Universityof Oxford SiBTHORPiAN Library Be^eathed *^ BY William Somerville kbedsc S IBTHORPIAN PrOFE S SOR 1906-1926 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries TEXT-BOOK DISEASES OF TREES TEXT-BOOK OF THE DISEASES OF TREES BY PROFESSOR R. HARTIG OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH TRANSLATED BY WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, D.CEc, B.Sc, F.R.S.E., F.L.S. PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY DURHAM COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE REVISED AND EDITED, WITH A PREFACE, BY H. MARSHALL WARD, D.Sc, RR.S., RL.S., RR.H.S. LATE FELLOW OF CHRIST'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AT THE ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, COOPER's HILL JHwSllTY OF OXFOkB, ilontion M A C M I L L A N AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1894 The Right of Translation and Reprodtcciion is Reserved Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, london and bungay. PREFACE TO THE ENCzLISH EDITION [By H. MARSHALL WARD, D.Sc, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.R.H.S.] The foundation of a science of Mycology by Berkeley, de Bary, and Tulasne, pursued by Brefeld, Zopf, and others, has led to a knowledge of the biology of fungi highly creditable to the industrious observers who have explored this domain of the vegetable kingdom ; while the gradual building up of the science of plant-physiology from the days of Knight and Hales, De Saussure and Boussingault, to those of Sachs and Pfeffer, has placed us in possession of a vast amount of information as regards normal life processes in plants. Until much more recently, however, it cannot be said that we have had a science of the pathology of plants — i.e. the study of abnormal physio- logy — of anything like the same importance, in spite of the splendid and progressive attempts of Berkeley, Frank, and Sorauer to found one. In the particular department he has cultivated, Robert Hartig has succeeded in founding a plant-pathology really worthy of the name, and I would especially emphasize this, that his researches are so thoroughly elucidative of pathological pheno- mena, in that he studies not only the nature of the structural lesions and of the physiological disturbances consequent on these, but also the factors of the environment which throw light on the question. No better illustration of this could be selected vi PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION than his admirable discussion of the complex phenomenon of "Leaf-casting" on pp. 1 10-117 of the present work ; while his work on the ZersetzmigserscJieimingen des Holzes is a model of thoroughness and scientific accuracy and acumen to which all workers in this branch of botany must look up. In this country we are awakening rapidly to the necessity of placing ourselves abreast of the new ideas involved in this compound study of plant-pathology ; but we are perhaps as yet by no means so alive to the practical importance of the new discipline as it might have been inferred (from our national pride in being practical) we should be. Animal-pathology is studied with zealous and expensive enthusiasm — I suppose because, being animals, we are at once alive to its importance ; but plant-pathology, in the real sense of the term, scarcely obtains recognition as yet, no doubt owing to our interest in the culture of trees and agricultural produce having seemed to be less pressing than coming events are likely to prove it really to be. From this condition — only apparently apathy — we are doubtless awakening, and, as is usual, when we English do awake to new necessities, we at once enthusiasticall}- set to work to recover lost ground. Now, in this department, we have to awaken to some startling new facts, the practical bearings of which have deeply impressed our Continental cousins for some years past. One of these new facts is that we may know a very great deal about the systematic position and the morphology of parasitic and destructive fungi without knowing much — or, indeed, necessarily anytJiing — about the diseases and injuries the}^ induce ; another of these new facts is that pathology — i.e. the study of disease — cannot be fruitful unless the student is experimentally acquainted with plant-physiology, and espe- cially (though by no means only) the physiology of nutrition. To these statements I would add that we have, as a nation, to force ourselves even more than we have yet done out of the groove in which plant-physiology is looked upon as a mere branch of chemistry and physics. It is no undervaluing of PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION vii the true status of agricultural chemistr}-, or of the study of the physics and chemistry of soils, &c., to insist upon it that no one can appreciate even the rudiments of plant-physiology Avho does not make himself master of the facts of structure and the essential phenomena of life by experimental investiga- tion ; nor to point out that, as we come to know more about the physiology and pathology of plants, we learn that the chemistr}' of the soil is one of the least important factors we are concerned with. These truths have to be faced, and in spite of the at first sight depressing inference that the study of plant-pathology — and I suppose the same applies to animal-pathology — de- mands rigorous and active acquaintance with several other branches of science. As I have stated in substance elsewhere, we demand that the surgeon or doctor who attends us shall be qualified properly to do his work, though we are perhaps not always alive to the extravagance of our demands on his ability and training ; and just as we cannot expect him to do his work in diagnosing the disease or injury, and explaining and com- bating or removing its cause, unless he is properly qualified, by the requisite instruction in the physics, chemistry, structure, and normal working {i.e. physiology) of the healthy body and in the pathology of the case concerned, so can we as little expect any one to deal with diseased conditions in plants who is ignorant of *their structure and physiology, and the patho- logical conditions of the case concerned. There is, however, the comforting assurance that the processes in plants, complex as they are — and we must not err in underrating this — are simpler than in animals, and must throw useful lights on all general problems in Biology. The objection that there are epidemic diseases of plants which we have as yet failed to prevent or overcome is obviously no more valid than the cry that we cannot as yet stay the progress of epidemics of influenza or cholera : the cases are exactly parallel, and since we do not abandon or depreciate the study of medicine because medical science is not yet in a viii PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION position always to cope as successfully as we could wish with human ailments, so we must not undervalue the importance of the triumphs of the much younger baby science — plant- pathology. Probably few people in this country are really aware of the enormous strides towards lusty and vigorous youth the new science is now making, and what important contributions to human progress its study is affording. Educated and properly trained agriculturists and foresters have long been familiar with the fact that great advances are being made in these directions, and perhaps the only fault that a very severe critic could find with them is that they have remained a little too long deterred by the failures which have always to be acknowledged (and met) in a progressive experi- mental science. That much more general interest in this pro- gress is now evident, however, is best proved by the various publications on the treatment of plant-diseases which are springing up around us ; for even the very sceptical will admit that, on the one hand, the treatment of diseases depends on knowledge of them and their origin, and, on the other hand, that such eminently practical works would not be published unless they were read. Foremost among such publications are the reports of the various experimental stations on the continents of Europe and America, and it is a matter of the highest credit and con- gratulation that the Americans are devoting large sums of money to the experimental study of methods of treatment, based on knowledge of the diseases treated, at several of their enthusiastically planned experimental stations. I need only point to the reports published by the United States Department of Agriculture (Section of Vegetable Pathology), and to the ZeitscJirift fur Pflanzen-Krankheiteu emanating under the auspices of the " Internationalen Phytopathologischen Kommis- sion," as showing how necessary it is becoming to have special organs in this branch of science, and to the increasing number of text-books on the subject of plant-diseases and their treat- 3 PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION ix mcnt now being published, as evidence for the justice of the above statement. Among these latter, Kirchner's Die Krankheitcn und BescJidd- igiingen jmserer LandivirtJiscJiaftlicJien Pflanzcn stands high in the list as a treatise on the diagnosis and treatment of agricultural and horticultural plant-diseases. Far more of a classic, however, but dealing more especially with the diseases of forest trees, is Robert Hartig's beautiful text-book now intro- duced to the English public. Another encyclopaedic work, Hess's FortscJmtz, deals more particularly with the " dodges," if I may use the word, practical foresters are devising to combat the principal maladies to which forest trees are subject, and of this work English readers are also promised a translation at an early date. These more special treatises may be men- tioned as supplementing — and in part supplanting — the more academical and general works of Frank and Sorauer previously referred to. The great charm of Hartig's book lies as much in the ex- cellent plan and simple method of exposition of the facts and principles concerned, as in the astounding richness of infor- mation it conveys. This is unquestionably owing to Hartig's prominence as the leading investigator and authority in Ger- many in this special branch of knowledge — the fungoid diseases of forest trees. His pre-eminence as a sturdy and patient inquirer, as an admirable anatomist and physiologist, and as a bold and original thinker, is well known to the few who are acquainted with his special scientific publications, particularly his laborious memoir on the destruction of timber by fungi. In the present work I think he shows himself also a master of the art of teaching the principles as well as the facts of his subject. Of course there are points of view to be considered in criticising such a book. The specialist on the Morphology of the Fungi will probably complain of the author's classification of these organisms, and of his somewhat lax use of certain morphological terms ; but X PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION it should be remembered that, in the first place, the student's attention is not here directed to the fungus itself, as an object of morphological study, so much as to the action of certain fungi in inducing specific diseases in trees ; and, in the second place, it is assumed that the student is already acquainted with the main facts in the biology of the fungi — including their morphology — before he attempts this particular branch of science. Again, the professed botanist may remark how much is assumed concerning the structure and physiology of the host- plants — the trees — whose diseases are here treated of. The reply is, as before, the student cannot extract all, or nearly all, of value from such a work as this, unless he is thoroughly acquainted with the principal facts of the normal anatomy and physiology of the higher plants. A third platform of criticism is that of the " practical forester," who may object that the author gives too little information as to jhe details of combative or therapeutic treatment of the special diseases. To this the obvious reply is that it is not necessarily the duty of the scientific pathologist to devise the particular mode of attack to be employed in special cases — these plans of remedial treatment involve the outlay of money, labour, &c., which vary in different countries and in different cases, and enough has been done by the in- vestigator who indicates the factors involved. Special works must be consulted regarding the details of treatment, though it seems to me the author, while clearly recognising this, goes even out of his way to give practical hints as to treatment, and has in many cases put the principal factors concerned in the treat- ment so clearly that every thinking practical man can do the rest himself. No better illustration of the thoroughly practical nature of his writings could be selected than his recommenda- tions for the treatment of Dry-rot. But it is by no means solely on the ground of the information capable of direct application which the book contains that it should be judged. I would especially urge the value of this PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION xi study to the student of botany as calculated both to test his knowledge in other departments of his science and to open out new lines of thought as he considers the interactions between one plant and another, and between both and other factors — living or not — of the environment. Hartig's ingenious explanation of the spread of the well- known Larch -disease may or may not be accepted in all its details, on the evidence given, and dissent from his explanations of such diseases as " Canker," &c., has been expressed, but I would maintain — apart from my acceptance of the general truth of his arguments — that they teach the student very clearly how to investigate and think out these complicated matters for himself. We are still decidedl}' wanting in information concerning many diseases of trees. Standing elms and other trees are occasionally found in this country with a species of Hymeno- mycete growing from the trunks six feet or more above the ground : are these parasitic or not, and what is their mode of action .'' How does Polyponis squainosus attack timber .-• What are the exact biological relations of Polyponis fomentarius, Fistidina Jiepatica, and a number of other forms found in this country, to the trees on which they grow .'' These and numerous other questions await solution, by means of thorough investigations properly conducted in this country, along such lines as Hartig has laid down in Germany, and it should be borne in mind that such studies offer stores of facts likely to be of the utmost interest to investigators in other branches of Botany. To give one instance only : the study of the destruction of the walls of the tracheids, and other elements of which timber is composed, by the h}'phae of fungi, shows that there is considerable variety in the processes of piercing, delignifying, corroding, and dissolving them, and it seems a safe conjecture that valuable information as to the intimate structure of these walls may be derived from the examination of the way the fungus unbuilds them, so to speak. xii PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION Among the Ascomycetes and the Uredineae are numerous questions already framed for investigation, and I know of no department of botanical study more fascinating than the scien- tific hunting for the hetercecious forms of ^cidiomycetes : the work combines all the excitement of a true hunt with the intense intellectual pleasure implied in the demand for the severest critical observation, and skilful and delicate manipula- tion of the microscopic cultures. Again, the whole question of wound-rot, opened up on pp. 236-237, is one which demands long and thorough inves- tigation ; not only to clear up the many chemical problems involved, but also to explain the exact behaviour of sapro- phytic fungi and bacteria, and the part they play in the phenomena. My duties as Editor of this work have not seemed to be such as to demand that I should express my own opinions on the subjects raised, and I have almost confined myself to merely noting the occurrence of the principal diseases in this country (since the original is written for German readers), and to adding a few explanatory sentences wherever it has seemed useful in the interests of the lay reader to do so. In some respects Hartig's book is a popular one — by which I mean it appeals to a wide circle of readers not professionally engaged in the study of this branch of science — and it has seemed advisable, therefore, occasionally to interpolate a short note in explanation of some of the more technical terms employed. Short notes are apt to be insufficient in such cases ; but it would so obviously have been out of place to overload the author's work with long disquisitions on the matters referred to, that I have been constrained to risk their being occasionally too brief Here and there I have ventured, however, to go a step further, and add a reference which may be useful, and this in face of my full recognition of the fact that Hartig's book is an exposition of his own view of his own work rather than that of others. In all cases I have been careful to place my remarks, more- PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION xiii over, in footnotes between square brackets, so that the run of the author's text is uninterrupted. In one case at least I have expressed dissent from Hartig's views, but here again the reader has the option of neglecting the footnote, and at any rate the matter is one of evidence. H. MARSHALL WARD. Cooper's Hill, Ifanh 1894. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. PAGE I Development of the Study of Vegetable Pathology . . The Causes of Disease— Sickliness, Natural and Accidental Death, Debility of Old Age, Normal and- Abnormal Predis- position to Disease, Heredity and Disease, the Investigation of Disease i6 SECTION I. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS. Phanerogams — Lonicera, Triticum, Melampyrum, Rhinanthus, Pedicularis, Euphrasia, Lathraea, Orobanche, Monotropa, Viscum, Loranthus, Arceuthobium, Cuscuta 22 Cryptogams — Pseudo-parasites — Thelephora, Lichens ; Schizomy- cetes — Bacterium, Bacillus ; Myxomycetes — Plasmodiophora, Schinzia 35 Fungi — Their Structure and Biology, Mycelium, Hypha, Germ- tube, Sclerotia, Sporophore, Spore-production, Sexual and A-sexual Generations, Vital Conditions, Nutritive Adaptation, Parasites, Saprophytes, Mode of Infection and Distribution, Epiphytes, Endophytes, Action on the Tissues of the Host- plant, Prophylactic and Therapeutic Measures, Cfassification . 40 Peronosporeae — Phytophthora, Peronospora, Pythium, Cystopus . 