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 Fifty Plans for the Housekeeper 
Copyright, 1889, 
 By Louis H. Gibson. 
 Typographers and Electrotypers, 
 146 High Street, Boston. 
 ^\ T 7 HEN the reader is familiar with the writer's general 
 ™ » purposes, it is easier to understand the details of 
 his work. This book is intended to deal with houses in a 
 housekeeping spirit. In doing this, the architect has in mind 
 convenience, stability, and that ideal of housekeepers, beauty 
 of surroundings. 
 In carrying out this idea, the relation of architecture to 
 good and economical housekeeping is first considered. Follow- 
 ing this division is " A Journey through the House." It begins 
 at the porch, moves through the different rooms, and stops to 
 consider the various details. This brings about not only 
 a consideration of the general arrangement of a house, but such 
 details as kitchens and pantries, plumbing, laundry, and 
 These first two sections of the book — " The Architect and 
 the Housewife," and "A Journey through the House" — are, in 
 a measure, educational. After this, and in keeping with the 
 general principles that have been set forth, plans of fifty conven- 
 ient houses are illustrated and described. For the most part, 
 they are houses that have been built. 
 The next section is devoted to practical house-building. 
 It is constructed by taking a complete specification for every- 
 thing which may concern a dwelling-house, and ridding it, as 
 far as possible, of all technicalities ; thus putting in form all 
 practical house-building questions for the benefit of the owner. 
 Following this is the consideration of business points in 
 building, which sets forth methods of letting contracts with 
 the view of securing the best results without waste of money. 
 The closing section is devoted to the getting of a home, — 
 how to arrange the monthly-payment schemes, building- 
 association plans, and other methods for getting a house on 
 easy instalments. 
 LOUIS H. GIBSON, Architect. 
 Indianapolis, Ind., September, 1889. 
 The Housekeeper and the Architect. — Floor-plans as related 
 to Good Housekeeping. — Labor-saving Devices. — Economy 
 and Good Construction. — Compact Houses not necessarily 
 crowded. — Wood-work that is readily cleaned .... 11-15 
 Housekeeping Operations. — The Work of the Housekeeper. — 
 The Average Housework of a Week. — The Architect's 
 Lesson therefrom 16-20 
 Modern Conveniences. — A Little History. — Plans that make 
 Extra Work. — Modern Conveniences enumerated . . . 21-25 
 Modern Architects and the Housekeeper. — Misplaced Houses. 
 — Old Colonial Poverty in Modern Colonial Houses. — 
 Affectation in Design. — Natural Development of Ameri- 
 can Architecture. — American Architecture and American 
 Homes 26-28 
 Journey through the House. — Porch. — Vestibule. — Hall. — 
 Long Halls and Square Halls. — The Hall that is a 
 Room. — Reception-hall. — Parlor. — Sitting-room. — Dining- 
 room 3 I ~3^ 
 Kitchens. — The Kitchen a Workshop. — Work to be done in 
 a Kitchen. — A Plan. — Fittings. — Dish-washing Conven- 
 iences. — Sink and Tables. — China-closet. — Pantry. — 
 Combination Pantry. — Pantry Fittings. — Work in a 
 Pantry. — A Dough-board. — Flour-bin. — Pantry Stores. — 
 Cupboard. — Refrigerator Arrangements. — Pantry Uten- 
 sils. — A Dry-box. — Soap-box. — Ventilation of Kitchen. 
 — General Principles of Kitchen Planning 39 - 5° 
 Cellar. — Fuel Departments. — Furnace Conveniences. — Coal- 
 bins. — Cement Floors. — Light in the Cellar. — A Cellar- 
 closet. — Outside Cellar-door 51—53 
 A Low-cost Laundry. — Blue Monday. — Basement Laundry. — 
 Low-cost Conveniences. — Inexpensive Laundry Fittings. — 
 Hot and Cold Water Arrangements. — A Labor-saving 
 Laundry. — A Place to do Fruit-canning 54-58 
 The Second Floor. — Stairways. — The Combination Stairway. 
 — Ideal Number of Bedrooms. — Large Closets and Plenty 
 of Them. — A Linen Closet. — Placing of Gas-fixtures. — 
 Servant's Room. — Bath-room. — An Attic. — Attic Closets. 
 — Attic Rooms 59-63 
 Plumbing. — Is Plumbing entirely Safe ? — Completeness in 
 Plumbing Apparatus. — Labor-saving Plumbing Apparatus. 
 — Sewer Connections. — Soil Pipe. — A Trap. — Accidents 
 to Traps. — Frequent use of Plumbing Apparatus Desir- 
 able for Safety. — Water-closets. — Simplicity in Plumbing. 
 — Drain Connections. — To keep Plumbing Apparatus from 
 Freezing. — Cistern Water Supply. — Grease Sink. — Flush- 
 ing of Drain. — Bath-tub 64-74 
 Heat and Ventilation. — Common Heating Arrangements. — 
 Present Methods generally Unsatisfactory. — Ideal Con- 
 ditions. — Proper Amount of Moisture rarely attained. — 
 A Furnace defined. — Methods of Reaching Best Results. 
 — Supply of Proper Amount of Moisture. — Removal of 
 Foul Air. — Supplying Fresh Air with Proper Moisture 
 from Stoves. — Steam and Hot-water Heating. — Direct 
 and Indirect Radiation. — Low-cost Heating Apparatus . 75-82 
 Heating Devices as we find them. — Furnace Estimates. — 
 Combination Hot Air and Hot Water. — Dish-warming 
 Arrangements. — How to get a Good Heating Apparatus. 83-85 
 The House and its Beauty. — Artistic Surroundings. — Beauty 
 more a Matter of Intelligence than Money. — Vestibule 
 Decorations. — Beauty in the Reception-hall. — Mantels 
 and Grates. — Fret-work and Portieres. — Spindle Work. 
 — Simple Forms of Good Decoration. — Wood-carving. — 
 Door and Window Casings. — A Conservatory. — Stained 
 Glass. — A Cabinet on the Mantel. — Tinted Plastering. 
 — Frescoing. — Safety in the Selection of Colors. — An 
 Attractive Sitting-room. — The Parlor. — A Reception- 
 room. — Parlor History. — The Ideal Parlor. — The 
 Library. — A Place of Quiet and Rest. — Library Fur- 
 nishings. — The Dining-room. — Social Relations of the 
 Dining-room. — Dining-room Decorations. — Conservatory 
 and Dining-room. — A Wood Ceiling. — Beauty in Bed- 
 rooms. — Quiet and Light 86-100 
 External and Internal Design. — An Old Topic before the 
 People. — The Architectural Student's Dream. — A Beau- 
 tiful Home the Housekeeper's Ambition. — It costs no 
 more to have a House Beautiful than Ugly. — Architect- 
 ural Education. — Charles Eastlake's Book. — Vulgar 
 Architectural Revivals. — The Growth of the Artistic 
 Idea. — Beauty a Matter of Refinement 101-105 
 Evolution of a House-plan. — Respectable Dimensions for a 
 Moderate Price. — Six Plans. — Costs from $1,500 to 
 $2,600 .... 109-117 
 A Small Pocket-book and a Large Idea. — Ambition, Dollars, 
 and a Good House. — The Growth of the Housekeeper's 
 Ideas. — Points about the House. — $2,900 118-125 
 "We know what we want." — A Convenient Plan. — Meeting 
 the Wants of People who build 126-130 
 Two Good Rooms in Front. — The Combination Pantry. — Too 
 much Cellar a Burden. — $2.500 131-134 
 Sitting-room and Parlor in Front. — A Connecting Vestibule. 
 — A Central Combination Stairway. — Good Rooms in the 
 Attic 135-138 
 A Compact Plan. — An Isolated Reception-room. — Combination 
 Stairway. — Description of the Floor -plan. — Cellar 
 Arrangement. — Dining-room and Conservatory. — Another 
 Plan .... 
 What can be done for $1,600? — The Closet in the Hall. — 
 A Small, Convenient Kitchen. — Closets in the Bed- 
 rooms .... 
 HS"^ 1 
 Outgrowths of One Idea. — Everything counts as a Room. — 
 One Chimney. — Conveniences of a Condensed House. — 
 Cost from $i,6oo to $2,800 152-156 
 One-story Plans. — Description of Floor-plans. — Bath-room 
 next to Kitchen Flue. — Kitchen, Porch, and Pantry. — 
 The Exterior, — Enlargements on this Plan. — Other One- 
 story Houses 157-163 
 Side-hall Plans. — Plans with Bedroom on First Floor . . 164-170 
 Miscellaneous Collection. — Short Descriptions of Eleven 
 House- plans. — Varying Costs. — Square Plans. — One- 
 chimney Plans. — Rear and Side Hall 171-181 
 Eight Plans. — Each suited to Family Requirements. — Double 
 Houses. — An Elaborate Floor-plan. — A Shingle House. 
 — A Brick House 182-193 
 Practical Points. — Water. — Location of House on Lot. — 
 Draining the Cellar. — Mason Work. — Foundations. — 
 Walks. — Piers. — Flues. — Cisterns. — Damp Course . . 197-200 
 Brick Foundations. — Laying Brick. — Colored Mortars. — 
 Colored Bricks. — Brick Veneering. — Hot-air Flues. — 
 Details of Brick Construction. — Chimneys and Flues. 
 — Hollow Walls. — Cellar. — Ash-pits. — Grates . . . 201-206 
 Stone Masonry. — Cut Stone. — Terra Cotta. — Privy Vaults. 
 — Cisterns. — Filters for Cisterns. — Brick Pavements. — 
 Cement Pavements 207-212 
 Carpenter-work. — Framing. — Size of Timbers. — Height of 
 Stories. — Joist. — Stud Walls. — Outside Sheathing. — 
 Building-paper. — Roofs. — Outside Finish. — Outside 
 Shingle Walls. — Outside Casings. — Windows with Box 
 Frames. — Hinged or Pivoted Windows. — Outside Shutters. 
 — Porches. — Lattice Porches 213-221 
 Inside Wood-work. — Floors. — Soft and Hard Wood Floors. 
 — Tabulated Statement of Inside Finish. — ■ Different 
 Kinds of Wood. — Doors and Frames. — Fly Screens. — 
 Inside Casings. — Wainscoting. — Inside Shutters. — Wood- 
 work for Plumbing. — Kitchen Sink and Fittings. — 
 Kitchen Tables. — Cellar-sink Fittings. — Wood-work for 
 Bath - tub. — Water - closets. — Wash - stands. — Tank. — 
 Picture Moulding. — Closet Fittings. — Broom - Rack. — 
 Cedar - closet. — Dry-box. — Clock Shelf. — China-room 
 Fittings. — Pantry Fittings. — Stairways 222-235 
 Plastering. — Gray Finish. — White Hard Finish. — Back Plas- 
 tering. — Gas-piping. — Tin Work. — Gutters. — Valleys. 
 — Down Spouts. — Galvanized Iron-work. — Hot-air Pipes. 
 — Thimbles. — Painting. — Staining. — Oil Finishing. — 
 Interior Staining. — Floor Finish. — Glazing. — Plate- 
 glass. — Bevelled Glass. — Cathedral Glass. — Hard- 
 ware 236-246 
 Practical Plumbing. — Wood-work for Plumber. — Excavating 
 for Plumber. — Water Distribution. — Outside Fixtures. 
 — Hydrants. — Street- washers . — Soft- water Supply. — Hot- 
 Water Supply. — Soil Pipe. — Inside Fixtures. — Kitchen 
 Sink. — Cellar Sink 247-254 
 Plumbing Work continued. — Bath-tubs. — Bath-sprinklers. — 
 Foot-tubs. — Safes. — Water-closets. — Wash-stands. — Laun- 
 dry Fittings. — Set Tubs. — Outside Drains. — Grease 
 Sinks. — Nickel Fittings 255-263 
 Cost of a House. — Schedules of Costs. — What goes into a 
 House. — Schedule " B." — Cost Details 264-269 
 Varying Building Values. — Cost of Appurtenances. — Prices 
 of Labor and Material on which Estimates are based. 270-274 
 Low-cost Houses. — Methods of making Contracts. — Architects' 
 Estimates. — Building by the Day. — The Safest Plan. — 
 Guarding against Liens 277-287 
 Monthly Payments. — Calculations on a Long-time Plan. — 
 Purchase on a Rental Basis. — How it may be worked 
 out 291-294 
 Building Associations. — Why Dividends are Large and Inter- 
 est Low. — Building Associations and Savings Banks. — 
 Association Securities. — Building-association Methods. — 
 Different Plans. — Borrowing from a Building Associa- 
 tion. — A Building-association Report 295-311 
 Purchase of a Lot. — The Best the Cheapest. — A Good Lot 
 as a Basis of Security. — The Basis of Value is the 
 Rental 312-316 
 THERE is a definite relation between the work of the house- 
 keeper and that of the architect. This is the text of this 
 book. It is a part of the business of the architect to do what 
 he can to make housekeeping easy. He can do a great deal. 
 He should understand the principles and practice of good house- 
 keeping. This knowledge is something which cannot be derived 
 from the architectural schools or offices ; it must come from a 
 home. The public press of the country has had a great deal 
 to say about the artistic qualities of domestic architecture, a 
 great deal to say about house decoration, and, altogether, has 
 furnished much valuable matter. Little, however, has been 
 said as to the relation of architecture to good housekeeping. 
 The artistic element should not be neglected. There must also 
 be considered the question of convenient arrangement, econ- 
 omy and ease, for the housekeeper. 
 Washing dishes is disagreeable work, but the architect can 
 do his part toward making it easier. If we take a conglomerate 
 mass of china, knives, forks, and spoons, pots, pans, and kettles, 
 and bring them together on one small kitchen table, which has a 
 dish-pan on one end and a wooden water-bucket at the back, with 
 a scarcity of everything to facilitate the progress of the work, we 
 have a condition quite different from that wherein there is a roomy 
 sink with a table on each side of it, and plenty of hot and cold 
 water above. An architect may plan a kitchen so that all of these 
 conveniences are possible. He may plan it so they are impossible. 
 The floor-plan of a house has a definite relation to house 
 keeping requirements, which is not fully appreciated. The 
 difference between a good floor-plan and a poor one may make 
 the difference of three or four tons of coal in the heating of 
 a house during the winter. It may influence the keeping of a 
 servant, the wages to be paid, or may control the necessity for 
 one or more than one. It makes more difference to a man who 
 lives in a house that costs two thousand dollars or three thou- 
 sand dollars, as to whether he burns seven or ten tons of coal 
 in warming it, than it does to the man who lives in a ten-thou- 
 sand-dollar or twelve-thousand-dollar house as to whether he 
 burns fourteen or twenty tons. The cost of fuel is of more 
 importance to a man of moderate means than to one of wealth. 
 Then in the matter of service : it is difficult to keep a good servant 
 in a bad kitchen, or in a badly planned house where there is a 
 vast amount of sweeping and other work to be done every day 
 Those who plan factories and mills arrange them with reference 
 to the saving of labor. The idea in saving labor is to save money. 
 One can build a better house for a given sum of money at 
 this time than ever before. The real reason for this is to be 
 found outside the fact that material and labor are cheaper now 
 than they have been in the past. It is because of the thought 
 that is put into the planning and arranging of dwellings. It is 
 the thought that saves the money. It adds external and internal 
 attractiveness, convenience, labor-saving devices, and arrange- 
 ments. Thought helps to make housekeeping easier. 
 Economical housekeeping can be most readily carried on in 
 a compact house. To say that a house is compact does not 
 necessarily imply that it is crowded, or that any of the conditions 
 of comfort are neglected. If we avoid waste space, such as is 
 frequently assigned to large halls and passages, we merely take 
 away something that is not needed. 
 It frequently happens that a man and his wife go through 
 life with the hope of building a better house " some day." They 
 are economical ; they live carefully ; they live in a small house ; 
 they are crowded. At last, by dint of hard work and careful 
 management, enough money is accumulated to build the new 
 home. This is the great event which has been thought about 
 for so many years. 
 The idea in building this house is invariably to get something 
 as different from the old house as possible. It was square ; the 
 new building must be irregular. It had no front hall ; the new 
 house must have a large one. There were no grates in any of 
 the rooms ; in the new house there must be one in each. In 
 the old building the rooms were very small ; in the new house 
 they must be very large. There was no porch before ; now 
 there must be one running across the front and along one side 
 of the house. Altogether, the idea of the old house and that 
 of the new are in direct opposition to each other. In one 
 instance they were crowded ; in the other they have plenty of 
 room. There can be no doubt about the abundance of room. 
 The building is finished; they move into it. Almost the 
 first person to leave it is the servant whom they had in the old 
 house. She sees the amount of work which she will have to do. 
 It was easy enough to sweep the old house, with its small, com- 
 pact plan. Housekeeping - was relatively a small matter ; but 
 with the habits of economy, which rendered the new home possi- 
 ble, they will not employ additional help. The work which is 
 left over by the servant falls to the mistress. Strange as it may 
 appear under such circumstances, it takes the mistress a long 
 time to find the cause of the trouble. It is the house. It 
 was planned with an entire disregard for the work which was to 
 be done. It had not been thought of. The idea was merely 
 to get something which was different from the disagreeable 
 features of the old home. They thought that everything would 
 be easier and pleasanter and more agreeable in every way. The 
 only trouble with the old home was that they were too much 
 crowded. In the new they are not, but have an impossible 
 amount of work to do every day. The difference between what 
 they wish to do and what is done, is represented by fretfulness 
 in addition to the natural weariness at the end of the day. 
 What has this to do with architecture and economical house- 
 building ? Simply this. The house which is economically 
 planned is economical as to money, carpets, sweeping, and 
 strength. The architect may do a great deal for housekeepers 
 by keeping this thought in mind. 
 To recur to the idea of economical house-building in a direct 
 sense, it may be borne in mind that economy and good con- 
 struction go hand in hand ; that none of the conditions of per- 
 manency are sacrificed for the sake of cheapness. Of two 
 houses which cost the same, one may be far more convenient 
 and roomy by an avoidance of waste space and unnecessary 
 material. Evidently one flue-stack will cost less than four. 
 Therefore, if a house can 'be constructed which has only one 
 flue-stack, it will cost less than one which has four; but the 
 demands of the housekeeper, and those who live in the house, 
 are that the one stack afford the conveniences of four. People 
 do not like compromises in house-building, especially when they 
 are building a home. The compromises come easier when one is 
 planning property for rental. Evidently a house in which one-fifth 
 of the floor space is given up to halls is more expensive than 
 one which contains a smaller proportion of such space. Accord- 
 ing as one is able to diminish the amount of passage room, and 
 yet meet all of the conditions of good and economical house- 
 keeping, he can reduce the cost of the house as to its building, 
 its furnishing, and the amount of labor required in caring for it. 
 Thus economy in construction, and convenience and ease in 
 general housekeeping movements, go hand in hand. Parallel 
 illustrations might be carried forward, so as to include each 
 detail of the house. 
 The architect may do a great deal for the housekeeper by 
 making his mouldings and interior wood-work so that they will 
 not catch dust, and can be readily cleaned. Some of our friends, 
 who have studied the artistic qualities of house-building to the 
 exclusion of all other considerations, will say that a regard for 
 housekeeping requirements, in the matter of interior decorations 
 and construction, is placing too great a limit upon their work. 
 They will say that beauty and general artistic qualities are not 
 always consonant with the means which will make easy house- 
 keeping, — that they are limited by such considerations. This 
 need not be so ; it is simply a question of ingenuity and thought- 
 fulness. One may be careless of utility, and make very beautiful 
 things. Another may be thoughtful and careful as to house- 
 keeping requirements, and design something quite as beautiful 
 and attractive as the former. 
 In the above statements will be found the guiding principles 
 which affect all of the work of this book. 
 WITH the architect a house has been too often considered 
 as something to be looked at. No one is disposed to 
 criticise an architect for making houses., pretty and attractive. 
 It is true, however, that many houses are nothing more than 
 pretty ; they are not convenient. They are not built with a 
 regard to the requirements of housekeeping. A lady once said 
 to the writer, that an architect would never live up to his oppor- 
 tunities until he had associated himself with a housekeeper, 
 who would be strong enough, in her control over him, to see 
 that the housekeeping conditions and conveniences were kept 
 constantly in mind. 
 In order fully to reach the housekeeping idea, it will be con- 
 venient to consider in detail what is meant by housekeeping. 
 Primarily, a house is a place in which to eat and sleep. The 
 present requirements of comfort and luxury suggest that all 
 should not eat and sleep in the same room. Originally this was 
 the case. The primitive man needed only a hut or a cave, or 
 the protection of a rude shed. Later on, he was satisfied with 
 a hut with one or two rooms. If the weather was cold, the 
 occupants would huddle around the fire, and eat and sleep 
 without regard to other surroundings. A bath in cold weather 
 was unnecessary. During the summer this was regarded more 
 as a matter of recreation than of necessity. A neighboring 
 stream served the purpose of more modern arrangements. 
 Housekeeping operations under such conditions were light 
 There are many homes of this kind in America to-day. 
 If we take the case of our Indians, we find that the squaws 
 have time for much else than the absolute duties of camp-life 
 and the care of children. There is much other labor which falls 
 to their lot, house-work being regarded, as it is, insignificant. 
 This is one extreme. There are various gradations which come 
 with the instincts of a higher civilization. Education, and other 
 conditions which go with it, increase housekeeping requirements, 
 and thus far have not furnished to the majority compensating 
 conditions in labor-saving devices. At the. present time, the 
 natural and affected requirements of housekeeping make the 
 life of many a woman one of the extremest drudgery and hard- 
 ship. Her condition is almost that of a slave ; and this at a 
 time when she is surrounded by many of the elements of 
 a higher civilization. Her children and those around her fre- 
 quently live under the shadow of her uncomfortable condition. 
 The Indian's home, in the rest and peace which it affords, is often 
 preferable. This condition is brought about by the increasing 
 requirements upon the housekeeper, without the presence of 
 other compensating conditions. 
 Assuming that an architect may do something to make 
 the care of a house lighter, it remains to call attention to 
 the modern requirements of a housekeeper, with a view of sim- 
 plifying her work. Let us watch her work for a week ; we will 
 begin on Monday morning during the month of January, and 
 assume that there is one servant in the house to help, — bearing 
 in mind, at the same time, that it often happens that the work 
 which is here outlined is done by the housekeeper herself, with 
 possibly only the help of a wash-woman. First, the house is to 
 be warmed, the kitchen fire to be kindled, the living-rooms 
 to be swept and dusted, the washing to be started, the children 
 to be dressed, breakfast to be cooked and put on the table, and, 
 in many cases, all of this done before seven o'clock. The 
 serving of breakfast is no small task to the housekeeper. The 
 coffee is to be poured, food prepared for the children, and many 
 other things done which no man can specify. As soon as 
 breakfast is over the men are out of the house, but not usually 
 before making more than one demand upon the time of the 
 housekeeper. Then the dishes are to be washed, and the chil- 
 dren made ready and started to school. Next, the grocery and 
 butcher supplies must be cared for. Possibly they are ordered 
 from the boy who calls at the door. In some instances a trip 
 for this purpose is required. Next, the dining-room must be 
 arranged, the dishes put in place, the chamber-work attended 
 to, beds made, children's things put away, sweeping done, slops 
 disposed of, fires looked after. Some time or in some way the 
 clothes worn by the children on Sunday must be especially 
 looked after, stitches taken, a little darn here and there, and then 
 put away. During this time there may be the demands of one 
 or more babies to be met. In this there is no compromise. 
 With the completion of other work dinner time is approach- 
 ing, for, with the majority, this is a noon meal. The cooking 
 must be done, and yet nothing else must be allowed to lag. 
 The children in their confusion are home from school. Then 
 dinner. Every one is in a hurry to get away. The children are 
 sure they are going to be late. There is more work for them 
 and the men, and then they are gone. Dinner dishes are 
 washed, and the laundry work continues. The afternoon is little 
 different from the morning ; there is a little less rush and con- 
 fusion, but a continuance of regular work. Before supper the 
 evening supply of fuel must be provided. In the mean time 
 the children are home from school with their demands. Now 
 supper must be in mind. Where there are children in the house, 
 this is one of the most trying times of the day. They are tired, 
 hungry, and sleepy. Supper is over. The children go to bed 
 at intervals during the evening. The men have a place by 
 the fire. The housekeeper often feels it incumbent upon her to 
 mend, darn, or sew, if no heavier work presents itself. 
 Tuesday morning calls for a repetition of the former day's 
 work, with ironing substituted for washing. There is the carry- 
 ing-out of ashes and the bringing-in of coal, and the same routine 
 during the day. On the part of the housekeeper regular sewing- 
 work is taken up as opportunity presents, and possibly calls are 
 made or received. Wednesday, the same. Thursday, the ser- 
 vant, if one is kept, is out for the afternoon. Other regular 
 work must progress. Compromises are not thought of. Friday 
 is general sweeping-day, in which everything is thoroughly gone 
 over. The housekeeper must find time to go down street one 
 or more times during the week, for the purpose of doing neces- 
 sary shopping. Saturday brings its scrubbing and cleaning. 
 During the week must come the window-washing, cleaning of 
 silver, baking, and many things besides. 
 Sunday is often the hardest day of all ; the children require 
 especial care. There is church in the morning, Sunday school 
 in the afternoon, and, in many cases, church at night. In the 
 mean while the children are on hand all the time. Where is 
 the man who will say that his business life is as exacting or as 
 harassing as the work which is here outlined ? 
 In the pages which follow it is the intention to bear 
 the housekeeper and her requirements in mind, and to 
 suggest what is properly due her in the way of labor-saving 
 devices, with a view to facilitate the manifold operations of 
 MOST of the conveniences of housekeeping are modern. 
 It is only within the past few years that the demands of 
 the housekeeper for helps or aids in making her work easier 
 were thought worth considering. Even now we occasionally 
 meet men who think that anything that was good enough for 
 their mothers is good enough for their wives. We have in mind 
 a farmer who, during fifteen years, purchased three large farms. 
 He buried a wife for every farm. Their death was the result of 
 more than slavish work. The disposition which leads in this 
 direction often continues after the time when economy does not 
 demand close living. 
 The man who moves west to a new country cannot pay for 
 many of the modern conveniences. The demand for them is 
 not great. Such a man usually builds a house of two or three 
 rooms. The family cook and eat in the kitchen ; they sit there 
 between meals. The other rooms are for beds. There is not a 
 great deal of house-work to be done in a house of this kind. 
 The trouble comes when the pioneer becomes wealthier, and 
 builds a large house "in town" or on the farm. Possibly his 
 wife or daughters do the work as they did in the smaller house. 
 If not, it is done by one servant. The work in this house is a 
 great deal harder. There is a great deal more of it than there 
 was in the two or three room house, which was built during their 
 earlier life. In the former house, if they had coffee, it was poured 
 from the pot in which it was made directly into the cups which 
 were on the table. The meat was taken from the skillet in which 
 it was cooked and put into the plates of those who ate it. If 
 they had pancakes, the wife would sit with her back near the 
 stove, where she could easily reach the griddle to grease it and 
 turn the cakes while she was eating her meal. There was no 
 formal dessert. The pie was eaten from the same plates as the 
 rest of the food. There were no napkins ; often, no table- 
 It did not take long to wash the dishes after a meal of this 
 kind — there were not many of them. In from fifteen to twenty- 
 five minutes after the meal was over, the wife could be seen 
 sitting by the kitchen stove, sewing or knitting. The pans and 
 the kettles were out of the way, and the kitchen was turned into 
 a sitting-room. If the weather was cold, the door into the bed- 
 room was open ; the whole house was warm and comfortable. 
 Wood was plenty and cheap. 
 This woman's troubles began when her husband, by dint of 
 hard work and close economy, found himself in a position to 
 gratify his pride in his accumulated wealth by building a new 
 house. It was a big white house with green blinds. The stories 
 were twelve or thirteen feet high ; a large hall ran through the 
 centre ; the kitchen had nothing in it but doors and windows 
 and a stove-hole ; there was no sink, no conveniences of any 
 kind. They now had a separate dining and sitting room, and 
 an awful parlor with brussels carpet on it, which had red and 
 green flowers all over it. The bedrooms were upstairs. They 
 were all large ; wood-work painted white. In the winter they 
 were cold. The old habits of economy which made this house 
 possible had so fixed themselves upon the occupants that they 
 would not build a fire in the bedrooms. They said that 
 they " didn't think it healthy to sleep in a warm room." 
 People go to see Mrs. Green in her new house. They go 
 through and look at it, and say, " Oh, how nice." But they find 
 a tired woman. She doesn't sit down to sew or knit in a few 
 minutes after the meal is over, as she used to. She is at work 
 all the time. The children must have clothes to fit the house. 
 There is more sweeping and dusting to do ; there are more 
 dishes to wash ; there is more of everything to do. Still, she 
 came into the new house expecting to find things different and 
 easier than they were bsfore. 
 The modern conveniences are those arrangements and appli- 
 ances which make it possible for people to live comfortably in a 
 larger house, without seriously increasing the cares which they 
 had in a smaller one. In the old house of two or three rooms 
 the mother would bathe the children once a week in a tub by the 
 kitchen fire. The tub would be dragged out the door, which 
 was not very high above the ground, and the water emptied into 
 the yard. In the new house it is different. The water is 
 carried from the pump in the back yard, and from the kitchen 
 stove, upstairs into one of the rooms. Then it has to be car- 
 ried down again, emptied into the alley or the yard. The living 
 habits are all changed without the compensating conveniences 
 which naturally belong to them. It is probable that Mrs. Green 
 keeps a " girl," but even then she has infinitely more work to 
 do than ever belonged to the old home. She cannot under- 
 stand it. She has a new house and a girl, and yet she is 
 always tired. 
 Most of the houses in the newer cities and towns are, in a 
 measure, similar to this. Nearly every one attempts to live up 
 to the mark set by those who have all of the appliances of mod- 
 ern housekeeping. Coal and water have to be carried all over 
 the house. Slops and ashes have to be carried downstairs and 
 out of the building. 
 By attracting attention to the inconveniences of housekeep- 
 ing, we may see and understand the full meaning of the term 
 " modern conveniences." There is a natural call for dish-washing 
 arrangements to take the place of the square table, with the dish- 
 pan, the tea-kettle, and the water-bucket. In its place, we have 
 at one side of the kitchen, a sink, with cocks for hot and cold 
 water immediately over it. The tables and drain-board are 
 arranged to simplify the operations of dish-washing. The water, 
 instead of being carried to the yard or alley, finds its way 
 naturally into the drain through the sink. Modern laundry 
 arrangements make it unnecessary to carry great tubs of water 
 outside, or to delay wash-day on account of the weather, or to 
 bring in the frozen clothes during the cold winter days. The 
 bath-room, with the tub, the water-closet, and the wash-stand, 
 is on the second floor. This saves a great deal of work. The 
 water does not have to be carried upstairs nor the slops down. 
 There is hot and cold water within easy reach of all the rooms. 
 Often it happens that there are stationary wash-stands in the 
 various bedrooms, though this is only usual in the most expen- 
 sive houses. 
 The amount of work which a furnace saves is not readily 
 estimated. It also saves money. Others of the modern con- 
 veniences are " places to put things ; " large closets in the bed- 
 rooms, well supplied with drawers, shelves, and hooks ; a 
 general closet on the upper floor, which is accessible from all of 
 the rooms, for bedding and other articles of common use; a ven- 
 tilated closet in the bath-room, in which soiled linen may be put 
 without contaminating the atmosphere. There should be a 
 closet or place on the second floor for brooms, dust-pans, and 
 dusters. Where there is no particular place for these articles, 
 the housekeeper or the servant has to use time in searching, or 
 in going up and down stairs. Anything which saves labor may 
 be regarded as a modern convenience. 
 NO one ever heard of the matter of house-planning being 
 discussed in a convention of architects. Their reports will 
 show that a great many subjects are handled, but none so near 
 home as this. Sometimes there is an effort to discover that 
 America has a style of architecture peculiar to itself. When such 
 a thing becomes true, the effort to find it will not be necessary. 
 An American architecture will have its growth in American 
 necessities, and not through the blind copying of foreign styles 
 and architecture. Nor to have an American style does it neces- 
 sarily mean that we should ignore foreign precedent. It means 
 that we should consider foreign architecture intelligently. Every- 
 thing that is good should be adopted, no matter whence it 
 comes. Those of us who see what is going on in the architect- 
 ural world frequently notice English houses designed and built 
 for those who live in the cold Northwest. In many of them the 
 broad, English casement windows and general style of architect- 
 ure, which is suited to the gloomy light and the mild temperature 
 of Great Britain, is placed in the bright, cold climate of the 
 Northwest. Nothing could be more out of place ; it is an affec- 
 tation, an exhibition of bad taste and poor sense. The cold 
 Northwest, with its bright, clear atmosphere, presents its own 
 architectural conditions. The work of blind copyists, those who 
 have so strong a regard for precedent, is ridiculous. In one of 
 the Eastern magazines there was an illustration showing what 
 purported to be an old colonial cottage, situated possibly at 
 Newport. The architect had copied the old colonial details, the 
 old colonial forms, which were very nice, but he had also copied 
 an idea which had its outgrowth in extreme poverty. He had 
 placed a rain barrel at the side of the house, and had set it up 
 on a rustic-looking bench or support, all of which was very 
 ridiculous. This had been done in an old colonial house, and 
 had its origin in old colonial poverty. Now, this architect, in his 
 respect for that which was past, copied the faults, the inconven- 
 iences, and arrangements which belonged to those earlier times. 
 A course of this kind, carried out to its fullest extent, would lead 
 us to barbarism. In the same magazine was another house 
 which was designed with great respect for precedent. In it was 
 a front door which was divided about half-way up, so that the 
 lower part might be shut and the upper part opened. Houses 
 have been seen where something of this kind was reasonable, 
 where it had its advantages. There are many places in this 
 country where a door of this kind is almost a necessity ; but it 
 isn't on the seashore. If one has a house in the country, or in a 
 small country town, where the horses and pigs, geese, chickens, 
 and other animals, are allowed to roam about in the front yards, 
 a door of this kind has its uses. In the summer time the upper 
 part can be thrown back and the lower part closed, so that the 
 most a horse can do in the way of getting into the house is 
 to stick his head over the top rail and look in. In the coun- 
 try mills doors of this kind have a very proper and apt name ; 
 they are called pig-doors. They keep the pigs off the mill floor, 
 and, at the same time, allow the light and air to come from 
 above. But there is no necessity for a pig-door at Newport or 
 Long Branch, or other seaside resort. Their use is a silly affec- 
 tation. There is no beauty in them. There is no convenience 
 which would lead to their use. 
 It is performances such as the above which retard the natural 
 development of American architecture. American architecture 
 will be simply carrying out, in an architectural way, the require- 
 ments of the American people in their buildings. From their 
 homes the march of progress will be through the kitchens, 
 pantries, and dining-rooms. It will unite with the parlor and 
 sitting-room ideas, which have been more clearly worked out. 
 The exterior will be formed in a natural way by the requirements 
 of the interior, and by the variations of climate, and it will be 
 decorated in a rational, artistic manner. We will not hamper 
 the interior by the adoption of doors and windows which possi- 
 bly belonged in a cathedral of the twelfth or thirteenth century, 
 or the richer details of the later time, which had their special 
 uses and forms as the development of the necessity and require- 
 ments of that particular period. The doors and windows of 
 the nineteenth century should have their own special forms and 
 positions. They should be decorated with a true regard for 
 precedent so long as precedent does not influence the arrange- 
 ments suited to modern times. The American style of archi- 
 tecture will not be developed through grand public buildings 
 and enormous cathedrals, or expensive dwellings. 
 In this country every one is imbued with the idea of having 
 a home of his own, and he desires to have it nice, convenient, 
 and attractive. The average home is in a small, inexpensive 
 house. The proper construction of these buildings, their ar- 
 rangement with reference to their housekeeping requirements, 
 their tasteful external designs considered in a rational way, will 
 develop American architecture. It will be the expression of 
 American wants in a natural, artistic spirit. 
 IN this section of the book we will make a journey through the 
 house, stopping at various points of interest long enough 
 to give general consideration to the details. From the principles 
 herein derived, the plans subsequently given are constructed. 
 Every house should have a front porch. It should be wide, 
 — if possible, eight feet, that one may sit at a distance from the 
 railing and afford a space for others to pass behind. The porch 
 is a protection to the front part of the house from the sun, wind, 
 and, partially, from the cold. Nothing can be pleasanter than 
 to sit on a shady porch during the warm part of the day or in 
 the evening. It is an auxiliary to the vestibule. 
 The front door should be wide — three or three and a half 
 feet. Double doors look very nice from the outside, but they 
 are not as convenient or as easily handled as the single door. 
 The door-bell should be at the right-hand side. The threshold 
 should be elevated from three to six and a half inches above the 
 porch floor. 
 In the plans that are given, various arrangements of vesti- 
 bules are shown. In a few instances, direct entrances into the 
 hall and reception-room are indicated, but such an entrance is 
 not as desirable as where there is a vestibule. The arrange- 
 ment of a vestibule for hat-rack, umbrella-stand, and other con- 
 veniences, changes the hall into an available room. Take, for 
 instance, plan No. 16, page 153. At the right, as one enters, is 
 a little closet ; in it are hooks. At one side is an umbrella- 
 stand ; on the floor is a place for overshoes. Here one may 
 arrange himself before going into the hall or reception-room. 
 This is altogether better than having to pass across to one side 
 of the hall or room, in order to find a place to deposit over- 
 shoes, wraps, umbrellas, etc. It saves work. If this vestibule 
 have a hard-wood floor, and on it is placed a rug, one may 
 stand there and divest himself of that which he would not carry 
 into the house, and go into the room in good order, leaving the 
 muddy overshoes, and the possible dampness of his umbrella 
 and overcoat, behind him. This arrangement saves work ; mud 
 is not carried into the room. It is a very simple matter to 
 care for the vestibule ; the rug on the floor may be taken to 
 the outside, and the deposit of mud and dust readily removed. 
 It is well to have a small mirror at the side, or in the rack. 
 The plan mentioned is merely suggestive, and does not apply 
 to all houses. By looking through the plans given, various 
 arrangements may be seen. In some of them there is no 
 vestibule. Not all housekeepers want the same arrangement. 
 Again, others do not care to pay for a vestibule. In other in- 
 stances, the hall is too small to admit of one. As said before, 
 a good vestibule changes the hall into a room. It makes a 
 reception-hall tolerable, because it is not necessary to deposit 
 there many things which should have another location. A ves- 
 tibule does not properly serve its purpose where there is no 
 room or arrangement for depositing wraps, etc. The closet part 
 of the vestibule, shown in the cut, can, perhaps, be omitted, and 
 hooks arranged around the wall sides. A curtain could be hung 
 across the space occupied by the closet door : however, all these 
 details are matters of taste and disposition. In the opening 
 between the hall and vestibule may be placed tapestry curtains ; 
 these are sufficient storm protectors from the outside door, 
 especially if the hall register is placed near it. No one who 
 has not tried it, can realize the amount of protection from the 
 weather that is afforded by a heavy curtain. It is not neces- 
 sary or desirable that a door be placed in the opening from the 
 vestibule to the hall. 
 This part of the house may be hall, reception-hall, or room. 
 It is a hall or passage frequently, and not provided with a vesti- 
 bule. It may be a hall from its shape ; it may be a room for the 
 same reason. It may be of no use as a room, if the stairway is 
 improperly placed. The house arranged with a long, narrow 
 hall, having the stairway at the side, is essentially wasteful of 
 room. Such hall space is usually dark and gloomy as well as 
 crowded. A hall eight feet wide and twenty feet long, contains 
 one hundred and sixty square feet of floor-surface, though only 
 a limited portion of it is available, on account of the shape of 
 the space which remains after the stairway is placed. A hall 
 twelve by thirteen feet contains one hundred and fifty-six square 
 feet, but a great deal more available room. The space not occu- 
 pied by the stairway is in better shape. A hall of this shape 
 partakes of the nature of a room, and may be used as such. In 
 the plan referred to a window-seat is shown. This window-seat 
 may be used as a seat in warm weather, and, if the front is in 
 the proper direction, as a conservatory in the winter. There are 
 many such arrangements as this shown in the book. 
 The hall, in most of the plans, is a key to the whole arrange- 
 ment. It has been a common, objectionable practice during the 
 past few years to build houses of moderate cost, so that the hall is 
 along one side with its entrance to the front, and the parlor next 
 to it ; back of the parlor is the sitting-room, and the hall opens 
 into the dining-room ; back of the dining-room is the kitchen, 
 and so on to the extreme rear with summer-kitchen, pantry, etc. 
 This makes a long house with only one room in front on the 
 first floor, and one chamber and alcove facing the street on the 
 second. Thus the hall serves only as a passage-way. The living- 
 room has no front view. To obviate this, the halls in the plans, 
 that are considered with most favor, are arranged to be used as 
 rooms, and the vestibules are built so that such a thing is possi- 
 ble. If the hall is to be used as a vestibule, the hat-rack and 
 other arrangements for hanging wraps, and the umbrella-stand, 
 etc., are placed as near the front as possible. Where this is not 
 done there must necessarily be a track from the front to the 
 back, as a mark of travel. 
 The stairway may start at one side, and should lead towards 
 the centre of the house. The nearer it can be started to the 
 rear of the hall, the better ; this gives more room in front. 
 Sometimes the stairway is started immediately in the rear of the 
 reception-hall, or from an alcove space at one side; these are 
 good arrangements, depending, of course, upon other conditions. 
 Upon one side, or in the rear, should be placed a grate. Noth- 
 ing can be pleasanter when coming in from a disagreeable out- 
 side than an open-grate fire ; this needs no argument. Under 
 the stairway, or in some convenient nook, it is well to have a 
 lavatory. The hall should be arranged as a centre from which 
 to pass to the parlor, living-room, and dining-room. It is im- 
 portant to consider in this connection that the hall, and the stair- 
 way in it, should be placed so that the stair-landing above is in 
 the centre of the house. Thus we have in the centre of the 
 building only a small hall as a starting-point ; hence less waste 
 room. When the stairway lands near the front wall on the 
 second floor, a passage must be provided to the rear of the 
 house. Where the landing is in the centre, we have only to 
 pass into rooms without extra steps through long halls. For 
 example, see plan No. 1, page'no. 
 Not every one cares to use the front hall as a reception- 
 room. There is certainly no objection to naming and using it 
 During recent years there is more of a disposition to live all 
 over the house ; one reason for this is the improved heating 
 arrangements. The terms sitting-room, parlor, reception-room, 
 mean less in a distinctive sense, and are used largely for the 
 purpose of classification. We will consider the parlor and the 
 sitting-room in the same connection. The parlor has lost the 
 awful stiffness of times past. It is now a reception-room. 
 In a house where there is a reception-hall in front, and 
 the sitting-room to one side, both having a distinct front view, 
 as is shown in many of the plans, a lady may occupy the front 
 room and have her children and work around her, if desirable. 
 A caller may be received in the reception-room ; these, however, 
 are matters of individual preference. The vestibule may be 
 planned so that it will have an entrance to both reception-room 
 and sitting-room. 
 In some instances the arrangement of sitting-room and 
 reception-hall are reversed. The hall is the sitting-room, and 
 the other room the parlor. If doors are used between hall 
 and sitting-room, they should be sliding ; the effect is better, and 
 the separation of the rooms as complete as necessary. Such 
 doors should always be hung from the top. The sitting-room 
 should certainly be as good a room as any in the house ; as well 
 located. There should be a closet on the first floor, and, if 
 possible, it should communicate with this room ; if not that, 
 with the dining-room or reception-hall next to it. Certainly the 
 sitting-room should always be provided with a grate. 
 A window-seat in the hall, parlor, reception, or other room, 
 is really a great addition in more ways than one. It is not only 
 attractive, but it adds to the availability of a room. Where there 
 is space for three or four people to sit, in case of necessity, it 
 is like seating that number of people outside of the room. 
 They are comfortable, and the room has that much added to its 
 seating capacity. A bay window arranged in this way is pleasant 
 Wall space is of great importance in these rooms. In plan- 
 ning a house, the piano, pictures, lounges, book-shelves, book- 
 cases, bric-a-brac, etc., should be in mind. In a house of mod- 
 erate size, it is, ordinarily, not necessary that the reception-hall, 
 parlor, or sitting-room should be wider than thirteen and a half 
 feet, and from fifteen to eighteen feet in length. However, this 
 is not wide enough for those who entertain largely. A room 
 thirteen and a half feet, with much furniture in it, is not wide 
 enough for dancing. 
 A house arranged with a reception-hall, parlor, sitting-room, 
 dining-room, etc., is used when it is desired to entertain a great 
 deal ; but for those who are living economically, whose means 
 are limited, one of these rooms may be omitted. In many of the 
 modern houses the number of rooms on the first floor has been 
 decreased and their size increased. Oftentimes there is a 
 reception-hall, a small library, and a dining-room only, as 
 belonging to the living part of the house on the first floor. 
 An arrangement of this kind belongs more particularly to a 
 house which is occupied during only a part of the year ; say as 
 summer cottages in the Northland winter houses in the South. 
 Modern ways of living make a larger number of rooms less 
 When it is possible, it is pleasant to have a little room off 
 from the library as a study, or for a doctor as a reception-room 
 or office. Where one does work at home, it is advantageous 
 to have a private room that insures isolation, be it never so 
 small. Often the library, so called in an ordinary sense, is not 
 a library at all. There may be a few books in it, but it is used 
 as a sitting-room or passage, and has no distinct necessity or 
 Additional rooms require more work than the same amount 
 of floor space in a less number of rooms. The addition of 
 rooms multiplies corners, windows, doors, etc., and adds more 
 cost and labor, than does mere additional space. The availa- 
 bility of a room is not always dependent upon its size. A good 
 deal depends upon the arrangement of wall space. A room may 
 be laree and still have no room for the furniture that is to q-o 
 into it. It may be small and still have room enough. 
 A good width for a dining-room is thirteen feet. Where 
 one can afford it, it should be from fifteen to twenty feet in 
 length ; larger than this is a luxury. Its location, for the most 
 part, is back of the sitting-room or hall. A grate in the dining- 
 room is not altogether desirable ; it is always at somebody's 
 back. Again, a grate does not heat a room uniformly. It is 
 very common to provide sliding-doors to connect the dining- 
 room with other parts of the house, even with the parlor, but 
 they are not the best kind to use. Sound and the odors of the 
 food are more readily communicated through sliding-doors than 
 others. For that reason they should not be used. A large, 
 single door, three and a half feet wide, is preferable, though it 
 does not always give the desired opening. Generally speaking, 
 it is easier to provide wall space when planning a dining-room 
 than in any of the other rooms in the house. A large number 
 of windows is not necessary, and one of them can be placed 
 high, and thus afford space for a sideboard. This sideboard 
 should be placed at the end of the room nearest the entrance to 
 the kitchen and china-closet, where such is used. The sideboard 
 has various uses, according to the plans of the housekeeper. In 
 some cases it is merely a place to display dainty china and other 
 table furniture. Below are places for linen and table cutlery. 
 In other cases, the sideboard is used as a buffet; as a place 
 from which to serve the food. Sometimes this is carried to the 
 extremest degree, and includes the carving, and the serving of 
 that which goes with the meats. 
 It was very common in times past to use a slide connecting 
 kitchen and dining-room. A passage is much better. The 
 slide is worse than a door in communicating sounds and odors. 
 In some of the plans in this book, doors are shown opening 
 directly into the kitchen. This is done under protest ; the 
 owner of the house would have it so. The sideboard may be 
 built as a part of the house. This is well enough when the 
 question of cost is not important. 
 From the dining-room we will pass to the kitchen. 
 THE kitchen existed in its state of greatest cleanliness and 
 order a good many years ago in New England, where it 
 was largely used as a sitting and dining room. As people became 
 more prosperous, they moved out of the kitchen ; they had a 
 separate sitting-room. It was then that the kitchen began to 
 decline. After this it was often literally as well as figuratively 
 separated from the living part of the house. 
 The public has not suffered through lack of information on 
 cookery and general housekeeping topics. Little has been said, 
 however, about the house itself, with regard to its arrangements 
 for facilitating the manifold operations of housekeeping. The 
 subject is a broad one, and may be treated with some respect to 
 detail. As the heart of the house, the kitchen may be given 
 serious consideration. 
