James Shelby, Mr. Clay made a further importation, con- sisting of twelve head, including the bulls Cossack, DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 207 alias Julius Capsar (3503), Don John 426, and cows Jane, Dorcas, Charity, Nerissa, Moss Rose by Eclipse, Columbine, Pet, Vixen, Princess and Pro- tectress. The bull Cossack, or Julius Caesar, above mentioned, was a roan, bred by Mr. Topham, sired by Cossack (1880), bred by Richard Booth of Stud- ley, dam imp. Moss Rose by Eclipse. He was im- ported as a calf, was afterward sold to Benjamin Warfield, and left much good stock. At a sale held by Mr. Clay at Lexington in the fall of 1839 eight cows and heifers averaged $420 each, the highest figure reached upon that occasion being $835 for a two-year-old. Dr. Martin's importation in 1839.— Dr. Samuel D. Martin of Clark Co., Ky., who had been breeding Short-horns for some years, in 1839 sent an order to Mr. Paley for a shipment of cattle. Mr. Paley had assisted in the selections made for the Ohio Co. and filled this order by sending out nine head, including the cows Jessy (roan of A. L. Maynard's breeding), by Plenipo (4724); Beauty (red-roan), by Laurel (2188) ; Leonida (red), by Red Simon (2499) ; Rosa- lie (red-and-white), by Cadet (1770), dam Leonida, just mentioned; Sprightly (red-and-white), by Fitz Roslyn (2026), and Jessamine (roan), by Leonidas (4211) out of imp. Jessy, mentioned above. The cow Sprightly gave birth in December, 1839, to a pair of twin bulls, after^vard recorded as Specie (5289) and Speculation (5293), both bred by Mr. Paley, and sired by Mendoza (4456). Imp. Beauty 208 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE produced to an English service the red bull calf Bullion (3240). R. Hutchcraft's importation. — Reuben H. Hutch - craft of Bourbon Co., Ky., imported seven head from England in 1839, including the bulls Van Buren 1062, bred by Col. Cradock and sired by Magnum Bonum (2243) and the yearling Don John (3603). The females included the roan yearling heifer Wild Rose, by Chorister (3378), bred by Mr. Watkin; the red cow Harriet, by Gainford (2044), and the Mag- num Bonum heifers Fatima, Beda and Blossom — all of Col. Cradock 's breeding. Fayette County Importing Co. — The first "syndi- cate" fonued in Kentucky for the purchase of Eng- lish Short-horns was that represented by the Fayette County Importing Co., which, in the spring of 1839, sent the Eev. R. T. Dillard and Mr. Nelson Dudley abroad as agents. They bought twenty-one head of cows and heifers and seven bulls. After arrival in Kentucky the cattle were placed upon the farm of David Sutton, near Lexington, and in July, 1840, were sold at auction. This was considered a very superior lot and included such fine bulls as Eclipse (9069) and Carcase (3285), of S. Wiley's breeding. Among the females that afterward gave rise to good families of Short-horns were Victoria, by Plenipo; Fashion (dam of heifer calf Zelia, by Norfolk); Lady Elizabeth, by Emperor; Rosabella 2d, by Velocipede, etc. Indeed, some of the best cattle bred in subsequent years in Kentucky and the West DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 209 claimed descent from this selection, and on this account we append herewith report of the sale: cows AXD HEIFERS. Victoria, roan, calved August, 1835; bred by J. E. Maynard, sired by Plenipo (4724)— R. Fisher $1,750 Miss Maynard, roan, calved 1837; bought of A. L. Maynard, sired by Chorister (3378)— A. McClure 1,005 Avarilda, white, calved April, 1846; bred by W. F. Paley, sired by Norfolk (2377)— John Allen 920 Fashion, roan, calved April, 1832; bred by W. Cooper, sired by Young Don Juan (3610), and red-and- white heifer calf Zelia, by Norfolk (2377)— F. W. Williams 885 Miss Luck, roan, calved May 25, 1S34; bought of Mr. Whit- aker, sired by Allison's Roan Bull (2999)— H. Clay Jr. 800 Nancy, white, calved Jan. 1, 1837; sired by Reformer (2510) — C. J. Rogers 730 Tulip, roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Crofton, sired by Bachelor (1666)— A. McClure 700 Beauty, roan, calved March, 1834; bought of A. L. May- nard, sired by Belvedere (1706)— H. Clay Jr 700 Lady Elizabeth,* roan, calved Feb. 4, 1838; bred by M. Crofton, sired by Emperor (1974)— H. Clay Jr 660 Splendor, roan, calved March, 1834; bred by Mr. Cattley, sired by Bedford Jr. (1701)— B. Gratz 650 Elizabeth, roan, calved October, 1832; bred by J. E. May- nard, sired by Plenipo (4724) — A. McClure 505 Rosabella 2d, roan, calved January, 1839; bought of Mr. Whitaker; sired by Velocipede (5552), running to Col- ling's Golden Pippin — W. A. W^arner 465 Flora, calf of imp. Beauty— H. Clay 410 Lily, white, calved 1834; bred by L. Severs, sired by Count (3506)— T. Calmes 390 Britannia, roan, calved February, 1838; bred by Mr. Crof- ton, sired by Emperor (1974), and heifer calf Dido — H. T. Duncan 375 *Lady Elizabeth was an exceedingly well-bred cow and proved the ancestress of one of the best families of Short-horns ever bred in the Western States. The branch known as the Nelly Blys. in the hands of Mr. J. H. Spears of Illinois and others, acquired national reputation for their uniform high excellence. 210 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE Isabella, white, calved Oct. 14, 1839; bred by T. Crofton, sired by Melmoth (2291)— R. Fisher, Boyle County... $ 355 Jessica, roan, calved Feb. 22, 1839; bought of Mr. Maynard, sired by Velocipede (5552) out of imp. Beauty by Bel- vedere — Joel Higgins 330 Maria, heifer calf from imp. Elizabeth — J. B. Ford 310 Miss Hopper, roan, calved 1835; bred by T. Crofton, sired by Duke (1935)— W. T. Calmes 270 BULLS. Eclipse (9069), calved April 26, 1837; bred by Mr. Arrow- smith; sired by Velocipede (5552) — R. Fisher $1,050 Carcase (3285), red-and-white, calved July, 1837; bred by S. Wiley; sired by Belshazzar (1704) — Benjamin Gratz, Lexington 725 Nelson 741, white, calved Dec. 4, 1839; bred by Mr. Whita- ker; sired by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— P. Tod- hunter 610 ^olus 200, roan, calved April, 1836; bred by Mr. Rowland- son, sired by Harlsey (2091)— R. Fisher 610 Prince Albert 2065, roan, calved May 25, 1840; bred by J. E. Maynard; sired by Carcase (3285) out of imp. Victoria by Plenipo — J. Flournoy 350 Bruce 289, bull calf from imp. Avarilda — M. Williams.... 315 Milton 713, calf of imp. Miss Maynard — James Gaines 285 19 females sold for $12,210; an average of $642.60 7 bulls sold for 3,945; an average of 563.55 26 animals sold for 16,155; an average of 621.35 From the above it appears that Fayette County buyers took eight head, Bourbon, Scott and Mercer Counties five each and Jessamine County four. In view of the fact that this sale was made during a period of declining values the prices obtained were excellent and demonstrated the pluck of the Ken- tucky breeders of that day. Importations into Tennessee. — The great interest manifested in Short-horn breeding in Kentucky ex- DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 211 tended at an early date into the neighboring State of Tennessee, and a few cattle were imported into that State prior to 1840. Unfortunately no exact data exist in reference to these selections. It is known that in 1837 Messrs. Grordon & Bradford of Nashville imported the cow Hibernia, recorded in Vol. XXIV of the American Herd Book. She was white, with red markings, said to have been bred in Ireland, and was sold soon after importation to the Shakers of South Union, Ky. About the same date Mr. Harvey Hill of New Orleans imported and sent to his farm in Tennessee the roan heifers Gentle, by Cupid (7941), Lady Littleton (white), by Ranuncu- lus (2479), and Mild Spring, that were sold to Mark R. Cockrill of Nashville. Messrs. Shelby & Williams of Nashville imported the heifers Agnes and Butter- cup (the former calved in 1835 and the latter in 1836) and the bulls Champion and Cassius. These latter were without pedigrees so far as the records show. Mr. B. Letton imported in 1840 into Tennessee the young cows Beauty, Spot and Cowslip. Beauty calved the white Aqua, and Spot the red-and-Avhite Neptune at sea. An unnamed roan and a red-and- white heifer were included in this same shipment. All were without herd-book record. Some five years previous a Mr. Murdock had imported the red-and- white Bella, by Silkworm (5129), and cow Rebecca — bred by Sir John Kennedy — together with the bulls Murdock and Silkworm — both roans. Bella 212 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE was pedigreed and passed into the possession of M. R. Cockrill. William Neif 's importation. — In June, 1838, Wil- liam Neff, a public-spirited and wealthy business man residing in Cincinnati, imported into Ohio the roan cows Blossom, by Belshazzar (1704) ; Cather- ine, by Eastthorpe (1947); Strawberry (of Booth blood), by Ambo (1636); and bulls Prince William 1390, Cincinnatus and Clifford — the former roan and the latter white. To this list, as given by Mr. War- field, Judge Jones adds the roan heifer Lady Anne, by Magnum Bonum (2243), and states that she was a great dairy cow, giving thirty-two quarts of milk per day for two months in succession. The Judge also states that Mr. Neff imported the roan bull Berryman (3143), but Mr. Warfield is authority for the statement that Lady Anne and Berryman were imported by Mr. Josiah Lawrence of Cincinnati, and in addition states that Lawrence also imported in 1838 the heifers Juno, Fortuna, Adelaide, Empress and Verbena. Wait and other importations. — In 1839 Samuel Wait imported, via New Orleans, Duchess, by Stud- ley Royal (5342) ; Rosebud, bred by John Booth of Killerby, sired by Harlsey (2091); Lily of the Tees, by Belvedere 2d (3126); Pretender (4756), bred by Lord Feversham; Velocipede (11098), Cleveland (3405) and Livei-pool. Mr. Warfield states that these cattle were sold to Messrs. Shirley & Birch of Louisville, Ky. In 1840 Mr. Wait made another im- DEVELOPMENT OF OHIO VALLEY HERDS 213 portation, consisting of the two bulls, Macadam 1814 and Anty (3021), and eight cows, Ellen Long, by Beaumont (3115) ; Hebe, by a son of Highflyer (2122) ; Victoria (or White Rose), by Matchem 4th; Pink, by Belvedere 2d (3127); Flora, by Imperial (2151); Splendour, bred by Mr. Cattley and sired by Symmetry (2723), and Daisy, by Bamaby (1678). It is said that most of these cows were imported for Mr. S. Bradford of Tennessee. Splendour is said to have been sold to Mr. E. P. Prentice of New York in 1839. Daisy passed into the possession of the Shakers of Kentucky. Messrs. Wait & Bagg also imported about this same time the roan bull Albion (2971), bred by R. Lawson and sired by Charles (3343). The pedigrees of some of these cattle seem to have been perfect and others were not. Mr. Warfield says: ''So many errors and blunders have been found in the pedigrees of the cattle imported by S. Wait that it is deemed necessary to state that they should be examined with great care." In 1837 the bull Grosvenor (3946), tracing to a Booth foundation, was imported for Mr. Michael Boyne, and the bull Sovereign 995, with heifer Strawberry, by Magnum Bonum, for Messrs. R. Jackson and John Hodgson; presumably in connec- tion with the Ohio Co.'s operations. About 1840 Messrs. Joel Higgins and Calvin C. Morgan imported into Fayette Co., Ky., five heifers from the herd of Mr. Chrisp, as follows: Mary and Theodosia, both by Prince Eugene (2643) ; Henri- 214 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOEX CATTLE etta, by Red Prince (2489); Eleanor, by Brougham (1746), and Princess (or Anne), by Captain (3273); the first four roans and the latter red. First Bates bull in Kentucky. — Between the years 1839 and 1841 James Letton of Bourbon Co., Ky., imported several females and two bulls, one of the latter being Locomotive (4245), bred by Mr. Bates and sired by Duke of Northumberland (1940) out of the Oxford Premium Cow. This bull was a half- brother to Duke of Wellington (3654), imported by Mr. Vail of New York. Mr. Warfield lists the Let- ton importation as having been made in 1839. The x\lbany Cultivator for July, 1841, (page 120), is our authority for the statement that Locomotive arrived in New York May 20, 1841, so that we believe our statement on page 219, that Duke of Wellington was the first Oxford bull bought for America, to be cor- rect.* For Locomotive the sum of $1,225 was paid in England, He became the property of W. T. Calmes of Fayette Co., Ky., upon whose farm he died. Among the cows imported by Mr. Letton was the red-roan lanthe, by Barforth (3085), that gave rise to a numerous family. Another that had many descendants was Miss Severs, by Reformer (2510). *It is said that Mr. Letton had seen the Bates-Oxford bull Duke of WellinfTton, bought by George Vail, land at New York, and was so favorably impressed tliat upon learning that Duke had a half-brother (Locomotive, that had been bought of Mr. Bates by J. C. Etches of Liv- erpool for 100 guineas) he determined to buy him. This he did, and the bull (Locomotive) proved a successful prize-winner in Kentucky. CHAPTER IX EASTERN IMPORTATIONS— 1830 TO 1850 While the farmers and stock-growers of the Ohio Valley States were making substantial jDrogress in the improvement of their herds, as noted in the pre- ceding chapter, large infusions of fresh blood from England were introduced into New York and Penn- sylvania. The more important importations made into these and adjacent States, contemporaneous with and following the important operations of Colonel Powel already mentioned, will now be noted. New York importations. — Mr. Wm. Jackson im- ported into New York between the years 1833 and 1840 the roan cows Duchess, by Ebor (996) ; Rose, by Skip ton, and Miss Scotson. The former was sold to Messrs. Wasson & Shropshire and Rose to N. L. Lindsey of Kentucky. The latter had numerous de- scendants, among which were many excellent cattle, but, as her sire was not pedigreed, these shared more or less in the discredit that was cast in later years upon cattle tracing to animals having such defects in their lineage. Jackson also imported the bulls Mag- net and Dimples 421, the latter being taken by Mr. Brent to Bourbon Co., Ky., in 1835. Around 1834 to 1836 Thomas Weddle imported about fifteen head of Short-horns, most of which 215 216 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE were females. Some of these were pedigreed and some were not. Among the pedigreed cows were Daisy and Crocus, both by Romulus (2563) ; Prim- rose, by Pioneer (1321), and Buttercup, by Sir Wal- ter (1459). Primrose was bought at Mr. Weddle's sale of 1838 by Gen. James Dudley of Fayette Co., Ky. The roan bull Charles (1816), bred by the Earl of Carlisle and sired by Rockingham (2550) of the Weddle importation, was taken to Kentucky the same year by Gen. Dudley. Allen states that Mr. Weddle was an Englishman, who had emigrated from Yorkshire into Western New York and brought these cattle with him. He states that they were all well-bred Short-horns, chiefly from the well-known herd of Major Bower. In 1835 Samuel Allen is said to have imported into New York the roan cow Rachel of Mr. Whitaker's breeding on the same ship that brought out one of the Ohio Co. 's importations. Although her pedigree was mislaid she was guaranteed a purely-bred Short- horn and gave (when in full flow of milk on pas- ture) twenty-eight quarts per day. Mr. Allen also brought out at the same time the roan cow Miss Lawrence, said to have been bred by Richard Booth at Studley. Her pedigree was also lost, but she is said to have been a prize-winner as a dairy cow in England before being shipped, and after her arrival in America gave thirty-four quarts of rich milk per day on grass alone. She was sold in 1839 to N. C. Baldwin of Cleveland, 0. A third cow in this same EASTEKN IMPORTATIONS 217 shipment was the white Miss Bellon, that became the property of Lewis F. Allen, founder of the Amer- ican Herd Book. She was also an excellent milker, producing, Mr. x\llen states, for weeks in succession twelve pounds of butter per week. In 1836 Messrs. Edward A. Leroy and Thomas H. Newbold of Livingston Co., New York, im- ported three heifers and the bull Windle 185. The heifers were Venus, by Magnum Bonum; Dione, by Monarch, and Netherby, by the same sire. About 1836 Peter A. Eemsen of Genesee County imported the red bull Alexander 4, of Mr. Maynard's breed- ing, and several cows and heifers, including Ade- laide, Pretty Face, Lavinia and White Eose. He bred from these for several years, and after dis- posing of some of them in New York removed with the remainder to Maryland, where they were finally dispersed. About 1838 Mr. John F. Sheaffe estab- lished a Short-horn herd at his farm and country residence in Duchess County, on the Hudson River. He started with cattle descended from the early New England importations. To these he added, soon after 1840, the cows Phoebe 1st, Dahlia 1st and Beauty 1st, but the pedigrees of these are im- perfectly stated. He subsequently imported tlie roan cow Seraphina, by Wharf dale (1578), and the red-and-white bull Duke of Exeter 449 — the latter bred by J. Stephenson of Wolviston. This bull is said to have proved a capital sire. He is described as an animal possessing remarkable quality and 218 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE subsequently passed into the possession of Lewis F. Allen. Mr. Sheaffe bred cattle until Aug. 29, 1850, when his herd was dispersed at public sale. Between the years 1840 and 1843 James Lenox of New York, who owned a fine country seat adjoining that of Mr, Sheaffe, imported three cows and two bulls, including Daffodil, Red Lady and Gayly, and the bulls Prince Albert 133 and King Charles 2d 84 — bred by Jonas Whitaker. The two bulls and one of the females were sired by the noted Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196). Between the years 1835 and 1841 Mr. E. P. Prentice of Albany imported eight or ten head of Short-horns, which were placed upon his villa farm near that city. He had founded Lis herd with stock bought from the early importa- tions of General Van Rensselaer already mentioned. Among the females imported were several from the herd of Mr. ^^Hiitaker, including Esterville, by Alfred (2987), and Moss Rose, by Barden. He maintained the herd until 1850, when it was dispersed at public sale. In 1836 Erastus Corning of Albany, in connection with Mr. W. H. Sotham, who later became an active advocate of Herefords, made an importation con- sisting of seven females and three bulls. One of the cows, the roan Wilddame, by Anthony (1640), proved a very successful breeder, and left many descendants whose pedigrees may be found in the American Herd Book. She was from the stock of Mr. W. Lovell, from whose herd Mr. Corning also EASTERN IMPORTATIONS 219 obtained the heifers Mary, Mabel, Cherry, Pet, Cleopatra and Venus. The bulls Columbus (5869), also from Mr. Lovell's herd, and Ashley (3045) were imported along with these heifers. About 1846 a Mr. Oliver of Westchester County imported the bull Marius 684, a roan, bred by Earl Spencer from Mason stock. He was sold to Col. L. G. Morris, who exhibited him at the New York State Fair at Buffalo in 1848, at which show he was sold to David Harrold of South Charleston, C, in which State he did excellent service for some years. Vail's purchases of Bates cattle. — Somewhere about the year 1835 Mr. George Vail of Troy, New York, became enamored of Short-horn breeding and established a herd at his country seat near that city. Between the years 1839 and 1844 he imported, in connection with Mr. S. P. Chapman, about fifteen head of cattle. In 1840 he bought from Thomas Bates, through Mr. Etches of Liverpool, the roan bull calf Duke of Wellington (3654), that was sired by the Duchess bull Short Tail (2621) and had for dam the noted Oxford Premium Cow, winner at the first show ever held by the Royal Agricultural So- ciety of England. This purchase constituted the earliest importation of the Duchess and Oxford blood into this country.* Mr. Vail also bought from *It may be of some interest to state that from an entry in the Kirk- levington accounts, bearing date of June 3, 1840, it appears that Mr. Vail paid for Duke of Wellington and Duchess the sum of £200. It appears from a letter written by :\Ir. Bates to Mr. Vail in 18 43 that 100 guineas each was being asked for such cattle as Bates was willing to spare. In this same letter Bates adds : "The tribes of really good Short-horns are very few. I have tried myself above two hundred varieties. Out of these I have but six tribes which I do not mean to part with." 220 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HOEX CATTLE Mr. Bates a cow called Duchess, although not be- longing to the family of that name. She was a white daughter of Duke of Northumberland (1940) out of Nonesuch 2d by Belvedere (1706). This cow produced the two bulls Meteor 104 and Symmetry 166, both by Duke of Wellington, but died without leaving female progeny. Mr. Vail showed a marked partiality for Bates blood and subsequently im- ported the red heifer Lady Barrington 3d, bred by Mr. Bates from Cleveland Lad (3407) out of Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706). From Messrs. Thomas and Eobert Bell, tenants of Mr. Bates, he obtained the roan Hilpa, by Cleveland Lad (3407) ; the roan Yarm Lass, by 4th Duke of York (10167) ; the red-and-white Cecilia, by 3d Duke of Northum- berland; the roan Agate, by 3d Duke of York (10166), running on the dam's side to Acomb by Belvedere; the red-and-white Arabella, also an Acomb, sired by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) ; the roan Frantic, by 4th Duke of York (10167); Boukie (red-roan), by 4th Duke of York, tracing on dam's side to Craggs, a cow obtained by Messrs. Bell from Mr. Bates ; and the roan bull Earl Derby 456, by 5th Duke of York (10168) out of Lady Barrington 4th. Prior to Mr. Vail's purchases of Bates-bred Short-horns about the only specimens of Kirklev- ington breeding seen in the United States, had been the few brought out during the course of the Ohio Co. 's importations. Mr. Vail was an enthusiast in EASTERN IMPORTATIONS 221 Short-horn breeding and exhibited with success at the York State shows of that period.* He made an effort to be present at the closing-out sale of the Bates herd in England, but the event occurred at an earlier date than he had anticipated, so that he did not arrive until the sale was over. He had mean- time bought the herd of Mr. Prentice, but soon afterward gave up breeding; his herd being sold in October, 1852. Whitaker's shipments to America. — Undoubtedly the most active man in England in connection with shipments to America during the period from 1820 to 1840 was Jonas Whitaker. He had not only sold quite a number of cattle to the early New York and Massachusetts importers as already detailed, but had supplied Col. Powel of Philadelphia with many first-class cattle. He had also been largely instru- *Writing to Mr. Bates in 1847 Mr. Vail said: "I sent my bull Meteor to the show for exhibition only at the request of some friends, as he had taken the first premium for the best Durham bull in 18 44, as well as the first prize for bull of any breed. The bull Marius, bred by Earl Spencer, justly took first premium in Durham bulls. The judges in their report on these said : 'The justly celebrated bull Meteor, belonging to Mr. George Vail, was on the ground for exhibition only, being excluded from competing at present. We think he stands unrivaled.' * * * i sup- pose there were 30,000 or 40,000 persons present, among them many of the first men in the country and two ex-Presidents of the United States. * * * Mr. A. B. Allen of New York, whom you know, is continually urging me to get a young Duchess bull from you. I would much like one, but at present dare not venture the expense. * * * Meteor is in some respects a finer animal than Wellington. He is better in the hind quarters and across the hips. Wellington has not a broad hip and is rather thin across the twist. His fore end cannot be beat. He is a superior handler, as is also Meteor. The latter weighs 2,200 lbs. and Wellington will weigh nearly 1,900 lbs. Meteor would take high rank even in your country. * * * Our county show took place last week and was the best we have had. I was equally successful in win- ning premiums here as at the State show. Hilpa took the first prize," 222 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE mental in the selection of the importations made by the Ohio Co. and its individual members. Impelled by the high prices made at the Ohio Co. 's sales Mr. Whitaker determined to try the experiment of ex- porting Short-horns to America to be offered for sale on his own account. The first shipment was made in August, 1837, the cattle being placed upon the farm of Col. Powel. This lot consisted of fifteen bulls and nineteen cows and heifers. Whitaker was always a good ''keeper," and these animals were forwarded in good condition; and as they were well bred and their coming had been widely advertised they attracted much attention, and when offered at auction drew the presence of a great attendance not only from the States of New York and Pennsylvania but from the then distant cattle-breeding districts of Ohio and Kentucky, The sale occurred at Powel- ton in September^ 1837, the bulls averaging $353, the cows $480, and the total sales aggregating $14,215. Among those sold upon this occasion were the following : Clarksville, by Lottery (2227), a roan two-year-old heifer, bought by Mr. Neff for $630 and subsequently sold to John Had- ley of Clinton Co., 0., in which State she gave rise to a consid- era,ble family. Young Isabella, a red-and-white cow, bred by Richard Booth, sired by Memnon (2295) out of the celebrated Isabella by Pilot. She was bought by C. J. Wolbert of Philadelphia for $405. Profitable, roan, two-year-old heifer, sired by Young Ebor (3682), sold to Mr. Neff of Cincinnati for $550. Ruth, red-and-white six-year-old, bred by Richard Booth and belonging to the old Killerby Moss Rose family, also sold to Mr. Neff at $460. EASTERN IMPORTATIONS 223 Beauty,* red-and-white four-year-old, bred by Mr. Tempest, sired by De Veaux (1916), running through Bertram (1716) and Frederick (1060) to Ceiling's old Bright Eyes sort. This cow was likewise purchased by Mr. NefE at $540. Lucilla, roan four-year-old, by Edmund (1954), also bought by Mr. Neff and resold to Benjamin Scott of Kentucky. Brutus 31, roan yearling bull, bred by Whitaker, bought by Mr. Neff for $330. Bruce (3233), red yearling bull, bred by Whitaker, bought by Mr. Rotch of New York for $360. Miser (2323), white yearling bull, bred by Whitaker, bought by Mr. Cunningham for $470. While these prices were not altogether sat- isfactory to Mr. Whitaker he sent out another considerable shipment in 1838 or 1839 that were also sold near Philadelphia. In this lot were twenty-two cows and heifers and six bulls. They were sold at sales held in the years 1838 aiid 1839, but accurate records as to what became of many of the cattle have not been preserved. There are in fact few descendants of the females included in these last shipments on record in this country. One exception to this may be noted, however, in the case of the roan Victoria, by Luck's All (2230), of Mr. Cattley's breeding, that was bought at the sale by Mr. George Brinton for $520. This was about the highest price made at the last sales, values ranging sharply downward from about that figure. The ♦From imp. Beauty was descended the great family of show and breeding cattle known as "Profltables," afterward famous in Ohio in the hands of the late David Selsor, from whose herd many splendid in- dividual Short-horns of that tribe were sold throughout various West- ern States. There was at one time an effort made to discredit this fam- ily on account of alleged inability to trace the lineage direct to imp. Beauty. The breeding was, however, certified to by Mr. J. J. Jones, who bought the cow Profitable 2d from Mr. Neff. See reference to this in Breeder's Gazette, Sept. 14, 1882. 224 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN' CATTLE depression which was at this date beginning to set- tle down upon American industries militated against success in these operations of Mr. Whitaker and he made no further shipments. Introduction of Princess blood. — Mr. Vail's im- portations had the effect of drawing public attention lo the herd of Mr. Bates, and in the year 1849 Mr. ximbrose Stevens of Batavia, N. Y,, went to England with a letter of introduction to Bates from Vail and purchased for importation the roan bull 3d Duke of Cambridge (5941), then eight years old, sired by the Duke of Northumberland (1940) out of Water- loo 2d b}^ Belvedere. This bull represented a union of the Duchess, Princess and Waterloo tribes, and after his arrival in America an interest in him was sold to Col. J. M. Sherwood of Auburn, N. Y. Along with the Duke Mr. Stevens brought out from the herd of Mr. Stephenson of Wolviston the roan year- ling heifers Princess 2d, by General Sale (8099), and Princess 3d, by Napier (6238), together with Red Rose 2d, a red four-year-old cow by Napier. These were the first representatives of the tribe of Belvedere to be transferred to American soil. Red Rose 2d was sold to Col. Sherwood. She was a capital dairy cow, and it is recorded that *'she made forty-nine pounds of butter in twenty-five consecu- tive years in May and June, 1851, when four j'ears old with her second calf." Mr. Stevens brought out in 1849, as a calf, the Princess bull Lord Vane Tempest (10469) and sold him to Col. Sherwood. EASTERN IMPOKTATIONS 225 In 1850 Messrs. Stevens and Sherwood imported the two-year-old Princess bull Earl of Seaham (10181), of StejDlienson's breeding, that was after- ward sold to Rev. John A. Gano, Kentucky. The Earl also proved a successful stock-getter. Along with him were imported the cows Princess 4th, by Napier; Waterloo 5th and Wild Eyes 5th, both of Bates blood, but they died without issue. The red Princess bull Wolviston 1109 was also included in this shipment, and was sold after imj^ortation to William Asliton of Gait, Can. In 1851 Messrs. Stevens and Sherwood imported the Princess bull calf Earl Vane (14483) and the five-year-old cow Princess 1st, by Napier. The following j^ear the roan Princess heifer Lady Sale 2d, by Earl of Chat- ham (10176), and the roan four-year-old Princess cow Tuberose 2d, by Earl of Antrim (10174), were brought out. Red Rose 2d, Tuberose 2d and Lady Sale 2d became the matrons of the Princess tribe in America, and in later years their descendants com- manded enormous prices as a result of the great appreciation in values of Bates-bred Short-horns. This was of course due to the fact of the great success met with by Mr. Bates in the use of Belvedere. Miscellaneous importations. — In 1835 Mr. Harmer Denny of Pittsburg imported the red-and-white yearling bull Young Buckingham (1758), a roan two-year-old heifer and her sire, a bull called Archi- tect ; the two latter not being fully pedigreed. These 226 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKX CATTLE were selected in England by Rev. John A. Robert- son. During the same year R. D. Shepherd of Baltimore, Md., imported nine females and six bulls, some of which were without pedigrees. Several of the cows, including Lucrece, Haidie and Diana, were sold to Hon. Henry Clay and taken to Kentucky. In 1837 or 1838 William Gibbons of Madison, N. J., imported the roan bull Majestic (2249), bred by Mr. Crofton, the roan Arthur (3040) and the white cow Volage; both of the latter bred by Whitaker. In 1838 Dr. John A. Poole of Brunswick, N. J., im- ported the white yearling bull Bernard 19, descended from Magdalena, by Comet, and the cows Maria, Fanny and Barmpton Cow. In 1839 Joseph Cope of Pennsylvania bought at Kirklevington the roan bull Yorkshireman (5700), bred by Bates and belonging to his Blanche tribe ; paying for him something over £100. In 1839 Daniel Plolman imported the red- and-white three-year-old cow Jane, bred by G. L. Ridley and sired by Young Magog (2247). We should note the shipment of the roan cow Violet, by Regent (2517), along with the bulls Young Rocket (4979) and Rubens (2573) to H. Whitney of Connecticut about 1840. Also the importation by William Whitney of Morristown, N. J., about the same date of the twin heifers Cornelia and Harriet, by Birmingham (3152), and their dam, the roan Ringlet, by Belshazzar (1704), of the Earl of Carlisle's breeding. CHAPTER X SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY IN AMERICA During the decade from 1840 to 1850 a profound depression overtook American agricultural indus- tries. The outburst of activity in live-stock improve- ment that had found manifestation in the new West during the "thirties" in the operations of the first Ohio and Kentucky importing companies, was fol- lowed by ten or twelve years of declining values and waning interest in all things agricultural. Importations ceased. Discouraged by the absence of demand for good cattle, leading breeders reluc- tantly castrated many well-bred young bulls that should have been doing service in the herds of the farming community. Large numbers of good cows and heifers were fed oif for the shaml)les. Pedigree records were in many cases neglected. In this way many descendants of the importations already noted disappeared from view. As has been true, however, during all such trying times, certain men who know that history never fails to repeat itself stood stead- fastly by the "red, white and roans," firm in the belief that the tide would some day turn. And so it did. Soon after 1850 the clouds that had settled over Ihe industry during the twelve years preceding began to break. The price of meats advanced under 228 A HISTORY oy SHOET-HORN^ CATTLE a renewed domestic demand and the opening up of foreign markets for grains and provisions. Those who had tenaciously held their ground in cattle breeding discerned signs of better days near at hand and began taking steps to recruit their herds up to the former standard. We now enter upon a most interesting period of Short-horn history: a period characterized by remarkable activity on the part of powerful interests; a period that witnessed the founding of the great herds at Woodburn and Thorndale ; the organization of numerous importing companies in Kentucky, Ohio and New York, and that also marks the extension of Short-horn breeding into Indiana, Illinois and other Western States. The first "Duke" for America. — Mr. Lorillard Spencer of New York imported in the year 1851 or 1852 the red Bates Duchess bull Duke of Athol (10150), that had been sold at the Kirklevington sale of 1850 as a calf to Mr. Parker of Penrith for forty guineas. Along with him came the young bull Augustus (11125) and Woldsman (11026), together with the heifers Sonsie 8th, by 2d Cleveland Lad; Faraway, by 3d Duke of Oxford, and Jean, by Chev- alier. He bred from these for a few years and possessed a few other Short-horns bought from New York State breeders. He maintained the herd, however, but a short time. Morris and Becar. — Col. L. G. Moms and Noel J. Becar of New York attended the dispersion sale of the herd of Thomas Bates in May, 1850, as reported SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 229 on page 108, and after looking over the cattle de- termined to invest in the Oxford blood. Three cows and heifers of the family that gave Mr. Bates his Liverpool Royal Champion Cleveland Lad fell to their bidding, viz. : The roan five-year-old Oxford 5th, by Duke of Northumberland ; the red-and-white yearling Oxford 10th, by 3d Duke of York (10166), and her full sister, the roan heifer calf Oxford 13th. Col. Morris took the cow and the yearling, and Mr. Becar the calf. Subsequently Col. Morris bought the roan cow Beauty of Brawith (of B. Wilson's breeding) ; the red-roan Bloom, by the Booth-bred Sir Leonard (10827), and Romelia, a roan, by Flageolet (8130). He also purchased the red-and- white Bates-bred Balco (9918),* by 4th Duke of York (10167) out of Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), the first of that tribe to come to America; Lord of Eryholme ( 12205 ); a roan of A. L. Maynard's breeding; Marquis of Car- rabas (11789), a roan, bred by Fawkes of Farnley Hall, and the Bell-Bates bull Billy Pitt (9967). The roan Romeo (13619), bred by the Marquis of Exeter, was bought on joint account, and afterward proved a valuable "outcross" upon the Oxfords. Mr. Becar was a Frenchman who had emigrated when a young man to the city of New York, where he established himself as a merchant, which occu- pation he for many years successfully pursued. He •At a later period Balco passed into the possession of Gen, Sol. Meredith of Cambridge City, Ind. 230 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE married an American wife, whose family held large possessions of land on Long Island. He imported on his individual account some sixteen head of cows and heifers between the years 1850 and 1854. In- cluded among these were the Bates-bred Oxford 6th, Lady Barrington 12tli and Apricot. The ship- ment also included the Secret heifer Surprise and the white cow Songstress, the first of the Gwynne family (closely allied to the Princesses) imported to America. This lot also included the roan cow Actress, by Harkaway (9184), that was subse- quently sold to the Hon. John Wentworth of Chi- cago, 111. This importation is notable also as having contained the first specimen of the Mason Victorias brought to this country — namely, Victoria 26th, bred by Mr. Holmes of Ireland and sired by the Booth bull Baron Warlaby (7813). Two roan heifers from noted English herds were Zoe, bred by Mr. Tanqueray, and Miss Belleville, bred by Mason Hopper and sired by the "never-beaten" Belleville (6778). The former was the earliest representative of the "J" branch of the Princess soft imported. The Earl Ducie sale in England. — While Messrs. Morris and Becar were making these purchases an event that was destined to exercise an extraordinary influence upon Short-horn breeding on both sides of the water occurred in England. This was the closing-out sale of the herd of Earl Ducie, at Tort- worth, which took place Aug. 24, 1853, as a conse- quence of the Earl's decease. It will be remembered SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 231 that at the Bates dispersion sale Ducie had bought the 4th Duke of York, Duchess 55th, Oxford 6th, Duchess 59th, Duchess 64th and Oxford 11th. He bred Duchess 59th to Usurer (9763) — the Mason- bred bull for which he paid 400 guineas at the sale of the Earl Spencer cattle in 1848. The white Duchess 67th resulted, but she seemed so unprom- ising that Lord Ducie is said to have considered that the cross was a failure and stated that he would never again ''outcross" the Duchesses and Oxfords. At the Tortworth sale Messrs. Becar and Morris were represented and secured Duchess 66tli and the red three-year-old bull Duke of Gloster (11382), by Grand Duke (10284). For Duchess 66th they were forced to pay 700 guineas — the top price of the sale. She was a roan, coming three years old, sired by 4th Duke of York (10167) out of Duchess 55th, and became the ancestress in America of the far-famed Oneida, Geneva, and Thorndale branches of the Bates Duchess tribe ; the sale of which at New York Mills in 1873 proved the most sensational event in Short-horn history. This Ducie sale was also attended by Messrs. Samuel Thorne and F. M. Eotch of New York. Mr. Thorne was in quest of Short-horns for his father, Jonathan Thorne of Dutchess County, and pur- chased Duchess 59th, Duchess 64th and Duchess 68th. For these he gave 350 guineas, 600 guineas and 300 guineas respectively. Had it not been for the bidding of Mr. J. S. Tanqueray an(l Gunter '2'62 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN- CATTLE of Gloucestershire the American buyers would have taken all of the Duchesses. It was the competition between the Old World and the New that resulted in such high prices as compared with those made at Kirklevington three years previous. The six head of cattle for which Earl Ducie had paid £955 10s. upon that occasion brought at Tortworth £2,052 15s. This sale, it may be said, fairly marked the begin- ning of what is known this side of the Atlantic as the great Bates *'boom. " Duchess 55th at 50 guineas, Oxford 6th at 205 guineas, Oxford 11th at 250 guineas, Oxford 16th at 180 guineas and Duchess 69th at 400 guineas were bought by Mr. Tanqueray ; Mr. Gunter purchasing Duchess 67th, by Usurer, at 350 guineas, and Duchess 70th at 310 guineas. The Earl of Burlington bought Oxford 15th at 200 guineas, and the Earl of Feversham took 5th Duke of Oxford (12762) at 300 guineas. The 4th Duke of York (10167) was bought by Gen. Cadwallader and Mr. Vail of New York at 500 guineas, but did not live to reach America, his neck having been broken during a storm at sea. Thomdale and the Duchesses. — Mr. Becar having died in 1854 Col. Morris purchased his interest in the partnership herd, and after selling quite a num- ber of young bulls to various breeders in different States disposed of the entire holding to Mr. Samuel Thome of Thorndale Farm, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Mr. Thome's father, Jonathan Thorne of New York City, owned an extensive farm at Millbrook, which SECOND PERIOD OF ACTR'ITY 233 is still in the possession of the family. This was in 1857. In the year 1850 Mr. Thorne Sr. had sent an order to his son Edwin, who was then in Eng- land, for a Short-horn bull. A pair of cows had previously been purchased from Mr. Vail of Troy. The order was filled by the purchase and forwarding of the bull St. Lawrence (12037), bred by Capt. Pelham. This bull was afterward sold to Dr. E. Warfield and taken to Kentucky in the autumn of 1853. In 1852 Mr. Thorne received on an order he had given to Robert Bell the two Bell-Bates heifers Countess (Craggs) and Forget-me-not 2d of Bell's Fletcher family. He also bought from Mr. Tan- queray the young cow Ellen Gwynne, bred by Mr. Troutbeck. In the spring of 1853 Mr. Samuel Thorne, in company with Mr, F. M. Eotch, sailed for England to purchase Short-horns, their intention being to buy the best that could be found without reference to cost. They attended the Ducie sale, at which Duchesses 59th, 64th and 68th were selected. From Mr. S. E. Bolden they secured the Duchess bull Grand Duke (10284), that had been purchased by Mr. Hay of Scotland at the Kirklevington disper- sion at the top price of 205 guineas,* and the roan •Mr. Bolden had bought at the Bates sale Duchess 51st, as a doubt- ful breeder, at sixty guineas. He bred her first to Richard Booth's Leonidas (10414), but the calf came dead. Bred to Grand Duke, Duch- ess 51st gave Mr. Bolden the celebrated Grand Duchesses 1st and 2d. the ancestresses of the family of that name. In this connection it is of interest to note that Grand Duke had not been regarded as a satisfactory sire in Mr. Hay's herd at Shethin, but there was no mistaking the out- standing excellence of such of his get at Mr. Bolden's as the Gran4 Puchesses, Cherry Duchess 1st and 2d Duke of Cambridge. 234 A IIISTOEY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE lieifer Peri, by Grand Duke. From Tortworth the red Gwynne cow Mystery, by Usurer, was obtained. Col. Towneley's breeding was drawn upon for Fred- erica and Lalla Rookli. The red cows Aurora and Darling (the latter an Acomb by Grand Duke), mainly of Bates blood, completed the purchases of cattle brought out in 1853. Duchess 64th was left in England until the following year, and in the meantime dropped to a service of 4th Duke of York the bull calf 2d Grand Duke (12961), which under an arrangement previously entered into became the property of Mr. Bolden. This shipment of 1853 had cost Mr. Thorne the snug sum of $18,000, thuo making it the highest-priced lot of Short-horns im- ported to America up to that date. The vessel upo:i which they were shipped in October of that year had a tempestuous passage. Duchess 68tli was killed outright by the falling of a mast and Peri had a hip knocked down, two ribs broken and lost one horn. She nevertheless bred successfully and gave rise to a family bearing her name that afterward commanded long prices. In 1854 Mr. Thorne imported nine females, in- cluding Agnes, Cypress, Cherry and Constantia — all by B. Wilson's Lord of Brawith (10465)— Lady Millicent (from Fawkes), by Laudable; Diana Gwynne, Dinah Gwynne and (from Tanqueray's) the Bates Barrington heifer Lady of Athol. In the fall of 1855 the bull 2d Grand Duke (12961), above mentioned, was bought from Bolden for $5,000 to SECOND PEEIOD OF ACTIVITY 235 succeed Grand Duke (10284). An accident had ren- dered the latter practically useless, but he was nol slaughtered until 1857. With 2d Grand Duke was shipped in 1855 the Killerby-hred Booth bull Nep- tune (11847), by Water King (11024) out of Bloom by Buckingham; second dam the celebrated Haw- thorne Blossom. At the sale of Sir Chas. Knightley in 1856 Mr. Thorne bought the cows Blouzelind and Mrs. Flathers, both by Earl of Dublin, and Elgitha, by Balco. This gave him a dip into the most noted dairy strain of the day in England. From Col. Towneley he bought the two heifers Miss Buttercup, by the celebrated Master Butterfly (13311), and Buttercup 2d, by Horatio (10335). These five cattle cost over $5,000. From other sources he obtained Darlington 6th, Maria Louisa and Dewdrop. In 1857 the entire Morris & Becar herd, consisting at that date of fifty-three head, was purchased for $35,000. This gave Thorndale a virtual monopoly of the Duchess and Oxford blood in America and an investment in Short-horns mounting well up toward $100,000. Operations of such magnitude did not fail to create more or less of a sensation in cattle-breeding circles on both sides the Atlantic. During this same year Mr. Edwin Thorne, then in England, bought and sent out to his brother Samuel the bull Grand Turk (12969), bred by Bolden, repre- senting a cross of Grand Duke (10284) on the Booth cow Young Rachel by Leonard (4210). It thus appears that Thorndale drew upon the most noted 236 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE strains of the breed, besides imparting an impetus to the trade in England and America that permeated the entire industry and influenced in marked degree the work of leading breeders at home and abroad for many succeeding years. Revival of interest in the West. — It was a trying ordeal the business passed through in Ohio and Kentucky in the "forties." Little more than butch- ers ' prices could be realized. At the time the George and Jonathan Renick herds were offered (1844- 1846) not more than $130 could be obtained for the best. The value of the blood had been fully demon- strated, but farmers generally were financially unable to avail themselves of it save at extremely low prices. The large landed proprietors, however, maintained their herds and manifested their interest by exhibiting stock at the various local fairs.* By 1850 times had brightened, and the Ohio State Agri- cultural Society held its initial show near Cincinnati, Harness Renick winning first prize on Sterling 1004 — tracing to imp. Blossom by Fitz-Favorite — *In a report of the Ross County Fair for 1849, in the Ohio Cultivator, it is said that "the Durham Short-horns were exhibited in all their sleek- ness and beauty. These are, very justly, the pride of the principal farmers and herdsmen of the Scioto Valley. We have never seen better animals of this class than were exhibited on this occasion from the herds of Geo. Renick, Dr. A. Watts, J. R. Anderson, Alexander Renick, etc. As a whole it excelled in quality the show of this breed at either of the New York fairs." The report gives the weights of several Short-horn bullocks on ex- hibition ; among them a steer of Dr. Watts, three years old in April, weighed, Oct. 5, 2,200 lbs. ; one, two years in February, weighed, Oct. 5, 1,730 lbs. From the herd of George Renick a bullock of "great perfec- tion of form," five years, weighed 2,800 lbs. Six others, only three years, weighed 1,850, 1,750, 1,720, 1,680, 1,670 and 1,664 lbs. These cattle had not been forced as Is the modern practice, having only good grass in summer, — Hon. T, (7, Jones, in Breeder's Gazette, Oct, 5, 188S, SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 237 in aged-bull class, and Mr. Poage first on Lilac — a descendant of imp. Duchess of Liverpool — in aged cows. The modern system of training for show had not at that date come into vogue. It should be mentioned before proceeding further that shortly after the settlement of Walter Dun's estate, in Ken- tucky, his sons John G., James, Walter A. and Robert G. located upon their father's extensive estates in Madison Co., 0., taking with them a lot of good Short-horns descended from their father's importa- tion already mentioned. The bull Comet (1854) was used by the Messrs. Dun in Ohio as late as 1845 and was an excellent getter. With the return of better times the Ohio breeders manifested renewed interest in their herds. In 1852 trade had re^aved to such an extent that it was determined to make a fresh importation from Eng- land. Eighteen years had elapsed since the first purchase by the old Ohio Co., and breeders were anxious to ascertain as to what progress had been made in the improvement of the breed in England during that period. The project took definite form by the organization of the Scioto Valley Importing Co. — The veteran Dr. Ar- thur Watts and Mr. George W. Renick, son of Felix Renick, were appointed agents, and the result of their journey was the purchase and importation of ten bulls and seven females that were sold at auction at the farm of Dr. Watts, near Chillicothe. Stock- holders had the privilege of bidding and took most 238 A HISTOEY OF SHOBT-HOKN- CATTLE of the cattle at liigii prices. The sale list, with some particulars, follows : BULLS. Nobleman (13392), roan two-year-old, bred by J. Wood; a bull of marked excellence — Hon. John I. Vanmeter, Pike County $2,510 Count Fathom (11316), roan yearling, bred by P. H. Fawkes; got by Lord Marquis (10459); proved a very successful sire — N. Perrill, Clinton County 2,075 Master Belleville (11795), roan two-year-old, bred by J. M. Hopper; sired by the show bull Belleville (6778) and described as "a grand, rangy bull and the sire of a large number of fine Short-horns, including Billy Har- rison 263, the prize bull Master Miller, etc." — Messrs. Renick and Maypool 2,005 Lord Nelson 664, red-roan two-year-old, bred by R. Thorn- ton — John L. Meyers, Fayette County 1,825 Gamboy (11503), red-and-white, bred by F. H. Fawkes; tracing to the Booth cow Isabella by Pilot — M. L. Sulli- vant, Columbus 1,400 Rising Sun 5130. roan bull calf, bred by Mr. Wetherell — Isaac Cunningham, Scioto County 1,300 Alderman (9882), roan three-year-old, bred by R. C. Lown- des; afterward became the property of Jacob Pierce and used for some years in his fine herd — Hon. Alex. Waddle, Clark County 1,150 Isaac 589, roan two-year-old, bred by A. Thornton; a low, compact bull of fine quality, a good feeder and capital sire; second-prize bull at the Ohio State Fair, 1854 — Messrs. Gregg and J. O'B. Renick, Pickaway County.. 600 Young Whittington 1165, roan yearling; afterward owned by Messrs. Brown of Sangamon Co., 111. — Arthur Watts. Chillicothe 450 cows AXD HEIFERS. Mary, roan tw-o-year-old, bred by J. Emerson; by Lord of the Manor (10466)— Hon. A. Waddle $1,650 Sunrise, red. by Twilight (9758) — Hon. John I. Vanmeter. Pike County 1,230 SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 239 Blue Bonnet, roar two-year-old, by Earl of Antrim (10174); a large, stylish cow of superior quality and a great milker; dam of prize bulls Master Miller 693, Winfield 1107 and a valuable progeny of females — F. W. Ren- ick, Pickaway County $1,225 Moss Rose, roan six-year-old, bred by J. W. Parrington; sired by Ravensworth (9487) ; afterward became the property of Jacob Pierce, in whose hands she dropped the show coAv Mattie by Nobleman (13392)— Hon. Alex. Waddle, Clark County 1,200 Raspberry, roan two-year-old, sired by Banker (11136); a fino cow that in the hands of Messrs. Gregg and J. O'B. Renick was champion female at the Ohio State Fair, at Newark, in 1854, afterward becoming the property of James M. Trimble, in whose hands she produced, among other good things, the cow Maggie Trimble, dam of Airdrie 2d 11267, used in the prize herd of J. R. An- derson, Ross County — George W. Gregg, Pickaway County 1,110 Strawberry, roan cow, bred by R. Thornton; sired by Post Master (9487)— George W. Renick, Ross County 1,100 Enchantress, roan two-year-old, bred by Mr. Thornton; grew into a cow of superior quality and produced the fine bull Noble 753 — Harness Renick, Pickaway County 900 9 bulls* sold for $13,315; an average of $1,479.45 7 females sold for 8,315 ; an average of 1,187.85 16 animals sold for 21,630; an average of 1,351.85 The prices wliich the stockholders were willing to pay for these cattle inspired fresh confidence on both sides of the river, and in the following year several other importing companies were organized. Madison Co. (0.) Co.— In 1853 the Madison Co. ♦The red-roan bull Adam (1233S), bred by J. Clark, of this impor- tation was out of condition and not sold. He became the property of M. L. Sullivant and was noted for his wonderful coat of hair. Mr. Har- ness Renick's prize heifer Agatha, of the Blossom tribe, was one of his get. 240 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE X CATTLE (O.) Importing Co. was formed. Messrs. Charles Phellis, B. B. Browning and Mr. Farrar were ap- pointed agents and selected from the English herds fifteen bulls and nine cows, which, after the usual plan of these companies, were sold at auction. The event occurred Sept. 27 at London, Madison County, the result, together with a few notes upon the more noted animals, being as indicated below. From this it will appear that prices now mounted to a still higher range than had yet been attained : BULLS. Starlight (12146), roan two-year-old, bred by R. Lawson; sired by Lansdowne (9277), dam Beauty by Mussul- man (4524). This bull was kept upon the farm of James Fullington, in Union County, for many years and was one of the best sires ever used in the State. Though a first-prize bull at the State Fair of 1854, Starlight was not a first-class show bull. His strong, masculine front, with broad and massive brisket, were quite imposing, and the length of his fore ribs gave a chest of unusual capacity. He had a good back and loin, but his quarters were a little short. He was a bull of unusual vigor of constitution and required to be carefully handled. Among his get that acquired dis- tinction in show-yards were the champion bulls Star- light 2d 2559, Buckeye Starlight 3718 and General Grant 4825— Charles Phellis, Madison County $3,000 Marquis (11787), roan two-year-old, bred by R. Thornton; sired by Whittington (12299); a fine, compactly-fash- ioned bull of extra quality, extensively used on the fine herds then owned in the region known locally as the "Darby Plains" — James Fullington (Union County) and others 3,000 Sheffielder (13693), roan two-year-old, bred by Mr. Hall; sired by His Grace (10323)— J. W. Robinson, Madison County 1.800 SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 241 Mario (11779), roan two-year-old, bred by J. S. Tanqueray; sired by Horatio (10335) out of the Gwynne cow Mel- ody by Sir Thomas Fairfax; a fine, large bull, with wonderful depth of chest and of a remarkably quiet disposition; his get were uniformly good; afterward property of David Watson — Robert Reed, Madison County $1,550 Colonel (12614), red-and-white roan yearling, bred by R. Lawson; proved a good breeder; gained first prize as bull with five of his get at Ohio State Fair, 1860; progeny frequently shown with success — ^Messrs. Dun. 1,350 Farmer Boy (11464), roan two-year-old, bred by R. Thorn- ton — Joseph Reyburn, Madison County 925 Thornberry (12222), white two-year-old, bred by Richard Booth, Warlaby; sired by Hopewell (10332), dam Hawthorne Blossom by Leonard; sold in bad condi- tion; "off" on his feet and thin in flesh; low and level, with wonderful spring of rib, splendid quarters and real Warlaby chest and shoulders; one of the best feeders ever known in Scioto Valley; imparted his rare feeding qualities with great uniformity to his get — Messrs. Harness and Felix W. Renick, Pickaway County 875 Beau Clerc (11160), roan two-year-old, bred by F. H. Fawkes — D. M. Creighton, Madison County 750 Symmetry (12167), roan two-year-old, bred by J. Knowles, sired by Phosphorus 9477 — Messrs. Dun, Madison County 1-150 Sportsman, roan bull calf — James Foster, Madison County 700 Duke of Liverpool, roan bull calf — George G. McDonald, Madison County 555 Splendor 997ii., roan yearling— F. A. Yocum, Madison County 500 Prince Edward 864, roan yearling— M. B. Wright, Fayette County 475 Rocket 92114, white yearling — David Watson, Union County 425 Prince Albert 3284, roan yearling — J. F. Chenoweth, Madi- son County 300 242 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE COWS AND HEIFERS. Stapleton Lass, red-and-white roan three-year-old, bred by R. Thornton, sired by Sailor (9592); afterward prop- erty of James Fullington, in whose hands she proved a capital breeder and great milker; she was dam of Da- vid Watson's Fancy, that produced the great champion show cow Jessie, by Starlight 2d; she was also dam of the prize bull Buckeye Starlight 3718 — Jesse Watson, Madison County $1,350 Picotee, roan six-year-old; sired by Robin Hood (8492) — Jesse Watson, Madison County 1,275 Miss Hilton, roan two-year-old, bred by T. Raine — David Watson 875 Princess, roan three-year-old, bred by W. Raine — William Watson, Clark County 690 Blossom, roan yearling, bred by R. Thornton — David Wat- son G50 Victoria, roan three-year-old, bred by W. Raine; after- ward property of James Fullington — J. Q. Winchell, Madison County 600 Alexandria, white yearling, bred by T. Raine — David Wat- son 560 Yorkshire Dairy Cow (not pedigreed) — Joseph Negley, Clark County 425 Monsoon (not pedigreed), dam Yorkshire Dairy Cow — Jos. Reyburn, Madison County 295 15 bulls sold for $17,355; an average of $1,157 9 females sold fer 6,720; an average of 747 24 animals sold for 24,075; an average of 1,003 Northern Kentucky Association. — In 1853 an asso- ciation of Kentucky breeders under this title commissioned Messrs. Solomon Vanmeter, Nelson Dudley and Charles T. Garrard to proceed to Eng- land for the purchase of cattle. Fifteen cows and ten bulls were selected and imported in July of that year, which were sold at auction soon after their SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 243 arrival at the farm of B. J. Clay, in Bourbon County, at the extraordinary prices noted below: BULLS. Diamond (11357), roan three-year-old, bred by Earl Fever- sham— B. J. Clay, H. Clay Jr., George M. Bedford and J. Duncan, Bourbon County $6,000 Challenger (14252), roan yearling, bred by Earl Ducie; sired by 4th Duke of York (10167); dam Chaplet by Usurer (9763), running to Magdalena by Comet — Isaac and Solomon Vanmeter and T. L. Cunningham, Clark County 4,850 Orontes 2d (11877), red two-year-old, bred by Earl of Bur- lington; out of imp. Goodness, of Mason blood — R. A. Alexander, Woodford County 4,550 Young Chilton (11278), white three-year-old, bred by J. Em- erson; sired by Chilton (10054) — Dr. K. J. Breckenridge and Messrs. B. & W. Warfield, Fayette County 3,005 Fortunatus 1564, roan bull calf, bred by F. H. Fawkes; sired by Lord Marquis (10459) ; dam Fairy Tale by Sir Thos. Fairfax — Messrs. Vanmeter, Fayette County 2,500 The Count (12191), roan two-year-old, bred by H. Ambler; sired by 3d Duke of York (9047)— S. Goff, Clark County 2,500 Senator 2d (13687), white yearling, bred by H. Ambler; sired by Senator (8548); dam Fair Frances by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Allen & Curd, Fayette County 2,000 Belleville 3d (14150), roan yearling, bred by Mason Hopper; sired by Belleville (6778)— G. W. Sutton, Fayette County 1,500 Fusileer (11499), roan two-year-old, bred by T. Bell; sired by Grand Duke (10284)— R. W. Scott, Franklin County. . 1,400 .Yorkshire Maynard (14043), roan yearling, bred by A. L. Maynard; sired by Lord George (10443) — Robert S. Taylor, Clark County 1,000 cows AND HEIFEBS. Mazurka, red-roan yearling, bred by W. Smith, sired by the Booth bull Harbinger (10297), in calf to Orontes 2d— R. A. Alexander, Woodford County $3,050 Maid of Melrose, roan yearling, bred by F. H. Fawkes, sired by Lord Marquis (10459)— R. A. Alexander 2,200 244 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE Goodness, red, calved in 1847; bred by Mr. Hall, legatee of Earl Spencer; sired by Orontes (4623)— G. W. Sutton. $2,025 Lady Caroline, roan two-year-old, bred by Mr. Spearman, sired by Newtonian (14991)— B. J. Clay, Bourbon County 1,825 Lady Stanhope, roan, calved in 1847, bred by A. L. Maynard, sired by Earl Stanhope (5966)— B. J. Clay,. Bourbon County 1,500 Lady Fairy, red, calved in 1848, bred by F. H. Fawkes, sired by Laudable (9282) out of Fairy Tale, the dam of imp. Fortunatus — Dr. Breckenridge and B. & W. Warfield, Fayette County 1,100 Orphan Nell, roan yearling, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, sired by Ruby (10760); dam of the Gwynne family— J. A. Gano, Bourbon County 1,000 Equity, red yearling, bred by John Booth, sired by Lord George (10439)— R. A. Alexander, Woodford County... 1,000 Roan Duchess, roan three-year-old, bred by Mr. Wetherell, sired by Whittington (12299)— W. H. Brand, Fayette County 900 Duchess of Sutherland, red two-year-old, bred by H. Ambler, sired by Captain Edwards (8929)— W. H. Brand 900 Gem, roan two-year-old, bred by H. Ambler, sired by Broker (9993): dam the Booth cow Gulnar (bred by Mr. Fawkes) by Norfolk (2377)— S. Vanmeter and T. L. Cunningham 825 Flattery, white yearling, bred by Earl Ducie, sired by 4th Duke of York (10167)— W. R. Duncan, Clark County. . . 815 Necklace, roan yearling, bred by Col. Towneley, sired by Duke of Athol (10150)— Henry Clay Jr., Bourbon County 805 Bracelet, roan twin-sister to Necklace above — M. M. Clay, Bourbon County 75(V MufBn, roan yearling, bred "by Earl Ducie, sired by Usurer (9763)— W. A. Smith, Scott County 535 10 bulls sold for $29,305; an average of' $2,930.50 15 females sold for 19,230; an average of 1,282.00 25 animals sold for 48,535; an average of 1,941.40 The ten bulls cost in England about $5,570 and fetched nearly $30,000. The females cost about SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 245 $5,920 on the other side and brought nearly $20,000. The cattle were well chosen, fell for the most part into good hands and were important factors in subsequent Kentucky Shorn-horn history. The liigh-priced bull Diamond proved impotent. Young Chilton, Challenger and Orontes 2d were, in the order named, remarkable stock-getters. It is worthy of note in this connection with Young Chilton's sire, Chilton (10054), was a white bull got by the "never- beaten" show bull Belleville (6778) out of one of that bull's own daughters. Belleville (see foot-note page 104) was the bull that Mr. Bates so persistently decried. As one of the best sires ever used in Kentucky carried a double cross of the Belleville blood, the infallibility of Mr. Bates' judgment is not in this case apparent. In point of individual merit Young Chilton also headed this remarkable list of bulls, Orontes 2d standing second and Chal- lenger third. As a sire, however, the latter, in the hands of Messrs. Vanmeter, surpassed the work of Orontes 2d at AVoodburn. Senator 2d, Fortunatus and Yorkshire Maynard produced no extraordinary stock. Of the cows of this memorable importation it is only necessary to say that the descendants of Goodness in the hands of George M. Bedford, of Mazurka in the hands of Mr. Alexander, of Gem in the herd of William Warfield, of Roan Duchess and Orphan Nell in many different herds, and of Lady Caroline at C. M. Clay's, demonstrated the fact that the original selections were made with rare judg- 246 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ment and that their progeny was handled with uncommon skill. Scott Co. (Ky.) Importing Co. — Near the close of the year 1853 a company was organized in Scott Co., Ky., and Messrs. W. Crockett and James Bagg, as agents, proceeded to England and purchased seven females and five bulls, which were sold at auction Jan. 10, 1854, at the fann of Mr. M. B. Webb. Included in this lot were the bulls Baron "Feversham 13414, a roan two-year-old bought at the sale of C. Estill of Madison County at the top price of $1,525; the bull Pathfinder 805, a roan yearling, taken by Messrs. Webb & Ford of Scott County at $860, and the cows Venus by Fair Eclipse (11456), sold to J. Hill of Bourbon County at $710, and Carnation by Budget 22265, bought by C. W. Innes, Fayette County, at $610. The entire lot brought $7,535, making the fairly satisfactory aver- age of $685. In 1854 the same parties who had been interested in the Scott County Co. organized again under the name of the Kentucky Importing Co. and sent Messrs. Wesley Warnock and James Bagg to Eng- land for a second lot of cattle. They purchased six bulls and fifteen cows and heifers that were placed upon the farm of C. W. Innes, near Lexington, and in October, 1854, five of the bulls and fourteen of the females were sold at auction, the former averaging $994 and the latter $390. This sale was memorable from the fact that Mr. E. A. Alexander, SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 247 whose extensive operations are shortly to be noticed, paid $3,500 for the roan two-year-old bull Sirius (13737), bred by E. Ackroyd; sired by Concord (11302) out of a daughter of Mr. Fawkes' Fairy Tale, that was also the dam of Fortunatus 1564. The next highest-priced bull was the roan yearling MacGregor 675 — also of Fawkes' breeding — that was taken by John Hill at $600. The top price for cows was $650, paid by Mr. R. A. Alexander for the roan two-year-old Bessie Howard, and $600 paid by the same buyer for Lizzie, hj Marquis of Carrabas (11789), both bred by Mr. Fawkes. From the cow Matilda, by Villiers (13959)— sold to S. Corbin of Bourbon County for $205 — descended the celebrated show heifer Fannie Forrester. Clinton Co. (0.) Association. — An organization formed in Clinton Co., 0., in 1854 sent as its agents Messrs. H. H. Hankins, J. G. Coulter and A. E. Seymour, who bought and imported seventeen cows and heifers and ten bulls, that were sold Aug. 9 of that year at Wilmington, Clinton County, at an average of $1,037 for the bulls and $649 for the females. The top price for females was $1,675, paid by M. B. Wright and William Palmer, Fayette Co., 0., for the roan cow Duchess, by Norfolk (9442). The roan cow Princess, by Lord Newton, was taken by Hadley & Hankins of Clinton County at $1,060; the white cow Hope, by Duke of York (6947), fell to the bidding of William Palmer at $1,000, and the roan Victoria, sold without pedigree, 248 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE brought from Mr. Peringer a like sum. Of this importation also was the cow Lady Jane, by Wliit- tington, a red of Wetherell's breeding, bought by David Watson, Madison County, for $500. She left numerous descendants. Another cow to which some of our American pedigrees trace was also in this shipment — Miss Shaftoe, a red by Captain Shaftoe (6833), bred by W. Smith, purchased at this sale by Jesse Starbuck at $650. We should also mention Louisa, a roan by Crusader, taken by J. E. Mills, Clinton County, at $300. The bull Wellington (13989), a roan two-year-old, bred by B.. Lawson, commanded the great price of $3,700 from Messrs. Coulter, Hankins and others. The white two-year- old bull Billy Harrison 263, out of the $1,675 Duchess by Norfolk, was taken by Jesse Starbuck of Clinton County at $1,500. The four-year-old roan Warrior (12287), bred by Richard Booth, sired by Water King (11034) out of Bagatelle by Buckingham, went to B. Hinkson and H. H. Hankins at $1,200. Clark Co. (0.) Co. — The last of the importing companies organized in the State of Ohio was formed in Clark County in 1854. Dr. Arthur Watts of Chillicothe and Alexander Waddle of South Charleston were sent abroad to make the selection and purchased twenty cows and heifers and nine bulls that were divided by auction sale Sept. 6, 1854. This importation included some very valuable cat- tle, some of the most noted of which are listed SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 249 herewith, together with a few facts of historic in terest : New Year's Day (13383), sold at this sale as a roan yearling, was bred by Lee Norman and sired by Magnet (11765) out of Moss Rose by Killerby (7122). He was bought by C. M. Clark of Clark County for $3,500. Before importation he won a first prize at the Royal Dublin Show of 1853. He was extensively exhibited throughout the West, and was doubtless the best show bull of his day. His first appearance was at the United States Cattle Show held at Springfield, 0.. in the fall of 1854. This was a great event and the scene of a memorable contest between Kentucky and Ohio bred Short-horns. The big light roan Kentucky show bull Perfection 810, belonging to the Louan family; Mr. Bedford's famous Laura and Abram Renick's Rose of Sharon cow Duchess, by Buena Vista, were among the "cracks" present from south of the river, but imp. Duchess, by Norfolk, gained for Ohio premier honors among the cows shown. The Kentuckians were fairly cap- tivated by the young imp. New Year's Day, and after a consulta- tion in which Abram Renick participated they made an earnest effort to buy him at a considerable advance, but without success. New Year's Day won at all the leading shows, and when quite ad- vanced in years was taken West and won prizes at exhibitions held at St. Louis and Chicago. While he did not have any special opportunities as a sire he begot, among other choice cattle, the famous Lady of Clark out of the Miss Wiley cow Anna Hunt, that Mr. Clark had bought in Kentucky. Lady of Clark was afterward sold to go to Illinois. Flora Belle, bred by R. G. Corwin from imp. Scottish Bluebell, was another daughter of New Year's Day that acquired celebrity in the show-ring. Medalist (13324), a white yearling bull, was, we believe, the first representative of William Torr's breeding brought to America. He was sired by Mr. Booth's celebrated Crown Prince (10087), and was a bull of fine substance and extraordinary spring of rib, deeply covered with flesh. He was purchased at the sale by Dr. Watts for $2,100 and afterward sold to Harness Renick. Some of the noted show animals exhibited by Mr. Anderson belonging to his Matilda and Rose of Sharon families carried a Medalist cross. Czar 395, a roan yearling got by Baron W^arlaby (7813), was 250 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE taken by A. J. Paige of Clark County at $1,900. He was not a large bull, but showed the fleshy character of his Booth ancestors and left much good stock, including the beautiful heifers Darling, out of imp. Dahlia, and Delightful, from imp. Aylesby Lady. Buckingham 2d 297— also of the Booth blood— brought $1,000. He was bought by William D. Pierce of Clark County, and al- though highly esteemed for his individual merit was not given much chance as a stock bull in the hands of Mr. Pierce, who was a very poor keeper. The top price among the females of this importation was $1,425, made by the roan Torr-Booth cow Aylesby Lady, by Baron Warlaby (7813). She was bought by A. J. Paige and was easily one of the best cows of her time in this country. She was ex- ceptionally broad, deep and compact, carried a great wealth of flesh, was neat in her bone and a capital milker. She was shown with success at the Ohio fairs and produced several good calves, including Delightful already mentioned. Roman 13th, a roan cow bred by Mr. Wilkinson and sired by Will Honeycomb (5660), possessed great scale and commanded the next highest price — $1,300 — from Jacob Pierce. She produced the bull Champion, by New Year's Day, that won sweepstakes at the Ohio State Fair of 1858 as best bull of any age or breed, being at that time only eighteen months old. Easter Day, a roan yearling heifer bred by Mr. Fawkes and sired by Lord Marquis (10459), was a low, thick-set, squarely- built cow that was also very successful at the shows, but not a good milker. She was bought at the sale by C. M. Clark at $1,125. Dahlia, a red cow by Upstart (9760), was taken by A. J. Paige of Clark County at $1,100. Zealous, a roan cow bred by Mr. Wilkinson belonging to a Mason family, went to Alexander Waddle at $1,000. In symmetry of form, quality of hide, hair and flesh this cow was extraordi- nary. She had an abundance of long, soft hair, possessed great refinement of character and was an excellent dairy cow. She was one of several head bought by the agents of the company at a public sale made by Mr. Wilkinson, this being the first selection made from that fine old herd for America. Lavender 3d and Lancaster 17th — heifers from Mr. Wilkinson's — are of special interest in this connection on account of the fact SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 251 that they were the earliest representatives in America of a family which afterwards acquired celebrity in the hands of Amos Cruick- shank, and through the exhibition in the West of imp. Baron Booth of Lancaster. Lavender 3d was considered a very valu- able heifer and was bought at this sale by Dr. Watts, for $600, and was afterward sold to Walter A. Dun of Madison County. Lancaster 17th was sold to W. D. Pierce at $900. The nine bulls sold for $10,700, an average of $1,188.88, and the twenty females for $13,215; an average of $660.75. From a consideration of the results obtained in Ohio, Kentucky and other Western States by the use of the blood introduced by the various Ohio companies, it must be conceded that America owes a lasting debt of gratitude to the enterprising men who in these early days, actuated largely by a pure desire to benefit the agricultural community, trans- ferred at great cost to themselves so many valuable Short-horns from Great Britain to the West. R. A. Alexander of Woodbum. — No name in Amer- ican Short-horn history is more revered than that of Robert Aitcheson Alexander. Manifesting a deep interest in cattle-breeding, contemporaneous with Mr. Thorne of New York, Mr. Alexander's operations were on a still more extensive scale than those at Thorndale, already noted. Moreover they had the additional advantage of being carried on in a community that appreciated, to the utmost the extraordinary opportunities offered by the estab- lishment of such a herd. As the proprietor of the princely estate of Woodbum, Woodford Co., Ky. — 252 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE a short distance west of Lexington, the ''blue-grass" capital — Mr. Alexander, with characteristic Scottish thrift, had brought his magnificent farm into a high state of fertility. Stone walls and stone stabling gave an air of solidity to the surroundings. The far-famed Lothians of his native land afforded no rural scenes so fair as those presented by the wood- land pastures of this "old Kentucky home." Naught was wanting to add grace and value to the great estate but worthy tenants for its luxurious fields. During the winter of 1852-53 Mr. Alexander and his brother, A. J., visited Great Britain. The now rapidly reviving interest in cattle-breeding in Amer- ica had not escaped his notice, and it was determined upon the occasion of this visit to the motherland to lay the foundation for a great herd of Short-horns at Woodburn.* In the selection of the stock, aggre- gating about sixty-eight head of cows and heifers and some fifteen head of bulls, Mr. Alexander early gave evidence of his intention to give American cattle-breeders the benefit of a wide range of choice as between the different noted strains of blood then prominent in Great Britain. This phase of Mr. Alexander's character has been well commented upon by Mr. Warfield in the following language: "No importations ever made to America have been of more value to this county than those of Mr. Alexander, and perhaps no *Woodburn Farm afterward became quite as noted for its rare col- lection of Thoroughbred and trotting horses as for its Short-horns. It was the home of the great four-mile racer Lexington, and in later years, after the property liad passed into the hands of A. J. Alexandei', the fai-m, under the management of Mr. Lvicas Brodhead, achieved world- wide fame as a nursery of great performers on the trotting turf. Jersey cattle and Cotswold and Southdown sheep were also bred. SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIYITV 253 man in America has done more for the cultivation of pure-bred stock than did the late Robert Aitcheson Alexander, whether we speak of the Thoroughbred racer or the more sturdy trotter, or of Short-horn, Ayrshire or Alderney cattle, or of Cotswold or South- down sheep. He had an eye for the beauties in each and all. Possessed of a large estate he used it unsparingly in the culti- vation of the best quality of stock. Possessed of the power that comes from great wealth he wielded it all in the support of the best interest of the community. Able to command any blood in Short-horns he insisted on having the best. Familiar with pedi- grees and knowing what was good and what was bad he honestly applied right principles to the end. Consequently he was carried off into no crochets and gave no particular strain the sole benefit of his great influence, holding it up to the public gaze as the true and only pure blood. On the contrary, few herds have ever been founded on a more varied basis, and few breeders have ever been so catholic in their tastes. Pure Booth, pure Bates, Knightley, Mason, Wiley, Whitaker, 'Seventeen,' every strain nearly that has ever been known on the continent, had a place in his herd and affections. The consequence was the gathering together of a herd that in its prime had certainly no equal on this side of the water, and perhaps as certainly none on the other. All of good sterling worth and fancy, so long as fancy did not conflict with worth, that money would gather together was to be seen on his farm at Woodburn. Knowing what was good, when he found it in other blood than what was represented in his herd, instead of claiming it to be impure he purchased it and incorporated it with what he already had. Thus he set an example of catholic appre- ciation which it would do us of this day good to follow more closely." First of the Airdrie Duchesses. — Visiting the lead- ing herds of Britain he bought, among other valua- ble animals, the two-year-old roan heifer Duchess of Athol and her half-brother, the yearling red-roan bull 2d Duke of Athol (11376), both bred by Col. Towneley, at 500 guineas for the pair. It may be remarked in passing that on this same trip the 254 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE heifer Mazurka, offered at 100 guineas, was de- clined and left behind, only to be bought at the Kentucky Importing Co.'s sale the following year at $3,050. The 2d Duke and the Athol Duchess* had been produced at Towneley by Duchess 54th, that was taken at the Kirklevington dispersion by Mr. Eastwood at £94 10s. Colonel Towneley had bred Duchess 54th to the Booth bull Lord George (10439), a white bred by John Booth at Killerby from Fitz- Leonard (7010) and the famous Toy cow Birthday, daughter of the celebrated Bracelet. Mr. Alexander was not one of those who insisted upon strict breed- ing ''in line." He liked the yearling that resulted from this "outcross" — 2d Duke of Athol — and bought him, but the young Duchess and 2d Duke were left for a time in England. To a service by the 2d Duke of Athol or Valiant (10989) Duchess of Athol produced Duchess of Airdrie — so called from the Alexander family estate at Airdrie House, Scotland — the first of the line of that name destined to play a remarkable role in American Short-horn history. Duchess of Athol was then bred to the Duke of Gloster (11382), that had been bought at Lord Ducie's sale in 1853 by Morris & Becar for $3,350, with the understanding that he was to be left in England one year before being shipped to America; the progeny this time being the red-and- white bull calf registered and afterward famous throughout the Western States as imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730). SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 255 The Alexander importation of July, 1853. — The first lot consigned for Woodbnrn included thirty-six females and five bulls, which were forwarded by the same vessel that carried the valuable purchases of the Northern Kentucky Co. in 1853. Few cargoes of greater ultimate value have ever been discharged upon American shores than that landed after this voyage by the good ship Washington, under the command of Capt. Duncan. Hundreds of herds of pedigreed Short-horns and thousands of the best bullocks ever bred in the Ohio and Mississippi Val- leys in after years owed their excellence in a large measure to the valuable blood introduced into the West as a result of the two consignments brought by tbis vessel. Among the animals in this initial shipment for Woodburn was the red-and-white cow Miss Hudson — bred by Wiley of Brandsby — belong- ing to a tribe originated by Mason of Chilton. Several of her daughters were also bought by Mr. Alexander, and from this foundation sprang the Miss Wiley and Loudon Duchess families afterward so famous in Kentucky, Ohio and the West. Other cows included in this consignment were the Bell- Bates Filbert, a roan by 2d Cleveland Lad ; Jubilee, Jubilee 2d, Joyful and Juniata of the "J" Prin- cess family, all bred by Mr. Tanqueray; Miss Towneley, mainly of Fawkes blood; Maid Marion, Beatrice, Sweet Mary, Buttercup, Nightingale and Grisi, by Grand Duke, of Bolden's breeding. Among the bulls were Lord John (11278), a roan by Nor- 256 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE folk (9442),* and Fantichini (12862), bred by Fawkes and tracing to Fair Sovereign, by Sir Thomas Fairfax. Subsequent shipments to Woodburn Farm. — Dur- ing the years immediately following Mr. Alexander purchased and imported thirty-two head of cows, heifers and bulls from first-class English herds, bringing out along with them Duchess of Athol and her daughter, Duchess of Airdrie, and son, Duke of Airdrie already mentioned. Also such cows as Pearlette, red-and-white, bred by S. E. Bolden, sired by the famous Booth bull Benedict (7828) ; Victoria 20th, a roan belonging to the Mason blood ; Filigree, a white heifer, bred by Mr. Saunders and sired by Abram Parker (9856), of Booth descent; Lady Gul- nare, bred by Ambler from Mr. Fawkes' Booth cow Gulnare by Norfolk (2377) ; Minna, Constance and Rosabella, all bred by Mr. Fawkes and all sired by Bridegroom (11203) ; Lady Derby and her dam, the Bell-Bates cow Forget-me-not; Lydia Languish, by Duke of Gloster (11382); Vellum, bred by Sir C. Tempest, sired by Abram Parker (9856) ; Lady Barrington 13th, bred by R. Bell from 4th Duke of York (10167); Abigail, sired by Loyalist (10479), and Minerva 3d, a red Gwynne cow, and her roan heifer Lady Sherwood, by 5th Duke of York. *This Norfolk should not be confused with Norfolk (2377), that has been so frequently mentioned. He was not only the sire of Mr. Alex- ander's Lord John but of the great roan cow Duchess, imported by the Clinton Co. (O.) Co. in 1854, that was first-prize female at the United States Cattle Show at Springfield, C, that year. SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 257 111 addition to tlie Bates bulls 2d Duke of Atliol and Duke of Airdrie Mr. Alexander imported the Booth-bred Dr. Buckingham (14405), bred by Am- bler, sired by Hopewell (10332), El Hakim (15984), a red-roan bred by Bolden from the Duchess bull Grand Duke (10284) and the Booth cow Fame, by Raspberry; The Priest (6246), a roan sired by The Prior (13870) out of the Mason-bred cow Graceful 2d by Earl of Dublin (10178); Baron Martin (12444), roan, bred by Holmes of Ireland, sired by the Booth bull Baron Warlaby (7813) out of a Ma- son Victoria dam ; and several others. This impor- tation was destined to have a most extraordinary in- fluence upon Short-horn breeding in both England and America. As will appear from the reports of the sales made by the Northern Kentucky and Scott County com- panies, Mr. Alexander added to his own extensive importations, by purchase, the grand cows Mazur- ka, Maid of Melrose and Equity and such bulls as Orontes 2d and Sirius. After breeding from this extraordinary array of cattle for several years the "Woodburn herd numbered something like 200 head and was beyond all question the best collection of Short-horns then in North America. Indeed it is doubtful if its superior, size considered, existed at tliat time in either England or the United States. The leading Kentucky breeders of that period were not slow to take advantage of this valuable material, and in a subsequent chapter we shall have occasion 258 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE to point out the far-reaching effects of Mr. Alex- ander's importations* upon Short-horn breeding in the Western States for a long series of years. Importations by the Shakers. — In 1854 and 1856 the society of Shakers at Union Village, Warren Co., 0., imported about eighteen cows and heifers and eight young bulls, most of which were from the fine old herd of James Douglas of Athelstaneford, Scot- land. Among the cows were April Morn, Violante (with white heifer Atalanta), Marchioness, Mar- garet, Duchess, Blanche (with white heifer Lady Blanche), Farewell, Bellevue and Heroine, all from the Douglas herd. Of Mark Stewart's (of South- wick) breeding was Hawthorne Blossom, and from Mr. Hutchinson's stock they obtained the roan Prize Flower, by Prince Charlie (13503). From Mr. Douglas they also bought the bulls Captain Balco (12546), Morning Star (14962), King of Trumps (14767), Chancellor (12579), Hearts of Oak (14684), Duke of South wick (14455), and Hawthorne Hero (14682). In 1854 the Shakers of Pleasant Hill, Ky., import- ed the bull Duke of Cambridge 447. They had many years previously bought, in connection with Hon. Henry Clay, for $1,000 the imported bull Orozimbo 786, and also bought cows imported by Mr. Gambel, via New Orleans. *Mr. Ben F. Vanmeter, who afterward became a prominent breeder in Kentucky, in the course of recent letter to the author says : "I came home across the Atlantic with Mr. R. A. Alexander in 1853 just before he made his first importation of blooded stock. He and I were the only two Southern men on boai'd, and although I was then only nineteen years old a friendship sprang up between us which continued to the end of his life. I consider that he was the greatest benefactor the blooded- stock Interest has ever had in America." SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 259 James S. Matson (Kentucky).— In 1852 J. S. Mat- son of Paris, Ky., imported the roan two-year-old l)ull John o' Gaunt (11621), bred by J. T. Tanque- ray, and the roan yearling Javelin (11610) of Lord Hill's breeding. The former was used on some of the best cows in the State, including a number of Abram Renick's. Wilson & Seawright (Ohio). — In 1854 Messrs. "Wilson & Seawright of Cincinnati, 0., imported the bulls Fair Trader 1545, Lord Eglinton 1795, De- ceiver 409, Locomotive 646, Benjamin Disraeli 1251, and heifers Gaudy, White Stockings, Margaret and Isidora. This same firm subsequently imported four other heifers, two of which were named White Rose (both white), one Fanny with heifer calf, and a fourth the roan Laura. The two White Roses and Laura were bred in Ireland. Mason and Bracken (Kentucky) Association. — In the year 1856 a group of Kentucky breeders organ- ized a company under the name of the Mason and Bracken Counties Importing Co. Their purchasing agents were Messrs. Alexander R. Marshall and Henry Smoot, the importation being landed at Phil- adelphia in June of that year. It included sixteen cows and heifers and five bulls. No sale was made by this company until Oct. 1, 1859, after the financial crisis of 1857 had swept values away, and we are without details as to prices obtained. They were doubtless low. Among the females were the follow- ing : Duenna, roan two-year-old, bred by Mr. Bolden 260 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE and belonging to a Bell-Bates family; Diana, roan two-year-old, sold to J. E. French, Mason Co., Ky. ; Alice, red-and-white two-year-old, sired by Harbin- ger (10297), sold to J. C. Humphrey; Light of the Harem, roan two-year-old, bred by Mr. Fawkes, sold to B. Jameson ; Lady Macbeth, two-year-old, bred by Mr. Fawkes, sold to H. Smoot ; Jennie Deans, roan two-year-old, bred in Ireland, sold to Messrs. Dur- rett. Among the bulls were : Macbeth (13266), a roan bred by Mr. Fawkes, sired by Bridegroom (11203) ; Vatican 12260, a roan bred by Earl Ducie and sired by Usurer (9763), Blandimar 19044, a roan, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, sired by Earl of Dublin (10178) and belonging to the Fawsley Walnut tribe. The importation did not leave any special impress upon Kentucky Short-horn breeding. Livingston Co. (N. Y.) Association. — A number of well-to-do farmers and cattle-breeders in the Genesee Valley of New 'York formed a company m 1854 known as the "Livingston County Stock As- sociation," and through their agents, Messrs. David Brooks and S. L. Fuller, purchased in England twenty-four Short-horns. Unfortunately one-half of these were lost during a storm at sea. Among the surviving animals were the bulls Governor 2922, Usurper 3522 and Bletsoe 2548, and the cows Music, a roan of the Gwynne family bred by Mr. Tan- queray, sired by Balco (9918) ; Hopeless, red-and- white, sired by Horatio (10335) ; Lady Ellington, red, sired by Broughton Hero (6811) ; Medora, also SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 261 a Gwyniie, by Horatio (10335) ; Phoenix 2d, red-roan, by Horatio (10335) ; Australia, red-and-white, by Lord Foppiugton (10437), and Camilla, red-roan Gwynne of Tanqneray's breeding, sired by Fusileer (11-499). Several of these cows passed into the pos- session of Gen. James S. Wadsworth of Genesee and left a valuable progeny. Soon after this importa- tion was made the bull Governor 2922 was sent out to the same parties. Thomas Richardson (New York). — About the year 1854 Thomas Richardson of New York City import- ed some Short-horns along with other live stock, among them the Duke of Cambridge (12746) and the Booth-bred cows Bijou, by Crown Prince (10087) ; Fanella, by Baron Warlaby (7813) ; Fanny Warla1)y, by same sire; Harmony, by Crown Prince; Rachel, by Hopewell (10332), together with Laura, by Hec- tor (13002), and Lady Constance, by Lord Derby (13179). Three of the Booth cows were bred by Mr. R. Chaloner, Kings Fort, Ireland, and one by Mr. Torr. These were kept on Mr. Richardson's farm at Westchester, the herd being sold soon after his death, which occurred a few years after the arrival of the importation. Dr. H. Wendell (New York).— In 1856 Dr. H. "Wendell of Albany brought out an importation of four cows and heifers and the bull Lord Ducie 662 — all bred by R. Bell and crossed by Bates Inills. The red Craggs cow Alice Maud, by Grand Duke (10284) ; the roan Lady Liverpool, by 3d Duke of 262 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE York (10166); the red-and-white Acomb heifer Agnes, by Earl of Derby (10177), and the roan two- year-old Famous (of the Bell-Bates Fletcher tribe), by Earl of Derby (10177), were in this shipment. Agnes was in calf to Gen. Canrobert (12926) and dropped the red-and-white Duchess of Cleveland after importation to that service.* J. 0. Sheldon (New York) .—Sheldon of Geneva, N. Y., who afterward acquired the Thorne Duch- esses, imported in 1857 the roan yearling Bates Ox- ford bull Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), bred by Capt. Gunter from Oxford 11th; the red yearling Grand Duke 2d (14640), alias Clarendon 2632, bred by Jonas Webb and afterward sold to N. L. Chaffee of Ohio; and the roan heifer Miss Butterfly, by Master Butterfly 2d (14918) out of Ratafia by King Arthur (13110). R. F. Nichols (Louisiana).— In 1856 Mr. E. F. Nichols of New Orleans imported the two roan cows Lady Stanhope 2d and Nightingale, both sired by "Wliitaker Comet (8771). As to where they were taken and as to what progeny they left we are not advised. First importations into Indiana. — We have now to record the first direct importation from England into the territory west of the State of Ohio. In 1838 Mr. Chris. Whitehead of Franklin County im- ported the roan two-year-old bull Erj'x (1982), bred *We have neglected to list in its proper order the importation of the red-and-white cow Lucy, by Young North Star (2384). brought into New York in 1836 by a Capt. Sproul. This cow was bought by J. S. Berryman of Fayette Co., Ky., in 1838. SECOND PEEIOD OF ACTIVITY 263 by Mr. Tempest and got by Brutus (1752) out of Venus, by Sir Walter (2638) ; the cow Young Venus, by Reveller (2529), in calf to Young Grazier (3929) — the progeny being the roan bull Grazier 4041 — and heifer Strawberry, by Eryx. In the year 1853 Dr. A. C. Stevenson of Green- castle, Ind., imported four heifers and two young bulls, as follows : Bloom, red-and-white, and Violet, roan, both bred by John Emerson and both daugh- ters of Master Belleville (11795) ; Miss Welbourn, a roan bred by Messrs. Wetherell, sired by St. John (27755), and Strawberry 5th, red-roan, bred by Mr. Thornton of Stapleton, sired by Deliverance (11347). The bulls were Prince of Wales 876, a roan of Mr. Wetherell 's breeding, sired by Whit- tington (12299), and the roan Fancy Boy 492, bred by Mr. Thornton, sired by Major (11771). These bulls left a useful progeny. An early importation to Wisconsin. — In 1854 Mr. John P. Roe of Waukesha County brought the tirst imported Short-horns into Wisconsin. The lot con- sisted of three or four females and a bull, all bred by George Faulkner of Rothersthorpe. The ship- ment included the red cow Sally, by Pilot (24748) ; the two-year-old red heifer Raspberry, by Protection (11956) ; red yearling heifer Diana, by Dictator (11356), and red yearling bull Rothersthorpe 928, by Dictator (11356). Raspberry was in calf to Roth- ersthorpe, and dropped the red heifer Regina. (See Vol. II, A. H. B.) 264 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Illinois Importing Co. — Prominent among those who settled at an early date upon the fertile prairies of the State of Illinois were a class of men, princi- pally from the State of Kentucky, who not only brought good cattle with them but advanced ideas as to the value of good blood in the maintenance of their herds. They found the grasses and grains of Illinois quite as well adapted to beef-cattle as those of their native State, and it was not long before several good herds of Short-horns were established. Chief among those who were foremost in this pio- neer work with Short-horns in the newer West must be mentioned the late Capt. James N. Brown, whose magnificent estate of Grove Park in Sangamon County still remains in the family and is still devot- ed largely to cattle-growing and feeding operations. Capt. Brown removed from Kentuckj^ in the year 1833 and brought with him some good Short-horns, which constituted, we believe, the earliest introduc- tion of the breed into the Upper Mississippi Valley. Soon after these early settlers founded their herds, however, the great depression from 1840 to 1850 settled down upon the country and slow progress was made in the improvement of the Illinois cattle, but with the revival of interest that occurred in oth- er States in the fifties the enterprising breeders of Central Illinois resolved to undertake in earnest the work of bringing their herds up to the standard of those that had existed for so many years in Ken- tucky and Ohio. Accordingly in the year 1857 a SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 265 syndicate was formed for the purpose of making a direct importation from England. Capt. James N. Brown was the master-spirit of this organization, and the whole project would have failed had he not consented to act as one of the agents for the purchase of the cattle on the other side. Messrs. H. C. Johns and H. Jacoby were se- lected to act as his assistants. They proceeded to Great Britain, and after careful examination of many of the leading herds in England, Scotland and Ireland they purchased ten bulls and twenty-one cows and heifers. These were shipped on the sail- ing vessel Georgia, which had a stormy passage of some sixty days' duration. Three bulls and one heifer died at sea, but the rest were duly landed at Philadelphia in July, 1857. Following the practice of their predecessors in the older States the stock- holders decided to divide up the cattle through the medium of an auction sale. It was first agreed, in order that the full benefit of this importation miglit accrue to the State of Illinois, to bar all bidders from other States. The sale was held on the local fair-grounds at Springfield, Aug. 27, 1857, and at- tracted widespread interest. There was not only a great attendance from Illinois but numerous breed- ers were present as spectators from adjacent States. It was a great event in the early agricultural history of the West.* It was an exciting day at Spring- *To Mr. William Brown, son of the late Capt. James N. Brown, the author is indebted for a copy of the original catalogue of this memor- able sale, the title-page of which reads, "Catalogue of Pure-Bloodec^ 266 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE field, and fortunately for the company (but perhaps unfortunately for the individual buyers at the sale) the event occurred a few weeks before the alarming financial panic of 1857 overtook the business inter- ests of the Nation. In view of the fact that this was the primal auc- tion sale of Short-horns in the Western country it will be of interest to produce herewith a full report : UULLS. Defender (12687), roan three-year-old; bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, and the first bull from that afterward celebrated herd brought to America; sired by Matadore (11800)— A. G. Carle, Champaign County $2,500 Admiral 2473, red two-year-old, bred by Lord Talbot of Ire- land, sired by Chrisp's Phoenix (10608) out of the Booth- crossed cow Maid of Moynalty by Beau of Killerby (7821)— S. Dunlap & Co 2,500 Argus (14102), roan yearling, bred by H. Combe; sire by Beau (12182) out of Annie by Broughton Hero (6811), a roan bull illustrated on page 25, Vol. VI, Coates' Herd Book, sired by Buchan Hero (3238) — George Barnett, Will County 2,055 King Alfred (14760), red two-year-old, bred by Jonas Webb, sired by Cheltenham (12588); dam Heart's Ease by Lord of the North (11743)— Brown, Jacoby & Co., San- gamon County 1,300 Dubloon 38331^, red yearling, bred by J. Topham, Ireland; sired by Orphan Boy (13429) — W. lies, Sangamon County 1,075 Master Lowndes 3140 M;, roan two-year-old, sired by Belle- rophon (11165)— J. H. Spears, Menard County 725 Short-Horned Cattle, also Horses, Sheep and Hogs, owned by the Illinois Importing Association." The horses seem to have consisted of a three- year-old Cleveland Bay stallion, a two-year-old Thoroughbred stallion and a black Thoroughbred mare that unfortunately died before the sale. The sheep consisted of Cotswolds and Southdowns, the latter mainly from the flock of Jonas Webb, the breeder of the bull King Alfred, to be mentioned. The swine consisted of Berkshires from the herds of E. Bowly of Siddington, Hewer of Highworth and others, and of Irish, Cumberland and Yorkshire pigs, all purchased in the Emerald Isle. SECOND PEEIOD OF ACTIVITY 267 Goldfinder 2920^1', roan bull calf, bred by H. Ambler; sired by Grand Turk (12969), that was imported by Mr. Thorne — J. C. Bone, Sangamon County $ 725 cows AXD HEIFERS. Rachel 3d, roan two-year-old, bred by S. E. Bolden; sired by Duke of Bolton (12738), a Bates-topped Booth bull; dam the Booth-bred Rachel by Leonard (4210), tracing to the Halnaby foundation — Jas. N. Brown, Sangamon County $3,025 Emerald, roan yearling; bred by T. Barnes, Westland, Ire- land; sired by the Booth bull Hopewell (10332); dam Ruby by Royal Buck (10750), running to Mason's Lady Sarah— J. C. Bone 2,125 Empress, roan two-year-old, bred by Edward Bowly of Sid- dington; sired by Tortworth Duke (13892); dam Flip- pant, by Bourton Hero (9983)— Henry Jacoby 1,725 Western Lady, roan two-year-old, bred by H. Ambler, sired by Grand Turk (12969)*; dam Wiseton Lady by Humber (7102), running through Earl Spencer's herd to a Mason foundation — Capt. James N. Brown 1,325 Lady Harriet, roan three-year-old, bred by A. Cruickshank and the first Sittyton-bred cow brought to America; sired by Procurator (10657), dam Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918); bulled by Lord Sackville (13249) — J. H. Jacoby, Sangamon County 1,300 Fama, red-and-white yearling, bred by S. E. Bolden, sired by imp. 2d Grand Duke (10284) and tracing to Booth's Fame— J. H. Spears & Co., Menard County 1,050 Pomegranate, roan yearling, bred by Rev. T. Cator, sired by Master Charley (13312); dam Cassandra by Norfolk (9442), a granddaughter of Fawkes' Fair Maid of Athens by Sir Thomas Fairfax, running to Booth's Isabella by Pilot — T. Simpkins, Pike County 975 Stella, roan four-year-old, bred by E. Bowly, sired by Snow- storm (12119)— Mr. Bonnman, St. Clair County 925 * Grand Turk was a bull of immense size, and for a big one quite as smoothly put together as could be expected. He was imported to New York by the Thornes. See page 235. 268 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE Perfection, red yearling, bred by A. Cruickshank, sired by The Baron (13833), dam Model by Matadore (11800) — E. B. Hill, Scott County $ 900 Adelaide, roan yearling, bred by A. Cruickshank, sired by Matadore (11800), dam Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (4196) — R. Morrison, Morgan County 825 Minx, red yearling, bred by J. Christy of Ireland, sired by Lord Spencer (13251) — J. G. Loose, Sangamon County. . 800 Bella, roan five-year-old, bred by E. Bowly, sired by Cali- fornia (10017)— J. Ogle, St. Clair County 750 Violet, roan yearling, bred by Jonas Webb, sired by Young Scotland (13681)— Col. J. W. Judy, Menard County 70) Constance, roan two-year-old, bred by E. Bowly, sired by Snowstorm (12119)— George Barnett, Will County 700 Cassandra 2d, roan two-year-old, bred by Rev. T. Cator; sired by Master Charley (13312), tracing to the Booth cow Medora by Ambo — H. Owsley, Sangamon County.. 675 Empress Eugenie, red-and-white two-year-old, bred by H. Ambler, sired by Bridegroom (11203), tracing to the Cherry by Waterloo foundation — J. Ogle, St. Clair County 675 Coquette, roan yearling, bred by E. Bowly, sired by Econo- mist (11425)— George Barnett, Will County 550 Lily, white two-year-old, bred by E. Bowly, sired by Snow- storm ( 12119 ) —George Barnett 550 Caroline, roan four-year-old, bred by Lowndes, sired by Ar- row (9906)— J. M. Hill, Cass County 500 Coronation, red yearling, bred by Jonas Webb, sired by Chel- tenham (12588) — J. A. Pickrell, Sangamon County 500 7 bulls sold for $10,880; an average of $1,554 20 females sold for 20,575; an average of 1,028 27 animals sold for 31,455; an average of 1,165 With the single exception of the imported cow Mazurka, for which Mr. R. A. Alexander had paid $3,050 at the Northern Kentucky Importing Co. 's sale, the purchase of Rachel 2d by Capt. Brown at SECOND PEEIOD OF ACTIVITY 269 $3,025 represented high-water mark up to that date for a Short-horn female at public sale in North America. This cow is described to us by Col. James W. Judy as "a rich roan, rather leggy, quite lengthy and somewhat light in the body." Unfortunately for her buyer she lived but a few years and had no produce that proved fruitful. Western Lady, Caro- line and Constance were the cows that left the most and best progeny among all the females of the im- portation.' In fact, so far as herd-book records in- dicate, these three cows are about the onh^ ones that did found families of any consequence. AYliile Emerald was perhaps the best individual cow sold. Western Lady was easily the most valuable, as sub- sequently demonstrated by the large and excellent tribe she gave to the Western States. Caroline was out of condition on day of sale, but proved to be a good purchase. Among the bulls King Alfred of Jonas Webb's breeding was undoubtedly the most valuable although not the highest-priced. While he was preferred by some as an individual to any other bull in the lot, yet a majority of those in attendance regarded Admiral and Defender as the two show bulls of the importation. Founding of the American Herd Book. — America was practically without a public pedigree registry for Short-horn cattle until 1855. The late Lewis F. Allen of Black Rock, N. Y., had, it is true, issued the small initial volume of the American Herd Book in 1846, but at that early date few breeders could be 270 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE found to take an interest in the project, and the en- tries were limited largely to the pedigrees of such stock as Mr. Allen was personally familiar with — ■ notably animals owned in New York, Pennsylvania and New England. It was not until the second vol- ume was issued in the autumn of 1855 that the breeders of the West came to the support of the register. Prior to that time some of the leading breeders and importers had been content with re- cording certain of their animals in the English Herd Book. Others maintained, with more or less accu- racy, their own private records, showing the lineage of their stock. Another large class preserved no detailed account of the breeding of their cattle, or handled their records so loosely as to render them of little value. It was indeed an appalling task that confronted Mr. Allen at the outset of his undertaking. It was even a more difficult work than had been assumed by George Coates in Yorkshire some thirty years previous. Coates could throw the saddlebags upon his old white '*nag" and jog about among the breed- ers, within a day's journey, at his convenience. Moreover he had the powerful influence of Jonas Whitaker at his back. Mr. Allen had to collect the data of half a century of breeding in the new world ; the stock being mainly in the possession of people unaccustomed to the preservation of pedigree rec- ords. The cattle were in the hands of a great num- ber of people in widely-separated States; scattered SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 271 in fact tlironghoiit an empire extending from New England to the Central West. Mr. Allen bad some qualifications for the work. He had been breeding Short-horns himself in a mod- est way, and enjoyed the personal acquaintance of a number of Eastern importers, including such men as Col. Powel, F. M. Rotch and others. The first volume was issued during the depression of the "forties." In the meantime, a committee of breed- ers had been appointed in Kentucky to investigate and collect the pedigrees of Short-horns bred in that State. The results of this committee's investiga- tions were not published, but supplied a basis for further research. When Mr. Allen undertook the second volume of the book, after the revival of the ''fifties," he met with good encouragement, the book ultimately ap- pearing in the autumn of 1855 with something like 3,000 pedigrees.* The leading breeders of the West had joined with those of the East in placing the work squarely upon its feet. Pedigrees were for- warded from Kentucky by such men as Edwin G., Benjamin C. and George M. Bedford; Dr. R. J. Breckenridge, 0. H. Burbidge; Brutus J., Cassius M., M. M. and H. Clay Jr. ; Silas Corbin, the Messrs. Cunningham, R. T. Dillard, Messrs. Dudley, Jere and William R. Duncan, J. P. Fisher, John Allen Gano, the Garrards, James and Reuben Hutchcraft, C. W. Innes, George W. Johnson, J. G. Kinnaird, •This total includes stock recorded as produce under dams. 272 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Samuel D. Martin, James S. Matson, Abram and James Renick, the Shakers, the Shropshires, the Vanmeters, Warfields and others. From Ohio came the pedigrees of the cattle of such breeders as James R. Anderson, Ezra and Walter T. Carpenter, R. G. Corwin; John G., Walter A. and Robert G. Dun; James Fullington, John Hadley, H. H. Hankins; Chas., David and William Harrold ; R. Jackson, William Neff, Jacob Pierce; Felix W., George and Harness Renick; M. L. Sullivant, the Shakers of Union Village, Allen Trimble and Alexander Wad- dle. From the farther West pedigrees were received — indicating that the Short-horns were gradually working their way toward the Mississippi River — from such men as Hon. John Wentworth of Chi- cago; Capt. James N. Brown and James D. Smitli of Sangamon Co., 111. ; George Barnett of Will Co., 111., and Gen. Sol Meredith of Cambridge City, Ind. The East contributed largely from such herds as those of Samuel Thorne, S. T. Taber, S. P. Chap- man, Messrs. Cowles and Haines of Connecticut, William Kelly of New York, Paoli Lathrop of Mas- sachusetts, John R. Page of New York, J. A. Poole of New Jersey, T. P. Remington of Pennsylvania, and J. T. Sheafe, J. M. Sherwood, Lorillard Spen- cer, Ambrose Stevens and others of New York. The records set forth in these initial volumes were not in all cases complete. Errors and even forger- ies crept in, but the foundation was laid. Quickly recognizing the necessity of such public registra- SECOND PERIOD OF ACTIVITY 273 tioii, breeders generally co-operated in the work and the herd book soon attained National support. It was continued as a private enterprise by Mr. Allen until 1883, when it was purchased by the American Short-horn Breeders' Association. CHAPTER XI SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK Thus far our story has of necessity dealt mainly with foundation facts. We have sketched briefly the upbuilding of the breed in its native land and have now outlined the importations that formed the basis of breeding operations in the United States. We pass, therefore, at this point to a consideration of the more important results flowing from the exten- sive introduction of English blood already noted. We have shown that the Gough & Miller, Sanders, Powel, Dun and other early importations were util- ized to the fullest possible extent in developing cat- tle-feeding as a leading industry in the Ohio Valley. The descendants of those importations were bred before the days of herd books and ''fashions" pure- ly for the practical business purposes of the farm and feed-lot. As illustrating the absence of preju- dice against the blood of the older importations in the early days, it may be mentioned that at a sale held by Samuel Smith in Kentucky Sept. 11, 1838, the Mrs. Motte ("Seventeen") cow Cleopatra, by Ac- commodation (2907), brought $1,230, and her daugh- ter Ellen, by the great Powel bull Oliver (2387), $1,235— the latter bought by Dillard & Ferguson. The bull Oliver Keene, only five months old, fetched SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 275 $1,000 from William P. Hume. At same sale Dillard & Ferguson got imp. Adelaide at $1,375, and imp. Beauty of Wharf dale went for $755. For imp. Mary Ann and calf Richard Jackson and B. P. Grey paid $2,100. Evidently the home-bred stock was as good as the imported. This fact is also proved by the show-yard records of that period.* It is apparent from the ratings in these competitions that the "Seventeens" were of good form and character, and that the Kentucky breeders had kept pace up to the time of the Ohio Co. 's operations with the work of their brother-breeders in Britain. Such bulls as Mr. Sutton's Frederick 575, Capt. War- field's Pioneer 819, Mr. Wasson's Otley (4632), Mr. Vanmeter's Charles Colling 333, Dr. Kinnaird's Patrick Henry, Capt. Warfield's Oliver (2387) and Cossack (3503), Cunningham & Co. 's Goldfinder (2066) and Mr. Renick's Paragon of the West (4649) were prominent among the earlj^ prize-win- ners. Such cows as Dr. Kinnaird's Olivia, Mr. Dun's *At the fair at Lexington, September, 1834, the judges — H. Clay, James Renick, Jacob Hughes, Isaac Vanmeter and W. P. Hume — cer- tainly very competent men — assigned the prizes as follows : Aged bulls — "Seventeens" both first and second ; two-year-olds — "Seventeens" both first and second ; yearlings — "Seventeens" both first and second ; bull calves — first to a "Seventeen," second to a Patton. Aged cows — first to Imp. Caroline (by Dashwood), second to a Powel cow ; two-year- olds — "Seventeens" both first and second ; yearlings — "Seventeens" both first and second ; calves — "Seventeens" first. Dun importation sec- ond. In 1835 about the same result was recorded. The old stock won seven first prizes and six second prizes, the newly-imported stock one first prize and two seconds. Coming down to 1839, at the Lexington Fair that year the first-prize aged bull came from the Smith and Dun importation ; two-year-old heifer, Ohio Co.'s ; yearling, from Dun's ; calf, Ohio Co.'s ; two-year-old heifer, Ohio Co.'s ; yearling, "Seventeen" ; cow calf, "Seventeen." In 1840: Aged bull, Powel; two-year-old, Ohio Co. ; yearling, Ohio Co. ; calf, "Seventeen" ; aged cow, "Seventeen" ; two-year-old, "Seventeen" ; yearling, "Seventeen" ; calf, "Seventeen." In 1841: Aged bull (late importation), Letton's ; two-year-old. Let- ton's : yearlings, H. Clay ; aged cows, "Seventeen" ; two-year-old. Ohio Co. ; yearling, Letton's ; calf, Ohio Co. 276 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Caroline, Mr. Letton's lantho, Mr. Vanmeter's Han- nah More, Capt. Cunningham's Catherine Turley and Capt. Warfield's Helen Eyre, Ellen Ware and the never-beaten Caroline would be a credit to any modern show-ring. Large numbers of the prize ani- mals were sired by Oliver, Goldfinder and Cossack. With the various shipments of the Ohio Co., Vail, Stevens, Morris & Becar, Thorne, the Northern Kentucky Co. and R. A. Alexander, and the estab- lishment of the herd book, the question of "caste" was projected into the trade. Time-honored strains were presently sneered at by some who had invested in the blood of the later importations. Bates and his followers had inoculated some of the American buyers with the idea of a select Short-horn aristoc- racy based upon the "only bloods at all likely to do anybody any good"; and the American competition at the Ducie sale, together with the prices paid by Mr. Thorne for the Grand Dukes and the Morris & Becar cattle, had attracted very general attention to the Bates-bred sorts. A new era dawns. — By the time Mr. Alexander brought the first Duchess blood to Woodburn the herds of Kentucky had attained a high degree of excellence. Untrammeled by fashion, prejudice, line breeding and other latter-day problems the brothers James and Abram Renick, the Vanmeters, War- fields, Bedfords, Clays, Jere Duncan, Dr. Brecken- ridge, and their contemporaries on both sides of the Ohio River, had developed their cattle along prac- SOME HISTOEIC KENTUCKY STOCK 277 tical lines until they would bear favorable compari- son with the parent herds of York and Durham. They had been free to follow the dictates of their own individual judgment, regardless of color, blood lines or aught else — save the one paramount con- sideration of the practical utility of their stock. They were selling breeding animals to go into Ohio, Virginia, Indiana and Illinois, and with the creation of the great herd at Woodburn the position of Ken- tucky as the center of Short-horn breeding activity in America was, for the time being, well assured. With the advent of Mr. Alexander's Bates Duch- ess bull imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730) a new era may be said to have dawned in Western Short-horn breeding. Notwithstanding the fact that the two highest-priced cows sold at auction in America prior to the Civil War — imp. Mazurka and imp. Rachel 2d — were representative of Booth blood the cross of the Duke of Airdrie upon the Kentucky-bred cows proved so satisfactory that the Bates cattle straight- way attained a widespread popularity. As the herds of the Central West — the present seat of Short- horn power in America — were primarily founded by purchase, mainly in Kentucky after the Duke of Airdrie 's use, it will be of interest to note briefly the main facts concerning his career. Duke of Airdrie (12730). — It is not too much to say that this impressive Bates Duchess sire did more to shape the course of Short-horn breeding in the West during the twenty years following his im- 278 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE portation than any other animal of that period. It will be remembered (see pages 254-256) that Mr. Alexander brought him to Kentucky in September, 1855. He was at that time two years old. He was immediately put in service in Mr. Alexander's mag- nificent herd of cows and there had an extraordi- nary opportunity. In March, 1857, he was let for a year to George M. Bedford of Bourbon County, under a contract permitting the bull to serve fifty cows, for a net sum of $1,250. Mr. Alexander, with his usual generosity, permitted substitutions in cases where cows failed to stand, so that nearly fifty calves were secured during the year he was on hire from Woodburn. His get from the earlier ser- vice at Woodburn proved of extraordinary merit, but his work while at Mr. Bedford's was even more re- markable. While in Bourbon County he was per- mitted to serve some cows for Abram Renick and Maj. Jere Duncan, and it was for years asserted that these services from the Duke of Airdrie fairly established the reputation of the three breeders named. Individually Duke of Airdrie was perhaps not the equal of his sire, Duke of Gloster (11382), that was imported by Morris & Becar into New York. He in- heri'ted from the Duke a lot of quality in addition to long, level hind quarters and the fault of promi- nent hips ; but, like old Gloster, he proved a wonder- fully successful sire of good bulls. He was prob- ably not above the average in size, with a short, SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 279 well-carried head, rather strong horns and smoother shoulders than his sire, with an exceptionally straight and level top. He would probably be con- sidered at the present time as rather too high from the ground, a characteristic, by the way, that has not been held to be so objectionable by many of the Kentucky breeders as by their brethren of the North and West.* He was never kept in high condition. No portrait was ever made of him in his prime, but about six months before his death, when he was very low in flesh, Mr. John R. Page of New York executed an oil painting of him, from a copy of which the picture presented in this volume has been prepared. George M. Bedford's lease of "The Duke."— As one of the original demonstrators of the Duke of Airdrie's outstanding value as a sire, some account of George M. Bedford's career as a breeder will be of interest. He began about 1828 with the Long- horns and other crosses, together with some Patton stock. In 1838 he purchased at Gen. Garrard's sale the ''Seventeen" bull Eclipse, for which he paid the *The late Gen. Sol. Meredith of Indiana once visited Kentucky to see among other noted animals the $4,850 bull imp. Challenger (14252), of Ducie's breeding, a son of the 4th Duke of York (10167), owned by the Vanmeters and Cunningham. The General was perhaps the tallest breeder of Short-horns north of the Ohio River at this time. On visit- ins the stalls the owners were not present, but the herdsman led out Challenger for the big "Hoosier's" examination. While thus engaged one of the Vanmeters, who himself was perhaps over six feet tall, came up and patiently waiting till the General was through and had ordered the bull back to his stall approached and said : "Well, stranger, you have given him a close look ; what do you think of him?" The General had admired the bull in many of his points, and after mentioning these concluded by saying that he thought the bull was "rather too high from the ground." Mr. Vanmeter, looking up at the towering Indianian, said : "Well, sir, I think you are the last man on the ground that should find that objection to the bull." 280 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE sum of $688.* In 1842 Mr. Bedford acquired an in- terest in the cow Rosabella, out of imp. Rose by Skipton, which, bred to Sir Alfred 969 (he by Rose of Sharon's only son Paragon of the West out of a daughter of Mr. Dun's imp. Red Rose by Ernesty), produced the prolific white heifer California, from which, by the use of such bulls as D'Otley 432, King Cyrus 609, etc., Mr. Bedford bred his afterward cele- brated family of Brides. About 1853 he bought three females descended from Abram Renick's imp. Harriet; and about the same time, in connection with Messrs. Clay and Duncan, purchased the im- ported bull Diamond at the Northern Kentucky Co.'s sale at $6,000. This proved an unfortunate investment, as Diamond failed to breed. The red bull King Cyrus, bought of Mr. Renick, was sired by Renick 903 out of a granddaughter of imp. Har- riet, and proved a remarkable stock-getter.f In *At this same sale Hon. B. J. Clay and Mr. Hutchcraft paid $1,830 for the bull Exception (3746), which Mr. Bedford considered the best "Seventeen" he ever saw. Indeed, upon being a.sked in his later years how Exception would compare with the best Short-horns of the present, he answered : "Well, sir, I should have to call him a good bull even now." fin connection with the illustration of King Cyrus, which appears at page 166, Vol. II, of the American Herd Book, a good story is told. If the reader will look at this picture, it will be seen that just behind the bull's fore legs and above his back are the faint outlines of another picture which has been practically obliterated by the engraver. Tlie other picture was that of a negro herdsman who had been in Mr. Bed- ford's employ for many years. King Cyrus, when being shown, had a habit of "humping" his back, and tlie colored herdsman upon such oc- casions would invariably be found busy with his cloth rubbing him down, as strangers would suppose. In reality he was pinching the bull's back to keep it straight. Mr. Page went to Mr. Bedford's to sketch the bull. In showing the drawing to certain other breeders one of the party, witli a view toward a little fun, said : "The picture is all right, but it would be much improved if you would sketch tlie 'darky,' who always shows him, with his hand on the bull's back." Page thought this would make a good background and sketched in the picture of the herdsman. SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 281 1854 Mr. Bedford and Abraiii Renick had bargained, at the United States Cattle Show in Ohio, with Messrs. Coulter for the imported Booth bull War- rior (12287), but for some reason the sale failed to go through. The incident is of interest as illus- trating the fact that at that date the great Kentucky breeders had not acquired that fondness for Bates blood that afterward characterized their breeding operations. At the time the Duke of Airdrie was hired by Mr. Bedford he owned a small herd of Harriets, Brides, Britannias and the cow Goodness 3d, by Senator 2d. The cow last named dropped to the Duke of Airdrie the 1st and 2d Duchesses of Goodness, from which Mr. Bedford bred his remarkable family of that name. Mr. Bedford was considered one of the best judges not only of breeding cattle but of steers (of which he fed a large number in his time), and it may be remarked in passing that he considered imp. Goodness (of Mason blood) of the Northern Kentucky Co.'s importation of 1853 as the best cow of that famous importation, although Mazurka out- sold her by $1,000. He was so delighted with the Duke of Airdrie 's get that he afterward purchased from Mr. Alexander the first bull calf sired by the Duke at Woodburn — Bell Duke of Airdrie 2552, out of Lady Bell by 2d Duke of Athol. Bell Duke of After the picture was engraved and sent to Mr. Bedford he of course took great offense at what had been done, and when Page found there was something wrong he "squared" himself as best he could by having the herdsman's figure obliterated. He drew no more pictures, however, for George M. Bedford. 282 A HISTOKY OF SHOBT-HORN CATTLE Airdrie had a remarkable career in the show-ring, winning, among other notable prizes, the $1,000 sweepstakes at St. Louis in 1858 and the champion- ship at same show in 1860. The Harriet cow Atos- sa, by King Cyrus, to a service by the imported Duke dropped Grand Duke 2933, that was also a St. Louis winner as a two-year-old. Mr. Bedford was a man of very decided convic- tions and prejudices and was not always consistent. He became a great opponent of the ''Seventeens" and found fault with the breeding of some of the Louans. At the same time his own cattle of that family had the cross of Dun's imp. Ked Rose by Er- nesty; while his beautiful Brides and his Zoras went direct to Rose by Skipton. It was largely on account of Mr, Bedford's caustic criticism of these other strains that the late Mr. Parks of Glen Flora (Illi- nois) raised the question of the purity of the breed- ing of the Dun importation — a striking exemplifica- tion of the fact that people who occupy glass houses should not throw stones at their neighbors' roofs. George M. Bedford was an eminently successful producer of good cattle, but the love of Bates blood engendered by his successful use of the Duke of Airdrie and his sons finally drew him into unfortu- nate pedigree speculations in that line of breeding. Jere Duncan and Duke of Airdrie 2743. — Promi- nent among the great bulls, sired by imp. Duke of Airdrie while at Mr. Bedford's was Maj. Jere Dun- can's Duke of Airdrie 2743. Duncan was the orig- SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 283 inator of a family of cattle known as the Louans, that played a prominent part in Ohio, Kentucky and Western breeding herds and show-rings for many years, gaining many championship prizes and com- manding great prices. The original cow of that name was bred by George H. Williams and was sired by imp. Otley (4632). She produced eight calves, in- cluding the famous show bull Perfection 810, sold to E. G. Bedford. In Duncan's hands was another family of Powel origin known as the Rubys. Both sorts were bred to such bulls as D 'Otley 432, Prince Albert 2d 857 and Sir Alfred 969, and one of the Ruby cows, bred to the latter, produced the famous prize cow Nannie Williams. Her sire. Sir Alfred, was one of the noted bulls of his time, and was bred by Dr. Kinnaird of Fayette Co., from Paragon of the West (4649) and the handsome and prolific Red Rose (by Ernesty) cow Mira. He was sold when about two years old to Messrs. Bedford of Bourbon County, and was described as a light roan, with straight top and bottom lines, good head, smooth shoulders, fine heart-girth, broad ribs, good flank and level quarters. He sired many valuable cattle while in Bourbon County, including Mr. Bedford's cow California, already mentioned, but owes his fame largely to Nannie Williams. Sir Alfred w^as owned for a time by James S. Duncan, son of Maj. Duncan, but becoming ^'breechy" was given to a rel- ative in Tennessee and died while en route to that State. 284 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Duke of Airdrie 2743, dropped by Nannie Wil- liams in February, 1858, to a service by imp. Duke of Airdrie, proved a first-class show bull, winning a championship as a two-year-old at the Bourbon County Fair in 1860. He was second at the Ohio State Fair the same year and second at the United States Fair as welL As a three-year-old he swept the decks at the Fayette, Bourbon and Harrison Co. (Ky.) Fairs, and in 1863 was first-prize and cham- pion bull at the Kentucky State Show. In 1866, at eight years of age, he won first prize as the best aged bull at the Bourbon County Fair. One of his sons, Duncan's Airdrie 5615, a Louan, was a first-prize and champion bull at the leading Kentucky and Ohio shows from 1865 to 1873; but as a sire Duncan's Duke was specially distinguished as a heifer-getter, fairly making the reputation of the Louans; speci- mens of which for many years were great prize-win- ners at leading shows. He was the bull to which Mr. Warfield bred Miss Wiley 4th, securing from that service the great show cow Loudon Duchess 2d. Abram Renick and Airdrie 2478. — None profited more largely by the services of imp. Duke of Airdrie than Mr. Abram Eenick, who sent his Rose of Sharon show cow Duchess, by Buena Vista 299, to be bred to the Woodburn Duke. The issue was the celebrated Airdrie 2478 — the bull that made the rep- utation of Mr. Renick and his Rose of Sharon tribe. Abram Renick, who was of the same family as the Ohio Renicks, had been a member of the original SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 285 Ohio Importing Co., and bred Sliort-liorns for a number of years in connection with his brother James. They owned imp. Harriet, imp. Illustrious and imp. Josephine, and had bought in Ohio the heifer Thames, by Shakespeare 961 out of Lady of the Lake, daughter of imp. Rose of Sharon by Belve- dere — for which cow Mr. Renick paid Mr. Bates in England $700. From Thames descended the entire Renick Rose of Sharon family. The blood of these Ohio cows was more or less intermingled during the earlier years of Mr. Renick 's breeding. That of imp. Illustrious was utilized through the medium of such bulls as Young Comet Halley 1134 and Ashland 220 ; the Harriet blood through Pilot 817, and that of imp. Josephine through Buena Vista 299, the in- bred Josephine Renick 903 and General Winfield Scott 530. Rose of Sharon's blood came in not only through her granddaughter Thames but in the bull line through the imported cow's only son, Paragon of the West (4649). Thames had been bred in 1845 and 1846 to Prince Charles 2d 861, tracing to imp. Blossom by Fitz Favorite (1042). The progeny in the one case was the heifer Red Rose and in the other the heifer Dorothy. Red Rose, bred to Ashland, produced the roan Poppy in 1849, and she in turn, bred to Renick 903, gave birth in 1853 to the light roan heifer Norah. Red Rose, bred to Buena Vista,* *Buena Vista's sire was the grand bull Cossack, alias Julius Caesar (3503), bred by Mr. Clay and sold to P. Warfleld. Cossack (3503) was by Cossack (1880), bred by Richard Booth at Studley from the old Killerby Moss Rose tribe. 286 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE produced in 1850 the red-and-wliite heifer Duchess, that afterward became the dam of Airdrie 2478. A few cows were also bred to the Tanqueray bull John o' Gaunt (11621), imported into Bourbon County by Mr. Matson in 1852. To a service by this bull Duch- ess produced in 1853 the heifer Ophelia. These cows were among the noted matrons of the Eose of Sha- ron family in the Renick herd. Airdrie 2478 was a red, with little white, of only medium size. In good thrifty breeding condition he weighed about 1,900 lbs. at full maturity. He was repeatedly shown by Mr. Renick, but was never made fat enough to weigh more than 2,100 lbs., although he could have been made to carry 2,200 lbs. in ex- cessively high flesh. He was very sj^mmetrical in conformation; smooth, neat and stylish, with no se- rious faults. Airdrie may safely be listed as one of America's greatest progenitors of valuable Short- horns; imparting finish and quality with a rare de- gree of uniformity to his progeny. Like his sire, the imported Duke, he was more impressive as a stock-getter than as an individual animal. Duncan's Duke of Airdrie, as already noted, proved a won- derful heifer-getter, but Airdrie 2478 gained lasting fame as a sire of bulls. He was used by Mr. Renick for a period of about twelve years to the fullest pos- sible extent, the only limit to his service in the herd being placed upon his own daughters, some of which were afterward bred with success to the 13th Duke of Airdrie 5535; the splendid cow Poppy 5th being SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 287 thus produced. For several generations none but sons and grandsons of Airdrie or imp. Duke of Air- drie were keiA in service. Airdrie a bull-breeder. — Among Airdrie 's great- est sons may be mentioned Sweepstakes 6230, after- ward famous in the show herd of Mr. Pickrell of Illinois; Joe Johnson 10294; the inbred Airdrie 3d 13320 out of Duchess 2d by Pilot— all Rose of Sha- rons; and Vanmeter's Dick Taylor 5508 and Airdrie Duke 5306; both great heifer-getters, out of the Young Phyllis cows Ruth and Ruth 2d. Sweep- stakes' remarkable career in the West will be no- ticed further on. Joe Johnson was almost a fac simile of Sweepstakes, the only difference being that the former was rather a finer bull. They were both exceedingly successful in the show-yard. Joe Johnson once gained a champion prize at the Bour- bon County Fair, with something over twenty bulls in the ring, probably as good a lot as were ever shown at one time in the State.* About the only objection that was urged against either of these bulls was their color. The "craze" for red cattle was al- ready setting in, and both Sweepstakes and Joe Johnson had too much white to suit the public taste. They had white spots to the extent of perhajDS one- *Joe Johnson was a successful prize-taker in Kentucky, and also stood at the head of the $300 prize herd, composed wholly of Rose of Sharons, at the Ohio State Fair of 1870. He was the sire — among other high-priced cattle — of the heifer Duchess 10th, sold in 1872 to Earl Dun- more at $5,000. He represented a double cross of imp. Duke of Airdrie, having been sired by Airdrie 2478 out of Cordelia by Dandy Duke 2691. The latter was a red-roan bull Mr. Renick had secured by breeding Easterdav (daughter of Poppy) by Pilot 817, to imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730). 288 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE fourth of their entire color. Airdrie 3d was quite a successful show bull also. Had he been as perfect behind as he was in front he would have been fairly invincible. At one time bulls sired by Airdrie were gaining prizes at all of the best fairs of Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Illinois almost without de- feat. Inbreeding of the Roses of Sharon. — Mr. Renick was so pleased with the results of Airdrie 's use that he adopted a comprehensive course of in-and-in breeding, using the sons and grandsons of the bull for many years with great success, attracting the at- tention of the entire cattle-breeding world. John Thornton, the veteran Short-horn salesman of Eng- land, who visited America after the Airdrie blood had been thoroughly concentrated in the Renick herd, said : "I saw the bull Airdrie, rising thirteen years old, a magnifi- cent animal, not too large but exceedingly symmetrical, stylish and handsome, with a splendid head and fine masculine char- acter. The cows and heifers were called from the fields by a lot of negroes — men, women and children — and it was wonderful to observe the singular uniformity and great excellence of the cattle as they walked past to a corner of the field where they stood to be milked. The heifers, mostly by Airdrie, were splendid ani- mals, combining great length, elegance and sweetness of character with rich full colors, roan or red hair, good form and great sub- stance. Some of the older cows were thinner and slightly lame, owing, as it "was said, to the thick cornstalks fastening in their hoofs. The calves were also good, and two or three young bulls were of great promise. Seeing how very superior this herd was and how closely it was in-and-in bred I was induced to ask Mr. Renick how he came to take such a course. He told me he took up the herd books and saw what Colling, Mason and other early SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 289 breeders had done, and he thought he would do the same thing; his neighbors thought he would ruin his stock, but he thought that he had got quite as good as any of them." At tlie time of Mr. Thornton's visit (1869) every animal in the herd was of Mr. Renick's own breed- ing. Not only that, but their dams, grandams, great- grandams and even great-great-grandams had been bred on the farm — certainly a fact unique in the his- tory of Short-horn breeding in the United States. For years he declined to part with any Rose of Sha- ron females at any valuation, but latterly high prices tempted him to do so. He has generally been re- garded as one of the greatest constructive breeders ever identified with Short-horn breeding in America. A disciple of Thomas Bates, and like that famous breeder without immediate family, Mr. Renick was thoroughly devoted to his cattle and made them the subject of his most untiring personal attention.* He ♦Visitors at shows where Mr. Renick was exhibiting his cattle were very apt to find him feeding or currying his stock with his own hands. He was particularly wrapped up in old Airdrie, and upon such occa- sions would usually be found near him. Perhaps the best show Mr. Renick ever made was the year that the Kentucky State Fair was held in Bourbon County. He had an exhibit in nearlv every ring and never came out without a ribbon, usually a blue one. In some classes he gained both first and second. One of the best exhibits he made at this show was for a prize for bull with five or six of his get. He had taken Airdrie up out of the pasture without preparation, and with him and his progeny won the group prize over a number of competitors. Airdrie was then eight or nine years old. Speaking of this event Mr. Ben F. Vanmeter says : "I do not think I ever saw Mr. Renick enjoy a day more than he did this one. As he came out of the ring leading old Airdrie a gentleman from Ohio sent an intimate friend of Uncle Abe's to me with a request that I go with him to see if he could not get a price on the old bull. I told him it was a waste of time, but he insisted and we went. We readily found Mr. Renick, and my friend Taylor lost no time in broaching the subject The old man was at first almost ready to take it as an insult. Then he suspected us of plaving a joke on him. Taylor finally told him that he considered the bull nearlv worn out, but was satisfied that his Ohio friend would give ?1,000 for him. The old man then straightened him- self up two or three inches above his normal height and with his fist tightly closed and eyes flashing exclaimed : 'A national bank can't buy him! If I outlive him he will die mine.' " 290 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE was always partial to the golden-skinned yellow- reds, and insisted that Short-horns of that color were invariably better feeders and possessed more quality than the dark reds, in which contention he had the unanimous acquiescence of the most experi- enced breeders. Of his subsequent purchase and use of the 4th Duke of Geneva we shall have occasion to speak elsewhere. The mingling of the Duchess blood with that of the Roses of Sharon, thus reuniting the Bates lines, proved in this case a successful opera- tion; a fine illustration being seen in the case of the celebrated pair of "Genevas," Minnie's Duchess of Geneva and Poppy's Duchess of Geneva, familiarly known as ''Big Geneva" and ''Little Geneva," sired by 2d Duke of Geneva.* These fine cows had a re- markable show-yard career, "Little Geneva" usu- ally winning the blue ribbon and her larger sister the red whenever exhibited. They rarely lowered their colors in any company". The Vanmeters. — The State of Kentucky was for- tunate in possessing distinguished families of Short- horn breeders who, like the Messrs. Booth in Eng- land, displayed an hereditary love for cattle and for several succeeding generations bred Short-horns with a high degree of skill and intelligence. We have already noted the prominent part played by Messrs. George, Felix and Abram Renick and may *2d Duke of Geneva 5562 was bred by J. O. Sheldon and bought by- Edwin Bedford, whose success with the Loudon Duchesses, etc., g-a\ e him ranlc among the leading Kentucky breeders of his time. The 2tl Duke died young, leaving a limited number of calves, but they were aa a rule exceptionally good. SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 291 now mention the Vanmeters as worthy of rank among those who contributed most to the extension of Short-horn breeding in the West. To them the West is indebted for the Young Marys and Young Phyllises to be found in almost every good herd. About the year 1817 Mr. Isaac Vanmeter, who was a native of Hardy Co., Va. — in the valley of the South Branch of the Potomac — emigrated to Ken- tucky and soon afterward married a daughter of Capt. Isaac Cunningham, another Virginian who had purchased, early in the present century, the farm and some of the stock of Mr. Matthew Patton, who had introduced the Gough & Miller blood into Ken- tucky. The elder Vanmeter and Capt. Cunningham formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on farming and cattle-breeding operations in Clark Co., Ky., and in 1834 they took stock in the newly- organized Ohio Importing Co., acquiring from that company's selections imp. Young Mary, with heifer calf Pocahontas; imp. Young Phyllis, with heifer calf Catherine Turley, and imp. Lavinia, together with the bull Goldfinder (2066). Capt. Cunningham also purchased an interest in imp. Matchem (2283). Prior to this time Messrs. Vanmeter & Cunningham had bred for some twenty years a large herd prin- cipally descended from the original Patton stock, upon which had been used, among others, the noted bull Rising Sun.* Lavinia, after producing a bull *Capt. Cunningham died in 1842, making the sons of his daughter, Mrs. Solomon Vanmeter, executors of a good estate. Mr. Isaac Van- meter died in 1854, leaving his son, Ben F. Vanmeter, then but twenty- 292 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE calf, died, but Young Phyllis and Young Mary proved among the most useful cows of the breed ever brought to America. As in the case of the Eenick herd, the blending of the blood of these Ohio Co. cows with that of imp. Duke of Airdrie resulted in the production of an excellent class of cattle. Young Phyllis. — This cow ranked as one of the best of her day in America. In fact she has repeat- edly been called the best of all Short-horn cows of her time owned in the State of Kentucky. Unfor- tunately she died young, leaving but three or four calves. She produced, besides Catherine Turley, a heifer named Eliza Woods, by Matchem, and the prize bull John Randolph 603, by Goldfinder. Eliza Woods was rather disappointing as an individual, although some excellent cattle descended from her. Her sire, Matchem, was a large, stylish bull ; rather coarse in his conformation and of a vicious disposi- tion. Quite a number of his get were unpopular on account of their dark-colored noses. Catherine Tur- ley is said to have been a cow of fine character. She was much inclined to make flesh and unfortunately one years cf age, sole executor of an estate quite as large as that left by Capt. Cunningham. Mr. Ben F. Vanmeter's elder brother, Solomon, who died at forty years of age, proved himself also a most capable breeder and when the Northern Kentucky Importing Co. was organ- ized in 1853 he was selected as Clark County's representative upon the committee sent to England to buy the cattle constituting that memor- able puichase. Ben F. Vanmeter was a mere lad at this date attending college at Danville, Ky. Learning of the proposed expedition to Eng- land after cattle, he pleaded earnestly to be allowed to leave school and accompany the committee. He was given the choice of either going or remaining and graduating that spring. Without hesitation he aban- doned his aspirations in reference to a diploma and accompanied his brother upon a tour of the Short-horn herds of Great Britain. In later years he attained international reputation not only as a breeder of high-class cattle of the Vanmeter tribes, but also in connection with the notable operations of Abram Renick with the Roses of Sharon. SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 293 was allowed to become so fat that she stopped breed- ing. From her descended such famous bulls as Dick Taylor 5508, Airdrie Duke 5306, Clarendon 2634, Mr. Pickrell's $3,000 Baron Lewis and many other old-time celebrities. Dick Taylor 5508 was one of the best stock-getters produced by the Phyllis family. He was a red, bred by Dr. J. J. Taylor and Abram Vanmeter, and rep- resented a peculiarh' rich combination of the best blood introduced into the Ohio Valley up to the time of his production in 1863. Sired by the Duke of Airdrie-crossed Rose of Sharon bull Airdrie 2478, he had for dam Ruth by the $4,850 bull imp. Chal- lenger (14252) ; second dam Maria Edgeworth by Arthur Watts' Prince Albert 2d 857, carrying much of the best of the Ohio Importing Co. 's blood; and his third dam, Susan Turley, was by Cossack (3503), son of the richly-bred Booth bull Cossack (1880), that will be remembered as the sire of Abram Ren- ick's Buena Vista 299. Dick Taylor proved par- ticularly successful when mated with the descendants of imp. Young Mary. Indeed one branch of that tribe became so celebrated throughout the West that it was given (and still bears) his name. He was re- peatedly shown with success, and upon one occasion gained a $100 sweepstake against several of the most noted sires of the day for best five calves the get of one bull. We cannot in the space at our command make detailed reference to the many distinguished animals sired by Dick Taylor. We should, however, perhaps mention his two sons, Washington 9284 and 294 A HISTOEY or SHOET-HORN CATTLE Dick Taylor 2d 16637, bred by the Messrs. Sudduth. The former belonged to the Leslie branch of the Marys, tracing from the show cow Hannah More, and won a great many first and sweepstakes prizes at the Kentucky shows from 1869 to 1871. Dick Taylor 2d, a few years later, was one of the ruling show-yard champions of Kentucky and was sold for $1,100. Airdrie Duke 5306, like Dick Taylor, was a red son of Mr. Renick's Airdrie 2478. His dam, the Phyllis cow Ruth 2d, was by Mr. Alexander's fa- mous prize bull exp. 2d Duke of Airdrie 2744, so that he represented a double cross of the Airdrie- Duchess blood. Airdrie Duke was bred by Abram Vanmeter, and was one of the great heifer-getters of Kentucky in the later sixties. Like Dick Taylor, he made a pronounced ''hit" when mated with the Marys. His greatest daughter was probably Ben F. Vanmeter 's renowned Young Mary show cow Red Rose 8th, the best Short-horn cow Mr. Vanmeter ever bred. Another celebrated show cow got by Air- drie Duke was the roan Phoebe Taylor of the Po- mona family, that gained prizes all over the West- ern country from 1871 to 1874 in the herd of J. H. Kissinger. He was also sire of the Mary cow Miss Washington 2d, that sold for $1,000, whose daughter by 4th Duke of Geneva brought a like price, and of the $3,200 Poppy's Julia and the $2,000 Princess cow Princessa 2d, Another branch of the Phyllis tribe that acquired SOME HISTORIC KEXTUCKY STOCK 295 high repute in Kentucky was bred by John W. Prewitt of Clark County from the roan cow Gentle Annie, by imp. Challenger (14252), that was bought by Mr. Prewitt at the administrator's sale of the Solomon Vanmeter cattle in 1859. She was a grand- daughter of Susan Turley. Young Phyllis was of a rich roan color, with neat head, small, crumpled horns, short, neat neck, fine shape and style and a first-class show cow in her day. She was frequently exhibited at the fairs in Ken- tucky when in her prime and never failed to receive the first prize when in the ring except once, and then she received the second. Although imported for Mr. Harness in 1834 at a cost of $1,500, she passed to the possession of Capt. Isaac Cunning- ham and Mr. Isaac Vanmeter in 1836 and remained the property of the latter until she became barren and was slaughtered. Catherine Turley was be- gotten in England and calved at Sycamore, in Ken- tucky, soon after her arrival. Young Mary. — This celebrated cow and her daughter Pocahontas, sold at the Ohio Co.'s sale of 1836 to Mr. Harness for $1,500, were bought and taken to Kentucky that same year by Messrs. Van- meter & Cunningham. Although not a show cow like Young Phyllis, Young Mary was one of the practical, profitable sort that often do more for their owners than animals of show-yard character. She is descrilied as having been a large cow of striking appearance, a light roan in color with some white, 296 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE especially on her legs. Her horns, which were in- clined to be ''crumpled," were rather strong and well carried out from her head, which was broad and well shaped, with a good full eve. Her neck was rather thin, shoulders smooth, back broad, rib deep, udder large and good. In fact she was an ex- traordinary milker — one of the best dairy cows ever owned in the Vanmeter herds. She was a remark- ably prolific breeder, and during the first month or six weeks after calving (if on grass) could be de- pended upon to >4eld a large pailful of milk morn- ing and evening after the calf had drawn its fill. Unfortunately Isaac Vanmeter 's private herd rec- ords were lost or destroyed during the Civil War, but it is a commonly-accepted fact that Young Mary jived to be about twenty years old and died after having given birth to her sixteenth calf. She produced but four bulls ; two of them — Davy Crockett and Logan — were dropped while she was in the possession of the Ohio Co. The former was purchased by Mr. P. L. Ayres of Ohio for $490 for use upon unrecorded stock. Logan was bought by Elias Florence of Ohio for $750. In Kentucky Young Mary produced a red-and-white bull calf named Romulus, by Match em (2283), that was sold while young to James Stonestreet of Clark County, in whose hands he was bred to but few pure-bred cows. The last calf she ever produced that lived to be useful was the roan bull Tom Bigbee, by Prince Albert 2d, calved in 1848 and sold while young to SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 297 Rice Campbell of Bourbon County. He proved quite a good show bull. Young Mary's female produce after Pocahontas cannot now be named in the order of their respec- tive ages. Her next calf was the bull Romulus above mentioned, and then followed five heifer calves by Goldfinder (2066),* to- wit: Hannah More, Judith Clark, Sarah Hopkins, Lilac and Florida, all of which were very superior and lived to be useful cows. All of these except Sarah Hopkins were owned by Isaac Vanmeter as long as he or they lived. Sarah Hopkins was given to Mr. Vanmeter 's son, I. C. Van- meter, who sold her after a few years to George W. Sutton of Fayette County. The records do not reveal further facts of interest concerning Young Mary's progeny. All that is known is that she was a regular breeder of good stock and lived to an extreme age. The great fam- ily of Young Marys, still so popular throughout the United States, has descended from the Goldfinder heifers and Pocahontas above mentioned. Probably the best individual of all of Young Mary's daugh- ters was Hannah More. She was exhibited at all of the leading Kentucky shows and was, we believe, never defeated. Her sisters were almost as good, but Hannah More and Pocahontas, in particular, like their Phyllis companion Catherine Turley, proved *Imp. Goldfinder (2066) was taken to Kentucky in 1836 and was successfully used for many years, largely in Clark and Fayette Counties, although he died the property of Joel Scott in Franklin County. Few better sires were known at that time. He was a large, rich roan, light- bodied and somewhat leggy, high-styled and impressive, 298 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE mines of wealth to Kentucky and the West. Poca- hontas gave rise to the famous Red Rose and Han- nah More to the Beck Taylor, Leslie and Flat Creek branches of the Mary tribe. Judith Clark also left a valuable progeny, among her descendants being the Grace Youngs, once so prolific of good show cattle in the West, and the Leopardess family, which gave to the show-yard Lucy Napier. The success of the blending of the Mary and Phyllis bloods in the hands of Messrs. Vanmeter was instantaneous. Bred to John Randolph 603, son of imp. Young Phyllis, Hannah More had a daughter — Queen Anne — that produced to the cover of Prince Albert 2d 857 the bull Albert Gallatin 202. Randolph and Gal- latin did some of the local shows in company and carried many ribbons; the older (Phyllis) usually securing first honors at the hands of awarding com- mittees and the Mary second. Ben F. Vanmeter gave the Marys international fame. From his father's red-roan Red Rose, by Pearl 2012,* he bred the celebrated family of Red Roses ; and by mating the Hannah More cow Beck with the Phyllis show bull Dick Taylor he bred the red Beck Taylor, the matron of a family of that name still popular in the West. Probably the best two cows ever produced in his herd were Red Roses ♦Pearl was a red bull bred bv Solomon Vanmeter that became the property of Robert S. Taylor of Clark County. He was got by Van- meter, Duncan & Cunningham's Imported $4,850 bull Challenger (14252) from the imported cow Gem by Earl Ducie's Broker (9993), got by Usurer (9763). Pearl's grandam was Gulnare, by Whltaker s Norfolk (2377) and his great-grandam was the Booth-bred Medora by Ambo (1636)! SOME HISTORIC KEXTUCKY STOCK 299 8tli and 11th, own sisters by the Phyllis bull Air- clrie Duke 5306. The Airdrie Duchess blood was by this time producing remarkable results in all the leading Kentucky herds, and when the Renick, Yan- meter, Warfield and Bedford cows carrying the Bates cross met at the local shows there was "war to the knife." Upon one memorable occasion Mr. Ben. Vanmeter with Eed Roses 8tli and 11th encountered one of the greatest cow combinations Kentucky had ever seen, meeting Mr. Renick 's pets, ''Little" and *'Big" Genevas, two of Edwin G. Bedford's Loudon Duchesses, besides one of the best of that family ever produced by Mr. AYarfield, and three or four imported cows. Li the cow class Red Rose 11th won, but in the sweepstakes Red Rose 8th gained the prize.* She was afterward champion Short- horn cow at the Philadelphia Centennial and subse- quently sold to the Grooms for $1,750 and exported to England. Her companion at this show, Red Rose 11th, sold to Mr. Fox of England at $2,325, was the only cow that ever defeated Red Rose 8th. Mr. Vanmeter, however, never considered her so good. This cow was the dam of the famous roan Young Mary steer that was the champion four-year-old bullock at the first American Fat-Stock Show at Chicago; a beast that weighed 2,440 lbs. and sold to the late John B. Drake of the Grand Pacific Hotel ♦After the ribbon was tied on Red Rose 8th Mr. Vanmeter asked Mr. Renick what he thought of it. The old man was very slow in making his reply, but finally said : "I reckon it is all right. She is a devil of a good one," 300 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE for $150 for Christmas beef. An own brother to Red Rose 8th and 11th, the bull Rosy Man 27764, was also a prize winner at various old-time Ken- tucky shows. Ben F. Vanmeter sustained close relations with Mr. Renick and in later years became identified with the Rose of Sharon interest, further reference to which will presently be made. It may be re- marked in passing that the two prize-winning Young Mary bulls Washington 9284 and Dick Taylor 2d 16637— both by Dick Taylor 5508 and both Ijred by Messrs. Sudduth of Clark County — were of Van- meter stock, the former being of the Leslie branch and the latter coming through Judith Clark, own sister to Hannah More. Dick Taylor 2d won a cham- pionship at a Bourbon County fair in a ring of thirty entries. We may also add here that the bull Seaton 4356, bred by Solomon Vanmeter, appearing in certain pedigrees of cattle of Kentucky origin, represented a cross of Mr. Alexander's imp. Orontes 2d upon a daughter of the imported Wilkinson-bred cow Lavender 3d, that was of the same foundation as the Cruickshank Lavenders. The Warfields. — The city of Lexington, the blue- grass capital, is situated in the fertile county of Fayette, which, in connection with the adjacent counties of Clark and Bourbon, had from the earli- est periods constituted the headquarters of the breed south of the Ohio River. The name of War- field is so intimately and honorably identified with SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK, 301 the cattle-breeding interest, not only of Fayette and contiguous counties but of the entire West, that no history of Short-horns in America would be com- plete without some reference to the services ren- dered by those of this name. The Warfields are descended from Eichard War- field, who in 1663 settled in the Puritan colony of Anne Arundel Co., near Annapolis, Md. In Octo- ber, 1790, Elisha Warfield and his wife, Ruth Bur- gess (descended from Gen. William Burgess, who commanded the troops of the colony of Maryland in the latter part of the seventeenth century), removed to Fayette Co., Ky., from Anne Arundel Co., Md., bringing with them their sons, Elisha, born in 1781, and Benjamin, born Feb. 8, 1790. They settled about seven miles east of Lexington, near Bryan's Station. Benjamin Warfield began to breed cattle in 1824, but had no pure-bred Short-horns until 1831. He practiced law until the outbreak of the war of 1812, and again until 1831; meantime purchasing the farm of Grasmere, near Lexington. His brother. Dr. Elisha Warfield, also engaged in stock-breeding, but gave more attention to the Thoroughbred horse than to cattle; breeding old Lexington and other celebrities of the turf. The former became the own- er of Mrs. Motte's bull Partnership (6277) and of the Durham Cow's daughter Lady Durham, by San Martin (2599). The latter owned the Teeswater Cow's bull Mirandi (4428), by San Martin, and Messrs. Smith & Warfield bought the Teeswater 302 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Cow's daughter Pink, by Mmiday's Bull 727.* At a later date, when the Kentuckians were availing themselves of the stock imported by Col. John ?I. Powel of Pennsylvania, Messrs. Warfield were for- tunate enough to secure the bull Oliver (2387),t that proved a remarkably successful stock-getter — undoubtedly the best of all the Powel bulls brought West. Capt. Ben Warfield became part owner of the Ohio Co. bulls Matchem (2283) and Goldfindor (2066), and also had some service from imp. Prince Charles (2461). Probably none of the earlier War- field bulls, however, proved more successful than the famous roan Cossack, alias Julius Csesar (3503), dropped the property of Mr. Clay by the im- ported cow Moss Eose, by Eclipse (1949), brought out from England by H. Clay Jr. and Gen. James Shelby of Fayette County in 1839. This bull had for sire the Booth-bred Cossack (1880), and his blood was for many years to be found in some of the best Short-horns in leading Kentucky herds. Renick 903.— This great Kentucky sire, bred by ♦The "Seventeens" were brought by Col. Sanders to Fayette, and Mrs. Motte and the Teeswater Cow were retained there, the property of Messrs. Munday and Haggin, respectively. The Durham Cow was taken by the importer to Gallatin County. See page 165. tNo less than twenty-two bulls and thirty-two cows of Col. John Hare Powel's breeding or importation were taken to Kentucky — largely between 1831 and 1836. While Oliver (2387) was undoubtedly the best of these Powel bulls, the outstanding cow acquired by Kentucky from the Powelton Herd was the Booth-bred Isabella, by Pilot, (see pa^e 176) She was probably the most celebrated cow of her day in the Ohio Valley States and at the sale of her produce by her owner Mr. Sutton of Favette Countv, Sept. 26, 1837, her son Frederick 515 sold to Buford *^^ 4ott of Franklin Countv for $1,310; her heifer Western Daisy went fo Joel Scott at .$7 45: heifer Wliite Rose to James Shelby of Fayette County at $735. and bull Cyrus to E. S. Washington of Fayette County at $810 Another daughter of Cleopatra, Sally Jackson, was sold pri- vateb- to J. S. Berryman & Co. for $2,000 ! SOME HISTOBIC KENTUCKY STOCK 303 James Keiiick and sired by Tippecanoe 1036 out of a daughter of imp. Josephine, was bought by Capt. Warfield as a six-months calf. He was begotten in Ohio, and although his sire and dam were both de- scended from imp. Josephine"*^ by Norfolk he was not specially promising as a calf and was by no means satisfying as a yearling. For this reason he was sent to Dr. Breckenridge for a year of trial. As soon as his calves began to come, however, all doubt as to Eenick's value disappeared and he was freely used with extraordinary success. He was a red with ■ a long and level carcass, well-sprung ribs and supe- rior handling qualities. He stood somewhat high on the leg, and was not in fact what would be con- sidered a real show bull. He was often exhibited, but his success lay in his progeny rather than in his own individuality. He therefore furnishes an in- stance — along with Goldfinder (2066) and imp. Duke of Airdrie — where a plain bull proved to be a stock- getter of unquestioned capacity. Eenick soon ac- quired reputation as the best sire of his time in Kentucky. Of the show cows among his progeny perhaps the most distinguished were the light roan Tulip and the roan Fleda, both of these being de- * Josephine was a fine show cow; proving a successful prize-winner at the Ohio fairs. She produced in 1838 a roan cow calf named Non- pareil, by Comet Halley (1855). In 1839 — bull calf Hubback, by Para- gon of the West (4649). In 1840 — bull calf Tippecanoe, by Rover (5015). In 1841 — cow calf Lady Harrison, red and white, by Rover (5015). She then produced twin bull calves, neither of which lived to be useful, after which she ceased breeding — was fatted and slaughtered. Nonpareil and Lady Harrison, the female produce above mentioned, were sent by Mr. Felix Renick to his son-in-law, Mr. James Renick of Bourbon Co., Ky., to breed on shares in some way, but the latter finally became the owner of the stock. 304 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE scended from Capt. Warfi eld's never-beaten sliow cow Caroline. The former was sold to Capt. James N. Brown and the latter to J. D. Smith, both of San- gamon Co., 111., and for many years they divided the verdicts of Western show-yard juries. Indeed, the late Capt. Brown considered that Tulip was a vastly better cow than Capt. Warfield's celebrated Mary Magdalene, that had been bred by Abram Renick from a Harriet dam from a service by Renick 903. Mary Magdalene combined astonishing substance with rare finish. Although she was of enormous size, weighing in show condition 2,250 lbs., still an ordinary hand could span her ankle with thumb and forefinger. Lizzie Higgins, the dam of Fleda, invariably produced a show animal to a service by Renick, her heifers Sally Campbell and Pearl and the bull Magyar 677 illustrating this fact. Still another cow that "nicked" well with Renick was Lucy, a descendant of imp. White Rose, by Publi- cola, that gave to Renick the two great heifers Lucy 2d and Lucy 3d and bulls Francisco 2266 and Duke of Stockdale 1483. That excellent old cow Cherry 2d, by Don John 426, also produced to Renick a pair of extraordinary calves known as Amy and Sally Smith. Another great Renick heifer was Adah, and we should also mention Mr. William Warfield's Princess and Mr. Kinnaird's Pearl. Muscatoon 7057. — This celebrated sire of prize cattle in the herd of Mr. William Warfield of Gras- mere was one of the finiits of the great herd assem- SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 305 bled by Mr. Alexander at Woodburn. He was a red bull, sired by the Bates-bred Royal Oxford (18774) out of Mazurka 2d by Orontes 2d (11877); second dani that famous Lincolnshire roan imp. Mazurka by Harbinger. There is no question as to this COW having been one of the best ever imported. Rich in color, her capital carcass, with its far-famed back and flank, was set off by a head of surpassing sweetness. Muscatoon was a red with a perfect head and the full eye of the kindly feeder. He was strongly filled behind the shoulder and had the rib and full lower line of Mazurka joined to the great loin and thighs of Orontes 2d. He was bought by Mr. Warfield as a yearling, and his career at Gras- mere both as a show bull and a stock-getter did much to strengthen the reputation of the Woodburn stock. Although shown by Mr. Warfield with ex- ceptional success from 1867 to 1871 his most lasting fame w^as gained as a getter of extraordinary show and breeding animals. In fact in the rings for best lot of calves the get of one bull he was almost in- vincible in the State of Kentucky in the later sixties. The most remarkable feature of his services at Gras- mere was the uniform excellence of his get. They were all good, and some of them attained such out- standing excellence that they were for many years reigning show-yard champions. Among these were the heifers Duchess of Sutherland 4th, Maggie Mus- catoon, 1st and 2d Ladies of Grasmere and Loudon Duchess 4th. He also sired the Rose of Sharon cow 306 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Grace and Louan of Waveland, for which Walter Handy paid respectively $1,000 and $1,150 at a sale of E. L. Davison's. Among the noted stock and show bulls of his get were Loudon Duke 6th 10399; Tycoon 7339, Lord of the Manor 12332 and 2d Duke of Grasmere 13961. He died as the result of an acci- dent in 1873, and it may be said that he shares with the Duke of Airdrie bulls the reputation of having materially advanced the name and fame of the Short- horn breed throughout the entire Western country. Indeed rank as a sire of show cattle has been claimed for this Mazurka bull along with such English ce- lebrities as Booth's Crown Prince and Towneley's Frederick. The Loudon Duchesses — Mr. William Warfield has the honor of having originated one of the best tribes of Short-horns yet evolved by the breeders of the United States. We allude to the Loudon Duch- esses produced by his skill and intelligence by a judicious utilization of Woodburn blood. The Hon. Frank Key Hunt, an able lawyer and a neighbor and kinsman of Mr. Warfield, having expressed a desire for a good Short-horn heifer to grace his spacious lawn, Mr. Warfield purchased for him at a sale held by Mr. E. A. Alexander in 1856 Miss Wiley 4th, sired by 2d Duke of Athol (11376) out of imp. Miss Hudson, at $470, which, we believe, was the highest price of the day. Mr. Warfeld was to direct her breeding and was to take each calf at six months of age at $300. He believed that as she promised to SOME HISTOEIC KENTUCKY STOCK 307 make a big, large-framed cow good results would follow her mating with the finely-finished imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730). The first calf proved to be the red bull registered as Loudon Duke 3097, whose name was derived from the title of Mr. Hunt's farm. In the meantime Mr. Hunt suggested that Miss Wiley 4th- be bred to imp. St. Lawrence (12037), that had been imported by Mr. Thome of New York and purchased by Elisha Warfield. Mr. William Warfield objected to this cross on the ground of in- compatibility of type, but Mr. Hunt insisted upon trjdng it, releasing Mr. A¥arfield from any obligation to take the calf if not satisfactory. The experiment was a failure and the bull calf that resulted was steered. The cow was then bred back to imp. Duke of Airdrie, and in 1860 dropped the red heifer Anna Hunt, subsequently sold by Mr. Warfield to Charles M. Clark of Springfield, 0., from whose hands she passed into the possession of Daniel McMillan of Xenia, becoming the ancestress of a great family of cows known as the Ladys of Clark. Miss Wiley 4th had by this time grown into a cow of immense scale, weighing 1,700 lbs. off grass. The development of Loudon Duke and of Anna Hunt demonstrated that the cross with the fine but rather "rangy" imp. Duke of Airdrie was a success, and she was again sent to be served at Woodburn. This time she dropped the red bull calf Duke of Edinburgh 4724 (also known as Loudon Duke 2d), that was sold to a Mr. Woodruff of Indiana. The result of the next 308 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE service to the imported Duke was tlie roan bull calf Loudon Duke 3d 10398, sold to Mr. Wilson of Cin- cinnati and used with success in Ohio herds. In 1863, to imp. Duke of Airdrie, she dropped the red bull Loudon Duke 4th 5906, sold to Mr. Edwin G. Bedford and afterward the property of Mr. D. S. King of Ohio. During this period Mr. Wai-field had used the first Loudon Duke with success, finally sell- ing him to Mr. Isaac Vanmeter of Clark Co., Ky. In 1864 Miss Wiley 4th dropped to imp. Duke of Airdrie the red heifer calf destined to fame under the name of Loudon Duchess. The imported Duke having meanwhile died, it was decided to breed Mr. Hunt's cow to Duncan's Duke of Airdrie 2743, which Mr. Waiiield considered the imported Duke's best son; and from a service by that bull the red heifer Loudon Duchess 2d was dropped in 1865. In the fall of that year Mr. Warfield had sent a small bunch of cattle for exhibition to the local fairs, included among the number being the yearling Loudon Duch- ess. The stock was taken to the Bourbon show in Mr. William Warfield 's absence in attendance at the Illinois State Fair, which was held the same week, and during the continuance of these shows the fol- lowing telegram was received from Kentucky: "I am offered $500 for your yearling heifer and $250 for your steer; shall I take it?" This referred to Loudon Duchess and a great steer of the Rosabella 2d by Velocipede tribe. In those dull days the prices seemed large, and as Mr. Warfield believed that Lou- SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 309 don Duchess 2d would make a better heifer than her sister by the imported Duke he replied in the affirmative, and thus Mr. E. G. Bedford of Bourbon County became the owner of Loudon Duchess, the prize yearling of that season and subsequently a great prize-taker and dam of winners. Loudon Duchess 2d proved to be Miss Wiley 4th 's last calf and Mr. Warfield decided not to part with her. These two heifers then embarked upon a show-yard and breeding career that has probably not been sur- passed in this country. The Bedford heifer produced one bull and one heifer (Loudon Duchess 3d) to services by The Priest 6246, and one bull (Loudon Duke 7th 10400) and three heifers (Loudon Duchesses 5th, 7th and nth) to services by that capital Bates Duchess sire 2d Duke of Geneva 5562. It had previously been agreed between Mr. Warfield and Mr. Bedford that the Loudon Duchess name should be given to the progeny of these cows. To avoid confusion Mr. Bedford was to use the odd numbers and Mr. War- field the even numbers. Mr. Warfield 's Loudon Duchess 2d produced ten calves — six bulls and four heifers — three of which were by Muscatoon 7057, two by Eobert Napier 8975, one by 5th Duke of Ge- neva 7932, one by 11th Duke of Geneva, one by 4th Duke of Airdrie, one by 14th Duke of Thorndale and one by 2d Duke of Grasmere 13961. Loudon Duch- ess 4th, one of the Muscatoon heifers, was considered by Mr. Warfield to be the best female produced by .310 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE either of the celebrated sisters, and Loudon Duke 6th 10399, afterward so famous in Missouri and the West, was counted the best bull. He was sold to Mr. J. G. Cowan of Missouri for $3,000 in 1872, a great price for that time. We have already alluded to the fact that during the great expansion of the Short-horn trade follow- ing the Civil War a prejudice was unfortunately created by interested parties against cattle carrying crosses of stock descended from the Walter Dun im- portation. Inasmuch as Duncan's Duke of Airdrie had such a cross, those w^ho in later years sought to discredit the Dun importation insisted that the de- scendants of Mr. Bedford's Loudon Duchesses by imp. Duke of Airdrie were more valuable than the descendants of Mr. Warfield's Loudon Duchess 2d. The absurdity of this contention is clearly shown by the fact that, judged by the stringent requirements of the show-yard, Mr. Warfield's Loudon Duchesses were even better individuals than those bred by Mr. Bedford. While Loudon Duchess gained twelve first prizes, Mr. Warfield's Loudon Duchess 2d won fifty- six, some of them gained at the State fairs of Ohio and Indiana. The female calves of Loudon Duchess won while in the hands of Mr. Bedford five prizes, but Mr. Warfield's Loudon Duchess 4th alone won fourteen and his Loudon Duchess 6th alone won over forty. There was always a friendly rivaliy as to the merits of the original cows between Mr. Bed- ford and Mr. Warfield, but it is self-evident that SOME HISTOEIC KENTUCKY STOCK 311 there was no foundation whatever for any assump- tion of superior value in behalf of the Bedford line of breeding. Mr. Warfield was the first to secure extraordinary prices, selling Loudon Duchess 8th to Mr. J. F. Cowan of Virginia for $2,500 and Loudon Duchess 6th to W. H. Richardson of Kentucky for $2,005, the highest-priced female at the auction sales of that year. Mr. Bedford, how^ever, surpassed even these exceptional values at his closing sale of 1874, where seven Loudon Duchesses averaged $3,521 and two bulls $2,033; one cow (Loudon Duchess 9th) going to Mr. B. F. Bedford at $6,000 and one bull (Loudon Duke 19th) to W. E. Duncan of Illinois for $3,500. A very superior bull produced by Loudon Duchess 2d was Mr. E. L. Davison's red Loudon Duke 3d 8542, sired by Muscatoon. This bull should not be confused with Loudon Duke 3d 10398 from Miss Wiley 4th. The latter had been sold into Ohio by Mr. Warfield and passed from notice before the Muscatoon bull w^as assigned a name. There were thus two Loudon Duke 3ds, uncle and nephew. Lou- don Duke 3d 8542 was shown extensively from 1868 to 1870 at all of the leading Kentucky fairs, and won many first and championship prizes. Mr. William Warfield steadfastly resisted the dic- tates of fashion and clung tenaciously to the right of selecting sires of approved form and quality be- longing to established tribes without reference to the whims and fancies of the speculative element. While on this account he did not profit largely by 312 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE the great speculative advance that resulted in such enormous prices being paid in subsequent years for certain ^'line-bred" families, he stood manfully by the best traditions of the breed, and has up to the end of the present century consistently advocated the breeding of Short-horns for individual excel- lence from the best sources regardless of particular blood-lines.