57 Ustilagineae— Tilletia, Ustilago, Urocystis 66 Ascomycetes— Erysiphete — Erysiphe, Oidium ; Tuberaceee — Ela- phomyces. Tuber, Mycorhiza ; Pyrenomycetes — Trichosphteria, Herpotrichia, Rosellinia, Dematophora, Cucurbitaria, Sphas- rella, Stigmatea, Gnonionia, Nectria, Polystigma, Claviceps, Aglaospora, Plowrightia, Physalospora, Coniothyrium, Gloe- sporium, Didymosphaeria ; Discomycetes — Rhytisma, Hys- terium, Peziza, Rhizina, Sclerotinia, Botrytis ; Gymnoascece — Exoascus 69- Imperfectly known Ascomycetes— Cercospora, Pestalozzia, Phoma, Gloesporium, Septogloeum, Septoria, A new Parasite of Seedlings, Valsa 135 Basidiomycetes — Uredineee — Puccinia, Phragmidium, Gymno- sporangium, Melampsora, Coleosporium, Cronartium, Peri- dermium, Chrysomyxa, Isolated /Ecidium-forms 153 Hymenomycetes— Exobasidium, Trametes, Polyporus, Hydnum, Thelephora, Stereum, Agaricus, Fungi destructive to structural timber, Dry-rot, Merulius 184. xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION II. WOUNDS. Healing and Production of New Tissues— Epidermis, Periderm, Phellogen, Bark, Cortex, Phelloderm, " Wound Cork," Tyloses Intermediary Tissue, Occlusion of Wounds, "Wound Wood,' Cinchona Culture, Effects of Pressure, Resin, Wound-rot Treatment of Wounds, Prev^entitious and Adventitious Buds Spheroblasts, Dwarf Shoots, Dormant Eyes, Root Suckers . . 225 The various kinds of Wounds — Barking by Game, Mice Cattle, &c.. Wounds due to Crushing and Collection of Resin Ring Wounds, Pruning, Shortening Branches, Removing double Leaders, Coppicing, Injuries to Roots, Propagation by Cuttings and Grafts, Defoliation by Insects 241 SECTION III. DISEASES DUE TO CONDITIONS OF SOIL. Soil in relation to Water and Plant Food— Stag-headed or top- dry condition. Premature Ripening of Cereals, Rupturing of the Cortex of Trees 270 Circulation of Air in Soil— Root-rot 275 Plant Poisons — Sea-water, Contaminated Water, Carbonic Acid Gas, Coal Gas 279 SECTION IV. INJURIES DUE TO ATMOSPHERIC IN- FLUENCES AND FIRE. Frost, Bark-scorching, Sun-cracks, Deficiency of Light, Hail, Snow, Wind, Fire, Smoke, Lightning 282 Classified List of Diseases 305 INDEX 317 DISEASES OF TREES INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDY OF VEGETABLE PATHOLOGY During the present century, and especially during the last few decades, the forests of Germany have been threatened with dangers of a magnitude formerly unknown. These have been occasioned by the gradual relinquishment of natural regener- ation, and by the substitution of pure even-aged woods for woods consisting of trees of different species and of various ages, but most of all by the displacement of broad-leaved trees by pure coniferous woods. It is especially noticeable that enemies from the animal and vegetable kingdoms find favourable conditions for rapid development in our modern forests, so that the complaints of increasing devastation of woods appear to be by no means unfounded. The foresters of the last cen- tury had already made themselves familiar with a large number of the enemies and diseases of trees, as is proved by the appearance in 1795^ of a work which probably contains the first compilation of the observations on plant-diseases scattered throughout the older literature. We may assume from this that a large number of diseases which have only been properly explained during the last few years, e.g. the damping off of seedling beeches, the resinous degeneration of pine-tops, the red-rot of the spruce, &c., were known to foresters more than a hundred years ago, though of course the explanation of the causes was 1 Schreger, Erfahrimgs7ndssige Awweisung zur richtige7i Ke7intniss der Kra7ikhette7t der Wald- iind Garte7ibdit77ie. &c. Leipzig, 1795. 518 pages. ^0 2 DISEASES OF TREES bound to be defective in accordance with the position of botanical science at that time. Some fifty years ago a number of able investigators, of whom only Saxesen, Th. Hartig, and Ratzeburg need be named here, applied themselves to the study of insects. The life-history of forest insects, their harmfulness or usefulness, soon became the favourite study of many practical foresters, and in a few decades the joint efforts of numerous workers were rewarded by the elevation of Forest Entomology to the position of a much- appreciated subject of scientific instruction, which has become the common property of all educated foresters. The case was otherwise with those plant-diseases which cannot be ascribed to the injuries of animals. Their investi- gation was delayed until quite recently ; for it was only after botanical science, by the aid of its chief instrument, the microscope, had obtained a clear insight into the normal struc- ture and vital phenomena of plants, and especially after the study of fungi had been prosecuted in the last few decades by a series of distinguished investigators, that the examination of the phenomena of disease in the life of plants could be undertaken with a prospect of success. During the period from 1833 to 1841 three text-books of plant-diseases did indeed appear — namely, those of Fr. Unger,^ Wiegmann,- and Meyen "^ — which bear witness that in attempt- ing to explain the phenomena of disease in plants the progress already made in the knowledge of the structure and life of plants was not left out of account ; but the erroneous views as to the nature of fungi, and the absolute ignorance of the history of their development which prevailed, impeded progress towards a clear understanding of the processes of disease. Independent investigation was especially interfered with by the mistaken attempt to apply to the study of the diseases of plants the scientific results which J. von Liebig in particular had obtained in the department of agricultural chemistry. After it had ^ Fr. Unger, Die Exantheine der Pflanze7i und eiiiige jnit diesen verwa7tdte Krankheiten der Gewdchse. Vienna, 1833. 2 Wiegmann, Die Krankheiten und krankhaften Missbildungen der Gewdchse. Brunswick, 1839. 3 Meyen, PJianzenpathologie. Lehre von dem krankhaften Leben und Bilden der PJlanzen. Berlin, 1841. INTRODUCTION 3 been recognized how great is the importance for the welfare of plants of the quantity and condition of the mineral matter in the soil, and how an irrational treatment of the soil, such as scourging tJie ground, in sylviculture, agriculture, and horticulture can and must lead to exhaustion of one or other of the nutritive ingredients, which betrays itself in the stunted growth of the crop, it was supposed to be permissible, though unsupported by any exact investigations, to proceed a step further, and to regard acute diseases of crops, so long as they could not be ascribed to external causes, as the results of the want of one or other of the nutritive substances of the soil. The fact that unhealthy symptoms make their appearance quite as often on very fertile soils as on poor ones led to the assumption that a superfluity of nourishment may also be the means of causing diseases in plants. The works of De Bary^ and Tulasne- first opened the way for the investigation of plant-diseases ; and with the appearance of these a new period began, for from that time onwards very great attention has been devoted to the life-history and action of parasitic fungi. The view hitherto held that all fungoid growths appear only as the result of previously existing pro- cesses of disease, or as indications of the incipient death of the part of the plant which is attacked, was shown to be erroneous. Investigation was now directed chiefly to the diseases of farm and garden crops. Amongst others Jul. Kiihn^ especially enriched science by a series of most valuable investigations. Further research gained a surer basis with the appearance of de Bary's* Morphology and Physiology of the Fungi. So far the attention of investigators had been almost entirely directed to agricultural crops, a circumstance which is sufficiently explained by the fact that but few scientific botanists had the opportunity presented to them of carrying their researches into ^ De Bar}', Untersiechungen iiber die Brandpilse tend die durch sie veran- lassten Krankheiten der Pflansen viit Riicksic/it auf das Getreide und andere NdhrpflcDizen. Berlin, 1853. - Tulasne, Selectafnngorum carpologia. Paris, 186 1. ^ Julius Kuhn, Die Kranlcheiten der Ciiltia-gewdchse., Hire Ursac/ie?i tend VerJiiitung. Berlin, 1858. ■* De Bary, Morphologic und Physiologie der Pi/se, (S:c. Leipzig, 1866, and Vergleichende MorpJiologie und Biologic der Pilze. Leipzig, 1 884. 1! 2 4 DISEASES OF TREES the forest and of giving their attention to the diseases of trees. The credit of having first stimulated interest in this direction undoubtedly belongs to M. Willkomm.i Hallier's attempt to collate the scattered materials in the form of a text-book^ was subsequently repeated with happier results by P. Sorauer^ and Frank/ whose handbooks are useful compilations, in which the matter diffused through numerous periodicals and works is collected and systematically arranged. My own investigations have been published partly in periodicals and partly as independent works.'^ THE CAUSES OF DISEASE In the present state of science it is scarcely possible to draw a sharp line of distinction between those conditions of the plant known, on the one hand, as healthy, and, on the other, as diseased. The development of any plant depends upon a series of external factors of nutrition, and these, such as light, heat, the kind and proportion of the nutritive materials, and of the water and oxygen contained in the soil, of the carbonic acid present in the atmosphere, &c., are available for the plant in very different quantities. When all these external factors influence the development of the plant in the most favourable manner, it is vigorously nourished and flourishes well. But probably the case is never realised when all these factors of life act simultaneously and concurrently in the most favour- able manner possible : on the contrary, one or more is sure to be deficient or superabundant, and this causes interference to a greater or less extent with the development of the plant. We cannot as yet say, however, that such plants are ' M. Willkomm, Die Mikroscopischen Fei?ide des Waldes. Dresden, 1866, 1868. - E. Hallier, Phytopathologie. Die KrankheiteJi der Cidtu7-geiucichse. Leipzig, 1868. ^ P. Sorauer, Handbuch der Pfa7izcnkrcmkJieitc?i. Berlin, 1S74. 2nd Edition, 1886. * B. Frank, Die Kra)ikheitcn der Pflanzeji. Breslau, 1880. * R. Hartig, Wichtige Krank/ieiten der Waldbdwne. Berlin, 1874. Die Zcrsetzungserscheinungen des Holzes der Nadelholzbdwne und der Eiche. Berlin, 1878. U?itersuchunge?i aus dcm forstbotanischen Institut zu Micnchen. I. Berlin, 1880. III. Berlin, 1883. Die echte Hausschwamtn, Mcriilius lacryvtans. Berlin, 1885. INTRODUCTION 5 unhealth)- ; it is only when the Hfe-processes have sunk to very small proportions that we speak of a plant as " sickly." Such sickly plants recover, as a rule, when the deficiency of light, heat, nutriment, or whatever the cause of the sickliness may be, is removed. It is the province of physiology to discover the conditions under which plants thrive best. I do not regard the investigation of the phenomena of mere sickliness as the task of pathology. It is only when the sickly condition leads to the death of some part of the plant that we may speak of actual disease. Suppose, for instance, that the soil of a wood has suffered through removal of litter, a diminution of growth will result, which, however, is not as yet disease ; but if a moribund condition of the tops of the trees sets in, we are confronted with the disease known as " top-drying " or " top-drought." This example shows how gradually the condition of sickliness merges into that of disease, and how it is only the partial death of the plant that can be regarded as giving external indication of the latter. It is quite as difficult to draw the boundary line between healthy and diseased, and between normal and abnormal, in the case of those phenomena which we are accustomed to designate as monstrosities. In the nature of organisms there is a tendency towards variation both morphologically and physiologically, and it is upon this, in fact, that progressive evolution in the organic world depends. Variation is, therefore, a normal phenomenon, and depends on causes which are probably almost always operative in the earliest stages of the life of the organism before, during, and immediately after the fertilization of the oosphere. It is impossible to establish a strict line of demarcation between normal variation and malformation ; and thus all the phenomena connected with the latter, which we are not in a position to explain, have been separated and grouped together to form the special study of teratology apart from pathology. In this text-book therefore we shall confine ourselves essen- tially to describing and explaining those phenomena which bring about the premature death of the plant, or of any part of it, how- ever small. This limitation leads us to the answer to the question whether 6 DISEASES OF TREES plants all die a natural death, or whether they, at least in part, succumb to external influences — that is to say, are subject only to accidental death. Experience teaches that, at any rate among the more highly developed plants, each individual dies sooner or later, but that in the case of perennial plants, particularly trees and shrubs, the cause of death is always to be found in unfavourable external influences. In the case of the more lowly organisms, which only multiply by division and as yet exhibit no sexual reproduction, one can scarcely speak of a natural death, because each part is as old as the parent organism by the division, &c., of which it was formed. Were a natural limit set to the life of a certain species of plant which can only multiply by dividing, the result would be that when this limit was reached every part, and therefore also the offspring which had originated by division, would perish. It is known, however, that this state of things does not exist. In the case of those plants which are also reproduced by sexual processes many different conditions are met with. In the case of annual plants the vegetative part dies each year, and only the embryos originating from the fertilized oospheres remain alive. When, from these, plants capable of bearing seeds have deve- loped, all that is preserved of them, in their turn, is the forma- tive product arising from the sexual cells. Thus the vegetative part of each plant dies owing to internal causes, though these, in part, depend simply upon exhaustion consequent on the formation of seed. We see then that natural death of the vege- tative organs of the plant occurs from internal causes, whereas the sexual cells only die if they have not been fertilized, or if, owing to external causes, the product of fertilization has not given rise to a new plant. Upon the unlimited duration of the life of this part of the plant — that is to say, of those sexual cells which do not fall victims to accidental death — depends indeed continuity in the organic world, in other words, the development and preservation of the vegetable and animal kingdoms. In the case of perennial plants it is only certain parts that succumb to natural death each year. Amongst herbaceous plants, for instance, it is the parts above ground which thus die off: in the case of deciduous trees and shrubs, it is the outer cortical tissues, the leaves, &c. INTRODUCTION 7 The plant-individual proper, however, only dies in consequence of unfavourable external influences. As a matter of fact, every tree is rejuvenated each year by the cambium forming new tissues at its periphery, and by new shoots and buds. It is a matter of experience that the duration of the life of all trees is limited, but it is not proved whether this is to be ascribed to in- ternal causes, or is the result of the innumerable influences which act more or less prejudicially on the plant from without. The re- duction and final cessation of the growth in height of a tree, after attaining a certain maximum, must be ascribed to interference with the factors of nutrition, and, in all probability, especially to the fact that the forces which conduct the water and nutritive materials to the highest bud of the tree are limited in their action, and that sooner or later, depending on the specific and individual nature of the plant, these no longer suffice to provide for the continuance of growth in height. If we cut a slip from an old tree, it will pursue the same cycle of development as the parent tree, thereby proving that by vegetative multiplication the life of a plant may be indefinitely prolonged. Hitherto no phenomenon has been discovered from which one may conclude with certainty that internal natural causes of death are peculiar to all, or even to any perennial plants. In this connection the question is at once suggested whether " the feebleness of old age " is a factor which must be regarded at all in considering the diseases of plants. In discussing how diseases arise we shall show that old age, quite as well as youth, may predispose a plant to some disease or other. In itself, however, the feebleness of old age is not a natural condition attributable to internal causes, but is a .state induced by external influences. The older a tree is, so much the more numerous are the dangers through which it has had to pass, and so much the greater is the number of its injuries and wounds through which parasites and saprophytes can find an entrance into its interior. Again, the older a tree is, the narrower are its annual rings, and with so much the more difficulty and tardiness does it suc- ceed in occluding a wound. Finally, the older a tree is, the more sluggish are its nutritive processes, because, on the one hand, the soil in which the roots are fixed has become denser, thereby impeding the entrance of air, and, on the other 8 DISEASES OF TREES hand, one or other of the nutritive materials may be partiall}' exhausted. With the reduction in the transference of nutrient matters to the crown of the tree, the latter becomes stunted and partly dies, and this is followed by diseases which finally kill it altogether. There are, however, always demonstrable external influences at work in the matter, so that the question whether the debility of old age is in itself a natural condition manifesting itself, for instance, in the enervation of the organization of a cambium cell, or in the separation of a bud from a tree, must in the mean- time be answered in the negative. Thus, when we speak of the natural duration of life of a plant-species, we are to understand the period of time during which a plant is able to liv^e without succumbing to the unfavourable external agencies in the soil and the climate, or to the varied attacks of parasitic and saprophytic organisms. The above considerations lead us to the natural classification of the different kinds of disease which we shall examine in the following pages, according to the external influences which induce them. 1. Diseases induced b)^ Phanerogams. 2. Diseases induced by Cr}'ptogams. 3. Wounds. 