^ ^:a of tbe \c'"'S^eiSter{lfm&Bmii'ngi C^erman\j. Jt^ g^e CoalSdir Colour} §896. A ffio*''^'' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/coaltarcoloursofOOfarb PREFACE. In the present work our aim has been to place before our customers, in a readily accessible and concise form, a tabular survey of all our colouring matters, together with information as to their properties and methods of application, and we hope thereby to meet a long felt want. In consequence of the large number of colouring matters to be dealt with, and the great variety in the methods of applying them, we have deemed it desirable to divide the work into two parts, viz: A, the General Part, which deals with the colouring matters themselves, their reactions and properties, and the various methods of fixing them on the different fibres and materials, and B, the Special Part, in which the matter is arranged according to the various branches of the dyeing industry, and which comprises the practical application of the colouring matters and dyewares for certain definite purposes and requirements, it includes further the detection of colouring matters on the dyed fibre as well as references to the fastness of the dyes themselves. So manysided indeed is the subject of dyeing, including as it does a large number of important and distinct branches, that it is practically impossible to treat it in an entirely exhaustive manner; neither is it possible to state, in connection with each colouring matter, for what particular purposes it may or may not be emplo}-ed; indeed soexceedingly varied are the uses to which our colours are now being applied, necessitating therefore equally varied requirements, that we are not able to follow them. Nevertheless we trust we have succeeded in placing before our readers a useful book of reference concerning many questions of dj^eing, and one which our friends may often be able to consult with advantage. We may say that the second part is already in preparation and will be published as soon as possible. Hoechst on the Maine, Autumn 1896. Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Briining. Abbreviations. •Tw= degrees Twaddell. 'C = degrees Centigrade. "F = degrees Fahrenheit. CO = cubic centimetre. g = gram. h = hour. k = kilogram. 1 = litre. " = per cent. The numbers 1:5, i : 10, i : 50, etc. referring to solutions and mi.xtures of certain substances, denote the number of cubic centimetres which contain one gram of the substance in question. The per centages of dyestuff, acid, Glauber's salt, etc. given in the various receipts for d^'eing, always refer to the weight of the material to be d^'ed. The Coal-tar Colours. In the following tables we present a general survej' of our various colouring matters, giving in a concise manner the various marks or brands introduced to the trade, their solubility, the methods of applying them to wool, cotton, and silk, and their employment in different branches of industry. — In these tables the different marks of the same colouring matters, as well as really distinct colouring matters, which are used for the same or similar purposes, are placed together. The accompanying dyed or printed patterns are intended not only to show the colours obtained with the respective colouring matters, but also the material for which they are most suitable. We have arranged the colouring matters in the following five groups according to their most predominant properties, reactions, and methods of application : A. Basic Colours. These are usually the hydrochlorides or zinc-double-chlorides, and occasionally the sulphates, oxalates, or nitrates of colour-bases of the Diphenyl and Tripheni'l-methane, Acridine, Oxazine, Thiazine, Safranine, Induline, and certain Amido-azo Colours. — Their solutions are precipitated by tannic acid, hence cotton is dyed with the aid of this mordant, whereas wool and silk are dyed direct. B. Resorcine Colours. These are the potassium or sodium salts of various bromine or iodine compounds of fluorescein or chlorinated fluorescein. — Their aqueous solutions are precipitated by mineral acids, and by agitation with ether they are readily abstracted from the acid liquid. Their solutions exhibit a characteristic fluorescence. They dye the animal fibres without the aid of metallic salts as mordants. C. Acid Colours. These are usually the sodium or calcium salts of the sulphonic acids of basic colouring matters. — Their solutions are not precipitated with tannic acid, they cannot be abstracted by means of ether when acidified, and are not permanently decolourised by boiling with zinc powder and hydrochloric acid. They dye wool and silk direct, in an acid bath. D. Nttro- and Azo-Colours. These are the sodium salts of the sulphonic acids of Nitro, Aniido- azo and Oxy-azo Colours. — Their solutions are not precipitated with tannic acid, they cannot be abstracted by means of ether when acidified, but they are permanently decolourised by boiling with zinc powder and hj'drochloric acid. Like the Acid Colours they d^'e wool and silk direct, in an acid bath. The Chromo- tropes, Chrome Brown, and Chroniogen I must also be placed in this group by reason of their constitution, but in consequence of the method of their application in dyeing they may be regarded as forming a connec- ting link with the following group. E. Mordant Colours. These are the free colour-acids, sodium salts, or bisulphite compounds of Alizarin, Nitroso, and certain Azo-Colours, or the sodium salts of the sulphonic acids of these bodies. — Their characteristic feature is that they can only be employed as dyestuffs in conjunction with metallic salts as mordants. F. Certain colouring matters are produced direct upon the fibre, and in the following tables these constitute a separate group ; they are really insoluble Azo-Colours, which are formed on the fibre itself by the interaction of their constituent parts, viz : a Diazo-compound and Naphthol. A. Basic Commercial Name Year of introduc- tion Mode of solution Methods of Dyeing Wool Cotton Silk Auramine (cone, O, I, 111 patented. 1884 Add acetic add to the colour and dissolve in warm water, heated at most to SO" C. {ny F.\ Ik-iling water must »»n no account be used. Dye in a neutral bath at 60*— 70* C. 1U0»-160» F.) Mordant with tannin and tartar-emetic, and dye ; occasionally used for topping or shading dve- wood colours and direct- dyeing cotton colours. Tbc dye-bath should never be hotter than 60*— 70* C. aw-ieo' F.) Dye in neutral bath with addition of boiled-off liquor at 60*- "O" C. .I4n boiling water ; filter before use. Dye in a bath slightly addified with acetic add, at 70»-80» C. a60"-175* F.) Dye on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant, or even on unmordantcd cotton ; also used for topping catechu, wood, and direct-dyes. — Saddening with copper sulphate alone or mixed bichromate of potash increases the fastness of the colour. Dye in a bath containing boiled-off liquor slightly addified with acetic add; brighten with acetic or tartaric add. Safranine (O, cone, AN extra, GGS) Cotton Scarlet (O) Azine Scarlet GO, G cone. I patented. 186365 1895 Add acetic a , and dissolve I boiling wati I filter before ve in a so.np-bath at -70»C. (14(r-100» F.) Dye on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant ; also used for shading alizarin and dye* wood -colours, and veo' largely for topping direcl-dves on cotton. Dv b-ith mng boil.*d-off liquor slightly addified with acetic add ; brighten with acetic or tartaric add. Colours. Employment Dyed Patterns In Cotton-dyeing used for j-ellows fast to washing and to light, very important for loose cotton-wool, yarn and cloth. On tannin and tartar-emetic mordant employed alone or in combination with other Basic-Colours for producing yellow, brown, green, olive and scarlet dyes. — In Silk-dyeing chiefly for shading and for specially bright colours. — In dyeing wool -cotton, silk-cotton and silk-wool Unions largely employed, for shading either the cotton or the silk. — In Calico-printing used occasionally as a steam-colour, important as a yellow dye on tannin mordant. — In printing wool, silk, wool-cotton and silk-cotton Unions. — In Leather-dyeing used either alone or along with other dyestuffs. Much used in dyeing Jute, Cocoanut-fibre, Straw, Feathers, Artificial Flowers. Largely employed in Paper-colouring. — In the manufacture of Pigments (Lakes) chiefly used in combination with other Basic-Colours. — For colouring Spirit Varnishes, Confectionery, and Hectograph Inks. A„r.immc () ,,,itcntc,l. In Cotton-dyeing on tannin and tartar-emetic mordant, it is seldom used; more employed in dyeing Union Fabrics. — In Calico-printing used for compound colours and for shading, in steam tannin-colours; also for buff grounds, and as a good j-ellow for discharge-colours. — In the printing of Wool, Silk, and Union Fabrics, also in Discharge-colours printed on Azo-dyes, it is largely employed. — Very much used in Leather-dyeing either alone or along with other colours and for all kinds of leather, in the production of various shades of yellow and brown. — Seldom used in the manufac- ture of Paper and Lakes, more frequently in dyeing Feathers and Artificial Flowers, also in the preparation of yellow coloured Spirit Varnishes. Employed in colouring Soap and Candles. Auramine II patented. Yellow for Leather O. In Cotton-dyeing much used alone and along with other Basic Colours, also on unmordanted cotton, and for topping shades dyed with Catechu, Dyewoods, and the Direct Cotton Colours, especialy in piece-dyeing, but also for yarn, when special fastness to washing is not required. — In Calico-printing finds limited use as a steam tannin-colour. — Little used for Silk, but frequently for Silk-Cotton, also Wool-Cotton Unions; employed also in printing union fabrics. — Used for Jute, Cocoanut-fibre, and Straw. — Largely employed in dyeing Leather, Skins. Feathers, and Artificial Flowers. — Very extensively used in the Paper Trade for colouring paper-pulp, dipping, and paper-sLaining. — Employed also for dyeing Wood, for the manufacture of coloured Spirit Varnishes, and Lakes, and for colouring Soap. Vesuvine 4BG In Cotton-dyeing extensively used alone on loose cotton-wool, yarn, and cloth, but especially in combination with other Basic Colours, for producing a good washing red fast to light. — In Silk-dyeing much employed especially for pale shades. — Of great use in the dyeing of Union Fabrics for shading the cotton in wool-cotton or silk-cotton Unions, and for shading the in silk-wool unions. — In Calico-printing either alone or along with other basic dyestufe in steam-colours. — In printing Wool-Cotton Unions, Silk-Cotton Unions and Silk. - In dyeing Jute, Straw. Feathers, and Leather, and especially in colouring Paper. — In the manufacture ol (oloured Spirit Varnishes, Candles, and Artificial Flowers. Azine Scarlet G cone, p. A. Basic Commercial Year of Mode introduc. of t'on solution 1 Methods of Dyein g Name Wool Cotton Silk [ Magenta 18^6 Somewhat difli- 1 Dye in neutral balli at Dve on tannin and taitar- •^ cully soluble in 70*-80*C. I16W-I75*F.1 emetic or stannic chloride D^-e in a bath containing bcHled-oflr liquor sJighthv extra large cryst; ex- water, and rca- ' with or without addition mordant, or occasionally dily crystalli.sing of Noap (!*/•). The bright- on oleate of alumina mor- acidified with acetic aciil. or in a fresh &oap'bath : tra yellow, large and out from the so- est shades are obtained 1 dam. — Used also lor brighten with acetic or small cr\-st.; large and 1 lution. It is best with addition of olive-oil : shading alizarin claret, tartaric arid, but not with ! to add acetic acid soap. — On wool magenu catechu, and wood-colours. sulphuric add. — By an small cryst.; large and to the colour and is almost invariably used then to dissolve as a self-colour, and only and for topping the direct-dyes. after-treatment with tannin solution the colour is made small cryst. double re- I in bf>ilinK water. occasionally for the pro- fast to washing w*ith w.-iter fined, etc.) 1 Another method 1 which is hi);hly duction of compound shades. Also low class ma- recommend.-d is to mix to a paste gentas mostly contain- ontlu-watc-rbalh with twice its weight of glyceri- ing phosphine, such as Cerise, Grenadine, ne and four times its weight of me- thylated spirit and then to add boiling water. MI Maroon, Cardinal, which arc employed in a similar manner. solutions should be filtered before The red marks of use, and those which have been Methyl Violet (5R,4R, standing for 3R, 2R, R) are also some time must be heated again. used in the same man- ner as magenta. Primula (R, B) New Magenta 1891/92 Much more so- i Same as Magenta, luble than ordi- i Same as Magenta. Same as Magenta. i (O patented). nar)* maeonta, and hence has not the troublesome property of soon cr>'5tallistng out from its solutions. Rosazeine 1888 Somewhat readily j Dye with the addition of On tannin and tartar- Dye at the boil in a very soluble in boiling acetic acid to the bath, emetic mordant the shades slightly alkaline or neutral (0, extra, B, B extra water; when adding 107o for a fresh 1 are dull and bluish, on bath containing boilcd-off using calcareous bath, 5 "/o acetic acid oleate of alumina mordant liquor ; brighten with 1 patented). water its solution is facilitated by (SO^'o strengths for an old , they are ver>' bright and bath. The dycbaths arc fiery pinks or carmine- tartaric or acetic add. the addition of a not exhausted and should reds. httlc acetic acid. be kept for turther use. If nccessarj' one may also dye in an ordinary acid bath with addiUon of sulphuric acid and Glau- ber's Salt. Colours. In Wool-dyeing seldom used, except as a self-colour for slubbing intended for pink mixtures in knitting yarns, occasionally for coloured fancy threads in yarns, also for zephyr-yarns, fancy yarns, and for light woollens and worsteds intended for export. — In Cotton-dyeing much used either alone or along with other colours on tannin (e. g. sumach) mordant ; also for shading alizarin, dye-wood, and catechu-dyes ; also for topping direct- dyes on cotton. — In Silk-dyeing very largely employed, both alone and along with other colours for various shades of plum, Bordeaux, garnet-red, etc. either on yarn or cloth. — Very useful also for silk-cotton and for silk-wool unions. — In Calico-printing used alone and along with other basic dyestufls for steam-tannin-colours and for dyeing on tannin mordant ; also as an addition to steam catechu colours, and for shading steam alizarin colours. — In Wool and Silk printing, also in the printing of wool- cotton unions, also silk, wool, ;md cotton, chiefly as a steam-tannin-colour either alone or in mixtures, — In Leather-dyeing magenta, and especially such as contains phos- phine, is largely used for all kinds ol leather, either .alone or with other dyestuffs. — It is also pretty largely used for dyeing Jute, Cocoaaut-fibre and Straw, because it is fixed without mordanting. — In Paper-dyeing it is used for colouring paper-pulp, also for dipping, and paper-staining. — In the manufacture of Lakes it is precipitated as a tannin, snap, and casein lake; used also for shading scarlet and cosine lakes, or the lead and barium lakes of Acid-Colours ; also for colouring and brightening such pigments as bole, ochre, green-earth (lime-red) , and china-clay. — For colouring shellac Spirit Varnislies magenta alone is not useful, but in combination with Brilliant Green it gives a fine black. - It is also used for the production of dark blue and black Hectograph Inks, also in combination with Brilliant Green. — .\s .i resinale or oleato of the colour- base it is .also employed in the colouring of Candles and Wax. Employment It yields a shade which is slightly bluer even than the bluest shades of magenta. It is applied in all the different industries above enumerated in the same manner as magenta. Its greater solubility causes its solutions to be free from deposits and there is less risk of spotting the goods, hence New Magenta has replaced ordinary ilagenta for many purposes. In Wool-dyeing occasionally used on loose-wool for tinting scoured and also stoved whites; in yarn-dyeing it is used alone or with other dyestuffs for delicate pinks on all kinds of yarn ; also on piece-goods especially muslin-de-laines and fine flannels for pink, and in combination with Chromotrope 2R, Orange II, and Scarlet, for producing fiery shades of cochineal scarlet. It is much used for piece-goods containing silk. - In Cotton-dyeing seldom used, except occasionally in dyeing yarn. — In Silk-dyeing largely used for yarn, cloth, silk-cotton and silk-wool unions, either alone or in mixture with other dyestuffs ; it gives exceedingly bright rose-pink and ponceau shades which are re;isonably fast. - In Calico-printing as a self-colour for clear bright pinks, hut far more important in Wool and Silk-printing for producing tne purest and brightest pinks and crimsons; also used in discharge-colours in wool and silk printing. - Rosazeine is used also lor Fancy Leather and Paper. - It is used in dyemg Straw, Jute, Cocoanut-tibre and Artificial Flowers ; also to a large extent in Leather Dyeing because of the purity of the shades it yields. — It is not much used in the manufacture of pigment colours, but very largely for colouring Spirit Varnishes pink, carmine and scarlet. It is employed in colouring Candles, Soap, anil Food-Stuffs. A. Basic Commercial Name Year of Mode introduc- of ! **«"» I solntion Methods of Dyeing Wool Cotton I Silk Methylene Violet (3RA extra, RRA, BN) Rosolane (O, T, R paste, B paste) 1885/86 Add acetic add and then dissolve in boilinfT water, filtering the solu- tion before use. Dye Dye in a bath slightly acidified with acetic acid, with or without the addi- tion of boilrd-off liquor. Methyl Violet (B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B chem. pure, superior, extra). Crystal Violet (O) 1861/66 Add acetic acid and then dissolve in boiling w.itcr ; or, make into a paste with gly- cerine and methy- lated spirit and then dissolve in hot water. Filter the solutions be- fore use. Dyo in a neutral bath at 70»-80«C. (160»-17ft« F.) without addition, or with addition of soap (l*'o)- — Stovcd wool is dyed to a white in a strong soap bath. If necessary Methyl Violet may also be dyed in acid bath with addi- tion of sulphuric acid and Glauber's salt. Dye on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant, or occa- sionally on tannin and stannic chloride mordmt. — Used also for shading alizarin violet, wood- colours, and the direct- Dye in a bath slightly acidified with acetic or tar- taric acid, with or without the addition of boiled-off liquor. By after-treatment with tannin solution isu- mach,orgall-nuts) the dyed colour is made fast to washing with water. It is also used for shading logwood blacks. Methylene Blue (Cryst. clicm. pure, HB, BB extra, BB cone, and B, B cone, RB, R, R cone, 2R, 3R, 5R, 6R, DBB, DBB extra, DBB, extra cone, DB, DR, I'D) patented. Marine Blue • DiiRX.BI.RI) patented. Methylene DarkBlue (RHN, 3BN') patented. Methylene Indigo ((), S.S) patented. Thionine Blue (GO) patented. (77) Add acetic acid and then dissolve in boiling water. Dye in neutral bath at ii-'-SO^'C. (105— 120" F.) with addition of soap. Dye on tannin and tartar- Dve in a bath con aining emetic morda It, also on boilod-off liquor s hKhUv sumach and ire n mordant ; acidified with acetic acid ; .-ilso used for topping rr brii^htcn with ace ic or shading wood and .ilizaH tartaric acid. Colours. Employment In Cotton- dyeing it is specially used when fastness of colour is requisite In Silk-dyeing the Ro in silk-cotton, and wool-cottc tannin-colours and for dyeing < it is used tor producing fast vi Spirit Varnishes. chiefly used ; much employed for shading the cotton unions. — In Calico-printing it is used for steam- tannin mordant. — In the manufacture of Colour Lakes ?t colours for lithography. — It is used also for colouring On Wool either as loose-wool, tops, yarn and cloth it is much used for tinting scoured and also stoved whites ; on yarn and piece-goods it is used for dyeing brilliant violet colours for export trade; on piece-goods it is also used for giving a bloom to navy-blues, at the same time for covering burls. — In Cotton-dyeing it is much used cither alone or mixed with other basic dye-stuffs on tannin and tartar-emetic mordant (especially for navy-blue) ; also for shading iron-alizarin-violet, dyewood and catechu colours, and for topping direct-dyes on cotton. In Silk-dyeing it ;s used alone and in mixtures on yarn and piece-goods of all kinds for producing a variety of shades of blue. — On wool-cotton, silk-cotton, and silk-wool unions it is much used for plain dyes. — In Calico-printing it is seldom used as a self-colour, but largely for shading navy-blues in t.innin-c-. lours and for brightening alizarin violets. — It is much employed in printing wool, silk, and wool-cotton, also silk-cotton unions. — In Leather-dyeing it is chioflv used for producing compound shades. — In the dyeing of Jute, Cocoanut-fibre, Straw, Artificial Flowers, and Feathers it plays an important part. — In Paper-dyeing it is very largely used both alone and in mixtures for dyeing paper-pulp, dipping and paper-staining. — In the manufacture of Colour-Lakes it is used alone and in mixture being precipitated with tannin, soap, or casein; it also serves for shading lakes made with Acid-Colours and dyewood-extracts, and for the brightening or dyeing of earth-colours. — It is employed for colouring Spirit Varnishes, also in the manufacture of Writing and Hectographic Inks, either alone or in mixture with other colours. nd fancy ool, Blue, ■thing In Wool-dyeing it is used for zeph colours. — In Cotton-dyeing it is applied ( Acry largely employed because of the purity i for producing a great va }'■ of blues and c on yarns intended either weaving or knitti Alizarin Yellow GG, a. a wood colours. - but brightening log wood black. — On it is used for shading the cotton ; on silk " employed for shading the silk. — In Calic also much used in combination with Alizarin Yellow GG both for printed and dyed styles — In Wool and SUk printing it is used for discharge-colours, and in the printini of wool-cotton, and silk-cotton unions f*ir covers. — On Leather, Jute, Co coanut-fibre, Straw, Feathers, Artificial Flowers. Vegetable Ivory and Hon Buttons, it is much used both alone and in mixtures. — In Paper-dyeing it is chiefl used for colouring the pulp intended for the finer qualities of papei . It is little usei in the manufacture of colour-lakes, but is well liked for preparing Writing .md Rulin; Inks, and for the bands of type- writing machines. and especially for stn , tannin and tartar-emetic mordant, am d general fastness of its colours ; npound shades on loose cotton-" I ; it serves also lor topping Aliz; On Silk it is scarcely used for vool-cotton, also silk-cotton unions ool unions especially for shots -printing it is very largely used A. Basic Commercial Year of Mode Methods of Dyeing Name "'"' solution Wool Cotton Silk Indamine Blue (K, N, N extra, NB) Direct Blue (R,B,NB) Anil Blue (R, B) 1890 Add, or make into a paste with, acetic add, and then dissolve in boiling water. Dye on Unnin and Urtar- emetic or Unnin and iron mordant. — Or, dye without mordant, with addition of 10*/* sodium acetate. — An after-treat- meot with bichromate of potash {^W^, or copper sulphate (2,5''/n) and bi- chromate U.&*/o), renders the colour considerably darker and f;ister. Blue for Printing paste. iR, B, BB) Blue for Printing i (R, H. BB powder) ' Induline for Printing (R, B powder and solu- tion) Acetinduline (R solution) Blue (soluble in spirit) 1885 Heat on the water-bath with about four times the weight of the colour of ethyl- tartaric acid, till the solution is complete. Used only in calico-print- ing by printing a mixture of the colour-s4>lution and acetic acid and tannin thickening, then steaming and fixing in tartar-emctic bath. New Fastblue (3R cryst) Fastblue for cotton I3R,RR,R,RB, B, BB, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B) Fastblue for cotton paste iH, BB) 1879 Add acetic add to the colour and dissolve in hot water ; filter the solution before 1 Dye on t^mnin and tartar- emetic or iron mordant, either ahme or in com- bination with other basic dyestufFs. Methylene Grey (0,ND,M-",B,BF,G,R) New Methylene Grey (G powder, B paste) 1885/86 Add, or make into a paste with, acetic add, and then dissolve in boiling water. Pye on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant; for deli- cate light shades dye without mordanting, or pass through tannin and tArtar-emetic baths after dydng. Methylene Green (O, G, GG, extra yellow, 1 extra yellow cone.) patented i886 Add acetic add to the colour, and then dissolve in boiUng water. Dye on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant ; used also for topping alizarin dyes. For shading blacks dye | in a baih containing boiled- off liquor and slightly acidified with acetic add. Colours. Employment In Cotton-dyeing it is used for loose cotton-wool and yarn intended for goods in which the colours must be specially fast to washing and to light, more particularly for hosiery and embroidery yarns, as well as for weft yarns intended for figured cotton goods tast to washing, or for cotton furnitures and hangings. — In Calico-printing the various marks of Direct Blue are used for clear indigo shades satisfactorily fast to light and soap. — Used also in printing Silk, wool-cotton, or silk-cotton unions, and for Melange-printing on slubbing. — It is used for making a marking-ink for household purposes. In Calico-printing very largely used either alone or shaded with Methylene Blue, Methyl Violet, and basic Green, as a steam-tannin-colour for blotches and covers, and for printing on both sides, in imitation indigo -styles. — Used also in printing Jute- fabrics, and in rainbow printing on cotton-yarn. — Printing Blue powder, and Spirit- Blue, are also used in the manufacture of blue, dark blue, and black Spirit Varnishes. In Cotton-dyeing on yarn and piece-goods because of its great covering power and strength, (whenever special fastness to severe washing in alkaline solutions is not required). — In dyeing silk-cotton, or wool-cotton unions it is used for shading the cotton. — Also employed in the Printing of silk, also silk-cotton In Cotton-dyeing used alone or along with other basic dyestuflfe for the pro- duction of grey shades on loose cotton-wool, yam and piece-goods of all kinds ; the dyes are satisfactorily fast to light, washing, and acid. — In the dyeing of wool- cotton, and silk-cotton unions it is used for shading the cotton. In Calico- printing largely employed, chiefly as a self-colour, more rarely for compound shades. ~ In printing silk and silk-cotton unions, as well as wool and wool-cotton unions. — In the dyeing of Leather, Paper, Buttons of horn or vegetable ivory, and Feathers. — In the manufacture of Writing and Marking-Inks. In Cotton-dyeing as the fastest basic Green dyestufF on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant, used on loose cotton-wool, yarn, and piece-goods, also for shading other basic and alizarin dyes. — On Silk only used for topping logwood blacks. — In Calico- printing employed as a steam-tannin-colour and for dyeing on tannin and tartar-emetic mordant, also for shading steara-alizarin-colours. — In printing silk-Cotton and wool- cotton unions also silk. — In Leather-dyeing, and for the production of fast Green Lakes for lithographic printing. A. Basic Commercial Year of introduc* Name 1 ««« I Mode of solution Brilliant Green iCryst. extra, cryst. extra N, Powder su- perior, la, No. 12) Malachite Green (Cryst. extra, Powder B, BB, 4 B, superior^ la., No. 12) 1877/78 New^ Green (O 2o'7o paste, and O powder) 1886 Add acedc add to the colour and dissolve in boiling; water, filtcrinR the solution belorc use; or, the co- lour is made into paste with gly- cerine and alcohol. Methods of Dyeing Wool Cotton >rdanted .'ith sulphur by boiling it with a soluUun containing 15*,'» thiosulphatc of soda (hy- posulphite), 5*'o alum and 3*/(, sulphuric acid. On sulphur mordant the colour is much faster to washing and to light. Dye on tannin and tartar- emetic mordant, dark shades on tannin and inm mordant ; also used for topping and shading wood colours and direci-dyes. Dissolv the water-bath in its own weight of ethyl-tartaric acid and acetic acid, continue heating until thoroughly dissolved. Employed only in calico- printing, by printing a mixture of the colour so- lution and acetic acid and tannin thickening, then steaming and fixing in tartar-emetic bath. SUk Dye at 70»— 80* < {It«r-I75* F.) in a containing boilcd-oi ijuor, and made nc or slightly alkaline, not acid ; brighten acetic add. Colours. Employment Dyed Patterns In Wool-dyeing still used because of its cheapness, for hosiery and embroidery varns, either alone or along with basic violet for producing green and blue shades. — In Cotton-dyeing used by itself on tannin and tartar-emetic or iron mordant; along with llethvl Violet tor shading other basic-dyes ; further for topping wood-colours and direct- dyes. — In Silk'dyeing much used either alone or in combination with numerous other dyestuflTs, both on yarn and cloth. — In dyeing Unions of silk-cotton, wool-cotton and silk-'wool, used for shading the cotton, also for ihe production ol shot effects as well as for dyt-ing solid shades. — In Calico*printing chiefly used for mixing with and shading other basic dyestufFs in stcani-tannin-colours. In printing w^ool, silk, wool- cotton, and silk-cotton unions, used mostly as a tannin-colour. — In Leather and Skin-dyeing used alone and in mixtures. — On Jute, Cocoa-nut fibre, Straw, Feathers, and Artificial Flowers, used alone and mixed with numerous other dye- stuffs. — In Paper-dyeing very largely used both alone and in combination, for colouring paper-pulp, dipping, and paper-staining for fancy coloured papers. — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes very largely used both alone and in combination, being precipitated by tannin, soap, or resin; also for shading dye-wood lakes, and barium and lead lakes of Acid Colours ; also for Lime-green, and for dyeing and brightening ochres. — For Hectograph Inks in combinatiim with Magenta or Methyl Violet ; for colouring Spirit Varnishes, also for Candles in the toim of oleates or resinates of the colour- base. In Calico-printing chiefly as a self-colour, occasionally In mixtures as a steam- tannin-colour. These colours are noteworthy for their yellowish shade, their marked fastness to light, and their satisfactory fastness to washing. Rrilli.Lnt Green Crystal: B. Resorcine Commercial Year of Mode Methods of Dyeing Name introduc- tion of solution Wool Cotton Silk Eosine .874 Dissfilvc in hot Boil the wool with a so- 1. Add thi- o.l,.iir solu- Dye just bcl..w tl.. water; avoid the lution of &•/» alum, 5*/» tion to a bath of common inabathcr>ntainin^ I" (extra, extra yellow use of adds alto- gethcr. The cream of tart.'ir, and 5*', acetic acid, and dye in salt at 5*— 7" Tw., and dye at a tepid heat, uVe off liquor and .n ■ ' with acetic or t.ir ■ shade, yellow shade, extra cone, extra BB, bramls which arr the same l>ath ; or dye ' out and dr>'. add ; brighten with ■■■ ■ ■ S'dubic in spirit with the addition of U»*/« ' 2. Dye on cotton mor- or tartaric an>l are dissolved in .icetic acid, entering luke- i danted as for Turkey-re0' F.). AG— A6G, S, etc.) ex- fluoresccYnes arc dissolved in water 3. 1st bath: Stannate of soda. tra soluble in spirit. with the addition 2nd bath ; Basic Erythrosine of 20». Solvay- soda. alum solution. 3 rd bath : Dye at (A, AG, blue shade, W-50* C. (105'-120' F.) yellow shade, extra, After all three processes dry without washing. etc.) Phloxine :0, G, B, BB, 5B, BA, extra, etc.) Rose Bengale 3B cone , B. G, etc.) Cyanosine spirit Bromo-fluoresceine (crystals, B- Roseline 1892 The powder-co- lours arc dissol- In Calico-printing used as a steam-chrome-colour. Dye just below tlu 1 ; in a bath containing bniU-tl- (B, G, R and cone, w.) ved in hot water free from lime ; the paste-colours are simply mixed with water. ofT liquor and addified with acetic add ; brighten with acetic or tartaric add . Uranine lOl 1874 Dissolve in hot water; avoid the Boil the wool in a solu- tion of 5*/o alum, 5% In Calico-printing used as a steam-chrome>coIour. Dye in a bath containing bo'ilcd-off liquor acidi6ctl i use of acids. cream of tartar, and S'/o acetic acid, and dye in the same bath ; or dye in a bath ctmtaining lO*/* acetic acid and colouring matter, entering lukewarm and raising the tempera- ture gradually to the boil. with acetic or tartan* add ; brighten with acetic or tartaric acid. Colours. Dyed Patterns Employment In Cotton*dyeing used as self-colours of exceptional brilliancy, on yarn and piece-goods, whenever fastness is not required. In Wool-dyeing for very bright pinks, especially on zephyr and fancy yarns, as well as on light pioco-^ioods for export. — In Silk-dyeing very largely employed for bright fluorescent sclt-cnlours in all shades of pink ironi the yellowest to the bluest hues. — In Calico-printing as a last stcam- chrome-cnlmir, also as an albumen colour. — In printing wool, silk, also silk-cotton and wool-cotton unions, chiefly used as a self-colour. — In Leather-dyeing. — In Dyeing and Printing Jute. — In dyeing Feathers, Artificial Flowers, Straw, Cocoanut-fibre. — Very largely used in the manufacture of Paper, for colouring paper- pulp, dipping and paper-tainings. — In the manufacture of CoIour-lakes, the yellow brands are largely used as lead compounds along with red-lead to imitate vermilion ; further, all brands are used as lead-lakes on different bases for producing geranium, carmine, and anticarmine colours, for fancy papers, paper-hangings, water-colours, and lithographic colours. — In the manufacture of Inks for writing, ruling and marking. — For the manufacture of brilliantly coloured Spirit Varnishes (for which purpose the brands soluble in spirit are used) ; for colouring Soap, articles of Perfumery and Food- stuffs. For dyeing used only on Silk, chiefly on yam, as a se red. — In Calico-printing as a steam-chrome colour used either tion with Eosine and Alizarin colours; also for padding pink. — Ft Silk-cotton Unions in the piece. — In Paper-dyeing. -colour for pink and r printing Silk and Seldom used for dyeing, chiefly for printing wool, silk and cotton. — Seldom used in the manuiacture of Colour - Lakes, but occasionally for colouring Paper, and Spirit Varnishes. — For colouring Food-stuffs. C. Acid Commercial Name Year of introduc- tion I Mode of solntion Wool Methods of Dyeing Cotton Acid Magenta O, B, D, G, GG, 3B extra, extra B) patented Acid Cerise (O, II) Acid Maroon (O) Maroon iSi Orseilline iR, Bi Acid Violet (4RS, 3RS, 3RA. II, R cone. I 1877 Dye at the boil in an acid bath , u-ith addition of A*lt sulphuric add and 10"/. Glauber's salt, or 10*/« bisulphate of soda. Tends t" dvf level on boiling, hence canbe added in small portions even to the boiling bath. Acid Violet (N, 5BF, 5BFI, 6BIN. 7BN1 6BF, i886;87 Dissolve perfectly I in boiling water, j but on no account in the add dye- bath. Dye at the boil in an add bath, with addition of 4"^ sulphuric .idd and HfU Glauber's salt, or li»"/o bisulphatc of soda. May be added to the boiUng dye-bath, but only if in perfect solution. — Used also in logwood dyebath, and in single- bath along with logwood extract, copper and iron sulpbatf, and oxalic add. Fast to mining if saddened with i" Q sulphuric add and 10*/o chrome alum or with 4"/* fluoride of chromium. Silk Dye just bclou ihi- Ix.il in an add bath containing boQed-ofF liquor, or abo in an add bath in the D)-e just below the boil in an add bath conuining boiled-off liquor. Brighten with sulphuric add. Colours. Employment Dyed Patterns In Wool-dyeing on required, occasionally used as dyestuffs for the production of sea-green, and Russian green. printing wool and silk, als all kinds of yarn and piece-goods, where fastness is not a self-colour, but chiefly in combination with other acid- ed, bordeaux, garnet, maroon, otter and brown, also blue, — In Silk-dyeing used for silk-cotton unions. — In wool-cotton aiul silk-cotton unions. — In Leather- Acid Vinlet iRS. dyeing and the manufacture of coloured Paper and Colour-Lakes, finds limited 1 In Wool-dyeing occasionally on loose-wool, either alone or in combination with logwood ; much used on yarns particularly on weft-yarn intended for milled goods, in combination with logwood ; on hosiery and zephyr yarns in combination with other acid-dyestuffs ; on slubbing along with other acid-colours and with Chromotrope S for navy-blues, to be milled in water only ; on Piece-goods, especially light woollens and worsteds in combination with other acid-colours, and on cheap dress-goods with logwood extract. — In Silk-dyeing on yarn and piece-goods, and for silk-cotton unions; also for sohd dyeing of silk-wool unions and in Garment-dyeing. — In Wool, Silk, and Melange (slubbing^ printing — In dyeing Jute, Cocoanut-fibre, Straw, Artificial Flowers and Feathers. The mark 5BF is specially uselul f.-r shoddy and shoddy materials. — Acid Viulot is also used in Leather-dyeing, and in the manufacture of Coloured Paper and Colour-Lakes. C. Acid Commercial Name Year of Mode introduc* of I **°" I soluUon Wool Methods of Dyeing i Cotton I Silk Cone. Cotton Blue (2R, R. .No. I, 2, 3, 4) Pure Blue ( ), cone, double cone.) Cotton Blue (extra, OO Methyl Blue for Cotton MLB) China Blue (R, No. 1,2) Soluble Blue 13K, jR, R, SV) Bleu de Lyon iRR, R, O) Opal Blue (red shade, blue shade, green shade Laundry Blue (O) Purple Blue i^O) Cloth Blue (O) Full Blue (O) Body Blue (O) Navy Blue (V) Blue I red shade, blue shade) Opal Blue superfine, soluble) Paper Blue Blue for Silk (T, green shade, T cone, KR) Methyl Blue for Silk (MLB) DisMilvc thnriiut-hly in boilinf: water ; avf>id .iny .itld tion of .arid. 1. Dye nilh Ihe .iddi- tion of iu*/, UUubcr's salt and 2". sulphuric .icidilie]m\ Bh..-, blue sl,:i,l,- ;.^;o^ Mrtlivl mm- r.u- ^ilk MI.H. In Wool-dyeing, nn loose-wool limited to cmpUtyment in combiimtion with 1(i^(\\i.(m1, mure used for shoddy; on yarn used along with logwond; largely used for piece-goods, usually alone on shoddy-cloth, and teds as a brilliant self-colour, less frequently as a grounding for compound shad' — In Silk-dyeing very largely used, chiefly for grounding and also blooming blacks a very dark blues, occasionally as a self-colour. — Fn. tainine boiled-off liqu4 ■■"" "' **'• sulphuric add r-dieni DIUC 3„j j(^,^ Glauber's salt (\'\"S VG) or 10";, Bisulphatc of soda. "" ' Dyes level and can even I be added in small quan- : I titics to the boiling bath. ! D^-e just below the b<-i: in an add bath containin;; boilcd-offli<|uor; bngbti-r. with acetic add. Ketone Blue (4BN solution) patented 1893 Can be added direct to the dye- bath. Dye at the b«>il in an add bath with addition of 4*/» 1 sulphuric add and 10*/« I Glauber's salt or 10*/. ' Bisulphate of soda. Dye just below the bdl in an add Kith containing- boiled-o6f liquor ; briRhicn vith sulphuric add. Patent Blue (A, AJ I) 1890 ' ^i^Ji'^yjl*^^'';;^ Dye in an add bath with the addition of 4*/« sul- I pliunc add and 10*/, Glauber's salt or I0'/« | Bisulphate* of soda, or < better still boil first with , the addition of 10*/, Glauber's salt only and add ' afterwards 4*,'* sulphuric I add. Dye also nith adtli* tion of 10*/* acetic add on unmordantcd or chrome- mordanted wool. I Drc just below the bo in an add b.tth cnniainin boiled-oflf li()uor ; brighic with sulphuric aad. Colours. Employment Dyed Patterns On Wool largely employed, on yarns and thin or low class piece-goods chiefly used in cnmbination with other dyestuffs for producing tlie most varied shades of blue and green, but in all cases (inly when fastness to washing and to alkali is not required. — In Silk-dyeing chiefly used .alnnj; with cHher acJd colours for producing compound shades. — In printing wool and silk. — In dyeing wool-cotton and silk- cotton unions for plain colours and shuts. — In Paper-dyeing for colouring paper- pulp and for staining. — In Leather-dyeing also in the dyeing and printing of Jute. — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes used on a barj-tes or lead base, either alone for producing various shades of green, or in combination with other acid colours. — In the manufacture of Inks used alone and also for shading or brightening ordinary gall-nut or logwood inks. On Wool chiefly in piece-dyeing for navy-blue, green, olive and brown, but also for fancy shades in combination with Azo Acid Magenta, Chromotrope 6B and zR, and Victoria Violet 4BS. — The shades thus produced far excel in fastness those obtained with Acid Green or Indigo Carmine, and are much cheaper than Indigo Carmine shades. — In combination with Chromotrope FB and Chrome Brown RO and BO used also for the production of iast and cheap dark blues and browns on heavy piece-goods. On Wool for Stubbing and Yarn used as a fast substitute for Indig for blues and fancy colours intended for milling with water only ; on Knitting Yarn and also in Piece-dyeing for navy-blue, in combination with Azo Acid Magenta and Chromo- trope 6B in acid bath; with Chromotrope FB developed subsequently with bichrorae for very fast dark indigo blue shades, especially on heavy cheviots and worsteds ; further for all kinds of fancy shades. — On Silk as a self-colour and also in combination wth other acid-colours. — In Wool-printing for covers, details and outlines, and also as a tin-cr*stal discharge colour on dyed Azo colours; also in Tapestry, Carpet-yarn printing, Melange-printing and Silk-printing. — In Paper-dyeing. — In the UKinufacturc of Colour-lakes for the pmductitm of very brilliant colours on a barytes b.ise. — In the manufacture of Ink used either alone or in combination with gall-nut or logwood inks. In Wool-dyeing on loose-wool for bright colours in acetic acid bath along with other acid-colours, with Chromogen I for single bath fancy colours, for topping and brightening alizarin-colours, on Slubbing employed in the same manner. — On Yarn specially suitable for weft-yarn also for heavy milling, as well as for yarn which has to be milled with water or soap. — On Shoddy. — In Piece-dyeing not much used being less fast to rubbing than Patent Blue V and Ketone Blue which are preferred. — In Melange-printing largely employed either alone or in combination with other r()lonrs. — In Leather-dyeing, also for dyeing Jute, Cocoa-nut fibre. Straw. — In Paper-dyeing tor colouring paper-pulp, also for dipping and staining. — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes precipitated on a barytes or lead base, either alone or in combination with other colours. C. Acid Commercial Name Year of introduc- I Uon Mode of solution Methods of Dyeing Wool Patent Blue ( \', su|5erfinc, N, G cone.) Cyanine B) patented 1888 Dissolvl water, > Ivc-bath Dye in an acid bath with ] the addition nf 4*/« Sul- phuric add and IU*'» lilaubcr's salt, or lO". ■ Bisulphale ufsnda ; it dret I prrfei-tly level and can be added tit the twiling balh even in the smallest j»ortion<. Dye also w-ith the addition of 10*f, acetic acid for topping aliiarin- lolour^. Cotton Silk tK*c just below in in arid bath t boiled-tiff litjuiir ; with acetic or lar: Patent Blue ^B, jr, J2, J3, Jo, Joo) Indigo substitute (B, BSi patented 1888 ' Dissolvcinboiling Dye h water, but tm n»i addilid arrouniintheadd acid a dye-bath. When s;ilt. o perfectly dissidved s*ida. add to the dye- even bath through a addiii* filter. 1 an acid bath nith 'H of 4'/* sulphuric ,nd 10% Glauber's r l(r/« Bisulphate of Dyes ver>- level when the smallest ■ns are made to the Ixiiling bath. Dy« just below the bt>il in an add bath containing boilcd-off liquor ; bri|;hti-n with acetic or tartaric acid. Colours. Employment In Wool-dyeing of imnn blue ;u-Id-ci'l..ur: mi loose-wool > on Stubbing its use is also chiefly c nse importance, because it is the fastest level-dj'eing ■nly used in small quantity for shading alizarin-colours, mfined to the brightening of alizarin and chrome devel- oped i-olniirs. — In Yarn-dyeing largely employed as the best available substitute for Indigo-carmine, which it surpasses in fastness to washing, alkali, and light, and also as regards cost; used for stocking, knitting, zephyr, fancy, carpet, and weft yarns. — In Lace-dyeing. — In Piece-dyeing used very largely on all materials as the fastest blue for sea-green and Russian green, also for all kinds of compound and fancy shades in combination with acid and chronic developed colours. — In Silk-dyeing, especially the mark superfine , used as a brilliant self-colour. — For dyeing wool-cotton and silk-wool unions, shoddy cloth, woollen cloth with cotton effects, and wool plush. — For printing wool and silk material, woollen yarn, and slabbing. — In Leather-dyeing. — For dyeing and printing Jute. — In Paper-dyeing used for dipping and staining, in the production of fancy coloured papers. In the manufacture of Colour-lakes as a barium or lead precipitate on an alumina base, for imitations of ultramarine ami blue vcrditer. — In the manufacture of Ink, also for colouring Feathers and Artificial Flowers, In Wool-dyeing largely used, especially for knitting and stocking yarns, also for weft yarns, mohair, zephyr, carpet, and fancy yarns; in Piece-dyeing also largely employed for all compound and fancy colours as the best and fastest substitute for indigo- carmine, since it is much cheaper and faster. — In Silk-dyeing used only to a limited extent. — In dyeing wool-cotton and silk-wool unions also for shoddy materials. — In Wool-printing. — In Leather-dyeing. — In the dyeing and printing of Jute, — In Paper-dyeing. C. Acid Commercial Year of Mode iutroduc- of "°" 1 solution 1 Methods of Dyeing Name Wool Cotton SUk Fastblue 1 1867 Dissolve in boilins ualcr, bul on ni> 1. Dye at the boil with addition ot the dye* Dye just below the UmI in an acid bath cttntaininc (O, R, RR, 3R extra, acc(»unl in the stuff, acetate, oxalate, or i iHtilcd-off liquor; briKhtrti add dve-balh. sulphsite of ammonia, and with sulphuric acid. 5R extra, 5R No. 60, add (H'Adnally to the same | D, G extra, 5B, green bath acetic or oxalic acid, or develop in a separate ! shade, extra greenish, bath with sulphuric acid. 2. Dye at the boil in RD, RRD, RAD) a neutral bath with addi- Induline tion of the dyestuflF, ace- late of soda or acetate ot (2N, 2N' greenish) ammonia, and then add ' | 1 gradually sulphuric acid. | | Blackblue (O) 3. Used in the mor- | dant - bath for grounding , Black Black ^0) logwood colours, or in ' single -bath along with Coupler's Blue oxalic acid, sulphate of copper and iron, and log- Nigrosine wood extract. (Grey Blue No. I,II,11I,IV) Wool grey J889 Dissolve in boiling w.'itcr, but n(>t in Dye at the boil with the addition of i^}o sulphuric (R, B, B double, G) the Hcid (lye-bath. acid and 107« Glauber's salt, or 10"/o Bisulphate of patented soda ; ver\- small additions of colour "solution may be made to (he boiling bath i 1 if necessar}*. Fast Acid Blue 1892/93 Dissolve in boilini; water, not in tlic 1. With addition of3"/o sulphuric acid and 10"/o Dye just below the buil in an acid bath containing (R, R cone.) patented 1 acid bath. dlaubcr's salt, or 15*"/. boilcd-off liquor ; brighten 1 Uisulph.-ite of soda; enter with sulphuric acid. Viol amine at ^O'-COOC. (120"- 140" F), r.-i)sc to the boil, and (3B) patented 1 boil 1 hour. 2. Dvc at the boil with addition of lO"/„ Glauber's salt and 10"/o Acetic acid. 3. Boil with addition of , 10*/oGIauber*s salt, adding ! gradually 4% sulphuric acid. 4. For topping ali«arin- colours. Colours. Employment In Wool-dyeing on loose-wool alone and in combination with logwood for liliies not required to be specially fast chiefly for the under warp or weft of double-cloths. — For shoddy. — Much employed in Yarn-dyeing for knitting and \icana. yarns, also for carded and combed yarns for medium and light milling. — JIuch used also in Piece-dyeing for cheap dress-goods, shoddy-cloth, also for wool-cotton and silk-cotton vmions. — Employed also for plain colours on silk-wool unions. — Piece-goods nmst ahva>-s be washed with fuller's earth. — In wool-printing largely used for piece-goods, yarn, and slubbing. — Used also in silk-printing, as well as in the printing ol wool-cotton and silk-cotton unions. - In the dyeing and printing of Jute. — In Leather- dyeing. — In Silk-dyeing used in considerable amount for dark-blues, black-blues, grey-blues and slate colours both on yarn and pieces. — In Paper-dyeing much used for colouring paper-pulp and for staining. — In the manufacture of colour-lakes em- ployed as a barium lake chiefly for shading and darkening other acid-colours. — In the manufacture of Ink used alone and for shading gall-nut and iron ink. In Wool-dyeing occasionally used for yarn, but more frequently in the Piece- dyeing of thin woollen and worsted materials both as a self-colour and shaded with other level-dyeing acid-colours. — In Wool-printing chiefly used as a self-colour. — Employed also for dyeing cotton-warp cashmeres and zanellas. — In Paper-dyeing. In Wool-dyeing used on loose-wool for white, pearl-grey, and light blue colours to stand milling; on slubbing used both alone and in combination for colours required to be fast to milling, water, and light. - Used on woollen and wor- sted yarns as well as on knitting and stocking yarns for single-bath sh.ades List to milling, water, and light, also for topping alizarin-colours or for shading theTii towards the end of the dyeing operation. — Seldom used on piece-goods. - In Silk-dyeing used as a fast blue, and particularly also on silk weighted with tin. — In Wool-prin- ting very important for melange printing. C. Acid Commercial Year of iutroduc- Mode of Name Uoii solution Wool Fast Acid Violet (.\2R, K, B> patcnkd Violamine (G, AaR.R.BI patented 1889 Di&solve in boiling water, but avoid adding thr colour ilirtHTt to ihr acid dyr-bath. Dvr in acid bath with tli addition of lO'/. Glauber' salt and 4*'« sulphuri acid, or 10*/. bisulphate s-«l.i. - Also with th ■idditiim of acetic acid fo topping alizarin-colours. Acid Rosamine (A) patenteil Fast Acid Red (A) patented Methods of Dyeing Cotton SUk Used only in calico-print- ing u a ftteara-chrume- Dyc just below tho boll in nn aciil bath con- taining boilel-off liquor; brighten with sulphurii' add. Colours. Fast Add Violet A2R patented- In Wool-dyeing used on loose-wool for pale shades as a particularly level- dyeing fast acid-red, also in combination with Chromogen I in single-bath, further as a fast topping or grounding colour for vat-blue. — On slubbing for colours fast to water and milling, also for shading and using in combination with other colours also as a self- colour. — In Yarn-dyeing for colours fast to light and water, and in pale shades for such as are also fast to milling whether dyed in acid bath or on chromed material, also for shading alizarin-colours. — In Piece-dyeing as a level-dyeing red colour for all kinds of fancy colours and dark compound shades, since it is perfectly fast to alkali and satisfactorily so towards light. For dyeing plain colours on silk-wool unions and in garment-dyeing. — On Silk used for yarn and piece-goods as a very fast self-colour and for compound shades which are specially fast to light, and very suitable also on silk weighted with tin. — In Wool-printing used both on piece-goods and yarn, very largely also in melange-printing. — For dyeing Paper-pulp, especially for colours fast to light. — In Calico-printing as a steara-chrome-colour for shading alizarin. D. Nitro and Commercial Name Naphthol Yellow (S, SE) Year of .introduc- tion Mode of solution Wool Methods of Dyeing Cotton 1879/80 Dve at the boil in acid ba'lh with addition of 10°/. Glauber's salt and 4'"fi sul- phuric acid, or 10°/. bisul- pliate of soda. — Dyes very level, so that small additions may be made to the bath even at the boU. Azo Yellow (cone. 0,R) 1880 Dissolve in boiling ' water, but not in I the acid bath. Dye at the boil in acid bath with the addition of 107o Glauber's salt and 4*/(, sulphuric acid, or lO"/* , bisulpfaatc of soda. — I Dyes very level, so that small additions may be | made to the bath even j at the boil. I Victoria Yellow 1879 (O, double, cone.) Orange iNo. 4, 4LL) 1876/77 Acid Yellow (cryst.) l)isM>lvfinl>..ilinK Dye at the boil in acid water, but not in bath with the addition ol the arid dye-bath. I0"/o Ghiuber's salt and 47o sulphuric acid, or lO^'o bisulphatc of soda. Dyes very level, so that small additions of colour may even be made to the boiling dve-bath. — Excess of acid must be avoided, because this would make the shade redder. Silk Dve in an acid bath con- taming boiled-off liquor ; brighten with sulphuric Dyc in an acid bath con* taining boiled-off liquor : brighten with sulphuric or Dye in an acid bath con- taining boiled-off liquor : brighten with acetic acid or with a litth' sidphuric acid. Azo Colours. Employm ent Dyed Patterns On Wool both for yarns of all kinds and for light piece-goods, ven,' largely em- ployed for all varieties of shades as a level-dyeing and verj- pure yellow, chiefly for com- pound shades. — On Silk also largely used, especially for bright compound colours. — Very useful for woollen goods with cotton and silk effects, because in acid bath the wool only is dyed. — In wool and silk-printing used on a large scale. — In Leather- dyeing, also in dyeing Jute, Straw, and Cocoa-nut fibre. — Very much used also in Paper-dyeing both alone and in combination with other colours for colouring paper- pulp and also for staining in the production of fancy coloured papers. -~ In the manu- facture nf Colour-lakes precipitated as a barium lake on an alumina base for pure yeltvamishes. — Also used for colouring Soap. Orange No. 4. D. Nitro and Commercial Name Orange (G, K... 2, O, No. I, RK, No. 64- Brilliant Orange (G, O, R) Year of introduc- tion Mode of solution Wool Methods of Dyeing Cotton I Silk 187 7; 78 Dissolve in boiling H, Uvc in .icicr*s salt and S^/o sulphuric acid; enter at50»-6O°C. (120°-14O° R) raise to the boil and boil •/« — 1 hr : a little more difficult to dye level than the Scar- lets, hence it is desirable to use as little .irid as possible consistent with development of the colour, or to use hydrochloric instead of sulphuric acid. Dye in an acid bath co taining boiled-off liquo enter at 50'- 60° i a'.'O"- 141/' F.) and raise the boil. Brighten wi sulphuric acid. Azo Colours. Employment On Cotton employed lor yam and piece-goods, when fastness to light is desired, but not fastness to water and washing. — On Wool for weft, knitting, fancy, and carpet-yarns, also for all kinds of piece-goods, most extensively used for fancy shades {especially Orange G since it is the fastest), and for compound shades of all kinds. — Orange G is also used for woollen piece-goods having cotton and silk effects. — On Silk largely employed for dark compound colours. — In dyeing Wool-cotton and silk-wool unions, also shoddy goods. — In wool and silk-printing. — In Leather- dyeing. — Much used lor Jute and Cocoa-nut fibre. — Very extensively used in Paper-dyeing for colouring paper-pulp and in paper-staining. — As barium and lead lakes on the most varied bases, largely used in the manufacture of colour-lakes for Will-papers, paper-staining, lithographic colours, and paints. In Cotton-dyeing for yarn and piece-goods, when fastness to light is demanded, but not fastness to water or washing. — In Wool-dyeing largely used for weft-yarns, also if only a slight milling with soap or cold water is required, for knitting. embroider>', fancy, and carpet-yarns; also on slabbing; further in piece-dyeing for cashmeres, ladies dress-goods, and knitted-goods, as a self-colour, scarcely ever in combination with other colours. — In Silk-dyeing chiefly for yam as self-colours. — In the printing of wool, silk, and wool-cotton unions. — On Jute, Cocoa-nut fibre, Straw, and Feather dyeing. — In the manufacture of paper especially used ("or colouring the paper by dipping and by staining. — In Leather-dyeing. — Very largely used in the manufac- ture of colour-lakes as a barium lake on various bases, for making so-called Turkey- red lakes for paper-staining and for wall-papers, further for hthographic colours and tor body-colours in oil paints, either alone or shaded with other colours. In Wool-dyeing extensively used as self-colours because of their low price and excellent fastness to hght-both for yams and piece-goods in place of the Scarlets wherever fastness to miUing and to sulphur (stoving) is not required, (except in the case of Crystal Scariet, which is fast to stoving). — Much used also in dyeing wool-cotton unions for dyeing the wool only, also in silk-wool unions, since the silk does not dye in the presence of wool. — In silk-dyeing their use is limited, but in wool-printing they are extensively employed chiefly for scarlet prints and for discharging. — In Leather-dyeing, also in Paper-dyeing used especially for colouring by dipping and staining. — In the manufacture of colour-lakes they find a limited use. D. Nitro and Commercial Name Fast Red (O, S) Roccelline (Ni Year of Mode introduc- of ''°" solution >»77i7a Methods of Dyeing Wool Cotton DiwMiIve in boilint; waicr; s-ilutiun-. which have Wen standini* hn some time shifuld be ' wartned before U>c m ;tn -i. i.i tiiith wilii the addtttiin of 10*/* Glauber's salt and 3»/. ' •sulphuric add ; enter at .V^ C. (I.W F.), raise U» the boil and h»*\] 1 hr. ; ' • •r dye at the boil uith j the addition u( ai-etato of ammunia and add sul- phuric acid gradually. ' Silk Amaranth (O, E) Victoria Rubine (O, Gi Naphthol Red ^0j Brilliant Crimson lO. Bi. Brilliant Rubine (O) 1878 Uis&olve in boiling Dye in an acid bath with leater. the addition of ]0 */, Glauber's salt and 3*,. sulphuric add ; enter at "50*-CO*C. (120*- 140" F.I raise to the boil and boil 1 hr. l88.^ Dye in an add bath con- taining boiled -off liquor, enter at StT-Wr I. (120*— 140* F.( and rai*. to the boil; brighten niili sulphuric add. Claret-Red (G, R, B, 38, G, R, B extra, O, S) 1878 Dissolve in boiling D; water, but not ii the add dve-bath n an add bath with ddition of 3*/* sul- phuric acid and 10 *;• Glauber's salt ; enter at 50« C. (120* F.) raise to the boil and boil I hr ; or dye with the addition of acetate of ammonia and add sul- phuric add gradually. Dye in an add bath om taining boiled-off liijuor . enter at 50*-6*i* «. . (IJO"-UO' F.) and rais* to the boil ; brighten wiiti sulphuric add. Azo Colours. In Wool-dyeing very largely used on tops, yarn, piece-goods, and plush for dark reds as a cheap red colour f;ist to alkali and washing and satisfactorily so towards light. — In Silk-dyeing also much used, for dark red and brown. — Used also in wool and silk-printing. — Employed in the dyeing of wool-cotton unions and shoddy material for dyeing the wool. — Also in Jute-dyeing and printing. — In Paper-dyeing used for colouring paper pulp and for staining. In Wool-dyeing used on yarn and piece-goods of all kinds as a ground colour for garnet-red, claret-red, red, and red-brown, either alone or shaded with other acid- colours in great variety; verj- fast to light, fast to alkali, and cheap; on cheap dress- goods for men's wear, also used for brown and navy-blue. — On Silk its use is limited. — Used in Wool-printing, and to some extent also in Leather-dyeing. -- In Paper- dyeing cmphiyed for colouring paper-pulp, fur dipping, and staining. — Used also fur dyeing Jute. Cocoa-nut fibre, and Straw. In Wool-dyeing on yarn, piece-goods, and slabbing somewhat largely used as a grounding for full red and blutsh-red standard colours. — Also in Silk-dyeing largely used for full red shades. — Used in Wool and Silk and printing. — In L.eather- dyeing, also in the dyeing and printing of Jute. — In the manufacture of paper used for colouring paper-pulp and for staining fancy coloured papers. — Used in the manufacture of Pigment colours as a barium or lead lake for bluish-red and full red colours either alone or in mixtures, or shaded with magenta or violet. D. Nitro and ^ • 1 V „f Mode Methods of Dyeing Commercial ^earof ^ t> Name ""n solution Wool Cotton Silk Scarlet (B extra) 1880 oi^^u,m., ^L:^::t^T::i^^ Scarlet (5R) patented 1881 ^rid and_ i^o-. uuuber-> Brilliant CroceYn 1882 83 '^i- •" 'h^ J^"' -'' iH.ii (yellow shade, blue shadcR.B, liB,3B.5B) Paper Scarlet (yellow shade, blue shade, 38) Red (Y, YB, YG, Y2G) patented 1. Dvo in :, ~tr..ni; rail U> e In ..ii .....1 l...tli i,.n- bath a'— 8" Tw.. and dr) uininR l».iled-o(f liquor: without washing. enter at HT-Cu' C. ■J. Mordant with basic (ISO'-UO' K.l.raiie tothi alum solution, and dve in buil and continue dvriD>: a fresh bath. just below the 'boil a. I Bath ;stannalcof Brighten with sulphori- soda. add. II Bath : basic alum solution. Ill Bath: dye. 4. Dye in single bath .It 40*-5O'C. (luS'-iaO* F.) with addition of 40* . common salt and IC". alum The dyebalhs are prcser\-ed for further lou of material. Ploth RprI (D'l 1870/80 nissolvein boiling 1. Dye in an add bath »^10in nea (U) iu/y;uu ^_^^^^ ^ .^l^ addition of 8'^ sul- Fast Plar#>f-'Red in> plmric add and 10*1. rdbl (^IdieirVCU lUI Ulauber-s salt; enter at :)0"-40"C (K5»-105T.), raise to the boil and boil 1 hr. 2. Boil with dycstuff and tannin matter and fix with sulphate of iron 3. Boil with addition of acetic acid and Glauber's salt and fix in the same bath with bichrome or chromium fluoride. D>'e in an add bath con- taining boiled-off liquor, enter .nt SO* C. (120* F.) and raise to the boil ; brighten ^\ith sulphnric add. Solid Brown .879 ' ' "tr.icr'""'"^ 'hf aSdtSon"of'T/.t tu (O, vcllow shade, L, p''"'"': ,^"'i, =>""j' w% - (llaubers salt; enter at N 1 ) ol>°-60"C. (120'- 140' F.), . T-> . . raise to the boil and boil Azo Brown (V) 1 hr. Dye in an add bath con- t.nining boiled-off liquor : enter at MC C. (120* F. . raise to the boil, and con- tinue dyeing just below the boil ; brighten with sulphuric acid. A 7rt 'Rlar-t rr\\ Dissolve in boiling Boil with the addition of AZO OiaCK (O) „.