* Adoption of Bates type and methods. — Imp. Duke of Airdrie was extensively used by Mr. Alexander at Woodburn and sired a large number of good cat- tle of both sexes in that superb herd. We have already mentioned the prize bull Bell Duke of Air- drie 2522 used by Mr. Bedford. Another noted son was Clifton Duke (23580), that was used by Mr. Alexander upon the Airdrie Duchesses and was also hired by George M. Bedford. He was out of the im- ported Filbert Bell-Bates cow Lady Derby. Another good bull by the old Duke, bred at Woodburn, was Princeton 4285 (from imp. Princess 4th by Revo- lution), that was sold to Dr. Breckenridge and left much valuable stock. The Duke of Airdrie heifers at Woodburn, as elsewhere, proved very valuable as breeders. From one of these, Minna 2d — a daughter of imp. Minna by Bridegroom — Mr. Alexander bred the celebrated show bull Minister 6363, whose career ♦William Warfleld was a son of Capt. Ben Warfield and became one of the aclinowledged authorities on all subjects pertaining to American .Short-horn history. A frequent contributor to the Breeder's Gazette and other agricultural journals and the author of "A History of Imported Short-Horns" and of "Cattle-Breeding" — published by the Sanders Pub. Co., Chicago — he has perhaps done more than any other one man in America to preserve the records of early importations and build up a Short-horn literature in the United States. SOME HISTORIC KENTUCKY STOCK 313 in the liaucls of William R. Duncan in Illinois will presently be mentioned. Another noted show bull that served to prove to the minds of Kentucky breeders the efficacy of Duch- ess blood for crossing purposes at this period was Burnside 4618, a red bred by H. Clay Jr. of Bourbon County, dropped in 1861 by the Duke of Athol (10150) cow imp. Bracelet to a service by Duke John 2741, he a roan bull by imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730) out of the Gwynne cow Lady Sherwood by 5th Duke of York. Burnside was shown with much success and died in November, 1873. While Woodburn made no apparent effort to con- centrate the Duke of Airdrie 's blood, Abram Renick and George M. Bedford did not hesitate to double it up at every opportunity. Messrs. Vanmeter were also inclined to the belief that the "more of the old Duke's blood the better." The pronounced success of such bulls as Duncan's Duke 2743, Airdrie 2478, Sweepstakes 6230, Joe Johnson 10294, Airdrie Duke 5306, Dick Taylor 5508 and of the Loudon Duch- esses, etc., established thoroughly the popularity of Bates sires in Kentucky; and Mr. Renick 's skillful concentration of Airdrie and Rose of Sharon blood rooted the idea firmly in the minds of most of the Kentucky breeders that by a system of in-and-in or line breeding based on the use of Bates bulls the best Short-horns were likely to be produced. Pro- nounced style, good scale, level lines and great finish were cardinal points with those who were most 314 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE active in shaping the course of Short-horn breeding in the West at this time. These characteristics were secured and thoroughly established largely through the use of the sons, grandsons, daughters and grand- daughters of imp. Duke of Airdrie. Such was the general situation, therefore, at the time when Illi- nois and other Western States began stocking up largely with Short-horns; the foundation animals for nearly all of the leading Western herds being secured from Kentucky sources. An unbiased and thoroughly capable judge who visited the herds of Kentucky at intervals during this period — the late Simon Beattie of Canada and Annan, Scotland — called the attention of the breed- ers of that State to the fact that while they were securing a marked uniformity, fine heads, a beau- tiful finish and gay carriage by this system of close breeding, they were at the same time sacrificing heavy flesh, substance and hair, and "working their cattle toward a leggy type, thin about their rumps, thighs and hind quarters. ' ' In rebuttal of this criti- cism Mr. Alexander's Mazurkas were cited as a family that had escaped these defects, but the fact was promptly pointed out by Mr. Beattie that imp. Mazurka was by Mr. Booth's Harbinger and her dam by Mr. Lax's Baron of Eavensworth — both bulls that imparted short legs and thick flesh to nearly all their offspring. Mr. John Thornton, the able Eng- lish live-stock auctioneer, who visited the States in 1869, apparently approved of this observation of SOME HISTORIC KEXTUCKY STOCK 315 Mr. Beattie's in a measure, for lie was quoted as saying that he regarded the Mazurkas as the most promising foundation for a fine family of cattle of anv one sort he had seen in America. CHAPTER XII PROGBESS IN THE CENTRAL WEST From 1857 down to the close of the Civil War in 1865 importations of Short-horns had practically ceased ; and during a great portion of that time val- ues ruled so low that there was little encouragement for those engaged in the trade. The financial crash of 1857, with the War of the Rebellion in its train, put a damper upon enterprise in this direction. Kentucky, the active center of Short-horn breeding in America at this time, was a border State between the North and South and was a theater of military operations. A few of the leading breeders, Mr. R. A. Alexander among the number, sent their Short- horns north of the Ohio River for safety, the Wood- burn cattle being placed temporarily in the charge of Mr. J. M. Woodruff of Nineveh, Ind. Others drove their pets into their most secluded pastures, hiding them as best they might when the exigencies of the occasion called for special care, and bided their time. With the advent of peace the business entered upon an extraordinary period of expansion toward the West, to which section we must now di- rect our attention. First Illinois herds. — Virginia carried the Short- horn colors into Ohio and Kentucky, and emigrants PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 317 from those States in turn bore tlie banner of the "red, white and roans" into Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, from which vantage grounds the breed ultimately spread throughout the entire West. The earliest introduction of Short-horn blood into Illinois was made by Capt. James N. Brown of Grove Park, Sangamon County, who had previously bred and shown cattle successfully in Kentucky. The herd at Grove Park was founded in 1834. The stock was brought from Kentucky, probably the most noted of the earlier members of the herd being the cow Lady McAllister, for which $900 was paid in 1837. In 1852 he bought in Kentucky the cows Beauty and Miss Warfield and the bull Vandal 1065. These were followed two years later by such animals as Margaretta, Bentona, Stella, Sally Campbell, Lulu and Tuscaloosa. In 1856 Capt. Brown bought in Kentucky Queen Victoria, Maude and Orphan 2d. These cattle and others purchased subsequently by Capt. Brown, in common with most of the other stock of that period, carried more or less of the blood of the importation of 1817. In the meantime (in 1854) he had purchased in Ohio the imported bull Young Whittington and the imported cow Pico- tee and bull calf Buckeye. In 1857 Capt. Brown organized and directed the notable importation from England listed on page 266, securing for his own herd the $3,025 cow Rachel 3d, the $1,325 roan heifer Western Lady and an interest in the bull King Alfred (14760). The Grove Park Herd was shown 318 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE with more or less regularity at the Morgan and San- gamon County Fairs until the establishment of the Illinois State Fair in 1853 and the St. Louis Fair in 1856. Capt. Brown's brother, Judge William Brown of Jacksonville, was a partner in some of these earlier operations, and Col. G. M. Chambers of Jacksonville was also associated with him in the purchase of stock brought from Ohio. His neighbor and kins- man, Hon. J. D. Smith, also began breeding Short- horns during this period, and at a somewhat later date Judge Stephen Dunlap of Morgan County founded a herd. Prior to 1840 Messrs. E. B. Hitt & Bro. introduced Short-horns into Scott County, and in that same year Messrs. Samuels and Forsythe brought in what was afterward the foundation herd of the Messrs. Dunlap. In 1853 Messrs. Calef and Jacoby shipped some good Short-horns into Illinois from Kentucky, the latter making a fine exhibit at the first Illinois State Fair. In this connection it may be stated that prior to 1856 Messrs. Calef and Jacoby had acquired and fed 100 head of high-grade Short-horn steers that were marketed at an average weight of 1,965 lbs. — a fact which did much to at- tract the attention of Illinois farmers to the value of the blood. About this same time Mr. B. F. Harris of Champaign County collected a lot of 100 grade steers that were fed to the enormous average weight of 2,377 lbs. While such weights are not wanted at the present time, this feeding experiment served as PROGRESS IN' THE CENTRAL WEST 319 a great advertisement for Short-horn blood. About 1854 Mr. John Huston, father of the late Rigdon Huston, introduced Short-horns into McDonough County, and the Hon. John Wentworth of Chicago also entered the list of breeders. The Wentworth Herd was one of the oldest in the Northwest. Its owner was a man of gigantic stature — familiarly known as "Long John" — who was prominent in the politics of the State of Illinois and amassed a large fortune in Chicago. He drew most of his foundation stock from the East, but bought also from his early Illinois contemporaries. His farai was located at Summit, Cook County. Mr. Wentworth maintained the herd continuously until his death, which oc- curred some fifteen years since, and a peculiar fea- ture of his management was the fact that he was in the habit of putting a uniform price of $100 per head upon his crop of bulls irrespective of breeding or quality. With his customers it was "first come first served." While we cannot undertake in the space at our command to particularize concerning all of the many herds established in Illinois in ante-bellum days, we may mention the following owners of registered stock, some of whom continued in the business for many years and achieved great reputation : Stephen Dunlap, J. G. Strawn, Elliot Stevenson, John P. Henderson and E. Pollock of Morgan County; E. H. Whiting, George Newman, Luther Martin and God- frey & Sumner of Knox County; Truman Hum- 320 A, HISTOEY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE phreys, Peoria County; J. C. Bone, William B. Smith & Bros, and H. H. Jacoby, Sangamon County ; J. M. Hill, Cass County; J. H. Spears, J. W. Judy and James Purkapile of Menard County; E. L. Gil- ham of Scott County; George Bamett, Robert Milne and S. W. Randall of Will County; Davis Lowman of Stark County; A. G. Carle of Champaign County; S. S. Brown of Jo Daviess County; William Black of Greene County; A. Kershaw of Dupage County; The Bishop Hill Colony of Henrj^ County; J. P. Reynolds and Ed Bebb of Winnebago County; Thomas Wray and D. B. Tears of McHenry County; Ralph Anderson, James Makepeace and S. Simpkins of Pike County; E. C. Marks of La Salle County; George M. Bedinger of McLean County; A. W. Bowen of Will County; D. J. Townsend, Kendall County; P. Hudson, Edwards County; Green & Davis and W. Marks, La Salle County ; Charles Mer- riam and S. W. Ball of Madison County; A. Pyle, St. Clair County; George Severs and W. W. Parrish, Kankakee County; Caleff & Jacoby, Piatt County; H. C. Johns, Macon County; Parks & Trundell, Mer- cer County; H. N. Cross, Jersey County; M. W. Riggs, Scott County; David Graft, Woodford Coun- ty; and Messrs, Green, Paul & Wurts of McLean County. Early Indiana breeders. — Short-horns were intro- duced into Lidiana soon after the importations of the Ohio Co. in 1836, at several different points. The late Dr. A. C. Stevenson of Greencastle was the PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 321 ''Nestor" of Sliort-lioni breeding in the "Hoosier" State. We have already referred (on page 263) to his importation from England, consisting of four heifers and two bulls, made in 1853. He had been interested in Short-horn cattle for some years prior to' that date, having used the Ruby bull Monarch 717, that was bred in Kentucky in 1845. By both example and precept Dr. Stevenson never lost an opportunity to impress upon the farmers of his State the advantages of good blood, and he maintained his interest in the trade until his death, at a very ad- vanced age, a few years since. The late Gen. Meredith, who bought his Oakland farm adjoining Cambridge City, in Wayne County, in 1851, was one of the most prominent of the early Indiana breeders, and afterward acquired interna- tional reputation for his herd. He was a native of North Carolina, but removed to Indiana about 1830. He was a man of notable physique, standing six feet seven inches in height, and for a number of years was one of the most conspicuous figures in the fra- ternity of American Short-honi cattle-breeders. His entire life was marked by that same determination and perseverance that impelled him when little more than a lad to make the toilsome journey from North Carolina over the mountains into the West on foot and after arriving to work for $6 per month cutting wood. He bought his first Short-horn bull in 1836, and from that time until his death, which occurred Oct. 21, 1875, he never lost his interest in the breed. 322 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE He was closely associated with the leading breeders of his time, included among his earlier Short-hom- loving friends being such men as Samuel Tliorne, Lewis G. Morris, Lewis F. Allen and Eobert A. Alex- ander. The foundation cows for the Meredith herd were bought mainly in Kentucky. The first notable purchase of a bull was the Bates Wild Eyes imp. Balco (9918), the highest-priced bull of his family at the Kirklevington dispersion sale, mentioned on page 229. It was something of an undertaking to transport him from New York to Indiana in those days. A letter written by his former own- er, Col. Morris accompanied Balco on the trip, addressed to *' Railroad and steamboat agents en route to Cambridge City," bespeaking special attention to the wants of "this very valuable bull." Gen. Meredith was an exhibitor at the first United States Cattle Show, held at Springfield, 0., in 1857, where a prize of $500 was offered for the best Short- horn herd. There were five herds in competition — two from Ohio, two from Kentucky and Gen. Mere- dith's from Indiana. There were five judges, two of which voted for the Indiana herd, two for the Ohio herd and one for the Kentucky herd. After two days' fruitless balloting the committee unani- mously made the rather remarkable recommenda- tion that no premium be bestowed, but that, instead, the money remain in the society's treasury! And it was so ordered- Gen. Meredith was considered a PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 323 fine judge not only of cattle but of Southdown slieep, improved swine and high-class horses, and unques- tionably rendered the farmers of the State of his adoption signal service along the line of live-stock breeding. He was a gallant soldier during the War of the Eebellion, commanding the famous "Iron Brigade" at the battle of Gettysburg. We shall have occasion a little further on to make references to some of the more valuable animals included in the Oakland Herd in its prime. Thos. Wilhoit of Henry County was another of the Indiana pioneers whose herd achieved celebrity. He began with Short-horns in 1851, when he bought of Milton Thornburg of Wayne County two heifers and a bull. They were good cattle for that day, although unrecorded. It is related that Mr. Wilhoit paid $35 per head for these unregistered animals, and his neighbors and friends considered this pure extravagance and laughed at what they termed his folly. His experience with them was nevertheless so satisfactory that in later years he made several journeys to Kentucky, selecting animals approach- ing as nearly as possible his ideal as represented in the beef type. He bought four heifers from H. H. Hankins of Ohio and also purchased females from W. H, Richardson and the administrator of T. G. Sudduth of Kentucky, paying as high as $500 for single animals. Subsequently the Wilhoit herd de- veloped into one of the best in the Western States, largely through the use of the Booth-bred Forest 324 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Richard and Seotcli bulls, reference to which will be made further on. Other enterprising men who helped to introduce the breed into Indiana were J. M. Woodruff of John- son County, in whose hands Mr. R. A. Alexander placed the Woodburn Herd for safe-keeping during the Civil War; A. Root, Lake County; Chas. Lowder, Hendricks County; W. W. Thrasher, Fayette Coun- ty: J. D. Wilson, Greensburg; Alfred and Washing- ton Had ley, Parke County; Smith Wooters, Union County, Jacob Taylor, Henn*^ County; Joseph Allen, R. N. Allen and Messrs. Farrow of Putnam County; James Wright, Franklin County; Messrs. Lott and T. S. Mitchell, Jefferson County; Thos. E. Talbot, Jefferson County; John Owen, Monroe County; Levi Druley, George Davidson and L. F. Van Schoick of Wayne County; Eli Harvey, Addison Hadley and Sidney Hadley of Morgan County; W. I. Walker of La Porte County; J. W. L. Matlock, Abram Hoadley, V. Lingenfelter and Alfred Coffin of Hendricks County; Messrs. Scholfield, Johnson County; Joseph H. Hendricks and John R. Cravens, Jefferson Coun- ty; Rockhill & Nelson and L. S. Bayless, Allen County; Nicholas Druley, Union County, and E. Pierce, Whitley County. Pioneer breeders of Michigan. — In 1843 Mr. A. S. Brooks of Oakland County, who had removed to Michigan from New York several years previous, ordered sent from York State three heifer calves and a bull calf, all to be pure-bred Short-horns. With PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST * 325 the cows came a lot of Merino lambs. After a peril- ous journey on the lake from Buffalo they were, through the carelessness of an attendant, turned loose in the streets of Detroit and were not located until three days afterward. They were then driven from Detroit to Mr. Brook's farm. Some idea of the discouragement which attended early ventures of this sort in the West may be gleaned from the fact that one of his neighbors remarked after the arrival of this stock: "The calves are a very good lot, but the bull has evidently been fed on shortcake and honey. But I do not see what you wanted to bring those little lambs so far for. It would take a dozen of them to make a pot-pie. ' ' The critic was <i man by the name of Chapman, and his was not the first instance on record where one who "came to scoff remained to pray." Mr. Chapman was the first to buy a Short-horn heifer calf from Mr. Brooks, for which he paid the magnificent sum of $10! It must be remembered that this was an era of very low prices and scarce money in the West, and the fact that Mr. Brooks sold a calf for such a price fairly established his reputation as a cattle- breeder, for the simple reason that one could buy a cow at that period for the price named.* The first Michigan State Fair was held at Detroit in 1849, and Short-horns were exhibited by Messrs. Brooks and Ira Phillips. The following year the show was held at Ann Arbor, and it is recorded that * Paper by N. A. Clapp before the Michigan State Short-horn Breed- ers' Association, 1881. 326 ' A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE there were thirty-four head of Short-horns on exhi- bition distributed among nineteen breeders. Some of these were, however, unable to present satisfac- tory evidences of pure breeding and were classed as grades. In 1851 the Short-horn exhibit had in- creased to thirty-seven head. In 1853 Mr. Brooks sold at auction his herd of non-pedigreed stock, and then brought from New York the bull Yonondeo 1116, sired by Old Splendor 767 of the Weddle stock. He also bought the yearling heifer Fatima, for which he paid $250, and in 1858 the imported Gwynne cow Camilla. These purchases were fol- lowed by the bull John o' Gaunt 17071/0, a white, sired by imp. John o' Gaunt (11621) out of imp. Eomelia, brought out from England by Morris & Becar in 1854. Soon after this it is stated that Mr. Brooks sold a pair of two-year-old Short-horn steers for the very gratifying price of $228.50. This was in 1860. Soon afterward he bred a very famous white heifer that attracted the attention of enter- prising farmers throughout the entire State. She was fattened and bought by Mr. Wm. Smith of De- troit, with the expectation of exporting her to Eng- land for exhibition at the Smithfield Show. This project was not carried out, however, and she was slaughtered in Detroit. Imp. Camilla gave Mr. Brooks the bull Sunrise 4411. He was white in color, symmetrical in form, and of extraordinary handling quality. He remained at the head of the herd until five years old, and his descendants PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 327 were for many years much sought after by Michi- gan breeders. In 1847 George W. Phillips of Eomeo began breed- ing from cows descended from the importations of Messrs. Weddle and Xewbold of New York, his first bull being Young Splendor 3611. In 1818 Edward Belknap of Jackson County founded a herd with the bull American Comet, a son of the Bell-Bates cow imjD. Hilpa, at the head. Mr. Belknap's founda- tion cow was Estelle 2d, descended from Whitaker stock. Messrs. Moore of Kalamazoo County owned a few Short-horns in the early fifties. In 1857 Mr. D. M. Uhl of Ypsilanti appears as an exhibitor and breeder. About the same time Silas Sly of Wayne County engaged in the trade and was a successful showman at the Michigan State Fairs. In 1855 Mr. J. B. Crippen of Coldwater entered the lists and pushed the breed with vigor. He was quite an ex- tensive breeder and did much to encourage the use of Short-horn bulls throughout the State. In the spring of 1857 William Curtis &: Sons of Hillsdale County laid the foundation of a herd which after- ward became very prominent in the State. In 1861 they bought the entire Crippen herd, and in 1864 secured the bull Llewellyn 6596 from J. 0. Sheldon of New York. They afterward visited Kentucky and purchased females of the Illustrious, Harriet, Young Mary, Young Phyllis and White Eose tribes, as well as the bull J. E. B. Stuart, that was shown with great success. Other Michigan breeders re- 328 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE cording in Vol. V of the Herd Book, issued in 1861, were B. J. Bidwell of Tecumseli — who seems to have started his herd with cattle purchased mainly in Ohio and Kentucky; his foundation stock consisting largely of "Seventeens," Daisys (by Wild), Ame- lias, etc. — and M. Shoemaker of Jackson, whose Belleflowers (of the Pansy tribe) obtained a good local reputation. The latter also had the Estervilles of the E. P. Prentice (N. Y.) stock. Amos F. Wood of Mason became interested in Short-horn breeding as early as 1852 in the State of New York before his removal to Michigan. In 1867 he brought to the latter State representatives of several well-known Eastern families, such as Pansy, by Blaine, and Bright Eyes, by Favorite. He bred these two families until 1872, when he add- ed another Pansy and a Bloom heifer. He contin- ued breeding from this stock until June, 1874, when they were sold at auction at an average of $271.50. Mr. Wood was a Short-horn enthusiast and after- ward established another herd. First Short-horns west of the Mississippi. — The first pedigreed Short-horn cattle taken west of the Mississippi Eiver of which we have any record were those with which the late N. Leonard founded his Ravenswood Herd in Cooper Co., Mo. This was in 1839, at which date Mr. Leonard bought from George Renick of Ohio the bull Comet Star 9676. It is of interest to note that this, probably the first pedi- greed Short-horn bull ever seen in the trans-Missis- PEOGRESS IN THE CENTRAL WEST 329 sippi region, was a white. He was a yearling, sired by imp. Comet Halley (1855) out of imp. Evening Star. Along with him came the heifer Queen, by imp. Acmon (1606) out of Lady Paley by Rantipole 855; second dam imp. Flora by son of Young Albion (15). For these the sums of $600 and $500 respec- tively were paid. They were shipped via steamer on the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers, being landed at Booneville at large expense for transpor- tation. From these Mr. Leonard bred a number of fine cattle, and they, with their produce, were ex- hibited at the earliest Missouri fairs. Thus was the breed introduced into the farther West; the Ravens- wood Short-horns commanding the admiration of the pioneer farmers of that period. In 1853 Mr. Leonard bought the bull Malcolm 10436, a red-roan descended from imp. Teeswater, by Belvedere. He proved a good sire. The first "State fair" held in Missouri occurred at Booneville in 1852, Mr. Leon- ard being an exhibitor and receiving many prizes. He continued to exhibit stock at various fairs, al- ways with success, until the breaking out of the Civil War. The early volumes of the herd book indicate that pure-bred Short-horns were owned in Missouri prior to and during the early days of the war by the fol- lowing: Thomas S. Hutchinson, who was associated with Mr. Leonard; Elisha N. Warfield, Horace H. Brand and David Castleman of Cooper County; H. Larimore, Callaway County; James B. Hughes, Pet- 330 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE tis County; Messrs. Brown, Saline County; James Donegliy, Jackson County; Messrs. Hubbell, Kay County; Lewis Bryan, Elmira; J. A. Talley, St. Charles County; B. S. Wilson, Booneville; W. D. McDonald, Gallatin; D. K. Pitman, St. Charles County, and Messrs. McHatton and Phillips of St. Louis County. At a little later period Messrs. H. V. P. Block of Pike County, Richard and William Gen- try of Sedalia; C. E. Leonard, Jeff Bridgford, John G. Cowan, the Duncans, J. H. Kissinger and many others became prominent in the trade. Foundation stock in Iowa. — In the report of the ninth Iowa State Fair, which was held in 1862, it is stated that Judge T. S. Wilson of Dubuque was a breeder of Short-horns twenty years prior to that date, which would indicate that specimens of the breed were taken to Iowa as early as 1842. He ex- hibited at the fair mentioned a white bull called Rocket. At the first Iowa State Fair, which was held at Fairfield in 1854, Mr. H. G. Stuart of Lee County and Timothy Day of Van Buren County ex- hibited Short-horns, or "Durhams," as they were then commonly called in the West. In 1858 J. H. Wallace, at that time Secretary of the Iowa State Agricultural Society, published what he termed the Iowa Herd Book and continued it for a few years. An examination of these volumes shows no record of cattle calved prior to 1849, and most of them were bred in the early fifties. Col. E. W. Lucas of Iowa City bought a Short-horn bull as early as 1845, and PROGRESS IX THE CEXTRAL WEST 331 there is a record of a pure-bred bull having been taken into Muscatine County by Charles A. Warfield in 1841. These are the first references we have to the introduction of the breed into the "Hawkeye" State.* So far as herd-book records reveal the facts, the first pure-bred Short-horn produced in the State of Iowa was the bull Marion 1833, registered as bred by and the property of Samuel Hollingsworth, Pilot Grove, Lee County, calved April 4, 1851, sired by Fremont 516 and tracing on dam's side to Lady Washington by Diomed, said to have been imported in 1837, but as to the facts connected with her im- portation all Short-horn records are silent. Mr. Hollingsworth seems to have owned several females belonging to this same Lady "Washington family, which will be found recorded in the early volumes of the herd book. We should place the beginning of his work a few years prior to 1850. Mr. Timothy Day of Van Buren County was one of the first to begin in a systematic way the breeding of registered Short-horn cattle in Iowa. He com- menced about 1854, his foundation stock being ob- tained mainly from Kentucky, and consisted of ani- mals descending from the importation of 1817. The earliest sires used in his herd seem to have been Fillmore 2855, a light roan, bred by E. G. Bedford and sired by the Louan show bull Perfection 810, and Star of the West 3469, a Mrs. Motte bull of *We are indebted for these facts to Mr. H. W. Lathrop of Iowa City. 332 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEX CATTLE Brutus J. Clay's breeding. He also seems to have used the bull Nicholas Jr. 752, a white, bred by Jere Duncan and sired by D'Otley 432, tracing to imp. Fashion. At least he recorded females in Vol. IV of the American Herd Book, entering them as bred by himself and sired by that bull. It is possible that he simply bought the dams in Kentucky in calf to this bull and recorded the progeny as his own breeding on account of their having been dropped in his possession. During the great extension of Short-horn breeding in the West, following the War of the Rebellion, the Day herd became one of the most prominent in the Western States through the enterprise of Messrs. A. H. & I. B. Day, who pur- chased and bred some of the best cattle ever owned in the State of Iowa, and exhibited them with suc- cess in competition with the leading herds of the time. Contemporary with the elder Day, Mr. H. G. Stuart of Lee County founded a herd and bred Short-horns in considerable numbers, descended mainly from cows of Kentucky breeding, a majority of them belonging to the "Seventeen" and Rose, by Skipton, families. One of his earliest bulls appears to have been the light roan Tom Claggett 2299, bred in Bourbon Co., Ky., by Peter Hedges. About this same date — 1854 — an organization known as the Ohio Stock-Breeding Co. operated quite largely in Ohio-bred Short-horns in Butler County, making their purchases mainly from the herds of Messrs. PROGRESS IN THE CENTRAL WEST 'Soo Dun, HaiTold, Jacob Pierce and their contempo- raries. They seem to have pushed their business with vigor; at any rate they were enterprising enough to have prepared and inserted in Vol. Ill of the herd book, published in 1857, an illustration of their big red-and-white Caroline, by Dashwood, cow Quince, of James Dun's breeding. In this same vol- ume of the herd book Peter Melendy of Butler Coun- ty first appears as the owner of the Ohio-bred light- roan "Seventeen" cow Artemesia 3d, whose bull calf of December, 1857 — Champion 2615 — was sold to William Briden of Bremer County. Mr. Melendy seems to have first used the bull Young Colonel 3584, bred by John G. Dun of Ohio. He sold an Artemesia heifer, calved in 1858, to George Clark of Cedar Falls. Among the other owners of Short- horns in Iowa in the "fifties" were John Patterson of Burlington; B. N. Moore of Van Buren County; George Griffen of Monroe County; J. H. Majors of Mahaska County; John E. Teter of Jasper County, who owned a roan Ohio-bred Rose of Sharon cow that was calved in 1856; and W. Duane Wilson of Fairfield, who appears in Vol. Ill as the owner of an Ohio-bred Rosabella. About 1860 a religious order holding 3,000 acres of good land in Dubuque County under the title of the Corporation of New Melleray* established a herd of Short-horns. They bred largely from stock trac- *The Brothers making up this Catholic organization came originally from Ireland in 1831 ; establishing upon the fertile body of land secured in Dubuque County what is known as New Melleray Abbey. 334 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOBN CATTLE ing to the importation of 1817; one of their earliest bulls having been Emperor 3910, bred by Capt. James N. Brown of Illinois and sired by imp. King Alfred. One of their foundation cows was the roan Beauty Spot — a daughter of Mr. Warfield's Renick 903 — bred in Kentucky in 1854. They also pur- chased a cow from Hon. J. D. Smith of Illinois, and another bred in 1854 from John P. Henderson of Morgan Co., 111. It was from this corporation that "Uncle John" G. Myers of Washington County bought his first Short-horns in the early "sixties"; hauling them across country in wagons. Such were the beginnings of the Short-horn trade in the great cattle-growing State, w^hicli perhaps now numbers within its borders more herds than any other State in the Union. Early Wisconsin herds. — We have referred on page 263 to an importation made into Wisconsin direct from England by John P. Roe of Waukesha County in 1854. Mr. Roe bred from imp. Raspberry and other females for some years, his herd being a source of supply for the farmers of that part of the State. So far as we can ascertain, however, a start in Short-horn breeding had been made shortly be- fore this importation; the earliest owners of regis- tered stock in the State being Messrs. C. H. Williams of Baraboo and Lambert H. Kissam of Berlin, Mar- quette County. Mr. Kissam 's operations do not ap- pear to have been very extensive, but the Williams herd was maintained for many years and became PEOGKESS IX THE CENTEAL WEST 335 prominent. G. W. Bicknell of Kock County appears in the herd book as an owner of registered Short- horns prior to 1860, as does also the late Richard Eichards of Kacine. Mr. Richards was a devoted admirer of improved farm stock, and secured his first Short-horns from Northern Illinois herds and by purchase in Ohio. One of his first investments was the Rose of Sharon cow Camilla and her heifer calf, bought of Edward Bebb of Winnebago Co., 111. These were of Harness Renick's (Ohio) sort. In the fourth volume of the herd book entries were made by Messrs. E. E. Elkins of Kenosha, A. G. Knight of Racine and C. F. Hammond of Fond du Lac County, all of whom owned Short-horns prior to 1859. During the Avar little was done in the way of extending the trade in this State, but Wisconsin took a prominent part in the great revival of inter- est in the breed that occurred immediately after the conclusion of peace. Activity in the show-yard. — While it thus appears that the foundations of Short-horn breeding had been laid throughout the central corn belt of the Middle West prior to the Civil War, it was not until about 1865 that the business received impetus suffi- cient to enlist general attention. Quick to realize the advantage of public exhibitions as a means of bringing the breed to the notice of the farming com- munity, enterprising men began, about the date men- tioned, to seek for the best obtainable specimens for show-yard purposes. Conspicuous among those 336 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE who came to the front in this line of work were the breeders of the State of Illinois. They had already taken the lead so far as the new West was concerned when they made the importation of 1857, and they now began a campaign in behalf of Short-horns at the fairs that proved productive of far-reaching re- sults, bringing to the support of the trade scores of new recruits whose liberal investments and enter- prise spread the reputation of the Short-horn throughout the largest area of rich corn and blue- grass land in the world. Some of the more im- portant of these show-yard operations leading up to the great "boom" of the "seventies" will now be noticed. William R. Duncan and Minister 6363.— Mr. Wil- liam R. Duncan, a Kentuckian who removed to Mc- Lean Co., 111., about 1864, had bred cattle for many years in his native State, having had in service at one time in his Clark County herd Mr. Alexander's imp. Orontes 2d (11877), which he had hired in the fall of 1855 for one year at $655. He brought with him to Illinois a good lot of stock, including quite a number of Vanmeter Young Marys, Phyllises, etc., and also the roan Woodburn-bred bull Oxford Wiley 8753, sired by imp. Royal Oxford (18774) out of a Miss Wiley dam. This bull subsequently became the property of J. B. Ryburn of Bloomington. Mr. Duncan is chiefly distinguished, however, in con- nection with Western Short-horn history by reason of his exhibition of the show bull Minister 6363, bred PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 337 by R. A. Alexander, calved in 1863 and brought to Illinois by Mr. Duncan as a two-year-old in 1865. He was a strong-backed red, of great scale and fine style; indeed quite a typical specimen of the class of bulls then so popular in Ohio and Kentucky. He was sired by the Filbert Bell-Bates bull Lord Derby 4919* out of Minna 2d by imp. Duke of Airdrie (1273.0); second dam the red cow Minna by Bride- groom, which Mr. Alexander had imported from the herd of Mr. Fawkes of Farneley Hall. Minister was not only one of the star show bulls of his day in Illinois but sired show stock, one of his best sons being the prize bull Eoyal Rose 12852, that was out of a Vanmeter Red Rose-Young Mary dam and sold at auction in 1874 for $1,000. Minister was also the sire of the roan Miss Leslie, a Young Mary that sold at Col. King's Dexter Park sale in 1874 along with her daughter by Gen. Napier for $4,020 to the late C. A. DeGraif of Minnesota. He was also the sire of the Young Phyllis show" cows Pattie Moore, Pattie Moore 2d and Queen of the Meadows. J. M. Hill's sale. — Among the earlier Illinois breeders who took an interest in the show-ring was Mr. J. M. Hill of Harristown. Like most of the other Western breeders of that day he had relied largely upon Kentucky for his breeding stock, and he not only bought some good cattle from the blue- *Lorrl Derbv Was sired bv Albion 2482, a white bull by imp. Grand Turk (12969) — a Bates-crossed Booth. Albion's dam was imp. Frances Fairfax, bred bv Mr. Ambler and a half-sister to Mr. Cruickshank's noted stock bull Lord Ragland, by Crusade (7938). 338 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE grass country but had secured the services as herds- man of David Grant, who had been for a time in the employ of Geo. M. Bedford. Grant was a Scotch- man, who had gone from Canada to Kentucky to feed show stock, and later on had charge of some of the most celebrated prize-winners ever shown in the West. Mr. Hill died suddenly at Quincy, 111., while the Illinois State Fair of 1867 was in progress, and Nov. 20 of that year his herd was closed out at auc- tion under the management of J. H. Pickrell as ad- ministrator.* Everything offered sold quickly at good prices. It was here that the 15th Duke of Air- drie was bought by Hon. John Wentworth of Chi- cago for $1,260, and "thereby hangs a tale." Hon. M. H. Cochrane of Hillhurst, Can., wanted this bull and sent Simon Beattie to the sale to buy him. The bidding was mainly by Mr. Beattie and a stranger whose identity was unknown to any of the breeders present. The "unknown" had his way in the mat- ter, and after the Duke was knocked off to him pre- sented credentials from Mr. Wentworth, who was one of the best-known men in the State. After the bull had been put on board the cars the buyer pro- duced two cards, upon which were written in Mr. Wentworth 's own handwriting these words: "If *The Grove Park Herd of James N. Brown & Sons had never failed to get the herd prize at the lUinois State Fair after the herd competi- tion was inaugurated until 1867 at Quincy. At that fair J. H. Pickrell's herd was awarded the first prize both for aged animals and for young herd. Mr. Hill, who died on the grounds at the close of that show, won the second prizes on both herds. Hill had always said that he would just like to Hve long enough to beat Capt. Brown's herd, so that he really accomplished his object. He was sick when the show was made and died the next day, but he was told that his herd had beaten Mr. Brown's. PROGRESS IN^ THE CENTRAL WEST 339 this * green-liorn ' of an Irishman gets lost send this bull to John Wentworth, Chicago. ' ' The cards were tied to the Duke's horns, and it is needless to say he arrived safely at Summit Farm, where he did good service up to his fifteenth year. At this sale Mr. D. McMillan of Ohio, whose herd was one of the foremost of that day, sent an unlimited order to buy the cow White Lady, a daughter of imp. Western Lady, for which Capt. James N. Brown had paid $1,325 at the Importing Co.'s sale in 1857, and se- cured her at $800. J. H. Pickrell. — We now reach the point where consideration must be given to the work of Hon. J. H. Pickrell — the present editor of the American Short-horn Herd Book — formerly of Harristown, 111., whose long and active identification with Short- horn interests in the United States calls for conspic- uous recognition. Mr. Pickrell descends from a Kentucky and Vir- ginia ancestry. His father removed from Kentucky to Illinois in 1828, settling in Sangamon County. J. H. (or ''Henry," as his friends are fond of calling him) was bom March 20, 1834, in this State. In regard to his earliest induction into the Short-horn trade we can do no better than quote the following characteristic account furnished by Mr. Pickrell himself: "The month of September, 1859, found me in Kentucky for the purpose of attending the Bourbon County Fair at Paris (that was then said to be the oldest continuous fair in the United States) and the Kentucky State Fair, that was held in Lexington the fol- 340 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE lowing week. Arriving at Paris I took a room at the Bourbon House, expecting to occupy it during the week. Reaching the fair ground soon after dinner I found a large crowd in attend- ance. An Illinois gentleman who happened to be visiting in an adjoining county and had come to the fair recognized me and informed one of the directors that the President of the Macon Co. (111.) Fair was on the grounds. The Marshal was at once started around the amphitheater to call me. I responded, sup- posing that he had a telegram for me. He invited me into the ring and introduced me to the officers, who no doubt thought that Illinois must have been hard up for men when such a young one as I was should be chosen for such a position. I was older, though, when I resigned after nineteen years' continuous serv- ice. Whether they thought so or not I was heartily welcomed and royally entertained during my visit. At the close of the day's exhibition I was invited by two or three directors to go home with them. I at first declined, stating that I had my room secured for the fair. After some good-natured contention between them one of them remarked that he had one of the nicest nieces in the world and that she was going to his home for the night. The hotel room was given up. and you can guess which one of them I went home with. "The next week the fair was held at Lexington. As Hon. Bru- tus J. Clay was President of both fairs and Mr. William Warfield one of the chief managers of the State Fair; and as the gentle- man who had charge of the Bourbon County Fair, together with the young people I had met at Paris, were also in attendance, I began to feel that I was not so much of a stranger after all. The young ladies were nearly all daughters of prominent Short-horn breeders and were of course much interested in the awards, and we all indulged in guessing which would win the prizes. It was the largest and much the best display of Short-horns I had ever witnessed at a fair, and I had been quite successful in naming the prize-winners. When the sweepstakes ring was called from thirty to forty cows and heifers put in an appearance. One of the young ladies remarked that she would bet that I could not name the winner. I asked her to name the stake. She laugh- ingly said that she did not know what she had to bet unless It would be herself, so it was arranged that I should bet myself PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 341 against her. She granted me the privilege of accepting the invi- tation that Mr. Warfield had tendered me of examining the ani- mals before the awards were made. Upon returning to the amphitheater I named Emma Hickman (Vol. VIII, p. 338), that had just turned her two-year mark, and she won the blue ribbon and I won the girl and got the stakes. Of course it was a safe bet, for had she won I would have paid. It was my first and last bet, and, as getting married is a game of chance anyway, I have never been censured for making it. And as I had proved (to myself at least) that I knew a good one (cow, and girl, too) I concluded to make Short-horn breeding my business, and under the circumstances I do not think that even the Hereford or the 'doddie' men would wonder at my becoming a Short-horn breeder." Sweepstakes 6230. — Mr. Pickrell's prominence in the Western Sliort-horn trade may be said to date from the year 1865, when he purchased from George M. Bedford of Kentucky the red-and-white Eose of Sharon bull Sweepstakes 6230 at $600 as a yearling. Mr. Bedford had bought the bull as a calf from his breeder, Abram Eenick, for $150. Mr. Pickrell had previously seen Minister 6363 and liked him so well that he would have been willing to purchase him at a long price, but Mr. Duncan would not part with him. Sweepstakes had won a championship at the Bourbon County Fair as a yearling, having been "made up" for that show by the late John Hope, afterward prominent in connection with the Bow Park Short-horns in Canada. Sweepstakes was sired by Mr. Eenick 's Airdrie 2478 out of Cordelia by Dandy Duke 2691, and therefore carried a double cross of Mr. Alexander's imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730). Mr. Bedford afterward regretted having 342 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE sold the bull, but was induced to do so on account of his color. He had considerable white, and the Bed- ford herd at that time included quite a large pro- portion of light-colored cows and heifers. As the red fancy was even then asserting itself, and as Mr. Bedford had been offered by Mr. Renick an own brother to Sweepstakes that was darker in color, he parted with the bull to come to Illinois. It is related that when "Uncle Abe" Renick heard that Mr. Bed- ford had received $600 for Sweepstakes he decided that his Bourbon County contemporary should not get the calf that he had already priced at $150. Mr. Bedford went over at once to see about it, and found Mr. Renick ill. The housekeeper, who was quite fa- miliar with all of Mr. Renick 's eccentricities, ad- vised Mr. Bedford not to notice what the old gentle- man had said, saying "old Abe never would do any- thing when he was sick." This did not satisfy Mr. Bedford, however, and he left and never secured the bull. Mr. Pickrell states that Mr. Bedford there- upon offered him the choice of his entire herd if he would leave Sweepstakes, but as he (Pickrell) was desirous of securing a first-class show bull he declined to avail himself of this privilege and shipped the bull to Illinois.* *The first Short-horn Mr. Pickrell purchased for breeding purposes was Lord Highland 4113, which came to the farm in August, 1860. In January, 1861, he brought from Kentucky Duke of Rockland 2785 and three young bulls and seven cows and heifers. They were good ones of "Seventeen" extraction. The next addition to the herd was in June, 1863, when purchases were made in Kentucky from William Warfleld, the late James Hall and Maj. Duncan. In 1864 stock was bought from the herd of Capt. James N. Brown and James M. Hill of Illinois. In PROGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 343 At the time Sweepstakes landed in Illinois Dun- can's Minister was having it all his own way in the West, but Mr, Pickrell's purchase soon acquired rank over him. The first meeting of these two young bulls occurred at the Illinois State Fair at Chicago in 1866. Minister was a year older than Sweep- stakes, and in their respective classes each received first prize, but in competition for a $100 bull cham- pionship the Rose of Sharon was successful. The following week at St. Louis he again captured $300 in prizes. These victories were repeated at the same shows in 1867, $600 in money being awarded the Pickrell bull. Of the four large prizes shown for by these two bulls during the years of 1866-1867, 1865 came Sweepstakes 6230 and the Phyllis cow Kate Lewis, of Ben F. Vanmeter's breeding — a cow that was good enough to win first prize at the Illinois State Fair in 1868, in competition with one of the best collections of cows ever seen in the West, besides many other prizes. Mr. Pickrell says : "Kate Lewis was one of the best specimens of a beef cow that I ever saw and at the same time was the best milk cow that was ever in my herd. We did not make formal tests then, as they do nowadays, to see the amount and quality of milk she would give, but I often measured it after a good big calf had finished nui-sing, and frequently we would get a wooden pail full. She was the dam of Baron Lewis 9484, that I sold for $3,000 (the first animal bred in Illinois that sold for that much). He was her third calf and she died of milk fever after he was produced." At this same time Princess Ann was purchased from B. J. Clay. She produced Princess Belle (Vol. VlII, page 516), a heifer that won a sweepstakes at the Illinois State Fair over all com- petitors at two years old. She unfortunately took the lump-jaw, and as medical aid failed to cure her was slaughtered and her skeleton was preserved and mounted and sent to the University of Illinois, at Cham- paign. This was at the beginning of the revival in prices, and these three animals cost, respectively, $600, $400 and $250. The price was thought by many to be exorbitant, but it did not turn out so. They proved to be a splendid investment. The principal addition to the herd in 1866 was made from Israel Pierce, whose stock came from the Messrs. Dun of Madison Co., O. This purchase was followed the next year by others from Messrs. John G. and W. D. Dun, seven from B. C. Bedford of Paris (Ky. ) and five from the administrator's sale of the late J. M. 344 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE aggregating in value $1,000, Sweepstakes gained three, possessing a value of $900. At the Illinois State Fair of 1868 Sweepstakes won the $200 prize offered for bull with five of his get. In brief he was the ranking bull of the breed in the West for the years mentioned. He was closer to the ground than Minister, possessed fine finish, ample substance, and good depth and quality of flesh. He had been well handled from the time Mr. Hope had first fitted him. Hill, held in November of that year. In 1868 Hannibal 6838 was pur- chased. Imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730) was his grandsire, great-grand- sire and great-great-grandsire. In December, 1868, Baron Booth of Lancaster 7535 and Prairie Blossom, Vol. IX, page 879 (from the herd of J. O. Sheldon, Geneva, N. Y. ), were added. In 1869 some cows were purchased from Thomas War- field of Macon Co., 111. In the lot was the mother of Lord Highland 4113. Her first calf after coming into the herd was Daisy Booth, by Baron Booth of Lancaster, that sold for $1,310 as a yearling. In this purchase also was Bride 15th (Vol. X, page 321), that produced Lady Bride, that sold at public auction for $2,850, and afterward won every prize she showed for. Another noted cow that came about that time was Lady Fairy 12th, from Mr. Warfleld's herd, and Princess Royal 5th, from B. J. Clay's herd. One or two animals were added in 1870. In 1871 some Lady Elizabeths were bought from T. C. Stoner, ]Macon County, who had bought them from the herd of the Messrs. Hamilton of Kentucky. In this lot was a. calf, Maggie Ellen (Vol. XI, page 861), by Baron Booth of Lancaster, that was sold to the Government of Japan for $1,000, one of the first lot of cattle ever known to have been ex- ported to that country. Mr. Pickrell displayed a fondness for the excitement of the show- yard at an early age. Jn tlie spring of 1840 his grandfather gave him a sucking mare colt, and although the boy was but six years old at the time he rode the dam to Springfield, exhibited the colt and took first prize, which was a big silver spoon, marked "Sangamon County Agri- cultural Society, 18 10." Mr. Pickrell has that token of his early show ring prowess yet. The first year that he owned a Short-horn (1861) he made an exhibit and won a prize. The next year he showed at Macon, Logan and Sangamon County (111.) Fairs. His career at the Illinois State Fair commenced in 1863 and continued for many years, in the course of which he visited as an exhibitor various other State fairs, in- cluding Indiana, Ohio and Iowa, and never missing the St. Louis show when they had a fair at that city. Deducting amounts paid for trans- poi'tation, feed, etc., he received during the nine years from the fall of 1866 to the fall of 1874 $9,120 in prizes, and it may also be added that during the first fifteen years he bred Short-horns he received from other breeders $2,570 for the use of bulls, a certain indication that they were good ones. Mr. Pickrell says : "Just for curiosity at one time I computed the pe- i-iod of gestation of 100 cows in my herd. The shortest period was 256 davs and the longest 296 days (both cow calves), the average being 283 days." PROGEESS IX THE CENTRAL, WEST 345 and proved an exceedingly useful stock-getter, leav- ing many valuable calves in the Pickrell herd.* He was finally sold to Mr. G. J. Hagerty of Ohio, in whose hands he added still further to his laurels, siring among other choice stock there the show heif- ers Blue Belle 14th and Bonnie Belles 7th and 13th. Gen. Grant 4825. — While Kentucky was the chief source of supply for the early Illinois, Indiana and Missouri herds, it remained for Ohio to contribute to the West one of the greatest all-around show and breeding bulls of American production ever owned in the Western States — the far-famed Gen. Grant 4825. Few bulls can boast a longer list of show-yard honors, and no other sire ever used in the State left a legacy more valuable than the daughters of Gen. Grant proved to be in leading Western herds. Calved in 1862 in the herd of D. McMillan of Xenia, this remarkable bull was shown for five years by his breeder at the leading fairs of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois with but one defeat. Passing into the hands of Mr. J. H. Spears of Tallula, Ill.,^in 1867, he not only continued to carry prizes at the Illinois, Iowa *After the Hill dispersion sale ^Ir. Pickrell had engaged David Grant to take charge of his stock, and that capable feeder and herdsman was identified with the great triumphs of Mr. Pickrell's show herds most of the time until 1875, and It is not too much to say that a large share of the success attained was due to "Davy's" fidelity and good judgment. George Story was also at Mr. Hill's at the time of the proprietor's decease. His brother William Story came to Mr. Pickrell's in time to fit Sweepstakes and the rest for the shows of 1867. He was also from Canada and had been working with sheep with William Miller. It is needless to say that William was a proud lad when his pets won first that year over the Hill cattle brought into the ring by Grant and George Story. 346 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOKN CATTLE and St. Louis shows, but sired some of the best cat- tle the West has ever known. Gen. Grant came of a noble ancestry. His sire was the $3,000 bull imp. Starlight (see page 240), one of the best bulls ever owned in the State of Ohio. His dam was Mr. McMillan's great show cow Jessie (winner of more first and championship prizes at leading Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky fairs from 1860 to 1867 than any other cow of her day), by Starlight 2d 2259. It thus appears that Gen. Grant was the product of mating a son and a daughter of old imp. Starlight. The youngster grew to be a re- markably compact bull, with the general appearance at first glance of being somewhat undersized; but in good flesh he would tip the beam at 2,400 lbs. His head was good — perhaps a little too masculine to fill the eye of some; but "sweet" heads are not specially to be desired in breeding bulls. His eye was remarkably mild, his neck short, his shoulders smooth and his chine and back good. He was rather high at root of tail and wanted filling at the flank; but he was well balanced in essential points, had a mellow hide and one of the silkiest coats of hair ever seen. In disposition he was so quiet that a child could handle him, in this respect resembling his great-grandsire Mario, a bull that Judge Jones states never required a nose-ring. Of the career of Gen. Grant in the show-ring it is scarcely necessary to speak at length. In the hands of Mr. McMillan he was exhibited in Ohio and Indi- PBOGRESS IX THE CENTRAL WEST 347 ana up to and including his fifth year, and in all that time met with but one defeat.* Passing into the possession of Mr. Spears he was shown with his get all over the West, capturing the highest honors in competition that would astonish some exhibitors at the present day. Often ten or twelve first-class herds and twenty to forty animals would show in single rings, and all of them good ones. He was the first-prize bull calf at the Ohio State Fair of 1862; sweepstakes winner at same show, 1863; first in his class same year at Wayne Co. (Ind.) and In- diana State Fairs; first and sweepstakes at same fairs, 1864; first prize and sweepstakes at the Ohio State Fair, 1865; first prize and sweepstakes and gold medal as prize bull with five of his calves at Indiana State Fair in 1866, and at head of prize herd at same fair; first, with five of his calves, and at head of prize herd at Ohio State Fair, 1866. In the year 1865 he stood at the head of the herd awarded first prize at the Iowa and Illinois State Fairs. He was repeatedly awarded the first prize at many county fairs in Central Illinois, won first prize at *An amusing: incident occurred one year when Mr. Spears exhibited Gen. Grant at the head of his herd at the Illinois State Fair at Peoria. He was the oldest and perhaps the largest bull in the ring at the head of a herd. As the regularly-appointed committee failed to respond to the call the superintendent concluded that he would send in a commit- tee composed of strangers to the exhibitors. As there was a big show on this action rather startled the exhibitors. When the "unknowns" Btarted in Mr. Byram of Abingdon, 111., who was showing his mother's herd, said to Mr. Spears: "Who's that committee?" Mr. Spears looked a long time, and not knowing any of them said : "I do not know, but / think they are a lot of shoemakers and tailors." When after examining the herds they brought the first-prize ribbon to Mr. Spears Mr. Byram said: "What do you think of them now?" "Well," said Spears, "I reckon they thought my bull's hide would make more shoes than any bull in the ring." 348 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOEX CATTLE St. Louis and first with five of his get at the Illinois State Fair at Peoria in 1873. In the herd of Mr. McMillan Gen. Grant proved a most valuable sire, two of his get, Mignonette and Wenona, bringing respectively $3,800 and $3,000 at his great sale soon to be mentioned. As to what he did in Illinois we can do no better than to quote the language of Mr, Spears: "He was a sure and good server, and, allow me to say, the best and most uniform breeder I ever saw or ever expect to see. He never got a calf in all his long career but what would readily sell at a first-class price; while as a show bull and getter of show animals he stands unrivaled." At Mr. Spears' great sale of 1875 the Nelly Bly fam- ily, largely the get of Gen. Grant (tracing to imp. Lady Elizabeth by Emperor), were pronounced by many of the most prominent breeders of Kentucky and other States the best family of cows they had ever seen together, and the fine average of over $1,500 was attained in the sale-ring that day.* Prominent among the Nelly Blys may be mentioned the 5th and 7th of the family, the latter a grand breeder and show cow and sold for $2,000. Of his *Col. James W. Judy of Tallula, 111., the veteran auctioneer who made this sale, in response to a query as to the character of these cattle, under date of Feb. 4, 1898, said: "The Nelly Blys bred by Mr. Spears were a grand family of cattle — good feeders, good milkers and very prolific and almost invariably good colors and very uniform m their general make-up, which was very neat, and I think many of their sterling qualities were largely due to the blood of Gen. Grant. He was a low-down, well-proportioned, blocky bull ; a yellow or pale red, with no white : solid red, v/ith a remarkably mellow hide and as fine a coat of silkv hair as I ever saw on a bull, and was a very uniform and regu- lar breeder, and was a great factor in spreading the fame of the Spears Nelly Blys — in fact did more for the reputation of Mr. Spears' herd of Short-horns than any bull he ever owned, the 21st Duke of Airdne not excepted." PROGRESS IN THE CENTRAL WEST 349 bull calves tlie most noted that we now recall were Mr. Kissinger's famous Starlight 11018, Duke of Forest Hill (never beaten in the show-ring except by bulls got by Gen. Grant), and Major Story. The two latter were shown at all the leading fairs of the West, usually winning first and second. A wonder- ful show calf also was Major Jones, that during a whole fall campaign of State and county fairs (in- cluding St. Louis) was never beaten, taking sixteen first prizes — and we believe every time by a unani- mous vote of the awarding committee — in rings where there were often twenty or more competitors. It is idle to attempt to say which were most uni- formly good of the get of Gen. Grant — his bulls or his heifers. Mr. Spears was never able to decide, and Mr. McMillan often said, after the bull came West, that for uniformity of breeding he had never known the General's equal. He died at Mr. Spears' Forest Hill Farm at the ripe age of fourteen years. Baron Booth of Lancaster,— We now have to note an epoch-making event. Mr. Pickrell had parted ^vith Sweepstakes and Spears was triumphant with Gen. Grant. The desire to gain honors in the show- ring now asserted itself actively throughout the West. Leaders in the trade sought in every direc- tion for heavy show-yard timber. While the Ken- tucky and Ohio-bred cattle and their descendants were contending among themselves for the mastery in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys Hon. M. H. Cochrane of Hillhurst, Can., began a series of im- 350 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE portations destined to produce marked changes in the prevailing channels of trade. In 1867 his agent, that fine judge of a good Short-horn, the late Simon Beattie, selected and brought out by the steamship Austrian from Glasgow to Montreal a cow and a bull calf that proved to be makers of history. One was Rosedale; the other, Baron Booth of Lancaster 7535. Of the former we shall have more to say later on. Of the latter we must now speak as a new force in the progress of the breed in the Western States. Greater cows than Eosedale may have trod Ameri- can show-yards. Greater Short-horn bulls than Baron Booth of Lancaster may have "starred" the great show circuits of the Nation. History has failed, however, to record the names of any such. The Baron came from Scotland. He was bred by G. R. Barclay of Fifeshire and was got by Baron Booth (21212)* out of Mary of Lancaster — one of a set of triplets bred from the herd of Amos Cruickshank of Sittyton — by Lord Raglan (13244). His second dam was Lancaster 25th (of same derivation as Mr. Cruickshank 's Lavenders — from Wilkinson of Len- ton) by Matadore (11800), a bull that was a brother to Mr. Alexander's imp. Mazurka, by Harbinger. Mr. Cochrane exhibited the youngster as a yearling at Montreal, Hamilton and at the New York State * Baron Booth was bred by Mr. R. S. Bruere of Braithwaite Hall, Yorkshire. He was got by Prince George (13510) out of Vesper by King Arthur (13110), and was bought by Mr. Barclay when a two- year-old for $1,000. He was the sire, among other noted animals, of the $6,000 bull imp. Cherub ; Star of Braitliwaite ; the great .show heifer Booth's I^ancaster, Booth's Seraphina, and tlie bull Knight of Warlaby, used by Messrs. Hunter in Canada. PROGRESS IN" THE CENTRAL WEST 351 Fair in 1868. At each show he won first in his class and headed the winning herd. A scale of points was used in the judging at the York State Fair, and Baron Booth was credited with 950 out of a possible 970 points; 1,000 being counted as perfection in a female, 30 points being allowed for udder. Through Wm. Miller of Canada, afterward of Stomi Lake, la., Mr. Pickrell learned of the won- derful young bull Mr. Cochrane had flashed upon the public in Canada and the East, and in company with W. R. Duncan visited Hillhurst. They found the bull even better than they had anticipated, and for a consideration of $1,550 Mr. Pickrell secured him for the Harristown Herd.* He was brought to Illinois by Mr. Miller, who with characteristic thrift ran the gauntlet of the customs with a valuation of $100 on the bull. The new arrival was installed in his new position in January, 1869, where he re- mained in service until his death, which occurred while en route to the Illinois State Fair of 1873. It is doubtful if a grander-backed bull has ever been produced by the Short-horn breed. His top from crest to tail-root was the wonder of the time. Such breadth and depth and evenness of flesh had not be- fore been seen in the West, and his smoothly-covered hips were something of a revelation to those who had been accustomed to the roughness often observ- able at the ''hooks" in the leading herds of that *Duncan bought a yearling- heifer on this same trip out of Rosedale by a Duke bull, concerning which "Willie" Miller says : "The sire was emphatically bad and impressive. I believe the heifer never bred, which was just as well, for she was a bad one." 352 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE date. He was a bull of magnificent substance, pos^ sessing great depth of chest and was heavily filled behind the shoulders. That he was a kindly feedei is well shown by the following figures: When he went into herdsman David Grant's hands in Janu- ary, 1869, he weighed 1,580 lbs.; April 28, 1,730 lbs.; June 16, 1,810 lbs.; Aug. 31, 1,965 lbs.; Feb. 22, 1870, 2,170 lbs.; July 1, 1870, 2,290 lbs.; Sept. 2, 2,400 lbs., and at full maturity 2,600 lbs. He at once took and held a commanding position in the show-ring, and was never beaten, as a sire shown with his progeny. It must be remembered that we are now dealing with the days of the battles of the giants of the Western arena; that the "all-star" combination of Col. Wil- liam S. King, the like of which has possibly not since been seen in America, was on the road; that Gen. Grant and Tycoon were in the field; that ten to twelve herds often entered the competition; that sometimes thirty to forty animals were engaged in a single ring. To have been the most successful bull of this golden age of the Western shows is sufficient to stamp Baron Booth of Lancaster as the greatest Short-horn of his day and generation on this con- tinent. The Baron began his career as a show bull in the United States at the Ohio State Fair of 1869 at To- ledo, Mr. Pickrell having shipped his Illinois cattle to that point, where he met great competition, eleven herds competing in the Short-horn class. Daniel McMillan of Ohio had been winning the herd prize PROGRESS IIT THE CENTRAL WEST 353 at the Buckeye show for so many years that it was considered rather presumptuous on the part of an Illinois breeder to beard the lion in his den in this manner. On the morning of the show Mr. Pickrell would have been very willing to have divided the money with McMillan, but before night he had been awarded the $200 prize for best herd, the Baron also receiving first prize in his class and the $100 bull chamiDionship. The McMillan herd was very celebrated at this date, being headed by the Canada- bred Plantagenet 6031, and included some of the best of the Jere Duncan (Kentucky) Louans and other good sorts. Mr. Pickrell had visited it before the Toledo show, and then went to Kentucky to attend the Bourbon County Fair. Mr. McMillan asked him to examine the Kentucky herds carefully to see if he thought it would pay to send the Ohio show herd to that State. Mr. Pickrell reported fav- orably and the McMillan herd was so exhibited, and with success. The Ohio cattle were then shipped to the Toledo and afterward to the Peoria (111.) Fair, being defeated at both points by the Pickrell herd. Soon after these shows the Pickrell and Spears herds came together at the Illinois State Fair at Decatur. Messrs. McMillan and Charles Fullington, who were both noted Ohio breeders of that date, were present as visitors, and, desiring to honor them, the superin- tendent placed them upon the committee, to which, of course, nobody could object, although under the circumstances it was scarcely fair, as Mr. Spears had 354 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE purchased Gen. Grant from Mr. McMillan and the bull's dam, Jessie, had been bred and owned by Mr. Fullington. They gave the Spears herd the prize. After the awards had been made the gentlemen passed up to the amphitheater, where Mrs. Pickrell and her sister. Miss Bedford, who lived in Kentucky, were stationed, and of course the award was dis- cussed in the presence of the ladies; whereupon Miss Bedford remarked that she was "getting scared." She "didn't know Kentucky was getting so far be- hind. An Ohio herd went South and beat every- thing there was in Kentucky. This same herd then goes to the Ohio State Fair and an Illinois herd comes along and defeats it. Then the following week the very herd that beat the Ohio herd is beaten by another Illinois herd." So she thought Illinois was getting clear ahead of Kentucky and was get- ting a little ahead of Ohio. All of which rather annoyed the Ohio breeder and incidentally fore- shadowed the future. At this same show Baron Booth of Lancaster was so unfortunate as to be turned down to third place in the class for two-year- old bulls, first prize going to 25th Great Republic, owned by the Shakers and shown by John Martin, and second prize to a bull called Sucker Boy shown by Harvey Sodowsky of Vermilion Co., 111. Neither of these bulls cut any figure in subsequent showings, and the committee that did the work was severely criticised. In 1870 Baron Booth w^as first-prize and champion PROGRESS IN' THE CENTRAL WEST 355 bull at Qiiincy, 111., at the Iowa State Fair and at the Illinois State Fair, champion at St. Louis, first and champion at Canton, and stood at the head of the groups that won the $100 championship for best display at the Iowa Show and the $100 prize for the bull showing five best calves at the Illinois State Fair. In 1871 he was first and champion at the Illi- nois State Fair, first at St. Louis, and at the head of the first-prize herd at same show, besides winning numerous firsts and championships at local fairs for himself and get. In 1872 he was again first and champion at the Illinois State Fair, won the $200 bull sweepstakes at St. Louis and was everywhere first with his get. In fact he was never defeated in showing with his progeny, and during these four years gained for the Pickrell herd prizes aggregat- ing in value over $-4,000 cash.* As a stock-getter he ''nicked" especially with cows and heifers by Mr. Renick's old Airdrie 2478 and those by the 11th Duke of Airdrie 5533. It was a cross upon an Airdrie cow that gave Mr. Pickrell Baron Lewis, a bull that defeated his sire for the bull championship at an Indiana State Fair and was the first bull ever bred in Illinois that commanded a *Mr. Pickrell entered a competition at Canton, HI., in 1870, where $500 was offered for the best display of not less than ten nor more than twenty head. He had Baron Booth of Lancaster at one end of a string of eighteen head of nice cows and heifers and at the other end of the line had the Baron's best son. Baron Lewis. Mr. Dunlap of Jacksonville showed ten head and was awarded first prize. The relative values of the competing lots mav be judged from the fact that Mr. Dunlap made a sale the following vear at which his ten prize-winners brought a total of $2,700 and were considered well sold at that. Mr. Pickrell sold Baron Lewis alone for $3,000 and had his sire and eighteen cows and heifers left. 356 A HISTORY OF SHORT-IIORX CATTLE price of $3,000. Another Airdrie "nick" was the phenomenal Lady Bride, that sold for $2,850 and walked through the Illinois, Iowa and Missouri shows an undefeated heifer. Among the great Baron Booths out of the 11th Duke of Airdrie dams may be mentioned Louan Hill's 4th and 5th and Caroline 15th, all noted show animals. CHAPTER XIII THE BIRTH OF A "BOOM " While the breeders of the Central West were suc- cessfully extending the Short-horn power in the Upper MississiiDpi Valley States, largely through the medium of impressive show-yard displays, operations were under way in England and the East that were soon to stir the trade to its very depth. Prior to the appearance in the West of imp. Baron Booth of Lancaster the Duke of Airdrie-crossed cat- tle — mainly of Alexander, Bedford, Renick, War- field, Vanmeter and Duncan origin — practically held undisputed possession of the field. Aside from Gen. Grant there were but few great show cattle that did not carry some percentage of the blood and show more or less of the character of the Woodburn Duke. Daniel McMillan of Ohio had, it is true, headed his show herd with the Canada-bred Plantagenet 6031, but that bull was got by Oxford Lad (24713), bred by J. 0. Sheldon of New York from imp. Duke of Airdrie's sire imp. Duke of Gloster (11382) out of a Bates Oxford cow, so that he also fell within the rule that the Bates-crossed Short-horns were the ruling ring-side power. The American-bred cows, with which the Bates blood had "nicked" so kindly, were possessed, as a rule, of sound constitution and 357 358 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ample scale, and among them were many extraordi- nary milkers. Some of them were more or less lack- ing in refinement of character. Under these circum- stances it is easy to understand how the Bates cross acquired public favor; the prepotent, fine-styled, level-lined bulls of that strongly-bred type stamping neatness and finish wherever their impressive seal was set. "Royal" honors for Bates cattle. — On the other side of the Atlantic, while Booth and Towneley had been doing most of the winning at the shows, certain wealthy and enthusiastic followers of the fortunes of the Bates-bred tribes had occasionally tried con- clusions with their rivals at the National shows with good success. The Earl of Feversham was first at the Chester Royal of 1858 with 5th Duke of Oxford (12762).* At the Leeds Royal of 1861 Col. Gunter won high honors, gaining first in the cow class with Duchess 77tli over animals shown by Richard Booth and Lady Pigot. He was also first in three-year-old heifers with Duchess 78th — twinned with Duchess 79th, that was placed fourth in same class; Richard Booth's Soldier's Bride being second. In yearling heifers Gunter was first with Duchess 83d. It soon became evident, however, that the stock would not successfully withstand forcing for this purpose, and the show business was not persistently pursued. ♦Speaking- of this event Richard Gibson says : "This was my first Royal, and the impression left upon my mind by 5th Duke of Oxford has never been obliterated. He was large and carried lots of flesh. The way he moved and the air of conscious superiority he assumed I have never forgotten-" THE BIRTH OF A BOOM dO'J Gunter liad started in 1853 with Duchess 67th and 69th, both white, and Duchess 70th, red-and-white, and soon became the only possessor of the tribe in England. Duchesses exported to England. — In the spring of 1861 Samuel Thorne visited England and was be- sought on all sides for Duke and Oxford bulls. Accordingly, he sent over soon afterwards the roan 3d Duke of Thorndale 2789, the roan 4th Duke of Thorndale 2790, the white 5th Duke of Thorndale 3488, the red Imperial Oxford 4905, and the heifer 4th Lady of Oxford. The 5tli Duke sickened on the voyage and died in Queenstown harbor, but the rest sold quickly after landing at Liverpool at prices varying from 300 to 400 guineas each in gold. Of these the 4th Duke of Thorndale and Imperial Ox- ford acquired great celebrity in England as sires. The former was bought by Mr. Hales at 400 guineas and earned that amount in fees alone during the first two seasons. At Mr. Hales' sale in 1862 he was taken for the Marquis of Exeter at 410 guineas after a sharp contest with Col. Gunter, who subsequently acquired the bull (in 1867) at 440 guineas. He was maintained in service at Wetherby until his death at ten years of age in 1869. The 4th Duke was sired by Duke of Gloster (11382) out of Duchess 66th, and enjoyed with the 7th Duke of York (17754) the dis- tinction that attached at that time to the fact that the pair were the only "pure" Duchess bulls in Eng- land. Of his career abroad Mr. Thornton writes: 360 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE "The stock left by this bull is not only numerous but valuable, showing the style and character for which the blood is remark- able. Probably no bull earned more money in single fees. In ap- pearance he was a fine-looking animal; his head and crest were magnificent, his hind quarters long and good, but the tail-head was rather too high. His shoulders, which were perhaps a little upright, made him appear somewhat deficient behind them, and the great length of his quarters detracted from his middle. In hair, quality of flesh, and in grandeur of style and carriage he v/as wonderfully good." One of the 4tli Duke of Thorndale's English-bred heifers from a Cambridge Rose dam gave rise to what is known as the Thorndale Roses, the original heifer of that name being sold privately in 1864 for 200 guineas to Mr. Betts. Her half-sister, The Beauty, by Puritan (9523), for which Mr. Jonas Webb gave 160 guineas at the Cobham Park sale, was bought by Lord Braj^brooke at "Webb's sale of 1863 in calf with Heydon Rose, which in the hands of his lordship founded a costly family bearing her name. Nine descendants of The Beauty at the Webb sale made 1,253 guineas; one bull. Lord Chancellor (20160), afterward a Royal winner, bringing 400 guineas. Imperial Oxford was extensively used upon the Grand Duchesses, being the sire of the famous Grand Duchess 17th. 4th Lady of Oxford also acquired renoAvn, not only as a breeding animal, but in the show-yard as well. In 1862 Mr. Thome sent to Eng- land Lord Oxford 3091, 2d Lord Oxford, Bishop of Oxford, and Duke of Geneva 3858 of J. 0. Sheldon's breeding. These also brought high prices, 600 THE BIRTH OF A ''bOOM " 361 guineas being obtained for the latter. The Duke entered the English show-yard with success and be- came very famous in the Bates Short-horn breeding ranks, dying the property of Lord Penrhyn in 1867, These shipments were followed by the exportation by Ezra Cornell* of Ithaca, N. Y., of the young bull 3d Lord of Oxford 4958, bred by Mr. Thorne; that also sold on the other side for 600 guineas. Early in the "sixties" Mr. E. A. Alexander ex- ported to England 2d Duke of Airdrie (19600), 5th Duke of Airdrie (19601) and the 6th Duke of Airdrie (19602). These all represented outcrosses upon the Duchess tribe. The 2d Duke w^as a roan sired by the Duchess-crossed Booth bull imp. El Hakim (1598-4), He was calved in the fall of 1856 and in 1859 was awarded a $1,000 championship at the St. Louis Fair. He "was a bull of marked excellence, and became the property in England of Messrs. C. Howard of Bid- denham and J. Robinson of Clifton Pastures. The 5th Duke was also a roan, calved in the spring of 1859. He was sired by a bull called Lord Languish (20188), that had been bred at Woodburn from imp. 2d Duke of Atliol and imp. Lydia Languish, by Duke of Gloster (11382) ; a cow that traced in the maternal *Mr. Cornell, who ^"SlS the muniflcent founder of Cornell University, had made an importation of Bates cattle from England, in 1863, con- sisting of two Fidget heifers (Bell-Bates), and a Kirklevington from C. W. Harvey. He maintained a herd of Short-horns for a number of years ; the pedigrees of most of which may be found in Vols. VIII to XVI of the herd book. Among other Eastern breeders who were becoming prominent in Short-horn breeding about this time were Messrs. A. B. Conger, T. L. Hai-ison, George Butts and Messi's. Wadsworth of New York : Messrs. Winslow and A. W. Griswold of Vermont ; Augustus Whitman of Mass- achusetts and B. Sumner of Connecticut. 362 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE line to the herd of Mr. Eobertson of Lad^^kirk. The 5th Duke was used by Mr. T. Barber of Sproatley Else. The 6th Duke of Airdrie was a red, dropped in the spring of 1860 by 2d Duchess of Airdrie to a service by the white bull imp. Albion, son of imp. Grand Turk (12969) and Fawkes' Frances Fairfax. The breeding of these bulls and the fact of their ex- portation shows that the fashion for cattle bred strictly in the Bates line did not receive the coun- tenance of the broad-minded proprietor of Wood- burn, and that fresh blood in Mr. Bates' favorite family was not deemed an objection in the minds of at least a portion of the English Short-horn breed- ing public at that date. Imp. Albion was also ex- ported back to England along with these Dukes of Airdrie. The Grand Duchesses. — A very famous branch of the Duchess tribe, descended from Mr. Bates' Duchess 51st, had been founded in England under the name of Grand Duchesses. They originated with Mr. S. E. Bolden of Springfield Hall, Lancashire, who sought to correct what he regarded as the faults of the Bates type by means of fresh crosses. Accord- ingly he introduced extraneous blood through the medium of the bulls Cheny Duke (12589), Prince Imperial (15095) and 2d Duke of Bolton (12739). The two latter carried Booth blood; the Prince hav- ing for dam Bridecake of the Bliss tribe, and the latter running to Richard Booth's Fame. While the family attained great reputation, and produced some THE BIRTH OF A ^'bOOM '' 363 extraordinary individual animals, such as Grand Duke 3d (16182) and that remarkable cow Grand Duchess 17th, by Mr. Thome's Imperial Oxford (18084), some of tlie partisans of Bates breeding have strenuously denied that the outcrosses really did anything for the vitalitj' of the stock. The fact nevertheless remains that in later years the so-called "pure" Duchesses became totally extinct, and had it not been for the Airdrie and Grand Duchesses, both of which carried Booth outcrosses, Mr. Bates' favorite family would have disappeared. Mr. Bolden had sold in 1860 twenty head of Bates AVaterloos at an average of £92; Sir Curtis Lampson giving 165 guineas for "Waterloo 20tli. In 1862 he disposed of his entire herd, including the Grand Duchesses, to Mr. Atherton, who soon afterward parted with the Grand Duchess family, consisting of nine cows and four bulls, to Mr. Hegan of Dawpool at private sale for the lump sum of £5,000. Three of these cows proved barren, and after Mr. Hegan 's death in 1865 the tribe — by that time numbering seventeen head, of which twelve were females and five bulls — sold at a memorable auction held at Willis' rooms in London. The Thorndale bull Impe- rial Oxford had been used in the herd and was also included in this sale. It had been Mr. Hegan 's de- sire to close the lot out as a whole, and it was under- stood that the Hon. Col. Pennant had offered £6,000 for the twelve females. This was perhaps the first case on record where cattle were sold at auction 364 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE without the animals being in the presence of the bidders. The stock had been previously examined at Dawpool. The sale proved thoroughly sensational in many respects, as is shown by the comments of the London press at that time. From the Illnstrated Neivs we quote : "A perfect bridal lunch greeted the congress of about 120 lead- ing Short-horn men — peers, M. P.'s, clergymen and laymen — who attended to see the great battle at Willis' rooms over the eighteen Grand Dukes and Duchesses. Lord Feversham was in the chair, supported by Gen. Hood (who came, like several other members of council, direct from Hanover Square), and the Bates men made up a most imposing array, while Mr. Torr and Mr. Thomas Booth v.'ere at the head of the great rival house of 'the red, white and roan.' The noble chairman declared his Kirklevington faith in such unwavering fashion that the Booth men complained he rather ignored Bridecake's share in the Grand Duchess pedigree." Mr. E. L. Betts, of Preston Plall, Kent, bought the whole herd of Grand Duchesses, which were sold in "blocks of three." For the first trio he paid 1,900 guineas; for the second, 1,300 guineas; for the third, 1,800 guineas, and for the fourth, 1,200 guineas; also securing Imperial Oxford to accompany them at 450 guineas. The Grand Dukes were scattered; the Duke of Devonshire buying Grand Duke 10th at 600 guineas. The London Times said on the follow- ing day: "The splendor of such an event almost pales the strongest blaze that can be got up by agricultural societies. There is no such test of value, no such triumph of enterprise as that which is obtained without shows and judges and prizes in the auction- room, Here is a plaih commercial proof of what can be done and THE BIRTH OF A "BOOM " 365 how far we have advanced upon our forefathers in the matter of kine." Mr. Betts, the new owner of the family, closed out his herd at auction in May, 1867. He had not been particularly successful. Grand Duchesses 10th, 12th and 14th all died from indigestion and impaction resulting from the feeding of undecorticated cotton- seed cake. The 7th and 13th were slaughtered and his best bull calf of the tribe died just before the sale. Nevertheless some astonishing prices were made; the thirteen head bringing 5,615 guineas, an average of 432 guineas. Grand Duchess 17th, de- scribed as "a beautiful cow with good ribs, mossy coat and splendid touch," was carried to 850 guin- eas, at which figure she was taken by Capt. E. E. Oliver of Sholebroke Lodge, who also secured the 18th at 710 guineas. C. H. Dawson gave 700 guineas for Grand Duchess 19th; Lord Penrhyn 550 guineas for Grand Duchess 8th, and Earl Spencer 430 guineas for Grand Duchess 20th. The highest price for a bull was 510 guineas, paid by Mr. Roberts for Grand Duke 16th (24063); Mr. A. Brogden giving 305 guineas for Grand Duke 17th. Havering Park Sale.— In May, 1867, Mr. D. Mcin- tosh of Havering Park, Essex, Eng., who had de- voted himself successfully to the breeding of Bates cattle, held a sale that attracted widespread atten- tion. 3d Duke of Thorndale and Grand Duke 4th had been largely used, and the sale included four descendants of Mr. Thome's Lady of Oxford 4th. Her daughter Lady of Oxford 5th, ''a splendid roan. 366 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE with much substance and quality," had been a win- ner as a calf at the Worcester Royal in 1863 and at this sale brought the top price of 600 guineas from the Duke of Devonshire. Baron Oxford, a two-year- old by the American-bred Duke of Geneva (19614), was eagerly competed for, falling to Col. Towneley at 500 guineas, while his half-brother Baron Oxford 2d went to Mr. Holland at the same price. Sheldon of Geneva.— Mr. J. 0. Sheldon of White Spring Farm, Geneva, N. Y. (not Illinois, as certain English writers persist in putting it), upon whose shoulders fell the mantle of Samuel Thorne, began breeding Short-horns by making the importation mentioned on page 262. A few years later he bought from Mr. Thorne the bull imp. Duke of Gloster (11382), Duchess 64th and her daughter 1st Duchess of Thorndale, together with Duchess 66th and her daughter Duchess 71st. In 1860 he bred from the latter the bull Duke of Geneva (19614), sold to Mr. Thorne and exported to England. Sheldon also secured some of the Oxford blood from Thorndale, and in 1860 bred from that family the bull Oxford Lad (24713), which acquired great reputation in the herd of the Hon. David Christie of Canada. Sheldon also bought largely from Mr. R. A. Alexander, secur- ing a number of the daughters of imp. Duke of Air- drie, among others the Victoria cow Vara (that be- came the dam of the noted stock bull Weehawken 5260), and females of the Mazurka, Constance, Miss Wiley, Vellum, Jubilee, Lady Bates, Roan Duchess, THE BIRTH OF A ''bOOM " 367 Pearlette and other noted Woodburn families. He also bought from Mr. Alexander the 7th Duke of Airdrie 5532. In 1866 Samuel Thorne decided to close out his herd and devote his entire time to the leather trade in New York city, the business that had been his father's chief source of revenue, and Sheldon with characteristic shrewdness bought the entire Thorn- dale Herd of Duchesses, Oxfords, etc., at a reported price of about $40,000. This gave him a monopoly of the so-called "pure" Duchess blood in America; and as the English landed proprietors, as well as prominent Kentucky breeders, were developing a marked preference for Duke of Oxford bulls he now occupied a strong speculative position. Geneva cattle abroad.— In the fall of 1867 Mr. Sheldon exported to England two bulls and a heifer of the Duchess tribe, and six Oxford heifers. They were taken to the Queen's farm, Windsor Park, and sold Oct. 15 of that year. After inspecting the American cattle the company adjourned for business to the cafe of the Castle Hotel, where champagne flowed freely, and for the first time in a long pror fessional career Mr. Strafford, as auctioneer, sold cattle by candlelight. The white 7th Duchess of Geneva was knocked off to Mr. Leney of Kent at 700 guineas. In fact Leney was the chief bidder, and his persistency and activity added great zest to the proceedings. 8th Lady of Oxford and 6th Maid of Oxford were taken respectively by Col. Towneley at 368 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE 450 and 400 guineas. Leney paid 300 guineas for 4th Maid of Oxford, Col. Kingscote 250 guineas for Countess of Oxford and Mr. Downing 200 guineas for 5tli Maid of Oxford. Leney also paid 260 guineas for 7tli Maid of Oxford. The young bull 12th Duke of Thorndale was very much out of condition and was bought in by Edwin Thome at 185 guineas,* but the roan 3d Duke of Geneva went to Mr. Mcin- tosh at 550 guineas. For the entire lot $16,475 was obtained, an average of $1,830. The six Oxfords averaged $1,550. When to the total the then exist- ing premium on gold was added Sheldon had nearly $20,000 in American currency, less the expenses of transportation. In commenting upon this result the London Illustrated Ne7vs said: ''People differ in opinion as to whether the American lots would have made most under the greenw^ood or around the mahogany tree; but the sale was unique in character and served to stamp 1867 as an annus mirabilis in Short-horn history." In fact this invasion of Eng- land by Sheldon created something of a sensation on both sides the water.f In 1869 Mr. E. H. Cheney of Gaddesby Hall bought from Mr, Sheldon the two-year-old heifer 11th Duchess of Geneva, the yearling 14th Duchess of Geneva and the bull calf 9th Duke of Geneva for the lump sum of $12,500; and at the same time the *12th Duke of Thorndale afterward became the property of D. R. Davies of Mere Old Hall. tLondon Punch took up the affair and dropped into verse under the caption, "The Golden Short-horns." THE BIKTH OF A "bOOM " 369 roan bull calf 8tli Duke of Geneva was exported to Messrs. Harward & Downing at $-i,000. Walcott & Campbell. — While Mr. Sheldon was thus acquiring international position in the Short- horn trade Messrs. Walcott & Campbell, proprietors of the extensive New York Mills Sheeting Factories, on the Mohawk Eiver, some two miles north of Utica, had laid the foundation of the herd that was des- tined to confound the agricultural world. The Hon. S. Campbell of this firm was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, who, from working at the loom, became superintendent and eventually partner in the great cotton mills mentioned. In acquiring water jorivil- eges for the mills it had been necessary to purchase some 1,400 acres of rich bottom land, which the firm desired to put to some profitable use. The idea of cattle-breeding suggested itself, and Mr. Campbell's early instincts inclined him naturally to the daiiy breed of his native county. He first turned his atten- tion, therefore, to Ayrshires, in partnership with Mr. James Brodie, a Scotchman who had also imported, in connection with a Mr. Hungerford, a few Short- horns, among which were two cows and a bull from the herd of J. Mason Hoj^per. These cattle had a double cross of Belleville (6778) and were superior specimens. Mr. Campbell bought Hungerford 's in- terest and eventually acquired Brodie 's. Eichard Gibson was employed as manager of the farm and cattle, and speaking of the transaction just mentioned says: 370 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE "By this deal Mr. Campbell became possessed of Short-horns, for which he had no love at the time, and I doubt if he ever had. It was only the calves that he cared for. Of an Ayrshire he was a fair judge, and as they were a paying investment in supplying milk to the operatives they were looked upon with a great deal more favor by the proprietor than were their swell relatives the Short-horns. 'Gibson, what good are they? They give no milk; just one mass of blubber; you can't eat them.' This idea of a cow simply raising a calf was preposterous, just as among the opera- tives every child must work, and usually the mother as well. So it is easy to understand that in this community of busy workers no drones were allowed, and the Short-horn cow at rest in the rich pastures of the Mohawk Valley, negligently chewing her cud, was entirely out of keeping with the surroundings. Why should the patrician English cattle live in purple and fine linen? They weaved not, neither did they spin! "The remark quoted came in response to my question as to what bull to breed the Short-horn cows to. I was led to make this inquiry on seeing the men take out the Ayrshire bull to the Short-horn cow imp. Rosamond. My ire arose. No more such sacrilege was permitted, but it was some months before I could persuade Mr. Campbell to allow me to buy a bull. I eventually secured Weehawken, bred by J. 0. Sheldon. Upon this bull hinged the destiny of the breed so far as the Mills was concerned. He proved a most impressive sire, and as his progeny developed his value became more established, and yearly the treasury of the New York State Agricultural Association was laid under con- tribution. After returning from one of our successful trips Mr. Campbell put the situation in this way: 'Now I find your things' (he always called them 'Gibson's things' up to a certain time) 'are giving us notoriety. We must either get rid of them or go in deeper. I don't ask your opinion; I know what that will be; but this I ask, can we take as high a position with Short-horns as we have done with Ayrshires? Remember, I will play second to none.' My reply was: 'You can't unless you can persuade Mr. Sheldon to sell his herd, which I feel sure he will not do. But you can do this: go on the opposition tack and buy Booths and ijeat him in the ring wherever he shows.' " Gibson* was quite familiar with the extraordinary *Mr. Gib.son was born in England in 1840. almost beneath^^^^^^^ of Belvoir Castle, the seat of the Duke of Rutland. E^ducatea at tne THE BIRTH OF A "^BOOM " 371 show-yard career of Booth Short-horns in England and had not failed to notice the sensation created on this side the water by Mr. Cochrane 's importation of Baron Booth of Lancaster and Rosedale. He accord- ingly had a long conversation with Mr. Campbell, explaining that there were then practically no Booth Short-horns in America, and it was decided that Gib- son should go to England at once and make pur- chases of cattle of that blood. This was in 1869; and the events that followed may best be understood by a brief digression at this point. First Hillhurst importations. — Hon. M. H. Coch- rane of Hillhurst Farm, Quebec, Can., was prominent among those enterprising men who contributed largely to the great expansion in Short-horn trade and values that set in just prior to 1870. It was in 1867 that he began his memorable series of importa- grammar schools of Derby and Lincoln he entered a grain merchant's office for a period of two years, after which he studied closely for four yesLVS the farming- methods of his father, who had gained various prizes for the best cultivated farm in Derbyshire. Speaking of his early life iVIr. Gibson says : "INly fathej- always kept a pure-bred bull. The first I remember was a son of Earl of Dublin, the white Princess bull used by Sir C. Knightley ; and the first noted bull I recollect was the same Earl of Dublin. The farm reeked of Short-horns, as it was occupied by Mr. Smith, a purcliaser at Collings' sale, and a member of the Dishley Club. The old men talked of Lancaster and Comet, and the yarns when shearing sheep, etc., fell on ears whose sensitive organism was receptive to the quaint language and enthusiasm of the illiterate but observant herdsman." One of the family of fourteen children and the eldest of eight sons he determined upon arriving at the age of twenty -one to seek his fortune in America. He landed at Quebec in 1861 and for two years following worked at farming in Ontario, after which he received an ap- pointment as manager for Mr. Delamater, a shipbviilder of New Tork, wlio owned a 1,.500-acre farm on Long Island. After two years' service in this capacity he was employed by Mr. Campbell to manage the farms at New York Mills. He retained this responsible position until about one year prior to the great closing-out sale of the herd, subsequently engag- ing in Canada in the importing and expoi'ting trade on his own account, and afterward purchasing his present farm of Belvoir, where, after a remarkable experience in connection with the international trade in pedi- greed live stock, he still resides. In the course of his eventful career Mr. Gibson has crossed the Atlan- tic more than thirty times, usually on business relating to the live-stock 372 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE tions. The initial shipment, selected by the late Simon Beattie, consisted of two of the greatest show- yard celebrities known to American Short-horn his- tory, to-wit: Baron Booth of Lancaster, already re- ferred to, and the wonderful Booth cow Rosedale, bred by Lady Pigot. Along with Rosedale came her bull calf Capt. Aiton 6512. Baron Booth went into the West to win imperishable renown in the herd of Mr. Pickrell, and Rosedale soon afterward followed; being purchased by Col. William S. King of Minne- apolis, in whose hands she proved the sensation of her time. Li 1868 Mr. Cochrane imported eleven head, four of which were of Bates breeding and the remainder of Booth blood from the herds of William Torr and R. S. Bruere. He resolved to be " in " on the Duchess proposition as well as the trade in show stock of Booth derivation, and bought from Col. Gunter of Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, the yearling heifer trade, and has enjoyed the acquaintance of a majority of the most promi- nent Short-horn breeders of his time. He has been a frequent contribu- tor to the agricultural press and has served as an expert judge of many different varieties of live stock at the leading- siiows of North America, besides being President of the Dominion Sliort-horn Breeders' Associa- tion and of the Dominion Kennel Club. Like Jorrocks of old he is a thorough believer in the efficacy of "a bit o' blood, whether it be in a 'orse, a 'ound" or any other of the many four-footed or feathered pets by which Anglo-Saxons of rural tastes love to surround themselves. One of the most companionable of men, fond of a good dinner and a good story, an admirable raconteur himself, he is never so happy as when living again in retrospect the stirring scenes of which he has been a witness, and his wealth of cattle lore is ever at the service of those who share his interest in the great achievements of the rare old worthies of the past. Mr. Gibson belongs to a remarkable family. His brother John T. was manager for Col. William S. King when Lyndale was in its prime, and was subsequently manager for J. J. Hill of North Oaks. Another brother, William, was manager of the Niagara Herd of Mr. Bronson C. Rumsey of Buffalo, N. Y. Still another brother, Arthur, is manager for Mr. Philo L. Mills of Ruddington Hall, Nottingham, Eng., and a fifth brother, Charles, is his assistant. A sixth member of the family, Edwin, is in Australia, and Fred is in India. THE BIRTH OF A "^BOOM " 373 Duchess 97tli for $5,000* — the highest price up to that date ever paid for a cow or heifer of any breed ; and from C. W. Harvey of Walton-on-the-Hill, Liv- erpool, the young Bates cow Wild Eyes 26th and her bull calf. Meantime he had secured from Sheldon the 11th Duke of Thorndale. This shipment is notable not only for the purchase of the Duchess heifer at a startling price but as having included the roan bulls Eobert Napier 8975 and Star of the Eealm 11021 ; the f onner bred by Mr. Torr, descending from Booth's Anna, and the latter bred by Mr. Bruere from his Vesper tribe. We have already alluded to the great impression made by Baron Booth of Lan- caster ujDon the breeders of the Central West, and quick appreciation of the value of these Booth bulls was shown in another quarter. William Warfield became the owner of Eobert Napierf and A. J. Alex- ander, who had succeeded to the ownership of Wood- burn upon the death of his brother, E. A. Alexan- der — which occurred Dec, 1, 1867 — took Star of the Eealm. In 1869 Mr. Cochrane made two importations, one in June and one in August. These were practically *This was the first Duchess female Gunter had parted with up to 1868. He had refused in 1865 an offer from Mr. Betts of 1,000 guineas for Duchess 84th and her heifer calf Duchess 9 2d. tMr. Warfield says : "Robert Napier was a large bull of great scale and weight, but not what I would call a very fine bull, neither was he a uniform breeder. His calves — Bertha (Vol. XV, page 447), Loudon Duchess 6th (Vol. XI, page 838). 3d Gem of Grasmere (Vol. XXI, page 6527), Loudon Duke 12th 23847, and Bridesmaid (Vol. XXII. page 17075) — were as fine animals as I ever bred. He received an injury on being shipped to the fairs on the railroad, which I believe was perma- nent. I gave him to a neighbor and I think he finally fell into the hands of Mr. Dean. Maryville, Mo." Another fine daughter of this bull, bred by Mr. Warfield, was Lucy Napier, bought and shown by J. H. Pickrell. 374 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE all Booth-crossed stock, from the herds of such suc- cessful adherents of the house of Booth in Great Britain as Messrs. R. Chaloner of King's Fort, Ire- land; T. E. Pawlett of Beeston, T. Barnes of West- land, Ireland; Torr of Aylesby and Hugh Aylmer of West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk. One of the bulls, the roan Torr-bred Gen. Napier 8199, was bought by Col. William S. King, the owner of Eosedale, who was easily the most daring operator of his day in the Western States. The time seemed ripe, therefore, for New York Mills to follow Gibson's advice and go gunning for Sheldon with Booth weapons. Gibson buys Booths for New York Mills. — T. C. Booth of Warlaby was now at the climax of his show- yard renown. Commander-in-Chief (21415) and the marvelous Lady Fragrant had been champions of the breed at the Leicester Eoyal of 1868.* While the Bates men had forced prices for their favorites to a high point Warlaby also had a powerful following throughout the United Kingdom, and nothing but very tempting offers would induce Mr. Booth to part with any of his best cattle to come to America. Mr. Gibson had not gone so far, however, for the pur- pose of purchasing inferior specimens, and at the handsome figure of $5,000 secured the great roan heifer Bride of the Vale, sired by Lord of the Valley (14837) out of the famous Soldier's Bride. He also *The last appearance of the Booths at the English Royal was at Manchester in 1869, upon which occasion Lady Fragrant was cham- pion female and Earl of Derby (21638), bred and shown by Wiley of Brandsby, was champion bull. THE BIETH OF A ''bOOM " 375 bought the roan bull calf Eoyal Briton (27351), bred at Warlaby from Lord Blithe (22126), tracing through Crown Prince to Bride Elect. From the same noted nursery of show-yard champions came the roan heifer Merry Peal, by Commander-in-Chief, and the white heifer White Eose, by Mountain Chief. From E. Chaloner, King's Fort, Ireland, he bought the white heifer Fair Maid of Hope and her bull calf King of the Ocean. Four other heifers were also selected, included among them being the white Knightley heifer Lady Oxford. Hillhurst had already set the pace. The price paid for Bride of the Vale ($5,000) was fixed by the fact that Gunter had just obtained that unprecedented figure from Mr. Cochrane for a Duchess heifer. The Booths were quite as proud of their reputation and prestige as were the followers of the fortunes of Thomas Bates, and AVarlaby females were quite as difficult to obtain as were specimens of the Duchess tribe. It had been Mr. Booth's settled policy not to sell females to con- temporary British breeders to be retained in Eng- land. He had permitted Mr. Bolden to send out a shipment to Australia, and we believe that a Christon heifer had been sold to Mr. B. St. John Ackers of Prinknash Park, who was a distant rela- tive. At that time, however, this tribe had not been admitted into full fellowship with the time-honored Booth Short-horn strains. Aside from these trans- actions Bride of the Vale and Merry Peal were, we believe, the only heifers Mr. Booth had parted with 376 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE for breeding purposes, and tliey were only sold with the understanding that they were to be taken to America. In 1870 ten head were imported, including the Christen heifers Patricia and Minaret. In this lot were two heifers from Torr's Waterloo tribe and the roan Baron Oxford's Beauty from Col. Towneley's. This shipment experienced cold weather at sea, but the day the cattle landed in New York harbor the thermometer registered 105 deg. in the shade. Poor Patricia, for which $5,000 had been paid, succumbed to the heat on shipboard before the cattle could be landed. Had the rest not been carefully handled after unloading other losses would doubtless have occurred. Gibson had them hauled from the dock to the railway freight-yard in canopy-covered "lor- ries," with a big sponge tied on top of the head of each animal and a boy alongside of each cow to apply cold water. In this way they were safely started for the farm. The Mills now had indeed the nucleus of a herd which might well set Bates men thinking. Cochrane and Simon Beattie in Canada were at this time at- tracting the attention of the trade on both sides of the water by their extensive importations of Booth- crossed stock, and it really began to look as if that type might at last become a formidable rival of the Bates tribes in the New World. Sensational transfer of the Sheldon herd. — Shel- don was nothing if not shrewd, and soon scented THE BIRTH OF A '^BOOM " 377 danger in the Booth propaganda with such backers in the East as Walcott & Campbell, Simon Beattie and M. H. Cochrane, and such sympathizers in the West as the influential breeders already mentioned. He resolved, therefore, to make tenns with the New York management, and offered to sell Mr. Campbell one-half of the Geneva herd. This was in 1869. Mr. Gibson advised that the purchase be made. Mr. Campbell replied: "But you don't know the price." The imperturbable Gibson re- joined: "Never mind that. Buy." The price was a big one, and the herd was to be divided by a process of alternate selection. Sheldon secured first choice in the "toss up" and picked 12th Duchess of Geneva. The selection proceeded until Mr. Sheldon had, in addition to the 12th, the 4th Duchess of Geneva and the 10th, 12th and 13th Duchesses of Thorndale. Walcott & Campbell got the 6th, 8th and 13th Duchesses of Geneva and the 3d and 9th Duchesses of Thorndale. Of the Oxfords Sheldon secured 6th Lady, 3d Maid, 2d Countess and Gem of Oxford. Gibson took the 7th and 10th Ladys and 2d Maid. The entire lot was gone over in the same fashion, and the 4th Duke of Geneva, then at the head of the herd, was retained in common. Fur- thermore, it was agreed that no Oxford or Duchess female was to be sold by either party until the other had the first option. The Duchesses had cost Wal- cott & Campbell an average of $5,500 each and the Oxfords $2,800 each. 378 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN" CATTLE Immediately after this division of the herd Shel- don began stocking up again and within a year his stables were found full to overflowing. He, of course, looked to Walcott & Campbell to buy the entire outfit. He was playing the Duchess game for all there was in it. The New York Mills people de- clined to be baited, however, in any such wholesale manner. They were perfectly willing to take the Duchesses and Oxfords, but this did not suit Shel- don. The facts as to the deal which finally resulted in their transfer to Walcott & Campbell in 1870 are set forth by Mr. Gibson in the following language : "Sheldon had not filled ? 's barn for naught. A deadlock en- sued. James Wadsworth ^. . nibbling, Col. King of Minnesota was after them and so was Cochrane of Canada. A sale cata- logue was then circulated and date arranged. Walcott & Camp- bell's hands were forced and they were obliged to buy in self-de- fense. The lot was taken, fifty females and fourteen bulls, at a round $100,000, with interest at 6 per cent until paid. Now Mr. Campbell, though born an alien, had confidence in the Govern- ment's pledges to pay. Mr. Sheldon was a Democrat and guessed otherwise. Gold was about 160 and the agreement was that when the settlement was made it was to be on the basis of gold as quoted on the day of sale. Result: $60,000 paid the original debt of $100,000. Mr. Campbell could have paid at time of purchase just as well as not, but preferred waiting under the circum- stances and therein got a chance to 'even up' with Mr. Sheldon." "Duke" bulls in demand.— Thorne and Sheldon's European trade had served as a great advertisement for the Thorndale and Geneva stock. The Kentuck- ians, naturally predisposed to favor the Duchess proposition by reason of their satisfactory experi- ence with the kindred Woodburn blood, contributed to the upbuilding of the "boom." Edwin Bedford THE BIETH OF A '^BOOM " 379 had bought 2d Duke of Geneva 5562, and during his brief career that bull made a distinct "hit," as stated on page 290. Mr. Bedford then got the 5th Duke at $3,000. Col. King of Minnesota secured the 6th at the same price. In 1869 Mr. Alexander took the 10th Duke of Thorndale (28458) from Sheldon at $5,500. A. W. Griswold of Vennont had given $3,000 for the 14th Duke of Thorndale (28459) as a calf, and in 1869 George M. Bedford purchased him at $6,000. The 8th and 9th Dukes of Geneva had gone at $4,000 each, and Cochrane had the 11th. The Bates tribes were now (1870) firmly held by powerful interests on both sides the Atlantic. Wal- cott & Campbell, after their preliminary flirtation with the Booths, had gone into the Duchess specula- tion,* and this gave the Kirklevington sorts a pres- tige that needed only the great sale at New York Mills to fairly stampede America to the Bates colors. Meantime the West was aroused to action by the announcement of a dispersion sale of the entire herd of Mr. McMillan of Ohio, and as this was the opening gun in a most extraordinary era of auction sales in America the event will be noted in detail. The McMillan sale.— Mr. Daniel McMillan of Oak- land Farm, Xenia, 0., had for many years been breeding Short-horns descended from the Ohio and Kentucky importations. He had been a frequent exhibitor at the leading fairs of the West, and the ♦The New York Mills Booth cattle were afterward sold to Mr. Coch- rane, who sent some of them back to England. 380 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE herd was one of the best known in the United States. Indeed Mr. McMillan was the first breeder north of the Ohio River to cross swords with the Kentuck- ians in their own show-yards. This event occurred in 1869. The herd was at that time headed by Plan- tagenet 6031, but Mr. Warfield's Muscatoon de- feated this bull in the class showing. In the herd competition, however, the McMillan cattle pre- vailed.* The great prices that were now current in England and the East stimulated the rapidly-rising interest in Short-horns throughout the entire Union, and it was indeed an historic gathering that assem- bled at Oakland on the morning of the 8th of June, 1870. Practically all of the leading breeders and exhibitors, not only of the East but of the West, were present. The cattle were tied in line along a fence for examination, and here for the first time the Short-horn breeding fraternity of America may be said to have actually assembled, all former auctions having been more or less local in their character. *The best of the McMillan show herds had been fitted by James Lyall, a Scotchman, who had come to America in 1856 as an assistant in connection with the ill-fated shipment of Short-horns made that year via New Orleans by Alex. Barrett of Henderson, Ky. The ship experi- enced a tempestuous passage, being nearly six weeks at sea, and all of the Short-horns but two were lost, included among those that perished being tlie famous Douglas show cow Queen of Trumps, by Belleville (6778), for which 500 guineas had been paid. Lyall's father was at this time herdsman in the old country for Doug- las of Athelstaneford, so that the young man had been reared to the cattle business. He remained with Barrett four years, going to McINIil- lan in 1863. The show bull Gen. Grant was then a yearling. Mr. Lyall fitted the show herds for their most successful campaigns, as well as for this closing-out sale, after which he was identified with the noted herds of George Murray of Racine, Col. William S. King and others. Unfortvmately the show bull Plantagenet and the great cow Louan 13th had been lost shortly before the sale. Plantagenet was a very massive bull of imposing presence, a bull of more substance than Gen. Grant, although a bit rough at the tail-head, and not so good in his quarters. THE BIRTH OF A ''bOOM " 381 The sale was held in a grove and no seats were pro- vided for the company. This did not detract, how- ever, from the complete success of the occasion, as the bidding w^as active and spirited from start to finish. Following is the list of females sold for $500 or over: Mignonette,* red show cow; sired by Gen. Grant out of his own dam, Jessie— C. C. & R. H. Parks, Waukegan, 111. .$3,800 4th Louan of Oakland, yearling heifer; by 2d Duke of Geneva 5562— J. C. Jenkins, Petersburg, Ky 3,650 Louan 21st,t eight-year-old show cow, bred by Jere Duncan; sired by Duke of Airdrie 2743 — Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis 3,600 Wenona, red show cow, tracing to imp. Louisa; sired by Gen. Grant— W. J. Neely, Ottawa, 111 3,000 Forest Queen, red two-year-old; by Plantagenet — George Murray 2,800 Louan 35th, red show cow; by Duke of Airdrie 2743 — E. G. Bedford, Kentucky 2,625 Highland Lady, roan cow, bred by J. M. Hill, Illinois; sired by imp. King Alfred (3053), dam White Lady, bought by Mr. McMillan at the Hill sale already mentioned — J. H. Spears, Tallula, 111 2,075 6th Louan of Oakland,:]: red show heifer; by Plantagenet — George Murray 2,000 ♦Mignonette, it will be observed, was incestuously bred. She was a very fine show heifer as a yearling and two-year old, but grew too "lumpy" for the show-yard and did no good as a breeder. She was sold by Messrs. Parks immediately after the sale to George Murray at $4,000. tLouan 21st was the best of her family in the herd at this time, al- though in the opinion of Herdsman Lyall not so good a cow as old Jessie, the dam of Gen. Grant. He describes Jessie as a red of great scale, with good head, excellent quarters and fine quality, altogether the best cow that Mr. McMillan had ever owned, although inclined to be up on legs. JLyall, who had been consulted by Mr. Murray as to what to buy, and who afterward entered the employ of Mr. Murray, tried to induce him to take the 4th Louan instead of the 6th, as the former was a good one and Louan 6th was slack in her loin and never could make a cow. This ad- vice, however, was not followed. It had been generally believed that Mr. Murray really bought what stock he wanted privately, before the sale, and had it passed through the ring. 382 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Louan 23d, roan show cow; by Lord Derby — A. J. Dunlap, Galesburg, 111 $1,750 Louan 39th, red cow; by Duke of Airdrie 2743— T. J. Megib- ben, Cynthiana, Ky 1,650 Linda Belle 2d, red show heifer; by Plantagenet — J. H. Spears 1,525 6th Duchess of Oakland, red-and-white three-year-old; by Plantagenet — George Gregg, Beechville, Can 1,500 7th Duchess of Oakland, red two-year-old; by Plantagenet — James Fullington, Union Co., 1,400 Flora Belle 3d, roan yearling — J. H. Spears 1,325 Magenta, red heifer calf; by Plantagenet, dam Clinton Lady —J. H. Spears 1,105 Oxford Duchess, red cow — W. M. Baines, Metamora, Ind... 1,075 P'annie Hunt, red three-year-old; dam Anna Hunt, of Mr. Warfleld's breeding — A. J. Dunlap 1,025 Myrtle, roan twelve-year-old cow; by imp. Starlight (12146) — James Fullington 1,005 Anna Clark, red-and-white cow, bred by C. M. Clark — Mil- ton Briggs, Newton, la 950 Eudora 2d, red heifer; by Plantagenet — B. H. Campbell, Batavia, 111 910 Clinton Lady, red nine-year-old cow — Jesse Hagler, Fayette Co., 850 Louan of Oakland, red cow — Milton Briggs 800 Louan 12th, red eleven-year-old cow — R. G. Dun, London, O. 800 Rosa Bonheur, red-roan three-year-old — James Fullington.. 750 Emma 2d, red cow— B. H. Campbell 730 Anna Eggleston, red cow — Thomas Kirk, Fayette Co., 0. . . . 730 ICth Belle Republic, red cow— Milton Briggs 700 141st Belle Republic, red cow— Milton Briggs 700 3d Louan of Oakland, roan two-year-old — J. W. Armstrong, Deer Park, 111 GOO Honey Bud, roan two-year-old — B. H. Campbell 000 Oxford Queen, heifer calf; by Plantagenet — J. W. Arm- strong 560 Vain Lady, red two-year-old; by Gen. Grant — B. H. Camp- bell 525 Minna Watson, roan heifer calf — H. B. Sherman, Toledo, 0. 525 May Day, red-and-white cow — B. H. Campbell 525 THE BIRTH OF A ''bOOM " 383 Bride of Greenwood, red-and-white, bred by David Selsor — George Gregg, Canada $ 525 Emma Palmer, red-and-white cow, twelve years old; by imp. Warrior (122S7)— Thomas Kirk, Fayette Co., O. . 500 Eudora, roan cow — Charles Hook, Xenia, 500 Oneota, cow; by Duke of Airdrie 2743 — Jesse Hagler 500 -1th Belle Republic, roan cow — Milton Briggs 500 Of the bulls Eoyal Oakland, a red two-year-old by Plantagenet out of Miguonette, brought the highest price, $1,300, from James Fullington. This bull had been winner of first prize at the Ohio State Fair of 1868, and stood at the head of the breeders' herd at the same show in 1869. He was resold the next day for $2,000. The rest of the bulls ranged in price from $75 for old Oxford Lad up to $825 for Eoyal Lad — a yearling by Plantagenet. The entire herd brought $63,980, an average of $864.60. Twen- ty-four head went to Illinois at $23,625, twenty-five head to Ohio at $13,265, six head to Iowa at $1,350, six head to Kentucky at $11,090 and three to Wis- consin at $8,400. Col. WiUiam S. King-. — One of the most interested spectators at the McMillan sale was Col. William S. King of Minneapolis, Minn., who was one of the first to introduce Short-horns into the Northwest and whose lavish investments in show and breeding stock contributed so largely to the development of a taste for Short-horn breeding in the Western States. The controlling motive in the establishment of his Lyn- dale Herd was the improvement of the cattle stocks of the Xorthwest. Short-horns were but little known in Minnesota even while Brown, Pickrell, Duncan, 384 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE McMillan, Spears and their contemporaries were fighting their earlier show-yard battles in Illinois. Col. King was himself without special knowledge of them at that time, and indeed began his work by an unavailing effort to introduce Ayrshires among the farmers of the Northwest. Reared in the stock- growing and dairy region of Northern Central New York his thoughts naturally reverted first to the herds of the Empire State, and he has given us an amusing account of how his attention became first diverted from the Ayrshires to the Short-horns and as to how his first purchase was received upon ar- rival at St. Paul in 1867. In the autumn of that year he visited the J. 0. Sheldon herd at Geneva, N. Y., and was captivated by it. One of the Duch- esses had just dropped a bull calf — the 5th Duke of Geneva — which he contracted for at $3,000; but be- fore the youngster was shipped Sheldon arranged for an exchange of the 5th Duke to Edwin G. Bed- ford of Kentucky for the 6th Duke of Geneva.* In *"I took occasion on one of my frequent trips east to visit the New York Mills Herd of Ayrshires, which was then reputed to be the finest of the kind in the United States. It was on that occasion that I first met both Mr. Campbell and Richard Gibson and formed acquaintance with the latter which led to many later business transactions between us and friendship which still exists and has been to me a source of much pleas- ure. But to my story. Telling Mr. Campbell the purpose of my visit the old gentleman left his business office and walked with me to the barn, where, calling for Gibson, he ordered out for review his Scottish pets, which Gibson began to assemble from the various small lots adjoining the barns and yards. While standing on the platform of the barn lool?- ing at the Ayrsliires there was a great crasli near by, and looking in tliat direction I saw a young Short-horn bull about eighteen months old which had dashed through a partly opened gate to an adjoining yard and with head and tail erect stood before us a living picture of animal beauty. •What's that?' said I to Mr. Campbell. 'Oh, that's one of Gibson's things, a Sliort-horn, but I don't think mucli of them,' was the reply. But a friend who had accompanied me to inspect the herd turned to me and said: 'Colonel, that's tlie kind of stock you want for the West. Your Western people will never be satisfied with these Ayrsliire cattle.' Mr. Campbell was evidently nettled at this remark and replied : 'Then 385 1869 Col. King added by purchase from the Sheldon herd a Bloom, two Gwynnes, a Mazurka, and several other females, including Constance 6th, which latter proved to be the most profitable cow ever owned at Lyndale. Such was the foundation. These Sheldon cattle were shown at the Minnesota State Fair of the people of the West don't know what is best for them.' Truth com- pels me to sav that I was a little nettled myself. It was Ayrshires that I 'went out to see' ; Ayrshires that I had fully decided were to be my instruments in the work of stock and dairy reform in Minnesota, and the result was that before leaving the barn I had picked out a small number of young Ayrshire heifers and a yearling bull and arranged for their shipment. Before I left, however, Gibson found an opportunity to whisper in my ear : 'Tou will make no mistake if you take the advice of your friend and take along a few Short-horns.' So just as we were about leaving I turned to Mr. Campbell and asked : 'What will you price me that young bull for?' 'Oh, if you want him you may have him for $100,' was the reply. 'WTiy, Mr. Campbell," spoke up Gibson qulcklv,' ':Mr. Sheldon would never sell such a bull as that for a cent less than $400.' 'No matter,' said Mr. Campbell, 'if Mr. King wants him for $100 he can have him.' 'Take him,' said my friend decidedly; 'he will be worth more to you than all the Ayrshires on this farm." I took the bull, and with him two or three young heifers of the same strain of blood, all, I think, by Weehawken from dams of the Rosamond, or Mason blood. And thus began my Short-horn purchases. Whether Gibson put up a job to have that Short-horn bull appear on the stage at that particular moment I do not venture to assert, but that his ap- pearance at that time had much to do in shaping my future course as a breeder is a solid fact. "\Mien advised by telegraph that the boat on which the stock was shipped from La Crosse would reach St. Paul at a given hour I was on hand to receive them. When the passengers had disembarked the cat- tle were led off, the Ayrshires first being unloaded. Among the crowd of levee loungers who were 'watching out' to see what was going on was one tall, lank, uncouth-looking chap who eyed my little Ayrshires with great apparent curiosity, and finally addressing me he broke out : 'I say. Mister, what do you call them are critters there?' 'Young Ayr- shires,' was the short reply. 'Young wharf rats,' he rejoined, and added : 'I say. Mister, you'll have to look out or them little critters will crawl through the cracks of your barn floor and you'll lose 'em.' Too indignant to reply to this gross insult put upon my beautiful young Ayrshires I turned away from the fellow just as the young Short-horn bull was being led off the boat, when my tormentor, espying him, broke out again : 'I say. Mister, there comes a critter something like what a critter should be. I know that kind myself.' '"What kind of a critter do you call that?' some one standing by inquired,' '"UTiy,' said this ex- pert judge of live stock, 'that's a Devon. I've seen hundreds of them cattle down in Maine 'fore I ever came West.' Offended pride and pa- tience could stand no more, and sharply turning upon this critic I said to him : "Young man, that bull doesn't come anj-where as near being a Devon as you do to being a natural-born jackass.' The fellow turned a half -pitying, half-offended look upon me as though debating in his own mind whether I was really as big a fool as he evidently rated me, or whether it was his duty to resent in some effective way my ill manner In thus characterizing his pedigree, but finally strolled off into the crowd while I headed my young bovine pilgrims for Minneapolis, where I soon had them safely and comfortably housed in their humble quarters." 386 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE.N CATTLE 1869 and attracted much favorable notice, although not in high condition. Meantime the proprietor had been a visitor at some of the important shows else- where, and realizing that his stock could not hope to cope successfully with the great show herds of Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky he determined to bring- all the resources of large means to bear upon the acquisition of animals of such character as would enable him to break a lance with the leading show- men of the day. He had heard of Baron Booth of Lancaster and of Eosedale, and following Mr. Pick- rell's example visited Mr. Cochrane 's. The LyndaJe show herd. — At Hillhurst he saw and bought the great Rosedale, imp. Queen of Diamonds and Maid of Atha, of William Miller's breeding. This was a grand foundation for a show herd, but no bull of the requisite character could be found, and a two-year-old heifer and yearling were also needed. The Colonel's ambition was now thoroughl}^ aroused, and with characteristic enterprise and lib- erality he gave Mr. Cochrane and Simon Beattie carte blanche to select and l)ring out from Great Britain the best animals money could buy in the United Kingdom to fill out the herd. About this same time Mr. John Gibson (brother to Eichard, then at New York Mills) was engaged to take gen- eral charge of the Lyndale Herd. The McMillan dis- persion occurred while Col. King's agents were look- ing for show cattle abroad. This was the first auction sale of cattle he had ever attended, and like £ 2 — > > - ^S z ^ THE BIRTH OF A ^'bOOM " 387 all others who were present upon that occasion he was fairly carried away by the excitement and enthusiasm of the day. It w^as here that he met Lyall, McMillan's herdsman, and engaged him to undertake the detailed training of the show herd then in progress of formation. Beattie arrived Aug. 2, 1870, with the imported cattle. He had brought out forty head altogether, including the bulls Scotsman 10951 and Old Sam 10551, both tw^o years old, and a pair of roan two- year-old show heifers — Booth's Lancaster and Countess of Yarborough — for Col. King's exami- nation. The bulls were both good; in fact so evenly balanced that it seemed impossible to make choice between them. After extended deliberation, how- ever, in which Messrs. Beattie, Cochrane, King and Gibson all participated, they decided to make their stand with Scotsman. He was a roan, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch and sired by Royal Errant 22780 ( the sire of the dam of the afterward celebrated imp. Duke of Richmond) out of Comet by Lord Stanley (18275). Even more difficulty was experienced in trying to choose between the two heifers. They were both grand thick-fleshed specimens and in beautiful bloom. Booth's Lancaster was a great "chunk"— full sister in blood to Baron Booth of Lancaster — being by the same sire out of one of the celebrated triplet daughters of Lord Raglan from the cow Lancaster 25th, bred by Mr. Cruick- ^hank. The Countess was bred by Dudding from 388 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Baron Rosedale (21239), a bull out of the dam of Rosedale. The Lyndale people were afraid that if they left either of these at Hillhurst there would be grave danger of meeting the other later on in hos- tile hands at the Western shows. There was but one safe thing to do; buy them both. No yearling had been bought, but hearing of Rosedale 's last calf, Rosedale Duchess, her purchase was decided upon without the formality of an examination; the price being $5,500. She proved a disappointment. In Col. King's expressive language, '' richly worth about 5 per cent of the price paid. ' ' En route to Minnesota Scotsman developed a case of foot-and-mouth disease, which necessitated his being quarantined at Lyndale, and in spite of the most careful treatment he was in no condition to head the herd as the fall shows drew near. The Illi- nois State Fair was being held the w^eek before "the Great St. Louis" Show, which was in those days the "Royal" of America, and after loading the cattle (and some imported Cotswold sheep) on board a river steamer at St. Paul for St. Louis Gibson was started post haste for Decatur, with instructions to buy a show bull, if there was one on the Illinois State Fair Grounds, at any cost. On Saturday before the opening the Lyndale cattle were in their stalls at St. Louis, minus a bull, but that same day Gibson wired that he was starting with Scotsman's ocean companion Old Sam. Mr. Cochrane had not sold the bull during the summer, and had shipped him out THE BIRTH OF A ''bOOM " 389 to the Illinois State Fair in the expectation of find- ing a purchaser. James N. Brown's Sons had Ty- coon 7339 at Decatur that year as a three-year-old, and Mr. Gibson offered $2,500 for him without effect- ing his purchase. As this was one of the most noted of the home-bred show bulls of that time a brief statement concerning him will be of interest at this point. Tycoon 7339. — This noted roan must be credited primarily to Kentucky, as he was sired by Mr. War- field's famous Muscatoon 7057 out of Nannie by Derby 4689, he a son of Eenick 903; second dam Maria Hunt by imp. Young Chilton, tracing in the maternal line to imp. Illustrious by Emperor (1974). He was dropped on Capt. James N. Brown's farm in Sangamon County, March 27, 1867. While his sire and dam were both bred at Grasmere the credit for his development into one of the most noted show bulls of his day rests with Capt. Brown and his sons, who had by this time become associated with their father in the management of the herd at Grove Park.* At three years of age he attained a weight of 2,360 lbs. His head was neat, horns slightly drooping, and of masculine character. He was well filled behind the shoulders, good at the chine; level in his top and bottom lines; square and well finished about the rumps, with thighs carried well down to straight and well-filled legs. He was rated bv good *Capt. James N. Brown died Nov. 16, 1868. His sons still carry on the farm, although doing little now in pedigreed cattle. 390 A HISTORl OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE judges as one of the best bulls of his time in the West, and his victories in the show-yard at the Illinois State Fair, at St. Louis and other leading exhibitions gained for him much reputation. Tycoon was a uniformly good breeder and many of his heifers were fitted for show with great suc- cess. Prominent among his get may be mentioned the $1,000 show heifer Maud Muller, Illustrious 5tli and the famous Young Marys, Grace Youngs 4tli, 5th and 6th. He was sold at auction in 1871 to Mr. S. C. Duncan of Missouri and died in 1873. His sister. Illustrious 3d, was also a great winner in the herd of Messrs. Brown. King's victory at St. Louis. — When the great St. Louis show of 1870 opened its gates Old Sam was found at the head of the Lyndale Herd. He was a red, bred by H. R. Crabb of Chelmsford, Essex, Eng., and was got by the Bell-Bates Duchess Nancy bull Duke of Grafton (21594), a son of exported Duke of Geneva (19614), and similar in his breeding to the celebrated Grand Duke of Oxford (28763), sire of Rev. B. B. Kennard's great English-bred prize cow Queen Mary. Old Sam's dam was the mixed- bred cow Roma, by Baron Roxwell (21240). He gained first prize in the aged bull class over Baron Booth of Lancaster, but the latter was awarded by another committee the male championship of the class. Rosedale* was an easy winner among the * John Gibson desci-ibes Rosedale as follows : "Rosedale was one of the best cows I ever saw. She was laid out on a much larger scale than the cows now shown. She had an extraordinary front that waa THE BIETH OF A '^BOOM '' 391 aged cows; Queen of Diamonds carried the three- year-old ribbon, Booth's Lancaster the first for two- year-old heifer and Countess of Yarborough second. In yearlings the $5,500 Rosedale's Duchess was not noticed, but in heifer calves the sweet-faced heavy- coated Constance of Lyndale, by 5th Duke of Geneva, headed the list.* The herd prize fell to Lyndale after one of the most exciting contests ever known in America show-j^ards, Illinois, Missouri and Ken- tucky were defeated, but Great Britain and Canada had been ransacked with a blank check-book to do the trick. History tells of the "Field of the Cloth of Gold," where the kings of France and England met in the midst of such luxurious surroundings as to make the conference memorable mainly for its extravagant splendor. The tent which flew the flag of Lyndale and from whence Col. King dispensed hospitality to the fraternity of Short-horn breeders at this show well carried back to her hips. She was long, wide and deep, with great thickness of flesh, evenlv laid. She was just a little plain from her hips back, which was about her only fault. With all her size and wealth of flesh she had no coarseness or roughness, showing a fine feminine head, well carried. Queen of Diamonds tied her for sweepstakes at St. Louis, but the old cow rightly got it. One of the best things we showed at St. Louis in 1870 was the Constance heifer. One gentleman who saw her before the show remai'ked what a good one she was and said : 'You have trained wrong ; kept too much hair on. That is all right for the Roval, but will not do for the States.' I replied that I never saw a Short-horn with too much hair of the right quality, and the St. Louis judges seemed to think the same." * Constance was shown here in the wrong class, as was afterward acknowledged. There was always considerable contention between Edwin Bedford and George Bedford. Mr. Edwin Bedford had bought the 5th Duke of Geneva, and when this heifer made the rounds, really a yearling and shown as a calf, she was awarded great honors and, of course, Edwin was vcrv proud of her. Mr. George Bedford said he need not be. because she could not be a daughter of 5th Duke of Geneva, as she was too voung. Then, of course. Col. King either had to deny her sire or acknowledge — as, upon investigation, he subsequently did — that she was shown in the wrong ring. 392 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE was not carpeted with gold exactly, but it lacked little that money could supply that would minister to the tastes or appetites of the most fastidious among the congenial spirits congregated to do honor to that princely entertainer upon this great gala occasion. It was a famous victory; a magnificent herd and a royal celebration ; an event which will be recalled as long as show-yard battles retain their interest as probably the most remarkable event, in some of its features at least, in the annals of cattle competitions in America. W. R. Duncan's sale. — The McMillan sale, it is needless to say, gave a great impetus to Short-horn breeding in the West, and trade at once grew active, both at public sale and private treaty, at high prices. At an auction held by W. B. Duncan at Towanda, 111., Aug. 24, 1870, the show bull Minister 6363 was sold to Andrew Wilson of Topeka, Kan., at $1,760. Oxford Wiley 8753 fetched $705 and several other bulls brought from $400 to $500 each. The seven- year-old Young Mary cow Red Rose 3d, a red-roan of Ben F. Van Meter's breeding, went to George Otley of Neponset, 111., at $1,500. The red cow Gem 3d, also of Van Meter's breeding, fetched $1,150, going to Ed. lies, Springfield, 111. The cow Oxford Belle, bred at Woodbum, made $1,000 to Robert Otley, Neponset, 111. Others were sold at from $400 to $750. The beginning of live-stock journalism.— It may fee of interest at this point to note that from the THE BIRTH OF A '^BOOM " 393 month of May, 1869, may be dated the beginning of live-stock journalism as a special feature of agricul- tural newspaper work. Upon that date Mr. J. H. Sanders, founder of the Breeder's Gazette, began the publication of a sixteen-page monthly called the Western Stock Journal, issued at Sigourney, la., the initial number representing a portrait of Mr. Mc- Millan's celebrated Louan 21st. Mr. Sanders was at that time interested in stock breeding himself, and feeling the need personally of information bearing upon the business took advantage of his ownership of a small country printing-office to undertake on his own account the first venture of this kind of which we have record. The publication acquired imme- diate popularity, and its success attracted the atten- tion of Mr. George W. Rust, at that date engaged in newspaper work upon the Chicago Times, who in connection with the Hon. John P. Reynolds estab- lished at Chicago in September, 1871, a more pre- tentious magazine, which was christened the National Live-Stoch Journal. The immediate object of Mr. Sanders having thus been accomplished he accepted a proposition for the consolidation of his own paper with that of Mr. Rust, assuming at the same time a position as associate editor of the Chi- cago periodical. Mr. Rust was a ready and forcible writer, and at once made a special study of the Short-horn trade. His paper soon attained National circulation and in- fluence and afforded stock-breeders in general and 394 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the Short-born fraternity in particular a needed medium of communication. The National Live-Stock Journal, with which Messrs. Charles P. Willard and William Hallowell also became identified, was soon recognized as a powerful influence in the develop- ment of the American interest in pedigreed stock breeding.* In the course of time the Journal gave way to the weekly Breeder's Gazette, which was established in 1881. *The author may perhaps be pardoned for stating that it was in the worlt of compiling- Short-horn ratalogues in the office of tlie monthly magazine mentioned that he acquired, some twenty years ago, his first acquaintance with the intricacies of the Short-horn Herd Books of Great Britain and America. CHAPTER XIV AN EEA OF EXPANSION Important events now followed thick and fast. Hundreds of herds were in process of formation all the way from New England to the Pacific Coast. The fame of the Short-horn had become co-extensive with North American agriciiltnre and the demand greater than at any previous period. To mention, therefore, in detail all those who took a prominent part in this broad expansion of Short-horn interests would be to transcribe to these pages volumes of facts and pedigrees that may best be gathered from the herd-book records of the period. AVe can, there- fore, touch only upon matters that fairly possessed National or international interest. Hillhurst and Lyndale operations. — Three impor- tations were made to Hillhurst in 1870, aggregating some sixty-five head of cattle representing the lead- ing Bates and Booth strains. In the first lot were the show cattle sold to Col. King, as already men- tioned. Along with these Mr. Cochrane brought out from Col. Gunter's Duchesses 101st and 103d — at the extraordinary price of $5,000 and $7,500 respec- tively — both sired by exp. 4th Duke of Thorndale. and in the fall of that year these Duchesses dropped heifer calves by 8th Duke of York (28480). In this 395 396 A HISTOKY OF SHOET-HOEJST CATTLE same shipment was the roan show cow Jessie Hope- well, of Aylmer's breeding, that was sold to Ed lies of Springfield, 111. In the second shipment were several heifers from Warlaby and Killerby and three Booth bulls, one of which, Royal Richard 15415, was sold to A. Van Meter of Kentucky. Mr. Cochrane continued his operations in 1871, bringing over a large number of well-bred and individually excellent animals, including the roan heifer Royal Duchess 2d, sold to Mr. lies; the red Portulacca, that became the property of C. E. Coffin of Muirkirk, Md.; the red bull The Doctor 13021 and Cherub 11505, both subsequently famous in the West; the roan Breadal- bane 11429, of Torr's breeding, sold to S. R. Streator of Cleveland, 0., etc. Richard Gibson selected for importation by Col. King in 1871 a lot that included such noted animals as Baron Hubback 2d 13199, of Col. Towneley's breeding; Countess of Oxford, from Messrs. Hosken of Cornwall; Lady Brough, largely of Booth blood, etc. Meantime Mr. Cochrane had sold Duchess 97th to Col. King at the enormous price of $12,000, but shrewdly foreseeing the result of the manipulations going on at New York Mills the proprietor of Hill- hurst repurchased this heifer, and along with her the 6th Duke of Geneva. Exportations to England. — In April, 1871, Mr. Cochrane sold through Mr. Thornton to Col. Kings- cote for $4,000 the red yearling bull Duke of Hill- hurst 9862, by 14th Duke of Thorndale out of AN ERA OF EXPANSIOIT 397 Duchess 97tli, that afterward sired the highest- priced bull of any breed ever sold in the world, to- wit: Duke of Connaught (33604), for which Lord Fitzhardinge gave $22,500. Along with Duke of Hillhurst Mr. Cochrane shipped the roan heifer 11th Lady of Oxford to the Earl of Dunmore, Stirling, Scotland, at $3,750. In October, 1871, Walcott & Campbell shipped three Oxford heifers, the 9th Maid and 10th and 13th Ladys of Oxford, together with the yearling Oxford bull 5th Lord Oxford 10382 and the 1st Duke of Oneida 9925, all sold to E. H. Cheney. For the 1st Duke $4,250 was received. He was afterward resold to Lord Skelmersdale. The 9th Maid of Oxford was a particularly valuable heifer, having been success- fully exhibited before exportation at the New York State Fair. Unfortunately she died soon after land- ing abroad. In November, 1871, Mr. Cochrane made another sale to Dunmore, consisting of the white Duchess 107th and the roan Duchess 108th, the 8th Maid of Oxford, Marchioness of Oxford, and four Kentucky- bred Roses of Sharon. For the Duchess heifers the enormous price of $12,500 was paid. The two Rose of Sharon cows Red Rose, of Mr. Renick's breeding, by Airdrie 2478, and Red Rose 2d, of William War- field's breeding, by Duke Frederick, were taken, to- gether with their heifer calves, at $2,500. Clark Co. (Ky.) Importing Co. — The importing trade into Kentucky, which had languished for 398 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE many years, was now revived. An organization made up mainly of Clark County breeders sent Lewis Hampton and W. C. Vanmeter to England early in 1871 to make a selection of cattle for immediate im- portation. The stock landed in New York April 11 and was disposed of on tlie fair grounds near Win- chester on Aug. 26. Twenty-three head brought $19,685, an average of $855.87, the highest price realized being $1,300 for the red heifer Cowslip 2d, bought by Lewis Hampton. The red cow Pride of the West, bred by Mr. G. Game and sired by exp. 6th Duke of Airdrie (19602), went to W. H. Nelson of Montgomery County at $1,250. The same buyer took the red yearling heifer Lady Spencer 2d, by Baron Oxford (23375), at $1,220. For Rarity, of the Charmer tribe, Asa Bean gave $1,080. The roan bull Peabody (29535) went to W. C. Vanmeter at $900, Duke of Babraham (25934) to W. L. Sudduth at $790, and the Pawlett-Booth bull calf Pioneer 12593 to same buyer at $400. At this same sale a draft of home-bred cattle was offered, the highest- priced animal contributed by local breeders being the Young Mary cow Beck Taylor, by Dick Taylor, taken by Mr. J. E. Sudduth at $600. The Young Phyllis yearling heifer Queen of Hearts, sired by the show bull Burnside 4618, brought $550. High prices in Illinois. — Edward lies sold twenty- nine head at Springfield, 111., Nov. 15, 1871, for $14,940, an average of $515.17. The show cow Jessie Hopewell, by a Booth bull on a mixed English foun- AN EEA OF EXPANSION 399 dation, was included in this sale and was taken by J. H. Kissinger of Clarksville, Mo., at $2,500. J. U. Taylor of Decatur, 111., bought Oxford Duchess, a two-year-old Bates-topped heifer (imported by Hon. M. H. Cochrane), for $2,100. The yearling show heifer Nelly Ely of Forest Hill, by Gen. Grant 4825, commanded $1,800 from Mr. Spears. Mr. Sodowsky of Indianola, 111., gave $1,800 for the red cow Poten- tilla, of mixed English breeding, also imported by Mr. Cochrane. J. H. Pickrell took the imported roan cow Statesman's Daughter 2d at $700, and other parties, afterward well known and active in the trade, such as C. E. Lippincott, Messrs. Parks, A. R. Babbage, William Stew^art, Samuel Dysart, AVilliam Smith, Jeff Bridgford (Missouri), et al., were buyers of cows and heifers. The ten-year-old Ttli Duke of Airdrie was bought by W. B. Dodge, Waukegan, 111., at $500, and the roan bull calf Chief Napier — a ''J" Princess by imp. Gen. Napier — was taken by E. W. Mills, Sullivan, 111., at $800. The great trade of 1872. — During the year 1872 exportations at high prices to Great Britain were renewed on a still more extensive scale, and the domestic trade was vastly in excess of anything previously recorded, no less than 1,014 head of Short-horns being sold at auction in the United States during the year for $317,256, an average of $313 each. This, of course, does not include the great list of transfers at private sale. Richard Gibson, who was now located at London, 400 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Out., went to Woodburn in April and bought tlie 8th, 13th and 14th Duchesses of Airdrie for export to Cheney of Gaddesby Hall. Along with the Duch- esses he sent the Princess cows Primula (bred by A. B. Conger), Lady Wellington and Lady Sale of Put- ney (both bred by Messrs. Winslow of Vermont), the Gwynne cow Lady Susan 3d and heifer calf (bred by Mr. White of Framingham, Mass.), and the Con- stance heifer Rosina, bred by Cowan of Canada. Lord Dunmore again drcAV upon America, order- ing from Hillhurst the Booth-bred bulls Eoyal Blithe and Breakspear and the red yearling 3d Duke of Hillhurst. Mr. Cochrane had now acquired pos- session of the Booth stock imported for New York Mills. Royal Blithe was a son of the Warlaby-bred Merry Peal, but died on shipboard. A stormy pas- sage was encountered and the other two bulls ar- rived at Liverpool in December much reduced in flesh. This year is memorable in the annals of Kentucky Short-horn breeding especially for the sale to Earl Dunmore by Abram Renick of the Rose of Sharon heifers Red Rose of the Isles, Red Rose of Thorn- dale and Red Rose of Rannoch, the first a daughter of old Airdrie, the second by 8th Duke of Thorn- dale and the third by Joe Johnson. All were in calf to the 4tli Duke of Geneva. Dunmore had been attached to the staffs of various Confederate com- manders during the American Civil War in quest of military experience. He was with Lee, Wade Hamp- AN ERA OF EXPANSION 401 ton and Kirby Smith, and when the latter made his dash into Kentucky the Scottish Earl improved the opportimity to have a look incognito at some of the Short-horn herds of the blue-grass country. Out of this visit grew his subsequent orders for cattle of the Rose of Sharon tribe. Col. L. G. Morris of New York brought out in August, 1872, five heifers and two bulls of Bates blood, including the bull Oxford Beau 2d, of Kings- cote breeding. Australia was also buying freely in the mother country about this period, paying the Duke of Devonshire $5,000 for 24th Duke of Oxford (31002). The first public sale of cattle ever held at Dexter Park, Chicago, occurred this year, the herd of Mr. E. P. Brockway of Wisconsin, that acquired consid- erable reputation in the show-ring, going under the hammer at an average price of $693 per head. Col. William S. King sold twenty-eight females at auc- tion at an average of $452, the show heifer Booth's Lancaster bringing $1,700 from Messrs. Parks of Glen Flora Farm, Waukegan, 111., and the imported cows Henrietta and Countess Oxford going to the same noted herd at $1,500 and $1,000 respectively. Booth's Lancaster was resold later to S. E. Streator of Cleveland, 0., for $2,000. It was during this year also that J. H. Pickrell sold imp. British Flag 13211,* bred by Messrs. Dud- *British Flag- was one of an importation made in 1871 by a Capt. Pratt, that passed into tlie possession of Mr. Piclvrell. Baron Lewis was the first Short-horn bred and reared in Illinois to bring so great a 402 A HISTORY O'F SHORT-HORX CATTLE ding, for $1,800, and Baron Lewis, a Phyllis bull by Baron Booth of Lancaster, to "Uncle Harvey" So- dowsky of Indianola, 111., for $3,000 at a public sale that averaged $603. Many important transactions were consummated this season at private treaty. George Murray, a Scotchman in the lumber trade at Racire, Wis., who had been a heavy buyer at the McMillan sale, now acquired from Mr. Alexander the afterward cele- brated lOtli Duchess of Airdrie. He w^as using at this time at the head of his Slausondale Herd the 17th Duke of Airdrie, and had paid $1,210 for Ma- zurka 26th. J. H. Kissinger of Missouri received during this season's trade $1,800 for his Caroline Airdrie heifer by Mr. Pickrell's Sweepstakes 6230 to go to California. While all this was going on in America prices were "booming" abroad. At Earl Dunmore's sale Sept. 5, 1872, the English sale record was broken when Mr. Thornton disposed of forty-eight coavs and heifers for over $60,000, an average of some $1,250. At this sale Baron Oxford 5th brought $2,000. The highest price for a female was $6,000 price. At this sale a very persistent stranger bid for Baron Lewis against Mr. Sodowsky, and when the $2,500 notch was reached the ex- citement was intense. Turning to his opponent Mr. S. said: "Well, stranger, vou must have lots of money." The only reply was an advance of the bid. The belligerent Vermilion County breeder, however, had some "sand," as well as means, himself, and forced his rival out at $3,000. The stranger did have money sure enough, or at least he repre- sented it, for he was the agent of the Hon. John Wentworth of Chicago. "Long John," as he was familiarly called, was fond of sending "un- knowns" out after valuable cattle offered at public sale, and in this in- stance only repeated his tactics as already noticed in his purchase of the loth Duke of Airdrie some years previous. AN EBA OF EXPANSION 403 for a yearling Oxford heifer, another of the same family bringing $5,050. The part of the Earl's herd not offered npon this occasion comprised his Ameri- can importations, one or two favorite old cows, and a tribe known as the Revelrys — twenty-two head in all — for which $75,000 in a lump sum was said to have been refused. After this sale two of the Eed Roses (Renick Rose of Sharon) were parted with privately at $10,000. On Nov. 30 following Mr. Si- mon Beattie shipped for Lord Dunmore from Amer- ica five heifers, all descended from imp. Rose of Sharon, by Belvedere (1706). Three of these were bred by Abram Renick — Minnie 4th, by old Airdrie (30365) ; Duchess 10th, by Joe Johnson, and Rose of Thorndale, by 8th Duke of Thorndale. The other two were of the Ohio branch of the tribe, tracing through Lady of the Lake, and were bred by Mr. Chauncey Hills of Delaware; one of them got by Mr. Hills' Imperial Starlight 8270 and the other by Judge Jones' Mazurka Duke of Airdrie 10478. Re- markable as was the Dunmore sale of Sept. 5 a still more sensational one was soon to follow. Messrs. Harward & Downing sold on Sept. 18 sixty-one head for £15,458, an average of £253, the three-year-old bull 8th Duke of Geneva going to Mr. Leney at £1,650, or fully $8,250 in gold, the highest price paid at auction for any animal of the breed up to that date. Mr. Downing had paid Mr. Sheldon of New York $4,000 for the bull in 1869. Col. L. G. Morris of Fordham, N. Y., was a hujer at this sale. The 404 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE X CATTLE highest-priced female was 5th Maid of Oxford at $4,500. Oakland Favorite 10546 and Loudon Duke 6th 10399.— In 1870 Mr. Charles E. Leonard of Ravens- wood Farm, Mo., had purchased from D. McMillan of Ohio the eight-months bull calf Oakland Favor- ite 10546, sired by Loyal Duke of Oakland 6977 out of Mignonette by Gen. Grant 4825 ; second dam Jes- sie—the dam of Gen. Grant— by Starlight 2d 2259. He sustained the good reputation of the McMillan stock, proving an extra show bull and winning for Mr. Leonard many first and championship prizes west of the Mississippi River. In 1872 Mr. John G. Cowan of Holt Co., Mo., pur- chased the celebrated Loudon Duke 6th 10399, bred by Mr. Warfield and sired by Muscatoon 7057 out of the great show cow Loudon Duchess 2d by Duncan's Duke of Airdrie 2743. We believe this bull was once defeated at Kansas City by Mr. Leonard's Oakland Favorite, but his career in the Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska show-yards represented an almost un- broken line of victories. He was a red with straight top and bottom lines; a broad, deep chest; good on the fore ribs and through the heart; possessing smooth, well-laid shoulders, deep ribs, low flanks, faultless hind quarters and the traditional Duke of Airdrie neatness. He had been shown by Mr. War- field with great success in Kentucky, Ohio and Indi- ana, where he had only been beaten once as a year- ling. Mr. Cowan paid $3,000 for him as a two-year- AN ERA OF EXPANSION 405 old, and his exhibition at the Western fairs served to sjjread the reputation of the Short-horns well be- yond the Missouri River. Shown with his get he never met defeat. In fact as a breeding bull he had no equal in the Western country in his day. His de- scendants in tho Cowan herd were distinguished show and breeding animals for many years, and one of his sons contributed much to the success of the late Hon. D. M. Moninger in his great steer-breeding operations in Iowa. In the hands of Mr. Richard Daniels, one of Nebraska's pioneer breeders,* bulls by Loudon Duke 6th rendered capital service, and one of his daughters, Loudon's Minnie, was a fea- ture of the Short-horn exhibit at the Philadelphia Centennial. First National convention.