4. Diseases due to unfavourable conditions of the soil. 5. Diseases due to unfavourable atmospheric conditions. In the case of most diseases it is demonstrable that the individuals of a given species of plant, which are subjected to certain prejudicial influences, do not all succumb to these influences to an equal extent, but that certain individuals or varieties prove perfectly or almost perfectly resistant, while others soon become diseased or die. These observ^ations show that it is not the environment alone which determines the origin of a disease, but that, on the contrary, a plant contracts disease onl}' when subjected to definite pre-existing conditions ; that a predisposition or tendency to disease must exist, and that there- fore, to a certain extent, the origin of a disease is determined by the co-operation of two factors. The first factor is the external cause of the disease, and this is, as a rule, easy of demonstration. INTRODUCTION 9 The second factor, however, has its inception in a peculiar condition of the organization of the plant, which is either present only at certain times, or is only peculiar to and innate in certain individuals, or, finally, has been acquired under the influence of definite external conditions. All these peculiarities in the organization of the plant may be quite normal in their nature — that is to say, the organism as such appears to be perfectly healthy — in which case the predisposition is said to be "normal." On the other hand, however, the predisposition to disease may be " abnormal," as is the case when the plant is only predisposed to one disease because it is already suffering from another. Abnormal or disease-inducing predisposition may arise, for example, in the neighbourhood of a wound through which alone some particular parasite could gain entrance to the plant. The entire group of infectious wound-diseases may be placed in this category. Under normal predisposition, therefore, zve are to tinderstand every condition, even if only temporary, in the anatomical struc- ture, in the chemical constitution, or ivt, the vital functions of an organism, which, though not in itself prejudicial to the individual, induces a disease zvhen a second, and that an external, factor co- operates in addition, even though the latter is in itself innocuous to the plant. In addition to these cases of normal and abnormal disposition residing in the organism itself, we may also speak of a pre- disposition to disease which is due to the locality. There are a great number of fungi which can only attack a certain species of tree when plants of another species occur in the vicinity on which the particular fungus, at certain seasons of the year, may complete its development. Localities in which m.any aspens grow impart to the pines a predisposition for the disease known as "Pine-twist" (caused by Melanipsora TremulcB pinitorquuni). Rhododendrons abounding in a district make the spruces liable to " Leaf-blister " (caused by Clny- somyxa Rhododendri), while barberr\' bushes are associated with the " rust " of wheat. The mere existence of uninter- rupted woods, composed of a single species of tree, may give rise to dangers leading to extensive epidemics. Pure larch woods away from mountainous regions almost always succumb lo DISEASES OF TREES to canker, whereas larches mixed with other trees may remain unaffected. The cHmatic conditions pecuHar to a given district may render-it specially liable to outbreaks of certain diseases. Thus in Alpine districts proximity to lakes and narrow valleys specially predisposes to certain fungoid diseases, because the moist air of such places favours the fructification of fungi in a high degree. In the forest one meets with certain localities, so-called " frost-beds," which favour the injurious action of frost. The character of the soil may predispose to definite diseases, in that, for instance, it specially favours the growth of underground parasitic fungi, or the conditions may induce the appearance of "root-rot." In very many cases one can say forthwith of certain localities that they predispose to definite diseases, and the latter must occur when some factor or other of the environment is present, although in other localities the same factor may be harmless to the vegetable world. Of course this predisposition which is linked to the locality only forms a part of the multifarious circumstances favourable to the occurrence and spread of diseases that are to be ascribed to the environment of the plant, and it must not be confounded with the idea of a predisposition to disease in the narrower sense. In the first place, the normal predisposition of plants may consist in phases of development which naturally exist for a time in every plant. To this class belongs the period of youth of the plant, and the young condition of its new shoots, leaves, and roots. These are at first covered only by a delicate epidermis, which is but slightly if at all cuticularized, and which can offer no resistance to the attacks of parasitic fungi ; whereas later on in life, when a cuticle has been formed on the outer cell-walls, and when periderm and bark have been formed on the axial organs, the predisposition for many forms of disease disappears. On the other hand, later periods of life may also induce a predisposition to certain diseases. Young conifers which possess resin-canals are almost perfectly protected from infection by wood-fungi, at least in so far as these find an entrance only through wounds caused by the removal of branches, because each fresh wound is at once covered by a protecting INTRODUCTION n substance due to the exudation of turpentine. It is not until after the development of duramen, which no longer conducts water, that a predisposition for wood-diseases sets in, because now, when a branch is broken off, the inner wood no longer protects itself against attack by pouring out turpentine, for it is only in the watery alburnum that turpentine and resin are forcibly pressed out of the resin-canals. In the case of trees advancing age is also, as a rule, accompanied by a diminution in the breadth of the successive annual rings, and the result of this is that wounds are not so quickly occluded as when they occur on young vigorously growing trees. It is easy to perceive that, as a consequence, the prejudicial results of injuries are increased as age advances. In this sense alone can we speak of the feebleness of old age, and increasing susceptibility to external dangers in consequence. The condition of vegetation in regard to the season of the year has great influence on the power of the plant to resist dangers. It is well known what low temperatures a plant can stand during the period of winter rest, whereas in spring, after the beginning of vegetative activity, and before it ceases in autumn, it is killed by a few degrees of frost. The capacity of resisting the attacks of parasitic fungi on the part of the tissues also differs much according to the season of the year. Between the living cell of the host-plant and the cell of the fungus-parasite there is a struggle, in which (in the case of many parasites infesting the tissues of the cortex or cambium) the latter can only kill the former if this is in the condition of vegetative rest — that is to say, not actively growing, &c. If processes of metabolism are energetically at work in the cellular tissue of the host-plant itself, it is then enabled to stave off the attacks of the fungus. The action of the latter on the cellular tissue of the host — depending as it does on the secretion of an enzyme * — is only prejudicial when this tissue is defenceless, as it were, owing to the condition of inactivity in which it is found. These cortex-fungi grow only from autumn till spring, and their further development * [Enzymes are a peculiar class of bodies, often called unorganised or soluble ferments, capable of producing powerful molecular changes in organic substances in presence of water. — Ed.] 12 DISEASES OF TREES is checked with the beginning of vegetative activity in the host-plant. A similar condition of things is met with in those fungi which at all seasons luxuriate in the wood of trees, and even kill its living cells, but which are incapable of penetrating the living tissues of the cortex till these have succumbed to drought due to the death of the wood, when they may be easily occupied. The tissues of the wood and those of the cortex appear to differ in their power of resisting parasites. The amount of water in plants, determined by the weather, also influences the development of endo-parasites. During periods of much rain, when the plant-tissues contain more water than during periods of drought, many perennial fungi flourish with special vigour inside the plant. This is particularly evident in the case of Melanipsora TroniilcB pinitoi-qiiiun and Rosellinia qnercina. In contradistinction to those phenomena of predisposition which have been already discussed, and which to a certain extent only appear periodically, there is a second category of peculiarities which are innate, as it were, only in certain individuals or varieties, which are thereby specially predisposed to certain diseases. Variation in the vegetable kingdom ma)' find expression in morphological, chemical, and physiological peculiarities, and in each of these directions forms may tend to occur which are more or less susceptible to one disease or other. As regards the morphological aspect, it need only be called to mind that there are varieties of potato which possess a very delicate skin ; others, a thick periderm ; and it is easy to explain why the former are far less secure against the attack of the fungus that causes potato disease than those with a thick skin. Amongst the Douglas firs there is a bluish glaucous variety whose leaves, owing to an abundant waxy covering, are much better protected against atmospheric drought than the pure green form. That the latter possesses a predisposition to perish from drought in a continental climate is to be expected from the fact that it is natural!}' confined to the west-coast region of North America. That individual differences with respect to the chemical com- position, and especially to the amount of water, occur in plants INTRODUCTION 13 is undoubted, and it may be safeh' assumed that these differences also involve differences in behaviour towards prejudicial external influences. At present, however, we know very little in this connection, and we can in the meantime only conjecture that the explanation of the individual differences in the behaviour of plants towards frost, drought, and even towards the attacks of fungi will partly be found in such chemical differences. Even more striking are the cases where differences in the physiological behaviour of plants serve as disease-inducing con- ditions. It is well known how certain trees of the same wood awake from their winter rest and become green at different times, although in other respects they are perfectly similar. In a young spruce plantation differences of two or even three weeks may be easily perceived in the opening of the buds of different individuals, and this must be accounted for, in most part, by differences in the heat-requirements of the plants. It is evident that early unfolding of the leaves implies a disposition for injury by late frosts, but it may also become the chief stimulus to the development of fungoid disease. If, for instance, the spruce-leaf- rust {Chrysomyxd) is, in the spring, at the stage when its spores are being shed, all those spruces whose buds have not begun to elongate into shoots w411 remain entirely unaffected by the fungus, which is only able to force its way into the delicate leaves of young shoots. A disposition for this disease, therefore, attaches to the individuals which begin to grow earh'. In other years it may happen that those individuals which first begin to grow are so far advanced in development when Chrysomyxa sheds its spores that the leaves are already too old to be susceptible to infection. In this case it is perhaps just the late varieties that contract the disease. The observation that amongst the individuals of a plant species there are always some whose requirements as regards heat are less or more than those of others, and that these are therefore disposed to suffer from cold to a greater or less extent, and that, further, demands on the moisture of the air and other factors of growth vary with the individual, has probably led to importance being attached to the place of origin of the seeds which we employ in cultural experiments with exotic species of plants. We endeavour to obtain seeds from districts where, in t4 DISEASES OF TREES the course of time, varieties have spontaneously arisen whose power of resisting frost, or atmospheric drought, as the case may be, has become enhanced. A further group of disease-inducing conditions embraces all these peculiarities which have only been acquired in the course of the development of the plant, and which may lead to a disease if certain external influences be present. If plants are reared in a moist atmosphere, e.g. in a greenhouse, the epidermal system develops in response to the moist air which surrounds it, so that it is only slightly cuticularized. If such plants are placed in a dry atmosphere — for instance, in the air of a heated room — they become sickly, because the transpiration of the leaves is unduly increased. Trees, especially those with smooth periderm, that are reared in a very dense wood, and then suddenly isolated in later life, suffer from scorching of the cortex. Such trees possess a pre- disposition for scorching which is absent in the case of those plants of the same species which have been grown, from youth upwards, in an open or light wood. The disposition to disease in this case consists in the fact that the external covering is less strongly developed. Plants grown in the shade also prove to be unduly susceptible to the direct action of the sun, in that the chlorophyll in the cells of the upper layers of their leaves becomes destroyed. Oaks grown in a close beech wood, and consequently with small crowns, incur a predisposition for top-drought when they are isolated, whereas, under similar circumstances, trees with full crowns do not suffer from this disease. During the first few years after being transplanted, many trees show a predisposition to be easily " frosted," which is again lost with the development of a strong root-system. On shallow soils evergreens, and especially conifers, are far more susceptible to injury from coal-smoke than those on deep soils, for the reason that their root-system, being characterised by superficial development, is unable to take up water in winter. Desiccation of the leaves in consequence of action of the sulphurous acid takes place in their case much more easily than in that of trees which are able to take up water from greater depths, and this even in winter. INTRODUCTION 15 All the disease-inducing conditions which have been dis- cussed may be designated as normal, because the peculiarities noted are in themselves quite in accordance with the nature of the plant-organism, and only become prejudicial when some other external circumstance co-operates, and which is termed the cause of the disease. There still remain to be noticed numerous abnormal disease- inducing conditions which depend on an unsound state of the plant. To these belong all those wounds in whose train some disease or other of the interior of the plant may follow. When a tree is pruned it thereby incurs an abnormal predis- position for a series of wound-diseases, infectious or otherwise, which can be got rid of by the application of timely and appro- priate — that is to say, antiseptic — dressings. Injury to a root, e.g. the severance of a rootlet, is in itself damage, but when this leads to decay spreading from it into the stem, we designate such an injury as an abnormal disposition to disease. Insects of various kinds live in the cortex of sound trees, which they injure, and thus open doors, as it were, to the entrance of parasitic fungi into the interior, so that the trees are ultimately killed. A hailstone strikes the cortex of a tree and injures it. This creates an abnormal condition, which may lead to an infectious disease should certain fungi settle on the cortex. When trees or shrubs are transplanted in any year, and their development is so much retarded by the operation that the new shoots have not completed their development when frost appears — that is to say, when lignification has not been completed — they possess an abnormal disposition to injury from frost. Such plants may survive in mild winters, but if intense cold sets in they may die off completely. From what has been said it will be clear how endless are the phenomena which dispose to disease, and also how only one group of these, "the inherent tendencies," possess the character of inheritability. The phases of natural development, which were first discussed, and which are passed through by ever)- plant, may be left out of account in connection with the ques- tion of inheritability. Neither acquired predisposing causes nor those due to an unhealthy state can, however, be transmitted i6 DISEASES OF TREES from parents to descendants ; at least nothing is known so far that indicates such an inheritance. This holds good not only for the causes but also for the diseases themselves. A transmission, by inheritance, of diseases to descendants is unknown in the vegetable kingdom. One may without hesita- tion make use of the seeds of plants suffering from any con- ceivable disease for the propagation of new plants. In par- ticular one may without scruple collect the seed of such trees as are dwarfed owing to poverty of the soil. Indeed, as a matter of fact, this is done, for instance, in the case of the Scotch pine, the cones of which are gathered by preference from those trees whose proportions are so diminutive, owing to their grow- ing on barren moors, that the collection of the cones may be accomplished with ease without climbing the trees. It is only when a question of individual properties consisting in dwarfed habit of growth, spiral stems, or other undesirable peculiarities that are innate in the plant is involved, that the law of in- heritance comes into consideration, and then propagators of plants have to exercise the greatest care. METHOD OF PROCEDURE IN INVESTIGATING THE DISEASES OF PLANTS Reference will here shortly be made to the methods of investi- gation which we have to follow when we wish to determine the causes of diseases in plants. In the case of diseases of men or animals the difficulties of diagnosis are much increased by the fact that in the great majority of cases the disease of a single organ or part of the body is followed by secondary phenomena which impede the discovery of the proper seat of disease. In the bodies of plants, where the nervous system is absent, a disease as a rule remains localized, at least at first. The division of labour is not yet so far differentiated as in the bodies of the more highly organised animals, where disease of any organ, often even a small one, involves the whole body sympathetically. A large part of the body of a plant may be diseased and even killed without the plant being necessarily perceptibly injured in its general health. If we have succeeded in observing the disease in its first stage, INTRODUCTION 17 the further investigation offers comparatively Httlc difficulty. It is more difficult, as a rule, to determine the true cause of disease and death in the case of plants already dead, although the skilled plant-pathologist will seldom fail to recognize with certainty the true character of a disease. If we are dealing with injuries caused by animals or plants, we shall discover and recognize them, or at least their traces, with most certainty in the preliminary stages of the disease. In very many cases it is not sufficient, where we are dealing with injuries due to animals, including insects, that we catch the creature at work and seek to observe it and its mode of life in nature, as has hitherto generally been done ; but, and particularly in the case of insect-injuries, w^e must determine whether the injured plants did not already possess some predisposition to disease before they were attacked by the insects, &c. Especially does this hold good for the great family of the bark beetles, which often only appear in the train of other prejudicial agencies, and especially of injuries caused by parasitic fungi. In the case of parasitic plants, again, it is not to be concluded forthwith from the presence of a fungus in the dead tissues that death has been caused by that fungus. True, where we find the mycelia of fungi vegetating in the apparently Jtualtered living tissues of a plant, there is practically no room for doubt that we have to deal with a parasite ; but even in the latter case the attempt must next be made, by means of suitable infection-experiments, to induce arbitrarily, and in a somewhat artificial manner, the disease that we are seeking to investigate. If spores or gonidia of the suspected fungus are to be had, we make use of these in carrying out the investigation, after having first proved that they are capable of germinating. Should no material capable of germinating be at our disposal, we must, if possible, undertake artificial cultures in a damp chamber, and await the ripening of spores, or even the production of sporo- phores.