^,„ „„, i„ ,^^ , J, _ Glauber's salt, after Naphthol Black (D) ■^"'' •'><-'»"'• , ^„',p'l[„„^^'''*3SXf"oJ' dye ' with the addition of 20';, Glauber's salt and lO*/. acetic add. Dye in an add bath 1 containing boiled-off li- quor ; enter at 30* — ^0' C. 185'- lOi* F.), raise to the boil and dye for 1 hr. just below the boil. Azo Colours. Dyed Patterns Employment In Cotton-dyeing used for yarn and piece-goods as brilliant self colours satis- y fast to lifflit, wlienever fastness to water and washing is not required. — In dyeing used marc particularly for yarn but also for piece-goods for sclf-cylours :ire very fast to light, and which also stand washing, and milling with water or milling with soap. — On Silk much used since they give scarlets which are very fast . — On silk-wool unions for dyeing solid colours. — Used in wool and silk- g. — Also used for dyeing Jute, Cocoa-nut fibre, and Straw. — Much d in Leather-dyeing because so readily fixed. — In Paper-dyeing the various f Paper Scarlet are used for colouring paper-pulp, also for dipping and staining ed papers — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes the various marks of Paper are used as barium lakes for fancy coloured papers, and wall papers; Scarlet B a barium lake is specially used in imitation of" vermilion for calico-printing. On Wool used both for loose-wool, tops, and yarn, as well ;i goods, either alone or in combination with tannin matters and dvewoi goods. — Used in wool-printing and melanging. — Finds limited u of Silk, Leather, and Paper. Is; also for milled On Wool used for bn.wn shades in combination with other aeid-colmirs, especially fnr weft and knitting-yarns and for woollen cloth. - On Silk used in consi- derable quantity along with other colours for dark brown and for grounding. — Used in Wool and silk-printing. — L^sed also fur Leather, Jute. Cocoa-nut fibre, Straw, Wood. — Very much used in Paper-dyeing for colouring paper-pulp and for staining. — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes employed as a barium precipitate for producing brown lakes intended for variegated papers, wall papers, lithographic and water colours. Azo Black O patented. In Wool-dyeing used for yarn, especially weft -yarns for cold and hot-water milling and lor piece-goods especially dress-goods, also for goods showing cotton thread rlTects; distinctly faster to light, wear, and acid than logwood black. — In Silk-dyeing tinds limited use as a self-colour. — Used in Wool and silk-printing. — Used also in Paper-dyeing. D. Nitro and Commercial Name Azo Acid Black (G, B, R^ patented Year i 1 introdi c- tion 1 Mode of solution Wool Methods of Dyeing Cotton 1 804 Dissolve in boilini; < Dye at the boil in an acid " I water. I bath with the adtlitiiin ol I 10"/. Glauber's salt and I I 3",, sulphuric acid, or with 8°o bisulphate of soda It fives very level sh.-ides. Silk Azo Acid Blue (B^ patented Victoria Violet (4BS and SBS) patented 1804 Dissolve in boiling Dye at the bnil with the water, or if ni- addition of K)",', dlauber's 1890 ressary it may salt and 4". sulphuric acid, also be dissolved or with lO'Vo bisulphate of I8qi '" the acid dye- soda. In old dye-baths ii ^ bath. dyes very level; when matching; it may be added at once to the dye-bath if necessary; with the addi- tion of alum it dyes a bluer shade. ' Chromotrope (6B, 2B, 2R1 patented Azo Acid Magenta (G, Bj patented Orchil Substitute (G) patented 1890 1 boiling Dve at the boil with iIk- addition of 10°;„ (ilauber's salt and 4";,, sulphuric acid, or with lO"',, bisul- phate of soda ; with addi- tion of alum the shade is bluer. It dyes level at the boil, even when small additions .are made to the bath. Azo Colours. Employm ent In Wool-dyeing use match. — In Wool-printing used for direct-printing and for the production of dyed piece-goods printed afterwards with discharge colours. In Wool-dyeing used for slabbing intended for knitting-mixture-j-arns ; on weft-yarns intended for a slight milling with soap or with water; on knitting and stocking-yarns, and on light woollen and worsted goods, used as an exceedingly cheap grounding-colour for navy-blue and Russian-green, especially in combination with Indigo Substitute B and BS. — In Wool-printing used alone and in combination with other colours for direct-printing, also used along with other azo-colours for producing white and coloured discharges on dyed grounds, e. g. blue, brown, green, and fancy colours. — On Silk-wool unions used for dyeing the wool and leaving the silk white. In Wool-dyeing used on yarn and piece-goods as a verj' level-dyeing acid- red colour extremely fast to light, for all kinds of compound colours; Orchil Substitute, Chromotrope 2 R, and Azo Acid Magenta are also used for the palest fancy shades. — Azo* Acid Magenta and Chromotrope 6 B are specially to be recommended, in combi- nation with Patent Blue V, VV, VVS, for the production of very good wearing navy- blues. — Chromotrope 2 R being exceptionally fast to light is very useful either as a self-colour or in combination, for dyeing carpet-yarns and plushes. — Very much used in Wool-printing both alone and along with other colours because of its ready solu- bility and it is so well fixed. — Chromotrope 6 B and 2 R are also used in the dyeing of silk-wrool unions for shot-effects, since the wool alone is dyed. D. Nitro and Commercial Name Year of Mode introduc- of ; "<•" I solution i I Methods of Dyeing Wool Cotton Silk Chromotrope tS, SB, SR, FH, 8B, loU, 2B1 patented. 3*. ivith the addition of sulphuric add and 2S°'. CUaulwr's salt, or with 4*> hydrochloric acid and 25° « Glauber's salt, enter at 60* C. (140* F.i, raise to the boil, boil 1 hr., then add 3*/. bi- chromate of potash or soda and continue boiling 1- -i'l.hn One mavalsi; dc vclop w th bicbrome in a separaK- bath, and (Iiu» us c both t c dve bath and developing bath for suc- ce ssivc l,> .s ol matcrial. Chrome Brown tRO, BO) 1893 Dissolve in boiling , Dye with the addition ol water, preferably | 3% sulphuric acid and with the addition | 2.^'*/o Glauber's salt ; enter of a little soda; at 60* C. (140'» F.I, raise pour the solution to the boil and boil 1 hr., into the dye-bath then add 3"/« bichromate through a sieve, of potash or soda and l"/o I sulphuric add, and con- tinue to boil 1 — I'l'i hrs. One may also develop with bichromc in a sepa- rate bath, and thus use both the dyc-balh and developing bath for suc- ressive lots of material. Chromogen I patented 1891 Di.solvcin boiling Dye at the boil with the addition of 40/, sulphuric acid and lO"/. Glauber's salt, or with 10»/o bisul- phate of soda, then devel- op the sep;irate bath with bi- chromate of potash and sulphuric acid. Azo Colours. Clirnmotrope S patented In Wool-dyeing used un loose- wool for a fast solid black; on Stubbing; tnr knitting-mixture-yarn and melanges for milling with water ; on weft-yarn for milling with water f)r soap; in Piece-dyeing on all kinds of dress-goods, especially Chromo- trope S, as a very fast black withstanding the most varied influences in the best possible manner, also, especially Chromotmpe FU, in combination with Patent Hliie V, Ketone Blue, or Water Blue, for a very good wearing and cheap navy-blue; further, on loose-wool for plain coloured goods and piece-goods for topping vat-indigo-blue, and on piece-goods (Cashmere) as a ground for logwood. — In Wool-printing on piece- goods used both alone and in combination for black and blue, also in melange -printing on slubbing. Chrome Brown R< ) In Wool-dyeing used on loose-wool for a solid brown, on slubbing for knitting-mixture-yarn and for milling with water, on weft-yam for milling with soap or water, in piece-dyeing on dress-goods and cloth for a cheap, good wearing brown, fast to acid; — can be shaded in the same bath with acid-colours fast to chroming. ( hromogen I patented. In Wool-dyeing as a single-bath brown absolutely fast to milling used in combination with fast acid-colours or acid-alizarin-colwur^ for lancy shades and for brown, also on weft-yarn of all kinds, on knitting and stocking- yarn, on warps fast to milling and to acid, on slubbing of all kinds, and on piece-goods (namely both light and heavy worsteds and knitted goods) for brown and fancy colours. E. Mordant Commercial Name Year of introduc- tion Mode of solution Wool Methods of Dyeing Cotton Silk Alizarin Yellow (GG, R, GGW, RVV paste. GGW ami R\V powder) Mordant Yellow lO) 1887/88 ^'.=*'' '""> ■■• p*?'* th water, which shoulil l> lr.-inilpas !.hr".mKh into the dye-bath. The powder culuur arc dissolved ii boiliii); water. .ondensed watei if possible. 1. Dye by the two-bath .Mordant with •hrnniiiini method on bichrome atld mordant G.-\l or G.Ml, Urtar, or lielter still on dry, then fix in a hoi s.t. bichrome anil sulphuric lution containing bit >;Tan)s acid mordant, with addi- soda per litre, wash and tion of acetic acid to the dye in a bath acidified dye-bath. with acetic acid. '■>. Boil with the addi- tion of 3 -*",'„ sulphuric acid and 10»/« Glauber's salt, then develop in the same or in a separate < bath with bichromate of potash, fluoride of chro- mium mimlant GAlll. wash well. .in»l drc, en- tenni; colli and raisini; KTadually tu the boil Brighten with tartaric ot acetic acid. Alizarin Yellow^ (pastel 1887 )a paste I Mordant with biclirome ■r as free , and tartar and dye in a mo as separate balh acidified and add ■ with acetic acid ; enter at lye-bath 30-40" C. (85—105" F.) a sieve, raise to the boil and boil l-l'/a hrs. Alizarin Orange (N,G, paste and |)M\vdcr) siblc. .md add to thi* dye-bath throuHh a sieve. rhcT p(»wder co- lours are dissolved I in boiling water. Mordant with bichrome and tartar , or bichrome and sulphuric acid, or alum and tartar, and dye in a separate bath ; enter at aO'-W C. (85«-105« F.), raise slowly to the boil and boil 1 - I'/t hrs. IJye according to one or other of the following pro- 1. On Turkey-red mor- dant. 2. On chromium mor- dant. 3. Erban and Specht's method. ^rordant with the nitrate of alumina at l^j* Tw.. wash well, and dye in a bath cont^iiniuK Iwilcd-oft liquor, enter ctild and raise gradually In the boil ; siKip well and brighten with tartaric acid. Colours. Employment Dyed Patterns cfly In Wool-dyeing much used on loose-wool as a fast substitute for Old Fustic, in combination with other alizarin-colours, further for shading single-bath colour* ,iih Chromogen I. ~ On Slubbing dyed after mordanting in combination ^ ahzarin-colours, or in single-bath with Chromotrope S, FB, Chrome Brown, Chromogen, and acid alizarin-colours for heavy milling and for milling with water only. — In Yarn- dyeing chiefly used for weft-yarn for milled goods, but also for fast dyed knitting, stocking, and carpet yarns. — On Piece-goods used as one of the fastest yello th for shading in combination with ali as a fast yellow used in C( Chromogen I, and acid aliza slubbing-printing for mel washing. — In Calico-printing used as and fancy shades, and as a self-coloui further as a yellow dyestuff in the prodi for fast green on a vat indigo ground, further ibination with Chromotrope S, FB, Chrome Brown RO, n-colours, dyed in single-bath. — Used very largely for ges. — On Silk used in hank-dyeing for colours fast to ime-steam-colour for full compound colours, imbination with alizarin and basic colours, of dyed styles on chrome-mordant prints or resist. — In Cotton-dyeing used on loose-cotton-wool, piece-goods, and yam, with chrome mordant as a fast yellow, chiefly in combination with other alizarin-colours. — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes used for giving a fast yellow for hthographic printing. Employed exclusively in Wool-dyeing for producing fast colours on loose-wool, stubbing, and yarn, intended for heavy milling; occasionally as a self-colour, but chiefly for shading compound and fancy colours in combination with other alizarin-colours. It is remarkable for its greenish shade of yellow and its extreme fastness. It is employed further in hat-dyeing for fancy shades because it dyes so level and so well through. In Cotton-dyeing used on loose-cotton-wool, and very largely for yarn and piece-goods both alone and in combination with other alizarin-colours for all fast dyed goods. — In Wool-dyeing used on loose-wool, slubbing, worsted and woollen yarn for buckskins and all kinds of milled goods, chiefly for compound shades in com- bination with other alizarin and wood colours, less frequently on alumina mordant as a self-colour; in piece-dyeing chiefly for heavy dress-goods for men's wear, also tor hat- dyeing in combination with alizarin and wood colours for producing brown shades. — In Silk-dyeing used in hank-dyeing both alone and along with other alizarin-colours, .ilso on silk weighted with tin for colours fast to washing and light. — In Calico- printing used for steara-colours with chrome or alumina, further for dyed styles on mordants with print or resist patterns, used either alone or along with other colours. — Used in wool, silk, and slubbing-printing — In the manufacture of Colour-lakes used as an alumina-lake for lithographic printing colours. Alizarin Orange N powdi E. Mordant Commercial Name Methods of Dyeing Alizarin Red (Nr. iB new. Nr. i, 2A bl. bl., 2A, 2AW, 2BVV, iW, RX, 2W, 3\V,3G\V,4F\V,SDG, GG, F, paste, Nr. i powder) bath through a sieve. The jmiw- dcr coloure are dissolved in caus- tic soda and borax and precipitated in thi- dye-bath with hydrochloric add. 1. Mordant with alum and tiirtar, and dye in a separate bath with lltr addition of acet-ite of lime and tannin matter. 2. Mordant with bl- chrome and tiirtar, . On chromium mor- dant. 3. On iron mordant. 4 By Erban and Specht's method. d Ihe in a bath conLiining bi>iled-4>fr liquor entering culd and raisin^; gradually to the boil ; v>ap welt and brighten Alizarin Brown (paste, Rpastc, G paste, powder, R powder) 1882 Make into a paste Mordant with bichrome Dve on Turkev-red mo - 1 Mordant with nitrate •• with water free and tartar or bichrome dant, aluminium and iro n alumina, wash, and dv. from lime, and and sulphuric acid, anddve mordant, or on chromiu u in a bath containing boiletl add to the dye- in a separate bath with mordant. ofT liquor, entering col. bath through a the addition of acetic acid anil raising gradually t. sieve ; the pow- to correct the water i( the boil; soap. .-in< der colours are calcareous. brighten with tartaric acid dissolved in * ^ boiling water froi- Colours. Employment In Cotton-dyeing used for Turkey-red and pink it on all kinds of yam and piece-goods, also on loose-cotton-' for fast corn-pound shades on yarn and piece-goods with alumina chrome, iron, and mixed mordants either alone or in combination with other alizarin-colours and dycwoods. — In Wool-dyeing used on loose-wool for so-ca led madder-red on army-cloth, also for all kinds of compound shades in combination with alizarin-colours and dyewood-ex- tracts, on slubbing and worsted yarn for buckskins and mdled goods of all kmils, also in dyeing the Turkish fez and in hat and piece-dyeing. — On Silk used in hank- dyeing for compound shades fast to water, washing, and light and for self-colours. - In Calico-printing used very largely as a steam-colour with alumina, iron, and chrome mordants, also mixed mordants, and in combination with other alizarin-colours, dyewood-extracts, catechu, and basic-colours for producing red, pink, violet, hlac, cho- cholate, garnet-red, bordeaux, brown, and other compound shades; used also for the production of dyed print, resist, and discharge styles of the most varied kind with alu- mina, iron, chrome, and mixed mordants etc. etc. — In the manufacture of Colour- lakes used for making so-called madder-lake and madder-pink for lithographic and artists' colours. In Wool-dyeing used in very large quantities for loose-Wool, alone and m combination with other alizarin-colours as a very fast brown for wool-dyed cloth, buck- skins, and milled goods of all kinds ; on slubbing, worsted, knitting, and stocking yanis alone and with other colours for milled goods of all kinds and for fast colours on knitted goods; in piece and hat-dyeing used for browns and fancy colours. — In Cotton-dyeing chiefly used for fast dyed yarns. - In Silk-dyeing used in hank- dyeing, also on silk weighted with tin for brown and fancy colours last to water, washing and light. — In Calico-printing used for steam-colours chiefly with other colours .and for the production of chrome-dyed styles. — In Wool-printing chiefly used for printing slubbing for melanges. - Used als,. in Silk-printing. - Used for dyeing wool- cotton unions and also silk-wool unions iGloria) in fast colours. - In the manu- facture of Colour-lakes used for lithographic colours. - Used for colouring Soaps. E. Mordant Commercial Name Year of introduc- i tlon 1 Mode of solution Methods of Dyeing Alizarin Blue iDN, DN'W, DNX, F, A, R, KK) paste Alizarin Dark Blue (S) paste 1877 ^fakcinto a paste with water free from lime, and add to the dye- bath through a Wool Cotton Silk Mordant with birhrome and tartar and dye with the addition of acetic aeid. enter at HO^ C. (85* K.>, raise slowlv i ring cold and raising gradually to the boil. Mth the addition of boile<)- off liquor entering coM and raising gradually t>> the boil, then soap anti brighten with tartaric acid. Alizarin Green (S) paste patented 1893 tepid Mordant with bichrome and tartar and dye with the addition of acetic acid, enter ,nt 30" C. 185" F.), raise gradually to the boil and boil 2'/. hrs. 1. Prepare with Turkey- red oil. mordant with chromium mordant GAI or GAII and fix with soda, then dye with the addition of .icctic acid. 2. Employ ICrbatr and Specht's process. Mordant with alu A-.-ish. nd dv with the addition of boiled n to the bath f>ther than culnurinK matter; s«<.i: and brighti-n with tart. n Solid Green iO 50",,) 1875 Make into a paste Mordant with bichrome with water, and . and tartar, or with ferrous add to the dye- ' sulphate (copperas) and t>ath through a tarur. 1 1 1 1. Mordant uith pyro- lignlte of iron, age, fix. 2. Mordant with chrom- ium mordant GAI or GAII, fix, and dye. 3. Employ Erban and Specht's process. Mordant with niinito of iron, wash well, dye in aqueous solution, and soap well. Brighten with Ur- taric add. Alizarin Red (iWS, 2WS, 3WS, 4WS,and 5\VS powder) 1876 Dissolve in boiling water as free from lime as pos- sible. 1. Mordant with alum and tartar, bichrome and tartar, or bichrome and sulphuric acid, and dye io a separate bath. 2. Dye in sin^lc-bath with addition of alum and oxalic add or tartar. 3. Dye at the boil with addition of :jo/o sulphuric acid and lO^/o Glauber's salt, and sadden in the same or a separate bath with alum, fluoride of chromium, or bichromate of potash. Acid Alizarin Blue (BB, GR) patented 1894/95 Dissolve in boiling Dye at the boil with the waterasfree from addition of a*"., sulphuric lime as possible acid and lO-SOo/* Glauber's .'ind add to the salt, and sadden in the dye-bath through same or a separate bath a sieve. by boiling •/« — I'/t hrs. with 2— 5«/o fluoride of chromium. 1 Acid Alizarin Green (Gl jiatcntcd 1 1 ■895 Dissolve in boiling water as free from lime as possible, and add to the dye-bath through Dye at the boil with the addition of S"/* sulphuric add and 25 - 100 •/• Glauber's salt, and sadden in the same or a separate bath with 2— 4'»/(, fluoride of chromium or 1— 3«/o bichromate of potash. ) Colours. Employment Dyed Patterns Scarcely ever used on wool, but in Cotton-dyeing it finds a limited use as .1 red which is ver>' f;wt to washing and is brighter even than Turkey-red. — On Silk used for fiist dyed embroidery yarn and welt-yarn for parasols and umbrellas. — In Calico- printing used as a brilliant self-colour and as a steam-colour with tin and alumina mor- d.int. - It is most largely used in the manufacture of Colour-lakes for producing ex- tremely brilliant red .and pink lakes for lithography. Az.lrin S p.itenl,-r with other alizarin-colours on chromium mordAnt, or in acid bath with Chromogen I .ind acid alizarin-colours, it is used for dyeing all kinds of shades fast to milling, water, ivashing, and light. — In Wool-printing it is chiefly used for printing slubbing for melanges. On loose-wool, especially for mixtures, less suitable for plain shades, it is used on slubbing and worsted yarn for the most varied shades of blue and fancy colours and compound shades, either alone or mixed with Alizarin Red WS powder. Alizarin Yellow GGW, ilordant Vellow O, and Acid Alizarin Green, as a blue which is absolutely fast to milling and does not bleed, and which is very fast to light and wear. — Used also on knitting yarn. — For piece-dyeing it is of very special mportance, being used :inds of goods, because it gi lardest woven materials ; the ( ubbing off, and fastness equal done or combined with the above named dyestuffs on all very fast colours and well dyed through even on the sf advantages are : saving of time, dyeing through, not that of the alizarin-colours in paste form. — In Slub- bing-printing for melanges it is used for fast blue and for compound shades. On loose-wool, especially for mixtures, it is used both alone and in combination with other colours, on slubbing and yarns of all kinds, and for milled goods it is specially suitable because it is absolutely free from bleeding. — If developed with fluoride of chromium it may be used along with Add Alizarin Blue, Ahzarin Red WS powder, Alizarin Yellow, Mordant Yellow, and all other acid-colours, if developed with bichrome it may be used with Chromogen I, Chromotrop-S, FB, Alizarin Red WS powder. Alizarin Yellow, Mordant Yellow, and all acid-colours not affected with bichrome. — Very suitable therefore in piece-dyeing for dyeing cloth and heavy dress- goods and light piece-goods for all kinds of fast colours. — It combines facility of application with the fi^tness of the alizarin-colours at present known. Alizarin Rod IWS powdc Blue BB patented. Materials required for producing Commercial vcar of Mode ,„ ,^ ^ ^ , ^ ,. introduc of Method of colour-production on cotton i Name "°" soiuuoa ' Beta Naphthol Beta Naphthol (Ri Naphthol (D) Alpha Naphthol 1 888 1 Diuolvc in the Combinr with di.-uo rnmpounds, on the fibrr. lorra of its .-Ukali l8gc , compound by nd- ding caustic soda. 1894 1888 ! Alpha Naphthyl- amine base, and hydrochloride BetaNaphthylamine base, and hydro- chloride 1889 1889 Diazotise in the mid by treating the hydrochloride with sodium ni- trite in the pres- ence of excess of acid. Combine the diazo solution neutralised with sodium acetate, chalk, eti .. with alkaline naphthol solutions, on the fibre. 1 1 A nilino Diazotise tbe hv- A.niline .IrochUmde.inthe cold. 1 1 Combine the diazo solution neutralised with sodium acetate, chalk, . with alkaliiu' naphthol solutions, on the 6bre. Metanitraniline 1890 Dia2otise the hy- ilrochloride or the nitrite paste, in the cold. Combine the diazo solution neutralised with sodium acetate, chalk, etc.. witli alkaline naphthol solutions, on the fibre. Paranitraniline 1889 Diazotise the hy- Combine the diazo soUition neutralised with sodium acetate, chalk, etc., ^^ ilrochlorideor the witli alk.iline naphthol solutions, on the fibre, nitrite paste, in the cold. 1 1 Nitrotoluidine 1690 Diaiotise the hy- tlrochloridc or the nitrite paste, in (he cold. Combine the diazo solution neutralised with sodium acetate, chalk, etc.. with alkaline naphthol solutions, on the fibre. colours direct on the fibre. Dyed Patterns Employment For the production of insoluble azo-colours on the cotton fibre by the method of printing and dyeing, namely, in calico-printing, in plain dyeing, and in the dyeing of yarn and loose cotton-wool. Used in printing and in the dyeing of calico, cotton yarn, and loose cotton-wool. For the production, by means of Beta-Naphthol, of bright claret-red and garnet-red shades satisfactorily fast to washing and to light. By replacing part of the Bcta-Naph- thol sodium with Alpha-Naphthol sodium, darker garnet-red shades are obtained, but they are not so fast. Bcta-N'aphthol - :*/gs- Brta-NaplUhol — Beta Naphthyla Used in the printing and dyeing of cotton for the production of i red of only limited fastness. When united with Beta-Naphthol it gives a s, but owing to its limited fastness it is scld( 1 orange used for printing details ; Beta-Naphthol — Metanitraniline. on with Beta-Naphthol it gives the yellowest shade of orange among all . produced direct upon the fibre, and finds a limited use in calico-printing. Beta-Naphthol — Nitrotoluidi A splendid red, which is excelled by Turkey-red only in point of fastness. It is very extensively employed in plain colour dyeing, in printing, and in the dyeing of yarn and loose cotton-wool. The copper-lake is tobacco brown and satisfactorily fast to light, but sensitive to acid; it finds special use in calico-printing. Orange colours of a bright reddish shade. Used in printing, for details and out- lines, and resist-colours, because of their excellent fastness. Materials required for producing Commercial 1 Name Year of introduc- tion Mode of solution Method of colour-production on cotton ; Amidoazobenzene 1890 l)L.i/..i:!.i- ihi- li>- ' C'limbinc the iliaKj solution ncutnilis<-pper, vanadium. &c.J and develop by agoing or •^teaming or by boiling in a dye-bath. colours direct on the fibre. Dyed Patterns Employment The Beta-Naphthol azo-colour is a black very fast to light and soap, which is used in calico-printing chiefly for printing details and outlines. The black is suitable for the resist st>-le. It is employed in the sai which is verj* suitable for the resist stjl the foregoing, giving a deeper black, This is diazotised paranitr aniline in a dry and stable form. The properties and mode of employment of the Beta-Naphthol azo-colour are the same as in the case of Paranitraniline. The dj-ebaths and printing-colours are more stable than when Para- nitraniline is employed and the use of ice is unnecessary'. ^L p^ y^ -^x fiuf^^ BeU-Naphthol-Azophurblue D p.it. This is tetrazotised dianisidine in a dry and stable form. The properties and mode of emploj-ment of the Beta-Naphthol azo-colour are the same as in the case of dianisidine. The dyebaths and printing- colours, which are prejared without the use of ice, are quite stable. Aniline Black is the fastest known black, either to soap, soda, acid, or light, nd is most extensively used on cotton and partly also on silk. METHODS FOR FIXING THE DYESTUFFS ON THE FIBRE BY DYEING. A. General methods of Wool- dyeing. In all the various processes of dyeing the wool-fibre, whatever form of material it may assume, it is perfectly obvious that if success is to be attained it must be as clean as possible, i. e. it must be free from yolk, dirt, size, oil introduced by the spinner, etc. The methods of scouring and preparing the wool previous to dyeing will be treated of in the second part of this work, when reference will be made to the influence they have upon the appearance of the dyes ultimately obtained. — In the following chapters the attention of the reader wUl be confined to the consideration of the different methods of wool-dyeing which have to be adopted according to the properties of the colouring matters employed. These methods are as follows: I. Dyeing in neutral bath, n. Dyeing in slightly acid bath. III. Dyeing in acid bath. IV. Dyeing in alkaline bath followed by a treatment with acid. V. Dyeing in acid bath and developing with metallic salts. VI. Mordanting with alum or chrome and dyeing in a separate bath. I. The Dyeing in Neutral Bath. Dyeing in a neutral bath is suitable for the so-called Basic Colours. This method is based upon the fact, that the wool-fibre combines with the colour-bases to form compounds having the character of salts, in which the wool plays the part of an acid, the base of the colouring matter acting as the base. — Owing to the weak acid character of the wool its affinity for the colouring matter is comparatively weak, hence the basic-colours dye very level shades. — It is usual to dye at or near the boil in neutral bath, i. e. without any addition, or with only a slight addition of acetic acid or alum. — Acetic acid retards the dyeing process considerably, since it retains the colouring matter in the solution, it also prevents precipitation and spotting; on the other hand small additions of soap are beneficial by increasing the brilliancy of the shade, especially in the case of Magenta, Cerise, Grenadine, Methyl Violet, etc. Nearly all the basic-colours are sparingly soluble, and their bases are for the most part of a resinous character and insoluble in water. It is most important therefore that the colouring matters should first of all be thoroughly dissolved in hot water as pure and free from lime as possible, and this solution should be added to the dye-bath through a filter made of flannel or China-grass cloth. - The water of the dyebath should also be pure and free from lime. Calcareous water precipitates the colour-bases and consequently tends to produce spotting. Before adding the colour solution therefore it must be corrected with acetic acid, for which purpose, it is necessarj- to add '/i— 1 litre acetic acid 12° Tw. per cubic metre of water; an excess of acetic acid however is to be avoided for the reasons stated above. If soap is added to the dye-bath, the water should be well boiled with the soap, and the sticky scum which is formed should be carefully skimmed off, before adding the colour solution. — Wool which has been bleached in the sulphur-stove, or by means of sulphurous acid solution, is not suitable for dyeing with the basic-colours. This method of dyeing is employed with the following colouring matters: the various marks of Magenta, New Magenta, the various magenta residues e. g. Cerise, Maroon, Rubine, Cardinal, etc.. Methyl Violet, Primula, Violet crystals, (the latter applied in a soap bath being important for stoved whitest, Phosphine, Yellow lor Leather and Brown for Leather, Auramine, Vesuvine and Chrysoidine. Brilliant Green, Mala- chite Green and the Rosazeines For Brilliant Green and Malachite Green the following special process with sulphur mordant is "frequently adopted because it gives brighter and faster dyes: The wool is worked for 1 hr. at 60° C. (14C" F.) in a wooden vessel, with: 15°/b thiosulphate of soda (hyposulphitel, S'/o sulphuric acid, o"/© alum, it is left lying in the bath for several hours, then well washed, and dyed in a fresh bath with Brilliant Green or Malachite Green. The Rosazeines are weak basic-colours, and bj- virtue of their chemical character they form the connecting link between the basic and resorcine-colours. They are best dyed at the boil, in a slightly acid bath, with 10° o acetic acid 1'2° Tw., if necessarj' however, they may be dyed in an acid bath e. g. along with azo-colours or other acid-colours. As to the remaining basic-colours they are only used in combination among them- selves, since with many other colouring matters, especially acid-colours and resorcine-colours, they form insoluble precipitates, which readily produce spotting. — Nevertheless, certain marks of Methyl Violet, also Magenta and Green are applied even in an acid bath, in many industries, for covering the burrs and bits of straw, etc. in woollen piece-goods. — In this case the goods are first boiled with the basic-colours without the addition of acid and then topped with acid-colours. Since the basic-colours, by reason of their tendency to precipitate, readily give rise to 'dye-spots' on the goods, which it is extremely difficult, and as a rule impossible to remove from the wool, it is imperatively necessarj-, both in dissolving the colour and during the dyeing process, to pay strict attention to the above precautionarj- measures, since the defects produced cannot as a rule be removed. With respect to the properties of the dyes obtained on wool by means of the basic- colours, they exhibit the following characteristic features: great brilliancy of shade, evenness of dye, good penetration, marked rubbing-off, want of fastness to light, and to water, but fastness to alkali, a great tendency to bleed, fastness to milling (but not if white fibres are present!), and moderate fastness to washing. II. The dyeing in slightly acid bath. The colouring matters which are dyed in a slightly acid bath are the Resorcine Colours. — In this method the wool plays the part of a base, and combines with the colour- acids of the resorcine-colours to form brightly coloured compounds having the character of salts. Since the wool is a somewhat strong base, the union of colouring matter with the fibre pro- ceeds somewhat rapidly. The method consists in first adding to the dyebath the requisite amount of colouring matter and IC/o acetic acid, the material is then entered at .50°— BO*^ C. (120°— 140° F.), the bath is raised to the boil and boiled ','*— ''2 h. Another plan is to boil the material for 'U h. with addition of 5° alum .5° cream of tartar .5°o acetic acid 12° Tw. the bath is then cooled to .50" C. (120° F.), the dyestuft' is added, the temperature is again raised to the boil, and the boiling is continued for '4 — ';! h. — Raising the temperature too rapidly, or entering the goods too hot, tend to produce uneven dyes. The use of strong mineral acids must be avoided, because they prevent the colour- acid from combining with the wool and they dull the shades considerably. This method is adopted when dyeing with: Uranine, the different marks of Eosine, Erythrosine, Phloxine, Rose Bengal and Eosine Scarlet. — The shades obtained are ex- ceedingly pure and brilliant, and vary from the most delicate yellowish or bluish pink to a fiery scarlet or crimson. The Resorcine Colours are almost invariably employed as self-colours. The dyes obtained with the Eosines are dyed through fairly well, they rub-oft" in the deeper shades, are very fugitive to light, rather sensitive to acid, fast to sulphuring, moder- ately fast to water, very fast to alkali, and of medium fastness to washing and milling. III. The Dyeing in Acid Bath. The method of dyeing in an 'acid bath' is of the greatest importance in wool-dyeing, and is very generally and extensively employed, on the one hand because the greatest number of colouring matters are applicable by this method — namely all the Acid Colours and Azo Colours, — and on the other hand because it can be rapidly carried out and is the method best adapted for wool. By the boiling in 'acid bath' the wool-fibre is very little affected, it retains its natural lustre and handle, and in the spun or woven material it retains the position given to it by previous treatment, moreover by this mode of dyeing the strength of the wool is very little injured. — In this method again the nature of the dyeing process is to be regarded as a salt or lake formation, in which the wool acts as a base, while the colour-acids (liberated by the acid employed, usually sulphuric acid) play the part of acids. — During the operation of dyeing, which takes place or is completed at the boU, most of the sulphuric acid employed is attracted and fixed by the wool simultaneously with the colour- ing matter. What may be termed the 'normal' dyeing process in an acid bath, is as follows: The dyebath is charged, along with the necessary amount of colouring matter, with 10° Glauber's salt and 4° sulphuric acid, or in place of these with 10°/o bisulphate of soda, (since in its action it corresponds exactly to 10°/o Glauber's salt and i"!o sulphuric acid); the material to be dyed is then introduced, and with continuous handling of the material, the temperature is raised to the boil; after boiling for ^i — 1'j lirs. the dyeing process is com- plete. — Owing to differences in the material to be dyed, and because of the very varied pro- perties of the numerous colouring matters which are applicable in an acid bath, it is found necessary in practice to change and modify to some extent this normal process of dyeing. The merchant demands that the dyed goods shall exactly match the sample, that they shall be even in colour, well dyed through, and free from stains; in addition to this they must possess the requisite degree of fastness to various influences, according to the special purposes for which the dyed goods are intended. The dyeing of an even or level colour depends in the first instance upon the nature of the colouring matter itself, and secondly upon the manner in wliich the dyeing process is carried out, that is, upon the working conditions. With respect to the different kinds of irregularities met ivitii. the following may be cited: 1. Dye-spots, i. e. deeply dyed spots or specks occurring in the goods, and due to the colouring matter itself. 2. Cloudiness, dark and light, transverse or longitudinal streaks, dark lists in piece- goods, threads of unequal colour in j-arn , and pieces with the centre of the cloth paler in colour than the surface, i. e. not well dj'ed through. 3. The goods appear speckled or 'seedy', i. e. each individual wool-fibre is irregularly dyed, the roots of the wool-fibres are darker in colour, the tips lighter, or in com- pound colours thej' may even be of two different shades. The first two kinds of irregularity, if not caused by defective scouring and washing of the material, may be avoided by adopting a more suitable method of working, even when they are primarily due to the nature of the colouring matters employed. — The third mentioned defect is entirely owing to the character of the colouring matter itself; it may be lessened by altering the mode of working but it cannot always be entirelj' removed, hence for many kinds of material, especially piece-goods, in which, by reason of the structure of the cloth or tlic kind of wool emploj'ed, this defect is intensified, the use of such dyestuffs must be abandoned. Dye-spots are most liable to occur, when the colour-acid of the dyestuff employed is either sparingly soluble or insoluble, and when it tends to become resinous or tarry in the hot dye-liquor, thus forming sticky globules which adhere to the wool. This defect may be avoided in most cases by carefully dissolving the colouring matter in pure boiling water (if possible condensed water), then filtering, and gradually pouring the solution into the dyebath through a funnel which dips into the liquor. — Such colouring matters should never be dissolved in a little of the acid dye-liquor, and on no account should they ever be added to the dyebath itself in powder form, for under these circumstances the particles of colouring matter are apt to cake together very readily and adhere to the material ; hence it is, that with all such dyestuffs, the great aim should be to cause the colour-acid to be precipitated in as fine a state of subdivision as possible, and in very dilute solution, through- out the whole dye-liquor, so that the particles remain separate and only gradually dissolve in the dye-liquor. — A modification of the normal method of working, which may be strongly recommended for colouring matters of this kind, is that in which the goods are first boiled with the dyestuflf alone, or with the sole addition of Glauber's salt, and after boiling 'i<— 'i^ hr., adding the necessary sulphuric acid or bisulphate of soda, either all at once or gradually, in small portions at a time; in this manner the precipitation o( the colour-acid with the accom- panying spotting is avoided in the most certain manner. The following dyestuffs show a tendency to produce spotting, and with these more particularly the foregoing precautions are to be observed: the different marks of Soluble Blue, Bleu de Lyon, Alkaline Blue. Acid Violet N. 5BF, 7BN, 6BIN, R cone, 3RA, Fast Blue, Black Blue, Black Black, and the various marks of Fast Acid Violet; also the following, though with these the defect is less marked: Azo Acid Magenta G and B, the J-marks of Patent Blue, Patent Blue A, A J I, B, Azo Yellow, etc. Most of these colouring matters give level shades on boiling, and do not otherwise produce irregularities, such as, cloudiness, or streaks due to folds in the cloth. With the above mentioned colouring matters there is one cause of spotting which it is well to notice specially: when namely, in employing a fresh bath, the latter is charged at the ordinary temperature with Glauber's salt, sulphuric acid, and colour- solution, even though the latter is carefully and properly prepared the colour-acid is nevertheless pre- cipitated ; when the goods are entered and the bath is gradually heated to the boil, it some- times happens that the minute bubbles of carbonic acid, expelled from the water, carr>' the particles of colour-acid to the surface, where they agglomerate as a sticky scum which produces dye-spots oA the goods. If however, after charging the bath with Glauber's salt and sulphuric acid, it is heated to the boil, and only then the colour solution is added, the goods being also entered at the boil, no spotting in produced, since the carbonic acid has already been expelled, and cannot therefore give rise to the conditions just referred to. Cloudiness, longitudinal and transverse stripiness due to folds, as well as imperfect penetration of the dye, all these occur, — apart from imperfect scouring or other preparation, insufficient handling, or faulty construction of the dj'e-vat, — whenever the wool attracts or absorbs the colouring matter too rapidly and therefore unequally, and the conditions are not conducive to an equalising of the excess and deficiency of dyestuff as they exist in the different parts of the fabric. — This tendency to rush on to the fibre exhibited by certain colouring matters, and the absence of all signs of the light and dark parts of the dyed fabric subsequently becoming obliterated, is due in the first place to the chemical nature or constitution of the colouring matters themselves. When namely the affmity of a particular colour-acid for the wool is very great, it at once unites with that portion of the material with which it first come:; in contact, and there becomes so firmly fixed, that no subsequent dispersion of it takes place. The following circumstances favour level dyeing: 1. Old dye-liquors, i. e. baths which have been already used several times for dyeing. It is an acknowledged fact which has been proved again and again in practice, that it is possible to obtain much more level colours in old dye-liquors than in fresh ones, although the cause of it has not j-et been satisfactorily explained. It is no doubt probable, that the accumulation of Glauber's salt in old baths has considerable influence in the matter, and promotes level dyeing, but in addition to this, it would appear as if there were other influences at work, which are at present unknown. 2. An increased amount of Glauber's salt. The Glauber's salt employed when dyeing in an acid bath, performs a very important function; it regulates the equal distribution and absorption of the colouring matters, by moderating the action of the sulphuric acid; this last assistant is employed in order to liberate the colour-acid, thus to induce and increase its attraction by the fibre, but the simultaneous addition of the Glauber's salt causes a portion of the colouring matter to remain in the bath, and so retards its absorption. Moreover it exercises a solvent action on the particles of colouring matter which have alreadj* become fixed, it abstracts them from those parts of the wool which in the beginning took up too much colouring matter, and this being now returned to the bath, an opportunitj' is thus afforded to those portions which at first attracted too little colouring matter, of taking up the excess removed from the darker portions. — An increased amount of Glauber's salt is employed when dyeing pale shades, and when using fresh dye-liquors or such colouring matters as dye level shades with difficulty; further, in the case of thick, closely woven, or heavily milled goods in order to dye them well through; and indeed whenever the dye appears irregular, it may be usefully employed as an after-addition. 3. Reduction in the amount of acid; the use of weaker acids. The sulphuric acid employed, liberates the colour-acid of the colouring matter, in which it is combined with soda or lime, and thus permits the attraction of the dyestufT, i. e. the union of the colour-acid with the wool. This takes place all the more rapidly, the more completely the colour-acid has been set at liberty, and on the other hand more slowly if the bath is less acid. If the dyeing is being carried out with colouring matters which have a great affinity for the wool-fibre, so that the latter readily dyes unevenly, one ought to diminish the amount of sulphuric acid and instead of4''^o, one should use only 3"/o or 2° o, or instead of this, weaker acids such as hydrochloric, oxalic, or acetic acid should be employed. — Another method frequently adopted, is to add the acids to the bath gradually, and in small portions at a time, so that the colour-acids are liberated and attracted by the wool, by degrees. — Or again, with many colouring matters a portion only of the sulphuric acid is used at first, the remaining portion being added afterwards; or in the beginning, a weak acid like acetic acid is added, and only afterwards the stronger acid. Another method, employed in the case of many colouring matters, is to cause the necessaiy acid to be gradually generated in the bath itself, namely by using acetate, oxalate, or sulphate of ammonia; these salts graduallj' decompose during the boiling of their solutions, with evolution of ammonia, and thus acid is slowly liberated in the bath, and causes the colouring matter to be taken up bj' the wool. 4. Entering the goods at a low temperature. The union between the colouring matter and the wool-fibre takes place more rapidlj-, the higher the temperature ot the dyebath, even up to the boiling point; hence, with colouring matters showing a tendency to produce uneven dyes, the goods are entered at a medium temperature, or even cold, and the bath is heated to the boiling point gradually, the dyeing process being completed by continuing to boil as long as may be necessary. — By this gradual raising of the temperature of the bath, the affinity between the fibre and the colouring matter comes into play only by degrees, so that all parts of the fabric have, as it were, an equal chance of attracting dye- stuflf. Nevertheless there are colouring matters, with which these measures of precaution arc useless; for example, Victoria Violet 4 BS and 8 B S, A20 Acid Blue B, Azo Acid Black G, B, R, Azo Yellow cone, dye much more level shades, if the goods are at once entered into the boiling bath, continuing to boil until the dj'eing is completed. The larger the quantity of colouring matter presented to the fibre, i. c. the fuller or deeper the shade required, the more likely is it that all parts of the fabric will be equally and evenly dyed : pale fancy shades are consequently more difficult to obtain level, than medium and dark shades, because not only is the amount of colouring matter presented to the fibre comparatively small, but it is almost always necessary to make further small additions of dyestuff to the boiling bath. In the case of dark shades therefore, it is quite possible to use even those colouring matters which tend to dye unevenly; but if additions to the bath have to be made at the boil, for the purpose of matching, and when dyeing pale fancy shades, it is imperative to employ only those dycstufls which give level colours without any difficulty. Other circumstances and conditions of working being equal, the tendency to dye level shades depends upon the nature of the colouring matter itself, hence some acid-colours may be spoken of as 'level-dyeing-colours' while others cannot be referred to as such, and according to their special capabilities in this respect, dyeslufls may be classified in the following groups, although these are not separated from each other by any sharp lines of division. A. Colouring matters which give satisfactory dyes on all classes of materials. 1. The following dye perfectly level colours in a freshly made bath: if added at the boil, and in the most delicate fancy shades: Cyanine B; Patent-Blue V, N, superior, the various J-brantls, B; Ketone Blue 4 B N ; Acid Violet N ; Fast Acid Violet A 2 R ; Naphthol Yellow S ; Wool Grey G, R, B. 2. The following dye level colours in old baths: on all classes of goods, in delicate fancy shades, even when added at the boil for matching purposes: Azo Yellow; Victoria Yellow; Orange Nr. 4; Orange G; Orange Nr. 2; Brilliant Orange G and O; Archil substitute G; Chromotrope 2R, 2B; Azo Acid Magenta G, B; Fast Acid Violet R. B; Patent Green O, V; Indigo substitute B, BS; Patent-Blue A, A J. 3. The following may be employed for medium and dark shades, and may be added at the boil for shading purposes: Acid Magenta (various inarks) ; Acid Violet 4RS, 3RS, 3RA, R cone, 5BF, 6BIN, 7BN; Acid Green (various marks); Brilliant Orange R; Scarlet GGto4R; Azo Acid Black; Azo Acid Blue; Victoria Violet ; Chromotrope 6 B. 4-. The following may be used for dark shades, entering at a low temperature, and employing weak acids or large quantities of Glauber's salt: Victoria Scarlet (various marks); New Coccin O; Scarlet 6R; Scarlet 6R. crystals; Amaranth (various marks); Victoria Rubine (various marks); Naphthol Red O; Brilliant crimson; Claret Red (various marks); Fast Red O, S, SE; Chromotrope 8B and 10 B; Scarlet B extra; Scarlet 5 R. B. Colouring matters which give speckled dyes on certain goods. 1. The following may be used for dark shades, and for matching purposes even when added at the boil: Fast Blue (various marks); Black Blue O; Black Black O. 2. The following may be used even for pale shades by employing weak acids (acetic acid): Fast Acid Blue R: Acid Rosamine O. 3. Th? following must be applied with care (using weak acids, entering at a low temperature, and adding the acid gradually): Soluble Blue (various marksl; Bleu de Lyon; Opal Blue; Cotton Blue (various marks): Fast Claret Red; Cloth Red O; Azo Black; Naphthol Black D. IV. The Dyeing in Alkaline Bath, with subsequent development in Acid. The method of dyeing in an alkaline bath followed by a treatment with acid is adopted in the case of the Alkaline Blues; in reality it is merely a modification of the process of dyeing in an acid bath. The colour-acids of the Alkaline Blues are insoluble in acidified water and have such a great affinity for the wool-fibre that they combine with the wool even in an alkaline bath. The required colour is however only developed when the wool, after washing with water, is passed into a dilute solution of acid, whereby the colour-acids arc liberated within the wool-fibre and appear with their full bright colour. The usual method is, to dye at the boil for 't— 1 hr. with the addition of 5— ICo borax, then to wash thoroughly, and finally to pass the material into another bath containing o^o sulphuric acid. The lower the temperature of the developing bath, the greener is the shade of blue obtained; if the temperature is raised the shades become redder in tone. — With the object of increasing the fastness of the dyes towards milling, the bath is sometimes acidified with alum, or stannic chloride and tartaric acid. The only disadvantage of dyeing in an alkaline bath is that piece-goods, particularly certain kind of worsteds, readily become brittle. — The dyes obtained with the Alkali Colours, when well washed, are fairly fast to rubbing, satisfactorily fast to light, fast to acid and to sulphur-stoving, they are of remarkable brilliancy, but are not fast to alkalis. V. The Dyeing in Acid Bath and developing with Metallic Salts. This method was devised and published in 1889 by the Hoechst firm (Farbwerk vormals Meister, Lucius und Bruning) first of all in connection with the Chromotrope Colours, but it was afterwards found to be of practical use in the case of several other colouring matters, for which its employment is patented, e. g. Chromotrope S, FB: Chromogen I, Chrome Brown RO. BO; and all the various Acid Alizarin Colours. — The principle of this method is based upon the fact, that the foregoing dyestufls are attracted and taken up by the wool in an acid bath, and by subsequently treating the dyed wool with bichromate of potash or soda, alum, or fluoride of chromium, they are changed on the fibre itself into insoluble, dark coloured, and verj' fast compounds. In the case of Chromogen I, Chrome Brown RO, BO, Chromotrope S and FB, this treatment of the dyed fibre with bichromate is one of oxidation; in the case of the Acid Alizarin Colours, Alizarin Yellow G G W, RW, Mordant Yellow O, and certain Chromotropes (2 B, 8 B, 10 B), it is a process of lake-formation whatever metallic salt be employed. — The first part of this method is carried out in the same manner as when dyeing in acid bath, the special details being varied to suit the different level-dyeing properties of the several colouring matters. The following readily dye level colours in a boiling batii: Chromogen I, Alizarin Yellow G GW, RW, Mordant Yellow O, Alizarin iWS to 5WS, Acid Alizarin Blue BB and Chromotrope 3 B, Alizarin Orange G, N paste and powder. The following dye level colours witii a little more difficulty than the above: Chromotrope FB, Chrome Brown R O, Acid Alizarin Green G, Acid Alizarin Blue GR, Chroinotrope 8 B and lo B. The following only dye level colours with difficulty: Chromotrope S, SB, SR. The operation of developing may take place in the same or in a separate bath; the question as to which of these methods is to be adopted chietly depends upon whether one intends to use the baths for further lots of material, or not; if the former the first method is employed, if the latter the single bath method is used, making up a fresh bath for each lot of material to be dyed. — Both methods have their advantages and disadvan- tages. In the single-bath method the quality of the goods remains unimpaired and there is a saving of time, but in the case of certain colouring matters the dyes obtained are apt to rub-off and to be speckled in appearance, because that portion of the colouring matter which is not taken up by the fibre in the acid bath, is precipitated in the bath itself by the addition of the metallic salt as a lake, and this is fixed upon the fibre more or less superficially and not in intimate union with it. The two-bath method has the advantage, that the baths can be used again and again for further lots of material, and the colours obtained are therefore more level, better dyed through, and not apt to rub-ofl", but of course the time required for entering and removing the goods with each bath is greater. — As already stated, the action which takes place in this method of dyeing is either one of oxidation or of lake-formation ; some colouring matters can only be developed by means of bichromate of potash or soda, while others which are destroyed by oxidation, must be developed with alum or fluoride of chromium. According to the method of development employed the colouring matters under consideration may be classified as foUows: I. Developed only with bichromate of potash or soda: Chromogen I, Chrome Brown RO and BO, Chromotrope F B, S, S B, SR. II. Developed with fluoride of chromium: Acid Alizarin Blue BB, GR: Victoria Violet 4BS, 8BS; Azo Acid Blue B. If developed with bichrome these colours are destroyed. III. Developed with alum: Alizarin iWS, aWS, 3WS, 4WS, 5WS: Alizarin Orange N, G: Alizarin Yellow GGW; Acid Alizarin Blue B B. IV. Developed with bichromate of potash or fluoride of chromium: Acid Alizarin Green G; Alizarin Red iWS — 5WS, Alizarin Orange N, G: Alizarin Yellow GGW, RW; Mordant Yellow O; Chromotrope 8B. 10 B, 2 B, (the last mentioned is almost invariably developed with bichrome). The colouring matters of Groups I and II cannot be employed together, whereas those of Group IV can be associated either with those of Group I or Group II. After the addition of the developer, the baths containing the above colouring matters are, generally speaking, not useful for shading purposes ; for dark colours, and on goods which present no difficulty in dyeing level shades, the following dyestuft's may be added to the dyebath for shading purposes, if due care be exercised: Chromotrope 2 B, Chromotrope FB, Alizarin Red WS (various marks), Alizarin Yellow GGW and RW, Acid Alizarin Blue BB; nevertheless it is best, when shading at the boil, to employ level-dyeing acid colouring matters. The following colouring matters may be used for shading purposes after development with bichromate of potash: Patent Blue V, N, superior, A, B, J (various marks); Acid Violet N, 5BF; Fast Acid Red A: Fast Acid Violet R. A2R; Orange G, No. 2 ; Brilliant Orange G, O; Azo Yellow; Victoria Yellow; Orange No. 4. The following colours should not be used for this purpose: Fast Acid Blue R; Fast Acid Violet B; Azo Acid Magenta G, B: Chroniotrope 2 R, 6 B; Victoria Violet 4BS, 8BS: Azo Acid Blue B; Azo Acid Black. For the purpose of shading after development with fluoride <>1 chromium or alum all aoid-colours arc suitable, except those with tend to give uneven dj'es by reason of lake- formation, e. g. Chromotrope: Azo Acid Magenta: Victoria Violet : Azo Acid Blue; and Azo Acid Black. VI. The Dyeing on Mordanted Wool. This method, which is of the greatest importance for dyeing fast colours on wool, is chiefly employed in the case of the alizarin-colours and certain azo-colours. The principle of the process is based upon the following two facts : first, the property possessed by wool of decomposing metallic salts when boiled in their dilute solutions, and attracting to itself the metallic oxides in the form of very basic salts, and second, the property of the mordant- dyestufls o( combining with these metallic oxides to form insoluble coloured salts — lakes — , when the wool charged with metallic oxide, or — mordanted — as it is termed, is brought into the dyebath under suitable conditions. Accordingly in this method of dyeing we have to distinguish between the two operations of — mordanting — and — dyeing. The mordanting of wool. With the coal-tar colours this operation is carried out either with alum mordant or with chrome mordant. The alum mordant is almost entirely used for red shades, whereas the chrome mordant is very largely employed previous to dj-eing with all alizarin- colours. — When mordanting wool with alum, an operation which is sometimes called 'pre- paring", the bath is charged with 5''> Tartar and 8% Alum. The carefully scoured goods are then introduced, and while they are being con- tinually moved about in the solution, the latter is gradually heated to the boiling point, and boiled for about 1 '3 hrs. The quantity of liquor in the bath should not be more than 50 nor less than 30 times the weight of the wool. With too much liquor the alum mordant is insufficiently fixed, alumina being precipitated even in the mordant bath itself and then becoming superficially fixed upon the wool, so that the colours ultimately obtained are poor, bare, and devoid of brilliancy, and have the defect of rubbing-ofl". If on the other hand the bath contains too little liquor, so that the mordant solution is too concentrated, there is fixed on the wool along with the alumina too much acid, and this hinders the formation of the colour- lake during the dyeing process, with the result that the dyes obtained are not so fast and are usually of an orange shade. — It is a matter of special importance to ascertain that neitlier the water nor the alum employed contain any iron, because the presence even of very small quantities of iron suffices to dull the red. — The addition of the tartar prevents the too rapid decom- position of the alum, so that the alumina is kept longer in solution, and a better penetration of the fibre by the mordant is thus ensured. Instead of tartar alone, one may use a mixture of tartar and oxalic acid, or even oxalic acid alone. The chrome mordant is much more frequently employed than alum, in preparing wool for the application of the mordant dyestufTs. As a rule bichromate of potash and tartar are employed, since for most colouring matters this mixture gives the best results. The mordanting bath is charged with : 4<'o bichrome | for dark 3 "jo bichrome I for medium fo bichrome | for pale 3"o tartar | shades, 2''2''o tartar | shades, Po tartar j shades. The proportions usually employed are 5 "a bichrome and 2'-.'"o tartar. In the case of hard water a further addition of 5 — 10"o acetic acid 12»Tw. must be made, by way of correcting the carbonate of lime in the water, otherwise the tartar is neutralised, its action is interfered with, and the wool is insufficiently mordanted. After boiling for 1 ' 2—2 hrs., the goods are removed from the mordanting bath and then preferably left lying over-night, before washing and dyeing. — Piece-goods and yarn should be well washed after mordanting, and should never be allowed to hang over-night on poles or rails, otherwise inequalities in the dye are readily produced. — In this process of mordanting, the wool takes up chromic acid from the bichromate of potash, but by the continued boiling and under the reducing action of the tartar and of the wool itself, it is reduced to chromic hydrate ; by allowing the material to lie in the mordanted condition over-night this reducing process continues and is rendered more complete. — Wool properly mordanted with bichrome and tartar should have a pale greenish colour, not a brownish or yellowish colour. In the interval between mordanting and dyeing the goods should be kept in the moist condition, and protected from the direct action of sun-light, otherwise uneven colours result, since in the dried and exposed parts any remaining chromic acid is reduced, and the mordant in these portions is strengthened. — Instead of tartar, other assistants may be employed, for example oxalic acid, and particularly sulphuric acid. This substitution of the tartar is not to be recom- mended in the case of some colouring matters, such as Cerulein and Alizarin Blue, which are sensitive to the action of chromic acid and therefore give duller colours on all mordants containing this constituent to any considerable extent; on the other hand the bichrome and sulphuric acid mordant, first recommended by the Hoechst Farbwerke, may be advantageously employed for Alizarin Red, Alizarin Orange, Alizarin GGW and RW, and Mordant Yellow, because the fastness to milling of the dyes they yield, is materially increased by the sulphuric acid. — It is customary to mordant with S^io bichrome I 4"o bichrome 1, , , , ,„ , , • -.lor medium colours, , .