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 E . D OB" OT.iT^ , P . L , ?^ ^'W , r^ 
 In presenting a new edition of the Epitome of the Insects of China to the 
 entomological public, I have endeavoured to bring it down to the present state 
 of the science. The former edition, like all the writings of Donovan, was 
 arranged in accordance with the system of Linnseus, and bore the date of 1798. 
 At that period the science of Entomology was in its infancy ; but in the 
 subsequent forty years the progress which has been made, has indeed been 
 rapid. I have endeavoured to render the specific characters moi'e precise, the 
 nomenclature more correct (giving the priority to the oldest specific name), 
 and the synonyms more numerous. The localities in many instances were 
 incorrectly given in the former edition ; and I have added many additional 
 observations, either incorporated in the text or given as foot notes, omitting 
 nothing which appeared in the former at all likely to instruct or interest the 
 reader. Alphabetical and systematic indices have also been introduced. I 
 dare not hope that this edition is faultless : I have endeavoured to render the 
 beautiful figures of Donovan as serviceable as possible, and must trust to the 
 indulgence of the more skilful specific entomologist. One circumstance may 
 be mentioned which will, at all events, be deemed an improvement, namely, 
 the introduction of numbers both for the plates and for the several figures on 
 each plate. Those who have consulted synonymical authorities in Entomology 
 are aware of the trouble and confusion which have originated in the want of a 
 regular numeration of these plates, which was caused by the original periodical 
 ap23earance of the work, whence it happens that we are referred to Part II. 
 plate 1. (as it may be), and not to a consecutive series of numbers upon the 
 plates, which were, indeed, entirely without a number, and appeared promis- 
 A German edition of this work was commenced at Leipzic in 1801, edited 
 by J . G. Grubner, but I am not certain whether the entire work was repub- 
 lished or only one of the parts. 
 Of the Entomology of China little more is known at the present time than 
 Donovan was acquainted with. It is true we continue to receive numerous 
 boxes of insects from China, chiefly purchased in the shops of Canton, but, 
 like every thing Chinese, there is such an absolute monotony in these arrivals, 
 that it is almost impossible to discover in a quantity of these boxes a single 
 .species which is not contained in all the rest. It is evident that a considerable 
 employment is produced by the rearing of the Atlas moth and some other 
 species, and in the collection of the other insects which we I'eceive in such 
 abundance. The Chinese boxes are made of a soft wood, about 16 inches by 
 1 1 in size, and of a sufiicient depth to admit a tall needle ; a layer of butter- 
 flies and moths stuck close to the point of the needle is placed at the bottom 
 of the box, with another layer of beetles, flies, &c. closely packed together and 
 stuck high up on the needles, the points of which are passed through the wings 
 of the butterflies forming the under layer. 
 Donovan well observed that " the Chinese, like their neighbours the 
 Japanese, are well acquainted with the natural productions of their empire, 
 and Zoology and Botany, in particular, are favourite studies amongst them." 
 That the Chinese also pay considerable attention to Entomology is evident, 
 not only from the fact of the employment of silk having had its origin in that 
 country, but also from the numerous beautiful drawings of insects upon rice 
 paper, brought to Europe in great quantities. Many of these figures are, how- 
 ever, evidently fictitious, although some are occasionally found accurately cor- 
 rect and most elaborately pencilled. 
 The few but interesting hints which Sir George Staunton (who accom- 
 panied the embassy of the Earl Macartney to China) has given on the 
 practical Entomology of China in the account of his Travels, which was 
 published shortly before the appearance of the first edition of this work, were 
 embodied by Donovan in his pages, and from whence we may be induced 
 to hope that at some fiiture time, some of the insects, as well as plants, of that 
 vast empire may become no less objects of utility and importance than of 
 curiosity ; the Chinese cochineal insect,* and that from which the wax of the 
 East is procured, are two species that deserve particular attention. The 
 medical precepts of the Chinese will certainly find but few votaries in Europe, 
 but as articles of medicine, amongst others, the Mylabris Cichorii, regarded as 
 the Cantharides of the ancients and still used as a vesicant by the Chinese, 
 may be of importance, as it is said to possess more virtues than the Cantharis 
 vesicatoria of Europe. 