* According to the character of the disease, infection is secured by scattering the spores on the leaves, or by placing them in a wound artificially made in the host-plant. In the * [Spores may be of several kinds, and the term is used as a general one. Gonidia are a-sexual spores. Sporophore is a general term to denote any of the various kinds of spore-bearing structures met with among Fungi.— -Ed.] i8 DISEASES OF TREES case of diseases of the cortex it is sufficient to make a fine inci- sion with the point of a scalpel, to which a drop of water, with spores suspended in it, is attached ; in the case of diseases of the wood the latter must be pierced by the wound, which is then allowed to absorb the drop of water with its contained spores. In dealing with diseases of the cortex or wood, infection by means of mycelium* is the much surer course. Having removed a small piece of the cortex from that partof a diseased tree where the mycelium is still young and vigorous — that is to say, from the boundary between the dead and living tissue, we place it on a spot in a healthy tree from which a piece of cortex of the same size and shape has been removed. We may proceed exactly as in budding roses, but it is generally better if the edges of the piece of cortex containing the mycelium are brought into intimate contact with the edges of the cortex surrounding the spot operated upon, and which, moreover, should be prepared immediately beforehand. Desiccation should then be prevented by applying grafting-wax or other dressing. If it is desired to infect the wood of the stem of a tree with mycelium, a small cylindrical block is removed (by means of Pressler's growth-borer, an instrument specially adapted for such work) from the boundary between the sound and diseased wood, because it is usually only in this region that the m}'celium contained in the wood is still capable of such vigorous growth as to be able to extend beyond the surface of the infecting block. With the same borer an exactly similar hole is then made in the sound tree selected for infection, the diseased cylinder being substituted for that which was withdrawn, and the hole closed externally with grafting-wax. If, finally, we have to do with parasites which vegetate under- ground, it suffices, as a rule, to plant a diseased specimen in immediate proximity to a healthy plant of the same species. In doing this greater success will probably be secured by bringing a root of the diseased individual (known to contain mycelium still living and capable of growth) into immediate contact with a root of the plant to be infected. * [The mycelium is the vegetative part of the fungus, and in many cases is more easily obtained in the requisite quantities than spores are : a rough equivalent for the word in English is " Spawn " (of mushrooms, &c.) — Ed.] INTRODUCTION 19 It would be a mistake to attempt to answer the question whether a fungus is really a parasite or not after the failure of one or a few attempts at infection. Let us only consider how numerous are the factors regulating success even in the sowing or planting of our forest trees, with whose conditions of life we are to some extent familiar. Of the fungus to be investigated, however, we, as a rule, know almost nothing ; we do not know the external conditions of germination, we often scarcely know whether the spores are really ripe, whether they are in too damp or too dry a medium, whether sufficient oxygen is admitted to them, or whether the season of the year is the right one for sowing — for spores, like the seeds of forest-trees, require to rest for different periods after ripening, before they will germinate. What has already been said about the numerous conditions predisposing plants to disease will show sufficiently how, even with the best material for infection, experiments ma}- give only negative results. Since even trained mycologists and pathologists often succeed only after innumerable abortive experiments in making themselves acquainted with the con- ditions under which a plant becomes infected, it will be clear that it may be regarded as simply an accident when an amateur succeeds at all with an infection-experiment. When the infection has succeeded, it is not enough merely to follow the course of the disease through its various stages — in doing which, moreover, it is of the utmost importance to compare cases of disease met with in the forest — but it is also necessary to discover the external influences which restrict or further the development of the disease. This part of the investigation is the most difficult. It demands, very specially, the power of accurate observation ; apparently unimportant accessory circumstances must be noticed and compared ; and, above all things, excursions to the forest must be made as often as possible. Investigations of the diseases of our forest trees will seldom lead to any definite result unless we make careful and extensive observations and comparisons in the forest itself. At the same time, still less prospect of success will attend observations of diseases in the forest if they are not accompanied and supported by exact scientific investigation. r o 20 DISEASES OF TREES If investigation shows that neither animal nor vegetable organisms are the primary cause of the disease, then the latter must be due to some influence in the inorganic environment. If it is suspected that unfavourable properties of the soil are responsible for the disease, the unhealthy tree should be removed, and — if possible, at the spot where it stood — a hole should be dug to the depth reached by the lowest roots. During the opera- tion attention is to be directed to the consistency of the layers of soil, and to the quantity of water which they contain, and especially to their greater or less accessibility to atmospheric air. In the forest a change in the amount of mineral food, so great as to induce disease in a previously healthy tree or planta- tion, would occur only under circumstances that would at once attract the attention of the skilled observer. For instance, top- drought may be a consequence of the removal of litter or the laying bare of the soil ; sickness or death may be occasioned by the presence of injurious substances derived from factories, or owing to flooding with sea-water, &c. Chemical investigation will very seldom be necessary. More frequently the cause is attributable to atmospheric influences, such as variations of temperature, moisture, or precipitations, or to lightning, noxious gases, &c. If it can be determined when the disease first appeared, the task will often be more quickly mastered by col- lecting information, and by ascertaining the external conditions, than by investigating the diseased plant, although the latter course will, in many cases, lead to the desired end. As a rule, diseases produced by animals and plants are characterised by their occurring first of all on single plants or parts of plants, and then gradually extending from these centres ; whereas diseases which are due to the influence of soil or atmosphere generally appear regularly and simultaneously over large areas, because such influences are seldom bounded in the forest by narrow limits or confined to the neighbourhood of single plants. Mistakes are most likely to occur when a disease is preceded by an abnormal predisposition, because this alone, and not the disease rendered possible by it, is apt to be kept in view. It frequently happens that we meet with different diseases on the same tree, each of which is at work independently, and when INTRODUCTION this is the case we should not at once stop the investigation when a cause of disease has been discovered. Very often we encounter, e.g. in the low lands of North Germany, devastated woods of Scotch pines, in which many trees have been killed by Trametes radiciperda. More exact investigation, however, often results in the discovery that in the same wood, in consequence of insufficient circulation of air in the soil, root-rotting is much more destructive even than the root-parasite. Only the most careful research, supported by thorough know- ledge of the forms of disease, which are so numerous and varied, can protect us against error. SECTION I INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS This is not the place to discuss the many conditions brought about by the struggle for existence — for space, food-materials, water, and light — between plants of the same or opposite species. Any plant may prove injurious to another if it makes the same or similar claims on the constituents of the soil. When two plants compete with each other, success does not alone depend upon the rapid rate of growth of any particular species on a given situation, but is determined largely by the rate of growth which characterises iiidividual plants ; and it is this which is mainly decisive in pure woods. It has long been known that superior individual growth manifests itself in the earliest stages of the life of a tree ; in fact, sometimes — for instance, in the case of the oak — it is recognizable in the size of the fruit. -^ It is therefore of the greatest importance not only to exer- cise care in the selection of the seed, but also to remove weak plants when transplanting in the nursery. When crowded, all plants must struggle with their nearest neigh- bours ; but I do not consider that it is the province of vegetable pathology to discuss these conditions : rather do I hold that I should closely confine myself to the consideration of those injuries which consist in the direct attack of one plant on the life and health of another. 1 Th. Hartig established this fact experimentally in the nursery at Brunswick thirty years ago. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS PHANEROGAMS No sharp boundary can be drawn between parasites and plants that are only indirectly injurious owing to their proximity, or to their competition for food-materials, light, and so forth.* One gradually passes from the latter to plants which, while not subsisting on the substance of others, still directly attack them, and induce pathological phenomena. Allusion may be made, for instance, to Loniccra Periclyme7iiim,\ whose stem, when opportunity offers, winds round young trees with the result that a few years later the descent of the plastic materials in the bast is forced to take place in a definite spiral course. With increasing thickness the tree is soon subjected to direct pressure by the twining plant, which prevents the direct vertical descent of the solutions of food-substances coming from the leaves. It frequently happens that the part of the stem immediately below that of the honeysuckle is deprived of nourishment, the result being that the cambium in that region gradually dies ; whereas the portion above the passively tighten- ing stem of the honeysuckle on the one hand exhibits very vigorous growth, and, on the other, experiences abnormal altera- tion in its younger parts owing to the spiral direction imparted to all the organs of the vascular bundles. While there is no doubt that the immediate cause of the movement of plastic substances in the cortex and bast is the fact of their being produced in one place and utilised in another, neces- sitating a transference from the place of origin to the place of con- sumption, still the assumption that the movement of the plastic materials in the bast takes place much more easily and quickly in a vertical than in a lateral direction receives support from the fact just mentioned, and illustrated in Fig. i, as well as from many other phenomena. In fact, lateral movement is so difficult as sometimes to induce complete cessation of the * [In such cases the plants not vakied are regarded as " weeds " ; but it is obvious that any plant may act as a weed towards others, and a little reflec- tion shows that it may act as a weed towards its own species if crowded, &c.— Ed.] t [Honeysuckle.— Ed.] 24 DISEASES OF TREES nourishment of the band of cambium situated under the stem of the honeysuckle. Tritiaim repeiis* may also be mentioned here, the sharp-pointed rhizome of which has the power of piercing and growing through the fleshy roots of other plants which it may encounter in the soil. This has been speciall}- observed in beds of oak seedlings, though it may be remarked that the piercing of the roots has re- sulted in no apparent damage to the oaks. The passage to the true parasites — that is to say, to those which subsist entirely on the plastic materials of other plants — is formed by a group of plants in which one cannot at first per- ceive a parasitic existence, seeing that they are provided with leaves containing chloroph}'ll, and take water and inor- ganic nourishment from the soil with their roots. While they assimilate plastic materials for themselves, they also attach themselves to the roots of other phane- rogamic plants from which the\- abstract organic substances by means of an absorb- ing apparatus (Jiaiistoriiivi) on certain of their roots. To such plants belong the RhinantJiecs, a sub- family of the Scro- pJmlariacece. The cow-wheat {Melampy- nim arvense), the common }-ellow-rattle {RJmianthus Crista-galli), and the louse- wort {Pedicularis) and eye-bright {Eii- phrasia) furnish well-known examples of this kind of life. As these plants are parasitic onl}- on the plants of pastures and meadows, we cannot here spare time to examine them more closely. The genus LatJircca, also, which contains the common species Lat/inva squaviaria, the tooth-wort, has not yet been proved to be wholly * [" Couch grass " or '• twitch ." — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 25 parasitic. Its roots arc parti}' attached to the roots of manj- different plants, including several trees such as beech, hornbeam, hazel, and alder. Notwithstanding traces of chloroph)il in the OrobancJiacece, these must undoubtedl)' be classed as true parasites, which derive their nourishment exclusively from the host-plants to whose roots they are attached. Of the numerous species, some occur so plentifully on cultixated plants as to cause appreciable damage e.g. Orobanchc raniosa on tobacco and hemp, O. lucoriivi on the barberry and bramble, O. Hcdcra; on ivy, O. riibens on lucerne, and O. minor on red clover. The parasitism of the yellow bird's- nest {Monotropa Hypopitys) is still doubtful, but, as its roots are found in contact with those of conifers and the beech, it is extremely probable that though most of its nourishment is got from the humus a certain amount is also abstracted from these plants. Besides Monotropa we have the Orchidacccr that are destitute of chlorophyll, which are all of a saprophytic nature. Nor can the Loranthacccv be regarded as true parasites, because for the most part they abstract onl}' water and inorganic food-materials from trees and shrubs, organic substances being appropriated to a very limited extent. They possess leaves containing chlorophyll, and behave towards their host in exactl)- the same way as a scion does to a stock. In fact they yield up a portion of the plastic substances which they themselves have prepared to the host-plant, which employs them for its own growth. Whether, however, this occurs in the case of all, or even most, LorantJiacecE is doubtful, but at all events such reciprocal nourish- ing takes place with Loraiithus eiiropcuus. The manner in which the different species of this family abstract water and nourishment by means of their roots from the plants which they inhabit varies extremely, especiall}- when the exotic species are taken into account.^ The best-known species is J^iscnni albiu/i, the common mistletoe, which is distributed throughout the whole of Europe, and Asia to ^ See Solms Laubach in Pringsheim's JaluinicJiern f. tviss. Bot. VI., pp. 575 et seq. R. Hartig, Ziir Kennt7riss vo7t Lora7ithus europacus iiud Visciim album., with, a table, ZeitscJmft fiir Forst- u. Jagd-Wesen . 1876, pp. 321 et seq. Dr. C. v. Tubeuf, Beitrdge ziir Kenntiiiss der Baiunkrank- heiteii., pp. 9 — 28. Springer, Berlin, 1888. 26 DISEASES OF TREES Japan. It is met with on almost all dicotyledons and conifers, but exibits a preference for certain species, e.g. silver fir, Scotch pine, poplars, and fruit-trees ; whereas on others, e.g. spruce, oak, beech, Spanish chestnut, alder, and ash, it has been met with either very seldom or not at all.