 In the modern house the kitchen is merely the place where 
 the food is prepared for the table. The controlling idea and its 
 arrangements should be to afford facilities for doing the work 
 with as little labor as possible. 
 The kitchen is the workshop of the house. It should be 
 arranged and planned according to the same general principles 
 as any other workshop. A manufacturer arranges his foundry, 
 his mill, or his printing-house, with reference to the saving of 
 labor, for the purpose of saving money. When we save labor 
 in a kitchen, we save the energy of the housekeeper, and, 
 possibly, money. 
 An article on this subject was probably never written that 
 did not pretend to describe the " model kitchen." It is safe to 
 say that no such kitchen was regarded as " model'' by all read- 
 ers. A model kitchen is something which is out of reason. No 
 two housekeepers have the same requirements. Housekeeping 
 practice varies greatly. Again, the kitchen that can be built to 
 one floor-plan cannot be built to another. In describing a 
 kitchen, it is in mind to set forth certain general principles for 
 the benefit of those interested. 
 There is little difference between the requirements of a 
 kitchen for a house of moderate cost and an expensive house. 
 Work of the same general character is done in every kitchen. 
 The conveniences are more a matter of thought than of money. 
 Elaborate details add much to the cost, but little to the conven- 
 ience. There is little or no difference between the cost of a 
 well-planned kitchen and one which is poorly planned. 
 To state the case broadly, a kitchen should be arranged 
 solely with reference to the work which is to be done in it: the 
 cooking, dish-washing, the care of the kitchen itself, and possibly 
 the laundry work. This latter work should be removed from 
 the kitchen — in any event, the washing should be done else- 
 where — when it is at all possible. The steam and odor from 
 the washing, which not only fill the kitchen but permeate the 
 house, are enough to render whatever food there is in the kitchen 
 unfit for use. It is altogether possible to arrange in the cellar 
 of any house that is being built, and in many that are already 
 built, at a trifling cost, a laundry in which the washing and iron- 
 ing may be comfortably done. Of course this does not contem- 
 plate set tubs; but set tubs are not found in houses where the 
 washing and ironing are done in the kitchen, and it is possible 
 to do this work both well and easily without their use. There 
 is little or no objection to doing the ironing in a well-ventilated 
 kitchen. It is clean work, and while doing it the servant may 
 attend to any cooking which is necessary, and see that the other 
 work of the house moves forward. 
 The kitchen the plan of which is here given (Fig. 2) has 
 been in use for three years under the varying conditions of one 
 or two sen-ants, and at times none at all. These are the condi- 
 tions under which most housekeepers operate. There have 
 been no emergencies in which the kitchen and pantries have not 
 proven themselves ample, and none in which the housekeeper 
 thought that they were too large and complicated. It is as 
 necessary in houses where the means for maintenance is simply 
 moderate, that a kitchen should not be too large as that it 
 should afford ample facilities for accomplishing any work which 
 may be done. 
 The kitchen itself is thirteen and one-half by fourteen and 
 one-half feet. In it are placed the range, tables, sink, drain- 
 board, etc., and the kitchen safe. The room has been found 
 large enough for the work which is to be done there, and not so 
 large that the tables, range, and safe are so far apart that time 
 and strength are wasted moving from one to another. The 
 kitchen has one large window in it, which is three feet from the 
 floor. This permits the placing of a table, ironing-board, or 
 chair under it, and thus gives additional wall space. There are 
 two windows in the pantry, and a draught is secured through 
 them, the kitchen window, and the transom over the door. The 
 door is glazed. 
 The most disagreeable work of a kitchen, and that which 
 takes much time, is the dish-washing. It is possible to make 
 this work lighter and pleasanter than is usual. The necessary 
 conditions are plenty of water, hot and cold, a place where the 
 dishes will drain themselves, an abundance of table room for 
 them both before and after washing. In the kitchen given the 
 sink is placed next the kitchen flue. This gives a place for 
 the pipe duct next the warm bricks, which prevent freezing 
 even in severe cold weather. During the three years in which 
 this kitchen has been in use they have never frozen, even when 
 the temperature was twenty degrees below zero. The exact con- 
 struction of this kitchen pipe-duct and other kitchen wood-work 
 is given elsewhere. The range, which is usually next the flue, 
 is, in this instance, placed at some distance from it. There 
 is no reason why this should not be done, as it has been in 
 many instances, with no disagreeable results. 
 The sink is not enclosed, but stands upon legs. Enclosed 
 sinks are places which cannot be kept clean even with the 
 ® '$ ® 
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 utmost vigilance. The brushes, scrub-rags, and buckets, which 
 are usually kept there, are in this kitchen provided a place 
 At the left of the sink is a table ; at the right, a drain-board, 
 which is inclined toward the sink, and provided with grooves. 
 At the right of this is a swing-table on the same level. The 
 soiled dishes are placed on the table at the left, washed in the 
 sink, which is provided with cocks for hot and cold water, 
 drained on the drain-board, and, when wiped, placed on the 
 table at the right. A glance at the plan will show that they are 
 then beside the door which leads to the china-closet, and may 
 be quickly placed where they belong. 
 It may be well to say a few words about the china-closet. 
 The shelves are placed in a passage which leads from the 
 kitchen to the dining-room, and are separated from the passage 
 by doors. This passage is lighted by a window, and has two 
 doors leading into it — one from the dining-room, and one from 
 the kitchen (Fig. 2). These doors are swung on double swing- 
 ing hinges, so that they may be opened by merely pushing against 
 them, and will then swing back noiselessly into a closed position. 
 One may pass through doors of this kind with a tray full* of 
 dishes without touching them with the hand. This arrangement 
 dispenses with the necessity for a slide, and also does away with 
 the noises and odors from the kitchen, which so readily find their 
 way to the rest of the house where a slide is used. However, 
 if a slide is really desired, it can be placed over either the table 
 at the left of the sink or over the swing-table at the right, and 
 be convenient from both kitchen and dining-room. 
 The china-pantry could be readily enlarged into a butler's 
 pantry, by extending it across the end of the dining-room, and 
 placing the end window of this room on one side, thus bringing 
 two windows on the same wall. There is a movable shelf under 
 one of the permanent shelves in this china-closet, which can be 
 drawn out in order to place a tray of dishes on it while they are 
 being put away, and which can be pushed out of the way when 
 not in use. This shelf is also of service as a place upon which 
 to arrange the different dishes needed for the several courses of 
 a meal, and in this way facilitates the table service. 
 In Fig. 4, the combination idea is carried out in pantry and 
 china-closet. The pantry-cupboard projects into the room in 
 a way to form a partition between the pantry and china-closet, 
 and, at the same time, admits of a passage between the kitchen 
 and dining-room with a separation of two doors. 
 Fig. 5 indicates an approved form of construction of china- 
 closet and pantry, such as may be used in most of the pantries 
 and china-rooms which are in this book. 
 The work which takes the most time is the preparation of food, 
 G WW 
 Z V^ 1 ^ 5 / 
 and every well-planned kitchen has its arrangements for light- 
 ening this burden. The first consideration is the location of the 
 utensils, and the table and sink where the meats and vegetables 
 are prepared. All should be near enough to the range so that 
 there are no unnecessary steps to be taken. The number that 
 are taken where the sink is in one corner of the kitchen, the 
 table in another, and the range removed from both, is innumer- 
 able. In this kitchen the table proper and the sink are together, 
 and they are but a step from the range. 
 There is a small swing-table attached to the wall at one side 
4 6 
 of the range. This provides a place for utensils, such as spoons, 
 and forks, and dishes, such as those holding pancake batter, 
 which are in constant use during cooking, and which cannot be 
 held in the hand while the cooking is in progress. This alone 
 saves many steps. The drain-board is a good place for draining 
 vegetables, and to place utensils which are used in the prepara- 
 tion of food. Above the sink are hooks, etc., upon which to 
 keep small utensils. In localities where there is much dust 
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 coming in from the outside these utensils must be kept else- 
 where, behind closed doors. 
 For the preparation of bread, cake, pastries, etc., the pantry 
 is provided. In it are places for everything which can be used 
 for such preparation. One can go out of the heat and noise of 
 the kitchen into a little room which holds everything that can 
 possibly be needed, and there prepare those articles of food 
 which take the most time and careful attention. In Fig. 2 are 
 two windows ; under one is the dough-board. This is a table 
 fastened to the wall at a convenient height for moulding and 
 general work of this character. On one end is a piece of marble, 
 twelve inches wide by sixteen long, which is used for moulding 
 purposes. The advantages of such a piece of marble are numer- 
 ous. It is as easily cleaned as a dish and requires no scouring, 
 and, as dough does not readily stick to it, moulding can be done 
 without the trouble which comes from the use of a board. This 
 piece of marble is not fastened to the dough-board, as is some- 
 times done. Where it is set into the board there will always 
 be creases in which dough will lodge, and it can only be cleaned 
 with the greatest trouble. Where it is free, it can be raised 
 from the board occasionally, and everything thoroughly cleaned. 
 At the right of the board is the flour-bin, which contains 
 places for various kinds of flour and meal. Next to it is the 
 refrigerator. Over the refrigerator is a window which opens 
 on the porch, and through which the ice may be placed without 
 the iceman going through the kitchen with his wet feet and 
 dripping load. 
 At the left of the dough-board are shelves for keeping stores. 
 The lower shelves are enclosed by doors and provided with a 
 lock, so that extra stores may be placed there for safe keeping, 
 where this is found desirable. The upper shelves are exposed. 
 On them are kept sugar, tea, coffee, baking-powder, and kindred 
 stores, which are in every-day use, and can be reached easier if 
 there are no doors to be opened and closed. They should be 
 kept in air-tight cans, which prevent their exposure to dust, in- 
 sects, and air. Back of the door opening into the kitchen are 
 hooks for the utensils which more properly belong in the pantry 
 than the kitchen. 
 Many housekeepers prefer to keep the refrigerator in the 
 cellar, on account of the waste in the ice. This waste, to the 
 mind of the writer, is a small matter. The time spent by either 
 housekeeper or servant in going- into the cellar could much 
 better be occupied in doing something else which would save 
 more than does keeping the refrigerator below. Then, again, 
 when it is kept in the pantry it can readily be provided with a 
 zinc drain to the outside, which saves some little labor. In the 
 cellar such a drain would only be possible where sand could be 
 reached. A refrigerator should never, under any circumstances, 
 be drained into the sewer, as is sometimes done. 
 The utensils which properly belong to the kitchen are kept 
 in an old-fashioned kitchen safe, rather than in a closet opening 
 out from the kitchen. A safe is more readily cleaned than a 
 closet, and the perforated metal doors render the upper part of 
 it an excellent place for storing cold food, which it is not desir- 
 able to keep in the refrigerator. Then if, as may happen in any 
 kitchen which is left to the care of servants, vermin should take 
 possession, the safe can be moved from the room, and trouble 
 from this source avoided. 
 The entrance to the cellar is near the table, as marked. At 
 the head of the cellar are placed brooms, mops, and dust-pans, 
 and above these, well away from the head when going below, 
 is a shelf upon which two buckets can be placed. 
 Back of the range is a small wooden box, thirty inches long 
 by twenty-two inches wide and twelve inches deep, which is 
 provided with a door and shelves. These shelves, as well as the 
 top and bottom, have holes bored through them in order to 
 allow the passage of hot air. In this box scrubbing-rags and 
 brushes dry at once, and never have a bad odor. The box is 
 of the same wood as the other kitchen finish, and looks as if it 
 were a part of it. 
 A soap-box, with construction similar to the above, may be 
 provided. It should have a tin-pipe connection with flue or 
 other ventilating apparatus. It will dry the soap and render 
 its use less wasteful. 
 The ventilation of the kitchen is an important matter. The 
 ideal kitchen has no rooms over it, and has ventilators in the 
 ceiling. But this is not possible in most houses, and a substi- 
 tute must be provided. An inverted sheet-iron hopper placed 
 over- the range, with an opening into either the flue or the out- 
 side of the house, will carry out the odors from cooking. An 
 opening into the pipe-duct which holds the plumbing pipes will 
 keep them from freezing in cold weather at the same time that 
 it helps ventilate. 
 An important consideration in a kitchen is to build it so that 
 it will not readily accumulate dirt, and can be easily cleaned. A 
 large amount of time is spent in every well-kept house in clean- 
 ing the kitchen. The floor should be of oak, maple, or other 
 hard wood, oiled, waxed, or finished with regular floor-finishing. 
 The casings and doors are, of course, kept in better condition, 
 with less labor, when of hard wood. Where this is not attain- 
 able, poplar, or other similar wood, finished with a varnish which 
 will stand warm water, will prove a very good substitute. The 
 tables should be either of oak, which requires little scrubbing, or 
 poplar, which is so easily scrubbed that it is always white enough 
 to delight the heart of the most particular housekeeper. A 
 kitchen finished in this way is much less care than when the- 
 floor is of soft wood, and the finish a soft wood painted. 
 All kitchens in this book are planned according to the prin- 
 ciples here set forth. They do not pretend to be exactly like 
 this one, but the same general principle runs through all. 
 There are very good reasons why wainscoting should not be 
 used in a kitchen, and no compensating advantages. The bead- 
 joints and extra wood-work thereof make labor in the impossible 
 task of keeping it clean. The less wood-work there is in a 
 kitchen, the better. There are various kind of water-proof pro- 
 prietary plaster finishes which may be used in finishing the walls 
 and ceiling of a kitchen. Where they are not used, a white 
 skim coat should be put on and painted after about a year's use. 
 THE cellar was originally a hole in the ground. In the 
 modern house, that is arranged to please the house- 
 keeper, it is well lighted ; provided with a smooth cement floor 
 that is easily cleaned ; is not open as one room, but has 
 apartments — one for a laundry, another for fuel and furnace, 
 and still others for fruits and general stores. In the matter of 
 fuel there is no reason why the entire winter supply should not 
 be in the basement. It is certainly a great deal worse to go 
 outside of the house in winter time from a hot, steaming kitchen, 
 than it is to eo into the basement for the fuel. However, there 
 is some objection to storing wood in the cellar, for the reason 
 that it brings bugs, ants, and vermin into the house. 
 Coal-bins should be constructed with hopper bottoms, — with 
 bottom and sides slanting from level of outside grade-line to cellar 
 floor, — where the location will admit of it. When there is not 
 a cellar under all of the house, it is generally possible to arrange 
 the coal-bin under the part without cellar, and slanting down to 
 the part so used. This is illustrated in plan No. n, Chapter 
 XX. There the coal is put through the windows into the bins, 
 and slides down to the opening in cellar. For each shovelful 
 of coal taken away from the lower opening, another will take 
 its place. This is particularly true with crushed coke, or anthra- 
 5 1 
 cite coal, or nut and egg sizes of other fuel. The lump sizes 
 require a larger opening than the usual twenty-inch-square 
 opening for the coal mentioned. These bins should be lined on 
 the bottom preferably with bricks laid in cement. If this is not 
 used, two-inch oak boards will do. Partitions of the same 
 material should be used to separate the various bins. With an 
 arrangement of this kind a large amount of storage capacity can 
 be provided. Under some circumstances this plan cannot be 
 adopted. In such a case the ordinary bins may be used. 
 As houses are now planned, the first tier of joists are placed 
 from twenty to twenty-four inches above the grade-line. Where 
 it is not possible to secure that height for cellar-windows, areas 
 may be built of brick or stone, and additional light provided. 
 Light is the enemy of disorder and uncleanliness ; where there 
 is exposure there will be less disorder. 
 It is not necessary to have the cellar under the whole house, 
 for reasons as mentioned, and on account of the cost. It is 
 sometimes important that savings of all kinds be made. The 
 furnace may be set in a pit with its face directed to the cellar. 
 It is best that the opening from the hoppered coal-bins, above 
 described, be close to the furnace. If it can be opened at the 
 side, so that one can stand in the pit and throw coal in the fire- 
 box, it is better than any other arrangement. 
 The ordinary cellar is seven feet in the clear, and, for this 
 reason, it is nearly always necessary to pit the furnace. This is 
 done by digging an extra depth, and lining the area and opening 
 with brick. 
 Near enough to the furnace to be warm, should be a closet 
 for canned fruit, made of flooring-boards, if not of more sub- 
 stantial material, and provided with a door and lock. It should 
 be shelved with board about seven inches apart. Other winter 
 stores, like potatoes, cabbage, etc., should be kept in a dark 
 cellar with an earth floor. It is the opinion of farmers and 
 others that vegetables keep best when lying next the ground. 
 The cellar-involving arrangements here outlined may be seen 
 in plan No. 1 1 . The outside door, which leads into the cellar, 
 should bolt on the inside, and the upper cellar door on the 
 outside. There should be doors provided to separate the differ- 
 ent rooms. Where cost is an item, they may be made of two 
 thicknesses of flooring-. Cellar-windows should be hung- on 
 hinges, and provided with bolt fastenings; catches are not 
 THE term " Blue Monday " probably originated on account 
 of its being general wash-day, and a day in which every- 
 body about the house undertook to do an impossible amount of 
 work with limited resources. 
 Most of the washings in this country are done in the kitchen. 
 The wash-boiler is on the stove, and the servant or mistress of 
 the house, or both, attempt to wash and do their cooking with- 
 out seriously disturbing the routine of meals. There is a fussi- 
 ness about everything pertaining to that day, which creates 
 an atmosphere of blueness which is proverbial. The steamy, 
 crowded kitchen, the almost inevitable wetness or slipperiness, 
 the great physical exertion required, the carrying of water, the 
 lifting of tubs, are all uncomfortable, and the work is done at a 
 great disadvantage. In an expensive house, where there is 
 plenty of money, Monday is not so blue. Immunity is pur- 
 chased. Possibly the clothes are sent from the house to be 
 washed in somebody else's kitchen ; maybe to be worn by 
 some one else before they are returned, and often to be injured 
 or destroyed by the strong washing-mixtures and soaps, which 
 are made to save rubbing. This kind of immunity is expensive. 
 It is too expensive for the large majority of people. It is annoy- 
 ing to all alike. 
 Laundry work will sometime be done at a cost which will 
 admit of people of moderate means having this work done at a 
 public laundry. At present, the general laundry work of an 
 ordinary household cannot be done in this way, on account of the 
 The general public laundry, where arrangements are made 
 to do the entire family washing at a low cost, is a complete solu- 
 tion of the Blue-Monday problem ; but until the laundry is an 
 accomplished fact, such work will be done at home, and a family 
 laundry must be considered in house-building. It would be a 
 very easy matter to arrange a laundry which would meet all the 
 desired conditions, if we were to operate independent of cost, 
 but the large majority of people are not independent in this way. 
 If it were not a matter of cost, we would have an independent 
 room for the laundry work, with porcelain tubs, and hot and 
 cold water running into all of them ; we could have a steam- 
 drier, and many other things, which it is useless to mention 
 here. It is the laundry of the moderate-cost house, which inter- 
 ests the largest number of people. 
 We must have a place to do laundry work which is a com- 
 promise between the foggy kitchen and the laundry with 
 porcelain tubs. 
 As houses are now built, the first floor is usually from two 
 and a half to three feet above the grade. This affords abundant 
 opportunity of getting a well-lighted basement. If the base- 
 ment is dark, put more windows in it, and whitewash the walls 
 and ceilings. Cement the floor. Put in a slop sink, and give 
 it a trapped connection with the vault or sewer. Provide a 
 pump over this sink to connect with the cistern. If the city 
 water is soft, this will be used and no pump will be required. 
 Then a laundry stove is to be provided. Thus we have every- 
 thing ready for use without much labor, and certainly at a very 
 low cost. 
 The basement should be light under any circumstances. 
 The floor should be cemented, the joists should be whitewashed, 
 so that the only additions necessary to make the laundry work 
 easy are a laundry stove, a place to throw waste water, and a 
 supply of hot and cold water. If one does not care to heat the 
 water in the ordinary boiler, there is a very simple device for 
 heating water which may be placed in any laundry. An open 
 tank, which will hold two or three barrels of water, can be placed 
 over the stove and next to the joist. From it a connection 
 can be made with the laundry stove by means of lead and iron 
 pipe. This pipe should start from the bottom of the tank and 
 connect with an iron pipe which enters the stove, and passes 
 around the inside of the fire-pot, then to the outside and con- 
 nects with another lead pipe, which empties into the tank again 
 on a level above the first opening. Thus the cold water would 
 come from t]ie bottom of the tank, through the stove where 
 it would be heated, thence upward and into the tank. This 
 would give a hot-water circulating connection, and in this way 
 provide hot water for use in the laundry. This arrangement 
 would require a low-cost force-pump to force the water to the 
 tank. There are many kinds of these pumps, which are substan- 
 tial and can be secured at a low cost. The pipe from the stove 
 could be supplied with a compression cock from which the water 
 could be drawn into the tubs. The better way would be to 
 have an independent tank connection. Lead pipe was men- 
 tioned as being the pipe to use in making the connection with 
 the iron pipe in the laundry stove. Galvanized iron pipe would 
 answer every purpose and cost a little less. Where set tubs 
 are not used, the water could be readily distributed by means of 
 a hose pipe. If the above arrangement is too expensive, the 
 stove only can be used for heating water. 
 Set tubs might be used instead of the ordinary wooden ones 
 which were contemplated, and would save a good deal of labor, 
 but the cost is something which all cannot afford. The arrange- 
 ment described here can be reached by nearly every one of mod- 
 erate means. It provides a place to throw slop water, and brings 
 hot and cold water close at hand. It isolates the washing from 
 the cooking, and the smell of washing from the whole house. 
 It is very different from the conditions in most houses, where the 
 water has to be carried from the backyard into the house, lifted 
 to the stove, poured into the tubs, and afterward carried out, a 
 bucket at a time, and emptied over the back fence, if the tub is 
 not dragged out and emptied into the yard. 
 It is well in building a new house to have an outside cellar- 
 way to facilitate the use of the laundry below. In such a case 
 the clothes can be carried into the yard without being taken 
 through the kitchen. There will be times when the weather will 
 not permit taking the clothes outdoors. In very cold weather 
 it should never be done. It is murderous for a woman to have 
 to carry clothes from a hot, steamy laundry or kitchen at eighty 
 degrees to the cold, dry air of the outside. There is no woman 
 so strong that she can stand this. All the clothes can be readily 
 dried in the basement. Here is presented another argument in 
 favor of the laundry below. The washing can always be done 
 at the appointed time in spite of the weather. When one goes 
 into a large attic he is apt to say, " What a splendid place to 
 dry clothes." People who dry clothes in the attic usually do the 
 washing in the kitchen. 
 A basement laundry is a cool place in summer and a warm 
 one in winter. There is no better place for ironing in warm 
 weather, for even with a fire the basement is always cool. Nor 
 can there be a better place for canning fruit. The conven- 
 iences of plenty of water, a fire, and yet a cool place for doing 
 this extremely laborious work, will be readily appreciated. 
 IN many houses a combination stairway is used. By this is 
 meant one in which the front and rear stairways run together 
 in a common landing. In this case, there should be doors sep- 
 arating the rear from the front stairway, one at the beginning, 
 and one at the end of the rear part. The combination stairway 
 is a compromise. Oftentimes, however, one can secure other 
 things which are desirable by its use. There are other com- 
 promises more objectionable than the combination stairway. 
 A stairway of this kind is not used as the most desirable 
 thing, but as the least objectionable of other compromises ; for 
 instance, if one can secure, for a given cost, an additional room 
 or two by using a combination stairway, the room is frequently 
 preferable. No one can doubt but that a front stairway, entirely 
 separated from the one in the rear, is the best thing to have ; 
 however, it is easy to understand that a combination stairway 
 may be used for reasons above stated. In some of the plans 
 a stairway is shown, starting from a stair-hall in the rear of 
 reception-hall or room. Under such circumstances, a combina- 
 tion is not necessary. One can come from the kitchen and 
 go upstairs without being observed from the other parts of the 
 house. Again, combinations are sometimes used so that they 
 apply to the servant's room as a continuous stairway, and as 
 a combination to the other parts of the house. This is true 
 of several plans given. 
 It is almost superfluous to say that a stairway should be 
 easy, still it is known that not all are so. The one in the front 
 part of the building should always be made without winders ; 
 that in the rear, the same way if possible. Landings are prefer- 
 able, and make a staircase beautiful. Stairways may be consid- 
 ered from a hygienic standpoint. This, however, is not necessary 
 in this connection. Where there is only one stairway, it is 
 not uncommon to have it start from the dining-room, and, if 
 one stops to think about it, this is not a bad arrangement. 
 The dining-room is centrally located, and the stairway may be 
 used by the servants when this room is not otherwise in use. 
 Certainly it is less objectionable than placing it in a hall 
 through which all have to pass, or where it is necessary to pass 
 throuo-h other rooms to reach the second floor from the rear. 
 A combination stairway, or one that starts up from the dining- 
 room, is less objectionable in a house where there is a bath-room 
 on the second floor than it would otherwise be. Where the 
 bath-room is so placed, it is not necessary that the slops be car- 
 ried down or the water carried up stairs ; and, in other respects, 
 it is less necessary to use the stairway in a disagreeable way. 
 The rear stairway should be connected with the front part 
 of house by means of a hall on the second floor. It is generally 
 found desirable to have a girl's room near the rear stairway, 
 and to cut off that part of the house from the front by means 
 of a door. There should be means of lighting, artificial and 
 otherwise, at the beginning and landings of all stairways. 
 In a young and growing family, five is the ideal number of 
 rooms for the second floor. This number may be increased or 
 decreased according to the size and development of the family. 
 Where there are five rooms it affords, first, a family room in 
 front, built over the parlor or sitting-room ; next to that is a 
 room in front for the very young children, and afterwards for the 
 girls ; then the room in the rear of the family room may be for 
 the boys ; the fourth room for guests, and the fifth for the ser- 
 vant. The guest-room view is to the side and the rear. There 
 are cases where one must accommodate a large number of peo- 
 ple with a smaller number of rooms, and, again, a larger number 
 of rooms is thought indispensable. In connection with the size 
 of bedrooms, we may say what was said before, — that their 
 availability does not depend entirely upon their size. A room 
 may be large and still not contain a place for a bed or other 
 furniture. It may be moderately small and yet have space 
 for all. 
 The more we think about the arrangement of houses, the 
 larger appear the number of indispensables. It used to be 
 thought unnecessary to have a closet in every bedroom ; one 
 was certainly enough in the family room. Now it is almost a 
 necessity that there be two closets in the family room — one for 
 the lady, and a smaller one for the gentleman. There should 
 certainly be one closet in every bedroom, and, in addition to that, 
 one which opens from the hall, to be used for bed-linen and 
 general bedroom supplies. A suitable place for brooms and 
 dust-pans is the attic stairway when a special closet is not 
 In lighting bedrooms there should be at least one window 
 for each outside exposure. Where the size will admit, there 
 should be two windows placed so that the dressing-case can be 
 set between them, either in the corner or otherwise. Most bed- 
 rooms are lighted artificially by bracket lights instead of the 
 centre light. There should be one bracket on each side of the 
 dressing-case ; if not, a pendent light immediately over it. 
 Centre connections for gas-fixture are usually provided, but 
 in practice many houses are not supplied with the fixture. 
 Grates on the second floor make work : carrying of fuel and 
 ashes is always disagreeable in the extremest degree. The 
 placing of ash-pits in the cellar may make it unnecessary to carry 
 the ashes, but still grates make work. At the same time it is 
 very pleasant to have a grate in the bedroom ; they are the best 
 means of ventilation known. 
 The servant's room is not usually very large, seldom large 
 enough. It should be provided with a closet, the same as other 
 rooms. The window in that room should be set high enough 
 from the floor so as to admit of the placing of a trunk under it, 
 without interfering with the light or in other ways appearing 
 The bath-room and general plumbing work are considered 
 in detail in the following chapter. It is sufficient to say that 
 there should be as little wood-work as possible in the bath-room. 
 Water-proof plastering should be used, and when this becomes 
 soiled it can be washed and painted. 
 There is nothing a housekeeper appreciates more than a good 
 attic and an easy stairway leading to it. Often attics are not 
 plastered ; they should always be floored at the same time 
 the house is built. Where it is not possible to make divisions 
 by plastering, and other substantial material, light wooden parti- 
 tions will serve the purpose of providing means of classifying 
 that which is stored in the attic, and prevent it from being in a 
 continual state of disorder. The rooms may be fitted with 
 shelves, closets, etc. 
 Where it is possible so to do, the attic room should be plas- 
 tered. It makes the rooms below appreciably cooler in summer. 
 In most of the plans herein illustrated, the roof is high enough 
 to provide space for good rooms, with ceilings as high and as 
 square as those of the rooms below. It is cheaper to provide 
 rooms in this way than to spread over more ground ; and there 
 is certainly no valid objection to their use by the boys of the 
 IN considering the plumbing apparatus of a house, the question 
 is often asked, " Are these things safe ? Do they not endan- 
 ger the health of the occupants of the house ? " The answer is, 
 The plumbing apparatus may be entirely safe. That it is not 
 always so, we all know. We hear of many cases of typhoid 
 fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and other diseases, which are 
 traceable to, or aggravated by, defective plumbing. In some 
 sections of the country so much trouble has been caused by poor 
 plumbing, that the people, as a class, have come to be suspicious 
 of all. The reason for this is the effort to cheapen the work. 
 Suffering from bad work has led to safety. In larger cities this 
 work is under the control of the city government. It may be 
 said that it is possible so to arrange the fixtures and apparatus 
 appertaining to plumbing that it is entirely safe. The question 
 naturally follows, " How is this done ? " 
 It may be said that good work is not a great deal more ex- 
 pensive than poor work. Again, good work is not always a 
 question of money. It is one of knowledge or inclination on 
 the part of the plumber. 
 One in moderate circumstances, who builds a house to cost 
 from twenty-five hundred to four thousand dollars, should have 
 well water or city water, and hot and cold cistern water in the 
 sink in the kitchen. There should be at least a slop-hopper 
 in the laundry. In the bath-room a water-closet, a tub, and 
 generally a wash-stand. This latter feature is not absolutely 
 necessary, as will be explained later. In the attic there should 
 be a tank to hold the cistern water, which is connected with the 
 fixtures using soft water below. A force-pump, or water-motor, 
 may be located in the kitchen or basement to lift the water to 
 tank. In more elaborate houses a completer plumbing appa- 
 ratus may be used. There may be an especial sink in the china- 
 closet. There may be wash-stands in the various chambers, and 
 one on the first floor. 
 There may be, also, an additional w r ater-closet on the first 
 floor, or in the cellar, located where it is accessible to the mem- 
 bers of the family. There are many ways of expending money in 
 plumbing fixtures ; but, with those first mentioned, one may be 
 entirely comfortable, and derive all of the housekeeping benefits 
 which may be expected from such conveniences. Unless the 
 house be large, an increase in the number of fixtures would 
 increase the amount of work done in keeping them clean, rather 
 than save labor. 
 In the matter of safety, another question, which sometimes 
 arises, is as to the danger from the plumbing apparatus where 
 there is no sewer connection, or where it has to be made with 
 a vault. The protection against sewer-gas is not from the 
 sewer itself or the vault. It is entirely through protective 
 apparatus in the house, and the manner of the connection with 
 the vault or sewer. 
 One may consider the conditions of safety in plumbing ap- 
 paratus under two general heads. First, as to the workmanship ; 
 second, as to design or plan of the apparatus. Nothing need 
 be said as to the workmanship, excepting that the execution of 
 the design, or the benefits to be derived from it, may be entirely 
 lost by defective workmanship. If the work is not properly 
 executed, the design need not be considered. The result will 
 be bad irrespective of the plan. 
 In considering the design of the apparatus, we will take into 
 account the arrangement of the connections and fixtures. By 
 the latter expression is meant the tub, the water-closet, the 
 wash-bowl, and the sink, pump, etc. The connections which 
 have to do with the safety of the apparatus are the traps and , 
 the waste pipes, or pipes which connect with the vault or sewer. 
 The main waste pipe inside the house is called the soil pipe. 
 The smaller waste pipes from the fixtures connect with it. The 
 soil pipe is of cast-iron, and usually four inches in diameter on 
 the inside. It connects, full size, with the water-closet. Most 
 other wastes are of lead, and are usually an inch and a half in 
 diameter. In the soil and waste pipes there will naturally be 
 the odors from the vaults and sewer, or from the foul matter 
 which is in or passing through the pipes. Therefore, there must 
 be means in each waste pipe, which connects a fixture with the 
 main soil pipe, of preventing the passage of gas or air from it 
 into the house. This is done by means of what is called a trap. 
 The "S" trap is the commonest form; this name is given 
 it from its shape, and illustrates its construction. If we take a 
 letter S and turn it sideways we will get the form of such a trap. 
 The rio-ht side or end would continue directly down toward the 
 drain or soil pipe, and the left side would continue upward and 
 connect with the fixture (see Fig. 6) . The water from the fix- 
 ture comes down and is forced upward through the bend by the 
 pressure of water above, and from thence runs into the soil pipe 
 or drain. Thus it will be seen that there is always a seal of 
 water in the trap. There is always water in the 
 trap as indicated by the depth of the bend of the S. 
 There are hundreds of different forms of traps, but 
 they are all constructed on the same principle ; the 
 idea being that the gas or air from the pipe would 
 have to pass through the water in order to get into 
 the house. The water in the trap is called the 
 seal ; it seals the passage of air as stated. 
 There are many conditions under which a trap may fail to 
 do its full duty. It may be foul in itself, or it may be rendered 
 foul by the bad air in the drain. The trap may be siphoned by 
 a heavy flow of water through the main drain, or it may be 
 siphoned by a string or a rag which may readily find its way into 
 the trap, and hang over the bend so that all of the water will run 
 out. Again, the water in the trap may evaporate. All these 
 dangers may be guarded against. In the first place, there 
 should be means which allow fresh air to pass through all that 
 portion of the main drain or soil pipe which is in or close to 
 the house. The means of accomplishing this are various. 
 The soil pipe is ventilated by continuing up through and 
 well above the roof with a full opening at the top. The smaller 
 drains should be ventilated in the same way when far removed 
 from main soil pipe or other connection. The traps should be 
 ventilated by H-inch or two-inch connections with the outer air, 
 as shown by cut. 
 Frequent use of plumbing fixtures contributes to safety. 
 It causes a large volume of water to pass through the pipes. 
 The flushing of the pipes and drains in this way makes them 
 cleaner and thus safer. It is frequently said by those who have 
 plumbing fixtures in their houses that they use them as little as 
 possible, because they are afraid of them. Nothing worse could 
 be done. The water in the traps evaporates or becomes foul, 
 and thus the gas has a free entrance to the house. A water- 
 closet helps greatly to cleanse the soil pipe and outside drain. 
 It discharges a large volume of water into it suddenly, in a way 
 to keep it clean. It is not a bad plan to use the closet at least 
 once a day, solely for the purpose of flushing the drain. In 
 houses where there are a number of wash-stands distributed 
 through the various chambers and halls there is danger from 
 neglect in using them. The water seal in the traps may evap- 
 orate, and thus give direct sewer-air connection with the house. 
 Particularly is this so in the guest's room. A wash-stand is a 
 more dangerous fixture for this reason than any other in the 
 The water-closet problem has received a great deal of atten- 
 tion. A few years ago they were quite complicated, there being 
 levers and pipes, pans, springs 
 and weights, to a decree of com- 
 plexity which caused a great 
 deal of trouble. There has since 
 been a return to first principles 
 and great simplicity. The water- 
 closet of to-day is nothing more 
 or less than a large bowl con- 
 nected by means of an "S" trap 
 four inches in diameter with the 
 soil pipe, and provided with 
 means of flushing with large vol- 
 umes of water. Such a closet is known as the "washout closet." 
 In other closets there is an intermediate plunger-valve separating 
 Wixtaout Wot_©r- CJloae*. 
 the hopper from the trap. The plunger-valve is defined by its 
 name. It is a large stopper which plunges into and closes up the 
 opening to the trap by means of its own weight when released. 
 That which makes one closet different from another has to do 
 more with means of flushing than anything else. By flushing is 
 meant the pouring into and distribution of water in the hopper. 
 The most popular closets, those which have given the most 
 satisfaction, are "washout" closets, made entirely of white 
 earthenware, not alone the bowl, but the trap and connecting 
 neck. Closets are best flushed from an independent tank, 
 which is placed about seven feet above the closet and connects 
 with it by means of i|-inch pipe. The height gives it a strong 
 flush of water, which cleanses it thoroughly. 
 In the past it has been usual to conceal the earthenware or 
 iron body of the closet. It is best to leave it entirely open 
 around the sides, that the entire apparatus may be exposed. 
 Sometimes it is necessary to support the flap and seat by legs, 
 though the modern closets are arranged so that all of the wood- 
 work may be secured to the upper part of the hopper or the wall. 
 There should be the solid flap covering to the wooden seat with 
 the opening in it, both of which should be hinged, so as to 
 allow them to be thrown back. It is convenient to use the 
 water-closet as a slop hopper. In order to do this the seat 
 should be hinged, so that it may be thrown back out of the 
 One frequently hears it said by those who exercise their 
 authority over household matters that they do not allow any- 
 thing to be put into the water-closet except that which is 
 naturally intended for it ; meaning that they do not allow the 
 slop water to be put into it. There is no reason in this. The 
 closet that cannot be used for this purpose cannot, with safety, 
 be allowed in the house. The use of the water-closet as a slop 
 sink is not only legitimate but desirable. It flushes the drain. 
 There is a movement toward simplicity in general plumbing 
 apparatus. At the time the water-closets were in the complicated 
 state mentioned, everything pertaining to plumbing was in the 
 same general condition. It was thought necessary to fill a house 
 with a wilderness of pipes and traps to have it safe or satisfac- 
 tory. The very complexity of the arrangement made it not only 
 unsafe but expensive to maintain. 
 We have all heard a great deal about the expense of main- 
 taining a plumbing plant, if it may be so called. There is no 
 reason why there should be constant repairs and expense. 
 It is pleasant to know that additional expense is not necessary 
 to secure immunity from trouble. The idea of simplicity in 
 arrangement, general excellence in the fixtures, material, and 
 labor, which go to form the completed work, has to be borne in 
 mind. The arrangement of the plumbing apparatus has to be 
 planned with the same care and thoughtfulness as the other parts 
 of the house. 
 It should be remembered that if the pipes are placed in a 
 position where the temperature is liable to fall below thirty-two 
 degrees the water in the pipes will freeze. Thus it is sug- 
 gested that all pipes should be on an inside wall, — if possible, 
 next to the kitchen flue, — and that there be here arranged 
 an especial pipe duct of wood to ventilate the kitchen, and, at 
 the same time, keep the pipes from freezing by means of the 
 warm air which will pass through it. This duct should be cov- 
 ered on the face with a wide board, which can be readily removed 
 by taking out a few screws. Thus the pipes may be exposed at 
 any time desirable. 
 If the hot-water boiler in the kitchen is surrounded by an 
 enclosure which has an opening in the bottom, and which con- 
 nects from above with the pipe duct previously described, 
 there will be a current of warm air passing upward through the 
 pipe duct as long as there is warm water in the boiler. The 
 water in the boiler will be warm long after everything else is 
 cold. This will insure safety from freezing when other helps fail. 
 The cistern water is supplied to the bath-room, and to the 
 hot-water reservoir, by means of a tank placed in the attic, or at 
 least above the highest fixture. It sometimes happens that the 
 supply pipe from the tank above the attic floor freezes. All 
 this may be prevented by enclosing the tank, and the pipe 
 which connects with it, with a large box or canvas covering 
 which is six or eight inches larger than the tank. This confines 
 the warm air from the duct mentioned, so that as long as there 
 is heat it will always be in this enclosure. 
 The outside drain, which connects with the vault or sewer, 
 is, in some instances, trapped previous to its entrance to the 
 sewer or vault. In such cases, this trap should have a connec- 
 tion with the outer air, and on the side of the trap towards the 
 house. Sometimes this outer-air connection is made into the 
 water spout from the roof ; but this is not proper, for the reason 
 that the sewer gas, or the gas from the vault, is almost certain 
 to destroy the spout. Again, this spout may come out near 
 a dormer, or may pass near a window, and in either case may 
 contaminate the air in the house. It is better that this venti- 
 lating connection should be in the yard, at some distance from 
 the house, or, better yet, that there should be a long iron pipe 
 extending well above the ground. It should be understood that 
 this vent has no direct connection with the sewer, but merely 
 with the soil pipe and drain back of the trap ; with that part 
 of it which is nearest to, and in, the house. 
 Sometimes it is necessary to run the down spouts into the 
 sewer connection ; in such a case one should be certain that 
 the down-spout openings are not near the dormers, and that 
 they have no connection whatever with the cistern. It is com- 
 mon to have a switch or cut-off in the down spout, so that the 
 latter may be connected either with the cistern or sewer. This 
 is very bad practice. While it is connected with the sewer or 
 with the drain pipe, the down spout is contaminated with all 
 the foulness of the air of the drain. On its being connected 
 with the cistern, the water is poisoned. 
 Immunity from sewer gas in the house is largely dependent 
 upon the flushing and ventilation of the drain and the soil pipe. 
 In the case of a drain which is trapped as described, there is 
 an air connection through the vent before the trap ; then the 
 soil pipe which is in the house should continue upward through 
 the roof. Thus there is a fresh air inlet through the drain, and 
 upward through the soil pipe of the house. Such a connection 
 prevents the possibility of siphoning the traps, as it gives an 
 outward air connection. The water passing through the drain 
 or soil pipe can draw its supply of air from the upward soil vent, 
 rather than through the traps which contain water. When there 
 is no upward vent of the soil or drain, the water in the traps 
 which connect therewith will be drawn out by the passage of 
 water through the drain where fixtures are used. 
 There are those who maintain that there should be no trap 
 in the yard or adjacent to the house, but that there should be 
 a straight run from the soil pipe to the sewer or vault, and 
 upward through the roof and above the house. It is good 
 practice to use the trap as described for sewer connections, but 
 not for open vault connections. 
 A grease sink is frequently placed in the drain to intercept 
 the passage of grease into the vault. It is so placed and con- 
 nected that only the water from the kitchen sink, or other fix- 
 tures where the water contains grease, may enter it. It is made 
 of brick, and is usually of six or eight barrels capacity. A four- 
 inch pipe connects it with the kitchen waste, and if the grease 
 sink is placed adjacent to the main drain, there can be a similar 
 connection between it and the main drain. It should be a 
 siphon connection, so that the sink will become nearly full 
 before it discharges. When it discharges through the siphon 
 the water will go out with a rush and leave the grease in the 
 sink. This makes an intermittent discharge into the main drain, 
 which flushes or cleanses it thoroughly and is much better than 
 a constant small flow of water. This grease sink must be 
 cleaned from time to time. Small cast-iron grease sinks are 
 sometimes placed under kitchen sinks in very large dwellings or 
 Nothing particular need be said in regard to wash-stands 
 more than has been said, excepting, possibly, that the drain 
 should be trapped, ventilated, and connected with the soil pipe ; 
 also that there should be a lead safe or safety pan on the floor 
 under the wash-stand when they are enclosed ; it is preferable 
 that they should remain unenclosed. It has been common to 
 connect this safe with the soil pipe. It is only intended that 
 it should be useful in cases of accidental overflow ; but, not- 
 withstanding the fact that there be a trap in the safe waste or 
 drain, it would be empty most of the time, because of the evap- 
 oration of the water. It is proper to make direct connection 
 with the cellar or kitchen sink. 
 The bath-tub should have the same-sized drain connec- 
 tion as the wash-stand ; that is, one and one-half inch in 
 diameter, trapped. The overflows from both the wash-stand 
 and tub should be flushed with hot water quite frequently, to 
 avoid the soap smells which are so common to bath-rooms. 
 It often happens that those who have bath-rooms in their 
 houses imagine that they smell sewer gas, when it is nothing 
 more or less than the smell of rancid soap. 
 IT is only within a short time that the heating and ventilation 
 of buildings of any kind have been in any measure satisfactory. 
 This applies only to the largest buildings ; the heating and 
 ventilating of smaller structures are still in an unsatisfactory con- 
 dition. Most dwelling-houses are heated with stoves, which, as 
 now arranged, are not successful. The same air is heated over 
 and over again. Fresh air in the proper quantities or from the 
 proper source is not supplied to the interior of the building. 
 Grates are very well in their way in that they take large quan- 
 tities of air from the room. Thus far they ventilate. The supply 
 of air is necessarily irregular, unless special means are provided. 
 Furnaces are used for heating a very large number of houses. 
 While they are satisfactory in some respects, they are deficient 
 in others. The same thing may be said of steam, hot-water, 
 or other heating apparatus. 
 As the statement has been made that heating systems in 
 general, as applied to dwelling-houses, are unsatisfactory, it may 
 be well to state the fault, and what is to be desired. It is not 
 the purpose to consider this question chemically, or from a 
 highly scientific standpoint ; there is no occasion for it. It is 
 well to bear in mind that we are considering the heating and 
 ventilating of a house during cold weather, and not its ventilation 
 during the summer, when natural means are to be relied upon. 
 Then it may be asked, What is to be done ? Primarily the 
 air should be at the proper temperature at all times ; it should 
 be in its pure state, as found on the outside of the building, and 
 not contaminated with any of the gases of combustion. It 
 should be supplied with its proper equivalent of moisture, at the 
 temperature at which we find it in the room. As it becomes 
 impure from natural causes, there should be some means of 
 effecting its withdrawal. 
 These are the ideal conditions. How far do they exist in 
 practice ? The temperature is ordinarily high enough. The air 
 of the room is apt to be contaminated by the gases of combus- 
 tion, and vitiated by breathing and otherwise. Rarely indeed 
 does it contain its proper equivalent of moisture ; it is dry and 
 parched. Now that we know the conditions in their ideal state 
 and as they exist in fact, we will consider in detail what may be 
 done to bring about more satisfactory results. If the heating 
 apparatus be a furnace, it should be constructed of steel or 
 wrought-iron plate, the joints thoroughly riveted and calked; or, 
 if of other material, it should certainly be gas-tight. Every 
 precaution should be taken to prevent the passage of the air of 
 combustion from the furnace to the warm-air chambers and from 
 thence to the rooms above. The furnace is nothing more or 
 less than a large stove with various radiating arrangements, 
 surrounded by an iron or brick enclosure, with a supply of fresh 
 air from the outside, and with connecting tin pipes to the rooms 
 above. It is important that the inner parts, the fire-pot, the 
 radiating - surface, etc., be thoroughly well built and gas-tight, to 
 prevent the heated air from becoming contaminated by the 
 gases of combustion. The supply of outer air should be ample. 
 It should be so arranged that it can never be entirely cut off. 
 The furnace should be of sufficient capacity so that means of 
 reducing the outer air supply should not be necessary. How- 
 ever, if such arrangements are made, they should be limited. 
 The proper equivalent of moisture should be given to the 
 air at the temperature at which it reaches the room. It may be 
 said that there is a water-pan connected with every furnace, 
 that will do everything necessary in supplying moisture. This 
 is a mistake. So far as I know, the furnace or other heating 
 apparatus for dwellings has not been constructed which is pro- 
 vided with a proper evaporating apparatus. The pan is set in 
 the side of the furnace, with an opening to the outside into 
 which water may be poured. It is small, and has very little 
 evaporating surface on the inside. Oftentimes the joints at the 
 outside are so poorly made that the cold air from the cellar may 
 be drawn in over the water in the pan, and in that way prevent 
 its proper evaporation. Winter air heated to a summer temper- 
 ature is dry and parched, whereas natural summer air contains 
 the proper amount of moisture. The outer air during the winter 
 time has its proper equivalent of moisture for the winter temper- 
 ature, which is a much smaller amount than would belong to it 
 at a higher temperature. Therefore when we take winter air 
 into the furnace or other heating apparatus, raise it to a sum- 
 mer temperature, and carry it into a room, we have a very dry 
 air, which seeks its equivalent of moisture from the occupants 
 of the room, from the furniture, carpets, walls, ceiling, and 
 everything in it. The air will not take additional moisture 
 unless that moisture be supplied after it has reached a higher 
 temperature. For instance, if a spray or a series of wet blankets 
 be arranged in the cold-air duct, before the air gets to the fur- 
 nace, the air will not take the moisture from that spray or from 
 the damp blankets. The moisture must be supplied after the 
 air is heated. Where the water-pan is set on the side of the 
 furnace, and where there is a supply of air through the pan from 
 the cellar, as there frequently is, evaporation is naturally retarded 
 by the cold air, as indicated. Again, if this pan be never so 
 well protected, it is small, the proper amount of evaporating 
 surface is not presented. An evaporating pan or other device 
 should be placed above the fire-pot and should occupy a large 
 proportion of the area of the heating chamber. The supply of 
 water should not be dependent upon some one's attention. It 
 should be constant by means of a ball-cock or otherwise. It 
 should run into or drip into a shallow pan, or should be supplied 
 to sheets of felt or blanket so that the air will come in contact 
 with the moist surfaces, at the temperature at which it is to go 
 into the room. Thus it has the proper amount of moisture 
 which belongs to it at that temperature. In this way we have 
 winter air from the outside going into the room at a summer 
 temperature and with a summer equivalent of moisture ; that is, 
 we have summer air in the winter time. People sometimes 
 undertake to get around this by putting water-pans in the regis- 
 ters, but they are rarely ample. They are neglected, or they 
 interfere with the supply of warm air, and are abandoned. 