 From the vast extent of the Chinese empire and our comparative ignorance 
 of its insect productions, it is almost impossible to speak with any precision 
 upon the interesting subject of its entomological geography. Many of its 
 insects bear a great resemblance, and occasionally appear identical with those 
 * Dr. Anderson found eight species of Coccus at Madras. One of these, he says, was found on a young 
 citron-tree, citrus sinensis, just landed from China ; it was more deeply intersected between the abdominal 
 rings than any of those of the coast, and he therefore named it C. Diacopeis. Collection of Letters from 
 Madras, January 28, 1788. The Cactus Cochinillifer had been found previous to the appearance of the 
 first edition by Mr. Kincaid at Canton; its Chinese name is Pau wang. This had been transmitted to the 
 Nopalry of the Hon. East India Company at Madras, and promised to be of future advantage to the com- 
 mercial concerns of Great Britain. 
 of the eastern parts of India. These are, therefore, doubtless the inhabitants 
 of the immediate neighbourhood of Canton, which Hes in the same degree of 
 latitude with Bengal. A valuable addition has indeed been made to our 
 knowledge of the entomological productions of Mongolia, and some of the 
 adjacent northern portions of China, by M. Faldermann's pubhcation* of the 
 Coleopterous insects brought from those regions by M. Bungius ; from which 
 it would appear that the entomological productions of such portions of China 
 as lie between 40° and 50" of north latitude are quite unlike those of the 
 neighbourhood of Canton lying beneath the tropic of Cancer, bearing, indeed, 
 a far greater resemblance to those of central Russia. It is to be hoped 
 that M. Faldermann will speedily publish the descriptions of the species 
 belonging to the other orders of insects brought from this interesting portion 
 of the globe. 
 J. O.W. 
 * Coleopterorum ab illustriss. Bongio in China boreali, Mongolia et montibus Altaicis collect, et ab illustr. 
 Turczamnoffio et Sichuckino e provincia Irkutzh missorum. (In Mem. Acad. Imper. des Sciences de 
 St. Petersbourg, Tom. 2. 1835.) 
 Order. COLEOPTERA. Linnceus. 
 Plate 1. fig. 1. 
 Tribe. Lamellicornes, Latreille. (Genus, Scarabseus, Linnmus.) 
 Family. Scarab^idx, Mac Leaxj. 
 Genus. Copris, Geoffroy. (Scarabseus p. Donovan.) 
 Ch. Sp. C. thorace retuso tricorni, cornu intermedio lato emarginato, capitis clypeo 3-sinuato 
 denteque utrinque laterali valido recurvo armato. Long. Corp. 1 J una. 
 C. with the thorax blunt in front and armed with three horns, the middle one broad 
 and notched at the tip, the shield of the head with three sinuations, and armed 
 on each side with a thick horn. Length 1^ inch. 
 Syn. Scarabseus Midas, Fabricius Ent. Syst. I. p. 45. Syst. Eleiith. I. p. 36. Oliv. 
 Ent. I. t. 30./. 183. 
 The original description of Fabricius was taken from a specimen in the Banksian 
 cabinet, the locality of America being assigned to it ; some mistake must, however, have 
 occurred in this respect, as it is now well known that East India is the true country of 
 this curious species, which has received its specific name, Midas, from the size of the 
 ear-like pair of horns at the sides of the head. The accompanying figure was taken 
 from a specimen in the collection of Drury, which was said to have been received from 
 China. Some interesting observations, on the habits of this species, have been published 
 by Col. Sykes in the first volume of the Transactions of the Entomological Society of 
 Plate 1. fig. 2. 