„ , . ■ -j 'or dark colours. l"o sulphuric acid ( ' 1,5 ' o sulphuric acid j It is not desirable to employ the bichrome and sulphuric acid mordant for pale shades. For the rest, this method is carried out in the same manner as already described for the bichrome and tartar mordant. In the case of hard water the amount of sulphuric acid must be increased by 0,5-1,5% according to the hardness of the water. When mor- danting with bichrome and sulphuric acid, the chromic acid which is liberated, is attracted and fixed by the wool, on boiling however, a portion is reduced by the wool-fibre to chromic hydrate, but since no other reducing agent is present, there is, even at the end o the mordanting process, always some chromic acid left on the wool unreduced, and it is probably present in combination with the chromic hydrate as chromate of chromium. This mordant seems to fix the above mentioned colouring matters better than if the wool contained chromic hydrate with little or no chromic acid, as when bichrome and tartar are employed, for they do not 'bleed' during milling. — Instead of bichromate of potash one may also employ an equal weight of bichromate of soda for mordanting wool. Substitutes, for tartar are frequently sold under a variety of names, but their employment is not to be recommended. — For combinations of Alizarin Red and Alizarin Orange with Logwood and Old Fustic, and also for the purpose of rendering the dyes faster to milling and light, the bichrome and sulphuric acid mordant is often replaced with bichrome, copper sulphate and sulphuric acid. In recent years another mordant recommended for mordant-dyestuffs instead of bichrome is 4° o fluoride of chromium and 1 °o o.xalic acid. When this is employed the chromium is fixed upon the fibre entirely in the form of chromic o.xide ; this has the advantage that pale shades appear to be faster to light with fluoride of chromium than on the bichrome and tartar mordant. — When bichrome is employed, even when tartar is used in addition, and the boiling is long continued, the wool invariably still contains a little unreduced chromic acid, which does not completely disappear even after dyeing, milling, washing, etc., but which under the influence of light acts upon the colours and causes them to fade more quickly, than can be accounted for by the action of light alone, in the absence of chromic acid. — For fancj' shades therefore, dyed with alizarin-colours, the fluoride of chromium mordant may be highly recommended, because it entirely avoids any occurence of this unfavourable action of the chromic acid. The Dyeing of Wool. The following colouring matters are dyed on alum mordant: Alizarin Red paste (various marks); Alizarin Red WS powder; Alizarin Orange N, G; Alizarin Claret R, and occasionally Alizarin Yellow GGW and RW. - To obtain a good fast red the presence of lime, preferably as acetate of lime, is absolutely necessary. The bath is charged with dycstuff, which is first mixed with water and then passed through a sieve, then there is added V.-^oio Acetate of lime I ^ , , , j 5 » o Acetate of lime 1 ' ' . } for dark shades, , „ t- • } for medmm shades, 2°o Tannm ) ' Po Tannin ) 2,5 "lo Acetate of lime I , , , /.„ _ . i for pale shades. 0,5 "o Tannm | The goods are entered at the ordinary temperature, which is then gradually raised in the course of an hour to the boiling point, the goods being handled continually; after boiling 1—1 '2 hrs., they are washed and dried. — The addition of tannic acid greatly increases the fastness of the dye towards milling, especially as regards bleeding, and was first recommended for Alizarin Red on alum mordant bj' the Hcechst Colour- Works in 1887. — To ensure bright colours on alum mordant, it is important that the dye-liquor should be free from iron compounds, since these dull the shade. — As a rule, it is not necessary to correct a calcareous water with acetic acid when alum mordant is employed, because the mordant itself is strongly acid, and an excess of acid hinders the formation of the colour- lake ; only in the case of the W S marks, and with very hard water, is a small addition of acetic acid sometimes necessary. On chromium mordant it is customary to dye with all the various mordant- colours given in the tables, and indeed frequently in combination with dye-woods. — The bichrome and tartar mordant is specially suitable for Alizarin Blue, Cerulein, and for most fancy shades, but for the various marks of Alizarin Orange, Alizarin Red, and Alizarin Yellow, and for all compound shades where these colouring matters are largely used, the bichrome and sulphuric acid mordant may be employed. In the dyebath the mordant-colours combine with the chromic hydrate fixed on the mordanted wool; in a hot dye liquor this combination takes place very rapidly, but in the cold, the formation of colour-lake proceeds slowly and invariably remains incomplete. If therefore level shades are to be obtained with mordant-colours, it is almost always advisable to enter the goods into the bath at a low temperature, and with continual handling, the temperature is then slowly and regularly raised to the boiling point, the formation of the colour-lake being only completed towards the end of the dyeing process by continued boiling, — If the goods are entered at too high a temperature, and the bath is heated up too rapidlj* or irregularly, the result is that some portions of the material attract more colouring matter than others, and the goods remain permanently uneven. So firmly are the colour-lakes fixed upon the fibre, that even by long continued boiling it is not possibly, as a rule, to equalise the colour. — Apart from regulating the temperature of the dyebath, as stated above, one may also retard the dyeing process in the case of mordant- colours by the addition of alkalis to the bath; these form soluble salts with the colour- acids, which remain in the dyebath even at the boil to a certain extent, giving up the colouring matter to the fibre gradually and always incompletely ; only when acetic acid is added, so as to liberate the colour-acids, are the latter taken up by the mordanted wool. — This method is adopted when dyeing piece-goods which are difficult to dye through, also hat-felt, and slubbing in dyeing- machines, especially in the case of pale shades: — The dye- bath is charged with colouring matter and 2— 3°o ammonia, the goods are then entered, the temperature is raised to the boil, and acetic acid is gradually added; in this manner an equal penetration of the material with dyestuff is attained, they are dyed through better, and the shades are more level. — It is well to remark that for this method of working the water should be as free from lime as possible, otherwise a serious loss of colouring matter may result, and the occurrence of precipitates in the bath may defeat the object in view. The condition of the water used in dyeing plays an important part when dyeing with the mordant-colours. Any lime and magnesia in the water, especially if present as bicarbonates, act on many colouring-matters by precipitating them as calcium or magnesium lakes, so that they are only partially taken up by the fibre. — Further, organic impurities act very injuriously upon many colouring matters (especially Alizarin Blue) and prevent their fixation. — Finally, the presence of any iron in the water has a detrimental influence, even when dyeing on chrome mordant, although not to the same extent as when alum mordant is used. Water which is highly charged with lime, magnesia, or iron, or even with organic impurities, ought, if intended for alizarin dyeing, to be treated in a water purifjTng apparatus. In any case such water should be corrected by making a suitable addition of acetic acid. On chrome mordant all Alizarin and Mordant-Colours are dyed with an addition of acetic acid. The object of this addition is three-fold: 1. In the first case it corrects the water and changes the carbonates of lime and magnesia into acetates, thus preventing or retarding any lake formation or precipitation in the bath, so injurious for the fixing of the colouring matter on the fibre. This addition of acetic acid is necessary with all mordant. colours, and amounts to 200 cubic centimetres of acetic acid 12° Tw. tor each cubic metre of water, if the latter has a hardness of .5°, and 400 cc. if the hardness is 10°; it is best however to find exactly what amomit is necessary by making a special alkalimetric determination. (See the Table for finding the amount of acetic acid to correct water on p. 73.) 2. Another reason for the addition of the acetic acid is that it neutralises the alkali, present in many dyestuffs. Certain series of colouring matters are the sodium salts of colour-acids, and these necessitate the addition of an excess of acetic acid beyond what is required to correct the water, in order to liberate the corresponding colour-acids: such, for example, are: Alizarin Red powder, Alizarin Red iWS— sWS, Alizarin Orange N powder, Alizarin Brown powder, Alizarin Blue DNW, Alizarin Yellow G GW and RW powder, and Gallei'n W powder. The excess of acetic acid at 1'2" Tw. to be added to the dyebath amounts to 7">() cc. per kilogram of the dyestuflfs in powder lorm, and 150 cc. per kilo of Alizarin Blue DNW. •3. With other series of colouring matters the addition of an excess of acetic acid is necessary because it facilitates their attraction by, and fixation on, the mordanted fibre, e. g. Alizarin Blue and Cerulei'n (various marks), Alizarin Black P and S, Alizarin Green S, Alizarin Yellow GGW and RW either in paste or powder form, and Mordant Yellow O. Experiment has shown that for this purpose the excess of acetic acid 12° Tw. reckoned on the weight of wool, amounts to 2°o, and is an addition over and above that required for correcting the water and neutralising the alkali of the dyestuffs referred to in the preceding paragraph. — On the other hand the following colours require as neutral a bath as possible, since excess of acetic acid causes the bath to be less exhausted, and the colour to be less complete^ fixed upon the fibre: Alizarin Red, Alizarin Orange, Alizarin Brown, and Gallei'n (various marks of each colour). In cases where compound shades are dyed, for which colouring matters belonging to each of the two series just named are required, it is as a rule desirable to dye with the addition of an excess of acetic acid, except with very pale colours for which the amount of acetic acid employed should be as little as possible. When charging the dyebath, the necessary amount of acetic acid is first added, (in accordance with what has been said in the preceding paragraphs numbered 1, 2, 3), the pastj colours are then well mixed with about 10 times their weight of cold condensed water, or corrected water from the dj'ebath, and the mixture is poured into the bath through a fine hair or brass-wire sieve ; the colours in powder form are as a rule dissolved in boiling water, and the solution is added to the bath, but for Cerulei'n S, Alizarin Green S. and Alizarin Black S, only tepid water should be used. — The goods are entered at a tem- perature of about 30—35" C. (85—95" F.), worked for '* hr. without heating, and then the temperature is gradually raised, so that the bath comes to the boil in the course of ' * — Ihr. ; after boiling I's— 2'2 hrs. the process is complete. — For hea\'>' piece-goods difficult to dye through, for hat-felt, and also when employing dyeing machines, the process with the use ol ammonia as given above, is adopted. In this case the dyeing may be begun even with hot solutions, and the spent dye-liquors may be used for further lots of material by neutralising the acetic acid with ammonia until the liquor is slightly alkaline, and then freshening up with additional colour -solution. — In all cases of dj'eing with mordant - colours it is best to add at the very beginning the full quantity of dyestuft' required; if however it should become necessary to make a further addition of dyestuff at the boil, a portion of the bath is run off, and cooled down to .50—60" C. (120—140° F.) with cold water, then the dyestuff is added, the bath is raised again to the boil, and boiled '« — 1 hr. — With full dark shades, which contain a large proportion of Alizarin Brown, Alizarin Red, Alizarin t)range, or Alizarin Yellow GGW, in order to make the colours faster to milling, it is desirable, after 1—1 ','a hrs. boiling, to sadden in the same bath with 'i'li bichromate of potash or 1 " sulphate of copper, and to continue the boiling for ' s hr. longer. The mordant-colours can be used together, or with the dyewoods, and they can also be shaded with the faster acid-colours, particularly Patent Blue A, the various Fast Acid Violets, and Fast Acid Blue. Further details regarding the employment of the mordant-colours in the different branches of the woollen industry are reserved for Part II of this work. 72 Table for determining the amount of Acetic acid required to correct hard water employed in dyeing. One litre of water is tinted witli a trace of Methyl Orange and then '/lo normal hydrochloric acid (10 cc. hydrochloric acid 34.2° Tw. per litre water) is run in from a burette until it is decolourised. The numbers of cc. acid used are then found in the first column of the following table, and in the same horizontal hne are given the amounts of acetic acid of various degrees Twaddell required to correct 100 litres of the water. Number of cc. Number of grams Acetic acid, 2.H Number Number of grams Acetic acid, 2-s '/,„ nor- mal acid required to 12" Tw., required per 100 litres \ 'hi nor to li» Tw., required per 100 litres water. mal acid rei^uired per litre water. 12» 10.4° 8.8° 1 7.2 » 5.8 » 4.4° 2.8" 12° |l0.4»|8.8°i 7.2° |5.8» 4.4" |2.8" 1 1,8 1,5 2 2,4 3 3,5 6 51 66,8 76,5 102 122,4 158 178,5 306 2 2,6 3 4 4,8 6 7 12 52 67,6 78 104 124,8 156 182 312 3 3,9 4,5 6 7,2 9 10,5 18 53 68,9 79,5 106 127,2 159 185,5 318 4 5,2 6 1 8 9,6 12 14 24 54 70,2 81 108 129,6 162 189 324 5 6,5 7,5 10 12 15 17,5 30 55 71,5 82,5 110 132 165 192,5 '330|| 6 7,8 9 1 12 14,4 18 21 36 56 72,8 84 112 184,4 168 190 '33o!l 7 9,1 10,5 1 14 16,8 21 24,5 42 57 74,1 85,5 114 186,8 171 199,5 342 8 10,4 12 16 19,2 24 28 48 58 75,4 87 116 139,2 174 203 348 9 11,7 13,5 18 21,6 27 81,5 54 59 76,7 88,5 118 141,6 177 206,5 354 10 13 15 20 24 30 35 60 60 78 90- 120 144 180 210 360 11 14,3 16,5 22 20,4 33 38,5 66 61 79,3 91,5 122 146,4 183 213,5 800 12 15,6 18 24 28,8 36 42 72 62 80,6 93 124 148,8 186 217 372 13 16,9 19,5 20 31,2 39 45,5 78 63 81,9 94,5 120 151,2 189 220,5 378 i ^* 18,2 21 28 33,6 42 49 84 64 83,2 9G 128 153,6 192 224 384 1 15 19,5 22,5 30 36 45 52,5 90 65 84,5 97,5 130 156 195 227,5 390; 16 20,8 24 32 38,4 48 56 96 66 85,8 99 132 158,4 198 231 896 17 22,1 25,5 34 40,8 51 59,5 102 67 87,1 100,5 134 160 8 201 234,5 402 18 23,4 27 36 43,2 54 63 108 68 88,4 102 136 163,2 204 238 408; 1 19 24,7 28,5 38 45,6 57 66,5 114 69 89,7 103,5 138 165.6 207 241,5 414 ! 20 26 30 40 48 60 70 120 70 91 105 140 168 210 245 420 21 27.3 31,5 42 50,4 63 73,5 126 71 92,3 106,5 142 170,4 218 248,5 426 22 28,6 33 44 52,8 66 77 132 72 93,6 108 144 172,8 216 252 432 23 29,9 34,5 46 55,2 69 80,5 188 73 94,9 109,5 146 175,2 219 255,5 488 24 31,2 36 48 57,6 72 84 144 74 96,2 111 148 177,6 222 259 444 25 32,5 37,5 50 60 75 87,5 150 75 97,5 112,5 150 180 225 262,5 450 26 33,8 39 52 62,4 78 91 156 76 98,8 114 152 182,4 228 266 456 27 35,1 40,5 54 64,8 81 94,5 162 77 100,1 115,5 154 184,8 281 269,5 462 28 36,4 42 56 67,2 84 98 168 78 101,4 117 1.56 187,2 234 278 468 29 37,7 43,5 58 69,6 87 101,5 174; 79 102,7 118,5 158 189,6 237 276,5 474 30 39 45 60 72 90 105 180 80 104 120 160 192 240 280 480 31 40,3 46,5 62 74,4 93 108,5 186 81 105,3 121,5 162 194,4 243 283,5 486 32 41,6 48 64 76,8 96 112 192 82 106,6 123 164 190,8 246 287 492 33 42,9 49,5 66 79,2 99 115,5 198 83 107,9 124,5 166 199,2 249 290,5 498 34 44,2 51 68 81,6 102 119 204! 84 109,2 126 168 201,0 252 294 504 35 45,5 52,5 70 84 105 122,5 210 85 110,5 127,5 170 204 255 297,5 510 36 46,8 54 72 86,4 108 126 216 86 111,8 129 172 206,4 258 801 516 37 48,1 55,5 74 88,8 111 129,5 222 87 113,1 130,5 174 208,8 261 304,5 522 38 49,4 57 76 91,2 114 133 228 88 114,4 132 176 211,2 264 308 528 39 50,7 58,5 78 93,6 117 136,5 234' 89 115,7 133,5 178 218,6 267 311,5 584 40 52 60 80 96 120 140 240 90 117 135 180 216 270 315 540 41 53,3 61,5 82 98,4 123 143,5 246 91 118,8 136,5 182 218,4 273 318,5 546 42 54,6 63 84 100,8 126 147 252 92 119,6 138 184 220,8 270 322 552 43 55,9 64,5 86 103,2 129 150,5 258 93 120,9 139,5 186 223,2 279 325,5 558 44 57,2 66 88 105,6 132 154 264 94 122,2 141 188 225,6 282 329 564 45 58,5 67,5 90 108 135 157,5 270 95 123,5 142,5 190 228 285 332,5 570 46 59,8 1 69 92 110,4 138 161 276 96 124,8 144 192 230,4 288 330 576 47 61,1 j 70,5 94 112,8 141 164,5 282 97 126,1 145,5 194 232,8 291 339,5 582 48 62,4 1 72 96 115,2 144 168 288 98 127,4 147 196 235,2 294 343 588 49 63,7! 73,5 98 117,6 147 171,5 294 99 128,7 1 148,5 198 1 237,6 297 346,5 1 594 | 50 65 i 75 100 120 150 175 300 100 130 150 200' 240 300 350 1 600 1 B. General Methods of Cotton Dyeing. Cotton is not always washed or bleached before dyeing, but from motives of economy it is dyed in the raw condition, wherever possible; a purification or cleansing of the fibre by boiling with water or by bleaching is only carried out when very delicate shades have to be dyed, or when a level colour is not otherwise obtainable; the latter condition may arise, for example, in the case of piece-goods containing size. The preliminary operations of bleaching and boiling, as they are carried out in practice, will however be treated of in the second part of this work, at least so far as they are connected with dyeing. In the following chapters it is intended to explain the principles of the different methods of dyeing cotton which are adopted in accordance with the varied nature of the colouring matters employed : These methods are as follows: I. Dyeing by means of oxidation. II. Direct dyeing of unmordantcd cotton in neutral, slightly acid or slightly alkaline bath. III. Direct dyeing with subsequent fixation. IV. Production of Azo-Colours on the fibre itself from their con- stituent elements. V. Dyeing on tannic acid and fatty-acid mordants or their re- spective metallic compounds. VI. Dyeing on animalised fibre. VII. Dyeing on simple or compound metallic mordants with or without tatty-acids. Vlli. Dj'eing by single or repeated impregnation followed by steaminsr or drying. I. Dyeing by means of oxidation. This method is almost entirely confined to Indigo Vat Blue and Aniline Black. In order to dye Indigo Blue, the material is first impregnated with a solution of indigo-white contained in the dye-bath, or vat as it is usually called, and after having removed the excess of liquor from the material by squeezing, the latter is exposed to the air for some time, in order to reconvert the indigo-white into the insoluble indigo-blue, which is precipitated within and upon the fibre. By choosing a suitable concentration of the vat, and by repeating the operation, light or dark shades can be produced. Aniline Black is an oxidation product of aniline or toluidine, but its exact con- stitution has not yet been determined. It is produced by the action upon the aniline of certain oxidising agents, particularly the salts of chromic or chloric acid, there being also necessary, in the case of the latter, the presence of metallic salts e. g. of aluminium, iron, copper, vanadium, etc. Three methods of dyeing Aniline Black are in vogue, viz : a) Single-bath Dyed Black. A mixture of aniline and chromic salt is prepared in such a manner that the insoluble black substance is slowly formed in the solution ; the material which is worked in it, gradually attracts the major portion of the precipitate and indeed for the most part mechanically. b) Oxidation Black. In this method the colour is only developed after allowing the material, impregnated with the solution, to hang for some time in a warm atmosphere. c) Steam Black. The development of colour in this case is effected more rapidly by means of a steaming process. Further details respecting the composition of the necessary solutions and the order in which the various operations are to be carried out, will be given in the special part of this work. II. Direct Dyeing. The number of colouring matters capable of dyeing direct, i. e. without the inter- vention of any fixing agent, is verj' large, but their useful employment is limited by con- siderations of fastness. If cotton is impregnated with the solution of a colouring matter, for which it has no affinity, and it is then dried without washing, the fibre certainly appears to be dyed, but by washing with cold water, and more readily with hot water, the colour can be entirely removed. On the other hand it is easy to conceive of a colouring matter which might be completely absorbed by the fibre from the solution, and which could not be removed by subsequent washing. Between these two extremes there exists quite a large number of colouring matters possessing various degrees of affinity for the fibre. There are indeed few substances for which the cotton itself, or certain of its natural impurities, does not possess some slight affinity, so that if the fibre is worked in their solution, it usually acquires a colour which is darker than can be ascribed to a simple impregnation with the coloured solution, even though it is capable of being entirely removed by long continued washing. At the same time there are at present no Direct Colours, which entirely exhaust the dyebath without the aid of assistants and which are also absolutely fast to washing with water. Here again the various direct-colours behave very difterently in dyeing, accord- ing indeed to their general chemical properties. Nearly all the Basic-Colours dye cotton to some extent when the latter is worked in a lukewarm neutral bath; a little alum is usually added to facilitate the process. The dyes thus obtained are usually very bright, but they are not fast to washing with water. Certain colouring matters belonging to tlic group of the Soluble Indulincs Ibrin an exception however e. g. Indamine Blue, Direct Blue, Anil Blue, Methylene Grey, Direct Grey, all ol which give fast dyes in the form of tiicir free bases or as basic salts, the best results being obtained with the addition of sodium acetate to the bath. The Resorcin Colours are dyed in a lukewarm bath with a large addition of common salt; the latter diminishes their solubility and thus the dyeing process depends upon the gradual salting out of the colouring matter within the fibre. The dyes obtained in this manner are also not fast. Some of the Acid Colours (Fast Blue, Nigrosine) are dyed in a slightly acid bath, the sparingly soluble sulphonic acids being thereby precipitated upon the cotton. The Azo Colours (as used for wool) are dyed with the simple addition of common salt, like the Eosines, or with the addition of alum, in which case advantage is taken of the slight solubility of the alumina-lakes. The colours obtained are also loose and must not be washed after dyeing. The dyebaths are never exhausted and since fairlj' concentrated liquors are employed, a portion of the latter is invariably dried into the fibre without in any way being fixed. In contradistinction to the foregoing groups, the true Direct-Colours lor cotton, which arc applied in a neutral, alkaline, or occasionally a weak acid bath, give dyes which to a certain extent are fast to washing with water. In order to promote the exhaustion of the baths, it is usual to add to them either common salt or Glauber's salt; alkaline additions (carbonate of soda or potash, phosphate of soda, soap, Turkey-red oil) are made partly for the purpose of rendering the colouring matters more soluble and thus preventing the formation of spots, and partly also to retard the exhaustion of the bath and ensure level dyeing. III. Direct Dyeing with subsequent fixation. In order to improve the fastness of direct-dyes and also to obtain darker shades, the dyed materials are frequently submitted to various after-treatments. a) With colouring matters which contain free amido-groups capable of being di- azotised, the dyed material may be treated with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid, whereby the amido-group is changed into the diazo-group, which is then capable oi uniting further with phenols (e.g. Naphthol), amines (e. g. Phenylene- diamine), or their sulphonic acids, and in this manner producing new colouring matters on the material itself Being characterised by possessing greater mole- cular weight, they are nearlj' always insoluble (consequently fast to water and to soap) and at the same time they give deeper and fuller shades. In many cases, instead of employing the mode of development referred to, the dyed materials are simply treated with sodium carbonate, whereby the diazo-group of the colouring matter is changed into a hj'droxyl-group. b) With colouring matters capable of uniting with metallic oxides to form salts, the dyed materials may be treated with certain metallic salts, e. g. those of copper and chromium, in order to convert the colouring matter into a sparing!}' soluble or quite insoluble lake. By this means the shade is as a rule not much altered, but the dye is rendered much faster to washing and to alkalis. In some cases useful elianges are effected by submitting tlie dyed materials to an oxidising process, which may possibly be accompanied by lake formation ; for this purpose bichromate of potash is used, either alone or in conjunction with copper salts. IV. Production of Azo Colours on the fibre itself, from their constituent elements. This process, the practical details of which will be fully given in Part II of this work, consists in first impregnating the fibre with a solution of the sodium salt of the phenol, (e. g. naphthol), then drying, and submitting it to the action of the diazotised base in any convenient manner. In this way the corresponding insoluble azo-colour is produced upon and within the fibre. The dyes thus obtained are characterised by special fastness to washing. V. Dyeing on Tannic acid or Fatty-acid Mordants. The principle of this method, which is very largely employed in practice, is as follows : the goods are treated with a solution of tannic acid or fatty-acid (e. g. Turkey-red oil, soap), which is fixed on the fibre by a treatment with some metallic salt (e. g. tartar- emetic, acetate of alumina). On these mordants one may now dye either with Basic-Colours or with their sulphonic acids, although the latter do not give such fast dyes. In order to prevent too rapid absorption of the colouring matter, an addition of acetic acid or alum is made to the dyebath; the goods are entered cold and the temperature is gradually raised to the boiling point. VI. Dyeing on animalised fibre. In order to render vegetable fibres capable of being dyed like wool, with Acid and Basic Colours, various methods may be adopted, nearly all of which are based upon the plan of coating the fibre with some albuminous compound (e. g. albumen, casein, glue), which then serves as the carrier of the colour. These methods, which are now of little more than historical interest, will be referred to in further detail in Part II of this work. VII. Dyeing on simple or compound mordants, with or without fatty-acids. This method is one of the greatest importance in cotton dyeing, and among the various mordants there are especially two which stand out prominently as of great practical value : the oil-alumina mordants for alizarin-red (as in Turkey-red dyeing) and the chrome mordant for other colours. 77 The methods of preparing and employing these mordants, as well as the various points to be noticed in connection with the dyeing process, stand in such intimate relationship, that it is impossible without some repetition, to refer here briefly to what is given in greater detail in Part II ol this work. The principle of the method consists in first precipitating upon the fibre a metallic oxide, either in the form of free base (e. g. chromic hydrate), or as a basic salt (e. g. basic oleate or sulpholeate of alumina) ; during the dyeing process, which is begun in the cold and gradually continued up to the boil, this oxide or basic salt combines with the colouring matter to form a colour-lake, the fastness of which may be largely increased by a subsequent steaming process. Metallic mordants are however not only employed, for the Alizarin Colours, but also for the Azo and Acid Colours. In this case alkaline metallic salts are used as a rule, e. g. aluminate of soda, stannate of soda in combination with normal salts, sulphate of alumina, stannous chloride, stannic chloride, etc.; the goods are, for example, impregnated with aluminate of soda, which is fixed bj' means of stannous or stannic chloride, or they are first prepared with stannate of soda and fixed with aluminium sulphate. In this way double compounds of metallic oxides are formed e. g. stannate of alumina, which to a certain extent are capable of fixing otherwise soluble colour-acids. Another method of obtaining compound mordants is that devised bj- H. Koechlin, in which the goods are prepared with chromic oxide or with chromium and magnesium salts, and then fixing them by means of a solution of zinc oxide in sodium hydrate, or with ammonia. When, in the second part of this work, the methods of applying the Acid and Azo Colours are explained, a number of such processes, having this object in view, will be given. VIII, Dyeing by single or repeated impregnation followed by steaming or drying. The following modifications of this method of dyeing may be mentioned: a) One method is that long known to the calico-printers, which is based upon the fact that the bisulphite compounds of certain alizarin-colours, may be mixed with metallic mordants (c. g. acetates or bisulphites) without causing the precipitation of a lake; if however the material prepared with the mixture is dried and steamed, the volatile acids are driven oft", and the colouring matter at once combines with the mordant, the lake thus produced becoming at the same time fixed upon the fabric. b) The use of bisulphite compounds is confined to a few colouring matters, but the method of Erban & Specht, now to be mentioned, is capable of much wider application. This method is based upon the employment of alkaline solutions of the alizarin-colours, such solutions being chielly made by means of a volatile alkali (ammonia). The material to be dyed is impregnated with the alkaline colour solution and dried, whereby the volatile solvent escapes and the colouring matter is deposited in an insoluble form upon the fibre. A second impregnation serves to convey to the fabric the necessary mordants, usually the salts of a weak, volatile acid, e. g. acetic acid, after which the acid is expelled by steaming, and the colour-lake is thus produced and fixed upon the fibre. By having separate baths for colouring matter and mordant, it becomes possible to use on the one hand any mixture of colouring matters desired, and on the other any combination of mordants. A simpler method of carrying out the foregoing process, but which is only applicable in special cases and for pale shades, consists in adding to the colour solution an alkaline solution of a metallic mordant, which will not cause preci- pitation, e. g. aluminate of soda, ammoniacal chromic hydrate, etc. If fixed alkalis are used, the steaming must be done with steam which is highly charged with acetic acid, but in the case of ammoniacal chromic hydrate no such diffi- culties are experienced. This method is also capable of giving good results with the Resorcine Colours (Eosines, Rosazine, Roseline). c. General methods of Silk Dyeing. Here, as in the case of wool and cotton, it is only intended to discuss the methods of dyeing silk, in so far as they depend upon the different nature of the colouring matters thei7iselves. The scouring and preparation of the silk previous to dyeing, as well as the weighting process, and the influence of these upon the dyeing and the fastness of the colours obtained, all these matters will be dealt with in the second part of this work. The salient properties of silk, namely its extraordinary lustre and the peculiar crisp handle known as 'scroop', should if possible remain equally prominent even after the dyeing process. E.xperience has shown, that, other conditions being suitable, these are only maintained in the highest degree, when the dyeing is carried out in a bath containing 'boiled- off liquor". This alkaline liquor which results from the scouring and boiling of the raw silk with soap, is always added to the dyebath, if at all possible. Only in certain branches of the trade, where no boiled-off liquor is at command, is the dyeing performed without its addition, but even in these cases attempts are made to imitate its action by the use of solutions of glue, dextrin, and starch. This boiled-ofT liquor however plays an important part even in the dyeing operation itself, apart from its action on the lustre and handle of the silk. When raw silk is boiled in an alkaline soap-bath the silk-glue or silk-gum of the fibre is removed, and it is this sub- stance which forms the chief active constituent of boiled-ofi' liquor ; and in the dyeing process the colouring matters are first taken up by the silk-glue in the bath and are only afterwards transferred to the fibre. — Hence the boiled-ofl" liquor acts as the regulator of the dyeing process, it interposes during the progress of the union of the colouring matter with the fibre, and retards the dyeing, so that it has an important influence upon the evenness of the shades obtained. The amount of boiled-ofl" liquor to be added to the bath, varies chiefly according to the nature of the colouring matter employed; as a rule it is about one fourth to one third of the total volume of the dye-liquor, according to the greater or less facility with which the colouring matter gives level shades; in the case of the alizarin-colours it is even usual to employ equal parts of boiled-off liquor and water to make up the dyebath. The nature of the colouring matters employed determines the mode of appK-ing them, and in accordance with this fact the methods of dyeing silk may be classified as follows: 1. Dyeing in neutral (or sliglitly alkaline, or slightly acid) boilcd-ofi liquor, bath. 2. Dyeing in boiied-off liquor bath acidified with acetic acid. 3. Dyeing in boiled-off liquor bath acidified with sulphuric acid. 4. Dyeing in soap-bath with subsequent souring. 5. Dyeing after previous mordanting. 6. Dry-dyeing in benzene. After the dyeing operation silk is always 'brightened' i. e. rinsed for a short time in water very slighth' acidified with sulphuric, tartaric, or acetic acid, and then squeezed without washing. This after-treatment, or 'brightening', is necessary in order to give the silk the characteristic crisp handle known as 'scroop'. The choice of acid for this pur- pose depends upon the nature of the colouring matter employed in dyeing, hence it is that in the tables, given in the earlier pages of this book, the brightening agent to be used is specially mentioned with each dyestuff. I. Dyeing in neutral bath. Easic-Colours are applied to silk in a neutral bath; this method depends upon the fact, that the silk-fibre, when steeped in solutions of the Basic Colours, has the property of combining with their colour-bases, to form insoluble compounds having the character of salts, in which the silk plays the part of an acid. — This process is accelerated by raising the temperature and by having the dyebath in a weak alkaline condition, on the other hand it is retarded if the bath is kept slightly acidified. ~ Strong acids, especially mineral acids, hinder the dyeing process. — In accordance with this general behaviour, it is usual to dye with the Basic Colours in the following manner : the dyebath is made up with V3 boiled- off liquor and -la water, then acetic acid is added till the alkaline reaction has almost or entirely disappeared, and finally the carefully dissolved and filtered dyestuft" is added. The silk is entered at 30 — 40" C. (85 — 105" F.), the temperature is then raised to near the boil, while continually handling the material, the dyeing being completed at 80—90" C. (175—195" F.). — Since an excess of acetic acid causes the Basic Colours to be taken up by the fibre slowly, while a deficiency has an accelerating influence, the dyer has it entirely in his power to regulate the dyeing process exactly as he desires. In the case of full deep shades the bath is kept as neutral as possible, in order to utilise the dyestuff to the fullest extent, since the large amount of colouring matter present in the bath, is sufficient to ensure that all parts of the silk will be dyed equally. On the other hand, with pale delicate shades it is custo- mary to work with a slight excess of acetic acid in the bath, in order to prevent the fibre from taking up the colouring matter too rapidly, and to keep it longer in solution so that each part of the fibre will be equally dyed. — As a rule the Basic Colours are sparingly soluble, and their free colour-bases are for the most part insoluble and prone to precipitate in a tarry form ; hence great care must be exercised during their solution. The colouring matters should be thoroughly well dissolved, and their solutions should always be filtered before being added to the dj'ebath; in this manner the occurence of dye-spots on the goods is prevented, defects which are all the more objectionable because once formed, they can scarcely ever be removed. For the purpose of dissolving the dyestuff, pure condensed water should always be used if possible, because calcareous water decomposes the basic colouring matters with separation of the tarry colour bases, thus giving rise to loss of dyestulV and the formation of dye-spots. — If no condensed water is available, acetic acid is first poured over the colouring matter, and then it is dissolved by mixing with boiling water. — Another excellent method of securing complete solution of the Basic Colours is to mix them well with an equal weight of pure glycerine and four times their weight of alcohol on the water-bath ; when they have dis- solved to a thick syrup, pure hot water is added and the whole is stirred till completely dissolved. — All Basic Colours can be mixed together in any proportion and employed for dyeing compound shades; they should however never be used in the same dyebath with colouring matters belonging to another group. With a great many colouring matters they form insoluble compounds by mutual precipitation, and this may readily lead to the formation of dye-spots, or it may cause the dye to rub-oft", etc. — If therefore it is at any time necessarj' to use the Basic Colours in combination with colouring matters of other groups, this must only be done in separate baths freshlj' prepared, the operation being known as 'topping'. — For the purpose of brightening, acetic and tartaric acids are used, since, as a rule, the shades obtained with Basic Colours arc considerably altered if sulphuric acid is emploj-ed. II. Dyeing in acetic acid bath. Resorcine Colours are dyed on silk in an acetic acid bath; this method is based upon the fact that the colour-acids of the dyestufts of this group combine with the silk- fibre to form a kind of salt in which the silk-fibre itself acts the part of a base. Since the salts of the Resorcine Colours, (the remarkable purity and brilliancy of whose dyes are characteristic of the whole group), are not ver>- stable and are readily decomposed, parti- cularly bj- the action of mineral acids, with the liberation of the pale colour-acids, it is absolutely necessary that the dyeing should be eftected in a bath acidified with acetic acid. This acid is sufficiently strong to liberate the free colour-acids, so that they may combine with the silk-fibre, but it is not so stroug as to prevent this combination from taking place. — The method of dyeing with the Resorcine Colours is as follows: the dyebath is made up with '/a boiled-cfl" liquor and -3 water, and as much acetic acid as will make the bath perceptibly acid to the taste, or to blue litmus paper ; the colouring matter pre- viously dissolved in warm water is then added, and the goods are entered at 30—40° C. (85—105° F.). The temperature is raised to the boiling point with continual handling of the goods, and the dyeing is completed just below the boil. — The Resorcine Colours, which include the various marks of Eosine, Erythrosine.Cyanosine, Phloxine and Rose Bengale, give colours ranging from pink to red and varying from the most pronounced yellow shade to a very blue shade, all of which are remarkable for their extreme purity of tone and their characteristic fluorescence. III. Dyeing in sulphuric acid bath. All Acid Colours and Azo Colours are dyed on silk in a boiled-ofl' liquor bath acidified with sulpliuric acid; in this way the colour-acids are liberated by the excess of sulphuric acid employed, and thej' combine with the silk-fibre to form insoluble compounds in which the fibre acts the part of a base. By the addition of boiled-oft' liquor this union of colour-acid with the fibre is retarded and thus the necessarj^ evenness ol dye is secured, since in the first instance the colour-acid combines with the sill<-glue of the boiled-oft' liquor and onh' afterwards enters into combination with the silk-fibre itself. — If the proportion of boiled-off liquor in the bath is increased, the colouring matter tends to dye more level, because it is retamed longer in the solution, its absorption by the fibre being retarded. — A diminution in the amount of sulphuric acid acts in the same direction, while an excess of acid accelerates the absorption of the colouring matter by the fibre and tends to produce unlevel dyeing. — The temperature of the dyebath is also of considerable influence: the higher the temperature the more rapidly does the union between colour-acid and silk-fibre take place, whereas the lower the temperature the more slowly does the dyeing proceed ; hence, by regulating the temperature at which the goods are entered, and also the rate at which it is raised to the boiling point, the dyer can control the progress of the dyeing operation at will. — Apart however from the considerations which have just been pointed out, the evennes of the dye depends primarily upon the nature of the colouring matter employed; the greater the affinity existing between fibre and colouring matter, the more quickly is the latter absorbed by the former, and the degree of this affinity must necessarily influence the regularity or otherwise of the dye ultimately obtained. The union of the colouring matter with the silk-fibre may take place even at the ordinarj^ temperature, but not so rapidly nor so completely as at higher temperatures; hence colour-matching may be done in the cold and further necessary additions of dyestuff may be made, so long as the dyestuff is being taken up by the fibre slowly and regularly. As soon as the desired shade has been matched in this manner, the dyebath is raised to near the boil, and the dyeing process is completed by working the material just below the boiling point. The dyes obtained with the Acid Colours, are, if possible, always brightened with sulphuric acid, for the sake of economy; with such colouring matters however as are sensitive to mineral acids, acetic acid is used instead. Compound shades which are dyed with a mixture of colouring matters, some of which are sensitive to mineral acid while others are not, are of course always brightened with the weaker acetic acid. IV. Dyeing in soap-bath with subsequent souring. Alkali Blues are dyed in soap-bath with subsequent souring; the affinity existing between the fibre and the colouring matters of this group is so great, and the union between the two takes place with such energy and rapidity both in acid and in neutral bath, that if the ordinary methods of dyeing are pursued the shades obtained are quite uneven. In a soap-bath, which is usually made up with so-called Marseilles soap (i. e. an olive-oil soap), the Alkali Colours dye much more evenly, because much more slowly, and in this way a level shade may be obtained. — In this bath the silk acquires a pale blue colour, and only by passing the dyed material through dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, or through the solution of a very acid salt, is the deep blue colour of the free colour-acids developed. —The operation of dyeing silk with the Alkali Colours is conducted as follows: the dyebath is charged with 10— 15°'o of Mar- seilles soap for light shades, or 20— 30°/o for dark shades, as well as with the necessary amount of colouring matter. The goods are entered hot and dyed at the boil, with constant handling. The dyebath is not exhausted and must consequently be preserved for further use. After dyeing, the silk i, thoroughly well washed and then soured in a hot acid bath. — The washing is of great importance, for it is necessary to remove from the silk-fibre every particle of loose colouring matter, otherwise the dyed colour will inevitably rub-oft". For washing, the water should be as free from lime as possible; calcareous water gives rise to the formation of lime- soap, which encloses mechanically any colouring matter which is not fixed, and thus also causes the dye to rub-off. As a rule the souring is done with sulphuric acid, but in cases where a high degree of fastness is required, a mi.xturc of a metallic salt and an acid, usually stannous chloride and hydrochloric acid, is employed. V. Dyeing after previous mordanting. Ihis mcthcKJ is adopted with the so-called Mordant Colours, which by themselves do not yield any useful dyes, but only when they are caused to combine with certain metallic oxides. When silk is steeped in the solutions of certain metallic salts, it has the property of attracting and fixing their metallic oxides, either in the form of hydrates or as very basic salts, and so intimate and thorough is the combination, that the most energetic washing fails to effect disunion. If now the silk so prepared, or 'mordanted' as it is termed, is entered into a fresh bath containing the Mordant Colours, and especially if the bath is heated, the colour-acids combine with the metallic oxides already fixed upon the silk, to form very insoluble and therefore very stable, or fast, coloured lakes. — The chief mordants employed in this manner in conjunction with the Mordant Colours are as follows: 1. 'Nitrate mordant'. This is the st)liition of a sliglitlv basic aluniinimn nitrate- acetate. 2. 'Nitrate of iron'; .i snhition nf basic I'en-ie .sulphate. 3. 'Chrome niordaiit (i A III"; a solution of chromium chromate. 4. 'Chloride nf chrome S' ; n solution nf basic chromium chloride.. The silk is well wcttcd-out in these mordant solutions by continued handling for a short time, and then allowed to steep for several hours, or preferably over-night; it is then wrung-out or squeezed, and finally thoroughly well washed with repeated changes of water; this washing removes excess of acid, which tends to hinder the dyeing process, as well as any unfixed mordant, which would give a colour liable to rub-off. — The silk is now mordanted and re.Tdy lor dyeing. — The dyeing is carried out in a bath well charged with boiled-ofV liquor, (usually hall boilcd-off liquor and half water), in order to cause the fibre to take up the colouring matter slowly, and thus to ensure the necessary regularity, handle, and lustre of the dye ultimately obtained. — Addition of acetic acid accelerates the absorption of colouring matter enormously; to prevent therefore any irregularity of shade, acetic acid is only added to the dyebath when dyeing full dark shades, since in this case the large quantity of colouring matter present itself ensures equal dyeing of all parts of the silk fibre, but for medium and pale shades no acetic acid at all is added to the bath. The silk is entered cold, and worked in the cold for half an hour, then the temperature of the bath is gradually raised in the course of an hour to near the boiling print. At this temperature the material is worked for another hour, and the union between colouring matter and mordanted fibre is thus completely effected. The dyed silk is washed, then well soaped in a strong soap-bath, again well washed, and finally brightened with tartaric acid. VI. Dry dyeing in Benzene. This method is adopted with a few Basic Colours and Azo Colours soluble in benzene, also with the so-called Fat Colours i. e. specially prepared basic-colours consisting of colour-bases in combination with fatty acids or the acids of resin (resinates). In this case the d3'ebath consists of benzene, to which alcoholic solutions of the requisite colouring matters are added. — The method is employed in special cases in garment dyeing, but only for pale shades, since it is not at all suitable for dark shades. The chiet advantage of the process is that the cleaning and the dyeing of the garments are eftected simultaneously while the handle and finish of the materials remain unimpaired. D. General Methods of dyeing Jute (Cocoanut-fibre, Straw, Wood). The Jute fibre, so far as its behaviour towards colouring matters is concerned, comes between the wool and cotton fibres. The presence of large amounts of tannin-like compounds, with which the fibre is incrusted, enables it to attract and fix a large number of colouring matters directly i. e. without the aid of any mordant. Generally speaking there are two methods in use for dyeing Jute, namely: I. Dj'cing in neutral bath. II. Dyeing in weak acid bath. I. Dyeing in Neutral Bath, The dveing in neutral batli is adopted with the Basic Colours. This method is based upon tlic fact that the Jute fibre is permeated and incrusted with substances of a tannin-like character, with which the colour-bases of the Basic Colours form insoluble compounds, whenever the fibre is worked at a moderate temperature in dilute solutions of these colouring matters. The affinity of the fibre for the colouring matter is rather pronounced, hence it is necessary, especially in the case of pale shades, to enter tlie goods at a low temperature and to raise it gradually to 70 — 80" C. (IGO — IT-"." V.), at wliich temperature experience has shown the colouring matters to be fixed most completely. Additions of acetic acid or alum retard the dyeing process by reason of their solvent action on the colour-bases, hence they must not be used for full deep colours, and never in very large quantity. The sparing solubility of most of the Basic Colours and the insolubility of their colour-bases, which latter are readilj- precipitated in a tarry form by any carbonate of lime or magnesia present in the water used for dissolving the colours or for the dycbatli, render it imperative always to thorouglily dissolve the colouring matters previously in non-calcareous hot water, and to add the solution to the dyebath, if at all necessary, through a flannel or grass-cloth filter. — If non-calcareous water, for example condensed water, is not available, it is well to pour some acetic acid over the colouring matter and then to dissolve it by adding boiling water. — If the water of the dyebath is very calcareous it should be corrected by adding acetic acid, in order to prevent the production of dye-spots and loss of colouring matter; for water having 6° hardness about ^U gill of acetic acid 11° Tw., and for 12" hardness about l',2 gills are is required for 220 gallons. All the Basic Colours may be satisfactorily fixed on Jute by this method so as to be fast to washing, but the following are specially applicable: Auramine, Chrysoi'dine, Vesuvine, Safranine, Methylene Violet, Magenta, Cerise and other low qualities of magenta. Methyl Violet, Navy Blue, Methylene Blue, Fastblue for cotton. Methylene Grey, Coal Black, Methylene Green, Brilliant Green, Malachite Green, and the Ros- azeines. — They are used either as self-colours, or in combination with each other, for the production of fancy or standard shades. II. Dyeing in Weak Acid Bath. The Jute fibre is capable of combining with a large number of Acid, Azo, and Resorcine Colours, when they are applied in a boiling acid bath. Since, however, the fibre is very sensitiv eto acids, and is readily attacked and tendered by mineral acids, even when these are very dilute, only very weak acids, e. g. acetic acid, or acid salts, e. g. alum or aluminium sulphate, can be employed as additions to the dyebath. When dyeing Jute with Acid Colours the acetic acid or alum appear to act in the same manner as the sulphuric acid employed in dyeing wool. Since the affinity of the fibre for the colour-acids is not very pro- nounced, the dye-baths are not exhausted, and the colours obtained are very level, since on boiling, a perfectly equal distribution of the dyestuff takes place. The dyeing is conducted at the boil with the addition of about 2''|o acetic acid and 2 — 5"|o alum, and with most colouring matters it is possible to shade at the boil, by adding the necessary dyestuft" in small portions at a time, as required. — With the Resorcine Colours, e. g. the various marks of Eosine, Erythrosine, Phloxine and Rose Bengale, the amount of acid must be as restricted as possible, since an excess of acid gives a less Brilliant colour. — Of the various Acid Colours the following are specially useful: Acid Green (various marks), Patent Blue A, Soluble Blue, Bleu de Lyon, Blue for Cotton, Fastblue, Blackblue, Blackblack, Acid Violet 7 BN, 5BF, N, and the various Fast Acid colours. Other readily soluble Acid Colours are less useful, because they are only incompletely taken up by the fibre, a gpod deal of colouring matter remaining behind in the dyebath. The above mentioned Acid Colours should be dissolved in boiling water, (as free from lime as possible, preferably condensed water), and the solution is then added to the dyebath; the colouring matters should never on any account be dissolved in the acid liquor of the dyebath itself, because this practice readily causes the precipitation of sparingly soluble or altogether insoluble colour-acids, which leads to loss of d3-estuff and the production of dye-spots. — A large number of Nitro Colours and Azo Colours are suitable for dyeing Jute, more particularly the following: Naphthol Yellow S, Azo Yellow, Victoria Yellow, Orange No. 4, Orange No. 2, Brilliant Orange, various Scarlets Paper, Scarlet, the Brilliant Croceins, Fast Red, Claret Red, Fast Claret Red, Fast Brown, etc. — The Azo Colours on Jute are not so fast to washing as the Basic Colours, but they are much faster to light. The Azo Colours may be employed with each other and with the Acid Colours in any desired combination, for the production of compound and fancy shades. — On the other hand Basic Colours must never be used in the same bath cither with Azo, Acid, or Resorcinc Colours, since mutual precipitation ensues, resulting in loss ol dyestuff and possible production of dye-spots. — If it is necessary at any time to apply Basic Colours in conjunction with Acid, Azo, or Resorcine Colours, the best plan is to top with the latter in a separate acid bath. Cocoanut-fibre, Straw, and Wood are dyed in a similar manner to Jute, since their behaviour towards colouring matters is very like that of Jute. — In many cases, and for special purposes. Wood and Straw are also frequently dyed bj' painting over with coloured spirit-varnishes. THE METHODS OF APPLYING COLOURING MATTERS BY MEANS OF PRINTING. 10 The methods of applying colouring matters by- means of printing. I. Methods of fixing the Basic Colours. The so-called Basic Colours are the simple or double salts of colour-bases, thej' possess the common property of forming with tannic acid sparingly soluble or even insoluble compounds, having the character of salts and called Tannin-lakes. Moreover they shovir a great affinity for the animal fibres wool and silk, partly also for the jute fibre, which appears to contain certain substances possessing properties similar to those of tannic acid. In most of the Basic Colours the acid combined with the colour-base is hydrochloric acid, less frequently it is acetic, sulphuric, oxalic acid, &c. Many are double-salts and contain zinc chloride. Since however those printing-colours which contain zinc chloride are apt to attack the cotton fibre during the steaming operation, it is usual for the purpose of calico-printing, to employ the simple salts and not the zinc double-salts. Certain colouring matters of the Induline series differ from most other Basic Colours by being only sparingly soluble in water, acetic acid, or alcohol; for these, special solvents are required, the most important of which are acetine and ethyl-tartaric acid. In addition to tannic acid there are other substances capable of precipitating the Basic Colours, e. g. chromates, potassium ferricyanide, arsenite of alumina, ferro-cyanides, resin-soap, &c., but up to the present these have not found any extensive practical application. For the complete precipitation of the Basic Colours and for the production of a lake of the highest degree of stability or fastness, each colour requires the addition of a certain definite amount of tannic acid, for a deficiency, as well as an excess, of tannic acid is injurious, the latter by reason of the formation of acid tannates which are more soluble. The Basic Colours, or Tannin Colours, as they may well be named, are applied to cotton as so-called steam-tannin-colours, except in the production of certain discharge- styles, in which case they are applied by a dyeing process. For this purpose the colouring matter is disolved in a suitable medium (e. g. water, acetic acid, alcohol, tartaric acid; or, if for printing, inethyl-tartaric acid, alcohol, acetine, &c.), the solution is thickened, and to the thickened colour is added an acetic acid solution of tannic acid. In order to prevent any premature lake -formation in the prmting- colour, 10* as well as to retard its occurrence during the steaming operation, thus to ensure a more thorough colouring of the fibre, it is usual to add further, to the printing-colour itself, a little tartaric acid, ethyl-tartaric acid, acetine, glycerine, &c. The operation of steaming which follows that of printing is for the purpose of rendering the tannin compound of the colouring matter insoluble, partly by the action of the steam, partly by evaporating the solvents e. g. acetic acid, or alcohol. To effect complete fixation of the tannin-lake, the printed material, after steaming, is passed into a tartar-emetic-bath. In this operation the lake takes up a certain quantity of oxide of antimony and is thereby rendered faster to soap. In place of tartar-emetic other antimony salts, e. g. oxalates, double fluorides, &c., as well as zinc salts may be employed. The additions of glycerine and acetine to the printing-colour have the further advantage of protecting the fibre during the steaming process, from the tendering action of the hydrochloric acid which is liberated, or of the tartaric acid present in the colour. It is for the same reason that ethyl-tartaric acid is so frequently used instead of tartaric acid itself, since its slow decomposition during steaming into alcohol and tartaric acid, affords considerable protection from the occurrence of any corrosive action. An attempt has been made to add antimony compounds to the printing-colour, with the object of omitting the subsequent passage through the tartar-emetic bath. For this purpose, certain basic antimony salts e. g. basic antimony oxalate, seem to be suitable, but the method has not been much used, since it is difficult to prevent the premature formation of colour-lake. In wool and silk printing the Basic Colours are almost always applied substan- tively, i. e. without the addition of tannic acid, but they arc not so extensively employed for wool as the Acid Colours, since the latter furnish prints which on the whole are faster to light. Ncx'ertheless the Basic Colours possess certain advantages, for example, that the preliminary^ treatment of the wool with chlorine can be more readily dispensed with than in the case of the Acid Colours, and that they give level colours which are as a rule satis- factorily fast to washing. The colouring matters are dissolved in water, acetic acid or alcohol, or in a mixture of these solvents, and after thickening with gum, dextrine or British-gum, a small addition is made of acetic acid or some fixed organic acid. Fixation of the colour is effected by steaming for 1—2 hours with steam which is made as moist as possible. For dark brown and black blotch-colours the various marks of Magenta are employed, also such Magenta by-products as Cerise, Maroon, Garnet &c., either alone or in combination with some green colouring matter (e. g. Brilliant Green) &c., and with the extracts of such natural dyestufls as logwood, sapanwoo, dor fustic; considerable eus is also made of Phosphinc either alone or as an addition to discharge-colours. 11. Methods of fixing the Eosine Colours. The Eosine Colours, most of which are remarkable for giving very brilliant shades have little or no affinity for the vegetable fibres; they behave in this respect therefore in a similar manner to the Acid Colours, and like them arc largely employed in wool and silk printing. It is important to note however that, with metallic mordants, especially chrome mordants, they possess the property of forming lakes, and these are fairlyfast to washing and soaping. They are therefore used to some extent in calico-printing.