— On Nov. 27, 1872, the first National convention of breeders of Short-horns ever held in America met at Indianapolis, Ind., the chairman of the committee that issued the call for this important meeting having been the late Hon. *Mr. Ralph Anderson of Falls City was possibly the first breeder of Short-horns in Nebraska, but Mr. Daniels shipped, in 1867, the first specimens of the breed ever taken to the State by rail, paying $200 per car from Chicago. A chute for unloading had to be specially built at Council Bluffs. Mr. Daniels' initial purchases, like those of most of the other Western breeders, were largely of "Seventeen" blood, and con- cerning these he says : "I think they were as good beef cattle as I ever saw." He also brought with this lot a two-year-old steer for which he paid $100 in Michigan, keeping him until he was six years old, when he was sold to Shirley Bros, of Omaha for Christmas beef at a high price. Mr. Daniels bought from Mr. Cowan the breeding bull Knight of St. George 8473, that had been bred by W. R. Duncan of Illinois. He was a Phyllis, sired by Minister 6363, and cost Mr. Daniels $1,000. Then for many years he bred from sons of Loudon Duke 6th. Speaking of his experience with Short-horns "Uncle Dick," as this veteran Nebraska breeder is familiarly called, says: "If I had to begin life over again I would breed Short-horns. They always paid me." 406 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE Claude Matthews of Indiana. This great mass meet- ing grew out of a desire on the part of those who were the recognized leaders in the trade at this date to have a higher standard of registry established for the herd book, which was at that time the private property of Mr. Lewis F. Allen. Those who had been paying long prices for stock of comparatively recent importation, or immediate descendants there- of, sought to cast discredit upon cattle bred from many of the earlier importations, and it was argued that inasmuch as some of the foundation stock in the herd book had no pedigree, and as others regis- tered in the early days boasted pedigrees known to be of questionable character, it was necessary to practically treat the descendants of such cattle as "grades." Indeed the question of demanding a more rigid standard of admission to the herd book was the prime factor in the calling of this conven- tion. George W. Rust, through the Live-Stock Jour- nal, had published scathing denunciations of what he characterized as the inexcusable laxity of the Allen rules, and the fact that the "purists" had already gone so far as to establish in Kentucky (under the powerful patronage of Mr. A. J, Alex- ander and under the immediate direction of Maj. Humphrey Evans) a rival pedigree register known as the "American Short-horn Record" indicated the extent and depth of the feeling existing in respect to this matter. After extended debate the following resolutions AN ERA OF EXPANSION 407 bearing upon this and another mooted question were adopted : Resolved, That the ancestry of the animals should be traced on both sides to imported animals, or to those heretofore recorded in the American Herd Book, with pedigrees not false or spurious, before they can be entitled to registry. Resolved, That the person under whose direction the animals are coupled should be recognized as the breeder of the produce. Mr. Allen accepted these and the other recom- mendations of the convention and agreed to be gov- erned by them in the conduct of the herd book. Opposition to prevailing "fashions" developed. — The era of speculation was now in full swing. Bell's history of Bates cattle and Carr's history of the Booth herds had appeared in England, and were widely read in America. Controversies were waged through the public press and at every gathering of breeders over the pedigrees and character of the great rival types. Prominent among those who took part in this in the States were Hon. T. C. Jones of Delaware, 0., and A. S. Matthews of Wytheville, Va., both of whom ridiculed many of the claims made by the partisans of the Bates Short-horns. Judge Jones was a man of strong intellect, deeply versed in Short-horn lore, and as fond of a controversy as any native of Erin. He was an experienced breeder, and for a period of nearly twenty years was one of the leading American writers on Short-horn cattle. His ability, honesty of purpose and virile character commanded the respect even of those who differed with him in relation to the various controverted 408 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE tenets of the Sliort-liorn faith. There was a sharp tilt in England between Lord Dunmore and Mr. J. B. Booth, in the course of which the latter chal- lenged the Earl to show twenty head of the Killerby Hecubas against a like number of any one tribe at Dunmore for $5,000 a side, to which His Lordship responded that he did not have that number of any one tribe in his pastures. It is of interest at this juncture, as reflecting a feeling that was becoming very prevalent at this stage of the proceedings, to note that the National Live-Stoch Journal in com- menting upon the Booth-Dunmore controversy in its issue of January, 1873, used the following significant language : "The Booth and Bates men usually profit by these discussions; they no doubt intended that this controversy should tend, as pre- vious ones have, to attract public attention to those rival strains, until purchasers should be persuaded that the only question for them to decide was which of the 'breeds,' to use the language of Mr. Bates, should be selected. Hearing this perpetual contro- versy it is not strange that amateurs should be willing to pay long prices for a Booth or Bates pedigree, without regard to the excellence of the animal. But that practical men, who have had experience in breeding, and especially that managers of publica- tions supported by the owners of Short-horns of all strains, should aid in keeping up this mania is a matter we cannot com- prehend. For our own part we mean in the future, as in the past, to keep clear of this mania. While admitting, as we always have, the high excellence of these rival stocks we shall insist that they are not superior in blood or in valuable characteristics to the cattle of other good breeders, and that those, therefore, who claim for them this pre-eminent superiority are misleading the public and unjustly depreciating the value of other Short-horns." This is the first time we find any public editorial condemnation of the tendency of the times in Short- AN EEA OF EXPANSION 409 horn breeding circles, a fact which indicates clearly that the rank and file of American Short-horn breed- ers were beginning to grow restive under the con- stant and nsually arrogant assumptions of superior- ity indulged in by the dealers in the "fashionable" strains of that day. CHAPTER XV THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE The year 1873 dawned with the breed basking in the sunshine of a popularity such as no other variety of improved live stock has ever enjoyed. The wealth of the cattle-breeding world was now ready to be poured at the feet of the Short-horn, Notwithstand- ing the internal dissensions noted in the preceding chapter, agricultural history has no parallel to the enthusiasm and boundless devotion displayed by the followers of the "red, white and roan" during this and the years immediately succeeding. The beauty and practical utility of the breed had captivated the great landed proprietors of both hemispheres, as well as the farmers and feeders of both continents; and under the stimulus of a demand almost world- wide in its character those who had the means to gratify their taste for rare specimens of the breed were forced to measure values not so much by the mere intrinsic worth of individual animals for the feed-lot or the dairy as by the degree of personal sat- isfaction flowing from the ownership of Short-horns of illustrious lineage or bearing the badge of show- yard superiority. It is true there were certain parties identified with the trade who were engaged in promoting pub- 410 THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THEEE 411 lie interest from purely mercenary motives. Such individuals did what they could, of course, to add fuel to the fire, but it goes without saying that their utmost efforts would have been wholly unavailing but for the existence of an abiding appreciation of the breed upon both sides the Atlantic, which was as profound as it was widespread and persistent. It therefore came to pass at this period that those who sought what they regarded as the most desir- able cattle of the breed were compelled to pay ex- orbitant and finally fabulous prices; but the mere fact that breeders and fanciers were willing to fol- low their favorites to the amazing figures quoted in the following pages is in itself a tribute to the fas- cinating character of the Short-horn such as no other race of domestic animals has ever yet received. "Coming events cast their shadows before." While it was not until the autumn of 1873 that the pent-up enthusiasm for the Duchess blood was at length unchained, transactions both at auction and at private treaty forecasted portentous events early in the year. Trade opened up briskly in the "West. Spring sales 1873. — At the Parks* and Murray sales, in April, Col. James W. Judy as auctioneer ♦Messrs. C. C. & R. H. Parks were Wall street brokers, and had for- merly resided at Waukegan. After acquiring possession of the Glen Flora Farm they soon decided upon stocking it with pedigreed cattle, horses and sheep. Their attention was drawn to Short-horns through the herd that Mr. W. B. Dodge had established at Waukegan. Their first investment was in 1869, when they bought five heifers, by Minister 6353, of W. R. Duncan for $2,000. They bought Lady of Racine, a daughter of Lady of Clark, famous in Ohio Short-horn history, from Mr. Dodge and sold her to George Murray for $4,000. This transaction, we believe, occurred while the parties were in attendance at the McMil- 412 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE disposed of twenty-four females for the former at an average of $783, and thirty-two for Mr. Murray at an average of $848. Of the Glen Flora (Parks) lot Messrs. Sodowsky took the two imported cows Countess of Oxford and Henrietta at $2,000 each. D. M. Flynn of Des Moines, la., bought Moss Rose at $1,610, and A. H. & I. B. Day of Utica, la., took imp. Lady Brough at $1,680. Elliott & Kent of Des Moines secured imp. Frill at $1,050. Sodowsky bought in^jD. Scotsman 10951, of Lyndale fame, at $1,000. Scotsman was a roan of the Duke of Buc- cleuch's breeding, and it is of interest to note in passing that he was a half-brother to the dam of the afterward famous Duke of Richmond, so cele- brated in the herd of J. H. Potts & Son. At the Murray sale A. B. Conger of New York bought the 17th Duke of Airdrie for $2,300, and S. W. Jacobs of West Liberty, la., the cow Forest Queen at $1,280. Ian sale. Messrs. Parks hired the late Mr. John Hope as herdsman in the spring of 1870, and bought the Torr bull imp. Gen. Napier from Col. King with a view toward showing at the Wisconsin State Fair and va- rious local shows, where they met George Murray, Messrs. Brockway and others. Gen. Napier was a very low, thick, mellow-fleshed bull, and one of the very first of his get was the famous Jubilee Napier, sold to Mr Pickrell. Other good ones were Miss Leslie Napier, that went to C. A. "DeGraff at a high price, and Gem of Eryholme, sold to S. W. Jacobs of Iowa. All of these made great reputations and were grand individual cattle. Gen. Napier was afterward sold to Stephen Dunlap, but realizing their mistake Messrs. Parks bought him back. They pur- chased the entire herd of C. K. Ward of New \ork besides a number of cattle from Messrs. Lusk, Wadsworth, Pratt and other prominent Eastern breeders, and were for several years among the most active in the American Short-horn trade. The Glen Flora Herd that was shown in the fall of 1872 won some- thing over $2,000 in prizes at Michigan and Wisconsin State Fairs and the district fiirs held at Aurora and Dixon, 111. It included the bulls imp Gen Napier, imp. Scotsman, imp. Baron Hubback 2d, and among the females were the champion cow imp. Henrietta, imp. Ruberta, imp. Lady Brough, shown as a two-year-old ; Miss Leslie Pattie Moore, Miss Leslie Napier, and the calf 3d Gem of Eryholme. This was a strong lot. admirably fitted. THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THEEE 413 Gen. Sol Meredith of Indiana gave $1,325 for Va- leria; S. "W. Jacobs $1,350 for 3d Louan of Slauson- dale; William Stewart of Taylor, 111., $1,700 for 2d Lady of Eacine and $1,400 for Mazurka 20tli, and G. W. Gaines of Ridge Farm $1,775 for Mazurka 23d. W. B. Dodge of Waukegan sold a lot at the same time at high prices, G. J. Hagerty of Ohio paying $1,010 for Elsie, and Elliott & Kent $1,000 for Ma- zurka of Woodlawn. In May of this year Col. King sold ten head to William S. Chapman and J. D. Carr of California for $10,000, including the prize bull Old Sam 10551. Dunmore's big deal. — Meantime Lord Dunmore closed a trade with the Hon. M. H. Cochrane for ten head of Bates-bred cattle for $50,000. This lot in- cluded 6th Duke of Geneva, Duchesses 97th, 101st and 103d, one Waterloo and five Wild Eyes. Duch- ess 97th at the time of this sale to Dunmore was at Walcott & Campbell's, being bred to the 2d Duke of Oneida. Duchess 103d died at Hillhurst before the order was filled. Summer sales. — In July Edward lies sold imp. Cherub 11505 at auction at Springfield for $6,000 to J. H. Spears of Tallula, 111.,* and at the same sale Gen. Meredith paid $2,000 for Joan of Arc, $1,650 for Royal Duchess 2d, $1,200 for Royal Duch- ess 3d and $2,200 for two Louans; Henry Clark of * Cherub was bred by Lord Sudeley of Gloucestershire, Eng.. and was gotbv Baron Booth (21212), sire of imp. Baron Booth of Lancaster, out of Seraphina 13th by John o' Gaunt (16322). He was imported by Cochrane, who sold him to lies. 414 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Missouri $1,000 for Anna Boleyn; S. C. Duncan of same State $1,100 for Florence; J. H. Kissinger $1,000 for Prairie Blossom, and W. R. Duncan $1,000 for Baroness Bates 3d. About the same time Wil- liam Stewart of Franklin Grove, 111., sold a lot at an average of $540, chiefly notable now from the fact that it contained the first specimen of the breed- ing of Mr. Amos Cruickshank of Sittyton, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland, to pass through the sale-ring in the West since the Illinois Importing Co.'s sale of 1857, viz.: the show cow Violet's Forth, bought by J. H. Spears for $1,525. George Otley gave $1,000 at this sale for Dove 6th. On June 25 J. H. Kissinger held a sale that averaged $540 on the females, the "top" of which was Illustrious 3d at $2,050 to T. W. Gar- rard of Missouri. This was one of the best cows of her time — a red-roan, bred bj^ James N. Brown's Sons and sired by the Roan Duchess bull Gallant Duke 6749 from a cow descending from imp. Illus- trious by Emperor. She was five years old at the time of this sale. J. H. Spears bought the Pomona show cow Phoebe Taylor for $1,500 and Mr. Pickrell the red Beauty by De Vaux cow Farina 2d, also a noted prize-taker, at the same figure. The Daisy (by Wild) show bull Duke of Airdrie 9800 went to H. Clark of Missouri at $1,000. At Dr. A. C. Steven- son's sale at Greencastle, Ind., Aug. 13, $1,000 was paid by J. Bridges, Bainbridge, Ind., for Stevenson's 28th and $1,100 by same party for Stevenson's 37th. At R. R. Seymour's sale at Chillicothe, 0., a half- THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE 415 interest in 3d Duke of Oneida sold for $3,300 to John Montgomery, Licking, 0. At R. H. Prewitt's sale at Pine Grove, Ky., July 31, Gen. Meredith gave $2,800 for the Booth bull imp. Forest Napier 11973, At Winchester, Ky., Aug. 1, at a sale conducted by Capt. P. C. Kidd for the estate of Lewis Hampton, $3,300 was paid by B. B. Groom for Mazurka Belle and $3,150 by same party for Lady Pawlett. At the same sale Geneva Lad 10129 went to A. H. Hampton at $1,850, the cow Mazurka Belle 2d to Hon. T. J. Megibben at $2,050, Annie Laura to S. F. Lockridge, Greencastle, Ind., for $1,000, the bull Mazurka Lad 15928 to J. V. Grigsby at $1,400, and the bull Ma- zurka Duke 2d 15927 to Mr. W. Voorhies of Illinois at $1,225. Abram Van Meter sold at Winchester, Ky., Aug. 2 and received $2,000 from R. H. Prewitt for Forest Queen, $1,010 from John Grigsby for Forest Beauty and $1,000 from the same buyer for May Cadenza. On Aug. 5 George M. Bedford made an average of $849 on twenty-seven females, receiv- ing for 5th Duchess Louan $3,575, for 23d Duchess of Goodness $2,950, for 22d of same name $1,000, for the 21st $1,025— all to local buyers— and for 9th Duke of Goodness 11736 $4,500 from Strawn & Lewis of Ottawa, 111. At James Hall's sale at Paris, Ky., Aug. 6, S. F. Lockridge gave $1,060 for Sarah Rice 5th. At Silver Lake, Kan., on Aug. 20 the State Agricultural College paid Andrew Wilson $1,050 and $900 respectively for a pair of Young Marys — Grace Youngs 4th and 5th. 416 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOEX CATTLE While these sales serve to indicate the prevailing furore as evidenced around the auction block, lead- ing breeders were making important private trans- fers. Leney took to England from New York Mills 10th Maid of Oxford and 6th Duke of Oneida. A. J. Alexander sold 15th Duchess of Airdrie for export to Cheney at $10,000 ! J. H. Pickrell while attending the Kentucky sales bought the famous Booth bull Breastplate 11195 from Prewitt for $6,250. George Murray bought 11th Duke of Geneva 9813 from George M. Bedford at a reported price of $10,000. The bull had been bought by Mr. Bedford at Hughes & Richardson's sale of 1872 for $6,000. Richard Gibson exported a half-dozen females of the Frantic or Fletcher Bell-Bates sort, a Kirklevington cow and two Princesses, and sent word back from England that at Cheney's sale the 9th Duke of Geneva's heifers averaged over $2,000 each! The pot was boiling furiously on both sides the Atlantic and — then came the deluge. New York Mills dispersion. — Hon. Samuel Camp- bell, after acquiring the interest of his partner (Mr. Walcott) in the Duchesses and other Short-horns at New York Mills was now ready for the coup toward which the events detailed in the foregoing pages had all been tending, to-wit: the closing out of the entire herd at auction. The 10th of September, 1873, was the day set for the event. John R, Page, Sennett, N Y., was engaged as auctioneer and Mr. Carr of England was asked to write up the herd on the THE SENSATION- OF SEVENTY-THEEE 417 otlier side of the water for a consideration of li/^ per cent of the gross receipts. H. Strafford, the cele- brated English auctioneer and editor of the English Herd Book, was corresponded with. He was to sell the Duchesses for a fee of 1,000 guineas! He pub- lished a sale catalogue of the Duchesses and Ox- fords. Page announced : "I have the sale and shall be pleased to see Mr. Strafford and have his assist- ance, but he will sell what I choose to assign him. I am the auctioneer." The Carr episode led to a long and heated newspaper controversy, in the course of which BelVs Messenger of London said: ' ' The words quoted by Mr. Carr mean that when he offered to Mr. Campbell as a salable commodity his influence with British Short-horn buyers and Mr. Campbell agreed to accept it at a price both Mr. Campbell and Mr. Carr (on their own showing) were guilty of disgraceful traffic in public confidence." All of which served as capital advertising. There were now no Duchesses living on either side the Atlantic descended direct from Mr. Bates' herd, without admixture of blood from other sources, save those at New York Mills, and they were all derived from Duchess 66th.* Just why this should have *The leading outcrosses on the Duchesses came through 2d Duke of Athol (11376) into the Duchesses of Airdrie, through Usurer (9763) into the English Duchesses, through Imperial Oxford 4905, Prince Imperial (15095) and 2d Duke of Bolton (12739) into the Grand Duchesses, and through Grand Turk (12969) into some of the Dukes of Thorndale. Out- crosses put upon the Oxfords included Romeo (13619) and his sons Ox- ford Lad 4220 and Imperial Oxford 4905 ; Marquis of Carrabas (11789), bred by Fawkes, and Lamartine (11662), bred by J. M. Sherwood. Im- perial Duke (18083), that was half-Duchess and half-Knightley, had also been introduced into some of the Duchess and Oxford pedigrees. 418 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE made the Mills cattle so much more precious than their distinguished relatives is not apparent at this time, especially in view of the freedom with which Mr. Bates had outcrossed the family during his life- time, except upon the hypothesis that all skill and judgment in mating cattle perished with the founder of the tribe. As a matter of fact evidence was not wanting that this very element of "purity" carried with it the seeds of danger. At the time Gibson severed his connection with the herd* it was of high average merit, but it had been culled freelj^ and han- dled with consummate judgment. The desire to possess, the "pure" blood, regardless of all other considerations, had taken firm hold upon those who considered that the Duchesses as Bates had left them ♦"Richard Gibson, speaking- of the sale, says: "The question of the hour was not what the average would be but what would a Duchess bring? Some were sanguine enough to place the figure at $20,000. In the morning the tension was something terrific, and as the time to com- mence drew near little coteries were beginning to bunch together, Ken- tucky's tall sons to the northwest of the ring, the English visitors on the southwest, while the others weie promiscuously seated in the stand. Kello, the incomprehensible, was alone away from all the rest, fearful to mix with these dreaded Yankees lest they should steal not his purse but his thoughts and intentions. During the forenoon W. R. Duncan had approached Mr. Campbell, saying : 'I apprehend, sir, you are aware that Mr. Page can't sell this bunch of cattle in one day.' "Mr. Campbell posted off to Page and said : 'T hope you will not at- tempt to sell all these cattle in one day.' 'I shall," replied Page. 'Then sir, I shall consider that you are sacrificing my property,' was Camp- bell's rejoinder. 'May I take the bids as fast as they come?" asked the auctioneer. "On a watering trough in the center of a ring Mr. Page took his stand. The proverbial pin could have been heard to drop. The excite- ment at this moment was intense ; not noisy or boisterous, but for two or three davs the tension had gradually been increasing. There was the keenest anxiety as to what the Englishmen were after, and a determi- nation to prevent them from taking all the best. Mr. Page gauged the feeling of his company. They had not come, some of them over three thousand miles, to hear a lot of Cheap John spread-eagleism, but for business. He said : 'Gentlemen, please give me your attention and I will read the conditions of this sale.' The 2d Duke of Oneida was brought into the ring while he was reading them. 'Will anyone make me an offer on the bull?' were the opening words. 'Ten thousand dol- lars,' came the answer from the Kentuckians, and so the sale began." THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THEEE 419 constituted the creme cle la creme of the Short-horn breed. The National pride of the English breeders was appealed to with success. America had taken from the mother-land what many of the Britons esteemed as the highest single source of Short-horn excellence. Hence they came to New York Mills prepared to heap their golden guineas high against American dollars. History has long since character- ized this as a day of monumental folly, but as the event stands out in bold relief as the crowning sen- sation of the century in the realm of stock-breeding it therefore demands adequate record in these pages. Some idea of the nature of the scene may be gleaned from the following notes made by an eye witness — the late George W. Eust, whose library and manu- scripts were acquired by purchase by the author many years ago: The Duchesses of course formed the attractive feature of this sale; and in the lobbies at the hotels, which were thronged with breeders from all parts of this country, and a liberal representa- tion of English breeders, speculation was rife as to the prices which would be realized. It was rumored that the Englishmen (with the exception of Mr. Kello, who represented Mr. R. Pavin Davies, with whom the other English gentlemen refused to enter into any arrangement) had a private understanding as to which animal each person would bid upon, the others agreeing not to compete with their countrymen in these cases, and that Earl Bec- tive's representative had brought £13,000 (about $70,000) with him, and it began to be whispered that some of the females would bring as high as $15,000 each. This seemed like a fabulous price, however; and as every one took great pains to conceal his own in- tentions there were many persons loth to believe that this much was to be paid, and the probability of $15,000 being paid for a single animal on the morrow was the staple subject of discussion 420 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE as long as the lobbies contained any people. Gradually they thinned out, and soon after midnight they were entirely deserted and Short-horns and Duchesses passed out of mind, save as the anxious ones painted and pictured them in their dreams. With the earliest streak of dawn the hotel lobbies began to fill, and the probable events of the day engaged the attention of all. Before the breakfast hour had passed it was evident something new and startling had been discovered; and soon it was whispered that a delegation from Clark Co., Ky., was present with $60,000, which had been raised for the purchase of three females, and the proba- bility of $20,000 being paid formed the subject of eager discus- sion. The sum seemed so enormous, however, that few believed, it, although the minds of all were in a measure prepared for such an event. By 10 o'clock the hotels were deserted and the crov/ds had transferred themselves to the Mills, where they thronged the stables or gathered in excited groups about the ample grounds. At 1 o'clock Mr. Page announced the sale. Those in attendance had gathered upon the stand with seats ranged one above an- other, and the reporters and clerks sharpened their pencils at the tables. The first animal led into the ring was the 2d Duke of Oneida, a deep red, calved Aug. 3, 1870, got by 4th Duke of Geneva 7931 out of 13th Duchess of Thorndale by 10th Duke of Thorndale (28458). Mr. Alexander of Kentucky wanted him, as did Mr. T. J. Megibben of the same State, and negotiations had been pending between them all the morning looking to the transfer to Mr. Megibben of Mr. Alexander's Duke of Airdrie, which, if they had proved successful, would have taken Mr. Megibben out of the competition and brought Mr. Alexander in. These negotiations, however, were not successful, in consequence of the price demanded by Mr. Alexander; and making a final un- successful effort to reconcile their differences, while the auc- tioneer was making his preliminary remarks, Mr. Megibben started the bull at $10,000. The English gentlemen w'ere gath- ered in a little knot at the left of the auctioneer and wanted the bull also, and the opening bid fell among them like a bomb- shell and gave them the first intimation of the character and nerve of the gentlemen who were to contest with them the honors of the day. "Eleven thousand dollars" was said by one of them in an agitated voice, so uncertain and tremulous that THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THEEE 421 Mr. Page for the moment was uncertain whether the bidder meant it or not, and then their heads were laid together in anx- ious consultation. A number of Kentuckians also gathered around Mr. Megibben, and on both sides of the ring there was a group of anxious faces. With those around him Mr. Megibben made a private arrangement for the service of the bull in case he fell to him, and to carry him (as we afterward learned) past $17,000 be- fore surrendering him. As the group of Kentuckians separated Mr. Megibben raised the bid to $12,000, and still the Englishmen consulted. It was evident they wanted the bull; but the females were more valuable, and they were of the opinion that if they ad- vanced the price of him to the point to which the Kentuckians were prepared to go the price of the females might be correspond- ingly advanced, and perhaps put altogether beyond their reach. Their minds were quickly made up on this point, and the 2d Duke of Oneida was knocked off to Mr. Megibben at $12,000, the highest price ever paid to that moment for a Short-horn. Then the cheers rose, peal on peal, and the more distant seats of the stand were deserted and their occupants gathered closer to the scene and clustered like bees around the auctioneer. 1st Duchess of Oneida was then led in. She was a red-and- white, calved Jan. 24, 1870, got by 10th Duke of Thorndale (28458) out of 8th Duchess of Geneva by 3d Lord of Oxford (22200), and in calf since Dec. 10 to 2d Duke of Oneida. The Clark Co. (Ky.) combination started her at once at $15,000, which Lord Skelmers- dale of England raised at once to $30,000, shutting out a bid of $25,000 proffered by Mr. George Murray of Racine, Wis. His Lord- ship was evidently informed that the Clark County gentlemen had brought $60,000 for the purpose of buying three, and his bid called upon them to place the half of it on the head of a single animal. This took them by surprise, and to gain a moment's time for reflection they interposed an additional bid of $100, upon which his Lordship promptly placed another $100. The Kentuckians concluded to follow her no further, and then Mr. Kello, the representative of Mr. Davies of England, advanced the $200 bid to $300, which Lord S. promptly made $400. Mr. Kello and Mr. Brodhead (the representative of Mr. Alexander), who were quietly smoking in the rear of the English party, which by this time had gathered inside the fence, bid $500 simultaneously, and $30,600 was his Lordship's response. All were now done and 422 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE she was quickly knocked off to him on this bid. Considering her age and that she is almost at the calving she was one of the best bargains of all the Duchesses. Thirty thousand dollars; it seemed incredible, and for a few moments none could realize it; but in a short time it seemed to break upon the minds of all and such a scene of excitement was never witnessed before. Men shouted themselves hoarse and hats were waved and flung wildly into the air on all sides, and several minutes elapsed before order could be restored and the ring cleared for the entrance of her calf, the 7th Duchess of Oneida, a red-and-white, calved Aug. 1, 1872, by 2d Duke of Oneida 9926 out of 1st Duchess of Oneida by 10th Duke of Thorndale (28458). The audience began to feel the reaction which follows every unusual excitement and to repent of such ex- treme figures. She was led around the ring and not a bid; the contestants eyeing each other from all sides, as if striving to master each other's intentions. Finally Col. King started her at $5,000 and the ball opened— $7,000, $8,000 by two, $10,000 by two, $11,000 by two, $12,000 by two, followed in such rapid succession that it was impossible to see from whom the bids came. "Twelve thousand five hundred makes it my bid," came from Mr. Brod- head, which the Englishmen in his front promptly raised to $13,- 000. From the further side of the ring Mr. E. G. Bedford of Ken- tucky interposed another $500, which the Englishmen made $14,- 000, only to elicit an additional $500 when it came to Mr. Brod- head's turn. Mr. Bedford, who had crowded to the front, now saw between whom the competition lay and shook his head, as a token that he would not interfere, and $500 bids followed until the calf was declared the property of Mr. Alexander at $19,000. The audience, who began to fear from the sale of the dam that the English gentlemen were determined to have them all, greeted Mr. Brodhead's victory with the most rapturous applause. The next animal to come under Mr. Page's hammer was the 10th Duchess of Geneva, a roan, calved May 15, 1867, got by 2d Duke of Geneva (23752) out of 5th Duchess of Geneva by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), in calf since March 30 to 2d Duke of Oneida. Col. Morris of New York led off with $5,000, which Col. King of Minnesota raised to $10,000. Mr. Kello advanced the fig- ure to $15,000 for Mr. Davies, and Mr. Berwick for Earl Bective made it $20,000, when it was very evident there was to be such a trial of nerve as had not before been witnessed. One of the KeU' THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE 423 tuckians bid $25,000, and Col. King added another $1,000, which Mr. Berwick lost no time in advancing to $30,000. This bid Mr. Brodhead advanced $100, when Mr. Berwick declared, "I am done," and started to leave the ring. His English friends, how- ever, rallied him, and he exclaimed in an excited manner, "Thirty thousand dollars! how much is that in sterling?" One of them pushed him again to the front, exclaiming, ''Buy her, and count it afterward!" but not until Mr. Kello had taken advantage of his excitement to raise the price to $30,500. Mr. Berwick returned with $31,000, Mr. Kello with $100, which Mr. Berwick raised to $500, with no other effect than to bring from his opponent a bid of $32,000. Mr. Berwick seemed to be nettled by Mr. Kello's undis- turbed manner and added another $1,000, making $33,000; and Mr. Kello, not at all dashed, added $500 more without delay, and then Mr. Berwick advanced it to $34,000; "and $500," was Mr. Kello's response. Mr. Berwick put on enough to make $35,000, and Mr. Kello's flag and the auctioneer's hammer came down. The Amer- icans, who had not made a bid after the $26,000 and were aware that Mr. Kello had not been permitted to become a member of the English party, watched this contest between the two English in- terests with no little concern; and his opponents, although evi- dently feeling they had paid dear for the victory, were in high glee that they had won it. Of course the price, $35,000, would never be equaled again, and the audience gave itself up once more to various expressions of astonishment. The entrance to the ring of the 8th Duchess of Oneida served to restore order. Another roan she proved to be, calved Nov. 18, 1872, got by the 4th Duke of Geneva 7931 out of 10th Duchess of Geneva by 2d Duke of Geneva (23752). She was started at $5,000 and advanced rapidly to $14,- 000. Between this and $15,000 the bids were quick but small, but she finally passed this point, and was sold to Mr. Berwick for Earl Bective at $15,300. Then came the 13th Duchess of Thorndale, red, calved Feb. 25, 1867, got by 10th Duke of Thorndale (28458) out of 10th Duchess of Thorndale by 2d Grand Duke (12961), served July 8 by 4th Duke of Oneida. She, too, was started at $5,000 by Col. Morris, which was doubled by Col. King. Mr. A. B. Conger of New York added another $1,000, and $1,000 bids followed quickly until she was declared to be the property of Mr. Conger at $15,000. Then came the 424 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE 4th Duchess of Oneida, red, calved Jan. 17, 1872, got by 4th Duke of Geneva 7931 out of 13th Duchess of Thorndale by 10th Duke of Thorndale (28458). She was started by the English party and ran up in two or three bids to $10,000, and a few $500 bids sent her up to $13,000, which several gentlemen raised to $13,500, and Mr. George Murray made it $14,000 to prevent dispute. Mr. Brodhead then signified his willingness to contend for her by ad- vancing her $500 more, and Mr. E. G. Bedford advanced the fig- ure to $15,000; and here it seemed as if the battle was over, for Mr. Brodhead came back with only $100. Mr. Bedford responded with another $100, Mr. Brodhead made it $300. At this point Mr. Holford of England, considering the Americans had about got through, entered the lists with a $200 bid, and she stood at $15,- 500. Mr. Brodhead greeted his new competitor with an additional $500 bid, to which the Englishman responded with a $1,000, making it $17,000. Mr. Brodhead promptly interposed another $100, and the Englishman, adopting the same tactics, bid $100 more, and she climbed up slowly, $100 at a time, until Mr. Brod- head had bid $17,600, when Mr. Holford, as if hoping to shake off the Kentuckian, bid sharply $18,000. And to show that he could not be bluffed by that game Mr. Brodhead added promptly an- other $1,000. From $19,000 to $21,000 the bids were $100 each in most cases, and when that point was reached Mr. Holford, seeing the Kentuckian was in no measure disturbed, dropped out of the contest, and Mr. E. G. Bedford came forward, just as she was about to be knocked off, with a $500 bid, Mr. Brodhead respond- ing with a similar amount, and $500 more was bid by Mr. Megib- ben, the gentleman who had purchased the bull, and Mr. Brod- head made it $23,000, and, with $500 jumps, she advanced to $25,- 000, as Mr. Bedford's bid. Mr. Brodhead then discovering that it was one of his Kentucky neighbors who was bidding against him declined to go farther, and she was knocked off at $25,000 to Messrs. E. G. Bedford and T. J. Megibben of Kentucky. The an- nouncement that she was to remain in this country again made the audience extremely demonstrative, but when the 8th Duchess of Geneva was led into the ring a tolerable de- gree of silence and order was restored. She proved to be a red- and-white, calved July 28, 1866; got by the 3d Lord of Oxford (22200) out of the 1st Duchess of Geneva by 2d Grand Duke (32961) ; served June 1 by 2d Duke of Oneida. Being seven years THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THEEE 425 old and over, and having produced nearly the full complement of calves which this family of cows produce in this country, it was not expected that she would sell so well as some of the others, and Mr. Kello doubtless expected to get her on the first bid, when he placed $10,000 on her head. But the other Eng- lish gentlemen had agreed among themselves that Mr. Kello should not have a Duchess, and they raised him at one jump to $15,000, and the audience were at once overcome by the excite- ment. $16,000 and $17,000 were bid from the stand, and then $20,000 by two, one of them being Mr. Kello, and some one of the English party made it $25,000. Mr. Kello made it $26,000, and his opponents $30,000. Mr. Kello added $1,000 more, and his bid was promptly raised to $32,000. Then $33,000 came from the stand (from either Col. King, Col. Morris, Mr. Murray, or G. M. Bedford), and was the highest American bid, and Mr. Kello raised that to $34,000, when the other Englishmen made it $36,- 000. Mr. Kello hesitated, but remembering his unsuccessful contest for the 10th Duchess of Geneva, and that his country- men had combined to rule him out altogether from this much- coveted family, he determined to take Lord Skelmersdale's ad- vice to Mr! Berwick and "ftwy her" and added $500, which brought $37,000 from his opponents. ''Thirty-eiglit thousand" said Mr. Kello. Evidently thinking that one more bold push would crowd Kello from the course one of them bid forty thoti- sond dollars! For a moment Mr. Kello faltered, but finally added $100. Here she seemed likely to go, but Mr. Berwick added $100 more. ''Forty thousand three hundred dollars, just in time, from Mr. Kello." The excitement was now so intense that every individual in that vast throng seemed to hold his breath; the silence was absolutely oppressive, and broken only by the words of the auctioneer as he slowly repeated: "Forty — thousand — three — hundred — dollars — Are — you — all — dene — gentlemen?" Softly Simon Beattie, with an English order in his pocket and Mr. Cochrane at his back, ventured another $100. ''Forty thousand four hundred; are you all done, gentle- men?" were the measured words which alone broke the deathly silence. Reluctant to go farther, still more reluctant to yield, Mr. Kello stood like a statue, while every eye was resting upon him, and finally added $50 more. "Five hundred," said Berwick, in a sharp, impatient tone, as if anxious to end in some way the 426 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE terrible suspense. "Forty thousand five hundred dollars: are you all done? Once! Twice! Six hundred, and in time," and she was knocked off to Mr. Kello for R. Pavin Davies of Eng- land. One long breath and then the cheers went up, and the thousands there seemed fairly beside themselves, and the ex- travagant things which were said and done would fill a volume. A few minutes were given to allow people to recover their senses, and then the 10th Duchess of Oneida was led in — a last spring's calf (dropped in April), red-and-white, by the 2d Duke of Oneida out of 8th Duchess of Geneva by 3d Lord Oxford (22200). Be- fore order was restored Col. Morris of New York started her at $5,000. Col. King of Minnesota, who sat beside him, made it $10,000; $11,000 and $12,000 were bid, when George M. Bedford of Kentucky from the seat behind put her at $15,000. Mr. Rich- ard Gibson, who had hurried home from England to attend this sale with an order in his pocket, added $2,000 more, and then Mr. Brodhead, who desired her to grace the blue grass at Wood- burn, placed her at $18,000, and Mr. Gibson put her at once to $20,000. But this was a game at which two could play, and Mr. Brodhead advanced the figure to $22,000, and Mr. Gibson went $2,000 better still. Twenty-five thousand, even money, seemed a point hard to pass, and Mr. Brodhead, evidently thinking Mr. Gibson would not get over that limit, made the bid. Mr. Gibson, however, had another thousand, and Mr. Brodhead was compelled to pay $27,000 before he secured her. The contest was a short one, and the announcement that the Englishmen had again failed to capture a Duchess provoked the wildest enthusiasm. The 9th Duchess of Oneida, another calf of the present year (dropped March 2), was next led in. She proved to be a roan by 2d Duke of Oneida 9926 out of 12th Duchess of Thorndale by 6th Duke of Thorndale (23794). She had two outcrosses in her pedigree, the Romeo through the 6th Duke of Thorndale, and the Imperial Duke through her second dam, and for that reason per- haps, and because of the natural reaction from the various ex- citement, did not attract so much attention. She was started at $5,000 by Col. King of Minnesota and knocked off to Mr. Ber- wick for Earl Bective on the next bid — $10,000. She was fol- lowed by the 12th Duchess of Thorndale, roan, calved Oct. 13, 1865, by 6th THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THEEE 427 Duke of Thorndale (2S794) out of 5th Duchess of Thorndale by Imperial Duke (18083), in calf since April 17 by 2d Duke of Oneida. She had the Romeo and Imperial Duke crosses in her pedigree, and besides was eight years old and her prime as a breeder about passed, and for this reason the first bid was but $500. This was too cheap, however, and there was considerable competition for her developed, and finally at $5,700 she was knocked off to A. B. Conger of New York. As she was led out there was led in the 3d Duchess of Oneida, roan, calved March 19, 1871, by 4th Duke of Geneva 7931 out of 8th Duchess of Thorndale by 3d Duke of Airdrie (23717) through which she gets the Lord George outcross, served July Sd by 4th Duke of Oneida. She was started at $5,000 by Mr. Duncan of Illinois, which was promptly doubled by Col. Morris of New York. Mr. Duncan added $2,000, Col. King $1,000, G. M. Bedford $500, and Mr. Murray of Racine bid $14,000. Then Mr. Berwick of England bid $15,000, to which Mr. Brodhead added $100. Mr. Holford of England then appeared as a competitor, and finally secured her at $15,600. SUMMARY OF HIGHEST PRICES AXD AVERAGES. 8th Duchess of Geneva— R. Pavin Davies, England $40,600 10th Duchess of Geneva— Earl Bective, England 35,000 1st Duchess of Oneida — Lord Skelmersdale, England 30,600 10th Duchess of Oneida — A. J. Alexander, Kentucky 27,000 4th Duchess of Oneida — E. G. Bedford and T. J. Megibben, Kentucky 25,000 7th Duchess of Oneida — A. J. Alexander 19,000 3d Duchess of Oneida— T. Holford, England 15,600 8th Duchess of Oneida— Earl Bective 15,300 13th Duchess of Thorndale— A. B. Conger, New York 15,000 9th Duchess of Oneida— Earl Bective 10,000 12th Duchess of Thorndale— A. B. Conger 5,700 2d Duke of Oneida— T. J. Megibben, Kentucky 12,000 4th Duke of Oneida — Ezra Cornell, New York 7,600 7th Duke of Oneida— A. W. Griswold, Vermont 4,000 11 females* sold for $238,800; an average of $21,709 3 bulls sold for 23,600; an average of 7,866 14 Duchesses sold for 262,400; an average of 18,742 *This is exclusive of the 8th Duchess of Thorndale, that was sold as barren to C. F. Wadsworth of New York at $450, 428 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Countess of Oxford— A. B. Conger $ 9,100 12tli Lady of Oxford— T. Holford 7,000 2d Maid of Oxford— A. W. Griswold 6,000 12th Maid of Oxford— Col. L. G. Morris, New York 6,000 10th Earl of Oxford— A. B. Cornell, New York 2,500 2d Countess of Oxford— A. W. Griswold 2,100 Cth Lord of Oxford— Simon Beattie 1,300 3d Maid of Oxford— Warnock & Megibben 1,000 6 females* sold for $31,200; an average of $ 5,200 2 bulls sold for 3,800; an average of 1,900 8 Oxfords sold for 35,000; an average of 4,375 Lady Knightley 3d— Col. L. G. Morris $ 5,000 Lady Knightley 4th — ^A. W. Griswold 4,000 Lady Knightley 2d— E. K. Thomas, Kentucky 3,100 Lady Bates 4th— E, G. Bedford 3,250 Lady Bates 6th— George M. Bedford 2,300 Lady Bates 7th— A. B. Cornell 1,600 Lady Worcester 5th (Wild Eyes)— T. Holford 3,100 Lady Worcester 4th (Wild Eyes)— T. Holford 3,000 Atlantic Gwynne — Lord Skelmersdale 2,000 Miss Gwynne— Col. William S. King 1,700 Brenda (Bloom)— Col. L. G. Morris 2,500 Berlinda (Bloom)— Col. L. G. Morris 2,300 Bloom 4th (Bloom)— A. B. Cornell 1,000 Beauty's Pride (Foggathorpe) — A. W. Griswold 1,725 Baron Oxford's Beauty (Foggathorpe) — Bush & Hampton, Kentucky 1,500 Cherry Constance 2d— T. J. Megibben 1,725 Cherry Constance — Col. King 1,100 Peri 4th— Col. King 1,700 Peri 5th— Col. King 1,300 Moselle (Mazurka) — A. W. Griswold 1,425 Rosamond 10th— W. R. Duncan, Illinois 2,050 Victoria 7th— A. W. Griswold 1,525 Water Lily — Bush & Hampton 1.125 Roan Duchess 3d — George M. Bedford 1,025 92 females sold for $350,775; an average of $ 3,813 17 bulls sold for 31,215; an average of 1,836 109 animals sold for 381,990; an average of 3,504 •Exclusive of 7th Lady of Oxford, sold as doubtful breeder to Ezra Cornell at $400. THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE 429 Kello's mistake. — After the sale it developed that the agent of Mr. Davies had made an error in esti- mating American currency while bidding the 8th Duchess of Geneva up to $40,600. Davies, while not disavowing his agent's act, cabled Mr. Campbell to resell the cow and he would adjust the difference be- tween such price as might be received and the price bid by Kello. Campbell wrote to Col. L. G. Morris stating the facts and asked him to make an offer on the cow. Morris replied that he was willing to take her at the price made by her daughter at the sale, viz.: $30,600, and the offer was accepted. Meantime Davies was forming a syndicate in England to take the cow at the $40,600 bid, and finally cabled: "Don't sell the cow. Have arranged to take her." This arrived too late, however, as the trade with Col. Morris had been closed. The cow, being forward in calf, was left at Mr. Campbell's farm until parturi- tion should take place. A few days before her time she dropped a fully-developed dead heifer calf, and soon thereafter the cow herself died, all efforts to save her proving fruitless.* Mr. Davies then sent a bill of exchange for $5,000 to Mr. Campbell, which was handed over to Col. Morris, thus alleviating to that extent his lamentable loss. Morris had no thought of buying a Duchess before the sale, but as the bidding progressed and the "plums" seemed *It has been said by those familiar with the facts that the 8th Duch- ess was literally done to her death by an ignorant Irish employe of Mr. Campbell's. She developed at parturition a case of false presentation, with which she wrestled for thirty-six hours, while the poor beast was driven up and down the road during her distress "to make her calve 430 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE falling steadily to the English party, Samuel Thome remarked to Col. Morris : " It is a' pity there is no American Gunter here. ' ' This was an allusion to the first contest for the possession of the Duchesses at the Tortworth sale in England in 1853, as noted on page 230. Upon that occasion Gunter had driven out to Earl Ducie's without the slightest idea of be- coming a bidder, but in response to an appeal to the "patriotism" of the large crowd of Englishmen present to prevent the capture of the tribe bodily by the Americans he entered the lists. Sources of deterioration. — England was more for- tunate than America in her Duchess investments ; or it may be nearer the truth to say that in the hands of English herdsmen the cattle were handled with better judgment. The English purchases were shipped late in the autumn of 1873. Along with the Campbell cattle went five Princesses, bought for account of E. H. Cheney. The $35,000 10th Duchess of Geneva produced in the hands of Earl Bective the bull Duke of Underley (33745), that became a sire of great renown. The Duchesses that remained in America failed to meet the expectations of their buyers, and through deaths and failures to breed the line became extinct on this side the Atlantic within ten years. That incestuous or long-continued aisy!" It is also related that one of Mr. Alexander's purchases was driven to A. Renick's by a colored hand on horseback, to be bred to the 4th Duke of Geneva. At New York Mills the Duchess would have rid- den and her attendant walked. This cow arrived at Renick's overcome by the heat, was turned out in pasture, and a thunder-shower at night completed the job. Commenting upon this incident and contrasting it with the treatment given to his pets at their York State home Gibson remarks: "The nigger lived." THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE 431 close breeding tends to impairment of vigor and infertility does not admit of doubt. The Sheldon Duchesses certainly had not proved, as a rule, either fruitful or long-lived in Mr. Campbell 's hands. That fact is shown by the comparatively small number of females in the herd at the time of the dispersion. Six of the twelve bought in 1869 and 1870 had disap- peared before the sale of 1873, leaving no offspring in the herd. It has been commonly claimed that tuberculosis was the cause of this and the subse- quent mortality and lack of fecundity, but it has, perhaps, not been generally known that every cow and calf at New York Mills had contracted from the English importation of 1870 one of the most aggra- vating of all bovine plagues, foot-and-mouth disease, which scourge during the years 1867 and 1868 had so sorely tried the courage of Mr, Booth and others in Great Britain. The only two beasts upon the farm that escaped attack were the bulls 4th Duke of Ge- neva and Eoyal Briton. A frame that had been used for shoeing oxen was procured from a blacksmith away in the woods of Oneida County and each ani- mal had its feet dressed daily; even the cows that were heavy in calf being subjected to this treatment. Aside from the Hillhurst people, who were going through the same ordeal, no one knew at the time of this difficulty. Linseed-meal gruel was provided, and as a result of careful nursing no deaths occurred. Like la grippe in the human subject, foot-and-mouth disease in cattle is chiefly to be dreaded for its after 432 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE effects. It will be recalled that during one season (probably 1870) after the disease had been prevalent at Warlaby Mr. Booth raised but one heifer calf. To this cause, therefore, Mr. Gibson attributes most of the troubles of the New York Mills Duchesses after his connection with the herd ceased.* 4th Duke of Geneva. — As the chief stock bull in service at New York Mills this bull occupied a com- manding position in the minds of those who were following the Bates colors. Through the instrumen- tality of Ben F. Vanmeter of Clark Co., Ky., he was bought in the spring of 1873 for the joint account of himself and Abram Renick at $6,000. He weighed at that time about 2,000 lbs. Mr. Wright, herdsman for Mr. Alexander, had looked at him as a yearling with a view toward securing him for Woodburn, but left him on account of his showing at that time a defect behind the shoulder. He improved in that respect, however, and is generally credited with having proved a great success in Kentucky, to which State he was taken May 1, 1873. He was let to forty ♦The history of this herd reads like a romance. The fight against fate at first, the importation of the Booths, the first purchase of half the Geneva herd, the compulsory acquirement of the second and the final dispersion were all the outcome of peculiar circumstances. The climax was a success, but that success was not commanded by superior knowledge nor sagacity, but simply caused by a fortuitous sequence of favorable events — all having a bearing. Old Weehawken, the success as sires of American Duchess bulls in England, the extinction of the pure Duchess line there, the constant refusal to price one. England's competition in the sale-ring, and a favorable time, all conspired to bring about the astounding result. Two months later we were in the throes of financial trouble. The gratuitous advertising through con- troversy in England, and above all the tact and skill of the auctioneer, were also important factors. "Are you satisfied, Mr. Campbell, 100 head of cattle can be sold in an afternoon?" asked the auctioneer after it was all over. "I am aware it has been done, sir,' rejoined Mr. Campbell ; and the auctioneer's fee was two black-nosed Victorias that were not worthy to be put in the sale ! — Richard Gibson in "Breeder's Gazette." THE SENSATION OF SEVENTY-THREE 433 COWS from other herds at a service fee of $150 each within a year. Cows were turned away during the following year after services for twenty had been arranged at $250 each. After the New York Mills sale Lord Skelmersdale (afterward Earl of Latham) visited Kentucky and endeavored to buy the 4th Duke of Geneva, but could get no price upon him, although intimating that he was willing to give $16,000. English sales of 1873. — At Cheney's sale in July thirty-five head averaged £294, 14th Lady of Oxford making 905 guineas from Earl Bective, 12th Duchess of Geneva 935 guineas from Sir Wilfred Lawson, 3d Duke of Gloster 820 guineas from Earl Bective, the Gwynne heifer Geneva's Minstrel 600 guineas from J. P. Foster, and an American-bred Princess cow (Lady Sale of Putney) 470 guineas from Earl Bec- tive. At Lord Penrhyn's sale in May forty-one head averaged £210, the highest prices being 755 guineas for Cherry Duchess 14tli to Earl Bective, 550 guineas for Waterloo 33d to Lord Skelmersdale, 500 guineas for Waterloo 30th to F. Leney, and 505 guineas for Cherry Duchess 20th to C. A. Barnes. At the dis- persion of the famous herd of Col. Towneley forty head averaged £126, the top being 800 guineas for 6th Maid of Oxford. CHAPTER XVI A GOLDEN AGE The Campbell sale fairly electrified tlie breeding fraternity on both sides the Atlantic, and although followed by a period of financial disturbance, yet during the years immediately succeeding an enor- mous business was done in Short-horns at both pub- lic sale and private treaty. The Central West still busied itself with the fairs, and having the require- ments of the ring steadily in view afforded a strong- market for show stock as well as for animals of the prevailing fashionable blood.* Spring sales of 1874. — The great show herds of the West now depended very largely on Canadian im- portations for their heaviest ''timber." Stock of the high-styled, "rangy" type could no longer win. Mr. Cochrane had fitted out Col. King with his famous herd, and other champions had found their way into the West from the Dominion. American breeders were frequent visitors in Canada in these ♦Writing of the situation in the fall of 1873 John Thornton said : "A slight reaction in favor of not breeding from 'pure' strains was notice- able during the autumn. Close in-and-in breeding is doubtless the method whereby many of ovir finest animals are produced, as it is also the cause of delicacy and decay. The judicious blending of sound tribes must naturally result in the perfection of form and quality, to which fair milking properties should also be added. The combination of milk with the feeding qualities and graceful beauty of the Sliort-horn has been the cause of its supremacy, but if the milking properties are re- duced the Short-horn is brought to a level with other breeds, and its value consequently depreciated." 434 14TH DUKE OF THORXDALE (28459) AT 18 MONTHS — SOLD FOK $17,900. 4TH DUKE OF GENEVA (309oTl AX THREE YEARS— USED AT NEW YORK MILLS AND ON EENICK ROSES OF SHARON. A GOLDEX AGE 435 days in quest of show stock. It is related that a Western buyer, whose ambition exceeded his judg- ment, after examining the stock of Simon Beattie and James I. Davidson in quest of a show cow^, was advised to look at an animal then in the hands of a neighbor, which he was assured could be bought for $250. After starting away the prospective buyer came back and gravely asked Mr. Davidson if he thought the cow in question was as good as Rose- dale. "A coo as gude as Rosedale for $250!" ex- claimed the old Scotchman in amazement. "Weel, mon, if that's a' ye ken aboot coos ye better gang liame where ye came from." Those Americans, however, who attended Simon Beattie 's sale in the early spring of 1874 were of a different class. They did not expect to get Rosedales at the price of com- mon cows, for it was here that George Murray of Racine, Wis., bought the grand roan three-year-old show heifer imp. Maid of Honor, of Game's breed- ing, at $2,600, and the mixed-bred imp. Lady Gunter at $2,000. C. C. Parks bought the roan heifer Malm- sey, also of Game breeding, at $3,100. Gen. Sol. Meredith took Rose of Racine, a Bates-topped Rosa- bella by Bridegroom, and her heifer calf at $3,420, and the grand roan Ruberta, another Garne-bred cow, imported by William Miller in 1869, at $1,275. On April 8 at John Snell's sale at Edmonton, Ont., Messrs. Day of Iowa paid $1,225 for the Scotch-bred imp. Golden Drop 1st, then eight years old, and $1,005 for the roan yearling heifer Golden Circle. 436 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE On the following day at Hugh Thompson 's sale John Collard of Des Moines, la., gave $1,015 for imp. Raspberry, and J. R. Craig $1,000 for the two-year- old Golden Drop 3d; the six-year-old Golden Drop 2d falling to Richard Gibson's bidding at $1,005. About this date Mr. Rigdon Huston of Blandinsville, 111., sold the Kentucky-bred Galatea show bull Bour- bon Star 11425 to M. W. Fall of Eddyville, la., for $1,000. May 13 the Muirkirk Herd of C. E. Coffin was sold by John R. Page in Maryland, the highest price paid being $1,425 by Hon. T. J. Megibben for Muirkirk Gwynne. Leslie Combs Jr. of Kentucky bought Water Nymph at $1,200, and T. S. Cooper of Pennsylvania paid $1,060 for Portulacca. The Glen Flora sale at Waukegan on May 20 re- sulted in an average of $900 on fifty-five females. Col. Judy wielding the hammer. Imp. Jubilee Gwynne w^as taken by Stephen Dunlap at $2,500 and Melody Gwynne by C. F. Wadsworth of New York at $1,000. For Melody Gwynne 6th Elliott & Kent of Iowa gave $1,600. The same firm bought Mazurka Duchess 2d for $1,520 and for another Ma- zurka B. B. Groom of Kentucky gave $1,350. Gen. C. E. Lippincott purchased imp. Malmsley at $1,500 and Irene 11th at $1,000. Mr. Megibben took Oxford Princess at $1,500 and 5th Miss Wiley of Glen Flora at $1,250, and Emery Cobb gave $1,425 for 4th Louan of Glen Flora. J. H. Kissinger paid liberally for several cows of the Louan family, $1,325 for one and $1,000 for another. Rigdon Huston took 7th Louan A GOLDEN- AGE 437 of Glen Flora at $1,500 and Avery & Murphy of De- troit 2d Louan at $1,825. John Niccolls of Bloom- ington, 111., was also a free buyer, paying np to $1,825 for Victoria of Glen Flora. James W. AVads- worth of New York secured Lydia Languish 2d at a bid of $1,000. For imp. Lady Oxford H. Ludington of Milwaukee gave $2,350. A feature of this big sale was the high average of the Gwynnes, eight averag- ing $1,100 each. LyndaJe sale at Dexter Park. — Col. William S. King made a memorable sale at Dexter Park, Chi- cago, on the following day. May 21. But one speci- men of the popular Bates Duchess family was in- cluded, and in view of this fact the prices paid were considered at that time quite as extraordinary as those made at the great sale at New York Mills. A summary of the highest prices and averages is appended : 2(i Duke of Hillhurst 12893— George Robbing, London, Eng.$14,000 Lady Mary 7tli (Princess) — Charles F. Wadsworth, New York 5,500 Lady Mary 8th — Charles P. Wadsworth 5,500 Lyndale Wild Eyes— T. J. Megibben 5,000 Bell Duchess — James Wadsworth, New York 4,400 Peri 5th — James Wadsworth 4,000 Bell Duchess 3d— T. J. Megibben 3,300 Peri 4th— T. J. Megibben 3,000 Lady Mary 5th— Gen. N. M. Curtis, New York 3,000 3d Malvern Gwynne— T. J. Megibben 3,000 Miss Gwynne — A. W. Griswold, Vermont 3,000 Baron Hubback 2d— C. A. DeGraff, Minnesota 2,600 Peri 2d of Lyndale — Avery & Murphy, Michigan 2,500 True Blue (bull)— P. A. Coen, Illinois 2,240 Peri 3d— A. W. Griswold 2,100 438 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEX CATTLE Hubback's Garland — William Sodowsky, Illinois $ 2,100 Garland — T. J. Megibben 2,100 Bell Duchess 2d — B. B. Groom, Kentuckj' 2,100 Miss Leslie Napier — C. A. DeGraff 2,015 Miss Leslie— C. A. DeGraff 2,005 5th Lady Sale of Brattleboro— C. F. Wadsworth 2,000 Butterfly's Gift— Maj. S. E. Ward, Missouri 1,900 Gem of Lyndale— Maj. S. E. Ward 1,850 Star of Lyndale— S. E. Ward 1,850 2d Tuberose of Brattleboro— T. J. Megibben 1,800 Florence — D. M. Flynn, Iowa 1,700 Constance of Lyndale 2d — A. W. Griswold 1,675 Moselle 6th— A. W. Griswold 1,600 8th Lady of Brattleboro— C. F. Wadsworth 1,600 Roan Princess— D. M. Flynn 1,600 Constance of Lyndale 3d — John R. Craig, Canada 1,600 Mazurka of Lyndale — S. Meredith & Son, Indiana 1,525 2d Lady Gwynne— T. J. Megibben 1,500 Oakwood Gwynne 2d — Gen. N. M. Curtis 1,500 Mazurka of Lyndale 3d — J. H. Kissinger, Missouri 1,475 Mayflower — E. L. Davison, Kentucky 1,435 Medora 14th— John R. Craig 1,300 Scottish Lady — S. W. Jacobs, Iowa 1,275 June Flower — J. G. Coulter, Ohio 1,225 58 females sold for $101,615; an average of $ 1,752 21 bulls sold for 25,375; an average of 1,208 79 animals sold for 126,990; an average of 1,628 The sale of 2d Duke of Hillliurst to the English bidder was not consummated on account of delay in making settlement. It is included in this report, however, for the reason that the sum of $13,900 was bid in good faith for the bull by Hon. John Went- worth of Chicago. Mr. Wentworth had started the bidding at $12,000. The contest from that point up to $13,000 was between "Long John" and the Englishman. George Murray of Wisconsin then A GOLDEX AGE 439 entered the competition and carried the price to $13,800. A bid of $13,900 was made by Mr. Went- worth, which was raised by Eobbins to $14,000. It stated that Bobbins was bidding for joint account of Lord Duumore, Earl Bective and Col. Gunter of England, and as the price was the largest ever made up to that date for a bull of any breed in any country the result was greeted with hearty cheers. Eobbins left for Buffalo the evening of the sale for the al- leged purpose of drawing the funds, but on Saturday telegraphed Col. King that he must go to New York to complete his arrangements. Feeling that he had given him reasonable time Col. King wired in reply that he did not consider himself bound to delay any longer, and that the 2d Duke would return to Lyn- dale. Eobbins was a fraud pure and simple. A noticeable feature of this sale was the great price made by the Princesses and the comparative lack of appreciation of the Booth-bred lots. Mr. De Graff resold Baron Hubback 2d after the sale to B. Sumner of Connecticut. Other Western events. — At Cambridge City, Ind., on the day following this exciting event Gen. Mere- dith & Son sold fifty-three head at an average of $454, the thirty-nine females bringing $20,985, an average of $515. For imp. Boyal Duchess 2d Hon. T. C. Jones and G. J. Hagerty of Ohio gave $2,000, and Avery & Murphy took Joan of Arc at the same price. J. H. Spears & Sons held a sale at Tallula, 111., on J:40 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HOEN CATTLE May 27, at which Gen. Lippincott paid $5,800 for Cherub 2d and $1,600 for Duchess of Sutherland 4th. Several Sanspareils — then a new sort in the West — sold at high prices, Messrs. James N. Brown's Sons of Berlin, 111., paying $2,250 for two females of that family. Gen. Meredith gave $1,000 for Mazurka 20th and J. H. Kissinger $1,025 for Rosettie 4th. The thirty-four females sold averaged $630 and eleven bulls $950. About this date Mr. S. F. Lock- ridge of Indiana bought the Booth-crossed Scotch bull Lord Strathallan from Mr. John Miller of Can- ada for $2,500. J. H. Kissinger disposed of forty head at auction at an average of $427.50, Mr. Pick- rell paying $1,675 for Bride 15th. Messrs. J. H. Potts & Son made liberal purchases upon this occa- sion. W. R. Duncan's sale made an average of $525 on twenty-six head, George Otley giving $1,500 for Rosamond 10th, P. A. Coen $1,000 for Mazurka 34th, Gen. Meredith $1,025 for Rosamond 7th and J. H. Pickrell $1,500 for Lady Bates. At Decatur, 111., April 28, Messrs. B. Z. & T. M. Taylor disposed of thirteen females at an average of $843, including six Louans that averaged $1,399 each, Louan 6th of Poplar Farm, by Aristocrat 7509, bringing $2,110 from E. W. Miller, Lula, 111. ; Louan 4th, by Baron Booth of Lancaster, $1,760 from John Niccolls of Bloomington; Louan 5th (by Aristocrat) $1,300 from Claude Matthews, and Louan 3d, by 11th Duke of Airdrie, $1,100 from Emory Cobb. Kentucky summer sales. — The Kentucky auction A GOLDEN" AGE 441 sales of 1874 were largely attended and made some big averages. At Hughes & Richardson's eighty- eight head averaged $581. Lady Bates 3d fetched $2,150, Geneva Gwynne $1,675, Minna of Elkhill $1,905 and Loudon Duchess 6th $1,775 — all to Ken- tucky buyers; Candidate's Duchess 2d, $1,425, and Wilda, $1,200, to Gen. Meredith; Louan of Elkhill, $1,025, to Leslie Combs; Louan 5th of Elkhill, $1,100, to J. H. Kissinger; Louan 4th of Elkhill, $1,100, to W. N. Offcutt; Mazurka Belle 2d, $1,000, and Lady Newham 10th, $1,050, to Theodore Bates; Bertha, $1,640, to Bush & Hampton. At E. L. Davison's Gen. Meredith paid $1,725 for Mazurka 36th and $1,000 for Grace 4th. Walter Handy gave $1,150 for Louan of Waveland and J. R. Shelley of Illinois $1,250 for Mazurka 37th. At Warnock & Megib- ben's seventy-eight head averaged $457, George M. Bedford giving $1,700 for Airdrie Belle, Col. Wil- liam E. Simms $1,800 for Rose Jackson, Kirk & Cunningham of Ohio $1,550 for Cambridge Rose 3d, Ed Thomas $1,300 for Miss Stonewall Jackson, Col. J. B. Taylor of Canada $1,000 for Cambridge Rose 2d, John Niccolls & Sons $1,525 for 3d Mazurka of Woodlawn, Abner Strawn of Illinois $1,735 for 9th Duchess of Springwood and Mr. Megibben $2,475 for two females of same family, etc. At this sale, held July 28, Mr. George W. Rust, editor of the National Live-Stock Journal, was the victim of a murderous assault, narrowly escaping assassination. The affair grew out of charges made through that paper in 442 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE 1873 in relation to the pedigree of the famous Shrop- shire show heifer Fanny Forrester. Ben F. Van Meter sold thirty-four head for $18,000, an average of $539. Abram Van Meter's eighty-three head averaged $565. A notable private sale in the fall of this year was the transfer of four head by David Selsor of Ohio to Mr. Keyes of Wis- consin for $4,000, and three head from same herd to an Ohio party at $3,000. Closing events of 1874. — The great events of the autumn of 1874 were the sales of E. G. Bedford and B. B. Groom in Kentucky. At the former seven head of Loudon Duchesses sold for $24,650, an aver- age of $3,521, four being bought by Kentuckians — C. M. Clay, T. J. Megibben and Ben F. Bedford— and three by Illinois breeders, J. H. Spears taking two at $2,250 and $2,000 respectively and Col. Rob- ert Holloway one at $2,700. The highest-priced one was the $6,000 Loudon Duchess 9th, that was bid off by B. F. Bedford. At this same sale S. F. Lock- ridge gave $1,700 for Cora 3d, E. L. Davison paid $2,075 for Cannondale 2d, E. K. Thomas $2,325 for Lady Bates 4th, two Louans brought $2,225, the 21st Duke of Airdrie $7,000 from J. H. Spears, Loudon Duke 19th $3,500 from W. R. Duncan and Loudon Duke 15th $2,100 from S. Meredith & Son. The thirty-five head averaged $1,672. At the Groom sale 119 head sold for an average price of $573, twenty-two head commanding prices ranging from $1,000 up to $2,550, the top price being paid by A GOLDEN^ AGE 443 C. C. Childs of Independence, Mo., for Bell Duch- ess 2d. No less than 2,592 head of Short-horns passed through the sale-ring in America during 1874, bring- ing $1,004,159, an average of $387, the great year's business closing with the private sale of the 2d Duke of Hillhurst and the 10th Duchess of Airdrie and six of her descendants to Hon. M. H. Cochrane by Col. William S. King and Mr. George Murray at terms not made public but known to be extraordinary. The transfer of the 7th Duke of Oneida from A. W. Gris- wold to Mr. A. J. Alexander of Woodburn Farm, Ky., for $10,000 has also to be noted at this time. The public sales in England of the year 1874 were sixty-eight, aggregating 2,165 head, at an average of $323 each, a total sum of $702,556, being 236 animals more than in 1873, and at an increased price of $45 per head, yet lower by $69 each than the American public-sale prices. The exceptional sales in England were those of Messrs. Leney & Sons, of forty-one head, at an average of $1,458; Duke of Devonshire, forty-three head, $1,913; Earl Bective, fifty-five head, $1,816; E. H. Cheney, twenty-seven head, $2,095— all of Bates blood. The sales of 1875. — There seemed no abatement of public interest as the trade of 1875 was inaugu- rated. As in the previous year, the initiative was taken by Canada. John R. Craig made a sale of thirty-three head at an average of $548, Col. Robert Holloway of Illinois leading the bidding with $2,600 444 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOKN^ CATTLE for Waterloo J and $625 for the Scotch-bred Miss Ramsden 5th. Wesley Warnock of Kentucky took Peri Pink at $1,350 and W. E. Simms of Kentucky bought Mystery at $1,175. Ware & McGoodwin of Kentucky secured Campaspie 3d for $1,000. A still better sale was that of William Miller's, where thirty-five animals commanded an average of $583. Col. Holloway was a liberal buyer upon this occa- sion also, securing Princess of Atha for $725, Wave Duchess at $660 and the Kinellar-bred Golden Drop 2d at $775. Still Bates blood was on top. Ware & McGoodwin paying $3,360 for Fennel Duchess •7th and $1,200 for Fennel Duchess of Lancaster. B. B. Groom took the Craggs 7th Duchess of Winfield at $805 and Warnock the Bell-Bates Duchess of Spring- wood at $1,225. Birrell & Johnston of Canada also sold some good cattle in this series, including two Scotch Golden Drops that fetched $850 and $550 re- spectively from local buyers. That a lively trade at full figures was to characterize the year in the Cen- tral West was foreshadowed by the spring sales as well as by the private transfers. Mr. Pickrell re- ceived $1,000 early in the year for the young bull Breastplate Louanjo, by the famous Breastplate out of a Louan cow by imp. Baron Booth of Lancaster, the buyer being B. Vantress of Maiden, 111. Li Vir- ginia George W. Palmer sold a Craggs cow to A. M. Bowman at $1,700. Vol. IV of the Kentucky Short- horn Record was announced as ready for deliveiy at $8, a price quite on a parity with prevailing values A GOLDEN^ AGE 445 for cattle. In March William Stewart of Illinois held a successful sale, at which Mr. R. H. Austin of Sycamore, 111., gave $1,900 for 1st Duchess Louan and $1,500 for 2d Lady of Racine. N. P. Clarke of St. Cloud, Minn., entered the lists here, taking among other lots Caroline 6th at $810. During this same month Col. Holloway journeyed to Mr. Coch- rane 's and bought the 4th Duke of Hillhurst for $7,000, and Messrs. Grimes and Montgomery of Ohio sold the 3d Duke of Oneida to Ware & McGoodwin of Kentucky for $12,000. Glen Flora dispersion. — The closing out of the Glen Flora Herd of Mr. C. C. Parks at Waukegan, 111., in April drew out a great attendance from far and near and resulted in an average of $612 on 122 head of cattle. The best prices of the day were as follows: $2,500 for Peri of Fairview from Mr. Me- gibben; $2,000 for Oxford Bloom 4th from same buyer; $2,000 for Bright Eyes Duchess 2d from George Otley; $1,800 for 6th Duchess Louan from N. P. Clarke and $1,600 from same buyer for Peri's Duchess; $1,500 for the bull Baron Bates 3d 11332 from George Otley; $1,325 for Victoria of Glen Flora from Mr. Megitben; $1,200 for 2d Rose of Racine from H. F. Brown of Minneapolis; $1,225 for Oxford Gwynne 5th from William Miller, Atha, Ont.; $1,850 for Princess of Oxford 7th from N. P. Clarke; $1,550 for Atlantic Gwynne 2d from George Grimes of Ohio; $1,200 for Princess Gwynne and a like sum for Oxford Bloom from J. R. Shelley of Illinois; 446 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOEX CATTLE $1,200 for Jubilee Gwynne 2d from Mr. Grimes, etc. Large purchases were made by Hon. Wm. M. Smith, Lexington, 111., Albert Crane, Durham Park, Kan., and many others afterward prominent in the trade. Kissinger's sale. — This important sale was fol- lowed by another from the herd of J. H. Kissinger of Missouri, who received an average of $606 for forty- one head. It was here that Ed lies gave $2,200 for the bull Kissinger's Breastplate 17476, sired by old Breastplate out of imp. Primula by Falstaff (21720). The same buyer also took Mazurka of Linwood at $1,600. George Otley increased his investment in high-priced stock by paying $1,180 for 3d Louan of Linwood and $1,650 for Orphan Gwynne. Albert Crane bought Miss Wiley of Linwood at $1,200 and J. H. Spears & Son gave $1,000 for Illustrious 3d. Elliott & Kent. — This Iowa firm had been liberal buyers of cattle for several years and this spring placed sixty-one head on the market that averaged $559. The sensational event of this sale was the purchase of the Princess cow 4th Tuberose of Brat- tleboro by Col. Eobert Holloway at $3,500 and the high price brought by other specimens of that famous old family. W. E. Simms of Paris, Ky., paid $1,810 for 2d Red Rose of Brattleboro. George Grimes of Ohio gave $1,550 for 13th Lady Sale of Brattleboro and $1,150 for 39th Lady Sale of Putney. J. R. Shelley took 37th Lady Sale of Putney at $1,050. All these were primarily descended from the Stephenson Princess tribe, from whence Mr. A GOLDEX AGE 447 Bates obtained Belvedere. At this sale A. Ludlow of Monroe, Wis., bought Mazurka Duchess 2d at $1,700 and Albert Crane took Louan 5th of Elm Grove at $1,400. Spears and the Nelly Blys. — J. H. Spears & Son made a memorable sale this spring, which had for its most interesting feature great prices for a family of cows built up in their herd from a descendant of the roan cow Lady Elizabeth (by Emperor), brought out from England in 1839 by the Payette Co. (Ky.) Importing Co. and sold at their sale for $660. These Nelly Blys, as they are still called, were fine show cattle, as w^ell as capital breeders, and at this sale nine head of cows and heifers belonging to it sold for $11,350, an average of $1,261. The top price for these was $1,825, paid by Mrs. Kimberly of West Libert)^, la., for Nelly Bly 4tli. Most of them were daughters of Gen. Grant 4825. Still higher prices were made, however, by a pair of Loudon Duchesses, the 13th and 17th of the line, the former, by 5th Duke of Geneva, going to S. W. Jacobs of West Lib- erty, la., at $3,200, and the latter, by 21st Duke of Airdrie, to E. K. Thomas of North Middletown, Ky., at $2,750. Mr. E. C. Lewis paid $1,600 for Magenta 2d, by Gen. Grant, and J. R. Conover, Petersburg, 111., took her dam, the McMillan-bred Magenta, by Plantagenet, at $1,325. James N. Brown's Sons of Grove Park, Sangamon Co., 111., paid $1,995 for Highland Lady 2d, by Royal Oakland 9034, tracing to imp. Western Lady, by the celebrated Grand Turk 448 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE (12969). This cow's heifer by Col. Towneley 13691 went to Mr. Conover at $1,750. C. W. Goff of Mon- mouth, 111., bought 14th Louan of Woodlawn, a daughter of the Woodburn-bred Laudable 5890, at $1,650. Duchess of York 9th, a Canadian-bred roan, fetched $1,000 from Albert Crane. The imported cow Lady Highthorn was bought by Mr. Conover at $1,000. The Cruickshank cow Violet's Forth, then in her ninth year and belonging to a family of cattle practically unknown at that time in the West, went to Mrs. Kimberly at $1,000. The 21st Duke of Air- drie was purchased by Gen. Lippincott at $10,500. The forty head sold brought an average of $1,163. Pickrell's great sale. — J. H. Pickrell's sale of twenty-three head at Decatur, 111., April 27, 1875, at an average of $1,265 stands next to Col. King's Dex- ter Park average of 1874 as the highest ever made in the Western States. The celebrated show bull Breastplate 11431, for which Mr. Pickrell had paid $6,000, was bought by Mrs. Kimberly for $6,100. This bull was a red, bred by Hon. M. H. Cochrane from Star of the Realm 9150 out of Bright Lady by Lord Blithe (22126). He was largely of Booth blood and at the shows of 1872 and 1873 had won over $1,000 in cash prizes. Some fine specimens of the Bedford Bride family and choice show things of the Louan sort brought ' ' four figures. " A. E. Kimberly paid $2,850 for the red cow Lady Bride, by imp. Baron Booth of Lancaster out of Bride 15th by Air- drie 2478. E. W. Miller, Raymond, 111., took the A GOLDE^r AGE 449 splendid roan Baron Booth of Lancaster heifer Louau Hill 5th, then three years old, at $2,000. Wil- liam and W. Pickrell bought Louan Hill 4th, a four- year-old roan, also by Baron Booth of Lancaster, at $1,925, and resold her to Col. Robert Holloway for $2,225. Louan Hill 3d, a red-roan five-year-old daughter of Sweepstakes 6230, went to L. B. Wing of Bement, 111., at $1,225. Another Baron Booth of Lancaster heifer, Caroline Cochrane (out of an 11th Duke of Airdrie cow tracing to imp. Caroline by Arrow), was bought by J. H. Kissinger & Co. for $1,800. The red-roan two-year-old heifer Jubilee Napier fell to the bidding of A. E. Kimberly at $1,600. She was by imp. Gen. Napier (26239), the Booth bull that Messrs. Parks sold to Col. Stephen Dunlap in 1873 for $5,000 and bought back in 1874 at same price. The Caroline, by Dashwood, heifer Detura, another daughter of Baron Booth of Lan- caster, was secured by J. R. Shelley at $1,100. The imported Booth cow Amelia, bred by Messrs. Dud- ding, was purchased by Thomas Windle, Lincoln, 111., at $1,025. Her yearling bull Royal Baron 18238, by Baron Booth of Lancaster, was taken by William and W. Pickrell at $1,000. At a combination sale held at Bloomington, 111., in April Mr. C. M, Niccolls sold Princessa 2d, a red of Abram Van Meter's breeding, sired by Airdrie Duke 5306 out of a Princess dam, to J. V. Grigsby of AVinchester, Ky., for $2,000, the same buyer tak- ing Mazurka of Lyndale 4th at $1,825. At the same 450 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN^ CATTLE sale E. L. Davison of Kentucky paid $1,450 for Ox- ford Gwynne. Jacobs' sale at West Liberty. — At West Liberty, la., April 14, 1875, occurred the sale of Mr. S. W. Jacobs, the first ever held at that point. Eighty- three cattle averaged $614, and the attendance was estimated at 1,500. This was one of the memorable events of the period. The Lady Sale Princess cow Maude, by Earl of Grass Hill 8071, was bid off at the extraordinary price of $7,200, and her yearling- heifer by Col. Wood 13692 — Princess Maude — at $2,800. Mrs. Kimberly gave $2,025 for the fine show heifer 3d Gem of Eryholme, bred by Messrs. Parks and sired by imp. Gen. Napier. D. M. Flynn took the Vellum heifer Lady King at $2,025 and the mas- sive 1,800-lb. Cruickshank Secret cow imp. Sylvia, by Champion of England — the great cow of the sale —at $2,500. J. W. Handley of Mount Vernon, la., bought Forest Queen (of McMillan's breeding and sired by Plantagenet 6031) at $1,550, and George Chase bid off the McMillan cow Louan of Slauson- dale at $1,100. M. Bunker, Tipton, la., purchased the ''crack" Kissinger show cow Bettie Stewart (running to imp. Daisy by Wild) at $1,425, and Mrs. Kimberly bought imp. Royal Booth (of Game breed- ing and out of Malmsey) for $1,075, Scottish Lady, by Col. King's imp. Scotsman, at $1,425, the noted Kissinger Caroline (by Dash wood) show cow Russie Pierce at $1,500 and Fannie Pierce of same family at $1,100. C. S. Barclay took the roan show heifer A GOLDEX AGE 451 British Baron's Gem, by imp. Britisli Baron, at $1,000. Tliis was a grand lot of cattle. Many of the cows weighed from 1,600 to 1,800 lbs. and were neat as well as large. As illustrating the character of the demand for Short-horns at this time Mr. C. S. Bar- clay tells us that the evening after this sale he sold nearly $2,000 worth of cattle, some of which were bought by the light of a lantern! The fact is that the only way a man could keep a cow in those days was to refuse to price her. West Liberty became a great Short-horn breeding center, a distinction which it has ever since held. Milton Briggs of Kellogg, la., sold on the day following the West Liberty sale 122 head at an aver- age of $308. This sale was remarkable for the large number sold and the uniformity of values main- tained. But two animals passed the $1,000 mark, one, Anna Clark, at $1,075, to S. Corbin, Paris, Ky., and the other. Jubilee of Spotwood, at $1,025, to W. M. Blair, Liland, la. Dexter Park auctions. — In May a notable series of sales occurred at Dexter Park, Chicago. On the 19th some long prices were again made by the Prin- cess family, the occasion being the sale of L. W. Towne of Clarence, Mo. These were descendants of the Lady Sale branch of the tribe, coming through Highland Maid, one of whose daughters brought $7,200 at the Jacobs sale already mentioned. Col. William E, Simms of Kentucky was the heaviest buyer, taking the three-year-old Highland Maid 7th 452 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE at $3,600, Highland Maid 5tli at $1,900 and High- land Maid 4th at $1,125. For Highland Maid 8th Robert Otley gave $1,600. At this same sale Col. Simmes paid $1,600 for Lady Hester 3d and $1,025 for Lady Hester, both Lady Sale Princesses. On May 20 J. P. Sanborn of Port Huron, Mich., received $2,600 for the Craggs cow Duchess of Huron, by 22d Duke of Airdrie, from John R. Craig of Edmonton, Can., and $1,500 from same buyer for her dam, 2d Duchess of Springwood, then ten years old. T. Hickman of Ashland, Mo., gave $1,025 for the Ohio Rose of Sharon Crystal Queen 5th. A few Scotch- bred cattle were included in this sale and met with fair appreciation, the imported cow Wastell 's Jenny Lind 7th, by Lord of the Isles, falling to Mr. Heck- man's bidding at $800. The Avery & Murphy sale. — On May 21 Avery & Murphy of Port Huron followed with a sale of sev- enty-five head averaging $670. The yearling Bates- topped Peri heifer Peri 2d of Lyndale, of Col. King's breeding and sired by the $14,000 bull 2d Duke of Hillhurst, was taken by S. W. Jacobs of Iowa at $4,000. The 18th Duke of Airdrie cow Miss Wiley 4th was bought by Col. Simmes of Kentucky for $2,675, and the roan Miss Wiley 25th, by 10th Duke of Thorndale, by same buyer at $1,825. The 2d Louan of Glen Flora at $2,350; the Ohio Rose of Sharon cow Rose of Fairholme 4th (of Judge Jones' breeding) at $1,275, and the imported Kinellar-bred Scotch cow Wastell 's Golden Drop 4th at $1,100, all A GOLDEN AGE 453 fell to the persistent bidding of Col. Robert Hollo- way. The Aberdeenshire cattle were not well known in the West at this time, but their merit was begin- ning to win them many friends, and at this sale Mrs. E. Byram of Abingdon, 111., bought the Cruickshank cow Michigan Casket, by Senator (27441) out of Cactus by Champion of England, at $1,725; the mixed-bred imp. Michigan Daisy and Welcome at $1,000 and $1,025 respectively. For the fine im- ported show cow Joan of Arc, of mixed English breeding, Albert Crane paid $1,000. The 23d Duke of Airdrie was sold at this sale to J. P. Sanborn for $9,600. On the 22d day of May at same place J. R. Shelly sold the Princess cow 37th Lady Sale of Put- ney to E. L. Davison of Kentucky for $1,600, and Princess 3d to D. Eichholtz of Shannon, 111., for $1,150. Also Mazurka Duchess 3d to Campbell & Chase of West Liberty, la., for $1,550, and the roan Victoria cow Venus to J. P. Sanborn, Port Huron, Mich., for $1,000. Long Prices at Meredith's. — On May 28 at Cam- bridge City, Ind., S. Meredith & Son made a great sale of fifty-three head, averaging $829. It was here that the famous Woodburn-bred cow Mazurka 36th, by Star of the Realm 11021 out of Mazurka 31st by 12th Duke of Airdrie, brought $4,005, the buyer being J. C. Jenkins of Petersburg, Ky.- Mazurka of Lyndale, by 17th Duke of Airdrie, and her heifer calf Oakland Mazurka, by 2d Duke of Hillhurst, were taken for George Fox of Cheshire, Eng., at 454 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE $3,100 and $2,500 respectively. The Rose of Sharoii cow Grace 4tli, bred by Mr. William Warfield and sired by Muscatoon 7057 out of Grace by Airdrie 2478, at $3,000, and the roan yearling heifer Craggs Duchess of Cambridge, by 22d Duke of Airdrie, at $2,400, went to John R. Craig of Canada. The red Victoria cow Valeria, bred by George Murray and sired by 17th Duke of Airdrie, was taken by R. H. Prewitt of Kentucky at $1,800. Duchess Cadenza, a Cypress cow by 10th Duke of Thorndale, and her yearling heifer brought $3,150 from Benjamin Sum- ner of Woodstock, Conn. The Young Mary cow Miss Washington 3d, by the great Kentucky breed- ing bull Airdrie Duke 5306, and her heifer calf Lady Geneva, by 4th Duke of Geneva, were taken by James Mix, Kankakee, 111., at $2,150. The imported cow 2d Lady, of F. H. Fawkes' breeding, went to Ed lies at $1,250. For the show cow Maggie Stone (by Airdrie Duke 5306 out of a Margaret, by Snow- ball, dam) Hon. Pliny Nichols of West Liberty, la., gave $1,000. Rigdon Huston of Blandinsville, 111., bought the show bull imp. British Baron 13557, of Col. Towneley's breeding, then five years old, for $975. The Messrs. Meredith sold privately, after the conclusion of the sale, the Bates-bred 5th Duchess of Springwood to Mr. Craig for $2,000. Airdrie Duchesses at $18,000 each.— Mr. Fox, the English buyer of the Mazurkas at this sale, bought privately from Mr. A. J. Alexander that excellent bull 24th Duke of Airdrie for $12,000, and the 20th A GOLDEN^ AGE 455 Duchess of Airdrie at $18,000 for exportation, and from Gen. N. M. Curtis of Ogdensburg and James W. Wadswortli of same place a number of Prin- cesses. About this same time Mr. Alexander sold to E. H. Cheney of England the 16th Duchess of Airdrie for $17,000. At a sale from the herd of Mr. Cochrane, held in June, 1875, at Toronto, Airdrie Duchess 5th was bought by Avery & Murphy for $18,000, and the 5th Duke of Hillhurst by Mark S. Cockrill of Ten- nessee for $8,300. 4tli Louan of Slausondale was taken by B. B. Groom at $2,850. Messrs. Beattie & Miller sold some cattle at high prices at same time, receiving $3,000 for Princess of Oxford 4th, a like sum for Princess Maud, $2,200 for Princess of Raby, $2,700 for Surmise Duchess 5th, $2,400 for Surmise Duchess 10th, $3,100 for Duchess of Raby, $4,600 for Kirklevington Princess 2d, $4,025 for Kirklevington Duchess 8th, and $2,300 for Careless 8tli — thirty- four females averaging $1,226 each. Another important transaction in the spring of 1875 was the purchase by Avery & Murphy of the entire high-priced herd of Col. L. G. Morris, includ- ing five of his purchases at New York Mills. Big sales in the Blue Grass. — The Kentucky sum- mer sales of 1875 were well attended, and Renick, Vanmeter and Bates blood commanded great prices. At Ben F. Vanmeter 's twenty Rose of Sharon s brought $44,340, an average of $2,217, C. D. Chenault of Richmond, Ky., taking Julia's Rose at $3,900, and 456 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE H. P. Thomson of Kentucky 2d Cambridge Lady at $5,550. Poppy 5th was bought for Earl Bective at $2,000. At the same sale twelve Red Eoses (Young- Marys) averaged $890, Messrs. Groom paying the top, $2,350, for Eed Rose 11th. At E. S. Cunning- ham's the Grooms paid $4,150 for Duchess of Sharon, and Messrs. Meredith $1,600 for Rose of Wicken. At J. G. Kinnaird's B. Sumner of Con- necticut gave $2,650 for Oneida Rose, Messrs. Mere- dith $2,050 for Minna of Elk Hill, and Emory Cobb $1,600 for Mazurka 25th. At William Lowry's J. W. Bean of Winchester, Ky., gave $2,380 for Val- eria. At Walter Handy 's Messrs. Meredith bought 4th Mazurka of Chesterfield at $3,500, Mr. Megibben gave $3,150 for Peri of Clifton and B. Sumner $2,025 for Grace Sharon. At Wesley Warnock's $2,675 was paid by L. F. Pierce of Kentucky for Cambridge Rose 3d, $2,250 by John R. Craig of Canada for Duchess of Springwood, and $1,600 by J. H. Spears & Sons for Miss Wiley of Vinewood. At J. C. Jenkins' sale Mrs. Jesse Long of Iowa gave $2,125 for Mazurka 36th, George M. Bedford $2,500 for 4th Louan of Oakland and $2,000 for Louan of Prospect Farm, E. K. Thomas $2,055 for Blooming Heath 2d, and J. H. Spears took Mazurka 33d at $1,650. Mr. Jenkins' fifteen head averaged $1,274. Pushing the Princesses. — While the champions of this fine old sort did not score as dazzling a success during this speculative era as might have been an- ticipated in view of Belvedere's brilliant career and A GOLDEN AGE 457 the conceded dual-purpose capacity of the tribe, still they enlisted the support of several daring spirits prominent in the trade during these halcyon days of Short-horn prosperity. The American-bred Princesses were all descended from the three imported cows, Red Rose 2d, Lady Sale 2d and Tuberose 2d. Those tracing to Red Rose 2d were unquestionably the best. Wherever they were fairly treated and intelligently bred they displayed fine substance, thick flesh and scale, as well as dairy propensity. The Princesses had been largely in the hands of dairymen in the New Eng- land States, and were treated as dairy stock, devel- oping milk qualities of the highest order. The Tuberose branch manifested a tendency to present dark noses; a point which has never met with the favor of the fraternity of Short-horn breeders. Prominent among those interested in the Princesses in the East about this time may be mentioned Messrs. A. W. Griswold, a New York lawyer who had a farm in Vermont that was in charge of J. 0. Sheldon's old herdsman, Mr. Williams, one of the best men of his profession England has ever given to this country; D. S. Pratt, a clothing merchant at Brattleboro, Vt., who was in the business purely as a speculation and not because of any special love for the cattle; the Messrs. Winslow of Putney, Vt., who were practical farmers and dairymen; the Messrs. Wadsworth of Geneseo, N. Y.; A, B. Conger, Haverstraw, N. Y.; T. L. Harison, Morley, N. Y.; 458 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Col. Jolm B. Taylor,* London, Ont., and Richard Gibson of Canada, who bought and exported a num- ber of cattle of this tribe to England. These were reinforced by Col. William S. King of Minnesota, Col. W. E. Simms of Paris, Ky.; B. B. Groom, Win- chester, Ky., and others. In July, 1875, Mr. C. F. Wadsworth, after conferring with leading owners of Princesses throughout the country, issued a small volume entitled "A Record of Princess Short-horns in America," which, it was expected, would assist in building up a Princess aristocracy by separating the pedigrees of cattle of that tribe from the great mass of records carried by the Short-horn Herd Book. As might have been anticipated, however, and as was predicted by some of the level heads in the Princess camp, this attempt at "exclusiveness" was resented by the breeders at large. While long prices were established for a time the manipulations of speculators failed to attain for any extended period their cherished object. In common with other tribes that were at this time largely at the mercy of those who were handling Short-horns for speculative purposes only — and often with violent disregard of correct principles and practice — the Princesses suffered more or less deterioration; the *Col. Taylor was an English army officer who had served with his regiment, the Sixtieth Rifles, in the Crimea. He settled in Canada and was made Deputy Adjutant-General in command of the militia of the district in which he resided. He bought a small place near London and began breeding Short-horns with marked success. He was a great enthusiast and one of the closest students of pedigrees of his day. Probably his greatest success was with the Bates Craggs tribe. He died a few years since at Winnipeg while in command of that military district. A GOLDEX AGE 459 blame for wliicli, as in the case of the Bates tribes, rested upon the folly of reckless men rather than upon the hapless cattle that were made the subject of egregious blundering. In August, 1875, Almon W. Griswold sold in the historic Duchess ring at New York Mills five Prin- cesses for $18,100, an average of $3,620 each, the top being $5,600 for Lady Mary 2d to Eichard Gibson for Col. King. The laird of Lyndale also obtained Lady Mary at $4,000 and Avery & Murphy got Lady Mary 9th at $2,200 and 6th Lady Sale of Brattleboro at $3,300. Several Gwynnes — near kin to the Prin- cesses — also sold well, Gibson paying $3,000 for one and $1,900 for another. These traced to Tanque- ray's Minerva 4th, imported by Morris & Becar. At this same sale 7th Lord of Oxford 17586 fetched $3,700 and Avery & Murphy paid $3,000 for Peri 3d. The thirty-three animals disposed of brought $56,- 000, an average of $1,697. As a matter of fact the Gwynnes of this period ranked with the best Short-horns of their time. Indeed for many years, while the old Princess sort and their cousins the Elviras and " Js" were still in comparative obscurity, under the skillful manage- ment of careful handlers in Cumberland and the North the Gwynnes were making Short-hom his- toiy. Their intrinsic merit and solid worth, their grand flesh and scale, their finish and dairy quality gained for the Gwynnes the plaudits of the entire country-side even in the very heart of the old Short- 460 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE horn country. As one after another of these hand- some specimens of the breed made their appearance in the English show-yards and sale-rings their name became a bye-word, synonymous with sym- metry and persistent quality. ' ' The Gwynnes can 't be downed," an expression often heard in those days across the Atlantic, meant that no matter what cross or alien blood was resorted to the Gwynne character seemed to assert itself. Richard Gibson, appreciating fully their position abroad, became an ardent supporter of the tribe on this side, and many breeders subsequently profited largely by the presence of Gwynne cows and heifers in their pas- tures. The late Simon Beattie offered Gibson $4,000 for one specimen of the family to be exported to England. At H. P. Thomson's sale of 1875 in Kentucky six Princesses were disposed of at a valuation of $15,- 725, an average of $2,620. D. L. Hughes of Iowa took two, paying $4,100 for Lady Sale 29th and $1,700 for 2d Tuberose of Grass Hill. D. S. Pratt of Vermont acquired Lady Sale 29th on a bid of $4,000. Avery & Murphy paid $2,500 for Lady Sale 31st. S. W. Jacobs of Iowa bought Lady Sale 36th at $1,800 and John Collard of the same State became the owner of 6th Tuberose of Brattleboro at $1,625. At this sale Emory Cobb of Illinois took Constance of Putney 4th at $1,950, and E. Stedman of Massa- chusetts bought Blush of Glen Flora at $2,750. The $1,000 mark was passed sixteen times during the A GOLDEN- AGE 461 sale, the ninety-six head sold fetching a total of $53,070, an average of $553. The Trans-Mississippi trade. — The summer of 1875 was a season of sore trial and tribulation to the farmers beyond the Missouri River on account of the ravages of grasshoppers. Feed was in short supply in the newer West, so when Mr. J. G. Cowan of Missouri, the owner of the $3,000 show and breed- ing bull Loudon Duke 6th 10399, arranged for a pub- lic sale, to include that distinguished animal, it was decided to offer the stock at Ottumwa, la. The event occurred Aug. 18, and with the exception of the fine Young Mary cow Grace Young 3d every- thing was taken by Iowa and Missouri breeders, the thirty- six head commanding $19,340, an average of $537. Loudon Duke 6th was bid off by E. Gillis- ton of Mound City, Mo., at $1,950; S. W. Jacobs gave $1,000 for Loudon's Minna; D. A. Rouner of Newark, Mo., $1,000 for Red Daisy of Faii^iew 5th, and J. G. Strawn of Illinois, a like sum for the Mary cow above mentioned. In September, 1875, D. M. Flynn of Des Moines made an average of $699 on eighteen head. D. L, Hughes of Vinton had opposition on Roan Princess up to $3,500 and S. W. Jacobs had to carry the Scotch-bred Minnie's Annandale 2d to $2,000. For Lady King the same buyer paid $1,500. Dr. George Sprague of Des Moines sold nineteen head in con- nection with Mr. Flynn that made an average of $592. Red Daisy of Fairview 4th, that the Doctor 462 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE had bought at the Cowan sale for $710, fell here to D. L. Hughes ' bidding at $1,550. For Oakwood Miss Wiley John Collard paid $1,100. 2d Duke's Gem went to A. W. Thomson of Kentucky at $1,200. At John Collard 's sale the red six-year-old Scotch- bred imported cow Easpberry, by Prince of Wor- cester, was taken by William Hastie, Somerset, la., at $1,200. For Lady Dahlia the same price was given by J. D. Brown of Omaha. $3,500 for a Scotch heifer. — Shortly before this Mrs. A. E. Kimberley of West Liberty, la., had broken the record for Scotch-bred cattle by paying J. H. Kissinger $3,500 for the celebrated Cruick- shank show heifer imp. Orange Blossom 18th. Short-horns were enjoying a great "boom" west of the Mississippi. Mention has been made of some of the more notable purchases of Mr. Albert Crane of Durham Park, Kan., at auction sales. About this time he bought some Booth-bred cattle from Mr. Coffin of Maryland, and from F. W. Belden, Kane- ville, 111., he secured for stock purposes the Booth- bred Hecuba bull Lord of the Lake at $1,000. He manifested his interest in Bates blood, however, by purchasing privately about this same date from Mr. Alexander of Woodburn the white bull Lord Bates 3d, by 24th Duke of Airdrie, at $1,000. Groom importations and sale. — One of the most prominent of the breeders and importers of this period was Mr. B. B. Groom of Vinewood Farm, near Winchester, Clark Co., Ky. In April, 1875, the A GOLDEN" AGE 463 firm of B. B. Groom & Son imported from England thirty-one liead of Bates-bred cattle, belonging mainly to families originated by the Messrs. Bell; included in the shipment being the roan 8th Maid of Oxford, of Sheldon's br-^eding, that had been ex- ported to England some years previous. In July of the same year Messrs. Groom imported 7th Maid of Oxford and her bull calf and the roan bull 8th Duke of Geneva (28390), both of Sheldon's breed- ing. These had been bought at Leney's sale at $10,000 for the Duke and $3,325 for the Oxford cow and calf. On Oct. 14 a number of these imported cattle, together with a selection of American-bred stock, was offered at public sale, and the event drew out a great attendance from all parts of the United States. The prices paid and the wide distribution of the animals indicate the remarkable character of the demand at this time for Short-horns carrying the Bates blood. We append herewith a summary as to the leading lots, together with the general averages : 22d Duchess of Airdrie— J. H. Spears & Sons, Illinois $17,500 Kirklevington Duchess 18th — John R. Craig, Canada 5,150 Brightness — Benjamin Sumner, Connecticut 5,100 Highland Maid 6th— J. C. Tyler, Vermont 5,050 Duchess of Clarence — J. H. Spears & Sons 4,100 Kirklevington Lady 6th — Avery & Murphy, Michigan 3,900 2d Duchess of Clarence — J. H. Spears & Sons 3,175 Wild Eyes Rose— W. N. Offutt, Kentucky 3,050 Kirklevington Lady 3d— J. V. Grigsby, Kentucky 3,000 Princess of Vinewood 1st — D. L. Hughes, Iowa 3,000 Georgia Hillhurst 3d— Avery & :\Iurphy 2,800 Duchess of Kingscote — J. V. Grigsby 2,550 464 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Kirklevington Lady 4th — Avery & Murphy $ 2,550 Fennel Duchess of Knightley Hall — T. J. Megibben, Ken- tucky 2,500 2d Lady Bates of Vinewood — E. S. Bussing, New York. . . . 2,000 Kirklevington Lady 5th — Henry Corbln, Kentucky 2,000 Annette of Knightley Hall — John CoIIard, Iowa 2,000 Wild Flower Duchess — N. G. Pond, Connecticut 1,900 Duchess of Knightley Hall — John Collard, Iowa 1,850 Highland Maid 7th— D. L. Hughes 1,700 Wild Eyes of Horton Park— W. N. Offutt, Kentucky 1,700 Lady Sale 10th— D. L. Hughes 1,600 Princess of Vinewood 2d — J. V. Grigsby 1,550 3d Lady Bates of Vinewood — E. S. Bussing, New York. . . . 1,500 Rosa Bonheur 8th — Avery & Murphy 1,400 Ruby Duchess — John R. Craig 1,225 Bright Eyes 9th — T. Stedman & Son, Massachusetts 1,175 Duenna Duchess 7th — J. H. Spears & Sons 1,125 Victoria 11th — J. G. Cowan, Missouri 1,050 Duenna Duchess 6th — B. Sumner & Co., Connecticut 1,050 Jubilee Oxford 4th— J. V. Grigsby 1,000 Sanspareil 10th— J. H. Spears & Sons 1,000 Oxford Geneva — D. L. Hughes, Iowa 5,000 2d Compton Lord Wild Eyes — John Collard, Iowa 2,500 3d Duke of Under-Edge— John Collard 2,100 2d Duke or Under-Edge — Hon. William M. Smith, Illinois 1,650 1st Duke of Under-Edge — Mrs. Jesse Long, Iowa 1,050 64 females sold for $109,445; an average of $ 1,710 9 bulls sold for 14,015; an average of 1,557 73 animals sold for 123,460; an average of 1,691 Other important transactions. — At H. D. Ayres' sale Mr. Groom bought Hilpa Duchess at $2,500; at W. L. Sudduth's a pair of Miss Washingtons (Young Marys) fetched $2,000; at John W. Prewitt's B. F. Vanmeter gave $1,000 for a Gentle Annie Phyllis, and at B. P. Goff's Mr. J. H. Pickrell took Bright Lady of the Realm at $4,000. This Booth heifer was out of Bright Lady, the dam of Breastplate. A GOLDEX AGE 465 At Wesley Warnock's seventy-three females sold for $29,510, an average of $404, L. F. Pierce of Mays- ville giving $2,675 for Cambridge Kose 3d, John R. Craig of Canada $2,250 for Duchess of Springwood, and J. H. Spears & Son $1,600 for Miss Wiley of Vinewood. At J. C. Jenkins' sale fifteen head brought the great average of $1,274, Mrs. Jesse Long of Iowa going to $2,125 for Mazurka 36th ; George M. Bedford bid $2,500 for 4th Louan of Oakland and $2,000 for Louan of Prospect Farm; E. K. Thomas followed Blooming Heath 2d to $2,055, and J. H. Spears went to $1,650 on Mazurka 33d. Mr. Warfield sold to John Comstock of Lidiana the bull calf Loudon Duke 12tli, by imp. Eobert Napier, at $1,500. Gen. Meredith & Son bought 3d Mazurka at $2,000, Julia 3d at $1,000 and Martha Muscatoon at $1,000 from C. M. Niccolls, Bloomington, 111. All records broken at Dunmore. — On Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1875, the greatest average ever made at an auction sale of cattle in the world was obtained by Lord Dunmore at a draft sale held on the Earl's estate, near Stirling, Scotland, upon which occasion thirty-nine head brought the enormous total of $149,- 336, an average of $3,829 on the entire lot. It was here also that the greatest price ever obtained for a bull of any breed was paid, to-wit: 4,500 gs., which reduced to American gold at that date was the equiv- alent of $26,904, the bull being Duke of Connaught (33604) of the Bates Duchess tribe. It is of special interest to American breeders to 466 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE note that tlie best price made at this sale by a female was by a representative of the Renick Rose of Sharon family, and that the sire of Duke of Con- naught was the American-bred Duke of Hillhurst (28401), that was bred by Hon, M. H. Cochrane from the 14th Duke of Thorndale (28459). Furthermore, the high-priced Oxford females sold were the prod- uce of the 8th and 11th Maids of Oxford, bred in New York and exported in 1871. In addition to this the second highest-priced bull of the sale — and the sire of a number of the most valuable heifers offered — was the American-bred 3d Duke of Hill- hurst (30975), by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959). The case of Duke of Connaught is ilnique in the annals of stock-breeding for the reason that he proved to be one of the most successful sires of high- class Short-horns ever used in Great Britain, and so great was the demand for stock of his get on account of their conceded excellence that the buyer of the bull. Lord Fitzhardinge of Berkeley Castle, Glouces- tershire, received in stud fees and for Connaught calves an aggregate sum of money which more than reimbursed him for his extraordinary outlay at Dun- more. This was indeed an outstanding example of the fact that if one is certain of his premises in seek- ing to estimate the probable value of a stock bull it is difficult to place any limit within reasonable bounds upon the price to be paid. This sale was conducted by Mr. John Thornton, whose maiden effort on the auction block had been A GOLDEI^ AGE 467 made at Rugbj^ in 1868, in the employ of the Rev. John Storer of Hellidon.* A list of the animals that brought $2,000 or upward is presented below, the English values being reduced to their current equiv- alent in American gold : cows AND HEIFERS. Red Rose of the Isles, red, calved March 9, 1870; bred by Abram Renick, Kentucky; got by Airdrie 2478, dam Duchess 3d by Dandy Duke— Lord Bective $11,658 Marchioness of Oxford 3d, white, calved March 3, 1873; got by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730) out of 8th Maid of Oxford by 2d Duke of Geneva — Duke of Manchester. . 10,821 Red Rose of Balmoral, red, calved Nov. 17, 1873; got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975) out of the Rose of Sharon cow Red Rose of Braemar by 11th Duke of Thorndale —Lord Bective 7,852 Oxford Duchess 2d, roan, calved June 20, 1872; got by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730) out of 11th Lady of Ox- ford by Baron of Oxford (23371)— Lord Fitzhardinge. 5,978 Fuchsia 12th, roan, calved Feb. 15, 1872; got by Duke of Albany (25931) out of Fuchsia 10th by Grand Duke of York (24071)— T. Lister 5,380 "Water Flower, red-and-white, calved Dec. 20, 1871; got by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959) out of Waterloo 38th by Earl of Eglinton (23832)— T. Halford 3,706 Lady Worcester 5th, roan, calved March 30, 1869; got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729) out of Lady Worcester 2d by Charleston (21400)— A. H. Brassey 3,706 *Tlie Hellidon sale was indeed a red-letter day in Mr. Thornton's career. Storer was quite an authority on Sliort-horns at that time and actively identified with the fortunes of the Booths. In common with Messrs. Torr, Aylmer, Booth and their friends Mr. Storer felt that Straf- ford, who was at this date the presiding genius at all the great Short- horn sales, was too active in behalf of the breeders of Bates cattle. Thornton was in Strafford's employ, and the idea of encouraging a paid helper to usurp the throne of his employer was an unheard-of thing in England among such conservative men of means as were represented by the backers of the Booths. Nevertheless the Booth men brought Thornton out at the Hellidon sale, and, although it was his first attempt with the sand glass, he proved his fitness for the work by keeping cool even under circumstances calculated to excite an old hand. 468 A HISTOKY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Blythesome Eyes, red, calved Dec. 22, 1874; got 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975) out of Wild Eyes Duchess by 9th Grand Duke (19879)— Lord Bective % 3,617 Fuchsia 13th, roan, calved March 4th, 1872; got by Duke of Albany (25931) out of Fuchsia 9th by Grand Duke of York (24071)— J. W. Larking 3,886 Lady Worcester 12th, white, calved Nov. 15, 1872; got by 8th Duke of Geneva (28290) out of Lady Worces- ter 5th by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Lord Bective. . . 3,318 Lady Worcester 11th, white, calved Oct. 2, 1872; got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729) out of Lady Worcester 3d by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Duke of Manches- ter 3,283 Lady Worcester 16th, roan, calved May 23, 1875; got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975)— Lord Bective 3,288 Water Lily, red, calved June 25, 1874; got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst— T. Halford 3,108 Wild Eyes Duchess, red, calved Feb. 3, 1865; got by 9th Grand Duke (19879)— T. Wilson 2,863 Wild Eyebright, roan, calved Sept. 10, 1872; got by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959)— T. Wilson 2,720 Lady Worcester 13th, red-and-white, calved Jan. 28, 1874; got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975)— George Fox... 2,690 Lady Worcester 9th, red-and-white, calved Aug. 19, 1871; got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Mr. Brogden 2,630 Hazel Eyes, roan, calved Nov. 30, 1874; got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975)— H. J. Sheldon 2,390 Lady Worcester 15th, red, calved Feb. 1, 1875; got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975)— R. Loder 2,152 Fuchsia 14th, roan, calved March 19, 1874; got by Duke of Albany (25931)— Mr. Lister 2,152 Wild Rose, red-and-white, calved Feb. 2, 1872; got by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959)— Col. Kingscote 2,092 Sparkling Eyes, red-and-white, calved Nov. 18, 1873; got by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959) — Lord Feversham 2,092 BULLS. Duke of Connaught (33604), roan, calved Aug. 10, 1873; got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401) out of Duchess 108th by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Started at $10,000 and sold to Lord Fitzhardinge $26,904 A GOLDEN^ AGE 469 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), red, calved Dec. 2, 1871; got by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959) out of Duchess 101st by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Started at $5,000 and sold to J. W. Larking $17,936 30 females sold for $98,457.28; an average of $3,281.91 9 bulls sold for 50,878.73; an average of 5,653.19 39 animals sold for ..149,236.01; an average of 3,829.13 Torr's Triumph. — While the Bates flag fluttered this defiance from its stronghold in the North, the broad pennant of the Booths was spread upon the autumn breeze from a moated manor house in Lin- colnshire, where, under the guidance of the squire of "Warlabv in person, the challenge met with a re- siDonse that reverberated throughout the Short-horn cattle-breeding world. Torr of Aylesby was dead. Warlaby had been passing through the fiery furnace of epidemic foot- and-mouth, and now leaned for support upon the great herd which the genius of "the first farmer of England" had builded by thirty years of unwaver- ing devotion to Booth bulls. "The well-knit frame, the cheery sun-at-noonday smile, the organizing head, the dauntless, warm heart whence welled un- flagging energy, determined perseverance, eloquent speech and endless hospitality" was to be seen no more about the picturesque cottage or among the fine old trees of Aylesby, but the results of a long and useful life were in striking evidence in those rich East Anglian pastures. When it came to be known, therefore, that the herd was to pass at auction on the 2d day of September, 1875, beneath 470 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the shifting sands of Thornton's fateful glass,* the very flower of England's Short-horn chivalry assem- bled to do honor to the memory of one of the most striking personalities British agriculture has devel- oped. Indeed the fame of Aylesby, its Short-horns, its Leicesters, its ponies and its well-kept fields had extended to the four corners of the earth. The story of how the great tenant-farmer had begun by leasing Leonard in 1844; of his persistent hiring of Mr. Booth's best sires; of his recourse to the Mantalinis of Barnes of Westland, Ireland, while Warlaby was contending with disease; of his creation of the Bright, Flower, the " G, " the " M " and other famous Riby and Aylesby families, was familiar to all the well-informed cattle-breeders in Europe, America and Australia. Hence it came to pass that when the dispersion of the herd was announced visitors from far and near gathered literally by the thousands. Luncheon had been set for 1,500 guests, a great can- vas accommodating 2,000 people was provided, and yet the crowds overflowed all Aylesby and vicinity. Great landed proprietors and peers of the realm mingled with eminent breeders, all intent upon show- ing their respect and love for the man who had ac- complished so much for his country 's good. Factors, herdsmen and agents mingled with the throng, eagerly examining the cattle and making notes on the various lots preparatory to laying bids for "The English auctioneer uses a sand-glass in closing bids. After due warning the glass is held aloft and the sand allowed to run. The last bid in before the upper chamber of the glass empties itself mto the bottom secures the animal. A GOLDEX AGE 471 absent principals. It was, in brief, a scene that has had few parallels in agricultural history; and the disposition of eighty-five head of Torr's own produc- tion for the great sum of $243,144.57 must be re- garded, all things considered, as the most remark- able result ever yet worked out by an individual breeder of Short-horns or any other class of cattle. Mr. Torr had once remarked, "It takes thirty years to make a herd and bring it to one's notion of perfection. ' ' Fortunately for himself and for the breed he lived to exactly that limit from the date when he first began his final breeding operations with Booth bulls as sires. He sought to produce animals combining superior quality, with faultless pedigree, uniformity of character and "hard, nay, iron constitutions." He bred for oblique shoulders, great fore ribs, strong loins, and heavy flesh possess- ing mellowness without softness, and covered with abundance of furry hair; avoided at all times what is generally referred to as "loose handling." : To his sound judgment, his unequaled knowledge and ex- perience, his unchangeable determination to keep his best "even when tempted by the golden hand of fashion" may be attributed the fact that his herd at the time of his death was called "the best large herd in Britain. ' ' Torr's favorite family was the Flower sort, de- scended in the maternal line from Robert Colling 's Wildair; whose own brother. Phenomenon (491) — the sire of Angelina, the dam of Belvedere — was 472 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE counted at Barmpton a better bull than Comet. The Aylesby Flowers traced to Wildair through the famous roan Nonpareil, the highest-priced cow at Robert Colling 's sale of 1818 — sold to Earl Spencer at 370 guineas. The tribe came into Mr. Torr's hands in 1841 through Flora of Farnsfield, by Rinaldo (4949), a bull of Booth blood. The great cow Highland Flower (see sale list below) was of this family. The five head sold averaged $2,880. The Ribys and Brights went back to Booth's Anna, by Pilot, through Rose, a cow bought by Whitaker at the Studley sale of 1834. Rose had two daughters. White Rose, by James Chrisp's Bull, and Red Rose, by Scrip (2604). The Brights came from the former and the Ribys from the latter. Although several crosses of extraneous blood intervened in the breed- ing of these Aylesby Annas between the Whitaker purchase of 1834 and the subsequent return to War- laby lines in the hands of Mr. Torr in 1851 the re- uniting of the Booth current proved a happy stroke. Mr. T. C. Booth took advantage of the Aj^lesby dis- persion to rejuvenate the herd at Warlaby by trans- ferring the best of this sort to his own pastures. For Bright Empress he was forced to pay the record price of $12,900 — the highest ever given for a cow of any breed at auction up to that date in Great Britain. The twenty-two Annas made the astound- ing average of $4,180 each. Mr. Torr's *'G" and "M" tribes— so called from the fact that those were the initial letters used re- A GOLDEN AGE 473 spectively iu the family nomenclature — had a com- mon origin in the herd of Mr. Rob son. The ancestral dam of the "Gs" was Golden Beam, and of the "Ms" Moonbeam, both bought about 1840 and sired by Prince Comet (1342). The strongly-bred War- laby bulls made a great impression upon this sound old foundation, producing many good Short-horns. The "Beams" were reduced to but seven head at the sale, but made an average of $1,530 each, the "M" cow Mountain Vale fetching $2,500 from the Earl of Tankerville. Although a devout believer in Booth blood Torr had an eye for a good beast however bred. He was impressed at the Bates dispersion sale by the excel- lence of the Waterloos. Mr. Bates had bred and sold to Eev. T. Cator Waterloo 3d, by Norfolk, from which Mr. Cator had Water Witch, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649). The last-named cow was bought by Mr. Torr in 1845, and from her a large and meritorious family of Booth-topped Waterloos descended. In the herd catalogue for 1868 no less than forty cows and heifers were included. At the sale of 1875 twenty-one head brought an average of $1,275 each.* Several other families, including the Tellurias — descended from a cow of that name bred by Earl *Mr. Torr regarded Bates' Duke of Northumberland (940) as the "best show bull" he ever saw. It is related that he once went to Kirk- levington to hire the 4th Duke of Northumberland, believing him to be even a better bull than the first Duke. An agreement as to price was made, but Mr. Bates added the stipulation that the bull must not serve more than twentv-flve cows. Torr replied that he was willing to pay the price asked, "but could not permit such a restriction upon his use. 474 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Spencer and sold to Col. Towneley — were included in the herd at the time of the sale, but we have not space to supply details concerning them. The following is a list of such animals only as brought $3,000 or upward at this extraordinaiy sale. As in the case of the foregoing report of the Dun- more sale, the English prices are reduced to their equivalent in American gold, which was at that date at a premium which rendered the English guinea worth $5.9787: cows AND HEIFERS. Bright Empress, roan, calved July 19, 1871; got by Lord Napier (26688) out of Bright Queen by Fitz-Clarence (14552)— Started at $5,000, sold to T. C. Booth, War- laby $12,914 Bright Saxon, roan, calved Feb. 22, 1872; got by Royal Prince (27384) out of Bright Spangle by Prince of Warlaby (15107)— T. C. Booth 8,997 Highland Flower, roan, calved Aug. 6, 1868; got by Moun- tain Chief (20383) out of Clarence Flower by Fitz- Clarence (14552)— Rev. T. Staniforth 8,9S8 Riby Marchioness, roan, calved March 31, 1875; got by Knight of the Shire (26552)) out of Riby Peeress by Breastplate (19337)— Mr. Crosby of Ireland 7,533 Bright Marchioness, white, calved July 20, 1871; got by Lord Napier (25688) out of Bright Countess by Breast- plate (19337)— H. Chandos Pole-Gell 7,084 Bright Spangle, roan, calved March 8, 1866; got by Prince of Warlaby (15107) out of Bright Dew by British Prince (14197)— T. C. Booth 6,307 At that time he had about thirty cows and heifers. Bates repeated : "I should not lilie him to be put to more than twenty-five cows," where- upon Mr. Toil- <hopi)C(1 the matter, saying: "Very well. Mr. Bates, vou have got your bull and 1 have got my money." It is recorded that Mr. Torr liad expressed, along with many other of Mr. Bates' visitors that year, an admiration for his three cows by Whitaker's Norfolk. These estimates did not meet with Mr. Bates' approval, and he finally sold two out of the three, to-wit. : Blanche 2d and Waterloo 3d, as some alleged, "to get rid of the eulogy." A GOLDEN" AGE 475 Bright Baroness, roan, calved Aug. 21, 1870; got by Lord Napier (26688) out of Bright Countess by Breast- plate (19337)— Mr. Mitchell of Scotland $ 5,978 Bright Design, roan, calved Feb. 7, 1875; got by Knight of the Shire (26552) out of Bright Spangle by Prince of Warlaby (15107)— T. C. Booth 5,081 Heather Flower, roan, calved July 10, 1871; got by Lord Napier (26688) out of Highland Flower by Mountain Chief (20382)— Rev. Mr. Staniforth 5,978 Bright Dowager, red, little white, calved Nov. 12, 1873; got by Duke of York (23804) out of Bright Queen by Fitz-Clarence (14552)— B. St. John Ackers 4,812 Riby Pearl, white, calved Jan. 1, 1874; got by Knight of the Shire (26552) out of Riby Peeress by Breastplate — Hugh Aylmer 4,643 Bright Jewel, roan, calved Feb. 1, 1874; got by Knight of the Shire (26552) out of Bright Spangle by Prince of Warlaby (15107)— T. C. Booth 4,633 Flower of Germany, red, calved A.pril 13, 1869; got by Breastplate (19337)— T. H. Miller 4,543 Lowland Flower, roan, calved April 12, 1871; got by Man- fred (26801)— B. St. John Ackers 4,782 Foreign Queen, roan, calved March 7, 1873; got by Blink- hoolie (23428) out of Foreign Empress by Fitz-Royal (26167)— Mr. Crosby of Ireland 4,812 Bright Queen, red-and-white, calved July 19, 1864; got by Fitz-Clarence (14552) out of Bright Princess — Lady Pigot 4,484 Riby Empress, red, calved Nov. 4, 1872; got by Duke of York (23804)— J. W. & E. Cruickshank, Scotland 4,484 Flower Alpine, red-and-white, calved Oct. 11, 1870; got by Lord Napier (26688)— Mr. McCulloch, Australia 4,244 Fair Saxon, red-and-white, calved March 11, 1869; got by Breastplate (19337)— B. St. John Ackers 4,185 Flower of Holland, red, little white, calved Aug. 8, 1871; got by Breastplate (19337)— Mr. Wardle 4,065 Riby Lassie, red, calved May 7, 1869; got by Blinkhoolie (23428) out of Riby Countess— T. C. Booth 3,796 Riby Peeress, roan, calved Sept. 18, 1865; got by Breast- plate (19337) out of Riby Queen— T. C. Booth 3,587 476 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Bright Swede, roan, calved July 23, 1874; got by Lord Cain (31630) out of Bright Saxon— Mr. Wilson $ 3,587 Flower of Belgium, roan, calved June 17, 1872; got by Royal Prince (27394)— Mr. Phillips 3,587 Foreign Beauty, roan, calved Feb. 26, 1875; got by Knight of the Shire (26552)— Hugh Aylmer 3,108 Warluck, red, calved Feb. 25, 1871; got by Lord Napier (26688) out of a Waterloo dam— Mr. McCuUoch, Aus- tralia 3,108 Flower of the Rhine, roan, calved June 12, 1874; got by Knight of the Shire (26552)— Sir William S. Maxwell 3,049 Mountain Vale, red-and-white, calved Feb. 14, 1869; got by Blinkhoolie (23428)— Mr. Wilson 3,079 BULLS. Riby Knight, roan, calved April 14, 1874; got by Knight of the Shire (26552) out of Riby Lassie by Blink- hoolie (23428)— J. Marshall of New Zealand 4,185 Fandango, roan, calved July 6, 1872; got by Royal Prince (27384) out of Flower of Germany by Breastplate (19337)— Sir William S. Maxwell 4,185 Balmoral, roan, calved Feb. 17, 1875; got by Knight of the Shire (26552) out of Bright Queen by Fitz-Clarence (14552)— Rev. J. N. Micklethwaite 4,185 Lord Lamech, roan, calved Nov. 21, 1874; got by Knight of the Shire (26552) out of Lady Adah by Killerby Monk (20053)— J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, 111., U. S. A 3,348 72 females sold for. . .$215,585.30; an average of $2,994.25 13 bulls sold for 27,558.27; an average of 2,119.87 85 animals sold for.. 243,144.57; an average of 2,860.52 Additional importations. — Mr. J. H. Pickrell, who was among the Americans present at the English sales of 1875, made two shipments for account of himself and Mr. J. H. Kissinger of Missouri. The first, which came out from London in August along with some Clydesdale horses, long-wooled and South- down sheep and Berkshire pigs, included some first- class heifers from the noted herd of Messrs. Hosken A GOLDEN^ AGE 477 of Cornwall, a pair of roan Booth heifers from Hugh Aylmer of West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, and two Bates-bred yearlings from J. W. Larking, one a bull and the other a heifer, and both sired by G-rand Duke of Geneva (28756). The second shipment was made from Glasgow in September and included Mr. Pick- rell's purchases at the Torr sale, the $3,350 roan bull Lord Lamech, the red-and-white bull calf Flower Lad, the red "G" cow Germania, the roan Waterloo heifer Waterloo Shield, by Knight of the Sliire (26552), and the red bull calf 2d Marquis of Worces- ter of the Bates Wild Eyes tribe from Dunmore at $900. Messrs. Cochrane, Beattie and Hope of Canada im- ported in October, 1875, twenty-five head, mainly of Bates breeding; and on the same steamer four females were shipped to S. R. Streator of Cleveland, 0., and six for Albert Crane, a Chicago capitalist owning the Durham Park Eancli in Kansas. In November eleven head were imported by Mr. Robert Ashburner of California. Coming events were already beginning to cast por- tentous shadows before. Even while speculation in stock of the Bates and Booth tribes was at its very heighth shrewd and practical men were turning their attention to the herds of Scotland, hitherto little known in America. In 1874 Mr. Robert Milne, a former neighbor and friend of Amos Cruickshank of Aberdeenshire, had imported a half-dozen females and the bull Viscount 18507 from the Cruickshank 478 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE herd. Favorably impressed by these Messrs. Low- man & Smith of Toulon, 111., imported during the summer of 1875 seven females from North Britain, including two Cruickshank Butterflys and a Missie from the herd of Mr. Marr of Uppermill; but of these more anon. Another Renick exportation. — Prominent English dealers in cattle of the Bates blood continued to set a high valuation upon Mr. Renick 's Rose of Sharons, and in August, 1875, an additional shipment selected by Simon Beattie, consisting of seven cows and heifers, was made on an order from Earls Dunmore and Bective at a reported price of $25,000. The Dunmore purchase consisted of the roan cow Poppy 5th, by loth Duke of Airdrie ; Norah 7th, by 4th Duke of Geneva, and Duchess 17th, by same sire, which were in England christened respectively Red Rose of Luskentyre, Red Rose of Dalmally and Red Rose of Killigray. Lord Bective took for his herd at Un- derley Hall Rosebud 10th, Duchess 16th and Lenora 2d, all by 4th Duke of Geneva, and Poppy 11th, by Airdrie 3d. These were also given titles on the other side, in the order mentioned, to correspond with the English Red Rose nomenclature as follows: Red Rose of Tweeddale, Red Rose of Annandale, Red Rose of Nithsdale and Red Rose of Eskdale. North Elkhorn (Ky.) importation. — On Oct. 16, 1875, a sale of seventy-nine head was made by the North Elkhorn Co. in Kentucky, which resulted in an average of $652 per head. This company had A GOLDEX AGE 479 made an importation of more than forty head from England in May, 1875, the cattle being selected by Messrs. Eichardson & Boswell acting as agents for the company. Some of the animals of this importa- tion afterward acquired high rank as producers of first-class stock. Bates blood predominated in the shipment, but there were also included the good cows Lady Seraphina 6th and Seraphina Carissima 3d of Lord Sudeley's breeding. There was also a sprinkling of Knightley and Booth blood. The im- ported cattle were sold along with a lot of home- bred stock on date above mentioned, top prices rang- ing as follows: Seraphina 3d — W. H. Richardson, Kentucky $2,800 Pretty Miss Prim — George M. Bedford, Kentucky 2,400 Georgia Hillhurst — C. M. Clay, Kentucky 2,050 Acacia — E. G. Bedford, Kentucky 1,900 Georgia Clarence — E. L. Davison, Kentucky 1,900 Lady Seraphina 6th — John R. Craig, Canada 1,600 Surmise Duchess 9th — T. J. Megibben, Kentucky 1.575 Lady Seaham of Roseneath — W. & W. Pickrell. Illinois.... 1,500 Brunette 3d — J. W. Burgess, Kentucky 1,275 Una — J. G. Kinnaird, Kentucky 1,225 Cateress — H. C. Hutchcraft, Kentucky 1.225 Duke of Wotton 2d — E. L. Davison, Kentucky 1,225 Bohemian Knightley — E. G. Bedford, Kentucky 1050 Alpha — H. P. Thomson 1,050 Water Girl — W. L. Grimes, Kentucky 1,000 Azalea 2d— W. N. Offutt, Kentucky 1,000 Closing events of 1875.— In December, 1875, the national convention was held at Toronto under the Presidency of Mr. Pickrell. After adjournment a combination sale from the herds of J. R. Craig, Col. J. B. Taylor and Sumner & Hilton was held, at which 480 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Mr. Cochrane paid $4,000 for Kirklevington Duchess 18th. Ayres & McClintock of Kentucky bought the 17th Duke of Airdrie at $4,500, and Mr. Ayres took Grace Sharon at $2,900. Simon Beattie bid off Duchess of Raby at $3,050, and S. R. Streator took Grace 4th at $3,300. Princesses again commanded good prices, quite a number selling at from $1,000 to $2,200. Mr. Cochrane gave $2,400 for Careless 8th, and Groom & Son $3,700 for Oneida Rose. A pair of Constances fetched $3,100, and the bull imp. Baron Hubback 2d went to M. W. Terrill at $2,500. During the year 1875, 115 public sales of Short- horns were held in America, at which 4,347 head were sold for a total of $1,832,383, an average of $422. During the same time there were sold in Great Britain fifty-five lots, aggregating 2,355 head, at an average of $515. One of the characteristic out- growths of this remarkable period of activity in the trade was the appearance of Bailey's Short-horn Re- porter, issued from the office of Mr. Allen, proprietor of the American Herd Book, It was a quarterly, modeled on the general lines of John Thornton 's in- valuable English Short-horn Circular. THE WOODBURX-BRED lOTH DL'CIIESS OP AIRDRIE, WHOSE DE SCENDANTS SOLD FOR SUMS AGGREGATING NEARLY $300,000. IMP. MAID OF HONOR— BRED BY T. CAKNE; IMPORTED 1873 BY THE LATE SIMON BEATTIE. CHAPTER XVII THE TURN OF THE TIDE On the surface there was still great apparent enthusiasm on the basis of the extraordinary range of values already established, but the trade of 1876 developed indications that the market was becoming "top heavy." As is usual in the case of all such extensive speculations there had been a great expan- sion of credits. Notes given for cattle bought at high prices were beginning to mature. Such paper now became the subject of closer scrutiny at the hands of prudent bankers, and this fact marked the beginning of the end of the most astounding trade in pedigreed cattle to be found in agricultural his- tory. The decline at first was neither sudden nor severe, and for several seasons great prices were occasionally obtained. In fact average values held up well under heavy offerings, but nevertheless the waters of speculation were now palpably receding. Space admonishes that we must deal more briefly with the details of the transactions attending the subsidence of the "boom," and we shall therefore in this chapter only sketch the most noteworthy events during the great ' ' down turn ' ' in values marked by the period extending from 1876 to 1880. Hon. George Brown and Bow Park. — In the spring 482 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE of 1876 the Hon. George Brown of Canada, one of the most remarkable characters ever identified with the Short-horn trade in America, proceeded to Scot- land (the land of his birth) and through the assist- ance of his brothers-in-law, Messrs. William and Thomas Nelson, of the great firm of Thomas Nelson & Sons, organized a limited company under the name of the Canada West Farm Stock Association. While this enterprise was launched at a most unfortunate time for the stockholders, and was therefore fore- doomed to ultimate financial failure, its operations were so extensive and were carried forward with such enterprise that a deep impression was made upon the fortunes of the breed on this side of the Atlantic. Mr. Brown had come to Toronto from Edinburg as a young man and had worked himself up through the field of journalism and politics into the very highest circles of power in the Dominion. He had for many years been proprietor of the Toronto Globe, a paper known all over Canada as "the Scotchman's bible." Personally he was a man of marked force of character, and his vigorous intellect, combined with a magnificent physique, rendered him one of the most conspicuous figures of his day. Inflexible, as a rule, in his dealings with others, and a dictator in his editorial office, he failed to control the political elements with which he came in contact, but ani- mated by an ambition to promote the material inter- ests of his adopted country, and having a natural THE TURN OF THE TIDE 483 taste for agricultural pursuits, he took up first at Bothwell, a small town west of London, Ont., and latterly at Bow Park, Brantford, Ont., the business of farming. Naturally a man of broad ideas he de- veloped at Bow Park the breeding of Short-horn cat- tle upon a most extensive basis. In June, 1874, an invoice showed that he had then upon the farm 330 Short-horns, of which 274 were females and fifty-six bulls. At that time his plan was to rear the cattle on what is known as the "soiling" system. The Short-horns were never turned out to graze but had green food during the summer months and dry fod- der, along with beets and turnips during the win- ter.* In addition to being exceedingly expensive this system was, of course, unnatural. The herd at that time consisted mainly of cattle of mixed breeding, good individually, as a rule, but in the belief that something still better existed the enterprising pro- prietor decided upon a change of base. The Nelson alliance was perfected and the original herd dis- posed of at low prices, but for many years following its practical value was reflected throughout the whole of Canada in the steers produced upon the Dominion farms. * While in attendance at some cf the Kentucky sales Mr. Brown com- mented in the most complimentary terms upon the excellence of the Renick Rose of Sharons, his expression ordinarily being : "A grand lot of cattle ; but they ought to be !" A Kentuckian finally asked the Cana- dian visitor what he meant by the latter part of his remark. He replied in Yankee fashion by asking the question : "How many acres in Mr. Renick's farm?" He was informed: "Mr. Renick's estate consists, sir, of about 2, .500 acres of the best blue-grass land in Central Kentucky, sir." To which Mr. Brown rejoined: "I believe that great body of land carries only a herd of 100 cattle. We have had at Bow Park 350 head upon 900 acres." 484 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE The Canada West Farm Stock Association, with a capitalization of $400,000, made its initial impor- tation by the Polynesian from Liverpool in June, 1876, which was followed in July by two other ship- ments, aggregating in all some seventy-five head of high-priced Bates-bred cattle. It was the plan of the company to import only animals of the finest indi- vidual quality belonging to the most popular strains of blood, and something like $200,000 was represent- ed by its investments in cattle, horses, sheep and pigs. 4th Duke of Clarence. — In the shipment that came out from Liverpool in July, 1876, by the good ship Circassian was a long, lank, undeveloped roan year- ling bull, bred by Col. Gunter of Wetherby Grange and sired by 18th Duke of Oxford (25595) out of Duchess 109th by 2d Duke of Claro (21576). Mr. Brown was so little enamored of this youngster upon his arrival that his first idea was to return him to England and have him resold. Fortunately for him- self and the Bow Park Short-horns better counsel prevailed. It was pointed out that the calf had been badly kept on a farm on the Yorkshire '' wolds" and had proved a poor sailor on the Atlantic. He was accordingly retained at Bow Park and lived to de- velop into the crowning glory of that great Short- horn breeding establishment; known to Short-horn fame for all time to come under the title of 4th Duke of Clarence. He developed all of the best points of Mr. Bates' old type, with few of the defects shown THE TURX OF THE TIDE 485 by many of his carelessly-bred relations. Maturing into a massive, mellow-fleshed bull of beautiful quality, grand breed character and commanding presence the 4th Duke was the pride of his day and generation among the adherents of Bates Short- horns in the new world. Mated with the many good cows and heifers imported and bought for the Bow Park Herd, and under the skillful management of the late John Hope — who took charge of the herd in 1878 — he sired many valuable cattle that gained high honors in the show-yards of Canada and the United States, conspicuous among which may be mentioned the celebrated white bullock Clarence Kirklevington, champion of the American Fat-Stock Show of 1884. The 4th Duke proved not only a great stock-getter but was also shown with success at Cleveland (Ohio), Toronto and London in 1878 and 1879. He remained at the head of the Bow Park Herd until his death, which occurred in 1887. Opening sales of 1876.— The sales this year opened in Iowa, where a large number of cattle were offered at West Liberty and Des Moines. No sensational prices were made except at S. W. Jacobs' sale, where 2d Peri of Lyndale was bid off at $7,050 by D. S. Bussing of New York. D. M. Flynn took Boan Prin- cess at $3,900. Bussing bought Lucy Napier at $2,475, and Minnie Annandale 2d for $2,500. For Loudon's Minnie D. Wilson of West Liberty gave $2,550. For Nelly Bly 7th Bigdon Huston of Illinois paid $1,975. The bull Oxford of Springwood 486 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE fetched $2,000 from John R. Owens of Illinois. Jacobs' 146 head brought $86,895, an average of $595. C. S. Barclay sold eighty-eight head for $27,275, and Campbell & Chase ninety-seven head for $27,446. In Illinois Davis Lowman of Toulon held a sale which was topped by the Cruickshank cow Red Lady 3d, bought by W. & W. Pickrell for $1,200. A. J. Dunlap paid $1,010 for the Scotch-bred imp. Lovely 18tli, and at the same sale Winfield Scott, Wyoming, 111., bought Miss Wiley of Green Lawn for $1,100, and J. H. Spears paid $1,005 for the bull Sam Wiley 12880. At A. J. Dunlap 's sale Mr. Spears paid $l,3ob for Fanny Hunt 5th, and George Otley of Neponset, 111., $1,060 for Sonsie Lass 2d. Potts buys imp. Duke of Richmond. — At Spring- field, 111., on May 3, J. H. Kissinger sold twenty-two cattle for $25,335, an average of $1,152. D. A. Rou- ner of Newark, Mo., bid off the bull 2d Marquis of Worcester at $3,000 and the cow Knightley Belle at $2,275. J. H. Potts & Son bought the Scotch-bred imp. Duke of Richmond for $2,250, the cow Mattie Richardson at $1,805, and 2d Louan of Linwood at $1,850. W. & W. Pickrell took Caroline Cochrane at $2,100. A. E. Kimberley of West Liberty paid $2,700 for Loudon Duchess of Bedford. Mr. J. H. Pickrell owned a half interest in the cow last named, and at the same time and place sold ten head of cattle at an average of $862, including Countess of Cornwall at $2,050 to Col. Robert HoUoway and Countess of THE TUKX OF THE TIDE 487 Oxford 4tli at $1,500 to James X. Brown's Sons. On the following day Messrs. Spears, lies, et al., sold at Springfield; Harvey Sodowsky paying $1,600 for Airdrie Bloom, and AVinslow Bros, of Kankakee $1,025 for Prairie Blossom. Col. Holloway's big average. — On May 25 Col. Robert Holloway sold sixty-three cattle at Dexter Park, Chicago, for an average of $1,087. The top price was $4,250, given by A. J. Streeter of New Windsor, 111., for Rose of Sharon of Durham Lawn. The next was $3,925 paid by F. J. Barbee of Ken- tucky for Loudon Duchess 15th. For the bull imp. Oxford Beau 2d the West Liberty breeders gave $3,800. For 1st Rose of Sharon of Durham Lawn John Hope, then in business at Markham, Ont., gave $3,200. For the Princess cow 4th Tuberose of Brat- tleboro George Otley paid $3,025. For Roan Duchess 7th of Bow Park Streeter gave $3,250. For 11th Belle Duchess of PluniAvood William Thomson's Sons of Kentucky paid $3,050. Streeter also gave $2,750 for imp. Waterloo J., $1,700 for Roan Duchess 7th of Auvergne, $1,250 for Lady Goodness and $1,425 for the bull Grand Airdrie 19894. Mr. Pogue of Kentucky gave $2,500 for Geneva Duchess of Goodness. On the following day W. B. Dodge sold at Chicago; the highest price obtained being $1,800 for the Prin- cess cow 7th Lady Sale of Brattleboro, bought by Bailey & Goodspeed of Wisconsin. The same par- ties purchased 9th Lady Sale of Brattleboro at 488 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HOBN CATTLE $1,500. S. W. Jacobs of West Liberty took the famous Garne-bred Murray cow imp. Maid of Honor at $1,525 and imp. Nectar at $1,000. At a sale from the herd of Nelson Jones next day Pliny Nichols of West Liberty gave $1,050 for 2d Red Rose of Wood- side, and P. A. Coen of Washburn, III, paid $1,000 for Baron Bates 4th. At the Meredith sale at Cambridge City, Lid,, in June fifty-two head brought $20,555, the most nota- ble transaction of the day being the purchase of 4th Mazurka of Chesterfield by Walter Handy of Ken- tucky at $2,525. At Stephen Dunlap's sale in Illi- nois Gen. C. E. Lippincott gave $1,800 for imp. Jubi- lee Gwynne. Albert Crane pays $23,600 for an Airdrie Duchess. — At Cochrane, Beattie and Hope's sale in Canada Albert Crane of Chicago, whose purchases of cattle for his 17,000-acre ranch at Durham Park, Kan., have already been mentioned, came into the market for Duchesses, and took Airdrie Duchesses 2d and 3d at $21,000 and $23,600 respectively. J. P. Foster of England bought Wild Eyes Lassie at $4,500. Col. Le G. B. Cannon, a wealthy Vermonter, took Kirk- levington Duchess 18th at $4,000. Messrs. W. & W. Pickrell of Illinois bought the bull Baron Sidding- ton at $2,200. The fifty-four head averaged $1,709. About this same date Avery & Murphy of Port Hu- ron, Mich., purchased Airdrie Duchess 5th as a calf from Mr. Cochrane for $18,000. At a sale by John Snell's Sons, held in Canada at same time, W. Wil- THE TUEX OF THE TIDE 489 liams of Massachusetts gave $1,520 for Lady Sera- phina 6th, and N. G. Pond of Milford, Conn., $1,800. Hon. George Brown of Bow Park sold at Toronto in this same series, receiving $1,500 from John R. Craig for 3d Duchess of Springwood and $1,000 from S. W. Jacobs of Iowa for Mazurka 10th. Messrs. A. H. & I. B. Day sold at Keokuk, la., on June 15, West Liberty breeders proving the best buyers. Messrs. Jacobs & Wilson bought the three Scotch-bred fe- males imp. Golden Drop 1st, Golden Drop A. and Golden Drop B. at $1,000, $1,475 and $1,275 respec- tively. D. Wilson & Son also bought Louan of Van Buren at $1,200. $17,900 for 14th Duke of Thomdale.— At the Ken- tucky summer sales of 1876 the highest price ever made in America for a bull of any breed was ob- tained for the 14th Duke of Thorndale (28459). He was sold by George M. Bedford and knocked off at $17,900 to kr. W. C. Vanmeter of Winchester, Ky., bidding for Levi Goff of Paris, a son-in-law of Mr. Bedford's. At this same sale A. L. Mccolls of Ot- tawa, Kan., bought $18,000 worth of stock — twelve head — including Lady Bates 6th at $6,000, the bull Imperial Bates at $3,300, and the 20th Duchess of Goodness at $2,100. The security tendered on his notes, however, was not satisfactory and the cattle remained at Mr. Bedford's. Mr. Erabry of Rich- mond, Ky., took Airdrie Belle at $2,750, Airdrie Belle 3d at $4,050, and Oneida Belle at $2,000. At a sale made by B. J. Clay, Hall & Taylor and B. F. Bed- 490 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ford eighty-one cattle sold for an average of $400. Brown and Gregg of Canada paid $1,425 for Roan Duchess 12th, and H. C. Smith of Kentucky $2,750 for Cambridge Rose 5th. A pair of Valley Prin- cesses brought $2,300 from Corbin & Patterson. At Leslie Combs' sale Hon. George Brown and Maj. Gregg paid $1,400 for Moss Rose 2d. At Walter Handy 's Ware & McGoodwin of Kentucky bought 4th Mazurka of Chesterfield for $1,740. On Aug. 17 at Chillicothe, 0., George Grimes and others sold fifty-three cattle for $17,680. At this sale John Montgomery of Granville, 0., paid $1,000 each for Oxford Gwynnes 2d and 6th and Rose of Cashmere. J. S. Kirk of Washington C.-H. gave the same for Elsie. Closing events of 1876. — In the autumn of this year Ware & McGoodwin of Kentucky sold the 3d Duke of Oneida at public sale for $6,800 to Ayres, Barton & Hutchcraft of same State. At a sale by H. P. Thomson in Kentucky forty-one head aver- aged $977. Quite a lot of Princesses were included and a determined effort was made to secure long- prices for them. Winslow Bros, of Illinois took 4th Princess of the Valley at $2,200; Col. J. B. Taylor of Canada Princess of the Valley at $2,450; Hon. M. H. Cochrane 2d Princess of the Valley at $2,500, and Col. Simms of Kentucky Highland Maid 6th at $1,650. For the Bates-bred 2d Duchess of Kirklev- ington F. J. Barbee gave $2,000 and Belle Duchess was bid off by Joseph Julian of Bainbridge, N. Y,, THJB TUiiX OF THE TIDE 49] at $4,000. At Bush & Hampton 's sale Abner Strawn of Illinois gave $2,050 for Geneva Rose. At J. V. Grigsby's no less than thirteen head sold in the four figures; the Hamiltons of Mount Sterling, Ky., took Sharon Eose at $3,400; Col. Simms bought Geneva Rose at $2,325, and W. C. Vanmeter several high- priced lots. The $1,000 mark was also passed sev- eral times at the sales of Robinson, Bean and the Hamiltons. In connection with Ayres & McClin- tock's sale August Whitman sold two Princesses (Tuberoses) to T. L. McKeen, Easton, Pa., for $2,750. During 1876 there were sold at auction sale in America 4,014 animals for $1,366,805, an average of $341.28. Of these 1,151 head were sold in Illinois for $395,005, 1,011 head in Kentucky for $373,830, 751 head in Iowa for $232,475. The general average was $41 below that for 1875. In Great Britain 2,802 head were sold at auction for $728,270, an average of $260 each. B. B. Groom & Son shipped six more Renick Roses of Sharon this year to England, and also the 6th Duke of Kirklevington (30182) to J. R. Shelley of Freeport, 111., for $5,000. Another event of gen- eral interest this season was the removal of Messrs. A. M. Winslow's Sons (Henry and Peleg), with their herd of Princesses, from Putnev, Vt., to Kan- kakee, m. Pickrell & Kissingei-.— In the early spring of 1877 Messrs. J. H. Pickreil and J. H. Kissinger pooled their valuable Short-horn holdings, one-half, headed 492 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE by imp. Flower Lad 23170 (Torr-Booth) and Baron Siddington (Bates), being maintained at Clarks- ville, Mo., and the other portion, with the imp. Lord Lamech (34578), at Harristown, 111. We have al- ready detailed at some length Mr. Pickrell's promi- nent identification with Western Short-horn inter- ests, and have made some allusion to Mr. Kissin- ger's successful operations. Some further facts in reference to the latter 's connection with the trade will be of interest. Mr. Kissinger was born in Pike Co., Mo., in 1840 from Kentucky parentage. Reared on a farm and possessed of great natural love for agricultural pur- suits, he developed a deep interest in Short-horns and in 1867 made his first appearance in Western show-yards. At the Illinois State Fair of that year he exhibited a grade Short-horn steer four years old weighing 2,400 lbs., to which a first prize was award- ed. The bullock was afterward sold to J. H, Spears for $300. It was here that Mr. Kissinger made his first purchases, buying the cows Dove 3d (A. H. B., Vol. VIII, p. 316)*and Beauty (Vol. VIII, p. 257); the latter proving a grand show animal, beaten at St. Louis in 1871 only by Col. King's renowned imp. Rosedale. Kissinger's next purchase was at J. H. Spears' sale in 1868 where he bought the cow Iva Jones (Vol. XV, p. 608) and her bull calf Duke of Airdrie 9800, which stood at the head of his herd for four years and proved a successful show bull as well as a sire of prize-winners. The next addition THE TVEX OF THE TIDE 493 to his herd consisted of four females from Mr. Pick- rell's, bought in 1869. Among these was Caroline Airdrie (Vol. IX, p. 519), which was sold in 1871 to Thomas S. Page of California for $1,800. From 1870 to 1872 he made numerous purchases of females in Kentucky, and in June, 1873, made his first sale at Linwood Farm, his residence in Pike Co., Mo., when fifty head brought an average of $400. In 1874 he purchased largely from the best Kentucky herds, securing Kissinger's Breastplate 17476 at six months old at $1,250. His next purchase was the yearling Cruickshank heifer imp. Orange Blossom 18th for $2,500, which he kept for one year and sold to Mrs. Kimberly of AYest Liberty for $3,500. He also bought the afterward celebrated Scotch-bred bull imp. Duke of Eichmond, subsequently so famous in the herd of Messrs. Potts. Mr. Kissinger was one of the first to recognize the great merit of the Aber- deenshire Short-horns on this side of the water. In- deed imp. Duke of Eichmond laid the foundation for their later popularity in this country. In 1875 he bought a car-load of Cruickshank-bred cattle from James I. Davidson of Canada. At the great West- ern fairs that year his herd, headed by imp. Duke of Eichmond, and including the cows Mattie Eich- ardson, Caroline Cochrane, Caroline Pickrell, 2d Louan of Linwood, and Pretty Jemima 2d, won first prize at Jacksonville, 111. ; Hannibal, Mo. ; the Illinois and Iowa State Fairs, at St. Louis and Louisiana, Mo. The cattle were then sold at auction, as already 494 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE detailed. The famous show herd of J. H. Potts & Son was largely founded from this stock. Messrs. Pickrell & Kissinger were for years ruling spirits at our Western shows. During a period of twelve years, running from 1867 to 1879, cattle shown in their names won, in competition with the best herds of the United States and Canada, prizes aggregating $40,000. Their aim was ever individual merit in the animal and the promotion of the best interests of the breed. Lavish in their expenditures for high-class Short-horns, enterprising and per- sistent in their efforts at demonstrating the excel- lence of the breed in the great show-yards of the West, it is but simple justice to record that no men ever connected with the American Short-horn trade have done more to set up correct standards and fur- ther the substantial interests of Short-horns on this side of the Atlantic. Spring sales of 1877. — The opening sales of 1877 were disappointing, but at John Bond's at Abing- don, 111., the Scotch-bred imp. Missie 39th, of Marr's breeding, brought $1,040 from J. McClellan of As- toria, 111., and imp. Butterfly 45th, from Sittyton, fetched $1,000 from George Chase of West Liberty, la. At S. W. Jacobs' sale at West Liberty A. Shropshire of Monroe, la., gave $1,600 for the Cruickshank heifer Village Girl and $1,550 for Lucy Napier. C. McCune of Solon, la., paid $1,460 for the Bates cow imp. Acomb Belle, $1,200 for the Scotch-bred imp. Golden Drop 2d, $1,000 for Golden THE TURN OF THE TIDE 495 Drop A., and $1,120 for imp. Maid of Honor, taking also the Bates bull imp. Underley Wild Eyes at $700. A cross of this bull upon the Golden Drops produced the branch of this fine Kinellar family that afterward became so celebrated in the herd of Col. W. A. Harris at Linwood, Kan. At a sale by Abner Strawn at Dexter Park, Chicago, May 8 Trimble & Henshaw of Plattsburg, Mo., gave $2,425 for Geneva Eose, and William E. Simms of Kentucky $1,500 for Grace 3d. During the same series C. A. De Graff of Minnesota paid $3,000 for Peri's Duchess, and Wil- liam Slater of Massachusetts $1,500 for 7th Lady Sale of Brattleboro — both sold by Bailey & Good- speed of Wisconsin. At Lippincott & Spears' sale at the same place Gen. Lippincott bid off the 22d Duchess of Airdrie for $15,000, and the 21st Duke of Airdrie was knocked down to William Babcock of Canton, 111., at $8,000. On June 6 the 22d Duke of Airdrie was sold by Richard Gibson at London, Ont., to Col. Le G. B. Cannon of Vermont for $4,900; Rosy Princess 2d to Winslow & Wadsworth for $1,250; Rosy Princess 5th to A. L. Stebbins of Detroit for $1,225 ; Ursuline 3d at $1,500 and Constance of Lyn- dale 6th at $1,000 to Col. Cannon; thirty-nine head averaging $591. On the same day John Hope sold Kirklevington Duchess 8th to U. J. Harris of Web- ster, Mass., for $2,300, and Duchess of Clarence 12th at $1,500 and Docile at $1,225 to Hon. George Brown of Bow Park. At the same sale T. L. Harison of New York sold the Princess Lady Gertrude to Win- 496 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE slow & Wadswortli for $4,000. Shortly after this sale Mr. Hope took charge of the herd at Bow Park. During the summer Messrs. Winslow sold six young Princess bulls at an average price of $1,000 each, the 19th Duke of Airdrie being in service in their herd at the time. At S. Meredith & Sons' summer sale the Messrs. Hamilton of Mount Sterling, Ky., bought the 20th Duke of Airdrie for $6,975. In their Flat Creek Herd this bull afterward left a very valuable set of heifers; many of which were introduced into promi- nent Western herds. He seemed to ' ' nick " particu- larly well with the Young Marys, Eoses of Sharon, and Josephines of which the Hamilton herd was so largely composed. At A. E. Kimberley's sale at West Liberty, la., S. W. Jacobs bought Breastplate 11431 at $5,000. J. H. Bowman of Waverly, la., gave $1,010 for the bull Jubilee's Breastplate, $2,025 for Jubilee Napier, and $1,750 for Jubilee Napier 2d. At Wilson & Sons' sale at West Liberty Mr. McCune, Solon, la., added to his herd imp. Golden Drop 2d at $1,160. At S. C. Duncan's sale in Missouri B. F. Winn gave $1,200 for Duke of Tuberose 26408. At C. L. Vanmeter's summer sale in Kentucky Messrs. Hamilton were free buyers, taking Ophelia's Geneva at $1,350 and 7th Belle of Bath at $1,000. At Mr. Barbee's sale in Kentucky the Hamiltons gave $1,570 for Loudon Duchess 15th and John Hope bought two Kirklev- ingtons at $1,225 each. THE TURN OF THE TIDE 497 Cochrane at Windermere. — On Sept. 4, 1877, at Bowness, Cumberland, amid the beauteous surround- ings of the Lake district of Northwestern England, so famed in poetry and song, the Hon. M. H. Coch- rane of Hillhurst, Can., offered at public sale thirty- two head exported for this purpose from Canada, along with eleven head belonging to Simon Beattie. Mr. Cochrane had been from the beginning one of the clearest-sighted men identified with the Short- horn trade. He was one of the first to profit by the rising tide of Short-horn values in America after the close of the Civil War; engaging boldly and profitably in the early Duchess speculations, made numerous sales at high prices to leading buyers on both sides the Atlantic, and when he observed that America was not taking kindly to the high-priced Booths, began turning them back upon the English market. In the fall of 1875 he sold to Mr. A. H. Browne of Northumberland five Booth heifers at a reported price of $17,500. During that same year he exported Royal Commander (29857) and sold him at the Aylesby sale for 1,150 guineas to Hugh Ayl- mer. In August, 1876, he shipped two heifers and three yearling bulls, also of Booth blood, to Scot- land, and in 1877, as above mentioned, he appeared at Windermere with a group of cattle deep in the most fashionable Warlaby blood.* Believing also *Mr. Cochrane attributed the failure of the Booths to score a specu- lative success in America during this period largely to the fact that American buyers at that time insisted, as a rule, upon fine style and finish. The Booths, more especially the bulls, were somewhat inclined to roughness about their heads, having been bred more for flesh and 498 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE that the English market at this time afforded a bet- ter prospect for high prices for Bates cattle than America he included in this shipment the red Duch- ess heifers 3d and 5th Duchesses of Hillhurst and the 2d Duke of Hillhurst. The event demonstrated that Mr. Cochrane 's judgment was, as usual, not at fault.* The yearling 5th Duchess of Hillhurst was taken by Earl Bective at 4,300 guineas, the highest price ever paid for a cow in Great Britain; the yearling 3d Duchess went to R. Loder at 4,100 guineas, and the six-year-old constitution than for refinement. Again they ran strongly toward light colors. Another reason was found in the fact that quite a number of the high-priced imported Booth cows and heifers had failed to breed. ♦This sale was one of the few events in Short-horn history to which a genuine international interest attached. While no American bidders were present the occasion stirred the British Short-horn breeding fra- ternity to its very depths. Senator Cochrane had shrewdly baited his hook to attract the heavy-weights of both the Bates and Booth factions. The excitement was intense, as record prices were made on the Duchess heifers, and after the sale a rather clever parody entitled "The Far- mada, by Thomas Babblington Mock-a-lay," appeared in the London Live-Stock Journal, from which we make the following excerpts : "High on his break sits Bective ; meek near the ring stands Torr, While Staniforth with Loder hold with Allsopp friendly war ; There is Crosbie from wild Kerry and Foster from Killhow, Thei'e is Salt from busy Bradford and Longman from 'The Row ;' The rival strains commingle and forget their deadly hates. As now the cry's for Booth blood and now again for Bates. But hark ! the war commences, fair sliines the sun upon The friendly legions marshalled by the wand of 'Honest John.' At first the bids are modest, and the small men have their way. But fiercer grows the struggle when the giant 'plungers' say. A Duchess proudly walks the ring and 'thousands' fly like liail, But Whittlebury scores the prize, the second of the sale ; The vales of Troutbeck ring with cheers and echo back the sounds As Hillhurst's Third is landed for o'er four thousand pounds. « * « Waves now the field for Warlaby as Vesper Star comes in, And silent though the Bates men are the Booths maintain the din. A Crosbie wins the maiden for a thousand guineas down. Nor rues the lucky bid that claimed her for his own. More Stai's sliine forth in beauty and make but little stay. For sturdy Bootli is 'wanted' and quickly wins its way." THE TURN OF THE TIDE 499 2d Duke of Hillliurst to A. H. Longman at 800 guineas. The Bates-bred heifers Marchioness of Barrington and Lady Surmise, that had also been exported, fetched respectively 800 guineas and 400 guineas from Sir W. H. Salt. The Booth cow Ves- per Star went to Mr. W. Talbot Crosbie of Ardfert Abbey at 1,000 guineas. The eleven-year-old Vernal Star made 450 guineas to Mr. Darby. The nine-year- old cow White Rose, by Mountain Chief, was taken by Rev. T. Staniforth at 300 guineas. Mr. John Torr, M. P., bought Bright Lady, a nine-year-old roan, at 330 guineas. British Queen, eight years old, became the proj^erty of Rev. T. Staniforth at 230 guineas, and Welcome Lady and Queen of Beauty were bought by Mr. J. B. Booth at 226 guineas and 120 guineas respectively. Mr. Beattie did not have as good luck with his lot, although the 41st Duchess of Goodness (of Ken- tucky breeding) fetched 205 guineas from Earl Bec- tive. His Princesses and other American-bred cat- tle sold at low figures. SaJe summary for 1877. — During this year 3,237 Short-horns were sold in America for $742,871, an average of $230, a falling off of $111 per head from the average of 1876. Li Great Britain 2,455 head were sold at an average of about $274, an increase over the average of 1876 of about $12. During the year Col. Gunter had received $10,000 for the Duch- ess bull 5th Duke of Clarence, a brother to the Bow Park 4th Duke of Clarence. On Sept. 18 E. H. Che- 500 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ney had sold at Gaddesby the 13th Duchess of Air- drie to R. Loder for $11,000; 13th Lady of Oxford to H. Allsopp for $9,500; 10th Maid of Oxford. to Earl Bective for $8,025; 11th Maid of Oxford to H. Lovatt for $7,000, and the 7th Duke of Gloster (39735) to the Duke of Devonshire for $9,250. On the follow- ing day Capt. R. E. Oliver sold Grand Duchesses at Sholebroke Lodge, receiving $13,750 from Earl Bective for Grand Duchess 23d; $12,250 from the wealthy brewer H. Allsopp for Grand Duchess 29th; $9,000 from Lord Skelmersdale for Cherry Grand Duchess 4th; $7,550 from Earl Bective for Grand Duke 31st (38374) ; $5,000 from Sir G. R. Phillips for Grand Duke 29th (38372), and $4,500 from Mr. Allsopp for Cherry Grand Duchess 8th. On July 5 George Fox made a sale at Elmhurst Hall, at which Allsopp gave $5,500 for 2d Cambridge Lady and $3,500 for Geneva's Kirklevington Duchess. At William Ashburner's sale at Conishead Grange Mr. Allsopp gave $3,900 for Bright Eyes 6th, $3,050 for Mild Eyes 4th, and $3,050 for Conishead Wild Eyes, by 24th Duke of Airdrie. Mr. Albert Crane sold during this season a pair of Airdrie Duchess heifers to Mr. Holford of England for $28,000. Notwithstanding these fancy figures abroad the year's business closed in America in bad condition. Two of the leading speculators of the United States, Messrs. B. B. Groom of Kentucky and S. W. Jacobs of Iowa, had been forced into liquidation, with heavy liabilities, and these failures only proved the THE TUEX OF THE TIDE 501 prelude of many others to follow.* The fall sales in America were everywhere disappointing. No Short-horns were imported during 1877, but some sales were made for export to the Japanese Government. A falling" market. — There were some private sales during 1878 at high prices, but the general result of the year's business was disastrous to the speculative element. Numerous failures in the American trade had precipitated general liquidation. The assignment of the Grooms brought 178 head of Bates-bred Short-horns upon the market at auc- tion June 19 and 20, 1878, but support was furnished by numerous bidders, and a general average of $405 was made upon the entire lot. Leading sales were as follows: Kirklevington Duchess of Horton, bought for Bow Park at $2,800; Kirklevington Duch- ess of Kent 2d, Avery & Murphy, $2,000; Wild Eyes of Vinewood, same firm, $2,800; Winsome 16th, taken to Bow Park at $2,600; Miss Wild Eyes 3d, Hon. M. H. Cochrane, $1,900; Lally 8th and Barrington Lally, A. L. Hamilton, $1,550 and $1,525 respectively; May Eose 4th, Col. Le G. B. Cannon, $2,010; Bell Duchess, *An Incident of the trade that attracted widespread attention about this period was a suit for damages brought by Hon. T. J. Megibben against E. G. Bedford, both of Kentucky. The case grew out of the purchase bv Mr. Megibben of Mr. Bedford's half interest in the Duchess bull Duke of Woodland that had been dropped by the 4th Duchess of Oneida, purchased jointly by these gentlemen at the New York Mills sale for $25,000. The calf was imperfect — showing but one testicle — and proved impotent; hence the suit. The most eminent lawyers In Kentucky were engaged as counsel, including the Hon. John G. Carlisle, W. C. P. Breckenridge and others. Nearly all the leading Kentucky breeders of Short-horns were summoned to give expert testimony. The jurv disagreed, and at a second trial the result was still the same. On the" third hearing Mr. Megibben secured judgment for $9,000. 502 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE A. F. Duckworth, $1,325; 2d and 4tli Duchesses of Vinewood, C. H. Andrews, Youngstown, 0., $1,225 and $1,075 respectively; 6th Duchess of Vinewood, S. White, Windsor, Ont., $1,100; 15th Lady of Ox- ford, bought for Bow Park at $1,000. T. Corwin Anderson of Side View, Kentucky, was a free buyer at this sale. At H. N. Moore's sale in Iowa T. R. Westrope paid $2,150 for the roan Bates Secret cow Silver Lady, bred by J. P. Foster of Killhow and imported by John Hope. Notwithstanding occasional prices of this sort the 2,048 head sold at auction in America during 1878 averaged but $154. The situation abroad was better, as the English were doing busi- ness with more capital. During the same period 2,877 head were sold in Great Britain at an average of $285. Top prices in England for 1878.— Earl Bective sold privately to Allsopp of Hindlip Hall six head for about $55,000; among the number being 8th Duchess of Oneida, purchased at New York Mills and now transferred at a reported valuation of about $22,500; Duchess of Underley 2d, a granddaughter of 10th Duchess of Geneva, at a valuation of $15,000, and a Red Rose valued at $5,000. Simon Beattie shipped during this season to England for account of Mr. Albert Crane the 27th Duke of Airdrie and some Bates and Booth females; for Avery & Mur- phy, Airdrie Duchess 3d and heifer calf Airdrie Duchess 9th, 4th Fordham Duke of Oxford and THE TUEN OF THE TIDE 503 Grand Airdrie; and for Pickrell & Kissinger the Bootli-bred Bright Lady of the Eeahn, an own sister to the famous Breastplate.* The 27th Duke of Air- drie fetched $2,225 at the sale of A. Brogden, being bought by Mr. A. H. Lloyd. The Duke of Devonshire had meantime become one of the great Short-horn powers of Great Britain. His herd was specially distinguished for the excel- lence of its Oxfords, and under the skillful manage- ment of Mr. Drew^ry, one of the most intelligent of all those who have contributed to Short-horn pres- tige abroad, the Holker Hall Short-horns gained international fame. Drewry was probably one of the best judges of his time, and, while partial to Bates blood, gave careful consideration to the in- dividual character and quality of the herd under his charge. At the Holker sale of 1878 Baroness Oxford 5th, by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), was taken by D. Mcintosh at $13,300; Grand Duchess of Oxford 22d was bought by W. McCuUoch at $10,500; Grand Duchess of Oxford 21st, by Lord Penrhyn, at $7,750; Grand Duchess of Oxford 40th went to S. P. Foster at $8,000; Grand Duchess of Oxford 19th to Maj. Chaffey at $4,275; the 44th Duke of Oxford (39774) to H. A. Brassey at $8,250; the 45th Duke of Oxford to Lord Fitzhardinge at $7,500, and the 46th Duke to the Earl of Ellesmere at $3,330. At a sale made by Mr. J. W. Larking Sir Curtis ♦Mr. T. C. Booth of Warlaby died in 1878. 504 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Lampson gave $7,550 for the American-bred 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975). The Duke of Devon- shire invested $4,525 in Cherry Duchess of Hill- hurst and $4,250 in Marchioness of Worcester, by 8th Duke of Geneva; and Mr. Allsopp gave $3,000 for Belle of Worcester. At a sale made by T. Hol- ford A. H. Lloyd paid $4,050 for Winsome 12th; D. Mcintosh gave $4,000 for Viscount of Oxford (40876), and Allsopp paid from $2,000 to $3,000 for several lots. Dark days of 1879. — The year 1879 was a repeti- tion of the previous season except that the depres- sion in values of such cattle as were expected to sell on the strength of their breeding was still more profound on this side of the Atlantic. Trade at both public and private sale in America was flat, and hundreds of tliose who had been chasing the rain- bows of fashion found themselves in the possession of cattle that were not good enough to command high prices on their merits as individuals and for which no market existed among those who had been engaged in the mad race for "blue" blood regard- less of all other considerations. There Avere a few speculators who believed that the depression was only temporary, one of whom was the late T. Corwin Anderson of Side View, Ky., who insisted that pur- chases made at prices then prevailing would ulti- mately show a handsome profit. At a sale made from BoAV Park at Dexter Park, Chicago, Oct. 17, Mr. Anderson gave $1,000 for Kirklevington Duchess THE TURN OF THE TIDE 505 23d; but there were few who had sufficient courage to take hold at any such price. The total number of cattle sold during the year in America was 2,865, disposed of at the very unsatisfactory average of $115. Of these more than 2,000 were sold under the hammer of Col. J. W. Judy. An illustration of the general desire to liquidate was afforded by the fact that during this season the Hamiltons of Kentucky sold 336 head at auction at Kansas City at an aver- age of $109 each. Wealthy English noblemen and land-holders still managed to keep things moving on the other side. Mr. Fox sold Duke of Elmhurst, out of the Ameri- can-bred 20th Duchess of Airdrie, to go to Australia at $10,000. At Lord Dunmore's sale Allsopp gave $16,000 for Duchess 117th and $13,500 for Duchess 114th, and Sir Curtis Lampson paid $6,250 for Duke of Cornwall 2d (43082). At Lord Skelmersdale's sale at Latham House in September Mr. R. Loder of Whittlebury paid $10,000 for Duchess of Orms- kirk. At Lord Braybrook's sale at Audley End, Allsopp gave $5,000 for Thorndale Rose 7th; Earl Bective paid $4,500 for Thorndale Rose 9th and Sir Curtis Lampson $3,000 for Thorndale Rose 12th. At Col. Kingscote's sale Lord Fitzhardinge gave $5,500 for Oxford Belle 5th; and the bull Oxford Beau 7th (42082), by Duke of Hillhurst, was bought by Mr. Angas of Australia at $3,375. Mr. Angas also bought a number of the get of Duke of Connaught at Lord Fitzhardinge 's Berkeley Castle sale, includ- 506 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ing Lady Wild Eyes 12th at $2,000. At this same sale Mr. J. A. Rolls gave $3,750 for Kirklevington Empress 2d, by Duke of Connaught. Notwithstand- ing these occasional high prices the general trend of values in Great Britain was also downward, the sales for the year aggregating 2,354 head at an aver- age of $240. This average would have been mate- rially less but for the few sensational prices above quoted. The rally of 1880. — The panic which had prevailed among the holders of speculative lots in America for several years had now spent its force in large degree and a somewhat better feeling prevailed. On June 30 Hon. M. H. Cochrane ventured the sale of forty-three head at Dexter Park, Chicago, which made the handsome average of $900. This result was largely due to the liberal bidding of Col. Le Grand B. Cannon, a wealthy fancier of Burlington, Vt., who paid $8,000 each for the 7th and 8th Duch- esses of Hillhurst. Mr. N. P. Clarke of St. Cloud, Minn., purchased the 7th Duke of Hillhurst 34221 at $3,900. The Bow Park management took Kirklev- ington Duchess of Kent 2d at $2,600 and Mr. Bron- son C. Rumsey of Niagara Stock Farm, Buffalo, N. Y., paid $4,150 for Marchioness of Barrington 5th and 6th. In December, 1879, two disastrous fires had oc- curred among the buildings of Bow Park, the insti- tution suffering great loss. The indirect result of this was to force the company to ship a large num- THE TUKN OF THE TIDE 507 ber of cattle to the States. The old Glen Flora Farm of Messrs. Parks at Waukegan, 111., was select- ed as a suitable distributing point, and several sales were afterward made at which prices ranged well above the average being obtained at Western sales.* The Hamiltons of Kentucky were still free sellers, disposing of 190 head at Kansas City in May for an average of $118. At a sale in Chicago they sold sixty-four head at an average of $219, at which Maj. S. E. Ward of Kansas City paid $1,300 for the cow Eosebud. About 500 head were sold at auction in Kentucky during this summer; Mr. T. C. Anderson's sixty-six head averaging $227; Vanmeter & Hamil- ton's fifty-five head averaged $30-4; W. T. Hearne's fifty-two head averaged $287; I. C. Vanmeter 's nine- teen head averaged $320; E. S. Cunningham paying $1,510 for Sharon's Beauty and A. M. Bowman of Virginia $1,500 for Sharon's Belle. Messrs. Tracy sold forty-nine head at an average of $272. The 3,222 head sold publicly in America during 1880 averaged $141-. The British average for the same period on 1,820 head was $175; the only extra- ordinary price made in England during the year being $10,000 paid by the Earl of Feversham for 3d Duchess of Underley at Earl Bective's. Sir Curtis Lampson gave $4,900 at same sale for 12tli Maid of Oxford. The Vaile and Rumsey importations. — In October, ♦The Hon. George Brown died in the spring of 1880 ; his death re- sulting from a shot fired by one of the employes in the office of the Toronto Globe. The shooting resulted in a flesh wound from which blood-poisoning set in. 508 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE 1880, importations of Bates cattle were resumed, important purchases being made by Col. H. M. Vaile, Independence, Mo., and B. C. Rumsey, Buffalo, N. Y. The Vaile importation consisted of sixteen head, including some capital Waterloos from the fine herd of the Rev. J. I. D. Jefferson of Thicket Priory, Yorkshire ; Kirklevingtons from J. W. Larking, Ash- down House, Sussex; the roan Wild Eyes 34th, etc. From this importation many valuable Short-horns were bred. Indeed, the Vaile Waterloos became famous throughout the West for their fine quality and flesh. Mr. Rumsey 's lot included the Duke of Connaught cows Oxford Duchess 3d, Kirklevington Empress 4th, and Wisdom 2d; Rowfant Kirklevington 4th and Rowfant Peach from Sir Curtis Lampson's; a Barrington heifer from H. Lovatt's and the roan bull Knight of Oxford 2d (39549), bred by R. P. Davies. During this season Mr. Rumsey bought Airdrie Duchess 8th from Avery & Murphy at a re- ported price of $10,000. Sales of 1881. — Considerable activity and some strong prices characterized the auction sales of 1881. An offering of fifty-five head from Bow Park made at Glen Flora Farm, brought the gratifying average of $516.35. Messrs. DeGraff & Brown of Minnesota* *Col. Charles A. DeGraff, who bought this cow jointly with H. F. Brown, was the owner of the beautiful estate known as Lake Elysian Stock Farm, near Janesville, Minn. He was a big, broad-gauged, gen- erous-hearted man, wlio for some years contributed lai-gely to live- stock improvement in the Northwest, and his death, which occurred a few years since, removed from the fraternity of American stock-breed- ers one of its most admirable characters. THE TUEN OF THE TIDE 509 paid $4,200 for Duchess of Oxford 21st; H. L. Stout, Dubuque, la., $2,550 for Kirklevingtou Duchess 26th, $2,350 for 46th Duke of Oxford and $1,810 for 10th Duchess of Barrington, and Hon. John Went- worth took the 8th Duke of Kirklevingtou at $1,760. As indicating the magnitude of the business being transacted at West Liberty, la., it may be mentioned that in the spring of this year the late Robert Miller and others sold about 250 head at auction, the aver- age price received on the lot being $123.50. On May 18 and 19 at Port Huron, Mich., Messrs. Avery & Murphy and John P. Sanborn sold 122 head at an average of $950. The Messrs. Hamilton of Kentucky bought Airdrie Duchess 2d at $7,000 and Airdrie Duchess 5th at $3,000. Mitchell Bros, of Detroit bid off Airdrie Duchess 11th at $5,055. T. C. Anderson of Kentucky paid $2,900 for Wild Eyes of Vinewood and $2,000 for Wild Eyes of Vinewood 2d. G. J. Hagerty of Ohio gave $1,500 for Marquis of Oxford 39861, and J. S. Berry of Kentucky took imp. Kirklevingtou Princess 2d at $2,010. At the Hamilton sale in Kentucky, in August, sixty-one head averaged $489.25; top prices being $1,705 paid by E. L. Chrisman, Independence, Mo., for Kirklevington Lady Oxford 2d; $1,515, $1,500 and $1,025 by Gen. John S. Williams of Kentucky for three Kirklevingtons; $1,510 by J. M. Bigstaff of Kentucky for Barrington Place, and $1,225 for T. C. Anderson for Peach Blossom 9th. Mr. Ben. F. Van- meter was at this time in partnership with the 510 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Messrs, Hamilton,* and at a sale held by the firm of Vanmeter & Hamilton this season seventy-three head averaged $519; ten head of Renick Roses of Sharon being knocked off at prices ranging up to $3,000. On Nov. 10 the Bow Park people sold thirty-eight head at Glen Flora Farm at an average of $555 ; Mr. A. J. Alexander of Woodburn Farm, Kentucky, buy- ing imp. Kirklevington Duchess of Horton — famous as the dam of the fat-stock show champion Clarence Kirklevington — at $2,030. Messrs. Henshaw, Trim- ble & Pickett of Plattsburg, Mo., gave $4,025 at this sale for imp. Grand Duchess of Oxford 29tli, of the Duke of Devonshire's breeding. Mr. S. F. Lockridge of Greencastle, Ind., paid $1,700 for Waterloo 38tli, and the Hon. Emory Cobb of Kankakee, 111., pur- cliased imp. Kirklevington Duchess 17th at $1,270. A new era at ha^nd. — Another milestone in Short- horn history had now been reached. The great out- burst of enthusiasm for cattle of the Bates, Booth, and allied tribes which had swept over England and America was now subsiding. In its earlier phases it represented the tribute of the cattle-breeding world to the genius of successful breeders; the verdict of two continents upon the refinement, beauty, and quality of the Batos-bred tribes and the sturdy sub- stance and deep flesh of the Warlaby stock. Un- doubtedlv merit lav at the foundation of the fashions ♦Messrs. Vanmeter & Hamiltons had a few years prior to this sale acquired by purchase about one-half of Mr. Renick's herd, including quite a number of the 4th Duke of Geneva cows. THE TURN OF THE TIDE 511 that ruled the sale-rings of both continents for so many years, as detailed in the foregoing pages. Un- fortunately not all of those who made investments during this period were actuated by a desire to pro- mote the interests of the breed. Indeed, as the great ' ' boom ' ' progressed it drew to itself many who sim- ply improved the opportunity to indulge their specu- lative instincts without any special reference to the effect of their operations upon the general welfare. Many of the Duchesses, Princesses, Rose of Sharons and other favorites were bought at enormous prices not because they were better than the average well- bred Short-horn of their time, but in the hope that some other eager investor would be willing to pay a like price for the progeny. It will be observed from a perusal of the preceding chapters that only such tribes were systematically "promoted" as were com- paratively scarce and in few hands. It would have been idle for any man or group of men to attempt to maintain such figures for any of the more prolific or widely-distributed sorts. Injudicious breeding. — In some instances these high-priced cattle fell into the hands of careful men who handled them with a decent regard for sound principles of breeding. In some herds they were mated with consummate skill and judgment, and the original merit of the stock was in these exceptional cases fairly well maintained. Too often, however, these unfortunate descendants of a noble ancestry became the mere tools of speculators and the victims 512 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE of a vicious system which could have but one result, to-wit: inevitable deterioration. A certain set even undertook the foolhardy task of breeding the Bates tribes ' ' absolutely pure. ' ' There were still in exist- ence more than thirty-five years after the death of Thomas Bates cattle belonging to families orig- inated either by himself or his tenants, the Messrs. Bell, which had been kept squarely within strict Bates lines; that is to say, entirely free from admix- tures of blood from any other than the Bates source. One has but to hark back to the practice of Bates himself to find ample warrant for characterizing this procedure on the part of certain of his alleged disci- ples as utterly unworthy not only of the master of Kirklevington, but, as a proposition in scientific breeding, not to be considered by intelligent men. Fortunately there were but few who undertook to carry this reckless practice to extreme lengths. It was pointed out that but for the outcrossed families, not only of the Bates but of the Booth tribes, the main channels of those bloods would have ceased to cut much figure upon the Short-horn map. The "pure" Duchesses about this time became extinct both in Europe and America, leaving the field, so far as Mr. Bates' favorite family was concerned, to the outcrossed branches. The effort to preserve the Kirklevington tribes for an indefinite period free from admixture of other blood met with no success so far as sustaining the individual merit of the cattle was concerned. THE TURN OF THE TIDE 513 Evils of speculation. — There is nothing so danger- ous as popularity. Whenever it is demonstrated that cattle of any particular line of breeding possess pronounced merit and represent a blood concentra- tion likely to insure prepotency a widespread de- mand leads to the retention for breeding purposes of "all sorts and conditions" of cattle carrying the coveted jjedigree. The really good specimens are taken by leading breeders or wealthy speculators at fancy prices, leaving the inferior and indiiferent "misfits" for those whose purse does not permit of the purchase of the best. Thus it came to pass that during the years of inflated values the tendency of Short-horn breeding was away from correct stand- ards, so far as practical excellence for the farm, the dairy, or the feed-lot was concerned. The entire breed was "honeycombed" by the speculative mania. At the same time there were not only in Great Britain but America certain sturdy characters who refused to be stampeded at the crack of fash- ion 's whip. There were in nearly every State in the Union, as well as in Canada and Great Britain, de- voted lovers of the breed who, often at great appar- ent cost to themselves, maintained the sacred fires of the early Short-horn faith. True to the principles of those who gave the breed to the world they per- sistently pursued individual excellence in the animal as the corner stone of all progress ; and to these men the breed owes its preservation from those who were unintentionally poisoning the very fountains of its vitality. 