 Where a furnace is already in a house, or where it is not 
 possible to make elaborate arrangements for providing the air 
 with moisture, there is a very simple makeshift which is quite 
 effective. It consists in suspending in the registers in the 
 floor small water receptacles — a quart bucket answers every 
 purpose — in which is placed a broad strip of linen. This cloth 
 should go to the bottom of the receptacle and be long enough 
 to hang over and below it for several inches. When the bucket 
 is filled with water this piece of cloth acts as a siphon, and 
 carries the water, a drop at a time, into the furnace-pipe, where 
 it is converted into steam. A piece of old table-linen is the 
 best material to use, for the reason that it carries the water fast 
 enough, that the heat from the furnace does not dry it out 
 before it can drop into the pipe ; otherwise the cloth becomes dry 
 at the end, and the siphonage ceases. For the same reason 
 it should be broad, — about twelve inches. Where a moderate 
 heat is carried through the furnace-pipe, three quarts of water 
 may be evaporated in this way in twenty-four hours from each 
 bucket. A bucket of the size mentioned does not in any way 
 interfere with the passage of heat. 
 The next point for consideration is the means of getting the 
 foul, contaminated air to the outside. One way is through the 
 use of grates. Another is by means of ducts in the wall, open- 
 ing near the floor, which draw the foul air from the room to 
 the outside. These should consist of heated flues, with con- 
 necting registers in the ceiling and floor, which may be open 
 when necessary. Under any circumstances, the grate is best. 
 Sometimes the flue may be heated by a supply of warm air from 
 the furnace, or by a steam-pipe in case steam is used for heat- 
 ing the house. In natural-gas regions, the supply of additional 
 heat in a flue from a furnace or by a jet would be a small matter. 
 We have mentioned heating by stoves, grates, and furnaces. 
 The same principles which apply to the furnishing of fresh air 
 to a furnace may be applied to a stove. The fact is, they never 
 have been. A stove should be made, and will be made some , 
 day, that is surrounded on the outside by a second jacket, the 
 space between being connected with the outer air by means of a 
 tin tube to the under side of the stove. The supply of cold air 
 could be so arranged as to be shut off when there was no heat in 
 the stove. The warm air would pass out at the top of the jacket. 
 On top of the stove could be placed an evaporating pan, and the 
 supply of moisture come therefrom. In connection with the 
 stove-pipe, which should be jacketed, a second ventilating flue, 
 starting from the floor and having an opening both above and 
 below, could be arranged, and in that way the supply of fresh 
 air and withdrawal of impure air could be accomplished. 
 Next we may speak of steam and hot-water heating. So 
 far as a change of air and the ventilation of the room are con- 
 cerned, heating by direct radiation, that is, by radiators placed 
 in the room, is no better than stove heating. It may be that 
 the air is not so severely parched by the extreme heat, also the 
 escape of steam may contribute somewhat to the moisture of 
 the air ; but the escape of steam is not agreeable, and is not 
 allowed to exist to any great extent ; — its odor is not always 
 pleasant. Certainly the addition of moisture to the air by this 
 means would be a mere makeshift and unsatisfactory. 
 Hot-water coils act the same as steam radiators in that they 
 heat the same air over and over again, and are no better than 
 stoves, so far as the provision for fresh air, at proper tempera- 
 ture and humidity, is concerned. 
 A steam or hot-water apparatus, with indirect radiation, is 
 superior to furnace heat as ordinarily provided. The means of 
 supplying moisture to an indirect steam apparatus, as ordinarily 
 constructed, are not convenient. There is a radiator for each hot- 
 air connection above, that is, a radiator for each register, with 
 a distinct and direct supply of outer air thereto. Sometimes 
 there are two registers connecting with a single radiator. But 
 under any circumstances the radiators are somewhat separated, 
 having- steam or water connection with the boiler at the proper 
 point. Steam apparatus for public buildings has been con- 
 structed where the radiators have been bunched, that is, put 
 into a single chamber, the air passing through the chamber 
 containing the radiators, where it is heated to the proper tem- 
 perature, and the moisture afterwards supplied before it enters 
 the room. Where this arrangement is used, there must be con- 
 ductors, tin or otherwise, from the chamber to the register, as 
 in the case of a furnace. Again, it will be found that the supply 
 of air will not be uniform through all of the openings ; for in- 
 stance, the register that is farthest removed from the warm-air 
 chamber may fail to act. In this event, auxiliary radiators may 
 be placed under that register, and the operation of the heating 
 apparatus greatly facilitated thereby. This plan is superior to a 
 furnace, and can be -applied to hot-water or steam apparatus 
 in dwellings. The reason that it is superior to a furnace is that 
 the supply of heat is more uniform. It does not require the 
 constant firing or attention that is necessary in the case of a 
 hot-air furnace. It may be known that the temperature does not 
 change with the pressure of steam or in the same proportion. 
 There are inexpensive automatic arrangements in connection 
 with furnaces and steam apparatus, which control the dampers 
 and keep the steam pressure measurably uniform, as long as 
 there is fuel of sufficient quantity in the fire-pot. The hot-water 
 apparatus is more uniform in its operation than steam, and for 
 that reason more satisfactory. 
 A furnace plant is the most inexpensive apparatus that may 
 be used for general heating ; the steam apparatus is next higher 
 as to first cost, though no more expensive in amount of fuel 
 used. The hot-water apparatus costs more than steam, and is 
 somewhat more economical in the cost of maintenance. It 
 is probable that a house of moderate size can be warmed all 
 over at a less cost, as far as fuel is concerned, by a furnace or a 
 steam or hot-water heating apparatus than by stoves and grates. 
 However, grates are generally used in addition to these for 
 the purpose of comfort and appearance, and for ventilating. 
 Under such circumstances, they consume very little fuel. 
 FOR the present, people who build must take things as they 
 find them, and use heating and ventilating apparatus as 
 regularly manufactured. Experiments are uncertain. The the- 
 ory of the proper heating and ventilating of a house as set 
 forth in previous chapter is correct. The fulfilment of the ideas 
 in dwelling-house heating remains to be practically worked out. 
 It is not the business of the architect, or the housewife, or 
 the owner of the house, to work out these mechanical details. 
 It will be done in time by competent mechanical experts. 
 In the estimates subsequently given, the furnace is the only 
 means considered for general heating. However, this does not 
 indicate a prejudice in favor of that particular method. The 
 furnace is considered and figured upon as the ordinary method 
 of heating houses of moderate cost. It is the least expensive 
 plant to be used for general heating. Indirect radiation from 
 hot water or steam is to be preferred to a furnace. A combina- 
 tion of a hot-air furnace with hot water, or steam, is used with 
 fair success. In this case, a hot- water coil is placed in an ordi- 
 nary furnace, which connects with hot-water radiators in a con- 
 servatory or other room for the purpose of contributing a uniform 
 degree of heat to that room. The water supply is a tank, 
 located well above the level of the radiators, and connecting 
 through an inlet pipe with the coil in the furnace. The proper 
 means of supplying this tank with water is through a ball-cock 
 or float-cock, the float of which opens the valve when the water 
 o-ets low in the tank. Thus the supply is as constant as the 
 source. A hot-water radiator of this kind may be used in con- 
 nection with a device for warming dishes or keeping food warm. 
 The heat is gentle, uniform, and constant. This is a general 
 advantage of all hot-water heating. 
 Aside from the automatic arrangements for controlling the 
 steam or water pressure in the heating apparatus, and thus 
 measurably controlling the temperature in the building, other 
 more positive automatic arrangements are provided which under- 
 take to maintain any fixed temperature. These are proprietary 
 devices, patented and advertised. 
 Complaints are made of the general inefficiency of every- 
 thing under the sun : hence, furnaces and other heating appara- 
 tus come in for their share. An architect is sometimes asked 
 how he would heat a certain building. He answers, " Hot water, 
 steam, or furnace." — "Oh, I wouldn't have steam. My uncle 
 had a steam plant in his house, and they nearly froze to death 
 all last winter; and they burned over a ton of coal a week." The 
 same things are said, and truly, of every kind of heating appa- 
 ratus made, when we consider them in general classes. Gen- 
 eral complaints of a similar nature are made of everything. 
 In regard to the steam plant or hot-water apparatus, or anything 
 else of which this thing may have been said, one may first 
 acknowledge its truthfulness, and then consider what it all 
 means. Something is at fault. It may be that the whole design 
 of the apparatus is faulty. The design may be right, and the 
 construction bad. Everything else may be right, but the appa- 
 ratus too small ; or there may be some little defect which has to 
 do with the placing of the apparatus in the house. Sometimes, 
 when everything is in good form, the apparatus does not receive 
 proper attention : hence trouble. 
 It may be asked how one is to get a good heating appa- 
 ratus for a dwelling-house. The first thing to be determined is, 
 the particular kind to be used : whether hot-water, steam, or 
 hot-air furnace. There are many manufacturers of the various 
 apparatus, who are regularly in the business. To these may be 
 submitted plans of the building, and a request for estimates and 
 suggestions. It is the experience of an architect that one who 
 is putting money regularly in the manufacture or production of 
 anything will not waste his energies for a great length of time 
 on a bad thing, if he knows it. The evidence that an establish- 
 ment has been putting up good furnaces or other heating appa- 
 ratus is long-continued business success. If the owner of a 
 house writes to an old-established, wealthy concern, and sends 
 his plans, he is as certain to get a reliable proposition as he 
 can be of anything. A local agent of an establishment of this 
 kind may misrepresent, unintentionally or otherwise. The surest 
 way is to go to headquarters. The local agent does not always 
 know exactly what should be done. A competent architect can 
 settle all these matters for an owner. However, if an architect 
 says there are only one or 'wo furnaces or heating apparatus 
 which are all right, he is either ignorant or dishonest. There 
 are many different kinds which will give fair satisfaction. 
 The idea in this chapter is to take things as we find them, 
 and suggest what may be done. The theories outlined in the 
 previous chapter may be correct, but they do not amount to 
 anything to a man who is building to-day. The only purpose of 
 this chapter is to suggest to those who are building that they go 
 to a first-class house, pay a fair price, and get the best possible 
 apparatus regularly in the market. 
 THE journey through the house is hardly complete until we 
 abandon the material view, and consider it from the stand- 
 point of beauty. As is said in another connection, the architect 
 does not do his full duty in making a house a model of conven- 
 ience and utility. The housekeeper always looks toward a 
 beautiful home, something that will be recognized for its beauty 
 and elegance. A house that is beautiful and attractive gives 
 pleasure to all who see it, as well as to the occupants. A beau- 
 tiful, artistic house is a source of education to the occupants. 
 A porch with clumsy columns, rude mouldings, heavy ceiling, 
 coarse details of all kinds, cannot but affect one's living. One 
 that is fine in detail, generous in size, decorated in artistic spirit, 
 must of necessity not alone contribute to the comfort of those 
 who live in the house, but serve to lift them from that which 
 is common and ordinary. People may be surrounded by that 
 which is beautiful and artistic, and for a time fail to realize its 
 true excellence, or the)- may be surrounded with that which is 
 homely and crude without knowing the full measure of its 
 ugliness. The time must come, however, when the truth will 
 be realized to a certain extent. If it is in the direction of the 
 appreciation of what is beautiful, it must necessarily bring about 
 a higher state of mind. No man can walk across a front porch, 
 time after time, and take hold of a beautiful door, without being 
 affected by it. For this reason the vestibule, the front door, 
 and all that belongs to it, should be designed in a thoughtful 
 spirit, with the idea that it is the first of all things that will 
 impress those who enter the house. There may not be much 
 money to put into this door, but what there is may as well 
 bring something beautiful as something ugly. The same money 
 that will make an ugly detail will make a beautiful, artistic one. 
 If the glass of this door must be inexpensive, let it be the 
 ordinary cathedral glass. Instead of being brilliant in color, 
 select a soft, mild tint, — a light amber or a straw color. If 
 there are divisions in the door so that a number of sheets may 
 be used, two tints at most are all that are necessary. It is best 
 that they should be quiet in tone. If money is more abundant, 
 and an elaborate stained-glass design may be had, put the work 
 in the hands of an artist, one who is well known, and the result 
 cannot but be satisfactory. As to the door itself, nothing can 
 be nicer than natural wood, properly finished. The detail of the 
 design should be refined ; there should be an avoidance of all 
 that is clumsy and heavy. The spirit of the interior may be 
 stamped upon this door. Where one cannot encompass the 
 expense of an artistically designed glass for the door or vesti- 
 bule opening, a very pretty effect may be secured by the use of 
 a plain sheet of plate-glass ; or, if desired, a slight additional 
 expense will give glass with bevelled edges. Sometimes this 
 bevelled glass is in small squares, with leaded joints. This 
 gives a very simple and rich effect from either side. 
 As one opens this door and steps into the vestibule, there 
 may come to his sight a beautiful mantel and grate-fire in the 
 reception-hall beyond. This is particularly beautiful when 
 shown through the folds of a tapestry curtain which separates 
 the vestibule from the reception-hall. Sometimes this vestibule 
 is arranged so that there is a small window at one side of it. 
 Nothing can be nicer than to have this filled with glass, of the 
 same general design as that of the door. The hooks for wraps 
 should be of polished brass, secured to a natural-wood strip. 
 An umbrella-stand of the same material is attractive. The floor 
 is best of hard wood, all but covered with a heavy rug. This is 
 a pleasant place to stop a moment, with a more beautiful view 
 A reception-hall is, from an architectural standpoint, the 
 easiest room in the house to handle ; that is, it can easily be 
 made to look well. This is because of its connection with the 
 vestibule, the stairway, the grate, often a window-seat, the large 
 openings into the other rooms, and the portieres which go with 
 them. AIL these things combine well to make a pretty room. 
 Stairways, as now designed, are much more beautiful than those 
 made a few years ago. Then it was a habit to start at one end 
 of the hall and continue to the second floor in a single run, with 
 winders only at the upper end, to change the direction of the 
 movement. Now it is common to have at least two landings in 
 each run ; oftentimes there will be only two or three steps, then a 
 landing, from which steps lead to another near the top. At the 
 beginning of the stairway there are the newel posts, and at 
 each landing a corner post. This arrangement frequently 
 admits of the placing of a seat along one side the outer part 
 of the lower landing. If not that, possibly one along the side 
 of the stairway, below the run of steps which starts from the 
 lower landing. The space between the railing and the steps is 
 usually occupied by turned balusters, though there are many 
 forms of filling and decorating this space. Sometimes it is of 
 turned spindle-work, scroll-work, fret-work, and squares or 
 panels, arranged in different forms. 
 It is not unusual to have stained-glass windows at each 
 landing. These windows are not necessarily large, and are 
 usually hung on hinges. Sometimes a small bay-window pro- 
 jection is made from one or both of these landings. In them 
 may be placed seats, and in this way add beauty and convenience 
 to the room. It is quite usual to cover the reception-hall with 
 rugs rather than carpets. The hard-wood floor idea probably 
 had its origin in the reception-hall. If it ever takes its depar- 
 ture it will be first from this room. If a hard-wood floor is not 
 largely covered with rugs it requires a great deal of labor. 
 The mantel in the reception-hall should be of wood. It is 
 pleasant to have the larger part of the entire setting made of 
 tile. These tiles are now made in most beautiful designs and 
 colorings. Beautiful figured designs may be had, if not for the 
 entire facing, for certain parts. It is not uncommon that only 
 a narrow margin of wood-work borders the sides of a mantel 
 of this kind. The shelf and cabinet above may be as ornamental 
 as desired. No treatment of wood-work can add to the beauty 
 of a large surface of tile facing. In some instances, no shelf 
 is provided ; simply a bevelled facing, with a margin of wood- 
 work, not over an inch wide, to cover the joint where the tiling 
 comes in contact with the plaster. The hearth should be large. 
 The grate border is best of brass. 
 The walls of the reception-hall may have a gray plaster 
 finish, or be tinted or papered, as desired. The picture mould- 
 ing may come pretty well down from the ceiling ; certainly not 
 higher than the tops of the doors. The part below may be 
 tinted in one color, and the upper, in another. The picture 
 moulding should always be of the same kind of wood as the 
 finish, and not gilded or treated in any other highly artificial 
 The openings into other rooms, even where sliding or 
 hinged doors are used, are frequently filled a short distance 
 from their top with what is popularly called fret-work. It may 
 be fret-work, pure and simple, or spindle-work, or simply scroll- 
 work. It is a very pleasing form of ornamentation. The cur- 
 tains come below. In one of the plans furnished, the entire 
 vestibule is made up of turned work, which, with a curtain, is 
 the only separation from the main hall. Sometimes arches are 
 decorated in the same manner, and the space between the circle 
 and frame is filled with these ornamental forms. A very simple 
 way of making screens is by the use of thin quartered oak- 
 strips, woven into basket patterns of ornamental form. 
 Only one general design of door and window casings is 
 shown in this book. There is no limit to the ornamental forms 
 which may be used in decorating casings of any kind. During 
 recent years, many ladies have used their energy and ability in 
 the direction of wood-carving, and, under competent instruction, 
 have done good work. For the most part, the patterns are in 
 low relief. The designs are frequently conventionalized, foliated 
 patterns. In the smaller communities it is hardly possible to get 
 good carving through ordinary channels, for the reason that 
 there is not a sufficient amount of this kind of work to be done 
 to justify a high grade of talent in occupying so unprofitable 
 a field. It is unfortunately true, however, that very few work- 
 men who can carve at all, but have an idea that they do this 
 kind of work exceedingly well. No matter how crude their 
 efforts may be, there is no lack of self-appreciation. They pro- 
 fess to be able to do that of which they are entirely ignorant. 
 It is best to be content with the simple mechanical forms 
 of interior wood-decoration, unless there are those of known and 
 recognized ability, who are capable of executing the more artistic 
 Door and window casings are made much narrower and less 
 complex than was the custom several years ago. 
 The sitting-room of the lower floor is more clearly defined 
 by the term " living-room." It is a room with much more wall 
 space than the reception-hall. It usually contains a grate and 
 mantel ; has a large window to the front, and one on the side. 
 It is very nice if one of these windows can be arranged in the 
 form of a bay, with or without a window-seat. In the latter 
 case, it may serve the purpose of a conservatory in the winter 
 and a window-seat in summer. The use of large quantities 
 of stained glass in a sitting-room is objectionable. It is very 
 well to have a certain amount of it in the upper sash of some 
 of the windows. If the colors are mild, the effect upon the 
 atmosphere of the room is pleasant indeed — the light com- 
 ing through the soft amber or straw tints adds a mellowness and 
 richness to the light of the room, which is opposed to the colder 
 effects of light which comes through white glass. The mantel 
 of the sitting-room may contain a large number of compartments 
 in the form of small shelves, brackets, or cabinets, in which may 
 be placed bric-a-brac of various forms. A little cabinet on each 
 side of a mantel, with a high door, is a very pretty feature. A 
 mirror between these cabinets gives a pleasing effect. This 
 mantel, like the one in the reception-room, should be of wood 
 with tile hearth and facings. 
 If this room is plastered in a gray finish, the walls may be 
 tinted in fresco colors, and, if desired, certain parts of it orna- 
 mented by stencilling or otherwise. Unless this ornamental 
 work is done by an artist of recognized ability, it should be of 
 the simplest character. One or two simple lines, or a series of 
 short dashes, is much better than scrawling figures drawn by an 
 untrained hand. The ordinary fresco done by the foreign 
 artist is the ugliest, most ungraceful work possible. In the 
 larger cities, there are usually a few artists who do very beauti- 
 ful work, but the ordinary, cheap, conventional fresco stuff is 
 barbarous, Plain tinted walls are preferable to such glaring 
 monstrosities. There is not much risk, if one is careful in the 
 selection of colors ; the palt above the picture moulding may be 
 tinted differently from that below. There are very few people 
 but feel themselves competent to select colors for the interior 
 or exterior of a house. The fact is, there are very few who can 
 do it with any assurance of success. It is well for those who 
 have no special training in this line to pursue a safe plan in 
 the ' selection of tints for the walls and ceilings. This may be 
 done by choosing different shades of the same color for use 
 in the room. Say one begins with a terra-cotta body for the 
 part below the picture mould. That above the moulding may 
 be a lighter terra-cotta with a tendency to a buff. Then the 
 ceiling may be lighter still, or, to be entirely safe under almost 
 any circumstances, a gray with a leaning towards the color of 
 the wall. Other colors may be selected in the same way. Very 
 light, vivid blues have frequently been selected for ceilings, pre- 
 sumably because of the supposed resemblance to the sky. It is 
 certainly an illogical but by no means uncommon thought. Soft, 
 undecided grays are much pleasanter to those of quiet tastes. 
 There may be variations in it according to the character of the wall 
 decorations and surroundings. If one without special knowledge 
 wishes something more ambitious, he should consult some one 
 of acknowledged ability in this particular line. One cannot afford 
 to try experiments. Extremely beautiful wall decorations are 
 to be had in wall-paperings, and, while rather expensive, are 
 entirely satisfactory if carefully selected. 
 Very little more may be said about the sitting-room, except- 
 ing to call to mind that a great deal depends upon the fittings 
 and furnishings of the room, which, however, should not be 
 glaring or rich. The quality of everything may be of the finest 
 and best, yet this room should essentially be quieter in tone 
 than the reception-hall or parlor, or even dining-room, which are 
 not in constant use. Anything which is rich and in any way 
 approaches the gorgeous is wearisome, and directly opposed to 
 the idea of a sitting-room. 
 The parlor may be merely a reception-room, — a room where 
 a lady may receive her callers in the afternoon, or the more 
 formal calls of ladies and gentlemen in the evening, or it may 
 be one room in addition to the others in the lower part of the 
 house. It may be the room which adds capacity to the lower 
 floor during times of general entertaining. In some cases, 
 particularly where the parlor is merely used as a reception-room, 
 it need not be large. In such a case it is merely a place 
 separated from the sitting-room, and in which to go for the 
 purpose of receiving friends in a room somewhat removed 
 from the slight confusion which may legitimately belong to 
 a sitting-room. The parlor is made distinctive in its appear- 
 ance from the sitting-room by its furnishings. It is not usual 
 to have any great difference in the design of the wood- 
 work in the different rooms of the lower floor. Generally 
 speaking, the doors are of the same design, and likewise the 
 casings, base, etc. The parlor belongs particularly to the society 
 life of the occupants of the house. It is not generally a family 
 room. It is removed from the ordinary home life except in 
 so far as the general social conditions draw all together. The 
 parlor, in its connection with the living-rooms of the house, and 
 the house itself, is entirely legitimate. There is a good deal of 
 sneering at the old parlor idea. This feeling has its origin in 
 the memory of the parlors of a few years ago, — those which 
 contained the one Brussels carpet, covered with red and green 
 flowers, furnished with black hair-cloth furniture, chairs arranged 
 around the wall in military style, a sofa — stiff of back and com- 
 manding an attitude — in a most conspicuous position ; walls 
 covered with coarse-figured, gilt paper, and rendered more 
 offensive by cheap, family portraits in oil, and elaborately framed 
 The parlor of to-day is still a formal room ; it does not 
 greatly differ from the older one in idea ; it is the execution of 
 the idea which has changed. There is a greater refinement in 
 all the details ; there is an artistic spirit which pervades every- 
 thing. There is harmony of color, quietness in tone. The 
 pictures are of a different character. The furniture is graceful 
 and comfortable. It is rarely separated from the other part of 
 the house. The doors leading into it are nearly always open. 
 Oftentimes there are only portieres of tapestry or lace to 
 separate this room from the others which lead to it. It is a 
 room which is made necessary by the social life of the time. 
 The ideal parlor is a long room, — a large room. It is long 
 in proportion to its width. Sometimes there is an archway near 
 the middle, which suggests the division of the room into two 
 parts. There is a mirror at the end, and, lending dignity to 
 the room, there is the hall or library at one side. By its size, its 
 arrangement, its dignity, it is inspiring to a congenial company. 
 This is the ideal parlor, and the one of which the vulgarly 
 furnished parlor of a few years ago was a corruption. The 
 ideal parlor is shown in its completest original form in seme 
 of the old mansions of the East and South. Some of the old 
 Virginia and Maryland houses carry out this idea in the com- 
 pletest way. In Natchez, Miss., are houses built long before the 
 war, and designed by the French architects, which contain 
 parlors of splendid proportions and most artistic details. These 
 were designed in the purest classic architecture. The ceilings 
 were high, the paintings rich. All this is somewhat removed from 
 the common idea of a parlor as carried out at this time. How- 
 ever, it is a pleasant thing to lookback upon, or, when the oppor- 
 tunity and means are at hand, a proper thing to enjoy in the reality. 
 The library, as now understood, is, in the ordinary house, a 
 room for books, papers, and magazines, in which the members 
 of the family may gather, who have use for that which it con- 
 tains. It should be a room which may be isolated from the 
 other parts of the house ; a room in which one may study or 
 read or write, and have the quiet which belongs to such occupa- 
 tions. A room which may be used as a passage from one part 
 of the house to another cannot be dignified by the name ol 
 library. In such a room there must be quiet. There are very 
 few homes to wliich such a room would not be a material and 
 practical addition. There are times when nearly every one 
 desires the quiet and freedom from interruption which a room 
 of this kind affords. 
 It need not be a large room, but should contain all of the 
 paraphernalia of work : a desk, conveniently arranged, book- 
 shelves which are readily accessible, possibly portfolios arranged 
 along the walls, drawers with proper compartments, cases for 
 circulars and catalogues, and other " places for things." The 
 nicest thing about book-cases is the books. Ornamental glass 
 doors and rich trappings add nothing to the beauty of the 
 library. People who make large use of books do not care to 
 have them protected by glass cases. The other furnishings and 
 fittings of a library should be quiet in tone, the chairs easy but 
 not rich, the carpet of a neutral color, the wall decorations 
 preferably without figured outlines, the pictures small and quiet. 
 Sliding doors between the library and any other room of the 
 house are not to be considered. Close-fitting doors on hinges 
 are proper. They exclude the sound. Sliding doors permit the 
 ready passage of sound, for the reason that they are more or 
 less open at top, bottom, middle, and sides. A low ceiling in a 
 library adds to the quiet and restful effect. One may have a 
 low ceiling in a library, even if they are higher in other rooms, 
 by studding down from above, — that is, putting in a false ceil- 
 ing. The expense is light indeed, and by such means additional 
 protection from the sounds above may be afforded. 
 The dining-room, in many houses, is the room in which the 
 entire family is gathered, perhaps for the only time during the 
 day. In this sense it is an assembly room. There is in this 
 busy country a growing respect for the social value of the 
 dining-room. In the family meetings at the table, there may 
 be an interchange of experiences that does not occur at other 
 times, for the reason that there is no opportunity for it. After 
 the meals the members of the family go to their various occupa- 
 tions, and probably do not come together until another meal. 
 These facts may be considered in the planning of a dining- 
 We have thought of this room before in its mechanical 
 sense ; we have looked at it through housekeeping eyes. We 
 have now to consider its artistic and social features. We look 
 at it as one of the family rooms. It has its shape or proportion 
 suggested to it from the table. It is oblong. The light coming 
 into it should be ample, but subdued in tone. It is pleasant, as 
 one enters a dining-room, to come into full view of a sideboard 
 which is decorated with that which belongs to this room in a 
 utilitarian way — its china, cut glass, and beautiful linen, than 
 which nothing- can be more attractive. 
 It is a pleasant thing to have a conservatory attached to one 
 side or at a corner of the dining-room. The odor of flowers or 
 plants may not be agreeable constantly in a sitting-room. The 
 periodical occupation of the dining-room makes this pleasant 
 rather than otherwise. Most of the plans which are shown will 
 admit of the placing of a conservatory in connection with the 
 dining-room in the manner indicated. 
 The old English dining-room was large in its general propor- 
 tions, and heavy and rich as to its details ; it was so large and 
 impressive that there was an offshoot which took form in a 
 breakfast-room. In our homes at this time we have the com- 
 promise. Our habits of living do not demand the breakfast- 
 room : all come to breakfast together, and the requirement is 
 the same as for other meals. 
 Where one wishes to have a wood ceiling panelled or with 
 decorated beams, the dining-room, or the hall connecting with 
 it, may be chosen as the proper place to be treated in this 
 way. Where expense is not a great object, it is agreeable to 
 have a large part of the walls finished in wood. A wood finish 
 one-half to two-thirds the height of the wall, and a ceiling of 
 wood above, with the intervening space finished in rough, tinted 
 plaster, gives a very pleasing effect. Projecting from the top 
 of the wood wall-finish may be a little shelf extending, say, five 
 inches beyond the wall. It may have a simple moulded edge. 
 In the top may be cut grooves ; on the under edge may be 
 arranged, at regular intervals, cup hooks, which may be used in 
 part for suspending china, or, upon certain occasions, as a means 
 of securing floral decorations — say, a little train of ivy or smilax. 
 On the upper part of the shelf are placed pieces of china. 
 This shelf may be placed in any dining-room ; if not around the 
 entire room, between two windows, or between the chimney 
 breast and the adjacent wall. Six feet from the floor is a good 
 height. If it is not overloaded, or if the idea is not generally 
 overworked, the effect will be very satisfactory. 
 The coloring of a dining-room may be a little heavier and 
 richer than that of the other rooms. A very pretty feature 
 which may be introduced in a room of this kind is a china-closet, 
 which opens into the dining-room as well as into the china-room 
 adjoining. The dining-room side of the china-closet should be 
 glazed with clear glass above its lower section, and the china- 
 room or back side of the china-closet should be glazed with cathe- 
 dral glass of a semi-transparent character. There are doors on 
 hinges on each side. The drawers in the lower part, if provided, 
 open from both sides. If doors are used they should be 
 arranged in the same way, so that the lower shelves may be 
 approached from both dining-room and china-room. The glass 
 door on the dining-room side should not come down to the 
 shelf at the top of the lower section, but should be arranged to 
 leave an open space, as is indicated in the chapter on kitchens 
 and pantries. However, the doors on the china-room side of 
 this closet should come down, so as to cut off communication 
 between dining-room and china-room at will. This space be- 
 tween the upper and lower section of the china-closet gives 
 space in which to set a tray, and, by opening a door on the 
 back, it acts as a slide between the china-room and dining- 
 room. This arrangement is not only very beautiful, but very 
 useful. See china-closet plan Fig. 5, page 46. 
 The conservatory mentioned does not need to be in conven- 
 tional conservatory form, which usually has cheap glazing and 
 often common wood-work, but may be a bay-window with more 
 than an ordinary amount of glass, preferably plate. 
 The chambers and bedrooms, in their ideal form of arrange- 
 ment, have an abundance of light and sun, ample means for 
 ventilation, and a greater air of restfulness and airiness than 
 the rooms below. The carpets are in lighter tints, the walls 
 more nearly white, the windows not so heavily draped, the pic- 
 tures and frames of a lighter character, the chairs not so heavy 
 as those of the other rooms. From a chamber it is sometimes 
 desirable to have a bay window projecting from side or front. 
 It adds to the availability of the other floor space, affords addi- 
 tional light and ventilation. Nothing can be nicer than a grate 
 fire in a bedroom. It should be surrounded with a wood man- 
 tel, with tile facing and hearth. Above the mantel it is useful 
 to have a short plate-glass mirror. A dressing-case takes its 
 proper place on the side wall between two windows, or in a cor- 
 ner with a window in each wall adjacent to it. Bedrooms are, 
 for the most part, lighted with brackets rather than central lights. 
 When attainable, a small dressing-room adds to the attractiveness 
 of a chamber. 
 In some houses there may be an alcove, a bay window, a 
 window-seat, a conservatory, or something of this kind, from 
 every principal room. These are features which add to the 
 beauty and attractiveness of the house. While all of these 
 things are not possible in every home, some one or two of them 
 may be attainable. In mentioning the various details which go 
 to make the beauty of a house, it is in mind that all these fea- 
 tures can be taken into account in but a very small propor- 
 tion of all the houses that are built, yet some one or more 
 of them may be used in every house, and thereby add to its 
 IT often happens when one gives especial attention to a 
 particular branch of a subject his neglect in other lines is 
 measured by the depth of his attention to the particular branch. 
 Matters which have to do with the utilitarian features of house- 
 building are considered in this work much more fully in the 
 text, than has the appearance of the buildings. It is desired that 
 this fact will not lead any one to believe that matters relating to 
 the appearance of the exterior have been neglected. Domestic 
 architecture is an old topic before the people. It is old in what 
 has been said in regard to the appearance of the buildings. The 
 subject, as a science to the architect, is new when considered 
 from the standpoint of convenience. The architectural stu- 
 dent's dream is not of kitchens, pantries, closets, convenient 
 and economical arrangements of floor space, but is principally 
 of large public buildings, libraries, court-houses, and cathedrals. 
 When he descends to dwelling-houses, it is of something unique, 
 or odd, — something that is pretty or rich. When it relates to 
 details, it is hallways that are peculiar in their beauty, parlors 
 and sitting-rooms that are full of odd conceits. There has 
 been a tendency toward strange things during recent years. 
 Matters of this kind have fed the fancy of many architects. 
 The housekeeper has been neglected. 
 Nothing attracts more attention than a beautiful house. It 
 is a pleasure to every one. It is as important to have a house 
 beautiful as it is that it should be convenient. The same educa- 
 tion and thoughtfulness that will enable an architect to design a 
 convenient house will make it beautiful. No one can be con- 
 scientious in the consideration of the comfort of the house- 
 keeper and neglect the smallest detail leading to the beauty of 
 the house. The housekeeper lives in the hope of having a 
 beautiful home. It has been the purpose, in writing this book, 
 to bear all this in mind, and to add the element of convenience 
 to what has been said and done by others toward making beau- 
 tiful houses. 
 It costs no more to have a house beautiful than to have it 
 ugly. Beauty, like convenience, is largely a matter of thought- 
 fulness and education. The only excuse for ugliness in house- 
 building is ignorance. The student of architecture has had 
 a great deal done for him. And, in considering that which 
 has to do with appearance, he has only to accept the advantages 
 of the best architectural schools and offices. Without these he 
 cannot expect to succeed. To be a designer of beautiful houses, 
 one must have had the same special training and advantages 
 that are necessary for success in other lines of professional work. 
 A physician must know the history of his profession, aside from 
 the more formal knowledge which leads him through his prac- 
 tice. It is the same way with the student of architecture. The 
 successful designer of a small cottage will do better from having 
 a knowledge of the history of early architecture. Such a knowl- 
 edge is indispensable, in order to reach the best results. One 
 who has made a study of Greek architecture is much better 
 equipped to design a beautiful low-cost cottage, of four or five 
 rooms, than one who has not availed himself of these advan- 
 tages. He will make a better house for the same money. He 
 will do better work with simpler means. To take another 
 illustration : We may suppose that an architect has a porch to 
 desio-n and that the owner of the house does not have a great 
 deal of money to put in it. There are four turned columns, a 
 cornice, with a rafter finish, and underneath, a space in which 
 may be inserted a small band of inexpensive scroll-work. A 
 knowledge of the earlier architecture comes to his assistance 
 in a wonderful way. For the turning on the columns the 
 architect may select that from a column of the early English 
 Gothic architecture of the fourteenth century. These are 
 simple profiles, which can be turned at no greater cost, if the 
 drawing is furnished, than some crude, modern invention of the 
 turner or an uneducated designer. For the jig or scroll saw 
 work, he can arrange figures from some of the earlier ornamen- 
 tal forms of the same period, and by drawing them full size the 
 scroll-sawyer can reproduce a beautiful design, which has a 
 history, with no more labor than he would give some corrupted 
 design which has filtered through the minds of careless house- 
 builders. For his rafter feet, this designer will have no difficulty 
 in recalling some simple form which has had a refined develop- 
 ment. This same line of procedure can be followed in all details 
 of house-building, and not add one dollar to the cost of the 
 structure. At the same time it brings about most beautiful 
 results, — the results of successful experience. 
 It may be said again that it takes no more money to make a 
 beautiful detail — one which has been the development of 
 experience and refinement — than it does something which is 
 clumsy and coarse. It requires, however, a knowledge of what 
 has been done, — a knowledge of the history of design. It 
 requires the faculty of using intelligently the results of the past, 
 not merely as they originally existed, but in their adaptation to 
 the wants and conditions of the present. 
 Several years ago Mr. Charles Eastlake wrote a book 
 entitled " Hints on Household Taste." The book accomplished 
 a great deal, by merely leading people to think. To this day 
 there are a great many architectural features which, in the 
 builder's parlance, go under the name of " Eastlake " designs. 
 There are so-called Eastlake doors, Eastlake frames, etc. In 
 truth, Mr. Eastlake had little to say about architecture in a 
 distinctive sense, and many evil things have been perpetrated in 
 his name. The best thing that Mr. Eastlake did was to teach 
 people that the furniture and other things which they had 
 around them could be beautiful and not expensive. That it was 
 not necessary to have a chair or a piece of wood-work loaded 
 down with something called ornament, in order to be beautiful. 
 After this people lost confidence in the furniture manufacturer, 
 and did not depend solely on the price of his wares as a measure 
 of their elegance or attractiveness. This was the sole work of 
 Charles Eastlake, with the masses of the people. He was a 
 missionary in his way. A man of no particular knowledge in 
 regard to architecture or design, yet one who was the means of 
 doing a great deal for architecture. He taught people to look 
 for beauty in simple things. 
 After a time came a certain something in domestic architec- 
 ture which was designated as the " Queen-Anne" style. We all 
 know what it is, yet it is difficult to describe. The veritable 
 Oueen-Anne architecture meant something 1 ; the " Oueen- 
 Anne" architecture of a few years ago meant anything — partic- 
 ularly something that was pointed, erratic, and unusual. It, 
 however, did a good work. It enabled the architects to get out 
 of the old beaten paths. A great many beautiful houses were 
 built, which, by the public, were said to be in this style. The 
 name " Queen Anne" was the vehicle for the passage from an 
 old conservatism, which had to do only with the commonplace, 
 to something which was fresh and attractive. In this way a 
 great many beautiful houses were built during this so-called 
 Queen-Anne revival. 
 More recently there has been a movement toward the revival 
 of the old colonial architecture — a style that was developed by 
 a class of educated builders among the earlier settlers of this 
 country. Their knowledge was particularly of classic architec- 
 ture of the period of the Italian renaissance. A great many 
 strange and unusual things are being perpetrated in the name 
 of old colonial architecture at this time. At the same time, a 
 great deal that is beautiful and refined is being built in this 
 style. In the work of the very recent period which has to do 
 with this architecture, one may find a great deal of encourage- 
 ment. It shows a decided re-action from the extravagant crude - 
 ness of the so-called Queen-Anne architecture, and in the end 
 we will reach something that is rational and beautiful. 
 Thus it is to be seen that, in whatever lines architecture is 
 moving, we shall find good work ; that it is not so much the 
 style that it is named, as the resources of the designer: 
 resources which have to do with his education, and his disposi- 
 tion to select that which is fine and beautiful — the sense which 
 leads him to discriminate. 
 THE number of times that a house has been built indicates 
 the popularity of the plan. Plan No. I, in one form or 
 another, has been used oftener than any other in the book. 
 Plans Nos. 1,2, and 3 are more frequently selected by people 
 who do not keep a servant. This arrangement makes a compact 
 and low-cost house. There is a porch over which the small 
 front bedroom extends on the second story. In Plan No. 1 the 
 hall is seven and one-half by ten feet. There is a corner grate 
 for the living-room and the parlor. A stove might be used in 
 the dining-room in a way to moderate the temperature of the 
 entire lower floor. 
 There is one very large window opening into the dining- 
 room. It is a very pleasing thing to have the upper sash of the 
 dinino--room glazed with simple colors of cathedral glass. This 
 glass gives a very pleasant tone to the light of the room, and, at 
 the same time, excludes the hot rays of the sun in summer. It 
 is possible to dispense with outside shutters when cathedral 
 glass is used in the upper sashes. A metal rod running across 
 the window on the inside, on a level with the horizontal 
 dividing-rail of the window, may be made to carry curtains 
 which will exclude the view from the outside. Thus, in the 
 glass, and by the aid of the curtains, we have much that might 
 be expected from the shutters. 
 There is a china-pantry between the kitchen and dining-room. 
 It is lighted by a small window at one side. It serves as a pas- 
 sageway between these two rooms, and thus keeps the odor of 
 the cooking from the front part of the house. The pastry 
 pantry is immediately back of the china-pantry, and is entered 
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 from the kitchen. It is also provided with a small window. In 
 the kitchen is a sink with a swinging table at one side, and room 
 for a portable table on the other. At one side of the sink may 
 be the cistern-pump, and on the other side the well-pump. 
 It should be placed back against the wall, and with handles 
 that are well out of the way when not in use. 
 It is entirely unnecessary to place the pumps in the yards of 
 low-cost houses, as is so common. If a driven well is used, it 
 II I 
 could be driven so as to be next to the kitchen sink. If it is a 
 dug well, it may be placed on the outside, and connected through 
 lead pipes with the sink on the inside. The cistern may be 
 connected in the same way. The entrance to the cellar stairs 
 is conveniently placed in one corner of the kitchen. The cellar 
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 itself is under the sitting-room. The side-porch is large enough 
 to be used as a summer kitchen. 
 It is to be noticed that there is no waste room in the upstairs 
 hall. There is merely wall space enough to admit of doors 
 leading into the various rooms. There is a small window which 
 lights this hall ; the window may be reached for cleaning from 
 the stairway. This plan illustrates as clearly as possible the 
 advantage of having the main stairway land in the middle of 
I 12 
 the house. There is no better way to economical use of space. 
 From the second-floor hall there is a stairway leading to the 
 attic. This passage is lighted in the same way as the second- 
 floor hall. 
 It may be said that the bedrooms of this house are not large. 
 The house is not large. The problem involved a low-cost, 
 Piap |^o. 3. 
 iaXk36- n 
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 -rat.1 - Mocr»— : 
 o?d FHocrr-. 
 roomy house. We get a large number of rooms within a small 
 enclosure, and, necessarily, some of them are small. It is 
 to be borne in mind, however, that the value of a room is not 
 dependent upon its size. A room may be of respectable dimen- 
 sions, but yet not have the necessary wall space for the furniture. 
 Such a room would not be as satisfactory as a smaller one, had 
 care been taken to provide this space. In each bedroom there 
 should be space for a bed, a wash-stand, and a dressing-case. 
 The latter should be near a window. It will be found that there 
 is room for such furniture in each of the bedrooms shown on 
 this plan. All are provided with ample closets. In one of these 
 houses which was built, there was a door between the bedroom 
 in front and the chamber. In another case, there was a door 
 connecting the two larger rooms. All these things are matters 
 of personal preference, or special family requirements, depend- 
 Plan No. 4. 
 lived - akats 
 jjisn. \\ 
 C'bcxiopbaTr- |q 
 xpd F^Tg'ot- 
 ing upon the age and number of the children, and other family 
 Plan No. 2 is similar to No. 1, excepting that there are a few 
 changes in detail. The rooms are smaller ; the hall is relatively 
 shorter ; it illustrates the process of contraction. No. 3 is simi- 
 lar to No. 2, excepting that it has a front as well as a rear stair- 
 way, and the position of the dining-room is changed. 
 No. 4 is a development of the same class of plans. There 
 are the front and the rear stairways, also a bath-room over the 
 kitchen, and a servant's room. The dotted lines running 
 through the little bedroom on the second floor indicate the 
 position of a hall, which may be constructed connecting the 
 jj=s Plop No. 5 
 <2.T2cl Floor 
 front and rear part of this house. As will be noticed, this is a 
 nine-room house in a very economical form. 
 Plan No. 5 is a further development and improvement of the 
 same idea. The objection that one may raise to any of the plans 
 just described is, that one has to pass through the parlor, or the 
 room in the rear of the hall, to reach the room back of the par- 
 lor. Plan No. 5 solves this problem. From the hall we can go 
 into the living-room, the dining-room or parlor, without passing 
 through another room. The second floor is an improvement 
 IJ 5 
 over No. 4, in that the little bedroom in the rear is enlarged by 
 allowing it to project over the room below the width of the hall. 
 In the rear of this comes the bath-room. 
 As to cost. The building, without appurtenances, on the 
 basis outlined in schedule " B," would cost as follows : — 
 23pd f^loar: 
 Plan No. 1, $1,700; No. 2, $1,550; No. 3, $1,550; No. 4, 
 $1,800; No. 5, $1,900. Figures 8 and 9 are elevations suited 
 to these plans. 
 Plan No. 6 had its origin in Plan No. 1 , and was developed 
 through the successive stages indicated in the description of 
 plans from 1 to 5 inclusive. The position of the grate-stack has 
 been changed, so that it acts for the reception-hall on one side, 
 and the parlor on the other. The reception-hall, instead of 
 receding, projects. In one corner thereof is arranged a vesti- 
 bule, partitioned from the rest of the rooms by ornamental 
 fret-work backed with curtains. This will make a very beau- 
 tiful feature. It changes this hall into a room. From here we 
 may pass to the parlor, sitting-room, and dining-room. In the 
 rear of the sitting-room is a porch ; at one side, a projecting 
 window-seat. The sitting-room closet is cut off from the pantry. 
 The dining-room is connected with the sitting-room by sliding- 
 y ; l 
 doors. A convenient china-closet connects the dining-room 
 and kitchen. On one side of the china-room are arranged 
 drawers. Under the china-closet proper are shelves enclosed 
 by panelled doors ; the china-shelves above being protected by 
 glass doors, according to the general ideas previously expressed 
 when considering the china-closet in particular. The kitchen is 
 the same as others, which are described elsewhere in a more 
 detailed way. There is a laundry in the basement, and an out- 
 side cellar-way connecting with the back yard. The inside 
 cellar-way is shown. The next door is that which leads to the 
 second floor. There are five bedrooms on this floor. The ele- 
 vation of this house is shown in Fig. No. 11. The building, 
 without appurtenances, according to schedule " B," costs $2,600. 
 Elevations Nos. 1 and 2 indicate a simple form of exterior, 
 which may go with either of these plans excepting No. 3. 
 The photographic view, Fig. No. 10, shows an exterior of 
 No. 1, as built at one time. 
 IT is frequently said of those who would build, that their ideas 
 are larger than their pocket-books. It is certainly not dis- 
 creditable to any one that his ideas should be larger than his 
 immediate resources. Such a condition causes the enlargement 
 of the individual and his pocket-book at the same time. The 
 man who says that he wants two thousand dollars' worth of 
 house does not get as much for his money as he who in effect 
 says, " I want three thousand dollars' worth of house for two 
 thousand dollars." The latter is an ambitious man ; the former 
 has only a little ambition. He merely wants a house. Fortu- 
 nately, however, there are few such people. It is more 
 likely to happen that a man and his wife, who have worked 
 hard for several years, get enough money together to build a 
 home, and it is possible that this home has been talked about 
 for several years previous to their building. In fact, they have 
 been educating themselves in house-building. They have 
 acquainted themselves with all of the modern conveniences. 