^ With regard to the appearance of this familiar plant, it need only be mentioned that narrow and broad-leaved varieties occur on different species of trees. The mistletoe is distributed by thrushes (especially Tiwdiis viscivorus), which feed upon the berries and carry them off. The birds dis- engage the sticky seeds from their beaks by rubbing them against the branches on which they perch, and to which the seeds there- by become attached. The seeds, which germinate in spring, first of all develop a kind of sucker, from ^vhose centre a fine root appears which pierces the tissues of the cortex. This main root penetrates to the wood of the branch or stem, which, however, it is too delicate to enter. This then finishes its apical growth in length, but, on the other hand, owing to the presence of meristematic tissue behind the apex (such tissue being situated in the region of the cambium of the host-plant), it is enabled to elongate at the same rate as the branch increases in thickness, by the formation of a ring of wood and of bast (" intermediary growth in length"). Owing to the fact that the wood-ring en- velops the apex of the root of the mistletoe, the latter appears to bore deeper into the wood each }'ear, but this is really due to its being embraced by the stem as it grows in thickness. The growth in length of this root, as of all the " sinkers " that after- wards originate in the roots that are met with in the cortex, very closely resembles the growth in length of a medullary ray possessing cambium of its own in the cambium mantle that covers the whole stem, and is thus enabled annually to elongate both towards the wood and towards the bast. Several lateral roots next appear on that part of the radicle which is situated in the cortex, and these proceed to grow both upwards and downwards in the branch. These " Rhizoids " or " Cortex-roots " push their pencil-like apices along the }'oung soft bast, without however coming into contact with or altering the cambium zone. The organs of the soft bast are dissolved in front of the point, and it 1 Nobbe, " Ueber die Mistel, ihre Verbreitimg, Standorte., tuid forstUche Eedeiiiiaig" Thorander forstliches Jahrbuch., 1884. IxNJURlES INDUCED BY PLANTS ma)- be taken for granted that the products of sohition are absorbed by the cortex-roots and used for their own growth. From investi- gations made on the Scotch pine and the silver fir, the annual growth in length of the cortex-roots is 75 mm. in the former case and 1 75 cm. in the latter. The growth in thickness would appear to be somewhat irregular. Once a year, very seldom twice, often only each alternate year, a " sinker " originates on the inner side of the cortex-root near the apex. This wedge-like outgrowth is of the same breadth as the cortex-root, but varies much in thickness, and breaks through the cambium zone until it just reaches the wood of the host-plant, where it elongates in the same peculiar manner as has been already described in the case of the radicle. If the cortex- root with its sinkers is exposed, as is represented in Fig. 2, we may trace back from the apex of the root c, and accurately determine how many years have elapsed since the various sinkers have originated, because each year these are em- braced by a wood-ring. Even in the most recent descriptions of the mistletoe we still find, as a rule, Schacht's illustration repro- duced, which erroneously represents young sinkers between older ones on the same cortex-root. Water and inorganic nourishment are absorbed by the whole series of sinkers through their lateral surfaces, which are in immediate contact with the water-con- ducting organs of the wood, and are first of all conveyed to the cortex-root, and through it to the leafy part of the mistletoe. From the peculiar way in which the sinkers increase in length Fig. 2. — Roots of Visciini album in Finns sylvestris. The cortex- root, which pushes its apex, c, along the bast tissues, b, puts forth eight sinkers on the inner surface, atid buds and shoots on the outer. The oldest portion has already been pushed out nearly to the dead bark. At e the sinkers ofa cortex-root which has already been enveloped in the bark are shown. 28 DISEASES OF TREES it is evident that the)' elongate not onl}' towards the side next the wood but also towards the side next the cortex. With the formation of new phloem-tissues the cortex-roots are con- stantly being pushed away from the cambium mantle, as may be seen from Fig. 3. In the case of such trees as the silver fir, whose stem remains smooth for manj' decades before the formation of true bark begins, the cortex-roots may thus be pushed away from the cam- bium mantle without their suffering any appreciable injury. They may attain to an age of forty years, a corresponding age being reached by the sinkers, whose length increases in proportion to their age. On the other hand, trees like the Scotch pine, which form bark early, show only short sinkers, of a length of 3-4 cm., and an age of twelve to fifteen years. This is to be explained by the fact that owing to the usually more active formation of new bast the cortex- roots are more quickly pushed away from the cambium mantle. The outer parts of the cortex are converted into bark, and as soon as a portion of cortex containing a cortex-root is converted into bark, it dries up, along with that part of the mistletoe root which it contains, and the con- nection with the sinker is broken. This is distinctly brought out in Fig. 3. The sinker then ceases to grow, and is covered over sooner or later by the new wood-rings. Of course the death of a cortex- root does not take place simultaneously throughout its whole length. On the contrary, the oldest part — that is to say, the part situated farthest from the cambium — dies first, whereas those younger portions which arc still enveloped in living cortex Fig. 3. — Cross section of a stem of Abies pectmata containing Visctiin album, a, dead bark showing dead cortex-roots ; b, region of living bast ; c, cam- bium region ; d, cross section of a cortex-root showing a sinker six years old ; e, a sinker eighteen years old ; the cortex-root has lately been enveloped in the bark, while the apex of the sinker has withered in the duramen ; at /" the cortex-root and the por- tion of the sinker in the bast have been dead for two years ; a cortex-root is shown at g which has been dead for six years. The boundary line between the duramen and al- burnum lies at hh ; at x two sinkers are shown, those por- tions situated in the alburnum being still alive. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 29 remain alive. These, however, are in the same position as the roots of a tree that has been felled — that is to say, they can no longer conduct nutritive substances to the leafy part of the mistletoe, which must therefore die when its feeding-roots are all confined to the bark. Its place is taken by numerous root- shoots which arise from buds formed on the outer side of those portions of the cortex-roots which are still alive. The mistletoe represented in Fig. 2 is just such a root-shoot. These shoots, which are represented in Fig. 4, form a new root-system Fig. 4. — Fart of the stem of a silver fir showing a group of mistletoe plants. The bark has been removed from one side in order to show the position of the corlex- roots and sinkers. of their own, and thus it happens that an old stem attacked by mistletoe contains numerous young and old cortex-roots, as well as old and young sinkers. In this way the tree comes to bear as it were a plantation of mistletoes, which is constantly being re- generated by the production of new root-shoots, and which is always taking possession of a larger part of the tree. On old silver firs and Scotch pines it is by no means rare to meet with such mistletoe plantations a yard long and half a yard broad. It ought to be mentioned that the living sinkers begin to die at their apices (Fig. 3) whenever they become enveloped by the 30 DISEASES OF TREES advancing duramen. Even in the case of the silver fir and spruce it is only the outer wood which conducts water, and in the bole this region seldom embraces more than forty to fifty annual rings, while in the branches it is much narrower. The damage done by the mistletoe to forest, fruit, park, and avenue trees is by no means inconsiderable. In the Reichswald, in the neighbourhood of Nuremberg, I have seen woods of middle-aged Scotch pines where scarcely a tree had escaped, and where the foliage of the mistletoes competed for effect with the natural foliage of the pines. Where practicable, as in orchards, &c., the infested branches should be entirely removed before the mistletoe has had time to spread to any considerable extent. Simply breaking off the plants only induces the formation of vigorous root-shoots at the same place. A few words may here be devoted to the genus Arccuthobiiivi, of which a species, ArceutJiobimn Oxycedri, occurs in the south of Europe, and also in Austria, where it forms dense bushes on Jiiniperns Oxyccdnis ; while in North America quite a number of species attack forest trees, especially the Abietinea. These grow in the same wa}- as the European form, or induce the formation of witches' brooms by the rhizoids which live in the cortex causing considerable elongation of the infested branch, from whose cortex numerous shoots i — 2 cm. long break through at irregular intervals, as happens in the case of ArccutJiobiuni Douglasii?- In the case of these plants, also, the nutritiv'e sub- stances are absorbed by simple sinkers consisting of a single row of cells, or in other cases by vascular sinkers. The injury caused to forest trees by these plants is very considerable ; still one need not anticipate that these parasites will find their way into Europe with the introduction of North American conifers. More interest attaches to Loranthns curopLVus, a parasite specially common in Austria, but also found occasionally in Saxony, the formation of whose roots differs entirely from that of the LorantJiacccv already described. LorantJius enropcEus is, for the most part, found on the common oak, on which account it is known as oak mistletoe, though it also attacks Casta)iea vcsca ; and in Austria, especially ^ See C. V. Tubeuf, /.(■. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 31 in the Wiener Wald, it has proved \-ery destructi\-e in stored coppice, where b\- kilHng the tops of the oak standards it prejudicially affects their growth in height. An irregular swelling of the size of a man's head (Fig. 5) often occupies the place of the leading shoot. The oblong seeds (Fig. 6,/) of the plant, which is deciduous, are af- fixed to branches by thrushes, as in the case of Visanii. There they germinate, and in a few years the base of the parasite becomes completely enveloped in a large excre- scence which forms on the tree (Fig. 6, r). The root-s}-stem is to be distinguished from that of the Lo7'anthaccce alread}^ de- scribed by the fact that the few rhizoids which arise on the radicle always grow downwards — that is to say, in a direction opposed to that of the ascending water — and b}' these rhizoids Fig. 5. — A swelling on Quercus Cen-is, a, bearing an old plant of Loranthiis, />/>. Fig. 6. — Loranthiis euj-opcsiis on a branch of Qiiernis Cerris. a, a young planL ; /', a five-year-old plant ; c, an outgrowth of the oak ; d, longitudinal section of a root of Loranthtts ; x, apex of the root ; e, cross section of a root ; /, a seed. taking up water and food-materials directly from the wood without forming sinkers. The pointed apex of the root (Fig. 7, x) does not grow outside the cambium zone, but in the voung wood— that is to say, in DISEASES OF TREES the part of the branch that is not completely lignified — and always exactly parallel to the longitudinal course of the xylem elements. The apex of the root, which is flat upon its inner side, advances in a definite region of the young wood, at the same time pressing out, splitting, and dissolving the still unlignified elements by means of its con- vex outer surface. This goes on till future progress in the original direction is pre- vented by the resistance consequent on lignification in the outer layers of the new wood which the roots of the parasite are unable to split off and dissolve. The root, whose apex is thus in a cul-de-sac, is forced to form a new growing-point some distance behind the apex — namely, at the place where the convex outer side comes into contact with the cambium zone (Fig. 7, y). From this new point growth in length begins afresh, and is continued in a zone situated nearer the periphery of the wood. During the development of an annual ring the root of LovantJms (which, of course, can only grow during the period when the cam- d c b Fig. 7. — Youngest por- tion of a root of L. eiiropceiis. a, cortex and bast ; /'. cam- bium produces young wood) is generally bium ; c A, young wood ; d, the portion of the wood-ring of the cur- rent year in which growth has been com- pleted ; c, wood-ring of the previous year ; z, root of Loraii/hus ; X, the apex of the root ; y, the point whe-e a new root-apex is form- thrice compelled to shift the direction of its growth farther out, the result being that the inner side of the root shows a corresponding step-like arrangement, which accords with the advance of the wood, as is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The distance between two steps measures from 5 to 8 ^^^' mm., while the annual growth in length of the root amounts to about 1-5 cm. As the roots grow in a direction opposed to that pursued by the ascending water, the latter flows directly from the conducting elements of the wood into the roots of the Loranthns, at the points of depression. The root possesses the power of growing vigorously in thick- ness, whereby it is enabled for a series of years to keep pace with the increase in thickness of the oak-branch, and thus INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 33 to protect itself against being overgrown. The root usually continues to grow in thickness for eight }-ears, though it occa- sionally ceases to grow in four, when it is enveloped in the adjoin- ing wood owing to the formation of callus.* Thus, while it still continues to grow at the point, those portions of a greater age than eight years lie embedded in the wood, but they remain capable of performing their functions perfectly and of taking in food-substances, so long as they are not in the region of the duramen (heart-wood), where water is no longer in motion. Even then, however, nutriment may still be furnished to ih.Q Loraiithus. Here and there processes similar to medullary rays run from the roots enveloped in the wood to the cortex, and at this point root-shoots may be formed from adventitious buds, although this occurs but seldom. The gnarled swelling which forms on an oak-branch attacked by LoraiitJuis is a very striking object. While the upper part of the branch ultimately dies, the rugged protuberance increases in thickness, and envelops the whole of the lower part of the LorantJms along with its branches. The part of the oak-branch that bears the swelling also increases in thickness, although it possesses no leaves of its own, and there can be no doubt that the products of assimilation of the parasite serve both for its own nourishment and for that of the host-plant. As it is not expedient to shoot the thrushes even for the purpose of preventing the spread of the seeds of Loraut/nis, we must, in this case also, minimise the evil by cutting off branches which are infested by the parasite. Although the Dodders, Cuscutece} which are true parasites destitute of chlorophyll, are for the most part injurious only to herbs, they are still met with on woody plants with sufficient frequency to merit a short description in this treatise. Their seeds germinate in spring on the ground. The young plant perishes unless its long thread-like stem * [Callus is the cushion-like mass of growing tissue which arises at the edges of a wound and eventually covers over (occludes) the damaged surfaces —see Part II. under the discussion of wounds, &c.— Ed.] 1 See Sorauer's Handbiich, 2nd Edition, Part II., pp. 32— 48. v. Solms- Laubach, Ueber den Ban. und die EnHvicklung parasitischer Phanerogamen. Pringsheim'sycr//;-/^. vol. iv. D 34 DISEASES OF TREES finds a suitable host-plant, in which case it twines round the stem of the latter and sends numerous absorbing roots, or " Haustoria," into the cortex. Although the root which originally connected the plant with the ground disappears, the dodder nourishes itself by extracting nutritive materials from the host-plant round which it twines by pushing its sucker-roots as far in as the vascular bundles, in which, by breaking up into unicellular threads, they often assume a brush-like appearance. If the plants are small they may soon be killed, but in the case of larger plants it is only their development that is interfered with, and, so far, I have not noticed any appreciable damage to woody plants. The Ciisaitece are distributed by means of numerous seeds, which are produced by dense globular inflorescences, situated at some distance apart on the stem ; and it has lately been discovered that the plants themselves may survive the winter. The only protective measure that is practically applicable in the case of this parasite consists in using seed uncontaminated by dodder. At the same time, the eradication of the dodder-plants which arc so common along hedges and fences is also to be attended to. These are the places where we most frequently meet with dodder, and there too it will oftenest be found on various woody plants. Ciisciita eiwopcea* the greater dodder, is the species most frequently met with. It is parasitic on almost all trees, as, for instance, Corylits, Salix, Popuhts, Prurms spiuosa, but especially on Hiiunihis, Urtica, and Galium. As the lesser dodder, Cusciita Epit/iymnin, is specially liable to attack clover and lucerne, it is the species most to be feared. Besides having numerous other host-plants, e.g. Tliyinus, Genista, Callitna, &c., it has also been met with on Vitis. Cuscuta Epilinnm is commonest on Limini iisitatissinniin. The other species are but seldom met with. *[C Europcea is far less common in this country than is the Lesser Dodder, C. Epithymum, and C. Epilinnm is not often met with. — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 35 CRYPTOGAMS PSEUDO-PARASITES Among cryptogams, also, we meet with plants which, although not parasites in the narrower sense of the term, may prove directly injurious to other plants by the manner of the attack which they make upon them. A case in point is furnished by ThelepJiora laciniata} whose thallus '' li\'cs on the humus con- stituents in the upper layers of the soil, but whose sporophores grow up and embrace young plants, as is shown in Fig. 8. Commencing at the ground, they enve- lop leaves and branches so completely as to smother and kill them. I have found the fer- ruginous, sessile, more or less confluent sporo- phore, with its lacerate pileus,"]" commonest on young spruces, silver firs, and Weymouth pines, on which it ascends to a height of eight inches from the ground. For similar reasons, though to a much less extent, trees may be injured by an excessive growth of lichens. A luxuriant growth of lichens on the stems and branches of trees is a sign that the air is permanently humid. It is also connected, however, with the quality of the soil and the rate of growth of the trees, and ' R. Hartig, Untersuchiingen a. d.forstbot. Inst., I. p. 164. Berlin, 1880. *[Thallus is the term applied to the cellular vegetative body of many lower plants. — Ed.] + [The pileus of a mushroom or similar fungus is the expanded upper part., on a portion of whose surface the spores are produced. — Ed.] D 2 Fig, S. — Thelephora laciniat? 