514 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOEN CATTLE The spur of opposition. — Several causes conspired to bring American breeders to their senses about this period. Coincident with the declining merit for practical purposes of those tribes that were most frequently in the public eye came the invasion of the markets of the West by two of Britain's most distinguished beef types, to-wit: the Herefords and black polls. The establishment of the American Fat-Stock Show at Chicago, which occurred in 1878, gave these new candidates for public favor an oppor- tunity of which they were not slow to take advan- tage. "White-faces" and "doddies" began to ap- pear in force for the first time in the history of American cattle-breeding at the great State fairs of the West. Enterprising and intelligent men devoted time and ample capital to a presentation of their merits as feeders' and butchers' beasts. It was ap- parent from the beginning that before the tribunal of practical men constituting the great body of Western feeders and stock-yards buyers only such Short-horns as possessed substance, feeding capacity and natural wealth of flesh could successfully defend the colors of the ''red, white and roan." Style with- out stamina could not resist the shock. Finish with- out flesh failed to satisfy the cold logic of the block. Those who had been dictating terms to the Short- horn cattle-breeding fraternity Avere now confronted with a competition that based its claims not upon past reputation, but upon actual present worth. Those who were endeavoring to sustain the prestige THE TURN OF THE TIDE 515 of the prevailing fashionable type made a brave effort to cope with their formidable adversaries, and in some noteworthy instances succeeded in present- ing animals fit to stand for the credit of any breed at any time in any place. Such isolated instances, however, only served all the more effectually to prove that something weightier than mere pedigree, something more tangible than mere pride of birth was the crying need of the hour. Scotch cattle to the fore. — Naturally in such an emergency the character of the Short-horns avail- able at the time for repelling the newly-introduced breeds became the subject of close scrutiny. Exam- ination of the breeding of the cattle that had been sustaining and were still battling for the honor of the breed at leading shows in the West revealed the fact that the fighting line was not held, as a general proposition, by animals representing the prevailing fashionable blood. It so happened that at this crit- ical juncture in Short-horn affairs on this side the Atlantic some of the stoutest defenders of Short- horn fame against rival breeds had been brought from the old-established herds of Scotland, Baron Booth of Lancaster (half-Booth, half-Scotch), Vio- let's Forth, the Golden Drops, Orange Blossom 18th, and other North Country cattle that had been seen in the West in former years were recalled as types of the stamp now demanded. The Scotch-bred Duke of Eichmond 21525 and other cattle of his compact, fleshy conformation were even then holding back 516 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the Hereford host. The hour had struck; and the early ''eighties" found the Aberdeenshire Short- horn claiming the center of the American Short- horn stage. CHAPTER XVIII SCOTLAND'S SEARCHING TEST On the rich farming lands of England and Amer- ica the Short-horns, as a prolific source of both profit and pleasure, had received early and adequate recog- nition. For half a century ' ' John Bull ' ' and ' ' Broth- er Jonathan" had been heaping honors and riches at the feet of the ' ' red, white and roan ' ' with a reck- lessness unparalleled in agricultural history, but in winning its way into their affections the breed had reveled in the bounty of the most opulent agricul- ture the world has ever seen. Could it maintain its superiority when the path no longer led through the grassy vales of York and Durham, or by the rustling cornfields of ''the States"! It was not until long after the great feeders of the Ohio Valley began driv- ing their fine big Short-horn steers to seaboard markets that the tenant farmers of the North of Scotland undertook to answer this pertinent ques- tion in a district where balmy breezes, sunny skies, rich pastures, groaning grain bins and other bovine "creature comforts" were conspicuous mainly by their absence; and the triumphant vindication of the intrinsic value of Short-horn blood, under appar- ently adverse conditions of soil and climate, result- ing from that practical test makes up one of the 517 518 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE brightest chapters in the annals of the breed. Inci- dentally it also furnishes a lesson in good farming that is world-wide in its application. The story of the Short-horn in the North of Scotland has, there- fore, a deep significance. "Caledonia stern and wild." — Within the memory of the generation now passing Aberdeenshire, a com- paratively bleak and unproductive country, was unknown as a producer of prime beef. To-day, thanks to Short-horn blood, turnips, Capt. Barclay of Ury, Grant Duff of Eden, Hay of Shethin, AVatson of Keillor, McCombie of Tillyfour, the Cruickshanks of Sittyton, their contemporaries and successors, it is one of the primary factors in the world's supply. Reaching from the Northern Highlands of Perth and the forest of Glen Ey, "Land of brown heath and shaggy wood; Land of the mountain and the flood," to where Kinnaird Head finally plows its way into the surf of Northern seas, Aberdeenshire presents a rolling landscape, strewn for the most part with the stony debris deposited by the ancient glaciers of the Grampians. A rough, broken country, possess- ing but limited areas of good soil, wanting in natural shelter, swept for a good portion of the year by the chill East winds of the German Ocean, and enduring the long, dark winters of a latitude of 58 deg. north, it is one of the marvels of our time that the Aber- donian tenantry and their neighbors of adjacent dis- tricts in the face of such environment should have won so high a place in the farming world. scotlaxd's searching test 519 Science, "roots" and Short-horns. — For genera- tions the Northern farmers had made but little prog- ress in the improvement of their cattle. A scanty herbage was grazed by the native, unimproved, black hornless breed of the district, or by the shaggy little steers from the Western Highlands, and these supi^lied what beef was required for local consump- tion. The feeding of cattle for distant markets, as a regular source of revenue, could receive but scant attention. In the course of time, however, science came to the rescue. Experience proved the benefi- cent effects of lime and bone dust upon many hith- erto sterile stone-fenced fields, thus paving the way for the successful introduction of the culture of turnips as a stock food; since carried to a degree of IDerfection unknown in any other country. Marsh and moor-lands were transformed by drainage and artificial fertilization. Some good grass followed; and this, along with the "neeps"* and oat fields, provided a firm foundation for a more profitable agriculture. Indeed, "roots" fairly revolutionized Xorth-Countiy farming and rendered it possible to attempt the improvement of the size and weight of the Aberdeenshire, Banff and Forfar herds with prospects of success.f The experiment was made ♦Colloquial Scotch for turnips. tDuring a visit to Aberdeenshire in 1892 the author was shown a fine turnip field — on one of the farms held by Mr. William Duthie from the Earl of Aberdeen — which, originally a peat bog, had been drained and reclaimed at a cost to the tenant of about £30 per acre. Inasmuch as this sum ($150) represents about double the value in fee simple of good American farms, this fact affords a fitting illustration of the ex- pense and labor with which many North of Scotland farms were adapted to the requirements of successful cattle-breeding. 520 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE and carried to a successful issue primarily by the use of Short-horn blood. Feed-lot considerations paramount.— Those who inaugurated this work of improvement, as well as those who followed in their footsteps, were, as a rule, men who made a living by their own unaided efforts. Upon those Northern hills life was real and earnest. There was no place in the local agriculture for the purely ornamental. Cattle had first of all to be of a rent-paying sort. This called for sound con- stitutions to enable the animals to withstand the cli- mate and for a feeding quality and early maturity that would give prompt and full returns in the feed- lot for all forage consumed. Those to whom the early breeders had to look for the sale of their sur- plus bulls were men who had roofs to keep over their heads. They could indulge in no "fads" or fancies. The get of any sire, no matter how distinguished his lineage, were studiously shunned unless showing plainly the qualifications demanded in an atmos- phere where economy and practical utility were the essential handmaids of thrift. It thus happened that Short-horn breeding in the North rested from the beginning on the bedrock of actual merit for feeding purposes. Crossing the border. — Tweedside marks the Northern confines of England. At the river's mouth, on the Scottish side, stands the historic city of Ber- wick, sternly typical of the character of the people pver whose destinies it kept "watch and ward" for scotlaxd's searching test 521 centuries. On the grassy southern bank lies ancient Northumbria and Flodden Field. The ruined battle- ments of Norham Castle remind the traveler in these parts of the Border Country's stormy past; but since the days of William Wallace and King James this pastoral region has fallen under gentler sway. From the Cheviots to the Hills of Lammermoor the herds and flocks of a thrifty husbandry have grazed, free from war's alarms, for generations. Prior to the introduction of the breed into the Northern Countries it had already been proved that Short-horns would thrive in the South of Scotland. Indeed, they had been successfully transplanted early in the century from the Valley of the Tees across the border into the district lying between the Eiver Tweed and the Firth of Forth. Robertson of Ladykirk and Eennie of Phantassie were the pio- neers in this forward movement toward the North; and after the introduction of Short-horn bulls had aroused the spirit of improvement among the farm- ers of the higher latitude the blood of these earliest Scottish herds became an important element in the evolution of the Aberdeenshire type. Robertson of Ladykirk. — Residing near Cold- stream, Berwickshire, close by the placid waters of the Tweed, Robertson of Ladykirk, Scotland's first breeder of Short-horn cattle, acquired an early fa- miliarity with the merits of the original Short-horn stock of Northumberland and Durham. A contem- porary of the CoUings, Mason, Grey of Dilston, Bates 522 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE and Thomas Booth he had ample opportunities for making a thorough study of the breed while still in its infancy. Quick to adopt practical ideas into his own farming operations he resolved to transfer to Scottish territory some of the best of the Ketton and Barmpton blood. Cows and lieifers of the most ap- proved Teeswater type were selected mainly on their merits as individuals and crossed by herd-book bulls of Colling and kindred breeding. The canny Scot, however, was opposed to the whole scheme of pedi- gree registration. Geo. Coates and his saddlebags found no welcome at Ladjdvirk. Robertson held that the attempt to limit the choice of cattle reared for practical farai purposes to such as might chance to be bred within herd-book lines constituted an unrea- sonable check upon freedom of individual judgment and would prove a bar to real progress. Fortu- nately for the breed Jonas Whitaker and others saw the wisdom of providing a foundation for the future by recording the lineage of the first of the "im- proved" Short-horns. Although registration went steadily on in England the Berwickshire breeders' patronage was stubbornly withheld. It transpires, therefore, that the breeding of the Ladykirk cows, although well known to their owner, was never put on record and those who started from this essentially sound and substantial stock of Short-horns were unable to trace their pedigrees to their actual Eng- lish origin. That the herd was well bred has never been questioned. That it attained a high standard C Scotland's searching test 523 of excellence is borne out by all the early chronicles of Tweedside agriculture. That it furnished the foundation for many a fine family of cattle in the North is one of the primary propositions of Scotch Short-horn history. Rennie of Phantassie. — The colors of the "red, white and roan" were carried from Tweedside to the Forth by John Rennie of the farm of Phantassie, in the County of Haddington (East Lothian). His father, George Rennie, had been one of the most active promoters of agricultural improvement in his day; having been sent when a mere lad into the Tweedside country to study the farming of that dis- trict, where such men as Lord Kames, Renton of Lamberton, Hume of Ninewells, Fordyce of Ayton, and others had begun extensive improvements upon their estates. The knowledge thus gained by ob- servation was afterward turned to good account at Phantassie. A man of fine business ability and sound judgment, Rennie rose to great eminence as a breeder and feeder of fine Short-horns in a region already famous for the skill of its farmers.* He bought from Robertson of Ladykirk, with whom he was on terms of intimate friendship, and also drew upon the herds of the first English improvers of the breed. Rennie agreed with Robertson in reference to the then newly-established Short-horn Herd Book of England and also refused to record his cattle in it, •The farming of the Lothlans Is to this day a source of National pride in Scotland. 524 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE but the perfection to wliich lie brought his herd is attested by references made to his stock by Youatt, McCombie and other authorities. The Northern farmers who bought cattle from these Southern herds were in quest of a profitable feeding type rather than particular blood-lines. They knew little and probably cared less about the disputes as to the relative values of different strains as carried on by their English brethren. Indeed, those who owned animals tracing descent from these two primal Scot- tish herds were quite content to rest the pedigrees at the base upon the substantial names and character of "Rennie of Phantassie" or "Robertson of Lady- kirk." An abrupt termination this, one might say, and yet to those who drew material from those sources it meant a foundation in genuine Short-horn merit as firm as the granite hills of their native land. Rennie has the honor of having supplied the first Short-horn bull ever taken into the territory North of the River Dee, reference to which will be made further on.* *"We have been honored with a letter from Mr. John Rennie on the subject of his stock from which we make the following extract, con- firmatory of Mr. Brown's account, and which, in justice to so enter- prising and skillful a breeder as Mr. Rennie, should be placed upon record: 'The principal breed (he means among the few who have di- rected their attention to the breeding of cattle) is Short-horns, or Tees- waters, which were introduced by myself, having selected them from Mr. Robertson of Ladykirk, who, I have no hesitation in saying, had some of the best Short-horns in the kingdom. I also had two or three bulls of the best blood from the County of Durham. I had three or four large sales of stock which were attended by some of the most celebrated breeders in England and Scotland. Bulls were bought at from £50 to £120 each to-go 200 miles north and above 300 miles south.' "Mr. Brown of Drylaw Hill, to whom we are indebted for some pre- YJQUs remarks, Informs us that about the years 1818 and 1819 the Short- Scotland's searching test 525 Barclay of Ury. — The father of Short-horn breed- ing in the North was one of the best known char- acters of his day and generation — Capt. Barclay of Ury. Descended from an old Kincardineshire fam- ily, distinguished for great physical strength, a sol- dier by profession and a sportsman by instinct, he developed a fondness for farming, which resulted in his founding a herd of Short-horns about the date of Mason's sale, from which those who afterwards engaged in the trade drew many of their most valu- able foundation animals. Notwithstanding his suc- cess and reputation as the introducer of the Short- horn in North Scotland it is an open question as to whether or not his fame in other directions was not even greater than his celebrity as a cattle-breeder. An athlete himself, Barclay was passionately fond of all foiTQs of out-of-door sport. It is said that he once walked 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours on a wager. He was financially interested in the operation of the mail coaches of East Scotland, and one of these, horned or Teeswater breed of the best and purest sort was introduced into the county principally from the stock of the late :Mr. Robertson of Ladykirk and which were descended in a direct line from those of Messrs. Colling of Darlington. Others were likewise brought from some of the most celebrated stocks in the North of England. For this he says the county was indebted to Mr. John Rennie, son of Mrs. George Rennie. The produce of his stock is now spread over the county, and as a proof of its merits a bullock bred by Mr. Rennie and fed by Mr. Boyne of Woodhall received the second prize at the Smithfield Cattle Show in 1831. "Mr. Rennie obtained many prizes from the Highland and his own ~ district society. He has had many beasts that weighed from eighty to one hundred stone (imperial weight) when at two and a half or three years old ; and he once sold eighteen steers at two and a half years old which weighed from eighty -five to one hundred stone and for which he received £33 per head." — Yoiiatt on Cattle, page J'/S. 526 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE notably the famous "Defiance," was one of the noted outfits of its time.* He had a very celebrated breed of game fowls, and was a devoted patron of the cock- pit and the prize-ring. Fond of arranging fistic en- counters between the expert boxers of that period he often served in the capacity of "trainer" as well as backer. Good dogs and the "mimic warfare of the chase" also claimed his attention. Indeed for more than a generation the exploits of Barclay of Ury, by flood and field, furnished the theme for many a "rattling" story told at officers' "mess" or way- side inn. Barclay had inherited from his father the estate of Ury on the banks of the River Cowie, hard by the seaport of Stonehaven. At large expense of time and labor, by the liberal use of lime and by the importation of skilled plowmen and improved imple- ments from Norfolk, the elder Barclay had secured fair grass and had successfully introduced the cul- ture of turnips. The Captain was on terms of inti- mate friendship with Wetherell and had many inter- esting "sessions" with Watson and McCombie, the great improvers of the Aberdeen-Angus polls. His first great success with Short-horns followed his pur- chase of the best cow sold at the dispersion sale of Mason of Chilton — the beautiful roan Lady Sarah •Barclay once drove the "Defiance" through on a wager of £1,000 from London to Aberdeen without leaving the box. It is said that on this trip the coach was "horsed" at two stages by Thoroughbreds as leaders that had never been in harness before. On arriving at Aber- deen a friend remarked, "Captain, you must be tired." Barclay replied, "I have £1,000 that says I can drive back to London again starting in the morn." Scotland's searching test 527 at 150 guineas. She was a daughter of the massive roan cow Portia, illustrated in the first volume of Coates' Herd Book. At Ury she proved prolific, producing the bulls Monarch (4495), Mahomed (6170), Pedestrian (7321), Sovereign (7539), and the three heifers, Julia, Cecily and Helen. Barclay was familiar with the Bakewell scheme of the Col- lings, Bates and the elder Booth, and produced the valuable roan bull Mahomed, above mentioned, by breeding Monarch back to his own dam, Lady Sarah. Mahomed was sold as a calf, but, developing into a capital bull, was bought back in 1839. He appears to have been used in the herd until 1841, and sired among other valuable animals The Pacha (7612), the progenitor of many animals afterward distin- guished in Scotch Short-horn history. Lady Sarah's daughters Cecily and Helen were sold to Mr. Pollock of County Meath, Ireland, along with their produce, and their descendants were afterward to be seen in the noted Booth-bred herd of Barnes of Westland. Besides Mahomed Monarch sired the successful stock bull Billy (3151), that was sold as a calf to Hutcheson of Monyruy, who afterward parted with him at a high price to Boswell of Kingcausie. He was winner of the Highland Society's prize in 1840 and his heifers gave rise to many valuable Scottish tribes. He was the sire of the cow Clipper, the matron of the famous Cruickshank bull-breeding tribe bearing her name. Billy (3151), The Pacha (7612), Conqueror (6884), and Premier (6308), all 528 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE bred by Barclay, were used in founding the Cruick- sliank herd.* The Ury cattle of this date are said to have pos- sessed great scale and substance. In 1838 the orig- inal herd, which owed its excellence very largely to Lady Sarah, was dispersed in order, it is said, to replenish the Captain's purse. The bull Mahomed seems, however, to have been retained at Ury. The best lots in this sale were the get of Monarch (4495), three of whose daughters made over £100 each. About eighty head were sold for a total of £3,000. Lady Sarah at thirteen years old was sold to Mr. Wetherell at 40 guineas. It has been asserted that she afterward became the property of Hugh Watson, in which case she would be entitled to credit in con- nection with the birth of the Aberdeen-Angus breed as well as furnishing the foundation of the Aber- deenshire Short-horns. Speaking of this remarkable cow the late Amos Cruickshank once said: '^I ques- tion if ever there was a better breed of Short-horns either in England, Scotland or anywhere else than the Lady Sarah tribe." About 1840 Barclay began another herd with Ma- homed at the head. He bought ten females at a sale made by Hon. J. B. Simpson of Babworth, in Not- * Messrs. Cruickshank had in their herd at Sittyton at one time sixty females descended from cows sired by Billy (3151). In color he was a light i-oan, almost white, with broad forehead, eyes prominent and mild, horns very short and pointing toward his ears, carcass lengthy and deep, on short legs. He had also a very fine disposition. At eight years old his live weight was 2,500 lbs., and his girth around the heart eight feet four inches. He was very heavy in front, but not so neat and good in his hindquarters. This description was given by Mr. T. F. Jamieson of Ellon. Aberdeenshire, in the London (Eng. ) Livestock Jo^nnal for May 26, 1893. Scotland's searchixg test 529 tinghamshire, and Wetherell purchased some heifers and calves for him from Burrows of Carleton Hall, near Carlisle. It is stated that probably the best cow in this second herd was Julia, a roan that car- ried more or less Booth blood and was sired by Paganini (2405). She became the dam of two bulls afterward extensively used at Ury — Pacha (7612) and The Duke (7593). Paganini was full of Col. Cradock's blood. The 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) was hired for service from Mr. Bates in 1842, but after serving a year at Ury was transferred to Mr. Grant Duff's herd at Eden, where he remained two years and got one very good bull called Dupli- cate Duke (6952). The Duchess bull nevertheless did not leave a very good reputation in the North. Duke (7953) was another of his sons, which, along with The Pacha, did most of the work in the herd during the remainder of its existence. The final dispersion occurred Sept. 22, 1847, with "Wetherell as auctioneer. There were about ninety of the Ury cattle at that date, but prices were not so good as at the previous sale. Probably the quality was not equal to the original Lady Sarah lot. Forty- two cows averaged £34 14s. each, the highest being Eosamond, by Sultan (5349), which went to Long- more of Eettie at 73 guineas, and Molly, by The Pacha, bought by Hay of Shethin for 71 guineas. Campbell of Kinellar here laid the foundation for his afterward celebrated herd by the purchase of two heifers bv The Pacha. The Messrs. Cruickshank of 530 A HISTOEY OF SHOBT-HORN CATTLE Sittyton were also buyers. The ninety-one animals fetched an average of £31 Is. each. Ury was undoubtedly the corner stone of the Scot- tish Short-horn structure. The bulls from the Bar- clay herd were used originally to cross upon the native black cows, and the improvement wrought was so apparent that probably a majority of the herds of the district received an infusion of Ury blood. The result was a demand for Short-horn bulls that finally turned the attention of such men as Grant Duff of Eden, Hay of Shethin, the Cruick- shanks of Sittyton, and many others to the produc- tion of pure-bred Short-horns.* Hutcheson of Monyruy. — John Hutcheson, tenant of the farm of Monyruy, near Peterhead, was the owner of a large granite quarry that supplied many of the great blocks for the London docks, and was also interested in the whale fisheries. He made a capital start in Short-horn breeding in 1837 by the purchase of Capt. Barclay's Billy (3151), above men- tioned, and secured females from B. Wilson of Bra- with, Fawkes of Farnley Hall, Rennie of Kinbleth- *McCombie of Tillyfour, who knew Barclay well, says : "Thovigh he remains without a national acknowledgment of his merits, no man de- served better of the farmers of Scotland, for he was their firm supporter through life, in good and bad report. * * « j have been many a day in company with him and have the most vivid recollection of him as he examined the stock in a show-yard. * * * He was a claimant of the Earldom of Monteith. No one would have made any mistake as to Capt. Barclay being a gentleman, although his dress was plain — a long green coat with velvet collar, and big yellow buttons ; a colored handkerchief : long, yellow cashmere vest : knee breeches ; very wide top-boots, with long brown, dirty tops, and plain black hat, generally pretty well worn. * * * His horses were the strongest and his fields the largest in the country. He said, 'He did not like a field in which the cattle could see one another every clay.' * * * He was found dead in his bed in 1854 ; and in him the tenant farmers of Scot- land and the poor of his own neighborhood lost one of their best friends." Scotland's searching test 531 mont, and others. He also bought in England the great prize-winning bull Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), of Whitaker's breeding. The bull was eight years old at the time of its purchase in 1845, and, although he was of massive character and had never been defeated in the South, long-continued training for the show-yard proved his ruin, as he died six months after being taken to Scotland, leaving but two calves, both heifers. These grew up to be excellent cows, one of which, Edith Fairfax, was bought by Messrs. Cruiekshank, leaving some good descendants at Sit- tyton. The other. White Fairfax, became the ances- tress of a good family in the herd of James Bruce of Inverquhomery. Speaking of these Fairfax heifers Mr. Jamieson, to whom the author is indebted for many valuable facts in relation to the early Aber- deenshire herds, says : ' ' Edith Fairfax was out of a fine breeding cow called Fancy, by Billy (3151), while White Fairfax's sire and dam were by Billy. The latter seemed to have put constitution into everything he got. ' * In 1847 Hutcheson visited England in company with Mr. Amos Cruiekshank* and hired from War- *"Just as the Scotchmen were starting," says Jamieson, "a letter came from Peterhead saying that Hutclieson's ship, tlae Traveller, had arrived from Davis Straits with a bumper cargo of oil. He therefore resolved to set about things in proper style. On reaching Hull a car- riage was chartered with a pair of spanking horses and the two Aber- donians drove through the Nortliern counties inspecting the various herds. Mr. Cruiekshank had set his heart on buying a fine bull called Fairfax Royal, bred by Torr, and to be sold at an approaching sale at Walkeringham. Knowing the high spirits of his companion he dreaded that Hutcheson might take a fancy for the same animal and be an opponent at the sale, but. as luck would have it. Richard Booth came on the scene and carried Hutcheson off with him to Warlaby. whfere he concluded the bargain for Fitz Leonard." 532 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE laby the bull Fitz Leonard (7110) at 80 guineas the season. He was shipped by steamer to Hull and walked thirty miles to Monyruy where he was re- tained two years. Fitz Leonard was described by Peter Boddie, Hutcheson's herdsman, as a lengthy enough beast but not very broad ; with shortish legs and good enough quality. In the language of the old cowman, "the warst thing aboot him was his heed." Although he proved something of a disap- pointment in Scotland, and Amos Cruickshank averred that he would not have used him at all, yet on his return to Warlaby Fitz Leonard sired Mr. Booth's world-famous Crown Prince (10087). The Hutcheson herd was dispersed in 1852, some of the best cattle going to Sittyton, Grant Duff of Eden. — The farm of Eden was a small estate along the banks of the River Deveron in Northwestern Aberdeenshire, on the Banffshire border, and between the years 1839 and 1854 one of the best of the early Scottish herds was there main- tained, Mr. Grant, as he was known in his earlier manhood, had been in the employ of the East India Co. and had acquired reputation as a man of fine judgment in that service in Bombay. It was upon his inheriting the property of Eden that he assumed the name of Duff. He set about the foiTQation of his herd with a determination to possess as good cattle as could be found in all Britain. He visited the Short-horn breeding districts of England and bought some of his first cows from Chrisp of Northumber- Scotland's searching test 533 land. From Mr. Crofton he bought the bull The Peer (5455). Heifers were obtained from the Earl of Car- lisle and Benjamin Wilson of Brawith. On one of his English visits he met Thomas Bates, who suc- ceeded in inoculating him with somewhat of his own enthusiasm for his pet strains. The result was the purchase of the bull Holkar (4041), sired by Belve- dere and out of a cow having two crosses of 2d Hub- back. He was a good individual, four years old, deep red in color, with a few white patches, and was taken to Eden in May, 1840, at a cost of £162. Unfor- tunately he remained useful but a short time. A few years later the 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), that had been on hire at Capt. Barclay's, was leased for service. He was not as good a bull as Holkar, being harsh in his hair and possessed of a vicious disposition, as well as a dark nose, but re- mained at Eden two seasons nevertheless and sired some good stock, including the two bulls Duplicate Duke (6962) and Dannecker (7949), the latter sold to Longmore of Rettie. The show-yard victories of the Booths had by this time begun to interest the North, and an agent was dispatched to Warlaby for a bull. It is stated that he was offered the use of Buckingham (3239), then five years of age; but as that great sire was never an impressive animal individually the proposition was not accepted, and Duff's deputy proceeded to Kirklevington, where he hired Duke of Richmond (7996), sired by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) out of 534 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOE.X CATTLE Duchess oOtli. This bull was followed by two others of Bates blood— Young 4th Duke (9037) and 11th Duke of York (11399); both bred by G. D. Trotter, near Darlington. AVhile it thus appears that the majority of the Eden bulls were of Bates origin, there was another sire, introduced from the herd of Wilson of Brawith, that proved perhaps a better stock-getter than any of them save Holkar. This was Robin o' Day (4973), sired by Mr. Wiley's Car- case (3285). Brawith Bud. — The best cow ever introduced into the herd and one of the most valuable ever taken into Scotland was the red-and-white Brawith Bud — the highest-priced animal at the Brawith sale of 1841, the opposing bidders being John Booth of Kil- lerby and Mr. Maynard — two of England's best judges. Grant Duff was one of the first breeders to publish a private catalogue with foot-notes, and in one of these is found the following: "Although Brawith Bud was as well recollected in this district (Banff) as any cow that ever was imported yet, as this is intended as a record, it may be as well to re- peat that she was bred with great care and highly prized by the late Peter Consett of Brawith and left by him in special legacy to his near relative, Benja- min Wilson, who never intended to sell her. She cost Mr. Grant Duff £178 19s., and paid him several hun- dred per cent. She was a useful cow until eighteen years of age and her sire was a good bull when eight- een years old." This remarkable cow had been bred Scotland's searching test. 535 from a line of bulls belonging mainly to Charles Colling 's Old Cherry tribe, receiving also a bit of Booth through her dam's sire, Young Jerry (8177). She was to Eden what Lady Sarah had been to Ury, her descendants proving the best cattle in the herd. Two of them, the heifers Second Mint and Pure Gold, went into the Cruickshank herd, where they gave rise to one of the best Sittyton families. Numerous public sales were held from the herd at different times, so that the Eden stock became well distributed throughout the Northern counties. In 1854 the entire herd was disposed of at auction,* the sale being in charge of Mr. Strafford, at that time editor of Coates' Herd Book and the leading auc- tioneer of Great Britain. No better evidence of the quality of the herd is required than is furnished by the fact that among those who attended and pur- chased were Messrs. Cruickshank, Torr, Tanqueray, Long-more and others prominent in the trade. The top price was 100 guineas, paid by Tanqueray for a *Kothwithstanding the fact that 23 Duke of Northumberland did not make a particulariv favorable impression in the North, it is apparent that Grant Duff believed that the Kirklevington blood would prove of value At the conclusion of his last annual catalogue, issued (Decem- ber, 1853) before his dispersion, we find the following: "The sale of the late Earl Ducie, in Gloucestershire, has stamped a value on Mr. Bates' blood, such as Mr. B. frequently foretold. The above animals, with verv few exceptions, have all more or less Kirklev- ington blood, which, fortunately, had been already partially infused into the stock of this district before the value in England exceeded all ordinary competition. "All the animals included in the above list, with the exception of two cows (Star Pagoda and Manganese) and one bull not yet selected, are intended to be included in the displenish sale at Mains of Eden, on "^Vednesdav, 24th Mav, 1854, when their present owner must cease to share in forwarding that important branch of rural economy, namely the rearing of the best kinds of stock, but he trusts a fair and generous rivalrv mav prolong and far excel our present progress in the im- provement of domestic animals, which it has been his endeavor to aid and stimulate." 536 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE daughter of Brawith Bud. Amos Cruickshank took Pure Gold at 91 guineas, and other lots commanded up to 90 guineas and 95 guineas. Simpson and Buchan Hero. — Mr. Ferguson Simp- son, tenant of the farm of Mains of Pitfour, bred a good herd of Short-horns from 1835 to 1846. His chief claim to distinction rests upon his production of the celebrated show bull Buchan Hero (3238), winner of the Highland Society's £100 prize at Ber- wick-on-Tweed in 1841 as the best bull of any age, competition open to all Britain.* He was a massive, deep-bodied, short-legged roan, with a beautiful coat, and was bought at Berwick by Jonas Whitaker, afterward passing into the possession of Sir Charles Tempest at 350 guineas. A yearling bull sired by him brought 200 guineas. The dam of Buchan Hero, a cow called Young Broadhooks, produced a heifer, Eliza, that was bought for Sittyton, and from her the champion show bull New Year's Gift (57796), bred by Lord Lovat and sold to the Queen of Eng- land, was descended. Indeed it is said that this noted prize-winner resembled in essential character- istics old Buchan Hero himself. Hay of Shethin. — One of the most substantial characters among all those who early gave their *"The Druid" in his delig-htful reminiscences of Scottish flocks and herds, published under the title of "Field and Fern," speaking of Buchan Hero's victory at Berwick says : "One of his greatest admirers who had his eye to a 'crack' in the palings on that memorable day thus de- scribes the contest. 'I lookit, and they drew them, and they sent a vast o' them back. Again I lookit, and still the Buchan Hero stood at the heed. They had nae doot of him then. A Yorksliireman was varra fond of him. And he wan ; and Simpson selt him to Sir Charles Temp- est for 200. It was a prood day, that, for Aberdeenshire and Mr. Simpson.' " Scotland's searching test. 537 attention to Sliort-liorn breeding in the North was William Hay, tenant of Shethin, one of the many good farms on the extensive estates of the Earl of Aberdeen, situated in the valley of the Ythan, near Tarves, and not far removed from Collynie, Upper- mill, Tillycairn, and others since made famous by Duthie and Marr. Before taking up with pedigreed cattle Hay was one of the leading graziers and feed- ers of this district and is credited with having been the first to ship bullocks by rail from Aberdeen to the London market. McCombie says that the bull Jerry that was brought to Shethin from Eennie of Phantassie in 1828 by Alexander Hay, a brother of William's, was the first Short-horn that ever crossed the River Dee. This primal bull was white and was both long-lived and prolific, leaving a deep impres- sion on the native black polls of the district. Hay began his Short-horn breeding operations by purchases from Barclay of Ury. Two of his best cows, Molly and Clara 2d — both by The Pacha — were bought at the Ury sale of 1847. From Molly came the family of Mysies. The cow Vesta, bred by Robert Smith of Burley, became the ancestress of the Venuses and Princess Royals, both of which have since become prime favorites with the admirers of Scotch Short-horns, but probably the best cow obtained in England was Marion, from the herd of Mr. Lovell, selected for Mr. Hay by one of the lead- ing cattle salesmen of London. She produced the good stock bull Kelly 2d (9265), besides becoming 538 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the fountain head of a fine family of cows known as the Lovelys, afterward celebrated in the hands of Mr. Cruickshank, producing at Sittyton the prize bull Scotland's Pride (25100), Lord Lancaster (26666) and Lord Lansdowne (29128). Another tribute to the remarkable breeding qualities of Simpson's Young Broadhooks was to be seen at Shethin in the shape of the splendid cow Scotland's Queen, de- scended direct from the dam of Buchan Hero. For a number of years home-bred bulls were used, no less than five of which descended in a direct male line from the bull Billy (8888) of the Ury stock, fresh blood being brought in each time through the dams. Some service was also had from the good bull Robin o' Day (4973) of Brawith breeding. Mr. Hay had brought his herd to a rare state of excel- lence by 1850. There was no better in all Scotland. In that year, along with the brothers Cruickshank, he attended the Bates dispersion where he pur- chased, besides Waterloo 13th, the Duchess bull Grand Duke (10284) at 205 guineas, the highest- priced lot of the day. It is related that before the sale began the Messrs. Cruickshank had discussed with Mr. Hay the idea of a joint purchase of the 4th Duke of York, which Mr. Amos Cruickshank thought much the best bull of the sale. Earl Ducie's opening bid of 200 guineas for that bull, however, scattered all opposition at the start; so that the project of taking the bull to Scotland fell through with at once. Grand Duke was a bull with rather more length, both Scotland's searching test. 539 of body and leg, t-liaii the Scotch breeders desired, but was used two years by Mr. Hay as an experiment. It was thought that he made no improvement in the herd, and he was sold to S. E. Bolden of England at the original purchase price. In Bolden 's herd he proved more successful and was ultimately sold to America at $5,000. The Booth bull Bed Knight (11967), from Killerby, was next in line. He had been first as a two-year-old at the English Eoyal of 1852, and headed the aged bulls at Aberdeen in 1852. He was a compact, thick-set, short-legged, well- fleshed bull, and in 1856 was sent to the Paris Expo- sition. On the return trip he contracted foot-and- mouth disease and was slaughtered in London. Mr. Hay's death occurred in 1854 and his herd passed into the possession of his son-in-law, Mr. Shepherd, who, in 1856, bought the bull Bosquet (14183), of Sir Charles Knightley's breeding, and in 1858 Cherry Duke 2d (14265) from Mr. Bolden. The latter made a great record at the great Northern shows 1859-1861, but was not specially satisfactory as a sire. In fact, it has usually been claimed that the Shethin cattle were better before the Bates, Booth or Knightley bloods were introduced. The herd was' dispersed in 1863, at which time it aggre- gated 134 head, including sixteen Mysies, ten Love- lys and nine Waterloos, besides a lot of Claras, Rose- marys, etc. The event occurred "Wednesday, July 29, Mr. Strafford presiding. Messrs. Cruickshank bought the eleven-year-old red Mysie at 50 guineas, 540 A HISTOKY OP SHORT-HORN CATTLE Mysie 26th at 21 guineas, Princess Eoyal 5tli at 46 guineas and Lovely 8tli at 41 guineas. Mr. Marr of Uppermill bought Princess Royal 6th for 24 guineas. William Duthie bought a pair of Wanton heifers at 17 and 20 guineas. The Duke of Richmond made a number of purchases and one of the Waterloos was bought by Col. Pennant of Penrhyn Castle, Wales, at 51 guineas. The highest price was 64 guineas, given by Mr. Wilson of Brayton for the heifer Waterloo 21st. ^•'^I&vv, AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON. CHAPTER XIX AIMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON To Ketton, Kirklevington, Killerby and Aylesby Ave have now to add the name of Sittyton. Mr. Bates, the elder Booth and AVilliam Torr did not survive to witness the crowning show-yard and sale- ring triumphs of their favorites. Amos Cruick- shank, ' ' the herdsman of Aberdeenshire, ' ' more for- tunate in that respect than the great English breed- builders, lived to receive recognition both at home and abroad as one of the few great constructive breeders of Short-horn history. An inspiring story this of Sittyton. Not a legend of Aladdin and his lamp, but a plain, unvarnished tale of patient, per- sistent, unfaltering pursuit of an idea followed over all obstacles to the goal of final and complete success. Born in 1808 and reared in the County of Aber- deen, entering the ranks of the tenant-farmers of the district at the period of greatest activity and prog- ress in the development of the modern agriculture of the North ; engaging in the very thick of the fight for leadership in the work of evolving a type of cattle suited to the exacting requirements of his native heath; competing with a class of farmers probably unmatched in all the world in respect to the intelligence and skill with which they manage their lands and live stock; leaving- all beaten tracks 541 542 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE and marking out a distinctive policy of his own; loyally supported in bis task by bis enterprising brotber-partner, tbe life and work of Amos Cruick- sbank looms up above all contemporary effort in tbe Nortb of Scotland even as Ben Nevis dominates in majesty tbe mountain wilderness of tbe West. A new type sought. — Amos Cruicksbank was a man with a well-defined pui-pose. Firm as a rock in his convictions, steadfast to tbe end in maintaining bis views, he recognized no test of value in cattle save that of demonstrated ability to turn straw, tur- nips and "cake" into pounds, shillings and pence at a profit. Beauty was to bis severely practical eye but skin-deep at best. Of itself it paid no rent. He never allowed himself, therefore, in making bis selec- tions of breeding stock to lose his heart or head to any beast, be it ever so "bonny," if it had only graceful outlines or mere "sweetness" of character to recommend it. The Cruicksbank creed demanded first of all "a good middle." The signs of constitution and diges- tive capacity in cattle present their most visible manifestations in tbe body rather than in tbe ex- tremities. Vitality and feeding quality were with Amos Cruicksbank considerations paramount. A broad, full chest, wide back and deep ribs were bis all-in-all. Tbe head had attention only as it gave some token as to tbe vigor or probable capacity of tbe animal for feed-lot or reproductive purposes. The inimp carried cheap meat and was, in his view, AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 543 of wholly secondary importance. Level quarters and fine fronts lie fully appreciated, but if the ' ' middle ' ' was weak the fault with him was fatal. While not opposed to "finish," and fully sensible of the value of "style," he took the ground that, from the ten- ant-farmer's viewpoint, if other and more vital qual- ifications were wanting the Short-horn could not hope to withstand the ordeals of the climate of North Scotland or satisfy the close calculations of feeders who wrested their forage from an unwilling soil. As for pedigree he had originally imbibed some- thing of the same contempt felt by Rennie of Phan- tassie and Robertson of Ladykirk. When in quest of stock to suit his purpose his mind was an open book so far as the great rival strains of blood were concerned. The names of Bates, Booth, Towneley, or Torr moved him to no expression of mere senti- mental regard for the stock of the English leaders. He listened with comparative indifference to the story of the Duchesses and viewed with equanimity the rising reputation of Warlaby. Cool and calcu- lating, deliberate always, never carried off his feet by the currents of fashion that whirled round about the Short-horn breeders of his time, it was with him always and forever a question only of ' ' what is best for our country, our agriculture, our people?" And so he started out on the indifferent soil of Sittyton of Straloch to rear a class of cattle that should meet the Scottish want. Untrammeled by prejudice, un- moved by the gongs and cymbals of those who were 544 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE attracting the attention of the majority of his con- temporaries, this silent man of destiny, keeping his own counsel, reserved and retiring beyond all his col- leagues; honest, faithful, upright and inflexible in his service in behalf of Northern agriculture, pursued the even tenor of his way, often discouraged but never despairing, seeking in every nook and corner of the United Kingdom for material likely to aid in developing his herd ; testing first one blood and then another, until finally a blade was found that cut the Gordian knot for him and Scotland. While the Sittyton herd was progressing to its apotheosis it had the service of a succession of dis- tinguished sires and show bulls. It has been said that Mr. Cruickshank did not participate in the "wild hurrah" for "fashionable" blood, because of the proverbial Scottish prudence; that is to say because he was not enterprising enough to relax the partner- ship purse strings for the purpose of securing speci- mens of the prevailing popular sorts. This is alto- gether lacking in truth. For years the breeding farms and National show-yards of England, Scotland and Ireland were visited in quest of such material as approximated the Sittyton ideal. There was nothing niggardly in a policy that dictated the payment of $2,000 for individual bulls and nothing narrow in the plans that finally brought the herd to a total of over 300 head of registered cattle — the largest in all Britain. The brothers Cruickshank. — Amos and Anthony AMOS CEUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 545 Cruickshank, who were jointly interested in the breeding operations carried on at Sittyton, were born and reared on a farm near the little village of Inverurie, some fifteen miles northwest of the Aber- donian capital. Amos, retiring by nature and pre- ferring the peace and quiet of rural scenes to the bustle of shops and streets, devoted his attention wholly to agricultural pursuits. Anthony decided to engage in trade at Aberdeen, where he succeeded in establishing a good business and subsequently ac- quired local prominence in commercial and banking circles. He was a man of great energy and public spirit, and while the credit for the development of the Sittyton Short-horns must be rested primarily upon the sound judgment and practical sense of Amos, still it must not be forgotten that it was largely through the determination of Anthony that such vigorous and persistent efforts were made for so many years in the matter of foundation stock. It was in a little back room at Anthony Cruickshank 's place of business in the city of Aberdeen that the idea of the Eoyal Northern Show was first con- ceived. Barclay of Ury, Grant Duff and other kin- dred spirits were called in conference and the result of their deliberations was the establishment of that afterward useful agricultural show association. The Sittyton Short-horns were for a long series of years exhibited at the leading Scottish National and local shows, winning their way to great public favor and general patronage. 546 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Anthony with his commercial instincts was anxious to secure a reputation for the partnership herd. He favored all schemes looking toward the bringing of the Sittyton Short-horns prominently before the public. He served, therefore, as an efficient ' ' promoter. ' ' Amos soon developed a genius for practical cattle-breeding. Quick to detect faults he never allowed an unsatisfactory sire to remain long in the herd no matter at what cost a bull might have been placed in service. Philosophical always he remarked after having lost the $2,000 purchase, Master Butterfly 2d, shortly after his arrival at Sit- tyton: "It is the best thing that could have hap- pened, for he would only have done mischief in the herd. He hasn't died a day too soon." He was not the man to "enthuse" over any beast, no matter how great its reputation or its cost, unless he thought he could see some indications that it would prove useful in developing the type of cattle sought. The broth- ers therefore proved each useful to the other. To- gether they gave the world one of its greatest and most valuable herds.* Anthony Cruick shank died in 1879 at the age of *"The two brothers made an excellent combination, but in some ways were very unlike. Anthony was the keener, brighter, more intellectual spirit of the two. He had a fine rich voice and dark bright eyes, the sparkle of which denoted a high degree of intelligence. Amos was stouter built, of a quieter and more phlegmatic type. The one was always ready to converse : the other was of the silent sort. No inter- viewer or newspaper correspondent could make anything of Amos ; even the genial 'Druid' failed to draw him. Anthony would discuss the merits of an animal in detail, be it Short-horn or Clydesdale, and give a reason for the faith that was in him ; but it required almost a surgical operation to get anv deliverance on the subject from Amos. 'A good beast' or 'Not a good beast' was about all you might expect. Anthony attended to the herd-book entries, the advertising and cataloguing of the stock, and, I believe, named all the animals, but the practical man- AMOS CRUICKSHAN^K OF SITTYTON 547 sixty-six years. Amos lived to be eighty-seven years of age, passing from the scene of his long and useful life at Sittyton May 27, 1895, the herd having been closed out at private sale as an entirety in 1889. Like many other of the most noted Short-honi breed- ers of the century he never married. He was wedded only to the herd that received for such an extended period his most earnest thought and devoted atten- tion. A devout Quaker he carried into his daily life agement of the farms and herd devolved, of course, on his brother. In their numerous pui-chases of stock Anthony looked much to show-yard reputation and pedigree. Amos almost entirely to the personal appear- ance of the animal itself, and he had his own notions of what consti- tuted a good sort. 'I had often great battles,' he told me, 'with Anthony about the bulls we were to use. A vast deal of money was spent in the purchase of animals that did no good whatever.' Amos did not bother much with the herd book, and I am told could seldom be got to look at it. In this respect, 1 believe, he resembled Richard Booth, AVil- kinson of Lenton and many other noted breeders. His brother's object in a large measure was to make the undertaking a commercial success. He studied what would attract and please his customers. Amos, on the other hand, had the eye of a breeder and strove to get his animals of the type that pleased himself. He seemed to have an intuitive knowl- edge of what constituted a good beast and the development of that which is known as the Cruickshank type of Short-horn I believe to have been almost entirely due to Amos. "His success as a breeder was no doubt due to the patient, persever- ing nature of the man, his innate turn for the pursuit, and also, per- haps, in some degree to the fact that he was totally devoid of any senti- mental notions about 'blood' and pedigree. He looked at the animal squarely as it stood before him ; if it did not come up to his standard it mattered not what the pedigree was or who the breeder. I remember visiting him on one occasion shortly after the arrival of some cows from a distant herd, which had been taken in exchange for an equal number from Sittyton. They had splendid pedigrees of great length, with Roan Duchesses and I know not what, all running back to Fred- erick, Belvedere and many a far-famed sire, but they lacked the sub- stance, flesh and hair which Amos loved. As he pointed them out he could not conceal his dissatisfaction. Not one of them would please him. I ventured to remark that some of them looked to be milky, 'They may have some milk,' said he, gloomily, 'but that is about the only good thing about them.' Long experience and observation had made him a very thorough judge. For half a century he had watched over a herd of Short-horns which for many years was the largest in the kingdom, and which sent out animals that have made the fortunes of many other herds, not only in this country but in other lands. He en- joyed a long, healthy life, due partly to his good constitution and also to his regular, temperate habits. Notwithstanding his great age his mind remained wonderfully clear to the very last. He was a type of character rarely met with nowadays ; so free from all vanitv, affecta- tion and humbug, so unpretending, simple and true. As some one well said, 'There was only one Amos Cruickshank and he is gone.' " — T. F. Jamieson in London (Eng.) Livestock Journal. 548 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN" CATTLE tlie simple, upright, kindly teacliings of his faith. It is indeed not recorded that he ever spoke ill of any man. Given little to speech it was with difficulty that even his best friends could draw him out. The house in which he lived and died at Sittyton was a modest one, as befitted the character of its tenant. He was very fond of his shrubbery, vines and flow- ers, and here, far removed from "the madding crowd," he worked out in his own original way the great problem that confronted the cattle-growers of his time in the North of Scotland. The farm of Sittyton. — The farm upon which the Messrs. Cruickshank began their breeding operations is situated about twelve miles northwest of the gran- ite city of Aberdeen. From the roadway leading to this, the foremost nursery of Scotch-bred Short- horns, one may catch upon the east glimpses of the German Ocean and toward the west, when the air is clear, the outlines of the distant Grampians. It con- sists of about two hundred and sixty acres, consti- tuting a part of the estate known as Straloch. It has no natural advantages adapting it to successful cattle-breeding from the standpoint of those accus- tomed to the fertile and well-sheltered farms abound- ing everywhere in England and America. When Amos Cruickshank took possession in 1837, at the age of twenty-nine years, the land was in poor con- dition and stood greatly in need of buildings, as well as drainage, but he went to work with a will; the necessary improvements were provided and an im- AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 549 mediate start was made with Short-liorns. Some ten years later the herd had increased to proportions that made it necessary to take a lease of the neigh- boring farm of Clyne, rendering about five hundred acres of land available. This sufficed for a time, but the breeding oj^erations were carried forward on such an extensive scale that it was found desirable to increase the holding still further by leasing another adjacent tract of about one hundred and thirt}^ acres, known as Longside. Still their ambi- tion was unsatisfied, and in 1855 the brothers obtained control of the fine farm known as Mains of Udny, some five miles distant, bringing the total area under their control up to 900 acres. The herd attained a membership of more than three hundred head during the period of its greatest expansion, say between the years of 1860 and 1870, and a lease of the small tract known locally as Middleton gave them possession of fully 1,000 acres. About 1873 the lease of Longside terminated and a few years later that of Mains of Udny, necessitating a large reduction of the herd. In the latter years of Mr. Cruickshank's life he was tenant of about 600 acres, the herd numbering at the time the last complete catalogue was issued 120 head. General plan pursued. — Briefly stated, the methods of the Messrs. Cruickshank did not differ materially from those of the elder Booth. Bates pro- ceeded on the theory that a combination of certain bloods must necessarily produce the type he sought. 550 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOE N^ CATTLE Thomas Booth and Amos Cruickshank worked for type alone, utilizing at first any good material at- tracting their attention and finally ' ' fixing ' ' the de- sired conformation by resort to in-and-in breeding. In the purchase of the foundation cows and heifers for Sittyton choice was usually made of those that seemed to possess good constitutions and an aptitude to fatten. If milking qualities were shown that point was also prized at its full value. Cattle were drawn from widely separated sources, and while Mr. Cruickshank endeavored to adhere to one general ideal as closely as possible, he was unable to collect a cow herd which in point of uniform excellence would satisfy his aspirations. Realizing that the bull was the key to the situation, greater attention was bestowed upon the selection of sires than upon choice of females. Beginning with bulls bought from Capt. Barclay, no stone was left unturned for a quarter of a century to obtain for service at Sitty- ton stock bulls of the very highest order of merit. In the course of that time nearly every leading herd and every important show-yard in the Kingdom was visited in quest of sires of the desired type. In this search no attempt was made at confining selections to any particular line of blood. It was a question not of descent but of type. It was not until after 1860 tliat the policy of purchasing bulls for service was modified. Up to that time, notwithstanding the fact that a remark- able succession of noted bulls had seen service in AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 551 the herd,* that uniformity in essential characteris- tics which Mr. Crnickshank so earnestly desired had not been attained. When, therefore, the get of the home-bred bull Champion of England (17526) made their appearance the whole policy vras changed and a system of inbreeding begun. His stock approached closely the Sittyton idea of what a North of Scotland Short-horn ought to be, and for generations after- ward the best of his sons, grandsons and great- grandsons were kept in service. From that time forward improvement in the matter of uniformity was rapid. Latterly the stock bulls were all bred upon the farm: the size of the herd and the great variety of blood represented in it enabling Mr. Crnickshank to carry on his process of concentration for many years with little danger of deterioration. To undertake an enumeration of all the various purchases made for the herd would be a useless task. Sittyton was represented for a long series of years at every auction sale of any consequence in Great Britain, and many animals from many different herds and of various lines of breeding were bought. Some of these srave satisfaction and some did not. *McCombie in his interesting little volume on "Cattle and Cattle- Breeders" says : "Foremost among' eminent breeders of Short-horns in the North at the present time are the Messrs. Cruickshank, Sittyton. Their fame is European ; they own the largest lierds of Short-horns in the world. It is only necessary to name Fairfax Royal. Prince Edward Fairfax, Velvet Jacket, Matadore, Lord Sackville, The Baron by Baron "Warlaby, IMaster Butterfly 2d, John Bull, Lancaster, Comet, Lord Rag- lan, Ivanhoe, Lord Garlies. Malachite, "V^'indsor Augustus, Sir James the Rose and last, though not least. Forth, to show the distinguished position their herd has taken. Suffice it to say that no other breeder of Short-horns can claim having owned such an array of flrst-class bulls." 552 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN" CATTLE We need allude here only to such as left some Im- press on the herd. The first of the Violets. — It was in 1837 that Amos Cruickshank laid the foundation for the Sittyton Herd. In that year he made a pilgrimage to the South in quest of Short-horns, proceeding as far as the County of Durham, England, With character- istic caution he returned to the North with but a solitary heifer as the fruit of his travels. The fol- lowing year he again visited England and secured about a dozen heifers. These are said to have been bought from a Mr. George Williamson of North Lin- colnshire, and one of them. Moss Rose, became the maternal ancestress of a family afterward famous at Sittyton as the Violets. In 184.3 Moss Rose pro- duced to a service by the Ury bull Inkhorn a dark- roan heifer that was named Red Rose, that became the dam of the beautiful cow Carmine Rose, by Fair- fax Royal, which, bred to the bull Hudson (9228), dropped China Rose, whence came Roseate, by Mata- dore, the dam of the great roan Violet, by Lord Bathhurst (13173). Violet proved an extraordinary breeder and her name was given to the females trac- ing descent in their maternal line from her. She was the dam of the grand cow Village Rose, by Champion of England; the prize-winning Sweet Vio- let, by Lord Stanley, and Red Violet, by Allan, and of the roan stock bull Grand Monarque (21867), by Champion of England. Venus tribe. — This sort at Sittyton was originally AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 553 derived from a red heifer bought at a sale held by Mr. Eennie of Kinblethmont, Forfarshire, who was said to have been a brother of Rennie of Phantassie. This was in 1841. Venus was out of a cow called Dair5^naid, bred from the stock of Eobertson of Ladykirk. It is stated that the immediate descend- ants of Venus were "real good milkers, but rather rough and bare of flesh." Later on, however, they acquired the valuable general characteristics of the best Sittyton stock, those descending through Flora, by Fairfax Royal, and her granddaughter, Morning- Star by Champion of England, being perhaps the most highly prized. The bull Beeswing (12456), sold to Campbell of Kinellar, was a son of Flora. The Venus family was retained until the final disper- sion of the herd. The family of Mimulus. — A good Short-horn cow was bought in 1841 from the Rev. Robert Douglas of the parish of Ellon, not far from Sittyton. The minister was engaged in fanning and had the repu- tation of being a first-class judge. The cow in ques- tion had been bred by John Rennie of Phantassie from a Ladykirk foundation. At Sittyton she was bred to Inkhorn and produced the heifer Phantassie, which in turn left the heifer Maidstone, by Mata- dore. The latter to a service by Lord Raglan pro- duced Mistletoe, that was the dam of the extraordi- nary red cow Mimulus, by Champion of England. This cow was sold to Hon. John Dryden of Canada, after having produced at Sittyton the bull calf that 554 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE subsequently developed into the great bull Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), the sire of such bulls as Roan Gauntlet (35284), Barmpton (37763), Grand Vizier (34086) and Privy Seal (50168); and such cows as Custard, the dam of Cumberland, Souvenir, Silvia, Lavender 17th, Garnish and Violet Queen. In Canada Mimulus became the dam of the famous bull Barmpton Hero that did splendid service up to the age of fifteen years, contributing many thick- fleshed, compactly-fashioned cattle of the real Aber- deenshire type to various American breeding and show-yard herds. The family of Mimulus was never numerous at Sittyton and exerted its influence upon the herd mainly through Royal Duke of Gloster, Picotee and her progeny. — In 1841 a cow called Sunflower, descended from Phantassie and Lady- kirk blood, was bought from James Walker. She produced two heifers, one of which, Picotee, gave rise to a numerous and valuable family. Indeed Picotee herself at ten years of age was one of the first-prize pair of cows at Aberdeen in 1855. From her descended Joyful 2d, a first-prize heifer at the Royal Northern of 1862 ; the handsome red cow Flor- ence Nightingale, by The Baron; the great roan Village Belle and the red British Queen, both by Champion of England. The Matchless sort. — A heifer called Premium, sired by George (2057) and in calf to the Bates-bred Holker (4051), was bought from Grant Duff in 1841. To the Holker service she produced the heifer AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 555 Matchless, considered one of the best of her day in the herd and winner of first prize at a Highland Show at Dundee. She proved the first of a noted race of cows bearing her name, besides contributing through her daughter Kindly a. family of "K," of which Kindness and Kindred were early representa- tives. This tribe w^as closed out in the reduction of the herd in 1876. The Broadhooks.— Eliza, by White Bull (5643), a heifer that was an own sister to the celebrated Bu- chan Hero (3238), was bought from Hutcheson of Monyruy, and produced several good bulls besides founding an excellent family of cows known as the Broadhooks that disappeared from the herd about 1870. Eliza went back to the old Ladykirk stock. This Broadhooks tribe was the same as that con- tained in the herd of Lord Lovat at Beaufort, that produced the champion bull New Year's Gift (57796). Origin of the Lady tribe. — Always on the lookout for a good one, Mr. Cruickshank saw and admired at the Edinburgh Show of 1842 the two-year-old heifer Amelia, that had succeeded in getting into the prize-list not only at Edinburgh but at Berwick. From Amelia came one of the best of the earlier Cruickshank tribes, known as the ''Ladys. " Writ- ing of these a correspondent of the Banffshire Journal in 1864 said: "The most remarkable de- scendant of Amelia is Grand Lady, out of Lady Louisa and sired by Lord Sackville (13249). Grand 556 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE Lady is worthy of her name. She is a beautiful roan and the very perfection of symmetry." The Nonpareils. — A good red cow, called Nonpa- reil 3d, came into the herd in 1844 from the stock of Mr. Cartwright of Lincolnshire. She proved a fortunate investment and gave rise to the Sittyton Nonpareils that acquired much celebrity throughout the Northern Counties. Several of the family were disposed of at from 100 to 200 guineas each. Non- pareil 16th of this line was a first-prize heifer at Aberdeen in 1855. The demand for females of this sort was extensive. Many were parted with and some of the Nonpareils proved persistent bull breed- ers; hence it came about that much to the regret of the Messrs. Cruickshank the original line disap- peared from the herd about the year 1864. A few years later the cow Nonpareil 12th was bought at Mr. Cartwright 's dispersion sale, but as a breeder she did not prove as successful as the first purchase. Sittyton Butterflys. — Upon the occasion of the dis- persion of Capt. Barclay's herd at Ury in 1847 Messrs. Cruickshank improved the opportunity for making additions to their stock. The first bulls used at Sittyton were of Ury extraction, and a num- ber of females of Barclay breeding were now se- cured. Among these were Clara, by Mahomed, and Strawberry, by 2d Duke of Northumberland. Al- though it is stated that Strawberry was not so good an individual as Clara she produced at Sittyton the AMOS CKUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 557 famous bull Pro Bono Publico, that was sold to Lord Clancarty and after a noted career as a prize- taker in Ireland was shown with success at the Paris Exposition of 1856. Strawberry's daughter Bounty, by The Pacha, dropped the splendid cow Buttercup, by Eeport (10704), and she in turn pro- duced the stock bull Baronet (16614). From her also was derived a great set of cows known as the Butterflys, that proved prolific breeders of the right sort of stock. Indeed Buttercup was called one of the very finest cows ever seen at Sittyton. She was a red, with an exceptionally strong back and rib, and all of her immediate descendants were similarly distinguished. Butterfly 1st carried the Highland Society's first prize in 1856, and Butterfly 4th was first at the Eoyal Northern in 1862. The original Butterfly, by Matadore, was described as "a deep- ribbed rather high-standing red cow." She proved long-lived and produced many calves, among others two bulls that saw some service in the herd, to-wit. Lord Byron (24363) and Royal Forth (25022). But- terfly 9th of this family produced the red bull Bread- albane (28073), by Champion of England, that was used for a time by Mr. Cruickshank and imported into Canada in 1871 by H. Thompson. The Ury cow Clara, above mentioned, became the dam of the heifer Barcliana that produced the noted roan stock bull Lord Sackville (13249). Another one of the Barclay cows, Emily, left a number of descendants at Sittyton, one of which, Lucy, by The 558 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Baron, produced the bull Lord Chamberlain used in the herd in 1864, and also the bull Lord Lyons, bought by Mr. Marr of Uppermill at the sale of that year for 76 guineas. Orange Blossoms. — This tribe, which has to its credit the highest-priced Cruickshank cow ever sold in America; to-wit. Orange Blossom 18th at $3,500, descends from the roan cow Fancy, by Billy (3151), obtained in 1847 from Hutcheson of Monyruy. Fancy's dam, Jessie, had been purchased by Hutche- son from Rennie of Kinblethmont, going back to the old Ladykirk foundation. Fancy did so well at Sittyton that her daughter, Edith Fairfax, was also bought from Hutcheson in 1851. She was one of the two calves sired by the noted Sir Thomas Fair- fax (5196), that died at Hutcheson 's. From Edith Fairfax some splendid Short-horns were bred ^t Sittyton, among others Queen of Scotland, by Mata- dore, whose daughter. Queen of the South, was one of the greatest cows of her day in all Scotland. She was a roan of splendid flesh and substance, and as a yearling won first prize at the Royal Northern of 1862, besides the Formartine Society's medal as the best animal in the yard. From Queen of Scotland was also bred the original Orange Blossom, by Doc- tor Buckingham (14405), one of whose daughters, Orange Blossom 2d, became one of the acknowledged queens of the herd. From this family also came the roan Delight, dam of the bull Diphthong, first-prize winner at Aberdeen in 1862 and 1863 and challenge- AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 559 cup winner at the Royal Northern. From this sort, also, sprang one of the greatest of all the latter-day Scottish sires, William of Orange, so celebrated in the herd of Mr. Marr of Uppermill. Admah, Kilmeny 3d, ajid Eliza by Brutus.— Cows introduced into the herd in the early "fifties" that had descendants upon the farm for many years were Admah, by Fitz Adolphus Fairfax; Kilmeny 3d, by Eobin o' Day, and Eliza, by Brutus. The first- named came from Hutcheson and was out of a cow^ by Richard Booth's Fitz Leonard that had been on hire two seasons at Monyruy. Her grandam had been bought from Rennie of Kinblethmont. From Admah came Aroma, by Matadore, whose daughter Oakleaf, by The Baron, produced the bull Royal Oak (22792), by Champion of England, that saw some service at Sittyton. Kilmeny 3d came from Grant Duff's, and her descendants were maintained in the herd for some years. Eliza, by Brutus, a red cow bought from Mr. Cochrane of Glasgow Forest, ac- quired distinction as the dam of Emily, by Lord Sackville, that produced the stock bull Caesar Au- gustus (25704). Eliza was descended from the stock of Ben Wilson of Bra with. Clipper tribe. — By the year 1852 the number of females a.t Sittyton exceeded 100 head, but still the quest for good material went on. During that year there was bought from Mr. Boswell of Kingcausie, near Aberdeen, two cows that exerted, perhaps, a greater influence upon the fortunes of the herd than 560 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE any other. These were Verdant and Clipper. The first named became the grandam of the celebrated Champion of England and will be referred to further on in connection with the appearance of that epoch- making sire. Clipper, by the Barclay bull Billy (3151), was a light-roan cow, not very large, "slightly hollow in the back, but very fleshy and of great substance." She was seven years old when she came to Sittyton, and was descended from a sort that had been in Mr. Boswell's hands for several generations, tracing her maternal descent from the Chilton herd of Mr, Ma- son. It is worthy of note that she continued to breed until fifteen years of age and produced her best heifer, Cressida, by John Bull (11618), in her four- teenth year. To tlie cover of The Czar (20947) Cres- sida produced the good red-and-white cow Carmine, whose daughters by Champion of England — Princess Royal and Carmine Eose — proved mines of bovine wealth. Indeed this pair did much toward convin- cing Mr. Cruickshank that in Champion of England he had found the sire he long had sought. Jamieson of Ellon tells us that in her day Carmine Rose was considered the best combination of beef and milk in the entire herd; that "her bag would have excited the cupidity of a London dairyman," and of the same extraordinary pattern was her daughter Cochi- neal, which, bred to Princess Royal's great son Roan Gauntlet (35284), produced the massive Cayhurst (47560), used by Mr. Duthie, sold to Mr. Jamieson, AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 561 and eventually passing to Mr. Sutton-Neltliorpe of Lincolnshire. Princess Eoyal is said to have been a grand, big roan, but not so great a dairy cow as her sister Car- mine Rose. As a breeder her influence in the herd was felt for generations. She became the dam of the four fine cows Custard, Claret, Crocus and Chrysan- themum, besides giving birth to the renowned Roan Gauntlet, one of the most famous of all Sittyton sires. Custard was a heifer of rare beauty from the beginning, neat, but not large, and produced the two bulls Cumberland (46144) and Commodore (54138). She was specially strong in her hind quar- ters, a characteristic that was inherited by Cumber- land, a bull that was extensively used by Mr. Cruick- shank in his later years. Commodore grew into a bull that was the admiration of his time, but unfor- tunately after having been used for a short period of great success he died at sea en route for South America. Claret carried the size and substance of her mother, but produced only two calves, one of which was the fine sire Clear-the-Way (47604), used at Cairnbrogie and by Bruce of Inverquhomery. The table-backed white Chrysanthemum, that became the property of Mr. William Duthie of Collynie on the final sale of the herd, was the dam of the massive bull Chamberlain (60461), that passed into the pos- session of Mr. Philo L. Mills of Rudington Hall. All in all it is doubtful if Sittyton ever produced a 562 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE greater breeding cow than Princess Royal. From this same Clipper foundation came Mr. Duthie's prize bull Pride of Morning (64546). The Victorias. — The first of this Mason-bred tribe to enter the Cruickshank herd was Victoria 19th, by Lord John (11731), that was bid off by Anthony Cruickshank at the sale of Mr. Holmes of West- meath, Ireland. Although full of the best English blood she lacked the substance which Mr. Amos Cruickshank had invariably insisted upon. On her arrival in Scotland she was sent to Mr. Hay's at Shethin to be bulled by the Booth-bred Ked Knight (11976), and to this service produced the twin heif- ers Victoria 29tli and 30th. It is said that the former "had weak loins and was not good; the latter much better, but left no female stock." The dam was called delicate and the sort showed no special merit at Sittyton until crossed with Champion of England. That great sire seemed to bring them out. Victoria 39th, by that bull, was a good one and bred on to old age. Her heifer Victoria 41st, by Lord Privy Seal, was of the right stamp and a good breeder, producing the thick Victoria 57tli and the good stock bull Ventriloquist (44180). The family improved with age under Mr. Cruickshank 's skillful crossing, and Victoria 48tli, by Lord Lancaster, a cow of marked merit, produced Royal Victor (43792), that became the sire of Gravesend (46461). Of this tribe also was the bull Vermont (47193), that did good service in the herd of Mr. Campbell of AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 563 Kinellar, and Deane Willis' 500-guinea prize bull Count Victor (66877).* The Sittyton Victorias imported to America have proved among the most valuable Scotch-bred Short- horns that ever crossed the Atlantic. The first to come out was the roan Victoria 51st, by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), imported by Mr. Davis Lowman of Toulon, 111., in 1876. From this cow some of the veiy best Cruickshank cattle ever seen in Western show-yards and breeding herds have descended. Probably the greatest success, however, ever scored by the tribe in North America was through the ex- traordinary record of imp. Baron Victor (45944), a son of Victoria 58th, as a bull-getter in the fine herd of Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan. The Lancasters. — Three capital cows were bought at the sale from the fine old herd of Wilkinson of Lenton in 1854 — Lancaster 16tli, Pomp and Roman 9th. Lancaster 16th produced the good bull Lord Bathurst (13173), that was sold from the herd be- fore his value was realized. She was one of the first-prize pair of cows at the Royal Northern of ♦Although the Victorias had a pedigree running back to "the beauti- ful Lady Maynard" of Charles Colling's herd the original females of this family at Sittyton were not well liked by Amos Cruickshank. The old Scot's Boswell, Mr. Jamieson, says: "I remember passing through the byres at Sittyton one day many years ago when we came upon a roan cow. 'This,' said ]Mr. Cruickshank, 'is a Victoria ; my brother thinks a great deal of them.' With characteristic reticence he said nothing as to his own opinion, bvit I gatliered from the tone that it was not quite so favorable. It was not until their constitution had been renovated by one or two crosses of Champion of England blood that any bulls of the tribe were kept for service in the herd." Latterly, however, the original defects were quite bred out and the substance, flesh and feeding quality for which Sittyton finally became so famous was impressed upon the Victorias in common with the other leading Cruickshank tribes. 564 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORISr CATTLE 1856 and for one of her descendants, the handsome Lancaster 25th, Mr. Barclay of Keavil gave 150 guineas. She proved in calf at the time to Mr. Cruickshank's Lord Raglan (13244), and in April, 1862, gave birth to three heifer calves, two of which, Anne and Mary of Lancaster, won prizes at Kelso as yearlings. The latter subsequently became the dam of imp. Baron Booth of Lancaster 7535, whose remarkable influence in America in the herd of Hon. J. H. Pickrell has already been commented upon in these pages. Mr. Cruickshank had one weakness. He would occasionally put his best cattle in price to wealthy patrons. Tempting offers induced him to part with the best of these three Wilkinson cows — Roman 9th. The Lancasters also got away from him, so that after a few years he had nothing left from his judicious Lenton purchase. The Brawith Buds. — This celebrated Cruickshank family comes from the cow Pure Gold, descended from the famous Brawith Bud already mentioned in connection with the operations of Mr. Grant Duff of Eden. Pure Gold cost Messrs. Cruickshank 90 guineas at five years old at the Eden sale of 1854. Old Brawith Bud had cost 160 guineas in 1841 and produced calves until eighteen years of age, during all that period maintaining perfect health. Amos Cruickshank considered her one of the most remark- able cows he had ever seen. Pure Gold was often exhibited, and carried home to Sittyton many first prizes from Aberdeen. Like her maternal ancestress AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON^ 565 she lived to a good old age, in fact, was the senior matron of the herd for many years. Pure Gold's daughter Golden Days, a great milker and grand breeder, sustained the reputation of her family for longevity. She gave to the herd the three fine bulls Golden Rule, by Champion of England; the prize bull Pride of the Isles, by Scotland's Pride, and Lord of the Isles, by same sire. Pride of the Isles was chief stock bull at Sittyton for a number of years, leaving a most valuable progeny, including such bulls as Cumberland (46144), Athabasca (47359) and Shapinshay (45581). Lord of the Isles was sold to Bruce of Inverquhomery, but was after- ward bought back because of the great service ren- dered by his brother. One daughter of Golden Days, named Golden Morn, was bought by Mr. Jamieson of Ellon and in his hands developed into an excellent breeder. She was quite a dairy cow. Another heifer from Golden Days retained by Mr. Cruickshank was Golden Year. True to the traditions of her tribe she rounded out a long life of usefulness in the herd. Among the most famous of the Brawith Bud cows may be mentioned Gilliver, Garnish, Godiva and Glowworm; the line that gave rise to Roan Robin (57992), Gondomar (55821), Gondolier (52950), Wanderer (60138) and other noted sires. It is stated that the original Brawith Bud cows at Sittyton, while presenting a satisfactory broad- side view, were somewhat lacking in spread of rib, which characteristic was not whollv corrected until 566 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the days of Champion of England. That they pos- sessed remarkable constitutions, however, is clearly apparent. They were developed into great flesh-car- riers as well as good milkers and did much toward establishing the name and fame of Sittyton. Duchesses of Gloster. — This sort, like the Victo- rias, owed its excellence at Sittyton to the skill and judgment of Amos Cruickshank. Although, like the Victorias, they were descended originally from a very celebrated English cow; yet the female that brought the blood of Magdalena, by Comet — the only cow that Charles Colling reserved at the time of the Ketton dispersion — to the Cruickshank herd was not herself an animal of special superiority. The blood was acquired by purchase of a cow called Chance, by Duke of Gloster (11382), bred by Earl Ducie and bought in 1855 from a Mr. Robinson of Burton-on- Trent, who had obtained her from Tortworth. She is said to have been somewhat wanting in constitu- tion and her first heifers produced only two or three calves each. Her descendants were named Duch- esses of Gloster, and the first good one of the line is said to have been the 7th Duchess, sired by Lord Raglan. She had five calves by Champion of Eng-, land that measured well up to Mr. Cruickshank 's standard. In fact, the Lord Raglan Duchesses of Glosters seemed to "nick" particularly well with the Champion. It was this blending of blood that produced the very handsome and thoroughly satis- factory breeding bull Grand Duke of Gloster AMOS CKUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTOX 567 (26288). This bull perhaps resembled Champion of England more than any other of his sons; unfortu- nately, however, he broke a leg as the result of an accident at two years old, leaving but few calves, all of which were of pronounced merit. Among them was Eoyal Duke of Gloster (29864), that was not only a bull of superb individual merit, but proved one of the most valuable sires ever used in the herd. Mr. Cruickshank always considered that his loss of Grand Duke of Gloster was almost irreparable. The Duchess of Gloster w^as not largely repre- sented in the herd toward the last, but at different times has thrown some of the most perfect speci- mens of the real Cruickshank type. The Secrets. — Another one of Anthony Cruick- shank 's purchases was the cow Sympathy, bought at Mr. Tanqueray's sale at Hendon, along with the bull The Baron (13833), in 1855. She represented the Bates line of breeding and was got by the Duchess bull Duke of Athol (10150). She w^asin calf to The Baron at the time of purchase and produced to that service the heifer Sunrise. Sympathy aftei^ward produced two heifers. Splendor and Splendid, by Lord Sackville (13249). While Sympathy and Sun- rise were rather deficient in substance the Lord Sackville heifers were full of it. Mr. Cruickshank retained at Sittyton only the descendants of this robust pair. The sort proved prolific and consti- tuted quite a feature of the herd up to the very last. Probably one of the best of the Secret cows was 568 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Surname, dam of the successful Collynie stock bull Scottish Archer (59833). None of the Secret bulls were used at Sittyton. The Cicely sort. — In 1860 there was bought from Mr. Morrison of Bognie an evenly-built, low-legged, level-fleshed red cow, with white marks, called Cro- cus, sired by Jemmy (11611). She was bred to Lan- caster Royal (18167), of the Wilkinson Lancaster sort, and produced the heifer Cicely, that became the ancestress of some of the grandest cows Mr. Cruickshank ever bred, including Courtesy by Scot- land 's Pride, Champion by Roan Gauntlet, Circassia by Champion of England, Cornucopia by Grand Vizier and Corolla by Feudal Chief. Those who were familiar with the herd in its prime have al- ways asserted that Courtesy and Campion were among the greatest cows ever produced upon the farm, possessing splendid substance and great scale. Mr. Deane Willis' fine show heifer Cactus is of Cicely descent. The Cicely s trace on the dam's side to the cow Premium, by George (2057), that was bought by Mr. Cruickshank from Grant Duff in 1841; so that they are of kindred origin with the Matchless sort already mentioned. Avalanche. — Contemporary with Crocus was the cow Avalanche, bought as a yearling at the sale of Mr. Dudding of Panton in 1860. She was a roan, sired by the closely-bred Booth bull Sir Samuel, and, although not particularly strong as an indi- AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 569 vidual, she left a lieifer in the herd, Anemone, by the prize bull Forth (17866), that was fruitful of good results. Bred to the Champion of England bull Caesar Augustus (25704), Anemone produced Aza- lea, the mother of the great Field Marshal (47870)— undoubtedly the grandest of all the latter-day Cruick- shank bulls. She was also the dam of the good sire Athabasca (47359), used with success by Mr. Marr at Uppermill. Alma, a granddaughter of Anemone, was one of the best cows produced by the Avalanche tribe; acquiring considerable renown in the herd of Mr. Mitchell. No bulls of this tribe were tried by Mr. Cruickshank. Violette. — A rather plain-looking cow of this name, that produced valuable stock w^hen crossed with Cruickshank bulls, was bought in 1860 at the sale of her breeder, Mr. Morrison of Montcoffer. Mated with Champion of England she gave birth to three capital daughters, known as Violante, Finella and Victorine. To Grand Monarque she produced Vellum. Violante was a noble cow and bred until fifteen years of age. Vellum produced the bull Privy Seal (50268), that proved useful in the herd of Bruce of Inverquhomeiy. These daughters of Violette were among the best cows of their time at Sittyton. The Lovelys. — As already stated in our references to Mr. Hay of Shethin this Sittyton sort was derived from the two good cows Lovely 6th and Lovely 8th, bought at the Shethin sale of 1863. The family came originally from the beautiful cow Marion, by An- 570 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE thony (1640), that had been bought in England from Mr, Lovell of Edgcott. Bred to Grand Monarque (21867) Lovely 8th gave the Messrs. Cruickshank one of the bulls that made their reputation — Scot- land's Pride (25100). She also left the handsome cow Lovely 9th, which, bred to Champion of Eng- land, produced Lord Lancaster (26666), also used in the herd. The Lovelys were prime favorites with Mr. Cruickshank, and he also put in service the bull Lord Landsdowne (29128), a grandson of Lovely 6th. Barmpton Roses. — The Sittyton branch of this re- nowned English show-yard tribe descended from Butterfly's Pride obtained from Col. Towneley in 1864. She was sired by the champion show bull Eoyal Butterfly (16862), and at the time of her pur- chase was in calf to the Bates Duchess bull 2d Duke of Wharf dale (19649). The produce was a heifer, Butterfly's Joy, that was scarcely up to the family standard. The astonishing success of Towneley 's great herd manager, Joseph Culshaw, with the Barmpton Roses in the great show-yards of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland, as well as at the Paris Exposition of 1856, seemed to have been due largely to the successful "nick" of Booth blood, and that of the bull Frederick (11489), with the Barmpton Rose base.* At any rate the Bates cross, as repre- *The author regrets that Towneley has not that close identification with American Short-horn breeding- operations wliich has made it necessary to discuss at sucli lengtli various other British herds. Those who write specially for English readers certainly have in Culshaw a character unique in Short-horn history, and in his beauteous Butter- AMOS CKUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 571 sented by Butterfly's Joy at Sittyton, did not seem to produce equal results; but a dash of the blood of the great North-country show bull Forth, through his son Allan (21172), seemed to bring back much of the beauty of the sort as displayed at Towneley. Bred to the bull last named Butterfly's Joy produced flys and regal Roan Duchesses an inspiration that should tempt the dullest pen to flights rhetorical. While the subject is of only collateral interest to America the Short-horn breeding world claims the name and fame of Towneley as a part of the common heritage. A few of the main facts relating to the herd may therefore be here recorded. The West of England, like the North of Scotland, developed some great herdsmen. There is notliing like having to overcome obstacles to build up mental power. Tlie County of Lancaster is noted for its manufacturing lather tlian for its agricultural interests. It has within its borders tliose great emporiums of trade tlie cities of Liverpool and Manchester. Col. Towneley's home fai-m adjoined Burnley, one of the smaller, but none the less busy, Lancastrian centers of industry. The soil was cold and sour. Grain rarely ripened and roots gave up in disgust. The land was impervious to drainage on account of its stiff clay subsoil ; moreover it was encroached upon by the Burnley fac- tories and shops, and the smoke and gases from the furnaces de- stroyed much of the vegetation. Science could avail little against such conditions so far as farming operations were concerned. Nevertheless a Short-horn herd, probably the peer of any that has ever existed else- where, was here developed. Not many leagues to the north was Hol- ker Hall, where the Duke of Devonshire also scored a brilliant success. It is worthy of note, however, that Culshaw came before the birth of the Butterflys and that Drewry preceded the Grand Duchesses of Oxford. It was in 1848 that Col. Towneley got through that rare judge Mr. Eastwood of Whitewell, in the Valley of the Hodder, the twenty head of cattle that brought him fame imperishable. At the sale of Henry Watson Eastwood had bought the fine cow Buttercup, "a sort of yel- low-red, and like Hubback in her flecks," a daughter of the celebrated Barmpton Rose. The latter was bred by Mr. AValdy of Barmpton, near Darlington. She was full of Robert CoUing's old Red Rose blood, and was a heavy-bodied, broad-ribbed, deep-milking strawberry roan. "He whome the gods call Culshaw, And men on earth call 'Joe,' " was under "Tom" Mason at Sir Charles Tempest's when Barmpton Rose was brought from the Walkeringham sale to Broughton Hall, and her buxom beauty made a deep impression upon the "future great" trainer and breeder. When a mere lad Culshaw betrayed an irrepressible en- thusiasm for the "red, white and roans." Upon one occasion he was sent with a cow that was to be bred to a bull at Whitaker's, and the brightness of the boy and his interest in the cattle so attracted the attention of the proprietor that he personally showed the youthful am- bassador through the Greenholme Herd in detail. That was indeed a great day for "little Joe." Would that all of those who have such op- portunities would evince the same disposition to encourage young men who manifest a love for good cattle ! Col. Towneley was a man of great wealth and many acres and en- gaged Eastwood as his general manager. The latter was fond of Kil- lerby and its Short-horns, and after buying Buttercup hired from John Booth the bull Jeweler (10354), son of Necklace, "a short bull with a 572 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOKN CATTLE the good cow Barmpton Flower, wliicli, mated with Royal Duke of Gloster gave Mr. Cruickshank the excellent stock bull Barmpton (37763), famous throughout America as the sire of imp. Baron Vic- tor, the bull that fairly made the herd of Col. W. A. Harris of Linwood. An own sister to Barmpton bad head and a light neck, but with capital sides and quality." But- tercup, served by this bull and weak from an attack of "foot-and- mouth," and her half-sister Bessie, another daughter of Barmpton Rose, in calf to Lax's Duke (9032), were included in the lot that went to Towneley in 1818. The former dropped butterfly and the latter the great stock bull Frederick (11489) — the pair from whence came those show-yard monarchs Master Butterfly (13311) and Royal Butterfly (16862). After having served a long apprenticeship under Mason at Sir Charles Tempest's Culshaw was hired by CoL Towneley in 1849. He had been with Mr. Ambler, the breeder of the celebrated Grand Turk (12969), for the previous eighteen months, and while there had taken Senator to the Royal and defeated Mr. Bates' 2d and 3d Dukes of Ox- ford. Jeweler went with the Eastwood cows to Towneley, and soon afterwai'd tlie Booth-bred Lord George (10439) — son of Birthday and sire of 2d Duke of Atliol in tlie Airdi-ie Ducliess pedigree — followed. The opportunity that Culshaw had so long desired was now pre- sented : He had under his control at Towneley a rare good lot of cows selected by ]Mr. Eastwood and Mr. Strafford. He was keen to try conclusions with the best breeders and fitters of the realm at a time when show-yard enthusiasm had been fanned into a fierce flame largely through the triumphs of the Booths. With the active sympathy and support of his employers Culsliaw charged tlie entire line of oppo- sition with one of the most admirably brouglit out collections of Short- horns the world has ever seen. Butterfly herself opened the ball, and with her rich loins, beautiful bosom and wonderful quality walked through the show-rings of her time almost without defeat. She had six living calves, and after her frame was bent with age produced Royal Butterfly that was seen as late as in his thirteenth year at the National Show at Manchester. He was a noble, thick-fle.shed roan with wonderful thighs. It was in 1853 that Butterfly gave birth to the world-famous roan Master Butterfly. After winning firsts and championships over all Britain, and heading the great Gold Medal herd shown at the Paris Exposition of 1856, he was sold at the then extraordinaiy price of 1,200 guineas for export to Australia. Beauty's Butterfiy was one of the most noted of the winners and after gaining Royal honors, won at the London Smithfleld Fat-Stock Show, and re- turned to fresh triumphs in the breeding rings the following year, earning for Culshaw a characteristic recognition from Punch in verse under the heading "Joe's Lament." Space will not admit of our record- ing here even the names, much less the winnings, of the Towneley cattle. From the year 1850 to 1864 they were constantly seen at the leading exhibitions of England, Scotland and Ireland, winning upward of $10,000 in cash besides twenty-two challenge cups. Culshaw was not only the prince of all "trainers" of his time, but had most extraordi- nary success in holding his show cows to their work as breeders. Richard Gibson, who knew him well, submits the following tribute : "Mr. Culshaw was one whose name will be identified with Short-horns long after many of his contemporaries are forgotten. Of a quiet, un- AMOS CRUICKSHA>rK OF SITTYTON 573 Flower, known as Butterfly's Delight, produced the bull Barmpton Prince (32995), by Viceroy, that was chosen for service in the herd. He had to be sent to the butcher, however, at an early age as the result of a broken leg, and left but few calves, all of ex- cellent character. Mr. Cruickshank earnestly de- sired to introduce the Barmpton Eose blood into his herd, and used another bull from Butterfly's Joy, known as Ben Wyvis (30528). obtrusive temperament, still he had a forceful manner ; his word was trusted, but in his strong provincial dialect he had more power with which to express himself than had he been loaded to the muzzle with Latin and Greek. Of him it is said that his equal had never been who could keep on showing successfully and have his show cattle breed regularly and keep on producing winners. He graduated from a good school, his father being employed at Sir C. Tempest's, and under Tom Mason he and his half-brother, George Moore (still at Holker), made for themselves reputations that will be ever green. Moreover, from the same school was sent forth James Knowles, whose name was so intimatelv connected with the herds of Lord Ducie and of Col. Gunter." A second herd was begun by Col. Towneley shortly after the disper- sion of the original stock in 1864. Some of the Butterfly cows were bought back, but Bates blood predominated. Royal Butterfly had been reserved at the closing-out sale at an upset price of 1,200 guineas. The Bates-bred Baron Oxford, however, was the principal sire used in the second herd. Some Oxford females were also added. The show-yards were again invaded and daughters of Baron Oxford were winners at the Manchester, Oxford and Cardiff Royals from 1869 to 1872. The second herd was closed out in 1873 at high prices, as noted in a pre- vious chapter. Col. Towneley received some great prices for his pets at private treaty. Douglas of Athelstaneford gave 500 guineas for Ringlet, that became the dam of his 500-guinea Queen of Athelstane. For Freder- ica and Lalla Rookh Mr. Thorne paid 700 guineas. The former had been the first-prize yearling at the Lewes Royal, but was accidentally killed at sea. The great Towneley sale of fifty-six head, of which twenty-eight were Barmpton Roses, proved one of the most memo- rable "in English Short-horn history. A company of not less than 3,000 persons assembled and competition for the best lots was active be- tween the best breeders of the Kingdom. Royal Butterfly's Duchess fetched £.500 and the bull Royal Butterfly 11th £400 from the agent of Sir William Sterling Maxwell for his Scottish herd at Keir to take the place of Forth that had been sold to Messrs. Cruickshank. The general average of the sale was £128. The Towneley Butterflys were specially distinguished for their fine style, finish, quality and long, level quarters. While somewhat on the upstanding order, they were of a substantial mold, possessing gay car- riage and stepped like "hunters." All hands at Towneley were fond of a good horse. Kettledrum, a Derby winner, and the "king bull" of his day, Royal Butterfly, were in the "Towneley stables at the same date. Eastwood and Culshaw owned Butteifly, winner of The Oaks and other races, adding to the herds- man's bank account not less than $10,000. "Joe" had named the filly "after 'tauld coo." 574 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE The Spicys. — There was bought from Mr. Milne of Kinaldie, Aberdeenshire, in 1868, a cow known as Spicy 4th. She was a daughter of a cow that had been brought from the herd of Mr. Harvey Combe of Cobham Park, Surrey, Eng., who had obtained the family originally from the Earl of Carlisle. Spicy, by Marmaduke (14897), the cow taken from Surrey to Aberdeen by Mr. Milne, had the reputation of being an extra good one. At Sittyton her daughter Spicy 4th, bred to Champion of England, gave birth to the fine cow Silvery, the ancestress of an excel- lent, although not numerous, family. To this source the bulls Strongbow (52230) and Sea King (61769) traced their maternal origin. Strongbow was used two seasons by Mr. Cruickshank, and one of his get — the bull Norseman (56233) — entered the herd of Her Majesty Queen Victoria at Windsor. Of this same sort also was the roan Spicy Robin (69638), the pick of the Deane AVillis bulls of 1895 and sold at twelve months old for 250 guineas. The Lavenders. — Mr. Cruickshank always regret- ted having parted with the Wilkinson cows previ- ously mentioned in our references to the Lancaster family, and he made repeated efforts to recover some of the original Lenton blood, for which ho had the highest respect. Some difficulty was met with, how- ever, in again acquiring satisfactory representatives of that noted Nottingham herd. A few of the Hebes were finally obtained from Messrs. Budding of Pan- ton, but they proved unsatisfactory and were soon AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 575 disposed of. From a Mr. Harris of Worcestershire a Lenton Lady and a Lancaster were then obtained, but they also proved disappointing. It was not until 1870 that the original Lenton threads were gathered up successfully. Li that year some Lavenders were obtained from Mr. Butler of Badminton, who had purchased the matron of the family in his hands from a Mr. Logan of Newport, Ireland, who had got the blood direct from Wilkinson. Mr. Cruickshank bought these Butler cows solely on account of their Lenton origin, in spite of the fact that the inter- vening crosses had materially modified the original type. At first they did not promise the desired re- sults, but after being subjected to several infusions of Sittyton blood they began to justify his faith. It is stated that Lavender 16th, by Lord Lands- downe, and Lavender 17th, by Royal Duke of Glos- ter, and their descendants were much the best of the tribe. Lavender 17th was considered the best heifer of her year in the herd and matured into one of the great cows of her time. Lavender 16tli pos- sessed great scale and produced many calves, among others the bull Feudal Chief (51251), used in the herd at the very close of its career. Some of the best Cruickshank females we have had in America were of this Lavender family, and it has to its credit in recent years in England the production of Mr. Deane Willis' Eoyal prize-winning bull Count Lav- ender (60545). First Sittyton bulls. — The first Sittyton sires came 576 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE from Barclay of Ury. While the foundations were being laid cows and heifers were in many cases sent to be bred to bulls on neighboring farms. Notably that of James Walker of Wester Fintray, afterward well known in the Aberdeen-Angus trade. Walker liked a good Short-horn, and among the Webster Fintray bulls patronized by Mr. Cruickshank were General Picton (3876) and Sovereign (7539). The first Barclay bull purchased was the white Inkhorn (6091), whose name was derived from the farm from whence he came. Barclay, like Robertson and Ren- nie in the South, had been somewhat indifferent to herd book registration. Inkhorn traced on his dam 's side to the best English foundations, as set forth in the herd book, but his sire is not given. The bull calves Chancellor (5850) and Premier (6308), both bred by Capt. Barclay and both by Mahomed (6170), were next purchased. Premier, out of the cow Mary Anne by Sillery, was retained, and Chancellor sold to Mr. Bruce of Heatherwick. The latter, however, turned out to be the better bull. Then came Con- queror (6884), bought as an aged bull. He was also of Ury blood and by Mahomed. Fairfax Royal (6987).— The first of the long line of distinguished bulls used at Sittyton was Fairfax Royal (6987), a rich dark roan, bred by William Torr. He was bought in 1845 as a two-year-old for 150 guineas at a sale made by Mr. Watson of Walk- eringham, who had given 100 guineas for him as a calf. According to all the accounts that have been AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTOX 577 handed down concerning the earlier Sittyton stock, and judging by the illustration in Vol. VI Coates' Herd Book, Fairfax Royal was a bull of outstanding merit, full of substance, flesh and hair. He was sired by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249) out of Fair Eosa- mond, and was a prime favorite with Amos Cruick- shank. He was a first-prize bull at Aberdeen in 1847, and in the opinion of those who knew the best of the North Scottish bulls, ranked with the famous Forth as one of the best bulls ever owned in Aber- deenshire. Jamieson states that his heifers had this peculiarity that many of them would not breed until three years old, but when once started bred regu- larly and well. Several, however, were sold fat to the butcher before this was discovered. The same authority says: "I remember having seen the cow Carmine Rose, by Fairfax Royal, whose name ap- pears in the pedigree of the Violet family. She was a grand beast, very fat and had been put to the plow for awhile to get her to breed." Hudson (9228), Report (10704) and Velvet Jacket (10998).— At the English Royal Show of 1848 the first-prize bull in the class for yearlings was Hudson (9228), bred by W. Linton of Sheriff ^Hutton, York- shire. Being in need of a bull Amos Cruickshank went to see him and although not particularly im- pressed bought him — it is stated because he could not suit himself better at the time — for use at Sitty- ton. Hudson was a yellow-red, somewhat lacking in scale, but possessed of exceptional quality, and 578 A HISTOKY OF SHOBT-HOKN CATTLE won second at a Royal Northern Show. He was kept in service two years and two of his daughters, both possessing his golden skin and quality, were retained for breeding purposes. One of these was China Rose out of the Violet cow Carmine Rose previously men- tioned. Resort was next had to the herd of S. Wiley of Brandsby, from whom was hired the roan bull Re- port (10704), described as "neat and compact, but smallish; and chiefly remembered as the sire of a re- markably fine cow. Buttercup, which had both sub- stance and style in an unusual degree." Fair suc- cess seems to have attended the use of the Wiley bull. The roan Velvet Jacket (10998), bred by Mr. Un- thank, was bought in 1850 from Douglas of Athel- staneford, whose East Lothian herd had leaped into fame as a result of some remarkable show-yard victories. Bred to Rose of Autumn, one of the great- est of the Douglas cows. Velvet Jacket sired the celebrated Rose of Summer. Before she was devel- oped, however, Amos Cruickshank offered Douglas £50 for the bull, which was accepted and he went to Sittyton. It is said that "Amos considered him a good-looking beast, but happening soon after to see his dam he thought her so very bad that he sold Velvet Jacket at the first opportunity." What few calves he sired while in the herd made no special mark. He was winner of first prizes at the High- lands, Royal Northern and Royal Dublin Shows. AMOS CKUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTOX 579 Matadore (11800). — None of the earlier Sittyton sires proved of more practical worth than the dark- roan Matadore (11800). At the time he was intro- duced into the herd the females numbered about 120 head. This was in 1853. Matadore was bred by Mr. "W. Smith of West Rasen, Lincolnshire, Eng., and was an own brother in blood to one of the most valu- able cows ever imported into America; to-wit, the red-roan Mazurka for which Mr. Alexander paid $3,050. Both were out of the fine cow Moselle, by Baron of Ravensworth (7811); and both were sired by Booth bulls — Mazurka, by Harbinger (10297), and Matadore, by Hopewell (10332). Mr. Cruick- shank purchased from Mr. Smith at the same time another son of Hopewell, called Bushranger (11228), and thought the latter rather the better of the two. He practically failed to breed, however, and was soon turned off. Matadore is said to have been a bull of fine qual- ity, with a capital skin and hair and strong in the loin; his fault being some little lack of width through the chest. He responded readily to feed, and had been first at the Yorkshire Show of 1851 as a year- ling. He was first at the Highland Show at Perth in 1852 as a two-year-old and first at the Royal Northern of 1853. He was used in the herd for four years with much success. He was specially distin- guished as a bull-getter; his sons used in other Scot- tish herds giving the best of satisfaction and doing much toward establishing the reputation of Sittyton. 580 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Among these were Magnum Bonum (13277), used by the Duke of Richmand; Pro Bono Publico (13528), sold to Lord Clancarty of Ireland ; Prince of Coburg (15100); Goldfinder (14629); Beeswing (12456), the first noted bull used by Campbell of Kinellar; De- fender (12867), the first Cruickshank bull sold for export to America (see page 266) ; and Lord Sack- ville (13249), that was the first home-bred bull ex- cept Prince Edward Fairfax retained for service by Mr. Cruickshank. Lord Sackville was a roan of great constitution, possessing the same great back and loin that distin- guished both Matadore and Mazurka. It was the cross of Lord Sackville upon the Secret cows that first brought that sort up to the Sittyton standard. A portrait of Matadore will be found in Vol. X of Coates' Herd Book. Plantagenet (11906). — This red-and-white bull, bred by Col. Towneley, had been bought as a calf by Douglas of Athelstaneford, who sold him to Mr. Cruickshank as a yearling in 1852. He was sired by Duke of Lancaster (10929) — bred by Mr. East- wood and got by Lax's Duke (9032), sire of Towne- ley 's famous Frederick (11489) — out of Madeline, bred by John Booth of Killerby. Plantagenet was shown at Aberdeen as a yearling, winning first prize, but died after one year's service at Sittyton. He was the sire of the twin heifer calves Virtue and Verdure, that became the dams of two of the great- est bulls ever known in Scotland — Virtue producing. AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 581 to a service by Lancaster Comet (11663), the most renowned of all Cruickshank bulls, Champion of England (17526). Her sister, Verdure, bred to The Baron (13833), dropped Scarlet Velvet (16916), a very stylish bull that had a successful career in the herd of Mr. Campbell. It is stated that Mr. Cruick- shank did not credit Plantagenet very largely in connection with the production of Champion of Eng- land, that honor being attributed rather to Lancas- ter Comet. Virtue and Verdure and another Plan- tagenet cow, Sharon's Eose, were all good milkers but rather plain in appearance. Doctor Buckingham (14405). — This red bull was a pure Booth, bred by Ambler, and sired by Hope- well (10332) out of the Warlaby-bred Bloom. He cost Messrs. Cruickshank 400 guineas. Much diffi- culty was experienced in getting him to sei've prop- erly and after a short time he was sold to Mr. R. A. Alexander, who imported him to Kentucky. He figures in Mr. Cruickshank 's operations mainly as the sire of the first of the Sittyton Orange Blossoms. The Baron (13833).— At Mr. Tanqueray's sale at Hendon, near London, in 1855 Mr. Anthony Cruick- shank purchased for 400 guineas the two-year-old red bull The Baron (13833), that had been bred by Mr. Richard Chaloner of Ireland. He was sired by Baron Warlaby (7813) out of Bon Bon, of Earl Spen- cer's breeding. As a yearling he had headed his class at Dublin and in Scotland was one of the nota- ble winners at the Highland and Royal Shows of 582 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE 1854, 1855 and 1856. He was described as very neat in his quarters, but rather lacking in masculine char- acter. In spite of this fact, however, he proved a very prolific and, as was thought at the time, a very successful sire, especially of heifers ; his get showing- more style and finish than had yet been seen in the herd. His bulls generally lacked substance, al- though Scarlet Velvet and Magnus Troil constituted exceptions to this rule. The Baron was used for six or seven years, and his heifers grew into very handsome cows up to about five years of age, but after that seemed to lose "bloom" and a number of them showed signs of disease. They were, for the most part, indifferent milkers, and few of them lived to be more than seven or eight years old. Speaking of this Jamieson says: "There was evidently a want of constitution about The Baron, but it must have been many years before suspicion arose that he was doing mischief in the herd, for several bulls out of cows sired by The Baron were kept for service. None of them, how- ever, proved a success and gradually The Baron blood was well cleared out. Only two of his own sons seem to have been used as stock bulls, namely. Baronet (1614) and Lancaster Royal (18167). Baro- net was out of an extra good cow, Buttercup, and was used for two or three seasons. He had more substance and less style than The Baron, was sound and robust and proved to be a useful sire. Lancaster Royal was kept because he was from a Lancaster AMOS CKUICKSHANK OF SITTYTOX 583 COW whose dam came from "Wilkinson of Lenton. He was little used, but sired the good cow Cicely, whose descendants formed one of the best families at Sitty- ton in the latter years of the herd's existence." Lord Bathurst (15173). — This bull was dropped at Sittyton July 5, 1854, by the Wilkinson cow Lan- caster 16th, that had been bought at the Lenton sale the previous year in calf to Monarch (13347). He was one of three yearling bulls exhibited by Messrs. Cruickshank at Aberdeen in 1855 that won first, second and third prizes, the latter position being as- signed to this Lancaster calf. Although the Wilkin- son sort was held in high esteem at Sittyton a red breeding bull was wanted just at this time, and as Lord Bathurst was roan and had inherited white legs from his dam he was sold to Mr. Stronach of Ardmeallie, in whose hands he proved a remarkable getter. He met with an accident, however, and had to be killed after one season's use. Before leaving Sittyton he had been bred to several heifers and two of his females, Violet and Vintage, grew into good cows and were excellent breeders. Violet produced Grand Monarque (21867), a stock-getter of outstand- ing merit, and also Village Eose, that was in all probability about the best cow the Cruickshanks ever bred. Vintage was the dam of Village Belle. It has always been considered that Village Rose and Village Belle were the two best of all the great cows sired by Champion of England. Master Butterfly 2d (14918).— This was a son of 584 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Col. Towneley's champion bull Master Butterfly (13311), that was sold to go to Australia for 1,200 guineas after having headed the Towneley herd at the National Shows of Great Britain and at the In- ternational Exposition at Paris in 1856. His dam was the show cow Vestris 2d. He had been bought by Mr. Marjoribanks at twelve months old for 300 guineas, and at his sale in 1856 was purchased for Sittyton at 400 guineas. The purchase of this bull doubtless reflected Mr. Anthony Cruickshank's de- sire to profit by the advertising involved in the own- ership of a high-priced son of the greatest English show bull of his time. Amos, however, never liked him and upon the bull's death some twelve months after his purchase remarked that the beast had not died any too soon. It is stated that what few calves he sired at Sittyton were ''light-made, light-fleshed, too leggy and never had carcass enough." We be- lieve the only one of the Sittyton pedigrees in which this bull's name appears in recent years is one branch of the Victorias. John Bull (11618).— From the foregoing it will be observed that the Messrs. Cruickshank were in- clined to test all of the leading bloods of the period; and as they had been well pleased with the use of the Wiley bull Beport, already mentioned, they now went to Brandsby for another sire; purchasing in 1858 John Bull (11618). He is said to have been an animal of great length and rather high on leg.* It •Speaking of John Bull, Jamieson says: "He was a very lengthly animal, not too well let down, tender on his feet and walked very slow. AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 585 is interesting to note as evidencing the intent of Mr. Cruickshank to weed out mercilessly everything that did not suit, that only two of John Bull's calves were retained. These were the cows Cressida and Jubilee, ' ' both compact, deep, well-proportioned cows, not at all too long, and real good beasts." Lord Raglan (13244). — This noted bull came to Sittyton at seven years of age, in 1860, and was used until twelve years old. He was bred by Mark Stew- art of Southwick and sired by Maynard's Crusade (7938). He had been used by Douglas of Athel- staneford, as well as by Lord Kinnaird and Lord Southesk. He was purchased from the latter at 110 guineas. It is of interest to state that Mr. William Miller, then of Canada and later of Storm Lake, la., came near buying Lord Raglan in 1856* and never ceased to regret that he did not transfer the bull to America. Lord Eaglan grew into "a large, stylish, rather highstanding bull, fertile as a yearling, quite useless as a two-year-old and unusually prolific ever after. In outward appearance he took after his sire, Cru- A worthy neighbor, Mr. Phillip of Boynds, watching him on one occa- sion as he gradually emerged out of a door said : 'If I am to wait until all of your bull comes out, Mr. Cruickshank, I would need a chair to sit doon on.' " *Mr. Miller, who was in Great Britain in 1856 buying Short-horns, says : "This was the time tliat I ought to have sent out Lord Raglan before Cruickshank got him. Simon Beattie and I went to Southwick to see him, but Stewart priced him Just high enough to keep liim out of my reach. I got within £5, but although Simon was pushing me I dare not go it. However, I have no doubt the bull did a lot more good as it was. Of all the bulls I saw in Britain at that time I preferred Lord Raglan. I think he was priced to me at about £100. He was then two years old and impressed me as being one of the substantial rather than the showy sort." 586 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE sade, whom Douglas considered the best bull of his day in England." He was a Highland winner in the hands of Lord Kinnaird in 1857 and on being taken North to Sittyton in 1860 w^as the Challenge Cup winner at the Royal Northern and first at the Perth Highland of 1861. Probably the two best in- dividual cows among his get at Sittyton were But- terfly 5th and The Gem. His most valuable daugh- ter, however, proved to be Golden Days, possibly the best milker of her time in the herd. She left a valuable progeny, including the prize bull Pride of the Isles (35072), and lived to be one of the oldest cows of the herd. The Czar (20947).— This was the best of the Lord Raglan bulls and saw considerable service at Sitty- ton. He was a red, "compact and well set on his legs," and sired Carmine, a thick-fleshed, well- haired cow, with extraordinary back and ribs, that produced the famous Princess Royal already de- scribed. Mr. Cruickshank is quoted as saying that he did not reap as much benefit from the use of Lord Raglan as he had anticipated. Notwithstanding this fact some of his very best cattle, including Grand Duke of Gloster (26288), Pride of the Isles (35072), Bridesman (30586) and the handsome Mimulus were bred from Lord Raglan cows. Lancaster Comet (11663).— Mr. Cruickshank had long been partial to the stock of Wilkinson of Len- ton. We have already noted his efforts at intro- ducing the blood through the Lancasters and Laven- AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTO:^ 587 ders. Robert Bruce relates that in speaking of bis first visit to Lenton to inspect Mr. Wilkinson's herd Mr. Cruicksbank said: "After seeing tbe cattle I was so excited that when I tried to write to Anthony at night I could not use a pen. I had to write with a pencil." This little incident proves two things. First, the fact that in spite of his habitual self-con- trol Amos Cruicksbank possessed a quiet enthusiasm capable of being thoroughly aroused. It indicates also that there was something in the Wilkinson stock not found in other contemporary herds. In fact, the Lenton blood alone seems to have been the subject of Mr. Cruicksbank 's steadfast devotion. In the autumn of 1858 it was thought desirable to purchase a stock bull for use at Sittyton. A good young red one was desired at that time. Mr. Cruick- sbank wrote to Wilkinson, inquiring if he could fur- nish such a bull. He replied that he could not, but recommended old Lancaster Comet (11663), then in his eighth year, which he offered to sell at a nominal price. After first examining the herds of Mark Stewart, S. E. Bolden, Richard Booth, Col. Towne- ley and Messrs. Dudding without success Mr. Cruick- sbank wrote to Wilkinson that he might ship Lan- caster Comet. He was forwarded to Sittyton in No- vember, 1858. Mr. Cruicksbank went to the station to meet the bull, and his first glimpse of "his great head and horns lowering upon him over the side of the truck" caused him to turn away in disappoint- ment. Lancaster Comet had a large head, with 588 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE horns of great length. They were well enough set onto the head and curved toward the front. They were not very thick, nor were they pointed at the tips, being more uniform in thickness from base to point than is ordinarily observed. One sarcastic neighbor, of the type often present upon such occa- sions, remarked: "If he wanted a Highland bull he might have got one nearer home." Notwithstand- ing the horns, however, Lancaster Comet was a good bull. He stood near to the ground, had a beautiful coat of hair, a round barrel, straight top and bottom lines, level quarters, nicely-filled thighs, carried plenty of flesh and was active on his feet. In size he was about medium. He had been a great favorite with Mr. Wilkinson and was somewhat inbrecl, both his sire — The Queen's Roan (7389) — and dam hav- ing been got by the same bull, the roan Will Honey- comb (5660), illustrated in Vol. IV, Coates' Herd Book; a bull that was bred by Mr. J. Beetham of West Harlsey, near Northallerton, and used by Mr. Wilkinson for some years. Lancaster Comet was scarcely as massive as Mr. Cruickshank would have liked and was relegated to the Clyne farm, it is said, *'to hide his horns." The following spring he was turned into a pasture along with a lot of cows that had not settled to the bulls by which they had been served. He ran out quite late in the field that fall and contracted rheu- matism so severely that it became necessary to send him to the shambles. Not more than a dozen calves AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 589 are known to have been sired by him at Sittyton, perhaps a half a dozen of each sex. None of the females were retained. One of them called Camelia made a fine yearling and two-year-old, but was dis- appointing at full maturity. One of the bulls, re- corded as Moonshade (18419), was bought by Bruce of Inverquhomery. Another that attracted no spe- cial notice for a time was retained by Mr. Cruick- shank under the name of Champion of England (17526). Lancaster Comet had cost but 30 guineas, but so far-reaching was his influence upon the herd, as exerted through the bull just mentioned, that the history of the Cruickshank cattle naturally divides itself into two epochs, one dealing with the period before his introduction and the other a record of w^hat followed after that date. Champion of England (17526). — From the founda- tion of the herd in 1837 down to 1860 it had been with Amos Cruickshank one long, continuous and but partially successful search for the type of cattle he so earnestly desired. During that time great numbers of cows, heifers and bulls had been bought from the best Scotch and English herds, but in spite of a long list of show-yard victories, and notwith- standing the production of at least an average per- centage of good cattle, Amos Cruickshank 's ideal had scarcely been realized. As yet there was a lack of uniformity in essential characteristics. Lancaster Comet, however, supplied, through Champion of England out of the cow Virtue by Plantagenet 590 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE (11906), the means of correcting this fault. He was a roan, dropped Nov. 29, 1859, and although not a phenomenal calf at the start was deemed good enough to be sent to the Royal English Show at Leeds in 1861. Being a November calf he had to compete upon that occasion against two-year-olds, and as he was only a yearling he failed to secure a place. He was also shown at Aberdeen, but was only able to secure a third prize. On account of tliis non- success he came near being disposed of, but there was something about the young bull's hair, quality and thrift that led Mr. Cruickshank to decide upon his retention for a time at least. The bull was par- ticularly strong on his fore ribs, developed remark- able feeding quality and soon began to assume more massive proportions than had been displayed by his sire. He was not so level in his quarters as Lan- caster Comet, drooping a bit from the hips to the tail, a fault which he probably inherited from his dam.* His calves soon evidenced rare promise. They were robust, thick-fleshed, near to the ground and possessed a propensity for putting on flesh such as had not been shown by the get of any of his prede- cessors/in service. Mr. Cruickshank resolved to use him freely and not risk impairment of his usefulness *Mr. Jamieson writes : "I do not remember having seen the Cham- pion's dam, but one day when going through the byres with Amos Cruickshanlc I asked him what like a beast she was. 'Well,' said he, 'she was very like that one,' pointing to a cow standing at the end of the byre. This was a good-sized red animal, with planish hind quar- ters. Champion of England was nev^er kept on account of the merits of his dam." AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 591 by putting liim in high condition for the shows. Meantime the settled policy of testing the best bulls obtainable from contemporary stocks was not aban- doned. Windsor Augustus (19157). — The selection of this roan bull represented another effort on the part of Messrs. Cruickshank to utilize Booth blood. Like the previous experiments, however, in the same di- rection it did not altogether fulfill expectations. Windsor Augustus was bred by Mr. Carr and sired by Eichard Booth's Windsor (14013). He had been a winner at the leading English shows, and was one of the highest-priced bulls ever bought for service in the herd. He was used during the seasons of 1863 and 1864, but Amos Cruickshank never liked him and did not retain many of his progeny. He left a few good things, nevertheless, including the fine cow Lovely 9th, that produced to Champion of Eng- land the stock bull Lord Lancaster (26666). Forth (17866).— This famous bull was taken to Sittyton in 1864 at four years of age with the repu- tation of being "the grandest Short-horn of his time." He was a light roan, possessing great scale and substance, bred by Sir William Sterling Max- well of Keir. He had been a champion show bull at leading exhibitions both in England and Scotland, and w^hile some doubt was felt as to his proving a breeder high hopes were entertained as to what he would accomplish when mated with the ''crack" cows of the Sittyton herd. There can be no doubt 592 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE tliat lie was individually tlie best bull ever bought for Sittyton. His portrait will be found in Vol. XVI of Coates' Herd Book. He was described as "a re- markably fine animal on a large scale, having length, breadth and depth to satisfy the most fastidious and was extremely good tempered. He had a good head, a full, placid eye, a rich coat of hair, great girth of body, with ribs arching well out from his back. His horns were somewhat coarse." Forth remained in service until 1870 and notwithstanding his high con- dition left a large number of calves. While filling the eye much more perfectly than Champion of Eng- land he did not approach the latter as a sire. Still he left some good stock, among others the cow Vio- let's Forth, that was imported to America and shown with success in the Western States, as has already been noted. It was the exhibition of this cow that first drew prominent attention to Mr. Cruickshank's breeding in the United States. Vice- roy (32764), by Champion of England out of Violet's Forth, was used a short time in the herd. Another of the Forth cows, Anemone, although not much to look at, was a capital breeder. Two sons of Forth bred at Sittyton, Eoyal Forth (25022) and Julius Caesar (26486), had a trial in service but did not give satisfaction and were sold. One of the best of his get. Lord Forth (26649), was used by Mr. Long- more of Rettie. Allan (21172), a red bull bred at Keir and sired by Forth prior to his purchase for Sittyton out of a AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 593 COW of Knightley blood, was bought and used in the herd for three years with a good degree of success. Lord Privy Seal (16444). — In 1865 Anthony Cruickshank bought at a sale by Lord Kinnaird the roan bull Lord Privy Seal. He was bred by the late Prince Consort at Windsor and was sired by the Booth bull Prince Alfred (13494) out of Cowslip by the famous show bull Belleville (6778). He was then in his seventh year, having been taken North as a yearling and bought by Lord Kinnaird in 1860. All hands at Sittyton were disappointed in the bull upon his arrival. He lacked size as well as flesh, and was not extensively used. Like most of his predecessors, however, he left a few good calves, such as the bull Multum in Parvo (26934), and the cow Victoria 41st, one of the best of her family and a fine breeder — the dam of the bull Ventriloquist (44180). Prince Alfred (27107).— In 1871 Mr. Pawlett offered to sell to Mr. Cruickshank Baron Killerby (23364) . Amos went to see him, but was more favor- ably impressed with one of his sons. Prince Alfred (27107), and wished to take him instead of the sire. Being unable to buy the young bull without taking them both, he closed a trade for the pair and shipped them to Sittyton. Baron Killerby was then six years old and possessed a bad temper. He was too heavy in the bone to suit Mr. Cruickshank, and was but little used. Prince Alfred was a young bull of much promise, but, as luck would have it, foot-and- mouth disease appeared in the herd not long after 594 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE his purchase and he succumbed to the malady. He was the only animal in the herd that was lost. This is rather a sui-prising fact in view of the statement that Prince Alfred is said to have been of robust ap- pearance and was thought to have capital constitu- tion. While no opportunity was had to breed any great number of cows to him, the heifers that he left in the herd indicate that his untimely death was a severe loss. One of his daughters, Garnet, proved the ancestress of some of the best cows in the herd during its later years. Another, Alma, sold as a yearling to Mr. Mitchell, "developed most wonder- fully and expanded into one of the largest and grandest cows that was ever seen, with immense loins and back and good shoulders. Indeed, as a show-yard animal, few cows ever bred at Sittyton would have been a match for her." She took first prize at the Highland Show of 1876, the cup at Aber- deen in 1879 as best breeding animal in the Short- horn class, besides many other honors. Other outside bulls. — Between the years 1866 and 1877, in addition to Baron Killerby and Prince Al- fred, there was bought and tried in the herd the bulls Eob Roy (22740), Count Eobert (30812), Scotch Rose (25099) — out of the famous Rosedale; Knight of the Whistle (26558), Master Darlington (37067), Meridian (38748), Ravenshope (22681), and General Windsor (28701). None of these, how- ever, gave as good satisfaction as the home-bred bulls used during the same period. AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 595 Concentration of the Champion of England blood. — Writers of romance after following the fortunes of their heroes and heroines through various trials and tribulations to a point where all is joy and rapture usually dismiss them with the remark that "they lived happily ever after." It may almost be said of Amos Cruickshank that when he produced Cham- pion of England, after twenty-five years of conscien- tious work, he was at the beginning of the end of his troubles as a Short-horn breeder. One after another of the sons and daughters of this, the greatest stock bull Scotland has ever known, grew up into cattle of the real rent-paying sort. Pages might be filled with the names, pedigrees and performances of his descendants in the show-yards and breeding-pens of Britain and America, but space will not here per- mit. Such cows as Village Belle, Village Rose, Prin- cess Eoyal, Morning Star, British Queen, Carmine Rose, Silvery, Mimulus, Surmise, Circassia, Violante, Finella and Victorine would alone suffice to make the reputation of the most ambitious breeder. Not only were these and other of the best of the Cham- pion's heifers retained for breeding purposes, but his bulls were given a trial along with sires obtained from other herds. It must be borne in mind that in resorting to bulls of his own breeding Mr. Cruickshank was contra- vening what had been almost universal practice in Scotland. It is generally believed by those most familiar with his work that if he had begun placing 596 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE his own bulls in service many years earlier lie would have more quickly realized his ambitions. It seems clear that the grand roan bull Lord Sackville (13249), mentioned on page 580, might have filled the place later held by Champion of England had he been given the opportunity; for he possessed such grand constitution, substance and quality, and with his limited opportunity wrought such an improve- ment on the Secrets and a few other Sittyton sorts that he would doubtless have made a great reputa- tion had he been more freely used. Longmore of Rettie is generally credited with having been the first of the North of Scotland breeders to place home-bred bulls in service. He was a man of rare intelligence, and although his herd was small as compared with that at Sittyton he met with marked success by his departure from the then prevailing usage, his stock possessing unusual size, flesh and real show-yard character. Experience had now taught Mr. Cruickshank the uncertainties attending the use of even the best individual bulls acquired from various sources and representing many diverse elements. With his usual caution he felt his way slowly at first with the Champion of England bulls, but when once convinced that he was on the right track he pursued his plan to the end. Among the bulls chosen for the purpose of con- centrating this blood may be mentioned the roan Caractacus (19397), a winner of challenge cups at Aberdeen and Perth, that was calved in 1862 by AMOS CRUICKSHAXK OF SITTYTON 597 Nonpareil 20tli, a daughter of The Baron; the roan Grand Monarque (21867), calved in 1863 by Violet by Lord Bathurst; the roan Royal ' Oak (22792), dropped in 1864 by Oakleaf by The Baron; the red Prince Imperial (22595), calved in 1864 by Candia by The Baron; the red Lord Byron (24363), dropped in 1865 by Butterfly by Matadore; the red Caesar Augustus (25704), calved in 1867 by Emily, daugh- ter of Lord Sackville; the roan Grand Duke of Glos- ter (26288), dropped in 1868 by 9th Duchess of Glos- ter, daughter of Lord Raglan; the roan Lord Lan- caster (26666), of the crop of 1868, dropped by Lovely 9th by Windsor Augustus; the roan Master of Arts (26867), dropped same year by The Gem by Lord Raglan; and the roan Viceroy (32764), calved in 1871 by Violet's Forth, afterward a noted show cow in America. It does not appear that the bulls from cows by The Baron made any special impression on the herd. Those representing the cross of Champion of Eng- land upon cows carrying the blood of Lord Raglan, Lord Sackville and Lord Bathurst, including Grand Monarque, Caesar Augustus and Grand Duke of Gloster, were potent factors in bringing the herd to its best estate. Scotland's Pride and Pride of the Isles. — Scot- land's Pride, calved in 1866, was sired by Grand Monarque out of Lovely 8th, a cow that belonged to a tribe much esteemed in the North. His sire, like many other of the sons of Champion of England, did 598 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE not have a head entirely to Mr. Cruickshank's lik- ing. This was a characteristic doubtless inherited from old Lancaster Comet, and on account of the clamor about his head and horns Grand Monarque was sacrificed before his real value as a stock-getter, as illustrated in Scotland 's Pride, was fully realized. The latter was a stylish, deep-fleshed roan, winning first prize as a yearling at the Highland in 1867 and a $250 Challenge Cup same year. He proved one of the best sires ever bred at Sittyton; one of his sons, the roan prize bull Pride of the Isles (35072) from Golden Days by Lord Raglan, calved in 1872, acquir- ing great celebrity. Speaking of this valuable bull Mr. Edward Cruickshank says: ''I do not think that Pride of the Isles ever had his merit fairly rec- ognized. He was a grand animal himself, and his young stock looked well ; but as cows they were such good milkers that they were never much to look at, although good breeders." An own brother to Pride of the Isles, known as Lord of the Isles, was also used in the herd. They were of the Brawith Bud or Pure Gold tribe. Caesar Augustus. — This good red bull, calved in 1867, joined the blood of the two grand bulls Cham- pion of England and Lord Sackville, and became one of the most valuable sires and show bulls used in the herd. He was exhibited with great success, and some of his daughters proved among the most valu- able breeding cows owned at Sittyton, among them being Azalea, the dam of Field Marshal. AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 599 Royal Duke of Gloster. — This remarkably success- ful stock bull, a red, calved in 1870, was got by Grand Duke of Gloster out of Mimulus, a good cow descending in the maternal line from the stock of Eennie of Phantassie. He represented the strongest concentration of blood Mr. Cruickshank had up to that date used; both his sire and dam having been got by Champion of England out of Lord Raglan cows. As the sire of Eoan Gauntlet and of the dam of Cumberland Eoyal Duke of Gloster acquired high rank in the great galaxy of Sittyton bulls. His sire, Grand Duke of Gloster, was considered the best of all of the sons of Champion of England; inheriting in a remarkable degree his robust constitution, thrift and thickness of flesh. Unfortunately the Grand Duke met with an accident which resulted in his death as a two-year-old. Roan Gauntlet. — The mating of the inbred Eoyal Duke of Gloster with the Champion of England cow Princess Eoyal resulted in the production in 1873 of the most famous of all the latter-day Sittyton stock bulls, Eoan Gauntlet (35284). This was certainly subjecting the Champion of England blood to a searching test, and as Eoan Gauntlet proved one of the greatest sires of his day Mr. Cruickshank 's judgment found in his case ample vindication. Some of the objectionable features of old Lancaster Comet's head were visible in Eoan Gauntlet, but the outstanding excellence of his prog- eny furnished fresh proof of the fact that it is a 600 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE mi,stake to discard an otherwise remarkable bull for a minor defect of that nature. Among other extra- ordinary animals begotten by Roan Gauntlet may be named the renowned Field Marshal (47870) — the sire of Mario (51713) and the good stock bull Baron Violet (47444), used at Sittyton. A glance at the subjoined tabulation will be of interest: CChampion of England i Royal Duke of Gloster (29864). t^r /•o(;9fic\ 1 9th Duchess of Glos- ter (J6J88). ter, by Lord Rag- l Ian (13244). (Champion of England Mistletoe, by Lord Raglan (13244). (Lancaster Comet (11663). Virtue, by Plantage- - , net (11906). fTheCzar (20947). Carmine. ■< Cressida, by L John Bull (11618). Barmpton. — Whatever may be the relative rank assigned to the latter-day Cruickshank bulls in their own country American breeders will always set a high value upon the red Barmpton (37763). He was another son of Royal Duke of Gloster that was drop- ped in 1875 by the good cow Barmpton 's Flower (of the Towneley Butterfly line), a daughter of Allan (21172), son of the great Forth. If Barmpton had done nothing more than sire Baron Victor (45944) so celebrated in the Linwood Herd of Col. W. A. Harris of Kansas, he would still be entitled to the recogni- tion here accorded. Cumberland. — One of the bulls most extensively used after Roan Gauntlet was Cumberland (46144), AMOS CRUICKSHANK OF SITTYTON 601 a massive roan that was calved in 1880 and main- tained steadily in service for a period of eight years. He was described as ' ' short in the leg, deep and long- in the body, with an excellent head, full, wide chest, well-laid shoulders, strong loins, well-sprung ribs, with such a cover of lean flesh as is rarely met with. ' ' As will be observed from the following tabulation Cumberland's dam, the fine cow Custard of the Clip- per tribe, was own sister in blood to Eoan Gauntlet, so that his selection for service resulted in still fur- ther intensifving Mr. Cruickshank 's favorite blood: r Pride of the Isles (35072). 2 . Q CO r Scotland's Pride J (25100). L Golden Days. Custard. rGrand Monarque (21S67), J by Champion of England. I Lovely 8 th. 5 Lord Raglan (13244). ( Pure Gold. {Grand Duke of Gloster (26288) by Champion of England. Mimulus, by Champion of England. Princess Royal. {Champion of England (.17526). Carmine, by TlaeCzar (20947). There is not in Short-hom history a record of greater success attained in the production of valua- ble cattle for practical farm and feed-lot purposes than that which attended the breeding operations at Sittyton after the practice of using only home-bred bulls was adopted. The herd began at once to take on a uniformity in essential points which it had not hitherto possessed, and the further the concentration of blood was carried — up to a certain point — the bet- ter the results. The fruit of Mr. Cruickshank 's ap- 602 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE peal to the practice of inbreeding was the establish- ment of a well-fixed type of short-legged, broad- ribbed, thick-fleshed cattle feeding to satisfactory- weights at an early age; and the same concentration of blood that served to fix these desirable character- istics insured the prepotency of the stock for repro- ductive purposes. The herd became the fountain head of Short-horn breeding in the North. The Sittyton bulls became the standard sires of Scotland. The value of the service the Messrs. Cruickshank had rendered was now universally conceded in their native land and leading American breeders gladly availed themselves of the privilege of selecting stock bulls from this premier Aberdeenshire herd. The closing years at Sittyton will form the subject of further reference. CHAPTER XX OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS The constructive work carried out to such extraor- dinary success at Sittyton was destined to exert an influence over the breed on both sides the Atlantic as far-reaching as it was beneficent. There were none to dispute the supremacy of Sittyton in the North. It was the source from whence nearly all the breeders of Aberdeenshire and adjacent counties drew their best material as well as their inspiration. While Amos Cruickshank must therefore be called the real leader of the line of Short-horn progression in Scotland, passing notice should be taken of the work of some of his contemporaries. To review the operations in detail of all those who contributed largely to the upbuilding of the Short- horn interest in the North would require more space than can here be given. Indeed, we cannot under- take to list in full their names. Coates' Herd Book must be consulted by those who wish to delve deeply into the subject. We should, however, give a place in this record to the names of Gen. Simson of Fife- shire, Douglas of Athelstaneford, Barclay of Keavil, the Duke of Richmond, the Earl of Montrose, Lord Lovat of Beaufort, Sir William Sterling Maxwell of Kier, Longmore of Rettie, Mark Stewart of South- 603 604 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE wick, the Braces of Inverquhomery and Bumside, Syme of Bed Kirk, Mitchell of Alloa, Sylvester Campbell of Kinellar, William S. Marr of Uppermill, John W. and Edward Cruickshank of Lethenty, and Duthie of Collynie. While we need not undertake a detailed account of the operations of these and other leading breeders of that time it seems essential to a correct understanding of the career of the Scotch- bred Short-horns in America that some facts be fur- nished relating especially to the herds at Athelstane- ford, Kinellar, Uppermill, Lethenty and Collynie. Douglas of Athelstaneford. — A herd that was in every way worthy of the district that had been the home of Eennie of Phantassie was begun about 1842 by Mr. James Douglas, an enterprising tenant farm- er at Athelstaneford (locally called "Elshinford") in East Lothian. Douglas was ambitious from the first for show-yard honors, and as a competitor at the great exhibitions of the United Kingdom, as well as at the Paris Exposition of 1856, he met with a brim- ming measure of success. The herd was begun about 1842, but it was not until the Newcastle Eoyal of 1846 that he made notable purchases. The famous show bull Belleville (6778) was then at the height of his reputation, and several of his daughters were purchased. One of these, the roan Queen of Trumps, bred by Mr. Unthank, was one of the greatest prize- winners of her time. She was bought for shipment to America at a high price by Mr. Barrett of Ken- tucky, but was lost at sea. OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 605 In 1852 a sale was made which included practi- cally the entire original herd. Reservation was made, however, of the celebrated Mantalini show cow Rose of Summer, by Velvet Jacket (10998), Scottish Blue Belle and a few others of special ex- cellence. At this sale Rose of Summer's dam. Rose of Autumn, together with Brenda (then carrying Lord Raglan, by Crusade) were bought by Mark Stewart of Southwick. Subsequently Lord Raglan was bought back, together with Rose of Sharon, a daughter of Rose of Autumn, and the four fine heif- ers Hawthorne Blossom, Heather Belle, Cherry Queen and Imperial Cherry, a quartette that cost 600 guineas. Prior to the sale the Athelstaneford cattle had won some sixty prizes at leading shows, and the second herd, with Rose of Summer and Scottish Blue Belle as its trump cards, inaugurated another cam- paign that was even more successful. Scottish Blue Belle was ultimately sold to Mr. R. G. Corwine of Lebanon, 0., and brought to the United States. Kil- lerby and Warlaby were then drawn upon for fe- males. The sum of 500 guineas was offered Richard Booth in vain for Charity, and a 550-guinea bid for Nectarine Blossom was also declined. Mr. Douglas secured, nevertheless, Birthright, a granddaughter of Bracelet, Isabella Hopewell and Venus de Medicis. Douglas scored a great success with the roan bull Captain Balco (12546) of Ambler's breeding. He stood next to Towneley's undefeated Master Butter- 606 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE fly at the Royal Dublin, and after being used for a time in the herd was sold along with Hawthorne Blossom and a lot aggregating some twenty head to the Shakers of Ohio. The Booth-bred bull Hymen (13058), of Bolden's breeding, out of Bridecake, was next bought and fitted as a member of the herd sent for exhibition at Paris in 1856, at which show he was sold to M. de Trehonnais for 200 guineas. Bates blood was acquired by the purchase of the cow Play- ful, by 4th Duke of York. Some of Troutbeck's Gwynnes were also secured. A son of Captain Balco, called Sir James the Rose (15290), out of Rose of Summer, succeeded his sire at the head of the herd and proved a capital stock-getter. Rose of Summer and her descendants were of a remarkably thick- fleshed, neat-boned, blocky, short-legged, squarely- built sort; and such cattle as Rose of Athelstane, Maid of Athelstane, Lady of Athelstane, Queen of Athelstane, Pride of Athelstane and Crown Prince of Athelstane constituted a collection that has rarely been excelled in any herd on either side the water. In 1864 the late Hon. David Christie of Canada bought and imported a number of the best cattle of the Douglas herd and they exerted a great influence for good on this side the Atlantic. We believe that this sale to Mr. Christie practically closed the opera- tions of Mr. Douglas as a breeder of Short-horns. Further reference to the importation just mentioned will be made in a subsequent chapter. Campbell of Kinellar. — Although not one of the OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 607 earliest the herd of the late Sylvester Campbell was one of the best in Aberdeenshire. Founded in the year 1847 by the purchase of a pair of heifer calves at Barclay of Ury's sale, one costing 20 guineas and the other 9, the Campbell herd affords a striking illustration of what an intelligent farmer can accom- plish from a modest beginning. Situated about nine miles northwest of the city of Aberdeen, located in a district noted for its fine fanns and known locally as ' ' the Howe of the Garioch, ' ' the farm of Kinellar, of which Mr. Campbell was tenant, lies in the valley of the Eiver Don. Jamieson says: ''The scenery here is picturesque and beautiful. The winding river, a fine salmon stream, is flanked by wooded heights, with some handsome villas nestling here and there among the trees. At times the valley naiTows be- tween rugged woody banks and then widens out again into broad, fertile meadows — haughs, as they are called in Scotland — where the fat sheep browse and the cattle doze away their time in sleepy satis- faction among the buttercups and clover. A sweet spot it is in sunny days of June when the sky is with- out a cloud and the skylarks are fluttering and sing- ing over the grassy fields. The farm lies among the banks and braes that slope up from the river and consists for the most part of good loamy soil, laid oif in square fields, inclosed by massive stone dykes." The foundation heifers above mentioned were both sired by The Pacha (7612) — the grandson of Ma- 608 A HISTOEY OF SHOBT-HOEX CATTLE son's Lady Sarah heretofore referred to — and were known as Isabella and Susannah. From the 20- guinea heifer, Isabella, Mr. Campbell derived two good families, known as the Urys and Clarets. He seems to have proceeded leisurely in his cattle-breed- ing and at first bred his cows and heifers to sires in service on neighboring farms, among them being Fairfax Hero (9106), Vice-President (11002) and Unrivaled (13926) — all bred at Sittyton and two of them sons of that capitalbull Fairfax Eoyal (6987). In 1854 he bought from Mr. Whitehead of Little Methlick the cow Crocus, a granddaughter of a Pacha heifer that had been bought at Ury in 1817. The Nonpareils, Miss Ramsdens and Golden Drops. — The big, massive Thalia came to Kinellar in 1857 from Longmore of Eettie and a few years later Nonpareil 21th, by Lord Sackville, was got from the Messrs. Cruickshank. From the latter came the famous Kinellar Xonpareils. The origi- nal cow of this tribe had been brought to Scotland from the herd of Mr. Cartwright of Tathwell on the Lincolnshire wolds, in whose hands the sort had been greatly esteemed. Indeed, the first Xonpareil, a roan cow sired by the white bull Tathwell Studley (5101), carrying considerable infusions of the blood of the $5,000 Comet, proved useful until seventeen years of age. Another one of the Kinellar matrons was Miss Eamsden, bred by Sir J. Eamsden, and taken to Scotland by Mr. Jopp, from whom she was purchased by Mr. Campbell. Another cow that OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 609 proved a good investment was Maid of Promise, obtained from Mr. Benton in Alford. From her was descended probably the best cow ever seen in the Kinellar pastures, Maid of Promise 6th, that won the challenge cup at Aberdeen some years ago as the best Short-horn of either sex on exhibition. Thes- salonica, that gave rise to the beautiful Kinellar Golden Drops, was dropped by Jewess, a cow bought from Mr. Harvey of Tillygreig, in calf to Duke of Clarence (9040), a fine white bull bred by Wetherell and illustrated in the eighth volume of Coates' Herd Book. Another purchase that proved fruitful was the cow Euby Hill, by Elphinstoue (14-492), that was bred by Messrs. Smith, Billhead of Nairn. Early Kinellar sires. — For some years the herd of Messrs. Cruickshank was resorted to for sires. Mr. Campbell was remarkably fortunate, or, perhaps we should say, exercised extraordinary judgment in selecting young bulls at Sittyton. Mosstrooper (11827), Beeswing (12456), Scarlet Velvet (16916), and Diphthong (176S1) proved exceptional stock- getters. The two latter were sent into the leading showyards of the Xorth in 1S62 and 1863 and over- came all opposition. Indeed, the use and exhibition of these bulls was an important factor in building up the reputation of the Sittyton stock. Of Cruick- shank breeding also was the handsome bull known as The Garioch Boy (15384), bought by Mr. Camp- bell at a high price, but lost soon afterward. Bee- swing was a red, sired by Matadore (IISOO), tracing 610 A HISTOEY or SHORT-HOE N CATTLE on the dam's side through Venus and Dairymaid to the stock of Rennie of Phantassie. He left at Kinel- lar a lot of useful, deep-bodied cows; and when these were crossed with the stylish show bull Scarlet Vel- vet the progeny proved among the best Short-horns of their day. Scarlet Velvet was a red, sired by The Baron (13833) out of Verdure of Plantagenet (11906), running to the cow Tranquil by Barclay's Billy (3151). He was sold to go into Morayshire. Diphthong, another red ' ' with a curious mark like a tapeline around his left fore ribs, ' ' was a thick, good bull by Lord Stanley (16454) out of a daughter of Fancy, also by Billy (3151), and had a brilliant career at the Scottish national show^s. Booth cross disappointing. — So great had been the success of the use of these Sittyton bulls that Kinel- lar began to take rank as a rival of the Cruickshank herd itself, then the most famous in all Scotland, and Campbell thought to emphasize his independence by turning elsewhere for his herd bulls. From 1863 to 1877 he went South for his sires and bought bulls largely of Booth blood. Probably the most noted of these was Prince of Worcester (20597), that had been a Royal winner as a yearling and a champion as an aged bull at Aberdeen. He also had Sir Chris- topher (22895), bred by Richard Booth, but notwith- standing the enterprise he had displayed in this re- gard the results were disappointing, and in the later years of his breeding operations he returned to his first love and in large measure restored the useful- OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 611 ness of his stock by breeding from such Cruickshank bulls as Vermont and Gravesend. The latter in par- ticular did excellent service, acquiring distinction as a heifer-getter, and afterward passed into the pos- session of William Dutliie of Collynie. Mr. Campbell died in 1891, and the herd was final- ly dispersed in 1897. The proprietor had been high- ly respected throughout the entire North Country and the sale drew out a large attendance. Although prices at that time were not at their present range, the heifers by Gravesend and Royal James were greatly admired and averaged over £42 each. Lord Eoseberry, Mr. Duthie and Fletcher of Rosehaugh bought a number of the best lots. A few went into Yorkshire, and the bull Royal James to Lincoln. Mr. Duthie says: "The Kinellar cattle were noted for their substance, and the cows generally were heavy milkers. ' ' The Kinellar Short-horns are best known in Amer- ica through the fine family of Golden Drops, de- scending from the cow Thessalonica already men- tioned. The sort was introduced on this side by Messrs. Geo. Isaac and J. S. Thompson of Canada. In the hands of Messrs. Avery & Murphy, Col. Hollo- way, Messrs. A. H. & I. B. Day and others they sold at strong prices and made an enviable show-yard and breeding record. Subsequently they acquired additional fame as perhaps the best family in the Linwood herd of Col. W. A. Harris. Some of the Miss Ramsdens and Nonpareils were also imported 612 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE into the West and proved good breeders as well as successful show animals. Marr of Uppermill. — The late William S. Marr, one of the most eminent of all the Aberdeenshire breeders of Short-horns, entered upon the farm of Uppermill in 1833. It is situated in the same district as Sittyton, Shethin, Collynie and other noted nur- series of North-Country stock. Mr. Marr was twen- ty-two years of age at the time he took the lease of Uppermill, which was at that time in a very rough state. Much of the land had to be reclaimed at great expense, and it was not until about 1851 that he was able to turn his attention to Short-horns. His first purchases were made in the North of England, but with one notable exception the original investment proved altogether unsatisfactory; the cattle doing no good under the conditions to which they were subjected in their new home. The Maudes. — The ancestress of this Uppermill tribe was the fine cow Maude that constituted the exception just mentioned. She belonged to a family that had been bred by Mr. Thomas Chrisp of North- umberland, who had obtained the sort from the herd of Mr. Jopling. The foundation dam. Duchess of St. Albans, had a double cross of the Princess bull St. Albans (2584). The present proprietor at Upper- mill says: *'My father used to tell me that Maude was a very fine cow and a grand milker." Crossed with such bulls as Heir of Englishman (24122) and Cherub 4th (33359), both of Lord Sudeley's Sera- OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 613 phina sort, the Maudes developed into one of the strongest of Mr. Marr's tribes. The Mis3ies. — This celebrated Scottish family originated in the hands of Capt. Barclay of Ury. The primal cow of this name was bred by Mr. A. Mori- son from Countess of Ury blood, and was obtained by Mr. Marr about 1854. She was considered an extraordinary animal, possessing great substance and wealth of flesh. The earlier Missies were sired by such bulls as Augustus (15598), Lord of Lome (18258), Young Pacha (20457), and Macduff (26773) ; and in later years the sort was brought to a high degree of perfection by the use of Seraphina and Sittyton bulls. The tribe not only proved pro- lific, but steadily improved in merit until acknowl- edged on both sides the Atlantic as one of the best of all Scotch Short-horn families. Indeed, it is doubtful if any other one sort has done more for the good of the breed in the North of Scotland, or has produced more noted prize-winners. During the ''seventies" the late Mr. Marr showed cattle of this family with great success; conspicuous among the winners being the bull Young Englishman (31113), got by Heir of Englishman out of Missie 19th. He was calved in 1871 and was first and champion at the leading shows for three successive years, besides leaving many good sons and beautiful daughters at Uppermill. In recent years Mountaineer (63027), a Missie bull of Mr. Marr 's breeding, was shown with success in the herd of Messrs. Wright of Lincoln- 614 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE shire, Eng. Miranda, in the hands of Mr. Deane Willis, and the Royal champion Marengo, owned by Mr. Philo L. Mills of Nottinghamshire, have brought additional honor to the tribe. Mr. Duthie has incor- porated the sort into his famous herd at Collynie, and such cows as Missie 141st, by William of Or- ange, and Missie 150th, by Dauntless, now at Upper- mill, afford capital illustration of the manner in which the blood breeds on. The Princess Royals. — This sort and the Missies constitute the two largest families now at Uppermill, there being about twenty females of each. The Princess Royals trace their descent in the maternal line to the herd of Mr. Hay of Shethin. They have .responded well to the use of Cruickshank bulls, dis- playing good constitution, great wealth of flesh, broad ribs and strong loins. Many good specimens both of the Princess Royals and the Missies have been imported to the United States and Canada dur- ing the past twenty years. The Alexandrinas. — This tribe is of the same origin as the Sittyton Crocus sort, both descending from the herd of Mr. Morison of Mountblairy, Aber- deenshire, who obtained the family from Grant Duff. The Alexandrinas have to their credit the produc- tion of the famous American champion show bull Gay Monarch 92411. The family came into the pos- session of Mr. Marr about 1860. The Roan or Red Ladys.