 They have studied porches, vestibules, and stairways ; they know 
 how many rooms they want on the first floor and the bedrooms 
 that they will have above. At first this house presents itself in 
 a very crude form ; but in the course of time the plan shows 
 itself more clearly to them. They begin to place the furniture 
 in the imaginary rooms, and as they do this their ideas enlaro-e. 
 They add at first inches, and then feet, to the size of the various 
 rooms. At first their ideas of a kitchen were quite moderate ; 
 in time a sink begins to assume certain vague outlines, then it 
 takes definite form on one side of the room ; then a pump is 
 placed beside it ; afterward the wife says, " How nice it would 
 be if we could have a hot-water faucet over the sink." At first 
 they shake their heads and say that it would cost too much ; but 
 in the course of a few evenings' talk on this and kindred 
 subjects, they come to the conclusion that if the hot-water 
 arrangements do not cost too much, they will have them ; and 
 that as things are so much cheaper than they used to be, they 
 certainly ought to get all of these for about what they originally 
 expected to pay for the house. Their ideas have been of slow 
 growth, but continuous, and in the aggregate the growth has 
 been great. During all the winter months, previous to the 
 time when they would build in the spring, many sketches are 
 made, of the floor-plans of the house that is to be. Finally 
 the net result is handed to a builder or an architect, — more 
 frequently the former, as most small houses are built without 
 professional service. The figures from the builder come in, 
 and are very much higher than was expected. It is quite a 
 shock, for certainly there is nothing there that they can well do 
 without. Everything has been thought of so much. Nothing 
 that their plan contains appears to them to be less than a matter 
 of necessity. Other builders are asked to figure with results 
 little more satisfactory. In the end there must be a compromise; 
 the builder and the owner both yield, and, as a result, a very 
 satisfactory house is built. There are little things which they 
 would have different, but, in the main, the house is satisfactory. 
 This is the universal experience, and the effect upon the 
 domestic architecture of this country has been very pronounced. 
 YVe can now get a better house for a given sum of money than 
 ever before. Better not only as to general construction, but as 
 well on account of external appearance, and the convenience of 
 its internal arrangements. One may get more of what are 
 regarded as the little conveniences, which mean so much to the 
 housekeeper. This is not altogether the result of lower prices 
 of the material and labor which £o to make a house, but is as 
 well on account of the skill which has been developed in plan- 
 ning and arranging buildings, with reference to economy in 
 space, and cost of general construction. The planning of 
 houses has undergone a revolution within a few years past ; and 
 instead of having the long, narrow halls at the side and in the 
 middle of a house, and the long halls and narrow passages 
 through the upper floor, all of which was ugly and inconvenient, 
 we now have the same area thrown in large square rooms, so 
 as to be available. 
 It may be known that chimney stacks are quite expensive. 
 For this reason an effort has been made to group them, so that 
 they may be made to answer for a number of rooms ; and the 
 success with which efforts in this direction have been attended 
 has been wonderful indeed. The modern floor plan is altogether 
 different from that of the past ; it is more convenient and less 
 expensive to build ; and, as said before, this is largely the result 
 of efforts of the owner, who has ideas larger than his pocket- 
 book, and the architect or builder, who exercises his ingenuity 
 to bring the ideas and the money together. 
 Plan No. 7 is of an eight-room house, and is fairly represent 
 tative of the ideas expressed. The general form, it will be seen, 
 is square. It is a two-story house with a reception-hall, parlor, 
 dining-room, kitchen, china-closet, pantry, and stair-hall on the 
 first floor ; there are three chambers, the servant's bedroom, 
 the bath-room, and a communicating hall on the second floor. 
 The first floor is ten feet six inches high, and the second, nine 
 feet six inches. From the second floor there is a stairway going 
 to the attic, which is large and roomy, and which may have vari 
 ous uses. The cellar is seven feet high, and is well lighted by 
 having the joist set well up from the grade line. There may be 
 136" XT? 
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 I 5 
 1 iri-y-l^i- p= 
 5Tf} F^OCfTT 
 a laundry here, and, separated from it by a door, we may have a 
 coal- cellar and a furnace-room. As we approach the house, 
 there is, first, a broad porch about eight feet in width, and 
 fourteen feet in length. At a slight additional expense, say fifty 
 dollars to sixty dollars, this porch might be extended across the 
 entire front. Before reaching the front door, there is a small 
 vestibule, — arranged with or without storm-doors, as may be 
 thought desirable. It is the impression of the writer that storm- 
 doors are seldom used. The distinctive feature of this house is 
 the hall, which is large enough — thirteen feet six inches by fif- 
 teen feet — to be used as a sitting-room. In the front part of 
 this hall, and at the right as we enter, are a window-seat and a 
 broad window in front and immediately above it ; this is slightly 
 separated from the main room by the small pilasters or casings 
 on each side. Immediately in front of the doorway, there are a 
 grate and mantel set in one corner of the room. There are large 
 doorways, five feet wide, leading into the stair-hall immediately 
 back of this room, and into the parlor at the left as we enter. 
 In this case there are merely door openings, portieres or cur- 
 tains taking the place of ordinary doors. Sliding-doors might 
 be used in addition to the curtains, and thus have the advantage 
 of both curtains and doors. From this room the outlines of the 
 stair-hall and the stairway are visible or not, according to the 
 arrangement of the portieres. There is a side entrance into this 
 hall, and from it one may go into the kitchen by passing through 
 two doors. It is a good principle in planning a house always to 
 have two doors between the kitchen and any other part of the 
 house. One door could as well be used in this instance, but 
 a second one is added to make the isolation more complete. 
 In the plan here given, it may be noticed that there are cellar 
 stairs passing under the main stairway in the hall. 
 The dining-room may be entered either from the front par- 
 lor or from the stair-hall. In each case doors are used. It is 
 always desirable to have a dining-room so arranged that it may 
 be closed from the other parts of the house. There is a grate 
 in each of the two principal rooms, the hall, the parlor, and the 
 dining-room, and all communicate with a single stack. This is 
 much more economical than having three distinct stacks, which 
 are so frequently used for accomplishing the same result. The 
 only other chimney stack is in the kitchen. The two answer 
 every purpose. The outside corners of the dining-room are cut 
 off at an angle of forty-five degrees, so that the end of the dining- 
 room presents the form of a large bay window. In the middle 
 space at this end may be placed the sideboard, in which event 
 a window will be placed over it, — that is, well toward the ceiling. 
 The dining-room communicates with the kitchen through a large 
 pantry, eight feet square, or through a slide in the back of the 
 china-closet. In the kitchen there are broad windows on the 
 two sides, and a door leading into the back yard. 
 In following the stairway to the second floor, it will be noticed 
 that there is a broad landing something more than half-way up, 
 and that there is a large window, slightly above it, which lights 
 the hall below, and partially lights the one above. The advan- 
 tages of having a stairway which lands approximately in the cen- 
 tre of the house, as does this one, is that no room is lost by 
 having long halls which have to lead from the front to the rear 
 of the house. All we need have is a short hall in the centre of 
 the building, which will communicate with the rooms around it. 
 Another convenience of this arrangement is that all of the front 
 of the house is utilized for chambers. Where the stairway lands 
 in the front of a house, there must either be a long hall, which 
 is a waste of room, or one must pass through one or more 
 chambers to get to others. In this plan the rooms are arranged 
 around the hall, there being three large ones over the three 
 principal rooms below. In each of these chambers there is 
 abundant space for the usual bedroom furniture, — viz., a bed, 
 dresser, wash-stand, and chairs. In these rooms there are clos- 
 ets, and at the end of the hall there is a store closet for bedding, 
 etc. The servant's room, as shown, is over the kitchen, as is 
 also the bath-room. 
 It may be noticed that the fixtures in the bath-room — that 
 is, the bath-tub and closet — are directly over the sink below, 
 so that the pipes may have the most direct and the shortest runs 
 possible, which is not only economical, but also safer from 
 flooding in case of accident. The tank in the attic, which con- 
 tains the soft or cistern water, is directly over the tub, and the 
 laundry sink in the cellar is directly under the kitchen sink. 
 Thus, from cellar to attic, all the plumbing fixtures are in line, 
 and all pipes exactly vertical, excepting where it is desirable 
 to take a short branch to connect the fixtures. Having the 
 bath-room slightly separated, as it is, from the main hall, it is 
 safer, from a sanitary point of view, than if it opened directly 
 into the main hall. There is a closet for soiled linen next to the 
 bath-room, which is accessible either from it or from the short 
 hall leading to it. The stairs to the attic lead out of the hall, as 
 shown. The attic is floored, but is otherwise unfinished. If 
 found desirable, one or more rooms could be finished here, which 
 would be quite as large and pleasant as any of the other rooms 
 in the house. This house can be finished complete, including 
 fences, sheds, walks, gas fixtures, plumbing, mantels, and 
 furnace, for $2,900. 
 Fig. No. 12 is an elevation. 
 FLOOR plans develop from the varying necessities of those 
 who build. There is no reason why the same arrangement 
 should suit any large number of people. A floor plan, if care- 
 fully and thoughtfully made, will meet the requirements of the 
 individuals whose wants are particularly considered. While 
 there are certain general principles, which affect the value of a 
 floor plan for good or evil, the detailed requirements are almost 
 as varied as the tastes and dispositions of the occupants. 
 A lady and gentleman come into an architect's office, and 
 explain that they are intending to build, and want to look at 
 something with a view of selecting a plan. The architect has 
 a great many plans which he might show them, but he knows 
 well enough that none of them will be selected. He says : — 
 " I shall be glad to show you anything I have, but not with 
 the expectation of finding something that will please you. By 
 doing so, I shall probably find out what you do not want, and 
 in that negative way meet your requirements." 
 " I think I know what we want," says the lady, " but I do 
 not know just how to arrange it. The stairways bother me, and 
 there are things which I do not get to suit me." 
 "Well, tell me what you want, and then we will make a 
 sketch ; and from that, corrections ; and, in the end, we shall 
 probably have something satisfactory, though not wholly so at 
 '• Before we go any farther," says the gentleman, " I want to 
 say that we have only twenty-five .hundred dollars to put into 
 a house." 
 "Yes, that is all we can afford," says the lady; "but I can 
 tell you what we want." 
 The architect reaches for a note-book and a piece of paper. 
 " We want a reception-hall, with a grate and stairway in it. 
 There must be a small vestibule, with a place for overshoes, hats, 
 and overcoats. Somewhere near the reception-hall, or in it, 
 I want a closet where I can put my own wraps, and those of 
 the children, and other things which I do not care to keep 
 upstairs, and yet wish to have out of the way. It does not need 
 to be a large closet, but must not be unusually small. We want 
 a parlor and dining-room, which connect with the reception-hall. 
 The parlor will be used as a sitting-room not a little, but not in 
 the ordinary way, for the reason that I stay upstairs with the 
 children most of the time. I do my sewing there. If I should 
 use the parlor regularly as the sitting-room, I could receive my 
 callers in the reception-hall. It would be nice if we could have 
 some kind of a window-seat in that room. We want a grate in 
 the sitting-room, but not necessarily one in the dining-room. 
 I want a back stairway, but it must not go up directly from 
 the kitchen. The kitchen and pantry I want you to make as 
 convenient as possible in a house of this cost." 
 " How would a combination stairway do ?" 
 " Oh, I don't want that at all. It would be brineine the two 
 together. I want the rear stairway in the rear of the house, and 
 entirely separate from the one in front. It should land near 
 the girl's room on the second floor, so that it can be cut off from 
 the rest of the house. We must have plenty of closet-room 
 " How many children have you ? " 
 " Two : a baby and a little boy about six years old." 
 " Then you must have at least four bedrooms," was sug- 
 gested. " For the present, the baby can sleep in your room, 
 and the boy in a room next to and connecting with it. There 
 must also be a guest's room and a servant's room." 
 " Yes, that will have to do for the present ; but don't forget 
 the bath-room, and be sure to have plenty of closets. There 
 is one thing I had almost forgotten. There must be some 
 arrangement so that the servant can get from the kitchen to 
 the front door without going through the dining-room ; but 
 we don't want the smells of the kitchen to get into the front 
 part of the house." 
 After two or three sketches had been made, the result, as 
 here illustrated, was reached. The architect has it in mind that 
 the space at the right of the entrance door in the vestibule 
 would serve as a place for overcoats and other winter equip- 
 ments. He suggests that a portiere be placed between the 
 vestibule and the opening leading into the reception-hall. This 
 will prevent draughts of cold air from making their way into 
 the front room when the door is opened. It will also lend 
 a certain amount of privacy. The porch is placed in front, as 
 a matter of course. In the recess of the hall which is made 
 by the vestibule a window-seat is placed. In the rear of the 
 reception-hall is the closet required. As a means of getting 
 from the kitchen to the reception-hall without passing through 
 the dining-room, two doors are arranged leading to a passage 
 under the stairs. This will prevent the passage of kitchen 
 odors over the house. The parlor and dining-room are 
 arranged as shown. Between the window and the door leading 
 to the china-closet is space for the sideboard. The pantry is 
 separated from the china-closet by the cupboard of the former. 
 It has doors above and shelves below. The ice-chest is placed 
 in the pantry. It is readily accessible from both china-closet 
 and kitchen. 
 The passageway to the second floor is from this room, and, 
 considering the limited means and large general requirements, 
 "FTrst THoor- 
 Se/OOTpd floor- 
 this arrangement will no doubt be satisfactory. The stairway is 
 accessible from both dinino-room and kitchen. As there is a 
 bath-room and water-closet above, there is no necessity for 
 carrying slops downstairs and through the kitchen. The kitchen 
 has the usual fittings. The passage to the cellar is under the 
 front stairway. As will be remembered, there is a door shut- 
 ting this passage from the reception-hall. Upstairs there is 
 a closet in each room, two opening into the hall — one for 
 bed linen, and one for dust-pans, brushes, etc. There is also 
 a closet in the bath-room. The attic stairway is shown. An 
 inspection of Plan No. 8 will show how all of the requirements 
 were met. 
 Cost, as per schedule " B," $2,200. 
 IN Plan No. 9, the reception-room contains the front stairway. 
 This stairway lands near the front of the house on the second 
 floor, for which reason we are enabled to have in the front part 
 of the house the two rooms which are most used on each floor. 
 We have the two chambers above, and the reception-room and 
 the sitting-room below. If we had a long, narrow stair hall con- 
 structed in the usual way, we should have the sitting-room 
 towards the rear, and only a little alcove bedroom over the hall 
 in front. 
 The dining-room, which is a large room, is connected with 
 the front part of the house by sliding-doors. It has a grate in 
 one corner of it. On general principles, a grate has no business 
 in the dining-room. It is nearly always at some one's back, and 
 makes him uncomfortable at meal time. Beine in the corner of 
 the room, it is farther from any one than it would be if located 
 on a side wall : hence it may be allowed. There is a porch in 
 the rear of the dining-room, and between the door leading to 
 it and the door to the china-closet there is a space for a side- 
 board. There are two windows at the end of this dining-room. 
 The door which passes into the pantry should be on double 
 spring-hinges, so that it will swing both ways. One can push 
 against it and open from either side, and when it is released it 
 will take its natural position. 
 The pantry is a large one. Pantries, in general, may be 
 regarded as a kitchen annex — a store-room and preparing-room. 
 This pantry is on the combination plan. It connects with the 
 china-closet by means of a slide. Aside from this china-closet, 
 which projects into it, there is a cupboard with double doors at 
 one end, a flour-bin at the side, a pastry table next to it, and a 
 r^n ? 
 ij mlFHooi- 
 jpcJ I - x bar: 
 refrigerator by the window. One reason for placing this refrig- 
 erator near the window is, that a flight of steps and a platform 
 might be arranged on the outside, so that the iceman could put 
 in the ice without going through the kitchen. We go down 
 cellar from this pantry. 
 There is a cellar under about half of this house — the 
 kitchen and the dining-room. It should have a cemented floor, 
 and numerous windows for lighting it. The part under the 
 kitchen could be used for a laundry, that under the dining-room 
 for coal storage and furnace. There could be an excavation 
 under a part of the sitting-room for vegetable storage. " Why 
 not put a cellar under the whole house ? It would cost but 
 little more," has been asked many times. It is the little things, 
 the smaller economies, in a building of this kind which makes 
 the difference between an expensive house and a house of 
 moderate cost. Every foot of cellar space beyond what is 
 needed for actual use is a burden to the housekeeper. The 
 arrangement has more to do with the number of apartments than 
 with the amount of space. We have a laundry-room, a place 
 for furnace and fuel, and a room for vegetables, which is about 
 all that can be used. From the cellar we can go up the stair- 
 way and into the kitchen, from the kitchen to the second floor, 
 and from the second floor to the attic. 
 It is a large attic, a place for large rooms if one should 
 need them. Under any circumstances this attic should be 
 floored. There could be no better place for general storage, 
 and at times for drying clothes. 
 It seldom happens that two houses from exactly the same 
 plan are built. While this plan has pleased many people, there 
 are others who would not be attracted by it ; who would not 
 care to build this house as their home. The universal floor 
 plan has never been made, and never will be. There are gen- 
 eral principles running through all plans which are valuable, 
 and if rightly understood will contribute to the improvement 
 of the homes of the people. 
 Fig. 13 is an elevation. 
 Cost, without appurtenances, $2,500, as per schedule " B." 
 WHEN we say that the sitting-room should be in the front 
 part of the house, it does not necessarily imply that the 
 parlor should be disturbed. As shown in Plan No. 10, they 
 may both be in front. The vestibule, which is large enough for 
 a hat-rack, and for the occupants of the house to stand while 
 putting on their overshoes and wraps, is in front of both parlor 
 and reception-room, but yet in a way so as not to disturb the 
 view to the street from either of these rooms. We cannot have 
 all of the rooms in front. The kitchen we do not want there. 
 The dining-room is convenient if placed immediately in the rear 
 of the sitting-room. Thus we have two rooms in front and two 
 in the rear. This is practically a square house. The old habit 
 has been to place the stairway along one side of the parlor in the 
 hall which served as a passageway from the front to the rooms 
 immediately in the rear. This distribution of halls is what has 
 thrown the sitting-room back of the parlor. In the plan here 
 given the change has been made so that the hall has relatively 
 the same position that did the sitting-room in the past, though 
 it is by no means as large. It is essentially a stair-hall, and 
 incidentally a passage. As placed, we may enter it from 
 the parlor, sitting-room, dining-room, or kitchen. Its position 
 is central. There are two doors between this stair-hall and the 
 kitchen. The central position of the stairway has other advan- 
 tages than those just stated. It makes long halls on the second 
 floor entirely unnecessary. As will be seen by looking at the 
 floor plan, it gives two good bedrooms in front. 
 The dining-room is immediately in the rear of the sitting- 
 room. There may be sliding doors connecting these two rooms. 
 One door, three and a half feet wide, usually makes a suffi- 
 -^oapNcHO. HP ° 
 ciently large opening for the dining-room connection. There 
 are sliding doors between the parlor and sitting-room, and 
 dining-room and sitting-room, as shown. The kitchen has the 
 advantage of a certain amount of isolation from the rest of 
 the house, for the reason that there are two doors between it 
 and any other room. The pantries are arranged with reference 
 to their most convenient use. In the kitchen-pantry there are 
 places for a refrigerator, flour bin, bread-board, and cupboard. 
 The dining-room pantry is a china-closet, with glass doors 
 above and closed doors below. The doors connecting the 
 dining-room pantry or passage should be hung on double-spring 
 In the plan of this house it is shown how we may go from 
 the kitchen to the same landing that is used for the main stair- 
 way, and thus avoid the necessity for a distinctively back hall 
 and back stairway. However, if it is so desired, it is easy to 
 place a stairway in the rear, and thus have them entirely inde- 
 pendent. In that event a room may be placed over the pantry, 
 and be used by the servant. This part of the house could be cut 
 off from the front rooms and the bath-room on the second floor 
 by a door. But to take the house as it is, we have a combina- 
 tion stairway, there being, two doors separating the kitchen 
 approach from the common landing in the main stair-hall. 
 On the second floor there is a hall about fourteen feet lono- 
 from which we pass to two bedrooms in front, two in the rear, 
 the bath-room and the store-closet. Each room is independent. 
 They may be connected one with the other as family necessities 
 suggest. The store-closet is accessible from the hall, as such 
 a closet should be. This makes it available from any of the 
 rooms. The bath-room is directly over the kitchen. 
 In each bedroom there is a place for a bed, a dressincr-case, 
 and a wash-stand, which is not always the case in bedrooms. 
 If there is a place for these things, if the dressing-case bears its 
 proper relation to the sources of light, if it is so placed that the 
 light from the window or from the gas shines in the face of the 
 user, if the wash-stand is conveniently disposed, and there is 
 room at the side of it for a slop-jar, if there is a large closet, 
 then the architect has done his full duty in the arrangement of 
 the bedroom. The room that is called the family room should 
 be especially well cared for in the matter of closets. 
 A hundred dollars would lath and plaster the entire attic of 
 this house, and provide a room in the front part which could be 
 used by the boys or the servant. There is no objection to 
 this except in the necessity for climbing an extra pair of stairs. 
 The mere mention of a bedroom in the attic is distasteful to 
 many people. It arouses memories of hot, dusty, and uncom- 
 fortabli places in which they have passed the night. All this 
 depends on the attic. The roof in this house is pitched at an 
 angle of forty-five degrees. The house at the narrowest point 
 is 29 feet wide. This would make the attic at the highest 
 point 14! feet. We can stud down from this and have a nine- 
 foot story and at the same time a large room, one which would 
 have none of the disadvantages of a half-story room, and which 
 would have all the advantages of a well-ventilated, comfortable 
 bedroom, for summer or winter. The plastering of the attic 
 suggests neatness. Having it well lighted by dormers exposes 
 all disorder. Cost, as per schedule " B," $2,600. 
 THE floor plans in No. 1 1 are of a house of small area, 
 30 x 34J feet, for the body of the structure. There is a 
 porch in front, a circular bay window at one side, and a pantry 
 and china-closet projecting at the rear. In the house there are 
 eight available rooms besides the bath-room and the attic. In 
 the attic, rooms quite as liberal as any in the house could be 
 constructed at a small expense. 
 On the first floor, as we enter, there is the reception or 
 sitting hall, which is so common in the more modern arrange- 
 ments of dwellings. This reception hall or room has a certain 
 amount of isolation from the passage which leads from the ves- 
 tibule to the stairway and the rear portion of the house. It 
 may be separated therefrom by curtains or portieres. It would 
 be entirely possible to separate the two by means of sliding 
 doors, in which event the opening from the room into the 
 passage would have to be a little narrower than shown in the 
 drawings. This room could be used as the office of a physi- 
 cian, or of a gentleman who did more or less business at home. 
 By making the front vestibule about six inches deeper, a sepa- 
 rate entrance to this room could be provided. In this event, a 
 door from the room into the passage leading to the living part 
 of the house would be a necessity. The circular bay end of 
 this room would present an attractive feature. The windows in 
 this part of the room could be placed about four feet from the 
 floor, in which event book-shelves could be arranged below 
 them. The window in front goes to within seventeen inches of 
 the floor. Under the stairway, and leading from this room, 
 may be placed a very liberal closet, in which there should be 
 a small window. 
 Leading from the passage is the stairway, and two closets. 
 The little passage in which one closet is placed is separated 
 from the hall by a door. There is another door opening from 
 this passage into the kitchen. Thus there are two doors 
 between the kitchen and the front part of the house. This 
 arrangement has in mind the isolation of the kitchen from the 
 other rooms in a way to prevent the passage of the usual 
 kitchen odors. 
 The stairways in this house are of the class known as combi- 
 nation stairways ; while they are convenient and easy of con- 
 struction, there is a certain amount of complication in their 
 arrangement which makes them difficult of description so as to 
 be understood by those not accustomed to examining floor plans. 
 There is the stairway from the front hall to the floor above, and 
 one from the kitchen to the landing of the front stairway. The 
 landing of the front stairway and that from the kitchen stairway 
 is in common ; that is, it is the same. For the purpose of 
 making this understood, it may be well to say that one may go 
 up the stairway from the front hall to the landing, some eight 
 steps, and from thence down into the kitchen, or he can 
 turn right face and go to the landing on the second floor. This 
 part of the stairs is used coming up from the kitchen as well 
 as from the front hall. However, the kitchen stairway is sep- 
 arated from the landing by a door. There is another door at 
 the foot of this kitchen stairway. In coming downstairs, one 
 may turn to the right, open a door, and go clown into the 
 kitchen ; or, he may turn to the left, and go down the front 
 stairway into the hall. Thus it will be seen that the combina- 
 tion stairway is a front and rear stairway together, with separate 
 entrance from both parts of the house, — one from the kitchen, 
 ^PhpNoi I 
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 and one from the front hall. It must be confessed that there 
 is a certain amount of compromise in an arrangement of this 
 kind, but it is a saving of both space and money, and is tolerable 
 on this account. By this plan everything is concentrated, and 
 without the serious drawback which extra cost, or a smaller number 
 of rooms, would imply to those who have only a little over two 
 thousand dollars to spend for a house, without appurtenances. 
 The head room for the stairway, coming up from the kitchen, is 
 secured under the bath-tub in the bath-room immediately above. 
 The cellar stairway is clearly indicated as going down par- 
 allel to the kitchen stairs and under the front stairs. The cellar 
 in this house should be under the kitchen, stairways, and the 
 reception-hall ; that is, it would occupy all of one side of the 
 house. In this cellar plan the 
 principles set forth in the pre- 
 vious chapter on cellars are 
 carried out. 
 The parlor is thirteen and 
 one-half by seventeen feet in 
 size. It is connected with a 
 hall by wide sliding doors, so 
 that about one-half of this side 
 of the room may be open. The 
 grate opposite the sliding doors 
 in the parlor would present a 
 very beautiful view from the 
 hall and stairway. The sliding 
 doors between the parlor and dining-room are placed there more 
 in deference to custom than through any personal sense of their 
 fitness. Sliding doors do not have the quality of excluding 
 sound or odors that is desirable. The ordinary hinged door is 
 better in this respect. This room which would commonly be 
 called a parlor would really be used as a living-room, excepting 
 by those who use the dining-room or one of the second-floor 
 chambers for that purpose. 
 Our dining-room has an independent connection with the 
 front hall, so that we do not have to go through the parlor or 
 the sitting-room to reach it. A little extra money, say seventy 
 dollars, would place a conservatory at one side, at one corner, 
 or at the end of this dining-room. Fifty dollars would give a 
 bay window. As it is, we have two windows of the ordinary- 
 kind at one side of the room, and none at the end. A very 
 good arrangement, when bay or conservatory is not used, 
 would be to take one of these windows at the side and place it 
 at the rear end, though near the outside corner of the room. 
 This would give space between the windows and the china- 
 closet door for a sideboard. The window at the side of the 
 dining-room, if the other were moved to the end, should be 
 in the middle of the wall space ; that is, opposite the centre 
 of the flue. 
 From the dining-room we go into the kitchen through the 
 china-pantry, which is marked "passage." This china-pantry 
 has a little window at one side, and at the end a separate apart- 
 ment for chinaware, which is closed from the passage by means of 
 glass doors. The doors leading from the passage into the dining- 
 room and kitchen should be hung on double-swinging hinges. 
 There are those who would say that there should be no door 
 from the kitchen into the passage leading from the dining-room 
 to the front hall. It would probably be well to retain this door 
 in this position, and have a bolt on the side of the door toward 
 the hall. Thus the mistress of the house can close it, and keep 
 it closed at will. Another thing that might be done would be 
 to place a strong spring on this door which would always keep 
 it closed. The windows in this kitchen should be placed about 
 three feet from the floor, so that tables may be placed under 
 them. There is a place for a gas-stove between the two win- 
 dows, or even under them if desirable. The porch at the rear 
 of the kitchen may be enclosed with lattice work, or, what is 
 better, coarse louvered slats, like those of a shutter. In either 
 event, it could be covered with screen wire, and made a part of 
 the kitchen in summer. In the plan, however, nothing of this 
 kind is indicated. The door which leads from the porch into 
 the pantry is a small one, placed above the ice-chest, and is for 
 the use of the ice-man. 
 The arrangement of rooms upstairs will be readily under- 
 stood. Leading out of the hall is a store closet for bedding, 
 etc. It is located so as to be accessible from all rooms. From 
 the front end of the hall a door leads into the stair passage to 
 the attic. 
 Plan No. 12 is the outgrowth of Plan No. n. In it there is 
 a lift running from cellar to attic, as shown. The only impor- 
 tant difference between it and No. 1 1 is in the size of the library. 
 Cost, as per schedule " B,'' $2,600. Fig. 14 is an elevation : see 
 page 147. 
 THIS house — Plan No. 13 — was finished at a cost of less 
 than $1,600. This included, besides the house itself, a 
 woodshed, well, and cistern. There is a cellar under the hall 
 and parlor. The building has a brick foundation, and the wood- 
 work begins two feet above the grade. The stud-walls of the 
 exterior are lined, first with dressed sheathing, then with heavy 
 building-paper, and finally covered with weather-boarding. The 
 first and second tiers of joists are two by ten inches ; the ceil- 
 ing-joists of the second story are two by eight inches. All ol 
 the studding is two by four inches. The windows have box 
 frames with iron weights and cotton cords. The first story 
 is ten feet high, the second eight and a half feet. These 
 details of construction are mentioned so that any one interested 
 may know that it is a substantial, well-constructed building. 
 The interior finish is of pine, part of which is varnished and the 
 remainder stained and varnished. The front door and stairway 
 are of quartered oak. 
 The front porch is io| feet wide and *]\ feet deep. It has a 
 high roof over it, as will be seen by the elevation. The 
 entrance, being at one side of the porch, gives more available 
 space for uninterrupted use during the warm weather. The hall 
 is 10 feet wide and \o\ feet long. The stairway has first two 
 steps to a broad landing, and then a continuous movement to 
 the second floor. If this landing were reduced in size by 
 making the approach more direct, say turning directly to the 
 left as one enters the door and going through a landing the 
 width of the stairway before making the general ascent, there 
 would be more available room in the hall. It is shown this way 
 in the drawing, because it is the way the house was built. 
 1.2 Xl-^ 
 3 <] 
 ^1 < 
 There is a closet in this hall. There are many houses built 
 without a closet on the first floor, but it is certainly better that 
 one be provided. 
 As will be seen, there are three rooms on the first floor, and 
 four and a bath on the second. It is an easy house to care for, 
 because there is no waste space, and all the rooms are readily 
 accessible without extra steps. Waste room means waste of 
 energy and waste of money in more ways than one — waste not 
 only as to the unnecessary expenditure in the cost of building, 
 but in carpets, and in the labor of sweeping and caring for 
 In the parlor at the right of the hall are two windows and a 
 grate ; one window is in front and the other at the side. The 
 dining-room is similarly equipped. It has a large china-closet 
 which connects with the table in the kitchen by means of a slide. 
 There is also a door between the kitchen and dining-room. 
 Eleven by twelve and a half feet is not large for a kitchen. The 
 availability of kitchen space is not entirely dependent, however, 
 on its dimensions, but rather upon the disposition of the wall- 
 space and the conveniences which have to do with a kitchen. 
 It will be seen that there is a space for the kitchen-range or 
 stove near the flue which does not conflict with the use of 
 any other part of the kitchen. Also there is a space between 
 the door which leads into the pantry and an outside wall which 
 gives place for a kitchen-safe, which may hold the kitchen 
 utensils. It is out of the way and yet convenient to the range. 
 The safe might be placed opposite the tables at the other end 
 of the kitchen, if thought desirable. The kitchen window is 
 placed about three feet above the floor. This gives wall-space 
 ■■ "Kcjn.^rircT 
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 .zpdf - "bar: 
 under it. Where a safe is hot used, a cabinet, to contain pots, 
 kettles, etc., can be placed there. 
 The pantry is quite convenient to the kitchen. There is an 
 enclosed cupboard on one side which has doors and shelves 
 above and below, and in the recess next to the dining-room 
 wall is a place for open shelves. Near the pantry window is a 
 dough-board and a place for flour. Here, also, is the entrance 
 to the cellar. It will be seen that there is a door between the 
 pantry and hall, which makes it possible to pass from the kitchen 
 to the stairway or from the kitchen to the front hall without 
 going through other rooms. The enclosed cupboard in the 
 pantry makes it possible to keep it always tidy. There is a 
 glazed door in the rear of the kitchen. 
 It may be noticed that there is not a large hall to be carpeted 
 or swept on the second floor. This hall is well lighted by a 
 window at the side. From here one can go into any of the 
 rooms on the second floor. As to the bedrooms, there is a 
 convenient place for bedroom furniture in all of them. There 
 is at least a choice of two places for each bed, a space for 
 a dressing-case where it will get the best light, and room for a 
 wash-stand. There is a closet in each bedroom, of ample 
 The right-hand house in Fig. No. 10 shows the exterior of 
 Plan No. 13. 
 Plan No. 14 is another edition of Plan 15. The room 
 lettered parlor is properly a sitting-room. By dispensing with 
 the grate in the reception-hall this house could be built, as it 
 was at one time, with a stairway meeting the one coming up 
 from the dining-room and passing from thence to the second 
 floor. The elevation of this house shows it with an attic, 
 y Pcrrx)r) 
 :xpc! I — v /otn— 
 though the plan does not contemplate this arrangement. With- 
 out the attic and with a lower-pitched roof, this building, 
 without appurtenances, can be finished for $1,500. 
 Fig. 15 is an elevation of Plans No. 14 and 15. 
 Plans No. 13 and 15 belong to the same class. No. 15 is 
 more elaborate in its details, and larger. From the sitting- 
 room one passes to the landing where it meets a stairway 
 coming up from the kitchen. From thence there is a common 
 passage to the second floor. On this floor are four bedrooms, 
 a bath-room, and a liberal supply of closets. One of the front 
 chambers is supplied with two, and the hall with two. There 
 is one in the bath-room, and each of the other rooms. The 
 cellar and attic of this house are plastered. The building, with- 
 out appurtenances, as per schedule " B," cost $2,550. 
 Fig. No. 16 is an elevation of Plan No. 15. 
 ^ 6 _ 
 COST FROM $1,600 TO $2,800. 
 PLANS Nos. 1 6, 17, and 1 8 are all outgrowths of the same 
 idea. It is the most economical general scheme for a house 
 that is represented in this collection. In No. 16 there is not 
 more than forty-eight square feet of hall space in the entire 
 house. This is on the second floor. This plan was devised 
 under an extraordinary pressure for a roomy house for a relatively 
 small sum of money. Everything is made to count for a room. 
 Twelve sets of plans of this general kind were made for as 
 many different owners of houses during one season. This 
 statement is made for the purpose of indicating its popularity. 
 We will look through No. 16 with some respect to detail. 
 It is a one-chimney plan. There are three grates with inde- 
 pendent flues in the three principal rooms on the first floor, and 
 two grates with their flues on the second floor. One among 
 other points of economy is the stairway arrangement. It is a 
 combination, front, rear, and cellar all in compact form. There 
 are two doors between the kitchen and the landing of the main 
 stairway. In this respect it is like other combination stairways 
 which have been described. The front and rear stairway come 
 to the same landing, and from thence to the second floor. The 
 front stairway is provided with a railing, baluster, etc., and the 
 one from the kitchen is within an enclosure. There may be 
 portieres between the landing and the reception-hall. Thus one 
 may pass from the kitchen to the second floor without coming- 
 into view from this room. The cellar stairway goes down under 
 the main stairway. The combination idea is carried out again 
 in the pantry and china-closet. This pantry and its arrangement 
 in detail are fully described in Chapter VI., and illustrated in 
 'Ad^pMo.I 6 
 Fig. 4. The vestibule next to the reception-hall is the one 
 referred to in Chapter V. 
 On the second floor are four bedrooms and a bath-room, 
 which is immediately over the kitchen. There is a straight run 
 of pipe in a pipe duct on the inside wall. 
 Fig. 17 is a photographic view of the exterior. It is an 
 ultra shingle design. 
 •- "■$ 
 II x Li; 
 -2D2G1 F^Toot 
 Fio\ 1 3 is an elevation of Plan No. 17. Fig. 19 of Plan 
 No. 18. 
 No. 17 is the house in which the general plan was first 
 worked out, and, in some respects, it shows that the idea was 
 then in an experimental stage. However, it indicates a house of 
 moderate size on this plan, whereas No. 16 is a large house. No. 
 12.x \X6~ 
 =0 IBe<JiRr>? 
 -4 I TV la: 
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 18 is the small size of the same plan. It has been built many 
 times as a rental house. With the furnace it is under lease, in 
 one instance, for five hundred dollars a year. In other cases, 
 without a furnace but including plumbing with the use of city 
 water only, the rent is thirty-five dollars a month. Any of these 
 plans can be worked into a double house by putting the bath- 
 room on the outside, and adding to the amount of window space 
 front and rear. The following- is a list of costs, without appurte- 
 nances, as per schedule " B " : — 
 No. 16, as a shingle house, $2,800; No. 17, $2,200; No. 
 18, $1,600. 
 The latter figure includes soft-wood finish throughout. 
 Other sizes of this house have been built where the general 
 construction aggregated $2,400. 
 THIS house — Plan No. 19 — has been built for $1,400. It 
 is a one-story cottage, containing five rooms, a bath-room, 
 and a pantry. Such a house is suited to young people of mod- 
 erate means, or possibly to older ones, where there are no chil- 
 dren, or where the housekeeper does her own work. It will be 
 seen that it gives more of the conveniences of a larger house 
 than are usually found in a cottage of this size. 
 From the porch we pass into a little vestibule, which might 
 be made larger by throwing into it the closet which opens from 
 the sitting-room. From the vestibule we go either into the 
 parlor or the sitting-room. This parlor could be used as the 
 living-room of the house, and the sitting-room as the dining- 
 room, and still meet all the conditions of good housekeeping. 
 Off from the sitting-room is a projection, which could be very 
 comfortably arranged as a window-seat. It could be used as 
 such during warm weather, and as a place for plants in 
 winter. In the corner of this room is a closet, which may be 
 connected with the kitchen by a slide. There are sliding doors 
 between the sitting-room and the bedroom. In the front part 
 of the bedroom is a large closet. It is possible that many would 
 prefer to have a window at this point, and have a smaller closet 
 elsewhere ; say, in the corner next to the sliding-door partition. 
 The placing of a closet next to the rear wall would leave no 
 place for a bed as the rooms are now arranged. If the door 
 from the parlor to the bedroom were omitted the head of the 
 bed might be placed against the sliding-door partition, and the 
 -*V£7- 1= 
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 closet cut out from the rear bedroom, with an opening leading 
 into the front bedroom. 
 From the sitting-room, or from the front bedroom, we pass 
 into a little hall ; and from the hall into the kitchen, the bath- 
 room, or the rear bedroom. Over each of the five doors 
 leading into this hall there should be a transom ; thus it would 
 be well lighted. The placing of the hall in this way makes all 
 of the rooms surrounding it independently accessible. The rear 
 bedroom has a place for a bed, a large closet, and a wall space 
 for necessary furniture. The availability of a bedroom is not 
 always dependent upon its size. A room may be large, and yet 
 not contain wall space for the furniture. A large bedroom may 
 have a small closet. This bedroom has a large one. 
 The bath-room comes next to the kitchen flue. This is 
 important when we consider that the kitchen flue is frequently 
 the last one in the house to get cool. As here arranged, the 
 pipe connections with the bath-tub would all be short ; they 
 would all be near this flue, and on the inside wall. Hence the 
 conditions would be against freezing. There is a hollow 
 thimble in the pipe connections between the kitchen flue and 
 the bedroom. The bath-room might connect with the same flue 
 or flue-stack. Connecting with the bath-room there is a large 
 linen-closet, which is about the proper size and form for folded 
 bed-clothes. It is near the bath-room window, so that when 
 the closet-door is open the contents will be plainly in view. 
 There is a large window in one side of the kitchen, which 
 should be placed three feet from the floor, so as to admit of a 
 table being set under it. If the kitchen stove were placed 
 next the wall separating the kitchen and sitting-room, it could 
 be piped across to the kitchen flue, and in that way leave the 
 wall space adjacent to that flue and near the bath-tub for the 
 kitchen sink. This would bring all the plumbing work together. 
 At one side of this sink could be placed a well-pump, and a 
 cistern-pump at the other. 
 In the rear of the kitchen are a porch and a pantry. We go 
 down cellar directly from the kitchen. Over the headway of 
 the cellar stairs could be placed a closet for various stores, such 
 as canned fruit. This closet, of course, would be connected 
 with the pantry, as shown. The necessity for head room in 
 going into the cellar would make it necessary to place the floor 
 of this closet three or four feet above the pantry floor. 
 On the side of the pantry opposite this closet are two cup- 
 boards, with doors and shelves above and below. There is a 
 place for a flour-bin or flour-barrel under the dough-board, and 
 space for an ice-box next to it. This box should have a drain 
 connecting with the outside. It is intended to have the cellar 
 under the kitchen and bath-room, 
 though it might be extended 
 under the sitting-room also. This 
 part of the cellar might be used 
 as a fuel-room, and thus dis- 
 pense with wood and coal sheds. 
 f5- With the fuel and water in the 
 house, the housekeeper would be 
 saved much work. Where a 
 kitchen sink is provided, it would be unnecessary even to carry 
 out the dish-water. 
 There are two flue-stacks in this building. A base-burner 
 would warm the sitting-room and bedroom and temper the air of 
 the parlor. A grate fire in the parlor would complete the work 
 of heating that room. 
 The cut of the exterior, Fig. 20, tells its own story. The 
 porch has turned columns, and a frieze decorated with scroll- 
 work. The window seat may have a window at each end, as 
 shown in the floor-plan, or panels, as indicated in the elevation. 
 There is a gable at the side and over the window seat, which 
 extends the full width of the sitting-room. 
 Plan No. 20 is a development of Plan No. 19. Without 
 appurtenances it cost $1,200. 
 Plan No. 21 is an enlargement of No. 19. The pantry 
 and china-room are arranged differently. The doors leading 
 into the china-room are glazed in their upper panels with 
 cathedral glass. This obscures the view, and gives sufficient 
 light. These doors were hung on double-spring hinges, so fre- 
 quently mentioned. Over the dining-room and chamber are 
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 two finished bedrooms. They are arranged in the high part 
 of the roof, and, with dormers, would have only a small part of 
 the upper corners clipped. There are two grates more than 
 shown in Plan No. 19. The stairway arrangement may be 
 reversed, so that one goes to the second floor from the hall 
 rather than from the kitchen. This house cost, with two fin- 
 ished rooms on the second floor, without appurtenances, as per 
 schedule " B," $1700. 
 Plan No. 22 can be built and finished for $800. The gable 
 arrangement would be about the same as in Fig. No. 20. 
 Plan No. 23 was built, including everything that went on 
 to the lot, for $1,600. 
 _J1I . 
 £ J3rpTT^T^3P 
 . _ 
 Plan No. 24, as per schedule " B," cost $1,100. 
 Plan No. 25, without appurtenances, cost $1,400. 
 One-story houses cost more for the accommodations which 
 they afford than two-story buildings, for the reason that it takes 
 the same foundation and roof for a one-story house that it 
 does for one of two stories of the same area on the first floor. 
 In fact, it usually takes more foundation and roof for a one- 
 story house than it does for a two-story, for the reason that it 
 covers more ground space than would be required for the same 
 or a larger number of rooms in the two floors. 
 No. 26. This is a peculiar type of a one-story house. 
 There is a servant's room over the kitchen. It is a very com- 
 fortable arrangement. The bath-room stands between the two 
 bedrooms. There is a grate in each of the rooms on the 
 lower floor. The kitchen-sink arrangements are not altogether 
 satisfactory. It is a plan which will never be very popular. It 
 is designed to be finished with shingles for the outside wall. 
 The structure will cost about two thousand dollars, as per 
 schedule " B." 
 PLAN No. 27 is a side-hall plan with a bedroom on the first 
 floor. The parlor and sitting-room have views directly to 
 the front. The dining-room has a bay end, and a good china- 
 passage to the kitchen. There is a rear side-hall which is 
 desired by a good many people in building a large house. On 
 the second floor are four principal chambers, which are entirely 
 cut off from the rear bedroom, by bolting a door into the rear 
 hall. The bath-room is measurably detached from the rest of 
 the house, which fact will have the quality of satisfying people 
 who are suspicious of all plumbing. This building, without 
 appurtenances, according to schedule " B," cost about three 
 thousand dollars. 
 Plan No. 28 has over two hundred dollars' worth of porch 
 attached to it. It is a side-hall plan, with the entrance to the 
 front. In it the combination stair idea is carried out in a way 
 previously mentioned, but not before illustrated. The rear 
 stairway is direct as to the servant's room, and combined with 
 the central stairway only for entrance to the main part of the 
 house on the second floor. The arrangement of rooms on the 
 first floor makes this plan suitable for use by people who enter- 
 tain in a small way. This is the plan to which reference is 
 made in the special kitchen article, excepting that there is a 
 change in the position of the cellar stairway. There are two 
 closets and a wash-stand in the hall which connects the kitchen 
 I6 5 
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1 66 
 and sitting-room. This building, without appurtenances, as per 
 schedule " B," cost between $2,800 and $2,900. 
 In Plan No. 29 the hall is in front, yet the entrance is at the 
 side. The stairway is at the rear end of the hall. A little door 
 is shown at the rear of the vestibule, leading under the stairway. 
 The closet is not very high, yet it is high enough to use as a 
 / P<Jfdp 
 place to store a baby carriage or a small tricycle. The arrange- 
 ment of the entrance and the stairs admits of the use of the 
 hall as a room. In the house as constructed, there is a window 
 seat in the octagon end. There is a double railing coming down 
 into the hall. A part of the stairway is open on each side. 
 Opposite is a grate. There are also grates in the parlor and 
 sitting-room. By a little change in the kitchen arrangement, a 
 bedroom could be placed back of the sitting room, and the rear 
 and cellar stairway would occupy measurably the same position 
 as now. The kitchen would have to be a little narrower, and, 
 if desired, might be longer. The pantry and kitchen could both 
 be pushed a little to the left of where they now stand. In this 
 way space for a bedroom could be provided back of the sitting- 
 room, with possibly only a small projection to the right. The 
 rear vestibule could be cut out of the corner of the bedroom. 
 To prevent this from injuring the appearance of the room, a 
 corresponding space, to the left of this vestibule, could be 
 arranged into passage and closets for the bedroom and sitting- 
 room. In this event the rear bedroom wall would extend past 
 the rear kitchen wall. Attention is called to the size of the 
1 68 
 closets on the second floor. By a slightly different arrangement 
 of the bath-room an additional bedroom could be provided. 
 There is a large attic over the front part of this house. The 
 entire side walls are covered with shingles dipped in stain. 
 There is a mild form of octagon tower over the front chamber. 
 The building, as here planned, cost $2,600, without the appur- 
 tenances mentioned in schedule " B." 
 No. 30. Plans with bedrooms on the first floor are fre- 
 quently wanted. This requirement makes an ugly problem. It 
 increases the number of rooms on the first floor, and oftentimes 
 leaves a less number to be provided on the second story. In 
 this plan, including the bath and reception-hall, there are six 
 rooms on the first floor and three on the second, hence a good 
 deal of waste. There is a sink in the rear hall, second floor, 
 with water supply over it, to obviate the necessity of carrying 
 slops down stairs. Cost of building in brick, $3,000. 
 Fief. 21 is an elevation. 
 IS]— - 
 - "Hsn. 
 I3tfx i7' 
 r] l«x,/ 
 No. 31. This plan is of the same general character as No. 
 27, but is somewhat contracted. There is a wash-stand in 
 the little room on the stair landing, a few steps above the recep- 
 tion-hall floor. This building, without appurtenances, cost 
 $2,400, as per schedule " B." 
 Fig. 22 is an elevation of this plan. 
 A GREAT many people like a side-hall entrance, as well as 
 one in front. Plan No. 32 gives it. On the second floor 
 there are a large number of bedrooms. The rear stairway comes 
 up in a manner to separate the servant's room from the front 
 part of the house. A double store-closet is shown on the rear 
 of the second floor. The front part of this closet may be left 
 unlocked and the other portion made secure. The bath-room in 
 the rear has direct connection with the water pipes as they come 
 up from the kitchen. All the bedrooms have the proper plan 
 for furniture. This house, without appurtenances, as per sched- 
 ule " B," was built for about $4,000. 