36 DISEASES OF TREES it is well known that the stems of beeches grown on the best soils, especially such as are calcareous, bear but few lichens, whereas on the poorer soils, especially such as are sandy, lichen- covered stems are very abundant. When a beech grows very rapidly in thickness, the formation of periderm* must also be rapid, and, since the dead cork-cells on the outer side of the cor- tex are soon exfoliated and pushed off, luxuriant development of lichens is impossible. Where growth in thickness progresses very slowly, the dead cork-cells adhere to the cortex for a much longer period, so that lichens are enabled to grow longer and develop more vigorously. Under such circumstances, too, mois- ture is longer retained, and this also favours the growth of lichens. The same remarks apply to trees, such as the spruce, whose outer layers of periderm are cast off as scales, or whose moribund layers of cortex are thrown off in later life as plates of bark. The slower the growth of a tree, the more slowly do the outer cortical layers die, and so much the more suitable are the conditions for the growth of lichens. Consequently, although the presence of lichens is primarily the sign of a permanently humid atmosphere, or of a slow rate of growth, it cannot be denied that they do some small amount of damage to trees. During summer the tree takes in oxygen by means of numerous lenticels, and this process goes on even in the older parts of the stem. The presence of oxygen in the interior of the tree is absolutely necessary for maintaining the processes of metabolic, or chemical and vital changes. Now, if the passage of oxygen to the lenti- cels t of the cortex is impeded by a luxuriant growth of lichens or mosses, we may assume that the tree suffers more or less in health. This may furnish us with a reason for the death of so many branches of spruces and larches whose crowns are over- grown with lichens. * [Periderm is the corky covering which replaces the dehcate epidermal layer as the stem grows older. Cortex is the green, living cellular tissue covered by the periderm, &c. For the connection between "periderm" and " bark," see later in Part 11. On a two-year-old twig of a tree, about June or July, we usually find epidermis on this year's growth, and periderm on the browner, older part. — Ed.] f [Lenticels are the perforated or pervious corky warts noticed on the periderm of twigs — c.g.^ they are very evident on twigs of chestnut, elder, &c.— Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS ^ BACTERIA, OR SCHIZOMYCETES It was not till a few years ago that bacteria were recognized as plant-infesting parasites, and only in extremely isolated cases has it been placed beyond doubt that these low organisms are the primary cause of disease in plants.* Whereas the processes of decay, and most of the infectious diseases of man and animals, may be traced to bacteria, the plant- organism is protected against them by the peculiarity of its structure, and especially by the absence of circulator}^ channels for conducting the nutrient fluids which could serve to distribute any lowly organisms which might happen to be present in the food. It is only by means of the vessels and intercellular spaces that they can distribute themselves in any great numbers in the body of the plant, for in other cases they have to pass through the cellulose or woody cell-walls, which offer great resistance to their attack. In addition to this, the vegetable juices, most of which show an acid reaction, are unfavourable to their growth. As a matter of fact, bacteria have hitherto been found only in the tissues of plants whose cells are parenchymatous in character and possessed of very delicate walls, as, for instance, bulbs and tubers. Sorauer ^ applies the collective name bacteriosis to diseases due to bacteria. These diseases are characterised by the fact that the succulent parts of the infested plant are converted into a slimy glutinous pulp, which emits a most repulsive stench. Owing to the action of those bacteria which have advanced more rapidly along, and spread out from, the vessels, the delicate walls of the cells are dissolved, being employed, along with their protoplasmic and other contents, in nourishing and fostering the bacteria, whereas the starch is often left intact. The yellow "bacteriosis" of the bulbs of hyacinths {Bacterium HyacintJii) is a common disease. Here the yellow slimy masses 1 Soxdi\\&i\ Ha?idbi/ch. 2nd Edition. Pp. 74— 112. * [Russell has recently put together the literature on this subject in a dissertation to the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1892. — Ed.] 38 DISEASES OF TREES of bacteria, called B. HyacintJii by Wakker, occur in the vessels, and completely decompose the surrounding tissues. Under normal conditions the bacteria do not attack perfectly healthy well-developed bulbs. Wounds of some kind are necessary, which may be easily caused in transplanting the bulbs, or the bulbs are previously attacked by filamentous fungi, amongst which a species of HypJiojiiyces almost always accom- panies the disease. In a damp situation the bacteria enter the wound and cause it to putrefy. The wet-rot or "bacteriosis " of the potato, which generally appears as an accompaniment of the decomposition of tubers and stalks due to Phytophthora infestans, is also a disease produced by bacteria.* The investigations conducted by Vuillemin a few years ago^ have shown that Finns Jiakpensis is subject to a disease induced by bacteria which may prove fatal to the tree. The first sym- ptoms are that the stem and branches show small outgrowths which gradually enlarge till they embrace the whole circum- ference, when the portion of the tree situated higher up dies and withers. When, as is usually the case, these swellings occur on most of the branches, the tree succumbs altogether. The olive, also, suffers from a disease which is induced by a species of bacterium {^Bacillus OlecB tiiberailosis)?- Lately a disease of apple- and pear-trees has been described by J. Burrill, of Urbana, Illinois, under the name of " blight," the cause of which, according to this investigator, is to be ascribed to the invasion of a bacterium. The disease appears to bear resemblance to the tree-canker produced by Nedria ditissima; and as, in the case of this fungus, large numbers of small gonidia resembling bacteria arc produced in the cortex, it remains to be seen whether this disease has not been erroneously ascribed to a bacterium. ^ C. R. Seances. November 26th, 1888, and December 31st, 1S88. " L., Lcs A fa/adies dc r Olivier, Coniptcs Rendus, December 6th and 20th, 1886. * [It is extremely probable that in these and other similar cases the minute bacteria travel into the tissues, down the tubes of the filaments (hyphse) of the fungus, feeding on the decomposing protoplasmic contents of the latter. — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 39 MYXOMYCETES, OR SLIME-FUNGI Amongst the Myxoniycetes, several — though the number is a small one — live as parasites, and cause peculiar swellings to form on the roots of their host-plants. To these belongs Plasinodio- pliora Brassiccu} which causes '•' club-root "* in cabbages, &c. The roots and lower parts of the stems of cabbages which are attacked by this parasite exhibit excrescences which vary in size but are often as large as one's fist. These soon decay, and the enfeebled plants frequently fail to give any return. The disease is com- bated, on the one hand, by burning the stumps of all infested cabbages, so that the parasite is prevented from spreading in the soil, and, on the other, by ceasing to cultivate cabbages for some years on ground where the disease has appeared. Alder-roots, even when very young, are generally beset with much-branched tuberous outgrowths, in whose cells Woronin has discovered a fungus which he has named Schinzia Alni. Recently Moller- has referred the plasmo- dium-like structures which occur in the cellu- lar tissue of the excrescences of the roots of alders to a Myxomycete belonging to the yih. 9.— Excrescence genus Plasvwdiop/iora, which he calls Plasmo- o" ^ ''oot of the ,• , ., ■ ;t., , , . . . , . , . , alder, due to aiopliora Aim. vVhether this is identical with Schinzia Aim'. ScJiinsia Alni, or distinct from though oc- curring simultaneously with it, cannot be decided without further investigation. The tubercles on the roots of Leg^nninosa^ and Ela^agiie<^, in whose parenchymatous cells plasmodium-like structures occur, also require to be further investigated. ^ Woronin in Pringsheim's _/' entering between the bark-scales of the root and forcing them apart, to bore even into cortical tissues covered with corky layers. The mode of attack of Rosellinia quercina affords one of the most interesting examples of this kind. The main root of the young oak is protected against external attack by a corky mantle of considerable firmness. The mycelium of Rosellinia is con- sequently able to get at the interior only by first killing the fine lateral roots, and as these traverse the corky la}^er the hyphae form breaches in the protective covering. At the points where the lateral roots pierce the cork)- mantle the mycelium develops flesh}- tubercles, which then send one or more processes through the breach into the interior of the root. It is only some time afterwards that the destructive filiform mycelium is formed at the apex of these processes. Wounds admitting of the entrance of parasites into the interior of trees arise in many wa}-s. Reference need only be made here to such agencies as animals, man, hail, wind, snow, &c. The effects produced b}' parasites on the tissues of the host- plant can be explained only by assuming that in each species of fungus a peculiar enzyme (ferment) is produced in its protoplasm, which by being excreted through the h\'phai is communicated to the adjoining cells.* Ver)- often the m}-celium \egetates in living parenchj-matous * [That such enzymes are really formed and excreted by the protoplasm has been proved. For instance, Botrytis excretes an enzyme capable of dis- solving cellulose— see Aitnals of Botany, 1888, "A Lily-disease." — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 51 tissues without producing any appreciable effect on them. Especially is this the case when the cells have already attained the condition of permanent tissue before the mycelium has appeared in or between them. The mycelium of Calyptospora has no apparent action on the permanent tissues of Vaccinuim Vitis-IdcBa ; whereas, in v^xy )'oung shoots, it causes enlargement of the parenchymatous cells of the cortex, with the result that very remarkable swellings are produced on the stem. One of the most frequent results of the action of fungi is that a stimulus is given to cell-division. Mention may be made of the swellings on the stems of silver firs whose cortical tissues are infested by ^cidhim elatimim, of the swellings on the stems of junipers owing to Gymnosporanghun, &c. Still more frequently the infested parts are stimulated to display altogether abnormal growth. Flowers, fruits, and portions of stem of various species of plants are transformed in a most peculiar manner by fungi belonging to the genus Exoascus. It does not necessarily follow, however, that their vitality is thereby prejudicially interfered with {e.g. witches' brooms of the hornbeam, &c.) Changes in the cell-contents are often noticed which are indirectly induced by fungi. This is the case, for instance when the mycelium of Hysterium inacvosponini kills the elements of the bast at the base of spruce-leaves, thereby destroying their capacity of conducting plastic materials, while the other parts of the leaves still live and assimilate. The result is that on account of the newly formed carbo-hydrates not being able to get away from the leaf, all the cells become packed full of starch. The tannin which is dissolved in the cell-sap offers excellent food for the mycelium of Polyponis igniariiis, being absorbed first of all by the hyphae which penetrate the sound oak-wood, after which it undergoes metabolic changes in the youngest parts of the mycelium. The occurrence of mycelia in oak-timber is there- fore followed by the disappearance of tannin, the smell of which has long been regarded by practical men as a proof of the sound condition of the wood. The conversion of a portion of the cell- contents or of the cell-walls into turpentine under the action of the hyphae of Peridermiinn Pint is also interesting. Although it often happens that the starch-grains disappear very soon from E 2 52 DISEASES OF TREES amongst the cell-contents, as, for instance, in the case of attack by Phytophthora omnivora, it also not unfrequently occurs that starch resists the destructive influence of wood-parasites longer than the thick lignified walls of the cells in which it is contained. In fact the manner of decomposition of the starch-grains varies exceedingly according to the species of fungus that attacks them. Similarly as regards the cell-walls. The solvent action of living hyphae is manifested in two distinct ways. Where a hypha touches a cell-wall it dissolves the particles of calcium oxalate contained therein, exactly as a root-hair, by means of the acid solution which it exudes, dissolves the particles of cal- cium carbonate with which it comes into immediate contact. This action is confined to the surface of the cell-wall which is actually in contact with the fungus-filament. But every para- sitic fungus that lives in the wood of growing trees destroys the wood in a manner peculiar to itself When one and the same species of fungus, e.g. Polyponis siilpJmreiis, vegetates in trees of such different species as oak, willow, and larch, it changes the wood so peculiarly in a short time that at first sight it is difficult to distinguish these timbers from each other, although, in a sound state, they are so strikingly different. This can be satisfactorily accounted for only by assuming that each species of fungus exudes an extremely powerful and charac- teristic ferment, which permeates the walls for long distances, and, to begin with, frequently dissolves only the incrusting substances, more especially the lignin. In the accompanying figure (lo) the upper part of the wall is still lignified, whereas the lower part consists of pure cellulose. After the removal of the lignin the middle lamella, which is most ligni- fied, is the first to disappear, the result being that the various organs become completely isolated, as happens when sound wood is treated with potassium chlorate and nitric acid. The hyphee which pierce the walls with their apices disappear later on, when they themselves are dissolved by the ferment. In Fig. ii is shown how the elements of the wood of the oak have been com- pletely isolated and dissolved by the action of a ferment. In the case of other wood-parasites the decomposition takes place in the following manner. By the extraction of the incrust- ing substances a zone bordering the lumen is first converted into INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS cellulose, after which decomposition spreads generally through- out the walls. Thus the walls constantl)' become thinner, till finally onl\- the corners remain where three tracheids join (Fig. 12). Several wood-parasites, e.^: Polypoms Schiveinitzii -BiXxA P.sulphureus, induce a form of decomposition owing to which the walls, with the exception of the middle lamellae, shrink so much as to give rise to numerous cracks which ascend from right to left. By certain adjustments of the microscope we of course see simultaneously the correspond- ing cracks in that half of the wall which belongs to the neighbouring fibre, and this makes it appear as though the cracks crossed each other. The walls, which are very rich in carbon, assume a brown colour (Fig. 13). We shall direct attention in the special division dealing with this subject to other forms of decom- position, all of which are characteristic for some species of fungus. Here it need only be mentioned that the question whether all the organic parts of the lignified cell-walls require to be absorbed by the mycelium of the fungus before being decomposed into carbonic acid and water, or whether to some extent they are directly oxidized and converted into these substances, can- not at present be finally decided. As a large quantity of oxygen must be made use of during decomposition, its rapidity depends to a great extent on the facilities that are afforded for the entrance of air to the interior of the tree. A certain amount of air is present in every wood}' fibre. In dicotyledonous trees the air is conducted to distant parts by means of the vessels and intercellular spaces, and in resinous conifers by the resin-ducts ; but in the case of the silver fir and other conifers destitute of resin-ducts the mode by which Fig. 10. — Tracheid of Finns sylvestris, de- composed by Tranietes Pini. The primary cell-wall has been com- pletely dissolved as far as a a. In the lower part the secondary and tertiary layers consist only of cellulose, in which lime - granules are distinctly visible, h : filamentous my- celia, c, penetrate the walls and make holes as at d and e. 54 DISEASES OF TREES the entrance of air to the interior of the tree is ensured has yet to be explained. The carbonic acid . which is formed can escape by the same way as the oxygen entered. To what extent carbonic acid and oxygen when dissolved in water may traverse the wood remains to be determined. Fig. II. — Decomposition of oak by Tlie'ephora Ferdix. a, tracheids containing a few filamentous mycelia,and showing the perforations in the walls which these have occasioned ; b, wood-parenchyma wiih starch-granules, the latter being in process of solution, and having to a certain extent disappeared from the neighbourhood of the cell-walls; <:, vessels containing hyphre ; d, sclerenchymatous fibres show- ing filamentous mycelia and perforations ; e and /, tracheids which are com- pletely isolated owing to the dissolution of the primary cell-walls ; the thickened rings of the bordered pits are also found isolated between the tracheids. On account of the organs being dismembered the openings into the bordered pits no longer cross each other ; g, wood-parenchyma, completely dismembered and almost entirely dissolved ; h, tracheid just before final disappearance ; /, scleren- chymatous fibre much decomposed ; k, a tracheid whose walls have become fissured before being dissolved. In concluding these general considerations, I have still to discuss the question whether any — and, if so, what — means are at our disposal for combating the ravages of fungi. I am convinced that every forester who has received a scientific education will take a deep interest in obtaining a knowledge of what tree-diseases are, and how they originate, even though it INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 55 may not be possible to apply any practical remedies. It is by no means the first duty of science to call attention to the practical value of a new discovery ; nor should research be primarily directed to those fields which promise to yield results Fig. 12. — Decomjjosition of spruce-timber by Polyporus horealis. a, a tracheid con- taining a strong mycelial growth and a brownish yellow fluid which has originated in a medullary ray ; at b and c the mycelium is still brownish in colour and very vigorous. At d and c the walls have already become much attenuated and perforated ; here the mycelium has been less abundantly supplied with nutri- ment and the filaments are very delicate ; at /' the pits are almost completely destroyed ; at g and h only fragments of the walls remain. The various stages in the destruction of the bordered pits are to be followed from / to r ; at i the bordered pit is still intact ; at k the walls of the lenticular space have been largely dissolved, their inner boundary being marked by a circle ; at / one side of the bordered pit has been entirely dissolved ; at in and n one sees a series of pits which have retained a much-attenuated wall on one side only — namely, on that which is provided with the closing membrane. In making the section a crack has been formed in this wall. Between o and r both walls of the pits are found to be wholly or partially dissolved, only at / and q has the thickened portion of the closing membrane been preserved ; at J the spiral structure of both cell-walls is distinctly recognizable. These walls when united form the common wall of the tracheid ; at / hyphce are seen traversing the tracheids horizontally. capable of immediate conversion into hard cash. The duty of science is nobler and higher than that. But if, in our search, we succeed in fathoming the mysteries of nature, and, at the same time, obtain results of practical value to humanity. 