— About 1855 Mr. Marr purchased from the late Mr. Whitehead of Little OTHER XOETH COUXTKY HEEDS 615 Metlilick, Aberdeenshire, a cow called Roan Lady, from which he bred a heifer by the Kinellar bull Young Pacha called Eed Lady. Descendants of these cows have since been known at Uppermill as Roan or Red Ladys. They have been distinguished, as a rule, for their rich colors, good Short-horn char- acter, fine style and depth of flesh. Representatives of this sort have several times topped the Uppermill young bulls. Indeed, at the sale held this year (1899) the best price, 270 guineas, was paid by Mr. Mills for Royal Fame from Roan Lady 14th — a fine old cow, still useful at the age of fourteen years. The Bessies. — This tribe came to Uppermill in 1862 and, like the Roan Ladys, was acquired by pur- chase from Mr. Whitehead. The latter had obtained the blood from Barclay of Ury. It is one of several valuable Scottish sorts tracing in the maternal line to Mary Anne, by Sillery. The Bessies are now well known in connection with the champion show bull Sign of Riches (60324), sold in 1898 for export to South America and called by many good judges the best Short-horn bull in Great Britain at the time of his exportation. He was a bull of extraordinary depth and wealth of flesh that overcame all opposi- tion not only at the Highland show but at the Royal Dublin. He was sold at auction in Buenos Aires for £650, and one of his sons (Farrier) was recently sold in Argentine by the Messrs. Nelson for £1,300. The Claras. — Mr. Marr, in common with nearly all of the other Aberdeenshire breeders, was indebted 616 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORJST CATTLE very largely to the Ury blood of Capt. Barclay for his foundation stock. In addition to the Ury tribes already mentioned he obtained in 1860 from Mr. Shepherd of Shethin the cow Clara 10th, descended from Clara 2d, by The Pacha, bred by Barclay. The Claras are recognized in the North of Scotland as one of the soundest of the old local sorts, and in 1876 Clara 28th of this line, sired by Gold Digger (24044), was a prominent prize-winner. She pos- sessed great scale and rare beauty of conformation. Several specimens of this family have been imported to the United States and Canada. The Emmas. — This family came to Uppermill about 1870 through the cow Emma 2d, by Golden Eagle (26267). She carried six successive crosses of bulls bred by Mr. Cruickshank, and one of her heifers, bred by Mr. Marr, known as Emma 3d, was imported into Illinois in 1876, where she became the dam of the champion twin heifers Emma 4th and 5th, that acquired so much celebrity in the herd of Messrs. Potts. Indeed, it may fairly be claimed that the exhibition of these massive, heavy-fleshed cows contributed largely toward building up the demand for Scotch-bred Short-horns that set in throughout the Western States about the time of their exhibi- tion. Another noted animal of the Emma type was the bull Earl of Mar (47815), imported into Canada by Francis Green. He was a roan from Emma 2d, the matron of the tribe at Uppermill. The Goldies. — The original Goldie was bred by OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 617 Messrs. Smith & Co. of Inverness. She was a re- markably fine specimen of the breed, having for sire the Sitty ton-bred Goldsmith (14632). She came to Uppermill about 1858, where she produced in 1865 the bull Gold Digger that was sold to the late Mr. Duthie, father of the present William Duthie of Collynie. He proved such a good sire that he was bought back for Uppermill and rendered valuable service. Goldie was fed for exhibition at the Smith- field Show in London, where she was a prize-winner after having produced four calves. She was re- garded as one of the best Short-horn cows of her time, and some of the best of all the Uppermill Short-homs trace descent from her. A white bull calf of this tribe, called The White Knight, has re- cently been bought by Mr. Duthie for service at Collynie at 140 guineas. He was sired by Wanderer out of Goldie 35th. Sittyton sorts. — In addition to his own families as above enumerated Mr. Marr added to the herd at Uppermill representatives of Mr. Cruickshank's Butterfly and Duchess of Gloster tribes. In the hands of Mr. Marr the Butterflys have been known as Blythesomes. It will be remembered that this sort was obtained by Mr. Cruick shank from Capt. Bar- clay. The first of the family went to Uppermill in 1880. A Blythesome bull calf recently brought 220 guineas from P. L. Mills of Euddington Hall. The Duchesses of Gloster at Uppermill are derived from Duchess of Gloster 35th, bred at Sittyton in 1885. 618 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOEX CATTLE Early Sires at Uppermill. — One of the first bulls bought by Mr. Marr was Clarendon (14280), a red, obtained in 1856 from the old herd at Shethin. He was always thought an extra good bull and a rare stock-getter. He belonged to the Princess Eoyai family. Another valuable bull obtained from Shet- hin and placed in service in 1859 was the beautiful roan Lord of Lome (18258), sired by the famous Cheriy Duke 2d (14265), and tracing on the dam's side through the Lovely line afterward so famous at Sittyton. Lord of Lome was one of the most potent influences in the development of the original herd. Uppermill early gave its adherence to Sitty- ton, the first of the Cruickshank bulls to go there being Lord Surrey (20230) and Lord Lyons (22173). The former was bought in 1861 and the latter in 1864. They were both reds and both proved satisfactory sires. Eesort was next had to Kinellar. Young Pacha (20457) and Prince Louis (27158), both red, were obtained from Mr. Campbell. The former left some good cows and heifers and Prince Louis proved a tower of strength. He was a bull of great substance, very thick in his flesh and stood near to the ground. Li the course of a recent letter to the author the younger Mr. Marr says: "I be- lieve the thickness of the Uppermill cattle is to this day partly due to Prince Louis." It is interesting in this connection to note that his dam, the Cruick- shank-bred Nonpareil 24th, was a daughter of Lord Sackville (13349), whose extraordinary value as a OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 619 sire was not sufficiently recognized at Sittyton. Prince Louis was followed by the first home-bred bull to be jDlaced in service, to-wit: Gold Digger (24044). As already mentioned he was out of the great cow Goldie and was used for a time by the late Mr. Duthie. He is said to have been a very grand red bull, possessing great width and depth. One branch of the Missies traces through Missie 20th, by Gold Digger. He was followed by the Highland Society's prize bull Macduff (26773), a roan, bred by Mr. Bruce of Broadland. A large family of Mis- sies descend through Missie 30th by this bull. Heir of Englishman (24122). — This great show- yard champion was bought for Uppermill in 1869 at four years of age. He was bred by G. R. Barclay of Keavil, Perthshire, who was also the breeder of the famous Baron Booth of Lancaster 7535, so cele- brated in America. The Heir was got by English- man (19701) out of the handsome cow Seraphina 13th, belonging to Lord Sudeley's renowned family of that name. He was a roan, showing pronounced Short-horn character, great substance, length, qual- ity and style, and was a leading prize-winner at all the National shows of his day, including both the Royal and the Highland. Amos Cruickshank is said to have been one of his greatest admirers, and re- marked to Mr. Marr that the bull's head and eye alone were worth the price paid for him. Mr. Marr was offered double the sum given for the bull by the Sittyton management. Heir of Englishman gave 620 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE the Uppermill herd its first great popularity. His progeny were eagerly sought by foreign buyers and were easily recognized on account of their singular uniformity. It is doubtful if any bull ever used in Aberdeenshire left a greater impress upon North Country Short-horn breeding. He was used at Up- permill for seven years. Young Englishman (31113), a red, sired by the Heir out of Missie 19th, developed into a bull of great thickness and succeeded his sire in service. He proved a good getter as well as a fine show bull, and Mr. Marr had the courage to refuse an offer of £300 for him, which was in those days a fabulous price for a Scotch-bred Short-horn. About this same time several other home-bred bulls were tested, among others Midshipman (29372), that was used for a year and then sold for export to Australia at a long price. He was a bull of remarkable thickness, and several of his daughters were brought to the United States and Canada. Cherub 4th (83359).— The Seraphina blood as evi- denced in the two bulls just mentioned gave such eminent satisfaction at Uppermill that Mr. Marr next purchased the roan Cherub 4th, bred by Lord Sudeley and sired by Mandarin (29269) out of Booth's Seraphina by Baron Booth (21212), the sire of Mr. Pickrell's Baron Booth of Lancaster. Man- darin was a white bull with roan ears, got by the Bates-bred 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618) out of Seraphina 15th; so that Cherub 4th was an inbred OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 621 Seraphina carrying a Bates as well as a Booth cross. He was a dark roan of pronounced substance and quality and cost 200 guineas at twelve months old. He was a capital stock-getter and his bulls made the highest prices obtained by Mr. Marr in the old days. Athabasca (47359). — In the selection and use of this valuable Cruickshank bull we have an admira- ble illustration of the advantage possessed by Old Country breeders in the matter of disregarding color in bulls chosen for stock purposes. Athabasca was a white, bred at Sittyton from the prize bull Pride of the Isles (35072) out of Azalea (dam of the most celebrated of all latter-day Cruickshank bulls, Field Marshal), by Caesar Augustus (25704). He was bought in 1881 and used at Uppermill for seven years with complete success. His young bulls were in keen demand and his heifers, as a rule, were of a refined and excellent breeding type. Since Athabasca's time none but Cruickshank bulls have been used at Uppermill. He was suc- ceeded by Lord Lavender (54616), by Cumberland out of Lavender 15th. William of Orange (50694). — This great Cruick- shank bull was bought at Sittyton as a calf in 1883. He was a red, sired by Roan Gauntlet out of Orange Blossom 21st by Caesar Augustus, and was retained in ser\dce at Uppermill until twelve years old. His record as a sire is a source of pride to all who are interested in the fortunes of the Aberdeenshire cat- tle. He was a red, possessing strong individuality, 622 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN" CATTLE wonderful constitution, a grandly-spread and admir- ably-covered back, and extraordinary quality. As seen at Uppermill by the writer in 1892 he im- pressed us as the best aged bull of the breed we had the privilege of examining in all Britain, and his progeny were almost without exception well above the average in merit. Among the best of his get may be mentioned Gay Monarch and Master of the Mint (both brought to America), Mountaineer and the dam of Marengo. His daughters have proved mines of wealth to the proprietors of Uppermill. Later Sittyton sires at Uppermill. — After William of Orange came Sea King (61769), a good dark roan of the Spicy family, sired by Gondomar (55821) out of Sea Foam by Gondolier (52956), tracing to Sil- very by Champion of England. Then came Daunt- less (54155), Captain of the Guard (58956) and Wanderer (60138), the latter sire of the 330-guinea bull Scottish Champion, sold to Mr. Duthie. Wan- derer is still in service (1899) at eleven years of age. The Uppermill young bulls have been sold at public auction annually since 1856. Showing has been dis- continued since about 1875. Mr. Marr Sr. departed this life a few years since after a long and useful career, having contributed largely to the upbuilding of the reputation which the Aberdeenshire Short-horns have attained on both sides the Atlantic. His son William S. suc- ceeded to the ownership and management of the herd. OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 623 Lethenty. — Mr. Anthony Cruicksliank had two sons, John W. and Edward, both of whom always manifested a deep interest in Short-horns. Upon the death of their father they inherited his interests in the Sittyton herd, which they retained nntil its final dispersion. In addition to holding this interest in the parent herd the brothers undertook at Leth- enty, near Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, the establish- ment of a partnership herd. The foundation of the herd was laid in the early "seventies" and Booth blood was made the standard. The herd attained considerable proportions and was bred with a good degree of success for some years, being finally dis- persed at auction. After the sale of the Booth cattle Mr. Edward Cruickshank founded at Lethenty a second herd, drawing part of his material from Sittyton and part from Longmore of Eettie. As has already been stated the Longmore Short-horns ranked among the best ever produced in Scotland, the herd dating from about 1838, and at the time Edward Cruickshank purchased females of that breeding the Eettie stock carried a good percentage of Sittyton blood. Ed- ward had an idea that these large-framed, good- milking cows would "nick" well with Sittyton sires, and, as the question of fresh blood for the parent herd was often considered by Mr. Amos Cruick- shank, it was agreed between Edward and his uncle that the proposition of the former to select good Longmore cows for mating with Sittyton bulls was 624 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE likely to result in success and perhaps prove the means of providing a desirable outcross for the new strongly-inbred Cruickshank stock. Five of these Longmore cows were bought at the Rettie dispersion of 1881, consisting of three daughters and two granddaughters of Lord Forth (26649), a red bull bred at Sittyton from Forth (17866) out of Autumn Rose by Lord Raglan. The richly-fleshed, low- standing roan bull Perfection (37185), sired by Bridesman (30586) out of Russian Violet by Scot- land's Pride, was secured from Sittyton and placed in service. This bull was distinguished for his qual- ity and even distribution of thick flesh, and crossed with Longmore cows proved a distinct success. He was followed in service by one of his sons, Prince Rufus (51926), descended on his dam's side from the Rettie stock. He was a capital individual, being shown with success as a calf, yearling and two-year- old. About 1887 Edward Cruickshank resolved to give up farming and take up his residence in Eng- land, closing out practically the entire herd at pri- vate sale to the Hon. John Dryden of Canada. Collynie. — The herd of Mr. William Duthie, upon whose shoulders the mantle of the late Amos Cruickshank seems to have fallen, occupies such a commanding position in the Scotch Short-horn trade at the present time that it must form the subject of further reference in a subsequent chapter. As its foundations, however, date back to about the year 1856 it must be included in this connection among OTHER NORTH COUNTRY HERDS 625 the Aberdeenshire stocks contemporaneous in date with the herd at Sittyton. Mr. Duthie's father was a near neighbor of Mr. Cruickshank and kept a few Short-horns on the farm of Collynie — one of the Earl of Aberdeen's many estates in that vicinity — some fifty years since. At the dispersion sale of the good herd of Mr. Jonathan "Whitehead of Little Methlick, in 1856, he purchased the foundation dams of three tribes that are still to be found in the herd; one of which has the same origin as the Roan or Red Lady tribe at Uppermill already mentioned. In common with other Aber- deenshire breeders Mr. Duthie Sr. sought at all times cattle of the useful, practical sort, and long before the Sittyton dispersion the herd had acquired pronounced merit and a high local reputation. It was not, however, until the present proprietor, Mr. Wm. Duthie, made his memorable purchase of Sit- tyton cattle after Mr. Amos Cruickshank gave up breeding, that the Collynie Short-horn became an important factor on both sides the water. As Ameri- can breeders are interested more particularly in the later history of the herd comment as to its character is reserved until the subject may be reached in its proper order. CHAPTER XXI RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN AMERICA The first importations of Scotch-bred Short-horns to America were made in 1854 and 1856 by the Shak- ers of Union Village, Warren Co., 0., and R. G. Cor- wine of Lebanon, 0., and consisted of some thirty head, most of which were bred by Douglas of Athel- staneford. The first of the North-of-Scotland blood was brought by the Illinois Importing Co., in 1857, from the herd of Messrs. Cruickshank at Sittyton; and the excellence of the two animals representing that blood in this first Western importation is amply attested by the fact that at the company's sale at Springfield the pair — consisting of the bull Defend- er (12687), by Matadore (11800), and the roan Non- pareil heifer Lady Harriet — brought $3,800 at auc- tion. Notwithstanding this early introduction of Scotch cattle, the descendants of the New York, Ohio and Kentucky importations from England, as we have already shown, so dominated the trade in the United States that little attention was paid for many years to the operations of the Scotch breeders. Early importations into Ontario. — Although Can- ada was linked with the mother-land by many ties of blood and interest and numbered in her rural pop- ulation many farmers of Scottish birth, the Domin- KISE OF SCOTCH POWER IX AMERICA 627 ion's interest in the Xortli-Country cattle did not manifest itself in any appreciable degree until after the great revival of breeding in North America that set in after the close of the Civil War in the States. During the period extending from 1854 to 1861 Geo. and Wm. Miller and Simon Beattie made sev- eral importations from the herd of Eobert Syme of Eed Kirk, Dumfrieshire. This was a sound old stock of good local repute in the south of Scotland, and some of the most useful of the Canadian families of Short-horns trace their descent from these pur- chases. A very noted bull of Geo. Miller's importa- tion was Prince of Wales 50100, a showy roan that was exhibited extensively in Canada and the State of New York without meeting defeat. Mr. William Miller of Pickering, Ontario, imported cattle of Syme's breeding about the same dates; some of the original selections being made by his son, Mr. Wm. Miller (later of Lakeside Fann, Iowa), then a young man making his first tour of the old-country herds and flocks. In the William Miller lot was the bull Eed Kirk (15138), a fine roan of medium size that was sold for service in the State of New York. Mr. Miller describes the Eed Kirk heifers of that day as among the best to be found in all Britain. In 1857 Messrs. Armstrong of Markham brought out the light-roan bull Fawkes (14539), of Eed Kirk breed- ing, a remarkably thick-fleshed, substantial bull that proved a grand getter. In 1856 Mr. Geo. Eoddick of Coburg imported from the herd of Mark Stewart, 628 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Southwick, near Dumfries, the heifer Nonpareil 6th in calf to Lord Raglan (13244) and the young bulls Brilliant by Baron of Ravensworth (7811) and Prince Charlie by Lord Raglan. In 1861 Simon Beattie imported three heifers and two bulls of the Red Kirk blood, and in 1869 Wm. Miller of Picker- ing brought out the grand roan show heifer Ruberta — bred by Messrs. Game of Broadmoor, Gloucester- shire, England — that had a successful career at the leading Western fairs of the early "seventies."* *Some facts concerning earlier importations into Canada from Eng- land may here be of interest: One of the first importations into the Dominion was that of Mr. Rowland Wingfleld, who brought out in 1833 and in 1838 six cows and heifers and the white bull Young Farmer 6 2d. Three of the females, Lilly, by Warden 1563; Dairymaid, by Warwick (2815) ; Pedigree, by Mynheer (2345), and Cowslip, by Warwick (2815), were purchased by Kentucky breeders and taken to that State. About this same date Mr. Adam Fergusson imported the cows Beau- ty, by Snowball (2647), and Cherry, by a son of St. Albans (2584), together with the bull Agricola (1614). The latter was sold to go to New York. Beauty and Cherry were both roans from the herd of James Chrisp of Northumberland, and the former gave rise to a fam- ily that afterward became very popular at Bow Park and elsewhere. In 1837 Thomas Mairs imported the roan bull Holderness and the cow Strawberry. Antedating all of these was an importation of four bulls said to have been made by the New Brunswick Agricultural Society, three of which were from the herd of Mr. Wetherell. In 1845 Ralph Wade Sr. of Port Hope, Ont., imported the roan cows Adeline, Clarentine, Fisher Roan and Snowdrop, and the bull American Belted "\A'ill (12394), mainly of Raine's breeding. Some years later Mr. Wade also imported a white cow, Newham Lily, bred by Mason Hopper from Belleville (6778), and the roan bull Sir Charles Napier (13712), of same breeding. From 1854 to 1856 F. W. Stone of Moreton Lodge, Guelph, Ont.. made six importations, aggi-egating about thirty-four head. Air. Stone's purchases were made from some of the most noted herds of the time in England, including those of Jonas Webb, J. S. Tanqueray, E. Bowly, Col. Kingscote, H. Ambler, etc. Included in these shipments were the bulls John o' Gaunt 2d (13089), Friar John (12905) and the 11th and 13th Dukes of Oxford, the latter sired by the Bates bull 6th Duke of Oxford (12765), but not tracing to that tribe on dam's side. Among the cows was the roan Margaret, by Snowball 8602, of Bowly 's breed- ing, that gave rise to a numerous family bearing her name ; also a pair of Sanspareil heifers, Isabella (Booth), from Bolden's, and the roan Eugenie, from Ambler's, sired by imp. Grand Turk (12969). Tliese selections proved very valuable to the cattle interests of Canada, and Mr. Stone made further large importations from England from 1870 to 1878. In 1860 Dr. G. H. Phillips of Prescott imported five heifers and two bulls from Ireland, one of the latter being Master McHale 5943, all of Booth blood. In 1868 the Quebec Agricultural Society brought out the RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN AMERICA 629 Along with Ruberta came the heifer Gola and bull Fawsley Chief 10051, both of Torr's breeding. Notwithstanding these investments in Scotch stock the English type of Short-horns continued to have the call in Canada, as well as on this side of the border, for many years following the Syme importa- tions mentioned. Direct importations from England two heifers Statesman's Daughter 2d and Princess, bred by J. Har- ward of Winterfold, and the bull Oxford Gwynne 12551, bred by Chas. Howard of Biddenham. In 1871 John Snell & Sons of Edmonton imported the roan bull British Baron 13557, bred by Col. Townelev, and in 1874 the Booth- bred Knight of the Rose 23646. In August, 1871, R. J. Stanton of Thornhill imported five heifers from the herd of Mr. Fawkes of Farne- ley Hall, and the bull Baron Mild-Eyes from the herd of Col. Gunter. A second shipment was made by Mr. Stanton in 1874 of three heif- ers from the Scotch herds of Messrs. J. Whyte, J. Gordon and R. Binnie. Jno. R. Craig of Edmonton imported in 1874 the red heifer Euphe- mia and heifer calf, bred by R. Stratton ; the cow Lady LeMoor, bred by T. Maynard, and the roan heifer Waterloo J., bred by Sir AV. C. Trevelyan of Northumberland. In 1881 Mr. Craig received from the famous herd of Lord Polworth of Mertoun House, St. Boswell's, eleven heifers and seven bulls, all Booth-topped. Between 1874 and 1877 Mr. Jno. Hope imported for account of Hon. Geo. Brown of Bow Park a large number of English-bred cattle, main- ly of Bates blood, although his first shipment, made in 1874, contained several Booths from the herd of Raymond Bruere. In 187 6 the Can- ada West Farm Stock Association, reference to which is made on page 482, made heavy importations, chiefly of Bates blood, from leading English herds. Between 1875 and 1880 Prof. G. Lawson imported some twenty-five head, representing a wide range of English blood, for the Central Board of Agi'iculture of Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 1876 Thomas Boak of Milton imported the roan cow Farewell and her bull calf from the herd of Robt. Thompson of Inglewood, whose subsequent successes in the English show-yard with the great MoUie Millicent and other noted prize winners gave his stock gi-eat celebritv. Along with this Thompson cow came the roan bull Duke of Cumber- land (58590). In 1879 Wm. Linton of Aurora, received from the Linton herd at Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, England, the cow Rachel, heifer calf Sheriff Hutton Rose and the young bull British Hero (39 506) ; both of the latter sired by the famous Sir Arthur Ingram (32490). In 1883 he received from the same source the cows Snowdrop and Fame 2d. Between 1870 and 1881 Messrs. J. & R. Hunter of Alma, made sev- eral importations of Booth-bred cattle from the herds of Hugh Ayl- mer and T. E. Pawlett. We believe they also imported one Cruick- shank heifer in the early "seventies," and they also had from J. Whyte of Aberdeenshire, the Booth bull Knight of Warlaby 20163. In 1881 the Government of St. John's, New Brunswick] imported a half-dozen heifers from the herds of Hugh Avlmer of Norfolk and T Marshall of Annan, Scotland, together with the bulls Bellman (44406) and Musketeer, bred by the Messrs. Mitchell of Alloa, Scotland From 1879 to 1883 W. Murray of Chesterfield, made several ship- 630 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE to Ontario were supplemented by purchases of stock of English descent made in the States. The landing of Baron Booth of Lancaster and Rosedale on Canadian soil by Mr. Cochrane in 1867, followed by their sale and triumphant career in the show-yards of the West, forecasted trade possibili- ties which the Dominion breeders were quick to grasp. The commanding position assumed at once by Hillhurst has already been indicated, and while Mr. Cochrane was operating in the deep waters of the Bates and Booth speculation certain of his con- temporaries in the province of Ontario were quietly sowing the seed which was in time to work a revolu- tion in the Short-horn standards of two continents. First Sittyton cattle in Canada. — The earliest im- portation into Canada from Sittyton of which we find record was a small shipment made in 1859 or 1860 by Mr. Neil McGillivray of Williamstown, con- sisting of the red cow Honesty, by Procurator (10657) out of Fidelity by Prince Edward Fairfax; her red bull calf Baronet, sired by The Baron (13833); the roan cow Model, by Matadore (11800) out of Brunette by Prince Edward Fairfax ; and the ments from England, including- Grand Duchess of Oxford G9th and 5th Duke of Holker (44687) from the herd of the Duke of Devonshire. Mr. Murray's importations represented the best Bates tribes. Mr. H. T. Attrill, a capitalist with large business interests in the United States and Canada, and the owner of a farm at Goderich. On- tario, imported in 1881 Grand Duchesses 28th and 35th, bred by R. E. Oliver of Sholebroke Lodge, and the roan Bates Duchess bull 5th Duke of Tregunter (33743). In 1883 he imported two Grand Duchesses of Oxford, one Baroness Oxford, one Winsome Wild Eyes and a Barring- ton from the herd of the Duke of Devonshire. Richard Gibson made extensive importations of Bates cattle from 1881 to 1883, most of which were sold at good prices to breeders in the States. RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN^ AMERICA 631 roan bull Royal George (16866), by Master Butterfly 2d (14918) out of Princess Mary by The Baron. These were accompanied by the roan heifer Nina, of Mark Stewart's breeding, and a roan heifer called Souvenir, bred by J. Grundy of The Dales, near Manchester, England. In the year 1867 Geo. Isaac, a Scotchman who had settled in Canada in 1842, began importing stock from the herd of his brother-in-law, Mr. Campbell of Kinellar. Mr. Isaac's original importation con- sisted of the two red yearling heifers Isabella and Margaret 3d, both sired by Diphthong 3d (21547), and the bull calf Prince Charlie (27123). This ship- ment was followed three years later by a larger one from the same source, which was destined to have a marked influence upon the American trade. It con- sisted of seven heifers and the two yearling bulls Statesman 15539, a red-roan of the Nonpareil sort, and Wellington 15692. Among the heifers were Golden Drop 2d (carrying Golden Drop 3d by Sir Christopher), Miss Eamsden 3d (carrying Miss Ramsden 4th), and Bloom 3d, in calf to Sir Christo- pher (22895). This was the first of the celebrated Golden Drop family brought to America, and the subsequent career of that excellent Kinellar tribe in the West contributed largely to building the Scotch Short-horn fame on this side the Atlantic. In 1872 Mr. Isaac supplemented his previous importations from Kinellar by the purchase of a half-dozen fe- males of Mr. Campbell's breeding, together with the 632 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE roan bull Inkermann 26863. In 1874 George Isaac's son John, of Bowmanton, commenced liis long series of importations of Kinellar-bred cattle. In 1870 Mr. John S. Armstrong of Guelph began with cattle drawn from the herd of the late Mr. Marr of Uppermill. The initial importation consisted of four red two-year-old heifers, one of which, Missie 23d, belonged to a tribe now holding high rank on both sides the Atlantic. In 1871 Mr. Armstrong im- ported a red yearling heifer of Mr. Cruickshank's breeding — Lady Florence, tracing to Picotee — and a red yearling heifer, Golden Bracelet, from Mr. Duthie's, a granddaughter of Velvet by Champion of England. In 1873 Mr. Armstrong made a large ship- ment, mainly from Uppermill, a number of which were sired by Heir of Englishman (24122). These cattle met with a favorable reception at the hands of the Ontario farmers, and in 1876 Mr. Armstrong made a further importation from the herd of Mr. Marr. The Athelstane blood. — One of the most valuable importations that ever crossed the Atlantic was that made by Hon. David Christie of Paris, Ontario, in August, 1864, from the far-famed herd of Douglas of Athelstaneford. It included the great four-year-old cow Queen of Athelstane, got by Sir James the Eose (15290) out of the Bates-bred piayful by 4th Duke of York (10167) ; her yearling heifer Princess of Athel- stane, by Watchman (17216); the roan heifer calf Crown Princess of Athelstane, by Next of Kin RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN" AMERICA 633 (20405) ; the red three-year-old heifer Pride of Ath- elstane, by Sir James the Eose out of Lady of Athel- stane by the prize bull Hymen (13058) ; the red six- year-old Placida, by Master of Athelstane (14933), and her bull calf by Knight of Athelstane (20075), and Queen of Athelstane 's roan bull calf. Crown Prince of Athelstane (21512). As stated on page 606, these cattle represented some of the leading show-yard celebrities of their time in Great Britain. In 1868 Mr. Christie brought out from England the red-and-white Booth bull Knight of St. George 8472, bred by Mr. Carr of Yorkshire and sired by Prince of the Realm (22627) out of Windsor's Queen by Windsor (14013). Bred to Crown Princess of Athelstane, Knight of St. George sired Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d 16585, calved in 1872, that was sold to John Miller and James I. Davidson. The latter bred him to some of his best Cruickshank cows, the cross proving one of the greatest "hits" known in the American Short-horn trade. The Scotch cattle bearing this cross, in the hands of Messrs. Kissinger, Wilhoit, Potts and others in the Western States, were distinguished for their constitution, thrift and feeding quality, contributing some of the most suc- cessful cattle ever produced on this side the Atlantic. Cruickshank cattle at the shows. — Mr. Joseph S. Thompson of Mayfield, Whitby, Ontario, made an importation by the ship European in August, 1870, that fairly entitled him to the credit of having first brought the Sittyton cattle into that prominence 634 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE which they have ever since held in this country. It was this memorable shipment that brought to our shores the red Champion of England heifers Sylvia (running through Lord Sackville to the Secret foun- dation) and Christabel, tracing to the Kilmeny base. These two grand specimens of Amos Cruickshank's breeding were shown as yearlings at the Provincial fair held in Toronto the year of their importation, coming against John M. Bell's famous roan heifer Empress, tracing to the old Red Kirk stock. Three better yearlings have probably never been seen in one American show-yard, and when the entries from Sittyton were placed first and second respectively the Cruickshank cattle at once acquired favorable repute. They were the first specimens of that breed- ing exhibited in Canada, and from that time forward a large contingent of Dominion breeders never wav- ered in their allegiance to the Sittyton stock. The heifers above mentioned were bought in the fall of 1870 by the late Simon Beattie for Col. Wm. S. King of Minneapolis, Minn., and in the Western States they made many fast friends for the Aberdeenshire blood. Sylvia developed into an 2,800-lb. cow of magnificent substance and flesh, inheriting much of the extraordinary thickness and quality of her sire, and at the great Jacobs sale at West Liberty, la., in 1875 was conceded to be the best animal offered, commanding the long price of $2,500. This, there- fore, was the real beginning of a widespread appre- ciation of the Sittyton cattle in America, although RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IX AMERICA 635 it was many years before their undoubted merit for practical purposes was fully recognized. Along with Sylvia and Christabel came the Sitty- ton heifer Butterfly's Kose, the good roan heifer Minnie's Annandale (bred by Currie of Halkerston, near Edinburgh), the Kinellar-bred heifers Clemen- tina 1st and 2d, and the roan Cruickshank Orange Blossom bull Grand Duke of Orange (28762), sired by Scotland's Pride out of Orange Blossom 4th by Champion of England. Violet's Forth. — The enthusiasm with which the Cruickshank importation above mentioned was re- ceived in Canada and the West induced Mr. Thomp- son to make a larger importation from Scotland the following year. From Sittyton he obtained one of the best cows ever sired by the grand show bull Forth, the roan Violet's Forth, then in her sixth year, safe in calf to Caesar Augustus. Mr. Cruick- shank parted with this cow reluctantly, but her sub- sequent exhibition at the shows of the Central West, following, as it did, the appearance of Sylvia and Christabel, enhanced materially American apprecia- tion of his efforts. Violet's Forth was sold to Wil- liam Stewart of Franklin Grove, 111., and produced the bull Champion of the West 13632, afterward sold for $1,000. Stewart sold the cow to John Haley Spears of Menard Co., 111., one of the great showmen of his time, who exhibited her with success at the leading Western fairs, selling her at auction at nine years old to Mrs. Kimberley of Iowa at $1,000. 636 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE The Golden Drops. — Another grand Scotcli cow brought out by Mr. Thompson was Golden Drop 1st, a red-roan of same age as Violet's Forth, bred by Mr. Campbell of Kinellar, and sired by Prince of Worces- ter (20597) out of Golden Drop by Scarlet Velvet. Violet's Forth had decidedly the stronger back and loin, but in other respects Golden Drop 1st was her equal. She passed into possession of Messrs. John Snell & Sons, Edmonton, Ont., but like Sylvia and Violet's Forth she was sought by the enterprising breeders of the West. At Snell 's sale of 1874 she was bought by Messrs. A. H. & I. B. Day of Utica, la., owners of one of the most noted show herds of the early "seventies," at $1,125, and in their hands added fresh luster to the Aberdeenshire fame in the New World. Her red-roan heifer of 1871, Golden Drop 4th by Sir Christopher (22895), also imported by Mr. Thompson, possessed much of her mother's merit. She was sold to Mr. George F. Wastell of Port Huron, Mich. Mr. Thompson also imported the roan Golden Drop 6th, sired by Sir Christopher out of Bloom 4th by Prince of Worcester. Thompson's other importations. — In addition to the valuable cattle above mentioned, Mr. Thomp- son's importations from 1870 to 1874 included the Cruickshank-bred cow Village Bud, a roan by Scot- land's Pride, and her daughter Village Blossom, by Ben Wyvis (30528). Village Blossom passed into the possession of the Messrs. Watt of Salem, in whose hands she produced the most celebrated show EISE OF SCOTCH POWEK INT AMERICA 637 bull of recent years in Xortli America — Young Ab- bottsburn 110679. Another cow of the Thompson importations that left a valuable progeny was the red-and-white Raspberry, bred by C. Bruce of Hunt- ley, Scotland, got by the noted Kinellar sire Prince of Worcester (20597). John Collard of Iowa paid $1,015 for her in Canada in 1874. There was also obtained at Sittyton Katharine by Allan, and Fi- nesse, daughter of Finella by Champion of England ; from James Currie came Cowslip, Minnie Halkerston and a pair of Crimson Flowers, along with several good bulls from the herds of Campbell, Marr and the Duke of Buccleuch. In 1871 Mr. H. Thompson imported the roan heifer Lady Cecil from the herd of the Duke of Buccleuch, the roan heifer Stamford 8th from Uppermill, and the red yearling Butterfly bull Breadalbane (28073), sired by Champion of England, from Sittyton. In 1872 W. Thompson of Markham imported from the Cruickshank herd the red heifer Michigan Casket, by Senator (27441) out of Cactus by Champion of England. John Miller's first shipment. — In August, 1870, Mr. John Miller of Brougham, son of William Miller Sr. of Markham above mentioned, made his first im- portation; bringing out the roan Eose of Strathal- lan — a cow of great scale and substance that had been a prize-winner in Scotland — bred by Lord Strathallan of Perth, and sired by Mr. Cruickshank 's Allan (21172). She was in calf at the time to the 638 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Booth bull Prowler (22662), and dropped to that service the red Lord Strathallan 17591, that devel- oped into a handsome show bull, sold to Mr. S. F. Lockridge of Greencastle, Ind., at $2,500 and winner of a large number of prizes and challenge cups both in Canada and the States.* In this same importa- tion were a number of English-bred heifers, includ- ing the Booth-bred Gaiety and Madame Booth, both from Killerby and got by Brigade Major (21312). In July, 1871, John Miller brought out nine heif- ers, including Missie 32d, from Uppermill, Oxford Lady from Col. Towneley's, and several from the herd of T. Marshall of Annan, Scotland. In 1872 Mr. Miller imported the Booth-bred General Prim (31234), of Hugh Aylmer's breeding. Jajnes I. Davidson. — One of the earliest and most consistent sujoporters of Sittyton in Canada was Mr. *Mr. Lockridge says of this bull : "Lord Strathallan was a nearly- solid red, not a dark red, but what might be called a golden red, of great scale, weighing in fair show condition 2,400 lbs., and could easily have been made to weigh 2,500 lbs. He was a bull of great length, and, while not remarkably short in the leg, was deep of body and wide from end to end, witli oblique shoulders, well filled behind them, well- sprung ribs, wide in the chest, with the most remarkable development of brisket I ever saw in a bull. He was good in twist and thigh, a little light in flank, and not so long of hip as the rules of proportion require, perhaps, but compensated for that defect by extra width at that point. He had a beautiful head, set on a neck clean and small at the throat-latch, swelling in symmetrical lines into the great chest. His horn was short and flat, thick at the base and on a level with the top of the head. The carriage of the bull was superb. I do not think I ever saw anything quite equal to it. So good a judge as Davy Grant once said of him on the sliow ground that if he possessed the in- struments and skill of the sculptor he couldn't carve a more perfect front. He impressed his qualities upon his heifer calves in a much larger degree than upon his bull calves. All his heifers were very like him, but his bull progeny were more prone to follow the charac- teristics of their dams. "Lord Strathallan was what might be called a miscellaneously-bred bull, but from the best sources. The blood of nearly all of the great English breeders was in his lineage. Mason, Towneley, Douglas, Knightley, Booth and Cruickshank all contributed in more or less de- gree to the constitution of his blood lines." RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN^ AMERICA 639 James I. Davidson of Balsam, Ontario. A native of Aberdeen, who emigrated to Canada in 1842, he en- joyed the personal friendship and confidence of Mr. Amos Cmickshank, and after it appeared that the Sittyton sort w^ere winning their way in America he became for some years the leading importer and dis- tributor of cattle of that type on this side of the Atlantic. Mr. Davidson began breeding Short-horns about 1860 with a heifer by Fa wkes (14539), running on the dam's side to imp. Esterville. She proved a good investment. In 1862 he purchased from George Mil- ler of Markham the good cow Cherry, by Prince of Wales (18630), that also did well. It was not until 1871 that Mr. Davidson commenced importing direct from Sittyton.* In June of that year Mr. Jamieson, an Aberdonian relative — who was in the employ of Mr. Grant Duff for more than twenty years — se- lected and shipped five heifers, including Oak Wreath, a red by Allan (21172); Rose Blossom, a red by Senator (27441); Matchless 15th, a red by *Just before the dispersion sale of the famous herd of Grant Duff of Eden •vsas announced in 1853, Mr. Davidson wrote to his friend and relative Mr. .Tamieson, Mr. Duff's overseer, for a price on a good year- ling heifer. He was advised that the price would be 40 guineas. In- stead of sending the money direct, Mr. Davidson forwarded a draft to a near relative, with instructions to procure and ship the heifer. The recipient of the money, however, took it upon himself to decide that the price was too high and determined to wait and execute the order at the sale. In order that Mr. Davidson's agent might not make any mistake and bid on the wrong animal, Jamieson agreed to enter the ring during the sale and adjust the halter on the heifer chosen. The plan worked all right until the bidding began, but as the heifer was started at 50 guineas and in a few minutes was going at 100 guineas, the order was never fdled. This proved a costly interference with Mr. Davidson's plans, as a granddaughter of the heifer in ques- tion (Venus, by Grand Duke Vol. XI, E. H. B. ) during the "boom" days of the seventies commanded the great price of $2,300 at a sale made by Edward lies at Springfield, 111. 640 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Champion of England; Matchless 16th, a roan by Senator, and Water Witch, a red by Scotland's Pride. Two of these, Eose Blossom and Matchless 15th, were among the best Cruickshank heifers ever brought to this country and were sold to the Messrs. Moffatt. The other three were retained for a time, but after a few years Oak Wreath was sold to Mr. Ludlow of Monroe, Wis., for $800 along with her fifteen months ' calf at $600. Water Witch also came to the States at $700, and a fifteen months' calf from Matchless 16th was sold to C. Jordan of Iowa at $500. In August, 1873, Mr. Davidson imported Mysie 37th and a pair of Orange Blossoms and in 1874 received the first large shipment ever forwarded from Sittyton, consisting of twenty head. This transferred to America some of the most valuable blood of the Cruickshank herd, and from it have de- scended a large number of the best Cruickshank cat- tle contained in the breeding herds of Canada and the Western States. It included such animals as the Butterflys 36th, 43d and 44th, Acorn 2d, Red Lady, Mysies 35th and 36th, Autumn Lady, Coral, Village Girl, Rosemary, Flora 6th, Golden Galaxy, Evening Star, etc., besides the bull Framework (33964). Soon after this importation was landed Dr. Noel of Nash- ville, Tcnn., visited Mr. Davidson and purchased two of the Sittyton heifers for $1,800, one of which gave rise to the family since known as the Tennessee Orange Blossoms. It was about this time that Mr. EISE OF SCOTCH POWER INT AMERICA 641 J. H. Kissinger was at the zenith of his career in the American show-yard, and in 1875 he was allowed to select some of the "plums" of this importation for the purpose of strengthening his show herd and the Cruickshank cause in the States; taking out to the West a car-load lot of Sittyton-bred cattle that in after years proved a mine of wealth to the breeders, feeders and farmers of the corn belt. It was at this period that Mr. Davidson made his fortunate use of Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d 16585 upon Cruick- shank cows and heifers. In 1876 Daniel Cookson of Iowa paid $2,500 for five calves sired by this bull. Another, the heifer Eose of Sharon from imp. Eose- mary, was bought by Mr. Palmer of Missouri at one of Kissinger's sales at $600, and won championship honors at St. Louis, not meeting defeat at any point on the Western circuit. Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d was a prize-winner himself, never having been defeated in the show-ring. Mr. Davidson always refused to price him and retained him in service until his death, which occurred at seven years of age. The extraordinary success of this Athelstane cross in the States is referred to elsewhere. From 1881 to 1887 Mr. Davidson had practically a monopoly of the handling of such stock as Mr. Cruickshank could spare for the American trade. It would require more space than we have here at our command to enumerate even the best of the many massive, thick-fleshed, wide-bodied, short-legged specimens of the Aberdeenshire type transferred to 642 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE the New World by Mr. Davidson during the period last named. Suffice it to say that the leaders of the movement in behalf of Scotch Short-horns in the States, such as Messrs. Kissinger, Potts, Harris, Cookson, Moffatt and their contemporaries profited largely by the admirable opportunity presented by Mr. Davidson's extensive operations in Sittyton Short-horns. Hon. John Dryden. — It was in July, 1871, that Hon. John Dryden of Maple Shade Farm, Brooklin, Ontario, one of the most intelligent of all those who have given their adherence to Short-horns in the Dominion, began breeding and importing cattle of the Cruickshank blood. In that year he was so for- tunate as to secure at 120 guineas from Sittyton the now famous Mimulus, by Champion of England, then in her three-year-old form. As has already been shown, this red cow, as the dam of Mr. Cruick- shank 's Royal Duke of Gloster, contributed to the Sittyton herd one of its controlling forces. In this same importation was the red heifer Mysie 34th, by C^sar Augustus; the roan three-year-old 12th Duchess of Gloster, by Champion of England; the red cow Butterfly 15th, by Prince Imperial; the roan three-year-old Queen of Beauty, by Senator, and the red bull Stanley (32594), by Caesar Augustus out of Sweet Violet by Lord Stanley. Queen of Beauty cost at Sittyton 110 guineas. She became the gran- dam of the show heifer Beauty's Pride, sold by Mr. Dryden as a calf to Mr. Kissinger and afterward EISE OF SCOTCH POWER I>r AMERICA 643 owned by L. Palmer, at whose sale in Chicago she brought in connection with her bull calf $1,875. Mimulus produced one heifer, that was sold to Messrs. Potts. We are without information, how- ever, as to her career. The imported cow produced several bulls, however, all of which were exception- ally good, the best of them being the roan Barmpton Hero (324 C. H. B.), by imp. Koyal Baiinpton (45503), sold as a calf to Messrs. Watt of Canada and used in their herd until thirteen years old. He was shown for many years, gaining more than thirty prizes, and was never beaten but once, and then by a bull that he had always defeated on every other occasion. Barmpton Hero, it is claimed, has been the progenitor of more prize stock in Canada in re- cent years than any other bull of his time. His blood could be traced for several generations among the prize-winners at Toronto and other leading Domin- ion shows and is to this day a frequent subject of comment in Canada. He inherited the robust con- stitution of his Sittyton ancestors, and one who ex- amined him at twelve years of age saj's : "I saw him shortly before he went to the butcher, and he was still as spiy and active as a kitten." Unfortunately the other sons of Mimulus did not have an equal opportunity for distinguishing them- selves; as they did not go into herds where they could make an effective impression. Viewed in the light of the accomplishments of Eoyal Duke of Glos- ter at Sittyton and of Barmpton Hero in Canada, it 644 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE will always be a source of regret that the Mimulus blood was not appreciated more thoroughly at the time it was available. Speaking upon this point Mr. Dry den says: "None of us knew the exact value of these animals and of others which have passed through our hands until it was too late." In 1873 Mr. Dryden imported from Sittyton the roan heifer Columbia, by Lord Lancaster (26666), and the great roan bull Royal Barmpton (45503), by Lord Landsdowne (29128) out of Butterfly's Delight by Allan. Royal Barmpton was undoubtedly the best bull Mr. Dryden ever owned or used. He was considered so valuable as a sire that it was deemed injudicious to put him in high condition for the shows. He was nevertheless successfully exhibited upon several occasions. He was seen at one of the Provincial shows in even thinner condition than usual, and it was scarcely thought possible that he could head his class, but he was always remarkably smooth and grew on one the more he was examined. In spite of his lack of condition he gained first hon- ors in this instance, receiving under the rule of the society at that time three times the amount of the prize money on account of his being imported. Royal Barmpton was finally sold to Mr. Jordan of Iowa. In 1880 Mr. Dryden bought from Mr. Cruick- shank the four heifers Sunbeam, Violet Bud, Orange Blossom 30th and Barmpton Violet, together with the bulls Baron Surmise (45933) and Lancaster Royal. Baron Surmise afterward became the prop- RISE OF SCOTCH POWEE IX AMERICA 645 erty of Col. C. A. DeGraff of Minnesota. Violet Bud was sold to Mr. Kissinger, from whom she was pur- chased by Col. W. A. Harris. In May, 1881, Mr. Dryden brought out from Sittyton the heifers Vic- toria 69th (sold to Kissinger and by him to Col. Harris), Corn Flower, Sultana and Flora 17th. In 1882 he imported Lavender 30th, Victoria 72d, Lav- ender Pride and the bulls Lord Glamis (48192) and Aberdeen Champion (47313). In 1883 the roan heif- ers Arbutus and Lovely 37th were imported. Mr. Dryden is known throughout Canada as one of the best farmers in the Dominion, and has been called into public life as Minister of Agriculture for the Province of Ontario. He has always maintained the position that Short-horns should be bred for practical and useful purposes, regardless of the whims and fancies of fashion. Believing, with oth- ers, that it was inexpedient to endeavor to sustain the Cruickshank tribes in their purity for an indefi- nite period, Mr. Dryden was deeply interested in Mr. Edward Cruickshank 's experiment at Lethenty in seeking a fresh cross for the Sittyton stock through the medium of the Longmore cows, refer- ence to which is made on page 624. Wlien, there- fore, Edward Cruickshank decided to give up breed- ing on his own account in 1887 Mr. Drv^len pur- chased his herd and imported it into Canada. We quote his own statement as to this herd as follows: It included forty animals — thirty females and ten bulls. Among the bulls were two which were afterward somewhat used 646 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOEX CATTLE in my herd — Sussex, bred at Sittyton, and Patriot, bred at Leth- enty. Of the females twenty-four were descendants from pur- chases at Sittyton and the remaining six were descendants of the five superior cows bought at the dispersion sale of Mr. Long- more at Rettie, all of them being sired by Sittyton bulls and some having more than one cross. The theory Mr. Ed. Cruick- shank had was that from among these cows he would be able with a cross of Sittyton blood to secure a bull or bulls which would nick well with the Cruickshank cattle. This was at a time when Amos Cruickshank himself felt that in-and-in breed- ing had been continued as far as was prudent, and he also was looking for outside material of this kind. These Longmore cows I saw in Edward Cruickshank's herd some years before and they were splendid animals of great scale and good milking qualities, but with scarcely the early maturing qualities which were found in the Sittyton cattle. Of the bulls obtained from Mr. Cruickshank three are worthy of special mention. The most attractive was Red Emperor 71419, by Perfection out of the old Sittyton cow Harmony by Pride of the Isles. Harmony belonged to the Goldie family of Mr. Marr's herd. Red Emperor was sold to L. Miller of Mary- ville. Mo., and won many prizes in the West. The next was Sussex, belonging to the Secret family, and a very thick and massive animal. Another bull which has done good service was Pioneer, sold to Mr. W. C. Edwards. He was out of one of the Rettie cows with two or three crosses of Sittyton blood on the top. He was successfully used by Mr. Edwards and was the sire of several prize-winning animals. In conversation with Mr. Ed- wards a few days ago he stated that this was the most success- ful bull he had had up to the present. Of the Sittyton females at Lethenty two families are worthy of special mention, namely, the Brawith Buds headed by the Sittyton cow Grizelda, by Royal Violet. This cow I had seen in the herd some years before and she was perhaps the choice ani- mal at that time. She was an exceedingly steady and good breeder. Two of the best that I imported of that family were Winterberry, sired by Cawdor, used at Sittyton, and Orange Flower, sired by Perfection out of Winterberry. Orange Flower is still one of the herd at Maple Shade. Both these cows were RISE OF SCOTCH POWER I>T AMERICA 647 exceptionally low to the ground and of great breadth and splen- did heart room. They always deceived every one who undertook to guess their weight. Some of the other animals of the herd which looked very much larger could not bring down the scales near to either of them. Of the Jessie family, represented by the cow Roseberry, bred at Sittyton, the two best cows were Bram- bleberry and Rowanberry, the first by Perfection and the second by Prince Rufus, bred at Lethenty and sired by Perfection. Brambleberry was a splendid cow of considerable scale and low to the ground. Rowanberry was of greater scale and greater length. Of the Rettie lot secured I have always had a leaning for the progeny of the cow Northern Belle. Arthur Johnston. — The importation in 1874 of a pair of Scotch heifers in connection with Mr. Bir- rell constituted the first investment made by Arthur Johnston of Greenwood in imported Short-horns. In 1881 he brought out from Kent, England, the red bull Lewis Arundel 46433, bred by Messrs. Leney & Son. In 1883 he imported the English-bred Sta- tira Duchess 2d and the Scotch-bred bulls Capt. Errant and Bold Buccleuch. In August, 1884, he brought out from Mr. Duthie's the roan bull Eclipse by Earl of March (33807), and in October of the same year he landed a large and excellent importa- tion which included the white Sittyton heifer All- spice, an own sister to the celebrated Field Marshal ; four Lancaster heifers bred by Nathaniel Eeid of Aberdeenshire; two Clarets, a ISTonpareil and two Eosebuds from Kinellar, and eight young bulls, seven of which were of S. Campbell 's breeding. Mr. Johnston made several subsequent importa- tions and was the owner of the noted roan Cruick- shank Victoria bull Indian Chief 98651, the sire of 648 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOElSr CATTLE some successful show stock, including tlie fine roan bull Nonpareil Chief 113034 (a Kinellar Nonpareil), sold to Col. T. S. Moberley of Kentucky, and exhib- ited in the States. Miscellaneous Canadian importations. — In 1871 W. B. Telfer of Fergus imported the heifers Duch- ess of Kent and Eoyal Alice from the herd of W. Chalmers of Old What, Aberdeenshire, and the bull His Eoyal Highness (28860) from same herd. In 1874 W. Major of Whitedale imported five heifers and two bulls from the herd of James Currie, Hal- kerston, near Edinburgh, followed in 1875 by a ship- ment of three heifers from .the herd of J. W. Phil- lips, Staffordshire, England, and one from the Berkeley Castle herd of Lord Fitzhardinge. In 1874 Messrs. Birrell & Johnston of Greenwood brought out from Upperaiill the dark-roan yearling heifer Alexandrina 6th, and from the herd of James Bruce of Burnside the red yearling Priscilla 7th, by Lord St. Leonards, a half-sister to imp. Duke of Eichmond (21525). In 1875 William Collum of Haysville imported Aggie Buckingham and Airy Buckingham, of Amos Cruickshank 's breeding; the heifers Dorothy and Viscountess 2d, bred by John Law of Aberdeenshire, and the bull Liberator, bred by Eobert Bruce. In 1883 Thomas Eussell of Exeter brought out the heifers Border Charai and Border Pride, of Wil- liam Duthie's breeding, along with two other heif- ers from the herds of A. Davidson and John John- RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN" AMERICA 649 son, and the red bull Lord Ythan, bred by Mr. Dutliie from the Cruickshank bull Shapinshay out of Lovely 25th. In May, 1883, Francis Green of Innerkip made an important importation, including Mysie 34th, bred by A. Scott of Towie Barclay; Jewel 8th, Countess 5th and Eliza 9th, from Mr. Duthie's; Cle- matic, from Sittyton; Princess Eoyal 23d, in calf to Athabasca, Patchiulo, Clara 40th, and the bull Earl of Mar (47815), of the Emma tribe, from Mr. Marr's. In 1884 Green Bros, of Innerkip imported four heifers from the North of Scotland and the bulls Enterprise and Earl of Roseberry from the herds of Messrs. Duthie and Marr respectively. Beginning with 1878 and continuing until 1882, Mr. George Whitfield shipped out to his farm at Rougemont, Quebec, some fifty head of Short-horns from various Scotch, English and Irish herds. But while these represented some of the best British blood, they scarcely received that attention at Rougemont neces- sary to render them of special value to American herds. They were finally scattered without having left much impress on the trade. The lies importation into Illinois. — The first direct importation of Aberdeenshire cattle into the West- ern States, with the exception of the pair included in the Illinois Importing Co.'s shipment of 1857, was selected by one of America's most famous herds- men, David Grant, for Mr. Edward lies of Spring- field, 111., in August, 1874. Rarely has it ever fallen to the lot of one man to buy two such celebrities in 650 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE embryo as were developed from this small purchase of six head. There was but one bull in the lot, but he proved a maker of history. This was Duke of Eichmond 21525, of Bruce 's breeding. There was but one Cruickshank heifer in the lot — Orange Blos- som 18th, by Viceroy (32764) out of Orange Blossom 14th by Knight of the Whistle (26558) ; second dam Orange Blossom 12tli by Prince Imperial (22595). Both of these animals were yearlings at the time of their importation. Both were sold to J. H. Kissin- ger ; the Duke at the American record price of $4,500 for a Scotch bull and the heifer at $2,500. The latter was bought later on by Mrs. Kimberly of Iowa at the record price for a Scotch female of $3,500. It thus appears that these two yearlings reached a combined value of $8,000. Concerning Orange Blossom 18th Mr. Kissinger says: "She was a great heifer, a splendid specimen of her noble race ; a very short-legged, thick, heavy- fleshed animal, such as it was my delight to handle. I considered her one of the best heifers that ever crossed the waters or was ever bred by that grand old man — Amos Cruickshank."* * Orange Blossom 18 th undoubtedly owed her extraordinary merit very largely to her sire, Viceroy, that was got by Champion of England out of the great show cow Violet's Forth. The bull Knight of the Whistle that sired her dam was a roan, bred by IMr. Foljambe of Os- berton Hall, and got by the Booth bull Knight of the Garter (22062). It will be noted that the second dam was sired by the Bootli bull Prince Imperial (22595). Notwithstanding this fact, Mr. Cruickshank always claimed that his herd never received the benefit he had anticipated fiom the Booth blood. His experience with Bates blood, as it came in tlirough cows purchased for tlie herd, did not induce him to place a very high estimate upon that for his purposes. As we must accept liis judg-ment upon both of these points — so far as it applies to his own work — arrived at after cai-eful trial, it seems clear that Orange Blos- som 18th derived her excellence from her sire's side of the house. RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN^ AMERICA 651 In the herd of J. H. Potts & Son the Duke of Rich- mond scored such a success both as a sire and show bull that he is generally credited with having con- tributed as much toward making the reputation of Scotch sires in America as any other one animal ever imported. In addition to the celebrated animals named Mr. lies imported Missie 40tli from Uppennill and the heifers Flora 3d, Flora 7th and Flora Belle, bred by J. Gordon, Cluny Castle, Aberdeenshire. Robert Milne of Kelvin Grove. — Following the lies importation there came the same year from Sittyton a carefully-chosen and exceedingly valuable lot, consisting of seven females and one bull, select- ed just at the right time to secure the richest of the Cruickshank blood. The great Aberdeenshire herd was then nearing its period of highest excellence. Mr. Milne was a native Aberdonian who enjoyed the friendship and respect of Mr. Cruickshank, and there can be no doubt that he secured in this im- portation some of the very best cattle ever sent to American shores. He had been breeding Short- horns at his Kelvin Grove Farm, near Lockport, EL, for many years; in fact, he was one of the pioneer breeders of the State of his adoption. Like Amos Cruickshank, he held that the Short-horn's chief mission was to convert the ordinary foodstuffs of the farm into prime beef at a profit to his owner. Substance, constitution and thrift were with him car- dinal points, and in this admirable selection from 652 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Sittyton those characteristics found full exemplifi- cation. We believe that the animals were picked by Mr. Cruickshank himself with a view toward fur- nishing Mr. Milne with a foundation stock that should represent the best Sittyton type. The bull selected was the red Viscount 18507, calved in 1872, and sired by Lord Landsdowne (29128) out of the good cow Red Violet by Allan (21272) ; second dam the famous Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173). Lord Landsdowne was by Caesar Augustus, descending on the dam's side through the Lovelys. Viscount's development exceeded Mr. Milne's most sanguine expectations. He matured into a bull of extraordinary breadth of body and depth of flesh. Indeed it is doubtful if a better sire has been known in Western Short-hom herds; his get inheriting his substance and capacity for laying on flesh even to the second and third generations; his daughters and granddaughters in the herds of Messrs. Milne, Aldrich of Tiskilwa, and Cummings of Buda possessing great scale and thickness and were frequently heavy milkers. The females of this importation were as follows: The roan Butterfly 34th; the red Butterfly 37th, by Champion of England; the roan Corianda, out of the great Carmine Rose by Champion of England; the red Secrecy, by the greatest son of Champion of England— Grant Duke of Gloster (26288); the red Bridal Flower, by Scotland's Pride out of Bride Elect by Lord Raglan ; the red Glitter, out of a Bra- RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN^ AMERICA 653 with Bud COW by Champion of England, and the roan Autumn Flower, out of Autumn Leaf by Cham- pion of England. Mr. Cruickshank must have part- ed with this richly-bred consignment with extreme reluctance, but he never did a better stroke of business, so far as building up American trade was concerned, than when he forwarded these to Illinois. Many of the best show and breeding cattle of the past twenty years in this country have carried the blood of this Robert Milne impor- tation. Lowman and Smiths' importations. — Eanking well up with the Robert Milne purchases, and ex- ceeding the Kelvin Grove lot in numbers, the ship- ments of Sittyton and Uppermill stock made by Mr. Davis Lowman and Messrs. Smith of Toulon, 111., in 1875 and 1876 hold a place in Western Short- horn history second to few other importations of the century. The first lot, brought out in June, 1875, included the roan Lovely 18th, the red Butterflys 45th and 46th from Mr. Cruickshank 's, and Missie 35th, Goldy 18th and Red Lady 3d from Mr. Marr's, besides Geraldine 7th, bred by J. Cochrane of Little Haddo. Mr. A. J. Dunlap of Galesburg, III, bought Lovely 18th at $1,010 and Butterfly 46th at $850. For Red Lady 3d Messrs. Pickrell gave $1,200, and for Missie 35th Edward lies paid $635. Butterfly 45th and Goldie 18th were sold to John Bond, Abing- don, ni. The shipment of 1876 included Orange Blossom 25th from Sittyton, that was sold to L. 654 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Hanna of Waveland, Ind., for $705, and afterward became the property of Aaron Plumley of West Liberty, la. There also came out on the same ship, as the individual property of Mr. Lowman, a roan heifer known as Victoria 51st, bred at Sittyton and sired by Eoyal Duke of Gloster (29684) out of a daughter of Victoria 39th by Champion of England. This heifer was sold soon after importation to Mr. Verry Aldrich of Tiskilwa, 111., for $600, and be- came the ancestress of one of the best families of Cruickshank cattle of which there is record in this country. Her daughters and granddaughters were grand, big, massive cows, with wonderful backs, great depth, remarkable wealth of flesh, and were frequently fine milkers. One branch of this family passed into the possession of Messrs. Cummings, Buda, 111., and later acquired great reputation in the herds of Messrs. Sanger of Waukesha, Wis., Col. W. A. Harris of Linwood and C. B. Dustin of Summer Hill, 111. The champion show cow Victoria of Hick- ory Park, of this line, was one of the finest types of finish, flesh and substance ever seen in Western shows. She died a few years since, the property of Messrs. Dustin. This shipment was also remarkable as including the good breeding cow Emma 3d, of Uppermill breeding, that was bought by Messrs. Potts for $700. In their possession she lived to an advanced age, giving birth to many high-class ani- mals, among others the celebrated twin show heifers Emma 4th and Emma 5th. Missie 39th, of Mr. RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IN AMERICA 655 Marr's breeding, and Sybil 13tli, from Sittyton, were also of this lot. Scotch success at the showg. — Col. William S. King had given the Western States an inkling as to the superior flesh and substance of the Scotch type of cattle, and J. H. Kissinger of Missouri, Messrs. Day of Iowa, and some of their contemporaries had carried the demonstration of their feeding quality to a convincing conclusion. About 1877 the Herefords were pressing hard for recognition at the great Na- tional shows, and those who bore the brunt of the assault in behalf of the Short-horns found in the North Country tribes a class of cattle that had the constitution to withstand heavy feeding, and that possessed the requisite capacity for taking on flesh at an early age. Potts and the Duke of Richmond. — Foremost among those who contested every inch of the Here- ford advance of that period stood John H. Potts & Son of Oakland Farm, Jacksonville, 111. Mr. Potts had made a modest beginning in 1868 by the pur- chase of the cow Belle Moreland, tracing on the dam's side to imp. Amelia by Plato. She carried a cross of the blood of the Sanders importation of 1817, and, although a cow^ of great individual merit, was purchased at the low price of $95. Within six years $1,800 worth of her descendants had been sold. Mr. Potts had the good fortune early in his career to secure the valuable show and breeding bull Mas- ter Geneva 20368, bred in Kentucky and sired by 656 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEX CATTLE Prince Geneva, of Ben Bedford's Desdemona blood, out of the White Eose cow Fannie 2d by Stonewall Jackson 12988. An illustration of this bull appears in Vol. XIV of the American Herd Book. He was a red weighing in show condition 2,500 lbs., and it was with a herd headed by him that Messrs. Potts first engaged in the show business; their initial appearance being at the Illinois State Fair at Peoria in 1874. Master Geneva was a capital stock-getter, and Mr. A. J. Dunlap once offered $2,500 for him. In May, 1876, Messrs. Potts bought the famous imported Scotch-bred bull Duke of Kichmond 21525 from J. H. Kissinger. He was a red, calved in 1873, bred by James Bruce of Bumside, Fochabers, Scot- land, sired by Lord St. Leonards (29202) out of Fannie by Eoyal Errant (22780). His sire, Lord St. Leonards, was a roan, bred by Fawkes of Fameley Hall. Royal Errant was of the Duke of Buccleuch's breeding, and was the sire of many celebrated show cattle, among others the bull Scotsman (27435), a winner at the English Royal, imported by Mr. Coch- rane and famous in the celebrated Lyndale show herd of Col. William S. King. The Duke of Rich- mond had been imported by Mr. lies of Springfield in 1874 as a yearling, and was shown for him by J. H. Pickrell at the fall fairs of that year. He was a youngster of such unusual promise that Messrs. Kissinger and Spears both wanted him for their show herds. He had cost Mr. lies $800, but the com- petition for his possession in the fall of 1875 was so RISE OF SCOTCH POWER INT AMERICA 657 keen that Mr. Kissinger was compelled to pay $4,500 for him, in addition to giving six services valued at $50 each. In the spring of 1876 Mr. Ivissinger de- cided to disperse his show stock, and it was then that Messrs. Potts acquired the bull at $2,250, be- sides the show cow Mattie Eichardson and other noted animals. Duke of Eichmond was of medium size, but carried a rare wealth of thick flesh in com- pact form. He had breadth and depth without su- perfluous height, and during the campaigns of 1876 and 1877 proved fairly invincible. Mr. Potts had purchased in 1875 the imported Scotch-bred heifer Priscilla 7th, also bred by Bruce of Burnside and got by Lord St. Leonards, the sire of Duke of Eich- mond, and had also acquired the imported Cruick- shank cow Eed Lady. At the Illinois State Fair of 1877 Mr. C. M. Cul- bertson exhibited the strongest herd of Herefords yet seen in the United States, with the famous bull Anxiety at its head. Grave fears were entertained in the Short-horn camp that the "white-faces'"' might bear away the herd championship, and had it not been for the stock of Messrs. Potts they would undoubtedly have accomplished that trick. The herd which thus successfully defended the honor of the breed at a crucial period in its history consisted of imp. Duke of Eichmond, his half-sister imp. Pris- cilla 7th ; two daughters of Master Geneva, Josie 2d (a Pomona) and Geneva's Pride (tracing to imp. Julia by Young Grant) ; Mattie Eichardson, an Ame- 658 A HISTORY OP SHORT-HORN CATTLE lia of Kissinger's breeding, and Cassa 20tli, a Rosa- bella, sired by Leonard's Monarch. It is difficult for breeders of the present day to realize the tension that existed in these first great show-yard battles with the Herefords in the West. The '* white-faces" were then a comparative novelty on this side of the water and some were predicting that they would soon supplant the Short-horns entirely. It was felt that a serious situation confronted the Short-horn breeding fraternity, and on this account it is difficult to overestimate the value of the service rendered at that time by the Messrs. Potts. The Fanny Airdrie "nick." — Fortunately the Duke of Richmond proved a most impressive sire. Mated with American-bred cows possessing scale and finish, he gave Western show-yards and breed- ing herds a class of stock of such undoubted merit for the feed-lot and the block that for many years his descendants in the hands of Messrs. Potts and their contemporaries figured conspicuously in the prize lists of all the leading State fairs and fat-stock shows. While the Duke of Richmond was backed up in the herd by the Marr-bred Emmas, the Sans- pareils, and later by capital Cruickshank cows and bulls, the creation of the Fannie Airdries by the ''nick" of Richmond blood upon a Young Mary cow bred at James N. Brown's Sons' Grove Park Farm, supplied sweeping proof of the value of the "beefy" Scotch-bred bull as a cross upon the native tribes. These Fannies were thick-meated, wide-backed, fine- RISE OF SCOTCH POWER IX AMERICA 659 boned, low-legged Short-horns, quite the eciual of the best Scotch sorts as individuals, and possessed the faculty of breeding on satisfactorily from one generation to another. The red bull Proud Duke 36660, got by the imported bull out of old Fannie Airdrie, the matron of the family, not only won many first and championship prizes but was success- fully crossed upon the Sittyton Lavenders at Oak- land, one branch of which has proved such a valuable sort in the Hill Farm herd of Messrs. Dustin. Frederick William and **the twins." — Another famous son of the Duke of Kichmond was the mass- ive red Frederick William 23195, out of Sanspareil 25th. He was the sire of the far-famed twin show cows Emma 4th and Emma 5th, bred by Messrs. Potts from Emma 3d, imported from Uppermill. The twins were red cows of great scale and sub- stance and wonderful flesh-carriers. For several seasons they were the best Short-horn cows on the show circuit. Frederick AVilliam was also exhibited with success by Messrs. Potts as well as by the late Eobert Miller of West Liberty, la. A line of Cruickshank sires. — These bulls were followed in service by the imported Cruickshank sires Antiquaiy 49774, a large, deep-bodied red, sired by Pride of the Isles out pf Azalea, the dam of Field Marshal; Von Tromp 54160, a massive, broad-ribbed Victoria by Barmpton, that won many first and championship prizes, and King of Aber- deen 75747, a thick-fleshed, short-legged red of the 660 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Violet tribe sired by Dunblane 65995. King of Aber- deen was one of the last of the good bulls of Amos Cruickshank's own breeding used in the West. All these were supplied by Jas. I. Davidson of Canada. Twenty years in the show-yard. — For a period of twenty years the Potts herd was seen almost con- tinuously in the show-yard; meeting during that time all of the great contemporary Short-horn herds besides the Hereford and Aberdeen-Angus host, and it is speaking within bounds to say that during these two decades the Oakland herd probably won more prizes than any other cattle-breeding establishment in North America. It is but justice to add that in the triumphal tours of the "seventies" a consider- able share of the credit for success was due to the skill of Mr. Harry Loveland as a feeder. Loveland was one of the recognized experts of his time in the United States in this line of work, and had come to Oakland from the herd of Rigdon Huston & Sons, Blandinsville, 111. He subsequently entered the employ of the Hereford exhibitors and repeated with Beau Eeal and other "white-faces" his suc- cesses with Short-horns. For the major portion of the time, however, that the Jacksonville herd was in the thick of the fight it was under the immediate personal supervision of Mr. William T. Potts (the son), under whose alert direction the Oakland Short- horns rounded out a record at American fairs and fat-stock shows that has not been surpassed in the annals of American cattle-breeding. RISE OF SCOTCH POWEE IX AMERICA 661 The Wilhoit herd. — In a previous chapter we have referred to Mr. Thomas AVilhoit, one of the pioneer breeders of the State of Indiana. A cross of the Scotch blood upon his herd in the later years of his breeding produced such extraordinary results that the circumstance must be here recognized as another one of the various causes leading up to the popular- ity of the Xorth Country Short-horns in the West. One of James I. Davidson's lucky "hits" in cross- ing the Douglas upon the Cruickshank blood was in the case of imp. Red Lady, by Scotland's Pride. Bred to Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d 16585, she produced Lady Athelstane, that became the prop- erty of the Messrs. Potts. She, in turn, was bred to imp. Duke of Richmond, the progeny in 1880 being the bull Knight of Athelstane 2d 39545, that was sold to Mr. AVilhoit. Representing, as he did, one of the richest combinations of prize-winning blood con- ceivable at that time, it seemed almost inevitable that this bull should prove a getter of the kind of stock Mr. Wilhoit had always endeavored to pro- duce; and his use upon the Wilhoit cows marks one of the brightest chapters in American Short-horn histoiy. He seemed to fairly transmit the combined merit of his illustrious progenitors, and his imme- diate descendants were for many years the pride of the entire Short-horn cattle-breeding fraternity. As in the case of his sire, the Duke of Richmond, Knight of Athelstane 2d seemed to ' ' nick ' ' particularly well with Young Mary cows, the Athelstane bulls repre- 662 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE senting that cross, shown in the "eighties" by Mr. Wilhoit, being marvels of substance and flesh. Thomas Wilhoit must be regarded as one of the great breeders of his time. A practical man and of few words, he had a profound grasp of the principles underlying the production of good cattle. More- over, he had the courage of his convictions. While the storm of speculation was at its height he stead- fastly stood by the herd which he had created by the application of sound principles of breeding. The substance of his creed, as condensed by himself in a brief statement made in response to inquiries at an Indianapolis convention of cattle-breeders, was con- tained in the following words: "Thick-fleshed cat- tle will produce thick-fleshed cattle. ' ' This was his way of stating the maxim that "like begets like." He did not expect to produce profitable cattle with richly-furnished carcasses from animals of a deli- cate, light-fleshed type, and had laid the foundation for a class of stock possessing great constitution and thrift prior to his carefully-considered selection of the great Bruce-and-Douglas-crossed Cruickshank bull that set the final seal of an extraordinary suc- cess upon his long and useful career as a breeder of Short-horn cattle. CHAPTER XXII CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY The salient feature of the trade on both sides of the Atlantic during the closing years of the nine- teenth century has been a gradual liquidation of what might be termed speculative holdings and a widespread resort to the use of bulls of the Cruick- shank and kindred blood. Some of the more notable events occurring during this transition period will now be recorded. Sale of the Hillhurst Duchesses. — In the spring of 1882 Hon. M. H. Cochrane of Hillhurst decided upon a dispersion sale of his Duchesses and other Bates- bred stock. The event occurred at Chicago April. 18th of that year. The cattle were offered in the pink of condition and were of most attractive char- acter. The Duchess consignment consisted of the famous Woodburn-bred 10th Duchess of Airdrie and some of her descendants. A cow of good individual merit herself, the 10th Duchess proved a prolific breeder, transmitting much of her own excellence, as well as a good measure of her fecundity, to her progeny. Those who were interested in the main- taining of values for cattle of this breeding were forced to get behind this offering, and the result was the great average of $2,081.25 upon twenty- three head. The old 10th Duchess, in calf, but 663 664 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE known to be a hazardous risk, fell into tlie posses- sion of Maj. S. E. Ward of Westport, Mo., at $1,350. The Canada West Farm Stock Association was the heaviest buyer, taking the 9th Duchess of Hillhurst at $8,500, the 10th at $7,100, the 11th at $4,700, and Airdrie Duchess at $7,100. The 8th Duke of Hill- hurst sold at $3,025, and became the property of Col. C. A. DeGraff, Janesville, Minn. Messrs. Palmer & Bowman, proprietors of an extensive herd at Salt- ville, Va., purchased Kirklevington Marchioness 2d at $3,525. Richard Gibson's sale of 1882. — A number of im- ported Bates-bred cattle were sold at auction by Richard Gibson at Chicago April 21, 1882, at good prices. The pure Bates heifer Duchess Wild Eyes was bought by Bigstaff, Bascom & Berry of Ken- .tucky at $4,000. Mr. Bigstaff paid $3,200 for Eow- fant Kirklevington 5th. B. C. Rumsey purchased Lady York and Thorndale Bates 6th at $1,050 and S. White, Windsor, Out., Kirklevington Duchess 27th at $1,575. For Wild Eyes Winsome 4th H. F. Brown gave $1,850. Hon. Emory Cobb took the bull Oxford Duke (45297) at $2,000. There was included in this offering a consignment the property of Mr. John T. Gibson and the average on forty-nine head offered was $602.45. This sale was of special inter- est as reflecting the intention of the Kentucky breed- ers to put the market for the so-called pure Bates cattle well above the ruling prices for those carry- ing outcrosses. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 665 Woodbura sale of 1882.— In the spring of 1882 Mr. A. J. Alexander, in connection with Mr. Leslie Combs of Woodford Co., Ky., imported about twenty- head of Bates-bred cows and heifers and two bulls, selected from noted English herds by Mr. Combs. A majority of the females were of the old Red Eose tribe, descended from the Eenick Roses of Sharon that had been exported to England some years pre- vious. These were bought mainly from the herd of Mr, George Fox of Elmhurst Hall. In addition to these were representatives of the Heydon Eose and Thorndale Eose branches of the same tribe, bought from Lord Braybrooke. The cattle were offered at auction at Woodburn June 24, 1882, along with a lot of Mr. Alexander's own breeding; the ninety-two head bringing an average of $455.10. Mr. Abram Eenick, who was then nearing the end of his career as a breeder, was present and made a determined effort to buy the big, fine, imported roan Thorndale Eose 8th for the purpose of breeding a bull from her for use upon his Eose of Sharon herd. He made a plucky fight, carrying the bidding up to $5,600, but at that point relinquished her to a representative of Mr. Alexander, the latter having resented the right to bid upon the partnership lots. Failing in his purpose at this time, Mr. Eenick afterward bought and used a bull, 4th Duke of Eoses 86034, produced by this cow at AYoodburn to a service by 2d Duke of Whittleberry 62574, a Duchess bull tliat had been imported from the herd of E. Loder, Mr. 666 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Alexander also bought at this sale 30th Grand Duke, a calf from Thorndale Rose 8th, at $2,025, besides Thorndale Rose 16th and Heydon Rose 7th at $4,000 and $1,800 respectively. At this same sale S. C. Duncan of Missouri gave $1,100 for 30th Duke of Airdrie; Mr. T. W. Harvey of Chicago buying the 33d Duke of Airdrie, a capital red two-year-old, at $2,650, and Mr. N. P. Clarke the 34th Duke at $2,700. For imp. Viscount Oxford 5th (45744) Messrs. Palmer & Bowman of Virginia gave $1,025.* The Huston-Gibson sale. — In April, 1883, Messrs. Rigdon Huston & Son of Blandinsville, 111., who had bought the entire Bates-bred herd of Col. Le G. B. Cannon of Vermont, held a sale at Chicago in connection with Mr. 'Richard Gibson at which some high prices were made. The 1st Duchess of Hill- dale and 2d Kirklevington Duchess of Hilldale were sold to Strawther Givens of Abingdon, 111., at $6,000 and $1,900 respectively. The roan heifer Lally Bar- rington 6th was taken by Mr. A. J. Alexander of Woodburn at $3,000. N. P. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn., bought Wild Duchess of Geneva 3d at $2,100. Wil- *At a sale held at Winchester the following week VanMeter & Hamilton sold sixty-nine head of Short-horns at an average of $395.35. including the Rose of Sharon females Poppy 17th, Poppy's Duchess of Sycamore and 13th Rose of Svcamore, the first going to Palmer & Bowman at $2,025 and the second and third to T. J. McGowan of Mount Sterling at $1,275 and $1,200 respectively. The day following this sale the Messrs. Hamilton sold at Mount Sterling forty-flve head at an average of $368, Williams & Hamilton taking Loo Belle Geneva 3d at $1,675, Kirklevington Oneida at $1,525 and 2d Lady Kirkleving- ton B. at $1,100. The day following this offering T. Corwin Ander- son sold forty-four head at an average of $419.65, receiving from Wil- liams & Hamilton $1,525 for Kii-klevington Marchioness and $1,050 for Peach Blosson 12th. H. M. Vaile of Missouri gave $1,150 for Kirklev- ington Duchess 23d and C. C. Chiles, also of Missouri, took Peach Blossom 11th at $1,250. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTUKY 667 liam Murray of Canada paid $1,650 for Wild Eyes Lassie 3d. The Messrs. Winslow of Kankakee, 111., gave $1,750 for Grand Duchess of Waterloo. B. C. Rumsey, Buffalo, N. Y., took Lady Turncroft Wild Eyes 3d and Lady York and Oxford Bates at $1,500 and $1,200 respectively. Mr. T. W. Harvey of Chi- cago, who had established a herd at Turlington, Neb., with 33d Duke of Airdrie at the head, bought Marchioness of Turncroft and Wild Eyes Winsome 3d at $1,200 and $1,050 respectively. Hon. Emory Cobb of Kankakee, 111., took Grand Duchess of Waterloo 2d and Lady York and Underley Bates at $975 and $800 respectively. George Allen, Allerton, 111., paid $3,500 for 1st Duke of Hilldale 43429. Gib- son 's offering consisted mainly of imported stock. Palmer's sale of Scotch cattle. — On April 19, 1883, there occurred an unfortunate clash between the Bow Park management representing Bates cattle on one hand and the late Launcelot Palmer of Missouri, who had been a buyer and exhibitor of the Aber- deenshire sorts. The feeling at this time between the rival types was running high, and as neither party to this conflict of sale dates would give way, the occurrence furnished a test as to the prevailing temper of Northern breeders in reference to the Bates and Scotch cattle. The Bow Park sale was held at Glen Flora Farm, a short distance north of Chicago, and the Palmer sale at Dexter Park, Chi- cago L^nion Stock Yards. The most active breeders of the period favored the Palmer sale with their 668 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE company, forcing the three-year-old heifer Mysie 43d, of James I. Davidson's breeding — sired by Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d 16585 out of imp. Mysie 36th of Mr. Cruickshank's breeding — up to $1,950, at which figure she was bid off by Col. Har- ris for account of Chas. A. DeGraff of Lake Elysian Farm, Janesville, Minn. DeGraff had for several years been a patron of the Bates herds, but in the fall of 1882 had bought from the Hon. John Dryden the imported Scotch bull Baron Surmise. He also took the imported Cruickshank cow Artless out of this sale at $1,025. Mr. Robert Miller purchased Evening Star 2d, another specimen of the Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d cross upon a Cruickshank cow, at $1,000. Mr. T. W. Harvey, who had also been considered as partial to the Bates blood, ap- peared here as a bidder upon the best Scotch cattle, buying among others the Brawith Bud cow Golden Gem at $910. Col. W. A. Harris purchased imp. Barmpton Violet at $780; Mr. H. F. Brown took the red heifer Lady May at $750; J. H. Kissinger bought Nonpareil 40th at $930, and Hon. Pliny Nichols, of West Liberty, la., became the owner of the two-year- old bull Earl of Aberdeen 45992 at $1,000. The twen- ty-five head of Scotch breeding sold at this sale averaged about $625. While the Palmer cattle were selling quickly at high prices to a large and enthusiastic crowd at Dexter Park, the Bow Park sale was in progress at Glen Flora before a small company. Some appre- CLOSIXG EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 669 ciative buyers were present, nevertheless, Mr. A. J. Alexander purchasing the red-roan Oxford heifer Grand Duchess of Oxford 52d at $2,050, and Straw- ther Givens of Illinois Kirklevington Duchess 25th at $1,400. A majority of the cattle, however, sold below $500, the thirty-six head making an average of $325.55. Kentucky Importing- Company of 1883. — In the spring of 1883 Messrs. B. F. Van Meter and Leslie Combs, representing the Kentucky Importing Co., selected and brought out from England an importa- tion of thirty-four head of cows and heifers and two bulls, a large majority of which were purchased in Scotland from the herds of Messrs. Cruick shank, Duthie and the Duke of Richmond. Those were the only Short-horns of the Aberdeenshire tribes ever imported direct from Scotland into Kentucky. A half-dozen head of Bates females were also included in the importation, the entire lot being sold at auc- tion at Lexington May 9 at an average of $402.50. The Bates heifer Lady Wild Eyes 7th topped the sale at $1,000, going at that figure to Woodburn. The Scotch offerings ranged up to $700, paid for the yearling bull Favorite 56041 from Collynie. This bull and a number of the Scotch heifers were bought by Messrs. Danforth and Veech of Louisville, who bred them for a short time and then disposed of most of them to Messrs. Cummings of Illinois and other Northern breeders. Sale of Pickrell, Thomas & Smith.— Mr. J. H. 670 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Pickrell had meantime formed a partnership with Messrs. Thomas & Smith of Kentucky and the firm occupied a prominent position in the trade in the early ''eighties." The herd was particularly strong in the Beck Taylor branch of the Young Mary tribe, which supplied many prize-winners. It was also rich in Roses of Sharon. At a sale made in June, 1883, at Harristown, 111., the firm sold seventy-two head at an average of $419.79. Messrs. Hawkins & McDaniel of Miami, Mo., gave $1,100 for the two-year-old bull Sharon Geneva and T. W. Harvey paid $1,000 for Red Rose of Glenwood. It was at this sale that Messrs. C C. Blish & Son, Kewanee, 111., purchased the red bull calf Dick Taylor of Glen- wood at $300. He matured into a good show bull and sire, being successfully exhibited at the head of the Blish herds at leading "Western fairs for several years and also siring many good cattle in their Lee Side Herd. This Harristown sale was notable for the steadiness of the values maintained. A large proportion of the otferings made from $400 to $600 each and the high average merit of the stock was the theme of universal comment. Kentucky summer sales of 1883. — The breeders of the blue-grass country remained loyal to the Bates blood to the last. They were never able to entirely forget the service rendered by imp. Duke of Airdrie (12730), and even at this period when Northern breeders were showing a marked preference for the Scotch type the Kentuckians sustained their inter- CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 671 est in the historic Kirklevington families. They were not only the most liberal bidders on all Bates cattle offered for sale in the Northern States during the "eighties" but stood together at home whenever representatives of their favorite blood were offered at auction. In July, 1883, Mr. J. V. Grigsby sold a family of pure Bates-Craggs breeding, a sort originated by the Messrs. Bell, tenants of Mr. Bates, for one of which, 12th Duchess of Crethmere, the Messrs. Ham- ilton of Mount Sterling gave $1,350. For 1st Duch- ess of Qrethmere Mr. T. Corwin Anderson of Side View Farm gave $1,000, and for 10th Duchess of Springwood Hon. A. M. Bowman of Virginia gave a like amount. A number of others were taken by Southern breeders at figures but slightly below those mentioned, the sixteen females averaging $855.93. At a sale made about the same date by Messrs. Estill & Hamilton the Rose of Sharon heifer Sharon Rose 2d Geneva fetched $1,000 from James C. Hamilton of Flat Creek. During this same season an important sale was made from the herd of Abram Renick. The cattle represented exclusively his celebrated Rose of Sharon sort, and were taken mainly by Kentucky breeders, the seventy head bringing an average of $369.64. The top price was $1,050 for Poppy 21st. Sale of the Holf ord Duchesses. — In the summer of 1883 Mr. T. Holford of Castle Hill, Eng., sold thirty- eight head of Bates-bred Short-horns at an average 672 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE of $1,000; Lord Fitzhardinge paying $4,500 for the 3d Duke of Leicester and $5,750 for 3d Duchess of Leicester. Earl Bective bought Duchess of Leices- ter at $7,525, and Airdrie Duchess 7th, of American origin, at $2,500. Mr. B. C. Rumsey of Buffalo, N. Y., purchased the 6th Duchess of Leicester for $1,775. Speaking of Duchesses we may note at this point that during this same year the 8th Duke of Tre- gunter that had been exported to Australia was sold at auction in that country at a reported price of $20,000! The Hamiltons. — Probably the largest handlers of pure-bred Short-horns of their time in the State of Kentucky were the Messrs. Hamilton, extensive owners of lands in Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri, the home farm being at Flat Creek, Bath Co., Ky., not far from Mount Sterling. Upon this farm re- sided the brothers, George and James C. Hamilton, the latter being regarded as a breeder of unusual skill. Short-horns had been introduced upon Flat Creek Farm at an early date, and when the herd first came prominently before the public it was chiefly noted for its Marys and Josephines. The foundation dam of the most noted Hamilton family, the Flat Creek Marys, was the roan Belle, bred by William Buckner of Bourbon Co., Ky., and bought of him in the spring of 1861 by J. C. and G. Hamilton, According to the herd book record (Vol. XX, p. 15482) she proved remarkably prolific, most CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 673 of her heifers being sired by the Rose of Sharon bull Bell Sharon 9507 by imp. Duke of Airdrie. In nu- merous eases Bell Sharon was bred back to his own daughters. Other bulls used in founding the family were Earl of Barrington 23017 and Duke of Noxubee 9920.* Messrs. Hamilton were advocates of the prin- ciple of inbreeding from the beginning, and double crosses of these bulls appear frequently in the pedi- grees of many animals of their production. It was calculated in the spring of 1884 by the Messrs. Ham- ilton that sales of this Mary cow's descendants had at that time aggregated in value upward of $100,000! On the decline in values of Bates tribes Messrs. Hamilton became buyers of Duchesses, Kirkleving- tons, Barringtons, Renick Roses of Sharon, etc., breeding largely from Duchess and Barrington bulls, included among the number being imp. Grand Duke of Geneva 23344 and 20th Duke of Airdrie 13872. The late Mr. A. L. Hamilton, son of George Hamil- ton and son-in-law of B. F. Van Meter, was the lead- ing spirit in the extensive operations of the Messrs. Hamilton at the time they were so prominently be- fore the public some fifteen years ago. He had a brother, W. W., who also handled the Flat Creek tribes, and a member of a collateral branch of the Hamilton family, Col. A. "\Y. Hamilton, also dealt *Duke of Noxubee appears to have been bred by Mr. Simeon Orr of ^Mississippi. He was descended from the Bates-bred cow Imp. Darling- ton 6th by 4th Duke of Oxford. A foot-note in a catalogue issued by Messrs. Sudduth & Redmon of Clark Co., Ky., many years ago, con- tained the rather remarkable statement that this bull was "a remark- able breeder, getting fine calves since he was eighteen years old." This astonishing statement, however, lacks confirmation. 674 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE largely in Bates-bred cattle in partnership with the late Gren. John S. Williams under the firm name of Williams & Hamilton, Longwood Farm, Mount Sterling. Largely through the skill and judgment of Mr. James C. Hamilton — whose patriarchal ap- pearance and kindly ways earned for him in his later years the universally applied title of "Uncle Jimmy" — the home herd at Flat Creek attained a degree of individual merit that gave it great promi- nence among the leading collections of the breed, and it received an extended patronage from the North and West. Mr. A. L. Hamilton, who had established himself on a farm near Lexington, to which he gave the name of Kirklevington — as expressing his adher- ence to Bates blood — held an auction sale June 11 and 12, 1884, which attracted one of the largest crowds ever seen at an event of that character in the West. The proprietor was in very feeble health at the time, and this was made the occasion of the dis- persion of a large proportion of his Short-horn hold- ings. The sale continued for two days under the management of the well-known auctioneers. Cols. J. W. Judy and L. P. Muir.* An extraordinary aver- *Col. Muir was one of the best-known live-stock auctioneers of his day in the United States. A resident of Kentucky, he shared with the Short-horn breeders of the blue-grass country their profound appre- ciation for the Bates blood, and made himself a leading authority on all matters connected with the tribal histories of Short-horns of Kirk- levington derivation. For many years he conducted important auction sales throughout the Western States, and on the occasion of the pur- chase of the American Short-horn Herd Book by the Breeders' Asso- ciation from Lewis F. Allen was made editor of the pedigree register in Chicago. Being succeeded in that position by Mr. J. H. Pickrell, Col. Muir removed to Independence, Mo., conducting numerous auction sales and retaining his interest in Short-horn breeding until his death, which occurred several year.s since at that place. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 675 age was made. The roan Airdrie Duchess 2d was bid off for Mr. Hamilton's brother at $4,225. Mr. Logan 0. Swope of Independence, Mo., took the roan heifer 2d Duchess of Flat Creek at $7,000, 4th Duch- ess of Flat Creek at $5,075, Barrington Lally 2d at $2,025, 4th Duchess of Kent at $4,700 and Loo Belle Kent at $1,675. Mr. H. F. Brown of Minneapolis paid $3,550 for the red two-year-old bull Duke of Flat Creek, $1,775 for Wild Eyes Duchess 7th and $1,600 for Wild Eyes Duchess 9th. C. M. Gifford & Sons of Milford, Kan., bid off the Flat Creek Mary cow. Young Mary Duchess 2d, at $2,275, and the yearling bull Lord Barrington 2d at $1,675. The Van Meter Mary cow, Geneva Mary 2d, was knocked down to John Duncan, Louisville, at $2,000. Mr. G. L. Chrisman of Independence, Mo., was an active competitor, securing the yearling 4th Duke of Kent at $1,500, the red cow Barrington Mary 2d and a Barrington Lally heifer calf at $1,000 each. Wild Eyes Duchesses 5th and 10th were knocked off to A. C. Briant, Belton, Mo., at $2,000 and $1,730 re- spectively. For Wild Eyes Duchess 4th Corwin Anderson paid $1,050. For Mary Barrington, of the Van Meter Mary sort, J. H. Bacon, Weaver, la., gave $1,000. The average on the 109 head sold was $832.30. On the day following this memorable sale Messrs. Williams & Hamilton sold fifty-two head at Lexing- ton for an average of $396.35, the highest prices being $1,100, paid by T. Corwin Anderson for Kirk- 676 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE levington Marchioness, and $1,060, paid by H. C. G. Bals of Indianapolis for 3d Lady Kirklevington B. On Oct. 24 and 25, 1884, ninety-seven head of cattle were sold at auction on the home farm at Flat Creek to close the estate of Mr. J. C. Hamilton, who had died a short time previous. The extraordinary average of $840.57 was made, although such a result would not have been attained but for the fact that various members of the family were permitted to bid. It was here that Messrs. Palmer & Bowman of Virginia bought the red bull 2d Duke of Kent 51119 at $6,100 and the red-roan Airdrie Duchess 10th at $G,200, taking also 8th Duchess of Kent at $4,050 and 10th Duchess of Kent at $1,600. Messrs. Williams & Hamilton bought Barrington Duchess 2d and 3d Duchess of Kent at $5,000 each. Tliey also bought Barrington Lally 5th at $3,500, Barring- ton Lally 6th at $3,000, and 3d Duke of Kent at $2,600. Geo. Hamilton bid off 7th Duchess of Kent at $3,500. A. L. Hamilton took 5th Duchess of Kent at $2,250, and Col. J. W. Judy got Young Mary Duchess at $1,225. Berry & Bigstaff of Mount Ster- ling paid $1,230 for Barrington Duke 37622. Col. W. A. Harris of Linwood. — The real leader of the Scotch forces in the United States during the "eighties" was Col. W. A. Harris of Linwood, Leavenworth Co., Kan. Few men possessing like strength of character have ever given their personal attention to the breeding of Short-horns in the United States. Of Virginia parentage, he removed CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTUKY 677 to the state of Kansas soon after the close of the Civil War. He first followed his profession — that of a civil engineer — in the employ of the Kansas Pa- cific Railway Co., assisting in the location of that branch of the Union Pacific from Kansas City to Denver. He had an inherited love for country life and pastoral pursuits, and while surveying on the north bank of the Kansas Kiver some twenty-seven miles west of Kansas City, his attention was at- tracted by a beautiful body of "second bottom" and upland, the location of which was carefully noted at the time. He subsequently acquired the title to this property, and after residing some time in Lawrence — where he had charge of the sale of the Kansas Pa- cific Eailway lands and the closing out of the Dela- ware Indian Reservation — he built a residence upon the farm afterward so celebrated in the Western Short-horn trade under the name of Linwood, and for some years gave practically his entire time to the establishment of a herd which in its prime was prob- ably the equal of any that has ever existed in North America. At the time Col. Harris made his first investments in Short-horns his personal relations with the Ken- tuckians were of the friendliest, and he was made a director in their American Short-horn Record As- sociation. He realized that in the "Western country Short-horns, to give satisfaction to the hard-work- ing farmers of that region, must possess sound con- stitutions and satisfactory feeding capacity. The 678 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE leading Kentucky breeder of the period, wliile hold- ing Col. Harris in the highest regard, did not relish his outspoken criticism of many of their herds, many of which he considered too fine and delicate for prac- tical Western feed-lot purposes. He had no patience with those who gave their adherence to mere pedi- gree, and proceeded to lay the foundations of his own herd with supreme disregard of all things except genuine merit in the individual animal. For some years he made occasional purchases of breeding ani- mals in the blue-grass country, but he faulted most of the Southern herds of that date as wanting in substance and flesh. Now and then he found a heifer that suited him fairly well, and in such cases was always willing to pay a liberal price. Early in his career as a breeder he had secured the excellent red bull Golden Drop of Hillhurst 39120, bred by Col. W. E. Simmes of Bourbon Co., Ky., by whom he was sold to J. C. Stone Jr. of Leavenworth, Kan. This bull had two Bates crosses (4tli Duke of Hillhurst 21509 and 7th Earl of Oxford 9985) on top of the Scotch-bred Wastell's Golden Drop 4th by Sir Christopher (22895). He possessed the finish, style and character common to the Bates tribes, together with more than the usual amount of flesh shown by the latter-day representatives of that blood, and proved a useful sire. When it became necessary to secure a successor to him a careful but unsuccessful search was made for a bull in the State of Kentucky. This was in the early spring of 1882. On May 3 of CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTUKY 679 that year Mr. J. H. Kissinger of Missouri made a public sale at which he offered several head of Cruickshank cattle that he had purchased a short time before in Canada. Favorably jDredisposed to- ward the Scotch blood, as a result of his use of the Golden Drop bull above mentioned, and firm in the belief that Short-horn breeders generally must pay more attention to form and feeding quality if they were to hold their own throughout the West, Col. Harris attended this sale. These imjDorted cattle were the best specimens of Cruickshank breeding he had ever seen, and much impressed by their sturdy character he bought the yearling Victoria bull imp. Baron Victor (45944) at $1,100; the big, broad- backed roan imp. Victoria 63d at $530; the smaller but thick-fleshed imp. Violet Bud at $450, and the compactly-fashioned red-roan imp. Victoria 69th at $390.* Baron Victor was a blocky, broad-ribbed, short-legged, mellow, thick-fleshed red, strong in head and horn, but standing very near to the ground. He was sired by Barmpton (37763) out of the fine cow Victoria 58th by Pride of the Isles; second dam Victoria 43d by Champion of England. Success of Baron Victor. — Victoria 69th of this purchase did not turn out a good investment, but Victoria 63d 's first calf — a grand roan heifer by Baron Victor, dropped Nov. 1, 1882 — developed into *At this same sale Messrs. J. H. Potts & Son purchased the im- ported Sittyton Secret cow Sempstress at $585 and Gloxinia at $420. For imp. Acorn 2d the late Launcelot Palmer paid $505 and for Beauty's Pride and Carrie $400 each, 680 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE a yearling with an astonishing wealth of substance, flesh and hair. No such calf had ever before been seen upon the farm, and much as he disliked to part with her Col. Harris decided to consign her to the Interstate Breeders' sale held at Kansas City in the fall of 1884, where she proved the sensation of the day and commanded the top price of $1,005, being purchased by the late Samuel Steinmetz of Missouri. Breeders from many different States gathered around this burly-bodied, short-legged Scotch heifer and large numbers of them for the first time here realized that an element of undoubted value had now been introduced into the Western trade. Linwood Victoria's irresistible demonstration of the feeding quality of the Cruickshank sort was backed up at this same sale by the young bull The Baronet 58250 — got by Baron Victor out of a Flat Creek Mary dam — a calf of rare thickness and finish, finding quick sale at $500 to F. C. Harris, son-in-law of Launcelot Palmer, Sturgeon, Mo. The Baronet de- veloped into one of the best show bulls of his day in the Western States, winning prizes at the head of the herd of Newton Winn. The first crop of calves from Baron Victor satis- fied Col. Harris that he was on the right track, and he took immediate steps to increase his stock of breeding females of Scotch extraction. He pur- chased from James I. Davidson imp. Sorrel, by Roan Gauntlet; imp. Marsh Violet, by Pride of the Isles; imp. Barmpton Violet, by Royal Violet; imp. Lav- CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 681 ender 32d, by Roan Gauntlet; imp. Gladiolus, by Pride of the Isles; the massive light roan imp. Gold- en Thistle, by Roan Gauntlet; imp. Lavenders 33d, 34th, 36th; imp. Sapphire, and from Mr. William Warfield of Kentucky the good heifer Primrose,* derived from imp. Portulacca. In the meantime the Baron Victor bulls from these and the American- bred cows in the herd became the admiration of the entire American Short-horn cattle-breeding frater- nity. Almost without exception they developed into richly-fleshed, short-legged, low-flanked, easy- keeping bulls that served to convince a large ma- jority of the breeders of the Missouri Valley States that the Linwood plan of breeding was correct. They were in demand at from $300 to $600, not only throughout the West but as far East as Ohio, for the purpose of heading good herds. In connection with Baron Victor there was used at Linwood, among other well-bred Cruick shank sires, the red Barbarossa 68197, bought from Mr. Davidson, sired by Cumberland out of Bannpton Spray by Caesar Augustus. He was sold to Mr. Charles E. Leonard of Missouri and used extensively in the old-established herd at Ravenswood. Another bull that achieved reputation both as a stock-getter and prize-winner was imp. Double Gloster (49383), a red, sired by Barmpton out of 24tli Duchess of ♦This Warfield heifer bred to Baron Victor produced the handsome mellow-handling red prize bull Dr. Primrose of the Williams & House- holder show herd. Another Linwood-bred show-yard favorite in that same collection was the Baron Victor heifer Baroness. 682 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Gloster by Lord of the Isles. Double Gloster was sold to William P. Higinbotliam, whose Blue Valley Herd at Manhattan, Kan., was for several years one of the best-known collections of the breed west of the Missouri Eiver. Meantime Col. Harris became the heaviest buyer of imported Cruickshank heifers in the States, securing the pick of all of James I. Davidson's extensive importations of that period from Sittyton. He obtained from this source and transferred to the "sunny slopes of Linwood" such females as Lady of the Meadow, by Chancellor; Barmpton Crocus, by same sire; Lavender 38th, by Dunblane; the 26th, 27th and 28th Duchesses of Gloster, sired by Perfection, Chancellor and Cum- berland respectively; Lovely 41st and Wood Violet, by Cumberland; Victoria 76th, by Viking; Stephan- otis, a grand roan, by Dunblane; Vera and Lady of Shalott, both by same bull; March Violet, by Chan- cellor, and others. He also bought from Messrs. Potts Lady Athelstane of Oakland, by Duke of Bich- mond out of imp. Red Lady, and from Cummings of Buda, 111., a Sittyton Victoria of the Lowman & Smith sort. The Linwood Golden Drops. — Possibly his most fortunate selection, however, in the way of breeding females was the grand roan Norton's Golden Drop, bred by C. W. Norton of Iowa in 1880 from the Bates bull imp. Underley Wild Eyes 31312 out of imp. Golden Drop 4th, imported from the Kinellar herd by J. S. Thompson, and also known as Wastell's CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 683 Golden Drop 4tli. ( See records Vols. XII and XX A. S.-H. B.) Norton had procured the imported cow from Mr. McCune of Solon, la. This Bates-crossed Scotch Golden Drop was strong-backed, heavy- quartered and deep-bodied, with a feminine head and neck and good dairy qualities. Bred to the impressive Baron Victor she gave Col. Harris the best females he ever produced, notwithstanding his repeated "topping" of the Cruickshank importa- tions of the ' ' eighties. ' ' Indeed, the Linwood Golden Drops, with their beautiful finish, their wealth of flesh, substance and character constituted, in the opinion of some of our best judges, the most superb family of Short-horn cattle of their time in the United States. Baron Lavender 2d. — Probably the best Cruick- shank cow ever owned at Linwood was imp. Laven- der 36th. She was, indeed, a noble specimen of Mr. Ciniickshank's best type, possessing grand scale, as- tonishing breadth, depth and thickness of rich flesh. Unfortunately this royal specimen of her race had such an irrepressible tendency to take on flesh that she became barren in her very prime and was finally sent to the butcher. In the autumn of 1885 this wonderful cow had dropped to a service by Baron Victor the handsome red-roan bull calf Baron Lav- ender 2d 72610. He was a youngster of extraordi- nary promise from the start, but the loss of his dam not then being anticipated he was sold at a good price to head a local herd. When it was discovered. 68-1: A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE that liis mother would no longer breed Col. Harris bought back Baron Lavender 2d, and it is speaking within bounds to state that this bull was by odds the greatest of all the many capital bulls bred at Lin- wood. A widespread, massive, low-legged, richly- furnished animal of strong character. Baron Laven- der 2d was probably the peer of any bull of the breed yet produced on this side the Atlantic. It has al- ways been a matter for sincere regret that his period of service in the herd at Linwood was so short. Another valuable Lavender bull by Baron Victor was the golden-skinned Baron Lavender 3d 78854, out of imp. Lavender 38th. He w^as a thick-set, mel- low bull of beautiful quality, sold to William P. Higinbotham, and by him to S. F. Lockridge of Indiana. Imp. Craven Knight. — Considerable difficulty had been met with in finding a bull to breed upon Baron Victor's heifers. In addition to Barbarossa and Double Gloster, Col. Harris imported two young bulls of Mr. Cruickshank's own selection, one of which. Master of the Bolls 99643, got some good stock, but neither of them seemed just what was wanted, and they were given a short trial and sold. Subsequently he bought probably the handsomest Cruickshank bull ever seen in the Western States, imp. Craven Knight 96923, imported for Luther Adams, Storm Lake, la., and sired by Cumberland out of Golden Autumn by Barmpton.* Craven *Williain ISIiller, who imported Craven KniRht, says : "Among the best of the Sittyton cows at the time of my last visit were Victoria CLOPTXG EVENTS OF THE CEXTURY 685 Kniglit was a sliort-legged, evenly-built red of rare symmetry and finish, having a good head, a first- class middle-piece and remarkable hind quarters. It "vvas believed at Linwood when Craven Knight was obtained (along with another selection of imported Sittyton heifers of Luther Adams' importation) that a worthy successor to Baron Victor had been found. His first calves, however, did not begin to develop quite early enough to satisfy the exacting require- ments of the proprietor, and before the bull's value was realized he was sold to the Kansas Agricultural College at Manhattan, only to be rescued and re- stored at the head of the herd several years later, after repeated efforts and the expenditure of large sums of money in endeavoring to find satisfactory stock bulls. The ultimate verdict was that had Craven Knight received full opportunity he would possibly have equaled the record of Baron Victor as a sire. A search for sires. — Another imported bull tested at Linwood was the red Thistletop 83876, imported in 1885 by Mr. Davidson. He left some good stock, among others the bulls El Sabio 103105, used some before being sold, and Thistlewood 95417, from imp. 58th and Golden Autumn. As I saw them tied in a double stall to- gether they were cows of a good deal the same character, rather small, but character and quality all over (red). The 58th was dam of two I brought out, as well as of Baron A'ictor, to-wit. : Arthur Johnston's Indian Chief, so noted as a getter, and Victoria 80th that I kept for myself, but did no good. The other was dam of Craven Knight that was my choice of the Sittyton bull calves of that year, and I would not have got him out had Cruickshank not promised Harris two bulls and two heifers which he could only send out by me, and I told him I would not bring them unless he gave me first choice of his bull calves." 686 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Victoria 63d — the last sire used in the herd of J. H. Potts & Son. A trial was also made of imp. Royal Pirate 100640, imported direct from Sittyton and sired by Gondolier 98287 out of Victoria 77th by Dunblane. This was a bull of great scale, with a remarkable back, but scarcely as compactly fash- ioned as the best of the Scotch type. Several other home-bred bulls were tested. One of these, Lord Mayor 112727, was a good red, sired by Baron Lavender 2d out of imp. Lady of the Meadow, one of the best breeding matrons of the herd. It was from Lord Mayor and old Norton's Golden Drop that the red Golden Lord 119422, chief stock sire in service at the dispersion of the herd, was produced. Galahad 103259, a short-legged, well- fleshed red — one of the few animals sired by imp. Master of the Rolls 99463 — out of Galanthus, daugh- ter of imp. Gladiolus, was also largely used toward the last. He had been sold when young to Messrs. Hawk of Beattie, Kan., but developed such typical Scotch thrift and thickness that he was bought back for stock purposes. He was a medium-sized bull of much quality, and proved a useful sire. We should also mention the roan Lord Athol 122011 — by Gold- en Knight out of the Potts-bred Jjady Athelstane of Linwood by imp. Knight Templar 66658 — that got from Princess Alice a high-priced bull presently to be mentioned. It is doubtful if the history of Short-horn breed- ing: in the United States affords a more striking CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 687 illustration of enteiprise in endeavoring to secure stock bulls of the highest possible merit than is fur- nished by the record of Linwood Farm. In addition to the various bulls already named, many of which were bought at strong prices, the champion show bull imp. Cupbearer 91223 was leased from Luther Adams and tried, but with disappointing results. From Milton E. Jones, Williamsville, 111., the mel- low-skinned, short-legged red Spartan Hero 77932 was hired and used with a fair degree of success. This bull was of Sittyton breeding, imported by Mr. Davidson and sold to Messrs. Cookson of Iowa. He was sired by Barmpton out of the Secret cow Sou- venir by Koyal Duke of Gloster. Col. Harris was convinced toward the close of his breeding operations that the Sittyton cattle stood in need of fresh blood. In 1892 he made a tour of Eng- land and Scotland, visiting the Royal show at War- wick and spending some time with Messrs. Duthie, Cruickshank and Marr in Aberdeenshire. He found that his judgment in this regard did not differ from that of the best-informed authorities in Great Brit- ain, but at the same time he saw nothing upon that trip which seemed to him likely to cross with the Linwood cows and heifers with better prospects of success than a sort already within the limits of the Linwood pastures at home. He therefore deter- mined to test bulls bred from the Linwood Golden Drops, selecting for that purpose the roan Golden Pirate 103411, the red-roan Golden Knight 108086, 688 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE and the red Golden Lord 119422. Some fresh blood was also obtained through another channel — the fine Collynie cow now to be mentioned. Princess Alice. — In the purchase of this superb daughter of Field Marshal the proprietor of Lin- wood gave further evidence of his good judgment and great enterprise. Princess Alice was beyond question one of the greatest cows produced by the Short-horn breed during the closing years of the century, adding to Field Marshal's European fame by producing at Linwood some of the best stock bulls used in the United States in the recent past. Selected and imported by William Miller for Luther Adams, and a champion female at Western State fairs in her yearling form, she was bought by John Hope of Bow Park at the Lakeside dispersion of Chicago in 1889. Col. Harris purchased her shortly afterward, and for a number of years she was one of the chief ornaments of the herd that grazed the luxu- riant pastures of Linwood. Bred to Craven Knight she produced in 1891 the roan Young Marshal 110705. As a yearling he was broad, low and thick, and was sold to L. W. Brown & Son, Sangamon Co., 111., who fitted him for the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893, winning first prize in the class for two-year-old bulls over thirteen competitors. He subsequently passed into the possession of Mr. Aaron Barber, Avon, N. Y., in whose hands he sired some of the best show cattle seen on the American circuit during the past CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY - 689 ten years, besides winning prizes himself at the head of the Avon herd. While he grew somewhat uneven in his flesh on account of his early forcing for the Columbian, he was a bull of strong character and outstanding substance. In January, 1892, Alice gave birth to the roan calf Prince Eoyal 113305, by Cra- ven Knight, a bull of fine promise that was sold for service in the herd of Thomas H. Mastin of Kansas City. To a service by imp. Spartan Hero the Prin- cess i^roduced in December, 1892, the roan Royal Hero 113611, that grew into a massive, mellow- fleshed bull that had the distinguished honor of win- ning, as recently as 1899, for Messrs. Miller of Indi- ana the championship of America at the Illinois State Fair in his seven-year-old form; and at the same show one of his daughters, the beautiful roan Sallie Girl,* was cham^jion female; the double win- ning constituting an achievement unique in the an- nals of the Western show-yard. In 1893 Princess Alice produced Eoyal Knight 117203, red with white marks — sired by the Golden Drop bull Golden Knight 108086 — that was good enough to be used for a time at Linwood. Alice had bred two fine heifers to services by Craven Knight before she settled down to the bull trade; one known as Alice Maude, that was bought from Luther Adams for export to Mexico, and the other the rich-fleshed, sappy Fairy Queen, calved at * Sallie Girl was descended on the dam's side through such noted bulls as Dick Taylor 5508, Loudon Duke 3097 and imp. Duke of Air- drie, from imp. Gem by Broker. 690 . A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Linwood in 1890, and shown successfully by Col. Harris. These were both paragons of Short-horn excellence, but the one went abroad and the other failed to breed. The old cow was finally sold at a good price to Col. T. S. Moberley of Kentucky, along with a heifer calf (Alice of Forest Grove) by Gala- had at foot. She was at the time in calf to the young Linwood-bred Lord Athol 122011, and with this service resumed bull breeding, giving her Kentucky buyer the red Alice's Prince 122593. At the Mo- berley dispersion the cow and bull calf were pur- chased by E. B. Mitchel & Son, Danvers, 111., who sold Alice's Prince to Messrs. Wallace of Missouri, from whom he has recently been bought by Mr. Aaron Barber at a reported price of $2,000. The Galahad heifer went to Texas. The old Princess finished her extraordinary career of usefulness by giving the Messrs. Mitchell, in 1897, the white bull Prince Armour 127794, by Baron Cruickshank 3d 117968, that has maintained the credit of his family during the past two seasons by repeated winnings on the Western circuit. The virtual loss of the three heifers mentioned was little short of a calamity to the breed. Linwood 's salutary influence. — No man ever un- dertook the promotion of Short-horn interests more earnestly or unselfishly than Col. Harris. A man of strong convictions, sincere, honest, aggressive and convincing in advocacy of what he believed to be right, his influence as a breeder and as a director of CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 691 the Herd-Book Association upon the course of Short- horn breeding in America during the period follow- ing the speculative "boom" of the "seventies" was perhaps greater than that of any other one man identified with the trade from 1882 to 1895, and was ever on the side of reason and sound practice. It was generally conceded that Linwood at its best was the outstanding herd of the United States, and foreign visitors questioned if it had a superior in Great Britain, It was for a time the Mecca toward which Western breeders directed their steps in quest of stock sires. While the surplus was usually dis- posed of at good prices at private treaty, the herd was maintained for the most part during a period when values of pedigreed cattle were at a compara- tively low ebb. Nevertheless several successful pub- lic sales were made at Chicago, Kansas City and Manhattan, Kan. Affairs agricultural, however, were drifting from bad to worse. After the financial panic of 1893, dis- couraged by the profound and widespread depres- sion, and now confronted by many difficulties in his efforts at sustaining the merit of the herd at its foiTner level, the proprietor at length listened to the call of the people of his adopted State and consented to serve them, first in the House of Representatives and later in the Senate of the United States. Under these circumstances the dispersion of the herd was inevitable, the event occurring May 6, 1896, at the home farm. While it called out one of the largest 692 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORX CATTLE and most representative gatherings of breeders ever seen upon a similar occasion in the Western States, times were then at their very worst, and it was im- possible that anything like high prices should be realized. The stock had not been kept in strong con- dition during the few seasons immediately preceding the sale, and had not received the proprietor's close personal attention. Many of the "plums" of the herd had been sold privately. Everything upon the farm, except a few old cows, was catalogued, and the entire lot of both sexes and all ages, passed through the ring, without special preparation, at a general average of $205 for the sixty-three head. J. J. Hill of North Oaks. — In the summer of 1882 Mr. J. J. Hill of St. Paul, Minn., the railway king of the Northwest, began importing both Scotch and Bates-bred Short-horns from Great Britain. He also made large importations of Aberdeen-Angus cattle from Scotland. Both herds were maintained upon the sandy soil of the farm at North Oaks, near St. Paul, a body of land not specially adapted for agricultural purposes. The imported cattle were selected mainly by Mr. Robert Bruce. The first shipment of Short-horns included the massive, prize-winning roan bull Gambetta (49618), bred by Mr. Garhetty, Fochabers, Scotland, tracing on the dam's side to Fanny, by Garioch Lad. With Gambetta came the fine roan cow Eose of Dalkeith (of the Duke of Buccleuch's breeding), carrying the blood of Eoval Errant and Sir James the Rose. CLOSING e\t:nts of the cextuby 693 There was also the Clipper cow Cinderella 2d. In Ma}^, 1883, the Bates-bred roan bull Berkeley Duke of Oxford 2d 54790, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge and sired by the celebrated Duke of Connaught, was im- ported along with three Bates-bred heifers. Later in the year additional shii3ments of Scotch and mixed-bred cattle of much individual merit were made, embracing such good cows as Belle of Albion, Golden Lace, Golden Mint, Fannie B. 30th, Jennie Lind 12th, Venus 2d and Sweet Pea. In June, 1884, Mr. Hill received from England a lot of Bates-bred cattle, including Grand Duchesses 43d and 47th, Duchess of Wappenham, Duchess of Oxford 2d, Grand Duchess of Barringtonia 5th, Conishead Wild Eyes 2d, Wild Lady 2d, Lady York and Thorndale Bates 8th, and, from Lord Lovat of Scotland, Young Julia 3d. In the spring of 1885 Mr. Bruce bought on order some forty yearling bulls, mainlj^ in the North of Scotland, that were shipped out to North Oaks. He also secured for Mr. Hill the Highland Society's first-prize roan bull Goldfinder (47967), bred from the famous show stock of Mr. Handley of Westmore- land, and sired by the celebrated English bull Sir Arthur Ingram (32490), a roan bred by Linton of Sheriff Hutton. Goldfinder was bought from Jas. Bruce of Burnside. During this season Mr. John Hope, who was buying cattle in England for Bow Park, selected for North Oaks ten head of Duch- esses, Oxfords and other Bates-bred sorts, among 694 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE these being Duchess 125th from Allsopp's, Duchess of Leicester from Holf ord 's and Duchess of Rowf ant from Sir Curtis Lampson's. In 1886 Mr. Hill imported the bull Duke of Surrey 92018— of A. H. Lloyd's breeding, sired by 27th Duke of Airdrie out of Grand Duchess 48th — four three- year-old cows and one heifer calf. He also pur- chased about this same time two Grand Duchess cows at a sale held in Chicago by Mr. H. Y. Attrill, and as this imported bull was of that tribe the herd now possessed a considerable collection of the Bates- bred Duchesses. The females sent out with the Duke of Surrey were a grand lot, including the Highland Society's first-prize two-year-old heifer Chief Lustre 2d, the three-year-old Bonny Gypsy bred by Mr. Duthie, Charm from Hugh Aylmer's and Severn Daisy — an English winner with heifer calf at foot by Piers Gaveston (50159). On May 9, 1888, at a public sale at North Oaks, thirty-seven head sold for an average of $360.50. William Steele, a lumberman of Ionia, Mich., bought Grand Duchess of North Oaks 2d at $1,550, imp. Ox- ford 29th at $1,000 and imp. Duke of North Oaks 2d at $750. B. C. Rumsey of Buffalo took imp. Duchess, of Eowfant at $1,900.* H. C. G. Bals of Indianapolis bought North Oaks Lady of Oxford 2d at $1,550. Col. William S. King got North Oaks Countess of Oxford— a white yearling— at $1,000. A number of *Mr. Rumsey had sold twenty-three head of Short-horns at Chi- cago on tlie previous week at an average of $34S, Mr. WiUiam Steele paying $1,100 for Cambridge Rose 22d and $1,080 for Cambridge Rose ?5th. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 695 Scotch-bred females were offered, but sold at a much lower range of values. Mr. Hill did not long maintain the herd, but the blood of his best cattle proved of much value to Western breeders. He steadfastly declined to com- pete at the fairs with breeding stock, but for several seasons was an active competitor with both Short- horns and Angus at the Chicago Fat-Stock Show. Probably his best Short-horn steer was the roan Brit- isher, that was a prize-winner at the show of 1889. John T. Gibson had charge of the herds until April 1, 1891, when William Miller assumed the manage- ment. The latter remained at the helm for one year. Twelve months later, in April, 1893, he purchased the entire North Oaks Herds of Short-horns and Aberdeen-Angus — about one hundred head of each. About one-half of each herd was shipped to Chicago and sold at auction at the panic prices then prevail- ing. The remainder were taken to Lakeside Farm, Storm Lake, la., where Mr. Sherley, the proprietor, took an interest in them. The Short-horns were at length dispersed at auction at Lakeside in 1895. Hope's shov7 herds of 1887 and 1889.— In the fall of 1887, Mr. John Hope, manager for the Messrs. Nelson at Bow Park, appeared in the West with one of the most remarkable show herds seen since the days of Col. King of Lyndale. The lot was headed by the very good show bull Baron Warlaby, but was chiefly remarkable for its imported females, includ- ing Lady Isabel, Havering Nonpareil 2d and Duchess 696 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE of Lincoln, selected in England for the express pur- pose of "starring" the American show circuit. Baron Warlaby was bred by Mr. Groff of Ontario, and was got by the Booth-bred Knight of Warlaby out of a cow tracing to imp. Beauty by Snowball. Lady Isabel and Havering Nonpareil 2d were both shown in the cow class at the great Western fairs of 1887, creating a profound sensation. Both were roans of magnificent scale, direct from the hands of expert English "fitters." Lady Isabel, called by Hope "the grandest cow seen since Lady Fragrant," was bred by John Outh- waite, of Bainesse, Yorkshire, and was sired by the white bull Crown Prince (38061) — a brother of the Rev. B. B. Kinnard's renowned English show cow Queen Mary — out of Lady Conyers by the Eoyal prize bull Lord Godolphin (36065). Notwithstand- ing the fact that she had produced two heifers and one bull, she was shown in reasonable bloom at the enormous weight of 2,100 lbs., carried upon short, neat bone. Havering Nonpareil 2d, although not laid out on so grand a scale as the massive Lady Isabel, was a beautiful type, presenting a rare com- bination of flesh and finish, entering the ring at a weight of near 2,000 lbs. She had been a winner at the English Royal, and on account of her beauti- ful quality divided the admiration of American breeders with Lady Isabel.* She was bred by D. *At the Iowa State Fair of 1887, at Des Moines, Wm. Stocking of Illinois, the awarding judge, set the Nonpareil over Lady Isabel. This was a remarkable Short-horn show, Mr. Luther Adams' Scotch-bred imp. Miss Ramsden 9 th being placed after the two Bow Park cows. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 697 Mcintosh of Havering Park, Essex, England, from Baron Gwynne 2d 84510, running through the famous Telemachus blood to the Sittyton Nonpareil base; being a lineal descendant of Nonpareil 19th, by Matadore. Duchess of Lincoln, the third mem- ber of Hope's peerless triumvirate, was an extraor- dinary Bates-topped two-year-old, bred by J. J. Sharp of Broughton, Kettering, England. She was a strikingly-handsome, broad-ribbed, finely-condi- tioned roan, of commanding show-yard appearance, and repeated in America her earlier victories on the other side of the water. Hope's last appearance in the show-ring in the States was in the fall of 1889. He had purchased imp. Cupbearer that spring at the Adams sale at Chicago, and to avoid a troublesome quarantine had placed him in the capable hands of Mr. William H. Gibson, manager for B. C. Eumsey at Niagara Stock Farm, Buffalo, N. Y. It must be said to Gibson's credit that the bull was brought out that fall in rare bloom. When he appeared at the head of the Bow Park Herd at the Detroit Exposition, September, 1889, he was fit to stand for the credit of the breed in any company. He was shown at a v\^eight of 2,500 lbs., and barring a little tendency to "roll" at the shoulder was as smooth as a yearling. Rich- ard Gibson was the judge upon this occasion, and while sending Cupbearer to head the aged bull class, when it came to the championship he passed him in favor of Bow Park's yearling Baron Waterloo, got 698 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE by Baron Warlaby 78878 out of Wave Surge by 57th Duke of Oxford, tracing through Mr. Torr's " W's." Aylesby and its Short-horn tribes never failed to arouse the enthusiasm of Richard, and as Baron Waterloo was really a well-ripened, good-fleshed bull there was some basis for defense of his unex- pected decision placing the yearling over the table- backed Scot. Hope won in the cow class with Hav- ering Nonpareil 2d, although Mr. Abram Renick, the younger — who had succeeded to his great-uncle's Rose of Sharon herd — had a good second in Rose- bud 35th. Bow Park scored also in two-year-old heifers with Isabella 3d, a handsome daughter of imp. Lady Isabel, sired by Ingram's Chief 41833. In fact Hope made a clean sweep by drawing the blue in both the yearling and heifer-calf classes, gaining both championships and both of the herd prizes.* *The affairs of the Canada West Farm Stock Association were closed at auction at Brantford Jan. 15, 1885, the title to both the farm and herd passing to Messrs. Thomas Nelson & Sons of Liverpool. The real estate was bought in at $71,000, the 115 head of Short-horns at $95,000, and the other farm effects at $14,680. Mr. John Clay, Jr., the present head of the American stock-yards commission Arm of Clay, Robinson & Co., had meantime been placed in charge as financial rep- resentative of the Messrs. Nelson, Mr. Hope continuing to act as herd manager, serving in that capacity until the final disposition of the farm by the Nelsons Jan. 1, 1894, soon after which event Mr. Hope died. The latter had for a long series of years been one of the most conspicuous figures in the American live-stock trade, often acting as judge, not only of cattle but draft and coach horses and other varieties of farm ani- mals. Fitting tribute has been paid to his memory by Mr. Clay, whose literary skill has so often been employed in matters touching the af- fairs of those whose lives are spent among herds and flocks. We quote the following written by Mr. Clay for the Live-Stock Report: "Probably no single man ever had such a varied knowledge of the breeders of fine stock in Europe and America as "genial John." We might except the late Simon Beattie, a sort of companion-in-arms, who had gone through many a purchasing, selling and sliowing campaign with the above. With those two gentlemen Richard Gibson was often associated, and when the trio met there was an accumulation of ex- perience in breeding and feeding all classes of stock — of the folk lore, we might call it — of the bovine world of anecdote, by sea and shore, never equaled. Two have gone from us, while the third remains to CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 699 Luther Adams' importations. — In the autumn of 1886 Mr. Luther Adams of Boston, Mass., who owned a large farm at Storm Lake, la., commissioned Mr. William Miller to proceed to Scotland and select for his account a shipment of the best young cattle obtainable. Miller was admirably qualified for the work. As we have already seen, he belonged to a family that had been identified from an early period with the importing and breeding trade of Canada. wield a powerful influence in agricultural matters throughout the States and Canada. "John Hope was born over fifty years ago near the Cockermouth, Cumberland. His birthplace was near to an old church with a won- derful belfrv, and when far away from there he heard the chime of bells floating across the Valley of the Grand River, near Brantford, Ont., it always reminded him of the old days spent in his native par- ish. From Cumberland he went to Canada, spent some time in Mis- souri, a year or two at Waukegan, 111., and then he settled down in Ontario, where the latter part of his life was spent, first as a farmer and importer of fine stock, and latterly as assistant manager and manager of Bow Park. During the last two months he had purchased this estate, but whether the actual details had been carried through or not we are unable to say. "It was August, 187 6, in the Valley of the Severn, under the shadow of the Cotswold Hills, that the writer first met Hope. From that day a chain of unbroken friendship that had to stand the strain of many a gale remained unbroken. In 1877 or 1878 Hope went to Bow Park as manager of tlie herd, then one of the largest and most valuable in the world, and in 1879 I joined him at that place. Bow Park was not a financial success. It was started when the Short- horn business was on the wane. Here it was, however, that John Hope became a great force in trans-Atlantic agrirultuie. Many an object lesson he gave on the farm amid tlie stately oaks that surmount the homestead at Bow Park. There he was at his best. The fever of strong prejudices was laid away, and before you was the animal. Ah ! how he loved to look at them. When the show cows were let out from their shady boxes at sundown to graze in the cool night air then came Hope's enjoyment. As the artist loves his picture, tlie liuntsman his hound, the mother her child, so the idol of our friend was the Short- horn cow. For years it was the Alpha and Omega of his existence. Latterly, when a happy marriage came across his path, and a beautiful family to cluster round him, tlie old love was dimmed a little, but the virgin fires still blazed, and no later than the great show of cattle at the World's Fair Hope was there as intensely interested as ever. In the show-yard he had phenomenal success. Will the present race of American cattlemen ever forget Duke of Clarence 4th, Clarence Kirklevington, and the herd of cows and heifers which a few years ago swept like a cyclone through the show-yards of the States and Canada? As an exhibitoi- Hope was a strong partisan, and in the peculiar politics of an American show-ring' he was an adept. Long years of experience and close observation had made him so. and he •otXy fought his opponents with their own weapons. As a judge he 700 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE As a young man lie had bought cattle and sheep in G-reat Britain; and his long and intimate connection with the live-stock interests of North America had given him an experience, a seasoned judgment and an acquaintance on both sides the water not ex- celled by any other individual of his time., A shrewd, keen-witted, "all-around" judge, "Willie" Miller ranks as one of the makers of American Short-horn history. The shipment of 1886. — Canadian quarantine re- strictions had rendered impossible the further for- warding of the Sittyton surplus to Mr. Davidson, so that it came to pass that Mr. Cruickshank's final American outlet was through the medium of Mr. Adams. Arriving in Aberdeenshire Mr. Miller re- paired at once to Sittyton. Mr. Cruickshank was well sold out of bulls at the time, having but one was strictly impartial, and as an all-round man was, so far as my ob- servation goes, wthout an equal. In the show-yard arena during the last twenty years I have watched many an exhibitor and judge. Year.5 ago I saw an Elliot of Hindhope, a Booth of Warlaby, a Drewry of Holker take their parts in the play. In latter years all of us have seen a Tait of Windsor, Gibson of Canada, Billy Leavitt in the Chi- cago Stock-Yards, and a host of others, all men of quick perception ; but when it came down to close judgm-ent, whether it was a hound, a. horse, or a Hereford, I think John Hope would have got the laurel wreath, for with him it was intuition. He was quick, keen, decisive, almost too rapid for the general public, but he was always there or thereabouts when the best animal had to be picked from the bunch. "In personal appearance Hope was broad and burly, a grand speci- men of the English yeoman. Apart from his general contour his promi- nent feature was the eye. He was the possessor of a pair of great luminous blue eyes, that imparted to his appearance a singularly soft and winning expression. When a child entered the room it invariably went straight up to him, and through those eyes beamed forth all that was tender and true in his nature. Simple himself as a child, generous to a fault, strong in his friendships, with the heart of a lion, yet the mildness and gentleness of a lamb, he leaves behind a record for probity as a heritage to all who knew him. Let us inscribe this sentiment to his memory : That the leading feature of his life was sympatliy ; or, to go deeper still, shall we call it love — love of man- kind and the dumb creation, tliat flower which has bloomed perennially ever since the day Adam and Eve left the gates of Paradise." CLOSING EVEXTS OF THE CEXTUEY 701 for sale that was deemed worthy of imiDortation. This, the red calf Hai-vester, by Baron Violet, was bought along with the choice heifers. Simplicity, Gwendoline, Athene, Golden Feather, Sorrel, Golden Crest and Violet Mist. The chief stock bull at Sitty- ton at this time Avas Cumberland, concerning which bull Mr. Miller says : ' ' Cumberland was then in his jDrime, a massive roan, Avith great quality and thick- ness of flesh, very strong back and loin, good strong- head and long quarters, but did not carry himself with as much style as one would like. The more you looked at him the more you thought of him, but when one saw his mother, Custard, a grand roan, it was not hard to divine Avhere he got his breed- ing qualities. Cumberland's son. Feudal Chief, (51251), out of a Lavender dam, Avas then being- used freely in the herd. Mr. Cruickshank seemed to place much confidence in him, but Mr. Miller was not altogether pleased Avith the bull. He adds: ''Commodore (5-1118), a grand roan by Baron Violet (17144) out of Custard, the dam of Cumberland, Avas the best bull I saAv at Sittyton. He Avas not so mas- sive as Cumberland, but finer. I tried CA'ery Avay I could to buy him for Mr. Adams, but Mr. Cruick- shank Avould not price him." The herds at Collynie and Uppermill Avere visited, and as young stock by Field Marshal and William of Orange Avere at that time being offered, some adA'antageous purchases were made from Messrs. Duthie and Marr. From the former he got the Field Marshal heifers Viola 702 A HISTOKY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE 5tli, Fragrance, Lady Dorothy 2d and Bashful 2d,* besides the young bull Lord Lancaster by same sire. Cupbearer bought. — The yearling bull Cupbearer (52692) had just been sold by Mr. Duthie to an On- tario breeder and sent to Liverpool for shipment, but on account of the Canadian quarantine proclamation he had to be returned to Collynie, whereupon Mr. Miller secured him for Mr. Adams. He had been shown during the summer of 1886 as a yearling, win- ning first prize in a good class of two-year-olds at the Royal Northern and had the reserve number next to Field Marshal. He was a roan sired by Rob Roy (45484) out of the prize cow Countess 4th, descend- ing from Mr. Cruickshank's Fragrance by Matadore, and became the champion show bull of America. From Mr. Marr was obtained Missie 99th, Sweet Brier 7th, Flora 89th and a young bull by William of Orange. A promising bull calf, Prince Charlie, bred by P. R. Smith of Aberdeenshire, and one or two others from local breeders came with the first importation. West Liberty saJe. — Mr. Adams had meantime been a buyer of American-bred stock of standard Bates and other established varieties, and a selection of these along with the major portion of the impor- tation above mentioned was offered at public sale at West Liberty, la., May 12, 1887. The catalogue *Bashful 2d — of the Miss Ramsden tribe — was what American breeders term a genuine "double-decker" — a beefy, broad-backed cow with a large, shapely udder. She was a heavy milker and was one of the cows chosen in 1893 to represent the breed in the Columbian Dairy Test. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 703 contained the two Bates-bred heifers Lady Barring- ton Bates and Lady Winsome Wild Eyes 2d, from one of Howard Gibson's importations, and as the rivalry between the Bates and Scotch factions was running high at this time much speculation was in- dulged in as to relative prices likely to prevail. Practically all the leading breeders of the West were present, and as the cattle were brought for- ward in good form, notwithstanding their recent At- lantic voyage, some excellent prices were realized. Evidently a majority of those present were attract- ed by the Aberdeenshire lots, and as a result of a sharp contest between the late Robert Miller and C. W. Norton of Durant, la., the Sittyton Secret heifer Simplicity was taken by the latter at $1,200. Mr. Norton also took out the highest-priced bull of the day, imp. Prince Charlie, at $1,000. Lady Barring- ton Bates brought $1,060 and the imported Scotch heifers sold at an average around $500. Eobt. Miller secured some of the best of these, among otters the roan Violet Mist, afterward the property of C. B. Dustin, that grew into a genuine ^ ' double-decker ' ' — a good breeder, a heavy flesh-carrier when not in milk and possessing marked dairy quality. It was at this sale that C. S. Barclay of West Liberty se- lected Ham^ester at $500. The forty-two head offered made an average of $328.35.* ,oot*^^- ,-^*"®'' ^"^^ ^"<^ exhibited for Mr. Adams at the fall fairs of 1887 a herd headed by Strathearn 77994, a compactlv-built thiclv- fleshed red, bred by John Miller & Son, Brougham, Ont., descending- from imp. Rose of Strathallan, that was probably the most valuable breeding cow John Miller ever owned. She lived to be nineteen years 704 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE The memorable purchase of 1887. — In the fall of 1887 Mr. Miller again visited Scotland, purchasing no less than thirty-one head of heifers and thirty- nine young bulls, all from the herds of Cruickshank, Duthie, Marr and Campbell — the largest importation ever made direct from Aberdeenshire to the United States. The value of this lot of cattle to American herds can scarcely yet be fairly estimated. Among the females were the grand roan Brawith Bud cow Germanica from Sittyton, the thick heifers Proud Belle, Charity 3d and the great roan Princess Alice from Collynie; while among the bulls, then all un- known to fame, were Craven Knight, Gay Monarch, Indian Chief, Freemason, Pro Consul, Mephisto- pheles and Master of the Mint. A selection from this lot was offered at auction at Dexter Park, Chi- ef age, and this reference to Strathearn reminds us that no less than eleven direct descendants of the famous old cow won at different times championship prizes in Canada and the United States. Mr. John Mil- ler bought Rose of Strathallan iust after she had gained the gold medal at the Highland Show of 1870 in her flve-year-old form. She carried at the time the famous bull Lord Strathallan, already men- tioned. The West as well as the Dominion is indebted to John Mil- ler for many good cattle and the author has pleasure in here record- ing a passing recognition of the value of his services as a breeder and importer. He is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-three years and figures as one of the strongest and sturdiest characters ever identified with our live-stock interests. Like most of tlie Canadian breeders who have succeeded so well with Short-horns Mr. Miller is a Scot. The herd at Brougham is one of the oldest in the Dominion. Among the earliest sires used were Oxford Mazurka from Woodburn, Canadian Prince, of Campbell origin, and Fawsley Chief, a Torr-Booth. For many years past none but Scotch bulls have been used, included among them being the famous Vice Consul (brought to the States by Messrs. Sanger), Sittyton Stamp, etc. Mr. Miller's sons are widely and favorably known and Robert has made many trips across the At- lantic, buying cattle and sheep for show and breeding purposes. In- deed, few, if any, families have a longer or more honorable identifica- tion with American stock-breeding interests than the Millers. Imp. Cupbearer was shown in this Lakeside herd of 1887 as a two-year-old, and while mucli admired had not assumed the phenome- nal show-yard form which he afterward attained. The cow of this show herd was Miss Ramsden 9th, an 1,865-lb. red, with a remarka- ble heart-girth, and the two-year-old heifer was her own sister. Miss Ramsden 10th. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 705 cago, May 16, 1888. AVliile appreciation of Scotcli blood for crossing purposes on American-bred cows was now general thronghont the entire country, prices for all classes of cattle were still upon a very moderate basis. Hence high values were not to be thought of. It was here that J. G. Eobbins & Sons, Horace, Ind., made the "hit" of their career as breeders by selecting the roan Marr-bred calf Gay Monarch, by William of Orange out of Alexandria 17th by Athabasca at $375. Messrs. Cookson got Pro Consul at $630. Francis Davis of Minnesota bought Freemason at $300. Arthur Johnston secured Indian Chief at $350, and J. F. Prather of Village Park, Williamsville, 111., took out Mephistopheles at $300; the twenty-five bulls averaging $308. It must be borne in mind that these calves had been weaned at a comparatively early age in Scotland, shipped 4,000 miles and offered before opportunity had been had for putting them in condition. Had they been fed for six months or a year they would doubtless have averaged double the money. Mr. Miller insisted at the time that the youngsters would grow out in a way that would fairly astonish buyers, and his words upon this point indeed proved prophetic. The highest-priced heifer sold at this sale was imp. Lady of the Meadow, taken by T. W. Harvey at $575. Lakeside's show herd of 1888.— At the shows of 1888 Lakeside came forward in force. Cupbearer was now a three-year-old and had improved wonder- 706 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE fully with twelve months' feeding. He was never a typical Scotch bull, lacking the essential element of early maturity, but as a three-year-old he displayed that marvelous back, loin and hip-covering for which he was afterward so famous. Still he wanted tilling at the flanks. A smoother bull probably never stood in the American show-ring. It w^as a strong class at the Iowa State Fair that year, including N. P. Clarke's big red, Canadian-bred Oscar, Barr's imp. Scotland's Hero and the Duthie-bred Crown Prince, also shown by Mr. Clarke. First prize here fell to Oscar, but at the Illinois show Cupbearer went to the front, winning over Varner's Frederick William 4th, Wilhoit's Athelstane 3d and other good ones. Along with Cupbearer there came from Storm Lake this season the great cows Germanica and Miss Ramsden 9th. Mr. Clarke was showing the beauti- ful Kinellar-bred Goldie cow Gypsy Maid,* and when to such as these we add Wilhoit's Young Necklace fair-goers of that period will have called to their minds visions of Short-horn beauty such as are rarely equaled. Lakeside was ''loaded" this same year in the two-year-old heifers with Mr. Duthie 's Proud Belle, of a wonderfully wide-ribbed, fleshy type. The peerless Princess Alice was the *Mr. Clark's Gypsy Maid was one of the finest specimens of the breed of her time in the United States. She possessed something of the same quality and character as Princess Alice, and like that cow- left a valuable progeny. She was a roan, bred by Campbell of Kinel- !ar, from the Sittvton-bred Vermont 78225 — running through Harmony by Pride of the Isles to Mr. Marr's Goldie tribe — and was imported in September, 1885, by John Isaac of Canada. She combined rare thick- ness with admirable finish, and was a milker as well as a flesh-car- rier. She was often shown with success, and was the champion fe- male of the breed at the Iowa State Fair of 1889. CLOSING EVEXTS OF THE CEN^TURY 70? yearling and she displayed such extraordinary quality that she was made female champion at sev- eral of the leading fairs of the Western circuit. It was a great herd and when it gained the champion- ship over all beef breeds at ''The American Eoyal" — the Illinois State Fair at Olney — it was indeed a proud day for "Willie" Miller and the Scots. Third and last lot. — In January, 1889, the third and last of the Luther Adams lots came over. It consisted of twelve young bulls and eighteen heifers, all from Sittyton, the get of Gondolier, Feudal Chief, Standard Bearer, Cumberland and Commodore. Soon after these had been put through quarantine Mr. Adams decided upon a dispersion sale of the entire Lakeside stock, including the bulls of the last importation and the show herd of 1888. Even the best cattle were not commanding long prices in those days. Breeders found it necessary to econ- omize in every possible way, and Mr. Adams felt that the situation was such that it was impossible to continue importations from Scotland with any prospect of reselling at a profit. He accordingly disposed of his farm to Mr. T. H. Sherley of Louis- ville, Ky., and catalogued sixty-six head of Short- horns to be sold at Dexter Park, Chicago, April 25, 1889. Few better lots ever went under the auc- tioneer's hammer in the Western States, and if by some witcheiy this herd could be restored to life and put on the market in these prosperous closing days of the nineteenth century quite another story could 708 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOEX CATTLE be told as the result. The beautiful Princess Alice fell to the bidding of John Hope of Bow Park at $710. John was never accused of being partial to Scotch-bred cattle, but such as Princess Alice ap- pealed to his skilled judgment with irresistible force. Mr. Dustin got Victoria 79th, Proud Belle and Germanica 2d at $425, $420 and $325 respec- tively. Hugh Draper, AVashington, la., got the rich- fleshed roan Fatima at $400. Messrs. Potts secured Germanica at $395. Miss Ramsden lOtli went to L. H. Conn of St. Louis at $325. Princess Alice's sappy- heifer Alice Maude was secured by the autlior of this volume on a bid of $300 for export to Mexico. J. R. Jones & Son, Williamsville, 111., bought Blythe- some Bride at $230. The show bull Strathearn went to Geo. Harding & Son, Waukesha, Wis., at $700. Cupbearer was bought by John Hope at $650. C. C. Platter, Red Oak, la., got imp. Bandmaster, after- ward noted as a sire in the herd of H. D. Parsons, at $630. The entire sixty-six head offered brought an average of $289.69. The heifers in the importation of 1889 were sold along with Lakeside Farm to Mr. Sherley, who sub- sequently disposed of most of them at private treaty to Col. W. A. Harris and the late John McHugh of Cresco, la. The lot sold included sixteen yearling heifers of Cruickshank, Duthie and Marr breeding, one-half of which went to Tiinwood along with the bull Craven Knight. The Short-horn herd bred at Lakeside from the CLOSIXG EVENTS OF THE CENTUKY 709 North Oaks and Luther Adams purchases was closed out at auction on June 12, 1895, at an average of $204 for the forty-six head offered. The stock bull Knight of the Thistle 108656, by Craven Knight,- tracing to imp. Eose of Strathallan, was bought by Mr. H. C. Stuart of Saltville, Va., at $650. Col. T. S. Moberley gave $500 for the roan Cupbearer cow Gwendoline 2d, and for her daughter Gwendoline 3d Maj. J. T. Cowan, Cowan's Mill, Va., paid a like sum. In addition to Knight of the Thistle Mr. Miller had used German Laird 98182, by Stratheam 77994 out of the Pure Gold or Brawith Bud cow imp. Germanica.* Gwendoline 2d was a prime favorite with Mr. Miller. She was a regular breeder, a heavy milker, with a wide, strong back and beautiful character. He often compared her with the celebrated English champion show cow the great Mollie Millicent.f Last successful Duchess sale. — Allusion has here- tofore been made to the fact that Messrs. Rigdon Huston & Son of Blandinsville, 111., purchased the *It was from this herd that Mr. Abram Renick, the younger, bought the bulls Wallace 117654, by German Laird out of the "Wild Eyes cow- North Cakes Duchess of Worcester 2d, and Royal Scot 117217, by Knight of the Thistle out of Gwendoline 2d, for the purpose of in- troducing some fresh blood into the Rose of Shai-on herd left him as a legacy on the death of his great-uncle, Abram Renick, In 1884. tLakeside Farm was bought from Mr. Shirley by Mr. Miller in 1898 and upon that valuable Iowa property the veteran breeder and im- porter is spending his declining years, feeding operations engaging most of his attention. His occasional contributions to the Breeder's Gasette have reflected not only his fine vein of humor but literary abihty of the highest order. That gifted American author, Donald G. Mitchell ("Ik Marvel") in forwarding a communication of his own, prepared especially for one of the Christmas issues of the Gazette, re- ferred to an article of Mi'. Miller's in a prior issue with this comment : "When you can secure such matter as Mr. Miller's article of last year from within the ranks of your own constituency I do not see why you need call professional literary men to your aid." 710 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE entire Bates-bred herd of Col. Le G. B. Cannon of Vermont and added it to their Hilldale stock in 1881 at a cost of $50,000 for thirty-two head. The Cannon herd contained several representatives of the Airdrie Duchess tribe, obtained from Hillhurst, and as the Messrs. Huston were among the most practical of our AVestern breeders they were success- ful in producing from this purchase a good number of first-class animals. They had in sei*vice for a time the 22d Duke of Airdrie 16695 and subsequently bought from Bow Park for $5,000 a good rich-roan son of 4th Duke of Clarence, known as 2d Duke of Brant 55479, a bull of admirable quality and character. After the death of Kigdon Huston the herd was closed out at auction at Dexter Park, Chicago, Nov. 21 and 22, 1888, under the management of the son, Mr. Theodore Huston.* There were twelve head of Dukes and Duchesses in the sale, all descended from the celebrated 10th Duchess of Airdrie, and like the Hillhurst lot sold at same place, as noted on page 663, they were, as a rule, of superior individual merit and brought good prices. It was claimed at the time that this was the best collection of Duch- *Rig'don Huston was one of the pioneer breeders of the West and was a man of the highest character, universally esteemed. He had from early days been an owner of pure-bred Short-horns, chosen pri- marily for their individual merit, and he was to the last a consistent advocate of quality in tlie animal as a consideration paramount. His son Theodore was of a speculative turn of mind and did not engage as a partner in breedinR with his fatlier until tlie purcliase of the Cannon herd was consummated. In 1893 Tlieodore Hu.ston, who was in very ill healtli, was appointed United States Consul at El Paso, Tex., but even the mild climate of that region did not save laim from an early death. CLOSIXG EVENTS OF THE CEXTURY 711 esses ill existence on either side of tiie water — a fact wliicli was largely due to the undoubted skill of the Messrs. Huston. The "plum" of the females was the two-year-old heifer 8th Duchess of Hilldale, that brought the long price of $6,600 from William Steele of Ionia, Mich. The same buyer took the stock bull 2d Duke of Brant at $3,000. Mr. AVilliam Wright of Detroit, Mich., bought the five-year-old roan 4th Duchess of Hilldale at $2,600. John Hope bid off the roan yearling 12th Duchess of Hilldale at $3,000. H. C. G. Bals of Indianapolis took the red heifer calf 1-lth Duchess of Hilldale at $2,250. For the red-and-white six-year-old cow 3d Duchess of Hilldale Messrs. Flynn & Elbert, Des Moines, la., paid $2,050. W. H. Carlyle, Plymouth, 0., secured the four-year-old 6th Duchess of Hilldale at $1,950. B. C. Eumsey of Buffalo took the red-roan yearling 11th Duchess of Hilldale at $1,800. T. C. Ander- son, Side View, Ky., got the matron of the tribe, the ten-year-old 7th Duchess of Hillhurst, at $1,700. W. 'W. Benton, Mendon, 111., bought the roan heifer calf loth Duchess of Hilldale at $1,550. John Hope took the red bull calf 16th Duke of Hilldale at $1,650. G. H. Barnett of Pennsylvania bought the roan bull calf 13th Duke of Hilldale at $900. The nine females averaged $2,611; three bulls averaged $1,850; the twelve head bringing $29,050— an aver- age of $2,420.85. Seven head of Barringtons, sold upon this same occasion, averaged $360; six Kirk- levingtons averaged $352.50; the seventy-nine ani- 712 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE mals catalogued bringing $43,320 — an average of $548.35. The old 7tli Duchess of Hillhurst subsequently reverted to Mr. Theodore Huston and was sold along with her heifer 15th Duchess of Hilldale at an auction sale held at Abingdon, 111., May 13, 1891, in connection with a lot of cattle belonging to Mr. Strawther Givens of that place, both of the Duch- esses going to George Allen, Allerton, 111., at $1,000 for the old cow and $1,500 for the heifer. The 10th Duchess of Airdrie ranks next in Duchess history to Duchess 66th, ancestress of the New York Mills lot. The great Woodburn matron that passed from Mr. Alexander's hands to George Murray of Eacine, and from him to Hon. M. H. Cochrane, left a family of descendants that sold in the aggregate at public and private sale for a total of about $300,000. The old cow died at an advanced age in 1884, the property of Maj. S. E. Ward, Westport, Mo. Sale of the Sittyton herd.— In May, 1889, the Short-horn breeding world was startled by the re- port that the entire Sitt^^ton herd, consisting at that date of 154 head, had been sold at private treaty to James Nelson & Sons of Liverpool, Eng., for expor- tation to the Argentine Republic, South America. Those who had enjoyed intimate relations with Mr. Cruickshank were aware that the old gentleman had long contemplated retiring from the profession in which he had gained world-wide fame. Indeed, a proposition had been under consideration in America CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTUEY 713 looking toward the formation of a syndicate for the purchase and importation to this country of the entire herd. These negotiations, however, were not carried to a successful issue, and when the an- nouncement was made that the stock was to be shipped to Buenos Ayres expressions of keen regret were heard throughout all Britain and North America. It is an old saying that "it is an ill wind that blows nobody good." To the failure of the great international banking house of Baring Bros., which occurred in England soon after Messrs. Nel- son had accomplished the purchase of the stock, Short-horn breeders of Britain, Canada and the States are indebted for the retention in the mother- land of the bulk of the Sittyton cattle. Grave finan- cial complications in the Argentine rendered it in- expedient to carry out the original project of ship- ping the entire herd to the Southern Eepublic. Mr. Robert Bruce, then of Darlington and now an oflficial of the Royal Irish Agricultural Society — one of the best-informed men of his time in all Britain and a popular judge at leading shows — had repre- sented the Messrs. Nelson in this important trans- action and decided, in view of the failure of the original plan for exportation, that the herd had best be held at the home farm pending some satisfactory disposition of the stock. This arrangement was car- ried into effect and the cattle were kept at Sittyton until May, 1890. Mr. Bruce has given us an inter- esting account of the extreme reluctance with which 714 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE X CATTLE Mr. Cruicksliank finally parted with liis pets. We quote: Can anyone realize what the selling of his entire herd of Short-horns would mean to such a man; a herd which had been the work of a lifetime to build up? While the transaction was being carried through I felt sincere sympathy for him, as I could see how the thought of parting with his cattle affected his strong mind. The resolution to sell was arrived at owing to his failing health and the fact that the lease of his farm had expired; and when the proposition of a private purchase of the entire lot was made he liked the idea, seeing it would save him all the worry and trouble attending a public sale. In a letter to me, dated May 5, 1889, he wrote: "In reply to your letter re- garding the Short-horn cattle, my lease of the farm expires next year. I am in my eighty-second year and from a serious illness which I had last year I am not now able to give the cattle that attention which I had used to do and which is essentially neces- sary to continue. This is the cause of their being offered for sale." William Duthie of Collynie was so fortunate as to secure a majority of the most useful cows — some thirty-five head in number. Mr. J. Deane Willis of Bapton Manor, Codford, Wiltshire, Eng., bought all of the yearling heifers excepting those of the Violet tribe, which, consisting of but five females, was pur- chased, along with Grapevine's bull calf Glengarry and five other females, by Mr. C. W. Tindall for Mr. Sutton Nelthorpe of Scawby Brigg, Lincolnshire, Eng. Mr. J. Wilson of Pirriesmill, Huntley, bought the cow Cordenella and her bull calf Sovereign, by Gondomar, that became a well-known sire. The stock bulls in the herd at the time of its purchase were the following: Cumberland (46144), Gondolier (52956), Commodore (54118), Gondomar CLOSIXG EVEXTS OF THE CEXTFRY 715 and Collingwood. Cumberland was old and very much worn. The flesh had slipped from his chine and shoulders, and as it was evident that little if any further service could be had from him he was sent to the butcher. Gondolier was a red by Cum- berland out of Gilliver by Roan Gauntlet, with good ribs and a strong back, but lame at the time of his purchase in both shoulders. He was sold to go into Durham, Eng. Unfortunately for the breed the last great Sittyton bull. Commodore, and his good stable companion Gondomar were shipped to South America. Mr. Bruce tells us that Mr. Cruickshank called Commodore "the best animal that ever left Sittyton." He was sired by Baron Violet (47444) out of Custard by Royal Duke of Gloster; second dam Princess Royal by Champion of England.* Mr. Bruce says that viewed from the side Commodore was simply perfect — very level and deep. Seen from behind, however, he thought him a bit narrow. His "roasts" were wide on top, but his ribs did not present as perfect an arch as one would like. Com- modore w^as lost at sea. Gondomar, a red of good *Before taking leave of this line of breeding we may add the follow- inj: description of this epoch-making sire, furnished the author by :\Ir. John W. Cruickshank : "Champion of England was a beautiful calf, his hair actually waved in the wind, and until his death in 18 7 no other sire was so fully trusted : his large, deep body was carried on short legs ; his quarters, though not long, were broad and deep ; his frame carried an unusually thick covering of natural flesh, and so full was he behind the shoulders that the meat actually projected beyond the shoulder blades. No bull ever had such an influence in the herd : his calves could easily be picked out and the use of his sons, grand- sons and great-grandsons impressed the Sittyton herd generally with liis character. Himself descended on both sides from tribes of good milking qualities his daughters were useful dairy cattle as well as heavy-fleshed Short-horns. His death was the result of calculus, and when killed his organs were as sound and healthy as possible." 