 Plan No. 33 was used three times in one season, in slightly 
 differing forms, at a cost varying from $2,800 to $3,600, without 
 appurtenances, as per schedule " B." In the matter of floor 
 space it is not an economical house. It makes a very pretty 
 arrangement of rooms on the first floor. There are five good 
 bedrooms and a bath-room on the second floor. The rear part 
 is measurably separated from the front by a door. A projecting 
 bay window from the family bedroom is shown. 
 Plan No. 34. This is another plan that was made to order. 
 It is an economical arrangement, and, in many respects, very 
 convenient and satisfactory. The single stairway, passing from 
 the dining-room, will be the least satisfactory feature about the 
 whole house to the majority of people. However, the idea in 
 this connection is a good one. It is economical in that it dis- 
 penses entirely with the hall. Furthermore, this stairway starts 
 from a room which will be used less than any on the first floor. 
 3 f r^^C o"] 
 =3 B ss!r^ 
 Few people will be inconvenienced by the use of the dining- 
 room as a hall. Part of this stairway goes into a hall lead- 
 ing to the kitchen. The china-room and pantry arrangements in 
 this house are very satisfactory. On the second floor are five 
 bedrooms and a bath-room. The hall is lighted by a dormer 
 over the stairway. This building - , without appurtenances, would 
 cost about $2,500, as per schedule " B." 
 Plan No. 35 is a house with a side entrance for small boys, 
 which is sometimes wanted. This plan meets such a require- 
 ment. In the rear hall a coat closet is provided ; also a rear 
 .zrpcl F^ocrrr 
 stairway. The vestibule in front of the reception-hall is suffi- 
 ciently large to admit of the placing of hat rack and other vesti- 
 bule furniture. The stairway is a pretty feature, though not 
 satisfactory to all. There is a closet in connection with the 
 music- room. In actual construction one was provided from 
 the kitchen. The second floor is self-explanatory. It was built, 
 as per schedule " B," for $2,500. 
 Plan No. 36. The requirements of the occupants of this 
 building are peculiar. A large number of bedrooms are required. 
 Other than bath and bedrooms, there are only the dining-room, 
 parlor, and kitchen. There is no cellar. There is a combination 
 stairway. One run starts from the front, and the other from the 
 H« T f/L JRl 
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 1 &U 1 \ 
 L^bi— cxi-^ > 
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 _xpcl FHoOV 
 rear. The landing is in the centre on the second floor. Cost 
 of this building, $2,000, as per schedule " B." 
 In No. 37 the stairway is back of the reception-hall. It is 
 distinctively in the centre of the house, and is accessible from 
 all rooms. There is a passage through two doors from the 
 kitchen to the front part of the house. There is also the usual 
 11 ajciyiS' 
 ^S^> UM \ 
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 f Wp^ 
 . 5^ 
 =3 C^gto- _ 
 -23pdF :x ]ooi— 
 I i 
 pantry passage. On the second floor there are four good bed- 
 rooms, a linen closet, and a bath-room. The cost of the 
 building, without appurtenances, would be about $2,100, as per 
 schedule " B." 
 Plan No. 38 is another square, one-chimney plan. The 
 house is broad enough so that it gives a little better bath-room 
 icziKi gi 
 r ti 
 jzpd F^ocn- 
 arrangement than is shown in some of the narrower plans. The 
 great drawback to this house is that there is only one stairway, 
 and that in front. If a cellar is wanted, the stairway can go 
 down under the main stairs. 
 Plan No. 39. This plan has six bedrooms on the second 
 floor. The hall on the first floor has two closets in front. There 
 is a projecting bay window from the first landing of the front 
 This house was built for a minister. The library room is 
 shown. Projecting- from it is a window-seat. On one side is a 
 large fireplace. The dining-room is separated from the front 
 part of the house by a hall. Both sitting-room and dining-room 
 have bay ends of a form to give a view to the street in front. 
 c ~[Tgi~if'gi. j 
 I3X 1^- 
 _23?d f^looir. 
 The side-hall communicates with the kitchen as well as the 
 dining-room. In this hall is a closet, presumably for the boys. 
 There is a liberal supply of closets on the second floor. The 
 servant's room is cut off from the other part of the house. The 
 attic is plastered. This building, without appurtenances described 
 in schedule " B," cost $3,500. 
i 7 8 
 Plan No. 40. The rear hall with the side entrance is the 
 thing" which will commend this house, as far as its floor plan is 
 concerned. It is an old-style plan, and is wasteful of room. 
 The building cost about $3,100, as per schedule " B." 
 Plan No. 41 is an eight-room house with a simple stairway. 
 The outside walls are of brick. It has a side entrance. The 
 .xpcJ FTpor-. 
 plan is a fairly good one. There are two closets on the first 
 floor, opening from the hall. There is an abundant supply on 
 the second floor. The building cost $3,400, as per schedule 
 " B." 
 Plan No. 42 belongs to the centre hall type, which is less 
 common now than in years past. The parlor, as here lettered, 
 CJjrpo. , 
 P 1 ^ B T 
 SttarxfF^rp J3n7Tnd~F^™:: 
 LP f ^ 
 .xipcl FHocn— . 
 is in reality the sitting-room. A bedroom is shown on the first 
 floor. In each of the four principal rooms a grate is indicated. 
 A hall communicating with the second floor from the cellar 
 is shown in the rear. The kitchen, pantry, and china-closet 
 arrangements are such as have been fully described in other 
 [ 3K 
 kO wo LI i 
 chapters. The side-porch, next to the pantry, affords means 
 of putting ice into the refrigerator without coming into the 
 room. The reception- hall and dining-room are connected by 
 sliding doors. Five bedrooms and a bath-room and liberal 
 closets are shown on the second floor. The front stairway 
 to this floor is broad and easy. The details of the exterior 
 of this structure were carefully rendered, and the appearance 
 altogether satisfactory. An outline drawing of the front is 
 shown. Small gables, similar in design to the one in front, 
 show from the sides. The building, according to schedule " B," 
 cost $2,800, without the appurtenances. 
 PLAN No. 43, while not economical as to arrangement, is 
 well suited to the requirements of the people who own it. 
 There are no children. The lady does not employ a servant. 
 The cost of the building would be about $2,200. 
 Plan No. 44. Double houses are not easy to plan where 
 they are very long. This house was built, one part to live in 
 and the other to rent. The living part has an entrance to the 
 front ; and the rental part one, removed from it, at the side. 
 The centre partition is lined on both sides with sheathing lath ; 
 that is, sheathing with dovetails cut into it, so that the plaster- 
 ing will stick to it, which makes it solid, and, to a certain extent, 
 deadens the sound. The lettering of the plan clearly indicates 
 its arrangement. The cost, without appurtenances, as by sched- 
 ule " B," is $5,000. 
 Mo ;t of the plans given that are only two rooms deep may 
 be made into double houses by enlarging the amount of window 
 space front and rear, and placing the bath-room side of the 
 house on the exposed side. This gives direct light. 
 Plan No. 45. This house is built on a plat of ground 
 having about seventy feet frontage. The side-hall arrangements 
 give two entirely independent rooms in front. There is a good 
 closet in the hall. From here we pass to the dining-room, 
 library, or parlor, and to the second floor. Only one stairway is 
 used. The pantry and china arrangements are shown. We 
 enter the cellar stairway from the pantry passage. The kitchen 
 is planned according to the general principles previously set 
 On the second floor are four bedrooms and a bath-room. 
 Each room, including the bath, is supplied with closets, and 
 there is a linen closet in the hall. A stairway leads to the attic, 
 in which there is an abundance of room for other chambers, 
 should they be needed. ' The building, without appurtenances, 
 according to schedule " B," cost $2,100. Fig. 24 is a photo- 
 graphic view of exterior. 
 Plan No. 46 is not greatly different in its general arrange- 
1 84 
 izpcJ F'locn- " 
 -I mw< 14-6' 
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 1S 5 
 ment from others that have been shown. The details, however, 
 are more complete, and it is generally more satisfactory than other 
 houses of the same type. The vestibule arrangement in the 
 front hall is very satisfactory. There is a window-seat under the 
 stairs. The china-room arrangement is convenient. It has an 
 open stairway running out of it to the rear of the second story. 
 ^ocpNcH 6 
 There is a laundry in the basement, and large closets on the 
 second floor. 
 Fig. 25 is an elevation. It is a very picturesque house. 
 Cost, as by schedule " B." $3,400. 
 Plan 47. This house was designed for a west frontage. It 
 has a porch in front, a pagoda extension on the south side, and 
 a carriage-porch on the north side. There are a set of storm 
 doors and double inside doors. The reception-hall is thirteen 
 by fifteen feet in the clear. At one side of- this hall is a grate. 
 There is an archway over the front window. On each side of 
 the mantel are shown seats, which may be treated as a part 
 The stairway may be seen from this reception -hall. It is 
 separated from it merely by an open-work screen. The parlor 
 connects with the reception-hall by sliding doors. It has a large 
 window in front, and two smaller ones at the side. 
 The parlor connects with the sitting-room by sliding doors, 
 as shown. There is a similar sliding door connecting the stair- 
 hall and sitting-room. Thus the reception-hall and stair-hall, 
 sitting-room and parlor, may be thrown together. 
 There is a bay end at the south side of the sitting-room. 
 Sliding doors are not indicated between the dining-room and 
 sitting-room, or between the dining-room and hall. They could 
 be so placed, if desired. 
 I8 7 
 There are two doors from the sitting-room to the dinino-- 
 room, one on each side of the fireplace. There is sufficient 
 wall space in the dining-room that these doors may be folded out 
 of the way. The library connects with the stair-hall and rear hall. 
 Plan No. 47. 
 Gcvi-r c*pe- 
 There is a large closet room under the stairway. In it is a 
 small closet, and places for a chest of drawers, and a wash-stand. 
 This would be particularly useful in case the library were to be 
 used as a bedroom. 
 There is a door separating the rear from the front hall. 
 There are two doors between the kitchen and the rear hall. The 
 passageway between these doors is lighted by a window. 
 The sideboard in the dining-room is built into one end of 
 this room. The windows are placed about five feet above the 
 floor, and would look well of stained glass. 
 The kitchen is sixteen by sixteen feet. On one side are a 
 table, sink, drain, and table, successively arranged as here 
 named. In the china-closet is an extension of the last-named 
 table. There is a slide which cuts off communication between 
 the china-closet and the kitchen when this table is not in use. 
 In the china-closet are another sink, table, etc., which could be 
 used for washing and caring for the china, glass, and silver that 
 one does not care to take into the kitchen. 
 There is good ventilation in the kitchen. Back of the range 
 are shown two flues. A dry-box is placed on a level with the 
 top of the range, and has openings in the bottom and into the 
 Hue. In this way, any articles placed therein will be readily 
 dried and ventilated. The warm air from the range passes 
 through die box and into the flue. 
 In the pantry are a dough-board and flour-bins, a cupboard 
 for stores, and one for utensils. There is space for an ice-box 
 or refrigerator next to the rear porch. It has a drain connection 
 with the outside. 
 The landing of the front stairway is in the front of the build- 
 ing, as shown. The rear stairway is separated by a door from 
 the rear hall. In the bedrooms, the beds, dressing-cases, and 
 wash-stands are indicated on the plan. The front chamber has 
 a circular window in front. Each room can be entered from the 
 hall without going through any other room. There is a grate 
 in each chamber. The closets are all very large ; in each of the 
 front rooms they are three and one-half by four and one-half 
 feet. In the south-side chambers one is three and one-half by 
 four feet, and the other is four by four feet. In the rear hall 
 there is a large closet which may be used for general purposes. 
 In all closets on this floor there is abundant room for drawers, 
 hooks, shelves, etc. 
 The bath-room arrangement is somewhat different from that 
 in general use. It will be noticed that the water-closet is sepa- 
 rated from the bath-room proper, though connected with it by 
 a door. One can enter either the bath-room or this water- 
 closet room from the rear hall. In the bath-room is a large 
 closet in which may be arranged a chest of drawers, and, if 
 desired, a ventilated receptacle for soiled linen. This closet is 
 lighted by a window. Cost, as by schedule " B," $10,000. 
 Plan No. 48 is of a house well suited to the requirements of 
 the people who live in it. Fig. 26 is a view of the exterior. It 
 is a shingle house of a severe type. The side projection is a 
 combination of brick and stone. Cost, without appurtenances, 
 Plan No. 49, without appurtenances, has been built for 
 • YsftLlSb&p. 
 OJnjpo... ] 
 I I 
 r *l? p L iQ - II Ml 
 ^T?ol F*1ogt~ 
 $3,400. It is finished in both stories in hard^ wood, has a 
 front and rear stairway, and a side entrance. A central chimney 
 contains four grates. The closet arrangement is as good as in 
 any plan in this collection. 
 Figs. 27 and 28 are elevations. Fig. 28 shows how the con- 
 servatory at the side is finished so as to appear with, and as a 
 part of, the porch. 
 f^DJpt ^j^^-7 
 Old©'. F^3' 
 Plan No. 50. This is a plan of a brick house, built, with- 
 out appurtenances, as per schedule " B," for $10,000. The 
 external walls are of selected dark cherry red brick, laid in red 
 mortar. The stone work, where exposed above grade, is of 
 Ohio red sandstone, quarry face. There is very little detail to 
 the exterior. The general style of design is quiet and unob- 
 trusive. Red sandstone is selected to go with the brick-work 
 T Plan \\o. 
 <*L Flout 
 ij^cJ PTocn- 
 in order to present a solid mass of color, rather than a varia- 
 tion between a liofht stone and brick work. The interior is 
 complete in all its details ; the attic is finished as well as the 
 parlor ; all is of quartered oak. Over the butler's pantry, in the 
 rear of the hall, is a balcony. Above this balcony is a 
 large window, twelve feet wide and ten feet high, divided with 
 narrow mullions, and glazed with artistic patterns of stained 
 glass. At one side of the hall is a large fireplace, with 
 panelled wood-work above to ceiling. The sides of the hall 
 are wainscoted to the height of six feet with small panels. 
 The ceiling is of oak. The dining-room and library are finished 
 the same as hall, with oak ceiling omitted. Other details of 
 the plan, in the light of what has been said in previous chap- 
 ters, are self-explanatory. All has been planned according 
 to the general principles set forth. The butler's pantry is 
 arranged so that all china and glassware are cared for in that 
 room rather than in the kitchen. Fig. 29 is an exterior view of 
 this plan. 
 Fig. 29. 
 IN this section of the book it is proposed to consider, in as 
 plain a manner as possible, the construction of all the details 
 of a house. 
 First is the placing of the house on the lot. If it have an 
 east or a west front, it is common to set the north side of the 
 house within a few feet of the north line. On a small lot this 
 gives more south and sun exposure. The distance the house is 
 set back from the front of the lot depends largely upon what 
 one's neighbors have done or may do. In the case of a north 
 or south frontage, the west side of the house is usually placed 
 to the west line. This brines the east side of the house in the 
 afternoon shade. Under any circumstances, there should never 
 be less than eighteen inches of space beyond the north or west 
 wall. If the projection of cornice is greater, there should be 
 more than this. 
 The next thine to do when one begins to build, is to 
 provide water for the builder. This is from the city water 
 service, if any ; otherwise from a well. If a driven well is 
 used, it is best to locate it on the inside of the house, near 
 the kitchen sink, and allow the builder to provide a common 
 pump for use during building operations. The cistern and well 
 pumps should go into the plumber's contract. It is not neces- 
 sary that all the plumbing contract be let at the time the city 
 water service is supplied. The method of letting contracts is 
 explained in another part of the book. 
 In excavating for a house, the loam, or upper strata of earth, 
 should be separated from that which comes below. After the 
 walls are placed, the openings around the outside should not 
 be filled at once ; certainly not until the wall is dry and the 
 mortar set. After this, the grading and filling should begin. 
 The grade line of the house should be slightly above that of 
 the sidewalk, and there should be a general slope to it. If there 
 is an alley in the rear, the slope should be divided to reach it, 
 if possible. The drainage, excavating and filling connected 
 with the plumbing, gas supplies, etc., should be done early in 
 the building period. Thus the entire surface becomes compact 
 and natural by the time the building is finished. If it should 
 become apparent that there will be superfluous earth, it should 
 be removed from the lot. 
 Where there is a clay soil, and in sections of the country 
 where cellars are inclined to be damp, they should be drained. 
 This is done in various ways ; usually by running an open farm 
 tile around and below the level of the cellar wall, which should 
 have connection preferably with a dry well ; but if nothing better 
 presents itself, with the sewer drain, although a connection of 
 this kind is not safe. The air which will come into this drain 
 from the sewer will contaminate the soil, and in that way affect 
 the health of the occupants of the building. In some instances 
 a sewer connection from this drain is necessary, but only then 
 should it be used. 
 Another method of draining a cellar is to excavate below 
 the level of lowest mason-work, and fill in a depth of about 
 twelve inches with broken stone, which is given a drain connec- 
 tion with proper outlet. The space between stone particles acts 
 as a drain. 
 The mason-work should be of brick or stone. First, we will 
 consider that of brick, which is common to frame houses and 
 is sometimes used for brick buildings. The foundations, 
 walks, piers, and flues should be of hard burned brick. All 
 should be laid wet, excepting in freezing 
 weather, with lime mortar. The outside ex- 
 posed brick should be preferably of a dark 
 cherry-red color, laid in white or red mortar. 
 The latter is in most general use. The joints 
 for exposed work should be in form as indi- 
 cated in Fig. 30 ; in mason's parlance, these are 
 called " rodded joints." The joint is first cut down from above, 
 with trowel, then the rod is placed along the upper edge of the 
 joint, and the mortar is cut away with a knife in the form indi- 
 cated. Then the vertical joints are trimmed in the same way ; 
 thus no mortar projects beyond the face of the brick. This 
 form of joint is desirable for all kinds of exposed work, 
 where one desires better work than is usual in foundations and 
 other exposed brick work. Brick work should have struck or 
 common joints in the cellar and outside exposed walls, only 
 where small cost is of great importance. Brick work should be 
 left rough where it is desired to plaster. Foundation walls and 
 piers usually continue from sixteen to thirty inches above 
 grade ; twenty or twenty-four inches is most common. On this 
 is placed a sill in most frame houses. Outside walls and piers 
 generally begin from eighteen to thirty inches below grade line, 
 where not influenced by the cellar. In an ordinarily cold climate 
 the freezing line is four or five feet. Eighteen inches or two 
 feet is usual, however, in the construction of frame buildings, 
 and the results are not unsatisfactory. A damp-course of slate 
 or hard limestone is sometimes placed just above the grade line, 
 to prevent the passage of moisture from the brick wall below to 
 that above. These general statements as to brick work apply 
 alike to that used in brick and frame buildings, as do also the 
 statements as to interior walls, chimneys, etc., which follow. 
 To prevent the passage of moisture through brick walls below 
 grade from the outside, a coating of Portland cement is some- 
 times used. Coal-tar is also used, but is not as good as the 
 A BRICK wall under a frame house is ordinarily nine inches 
 thick; that is, it is called a nine-inch wall. In reality, it 
 is the thickness of the length of a brick. Under these walls are 
 placed footings. For a two-story frame house there are usually 
 two footings of two courses each projecting two inches. Thus 
 a nine-inch wall would have the bottom footing seventeen inches 
 wide. In ordinary American brick work there is what is called 
 a bond to each seventh course. The bond is made by laying 
 the brick crosswise the wall rather than lengthwise. In that way 
 it ties or bonds the wall together in the direction of its length. 
 Below grade, where the brick work is not exposed, the bond is 
 made by laying a continuous course of brick in this way. Above 
 the grade, the bond is made by laying each alternate brick across 
 the wall. This is called a header and stretcher bond. The 
 stretcher is the brick which lies lengthwise the wall in the com- 
 mon way, and the header is the one which shows its head and 
 runs crosswise the wall to form the bond. Thus there is a con- 
 tinuous row of alternating headers and stretchers in the bond 
 course, which occurs, as said before, each seventh course. 
 Another bond, by some brick-layers called the American bond, 
 does not show on the outside. The corners of the inside of the 
 outer row of bricks are clipped, so that the bond brick runs part 
 way into the outside course, and thus is out of sight. It is an 
 artificial arrangement and not satisfactory ; it is not good con- 
 struction. The header and stretcher bond is the best for 
 exposed work, where both appearance and solidity are to be 
 considered. There are other forms of bond, — the old English 
 and the Flemish, — but they need not be considered here. 
 All brick should be thoroughly "slushed" with mortar; 
 that is, all spaces between brick should be thoroughly filled. 
 The ideal condition would be to have all brick excepting the 
 exposed faces entirely surrounded by mortar. 
 The selection of the brick for the exposed fronts in a frame 
 as well as a brick house should be made before the brick work 
 is begun ; at least a large supply should be selected and piled 
 up. While the brick cannot all be of the same shade, different 
 shades can be selected for different walls — a lighter shade for 
 a north wall, and a darker for a south wall, a different shade for 
 an east and a west wall. Very slight variations can be made in 
 the ells and projections. This would apply to pressed, stock, 
 or common brick, though pressed brick is usually selected be- 
 fore delivery. 
 The best color for exposed work is a dark cherry red. The 
 best-appearing work with indifferent brick can be made with 
 the use of a reddish brown mortar. The use of this kind of 
 mortar is increasing. White putty mortar is made in the ordi- 
 nary way, excepting that white sand, similar to that from Lake 
 Pontchartrain, rather than gray sand, is used. It contains more 
 lime than ordinary mortar. The mortar is said to be richer. 
 Black brick are made by heating and then dipping in coal- 
 tar. Enamelled, glazed, and colored brick can be purchased in 
 the larger markets as desired. Various forms of ornamental 
 brick work are possible even where only the common brick are 
 used. Moulded pressed brick are quite common, and the 
 results of their use very satisfactory. 
 Brick veneering is not unusual in sections of the country 
 where brick is very expensive and the effect of a brick house 
 desired. It is a four-inch brick wall anchored to a frame struc- 
 ture. The anchoring is sometimes accomplished by driving 
 twenty-penny nails into wood-work in a way to project into 
 Hot-air flues in brick walls are sometimes tin-lined, though 
 this is not necessary when they are smoothly plastered, providing 
 it is possible to make them eight inches square. If they cannot 
 be made deeper than the width of a brick, four inches, they 
 should be tin-lined. A four-inch hot-air flue can be placed in a 
 nine-inch wall by setting the two outside rows of brick on edge. 
 Hollow walls have not been regarded with great favor during 
 recent years, for the reason that it is difficult to secure their 
 proper construction. A hollow wall is usually twelve inches 
 in thickness, with the middle course of brick omitted excepting 
 at the corners and adjacent to openings. Suitable ties are 
 placed across the open space. 
 It now is in order to consider various features of interior 
 brick work and details which come in connection therewith. 
 Cellars are usually from seven to eight feet deep. As this does 
 not give all the height necessary for furnace or other heating 
 apparatus, it is usually pitted ; that is, it is let down into the 
 cellar floor, and a brick area built around the opening to the 
 furnace-door. Because of the necessity for pitting the furnace, 
 the walls of the house adjacent thereto should continue eighteen 
 inches below the level of other walls. 
 Walls inside of cellar should continue to the top of joist. 
 This completely separates the different compartments of the 
 cellar, or from that part of the house where there is no cellar. 
 There should be a man-hole opening to the parts under the 
 house where there is no cellar. 
 Lintels or wooden supports should be provided over all 
 openings in cellar, and over all openings in inside brick walls. 
 Wooden brick should be provided and built in where it is 
 necessary to attach wood work to brick work. Usually this is 
 about two feet six inches apart in a vertical or horizontal direc- 
 tion. The wooden brick should be the thickness of the brick 
 itself and the mortar joints ; that is, there should be no mortar 
 above or below a wooden brick. Iron ventilators should be 
 provided ; one in each outside wall under each room where cellar 
 windows are not provided. Windows are not usually provided 
 where there is no cellar. 
 It is known that wood-work should not come directly in con- 
 tact with chimneys. The framework should never rest on a 
 chimney. There are reasons for this other than those which 
 have a regard for safety from fire, one of which is that the chim- 
 ney is not liable to settle. If it does not, the shrinkage of the 
 wood-work, which in a two-story frame house will sometimes 
 amount to two inches in the height of the building, makes a 
 high place around the flues, where the frame comes in contact 
 with or rests on the chimney. All chimney-stacks should extend 
 above highest point of ridge of roof, and the extreme tops should 
 be laid in Portland cement. All the exposed brick of the chim- 
 ney should be hard-burned. If due regard were paid to these 
 points, there would be no rickety chimney-tops. All flues 
 should be thoroughly plastered on the inside. If chimneys 
 were plastered on the outside, wherever they come in contact 
 with the wood-work, the complaint of fires from defective flues 
 would be hushed. 
 Fig. 3 1 illustrates the common form of constructing a chim- 
 ney breast where a grate is to be used. The flues are eight 
 and one-half inches square. A passage 
 to the ash-pit is shown. The grate open- 
 ing is two feet wide ; the jambs on each 
 side are one foot six inches wide ; thus the 
 entire width of the breast is five feet. 
 Other dimensions as indicated. Where 
 there are grates on two floors of the house, 
 one above the other, or where it is desirable 
 for any reason to have a flue pass around a 
 grate, it is necessary that the breast should 
 be five feet wide. It is clear that the orate 
 from below must have its own flue out to 
 the top of the chimney. Thus the grate flue from the first 
 story must pass around the grate of the second story, if there be 
 one. If there is no grate above, or if it is not desired to pass 
 a flue around the first-story grate, the chimney breast need be 
 only four feet wide ; that is, it would have the usual two-feet 
 opening to the grate, and twelve rather than eighteen inch jambs 
 on each side. On one side of the dotted line is indicated flue 
 construction for a brick wall, and on the other for a wood wall. 
 The hearth should rest on what is called a trimmer arch, 
 which is made of brick. It springs from the chimney breast to 
 the header of wood in front. It is four inches in thickness. It 
 is laid in the ordinary way, and at the proper time is filled on the 
 top with concrete by the mantel-setter. In case a grate on the 
 second floor connects with the ash-pit, one of the flues at 
 the side is used for this purpose. 
 Fig. 32 indicates a common form of corner grate. The flues 
 in this as well as Fig. 31 are drawn close together and come out 
 through the attic and roof in a smaller 
 stem. There should be distinct separation 
 of flues. 
 Ash-pits are frequently made of four- 
 inch brick walls strengthened by brick 
 pilasters. These pits are usually from 
 three to four feet in depth and the width 
 of the chimney breast, and nearly as high 
 as the depth of the cellar. Where more 
 than one grate empties into an ash-pit, it 
 is common to divide it into compartments, one for each fire. 
 The top of the pit is crowned with a brick arch. Ash-dumps 
 are sometimes provided for the grate, depending, of course, upon 
 the kind of grate used, and ash-pit doors of iron for the pits 
 The side walls of an outside cellar-way should continue to 
 the bottom of cellar. It should be floored the same as the 
 cellar itself. 
 Areas of brick should be provided around all cellar openings 
 that continue below grade. The bottoms of these areas should 
 be floored with paving-brick. This is better than cement, as it 
 admits of natural drainage. 
 STONE foundations for dwelling-houses are usually made of 
 native stone, and anything that may be said here must ne- 
 cessarily conform to general rather than special conditions. The 
 best stone that can be used for this purpose is hard, non-absorbent 
 limestone. There are many varieties of stone conglomerates 
 throughout the country which are valuable for foundation uses. 
 Stone should be laid up in lime mortar in the direction of its 
 natural bed in the quarry, with a sufficiency of bond stone. 
 For ordinary dwelling-house work there should be at least one 
 footing eight inches in depth, and six inches projection on each 
 side of the wall. Stone walls for foundations are usually made 
 not less than eighteen inches in thickness. It is not easy to lay 
 a good stone wall less than eighteen inches in thickness. While 
 the same number of cubic feet of stone work may cost less than 
 brick work, a stone foundation ordinarily would cost more than 
 one of brick for the reason that a brick wall does not have to be 
 so thick. It usually takes about half the number of cubic feet 
 of brick work that it does of stone work to answer the same 
 purpose. Where stone is available at low cost it is best to use 
 it. Interior brick walls may rest on stone footings. The inside 
 of stone walls should be neatly pointed after other work has 
 been finished. Stone work above grade may be finished in 
 many ways — random range work, rubble work, regular course 
 range work, etc. After the other work has been finished, the 
 mortar should be raked out a short distance and a finish joint 
 Cut-stone work is too large a subject to consider in detail. 
 There are several points which cannot be overlooked. There 
 should be drips cut under all projections, so that the water will 
 not run down the other stone or brick work and stain it. A 
 drip is merely a little V-shaped channel cut on the under side 
 of the stone work. They are found on the under side of 
 most window-sills. In door, window, or other openings, the 
 stone work should underlie or overlie all wood work at least two 
 inches. This may be explained by stating that the stone win- 
 dow-sill should underlie the wood sill two inches, and the 
 window cap should overlie the wood cap at least two inches. 
 Generally speaking, coping should project on each side of the 
 wall about two inches. Sills should extend at least one inch 
 beyond the face of the wall. Window-sills should be no less 
 than five inches in thickness. Door-sills should generally be 
 about seven or eight inches, and extend at least one inch beyond 
 the face of the wall, and through its full thickness. The water 
 table of the stone foundation usually forms the window cap of 
 the cellar windows, and the cap course, which comes at the 
 grade line, the cellar window-sills. In this case it is necessary 
 that the stone should run farther into the wall where the open- 
 ings occur. 
 Stone steps are not over six and one-half to seven and one- 
 half inches in thickness, with from nine to twelve inch treads. 
 They underlie and lap about one inch, and have walls, the same 
 material as the foundation, for lower supports. These walls 
 should go to the full depth of the house walls with which they 
 come in contact. Thus there is no danger of settling. Stone 
 steps are frequently used in the front of the yard from the side- 
 walk to the ofrade level where there is considerable elevation. 
 In such cases it is necessary to use stone side pieces for the 
 steps, to prevent caving and to make a neat finish. Where 
 flagging is cheap, it is well to use it for walks and porch floors. 
 Terra cotta is the perfection of brick-making. It is the only 
 building material which is not affected by changes of tempera- 
 ture, or other natural or artificial conditions to which the build- 
 ing may be subject. It may be described as being a very plastic 
 material ; that is, anything can be done with it. It can be 
 worked into any form that is desired, excepting long lintels, and 
 even in that case there are means of arriving at the desired 
 result and giving a lintel form in a very proper manner. Orna- 
 mental terra cotta is modelled by artists before being burned, 
 and the best results may naturally be expected. 
 The size of the privy vault is usually three and one-half by 
 four and one-half feet, elliptical, and from ten to twenty feet 
 deep, according to the character of the soil. Usually it is walled 
 up with four-inch dry brick wall. Piers should be provided at 
 corners for privy building. In some instances it is required that 
 the privy vault should be made water-tight. In that case it 
 should be built the same as a cistern, with round bottom and 
 cemented interior surface. When it is desired to connect the 
 privy vault with the sewer, it should be cemented in the manner 
 just described, with a siphon vitrified pipe connection with the 
 drain to the sewer. The siphon prevents solid rubbish, which 
 may be thrown into the vault, from getting into the drain and 
 clogging it. 
 The cistern is generally located near the rear kitchen wall, 
 say ten or twelve feet therefrom. The walls, arch, and neck are 
 usually four inches in thickness when capacity of cistern does 
 not exceed one hundred and twenty-five barrels. Otherwise the 
 brick work mentioned should be eight inches in thickness. The 
 brick should be laid in domestic cement, and smoothly coated 
 with Portland cement. It should be connected with the down 
 spouts of the housp by means of vitrified drain-pipe, the same 
 as described in connection with plumbing work, though it has 
 no connection therewith. 
 The following table gives capacity of cisterns of various sizes. 
 sy 2 
 39°-5 6 
 2 5 
 9 l A 
 1 1 
 There are various ways of forming a filter. One is to have 
 a small cistern of eight or ten barrel capacity, located between 
 the main cistern and house. It should be divided by a brick 
 wall laid in mortar, but not cemented on either side. The water 
 enters on one side, passes through the brick wall in the middle, 
 and from thence to the cistern beyond. Another plan is to 
 cement the wall, leave an opening at the bottom, and pack the 
 side on which the water enters with charcoal, sand, and Gravel. 
 The water passes through this packing and the opening below 
 to the other side of the filter, and then to the cistern. Still 
 another plan is to build the partition as first described on the 
 inside of the cistern proper. All of the water passes to one 
 side of the divided cistern, and through the partition before 
 being drawn out. Thus it has to pass through the brick before 
 it is to be drawn out. Still another filter is made by building 
 what is called a beehive in the bottom of the cistern. It is a 
 beehive form of brick work, with the pump pipe leading to the 
 inside, so that all water has to be drawn through the brick bee- 
 hive before it is pumped out. According to this plan, as well as 
 the others mentioned, the water is strained through the brick. 
 It is best that the cistern and independent filter, when used, 
 should be provided with iron rims and cast-iron covers. It is 
 good practice to connect the cistern with a dry well, which is 
 constructed the same as an open vault excepting that the top is 
 arched. This dry-well connection is by means of five-inch 
 vitrified pipe laid in the same manner as sewer pipe. 
 There is a practice, altogether too common among builders, 
 of connecting the cistern overflow with the vault or sewer. 
 Nothing could be worse than this. The water is certain to be 
 Brick pavements are used for walks around the house, and 
 sometimes for cellar floors. Cement floors, however, are better 
 for cellars. Brick pavement of all kinds should be made of hard- 
 burned bricks, laid on a six or eight inch bed of sand. The 
 brick walk should not be laid until after all the grading and fill- 
 ing of the lot has been done. It is best to leave the brick walks 
 out of the general contract, so that this work can be delayed 
 until after the house is finished. It is a good thing to have the 
 sodding and the paving in the same contract. The contractor 
 who attends to the sodding can work the two together to a 
 better advantage than if the walks were placed and the sodding 
 done afterwards. 
 Cement pavements are used for walks around the house, and 
 for cellar floors. Cement is more expensive than brick. The 
 surface to be covered should, first, be levelled, then saturated 
 with water ; after which is laid a three-inch bed of cement con- 
 crete, made of gravel, sand, and cement in proper proportions. 
 Upon this is placed a three-fourth-inch layer of cement mortar. 
 Ordinary American, hydraulic cement may be used for concrete, 
 but for the three-fourth-inch layer nothing but best Portland 
 cement should be considered. Sometimes the cement work in 
 the cellar is done by the plasterer. Outside cement work for 
 walks requires special skill. In most large cities there are those 
 who make a business of doing this work. They have different 
 formulas and methods of reaching the proper results. 
 IN considering carpenter work, we will first take up framing, 
 and everything which pertains to the outside of the house. 
 All material used for framing should be sound, square-edged 
 material, free from imperfections tending to impair its use, dura- 
 bility, or strength. In different parts of the country, different 
 kinds of lumber are standard for framing purposes. In the 
 South and sections contiguous to it, yellow pine is used ; in the 
 North, white pine, hemlock, Norway spruce, poplar, and even 
 hard wood. It is neither profitable nor desirable in this connec- 
 tion to indicate any particular material ; it is natural to use the 
 cheapest that is sufficiently strong for framing. The following 
 table indicates the sizes of timber in common use in framing an 
 ordinary dwelling. 
 Sills, outside walls .... 
 6' x 8" 
 Sills, inside walls .... 
 6 x 8 
 Lintels, over openings 
 6 .r 10 
 Girders, over piers .... 
 6 x 10 
 4 thick 
 Rafters, 20 on centres 
 2 x 6 
 Horizontal purlins, or roof supports . 
 4 x 6 
 2I 3 
 Roof posts 
 Bridging . 
 Joists, ist tier . 
 . . . 2 'x 10 ' X 
 on centres 
 " 2d tier 
 2 X IO X 
 U il 
 " 3d tier \ 
 . 2 „r 8 x 
 u a 
 2 x 6 x 
 a u 
 . 2x4. X 
 a a 
 Rafters, or deck joist, 16" on centres, when to be plastered. 
 Sizes here given may not be adapted to all sections. There 
 is no occasion for being- arbitrary. The sizes may be conformed 
 to the material which is ordinarily used. 
 Stories ten and a half feet high are generally considered the 
 limit in an ordinary frame house at this time. Nine and a half 
 and ten are more common. This is quite different from the 
 general tendency to high stories a few years ago. Certainly, 
 it is more rational. 
 Joists are usually dressed, so that they have about one- 
 half-inch crown or curve on their upper surface, which would 
 make the centre of the room about one-half inch higher 
 than the sides. They should be trimmed so that all are of 
 the same width and form. Double trimmers and headers — 
 that is, double joist — should be framed around all chimney- 
 breasts, well-holes, scuttles, and openings in the wall. In 
 dwelling-house work they should be mortised and tenoned 
 together, as should be the pieces connecting therewith. In very 
 cheap work headers and trimmers are sometimes spiked together. 
 This is not good practice. For very good work, where heavy 
 weights are to be carried, trimmers and headers should be sup- 
 ported on wrought- iron strips. This, however, is not necessary 
 in ordinary dwelling-house work. 
 Joists longer than eighteen feet should be twelve inches in 
 width. Those running adjacent or parallel to partition or other 
 walls should be firmly spiked thereto. Double joists should be 
 placed under all partitions and supports having no support 
 from below. Where the weight is extra heavy, the double joists 
 should be trussed by a two-by-four-inch stud, spiked in truss 
 form, between them. There should be one row of truss bridging 
 to each span or tier, size as indicated. Header should be 
 framed across pipe duct, about eighteen inches therefrom. 
 See Fig. ^. Walls and partitions are usually of two-by- 
 four- inch studding. In large houses it is best that the studding 
 be two by six inches, and plates four inches in 
 thickness and the width of the studding are 
 commonly placed at the bottom and top of the 
 walls of each story. Sometimes, however, the 
 studding continues to the height of two stories, 
 and the joists are supported on a one-by-six- 
 inch " ribbon " piece let into the studding. 
 Trusses or supports should be framed 
 over all openings. Sliding-door pockets or 
 runways should be lined with flooring. All 
 corners and angles should be framed solid 
 and have two-inch projections for lathing. 
 Studding four by four inches thick should be 
 framed around all window openings and on 
 three sides of the door openings ; bridging, 
 two by two inches, one row for each story. Grounds should be 
 placed on the inside openings, and elsewhere for plastering. 
 The pipe duct, fourteen inches wide, should be placed between 
 studding from kitchen to attic floor. All outside walls of frame 
 houses should be diagonally sheathed with seven-eighths-by-six- 
 inch dressed sheathing. Tongued and grooved material is best 
 for this purpose, although it is not in common use. All sheath- 
 ing should be covered with six-pound sized building-paper. 
 Sometimes the insides of brick walls are furred. This means 
 that they are lined on the inside with wood strips two inches in 
 thickness, sixteen inches on centres, and then lathed and plas- 
 tered. This prevents the passage of the moisture through the 
 brick into the inside of the room. 
 Various forms of sheathing lath for inside sheathing of a 
 frame house are now in use. This form of lath contemplates 
 a seven-eighth-inch tongued and grooved sheathing on the 
 inside with dove-tailed channels cut into its surface, which form 
 key-room for the plastering. 
 Most roofs can be formed with out-posts and purlins. All 
 can be formed in this way where cost is not considered. An 
 ordinary dwelling-house of the size given in these plans does 
 not require separate posts and purlins. There should' be double 
 rafters around all chimneys and openings in the roof. 
 The roof should be sheathed with seven-eighths by four-inch 
 material ; where exposed to view, with five-and-one-half-inch 
 beaded flooring. Where deck framing is required, posts and 
 purlins are necessary, size according to weight to be carried. 
 Where shingles are used for roofing, they should be laid 
 four and one-half inches to the weather for sixteen-inch shingles, 
 with two nails to each. It is best that shingles should be 
 dipped in stain, oil, or paint before they are put on the roof. 
 The durability of shingles is not increased by being painted after 
 they have been laid. The ridge finish of the shingle or slate 
 roof should be of galvanized iron, with about four-inch lap on 
 each side. It may be made as ornamental as desired. Wood 
 should never be used for this purpose. Hips and ridges of slate 
 or shingle roofs may be finished with tin or galvanized iron, 
 lapped on each side about three and one-half inches. Gutters 
 of galvanized iron set up on the first course of shingles or slate, 
 with metallic support from above or below, are better than 
 gutters of wood tin-lined. 
 Where slate covering is used, any size slate desired may be 
 employed, bearing in mind that the bond should not be less 
 than three and one-half or four inches. There should be two 
 nails to each slate. 
 All lumber used for outside finish should be thoroughly sea- 
 soned, clear, smoothly dressed, and free from imperfections 
 tending to impair its use, durability, strength, or appearance. 
 Poplar is the ideal building ma- 
 terial for outside finish. It takes ~*^p Plfe?|P PP 
 paint better than other woods used JDrob Oicbrod F^6<3"f~ 
 for this purpose. However, pine 
 is generally used, for the reason that it is cheaper. Weather- 
 boarding is usually laid with an inch lap four and one-half 
 inches to the weather ; three and one-half inches is better. 
 Drop siding, or German siding as it is sometimes called, 
 makes a warmer and better wall than weather-boardine. It is 
 usually six or eight inches wide, and in form and construction 
 as indicated by Fig. 34. 
 Outside shingle walls are now quite common. Shingles are 
 used for ornamental purposes in a large proportion of the 
 houses that are built ; in some instances they are used exclu- 
 sively for outside covering. In such cases they are undressed, 
 and are stained commonly with one of the proprietary stains 
 now on the market. Before being placed they are dipped into 
 the stain for about eight inches from their buts, and are laid in 
 piles to dry. Any desired color may be secured, and there are 
 instances where stained shingled walls have gone without any 
 attention or expense for eight or ten years. 
 Dressed shingles are commonly painted. Their form may 
 be as ornamental as desired. Outside shingles are sometimes 
 laid five and one- half inches to the weather, but four and one- 
 half is better. It is not uncommon at this time to leave all 
 shingles unpainted and unstained. The effect is very agreeable 
 when they become weather-stained. 
 All horizontal trimmings and casings should be bevelled on 
 the top to shed the water. They should run back under the 
 shingled weather-boarding or other outside covering. There 
 should be tin covering for all projections in excess of one and 
 three-eighths inch. Ordinary window or door casings outside 
 are usually three-eighths inch thick. 
 All windows in the part of the house regularly occupied 
 should have box frames. Pulley styles should be of hard wood, 
 and the inside bead should be secured with round-headed screws. 
 Sash for plate glass should be one and three-fourths inch 
 thick; side rail, two and one-half inches in rabbet; bottom rail, 
 three and one-eighth inches ; and meeting rail, one and one- 
 fourth inch in the rabbet. Sash for common glass may be 
 one and three-eighths inch thick. Other sizes, as given. Sash 
 for rooms finished in hard wood is better when of the wood in 
 which the room is finished. However, where there is great 
 variation this is not necessary. Quartered oak is the material 
 commonly used for hard-wood sash. Almost any hard wood 
 is more liable to warp than pine. All box frames should be 
 provided with turned axle pulleys. Nothing but the best plaited 
 cotton sash-cord should be used. Necessary weights should be 
 In some of the plans where wide front windows are indicated, 
 the design is called pocket head. There is a pocket above the 
 head of the frame so that a high sash may be run into it. The 
 sash may be pushed up into the pocket ; that is, it runs into 
 the wall above the head of the frame. Where the pocket-head 
 window is used, it is necessary that there be a clear space above 
 the frame for the sash to be run up equal to the height of the 
 sash itself. 
 Hinged or pivoted windows have rabbeted frames which are 
 usually one and three-eighths inch thick. They are used for 
 the most part in unfinished cellars, attics, and unoccupied parts 
 of the house, and preferably for pantry, store-room, and, occa- 
 sionally, bath-room windows. They may be hung on hinges or 
 pivots. Hinges are better, for the reason that fly screens cannot 
 be used where the sash is pivoted. Sills should slant twenty 
 degrees, with drip piece secured to outside. This prevents the 
 storm from blowing water to the inside. 
 Outside shutters are usually one and three-eighths inch 
 thick, with movable slats ; if more than six and one-half feet 
 high, they should be made in three panels each. Arrangements 
 are provided by various manufacturers of hardware for opening 
 outside shutters from the inside of the room. They ma)- be 
 swung- either from the sides or top at will. When they are sus- 
 pended from above they act as an awning ; the)- admit the air 
 but not the rays of the sun. 
 Sometimes shutters are cut at the meeting rail, so that the 
 upper or lower section may be opened as desired. 
 At this time it is not usual to provide special ceiling for 
 porches. The rafters and all exposed material are dressed so 
 that they may be painted or stained. Floor joists are not usu- 
 ally more than two by eight inches ; sills, about six by eight. 
 The floor should be inclined about one-eighth of an inch to the 
 foot, and made of hard wood, tongued and grooved, not over 
 two and three-fourths inches in width. Edges should be finished 
 with nosings, which are rounded edges. The roof of the porch 
 is usually the same as that of the body of the house. Gutters 
 are similar to those on other roofs. 
 Railing and turned balusters are usual, excepting where an 
 opening for passage is desired. 
 Framework of lattice porch is generally the same form as 
 other porches. The covering is usually made with one-and- 
 three-eighths-inch material, laid diagonal ; openings, one and 
 three-eighths inch. Door and hardware, same as used for other 
 parts of the house, are generally provided. 
 Outside steps of wood usually have hard-wood treads made 
 of seven-eighths-by-two-and-one-half-inch pieces, with three- 
 eighths-inch space between ; carriages should be two by ten 
 inches, about sixteen on centres. Railing and posts for steps 
 should be provided if necessary. Lattice should be placed under 
 porches and outside steps, and between all outside piers. Out- 
 side lattice-work in yard may be of the same general design as 
 mentioned for lattice-work porches. 
 General statements as to outside wood-work apply alike 
 to brick or frame houses, with certain omissions that should be 
 obvious to an intelligent reader. 
 ALL material should be perfectly clear, first-class, thoroughly 
 seasoned, kiln-dried, dressed material, free from imperfec- 
 tions tending to impair its use, durability, strength, or appear- 
 ance. All inside finish excepting floors should be sand-papered. 
 Where an especially good finish is desired, all should be scraped 
 as well. 
 In preparing for floors, it is not unusual to make arrange- 
 ments for preventing the passage of sound. This is done by 
 deadening. The usual method is to nail strips about two inches 
 and a half from the top edge of the joist, on which are laid one- 
 inch boards. This leaves an inch and a half between their sur- 
 face and the upper edge of the joist. This may be filled in with 
 concrete, mineral wool, or other non-conducting material. 
 Either is very effective in preventing the passage of sound from 
 the floors to the rooms below. In a dwelling-house where two 
 floors only are in common use, it is only necessary to deaden 
 the second floor. 
 A permanent sheathing floor of the same material that is used 
 for rough siding may be placed over all joists of first and second 
 floors for a floor during the plastering of the house. This does 
 not act as deadening, unless concrete or mineral wool be placed 
 over it. It is well to have a floor of this kind for use during 
 plastering. It also makes the lower floor warmer. It should 
 be covered with building-paper before the finished floor is laid. 
 Finished floors should extend throughout the first and second 
 stories and the attic. They are commonly of pine or other soft 
 wood. The material is tongued and grooved, secret-nailed, and 
 should be smoothed off after laying. The boards should never 
 be wider than five and a half inches, nor less in thickness than 
 seven-eighths of an inch. They should be free from sap, large, 
 loose, or black knots. Hard-wood floors may be of hard pine, 
 oak, maple, or other hard wood that is readily obtainable or 
 desirable. This material should not be more than two and three- 
 fourths inches in width, nor less than seven-eighths of an inch 
 in thickness, and should be tongued and grooved, secret-nailed, 
 and smoothed off and scraped after laying. A better grade of 
 pine flooring than that mentioned may be had if desired. It is 
 best that all floors be laid after plastering. However, this is not 
 the common practice. The carpenter should cut out flooring as 
 directed, and prepare for hearths in proper places. Other inside 
 dressed wood-work should never be placed in position until after 
 the plastering is finished and dry. 