56 DISEASES OF TREES then it is our duty to direct attention to these. This I have never neglected to do, and, although I do not under-estimate the many difficulties which foresters will long have to encounter in endeavouring to put into practice the p results of scientific investigation, still I hold that, as the guardians of the forest, it is their duty to make themselves acquainted with the results of scientific investigation, and care- fully to watch over the health of what is committed to their charge. Not only must they do everything that may prevent disease^ but they must also instantly adopt energetic measures to nip an existing disease in the bud, and so prevent its further spread. As every disease must necessarily be treated differently, this is not the place to enter on the consideration of specific measures. But just as human health is better maintained by the observance of certain general laws, so there are also general rules for the treatment of woods, by following which we may pre- serve the health of the trees. The best prophylactic measure against the occurrence and spread of an epidemic is the formation of mixed woods. Infection, walls consisting ^^j-j^ y^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^.^ gj-Qund, is least likely chiefly of lignin. ° ' -' Fig. 13. — Portion of a tracheid of J'iiiiis decomposed 1) y P I y p rii s Schu'cinitzii. Most of the cellulose has been extracted, the to occur when every tree is isolated by being surrounded by others of a different species- On ground which is infested by root-parasites, or which contains resting-spores whose vitality is preserved for many years, it may be advis- able, under certain circumstances, to abandon the cultivation of some particular species of tree. One should also try to prevent the distribution of spores either by men or animals, and especially so in the sale and purchase of young trees. In the case of root-parasites, the therapeutic measures to be adopted when a disease has broken out consist partly in In drying, cracks have been formed, which however do not extend to the primary wall, a b. These cracks are seen to cross each other at the bor- dered pit (•, and at the perforations d and t' ; a simple fis- sure is shown at f. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 57 promptly pulling up or otherwise eradicating the diseased plants, and partly in isolating the infected area by means of narrow trenches. As a general and most important measure, it is advisable at once to remove from the wood all plants attacked by fungi, so that their spores may not spread infection. Tidiness is the first hygienic law in sylviculture. Having noted above the more important points that should be kept in view in studying the parasitic fungi, I shall now, in accordance with the plan of this work, pass on to a systematic examination of the parasites that occur in woody plants. As regards fungi that are parasitic on farm or garden crops, I shall shortly refer only to such as are of general practical importance. For plant-parasites not included in this work I must refer to the handbooks of Frank or Sorauer. Following the most recent classification of the fungi, which distinguishes three groups — namely, PJiycoviycetes (Algal fungi), Ascoinycetes, and Basidiomycetes — I shall begin with the first group. This embraces five orders — namely. Zygomycetes, EiitomophthorecE, Saprolegiacece^ PeronosporecB ChytridiacecE, and Ustilaginea;* Of these orders there are only two that need be considered here. PERONOSPORE^ The PeronosporecE are true vegetable parasites, whose mycelium ramifies in the tissues of higher plants, the hyphae being for the most part intercellular, though occasionally also intracellular. Special absorbing organs (haustoria) are employed for abstracting the nutriment from the living cells, which consequently die after a shorter or longer period. The sporophores which spring from the mycelium either grow through the stomata or burst through the epidermis. These in various ways form sporangia, which produce gonidia, often motile. Having moved about for some time in a drop of water as swarm-spores, the gonidia develop a germ-tube, though the sporangia may also germinate directly without having first produced swarm-cells in their interior. * [For details as to the classification of fungi the reader may be referred to the text-books of De Bary, Zopf, and Von Tavel. — Ed.] 58 DISEASES OF TREES In the tissues of the host-plant, though occasionally outside of it, female sexual organs (oogonia) originate on the mycelium, and during fertilization the male sexual organs, called pol- linodia or antheridial branches, are brought into contact with these oogonia. The antheridia send a minute process (the fer- tilizing-tube) into the interior of the oogonium, which is fer- tilized by its protoplasm receiving a small portion of the con- tents of the antheridium. This gives rise to the formation of the egg-spore (oospore), which is provided with a thick cell-wall. While the gonidia, being easily detached and carried by wind or animals, provide for the rapid distribution of the parasite during summer, the oospores reach the ground in the dead and decaying parts of plants. There they pass the winter — indeed, in such a position they may remain alive for a number of years — after which they either germinate directly, or first of all produce sporangia with zoogonidia.* PHYTOPflTHORA OMNIVORA (SYN., PHYTOPHTHORA FAGI, AND PERONOSPORA SEMPERVIVl).^ The disease caused by this parasite was noticed in forestal publications over a hundred years ago as " the disease of seedling beeches," and cannot be unknown to any forester employed in beech woods. When seedlings are abundant after a rich seed- year the disease is to be met with over the whole of Germany, and the more plentifully the wetter the months of May and June. The fungus also attacks other broad-leafed trees, e.g. Acer, Fraxinus, Robinia, as also herbaceous plants such as Fagopymm, Clarkia, Scnipej'vivuin, &c. The parasite is equally widely dis- ' 1 described this parasite in 1875 in the Zeitschrift fiir Forst- uini Jagd- wesen, pp. 117 — 123, under the name of P. fagi. A detailed account of the history of its development, and of the disease to which it gives rise, along with a plate, was contributed by me to the Unteisuchimgen cms dein forst- hotanischcn InstHut, 1880, pp. 3 — 57. In 1875 — that isto say, simultaneously with me — Schenk described this fungus under the name of P. sempervivi. In order to settle the question of priority De Bary selected the name Phytcphthora omnivora {Beit rage zur Morpli. und Phys. der Pilze, 1881, p. 22). * [For an account of the Phycomycetes peculiar to Britain the reader may be referred to Massee's British Fungi (Reeve & Co., 1891). — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 59 tributed in the seed-beds of conifers, where it may be met with on the seedlings of every species. The disease may attack seedling beeches before they have reached the surface of the ground, in which case a dark discoloration spreads from the primary rootlet, and the plants die off. Or, not till the cotyledons have unfolded does the stem above and be- low them, or at their base, become dark green and change colour (Fig. 14, a,b) ; or simi- lar spots may be recognized on the cotyledons (Fig. 14, c), or on the primary leaves (Fig. 14, d). Should the weather remain long wet, decomposi- tion quickly spreads over the w^hole plant, while during dry weather the plants wither and assume a reddish brown and scorched appearance. Young sycamores, ashes, and robinias show similar pathological symptoms, and, in particular, very black streaks will fre- quently be found running up or down the stem from the base of the cotyledons. Fre- quently it is only the apex of the stem and the leaves that become black, in which case the plant recovers ; but if, on the other hand, the lower part of the stem is attacked, recovery is impossible. Where the seeds of conifers are sown in rows, it is not unusual for a large number of the plants to perish before they have appeared above the surface of the ground. The roots and stem.s usually decay, and the young plants die or wither without any mechanical injuries being observable. It is worthy of note that, owing Fig. 14. — Diseased seedling beech. Stem below the cotyledons dark green at a ; cotyledons diseased at b and c ; first foliar leaves showing blotches as at d. -60 DISEASES OF TREES to the death and disappearance of the whole of the seedhngs at certain places, blanks four inches and more in length may be formed in the seed-drills. The infectious character of the disease may be gathered from the peculiar way in which it is distributed. A diseased plant soon becomes surrounded by diseased neighbours, and thus the epidemic spreads centrifu- gally in beds that have been sown broadcast, and in two directions where the seed has been drilled. Should a frequented footpath lead through a beech wood that is being regenerated b}' seed, all the plants growing on the path and along the sides contract the disease and die in a short time. It has also been observed that if the disease has once appeared in seed-beds it usually recurs in succeeding years in a much-accentuated form. The disease is known to be greatl}' favoured by rainy weather — espe- cially if accompanied by heat — and by any kind of shading, whether produced by standard trees or b)" artificial covering. The first ap- pearance of the disease in any year can only be due to the oospores of the parasite, which lie dormant in the soil during winter, and infect the germinating seedlings in spring. The mycelium spreads in the tissues of the seedling, and, in the case of the beech, both in the stem and in the cotyledons, the latter being probably attacked as they are being pushed up through the ground. In the tissues of the cotyledons the mycelium is almost entirely intercellular (Fig. 15, b), withdrawing the nourishment from the interior of the cells by means of small Fig. 15. — Cellular tissue from the cotyledon of a diseased beech. The starch-grains have been ab- stracted from the protoplasm which has withdrawn from the cell-walls, a ; the mycelial fila- ments, which are of varying thickness, h b, giow intercellu- larly, and are provided with minute haustoria ; each fertilized oogonium contains an oospore, <(■. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 6r roundish haustoria. The consequence is that the starch- grains soon disappear, and the protoplasm dies and contracts from the cell-walls (Fig. 15, a). While the fungus continues to spread in the plant, numerous hyph« break through the epidermis to become sporangiophores (Fig. 16). The swelling of the ex- tremity (Fig. 16,/) gives rise to a lemon-shaped sporangium, which is pro- vided with a papilla at the apex, and a short pedicel at the base (Fig. 16, g). After its abscission from the stalk the latter elon- gates afresh to produce a second sporangium (Fig. 16, g,h), and meanwhile the first generally drops off (Fig. 16, i). Should the sporangia come into contact with water — as, for instance, a drop of rain or dew which has lodged about the cotyledons — they germinate directly, putting forth one or more germ-tubes, which gener- ally proceed to bore into the epidermis of the host- plant. In other cases the protoplasmic contents of the sporangium form a large numberof extremely minute and very active gonidia (swarm-spores, or zoospores — Fig. 17, c), which are capable of free movement after the apex of the sporangium has been dissolved. For some hours these swim about in a drop of rain with all the activity of infusoria, until they settle on the epidermis of the host-plant, when they germ.inate with one or even four tubes (Fig. 17, a, b). Some- times the zoospores germinate in the interior of the sporangium Fig. 16. — Epidermis of a diseased cotyledon of the beech, a, the external wall of an epidermal cell ; b, the cuticle ; c, a hypha which has intruded itself between the wall and the cuticle ; at of it pushes up the latter ; at e it appears on the surface, and at /' it forms a sporangiophore. After producing the first sporangium it branches at g, to form a second //, while the first drops off at i ; a stoma is shown at k from which sporangiophores project. 62 DISEASES OF TREES when their germ-tubes may either break through the lateral walls or push out through the open apex of the sporangium (Fig. 17, c). In either case the germ-tubes creep about for some time on the epidermis of the host-plant, after which they force their way into the interior, and especially at those places where the lateral walls of the epidermal cells arc situated (Fig. 17, ^, d). Less frequently the germ- tubes reach the interior by first traversing an epi- dermal cell (Fig. 17, e). Under favourable circum- stances the development of the parasite may have progressed so rapidly in the plant that three or four days after infection new sporangiophores may make their appearance. The sporangia, and the swarm-cells that form in them, serve to spread the disease during the months of May, June, and the earlier part of July. They either fall directly on to neighbouring plants, or are carried by the wind. Their distribution is great- ly assisted by animals — as, for instance, by mice (in the seed-beds) — and game, but most of all b}' man. The death of all plants along a path is the result of the sporangia and swarm-cells adhering to the trousers or coats of passers-by, and afterwards dropping off farther along the path. From what has been said, the favouring influence of rain, shade, &c., is sufficiently evident. In dense seed-beds the hyphae grow directly from one plant to another, and this offers a simple I'lG. 17. — The surface of the stem of a seedling beech. At a d zoospores are seen which germinate and send their germ-tubes into the interior at a point where the common wall of two epidermal cells abuts on the sur- face ; c, a sporangium whose zoospores have germinated, d/, in its interior ; at t' a germ- tube has grown directly into an epidermal cell ; at ^t; a germ-tube has reappeared on the surface. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 63 explanation for the total destruction of all the plants at certain parts of the bed. As the result of the sexual act the oospores originate in the tissues of the host-plant in the following manner. In the inter- cellular spaces of the leaf-parench)'ma of the beech, globular swellings appear at the apex of numerous short hyphal branches, and become oogonia ; while smaller so-called antheridia originate in like manner either at the apex of special hyphae, or on the basal portion of the stalk of the oogonia. In each case a transverse septum delimits the organ from its stalk (Fig. 15, c c). The antheridium having very early laid itself against the outer wall of the oogonium, and the most of the protoplasm of the latter having become aggregated to form an oosphere, the antheridium next develops a short process, the fertilizing-tube, which it pushes into the interior of the female organ as far as the oosphere. A part of the contents of the antheridium is then transferred to fer- tilize the oosphere, which is thereby converted into an oospore. In the roots of conifer seedlings oospores are formed not only in the cortical parenchyma but also in the interior of the tracheides, when, in consequence of the restricted space, they frequently assume an elongated form. The oospores reach the ground in the decomposing parts of plants, and there they may remain capable of germinating for at least four years. Some soil taken from a diseased beech seed- bed in 1875, having been distributed in water and poured upon a bed of seedling beeches, caused disease and death of the germinating plants not only in 1876 but also in 1878, and even in 1879. The practical measures at our command for combating the disease follow from what has been said. In order to guard against the outbreak of an epidemic, we must avoid sowing seeds on ground where the disease has once proved destructive, though we may cultivate transplants on it. The oospores that remain in the ground will prove destructive only to seedlings. Should the disease appear in a seed-bed, all contrivances for producing artificial shading must be removed, as they prevent the rapid evaporation of water from the surface of the cotyledons. All dead and visibly diseased plants should be removed. If a number stand close together, the distribution of the sporangia and 64 DISEASES OF TREES gonidla may be most quickly prevented b}' heaping on earth. If the diseased plants occur singly they should be carefully pulled out and buried in a firmly trodden trench, in order to guard against the dissemination of the sporangia. In traversing the bed the spread of this disease ought to be obviated as much as possible b}- the workman not allowing his boots subsequently to come into contact with healthy plants. The seed-bed should also be inspected daily. PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS. THE POTATO DISEASE. Although the fungus which produces the potato disease had been introduced from North America before 1845, it is only since that year that it has assumed the dimensions of a plague in Europe, where it always causes great loss in wet years. In the mode of its distribution and in its dependence on wet weather it very closely resembles P. ovinivofa. A characteristic feature is the occurrence on the leaves of black blotches, w^hich, con- stantly increasing in circumference, and finally embracing the stems, may bring about the premature death of the parts of the plant above ground. Although the tubers of diseased plants are generally more or less affected, still this is sometimes the case only to a small extent, being recognizable merely b)- a few brown specks on cutting into the tuber. During wet years the tubers often rot for the most part in the field, those that are less attacked decaying in the cellar or pit during winter. These changes (wet- rot) are to a large extent due to the action of bacteria.