716 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOKN CATTLE style and character, by Feudal Chief (51251) out of Godiva by Cumberland; second dam Gilliver by Roan Gauntlet, was extra good and should have been retained in Scotland. Collingwood was a bull of nice quality, but somewhat lacking in width. The Cruickshank cows at CoUynie. — Mr. Duthie originally bought the eighteen old cows that the Nelsons deemed too aged for export under agree- ment to remove them from Sittyton on the 1st of June, 1889, and allow their calves to suck them, these calves to be the property of Messrs. Nelson, delivered in the following October. Calves born after the 1st of June from these old cows to be the property of Mr. Duthie. Following is the full list of cows finally obtained from Sittyton for Collynie: Of the Venus tribe, Juliet, by Barmpton Prince, Gazelle, by Eoan Gauntlet (both reds), and the roan Gipseywort, by Roan Gauntlet. Of the Secret tribe, the white Sobriety and the roan Sunflower, both by Roan Gauntlet; the red Spirea and the roan Sar- casm, both by Cumberland, and the red Siren, by Commodore. Of the Pure Gold or Brawith Bud tribe, the roan heifer Gardenia, by Cumberland. Of the Victoria tribe, the roan Victoria 57th, by Barmp- ton Prince, and the red Victoria 58th (dam of imp. Baron Victor) , by Pride of the Isles. Of the Duchess of Gloster family, the roan 21st of that name, by Barmpton Prince; the roan 24th Duchess, by Lord of the Isles, and the red 30th Duchess, by Chancellor. Of the Crocus sort^ the roan Costume, by Bridesman, CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 717 the red Calypso, by Gondolier, and the roan Can- zonet, by Standard Bearer. Of the Clipper sort, so famous as bull-breeders at Sittyton, the red Crocus, by Pride of the Isles, the white Chrysanthemum, by Crusader, the red Coraline, by Cumberland, and the red Cluster Eose, by Gondolier. Of the Lavender family, the red Lavender 15th, a sixteen-year-old cow by Lord Warden, the roan Lavender 16th, by Lord Lansdowne, fifteen years old, the roan Lav- ender 45th, by Baron Violet, the roan 46th, by Dun- blane, the roan 48th, by Cumberland, and the red Lavender 50th, by Baron Violet. Of the Spieey sort, the roan Seaweed, by Perfection, the roan Sil- verlocks, by Eoan Gauntlet, and the roan Sea Foam, by Gondolier. Of the Lovely family, the fourteen- year-old red Lovely 20th, by Lord Lancaster, and the ten-year-old roan Lovely 35th, by Eoan Gauntlet. In addition to these he took the red fourteen-year- old Abarilla, by Barmpton Prince, and the ten-year- old red Veronica, by Pride of the Isles. Field Marshal and Mario. — In acquiring the "cream" of the breeding matrons of the Cruick- shank herd, William Duthie virtually succeeded to the throne which had been abdicated by the sage of Sittyton. A near neighbor and good friend of the grand old man, Mr. Duthie had already had in ser- vice the famous roan Field Marshal (47870), by Eoan Gauntlet out of Azalea by Caesar Augustus. This was a great bull in every sense of the term so far as conformation was concerned, but scarcely per- 718 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HGElsr CATTLE feet in his handling qnalities. He was a massive 2,500-lb. bull with a good head, wonderful back, ribs, loins and quarters, but rather bare below; and he and his stock lacked a little of that soft, mellow covering of flesh so highly prized by so many judges. In Mr. Duthie's hands he sired some of the most celebrated show and breeding stock ever sent out from the North of Scotland. One of his sons, the famous Mario (51713), was the greatest show bull of his day in Britain. In the herd of Mr. A. M. Gordon of Newton, Mario carried the championship prizes at both the Eoyal and Highland shows of 1888, and at the time of his death in 1889, in the hands of Mr. C. W. Brierley, he was on a triumphal tour of the English circuit. Mario inherited Field Marshal's substance and flesh, but like his sire was somewhat wanting in the element of quantity.* Field Marshal was let for a period of three years to William Tait, manager for the Queen of England at Her Majesty's Shaw farm at Windsor; a stroke of policy on Mr. Duthie's part which proved fruitful *Robert Bruce says : "Mario was a large bull. Many English judges did not have a very high opinion of him, and there is no doubt that there was some truth in what they said, viz. : 'He was like a fat steer.' I went to buy him as a tliree-year-old having him in price, and was a.sked by jSIr. Gordon to put the question of purchase aside and tell him if I considered the bull good enough to win in England. If I thought so he would much like to show him. I said I considered him good enough, and chalked out a course of shows he should be entered for. He made his first appearance at Peterboro, where he was passed over without a prize, but he was so different from the others that general attention was called to the awards. After Peterboro he won straight through for two years and did much to attract attention in England to Scotch Shoi't-horns. "Mario, New Year's Gift, Challenge Cup, INIajor and Count Laven- der stood out so clearly as winners that in spite of the fact that at almost all the principal English sliows they were judged by breeders wlio had little liking for Sittyton blood they could not be set aside." CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 719 of results to the Scotch Short-horn interest in Eng- land. The mere fact that Koyalty had taken up with an Aberdeenshire-bred sire of itself paved the way for the breaking down of that general preju- dice which had up to this time existed in England against the North country type. Shortly after the return of Field Marshal to Collynie, in the fall of 1889, the great bull accidentally slipped and injured himself in such manner as destroyed his further usefulness. Scottish Archer and Count Lavender. — It was in the spring of 1890 that Deane Willis made his mem- orable j)urchase of thirty-three yearling Sittyton- bred heifers and the two bulls Scottish Archer (59893) and Captain of the Guard. This removed to the South of England a good percentage of the Cruickshank females and Bapton Manor and Colly- nie became the headquarters for the Sittyton sorts. Mr. Willis worked in conjunction with Mr. Duthie in the matter of sires, and both have met with much success in supplying show-yard winners and breed- ing animals for leading British and American herds. Scottish Archer was a roan by Cumberland out of the Secret cow Surname by Pride of the Isles, and ultimately became the property of Mr. Duthie, prov- ing, as shown by the late Collynie sales, the most popular of all the latter-day Scottish sires. A bull that did the Willis herd excellent sendee and extended still further the fame of the Scotch type in British show-yards was the roan Count Lav- 720 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ender (60545). Soon after Mr. Willis acquired the Sittyton heifers the question of a suitable bull for them came up, and the matter was discussed with Mr. Cruickshank himself. In reference to this Mr. Robert Bruce says: "Of course he knew well the Lavender blood and also that of the sire Norseman (56233). Together we went carefully into the pedi- gree of the grandsire, Earl of March (33807),* and I was rather surprised to find that Mr. Cruickshank could remember the bull and speak of his many strong points as well as a slight dip in the middle of his back. After considering the subject in his usual careful way he said: 'Mr. Willis may use Count Lavender on my heifers with every confidence. ' The result at Bapton has most completely borne out the old man's opinion." As seen by the writer at the Warwick Royal of 1892, Count Lavender was a bull of superior finish and quality, evenly covered with mellow flesh and standing near to the ground. Wo thought he lacked somewhat, however, in real sub- stance. Another good bull used in the Willis herd was Roan Robin (57992), obtained from Mr. Duthie in exchange, we believe, for Scottish Archer. He was sired by Cumberland out of Glowworm by Roan Gauntlet. Mr. Willis has enjoyed an extensive patronage, and a yearling bull of his breeding, Bapton Em- peror, bought after winning at the Royal by Mr. *Earl of March was a roan, bred by Bruce of Burnside, from Fred- erick F'itz Windsor (31196) out of Fanny (the dam of Potts' imp. Duke of Richmond) by Royal Errant. RESIDENCE UF J. L'EANE WILLIS OF BAl^TON MANOR. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 721 MaiT, was recently resold for export to South Amer- ica for £800. Argentine and the shambles. — The project of ship- ping to South America was not entirely abandoned. In addition to the stock bulls Commodore and Gon- domar there were sent out to Argentine in the early autumn of 1889 the following cows: Juniper, Gil- liver (dam of Gondolier and Master of the Realm), Golden Autumn (dam of Craven Knight), Glow- worm Godiva (dam of Gondomar), Genista, Golden Pippin, Godetia, Grapevine, Gladys, Victorias 74th, 77th and 78th, Candytuft, Corncockle, Cardamine, Crowfoot, Coltsfoot, Ceres, Christobel, Cynthia, Christmas Carol, Cordelia, Canterbury Bell, Orange Blossom 30th, Barmpton Lily, Lady of the Forest and Nonpareil 20th. This included quite a group of Brawith Buds and Clippers. The following were sent to the butcher : Gaj^ow- er, Sunflower, Catherine, Cyclamen, Constance, the famous Custard, then in her fourteenth year; Capsi- cum, Cloud "Wreath, Cinnamon, Lavenders 37th and 49th and Sea Pink. Summary of Sittyton sales. — During a period of thirty-five years, extending from 1842 to 1876, in- clusive, there were sold for breeding purposes from Sittyton 1,030 bulls at an average of £36 12s. 9d. and 321 cows and heifers at an average of £32 14s. 9d. — a total of 1,351 animals for £48,247, an average of £35 14s. From 1877 to 1889 practically the entire surplus of young bulls was sold to the United States 722 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE and Canada after the wants of a few regular cus- tomers had been supplied. The surplus heifers were mostly exported during these same seasons. A close estimate of total sales made from the herd for breed- ing purposes for the forty-seven years ended in 1889 includes 1,912 animals for which there was received something over £68,000.* Moberley and Young Abbottsbum. — In Septem- ber, 1890, Col. Thomas S. Moberley of Forest Grove Farm, Richmond, Ky., began a series of show-yard campaigns, made memorable by the exhibition of the massive Cruickshank bull Young Abbottsburn 110679. Col. Moberley had for some years been prominent as a breeder and fitter of Bates and Bates-crossed stock, and this great coup of 1890 came as a complete surprise to the Short-horn breeding interests of the States. Imp. Cupbearer, at that time owned by Williams & Householder, Columbus, *The author had the pleasure of visiting Amos Cruickshank at his home at Sittyton in June, 1892, in company with Mr. Duthie and Col. W. A. Harris. Although then an octogenarian Mr. Cruickshank's mind was still unclouded and he readily answered all questions put to him concerning his life work. He was often asked not only directly but in a roundabout wav which of his families he looked upon with most favor, but no one could ever get him to make any definite statement on the subject. He pointed out that many of them were, through the sires he had largely used, closely allied, and one could gather from his talk that In his selection of stock bulls he was influenced much by the qualifications of the dam and grandams. his judgment of their merits being based upon a high standard of excellence in the matters of constitution, quality, milk and He was using at the time the herd was sold two bulls of the Clipper and two of the Pure Gold fami- lies, while he had retained for service a yearling bull of the Premium or Crocus sort. His death occurred at Sittyton May, 1895. Mr. Bruce relates the following incident which occurred during the closing years of the old man's life, illustrating the esteem in which he was held in the highest circles : . , , . ^ , "On one of the davs of the Highland Show at Aberdeen in July, 189 4, a homely little ceremonv took place which excited more than or- dinary interest. From the Royal box in the grand stand his Royal Highness the Duke of York, President of the Society for the year, was witnessing the parade of the live stock. Some one mentioned to his Roval Highness that not far away on the stand a seat was oecu- CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 728 Kan., was the reigning king of Western show-yards. Moberley determined that if there was a bull in North America capable of coping with Cupbearer he would find him and place him at the head of his Forest Grove show stock. Like all others who at that period sought show bulls of the heaviest cali- ber, he found himself compelled to turn to the Aber- deenshire type. Visiting Canada he found the object of his quest — a five-year-old roan, bred and owned by Messrs. Watt. We have already related that in 1874 the late Joseph Thomson of Whitby, Ontario, imported the roan Cruickshank heifer Village Bud, by Scotland's Pride. She was the best female in the Thomson sale and Avas bought by Messrs. Watt of Salem, On- tario, for $925. She was in calf at the time to the roan bull Ben Wyvis (30528), bred at Sittyton from Caesar Augustus and Butterfly's Joy of the Towne- pied by that prince of cattle-breeders, Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton. At once his Royal Highness desired that Mr. Cruickshank be sum- moned to the Tloyal box. The octogenarian farmer and breeder, pre- senting a characteristic figure with his quiet attire, long white locks, and strong modest fact, obeyed the Royal command, and was received most cordially by his Royal Highness. This incident, simple and in- teresting in itself, gave unbounded pleasure to the crowd of onlookers, who applauded warmly as the venerable breeder was seen to make his way back from the presence of Royalty. It was a singularly happy occurrence that meeting of the youthful Prince and the patriarchal farmer — one of many similarily happy incidents which illumine and distinguish the movements of the Royal family, demonstrating their ever anxous desire to recognize and duly honor noble achievements in whatever walk of life it may be observed. "Amos Cruickshank was then in his eighty-sixth year. Although bowed down with the weight of years, he was not vmnaturally anxious again to witness the Highland Show — anxious in particular that he might see the Royal Duke who had honored Scotch agriculturists by becoming the President of their National Agricultural Society and ar- ranging to visit its show in the Granite City. Happily Mr. Cruick- shank's desire was fulfilled, and by the incident just mentioned an honor was added which he had not dreamt of, but which deeply gratified him. Talking over the honor done him, he said to me : 'I feel gratified, deeply gratified, but had I known what was before me I could never have left Sittyton.' " 724 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ley line. The resulting calf was the dark-roan heifer Village Blossom, that grew into an exceptionally thick, short-legged, heavy cow that won first prizes in her class at the leading Canadian shows, besides being a member of a herd that won first place wher- ever exhibited. This prize cow was bred to Ab- bottsburn 106090, a roan, imported in 1883 by James I. Davidson, sired by Roan Gauntlet out of Ama- ranth by Barmpton. To this service Village Blos- som produced March 2, 1885, the roan bull calf Young Abbottsburn, which at seven months old was sold to Mr. Alex. Norrie of Paisley, Ontario,* in whose possession he remained for four years. He was shown locally as a yearling and two-year-old; but during all the years that the bull was in Norrie 's possession the Messrs. Watt had not seen him, al- though some extraordinary statements as to his character reached their ear. At Norrie 's sale in 1889 Mr. Watt bought him back, "because," liesays, "on seeing Young Abbottsburn I had to admit that the half had not been told concerning him." He resembled his sire, Abbottsburn, in a general way, but was heavier. Mr. Watt states that as a calf Young Abbottsburn was not very well cared for. He had run with his mother all through the summer month, and up to the time he was sold had received no grain and was not regarded as an extraordinary calf. Norrie bought him at $200, and to him credit *Mr. Norrie is at present herd manager for Messrs. Dustin, Sum- mer Hill, 111., and .^elected for them in Scotland in 1898 the prize bull Merry Hampton, possessing something of the same thickness and feed- ing quality of the grand old bull which he developed in Canada. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 725 must be given for developing probably the greatest carcass ever seen in the show-yards of North Amer- ica. He was used as a stock bull by Mr. Norrie, and served other cows in the neighborhood, siring some useful cattle, which, as a rule, bred better than them- selves. At the time the bull was bought back from Mr. Norrie he weighed nearly 2,600 lbs. He had been kept in a box-stall with free access to a yard of moderate size where he could take exercise at will; the door of his box being seldom closed in summer or winter. His principal feed had been roots and hay w^ith the addition of a little grain, but he was a remarkably easy feeder and a perfect pic- ture of contentment always. Moberley was a shrewd enough judge of good Short-horns to realize that he had discovered in this bull a most extraordinary animal, and closed a trade for his transfer to the States. It was at the Detroit Exposition, held the first week in September, 1890, that Young Abbottsburn made his debut on this side of the line. He did not arrive in time to com- pete in the bull class,* but Colonel Moberley was allowed to place him at the head of his cattle in the ♦Messrs. Sanger of Wisconsin were first in aged bulls at this Ex- position with Prince Victoria of Hickory Park 94481, a thick-fleshed bull of great substance, siied by Earl of Richmond out of Victoria 55th by Royal Duke of Pleasant Ridge 36889 ; thus blending the blood of imp. Duke of Richmond with that of the Milne and Lowman & Smith Victorias already mentioned as being among the best Scotch cattle ever seen in America. The Sanger bull sired among other good things H. F. Brown's champion show bull Victor of Browndale 117621, out of the grand heifer Victoria of Glenwood 8th, which in the hands of Messrs. Sanger and Brown was for several seasons the "crack" female of the breed in the West. She was a wonderfully thick, neat, low-legged red, familiarly known as "the white-legged heifer," in allu- sion to her color markings. 726 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE herd competition. Notwithstanding the novelty of a "braw" Scotch rent-payer leading the high-bred daughters of noble Dukes, there was no escape from the decision which sent first prize to the Forest Grove lot as thus lined up. At this show Moberley was either unable or unwilling to give out informa- tion as to the bull's name or breeding, claiming to have left the pedigree at home. He was thereupon dubbed by the ring-side talent "the great un- known, ' ' which sobriquet clung to him long after liis identity was revealed. The news of his appearance and of his overpowering flesh and substance trav- eled far and fast. Cupbearer at the Ohio State Fair was renewing his triumphs of previous years, and before the first meeting of the two North Country champions occurred at the Illinois State Fair at Peoria interest in the impending duel became in- tense. Probably no event in American show-yard history aroused more intense excitement than at- tended this memorable meeting.* The following re- *The judges upon this occasion were Messrs. Thomas Clark, Beecher, 111., one of America's best breeders and most successful ex- hibitors of Herefords ; and Robert B. Ogilvle, late of Madison, Wis. Mr. Ogilvie, while devoted to mercantile pursuits, has been a life-long admirer of the improved breeds of live-stock, and for a quarter of a century has enjoyed the acquaintance of practically all of the lead- ing breeders and exhibitors of the United States and Canada. He acquired international reputation as a breeder of Clydesdales at Blair- gowrie Farm ; his exhibits of draft horses of that type, with the fa- mous McQueen at the head, constituting one of the chief attractions of the Cyldesdale shows of their time. Fond of a good Short-horn, a recognized judge of sheep and a close student of everything pertain- ing to stock-breeding interests, Mr. Ogilvie possessed a wide and varied range of information bearing upon all the leading types of do- mestic animals. Cupbearer in his old age became the property of Milton E. Jones CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 727 view of this rencontre from notes made by the author at tlie time was published in the Breeder's Gazette for Oct. 8, 1890: "I have read so much about Cupbearer in The Gazette for the past two or three years, and was so interested in your ac- count of Col. Moberley's new bull, that I thought I would come to Peoria and see the fun." Such was the explanation of their unaccustomed presence at an Illinois State Fair made to the writer by something less than a thousand cattle-growers from different States who have not been in the habit of attending the big shows. The leading professional breeders were there as a matter of course. Indeed everybody and his neighbor seemed to be present when the ring for aged bulls was called, and those who could not arrive in time telegraphed freely their regrets. The excitement was at fever heat. It was indeed to be a "bat- tle royal," and it can be truthfully asserted that the enthusiasm engendered by this meeting of the two greatest show bulls of recent years in the West has kindled an interest in the breed- ing and exhibition of good Short-horns, and spurred the flagging energies of prominent showmen in a manner unknown since the days of Col. King's triumphal tour, which culminated so many years ago under that famous canvas at St. Louis. Cupbearer — son of the great Rob Roy, sire of the rising Eng- lish champion Challenge Cup, and victor in half a hundred fields — was first in position. "He can't be beaten" was the emphatic pronouncement as the superbly-poised and admirably-finished form of Mr. Householder's famous bull was fairly settled to re- ceive the shock of show-yard assault; and while the crowd feasted their eyes upon his noble outline Messrs. Henn and Wil- hoit entered the lists with Phenomenon and Goldstick — both reds, both wearers of championship honors, both in good form, but both unequal to the task of closing with such "sluggers" as con- several years since. It cannot be said that he ever had a thorough test as a breeding bull, as he was passed around from one herd to another and kept in show condition for so many years that he never had full opportunity of demonstrating what he miglit be worth for stock purposes. In the hands of William Miller at Storm Lake, he got one of the best Scotch cows ever owned in the West — the beautiful roan Gwendoline 2d, sold to Col. Moberley and afterward bought by Messrs. Mitchel. 728 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE fronted them upon this occasion. "One story's good till another's told." One favorite receives our plaudits till another comes upon the scene. Cupbearer's triumph was complete till Young Ab- bottsburn was drawn into the yard. From the moment the mighty roan entered the ring the champion of 1888 and 1889 was on the defensive. The hero of Detroit, Columbus and Indianapo- lis, with his world of flesh and substance, seemed to fill the en- tire arena. By comparison Phenomenon (heavy as he is) seemed to shrink into a pigmy; Goldstick's "bit fault" (stand- ing a trifle away from the ground) grew into something which it is not, and Cupbearer himself began to lose perceptibly in breadth of beam. An attack is apt to be more confldently un- dertaken than a defense. Moberley had given instructions to his herdsmen to await the entrance of the king and challenge him on whatever ground he might select, and the nearer this spot was reached the more apparent became the fact that a new idol was about to be set up. True the showy Duthie bull had defenders to the last, but when the crown was finally sent to his thicker, meatier adversary, the triumph of Amos Cruick- shank's real old work-a-day type was quite complete. One by- stander gave exaggerated expression to a feeling that possessed a majority of the breeders present by saying: "Cupbearer is the dude. Young Abbottsburn the solid farmer" — one way of saying that the latter is of a more eminently useful feeder's type. Cup- bearer has been an almost certain winner by reason of his matchless smoothness, marvelously-spread loin, level quarters, refined conformation and gay carriage. Young Abbottsburn crushes all before him by an incomparable wealth of flesh, in addition to which his head is more truly masculine, his crops are better covered and his lower lines are fuller than those of his chief antagonist. He is a 2,800-lb. bull, standing (at the brisket) but fourteen inches from the ground, with a rich roan coat and a good mellow hide, full of that golden coloring matter that indicates the easy keeper and great "doer." He is low, wide, compact and smoothly laden with flesh of good quality from horns to hocks. He has a good, broad head and horns of the right sort, a mild, placid eye, and one of those quiet, even temperaments that tell of a disposition favorable to the putting \)n of meat. There is some little show of unevenness over the CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 729 blades, but not so much of a roll as Cupbearer sports. He does not finish out behind the hooks quite so perfectly as the other, but is yet a grand-quartered bull and thicker in his rounds. "The king is dead; long live the king." Young Abbottsburn cost in Canada $425! What- ever of lingering doubt in relation to the feeding and flesh-carrj'ing capacity of the Cruickshank cat- tle may have existed prior to this date was dispelled once for all by the exhibition of this wonderful bull at the American shows from 1890 to 1893. From the day of his first appearance at Detroit until crowned with the championship of the World's Columbian Exposition there were none to challenge. his com- plete supremacy. Open to criticism, perhaps, upon the score of some lack of character, Young Abbotts- burn was such a feed-lot model that he fairly carried the corn-belt by storm. He was universally recog- nized by practical men as the sort of a beast that would convert grain and grass into prime heavy beef on short notice. Notwithstanding the efforts of his owner and his new trainer (Mr. Forbes), he did not stop putting on pounds avoirdupois until his log-like carcass pulled down the scales at over 2,800 lbs. Such weight without height has probably never been seen in any other animal of any breed on this continent. It was scarcely to be expected that such a ponderous, short-legged show bull would prove particularly active or useful as a stock-getter, and unfortunately his legacy to the breed, aside from his show-yard triumphs, was not large. Mary Abbottsburn 7th. — Basking in the sunshine 730 A. HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE of the popularity of Young Abbottsburn, Col. Mober- ley's views of breeding rapidly expanded. He no longer subscribed to the doctrine that all excellence within the breed was necessarily circumscribed by the comparatively narrow circle that had Kirklev- ington for its center. In response to a query pro- pounded just after his purchase of the great Scotch bull as to what he proposed to do with a beast ot that breeding, he replied: "Use him a little and show him 'right smart.' " He did more than this. He u^ed him "right smart" besides crushing all competition at the shows. The percentage of cows got in calf was, however, not large, so that the bull's progeny at Forest Grove were not so numerous as Col. Moberley would have wished. Had the bull never sired anything else, however, than Mary Ab- bottsburn 7tli his fame would have been secure for all time. We have already noted the great success attending the use of Scotch bulls upon cows of the Young Mary tribe in the hands of Messrs. Potts, Wilhoit and Harris; a success which was repeated by many of their contemporaries. It remained for Col. Moberley and Young Abbottsburn, however, to cap the climax, so far as this particular cross is con- cerned, by giving to the breed the champion show cow just mentioned. Her dam was the red Forest Belle 6th, bred by Col. Moberley from the Eenick Eose of Sharon bull Minnie's Duke of Sycamore 57120 out of Sparsewood Mary 3d, bred by Tracy Bros., Winchester, Ky., from Cambridge Rose Duke s^ ^-~ '-_ CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 731 2d 22295 (also of Mr. Eenick's favorite tribe) and sired by the 4th Duke of Geneva. She fed kindly from the start, and, as a buxom heifer of rare prom- ise, was bought by Aaron Barber, York State's en- thusiastic admirer of good Short-horns, at the round price, for those times, of $1,000 — after winning the yearling heifer championship over all breeds at the Illinois State Fair of 1894. She matured into one of the noblest cows of any breed known to the Amer- ican cattle trade. She had a back like a billiard table and her wide, deep ribs and long, level quar- ters were wrapped in a wealth of flesh that con- stantly recalled the carcass of her illustrious sire. From 1894 to 1898, inclusive, Mary Abbottsburn 7th, in the hands of Mr. Barber, was the unrivaled queen of American Short-horn cows.* Col. Moberley fortified his show herd further by purchasing from Arthur Johnston of Canada the roan Nonpareil Chief 113034, sired by imp. Indian Chief out of the Kinellar-bred imp. Nonpareil 36th. Not so massive as Young Abbottsburn he was yet a bull of strong parts, well covered with flesh of fine quality and possessing good Short-horn char- acter. At the Columbian Exposition Col. Moberley had the honor of winning first and third in the greatest ring of aged bulls ever seen in America *A colored lithograph of Mary Abbottsburn 7th's head and neck from a painting by Hills was the leading pictorial feature of the Christmas number of the Breeder's Gazette for 1899. "Queen Mary," as she was often called, became during that year the property of Mr. W. A. Boland of New Tork city, proprietor of a stock farm at Grass Lake, Mich. 732 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE with Young Abbottsburn and Nonpareil Chief re- spectively. Forest Grove sale. — During the summer of 1895 Col. Moberley was accidentally drowned in the surf at Virginia Beach on the Atlantic coast, an occur- rence which brought sorrow to the entire Short-horn breeding fraternity and took from the ranks, while still in his prime, one of the most enthusiastic friends of the breed. He had only finished collect- ing by purchase a valuable group of Scotch-bred cows and heifers, including Princess Alice, Gwendo- line 2d, 7tli Linwood Golden Drop, imp. Daisy of North Oaks, Orange Blossom 31st and imp. Victoria 79th, and was preparing to engage extensively in intermingling the best Bates and Cruickshank blood. Mary Abbottsburn 7th furnished the inspiration, and while Col. Moberley did not live to carry out his work he set an example of broad-minded apprecia- tion of merit wherever found that should not be without its lesson. His herd was sold at executor's sale at Richmond in October, 1895, while the coun- try was still prostrated from the unparalleled finan- cial panic of 1893; hence the prices paid, as has been the case in so many similar instances, were by no means commensurate with the value of the cattle. The highest figure was $500, given by T. R. Westrope & Son, of Harlan, la., for a Young Abbottsburn bull called The Corker. The old hero himself, nine years old and with little prospect of further usefulness, was bought by Messrs. Wallace of Bunceton, Mo., CLOSIXG EVENTS OF THE CEXTURY 733 at $475. The handsome Linwood Golden Drop 7th went to AVestropes at $355. Cui^bearer's daughter Gwendoline 2d, one of the best Scotch cows of that time in America, topped the females at $-100, at which price she went to Messrs. Mitchel, Danvers, 111., who also took the aging Princess Alice at $300. The old Field Marshal cow's roan heifer Alice of Forest Grove, sired at Linwood by Galahad, was allowed to go to Texas at $220. Sixty-nine head sold for the shocking average of but $131.60, a fact which furnished ample proof of the wretched state of the Short-horn trade at that time; reflecting the widespread commercial and industrial depression. It is needless to say that those who had the courage to buy profited largely by their investments at this sale. There is a moral to be drawn from this and similar events recorded in this volume. It is this: Cattle-breeding, like all other avocations, has its ups and downs, its bright periods of prosperity and its dark days of adversity; but those who are so situated that they can take advantage of nominal prices whenever they prevail never fail to reap a rich reward, and usually within a very short space of time. Woodbum dispersion. — In 1891 Mr. A. J. Alexan- der, who had succeeded to the ownership and man- agement of his brother's magnificent estate at AYoodburn, deemed it advisable to conclude the Short-horn breeding operations that had been for some forty years carried on upon the farm with 734 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE such signal advantage to American cattle-breeding interests. The Woodburn management had been giving rather more attention to horse-breeding than to Short-horns for some time preceding the closing- out sale, and the persistent pursuit of a policy of line breeding within the Bates tribe had not resulted in improving the individual quality of the cattle. The faithful and efficient herdsman, Mr. Richardson, nevertheless succeeded in producing some beautiful specimens of the breed. Perhaps the best of all the later home-bred Duchess bulls placed in service was the 26th Duke of Airdrie 34973, a roan of good sub- stance and fine character. During the years imme- diately preceding the dispersion sale there had been used the imported bulls 2d Duke of Whittlebury 62574 and Oxford Duke of Calthwaite 3d (56261), the latter a roan of good flesh and substance that left some excellent stock. There had also been used the red-roan 51st Duke of Oxford 38531, a son of the famous Bow Park bull 4th Duke of Clarence. In common with all other admirers of the Bates tribec- of that time in the West the Woodburn management had a very high appreciation of the 4th Duke of Clarence blood and a second cross of it was intro- duced into the herd through the medium of Oxford Grand Duke 2d 88329, sired by imp. 2d Duke of Whittlebury out of the fine 4th Duke cow Grand Duchess of Oxford 52d. The dispersion occurred at Dexter Park, Chicago Union Stock Yards, June 11, 1891 ; twenty-six head CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 735 of Airdrie Dukes and Duchesses selling for $10,920 — an average of $420 each. The cattle were widely scattered, the leading buyers of Duchesses being Messrs. Brown and Smith of Sangamon Co^, 111. The top price was $820, paid by D. A. Curtis, Addison, Mich., for 50th Duke of Airdrie. The highest price for a Duchess female was $780, given by Messrs. L. W. Brown & Son. Five Oxfords sold for an average of $356. The stock bull Oxford Grand Duke 2d was bought by Coles «S: Hatch, Spring Grove, 111., at $500. Imp. Oxford Duke of Calthwaite 3d went to Elbert & Fall, Albia, la., at $450. Thirteen head of Thorn- dale Eoses, descended from the importation of 1882, sold for an average of $193. Nine Wild Eyes went for an average of $162.20. Eighteen Barringtons were closed out at an average of $141.65. The entire lot, consisting of seventy-one head, fetched $18,220 — a general average of $256. Columbian Exposition awards. — The exhibit of Short-horns at the Chicago World 's Fair of 1893 was beyond question the best and largest of which there is any record in the history of the American show- yard. The trying task of awarding prizes was as- signed to Hon. J. H. Pickrell, H. C. Duncan and John T. Gibson, and in view of the permanent interest that must attach to this record-breaking competition the prize list is herewith appended : Aged bulls— First to Col. T. S. Moberley's Young Abbotts- burn 110679; second to J. G. Robbins & Sons' Gay Monarch 92411; third to Col. T. S. Moberley's Nonpareil Chief 113034; fourth to H. F. Brown's Earl Fame 8th 107695; fifth to J. H. 736 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Potts & Son's Thistlewood 95417; sixth to H. F. Brown's Golden Rule 98268.* Two-year-old bulls — First to L. W. Brown & Sons' Young Marshal 110705; second to J. H. Potts & Son's Chancellor 106791; third to W. C. Edwards' imp. Knight of St. John; fourth to H. F. Brown's Imperial Prince 108359; fifth to B. O. Cowan's Lord Waterloo 112746; sixth to W. G. Sanders' Elgin Chief. Yearling Bulls — First to J. & W. Russell's white Lord Stan- ley; second to H. F. Brown's Fifer 111994; third and fourth to Messrs. Nicholson's Valasco 21st and Norseman; fifth to J. H. Potts & Son's Lavender King 4th; sixth to Green Bros.' Royal Consul 2d. Bull calves — First to H. F. Brown's Victor of Browndale 117621; second to W. B. Cockburn's Indian Warrior; third to B. O. Cowan's Plato; fourth to L. W. Brown & Son's Golddust; fifth to H. F. Brown's Lord Wild Eyes; sixth to Messrs. Russell's Prince of Kinellar. Aged cows — First to J. G. Robbins & Sons' Gay Mary; second to H. F. Brown's Elvira of Browndale 3d; third to H. F. Brown's Victoria of Glenwood 8th; fourth to Col. T. S. Moberley's For- est Belle 15th; fifth to Potts & Son's Emma 11th; sixth to 0. W. Fisher's Lovely Pride. Two-year-old heifers — First to Col. T. S. Moberley's Gem of Hickory Park 3d; second to Messrs. Russell's Centennial Isabella 25th; third to J. H. Potts & Son's Surprise of Oakland 3d; fourth to J. G. Robbins & Sons' Nora Davis; fifth to H. F. Brown's Red Empress; sixth to H. F. Brown's Oxford Duchess of Brown- dale 2d. Yearling heifers — First to B. 0. Cowan's Dora 6th; second to H. F. Brown's Spicey of Browndale 2d; third to J. H. Potts & Son's Surprise of Oakland 4th; fourth to T. W. Hunt's Beautiful ♦Golden Rule was a red of superb handling quality, bred by the late Robert Miller of West Liberty, la., from imp. Goldstick 86748 and Golden Feather. He was dropped the property of C. B. Dustin, Summer Hill, 111., and after doing service in the Dustin herd for several sea- sons was sold to Mr. H. F. Brown of Browndale Farm, Minneapolis, Minn., whose show herds under the capable training of Robert Ewart for many years constituted a leading feature of the Short-horn exhibits on the Western circuit. Few herds have a longer list of first and championship prizes to their credit than Browndale, and as appears fiom this list of Columbian awards, Mr. Brown received some of the highest honors at the greatest Short-horn show this country has ever seen. V' Z d go CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 737 Belle; fifth to Messrs. Nicholson's 21st Maid of Sylvan; sixth to B. O. Cowan's Phyllisia 25th. Heifer calves — First to Messrs. Russell's Centennial Isabella 30th; second to W. C. Edwards' Lady Fame; third to J. G. Rob- bins & Sons' Nancy Hanks; fourth to H. F. Brown's Rosemary of Browndale; fifth to J. D. Varner's Claribelle; sixth to Messrs. Russell's Ruby Princess. Championships — Bull of any age, Moberley's Young Abbotts- burn. Cow of any age, Bobbins' Gay Mary. Herd — First to H. F. Brown; second to T. S. Moberley; third to Bobbins & Sons; fourth to Potts & Son; fifth to T. S. Mober- ley; sixth to H. F. Brown. Young herds — First to Messrs. Russell; second to E. 0. Cow- an; third to H. F. Brown; fourth to Potts & Son; fifth to Messrs. Nicholson; sixth to Moberley. Four animals, either sex, under four years old, the get of one sire — First to Messrs. Russell on progeny of Cruickshank bull Stanley; second to Potts & Son on progeny of imp. King of Aber- deen; third to Col. T. S. Moberley on heifers sired by the Bates- bred Thorndale Rose Duke 95425; fourth to Messrs. Robbins on get of Gay Monarch; fifth to Messrs. Nicholson on get of Nonpa- reil Chief; sixth to Green Bros, on get of Royal Briton. Two animals, either sex, the produce of one cow — First to H. F. Brown's Elviras of Browndale 3d and 4th; second to Messrs. Potts' Surprises of Oakland 3d and 4th; third to Messrs. Russell's Prince Royal and cow Queen Mary; fourth to Messrs. Robbins' Nora Davis and Nancy Hanks; fifth to T. W. Hunt's Beautiful Belle and Silver Flower; sixth to T. S. Moberley on progeny of Forest Belle 6th. A series of championship competitions, open to all beef breeds, was arranged by the management, and in this the repu- tation of the Short-horn was well sustained against all comers. Prizes were awarded by a committee consisting of J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111., William Stocking, Rochelle, 111., and J. C. Snell of Canada. In the herd competition Messrs. J. G. Robbins & Sons carried first prize with the Marr-bred Alexandria bull Gay Mon- arch, the cow Gay Mary, two-year-old Nora Davis, the yearling heifer Lady Verbena and heifer calf Nancy Hanks. The second and third prizes in this competition were won by Herefords, and 738 A HISTORY OF SHORT -HORN CATTLE the fourth and fifth by Short-horns owned respectively by Messrs. Moberley and Brown. The young herd prize was also won by Short-horns, consisting of the Canadian lot shown by Messrs. Russell, headed by the white yearling Lord Stanley. Col. Mober- ley's Young Abbottsburn was adjudged best aged bull of any breed on exposition, with Mr. Clough's Hereford Ancient Briton second and Robbins' Gay Monarch* third. Russell's yearling Lord Stanley carried the yearling bull championship, and in bull calves Mr. Cockburn, also of Canada, won with Indian Warrior, sired by Arthur Johnston's imp. Sittyton Victoria bull Indian Chief. The heifer calf champion was won by Mr. Russell of Canada, with Centennial Isabella 30th. The $1,000 special championship prize for best ten head of cattle of any breed bred by the exhibitor was awarded to Mr. H. F. Brown by a committee consisting of Wallace Estill, Richard Gibson and H. H. Clough. J. H. Potts & Son received second in this competition, Mr. Van Natta third with Herefords and Messrs. Moberley and Robbins fourth and fifth with Short-horns. Recent importations. — The close of the century- finds the Scotch blood the prevailing fashionable element on both sides of the water. Sires of North- country breeding are in service in most of the lead- ing collections of the breed in the United States and Canada. English sentiment is still somewhat di- vided upon the subject of the Scotch cross, but under the leadership of Messrs. Deane Willis — whose winnings at the great English shows of recent years with stock of Aberdeenshire descent have attracted universal attention — and P. L. Mills the North- *Gav Monarch was a roan, sired by William of Oiange out of an Athabasca dam, and was for several seasons one of the star attrac- tions of the Short-horn exhibit at M^estern shows. He not only car- ried many first and championship prizes, but in the Robbins herd sired show cattle of outstanding merit. He was a smooth, deep-fleshed bull, possessing more character than Young Abbottsburn, and must be ranked with the Duke of Richmond and Baron Victor as one of the most valuable breeding animals of the Scotch type ever used in the West. He died the property of Messrs. Robbins in 1899. llA.MlluN SiluW liLLI. .Si. VALENTINE 121014— BRED BY GU.Mtl) MOUSE & SON, OF CANADA. SHOWN BY J. G. ROBBINS & SONS, HORACE, IND., AND BY GEO. E. WARD, HAWARDEN, lA. l.MP. BARON CRUlCKhHANK lU62y7— BRED Bi WM. DU'iHIE, COL- I.YNIE, AND IMPORTED BY C. B. DUSTIN & SON, STTVIMER TIILL. ILK CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 739 country blood has now strong footing south of the River Tweed. For several years after the conclusion of Mr. Luther Adams' importing operations trade condi- tions in America were such as did not afford much encouragement for the purchase of Short-horns in Great Britain for shipment to America, but the re- newed interest manifested in cattle breeding during the past few years has led to a revival of importa- tions. Without undertaking to supply details as to these contemporary business transactions, attention may be called to the importation in 1891, personally selected in Scotland by Mr. C, B. Dustin for account of himself and Mr. J. F. Prather. This importation was chiefly notable as including the splendid sire Baron Cruickshank 106297, bred by Mr. Dutliie from Collingwood 106881, and the Mysie cow Maria 10th, by Field Marshal. This bull was used jointly for a time by Messrs. Dustin and Prather, but latterly was the sole property of the proprietor of Hill Farm. He was a richly-fleshed, robust roan, and left much good stock. Mr. Prather 's imp. Duke of Hamilton 2d 107363, of this same importation and also of Mr. Duthie's breeding, a mellow-handling red, also left a valuable progeny at Village Park. Mr. Dustin has recently added to the wealth of Western Short-horn herds by the purchase and importation of the capital young bull Merry Hampton 132572, a winner as a yearling at the Highland show of 1898, and bred at Collynie from the Missie cow Madamoiselle 6th by 740 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE Field Marshal. This bull was landed in Illinois at a cost of $2,000. One of the most valuable of recent importations was that personally selected in Great Britain by Mr. I. M. Forbes, Henry, 111., in the summer of 1898. It included about a dozen females from the herds of Messrs. Duthie, Marr and their contemporaries, rej)- resenting the Missie, Princess Royal and other standard Aberdeenshire tribes. Along with this importation came the bulls Star of the North 132076 and Fairhaven 131977. The former, of the Sittyton Clipper family, was bought from the herd of Her Majesty the Queen of England. Fairhaven was sold at the Forbes sale of Oct. 11, 1899, to Benjamin Whitsitt, Pre-Emption, 111., for $1,000.* Importations from Scotland have also been made *At this same sale Mr. J. F. Prather, Williamsville, 111., took the handsome home-bred cow Golden Venus at $850 and the imp. heifer Rosemary 201st at $825. John M. Blotz. Dodgeville, Wis., bought imp. Gwendoline at $801. The thirty-nine females offered averaged $295.50, the general average on fifty head being $298. This sale was held to close a partnership that had existed for some time between Messrs. I. M. and Caleb Forbes under the name of Forbes Bros., the dissolution being rendered necessary by the death of Mr. Caleb Forbes. The partnership herd had been successfully maintained at a high standard of individual excellence. The stock bull Baron Gloster 101657, that was in service for a number of years, was one of the thickest-fleshed Cruickshank bulls of his time in the United States, an animal of compact conformation, rare quality and a most impres- sive sire of short-legged, easy-keeping stock. Mr. I. M. Forbes, who had at all times been the moving spirit in the management, continued Short-horn breeding with a capital selection of Scotch and Scotcli- topped cows and heifers, including a majority of those comprising the importation of 1898 ; Star of the North being the chief stock bull in service. Benjamin Whitsitt's father was one of the Pioneer Short-horn breeders of Western Illinois, and the son has been at all times an effi- cient and persistent advocate of the use of pure-bred bulls for tlie production of high-class steers. He feeds largely for the Chicago mar- ket, has had in service in his pure-bred herd a succession of good Scotch sires, and is recognized as one of tlie most successful stock- men of his district. A FAMiiCS CliOUP IMPORTED BY W. D. FLATT, HAMILTON, OXT. Empress 12th, Royal Firstprize. Cicely, a Champion in England Lady Waterloo B. 2d, Royal and America. Secondprize. Lord Banff, Purchased by G. E. Ward, Hawarden, la., for $5,100. Ascot Mayflower, Royal Fifthprize. OLD LANCASTER — IMPORTED BY W. D. FLATT TO BECOME ONE OF CANADA'S MOST NOTED SIRES. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 741 in recent years by Messrs. Miller, Cargill, Flatt* and others of Canada, and by Messrs. Gerlaugli, Hard- ing, Hanna, Wood, Bobbins and other prominent present-day breeders of the States. Prices are ris- ing again at home and abroad. Five thousand dol- lars has been refused for the Highland Society's prize bull of 1899, Cornerstone, and even this figure seems likely to be exceeded in the near future. One of the notable show-yard triumphs of recent years was the exhibition by Messrs, Robbins of the Canadian-bred bull St. Valentine 121014, descending from the imported Booth-topped cow Verbena, bred by John Outhwaite. He was the champion bull of the West in 1897 and was sold along with some valu- able females to George E. Ward, Hawarden, la. In 1898 St. Valentine was champion at the Illinois State Fair and headed Mr. Ward's first-prize herd at same show, which included Monarch's Lady, by Gay Monarch, and St. Valentine's daughters Selma and Lady Valentine. f *At an auction held by Mr. W. D. Flatt at Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 20, 1899, at which Col. Fred M. Woods of Lincoln, Neb., presided as auctioneer, about forty head of imported Scotch-bred heifers and young bulls were sold for an average of $477.30, the top price being $900, paid by P. S. Lewis & Son, Point Pleasant, W. Va., for the roan bull calf Sir Wilfred Laurier, by the Royal champion Marengo. tAt the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha same year, Mr. H F. Brown defeated St. Valentine — after a contest developing some bitterness — with the Canadian-bred Nominee 131262, a roan lacking the wealth of flesh shown by St. Valentine, but big, level and presented in fine bloom. In 1899 the Short-horn herd prize at the Illinois State Fair was won by Mr. T. J. Wornall, Mosby, Mo., with Viscount of Anoka 125081, bred by Messrs. Harding of Waukesha, Wis. ; among the females shewn being Sultana (by Gay Monarch) and Lady Valen- tine, seen in Mr. ^Vard's herd of 1898. Two thick-fleshed, sappy heifer calves by St. Valentine were successfully shown by Messrs. Robbins at the fall fairs of 1899. one of which, Ruberta, a Sittyton Duchess Of Gloster, was champion calf of the circuit 742 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE Herd-book consolidation. — One of the most im- portant events of the period under review was the purchase in the autumn of 1882 by the American Short-horn Breeders' Association of the herd book, which had up to that date been issued as a private enterprise by Lewis F. Allen, Buifalo, N. Y. The price paid was $25,000. More or less confusion in reference to American records had arisen from the fact that a i3edigree register, known as the American Short-horn Kecord, had been established and published for some years in Kentucky, and that a similar book, known as the Ohio Short-horn Rec- ord, was being issued by the breeders of the Buckeye State. Both of these registers were the manifesta- tion of disapproval of the manner in which Mr. Allen was conducting the herd book which he had established in 1846. The purchase and consolidation of these various records by the National Breeders' Association was the hajjpy solution of a situation that was becoming fairly intolerable, and since 1883 but one book has been in existence. Hon. J. H. Pick- rell was one of the prime movers in this project, and the first volume (XXIV) issued by the National Association appeared under the auspices of the fol- lowing board of officers: President, J. H. Pickrell; Vice-President, B. F. Vanmeter; Treasurer, T. W. Harvey; Secretary, L. P. Muir; Directors, C. C. Nourse of Iowa, S. F. Lockridge of Indiana, C. A. DeGraff of Minnesota, W. A. Harris of Kansas, A. M. Bowman of Virginia, Emory Cobb of Illinois, C. CLOSING EVENTS OF THE CENTURY 743 E. Leonard of Missouri, L. B. Wing of Ohio, and John Hope of Canada. The office was first established in the city of Chi- cago, but was subsequently removed to Springfield. 111., where it remained until after the construction of the Pedigree Record Building by the Union Stock Yard Company of Chicago, when it was brought back to the Western metropolis. After Mr. Pickrell gave up cattle breeding he was chosen Secretary and Editor of the Herd Book to succeed Col. Muir, retaining the office until his death, which occurred in 1901. Mr. John W. Groves is the present incum- bent.* * Canadian breeders organized the Dominion Short-horn Breeders' Association some years ago, and under the Presidency of the Hon. John Dryden began in 18S6 the publication of the Dominion Herd Boolv, of which Mr. Henry Wade of Toronto is still Secretary and editor. In Great Britain the National pedigree register for the breed is still published under the original name, "Coates' Herd Book," although it has for some years been owned and issued by the Short-horn Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with offices at 12 Hanover Square, London, CHAPTER XXIII A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED Since the days when the Renicks drove their first well-bred bullocks from the Ohio Valley over the mountains to the seaboard markets the Short-horn has been a familiar figure in the pastures, feed-lots, dairies and stock-yards of the United States. When the mighty agricultural empire of the Upper Mis- sissippi Valley came under the sway of the early settlers the Short-horn was called to fill a place that he seems destined to occupy for generations yet to come. Throughout this broad realm of blue grass and Indian corn the roan badge of Short-horn birth has ever been a passport into the favor of thoughtful farmers. In the development of the great ranges of the farther "West the Short-horn bull was a pio- neer in that wonderful improvement that has at last driven the Texas Long-horn from the plains and mountains. On Australian "stations" and on the estancias of Argentine the Short-horn bull has led the line of progress toward greater weights and neater carcasses. Others have since appeared upon the scene to share with him the honor of the con- quest over the "scrub" creation, as revealed by ex- isting conditions in the West, but the credit for tho 744 WILD Q[JEE.\ 2D— WINNER OF FIRST MILKING PRIZE LONDON DAIRY SHOW. ISOS. WHISKERS— CHAMPION AMERICAN FAT STOCK SHOW. 1894. A DUAL-PUKPOSE BKEED 743 long years of sapping and mining that made present successes possible must be laid at the feet of the Short-horn bull. Indeed, the story of the world-wide wanderings of this bovine Ulysses supplies the theme for an agricultural Odyssey. Universal adaptability. — The lapse of years only serves to strengthen the position of the Short-horn. A century of close contact with the most exacting requirements of the farm and feed-lot has only deep- ened the hold of the "red, white and roans" upon the affections of the agricultural world. The source of this perennial popularity must be apparent even to the most casual observer. The strength of the Short-horn lies in its unrivaled range of adaptabil- ity; in the facility with which it responds to the varied demands of those who pursue a system of diversified farming — the rearing of live stock as an essential feature in a well-ordered scheme of mixed husbandry. The Short-horn is distinctively and emphatically a dual-purpose breed. The bull calves can be turned into market-topping steers, and under proper management the heifers develop marked value for the dairy. The pure-bred Short-horn bull as a first cross upon common or native cows — espe- cially if they be wanting in size — is a certain source of immediate improvement; imparting scale, shape- liness and quality to his progeny. The Short-horn grade heifer is the foundation upon which bulls of other improved breeds have builded some of their ^lost signal successes. In a lean or "store" condi- 746 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE " tion the Short-liorn is still attractive by reason of his level lines and general symmetry. Feed-lot favorites. — Cattle-feeding as a leading industry in connection with American farming had its origin in Short-horn blood one hundred years ago in the valley of the south branch of the Potomac River in Virginia. Crossing the Blue Ridge it be- came a source of wealth to the Ohio Valley States, and the grazing and feeding of Short-horn steers has followed as a matter of course the establishment of pure-bred herds throughout the newer West. In the foregoing pages we have endeavored to afford a general view of the character and breeding of the pedigreed stock from whence farmers of the corn- belt and contiguous territory have drawn their sup- plies of Short-horn blood; but space will not admit of extending our inquiry to the gates of the myriad farms upon which this blood has been utilized as a machine for the profitable conversion of grain and grass into beef and milk. While the leading breeders were engaged in ex- hibiting, importing and selling high-class registered cattle, as detailed in preceding chapters, shifting their allegiance from time to time from one strain of blood to another, the farmers of Great Britain, Canada and the States were all the while taking the surplus bulls and grading up the common cattle of their respective countries. They found that each crop of calves from a good bull was worth enough more than a crop from a "scrub" or a grade sire A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 7-1:7 to more than pay the difference in the first cost of the bull. Feeders stood ready- to take the steers as fast as they approached maturity, and such farmers as had the foresight to use the pure-bred bulls soon obtained a reputation for the quality of their cattle that insured them a handsome premium for their surplus stock. In this way the producers and con- sumers of beef profited enormously by the enter- prise of those who spent their money so lavishly in the importation, breeding and exhibition of choice specimens of the breed, as noted in preceding pages. "Prime Scots." — Perhaps the most notable illus- tration of the value of the blood for practical feed- ing purposes developed by the history of the breed in Britain is afforded by the evolution of the so- called "prime Scots" of the English market. This particular brand of high-priced steer represents the commingling of the blood of the Short-horn with that of the black polled races of Scotland. The North-of-Scotland farmers were free buyers of Short-horn bulls from such herds as those of Ury, Eden, Shethin and Sittyton. Indeed, the surprising statement is made that not less than 1,000 bulls of their own breeding were sold by the Messrs. Cruick- shank during a period of forty-seven years for cross- ing purposes! This necessarily wrought a wonder- ful improvement in the character of the farm cattle of Aberdeenshire and adjacent counties, and Robert Bruce has favored us with the following interesting statement as to how the cattle-growers of those dis- 748 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEX CATTLE triets proceeded with the work of producing the "prime Scots": Before the Short-horns found their way to the Northern counties of Scotland the cattle there were nearly all black, a large proportion of them being polled. Between 1830 and 1840 Short- horns began to be freely used by the ordinary farmers with the result that there was improvement in the size over the native stock. Along with increased size the cross-bred animals had the valuable quality of maturing early in comparison with others. The results of using a Short-horn bull with the native cows were so satisfactory that for a considerable time this system of cross- ing was considered the only safe and proper one. I can remember well the effects of this belief all over the North of Scotland where the farmers had gone on using Short-horn bulls on three, four, and five generations of cows, grades from the original native polled cows, till the large proportion of the stock in farmers' hands were fairly passable Short-horns. At the time I refer to, from 1850 to 1860, I do not believe you could have found two Aberdeen-Angus bulls serving in herds other than those that were pure-bred, and so few pure-bred herds were there that it became impossible for the ordinary farmers to get polled heif- ers to follow out what they called the right system of crossing. I may whisper in your "lug" that it was about this time that the Aberdeen-Angus cattle improved so much, and there can be no doubt that many a dash of Short-horn blood was introduced with much advantage to the black-skins. This, however, is away from the point. The great scarcity of Aberdeen-Angus heifers drove the farmers to use the Aberdeen-Angus bulls on their cross- bred Short-horn grade cows. I can distinctly remember the sub- ject of the doings of a farmer, an owner of a herd of high-grade (Shorthorn) cows, being discussed widely with much headshak- ing seeing he had ventured to use a polled bull in his herd. His experiment was carefully watched and before five years there was a demand for Aberdeen-Angus bulls for use in farmers' herds of cross-bred, in fact, Short-horn grade cows. For the past thirty years the following may be said to be the common practice in the North of Scotland. As I have said th'^ cows in the hands of farmers were more or less Shorthorns. A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 749 These were put to the Aberdeen-Angus bulls and the heifers kept as cows practically first crosses. These and their daughters were again put to Aberdeen-Angus bulls, when Short-horn bulls were again brought in for several generations, and so on alter- nating between Short-horns and Aberdeen-Angus sires (always pure-bred herd-book animals), the farmers possessing herds of cows the direct female descendants of cows owned by their grandfathers. I do not know as I need say anything more on this subject. The blend of the two breeds is a mixture which produces a class of cattle having no equal as a rent-paying stock in this country; and speaking from my own observation I believe it matters little hov,- the mixture is concocted so long as it is Short-horn and Aberdeen-Angus, the judgment of the breeder being brought into play in determining the amount of either of tlie two factors. It must, however, be borne in mind that even this valuable mixture could not produce the Prime Scots which the London West End butchers sell at such high prices and which the "upper ten" are pleased to pay for if the North Country -farmers ever allowed their young stock to lose their calf flesh. To produce the high- selling article an ox ought to be fit to kill any time during his life, and the question of the proper age for slaughter entirely de- pends upon markets and such like circumstances. Many people unacquainted with the Northern cattle say the first cross is the only right one, but you may go from farm to farm in the North of Scotland where, as I have said, nothing but cross-bred cows have been bred in the family for generations and yet the farm- ers pride themselves on their herds of cows — cows that produce steers to top the London market. Crosses of liglit-colored Sliort-liorns and the shaggy bhick Galloways have long been popular feeding steers in Britain, producing a "blue-gray" beast that feeds out into a thick-cutting carcass of richly-marbled beef. Needless to add the "prime Scots" sell at fancy prices at Smithfield and other leading English markets, and are frequent winner." at the British National fat-cattle shows. 750 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Smithfield Club. — England is epicurean in rela- tion to its meats. John Bull lives much in the open air. He is in vigorous physical health. His diges- tion is not impaired. He is the world's best cus- tomer for rich, well-ripened cuts of beef. He not only originated all of the improved breeds of beef cattle, but more than a century ago provided for a public test as to the relative merits of the rival types. The Smithfield Club of London was instituted as "The Smithfield Cattle and Sheep Society," Dec. 17, 1798, and held its first exhibition at Smithfield the following year. The title "Smithfield Club" was permanently adopted in 1802. The club started with 113 members, and at the initial show the sum of £52 10s. was offered in prizes. In 1898 the mem- bership had increased to 1,120 with prizes amount- ing to £4,965 lis. Classes are now made for Short- horns, Herefords, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloways, De- vons, Sussex, Eed Polls, Welsh, Highlanders, cross- breds and small cattle not otherwise eligible. After the first few shows the exhibition was discontinued for a period of twenty years, extending from 1809 to 1829. The official record of awards for the sixty- seven years, beginning with the show of 1830, re- veals the fact that thirty-five championships have been won by pure-bred Short-horn steers, and that seven other champions were crosses of Short-horn blood with other breeds. Since 1845 medals have been given for the best fat cow or heifer in the show, and during the fifty-two years, ended in 1897, no A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 751 less than thirty-four of these championships were won by pure-bred Short-horns.* Two other female championshiiDs have been awarded to animals carry- ing a Short-horn cross. From this it appears that the breed has easily held its own against the com- bined opposition of all rival sorts. American Fat-Stock Show. — As already men- tioned the establishment of the American Fat-Stock Show under the auspices of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture, Chicago, in the autumn of 1878, marked an epoch in the history of the breed in the United States. It substituted for the often mislead- ing tests of the auction ring a public competition based solely on demonstrated merit for feeding pur- poses, in which considerations of pedigree, pride of *At the Smithfield Club show of December, 1876, the first prize of £20 and a silver medal to the breeder in a class of nine entries for best fat cow four years old or over, was awarded to the Renick-bred exp. Duchess 10th (known in England as Red Rose of Rannoch) , a "red- and-white" by Joe Johnson (31440) out of Duchess 4th by Airdrie (30365). She was exhibited upon that occasion by the Earl of Dun- more at a live weight of l.?98 lbs., defeating the Towneley-bred Baron Oxford's Duchess. So far as we have record this is the only case of an American-bred Short-horn being exhibited at that show. The late Abram Renick naturally prized this Smithfleld medal highly, and by the courtesy of Mr. Abram Renick the younger we are permitted to present a reproduction of it herewith. 752 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HOKN CATTLE birth and ancestry were absolutely eliminated. It established a test, the results of which were worked out by the cold logic of the scales and the judgment of butchers and feeders. It forced the breeders of Short-horns to seek a class of cattle that could suc- cessfully contend with such highly specialized beef types as the Herefords, Aberdeen- Angus and Gallo- ways; and the manner in which the great dual-pur- pose breed responded to the call thus made upon it affords striking demonstration of the inherent capa- bilities of the race. In these days of "baby beef" it is interesting to note the ages and weights of the steers with which prizes were won at the initial shows. John D. Gillett of Elkhart, 111., who had gained international fame as the father of the trade in ex- port bullocks to Great Britain,* was from the begin- ning an enthusiastic supporter of the show, winning the first championship in 1878 with the Short-horn *John Dean Gillett (descended from a French Huguenot family which emigrated to this country In 1631 and settled at Lebanon, Conn.) was born April 28, 1819, at Fair Haven, Conn. He attended the Lan- castrean School in New Haven, and at the of 17 he went by sea to Georgia to visit an uncle and acted for two years as a clerk in his uncle's store. In 1838 he returned to Connecticut, where for three months he attended Pearl's Academy. In the autumn of 1838 he left his native State, and in forty-two days made the trip from New Ha- ven to Illinois, going down the Ohio River from Pittsburg to Cairo, thence up the Mississippi to St. Louis, and then by stage to Springfield, 111. A walk of twenty miles brought him to Bald Knob, where his uncle lived. Next morning he went to work for the latter at $8 a month; two years after (1840) he had saved up enough money to en- ter, at $1.25 an acre, forty acres of rich prairie land near what is now Cornland, Logan Co., 111. He began farming for himself in that year. He bought all the land he could possibly acquire with his sav- ings and cultivated every acre of it. Corn being worth only six to .lOnX D. GILLETT. ELKHART. ILL.-FATHER OF THE AMERICAN- EXPORT BULLOCK TRADE. A DUAL-PUEPOSE BREED 753 steer John Sherman, about three years and seven months old, weighing 2,195 lbs. Van Meter and Hamiltons of Kentucky exhibited bullocks mainly of the Young Mary family, weighing from 2,000 to 2,440 lbs. each. These cattle were three and four years old. At the show of 1879 the championship fell to the Kentucky-bred roan three-year-old steer Nichols, shown by J. H. Graves at a weight of 2,060 lbs. He represented mainly the Duke of Airdrie and Eenick blood, and was a grand specimen of the best type of prime beeves in demand at that period. Even at this early day a call was made for the aboli- tion of the class for four-year-olds. After the hold- ing of the second show it was pointed out that the championships had both been won by three-year- eight cents per bushel would not pay, but corn fed to cattle and hogs would. He soon formed the purpose of breeding a line of graded stock for the Eastern trade which would excel anything in the market. He bought the best bulls and cows of his neiglibors, and about 1850 bought from Judge Skinner of Mount Pulaski a "Durham" bull which had been brought from Kentucky. This bull was a blue-roan of the Patton stock. He raised the first thirteen roan calves from him and fed them to maturity — the first cattle of his own breeding and raising he ever marketed — and sold them to James Jones of Oliio, who drove them East, probably to Buffalo, N. Y., as that was the big cattle market at that time. Mr. Gillett always bought his bulls from outside sources. WTienever he saw a Short-horn cow or bull that would come up to his idea as to what a beef animal should be he bought it. He was in his prime as a cattle-breeder and shipper from about 1871, when he first began to ship cattle to England until 1888, when he died. His herd was constantly increasing, and while unregistered was practically pure bred. He owned at his death about 19,000 acres of land, about 1,000 head of cows of his own raising and breeding and their increase for two years, making a herd of nearly 3,000 head. A striking portrait of Mr. Gillett may be seen in terra- cotta relief work at the entrance to the Bank Building at the Chicago Union Stock-Yards — a deserved tribute • to his prominence in the Western cattle trade. 754 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE olds. Besides this Mr. Gillett had undertaken to carry over the champion of the first show in the hope of winning again at the second, but he came back so rough and tallowy that he failed to receive even second prize. Notwithstanding this fact Nich- ols was returned to the show of 1880* and again received championship honors, tipping the scales at the great weight of 2,465 lbs. Mr. Gillett was again prominent as an exhibitor, but as he brought his cattle direct from the pastures without special han- dling or fitting in the modern sense of the term, his steers were faulted as lacking in show-yard finish. Mr. John B. Sherman of the Chicago Union Stock- Yards for many reasons made a practice of buying and maintaining in a show barn at the yards fine specimens of the best show steers from year to year, and at the exhibition of 1880 he presented at the Fat-Stock Show the monster Short-horn Nels Morris at an official weight of 3,125 lbs., which is, we be- lieve, the record for weight at these shows. For some years a class for heaviest fat steers was main- tained, but as it only served to bring out an aggre- gation of unprofitable mountains of tallow it was properly abandoned. Messrs. Dodge of Ohio had a pair of pure-bred tw^in four-year-old Short-horn steers at the show of 1882, Aveighing together 5,250 •Nichols was shown at the exhibition of 1879 as a pure-bred Short- horn, but his exhibitor acting- upon information alleged to have been subsequently furnished, presented him at the show of 1880 as a grade. The steer's age was also called in question and a heated controversy was waged in reference to liim during the exhibition of 1880. There was no question as to his outstanding superiority or as to his being to all intents and purposes a purely-bred Short-horn. A DUAL-PUKPOSE BEEED 755 lbs. The four-year-old class was dropped after the show of 1880. Mr. Gillett gained the championship in 1881 with his celebrated red bullock McMullen at a weight of 2,095 lbs., after a hotly contested fight with Miller's grade Hereford Conqueror. Morrow & Muir of Ken- tucky exhibited a good load of Short-horns at this show, and entries were also made by J. H. Potts & Son and the Bow Park management, the latter ex- hibiting the champion cow. Lady Aberdeen 3d. McMullen came back to the show of 1882, having made a gain for the year of 470 lbs., and repeated his championship winning of the previous year at a weight of 2,565 lbs. He was a good type of the old-fashioned sort, possessing a table back and enor- mous size, but standing rather high from the ground. The Messrs. Groff of Canada supplied a great 2,400- Ib. steer at this show called Canadian Champion, that had a more even distribution of thick flesh than McMullen, and John Hope appeared from Bow Park with his famous Bates-bred white bullock, Clarence Kirklevington, as a yearling, weighing 1,620 lbs. Messrs. Potts had a remarkable steer in this show also, known as Eed Major, a well-ripened bullock weighing 1,600 lbs. at 715 days old. The late Hon. D. M. Moninger, of Galvin, la., one of the most noted of the Trans-Mississippi feeders of his day, and a disciple of John D. Gillett, exhibited in 1882 his famous "Crimson Herd," including the good, thick- fleshed, short-legged 1,945-lb. steer Tom Brown. 756 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE In 1883 Mr. C. M. Culbertson, Newman, 111., won the championship with a roan white-faced steer. Koan Boy, sired by a Hereford bull out of a Short- horn cow, both factions claiming a full share of the honor of the award. This was a memorable show, the grade class being perhaps the largest ever seen at this exhibition, and remarkable for the large number of Herefords shown by Messrs. Earl & Stuart, Fowler & Van Natta, Culbertson, Seabury & Sample and Thomas Clark. An interesting feature of this show was the exhibition by Geary Bros, of Canada of the imported Aberdeen-Angus three-year- old bullock Black Prince. Another noted animal was Fowler & Van Natta 's Benton's Champion,, sired by a Hereford bull out of a grade Short-horn dam.* Clarence Kirklevington was also forward as a two-year-old, winning first in his class. Other not- able entries were Imboden's Short-horn Scratch, Tom Clark's Hereford Tuck, and Adams Earl's Hereford Wabash. Eighteen hundred and eighty-four was Clarence Kirklevington 's year. The lordly snow-white bul- lock came forward that season at a weight of 2,400 lbs., and with his beautiful head, superb finish, great scale and commanding show-yard presence was not to be denied championship honors. After beating down all opposition on foot he finished his trium- *A fat-stock show was held this year at Kansas City, at which the championship was gained by J. H. Potts & Son's Short-horn grade Starlight, weighing 2,170 lbs. That show was continued for several years, but was finally abandoned on account of depression in the Western cattle trade. A DUAL-PUKPOSE BKEED 757 phant career by gaining the championship in the dressed carcass contest, although this latter award did not escape severe criticism. Another grand Short-horn steer at this same show was Morrow & Eenick's Kentucky-bred roan, Schooler, one of the handsomest bullocks ever seen at a fat-stock show in this country. The richly-fleshed grade Short-horn Charley Ross, shown by Messrs. Ross of Ohio, de- feated at this show a large and excellent ring of three-year-olds representing the different breeds. In 1885 and again in 1886 the Herefords bore away the chief honors with the grade Regulus and the pure- bred Rudolph Jr., the former shown by Fowler & Van Natta and the latter by George Morgan. A re- markably handsome yearling pure-bred Short-horn known as Cleveland was shown by Messrs. Elbert & Fall of Albia, la., at the show of 1885, winning the yearling championship.* Rudolph Jr., the Here- ford, was the first young steer of the "pony" type to win a championship at these shows, and it was noticeable that the two-year-olds of all breeds were beginning to come forward much stronger relatively than the older cattle. The show was beginning to bear fruit. The idea that cattle could be profitably fed until four years old was being rapidly ex- ploded.! So practical and successful a man as John ♦Messrs. Elbert & Fall were for many years prominent breeders of pure-bred Short-horns, handling many excellent cattle and making a number of verv successful public sales. They became the owners of the Bates-bred stock of Colonel H. M. Vaile of Independence, Mo., fa- mous for the merit of the Waterloos. 7 We believe that Messrs. James N. Brown's Sons of Sangamon County were the first to advocate classes for calves and yearlings at 758 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE D. Gillett stated publicly that he had abandoned his former methods and was now aiming to market cat- tle at about thirty months old. At the show of 1887 Short-horns resumed their winning; the championship being carried by D. M. Moninger's Doctor Glick — an 1,885-lb. two-year- old grade. The champion of the class for pure-bred Short-horns was J. J. Hill's three-year-old Prentice, representing a cross of his Oxford bull upon one of his mixed-bred cows. Moffat Bros., Paw Paw, 111., had a wonderfully thick two-year-old in this show — • Cruickshank 2d, sired by imp. Amherst and weigh- ing 1,705 lbs. In 1888 the Aberdeen-Angus Dot, bred by Wallace Estill and shown by Mr. Imboden, received chief honors of the show; his closest com- petitor at the finish being the two-year-old Short- horn Brant Chief from Bow Park. The Angus weighed 1,515 lbs. at 863 days, an average gain per day of 1.75. The Short-horn weighed 1,890 lbs. at 1,022 days, an average gain per day of 1.85. One of the strongest steers of this show was Potts' Rich- mond, and another capital entry was Blisli & Son's yearling Mark, sired by Dick Taylor of Glenwood. The champion of the show of 1889 was Elbert & Fall's grade two-year-old Short-horn Eigdon, a son of the Duchess bull 2d Duke of Brant, shown in the fat-stock show. Mr. William Brown of that flrm, whose genial personality and high intelligence have endeared him to a wide cn-cle of friends and acquaintances, usually represented the flrm upon such occasions, and it must be recorded that Grove Parlv m the early days of the fat-stock show lived up to the best traditions of its earlier years when it was the primary source of Short-horn power in the State of Illinois. A DUAL-PUEPOSE BREED 759 beautiful bloom at a weight of 1,950 lbs. The cham- pion of the Short-horn class at this show was J. J. Hill's Britisher, a sappy, thick-fleshed roan, got by a bull that was sired by imp. Gambetta out of a Cruickshank Brawith Bud cow sired by a Bates Oxford bull. Mr. W. H. Eenick, who had been a persistent and successful exhibitor, showing cattle full of the Eose of Sharon blood, was also well rep- resented in this exhibition by the handsome two- year-old bullocks Nonesuch and Twilight, that di- vided the ballots of Messrs. Moberley and Gosling in their class. At the show of 1890 Nonesuch came back and carried off the championship in his three- year-old form at a weight of 2,090 lbs. In 1891 the three-year-old class was dropped, so general had become the conviction that the three- year-olds should no longer be encouraged. The abo- lition of this class, together with the depressing in- fluence of a dragging market throughout the entire country for pure-bred cattle, materially decreased the size of the show. The exhibition, while it had been immensely popular with all close students of the problems of profitable meat production, had never been a financial success. It had now entered upon a serious decline, and, as the large Exposition Building upon the Chicago Lake Front, in which the shows had been held from the beginning, was about to be torn down the management abandoned the exhibition after the show of 1891, at \vhich the championship was won by Mr. Van Natta's two- 760 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKX CATTLE year-old Hereford Hickory Nut. The champion of the Short-horn class at this final show was Potts' Captain. The yearling championship of the hall was won by John Gosling's Bob Cass, a three-quar- ter-bred Short-horn; the calf championship falling to Milton E. Jones' Tallmadge, sired by Spartan Hero.* In the fall of 1892, through the efforts of private individuals, a so-called "emergency" show was held at the stock-yards, at which the champion prize was awarded Potts & Son's King. In 1893 at the Columbian Show the championship fell to Milton E. Jones of Williamsville, 111., on the two-year-old Short-horn Banner Bearer. In 1894 the Illinois State Board made one final effort, holding an ex- * During the palmy days of the American fat-stock show, when the rivalry of the breeds was at its height, the annual meetings of the various National associations of bieeders were characterized by an enthusiasm which has had no parallel in the history of the American live-stock trade. The old Grand Pacific Hotel in Chicago, under the management of the late John B. Drake and Samuel Parker, was the favorite rendezvous for a coterie of choice spirits whose lives were devoted to the cattle trade ; and many an interesting "session" has been held beneath the roof of that famous old-time hostelry. It was the one occasion of tlie entire year when the wealthy fanciers, sub- stantial breeders, the "field marshals" of the feeding fraternity, and in fact all who were interested in the fortunes of any of the leading breeds came together for an interchange of ideas and for the indulg- ence of that spirit of camaraderie that has ever characterized those who devote themselves heart and soul to the breeding and fitting of the improved types of domestic animals. During the day all hands would devote themselves to the excitements of the show in progress in the old Exposition Building on the Lake Front, or to the auction sales in progress at Dexter Park. At night around the banquet board, or under the mellowing influences of good company and an occasional bottle there would be a "feast of reason and a flow of soul" that lingered long in the memories of those who were privileged to enter tlie charmed circle. Those golden days are gone, perhaps never to return. Many of the leading spirits have passed away, but those who survive will never cease to rejoice tliat they were permitted to participate in the scenes which will always cluster around their recol- lections of the Grand Paciflc. A DUAL-PUEPOSE BREED 761 iiibitioii at Tattersall's in Chicago, the Short-horns leaving oft', as they had begun in 1878, by capturing the championship, the award going to J. H. Potts & Son's Whiskers of Milton E. Jones' breeding. Since that date America has unfortunately been without a fat-stock show. It appears from the above record that the Short-horns won eleven out of the sixteen championships awarded, besides contributing to the blood of two of the grade Hereford champions. On the range. — As already stated it was the blood of Short-horn bulls that laid the foundation for the present improved class of cattle coming from the Western ranges. Large numbers of them had been used throughout the Western country before the Herefords were bred in the Western States, so that when the "white-faced" bulls began going upon the ranges the cow herds were in many instances well graded up with Short-horn blood. The Southwest has been the great breeding ground of the new West and few men are better qualified to speak of the manner in which the great herds of the Texas Pan- handle have been brought to their present level than Mr. Charles Goodnight. In a recent letter to the author Mr. Goodnight, who is recognized as one of the leaders in the improvement of Southwestern herds, says: When I came into the Panhandle of Texas it was an unsettled wild, being some 250 miles to the nearest settlement toward the East and Southeast. Having no communication with the settled portion of the State for a number of years I cannot advise you as to the date v/hen they commenced to breed Short-horns in these 762 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE districts. I came to the Panhandle in 1876 from Colorado, bring- ing with me, among other cattle, about 130 high-grade and some pure-bred Short-horns, or "Durhams," as we were accustomed to call them. I had bought in Kentucky in 1869 114 head of pedi- greed Short-horn bulls as calves, and used them to great advan- tage. Some years later I bought about 300 high-grade and pedi- greed Short-horns in Kansas and Missouri, and from this "plant" the Panhandle of Texas was largely "blooded." At a later date these cattle and their descendants were crossed by Herefords, from which cross sprung some of the most noted of existing Panhandle herds. In this altitude and cli- mate the greatest success is attained by this cross, and we will continue to so breed cattle in this part of the country. Mr. Miirdo Mackenzie, manager for the Matador Land and Cattle Co., one of the largest "outfits" in the Panhandle country, confirms Mr. Goodnight 's testimony as to the partiality of Southwestern ranchmen for a dip of Short-horn blood. While other breeds have staunch friends and will undoubt- edly continue to be largely used in the Western trade, Mr. Mackenzie, in common with most other unprejudiced men, claims that the blood of the Short-horn will ever remain a prime factor in main- taining the size of the Southwestern stock. He states that on the occasion of a recent visit to the great X I T range, the largest in the world, the property of the Capitol Syndicate, he called the at- tention of the manager to the fact that the Short- horn steers would average seventy-five pounds heav- ier than those in which other bloods predominated, which fact was promptly admitted. No man in the American cattle trade stands higher than Murdo Mackenzie. A large buyer and user of Herefords A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 763 himself, his statements herewith quoted, made in the course of a recent interview with the author, reflect not the partisanship of a Short-horn breeder, but the deliberate judgment of one of the best in- formed and most intelligent of the present genera- tion of brainy cattlemen operating on the Western range. Similar testimony comes from every nook and cor- ner of the great grazing grounds of the Western plains and mountain valleys as well as from the Pacific Slope.* In the Northwest Short-horn blood has been in demand ever since neat cattle superseded the buffalo. Conrad Kohrs,t Pierre Wibaux and their contemporaries have spread the Short-horn colors everywhere throughout the Northern range. In the course of a recent letter to the author Mr. Wibaux says: I will simply say this, that the Short-horn is the only bull to use in a free-grazing country. I bought my first one in Kentucky in 1883 and have been using them ever since. Whenever I have branched out with other breeds I have been sorry for it, as the increase would then be reduced in size or of bad color. Our old- est herds in Montana, and the best we ever had, were bred from the Short-horn. *Pure-brecl Short-horns were introduced into California a great many years ago and the blood has been freely used upon the immense ranches of that State. One of the most notable shipments ever sent to the Coast was a purchase made by John D. Carr from Col. William S. King of Lyndale, which included among other celebrities the great imported Cruickshank cow Christabel, by Champion of England. tConrad Kohrs made his first large investment in Northwestern cattle in 1866, when he bought from "Johnnie" Grant a large herd containing many well-bred Short-horns. In 1871 he began buying Short-horn bulls on an extensive scale throughout the corn-belt. His annual shipments of beef cattle to Eastern markets have averaged about 3,000 head, and these, on account of their good breeding, have uniformly commanded a high price. 764 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEiSr CATTLE Mr. Wibaux ranks as one of the "cattle kings" of the West and while his testimony may sound rather radical it serves to demonstrate that notwith- standing the admitted value and popularity of other breeds in connection with Western ranching the Short-horn has a permanent hold in that trade as well as among the farmers, feeders and dairymen of the older States. Dairy capacity. — From the earliest periods the breed has produced cows of splendid capacity at the pail. One of the first of the English breeders to pay special attention to the dairy quality of his herd was Jonas Whitaker, whose cows were celebrated throughout all England for their splendid udders and heavy flow of milk. Bates was always proud of his butter records. Indeed, in the early days there was scarcely a herd of note that did not possess cows of exceptional capacity in this direction. Even at Killerby and Warlaby, where beef was the prime consideration, deep-milking cows were frequently developed. Sir Charles Knightley with his Fawsley Fillpails carried the reputation of the Short-horn as a milking stock throughout the entire cattle- breeding world. The early importations into New England and the East were specially distinguished in this regard ; the descendants of such imported cows as Pansy, Ara- bella, Agatha, Belina, the Princesses and many oth- ers furnishing bountiful supplies of dairy products. Cows descending from the earlier Ohio and Ken- DOWAGER SD— FIKST-PUIZE DAIRY COW AT THE KUYAL ENGLISH SHOWS OF 1S92 AND 1893. PRODUCED 561 LBS. OF BUTTER IN 12 MONTHS. MOLLY MILLICENT— THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH SHOW COW. BRED AND EXHIBITED BY ROBT. THOMPSON, INGLEWOOD. PENRITH. — (Reproduced fiom drawing In ••London Lire Stock Journal."! A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 765 tucky importations, although not handled to such an extent as were those of the East, with a view toward dairy work, often gave much more milk than their lusty calves could possibly take care of. The earlier volumes of the American He»'d Book contain many references to remarkable milk and butter rec- ords, and coming down to recent times we have the official Columbian test, the records of various State fairs and agricultural colleges, as well as private dairies, to prove that this valuable trait still exists whenever and wherever the necessary pains are taken to cultivate it. This is as true to-day in the old country as it is in the United States, as is shown by the official records of the London Dairy Show and by the books of the great English dairy supply com- panies and of the herds making a specialty of the milking strains. It is a well-known fact that the milking habit is one which may lie dormant if neglected and which is yet susceptible of cultivation to a remarkable de- gree. At present a large proportion of Short-horn breeders devote their attention rather to the devel- opment of the feeding and fleshing qualities of their stock at the expense of the milk-making proclivities. This is a point which needs attention. It is a well- known fact that the best milkers, as a rule, prove the best mothers, rear the best calves and thus be- come the most reliable sources of profit in the herd. A typical Short-horn cow should require no '' wet- nurse" for her progeny, and by a judicious system 766 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE of selection and management any good breeding herd may become noted for its milk as well as for its beef. In this fact lies the chief glory of the Short-horn.* State fair tests. — We can conceive of no place more thoroughly unsuited for the proper testing of dairy cows than our American State fairs. Few animals can be expected to do themselves justice immediately after a railway journey, set down in the midst of new and unfavorable surroundings under the uncertain influences of a change of feed and water. Nevertheless, various State boards of agri- culture have offered prizes for short tests officially conducted upon these occasions, and in proof of what Short-horns can do even under these condi- tions the following figures are submitted: New York State Fair in 1889, Fillpail 3d (Vol. XXXI V, page 933) in twenty-four hours gave ZOV^ lbs. of milk, from which IV2 lbs. of butter were made. At same fair Betsy 7th (Vol. XXXV) in twenty-four hours gave 19% lbs. of milk, from which 3 lbs. and I/O oz. of butter was made. Fillpail 3d had produced her calf ninety-seven days before and Betsy 7th 176 days before. Indiana State Fair 1889, Wild Duchess of Oxford (Vol. XXXll, page 467), test from Sept. 9 to Sept. 16, inclusive, 7 lbs. 12 oz. of butter were made, weighed after the second working and free *Space will not admit of our endeavoring to collect and set fortli the remarkable milk and butter records made by Short-horn cows in England. We are indebted to Prof. W. J. Kennedy of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station for the portrait of the English-bred cow Dowager 3d, which is reproduced in this volume. This cow was bred and owned by Mr. C. A. Pratt, Rushford, Evesham, Eng., and was first-prize winner at the Royal shows of 1892 and 1893, besides proving the best dairy cow by actual test. Her milk record was 68 lbs. in one day, from which 2 lbs. 10 oz. of butter were made. She was a magnificent type of the dual-purpose sort and had a butter record of 561 lbs. in one year. CO "" o K 2? A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 767 from buttermilk. The test on the fair grounds was twenty-four hours, in which time she gave 32 lbs. 7i/4 oz. of milk. Missouri State Fair, same year, Red Rosa (Vol. XXVIII, page 1007) in twenty-four hours gave 3 gals. 3 qts. of milk and 8 oz. of butter. She took the second prize in sweepstakes, being beaten by a Jersey giving 2 gals. 1 qt. of milk, yielding 8 oz. of butter. Illinois State Fair in 1890, Cora B. (Vol. XXV, page 650), twenty-four hours test gave 24 1/. lbs. milk; total solids, 3.017. Beatitude gave 21.50 lbs. of milk; total solids, 2.716. Michigan State Fair 1890, Moss Rose 4th (Vol. XXXV, page 579), one day's test, butter 2 lbs. in grand sweepstakes, there be- ing eight entries. . Iowa State Fair 1890, Cora B. (Vol. XXV, page 650), twelve hours' test, 25.75 lbs. milk; butter-fat, 1.05; cream gauge, 11.50 per cent. Valentine Gwynne (Vol. XXXVI) gave 21V4 lbs. of milk, butter-fat, 87; cream gauge, 10 per cent. Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Association in 1890, Carnation 43d (Vol. XXVI, page 1239) two-day test milking, one held the week before the fair and the other on the fair grounds. First test was 52 lbs. and on the fair grounds 12 qts. Zendavista (Vol. XXVI, page 1239), first test 48 lbs., on the fair grounds 12 qts. Heifers under three years old, Lakewood Lady (Vol. XXXVI) first test 9 lbs., on the fair ground 3% qts. Chautauqua Belle, first test 11 lbs. and on the fair ground 5 qts. New York State Fair in 1890, Kitty Clay 2d (Vol. XXI, page 553) gave 42 lbs. 13 oz. milk from which 1 lb. 11 oz. of butter was made, unsalted. Constance of Brookdale 28th (Vol. XXXIII, page 596) gave 42 lbs. 3 oz. of milk and 1 lb. 8 oz. of butter was made. Chautauqua Belle 36th gave 23 lbs. 10 oz. of milk from which 12 oz. of butter was made. Lakewood Lady (Vol. XXXVI) gave 11 lbs. 8 oz., from which 8 oz. of butter was made, the two latter being in the younger class. Western Pennsylvania Agricultural Association in 1890, Dolly 2d (Vol. XXXIV, page 618), 52 lbs, 15 oz. of milk, lactometer test 110 per cent above State standard. The actual worth of milk at $1.50 per hundred, 79 per cent. Actual worth of milk $1.16, cost of feed, twenty-six days' test, 40 cents. Net gain in two days' test, 56 cents. Bracelet 11th (XXVII, page 585), 768 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOKX CATTLE weight of milk, 71 lbs. 13 oz. ; lactometer test 109 per cent above State standard. Current worth of milk at $1.50 per hundred was $1.07. Actual worth of milk at $1.50 per hundred, $1.29; cost of feed two-day test, 74 cents. Net gain, 55 cents. Nebraska State Board of Agriculture in 1890, 5th Mistletoe of the Grove (Vol. XIX, page 14718), two days test; first day, milk, 327-16 lbs.; butter, 1.46 lbs.; second day, milk, 28 9-16 lbs.; butter, 27 lbs.; total milk for two days, 61 lbs.; total amount of butter in two days, 2.73. Cora B. (Vol. XXV, page 650), first day, milk, 33 lbs. 1 oz.; butter, 1.17 lbs.; second day, milk, 26 7-16 lbs.; butter, 99 lbs.; total milk for two days, 59^^ lbs.; total butter, 2.16. California State Fair in 1891, Cherry Leaf (Vol. XXVII, page 363), in the two-day test, gave 2.114 lbs. Mountain Maid (Vol. XXX, page 801) in same test gave 1.13 lbs. butter. Indiana State Fair in 1891, Addie (Vol. XXXVI, page 839), in the two-day test, gave 1.375 lbs. butter. Kansas State Fair in 1891, Genevieve (Vol. XXXVI, page 860), in the two-day test, made 2.838 lbs. butter. Betsy 4th (Vol. XXX, page 501), same test, made 2.822 lbs. Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Association in 1891, Bridesmaid (Vol. XXV, page 1293), in the two-day test, 2,656 lbs. of butter were made. Carnation 43d (Vol. XXXVI, page 1239), in the two-day test, 2.343 lbs. Michigan State Fair in 1891, Moss Rose 4th (Vol. XXXV, page 579), in the two-day test, made 3.25 lbs. Missouri State Fair in 1891, Ada of Idlewild (Vol. XXXIV, page 615), in the two-day test, made 1.74 lbs. New York State Fair in 1891, Fillpail 3d (Vol. XXXIV, page 923), in the two-day test, made 3.29 lbs. Isa (Vol. XXXIV, page 780), in the two-day test, gave 3.05 lbs. Nebraska State Fair in 1891, Lady Jane Constance (Vol. XXXI, page 747), in the two-day test, made 2.06 lbs. Maggie Gunter (Vol. XXXII, page 508), made 2.04 lbs. Ohio State Fair in 1891, Bracelet 11th (Vol. XXVII, page 585), in two days gave 3.21 lbs. butter. Western Pennsylvania Agricultural Association in 1891, Ver- vain (Vol. XXXIV, page 825), in the two-day test, made 4.2 lbs. GLEXDALE DUKE — A TWO-YEAR-OLD SON OF CYRUS CLAY AND GRANDSON OF DORIS CLAY IN THE HERD OF R. G. WOOD, CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. KELMSCOTT ACROBAT 4TH — AN ESTEEMED TYPE OP ENGLISH MILKING SHORTHORN SIRE. A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 769 Dolly 2d (Vol. XXXIV, page 618), in the two-day test, gave 3.857 lbs. At the Western Fair at Ontario in 1891, Matilda H. (Vol. XXXVII), in the two-day test, made 2.131 lbs. Wisconsin State Fair in 1891, Lady Campbell (Vol. XXV, page 841), in the two-day test, gave 2.4. The Columbian records. — In connection witli the live-stock exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion in Chicago in 1893 the most elaborate official test of the relative capacities of dairy cows of which there is record was held. It goes without saying that show-yard surroundings are not conducive to the best results in performances of this kind. The most that can be said for such contests is that they are as fair for one breed as another. The Colum- bian test covered milk and butter production as well as cheese-making, and extended over the period from May 11 to Oct. 4, the cows being subject to close confinement in temporary accommodations and endured the mid-summer heat. The American Jer- sey Cattle Club appropriated the sum of $40,000 for the purpose of making the strongest possible presen- tation of the claims of that famous Channel Island butter breed. Hundreds of carefully conducted tests of cows of that type had been previously reported, so that it was comparatively easy to select cows of known capacity to represent that popular breed upon this occasion. The American Guernsey Cattle Club also made provision for a choice collection of tested cows. The Holstein-Friesian breeders ex- pressed dissatisfaction with some of the provisions under which the tests were to be conducted and de- 770 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE clined to enter. The American Short-horn Breed- ers' Association, with commendable enterprise, re- solved to take advantage of the occasion to prove that the ''red, white and roans" would milk as well as make beef, and the task of locating and collect- ing cows for that purpose was entrusted to Hon. H. H. Hinds of Stanton, Mich. In spite of the fact that insufficient data was at hand for the prompt prose- cution of the work, Mr. Hinds succeeded in obtain- ing the requisite twenty-five head, and it was largely due to his efficient and unremitting efforts that such a satisfactory showing was made for the Short-horns in the face of the strongest opposition from the spe- cial dairy breeds mentioned. Bearing in mind the fact that the Short-horns have been bred for beef to a far greater extent than in the direction of dairy performance, the comparisons shown by the sub- joined summary furnish conclusive demonstration of the fact that the breed possesses latent capabilities as dairy stock, requiring only proper attention to render it an important factor in the calculations of general farmers and dairymen : In test number one, for cheese-making, extending from May 11 to May 25, the Jersey herd stood first, the Gurnseys second and the Short-horns third; the award being based on net cost of production. Nevertheless, the Short-horns yielded 12,186.9 lbs. of milk, from which was made 1,077.6 lbs. cheese. The best indi- vidual record made by any cow in this test was 70.92 lbs. of cheese by the Jersey cow Ida Marigold, produced at a net profit of $6.97. The Short-horn cow Nora made during the same period 60.56 lbs. at a net profit of $6.27. The best Guernsey made 50.05 at a net profit of $5.27. KITTY (LAY 4TH— PRODUCED 1,592.8 LBS. MILK. FROM WHICH WAS MADE 62.24 LBS. BUTTER. AND GAINED 28 LBS. IN WEIGHT DURING COLUMBIAN THIRTY-DAY BUTTER TEST. YOUNG MARY STEER SCHOOLER— FIRST-PRIZE THREE-YEAR-OLD AT AMERICAN FAT STOCK SHOW. 1885. A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 771 Test number two, extending ninety days, from May 1 to Aug. 28, was for butter-making, loss or gain of weight and cost of maintenance to be considered. It was not to be expected that the Short-horn herd would be able to surpass the performance of the highly-specialized butter breeds in such a contest, but the result demonstrated for all time the dual-purpose character of Short-horn cattle. The Jersey herd of twenty-five cows produced 73,478.8 lbs. of milk; the Short-horn herd, weakened by the loss of two cows, produced 66,263.2 lbs. of milk, and the twenty-five Guernseys yielded 61,781.7 lbs. of milk. The Jerseys were cred- ited with 4,573.95 lbs. of butter, the Guernseys with 3,360.43 and the twenty-three Short-horns with 2,890.86 lbs. of butter. Dur- ing this same period the Short-horn cows put on 2,826 lbs. of flesh, the Jerseys 776 lbs. and the Guernseys 466 lbs. The total value of product produced was computed to be for the Jerseys $1,876.67, for the Guernseys $1,465.46, and for the Short-horns $1,286.78; the net profit credited to the Jerseys being $1,323.81, to the Guernseys $997.63 and to the Short-horns $911.13. In this test the Short-horn cow Nora produced 3,679.8 lbs. of milk, from which was made 160.57 lbs. butter, and while doing this she gained 115 lbs. in weight. The best individual Jersey performance was by Brown Bessie, that produced 3,634 lbs. of milk, from which was made 216.66 lbs. butter and recording a gain in live weight of eighty-one pounds. The best Guernsey, Materna, produced 3,511.8 lbs. of milk, from which was made 185.16 lbs. butter, the cow losing thirteen pounds live weight. Test number three was for butter production only and ex- tended thirty days, from Aug. 29 to Sept. 27. In this contest the Jersey herd was credited with 837.21 lbs. butter from 13,921.9 lbs. milk, at a net profit of $274.34. The Guernseys produced 724.17 lbs. butter from 13,518.4 lbs. milk at a net profit of $237, and the Shorthorns produced 662.66 lbs. butter from 15,618.3 lbs. milk, at a net profit of $119.13. In this test the best Jersey cow, Brown Bessie, produced 1,134.6 lbs. milk from which was made 72.32 lbs. butter, and gained seven pounds live weight, showing a net profit of $24.69. The best Guernsey cow. Purity, produced 1,012.2 lbs. milk from which was made 54.8 lbs. but- ter, and gained fourteen pounds live weight, showing a net profit of $19.37. The best Short-horn cow, Kittle Clay 4th, produced 772 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE 1,592.8 lbs. milk, from which was made 62.24 lbs. butter, and gained twenty-eight pounds in weight, showing a net profit of $19.57.* Test number four was for heifers under three years old for butter making, loss and gain of weight and cost of maintenance considered, extending from Sept. 28 to Oct. 4. In this the Guern- seys did not compete. The seven Jersey heifers gave 3,356.6 lbs. milk, producing 194.22 lbs. butter at a net profit of $56.27, gaining 150 lbs. live weight. The six Short-horn heifers gave 2,581 lbs. milk; producing 122.36 lbs. butter, at a net profit of $47.42; gaining 384 lbs. live weight. In this test the best Jer- sey heifer made 37.48 lbs. butter and gained 19 lbs. in weight, showing a net profit of $11.22. The Short-horn heifer. Miss Renick 24th, produced 26.85 lbs. butter, gained in live weight 78 lbs. (nearly 4 lbs. per day) at a net profit of $10.97. In tests where gain in live weight was credited the price ♦One of the cows died early in the test, so that but twenty -four head were really available. The list (arranged in tlie order in which they ranked at the conclusion of the ninety-day butter test) was as follows : Nora (Vol. 39), bred by D. Sheehan & Sons, Iowa. Genevieve (Vol. 3 6, p. 860), bred by W. W. Waltmire, Kansas. Waterloo Daisy (Dominion Herd Book), bred by D. Reed, Ontario. Betsy 7th (Vol. 35, p. 925), bred by S. Spencer & Son, New York. Bashful 2d (Vol. 35, p. 380), bred by William Duthie, Scotland. Plumwood Bell 2d (Vol. 32. p. 641), bred by C. Hintz, Ohio. Fair Maid of HuUett 2d (Vol. 39), bred by William Grainger, On- tario. Emma Abbott 3d (Vol. 39), bred by I. U. Wetmore. Illinois. Belle Prince 2d (Vol. 30. p. 492), bred by C. M. Clark, Wisconsin. Rosa (Vol. 36, p. 714), bred by J. W. Stewart, Pennsylvania. Azalia (Vol. 37, p. 741), bred by A. Morse, New York. Lady Bright (Dominion Herd Book), bred by J. G. Wright, Ontario. Kitty Clay 7th (Vol. 38, p. 671). bred by Joseph Garfield. New York. Marchioness 6th (Dominion Herd Book), bred by Ballantine & Son, Ontario. Lucy Ann (Vol. 35. p. 925), bred by H. H. Jones, New York. Maude's Antartic (Vol. 30, p. 793), bred by W. W. Brim, Ohio. Maid of Oxford 3d (Vol. 32, p. 790), bred by A. Morse. Iza (Vol. 34, p. 780), bred by A. Morse. Fancy 11th (Vol. 39), bred by J. C. Thornton & Son, Pennsylvania. Royal Duchess (Dominion Herd Book), bred by D. Marlatt, Ontario. Orange Girl (Vol. 37, p. 713), bred by E. B. Merriweather & Son, Illinois. Butterfly 3d, (Vol. 30, p. 497), bred by Hon. Emory Cobb. Illinois. Maid of Oxford 2d (Vol. 31, p. 812), bred by A. Morse. Fillpail 9th (Vol. 37, p. 872), bred by S. Spencer & Son. In the thirtv-day butter test the privilege of bringing in other cows was granted, and Kitty Clays 3d and 4th, from the herd of Mr. K. Innes, Granville Center, Pa., materially strengthened the Sliort-horn forces. From the Spencer herd came Kitty Clay 5th, so that this family had more representatives in the test than any other. WATERLOO CLAY — GRAND CHAMPION AT EASTERN STATES EX- POSITION FOR FLINTSTONE FARM, DALTON, MASS. iwm^ iMW i:t;iu.\ -oWMi;!) i;v W. AUTHUR SIMI'.SUX AND \V. OF VERMONT. .S. I'iiATT A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 773 per pound was made uniform in each case, although it need scarcely be pointed out that the Short-horn beef represented by this gain would have commanded more per pound in the market than that of their competitors. It is of interest to note that in tests numbers two, three and four the three best Short-horn cows, Nora, Kittie Clay 4th and Miss Renick 24th, produced 5,861 lbs. of milk, against 5,330 lbs. of milk from the best three Jer- seys in same tests. The Wisconsin experiment. — The Wisconsin Agri- cultural Experiment Station has undertaken a study of the relative capacity of cows representing the special dairy type and those of the dual-purpose character. The Hon. W. D. Hoard, H. C. Taylor and C. P. Goodrich, than whom there are probably no better judges of special dairy stock, each selected a grade Jersey for this test. Six grade Short-horns, a like number of grade Guernseys and three more grade Jerseys were bought by Prof. "\V. L. Carlyle, whose object in making the test is set forth in the following language: It has been generally admitted by those with experience on the subject that under present conditions it will never be profit- able for the farmers of Wisconsin to engage to any great extent in rearing a class of "beefing" cattle, the cows of which give only sufficient milk to rear their young. The great cattle ranges of the West are too near, and the competition too unequal to per- mit of our farmers embarking in exclusive beef raising to any great extent. On the other hand, the majority of our farmers are apparently not desirous of keeping the so-called special-pur- pose dairy cattle. They would like to keep a class of cattle, if such could be obtained, that would give a suQiciently large quan- tity of milk and butter-fat to return a fair profit on the feed and care given them, and at the same time produce steers that would feed well for beef. The first year's work with this set of cows closed 774 A HISTOKY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE witli the grade Short-horn Eose established as the greatest producer in the herd; returning the greatest profit over cost of feed, although milked only 326 days out of the 365. During that time she produced 10,163 lbs. of milk, containing 433.82 lbs. of butter- fat, the equivalent of 506.12 lbs. of butter. The and skim-milk produced was $114.92, leaving a profit 4.2 per cent. The total feed consumed during the entire year cost $35.06. The total value of the butter and skim-milk produced was $114.92, leaving a profit over cost of feed of $79.86. Her butter, produced at a cost of 6.9 cents, was made more economically than that from any special-purpose cow in the herd. The second best result was obtained from one of the Guernsey grades, showing a profit of $68.04, but the third best record in the herd was made by the grade Short-horn cow Duchess, that produced 439.83 1])S. of butter at a net profit of $67.07. Speaking of this first year's experiment Prof. Carlyle says: It must be admitted that the results of this year's work were a great surprise, for while it was thought that the large and strong Short-horn grades representing the dual-purpose type, would return a fair proiit on the feed consumed, it was not even surmised that they would equal their much more finely organ- ized and smaller sisters— the Jersey and Guernsey grades— in cheapness of butter production. This yearly record is given as a preliminary work, and is not to be considered as at all con- clusive and yet when five such Short-horn grade cows as are here reported can be picked up in a single day, as was the case with these, it would seem as if that class of cows must have a great deal of dairy value. This Wisconsin test, which is developing many surprises for those who have so strenuously denied COLLEGE MOORE— PRODUCED 409 LBS. OF BUI li... 1 :s l- .iwNTHS. COLLEGE BELLE 2D— PRODUCED 355.1 LBS. BUTTER IN 12 MONTHS'. DUAL-PURPOSE COWS AT IOWA AGRICULTURAL. COLLEGE. A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 775 the existence of a profitable dual-purpose cow is still iu progress, and we have it on the best authority that the data which will be forthcoming in the re- port of the second year's experiment will be even more interesting to the breeders of Short-horns than that from which we have quoted above. Official records in Iowa. — The proofs being sup- plied at the Wisconsin Station are well supplement- ed by late figures from the Iowa Agricultural Ex- periment Station at Ames, where special attention is also being given to the subject of the dairy capacity of Short-horn cows. Director C. F. Curtiss has fur- nished us vdth photographs of the two cow3 College Moore and College Belle 2d (illustrated in this vol- ume), both descending in the maternal line from imp. Young Mary. College Belle 2d has produced 7,554 lbs. of milk in ten months, with an average of 4,3 per cent fat, from which was produced 355.1 lbs. butter; the net profit (not including her calf) being $41.42. The roan College Moore has produced 8,734.5 lbs. milk in twelve months, showing an average test of 4.02 per cent fat, with a butter production of 409 lbs., yielding a net profit, not including calf, of $37.57. These and other of the Iowa College cows are producing and rearing some very fine calves sired by the Scotch bull Courtier 125603, bred by C. C. Xorton, Corning, la., and sired by Prince Bishop 67273 out of a Sweet Charity 4th by imp. Salamis 110075. Prof. Curtiss of this station, who ranks as one of the best all-around judges of live stock in the 776 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE West at tlie present time, personally selected in Scotland during the summer of 1899, at Mr. Du- thie's, the valuable young bull Scotland's Crown, recently added to the college herd. He states that some of the younger cows in the herd bid fair to excel the performances of the two above mentioned. rig"ures from New York. — The thirteenth annual report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1894 contains an interesting ac- count of similar experiments at Geneva. Seven dif- ferent breeds were represented, and although there was but one Short-horn cow in the herd (Spencer's Betsy 10th), yet when pitted against special dairy breeds she gave a good account of herself, as appears from the subjoined summary: The Short-horn stood at the head of the list in the matter of relative cost of milk solids obtained, and stood second in the computation showing relative actual profit from milk. She was third in relative amount of milk produced. In butter production the Short-horn ranked third with a total of 305.1 lbs.; the highest yield being 325.6 from the Guernseys.* The Short-horn cow was fourth in rank in the matter of the amount of butter obtained from each 100 lbs. of milk; the figure in her case standing at 5.04 as against 6.4 from the Jerseys. FroD. the Short-horn's milk an average of 1 lb. of butter was mai'o from each 19.84 lbs., as against 24.7 required in the case of the Ayrshires and 26.6 lbs. in the case of the Holstein- Friesians. The Short-horn was third in the matter of the average cost *In his valuable work, "American Dairying," published by the Sanders Publisliing Company, Mr. H. B. Gurler, DeKalb, 111., gives the average annual butter production of the 16,. "300, 000 cows in the United .States at 130 lbs. Dairy cows to show profit must produce upward of 200 lbs. butter per year. Upon this basis it will be observed that this New York, as well as other official tests, prove the Short-horn's right to be classed among those that can be profitably handled for d?Liry purposes. A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 777 of milk fat per pound produced; this expense being in the case of the Jerseys 16.12 cents, Guernseys 16.14 cents, Short-horn 16.18 cents; the other breeds ranging from 19.06 to 20.47 cents. The average cost per pound of the Short-horn butter was 15.15 as against 14.11 for the Jerseys and 14.15 for the Guernseys; the Short-horn ranking third. In the matter of the average profit derived per cow from sell- ing butter the Short-horn was again third, with a credit of $30.06 for one period of lactation; figures for other breeds ranging from $14.58 to $35.25. In the amount of cream produced the Short-horn was third, with 1,345 lbs. from one period of lactation; the range of all the breeds being from 916.5 for the lowest to 1,427.5 for the highest. In the item of average cost of cream per quart the Short-horn stood next to the Jerseys and Guernseys; also ranking third in the average money value of cream produced. In cheese production the Short-horn ranked first in the item of profit, showing the lowest relative cost of production per pound. It was claimed tliat the Sliort-liorn was producing a calf each year worth $5 more than that from any other cow in the test. The milking Short-horn is in evidence in nearly every Northern State. Hundreds of private tests might be presented in substantiation of that state- ment: but the following will serve as fair illustra- tions of the results being obtained by practical farm- ers and dairymen: Mrs. Flora V. Spencer, formerly of New York but now of Pennsyl- vania, whose herd supplied more cows for the Columbian dairy test than came from any other one source, furnishes the following record of Short-horn cows which she has owned : Kittie Clyde (Vol. 13), 13200 lbs. milk in eight months; 650 lbs. of milk in ten days, from which was made 33 lbs. of butter. Her dam, Fillpail, gave 60 lbs. of milk per day. Kittie Clay 2d produced 69 lbs. of milk in one day. Cherry 11th produced 61 lbs. of milk per day. Lucy Ann (Vol. 35) gave 8,948% lbs. of milk in forty-seven weeks, from which was made 425.14 lbs. butter. In seven days she 778 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOE X CATTLE gave 280 lbs. 8 oz. of milk, which produced 13,32 lbs. butter. Betsey 8th (Vol. 37) made 14.72 lbs. butter in seven days. Fillpail 16th, with her first calf, gave in a year 6,056 lbs. 8 oz. of milk, from which was made 305.07 lbs. of butter. Mrs. Spencer states that for seven years she has not had a matured cow with a smaller record than 39 ij lbs. milk per day, and the herd for three years av- eraged 4 per cent butter-fat by the Babcock test. The cow Betsey of this herd made a pound of cheese in the Columbia dairy test cheaper than any other cow of any breed. Mr. J. K. Innes, the enterprising proprietor of Glenside Farm, Granville Center, Pa., owner of the famous Columbian test cow Kitty Clay 4th, supplies the following : Luvia Clay, a daughter of Kittie Clay 3d, gave from May 19, 1895, to April 6, 1896, 7,278.8 lbs. milk, which made 337 lbs. butter. This was with her first calf. The next season she gave in seven days 30.8 lbs. of milk, which made 13.85 lbs. butter. Mamie Clay, daughter of Kittie Clay 4th, gave from June 1 to June 30, 1898, 1,175 lbs. milk, that carried an average of 3.9 per cent butter-fat, after having been in milk something over four months. Nancy Lee gave during the month of June, 1898, 1,230 lbs. milk that tested an average of 4 per cent butter-fat, having been in milk since Feb. 27, 1898. Kittie Clover, a daughter of Kittie Clay 4tli, gave during seven days in 1897, 266.7 lbs. milk, carrying an average of 4.1 per cent better-fat. This was in her three-year-old form. Margaretta Clay, granddaughter of Kittie Clay 3d, gave in thirty days 746 lbs. milk that tested an average of 4.2 per cent. This was with her first calf, and she had been in milk more than ten months, calving about eight weeks after the test was made. Betsy 8th gave during the month of June, 1899, 1,429 lbs. milk, with an average test of 3.7 per cent, having been in milk since March 20. Mayflower, a daughter of Roan Clay 4th, has given this year in fourteen days 610.3 lbs. milk, with an average of 4 per cent butter-fat. Kittie Sweet produced in fourteen days 420.8 lbs. milk, testing 3.9 per cent butter-fat. This in her two-year-old form with first calf. Superintendent May of Glenside says : "These tests were made without any special preparation, the cows receiving the usual care and feed given the entire herd. We are now weighing the product and testing every cow in the herd for an entire year, so that we shall soon have some twelve months' records to present." John Armstrong of Kingsbury Co., S. D., reports that in 1898 his sixteen grade Short-horn cows averaged 6,000 lbs. of milk, from which was made an average of 301 lbs. 5 oz. of butter. Counting stock sold and pork produced on skim-milk the net income per cow was $62.50. For 1899 the same number of cows produced 101,477 lbs. milk, which A DUAL-PURPOSE BREED 779 yielded 5,077 lbs. of butter, an average of 6,342 lbs. of milk and 317 lbs. 5 oz. of butter per cow. He figures that these cows made him during the twelve months $76.47 net. C. M. Clark of Walworth Co., Wis., reports that during the montli of December, 1898, his thirteen Short-horn cows and eight two and three-year-old heifers produced 14,218 lbs. of milk ; making an aver- age of SoVa lbs. butter per head for the month, which, for a winter production, indicates profitable dairy capacity. The best of the bull calves raised by such cows are sold at good prices for breeding pur- poses. The poorer ones are steered, and Mr. Clark reports that his last lot of bullocks averaged 1,200 lbs. at about twenty-four months old, and are worth six cents per pound. Mr. Clark's cattle descend mainly from the Bates tribes, although he has recently been using a Scotch-topped Rose of Sharon bull. Polled Durhams. — The recent establisliment in the West of the type of cattle known as "Polled Durhams" is a matter of interest to all breeders of Short-horns. There are two varieties of Polled Dur- hams — one of pure Short-horn descent and the other tracing to the native "mulej^" cows of the country crossed originally with registered Short-horn bulls. The pure-bred Short-horns that have had the polled characteristic sufficiently established to admit them to the Polled Durham Herd Book are classed as ''double-standard" cattle, being eligible to both the Short-horn and Polled Durham registries. A large proportion of these descend from the Gwynne cow Oakwood Gwynne 4th, the Young Phyllis cow Mary Louden and the White Rose bull Young Hamilton 114169. Oakwood Gwynne 4th had loose horns or "scurs," and when bred to the 7th Duke of Hillhurst 34221 dropped a pair of hornless roan heifer calves, known as Nellie Gwynne and Mollie Gwynne. (See Vol. XXXin, page 728.) Bred to Bright Eyes Duke 780 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLK 8th 31894 she dropped the hornless red bull King of Kine 87412. The twin heifers were bred by C. McC. Reeve and the hornless bull by W. W. McNair, both of Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. W. S. Miller of Ohio, who had been endeavoring to develop a type of polled cattle showing Short-horn characteristics, bought these Gwynnes and made use of them in his breed- ing operations. The bull Young Hamilton above mentioned, that won the championship over all bulls competing in the "general-purpose" class at the Co- lumbian Exposition, possessed great scale and his blood has been freely used. Some of the leading Polled Durham breeders are now crossing their cows with well-bred Scotch Short-horn bulls. As a rule stock of this type pos- sesses good size, and the cows are often heavy milk- ers. They represent the dual-purpose idea, and the absence of horns is counted a distinct advantage. That the breed owes its merit wholly to the Short- horn is freely admitted, and its success simply con- stitutes another tribute to the efficacy of that blood. The Polled Durham breeders have maintained a Na- tional organization since 1889. Under the presi- dency of Dr. William W. Crane, Tippecanoe City, 0., this has developed into an influential association. Its Secretary, Mr. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind., is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of Polled Durham claims, and has made sales for export to South America, CHAPTER XXIV THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE We have now traced the growth of the breed from an humble beginning in ancient Northumbria to a place of imperial power in the cattle trade of the civilized world. For nearly a century it has existed as an improved and well-established type. During that time it has felt the impress of men of undoubted genius and intellectual force. It has also endured the blundering of those who had ability only as de- stroyers of what others had created. Two oppo sing- forces are constantly at work. The one constructive, the other subversive of all progress; the one ani- mated by a lofty ambition to accomplish something for the uplifting of the breed, the other moved only by sordid consideration of present profit. At the outset every man who enters the fraternity that boasts so many illustrious names should ponder well the real meaning of the word breeder and en- deavor to equip himself thoroughly for the intelli- gent manipulation of the plastic material with which he proposes to work. Is he to make an honest effort to emulate the example of the master builders of the breed, or is he to drift aimlessly upon the tide of some passing fashion, content to be a mere ped- dler of pedigrees? Is Short-horn breeding a busi- ness worthy of the best efforts of intelligent men, or 781 782 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE is it simply a traffic in herd-book certificates? Is there inspiration and a love for original creative work to be found in the great achievements of the past, or are there only chains and shackles for those who engage in the trade in this day and generation? The closing century is not without its lessons bear- ing upon these and kindred considerations, and a few plainly stated deductions from the experiences of those who have gone before may be found iielpful in examining the duties, responsibilities and privi- leges of those who have the future of the Short-hom in their keeping. What constitutes success? — It might appear at first blush that the auction block is the one crucial test of success, but this is true only when averages for a long series of years are considered. The oper- ations of powerful vested financial interests occa- sionally rule the market without special reference to intrinsic values. Again many a splendid animal, many a grand herd has failed to meet Avith adequate appreciation because of lack of enterprise on the part of the owner, or through the machinations of those little souls who are either jealous of a con- temporary's success, or interested from selfish mo- tives in decrying the blood which his neighbor has used. The Short-hom trade has suffered incal- culable damage from individuals whose devotion to purely commercial considerations was greater than their love for good Short-horns. Frequently they knew little and cared less about the individual merit CYRUS CLAY— IN ACTIVE SERVICE AT 13 YEARS IN L. D. MAY'S HERD — SEVERAL TIMES A STATE FAIR CHAMPION. Jx.N> iSV.-^i.Ki GIFT— SOLD AT $4,500 l.\ F. S. PEER'S AUCTION TO FLINTSTONE FARM, DALTON, MASS. THE LAMP OF EXPEEIENCE 783 of the breed. A man possesses certain blood which he insists is "bluer" than that flowing in the veins of other Short-horns, and even while loudest in his claims of superiority it often happens that the un- fortunate animals in such mercenary hands are de- scending to the lowest levels of mediocrity from sheer neglect of the first principles of good breeding and management. Some years ago a few misguided individuals undertook to "run a corner" on such representatives as were then in existence of certain so-called "pure" tribes. They made a pretense of insisting that these few" animals were the real "salt" of the Short-horn earth, and, as such, valuable be- yond compare. It mattered not that the originator of those very families had himself inbred his stock to the limit of safety before he died, and that he would doubtless have been the first to protest against the absurdity of the present jDrocedure. Neverthe- less, people interested themselves in the project as a speculation. One Western operator collected all of these "absolutelys" he could secure; the result of the venture being that within two years he was forced to destroy the calves as fast as the wretched degenerates came into the world, and the sires and dams, vvdth constitutions ruined beyond repair, soon followed their progeny to the shambles. It is scarcely necessary to say that such an undertaking considered as a proposition in scientific breeding was fore-doomed to failure, and yet in the face of this and other examples of the impossibility of main- 784 A HISTORY OF SHOBT-HORN CATTLE taining inbred strains indefinitely, without admix- ture of other blood, men are still found willing for the sake of possible financial profit to repeat, in this respect, the follies of the past. There are cases on record where pedigree speculators, who have closed out their interests in time, have gained some finan- cial advantage, but such men were not breeders within the real meaning of the term. He only has made a genuine success of Short-horn breeding who maintains or improves upon the char- acter of the animals received from other hands. In-breeding. — This is a two-edged sword. In the hands of men who were adepts in its application it brought about some of the greatest successes known in Short-horn history. By concentration of the blood of favorite animals the distinctive types that have so largely dominated the trade have been cre- ated. On the other hand, over-indulgence in the practice has proved the destruction of more than one family of great original merit. Dealing with raw materials, as it were, the pioneer breeders were able to reap the highest possible measure of benefit from an appeal to the Bakewell practice, but a cen- tury of breeding within herd-book lines has brought the Short-horns of the present in such close relation- ships that what was wise procedure in the early days would now be the height of folly. What was once heterogeneous in its composition has by the opera- tion of the pedigree registry system been rendered homogeneous. THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 785 The fact that close breeding proved effective many years ago in the hands of a few men of rare capacity affords no justification whatever for continued in- and-in breeding by their successors. Efforts have been made to enforce, as a test of loyalty to some of these great breeders of other days, opposition to the idea of resorting in any shape, fonn or manner to fresh blood for the rejuvenation of cattle so descend- ed. It must be apparent to even the dullest compre- hension that this proposition is not only illogical on its face, but is really the most effective of all methods of destroying the good work done by those who bequeathed stock that had already been sub- jected to the severe test of long-continued blood con- centration. The Bates cattle in particular suffered extensively from the operations of those who resist- ed the idea of fresh crosses. Messrs. Warfield, Eenick, Alexander, the Bedfords and others obtained results outside of the "straight" Bates line that sur- passed the accomplishments of such of their con- temporaries as adhered strictly to the "line." An unwillingness to infuse other blood into the old Kil- lerby and Warlaby strains did not contribute to the physical welfare of the cattle of Booth descent, and at the Torr dispersion the outcrossed strains were gladly bought at high prices to revive the glories of the earlier davs.* *Tn this connection it may be said that the major part of the Booth herd was sold at auction a few years since by Mr. William Booth, executor of the estate of his brother, the late T. C. Booth. The herd is again being- revived by Mr. Richard Booth, son of T. C, and Short-horns may still be seen in the fine old pastures at Warlaby. 786 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Examining the record down to the present day we find a tendency to repeat the errors of former years in the case of the families created by Amos Cruick- shank. In view of the fact that this careful breeder freely conceded the desirability of an outcross on his cattle prior to the sale of his herd, the contention of those who are now insisting upon maintaining the '* purity" of the Sittyton families finds no adequate basis in reason or experience. James I. Davidson, who was for a number of years Mr. Cruickshank's representative in America, demonstrated what could be done by the right kind of an outcross when he introduced the blood of Crown Prince of Atlielstane 2d. Messrs. Potts added to the vitality, as shown by increased fertility, of one branch of the Sittyton Lavenders, by the use of a bull blending the blood of imp. Duke of Eichmond with a Young Mary founda- tion. At Linwood Col. Harris was making substan- tial progress at the time he gave up breeding by the use of the Golden Drop and Princess Alice blood. Evidence is to be had from the operations of Mr. James J. Hill, the late Col. T. S. Moberley and otliers, going to show that a judicious intermingling of the blood of other good Short-horns with that of the Scotch-bred stock will prove in the future fruitful of better results than are promised by a too rigid adher- ence to the prevailing fashionable line. Touching this point the Hon. John Dryden, one of the earliest and best friends of the Sittyton cattle in America, says: THE LAMP OF EXPEEIENCE 787 For those who are interested in Cruickshank cattle to go on blindly following pedigree as the most prominent thing in con- nection with the breeding of these cattle means, in my judgment, certain ruin. We have seen this tried in several breeds of cattle and horses before, and I know how much evil it has worked. Whatever others may say, I know definitely that Mr. Cruick- shank's own ideas were entirely contrary to that view. It would have been of great advantage to those of us following in his foot- steps to have had the crosses made by himself; they would then have been accepted without question as the result of sound judg- ment. My opinion is that Mr. Cruickshank was right when he de- cided that violent crosses on his cattle should be avoided. What I mean by that is to take an exactly opposite type or style of pedigree, the result of which is not ordinarily uniform mixing. Mr. Cruickshank's theory was that to keep up the robustness of his cattle and to give them additional strength of character an occasional cow of somewhat different breeding should be used upon which to cross one of his own bulls with the view of secur- ing a bull of somewhat different blood. If such outcross is to be resorted to it should not be one of mere pedigree, but the animal chosen should be sound and of robust constitution and having similar characteristics to the Cruickshank cattle as de- veloped by their former proprietor. Further, it should be borne in mind that Mr. Cruickshank's idea was not to produce fine- looking animals when they were matured at from four to six years of age, but to produce such animals as would mature if necessary of from one to two and a half years. I notice that a good many show animals which are talked about a great deal belong to the former class, and while they are fine animals when at their maturity, they do not at all possess the characteristics that Mr. Cruickshank sought in his herd. We have at the present day altogether too many imitators among breeders of cattle. It seems to be the proper thing to pur- sue the principle that is followed in a millinery shop, and every- body tries to follow in the same line. They do not all succeed, but because this color or that or this form or the other is fash- ionable nothing else will do on any account. Now it is a very easy thing to follow fashion in pedigree, but a confessedly diffi- 788 A. HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE cult thing to do what all the great cattle-breeders of the past have done, and produce not merely a pedigree but animals hav- ing special characteristics and the power to give these to their descendants. Mr. Cruickshank never followed fashion either in pedigree or upon any other point, but had his own sound common sense to guide him. He knew what he wanted and he knew it when he saw it, the result being that when he found among his own calves the bull Champion of England he said to himself, without con- sulting anyone else, "That is what I am seeking for, and I shall at once be bold enough to use him." "We all know the result. If his brother, who was always inclined to follow fashion, had been consulted Champion of England would never have been used, and Mr. E. Cruickshank has often told me that if Amos had fol- lowed his own judgment on previous occasions he would have used one or two bulls at an earlier date which would likely have accomplished equally good results. The same thing may be said of Bates and Booth. They followed their own judgment until we find that all the world decided subsequently that their judgment was right and they became leaders of fashion. Those who notice the cattle sales of Great Britain will have observed that most breeders there have judgments of their own. I have often referred to this point in this country before and have suggested that it would be a great blessing for our country generally if our breeders had more definite convictions of their own, with definite ideas of what they wanted to accomplish, and worked along that line. My opinion therefore is that if our Cruickshank breeders un- dertake to follow pedigree merely and stick to the color craze of red, the cattle are doomed; it is only a matter of time, and I con- gratulate you upon the stand you have taken in this matter. These little points as to the shape of the horn and the exact color of the skin are really of no consequence when it comes to the useful qualities of the animal. We all like to see these things and they give added value to an animal, but a good animal should not be thrown away simply because one horn turns a little too much back, or otherwise. As to the present situation in England in refer- ence to the Scotch cross, the following letter to the BNf'.'s. ■ ■■'Iwil' BAPTON PEARL— BRED BY J. DEANE WILLIS. .V .^i II - 1 \ 'nii; ijiKKN. I'JUZE-WINNING HEIFERS AT THE ENGLISH ROYAL. OF 1899. THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 789 author from one of Britain's oldest and most conser- vative students of Sliort-liorn breeding, Mr. William Housman of Prospect House, Distington, Cumber- land, sounds a note that is worth heeding : Our breeders, as you must have observed, are very much at variance in opinion upon the Scotch cross question. I think my- self the term "Cruickshank blood," as commonly used, is too nar- row and two shallow, neither stretching far enough to comprise the useful Scotch strains from outside Sittyton sources nor going deep enough to include old Scotch blood derived from herds long extinct, yet still in various measures influential. Yet Cruick- shank is justly regarded as a great name in Short-horn history. For all that I do not care for the heavings of the crowd to and fro. "Booms," you in America call the din raised one day about this blood, another day about that. There is a bad want of sobriety and stability of judgment in it all, to my poor way of thinking. Looking at the matter in that aspect I have not a strong desire to go much or often into the question of the merits of this or the other cross the fashion of the day. However good Booth, Bates, Cruickshank or any other "blood" may be, there are plenty of persons out of breath in their haste to make a mess of their breeding through the indiscriminate use of it, and so to discredit what one might fairly say in its favor. A little steadiness is the best I have at the moment to suggest as to the course for the future; but it must be coupled with recog- nition of merit, which I believe to be plentiful, outside the cover of the very biggest names. You will see that at our shows the Scotch and Scotch-cross Short-horns are well to the front. This is a hard fact to an- swer. Still it affords no good reason for crossing everything with Scotch bulls, flooding the herds with that which may be eminent- ly suitable in one case and as thoroughly unsuitable in another. William Duthie of Collynie clearly recognizes the desirability of finding a suitable outcross for the Sit- tyton tribes, and has recently purchased in England several very grand cows of mixed breeding, which he 790 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE proposes to mate with Cruickshank-bred sires with a view toward introducing in a diluted form a dash of fresh blood in the hope that something may be gained in the way of size and style. Among these cows we may mention Cowslip 26th, bred by Lord Brougham and Vaux, a magnificent cow of wonder- ful scale, symmetry and finish, winner of many prizes in England; Primrose 4th, bred by Mr. Scott of Softlaw, Kelso, winner of first prize at Edinburgh, and of same breeding as the great show cow Softlaw Rose; and Lady Meredith, carrying the blood of the great bull Eosario on top of a daughter of the world's highest-priced bull, Duke of Connaught. The latter has the character and "grand air" of the Duchesses, accompanied by ample scale and flesh. These cows are large and stylish with good heads, necks and backs. Moreover they are heavy milkers, and as they have been mated with such bulls as Scottish Archer and Lord of Fame the result of the cross is awaited with much interest.* *Mr. Duthie was led to undertake this experiment largely by the appearance of the beautiful roan heifer Sea Gem (bred by Mr. bun- combe), champion female of the Royal of 1897 at Manchester; that was sired by Liberator (64260) (bred at CoUynie and sold m dam to Mr. Willis) out of Sea Pearl, tracing- in the maternal line to Fenella bv Mr. Bates' 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647). Sea (3em was sold at auction at above 400 guineas. Further evidence of the intent of Mr. Cruickshank's broad-minded successor to leave nothing undone looking toward the perpetuation of the merit of the Sittyton tribes is to be found in the fact that he has also tried recently the hand- some voung bull Captain Inglewood, a son of the Sittyton-bred Cap- tain of the Guard, out of one of the famous Inglewood cows bi-ed by the late Robert Thompson of Penrith, whose successes at the English Royal a number of years ago were among the greatest triumphs or the latter-day history of the breed in Britain. ^ ^ „ . . , ,,.. Among the stock bulls used in recent years at Collynie, in addition to those already mentioned, have been the following: Pride of Morn- ing (64546), a champion show bull, got by Star of Morning ( 581 89), belonging to the Sittyton Clipper tribe; Count Arthur (70194), a white bull, bred by Deane WiUis from Count Lavendei (60545) out THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 791 It is a peculiar fact that while inbreeding brought several of the greatest herds in Short-horn history to their greatest perfection it proved difficult to hold them at the level attained by the first appeal to that magic influence. Fortunately for the breed the loss of merit in such cases has not been rapid. In the hands of skillful men the inbred tribes continued to produce animals of extraordinary value at frequent intervals. It is true, nevertheless, that the zenith of Bates, Booth, Eenick and Cruickshank success was attained in each case before the men who created the types bearing those names laid down their work. Their followers to this day are simply struggling with the problem of how to sustain or restore an in- bred type after it has once been in full flower. All experience indicates- that this is a most perplexing problem. Happily, however, the great groups of families named remained an honor to their creators for so many years that they contributed largely to the general welfare. Strongh'-bred sires are usually impressive ; but when they impress inferiority rather than actual merit, their prepotency becomes the strongest of all arguments against their continued use. Incestuous breeding should never be attempted by a novice, and any concentration of blood is of doubt- of Victoria 55tli by Gondolier: Nonpareil Victor (71071). also bred by 5Ir. "Willis, sired by the champion bull Count Victor (66877) — that was sold to South America at 500 guineas — out of Nonpareil Bloom by Commodore (54118), and Spicy Monarch, bred at Uppermill from Spicy Robin (69638), out of Alexandrina 20th (own sister to Messrs. Rob- bins' Gay Monarch) by William of Orange. 792 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOEN CATTLE ful efficacy unless pronounced vigor and constitution are possessed by the animal to be subjected to it. As commonly understood by cattle-breeders, in- and-in breeding is the term applied to the mating of sires of certain tribes with females of the same tribes. The use of a continued succession of sires of one tribe, or group of kindred tribes, upon females of other maternal origin is usually described as ' ' line breeding." This latter method of procedure gives rise to stock characterized as Bates-topped, Booth- topped, Cruickshank-topped, etc. Only such cattle as descend in the maternal line from cows bred at Kirklevington, Killerby, Warlaby or Sittyton are re- ferred to as belonging respectively to the Bates, Booth or Cruickshank tribes. Cattle that trace to such cows through sires carrying no admixture of blood from other herds are described as "pure" Bates, "pure" Booth or "pure" Cruickshank, as the case may be, but few to which such appellation cor- rectly applies are now living. Herd-book registration. — In America registration is limited to animals descended all around from stock already of record. This renders it impossible to originate new families on this side of the Atlantic no matter how long the use of registered sires may be pursued. In Great Britain the editing committee of Coates' Herd Book has authority to admit ani- mals having in the case of bulls five crosses of regis- tered sires, and in the case of cows four crosses of same. Care is of course taken before admitting stock KEI^MSCOTT VISCUUXT 23D — SULD AT AUCTION BY F. S. PEER FOR $3,750 TO WM. LUPPERT, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. LUBEC MENDELSOHN — A $1,imiii JJI'LI, 1\ I s PEER'S AUCTION, GOING TO W. C. DAVIES, CHESTER, lA. THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 793 under this latter rule to see that the foundation cows were of good general Short-horn type. On account of the existence of this English rule the American association requires that English-bred cattle to be eligible for registry must trace in all their crosses to animals recorded, or eligible to record, in the first twenty volumes of Coates' Herd Book. The twentieth volume of that record was issued in 1873. While it is the w^ell-settled policy of the American management to oppose any relaxation of the herd- book rules, the fact remains that some of the most valuable Short-horns of the day in Great Britain are to be found among those that have been bred into Coates' Herd Book since 1873 under the four and five-cross rule. This is particularly true of that large and valuable contingent in the English herds possessing rare merit for dairy purposes. It is con- ceded that there are grave objections to opening the door in America to the creation of new families, and yet it is possible that the time will come when long- continued confinement within the limits of stock de- scended from ancestors already of record in the American Herd Book, and in the first twenty vol- umes of the English may render it increasingly difficult to carry on the w^ork of improving the breed; especially when choice of sires is still further narrowed by the dictates of fashion in blood lines and color. The elder Booth always maintained that three or four crosses of the Killerby bulls on top of 794 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE good market cows of the Teeswater type gave him animals which were, to all intents and purposes, purely-bred Short-horns, that could be relied upon to reproduce their own excellencies. The breed has certainly held its own in its native land with re- markable success and persistency under a plan which admits of the gradual infusion of the blood of new families. It would seem, therefore, that the system under which Coates' Herd Book is conducted has been proved a success on the other side of the water. The time may not yet be ripe for the introduction of a similar method of registration in this country, but food for reflection is certainly found in the fact that a large percentage of our best cattle are seen among the comparatively short-pedigreed tribes, and con- versely there is oftentimes a noticeable absence of merit in animals representing families boasting an unbroken line of herd book descent extending back of the year 1800. All must admit the desirability of a uniform standard on both sides the Atlantic, and it is to be hoped that some way of bringing the American and English rules to a common basis may be found in the near future. Color. — Dame Fashion has much to answer for in connection with Short-horn breeding in America. Not only has the fickle jade demanded the degrada- tion of whole families of good, well-bred cattle on insufficient charges affecting their pedigrees, but in the Western States went so far as to dictate that red bulls only should be used as sires. This latter prop- THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 795 osition really had its origin on the Western range. Solid-colored bulls were preferred by the ranchmen, and those who were breeding for that trade naturally catered to the wants of their customers. This, in turn, affected the choice of sires in herds that sup- plied stock bulls to those who had a general farm and range clientage. In vain did leading breeders point out that this was a grave mistake, narrowing still further a field of selection which had already been curtailed by the operation of fashion's laws in the matter of pedigree. In vain was it pointed out that in Great Britain, the home of the breed, the roan was the prevailing popular color and that even white bulls were occasionally used in the most famous herds. The buyers of bulls for steer-getting purposes were inexorable. A solid red, and worst of all (in many cases) very dark red bulls, of the most ordinary character, were freely bought in preference to thicker, better, mellower roans, yellow-reds or reds with white markings. So general was this de- mand at one time that it seemed fairly suicidal for the owners of pedigreed herds to use any other than red bulls. The pursuit of this policy led to the sacri- fice of many useful cattle. There were not enough good reds of the fashionable tribes to go around, so that the inevitable result was the use of many an indifferent sire for no better reason than the posses- sion of a coat of hair and a pedigree certificate that tickled the popular fancy — the prime essentials of constitution and thrift often being ignored in the 796 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE mad race to obey the behests of the fashion of the hour. The more substantial element, however, opposed unceasingly this debasement of the breed and stood out manfully for more rational methods, and in the course of time the red color craze began to abate. Good roans can again be disposed of at satisfactory prices. The general preference is still for red bulls, but sensible men do not carry their opposition to the lighter colors to the extreme noted some years ago. Indeed, both in the matter of color and fashionable breeding there is a marked change in the direction of reason and common sense to be noted at this time ; and in this fact there is hope for the future. Handling quality. — It is generally conceded that feeding capacitj^ is to a considerable extent indicated by the hide and hair. A soft silky coat, assuming in winter a thick, furry character, is always to be pre- ferred to hair that is thin, coarse, wiry or harsh. The skin should be of good thickness, not thin or "papery," as that indicates delicacy of constitution. It should be pliable to the touch, covering a mellow cushion of evenly-distributed flesh. Hard-handling cattle of inferior fleshing capacity are found more frequently among the dark-red Short-horns than among those of other colors. The roans and such reds as have yellow skins are usually animals of better quality. Constitution, character and conformation. — Vigor must ever be a paramount consideration. Without THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 797 sound constitution there is no hope of thrift or fer- tility. A predisposition to disease is a fault fatal to all success or profit. Excessive inbreeding and "pampering" for show are among the prime causes of physical deterioration; leading to impaired vital- ity and fatty degeneration. The bull should be of positive masculine type, with a strong head and horn. At maturity he should be possessed of what is commonly called "character"; a term which may be briefly defined as meaning "in- dividuality. ' ' Weak heads and countenances, of the negative sort usually seen in steers, do not indicate in the bull prepotency or the power to impress his own likeness with uniformity upon his progeny. The neck should be thick and not too long. The shoul- ders may be wide and well developed, but should not be too upright; neither should they be too open at the "crops" — the junction of the blades at the top. The "chine" — which includes the "crops" and the joining of the fore-ribs — should be broad, round and full. The back and loin should be wide and well- furnished with flesh. The ribs ought to be round and deep. A contracted heart-girth is decidedly objectionable. The hips of the bull ought not to be so conspicuous as in the cow. As strong shoulder development is to be expected in the male, so in the female the hips ("hooks") will naturally find greater prominence in order to provide the pelvic capacity required by the demands of the functions of maternity. The quarters should be long and level; 798 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE the "twist" — space between the thighs — well filled, and the flanks and thighs carried low.* The Short-horns of the olden time were dis- tinguished for their "table" backs and great scale, but were often rather high from the ground. The market demand for "baby beef" has induced latter- day breeders to seek a shorter-legged, more com- pactly fashioned, blockier type, such as feed to heavy weights at an early age ; but it is to be hoped that in pursuing this subject scale will not be unduly neglected. The cow should be as distinctly feminine about the head and neck as the bull is the reverse. She should have what is often called a "breedy" look, as distinguished from a "steery" countenance. Re- finement rather than coarseness almost invariably characterizes the head of a successful breeding cow. This is what the Scotch herdsmen have in mind when they speak of "a lady coo." Width between the eyes is indicative of good feeding quality in both sexes. Long, narrow heads are objectionable. The incurving or dished face may be permissible in the female, but it is never suggestive of virility, and is not to be sought in the bull. Roman noses are sel- dom seen and are not in favor, although they are almost invariably accompanied by unusual vigor of constitution. The bull's face should be of good ♦This description of course applies rather to the beef form than to the dairy type. Where deep-milking capacity is desired the full "twist" and flanks will scarcely be present. The space which in the beef cow is here occupied by flesh will in that case be required for udder development. HEIFER CALF SHOT\"X BY ■«'. T. MILLER & SONS, OF INDIANA. ■■^£jMiy'- HEIFER BRED BY X. P. CLARKE AT MEADOW LAWX. BREED TYPES AS SHOWN BY PHOTOGRAPHY. THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 799 width from the eyes to the nostrils. A fine muzzle is a sign of delicacy. Short-horn noses are usually light and clear in color, although occasionally black or clouded. The latter, although not evidence of im- pure breeding, are avoided as much as possible by careful breeders. Such a minor point, however, as a clouded nose will not deter a man of good judgment from using an animal that is exceptionally desirable in vital particulars. A generous middle signifies a good "doer." Ex- cessive paunchiness is a fault to be avoided, but the highest results, either in the feed-lot or in the dairy, are only possible where ample digestive power is in evidence. Primary points in management. — The nearer Short-horns can be maintained under natural con- ditions the better. Plenty of good grass for the working members of the herd and an abundant sup- ply of milk for the calves are prime requisites. Pas- tures should never be "overworked" or grazed too closely in midsummer. No one should undertake to keep more cattle than can be carried with justice to the available pasture lands. The blue grass, which is the mainstay of the cattle business in the United States, makes little if any growth through the hot summer months. It will often be found wise practice to provide a supply of succulent food for the herd during this period. Fodder corn sown for this purpose will l^e found a profitable crop. During the winter reasonable shelter should 800 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE always be provided. Cattle can stand a low degree of temperature when the weather is clear and bright; but cold, wet storms subject their constitutions to a test which careful breeders will endeavor to avoid. Throughout the Western States it is common prac- tice to stable the herds at night during the coldest weather, but it is almost unanimously agreed that "housing" during the day is positively injurious, except in the case of young calves or animals very thin in flesh. Exercise and fresh air are absolutely necessary for the health of breeding stock. Close confinement in poorly-ventilated stables is even worse than exposure to the elements. Some breeders permit their stock bulls to run with the herd, but this is not the usual practice. The better plan is to pro- vide a good box for the bull, opening into as large a paddock as can be spared for this purpose. A grassy lot, several acres in size, with shade and water trough, ought to be arranged for the bull's comfort in connection with his stall. Over considerable areas in the Central West cattle can find the bulk of their feed in blue-grass pastures up to Jan. 1, but the young stock will require more or less grain in order to insure their proper develop- ment. Short-horn heifers that have been carried to inaturity upon a judicious ration will not require much grain to maintain their condition as cows, ex- cept perhaps in the case of those milking heavily. The young bulls after weaning must be kept by themselves and receive special care. It is more THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 801 difficult to condition a young bull than a heifer, and a liberal ration of grain is required for the first twelve months after he has been deprived of his mother's milk. In the conditioning of thin cows and young stock too much corn should not be used. Ground oats, bran, a little oil-cake, roots, shredded fodder, good grass, hay, or even clean, bright straw may all be resorted to with profit, and a mixture of these feeds is always preferable to an exclusive use of any of them. Feeding, however, is an art that cannot be taught from books. A ration that will suit one case will fail in another. Not only the kinds but the amounts to be given can only be satisfactorily determined by a careful study of the individual peculiarities of different animals. To succeed in Short-horn breeding it is important that one have a genuine love for the work. Both the owner and the herdsman should find a keen delight in the company of their cattle, and if on terms of inti- macy with favorite animals so much the better. Kind treatment should at all times be enforced. Young bulls are frequently rendered vicious by inju- dicious punishment. All bulls over twelve months old should have rings inserted in their noses, so that they may be managed with safety. An unruly bull should never be used or tolerated unless of such out- standing excellence that his services seem fairly in- dispensable, and if proved positively dangerous should go to the shambles at any cost. Human life is more sacred than the welfare of anv herd. 802 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Well-trained, reliable herdsmen are almost beyond price when the owner cannot give the cattle his own personal attention, and even in that case the ser- vices of a competent helper will be required. Expe- rienced herdsmen are perhaps more numerous in Great Britain than in the United States, and many of Scotch and English birth have been prominently identified with the business in America. Unfortu- nately Culshaws and Cuddys are rare even in the old country. Men who consecrate their lives to a mas- tery of the thousand details of successful cattle man- agement, men who anticipate every want of the animals in their care, men who know that unremit- ting attention means "good luck," and neglect brings the reverse, are entitled to the highest con- sideration and encouragement of all who have the interests of live-stock improvement at heart. Short- horn history abounds in instances of rare devotion, singleness of purpose and conscientious discharge of duty on the part of those who have been responsible for the welfare of different herds. On the other hand, there is a considerable element in the frater- nity of herdsmen that does not seem to realize the dignity of this form of service. It is not only an honorable but a useful profession, in which fidelity and skill will usually bring their own reward. Does showing pay? — There is a wide difference of opinion among cattle-breeders on this question, but it resolves itself finally into the simple proposition of advertising. The light that is hid under the half- THE LAIMP OF EXPERIENCE 803 bushel is never seen from a distance. One is never certain that his efforts at producing good cattle will be appreciated in his own immediate neighborhood. A market for surplus stock is a necessity, and those who would seek the best class of trade must reach out for it. It will certainly not come to them un- solicited. Judicious advertising lies at the very foundation of all business success, and he who ignores this fact will have no one to blame but him- self if he fails to find a satisfactory market for his wares. No amount of advertising will bring success unless there is merit in what is offered for sale. Given, therefore, a herd of cattle of really desirable character and quality, some form of advertising must be resorted to if the owner proposes to do justice to his own investment. The show-yard and the public press are the two main mediums of communication with the public. Some have accomplished their object by the use of one of tiiese methods and some by the other. Public attention may be acquired more promptly by an appeal to both, and this is the plan pursued by the more enterprising element. There is no denying the fact that many a grand Short-horn has been ruined for breeding jxirposes by long-continued training for show. Under the system of judging that has been prevalent on both sides of the water for half a cen- tury it has been idle to exhibit cattle that were not heavily fed. Cattle of delicate constitution quickly succumb to this pressure, and even tlie most rugged 804 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE types gradually give way under it. Injury from ex- cessive feeding is greatest in the case of matured ani- mals, and on this account the managers of our mod- ern shows have modified their requirements in the case of herds in such a way as to render it unneces- sary to fit so many aged cows as were formerly neces- sary. What is known as the graded or "step-lad- der" herd simply calls for a bull two years old or over, one two-year-old heifer, one yearling heifer and one heifer calf. This is a change of distinct advan- tage to the breeder. So long as there are honors and fame to be gained by these public contests there will be found men to fit and show their stock. Men will ' ' seek the bubble reputation even at the cannon's mouth." Cattle- breeders will not be deterred from engaging in the great show-yard battles by the mere possibility of injury or loss to a certain proportion of the animals fitted. As a general proposition feeding for show is not only an expensive undertaking so far as the im- mediate outlay is concerned, but is clearly detri- mental to the best interests of the animals pressed into such sei^dce. At the same time it seems essen- tial, as a broad proposition, that advantage be taken of the shows to demonstrate continuously the feed- ing capabilities of the breed; but this should ordi- narily be left to those who have the means, and facilities for carrying on the work fairly regardless of immediate profit. We can only say in a general way to " those who contemplate showing that we as 0.7 a > THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 805 advise the feeding and exhibition of young animals of one's own breeding. It takes considerable cap- ital to engage successfully in the general herd com- petitions, but any good breeder may find it to his advantage to exhibit from time to time calves or yearlings illustrating his own work. Young animals thus fitted are not necessarily injured for the future. Young bulls have to be well "done" in any event until they approach maturity, and as for the heifers, if they are settled to a service at from twenty to twenty-four months of age and returned to pasture after being shown, there is no reason why they should fail to become thereafter regular breeders in the herd. Until show-yard judges are content with less fat it is certainly the part of wisdom for the average breeder to limit his showing to young cattle. This latter practice we believe to be a very effective means of bringing one 's stock before the attention of buyers. Selling the surplus. — The matter of disposing of surplus stock, touched upon in the preceding para- graphs, is one of vital interest. The manner of pro- cedure will vary according to the character of dif- ferent herds. Those who have purchased high- priced foundation stock, representing the most fash- ionable bloods and show-yard strains, will naturally make a bid for the business of the leading pro- fessional breeders. Those who contemplate l)reed- ing from what are called ''top" cattle will find the show-yard, the live-stock press and the art pictorial 806 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE all necessary factors in snccess. In other words, those who expect to supply high-class bulls to head the best contemporary herds must do whatever is necessary to demonstrate their right to such desir- able patronage. On the other hand, those who es- tablish themselves with a view toward supplying young bulls to farmers and ranchmen — who, as a rule, cannot be expected to pay large prices — will not need to incur so much expense in the matter of advertising. In considering the question of the class of trade to be cultivated, breeders should not over- look the fact that it costs but little more to grow a Short-horn worth from $300 to $500 than it does to mature one worth $100. We are speaking, of course, of the mere expense of feeding and handling. As a general proposition, therefore, quality rather than quantity should be the aim. The public sale system as a means of disposing of surplus stock has been popular among stock-breed- ers from the earliest periods. Indeed, it has many advantages both for the buyer and seller. It enables a breeder in one day to make a complete clearance of his surplus for the entire year, relieving him of the burden of much correspondence necessarily en- tailed by a system of private sales. It is an advan- tage to the buyer because he is given the choice of a large number of animals of different ages and sexes at a price representing the judgment of his fellow breeders present. A fairly-conducted auction is on this latter account a safe place for a new bQ- IMl'. ];iiSK\V>Mil, v,,TH IX HER loTH YEAJ; I X l' H K H K i ; 1 > i>F CAl;- PENTER t ROSS, MAXSP'IELD, O. — THE DAM OF 13 CALVES. 