 The following table is from a specification in use by myself, 
 and shows the kind of lumber, style of doors, finish of wood, 
 painters' finish, and rooms supplied with plate glass, and the 
 general style of hardware. The detail specification makes clear 
 the points here outlined. The filling out of the blanks indicates 
 the range and style of finish which frequently occur. The letter- 
 ing of the doors and finish refers to drawings and details, a part 
 of which are given in this connection. 
 <A 2 
 o * 
 a X 
 2 S 
 Front Hall . . . 
 Qu. Oak. 
 (C a 
 All Oil. 
 Sitting-Room. . 
 " Sycamore. 
 (< «< 
 Rear Hall 
 Dining-Room . 
 - - 
 Plain Oak. 
 Bedrooms . . . . 
 - - 
 i« « 
 China Room . . 
 « t( 
 Front Hall . . . 
 Chamber . . . . 
 Rear Bedroom . 
 j Pine. 
 Bath-Room . . . 
 Qu. Oak. 
 Rear Hall 
 1 Pine. 
 Other rooms . . 
 It may be said, in general terms, in regard to the different 
 kinds of wood used in finishing a house, that, all things consid- 
 ered, hard wood of one kind or another is preferable, for the 
 reason that it stands the general wear and tear of house-keeping 
 with less evidence of the struggle. Soft wood — pine or poplar 
 — is only to be used because it is cheaper than the other. 
 Quartered oak, quartered sycamore, cherry, maple, walnut and 
 chestnut may be classed as the hard woods in ordinary use in 
 finishing houses of moderate cost. Gum is difficult to class. It 
 is neither hard nor soft. Others might be mentioned in this 
 same connection. Pine and other resinous woods are mentioned 
 as soft woods ; as is also poplar, called in some sections white- 
 wood. Any of these woods may be oil-finished, according to 
 the general formula indicated elsewhere, or any of them may be 
 stained. Birch stains very nicely. 
 Door-frames, when rabbeted, should not be less than one 
 and three-eighths inch in thickness. Sometimes the strip is 
 screwed to the frame. In that case the frame is often not more 
 than one and one-eighth inch thick. One and three-eighths 
 inch, however, is better. Front doors or principal entrance 
 doors are frequently hard wood when all the others are soft 
 wood. All outside doors are generally filled with glass in their 
 upper panels. Sliding doors should be the same general design 
 as other adjacent doors. One additional panel to each additional 
 twelve inches in excess of width of other doors may be provided. 
 Sliding doors should be hung from above. Hard-wood doors 
 are usually solid. All excepting pine are best made of a veneer, 
 one-fourth inch thick on a one-and-three-eighths-inch pine body, 
 as indicated by Fig. 35. Sometimes doors are made in two 
 thicknesses of hard wood. This is not as good as a single 
 thickness. Three thicknesses are better. The only door to be 
 recommended, however, is the veneered door. Such doors will 
 not warp ; others are liable to do so. Transoms may be hung 
 on pivots, and should be provided with catches, and, if heavy or 
 high, with adjustable lifts. Transoms are sometimes used in 
 doors on the second floor, though this practice is less common 
 Oeeticrtp o^VfepeG^i-^adlDoor" 
 than in the past. Where doors with transoms are used, it is not 
 uncommon to have the closet doors extend to the full height 
 of the transom tops, and provide additional top panels. Doors 
 six feet ten inches in height, or less, and not more than one and 
 three-eighths inch in thickness, may be hung on two three- 
 and-one-half by three-and-one-half-inch buts. If higher than 
 this or wider than three feet, they should be hung on three 
 buts or hinges. 
 Doors in unfinished cellars may be made of two thicknesses 
 of seven-eighths beaded flooring ; frames the same as in 
 rooms above. A seven-eighths batten 
 door, with one-and-three-ei^hths-inch 
 frame, should be provided for man-hole 
 in cellar. Scuttle doors, where required, 
 may be seven-eighths inch in thick- 
 ness, battened. 
 Cuts 35, 36, 2>1 indicate ordinary 
 style of inside door and window finish, 
 the sizes and heights being marked. X). XboT-i q*®® 
 Doors from dining-room to china-closet 
 and china-closet to kitchen should 
 be hung on double-spring hinges, 
 so that they will swing either way 
 and come back to position. The 
 slide from the kitchen to china- 
 closet or dinincr-room should be huno- 
 the same as sash, with plaited cot- 
 ton sash-cord, pulleys, and weights, 
 and provided with lifts and bolt 
 Frames should be provided for 
 DZDoor- , ^ opening into bay windows, window- 
 cr f seats, alcoves, and pilasters. 
 Stop beads for glazed and sliding doors should be secured 
 with round-headed screws. 
 There should be corner beads for external angles. 
 In the modern house all outside openings, from cellar to 
 attic, are provided with fly screens. They are now made by 
 concerns who make it a business to do this work, and are much 
 better than those made by the ordinary carpenter. They are 
 arranged so that they will slide up and down on the inside or 
 outside stop, and are finished in every way to correspond with 
 the other wood-work of the house. They need not be more than 
 three-quarters of an inch in thickness if properly made. A small 
 strip is secured to the stop bead, and a corresponding groove is 
 cut in the screen frame. A spring therein holds it firm, and 
 admits of their removal without trouble or waste of time. Spe- 
 cial hardware is provided for door and window screens. 
 The commonest way of constructing casings at this time is 
 indicated in Figs. 35 and 36, showing inside of doors and win- 
 dows. This is one of the least expensive forms, and is adapted 
 to all ordinary work. The casings are usually seven-eighths 
 inch thick, the corner and plinth blocks one and one-eighth 
 inch thick. The plinth block comes at the bottom of the casing. 
 One reason that this form of casing is in such general use is, 
 that the corner block conceals any slight shrinkage which there 
 may be in the wood. Where there is a mitred or flush joint, 
 the shrinkage is certain to show. Casings as elaborate as any 
 one is inclined to pay for may be used. Window, door, alcove, 
 and other casings are generally all of one design in a room. 
 All girders and projections below ceilings should be cased. 
 The base-board around the room should be plain, so that it 
 may be readily cleaned. Where it is ornamented, it adds noth- 
 ing to the appearance of the room. There should be a base for 
 all plastered walls. Generally they should be not more than 
 eight inches high, seven-eighths inch thick, bevelled at the top 
 and a quarter round at the bottom. A five-eighths-inch adjust- 
 able lip may be put on at the top, to take up the inequalities in 
 the plaster. The closet base may be formed of a quarter round 
 only if it is plastered and skimmed to the floor. It is well to 
 have as little wood-work as possible in the closet. 
 Wainscoting kitchen, bath, and other rooms is not as com- 
 mon as it once was. This is because wood-work is more diffi- 
 cult to keep clean than plastering. Wherever there is wain- 
 scoting, there must necessarily be joints. These are difficult to 
 keep clean. Panel wood-work, or other form of decoration for 
 wall or ceiling, may be used in rooms according to the disposi- 
 tion of the owner and the taste of the architect. 
 Inside shutters are not so universally used in good houses 
 as they were a few years ago. Draperies, though more expen- 
 sive, are preferred, and are taking their place. Inside sliding 
 shutters, arranged in several sections and constructed according 
 to the general plan described for fly-screens, are in more 
 common use. Rolling slats which roll into a pocket are to be 
 thought of only in connection with an expensive dwelling. 
 The common inside shutter is ordinarily seven-eighths inch in 
 thickness, four panels wide, beaded, and cut at the meeting rail ; 
 and the four centre panels are provided with movable slats. 
 The special designs of inside shutters mentioned are manufac- 
 tured by various establishments throughout the country, and are 
 advertised in various magazines and periodicals. Under any 
 circumstances the owner will have to investigate proprietary 
 goods and special furnishings for himself. They are not to be 
 considered in a work of this kind. 
 All should be put up in a way to make plumbing readily 
 accessible by the removal of screws. The pipe duct should be 
 located as required in the kitchen, and pass from basement to 
 attic floor. The inside measurement should be seven by twelve 
 inches. It should be constructed of seven eighths-inch lumber. 
 In case of stud partitions, the duct may be let into the wall the 
 full depth allowed by studding. The front will project into, the 
 kitchen. All should be of clear lumber, the same as other wood 
 used in finishing. A ventilating opening, five inches in diame- 
 ter, may be provided at the top of the duct. This may be con- 
 nected with pipe and funnel, or other device, placed over the 
 kitchen range. The carpenter should provide pipe boards for 
 all pipe runs. The following, in regard to wood-work for 
 plumbing, is from the specification of an architect: 
 Kitchen Sink and Fittings. — Wood rim, £ by 2% inches ; skirt, £ by 
 6£ inches ; support on cleat at back, plain oak, if -inch turned legs in front. 
 Splash-board. — \ by 14 inches, scurfed back ; J by 2 inches, plain top. 
 Drain-board. — Shall be 22 inches long by 21 inches wide, | inch thick, 
 1 inch incline ; channelled top ; skirt, 3 by f , cleated with two cleats at bottom. 
 One end shall rest on sink, side on wall cleat, other end on turned leg. 
 Full length of tables, sink, and drain. 
 Tables. — There shall be two tables connected with drain and sink, each 
 21 inches wide, 2 by 6 inches long, £ thick ; skirt, 3 by £ inches. Cleated 
 back. Secured and supported same as drain. 
 Other Sinks : — 
 Cellar Sink. — Provide |-by-3-inch supporting rim, 2^ inches by £ inch 
 top. 1 1 square legs. 
 Bath-tub. — Case sides and ends with £-by-2|-inch oak board, tongued 
 and grooved material, secret-nailed. Batten foot-casing, and put in in one 
 piece with round-headed blue screws. Cap top. 
 Splash-board. — Wainscoting same as tub casing, 6 inches high. Cap 
 top in two members $• inch thick. 
 Water-closet. — Hinged flap and seat, each \ inch thick ; skirt, \ by 
 5 inches ; support on if turned legs in front, cleat at back. 
 Case water-closet tank, mould top. 
 Wash-stands. — Provide supports under marble top. Case sides same 
 as specified for tub. Make cleated door in front of same material. Provide 
 hinges and fastenings. 
 Tank. — A tank shall be placed in attic ; capacity, 8 barrels. Construct 
 with if -inch ploughed and tongued material, with two §-inch rods, bolts, and 
 nuts at each end, and cleats across top at middle. 
 In this house there shall be the following plumbing fixtures, to be fitted 
 up as above : 1 kitchen sink, cellar sink, sink, 1 bath-tub, 1 water-closet, 
 1 wash-stand. 
 Picture mouldings should be provided on all plastered walls 
 excepting those of kitchen and pantries. It is usual to place 
 the picture moulding on a line with the top of the door ; that is, 
 so that it comes just below the top of the corner block. 
 Shelves should be seven-eighths inch thick, number and 
 arrangement as desired. 
 The following is a schedule from closet-fittings. Provide 
 hooks in closets as follows : — 
 One row to cleat on wall 5 feet 3 inches from floor. 
 One row under side of shelf. 
 One row to cleat on wall 3 feet 6 inches from floor in children's closets. 
 Drawers for closets are best made by a cabinet-maker. If 
 not, they should be modelled in all respects after cabinet work. 
 Cedar closets are not as common as they once were. As people 
 have more to place in them, there is less confidence in their 
 efficacy. The following is from a specification : — 
 Broom-rack. — Provide in space as directed i broom-rack, with cast-iron 
 broom-holder, for sweep-broom, whisk-broom ; hooks for dust-pan and bucket. 
 Medicine-chest. — Provide fn closet a medicine-chest 8 by 10 by 16 
 inches, with \ panelled and hinged door. Approved lock. 
 Exposed wood-work thereof same as room in which closet is placed. 
 Cedar-closet. — Closet shall be lined, ceiled, and fitted up with red 
 Dry-box. — Secured on wall adjacent to kitchen range shall be placed 
 a drying-box for scrub-rags, brushes, etc., 8 inches deep by 18 inches wide by 
 24 inches high, constructed with \ material, inside measurements. Provide 
 hinged f-inch panelled door with fastening. Top, bottom, and shelves shall 
 be perforated with £ auger-holes for passage of warm air through the box. 
 Soap-box. — Constructed same as dry-box. Size, 9 inches deep, 20 
 inches wide, 30 inches high. 
 Door, \ inch thick, panelled. Provide approved lock. Shelves, % thick, 
 set into sides, 3 inches apart. Perforate bottom and shelves with f-inch auger- 
 holes, and connect top with kitchen or vent-flue. 
 Clock-shelf. — Provide 8-inch moulded clock-shelf, $■ inch thick, in 
 Ventilator. Clothes-chute. Coal-chute. Coal-bins in cellar. 
 Cupboard (see drawing, Chapter VII.). — Shelves as directed below and 
 above. Lower shelves \ inch thick. 
 Lower doors \ panelled, upper doors glazed. 
 Provide hinges and fastenings for all. 
 There shall be 8 inches space between f-inch top of lower section and 
 bottom shelf of upper section. Upper door shall not come below under side 
 of this upper section shelf. 
 Table. — Construction same as in kitchen. 
 Cupboard (see drawing, Chapter VII.). — As indicated. Doors below 
 and shelves above, same as specified for china. No doors above. 
 Dough-board. — Provide constructed same as tables specified for kitchen, 
 except that it shall be supported on brackets. 
 Flour-bin. — Shall be 18 inches deep by 24 inches high in front, 
 28 inches in rear, by long, compartments. Set 4 inches from 
 floor. Top cleated and hinged. Lumber \ inch thick. 
 The flour-bin described in the specifications is the old kind 
 with the hinged top. Another kind that has been used success- 
 fully is here illustrated. 
 The receptacle for flour is pivoted in the manner indicated 
 by the section. The pivot position is indicated on the drawing 
 by the point of the 
 arrow. The dotted 
 lines on the section 
 indicate the position 
 of the flour recepta- 
 cle when it is open. 
 It is pulled open by 
 the hand. The knob 
 is shown on the draw- 
 ing of front. As 
 soon as it is released 
 it falls back into a closed position. It is pivoted so that it 
 remains closed unless held open. The front drawing indicates 
 a flour-bin of this kind with three receptacles ; the larger one 
 for flour, and the two smaller ones for meal and graham. The 
 marble dough-stone can be placed on the top of a bin of this 
 kind. If there is no other room for the bin it can be placed 
 t~~ "\otsr-\jrp. 
 r~ !ocn—bTp. 
 in the lower section of the pantry cupboard, and can take the 
 space ordinarily given one of the doors. The pantry cupboard 
 is illustrated and described in Chapter VII. 
 These boxes are constructed on the same principle as the 
 flour-bin, just described. They are pivoted and arranged in a 
 row, and may be set on a pantry shelf. The drawing indicates 
 eight of these boxes, four of them nine by twelve inches, and 
 four five by three and three-fourths inches. These boxes are 
 of tin, the frame only 
 x "T being of wood. Th 
 •' 5j, socket into which 
 <3oK for- 'rhr ) krY-y-JXi\^<^ 
 the pivot fits is open 
 at the bottom, so 
 that the box can be 
 lifted off the pivot 
 and taken out and washed. An arrangement such as this 
 takes very little room, and the boxes are always closed unless 
 held open. They are so pivoted that they fall into a closed 
 position as soon as released. Two of these boxes in a china- 
 closet would be convenient to hold bread and cake. 
 The wood-work of the stairway should always be of hard 
 wood. Where hard wood is used for entire finish, the stairway 
 is best of the same variety. The treads should always be one 
 and one-eighth inch in thickness, and never less than ten 
 inches in width. The risers may be seven-eighths inch thick and 
 never more than seven and one-half inches in height. Square 
 or turned newel posts are in common use. Winders should not 
 be used for the main stairway. Square turns at the landing 
 should be made. Sometimes the rear stairway is of the same 
 general style and design as the front. When it is an open stair- 
 way, it is necessary that this should be the case. A rear box 
 stairway, the cellar and attic stairway, or, in fact, any box stair- 
 way, should have the treads and risers the same thickness and 
 general dimensions as those mentioned for the front. However, 
 they need not be of hard wood. They should always be pro- 
 vided with hand-rails. All lumber for cellar or attic stairways 
 should be clear and dressed, and quite as well finished as that 
 of any other part of the house. When the cellar is not plastered, 
 the side lining for cellar stairways should be seven-eighths-inch 
 flooring below the first-story plastering. This flooring should 
 be dressed on both sides. The outside cellar-way should have 
 dressed treads and risers one and three-fourths inch thick. 
 The wall should be capped, preferably with stone, and the out- 
 side cellar door should be of iron. Where economy is necessary, 
 one-and-three-fourths-inch oak coping and doors may be used. 
 IT is only within the last ten or fifteen years that it has been 
 at all common to do two-coat work in plastering. Before 
 that time three-coat work was almost universal. Most of the 
 plastering done at this time is what is called " laid-on " work. 
 The first two coats are put on at the same time. The last 
 coat is put on after these are dry. The laths are nearly always 
 of pine. There should be one nail for each contact with the 
 wood-work ; that is, four nails to each lath. The mortar should 
 be made of the best quality of lime and sharp sand. 
 A sufficient quantity of hair should be used. The mortar 
 should be floated, or made smooth, and straightened to receive 
 the wood-work. The last coat should be put on after the other 
 is thoroughly dry. It should be trowelled to a smooth surface, 
 and when completed should be free from chip cracks, stains, and 
 improper mixing of sand. Three-coat work, where each coat 
 is allowed to become thoroughly dry, is better than two-coat 
 work. The last coat is usually a white plaster-of- Paris finish, 
 put on with the skim. 
 A gray finish is used more generally at the present time 
 than in the past. It is put on in place of the white skim coat. 
 The natural color is a pleasant gray tint. It may be made 
 smooth enough for papering. The skim coat, white or gray, may 
 be tinted with fresco color at less cost than it can be papered. 
 Paper becomes necessary on a white skim finish after a short time. 
 The hard white finish, which is not commonly used at the 
 present time, is very satisfactory excepting for its extreme 
 whiteness. This finish is made by the use of white sand and 
 skim rubbed and floated down until only a sufficient amount of 
 the lime or skim proper remains to cement the sand to the wall. 
 The same kind of a finish with gray sand is very satisfactory. 
 Proprietary finishes for plastered walls are now used to some 
 extent in the better class of work. They are very hard, of water- 
 proof texture and of any color desired. The coloring of finish 
 for plastering is ordinarily not successful. However, some of the 
 proprietary colored goods before the public are very satisfactory 
 when well put on. The one difficulty in the way of their use is 
 in getting the plasterer to handle properly a thing with which 
 he is not familiar. 
 Back plastering is common in very cold climates, and is 
 done by plastering on the back of the sheathing between the 
 studding. It is independent of the inside plastering. 
 Cement pavements in floors are considered in the previous 
 Gas-pipes are placed in a house before lathing. The gas 
 company which supplies the illuminating or fuel gas furnishes 
 the inspection for each set of pipes. Below is given a form of 
 specification in use by an architect in a natural-gas region. 
 Illuminating Gas. — Provide and fix gas-pipe and fittings according to 
 gas company's regulations. All pipes shall be concealed, excepting where it 
 is desired to attach a burner. Cap pipes. Lights to be placed as indicated 
 by table below. 
 Fuel or Natural Gas. — Provide and fix pipe and fittings according to 
 company's regulations. Company's certificate of approval will be required 
 before payments are made. Cap pipes until mixers and burners are attached. 
 Valves and connections shall be provided preparatory to mixer and 
 burner connections. Provide connection with street mains. 
 illuminating gas. 
 Parlor or Reception Room 
 Front Hall — newel . . 
 Chambers — each . . . 
 Rear Hall 
 Bedrooms — each . . . 
 Kitchen . . gas stove 
 (Laundry stove. 
 Chambers — each . . . 
 Bedrooms — each . . . 
 Front Hall 
 Rear Hall 
 It is now entirely possible to get first-class tin plate for 
 architectural uses. The process is very simple. Require and 
 pay only for a tin plate stamped with a reputable maker's name 
 and brand. There is a general effort upon the part of tin-plate 
 dealers to raise the standard of tin in this way ; and there are 
 now a number of manufacturers of integrity who are pursuing 
 the course of branding a first-class tin plate. All tin work 
 should be painted on the under side before it leaves the shop. 
 In the matter of general utility the hanging gutter is ideal. 
 It is below the eaves, where its overflow can injure nothing. It 
 is easy to reach all parts of it in case of repair. If it is neces- 
 sary to remove any of the shingles or other roof covering, the 
 gutter need not be disturbed. There are those, however, who 
 object to the appearance of a hanging gutter. A galvanized 
 iron gutter made of No. 26 iron, in form as per Fig. 33, and 
 which runs four inches above the overflow line at all times, may 
 be placed on the first or second row of shingles or slate, and 
 will give very good satisfaction. It is certainly much better than 
 a wood tin-lined gutter. 
 All valleys should be lined with twenty-inch tin. The con- 
 nection between all roof and vertical surfaces should be flashed 
 and counter-flashed ; that is, pieces of tin should be bent to con- 
 form to the vertical and horizontal surfaces, and slipped under 
 the slate or shingles so as to lap both horizontally and vertically. 
 This is the flashing. The counter-flashings are the lapped 
 pieces of tin which extend into the vertical surfaces, and down 
 over the flashings proper. 
 All wood-work which projects in excess of one and three- 
 eighths inch from any vertical surface, should be covered with 
 tin. Hip and ridge coping should be covered with tin in the 
 manner described in chapter where roofs are considered. 
 Down spouts should be provided to carry the water from all 
 roofs to the ground. The presence of more than one gable in 
 the front part of the building frequently makes more than one 
 down spout necessary. Where the house is not too large, one 
 five-inch spout will usually take all of the water from the roof. 
 For a small structure a four-inch spout will serve the same pur- 
 pose. Three and four inches are in common use for carrying 
 water from the main roof where the continuous course of the 
 gutter is interrupted by gables or dormers. The cistern down- 
 spout should be provided with cut-off or preferably a switch 
 spout, which connects by a drain pipe with a dry well or street 
 gutter. Such connections should never be made with the sewer 
 where a down spout is intended to supply a cistern. In con- 
 necting a roof with a cistern it should be borne in mind that it 
 is not always so much the size of the cistern which insures a 
 constant supply of water, as it is the amount of roof surface 
 connected with the cistern. 
 Porches are usually provided with two or three inch down 
 spouts according to the amount of roof to be drained. 
 Flat roofs are best when made with a standing seam. It 
 admits of the expansion and contraction of the tin without injury 
 to the joint. 
 Copper has been extensively used on the better class of 
 buildings during recent years. The improvement in the quality 
 of tin has rendered its use unnecessary excepting for down 
 spouts and ornamental purposes. New processes in the manu- 
 facture of sheet copper, and the electroplating of other sheet 
 metals with copper, promise to reduce the cost of that material 
 for architectural purposes, so that it will be better and cheaper 
 than tin. When such claims are substantiated the public will 
 be informed thereof, through the usual channels. 
 Galvanized iron does not have the general architectural uses 
 that were common to it a few years ago. For down spouts 
 in excess of four inches, No. 26 galvanized iron should be 
 Hot-air pipes which connect the furnace pipes in basement 
 with the second floor are usually three and three-fourths by 
 twelve inches in size. Before they are placed, all contiguous 
 wood-work should be lined with tin. In frame houses the pipes 
 should be covered with iron lath. They should continue above 
 baseboard, with register opening on second floor and below joist 
 with collar in basement. Where pipes run in an outside wood 
 wall, which they should do only in case of extremest emergency, 
 the back and sides of the pipe should be lined with several 
 thicknesses of asbestos paper. 
 A zinc drain should be provided from the refrigerator to the 
 outside of brick wall. This drain is one inch in diameter, and 
 comes up through the floor with funnel-shaped opening at the 
 top. An ordinary six-inch tin funnel let into the tube will 
 answer every purpose. Thus the discharge pipe from the 
 refrigerator may be readily placed over it. 
 Thimbles should be provided for the plasterer when he is 
 putting on the last coat. Flue stops should be placed therein 
 after plastering is finished. These are for stove connections 
 with brick flues. 
 Painting is not so serious a problem as it once was. We 
 hear about people buying their own paint, the lead and every- 
 thing that goes with it, and having it mixed under their personal 
 supervision. But even this is not satisfactory. After a short 
 time the paint begins to look chalky and dingy. When the 
 mixing of the paint is not done under the supervision of the 
 owner, and the result is as above stated, the painter is often 
 accused of dishonesty. 
 A painter does not ordinarily have the facilities or knowledge 
 for properly mixing colored paints. In order to get satisfactory 
 results in painting, we may again fall back upon the integrity 
 of an established manufacturer of proprietary goods, — that is, 
 upon ready-mixed paints. Not all are good. Most of them 
 are made as cheap and common as possible ; but the best results 
 can be secured from really good ready-mixed paints. Any 
 large dealer of established reputation, who is not himself a manu- 
 facturer of a cheap paint, may ordinarily be relied upon for a 
 correct opinion. 
 Preparatory to painting, all knots should be coated with 
 shellac. All work should be painted with three coats, — one 
 priming, and two following. One can always be sure of getting 
 the color wanted in ready-mixed paints of the best quality. All 
 outside frames should be primed before setting. The painter 
 should follow the carpenter, and prime all dressed wood-work 
 as put up. Putty work may be done after first coat, or before 
 final color is applied. There is no advantage to be derived in 
 painting shingles after they are put on. The paint gathers in a 
 heavy ridge on the shingle next to the butt of the one above it 
 in a way to let the moisture lie therein, so that it will rot at 
 this point. 
 Brick-work may be painted as specified for wood-work, 
 excepting that the first coat, or priming, should be put on very 
 Tin and iron work should be painted with one coat of me- 
 tallic paint as soon as put up. Tin unexposed to view should 
 receive a second coat of metallic paint before the building is 
 completed. Tin work exposed to view should have two coats 
 of paint on a metallic prime, same as house. 
 Shingles should be dipped in stain and then stood in a 
 trough, so that they will drain to a barrel. Other external 
 wood-work should have two heavy coats of stain applied with a 
 brush. Weather-boarding is sometimes dipped into a trough 
 filled with stain, and then set so that it will drain therein. 
 Shingle stain is a proprietary finish, and regularly advertised 
 in leading periodicals. 
 The staining of interior finish is now rendered simple and 
 satisfactory by the use of proprietary stains. Sometimes the 
 stain is put on direct, without first applying filler. At other 
 times a filler of cornstarch and oil, or a proprietary mixture, 
 which is preferable, is used. One or two coats of prepared oil- 
 finish follows the application of the stain. The various man- 
 ufacturers of interior stains furnish wood samples which indicate 
 the variety of this material manufactured. 
 All wood to be oil-finished should first be filled. The 
 antique and acid stained effects are derived by the use of differ- 
 ent kinds of fillers, which close the pores of the wood and stain 
 it the color desired. Proprietary fillers and oil finish may be 
 most successfully used, for the reason that they are generally 
 prepared by men who have put their capital into the business 
 for the purpose of getting a return. Such people cannot put a 
 bad article permanently on the market without feeling the result 
 themselves. Therefore, those who are permanently successful in 
 the manufacture of proprietary goods can generally be relied upon. 
 In the finishing of wood-work all under coats should be 
 rubbed with dry hair-cloth, burlap, or fine sand-paper. On top 
 of the filler two co its of prepared oil finish should be applied ; 
 the first one rubbed as above, and, if desired, the last left bright. 
 A dead finish may be secured by rubbing down the last coat 
 with fine pumice stone and water or oil. 
 External exposed wood-work and bath-rooms may be finished 
 with a water-proof varnish by treating as above, excepting that 
 the last coat should be a water-proof oil finish made by some 
 well-known manufacturer. 
 All manufacturers of first-class interior finishes prepare a 
 special floor finish. It is usually applied in two coats over 
 a filler as described. In "such cases the filler is not stained. 
 Each coat is thoroughly rubbed. A satisfactory floor finish may 
 be made by washing the clean wood floor with a solution of salt 
 and water, and afterwards saturating with paraffine wax, and 
 then rubbing. 
 All glass should be embedded in putty and secured with 
 glazier's tacks and putty. American sheet glass is made in two 
 thicknesses — single and double strength — and in four quali- 
 ties. A or A A only should be used in a good house. 
 Plate glass costs about five or six times as much as double- 
 strength A American sheet. A thumb rule for calculating the 
 cost of plate glass, which is not strictly accurate but which gives 
 a general idea, is to calculate on from fifty to seventy-five cents 
 per square foot. 
 Of cathedral glass proper there is only one quality. In or- 
 namental and colored orlass work the different kinds of p-lass 
 used will not be here enumerated. Bevelled plate is becoming 
 quite common. Generally speaking, cathedral glass may be 
 arranged in geometrical forms in sash with wood separations 
 or muntins. Cathedral glass proper for such purposes costs 
 from twenty-five to thirty-five cents a square foot. Cathedral 
 glass leaded may cost almost any amount in excess of a dollar 
 per square foot. In selecting cathedral glass for sash with 
 wood separations, the best and most satisfactory results may be 
 reached by choosing the lighter tints, and not having more than 
 one or two colors to the window. 
 It is difficult if not impossible to write a general specification 
 for the hardware which goes into a house. It cannot be done 
 excepting by specifying particular goods, which cannot be done 
 here. However, a few general statements in regard to hard- 
 ware may not be amiss. The cheapest locks used should have 
 brass fronts and bolts, and be of the mortise pattern. Night- 
 locks should be provided as desired. Outside knobs of rear 
 door and those inside the kitchen may be of bronzed iron. 
 The price of bronzed-faced locks is not much greater than 
 brass-faced locks. A good bronzed-iron knob has not been 
 made up to this time. Therefore, the fixtures for the front door, 
 if not all others, should be of real bronze. 
 Butts of bronzed iron have been made which are very satis- 
 factory. Sash locks should be provided for all windows. 
 Slidine-door hardware should be of real bronze. The locks 
 should be what is known as "astragal" fronts, and the trim- 
 mings flush. Sliding doors should be suspended from above 
 on hangers. Bolts of wrought-iron should be placed on all out- 
 side rear doors, and, if desired, on the inside of all chamber and 
 bedroom doors ; always on the bath-room door. Such bolts 
 may be mortised or otherwise, as desired. Foot and top bolts 
 may be provided for double doors and for sash. Pivots should 
 be provided for all transoms ; transom lifts as desired, also 
 sash lifts. There should be wooden base knobs with rubber 
 buffers at all doors. Double-spring hinges should be provided 
 for doors leading to and from kitchen and china-closet or pas- 
 sage. Necessary drawer hardware should be provided, and 
 butts, knobs, and fastenings for inside shutters. 
 IN a previous chapter plumbing was considered from a sani- 
 tary standpoint, and the conditions of safety set forth. In 
 this chapter it remains to consider plumbing work in a more 
 practical way ; to consider it with reference to its execution, 
 assuming that it is desired to reach the best results. This 
 means, primarily, good work ; then good work with the least 
 expenditure of money. 
 The carpenter usually provides all necessary wood-work 
 for the plumber. This means boards and runs on which pipes 
 are to be placed, the pipe duct and other wood finish. It is 
 best that the carpenter should do this in order that it may be 
 well done. There should be specified in the carpenter's contract 
 exactly what he is to do, so that he may calculate on a definite 
 basis. All of the cutting work, where cutting is necessary, 
 should be done by the carpenter. The plumber is not usually 
 supplied with tools of the right kind for doing this, and is as 
 liable to botch carpenter work as a carpenter would be to botch 
 the plumbing work. 
 The plumber should do all of his own excavating. This 
 includes trenches for pipes of all kinds to and from the 
 house. After the pipes and drains have been placed therein, 
 he should make fills and thoroughly tamp the earth so as to 
 restore the surface to its original condition. This may be best 
 done by putting in a small quantity of earth at a time, ram- 
 ming it down and then pouring water on it. Even after this 
 the drain space should be left with a slight crown, as the 
 earth will settle a little more than it is possible to make it 
 by artificial means. Superfluous earth should be removed from 
 the building and lot. 
 Plumber's excavating is not included in the general contract. 
 If there is any superfluous earth in connection with his work, he, 
 and not the general contractor, should remove it. Contracting 
 methods are explained in another section of the book. 
 Lead should be used for all purposes where pipes are exposed 
 to view and where they come in contact with the earth. This is 
 common practice. Sometimes, however, brass or planished 
 copper pipes and fittings are used where they are exposed to 
 view. Brass makes very beautiful and satisfactory work. Iron 
 pipe, galvanized inside and out, is occasionally used for exposed 
 work. It does not look as well, however, as lead pipe. Gal- 
 vanized iron pipe is also frequently used where not exposed to 
 view, and where it does not come in contact with the earth. 
 Objections will be made to this by plumbers who are used to 
 doing lead work. In all hospitals where the best work is done 
 iron or brass pipe is used, and lead pipe and connections are 
 entirely dispensed with. However, the use of lead pipe where 
 exposed to view and where in contact with the earth, and iron 
 pipe galvanized for other places, makes most excellent and 
 beautiful work for dwelling-houses. The connections between 
 iron and lead pipe should be of brass. 
 The water works of many cities and towns are from direct- 
 pressure mains. It is common for such pressure to be forty 
 pounds to the square inch under ordinary conditions. A fire 
 pressure is much greater. Therefore, all direct-pressure pipes 
 of lead should be extra strong. Tank- pressure pipes, those 
 which connect with a tank in the attic or above a water-closet, 
 may be medium strong. The terms " extra strong " and " me- 
 dium strong," as here used, are definite in their meaning, and 
 apply to regular grades of pipe. The interior fixtures of an 
 ordinary dwelling-house are supplied with lead pipe five-eighths 
 of an inch in diameter, or iron pipe three-quarters of an inch in 
 diameter. In the above will be found all that applies in general 
 terms to an ordinary specification for water distribution. Special 
 mention will be made later. 
 Stop-cocks should be provided sufficient entirely to discon- 
 nect and drain all pipes, fixtures, and connections. " Stop-and- 
 waste" cocks should be provided at the bottom of all main 
 risers where they cannot otherwise be drained. A " stop-and- 
 waste '' cock is one which shuts off the supply from its source, 
 and drains the water from pipes above, so that it passes out to a 
 receptacle provided for that purpose. In some instances it is 
 allowed to run to a sink on the cellar floor, or it may be taken 
 in a bucket. 
 The city water-supply for an ordinary dwelling-house is gen- 
 erally through five-eighths-inch extra strong lead pipe, and is 
 provided with a stop-box so that the water can be turned off 
 from the house at the street. 
 Outside fixtures which connect with the city water are a 
 street- washer and a hydrant. The street- washer is usually 
 placed in front, so that a hose may be attached to it for sprink- 
 ling - purposes. There are many standard grades of street- 
 washers carried in stock by all plumbers. The hydrant has 
 about the same lower connections as the street-washer. The 
 hose connection and opening stand well above the lot grade. 
 It is usually placed in the back yard or stable. The outlet 
 may have a hose coupling, and thus be used for sprinkling 
 purposes in the back part of the lot or otherwise, as desired. 
 Where there are no hydrants, it is common to run an iron pipe 
 along the ground to connect the front and back yard. Thus it 
 is not necessary to have so large a supply of hose. The pipe 
 thus used is three-quarters of an inch in diameter. It is less 
 expensive than rubber hose, and does not deteriorate. It should 
 have a short hose connection in front, and hose coupling at the 
 In many cities the water from the public pipes contains too 
 much lime to be used for bathing or washing. In such a case 
 it is necessary to supply cistern water for that purpose. This 
 is done by connecting the cistern in the yard with a tank 
 in the attic, or some place above the highest fixture. To do 
 this a force pump is placed in the kitchen. The best kind 
 to use are those known as double-acting, horizontal, brass-cylin- 
 der force pumps. They may be screwed to the floor, and the 
 handle come up next to the sink or between the drain-board and 
 the dry-board. When not in use, this handle can be next to 
 the wall and out of the way. A motor may be used in lieu of a 
 pump. It is placed over the kitchen sink, and has connection 
 with city water works. When it is desired to pump water to the 
 attic, one can turn on the city water at the cock and let it run. 
 Thus the city pressure is exerted through the motor to pump 
 water to the attic, and the labor of pumping entirely done away 
 with. The cost is about fifteen dollars more than a good pump. 
 The suction of such a pump or motor should be one-and-one- 
 half-inch strong lead pipe, and the supply to tank in attic one- 
 and-one-quarter-inch lead or iron pipe where not exposed to view. 
 Where the pump or motor is placed as indicated, it may be used 
 to pump water directly to the kitchen sink, and it is generally 
 best that such an arrangement be made. Of course, water may 
 be drawn from the tank in the attic to this sink, if it is desired 
 to so arrange it ; but where this is done, it is necessary to pump 
 all of the cold water used in the kitchen to the attic. This is 
 unnecessary. The sink may have a direct pump connection by 
 means of a five-eighths-inch strong lead pipe which connects 
 with the tank supply. On the end of this lead pipe may be a 
 brass or nickel compression cock over the sink. When it is 
 desired to pump water into the tank this cock is closed, and the 
 only connection is with the tank above. 
 The common size for tank is eight barrels capacity. It 
 should be constructed of inch-and-three-quarters ploughed and 
 tongued material with two three-eighths inch rods, with bolts 
 and nuts at each end, and cleats across top and bottom in mid- 
 dle. The inside should be lined with four-pound sheet lead ; 
 that is, sheet lead which weighs four pounds to the foot. There 
 should be an inch tell-tale pipe of galvanized iron which connects 
 with the sink nearest the pump. Sometimes an overflow which 
 runs to the roof is used, in which case a smaller tell-tale, say 
 one-half inch in diameter, will serve. There are instances 
 where the tank in the attic is connected with a special gutter on 
 the roof, above the line of the tank. Then the tank is provided 
 with a large overflow so that it may not cause trouble. However, 
 this is a little risky. The tank is connected with the hot and 
 cold water system and fixtures subsequently named. 
 The hot-water system is as simple as it is efficient. Usually 
 a heavyipressure galvanized-iron boiler, of from twenty-four to 
 sixty-two gallons capacity, is located in the kitchen. It is con- 
 nected with the tank by means of five-eighths-inch lead or three- 
 •quarters-inch iron pipe, and with fixtures subsequently named 
 as being supplied with hot water in the same manner. The 
 water is heated in the range by means of a water back or water 
 front placed in the fire-box of the range. It is connected with 
 the boiler by means of five-eighths-inch lead and three-quarters- 
 inch iron pipe. One pipe from the lower part of the boiler 
 takes the water to the back. The other carries it to the top of 
 the boiler, the cold water naturally going to the bottom and 
 the hot water passing to the top. The hot-water supply for 
 fixtures is drawn from the top of the boiler. Any one may 
 notice, by passing the hand up and down a boiler of this kind, 
 that the top is always warmer than the bottom. Sometimes a 
 wrought-iron pipe is used in a stove in lieu of a water back. It 
 usually answers the same purpose, though its heating surface 
 is not so great. It is best to use a pipe back where the boiler is 
 not connected with soft water. The incrustation from the lime 
 is such that the back soon becomes filled, and it is much more 
 expensive to replace than one made of pipe. When the hot 
 water is from the city water works, the supply is usually directly 
 therefrom rather than from a tank in the attic. However, it is not 
 uncommon to have a tank supply in the house where public- 
 water supply is taken to the exclusion of all other, and it is 
 a better system, though a little more expensive. The hot-water 
 reservoir is usually placed on an iron stand near the stove. It 
 should be provided with a draining connection for the purpose 
 of drawing out all the water when desired. A vent connection 
 from the reservoir to the tank in attic, or, in the event of no 
 tank being used, to the roof above, is common as a guard 
 against extra steam pressure. 
 Before considering other inside fixtures and fittings, the soil 
 pipe should be mentioned. It is of cast-iron, light weight, and, 
 when it is connected with a water-closet, should be four inches 
 in diameter on the inside, and japanned inside and out. Joints 
 are made at the hubs, and should be leaded and well calked. 
 Connections with this pipe should be made by means of Y's of 
 proper size, depending on the size of the drain which connects 
 therewith. The soil pipe should continue upward and through 
 the roof to a point at least four feet above the nearest ridge. 
 Below, it should continue outside of the foundation wall to con- 
 nect with the drain. Where there is a sink in the cellar, the 
 soil pipe should be below the cellar floor. Vitrified or earthen- 
 ware drain pipe should never be used inside the walls of a 
 The kitchen sink may be considered first. They are usually 
 of light cast-iron. Sometimes they are of pressed steel ; again, 
 they are of cast-iron with an interior porcelain finish. If a com- 
 mon cast-iron sink is painted, the paint soon wears off. The 
 ideal sink, the one which is the best in every way, is of porcelain. 
 It has the white, glazed surface of a fine dish, and is easily 
 cleaned. Any kitchen sink should be eighteen inches wide, six 
 inches deep, and from twenty-four to thirty-six inches in length. 
 Thirty or thirty-six is the best. They are provided with a 
 strainer in the bottom, and have one-and-one-half-inch light 
 lead "S" trap connection with soil pipe or grease sink, subse- 
 quently considered. Where city water is at hand, the sink 
 should be supplied through a five-eighths-inch brass or nickel- 
 plated self-closing cock. Where the city water is hard, hot and 
 cold cistern water in addition to city water should be supplied 
 through five-eighths-inch brass or nickel-plated compression 
 cocks. If the hot water is from the public water works, a 
 self-closing cock should be used. All cocks should be screwed 
 to a soldered nipple, and not "wiped" or joined directly to the 
 lead pipe. In this way, it is not necessary to wipe a joint every 
 time the cock gives out. A smaller sink, size as desired, may 
 be used in the china-closet or butler's pantry. Such a sink is 
 not in common use excepting in the more expensive houses. 
 The cellar sink should be sixteen by sixteen inches, ten inches 
 deep, and should be provided with strainer, and an inch-and-a- 
 half light lead "S" trap connection with soil pipe. If city supply 
 only is desired, it may be had through five-eighths-inch brass 
 self-closine cock. Where connection is made with cistern, it 
 may be by means of one-and-one-half inch pipe and a cast-iron 
 pitcher pump ; if not this, a well, driven or otherwise, may be 
 similarly connected by means of a pitcher or lift pump. .This 
 cellar sink is the kind that may be used in connection with the 
 laundry previously described. Where stationary tubs are used, 
 this sink is not necessary. 
 THE fittings of kitchen and other sinks are fully considered in 
 Chapter V., which has to do with kitchens and pantries. 
 It is sufficient to say, however, that the only visible wood-work 
 is the rim and wooden legs, which support the sink proper, and 
 the splash-boards at the side tables as described. 
 A great deal might be said on this subject, which must be 
 left unsaid for the want of space. The ideal bath-tub, the one 
 which in every way is the most satisfactory, is made of porcelain, 
 same as the sinks described. They are beautiful in appearance, 
 easily cleaned, and altogether very satisfactory. However, 
 they are expensive. For the tub alone the cost is about 
 one hundred dollars more than for one of copper. They are 
 used in houses where the matter of cost is not of great impor- 
 tance. Cast-iron, porcelain-lined, and cast-iron tubs, painted, 
 are used occasionally in dwellings. They are more expensive 
 than the copper tubs. An iron porcelain-lined tub is much 
 less expensive than solid porcelain, and is very satisfactory. 
 The iron and porcelain tubs do not require side or end casings 
 of wood. They stand clear of wall and floor. As is known, 
 tubs are of varying sizes and forms, the usual length being from 
 2 55 
 four and one-half to six feet. The tubs known as the " French " 
 pattern are commonly four and one-half feet long, and deeper 
 and wider than the ordinary copper tub. The weight of the 
 copper varies from nine to sixteen ounces to the foot ; four- 
 teen-ounce copper tubs are in most general use. The French 
 pattern of tub is coming into more general use than the others 
 in the best class of work. As stated before, it is wider and 
 deeper, though shorter than the old six-foot tub of the common 
 pattern. It does not require as- much water to get the same 
 depth in the shorter tub as in one that is longer. As no one 
 cares to lie down in the bath-tub, six feet in length is not 
 necessary ; four and one-half feet is ample. 
 The ordinary fixtures which go with a bath-tub of moderate 
 cost are the combination bath-cock with rubber hose and sprinkler, 
 and a plug and chain. All the metal work is nickel-plated. A 
 combination bath-cock connection with hot and cold water mixes 
 the water as it passes into the tub, so that the proper tempera- 
 ture may be secured by the adjustment of the valves. 
 The most objectionable feature to the tub of general con- 
 struction is the overflow which connects with the waste. It is 
 simply a tube which has a single opening below the bath-cock 
 to the waste pipe. This soon becomes foul. Various ingenious 
 devices have been arranged for doing away with this kind of 
 overflow. Arrangements are provided which connect directly 
 with the outlet, and which may be readily removed and cleaned. 
 These prevent the passage of water to the drain when tub is in 
 use. By a movement of a handle in the top the passage may 
 be opened below to allow the water to pass out. There are 
 many devices constructed on this principle. In some instances 
 they add only two or three dollars to the cost of the plumbing 
 outfit, and are certainly worth the extra expense. There are 
 arrangements where the finish is more elaborate, the details 
 more complete, and the cost largely in excess of the figure here 
 named. The same device applies to the various tubs, porcelain, 
 iron, or copper. Formerly it was common to have a large 
 sprinkler connected with hot and cold water above the tub ; this 
 is now unusual. It was impossible to use this sprinkler without 
 wetting the head. For that reason the hose and sprinkler has 
 largely taken its place in ordinary work. However, the sprink- 
 ler is a very good thing, though it is not put in excepting where 
 the hose attachment is also supplied. 
 Another modern arrangement which has to do with the 
 sprinkler is a surrounding rubber curtain, which is supported by 
 a plated ring on a level with one's head when standing. This 
 prevents the splashing of water out of the tub. It goes against 
 the curtain, and is thus deflected into the tub. Various arrange- 
 ments on this principle, looking to hot or steam baths, have 
 been devised. They surround the person bathing, leaving only 
 the head exposed, and discharge the warm water into the con- 
 fined space surrounding the body. This is a makeshift to take 
 the place of hot and steam baths. In some instances, one- 
 third of the foot end of the tub is fitted with a copper-lined 
 enclosure on three sides, with shower at top. One may stand 
 in this space and use the shower as with the curtain. Additions 
 are sometimes made to this arrangement, wherein the side spray 
 or needle bath is provided. It is so called from the needle size 
 of the streams, which are emitted from certain pipes. All of 
 these showers are connected with regulating valves, sS that any 
 desired temperature of water may be maintained by proper 
 adjustment. In some very elaborate bath-rooms showers are 
 provided at the side of the room where there is a marble floor 
 and marble wall surface. These things are arranged with a 
 multiplicity of detail, showing the ingenuity of people who have 
 given these matters much study, and which cannot be fully con- 
 sidered in this connection. Foot-tubs, with hot and cold water 
 connections, are made of the same material that is used in bath- 
 tubs, but are not considered in the plans furnished in this book, 
 though they may be used at will. The bath-tub will serve the 
 same general purpose. As stated, the bath-tubs connect with 
 hot and cold water ; they connect with soil pipe or drain by 
 means of one-and-one-half-inch light lead waste pipe, which 
 is trapped by means of an " S " or other trap. 
 A safe is simply a lead pan which may be placed under the 
 bath-tub, or other enclosed fixture, to guard against accidents 
 from overflow or leakage. They are made of four-pound 
 sheet lead, and are usually turned up from two to four inches 
 all around. The lead is formed to a bevelled strip at the sides 
 and end, the size of the pan being that of the extreme outside of 
 the fixture. There is usually an inch waste connection to the 
 cellar or kitchen sink. It would be highly improper to connect 
 a safe with the drain, trapped or otherwise, as its use under any 
 circumstances will be occasional, and any water that there might 
 be in the trap would be certain to evaporate, and in that way 
 the safe waste would be the means of connecting the foulness 
 of the drain with the house. Therefore, it is right and proper 
 that it should connect with the sink or the cellar floor. In that 
 way, any "discharge therefrom would be readily noticed. Wastes 
 are frequently placed under bath-tubs, generally under wash- 
 stands, when they are enclosed, but rarely or never under a 
 modern water-closet. They are frequently dispensed with 
 Fig. 7, page 68, indicates, in perspective and in section, the 
 more common form of water-closet now in use, than which 
 nothing better has been devised. The details of the valve con- 
 nection and general form of the closet itself, and the means of 
 flushing it, are various, but the general principle is the same. 