* The mycelium of P. infcstans passes the winter in the tubers, and when these are planted out it grows into the sprouting shoots invading the tissues of both stem and leaf On examining the neighbourhood of the black blotches, one recognizes, even with the naked eye, a zone which is distinguished by its mouldy appearance. Here are to be found the numerous sporangiophores, for the most part projecting from the stomata. They agree in shape with those of P. omnivora, and bear similar but more numerous sporangia, which convey the disease to sound plants, and are even carried by the wind to adjoining fields. There is * [See footnote on p. 38. — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 65 no doubt that they are also brushed off and distributed by ani- mals, as, for instance, by hares. The germination of the sporangia, or their production of swarm-spores as the case may be, agrees generally with that of the allied species. The sporangia, how- ever, reach the ground in large numbers, and are carried down to the tubers by the rain-water. Should the ground remain wet, in- fection follows upon the development of the germ-tube. The fact that varieties of potatoes with thin skins are more easily pene- trated by the germ-tube of the fungus than those having thick skins may explain how it is that the latter suffer less from disease. The formation of oospores, which I have demonstrated in the case of P. oninivora, has not )'et been discovered in the potato fungus, and possibly it may not exist. Seeing that the mycelium passes the winter in the tubers, the existence of the fungus does not in this case depend on the formation of oospores. The occurrence and spread of the disease is most of all in- fluenced by the humidity of the air and soil, because, in a moist environment, sporangia are abundantly produced on the leaves, and the germination of the sporangia and gonidia, both above and below ground, is greatly favoured. If dampness prevail during storage in winter, numerous sporangiophores are produced on the tubers, especially in the region of the eyes, or where a wound ma}' happen to occur ; and by means of the sporangia that are formed the disease may be conveyed to previously sound tubers even at that season of the \-ear. PERONOSPORA VITICOLA A decade or two ago this parasite of the vine was introduced from America, and in the interval it has rapidly spread through the vineyards of Europe. Its American designation of mildew, or grape-vine mildew, has been changed in France to mildiou. In Germany it is called the false mildew of the vine {falscher MeJilthmt der Reben). The disease is characterized by the occurrence of large grey patches on the under side of the leaves, while on the upper side the infested spots become yellow or reddish. The diseased spots dry up, and the leaves are shed prematurely. During F 66 DISEASES OF TREES rainy weather the disease spreads rapidly, but dry weather at once retards further progress. The fungus passes the winter in the form of oospores, which arc produced in the diseased leaves. During summer the distribution is effected by sporangia and zoospores, as in the case of PJiytopJithora. Infection takes place chiefly on the young shoots and leaves, the epidermis of which is but slightly cuticularized. The disease proves the more destructive to vines and grapes the earlier in the season it appears, and especially so when favoured by wet weather. It is not improbable that other species belonging to the genera Peronospora and PytJihuii do injury to young trees. It is especially desirable that investigations be instituted to prove whether PytJiiuvi de Baryanuni — which in crowded beds causes the death of many agricultural plants — is also injurious in the seed-beds of dicotyledonous and coniferous trees.* The genus Cystopus also belongs to the Peronosporcz, the best-known species of which is Cystopus candidiis, which produces the white-rust of crucifers. USTILAGINE^ f Although this order contains only fungi which are parasitic on herbaceous plants, especially grasses, still the diseases which they produce are of sufficient importance to require a short description here. In the cvery-day language of the farmer, Smut is a term applied to the most varied phenomena of disease in plants. In the narrower sense of the word, however, the term is restricted to those diseases which produce a dark brown mass of spores in certain parts of plants, especially flowers and fruits, less fre- quently on leaves, stems, and even roots. In the particular part of the plant that is occupied by the copious mycelia of the smut-fungus this spore-powder is formed by the abscission or abjunction of abundantly developed fungus-filaments, the tissues of the plant itself being almost completely destroyed. The mass of spores is either formed on the surface of the * [An allied form was exceedingly destructive in seed-beds of Cinchona in Ceylon in 1880-1881.— Ed.] t [For the British forms of Ustilagines see Massee, op. at., and Plowright, British UredinecE mid Ustilagineoi (Kegan Paul & Co., 1889). — Ed.] INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 67 plant or it remains enclosed by the epidermis, in which case it appears as a black semi-transparent swelling. The spores of smut may retain their capacity for germination for several years. On the recurrence of favourable conditions they usually produce a stout germ-tube called the promycclium [I'orkeivi), which, after attaining a length equal to two or three times the diameter of the spore, forms a number of smaller spores, known as sporidia, at its apex or on its sides. Frequently the promycelium breaks up directly into a number of sporidia. In the case of those species which produce \v'horls of sporidia at the apex of the promycelium, a process of fusion takes place between adjoining sporidia, and these afterwards drop off in pairs. When a germinating smut-spore or sporidium comes into contact with a suitable young host-plant, it sends its germ-tube through the epidermis, and thus gets into the tissues of the stem, where the mycelium grows upwards, chiefly intercellular without producing any apparent damage. It is only in the parts of the plant where spores are formed that the tissues are destroyed. Those smut-spores which fall to the ground before or during harvest usually germinate at once, and perish in the absence of suitable young host-plants.* This being the case, the disease persists from year to year, for the most part, owing to the employ- ment of seed to which smut-spores adhere externally. When the corn is being threshed the detachment of the spores from smutted plants offers ample opportunity for the contamination of the seed-grain. Frequently, however, the spores are conveyed to the field in manure which has been made with smutted straw. On account of the germination of the smut-sporcs being dependent in great measure on moisture in the air and soil, the occurrence of the disease is favoured in a soil whose physical condition — either naturally or owing to the liberal application of farm-yard manure — enables it to retain large quantities of water. It follows from what has been said that attention should first *[Brefeld has shown that the "sporidia" may reproduce by budding saprophytically during long periods in the manured soil. — Ed.] F 2 68 DISEASES OF TREES be directed to preventing the transference of smut-spores to the field. To secure this, seed which is as clean as possible should be used. If this cannot be had, the adhering spores should be killed by steeping the seed-grain for twelve to sixteen hours in .a one-half per cent, solution of cupric sulphate. Further, the use of smutted straw for manure should be avoided. The most important kinds of smut (brand) are : — The Coal-brand, Stickv-brand, Stink-brand, or Bunt of wheat ( Tilletia Caries mid T. Icevis) — which besides attacking wheat is also found on quickens, wall barley, and meadow grass {^Poa pratensis) — is characterized by the fact that the spore- powder (which emits a disagreeable smell when fresh) remains enclosed in the grains till the time of harvest. The bunted grains being bruised in threshing liberate the spores, which adhere to the sound grains, and, both being sown, the young plants become infected. The Dust-brand [Ustilago) is the most destructive genus, and also contains the greatest number of species. Ustilago Carbo attacks not only oats, wheat, and barley, but also a large number of meadow grasses. It completely destroys the ovary, and usually the paleae as well, so that brown spore-powder escapes on to the stalk. Ustilago destruens, the Millet-brand, destroys the panicles of the millet while they are still enclosed by the highest leaf- sheath. Ustilago Ulaydis, the Maize-brand, produces large swellings, completely filled with dark brown spore-powder, on the stem, leaves, and cobs of the maize. Numerous other species occur on grasses, herbs, and bulbous-rooted plants. The Stem-brand {Urocystis) is frequently met with, and especially the brand of rye-stems, Urocystis occulta. It is very conspicuous, on account of the highest internode of the rye-stem rupturing longitudinally, and allowing the black spore-powder to escape. Other forms often met with are Urocystis J^iolcr, U. Ancnionis, and U. Cepul<£. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 69 ASCOMYCETES. SAC FUNGI This second group of fungi has obtained its name through the spores being produced in the interior of sacs (asci). In some cases the sporocarp results from a sexual process.* The fungi belonging to this group are very numerous, and are arranged in four orders — the Erysiphecs, Tiiberacecs, Pyrenomycetes, and Discoiiiycetes. THE MILDEW FUNGI, ERYSIPHE^ All the mildew fungi are true parasites. Their mycelium vegetates on the surface of plants — that is to say, on the epidermis of leaves, fruits, and stems, and obtains its nourishment by means of haustoria from the interior of the epidermal cells, which consequently turn brown and die. The ascocarps which are developed on the mycelium are usually globular and com- pletely closed — that is to say, unprovided with an apical or other opening,-]- and may be recognized with the naked eye as small dark specks. These hibernate and carry the fungus over to the following year, while in the course of the summer gonidia are formed by abscission on numerous simple erect hypha:?. These are at once capable of germinating, and spread the disease during the period of growth. On account of the interwoven mycelia and gonidiophores, when luxuriantly developed, forming a fine grey meal-like covering on the upper surface of the leaf, the term " Mildew" has been applied to the disease. As a preventive measure, the burning in autumn of leaves infested by the cleistocarps of the fungus has been recommended, while sprinkling sulphur on the diseased parts after the mildew has appeared in summer is said to be efficacious. Unfortunately no scientific investigations regarding the action of the powdered sulphur on the mycelium of the fungus have as yet been undertaken. *[The Sporocarp (in this case termed an Ascocarp) is often a very com- plex body. The question as to its origin and morphological nature cannot be discussed here, and the reader is referred to the special works of De Bary, Brefeld, &c., already quoted. — Ed.] t [These closed Ascocarps are termed Cleisiocarps, in distinction from the perforated Perithecia of the Pyrenomycetes and the open Apoihccia of the Discomycetes. — Ed.] 70 DISEASES OF TREES The numerous species of mildews have recenth' been arranged in several genera according to the number of asci in the cleistocarp, or according to the number of spores in the ascus, or, finally, according to the structure of the so-called appendiculae, which are peculiar filiform radiating processes of certain cells of the wall of the perithccium. Here we need only allude to a few species. ErysipJie {Phyllactiiiia) guttata forms the mildew of Fagus, Carpimis, Cory his, Qiierais, Betula, Almis, Fraxinns, Loniceray Pynis covimimis, and Cratcrgiis. The cleistocarps are fur- nished with appendiculae which are straight, unbranched, and thickened in a bulbous manner at the base, and internally produce several asci, each containing two spores. In beech woods this parasite sometimes causes premature withering of the leaves. ErysipJie bicornis {Uncinnla Accris) very often injures the leaves and young shoots of Acer. I have encountered this species most frequently on Acer platanoides and A. campestre. It covers the whole of the leaf, or forms large greyish white blotches on one or both sides (the black patches on these leaves are due to Rhytisma acerimuii). The cleistocarps possess several asci holding eight spores, and the appendicular are simply forked at the apex. The gonidia are elliptical in shape. Even so early as August the leaves of the maple are often completely covered with these white patches. ErysipJie Ttdasnei is closely related to the former species, but occurs only on the upper side of the leaves of the Nor- way maple. The gonidia are globular. ErysipJie {Uncimild) adunca produces the mildew of the leaves of willows and poplars. ErysipJie {SpJuvrotJieca) pannosa forms the well - known mildew on the shoots and leaves of the rose. In w^et years especially it is necessary prompth' to pluck and burn the diseased leaves. Oidium Tiickeri, the fungus which causes the disease of the grape, was observed in England for the first time in 1845, but has since spread throughout all the vine-growing countries of Europe. The mycelium grows on the leaves, shoots, and fruit. When the last is attacked the epidermis dies and loses the power of expansion, so that as the berry grows the epidermis is INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 71 ruptured, and the grapes in consequence begin to decaj'. So far only the gonidia have been discovered, and it remains to be determined how the fungus survives the winter. THE TRUFFLES, TUBERACE^ The Truffles are distinguished by having round subterranean closed fructifications (cleistocarps), in which the asci are produced on hymenia which clothe the surfaces of contorted passages. Gonidia and sexual organs are unknown. Through the investigations of Rees^ it was first established that the stag truffle, ElapJiomyces granulatiis, develops its mycelium parasitically on the roots of pines. It is further known that the edible species of truffle of the genus Tuber are parasitic on the roots of the oak and beech. Frank has re- cently devoted much study to the occurrence of fungal growths on the roots of phanerogamic plants, especially ConifercB and Cnpulifcnr, and has proved that mycelial growths are ^^^idel)' distributed on the tender apices of the roots of trees. The outer surface of young roots may be so closely covered by the mycelium, which penetrates into and between the cells, as to form a dense fungal mantle. Owing to luxuriant branching and growth of the tissues the infested roots to some extent display abnormal forms, while a sort of symbiotic condition arises similar to what we find associated with many other plant- parasites. When the cortical tissue of the roots has been infested by the fungus for some time, it dies, and should the fungal filaments penetrate into the internal tissues the roots themselves die off entirely. Frank has designated these phenomena by the name MycorJiiza, or fungus-root. It has not yet been determined how many species of fungi take part in these phenomena, and, especially, whether fungi belonging to other groups besides the Tuber acecB form MycorJiisa. Frank holds the view that these root-fungi, by assisting in nutrition and by conveying organic plant-food from the soil, play an important part in the life of trees.* ^ Dr. M. Rees and Dr. K. Fisch, UntcrsiicJiiingeii iiber Ban tmd Lcbot der Hirschtrii^el^ ""^ ElapJiomyces^^ 1888. *[The best account of Frank's views for the student is in \i\% Lehrbiich dcr Botanik, B.I. 1893.— Ed.] 72 DISEASES OF TREES Whether this view will receive confirmation in the future remains to be seen, but in the meantime its correctness is open to grave doubts. In the first place, it has not yet been proved that trees can take in organic food-substances by their roots ; and, in the second, it has been established that trees are very well nourished without the aid of MycorJiiza, and that, besides the infested roots, there is always a very large proportion of roots ■entirely free from fungoid growth. PYRENOMYCETES In the case of Pyrenoinycetes the hymenium bearing the asci usually lines the inner surface of roundish or flask-shaped receptacles, called perithecia, which are distinguished from the cleistocarps of the preceding by having an aperture at the apex through which the spores escape. The numerous genera may be divided into two groups, according as the perithecia stand singly (simplices), or grouped in large numbers on a common cushion, or sunk in a stroma (compositi). The following species, being noteworthy parasites, deserve closer attention. TRICHOSPH.^RIA PARASITICA ^ This parasite is chiefly met with on the silver fir, though, according to v. Tubeuf, it also occurs on the common spruce and hemlock spruce. It is to be found wherever the silver fir is indigenous. Its colourless perennial mycelium grows on the under side of the branches, from which it spreads to the under side of the leaves, knitting them firmly to the branches. On this account the leaves, instead of falling off on dying, remain attached to the branches (Fig. i8). On account of the mycelium being confined to the lower side of the branch, most of the leaves that are met with on the upper side survive during the first year at least (Fig. i8, a). The my- celium encroaches on the new shoots as they are formed, and, 1 R.H3.xt\g, Ein 7ieuer Parasit der IVezssfanuc, " Tridiospharia parasitica:'' AUgem. Forst- tend Jagd-Zeitg.^ January 1884. INJURIES INDUCED BY PLANTS 73 the young immature leaves at the base of the shoot being killed, subsequently shrivel up. The leaves on the middle and apex of the shoot, being reached somewhat later by the slowly advanc- ing m)'celium, retain their shape. The cushions which are formed by the my- celium on the under side of the leaves are at first white, but afterwards turn brownish (Fig. 19, b b). They only partially con- ceal the bluish lines which are met with on the under side of the leaves of the silver fir. In the course of time very minute perithecia are formed on these cushions (Fig. 20). The cushion originates in the following way. From the hyphae that cover the leaf (Fig. 21, a) numerous branches, (^, are sent out towards the epidermis, and these form a fleshy cushion,