10 OF WHICH SOLD FOR $10,SS0. MERRY HAMPTON AT 9 TEARS— NOTED SIRE IX HERD OF C. B. DUSTIX, SUMMERHILL, ILL. THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 807 giniier to make investments. He has the satisfaction of knowing that he is making his purchases at prices which are virtually fixed by the breeders in attend- ance. As a rule these auction sales of Short-horns are conducted in absolute good faith. By-bidding, the protection of the price of animals through ma- nipulation by the seller, has been effectually dis- countenanced by the adoption of a high standard of business morality and principle in connection with the management of most of these sales. Anything savoring of fraud in any shape, form or manner* re- ceives such speedy condemnation that there is no en- couragement for dishonesty. About aJiimal portraiture. — The illustrations in this volume will afford a fair idea of the progress that has been made in this line since the days of ''The White Heifer That Traveled." The repro- ductions used in this work are mainly from drawings made by various artists of reputation on both sides the Atlantic. Near the end may be seen some of the latest work of the camera. It will be observed that in the old-style pictures there is marked exaggera- tion in the matter of over-refinement of the extremi- ties, at the same time the pictures give, in a general way, a correct idea as to the main points of differ- ence in the make-up of animals representing the leading breed types. Animal photography as applied specially to the beef breeds of cattle may be said to be still in its infancy, but substantial progress in that art is being made. From this fact we are led 808 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORX CATTLE to indulge the hope that we may hand down to fu- ture generations likenesses of present-day cattle which shall be more lifelike than our delineation of the old-time celebrities. Tribal designation. — This is a problem that puz- zles many new beginners in Short-horn breeding. All who engage in the business are anxious to ac- quire as quickly as possible a knowledge which will enable them to determine the line of descent repre- sented by any given pedigree without having to undertake an extended herd-book examination. In regard to this we can only say there is no "short cut" to this form of knowledge. The ability to "read" at a glance any given pedigree only comes as a result of years of herd-book research. The division of Short-horns into families or tribes is purely arbitrary, and while the existing system of tribal nomenclature is perhaps as convenient as any that could be devised, yet, as has been pointed out on page 99 of this volume, it is entirely mis- leading so far as conveying any adequate idea of the real blood elements is concerned. The family names are all derived from some one or more of the ances- tresses in the direct maternal line. Aside from cattle belonging to the Bates, Booth or Cruickshank tribes, our American families of Short-horns usually bear the name of the imported cow to which they trace on the side of the dam. Those who study the history of Killerby, Warlaby, Kirklevington and Sittyton will soon be able to recognize pedigrees running di- THE LAMP OF EXPEKIENCE 809 rect to those celebrated herds. There are some cat- tle in the American Herd Book, descended from cows recorded by Mr. Allen in the early days, that do not trace in the maternal line to any known imported cow. Notwithstanding the fact that these animals now present pedigrees showing a succession of regis- tered sires entitling them to rank as well-bred Short- horns, the partisans of the more fashionable sorts speak of them as tracing to the "American woods." There is only one way of ascertaining definitely the blood actually present in any given pedigree and that is by a complete tabulation of it. Too much at- tention is paid by breeders generally to those tribal distinctions. The blood of the original animals that gave their names to these various families was long ago buried deep under subsequent crosses, and while it is of course well to have a pedigree soundly an- chored at the base the "top" breeding is of vastly greater relative importance. Dignity of the breeder's calling. — The sculptor lures from the solid marble images of grace, beauty or strength that provoke the plaudits of the world. His contact with his work is direct. In calling from stone the creatures of his own conception the figures may be shaped at will. A Phidias or a Canova lifts the veil from his superb handiwork and gains a place in the galler^^ of immortals. Compared with him who has the power to conceive an ideal animal form and call it into life through a profound knowledge of Nature's intricate and hidden laws, the greatest 810 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE sculptor is a mere mechanic. There is no higher form of art than that which deals with the intelli- gent manipulation of animal life; the modeling of living, breathing creatures in accordance with the will and purpose of a guiding mind. It rises in its boundless possibilities to heights that are fairly God- like. It sounds the depths of the profoundest mys- teries of physical existence, verging on the borders of the Infinite itself. The world of human endeavor presents no nobler field of action, no realm of thought demanding a higher order of ability. And yet how many of those who assume the responsibility of marring or making these wondrous creations of flesh and blood approach the work with any ade- quate preparation or appreciation of the real breadth and depth of the propositions with which they will have to deal? It is not a task to be lightly under- taken, if one means to deal fairly by the helpless forms confided to his care. If we could but impress this thought indelibly upon the minds of those wlio engage in this most fascinating pursuit there would be more noble creations and fewer wrecks along the paths of the stock breeding of the future than in the past. Failure to grasp the fundamental idea that the breeder's calling entails duties and responsibili- ties which no man can conscientiously ignore lies at the bottom of failures innumerable. The future. — The dawn of the new century pre- sents a most attractive field for those who undertake to conscientiously promote the best interests of the THE LAMP OF EXPERIENCE 811 Sliort-liorii breed. We have seen that at regular intervals men possessing original creative power have made a world-wide name and fame for them- selves in this line of work; but with all due respect to what these great minds have accomplished, it is folly to say that all knowledge and skill in connec- tion with Short-horn breeding perished with them. What has been done in the past can be repeated in the future, but the triumphs of the twentieth cen- tury await not those who are servdle imitators, but the worthy ones who have the necessary courage to undertake the development along independent lines of the tribes of Short-horns which shall engage the attention of the historians of the days to come. APPENDIX "THE STUDY OF SHORT-HORN HISTORY " AN ADDRESS BY ALVIN H. SANDERS BEFORE THE CENTRAL SHORT-HORN breeders' ASSOCIATION, AT KANSAS CITY, JAN. 30, 1901. It is always interesting to trace the beginnings of any great power. They are digging to-day in the ruins of the Roman Forum for relics that may throw additional light upon the origin of the ancient city "that from her throne of beauty ruled the world." Some months ago I spent a day watching these work- men at their toil. I saw a broken piece of marble loosened by a pick — a mere fragment of no value in itself, but which I ob- served was carved upon one side with all the accuracy and delicacy for which the stone-cutters and sculptors of 2,000 years ago were famous. My guide obtained this for me and I have it in my rooms to-day, a souvenir with which I would not willingly part. I often take it up and study it. Why? There are thou- sands of fragments of greater size and of more practical value to be had about any quarry in the land. Why. then, does so much interest attach to that particular piece of stone? Simply because the level from which it was exhumed renders It certain that it once formed a part of a capital or cornice that orna- mented some arch or temple that had looked down upon the pomp and pageantry of the Pagan Emperors. It had gone down centuries later in the sacking and burning of Rome by Northern barbarians. History, in short, had set its seal upon that bit of marble, giving it, to me at least, a value and an interest all its own. So much for the effect that associations have in this world in fixing our ideas of values. We all prize family heirlooms handed down from generations that have gone before. An old clock, or chest; a piece of plate, a picture that speaks to us of other days, we will not exchange, 813 814 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE if we are wise, for any new design a tradesman might submit. You may call this sentiment if you like, but it exists neverthe- less to a greater or less degree in every human breast, and to my mind adds an element of pleasure to this work-a-day world that we ought never to ignore. An article with a history is a source of unfailing pleasure and interest provided you know the history. The Short-horn breed of cattle is such a product. Round about its record there is entwined a story which, once known, throws an indefinable charm about each and every herd; a story which, beginning sev- eral centuries ago in the little valley of the rives Tees, ends only in your own pastures, by your own fireside; a story bristling with great personal triumphs; replete with stirring scenes; abounding in benefits conferred upon the farming world; a story of great deeds performed in the arts of peace; a story which in- vests the breeding of Short-horn cattle with a dignity that gives your profession rank with the most honorable pursuits of man. To me this story has ever possessed a peculiar fascination. It seems indeed to me the one romance of live-stock history; the humble beginning; the long years of incubation and patient ex- perimentation; the dawn of popularity; the great victories; the occupation of two continents; the dazzling values of the seven- ties; the rivalries of great breeders and exhibitors; the era of unparalleled speculation; the plunge into the depths of depres- sion; the purification wrought by the fires of adversity; the struggle with contending breeds, and last but not least the sun- shine of present day prosperity. There are pictures to be seen in this panorama that ought to have a place in the mind of every man who breeds or feeds a Short-horn. There are inspirations to be gathered from a study of the past that will prove the pre- lude to present and future success. I do not see how any man can become an owner of Short- horn cattle without wishing to familiarize himself with the his- tory of the breed. I do not see how any man can undertake the breeding of Short-horns without informing himself thorough- ly as to the ancestry of the cattle with which he proposes to work. I do not believe any man ever acquired genuine enthu- siasm in this field until he had first mastered the main facts re- lating to the careers of the great breeders and herdsmen of the APPENDIX 815 past. I do not believe that the average breeder begins to ap- preciate how much it would add to his pleasure and profit to be able to trace step by step the progress of the Short-horn in Great Britain and America in order that he might define clearly the true relations of his own cattle to the breed at large. * * * For upwards of twenty years I have been searching the high- ways and by-ways of this most extraordinary history with an ever-increasing interest and with a steadily widening apprecia- tion of the fact that there is good to be found upon every page of the English and American herd books. I defy any fair-minded man to follow faithfully the record of the breed for the past cen- tury and at the end pronounce himself a partisan of any one tribe, any one group of tribes or of any one section. I contend that the conscientious study of Short-horn history will do this for any honest owner of cattle of this breed — it will make a Short-horn man in the highest and best sense of the word even of those who have become enslaved by fads and fashions. It will lift him out of the narrow slough of this, that, or the other whim into which he may have fallen, into the bright sunlight of rea- son and common sense. There is nothing like scaling a height if we would make a rational study of the plain below. There is nothing like knowledge to dispel the clouds of ignorance. There is nothing like strolling beyond the narrow confines of our own little horizon to discover what lies in the great world beyond. In the language of Scotland's bard, "It wad frae mony a blunder free us, and foolish notion." This, then, is the message I would bring to you here to-day — the broadening, steadying influence that flows from familiarity with the actual accomplishments of the past. That is the one great point, as I take it, to be gained from a study of Short-horn history. This same idea has recently been well expressed by Mr. Richard Gibson in the following language : "No one can really expect to derive all the pleasure and sat- isfaction that is to be found in breeding Shorthorns unless con- versant with the history of each family of his herd and the breeders thereof. Once becoming interested he will read of other families and other breeders, thus enlarging his ideas and broad- ening his view so that he may be led out of a narrow groove and 816 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE say 'not Bates nor Booth, nor Cruickshank nor Knightley make Short-horns, but a happy combination of the lot.' " The study of Short-horn history enables the breeder to interpret intelligently the pedigrees of his cattle. If he really wants to know what blood is actually in his herd he will have the breeding tabulated. This will spread before his eye a record of the ancestry which will mean much or little to him just in proportion to his knowledge of the history of the breed. Are there animals of note or breeders of distinction revealed by that tabulation? To what tribe or group of tribes do the various animals belong? Through whose hands have they come? Where does the line of descent pass from Britain to America? What was the character of the cattle contributing the predominating blood? These and a hundred other queries must arise in the mind of every intelligent and enterprising man. A knowledge of the history of the breed is therefore of practical every-day service in estimating relative values of pedigrees. This alone should stimulate every buyer and seller to acquire all the infor- mation possible from the past records of the breed. There is another incentive to those who seek pleasure as well as profit in Short-horn breeding — the acquiring of a bond of fellowship or communion with the great characters developed by the trade. You should be proud to be affiliated with such a fraternity and glory in its achievements. Speaking for myself I count it one of the great privileges of my life to have enjoyed during the past twenty years the acquaintance and friendship of most of those who have been active in this line of work. Soon after that memorable day at New York Mills when England and America joined in working out a tribute to the Short-horn breed such as has never been paid to any other variety of improved domestic animals since the world began, I took up a quest for knowledge as to the great breeders and herdsmen, and of the great individual animals of the breed, that is still being pursued with no abate- ment of interest; a quest which has led me upon many an ex- tended pilgrimage throughout that vast agricultural empire com- prised within the corn-and-blue-grass-growing regions of the T^nited States; a quest which has drawn me across the seas to the ancestral home of the breed in York and Durham; that has APPENDIX 817 taken me to the tomb of Thos. Bates; through the fair and fertile fields of Warlaby; to the vine-clad walls of Sittyton, and to the gates of two Royal English Shows; a quest that has sustained me through weary days of note-book work at Short-horn compe- titions, and which, best of all, has afforded many golden hours of delightful converse about the firesides of men who have been an honor to the profession on both sides of the Atlantic; and the more I learn of the story the more inspiring it becomes. Once in touch with the real spirit of the theme there is simply no re- sisting its subtle charm. * * * One day in the month of June some years ago one of Eng- land's foremost cattle judges and one of America's most gifted followers of the fortunes of the "red, white and roan" were my companions on a little journey to the birthplace of the breed. I re- member that we tarried awhile at a quiet wayside inn at the lit- tle hamlet of Kirklevington, musing upon the scenes recalled by the historic spots that we had visited. In fancy we restored to the market places of Yarm and Darlington that sturdy com- pany of earnest men that made the grand old breed. There were two brothers, Charles and Robert, who had brought in from the pastures of Ketton and Barmpton specimens of the newly im- proved Teeswater type. A great throng of landlords and tenant farmers from far and near gathered about a monstrous Colling bullock called The Durham Ox. In the press we recognize an honest Yorkshire squire who is addressed as Booth of Killerby. Yonder is a certain Christopher Mason of Chilton and one Mayn- ard of Eryholme. We notice too a young man with a keen eye listening to the talk of his elders and studying closely the cattle to be seen in the village street. It is "Tommy" Bates, then of Northumberland. The day is spent in buying and selling, in comparing notes as to how the new breed is coming on, and all at last adjourn to the tap room of the Black Bull inn to pledge a health in foaming mugs of brown October ale to the success of the new-born breed. Such is the opening chapter of modern Short-horn history. The scene changes. A patient plodding figure mounted on an old white nag rides the winding roadways of Yorkshire. Now and then he stops at farm houses along his route. Day after 818 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORX CATTLE day he may be seen. Night after night he writes and writes and wrestles with notes and data bearing upon the genealogy of the herds that are contributing to the formation of the now well- recognized and rapidly-increasing breed known as the "Improved Short-horn." He is helped by some; hindered by others. It is Geo. Coates of Great Smeaton, father of Short-horn pedigree reg- istration. Discouraged at first he at last enlists the sympathies of Jonas Whitaker of Otley and the English Short-horn Herd Book is set upon its feet. Time passes. Killerby and Kirklevington are the Short-horn capitals. The genius of two of the greatest cattle breeders the world has ever known has worked wonders since that October day in 1810 when under the lime trees at Ketton, Colling's Comet was sold amidst a scene of wild enthusiasm for 1,000 guineas. The Yorkshire and Royal shows are organized. Bracelet, Necklace, Duchess 34th, the Oxford Premium Cow and the Duke of North- umberland come forward as a revelation. The friendly contests of John Booth and Mr. Bates at these early shows stir agricul- tural England to its very depths. Such cattle had never before been shown to the public. Possibly they have never since been surpassed. From Killerby we follow Richard Booth to Studley and War- laby and try to conjure up the massive figures of Isabella and of Anna, or dream of those paragons of bovine beauty, the Magnifi- cent Blossoms, Brides and Queens. Old "Cuddy" and Crown Prince and Lady Fragrant are but a memory, and yet how their names still shine on high in the Short-horn firmament! How the blood bred on at Torr's and at Lady Pigot's, with Barnes of Westland, with Raymond Bruere, John Outhwaite and Hugh Aylmer of West Dereham Abbey! How its vivifying influence was felt in the Grand Duchesses, the Duchesses of Airdrie and the Sittyton tribes! How it electrified America in the forms of Rosedale and Baron Booth of Lancaster! Substance, flesh, beef! A broad stream flows out from the rolling pastures of Kirk- levington — Tortworth, Thorndale, Holker Hall, Geneva, and New York Mills! Woodburn, Hillhurst, Dunmore, Towneley, Bow Park, Underley, Audley End, and Berkeley Castle; percolating through the entire breed, impressing the seal of refinement and elegance upon all it touches! Quality, level lines, milk, and heads and faces that fairly defy the powers of art! APPENDIX 819 The North of Scotland awakens. Robertson and Rennie, Bar- clay, Hay, Grant Duff, Gen. Simson, Hutcheson, Sir William Stir- ling Maxwell, Amos and Anthony Cruickshank carry the gospel of a new agriculture beyond the River Tweed. Campbell, Marr, Douglas, the Bruces, Syme, Mitchell, Longmore, Lovat, Buccleuch, Polwarth, Duthie and the rest make Scotch Short-horns renowned throughout the cattle-breeding world. Sittyton acquires a fame second only to that of Warlaby and Kirklevington; the credit of establishing a rent-paying, quick-feeding type that fairly saved a breed suffering from all the evils of over-indulgence in favorite bloods. I stood one day at the spot where the luxuriant Kentucky blue-grass runs riot about the grave of Abram Renick, and here again a past that was brimming with brilliant pictures was re- called — the story of the Short-horn in the Ohio Valley States. First we see the beautiful woodland pastures of Southern Central Ohio and Central Kentucky filled with great wide-backed bullocks, red, red-and-white, white, and roan, converting corn and grass into prime beef for seaboard markets. They are driven by hundreds on foot through the winding defiles of the Alleghanies to Baltimore, Philadelphia or New York, and well filled wallets are brought back to found the fortunes of leading Ohio Valley families. The big, thrifty, profitable cattle were the Pattons and the "Seventeens" — the descendants of which for half a century held their own against the more fashionably-bred herd-book stock produced by the later importations. They were in all human probability as grand specimens of the breed as this country has ever known. Next we note the monumental missionary work of Walter Dun, Col. Powel, the Ohio and Kentucky Importing Companies and of that greatest of all patrons of American agriculture, Rob- ert Aitcheson Alexander. Red Rose, Caroline and Daisy; Rose of Sharon, Young Mary, Young Phyllis; Josephine, Illustrious, Harriet, Gem, Lady Elizabeth, Goodness, Mazurka and Constance; the Louans, the Loudon Duchesses, the Brides and the Dukes and Duchesses of Airdrie! Britain has a great galaxy of names upon the Short-horn registry of fame, but America points with pride to the fact that the Duns, the Renicks, the Warfields, the Bed- fords, the Vanmeters, the Duncans, the Alexanders and their 820 A HISTORY OP SHORT-HOEN CATTLE contemporaries, East and West, have had few superiors on the other side of the Atlantic as actual producers of high-class cat- tle. And how lavishly the Ohio Valley States dealt out their treasures to the newer "West! With Sweepstakes and Minister and General Grant, Pickrell, Duncan and Spears fairly set the Western prairies on fire for Short-horns. Capt. James N. Brown, the elder Leonard, Gen. Meredith, Thos. Wilhoit, Timothy Day, John G. Cowan, Col, AVilliam S. King, John Wentworth, John D. Gillett and a host of other able and enterprising men brought the Short-horn home at last to the hearts of the Western people. * * * When Rip Van Winkle wandered back to his native haunts on the Hudson after his fabled sleep of twenty years on the moun- tain not a single soul in the peaceful village of Falling Water gave him greeting. "Did you never hear of Rip Van Winkle?" the poor old vagrant asks in vain. None had any recollection of such an individual. Philosophizing then upon the fleeting charac- ter of mundane reputation he sounds the very depths of human pathos — "Are we indeed so soon forgotten when we're gone? If my tog Schneider vas here, vhy he would know me." But "Schnei- der" too is no longer even a memory in the streets. My friends, how easy it is to forget, even in the practical business of breeding Short-horn cattle! How little we know and how little most of us care about the men who carried forward to sale-ring and show-yard triumphs the colors of the "Red, White and Roan" even so recently as twenty years ago! What little regard we seem to have for the memories of those who be- queathed to the present generation of men the breed of which we are all so proud, and with what supreme indifference many of us ignore their wisest teachings! We live in a busy age. We are so absorbed in working out the problems of to-day that we have little thought for the yesterdays. We seem to believe that no one else ever had just such questions to solve as those by which we ourselves are confronted, and that it is therefore idle to appeal to the past for direction in the present. But it is not so. A great Virginian once said upon a memorable occasion: "There is but one light by which my feet are guided and that is by the lamp of experience." The men who have made the Short- horn what it is — the most widely disseminated breed of improved APPENDIX 821 cattle the world has ever seen — have left behind them messages that cannot be too often repeated. Their voices call to you, men of the present day, warning against pitfalls that beset your path. The lights of a century of experience hang all about you if you only have eyes to see. * * * There are several very striking lessons brought home to every student of Short-horn records. One of the most impor- tant is that in-and-in or line-breeding has its limitations beyond which the greatest masters of the art have failed of farther suc- cess. Another lesson is that the right use of the principle of blood concentration is the greatest single power the breeder can employ and that judiciously applied it has yielded the great successes of Short-horn history. Is this most potential factor being properly and profitably used at the present time? To this query I feel inclined to return a most emphatic negative. You have marked down and put upon the bargain counter most of the elements to which the principle of in-breeding might now be satisfactorily applied. You are working generally with in- struments that have already been steeled to such a fine edge in the furnace of close-breeding that they are in many cases be- coming frail and peculiarly liable to mishaps. There are val- uable ores lying all around you waiting for the touch of the refining flame that may call them into popularity. You talk much of Booth, of Bates, of Cruickshank and the elder Renick and at the same time make little effort to follow their practices. They set to work to build their fame by the use of the best material afforded by the entire breed, throwing in the cement of in-breeding after they had attained a certain point. Their work was original and creative. They were constructors, build- ers — not servile imitators. Why do you limit your efforts so largely to experiments upon the refractory elements of the in- bred strains of other days? The late Mr. Amos Cruickshank assured me personally in 1892 that his herd had been in want of re-invigoration for some years prior to its sale to the Messrs. Nelson in 1889, and yet there are men here in the West in this year of our Lord 1901 boasting of their "pure Cruickshanks," as if some element of special superiority attached to that which may be in reality a 822 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE downright objection. New beginners who have yet to learn the abc's of Short-horn history go to buy a bull and insist upon having none but a "straight" this or a "straight" that when bet- ter cattle of equally good or even better breeding might be had for less money. If there are any such here I hope they will tell this audience why it is that they commit this crime against the memories and the teachings of the very men in whose foot- steps they seem to think they are following by the adoption of this course. The makers of Short-horn history did not do busi- ness in this way. * * * What we need above everything else just now is some Moses to lead the Short-horn hosts out of the bondage of fads and fashions. Some day, somewhere, some time, a man will again engage in this pursuit who will have the necessary courage to show the way; and I predict here and now that his triumph will be as complete as that of the Booths or Bates or of Cruick- shank. He will be a real, not an imaginary follower of their methods. He may use much, little, or none of the prevailing popular bloods. He will go up and down the Short-horn world selecting here and selecting there that which seems likely to contribute towards the accomplishment of his settled purpose. He will then probably fuse the mass by blood concentration and his name will be given to a type that will become the new idol of the Short-horn cattle breeding fraternity. History repeats itself. What has been done can be done again. I glory in the grit of the man here in this State to-day who is pushing "Casey's mixture." He stands for a principle which if steadily and in- telligently pursued will bring new laurels to the temple of Short- horn fame. During the past few years you have enlarged your vision in respect to the prevailing fashionable blood. You have now thrown the doors wide open to all Scotland. Time was when you thought that your sires should run direct to Sittyton, or if not there then to Kinellar or Uppermill, and a little later you were glad to have them trace to Collynie. Now anything that looks like doing you good — and some things that do not look so promising — coming from any farm that lies between Berwick Bridge and Inverness goes unquestioned to the head of your herds even at four figures, no matter what its breeding. While APPENDIX 823 I claim some share in the credit of building the fame of the Scotch Short-horn in the Central "West, I also appeal to you as men of sense and judgment to be sane and reasonable. I appeal to you to extend that same catholic spirit which you are now showing to Scotland, to the herds of England, and above all to the herds of your own country. When this is done, and not until then, you will begin to enter in my judgment upon another great chapter in Short-horn history. Another lesson drawn from Short-horn records is that a ma- jority of all the greatest show and breeding cattle — account be- ing taken of the breed on both sides the water — have been roans. I do not believe it possible to sustain the true Short-horn thrift and character for many generations without resort to the roan cattle. Moreover a majority of the most impressive sires and show bulls known to the American trade have either been im- ported or immediately derived from old country herds — in which roan is the predominant color. Hence I am inclined to question the wisdom of restrictive fees upon importations. William Torr of Aylesby, who has to his credit the greatest sale of cattle of one man's breeding ever made, to-wit: eighty- five head for $243,145, an average of $2,860, always took the position that it required not less than thirty years of persistent work to bring a herd up to one's ideas as to what a Short-horn ought to be. It is one of the misfortunes of the trade in the States that there are not more men who are closely wedded to the production of high class Short-horns regardless of the ups and downs of the business. Of the buying and selling of cattle as mere merchandise there is no end, but those who have left permanent impress upon the character of the breed were ani- mated by something more than the purely commercial spirit. Men who are in the business to-day and out of it to-morrow; men who do not maintain close contact with and who have no real affection for their cattle; men who are patrons of the breed only so long as the pathway is strewn with flowers, are not the men who have been breed-makers, breed-builders and breed- savers. The members of this association should feel that they hold in trust for the farmers and ranchmen of our country a legacy that is beyond all price; an inheritance the integrity of which they have no right to jeopardize through the application of 824 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE practices not sanctioned by those who created it. Are you acting well your part? That is a question for each and every one to ask himself at this time. Read the whole story; recall the wonders wrought in flesh and blood by others in your calling; study your own herd and ask yourself: Am I a worthy member of this fraternity or not? Am I doing honestly all I can to help preserve and strengthen the cattle in my keeping? It is indeed well to know all we can of Short-horn history. It is better still to contribute something useful to it. "WHAT'S IN A NAMEI" ADDRESS BY ALVIN H. SANDERS AT THE CENTRAL SHORT-HORN BREEDERS' CONVENTION AT ST. JOSEPH, MO., JAN., 1904. The query put to me by your Secretary is one that has caused dissensions among men from time immemorial. It was centuries ago, according to the master poet, that the fair hapless Juliet answered the question in words that have been repeated by suc- cessive generations — "that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet." The feud in old "Verona that for- bade the union of the two fond lovers, because forsooth one's name was Montague and the other Capulet, has many parallels in human song and story. Romeo was neither the first nor the last man to discover that a mere name may prove an insurmount- able obstacle; and what has proved so true in human affairs has not been without influence upon the destinies of other of God's creatures. Those who have in their keeping the character and reputation of one of the most useful of all known breeds of domestic animals — the type of cattle represented in the herds of the members of this association — have attached at all times much significance to names; justly so in many instances but to their own grievous injury in others. The question, therefore, of the extent to which you, as Short-horn breeders, shall lay stress upon more names as contrasted with more substantial attributes is one of more importance than would at first appear. Entering within the walls of the Short-horn world, we are struck at once by a multiplicity of names. We are told that APPENDIX 825 within the memory of those still living there was civil war among factions ostensibly claiming allegiance to the same flag. That those warring clans taking each the name of some great leader sought by every known means to grasp supreme power and hold their brothers in subjection. It was in many cases a war of extermination. Whole families once recognized as the very flower of the race are gone from the roster rolls forever — victims of the feuds of long ago. The stranger within the gates hears the names of Bates, of the Booths, of Knightly, of "Alloy," of Towneley, of Cruickshank, of Renick, of Dukes and Duchesses, of Ohio and Kentucky Roses of Sharon, of Princesses, Josephines, Marys, Phyllises, "Seventeens," "Cox importations," Red Roses by Ernesty, "Woods" and hundreds more. He hears of strange combinations of these and other names, such as Bell-Bates, Torr-Booth, "pure" this and "straight" that; he hears of a half dozen different varieties of Young Marys, Leslie, Red Rose, Flat Creek, Xalapa, etc., etc. He hears that Duke of Airdrie (12730) was all right but that Duke of Airdrie 2743 was all wrong. He, therefore, imagines that he is in a labyrinth from which only a learned antiquarian can extricate him. Happily these names for the most part relate to issues and matters long since relegated to the limbo of things which were but are not. The barriers that once reared their bulk at almost every turn are falling before the light of reason and common sense. There was a time when there was much — altogether too much — in all these names; but a new day is dawning. The banners of in- dividual families and leaders are being lowered and furled, and knives are being returned to their sheaths, in the presence of the broad tri-color of the breed itself that now floats trium- phant over all. The hour is almost here when it will be enough to know that an animal is simply a Short-horn, and mere tribal or family derivations will no longer usurp the place of honest worth. One great step towards a complete restoration of the reign of reason in Short-horn circles must be to forget many of the names under which the old factional fights were waged. There are thousands of cattle that served in the ranks during the old wars under such names as Marys, Phyllises, Louans, Des- demonas, Mrs. Motts. etc., that are to this day told by some 826 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE to stand in the presence of their alleged superiors, on the assump- tion that they are still of what was once frowned upon as plebeian blood. These should have their commercial disabilities removed. The war is over. A general amnesty is in order. Let me explain. Turning to the Short-horn Herd Book at random I find the following entry: "Gem of Oakland 4th; red, calved March, 1884, bred by J. H. Potts & Son, got by imp. Von Tromp 54160 out of Gem of Oak- land 3d (vol. 25, p. 1130) by Prince of Athelstane 40370— trac- ing to imp. Desdemona by Frederick (1060)." We have been taught to rate this cow as belonging to the Desdemona family, and yet it would take several yards of paper to tabulate the full pedigree to the point where imp. Desdemona would finally appear. She would then be found at the bottom of the last right-hand column buried so deeply under other bloods that all the microscopes in Christendom could scarcely find a drop of Desdemona left. Still the cow is bought and sold under herd book approval as "just a plain Desdemona — one of the old-fashioned sort," notwithstanding the fact that she is to all intents and purposes of the best Aberdeen- shire blood! In plain terms if Desdemona is reached in the fourteenth remove she will simply be one among 16,384 other recorded animals appearing in this cow's pedigree, any one of which has just as good a right to give its name to Gem of Oak- land 4th! She is no more a descendant of Desdemona than of thousands of other cows. Now for the important fact; the Desdemonas were not in the Short-horn "smart set" in the old days of speculation in pedigree. Under the present system they must, nevertheless, continue to bear that name and be rated accordingly, despite the fact that there is none of the blood of poor old Desdemona left. The time has come when this absurd "tracing" reference as printed in the herd book should cease. Even if it had some real significance in the old days it has absolutely none at the present time. This of course opens up a discussion of the whole scheme of family nomenclature in Short-horn cattle. From the earliest periods breeders of Short- horns have classified their cattle into families by reference to the maternal side of the tree only. I can see why in the record- APPENDIX o2 / ing of the earliest foundation stock this might have had some justification in the judgment of the fathers of the breed. When all was chaos as regards pedigree, such men as Colling, Bates and the elder Booth were in the habit of buying select cows wherever they could find them. Colling ran across Lady May- nard at Eryholme. Bates hit upon the Duchess heifer at Darlington market and Thos. Booth Sr. found the first Halnaby at the same local fair. Each thought that he had a prize and Bates openly boasted after he had acquired his original Duchess that from her he would produce Short-horns such as the world had never seen before. And he came near "making good," although as shown on page 99 of "Short-horn Cattle," the greatest of the so-called Duchess bulls, the Duke of Northumber- land, carried far more of Stephenson's Princess blood than of the Duchess. The claim being set up that such cows as Lady Maynard and the original Duchess were much better than any other cows in the district in which the improving of the Tees- water cattle was in progress, it naturally followed that those who had immediate descendants of those few outstanding cows should use the name of the female for which such superlative merit was claimed in designating the progeny even unto the second and third generations, regardless of what part the bulls used might have had in the production of the younger cattle. It gave money value to the grandsons and granddaughters, the great-grandsons and great-granddaughters to say that they were descended direct from such and such a famous cow. Hence the printing of the pedigrees in such way as to bring out that fact to the virtual exclusion of all others. This system once adopted has been continued by Short-horn breeders to the present day. Historians tell us that in the lowest unorganized forms of society, when savagery and barbarism held sway, it was the universal rule that hereditary rights and property descended through the mother. The reason for this is apparent. There was no such thing as fixed habitations or family relations. There might be doubt as to the paternity of a child born under such a system, but there could be none as to the maternal side of the case. Names and titles passed, therefore, from mother to off- spring instead of from the father, as in civilized society. It 828 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE thus appears that in tracing descent through the dam and in naming families from a foundation dam, Short-horn breeders have simply perpetuated a relic of barbarism which long since should have given way to a more rational system. There is no question as to the paternity of Short-horn calves. Under our system of breeding and registration the sire is absolutely known. Why then must we revert to the methods of the aborigines of the wilderness in undertaking to show the derivation of the progeny? My proposition is that the Short-horn association should drop the words "tracing to" imp. so and so in recording cattle, and that breeders should cease using the words Mary, Phyllis, Josephine, etc., in their advertisements, because they mean noth- ing and set up false standards of comparison. Moreover, they should also adopt as rapidly as public sentiment will warrant, the tabulated form of printing their pedigrees for public dis- tribution. Let us stop this childish listing of Desdemonas, etc., and speak of cattle as Scotch-topped American, Scotch-crossed English, Bates-topped Scotch, or in such other manner as shall convey some tangible idea of the blood elements actually present. I suggest a resolution requesting the Board of Directors of the Short-horn association to cease making these misleading and worse-than-worthless family references in the herd book. This is the first step towards the complete elevation of breed above faction. More care should be exercised in the naming of calves being put on record. In the case of the individual animal there is something in a name. True no high-sounding title will add an inch to the spring of rib or reduce in the least the length of leg; at the same time it is wrong to burden a good beast with a name that is positively inappropriate or flippant. One common mistake is constructing a name that is altogether too long. This evil finally reached such proportions that the Board of Directors of the association had to pass a rule limiting the number of words that can be used in naming Short-horns to four. Ordinarily two words are sufficient; and one is better still. For my part I do not approve of using either the name of the farm or the name of the owner in christening Short-horn babies. This is at best a cheap form of advertising and such names APPENDIX 829 are not liked by those who buy the cattle. In the naming of bulls we find in the books innumerable instances where the owners have, unwittingly perhaps, discredited their own work by employing a word or words little short of insulting to any self-respecting, well-bred animal. Such names as Bob, Bud, Kid, Mike, Dad, Eli, etc., are all well enough around the barn, but they do not lend dignity to a pedigree; nevertheless there are hundreds of pure-bred bulls registered under such names. Running hurriedly through a few volumes of the herd book I find a lot of bulls have gone on record under such names as Blockhead 189243, Whiskers 141068, Ground Hog 142116, Rocky Bill 198097, Cross Eyed Buck 142424, Weary Willie 194224, Beefsteak 184963, Goo Goo Eyes 187886, But Cut 143983, Ring Tail 169891, Fishback 148235, Dinkey 146549, Quick Relief 193785, One-Eyed Riley 141000, Young Saloon 110719, Podunk 125527. Apple 138778, Toad 141007, Buster 142718, Cantaloupe 96573, Grasshopper 98359 and Hat Box 141342. Now this sort of thing may contribute to the hilarity of the trade, but is it fair by the bulls? Heifers do not seem to have been made the butt of jokes to such an extent as their brothers. One tendency has been to load them down with names longer than the moral law, as for example: Peri Duchess of Paddie's Run 2d, Duchess of Clarence of Cottage Home 3d, Miss Bates 2d of Mount Pleasant Township, 11th Kirklevington Duchess of French Creek, Maud Muller 4th of Native Grove Farm, Kirklevington Duchess of Libertyrille 3d and Airdrie Lizzie of Mush Run. I find a cow called Eagle and another registered Klondike. Then there is Pleasant Home Spot and Mother's Baby. Bulls also catch some long appellations, such as The Man from Glengarry, Dugan Duke of Cedardale 146914, Red Coat of Silver Creek Valley and B. & R. & I. Grand Duke of Wild Eyes 195175. Then there are queer combinations, such as Sir Lulu 145771, Lord Major Miller 140318, and the Duke of 4th of July 141138. As a newspaper man I was impressed by the name of Sample Copy 110091 and Gazette 148822. It is manifestly impossible to lay down any specific rules upon the subject of naming cattle. All we can do is to make general ■ suggestions. First, don't use long names; second, don't employ "slangy" or trashy names; third, don't use the name of your 830 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE farm; fourth, don't tack on your own name; fifth, don't per- petuate ancient and misleading family names, for this is pure and simple "tommy rot"; sixth, don't give masculine names to females and vice versa; seventh, don't use hackneyed, worn-out, commonplace names; eighth, don't use Duke and Duchess, Lord and Lady, Baron and Countess and other titles of aristocracy; these have been worked to a "frazzle." Try and choose names that sound well, look well in type, and so far as possible give some little clue to the immediate ancestry. Probably none of the great herds in Short-horn history ever carried so many euphonious and carefully chosen names as the cattle of the Messrs. Booth. Rare judgment was used at Killerby, Studley and Warlaby in this matter. Groups of closely related animals were given names that had a corresponding relation. When one chances upon the names for example of Campfollower, Soldier's Bride, Vivandiere and Brigade Major one knows these animals were near kin. Twin heifers were named Bracelet and Necklace. If Isabella had a heifer calf by Buckingham it would go on record very likely as Isabella Buckingham. Happy also were many of the names employed at Sittyton — most of these being assigned, I believe, by Anthony Cruickshank's accomplished son John W. Alliteration came into play here with satisfactory results. Secrets were given short names beginning with the letter S and so on through the list. Col. Harris followed this up at Linwood in certain cases. The names of flowers have been used among heifers with happy effect in some noted herds. Bulls should have names reflecting if possible vigor and power. Individuality should be aimed at in all instances. Why list a cow as Fanny or Daisy or Mary when the index to the herd book shows thousands have already been recorded under those names? Think up something original and apropos. Delve into mythology, history, poetry and flction and you will find much material that will assist you in getting out of the rut. This may take time and research, but you will be more than repaid by the pleasure it will ultimately afford you to know that your animals have been sent out to do their work and have gone down into Short-horn history under names that sound well, look well and indicate that you have been giving attention and thought even to those minor details APPENDIX 831 of your business. Inappropriate, outlandish or well-worn names may convey to tlie outsider the impression that you are not taking that interest in your herd that is necessary to success. Little straws indicate the direction of the wind. The naming of your cattle is not an unimportant matter. There is not enough care taken in this regard and I urge you all to give the matter more consideration. And now as to the name of the breed itself. On my way to the late convention at Portland, Ore., I fell in with a New England farmer who told me that he owned about 75 head of "Durhams." In the course of our conversation he asked me if I thought the "Red Durhams" were really any better than the "blue" ones. He spoke of the Red Durhams as if he thought them a distinct type. By "blue" I at once assumed that he meant the one distinctive color of the breed. In replying I made use of the words "roan" and "Short-horn" and commented upon "Durhams" as being a virtually obsolete word. He replied, "Well, of course, we know what you mean when you say Short- horn; but our farmers stick to the Durhams." Under that sign the improved Teeswater breed made its early conquests on those granite hills, and I imagine the old-fashioned type of big- framed table-backed oxen will continue to win prizes at the New England county fairs and continue to serve the good farmers of that section in the yoke for many years to come. Nevertheless, the name of the breed is Short-horn. Such is the legend on both the English and American Herd Books, and what indeed is in that name? For answer roll back the curtain of a century past and call into being the myriad herds that have' trod the pastures of two hemispheres under that appellation I There they are in all their beauty, clad in their coats of many colors, gracing the beauteous landscapes of "merrie" England, grazing the green pastures of sunny France, reveling in the blue-grass and the stalk-fields of the United States, fattening among the straw-stacks and turnip-fields of Aberdeenshire, filling the feed-lots of Canada, ridding the Texans of their horns and putting meat and thrift under their hides, roaming the ranges of Australia and the Argentine; known, valued, appreciated wherever symmetry and feeding quality are sought in the agricultural world! There is, 832 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE therefore, that in the Short-horn name that should bring the glow of an honest pride into the heart of every man who owns one. There is that in this name which should command you to cast out sordid selfishness and stand up for the breed in its entirety, resolved to do nothing by word or act which will in any way imperil its future. There is that in the grand old name of Short-horn which should inspire all who love the breed with that same ambition which moved the Athenian youth of old to exclaim: "The trophies of Miltiades will not let me sleep." AN APPENDIX In which the story of the Shorthorn in America is brought down through the opening years of the Twentieth Century; prepared by Mr. B. 0. Gowan under the direction of the author. CHAPTER I EENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE AND EEVIVAL OF TRADE The year 1900 marked a distinct advance in Shorthorn interests, furnishing positive evidence that the breed had emerged from the effects of the blighting and nerve-racking depression that en- gulfed all business during the closing decade of the past century. This era of improved conditions, with enhanced prices and a stronger demand, really began dur- ing the year 1900, but its beneficial effects were more fully realized in 1901 and 1902. For ped- igreed cattle of esteemed breeding and conforma- tion which had been improved by several gen- erations of painstaking breeders the prices of these years were conservative and moderate, except in a few cases where excitement rather than calm judgment held sway; yet values were so much better than during the preceding decade that breeders were greatly encouraged and the Short- horn industry advanced with commendable rapidity. The improved demand and enhanced prices really loft breeders only a moderate profit, yet relatively sales seemed quite successful. When contrasted with sales of the preceding decades, 834 EENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 835 some of which were below actual beef values, the prices seemed good. It was during the year 1901 that the writer dispersed a herd which had existed for more than thirty years in order to accept employment with the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association as Assistant Secretary. The enhanced values result- ing from the increased demand of this period gave new life to the industry and renewed ambition to breeders, so that preparations for sales and shows were pushed with greater zeal. A decided impetus was given to this phase of the Shorthorn industry by the action of the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association in joining with the American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association in changing the name and enlarging the scope of the National Hereford ShoW; which had been held in Kansas City in Octo- ber of the preceding year. This action was taken early in 1900, and an organization was effected which later became the American Royal Live Stock Show. In October of that year a very success- ful show was held under the management of the two associations and the Kansas City Stock Yards Company. During 1900 several important and successful sales were held; they strengthened the prevailing spirit of optimism. One of these was made in March by C. L. Gerlaugh at Osborn, 0., where thirty-eight head, twenty-two of which were im- ported, made an average of $544.45. Imp. Bessie 836 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE 51st and imp. Clara 58tli, both bred by W. S. Marr, were bought for $1,525 and $1,100 by Col. G. M. Casey, Clinton, Mo.; Clara 58th became a famous breeder in the Tebo Lawn herd. For several years following 1898 C. L. Gerlaugh made annual importations from Scotland. He brought over many valuable Shorthorns, and his public sales were an important feature of the trade. On Aug. 7, 1900, at the stockyards in Chicago, W. D. Flatt held the best sale that had been made in many years, selling fifty-nine head, forty-four of them imported, at an average of $793.40. Only one sold below $300. In spite of intensely hot weather, very trying to men and exhausting to cattle, an immense crowd was present and the sale created great enthusiasm. The top of the sale was $2,600, paid by Col. Casey for the red two-year-old heifer imp. Mayflower 5th, bred by Leopold de Rothchild, Ascot, England. E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind., paid $2,050 for the roan imp. Mayflower 4th, a prize- winner at the English Royal and out of the gran- dam of Mayflower 5th. Two young bulls of pro- nounced merit were Orange Chief and Royal Ban- ner, both roan, the former being taken by E. W. Bowen at $1,510 and the latter by H. F. Brown at $1,505. Mr. Flatt 's herd bull Golden Fame 144750, a Campbell-bred Goldendrop on the same founda- tion as those in the herd of Col. W. A. Harris except for the Bates cross, was sold to E. S. WHITEHALL SULTAX — THE BREEDS MOST XOTED LATTER-DAY SIRE— IMPORTED IX DAM BY E. S. KELLY. YELLOW SPRIXGS. O.. AXD PURCHASED BY F. W. HARDIXG, WAUKESHA, WIS., TO HEAD THE AXOKA HERD. aVOXDALE — WHITEHALL SULTAN'S MOST NOTED BREEDING SON AXD LOXG PREMIER SIRE IN THE HERD OF CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, O. RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 837 Donahey, Newton, la., for $1,450. Most of the cattle were from leading herds in Great Britain and were of popular breeding. Yet some were of mixed bloodlines, and the best ones of this class brought high prices despite the predictions to the contrary of some ardent ''pure Cruickshank" advo- cates who were present. A notable example was the beautiful red yearling Queen of the Louans, which sold to E. S. Kelly at $1,800, a price exceeded only by the cows, Mayflower 4th and Maj^ower 5th. Queen of the Louans was of the tribe which made the herd of Daniel McMillan, Xenia, 0., so famous. She was bred by H. F. Brown and had but one cross of Scotch blood, her sire being Golden Victor 124164, a Cruickshank Victoria by Golden Rule, a prizewinner at the Columbian Exposition. In Mr. Kelly's herd Queen of the Louans was bred to Whitehall Sultan and produced "WTiitehall King. When twelve months old AVliitehall King sold at $155, but under the skillful management of F. W. Harding he became a very successful show bull, winning the cham- pionship in 1908 at both the American Eoyal and the International; he was then sold for $3,500 to L. V. Harkness, Lexington, Ky. From this sale Mr. Kelly also took imp. Dalmeny Nonpareil 5th, by Sittyon Seal 149570, at $750, and Mildred 6tli, bred in Ontario, at $1,325. Whitehall Herd Established. — It seems appro- priate here to note briefly the foundation laid in 838 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE 1900 of a herd that had a far-reaching influence on the Shorthorns of America. E. S. Kelly, a suc- cessful business man of Springfield, 0., possessed of energy, enthusiasm and large wealth, had an ambition to own a superior herd of Shorthorns. On a well-equipped farm of rich land at Yellow Springs, in the fertile valley of the Miami River and near the place of Daniel McMillan's triumph with his Louans in the '60 's, Mr. Kelly established a herd which existed only a few years, but which in that brief time started forces that did much to mold Shorthorn form and character not only for that time but for future generations. The power of this herd was both actual and potential, bestow- ing much benefit and foreshadowing more. In the foundation of the Whitehall herd Mr. Kelly purchased liberally from leading American herds, and he also gave to Robert Miller of Ontario an order to buy without limit in price some of the best Shorthorns that could be obtained in Great Britain. In compliance with this order Mr. Miller imported Brave Archer and twenty-five cows. The cows included Bapton Pearl from Bapton Manor; Maude 41st, Missie 158th and Missie 167th from the herd of W. S. Marr; Dalmeny Missie 3d and Dalmeny Missie 4th from Lord Roseberry's herd; Fair Mora, by Star of Morning and bred by A. M. Gordon, and others from the herds of Thomas F. Jamieson, Robert Taylor, George L. Shepherd, James Black and Andrew Duncan. RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 839 Brave Archer, a massive roan bred by William Diitliie and got by Scottish Archer, was a prize- winner of some note in the shows of Great Britain and a sire of considerable merit, bnt in Mr. Kelly's herd his record as a show bnll w^as disappointing in the main, though at the Indiana State Fair of 1900 Brave Archer was placed above Viscount of Anoka, a decision manifestly wrong and later reversed at the American Eoyal, Viscount of Anoka taking first prize and Brave Archer third. As a sire he was a great disappointment at White- hall; he became sterile not long after his importa- tion. Several cows of this importation and of later ones made by Mr. Kelly were valuable breeders, but none became so famous as Bapton Pearl, mother of Whitehall Sultan, and Avalanche 2d, dam of Avondale, his best son. Bapton Pearl was a very successful coAv at leading shows in Great Britain, and at the state fair of 1900 at Springfield, 111., she took first just a few days before she gave birth to the white calf which was named White- hall Sultan — combining the name of Mr. Kelly's country home with part of the name Bapton Sul- tan 163570, his sire. An interesting fact connected with the sale of Bapton Pearl for exportation to the United States was that her owner, J. Deane Willis, had bred her to Bapton Sultan, afterward exported to Argentina, and later, doubting the wisdom of that mating, was the more easily persuaded to accept $5,000 840 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOP.N CATTLE for her. A year before lier importation she gave birth to Bapton Diamond, later imported by D. E. Hanna, but after producing Whitehall Sultan an accident ended her usefulness and she was chloroformed at Whitehall. The showyard record of the Whitehall herd was rather limited, as it existed less than five years. But if Mr. Kelly had done nothing more for Shorthorns than to bring over that remarkable cow Bapton Pearl, thus securing for American herds her unborn son Whitehall Sultan, he conferred on the breed a benefit for which both present and future generations of Shorthorn breeders should hold him in grateful remembrance. The American Royal. — During 1900 strong herds were on exhibition at state and national shows. The American Royal, held in Kansas City in Octo- ber, brought out the largest and best display of Shorthorns seen since the Columbian Exposition in 1893. The best herds of the East contended with those of the West for supremacy. Viscount of Anoka 125081, champion at most shows for two years, won in class and was made grand cham- pion, but under a different committee lost the Armour trophy to Lavender Viscount 124755, a two-year-old by Baron Lavender 3d, exhibited by Charles E. Leonard & Son, Bunceton, Mo. Among the younger bulls Nonpareil of Clover- blossom, by that remarkable sire imp. Nonpareil Victor 132573, was made junior champion. Here he VISCOUNT OF ANOKA — GRAND CHAMPION AT AMERICAN ROYAI IN 1900 FOR F. W. HARDING. WAUKESHA. WIS. LAVENDER VISCOUNT — SWEEPSTAKES WINNER AT KANSAS CITY IN 1900 AND GRAND CHAMPION AT AMERICAN ROYAL AND INTERNATIONAL IN 1901 — BRED BY S. F LOCKRIDGE, GREEN- CASTLE. IND., AND OWNED BY C. E. LEONARD & SON. BUNCE- TON, MO. RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 841 began a showyarcl career that continued for two years with but one defeat. The grand championship of the cows and heifers was won by T. J. Wornall on the massive Lady Valentine, and the junior championship was awarded to the beautiful roan Ruberta. Both of these were bred by J. G. Bobbins & Sons and both were by St. Valentine 121014, a Canadian-bred bull that proved an excellent sire in the herds of Bobbins & Sons and of George E. Ward, Hawarden, la. In graded herds first was taken by T. J. Wor- nall, second by E. B. Mitchell & Sons, third by T. R. Westrope of Iowa and fourth by George Harding & Son of Wisconsin. In young herds J. G. Bobbins & Sons took first; C. C. Norton, Corn- ing, la., second; George Bothwell, Nettleton, Mo., third, and T. K. Tomson & Sons, Dover, Kans., fourth. The sale held in connection with the American Boyal comprised a choice lot of Shorthorns which had been carefully inspected by order of the asso- ciation. This was the first sale ever held under the management of the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association and was the beginning of sale inspection by a record association. The sale comprised 144 head, and they averaged $314.50. The top price for bulls was $1,000 and for cows $950. The International.— In the final show of the year, held in Chicago in December, an array of Short- 842 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE horns assembled which did great credit to the breed. Herds that had been campaigning in various sec- tions of the United States assembled in the Inter- national arena for the final adjudication. Among several strong herds, that of J. G. Robbins & Sons was specially prominent by furnishing the grand champion bull The Lad for Me and the junior champion heifer Ruberta, both sired by St. Val- entine, as well as the first-prize young herd. The Meadow Lawn herd of N. P. Clarke had the junior champion bull Justice, a roan yearling of remark- able merit, and was awarded first on graded herd, E. B. Mitchell taking second and Greorge Harding & Son third. The grand championship on cows was awarded to W. A. Boland, Grass Lake, Mich., on the massive, smooth Lady Sharon 4th by Sharon Marshal, a great sire in the herd of Aaron Bar- bour. Among the junior yearling heifers was Missie 165tli by Capt. Inglewood, a very smooth roan of such marvelous form and pleasing char- acter that she was easily first in her class, though she could not wrest the junior championship from Ruberta. She had been imported to America by C. L. Gerlaugh and later sold to E. W. Bowen for $2,200. During the International a public sale of ninety- six head made an average of $336. The cow Beatrice, consigned by N. P. Clarke, sold for $905 to E. S. Donahey. The Scotch-Bates bull imp. Oxford King 2d brought $1,000 and the Scotch bull THE LAD FOR HE — GRAND CHAMPION AT 1900 INTERNATIONAL FOR J. G. ROBBINS & SONS, HORACE, IND. LADY SHARON 4TH — GRAND CHAMPION AT 1900 INTERNATIONAL FOR W. A. BOLAND, GRASS LAKE, MICH. RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 843 imp. Star of the North sold to Dr. J. D. Cole, New- burg, Tenn., for $1,840. The sales of 1900, both public and private, fully established the fact of a strong revival of inter- est in Shorthorns and an encouraging enhance- ment in their value, but the sales of the following year made it more emphatic. Westrope's Dispersion. — Ordinarily dispersions are not the sales where best averages are made, but the closing-out sale of T. E. Westrope, Harlan, la., made in South Omaha on March 12 and 13, 1901, with an average of $454.85 on eighty-one head, was considered the best that had been made for many years, all things considered. The stead- fast, reliable character of the owner, the reputa- tion of his herd and liberal advertising drew a large crowd to this sale. AATien Col. F. M. Woods called for bids speculation ran high as to the probable prices of the show herd, especially for the cow Sweet Violet 2d. The herd bull Young Abbotsburn 2d, by the Columbian champion Young Abbotsburn, went to T. J. Ryan & Son, IrAvin, la., at $1,100, and the beautiful young cow Lavender Princess was taken at $1,500 by George E. Ward, Hawarden, la. Golden Abbotsburn, by Young Abbotsburn, a mas- sive red cow of very attractive appearance, was bought at $1,400 for Col. G. M. Casey. When the noted prizewinner Sweet Violet 2d was led into the ring there was an intensity of feeling 844 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE rarely witnessed in a sale. Several breeders pres- ent would have taken her at $1,500 to $2,000, but these limits were soon passed, and from $2,500 to the final bid it was a contest between the reso- lute young owner of the Hawarden herd and Mr. Williams, representing Col. Casey. Williams was entrenched behind the telegraphic instructions, * ' buy the cow, ' ' and so could bid with complacency, but with Mr. Ward it was a question of personal responsibility and liability; yet with a nerve that surprised even his most ardent admirers he con- tinued in the duel until $3,700 was reached. At $3,705 the cow became the property of Col. Casey, and so a part of the wonderful collection of Short- horns at Clinton, Mo., afterwards known as the Tebo Lawn herd. While Shorthorn breeders regretted the loss to the business of such a veteran as T. R. Westrope, the very successful sale with which he bade adieu to the fraternity filled them with new faith and hope, to be strengthened further by sales held during the succeeding spring and summer. In April N. A. Lind, Eolfe, la., sold fifty head at an average of $544, six cows selling for more than $1,000 each and one at $1,485. Two days later C. C. Bigler & Sons, Hartwick, la., disposed of fifty-one head at an average of $536.65, one cow selling for $1,775. Summer Hill Herd Sold.— Soon after the West- rope sale, Bigler & Sons, at private treaty, pur- RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 845 chased the herd of C. B. Dustin, Summer Hill, 111., paying $30,000 for forty-two head, including the herd bull Merry Hampton 132572. This bull was bred by William Duthie, got by the Marr-bred Prince Frolic out of Madamoiselle 6th by the famous Field Marshal, and was imported in 1898 by C. B. Dustin & Son. He was a compact, smooth roan of great scale and a pleasing, commanding appearance. His record in the showring would have been a good one, but on account of a bad disposition, resulting largely from the harsh treat- ment of a herdsman, he was not exhibited at the fairs. As a breeder Merry Hampton's record is not as brilliant as those of some other bulls of his day, yet in the Dustin herd he had get of great merit. His son Hampton's Best was a phenomenal breeder in the herd of C. D. Bellows, Maryville, Mo. May Sales. — At Des Moines, la., Martin Flynn sold forty-eight head, some of Bates breeding, at an average of $320. At Springfield, 111., M. E. Jones & Co. on May 2 disposed of fifty-six head at an average of $331.50; imp. Stella and imp. Sybella, both by Star of Morning, sold at $2,200 and $1,025, the former to E. W. Bowen and the latter to W. R. Nelson, Kansas City, Mo. A few days later C. L. Gerlaugh, Osborn, 0., sold thirty-five head at an average of $463.30, imp. Mayflower 19th going to George Harding & Son at $1,000 and imp. Missie 165th at $2,200 to W. D. Flatt, who later trans- 846 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORlSr CATTLE ferred her to E. W. Bowen, in whose show herd she was a suitable companion to imp. Stella, the two being alike in color, quite similar in form and at many shows standing second and third to the champion Euberta. Chicago Auctions. — On June 4 and 5 George E. Ward, Ha warden, la., had a very successful sale in Chicago, forty-four head making an average of $725. Sweet Charity 5th by imp. Salamis 110075, r show heifer from the herd of C. C. Norton, Corn- ing, la., sold for $1,430, and Lavender Princess, bought in the Westrope sale for $1,500, brought $1,780, selling to C. C. Bigler & Sons. Duchess of Gloster 34th sold to Brown & Randolph, Indian- ola, la., at $2,500. Ten cows in the sale sold at from $1,000 to $2,500. St. Valentine, Mr. Ward's herd bull and sire of some of the sale cattle, had died just before the auction. As most of the cows were bred to him, his death had a stimulating effect on prices; bidders knew that this was the last opportunity to buy calves by this noted sire. On the day following Ward's sale sixty head were sold in the same arena. This offering was a draft from the herds of W. D. Flatt, H. Cargill & Son, M. H. Cochrane & Son and W. C. Edwards & Co., all of Ontario. An average of $748 was m.ade on the offering. Mr. Flatt 's fifteen head averaged $1,073, imp. Daisy 3d by Sittyton Style selling for $1,910 to James Watters and imp. Vic- toria 67th to Martin Flynn at $1,500. EENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 847 The Hardings' Chicago Sale. — During the sum- mer of 1901 the whole Mississippi Valley experi- enced the worst drouth in many years, but despite this handicap Georg^e Harding & Son held a very successful sale in the Dexter Park Sale Pavilion in Chicago on Aug. 7. An average of $656.85 was made on forty-three head. Several imported cows were included, but the bulk of the sale cattle was from the recently purchased herd of E. B. Mitchell & Son, Danvers, 111. The show heifer My Hannah Lady by Prince Armour, a son of imp. Princess Alice, was sold at $1,060 to Col. G. M. Casey. The Eose of Sharon heifer Julia Marshal by Sharon Marshal 121136 brought $1,625, the bid of T. J. Evan & Son, Irwin, la. After the sale the herd bull Alice's Prince, another son of imp. Princess Alice, was sold at private treaty for $2,750 to Col. Casey. This sale . was decidedly stimulating to the Shorthorn trade, coming as it did in the midst of a protracted and depressing drouth. Some Important Shows. — The Iowa State Fair at Des Moines brought together a characteristic dis- play of Shorthorns, the classes of cows and heifers being particularly good. The superior quality of the exhibit cannot be better indicated than by quoting the tribute of ''The Breeder's Gazette" in reporting the show: "If the Shorthorn fathers — those who assisted at the birth of the breed a century ago and who laid 848 A HISTORY OF SHORT-IIOPtN CATTLE the foundations of the modern cattle show in the market places of Yarm and Darlington — could have been Governor Packard's guests while these berib- boned battalions of reds and whites and roans marched and counter-marched before the admiring throng, it would have been a glad day indeed for the old York and Durham squires. Surely the Shorthorn breed contains within itself the elements of bovine immortality. It seems to have been endowed by its far-sighted founders with grace and wealth of flesh and milk in perpetuity. Its popu- larity is perennial. Its destiny seems as fixed as the Polar Star itself." After a somewhat detailed description of the best bulls of the show, the report contained the follow- ing generous words : ' ' The tide of Shorthorn wealth ran at full flood throughout the female classes." The Lad for Me from the Robbins herd won first in the class of aged bulls, but was beaten for cham- pionship by Golden Victor, shown by Harding & Son. In the female classes the greatest merit was in two-year-olds and yearlings. The two-year-olds were phenomenal, and at the head of this ring were the three roans — Ruberta, from the Robbins herd; imp. Missie 165th, exhibited by E. W. Bowen, and Rose of Autumn, from the herd of Harding & Son, though bred by E. B. Mitchell & Son and got by the noted Baron Cruickshank 3d. Ruberta, daughter of St. Valentine, would brook no defeat; she was placed first and later was made grand champion. Missie 165th had almost perfect form and a grace of both movement and pose that was RENEW^O. OF CONFIDENCE 849 quite bewitching. She was bred by W. S. Marr, got by Capt. Inglewood 151190, imported by C. L. Gerlaugh and purchased in May, 1901, by E. W. Bowen for $2,200. On graded herds first went to J. G. Eobbins & Sons, second to George Harding & Son and third to E. W. Bowen. On young herds T. J. Wornall had first, Eobbins & Sons second and C. C. Norton third. In the competition for get of sire, the most important prize of the entire show, there w^ere nine groups. George Bothwell, Nettleton, Mo., won first on the get of Nonpareil Victor. Second was awarded to T. J. Wornall, Liberty, Mo., on the get of Viscount of Anoka. Third was won by Rob- bins & Son on the get of The Lad for Me, and fourth by T. K. Tomson & Sons, Dover, Kans., on get of Gallant Knight. At the Illinois State Fair, held at Springfield the first week in October, the herds which had been campaigning at our fairs met some strong compe- tition in the herd of W. D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ont., which included the Canadian-bred Valiant, whose sire Abbotsford was half-brother to Young Abbots- bum, the flash two-year-old imp. Lord Banff, and the prizewinning cows imp. Cicely, from the Queen's herd, and the red imp. Empress 12th, of mixed bloodlines, but a wonderfully good cow. Valiant conquered Golden Victor and The Lad for Me and gained the championship, while the chief honor among the two-year-olds was awarded to Lord 850 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Banff, a roan son of the Campbell-bred Roan Bess, a Scotch cow of the real dual-purpose type. In a strong class of cows Mr. Flatt took first and second prizes on Cicely and Empress 12th. The contest for championship was a battle royal between Cicely, a champion of the English Royal, and the American-bred Ruberta, champion of many con- tests and the most constant and consistent prize- winner that had appeared in many years. As Great Britain and the United States were repre- sented in the breeding of the two cows, and as the contest was international in ownership, the decision of the judge, Thomas Clark, a veteran Hereford breeder, was awaited with the most profound inter- est by attending stockmen. The purple ribbon was finally given to Ruberta, and she vindicated the decision by maintaining it in many future con- tests, in some of which Cicely participated. A few weeks later Cicely became the property of J. G. Robbins & Sons, and so an associate of Ruberta. During the following year both of them became the property of Col. G. M. Casey, Clin- ton, Mo. The Second American Royal. — The display of Shorthorns at the second show in Kansas City, held in October, gave advocates of the breed great encouragement. The exhibit was larger in num- bers and in most classes was better in quality than the show of 1900. In the class of aged bulls Leonard's Lavender Viscount, Ryan's Young Ab- RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 851 botsbiirn 2d, Tomson's Gallant Knight and Eob- bins' The Lad for Me, three reds and a roan, M'ere chosen for the first four prizes, but the decision to place the big roan Young Abbotsbum 2d next to Lavender Viscount, very smooth and com- pact, and above G-allant Knight and The Lad for Me, both of the compact type, occasioned consider- able surprise. George Bothwell's Nonpareil of Cloverblossom won easily in class over Valley Count by Viscount of Anoka, and "was later made junior champion. In the class for senior calves Mr. Bothwell's Non- pareil Hero, half-brother to Nonpareil of Clover- blossom, was placed first. Lavender Viscount was made grand champion, but being barred from competition for the Armour trojDhy, that prize was awarded to Harding & Son's Golden Victor, first- prize two-year-old. In the class of cows Rose Princess, exhibited by Harding & Son, was given first, imp. Maj^ower 5th second, and Sweet Violet 2d third. The last two were from the herd of Col. Casey and had been bought at $2,600 and $3,705 at public sales. In the two-year-old class Ruberta won easily and was afterward made grand champion. In the distribu- tion of herd prizes J. G. Bobbins & Sons were awarded first on graded herd, first on calf herd and second on young herd. In graded herds second was awarded to Harding & Son and third to Col. Casey. In young herds George Bothwell took sec- 852 A HISTORY OF SnORT-HORN CATTLE end and Purdy Bros, third, while in calf herds Bothwell was second and C. E. Leonard & Son third. In get of sire The Lad for Me was first and imp. Nonpareil Victor second. In the produce of cow class Rose Princess and Rose of Autumn, out of Rosebud, stood first. At the public sale conducted by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association an average of $377 was made on fifty-two head. The roan two-year-old Inglewood 151200, consigned by Hanna & Co., Howard, Kans., got by Capt. Inglewood out of imp. Emma 33d, was sold for $1,840 to Forest Bros. & Dunham, Miles, la. During the exhibition of the aged bulls a gen- uine bull-fight took place in the arena. On the day preceding the exhibition of bulls an attendant of the Tebo Lawn herd was somewhat careless in handling bulls in the bam and allowed one to make a rear attack on imp. Blythe Victor and put him through a partition into the adjacent stall. Blythe Victor deeply resented the insult; he bided his time for revenge, which came in the showring the next day. In the arrangement of the prizes the judges ordered a change of position for the bulls, and when the herdsman led Blythe Victor, still angry over the indignity he had suffered, behind Alice's Prince he promptly attacked him with a mighty rush and the battle was on. Blythe Victor had short, stout, wide horns, while Alice's Prince had rather long, drooping horns that turned EENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 853 in before his face. After the first onset the bulls got their horns so interlocked that they could not separate for other charges or flank movements, so in their rage they pushed and snorted as one mon- ster with two writhing bodies and one head. This unexpected result of the battle enabled the herds- men to regain possession of the lead straps attached to the nose rings. By a lusty pulling of these and a vigorous application of whips the bulls were separated with no damage to them and no injury to the spectators, though the excitement was intense and the danger of a disastrous stampede was immi- nent. A Remarkable Sale. — At the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, on Xov. 7, W, D. Flatt made a public sale which set a new record for that time and gave strong encouragement to Shorthorn breeders everywhere. The offering included a number of imported cattle of superior merit, and some of these were fresh from the victory at the Illinois State Fair of the preceding month. Valiant, grand champion bull of that show, sold at $1,675 to Lowden, Baker & Baker, who also took imp. Empress 12th at $2,010 and six other cows, the eight head aggregating $9,155. Lord Banff was bought at $5,000 by George E. Ward, and at the same price J. G. Eobbins & Sons took the Royal champion imp. Cicely. The five bulls of the sale made an average of $1,684 and the forty cows of $1,053. The forty-five head averaged $1,123, the 854 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE highest average in the United States since the Cochrane sale of 1882. The Court of Last Resort. — The good sales and some brilliant shows of the year 1901 inspired breeders with stronger faith in the breed and renewed the determination to make its accom- plishments greater, bnt it remained for the Inter- national Live Stock Exposition, the final adjudi- cation of the year, to increase their courage and fire them with greater zeal. The bull classes con- tained many of unusual merit and the exhibit of cows and heifers was of such transcending excel- lence as to call from James Peter, the foreign judge from Berkley, England, and from W. S. Marr, Ujoper Mill, Scotland, the opinion that they had never seen a better display at any time in any country. At any International the final test of excellence is of absorbing interest; the champions of various state fairs are striving for supremacy. But a gen- uine fascination was added to these contests by the fact that several ciiampions of the Koyal and other shows of Great Britain were pitted against American-bred champions of our own shows. The first of these contests was between Lavender Viscount, grand champion at the American Royal, a red of marvelous thickness and smoothness, and the roan Choice Goods, winner of the pui*ple at the English Eoyal and regarded as the best bull imported in many years. Lavender Viscount won RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 855 and was later made grand cliampion, a correct decision at the time, but one which Choice Goods' later development would never have justified. A similar contest was between Nonpareil of Cloverblossom, o^\Tied by George Both well, and Forbes & Son's Cock Robin, a consistent winner at British shows. The former won and later was made junior chamiDion. This show marks the prominent appearance of the winning junior calf Ceremonious Archer, a furry, sappy youngster by imp. Best of Archers and out of imp. Lady in Waiting, that two years later was made grand champion and then sold at $5,000 to Col. Frank 0. Lowden for his Sinnissippi herd. Since the Illinois State Fair in October, where Cicely and Euberta had their first trial of merit. Cicely had been transferred to the Eobbins herd. She was first of the cows and Euberta of the two- year-olds, and so the exciting contest for supremacy begun at Springfield was transferred to Chicago. The two-year-old won again and became gi'and chamjDion. Thus this marvelous daughter of St. Valentine became queen of the show arena, and neither Cicely nor any ambitious contestant could successfully dispute her right to reign. For the graded herd j^rize the Eobbins entry, Choice Goods, Cicely, Euberta, Clarissa and Lad's Goldie, proved invincible, as was the entry of George Bothwell, all roans and all by imp. Non- pareil Victor, in the young herd competition. The 856 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE Bothwell group also won first prize for get of sire, the supreme test of all shows. In the contest for produce of cow, first prize was awarded to Hard- ing & Son on Rose Princess and Autumn Rose, out of Rosebud, this being the twenty-third time they had been awarded this prize. The public sale held during the International was the best ever made under the management of the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association, seventeen bulls selling at an average of $593.25, fifty-two cows at $647.60, and the sixty-nine at $634.20. Imp. Missie 153d, consigned by W. S. Marr, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, sold for $6,000 to W. C. Edwards & Co., Rockland, Ont., in whose herd her brother. Marquis of Zenda, was chief stock bull. Missie 172d, a beautiful roan by Spicy Robin, consigned by George Harding & Son, sold for $1,900 to E. W. Bowen. Cherry Volumina 2d by imp. Spartan Hero brought $1,375, and three bulls sold at $1,200, $1,150 and $1,075 respectively, the last being imp. Blackwatch, half-brother to Choice Goods. In 1901, 4,045 Shorthorns were sold at auction for $1,136,291, an average of $280.90, which was $95 above the average of two years previously. Sales of 1902.— While the sales of 1901 indicate that the tide of improvement which began two years before had reached its flood, the sales of 1902 were both numerous and encouraging in results. On March 6 and 7 Messrs. Dustin, Forbes, RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 857 Pratlier, Norton and Wornall joined in a combi- nation sale. Eighty-nine head, including thirty- five imported animals, made an average of $4:99.80. Spicy Clara, first-prize yearling at the International of 1901, was bought at $1,500 by George Harding & Son. On April 5 in the same arena forty-six head from the herds of C. B. Dustin, I. M. Forbes & Son, C. C. Norton, J. F. Prather and S. E. Prather were sold at an average of $719. The red cow Victoria of Hill Farm 6th and heifer calf sold for $2,100 to Frank Bellows, Maryville, Mo. Secret of Hill Farm 4th by Merry Hampton sold for $1,315 to F. P. McAdoo, Indianola, la., and Sweet Charity 5th by imp. Salamis went to George E. Ward, Hawarden, la., at $1,300. From J. F. Prather 's consignment F. W. Ayers, Athens, 111., bought Golden Venus for $1,300 and imp. Eosemary 201st at $1,000. The month of March was fruitful of good sales, only part of which are reported here. On the twelfth C. S. Barclay, West Liberty, la., sold fifty- six head at an average of $321.40. Later in the month E. R. Stangland sold forty-one that aver- aged $485, and Hector Cowan, Paullina, la., sold forty-nine at $512. On March 25 occuiTed the annual sale of H. F. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.; it was encouraging in its prices and veiy impor- tant because of its influence on the Shorthorn industry of the Northwest. Thirty-five head made 858 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE an average of $750. From this consignment W. H. Dunwoody of Minneapolis made purchases for the foundation of the Woodhill herd, which he established at Long Lake, Minn. He bought six cows at an average price of $975, including imp. Juno by Star of Morning and imp. May Blossom 4th by Archer, two cows which proved remarkable breeders in the Woodhill herd. The herd bull imp. Royal Banner sold to W. 0. Carpenter, Pukwana, S. D., for $1,505, the exact price which he brought in the Chicago sale of W. D. Flatt on Aug. 7, 1900. One of the important spring sales of this year was that of George Bothwell, Nettleton, Mo., held in the Dexter Park sale pavilion in Chicago, April 14. Forty-four head, mainly of Bothwell 's own breeding, made an average of $497.50. Nonpareil Hero and Nonpareil of Cloverblossom, both noted prizewinners and both by imp. Nonpareil Victor, sold at $1,610 and $1,710, the former to H. Hagen- fieldt, StoiTH Lake, la., and the latter to George Harding & Son, who later resold him at $2,400 to D. R. Hanna. Messrs. Harding also took the cow imp. Collynie Wimple at $1,105. Queen of Beauty, the winning senior heifer calf at the International of 1901, was purchased by E. W. Bowen at $1,000. ''The Breeder's Gazette" of April 23 has the fol- lowing deserved encomium: ''Few men of Mr. Bothwell 's age have risen as rapidly in the business of breeding and exhibiting Shorthorn cattle. He has demonstrated anew the RENEWAL OF CONFIDElSrCE 859 value of Scotch crossing on standard American families. Most of liis show cattle have been pro- duced by blending Aberdeenshire blood with that of sound Ohio and Kentucky strains." Those who are familiar with Mr. Bothwell's bril- liant record in the showring with cattle of his own breeding, and particularly those who know the discouragements which he faced when he began breeding Shorthorns, will readily admit that the words of praise were richly deserved. During three or four years following 1900 no exhibitor captured more prizes with cattle of his own breeding. To give the secret of his success is to repeat again the story of good sires. He was fortunate in fol- lowing the good herd bull Grand Victor 115752 with the phenomenal breeder Nonpareil Victor 132573, bred by J. Deane Willis and imported by Mr. Bothwell. This bull was sired by Count Victor and he by Count Lavender, the sire of imp. Bapton Pearl, dam of Whitehall Sultan. Without question Nonpareil Victor was one of the great sires of his time and his death after but a few years of service was a distinct loss to the breed. His death was caused by pneumonia, induced by standing in a draft when he was too warm. Ohio Sales. — During the month of May, 1902, three important sales were held in Ohio. At Yel- low Springs E. S. Kelly made his first public sale, disposing of thirty-six head at an average of $590. Imp. Missie 158th by Scottish Archer went to 860 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE W. I. Wood at $1,625 and imp. Dalmeny Nonpareil to W. D. Flatt at $1,300. At Osborn C. L. Gerlaugh sold thirty-three head at an average of $610, the bull Master of the Ring by imp. First in the Ring going for $1,750 to T. J. Ryan & Son, Irwin, la., and the imported cows Alexandrina 29th and Missie 162d to E. S. Kelly at $1,025 and $1,525. On the following day W. I. Wood at Williamsport sold forty-four head at an average of $359, the bull Choice of the Ring bring- ing $1,550 and the cow imp. Proud Fancy by Pride of Morning going at $2,050 to W. T. Miller & Son, Winchester, Ind. June Sales. — The sales held during the month of June, 1902, were fully as successful and equally as encouraging as the previous ones. Early in the month N. A. Lind, Rolfe, la., sold fifty-three head for an average of $766.30, and two days later C. C. Bigler & Sons disposed of 115 head for an average of $823.60, the highest since the Hamilton sale of 1884, save only the W. D. Flatt sale of Nov. 7, 1901, where an average of $1,123 was made. The recent purchase by Bigler & Sons of the herd of C. B. Dustin, including Merry Hampton, contrib- uted materially to the success of this sale. On June 13 and 14 a combination sale was held at the stock yards in Chicago, including consign- ments from the herds of Hon. H. M. Cochrane & Son, Hon. John Dryden & Son, W. C. Edwards & Co. and George Harding & Son. The high char- RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 861 acter of the herds represented and the known merit of the cattle consigned drew a large crowd of breeders, both from Ontario and the states. Bidding was spirited for the better lots, and an average of $536.40 was made on ninety-eight head. The herd bull Good Morning 182755 by Joy of Morning, consigned by Dryden & Son, sold for $1,800 to Lowden, Baker & Baker for the Sinnis- sippi herd. Only two cows reached the $1,000 mark, but very few sold below $250. Shows of 1902.— During the autumn of 1902 Shorthorns were represented on the fair circuits by some very strong herds. At the Iowa State Fair the exhibit was excellent in quality and com- prised nine herds. Choice Goods maintained his championship over bulls, and Ceremonious Archer, first-prize junior calf at the International of 1901, was made junior champion. Euberta vindicated her title to the queenship of the show, though the beautiful, exquisitely modeled imp. Missie 165th lead a revolt to dethrone her and would have been successful but for lack of scale. Imp. Cicely, Ruberta's most formidable rival in 1901, was no longer a dangerous competitor and had to be sat- isfied with sixth place in class. First in a class of eighteen yearlings and junior championship was won by E. W. Bowen on Queen of Beauty, bred by George Bothwell and sired by Nonpareil Victor. In the get-of-sire competition first was awarded to T. J. Wornall on get of Viscount of Anoka, the 862 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE bull which led the winning herd in the shows of 1899 and 1900, and second was given to T. K. Tom- son & Sons on get of Gallant Knight. For produce of cow first prize was awarded to George Hard- ing & Son on that of imp. Lady in Waiting, dam of ten herd bulls that sold for an aggregate of $17,500, and second to Col. G. M. Casey on produce of Rosedale Violet 9th. The American Royal in Kansas City brought together for the October test the best herds of both the eastern and w^estern circuits. Choice Goods easily held his commanding position among the bulls and Ruberta regained the premier place among cows; it had been wrested from her at the Illinois and Kentucky State Fairs by Village Rose, . owned by D. R, Hanna. In close contests where the merit of the animals is nearly equal there is always room for a difference of opinion, and in consequence decisions at one show may be changed at the next; but the action of the judges at the American Royal in dropping to sixth place the yearling heifer Queen of Beauty which had been junior champion at most of the large fairs of the year was clearly wrong. At the International she was again first in her class and junior champion. The first prize for get of sire w^as awarded to the get of The Lad for Me, owned by J. G. Rob- bins & Sons, and second to get of Best of Archers, owned by George Harding & Son. A notable feature of this exhibit was a remarkable quartet RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 863 of roan cows, consisting of Ruberta, Village Rose, imp. Missie 165tli and 55tli Ducliess of Gloster. The International of 1902. — AVlien the Interna- tional opened its gates for the exhibition of 1902 the cream of the show cattle of the year was drawn to Chicago. There may be experiences where antici- pation is more satisfactory than realization, but it certainl}^ was not true of this exhibition of Short- horns. The fondest expectations of the advocates of the breed were fulfilled in the large display of prizewinners superbly fashioned, exquisitely fitted and artistically groomed. In reading about the bull championships of this period there is an element of sameness in the record, as no bull was able success- fully to dispute Choice Goods ' title to that supreme honor. In this show the two-year-old Nonpareil of Cloverblossom, a persistent winner since calfhood and the holder of many junior championships, met his first defeat and took second to Royal Avalanche, bred by S. F. Lockridge, got by his noted sire Baron Lavender 3d and exhibited by W. F. Christian & Son, Indianapolis, Ind. The Pacific Coast contrib- uted a prizewinner — the first-prize senior yearling Rolando, from the herd of W. 0. Minor, Heppner, Ore. In junior yearlings Ceremonious Archer con- tinued his victorious career and in senior calves D. R. Hanna's King Edward took second to H. D. Parson's Nonpareil King by Both well's imp. Non- pareil Victor, the sire of three of the prizewinners in this class. 864 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Ruberta won in class, beating the remarkable trio Missie 165tli, Stella and 55tli Duchess of Glos- ter, but she in turn was defeated for grand cham- pionship by the first-prize two-year-old Village Belle 2d by Silver Plate, exhibited by D. R. Hanna. Queen of Beauty won first in class and was later made junior champion, so the objection that she was ''old fashioned," which caused her to be ignored by the judges at the American Royal, did not appeal to the judges at the International. In the class of senior heifer calves first prize was awarded to E. W. Bowen on the Canadian-bred Fair Queen, which here began a prizewinning record that almost equaled that of Ruberta. On graded herds first was awarded to Col. Casey, second to E. W. Bowen and third to Harding & Son, while J. Gr. Robbins & Sons took first on both young and calf herds, Harding & Son and T. J. Woniall taking second and third on young herds and Bothwell and Harding second and third on calf herds. For get of sire first prize was given to D. R. Hanna on get of Silver Plate, second to T. J. Womall on get of Viscount of Anoka and third to J. Or. Robbins & Sons on get of The Lad for Me. Imp. Lady in Waiting, owned by Harding & Son, was the dam of the first-prize produce of cow and Rosedale Violet 9th, owned by Col. Casey, of the second-prize produce. At the public sale conducted by the association RUBERTA— GRAXD CHAMPION AT INTERNATIONAL OF 1901 FOR J. G. ROBBINS & SOX. HORACE, IND. VILLAGE BELLE 2D — GRAND CHAMPION AT 1902 INTERNATIONAL FOR D. R. HANNA, RAVENNA, O. KENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 865 fourteen bulls brought an average of $422 and fifty- five cows of $382, the sixty-nine head making $390.20. Princess of Pitlivie 2d, consigned by N. P. Clarke, sold for $1,000 to W. D. Flatt. At public sales of 1902 6,152 head sold for $1,602,023, an average of $260.40. The Harding Dispersion. — Quite early in 1903 there was held in the Dexter Park pavilion a sale which was of much more than ordinary moment to Shorthorn breeders; it was not only a vei^ successful vendue and therefore greatly encour- aging, but it marked the dissolution of a firm that had exercised a notable influence in the upbuilding of Shorthorn interests in America. On Jan. 6 and 7 George Harding & Son held a dis- persion sale which recorded the retirement of the senior member of the firm and the readjustment of the Anoka herd under the ownership of the junior member, Frank W. Harding. The event brought together a large crowd of Shorthorn breeders, and the sale was considered a success, though some of the cattle sold below their real values. Eleven bulls made an average of $489.65 and seventy-seven cows and heifers an average of $367.75, the eighty-eight head realizing $387.15. The thirty-two imported cattle averaged $517.30. The herd bull Best of Archers 141832, bred by William Duthie and sired by Scottish Archer, was sold to C. Journell & Son, Urbana, 0., for $1,605. Imp. Missie 163d by Spicy Robin was taken at $1,150 866 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE by Robert Miller, Stouffville, Ont.,, and imp. Spicy Clara was sold for $610 to D. R. Hanna, in whose herd she became very successful in the showring. Greatly appreciated by all who were privileged to attend was the banquet given by Messrs. Harding in rooms now occupied by the Saddle and Sirloin Club. The occasion was one of a renewal of good- fellowship among Shorthorn breeders, and those present used the opportunity for expressing sin- cere appreciation of the work of George Harding in the thirty years during which he had bred Shorthorns. One hundred and seventy-five guests enjoyed the Hardings' hospitality, and at the con- clusion of the banquet hearty expressions of appre- ciation were voiced by S. F. Lockridge, president of the American Shorthorn Breeders* Association, and by Alvin H. Sanders, editor of ''The Breeder's Gazette." Whitehall's Second Sale.— On May 19, 1903, E. S. Kelly made his second annual sale at Yellow Springs, 0. The fame of the Whitehall herd and liberal advertising assembled an immense crowd, and Mr. Kelly fed 1,600 people before opening the sale. There was great enthusiasm. The thirty-four cattle, including fourteen imported ones, made an average of $409, considered fairly good at that time. The top of the sale was imp. Fair Morn by Star of Morning which sold for $855 to J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, 0. Whitehall Missie at $480 1^ ^^^^^^^^Ih^^ K»^ 'Vti K '-^'I^^B ^^^H^W^ f 1 ^^H FAIU QUEEN, CHAMI'inN FEMALE AT THE AMERICAN SHOWS OF 1904. RENEWAL OF CONFIDENCE 867 and Grolden Marengo at $335 were taken by Reid Carpenter, Mansfield, 0., while Thomas Johnson, Columbus, 0., bought the imported cows Flower Girl, Nettie 5th and Eosemary 201st, paying $2,045 for the three. The International of 1903. — The International of that year assembled a strong exhibit of Shorthorns. At this show Whitehall Sultan, then two years old, made his initial bow, but drew third prize, first being awarded to Harding's Ceremonious Archer and second to Burnbrae Chief, owned by E. W. Bowen. Two roans and a white made up this trio, but in the yearling classes the reds had an inning, as D. R. Hanna's King Edward was first of the seniors and F. AY. Harding's Eoyal "Wonder first of the juniors. In the classes for senior and junior calves the first prizes were won by the roans. My Choice, owned by Abram Eenick, and Hampton's Model, exhibited by C. D. Bellows. In the final test for the supreme honor of the show Ceremonious Archer drew the purple ribbon, while among the cows a new djTiasty was inaugurated and a new queen proclaimed, E. W. Bowen 's many times junior champion Fair Queen being made grand champion over D. E. Hanna's Village Belle 2d, the senior champion. The challenge cup offered by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association for four animals of either sex, all under twelve months and bred by exhibitor, was awarded to C. D. Bellows, Maryville, Mo. 868 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE At the public sales of 1903 4,474 head brought $779,358, an average of $174.15. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition. — Soon after the advent of the twentieth century preparations began for celebrating in an elaborate and compre- hensive international exposition the 100th anni- versary of the purchase from France of the Louis- iana territory in 1803. After plans had fully matured, a postponement of one year was neces- sary in order that buildings might be completed and made ready for the exhibits, so the exposi- tion was not held until 1904. Liberal prizes were offered by the exposition management and by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association to encourage the exhibition of Shorthorns, and in addition, some of the states made liberal appro- priations to encourage the exhibition of all classes of live stock. In some states this supplemental appropriation was for added money to the exposi- tion prizelist and in others it was a pro rata to the expense of shipments. The wise and liberal inducements offered brought out an exhibit of Shorthorns which was surprising in its magnitude and quite satisfying in its excellence. Shorthorn breeders rallied loyally to the support of the breed and welcomed the opportunity to show farmers of the world the merits of Shorthorns. In reporting this exhibit "The Breeder's Gazette" spoke of it as follows : "Comprehensive in its scope, commanding the CEREMONIOUS ARCHER — GRAND CHAMPION AT lauo INTERNA- TIONAL, FOR F. "W. HARDING, WAUKESHA, WIS. IMP. CHOICE GOODS— .\.i:_ A< .<HOW BULL AND SIRE — GRAND CHAMPION AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION FOR J. G. ROBBINS & SONS, HORACE, IND. RENEWAL. OF CONFIDENCE 869 cream of the herds from Ohio to the Pacific North- west, it was a wholly satisfactory fruition of years of preparation for this event. Surely Shorthorn breeders have met the occasion in full sympathy with the spirit that prompts them to rise to all emergencies, and have given fresh pledge of the magnitude, the permanency of their operations, and of the ability of their herds to supply in superb form animals of the type demanded by meat- makers of the present day." To say that there were thirty-four exhibitors from ten states gives an idea of the extent of the display. After a retirement from the show arena of almost two years, Choice Goods reappeared at this exposi- tion in such excellent form and with so much of his former bloom that he won in class and was made grand champion. Among the two-year-olds King Edward, a massive, stylish red, exhibited by D. E. Hanna, was an easy winner. Of the senior yearlings Whitehall Marshal from the Anoka herd of F. W. Harding was placed over My Choice, owned by Abram Renick. Among the junior year- lings the white Missie Diamond, exhibited by D. E. Hanna, was placed above Hampton's Model, a superb roan from the herd of C. D. Bellows, a deci- sion which called forth more dissent than any of the show. In the senior calf class first prize went to D. E. Hanna on Bapton King by Bapton Dia- mond, and first among the juniors was won by Bapton Victor by Bapton Ensign, shown by N. P. 870 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Clarke. The sires of these two calves were both bred by J. Deane Willis, Bapton Diamond having two crosses and Bapton Ensign one of Count Lav- ender 132575, sire of imp. Bapton Pearl, dam of Whitehall Sultan. Euberta calved during the exposition and for that reason was not shown. The first prize for cows was awarded Charles E. Ladd, Portland, Ore., on Orange Blossom of Fairview, bred by Purdy Bros., Harris, Mo. The classes of heifers were exceptionally strong. Fair Queen won among two- year-olds, Lad's Emma among the senior yearlings and Hanna's Diamond Rose among the junior, yearlings. First prize for senior calf was given to Pauline of Fairview, owned by Purdy Bros., and first for junior calf to Elderlawn Victoria, exhibited by T. K. Tomson & Sons. King Edward was reserve champion to Choice Goods and Missie's Diamond was junior champion. Fair Queen was grand champion female and Lad's Emma junior champion. In the graded herd show first was given to Charles E. Ladd, second to Tebo Land & Cattle Company, third to J. G. Bobbins & Sons, fourth to E. W. Bowen and fifth to F. W. Harding. The young herds went first and third to C. D. Bellows, second to Purdy Bros., fourth to T. K. Tomson & Sons and fifth to F. W. Harding. For get of sire first was awarded to J. G. Bobbins & Sons on get of The Lad for Me, second to C. D. Bello^vs on get of MASTER OF THE GROVE — GRAND CHAMi'ION AT 1904 INTERNA- TIONAL FOR BELLOWS BROS., MARYVILLE, MO. KINO EDWARD— GRAND CHAMPION AT LEWIS AND CLARK EXPO- SITION FOR J. H. GLIDE, SACRAMENTO, CAL. RENEWAL OF COXFIDEXCE 871 Hampton's Best, third to D. R. Hanna on Bap- ton Diamond's get and fonrth to Tebo Land & Cattle Company on Choice Goods'. The International of 1904.^The closing show of 1904 was the International. The exhibit of Short- horns was large and exceptionally good, the classes being replete with entries of nniform excellence. It was a titting close to a season of great exhibi- tions. A new candidate for the royal pnrple entered the arena at this show and added new interest to the contest. At the American Royal of the pre- ceding October J. TV. Baker, Strong, Kans., had consigned to the public sale the roan three-year-old bull Master of the Grove 161374, by Victor Water- loo, he by the Scotch bull Victorious, and out of a Scotch-Bates cow by imp. Salamis, of C. C. Nor- ton's herd. The dam of Master of the Grove was of the Orange Blossom family and was bred by J. V. Grigsby. He won third in class with very little fitting and in the public sale was bought by Bellows Bros, for $1,075. After two months' care- ful preparation he was entered at the International and there was keen speculation as to his probable place in the showring. After a sharp contest with Whitehall Sultan he carried the class blue and later was made grand champion. In the class for two- year-old bulls, King Edward, winner of first at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, took third to Mr. Dunwoody's Lavender Clipper and to Invincible Hampton, shown bv Adkins & Stevenson. In the 872 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE yearling class the decision was a reversal of the rating at St. Louis, the senior yearling My Choice here being placed above Whitehall Marshal, and Hampton's Model, junior yearling, above Missie's Diamond, that was junior champion at the exposi- tion. The choice of the judges for junior cham- pion of the show was the senior yearling My Choice, whose sire, the Professor, was sold for export to Argentina because his owner thought he sired too many roan and w^hite calves. The grand cham- pion cow was Fair Queen and the junior champion Lad's Emma. In the public sales of 1904 2,755 head brought $278,924, an average of $101.24, the lowest for sev- eral years. CHAPTER II SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH As a result of the improved commercial condi- tions and the renewed and enlarged demand for Shorthorns following the year 1900, several new herds were established about this time and some of these have had a potent and lasting influence on the destinies of Shorthorns. In the preceding chapter mention was made of the Whitehall herd of E. S. Kelly. Another one which was almost coincident with it in date of foundation was the Burnbrae herd of E. W. Bo wen, Delphi, Ind. At the Chicago sale of W. D. Flatt, Aug. 7, 1900, Mr. Bowen bought the roan bull imp. Orange Chief 144650 at $1,510 and the cows imp. May- flower 4th and imp. Meadow Beauty 6th at $2,050 and $975 respectively. The following year he purchased the imported cows Goldie 48th, Straw- berry 7th and Vain Beauty, and at the sale of M. E. Jones secured imp. Stella for $2,200, the same price which he gave for imp. Missie 165th at a sale of C. L. Gerlaugh. Other choice cows, both home-bred and imported, were added to the Burn- brae herd. Those who are familiar with the show- yard history of this period will remember that 873 874 A HISTOKY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE this herd was quite successful in winning prizes at state and national shows. Two notable prizewin- ners were Queen of Beauty by imp. Nonpareil Victor and the Canadian-bred Fair Queen, the rival of Euberta in the number of championships secured. Two beautiful roan cows of this herd were imp. Missie 165th and imp. Stella, and while they were not able to win over such cows as Euberta and Village Belle 2d, they were generally second and third in contests at leading shows. Two noted show bulls of this herd were Scotch Goods 259864 and Selection 306209, both roans. Scotch Goods was by Choice Goods, and when but a few weeks old was sold with his dam, imp. Cicely, at the Tebo Lawn dispersion to M. E. Jones for $1,200. One year later he was purchased by E. W. Bowen for $2,520. In 1907 he was grand champion of the International. Selection was bred by Carpenter & Ross and got by Avondale out of Cherry Missie; he was sold as a calf to the Burnbrae herd. When a yearling he had made such wonderful develop- ment that he was made junior champion at the International of 1909 and was then sold for $3,000 to Thomas Johnson, Columbus, 0. Following imp. Orange Chief as a herd bull was his son Burnbrae Chief 191747 out of imp. May- flower 4tli, and succeeding him came the Meadow Lawn bull Everlasting 242727, by March Knight out of imp. Dairsie Maid. The unusual name of this bull arouses a natural curiosity to know what SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GEOWTn 875 suggested it, and it may be that it was the faith of his breeder that the bull's inherited merit would l3e reproduced permanently in his progeny. This fanciful supposition cannot be authenticated, but it is well known that Everlasting proved a good breeder. One of his prizewinning calves was the charming Countess Selma 2d, shown at the Inter- national by Thomas Johnson in 1909, when he took first, second and third on two-year-old heifers. Woodhill Herd.— Early in 1902 the foundation of what proved to be a very influential herd was laid on a farm not far from beautiful Lake Minne- tonka. This was the Woodhill herd of W. H. Dunwoody, of the Washburn-Crosby Milling Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Dunwoody made his ini- tial purchase of Shorthorns at a sale held by H. F. Brown in Minneapolis on March 25. He purchased six cows at an average of $975, four of them imported. Imp. Juno by Star of Morning was a red of very smooth, compact form and brought $1,550. She proved an excellent breeder in the new herd and her daughters, Juno of Woodhill and Juno of Woodhill 3d, were noted winners. Another cow of this purchase was imp. May Blossom 4th; she too proved a breeder of great merit. Her calf of 1904, Woodhill May Blossom 2nd, won first as a junior yearling at the International of 1905 and was the heaviest in a class of nineteen, vv^eighing 1,470 pounds at twenty-two months old. The 1906 calf of Woodhill May Blossom 4th was junior 876 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE champion of the 1907 International and at twenty- one and one-half months weighed 1,480 pounds, being 70 pounds heavier than any other heifer in her class. At the International of 1905 the Dun- woody herd won first prize on both graded and young herds and second on produce of cow, and in 1907 won third on graded herd, second on both young and calf herds, second on produce of cow and third on get of sire. The majority of these prizes were on cattle of Mr. Dunwoody's own breeding. Among the herd bulls used at Woodhill was imp. Golden Mist 182753, bred by William Duthie and got by the "VVillis-bred Golden Sun out of Missie 136th by William of Orange. Golden Sun was by Abbotsford 151706 and out of Golden Cloud by Cumberland 50626, the grandam being Golden Autumn, dam of imp. Craven Knight 96923. Following Golden Mist the herd bull was Lav- ender Clipper 203771 by Choice Goods, bought when a calf with his dam imp. Lavender Princess. Later herd bulls were Pitlivie Chief 192919, imported by N. P. Clarke and got by imp. Bapton Ensig-n out of Fairplay 4th, and Blythe Baron 291256, bred by David Birrell, Greenwood, Ont., and got by Royal Prince 136367, a Campbell-bred Goldendrop, out of Blythesome Girl 3d. Mr. Dunwoody had a keen regard for the better forms of animal life and a genuine zeal for Short- horns. Having large wealth he soon collected a SUBSTANTLIL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH 877 strong herd at Woodhill Farm, which was well equipped with convenient, costly buildings. The jDartial enumeration of prizes taken by the herd at the International is some indication of the superiority of the cattle bred at Woodhill. While the herd existed only a few years, it did much to strengthen the Shorthorn cause in the Northwest. Mr. Dunwoody was a man of quiet dignity and much reserve force. These qualities were well known to his intimate friends, and to others a flood of light was turned on his character by the disposition of his $7,000,000 estate, $5,000,000 of which was by his will given to charity. Cottage Hill Herd. — In the later development of the Shorthorn industry and the uiDbuilding of its herds, Ohio has kept pace with her excellent record during the early periods of the breed's his- tory. During the time covered by this brief his- tory of more recent developments some new and very potent herds were established in the state. One of these was founded at Eavenna by D. E. Han- na, who made liberal purchases from several leading American herds, buying from George Harding & Son, C. L. Gerlaugh, E. S. Kelly, and others, besides making importations from Great Britain. Mr. Hanna's first herd bull of special merit was Bapton Diamond 187000, bought from W. S. Marr, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1902 at $5,000. This bull was bred by J. Deane Willis and was sold to Mr. Marr for 1,000 guineas, the highest price 878 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE paid for a calf at that time. He was sired by the Augusta bull Augustin 156299 and his dam was Bapton Pearl, afterward imported for E. S. Kelly, in whose herd she bestowed on the breed the rich heritage of Whitehall Sultan. Mr. Hanna im- ported a few cows from the herd of J. Deane Willis and some Silver Plate heifers from William Duthie's and later bought Village Belle, which had been imported from the Queen's herd by W. R. Nelson of Kansas City. With Village Belle Mr. Hanna purchased her red bull calf which he devel- oped and recorded as King Edward 172814; at two years of age he sold him to J. H. Glide, Sacra- mento, Cal., in whose herd he became grand cham- pion at the Lewis and Clark Exposition in 1905. Two home-bred bulls added to the Cottage Hill herd were bought from F. W. Harding — the Bothwell- bred Nonpareil of Cloverblossom at $2,400 and Anoka Sultan, bred by Mr. Harding, at $4,000. Some of the noted show cows purchased by Mr. Hanna were Village Eose, that defeated Ru- berta at the Kentucky and Illinois State Fairs in 1903; Susan Cumberland, junior champion at the International of 1908 and grand champion in 1910 with a different owner ; Flora 90th, grand champion at several state fairs and at the International of 1908, and Village Belle 2d, senior champion at the International of 1903 and champion at other shows. The most prei)otent sire used at Cottage Hill was imp. Villager 295884, a beautiful, massive roan bred SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH 879 by C. H. Jolliffe, got by the Duthie-bred Village Bean and out of Rosy Cloud by Chorister, his grandam Rosy Dawn being a half-sister to Rosy Morn by Misty Morning, imported by E. S. Kelly in 1900. Some of the best Shorthorns ever exhibited by Mr. Hanna were by Villager, particularly Vil- lage Denmark and his fascinating sisters that took such high honors at the International and other leading shows. The remarkable success of the get of Villager created a strong demand for his calves, many breeders being anxious to introduce his blood into their herds. At the dispersion of the Cottage Hill herd he became the property of Weaver & Garden, and at the age of eleven years is still active and doing excellent service in their herd at Wapello, la. Sinnissippi Herd. — At Oregon, 111., lies Sinnis- sippi Farm, the summer home of Hon. Frank 0. Lowden. It comprises 1,700 acres, located on the wooded hills and valleys overlooking Rock River, a section replete with stories of the days when the country was the home of Indian tribes. During the year 1900 the foundation was here laid for a herd which soon filled a large place in the Short- horn world. The beginnings of this herd were made by W. J. and A. G. Baker, tenants of Col. Lowden. Like most new herds, it was composed of descendants of early importations, such as Floras, Favorites, Rosemarys, Young Marys, AVild Roses and Mrs. Mottes, and the sire used was a 880 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE Young Phyllis. For a time the herd was under the firm name of Lowden, Baker & Baker, but soon Col. Lowden became sole owner. At the sale of W. D. Flatt in Chicago on Nov. 7, 1901, the new firm bought the roan bull Valiant 171067 for $1,650, the red cow imp. Empress 12th, bred at Calthwaite and of good Bates blood, and six other cows, pay- ing $9,155 for the eight head. Valiant was bred in Ontario and his sire Abbotsford 126696 was half- brother to the Columbian champion Young Abbots- bum. Valiant and Empress 12th were from Mr, Flatt 's show herd, which also included imp. Cicely, and at the Illinois Fair of that year Valiant had defeated The Lad for Me, the champion at most fairs. Another herd bull used at Sinnissippi was Good Morning 182755, bred by Hon. M. H. Cochrane and got by Joy of Morning out of imp. Vain Belle 2nd by Scottish Archer. Good Morning w^as half- brother to the twins. Morning Glory and Morning Joy, bred at Hillhurst but sold to D. R. Hanna, Morning Joy later being used in the herd of H. G. McMillan, Rock Rapids, la. For five years follow- ing 1901 Col. Lowden was a liberal buyer at various public sales of good Shorthorns, and soon accumulated a herd that was widely known, both for its size and merit. In 1902 he bought five cows just imported by I. M. Forbes. From W. D. Flatt he secured Roan Lady, from Bellows Bros. Victoria Hampton at $1,000, from H. F. Brown the imported Al 1;i:RL,AND'S last — junior champion at 1905 INTERNA- TIONAL FOR C. A. SAUNDERS, MANILLA, lA., AND SOLD TO P. O. LOWDEN, OREGON, ILL., FOR $5,000. i"\ii; _\'i;i:s ^-|■|,'|■\^■ \''ri:i' iii:i;i> r.ii.i. i'<ii; .1. a. kilgour, .STKiiUlXG, 11. 1.., A.MJ l.-VrKIt I'Olt 11. C. H »(J KAB.\ UGH, WA- TONGA, OKLA. SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GEOWTH 881 COWS Winsome Maid and Bellechin Charming Maid at $1,745 for the pair. From W. I. "Wood he bought Proud Fancy by Pride of Morning after a sharp contest with Thomas Johnson, the final bid being $1,000. At the International of 1903 Col. Lowden paid F. W. Harding $5,000 for the grand champion Ceremonious Archer 171479, by imp. Best of Archers and out of imp. Lady in Waiting, mother of several valuable herd bulls. A later herd bull was Pride of the Dales, by Avondale and out of imp. Rosewood 86th, a cow that proved a very valuable breeder in the herd of Carpenter & Ross. While both Pride of the Dales and Ceremonious Archer had distinguished sires, it would be hard to find two bulls whose dams were more noted as producers of valuable Shorthorns. Cumberland's Last. — Another impressive sire used in Col. Lowden 's herd was the white Cum- berland's Last 229822, bred by C. A. Saunders, Manilla, la. As his name implies, he was the last calf got by Cumberland 118578. He was out of imp. Lady Douglas, bred by James Durno, breeder of Choice Goods. Cumberland was a very pre- potent sire and laid the foundation for the remark- able herd of Shorthorns bred by C. A. Saunders. He was bred by R. J. Johnston, Humboldt, la., and got by King James 103902, a son of imp. Spar- tan Hero, out of the Cruickshank imp. Clover Flower by Strongbow, a half-brother to imp. Scot- tish Lord; the second dam was Cardamine by 882 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE Cumberland 50626, hence the name. Cumberland's Last won the junior champion prize at the Inter- national of 1905 and was then sold for $5,000 to Col. Lowden. Few public sales were made from the Sinnissippi herd, but on June 14, 1906, one was held which set a new record of averages for that year and in point of attendance fixed a record for all time, in all probability. Such a crowd had never been seen at a public sale since the time ''when the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." The fame of the herd and the expensive equipment of Sinnis- sippi Farm, the very liberal advertising and a perfect June day all united to draw a crowd much larger than the most enthusiastic had anticipated. Breeders in large numbers from many states and from Canada were present, while farmers from sur- rounding counties came in droves in autos, in buggies and on horseback. When the sale was called the large tent was completely filled and the adjacent yards were so crowded with people as to impede the movement of cattle to the sale ring. Some intending bidders could not get into the sale tent. Yet despite all handicaps, the sale was re- markably successful, making an average of $427 on forty-one head, but five selling below $250, No very high prices were realized, $1,050 being the top and paid by C. A. Saunders for Pinegrove Mildred by Marquis of Zenda. Mr. Saunders also took three other cows at $775, $490 and $450. Imp. SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH 883 Violet at $825, imp. Bride's Maid at $750 and Sinnissippi Rose at $560 were taken by H. F. Brown and 28th Linwood Victoria was secured by Bellows Bros, at $775. Althongli this sale was a great success and was stimulating to Shorthorn breeders, the one held in Chicago on June 11, 1907, brought much better prices, though the crowd in attendance was much smaller. Three bulls averaged $1,312, tifty- eight cows and heifers $598.30, and sixty-one head $633.35. It was at this sale that Earles & Stanton, Oakwood, Wis., made liberal purchases for their new herd. They took Cumberland's Last at $3,000, Lavina 2d at $2,000 and three other cows at $1,850. Thomas Johnson bought Lake Park Augusta by Count Amaranth at $1,405 and Sinnissippi Lady 2d by Ceremonious Archer at $935. Bellows Bros, purchased the show heifer Clara Belle by Choice Goods for $1,505, Village Sultana for $1,000 and Hampton's Lovely for $780. At $1,100 F. W. Hard- ing took Anoka Broadhooks and at $925 Pleasant Hill Duchess by imp. Red Knight. Tebo Lawn.— The herd of Col. G. M. Casey, Clin- ton, Mo., was so enlarged and its character so completely changed after 1900 that it practically became a new herd. It had existed for twenty- five years, but was little known. Col. Casey's liberal purchases of high-class Shorthorns from 1900 to 1902 brought him prominently before the public and gave his herd at Tebo Lawn a com- 884 A HISTORY OF SHOBT-HOEN CATTLE manding place among the strong ones of the United States. At the Chicago sale of W. D. Flatt, Aug. 7, 1900, Col. Casey purchased imp. Mayflower 5th at $2,600. At the Westrope dispersion at South Omaha on March 13 and 14, 1901, he bought for $1,400 Golden Abbotsburn by Young Abbotsburn and for $3,705 the show cow Sweet Violet 2d, this being the top price for a cow for many years. In the 1902 sale of C. C. Bigler & Sons he bought the Dustin-bred Victoria of Hill Farm by Baron Cruickshank for $2,500 and at C. L. Gerlaugh's got the bull Blythe Victor and the imported cows Bessie 55th, Clara 58tli and Marengo's Lavender Countess. Other purchases were made, but the most notable one, the one that made the greatest improvement in the Tebo Lawn herd and the greatest impression on the Shorthorn industry, was from the herd of J. G. Bobbins & Sons in 1902. This purchase was at private treaty and included imp. Choice Goods, imp. Cicely, Ruberta, Clarissa, Oneida and Lad's Goldie, the price for the six being $25,000. These were all prizewinners and the showyard records of Choice Goods, imp. Cicely and Ruberta were par- ticularly brilliant. This addition to the Tebo Lawn herd gave it a power in the showring for two or three years that was well-nigh invincible. Choice Goods w^as beaten but few times in three years, and from calf hood to a mature cow Ruberta 's record was a succession of victories. SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH 885 Choice Goods. — Imp. Choice Goods was bred by Jas. Durno. He was got by Remus 151790 out of Geraldine 5tli by First Choice 107872. At two years old, after winning a championship at the Royal, he was imported by W. D. Flatt, who sold him to J. G. Robbins & Sons for $5,000. Choice Goods proved a remarkably good sire as well as a great prizewinner. His record soon created a strong demand for his sons for use as herd bulls. Among his sons so used were The Choice of All, Choice Goods Model, Good Choice, Choice Knight, Rosedale's Choice and The Conqueror. The first ten Choice Goods calves dropped at Tebo Lawn were sold for $8,800 and his get in the dispersion sale in 1906 brought $32,000. In 1902 Col. Casey incorporated the herd under the title of ''Tebo Land and Cattle Co." While the corporation owned 5,000 acres of land near Clinton, in two tracts of 2,500 acres each, the Shorthorns were kept on the farm known as Tebo Lawn, a large part of which was in grass. One section of this farm, com- prising 640 acres, of bluegrass and some timber, was enclosed by a woven-wire fence 8 feet high, and in addition to Shorthorns contained 300 deer, the produce of two pair which had been enclosed there many years earlier. At its maximum strength the Tebo Lawn herd contained 250 Shorthorns and its aggregate sales from 1902 to the beginning of 1906 totalled $100,000. Following the death of Col. Casey in 1905 the 886 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE herd was dispersed. The sale was held on June 20 to 22, 1906, in the stockyards sale pavilion in Kansas City, Mo., and resulted in $63,419 for 177 lots, an average of $358.30. Eleven bulls made an average of $1,101.35 and 166 cows and heifers of $308.60. Choice Goods sold to Howell Rees, Pilger, Neb., for $5,500 and two of his sons brought $1,500 each — Golden Goods, out of Golden Abbotsburn, going to H. C. Duncan and The Conqueror to T. J. Wornall. Imp. Village Belle by Pride of Morning sold to M. E. Jones for $2,000 and for $1,200 he took imp. Cicely and her bull calf Scotch Goods. One year later he sold the calf for $2,520 to E. W. Bowen. N. H. Gentry bought imp. Clara 58th for $1,300. C. E. Leonard «fc Son took Rosedale's Choice, a calf out of the noted Rosedale Violet 9th, and the cow imp. Marengo's Lavender Countess, paying $810 for the bull calf and $2,150 for the cow. With this sale the career of the Tebo Lawn herd closed and its cattle found new homes in ten dif- ferent states. The showyard record of the herd was phenomenal. While it cannot be enumerated here in detail, it may not be out of place to state that at the Minnesota State Fair of 1904 firsts on all three herds were awarded to Col. Casey, and at the Missouri State Fair of 1905 the same clean sweep was made in herd prizes and in addition the get of Choice Goods took first and second and both first and second prizes were taken by the produce SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GEOWTH 887 of Rosedale Violet 9tli. The tribute from ''The Breeder's Gazette" will serve as a fitting close to the brief history of the founder of the Tebo Lawn herd: ''Mr. Casey's success in building up a herd of Shorthorns of superior merit and the enthusiasm with which he prosecuted his breeding operations constitute one of the most noteworthy chapters in the history of pedigreed cattle." Hallwood Herd. — Coincident with the improve- ment and enlargement of the Tebo Lawn herd was the building of another one in southwestern Mis- souri. Ed. and Tom Hall, known as Hall Bros., Carthage, Mo., decided to rebuild a herd of Short- horns on the homestead where their father had dispersed one some years before. Their first herd bull of recognized merit was Admiral 172806, bred by George Bothwell. He was by imp. Nonpareil Victor and out of a Grand Victor dam with three other crosses of Cruickshank bulls. . The statement that Admiral was a remarkable breeder can be readily accepted, m spite of the fact that in the maternal line he did not trace to an imported cow, though the blood of the five Scotch bulls was built on a foundation of ten recorded sires. Hall Bros, strengthened their collection by drafts trom other herds, and in 1905 they bought the entire herd of James Luke, Carthage, Mo., com- prising fifty head. After this addition a new herd ball was sought and from the Tebo Lawn herd Choice Goods Model was selected. He was a senior A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE calf at the time, undefeated in class that year and at the Lewis & Clark Exposition was made junior champion and received the same honor at the American Royal of that year. He was by Choice Goods and out of Rosedale Violet 9th, dam of ten calves, five of which sold for $5,510. Under the improving, refining influence of Choice Goods Model the Hallwood Shorthorns made commendable im- provement and sent into the fair circuits herds that received their share of the prizes. With the retire- ment of Thomas Hall, E. M. Hall became sole owner of the herd. In 1913 he was elected secretary of the Central Shorthorn Breeders' Association and was largely instrumental in enlarging its member- ship and in inaugurating the public sales held in connection with its annual meetings in Kansas City. In the sale of April 4 and 5, 1916, he sold a year- ling Lavender heifer to H. C. Lookabaugh for $1,000. This sale was less than a month before Mr. Hall's tragic death, which occurred at his home on April 29. The death of E. M. Hall was the result of a fire wihch destroyed the residence at Hallwood on the night of April 28, 1916. The fire is supposed to have started from the electric lighting system in- stalled on the farm, but no positive information could be ascertained. Mr. Hall was awakened by hearing the screams of his mother and in a per- sistent but vain effort to find her in the flame-swept building he received bums that caused his death SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GROWTH 889 twelve hours later. Both his mother and her maid perished in the building. Two months after Mr. Hall's death his Short- horns were sold at auction by order of his admin- istrator. The sale was held at Hallwood, near Carthage, on June 29, and an average of $675 was made on sixty head, eleven selling above $1,000. The herd bull Village Flash 387926, by Villager and out of Grassland Violet 3d by the Choice Goods bull The Conqueror 215051, was sold to Evans Bros., Maryville, Mo., for $2,000. Hallwood Lovely by Choice Goods Model sold at $1,760 to S. C. Boggess, Carthage, Mo. 0. G. Lee, Kansas City, Mo., took Hallwood Emma 3d and Hallwood Lavender at $1,525 and $1,535. Bellows Bros, took Hallwood Violet at $1,030, and Hallwood Violet 6th was sold at $1,260 to E. Ogden & Son, Maryville, Mo. CHAPTER III MORE HERDS ESTABLISHED— AND SOME IMPORTATIONS During the decade following tlie year 1900 the herds of Ohio played an important part in Short- horn development, maintaining the early record made by stockmen of the Buckeye state for loyalty to this breed of cattle. Two new herds have already been mentioned and if the number that will be included in this history may seem out of propor- tion to those of other states, it is from no desire to shoAv favoritism but solely because of the large iiifluence these herds have had on Shorthorn devel- opment in our country. Maxwalton. — In 1902 Reid Carpenter, Mansfield, 0., laid the foundation for a herd that two years later became known as the Maxwalton herd. For a short time he was associated with a tenant of his farm under the firm name of Carpenter & Williams. The first record of this firm is in Volume 53 of the herd book and the foundation consisted of the cows Red Daisy 3d and Red Bird 3d and the bull Inwood 193594, all bred by T. M. Reynolds, Hartland, 0., and all descendants of imp. Scottish Bluebell, bred by James Douglas of Scotland and imported in 1854 by R. G. Corwine, Lebanon, 0. NEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 891 A second herd bull was Royal Canada 136788, and two of his daughters bred by Carpenter & Williams and calved in 1903 were Mina Princess 3d, out of Mina Princess 2d by Sittyton Stamp 110269, and Royal Louise, out of Louisa 15th by Royal Gloster 125816. At E. S. Kelly's sale of May 19, 1903, Reid Carpenter made an important purchase of Scotch cows in Golden Marengo by Marengo and Whitehall Missie, paying $335 for the former and $480 for the latter. But he made his most fortunate selection in Mr. Kelly's Chicago sale in May, 1904, buying the herd bull Whitehall Count 209775 for $400 and the imported cows Avalanche 2d and Rosewood 86th, the prices for them being $500 and $350. Avalanche 2d was in calf to the service of Whitehall Sultan and the following January dropped Avondale, a bull which developed, into a remarkable -prizewinner and a breeder of such out- standing merit that he added great prestige to the Mansfield herd and conferred a lasting benefit on Shorthorns. Imp. Rosewood 86th also proved a breeder of unusual excellence. She and her daugh- ter Rosewood Pride, which sold with her in the Chicago sale, proved a gold mine to their new owners. From these two Rosew^oods produce were sold for an aggregate of $14,535. Soon after this a partnership was formed between Reid Carpenter and Peter G. Ross, a competent Scotchman who had been with the AVhitehall herd of E. S. Kelly, and the name Maxwalton was 892 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE selected for the herd of the new firm. Mr, Ross was a cattleman of practical experience, so the Max- walton herd soon began to win prizes at the fairs and to receive wide public notice. As the breeding herd was further strengthened by purchase and as the produce of Avondale increased and developed, a record of sales and showyard victories was begun which has seldom been equaled. And while a share of the credit of this great success is due to the choice cows in the herd, selected with discriminat- ing judgment by the owners, the greater meed of praise is due to Avondale for the excellence and uniformity of his produce. It is no discredit to the many sons of Whitehall Sultan to say that Avondale stands at the head of the list. As a prizewinner he was very successful and as a breeder his record was phenomenal. The list of prizes won by the Maxwalton herd was quite credit- able in the early years of its existence, and in later years became so extensive as to make its insertion here entirely impracticable. Carpenter & Ross' private and public sales have been so numerous and so extensive that the aggre- gate is very large. Maxwalton cattle have enriched and strengthened many herds of America. In the sale to F. A. Gillespie & Son of Maxwalton Com- mander at $7,000 a new record for bulls of modern times was set until the sale of Rosewood Reserve by Bellows Bros, for $8,100 to Mrs. J. E. McCauley of Montana. NEW HEEDS AND IMPOKTATIONS 893 In addition to being very successful breeders and exhibitors, Carpenter & Eoss have recently made extensive importations. The importation made in 1916 was sold in Chicago on Nov. 1 for an average of $908 on seventy-four head, the top price for bulls being the $2,600 paid for Bapton Corporal by F. A. Gillespie & Sons and the high price on cows $1,900 paid for Eosewood 90th by B. F. Hales, who also bought Proud Carnation at $1,550. The importa- tion made in 1917 was larger and more valuable and was undertaken in the face of difficulty in securing the cattle wanted and in danger of destruc- tion by submarines. These cattle were sold in Chicago on June 5 at an average of $1,370 on 107 head. That only five hours were required for the sale indicates the strong demand. Two cows sold at $3,000 each, one to Owen Kane and one to Bellows Bros. Another went for $3,100 to T. T. Miller, Los Angeles, Cal., who also bought the bull Secret Stamp for $2,000. F. A. Gillespie & Sons took the yearling bull Caledonia at $7,000, the top of the sale. Advocate's Model at $3,100 and the cow Lady Drayton Broadhooks at $2,025. Thomas Johnson's Herd. — During the early part of 1903 Thomas Johnson, Columbus, 0., began the foundation of a herd which soon became recognized as among the best in the country, having both excellence of breeding and rare individual merit. Mr. Johnson had become influential in the commer- cial affairs of his state through ownership of coal 894 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE lands and the successful operation of large coal mines, and by tlie use of an unquestioned personal integrity. So he brought to the equipment of his farm and the establishment of his herd abundant means and an amteition to succeed which was the result of years of successful business ventures. At the sale of E. S. Kelly, Yellow Springs, 0., on May 19, 1903, he bought the imported cows Flower Girl, Nettie 5th and Rosemary 102d, paying $2,045 for the three. At a combination sale in Chicago he bought imp. Rosemary 131st, Red Lady 4th and Lady Sharon 5th, and at the sale of W. I. Wood secured for $825 Bapton Countess by Bapton Arrow, sire of Mr. Hanna's King Edward 172814. In the choice of foundation stock Mr. Johnson availed himself of the large experience and accurate judg- ment of George Bruce, who w^as a pupil of William Duthie and W. S. Marr. At the Chicago sale of H. S. Bright, Versailles, Ky., Mr. Johnson was for- tunate in securing for $2,025 the white two-year-old bull Glenbrook Sultan, which proved such a pre- potent sire that to him more than any other agency belongs the credit of the success of the new herd. Glenbrook Sultan w^as bred by E. S. Kelly; he was sired by Whitehall Sultan out of Victoria of Hill Farm 8th. His dam was by Lavender Lad 119937 and his grandam by Baron Cniickshank 3d, the two Cruickshank bulls- which were so potent in the herd of C. B. Dustin, Summer Hill, 111. As a breeder Glenbrook Sultan took rank not NEW HEEDS AND IMPOKTATIONS 895 lower than second of the sons of Whitehall Sultan, and his calves were very successful as prizewinners. The Johnson herd won a liberal share of prizes at state and national exhibitions, but at those of 1909 and 1910 the acme of its success was reached. At the International of 1909 representatives of the herd won first on senior bull calf, third on cow, first, second and third on two-year-old heifers, third and tenth on senior heifer calves, first, third and tenth on junior calves, second on graded herds and first on calf herds. In 1910, at the Ohio State Fair, Mr. Johnson took the grand championship on cows and first on all three herds; he also had junior champion bull and first and third prizes on produce of cow. At the Indiana State Fair he had senior, junior and grand champion bulls, senior and grand champion cow, second-prize graded herd, first-prize young herd, second-prize calf herd, first-prize get of sire and second-prize produce of cow. At the American Eoyal in Kansas City the herd won the junior championship on bulls and first on both graded and young herds. At the International of 1910 it took four first and two second prizes in the twelve classes, the junior championships for both bulls and heifers, on Roan Sultan and New Year's Delight, first on produce of cow and second on get of sire, first on graded herd, first on young herd and second on calf herd. The growth of Columbus and the encroachment of the city on the farm of Mr. Johnson made the 896 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE land so valuable that lie finally accepted a tempting offer and the Shorthorns were then sold at private treaty to Thomas Stanton and were later dispersed at auction in Chicago. With Mr. Johnson's fine equipment, his zeal for Shorthorns and his large wealth, his retirement was a real loss to the Short- horn industry. Some Importations. — While the importations of Shorthorns in the decade following 1900 were some- what smaller than at some earlier periods, due in a measure no doubt to the $100 registration fee, there was a number of breeders, both in the United States and Canada, who were also importers. Of these no one brought over more cattle or better ones than did W. D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ont. In two of his public sales, recorded in another chapter, mention was made of some of these imported ani- mals, but this history would be incomplete if it failed to give proper credit to these important importations. Included in them were many Short- horns that have worked a great and permanent benefit to the breed in America. From 1900 to 1904 Mr. Flatt imported 300 Shorthorns, the majority of which were sold to breeders in the United States, giving our herds the reviving, uplifting impetus of flesh blood that in some instances came from the best herds of England and Scotland through ani- mals which had been prizewinners and champions at the leading shows of that kingdom. A complete list of these importations is impracticable here NEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 897 because of limited space; only a part will be given. Among the notable cows was Mayflower 4tli, a champion at English shows that sold to E. W. Bowen at $2,050. At $2,600 Col. G. M. Casey took Mayflower 5th, considered the best cow in the sale of Aug. 7, 1900. Empress 12th, a beautiful red cow with rich Bates blood, sold to Lowden, Baker & Baker with six other cows and the Canadian-bred bull Valiant 171067 at $9,155 for the eight head. Collynie Missie at $750 and Lavender Eose 2d at $1,100 were taken by George E. Ward, who also bought for $5,100 the roan bull Lord Banff, the competing bidder being Lowden, Baker & Baker. Two cows of W. S. Marr's breeding, Missie 164th by Spicy Eobin and Clara 59th by Wanderer, were bought by F, W. Ayres, the former at $1,025 and the latter at $1,525. Fletcher G. Hines, Malott Park, Ind., a breeder of Polled Durhams, bought five cows for $6,250, two of them being Casey Vic- toria at $1,600 and the Marr-bred Princess Eoyal 61th at $1,750. Fair Duchess by Watchfire went to F. A. Edwards at $1,550 and the Eoyal Cham- pion Cicely, bred by the Queen and clearly the sensation of this sale, was bought for $5,000 by J. G. Eobbins & Sons after a spirited and exciting battle of bids with A. G. Leonard, Col. Casey, George E. Ward and others. This price estab- lished a record for Scotch cows in the United States, as the $5,100 paid for Lord Banff also fixed it for Scotch bulls at that time. Other bulls worthy 898 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE of special mention were Spicy Marquis 192914, bred by W. S. Marr, and Old Lancaster 253007, bred by Alexander Crombie, both of wliicli proved excellent breeders in Canadian herds. But a list of Mr. Flatt's imported bulls that did not include Choice Goods, the best one of all, in fact the very Beau Brummel of the bulls of his day, would be inex- cusable omission. Choice Goods came over wearing the wreath of a conqueror at British shows, and while at the time of this sale he had not had an opportunity to test his merit in America show- yards, he had been brought to Chicago from his Canadian home and was in the sale barn, though not included in that sale. Choice Goods Sold. — After the auction was con- cluded a genuine sensation was created by the report that Choice Goods had been sold at private treaty for $5,000. And when it was known that his purchaser was the firm of J. G. Bobbins & Sons and that he and imp. Cicely would join Kuberta and her associates in the show herd, the outlook for future herd prizes was not very reassuring to the showmen who w^ere present. While W. D. Flatt was an extensive importer of Shorthorns, he was also a breeder of large experience and pronounced success, and from his Trout Creek herd were sent out many cattle that enriched herds both in Canada and the United States. The record of his private sales is not available, but at his public sales from Dec. 20, 1899, to Jan. 20, 1904, he sold 225 head for NEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 899 $160,730, an average of $745. His herd was dis- persed in 1905 and a contributing cause of his retirement, if not the main reason therefor, was his keen disappointment when the Dominion govern- ment took control of all record associations. Pine Grove Herd. — Another breeding establish- ment in Ontario of great influence on Shorthorns, both with its importations and home-bred cattle, w^as that of "W. C. Edwards & Co., of Rockland. From 1900 to 1903 this firm imported thirty-two Shorthorns, two bulls and thirty cows, from the best herds of Scotland. Importations were made prior to that date, but this chapter will record only the ones made since 1900. The two bulls imported were the Duthie-bred Village Champion, by Scottish Champion and out of Village Maid 17th by Master of Ceremonies, sire of the noted imp. Lady in Wait- ing, and Marquis of Zenda, which became the great sire of the Pine Grove herd. Bred by W. S. Marr and full-brother to imp. Missie 153d, Marquis of Zenda was consig-ned by Mr. Marr to the Interna- tional sale of 1901 and purchased by W. C. Edwards & Co. Among the cows imported were Proud Sun- shine, bred by William Duthie and got by Pride of Morning, the Marr-bred Emma 37th by Count Arthur, Alexandrina 28th by Wanderer, sire of Marquis of Zenda, Sally 8th and Susan, both Secrets and bred by Thomas F. Jamieson, and Saucebox, a Spicy bred by J. Deane Willis and sired by Count Lavender, the sire of imp. Bapton Pearl. 900 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE Maple Shade Herd. — In the development of a breed of live stock the permanence of herds, where son succeeds father in the ownership, is a fortunate condition and a source of strength to the breed. This gives a more carefully prepared and systematic plan for animal improvement, affording opportunity to study in detail the characteristics of several gen- erations of cows and enabling the breeder to ascer- tain from his father the peculiarities of earlier gen- erations of the herd. A notable herd of this kind was that of Hon. John Dryden & Son, Brooklin, Ont. In the year 1900 W. A. Dryden took the active management of the herd because of the important and increasing public duties of his father, who was secretary of agriculture of the Dominion. The policy pursued in the Maple Shade herd was to breed cows rather than buy them, though occasion- ally purchases were made. For this reason the herd was never large, though it was quite good and produced many valuable Shorthorns. Imp. Collynie Archer 149948 by Scottish Archer, a Duthie-bred Missie, Avas an important herd bull used at Maple Shade. His dam was Missie 135th by William of Orange 95736. With distinguished ancestors on both sides it was no surprise that he proved an impressive sire. In a combination sale held in Chicago, June 13 and 14, 1902, fourteen heifers sired by him made an average of $625, almost $100 above the average, though many of the cattle were imported. NEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 901 Dryden & Son rarely exhibited at shows in the United States, but at the International of 1905 their Bertie's Hero won first in the senior yearling class and was a strong competitor for the junior cham- pionship, though he lost that honor to Cumberland 's Last shown by C. A. Saunders. Following imp. Collynie Archer, Prince Gloster 152470 was put in ser\dce. He was bred by S. C. James & Sons, New Sharon, la. ; he was out of a Duchess of Gloster dam and his sire was out of Victoria 87th by Craven Knight 96923. Prince Gloster proved to be a very prepotent sire, his get having deep, smooth bodies, thick flesh and rugged constitutions. A notable son of his was Prince Imperial 325711, a massive roan, which when two years old was grand cham- pion of the Toronto show in September, 1909. In Januaiy, 1910, Prince Imperial was sold by W. A. Dryden for $2,500 to Thomas Stanton who resold him in a public sale on April 8 to George J. Sayer at the reported price of $10,000. When we consider the two sales of Prince Imperial Avithin three months, one at the handsome price of $2,500 and the other for the princely sum of $10,000, it is hardly believable that at one time he was pur- chased for $60; this was when he was rescued by W. A. Dryden from neglect and the filth of an unsanitary barn. But let this stoiy be given sub- stantiallv as related bv Mr. Diwden.* *In sending- the account. Mr. Dryden corrected the published report that the bull was brtd by him and gave tlie following facts: John McKenzie & Son brought imp. Helen 21st 75025 to Maple 902 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Under generous feed and more careful treatment, the bull rapidly recovered from the effects of for- mer neglect and made such a marvelous develop- ment that a few months later the senior member of the firm pronounced him the best young bull he had ever seen, and at the Toronto show of that year he was good enough to be grand champion. After the death of Hon. John Diyden, in July, 1909, his son, W. A. Dryden, continued the Maple Shade herd and later enlarged it. In June, 1910, he bought tw^enty-six head from W. D. Flatt — some Mr. Flatt had collected since the dispersion of the Trout Creek herd. Among these were Rosa Hope 16tli and her white son Archer's Hope 402425, which are regarded as the most valuable pair ever added to the Maple Shade herd. Archer's Hope has proved an impressive and valuable sire. He was bred by Peter White, Pembroke, Ont., was got by the Bruce-bred Nonpareil Archer 236802, and his dam was out of imp. Rosa Hoi)e 15th, bred by Shade to be bred to imp. Scottisli Minstrel, a roan. As the cow was very lig-ht roan, Mr. Dryden induced them to breed her to the red Prince Gloster. The produce of this service was Prince Im- perial, described as "the most perfect young'stcr I ever saw." For a year or more the bull's testicles did not show, and for this reason, mainly, he was poorly fed and badly cartd for until he was sixteen months old. An offer of $55 from a butcher was rejected by the owner, who then sold the young- bull to W. A. Dryden for $60 and the service of three cows to his herd bull. Mr. Dryden's own words will best describe the young bull's condition : "He was brought from a back stall from which he had not been taken for thrte months. His feet were long, he was tliin and covered from end to end with dirt and manure. But after all this maltreatment he retained a good head and horn, short legs, straight lines and a splendid skin. I cleaned him of dirt and lice and weighed him. In sixty days he gained 225 pounds and as long as I owned him he was a most satisfactory improver." NEW HEEDS AND IMPORTATIONS 903 the Duke of liiclimond and Gordon. One son of Archer's Hope was Master Ruby, owned by Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis.; he was twice grand champion at the Wisconsin State Fair. Another son was Better Sort, sold in September, 1916, to Owen Kane, Wisner, Neb., for $2,000. Dryden & Son made some importations, but con- fined their attention mainly to breeding. In 1904 an importation of six head was made. In 1910 W. A. Dryden imported five cows from the herd of J. L. Reid, and in 1916 he brought over five bulls and fifty cows and heifers, part of which w^ere sold to breeders in the United States. The firm of John Dryden & Son held a place of great influence among Shorthorn breeders and the energy and discriminating judgment of the present owner of the herd give promise that it will continue its commendable record to the third and fourth generations. The Allen Cattle Co. — For many years the strength of the Shorthorn industry has centered in the Mississippi Valley, though some herds existed in all sections, the mountain and Pacific Coast states having their quota. In 1903 a new herd was begun where the Rocky Mountains lift their heads to the clouds. The moving spirit and chief owner of the company was Benjamin C. Allen of Colorado Springs, lately a director in the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association. Mr. Allen laid the founda- tion of the herd by purchases from leading breeders 904 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska. The first impor- tant bull for the Divide Herd was Orange Sultan, a grandson of Whitehall Sultan. Following him came Eoyal Cumberland by Cumberland's Last, a champion at the Western Live Stock Show at Denver, where he was purchased from C. A. Saun- ders, his breeder, for $3,000. This bull proved a remarkably good sire and greatly improved the herd. After Eoyal Cumberland came Second Thought, by Double Dale and out of Little Lassie by Choice Goods, and succeeding him was Scottish King 454660, a grandson of King Cumberland that was sold to Elmendorf Farm for $5,000. The herd bulls combined the blood of the three great sires Whitehall Sultan, Choice Goods and Cumberland's Last, and that their get would be superior Shorthorns w^as more than a reasonable hope. At the annual exhibitions of the Western Live Stock Show, the Allen Cattle Co. has taken many prizes, and at the Panama-Pacific Exposition the herd was very successful, winning ten firsts, including the prize for best ten head bred by exhib- itor. These prizes were won on the get of Eoyal Cumberland. At the Chicago International of 1916, five calves by Second Thought won six prizes, including second on calf herd ; the bull calf Western Star won in a class of forty-nine entries which was pronounced the best ring of bull calves ever seen in the United States. At the Denver show of January, 1917, the Allen Cattle Co. was fully as NEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 905 successful as at the Interaational. The heifer Eoyal Rose was selected by the American Short- horn Breeders' Association for export to Argentina. On Historic Ground. — No portion of the Ameri- can continent was more closely identified with the early development of Shorthorns than central Ken- tucky. One has only to enumerate some of the noted prizewinners of those days to call forth the galaxy of distinguished breeders who then molded the form and gTiided the destiny of the breed. "With the development of other commonwealths and the introduction of new bloodlines into American herds the center of influence of the breed was changed; it moved westward with the star of empire. During the first decade of the twentieth century there was established in this famous blue- grass region of Kentucky a herd of Shorthorns which became very important because of the num- ber and quality of its cattle and its influence on surrounding herds. Its founder was James B. Haggin, whose wealth included mines and vast ranch and live stock interests. On a 7,000-acre tract of fine limestone land which he had acquired near the city of Lexington, Mr. Haggin established Elmendorf Farm, most elabo- rately and expensively equipped. Initial purchases for Elmendorf were made from herds in Kentucky, particularly that of William Warfield. The last bull ever bred by the sage of Grasmere is recorded as the property of Elmendorf Farm, under the 906 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE name of Warfield's Last, and liis dam, Lovely of Grasmere, also included in the purchase, was in Mr. Haggin's show herd. Extensive purchases for the upbuilding of this collection began about 1906 and included drafts from the herds of F. W. Ayres, H. F. Brown, F. W. Harding, Carpenter & Boss and others. At the Sinnissippi sale in June, 1907, seven head were bought for $3,650; some of these were by the International champion. Ceremonious Archer. One cow of this purchase was Mario's Heiress 3d, with a calf by Lovat Champion, which was recorded as Mario's Champion 278776 and became a useful sire in the Elmendorf herd. An early herd bull was Valley Champion 130485, bred by J. G. Bobbins & Sons and got by St. Valentine, sire of The Lad For Me and Buberta. Another was Great Oak 253792, bred by S. F. Lockridge, got by Prince of Perth and out of Golden Morning by Baron Lavender 3d 78584, sire of Lavender Vis- count 124755. The most notable purchase was Whitehall Marshal, grand champion at the Inter- national in 1905 and 1906 and at state fairs many times; he was purchased from F. W. Harding at private treaty, and while the price was not made public it was generally believed to be $7,500. A later herd bull was King Cumberland 288383, by Cumberland's Last, purchased for $5,000 from George H. White just after he had won the junior championship at the International of 1908. At the advanced age of ninety-two, James B. Haggin died KEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 907 on Sept. 12, 1914. His herd was purchased by Kingsley Macomlier, a son-in-law of L. V. Harkness of Walnut Hall Farm fame, and taken to Paicines Rancho in California. Elmendorf Farm bred many excellent Shorthorns and furnished seed to strengthen existing herds and to lay foundations for new ones. Lespedeza Farm. — A herd which felt the upbuild- ing influence of Elmendorf was that established at Hickoiy Valley, Tenn., by H. B. Duryea of Xew York City. On a tract of 15,000 acres Mr. Duryea in 1910 laid the foundations of his herd. The farm was later called Lespedeza, the name being sug- gested by a species of clover so abundant in the south. Important purchases were made from the sales at Elmendorf Farm, but the most important addition was the entire herd of E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind., which was purchased at private treaty. This purchase included cows of choice breeding and the herds bulls Selection, by Avondale, Scotch Goods, by Choice Goods and out of imp. Cicely, and Everlasting, by March Knight. Scotch Goods was an impressive sire, but died soon after his transfer to Lespedeza. Another herd bull was Mystic Arcli 340226, bred by E. AV. Bowen and combining through his sire the blood of imp. Bapton Diamond Avitli that of Lord Banff, sire of his dam, the grandam being the show cow imp. Missie 165th. A sire of as much value to the Lespedeza herd as any ever used was Imperial Gloster 340225, 908 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE bought with his dam, Lady Gloster 6th, with the Burnbrae herd. He was sired by Everlasting 242727; his dam was by imp. Cock Robin 192127 and his grandam by Baron Gloster 101657, an impressive sire in the herd of Forbes Bros. Impe- rial Gloster sired Imperial Brace, undefeated as a two-year-old at the fairs of 1916, and Imperial Mistletoe, that seem destined to make a similar record in 1917. Another prepotent sire' is the present herd bull, Lespedeza Sultan 406929, bred at Anoka Farms and rich in the blood of A^^itehall Sultan, having also crosses of imp. Fancy's Pride 182614, Baron Rule 123625 and Craven Knight 96923, and coming from a line of Victoria cows that descend through those bred by Col. W. A. Harris. At the International of 1916 Lespedeza won first on two-year-old cow and senior championship, and second prize on graded herd. At the fairs of 1917 very few herds have been so successful. The Lespe- deza bulls made a clean sweep at the Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee State Fairs, except in two classes. They won every championship, also a gold medal given by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association for the best futurity bull calf shown. The Lespedeza herd made a successful sale in 1916 and one in 1917. Some 325 head are main- tained. Mr. Duryea died suddenly in January, 1916, in the midst of plans for enlarging his Short- horn activities. It was a source of much satisfaction NEW HEEDS AXD IMPORTATIONS 909 to breeders everywhere when Mrs. Duryea an- nounced that she would maintain the herd and continue to develop it as her husband had planned. An attractive private herd catalog gives the pedi- grees both in the usual form and in tabulation. This herd is a source of great strength to the Shorthorn industry in central and southern states and by the high-class cattle it is producing is a source of encouragement to all breeders. Craigielea Herd. — AYhile the central portion of the United States was the theater of greatest Shorthorn trade and development, there was a strong demand from westei*n states, particularly from the Pacific Coast. Eeference has already been made in recording the results of the shows at the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expo- sitions to the herd of Charles E. Ladd, located at Oak Hill Farm, near Portland, Ore., which fur- nished foundation stock for most of the strong herds of the Pacific northwest. In 1908 Frank Brown, who had been manager of the herd for ten years and whose judgment and eSiciency had con- tributed largely to its success, purchased at private treaty twenty of Mr. Ladd's best cows and the herd bull imp. Scottish Canadian 209402, and on land near Carlton also bought from Mr. Ladd, he started a new herd. The farm was meadowland and wooded hills which his Scotch rearing caused him to call Craigielea. The remainder of the Ladd herd was sold at auction in 1908. 910 A HISTOEY 01' SHORT-HOKN CATTLE The second bull used in the Craigielea herd was Golden Goods, Jr. 374438, a son of the $3,500 Golden Goods shown so successfully by W. 0. Minor. Succeeding him was Diamond Perfection 430550, bred by A. E. Stevenson, Port Huron, Mich., and a great-grandson of D. R. Hanna's imp. Bapton Diamond. The dam of Diamond Perfection was Lovely Tulip 5th 59595, bred by Mr. Stevenson, and his grandam was Lovely Tulip 2d, bred by A. Robertson and imported by W. D. Flatt. The Craigielea herd under Mr. Brown's direction developed an excellent class of Shorthorns and through private and public sales furnished founda- tion stock for many herds. Mr. Brown sold much of his surplus stock through combination sales of which he was manager. At ten sales made during the last five years at the Portland stock yards 598 head averaged $251.35. In late years Mr. Brown has represented the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association and through his agency many Shorthorns have been brought to the Pacific Coast. The Pleasant Valley Herd. — The development of Oklahoma in agriculture and live stock after her admission to the Union was rapid. Coincident with this growth there came a strong demand for Shorthorns to improve the native cattle of the new commonwealth. A pioneer in this trade was H. C. Lookabaugh of Watonga. While he is now a loyal advocate of the breed, he confesses to having XEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 911 held an early prejudice against Sliortliorns, first because they have horns and second because they are not of uniform color. His own account of how this prejudice was changed to a genuine admiration by a careful study of their beef and milk qualities forms an interesting story. Mr. Lookabaugh's first important purchase was made in 1910 from the herd of J. G. Eobbins & Sons and included the imported cows Amaranthist, bred by Philo L. Mills, Carthage Countess by First Choice 179847, Graceful Rose and Julia, a grand- daughter of Star of Morning. On the same trip purchases were made from the herd of Carpenter & Ross, including daughters of Avondale out of cows of the Clipper, Jealousy, Buttercup and Victoria families. Mr. Lookabaugh also. secured an option on Pride of Albion, then a calf, but since the noted sire and prizewinner in the herd of Frank R. Edwards, Tiffin, 0.; he surrendered his option be- fore he realized what a splendid prize he had drawn. While he may have regretted not retaining this bull, he was very fortunate later in securing for $2,500 from Bellows Bros, the white bull Fair Acres Sultan, a son of Whitehall Sultan out of Snowbird 11648, a prizewinner from the herd of N. P. Clarke and a granddaughter of the noted sire imp. Nonpareil Victor. Fair Acres Sultan proved an exceptionally prepotent sire in the herd of J. A. Kilgour, Sterling, 111., as could reasonably be expected from such a combination of the blood 912 A HISTOKY OF SHOET-HOKN CATTLE of prizewinning and great-producing ancestors as he possessed. The fame of this bull and success in the state fair circuits brought the Pleasant Valley herd prom- inently before Shorthorn breeders, particularly of the southwest, and this made possible two very successful sales in 1916. In March thirty-five head were sold at an average of $533.40 and on Nov. 23 thirty-eight head brought $22,800, an average of $600. Five cows sold at from $1,000 to $1,125, four of them to residents of the state. It was an encouraging incident of the sale that more than two-thirds of the cattle were purchased by Okla- homa bidders. The cow Isabella, grand champion at the Nebraska State Fair in 1914, went to J. R. Whistler at $1,000, along with three others at from $525 to $790. Imp*. Jest was sold at $1,125 to J. W. Wharton of Pond Creek and Mulberry Secret was taken at $1,040 by A. B. Georgia of Eipley. In 1916 Mr. Lookabaugh imported nine Shorthorns, eight cows and one bull, which were selected in Great Britain by Leslie Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. During the last two years no state has shown a more insistent demand for Shorthorns than Okla- homa, and it is undoubtedly true that the persistent, faithful pioneer work of the owner of the Pleasant Valley herd had much to do with creating this demand. The growth of this demand has been an encouraging feature of the Shorthorn industry, and breeders of the entire country have abundant rea- NEW HERDS AND IMPORTATIONS 913 son for rejoicing over the rapid development of the herds of Oklahoma. In the newly established herd of F. A. Gillespie & Sons, of Tulsa, the young state has a herd of Shorthorns that in the number of its high-class cow^s and superior herd bulls is sur- passed by none in America, while from the stand- point of breeding, individual merit and intelligent management no herd holds greater possibilities for good to the breed. CHAPTER IV FEOM THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSI- TION TO THE PANAMA-PACIFIC The great world's fairs of our country have all been held in commemoration of some important event in the history of our nation. The Lewis and Clark Exposition was to commemorate that diffi- cult and hazardous exploration from Missouri to the Pacific northwest whicli revealed the value of the vast newly acquired territory. This remarkable exploration, authorized by act of Congress at the request of President Jefferson, was made by Capt. William Clark and Col. Meriwether Lewis. With an expedition of twenty-eight men they left St. Louis late in 1803, explored the Missouri River to its source, crossed the continental divide and de- scended the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean, which they reached in November, 1805, having spent two winters on their journey and braved extermination by numerous powerful tribes of hos- tile Indians. In accordance with a commendable desire to recall to the minds of the American people the priceless benefit to the development and prog- ress of the nation conferred by that intrepid explo- ration, enterprising citizens of the Pacific northwest THE LEWIS AXD CLAEK EXPOSITION 915 decided to hold in Portland, Ore., in 1905, an exposition wliich would commemorate this historic event. They called it the Lewis and Clark Expo- sition. The exhibition of cattle at this exposition oc- curred in September. It included a strong display of Shorthorns. All the leading herds of the Pacific Coast states were represented, with the addition of a draft from the herds of J. G. Eobbins & Sons, Horace, Ind., and the Tebo Land & Cattle Co., Clinton, Mo. If further proof were needed of the leadership of Shorthorns among beef-producing breeds, this display furnished ample evidence to those who saw it. "The Breeder's Gazette" in reporting the show said: "This breed has ever been the pioneer in improvement. It has laid the foundation in the countries of the world on which other breeds have later worked." King Edward, a massive, smooth son of Bapton Arrow, of the J. Deahe Willis herd, developed in the herd of D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, 0., and entered in this show from the herd of J. H. Glide, Sacra- mento, Cal., was easily first aged bull and later the grand champion. In the two-year-old class the white Bapton Broadhooks, from the Ladd herd, won first over the red My Choice, which had beaten him at the International in 1904. The win- ners in both yearling and calf classes were from the Tebo Land & Cattle Co. The calf Choice Goods Model was made junior champion, winning over his 916 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE lialf-brotlfer The Conqueror, the first defeat which this bull had met in his two years of showing. The ring of cows had ten entries and they were of unusual merit. The Charles E. Ladd herd fur- nished both first and second prizewinners in Lady Dorothea and Welcome of Meadow Lawn 8tli, both bred by N. P. Clarke and got by imp. Red Knight 157136. Lad's Lady, of the Eobbins herd, winner of first-prize at several eastern fairs, had to be content with third place. In two-year-olds Lad's Emma, from the same herd, won easily and was ambitious to wear the purple of senior champion- ship, but lost that honor to Lady Dorothea, later made grand champion. In yearling heifers the Tebo Land & Cattle Co. won first on Sweet Briar Rose and in calves first on Clara Belle, a daughter of imp. Clara 58th, and second on Fair Louisiana, a daughter of Rub^rta. Tebo Lawn also won first on young herd, first on calf herd, first on produce of cow, and first and second on get of sire — all with the get of Choice Goods. In graded herds first was awarded to Charles E. Ladd, second to H. W. Peel, third to J. G. Robbins & Son, and fourth to J. H. Glide. A Memorable Sale.