— The preparation of the woollen materials before printing with Eosine Colours, as well as the printing, steaming, and finishing operations, are the same as when printing with Acid Colours. Here too it is usual to add a small quantitj' of ammonia or carbonate of soda to the printing-colour. Since the Eosine Colours withstand the action of reducing agents extremely well, they are particularly useful for coloured discharges and resists. III. Methods of fixing the Acid and Azo Colours. The Acid Colours are salts of the sulphonic acids of various colouring matters, they possess no direct affinity for cotton, neither are they satisfactorily fixed on this fibre by means of tannic acid or by metallic mordants. The animal fibres wool and silk, on the other hand, show a verj' marked attraction for these colouring matters, hence they are almost exclusively employed for these fibres. The shades they yield on wool and silk are for the most part very bright, and in many cases they are also satisfactorily fast to light and soap; Certain Acid Colours find occasionally a limited employment even on cotton fabrics ; for this purpose they are simply thickened and printed, without any addition at all being made to the mixture, or sometimes with the addition of aluminium or chromium salts, but the colours obtained are as a rule extremely loose on washing and fugitive to light. The printing with Acid Colours on wool (in its difi'erent stages of manufacture as: slubbing, yarn, and cloth) is a very important feature in connection with this fibre, and hence will be referred to first. The material to be printed is submitted to a preliminary treatment, which consists in scouring it with sHghtly alkaline solutions in order to make it perfectly clean, after which it is in most cases bleached and chlorinated. The scouring or washing in tepid solutions of soap or ammonium carbonate effects a complete removal of the natural grease or yolk and also dirt adhering to the fibre, and thus makes it better able to take up the colouring matter subsequently presented to it. The next operation, bleaching, was formerly always carried out with sulphurous acid, which was applied either in the form of gas in the so-called sulphur-stoves, or by passing the fabrics through baths containing sulphites. In this process the bleaching is due to the formation of colourless sulphites of the natural colouring matter of the wool; the operation is succeeded by a treatment with weak acids, after which there usually follows the so-called chlorinating operation. In recent years hydrogen peroxide and sodium peroxide h^ve been successfully employed in the bleaching of wool, their use being often combined with the sulphur-bleach. Of all the preliminary operations to which the wool is submitted before printing, none produces such a marked effect as that of chlorinating, for it is well known that by the action of hypochlorous acid upon wool its affinity for colouring matters is very much increased. This effect is strikingly shown in the case of the Acid Colours, and when printing with the Mordant Colours, more particularly the Alizarin Colours, it is absolutely necessary, if dark colours are required, to print on chlorinated wool. The operation of chlorinating is carried out by passing the wool through acid baths containing hypochlorous acid, care being taken that the fibre is not attacked and that the white does not assume a yellowish tint Any deterioration of the wool during the chlorinating operation is specially to be avoided in the case of slabbing intended for melange-printing, otherwise the spinning and milling properties of the wool may suffer very considerably. The yellowing of the wool is best prevented bj- employing a considerably larger proportion of acid than is required merely to decompose the bleaching-powder employed, moreover experience has shown that the use of sulphuric acid and hypochlorite of soda (made from bleaching-powder and sodium carbonate) gives a better white, than when bleaching-powder and hydrochloric acid are employed. The chlorinating of wool may be regarded as a kind of mordanting of the fibre, and its action is usually intensified by 'stannating' i. e. preparing with stannate of soda. This operation may be performed either before or after that of chlorinating, and consists in padding the woollen fabric with a solution of stannate of soda, and then passing it through dilute acids or through an acid chlorinating bath. The following hints relative to the printing with Acid Colours on wool prepared as above described, will be found useful. The printing -colours are usually acid or slightly alkaline but seldom neutral, thickened solutions of colouring matters, to which certain additions are made for the purpose of influencing the shade, the evenness, or the fastness of the colour. Acids are added in the case of the sulphonic acid Rosauiline Colours and with most of the Azo Colours, including for example : acetic acid, which acts partly as a solvent, also such fixed organic acids as tartaric and oxalic acids, as well as sulphuric acid or an acid sulphate. Of the alkaline additions employed, the following may be mentioned: ammonia, soda (in small amounts), borax, and phosphate of soda: these too help to facilitate solution of the colouring matter. For pale shades more particularly, or with colouring matters which only give level shades with difficulty, the addition of a little ammonia to the printing-colours may be recommended. Additions of certain metallic salts alter the normal shades otherwise obtained, or they exercise a beneficial influence upon the fastness of the colour. The Chromotrope dyes arc well known to be radically changed in shade by the action of metallic salts, and equally interesting is the improvement in fastness to milling of certain Acid Colours, e. g. Patent Blue, &c., effected by the use of Fluoride of Chromium. The Printing of the colours on wool is done exactly in the same way as on cotton, but it is well to observe that the engraving of the printing-rollers should be deep, that the pressure during printing should be soft and elastic, and that the printed fabrics should be gently dried. The Steaming is usually done without pressure and frequently with steam made specially moist for the purpose, high-pressure steam is seldom used. Since, to obtain full colours, the steam should be as moist as possible, care should be taken not to dry the pieces too hard after printing, indeed they may even be submitted to a special damping operation. This is done, either by allowing the printed and dried pieces to be run between two damp greys, or by hanging them in a cool moist chamber. After steaming, the pieces are washed, then occasionally soaped and dried. The washing must be carefully done if good whites have to be obtained; cold hard water gives better results than soft water, especially if the latter is warm, as is frequently the case in summer time. The Acid Colours are printed on silk in the same manner as on wool, their application to this fibre presents indeed fewer dillicultics, since their affinity for silk is sulliciently great to enable one to dispense with the chlorinating operation. The preparation of the printing-colours, which are mostly acid, is the same as for wool; steaming with dry steam suffices to fix the colours completely. Here too the washing demands the greatest care and attention, since, owing to its great affinity for colouring matter, the silk readily attracts any loose colour present in the wash-water. Soaping after washing is seldom required, but very frequently the material is submitted to a brightening operation in weak acid baths, in order to give the silk a better handle and more lustre. The Acid Colours are largely used on woollen and silk fabrics in discharge and resist styles. For the former, the dyed pieces are printed with discharges containing stannous chloride or zinc powder, and then steamed, the effect of which is to destroy the colour in the printed parts and to restore the original colour of the fibre. By adding to the discharge printing mixture such colouring matters as resist the action of the above reducing agents, and which at the same time are capable of being fixed on the fibre by steaming, coloured discharges are obtained. A special resist method for the production of white and coloured patterns on silk is the so-called resin-resist method, which will be referred to more fully in the second part of this work. IV. The Mordant Colours. Among all the colouring matters employed in the trade of printing the fastest prints are those obtained by employing the so-called Mordant Colours, hence these have been extensively used from the earliest times. The great fastness of the dyes or prints they yield, i. e. their power of resisting the action of light and washing, is due to the fact that these Mordant Colours have the property of combining with the oxides of aluminium, chro- mium, and iron, to form very stable compounds, namely the so-called lakes. Without entering upon any detailed explanation of the theory of lake-formation, it may be here stated, that as a rule several constituent elements are required to produce a lake, among which some are organic (e. g. fatty-acid compounds), and it is interesting to note that it is particularly the lakes of a more complex character, which very frequently exhibit the greatest brilliancy and fastness. It is well known, for example, that Turkey-red an Alizarin-red, so remarkable for its unequalled fastness, is considered to be a lake composed of fatty-acid in combination with alumina, lime, and alizarin, the brilliancy of which is still further increased by the intro- duction of tin. The metallic oxides which constitute the mordants determine, not only the fastness of the lakes, but also and indeed primarily, their colour. Alizarin affords an excellent illustration of this latter point. This colouring matter gives with aluminium mordant, according to its intensity or concentration, shades which vary from pink to red, with chro- mium mordant from pale violet to dark violet-brown, and with iron mordant from violet to black shades. There are two methods of employing the Mordant Colours : 1. The first method consists in applying the mordant to the fibre, and then dyeing the mordanted fibre. 2. In the second method, the colouring matter and mordant are applied simultaneously, i. e. they are fixed upon the fibre in one operation. The first method produces what are usually called fast dyed goods, the latter gives what are known in the printing trade as steam styles. The inorganic mordants required for fixing the Mordant Colours include: aluminium, iron, chromium, tin, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, and nickel mordants. Of these the first three alone are of any great importance and are those generally employed, the last two are only used in very special cases, while the calcium and magnesium mordants can only be regar- ded as assistant-mordants, for example in the production of compound lakes (alizarin-red, &c.). The nature of mordants and the methods of their manufacture will be treated ot in a special chapter entitled 'The Mordants', hence it will suffice here if an explanation is given of their function. The inorganic mordants used both for dyed-colours and steam-colours must give up their oxides to the fibre easily, as completely as possible, and in such a form as to dj'e readily, further, without in any way causing injury to the fibre either by the deposition of the oxide or by the liberation of acids or alkalis. Since the vegetable fibres are seriously tendered by mineral acids at high tempera- tures, an endeavour is made to diminish this influence as much as possible by employing basic salts as mordants, and by largely replacing the mineral acids by volatile acetic acid which is harmless. It is well known that the dissociation of aluminium, iron, and chromium mordants depends not only on the temperature employed, the degree of dilution of the solution, and the nature of the fibre, but also and indeed in an important degree, on the basicity of the mordant, for the more basic the mordanting salt is, tiie more readily will it give up its oxide to the fibre. Hence it is that most of the inorganic mordants employed by the calico-printer are basic salts of the above mentioned metals, the acids being one or other of the following : sulphuric, h j-drochloric , nitric, hydrothiocj'anic, sulphurous, acetic, tartaric, and occasionally oxalic acid, these being used either alone or in conjunction with each other. In certain cases alkaline mordants are employed, e. g. aluminate of soda, or a solution of chromic hydrate in sodium hydrate, with or without addition of glycerine, &c. Since the Mordant Colours are for the most part employed in calico-printing, it may be well to give now a brief survey of the methods and processes emploj'ed in the production of fast dyed goods and of steam-styles. A. Employment of Mordant Colours for Fast Dyed Styles. In discussing this style the following operations require consideration. 1. The printing of thickened mordants on bleached calico, or of resist and discharge colours on mordanted cloth. 2. The fixing of the mordants and the preparation of the goods for dyeing. 3. The dyeing operation. 4. The after ■ operations and finishing of the dyed goods, with the object of increasing the beauty and fastness of the colour (e. g. oiling, soaping, steaming), or for the purpose of clearing the white by soaping, chloring, &c. With respect to the printing of the thickened mordants, it is to be observed that the goods must be bleached with the utmost care and thoroughness, since if any impurity is left behind (fatty matter, lime, iron, &c.) or if the cellulose is altered chemically (oxycellu- lose), either the colour or the white ground is sure to sufler, and it should never be forgotten that the puritj- of both these elements in the finished print is of the greatest importance. The mordants which are printed on the cloth not only contain mordant and thicken- ing, but very often certain additions, with the object either of modifying the shade (tin compounds, iSrc), or, as in the case of iron mordants, of regulating the oxidation and fixation of the mordant (arsenious acid, copper salts, phosphorous acid, &c.). Further, since the mordant solutions are either colourless or at most only slightly coloured, it is necessarj' to add to the printing mixture so-called 'sightening", in order to render the impression visible to the printer. This sightening, which is removed during the fixing operations, consists of such colouring matters as Magenta, Methyl Violet, Sapan-extract Fustic-extract, &c. The choice of thickening material is a matter of considerable importance; as a rule, flour and starch thickenings are preferred to 'those of dextrine and gum. After the mordants have been printed they require to be fixed, an operation which takes place in two stages. The first stage which is improperly termed the, ageing, process is based on the fact that under the influence of heat, moisture, and air (iron mordants), the mordants giv^e up their oxides to the fibre in an insoluble form, while the liberated acetic acid evaporates. The operation consists in hanging the printed goods in a moist, warm, airy chamber, called an ageing-room, or they are submitted to a short steaming process in an 'ageing-machine' or a continuous steaming apparatus, which in frequently followed by a passage through ammonia vapour. The second, the so-called dunging or fixing operation, consists in passing the goods through fixing and cleansing baths, with the object of completing the fixation of the mordant and removing the thickening. For most mordants, with the exception of those which are alkaline (aluminate of soda, chromite of soda), it is usual to employ warm or hot baths containing the necessary fixing agents, e. g. sodium carbonate, phosphate of soda, silicate of soda, arsenate of soda, with or without the addition of ammonia or chalk. Not unfrequently cowdung is added to the bath (alizarin colours) and also chalk. When phosphate or arsenate of soda is employed a certain portion of the phosphoric and arsenic acid is taken up by the mordant, and they exercise some influence on the shade and fastness of the colour ultimately obtained. The well washed goods are usually dyed in the, chain, only occasionally in the 'open- width' form. The colouring matters are added to the dye-bath either in a state of solutino or, as in the case of sparingly soluble colouring matters, in a state of fine subdivision, as pastes. When dyeing with Alizarin Red it has been found advantageous to add it to the dye-bath in alkaline solution (with borax), and then by adding the calculated amount of hydro- chloric or acetic acid, to precipitate it again in a very finely divided state. By this means its dyeing power is increased in a most remarkable manner. Along with the colouring matter certain additions to the dye-bath are made, their object being as follows: 1. To take part in the lake-formation. 2. To prevent the white unmordanted parts of the fabric from becoming stained. As assistants which are necessarj' to aid in the formation of the colour-lake may be mentioned more particularly lime-salts (e. g. in dyed alizarin reds), also fatty-acid compounds (Turkey-red oils) tannic acid, sumach &c. For the purpose of preventing the staining of the white ground the following assistants are employed : tannin matters, e. g. sumach, tannic acid, also glue, bullock's blood. &c. The regulation of the temperature of the dye-baths varies with the different dye-stufts and according to the composition of the dye-baths; as a general rule however, and in order to obtain full, level colours, it is customary to dye first at a low temperature and then to raise it slowl}^ until the dye-bath in exhausted. Occasionally the pieces are dyed in the open- width. In this case the dye-bath is made more concentrated, and is heated to a higher tem- perature, in order to complete the dyeing operation in as short a time as possible. The after -operations to which the dyed goods are submitted have a double object in view: I. Clearing the white ground by washing well with water, warm bran -baths, soap-baths and chloring. a. Increasing the fastness and beauty of the colour-lake, c. g. by oiling, steaming, soaping, and clearing, as in the case of alizarin-red. By treating dyed alizarin-red with Turkey-red oil and then steaming, the brownish- red lake as produced in the dye-bath is changed into one of a brilliant red colour. The operations of soaping and particularly that of clearing, which consists in boiling with soap solutions under pressure, with or without the addition of tin compounds, eftect a considerable improvement in the fastness and purity of the colour by introducing into the lake a certain amount of fatty-acid and tin compounds. The employment of alkaline mordants necessitates a somewhat different method of fixation from that already described. The most important and at the same time the most largely used alkaline mordant namely an alkaline solution of chromic hydrate, is fixed in a perfectly satisfactory manner by the dissociating action of the fibre itself, for it suffices to impregnate the cotton with the solution, and after allowing it to remain for some time in the moistened condition, to wash it well with water, when it is at once ready for dyeing. When aluminate of soda is used, certain fixing baths containing ammonium chloride or zinc sulphate are required in order to fix the alumina. In the latter case zinc hydrate is also precipitated, so that a double- mordant is present on the fibre. In the so-called Fast dyed Discharge or Resist Styles tlie goods are printed with, or padded in, a solution of the mordant, and then printed with acid discharge-colours, cither at once or only after fixing the mordant. In the Resist Style the acid colours are printed before the mordanting. In the printed parts the mordant is dissolved, and in the case of fixed organic acids being used (e. g. tartaric, citric, and oxalic acid), double-salts are formed which are not precipitated by the fixing baths. The further treatment of the mordanted, discharge-printed, and fixed goods, is carried out in the manner already described. B. Employment of Mordant Colours in Steam Style.s. The mordant colouring matters are largely used for steam-colours, especially in cotton and silk printing. This method of employment consists essentially in dyeing with a highly concen- trated solution. In addition to the thickening these steam-colours contain in a suitable form, first, all the necessary ingredients for the production of the lake, with the exception of fatty- acid compounds which are almost always applied by a preparatory treatment of the material with solutions of Turkey-red oil or soaps; secondly certain solvents, chiefly in the form of free organic acids, the most important of which is acetic acid, whose function is to prevent the premature combination of the colouring matter with the mordant at the ordinary temperature. Other solvents used are glycerine and tartaric acid, the latter being only employed in small quantity. The steam-printing-colours contain the dyestuft either in solution, or more usually in paste form ; in the latter case the steaming operation effects a gradual solution of the finely divided precipitate of which the paste is composed ; if the colouring matter is not thoroughly well mixed with the thickening, &c., an irregular print and paler colours result. The formation of the colour-lake is brought about by the joint action of the high temperature and moisture of the steam, which cause the combination of colouring matter with mordant ; this union takes place by degrees during the gradual evaporation of the volatile solvent of the lake, namely the acetic acid, while simultaneously fresh portions of colouring matter are continually being brought into a temporary state of solution. As regards the mode of procedure, the steaming of the printed goods varies according to the nature of the colours. With respect to the kind of steam emploj'ed, it may be, for example: 1. Moist steam, 2. Dry steam, 0. High-pressure steam. In accordance with the quality of steam required, and the necessary duration of the process, which may vary from a few minutes to two hours, the form of steaming apparatus to be employed must also vary; it may be closed or open, and may be worked intermittently or continuously. Without entering into the details of the construction of the ordinary steaming chambers, it may be explained, that in the intermittent process the goods are folded and wrapped in sheets and then hung in the steam-chest, whereas in the continuous process the chamber is provided with rollers and the pieces run through continuously in the open-width. Not unfrequently a preliminary steaming of the goods precedes the steaming proper ; its object is to effect a partial fixation of the colours, and to expel the major portion of the acetic acid, which otherwise would seriously corrode the iron plates of the chamber, as well as prevent in many cases the full development of contiguous colours. This preliminary steaming is done by the continuous process in the open-width. Free mineral acids or fixed organic acids, even when employed in] small amount, tender the fibre at the high temperature employed, hence it is that certain assistants are added to the printing-colour in order to prevent this deleterious action. For this purpose it is usual to employ the acetates of the alkalis and alkaline earths e. g. sodium or potassium acetate, (S:c. ; sometimes glycerine is used, since it tends to reduce the destructive action alluded to, partly also because it has the property of fixing hydrochloric acid direct, and partly because of its hygroscopic qualities. The after-operations to which the steamed goods are submitted consist in clearing the prints and adding brilliancy to the colour-lakes by washing, soaping, and chloring. In the case of fast-dyed goods the dunging operation aims primarily at fixing the mordant, but here, with steamed goods, the operation which follows that of steaming is solely for the purpose of removing the thickening and other ingredients of the printing-colour which do not form fixed constituents of the lake. The operation consists in washing the goods well in cold water or in baths containing chalk, bran, malt, or soap, the goods themselves being either in the open-width or in the chain form. In order to obtain a perfectly pure white ground the goods are usually chlored, that is, they are first run through a weak solution of bleaching powder or hypochlorite of soda, and then either 1. passed through a steam-box (steam-chloring), or 2. dried on steam heated cylinders (dry-chloring). Occasionally these methods may be replaced by a passage through a very dilute and cold solution of chlorine (vat-chloring). Further details connected with the fixing of individual Mordant Colours in dyed and steam styles, will be given in the second part of this work, together with receipts and patterns ; suffice it to say for the present that the Mordant Colours and especially the Alizarin Colours enable the production of a great variety of colour effects, which, although surpassed in brilliancy of shade by many Basic and Acid Colours, have the advantage of superior fastness, and it is indeed largely owing to these valuable properties of the Mordant Colours that the calico-printing industry occupies its present commanding position. V. The direct production of colours on the fibre. riie production of colours upon the fibre itself by printing, comprises all those pn iccsscs in which the chemical reactions leading to the production of a dj'estuff take place on the fibre, hence it is evident that for this method only those synthetical processes are suited, which do not exercise any injurious action on the fibre. For this reason, in calico-printing, one must avoid temperatures which are much above the boiling point of water, and the use of concentrated acids, or even dilute acids if a high temperature be employed. At the present time therefore, there are but few typical reactions which have been applied in practice for the direct production of colours on the fibre, and of these only the two most important types will be referred to, namely : A. Aniline Black. B. Azo Colours produced on the fibre direct. A. The production of Aniline Black. Aniline Black is formed under certain conditions as an oxidation product of aniline and its homologues, and is remarkable for its excessive fastness towards washing and light. It is very largely employed for cotton, both in the printing of yarn and cloth, less frequently for wool, silk, and union fabrics. In the case of wool a preparatory treatment with hypochlorous acid is required. In cotton printing one may distinguish between Aged Aniline Black and Steam Aniline Black, according as the development of the black is effected by hanging in a moist, warm ageing-chamber or by steammg. The mixture applied to the fabric by printing or padding may be thickened or unthickened, and it contains in addition to the aniline salt (e. g. hydrochloride, nitrate, hydro -ferro- or hydro-ferri- cyanide) certain oxidising agents (chlorates), and also so-called oxygen-carriers (copper, vanadium, and cerium compounds), which initiate, regulate, and continue the reaction. Since the formation of Aniline Black is due to an oxidation process which is not only energetic but which also as a rule proceeds with considerable rapidity, there is always the danger of the formation of oxy- cellulose accompanied by tendering of the fibre, hence the process demands the greatest care, and attention to the regulation of the temperature, the degree of moisture, and the duration of the steaming operation. Aniline Black is employed in calico-printing not only for printing, but also as a padding- colour, the latter being applied in conjunction with white and coloured resists. The resist printing- colours contain sulphites, alkali carbonates, caustic alkalis, acetates, and thiocyanates, i. e. substances capable of neutralising acid, the presence of which is so necessary to the formation of the black. Further details regarding this very interesting Resist Style will be given in the second part of this work. B. Production of Azo Colours on the fibre. The formation of Azo Colours, which depends upon tlie reaction of Diazo or Tetrazo compounds witli phenols or amines, excels all other synthetical processes as regards its suitability for being effected on the fibre itself, since the conditions under which the substances named react upon each other, are exactly suited to the nature of the cotton fibre, which is the only fibre to be considered. Up to the present all the Azo Colours produced direct upon the fibre as insoluble substances are Oxy-azo compounds, which are obtained by the union of diazo or tetrazo compounds with phenolic bodies, e. g. naphthols, these obtained with ji-naphthol being by far the most important and the most largely employed. These colours, so remarkable for their brilliancy, their fastness to washing and to light, and so simple in the method of their production, are obtained by the union of diazo or tetrazo compounds with sodium-.i-naphthol in the presence of sodium acetate whose function is to neutralise the mineral acid liberated from the diazo and tetrazo compounds. Two methods of printing based upon this principle are employed in practice, namely : 1. A thickened sodium-naphthol solution is printed upon the fabric, which is then passed through a bath containing the diazo compounds (developing bath). 2. The calico is prepared with sodium-naphthol, and the thickened diazo solution is then printed on the fabric. A third method, which consists in printing the calico with a thickened diazo solution and then developing in a naphthol bath, has not been found useful in practice because the printed diazo compounds partially decompose on drying. Another method proposed, in order to avoid the preparation of the calico with sodium-naphthol, is to prepare the cotton with sodium nitrite, and to print with a mixture containing the necessary amine, sodium-naphthol, and ammonium chloride ; under the influence of heat the ammonium chloride causes the liberation of nitrous acid so that diazo- tisation and combination take place simultaneous^ upon the fibre. By the first method, in which the calico is printed with sodium-naphthol and then dyed in the developing bath, the brightest shades are obtained ; in a similar manner, but printing with acid reducing colours on the sodium-naphthol prepared cloth, before developing in the diazo bath, similar effects in the Reserve Style are obtained. The two processes mentioned are of course primarily intended for producing self- coloured fabrics. The second method, which consists in printing thickened diazo solutions on calico prepared with sodium-naphthol, is employed in the production of patterns con- taining two or more colours. As a rule it demands the greatest care on the part of the colourist to see that the printing-colours, which are so prone to decompose, are kept as cold as possible, and it is necessary also to work quickty. A few general directions may now be given relative to the preparation and use of the solutions and colours employed in the print- ing of Azo Colours. The naphthol usually employed as the 'prepare' is /J-naphthol, (n-naphthol being only used in admixture with ,i-naphthol as a saddening agent for the production of very dark shades); the naphthol is dissolved in water containing sodium hydrate, the solution being then at once used for padding the material, or it is first thickened if intended for printing ; sometimes various additions are made to the solution, e. g. Turkey- red oil, castor-oil soap, gljxerine, antimonite of soda, gum-dragon, sodium acetate, sodium carbonate, &c. Certain Azo Colours give much brighter, fuller, and faster colours on a naphthol-oil- prepare, (i. e. a prepare containing sodium-naphthol with an addition of Turkey-red oil or some other kind of soap), than on a simple prepare of sodium-naphthol alone. The best examples illustrative of this point are : para-nitraniline red, and dianisidine-naphthol blue. In the case of para-nitraniline red, gum-dragon may partially replace Turkey-red oil as an addition to the prepare, and it is particularly advantageous if a white resist pattern is required on a red ground. In many cases, where it is desirable to render tiic diazo printing-colour as stable as possible, the sodium acetate required to neutralise the mineral acid ol the diazo compound is best added to the prepare instead of to the diazo solution, since it is well known that in the latter case the diazo solution does not keep so well. The necessarj' diazo and tetrazo compounds are produced bj' the action of free nitrous acid on the salts of amido and diamido bases. The diazotisation of these bases is in most cases best effected in the presence of an excess of acid and in tlie cold, by one or other of the two following methods : 1. The amido-base is first converted into its hydrochloride or sulphate, and the nitrite solution is allowed to act on the salt in the presence of an excess of acid. 2. The nitrite solution is mixed with the amidobase to form a paste (so-called nitrite-paste) and this is added gradually to the dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. It is nearly always advisable to use a small excess of nitrite (5— 10°;o), since there is invariably a slight loss of nitrous acid when stirring during the diazotising operation, moreover the presence of a little nitrous acid helps to keep the diazo solutions. The following bases require to be diazotised at a temperature of about 0" C. : aniline, the various tolui- dines, nitro-aniline, nitro-toluidine, the two naphthylamines, i;c. The following should be diazotised in the cold: benzidine, tolidine dianisidine, diphenetidine, &c., whereas the amido-azo-bases are best diazotised at 20 — 40 '' C. e. g. aniido-azo-benzene, amido-azo-toluene, nitro-phenetidine, &c. Metallic salt solutions exercise a considerable influence upon the stability of the diazo compounds, as well as upon the shade of the resulting Azo Colours. Metallic salts which increase the acidity of the diazo printing-colour, also have the effect in some cases of materialij' increasing its stability, as for example, an addition of alu- minium sulphate to printing-colours containing diazotised p-nitraniline, or an addition of zinc chloride to solutions of diazo-naphthalene or to printing-colours; on the other hand copper salts have in most cases the effect of rapidly decomposing many diazo compounds. A notable exception and one of some practical importance is furnished by the tetrazo compounds of dianisidine or diphenetidine, which stand the addition of copper salts very well indeed. The addition of alkali bichromates to colours containing these compounds even increases their stability. Of the greatest importance however are the changes produced by the action of metallic salts, especiallj- copper salts, on the insoluble Azo Colours ; these consist in the formation of new substances possessing a different colour from that of the original compound as well as much greater stability under various influences. The most important example of this kind is furnished by Dianisidine Naphthol Blue. Tills colour when produced direct on the fibre from tetrazo-dianisol and .y-naphthol is a dull violet fugitive to light, but by the action of copper salts on the azo dye upon the fibre it is converted into a particularly brilliant blue which is faster to light even than indigo. Nitraniline Red, prepared from the diazo compound of p-nitraniline and .J-naphthol, b changed by the action of copper salts into a very fine Ilavannah brown colour of con- siderable fastness to soap and light. The following methods of obtaining the beneficial effects due to the action of copper salts may be employed. I. The azo dye upon the fibre is treated with hot solutions ot copper salts. 3. A suitable copper salt is added to the diazo compound. 3. An alkaline copper solution e. g. sodium cupric tartrate is added to the naphthol prepare. Good results as regards improvement of shade and fastness are obtained by methods 1 and 3, but they are only applicable for self-colours. The 2"J method however permits of the combination in the same pattern of some Azo Colours which are treated with copper salts and others which are not; for example, the production of blue (Dianisidine Naphthol Blue) in the same print with red (Paranitranline Red) is of great use in styles containing two or more colours, but to effect this it necessary that the diazo compounds used shall not be affected by the addition of copper salts. Methods 1 and 2 have this defect however, that in the case of prints with white grounds the latter are apt to be soiled through the precipitation of copper compounds. The following variety of shades is obtainable by producing Azo Colours direct upon the fibre: orange-yellow, orange, orange-red, purple-red, pink, claret-red, blue, blue-violet, red, violet, black, red-brown, yellow-brown, dark-brown. The only pure colours which are wanting in this list are yellow and green, and for the production of these no suitable amido-bases have as yet been discovered. The degree of fastness possessed by the insoluble Azo Colours, may be considered good, it is well to add however that in this respect very considerable differences are exhibited by the various colours. Paranitraniline-red is for example much faster to light and to washing than is p-naphthylamine-red. As already stated, Dianisidine Naphthol Blue is particularly fast to light and stands boiling with soap very well, but it is not so fast towards the action of per- spiration or a treatment with hot soda solutions. The simplicity and rapidity of their production , together with their brilliancy and comparative fastness, are all factors which have undoubtedly contributed to secure for the Direct Azo Colours their general adoption in calico-printing, notwithstanding the existence of certain difficulties connected with their production, due to the peculiarities of the substances employed. The difficulties alluded to are as follows: 1. The instability of the naphthol-prepare under the influence of light and air. 2. The tendency of the diazo compounds to decompose, a fact which necessi- tates the use of considerable quantities of ice, not always readily obtainable. With respect to the first point, it is well known that calico impregnated with alkaline solutions of naphthol rapidly becomes brown on exposure to light as well as under the influence of air and heat. This defect is experienced in an annoying manner whenever naphthol prepared goods are allowed to lie too long before printing. In this case the brown decom- position products of the naphthol are partially fixed upon the fibre, with the result that the colours are rendered dull and the white is considerably soiled. The defect can be counteracted by adding to the naphthol-prepare a solution ot antimonite of soda containing glycerine. Cotton goods impregnated with antimony- naphtliol-prepare remain white for weeks, the colours produced on this prepare, however are not quite as brilliant. The fact that this addition increases the cost of the naphthol-prepare, as well as the circumstance that printers have become accustomed to work off the prepared goods quickly, will undoubtedly have the effect of limiting the employment of the process. The difficulty sometimes experienced, of carrying out the diazotising process in a satisfactory manner, owing to the ready decomposition of the diazo compounds, is also a serious defect which militates against the general adoption of the method of producing the Azo Colours direct on the fibre. In this connection the recent discovery of the Azophor colours is a distinct advance in the technology of colouring matters. VI. Mordants and their employment in Printing. Among the various assistants used in dyeing and printing the so-called mordants occupy a prominent position, since their function is to fix the Mordant Colours on the fibres, and owing to the fastness of the colour-lakes produced by their means, they have naturally become of considerable importance. The formation of a colour-lake depends essentially upon the chemical combination of colouring matter with the mordanting substance, so as to produce a more or less insoluble precipitate. In its widest sense the term 'mordant' refers to all substances which in con- junction with colouring matters produce lakes, e. g. aluminium and chromium salts, tannic acid, potassium ferro-cyanide, &c. In its narrow^cr sense however the term refers specially to metallic salt solutions capable of forming with the Mordant Colours insoluble compounds or 'lakes', in which the colouring matter plays the part of an acid. The behaviour of the mordants towards the different Textiles fibres exercises a considerable influence upon the formation of the lake. It is well knowm that the animal fibres wool and silk have the power of attracting the mordanting oxides from the mordant solutions, a process which may be partly of a chemical and partly of a mechanical nature (surface attraction) ; under other conditions the same property is shown by the vegetable fibres, for example, cotton is capable of decomposing normal and, better still, basic aluminium salts, and fixing a certain amount of aluminium hydrate. This power of attraction increases with the degree of dilution and the temperature ol the mordanting solution, as well as with the duration of the mordanting process. In a similar manner prolonged contact of the cotton fibre with an alkaline solution of chromic hydrate efl'ects decomposition of the latter and the fibre takes up large quantities of chromic hydrate. If ferrous salts are employed, one must also take into account the oxidising action of the air whereby the ferrous salts are changed into unstable ferric compounds. The mordanting process is assisted and completed by subsequently passing the mordanted goods through the so-called fi.xing baths. Sometimes mordants may exercise an injurious action upon the textile fibres, as for example in the following cases: 1. The acids liberated during the fixing process may tender the fibres, hence, in order to avoid this corrosion, acetates or basic acetates are eniploj-ed, especially when printing with steam-colours. 2. The deposition of the mordanting substance upon or within the fibre may make it brittle and cause it to break. 3. The fibre may experience a deep scatcil chemical change, c. g. by the formation of oxycellulose. For the purpose of printing, mordants arc employed in two tiitVcrcnt ways: 1. in Dyed Colours 2. in Steam Colours. This subject will be treated of in detail in the chapter on Mordant Colours, our present object is merely to consider the preparation, properties, and use of mordants. Those usually employed, and named according to their chemical composition, are as follows: Aluminium, iron, chromium, tin, zinc, nickel, calcium, magnesium, &c., mordants. Of these the first three on the list are by far the most important, while the rest, more particularly the lime and magnesia mordants, are rather to be regarded as assistant-mordants. A. Aluminium Mordants. Among all the mineral mordants available, those of aluminium have found the earliest and most extensive employment, because they are capable of yielding the finest and fastest colour-lakes. No doubt this has been largely owing to the facility with which they can be applied and because of the well marked tendency to dissociation shown by the aluminium salts. This property of dissociation, which consists in the decomposition of the aluminium salts with the formation |of insoluble aluminium compounds (aluminium hydrate and very basic aluminium salts), is materially affected by several factors, e. g. the degree of dilution, the basicity ol the mordant, the temperature, the duration of the mordanting operation, as well as the nature of the fibre ; the latter plays an important part, more partic- ularly in the case of dyed goods. The aluminium mordants are most extensively employed in calico-printing ; they are as a rule basic salts in which the alumina is combined with sul- phuric, acetic, hydrothiocyanic, and nitric acid, and occasionally with hydrochloric and sul- phurous acid, either alone or mixed together. They may therefore be classified as basic sul- phates, normal and basic hydrothiocyanate-acetates, normal and basic acetates, normal and basic hydrothiocyanate-acetates or sulphates, nitrate-acetates, &c. The methods adopted for their preparation may be as follows : i. double decom- position, 2. direct neutralisation of the normal salts with alkali hydrates or carbonates, chalk, &c. [3. [dissolving aluminium hydrate or alkali -aluminium -carbonate in the necessary acids.' ' The original materials employed for preparing the aluminium mordants are aluminium sulphate, the various alums, aluminium hydrate derived from the latter, or alkali-aluminium- carbonate. Since the shade of an alumina-lake is affected by mere traces ot iron, it is of the utmost importance to ascertain that the materials employed in the manufacture of aluminium mordants are as free from iron as possible. In order however to counteract the injurious action of traces of iron compounds, the presence of which cannot indeed be entirely prevented, either during the preparation of, or the printing with, alumina colours, e. g. by the use of steel doctors, it is of the greatest advantage to use the hydrothiocyanate of alumina (sulpho- cyanide), which through the formation of ferric thiocyanate prevents the injurious effect of the iron. A small addition of yellow prussiate of potash to the ordinary aluminium mordants acts in a similar manner by precipitating and rendering inert any traces of iron present. For the purpose of double decomposition it is usual to employ in conjunction with the aluminium sulphate, Ike, lead, barium, and calcium salts, more particularly the acetates, h^^drothiocyanates, nitrates, &c., which by the formation of insoluble or sparingly soluble sulphates effect the exchange of acetic acid for sulphuric acid. The details regarding the pre- paration of the most important aluminium mordants will be given in the chapter dealing specially with the printing and dyeing of alizarin-red. In the printing of steam-colours on calico the acetates and hydrothiocyanates are most frequently employed, since the corrosive action of non-volatile acids debars their use, but in the case of wool it is quite customary to employ even strongly acid aluminium salts, e. g. sulphates, and indeed their acidity is sometimes still further increased by the addition of a certain amount of sulphuric, tartaric, 11 or oxalic acid, &c. since some colouring matters arc only capable of being fixed on wool from a strongly acid medium. Alkaline aluminium mordants, c. g. aluminatc of soda, are only used for cotton in special cases, e. g. as resists for acid covers (aniline black, &c.) in printing, and as the mordant in the so-called Sclilieper and Baum Alizarin-red process. An aluminium compound still less frequently employed is the chlorate of alumina, which is used for discharge-colours on indigo. B. Iron Mordants. These mordants also find extensive employment in calico-printing. The iron-lakes of the Mordant Colours under consideration are notable for possessing full dark shades, and being sometimes of extraordinarj' fastness they are employed both in printing and dyeing. Those most frequently used are the ferrous salts, more particularly the normal and basic acetates, and the sulphate-acetates. In dyed goods the fixing of iron mordants takes place through the formation of easily dissociated oxidation products during the ageing process, the oxidation being regulated by making certain additions to the mordant. The commonest iron mordant employed is ferrous acetate, which is prepared either by double decomposition, or as pyrolignite of iron by dissolving iron turnings in pyroligneous acid; other iron mordants in use are ferrous sulphate-acetate, red and yellow prussiate of potash, and very occasionally the ferric salts. C. Chromium Mordants. The ciiromium mordants have only come into prominent use through the development of the coal-tar colour industrj', since very many of the artificial colouring matters can only be fixed with sufficient permanence by means of chromic oxide salts. With few exceptions, the dissociation of the chromium mordants with respect to cotton is not so strongly marked as in the case of the aluminium and iron mordants, and this circumstance is the real cause whj- the practical application of chromium salts for the production of dyed styles in calico-printing is only of comparatively resent date. The most useful chromium salts for this purpose are: chromite of soda, chromium-chromate, chromium bisulphite and to some extent also basic chromium chloride. The property possessed bj' chromite of soda, i. e. a solution of chromic hydrate in caustic soda, of readily giving up its chromic oxide to the cotton fibre by a mere steeping process, not only almost completely but also in a form in which it is easily dyed, has been the means of developing to a high degree of perfection the so-called chrome dyed goods. These dyes are remarkable for their fastness, hence as soon as the initial difficulties connected with working in strongly alkaline liquids had been overcome, they acquired great importance in calico-printing. The chromium-chromate mordants, c. g. basic chromium-chromate, chloride, or chroniium-chmmatc-acctato, arc alsn remarkable for the readiness with which they yield their chromic oxide to the cotton fibre. Tlicy are employed with advantage in the production of dyed goods because of the beauty of tlic dyes they yield, and the low- cost of their production. The presence of chromic acid causes the mordant to be sensitive to light, a circum- stance which must always be borne in mind during their employment. The chromium bisulphite mordant also gives up a satisfactory amount of chromic oxide to the cotton fibre, but the sulphurous acid which escapes during the drying operation is a considerable nuisance. The foregoing chromium mordants yield most of their chromic oxide to the fibre without the application of any fixing agents, but those now to be mentioned e. g. the basic chloride, and the basic sulphate and acetate, require the use either of some- what concentrated hot alkaline fixing baths, or of Turkey-red oils and tannin matters, in order to fix the mordant satisfactorily. The most important chromium mordants for steam- colours are the chromium acetates, viz: 1. the green coloured normal acetate, and 2. the violet coloured basic acetate. The behaviour ol these two modifications is somewhat different and will be discussed when the colouring matters are under consideration. Chromium acetate has the very remarkable property that in the cold it is not precipitated by ammonia or at least only with difficultj', and frequent use is made of this fact in the preparation of padding- colours, which contain an ammoniacal solution of the colouring matter along with chromium acetate. Chromium chlorate, prepared by double decomposition, is employed in steam-colours, whenever an oxidising action is required in addition to the fixing of the colouring matter, e. g. in steam-colours which contain Alizarin Colours and Catechu (chromium-nitrate-acetate). Chromium sulphite is used in steam-colours containing bisulphite colouring matters, e. g. the sodium bisulphite compounds of Alizarin Blue, Cerulein, Alizarin Green, &c. A characteristic property exhibited by the chromium mordants, as compared with those of aluminium, is that in most cases they are capable of forming fast colour-lakes, without the aid of certain assistant mordants, e. g. calcium acetate, when printing alizarin-red. Acid chromium mordants are employed in wool -printing e. g. chrome alum, chromium fluoride, and chromates the first named salt is generally used with the addition of oxalic, tartaric, and sulphuric acid. D. Tin Mordants. The tin mordants are usually employed in admixture with other mordants, for example those of aluminium, sometimes as stannous salts, sometimes in the form of stannic salts. The stannous mordants are largely employed in Discharge and Resist Colours, the application of which will be dealt with in a special chapter. In certain discharge-colours, which contain tin-crystals mixed with Basic Colours, the tin serves not only for discharging the dye but also for fixing the tannin-lake. It is worthy of note that up to the present no artificial colouring matter is known which can be satisfactorily fixed by means of tin compounds alone (like Persian berry carmine). Some of the tin compounds are very useful as assistant mordants e. g. stannous nitrate-acetate, oxalate, and thiocyanate (sulphocyanide), also certain insoluble oxides of tin e. g. stannic oxide, and oleate of tin, which are employed in the form of 'precipitates partly in dyeing alizarin-red, partly as additions to steam-colours. E. Nickel, Zinc, and Cobalt Mordants. Like the tin mordants these find at present only a limited use for steam-colours, in the form of acetates or sulphites. In point of fastness the lakes they yield are much inferior to the chromium lakes, although they usually excel the latter in brilliancy of colour. n* F. Calcium and Magnesium Mordants. These act essentially as assistant-mordants, and the calcium compounds, more es- pecially, play a very important part in the production of aluminium lakes on cotton by means of the Alizarin Colours. In the case of Alizarin itself, for example, it is only by intro- ducing lime into the complex molecule of the aluminium lake that the fastest and most fiery red is obtained. The most important calcium mordant is calcium acetate, which is prepared from pure lime free from iron. Now and then calcium chloride and calcium thiocyanate are also used. Magnesium mordants are seldom employed and at most only as additions to steam- colours containing chromium mordants. In conclusion a brief reference may be made to a few other metallic salts used in calico-printing, which are frequently of considerable importance, although they take no direct part in the lake-formation. To this class belong, for example, the copper salts, which in oxidation processes act as carriers of oxygen, e. g. in the Aniline Black process, where copper sulphide or thiocyanate is employed, or in the fixing of catechu colours, as well as in the resist-indigo- paste style, in which nitrate of copper is much used. in the Aniline Black process, vanadium and cerium compounds are sometimes employed in place of copper salts. G. Copper mordants. The employment of copper salts as mordants in connection with certain artificial colouring matters, e. g. Dianisidine Naphthol Blue, &c. has been quite recently introduced. The copper enters into the composition of the colour-lake, and not only effects an improvement in the shade but also makes the colour very much faster to light, an effect which has also been noticed in the case of certain tannin colour-lakes after treatment with copper salts. The copper salts employed are the sulphate, chloride, and acetate-nitrate, or mix- tures of these. VII. Thickening agents and their employment in printing. Solutions of colouring matters and mordants can only be applied in printing when they have been thickened by means of certain so-called tliickening materials ; these agents are used in order to give the necessary adhesiveness and viscosity to the printing mixture so that it may be held in sufficient quantity by the engraving of the printing roller, they also prevent the colours when printed on the fabric from running. Hence the action of the thickening material is to diminish the capillary attraction which exists between the fibre and printing mixture, whereby the greatest possible sharpness and neatness of impression is secured. The substances used for the preparation of thickenings are chieflj' organic, such as certain carbo-hydrates andjgums; less frequently inorganic substances are employed, e. g. alu- minium hydrate, barium sulphate, pipe-clay, &c., their chief use being as a rule to strengthen the action of the organic thickening agents, and in certain cases to act as mechanical resists. The following organic thickening materials are largely used: 1. Starch of various kinds, (wheat-starch, potato-starch, rice-starch, &c.). 2. Flour ; this contains in addition to starch, certain nitrogenous substances (gluten). 3. Dextrine and products containing dextrine derived from various kinds of starch, e. g. light and dark roasted starch, gum substitute, British gum, artificial gum, &c. 4. Gum Tragacanth, ('Gum-dragon'). 5. Gums of different qualities and varied origin; some like gum-arabic and gum- senegal are readily soluble, while others require to be submitted to the action of super- heated steam, with or without the addition of acid. 6. Albumin and Casein. These nitrogenous substances of animal origin have the property of being coagulated and rendered insoluble under certain conditions, hence they are well adapted for fixing insoluble pigments (ultramarine, vermilion, chrome-yellow, &c.). Solutions of albumin, casein, gum, and dextrine, may be prepared in the colde especially albumin), since they already posess naturally the necessary adhesiveness; starches however, being insoluble in cold water, must be converted into starch-paste by heating with water to a temperature of at least 68" C (1.5.5 F). It is jpossible however, by means of caustic alkalis, to thicken starch even in the cold, and to prepare from it a powerful thickening called 'aparatine' ; mixed with roasted starch this is used for strongly alkaline discharge-colours. By neutralising the aparatine with acids, or even using excess of acid, it is possible to prepare in the cold, both neutral and acid starch thickenings. The choice of thickening agents, and the preparatian of the thickening require special care, for both have a very considerable influence in determining the excellence of the prints ultimately obtained. Wheat-starch and flour, [for example, can be very readily thickened by boiling for a short time only, with water or dilute acetic acid, whereas gum tragacanth requires to be well steeped in warm water, and in addition has often to be boiled for 12—24 hours, in order to obtain a perfect thickening. The different kinds of natural gums are also first softened by steeping in water and then boiled for a considerable time; the so-called Indian gums, which {are only sparingly soluble, are boiled under pressure with or without the addition of acids and hydrogen peroxide. Albumin is always dissolved in cold water, to avoid coagulation, casein is usually dissolved with the addition of ammonia, borax, «&c. In order to prevent the thickenings from decomposing so that they may be kept for some time, additions are made of acetic acid, salicylic acid, turpentine, &c. There are two methods of using thickening agents, one is to make the thickening separately and then to add to it the liquids which require to be thickened, the other is to add to the latter the necessary thickening agent and then to dissolve it either in the cold or by boiling. The qualitative aiid quantitative action of the various thickening agents is verj' different, it is well known for example, that wheat-starch and flour posses greater thickening power than gum tragacanth and gum Senegal, and that colours thickened with the former are darker and fuller than with the latter, but not so even and bright. When printing witli mordant solutions the thickening also play sa very important role ; gum Senegal and dextrine, for example, retard and even partially prevent the complete fixation of mordants, more particularly iron mordants. Important differences are also observed in the behaviour of thickenings towards acid, alkaline, oxidising, and reducing agents, and with respect to their power of resisting any tendency to run during the operation of steaming; they vary also in the facility with which they can be removed by the subsequent operations of washing and soaping ; hence it is that the proper choice of thickening agent is of the greatest importance. METHODS OF FIXING COLOURS BY PRECIPITATION. (THE MANUFACTURE OF LAKES AND THE COLOURING OF PAPER.) The Methods of Fixing Colours by Precipitation. The method of precipitating colouring matters in the form of insoluble compounds i. e. Lakes, used in the manufacture of Pigment Colours required for lithography oil and water-colour painting, wall-paper printing, and the colouring of paper. In all cases the principle of the fixing process consists in precipitating the colouring matters from their solutions in an insoluble form and with as brilliant a colour as possible ; in most cases a white or onlj' slightly coloured substance — the so-called 'sub-stratum', 'base' or 'filling' — is dyed by the precipitated colouring matters, or the 'base' itself is produced simultaneously with the precipitation of the colouring matter. This precipitation is effected as follows: A. By dyeing a white or pale coloured sub-stratum, in which case, as in the dyeing of textile fibres, there comes into play a decided affinity which exists between the colouring matter and the substance to be dyed. B. By precipitation : here the addition of a solution of one or more precipitating agents throws down the colouring matters in an insoluble form from their solution by way of double decomposition. These two methods cannot however be distinguished from each other by any sharp line of division, for in practice many cases occur in which both are employed simultan- eously, especially when full deep colours are required, the substratum having too little affinity for the colouring matter to give the requisite depth of colour, and also in the case of those colour-lakes in which one colouring matter fixes or precipitates another. A. The Production of Pigment Colours by Dyeing. In order to produce pigment-colours by the process of dyeing, one method is to mix with water certain natural 'bases' or 'substrata' which have the property of attracting and fixing colouring matters, and then to add the colour solutions ; the other method is to prepare such insoluble substrata artificially, and then to dye these with the necessary colour solutions. Of the natural materials which are useful for the above purpose may be mentioned : (ireen-earth, Bolus, Ochre, Alumina-earth, Kaolin, China-clay, Infusorial-earth, Gypsum talcspar, and Chalk. In the manufacture of Pigment Colours these may be employed for fixing in a direct manner such colouring matters as are given below. Green-earth, alumina-earth, kaolin. China-clay, infusorial-earth, ochre, and bolus, all fix Basic Colours. If one or other of these substances, suspended in water in a fine state of subdivision, be mixed with the solution of a basic colouring matter, the latter is attracted by the insoluble material, and indeed so energetically, that it is impossible to remove it again even by boiling with different solvents. In these substrata, it would appear that the silicic acid which they contain plays the chief part, namely by forming insoluble silicates of the colour-bases, or by the insoluble silicates attracting the colouring matters so as to form double silicates. The colouring matters chiefly employed for this purpose are : Brilliant Green, Malachite Green, Magenta, New Magenta, Methyl Violet, and Auramine, also Methylene Blue, Methylene Green, Vesuvine, Safranine, and Chrysoidine. The method of fixing is very simple : the matcripl to be dyed is suspended in water, the necessary colour solution is then added with continual stirring, until the desired shade is obtained ; the lake which is thus obtained is allowed to settle, then separated by dccantation, pressed, and dried. In most cases the fixation is quite complete even at the ordinary temperature, but brighter colours are sometimes obtained by heating or even boiling ; if however the material to be dyed contains carbonate of lime or magnesia as well as silicates, it is not advantageous to heat the mixture, because this tends to precipitate the colour-bases, and since these are either colourless or only slightly coloured, loss of colouring matter may thus take place. In such cases a slight addition is made of some acid, e. g. hydrochloric, sulphuric, or acetic acid. — Sometimes the fixing power of the substratum is insufficient, and it is found necessary to complete the precipitation by making an addition of tannic acid, soap, resin-soap, or bichromate of potash. As a rule the Basic-Colours are sparingly soluble and they are decomposed by the carbonates of lime and jnagnesia contained in the water, with the separation of the colour-bases, usually in a resinous form. Hence, for dissolving the bichromate of potash, it is desirable to use non-calcareous water, e. g. condensed water, the colouring matters being ■ then added at a temperature of 70— 80° C. (160—175" F.