 It is nothing more or less than a large bowl having an " S " trap 
 connection with soil pipe. The bowl and trap are of white porce- 
 lain ware, in one piece. The form, as here shown, is a washout 
 closet, and is the one in most general use. Usually a connec- 
 tion with public water service is provided from a tank above. 
 Trap vent, as shown, is connected with the outer air above the 
 roof. The seat of the closet is usually supported from the wall 
 at the back, and rests on the body of the porcelain, on rubber 
 buffers, which prevent the liability of breakage or noise, if it 
 falls. Under any circumstances, water-closets should never be 
 It has been said that wash-stands are the most dangerous 
 fixtures that go into a house, and for that reason the greatest 
 care should be observed in their construction. The only mate- 
 rial of which the bowl proper, for use in a dwelling-house, 
 should be made is porcelain. The usual form is circular, and 
 about fourteen inches in diameter. However, they are made in 
 various forms. The details of their construction differ as greatly 
 as those of the other fixtures which have been named. Bowls 
 are made which have the same " patent" overflow arrangements 
 as the bath-tub overflows that have been considered and 
 described elsewhere. It is usual, however, to use a rubber plug 
 and chain. The top and back of the wash-stand should be of 
 marble. The top should be one and one-eighth inch thick, 
 counter-sunk, so that the splashed water cannot run from it to 
 the floor ; the back need be only seven-eighths inch thick, and 
 generally not more than ten inches high. Sometimes it may be 
 less. The hot and cold water fixtures are nickel-plated ; usually 
 they are made self-closing, to prevent the waste of water. It is 
 necessary that they should be so where city water is used. It 
 is part of the city regulations that all connections of this kind 
 be self-closin£. Wash-stands need not be enclosed below. The 
 marble top may be supported on iron brackets or turned wooden 
 legs of hard wood. Traps and other drain connections can be 
 neatly arranged so that their appearance is not in any sense 
 objectionable in the bath-room or other place. The wash-stand 
 should have one-and-one-half-inch light lead trapped connection 
 with the drain or soil pipe. 
 Generally speaking, it is not necessary for the trap to be 
 ventilated, unless it so happen that it is some distance from the 
 soil pipe or drain. The soil pipe, we know, is always ventilated, 
 and if the wash-stand is situated some distance from it, it should 
 have a direct communication with the outer air above the roof. 
 Sometimes a pitcher-cock is placed on the wash-stand in 
 the bath-room to enable the drawing of drinking water when the 
 other connections are with the cistern, it being assumed in this 
 instance that only the water from public water works is used for 
 drinking purposes. The pitcher-cock is simply one with a long 
 neck which extends above the bowl, and is directed into it, the 
 pitcher being placed under it for the purpose of filling. 
 The fittings for a simple laundry apparatus, that would go 
 into a house of very moderate cost, have been described else- 
 where. In this instance we will consider only the more elaborate 
 arrangements which have to do with set tubs. They may be 
 of porcelain or plain cast-iron, of cast-iron porcelain-lined, or 
 of brown glazed earthenware. The porcelain is of the same 
 general character as that mentioned for the bath-tub and sinks, 
 and is an expensive and very elegant material. The porcelain- 
 lined iron tubs are in more general use, for the reason that they 
 are less expensive than those of all porcelain. Brown earthen- 
 ware tubs are coming to be favorably considered, and are in 
 every way satisfactory. Tubs made of wood, slate, or other 
 material, where they are in several pieces, are objectionable. 
 Those mentioned above are one-piece tubs, and are generally 
 set three together. The porcelain or brown earthenware tubs 
 usually have wooden rims. Sometimes these tubs are provided 
 with covers, though it is usual and preferable that covers be not 
 used, and that the water be supplied from above. The hot 
 and cold water fixtures are nickel-plated compression cocks, 
 which connect with hot and cold water sources. Generally 
 speaking, it is best, where set tubs are used, that an independent 
 apparatus for heating water be provided ; that is, a laundry 
 water heater, of which there are many different kinds, and which 
 are constructed on the same general principle as the arrange- 
 ment mentioned in connection with the kitchen and other water- 
 heating apparatus. It is entirely possible, however, to make 
 connections with the water-heating apparatus of the kitchen. 
 The drain connections are of one-and-one-half-inch light lead, 
 and are independently trapped for each tub. They lead to the 
 main drain, connecting with sewer or vault. 
 Drains outside of the house should be of vitrified or glazed 
 earthenware pipe, laid below the action of frost, with proper 
 slant. They should be well bedded and have smoothly cemented 
 joints. The slant need be very slight, eighteen inches in 
 eighty feet or less may be used. It is especially desirable that 
 the joints be thoroughly cemented, and that they be smooth on 
 the inside, so that the foul matter passing 
 through the interior will not lodge against 
 any projections. The surface or ends of 
 the pipe should never be clipped or cut for 
 connections; " Y's" or " T's " are used for 
 all connections with other drains. Drain pipes from a dwell- 
 ing-house are usually five or six inches in diameter. It 
 is quite as important that they be not too large as that they 
 be large enough. Where a pipe is too large, there is not 
 enough water in the bottom to keep it clean. The illustration 
 here given will make clear this point. A six and eight inch 
 drain is shown with the same quantity of water in each. It is 
 common in cases of drain connection with a vault that no trap in 
 the drain or soil pipe itself be used. Where sewer connection 
 is made, a vitrified trap of the same size as the drain is used; 
 and it is provided with a trap vent connection with the outer air 
 by means of vitrified vent and grate opening at the top. 
 Storm-water connections may be made with the main sewer, 
 but it is best that they be made between the house and the trap 
 of main drain. In this way there is no danger of the sewer 
 having connection with the down spouts in the event of the 
 evaporation of the water in the trap of the storm-water 
 connection. The modern plan of city sewer systems is to 
 have independent service for storm water and house drain 
 The grease sink is lined with brick, and is usually of four or 
 five barrels capacity. It is cemented the same as the cistern, 
 is generally twenty or twenty-five feet away from the house, and 
 has a four-inch vitrified drain connection with the waste from 
 the kitchen sink or other sink in which greasy water may be 
 deposited. The sink itself has a siphon connection with the 
 main drain or vault, and, being provided with an iron top, the 
 deposit of grease or other material may be removed if necessary. 
 In some instances a sink of this kind is required to be used to 
 collect all solid matter before the drainage connection passes 
 from the property. 
 The " S " trap only has been distinctly mentioned. ( There 
 are hundreds of others, all constructed upon the same general 
 principle. Some are provided with mechanical means of closing 
 the opening leading to the source of supply, and, in addition to 
 this, they are provided with a seal of water depending upon 
 some form or condition of the "S" trap. This principle is 
 invariable in the construction of traps. No trap should be used 
 unless provided with a trap screw of the same size as the drain 
 itself, which will admit of its being opened when necessary. It 
 is not uncommon that rings or other jewelry get into the waste 
 of wash-stand or bath-tub ; they may be recovered by taking 
 out the trap screw. Again, should the trap become fouled or 
 clogged, the matter may be removed in the same way. 
 For the kitchen sink, nickel fittings are preferable to brass, 
 because they are more easily cleaned. 
 WHAT makes the cost of a house ? Everything that has 
 been placed on the lot when the structure is completed. 
 Below is a form or schedule, with blanks, filled out by an archi- 
 tect for a gentleman for whom he made plans. 
 John Smith, — As I understand your wants, would estimate the cost of 
 improvements contemplated on No. Delaware Street as follows : — 
 Building — ist floor finish hard wood, 2d floor finish poplar, $3,000 
 Privy and Vault $35 
 Cistern and Connections ....... 50 
 Well, Connections, and Pump 35 
 Walks, 40 yards at 70 cents ...... 28 
 Fences — Tight board, 160 feet at 25 cents, Picket none, 40 
 Illuminating-Gas Pipe ....... 30 
 Plumbing — Cellar sink 1, Kitchen sink 1, Bath-tub 1, 
 W. C. 1, W. S. 1, St. Washer 1, City and Cistern Water, 275 
 Natural-Gas Pipe, without burners or burner fittings 
 Gas Fixtures ..... 
 Mantels and Grates 3, Average cost $40 
 Furnace ...... 
 Plate Glass 
 Cathedral Glass .... 
 Electric Work — Door bell 2, Kitchen bell 1 
 Without Architect's fee . 
 2 5 
 2 5 
 Everything that goes into a house should be fully represented 
 to the owner. Thus the costs may be fixed and the aggregate 
 understood. If this were universally done, there would be less 
 said about the unreliability of architects' estimates. If the 
 architect is very careful to make known to the owner the quality 
 of everything that he is to have, and, as well, the general quan- 
 tities and costs, he is doing his full duty in this matter. Any- 
 thing less than this is a neglect of duty. Furthermore, this 
 should be made a matter of record, so that if changes are made 
 and the cost altered, a basis for comparison may be at hand. It 
 is the practice of the writer to use a specification which describes 
 everything which may be a part of a brick or a frame house, and 
 to stamp out the parts omitted. For example, in that specifica- 
 tion there are specified brick and cemented floors for cellar. It 
 is the custom to stamp the word " No" before the words brick 
 floor, so that it reads "No brick floor in cellar." In other cases 
 it may be " No lattice work in side yard," etc. Thus the owner 
 of the house knows not only what he is to get, but what he is 
 not to get, and the exact quality of that which is included as well 
 as that which is omitted. He has positive and negative informa- 
 tion with respect to his house. This form of specification has 
 been in use three years, and has been uniformly satisfactory. 
 The schedule filled out for Mr. Smith is a printed form, 
 which is handed to the owner as soon as the building cost is 
 determined. It is in addition to the detailed specification. In the 
 schedule the cost of the building is put down at three thousand 
 dollars. The appurtenances are the items mentioned below the 
 line which gives the price of the building proper, and in this 
 instance are estimated at $1,128. The house estimate is $3,000. 
 This makes a total cost of $4,128. The house was a well- 
 finished building of nine rooms. The parlor and hall were fin- 
 ished in quartered oak, the dining and sitting rooms in quartered 
 sycamore, the rear hall in quartered oak, the china-room in 
 sycamore, kitchen and pantry in plain oak. It would have cost 
 about $125 less to finish the first floor of this house in soft 
 wood. It is not possible to give general statements as to 
 the difference in cost of finishing between hard and soft wood. 
 Twenty to thirty-five dollars a room is generally ample, though 
 the difference may be greater. 
 The privy building was figured at twenty dollars, and the 
 vault at a dollar a foot. The cistern and connections at fifty 
 cents a barrel. Thus a hundred-barrel cistern costs fifty dollars. 
 The well pump, which was located in the kitchen, was a cheap 
 form of horizontal force-pump fastened to the floor, with the 
 handle coming up near the kitchen table. It supplied water to 
 the kitchen sink. It, as well as the cistern pump, was included 
 in the plumbing contract. The walks were ordinary brick walks 
 laid in sand. Tight-board fence was figured, as shown, at 
 twenty-five cents a lineal foot. The illuminating-gas pipe was 
 figured at a little less than the price given on schedule " B," 
 but was ample. The same may be said of the plumbing work. 
 The gas fixtures were neat brass goods that looked plain in the 
 store surrounded with very elaborate ones, but were entirely 
 satisfactory when in the house. The mantels and grates, as 
 may be judged by their cost, were not very elaborate. How- 
 ever, they were of wood, the same style and finish as the room. 
 There were bevelled-glass mirrors above the shelves. The hearth 
 and facing were of unglazed tile, the grate- frame of brass, the 
 grate itself club pattern, and altogether it was simple but pleas- 
 ing. The furnace was of wrought-iron, riveted joints, with gal- 
 vanized iron jacket. It would have cost about fifteen or twenty 
 dollars more to set it in brick. This price included regis- 
 ters, pipes in the wall, and all connections. If the building had 
 cost a thousand dollars more, or even two thousand, the appur- 
 tenances need not have cost more than a hundred to a hundred 
 and fifty dollars additional. There would probably have been a 
 little more gas pipe, a few more fixtures, and the furnace would 
 have been somewhat more expensive ; or, if the house had cost 
 five hundred dollars less, the appurtenances would not have 
 represented in all more than seventy-five dollars difference, pro- 
 viding the general requirements had been the same. 
 The following schedule was prepared for Mr. Brown. His 
 was an eight-room house ; smaller, less elaborate, but just as well 
 built, as the one for Mr. Smith. He did not have quite as much 
 plumbing, and reduced the other appurtenances somewhat. 
 Altogether they represent $801. If his had been a fifteen-hun- 
 dred-dollar house, and the same general conditions had been met, 
 the appurtenances would not have cost any less. Likewise, if it 
 had been a two-thousand-dollar house, they would have cost no 
 more. Additions to size of rooms or a more elaborate finish 
 would not have appreciably affected the cost of the appurte- 
 nances. It is well to bear this in mind when building. 
 William Brown, — As I understand your wants, would estimate the cost 
 of improvements contemplated on No. Alabama Street as follows: — 
 Building — 1st floor finish hard wood, 2d floor finish poplar, 
 Privy and Vault $40 
 Cistern and Connections ....... 40 
 No Well, Connections, and Pump 
 Walks, 30 yards at 70 cents . . . . . .21 
 Fences — Tight board, 100 at 25 cents, Picket none . 25 
 Illuminating-Gas Pipe . . ,. . . 25 
 Plumbing — Cellar sink none, Kitchen sink 1, Bath-tub 1, 
 W. C. 1, W. S. 1, St. Washer 1, City Water . . .200 
 Natural-Gas Pipe, without burners or burner fittings . 30 
 Gas Fixtures ......... 35 
 Mantels and Grates 3, Average cost $40 . . .120 
 Furnace .......... 240 
 Plate Glass 20 
 Cathedral Glass none ....... 
 Electric Work — Door bell 1, Kitchen bell none . . 5 
 Without Architect's fee ....... i 
 The two examples given show the method of filling out 
 a cost schedule, which, by the way, is seldom presented in 
 this form to the owner of a house by his architect. It now 
 remains to indicate, in general terms, the basis of values as before 
 given. It is not intended to form this book on the " every-man- 
 his-own-architect " principle, but it is constructed on the idea 
 that every one should know as much about the business in hand 
 as is possible, before calling for other assistance. For this pur- 
 pose certain prices are given which are a little in advance of 
 those charged in the section of country to which they apply. 
 This is done so that the errors, if any, may be on the side of 
 safety. Generally speaking, there will not be any great differ- 
 ence in the cost of the appurtenances mentioned. It is the cost 
 of the building proper which varies. The cost of the buildings 
 illustrated is given, unless otherwise mentioned, on a basis of 
 hard-wood finish for the first floor excepting kitchen, and soft 
 wood above, all finished in oil. 
 Below is the schedule " B," so frequently referred to in the 
 description of house plans. 
 Building. — First floor finish hard wood ; second floor, soft wood. 
 Where estimates are given in the book on the basis of schedule "B," 
 they include only the building, as mentioned above, and do not include 
 the following items : — 
 Privy building, $20; vault, $1 per foot for each foot in depth. 
 Cistern and connections, $0.50 per barrel ; pump, $5 to $35 ; well, $0.75 
 per lineal foot ; pump and connections, $5 to $35. (Force pump included 
 in plumbing contract.) 
 Walks of brick, $0.70 per square yard; cement, $1.80 per square yard. 
 Fences: tight-board, $0.25 per lineal foot; picket, $0.50 per lineal foot, 
 painted three coats. 
 Illuminating-gas pipe, $1.50 to $2 per connection. 
 set $ 
 2 5 
 Plumbing — Cellar sink, plain iron . 
 Hot-water boiler and back 
 Kitchen sink, city and hot and cold cistern water 
 Force pump and tank 
 Bath-tub, 14 oz. copper . 
 Wash-stand . 
 Water-closet " washout " 
 Street-washer . 
 City service, $0.35 a foot, lineal, 
 Drain connection, $0.30 a foot, lineal, 
 [For other piping and connections add twenty per cent of above 
 Natural-gas piping, without burners, $4 a fire. 
 Gas fixtures, about $1.50 per burner. 
 Mantels and grates, average cost, $40. 
 Furnace, for all pipes and connections, nine registers, $240; add $16 for 
 each additional second-story connection ; $8 for first-story connection. 
 Plate glass, $0.50 to $0.75 a square foot, according to size. 
 Cathedral glass, plain, $0.30 a foot; leaded, from $1 upward. 
 Electric work — door bells, each $6 ; kitchen bell, $6. 
 THE cost of building varies in different sections. At the 
 end of this chapter will be found a list of prices upon 
 which the building estimates of this book are based. 
 The plumbing schedule is formed so that one may see 
 about what the different items of a completed plumbing outfit 
 cost. Figuring sixty feet of service and seventy feet of 
 drain, the plumbing outfit would cost, as indicated, $328. It 
 has been furnished for less. The figures given in connection 
 with plumbing work are not necessarily accurate. They are 
 approximately so in detail. As no two plumbers or other 
 mechanics will figure exactly the same on the same fixtures, or 
 the same material and labor, it is not to be expected that an 
 architect could form a thumb-rule schedule which would be sat- 
 isfactory to plumbers and all others. In the class of work con- 
 templated in this specification, the tendency of these figures is 
 in the right direction. They are as nearly correct as general 
 statements can be. It is known that a single bath-tub can be 
 fitted up to cost more than the entire plumbing outfit here men- 
 tioned. It would afford no more conveniences to the occupant 
 of the house, and would be no safer from a sanitary standpoint ; 
 and it probably would require more labor to care for than the 
 one contemplated. The estimates are on the basis of a specifi- 
 cation which would meet with the approval of the public 
 sanitary inspectors in any of the large cities. 
 Where there is a material reduction in the number of fixtures 
 and connections from the list given, the percentage for other 
 piping and connections will have to be increased. 
 There are various ways of reducing the cost of the outfit. 
 The best way is to have less of it ; for instance, only city water 
 may be used, or, possibly, only the cistern water. The com- 
 pleted plumbing outfit mentioned in schedule " B," with the 
 exception of cistern-water connections, including hot and cold 
 city water for sink, wash-stand, and bath-tub, has been put in, in 
 plan No. 30, for $245. 
 The natural-gas-piping figure, like the others, is liable to 
 vary. Piping for five fires has been put in for $20, for $15, 
 and for $30. The burners, the burner valves and mixers, usually 
 cost from four to five dollars a fire. 
 The gas-fixture schedule is priced by the burner, not by the 
 connection. Each burner of each fixture is counted. Of course 
 one may get a single fixture which will cost as much as the 
 above rule would figure on a whole outfit, but that is unusual in 
 moderate-cost houses. Some of the second-story brackets will 
 cost from ninety cents to one dollar and a quarter apiece. This 
 will increase the price of burner margin for the first floor, and 
 allow more elaborate fixtures. 
 The mantels are priced to include grate, hearth, facings, and 
 everything that may go there, excepting fender and blower. 
 One may get a mantel for $25 or $30, or he may use a grate 
 setting without a mantel, or may go as far into the hundreds as 
 his inclination and means will lead him. Very expensive man- 
 tels in moderate-cost houses are not in good taste. A $100 or 
 $150 mantel in a room all of the other wood-work of which did 
 not cost over half that sum, is in exceedingly bad form. The 
 mantel appears like a monument ; everything around it is 
 insignificant. In buying mantels from stock in mantel stores, 
 the cheaper ones are generally the best designed from an artistic 
 The furnace price is necessarily arbitrary. The owner of a 
 house will be told that the price here given is too high and too 
 low. A moderate-sized, two-story, eight-room house, which, 
 counting the bath-room, would have nine connections,' could be 
 provided with a furnace of wrought-iron or steel, riveted joints, 
 double galvanized-iron jacket, for $240. The same furnace brick- 
 set will cost from fifteen to twenty dollars more. The owner 
 of such a house can get a cheaper furnace, or he can get one 
 which will be much more expensive. Oftentimes when an archi- 
 tect estimates the price of a furnace to the owner, the latter will 
 respond with the statement that he has been offered a furnace 
 complete for ninety dollars. Upon investigation it generally 
 proves that the furnace is in some one's store ready for delivery ; 
 that it will cost extra to set it, and for all connections, fittings, 
 registers, etc. ; and that the furnace itself is of such a kind that 
 ninety dollars is a high price for it. There is no doubt that the 
 statement as to furnace prices will meet with general disapproval 
 from manufacturers. Many will say that the prices given are 
 ridiculously high, and others, ridiculously low. Other general 
 statements as to heating apparatus may be found in a chapter 
 given to that subject in that section of the book devoted to the 
 Journey through the House. 
 The estimates given on plate and cathedral glass are about 
 as unsatisfactory as anything can be. They merely give the 
 owner a general idea as to what to expect. 
 Electric-work prices are approximately correct for localities 
 where the facilities for doing this kind of work are at hand. 
 Door and table bell outfits are now sold and arranged ready to 
 be set up. The methods of their adjustment are so simple that 
 any one who can read can put them in. 
 The general statement may be made that these prices are 
 approximately correct in all the larger markets; and that in 
 cases where the building is far removed therefrom, there must 
 necessarily be additions for travel of workmen, and other inci- 
 dental expenses in the transportation of material and labor. 
 The following is the list of prices of material and labor upon 
 which the building estimates are based : — 
 Excavating, $0.25 a yard. 
 Brick in the wall, $9 per M. 
 Mason work, $5.50 a yard, laid up. 
 Cement floors, $0.70 a square yard. 
 Timber, joist, and scantling, less than eighteen feet long, $17 per M. 
 No. 1 common boards, $18 per M. 
 Select common pine flooring, count measure, $26 per M. 
 Common flooring, count measure, $22.50 per M. 
 First quality yellow pine flooring, face measure, $37.50 per M. 
 Standard yellow pine flooring, face measure, $30 per M. 
 No. 1 poplar flooring, face measure, $28.50 per M. 
 No. 2 poplar flooring, face measure, $23.50 per M. 
 No. 1 stock boards, $20 per M. 
 No. 1 poplar siding or weather-boarding, $18 per M. 
 No. 2, $16 per M. 
 No 1 pine siding, $22 per M. 
 No. 2, $20 per M. 
 Shingles, 16 inches clear butts, best, per M, $3.75. 
 Shingles, 16 inches extra, 10 inches clear butts, $3.25. 
 Pine lath, per M, $2.50. 
 Poplar and pine finishing lumber, $3.75 to $6 per 100 feet. 
 Oak or maple flooring, first class, $4 to $6 per 100 feet. 
 Oak finishing lumber, $4 to $6 per 100 feet. 
 Under certain conditions the above prices are subject to 
 Plastering : three-coat work, plaster-of-Paris finish, $0.25 a yard ; two- 
 coat work, plaster-of-Paris finish, $0.20 ; gray floated sand finish, three cents 
 extra on above prices. 
 Painting, $0.06 per yard a coat. 
 Labor: common labor, $0.15 an hour; bricklayers and masons, $0.35 to 
 $0.45 an hour; carpenters, $0.20 to $0.30 an hour; tinners, $0.30 an hour ; 
 painters, $0.20 to $0.30 an hour; plumber and helper, $0.50 an hour. 
 The above labor prices are those paid by the contractors. 
 Rarely, however, are the maximum prices reached. 
 There are few subjects on which ideas vary so greatly as 
 values. This fact may be made apparent when we call to mind 
 that bids on a house let for $3,000 frequently range $1,000 
 higher than this figure. 
 ALO\y~COST, well-built house is sought by all. The cost 
 of a house is largely a question of business management, 
 — one of knowledge. Before considering the details of con- 
 tracting for the building of a house, there are a few general 
 points which should be mentioned. First, it never pays to make 
 a contract to have a house built for less than it is worth. In 
 order to get a good house, it is necessary that there be a margin 
 of profit for the builder. Second, a good house from a con- 
 structive standpoint can only be built by competent mechanics. 
 One may contract for the building of a house for less than it is 
 r worth with parties who are incapable of doing first-class work, 
 and require a bond to secure the faithful execution of the con- 
 tract. A contract or a bond cannot make a man do good work 
 if he does not know how to do it. It will not save anxiety 
 or trouble. It may indemnify against actual damages, but never 
 against trouble and vexation ; nor can it compensate for poor 
 work done in building a home. This matter is mentioned 
 because it is the fault of a great many people, who are inexpe- 
 rienced in building, that they are disposed to have work done 
 for less than it is worth. It does not pay. 
 It may be remembered, however, that one builder may be 
 able to build for less than another. One may have more energy, 
2 7' 
 tact, or general ability than another. He may have better 
 credit ; may be a better buyer. The result is larger accomplish- 
 In speaking of low-cost houses or cheap buildings, it is not 
 to be understood that they are cheap or low-cost in the sense of 
 being common or frail. I mean first-class houses at a rela- 
 tively low cost ; low cost in a business sense, the best for the 
 We often hear the statement made that one can tell nothing 
 definite about the cost of a house until it is finished. One can 
 come as near knowing what a house will cost, as he can to 
 knowing what he wants before he begins. One can get prices 
 on what he has in mind, if his ideas be expressed. He cannot 
 get prices on the unknown. The expression of one's ideas 
 of a house is through plans and specifications. The fact that 
 architects' estimates are often too low is because the owner is 
 not sufficiently informed in house-building to know what he 
 wants until after the estimate is made. The owner usually 
 expresses a price that he wishes to pay for his house before he 
 expresses his idea. It may be well to illustrate this. 
 One who wishes to build goes to an architect with some 
 sketches or prints, which he has been collecting, lays them 
 down and says, — 
 " We're thinking about building a house. We want some- 
 thing like this. Here are four rooms and a hall downstairs, and 
 four rooms and a bath-room above. We want to build of wood, 
 and wish to have the house warm and substantial. Can it be 
 built for three thousand dollars ? It's all we have to put in it." 
 " Oh, yes," says the architect ; and so it can. A good, com- 
 fortable, substantial house, from the plans indicated, can be 
 built for three thousand dollars. The architect knows this, and 
 says that the work can be done for that price. He is 
 ordered to make the plans. In a day or two the owner comes 
 into his office and says, — 
 " My wife and I were talking over the house last night, and 
 concluded that we would like to have a bay window from the 
 dining-room, — a place where we can sit in summer, and put 
 flowers in the winter." 
 "All right." 
 "And she told me to ask where you were going to put a 
 wash-stand downstairs. You know we will want some kind of 
 a wash-room." 
 " I hadn't thought anything about that," said the architect. 
 " Nothing was said about it. I supposed that in a house of this 
 size the bath-room was the only place where you would put a 
 stationary wash-stand." 
 "We have to have a place downstairs. We can't go up- 
 stairs every time we want to wash our hands." 
 Another two or three days pass. The owner visits the 
 architect again. It is the old story. He and his wife have 
 been studying the house question in earnest. They are edu- 
 cating themselves in house-buildino-. The more thev think 
 about it, the more they want, all of which is perfectly natural 
 and right. It is in the natural order of things. It is the way 
 the world moves. 
 "We were talking about the house, and have about con- 
 cluded that we will finish two front rooms upstairs in oak. 
 What do you think it will cost ? " 
 "If you use oak for all the wood- work, it will cost between 
 forty and fifty dollars." 
 "That isn't much. We'll have it." 
 And so the house grows as the owners grow, a little every 
 day. The next day it is a little more plate glass at a cost of 
 fifteen dollars. Again, it is bronze hardware at an extra cost 
 of twenty dollars. Then it is bevelled-glass doors in the china- 
 closet, plastering in the attic, a tile vestibule, a porch off from 
 the dining-room, and so on. 
 The three thousand dollars is exceeded, though probably by 
 something less than the amount represented by the growth of 
 the owner's ideas. The architect had made a certain allowance 
 for this development, though it was not possible for him entirely 
 to foresee it. Of those who build, the ones who take the great- 
 est interest in the house, those who think the most about it, are 
 usually the ones who exceed their original calculations by the 
 largest amount. 
 In building, it is important that the architect and the owner 
 thoroughly understand each other before contracts with the 
 builders are signed. The wants of the owner must be thor- 
 oughly understood, and carefully and accurately set forth. From 
 the plans and specifications estimates for all parts of the work 
 should be received, and the cost of everything known, before 
 obligations are created. The process of making the plans and 
 specifications, and taking the bids, is educational in its tendency. 
 It brings to the owner's attention nearly everything that he 
 may want. Frequently he will find that the first estimates 
 which he gets are higher than the amount he cared to expend. 
 This is on account of his growth. He can frequently reduce 
 the cost without positive injury to the original scheme. 
 We will consider how contracts are usually made. Some- 
 times it is by making plans and specifications for the entire 
 house, and then asking for bids on the building as a whole. A 
 general contractor makes his figures on the various parts of the 
 work, then adds them together and makes a lump bid. If he is 
 awarded the contract under such a system, he does part of the 
 work himself and sublets the rest. Possibly he may be a car- 
 penter; then he sublets the brick work, plastering, tinning, 
 painting, etc., and, if possible, he makes a profit on all of these 
 sub-contracts. It does not always happen that he makes figures 
 on these various divisions of the contract himself when forming- 
 his orio-inal bid. He o;ets sub-bids from various mechanics and 
 adds these to his own in making up a lump bid. It is known 
 that there is a very wide range of difference between bids which 
 come in this way. In a house to cost three thousand dollars 
 the bids not infrequently vary twenty-five to thirty per cent. 
 The highest bid may be over four thousand dollars. 
 Another way of contracting is for the architect or owner, as 
 the case may be. to take bids on the various details of excavat- 
 ing, stone work, brick work, carpenter work, painting, plaster- 
 ing, galvanized iron and tin, glass, plumbing, gas-fitting, etc. ; 
 in fact, to detail the work as much as possible and receive 
 detailed bids. If the work costs too much, if the bids run too 
 high, one can locate the excess. 
 At times one can get a cheaper house by pursuing this plan. 
 Another plan of building is by the day. Usually this means to 
 employ carpenters and a foreman, take bids on the material that 
 the carpenters use, and to sublet the mason work, excavating, 
 painting, plastering, tin-work, plumbing, etc. Sometimes the 
 mason-work is also' done by the day. 
 Each plan has its merits. The first mentioned, of letting 
 most of the work in one contract, is the one in most general use. 
 It is common practice in this connection to let excavating, 
 mason work, carpenter work, plastering, tinning, painting, and 
 hardware in one general contract ; then the mantels, gas-fixtures, 
 furnace, plumbing, electric work, and ornamental glass work are 
 let in separate contracts. It is difficult for one to specify gas- 
 fixtures, mantels, and similar fittings, excepting by price. There 
 is no satisfaction in this, for the reason that the owner or his 
 architect may be able to make quite as good or even a better 
 bargain than the contractor. Then there is no opportunity for 
 the builder to arrange for a relatively high price with those who 
 furnish this class of goods. It is fair for the builder to assume 
 that he is entitled to a certain percentage for selecting and 
 negotiating for such articles. The owner may save this for 
 himself by making his own purchases. 
 Plumbing work is frequently separated from the general 
 contract in order that the owner may exercise his discretion as 
 to the workmen employed to do this important work. In such 
 circumstances it is not altogether a matter of cost. It is of the 
 utmost importance that the best of workmen be employed. 
 The articles which cannot be directly specified should be 
 secured outside the general contract. Altogether, the plan of 
 letting most of the work in one contract, as outlined, is the best 
 and safest for those to pursue who are not thoroughly familiar 
 with building operations. 
 The plan of subletting the separate contracts to the lowest 
 bidders is not to be recommended to those without large experi- 
 ence. The difficulty in locating responsibility for delays is great. 
 There is apt to be contention, annoyance, and sometimes loss, 
 by this confusion. The plan of building by the day is more 
 satisfactory for experienced builders than the one just men- 
 tioned, but it has the disadvantage of not fully representing to 
 the owner before it is finished the cost of his structure. 
 In nearly every city or town there are a number of good 
 builders, not well supplied with means, who will take a contract 
 for building a house, work on it themselves until it is finished, 
 and then take another, never having more than one or two 
 houses on hand. One can frequently get good work from such 
 builders at a much less cost than from large contractors. The 
 larger contractors employ a foreman at about the same price a 
 day that the small contractors expect to get per day out of their 
 entire contract. Then, in addition to that, they receive their 
 profits of ten, fifteen, or other per cent for their time and atten- 
 tion. Any one building with the help of the smaller contractors 
 must be very careful, or he will get into trouble on account of 
 the small margin of profit. 
 To recur to the method first mentioned. It is well that sug- 
 gestions be made as to the course to be pursued in receiving 
 bids on work, as classified in that suggestion. In the first place, 
 there should be accurate plans and specifications made by an 
 architect capable of doing that kind of work. Everything should 
 be fully represented to the owner in both a positive and nega- 
 tive way ; that is, not only as to what is to go into his house, 
 but as to what is not to go into it. As soon as the architect or 
 those in charge of the work beg-in to take bids, the owner should 
 be provided with a complete copy of the plans and specifications, 
 in order that he may be fully conversant with what is to be done, 
 It was said that everything should be represented to the owner 
 in both a positive and negative way. Not only should it be 
 stated to him that the first floor of the house is to be plastered, 
 but, if such is the case, that the cellar is not to be plastered. If 
 the cellar floor is not to be cemented, it should be stated defi- 
 nitely to him in that way before beginning to take bids. If fly- 
 screens are not included in the building contract, it should be so 
 stated. Everything should be fully represented, and a record 
 thereof placed before the owner, so that there can be not the 
 slightest opportunity for misunderstanding or disagreement. 
 Thus, if everything is presented to the owner, he will know what 
 he is to have and what he is not to have, and his business will 
 be done for him in a way satisfactory to all. When this is done, 
 it is time to begin taking bids. 
 In doing this there should be no favoritism. The builder 
 should be allowed to take a copy of the plans and specifications 
 with him to his office or place of business, and keep them a 
 day or more, in order to take off his quantities and become 
 thoroughly conversant with everything connected with them. 
 Then he can return the plans, and, while others are doing the 
 same thing, he can compile his figures. Generally it takes about 
 a day for each contractor to get through with a set of plans ; 
 that is, if five bids are received, it generally takes five or six 
 days, assuming that only one set of plans is in use. No one 
 should be asked to figure on a building unless the owner is 
 willing to award him the contract, providing his bid is the lowest. 
 Anything else is unfair. When all the bids have been received 
 in sealed envelopes, the architect and owner may open them. 
 After selecting the lowest, they may add to that figure the cost 
 of everything not included in that proposition, — the furnace, 
 mantels, gas fixtures, ornamental glass, and anything else that 
 has not been included in the bid. This may be readily done, 
 if the architect provide a schedule, similar to schedule " B," of 
 everything which may go into the house. 
 In the matter of closing the contract, only general statements 
 can be made. Where an architect is employed, he will give 
 proper directions ; but, as many houses are built without such 
 assistance, it is proper to make general statements which will 
 assist in this work. There are forms of building-contracts, or 
 articles of agreement, which may be secured from various regu- 
 lar sources. It is proper to fix the time of the completion of 
 the work, which will vary in different parts of the country 
 according to general customs. A house to cost from fifteen 
 hundred to four thousand dollars may be very easily finished, 
 under favorable circumstances, in ninety to a hundred days. 
 Such houses can be built in less time, but it is best to give the 
 builder at least three months. He will do better work in that 
 time than in less. For the higher figure named, or for those 
 which approach it, it may be better to allow even a little more 
 rather than less time. As a price for liquidated damages in 
 event of delay in completion, the rental value of the property 
 is the usual sum specified. 
 There are various plans pursued in the matter of payments. 
 Where there is an architect or superintendent, he usually issues 
 orders on the owner for payment of material and labor furnished 
 by a contractor less ten or fifteen per cent. Sometimes it is 
 stated that two-fifths of the money will be paid when the build- 
 ing is enclosed and under roof; one-fifth additional when build- 
 ing is plastered, painted on exterior, all exterior appurtenances 
 finished, the floors laid, and the house ready for other interior 
 wood-work ; and the remaining two-fifths when all work is fin- 
 ished. At times this apportionment is correct, and at other times 
 not. However, it is a very good general rule. It is a good plan 
 to add the ten per cent discount to it when possible. Sometimes 
 an indemnifying bond is required of the contractor in order to 
 secure the owner the proper execution of the contract. Other- 
 wise the ten or fifteen per cent discount is relied upon to secure 
 that end. 
 The lien laws in the various States make it very important 
 that the owner, or his aofent in the matter of building, should be 
 very careful to See that the contractor pays all his bills, or 
 secures releases from those who have furnished material and 
 labor on account of the building contract, before money is paid 
 by owner. 
 The law is different in various States, and renders the owner 
 liable, under varying conditions, for material and labor furnished 
 to contractor by others as employees or sub-contractor, even 
 though payment has been made by owner to general contractor. 
 Where a bond is not required, it is proper for the owner or his 
 agent to exact releases in proper form from those who have 
 furnished material and labor to contractor. The following form 
 is in use by the writer : — 
 Work located 
 The undersigned, in consideration of the personal credit extended by 
 to , Contractor, hereby consent that 
 may pay to said contractor any sum that may be now owing to, or may here- 
 after become due, said contractor, on account of contract for the construction 
 of the above works, and we hereby waive all rights to Mechanics' Liens or 
 other claims which we have, or may have, against said property, or owner, on 
 account of labor or material furnished by us. 
 Indianapolis, 1889. 
 It is the custom to furnish the builder with a number of 
 copies of the above release before it is time for him to secure 
 an order on the owner for money. As the architect is in a posi- 
 tion to know from whom material or labor is secured, it is possi- 
 ble for him to know if the list of releases is complete. If not 
 complete, the party refusing to give a release is required to make 
 statement as to the amount of the indebtedness for material and 
 labor furnished on the contract. The o-eneral contractor is 
 charged with the amount represented as being clue until the 
 matter is fully adjusted. As an additional safeguard, the con- 
 tractor is at times required to fill out and make affidavit to the 
 following; ; — 
 Indianapolis, 18S9. 
 The undersigned, for the purpose of securing payment on account of 
 contract with , for the construction of a house, known 
 as No - on Street, situated on Lot , Out-lot 
 Division to City of Indianapolis, Marion County, State of Indiana, represents 
 hereby that he has paid for all labor and material of every kind and nature 
 had and procured therefor, excepting, however, that he is now owing the fol- 
 lowing sums to the respective parties hereinafter named for labor and mate- 
 rials for said building, and owes therefor no'other amounts, to wit: — 
 In this connection it is not possible to consider all of the 
 ramifications of the lien law. It is important to understand, 
 however, that it is entirely possible for an owner to have to pay 
 for part of or all of his house twice, if he is not careful in matters 
 of this kind. 
 IT is a pleasant thought that every one can own a home of his 
 own. With only a moderate salary, and little or nothing 
 ahead, a thought of this kind may appear more pleasant than 
 real. It may be affirmed, however, that, with few exceptions, 
 any one who can pay rent may own his home. This will require 
 certain sacrifices and at first great economy, but in the end the 
 result justifies the means. There is no reason why any one 
 should pay rent. Building associations are instrumental in 
 securing more homes for people on a long-time plan than any 
 other scheme. In the large towns, however, houses are sold 
 on various kinds of instalment plans. By way of illustration, 
 the writer calls to mind a five-room house, pleasantly situated, 
 which was built about three years ago. This house is being 
 paid for in instalments of $15 a month. An arrangement of 
 this kind is good for all concerned. It is an easy way for one 
 to get a home. It is a good use of money, from a business 
 standpoint, for the one who has the money to invest. A little 
 demonstration will make this plain. The lot on which the 
 house was situated was valued at $400. The house, with 
 walks, well, cistern, and outbuildings, cost $900. Here is a 
 total investment of $1,300. The purchaser paid $300 in cash. 
 There remained $1,000 unpaid. The interest on $1,000 for 
 a year at six per cent is $60* but as the volume of interest is 
 reduced as the payments are made, the actual interest for 
 the full period averages about one-half of $60, or $30, per 
 year. To make this point clear, I will state it in another 
 way. The principal is being reduced as the monthly payments 
 are made. As the payments advance, the amount of interest 
 necessarily decreases, as there is not so much principal on 
 which to pay interest. As a matter of fact, one pays six per 
 cent interest on just one-half of $1,000 for the full period, or, 
 what amounts to the same thing, the average interest on the 
 full period is three per cent. Thus, one is paying an average 
 interest of $30 per year ; and, as he pays $15 a month, this 
 would be $180 a year for principal and interest, $150 of which 
 would apply to the principal. Thus it is that in six years and 
 eight months the one paying $15 a month will own the house 
 and lot. I know of other cases where less each month is paid 
 and a longer time is taken. It would take $io.83 1 P er month 
 to pay for a house of this kind in ten years, with a cash payment 
 of $300. 
 It may be said that nobody but a philanthropist would sell 
 property in this way. In the case of which I speak, the philan- 
 thropist is the manager of the property of a life-insurance com- 
 pany which owns quite a large amount of unimproved real 
 estate in a Western city, and had a surplus capital on which it 
 desired to realize. It is a good thing for the company. By 
 this means it is enabled to dispose of its real estate, and 
 to use its money profitably. 
 This is not strictly architectural, but it may result in showing 
 some one how to get a home, or others how to make use of idle 
 capital in a safe and profitable way. It is better for one who has 
 money to invest to sell houses in this way than it is to rent them. 
 He gets profit on the sale, and interest on his money, which 
 latter is all he expects under other circumstances, and disposes 
 of the houses before they need repairs. This is the view which 
 the capitalist takes of the situation. By looking into it a little 
 further, he may see that he will not be troubled by insurance, a 
 vacant house, or repairs. The cash payment is sufficient to 
 protect the expense of foreclosing the mortgage and the rental 
 of the house during the time of the redemption. In some in- 
 stances the property is leased on the payment of a small cash 
 bonus, with the stipulation that when one-third, one-fourth, or 
 other agreed portion of selling price is paid in, that a deed will 
 be given ; further payment being secured by mortgage. 
 Buildinof associations are not common in all sections of the 
 country. Those who are ambitious to build, and are not pro- 
 vided with facilities which a building association offers, may ask 
 what to do. The answer is short : form an association. This 
 can be done in a small community. Two hundred shares paid 
 in, say, by fifty people, would represent a hundred dollars a 
 week. Any one who wishes to do this can provide himself with 
 text-books and other information on the subject, which are now 
 published in different parts of the country. Any bookseller with 
 a good catalogue can give the necessary information. 
 It is sometimes assumed by those unfamiliar with building- 
 association methods, that they only provide means for building 
 small, low-cost houses. This is an error. It is not at all unusual 
 that complete houses, costing from three to five thousand 
 dollars, are built by men of large means, who secure their 
 money from a building association. One has, say, forty or fifty 
 thousand dollars profitably occupied in a regular business ; he 
 may not care to disturb this money except to buy a lot with which 
 to establish a basis of credit with the building association. The 
 price of the lot may vary from one-fourth to one-half the total 
 investment. One wishes to borrow three thousand dollars 
 from an association on the plan which is subsequently fully 
 described. He would have to take out fifteen shares on a pay- 
 ment of fifty cents a share a week. This would represent seven 
 dollars and a half weekly, or about thirty dollars a month. On 
 the plan where the interest and premium are charged in addi- 
 tion to the regular weekly dues, a little over fifty dollars a month 
 would be required to keep up the building-association charges. 
 This would be less than house rent. These calculations are 
 made assuming that the premium is not more than ten cents 
 and the interest six per cent. 
 BUILDING-ASSOCIATION methods become more popular 
 as they are better understood. Savings banks are unneces- 
 sary in communities where building associations are common. 
 ^The savings bank will give place to the building association, for 
 the reason that the latter affords greater security and more profit 
 to the depositors at the same time that it affords greater con- 
 veniences to the borrowers. It is often asked by those not fully 
 acquainted with building-association methods, " How is it that 
 the association pays such large dividends, and the borrower such 
 a small rate of interest ? The profit is made by the loaning 
 of money ; and, consequently, the borrower must pay a high 
 price for his money, or the association does not make large 
 This appears to be a logical argument. However, it is not 
 true that the borrower pays a high price for his money. The 
 dividends declared are made from the borrowers, by the rapid 
 compounding of interest and other sources of profit. Money 
 paid in as interest is immediately re-invested as a loan, and 
 thus pays interest the next week. The interest on this is at 
 once put to use, and so on. It is compounded. The premium 
 paid for money is another source of profit. This comes from 
 the borrower, and represents a part of the cost of the money 
 to him ; but, unless the premium is excessive, the earnings 
 on his stock counterbalance the amount paid as premium, so 
 that in the end a borrower does not pay in excess of the regular 
 rate for his money at the same time that the stockholder is 
 more largely benefited. 
 A building association has only a tithe of the expenses of a 
 bank. The cost of doing business is very small. An association 
 has a very great advantage over a bank in its earning capacity 
 in that it does not have to carry a surplus. All of its money is 
 invested at all times. Frequently it is receiving interest upon 
 money that is not a part of its assets. This happens when an 
 application for a loan has been accepted, a building is under 
 way, and the money not all paid out. 
 The percentage of loss in a building association is necessarily 
 smaller than in the best-conducted bank. Its securities are all 
 first mortgages on productive real estate, and loans are made 
 to members only, and under the condition that the immediate 
 repayment of the loan be commenced. The security begins to 
 improve at once, by the repayment of a part of the principal 
 each week. It is usual for each member of a family to 
 become interested in the immediate repayment of a loan. 
 The payment of building-association dues is constantly in mind ; 
 as they become due from week to week, they cannot be over- 
 looked. The fact that the debt is growing less, and, as well, 
 the incentive to avoid small fines in case of failure to make pay- 
 ment, contribute to the value of the security. A loan on an 
 ordinary basis, secured from a savings bank, insurance or trust 
 company for a long period, is not thought of in this way. The 
 usual thought in such a case is to pay the debt in a large sum 
 at a time in the future. The time of the repayment of an 
 association loan is always present. The security afforded to 
 building associations is much better than to savings banks and 
 loan companies, even where the margin above the amount of 
 loan is less because of this difference in plan of repayment. 
 Again, the margin of security from the first is always sufficient 
 to protect a mortgage and the payment of all foreclosure costs 
 and charges. Furthermore, the rentals in case of foreclosure 
 are, or should be, sufficient to pay all dues and other fixed 
 charges. This will prevent loss, and in the end pay for the 
 Another element of safety in building associations is the small 
 risk of loss from the duplicity of the officers. This risk is un- 
 usually light, for the reason that in a well-managed building 
 association there is little in sight to lose. The money is usually 
 all invested. Any small amount in the hands of the officers is 
 there for only a short time. There are demands in all well- 
 managed building associations for all the money in hand. While 
 this is true, it is always required that the officers who handle the 
 association money give bond for a much larger sum than it is 
 possible for them ever to have in charge. This makes the loss, 
 if any, readily collectible. 
 It may be well to illustrate building-association methods, 
 and thus call attention intelligently to the points of superiority 
 which one plan may have over another. 
 The idea which first gave rise to associations is that of 
 enabling persons belonging to a class whose earnings are small, 
 to place themselves in a position where the process of gradual 
 accumulation is, in a certain sense, compulsory. The method of 
 operation is simple enough when it is understood. Say that 
 a number of stockholders agree to form an association with a 
 thousand shares, each share to represent $200. This would 
 make a full capital stock of $200,000 when all paid in. The 
 various individuals forming the association subscribe for as 
 many shares as they feel competent to pay upon, it being agreed 
 that for each share of stock subscribed, fifty cents per week shall 
 be paid until the sum-total of the payments shall aggregate 
 $200 ; at the end of which time a division shall be made accord- 
 ing to the original subscription and subsequent payment. It is 
 clear that if all are prompt in their payments, the treasury will 
 be ready for distribution at the end of four hundred weeks. 
 The period of four hundred weeks will, however, be shortened 
 if all the money paid in is at once invested at interest upon safe 
 securities, with the addition of interests compounded weekly, as 
 is the case with these associations. For instance, it may appear 
 that at the end of three hundred and twelve weeks, with a pay- 
 ment of fifty cents a week, and the accrued earnings that are 
 credited to the shares, they are worth $200, the amount fixed for 
 the value of the stock when it is paid up. At such a time the 
 depositing members withdraw their funds, and those who are 
 borrowers pay off their obligations to the association with stock, 
 and the mortgages are released. 