— On June 20 to 22, 1906, in the Kansas City stockyards sale pavilion occurred an auction important in its aggregate and far- reaching in its results. This was the dispersion of a herd established in 1876 by George M. Casey, but enlarged by him and greatly imjjroved from 1900 THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION" 917 to 1902 and known from that time as the Tebo Lawn herd. During the four years preceding its dispersion no herd in America had exerted a greater influence on Shorthorns and none had taken so many prizes at state and national shows. An un- fortunate investment in range cattle brought finan- cial reverses which made it necessary to assign the Tebo Lawn herd in order to meet obligations. The sale was made by creditors a year after Col. Casey's death, which was hastened by wony over business reverses. Liquidation sales to satisfy the claims of bankers who are not identified with the live stock industry, and where bidders are not influenced by a feeling of breed loyalty or neighborly courtesy or obliga- tion, are not the sales at which to expect high averages. Then too, the Tebo Lawn herd contained many cattle of promiscuous breeding, but of much individual merit, called ''Casey's mixtures." Many breeders predicted a moderate sale. But the repu- tation of the herd for having high-class Shorthorns and the splendid advertising which had been given it by Choice Goods and his prizewinning get brought together such a crowd of cattlemen as has rarely been seen. The sale was successful beyond the expectations of the most sanguine creditor. In opening the sale Col. F. M. Woods paid a well-merited tribute to Col. Casey's devotion to and zeal for Shorthorns, and his call for bids soon revealed the fact that the demand was large and 918 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE competition keen for the best cattle. The average on 177 lots was $358.30, eleven bulls making an average of $1,101.35 and 166 cows and heifers of $308.60. Choice Goods sold to Howell Rees, Pilger, Neb., for $5,500. The yearling Golden Goods, by Choice Goods and out of Golden Abbotsburn, went to H. C. Duncan at $1,500 and at the same price T. J. Wornall & Son took The Conqueror, a noted prizewinner, and for $1,000 bought imp. Mayflower 5th, for which Col. Casey paid $2,600 in 1900. M. E. Jones, Williamsville, 111., took imp. Village Belle by Pride of Morning at $2,000 and for $1,200 bought imp. Cicely and her roan bull calf Scotch Goods, which he sold one year later to E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind., for $2,520. N. H. Gentry took imp. Clara 58th at $1,300 and her daughters Clara Belle and Claret were bought by F. W. Harding at $1,005 and $1,025, though Claret was later resold to F. J. Scofield of Texas. The famous Ruberta was bought for $1,325 by Howell Rees, in whose herd she produced Ruberta 's Goods, a successful prize- winner and an impressive sire. For $1,300 Owen Kane, Wisner, Neb., bought The Runaway Girl and her bull calf Best of Goods, which one year later was sold to Bellows Bros, for $1,000 and in their herd proved a great sire. Rosedale Violet 9tli at sixteen years of age sold for $530 to the University of Illinois. As a breeder she has a record equaled by few cows, having produced 10 calves 6 of which sold for $5,910, an average of $985. THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 919 With this sale the Tebo Lawn herd passed into history and the excellent Shorthorns composing it found new homes in herds widely distributed. Interesting as the record of Shorthorn achieve- ments might be, a detailed history of sales and shows is impossible in this brief history, so for succeeding years only a few of the important ones can be recorded. Popular demand for purebred cattle, as regis- tered by public and private sales, .ebbs and flows, not with the regularity of the tides of the sea, but low prices succeed high every few years. From 1900 to 1902 there was an enhancement of values that gave substantial encouragement, but 1903 marked a • decline that reached its low point in 1904. From the beginning of 1900 to the close of 1903 the general average of all public sales had risen from $175 to $260, while in 1904 it dropped to $101, a most discouraging decline. From 1904 an improvement began, prices gradually increasing each year until in 1907 the enhancement was more than sixty percent over the average of three years before. To many breeders this statement may be a sur- prise, but in 1904 the average of 2,755 head sold was $101.25, while that of 1907 was $160 on 3,608. In 1908 there was a slight decline in prices, the average being $146.50 on 2,689 head, but following that year there was a gradual but slow appreciation in values until the awakening of 1916. 920 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Browndale's Twenty-Ninth Sale. — In Minneapo- lis, April 4, 1908, H. P. Brown held his twenty-ninth consecutive annual sale, disposing of thirty-three head at an average of $311.80. For $1,015 W. I. Wood, Williamsport, 0., bought the roan heifer Missie of Browndale 13th, but resold her to F. W. Harding, in whose herd she became a successful prizewinner. An interesting feature of this sale was the statement of the auctioneer. Col. F. M. Woods, that in the twenty-nine sales from the Browndale herd, from 1880 to 1908 inclusive, 1,057 head had been sold for $258,820, an average of $245.80. In but two of these sales was the average below $100, those being the years 1894 and 1896, when prices were very low on all farm products. Cherry Grove Auction. — On June 3, 1908, at Wil- liamsville. 111., M. E. Jones sold forty-four head at an average of $307. Howell Eees & Son, Pilger, Neb., bought Lady Violet 3d for $1,000 and Laven- der Lady 3d for $700. Imp. Cherry Marengo was sold to D. W. Helm of Illinois for $980. The Des Moines Show.— The Iowa State Fair of 1908, held at Des Moines in September, marked the entrance to the showring of the sensational junior yearling King Cumberland 288383, which was awarded the junior champion prize, Whitehall Mar- shal being grand champion. D. R. Hanna won the grand championship for cows on Flora 90th by Old Lancaster 253007, a good sire in the herd of Geo. Amos & Son of Ontario. In the get-of-sire exhibit THE LEWIS AND CLAEK EXPOSITION 921 first prize was awarded to get of "Whitehall Sultan and second to get of his son Whitehall Marshal, shown by Elmendorf Farm. In produce of cow both first and second prizes were won by F. W. Harding. The Fair at Hamline. — While the Minnesota State Fair of 1908 had its customary abundance and excellence of exhibits and a strong display of Shorthorns, its attendance was not quite up to the record-breaking crowd of the preceding year, when its new and commodious exhibition pavilion was dedicated in a masterful speech by James J. Hill, President of the Great Northern Railway. This 1908 show of Shorthorns witnessed the dethrone- ment of Whitehall Marshal, an accomplishment which had been threatened for some weeks, and the crowning of his half-brother Whitehall King as grand champion. N. P. Clarke's Dorothea 2d was grand champion cow, and for several years she con- tinued to win so many grand championships that her record was truly phenomenal. The International. — For the final contest of the year the Shorthorn clans marshalled their forces in a display which marks an epoch in showyard his- tory. In speaking of the Shorthorn exhibit at the 1908 International ''The Breeder's Gazette" said: "In these magnificent arrays of superbly fitted cattle every aspiration of the most devoted advo- cate of the breed was met in full measure. In these accurately fashioned, grandly fleshed and beauti- 922 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE fully finished Shorthorns, all tradition of the breed found full fruition. The vision of the Shorthorn glories of the 1908 International will not soon fade." The entries, including steers, totalled slightly over 300. In the ring of aged bulls Whitehall King maintained the premier place assigned him at Ham- line, Glenbrook Sultan being second, Whitehall Marshal third and Avondale fourth. All four were sired by Whitehall Sultan and three of them were bred by E. S. Kelly. Whitehall King was made grand champion of the bulls, King Cumberland junior champion. Flora 90th was grand champion of the cows and the junior champion was Susan Cumberland, a junior heifer calf by Cumberland's Last shown by D. R. Hanna, owner of Flora 90th. For get of sire first was awarded to Whitehall Sul- tan's, second to Avondale 's, third to March Knight's and fourth to Whitehall Marshal's. At the conclusion of the judging F, W. Harding sold the grand champion Whitehall King for $3,500 to L. V. Harkness, Lexington, Ky., and George H. White sold the junior champion King Cumberland for $5,000 to Elmendorf Farm, also of Lexington,' Ky. In connection with the show a public sale was held under the management of the American Short- horn Breeders' Association. It Avas remarkably successful and gave great encouragement to breed- ers. Forty-five head made an average of $403.20. THE LEWIS AND CLAEK EXPOSITION 923 Values were fairly uniform, but no very high prices were paid. The red heifer Rosette of Grassland, bred by T. J. Wornall, sold at $1,025 to L. V. Harkness, who was the largest buyer, his purchases aggregating $6,385. The attractive young bull Knight Templar by March Knight was sold for $900 to F. W. Harding. A Phenomenal Steer. — At this 1908 International James Leask, Taunton, Ont., flashed on the public the most remarkable Shorthorn steer that had been seen since the days of Clarence Kirklevington. All advocates of the breed had high hopes that he would win the grand champion prize. He was half- brother to Roan King, grand champion of 1907, and was a much better steer. In fact, many competent judges of other breeds pronounced him the best steer they had ever seen. So when the International judge of steers awarded the royal purple and Roan Jim was only reserve grand champion, the Short- horn contingent was greatly surprised and sorely disappointed. About King Cumberland. — The record of noted animals, as well as distinguished men, awakens more than ordinary interest; hence these facts about the making of King Cumberland: He was sired at Sinnissippi Farm by Cumberland's Last, out of Miss Walpole, whose grandam, Bonnie Belle 2d was by imp. Craven Knight. Miss Walpole, in calf to Cumberland 's Last, was sold by Col. Lowden to Hector Cowan, Paullina, la., with a lot of cows 924 A HISTORY 01'' SHORT-HOEN CATTLE at the bargain price of $130 per head. She was resold for $225 to H. H. Powell, Linn Grove, la., in whose herd King Cumberland was born. Mr. Powell developed the promising youngster and after winning junior championship at the Iowa State Fair of 1908 sold him for $3,000 to George H. White, who resold him to Elmendorf Farm for $5,000 after the bull had been made junior cham- pion at the International. In 1909 some very successful sales were held, but only two will be included in this record. On Feb. 4 David Birrell, Arthur Johnston and Miller Bros., all of Ontario, made consignments to a sale that averaged $324. Thomas Johnson, Columbus, 0., bought four cows, one being Pleasant Valley Jilt, bred by George Amos and got by Old Lan- caster 253007, sire of the International grand cham- pion Flora 90th, shown by D. R. Hanna. Pleasant Valley Jilt was grand champion at the Toronto Fair of 1908 and in this sale brought $2,500. The Anoka Sale. — In April F. W. Harding, Wau- kesha, Wis., made his usual spring sale from the Anoka herd, forty-eight head making the satisfac- tory average of $445. There was a large attend- ance and great enthusiasm. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind., wdth a choice herd of Polled Durhams, took the roan cow Pine Grove Mildred at $1,035 and paid $2,500 for the white yearling bull Sultan of Anoka, out of the famous imp. Lady in Waiting. This bull proved a remarkable breeder in Mr. Miller's herd. KING CUMBERLAND — JUNIOR CHAMPION AT 190S INTERNATIONAL, FOR G. H. WHITE, EMERSON, lA., AND SOLD TO ELMENDORF FARM, LEXINGTON, KY., AT $5,000. FLORA 90TH— GRAND CHAMPION AT 1908 INTERNATIONAL FOR D. R. HANNA, RAVENNA, O. CHRISTMAS LASSIE — FIRST-PRIZE TWO-YEAR-i ir>D HEIFER AT THE INTERNATIONAL OF 1909 FOR TIIOS. JOHNSON & SONS, COLUMBUS, O. LxiRdTHEA L'U— GRAND I'llAMPION AT KANSAS CITY AND CHI- CAGO IN 1909 FOR N. 1'. CLARKE, ST. CLOUD, MINN. THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 925 The American Royal's Great Show. — Several very successful exhibitions had been held in Kansas City, but that of 1909 surpassed all former ones. For Shorthorn breeders it was the culmination of fond hopes, the acme of strenuous endeavors. The stock- yards company had provided a new ampitheater seating 7,000 people and having an exhibition arena 100 by 300 feet. The herds which had participated in many arduous contests for arena supremacy were here to give a new demonstration of merit. Side- light, from the Anoka herd, gained the senior cham- pionship for bulls, but was defeated for the grand championship by Eingmaster, the ambitious year- ling from the Meadow Lawn herd of N. P. Clarke, whose herd also furnished the grand champion cow in Dorothea 2d. The junior champion female was Susan Cumberland, exhibited by D. R. Hanna. In the awards for get of sire, March Knight's took first, Glenbrook Sultan's second, Whitehall Sultan's third and Cumberland's Last's fourth. The 1909 International. — The International is generally regarded as the climax of each year's shows. Those who had seen other big shows of the season and who knew the size and quality of Shorthorn exhibits were prepared for a display that could be described only by the use of superlatives, but they were not expecting the record-breaking exhibition called out by this International. Men came to be pleased and stayed because they were amazed. Expectation was distanced by realization. 926 A HISTOEY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE The magnitude and superb quality of the Shorthorn show was fittingly and elegantly described by ' ' The Breeder's Gazette," a competent and trustworthy guide as to the merit of live stock shows. It said: **Tlie age of seeming miracles is yet with us. No one who has looked on the International show- ring the past few years, whether seasoned veteran or enthusiastic amateur, believed that succeeding exhibitions would write more glorious records. Yet they have. As often as the possibilities seem to have been attained that often have they been sur- passed. One may well marvel. Even we who survey in memory the showyard history of the last quarter of a century sometimes sigh for the good old days, while veterans of campaigns yet more remote are usually of the unalterable opinion that present day degeneracy suffers sadly by contrast with the pristine glories of the breed. Of such sad vision none is more fantastic than that which con- jures up hypothetical superiority of old-time cattle. Of a verity there were animals that justly live in history as among the great ones of earth, but no age, no people, no clime ever assembled even ap- proximately in one show as much of amazing Shorthorn excellence as the International of 1909." The first class of the show called forth twelve bulls of rare merit. Shenstone Albino, imported by Carpenter & Ross, was leader of the class and later was made senior champion. Sidelight wns second and Avondale third. The younger classes of bulls were marvelous for excellence. King Cumberland won first among two-year-olds, but was not a cham- pion, not having attained to that excellence that IMP. .SHKNSTiiXK AI^BlNu — .SKMoK CHAMPION AT 1909 INTERNA- TIONAL FOR CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, O. SELECTION — JUNIOR AND GRAND CHAMPION AT 1909 INTERNA- TIONAL FOR E. W. BOWEN, DELPHI, IND., AND SOLD TO THOS. JOHNSON & SONS. COLUMBUS, O. THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 927 was foreshadowed by his magnificent form of the preceding year.. The first-prize yearlings were Selection and Ring- master and the first-prize calves Roan Snltan and Fond Memory, all roans, from the herds of E. W. Bo wen, N. P. Clarke, Thomas Johnson and F. W. Harding, respectively. They constituted a quar- tet of young bulls the equal of which had never been in an American Shorthorn yard. Selection proved the appropriateness of his name by taking both the junior and grand champion prizes. He was then sold for $3,000 to Thomas Johnson and became stable companion of the doughty Roan Sul- tan, winner of champion prizes at later shows. In cows, Clarke's Dorothea 2d won over Hanna's Flora 90th, grand champion of the previous Inter- national, Johnson's Duchess of Lancaster 13th taking third. In two-year-old heifers, Thomas Johnson took first, second and third on Christmas Lassie, Pleasant Valley Jilt and Countess Selma 2d. In junior yearlings, D. R. Hanna's Susan Cumber- land won first prize, but lost the junior champion- ship to Dale's Gift, first-prize senior yearling, owned by Carpenter and Ross. Dorothea 2d was grand champion. In herds, N. P. Clarke won first on graded herd and first on young herd, Thomas Johnson second on graded herd and first on calf herd, Cai*penter & Ross third on both graded and young herds, F. W. Harding second on young herd and third on calf 928 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE herd and E. W. Bowen fourth on both young herd and calf herd. In get-of-sire awards there was a shifting of positions assigned at other fairs, as Avondale's get was placed over March Knight's and Whitehall Sultan's was third, while the get of his son Glenbrook Sultan took fourth. Grand Champion Steers.— ^A decision in the carlot exhibit which filled the Shorthorn contingent with enthusiasm was the allotment of grand champion- ship to the entry of Keays & Oglesby, grandsons of John D. Gillett, whose steers were descendants of the herd of Shorthorns that made the Gillett entries so invincible in the days of the Fat Stock Shows on the lake front in Chicago. This victory was substantial ground for rejoicing, but when it became known that Al. A. Neale, Montrose, Colo., had captured the grand champion prize for feeders with a carload of calves, the happiness of Shorthorn men was intensified. Many were ready to endorse Lord Byron's sentiment, **Let joy be unconfined." Mr. Neale repeated this feat in the Internationals of 1910 and 1913. Stanton's Great Sale. — In the spring of 1910 Thomas Stanton, formerly manager of the Sinnis- sippi herd, closed a partnership with William George by taking over a herd which the firm of George & Stanton owned at Aurora, 111. On April 8 he made a sale which was veiy good. Fifty-six head brought $35,952, an average of $642. It was a choice lot of Shorthorns of good breeding, ele- THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 929 gantly fitted. One of the attractions of the offering was the sensational roan bull Prince Imperial 325711, grand champion at Toronto in September, 1909, which was bought from W. A. Dryden, Brooklin, Ont., in January, 1910, for $2,500. He went through this sale at a reported price of $10,000 and became the property of George J. Sayer, McHenry, 111., who also bought nine cows and heifers. The dioice cow of the sale was the white "Woodfield Lovely 2d 75029, which went to C. J. McMaster, Altona, 111., for $3,030. Flower Girl 3d by Glenbrook Sultan was bought for $1,000 by Sir William Van Horn, East Selkirk, Man., and Cum- berland's Lassie by Cumberland's Last went to Thomas Johnson, Columbus, 0., at $975. The roan two-year-old bull Masterpiece 314000, a sensational calf of 1908, was sold for $1,000 to George Allen, Lexington, Neb. White & Smith. — During the yeai- 1910 an impor- tant transfer was made of a herd Avhich has exerted a very strong influence in the upbuilding of modern Shorthorns. The Meadow Lawn herd of N. P. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn., had long been regarded as such a power. The collection had existed for more than twenty years prior to the period covered by this brief histoiy, but it attained its greatest merit and gave its greatest impetus to the breed's improvement subsequent to the year 1900. Mr. Clarke was an enthusiast for Shorthorns and at Meadow Lawn Farm had an ample plant for their 930 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HORN CATTLE propagation. In the selection of seed stock and the development of the herd he was ably assisted by his manager, Leslie Smith, a man of keen, accurate judgment of animal form and breeding and of expert knowledge in their proper development. Both owner and manager had good judgment and commendable enthusiasm, and this combination en- abled the Meadow Lawn herd to accomplish great results, both in its importations and in the develop- ment of home-bred cattle. Very few herds in the United States made more or better importations during the decade follow- ing 1900, and the writer keenly regrets that his effort to obtain a list of these importations was unsuccessful. With part of these importations he is quite familiar, but this partial list will not be •given. However, two herd bulls will be mentioned. Imp. Bapton Ensign 172542 was bred by J. Deane Willis, used for a season at Meadow Lawn and then sold for $3,500 to C. E. Ladd, Portland, Ore., who exhibited him at the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position as the head of the herd which took first prize. An imported bull of greater importance as a breeder was Red Knight 157136, bred by D. C. Morris and imported in July, 1900. He proved a remarkably impressive sire, getting a uniform, beefy, stylish class of cattle. Unfortunately, he was sold from Meadow Lawn before his real value as a sire was discovered, but he left there his best THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 931 son, March Knight 188105, out of imp. Queen Anne by Tip Top 157150, and some heifers which created a sensation wiien they appeared at the Interna- tional. March Knight was considered superior to his sire as a breeder and the success of his get as prizewinners confirms the correctness of this opinion. Owing to advancing years and declining health, Mr. Clark decided early in 1910 to sell the herd and retire from active business. Mr. Alexander S. White, a capitalist of Cincinnati and New York, joined with Leslie Smith in its purchase, which was effected at private treaty. Mr. White's inten- tion was to move the herd to Ohio and locate it in the rich valley of the Scioto River on a tract of land owned by the Shakers, formerly breeders of Shorthorns. After a thorough examination of the property by Mr. Smith, the new firm decided not to close its option, but arranged with Mr. Clarke for the herd to remain at Meadow Lawn Farm, and there it exists today. Its ownership changed, but the herd was the same. The same brain and careful management were there that had char- acterized its former career. The herd continued its remarkable course in the show arena and sale- ring for a few years, when Mr. White retired and Leslie Smith became sole OA^Tier, later asso- ciating his sons with him in its ownership and management. Meadow Lawn has produced and sent out many 932 A HISTORY OP SHORT-HORN CATTLE illustrious prizewinners, and a story of arena achievements could not omit its Dorotheas, Wel- comes and Wimples, Two showyard celebrities of this herd, both bred while Mr. Clarke was owner, have records as prizewinners which have rarely, if ever, been surpassed on this continent. They are Dorothea 2d and Ringmaster, consistent and per- sistent winners of champion and grand champion prizes at state and national shows for several years.* A part of the brilliant showyard record of this herd was made while it was owned by Mr. Clarke, but it has been continued by Mr. Smith. In 1916 Mr. Smith imported some Shorthorns and in 1917 landed an important shipment, containing cattle for himself and other breeders. The Eleventh International.— The 1910 Inter- national Live Stock Exposition saw the two-year- old Eingmaster, shown by White & Smith, grand champion among the bulls. George J. Sayer's Susan Cumberland, the roan two-year-old daughter of Cumberland's Last, had the premier place among the females. In the aged bull class F. W. Hard- ing's White Star led, followed by King Cumberland *There is a story connected with the calfhood of Ringmaster which is worth recording'. When he was but a few weeks old Mr. Smith decided the calf was a very promising- prospect for a champion steer, and on leaving the farm for a trip he left instruc- tions to have the youngster castrated. The herdsman would have carried out instructions, but Frank Smith, then a mere boy, was caring for the dam and had become very much attached to little Ringmaster; so he demurred, and not having any great fear of parental displeasure, he countermanded the order. Hingmaster remained a bull and became the greatest prizewinner of his time. What he would have done as a steer is of course problematical. Possibly he might have been even more successful than the illus- trious Roan Jim. THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 933 for Elmcndorf Farm, Avondale for Carpenter & Boss, Abbotsburn for N. W. Wagner, and Prince Imperial for George J. Sayer. Tbos. Jobnson was second in the two-year-old class with Selection by Avondale, and first in the junior yearling class w^ith the junior champion Roan Sultan by Glen- brook Sultan. Rosenberger & Edwards topped the matrons' class with Princess Marshal. John- son's entries headed the senior and junior year- ling heifer classes, as well as that for senior heifer calves; his junior yearling New Year's Delight was junior champion female. C. A. Saunders secured the coveted get-of-sire arid calf herd honors, while all the other groups were led by the Johnson entries. In the steer competitions James Leask's Roan James, a sensational roan yearling, was the cham- pion Shorthorn, and a stout runner-up for the grand championship of the show. H. M. Kirkham, the foreign judge, from London, Eng., finally made him reserve to the grade Angus Shamrock 2d. The American Royal of 1911. — This show brought out what was unquestionably the best display of Shorthorns ever seen at Kansas City. Entries were large and quality good. Twelve aged bulls were led by a formidable quartette, Ringmaster, Sul- tan Mine, Shenstone Albino and Selection, each of which had been a champion at state or national shows. Ringmaster demonstrated that he was properly named and after defeating the yearling 934 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE Village Denmark, the junior champion from the herd of D. R. Hanna, was made grand champion of the show. The massive, compact, red Princess Marshal by Sharon Marshal, exhibited by Rosenberger & Edwards, Tiffin, 0., was grand champion cow and the junior champion was White & Smith's beauti- ful Roan Queen by Gloster's Choice 284895, sire of the wonderful roan steers shown by James Leask at the Internationals of 1907, 1908 and 1910. Then the International. — The International of this year brought out an exhibit of Shorthorns that was large and of uniform excellence in most of the rings of breeding cattle. But to attempt a descrip- tion of this exhibit without using the superb report of *'Tlie Breeder's Gazette" would be like seeing the Prince of Denmark portrayed by any- one else than Edwin Booth or Rip Van Winkle represented by any other than Joe Jefferson. "The Gazette" spoke as follows: "Opening impressively and moving with irresist- ible swing toward a climax of group and cham- pionship competitions wholly unprecedented, the Shorthorn exhibit at the International of 1911 wove into the fabric of the breed's history a brilliant chapter. ' ' Among the bulls a new candidate for premier honors appeared when the marvelous roan yearling Gainford Marquis, a Canadian entry, was made junior champion, but in the final adjudication by the English judge the grand prize was awarded GAixsFor;L> marquis— noted Canadian winner and jun- ior CHAMPION AT 1911 INTERNATIOXAI^ FOR J. A. WATT, SALEM, ONT. PRINCESS MARSHAL— GRAND CHAMPION AT AMERICAN ROYAL AND INTERNATIONAL OF 1911 FOR ROSENBERGER & ED- AVARDS, TIFFIN, O. THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 935 to Eingmaster, tlins adding another rosette to his gariand of grand championships. For chief honor among the cows the contest was a repetition of the battle at the American Eoyal, with White & Smith's junior champion, Eoan Queen, again attempting to dethrone the senior champion, Prin- cess Marshal, exhibited by Eosenberger & Edwards. The decision made at Kansas City was affirmed at the International and Princess Marshal was given the grand prize. In herd honors Car- penter & Eoss won first on both graded and calf herds, Thomas Johnson second on both graded and young herds and thii^d on calf herd, D. E. Hanna second on calf herd and third on young herd, F. "W. Harding third on graded herd and fourth on young herd, C. A. Saunders first on young herd and fourth on calf herd and George J. Sayer fourth on graded herd. For get of sire there was a remarkably strong exhibit and first prize was Avondale's, owned by Carpenter & Eoss, on four cows and heifers of such merit as to call from J. J. Cridlan, the for- eign judge, this statement: "I have never seen four animals so true to type and of such admirable conformation, either in England or the Argentine. ' ' The second prize was awarded to Thomas John- son on get of Glenbrook Sultan, third to Howell Eees & Son on get of Euberta's Goods, a grand- son of Clioice Goods, and fourth to C. A. Saunders on get of Cumberland's Last. 936 A HISTOEY or SHORT-HOEN CATTLE Milking Shorthorns. — The dual-pui-pose repre- sentatives made the best exhibit at this Interna- tional that the breed had ever brought out. In the class for cows over three years there were thirteen entries, and eight of these made an average of slightly more than 45 pounds of milk per day during the test. Jewel, winner of first prize, gave 5-i pounds. This test was made a few days after a long ship- ment in cold weather, hence is considered very good. The cows were judged by Prof. C F. Cur- tiss, and the standard of judgment was 50 percent for milk production and 50 percent for beef form. In form the cows were good, and when dry Avould easily have fed up to 1,500 to 1,650 pounds. Most of the entries were from the Glenside herd of May & Otis. Seven- Year Average. — During the seven years from 1905 to 1911, inclusive, 21,584 Shorthorns sold at public sales for an average of $155.62. Sales in 1913. — For a few years preceding 1913 there had been a slight appreciation in the value of purebred cattle, but not in proportion to the marked advance in the price of meats at market centers. However, the increased demand and enhancement of values gave breeders encourage- ment. But three sales of 1913 will be included in this record. On April 2 F. W. Harding made the usual annual offering from the Anoka herd, selling in his pavilion at Waukesha, Wis., thirty- seven head at an average of $564. The show bull THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 937 Gloster Mine was sold for $1,650 to E. A. Hess, Council Bluffs, la. The bull Prince Lavender brought $1,100 and the cow Sultan's Aconite 2d $1,750; both were taken by Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y., owned by W. H. Miner, who bought four other cows, paying $4,675 for the six. Eight head consigned by Mr. Miner made an average of $310. On April 4 at the stockyards in Chicago D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, 0., made a draft sale from his Cottage Hill herd, thirty-five head making an average of $426. It was a snappy sale of brisk demand and quick bids, especially for the get of the great Villager. Thirteen of his get brought an average of $450. The white bull Royal Crest sold for $575 to the Iowa State College, Ames, la.; Village Chieftain went at $1,000 to H. G. McMil- lan & Sons, Rock Rapids, la.; Village Primrose was taken at $760, and the Farmer Farm, Farm- ington, Minn., bought Miss Nonpareil and Village Blythesome at $600 each. June 3 at Wheaton, 111., an auction was held which marked the retirement of George J. Sayer as a breeder of Shorthorns. The cattle were sold by Thomas Stanton, his former partner. Forty-six head averaged $550. The bull Browndale by Avon- dale and the prizewinning cows imp. Fair Start 2d and Sittyton Lady 2d were purchased by James Yule of Manitoba at $2,000, $1,675 and $1,760. C. J. McMaster, Altona, III, took Autumn Rose at $1,400, 938 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE and 78tli Duchess of Gloster, junior champion at the American Royal of 1912, went to F. W. Hard- ing at $1,980. The International of 1913. — This show was in some respects a repetition of former ones, yet it had its distinctive features. For a season Ring- master had retired from the exhibition arena, but he returned this year in fine form and with remark- able bloom for a veteran of five years' campaign- ing for showyard honors. His leadership of the aged bulls was promptly challenged by Village Den- mark, a champion of many arenas, and this royal contest was the event of the Shorthorn show. The doughty son of Villager was but three years old, and as his remarkable form had the advantage of youth many predicted that he would overthrow the many-times champion. But the merit of Ring- master was irresistible; when he was acclaimed the victor the enthusiasm of the excited spectators created a wdld and unprecedented scene. Leslie Smith, his owner, was hoisted onto Ringmaster's back and held there by admiring friends while the bull was led from the arena amid great applause from the amphitheater. The record of this bull is truly remarkable ; in the shows of five years he lost but two ribbons. Cumberland's Type, exhibited by C. A. Saunders & Son, was junior champion, but could not w^rest the grand prize from Ringmaster. Carpenter & Ross' Maxwalton Missie 2d was senior and grand ii:.-. •• , ,♦^•1,^ £.£;'■> \ -4 p^-- ^^k i,/-- .^^is^rii '' ; J»» A w^^^i^ £3 •.M}-;ki; ■ .- .vir: .11 xi^.i; .i-iA.Mrh'X .vv hm:; ixtkkxa- TIOXAL FOR C. A. SAUNDERS >Si SOX. MAXILLA, lA. PRIDE OF ALBION — GRAND iHAMI'HiX AT T'l:; AMKUIiAN ROYAL FOR F. R. EDWARDS, TIFFIX, O. RI Ni ;.M VSTIOR — THREI-: Tl M i:s \\ I X ri :i: \ AT!' >'. \ I , ';l:\\|i i'IIAM- l'U)X FOR MEAKwW J. AWN FAl;.\i. ST. c Lol 1), AllXN. iiHtfii^^^ MAXWALTON MISSIE 2D — GRAND CH:AMPI0N AT 1913 INTERNA- TIONAL FOR CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, O. ^ THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 939 champion cow and Purely Bros. ' Monarch 's Victoria was junior champion female. The public sales of 1913 included 2,175 head which averaged $220.35. Enhancement of Values. — The public sales of 1915 gave evidence of a substantial increase in the value of Shorthorns. At the March sale from the Anoka herd forty-two head averaged $450, the great prizewinner Lancaster Duchess 7th going to The Farmer Farm for $1,075, and eight cows being taken for the new herd of Walter J. Hill, North- cote, Minn. At the June sale of Weaver & Garden, Wapello, la., forty-three head averaged $508. The repu- tation of Villager, now in this herd, and the success of his get in the showrings, increased the demand at this sale. H. C. Lookabaugh, Watonga, Okla., took Uppermill Lord at $1,000 and Village Flower 2d at $1,500. On June 17 Bellows Bros., Maryville, Mo., held their annual sale and disposed of thirty-six head at an average of $521. The red bull Superior Goods was purchased for $1,500 by W. C. Children, Council Bluffs, la., and Lady Missie 10th went to Howell Eees & Son at $1,300. Lavender Sultana 2d was sold to S. A. Nelson & Sons for $1,000 and at the same price Walter J. Hill took Queen of Beauty 16th. On the day preceding this sale Howell Rees & Son, Pilger, Neb., and Owen Kane, Wisner, Neb., 940 A HISTOKY or SHORT-HOKN CATTLE sold fifty head at South Omaha, making an average of $457. Cressie Belle 85315, a daughter of Ruberta's Goods, was sold for $1,300 to Frank Toyne & Son, Lanesboro, la., and Sultan's Jewel 85875 to Jackson & Thompson, Hurley, S. D., at $1,125. On July 7 at Mansfield, 0., Carpenter & Ross sold seventy-five head at an average of $476, twelve bulls averaging $642 and sixty-three cows $445. Only five cows sold below $300. The bull Max- walton Aviator was taken at $2,225 by A. D. Flin- ton, Kansas City, Mo. Maxwalton Royal went to P. S. Lewis & Son, Point Pleasant, W. Va., at $990. The cows Maxwalton Jubilee and Lady Avonda, both by Avondale, brought $1,500 and $1,000, respectively, and the former was taken by Howell Rees & Son and the latter by Bellows Bros. The American Royal.— The sixteenth American Royal Live Stock Show was held in the spacious convention hall in Kansas City, as the stockyards company could not longer furnish buildings, owing to its increasing markets. It is sometimes difficult to remember the glories of former shows so that they may be accurately compared, but if ever a better show of Shorthorns had been made at the American Royal no one could say when. The strong herds from various circuits concentrated at Kansas City, comprising fourteen exhibitors and constituting an exhibit of unusual excellence. The massive, smooth and mellow Pride of Albion, shown THE LEWIS AND CLAKK EXPOSITION 941 by F. R. Edwards, Tiffin, 0., won in the class of aged bulls over Whitehall Rosedale of the Rees herd and Sultan's Last, the Uppermill entry, and after defeating the junior champion Maxwalton Commander was made grand champion. In the two-year-old class Maxwalton Revolution won first, Gainford Marquis second and Village Crest third. Caipenter & Ross won first on senior yearlings and first on two-year-old heifers and had the junior champion bull, senior and grand champion cow, second on graded herd, first and second on get of sire and first, second and third on produce of cow. These produce-of-cow prizes constitute a record for a matron that is truly remarkable. J. W. Mc- Dermott won on junior yearling and senior bull calves with Golden Count 2d and Village Marshal and took first on calf herds. The Anoka herd took first on junior bull calf, first on junior yearling heifer, third, fifth and sixth on senior heifer calves and had the junior champion heifer in Dorothy Mine. Howell Rees & Son won second on aged bull, second on two-year-old cow, first on senior yearling heifer and first on graded herd. Upper- mill took third on three-year-old and two-year-old bulls, first and second on junior heifer calves, second on young herd and second on calf herd. Panama-Paoific Exposition. — For several years prior to 1915 the people of the Pacific Coast, and particularly those of California and the city of San Francisco, had made strenuous efforts to provide 942 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE an exposition for commemorating the completion of the Panama Canal which would include all indus- tries and products and would be truly interna- tional. Ample provision was made for a compre- hensive exhibit of cattle by very liberal appropria- tions for prizes by the exposition, by various states and by the purebred record associations. The American Shorthorn Breeders' Association appro- priated $5,000 to encourage the exhibition of Shorthorns. In consequence, extensive and careful preparations for this great event were made by breeders of the middle and western states. More than twenty of them from states east of the Eocky mountains had sent entries, and some shipments were actually en route to San Francisco when the eleventh-hour decision of the veterinarian of Cal- ifornia, upheld by state authority, prohibited the entrance into California of all cattle from east of Colorado. This order made the cattle show local rather than international, the Shorthorn entries dropping from 286 to fifty and the other beef breeds showing a greater decrease. The reason given for the order of exclusion was the fear of foot-and- mouth infection. While there had been rather extensive and very disastrous outbreaks of this disease in some sections of the Mississippi Valley, the latter part of 1915 showed that federal and state authorities had the disease under control. The only states represented in the Shorthorn show were Colorado, California and Oregon. The THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION i)43 exhibit was quite small in numbers, but very good in quality. The exhibitors were The Allen Cattle Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.; A. Chalmers, Forest Grove, Ore., and the Hopland Stock Fann, Pacheco Cattle Co., and Paicines Eanch Co., all of California. The prizes were well divided, though Allen Cattle Co., with eight firsts and the junior and grand chamjDion cow Belle Cumberland, had the lion's share. Chalmers was second on graded herd. Hop- land Stock Farm was second on both young and calf herds and had the senior champion cow and the junior and grand champion bull in Bobbie Bums. National Western Stock Show. — With the devel- opment of the live stock industry and the extension of the use of purebreds, the necessity for a great show at Denver was recognized. Soon after its organization the breeders of registered stock rec- ognized its importance and the breed associations gave such generous support that the show developed rapidly and became one of the leading exhibitions of our country. For several years this show has been strong in exhibits of Shorthorns, but at the show of January, 1916, the breed made its best display. From the east came the herds of Car- penter & Ross of Ohio, Theodore Martin and C. A. Saunders & Sons of Iowa and Howell Pees & Son and Eapp Bros, of Nebraska. These joined issue with the Allen Cattle Co. and other breeders of Colorado. In the awards Pees & Son were very 944 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE fortunate, taking two firsts on bnlls, four firsts on cows and heifers and both senior and junior championships on Violet Goods and Cressie Belle 2d, the latter being made grand champion female. Kees & Son also took first on both graded and young herds and second on calf herd. Saunders & Sons had the senior and grand champion bull in Cumberland's Type and the junior champion in Type's King, as well as second on graded herd, second on young herd, first on calf herd, second on get of sire and second on produce of cow. Car- penter & Ross won two firsts in class and first on both get of sire and produce of cow. The public sale under the management of the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association was quite successful, forty-nine bulls averaging $264. Dandy Pride by the champion Pride of Albion sold for $1,100 to C. L. King & Sons, Coyote, Utah. The demand for bulls was strong, and fully 500 head, purebred and grade, were sold at private treaty during the show. CHAPTER V ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE Five or six years prior to 1916 official reports fully established the belief of well-informed stock- men that there was a considerable shortage of cattle in the United States. The realization of this condition soon exerted a stimulating effect on our beef markets and this influence, aided by rising prices of grain, caused meat animals to advance in value from 50 to 100 percent. Pure- bred beef cattle were slow to respond to the influ- ence of this enhancement, but with the beginning of 1916 the slow-moving increase of preceding years received a tremendous impetus — an electric, invigorating shock — and as the year moved on prices advanced by leaps and bounds. Predictions of this enhancement made six and eight years before were more than realized. Advice then given to stockmen to increase their herds and so prepare for the harvest fell on deaf ears. But in this the history of other similar experiences was repeated. When an industry is at ebbtide very few care to engage in it, but when it rises to the floodtide of success there is a scramble 945 946 A HISTOEY OF SHOKT-HOEX CATTLE for embarkation. In 1910 good registered cows at $200 to $300 did not appeal to farmers, but in 1916 they took tliem eagerly at $800 to $1,200. Prudent, far-seeing breeders who in times of low prices maintained the high standard of their herds and perhaps increased their numbers reaped the just reward of diligence and faithfulness. Latter- day prices certainly give a good margin over the cost of production, especially to breeders who laid good foundations for herds some years ago. For both them and breeders who have recently estab- lished herds, present values and the strong prob- ability that these will be maintained for some years afford ample encouragement to breed Shorthorns and to make them better as the years go by. A history of the many excellent sales of this year is impracticable, in fact impossible, in this brief rec- ord; so only a brief summary will be attempted. A series of March sales was opened auspiciously by J. A. Kilgour, Sterling, 111., with an average of $516 on thirty-six head. The reputation of the impressive sire Fair Acres Sultan in this herd had muck to do with the brisk demand. The prizewinner Bonnie Belle 14th sold at $2,375 to Frank Toyne, Lanesboro, la. The young bull Bes- sie's Monarch, by the champion Fair Acres Grlos- ter, was sold for $1,300 to L. F. Boyle, Hennepin, 111., and Fair Acres Diamond brought $1,000 for export to Argentina. The Uppermill herd of Weaver & Garden, Wap- ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 947 pello, la., sold forty-two head for $32,060, an aver- age of $763.33. Eight bulls, seven sons and one grandson of Villager, averaged $1,350. Five cows brought prices from $1,000 to $1,500. Village Dia- mond sold for $1,800 to H. S. Chittenden, Burling- ton, la., and Village Crest, a double son of Vil- lager, was bought for Sefior Pereda of Argentina at $3,325. On March 28 J. W. McDermott, Kahoka, Mo., sold thirty-eight head at an average of $630. Fair Gift, with a calf by Gainford Marquis 2d, went for $2,000 to Lespedeza Farm, Hickory Valley, Tenn. Scottish King was taken at $1,500 by the Allen Cattle Co. of Colorado and the bulls Golden Count 2d and Scottish Marshal were bought at $1,500 and $1,000 by W. A. Forsythe, Greenwood, Mo., for exportation to Argentina. During March, at seven public sales 261 head made an average of $609. On April 5 and. 6 in Kansas City, Mo., the Central Shorthorn Breeders' Association sold 123 head at an average of $292. The yearling heifer Hallwood Lavender was taken at $1,000 by H. C. Lookabaugh and the bulls Villager's Champion, from the Kan- sas Agricultural College, and Realm's Count, con- signed by C. E. Leonard & Son, were taken at $1,005 and $1,300 by W. A. Forsythe for export to Argentina. The June sales furnished still further evidence of the rapidly increasing demand for Shorthorns 948 A HISTOEY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE and forced historians of sales to write some new records. On the opening day of the month C. A. Saunders & Sons, Manilla, la., sold forty-nine head at the comforting average of $1,069.50, thirteen bulls making $994 and thirty-six cows and heifers $1,094. The remarkable success of this herd's prize- winners for several years created an unusual demand from home breeders, and this was sup- ported and strengthened by the presence of three buyers from Argentina, led by Senor Francisco V. Maissa, who took the cows Gipsy Cumberland 3d with heifer calf at $3,030, Orange Type 2d at $1,600 and three bulls at $2,050. Gipsy Countess and bull calf, mother and brother of the famous Cumber- land's Type, sold for $2,100 to Leslie Smith & Son, St. Cloud, Minn. Lady Cumberland 2d was taken at $1,575 by David Warnock of Colorado, while G. W. Holcomb of Oklahoma took Eunice at $1,375. The most extensive buyer was F. A. Gillespie, Tulsa, Okla., who took the bull Type's Marquis at $1,200, and the cows Bonnie Cumberland at $1,750, Lady Marengo 8th at $1,650, the white Gipsy Type at $1,150 and four others at prices running from $750 to $1,100, the aggregate for eight head being $7,700. The highest price of the sale for bulls was $2,600, paid by Bellows Bros, for the beautiful roan Type's Lord. Koyal Type 2d was taken at $1,600 by E. A. Hess, Council Bluffs, la. This remarkable sale, with its average of $1,069.50, was the highest since the New York Mills CL.M.BEliLAXD\S BKST A.S A CALF ANI> AT THE BEGINNING OF HIS CAREER IN THE HERD OF C. A. SAUNDERS. MANILLA, lA. GIPSY CUMBERLAND 3D AND HEIFER CALF — SOLD FOR $3,030 IN C. A. SAUNDERS' 191.5 SALE TO SENOR F. V. MAISSA FOR EX- PORT TO ARGENTINA. ARBIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 949 sale of Sept. 10, 1873, excepting only the W. D. Flatt sale of Nov. 7, 1901, which made $1,123. The record of the Cumberland Shorthorns is an interesting story, and the phenomenal success of this herd should prove an inspiration to those who are striving to accomplish great results with the breed. Like many other great herds, this one had a modest beginning; but it was a fortunate day for Shorthorns and a lucky decision for C. A. Saunders when at a country sale of low values the auctioneer. Col. F. M. Woods, persuaded him to buy his first purebred cow. A fortunate purchase was made soon afterward of that remarkably prepotent bull Cumberland 118578, got by King James 103902 out of imp. Cornflower by Strongbow 100975, a half- brother to the great sire imp. Scottish Lord. King James was by imp. Spartan Hero 77932, bred by Amos Cruickshank, and out of imp. Narcissus, also bred at Sittyton. As imp. Cornflower was also from that noted herd it was no accident that Cumberland proved a great breeder. His merit and prepotency formed the basis of C. A. Saunders' success with Shorthorns. A wise concentration of Cumberland blood has wrought marvelous results in the herd. Maxwalton's Sale.— On June 9 Carpenter & Eoss held a very successful sale at their farm near Mansfield, 0.; fifty-five head sold for $55,700, ten bulls making an average of $1,370, four averaging $2,256. The roan Lord Avondale sold for $5,000 950 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEISr CATTLE to J. C. Andrew, West Point, Ind., after a spirited battle of bids participated in by several breeders. Maxwalton Manor, another roan, was taken at $2,000 by 0. C. Lower, Atlanta, Ind; A. D. Flin- ton, Zara, Kans., bought Maxwalton Minstrel for $1,000, the cows Maxwalton Mina 6th at $2,000, Maxwalton Mina 10th at $1,050, and four others at prices ranging from $475 to $1,000, paying $7,200 for the seven head. Maxwalton Rosewood 3d was bought by W. C. Rosenberger, Tiffin, 0., for $2,550. James Brown, Dundee, 111., took Maxwalton Rose- wood 4th at $1,225. Sehor Francis Maissa of Argentina took one bull and three cows; F. A. Gillespie bought Juliette and Maxwalton Lavender at $1,350 each and four other cows at from $800 to $1,050, the six head costing $6,600, and at private treaty he purchased Maxwalton Roan Lady at $3,000 and Maxwalton Commander at $7,000, mak- ing his aggregate purchases $16,600. The choice cow of the sale was Headlight's Belle, got by Headlight 340752 out of Village Belle 4th by Lord Lasaile 208139. She caused sharp competition, but was taken by W. S. Robbing, Horace, Ind., at $2,800, the highest price paid for a cow at public sale since the Westrope auction of 1901, when Sweet Violet 2d brought $3,705, save only imp. Cicely at $5,000 in Flatt's sale of Nov. 7, 1901. Bellows Bros.' Auction. — The annual sales from the Parkdale and Westlawn herds of Bellows Bros., Maryville, Mo., are events of no little impor- JESS C. ANDREW. WESTPOINT. IND., FOR $5,000 TO HEAD THE PINES HERD. VILLAGER — NOTED SIRE FOR D. R. HANNA, RAVENNA, O., AND WEAA'ER & GARDEN. WAPELLO. lA. ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 951 tance to SliortlioiTi breeders. The sale of June 14, 1916, put a new high mark on their averages, forty head bringing $44,430, an average of $1,110.75. The cattle were of choice breeding and the offering was the best ever made from these herds. The sharp- est competition was for Queen of Beauty 27th by Diamond Goods ; she was bought at $2,250 by Mac- Millan & MacMillan, Lodi, Wis., who also took Lavender Goods at $2,100 and Parkdale Clipper 2d at $2,000. 0. G. Lee, Kansas City, Mo., took four cows for $3,195, two of them being Choice Beauty at $1,300 and Village Flower 4th at $730. Owen Kane, Wisner, Neb., bought Victoria Clarinda, got by Blackwatch, a half-brother to Choice Goods, and Sittyton Mayflower 2d, paying $1,550 for the former and $1,000 for the latter. Queen of Dia- monds at $1,000 and Orange Miss 5th at $1,150 were taken by E. Ogden & Son, Maryville, Mo. The roan bull Parkdale Radium was bought for $1,330 by Thomas F. Stone, Weston, Mo. Cumber- land Eex at $1,055 became the property of Charles Ritchie, Gresham, Neb. While this was the best sale ever made by Bellows Bros., they have a rec- ord of fourteen public sales in which 687 head brought an aggregate of $257,825, an average of $375.30. During the same time their sales at private treaty numbered 195 at an average of $300, making a total of 882, which brought $316,325, an average of $358, a record creditable to any herd. In Bellows Bros.' herd the intensified Choice 952 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Goods blood, through two sons and two grand- sons, was used on a good foundation strongly impregnated with the blood of Hampton's Best by imp. Merry Hampton. Their decision to super- impose on this the blood of Whitehall Sultan, Avondale and Villager is warranted by sound judgment and the principles of correct breeding. A few years ago a bull and two heifers were sold from this herd for export to Argentine. These were Hampton's Model 210474, which sold in Buenos Aires for $7,000, Hampton's Pearl and Hampton's Princess, the latter of which sold for $8,000 in Argentine money. The seven March sales, with the encouraging average of $609 for 261 head, seem only moderate when compared with ten June sales which made an average of $764 on 434. This awakened and increased demand for Shorthorns was not sec- tional, but had developed rapidly in portions of our country where Shorthorns were not strong. In states of the cottonbelt, below the quarantine line, there grew up a strong demand, and as evidence of its healthful tone, one southern sale will be mentioned. Cobb & Derby held an auction at Montgomery, Ala., where thirty head made an average of $358.25, and it created a sensation among farmers who came from tick-infested localities. Some of the cows were bred for milk production; three were bought by C. A. Otis, Willoughby, 0., at $700 each for GOOD STAMl SdJ.Ij IX AN ANOKA FARAI lALl" ALCTluX FuH $5,200 TO SNI-A-BAR RANCH. KANSAS CITY. MO. N£ V ■• % l^ ROSEWOOD RESERVE- Si H.n IX 1 ;i:i, I.' i\\ .- r.i;<is.' AUCTION TO MRS. J. E. McC.Wl.EV. LEW ISTi )\V.N'. MiiXT.. FOR $S.100. AEEIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 953 two and $805 for the third. Alabama buyers took both bulls and cows at $200 to $500 each. At Greenwood, Mo., ^Y. A. Forsythe & Son sold fifty-one head at an average of $493. Tomson Bros., Carbondale, Kans., sold forty-three calves and yearlings at an average of $-±59 and Bellows Bros., Maryville, Mo., made $603.25 on fifty-four head, one heifer and two bulls, under fifteen months, selling for $1,350, $1,500 and $1,510. ' The Calf Sale in America. — While all sections reported successful and encouraging sales, it re- mained for the states adjacent to Chicago to fur- nish the climaxes of the year. All Shorthorn breeders are familiar with the Duthie-Marr calf sales by which those across-seas breeders dispose of the surplus of their herds. In these auctions some sensational prices have been jDaid, but American breeders have been slow to adopt this type of sale. The Bellows and Tomson sales were of this class, but it was F. W. Harding, the first American breeder to inaugurate such a sale, who gave indis- putable evidence that it could be made eminently successful. On Nov. 2 at Anoka Farms forty-three calves, twenty-one of which were under twelve months, averaged $1,016, nineteen bulls making $1,265 and twenty-four heifers $820 — a new record not only for Anoka herd, but for all breeders with young cattle of their own production. The Sni-A- Bar Ranch, Kansas City, Mo., took the white bull Good Stamp at $5,200 and the roan Augusta Sul- 954 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE tan 2d at $2,050, both being by Sultan Stamp, and the white bull Denmark Archer by the cham- pion Village Denmark and the heifer Lovely Anoka 2d at $1,300 each. Another Sultan Stamp calf was taken for $2,500 by C. W. Prichet, Steamboat Springs, Colo. Bandmaster, Jr., by imp. Right Sort was bought for $1,950 by A. J. Eyden, Abingdon, 111. The heifers Augusta Anoka 3d and Anoka Clipper 4th were purchased by MacMillan & Mac- Millan, Lodi, Wis., at $1,600 and $1,650 respectively. Anoka Clipper 3d was sold for $1,850 to Carpenter & Carpenter, Baraboo, Wis.; Anoka Broadhooks 3d to Carpenter & Ross for $1,000 and Victoria Anoka at the same price to Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. Ten calves of this sale, four bulls and six heifers, comprised the Anoka herd which won the prize awarded at the American Royal of 1916 'for best ten head bred by exhibitor, and their aggre- gate price in this sale was $18,950. The compe- tition of Argentine bidders was a stimulus to this sale. It may be of interest to state just here that the Sni-A-Bar Farm was established near Kansas City by Col. W. R. Nelson and was designed by him to be a breeding establishment for producing high- class steers for the market. His plan was to use superior white bulls, in the main, on good red cows. Plans for this establishment were not fully carried out before Mr. Nelson's death, but provision was made in his will for their completion. This AERIVAL OF THE LOXG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 955 provision is being carried out by his daughter and her husband, I. E. Kirkwood. The seven high- class white bulls in service in the herd promise great results in the fulfillment of Mr. Nelson's scheme. Two days before the Anoka sale, Weaver & G-arden, Wapello, la., and J. W. McDermott, Kahoka, Mo., sold forty-five head in Chicago for $30,340, an average of $674.25. Weaver & Garden sold Lady Craibstone 73344 and bull calf for $2,000 to J. A. Countryman & Son, Eochelle, 111., and Sultan's Heiress for $1,325 to C. D. Smith, Memphis, Tenn. J. W. McDermott sold the bull Cumberland Marshal 2d for $1,825 to Dr. J. R. Eoby, Gatesville, Tex., a;nd Chief Champion for $1,500 to E. A. Tyler, Hickman, Ky. Imported Cattle Sold. — On Nov. 1 a vendue was held which had been widely discussed for many weeks and on which great interest centered. Seventy-four head from a large importation recently made by Carpenter & Eoss were offered in the Chicago stockyard sale pavilion. The crowd was large and the enthusiasm great. A very success- ful sale was made, the average being $908. Sixty- two cows and heifers made $869.50 and twelve bulls $1,107.10, Ten animals brought prices from $1,500 to $2,600 and twenty-five cows sold above the $1,000 figure. The high mark of the sale was paid by Park E. Salter, Augusta, Kans., who took the roan bull Bapton Corporal at $2,600. Cluny Eoyal Wind- 956 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE sor was sold for $1,625 to Dr. H. W. Emnie, Eldora, la., and Hean Mariner for $1,500 to J. C. Lowe & Son, Monon, Ind. B. F. Hales, Oak Park, 111., took the cows Proud Carnation and Rosewood Goth at $1,550 and $1,900, and Rosewood 91st sold for $1,550 to T. S. Tandy, Vevay, Ind. The International Show and Sale. — As a result of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the summer of 1914 no International show was held during the years 1914 and 1915, But at the Inter- national of 1916 Shorthorn breeders made an exhibit which in both size and superb merit made compensation, in a measure at least, for the loss of two shows. Competent judges of showyard exhibits were unqualified in the opinion that it was the best display of Shorthorns ever made on the American continent, both in the volume of entries and in the sustained merit of its classes. Never has showyard history recorded an exhibit of Short- horns so impressive in its bulk and so dazzling in its sustained quality. The range of entries was wider than usual and in addition to the Dominion of Canada and the Mississippi Valley states, which ordinarily support the International, there were strong entries from Colorado, Oklahoma and Ten- nessee, and the entries from these new states received a large share of the prizes, capturing both first and second on graded herds and second on calf herd. The awards in the breeding classes were made ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 957 by Senor Pedro T. Pages, from Argentina, who discharged that arduous task to the general satis- faction of exhibitors. In a few large classes, where competition was unusually keen and merit very nearly equal he called in as consulting judge Senor Carlos M. Duggan, the Argentine judge of the fat steers. In the class of aged bulls the massive Burnbrae Sultan, from Guelph, Ont., weighing 2,800 pounds, was placed above Frank R. Edwards' Pride of Albion, grand champion at the American Royal and several state fairs. Some little surprise among ringside talent was occasioned when Maxwalton Pride 2d was given first prize for two-year-olds over Maxwalton Commander, bought by F. A. Gil- lespie for $7,000. Among the senior yearlings. Bellows Bros.' Village Supreme, a roan of mar- velous form, was an easy winner and was later made grand champion, Forbes & Son winning sec- ond in this class on 0. K. In junior yearlings Walter J. Hill won first on Type's Model, a true son of the great sire Cumberland's Type, second going to Rapp Bros, on Royal Pride and third to J. A. Kilgour on Fair Acres Diamond. In the preceding classes only first, second and third prizewinners have been mentioned, but the unprecedented rings of calves, w^ith forty-nine seniors and fifty-one juniors confronting the judge, demands more space, even in a limited record. In senior bull calves the Allen Cattle Co. of Colorado 958 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE won first on Western Star, F. W. Harding second on Good Stamp, the calf that sold for $5,200 at the Anoka sale of Nov. 2; C. L. McClellan third on Gainford Marshal, and Weaver & Garden fourth and fifth on Villager's Diamond and Villager's Cor- onet, the winners of first and third at the American Royal. In junior calves Bellows Bros, won first on King Baron, H. G. Bowers second and third on Marquis Again and Village Valentine, Carpenter & Ross fourth on Maxwalton Gladiator and Owen Kane fifth on Wellington Dale. On cows first was awarded to F. A. Gillespie's $3,000 Maxwalton Eoan Lady and second and third to Carpenter & Ross' Maxwalton Mina 8th and Maxwalton Rosebud, all three bred by Carpenter & Ross and all sired by Avondale. In two-year-old heifers first was won by Lespedeza Farm on Fair Gift, second by F. A. Gillespie on Countess 16th and third by Toyne & Son on Bonnie Belle 14th, a champion at state fairs. In senior yearlings first went to Messrs. Auld of Ontario on Queen Eliz- abeth, second to F. A. Gillespie on Lucile and third to Carpenter & Carpenter on Collynie Best. In junior yearlings first was won by Carpenter & Ross on Lady Dorothy, second by W. C. Rosenberger on Viola, grand champion at the American Royal, and third to W. W. Washburn on Village Venus 2d. The large array of superb heifer calves, fitted and groomed to a queen's taste, presented to the judge a task almost as difficult as the bulls. In seniors SB f^'jd|riH HHHK " e^l Hi. ^^^m HHl.^ ii^ J. ' J M^Hl' ^^^^^ft^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^n VILLAGE SUPREME — GRAND CHAMPION AT 1016 INTERNATIONAL FOR BELLOWS BROS., MARYVILLE. MO. IMP. LAUY UOKOTHY — GRAND CHAMPION A'l' INTERNATIONALS OP 1916 AND IfllT FOR CARPENTER Sz ROSS. MANSFIELD, O. ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 959 first was won by Auld on Britannia, second and fourtli by Purdy Bros, on Lady Victoria and Miss Lovely, third by the Allen Cattle Co. on Divide Snsan and fifth by F. A. Gillespie on Anoka. Blos- som 2d. In juniors first and third went to Bel- lows Bros, on Parkdale Victoria and Clara 70th, second to Weaver & Garden on Villager's Graceful 2d, fourth to F. W. Harding on Lovely Anoka 2d and fifth to J. A. Kilgour on Dainty Duchess 3d. On graded herds the awards were: 1, Gillespie; 2, Lespedeza; 3, Carpenter & Ross; 4, Walter J. Hill; 5, J. F. Prather; 6, Rees & Son; 7, F. R. Edwards; 8, W. C. Rosenberger. On young herds: 1, Rees & Son; 2, Auld; 3, Carpenter & Carpenter; 4, Rapp Bros,; 5, Lespedeza; 6, Carpenter & Ross; 7, J. F. Prather. On calf herds: 1, Bellows Bros.; 2, Allen Cattle Co.; 3, Owen Kane; 4, Cahill Bros.; 5, Rapp Bros.; 6, Anoka; 7, J. A. Kilgour; 8, Auld. On get of sire: 1, Gillespie; 2, Anoka; 3, Kane; 4, Weaver & Garden; 5, Bellows Bros.; 6, Allen Cattle Co.; 7, Auld; 8, Rees & Son. The senior champion bull was Burnbrae Sultan, owned by Auld. The junior and grand champion was Village Supreme, owned by Bellows Bros. The senior champion cow was Fair Gift, owned by Lespedeza Farm, and the junior and grand cham- pion Lady Dorothy, owned by Carpenter & Ross. Competitions which awakened as much interest as any of the entire show were for the special, known as the President's prize, given for the best 960 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE calf of the show, and for the trophy offered by Dr. Caledonia Pereda of Argentine for the best three bulls bred and owned by the exhibitor. Bel- lows Bros, won both — the President's prize on the junior calf King Baron, combining the Cumber- land and Choice Goods blood of his sire Parkdale Baron with that of his dam Juno of Woodhill 3d by Blythe Baron; the Pereda trophy on Parkdale Baron, Village Supreme, the grand champion, and King Baron. The winning of these two prizes is a record that any breeder should cherish with great satisfaction. In connection with the grand champion Village Supreme 423865 there is a bit of interesting his- tory not generally known. He was bred by Bel- lows Bros., got by Sultan Supreme, a grandson of Avondale, out of Village Clara 108337, bred by D. R. Hanna and got by Villager out of imp. Spicy Clara. Village Supreme was a promising calf of true type and character, but before he was developed enough to give promise of future dis- tinction he was sold at five months of age by a junior member of the firm for $500. He made a marvelous development, and it was not long until E. Ogden & Son realized that in this small $500 packet they had drawn a grand prize. Within fifteen months of the date of purchase they sold the bull back to Bellows Bros, for $5,000. Aside from his potential value as a sire, his winning of the International grand championshijD and helping ARRIVAL OF THE LOXG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 961 to win the Pereda trophy fully justified his repur- chase by Bellows Bros. The Milking Shorthorns. — The display in this class was not large, but quite good, and contained cows of true dual-purpose type, excellent in milk production and of a conformation which indicated capacity for rapid fleshing when dry. The herds represented in the show were those of C. A. Otis, Willoughby, 0.; Finlay McMartin & Son, Clare- mont, Minn., and E. W. Brockett, Atwater, 0. The awards were made by Prof. H. Barton of Macdonald College, Montreal, Que., and were on the basis of 50 percent for milk production and 50 percent for beef form, the cows being entered in a two- day test. For cows three years and over the Otis herd won first, second and third prizes on Walby Lady 2d, Jewel and Fillpail Baroness; fourth, fifth and sixth went to McMartin & Son on Roan Maud, Naomi 2d and Beatrice. Brockett took seventh, eighth and ninth on Lady Eosemary 62d, Roanoke Maid and Miss J. L. Beck. For cows under three years first and third were won by Brockett on Beatrice 2d and Betsy, while second went to Otis on Lady of Glenside. For group of four cows first went to Otis, second to McMartin, third to Brockett. In the class for bulls under thirty months from Record of Merit dams first and second were awarded to Otis on British Prince and Knight's Jeweler, third to McMartin on Star of North 2d, and fourth to Brockett on Village Dairyman. 962 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HORN CATTLE The Show of Steers. — While no Shorthorn steer was good enough to win the grand champion prize at this show, a very creditable exhibit was made in most classes. The marvelous calf California Favorite, displaying his facial flag of peace, gave unmistakable evidence of Hereford ancestry, but Shorthorn breeders are justified in claiming a share of the credit for his triumph, as his dam was a registered Shorthorn cow by a son of Glenbrook Sultan. In the contest for champions by ages. Shorthorns were reserve in all three classes — twos, yearlings and calves. For three steers, the get of one sire, all breeds competing, the Shorthorns won the first prize, as they did for a group of five steers. The International Sale. — Since the inauguration of the International, the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association has conducted sales at these December shows. Some very successful ones have gone into Shorthorn history, and on several occa- sions throngs of enthusiastic advocates of the breed have clearly demonstrated the inadequacy of the space in the sale pavilion; it may be large enough for ordinary sales, but is not sufficient for those of the International. Such a sale never before had been held in this building and such a crowd had never before been in it and about it. ''Packed like sardines" literally described the congestion. The feeling of rejoicing over Shorthorn atfairs in general and this International exhibit in particular ARRIVAL OF THE LOKG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 963 was freely manifested, and entlmsiasm in this sale was at floodtide, reacliing its climax amid whirl- ing eddies of excitement when Maxwalton Pride 2d was sold for $6,600 to the Maxwell & Miller Cattle Co., Steamboat Springs, Colo. This bull had been given first in class over his half-brother, Maxwal- ton Commander, sold a short time before for $7,000 to F. A. Gillespie and supposed to be the winning two-year-old of the entire show circuit. When the bidding on him halted at $6,000 Senor Pages, the Argentine judge wdio had just awarded the Short- horn prizes, declared that in his country the bull would bring $6,000 for each of his four legs. The most persistent competing bidder for this bull was L. F. Boyle, Hennepin, 111., who later decided to take at $4,000 Royal Silver, a bull consigned by Walter J. Hill. Royal Pride, a roan yearling bull consigned by Rapp Bros., St. Edward, Neb., sold for $1,900 to J. D. Flaherty, Genoa, Neb., and the roan calf Village Valentine was taken at $1,600 by Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis. Sni-A-Bar Farm, Grain Valley, Mo., took the cows Laura Dale and Oakdale Lavender at $1,775 for the pair. Walter J. Hill, Northcote, Minn., bought Sittyton Mary Ann 3d at $1,250. Victoria Princess 8th was taken at $1,235 by A. G. Farrow, Oakville, Ont. The most extensive purchasers of cows were C. D. Smith, Memphis, Tenn., who took nine head for an aggre- gate of $6,780, and W. L. Smith, Utah, Ala., who bought five head for $4,255. The fifty-six head 964 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE averaged $958.65, twenty-two bulls making $1,155.45 and thirty-four cows $831.30. Public Sale Averages. — During 1916 6,115 Short- horns were sold at auction for an average of $330.53. This was slightly higher than that of any other beef breed and included nearly twice as many cat- tle as were. sold by any other. The highest price received for a cow was $3,030 for Gipsy Cumberland 3d, sold by C. A. Saunders & Sons to Senor Maissa of Argentina. The top price for bulls was for Max- walton Pride 2d, sold for $6,600 by Carpenter & Eoss in the sale at the International Live Stock Exposition. A Bright Future. — The Shorthorn trade during 1916 was certainly profitable and satisfying, but that of 1917 was even better and gave promise of greater achievements for Shorthorns. How long present values will be maintained no one can fore- tell, but there is abundant and substantial ground for believing the prices will be good for many years. The sales of 1917 have shown an increase in values over those of last year. In eighteen prominent sales 802 Shorthorns sold for an aggregate of $702,204, an average of $875. Four sales made averages of from $1,000 to $1,370. Frank K. Edwards sold forty-five head in Chicago for $45,050. L. D. May sold thirty- nine Milking Shorthorns for $39,312. Bellows Bros, sold fifty-one head for $57,850, an average of $1,133, eight bulls making $1,678. The yearling bull Rose- wood Reserve, by Fair Acres Sultan and out of ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 965 Crestmead Eosewood by Scottish Goods, combining the blood of the two great sires Whitehall Sultan and Choice Goods, was the great magnet of the Bellows auction. He was bought for $8,100 by Mrs. J. E. McCauley, Lewistown, Mont., thus fixing a new record for bulls, at least since the days of Bates sales. The competing bidders on this bull were P. H. Griffin of Montana and Thomas Andrews, Cambridge, Neb. Sale of Imported Cattle. — The best sale of 1917, in fact, the highest one of modern days, was that of Carpenter & Eoss at the Chicago stockyards on June 7, when they disposed of the Shorthorns re- cently imiDorted. One hundred and seven head brought $146,575, an average of $1,370. The top price of the bulls was $7,000, paid for the roan yearling Eosewood bull Caledonia, by the Dutliie-bred Proud Emblem. He was bought by F. A. Gillespie & Sons, who also took the white bull imp. Advocate 's Model at $3,100 and Lady Drayton Broadhooks at $2,025. John Kramer, Tulsa, Okla., bought the white Proud Baronet for $3,250, Albert Missie 5th for $1,850 and Sanquhar Queenie Grace 2d for $1,525. The white bull Monteith Silver Star was taken at $2,750 by Howell Eees & Son of Nebraska and Owen Kane of same state bought Edgcote "Winnie for $3,000. T. T. Miller, Los Angeles, CaL, purchased the roan bull Secret Stamp for $2,000 and the red cow Brandsby Jinny 18th at $3,100. Brandsby Jinny 19th, a roan, was taken at $3,000 by Bellows Bros. 966 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Roan Gloster, a three-year-old cow, sold for $2,000 to C. J. McMaster, Altona, 111. Oklahoma Auctions. — Two sales of this year held in the vigorous young state of Oklahoma were quite significant. They were not of especial note because of the prices, as other sales had higher averages, but they were of unusual importance and afforded very great encouragement because they were made in one of our newer states and by men who have bred Shorthorns a very short time. On May 15 at Watonga H. C. Lookabaugh sold thirty- nine head at an average of $867. Pleasant Dale's Choice at $2,300 was the high-priced bull and Max- walton Aveme at $2,025 the top of cows. Both sold to C. E. Strong, Clinton, Okla. A distinctly encour- aging feature of this sale was that 83 percent of its total was paid by Oklahoma buyers, indicating that the breeders of that progressive new commonwealth are loyal to Shorthorns and anxious to strengthen their herds. On the day following the Lookabaugh sale, one was held at Tulsa in connection with the first meeting of the Mid-Continent Live Stock Show. Forty-five head were consigned from the herds of F. A. Gillespie & Sons, C. E. Suppes & Son, J. E. Crosbie, John T. Kramer and W. S. Fears, all of Tulsa. An average of $530 was made, more than half of the purchasers being from Oklahoma. The growth of the demand for Shorthorns in this state during recent years has been phenomenal and herds LE.^PEDKZA SUJ^TAX — XUTKD WINNKH US 1917 SHOW CIRCUIT FOR LESPEDEZA FARM, HICKORY A ALLEY, TENN. ROYAL FOR WEAVER it GARE>EX, WAl'KLT-O, lA. AKRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 967 have been established that give promise of great service to the breed. No record of purchases of Shorthorns by states or localities has been attempted by the writer, but it is a safe statement that none has bought more proportionally than Oklahoma. A further state- ment which will be readily admitted is that no herd in any state has had such large accessions of high-class and costly Shorthorns as that of F. A. Gillespie & Sons; its foundation, equipment and management all presage glorious achievements for the breed. The first show at Tulsa was a success, measured by its effect on the farmers of Oklahoma in pro- claiming the value of improved live stock. The majority of prizes was taken by the herd of Gil- lespie & Sons, in fact, thirty-five out of a total of eighty-two prizes awarded, including all champion- ships except the junior champion bull, which went to Lespedeza Farm. Autumn Importations and Sales. — On Sept. 24 there landed on American shores two Shorthorn importations of much historical promise. Carpen- ter & Eoss disembarked 115 head at Boston. The importation selected by Leslie Smith went into quarantine at Quebec. Most of the Carpenter & Ross importation passed through the salering in Chicago on Nov. 1. Eighty head made an average of $1,185. The top price of $3,250 was paid by Park Salter, Augusta, Kans., 968 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE for British Emblem. W. C. Eosenberger, Tiffin, 0., bought the top female, the Willis-bred Bramble, for $3,000. On Nov. 2 Leslie Smith & Sons offered fifty-nine head from their importation. The average price was $1,090. The only bull offered, Lex of Cluny, brought $2,000 from James Scott, Forest Eiver, N. D. The top price of $2,200 was twice reached by females, each with a bull calf at foot; Eureka Clipper 2d went to C. J. McMaster, Altona, 111., and Augusta 102d to William Herkelmann, Elwood, la. The Smith sale ended a notable week of Short- horn vendues. On Oct. 30 the veteran S. F. Lock- ridge had dispersed his old-time herd at Green- castle, Ind,, receiving an average of $330 on the forty-four head. The following day, Oct. 31, Car- penter & Carpenter, Baraboo, Wis., and J. W. Mc- Dermott, Kahoka, Mo., joined forces for an auction in Chicago in which sixty-two head averaged $714. The distinguished show cow Maxwalton Queen, by Avondale and with a bull calf at foot, sold to B. F. Hales, Prairie View, 111., at the sensational price of $4,200. On Dec. 1, just when the stockmen from all over the country were gathering in Chicago for the 1917 International, F. W. Harding startled the stock- keeping world by making a new record in his annual calf sale at Anoka Farms, Waukesha, Wis. The forty-five calves made an average of $1,557. The senior bull calf Anoka Champion, by Sultan ARRIVAL OF THE LOXG-EXrECTED ADVANCE 969 Stamp by Whitehall Sultan, was clearly the pick of the lot. After a strenuous bidding contest he became the property of B. F. Hales at $17,000. W. L. Smith, Eutaw, Ala., paid $5,000 for Royal Stamp, and Masterpiece cost Carpenter & Carpenter $4,000. Mr. Hales also took the highest-priced female, Augusta Anoka 5th, at $2,600. And Then the Greatest International. — Shorthorn success was in the air when the steers were called into the International amphitheatre in Chicago on Monday morning, Dec. 3. It early became appar- ent that there was more than an even chance of a Shorthorn steer's capturing the grand champion- ship of the show. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., came forward with such a herd of Shorthorn steers, both in fitting and form, as this greatest of all stock shows had never seen before, and all sired by the Indiana college bull Lavender Sultan, per- sonally selected by Dean J. H. Skinner, Merry Monarch topped the two-year-olds, Sultan Selim the senior yearlings. Warden the junior yearlings, Good Sort the senior calves and New Year's Sultan the junior calves. All were from Purdue. W. A. Dry- den, Brooklin, Ont., was the judge, and fancied the exquisitely smooth Sultan Selim for the breed's champion. In the championships-by-ages competi- tion, which came under the judgment of Capt. T. E. Robson, London, Ont., Merry Monarch had the purple for the two-year-olds, but Sultan Selim was humbled by an Aberdeen-Angus, also from 970 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Purdue. Finally Capt. Robson reached the climax of the show, and after earnest deliberation he sent the royal purple for grand championship to rest on the broad, mellow back of the roan Merry Monarch. Tlie highest hopes of the Shorthorn fraternity had been realized with a vengeance. The measure of appreciation was evidenced when the grand champion was offered at auction. At the record price of $2.05 a pound he became the property of the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association. Secretary F. W. Harding at once announced that the bullock would be immediately reoffered for sale, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross. James Brown promptly bid $2.10 per poimd for Armour & Co., the hammer fell and the record price of $3,381 for an International bullock, and a Short- horn, was a matter of history. Merry Monarch dressed 64.7 percent. In the breeding classes there were 322 entries. Maxwalton Commander won the aged bull class for F. A. Gillespie & Sons, and went through to the grand championship. In the senior bull calf class Anoka Champion, which brought $17,000 in F. W. Harding's salering on the preceding Satur- day, was defeated in class by Sunrise, owned by S. G. Eliason, Montevideo, Minn. The $4,200 Max- walton Queen topped the matrons. In the two- year-old female competition Carpenter & Ross' imp. Lady Dorothy took the blue from W. C. Rosen- MAXWALTOX COilMAXDER — GRAND CHAMPION AT 1917 INTERNA- TIONAL FOR F. A. GILLESPIE & SONS, TULSA, OKLA. N" - 'W^^W r ^ "^^'l^^^^^^^^^^^^SBpWw^ A'lOLA— GRAND CHAMI'I.iX FE.MALK AT THE AMERICAN ROYAL FOR W. C. ROSENBERGER. TIFFIN, O., IN 1916 AND 1917. ARRIVAL OF THE LONG-EXPECTED ADVANCE 971 berger's American Royal cliampion Viola, and for the second time claimed the crown for grand cham- pion International female. The gronp prizes were well distributed, the firsts falling to F. A. Gillespie & Sons on graded herd, S. G. Eliason on young herd, H. C. Lookabaugh on calf herd, Anoka Farms on get of sire and Uppermill Farm on produce of cow. Anoka won the Senor Celedonia Pereda trophy for the best three bulls bred and owned by exhibitor, while Uppermill captured the trophy offered by Senor Pedro Pages for the best trio of bulls by one sire on the get of Villager. The Senor Carlos M. Duggan trophy for the best male and female went to S. G. Eliason, on Sunrise and Lady Clara 9th, both by Cornerstone. The seventy-one Milking Shorthorns were judged by Robert Miller, Stouffville, Ont. J. E. & C. B. Wade, Orangeville, 0., had the grand champion bull in Queenston Duke, and A. T. Cole, Wheaton, 111., show^ed the grand champion cow, Fenstanton Lady Anna. In the sale held under the auspices of the Ameri- can Shorthorn Breeders' Association on Dec. 6, an average of $1,090.80 w^as secured on fifty-three head. Walter J. Hill of Minnesota paid the top price of $9,000 for Mount Victoria Stamp consigned by Robert Crain of Mar^dand. Pine Run Farm of Pennsylvania paid $3,000 for Dale Villager. The top price for a female was $4,800, which B. W. Aylor, Grandin, N. D., bid for Verbena of Oakdale 972 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE and her heifer calf, consigned by E. E. Jones, Rockland, Wis. At the annual meeting of the American Short- horn Breeders' Association John R. Tomson, Dover, Kans., was elected to the presidency. Thus at the very threshold of 1918 the history of the incomparable red, white and roan was marked by achievements thoroughly in keeping with the stirring spirit of the world-war times, America leading. CHAPTER VI DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORNS The rose is usually considered the queen of the floral kingdom. But in this rare product of the mysterious forces of vegetation two qualities are necessary to win the entire approbation of the beholder, beauty and fragrance. The corolla, the stamens and pistil may be perfect and the mar- velous coloring may enchant the eye, but if the flower lacks fragrance, it fails to give the satis- faction that is anticipated by beholding its beauty. No breed of cattle has ever been evolved which has given perfect satisfaction to the diversified agriculturists who inhabit the earth, but in the two-fold capacity of beef and milk production Shorthorns come nearer than any breed to meeting this varied demand. ''The strength of the Short- horn lies in its unrivaled range of adaptability; in the facility with which it responds to the demands of those who pursue a system of diversified farming — the rearing of live stock as an essential feature in a well-ordered scheme of mixed husbandry." Beef production, the most important quality of Shorthorns, has been briefly featured in the record of sales and shows set forth in the previous chap- 973 974 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE ters, but the tale would be incomplete if it did not include some note of the accomplishments in milk production, the other essential to a well-balanced and satisfactory breed of cattle. Notwithstanding the testimony of countless breeders and farmers for more than a century that Shorthorns have been successful and satisfactory dual-purpose cattle, in the face of a marvelous record in show arenas and beef marts of the world, in the face of numerous very creditable milk and butter records and of many champion prizes wrested from dairy breeds by Shorthorn cows, the claim of this dual quality has been ridiculed and publicly branded as an impossibility. It is not reasonable to presume that any Shorthorn advocate would allow his enthusiasm to carry him to the belief or statement that the most perfect beef form and the greatest milk production could exist in the same animal, but it is a safe and reasonable belief and one fully justified by the records of Shorthorn history that these dual qualities can and do exist in one breed to the extent that has been claimed — that of beef form and quality unsurpassed by and milk and butter production unequaled by any beef breed. As some one has expressed it, ''The dual-purpose idea is not that a cow should be fat all the time and a great milker all the time also, but that she should have the power to convert her food into milk while she is milking and to make it into flesh when she is dry." IMP. WELCOME LASS — OWNED BY A. E. PALMER. GRAND FORKS, N. D. IMP. WHITE QUEEN— SOLD IN L. D. MAY'S AUCTION TO C. A. OTIS, WILLOUGHBY, O., AT $3,000. DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORNS 975 In the light of tlie indisputable records of facts that have been given to prove the claims made by Shorthorn advocates, the oft-repeated assertion of single-jjurpose enthusiasts that a successful dual- purpose breed is an impossibility, suggests a state- ment of Josh Billings: "I do not object that some folks know so much, but I do object that they know so many things which are not true. ' ' During the breed's history numberless cows of fine beef form and good milk production have existed, but as the vast majority of breeders had more concern about beef form they kept no record of milk production and gave little attention to the development of this quality of their cows. Yet so many did breed for milk production and keep accu- rate data of their herds that this chapter can give space to only a part of the many excellent records available. A recollection or a mere statement of belief is not sufficient to substantiate a fact about milk production among men accustomed to official records, yet there are thousands of farm boys who from the daily experience of milking their fathers' Shorthorn cows could truthfully testify to the fact that many of them are excellent milkers. My own boyhood was fruitful of such experiences, and mem- ory recalls many such cows. A particularly good example I recall in Cora A and Cora B, twin heifers, one red, the other roan, out of an imported cow bred by James Currie of Scotland. As calves and yearlings they were never beaten in beef rings, 976 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE taking first and second prizes at every show and occasionally alternating in their positions, which indicated that they were nearly equal in merit. At two years of age they were put into the breeding herd, as mature cows both were good breeders, and one w^as also a most excellent milker, giving from two to three gallons per day more than her calf could take when it was six to eight weeks old. All Shorthorn breeders know something of imp. Bapton Pearl, dam of Whitehall Sultan, a cow good enough to become champion at the English Royal and to bring $5,000 when sold to E. S. Kelly for export to the United States. While the claim may be a surprise to many, she is entitled to be called a dual-purpose cow; we have the testimony of the present secretary of the American Shorthorn Breed- ers' Association that she was a choice milker. Another cow of much the same type but a little less distinguished was Gipsy Maid, a noted prize- winner in the herd of William Miller, Storm Lake, la., former manager for Luther Adams in his importations, and later owned by Prof. H. W. Mum- ford of the University of Illinois. She was a superbly formed cow, compact, massive, captivating, and both a good breeder and a cow of such large milk yield at to make her noted in the breed. She was dam of Iowa Champion, which sold at $1,400 for export to Argentina, and of the three cows Gipsy Maids 2d, 3d and 4th, which brought $2,300, making an average for the four head of $925. DUAL-PURPOSE SHOETHOLXS 977 Oxford Maid, owned in Iowa, is of trne beef type and weighs 1,850 pounds, but in thirty days she gave 1,536 pounds of milk, 51.2 pounds per day, and more than 5,000 pounds in four months. She was a prizewinner at the New York and Vermont State Fairs. The testimony of Carpenter & Eoss is that Wed- ding Gift 16th was a good milker, yet such an excellent breeder that her daughters. Dale's Gift and Dale's Gift 2d, were both winners and such marvels of beef form that they were undefeated in 1911 as produce of cow. Rowena 2d, a beautiful roan cow of choice form, owned by H. J. Hughes, Trenton, Mo., was the champion dual-purpose cow at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition in 1904. In a test of 120 days during very hot weather she made 210 pounds of butter and gained 140 pounds in weight. When her usefulness as a breeder was over she sold for $105 for beef, the jorice being 7 cents and her weight 1,500 pounds. Another example is the charming white Hamp- ton's Queen of Beauty, by Hampton's Best 170818 and of Scotch blood in all crosses. When a year- ling she was in C. D. Bellows ' first-prize young herd at St. Louis in 1904, and in her class she won second at most fairs that year. When she was two and one-half years old she was sold at auction for $1,510 to C. F. Behlers of Nebraska and was giving more milk than her calf a few weeks old could take. 978 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Official Tests. — But Sliortlioni breeders have also ample official records and authentic tests to estab- lish their claims of a dual-purpose breed.- At the Michigan Agricultural College a Shorthorn cow gave 10,058 pounds of milk in twelve months and during this test gained 324 pounds in weight. During a four-year test from 1903 to 1907, made at the Nebraska Agricultural College, Florence Air- drie 6th produced 35,575 pounds of milk and 1,763.7 pounds of butter, an average of 8,893.8 pounds of milk and 440.9 pounds of butter per year. At the Missouri Agricultural College, Lula pro- duced 12,341 pounds of milk and 606 pounds of butter in twelve months and the record of her half- sister, Panama Lady, was 13,789 pounds of milk and 572 pounds of butter. Both cows were of good beef form and the weight of Lulu was 1,300 pounds. In 1912 Euth 3d 20440, owned by Horace W. Avery, Kings Ferry, N. Y., gave 15,599 pounds of milk with an average butterfat test of 4.5 percent, making 706.63 pounds of butterfat, tlie equivalent of 831.33 pounds of butter. Maplelane Juliet, owned by George C. Carey, St. Johnsburg, Vt., gave 10,395 pounds of milk at two years of age, 11,308 pounds at three years and 12,911 pounds after her third calf. As a two-year-old she won second at the New York State Fair in the butter test, all dairy breeds competing. At maturity she weighed 1,600 pounds and was of good form. At the Brattleboro, Vt., fair of 1910, Beauty 7th won first in the butterfat test ATROSIA — OWNED BY C. A. OTIS, WILLOUGHBY, O. DORIS CLAY — HCil^DHK uF THt; M1UK1.\(; SHORTHORN BUTTER- FAT RECORD OF 653.35 POUNDS AND A STATE FAIR CHAM- PION — OWNED BY L. D. MAY, GRANVILLE CENTER, PA. MISS ANDO — OWNED BY W. B. AYKK. PORTLAND, ORK JEWEL— NOTED RECORD-MAKER IN THE HERD OF C. A. OTIS, WILLOUGHBY, O. DLML-PUEPOSE SHORTHOKXS 979 and her total was the highest that had been made in twelve years, and at the state fair of 1911 a Sliorthorn won in the butter contest. The Glenside Herd. — This collection has been dis- tinguished for many years for careful and sys- tematic development of the dual quality of its cattle. In this herd, as in some others, milk produc- tion has been fostered by careful selection of sires and by the elimination of cows which do not prove good producers. This herd was built up under the ownership of Tunis & May, but after the retirement of J. K. Innis, the senior member of the firm, C. A. Otis, Cleveland, 0., became associated with L. D. May. This was in 1909 and the firm of May & Otis continued for several years and maintained an excellent herd at Granville Center, Pa. The herd is now owned solely by Mr. May and is being splen- didly developed, but a share of the credit for its past achievements is no doubt due to his former associates in ownership. In this herd eighty-five cows have milk records of more than 8,000 pounds, thirty-two more than 10,000 pounds and five have records averaging 15,157 pounds. Kinsella 2d, with a milk record of 8,836 pounds, had fourteen calves in fourteen years, and her weight at maturity was 1,500 pounds. Jennie Lee, weighing 1,600, has a record of 10,485 jiounds of milk. Margaretta Clay had a twelve-month rec- ord of 10,043 pounds and an eight-year average of 8,420 pounds. Mamie Clay 2d had a one-year record 980 A HISTORY or SHORT-HORN CATTLE of 13,232 pounds and a five-year average of 10,640 pounds, which was begun before she was three years old; her weight was 1,510 pounds. Rose of Glenside in a test of one year produced 18,075 pounds of milk, a daily average of 49V2 pounds, and 735 pounds of butter, and at the end of the test weighed 1,450 pounds. She is the champion milk cow of the breed. Belle Clare, her half-sister, has a record of 15,215 pounds. Mamie's Minnie produced 16,201 pounds of milk and 672 pounds of butter and has a milk average of 15,160 pounds for three years. Nine cows of the herd, all of good form and size, have an average milk production of 13,579 pounds, with average weight of more than 1,500 pounds. Lady Fillpail has a one-year record of 10,048 pounds and an average of 8,057 pounds for eleven years ; when seventeen years old she was sold for beef, bringing $103.20. Her daughter Doris Clay, under supervision of the Pennsylvania State College, produced in one year 17,241.5 pounds of milk and 653.35 pounds of butterfat, the highest butterfat record of the breed; she was ten years old when this test was completed; she won the championship for Milking Shorthorns at several state fairs; in 1909 she was first in the Shorthorn specials, where beef and milk each counted 50 per- cent; in 1911 she was first in the butterfat test at the Vermont State Fair, with Jerseys competing, and in 1914 she was grand champion at both the New York and Vermont State Fairs. Charlotte B. DUAL-PURPOSE SHOETHOEXS 981 has an official record of 15,401 pounds of milk of 4.93 percent test, equivalent to 712.6 pounds of butter. At tlie Chicago International during cold weather, and after a long shipment, the May & Otis cow Jewel gave in a two-day test 107 pounds of milk testing 4 percent fat. She was thirteen years old, weighed 1,550 pounds and was of compact form. In the same test Walby Lady, weight 1,600 pounds, gave 94 pounds of 4.4 percent milk. Two very prepotent sires in the Glenside herd were General Clay, weighing 2,500 pounds, with thirty daughters in the Record of Merit, and imp. Duke Buttercup, weighing 2,450 joounds and sire of eleven cows with records of more than 8,000 pounds, six of them averaging 12,690 pounds. During the last two years the Glenside herd has been strength- ened by importations, the cows brought over being of good beef form and of excellent dairy qualities. The nine cows from this herd which were lined up and photographed, showing the three breed colors and having quite acceptable foims, with weights from 1,450 to 1,600 pounds and an average milk yield of 13,579 pounds, furnish a very con- vincing argument that dual-purpose cattle are possible. Milking Shorthorns Abroad. — The Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' Association, Toronto, gave official records of eight cows which ranged from 17,723 to 10,340 pounds of milk and 636 to 370 pnmds of butter. 982 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE Wliile some American breeders liave intelligently and systematically developed the milking propensi- ties of their cows, there are more herds in England of true dual-purpose cows, though none of these has equaled the phenomenal records of Doris Clay and Eose of Glenside. Mr. Adeane and Robert W. Hobbs have produced many good cattle of this class, but the most prominent herds were those of Lord Rothschild and George Taylor. The Cranford herd had many cow^s with records of from 800 to 1,035 gallons per year; at a draft sale in 1907 seventy-three head sold for $21,000, and at the dis- persion of the herd in 1912, following the death of Mr. Taylor, 187 head made an average of $414 and were sold in seven hours. Darlington Cranford 49th brought $1,575 and Waterloo Baroness $2,625. At Tring Park Lord Rothschild keeps both Jer- seys and Shorthorns, but has expressed preference for the latter because the cows produce profitable calves in addition to generous milk yields. One of his cows, Darlington Cranford 5th, in nine years produced ten calves (twins once) and gave 92,207 pounds of milk, an average of 10,245 pounds. At his last sale cows of the Cranford blood averaged $600 and a three-year-old. Duchess of Barrington, giving 41 pounds per day, with calf at foot sold for $4,850, setting a new record. A good example of a profitable cow is Eagle- thorpe Amy 5tli, owned by Samuel Sanday, which has a record of 13,239 pounds of milk for one year, MANZERGH STH — OWNED BY CHAS. CARROLL, OF CARROLLTON, ELLICOTT CITY, MD wmftm M^^ JJIilGIIT KVKS BY :;:;ij — A .\i:\v YoitK state fair winner ovs^ned CHAS. CARROLL OF CARROLLTON, ELLICOTT CITY, MD. DU-\L-PUKPOSE SHOETHORXS 983 86 pounds for one day and 568.5 pounds for one week. During the year she produced a calf and for forty-four days was dry. Another cow of genuine dual-purpose character was Beatrice 22d. Her record marks her as one of the great cows of the breed. She is of Scotch breeding, a Butterfly by Golden Mascot, he out of Goldie 37th by William of Orange. Beatrice 22d was dam of Capt. Gordon's Bandmaster, first-prize bull at the Eoyal, and of the steer Golden Arrow, champion both at Birming- ham and Smithfield; when she was nine years old she and her calf two weeks old sold for $1,525, at which time her milk yield was 57 pounds per day. In the dairy test at the English Eoyal of 1915 Shorthorns gained a sweeping victory over all breeds. Lord Luca's cow Charity 23d was first of ninety-six cows competing, giving 68 pounds of milk, 3.95 percent butterfat. His cow Primrose Gift was second. Duchess of Cranford 3d, owned by Capt. Willis, took third. All dairy breeds com- peted in this test. The Shorthorn cows in milk at the Norwich Royal Show furnished another exhibition highly creditable to the breed. Eobert Bruce, a veteran breeder and a writer of authority, in speaking of this show said: ''There were fifty-four entries in these classes and I hold that from a practical point of view they were the show of the breed ; 90 percent of these cows were good enough to become mothers of bulls fit to win in strong competition, yet among 984 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE them were cows witli records of 1,000 gallons of milk per year." An Important Importation. — In 1914 J, J. Hill, the great railroad builder, but whom stockmen like to remember as the founder of the North Oaks breeding establishment, made an importation of dual-purpose Shorthorns, consisting of fifteen cows, fifty bulls and one steer out of a cow with a record of 11,000 pounds of milk. One of the cows, Help- meet 11th, won at the Royal in 1913 and also in 1914. These cows were all large milk producers and out of cows which had been bred for milk pro- duction, yet tliey were of such good beef form and true Shorthorn character that they created a genu- ine sensation. Following the natural bent of his mind as an advertiser, Mr. Hill filled western rail- way stations, hotels and banks with an excellent picture of part of this importation and it proved good advertising for Shorthorns. Aids to Development. — The development of dual- purpose Shorthorns has been mainly the result of individual enterprise, yet this growth has been fos- tered in many ways by association effort. At the Vermont State Fair of 1910 the American Dairy Shorthorn Association was organized, with L. D. May as president and W. Arthur Simpson as secre- tary. At the International of 1911 a reorganization was effected under the name of American Milking Shorthorn Club, with L. D. May as president and Horace W. Avery as secretary. This club did much ROSALINE 5TH— OWNED BY MACDONALD COLLEGE, QUEBEC, CANADA. IMP. NUGGET'S PRIDE STH— OWNED BY C. A. OTIS, WILLOUGHBY, OHIO. DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORNS 985 to stimulate the demand for this class of Short- horns by urging on breeders the importance of keeping milk and butter records and by making public information about Shorthorns calculated to awaken an interest among farmers. Then, too, the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association, through its board of directors, took action at various times designed to aid breeders of dual-purpose Shorthorns. The first action toward this end was the appropriation of $10,000 to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, an expendi- ture quite disproportionate to the results of the demonstration. In addition liberal prizes were pro- vided at the International, the American Royal and some state fairs. These prizes were specials for cows in milk, milk production and beef form each counting 50 percent in making the awards. Ex- cepting at the International, these prizes did not call forth exhibits that justified their continuance. As a further means of stimulating zeal in the development of milk production and in keeping rec- ords, the board of directors of the American Short- horn Breeders' Association provided for an appen- dix to the herd books in which would be published the records of all cows producing more than 8,000 pounds of milk in one year, this record to be known as the ''Star List" and each cowl's name to be marked with a star. In Volume 73 the Glenside herd entered forty-five cows in this list, but suc^ ceeding volumes have recorded very few from any 986 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE herd. Thus through lack of response from breeders this effort of tlie association failed to accomplish its purpose. During a series of years liberal appro- priations were made for prizes at various fairs and in 1915 $2,465 were offered for dual-purpose Short- horns — $1,000 at the Panama-Pacific Exposition and $1,465 at four other big fairs. Another effort to encourage breeders of this class of cattle was the addition of Rule 11 to the rules of entry of pedigrees, which provides for refunding the $100 registration fee for all imported cows that have certain milk records — 4,000 pounds for cows beginning a record before they are thirty months of age, 6,000 pounds for those which finish records before they are five years of age, and 8,000 pounds for those over five years. The intent of this pro- posed refund of registration fees is to encourage the importation of more of the real double-deckers for which some of the herds of England are noted. Dual-Purpose Sales. — A very successful sale was held in Painesville, 0., March 2, 1916, under the management of the American Milking Shorthorn Club. Fifty-four head averaged $562.75 and the demand was so strong that the sale occupied only three hours. Willowdale Eobin, owned b}^ "VV. A. Simpson, Lyndonville, Vt., sold for $1,325 to Flintstone Farms, Dalton, Mass. Bellevue Queen sold to C. A. Otis, AVilloughby, 0., for $1,100 and Alexander & Kellogg, Suisun, Cal., took the three cows Bessie Rose, Bellevue Daisy and Rose Fair- CHARITY 23U — FIRST IX THE MILKING TRIALS AT THE ENGLISH ROYAL IN 1915. LAUY BUWXESS — A NOTED MILKING SHORTHORN MATRON IN ENGLAND. DUAL-PUEPOSE SHOKTHORNS 987 field 2d at an aggregate of $4,485. On Aug. 25, at Greenfield, Mass., the New England Shorthorn Breeders' Association sold thirty-two head, half of them being young heifers, at an average of $343.75. Peer's Remarkable Sale.— On Nov. 28, 1916, at Cranford, N. J., Frank S. Peer made a sale that set a new record for dual-purpose Shorthorns, seventy- two head making an average of $751. The offering- was composed of an importation made by him and the cattle had just been released from quarantine. Heartease, bred by Lord Rothschild, was sold for $1,325 to Sentinel Pine Farm, Shorham, Vt. May- flower 10th went to C. A. Otis, Willoughby, 0., for $1,500. Bedminster Farm, Far Hills, N. J., took three head for a total of $3,550. Alexander & Kel- logg, Suisun, Cal., bought fifteen head, seven of which cost $8,800, an average of $1,255.55. Included was the yearling bull Klemscott Viscount 19th, bred by Robert W. Hobbs; the price for him was $1,700. Glenside's New Record. — The demand for Milk- ing Shorthorns, which was at ebb tide ten years ago, had gradually risen, and gave such evidence of its strength at the November sale of Frank S. Peer as to become a veritable flood, overflowing all boun- daries and SAveeping away all former records at the May sale of the Glenside herd. During recent years this herd under the ownership of May & Otis, and more recently of L. D. May alone, made such re- markable records and gave such evidence of im- provement that it invited and really deserved the 988 A HISTOKY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE loyal support of all breeders of dual-purpose Short- horns. In addition to this record the importations made during the last two years by Mr. May had strengthened the herd and increased its drawing power. So when the owner of Glenside invited his fellow-breeders to the vendue of May 29, they came in great numbers. Everything was auspicious for a great sale. And it came! The large crowd of bidders, their spontaneous enthusiasm and the fair values they placed on the Glenside cattle came as a strong endorsement of L. D. May and a deserved vindication for his thirty years' faithful, patient service for Shorthorns. Whatever the future may develop in the expansion of the breed, this sale will go down in Shorthorn history as eminently success- ful, made possible because of the inherent merit of the cattle and because of faith in the constructive ability and integrity of their oAvner. The sale was an impressive exhibition of real dual-purpose Short- horns and furnished a complete and crushing an- swer to carping critics of the breed. Thirty-nine head sold for $39,312, an average of $1,008. Ten cows made an average of $1,372.50. C. A. Otis, owner of the Willoughby, 0., herd, was an extensive buyer, taking eight head at $13,100, an average of $1,637.50. Among his purchases were imp. White Queen at $3,000, the record price for a Milking Shorthorn cow in this country, the im- ported cows Bright Lily and Christmas Rose at $2,000 each, the heifer Glenside Lass at $1,950. He PRIMROSE GIFT — THRICE A CHAMFKiX AT THE EXCLISH ROYAL. DOLPHINLEE TELLURIA — A HIGHLY ACCETTABLE TYPE TO THE BRITISH EYE. DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORNS 989 also paid $1,000 each for three yearling daughters of Cyrus Clay, whose dam, Margaret I a Clay, was grandam of Eose of Glenside, champion milk cow of the breed. E. A. Palmer, Grand Forks, N. D., and Geo. Palmer, Mankato, Minn., jointly purchased imp. Welcome Lass, with a record of 13,560 pounds of milk and 657 pounds of butter, for $1,950, and for $2,550 took the heifer Glenside Minnie May, whose dam has a record of 15,160.8 pounds of milk for three consecutive years. J. E. Lee, Detroit, Mich., bought four heifers and at $1,000 took the bull Glenside Bellboy, a son of the champion butter cow Doris Clay. The Bellvue Farm bought for $1,500 the cow Glenside Maplelane by General Clay, sire of twenty-eight cows in the Eecord of Merit. Glenside Lady Belle at $750 and Glenside Eoan Fern at $1,025 were taken by Flintstone Fanns, Dalton, Mass. CHAPTER VII EXPORTATIONS TO ARGENTINA Few exportations of Sliortliorns have been made from tlie United States during the period of this history. Most of these shipments were made by individuals, and while in some cases large prices were received, the expenses were so large and the risk so great that exporters did not continue long in the business. Prior to 1916 no associated effort was made to foster this trade, despite the fact that sensational prices have been paid in Argentina for the best Shorthorns. In 1901 a small exportation was made, the cattle being bought from herds in the United States and Canada; included was the bull Iowa Champion, out of Gipsy Maid, a noted prizewinner and an excellent breeder. A few years later J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind., made two exportations. These included some choice Shorthorns from leading herds in several central states — from N. H. Gentry the cow Moss Rose 7th, from Bellows Bros, the champion yearling bull Hampton's Model 210474 and the heifers Hamp- ton's Pearl and Hampton's Princess, all by Hampton's Best 170818. In Buenos Aires Hamp- ton's Model brought $7,000 and Hampton's Princess 990 EXPORTATIOXS TO ARGENTINA 991 $8,000, Argentine money. From the herd of Cliarles E. Leonard & Son eleven cows were taken, seven of them by Lavender Viscount 124755. Mary Ravens wood 3d was sold in Argentina to Seiior Leonardo Pereyra and from the service of the Scotch Centennial Victor she produced Americus, the champion bull at the National Show at Palermo in 1913. Americus was then sold at auction for 80,000 pesos, equivalent to $38,983 in gold, the record price in any country for a Shorthorn bull. In connection with the fact that the United States produced the dam of the highest-priced bull of the breed ever sold, it is also interesting to remember that the Dominion of Canada furnished the sire of the highest-priced bull in Great Britain. In 1875 Lord Dunmore sold Duke of Connaught at auction for 4,500 guineas, equal to $26,901 in American gold at that time. His sire was Duke of Hillhurst 9862, bred by Hon. M. A. Cochrane, Compton, Que- bec, and exported to England in April, 1871. In 1912 Anoka Farms made an exportation, which included the bull Hampton King 316734, bred by George H. "White, Emerson, la., out of Anoka Fluff by Whitehall King, the International champion in 1908. Hampton King proved an excellent breeder in Argentina, and his son, Hampton King 14th, was champion at the exposition held at Posario in 1915. A Hazardous Shipment. — In September, 1914, an exportation of ten bulls was made on order of 992 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE T. H. Floley & Son, Buenos Aires, formerly of Hutchinson, Kans. These bulls were shipped from New York, and because of attacks by German raid- ers the vessel made most of the voyage within the three-mile limit along the coasts, thereby so lengthening the distance that it required six weeks to reach Buenos Aires. The bulls were sold at private treaty and gave good satisfaction. In May, 1916, a second shipment was made to the same parties. This exportation was also made from New York and comprised twenty choice bulls bought by W. A. Forsythe & Son, Greenwood, Mo., at public sales in Missouri and Iowa. Among the herds represented were those of N. H. Gentry, F. W. Harding, C. E. Leonard & Son, J. W. McDermott, Ogden & Son, Purdy Bros, and Tomson Bros. Tliis select lot of bulls arrived in good condition and was sold at auction. Association Exportations. — In 1916 four ship- ments were made under management of the Ameri- can Shorthorn Breeders' Association. The first comprised three bulls and four heifers. The three bulls were purchased here for $2,325 by Dr. Celedonia Pareda. The heifers were for M. A. Martinez de Hoz of Buenos Aires at a delivered price of $1,000 each. The second shipment was made April 28. It com- prised nine bulls and six heifers on consignment, and one bull on order at a delivered price of $3,500. The consig-nment was sold in Buenos Aires at from EXPORTATIONS TO ARGENTINA 993 1,700 to 6,500 pesos for the bulls and 2,400 to 4,200 for the cows, making an average approximately of $1,200 in gold for the bulls and $1,400 for the cows. The third shipment was made to Francisco V. Maissa, Buenos Aires. It comprised twenty-six head, including Gipsy Maid, bought from C. A. Saunders & Sons for $3,030. The fourth shipment comprised four heifers to Juan Carlos Vidislla, Montevideo, Uruguay, and one bull and one heifer to the President of Guatemala. The shipments were all made from New York. There is good reason to believe that these expor- tations w^ll aid in opening up a larger trade with South American countries. To future historians it will no doubt seem an anomaly that North and South America were so long in understanding each other and in establishing reciprocal trade relations. As a result of recent intelligent official effort and of the titanic struggle which has involved so many nations it is quite reasonable to believe that a better understanding and closer commercial rela- tions will be established between the peoples of North and South America. For many years the demand for Shorthorns in Argentina has been great, and for the best animals sensational prices have been paid in some instances. With the estancios of that republic the breeders of Great Britain have had their most profitable trade. So great has the draft been that thoughtful British breeders are now concerned for the future 994 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE of the breed. A prominent authority has said : "It is a matter of history that for years Argentina has been sapping Great Britain of her best Shorthorn blood. Can the British herds stand the strain on their resources? Undoubtedly many of our best bulls of recent years have left the country." From financial considerations such a trade is most desirable and should be encouraged. But if it should go to the point of depleting herds of their best bulls, thus endangering the future excellence and supremacy of the breed, the cry of warning- would be justified. CHAPTER VIII EXPANSION AT HEADQUARTERS The development of Sliortliorn interests in the United States has been materially advanced by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association. The association has guided the course of Shorthorn trade during periods both of inspiring prosperity and of nerve-racking depressions. The directors, elected to manage the affairs of the association, have been truly loyal to the breed, and under their administration wonderful development has been made. During the period of depression, when the office was moved from one city to another for eco- nomic reasons, the directors were criticized for lack of business management ; later, when a reserve had been accumulated, dissent was voiced at hoarding the funds; further criticism was heard when the $100 registration fee for imported cattle was adopted. As a means of raising additional revenue, which was not needed, the $100 fee could not be defended, nor for the purpose of restricting trade. But to improve Shorthorns by discouraging the importation of inferior animals, which was the object sought, this fee is defensible. There is a difference of opinion as to the effect of this new 995 996 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE rule, but tlie majority of breeders now believe that the character of importations has been im- proved and that fewer indifferent animals have been brought over since the $100 fee was adopted. If this oT)inion is correct, the action has been justified. About 1900, the policy of increasing the associa- tion's reserve fund was discontinued and more liberal appropriations were made for Shorthorn prizes at fairs. These prizes were largely increased with the development of the state fairs and the organization of the International and American Royal. Appropriations made by the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association for prizes at vari- ous shows have been from $oO,000 to $50,000 annu- ally, thus affording strong encouragement to the exhibitors. At a time when Shorthorn breeders seemed to have neglected the preparation and exhibition of steers at the International the directors sought to revive an interest in this element .of former strength of the breed, but their test failed of any good results because of bad management. Shorthorn breeders may have neglected the fitting and exhi- bition of steers, yet the breed has won a fair share of prizes in the fat class. Grand champion- ships were won by Shorthorn steers at Ft. Worth, the American Eoyal, Denver, Portland, South St. Paul, Oklahoma City and several state fairs. Shipments to Mexico. — In an effort to develop a EXPANSION AT HEADQUARTEES 997 new demand and extend trade in Shorthorns the association sent two shipments, four carloads, into Mexico. Three carloads were sent in the fall of 1907 and one the foUoTving spring. These were choice cattle, having been carefully selected, but owing to a lack of appreciation of improved stock in Mexico the shipment failed to create the demand expected. The Secretaryship. — In February, 1901, the six- teen years of faithful service of J. H. Pickrell as secretary of the association were terminated by his sudden death. His successor, John W. Groves, demonstrated his executive ability by bringing the office force to a greater mark of efficiency. In April, 1912, he too was stricken by the silent reaper. It was during his administration, in May, 1903, that the offices of the association were moved from Springfield, 111., to the Purebred Live Stock Record Building, erected in Chicago by the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company. With the election of Frank W. Harding as sec- retaiy in December, 191-4, the board of directors inaugurated a regime of greater efficiency in keep- ing ^vith an era of expansion of trade. In further- ance of the enlarged plan the association sent Secretary Harding to Argentina in June, 1914. The result was an acquaintance with South Ameri- can stockmen which had already brought an in- creased demand for our Shorthorns and gives promise of greater trade. Another result of that 998 A HISTORY OF SHORT-HOEN CATTLE visit was a request from the management of Argentina's national exposition at Palermo for North American judges. Exchange of Judges. — In compliance with this request Prof. C. F. Curtiss, dean of the Iowa State College at Ames, was induced to make the long journey and award the prizes on Shorthorns. A report made by him on his return is replete with optimism. In part he said: ''South of the equator, even before you get out of the tropics, you find the dominant influence of Shorthorn blood transforming the zebu and the old Spanish cattle stock into a more modern and profit- able beef-producing type, and as you pass south- ward into the interior of the pampas of Argentina you find the Shorthorn supreme in the heart of the richest cattle-producing region on the western con- tinent. Go on over the seas into South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and again you find the Shorthorn closely coupled with the advancement of better farming and better civilization. This expan- sion speaks significantly for a breed that has stood the test of so many years under so many different climates and conditions, and that invariably con- tributes to the welfare and happiness of mankind in eveiy land. One who has not seen a Paleraio show cannot have any adequate conception of the magnitude and strength of the Shorthorn bull classes from the Argentine estancios. They are without parallel or approach in all the live stock exhibitions of the world. This year there were 800 Shorthorn bulls shown." In appreciation of the complimentary action of EXPANSION AT HEADQUARTERS 999 the Argentine stockmen and to cultivate still further an international courtesy so pleasantly begun, the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association and the International Live Stock Exposition sent requests to Argentina for the appointment of judges to serve at the International. In response, Pedro T. Pages and Carlos M. Duggan attended the great Chicago show in 1916. Senor Pages awarded the prizes on Shorthorns and Seiior Duggan judged the grade and crossbred bullocks and assigned the championships. Futurities. — During the year 1914 the association made provision for futurity classes for calves, two for seniors and two for juniors. Prize money was appropriated by futurity purses at the American Eoyal, the International and the Iowa and Ohio State Fairs. This additional inducement has greatly stimulated interest in the calves exhibited, both bulls and heifers. There were two classes of forty-nine and fifty-one each at the International of 1916. Extension Work. — Another action of the associa- tion in the development of Shorthorn interests and the extension of home trade, which deserves the appreciation of all breeders, was the appointment of fieldmen for various sections of the country. Six men give their entire time to this work and others do occasional service. The services of these fieldmen have materially increased the demand. They have aided many farmers in securing founda- 1000 A HISTORY OF SHOET-HOEN CATTLE tions for new herds, especially in southern states. This growing demand from the cottonbelt was fostered by public sales made under the auspices of the association in some southern states and by a campaign at fairs in Alabama and Georgia. Four prominent herds were sent south from the American Eoyal in 1915. Coincident with the large increase in the number of Shorthorns and the enlarged demand for them, there has been a corresponding increase of work in the office of the secretary. New departments have been added and the work has so multiplied that the office force has increased from twenty to seventy-eight in five years. "The Shorthorn in America." — An important aid to extending the influence and widening the sphere of Shorthorn activity was given when the associa- tion established "The Shorthorn in America," which made its bow on April 1, 1916. The publica- tion is issued quarterly, with Frank D. Tomson as editor. It is the especial exponent of the breed. And Finally. — The record of Shorthorns so accu- rately and graphically set forth by Mr. Sanders has been a source of pleasure to vast nmnbers of breeders and has inspired many of them to better accomplishments for the breed. That this brief supplemental history may add something to this pleasure is the hope of its author. At the beginning of this period breeders had just emerged from the era when the true development EXPANSION AT HEADQUARTEES 1001 of the breed had been seriously hampered by the blind and unreasoning acceptance of the dictum of a few leaders and the mandates of Dame Fashion concerning both pedigree and color. No one will ever be wise enough accurately to estimate the dam- age done the breed by these twin errors. One was put to route by a thoughtful Scot at Sittyton, who came to the rescue of Shorthorns when they sorely needed a champion and a leader, the other was finally dissipated by the good sense of the breeders themselves. It is not my purpose to discuss the origin and causes of the prejudice against light colors, but to students of Shorthorn history it will continue to be an anomaly. That the tabooed roans and whites should so quickly regain a commanding place in the breed's development shows their wonderful quality and clearly demonstrates the folly of a prejudice that for more than a score of years denied Shorthorns their uplifting influence. In 1900 the number of roans exhibited was small, but fifteen years later roans and whites were taking three-fourths of the prizes and at some fairs a goodly share of the remaining fourth. During recent years nearly all grand champions have been of light color, and at the Iowa State Fair of 1917 every animal in the three first-prize herds was roan. These facts are not cited to advise the use of roan or white bulls to the exclusion of good reds, but to show the heavy loss in proper development sus- 1002 A HISTOEY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE tained by Shorthorns during that period when breeders had lost their heads. Amos Cruickshank rescued breeders from the suffocating nightmare of "Bates and only Bates," and when the blighting influence of the color craze had passed Shorthorns entered a new and more rapid era of development. How can this be advanced? Are there any obstacles in the path- way? These are questions to be considered by breeders of Shorthorns. The writer has never been a pessimist in any- thing and he firmly believes that Shorthorns are better now than, at any time previously, yet as a historian of this brief period he sees some questions worthy of serious consideration. We rightly believe that during a certain period Shorthorn development was retarded by false ideas of breeding, and we rejoice that the breed was rescued from that thral- dom, yet many of us now refuse breeders the latitude in choice of bloodlines that was exercised by the breeder who effected that rescue. Shorthorn breeders are under lasting obligations to Amos Cruickshank for the breed's improvement, but they would do well carefully to study the methods by which he accomplished his wonderful work. Scotch blood has wrought marvels in the development of the Shorthorn form, yet it is not the only means by which that merit can be developed. These sug- gestions have been called forth by the fact that I have during recent years answered hundreds of EXPANSION AT HEADQUARTERS 1003 inquiries about pedigrees. Nearly all of them ask, ''Is it straight Scotch?" There is no question con- cerning the merit of the ancestors. The term Scotch Shorthorns, as generally under- stood, refers to those bred in well-established herds in Scotland or that have been produced in the United States from imported Scotch ancestry with- out the introduction of other blood. Bloodlines are essential, but merit of form and ability to repro- duce are equally important. Since all Scotch herds were built on an English foundation, and because of the fact that some of the most potent bulls, home- bred and imported, have an infusion of Bates blood, it might be well to give less emphasis to ''straight" or "pure" Scotch and more to reproductive ability. Few will dissent from the statement that ^\Tiite- hall Sultan was the greatest Shorthorn sire of modern days and that Choice Goods ranked near him. Yet both had Bates blood near the top of their pedigrees, and if they had been bred in America they would be called "Scotch- topped," according to our plan of naming bloodlines. So great were Whitehall Sultan and Choice Goods, both as prizewinners and producers, that their sons and grandsons were eagerly sought as herd bulls in all sections. So rapid was the spread of this blood, and so insistent the demand for it, that at present few herds are without it. Through this channel a small percentage of Bates blood has been introduced into many herds whose owners would 1004 A HISTORY OF SHOKT-HOEN CATTLE have refused it througli sucli bulls of outstanding excellence as Viscount of Anoka, Sharon Marshal or Hampton's Model. Mazurka, by the Booth bull Harbinger (10297), was imported into Kentucky in 1853, was sold to E. A. Alexander for $3,050 and proved an excellent breeder at Woodburn Farm. Present-day breeders would hesitate to use a descendant of imp. Mazurka as a herd bull for Scotch cattle, yet her half-brother Matadore (11800) was a herd bull used by Amos Cruickshank, and no one thinks to question the breeding of Mata- dore 's numerous descendants in our herds today. The sage of Sittyton blended the best blood of English Shorthorns, and after years of intelligent, patient experimentation he evolved the modern beef type. And he had his reward. William Duthie and J. Deane Willis, one Scotch and the other English, but both pupils of Cruickshank, did not hesitate to introduce Bates blood into Scotch cattle, if they thought improvement could be made. This will explain the Bates blood in some excellent bulls that have been imported from Scotland. Why then should we condemn in our own breeders methods which we endorse when practiced by those of Great Britain 1 We are hardly consistent. The super- fluous emphasis which we have laid on certain re- quirements of bloodlines and the value which we attach to tribal or family names might well have been expended on teaching the value of great sires. Some breeders fully appreciate this and have pro- EXPANSION AT HEADQUAKTERS 1005 claimed it from their liousetops, but with many it needs emphasizing. My conchiding message is : Make the herd bulls better, and still better. In spite of what I have said in the preceding pages in conmiendation of present-day Shorthorns, some may regard my con- cluding words as superfluous and pessimistic, but I think that my former service for Shorthorns will absolve me from the charge of disloyalty to the breed, and now in my retirement I feel that I am no slacker. INDEX Activities in Middle West, 415 Activity in America, 227 Adah, 304 Adams importation, 685 Adams importations, 699 Adams, Luther, 684, 689, 707, 709 Admali, 559 Aii'drie, 286 Airdrie Duchess, 664 Alrdrie Duchesses, 253, 454 Airdrie Duke, 294 Aislabies, 24 Aldborough, 146 Aldrich, Verry, 654 Aldsboro, 146 Alexander, A. J., 361, 454, 665, 669 Alexander, R. A., 251 Alexander impoi'tation, 255 Alexandrinas, the, 614 Alice's Prince, 847 Allen, Benj. C, 1000 Allen Cattle Company, 903 Allen, George, 712 Allen, Lewis F., 159, 442 Allen, Samuel, importation, 216 Alice Maude, 689 "Allov" blood, 45 Alma, 569 Althorpe, Lord, 80, 141 Amelia, 55 5 American activity, 227 American Dairy Shorthorn Asso- ciation, 98 4 American Fat-Stock Show, 751 American Milking Shorthorn Club, 984 American Royal 1909, 925 American Royal org-anization, 835 American Royal sale, 841 American Royal, the, 840 Andrew, J. C, 724 Anderson, Ralph, 405 Anderson, T. Corwin, 671, 711 Anemone, 569 Angelina, 471 Anoka Champion, 970 Anoka Farms, 9 71 Anoka sale, 939 Antiquary, 659 Appleby. Thomas, 34 Argentine and the shambles, 721 Argentine judges, 957 Armstrong, John S., 632 Aroma, 559 Ashburner, Robert, 477 Athabasca, 621 Athelstane blood, the, 632 Atrosia, 978 Attrill, H. Y., 630, 694 Augustus, 613 Avalanche, 568 Avondale, 836, 926, 935 Avery & Murphy sale, 452, 509 Ayer, B. W., 976 Ayler, B. W., 1003 Aylesby, 470 Aylesby Flowers, 472 Azalea, 569 Bacon, J. H., 675 Balco, 322 Bals, H. C. G., 676, 694, 711 Banner Bearer, 760 Bapton Diamond, 877 Bapton ]Manor, 720 Bapton Pearl, 789, 838, 870, 976 Barbarossa, 681 Barber, Aaron, 688, 842 Barclay, C. S., 702, 703 Barclay of Ury, 525, 545 Barclay sale, 857 Barmpton, 33, 554, 600 Barmpton Hero, 55 4 Barmpton Prince, 573 Barmpton Roses, 570 Barmpton sales, 51 Barmpton Violet, 644 Barnett, G. H., 711 Baron Booth, 630 Baron Booth of Lancaster, 349 Baron Cruickshank, 739 Baron Cruickshank 3d., 848 Baron Lavender 2d., 683 Baron Lavender 3d., 863 Baron Lewis, 355 Baron Surmise. 644 Baron Victor, 572, 679, 681 Baron Warlaby, 695 Baronet, 557 Barren, Finley, 995 Barringtons, 673 Bates' bull first in Kentucky, 214 Bates cattle at Royal shows, 358 Bates-Craggs, 671 Bates dispersion, 10 5 Bates, Thomas, 57, 69 Bates, Thomas, Memorial, 113 Bates tvpe and method, 312 Beatrice, 842 Beattie, Simon, 314, 386, 410, 627 1008 INDEX Beattle's sale, 435 Becar and Morris, 228 Becar, N. J., 108 Beck Taylor, 670 Bective, Earl, 422, 672 Bedford, George M., 274, 279 Bedford heifer, 309 Bedford's Loudon Duchesses, 310 Beeswing, 553, 609 Bell-Bates tribes, 10 3 Bell Duke of Airdrie, 281 Belle Moreland, 655 Bellows Bros. sale. 939, 950 Bellows, C. D., 708, 867 Bellows, Frank, 708 Bellows sale, 953 Belvedere, 84 Benton, W. W.. 711 Berkeley Duke of Oxford, 693 Berry & Bigstaff, 676 Berwick, Mr., 422 Bessie, 572 Bessies, the, 615 Betts, E. L., 364 Bianca, 62 Bicknell, B. W.. 335 "Big" Geneva, 299 Bigler sale, 844 Bigstaff, J. M., 664 Birrell & Johnston. 648 Birthday, 117, 122 Black Bull Inn, 15, 71 Blakewell, Robert, 31 ^ Blanch or Roan Duchess sort. 10 S Blish & Son. 670. 758 Bloom 3d.. 631 Blossoms. 126 Blue Grass Capital. 300 Blue Grass sales. 455 Blythe Victor, 852 Boland. W. A., 731. 842 Bolden. S. E.. 362 Bolingbroke. 40 Bonny Gypsy. 694 "Boom." birth of a. 3o7 . "Boom" west of Mississippi. 4b.i Booth-Bates controversy. 408 Booth cross disappointing, biu Booth. John. 67. 136. 534 Booth. J. B.. 408 Booth. Richard. 64, 132, 136 Booth's Lancaster, 386 Booth's method of breeding. Hi Booth's sale, John. 118 Booth, Thomas, 57 Booth. T. C. 469 Bothwell. George. 708 Bothwell sale, 858 Bounty. 557 Bowen. E. W., 724 Bowman. Hon. A. M.. 671 Bow Park. 481 Bow Park sale. 51^^^^ Boyle. L. F., 963. 992 Bracelet. 62. 116 Bracelets, the, 63 Brant Chief. 758 Brave Archer. 838 Brawith Bud. 534 Braybrooke. Lord. 665 Breadalbane, 557 Breeders in Illinois, 319 Briant. A. C 675 Bride. 128 Bride Elect, 17. 62, 128 Bride of the Vale, 375 Bridesmaid, 128 Bright Eyes 22d., 982 Brights, 472 Brilliant. 628 Britisher. 759 British Flag. 401 Broadhooks, the, 555 Brockway, E. P.. 401 Broken-horn. 48 Brooks, A. S., 324 Broughtons, 114 Browndale sale, 920 Brown, Frank, 862, 909 Brown. George, 481 Brown, George, death of, 507 Brown, H. F., 510, 664, 668. 675, 725. 736. 738. Brown. James. 970. 995 Brown. James N.. 264. Sis Brown. L. W.. 688 Brown sale. 8-57 Brown's Sons. James N.. 487. bt>S Brown. William. 318, 758 Bruce of Inverquhomery. obi Bruce. James. 531. 6-56 Bruce. Robert, 692, 713. 718 Bruere. R. S., 372 Buchan Hero. 5.i5 Buckingham. 116, 533 Buckner, William. 67 2 Burley Mills. 152 Burnbrae Sultan. 957 Burnside, 313 Buttercup. 557 Butterfly 1st.. 557 Butterflys. 556 Butterflv's Dehght, 573 Butterfly's Joy, 571 Butterfly's Pride, 570 Caesar Augustus, 559, 598 Cairnbrogie, 561 California Favorite, 9bZ Cambridge, 93 „ Cambridge (Red) Roses 102 Cambridge Roses, 82, 110 Campbell of Kinellar, 606 Campbell. S.. 607 CampfoUower, 130 Canada West Association 482 Canada West Farm Stock Asso- ciation, 664 Canadian breeders sa'e- «" „ Canadian impoi'tations 477. b-S Cannon. Col. LeG. B.. b66, /lO Carcase. Mr. Wiley s. 91 INDEX 1009 Cargill, H.. 648 Carlyle, W. H., 711 Carmine, 560 Carmine Rose, 552 Carpenter, George, 862 Carpenter, Reid, 846, 890 Carpenter, W. G., Sjs Carpenter & Carpenter, 969 Carpenter & Ross, 891, 935 Carpenter & Ross importation. 965, 967 Carpenter & Ross sale, 9 40, 949. 955 Carpenter & Ross sale 1917, 965 Carr, J. D., 413 Carr, William, 31 Cartwrigrht, Mr., 608 Casey, G. M., 708 Casey, G. M., 883 Casev dispersion, 916 Cassa 20th., 658 Castle "U'arwick, 18 Cayhurst, 560 Central Western Shorthorns, 357 Ceremonious Archer, 855, 868 Chambers, G. M., 318 Champion, 56 8 Champion carload 1909, 928 Champion of England, 18, 589, 595 Chapman, William S., 413 Character, 796 Charge, John, 53 Charitv, 115 Charitv 23d., 986 Charm, 694 Chenev, E. H., 455 Cherry, 33 Cherry Blossom. 126 Cherrv Grove auction, 920 Cherub. 413 Cherub 4th.. 620 Chief Lustre 2d.. 694 Child, H. W., 1004 Chiles. C. C, 666 Chilton. 138 China Rose. 552 Choice Goods, 804, 855, 868, 870. 885, 898 Chrisman. G. L... 675 Chrisp. Thomas. 612 Christian, Sr., W. F., 724 Christie. Hon. David. 606 Christmas Lassie. 925 Chrvsanthemum. 561 Chrystal. A.. 846 Cicelv. 568, 789, 850, 874 Cinderella 2d., 693 Circassia, 568 Clancarty Lord, 557 Clara, 556 Clara 28th., 616 Claras, the, 615 Claret. 561 Clark County Sale. 249 Clark County Kentucky Company, 397 Clark County Ohio Company, 248 Clark, C. W.. 976 Clarke herd sold. 931 Clarke, N. P., 445, 666. 702, 706, 929 Clay's importations, 206 Clear-the-Way, 561 Clegg. J. E., 874 Clegg, J. M., 87 4 Cleveland Lad, 89 Clinton County (O. ) Association, 247 Clipper tribe, 559 Clipper, 560 Closing events 1875, 479 Clyne. 549 Cobb, G. A., 980 Cobb. H. L., 980 Cobb, Hon. Emery, 664, 667 Cochrane at Windermere, 497 Cochrane-Beattie-Hope sale. 488 Cochrane, Beattie and Horc, '"7 Cochrane, Hon. M. H., 338, 386, 642, 712 Cochrane, M. H., sales, 455 Cochrane, Mr., 630 Cochran importations, 371 Cochrane's sale, 497 Cockrill, M. S., 455 Cock Robin, 855 Cold Cream, 151 Cole, A. T., 980 Collard, John, 462 College Belle 2d., 775 College Moore. 775 Colling, Charles, 15, 56 Colling, Charles and Robert, 29 Colling, Robert. 15 Collynie, 624, 701 Color. 794 Col. Towneley, 571 Columbian Exposition awards, 735 Columbian records, the, 769 Combs, Leslie, 665, 669 Comet, 16, 51, 147 Commander-in-Chief, 132 Commodore, 561 Conformation. 796 Constance, 391 Constellation, 52 Constitution. 796 Convention. First National, 405 Cornell, Ezra. 3 61 Corning. Erastus, 218 Cornucopia. 568 Corolla. 568 Cottage Hill herd. 877 Count Lavender, 719 Countryman, J. A., 702 Count Victor, 563 Courtesy, 568 Cowan dispersion. 835 Cowan, Hector, 874 Cowan. J. F., 311 Cowan. John G.. 404 Cowan, Maj. J. T., 709, 724. 1010 INDEX Cowan sale, 857 Cox importation, 163 Craigieiea herd, 909 Craig, John R., 629 Crain, Robt., 992 Crane, Albert, 447, 477, 488 Crane, F. G., 100 4 Craven Knight, 684 Cressida, 560 Crippen, J. B., 327 Crocus, 568 Crocus, 561 Crosbie. J. E., 998 Crossing the border, 520 Crouse, John, 184 Crown Prince, 17, 123, 532 Crown Prince of Athelstane, 60 6 Crown Prince of Athelstane 2d., fi fi 1 fi fi s Cruickshank, Amos, 528, 538, 541, 722 Cruickshank, Anthony, 544, 623 Cruickshank cattle at the shows, 633 Cruickshank cows at CoUynie, 716 Cruickshank, Edward, 623 Culbertson, C. M., 657 Cumberland, 561, 600, 701 Cumberland's Best, 9 48 Cumberland's Last, 881 Cumberland's Type, 938 Cummings, Messrs., 654 Cummings, Wm., 682 Cunningham, Isaac, 186 Cunningham, W. H., 186 Cupbearer, 687, 704, 706, 726 Cupbearer bought, 702 Cupid, 46 Curtis, N. M., 455 Curtiss, C. F., 702 Custard, 554, 561 Cyrus Clay, 783 Dairy capacity, 764 Dairymaid, 553 Dairy Maids, 115 Daisy, 35 Daisy Bull, 53 Dalton, Duke, 35 Daniels, Richard, 405 Dar:v days of 1879, 504 Darlington, 15, 71 Davidson, James I., 435, 638, 642, 661, 680, 682 Davis, Francis, 70. j Davis, W. C, 980 Day, John, 43 Dav, Timothy, 331 DeGraff. Col. C. A., 337, 412, 508, 645, 664, 668 Delight, 558 Devonshire, Duke of, 2 Dexter Park sale, 401, 451 Dick Tavlor, 293, 670 Diphthong, 558, 609 Dr. Buckingham, 558, 581 Doctor Click, 758 Dr. Martin's importation, 207 Dodge, W. B., sale, 487 Does showing pay?, 80 2 Dolphinlee Telluria, 988 Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' As- sociation, 743 Doris Clav, 978 Dorothea 2d., 921, 925, 927 Double Gloster, 682 Douglas of Athelslaneford, 604 Douglas, Robert, 553 Dowager 3d., 764 Drake, John B., 760 Drewry, Geo., 92 Dryden & Son, 900 Dryden, Hon. John, 642, 668 Dryden, W. A., 648, 901, 969 Dual-purpose breed, 744 Dual-purpose sales, 986 Dual-purpose Shorthorns, 973 Ducie, Earl, 108 Ducie sale, 230 Duchess, 34 Duchess blood, 74 Duchess bv Daisy Bull, 74 Duchess 34th., 95 Duchess 43d., 106, 358 Duchess 125th., 694 Duchesses, 108 Duchesses at Woodburn, 25.^? Duchesses of Gloster, 566, 617 Ducliesses to England, 358 Duchess of Airdrie, 663 Duchess of Gloster 34th., 846 Duchess of Hillhurst, 712 Duchess of Hillhurst 9th., 664 Duchess of Kent, 67 6 Duchess of Leicester, 69 4 Duchess of Lincoln, 695 Duchess of Rowfant, 694 Duchess outcrosses, 417 Duchess sales, 378 "Duke" bulls in demand. 378 Duke or Airdrie, 277, 670 Duke of Airdrie, imp., 287 Duke of Athol, 567 Duke of Clarence, 710 Duke of Connaught, 465 Duke of Gloster, 278 Duke of Hilldale 1st., 667 Duke of Northumberland, 87, 96, 99 473 Duke of Noxubee, 673 Duke of Richmond, 486, 533, 655, 661 Duke of Roses 4th, 665 Duke of Surrey, 694 Duke of Underley, 430 Duke of Whittleberry 2d., 665 Duncan, H. C, 735 Duncan, James S., 283 Duncan, Jere, 282 Duncan, John, 675 Duncan, S. C, 390, 666 Duncan's Duke of Airdrie, 310 INDEX 1011 Duncan, William R., 336. 392 Dunlap, Stephen, 318 Dunmcre, Lord, 400, 408 Uunmore sale, records broken, 465 Dunmore's big deal, 413 Dun's importations, 178 Dunwoodv herd, 875 Dunwoody, Wm. H., 702, 858 Durham, 22 Durham Cow, 168 Durham Ox., 42, 72 Durham Park Kansas herd, 462 Durvea, H. B., 907, 1000 Dusiin, C. B., 654. 703, 718. 739 Dustin, Forbes and others sale, 857 Dustin sale, 845 Duthie, William. 607, 625, 714 Earl Ducie sale, 230 Earles & Stanton, 883 Earl of Barrington, 673 Earl of Dublin, 150 Earl of March, 720 Early Illinois fairs, 354 Early importations into Ontario. 626 Early sires of Uppermill, 618 Eastern importations, 215 Edith Fairfax, 531, 558 Edwards, F. A., 702 Edwards, F. R., 846 Edwards, W. C, 646 Edwards, W. C. & Co., 899 Eighth Duke of Geneva, 403 Eighth Duchess of Geneva, 424 Eighth Duchess of Oneida, 433 Elbert & Fall, 757. 758 Elbert, Ben F., 730 Eleventh Duke of Airdrie, 355 Eliason, S. G., 971 Eliza, 536, 559 Elliott & Kent, 446 Elmendorf Farm, 905 Elvira of Browndale 3d., 736 Emma 3d., 616. 654 Emma 4th., 654 Emma 5th., 654 Emmas, the, 616 Empress 12th., 849 English National Show, 92 English sales 1873, 433 Estill & Hamilton. 671 Estill, Wallace, 758 Everlasting, 874 Expansion at headquarters, 995 ExDortations to Argentina. 990 Exportations to England, 396 Exposition Building, Chicago, 759 Extension work, 999 Fair Acres Sultan, 881 Fairfax Royal, 576 Fairholme, "dO Fair Queen. 867, 870 Fairy Queen. 689 Faith, 115 Faith, Hope and Charity. 122 Falling markets, 501 Fall sales 1876, 490 Fall, Wiley S., 730 Fancy, 558 Fannie Airdrie, 659 Fannie Airdries, 658 Fanny Airdrie "nick," the, 658 Farewells, 114 "Fashions," opposition to, 407 Fat Stock Show at Chicago, 1878, 514 Favorite, 40 Favorite Cow, 44 Fawkes of Farnley Hall, 151 Fawsley Park, 149 Fawsley sale, 151 Fayette County Importing Co., 208 Feeding for seaboai'd markets, 182 Feedlot considerations, 520 Feedlot favorites, 746 Feudal Chief, 701 Field Marshal. 569, 717 Field Marshal and Mario. 717 First Duchess of Oneida. 421 First Sittyton cattle in Canada. 630 Fitzhardinge, Lord. 672 Fitz Leonard, 532 Flatt sale, 836 Flatt's remarkable sale, 853 Flatt. W. D., 648, 741 Flora. 553 Flora 90th., 920, 922, 924 Flower tribe, 471 Flvnn and Elbert, 711 Flvnn, D. M., 461 Flvnn, Martin, 730 Flynn sale, 845 Foggathrope, 102 Foggathorpes, 110 Foljambe, 39 Forbes, I. M., 718, 740 Forest Grove sale, 732 Forsythe sale, 953 Forsvthe, W. A., 859 Forth, 591 Fourteenth Duke of Thorndale, 434, 489 Fourth Duchess of Oneida, 424 Fourth Duke of Clarence. 484 Fourth Duke of Geneva, 432, 434 Fourth Duke of Thorndale, 360 Fourth Duke of York. 538 Fox, George, 453, 454, 665 Fretlerick. 570 Frederick AVilliam, 659 Frederick -"William and the "twins," 659 Frederick William 4th., 706 Future, the, 810 Futurities, 998 1012 INDEX Gaines, G. W., 413 Gainford Hall, 802 Gainford Marquis, 934 Galahad, 686 Gambetta, 692 Garden, John, 859 Gardhouse, J. M., 648 Garnish, 565 Gay Monarch, 614, 622, 705, 738 General Grant, 346 Geneva, 655 Geneva, "Little and Big," 299 Gentle Annie, 295 Gentle Kitty, 53 George & Stanton sale, 928 Gerlaugh, C. L., 846 Gerlaugh sale, 835, 845, 860 Gibson, John, 386 Gibson, John T., 664, 695, 735 Gibson, Richard, 369, 374, 410, 418, 630, 666 Gibson's sale of 1882, 664 Gifford, C. M., 675 Gillespie & Sons, 913, 971 Gillett. John D., 752 Gilliver, 565 Gipsy Cumberland 3d., 948 Gipsy Maid, 706, 976 Givens, Strawther, 666, 712 Glendale Duke, 7 68 Glen Flora, 282 Glen Flora sales, 411 Glen Flora dispersion, 445 Glenside Herd, 979 Glenside importations, 981 Glenside's new record, 987 Glide, J. H., 915 Glowworm, 565 Godiva, 565 Gold Digger, 617 Golden age, 434 Golden Abbotsburn, 843 Golden Days, 565 Golden Drop 1st., 435 Golden Drop 2d., 631 Golden Drop 4th., 682 Golden Drop family, 631 Golden Drops, 608, 611 Golden Drops, the, 636 Golden Fame, 836 Golden Goods, Jr., 910 Golden Knight, 687 Golden Lord, 686, 688 Golden Year, 565 Goldfinder, 693 Goldie, 617 Goldies, the, 616 Good Stamp, 953 Gough and Miller cattle, 158 Grand champion steers, 928 Grand Duchesses, 362 Grand Duke, 538 Grand Duke of Gloster, 567 Grand Lady, 555 Grand Monarque, 552 Grand Pacific Hotel, 760 Grand Vizier, 554 Grant, David, 352 Grant Duff of Eden, 532 Gravesend, 562 Graves, J. H., 753 Gray, James, 160 Greatest International, 969 Great trade of '72, 399 Grigsby, J. V., 671 Grisv/old, A. W., 457, 459 Groom, B. B., 455 Groom importation, 462 Groves, John W., 743 Grove Park, 758 Gwynnes, 459 Hagerty, G. J., 345, 413 Haggin, James B., 905 Hales, B. F., 969, 995 Hale's sale, 359 Hall, E. M., 888 Hallowell, William, 394 Hallwood herd, 887 Halnaby tribe, 62 Halton Castle Farm, 73 Hamilton, A. L., 673 Hamilton, Col. A. W., 673 Hamilton, George, 672, 676 Hamilton, James C. 671, 672, 676 Hamilton sale, 509 Hamiltons, the, 67 2 Hampton's Best, 8 45 Hampton's Model, 867, 869 Hanna, D. R., 840 Hanna importations, 878 Handling quality, 796 Harding & Son, George, 708 Hai'ding banquet, 866 Harding calf sale, 953 Harding dispersion, 865 Harding, F. W., 99 5 Harding, George & Son, 842 Harding sale, 924 Hardings' Chicago sale, 847 Harding sensational calf sale, 968 Harewood, Lord, 60 Harkness, L. V., 837, 907 Harness, E. J., 195 Harriet, imp., 280 Harris, B. F., 318 Harris, Col. W. A., 611, 645, 668. 676, 708, 722, 767 Harris, F. C, 680 Harrison, Daniel, 160 Harvester, 701 Harvey, T. W., 666, 667, 668, 670. 705 Havering Park sale, 365 Hawkins & McDaniel, 670 Havden Rose, 665 Hay of Shetin, 536 Hays' dispei'sion, 539 Heaton, Mr., 162 Hebes, the, 574 Hecatomb, 91 ♦ Heir of Englishman, 619 INDEX 1013 Hellidon sale, 467 Herd Book, American, 269 Herd -book Consolidation, 7 42 Herd-book registration, 792 Herr, C. M., 862 Highflyer, 148 High prices in Illinois, 398 Higinbotham, Wm. P.. 682 Hillhurst Duchesses, 663 Hillhiust importations, 371 Hillhurst operations, 395 Hill, James J., 692, 758, 921 Hill, J. M., 337 Hill, Walter J., 939 His Highness, 148 Histoi-ic Kentucky stock, 274 Hitt, E. B., 318 Holderness breed, 23 Holford Duchesses, 671 Holkar, 533 Holland, E. C, 976 Hollingsworth, Samuel, 331 Holloway, Robert. 446, 453, 486, 487 Hope, 115 Hope, John, 412, 485. 642, 693, 699, 708 Hope's show herds of 1887 and 1889, 695 Hopkins, Samuel M., 165 Houston, 184 Houston, Rigdon & Sons, 660 Hubback (319), 27 Hubback, 36 Hudson, 552, 577 Hughes, H. J., 977 Hunter, J. and R., 629 Hu 'orth, 15 Hustler, 48 Huston, John, 319 Huston & Son, Rigdon, 709 Huston-Gibson sale, the, 666 Huston, Rigdon, 454, 710 Huston. Theodore, 712 Hutchcraft's importation, 20 8 Hutcheson of Monyruy, 530, 558 Hymen, 60 6 lies, Edward, 398, 649 lies importation, the, 649 Illinois buvers, 399 Illinois herds, 319 Illinois Importing Company, 264 Illinois State Fair at Olney, 707 Important importation 1914, 984 Important shows, 847 Importations 1900-1904, 896 Importations by Pickrell and Kis- singer, 476 Importations, miscellaneous, 225 Importations to America, 157 Importations to Virginia, 157 In-breeding, 784 Indiana breeders, 320, 324 Indiana impoi'tations, 262 Injudicious breeding, 511 Ink Horn, 552 Innis, J. K., 979 "Inskip's Bull," 161 International 1902, 863 Iowa Champion. 9 76 Iowa foundation stock, 330 Iowa herd book, 330 Isaac, George, 631 Isaac's importation, 631 Isabella, 608 Isabella Buckingham, 124 Isabellas, the, 64 Jackson importation, 215 Jackson, F. E.. 100 3 Jacobs, S. W., 412 Jacob's AVest Liberty sale. 4^0 James Brown's Red Bull, 26, 45 Jenkins' sale, 465 Jessie Hopewell, oi'3 Jewel, 979 Jewel 2d., 767 Joe Johnson. 287 John Bull, 584 John Sherman, 753 Johnson, Thomas, 867, 893, 935. 992 Johnston, Arthur, 647. 705 Johnston, R. J., 881 Jones & Son, J. R., 708 Jones, Milton E., 687, 718 Jones, M. E., sale. 8 15 Jones, T. C, 407, 442 Joseph Culshaw, 570 Josephine. 303 Judges, exchange of.' 998 Judy, James W., 348. 442 Julius Caesar, 67 June sales 1902. 860 Justice, 842 Kello, Mr., 425 Kelly, E. S., 692, 837 Kellv's second sale, 866 Kelmscott Acrobat 4th, 768 Kelmscott Viscount 23d., 793 Kelvin Grove, 6 51 Kentucky breeders, 242, 400, 664 Kentucky importations, 274 Kentucky Importing Company, 227 Kentuckv Importing Company of 1883. 669 Kentucky sales, 455 Kentucky Shorthorns, 276 Kentucky stock, 159 Kentucky summer sales, 440 Kentucky summer sales of 1883, 670 Ketton Dispersion, 50 Ketton 1st.. 74 Ketton Hall, 33 Kilgour, J. A., 718, 911 Kilgour sale, 9 46 Killerby. 114 Kilmenv 3d., 559 Kimberly, Mrs. A. E,, 462 1014 INDEX Kinellar Shorthorns, 611 Kinellar sires, 609 King, Col. Wm. S., 316, 352. 383, 655, 656. 694 King- Cumberland, 920, 922, 923. 924 King Edward, 867, 869, 870. 871. 915 King George III, 33 King, Wm. S., 316 King, W. S., 352 King, Wm. S., 656 King's Head, 71 King's prize herd, 386 King's Victory at St. Louis, 390 King, William S., 383 Kirkham foreign judge, 933 Kirklevington, 16. 83 Kirklevington Duchess 27th., 664 Kirklevington Duchess of Hill- dale 2d., 666 Kirklevington Marchioness 2d., Kitty Clay 4th., 771 Kissinger, J. H., 316, 641. 650, 668, 679 Kissinger's sale, 446 Knight of Athelstane, 661 Knightley "Fillpails". 149 Know.=ley Gift. 783 Kramer, John. 998 Ladd, Chas. E., 870 Ladd, Charles, 909 Lad for Me, 842, 848 Lady Alice, 168 Lady Athelstane, 682 Lady Bowness, 986 Lady Bride, 355 Lady Dorothea, 916 Ladv Dorothv, 959 Lady Elizabeth, 209. 447 Lady Fragrant, 136 Lady Isabel, 695 Lady McAllister, 317 Lady Maynard, 35 Ladv Munday, 168 Lady of Athelstane, 606 Lady Sale 2d.. 457 Lady Sarah, 608 Lady Sharon 4th.. 842 Lady tribe, 555 Lady Valentine, 841 Lady Wild Eyes 7th., 669 Ladv York, 664 Lakeside Farm, 695, 709 Lakeside's show herd of 1888, 705 Lame Bull, 45, 61 Lamp of experience, 781 Lancaster Comet, 586 Lancaster 16th, 563 Landon. F. C, 100 4 Last successful Duchess sale, 709 Later Sittvton sires at Upper- mill, 622 Laura, 46 Lavender 16th., 575 Lavender 17th., 575 Lavender Princess, 843 Lavender Sultan, 969 Lavenders, the, 574 Lavender Viscount, 840 • Leask, James, 923 Leonard & Son, 8 40 Leonard, Charles E., 404, 510, 681 Leonard, N., 328 LeRoy importation, 217 Lespedeza Farm, 907 Lespedeza Sultan. 967 Lethenty, 623 Lewis and Clark Exposition. 914 Lexington Fair, 1834, 275 Lily, 52 Lind sale, 844 Linwood Golden Drops, 682, 687 Linwood's salutary influence, 6 90 "Little" Geneva, 299 Little, H. H.. 980 Liverpool Royal 1841, 9 1 Livingston County (N. Y.) Asso- ciation, 260 Lizzie Higgins, 304 Lockridge, S. F., 415, 440. 510. 638. 684, 742, 863 Longmore, 624 Long, Mrs. Jesse, 465 Lookabaugh, H. C, 910, 971, 998 Lookabaugh importations, 912 Loraine, Sir C, 54 Lord Athol, 686, 690 Lord Avondale, 950 Lord Banff, 741, 849 Lord Bathurst, 583 Lord Bvron, 557 Lord Forth, 624 Lord Highland, 342 Lord Lancaster, 538 Lord Lansdowne, 538, 570, 652 Lord of the Isles, 682 Lord of the Lake, 462 Lord of Lome, 613 Lord Mayor, 686 Lord Privy Seal, 593 Lord Raglan, 585 Lord Sackville. 557 Lord Strathallan, 638 Louans, the, 177 Loudon Duchess, 308 Loudon Duchess 2d., 306 Loudon Duchess 4th.. 306 Loudon Duchess 8th., 311 Loudon Duchess 6th., 311 Loudon Duchesses, 306 Loudon Duke, 307 Loudon Duke 6th, 310, 404 Louisiana Purchase E-xpositionj 868 Loveland, Harry, 660 Lovelv 8th., 540 Lovelv 9th.. 570 Lowden, Baker & Baker, 853 Lowden, Frank O., 692 INDEX 1015 Lowman & Smith importation, 478 Lowman and Smith's importation, 653 Lubec Mendelsohn, 793 Lucas, E. W., 330 Lyall, James, 380 Lyndale, 386, 395 Lyndale sale, 437 Macduff, 613 MacMillan, J. R., 862 Madison County Company, 239 Magdalene, 52 Maid of Athelstane, 606 Maid of Honor, 480 Maid of Promise, 609 Maid of Promise 6th., 609 Mains of Pitfour, 536 Major, 53 Manzergh 8th., 982 Maple Shade herd, 900 Marion, 331 Mark, 758 Marquis, 165 Marquis of Zenda, 899 Marr-bred Emmas, 658 Marr, W. S., 607, 612 Marske, 48. 80 Mary Abbotsburn 7th., 729 Mary Hampton, 845 Massachusetts importations, 172 Mason and Bracken Association, 259 Mason, Christopher, 57 Mason of Chilton, 138 Master Butterfly, 145, 572 Master Butterfly 2d., 546, 583 Master of the Gi'ove, 871 Master of the Mint, 622 Master of the Rolls, 686 Masterpiece, 969 Mastin. Thomas H., 689 Matadore, 558. 579 Matchem Cow, 89 Matchless family, 554 Matson importation, 259 Matthews, A. S., 407 Matthews, Claude, 406 Mattie Richardson, 657 Maudes, the 612 Max Walton, 890 Maxwalton Commander, 963, 970 Maxwalton Missie 2d., 939 Maxwalton Pride 2d.. 963 Maxwalton Queen, 970 Maxwalton Roan Lady, 958 Maxwalton sale, 949 May. L. D., 979. 980 Maynard, Anthony, 108 Mazurka. 30 5 McCauley. Mrs. J. E., 1003 McClellan, C. L.. 859 McCombie of Tillyfour, 530 McCune. Mr.. 683 McDermott, J. W., 859, 941 McDermott sale, 947 McHugh, John, 708 McKean, H. P., 992 McMartin, Finlay, 976 McMaster, C. J., 862 McMillan, D., 339 McMillan sale. 379 McMuUen, 755 Meadow Lawn herd, 929 Medora. 152 Meredith, General, 321 Meredith. Mrs. V. C, 1004 Meredith sale, 48 S Meredith's sale, 453 Meredith, Solomon, 26 4 Megibben-Bedford suit. 501 Meg-ibben, T. J.. 424 Mephistopheles, 705 Merry Hampton, 739, 806 Merry Monarcli, 969 Michigan bleeders, 324 Mid-Continent Live Stock Show, 966 Milking Shorthorns, 936, 961 Milking Shorthorns abroad, 981 Miller ;fc Son, John, 708 Miller, J. H., 990 Miller. Robert, 648, 659, 668,-703. 736 Miller's first shipment, 63 7 IMiller's memorable purchase, 70 4 Miller, T. J., 1000 Miller, T. T., 1000 Miller, William, 351, 627, 676. 695 Mills, Philo L., 738 Milne, Robert, 477, 651 Mimulus, 553, 643 Minister, 336 INIinnesota Shorthorns, 383 Minor, W. O., 863 Miscellaneous Canadian impor- tations, 648 Miscellaneous importations, 225 Miss Ando, 979 Miss Belladrum 6th., 780 Missie 153d., 856 ISIissies, the., 613 Missouri breeders, 329 Miss Ramsdens, 608 IMiss Ramsden 3d., 631 Mistletoe, 553 Mitchell, E. B., 690 ]\Iitchell & Son, 841 Mix, James, 45 4 Murray, George, 3«!0 Moberlev. Col. T. S.. 676, 690, 709, 722, 731. 735 Moffatt Bros., 758 Molly Millicent, 764 Moninger, D. M., 405, 755 Morning Star. 553 Morris and Becar, 228 Morris, Col. L. G., 108, 401 Morris, Nels, 754 Moscow, 165 Moss Rose, 552 Moss Roses, 115 1016 INDEX Mosstrooper, 609 Motte, Mrs., 168 Mountaineer, 622 Mr. Lakeland's Bull, 26 Mr. Sutton-Nelthorpe, 561 Muir, L. P., 674. 742 Murray, George, 712 Murray, W., 629 Muscatoon, 30 4 Muscatoon heifers, 309 My Choice, 867 .Myers, John G., 334 Mysie, 539 Mysie 26th., 540 Mysie 43d., 668 Mysies, the, 537 National Western Stock Show, 943 Necklace, 94, 116 Nectarine Blossom, 17, 127 Neff's iinportation, 212 Nellie Blys, 3 48 Nelson & Sons, 698 Nelson & Sons, James, 712 Nel.son, William, and Thomas, 482 Nelson, W. R., 845, 954 Newbold importation, 217 New Melleray Abbey herd, 333 >jewton, Thomas, 53 New Year's Gift, 536, 70 5 New- York breeders, 457 New York figures, 776 New York importation, 162 New York importations, 174, 215 New York Mills, 37 4 New York Mills dispersion, 416 New York Mills sale, 427 New York sales, 459 Nicholas, 62 Nichols, 753 Nichols, Hon. Pliny. 668 Nichols, R. F., 262 Nonpareil of Cloverblossom, 840 Nonpareil 2d., 695 Nonpareil 3d., 556 Nonpareil 6th., 628 Nonpareil 16th., 556 Nonpareils, the, 555, 608 Nonpareil Victor. 849, 858 Norfolk, 88 Norrie, Alex., 724 North Country herds, 603 North Elkhorn Kentucky impor- tation, 478 Northern Kentucky Association, 242 North Star, 53 Norton, C. C, 730, 841 Norton, C. W., 682, 703 Nugget's Pride 8th., 984 Oakleaf, 559 Oak Hill Farm, 909 Oakland Favorite, 40 4 O'Callaghan. Col., 45 Official records in Iowa, 775 Official tests, 978 Ogden & Son, 960 Ogilvie, Robert B., 510. 726 Ohio sales 1902, 859 Ohio Company, 179 Ohio Company's sale, 197, 201 Ohio Importing Company, 88, 185, 227 Ohio Valley herds, 181 Oklahoma auctions, 966 Old Johanna, 45 Old Sam, 388 Old Lancaster, 741 Old Lancaster, 920 Old Shorthorn Country (Map), 14 On the Range, 761 Orange Blossom 18th., 462 Orange Blossoms, 558 Orange Blossom 18th., 558, 650 Orange Blossom 21st., 621 Orange Blossom 30th., 644 Orange Sultan, 90 4 Otis. Chas. A.. 979, 995 Otley, 152 Otley, George, 446 Oxford Duke, 664 Oxford King 2d.. 842 Oxford Maid, 977 "Oxford Premium Cow," 92, 219 Oxford Royal, 91 Oxfords, 89, 109 Pacha, the, 607 Page, John R., 410 Palmer & Bowman, 664, 666, 676 Palmer, L., 643 Palmer, Launcelot, 680 Palmer, Mr., 641 Palmer's sale of Scotch cattle, 667 Panama-Pacific Exposition, 941 Parker, Samuel, 760 Parks, C. C. & R. H., 411 Parsons, H. D., 708. 730 Patricia, 376 Patton stock. 159 Peach Blossom, 135 Pedigreed bulls first, 164 Pedigree Record Building, 743 "Peeples' Bull," 161 Peer's remarkable sale, 987 Perfection, 624 Phenomenal steer, 923 Phillips, Dr. G. H., 628 Phillips, Geo. W., 327 Philo L. Mills, 561 Phoenix, 40 Phoenix tribe, 55 Pickrell & Kissinger. 491 Pickrell, J. H.. 316. 339. 353, 656. 735 Pickrell's great sale, 448 Pickrell, Thomas & Smith sale, 669 . Pico tee and her progeny, 554 Pilot, 67 Pine Grove herd, 899 INDEX 1017 Plum Blossom, 126 Plantagenet, 580 Platter. C. C, 708 Playful, 606 Pleasant Valley herd, 910 Polled Durhams, 779 Pomp, 563 Popularity unprecedented, 410 Portraiture, 80 7 Potts, J. H.. 676 Potts, J. H., & Son, 486, 679. 686 Potts & Son's champion show herd, 626 Potts' herd 660 Potts, "Wilhoit and Harris, 730 Potts, Wm. T., 660 Powel, 222 Powell, Col., 176 Prather, J. F., 705, 718, 739, 740 Prentice herd, 221 Prescott, Jr., G. A., 992 Prewitt, John W., 295 Pride of Albion, 938 Pride of Athelstane, 606 Pride of the Isles, 18. 565, 597 Pride of Morning, 562 Primary points in management, 799 Primrose Gift, 988 Prince Alfred, 593 Prince Armour, 690 Prince Charlie, 628 Prince Imperial, 901 Prince of TA^ales, 627 Prince Royal, 689 Prime Scots, 7 47 Princess Alice, 688 Princess blood, 224 Princesses, 456 Princess Marshal, 934 Princess Royal 5th., 540 Princess Royal 6th., 540 Princess Royals, the, 614 Priscilla 7th., imp., 657 Privy Seal, 554 Pro Bono Publico, 557 Proud Duke, 659 Proud Belle, 706 Public sales, 806 Purdy Bros.. 870 Public sales 1903, 868 Public sales 1904. 872 Purdy, G. W.. 708 Pure Gold, 564 Queen Mab, 130 Queen of Athelstane, 606 Queen of the Louans, 837 Queen of Scotland, 558 Queen of the May, 17, 129 Queen of the South, 558 Queen of the Vale, 129 "Queens", the, 128 Rachel 3d., 317 Rally o£ 1880, the, 506 Record. American Shorthorn, 406 Red Rose, 280 Red Rose 1st., 82 Red Rose 2d., 457 Red Rose 8th., 299 Red Rose 11th., 299 Red Rose 13th., 91 Red Kirk, 627 Red Lady, 657 Red Ladys, 614 Red Roses, 403 Red Rose tribe, 55 Red Violet, 552 Renick, 302 Renick. Abram, 274, 284, 671, 698 Renick exportation, 478 Renick, Felix, 188, 264 Renick, Georg-e, 203 Renick, George and Felix, 183 Renick Rose of Sharons, 403 Renick Roses, 673 Renicks. 184 Renick, W. H.. 759 Rennie. Mr.. 553 Rennie of Phantassie, 523 Report, 577 Revival of interest in the West, 236 Reynolds, John P., 393 Rhodes, W. M., 1003 Riby families, 470 Richard Barker's Bull, 40 Richards, Richard, 335 Richardson, Thomas. 261 Richardson, W. H.. 311 Richmond, 650, 758 Ridley Hall, 81 Ringmaster, 932, 933, 939 Roan Gauntlet, 18, 554, 599 Roan Golden Pirate, 687 Roan James, 933 Roan Jim. 923 Roan Lady, 615 Roan or Red Ladvs. 615 Robbins & Sons. 705, 841 Robbins, J. E., 724 Robbins, "^V. S., 724 Robert Napier. 373 Robertson of Ladvkirk. 521 Robin, 773 Robin G'Dav, 534 Robson, T. E.. 969 Roddick, George, 627 Roll of honor, 154 Roman 9th., 563 Rosaline 5th., 984 Rosanne, 91 Roseate, 552 Rosedale, 390. 680 Rosedales, 435 Rose Blossom, 127 Rosenberger, W. C, 846 Rose cf Athelstane, 606 Rose of Dalkeith, 692 Rose O'Grady, 742 Rose of Sharons, 82 1018 INDEX Rose of Summer, 606 Roses of Sharon, 670 Roses of Sharon, inbreeding, liSS Rose Princess, 851 Rosewood 86th., 806 Rosewood Reserve, 953 Ross, P. G., 846 Rothrock, F. M., 1003 Royal Avalanche, 863 Royal Barmpton, 643 Royal Cumberland, 90 4 Royal Duke of Gloster, 554, 567, 599 Royal Forth, 557 Royal Hero, 689, 690 Royal Knight, 689 Royal Northern, 18 Royal Northern show, 545 Royal Oak, 559 Royal Pirate, 686 Royal Stamp, 969 Royal Wonder, 867 Royal Victor, 562 Rowena 2d., 777 Rowfant Kirklevington 5th., 664 Ruberta, 629, 742, 841, 842, 864, 870 Rumsey, B. C, 664, 667, 694, 711 Rust, George W., 393, 406 Rust, George W., assaulted, 441, 442 Ryburn, J. B., 336 Ryden, A. J., 718 Sale of the Sittyton herd, 712 Sales by Ayres, Sudduth and Sales in 1874 and 1875, 443 Sales in 187B, Iowa, Illinois, Ken- tucky, 450 Sales in 1879, 504 Sales in 1880, 506 Sales in 1909, 924 Sales in 1916, 964 Sales in Kentucky, 455 Sales in spring of 1874, 435 Sales of 1876, 485 Sales of 1881, 508 Sales summary 1877, 499 Sallie Girl, 689 Salter, P. E., 998 Sanborn, J. P., 452 Prewitt, 464 Sanders, J. H., 392 Sanders, Col. Lewis, 165, 302 Sanger, ]\Iessrs., 654 Sanspareils, 658 Saunders, C. A., 730, 881 Saunders & Sons' sale, 948 Sayer, George J., 932 Scarborough, 10 4 Scarlet Velvet, 609 Scioto Valley Company, 237 Scioto Valley sale, 238 Scofleld, Frank, 874 Scotch cattle to the fore, 515 Scotch Goods, 874 Scotch success at the shows, 655 Scotland's Pride, 538, 570, 597 Scotland's Queen, 538 Scotland's searching test, 517 Scotsman, 388 Scott County Kentucky Company, 246 Scottish Archer, 719 Seaboard markets, 182 Second Duke of Athol, 417 Second Thought, 904 Second Cleveland Lad, 533 Second Duke of Hillhurst, 438 Second Duke of Oneida, 420 Second Duke of Oxford, 104 Secretaryship, the, 997 Secrets, the, 103 Seeley, John H., 1003 Selection, 874, 927 Selling tlie surplus, 805 Sempstress, 679 Sensation of 1873, 410 Seraphina, 621 "Seventeens," the, 165 7th Duchess of Gloster, 566 Seventh Duchess of Oneida, 422 Severn Daisy, 694 Seymour, 184 Shaker, 161 Shakers, 184 Shakers' importation, 258 Shareholders Ohio Company, 186 Sharon Marshall, 842 Sheldon herd sales, 376 Sheldon, J. O., 262 Sheldon of Geneva, 366 Shenstone Albino, 926 Shenstone Albino, 927 Sherley, T. H., 707 Sherman, John B., 754 Sherwood, J. M., 224 Shipments to Mexico, 996 "Shorthorn History," Sanders, 813 "Shorthorns in America," 1000 Shorthorns in Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, 404 Shorthorns in the South, 1000 Shorthorn trade. Civil War period, Sidelight, 926 Sign of Riches, 615 Silver Plate, 86''= Simmes, Colonel, 452 Simmes, W. E., 678 Simpson and Buchan Hero, 536 Simpson, Ferguson, 536 Sinnifisippi herd, 879 Sinnissippi sale, 882 Sir Henry, 61 Sir James the Rose, 606 Sir Thomas Fairfax, 531 Sittyton, 541 Sittvton bulls, 575 Sittyton House, 602 Sittvton sales, summary, 721 Sittyton sorts, 617 INDEX 1019 Smith, C. D., 963. 1000 Smithfleld Club. 750. 751 Sniithfleld market prices, 107 Smith. J. D., 318 Smith, LesUe. 862. 930 Smith. Leslie, impoi'tation. 967 Smith. Leslie, sale. 969 Smith. Samuel, 179 Smith. William, 161 Smith, W. L.. 963. 969, 1000 Snell, John. & Sons. 629 Snell's Sons sale. 488 Snowdon's Bull, 38 Soldier's Bride, 130 Sodowsky. Harvey, 354 Spartan Hero, 687 Spartan, 760 Spears, J. H., 316, 347 Spears sale, 439 Spears' Nellie Blys. 447 Speculation evils of, 513 Spencer. Earl, 57, 141 Spencer, Lorillard, importation, 228 Spicy Robin, 574 Spicys, the. 574 Splend'd. 567 Splendor. 567 Spring sales 1873, 411 Spring sales 1877, 494 Spur of opposition, 514 St. Louis show, 388 St. Valentine, 739, 846 Stallings, C. T., 1004 Stangland sale, 857 Stanton's great sale, 928 Stanton, Thomas, 874 Starlight, 756 Star of the North, 843 State fair tests, 766 Steele, William, 694, 710 Steinmetz, Samuel, 680 Stevens, Ambrose, 224 Stewart. William. 414 Stocking, William, 737 Stone, F. W., 628 Stone, J. C, Jr., 678 Strawberry tribe, 62 Streator. S. R., 477 Stuart, H. C, 692. 709 Stuart, H. G., 332 Studley Bull (626), 25 Success, what constitutes, 782 Sullivant, 184 Sultan Stamp, 969 Sunbeam, 644 Sunrise, 567, 970 Susan Cumberland, 932 Susannah. 608 Sweepstakes, 287, 341 Sweet Violet. 552 Sweet Violet 2d.. 843 Swope, Logan O., 675 Sylvia, 168 Sympathy, 567 Tallmadge, 760 Tankerville, Earl of, 473 Taylor, B. Z. & P. M., 440 Taylor, John B., 458 Tebo Lawn, 844. 883 Tebo Lawn dispersion, 916 Teeswater Cow. 168 Teeswater stock. 30 Tener, H. E.. 976 Tennessee importations, 210 Tenth Duchess of Airdrie, 480 Tenth Duchess of Geneva, 422 Tenth Duchess of Oneida, 426 Thalia, 608 "The American Cow", 48 The Baron, 567, 581 The Brawith Buds, 564 The Cicely sort, 568 The Corker, 732 The Czar, 586 The Earl, 82 The Lancasters, 563 The Lovelvs, 569 The Peer, 533 The Secrets, 567 The Victorias, 562. 563 The Warfields, 300 Thirteenth Duchess of Thorndale, 423 Thomas & Smith, 670 Thomas Bates to Felix Renick, 204 Thomas Fairfax. 558 Thompson, John, 26 Thompson, J. S., 682 Thompson, Mr., 72 Thompson's other importations, 636 Thomson, Joseph, 723 Tliomson's Kentucky sale, 46C Thornburg, Milton, 323 Thorndale, 232 Thorndale Rose, 665 Thorndale Roses, 360 Thorndale Bates 6th., 664 Thome, Samuel, 233, 359 Thornton, Gabriel, 35 Thornton, John, 288, 410, 466 Tomson, John R.. 998 Tomson, T. K., 998 Tomson sale, 953 Top prices in England, 502 Torr, 473 Torr, William, 153, 469 Trade revival 1900, 834 Trans-Mississippi trade, 461 Trehonnias M. de, 606 Tripes, 28 Trimble, Allen, 184 Tuberose 2d., 457 Twelfth Duke of Airdrie, 453 Tycoon, 389 Tyneside shows, 78 Underlev Bates. 667 Underley Wild Eyes, 682 United States cattle show, 322 1020 INDEX Universal adaptability, 745 Uppermlll, 612, 701 Uppermill Farm, 971 Vail, George, 219 Vaile and Rumsey importations, 507 Vaile, Col. H. M.. 666, 757 Valiant, 849 Vanmeter & Hamilton, 666 Vanmeter, B. F., 27-1, 669 Van Meter, John I., 184 Vanmeters, the, 290 Vanmeter's Young Marys, 298 Vanse, James, 184 Vellum, 569 Velvet Jacket, 577 Verbena, 152 Verdant, 560 Ventriloquist, 562 Venus tribe, 552 Vermont, 562 Vesta, 537 Victoria 19th., 562 Victoria 41st., 562 Victoria 57th., 562 Victoria 48th.. 562 Village Belle 2d., 864, 867 Village Denmark, 938 Village Rose, 552 Villager. 950 Villager's Coronet, 967 Village Supreme, 959. 960 Viola, 970 Violante, 569 Violet Bud, 644 Violette, 569 Violets, 552 Violet's Fourth, 635 Virginia importations, 157 Viscount, 477 Victoria 69th., 679 Viscount of Anoka, 839, 840 V'scount Oxford 5th., 666 Vivandiere, 122, 130 Von Tromp, 659 Wade, C. B., 1004 Wade, Henry, 743 Wait and other importations, 212 Walcott & Campbell, 369, 377 Walnut Hall Farm, 907 Waid Chicago sale, 846 Ward, George E.. 741 Ward, Major S. E., 664, 712 Ward, R. R., 992 Warfleld's Last, 906 Warfield's Loudon Duchesses, 310 Warflelds, the, 300 Warfield, William, 194, 274, 681, 905 Warlaby, 17, 119 Warlaby House, 114 Warnock sale, 4 65 Washburn, W. W.. 859 Washington, 46, 61 Wastell's Golden Drop, 678 Waterloo Clay, 773 Waterloos, 110, 473 Waterloos, the, 100 Watts, Dr., 237 Watt, J. A., 648 Watts, R. E., 874 Weaver & Garden sale, 939, 946, 955 Weaver, H. O., 859 "Webb, Jonas, 360 Weddle importation, 215 Welcome Lass, 974 Welcome of Meadow Lawn 8th., 916 Wendell, Dr. H., 261 Wentworth, John, 319, 338, 439 M'estern events, 439 Western interests, 236 AVestern Lady, 317 West Liberty sale, 702 Westrope's dispersion, 843 Westrope, T. R., 732 Wetherell. 144 "What's in a Name," Sanders, 824 Wliiskers, 744 White & Smith, 929 "VVhite Fairfax, 531 Whitehall herd established, 837 \ATiitehall King, 922 Whitehall Marshal, 869 Whitehall's second sale, 866 Whitehall Sultan, 836 Whitehead, Jonathan, 625 White Heifer That Tiavcled, 44 White Knight, the, 617 AVhite Rose, 30 4 White, S.. 66 4 AVhite Strawbei-rv, 62 AVhite Queen. 974 AVhittaker, Jonas, 57, 143 AVhittaker's Norfolk, 87, 89, 152 Whittaker's selections, 192 Whittaker's shipments to Amer- ica, 221 Whitsitt, Benjamin, 740 AVildairs, 55 AVild Eves, 109 Wild Eves tribe, 101 Wild Eves Winsome 4th., 664 AVild Queen 2d., 74 4 Wilev of Brandsby, 148 "U^ilev, Samuel, 148 Wilhoit herd, the, 661 AVilhoit's Athelstane 3d.. 706 Wilhoit, Thomas, 264, 323, 662 AVilkinson of Lenton, 563 Willard, Chas. P., 39 4 "Wm. Barker's Bull, 26 William of Orange, 558, 621 AVilliams & Hamilton, 666, 675 Williams. Gen. John S.. 67 4 Willis, J. Deane, 607, 714, 839 Wilson & Seawright importation, 259 Wilson, T. S., 330 INDEX 1021 "Wilson, Thomas. 995 Windsor, 126 W'indsor Augustus, 591 Wing-, L. B., 743 Winslow Bros., 457. 487, 667 Wisconsin experiment, the. 773 Wisconsin herds, 334 "Wisconsin importation. 263 Wood. Amos F.. 328 ^Voodhurn. 227 ■\Voodburn dispersion, 733 Woodburn Farm. 251, 313 Woodburn Farm shipments. 256 Woodburn sale of 1882. 665 Woodhill herd, 875 Wood, R. G., 97 6 Wornall, T. J., 708, 741 Wright, William, 711 Tarm, 15 Yorkshire Show, 90 Yorkshire Society, 104 Young Abbotsburn, 662, 722 Young Abbotsburn 2d., 843 Young Albion, 61 Young Broadhooks, 536 Young Englishman. 620 Young Mary, 295 Young Mary steer. 299 Y'oung Mary steer Schooler. 771 Young ^Marv tribe, 670 Young Pacha. 613 Young Phvllis, 152, 292 Young Marshall, 688 Young Strawberry, 40 Young "Wliittington, 317 1 ''■■!' :'.:i''ui