| the mixture being well stirred; as a rule the colouring matter requires 2.50 times its weight of water to dissolve it properly. If no condensed water is at command, it is customary first to pour over the colouring matter about five times its weight of acetic acid 12" Tw., and then to add hot water 170—80" C, 160— 17ii" F.) gradually till the solution is complete. Another method which may be recommended is to stir the colouring matter to a paste on the water-bath with two parts of anhydrous glycerine and four parts ol alcohol, and then to dissolve in hot water. Chalk, gypsum and calcspar are able to fix partially certain Acid and Azo Colours, by precipitating the colour-acids as insoluble lime salts. Specially suitable for this method are: Acid Violets N and 5 B F, Patent Blue A, Claret, Azo Yellow, and Fast Red O, although as a rule only pale colours can be obtained, because the fixing power of the above agents is too limited. If full deep colours are required it is necessary to make a further addition of more suitable fixing agents. The Mordant Colours are fixed on artificially prepared substrata by the process ot dj'cing. As a rule insoluble alumina-substrata are made from aluminium hydrate mixed with varying amounts of phosphate of alumina, lime, stannous, stannic, and iron compounds. If these insoluble substrata, suspended in water, are mixed with the Mordant Colours, the colour-acids of the latter combine with the metallic hydrates, aluminium hydrate being the one which comes chiefly into play, if not entirely. — Owing to the sparing solubility of most of the colour-acids, as well as the insolubility of the substrata, the formation of the colour- lakes by the combination of the colour-acids with the metallic hydrates takes place gradually and only on boiling, exactly as in the dyeing of the textile fibres. — As a rule the sub- stratum is suspended in water and the colouring matter is added in the form of a thin paste with constant stirring, the mixture is then slowly heated to the boiling point and the boiling is continued until the formation of the lake is complete. Very frequently, certain additions e. g. Turkey-red oil, acetate of lime, &c., are made previous to heating, for the purpose of shading, or for making the lake brighter. This method is employed with Alizarin Red paste. Alizarin Orange G and N paste, Azarin S, Galle'in paste, Coerule'in paste, also with Alizarin Claret R, Alizarin Brown paste, Alizarin Yellow G G, R, and Alizarin Blue, as well as with certain natural colouring matters. Specially important are the red and pink 'madder-lakes' prepared from Alizarin Red, these being largely used in lithography and painting, because of their great fastness to light. In the case of these madder-lakes, the substratum consists chiefly of aluminium hydrate (containing a little sulphuric acid) and phosphate of alumina, while the dye-bath is charged with Alizarin (1 B new, for blue shades, R X for yellow shades of red), Turkey-red oil, and acetate of lime.— The Azarin lakes, comprising red and pink lakes of extreme beauty, are prepared by dyeing substrata containing alumina and tin, with Azarin S and Turkey-red oil; they are used for lithographic work.— In order to obtain the most brilliant reds and pinks when making the madder and azarin lakes, great care must be taken to avoid the presence of iron, not only in the materials but also in the water and the apparatus employed. Another mode of preparing lakes by means of Mordant Colours will be given in the next chapter. B. The Production of Pigment Colours by Precipitation. In the manufacture of colour-lakes various precipitation methods are much more frequently employed than the dyeing method. — Although the number of colouring matters used in the manufacture of pigment-colours is comparatively small, since so few possess the necessary property of being readily and completely precipitated, and with a sufficiently brilliant shade, still, the methods of precipitation in vogue are somewhat numerous. What particular agent must be selected to effect the precipitation depends chiefly upon the nature of the colouring matter employed, but the choice varies also according to the purposes for which the pigment-colour is intended. According to the nature of the colouring matters employed, the methods of precipi- tation in use may be classified as follows: I. Precipitation methods for Basic Colours. II. Precipitatiop methods for Resorcine Colours. III. Precipitation methods for Azo and Acid Colours. IV. Precipitation methods for Mordant Colours. I. The Basic Colours usually employed are as follows: the various brands of Magenta, Cerise and other low class magentas. Grenadine, Maroon, New Magenta O, Methyl Violet, Brilliant Green, and Malachite Green, further, Auramine, Safranine, Rosolane, Vesuvine Methj-lene Blue and Methylene Green. They are precipitated by one or other of the following five methods. 1. Precipitation with Tannic Acid on various substrata is carried out by first suspending the substratum in water, then adding the solution of colouring matter, and finally the tannic acid solution, with constant stirring : in this manner the colour-bases are precipi- tated as insoluble tannates in a fine state of subdivision. The nature of the substratum plaj's an important part in the process, since it assists the precipitation to a greater or less extent, hence according to the substratum employed the amount of tannic acid to be employed may varj' considerably.— In many cases, particularly when using substrata of an indifferent nature e. g. sulphate of barytes, blanc-fixe, &c., .the precipitation is rendered [more complete by making an addition of sodium acetate (rarely sodium carbonate), .in order to neutralise the acid of the colouring matter employed.— For manj' purposes, especially when it is desired to make lakes suitable for lithographic varnishes, the precipitation is effected with tannic acid and tartar emetic. — In all cases where lakes are precipitated by means of tannic acid care must be taken that the materials employed are free from iron, otherwise the formation of gra^' coloured tannate of iron will materially diminish the brilliancy of the lake. 2. Precipitation with Soap on various substrata is effected by first suspending the substratum in water, then adding the solution of the necessarj' colouring matter land finally a solution of soap ; the latter (usuallj' Olive oil soap) is added in a thin stream with constant stirring, the whole mixture being at the same time gradually heated to the boiling point. In this process, double decomposition takes place, and there are formed insoluble compounds of the colour-bases with oleic, stearic, or palmitic acid; these envelop or permeate, and thus dye, the particles of the white material and so tend to impart brilliancy to the lake.— For complete precipitation it is necessary to employ about equal parts of soap and colouring matter. — The soap used must on no account be alkaline, otherwise serious loss of colouring matter and diminished ibrilliancy will result. — For many colouring matters Turkey-red oil is employed instead of soap. 9. Resin-Soap is capable of readily precipitating all Basic Colours, both completely and with the production of brilliantly coloured lakes. The substratum to be dyed is suspended in water, the colour solution iis added, and the [solution of jresin-soap jis Ithen added with constant stirring, the whole |being gradually heated to the boiling point ; [finally an addition of sulphate of zinc or alum is made in order to complete the precipitation, the whole being then allowed to cool while continually stirring the mixture.— The resin-soap is prepared by boiling a mixture of the ^following ingredients until a clear solution is obtained, and then making up the whole to 1 gallon. 1 lb. Resin 1 lb. Resin I 2 oz. Soda 4 oz. Soda . or j gj,, Caustic Soda 32' .-33- .» Tw. 1 gall. Water j j ^^^ ^^^^^ For precipitating 2 oz. Basic Colours there are required about 10 oz. resin in the form of resin-soap and 3.5 oz. sulphate of zinc. —In this process there are produced the in- soluble double resinates of colour-base and zinc (or aluminium. Care must be taken to stir the mixture very well during the progress of the precipitation, otherwise the colour-precipi- tate readily separates from the substratum. The resin-soap lakes thus obtained are used in wall-paper printing and paper staining, but only for papers having a matt surface since they do not stand glazing. 4. Albumin and Casein may also be employed ifor precipitating basic colouring matters.— The usual plan adopted is to suspend the substratum in a dilute solution of the colouring matter and then to add an ammoniacal solution of the casein previously prepared in the cold. The mixture is heated to the boiling point so as to complete the precipitation by causing the coagulation of the precipitating agent. 0. Phosphate of soda, namely the tri-acid phosphate, finds a special use in the preparation of brilliant violet lakes from Methyl Violet. In this case the substratum must contain aluminium hydrate, since the principle of this method of precipitation depends upon the formation of a double phosphate of alumina and colour-base. The precipitation is not very complete, hence it is found necessary to allow the mixture to stand for a considerable time. — In addition to phosphate of soda, other inorganic precipitating agents employed are silicate of soda, and bichromate or neutral chromate of potash. II. The Resorcine Colours play a very important part in the manufacture of pigments ; the colouring matters usually employed for this purpose are the different marks of Eosine, and for reds and pinks, the bluish-red colours of this group, namely, Erythrosine, Phloxine, and the various brands of Rose Bengale.— The precipitating agents almost exclusi- vely employed are the nitrate and acetate of lead, which by way of double decomposition produce so-called lead-lakes, i. e. insoluble lead compounds of the colour-acids of the Eosine Colours ; these lakes are precipitated in admixture with the substrata employed, and are remarkable for their extreme beauty and brilliancy. The substrata most frequently in use are : orange-minium, heavy-spar, blanc-fixe, sulphate of lead, white lead, alumina, and mixtures of these substances ; less frequently employed are kaolin. China-clay, starch &c. — The Eosine Colours are very sensitive to acids, so that the shade of an Eosine-lake is even influenced by the more or less acid reaction of the substratum, by the end reaction of the mixture, as well as by the nature of the insoluble inorganic substances produced by the precipitation.— Hence from one and the same Eosine it is possible to obtain a variety ot yellow or blue shades of red by slightly altering the substrata or other additions.— Since the Eosine Colours are readily soluble no particular precautions need be taken when dissolving them. The Basic Colours may also be employed as precipitating agents for the Eosine Colours, since the compounds of the colour-bases of the former with the colour-acids of the latter are not only insoluble in water, but are also very brilliant in colour. Complete precipi- tation is however never obtained unless the colours are used together in strict molecular proportions. This method is employed for producing Eosine-lakes free from lead on sub- strata of an indifferent character. In practice Magenta and Rhodamine are used for brightening or shading Eosine-lakes, the precipitation being completed by an addition of lead salts- (See also below.) III. Acid and Azo Colours. Numerous colours belonging to these two classes are at command, and yet comparatively few are employed on the large scale for making pigments, because so many of them are not useful, owing to their great solubility and the dull colours of the precipitates they yield. — The precipitating agents chiefly employed are as follows: 1. Lime salts, usually calcium chloride and occasionally calcium acetate ; these are used to a limited extent in conjunction with certain Azo Colours, especially Scarlets, instead of the dearer barium chloride, for the production of the commoner qualities of lakes; they are chiefly employed when the material to be coloured contains lime, which would necessitate the use of a relatively larger amount of barium chloride. Chalk, gypsum (natural or artificially prepared) are often coloured with Scarlet, Claret, Fast Brown, Orange, &c. ; with these colouring matters lime salts must be used as the precipitating agent ; calcium chloride is also used in the manufacture of very cheap imitations of vermilion. •-'. Barium chloride is one of the most important precipitating agents, and it is only occasionally replaced by barium acetate or nitrate. With most of the Acid and Azo Colours employed in the manufacture of lakes, it j'iclds insoluble or sparingly soluble com- pounds, and these are precipitated under the influence of the substratum, and occasionally also bj' reason of the formation of double compounds. An essential feature in this process is the occurrence of double decomposition, whereby the brightly coloured barium salts of the colour-acids, as well as sodium chloride (occasionally calcium or ammonium chloride), are produced. — In tne case of many of these barium-lakes, great importance is attached to the nature of the substratum emploj-ed or formed during the process, its more or less acid reaction, the accidental or intentional presence of impurities, &c.— When precipitating with barium salt (and indeed in all cases of lake manufacture), a far reaching influence is also exerted upon the brilliancy, depth of colour, and shade ol the lakes produced, by such factors as, the temperature at which the precipitation is effected, the concentration of the solutions employed, the order in which they are mixed with each other, the duration of the mixing process, the manner in which the stirring is done, &c.— Special attention is here only directed to the influence of temperature in the case of some sparingly soluble Azo Colours e. g. Orange II, Brilliant Orange R, certain yellow shades of Patent Scarlets, Fast Red O, &c. At the ordinary temperature these colouring matters readily give poor, weak, duU coloured lakes, especiallj' when the solutions are somewhat concentrated, because thej' are then partly thrown out of solution as sodium salts, and on the addition of barium chloride each particle of the precipitate thus produced becomes only superficiall}' covered with a layer, of insoluble barium salt ; in this manner the formation of the barium compound is rendered incomplete, and the substratum is not coated with a brilliantly coloured barium-lake. — At a higher temperature however, especially at a boiling heat, brilliant and deep coloured lakes are obtained, for in this case the colouring matter remains in a state of perfect solution, and is only gradually rendered insoluble as the precipitating agent, i. e. the barium chloride solution, is added; thus the whole of the colouring matter is utilised and, being precipitated upon the substratum in an exceedingly fine state of subdivision, the maximum depth of colour is obtained.- The following colouring matters are those which are chieflj' precipitated by the barium chloride method : Naphthol Yellow S, Azo Yellow O and cone. Orange IV, L and LL, Victoria Yellow, Fast Brown, Orange No. I and No. II, Brilliant Orange O, G, R, the various Scarlets, Paper Scarlet, Claret ; further, the following Azo Colours, Orange G, Fast Red O and S, Scarlet 5 R and 6 R, Azo Black O, Naphthol Black D, and the following Acid Colours, Soluble Blue, Lyons Blue, Cotton Blue, Alkali Blue, Pure Blue, Fast Blue, Acid Green, Patent Blue V, L, isuperfinc, and A, Ketone Blue 4 B N solution. Acid Violet N, 6 B F, 7 B N ; further also, Acid Magenta, Acid Violet 4 R S, and 3 R S, and Fast Acid Violet. — As to the substrata emploj'ed in connection with the barium chloride method of precipitation, the most various kinds are in use, although certain very soluble colouring matters, e. g. Patent Blue V, L, and superf, the red shades of Acid Violet, and Acid Magenta, are only employed in conjunction with a substratum containing aluminium hydrate, and which is free from alkali and alkali salts. 3. Nitrate, Acetate, and Basic Acetate of Lead are often used as precipitating agents for Acid and Azo Colours, though less frequently than barium chloride, partly because of the more poisonous character of the lead compounds, partly because lakes w-hich contain lead are sensitive to the action of hydrogen sulphide, and become brown through the formation of dark brown coloured lead sulphide, whenever they are exposed to the action of air in which this gas is present. — On the other hand lead salts are preferred to barium salts as precipitating agents, whenever the material to be coloured itself contains lead, and especially when the Acid and Azo Colours are employed in combination with the Eosine Colours. ■i. In addition to the above mentioned precipitating agents, the following are employed in special cases for certain Acid and Azo Colours : alum, chrome-alum, stannic chloride, stannous chloride, sulphuric acid, &c. In some cases, and with certain colouring matters, these give specially good results, but they have never found general emploj^ment. ■ IV. The Mordant Colours may also be used for the manufacture of colour, lakes by the precipitation method ; the principle of this method consists in making a solution of an alkali salt of the colouring matter, and then adding to it the solution of some suitable metallic salt, wherebj- a precipitate is thrown down, which consists of the colour-acid com- bined with the metallic oxide of the salt emploj'ed. — Alum is the metallic salt almost exclusively selected for the purpose, so that the lake obtained is the alumina compound of the colour acid employed ; in most cases Turkey-red oil and lime salts are used in addition, since these, by entering into the composition of the lake, materially increase the brilliancy of its colour, indeed, in the case of some colouring matters their employment is absolutely necessary for the production of good colours. With the Azarines, tin compounds, e. g. stannate of soda, are used in addition to alum and Turkey-red oil.— The substratum is produced simultaneously with the colour-lake, a fact which adds materially to the brilliancy of the lakes obtained by this method.— The precipitation may be effected in the cold, but the formation of the lake is then very incomplete, perfect lake formation being only brought about by raising the temperature to the boiling point and continuing to boU for a short time, so that the principle of this method is partly precipitation and partly dyeing. A useful method for most Mordant Colours is the following: Colouring matter, 1 : 10 70 measures Phosphate of soda, 1 : 20 300 Soda solution, 1 : 10 40 Turkey-red oil (50»/o) 1 : 10 40 Alum solution, 1 : 20 -500 ■ • Lime-water, 1 : 30 10 „ Dissolve the first four ingredients together, and with continual stirring add to the alum solution, and finally add the lime-water ; the mixture is then heated to the boiling point with continual stirring, and the whole is boiled for 1 '/2 hours. The precipitate is washed with hot water till perfectly free from salt, and the lake is obtained by filtering, pressing, and drying. The following colouring matters are treated in this manner : Alizarin Red (various marks), Alizarin Orange, Alizarin Brown, Alizarin claret R, Alizarin Yellow G G and R, Cerulein, Gallein, Alizarin Blue, Acid Alizarin Blue B B and Acid Alizarin Green G, Alizarin Green S, &c. — By making small alterations in the proportions of the different ingredients, as well as by adding certain other ingredients for shading purposes, such as iron and tin salts, and by using suitable mixtures of the different colouring matters, the manu- facturer is able in this marmer to make a large series of very fast colour-lakes. This method is calculated to produce the same shade of lake with much greater certainty and regularity than the dyeing method. — The following proportions of ingredients have been found suitable for Azarine : dark lake pale lake Water 250 parts - Phosphate of soda, 1 : 10 - 176 parts Soda solution, 1 : 10 70 parts 60 „ Turkey-red oil, 1 : 10 20 „ •50 „ Stannate of soda, 1 : 10 20 20 „ ( Azarine 1 : 10 70 10 „ I Alum solution 1 : 20 •500 „ 600 „ The combined solution of the first five ingredients is precipitated wth a mixture of the last two in solution. In the case of the Azarine-Iakes, as with the Madder-lakes, it is most important in this method, if one wishes to obtain the most brilliant reds and pinks, to see that the materials employed, as well as the water, and the apparatus, are all free from iron, since the presence of this element has an extraordinary dulling effect upon the shade of the lakes produced. — In addition to the above mentioned methods of precipitation and of dyeing employed in the manufacture of lakes, very important applications in this industry are derived from the fact that the Basic Colours have the property of fixing, i. e. converting into an insoluble condition, a large number of Resorcine, Acid, Azo, and Mordant Colours. With vci-y many colouring matters of these groups the Basic Colours yield insoluble or sparingly soluble compounds, and this property is utilised for the manufacture of colour-lakes partly in accord- ance with the metiiod of precipitation and partly with that of dyeing, but it is specially useful for shading purposes in connection with all lakes derived from Resorcine, Acid, Azo, and Mordant Colours. The dyeing method is employed either for mere shading or for completely changing into a compound colour, the lakes which have been previously made from dye-woods. For this purpose the lakes are suspended in water, and solutions of the Basic Colours are added, and although the lakes arc already in a perfectly insoluble state they still have the property of attracting the colour-bases to form complex compounds, in which the colouring matters of the dyewoods are partly combined with the colour-bases and [partly with the metallic oxides by which they were originally precipitated. The precipitation method is carried out by making either small or large additions of the Basic Colours when preparing lakes from Resorcine, Acid, Azo, and occasionally Mordant Colours, so that they are simultaneously precipitated with the latter ; in this case thej' are thrown down in the form of insoluble salts, in which the colour-acids of the colouring matters, belonging to one or other of the groups mentioned, are chemically combined with the colour-bases of the Basic Colours employed. C. The Colouring of Paper. In the t'olluwiiig paragraphs a brief account is given ol the methods employed in the colouring of paper, for, since they are closely allied in principle with the methods of precipitation alreadj- described, it is both appropriate as well as convenient to refer to them in close connection with the methods employed in the manufacture of lakes. The various methods of colouring paper may be classified as follows : I. The Colouring of paper in the form of pulp. II. The Colouring of paper by dipping. III. The Colouring of paper by staining. 1. The Colouring of Paper-pulp is the method most frequently employed. The complete or partial utilisation of the colouring matter depends upon whether the sizing and colouring proceed simultaneously, or only unsized paper is being made. Unsized paper is coloured less frequently, for not only is it more diflicult to obtajji full deep shades, but they can only be produced with a considerable loss of i\>loiiring matter. For colouring paper in the form of pulp the most suitable dyestuffs to use are the Basic Colours, because these are to a certain extent attracted and fixed by the fibrous substance of the paper itself — The method of colouring is very simple : the paper-pulp is suspended in water (as a rule in the beating engine), and the colour solution being added, the whole is well mixed by agitation; the pulp being thus dyed, the coloured paper is obtained by running the pulp on to the sieve, &c. in the usual manner. The colouring matters are fixed much more completely, if the sizing and colouring are done simultaneously. The sizing is usually effected by making successive additions to the paper-pulp of resin-soap and aluminium sulphate, lor in the case of the Resorcine Colours aluminium acetate). — In this manner the Basic Colours are completely precipitated throughout the paper-pulp as insoluble resinates ; in the case of the Resorcine, Acid, and Azo Colours the precipitation is not quite complete.— The resin-soap is prepared by the long continued boiling of 8 oz. resin, 2 oz. soda, and '/■> gallon water until a clear solution is obtained and then making up with water to ';2 gallon. — The aluminium sulphate solution required is made by dissolving commercial aluminium sulphate in water until it stands at 15° Tw. — The aluminium acetate used with the Resorcine Colours, is obtained by dissolving 1460 parts aluminium hydrate (containing 7.5 "o AI2O3) in 645 parts (by weight) of acetic acid 12 "Tw., and diluting the solution with water until it stands at 15° Tw.— Both the colouring and the sizing are usually done in the beating-engine; to the paper-piJp suspended in water there is first added the colour solution, then the resin-soap solution, and finally the aluminium sulphate or acetate, each being added while vigorously agitating the pulp. Great care must be taken to see that the colouring matter is in a state of perfect solution, otherwise such undesirable defects as spots and points of dark colour appear ultimately in the paper. On no account must Basic Colours be dissolved along with Resorcine, Acid, and Azo Colours, because they precipitate each other and give rise to sparingly soluble compotmds of a resinous nature, thus causing spots and loss of colouring matter.— Nevertheless Basic Colours are frequently associated with Resorcine, Acid, and Azo Colours, but in this case the colouring matters must be dissolved separately, and the solutions are then added to the paper-pulp successively and not simultaneously. — For 100 lbs. dry paper-pulp 5 galls, resin-soap and 5 galls, aluminium sulphate 15° Tw. are used. For sizing purposes aluminium sulphate is employed with all colouring matters except the Resorcine Colours, and with these aluminium acetate is used, because being less strongly acid it gives brighter and purer shades. — In certain exceptional cases, paper-pulp is coloured by means of Basic Colours with the addition of tannic acid and tartar-emetic, for example, when the colour must be perfectly fast to water.— Occasion- ally paper-pulp is also coloured by effecting the production of insoluble Azo Colours. II. The Colouring of Paper by Dipping is less frequently employed. It consists essentially in passing the fully made paper through an aqueous solution of the colouring matter. The paper absorbs the colour solution and becomes dyed in consequence of the evaporation of the water during the subsequent drying process. — Very soluble colouring matters are chiefly employed for this method, for example, the Eosines, and certain Azo and Acid Colours. III. The Colouring of Paper by Staining is employed in the manufacture of fancy coloured papers, and serves for the production of papers which are coloured on one side only. — The stain may cover the underlying paper, or it may form a transparent glaze, i. e. the substance of the paper appears through the stain.— In addition to the mineral colours, pigment-colours are now largelj' employed as covering-stains, being prepared in the form of insoluble colour-lakes. These colours are mixed with a suitable thickening, for example, dextrine, starch, &c. and then spread on the paper.— Stains for covering are also prepared by producing the lake in the staining-colour itself The thickening is first mixed with an 12 inorganic substance possessing covering power, e. g. zinc-white, white-lead, blanc-fixe, &c., a concentrated solution of the colouring matter is then added, or it is dissolved in the thickening ; it is eventually precipitated in the colour-mixture itself by the addition of suitable precipitating agents, as in the manufacture of lakes, employing tannic acid for Basic Colours, lead acetate for Resorcine-Colours, and barium chloride for Acid and Azo Colours.— Trans- parent glaze-colours are less frequently employed. They are produced by applying coloured spirit-varnishes or coloured borax-shellac solutions.— In the preparation of the spirit-vamishes the purest and most concentrated colouring matters readily soluble in alcohol are employed : specially suitable are t he following : Auramine cone, Phosphine extra and superfine, Vesu\Tne cona, Safranine A N e.^tra, New Magenta, Magenta, Methyl Violet chem. pure, Light Blue superfine sol. in spirit. Malachite and Brilliant Green crysL extra. New Green O, Eosine B A cryst., Eosine extra sol. in spirit, Cyanosine sol. in spirit, Rosazeln extra, Victoria Yellow cone. The colouring matters are dissolved in a well made varnish, prepared from the following materials 12 ';s oz. Gum Sandarac 20 oz. Alcohol "2 oz. Camphor 3 ' 2 oz. Venetian turpentine. This mixture is allowed to digest for several days at a gentle heat and then filtered ; 1 to 2 parts colouring matter are dissolved in 100 'parts of the varnish on the water-bath, and the solution thus obtained is used as [the stain.— These spirit-varnishes are, however, not only used for paper-staining but also very largely for colouring objects of metal, wood, cellulose, and glass, as well as bronze-powders. The borax-shellac solution is made by heating together the following ingredients on the water -bath, 7 Vs oz. Shellac 2 ' J oz. Borax 50 oz. Water. In this [solution there is dissolved 1 to 3 oz., according to the shade required, of such colouring matters as are readily soluble and fast to alkali, e. g. Scarlet (various marks). Amaranth,, Victoria Yellow, Orange G, Scarlet fi R, Fast Blue and Patent Blue (various marks). Acid Violet N, also various marks of Eosine, Phloxine, and Rose Bengale. The coloured solutions thus obtained are allowed to cool and are then ready for use. REACTIONS OF THE COLOURING MATTERS IN POWDER FORM. The Method of trying the Reactions. In the following pages a record is given in tabular form of the reactions of a number of colouring matters, the tests having been made with the pure products. These reactions may serve not only for the identification of the products referred to, but also for gaining some insight as to the composition of new and unknown colouring matters. In many cases, b}' selecting suitable reactions, it may be possible to separate the constituents of a mixture, and to isolate them in such a manner that each can be identified with cer- tainty; for investigations of this kind however it is impossible to give rules which are generally applicable, and much practice and manipulative skill is required in order to obtain accurate results rapidly. If the colouring matter to be examined is in the solid or powder form, it is dissolv- ed in looo times its weight of water; in the case of paste-colours a larger quantity is taken, according to the per centage of dry substance they contain. If the colouring matter is soluble, either entirely or nearly so, the solution is filtered, so that in the event of tur- bidity or precipitation occurring during the examination, there need be no doubt upon the point. If however the colouring matter is sparingly soluble or altogether insoluble, the tests are made with a mixture of the finely divided colouring matter held in suspension in water (i : looo), e. g. as with the alizarins. Only when tests are made to determine the solubility of the colouring matter in alcohol, ether, and benzene, or to study its behaviour with concentrated sulphuric acid, is it necessary to use it in the dried condition, i. e. undiluted. When making these solubility tests, about o,i gram of the colouring matter is added to 20 c. c. of the necessary reagent, the mixture is then well shaken, boiled, and filtered. When concentrated sulphuric acid is used, it is also desirable not to take too much colouring matter, so that the colour of the solution may not be too dark ; a portion of the solution is then poured into a test-tube containing cold water, and the effect is noted, for example, whether precipitation ensues, what colouration is produced, etc; eventuallj' the solution is filtered. The rest of the acid solution is gradually heated to the boiling point, and a note is taken of any change of colour which may occur, the liquid is then allowed to cool and diluted by pouring into cold water. With respect to the reactions with other acids, also with alkalis and salts, equal amounts of colour solution and the reagent are mixed together in a test-tube; one half of the mixture is allowed to stand in the cold, and if precipitation takes place, it is filtered; the remainder is heated to the boiling point, note being taken of any changes which occur, and it is then filtered. For reducing with zinc powder in conjunction with acids or alkalis, 20 c. c. of the colour solution are mixed with about 5 grams zinc powder, then about 20 c. c. acid or alkali are added, and the whole is well shaken, then boiled till decolourised and at once filtered, after which one must observe whether or not the filtrate becomes coloured on exposure to the air. The reagents employed are Water: Alcohol: Ether : Benzene : Sulphuric acid. cone. : „ dil.: Hydrochloric acid, dil.: Nitric acid : Sodium hydrate: Ammonia: Sodium carbonate: ,, acetate : Magnesium acetate: Calcium „ Barium „ Lead „ Tannin solution : Alum: Potassium bichromate: Ferric chloride: Mercuric chloride : Stannous chloride: Calcium hypochlorite : Acetic acid : as follows: distilled, absolute, chcmicallj" pure. loo grams cone, acid per litre water. normal, (loo c. c. chem. pure acid (Sp.-G. i,i6) dilu- ted to 1 litre. chem. pure nitric acid diluted to normal strength. normal, (loo c. c. sodium hydrate solution (Sp.-G. 1,31 diluted to 1 litre. commercial ammonia (Sp.-G. 0,9—0,1). ICO gr. Solvay soda per litre. 100 gr. cryst. salt per litre. 100 gr. 100 gr. 100 gr. ICO gr. 100 gr. tannic acid per 500 c. c. water, dissolved and mixed with solution of 100 grams sodium acetate per 500 c. c. water. 50 gr. cryst. salt per litre. 100 gr. 50 gi"- 100 gr. I '/a" Tw., freshly prepared (Sp.-G. 1.0075) 12° Tw. (Sp.-G. 1,06). Auramine cone. Phosphine Chrysoidine Colour Yellow powder. Red-orange powder. Large, black crystals, with metal- lic lustre. '2 o Water Very soluble. Very soluble, orange with yellow fluorescence. Very soluble. Alcohol Very soluble, yellow. Very soluble, orange. Very soluble. Ether Insoluble. Soluble only in minute traces; filtrate pale yellow. Soluble in traces, pale yellow. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Soluble in very minute traces only. Pl Heated on atinum foil The powder becomes red-orange; yellow vapour is given off; it then burns with a large flame and a black residue remains which burns away and leaves scarcely any ash behind. Much yellow vapour is given off; then it ignites ; the remaining dark grey carbon burns away with great difficulty and leaves no ash behind. Melts, gives off a brown vapour ' having an aromatic odour, and j then burns with a large flame. A black residue remains, which burns away and leaves no ash behind. Cc sul )ncentrated phuric acid Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid, solution colourless ; on dilution with water becomes yellow ; cone, solu- tion on heating becomes a pale brown-yellow. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid, so- lution yellow with green fluores- cence ; on dilution with water be- comes orange with yellow fluores- cence ; cone, solution on heating becomes dark olive-yellow. Dissolves with evolution of hydro- chloric acid, solution yellow, be- coming red at the edge of the basin ; on dilution with water be- comes orange ; cone, solution on heating becomes dark olive. Dilute sulphuric OP liydrochlople . acid Unchanged; decolourised on boiling. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilute nitric acid On boiUng, a pale yeUow solution. Unchanged. Almost unchanged. Sodium hydrate White precipitate giving milky turbid filtrate ; extracted on shak- ing with ether, becoming colour- less. Quantitative yellow precipitate ; extracted with ether, yellow solu- tion with green fluorescence. Orange yellow precipitate; extract- ed with ether. Ammonia Same as with sodium hydrate. Same as with sodium hydrate. Partial orange-yellow precipitate, soluble in excess, extracted with , ether, yellow solution. Sodi um carbonate Yellow milky precipitation, almost quantitative. Quantitative yellow precipitate. Partial orange-yellow precipitate, i dissolves on heating. ! Tai min reagent Largely precipitated yellow ; on boiling the precipitate becomes brown, resinous, and partially soluble. Almost quantitative orange-yellow precipitate ; on boiling becomes resinous and partially soluble. Partial orange-brown precipitate ; soluble on heating. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Quantitative yellow precipitate; on heating becomes resinous, and for the most part dissolves. Quantitative orange precipitate ; on heating becomes resinous, and for the most part dissolves. Quantitative brick-red precipitate, on heating becomes dark brown, resinous. Ferric chloride In the cold unchanged ; on heating turbid brown-yellow. In the cold unchanged ; on heating turbid brown-yellow. In the cold unchanged ; on heating turbid brown-yellow. Mercuric chloride Yellow precipitate, giving turbid filtrate ; on heating clear solution. Orange precipitate, giving turbid filtrate; on heating dissolves. Partial orange precipitate giving turbid filtrate ; on heating dissolves. •Stannous chloride Unchanged. Unchanged. No precipitate ; on heating rapidly decolourised. Calcium hypochlorite Quantitative pale dirty yellow pre- cipitate; on standing becomes a dirty red colour. Quantitative yellow precipitate. Almost quantitative orange-yellow precipitate, filtrate pale yellow. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Filtrate colourless; colour does not reappear; on standing the pre- cipitate on filter becomes yellowish. Quickly reduced ; filtrate becomes pale yellow ; edge of the filter- paper yellow. Rapidly decolourised ; filtrate and edge of the filter-paper yellowish. Zinc powder and acetic acid solution Becomes blue on reduction. Colour redeveloped in filtrate, (reduced with great difficulty). Edge of filter-paper coloured yellow. Rapidly decolourised ; filtrate al- most colourless. Vesuvine Rosazeine Magenta Colour Dark brown powder. DuU violet-red powder. Dark green crystids, with metallic lustre. 3 O CO Water Somewhat readily soluble. Readily soluble, ruby-red solution with orange fluoresceai.e. Readily soluble. Alcohol Readily soluble. Readily soluble, carmine-red solu- ^^^^. ^,„y^ tion with oran;;e fluorescence. Ether Insoluble. Slightly soluble, solution with orange | Soluble in minute traces ; c^)•stol^ fluorescence. become blue-violet. Benzene iDsolnble. Abnost insoluble. Insoluble; cr)'stals become blue. Gives off white vapour and puffs \ Melts to a N-iolet-Iiquid with evo- ! J^'J,^ l^d Ifuras'^jr hiS." Heated on up to a grey mass which burns lution o while vapour, then bums ; ,^^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^. ^^^ ,^« • platinum foil , away with some difticulty and with a large flame, and leaves no ^ ^^^^ ^ J^ leaves ittle ash. ash. , . / 1 away leaving no ash. 1 Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid, so- lution dark brown, at the edge Concentrated of the basin bluish-red ; diluted sulphuric acid with water gives dark yellow- brown solution with partial string)- [ precipitation ; cone, solution on 1 heating becomes black-olive. Dissolves with effenescence and Dissolves giving yellow solution, | evolution of hydrochloric acid, at the edge of the basin red; dilu- \ solution dark brown-yellow ; dilu- ted with water gives red solution ; ' ted with water becomes yellowish cone, solution becomes dark brown red, then yellow, and finally almost on heating, ^ colourless ; cone, solution on heat- ing becomes dark olive-brown. „.. , , , ' In the cold partial stringy dark 1 h H^'* hi • t)rown precipitation; on heating On heating fluorescence disappears ; or nyaroenionc dissolves giving dark reddish-yellow is not extracted bv ether. ^*''° solution. Solution first yellowish-red, then yellow, and finally almost colour- less; on heating the ruby-red colour returns. ! 1 Same as with dilute sulphuric or ' ,, ^ ,^ , .J 1 Same as with dilute sulphuric or ' hydrochloric acid; colour of solu- Same as with dilute sulphuric ■ i UUUte nunc acm hydrochloric acid. j tion becomes paler only with very hydrochloric acid. 1 long boiling. Sodium hydrate i Quantitative red-brown predpit.T.- _.,,,, Unchanged; on addition of ether both in the cold and on hcatir..; ; Part..-.] yeUow-brown precipitate; j jj,^ ^^^^^^^ solution becomes pale extracted with ether red solulio: . extracted wim etner. j pjnk, the ether colourless. the cone, ethereal solution is yeUo« . I when diluted rose-red. Ammonia Partial pale yellow-brown precip- itate; extracted with ether yellow solution. o -.1. J- V J .- With excess colourless solution i Same as with sodium hydrate. ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^.^^ In the cold partial resinous pre- p .. , P.iilial yellow -brown precipitate. In the cold unchanged, on heating 1 dpitate; on heating colour of so- bOaiUmearDOnate dissolves on heating. the fluorescence disappears. ] lution becomes paler, precipitate dirty red-violet, filtrate pale pink. „ . , , , ... 1- ■„ . , ... >. .u • .u In the cold almost quantitative Tannin reagent Partial red-brown preap.tate; d«- ParHal prmp.UUon boU. m the ^j.^^e ; on heating it becomes lannin reagent ^„,^.^^ „„ ^^^^^ ^,d ^^ ^,^ ^.^^^ h^i^. P^.P^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^g ^.^^^^^^ Alum Partial brown precipitate; dissolves Unchanged. 1 on heating. ^ In the cold partial red precipitate ; dissolves on heating. Potassium bichromate Quantitative dark orange-brown j^ ^^ ^,j ^j^, ^j^ ^ preapitate; on heaUng becomes ^j^^,^^^ „^ ^^^ black and powdery. '^ * Quantitative red-brown precipitate: on heating partially dissolves, resin- ous; the w.-tshe«l precipitate i> soluble in water. |,,,,,,,.| In the cold unchanged; on heat- Ferric chloride V" ^^ cold unchanged, on hea mg Unchanged. ing becomes yellow-brown and 1 b^^^„^^ y^""«-bro«n and turbid. '^ K^^^^ij ^J^ ^^^.^ ,.,^^,^ ... . ' Violet-red precipitation, filtrate Mercuric chloride ^''""'' \"='""»<>^'= brm*'" P^'P" ,urbid, dichroic. with reflected light ■tate, on heating partially dissolves. , ^^^^ ^^.^ transmitted light violet. In the cold brownish turbiditx on heaUng clear solution. Stannous Chloride ^'"'^ orange-brown precipitate ; .ji,a,uuuuai.iiiuiiuc ^^ heaung rapidly decolourised. In the cold almost quantitative | ^ "^^ ~'t P""^'' f^\' P"^'?'" . , J ■■..!.• tate; on heaung dissolves with Tiolet-red precipitate; on heaung ' . n . . li • , c .,. r . J- 1 separationofbasicstannouscnloni- for the most part dissolves. 1 ^^ ,^y,^ precipitate). Calcium ' Almost quantitative yellow-brown hypochlorite precipitate, filtrate pale yellowish. In the cold turbid, pink ; on heat- i ing, colourless solution with a few { Brown precipitate; filtrate yellow i-l; red flocks. Zinc powder t, .,, ^ , ■ j r,. . ■ Quickly reduced ; the filtrate grad- and ammoniacal Rapidly decolounsed; filtrate and 1 ^^„^. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^..^^^ ^^^ solution ^''ee "f filter-paper slightly orange. fl„„/^,,,„,, . edge of filter-paper pink Filtrate colourless; edge of fillci- paper red. 2 an inc powder d acetic acid solution Rapidly decolourised; filtrate a dirty reddish colour. Somewhat quickly reduced; the filtrate gradually becomes pink with orange fluorescence ; edge of filter- paper pink. Reduced with some difficulty ; fil- trate colourless, on boiling pale pink. Para-Magenta New-Magenta Azine Scarlet G cone. _ . 1 Dark green crystals, with metallic Green powder, with metallic lustre. Brown powder. i S o Water Readily soluble; purple-red. Magenta-red solution. In cold water not very readily sol- uble ; in boiling water readily soluble. Alcohol Readily soluble. Magenta-red solution. Readily soluble ; the solution ex- hibits a strong fluorescence. Ether Insoluble ; the crystals become blue. Soluble in traces with pink colour. Insoluble. Benzene Insoluble ; the crystals become blue. Insoluble. Insoluble. i I Pl ieated on atinum foil Melts and burns ; a black porous mass remains, which on further heating burns away and leaves no ash. Carbonises without giving off much smoke and leaves little ash. Cokes together with emission of yellow-brown vapours. Cc sul neentrated phuric acid Dissolves witli effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid, so- lution yellow ; diluted with water, becomes red, then yellow, pale yellow, and finally almost colour- less ; on heating the cone, solu- tion becomes dark yellow-brown. Orange-yellow solution ; diluted yel- low, heated black brown-olive, diluted dirty olive-brown, on stand- ing red-brown flocculent precipitate. Blue-green solution ; on dilution partial precipitation giving red- brown precipitate. DilL or te sulphuric hydrochloric acid The solution becomes orange-red, yellow, finally colourless ; on heat- ing the colour again becomes ruby-red. Cold, solution yellow-brown ; hot, ruby-red. In the cold red turbidity; on boil- ing the original colour is restored. Dilu te nitric acid Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Cold, solution yellow-brown ; hot, ruby-red. In the cold yellow-brown turbid- ity, disappears on boiling. Sod ium hydrate Cold or hot, quantitative red-brown precipitate ; extracted with ether red solution; cone, ethereal solu- tion is yellow, dilute rose-red. Cold, complete precipitation, red; hot, yellow-brown precipitate,filtrate colourless. Unchanged. Ammonia Colourless solution. Solution *^ale yellowish-red. Unchanged. ,Sodi um carbonate In the cold, partial red precipitate ; on heating precipitate bright pink, filtrate colourless. Cold, partial magenta-red precipita- tion; filtrate pink. Hot, slight dirty red precipitation. Filtrate almost colourless. Unchanged. Sod ium acetate — — Unchanged. Magnesium acetate - Unchanged. Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate — — Unchanged. — — Unchanged. — — Unchanged. Tannin reagent In the cold, almost quantitative precipitation ; on heating, precipitate becomes resinous, and partially dissolves. Completely precipitated, brown-red. Scarlet-red precipitate, dissolves on boiling. Alum Potassium bichromate In the cold, partial red precipitate; dissolves on heating. Cold, slight brown-red turbidity; hot, clear magenta-red solution. Unchanged. 1 Quantitative red-brown precipitate ; on heating, partly dissolves.resinous. Cold, completely precipitated brown- red ; hot, almost clear orange-red. Brown precipitate, insoluble on boiling. ] Ferric chloride In the cold, slight precipitation ; on heating, brown-red Solution. Cold, dirty claret-red precipitate; hot, brown precipitate. - Mercuric chloride Stannous chloride In the cold, brownish turbidity; on heating, clear solution. Cold, partial magenta-red precipi- tation ; hot, clear red solution. - Partial precipitation, dissolves on heating. Cold, partial violet-red precipita- tion, filtrate pink; hot, almost entirely soluble, red. Complete dirty red precipitation; filtrate not coloured. Bleaching powder Brown precipitate; filtrate yellowish. Cold, complete red-brown precipi- tation ; hot, powdery red-brown precipitate. Cold, dark coloured or black pre- cipitate; on heating dissolves to \ form a bright yellow solution. Zine powder and ammoniaeal solution Zine powder and sodium hydrate Zine powder and acetic acid solution The filtrate is colourless, edges of the filter red. Rapidly decolourised on boiling; filtrate colourless, with acetic acid dark pink. Solution rapidly decolourised ; on exposure to air the colour is more or less restored. - - Solution rapidly decolourised ; on exposure to air the colour is more or less restored. Reduced with some difficulty ; the filtrate is colourless, on boiling becomes pale pink. Easily reduced ; filtrate colourless. Solution quickly reduced ; on ex- posure to air the colour is more or less restored. Safranine concentrated Rosolane cryst. 1 Methylene Violet 3RA Colour Brown powder. Cr)-st;illinc, ulivc-j^rcen powder. ' Brown ixiwdur. J. Water Rc-idily soluble. Somewhat readily soluble ; red- , Soluble with a wine-red colour. ' violet. 1 i^ .1 1.-1 ' Readily soluble, red with yellow ^ Alcohol , fluorescence. . Somewhat readily soluble; beauti- Soluble with a wine-red colour, ful red-violet. 3 Ether Insoluble; filtrate pale yellowish. Soluble in slight traces. Soluble in traces. 1 '" Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Concentrated sulphuric acid A reddish vapour is given off; the mass melts, ignites, swells up a little to form a black m.iss, which burns away and leaves but little ash behind. Melts anil swells u|> to a black, lustrous in;u-s, which burns away leaving an unfiised ash which appears yellow when hot, while when cold. Puffs up very strongly, emitlin- violet vaiKiurs. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution green, at the edges blue; diluted with water becomes blue, violet, and finally red; slight ver- milion precipitate; the cone, solu- tion on heating becomes blackish- olive. Dissolves with evolution of hydro- chloric acid g.xs, solution black- green, at the edges blue ; diluted with water becomes blue, then violet (solution). The coac. solu- tion on healing becomes dark blue, then blackish. Green solution, on dilution l>i- comes fir^t olue, then violet, aiii finally wine-red. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Dilute nitric acid Sodium hydrate Ammonia Sodium carbonate Partial dirty orange-red precipi- tate; dissolves on healing. Partial flocculcnt precipitate, with sulphuric violet, with hydrochloric violet-blue ; dissolves on heating. Somewhat darker and bluer on healing. Partial retl-brown precipitate; ex- tracted with ether giving red solution. .,,.,. , • ■ - . 1 Somewhat darker .ind bluer on As with dilute sulphunc acid. heatine Partial red-brown preci|)itate ; ex- tracted with ether giving red sohition. Quantitative, blue-bhck precipitate; extracted with ether giving violet solution. In the cold, little change; on heating;. becomes turbid through sepanilioii of colour-base. Remains in solution, extracted with ether giving red solution. Quantitative violet [jrecipitate ; ex- tracted with ether giving violet solution. Unchanged. Partial precipitation. Quantitative \iolet-black precipitate. Unchanged. Sodium acetate Magnesium acetate Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate — — Unchanged. - - Unchanged. — — Unchanged. — — Unchanged. — - Unchanged. Tannin reagent Partial precipitation, on heating somewhat more soluble. Quantitative violet precipitate ; little soluble on heating. Partial red-violet precipitate. Alum Unchanged. Partial violet precipitate, more sol- Unchaneed ubie on heating. ^ Potassium bichromate Quantitative red precipitate, more soluble on heating. Quantitative dark brown precipi- ^^^^.^ precipitate, which dissoh, - late, on healnigjomewhat more ^^}^ ^„ ,,^„,i„„ Ferric chloride Partial vermilion-red precipitate; soluble on heating. Almost quantitative dark violet- blue precipitate; on heating tur- — bid red. Mercuric chlopide Quantitative Ught red-brown pre- cipitate; dissolves on heating. Mostly precipitated, violet ; dissol- ves on heating, red-violet. Stannous chloride Partial, buff coloured precipitate ; dissolves on heating. Quantitative red-violet precipitate ; dissolved for the most part on heating. Extremely fine red-violet prccipitat . Calcium hypochlorite Quantitative, dirty violet precipi- tate; on standing becomes black- ish-brown. Quantitative, violet-black precipi- tiite; on standing becomes paler .-uid of a dirty colour. In the cold black-brown precipi- tate, dissolves on heating. The colouring matter is very soon con pletcly destroyed. Zinc powder and ammoniaeal solution Easily reduced ; the colour is restored immediately. Filtrate a pale bright violet. Colour incompletely destroyed. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zinc powder and acetic acid solution - - Colour incompletely destroyed. liiisily reduced ; the colour is restoreil imniedi.itely. Easily reduced; the orange-yellow filtrate at once becomes red-violet, also the edges of the filter-paper. Reduced to a bright yellow solutii'n. Colour partially restored on ex- posure to the air. Methylene Violet RRA Methylene Violet BN Methyl Violet 2B superfine Colour Dark violet-brown powder. Dark brown powder. Olive-green crystalline powder. S s j5 Water Readily soluble. Sparingly soluble, violet-red solution. Readily soluble, violet. Alcohol Readily soluble. Violet-red solution. Readily soluble, violet. Ether Soluble in slight traces. Soluble in traces, pink. Soluble in traces. Benzene Soluble in slight traces. Soluble in traces, pink. In the cold not very soluble, on heating moderately soluble. 1 Heated on platinum foil Swells up to a giey mass, which burns away leaving a white un- fused ash which preserves the form of the swollen mass. Melts, swells up considerably and evolves much brown vapour, ig- nites, leaves a good deal of reddish ash. Emits some white vapours; the i mass melts, ignites and burns with a luminous flame leaving black carbon, which burns away very slowly leaving no ash. Co sul neentrated phuric acid Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution green, diluted with water becomes blue then red-violet ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes dark green. Green solution. Dihited becomes blue then blue-violet. On heating brown, on dilution yellow. Dissolves with evolution of hydro- chloric acid gas, solution orange ; diluted with water : orange-brown, brown-olive, olive, green, blue- green ; on heating, the cone, solu- tion becomes olive-brown, then i brown. Dilu or te sulphuric liydroehloric acid Unchanged. Violet solution. Deep red-brown solution, in thin layers olive-green; on standing, green (paler). \ Dilute nitric acid Unchanged. In the cold a violet solution ; hot, violet-red. Same as with dilute sulphuric or ] hydrochloric acid. j Sodium hydrate Not precipitated; extracted with ether, red solution ; the aqueous solution bluish-red, gradually colourless. Cherry-red solution. Quantitative violet-brown precipi- tate ; extracted with ether, violet solution, if concentrated deep orange. Ammonia Same as with sodium hydrate. Violet-red solution. Becomes continually paler, more turbid, and redder, quantitative dirty pale greyish-red precipitate ; extracted with ether, orange solu- tion; the ethereal extract diluted with ether, lilac. Sodi urn carbonate Unchanged. Cherry-red solution. In the cold, unchanged; on heat- ing, pale dirty red, turbid. Tannin reagent Mostly precipitated red-violet ; on heating somewhat soluble. In the cold, violet precipitate, fil- trate pink ; hot nearly clear ruby- red solution. Quantitative violet precipitate : on heating, filtrate becomes slightly red. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Partial red-brown precipitate; dissolves on heating. In the cold completely precipitated brown-black ; hot, partially soluble, red. Quantitative black-violet precipi- tate; mostly soluble on heating, partly resinous. Ferric chloride In the cold unchanged ; on heating, turbid, red; gives turbid filtrate. In the cold unchanged ; on heat- ing, turbid, red, passes through the filter. Turbid blue, on heating olive, on boiUng turbid yellow-brown. Mepcuric chloride In the cold turbid violet with brick-red fluorescence ; on heating violet-red solution. In the cold partial violet precipi- tation, filtrate turbid blue with red fluorescence. On heating clear cherry-red solution. Turbid (partially salted out). Stannous chloride Unchanged. Partial violet precipitation, filtrate piuk. On heating precipitate al- most entirely soluble cherry-red. Almost quantitative violet preci- pitate ; on heating indigo-blue partly soluble ; filtrate azure-blue, with green fluorescence. r.„i„: , ,, . . ,,,.,. . . ' On standing reddish-grey turbi- hvn«iv!wUo <>--^"'>'f -ve black-violet precip.- 1 fiUrate yellow. On heating hypochlorite | tate; hltrate yellowish. ^^ ,1^^^, colourless. Turbid violet, then paler. Zi and ne powder ammoniacal solution Quickly reduced; the colour is immediately restored. Easily reduced, filtrate colourless, becomes at once cherry-red. Filtrate colourless. I Zi \ and nc powder acetic acid solution Somewhat quickly reduced ; the colour is restored immediately. Easily reduced , filtrate orange- yellow, becomes at once red. Reduced with some difficulty; fil- trate colourless, the violet colour being very slowly restored. 1 Violet crystals Blue for Printing R Blue for Printing B Colour Yellow-grccn crystals, with metallic lustre. Dark brown-violet powder. Dark brown-Wolet powder. S 3 O «3 Water Readily soluble. Sparingly soluble, violet. Sparingly soluble, violet. Alcohol Readily soluble. Dark blue-violet solutioii. Dark blue-violet solution. Ether Almost insoluble; filtrate pale lilac. Somewhat soluble, violet. Somevrhat soluble, purplish-red. Benzene Somewhat soluble ; the crystals become blue. Somewhat soluble, violet. Somewhat soluble, bluish-pink. Melts, swells up considerabK . emits much vapour, giving a cai- bun which burns away leaving i good deal of ash containing iron. Heated on platinum foil The crystals melt and burn with : Melts, swells up considerably, a very sniokj- flame, leaving; behind , emits nmch vapour, giving a carbon a black airbon, which burns away which burns away and haves a leaving no asli. good deal of ash containing iron. Concentrated sulpliuric acid Dissolves with eirervcscencc and i Blue-violet solution. Diluted par- Blue-violet solution, diluted pai- evolution of hydrochloric .-.cd gas | ,ial bluc-violet precipitation, filtrate t tial blue-violet precipitation, liltrai. solution orange-yellow; diluted with ^ red-vi,.lct. On h.ating blue-black. red-violet. On healing blue-black, water olive green, yellow-green, j _,i^„^,, ^y ^^^ bluish-giev precipi- .liluted slight bluish-grcv precipi- yellow; on heating, the cone, so- ! ,^,^. f^^^^^^^ ^,„- ,^„^_ ,-,,t,.„,. ,,|„e. lution becomes dark brown. | Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid With sulphuric acid : olive-green, on heating emerald-green, on stand- ing yellow-green ; with hydrochlo- ric acid : light brown-yellow, on heating sUghtly more greenish. I'artial violet ]>rccipitation, on heating more soluble. P.artial violet ])recipilalion, on heal- ing more soluble. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, olive-green ; on heat- ing, more brown, then red ; on boiling becomes turbid, brown-red with gieenish-blue appearance; fil- trate green; on the filter a red- brown-powder. In the cold, partial violet precipi- tation; on heating, almost entirely soluble. In the cold, partial violet precipi- tation ; on heating, almost entirely soluble. Sodium hydrate Blue-violet, quantitative precipitate ; extracted by ether, pale yellow solution. In the cold, completely precipitated dirty brown-red ; on healing, some what soluble with a pink colour. In the cold, completely precipitated brown-red; on heating, somewhat soluble with a pink colour. Ammonia The solution becomes milky, event- ually milk-white, filtering turbid ; extracted with ether colourless soUition. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated dirty brown-red; on heat- ing, somewhat soluble with a pink colour. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated violet-red; on healing, somewhat soluble with a pink colour. Sodium carbonate In the cold, remains in solution; on heating, becomes turbid and paler, eventually milk-white, fil- tering turbid. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated dirty brown-red ; on heat- ing, becomes soluble in traces with a pink colour. In the cold, almost completely pn - cipitated violet-red ; on hcating,siinu what soluble with a pink colour. Completely i)recipilatcd blue-vinh i. Tannin reagent In the cold and on heating, qaan- titalive precipitate. Completely precipitated blue-violet. Alum Unchanged. Partial violet precipitation, filtrate ! Partial violet precipitation, filtrai. violet-red, on heating darker. | violet-red, on heating darker. Potassium bichromate Quantitative violet-black precipi- B„„.„.,.i„i,j precipitation, filtrate tate with metallic ustre ; on heat- ^^ ^^^^. ,„„;,„.^,\ ,,,,,,, ..jj^r. ing ))arlly soluble (resinous). Brown-violet precipitation, lillrate on heating somewhat darker, redder. Ferric chloride In the cold blue solution ; on heat- j_, ,^^ ^^,^, ^,,„,„.,,i.,,„ . „„ Seat- ing, turbid brown-yellow, filters ; ^rown turbiditv, filtrate turbid, turbid. *■ In the cold, brown-violet ; on heatini;. brown Uirlmlity, lilliak- turbid, i In the cold, partial violet precipi- tation; on heating, more solubli . Mercuric chloride In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- In the cold, almost completely pre- ing, very turbid, green iridescence, cipitatcil violet; on heating, some- resinous jirecipitate, filtrate lilac. | what soluble. Stannous chloride In the cold, quantitative violet pre- cipitate ; on heating, partly soluble (blue). In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated blue-violet ; on heating, l)artly soluble. In the cold almost completely \ni- , cipitated blue-violet, on heating partly soluble. Calcium hypochlorite Turbid milky, pale blue, then white; precipitate white; filtrate j colourless. On standing, colourless solution with slight brown turbidity; on heating, clear. On standing, colourless solution with slight brown-turbidity; on heating, clear. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Filtrate colourless; edges of the filter-p.-iper lilac. Easily reduced colourless ; filtrate quickly becomes pink. Easily' reduced colourless, filtrate quickly becomes pink. i Easily reduced, yellow soluiion; filtrate immediately beconus pink, then brownish-red. 2 an inc powder d acetic acid solution Reduced with difficulty ; filtrate becomes pale blue; edges of the filler-paper pale blue-violet. Easily reduced, yellow solution; filtrate immediately becomes pink, i then brownish-red. Blue for Printing BB Induline for Printing R Indamine Blue R paste Colour Dark brown-violet powder. Brown-black powder. Black paste. >. '3 o CO Water Sparingly soluble, blue. Sparingly soluble, violet. Blue-violet solution (sparingly soluble). Alcohol Dark blue solution. Dark violet solution. Reddish-blue solution. Ether Somewhat soluble, purplish-red. Red solution. Insoluble. Benzene Somewhat soluble, yellowish-pink. Red solution. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Melts, swells up strongly and emits much vapour, giving a carbon which burns away and leaves a good deal of ash containing iron. Melts, swells up. Emits violet coloured vapours, giving a carbon which leaves but little ash. When dried appears as a red-brown mass, which on further heating j swells up, emits vapour, giving a carbon which leaves a good deal of greyish-white ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Blue-violet solution. Diluted par- tial blue-violet precipitation, filtrate violet. On heating blue-black, di- luted slight bluish-grey precipitate, filtrate blue. Blue-violet solution, diluted violet, on standing partial violet precipi- tation : on heating dark blue-grey, on diluting blue-green. Dissolves with effervescence, dark blue-violet solution, diluted azure- ; blue, . S O 00 Water Sparingly soluble, blue. Sparingly soluble, dirty blue-violet. Violet solution. Alcohol Blue solution. [ Dark reddish-blue solution. Blue-nolet solution. Ether A trace of reddish tint. Insoluble. Insoluble. Benzene Soluble in traces, pink. Insoluble. Insoluble. When (Irieil the mass swells vip. Heated on emits brown vapours, giving a car- platinum foil l>on which leaves an ash contain- ing iron. Melts, swells u]), emits vapour giving a carbon which leaves a little white .ash. Sinters together, swells uji, emits vapour, giving a carbon which leaves a good deal of brownish ash . Bluc-violct solution, diluted bluc- sulphupic acid ^^^^. ji,^,^^,j ^.^,,^, ^,„ ^j^^jj^^, brown flocks separate. Dark green solution, diluted reddish- blue ; on heating dark olive-brown, diluted brown, on standing almost complete dark ))rccipitalion, fdtratc pink. Dark green solution, diluted violet . on hciting blackish, diluted vii.ii i turbidity, ruby-red filtrate. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric Unchanged. acid Slight violet turbidity, filtrate on healing somewhat redder violet. Somewhat redder violet. III the cold, partial precipitation Dilute nitric acid d.uk blue; on boiling, mostly soluble. Partial precipitation dirty grey- violet, violet-red filtrate. In the cold, a little redder ; on heal- ing, a sUght grey turbidity, filtrai. violet-red. In the cold, comjilete precipitation Sodium hydrate violct-black ; <>n heating somewhat soluble, filtrate violet. In the cold, comjiletely precipitated dirty grcy-violet ; on heating, a trace is soluble. Dark blue-violet precipitate, filtraie in the cold pink; on heating, more , soluble, filtrate violet-red. 1 In the cold, complete precipitation Ammonia blue-black; on heating, somewhat soluble, filtrate pale blue. In the cold, complete precipitation ^^^^ blue-violet precipitate, filtrate dirty grey-violet ; on neatmg, some- | • 1 .» what soluble violet. : In the cold, almost complete ])re- Sodium carbonate cipit.ition violet-black, filtrate bluish ; (in heating, somewhat more soluble. Almost complete precipitation, dirty violet, filtrate pale violet. Dark blue-violet iirccipitate. lillral. pale red-violet. In the cold, complete precipit.atUHi dark blue; on healing, a trace is soluble. Slight blue precipitate, filtrate viol< i. Tannin reagent Complete precipitation, dark blue. Complete precipitation, blue-black. Alum Partial ])recipitation, ""?• P--'^'i»"y .soluble, hltrate olive. Complete precipitation, brownish- black. Keddisli-black precipitate. Ferric chloride In the cold, a slight reddish-blue, precipitate ; on heating, a greyish- bl.ack precipitate. Violet turbidity, filtrate in the cold brown-violet ; on heating brown, tuvbid. In the cold, violet turbidity; on heating, dirty clarct-rcd turbidilv. In the cold, complete ])recipitation Mercuric chloride dark blue ; on heating, partially soluble. Complete precipitation, blue-violet. In the cold, complete precipitaticm violet ; on healing, the precipitate becomes bluer, filtrate red-violet Stannous chloride Partial precipitation, dark blue. Blue-violet precipitate, liltralc pale red-violet. Slight blue-violet precipitate, filtiai red-violet; on heating nu)re soluble. Calcium '° ''''' '■*''''' <^°'"P''-''6 )>recipitation hypochlorite ' '''■"'' '^'■°"": °" ''"'"ng. precipitate 1 becomes powder)', brown-red. Rapidly becomes paler, brown- violet, complete precii)itation red- dish-grey; on heating decolourised. On standing, brown precipitate, filtrate colourless ; on heating, rtlmest clear, colourless. Zinc powder „ , • , ^,. . and ammoniacal Decolounsed, tiltrate at once solution , '"^<^°'"'^' ''''"^• Easily reduced, filtrate rapidly becomes pale violet. Easily reduced, colourless; filtrai. at once becomes violet. z anc nc powder 1 acetic acid solution Reduced, yellow-brown; tiltratc becomes green on shaking. Reduce) 3 3 O GO Water Alcohol 1 Blue solution. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Blue-violet solution. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Ether Soluble in traces, pink. Soluble in slight traces. Soluble in slight traces. Benzene Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Soluble in traces. I Pl ^eated on atinum foil Melts, swells up, emits much va- pour and a strong odour, and leaves a good dc.ll of ash appearing yellow when hot, white when cold. Melts, and burns with a very smoky flame, giving a black car- bon, which rapidly burns away leaving no .ish. Melts, .ind burns with a \<.r\ smoky flame; the carbon burn- away rapidly, leaving a good deal of white unfused ash. Concentrated Green solution, diluted bke-green = sulphuric acid "" '"^'"'"e vK-lot-black, diluted *^ red-violet. Dissolves giving dark yellow solu- tion, orange-red at the edges ; di- luted with water brownish-yellow, pale-yellow ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes dark yellow -brown. Dissolves giving d.-irk yellow solu- tion, orange-red at the edges ; diluted with water: brownish yel- low, pale yellow ; on heating, the ' concentrated solution becomes dar- ker, yellow-brown. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Unchanged. Orange-yellow solution ; on heat- ing, becomes pale dirty yellow. With sulphuric acid: red-brown solution, in a thin layer yellow ; on heating, in a thin layer, olive; with hydrcKhloric .icid the sanu but paler. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, unchanged ; on boiling, dark greenish-hlue. In the cold, same as with dilute sulphuric acid ; on heating, paler ; after long boiling finally becomes turbin heating, mostly dissol- ved, filtrate dark green. Milky turbid, bright |«ile greeni-h then white; filtrate colourless. Ferric chloride Ill the cold, unchanged. On heat- ing, turbid, blue-green. In the cold, com|)lcle precipitiitiou ; on heating, almost entirely dissol- ved blue-violet. In the coUl, olive coloured solution ; on heating, turbid brown-yellow, filtrate turbid. In the cold, and also on heating, partial precipitation. Mercuric chloride Stannous chloride In the cold, almost complete pre- cipitation pale blue ; on boiling, decolourised. In the cold, quantitative green pre- cipitate; on heating, soluble dirty green ; filtrate pale yellow-olive ; precipitate white. Calcium hypochlorite Complete precipitation, brown-violet. Milky turbid, pale greenish, then white; filtrate colourless. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Easily reduced, colourless ; filtrate at once becomes red-violet. Filtrate colourless. Filtrate colourless. i Zi and nc powder acetic acid solution Kasily reduced, colourless; filtrate at once becomes i>ale blue. Reduced with great difficulty (only iin long boiling) ; filtrate colourless. Reduced with greiit difficulty ; i trate colourless. New Green Methylene Green Methylene Grey Colour Brown-black paste. Dark brown powder. | Greyish-black powder. I| a o Water Alcohol Sparingly soluble, dark green. Readily soluble. Black-violet solution. 1 Dark green solution. Readily soluble, Dark brown-violet solution. Ether Soluble in traces, yellowish colour. Insoluble; filtrate pale pink. Soluble in traces, greenish colour. Benzene Soluble in traces, reddish-yeUow colour. Insoluble. Soluble in traces, greenish colour. Heated on platinum foil Melts, burns with a highly lumin- ous flame and gives very little reddish coloured ash. Emits a little greenish vapour and swells up to a greyish-black lustrous mass, and burns away leaving an ash which appears yellow when hot, white when cold. Carbonises with emission of vapour, melts, swells up, and burns away leaving much brownish ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Red solution, diluted oUve, on standing a dirty green precipitation, iiltrate yellow. On heating dark olive, diluted olive-brown. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, bluish-green solution ; diluted with water greenish-blue solution ; on heating the cone, solution becomes black-violet. Reddish-black solution, diluted brown-violet; on heating brown- black, dUuted yellow-brown. Dill or ite sulphuric hydrochloric acid In the cold completely precipitated, gieen (with hydrochloric acid par- tially) ; on heating almost clear, dark green solution. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dill) ite nitric acid In the cold completely precipitated, dark green ; on heating brown-black precipitate, filtrate orange. Unchanged. Partial precipitation, dark-grey; black-brown filtrate. Sodium hydrate In the cold completely precipitated, brown-red. Almost quantitative dirty violet precipitate ; extracted with ether, red solution. Reddish-black precipitation ; filtrate, in the cold yellow-brown, when i heated brown. Ammonia Almost completely precipitated, brown-red ; filtrate pink with yellow fluorescence. On boihng a trace dissolves with a reddish colour. Residue granular. Partial precipitation, blue-black ; extracted with ether, red-violet solution. .Same as with sodium hydrate. Sodium carbonate Completely precipitated, brown-red. Partial precipitation, blue-black. Almost completely precipitated, ' reddish-black ; filtrate in the cold yellowish, when heated brownish. Tannin reagent Tolerably completely precipitated, dark green. Quantitative blue-green precipitate ; on heating somewhat soluble. In the cold completely precipitated, reddish-black, when heated some- what soluble. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Slight grey turbidity. Potassium bichromate Completely precipitated, dark-green. Quantitative dark brown precipi- tate; on heating becomes soluble, green solution. Completely precipitated, brown- black. Ferric chloride In the cold partial precipitation, green; when heated completely precipitated, black. In the cold unchanged; on heat- ing green, turbid. In the cold unchanged, when heated turbid. Mer Eurie chloride Partial precipitation, green. Almost quantitative dirty green precipitate, becomes soluble on heating. Reddish-black precipitate ; filtrate in the cold reddish, when heated brown. Star inous chloride In the cold completely precipitated, green, when heated soluble in traces. Quantitative dirty green precipitate, which on filtering quickly becomes paler, the filtrate becoming thereby reddish ; on heating the liquid becomes grey, milky. Reddish-grey precipitate ; filtrate in the cold yellowish, when heated brown. Calcium hypochlorite In the cold completely precipitated, brown; on heating decolourised. Unchanged. In the cold a grey-brown preci- pitate, filtrate greenish-yeUow ; on standing clear, Ughter, on heating quick'v de'"ll^nvis°^ Zinc powder and ammoniaeal solution Reduced on boiling, filtrate colourless. Quickly reduced ; the filtrate and the edges of the filter-paper, rap- idly become coloured violet. Reduced on boiling, the filtrate at once becomes brown- violet. Z an( nc powder i acetic acid solution Reduced on boihng, filtrate colourless. ^ Reduced with some difficulty; fil- trate and edges of the filter-paper rapidly become coloured blue. Reduced on boiling, filtrate brown. New Methylene Grey paste Direct Grey G powder Colour Water Alcohol Ether Benzene Blue-black paste. Greyish- black powder. Blue- violet solution. Violet-blue solution. „ J Carbonises with emission of vapour, „. ,. t-., inflames, leaves much grev-brown platinum foil <,ch Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Dilute nitric acid Sodium hydrate Ammonia Blue solution, on dilution blue with bluish-grey turbidity; on heating greenish-blue-black, on ililulion grey turbidity, dirty violet filtrate.' In the cold turbid, violet; on heating almost clear. Partial precipitation, blue-\-iolei Grev-violct precipitate, filtrate pale violet. Same as with sodium hydrate, on heating filtrate pink. Black-Wolet solution. Brown solution. Insoluble. Insoluble. Carbonises with emission ofvapour, melts and swells up, and leaves some brown .nsh. Reddish-black sulution. on dilution brown-violct ; on heating brown- i black, on dilution reddish-brown. Somewhat lighter and redder. Slight grey turbidity, filtrate brown- violet. Reddish-black precipitate ; filtrate in the cold yellow-brown, on heating brown. Same as with sodium hydrate. Sodium carbonate! Grey-violet precipitate, filtrate reddish. Tannin reagent ! Completely precipitated bluish-grey. Alum Potassium bichromate In the cold almost completely precipitated blue-violet; on heating somewhat soluble, violet solution. Ferric chloride Completely precipitated, brown- black. Almost completely precipitated, reddish-black; filtrate in the cold yellowish, on heating brownish. Completely precipitated, reddish- black. Very slight turbidity; solution lighter, redder. Completely precipitated, brown- black. In the cold grey turbidity; on heating grey-brown precipitate, turbid brown filtrate. In the cold completely precipitated. Mercuric chloride dark-blue; on heatmg dissolved in j traces, pale violet. Somewhat redder; on heating turbid. Blue-grey precipitate ; filtrate in the cold yellowish, on heating olive- brown. Stannous chloride' B'"<=-"°'^' predpitate, filtrate pale violet. Reddish-grey precipitate ; filtrate in the cold, yellow, on heating brown. Calcium hypochlorite Completely precipitated, brown ; in the cold flocculent, on heating powdery. Zinc powder Decolourised on boiling, filtrate and ammoniacal immediately becomes pink, then solution red-violet. In the cold slight reddish^ey turbidity, filtrate greenish-yellow; on standing, clear, pale olive; on beating quickly decolourised. and°acetlc acid P° "^.'""^ yeUow-brown, filtrate solution immediately becomes claret-brown. Reduced on boiling, filtrate immedi' ately becomes dirty violet. Reduced on boiling, filtrate yellow- brown. Uranine Eosine BA crystals Eosine AG extra Colour Brown, crystalline, with green metallic lustre. Crystals, with reddish metallic lustre. YeUow-red. a S 3 o CO Water Readily soluble, yellow with strong yellow-green fluorescence. Very readily soluble ; red, with yellow fluorescence. Readily soluble ; yellow-green fluorescence. . . , , 1 Readily soluble, oiange with yel- Aieonoi low-green fluorescence. Soluble, very strongly fluorescent.. Readily soluble ; with very strong yellow fluorescence. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Soluble in very slight traces. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. ! 1 1 ^' ieated on atinum foil Swells up very strongly forming a greyish-white so-called Pha- raoh's-serpent, which melts forming a. white readily fusible ash. Burns away slowly and gradually and leaves scarcely any ash. C arbonises to a black mass, which burns to an ash with great diffi- culty. Co sul neentrated phurie acid Dissolves giving a yellow solution with green fluorescence ; on dilu- tion, yellow ; the cone, solution on heating becomes dark brown-red. Dissolves giving a yellow solution; on dilution quantitatively precipi- tated orange-red ; the cone, solu- tion on heating becomes dark red. Dissolves giving a yellow solution; on dilution, quantitatively precipi- tated orange ; the filtrate is colour- 1 less ; on heating the cone, solu- tion becomes dark brown-red. Dill] or te sulphuric Hydrochloric acid With sulphuric acid the fluores- cence disappears almost entirely, with hydrochloric acid entirely ; extracted with ether pale yellowish. In the cold and on heating quan- titative orange-red precipitate ; ex- tracted with ether, yellow solution. Quantitative orange precipitate; extracted with ether, pale yellow solution; on heating yellow, partly dissolved. Dilu te nitric acid Fluorescence mostly destroyed; otherwise unchanged. As with dilute sulphuric or hydro- chloric acids; on long boiling the precipitate becomes a somewhat yellower orange. As with dilute sulphuric and hy- drochloric acid. Sod lum hydrate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Ammonia Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Tannin reagent Fluorescence disappears. Remains in solution; fluorescence disappears. Remains in solution; fluorescence disappears. Sod ium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. ffl agnesium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. iCalc ium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. ! i Barium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. | Unchanged ; somewhat turbid. Lead acetate Alum Partial precipitation, orange-red ; on heating somewhat more soluble. Almost quantitative brilliant car- mine-red precipitate, both in the cold and on heating. Quantitative brilliant carmine-red precipitate ; on heating filtrate be- comes somewhat coloured. In the cold partial precipitation, orange-yeliow ; on heating yellow solution. Partial precipitation, orange-red. Partial precipitation, scarlet-red ; on heating orange-red. Potassium bichromate Fluorescence disappears. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stan nous chloride In the cold and also on heating par- tial precipitation, orange-yellow. In the cold quantitative bright red precipitate ; on heating becomes deeper, carmine-red. In the cold quantitative bright red precipitate ; on heating becomes darker, carmine-red ; filtrate is then pale reddish. j Zi and tic powder ammoniacal solution Quickly reduced ; in the filtrate the colour returns. With ammonia the fluorescence increases ; with zinc powder quickly reduced ; filtrate bright pale pink, with green fluorescence ; on standing the colour is gradually restored. With ammonia the fluorescence increases ; with zinc powder quickly reduced; filtrate bright pale pink with very strong green fluorescence. • Zi and le powder acetic acid solution Quickly reduced, filtrate colourless. With acetic acid turbid, with zinc powder somewhat quickly reduced ; filtrate pale pink with slight fluor- escence, becoming very strong (green) t>n addition of ammonia. With acetic acid turbid; with zinc powder somewhat quickly reduced; filtrate reddish with slight fluores- cence. Eosine extra yellow Erythrosine A Phloxine BA extra Colour Copper-brown. Brick-red. Yellow-brown. «/q tot» Readily soluble ; strong bright green c waier fluorescence. Readily soluble ; very slight yellow- brown fluorescence. Readily soluble, strong yell..\\ fluorescence. ^ Alcohol Soluble ; very strong fluorescence. Readily soluble with slight green- yellow fluorescence. Readily soluble, c;irmine-red wuli strong yellow fluorescence. 3 Ether Insoluble. Very little soluble with green fluorescence. Soluble in traces. Benzene Insoluble. Soluble in very slight traces. Soluble in very slight traces. Heating on platinum foil Emits yellow-brown vapours and burns to a black carbonaceous mass, which is reduced to an ash with much difficulty. Emits at first a violet, then a white vapour, swells slightly and cakes together forming black charcoal, which burns away with great difficulty, leaving but little of a white readily fusible ash. Emits a brown vajwur and caki^ together forming black charcoal, which bums away with difficulty leaving a white readily fusible ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves giving yellow solution ; on dilution with water quantitative orange precipitate, filtrate yellow ; the cone, solution on heating becomes dark brown-red. Dissolves giving dark yellow solution; on dilution with water quantitative orange-red precipitate ; the cone, solution on heating becomes dark red-brown ; much violet vapour (iodine) is given off, and condenses on the colder parts of the test-tube. Dissolves giving dark oran;;' - yellow solution; on dilution with water quantitative pale reddish ! precipitate; the cone, solution mi heating becomes darker, red-brown Dilute sulphuric l Orange precipitate; filtrate pale I or hydrochloric yellow, on heating colour becomes acid deeper. Quantitative scarlet precipitate; extracted with ether yellow solution ; on heating p.irtially soluble, yellow. Quantitative bright reddish pr. - cipitate, extracted with ethci. colourless solution. Dilute nitric acid Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Same as with dilute sulphuric or Same as with dilute sulphuric ■ i hydrochloric acid. hydrochloric acid. Sodium hydrate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Ammonia Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Tannin reagent Nut precipitated ; the fluorescence disappears. Unchanged. Unchanged. 1 Sodium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Calcium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Barium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Lead acetate Quantitative precipitate, brilliant carmine-red ; on heating the filtrate becomes somewhat coloured. Quantitative i)recipitate, brilliant carmine-red., both in the cold and also on heating. Quiintitative precipitate, brilliant carmine-red, both in the cold and also on heating; the hot filtrate ! has a slight greenish fluorescence. Alum Partially precipitated, in the cold scarlet-red, on heating orange-red. In the cold quantitative bright red precipitate ; on heating scarlet, filtrate yellowish. In the cold bright red precipilair almost quantitative; on heating bright flesh-colour, quantitative. Potassium bichromate Turbid ; the fluorescence disappears. Unchanged. Unchanged. j In the cold and also on heating 'stannous Chloride "? ';,"g''\7<' precipitate; filtrate in the cold colourless, on heatnig ! yellowish. In the cold and also on heating quantitative red precipitate. In the cold and also on heatiiiL; quantitative bright red precipitai' . Zinc powder and ammonlacal solution With ammonia fluorescence in- creased; with zinc powder quickly reduced; filtrate bright \ia\e pink, green fluorescence ; on standing the colour is gradually restored. Quickly reduced ; filtrate pale yellowish pink with strong green fluorescence, edges of the filter- paper yellow. Quickly reduced; filtrate pink with strong yellow fluorcsccnn , edges of the filter-paper jiink. Zinc powder and acetic acid solution With acetic acid turbid ; with zinc powder somewhat quickly reduced ; filtrate pale pink with weak fluorescence, which on addition nt ammonia becomes very strong, (green). With acetic acid scarlet precipitate; with zinc powder reduced with great difficulty; filtrate yellowish with yellow-greenish fluorescence. With acetic acid bright redilisli precipitate; with zinc powder i reduced witli great difficult)' : 1 filtrate almost colourless, withiiit fluorescence. Rose Bengals G Rose Bengals B Eosine Scarlet BB extra Colour Brick-red. Brown-red. Brown-powder. a >> 1 s s o w Water 1 ^^-^^dtly ^"'"ble, comparatively weak 1 yellow-brown fluorescence. Readily soluble; red, without strong fluorescence. Readily soluble; ruby-red with slight green fluorescence. Alcohol Readily soluble, carmine-red with golden-brown fluorescence. Readily soluble, carmine-red with golden-brown fluorescence. Readily soluble ; carmine-red with yellow fluorescence. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Soluble in very minute traces. Benzene Soluble in very minute traces. Soluble in minute traces. Soluble in very minute traces. Heated on platinum foil Emits a violet vapour (iodine) and cakes together forming a black carbon, which burns away with difficulty leaving a readily fusible white ash. Emits a violet vapour (iodine) and cakes together forming a grey mass, which burns away with some dif- ficulty leaving a readily fusible white ash. At first the pow^der is slightly explosive, it leaves a black car- bon which burns away with diffi- ailty, eventually leaving a small quantity of readily fusible white ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with orange colour; di- luted with water quantitative orange- red precipitate. On heating cone, solution is little changed, iodine is given oft", and condenses in upper part of test-tube. Dissolves with golden-brown colour ; diluted with water quantitative flesh coloured precipitate ; on heat- ing cone, solution is little changed ; iodine is given off, and condenses in upper part of test-tube. Dissolves with yellow colour; di- luted with water quantitative orange precipitate ; on heating cone, solu- tion becomes dark brown-red. : Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Quantitative orange-red precipitate ; extracted with ether pale yellow solution. In the cold and also on heating quantitative flesh coloured precip- itate, which is extracted with ether giving almost colourless solution. Quantitative orange precipitate ; on heating somewhat soluble ; extract- ed with ether. Dilute nitric acid Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Sodium hydrate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Ammonia Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Tannin reagent Sodium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Fluorescence disappears. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Calcium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Barium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Lead acetate In the cold and also on heating quantitative bluish carmine-red pre- cipitate. In the cold and also on heating 1 t »i, u j i i •• quantitative bluish carmine-red ^" *^ cold and also on heatmg precipitate. """^"y precipitated, carmine-red. Alum In the cold quantitative red pre- cipitate ; on heating scarlet ; filtrate blight pink with green fluorescence. Almost quantitative bright red pre- t .u u • ,i ■ ■. . , cipitate; on heating becomes bright ^"^ '^/ cold partially precipitated, flesh colour. red ; on heating pale orange. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Fluorescence disappears. Ie4.„„„^ ui -J. In the cold and also on heating (Stannous chloride, ^^^„,i,^,;^^ bright red precipitate In the cold and also on heating ^" '."^f ,. ^"''^ .P'''^ orange-red quantitative rose-red precipitate. ^'■'"'''f' ^^ precipitate ; on heat- '^ '^ mg pale red, somewhat soluble. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Quickly reduced; filtrate pale yellowish-pink with strong yellow- gi-een fluorescence; edges of the iilter-paper bright yellowish-red. Quickly reduced; filtrate pale yel- 1 ^ . ,, . , .-, , , I^wish-pink with strong yellow- Q^'^ky reduced ; filtrate and edges green fluorescence. 1 "^ "^<= filter-paper carmine-red. 1 2* and ne powder acetic acid solution With acetic acid orange-red pre- cipitate ; with zinc powder reduced with great difficulty : filtrate colourless. With acetic acid flesh coloured precipitate ; with zinc powder reduc- ed with difficulty ; filtrate colourless. Reduced with very great difficulty; j the solution always remains reddish- j yellow, even on boiling ; filtrate : nrange-yelloNv. . Acid Magenta Acid Cerise i Acid Maroon Colour Olive-. Dark yellow-brown. Dark oUve-brown. c 3 Water Alcohol Ether Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. t/2 Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Healed on platinum foil Cakes together a little and burns away, at length melting giving a yellow light and leaving a quantity of readily fusible ash. Cakes together somewhat and burns away leaving a quantity of readily fusible white ash. ; Burns away and mells leaving .1 quantity of readily fusible whilL ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution dark orange, dihitcd with water carmine-red; on heating the cone, solution becomes olive-brown. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution yellow-brown with strong green fluorescence; on dilution with water, ruby-red ; on heating the cone, solution becomes olive- brown. Dissolves with effer>-escence, so- ' lution dark-brown with green fluorescence ; on tlilution with water a bluish-red ; on heating the cone, solution becomes dark olive-brown. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilute nitric acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium hydrate Colourless solution. Yellow solution. Yellow solution. Ammonia Colourless solution. Yellow solution. Yellow solution. Sodium carbonate 1 Sodium acetate On lung standing or on heating 0" '°°8 .^'"°4i°S "' "" •>«» .'*"g the solution becomes bright pink.*l "^"^ «°'""°" .''f°Tl'' ^'^ ^ ' ' yellowish-red.*) On standing or on heating tlie solution becomes a brightyellowish- red.*) Magnesium acetate Same as with sodium acetate. Same as with sodium acetate. Same as with sodium acetate. Calcium acetate Same as willi sodium acetate. Same as with sodium acetate. Same as with sodium acetate. Barium acetate Same as with sodium acetate. Becomes very turbid, on healing bright yellowish-red. Becomes very turbid, ou healing 1 bright yellowish-red. 1 Lead acetate Same as with sodium acetate. Unchanged. Same as with sodium acetate. Tan nin reagent Unchanged. Same as with sodium acetate. Unchanged. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride Unchanged. , Unchanged. Unchanged, Calcium hypochlorite - With ammonia yelk>w ; with zinc powder reduced ; filtrate a very- pale pink; on acidifying, the original colour returns. Zinc powder i and ammoniacal solution Decolourised even with ammonia, on addition of zinc powder, filtrate colourless, on addition of acetic acid the original colour returns. With ammonia yellow; with zinc powder reduced ; filtrate a very pale pink ; on acidifying the original colour returns. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate - Zi and nc powder acetic acid solution Ki.luci.l with diflicully, tillrale pink. Reduced with difficulty; filtrate pale yellowish-pink. Reduced with difficulty, filtrate pale yellowish-pink. •) This reaction is seen best i with the .icctatcs of lead, magnesium and n the case ol' barium aceute, then with calcium acetate, and le&s distinctly Acid Violet 4R Acid Violet 3RS Orseilline R Colour Dark peach-red. Dark brownish violet powder. 1 Green powder with metallic lustre. S s o Water Readily soluble. Violet-red solution. Violet-red solution. Alcohol Readily soluble. Red-violet solution. Red-violet solution. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Burns with emission of sparks and a strong yellow light, and finally melts leaving a quantity of readily fusible white ash. Carbonises quietly, and leaves a little grey ash. Carbonises almost without emis- sion of vapour and leaves a quan- tity of fused ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with slight effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, evolution dark brown, on di- lution with water violet ; on heat- ing the cone, solution becomes a dark yellowish-brown. Orange solution, on dilution red- violet. On heating black-olive- brown, on dilution olive-brown. Brown-red solution, on dilution red-violet. On heating black- brown, on dilution dirty violet- grey, on standing partially precip- itated, bluish-grey. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilute nitric acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium hydrate Becomes colourless. _.,,,,., In the cold slowly decolourised Quickly decolourised. ^^^^^ reddish-yellow). Ammonia Becomes colourless. Quickly decolourised. Quickly decolourised (pale reddish- yellow). Sodium carbonate - In the cold paler, on heating decol- i Colour becomes paler, pink ; on ourised. heating pale reddish-yellow. Sodium acetate On heating pink. In the cold unchanged, on heat- ing paler. In the cold unchanged, on heat- ing paler. Magnesium acetate On heating paler. In the cold unchanged, on heat- ing somewhat paler. In the cold unchanged, on heat- ing paler. Calcium acetate On heating paler. Same as with magnesium acetate. In the cold unchanged, on heat- ing somewhat paler. Barium acetate Becomes turbid and paler. Slightly turbid, in the cold unchang- ed, on heating somewhat paler. Unchanged. Lead acetate Becomes slightly darker. Unchanged. In the cold partially precipitated, violet; on heating unchanged. Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum Darker. Unchanged. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stan nous chloride Unchanged. Shght precipitation, violet-red ; on heating somewhat bluer. Partial precipitation, violet. h. Calcium yrpochlorite - Solution at once becomes yellow, on heating decolourised. Solution at once becomes orange- yellow, on heating almost colourless. Zinc powder and ammoniaeal solution With ammonia colourless ; reduc- ed with zinc powder the filtrate is colourless ; on addition of acetic acid the colour is restored. Quickly decolourised, on addition of acetic acid the filtrate becomes magenta-red. Easily reduced, filtrate pale reddish, on addition of acetic acid the vio- let-red colour is restored. Zin sod 3 powder and ium hydrate - Same as with zinc powder and ammoniaeal solution. Easily reduced, filtrate pale yellow- ish, on addition of acetic acid the violet-red colour is restored. Z anc nc powder I acetic acid solution Reduced with difficulty; filtrate bluish-pink. Easily reduced, filtrate colourless. Easily reduced, filtrate pale reddish. Acid Violet N Acid Violet 5BF Acid Violet 6BN Colour ' Dirty rcd-violct powder. ' Dark brown-violet powder. Dark violet powder. | c >. 3 3 O Water Dissolves with some difficulty, N-io- | k t solution ; the soluliun exiiibits Violet solution, a slight brown fluorescence. \'iolet solution. ,. . , Somewhat readily soluble, violet solution. Violet solution. Red-violet solution. Ether Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Soluble in very minute traces, pale lilac solution. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Emits a little white vapour, igni- tes, and putt's up a little forming a black mass, which melts to a readily fusible white ash. Carbonises wWle melting puffing up, and emittmg vapour. It leaves ^ ^^. _^^ a quantity of white ash. ^"^- ** Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with evolution of hydro- chloric acid gas, solution brown- , , , .. ... ^ ,.? ..' . , ,. ^ Orange solution, on dilution green- orange : on dilution with water dirt>- •,., ,-^ l^- ^ , lu *" , . . , , - i>h-blue. On heating bbckish, on ereen solution, with much water ' ... .. , ^ ■ ■ f, ., ' , . , . dilution pale brownish, blue ; the cone, solution on heating ■ becomes yellower, then darker. | Orange-yellow solution, on dilution greyish-green. On heating dark yellow-brown, on dilution paU yellowish. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Blue solution, on heating somewhat I" the cold a blue-violet precip:- Dirty green solution. dd ' '''''''''' '"S*"' green ; on heat- ing more soluble, filtrate blue-grctn Dilute nitric acid In the cold same as with sulphur- ; t .u u i- u. ui ic acid, on heating light red-brown, In the cold a blue solution, on \ ^^co\A a slight blue prec.i>.- clear solution; with continued boU- heating a dirty pink, with a slight j brown red witf^lln ""recMuu^ ingturbid, thenapowdervdark brown' bluish-grev turbiditv. ^,.'. . ,■ „ ••. . t;i. . 1- 'i . 11 ' filtrate brown-olive, vellow. prccipit.itc, hltr.ite light yellow, i Sodium hydrate In the cold the fluorescence be- comes stronger ; on heating the so- lution is decolourised and a white flocculent precipitate is formed. In the cold a blue solution, on heating light blue. Becomes paler, on heating de- colourised. Ammonia On standing solution becomes colourless. In the cold a light blue-green so- lution, on heating Ught blue. Becomes lighter, a pale steel-blue, greenish; on heating reddish. Sodium carbonate - Violet solution, in the cold sUght turbidity. In the cold bluer; on heaungsliglit turbidity pale violet, filtrate colour- less. Sodium acetate - Unchanged. In the cold unchanged ; on heating somewhat redder, brown fluorescence. Magnesium 1 acetate In the cold partial precipitation, on heating acquires a coppery lustre. Shght precipitation violet. In the cold almost completely pre- cipitated, violet, filtrate bluish-pink; on beating more soluble, flltrat' red-violet. Partial precipitation, on heating Calcium acetate precipitate becomes, resinous, and acquires a copper)- lustre. Slight precipitation, violet. Same as with magnesium acetate. Barium acetate 1 Same as with calcium acetate. Partial precipitation, violet; on heating more soluble. Same as with magnesium acetate. Lead acetate Same as with calcium acetate. In the cold completely precipitated, violet ; on heating somewhat soluble. Same as with magnesium acetate. j The fluorescence becomes very Tannin reagent strong, in the cold partial precip- itation. In the cold sUght violet turbidity, on heating not precipitated. In the cold slight precipitation, x-iolet, on heating clear. Alum Partial precipitation, violet ; on heat- ing resinous, acquiring copper}- lustre. Slight violet turbidity. Partial precipitation, violet; filtrate red-violet ; on heating more solubit bichromate Unchanged. 1 Slight brown-violet turbidit)'. Slight precipitation, dirty violet ; on heating precipitate melts. j Almost quantitative violet prccipi- Stannous chloride t-'e, filtrate pale blue ; on heaUng 1 precipitate becomes bluer, nitrate 1 ' pale blue. In the cold almost completely pre- cipitated, violet; on heating par- tially soluble, blue. In the cold completely precipitated. violet; on hearing the precipitate is bluer, somewhat soluble, blue. Calcium hypochlorite On standing pale green, on heat- ing colourless. On standing bluish turbidity, colour- less filtrate ; on heating decolourise.!. Zinc powder ,and ammoniacal solution lOasily reduced, the filtrate colourless. Fa.sily reduced, the filtrate almost colourless. Easily reduced, filtrate colouriess : on addition of acetic acid violet. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate _ Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. Same as with zinc powder antl ammoniacal solution. ' Z anc nc powder 1 acetic acid solution Easily reduced, the violet colour is gradually restored in the filtrate, the tilges of the filter-paper bccomeUlac. Easily reduced, the filtrate colourless. Easily reduced, the filtrate colourless. Acid Violet 7BN Acid Rosamine A Fast Acid Violet R 1 1 CoIOUI' Dark violet powder. i Dark rose-red powder. Red-violet powder. a S B o CO Water Blue- violet solution. Yellowish rose-red solution. Dark rose-red solution. Alcohol Violet-blue solution. Yellowish-pink solution. Pink solution. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Benzene insoluble. Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Heated on Sinters together, and leaves a platinum foil quantity of grey asli. Blackens and sinters together with a slight emission of vapour, leaving a quantity of fused ash. Becomes greenish at the edges, emitting at first a violet then a brown coloured vapour ; melts and puffs up leaving behind a fused ash. /-■„•,.,„•,♦ ^*-j Orange solution, on dilution blue- SUlphuHel^fd «-"= - ^-r^ blackislrbrown, on dilution brownish-olive. Orange-brown solution, on dilution completely precipitated dark pink ; on heating blackish-brown, on di- lution brown, on standing slight precipitation, filtrate reddish. Orange-red solution, on dilution red-violet, on standing partial precipitation, bluish-red. On heat- ing blackish-brown, on dilution dirty olive. Dilute sulphuric Partial precipitation, violet; filtrate or hydroehlorie blue-violet; on heating more acid soluble. In the cold, completely precipitated, dark pink; on heating, soluble in traces. Partial precipitation, violet-red; on heating, more soluble. : ! In the cold, slight precipitation, i Dilute nitric acid violet, filtrate violet; on heating, 1 brown-red, then green precipitate, filtrate yellow. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, dark pink; on heating, somewhat soluble, pink. In the cold, slight precipitation, red, filtrate red; on heating, clear red solution. In the cold, a lighter blue, blue Sodium hydrate turbidity; on heating, clear, pale greenish. Solution somewhat yellower. Somewhat redder. A m m nn i a , Q"ickly becomes pale bluish-green ; Ammonia | ^^ heating, greenish-yeUow. Solution somewhat yellower. Somewhat redder. Sodium carbonate In the cold, somewhat bluer; on heating, pale greenish. In the cold, unchanged; on heat- ing, somewhat yellower. Somewhat redder. Sodium acetate Unchanged. In the cold, unchanged; on heat- ing, a trace yellower. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate In the cold, mostly precipitated, blue-violet ; on heating, more soluble. In the cold, turbid ; on heating, partial precipitation, pink. Unchanged. Calcium acetate Same as with magnesium acetate. Partial precipitation, pink, filtrate pink. Unchanged. Barium acetate Same as with magnesium acetate. Same as with calcium acetate. In the cold, partial precipitation, red ; on heating, fairly soluble. ' In the cold, completely precipitated. Lead acetate blue-violet ; on heating, mostly I soluble. Completely precipitated, pink. Almost completely precipitatetl, bluish-red ; on heating, somewhat more soluble, filtrate pink. Tannin reagent 1 ^" *" ^°''^' '"f '"^bidity, blue- 1 violet; on heating, clear. Partial flocculent turbidity. Unchanged. t Alum Partial precipitation, blue-violet; on heating, mostly soluble. Almost complete precipitation, pink. P«'«^' ^mlmte '^k.''^"''''"'''' ' Potassium ^r i,» • •. •• bichromate ^''S''' P'^cipitation, grey-green. Slight turbidity. <^'^''"' '"^"''^"tat^patT""^' '°'"" T .1 1 1 1^1 • -1 . I ' In the cold, almost completely. Stannous chloride I" 'be cold, completely precipitated, . Completely precipitated, pink. i precipitated, bluish-red; on heat- l.lue; on heating, soluble m traces. 1 j ing, somewhat soluble, filtrate pink. Calcium *"'" standing, bluish turbidity, fil- j In the cold, complete precipitation, ; In the cold, slowly becomes red- | hVDOChloride trate colourless ; on heating, deco- pink, on standing paler; on heat- brown and gradually lighter; on lourised. 1 ing, decolourised, almost clear, j heating, quickly becomes yellow. Zinc powder Easily decolourised, filtrate colour- ; Easily reduced, filtrate veiy faintly and ammoniaeal ' less, on addition of acetic acid reddish ; on addition of acetic acid solution 1 blue-violet. , pale pink. Decolourised, on standing very faintly pink. Zinc powder and Same as with zinc powder and , Same as with zinc powder and sodium hydrate ammoniaeal solution. ■ ammoniaeal solution. Decolourised, on standing reddish. Zi and ic powder acetic acid solution Kasily reduced, filtrate colourless. Not reduced, filtrate pink. Reduced only on boiling, filtrate at once becomes pink. Fast Acid Violet B Fast Acid Blue R i Alkaline Violet 1 1 Colour Dark violet powder. Dark blue powder. Pure violet. c Water Violet-red solution. Blue-violet solution. Readily soluble. ^ Alcohol Violet solution. 1 Blue-violet solution. Readily soluble. Insoluble. Somewhat soluble. Burns with a highly luminous flame forming a black carbon, which bums away le.-iving but little a^h • behind. Dissolves with a dark brown col,,m. on dilution blue-green; on heating;. the cone, solution becomes daili olive-brown. Slij;ht precipitate; on heating, v. luble, bluish-green. ■§ Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. o <« Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Heating on platinum foil Blackens, emits a quantity of vio- let \apour, melts and leaves be- liiiul some fused ash. Carbonises with slight puffing up, and leaves a large quantity of grey ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Ruby-red solution, on dilution blue-violet ; on standing partial pre- cipitation, blue-violet. On hcatiny bl.icUish-brown, on dilution dirty olive; on standing greyish-brown llocculent turbidity. Brown-red solution, on dilution completely precipitated dark blue. On heating blackish brown; on ililution dirty claret-red with a very strong green lluorescencc ; on standing a reddish-grey precipitate, liltrate pink with yellow-green fluorescence. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, dark violet, filtrate pink ; on heating, somewhat more soluble, filtrate red. In the col^ '^°W- ""^banged ; on boiling, In the cold, unchanged ; on boiling, pale reddish. '«' ^°'""°"- , '"^ =°'"''°"- Sodium carbonate - Sodium acetate In the cold, unchanged ; on long standing partial precipitation; on boiling, quantitatively precipitated, (insoluble in water). On heating, mostly precipitated. On heating, mostly precipitated. Magnesium acetate In the cold, partially precipitated, violet-blue ; on heating, quantita- tively precipitated. In the cold, precipitated partially; on heating, completely. In the cold, precipitated partially ; on heating, almost completely. Calcium acetate Same as with magnesium acetate. Same as with magnesium acetate. Same as with magnesium acetate. Barium acetate Already in the cold almost quan- Already in the cold almost quan- 1 Already in the cold almost quan- ! titatively precipitated ; on heating, titatively precipitated ; on heating, titatively precipitated ; on heating, the filtrate is almost colourless. | the filtrate is almost colourless, j the filtrate is almost colourless. j Already in the cold almost quan- 1 1 j Lead acetate i titatively precipitated; on heating, i In the cold and also on heating. In the cold and also on heating, the precipitate is more soluble, ' quantitatively precipitated. quantitatively precipitated. in traces. j Tannin reagent Unchanged. j On heating, partially precipitated. On heating, partial precipitation. Alum In the cold, precipitated partially ; In the cold and also on heating, on heating, quantitatively. quantitatively precipitated. In the cold and also on heating, quantitatively precipitated. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. In the cold, partially precipitated ; ' In the cold, partially precipitated ; 1 on heating, almost quantitatively. on heating, quantitatively. ^Stannous Chloride "" '"'''^^':;:^:^ '''"'' On heating, quantitatively precipi- 1 On heating, quantitatively precipi- tated, blue. 1 tated, blue. Calcium hypochlorite ! Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution ^\'ilh ammonia unchanged; with zinc powder somewhat quickly decolourised, filtrate reddish-blue. With ammonia unchanged; with zinc powder somewhat rapidly de- colourised, filtrate pale blue, on addition of acetic acid darker. With ammonia unchanged ; with zinc powder somewhat quickly decolourised, filtrate pale blue, on the addition of acetic acid darker. Zinc powder and ! sodium hydrate - - i Zi and me powder acetic acid solution Quickly reduced, in the filtrate the colour is restored. Quickly reduced, filtrate pale blue; the precipitate on the filter be- comes dark blue. Quickly reduced; filtrate pale blue, precipitate on the filter becomes dark blue. ! , Methyl Alkaline Blue MLB Opal Blue blue shade ^fo'luWe"fn^water°'^ 1 Colour 1 Blue. Readily soluble. Crystals with coppery lustre. Violet cr)slals with coppery hi--ln . 3 3 O Water Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Alcohol 1 Somewhat readily soluble. Soluble. In.soluble. Very little soluble. Ether Benzene Soluble in slight traces. Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. limits white vapour and burns with a luminous llamc ; the black residue burns away with a red glow, leaving only a little white ash. Dissolves with a dark red-brown colour, at the edge of the basin blue-violet : on dilution with water, mostly precipitated, blue; on heating, the cone, solution beconi' - dark blackish-brown. In the cold and also on heatiiit;. partial precipitation. (_»n boiling, the li(piid bccoiiu > turbid and of an olive colour; the filtrate is yellow, the pre- cipitate is black-green. ^ . Melts, piifl's up, .ind forms a black "fated on ,„^,^ ^j,;^.,, ] ■^^^ ,,„^„^ .,„.^^, platinum foil ,,^,.„g „^,y „^,i,j,, ^,,, - Emits white vapour, burns with a luminous llamc, puffs up slightly and melts to a bl.ack m.-iss, whicli burns away leaving very little white ash. Dissolves with a brown-red colour : on dilution with water, blue, partial jirecipitation ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes bl.ackish- brown. With sulplniiic acid partial pre- cipitation both in the cold and on heating ; not extracted by ether. With hydrochloric acid quantitatively precipitated in the cold ; on heating somewhat soluble. Dissolves with effervescenco and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas. Concentrated solution red-brown ; on dilution sulphuric acid with water, blue precipitate, filtrate 1 colourless; on heating, the cone. solution becomes violet-black. „., ^ , , . In the cold, precipitated, filtrate Dilute sulphuric ^^^^.^ ^,„ ,,^.^^i „,, l,,„^ or hydrochloric ^^^.^^^^ -^ ^^^^^^^^ j„,,„ qj„^. •^^ tativcly, not extracted by ether. Dilute nitric acid n thecold,ablucprecip.tae; on ' On lonf; l,oilin« the liquid becomes IcMf; l>«,hn«, ohve-green liquid, turbid and of an olive colour; which on filtering gives a golden- ^^^ ^,^^_^,^. .^ ^^ ^.^^^ ^,,^ yellow hltrate and a dark green p^cipitate is black-green, precipitate. ' '^ " Sodium hydrate In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, ' becomes of a dark purple colour. Dirty vii)Ut solution. on continued boiling, |).ale reddish. Dirty violet solution. Ammonia I Same as with sodium hydrate. 1 Dirty violet solution. Dirty violet solution. iSodium carbonate — - - Sodium acetate In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, quantitatively precipitated. Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate In the cold, precipitated partially; on heating, quantitatively. Unchanged. Unchanged. Calcium acetate Same as with magnesium acetate. Unchangeil. Unchanged. Barium acetate Same as with magnesium acetate. In the cold, almost quantitatively In the cold and also on heating, precipitated ; on heating, becomes partial precipitation ; on boiling lighter and somewhat more soluble. becomes paler. Lead acetate Same as with niagiicsiuni acetate. In the cold, quantitatively pre- j_^ ,^^. ^,,,, .^uantitativelv ,.,c. cipitated; ""Jj^-^'|"^'«' somewhat | ,ipi„t„,. unhealing. partK m,1„1.1, Tannin reagent On heating, partial precipitation, Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum Partial precipitation; on healing, separates more completely. In the cold, (piantitatively pre- cipitated ; oil heating, partially soluble. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride On heating, (piantitatively pre- ciiiitated. blue. In the cold and also on heating, In the cold and also on hcatiii;;. (piantitatively precipitated. quantitatively precipitated. Calcium hypochlorite - „..,. . , , 1 With ammonia lu-comes pain. With ammonia becomes paler, on , ,^ ,,,^^ . ,.^^„^^,,, ^^.j,,, ^j,, standing colourless ; r<;duced with | * j,,^. ^.^^^^^^ -^ ^^ ,,,„^.. zinc powder, the liltrate is colour- ' , ,.,• r .• i .t , ' ' ... . ^. ..on addition of acetic and the ess ; on addition of acetic acid ... , , i < n ' , , , , original colour (azure-blue) i» the colour is restored. *• restored. 2 an inc powder i ammoniacal solution With ammonia unchanged ; with j /.inc powder somewhat quickly 1 decolourised, filtrate pure blue. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate - 2 an .inc powder d acetic acid solution Reduced with difficult)-; in the filtrate the blue colour returns. Reduced with very great difiiculty ; requires boiling. Filtrate pale blue- green. Reduced with very great diflicult> ; requires boiling. Filtrate pale blue. Concentrated Cotton Blue R Cotton Light Blue . „ „, soluble "^^ **'"® Colour Violet crystals with coppery lustre. Blue-violet powder with coppery ] ^,.^,^j^ crystalline. g "S 3 o CO Water Readily soluble. Readily soluble. ' Readily soluble. Alcohol Readily soluble. Slightly soluble. Sjiaringly soluble. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. | Insoluble. Benzene ' insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Emits white vajiour of an aromatic Heated on odour ; bakes a little together, and platinum foil ; Imrns away leaving a quantity of white infusible ash. Emits white vapour, and burns away with a strong yellow glow, leaving behind a somewhat large amount of white ash, not fused. Emits white vapour, burns with slight sparking and crepitation, and bakes together forming a car- bon which burns away with ex- treme difficulty, leaving behind a quantity of infusible ash. ^. , , . ,11, ' !-,■ , ■,, a- , Dissolves with strong effervescence- Dissolves forming a dark brown- Dissolves with effervescence and , , .. r i i , i ■ • i , . ,, • > . , ,1 1 , ,■ ,■ ■ . ,, • ., and evolution of hydrochloric acid red solution, blue-violet at the evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, , , . u .-r i u , ., /^_ . » -».j ' , ,-.,,■ j-i 1- -1, 1 .• , , , , ,., gas, solution a beautiful brown 1 Concentrated ■, edge of the basm, on dilution with ! solution dark brown-red ; on dilu- i ^, j, ^ •,,, ,,. »„, sulphuric acid water blue; on heating, the con- ' tion with water blue. On heat- '. ^f''"'^- °" ''''"'''",."'',,''!,„'• ..,,,•! J , • ., , .■ , blue solution ; on heating, the cone, centrated solution becomes dark ing, the cone, solution becomes ! , .• u n • i. i ' 111-11 1 1 1 - u 1 solution becomes yellowish-brown- j ■ bl.ackish-brown. i blackish-brown. , , ,. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric [ Unchanged. Unchanged. , Unchanged ; not extracted by ether. 1 acid , ■ , , , ^ ,- , , -1 ^ ■ .,. ,,..,, 1 On continued boiling, o.>:idises and nii„t„ .,!»„;« ooi^ I-il"c changed. On continued boil- On boiling, the liquid becomes a ' ^ ,. , *" , .-„„ ;„, Dilute nitric aeid , \ ., it- i- \ forms an ohve-brown solution with ing, a clear chrome-yellow solution. pale ohve-brown. a " ' \ '^ green fluorescence. 1 Sodium hydrate Dark red solution ; on standing, pale dirty red. Dark red solution; on standing, becomes pale dirty red. On heating, completely decolourised. Ammonia Same as with sodium hydrate. Same as with sodium hydrate. On heating, completely decolourised. Sodium carbonate - - - Sodium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, unchanged; on heat- ing, the liquid is almost decolour- ised ; on cooling, the colour returns. | Magnesium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. ' { Same as with sodium acetate. [ Calcium acetate ' Unchanged. Unchanged. Same as with sodium acetate. Barium acetate On boiling, becomes paler. Unchanged. Same as with sodium acetate. In the cold, almost quantitatively t ., ,, ., ■■.,.,, ,j i- i.. .• i T„„j „„„«•„»„ • -. . J 1, ,- - •. , In the cold, mostly precipitated; In the cold, slight partial preci- Lead acetate precipitated ; on heating, precipitate ,' . -"^ t , , '^ i -. .■ i .• i 1,1 partly soluble 1 °" heating, soluble. pitation; on heating, soluble. Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride "IZ^^S^"^^. 1 I" "^-old, mostly precipitated; ! On heating, quantitative blue pre- ble ^ ' on heating, more soluble. cipitate. i Calcium hypochlorite - - - Zinc powder and ammonlaeal solution With ammonia at first dirty red, 1 -,,.., ■ j , , ., then almost colourless; with zinc ^f" ammoma dark r«l then with ammonia colourless ; reduced powder it is reduced, the filtrate P^'^;- finally colourless; with .inc ^^.j^^ ^j^^ ^^^.j^^. ^^^ ^jj^^,^ j^ is colourless; on addition of acet- ' P°«'f" ,"' '^ reduced the hltrate ,o,„„rle.s ; on .-iddition of acetic ic acid the original colour (violet) >^~l°"rless; on addition of acet- ,^^^^^ j,^^ ^^^^ ^^,^,,j. ^^ restored. ■ ■ e to ed '"^ ^ colour is restored. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate - - - z 1 ant ne powder 1 acetic acid solution Reduced with very great difficulty, requires boiling. Filtrate pale dirty green. Reduced with vei-y great difficulty, requires boiling. Filtrate pale blue. Somewhat quickly reduced ; at first the filtrate is colourless, but after- wards the colour returns. Patent Blue V Patent Blue A Cyanlne B Colour Dark blue, crystalline. Readily soluble, (;reenish-blur. Somewhat soluble, greenish-blue. Dark grccnish-bluc powder. Dark blue-violet |X)wder. c >> Water Alcohol Greenish-blue solution. Blue solution (thick layers viol. ; (ireenish-bluc solution. Blue solution. s 3 O Ether Ill-ohll.l,. Insoluble. Insoluble. on Benzene Almost insoluble. .\ white vapour is emitted ; the powder ignites and burns rapidly, leaving a quantity of unfused ash. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Burns, at the same time melting and puffing U]), ignites, .ind leaves a cpiantity of grey ash. Snd a [ J-; platinum foil .|U..n,„y of «h>te mfus.ble ash. ^^^^^ ^:^^^„^^, ^.^^^ ^.^^^ ^^^^, ^.^._ culty, and leaves behind but little ash. Dissolves with a dark orange col- Dissolves with a red-brown colour; r e tntpri '"" ' "" diUitiim with water col- on dilution with water the colouring 1 Vi apiH """ ''^'^o™'^^ olive then green ; on matter is mostly precipitated, green; SUipnuriC aeia ,,^..„in„ ,1,^ ^.„„^. solution l.oo.mes on heating, 'the c»nc. solution (lark nlivi-bn.wn. becomes blackish-brown. Somewhat soluble, brown. Emits a little vapour, melts, puffs j up. and leaves behind a quantity 1 of white ash. OUve-green solution, on diluti"ii steel-blue, on long standing d.uk blue Hocks ; on heating blackish olive, on dilution brown-red, <>n long standing dark brown Dock-. solution pale violet. In the cold, mostly precipitated Dilute sulphuric with sulphuric acid, quantitatively or hydrochloric (in standing, colour becomes paler. with hydrochloric acid; on hcat- acid ing, the precipitate collects into a resinous mass. In the cold, mostly precipitated, , ... , precipitate becomes resinous on ,., , ., . .^ :^' hrstohve; onbodtng brown: [^J ^^ ^ ^,,^ Dilute nitric acid by continued boibng. pale brown- ^^^^J^^ ^^ ,.^^^ p^,^ red-bruwn. then yellower, finally turliid yellow-gicen. _,. ,j» ,. 11 Almost colourless (dirty reddish Sodium hydrate Becomes colourless. ^ In the cold, parti.al precipitation, pale blue; on boiling, :dmost en- tirely soluble, pure blue. In the cold, reddish brown : on heating, red. In the cold, violel-red solution; on heating, niby-red. Ammonia Becomes colourless. Same as with sodium hydrate. Red-violet solution. Sodium carbonate — — In the cold, red-violet solution; on heating, still redder. _ ,. 4, 4 ^ 1 .■ 1 On heating almost completely deco- Unchanged, on heating somewhai Sodium acetate On hcatmg, pale green. ^ Icurised. redder. Magnesium ,„ „^.,,,^, ,„,„. ^^^ ^iieS'S Z^t I" ^'-!»;'. "nc^anged;onheatin.. acetate ' „„,j colourless. l'"'"»' ^"•'^' precipitation. Calcium acetate ' '» heating, paler. Same as with m.agnesium acetate. Partial violet precipitation. In the cold, quantitatively prccip- „ . ^ ^ , ■ , italed ; on healing, partially col- Almost completely precipitateil. Barium acetate '-" heatmg, paler. ,^^j^ .