 Money in building associations is generally sold to the high- 
 est bidder ; that is, those who want to borrow bid a premium for 
 the money. For instance, a sale of money is advertised. Bids 
 are then received on the money to be loaned, and it is given 
 to the highest bidder after the security has been approved. 
 Suppose one wishes to borrow a thousand dollars. If each paid- 
 up share is to represent two hundred dollars, five shares must 
 be taken out to represent the payment of principal on a thou- 
 sand-dollar loam It may appear that the premium bid was ten 
 cents on each share. This means that the borrower must pay 
 ten cents premium each week, on each share, during the course 
 of the loan, or until the principal is paid out. Thus he would 
 pay fifty cents a week as principal, and ten cents a week as 
 premium, and the interest on two hundred dollars at six per 
 cent, which would be twenty-four cents a week. Thus he 
 would pay eighty-four cents a week on each share ; or on five 
 shares, four dollars and twenty cents a week. This would pay 
 out in about five years, depending upon the average rate of 
 premium, the cost of doing business, and other conditions which 
 may be readily understood. When the principal paid in, together 
 with the accrued earnings, represents two hundred dollars, the 
 obligation to the building association is released. 
 There are various plans of starting and arranging building 
 and savings associations, which differ one from another only in 
 matters of detail. The price of the share may be two, three, or 
 four hundred dollars, or any other sum. The amounts paid 
 in a week van- from ten cents to any larger sum. In the past, 
 most associations have been started on the series plan, which is 
 defined as follows by Henry S. Rosenthal of Cincinnati in his 
 " Manual for Building- Associations : " — 
 "In an association, organized on the terminating plan, all the stock is 
 issued as of one date. A terminating association is organized on the pre- 
 sumption that all the stock will be subscribed for at the open meetings. This, 
 however, is seldom done. The consequence is, that shares sold after the first 
 meetings must be sold at such prices as to make them equal in value to those 
 already issued. To do this a sum must be charged equal to the amount already 
 paid in in instalments by the subscribers to the original shares. If the regu- 
 lar dues on shares should be one dollar per week, a person subscribing for a 
 share after the association has been running ten weeks must pay ten dollars 
 for the share. In like manner, if the association has been running for a 
 longer period, he must pay an additional dollar for each additional week. 
 Moreover, if he does not subscribe until after the profits have been declared, 
 he must pay such an additional amount on his share as will correspond to the 
 earnings of the original shares up to that time. The same rule holds through 
 the entire existence of the association, each year making it more difficult to 
 enter. After an association, organized on this plan, has run for a time, it is 
 impossible for many persons, who would gladly become members, to raise a 
 sufficient sum of money to pay up the back instalments, the initiation fees, the 
 accrued profits, and other incidental expenses. In its practical workings, 
 therefore, an association organized on this plan is not well adapted to meet 
 the conditions of that particular class of persons who most need such an organ- 
 ization, and are most likely to be benefited by it. 
 "In a terminating association all the shares are, of course, at all times of 
 equal value. Whenever the total amounts of the dues paid in and of accumu- 
 lated profits equal the par value of all the shares, the association terminates 
 and its affairs must be wound up. Each stockholder who has not borrowed his 
 money in advance receives the full value of his shares. To those who have 
 secured their money in advance, their mortgages, cancelled and receipted in 
 full, are returned. 
 " Building associations were established originally on the terminating 
 plan. It is obvious that working on this plan they cannot, in some respects, 
 reach their greatest degree of popularity and usefulness. On this account 
 there has been a gradual departure from this plan. The first departure from 
 the terminating plan consisted in an arrangement for issuing the stock in 
 series instead of all from the same date. Associations were chartered for a 
 certain number of years, as before, and with a specified amount of capital 
 stock. But instead of selling all the stock as of the same date, it was divided 
 into series ; one series being sold as of the date of the beginning of the first 
 year, the second series as of the date of the beginning of the second year, and 
 so on until all the shares were sold. The issuing of a new series does not 
 necessarily occur annually, but at such periods as are made necessary or 
 desirable by the business of the association. The serial issue may be monthly, 
 quarterly, semi-annually, or otherwise, as the directors may determine. By 
 the time the last series is issued and the stock is exhausted, the first one or 
 two or more series of shares, if the business of the association has been pros- 
 perous, have usually reached their full value, and are paid back and cancelled. 
 Associations conducted on this plan usually have the right to issue new stock 
 to take the place of that which is cancelled from time to time, and thus their 
 perpetuity is insured. A successful association working on this plan can 
 usually secure the issue of a new charter, and can thus continue its existence. 
 But there are manifest disadvantages and risks under which an association 
 operating on this plan must labor. 
 " Another plan of operation has been inaugurated which has proved very 
 popular, and which is being generally adopted by the associations in the 
 different States. Associations are granted perpetual charters, the amount of- 
 the capital stock being fixed at a certain sum. They are allowed to be°-in 
 operations as soon as a certain amount of stock is subscribed. After the asso- 
 ciation is in operation, new subscribers are allowed to enter at any time on 
 an equality with the original subscribers, the stock of each member dating 
 from the time of his entry. Thus the business of the association runs along 
 from year to year, until finally all of the stock is subscribed. After a time the 
 shares first issued begin to reach their full value. As they thus mature, the 
 owners draw out their money, — if they have not borrowed it in advance, — 
 and their shares are cancelled, and their membership ceases. If they have 
 borrowed their money in advance, their bonds and mortgages are returned to 
 them receipted in full. If a member, whose stock has thus matured, has not 
 borrowed his money in advance, and does not wish to draw it out, a certificate 
 of paid-up stock is issued to him, and he leaves his money in the association 
 as a matter of investment. An association operating on this plan may, after 
 a time, when its original stock has all been subscribed through application to 
 the incorporating authorities, secure the right to increase its stock. If, in the 
 course of time, this increased stock becomes exhausted, another increase may 
 be secured in a like manner, and so on indefinitely." 
 Herewith is given an extract from the yearly report of a 
 successful savings and loan association on the perpetual plan. 
 It will illustrate more fully the method and results of this method 
 than could a less formal description. It may be explained in 
 this connection that in this society the payments are uniform for 
 depositing and borrowing members ; that is, instead of having 
 the premium and interest added to the weekly dues, the amount 
 of premium and interest is charged against the weekly payment 
 of fifty cents. Ten cents is the limit of premium, the officers 
 and stockholders believing that to be as much as any one should 
 The Plymouth Savings and Loan Association, No. 2, is organized 
 with two main objects in view : — 
 First. — To furnish a convenient, safe, and profitable method of investing 
 the savings of working people. 
 Members can come in and go out at will. 
 Subscriptions can commence at any time without having to pay back dues 
 or wait for new series. 
 Withdrawing members obtain their money without loss (fines excepted), 
 and are paid as promptly as the finances of the Association will admit, with- 
 out having to wait ninety days. In the history of the Association there have 
 been no delays. 
 Second. — To furnish persons who wish to borrow for any purpose the 
 means for doing so at a reasonable rate of interest. In other words, it is an 
 association composed of borrowers and lenders, and established for their 
 mutual convenience. It gathers together the savings of the people, which, 
 scattered and in small sums, could not be invested to advantage, and loans 
 the money thus obtained on first mortgage security, and in sums to suit, to 
 those who wish to build, to pay off mortgages, or for other purposes. 
 All members of the Association are, therefore, divided into two classes : — 
 First. — Those who desire to use the society as a means of saving or 
 investing money. These are called depositing members. 
 Second. — Those who wish to make use of the organization as a means of 
 borrowing money. These are called borrowing members. 
 The Plymouth Savings and Loan Association is a strictly co-opera- 
 tive or mutual organization. All the shareholders are pro rata owners of all 
 the assets of the society. Every member is a partner in the enterprise in pro- 
 portion to the amount paid in by him. He is entitled to his share of all the 
 earnings of the Association, and he must also stand his share of the losses, if 
 there be any. 
 The "By-laws contain the rules and regulations under which money is 
 received and loaned, or otherwise disposed of. and the business of the society 
 is carried on by a Board of Directors, elected annually by the members. 
 The amount of interest which each member has in the Association is 
 indicated by the number of his shares. 
 Shares are S200 each, and no member can hold more than twenty-five 
 shares. The weekly payment required is fifty cents on each share of stock. 
 When a member joins the Association he indicates the amount of weekly 
 payment he desires to make by the number of shares for which he subscribes. 
 He may, however, if he wishes, pay more than his shares call for, and such 
 over-payments will receive dividends the same as the regular weekly instal- 
 Each member is supposed to keep up his payments until what he has paid 
 in, together with the dividends declared thereon, shall amount to the face 
 •value of his shares, at which time he must cease payments, and either take 
 his money out, or, if the society be willing, allow it to remain and draw 
 On the 1st of January and July of each year the net earnings of the Asso- 
 ciation are divided //-# rata among all the members, and the amount due each 
 member is credited on his pass-book. 
 Persons joining the association between January and July must continue 
 payments until the following January before the dividend will be credited, and 
 those joining between July and January must likewise pay until the following 
 July ; and if the money be withdrawn before that time, the dividend will be 
 The right to dividend also ceases from the date of the notice to withdraw 
 the stock. 
 When dividends are credited on the pass-books they are just like money 
 paid, and are themselves entitled to draw dividends the same as cash pay- 
 ments. Thus it will be seen that all dividends compound semi-annually. 
 The following table will show how long it takes to pay up a share to face 
 value by paying the regular dues only, supposing the society to earn six per 
 cent dividends per annum. 1 It also shows the value of each share at the 
 close of each year : — 
 First year Dues . . 
 " Dividends 
 Value at close of first year 
 Second year Dues . . 
 " Dividends 
 Value at close of second year 
 Third year Dues . . 
 " Dividends 
 Value at close of third year 
 Fourth year Dues $26 00 
 " Dividends .... 
 Value at close of fourth year 
 Fifth year Dues . . 
 " Dividends 
 Value at close of fifth year 
 Sixth year Dues . . 
 " Dividends 
 $26 00 
 $26 78 
 $26 78 
 $26 00 
 2 41 
 28 41 
 *55 '9 
 $26 OO 
 4 53 
 3o 53 
 $85 72 
 $26 00 
 6 10 
 32 10 
 $117 82 
 $26 00 
 8 34 
 34 34 
 $152 16 
 $26 00 
 10 41 
 36 41 
 Value at close of sixth year $188 60 
 Seventh year (16 weeks) . Dues $8 00 
 " . Dividends 3 40 1 1 40 
 $200 00 
 Time, 6 years and 16 weeks. 
 Total dues paid $164 00 
 Total dividends 36 00 
 The society loans money only to members. For each $200 share held by 
 a member he may borrow $200, secured by first mortgage on real estate, 
 interest on which is twenty-four cents per week. 
 The right to precedence in borrowing is sold at auction at stated times 
 at the office of the Association (notice of which is given beforehand) to the 
 member who bids or agrees to pay the highest weekly premium in addition to 
 1 The present rate of dividend is nine per cent, with an added surplus. 
 the twenty-four cents per week interest. Ten cents per week is the average 
 rate at which money was sold during the year 1S87, and is now selling. 
 Members not desiring or not able to attend the sale of money in person 
 may have some one else bid for them, or they may leave a written bid with 
 the Secretary, on blanks prepared for that purpose, who will make it for them 
 at the sale. 
 The society also loans to depositing members in sums equal to ninety 
 per cent of the dues paid in. Security is had by the member pledging his 
 stock for the payment of the loan and interest due (if any) on notes prepared 
 for that purpose. Interest on such loans has for the present been placed at 
 the rate of eight per cent per annum. 
 The depositing and borrowing members alike pay fifty cents per week per 
 share. There are no additions for expenses, interest, premiums, or fines. 
 These are charged up at the close of each dividend period, or at the closing 
 up of an account. 
 Each borrower is required to pay at least fifty cents per week on each 
 5200 of loan made to him, which is credited as follows: 
 First the premium and interest are taken out, the interest being twenty- 
 four cents. When the premium bid is ten cents, both together would amount 
 to thirty-four cents. Then the balance, which in this case would be sixteen 
 cents, is credited as a payment on the share on which the loan is taken. 
 These payments are continued until the amount credited on the shares, to- 
 gether with the dividends thereon, will equal the amount loaned. For instance, 
 suppose the loan to be S200, and the premium bid to be ten cents per week, 
 The payment each week would be 50 cents 
 The premium each week would be 10 cents 
 The interest each week would be 24 cents 
 34 cents 
 The credit on the share each week would be . . . . * . 16 cents 
 These credits of sixteen cents per week begin to draw dividends on the 
 succeeding dividend period, which are compounded semi-annually, and the 
 weekly payments' must be continued until the weekly credits of sixteen cents 
 and the dividends thereon amount to $200. 
 Members are at liberty to pay every two weeks or monthly, and as much 
 beyond the required weekly payment as they may desire to. The over- 
 payments are credited like any regular payment and share in the dividends. 
 This enables borrowers to pay their loans off as fast as their circum- 
 stances will admit. This method is very helpful, as the interest and premium 
 will be stopped on as many full shares as are paid off, and the cost of a loan 
 is materially reduced thereby. 
 The minimum payment only is fixed. The borrower may at any time pay 
 the whole balance due on the loan and have it cancelled at once. 
 It is always good policy for a borrower to pay more than the weekly dues 
 if he can, in order that in case of sickness, loss of work, or other unforeseen 
 hindrance, he may be paid ahead, and hence suspend payment for a time 
 without being fined or in danger of losing his property. 
 By the following table it is shown that with the premium at twenty-four 
 cents on each $200, and that the society is able to earn six per cent per 
 annum dividends (both of which are being done now 1 ), and the required 
 weekly dues only being paid, a loan will be paid up in fifteen years and six 
 months. This time, as already mentioned, can be shortened at the will and 
 ability of the borrower, and may be paid off at any time without any penalty 
 whatever. This is a great advantage, and the society can do this only because 
 of the great demand for loans, and the money does not have to lie idle if a 
 loan is paid off, but is immediately loaned again. Here is a loan which you 
 may take fifteen years to pay if you wish, or you may pay it off at any time. 
 Premium 50 cents per week. 
 Interest $1.20 per week. 
 Six per cent dividends compounded semi-annually. 
 First Year : 
 Loan $1,000 00 
 Payments for year $130 00 
 Interest and premium $88 40 
 Less dividends 62 
 Net cost of loan 87 78 
 Principal reduced 42 22 
 1 Since this report was made the earnings have been nine per cent, with an added 
 Second Year : 
 Balance due at end of first year $957 78 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Premium and interest SS 40 
 Less dividends 3 iS 
 Net cost of loan 85 22 
 Principal reduced 44 78 
 Third Year : 
 Balance due at end of second year .... 5913 00 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 83 40 
 Less dividends 5 91 
 Net cost of loan S2 49 
 Principal reduced 
 Fourth Year : 
 Balance due at end of third year 
 Payments for year 
 Interest and premium 83 40 
 Less dividends S 79 
 Net cost of loan 79 61 
 Principal reduced 5° 39 
 Fifth Year : 
 Balance due at end of fourth year S3 15 10 
 Payments for yt-ar 130 00 
 Interest and premium SS 40 
 Less dividends 11 SS 
 Net cost of loan 76 52 
 Principal reduced 53 4§ 
 Sixth Year: 
 Balance due at end of fifth year S~6i 62 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium S8 40 
 Less dividends 15 12 
 Net cost of loan 73 28 
 Principal reduced 5& 7 2 
 Seventh Year : 
 Balance due at end of sixth year $704 90 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 18 60 
 Net cost of loan 69 80 
 Principal reduced 60 20 
 Eighth Year : 
 Balance due at end of seventh year .... $64470 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 22 26 
 Net cost of loan 66 14 
 Principal reduced 63 86* 
 Ninth Year : • 
 Balance due at end of eighth year £580 84 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 26 13 
 Net cost of loan 62 27 
 Principal reduced 67 73 
 Tenth Year : 
 Balance due at end of ninth year $513 1 1 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 3" 27 
 Net cost of loan 58 13 
 Principal reduced 71 87 
 Eleventh Year : 
 Balance due at end of tenth year $441 24 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 34 65 
 Net cost of loan 53 75 
 Principal reduced 76 25 
 Twelfth Year : 
 Balance due at end of eleventh year .... $364 99 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 39 30 
 Net cost of loan 49 10 
 Principal reduced 80 90 
 Thirteenth Year : 
 Balance due at end of twelfth year $284 09 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 44 22 
 Net cost of loan 44 18 
 Principal reduced 85 82 
 Fourteenth Year: . 
 Balance due at end of thirteenth year . . . $198 27 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 49 41 
 Net cost of loan 38 99 
 Principal reduced 91 01 
 Fifteenth Year : 
 Balance due at end of fourteenth year . . . £107 26 
 Payments for year 130 00 
 Interest and premium 88 40 
 Less dividends 54 99 
 Net cost of loan 33 41 
 Principal reduced 96 59 
 Six Weeks : 
 Balance due at end of fifteenth year .... §10 67 
 Payments for six weeks 15 00 
 Interest and premium 10 20 
 Less dividends 5 87 
 Net cost of loan 4 33 
 Principal reduced 10 67 
 Time, fifteen years and six weeks. 
 Total amount of payments $1,965 00 
 Total interest and premium 1.336 20 
 Total dividends 371 20 
 Net cost of loan 965 00 
 With the reasonable prospect in view that the Association will be able to 
 pay larger dividends at some future time, it will be easy to understand that 
 the cost and the time of payment of a loan will thereby be correspondin<dv 
 All loans must be secured by first mortgage on real estate in Marion 
 County, Ind. An appraising committee, consisting of three members of the 
 Association, appraise the value of all real estate offered as security for loans 
 and report to the board. No loan can be made until the security has been 
 approved by the Board of Directors. 
 This Association is now paying four per cent semi-annual dividends, and 
 adding largely to its surplus. 
 A new feature in building-association work has recently been 
 put into practice. The association will buy for cash a house 
 and lot, or buy a lot and build a house thereon, and sell at a fair 
 price to the member whose application is accepted. Where the 
 house and lot are bought at a cash price, it is usual to charge a 
 ten per cent bonus when selling it on time to a member. The 
 purchaser then completes the transaction by securing the pur- 
 chase money to the association, the same as in case of a loan 
 on any other property, except that instead of a deed from the 
 association he will receive a lease, with an agreement to sell and 
 convey to him the premises as soon as one-third of the purchase 
 money shall have been paid in regular dues on his stock. 
 His stock will be assigned as collateral security, and the 
 payments will be credited as rent until the deed is made. 
 Then the purchaser will execute his mortgage for the unpaid 
 balance due on the property on the terms of his original 
 bid for the money. It is usual to require a cash payment equal 
 to the amount of the bonus ; that is, ten per cent of the pur- 
 chase price. This is a valuable feature in building-associa- 
 tion methods. It adds to the profits of the association. This 
 plan is adaptable to private enterprise, and is liberal in its 
 terms to the purchaser. 
 In most associations organized on the perpetual plan, as pre- 
 viously described, the demand for funds is greater than can be 
 supplied from depositing members. This has given rise to the 
 "paid-up stock" feature of building associations. Under this 
 plan one may invest money in any sum according to the terms 
 of the charter and secure from the association a certificate of 
 paid-up stock which participates in the regular dividends of the 
 company. In this way, funds in larger amounts may be secured 
 than come from the ordinary payments by regular weekly dues. 
 It is not unusual for individuals to purchase paid-up stock to 
 the amount of several thousand dollars. This is a great help 
 to an association which is short of funds, as it serves to increase 
 its membership by addition of borrowers. There is no better 
 place to invest trust funds than in the paid-up stock of well- 
 managed building associations. Primarily, for the reason that 
 each stockholder is pledged in the amount of his stock to pay 
 principal and six per cent interest on all withdrawals ; hence, the 
 funds may be withdrawn at any time, and six per cent interest 
 thereon demanded. Furthermore, building-association stock is 
 not taxable in most States. 
 Individual and moneyed corporations are coming to consider 
 the matter of loans, and means leading to their repayment, on 
 the building-association plan. This will be brought about largely 
 by the low price of money throughout the country at this time. 
 Savings banks, mortgage companies, and life-insurance organiza- 
 tions are finding it difficult to loan their funds at a price that will 
 pay their fixed obligations ; hence, they are seeking means which 
 will lead to a more profitable investment of their funds. The 
 building-association plan of loaning money is one solution of 
 the problem. The low price of money is one of the elements 
 which within the next few years will enable nearly ever}' one 
 who so desires to secure a home through the building association, 
 or some plan which has its outgrowth therefrom. 
 THERE are many things to consider in connection with the 
 building of a house other than those which are construc- 
 tive. One may lay aside that which has to do with appearances, 
 convenience, stability, and all that is architectural, and yet have 
 food for thought in connection with the making of a home. For 
 instance, the lot. No one can afford to build on one that is 
 absolutely cheap, or one that is cheap because it is not well 
 located or favorably thought of by the large number of people. 
 A lot that is absolutely cheap is not often worth even what is 
 paid for it. One of small means can least of all afford to put 
 his money in a questionable piece of property. A lot may be 
 relatively cheap, and be a good investment. For instance, there 
 is a street lined with comfortable houses. On this street live 
 people of more or less wealth and unquestioned ambition. 
 Three or four squares beyond the last house of this street the 
 lots may be relatively cheap. The sum asked for them is not 
 great, for the reason that few care to go out so far. Still, by 
 adopting a little of the pioneer spirit, one can make a pur- 
 chase of these lots and be reasonably certain of being rewarded 
 for his foresight. It is much better to buy such a lot, and live 
 for a year or two without immediate neighbors, than to buy one 
 which is absolutely cheap because the surroundings are positively 
 3 12 
 A man of small means least of all can afford to buy a lot 
 that cannot readily be sold for all it cost. We often hear people 
 say, in regard to lots that are surrounded unfavorably, " What is 
 the difference ? It suits us ; we can be as happy and comfort- 
 able there as any place. If we like it, why should any one else 
 complain ? " No one else will complain. It may occur that the 
 owner of this absolutely cheap property may wish to sell. He 
 may become embarrassed in his business, or one of many things 
 may happen to cripple him financially. If he can sell at all, it 
 is at a sacrifice. If a mortgage is foreclosed, there is no reason- 
 able chance of redemption. If the lot is well located, and he 
 becomes financially embarrassed, he can sell for full value 
 and thus relieve himself. If there is danger of foreclosure, 
 a sale can be readily effected, and thus all danger of loss 
 be averted. The idea in buying a lot is to get one which can 
 be readily sold. This is an important matter. 
 In carrying out this principle, one of moderate means will 
 often buy a lot of higher cost than is apparently justifiable. 
 However, this may be the best thing for him to do. It may be 
 good business. If he wishes to borrow money with which to 
 build, he has a better basis for credit. If he puts his house on 
 a good lot, there is opportunity of selling it because of its favor- 
 able location, and thus the danger of embarrassment is averted. 
 One can afford to borrow money to build on a good lot, for the 
 reason that there is little danger of losing either the lot or the 
 money. The house and the lot, if it rates well in the public 
 mind, can be easily sold. The lot should not be selected or the 
 house built, if its sale is not entirely possible. There are towns 
 as well as localities in which no one of moderate means can 
 afford to buy or build. Yet such locations are often selected 
 because they are cheap, and living is cheap. The fact of this 
 cheapness is against it. The property is cheap because it is 
 worth little or nothing. It is cheap because no one can get out 
 what he puts into it. This may apply to a lot in a particular 
 town, a particular part of a town, or to property in general in a 
 county or a State. Thus it is that no one of moderate means 
 can afford to buy absolutely cheap property. 
 A young man once went to an architect to advise with him 
 in regard to the selection of a lot. He said, — 
 " There are two lots on a certain street that I can get for 
 $1,200 each. That is a little more than I want to pay, as even 
 then I would have to borrow more money than I wish in order 
 to build my house. One of the best lots I know anything about 
 is on another street, but I can hardly think of that, for they ask 
 $1,500 for it." 
 " I know the lot," said the architect, " and the $1,500 lot is 
 the one to buy. The $1,200 lots are of questionable value. 
 The surrounding conditions are such that their value is not 
 liable to increase. The $1,500 lot is in the swim; two squares 
 below, lots cannot be bought for $2,400 ; in fact, they are not in 
 the market. They are owned by people who desire to hold 
 them. In two years you will be reasonably certain to realize at 
 least twice the difference between the values of the $1,500 and 
 the $1,200 lots. In one case, the value of the lot is not liable 
 to increase ; it may decrease. In the other instance, there is 
 reasonable certainty of a large increase within a short time. It 
 is on the edge of high values." 
 " But I shall have to borrow so much money with which to 
 build, if I take the high-priced lot." 
 "What of it? Say your house is going to cost you $3,000. 
 You say you have $2,800 in cash. In one instance you would 
 have to borrow $1,400, and in the other $1,700. You are 
 running much less risk in borrowing $1,700 than you are in 
 borrowing Si, 400. If you had to sell, there is a reasonable cer- 
 tainty that you could always make a profit on your $4,500 in- 
 vestment, and a very questionable probability as to the $4,200 
 There are those who do some very remarkable things for 
 the sake of keeping out of debt, which, in the end, develops 
 into more loss than would be possible in the case of debt. For 
 instance, one will buy a lot for $1,500, and put a $1,500 house 
 on it. In time the value of the lot increases ; at the same 
 time the value of the house decreases. The lot in itself would 
 be worth more if the house were off it. It is a cheap house 
 on a good lot. Thus it is that such property is often sold and 
 the improvements counted as nothing. Again, exactly the other 
 thing may happen. An expensive house may be built on a 
 cheap lot. When finished the house is worth much less than 
 it cost because it is not well located. One cannot expect to 
 get full value for the lot without moving the house, and alto- 
 gether the situation is disagreeable. How much better it 
 would be, from a business standpoint, not to build at all, 
 use the money some other way, or borrow enough money 
 to have the house and lot properly located. In one case 
 there is positive loss ; in the other, a reasonable certainty of 
 Another thing for a man of moderate means to bear in mind 
 in building a house is, that the investments as to the house and 
 lot should be such that in case of rental the return derived 
 would pay a fair interest on the investment, and leave a suffi- 
 cient margin for taxes and repairs. As long as this condition 
 exists, there need be no fear of loss through foreclosure. The 
 sale of the property may become necessary through embarrass- 

 ment in business, loss of situation, or illness; but in such a case 
 the property can either be sold without loss, or it can be rented 
 at a figure that will pay all fixed charges, which fact in itself estab- 
 lishes a value above its cost price. If these principles are all 
 carried out, there is little chance of loss. 
 " A " DOOR, 226. 
 Air supply to heating apparatus, 75-79. 
 American architecture, 26-28. 
 American architectural development, 104-105. 
 Architects' estimates, 27S-281. 
 Architect, the, and the housewife, 9-27. 
 Architectural design, 101-105. 
 Areas, 206. 
 Ash-pits, 206. 
 Attic, 62. 
 Attic bedrooms, 63, 138. 
 Automatic heat regulators, 81. 
 Back plastering, 237. 
 Base, 22S, 229. 
 Basement, 56. 
 Bath-tub, 73, 74, 230, 255-258. 
 Bath-tub wood-work, 230, 231. 
 Bedrooms, 60-63. 
 Bedrooms in attic, 63. 
 Bedroom closets, 61. 
 Bedroom, first floor, 164. 
 Bedrooms, grates in, 62. 
 Bedroom for servants, 62. 
 Bond in brick-work, 201, 202. 
 Brick, hollow walls of, 203. 
 Brick of wood, 204. 
 Brick joints, 199. 
 Brick pavement, 212. 
 Brick piers, 200. 
 Brick, selection of color, 202. 
 Brick veneer, 203. 
 Brick-wall foundations, 200-204. 
 Brick-work, 199-206, 209-212. 
 Brick-work bond, 201, 202. 
 Broom closets, 61. 
 Broom-rack, 232. 
 " B" schedule, 26S. 
 Building associations and savings banks, 296, 
 Building association, a new feature in, 310. 
 Building association, object, 302. 
 Building associations, permanent plan, 300, 
 Building-association profits, 295. 
 Building-association report, 302-310. 
 Building associations, safety of, 296, 297. 
 Building association, terminating plan, 299, 
 Building-association methods, 29 J— 3 1 1 . 
 Building by the day, 2S1. 
 Building contract, 284-2S7. 
 Building material, cost of, 273. 
 Business points in building, 275-287. 
 Capacity of cistern, 210. 
 Carpenter work, 213-235. 
 Casings outside, 21S. 
 Cathedral glass, 245. 
 Cedar closet, 232. 
 Cellar, 51-53, 133. 
 Cellar brick-work, 203, 204. 
 Cellar closet, 52, 53. 
 Cellar doors, 226, 227. 
 Cellar laundry, 54-5S. 
 Cellar plan, 142. 
 Cellar sink, 254. 
 Cellar-sink wood-work, 230. 
 Cellar-way, outside, 206. 
 Cement pavement, 212. 
 Chamber decoration, 99. 
 Chimneys, 204-206. 
 Chimnev-breasts, 205, 206. 
 Chimney tops, 204. 
 China-closet fittings, 46. 
 China-room, 44-46, 232. 
 Cistern, 210, 211. 
 Cistern filter, 211. 
 Cistern-water supply, 71. 
 Clock shelf, 232. 
 Closets, bedroom, 61, 138. 
 Closets, broom, 61. 
 Closet fittings, 231, 232. 
 Closet of cedar, 232. 
 Coal-bins in cellar, 51, 52. 
 Colored bricks, 202, 203. 
 Colored, plastering, 237. 
 Color of mortar, 202. 
 Combination stairs, 59, 60, 137-141. 
 Combination pantry, 45, 132. 
 Competition in building, 2S1-2S3. 
 Conservatory, 99. 
 Contracting methods, 277-287. 
 Copper, 240, 241. 
 Cost of appurtenances, 271, 272. 
 Cost of building material, 273, 274. 
 Cost of one-story houses, 163. 
 Cost schedules, 264, 267-269. 
 Cost of a house, 264-274. 
 Cut stone work, 208, 209. 
 Damp course, 200. 
 " D" door, 227. 
 Deck roof, 216. 
 Depth of foundation, 200. 
 Dining-room, 37, 38, 96-99. 
 Dish-warming, arrangement for, 84. 
 Dish-washing, 11,42. 
 Doors and frames, 225-227. 
 Dough-board, 46, 47. 
 Double joists, 215. 
 Down spouts, 240. 
 Draining, 19S, 199. 
 Drain board, 43, 230. 
 Drain connections, 261. 
 Drain from refrigerator, 241. 
 Drain outside, 71. 
 Drain ventilation, 71. 
 Dressed shingles, 218. 
 Drop siding, 217. 
 Dry-box, 48, 232. 
 " E" door, 227. 
 Eastlake, Charles, 104. 
 Estimates of architects, 278-281. 
 Evaporation in traps, 67-6S. 
 Evolution of a house-plan, 109-117. 
 Excavating, 198. • 
 Excavating for plumber, 247, 24S. 
 Fifty convenient houses, plans of, 107. 
 Fig. " A," frontispiece. Fig. " 13," 106. 
 Fig. 2, 41. 
 Fig- 3' 43- 
 Fig. 4, 45- 
 Fig. 5, 46. 
 Fig. 6, 67. 
 Fig. 7, 68. 
 Fig. 8, 116. 
 Fig. 9, 116. 
 Fig. 10, photographic view (page 116). 
 Fig. 11, 117- 
 Fig. 12, 124. 
 Fig- I3» *33- 
 Fig. 14. H7- 
 Fig. 15, 149. 
 Fig. 16, 151. 
 Fig. 17, photographic view (page 152). 
 Fig. 18, 154. 
 Fig. 19, 154. 
 Fig. 20, 160. 
 Fig. 21, 168. 
 Fig. 22, 169. 
 Fig. 23, 1 Si. 
 Fig. 24, photographic view (page 182). 
 Fig. 25, 1 86. 
 Fig. 26, photographic view (page 190). 
 Fig. 27, 191. 
 Fig. 28, 191. 
 Fig- 29, 193. 
 Fig. 3°. r 99- 
 Fig. 31, 205. 
 Fig. 32, 206. 
 Fig- 33- 2I 5- 
 Fig. 34, 217. 
 Fig. 35, 226. 
 Fig. 36, 227. 
 Fig. 37, 227. 
 Fig. 38, 262. 
 Filters for cisterns, 211. 
 Finish of floor, 244. 
 Finishing in oil, 243, 244. 
 Fireplaces in bedrooms, 62. 
 Fixtures in plumbing enumerated, 66. 
 Flashings, 239. 
 Flat roofs, 240. 
 Floors, 222, 223. 
 Floor of kitchen, 49. 
 Floor finish, 244. 
 Flour-bin, 47, 233, 234. 
 Flues, 203. 
 Fly screens, 228. 
 Foundation depth, 200. 
 Foundations, stone, 207, 208. 
 Force-pump, 249. 
 Framing, 213-219. 
 Framing lumber, sizes of, 213, 214. 
 Fresco tinting, 92. 
 Freezing of plumbing, 70, 71. 
 Fuel in cellar, 51, 52; 
 Furnace, defined, 76. 
 Furnace and hot-water combination, 83, 84. 
 Furnace-room in cellar, 52. 
 Galvanized iron, 241. 
 Gas-piping, 237, 238. 
 German siding, 217. 
 Glazing, 244, 245. 
 Grates in bedrooms, 62. 
 Grease sink, 72, 73, 263. 
 Gutters, 239. 
 Hall, 33-35. 
 Hall, reception, 35, 36. 
 Hardware, 245, 246. 
 Hard-wood floors, 223. 
 Heating apparatus, how to get a good, 83, 85. 
 Heating and ventilation, 75-85. 
 Heating by hot water, 80, 83. 
 Heating by steam, 80. 
 Heating by stoves, 80. 
 Heating, ideal conditions, 76. 
 Heating plants, cost of, 81, 82, 83. 
 Heat regulators, automatic, 81. 
 Height of stories, 214. 
 Hip coping, 240. 
 Hip finish, 217. 
 Hollow walls of brick, 203. 
 Hot-air flues in brick walls, 203. 
 Hot-air pipes of tin, 241. 
 Hot-water boiler, 71. 
 Hot water and furnace combination, S3, 84. 
 Hot-water heating, 80. 
 Hot-water plumbing, 70. 
 Hot-water system, 252. 
 House decoration, 86-100. 
 House drain, 71. 
 House ventilation, 75, 79. 
 Housekeeper, the, and the architect, 11-15, 
 Housekeeping operations, 16-20. 
 How to secure a home, 289-316. 
 Humidity of air, 77, 81. 
 Hydrant, 249. 
 Inside casings, 228. 
 Inside shutters, 229, 230. 
 Inside finish, table of, 224. 
 Inside wood-work, 222-235. 
 Joints, rodded, 199. 
 Joists, 214, 215. 
 Journey, a, through the house, 29-105. 
 Kitchens, 39-50. 
 Kitchen fittings, 42, 43. 
 Kitchen floor, 49. 
 Kitchen plans, 41, 45. 
 Kitchen pantry, 45-48. 
 Kitchen plastering, 50. 
 Kitchen safe, 48. 
 Kitchen sink, 43, 253, 254. 
 Kitchen tables, 43, 230. 
 Kitchen utensils, 48. 
 Kitchen ventilation, 49. 
 Kitchen wainscoting, 49. 
 Landings for stairs, 60. 
 Lattice porch, 220. 
 Laundry, 54-5S. 
 Laundry fittings, 260, 261. 
 Laundry, low-cost, 55-58. 
 Laundry stove, 56. 
 Laundry tubs, 57. 
 Library, 95, 96. 
 Lien laws, 285, 286. 
 Lighting bedrooms, 61, 62. 
 Lintels in brick-work, 204. 
 Locating the house, 197. 
 Lot, purchase of, 312, 316. 
 Low-cost laundrv, 55-58. 
 Lumber for framing, 213. 
 Mantel costs, 271. 
 Mason work, 199-209. 
 Medicine-chest, 232. 
 Modern architects and the housekeeper, 26- 
 Modern conveniences, 21-25. 
 Moisture in heated air, 77-81. 
 Monthly payments, 291-293. 
 Mortar, color of, 202. 
 Mortgages, 310, 311. 
 Motor, 251. 
 Natural-gas piping, 238. 
 Nickel fittings, 263. 
 Oil finish, 243, 244. 
 Old colonial houses, 26, 27. 
 One-story houses, 157-163. 
 Ornamental brick, 203. 
 Outside cellar-way, 206. 
 Outside finish, 217-221. 
 Outside shutters, 219, 220. 
 Outside steps, 220, 221. 
 Painting, 242, 243. 
 Paint, ready mixed, 242. 
 Painting of shingles, 216. 
 Pantry boxes, 234. 
 Pantry, combination, 45, 132. 
 Pantry fittings, 46. 
 Pantry shelves, 47. 
 Pantry specification, 233. 
 Pantry utensils, 48. 
 Parlor, 35-37, 93-95- 
 Pavement of brick, 212. 
 Pavement of cement, 212. 
 Permanent plan, building associations, 
 Picture mouldings, 231. 
 Piers of brick, 200. 
 Pipe boards, 230. 
 Pipe duct, 70, 230. 
 Plastering, 236. 
 Plastering, back, 237. 
 Plastering, gray, 236. 
 Plastering in kitchen, 50. 
 Plate-glass, 245. 
 Plans of fifty convenient houses, 107. 
 Plan Xo. 1, cost $1,700, 110. 
 Plan No. 2, cost $1,550, III. 
 Plan No. 3, cost $1,550, 112. 
 Plan No. 4, cost $1,800, 113. 
 Plan No. 5, cost $1,900, 114. 
 Plan No. 6, cost $2,600, 115. 
 Plan No. 7, cost $2,900, 121. 
 Plan No. 8, cost $2,200, 129. 
 Plan No. 9, cost $2,500, 132. 
 Plan No. 10, cost $2,600, 136. 
 Plan No. 11, cost $2,000, 141, 142. 
 Plan No. 12, cost $2,600, 144. 
 Plan No. 13, cost $1,600, 146. 
 Plan No. 14, cost $1,500, 148. 
 Plan No. 15, cost $2,550, 150. 
 Plan No. 16, cost $2,800, I £3. 
 Plan No. 17, cost $2,200, 154. 
 Plan No. 18, cost $1,600, 155. 
 Plan No. 19, cost $1,400, 158. 
 Plan No. 20, cost $1,200, 158/ 
 Plan No. 21, cost $1,700, 161. 
 Plan No. 22, cost $Soo, 161. 
 Plan No. 23, cost $1,600, 162. 
 Plan No. 24, cost $1,100, 162. 
 Plan No. 25, cost $1,400, 163. 
 Plan No. 26, cost $2,000, 163. 
 Plan No. 27, cost $3,000, 165. 
 Plan No. 2S, cost $2,800, 165. 
 Plan No. 29, cost $2,600, 166. 
 Plan No. 30, cost $3,000, 167. 
 Plan No. 31, cost $2,400, 169. 
 Plan No. 32, cost $4,000, 172. 
 Plan No. 11, cost $2,800, 173. 
 Plan No. 34, cost $2,500, 174. 
 Plan No. 35, cost $2,250, 175. 
 Plan No. 36, cost $2,000, 175. 
 Plan No. y/, cost $2,100, 176. 
 Plan No. 38, cost $2,000, 177. 
 Plan No. 39, cost $3,500, 178. 
 Plan No. 40, cost $3,100, 179. 
 Plan No. 41, cost $3,400, 179. 
 Plan No. 42, cost $2,800, 1S0. 
 Plan No. 43, cost $2,200, 183. 
 Plan No. 44, cost $5,000, 184. 
 Plan No. 45, cost $2,100, 184. 
 Plan No. 46, cost $3,400, 185. 
 Plan No. 47, cost $10,000, 187. 
 Plan No. 48, cost $3,400, 189. 
 Plan No. 49, cost $3,400, 190. 
 Plan No. 50, cost $10,000, 192. 
 Plumbing, 64-74. 
 Plumbing costs, 268-270. 
 Plumbing fixtures, 65. 
 Plumbing, practical, 247-263. 
 Porcelain water-closets, 69. 
 Porches, 31, 220. 
 Practical house-building, 195-274. 
 Preface, 3, 4. 
 Prevention of freezing in plumbing, 70, 71. 
 Privy vault, 209, 210. 
 Purchase of a lot, 312-316. 
 Purchase on a rental basis, 291-293. 
 Radiation, direct, So, 81. 
 Radiation, indirect, 80, 81. 
 Ready mixed paint, 242. 
 Rear stairway, 60. 
 Reception-hall, 35, 36. 
 Reception-hall decoration, 88, 89. 
 Reception-hall mantel, 89. 
 Refrigerator, 47. 
 Refrigerator drain, 48, 241. 
 Ridge coping, 240. 
 Ridge finish, 216, 217. 
 Rodded joints, 199. 
 Roof, 216, 217. 
 Safety in plumbing, 64. 
 Safes, 25S. 
 Sash weights, 219. 
 Savings banks and building associations, 296, 
 Schedule " B," 268. 
 Sealed proposals, 284. 
 Second floor, the, 59-63. 
 Servant's bedroom, 62. 
 Service pipes, 249. 
 Sewer and vault connection, 65. 
 Sewer connection, 72, 261, 262. 
 Sewer gas, 66, 67, 72. 
 Sheet glass, 245. 
 Shower-bath, 257. 
 Shingles, 216, 217, 218. 
 Shingles, painting of, 216. 
 Shingles, stained, 218. 
 Shingle walls, 217. 
 Shutters, outside, 219, 220. 
 Shutters, inside, 229, 230. 
 Siding, drop, 217. 
 Siding, German, 217. 
 Side-hall plans, 164-166. 
 Sink in cellar, 254. 
 Sink in kitchen, 43, 230, 254. 
 Sitting-room, 35, 36, 91. 
 Sizes for framing lumber, 213, 214. 
 Sliding doors, 225. 
 Soap-box, 48, 49, 232. 
 Soft-water supply, 250. 
 Soil pipe, 66, 67, 253. 
 Splash board, 230, 231. 
 Splash board in bath-room, 231. 
 Spouts, 240. 
 Staining, exterior, 243. 
 Staining, interior, 243. 
 Stained shingles, 218. 
 Stairs, 234, 235. 
 Stairs, combination, 59, 60. 
 Stairways, 59, 60. 
 Stairway, combination, 137, 140, 141. 
 Stairway, rear, 60. 
 Steam heating, So. 
 Stone foundations, 207, 208. 
 Stone sills, 208. 
 Stone steps, 208, 209. 
 Stop beads, 227. 
 Stop cocks, 249. 
 Storm water connections, 262. 
 Stories, height of, 214. 
 " S " trap, 66, 67, 263. 
 Street washer, 249. 
 Stove heating, So. 
 Stud walls, 215, 216. 
 Tables in kitchen, 230. 
 Table of inside finish, 224. 
 Tank wood-work, 231. 
 Terminating p'an in building associations, 
 299, 300. 
 Terra cotta, 209. 
 Tin hot-air pipes, 241. 
 Tin-work, 239-241. 
 Transoms, 226. 
 Traps, 66, 67, 263. 
 Traps fail to act, 76. 
 Trap screws, 263. 
 Trimmer arch, 205, 206. 
 Trimmers, 214. 
 Valleys, 239. 
 Vault and sewer connection, 65. 
 Veneered doors, 225, 226. 
 Veneer of brick, 203. 
 Ventilation and heating, 75-85. 
 Ventilation, drain, 71. 
 Ventilation, house, 75, 79. 
 Ventilation of kitchen, 49. 
 Vestibule, 31-33. 
 Vestibule decoration, 87, 88. 
 Wainscoting, 229. 
 Wainscoting in kitchen, 49. 
 Walls of shingles, 217. 
 Wash-stand, 72, 259, 260. 
 Wash-stand wood-work, 231. 
 Waste pipe, 66, 67. 
 Water-closets, 68, 69, 70, 259. 
 Water-closets, porcelain, 69. 
 Water-closet, washout, 68, 69. 
 Water-closet wood-work, 231. 
 Water distribution, 24S. 
 Water for builder, 197. 
 Water for laundry, 56, 57. 
 Water motor, 251. 
 Water tank in attic, 71. 
 Water seal, 67, 68. 
 Windows, 218, 219. 
 Wooden brick, 204. 
 Wood carving, 90. 
 Wood-work for bath-room, 231. 
 Wood for inside finish, 225. 
 Wood-work for plumber, 230, 231. 
 Wood-work for water-closet, 231. 
 Standard Union. 
 Author of "Convenient Houses." 
 With over 250 Illustrations. Svo. Cloth. $3.00. 
 SINCE the publication of his "Convenient Houses" Mr. Gibson has been abroad, where 
 ho made a careful study of the national architecture of many countries. Mr. Gibson is re- 
 markable for the skill with which he manages to utilize ordinary waste spaces, to place every 
 possible convenience in the housekeeper's hands; in short, to apply common-sense in an uncom- 
 mon manner. No one interested in building a new house, or altering over an old one, could fail 
 to obtain valuable hints from his books. The volume is sumptuously illustrated, and will be a 
 delight to all connoisseurs, both of architecture and of book-making. 
 Contents of the Book. 
 HOUSE=BUILDING AN ART. Ugly houses, uneducated architects, cost never measures the 
 artistic, development of art in building, the primitive house, first principles, the Greek temple and the 
 Indian hut, the old Roman and the Old" Colonial, Romanesque architecture, Gothic architecture, decline 
 of the Gothic, the Renaissance, modern architecture of Europe, characteristics of modern American 
 architecture, etc. 
 THE WORLD'S HOMES. French domestic architecture, twelfth century building, floor plans 
 of domestic structures, picturesque stair towers, half-timber architecture of the twelfth century, our 
 use of French examples, Breton customs, furniture, French chaieaux, English domestic architecture, 
 domestic buildings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, picturesque details, from the Gothic to 
 the Renaissance, modern architecture of Germany, Swiss architecture, Old Colonial architecture, a 
 classic development, characteristic New England architecture, luxurious character of the Old 
 Colonial in the South, etc. 
 SOME HOUSE PLANS. Relation of the exterior to the location, the dormers, the inside finish, 
 mantels, a centre-hall plan, frame building, a little room for cloaks and wraps, decorative forms, interior 
 photographs, external details, Greek mouldings, a wide central hall open at each end, large rooms, a 
 picturesque stairway, color schemes in decoration, description of floor plan, a fine location, a river front, 
 picturesque stair-hall, a smoking-room under the balcony, etc. 
 MATERIALS AND DETAILS. Shingle-houses, the proper surroundings, the stains of time, 
 artificial stain, examples, slate walls, fireplaces and mantels, character in mantels, tile facings, onyx 
 and brick, doors, the defensive, hospitality, material, foreign examples, domestic doors, stairs, foreign 
 examples, broad landings, Old Colonial stairways, iron railings, furniture, architects' designs, side- 
 boards, bookcases, seats, lounges, screens, grilles, walls and ceilings, etc. 
 THE ARCHITECT. The architect and the housewife, business and the arts, costs, proper under- 
 standing of the client's wishes, plenty of time to make plans. 
 Press Notices. 
 New York Sun. 
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 foreign examples in domestic architecture, a collec- 
 tion of American house plans, and including a con- 
 sideration of materials and details for the benefit of 
 the artistic house-builder." 
 Chicago Evening Post. 
 "A most timely publication, and will find ad- 
 mirers among amateur builders as well as trained 
 Boston Advertiser. 
 " Mr. Gibson's book is something more than an 
 enunciation of theories. Under the headings ' Some 
 House Plans' and 'Materials and Details,' there 
 is a practical working out of the architect'.-- gen- 
 eral idea. This part of the work is most valu- 
 ably suggestive, and the intending house-builder 
 will find it greatly to his interest to consult Mr. 
 Gibson's books. The present volume is one in which 
 marked utility is combined with great beauty." 
 Detroit Free Press. 
 " It would hardlv seem possible that a work on 
 house-building could be such pleasant reading as is 
 this handsome volume." 
 " His former book met a real need. His present 
 work is full of wise and practical suggestions as to 
 securing beauty without sacrificing convenience or 
 running into extravagance. All about to build or 
 reconstruct a house will find it helpful." 
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