^^^ ^ ^^^.^^^ ;,^^^^. {;^^i^, \.. ,,^.- turbid, but almost colourless. . , ^ ,. , , .. -.T 1 • . • Almost completely precipitated. Lead acetate Lncnangcd. .Same as with barium acetate. . '. , ui' u _ . ^ ,, , , On standing, becomes turbid; on Partial precipitation, grey-green; Tannin reagent Unchanged. ^^^^^.^^^ ^^^^, p^^^i^,,^ ^^^^^^^ : ^^^^^^^^ ^,j.^.^« • ,. , , P..rti..l precipit.ation; on heating, 1 I"/'V%"°/^ ''''"'^'P'i'^P''''"^^^^ Alum tnehanged. becomes resinous. black.sh-blue ; on heating, more soluble. bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. .Slight precipitation, grey-green. In the cold, almost completely , , ., ,, , , Dark green precipitate: on he.it- precipitated, grey-green; on heal- Stannous Chloride Unchanged. ^ng, more soluble. ing, precipit.afe becomes p.aler, .il- Irate pale green. Becomes immediately brown-red. Calcium 1 then pale brown, gradually bccoiii- hypochlorite ~ ing paler; on healing, quickh decolourised. Zine nOWdPP ^^ '''' """ '''' '"''""■''-"'^' reduced With aiiinioiiia cull unless; reduced nnrl nmrnoniapnl "'''' ''"'^ powiler the tiUiate is with zinc powder the liltrate is Decolourised, filtrate on shaking; solution colourless; on addition of acetic colourless, on addition of acetic becomes re.l-violet. acid becomes green. .acid becomes green. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zinc powder ,, , , . , ..f . -. (>uicklv reduced; precipitate on and acetic acid '■^'"""^" "'"''"""■= '"'"'■ the f.lter .and the fdlralc become solution |i.ie^;ieen. jjrecn .again. Easily reduced ; filtrate yellow, on shaking becomes green then bliu . , ' Woolgrey G , Woolgrey R Nigposine soluble 1 Colour Dark grey powder. Greenish-black coarse grained powder. Crystalline black powder. .s s 1 Water Grey solution. Reddish-grey solution. Somewhat readily soluble. Alcohol Violet solution. i Ruby-red solution. Insoluble. Ether ^''"°^' '°=°'"'''"' ,?*'='■ '■"'°^'>' Insoluble, greenish-yellow. Insoluble. Benzene Somewhat soluble, olive-brown. Insoluble. Insoluble, Heated on platinum foil T- .. .-. I- , T- -^ .-. r , 1- 1 1 ' Emits some white vapour, bakes tmits a quantity ol brown vapour, Kmits a quantity of reddisb-brown i , ., , , :, ,, melts, puffs up,' and leaves a cuan- vapour, melts, pufls up, an' °^^ ^'^'"^ ' ■ 1 and easily fusible ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Olive-brown solution, on dilution .^. , ... , , , ., ,, , ^ J- ^ 1 • ,-, .. . , : Dissolves with a grev-blue colour ; grccnish-blue, on long standing Green solution, on dilution violet, ,., .. • , . . , blue flocks. On heating dark brown: on long standing viole. flocks. (^„ ™ ''' ""°" with w,ater grey-blue, on dilution dirty red, on long heating blacUish^olive, ,.n dilution ' P'"'"-?' Pr^cp'tation, dirty bltie ; standing bnmn' flocks, solution violet-red. "" 'f^"°g "^^ cone soi„,ion , J. , becomes greenish-black. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, slight blue-grey pre- In the cold, partial precipitation. Partial precipitation, grey-blue, cipitation ; on boiling, clear blue- dark violet ; on boiling, almost both in the cold and also on green solution. entirely soluble, filtrate blue-violet. , heating. n-liito nitTJio Qoid In the cold, brown-oUve (dichroic) ; In the cold, dark red-violet; on | Same as with dilute sulphuric or i UUUie nunc aem \ ^^ heating, red-brown. heating, ruby-red. hydrochloric acid. Qort" Vi H f ^^ ^^^ '^°'*^' '^'°'^' solution; on In the cold, dark red-violet; on Dirty red-violet solution; not boaium nyaraie heating, red-violet. j heating, brown-red. extracted with ether. Ammonia Violet solution. Brown-violet solution. Same as with sodium hydrate. ^ J Violet solution; on heating, red- Brown-violet solution ; on heating, Sodium carbonate; ^.^^^^^ ^ partial precipitation, dirty violet; , — 1 1 ■ i filtrate brown. 1 ! Sodium acetate In the cold, unchanged; on heat- I In the cold, unchanged; on heat- j U h 1 ing, somewhat redder. ing, somewhat redder. "'^ angec. Magnesium acetate In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ^ Partial precipitation dirty brown- ! TT h d ing, partial precipitationdirty violet, i violet, filtrate brown-red. ° ange . Calcium acetate! Partial precipitation, dirty blue-grey. ^"'"^^ Cl'trown-rel''"''''''^ Unchanged. Rariiim ^natcito 1 Somewhat completely precipitated, ; Partial precipitation, violet-black; In the cold and also on heating Barium aeeiaie ^^^^ blue-grey. filtrate brown-red. partial precipitation. ToqH Qnot-afo Somewhat Completely precipitated. Somewhat completely precipitated, j Quantitative grey-blue precipitate, Leaa aceiaie ^^^^:^ blue-grey. violet-black ; filtrate bluish-red. on heating partially soluble. Tannin reagent ^"^'''^ precipitation, dark blue- Partial precipitation, dark grey- Unchanged, s green; filtrate olive. green; filtrate olive. ^ In the cold, somewhat completely In the cold, partial precipitation. Alum precipitated, blackish-blue; on heat- ' violet-black; on heating, more sol- Partial precipitation, slight. ing, a little more soluble. 1 uble, filtrate red-violet. Potassium cr ^,^ ■, r ' Oil heating, slight precipitation, tt„ i,«„™^ bichromate 1 ^''S'^' precipitation, grey-green. "blackish.*^ Unchanged. In the cold, almost completely pre- Stannous chloridel "'P'*''"''^' ''"^ g'-^^yg^^™! "^^^'^f; ji,a,iiiiui.av,iiiuiiuc[ ^^^ somewhat more soluble, fil- j trate greenish. In the cold, almost completely pre- \ In the cold and also on heating cipitated, greenish-black ; on heat- 1 quantitatively precipitated, blue- ing, dirty brown, filtrate greenish. green. ralpiiim Immediately becomes brown, then j Immediately becomes ruby-red, hiinr>nV.in»ifo paler; on heating, quickly deco- i then brown, afterwards paler; on — nypocnioriie , lourised. ' ' heating, quickly decolourised. Zinp nowdpp i ' Easily reduced; in the filtrate and 'and ammoniaeal Decolourised, filtrate becomes dirty Deccilourised, filtrate becomes red- ' at the edges of the filter-paper snliitinn blue-grey on shaking. violet on shaking , the dirty red colour is quickly 1 j restored. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate _ ! _ ! _ Zi and le powder acetic acid solution Easily reduced, filtrate yello\y, becomes blue-green on shaking. Easily reduced, filtrate greenish, becomes dark blue on shaking. Easily reduced ; in the filtrate and at the edges of the filter-papei the colour is quickly restored. Picric Acid Colour Water Alcohol Ether Benzene Heated on platinum foil Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Dilute nitric acid Yellow CTj-stals. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Kxploiles with a luminous flai Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium hydrate Reddish-yellow solution. Ammonia Reddish-j-ellow solution. Sodium carbonate — Sodium acetate Unchanged. Magnesium acetate Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate Tannin reagent Alum Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. >li"hl Unliiilitv. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. ct„„„».... „i,i„-!^„ "" boiling becomes dirtv yellow, Stannous chloride ... , ■ '• ■ on standing decolounsed. Calcium _ hypochlorite on/1 „~~„„:„^ \ Quickly decolourised ; liltiate dirtv and ammoniacal ^ ^ solution Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zinc powder and acetic acid solution Victoria Yellow cone. Brownish-yellow powder. Readily .soluble, orange-yellow . Readily soluble, orange-yellow. Somewhat solubU Somewhat soluble. ,, , , , , MelLs to a bL-ick glassv mass, hxplodes emitting sijarks, and ... r .u u .• ' i , ' , , . , 11 •. <■ which on further hcaUng burns leaves beliiml a small quantitv of ... , a i i ,'., f....;'i,i.. with a smoky name, anil leaves but little .ish. Naphthol Yellow S Bright yellow. Re.idily soluble. Somewhat soluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. white ash which is readily fusible. Heconies pale yellow. Dissolves with a yellow-green Dissolves with a dark violet colour, colonr, on dilution with water in thin layers violet-blue; on becomes pale yellow ; on heating. dilution with water a red-vioU t the tone, solution becomes olive- precipitate; on heating, the cone, brown. solution becomes violet-black. The liquid becomes dark vioU t, a dark precipitate is formed, tlic filtrate is pale red-violet ; on heatiiiL; I a clear ruby-red solution. In the cold same as with sulphuric acid ; on heating red, then orange, and on boiling olive-brown, on cooling turbid brownish-yellow. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, an almost quantitative In the cold, an almost quantititivc orange-yellow precipitate, which flocculent yellow precipit.ite, which on heating partly dissolves. Ill the cold, quantitative orange- yellow precipitate, which on heating p.irtly dissolves. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Is not decolourised. on boiling mostly dissolve Partial precipitation, orange-yello on boHing clear solulii>n. Unchanged. Yellow-red sohiti'M Unchanged. Violet-red, on boiling quickK decolourised. _ , , • 1 .-1. . . 1, Ouicklv reduced, edges of the hltei ■ Rcduce ,- • - HootoH n„ 1>"™^ "-i"^ ■'' luminous flame ,. , . .,, , . Puffs up strongly forming at hrst nl.f fn,?^ fnil '^"""S l^^'""'" ^^ blackish mass, ^"''"""^t. .iiucldy, Ic.v.ng a > a white then a greyish-b ack mass, platinum foil ..i,;.!,'' .d^,,,,,. b„,.ns away leaving '!""""'>■ °' ^^''"'^' '''^- which burns away regularly, leaving 1 some ash. ' ! ^'"V ^^^^ '''^■ Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with evolution of hydro- chloric acid gas giving a magenta Dissolves with a magenta colour, coloured solution, on dilution with Orange-yellow solution, on dilution on dilution with water yellow-red: water a yellow precipitate, filtrate yellow. (jn heating paler, on on heating, the cone, solution turbid; on heating, the cone, i dilution colourless. becomes yellower, finally yellow ish- solution becomes darker and event- brown, ually dark brown. Dilute sulphuric or hydroehlopie acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilute nitric aeid Unchanged even on long boiling, i Same as with dilute sulphuric acid, i \^^ ™i<^ unchanged on boiling "^ 1 for a short time pale yellow. Sodium hydrate Becomes dark, a rusty-brown i „ , . , precipitate is produced, filt'rate red. S°'""°" ^^^"""^^ '^^^^'- Becomes darker, ruby-red, remains soluble. Ammonia Becomes darker, a rusty-brown ,. , . precipitate is produced, filtrate red. ^°'""°" ^'""««'tat redder. Ruby-red solution. Sodium carbonate — Solution somewhat redder. — -_j. *_»_ The turbidity increases: on boiling, _, , Sodium acetate ^^-^^,^^ ^,^;^ - Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate The turbidity increases ; on boiling, , . partial precipitation, orange-yellow. ^ nclianged. On long standing becomes slightly turbid, on heating becomes clear again. Calcium acetate The turbidity increases ; on boiUng, the precipitate separates as orange- Unchanged, red flocks, filtrate pale yellow. On standing a marked turbidity is produced, filtrate turbid, on warming becomes clear again. Barium acetate In the cold and also on heating a flocculent orange precipitate is i ^,. , , . ,. produced, filtrate yellow; on heating j flight turbidity, filtrate yellow, becomes somewhat darker. Becomes turbid at once, filtrate turbid, on heating becomes clear. Partial precipitation, orange,' on heating precipitate redissolves. ' In the cold a flocculent orange Lead acetate P'^^^i'^t^: »" ^f^"S becomes powdery ana redder, partially dissolves. Slight Lurbi.lily, filtrate orange. Tannin reagent | Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. 1 In the cold au orange-yellow Alum flocculent precipitate, which on heating partially dissolves. [ On long standing becomes strongly Unchanged. turbid, filtrate turbid ; on heating becomes clear. Potassium tt„-.i, „ .j bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. \cllow precipitate; becomes decol- StannOUS Chloride ..urised only on long boiling and long standing. Decolourised on standing in the Orange-red precipitate ; on boiling cold. and standing quickly decolourised. Calcium | hypochlorite On standing and heating soon decolourised. . Zinc powder Ouicklv reduced, the filtrate and ' ., , , , , ^.^ ! ^ ■ , , j , , ^, and ammoniacal the edges of the filter-paper become ^'•*''>' "'''''"''^l' '=°l°»'■'e^^ "'t^ate Quickly reduced, the filtrate is solution somewhat deeply coloured red. '■" °°"" ''"™"'"^ "'"■"• P^''= >'^"°^'- Zinc powder and Same as with zinc powder and 1 sodium hydrate ammoniacal solution. 1 ' ~ , Zi and nc powder acetic acid solution Reduced with some difficulty. filtrate ])ale yelloM . Easily reduced, filtrnte colourless. Quickly reduced, the filtrate is pale rose-pink, the edges of the filter-paper become coloured a somewhat intense rose-pink. Orangre No. 2 Orange 4LL Orange G pat. i 1 Colour Yellow-scarlet powder. Orange-yellow powder. Yellow-scarlet powder. c S a o Water Alcohol Ether Benzene Kcadily soluble, orange. Readily soluble, orange. l-airlv soluble, solution turbid ,, ... , , , „ Readily soluble, orange, yellow-orange. • " Fairly soluble, yellow-orange. Readily soluble, orange. Insoluble. Insoluble. Burns with a luminous flame, puflTs up to rorm a voluminous lilackisli mass, which burns away regularly and leaves ver\' little ash. Dissolves with a ruby-red colour; iin dilution with water orange- yellow; on heating, the cone, •olution becomes more yellowish ; on boiling becomes brownish-black- ish. Somewhat less soluble than in alcohol, pure yellow. Ins.iluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heating on platinum foil Burns with a luminous flame, and cakes together forming a carbon- aceous mass, which burns away leav- ing very little ash. Dissolves with a beautiful blue- violet colour, at the edges of the biisin red, on dilution with water red-violet ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes redder, and eventually blackish-violet. Cakes together forming a black mass, which glows with a strong yellow light, emitting sparks, ami leaving hut little ash. Dissolves with an orange colon ■. on dilution with water reddish - yellow solution ; on heating, th' cone, solution becomes red, ami eventually blackish. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Unchanged. The liquid becomes red-violet, and partial precipitation iwcurs, even on boiling the precipitate does not redissolve. Unchanged. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating jMler, on boiling for a short time pale yellow. Red solution. Dilute nitric acid , , ,, , , , .,. In the cold, red-violet, partial III the cold, unchanged; on boiling, ■ •. .• i .■ u , ,, "... "^ precipitation; nn heating, becomes pale yellow solution. ' . j, , , - , , - , ,, ' • rapidly turbid, brownish-yellow. Sodium hydrate Solution becomes redder, remains clear. In the cold, partial precipitalioii, yellow ; on heating, the precipitate dissolves with a red-yellow colour. Ammonia Solution somewhat redder, clear. - Red-yellow solution. Unchanged. Sodium carbonate Unchanged. In the cold, partial precipitation, yellow ; on boiling, the precipitate redissolves with a red-yellow colour. Sodium acetate Magnesium acetate In the cold, an orange-yellow precipitate, which on heating dissolves with a red-yellow colour. In the cold, quantitatively precip- itated, yellow ; on heating, the precipitate partly redissolves. Unchanged. Unchanged. Calcium acetate In the cold, an orange-red precip- itate, filtrate turbid ; on heating, red-yellow solution. In the cold quantitatively precip- itated, yellow ; on boiling, the precipitate partly redissolves. Barium acetate In the cold partial precipitation, orange-red ; on boiling, the precip- itate mostly rcdissolves. In the cold quantitatively precip- itated, yellow; on boiling, the Unchanged, precipitate partly redissolves. Lead acetate In the cold partial precipitation, orange-red ; on boiling, the precip- itate redissolves with a red- yellow colour. In the cold quantitatively precip- itated, yellow ; on boiling, the precipitate mostly redissolves. Unchanged. Tannin reagent Unchanged. In the cold, slight turbidity, be- comes clear on heating. Unchanged. Alum In the cold, partial precipitation, orange-red; on healing, becomes clear. Partially precipitated, yellow ; on boiling, the precipitate completely redissolves. Unchangeil. Unchanged. t )rangc, decolourised on long boiluiL; and standing. Potassium bichromate Unchanged . Orange-yellow precipitate ; on boiling, rapidly decolourised. . Partial ])recipitation, yellow ; on heating, clear solution. Red-violel, on heating becomes paler and very rapidly decolourised. Stannous chloride Calcium hypochlorite . Quickly reduced, filtrate pure yelh ■" Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Rapidly decolourise'^^y->7"""- precipitate, on boil- mg, decolourised somewhat rapidly. Calcium i hypochlorite Zinc powder ~ and ammoniaeal solution Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zinc powder and acetic acid solution Rapidly decolourised, filtrate pale greenish-vellow. I )uicklv reduced, filtrate colourless. Unchanged. In the cold, partial precipitation. oi'ange and flocculent ; on heating, completely dissolves. Unchanged. Orange-red precipitate ; not decol- ourised on boiling, on long stand- ing becomes paler. Quickly reduced, filtrate pale yellow. Unchanged. In the cold, almost entirely pre- cipitated ; on heating, the precipi- tate becomes, powdery and scarlet- red, and on long boiling dissolves completely. Unchanged. Bright scarlet-red precipitate be- coming paler somewhat slowly on boiling, still remains coloured even on long standing. Rapidly decolourised, filtrate pale greenish-yellow. Reduced with so filtrate very pale le difficulty, vellowish. Rapidly decolourised, filtrate very pale pink. Chrome Brown RO Solid Brown NT Colour Water Alcohol Ether Benzene Heated on platinum toil Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Brown-red powder. Sparingly soluble, bluish-red solution. Soluble, orange-red. Soluble in traces, yellowish. .Soluble in traces, reddish. Carbonises with emission of yellow vapour, melts and putis up, ignites, leaves a little ash which is readily fusible. Reddish-blue solution, on dilution almost completely precipitated, dirty brown precipitate, filtrate reddish; on heating dark brown, on dilution brown. In the cold, brown precipitate, filtrate brownish. On heating clear, brownish-red. Dilute nitric acid Same as with dilute sulphuric acid. Sodium hydrate Ammonia Sodium carbonate Sodium acetate Magnesium acetate Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate Tannin reagent Alum Potassium bichromate Stannous chloride Calcium hypochlorite Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zinc powder and acetic acid solution Bluish-clierry-red solution. .Same as with sodium hydrate. Same as with sodium hydrate. In the cold, a red precipitate, filtrate rose-pink ; on heating, clear, bluish-claret-red. In the cold, a brown-red precipi- tate, filtrate rose-pink ; on heating, a claret red precipitate, filtrate red. In the cold, completely precipitated, brown ; on heating, partly redissol- ves, brown-red. In the cold, completely jnecipi- talid. brown ; on heating, partly redissolves, brown. In the cold, completely precipitated, brown; on heating. precipitate rediler. liltrate icdilisli. Ill llie cold, slight precipitation ; on heating, clear, brown-red. In the cold, complete jirecipit.-ition, jiale brown ; on heating, almost entirely dissolved orange-brown. Brown precipitation, on heating soluble. Hinwnish-red precipitation, filtrate in llu- cold brownish ; on heating, almost cohmrless. In the cold, a dirty olive-green pre- cipitate, filtrate yellow ; on heating, clear, yellow. Easily reduced, colourless ; lillrale greenish. .Same as with zinc powder and aninioniacal .solution. F.asily reduced, filtrate pale reddish. Dark brown powtler. Red-brown solution. Ruby-reil solution. Somewhat solulile, yellow. Insoluble. Carbonises, melts, puffs up, and leaves a <|uantity of fused ash. Violet solution, on dilution a brown-red precipitate, filtrate yellowish. On heating red-brown, on dilution vellow. .Somewhat redder otherwise un- changed. Somewhat redder. Solution becomes redder and darker. Ruby-red solution. Ruby-red solution. Scarlet GG Red powder. < )rangc-red solution. Somewhat soluble, orange. Insoluble. In.soluble. Carbonises and pufl's up slrongK. and leaves a quantity of while asji. ( )range-red solution; on diluli< orange, on heating yeMow, c dilution vellowisli. Ill the cold, unchanged ; on In boihng, yellow. Darker, redder. Darker, redder. Somewhat darker, redder. Unchanged. Unchangcil. Slight brown Uirbiditv. Partial precipitation brown, on heating more soluble. In the cold, almost conipletelv precipitated, brown, filtrate yellow; on healing, more soluble, filtrate Unchanged. In the cold, slight brown turbi- dity; on heating, a clear ruby-red solution. Unchanged. Almost completely precipitated. dark brown; on healing, not de- colouriseil. In the cold, yellow-brown ; on he.iting. a pale yellow solution. I'^asily reduced, colourless; filtrate ■ rapiilK' lux'omes biownish-yellow. Same as with zinc powder iind ammoniacal solution. ICasily reduced, colourless ; filtrate |5ale orange. Unchanged. In the cold, partial precipitation, orange ; on heating, soluble. In the cold, almost completely precipitated, pale red ; on heating, dissolves, somewhat brownish. In the cold, almost completely precipitated, ])ale red, filtrate vellowish ; on heating, more soluble. filtrate orange. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. In the ei'ld, a i)alered precipitali on heating, decolourised. At once pale yellow, on standing or heating almost colourless. Easily reduced; filtrate yellow i-h- green. Kasily reduced ; filtrate greenish- yellow. Kasilv reduced ; filliate colourle-s. : 1 Scarlet R i Scarlet 2R < Scarlet 3R Colour Scarlet-red powder. Scarlet-red powder. Scarlet-red powder. o CO Water Readily soluble. Readily soluble. Readily soluble. ,, , Only partially and sparingly soluble; j Only partially and sparingly soluble; AleOhOl flu^gjg yeUowish-red. i filtrate yellowish-red. Only partially and sparingly soluble ; filtrate yellowish-red. Ether insoluble. Insoluble. Insohibk-. Benzene Insoluble. j Insoluble. Insoluble. Soon begins to glow, finally with Soon begins to glow, finally with ! Soon begins to glow, finally with Heatea on vellow light, and fuses to a a vellow light, and fuses lo a a vellow light, and fuses' tn ;; platinum foil ■ ^^l^^ ^,1^ | - ^.j^^, ,3,, - ^^^ite ash. Dissolves with a red colour, in j Dissolves with a red colour, in Dissolves with a red colour, in thin layers carmine-red, hydro- [ thin layers carmine-red, hydro- thin layers carmine-red, hydro- , chloric acid gas being evolved ; on ' chloric acid being evolved; on chloric acid being evolved; on toneentratea jiij,tjon ^vid, ^vater, a yellowish- dilution with water, a yellowish- dilution with water, a yellowish- SUlpnunC aeia ^^j solution; on heating,' the cone. ' red solution; on heating, the cone. red solution; on heating, the cone. solution becomes darker and [ solution becomes darker and solution becomes • darker and [ eventually brown. eventually brown. i eventually brown. | Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric Unchanged. acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilu ' In the cold, unchanged ; on heating. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, te nitric acid the solution becomes pale yellow the solution becomes pale yellow the solution becomes pale yellow and clear. and clear. and clear. Sodium hydrate Solution somewhat yellower. Solution somewhat yellower. Solution somewhat yellower. Ammonia Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium carbonate — - Sodium acetate Unchanged. Unchzinged. Unchanged. Magnesium Unchanged. ' Unchanged. Unchanged. ace late , Calcium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Almost quantitative precipitation, ' Almost quantitative precipitation. Almost quantitative precipitation. Barium acetate tlocculent, carmine-red, both m flocculent, carmine-red, both in the i flocculent, carmine-red, both in the the cold and also on heating. 1 cold and also on heating. i cold and also on heating. Almost quantitative precipitation. Lead acetate llocculent; scarlet-red, both in the cold and also on heating. Almost quantitative precipitation. .\lmost quantitative precipitation, llocculent, scarlet-red, both in the flocculent, red, both in the cold cold and also on heating. and also on heating. Tannin reagent j Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum — Unchanged. Unchanged. h^roZTe ^-^-^^^- Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride Unchanged. "' ' ~ \ Calcium _ _ hypochlorite j ' Zinc powder r j^n decolourised, filtrate pale Rapidiv decolourised, filtrate pale S™i°0n^''^ ' y-llo-i^'^-g^een. ^ ' yellowish-green. Rapidly decolourised, filtrate pale yellowish-green. Zinc powder and _ sodium hydrate - Ja''LI°Z'^Z^ ^<'^ decolourised very rapidly. ^"'s^oru^^V"' r,U,.a.e colourle'ss. " Xot decolourised very rapidly, filtrate colourle'ss. Not decolourised very rapidly, filtrate colourless. Colour J. Water 5' ' Alcohol s Ether 3 Benzene Heated on platinum foil Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Dilute nitric acid Sodium hydrate Ammonia Sodium carbonate Sodium acetate Magnesium acetate Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate Tannin reagent Alum Potassium bichromate Stannous chloride Calcium hypochlorite Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zinc powder and acetic acid solution Scarlet 4B Scarlet-red powder. Readily soluble. < >nly partially and sparingly snlul)le; vcllowish-icd tiltratc. Soon lie-jins to glow, tinally with a vfllow liylit, and fii>es to a white ash. Dissolves with a red colour, in thin layers carmine-red, with evtv lution ol hydrochloric .ncid gas ; oil ililution with water, red; on heating, the cone, solution becomes darker and tinalU' brown. In the cold, unchangetl; on boiling the solution becomes pale yellow and clear. Solution yellowish-red. Unchanged. Unchanged. -Vlmost quantitatively precipitated, carmine-red, (locciilent. both in the cold and also on heating. -Vlmost tpiantitatively precipitated, reil. Ilocculcnt, both in the cold and also on heating. Unchanged. Unchanged. Kapidiv ilecolouriscd, liltrale ■ vellowish-sreen. ilecolourised very rapidly, liltrate colourless. Scarlet 5R Brown-red powder. Readily soluble. Scarlet 6B Dark brown powder. Readily soluble. Very sparingly soluble, liltrate retl. SjKiringly soluble, bluish-red. Insoluble, liltrate yellow. Insolable. In.solublc. filtrate vellow. Insoluble. Emits a yellow vapour, soon ceases to glow, .-md fuses to a white a.sh. Soon ceases to glow, with crackling;. leaving a white fused ash. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid g;LS. solution red-vjolet, at the edges of the basin ]iure blue ; on dilution with water, red; on heating, the cone, solution becomes darker and finally yellowish-brown. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution ilirty violet, at the ctlges of the basin brown; on dilution with water, red ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes darker and finally violet-brown. Unchanged. Unchanged. On long boiling, solution bcconi. - pale reddish-yellow. On long boiling, solution becomes pale reddish-yellow. Solution dirty red-brown. Solution red-brown. Solution darker. Solution darker. Unchanged.^ Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchangoil. Unchanged. Unchanged. . Unchanged. Unchanged. Kapidiv .l,-.ol,.nn-.-.l. iilir:ile v.-!l..w . Rapidly ilecolourised, filtrati yellow. Xt)l decolourised very rapidly, tiltrate colourless. Not decolourised very rapidlv. filtrate colourless. i i Scarlet for Silk 1 New Cocein [ Fast Red i Colour Brick-red powder. Brick-red powder. 1 Brown-red powder. s '1 Water Readily soluble. ReadUy soluble. | Sparingly soluble solution red, •' turbid. Alcohol Soluble. Sparingly soluble. Somewhat readily soluble, red. Ether Soluble in slight traces. Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Benzene Soluble in slight traces. Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Heated on platinum foil Puffs up very strongly giving 'a flame for a short time ; on burn- ing, the mass gradually diminishes, leaving finally a white ash which is readily fusible. Puffs up somewhat strongly forming 1 ^"^''^ reddish-yellow vapours a grey mass which glows with ' igmtes with a lummous flame, and a yeEow light, and melts leaving P"*!^^"? f°™'°g ^ dark grey mass a readily fusible white ash. ^^''}' "'^''^ '^f '°g ^ ^'^,^!' 1"^f ''>• of readilv fusible white ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with slight evolution of hydrochloric acid gas , solution magenta-red ; on dilution a red- brown precipitate, filtrate pale rose- pinli ; 1 in heating, the cone, solution becomes a dirty violet-red. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution magenta-red ; on dilution with water, red ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes darker and finally violet-brown. Dissolves with a beautiful violet colour ; on dilution with water, a | yellowish-red precipitate, which on boiling dissolves giving a ruby-red solution ; on cooling, the precipitate separates out again ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes a dirty reddish-violet. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, a yellowish-red pre- cipitate, which on heating dissolves; on short boiling, the clear solution becomes pale reddish-yellow. Unchanged. Almost quantitative precipitation, gelatinous, yellowish-red ; on heat- ing, redissolves with a ruby-red colour. ! Dilute nitric acid Yellowish-red precipitate ; on hea- ting, redissolves. In the cold, unchanged ; on boiling, yellow solution. Almost quantitative precipitation, gelatinous, yellowish-red ; on heat- ing, ruby-red solution, which on boiling rapidly becomes yellow, and on cooling turbid. Sodium hydrate Unchanged. Solution darker, yellowish-red. Unchanged. Ammonia Unchanged. Solution darker, yellowish-red. Unchanged. Sodium carbonatei — — — Sodium acetate Yellowish-red precipitate, which dissolves on heating. Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate In the cold, a yellowish-red pre- cipitate; on heating, partially dis- solves. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red, gela- tinous precipitate, which on heating becomes flocculent and partially dissolves. Calcium acetate In the cold, a yellowish-red preci- pitate ; on boihng, precipitate dissolves. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish, gela- tinous precipitate, which on heating becomes flocculent and partially dissolves. Barium acetate In the cold, an insoluble yellowish- red precipitate; on heating, the precipitate becomes powdery. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red, ge- latinous precipitate, which on hea- ting becomes flocculent, but scarcely dissolves at all. Lead acetate In the cold, precipitated ; on heating, the precipitate becomes powdery. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red preci- pitate, which on heating partially dissolves. ' Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum In the cold, a yellowish-red, floc- culent precipitate, which on heating completely redissolves. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red, gela- j tinous precipitate, which on heating j becomes flocculent and mostly dis- solves. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride Yellowish-red precipitate ; on long boiling decolourised. In the cold, partial precipitation, red on heating becomes paler; on standing, becomes decolourised. Yellowish-red quantitative preci- pitate, which on continued boihng becomes colourless. ' Calcium hypochlorite - - . Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Ouickly reduced; filtrate pale yellowish. Quickly reduced; filtrate yellow. Q"*'>' ''"^tuowish*^^"''"' '"'' ' Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Zine powder and acetic acid solution - - - Somewhat quickly reduced ; filtrate colourless. Somewhat quickly reduced; filtrate colourless. Somewhat quickly reduced ; filtrate colourless. I 1 Fast Red S Cotton Scarlet 1 Scarlet B extra Colour ! Brown-red powder. Brick-red powder. Brick-red powder. c >. 3 O CO tir ..»..» Somewhat readily soluble with a i r. j-i ■ .. Water ^^^ ^>,^^^ . Read.ly soluble. Turbid solution. Alcohol Somewhat readily soluble with a red colour. Insoluble. Fairly soluble. Fairly soluble. Ether Not soluble, filtrate pale yellowish. Soluble in traces. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Huffs up somewhat strongly, forming HoatoH nn a blackish mass, which glows with platfnum foil :' J-:"""- "^'.';' ^"t ^^'T'"' "'fl' '^ leaving a white ash which is readily tusible. Puffs up slightly, and quickly bums away leaving a small quantity of white ash which is readily fusible. Becomes darker, then puff's up strongly, forming a grey mass, which glows strongly and gradually di- minishes, leaving finally a grey 1 porous fusible ash. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, Concentrated solution red-violet; on dilution sulphuric acid 1 with water, red solution ; on heating, 1 the cone, solution becomes duller, and finally violet-brown. Dissolves with eflervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution dark red-violet; on dilution with water, partly precipitated, bbck; filtrate pale red; on heat- ing , the cone, solution becomes blackish-brown. Dissolves with a malachite-green colour; on dilution becomes bbi' then violet, and finally red; >■•■: heating, the cone, solution becoiiu^ blue, then dirty blue, and finalU yellowish-brown. Dilute sulphuric 1 or hydrochloric Unchanged. Unchanged, acid I Unchanged. 1 In the cold, unchanged; on boiling. On boiling, the solution becomes Dilute nitric acid ' ''■'P''^.'>' decolourised giving a yellow gradually paler, and finally a dirty Mihition which on cooling becomes reddish-yellow colour ; on cooling, turbid. becomes turbid. On long boiling, very marked oxi- i dation occurs and the solution becomes brownish-yellow ; on cool- ing, it becomes turbid. Sodium hydrate Unchanged. I Becomes darker, red-violet : partial Dark dirty red solution. i precipitation, rusty-brown; filtrate 1 red-violet. ' Ammonia Unchanged. Dark dirty red solution. Solution becomes darker. Sodium carbonate — - Sodium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. { Unchanged. Magnesium i tt i. j acetate j Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, a fiery yellowish-red 1 precipitate ; on heating, clear solution. Calcium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red, flocculent precipitate; on healing, partly soluble. Barium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red, flocculent precipitate, which even on heating remains for the most part insoluble. Le ad acetate inin reagent I n the cold, partial precipitation ; on heating, a clear solution. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowi>h-red, gela- tinous precipitate, which on heating becomes flocculent but remains for the most part undissolved. ' Tai Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, a yellowish-red, flocculent , precipitate, which .m heating partly dissolves. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, partial precipitation, yellowish-red ; on heating, redissol- ves. 1 Stannous chloride In the cold, a red precipitate, which on long boiling becomes colourless. In the cold, partially precipitated ; on heating, decolourised. Yellowish-red precipitate ; <«n boiling, j red ; on long boiling, decolourised. Calcium hypochlorite ' - Zinc powder , « • „ j , ■ . .i, and ammoniacal Wnickh reduced ; filtrate pale yeUow. ^"P""*' decolourised ; hltrate pure solution >-^"°*- Quickly reduced: filtrate pure yellow . Zin soc e powder and Hum hydrate inc powder ^ . . n , , .-, 1 acetic acid ' ^f""' ""•■>' '■•'P'<">'eJ"';<^''l; titrate solution ! colourless. Z an Rapidly decolourised ; filtrate colourless. Somewhat rapidly reduced ; filliaU- pale pink. Chromotrope 2R Chromotrope 2B Chromotrope 6B Colour Brown-red powder. Brown powder. Yellowish-brown powder. .S s o Water Alcohol Red solution. Red solution. Bluish-red solution. Red solution. Red solution. Bluish-red solution. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Soon ceases to glow without emitting any vapour; leaves but little ash. Crackles and emits a little vapour, leaving behind a smalL quantity of fiised ash. Emits a little vapour and ceases to glow ; leaves a quantity of fused ash. j Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with effervescence, solution magenta-red, on dilution red; on heating dark brownish-red, on di- lution brownish-yellow. Dissolves with effervescence, so- lution violet-red (at the edges of the basin violet), on dilution, red ; on heating, brown-red; on dilution, brownish-yellow ; on long standing, a few brown flocks separate. Dissolves with effervescence, so- lution violet-red ; on dilution, bluish- red ; on heating brown-red ; on dilution, brownish-yellow. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. ] Dilute nitric acid In the cold, unchanged ; on boiling, yellow. In the cold, unchanged; on long boiling, red-orange. In the cold, unchanged; on boiling, yellow. Sodium hydfate Unchanged. Solution becomes violet. Unchanged. Ammonia Unchanged. Colour of solution becomes darker and deeper. Unchanged. Sodium carbonate Unchanged. Solution becomes dark violet-red. Unchanged. Sodium acetate Unchanged. On boiling becomes darker. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate Unchanged (somewhat darker. ) Colour of solution becomes darker and deeper, and on long standing slightly turbid. Somewhat darker. Calcium acetate Almost unchanged. Colour of solution becomes darker and deeper, and on standing slightly turbid. Somewhat darker. Barium acetate Unchanged. In the cold partial precipitation, ^^^^.^^^ precipitate; ' yellow.sh-red, filtrate pmk; on ' ^ ^ "J heatmg, clear bluish-red solution. ^' ^ Lead acetate Unchanged. Partial precipitation, brown. [ Unchanged. Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. \ Unchanged. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. 1 Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Somewhat darker. Somewhat darker. Somewhat darker. Stannous chloride In the cold, partial precipitation, rose-pink ; on boiling, decolourised. In the cold, a pale red precipitate, filtrate yellow ; on boiling, decol- ourised. In the cold, a claret-red precipitate ; on boiling, decolourised. Calcium hypochlorite At first somewhat darker; on standing, brownish-yellow ; on boil- ing, rapidly decolourised. Colour of the solution becomes darker and deeper; on standing, brown ; on boiling, decolourised. At first a trace darker; in the cold, brownish-red, on boiling, rapidly decolourised. Zinc powder and ammoniaeal solution Decolourised, filtrate becomes yellow. Decolourised, filtrate becomes yellow. ' Decolourised, filtrate becomes reddish-yellow. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Decolourised, filtrate becomes yellow. At first blue, then decolourised; filtrate yellow. Decolourised, filtrate yellow. ' Z 1 an inc powder d acetic acid solution Decolourised, filtrate colourless. Decolourised, filtrate colourless. Decolourised, filtrate colourless. 1 Chromotrope 7B Chromotrope SB . Chromotrope lOB Colour Dark brown powder. Brown-\-iolet powder. Brown powder. 3 o Water Violet-red solution. Bluish-red solution. Magenta-red solution. Alcohol Ether Bluisli-claret-red solution. Bluisli-red solution. Magenta-red solution. Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Carbonises quietly, leaving a quan- tity of grey fused ash. Cea-ses to glow, sinters without emitting vapour, and leaves a large quantity of fused ash. Ceases to glow almost without emitting vapour, melts partiallv . leaving a little fused ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Blue-jjrccn solution, on dilution par- tial precipitation, claret-red, filtrate jiink ; on heating dark brow n, on dilution brownish-orange. Dissolves with effervescence, solu- tion dark blue , on dilution red- violet ; on heating brown-red, on dilution brownish-yellow. Dissolves with effervescence, solu- tion blue , on dilution violet ; on | heating brown-red , on dilution . brownish-yellow. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, iiartial precipitation, claret-brown, filtrate dark pink; on heating mostly soluble, filtrate ruby- red. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, slight turbidity, claret- brown, fi Urate claret- red ; on heating clear, orange. In the cold, unchanged; on boiling yellow. In the cold, unchanged ; on boilint;. yellow. Sodium hydrate Solution very dark red-violet. Unchanged. Unchanged. Ammonia Solution very dark red-violet. Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium carbonate Solution very dark red-violet. Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium acetate Tn the cold, claret-brown precipi- latf. filtrate pale red-violet; on heating, clear. Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate In the cold, complete precipitation, dirtv violet-brown ; on heating, so- luble. Somewhat darker. Somewhat ilarker. Calcium acetate Same as with magnesium acetate. Somewhat darker. Somewhat darker. Barium acetate In the cold, complete precipitation, violet-brown; on heating, almost Almost unchanged, entirely soluble. In the cold, almost complete pre- cipit.ition; on heating, blue solution. Lead acetate In the cold, complete precipitation, violet-brown ; on heating, partly Unchangeitated, brown, on standing yellow, filtrate yellowish ; on heating, pale yellow turbidity, tiltiate colourless. At first somewhat darker, on standing brown-yellow ; on boiling, decolourised. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution ICasily reduced, filtrate yellow, on adding acetic acid orange-yellow. Decolourised , filtrate becomes reddish-yellow. Decolourised , filtrate becomes reddish-yellow. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate 1 Easily reduced , filtrate greenish- yellow, on adding acetic acid yellow. Decolourised, filtrate yellow. Decolourised, filtrate yellow. |a, Zinc powder id acetic acid solution j Reduced with dilficulty, filtiate yellow. Decolourised, filtrate colourless. Decolourised, filtrate colourle^>. , Chromotrope FB Amaranth Cloth Red Colour Red-brown powder. Dark-brown powder. Dark greenish-brown powder. , a 3 O CO 1 Water Fairly soluble, rarmine-red. Readily soluble. j Soluble. Alcohol Sparingly soluble, carmine-red. Sparingly soluble. Not very soluble. Ether Soluble in traces. Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Benzene Soluble in traces. Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Heated on platinum foil Emits a little reddish vapour, carbonises to a greyish-black mass, which burns away and melts leaving a readily fusible ash. Very soon ceases to glow and melts forming a yellowish-red glowing mass, eventually leaving a white ash -which is readily fusible. Emits a large quantity of yellow | vapour, burns with a strongly luminous flame leaving a well caked carbon, which glows with a yellow light and melts leaving a white and readily fusible ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Violet solution, on dikitiou car- mine-red ; on heating turbid bluish- red. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution blue-violet, on dilution with water, bluish-red solution; on heating, the cone, solution becomes violet-brown. Dissolves with evolution of h\dro- chloric acid gas, solution dark-blue, on dilution bluish-red ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes yellowish- brown. 1 Dilute sulphuric OP hydrochloric acid Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, unchanged ; on boiling, yellow, on cooling, turbid, pale reddish-yellow. In the cold, unchanged ; on long boiling, a pale reddish solution. On boiling, becomes paler, finally yellow-ish ; on cooling, a yellowish solution. Sodium hydrate ^°'""°" becomes^a^y el lower shade Dark red solution. Partial precipitation, bluish-red; on heating, redissolves. | Ammonia Solution becomes a yellower shade of red. Darker solution. Partial precipitation, bluish-red ; on 1 heating, redissolves. | Sodi um carbonate Solution becomes a yellower shade of red. I - Sod lium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, almost quantitative precipitation, bluish-red ; on heating, partly redissolves. Magnesium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Dirty bluish-red precipitate, almost | quantitative ; on heating, partly re- dissolves. Calcium acetate On standing for a short time, partial precipitation, red ; on heating, redissolves. Unchanged. Quantitative bluish-red precipitate, which on heating only dissolves in traces. Barium acetate In the cold, fairly completely pre- cipitated, filtrate pale red ; on heating, clear carmine-red solution. Unchanged. Quantitative bluish-red precipitate ; j on heating, insoluble. j Lead acetate On heating for a short time, partial precipitation, brownish ; on boiling, does not disappear. In the cold, partial precipitation, dark brown-red ; on heating, re- dissolves. Quantitative bluish-red precipitate ; on heating, insoluble. Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. On heating, clear. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Partial precipitation, bluish-red ; on heating, partly soluble. Potassium bichromate Almost unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, quantitative preci- pitation, carmine-red; on heating, becomes hard. Stannous chloride Decolourised already in the cold. - Dirty bluish-red ; on very long standing, decolourised. Calcium hypochlorite Becomes yellower, then very rapidly paler and browner, and tiually pale brownish-vellow. - - Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Quickly reduced; filtrate becomes green. Quickly reduced, filtrate pale greenish-yellow. Quickly reduced, filtrate and edges i of the filter-paper yellow. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Reduced with great dilficulty and only on long boiling , filtrate becomes — yellow-brown. ; - Z an inc powder d acetic acid' solution Quickly reduced, filtrate becomes pale reddish. Reduced with some difficulty, filtrate pale pink. Reduced with some difficulty; filtrate colourless. Claret Red G extra Claret Bed R extra Claret Red S 1 i . 1 Colour 1 Dark yellowish red-brown powder. | Dark brown powder. Dark red-brown powder. S 3 Water Somewhat readily soluble with bluish-red colour. Somewhat readily soluble with bluish-red colour. Readily soluble with bluish- r' colour. Alcohol Fairly soluble with bluish-red colour. Fairly soluble with bluish-red Fairly soluble with bluish-i"i colour. 1 colour. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. to Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. 1 Kniits in the bcfjinninj; a while HpntPd nn -"omMk vapour, pufTs up a Utile Meaiea on forming a blackish. grey mass, platinum foil ,,,,;,,, \^,dually melts, leaving a white and readily fusible ash. Emits in the beginning a white aromatic vapour, puffs up a little forming a blackish - grey mass, which gradually melts, leaving a white and re.adily fusible ash. Emits in the beginning a whit' aromatic vapour, cr.-ickles and pull^ up slightly and bakes together to a blackish mass, which soon cea-i^ to glow and leaves a quantity 'i white and readily fusible ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with efVcrvescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution indigo-blue ; on dilution with water, red solution ; on heating, the cone, solution be- comes redder, and finally violet- Dissolves with evolution of hydro- chloric acid gas, solution indigo- blue ; on dilution with water, carmine-red solution ; on healing, the cone, solution becomes violet- brown. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas. solution indigo-blue, on the edges of the basin red; on dilution with water, a ruby-red solution; .ii heating, the cone, solution beconiL^ brown. IDilu or te sulphuric hydrochloric Unchanged. acid Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cokl, unchanged; on long Dilute nitric acid , boiling decolourises forming a ' turbid p.ile reddish-yellow liquid. In the cold, unchanged ; on long boiling decolourises forming a tur- bid pale yellowish-red liquid. On heating, the solution becomes paler, finally a pale yellowish-red, on cooling a pale yellow somewhat reddish. Sodium hydrate Solution becomes yellower. Solution becomes yellower. Solution becomes yellower. Ammonia Solution darker Solution becomes yellower. Solution becomes yellower. Sodi um carbonate - - - Sodium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Calcium acetate In the cold, a gelatinous dirty red — precipitate, which dissolves on beating. Unchanged. Barium acetate Lead acetate Hocculent, dirty carmine-red prc- ci])Uatc, which partly dissolves on healing. Flocculent, dirty carmine-red pre- cipitate, which partly dissolves on heating. Unchangeil. Unchanged. Partial precipitation , Hocculent, (lai U brownish-red ; on heating, not completely dissolved. In the cold, dark carmine-red pre- cipitate, which on heating partly dissolves. Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unch.inged. Unchanged. Stan Blea nous chloride ching powder - In the cold, quantitative precipi- tation, bluish-red, which on heating decolourises. In the cold, quantitative precipita- tion, bluish-red; on heating, deco- lourises rapidly. Zi and ne powder ammoniacal solution Quicklv reduced, fdtrate greenish- yellow. Quickly reduced, fdtrate greenish- yellow. Quickly reduced, liltrate pale yellow. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate - - - r Zi and nc powder acetic acid solution Reduced with some difficulty, liltrate colourless. Reduced somewhat quickly, lil- trati- cnlourle-~. Reduced somewhat quickly, lil- ' trale colourless. Victoria Violet 4BS Azo Acid Blue B Azo Indigo B Colour Brown-powder. Dark brown powder. Dark brown powder. s s 3 o Ui Water Dark red violet solution. Readily soluble, turbid, violet. Sparingly soluble, blue-violet. Alcohol Soluble in traces, violet. Very sparingly and only incompletely soluble, bluish-red. Sparingly soluble, (red-violet). Ether Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Insoluble. Benzene Insoluble. Soluble in traces. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil Carbonises quickly, leaves little ash. Carbonises quickly and melts forming a quantity of white ash which is readily fusible. Burns without altering in volume and glows with a strong yellow light, leaving a quantity of blackish warty slag. i Concentrated sulphuric acid i Magenta-red solution, on dilution, oi'ange-red ; on heating, reddish- brown black, on dilution-brownish- yellow. Magenta- red solution, on dilution red ; on heating, a dull dark red. Dissolves with a blackish-green colour, on dilution with water again becomes blue and much pre- ! cipitate is formed; on heating, the cone, solution becomes yellowish- brown. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, brownish-red ; on heat- ing, ruby-red. Red solution. • Paitial precipitation. Dilute nitric acid Brownish-red, on standing paler. In the cold, red ; on boiling, yellower, On boiling, solution becomes redder, finally pale orange. on cooling, yellowish-brown. Sodium hydrate Dark brownish-red. Brownish-red solution. Partial precipitation. Ammonia Dark brownish-red. Brownish-red solution. Partial precipitation. Sodium carbonate Dark brownish-red. Brownish-red solution. - Sodium acetate Slight violet turbidity. Solution a bluer shade of violet ; on heating, clear. Solution becomes a purer and bluer shade of violet ; on heating, some- what more turbid. Dark blue precipitate, filtrate co- lourless ; on heating partially dis- solves. Magnesium acetate Same as with sodium acetate. Solution becomes bluish-red; on heating, a purer blue. Dark violet-blue precipitate, filtrate , colourless, on heating very little soluble. Calcium acetate Same as with sodium acetate. Solution becomes purer, blue- violet ; on heating, still bluer. Dark violet blue precipitate, on heating, a trace is dissolved. Barium acetate Same as with sodium acetate. Solution becomes purer, blue-violet ; on heating, somewhat bluer ac- companied by slight turbidity. Quantitative dark violet-blue pre- cipitate, insoluble even on heating. Tannin reagent Slight blue-vidlet turbidity, filtrate violet-red. Solution becomes purer, blue-violet ; on heating somewhat bluer, ac- companied by slight turbidity. Dark violet-blue precipitate, filtraie colourless ; on heating, precipitate scarcely more soluble, the filtrate pale yellowish pink. Lead acetate Unchanged. Solution much bluer. On heating, unchanged. ! Alum Solution dark blue-violet, in the cold slight turbidity. Solution much redder. Dark blue-violet precipitate, filtrate colourless ; on heating, somewhat soluble. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Almost unchanged. In the cold, a dark precipitate ; on heating, partially soluble. Stannous chloride In the cold, a brown-red precipitate, filtrate orange-red ; on heating, de- colourised. In the cold, pale red ; on boiling, decolourised. Blue ; on boiling and standing, violet, then decolourised. Calcium hypochlorite Becomes rapidly paler, brownish- red, then brownish ; on heating, greenish-yellow. Becomes brownish-red, then grad- ually paler ; finally, on heating, pale yellow. - Zinc powder and ammoniaeal solution Easily reduced, filtrate orange, then olive-brown, filter-paper orange. Quickly reduced, filtrate becomes pale brownish. Quickly reduced ; filtrate yellow- orange. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Same as with zuic powder and ammoniaeal solution. Reduced with great difficulty and only on long boiling ; filtrate becomes pale brownish. - Z an ine powder d acetic acid solution Easily reduced, filtrate greenish. Quickly reduced, filtrate pale greenish. 1 Reduced with some diflTiciilty, j filtrate verj- pale reddish. 1 Alizarin Red No. 1 Alizarin Red RX ■ Alizarin Red SDG Colour Brownish-yellow paste. Brownish-yellow paste. ' Brownish-ytllciw paste. 3 o U3 yjj J Almost insoluble (even in boiling "'^'^^'^ water). On boiling, soluble in traces, pale ] On boiling, soluble in traces, palv reddish-orange. | reddish-orange. Alcohol Readily soluble, deep yellow. Readily soluble, deep yellow. Readily soluble, deep yellow. Ether ' Somewhat readily soluble, yellow. Somewhat readily soluble, yellow. Fairly soluble, ^llow. Benzene Somewhat soluble. Soluble in traces. Solable in sKght traces. After evaporation of the water Heated on a yellow vapour is emitted ; the platinum foil mass bums and leaves scarcely any ash. After evaporation of the water After evaporation of the water a yellow vapour is emitted ; the a yellow vapour is emitted ; the mass burns and leaves scarcely mass burns and leaves scarcely any ash. any ash. Dark yellowish-red solution; on Concentrated ililution with water, yellow preci- SUlphuriC acid pitate; on heatinj;, the cone, solu- tion is little changed. Dark bluish-red solution ; on dilu- tion with water, yellow precipi- tate ; on heating, the cone, solu- tion is little changed. Dark yellowish - red solution ; on dilution with water, yellow pre- cipitate ; on heating, the cone, solution is little changed. Dilute sulphuric j„ ^^ ^^.^ unchanged; on heat- °^ ^y acid '"^' ^''■"^^^•''■'" '°'"'''^- >-^"°^- In the cold unchanged; on heat- ing, somewhat soluble, yellow. In the cold unchanged ; on heat- ing, somewhat soluble, yellow. „ . , ^ . ^ . . . Same as with dilute sulphuric or Dilute nitric acid hydrochloric acid Same as with dilute sulphuric or | Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. hydrochloric acid. Sodium hydrate Violet solution. Red-violet solution. Violet-red solution. Ammonia Red-\iolet solution. Violet-red solution. Dark yellowish-red solution. Sodium carbonate Red-violet solution. Violet-red solution. Dark yellowHsh-red solution. Sodium acetate On heating, a dark red solution. On heating, a dark red solution. On heating, a dark yellowish-reil solution. „ . Partial precipitation, dark violet. Magnesium ^oth in the cold and also on acetate heating; filtrate violet-red. Partial precipitation in the cold, blackish-violet ; on heating, a dark red-violet solution. Partial precipitation, red brown, both in the cold and also on heat- ing ; filtrate dark red. On heating, partial precipitation Calcium acetate violet-brown, filtrate red-violet (on cooling, turbid). On heating, partial precipitation On heating, partial precipitation violet-brown; filtrate bluish-red red-brown, filtrate yellowish - red (nn cooling, turbid). i (on cooling, turbid). On heating, turbid, red. On the Barium acetate filter some alizarin, filtrate ruby- red. On heating, turbid, red. On the filter some alizarin, filtrate ruby- red. On heating, a yellowish-red solu- tion. ^ ^ On heating, quantitatively precip- Lead acetate j.^t.^, red-brown. floc'ailent. Almost quantitative yellow-brown precipitate; filtrate pale pink. Almost quantitative dark brown precipitate ; filtrate pale yellowish - red. Tannin reagent — - j Alum On heating, partly dissolved, orange. On heating, partly dissolved, orange. On heating, partly dissolved, orange. Potassium On boiling, an orange-brown precip- bichromate itate. On boiling, an orange-brown precip- itate. On boiling, an orange-brown pre- cipitate. Stannous chloride In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, somewhat soluble yellow. In the cold, unchanged; on heat- ing, somewhat soluble yellow. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, somewhat soluble, yellow. Calcium hypochlorite Quantitative dark violet precipi- tate. Partial precipitation , violet-red ; filtrate pale red-orange. Partial precipitation , brown-red : filtrate orange. Zinc Dowdpp ^^''''' zinc powder orange-red ; on n,,H oL^^JioLi filtering, and more quickly still on solution j ^^,^^,,. j^ restored. With zinc powder orange-yellow ; With zinc powder orange-red ; fil- the filtrate becomes yellowish-red. trate becomes scarlet-red. 1 Zin sod c powder and ium hydrate On long heating, filtrate orange- yellow , which on long boiling be- comes violet again. On long heating, filtrate orange- yellow, which on long boiling be- coniee a dirty brown-red On long heating, filtrate orange- j yellow, which on long boiling bo- comes a dirty brown-red. Alizarin Red No. 6 Alizarin Red IWS Alizarin Red 5WS Colour Brown paste. Brownish-yellow pow'der. Greenish yellow-brown powder. a S 3 o CO Water Slightly soluble, brownish-red. Fairly soluble, deep yellow. Orange-yellow solution. Alcohol YelloW'-brown solution. Fairly soluble, yellow. Soluble, yellow. Ether Somewhat soluble, reddish-yellow. A small portion soluble, pale yellow. Somewhat soluble, greenish-yellow . Benzene Somewhat soluble, reddish-yellow. Fairly soluble, yellow. Somewhat soluble, yellow. Heated on platinum foil When dried a reddish-brown, melts, gives red sublimate, burns with smoky flame, and leaves a quan- tity of reddish-grey ash. Emits a yellow vapour, then ignites and burns leaving a blackish mass, which glows and finally leaves a fused white ash. Gives a little yellow sublimate, and leaves a quantity of grey ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Ruby-red solution ; on dilution, an orange-red precipitate, pale yellow filtrate; on heating, becomes dar- ker, on dilution an orange-red pre- cipitate, filtrate yellow. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, solution orange-red ; on dilution with water, yellow solution; on heating, the cone, solution becomes redder. Orange-brown solution ; on dilution yellow ; on heating darker, on dilu- tion orangr-3eIlciw. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ing, somewhat soluble, yellow. Unchanged. Solution paler, in the cold slight turbidity. Dilute nitric, acid In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ing, partly soluble, greenish-yellow. On boiling, the solution becomes pale yellow. Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Sodium hydrate Dark cherry-red solution. Red-violet solution. Ruby-red solution. Ammonia Same as with sodium hydrate. Red-violet solution. Ruby-red solution. Sodium carbonate Dark cherry-red solution, a slight claret-brown residue. Red-violet solution. Ruby-red solution. Sodium acetate In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, a cherry-red solution, a slight claret- red residue. In the cold, mostly precipitated, red, flocculent ; on heating, a pur- ple-red solution. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, red-orange; on heating, brown-red solution. Magnesium acetate Partly dissolved, solution red, brown-red residue. In the cold and also on heating, a violet-red solution. In the cold, a brownish-red precip- itate, filtrate red-orange ; on heat- ing, red solution. Calcium acetate In the cold, a brown residue, filtrate pink ; on heating, precipitate brown- violet, fitrate red. In the cold, almost quantitatively precipitated, carmine-red ; on heat- ing, partly dissolved, violet-red. In the cold completely precipitates, orange-brown; on heating, some- what soluble, orange. i Barium acetate In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, a brown-black precipitate, filtrate pale red. In the cold, quantitatively precip- itated, red ; on heating, bluish- red, only a trace soluble. In the cold, completely precipitated, orange-brown; on heating, brown precipitate ; yellowish filtrate. Lead acetate In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, brown -black precipitate, filtrate pink. Quantitative violet-red precipitate ; on heating, soluble in traces. Completely precipitated, brown. Tannin reagent - - Unchanged, on heating darker. Alum In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ing, brown-red precipitate, filtrate orange-red. In the cold, partial precipitation, orange-red ; on heating, orange-red solution. In the cold, brown turbidity, filtrate yellowish-brown ; on heating, clear, orange. Potassium bichromate In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ing, residue and filtrate somewhat darker. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, ] partly dissolved, yellowish-red. In the cold, quantitative orange precipitate ; on heating, soluble in slight traces. Orange precipitate, filtrate in the cold yellow, on heating orange- yellow. Calcium hypoehloride In the cold, pale yellow ; on heal- ing, decolourised, slightly turbid. Almost quantitative violet-red pre- cipitate. At first red, yellow-brown precip- itate, filtrate yellow ; on heating, clear, decolourised. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Reduced on boiling, filtrate yellow, becoming quickly red-brown. With zinc powder red, filtrate becomes again purplish-red. Reduced on boiling, olive, filtrate at once brown, on shaking dark reddish-brown. i 2 ^ine powder ind sodium hydrate Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. On heating for a long time, orange ; the filtrate on boiling becomes red. Same as with zinc powder and ! ammoniacal solution. Alizarin Orange G paste Alizarin Orange N paste Alizarin Orange N powder 1 Colour Yellow paste. Yellow paste. i Dark brown powder. ^ Water Slightly soluble, brownish red. On boiling, somewhat soluble. R„bv-red solution, orange-red. ^ Alcohol Red-brown solution. Fairly soluble, orange. Orange-red solution. 3 Ether j Somewhat soluble, yellow-green. Somewhat soluble. Insoluble. Benzene ' Somewhat soluble, yellow-green. Fairly soluble, yellow. Insoluble. When dried, brownish yellow, melts i -.xrv^ j„, „„•,„ „ .,„ii„„, Slightly explosive and glows whiK Heated on 1 to a blacU-bro.. IK.uid and sub- | ^^^''^ ^^ :^:^irn: emitting sparks; the mass puff- platinum foil limes, ignites .-md le.nes some grey 1 ^^^..^^^ jcavine n» n-h "''' '"^comes grey, and leaves :. 1 ash. ■ . ■ 6. ' • white ash. 1 Brown-red solution; on dilution, al- „ »„„»«^ 1 "lost completely prccipit.ited, yel- Coneentrated ,^„ „„ heating, becomes darker, sulphuric acid ,,„ ,,;,„,;„„ J^^^^ re.ldish-brown precipitate, liltrale yellow. Dissolves with a deep dark-orange Orange-yellow solution;ondilution. colour; on dilution with water, completely precipitated, greenish quantitative yellow precipitate; on yellow; on heating, orange-red, on heating, the cone, solution becomes dilution reddish-yellow, on standing; browner. i slight brown turbidity. Dilute sulphuric t i, , , v, j i, , in the cold, complete precipitation, or hydrochloric '" «ecold, uncnangert; on neat- On he.-iting, soluble in slight traces. yellow; on heating, soluble in ui iijruiui-iiiuiiv ing, somewhat soluble, vellow-green. •" " •' , ■ u ii acid '. b traces, grecmsh-yellow. Dilute nitric acid '° 'ft^^l^tlX' ^eZ «""'■ «"»-'-^- soluble in slight traces. In the cold, completely precipitated, yellow ; on heating, partly solubU . Sodium hydrate Dark b,„.n.ic.a solution. 1 ^^°''^J precipitated, dark garnet- red; filtrate pale ilirlv red. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, brown-red ; filtrate red- di.sh; on heating, more soluble, lil- trate red. Ammonia Dark brown-red solution. [ Dark violet-red solution. Violet-red solution. Sodium carbonate Dark brown-red solution, small Mostly precipitated, dark gamet- brown-red residue. red; filtrate pale dirty-red. In the cold, almost completely pi' - cipitated, red ; on heating, rulu - red solution, small brown residu' . Sodium acetate In the cold, brown residue, filtrate yellow-brown; on heating, more soluble, filtrate red-brown. Dissolves already in the cold, but still better on heating, orange- red. Partial precipitation, brown-reil: on heating, more soluble. Magnesium acetate Brown solution and brown residue. Li die cold, quantitatively precip. i„ the cold, completely precipitated ; itated, red - brown ; on heatmg, , ' . "^ .i i ti parUy soluble, red. °" ''«^"""8. P^^'V ^"'"ble- Calcium acetate In the cold, a brown precipitate, filtrate colourless ; on heating, a (lark brown precipitate, filtrate yellow-brown. In the cold, somewhat redder; In the cold, completely precipitated, on heating, mostly precipitated, red; on heating, somewhat soluble, hrown-red. pale re tlie cold, slight brown turbi- 1 ., . „„„„^„.:.,„ „,, k,„„,„ In the cold, red precipitate, filtrate, hyDOChZte '"'>•' '■'"-te J-'"^"^' °" heating, \ ^'^°^' '^"ptae V^""-'^": on heating, clear, decol- , nypocniorite ^ red-brown turbidity, filtrate brown. precipit.itc. | ourised. 1 Zinc powder ' Reduced on boiling, yellowish- With zinc powder, orange ; filtrate and ammoniacal green, filtrate rapidly becomes dark ; becomes black-violet, specially on solution brown. boiling. Reduced on boiling, filtrate brown- ish, becomes rapidly dark bluisli- grey (partially precipitated). Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. On long heating, acquires a dirty colour, filtrate becomes olive, then blue-green, and finally black-violet. Reduced on boiling, filtrate brown- ish, becoming rapidly d.ark, blue- grey precipitate, oUve-biown so- lution. Alizarin Claret R paste Alizarin Maroon Alizarin Brown paste Colour Red-brown paste. Dark-brown paste. Yellow-brown paste. ' 3 o CO Water In the cold, soluble in traces ; on heating, somewhat more soluble, solution dirty pink. On boiling, somewhat soluble, dirty reddish colour. On heating, somewhat soluble, dirty yellow. Alcohol Soluble, ruby-red. Fairly soluble, brown-red. Fairly soluble, brown-yellow. Ether Soluble, bluish-red. Somewhat soluble, scarlet-red. Soluble in traces, yellowish. Benzene Sparingly soluble, bluish-red. Soluble in very slight traces. Insoluble. Heating on platinum foil Melts, sublimes partly, orange, burns away leaving scarcely any ash. After evaporation of the water a brown vapour is emitted; the mass ignites and scarcely any ash is left. After evaporation of the water a brown vapour is emitted ; the mass ignites and scarcely any ash is left. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Orange solution ; on dilution orange, afterwards a reddish precipitate, filtrate yellow ; on heating darker, on dilution reddish-yellow. Dissolves with a brown-red colour ; on dilution with water, an almost quantitative brown precipitate ; on heating, the cone, solution is scarcely altered. Dissolves with a deep brown-red colour; on dilution with water, a quantitative brown-yellow precipi- tate; on heating, the cone, solution is scarcely altered. In the cold, insoluble ; on heating, a somewhat pale brownish-red so- lution. On heating, soluble in traces ; with hydrochloric acid somewhat more soluble. On heating, somewhat soluble. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, insoluble ; on heating, a slight brown residue, filtrate yellow. On boiling, a shght powdery brown residue, filtrate pale yellow. On long boiling, a yellow solution. : Sodium hydrate Ruby-red solution. Dirty violet solution. Blackish-olive solution. Ammonia Ruby-red solution. Dirty violet-red solution. Black-blue solution. Sodium carbonate Ruby-red solution. Dirty dark-red solution. Blackish-green precipitate, filtrate pale brown-olive. Sodium acetate In the cold, soluble in traces, reddish ; on heating, completely dissolved, ruby-red. Dissolved on heating, dark red. Mostly dissolved on heating, brown. Magnesium acetate In the cold, soluble in traces, reddish ; on heating, almost completely dis- solved, ruby-red. In the cold dark violet-red, pre- cipitate dark red-brown, filtrate pinlv ; on heating, precipitate be- comes darker, filtrate bluish-red. In the cold, a black-brown precip- itate, almost quantitative ; on heating, somewhat soluble, filtrate a dirt)' colour. Calcium acetate In the cold, insoluble ; on heating, a brown residue, filtrate pale bluish- red. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, mostly precipitated dark red-brown, filtrate red. On heating, quantitatively precipi- i tated, black. Barium acetate Same as with calcium acetate. Same as with calcium acetate. On heating, quantitatively precipi- tated, black-brown. Lead acetate In the cold, completely precipitated, brown-violet ; on heating, soluble in traces, red-violet. On heating, mostly precipitated, a dark violet-brown precipitate ; filtrate bluish, rose-pink. On heating, quantitatively precipi- tated, black-brown. Tannin reagent - - - Alum In the cold, insoluble ; on healing, partly dissolved, bluish-red. On heating, mostly dissolved, red. On heating, mostly dissolved, brown. Potassium bichromate Red-brown precipitate, filtrate orange-yellow. On boiling, a red brown precipitate. On boiling, a black-brown precipi- tate. Stannous chloride In the cold, completely precipitated, brown-violet ; on heating, soluble in traces, pink. On heating, a red-brown precipitate, filtrate reddish. On heating, almost quantitatively precipitated, brown-yellow ; filtrate pale yellowish. p , . ! In the cold, gieenish-vellow some- 1 hypochroHte "•'^^' '""^'''Lrild"""'' '""'■ Quantitatively preci|)itated, dirty violet. Quantitatively precipitated, black- brown. \„J'}^^ ^°^^^^ Reduced on boiling, yellow-brown; ! SoTuTon^*" ^^''^'' "' "°^« becomes iniby-red: With zinc powder orange-red , fil- trate immediately becomes violet- red again. With zinc powder dark yellow ; filtrate becomes oUve, on boiling or standing black-violet. Zinc sod powder and lum hydrate Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. (~)n continued heating, a yellow- brown solution ; on boiling, the fil- trate becomes dark reddish-brown. On continued heating, a br< wn- yellow solution; the filtrate rajiidly becomes black-violet. Alizarin Brown powder Acid Alizarin Blue BB Acid Alizarin Blue GR Colour Dark brown powder. Red-brown powder. Black-brown powder. 3 O CO Water Dark brown solution. Somewhat sparingly soluble with a carmine-red colour. Sparingly soluble, dirty violet tur- bid liquid. Alcohol Brown solution. Slightly soluble, red. Slightly soluble, red. Ether Somewhat soluble, pale green. Soluble in traces. Soluble in traces. Benzene Insoluble Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on Carboniscswith emission of vapour, , Melts without much pufling up, platinum foil leaving a quantity of brown ash. | and leaves a little ash. Melts without much puffing up. and leaves a little ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dark brown-red solution ; on dilu- tion greenish-yellow, on standing brown flocks ; on heating reddish- black, on dilution orange-yellow, on standing almost completely pre- cipitated, yellow-brown. Dissolves with effervescence and a strong evolution of gas, with a red-violet to a brown colour ; on dilution red. Soluble with a reil-violet colmu. on dilution claret-red. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, brown, Jiltrate yellowish; on beating, more soluble, filtrate yellow. Red solution, the colour of which does not change on boiling. Red-violet solution, the colour .1 which does not change on boiling;. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, brown ; on heating, a clear brown-yellow solution. Same as with sulphuric acid, but changing to violet on boiling. Same as with sulphuric aciil. Sodium hydrate Partial precipitation, blue- grey, filtrate brown. Blue colouration, on standing or Dirty blue colouration, on standiiij; heating gives a blue precipitate, j or heating gives a dirty blue pi. - filtrate pale red. cipitate, filtrate pale violet. Ammonia Dirty violet-black solution, slight grey turbidity. Same as with sodium hydrate, but not precipitated on heating, filtrate blue. S.imc as with sodium hydrate, lui the filtrate a deeper colour becau^ less precipitate. Sodium carbonate Partial precipitation, grey, filtrate brown. Same as with sodium hydrate, but the precipitate more violet coloured. Partial precipitation, dirty bin - violet, filtrate violet. Sodium acetate Partial precipitation, brown ; on heating, more soluble. Red-violet precipitate, filtrate pink. Partial precipitation on heating;, dirty violet, filtrate red-violet. Magnesium acetate Almost completely precipitated, grey-brown, filtrate brownish. Liquid becomes blue-violet, without any precipitation occurring. P.irti.il precipitation on he.iting, dirty violet, filtrate blue-violet. Calcium acetate Completely precipitated, brown. Blue-violet precipitate, filtrate pale ^"^tX P""P'""'"", ,'=^-^" , '" ^^' 1 ■ \. cold, becomes complete on heatmg. P ■ j dirty blue, filtrate p.ile violet. Barium acetate Completely precipitated, brown. Completely precipitated, violet, fil- Almost compk'tcly precipitated tvni trate shows only traces of colour. in the cold, dirty violet. Lead acetate Completely precipitated, brown. Completely precipitated, blue. Completely precipitated even in the cold, dirty blue. Tannin reagent In the cold, a brown precipitate; on heating almost entirely dissolved. On heating, a brick-red precipitate, filtrate orange. On heating, partial precipitation, red-grey, filtrate yellow-brown to red-violet. Alum Brown precipitate, filtrate when cold pale brownish, on heating red-brown. Red-violet colouration without any precipitation. On heating, partial precipitation, red-violet, filtrate brilliant violet. Potassium bichromate Brown precipitate. On heating, dark brown colouration with slight sep,iration of a blackish- grey substance. On heating, dark brown coloura- tion, slight separation of a greyish- black substance. ,, ,^ In the cold, completely precipitated. At once completely precipitated, Stannous chloride brown ; on hcatmg, somewhat dis- red-violet, solved, solution yellowish. At once almost completely precip- | itated, dirty violet, filtrate very 1 slightly coloured. In the coW, a brown precipitate, ^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^,^^ ^^ i^ ^1^^^ Calcium filtrate yellow; on bo,ling rapidly quickly decolourised, especially on hypochlorite becomes paler, eventually clear. ^ ' he.itine colourless. Is quickly decolourised, especially on heating, without becoming blue previously. Zinc powder Keduced on boiling, filtrate brown, ; At first a blue colouration, then and ammoniacal becoming rapidly darker, finally decolourised giving a pale pink solution black-violet, somewhat turbid. i liquid. Partially decolourised, filtrate pale violet. Reduced on boiling, filtrate brown. Zinc powder and becoming rapidly darker, then dirty sodium hydrate violet precipitate, solution olive- brown. On boiling, completely decolourised. Less completely decolourised than with ammonia, filtrate brown-red. Z an nc powder d acetic acid solution - Reduced forming a brick -red coloured solution. Colouring matter completely de- stroyed, filtrate pale brown. Aeid Alizarin Green G Alizarin Black P Alizarin Black S Colour Dark green powder. Greyish-black paste. Brownish-black paste. "S 3 O CO Water Somewhat sparingly soluble, solu- tion I : looo still distinctly turbid, solution blue-green. Somewhat soluble, olive. Solution brown, on boiling partial precipitation, grey-green, filtrate darker, olive. Alcohol Slightly soluble, blue-green. Somewhat soluble, brownish. Soluble, orange-red. Ether Soluble in traces. Slightly soluble, brownish-yellow. Somewhat soluble, yellow. Benzene Insoluble. Soluble in traces, pink. Somewhat soluble, reddish-yellow. Heated on platinum foil Burns quietly with a somewhat greenish flame, leaving a consider- able quantity of ash. Dries forming a black mass, which melts, gives a brown sublimate, and leaves very little grey ash. Burns quickly, giving a carbon which burns away with great difl'i- culty leaving a white ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Violet solution which on dilution with water becomes blue-gieen. Dark brown solution ; on dilution, a yellow-brown precipitate, filtrate orange ; on heating, blackish-brown, on dilution a brown precipitate, filtrate orange-yellow. Brown solution; on dilution, a brown precipitate, filtrate orange ; on heat- ing, darker, on dilution brown- red, soon a brown precipitate, filtrate orange. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Bright blue-gieen solution , not changed on boiling. Brown residue, filtrate when cold pale yellowish, on heating yellowish- brown. Brown precipitate, filtrate orange- brown. Dilute nitrie^eid Same as with sulphuric acid; on heating becomes bluer , in trans- mitted light red-violet. In the cold, a brown residue, fil- trate reddish-yellow; on heating, almost clear yellow solution. In the cold, a brown precipitate, filtrate orange; on heating, reddish- yellow, almost clear. Sodium hydrate Partial precipitation red-violet, fil- trate red-violet. Greyish-green solution, very slight bluish-green turbidity. Dark greyish-green solution. 1 Ammonia Slight bluish-green precipitate, fil- trate bluish-green. In the cold a brownish-black, on heating a reddish-black solution. In the cold a brownish-black, on heating a reddish grey-black solution. Sodium carbonate Same as with sodium hydrate. Almost completely dissolved, reddish- black. Brownish-black solution. e J- „„*•„♦„ 1 0" heating partial precipitation, 1 Sodium acetate j thush-green, filtrate red-violet. Greyish-green residue, filtrate brownish. Greyish-green precipitate, filtrate dirty olive-brown. 1 Magnesium acetate On heating partial precipitation, bluish-green ; stronger than with sodium acetate, filtrate red-violet. Reddish blue-green precipitate; fil- trate when cold violet-red, on heating brownish. In the cold, a greyish-green precip- itate, filtrate brown; on heating, a bluish-green precipitate, filtrate pale copper-red. Calcium acetate On heating, almost complete precip- itation, green. Grey precipitate ; on heating, filtrate yellowish-brown. In the cold, greenish-grey precip- itate, filtrate pale brown ; on heat- ing, blue-grey precipitate, filtrate pale yellowish. Barium acetate Completely precipitated already in the cold, green. Blue-green precipitate ; on heating, filtrate yellowish-brown. In the cold, a greenish-grey pre- cipitate, filtrate reddish-yellow ; on heating, completely precipitated, blue-grey. Lead acetate Same as with barium acetate, but the precipitation takes place more rapidly. Greyish-black precipitate. Completely precipitated, grey. Tannin reagent Partial precipitation, dirty green ; filtrate blue-green. - Partial precipitation, greyish-green. Alum Partial precipitation, green; filtrate blue-green. Black precipitate, filtrate in the cold reddish, on heating brown. In the cold, greenish-grey precip- itate, filtrate brown ; on heating, reddish-grey precipitate, filtrate paler. Potassium bichromate Partial precipitation, blue-green. Black precipitate. In the cokl, slight greyish-green turbidity, filtrate dark olive-brown ; on heating, reddish-brown precip- itate, filtrate brownish-orange. Stannous chloride At once completely precipitated, blue-green. In the cold, a reddish-grey precip- itate, filtrate colourless ; on heating, a brown precipitate, filtrate yellow- ish-brown. Completely precipitated, brown. hySlhlTite ^°"^^"'^^' '■^P''*'^- decolourised. In the cold, a somewhat brownish- yellow turbidity ; on heating, pale vellowish. Solution brown, then yellow ; on heating, decolourised. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution In the cold decolourised, filtrate yellow-brown. _,,,.,. ^,, , , 1 Reduced on boiling, filtrate brown. Reduced on boihng, filtrate brown- • ,, , ■ ? , , , . -J, u ■ J 1 1 rapidlv becoming darker : on shak- red, rapidly becoming darker; on . ^^ ,-,. , =, . , shaking a greyish-violet. i '"f ^eddish-gre,- then greemsh-grey, " " ■> 1 edges of the filter-paper greenish. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Decolourised both in the cold and also on boiling, filtrate red-brown. Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution ; on shaking, a greyish-violet solution,precipitate blue. Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution, filtrate a somewhat redder grey. Z anc mc powder I acetic acid solution Quickly decolourised on boiling, filtrate pale yellow. - - Alizarin Blue R paste Alizarin Blue DN paste Alizarin Green S paste Colour Water Alcohol 3 Ether Cireyish-bluc paste. Dark rcdclisb-blue pa&te. Benzene Heated on platinum foil Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Siilulik' with a greyish-blue colour. Somewhat less soluble, reddish. Somewhat soluble, red. Insolublt;. Dilute nitric acid Sodium hydrate Ammonia Sodium carbonate Alter evaporation ol the water a reddisii vapour in emitted , the mass ignites and burns away leav- ing scarcely any ash. Dissolves with a violct-rcd colour, at the edge of the basin brown- red ; on dilution with water, a pale red solution ; on heating, the cone, solution becomes a beautiful dark brown. In till- cold, a dirty brownish-red turbidity ; precipitate dirty brown, filtrate pale reddish ; on heating, a turbid red solution. Dark lirown precipitate, in the cold, almost quantitative ; on heat- ing, the reddish solution very rapidly becomes pale yellow. Soluble in very slight traces, solu- tion faintly reddish. Soluble in very slight traces. After evaporation of the water a little brown and white vapour is emitted, the m.iss melts and bakes together forming a greyish sub- stance, which bums away with extreme difficulty leaving a white ash. Reddish-brown paste. Red-vilves with a violet-red colour, at the edge of the basin brown- red ; on dilution with water, partial precipitation, brown-red, fdtrate reddish ; on heating, the cone, so- lution becomes dark red-brown. In the cold, a dirty brownish-red turbitity ; precipitate dark red- brown, filtrate pale reddish ; on heating, dissolves with a red colour. Violet-red solution. Soluble in traces, yellow. Soluble in traces, reddish. Carbonises quickly leaving a grcyisli white ash. Ruby-red solution; on dilution. ruby-red, soon a brown |>recipitatc. filtrate bluish-red^ on heatiTi;;. darker, on dilution bluish red. In the cold, unchanged; on heatin- a greenish-grey precipitate, filtrate pale copper-red. Quantitatively precipitated, green- ish-blue. Fairly soluble, greenish-blue. Quantitatively precipitated, black- blue. Red-brown precipitate, in the cold, almost quantitative ; on heating, very rapidly becomes a pale yellow solution. Quantitatively precipitated , dark greenish-blue. Soluble in slight traces, greenish- blue. Quantitatively precipitated, black- blue. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating clear, orange-yellow. In the cold, a ruby-red solution ; on heating, becomes darker, partial precipitation, grey. Ruby-red solution. In the cold, a dark garnet-red S' ■ lution ; on heating , partial juc cipitation, grey. Sodium acetate Magnesium acetate On heating, .ilmost quantitatively precipitated, black-blue. On heating, mostly precipitated, dark blue; filtrate pale blue. On heating, quantitatively precipi- tated, black-blue. In the cold, a ruby-red solution : on heating, a slight grey precipitate On heating, lUmost quantitatively precipitated, black-blue. Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate On heating, quantitatively precipi- tated, bluish-black. Same as with calcium acetate. Same as with calcium acetate. Tannin reagent Alum Potassium bichromate On heating, a black-blue precipi- tate ; filtrate pale violet. Stannous chloride Calcium hypochlorite Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Quantitatively precipitated, black- ish. I )n boiling, quantitatively precipi- tated, dark grey. On heating, quantitatively precipi- tated, bluish-black. Same .is with calcium acetate. In the cold, a clear ruby-red -■ lution; on heating, parti.il jireci]' itation grey. Ruby-red solution: in the col. I slight precipitation ; on healinu paiti.ll precipitation grey. Same .is with calcium acetate. Same as with calcium acetate. In the cold, black-blue precipitate ; on he.iting, greyish-green precipitate, filtrate pale violet. Slight precipitation, grey. On heating, a black-blue precipi- tate ; filtrate pale violet. Quantitatively precipitated, black- ish. Violet solution, slight grey turbidity, Red-brown solution. On boiling, almost quantitatively precipitated, dark reddish-grey. Uii.intitatively precipitated, dark liluish.gieen; on standing, decolour- ised. Quantitatively precipitated, black- ish green-blue; on standing, de- colourised. In the cold, a dirty violet turbidity, filtrate red-violet; on heating, com- pletely precipitated, greyish-green. Rapidly decolourised. Forms a vat ; red filtrate which at (mce becomes blue, with blue scum. Forms a vat; blood-red with liltie scum ; red filtrate which at once becomes blue. Forms a v.tt; red filtrate which at once becomes blue, with blue saim. Forms a vat ; blood-red with blue scum; red filtrate which at once becomes blue. Reduced on boiling, brownisli ; filtrate at once becomes dark red- brown, (edges of the filter-paper pink); on shaking, violet, greyish- blue precipitate, filtrate claret-red. Reduced, brownish colour; filtrate darker, on shaking bluish-green. Gallein paste A Gallein powder W Alizarin Yellow GGW powder^ Colour Brown paste. 11 Greenish-black powder. j Pale yellow powder. 1 S s "3 Water In the cold, somewhat soluble, bluish-red; on heating, soluble, browu-red. Soluble, reddish-brown. Orange-yellow solution. Alcohol Soluble, red-brown. Soluble, red-brown. J Orange-yellow solution. [ Ether Soluble in slight traces, brownish- yellow. Soluble in traces, brownish-yellow. Yellow solution. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil After evaporation of the water the residue melts, brown vapour is emitted, the mass ignites and burns away leaving scarcely any ash. Brown vapour is emitted, the powder melts, ignites, and burns away leaving but little ash. On heating, the mass burns emitt- ing sparks ; ihe black residue event- ually leaves scime fused ash. Concentrated sulphuric acid Dissolves with a deep yellow- brown colour ; on dilution with water, an orange solution ; on heat- ing, the cone, solution becomes dark brown. Dissolves with a deep yellow- brown colour ; on dilution with water, a slight precipitate, mostly remaining as a red-orange solution ; on heating, the cone, solution be- comes dark brown. Orange-yellow solution ; on dilution completely precipitated as pale yellow flocks ; on heating unchang- ed, on dilution pale yellowish. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid On heating, a deep orange solution. Yellow solution. Completely precipitated, pale yel- low ; on heating, soluble in traces. Dilute nitric acid On long boiling acquires at first a dirty colour, then becomes pale yellow. On long boiling acquires at first a dirty colour, then becomes pale yellow. Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric aciil. Sodium hydrate Violet-blue solution. Violet-blue solution. Solution becomes orange, on heat- ing redder. Ammonia Dirty violet solution. Dirty violet solution. Orange solution. Sodium carbonate Violet solution. Violet solution. In the cold, partially precipitated, orange-yellow ; on heating, clear orange solution. Sodium acetate In the cold, a carmine-red solu- tion ; on heating, becomes deep dark red. In the cold, a pale camiine-red solution ; on heating, becomes dark red. Unchanged. Magnesium acetate Violet solution ; on heating, be- comes darker. Violet solution ; on heating, be- comes darker. Unchanged. Calcium acetate Red-violet solution ; on heating, becomes darker. Red-violet solution; on heating, becomes darker. In the cold, partial precipitation, yellow ; on heating, a clear yellow solution. Barium acetate Same as with calcium acetate. Same as with calcium acetate. In the cold, partial precipitation, yellow ; on heating, a yellow so- lution with slight brown turbidity. Lead acetate Quantitative violet precipitate. Quantitative violet precipitate. In the cold, completely precipitat- ed, orange-yellow ; on heating, soluble in traces. Tannin reagent - - - Alum On heating, a dark violet -red solution. On heating, a violet-red solution. In the cold, partial precipitation, yellow ; on heating, moie soluble. Potassium bichromate On heating, partially precipitated. On heating, partially precipitated. Unchanged. Stannous chloride In the cold and also on heating, quantitatively precipitated, pale violet-red. In the cold and also on heating, quantitatively precipitated, rose-red. In the cold, completely precipitat- ed, yellow ; on heatmg, precipi- tate becomes darker, somewhat soluble. Calcium hypochlorite Rapidly decolourised. Rapidly decolourised. In the cold, completely precipitat- ed , yellow ; on heating, precipi- tate becomes darker, somewhat soluble. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Rapidly decolourised, filtrate pale yellowish ; only on long boiling becoming pale violet. Rapidly decolourised, filtrate pale yellowish ; only on long boiling becoming pale violet. Quickly reduced, filtrate at once becomes yellow. Zin sod 2 powder and ium hydrate Same as with ammonia, but the colour is restored with still greater difficulty. Same as with ammonia, but the colour is restored with still greater difficulty. Quickly reduced, filtrate at once becomes pale yellow, edges of the filter-paper reddish. Alizarin Yellow GG paste i Mordant Yellow Alizarin Yellow RW powder Colour Yellow paste. Red-yellow powder. Yellow-brown powder. 3 o Water Alcohol Greenish-yellow solution. Perfectly soluble in water with a yellow colour. Readily soluble, orange. Orange-yellow solution. Not very readily soluble, yellow. Readily soluble, orange. Ether Orange-yellow solution. Soluble in traces. Soluble, yellow. Benzene Pale yellow solution. Insoluble. . Soluble in traces, yellow. Heated on platinum foil When dried, a yellow mass, which on heating mells, emits yellow vapour, burns with a smoky flame and gives very little ash. Puffs up strongly on heating, and melts forming a somewhat light ash. Crackles and emits sparks, giving a greyish-black mass, which air- bonises leaving a little fused asli. Concentrated sulphuric acid Orange-ycUow solution, on dilution completely precipitated,pale yellow ; on healing somewhat redder, on ililulion pale yellowish. Brick-red, with strong evolution of gas. On dilution yellow with partial separation of a yellow precipitate. ( )range-red solution, on dilution j almost completely precipitated, yellow -brown ; on beating ruby- red (in the cold dark brown), on dilution brown. ; TS^fS^ I - --IS"-' -'• j '" - - :i4s.'- """- ! - "|S?E?-'- „„ .... , . Same as with dilute sulphuric or Dilute nitric acid hydrochloric acid. In the cold and also on heating, unchanged. Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Sodium hydrate Orange solution, on heating redder. Orange liquid. Ruby-red solution, on heating be- comes darker. Ammonia Orange solution. Orange liquid. Ruby-red solution. Sodium carbonate In the cold, partial orange-yellow residue ; on heating, a clear orange solution. Orange liquid. In the cold, partial precipitation, brown, filtrate orange-red ; on heal- ing, a clear brown-red solution, j Sodium acetate In the cold, unchanged; on heating, completely dissolves, yellow. Unchanged. In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- 1 ing, redder. Magnesium acetate In the cold, partly dissolved, yellow ; on heating, completely dissolved, orange-yellow. Pale yellow, becoming somewhat darker on heating. Solution becomes orange-red. Calcium acetate In the cold, unchanged; on heating dissolves, yellow. Pale yellow, becoming somewhat darker on heating. Partial precipitation, yellow-brown ; filtrate in the cold yellow, on heat- ing orange. Barium acetate In the cold, unchanged; on heating, a yellow filtrate, slight brownish residue. Pale yellow, becoming somewhat darker on heating. Same as with calcium acetate. Lead acetate Inthecold.completely precipitated; on heating, soluble in traces. In the cold, a yellow precipitate, which on heating and becomes curdv. Completely precipitated, brownish- yellow. Tannin reagent - Acquires a darker colour. — Alum Ill Uic cold, unchanged; on heating, more soluble. Unchanged. In the cold, partial precipitation, brownish ; on healing, more so- luble. 1 Potassium ! bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, almost completely i i>recipitatcd, yellow-brown ; on heating, the precipitate becomes red-brown, powdery, somewhat more soluble. Stannous chloride In the cold, completely precipitated, yellow ; on heating, jirecipitate be- comes darker , somewhat soluble. Completely prccipilaled, yellow. Calcium hypochlorite Partial precipitation , in the cold yellow, on heating, brown; lillrale pale yellow. , , , , . In the cold, partial precipitation. In the cold becomes somewhat ,,,io,,.,„o,vn, filtrate yellow ; on darker; on heating, ihe colour is j^_^^^. ^^,,,,^^^ ^^ pale yellow- quickly destroyed. " • , Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Easily reduced, filtrate at once becomes yellow. In the cold not decolourised. Easily reduced, filtrate at once be- comes greenish-yellow. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Easily reduced, filtrate at once becomes pale yellow, edges of the lilter-paper reddish. Almost completely decolourised on boiling; filtrate very slightly coloured. Easily reduced, filtrate at once be- i comes ]iale rcddish-\ellow. ,a, Zinc powder id acetic acid solution - 1 Completely decolourised on boiling. Alizarin Yellow R paste Alizarin Yellow paste Roseline paste Colour Brownish-yellow jiaste. Water 'B 3 o CO Alcohol Ether Benzene Orange-yellow solution. Heated on platinum foil Concentrated sulphuric acid Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid Orange-yellow solution. Orange solution. Reddish-yellow solution. When dried, a yellow-brown mass, which on heating emits an orange- red vapour, melts, burns with smoky flame and leaves very little ash. Orange-red solution ; on dilution, almost completely precipitated, yellow-brown; on heating, ruby- red (when cold, dark brown); on dilution, brown; on long standing, brown flocks. In the cold, completely precipitated, brownish-yellow ; on heating, partlv dissolved, vellow. Yellowish-grey paste. Somewhat soluble, almost colour- less. Claret-red paste. Very sparingly soluble, pale red. Dilute nitric acid ^"™' "', ^;'\f'".t^ -^"'P^uric or hydrochloric acid. Soluble in traces, colourless. Insoluble. After evaporation of the water the residue emits a white vapour and burns away leaving scarcely any ash. nissolves with a dirty red-brown colour ; on dilution with water, quantitatively precipitated, grey ; on heating, the cone, solution be- comes dark brown. On heating, partly soluble, ex- tracted with ether. — The colour- less solutions become yellow by sodium hydrate; the colourless ether with sodium hydrate, colours the aqueous solution vellow. On heating, first becomes red, then reddish-yellow, yellow ; brownish precipitate, filtrate yellow. Sodium hydrate Ammonia Sodium carbonate Sodium acetate Magnesium acetate Calcium acetate Barium acetate Lead acetate Tannin reagent Alum Potassium bichromate Stannous chloride Calcium hypochlorite In the cold, partly dissolved; on j heating, completely, ruby-red. Ruby-red solution. In the cold, a brown residue, filtrate orange-red ; on heating, clear brown- red solution. In the cold, unchanged; on heating, | completely dissolved, orange. In the cold, partly dissolved; on heating, somewhat completely dis- solved, orange-red ; residue brown. Yellow solution. Dark yellow solution. Partial precipitation, yellow, part- lv a vellow solution. Red solution with yeUow-brown I fluorescence. Soluble in traces, yellow. Soluble in traces, pink. When dried, a claret-red mass, which becomes darker, melts, puflfs up emitting a red vapour, ignites, burns with a bright flame, and !_leaves a quantity of reddish ash. Brown solution ; on dilution, partial precipitation, purple-red, filtrate orange-red; on heating, dark red- I brown; on dilution brown -red, strong gi-een fluorescence ; on standing, brown flocculent precipitate I In the cold, a pink residue, filtrate I pale pink with yellow fluorescence ; on heating, the residue is claret- red, the filtrate pale red. j In the cold, a pink residue, filtrate pale pink (fluorescent) ; on heating, slight brown residue, pale red filtrate. Dark pink solution witjT^eliow fluorescence, slight brown residue. Sam e as with sodium hydrate. Pink solution, yellow fluorescence, residue bluish-red. On heating, quantitatively precip- itated, greyish-yellow. Residue pink, solution pink, with slight yellow fluorescence. On heating, quantitatively precip- itated, vellow. Yellow-brown residue, filtrate in , On heating, quantitatively precij> the co ld yellow, on heating orange. itated, greyish-yellow. In the cold, a pink residue, filtrate pale pink, yellow fluorescence ; on heating, claret-red residue, filtrate dark pink, yellow fluorescence. Same as with magnesium acetate. Sam e as with calcium acetate. j_Same^as_with_calci um acetate. [ Same as with magnesium acetate. Completely precipitated, brownish- yellow. Brown residue, filtrate in the cold yellow, on heating orange. On heating, quantitatively precip- itated, vellow. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, bluish-pink, filtrate faintly pink, fluorescent; on heating, a claret-red precipitate, filtrate pale pink, fluorescent. Unchanged. In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, yellow-brown ; on heating, a powdery precipitate, darker and somewhat more soluble. In the cold, partial precipitation, yellow-brown, filtrate yellow; on heating, almost clear. On heating, quantitatively precip- itated, yellowish-grey. On heating, quantitatively precip- itated, brown. On heating, quantitatively precip- itated, vellow. Same as with lead acetate. Unchanged. Same as with lead acetate. Zinc powder , t.- ■, , , \-, and ammoniacal I ^"''^l ^-^duced, filtrate at once sollitinr» becomes reddish-vellnw Zinc powder and sodium hydrate becomes reddish-yellow. Quantitatively precipitated, brown. Is not reduced. Easily reduced, filtrate at once becomes pale reddish-yellow. In the cold, a bluish-pink residue, filtrate pink, fluorescent ; on heat- ing, colourless filtrate, slight dark pink residue. Easily reduced, filtrate colourless, on shaking becomes pale pink. Easily reduced, filtrate yellowish, on shaking becomes pale pink. Azarin S Azarin R Ceruleln A paste Colour Brown-yellow paste. '^'*"^'''^Vurous"cS°^ "' '"*" ' Greenish-bUck paste. ^ Water Kairly soluble, yellow. Soluble in tr.-ices, (filtrate turbid, yellow). In the cold, insoluble; on heating, slightly soluble, pale green. Somewhat soluble, blue-black. ^ Alcohol Readily soluble, deep yellow. i Slightly soluble, yellow. 3 Ether Somewhat soluble, yellow. Insoluble. Insoluble. '" Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Alter evaporation ol the water, the residue emits a quantity of reddUh ^^,,^^^ ^^.^^ ^ ^^^^.^ ^^^^ .^ 1^^^^ Heated on vapour, .gn.tes, puffs up somewhat ^.^.^,^ ^^ ^ ^^,^^_ ^^^ ^^ platinum foil '«f™'"g^='. ^^^^^ '"^ "■«";• '""f^; l^ves a little reddish ash. which burns away leaving but little ash. .\fter evaporation of the water. the black residue burns awa\ rapidly, leaving an infusible paU yellowish -brownish ash. Dissolves with evolution of sul- phur dicxide, solution deep violet- Red soluiinn, on dilution a brown- Concentrated red, on dilution with water quan- red precipitate, liltrate yellowish ; sulphuric acid titatively piecipitated, brown-red; on heating, blackish-brown, on 1 on heating, the cone, solution be- 1 dilution yellow-brown. ' comes dirty brown. ! Dissolves with a dark brown colour, on dilution with water almost quantitatively precipitated, blacU- ish-green ; on heating, the cone. solution becomes redder. Dilute sulphuric ^° '^^ '°^'^' T"'^' P'f."P''^'*°°= in the cold, pakr, filtrate pale v. J %.i ■ on heating, c ear solution again; ,, i .• i .i or hydrochloric extracted with ether, vellow. On >-^"°".^ on heating, completely acid ,„„g ^^.^^ orange-red turbidity. '''^^"1^^''' o^»"ge-yelIow. On heating, sowewhat dissolved, pale olive. In the cold, paler, liltrate pale Dilute nitric acid Same as with sulphuric acid. yellow; on heating, completely ' 1 dissolved, orange-yellow. On boiling, yellow turbidity. I Violet precipitate, pale red fil- _ , . . , ^_ trate ; extracted with ether, blue, Sodium hydrate ^j,^ ^^^^^^^ ^„,„,i^„ ,,,i„g „ di^j, reddish colour. Ruby-red solution; in the cold, slight green-violet turbidity. Olive-green precipit.ite ; filtratr pale yellow-green. Ammonia Same as with sodium hydrate. Violet-red solution with violet tur^ bidity. Olive-green solution. _ , . . 4 Violet-blue precipitate, reddish fil- Sodium carbonate *^ ^^^^ Violet-red solution ; in the cold, a brown-violet turbidity; on heat- ing, almost clear. Green precipitate, filtrate pale green. „ ,. . ^ Becomes red-orange; on heating. Sodium acetate ^^^^^^^. precipitated, brown-red In the cold, unchanged; on heat- ing, a ruby - red solution , residue brown-red. (In heating, quantitatively prccijM- tated, green. Magnesium Becomes red-orange ; on heating, acetate partially precipitated, violet. Partial precipitation brown-red, pale red filtrate. In the cold and also on heating, quantitatively precipitated, black- ish-green. Calcium acetate On heating, mostly precipitated, dirty violet. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, partial precipitation, brown-violet, filtrate pale red-brown. Same as with magnesium acetate. ' Barium acetate On heating, mostly predpi^ted, dirty violet. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, partial precipitation, brown-violet, filtrate pale red. Same as ^-ith magnesium acetate. , Lead acetate On heating, almost quantitatively precipitated, dirty violet. In the cold, completely precipitated, yellow-brown; on heating, dirty violet precipitate. Same as with magnesium .icetato. Tannin reagent — - 1 Alum On heating, a yellow solution. In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ing, somewhat more soluble (yellow). On heating, a green precipitate : filtrate pale green. bSomaTe ' On heating, brown turbidity. In the cold, unch.inged; on heat- ing, a brown-red solution, brown turbidity. On heating, almost quantiLitivel\ precipitated. Stannous chloride On heating, partial precipitation, yellow. In the cold, unchanged ; on heat- ing, somewhat dissolved, greenish- yellow. In the cold and also on heating, quantitatively precipitated, greenish- grey. Calcium hypochlorite Yellow-red solution; on standing, decolourised. Dirty red solution, rapidly becomes yellow ; on standing or heating, ver\' pale. Easily reduced, filtrate yellowish. Quantitatively precipitated , dark green ; on standing, gradually de- colourised. L„^*1™''T'!!Li Easily reduced, filtrate becomes land ammoniacal ' „ i. ...n solution P"''^ >'"°*- Forms a vat, red with green scum ; the filtrate at once becomes green again; on st.anding, precipitates. ' Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Reduced with great diflicuUy, and only on long boiling, filtrate beco- mes yellow. Easily reduced, liltrate yellowish. Same .-us with ammonia , but the green colour returns more slowly ; on standing, precipitates. 1 Ceruleln SW powder Cerulein B paste Solid Green 50"/o paste 1 Colour Black powder. Somewhat thin black paste. Drab coloured stiff paste. a '■5 B o Water In the cold, soluble; on heating, Almost insoluble in water. Filtrate turbid blackish i ^°"^ ^ mixture of 5 : looo has Soluble on boiling, brown. ' ■ j a very pale violet colour. j Alcohol Somewhat soluble, olive. ! ' Soluble with a red-violet colour. Soluble, yellowish. Ether Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Heated on platinum foil „ • 1 I J 11,. After evaporation of the water, the Burns away quicklv and regularly, K ^ . »v, r • , . i-. J ' -1 <• ^t„ „u residue sinters together formme leaving a white and easily msibleasn. ,, , ^ ^ a black mass. After evaporation of the water, it bums away quickly and regularly, leaving no ash. Dissolves with effervescence and evolution of hydrochloric acid gas, ,. , , , . , . , , Concentrated ' solution dark brown; on dilution ^o>"We wuh a wme-red colour; sulphuric acid | with water, a black-green pre- , ™ ^■•"'■°"' P>-ec.pitates, filtrate ' cipitate ; on heating, the cone. P''"'^ '''"'^'• solution becomes somewhat reddish. Dissolves with a deep brown colour; on dilution with water, partial pre- cipitation ; on heating, the cone, solution gives off gas and becomes redder. 1 Dilute sulphuric ' ^ , ,. .• , • •, ,• In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, \ ^ , . , , „ or hydrochloric O" heatmg, partial precipitation, ^^^ ^^^ ^^S^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^B_ On heating, a clear pale yellow acid ( black-grey. ^^^^^^ ^J ,^^^^_^^^^ ^^^^,^^_ j solution, not extracted with ether. Dilute nitric acid 1 Same as with sulphuric acid; but On heating, a yellow turbidity. ; on heating, solution partially de- On heating, a clear yellow solution. colourised. Sodium hydrate 01ive.greenprecipitate;filtratepale|c';- bhie^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^.^^_ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ yellow-green. | ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^J,.^^_ | ,vith ether. Ammonia Olive-green solution. i Blue-green solution, which on 1 boiling becomes green. Yellow solution. Sodium carbonate Green precipitate, filtrate pale green. , Same as with sodium hydrate. ' Yellow solution. Sodium acetate On heating, somewhat precipitated, , Blue-green solution, unchanged on black-green. boiling Slight precipitate. On heating, yellow solution. ' Magnesium acetate T ,, ij ,. 1 • •. .• In the cold, green turbidity; on In the cold, partial precipitation, u 1 , % '^ ., ■ heatme, becomes more or less green; on heating, mostly precip- , ^' , ... .. .. , 'tated clear; on boiling, quantitatively precipitated, dirty green. On heating, yellow solution. Calcium acetate In the cold, also on standing and heating, quantitatively precipitated, dark green. Same as with magnesium acetate. On heating, yellow solution. Barium acetate Same as with calcium acetate. Same as with magnesium acetate. On heating, yellow solution. Lead acetate Same as with calcium acetate; , ^^^^ ^^ ^.^^ magnesium acetate. 1 0° l>«^''°g' P^-"''^! precipitation, the precipitate is a brighter green. | " I ohve-grey. Tannin reagent T .. ij J , 1 i- ' On heating, a green colouration In the cold and also on heating, , .^, ^\. " ^ ,.1.. slight greenish-black turbidity ^"* '"^ pitl^ ^^^ ■""""" Alum On heating, a green precipitate ; On boiling, quantitative precip- filtrate emerald - green. ' itation, violet. On heating, a pale yellow solution. Potassium bichromate On heating, mostly precipitated. 1 ^"'y ^r^y P'^^^^^^' fi'""^'^ P'*'^ Dissolves on heating. Stannous chloride Quantitative precipitation, in the , Quantitative separation of the col- cold reddish-grey-brown ; on heating, , ouring matter as a greyish-black greenish-grey precipitate. precipitate. White precipitate; filtrate, on heating, colourless. Calcium hypochlorite Almost quantitatively precipitated, In the cold precipitated from a olive-green ; on standing, gradually blue-green liquid, which on heating decolourised. is completely decolourised. Yellow solution ; on standing, de- colourised. Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Forms a vat, red with green scum ; filtrate at once becomes green again ; on standing, precipitated. Partially decolourised. Easily reduced ; filtrate and edges of the filter-paper become violet- blue. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate Same as with ammonia but the green colour returns more slowly; on standing, precipitated. Colouration of the filtrate an in- .„.,,,,., tense violet-blue, otherwise same Partially decolourised. ^^ ^^.^^ ^.^^ ^^^^,^^^. ^^^ ^^^^^^_ iacal solution. 1 Zi and ttc powder acetic acid solution - Decolourised forming a pale brick- red liquid. - Eosine extra, spirit Cyanosine 0, spirit i Bromfluorescein AG Colour P.ilc rt-d. Hriglit red powder. 1 Water Somewhat xiluble, turbid solutiim. I'artially solubie, turbid solution. $ Alcohol , '^""''"^•*°'^|;I,%;'^\"^/J^"°^ Readily soluble. 1 Ether S.mK« hat soluble. Readily soluble : orange redloliT — tion with yellow fluorescence. ^ Benzene Soluble in traces, filtrate yellow. Somewhat soluble : orange solution"" without fluorescence. «. 'range-red powder. Soluble in traces, pink solution with strong yellow-green fluorescence. Orange-red solution with strong yellow-green fluorescence. Yellow solution with greenish- yellow fluorescence. Reddish-yellow solution without fluorescence. Emits a brown vapour (Br.), melts Emits a brown vapour, the pow der Heating on together forming a black mass bakes together to a black mass, platinum foil which bums away with very^ great which burn> away with very great difficulty, leaving but little ash. difficulty, leaving but little ash. Carbonises with emission of va|K>ui . melts and puflTs up, leaving scarceh .any a«h. ,. 1, , .. , , . . , Orange solution; on dilution with \cllow solution; on dilution with , ^ ... ... ■•. . j ... .. , • •. . J water, quantitatively precipitated, rnnnontnoto/] water, quantitatively precipitated, ' ', ., ■ .". J ■ l/Oncentrated , „ 3i, , , •, i . orange-red; the precipitate is e.\- c.,i.^u,,„:» „_-j orange, filtrate c • L j T , , , the cone, solution becomes dark hrown-reil. , , red-brown. Yellow solution ; on dilution, com- jiletely precipitated, orange ; on heating, dark niby-red. in the coKI brown-bl.ack, on dilution, dirty violet, on standing, comi)letcly precipitated. Dilute sulphuric ^"""^ precipitation, orange; on precipitation, orange-red; no v,„,ir,«^v,i«„;„ heating, soluble, fluorescence dis- '^ •""•"" V' I ' 6 ' or hydrochloric „, " ,.,■,■ ,- ,, ,• extracted with ether (orange-red); „„ij appears. .addition ot ether dis- , . i ii acid 1 .1 on heatuig, soluble. solves the precipitate. ^' Fluorescence disappears, solution in the cold pale orange ; on heating, yellowish. Same as with dilute siJphuric or hydix)chloric acid. Dilute nitric aeid ^*'"^ ■''^ "'''*' 'li'«tc sulphuric or Same as with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. hydrochloric acid. Sodium hydrate Unchanged. Unch.mged. Clear orange-pink solution witli yellow-green fluorescence. On boil- ing and allowing to stand, brow n with dark green fluorescence. Ammonia - - ' •^'""^ orange-pink solution with yellow-green fluorescence. Sodium carbonate - - ' <>='"g'=-i»"'^ ^"''^ yellow -green " fluorescence : on heating, clear. Sodium acetate I Unchanjjed. Inchanged. Same as with sodium carbonate. Magnesium ,, , , ,. , i acetate Lnthanged. Unchanged. Calcium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Barium acetate Unchanged. Unchanged. Same as with sodium carbonate. Same as with sodium carbonate. Same as with sodium carbonate. Lead acetate ' ^''k'" precipitation, carmine-red; Partial precipitation, carmine-red; on heating, soluble. on heating, soluble. Same as with sodium carbonate. Completely precipitated, pink. Unchanged. Unchanged. Tannin reagent Unchanged. Unchanged. Alum Unchanged. '" "'^- <."ld-^^^l'glH^ Precipitation, Potassium tt , , -.r .-..i u bichromate Unchanged. Very httle change. Stannous chloride '" ''"-' '^"'''' P"''-'' precipitation, , in the cold, partial precipitation, pale red ; on heating, more soluble. ! carmine-red ; on heating, soluble. Calcium hypochlorite Completely precipitated, yellowish- pink. On standing and heating, deco- lourised. Zinc powder With zinc powder somewhat „ . , , . , ,-.|,.. ,^ „„. . ■„,. and -.noniacal „uickly reduced, filtrate pale pink. '^^;n^::t::^^ solution green fluorescence. *' Easily reduced, filtrate aquires at once a yellow-green fluorescence. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate ■.n'^Ll^Z^^''.. '''*"' '^ V'7, '"'"■;"' r"i'' Q"ickly reduced, filtrate pale pink .n?nt L^''"' ^'""' '''"•"'">•, "'«'»'^^ •'- '•"'•^ with slight yellowish fluorescence, solution colour, fluorescent. , *" • Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution, filtrate yellow- ish without fluorescence. 1 1 Victoria Violet, spirit Blue greenish, spirit Light Blue superfine, spirit Colour ' C-^-stalline grains^ with metalUc , Red-violet crystalline powder. Blackish-olive powder. .s s s o --^ Not very soluble, becomes some- j Almost insoluble, filtrate very pale Almost insoluble ; filtrate ver>- water ^^.^^^^ ^^-^.^ magenta-red solution. 1 blue ! pale blue. Alcohol Red-violet solution. Readily soluble. ! Readily soluble. Ether Soluble in traces, reddish. Insoluble. In^oluble. Benzene Insoluble. Insoluble. Insoluble. Carbonisation is accon)pauied by Heated on melting, puffing up, and emission platinum foil of vapour, and leaves finally very little reddish ash. Melts and burns with a strongly ' Emits a white vapour, ignites and luminous, smoky flame, forming burns with a very smoky flame a black lustrous mass which burns forming a black lustrous mass, away leaving a small quantity of w-hich burns away and leaves brown ash. 1 finally a trace of white ash. Dissolves emitting an odour of ' Dissolves emitting an odour of Brown solution; on dilution, a violet hydrochloric acid, solution brown- : hydrochloric acid, solution brown- rnnppntrntpfl precipitate, filtrate magenta-red; .red, at the edges of the basin red, at the edges of the basin sulnhUPie acid °" heating, a blackish-brown pre- 1 blue; on dilution with water, ' blue-violet ; on dilution with water, ^ cipitate, on dilution a reddish-grey quantitatively precipitated, azure- quantitatively precipitated, blue ; precipitate with yellowish filtrate. { blue ; on heating, the cone, solu- i on heating, the cone, solution be- 1 tion becomes black-brown. comes black-brown. T»!i„*„ _,,i_i s_ 1 1° Ae cold, a violet precipitate, ?^ V, v/r.nl'M.^.-o filtrate reddish-steel-blue .• on heat! tt . , tt , . 1 OP hydroehlorie .^^^ ^^,.^ ^^1^^^,^_ ^,j^^^^ Unchanged. Unchanged. ^^^^ ' violet. , J In the cold, a violet precipitate, ' ' Dilute nitric acid , filtrate copper -red; on heating, Unchanged. , Unchanged, more soluble, filtrate red - violet. Sodium hydrate Completely precipitated, red-brown. Unchanged. Unchanged. 1 In the cold, completely precipitat- Ammonia ' ed; on heating, soluble in traces, pink Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium carbonate ^""'^ ^' "'"'^ zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. Unchanged. Unchanged. Sodium acetate - - . ! - Magnesium acetate - Calcium acetate — - i - Barium acetate - ' - Lead acetate - 1 Tannin reagent Violet precipitate ; filtrate brownish- red. - . i Alum Violet precipitate; filtrate in the cold pink, when heated magenta-red. - Potassium bichromate Red brown precipitate. Unchanged. Unchanged. Stannous chloride In the cold, almost completely pre- cipitated, violet ; on heating, partly Unchanged. Unchanged, dissolved, magenta-red. Calcium hypochlorite On standing and heating, comple- Unchanged. Unchanged, tely precipitated, yellow-brown. " " Zinc powder and ammoniacal solution Easily reduced, colourless ; on ad- Reduced on boiling, filtrate colour- Reduced on boiling, filtrate colour- dition of acetic acid, pink. less. less. Zinc powder and sodium hydrate T-. ., , J /-,, , , . , Same as zinc powder and ara- Easily reduced, filtrate pale pink. . T , . ■^ "^ moniacal solution. Same as zinc powder and am- moniacal solution. Zi and ic powder acetic acid solution - Reduced on boiling, filtrate almost colourless. Reduced on boiling, filtrate colour- less. Fast Blue 0, spirit Nigrosine 0, spirit Rosolane 1 1 1 T Colour Dark brown-violet powder. Black powder. Violet-black paste. | 3 00 Water Somewhat soluble, pale violet. On boiling and filtering, a brown- ish coloured filtrate. Soluble in traces, red-\iolet. Alcohol Soluble, dark blue. Readily soluble. Dark violet solution. Ether Somewhat soluble, pale ted. Insoluble. Dark red-violet solntioii. Benzene Somewhat soluble, pale red. Insoluble. D.irk red-violet solution. Heated on platinum foil \ Emits a white vapour, ignites, and bakes together to a blackish Melts, puffs up, and emits vapour, mass, which burns away leaving finally leaving very little ash. a large quantity of infusible ash, of a yellowish colour when hot, whitish when cold. Carbonises quietly, and leaves only a little white ash. Co sul ncentrated phuric acid Emits an odour of hvdrochluric Dark blue solution; on dUuUon, a f?"^ ^""^ '>**^°'^'«^ '*'"^.f ^^^^i:\ dirtv blue precipitate, filtrate pale blue-g^fenjolo"f = »" '''"""o" ^v.th viol'el; on heating, greenish-blue, ''^'^^.=' ^''"^ grey preap.tate. hl- on dilution blue, parti..! precipitation, 'l^'^ ">"■'>• r'^^'^'^^J °° ''^*""g- ' ' '^ the cone, solution becomes black- ish-olive. Dark green solution; on dilulii>i!. a slight blue-violet precipiute ; or heating blue-black, in the ctild brownish-black, on dilution violei- red. Dill or te sulphuric hydrochloric acid On boiling, somewhat more soluble In the cold, unchanged; on heating, (pale violet). soluble in traces, grey-green. In the cold, somewhat dissolved; on beating, almost completely, red- violet. Dilute nitric acid In the cold, unch.inged; on heating, soluble in traces, reddish. In the cold, unchanged ; on heating, partly dissolved, brown. In the cold, somewhat dissolved, pale steel-blue ; on heating, almost completely dissolved , dark red- violet. Sodium hydrate Unchanged. I Unchanged. In the cold, completely precipitated reddish blue-black; on heatin;;. soluble in traces, lilac. Ammonia Unchanged. Unchanged. Same as with sodium hydrate. Sodium carbonate Unchanged. Unchanged. Same as with sodium hydrate. Sodium acetate — ; In the cold, slightly soluble ; on — heating, somewhat more soluble, violet-red. Magnesium . i acetate | | Calcium acetate - 1 Barium acetate — - — Lead acetate - - Tannin reagent In the cold, completely predpitateil. — dark violet; on heating, sonu- what soluble. Alum - In the cold, somewhat soluble : on heating, mostlv soluble, nolit- red. Potassium bichromate Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, completely piecipitateti. brown-black ; filtrate on heating orange-red. Stannous chloride Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, insoluble ; on heatin;:. partly soluble, red-\-iolel. Calcium hypochlorite Unchanged. Unchanged. In the cold, completely precipitatcii. reddish-grey ; on heating, prcci] ■ itated grey-brown. Zinc DO w d 6 p and ammoniacal I^^''"<^*<1 °" boiling, filtrate colour- Reduced on boiling, filtrate colour- solution '^^=- '"«• Reduced on boiling , filtrate iir- mediately becomes pale violet. Zin sod 2 powder and ium hydrate Same as with zinc powder and ' Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. ammoniacal solution. Same as with zinc powder and ammoniacal solution. Z anc nc powder 1 acetic acid solution Reduced on boiling, yellow ; on >h.iking filtrate becomes reddish- brown. Reduced on boiling, filtrate olive. Reduced on standing , yellow - brown ; filtrate at once become- rubv-re^ Broraofluoresceine • 14 „ Naphthylatnin e ■ 50 Brown A • 4 Amaranth . . . .S^ ,, for Leather . . • 4 Amidoazobenzene • 52 Amidoazotoluene . ■ 52 Cardinal . 6 Anil Blue . . . 10 Cerise 6 Aniline .... 50, 54 Cerule'in . 4O Auramine ■ 4 China Blue .... . 18 Azarin .... 48 Chrome Brown - 38 Azine Scarlet . . • 4 Chromogen I . . . . . 38 Azo Acid Black . ■ 36 Chromotrope ... 36/38 „ Blue . ■ 36 Chryso'idine cryst. . . • 4 „ ,, Magenta . 36 Claretred • 32 „ Black . . • 34 Clothblue . iS „ Black Base 54 Chloth Red .... 34 „ Brown . . • 34 Cottonblues .... . 18 Azophor Blue . . 54 Cotton Blue (extra oo) . 18 Cotton Scarlet 4 Coupler's Blue 24 Crystal Scarlet 30 Cutch Brown 4 Cyanine 22 Cyanosine 14 Darkbrown 4 Dianisidine Base 52 Salt 52 „ Sulphate ... 52 Diazoblack Salt 54 Direct Blue 10 Eosine 14 Erythrosine 14 Fast Acid Blue ..... 24 „ Red ..... 26 „ „ Violet .... 26 Fastblue 24 ,, for cotton . . 10 Fast Claret Red 34 Fastred 32 Full Blue 18 Galle'in 46 Grenadine 6 Indamine Blue 10 Indigo Substitute .... 22 Induline 24 ,, for printing ... 10 Ketone Blue 20 Laundry Blue 18 Magenta 6 Malachite Green 12 Marine Blue . • Maroon Metanilraniline . . Methyl Alkalinebliie Methylblue for cotton ,. silk Methyl Violet Methylene Blue „ Green Grey Indigo Violet Mordant Yellow Methylene Dark Blue Naphthol D . . Red . . „ Yellow . Navy Blue . . New Coccin . • „ Fastblue . „ Magenta „ Methylenegrey New Green Nigrosine Naphthol Black D Nilrololuidine Nitrophenelidinc ro Kosolane P.gc 52 Safranine ... ... 4 Scarlet 3° Opalblue '8 „ for silk 34 Orange 28 3° g,,,;^ g^^^.^ 34 Orchil Substitute S^* Green 48 O'seilline ' ^ i Soluble Blue 18 Thionine Blue Tolidine . . . „ Sulphate Paper Blue '8 „ Scarlet ...••• 34 Paranitraniline 5° Patent Blue 20 „ Green 20 uranine M Phosphine 4 Phloxine '*' Vesuvine 4 Primula '' Victoria Rubine ... 32 Pure Blue ....•• "8 „ Scarlet 3° Purple Blue "« „ Violet S*" Yellow . . . 28 Red for Leather Violamine 24 Y • 34 ' Violet crystals 8 Rocceline N 32 Rosazeine (> Woolgrey .... Rose Bengale '4 Roseline r 4 Yellow for l-ealher 24 INDEX THE COLOURS MENTIONED ON PAGES 127-182. Page Acid Alizarin Blue 172 „ „ Green 173 ,, Cerise 142 ,, Green 152 „ Magenta 142 „ Maroon 142 ,, Rosamine 145 ,, Violet 143, 144, 145 Alizarin Black 173 ,, Blue 174 „ Brown 171, 172 „ Claret 171 „ Green 174 „ Maroon 171 „ Orange 170 Red 168, 169 ,, Yellow 175, 176, 177 Alkaline Blue 147 „ Green 152 Violet 146 Amaranth 165 Auramine 127 Azarine 178 Azine Scarlet 129 Azo Acid Blue . 1 67 „ Indigo 167 „ Yellow 155 Blue for Printing 132, 133 „ greenish spirit 181 Brilliant Green 136 Orange 157 Bromofluoresceine 180 Cerulein 178. 179 Chrome Brown ic8 Chromotrope 163, 164, 165 Chrysoidine 127 Chrysoin 155 Claret Red 166 Cloth Red 165 Cone. Cotton Blue 149 Cotton Light Blue 149 Cotton Scarlet 162 Cyanine 150 Cyanosine .180 Direct Blue 134 Direct Grey 138 Eosine 139, 140. 180 Eosine Scarlet 141 Erythrosine 140 Fast Acid Blue 146 „ ,, Violet 145. 146 Fastblue 151, 182 Fastred 161, 162 Gallein 175 Indamine Blue 133. '34 Induline for Printing 133 Ketone Blue 151 Light Blue 148, 181 Magenta 128 Malachite Green 136 Methyl Alkaline Blue 148 Methyl Violet 131 Methylene Blue 135 ,, Green 137 Grey . 137 Page Methylene Violet 13°. '3' Mordant Yellow 1-6 Naphthol Yellow 154 New Blue I49 „ Coccine 161 .. Fastblue 135 „ Green 1 37 „ Magenta 129 „ Methylene Grey 138 Nigrosine I53i '^^ Opal Blue 148 „ (spirit) 15s, 156 Orange 155, 156 Orseilline . . 143 Para Magenta 1 29 Patent Blue 150 Phosphine 127 Phloxine 140 Picric Acid 154 P.gc Rosazeine 128 Rose Bengale 141 Roseline 177 Rosolane 130, 182 Safranine 130 Scarlet 158. 159, 160, 162 „ for silk 161 Solid Brown 158 ,, Green 1 79 Toluidine Blue 136 Uranine 139 Vesuvine 128 Victoria Violet 167 ,, „ spirit 181 Victoria Yellow 154 Violet cr)'stal5 132 Woolgrey 152, 15} mmmt^