 • Family. DYNASTiDiE, Mac Leay. 
 Genus. Oryctes, Illiger. Scarabseus p. Linn. 
 Ch. Sp. O. thorace subbituberculato, capitis cornu simplici, clypeo bifido, elytris punctatis. 
 Long. Corp. 1| unc. 
 O. with the thorax depressed in front, and with the rudiments of two tubercles, head 
 with a single horn, clypeus bifid, elytra punctate. Length 1 inch, 5 lines. 
 Syn. Scarabaeus Rhinoceros, Linn. Syst. Nat. L IL p. 544. Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 
 \.p. 14. R6esel. Ins. IL Scarab. 1. tab. A./. 7. 
 Scarabeeus Nasicornis, Donovan, 1st edit. 
 Donovan observed upon this species, which he considered as identical with the 
 European Oryctes nasicornis, that " the male is furnished with a long recurved horn on 
 the head : the female has only a small rising on that part. It is found in Europe as well 
 as China." It is evident, however, from the form of the thorax, and striation of the 
 elytra of Donovan's figure, that he had confounded two distinct species. I have little 
 doubt that the insect here figured is intended for the Oryctes Rhinoceros, although the 
 elytra are not represented as being punctured. 
 Plate 1. fig. 3. 
 Family. Scarabxid;e, Mac Leay. 
 Glnus. Oniticellus, Zeiyler. Scarabeeus p. Fabricius. 
 Cii. Sp. On. niger, elytrorum margine pallido, clypeo emarginato. Long. Corp. lin. 4J. 
 On. black with the margin of the elytra pale coloured, the clypeus notched. Length 
 4 J lines. 
 Syn. Scarabeeus cinctus, Fabricius Ent. Syst. \.p. 69. Herbst. Col. ll.p. 327. n. 21.0. 
 Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. 169. 209. t. 10./. 90. 
 Onitis cinctus, Schonh. Syn. his. 1. p. 33. no. 20. 
 3.-r^^/y//vr/4/ (^_ . /^^^/. ^ QAw}//v/'/// /a 
 Plate 1. fig. 4. 
 Gekus. Scauab.eus, Linn. Mac Leay. Ateuchus, Latreille, Dejean. 
 (Sub-Gen. Heliocantharus, Mac Leay.) 
 Ch. Sp. Sc. cupreo-nitens, clypeo 6-dentato, thorace serrato, elytris striatis. Long. Corp. 
 1 unc. 
 Sc. black slightly shining with brass or copper, clypeus with si.x teeth, thorax with 
 the margins serrated, elytra striated. Length 1 inch. 
 Syk. Copris sanctus? Fabr. Suppl. Ent. Syst. p. 34. 
 Scarabseus sacer, Donov. ]st edit. 
 Scarabaeus sanctus, Mac Leay, Horie Ent. p. 500, var. c ? 
 The insect here figured was regarded by Donovan as identical with the Scarabaeus 
 sacer of Linnseus, a species inhabiting the south of Europe. " It is," he observes, " a 
 native of China, and is also found in other parts of the East Indies, in Egypt, Barbary, 
 the Cape of Good Hope, and other countries of Africa, and throughout the south of 
 Europe.'' The insects inhabiting these various countries are now ascertained to be 
 specifically distinct ; so that the reference of the species here figured to the Scarabseus 
 sacer cannot be adopted, and it is not improbable that it is identical with the sanctus of 
 This tribe of insects is especially interesting from its containing the sacred beetle of 
 the Egyptians, by whom it was regarded as a visible deity ; but a more refined system of 
 religious worship prevailed in their temples among the priests and sages. They deemed 
 it only the symbol of their god, and, ascribing both sexes to the beetle, it became a striking- 
 emblem of a self-created and supreme first cause.* 
 This insect was more especially the symbol of their god Neith, whose attribute was 
 power supreme in governing the works of creation, and whose glory was increased, rather 
 than diminished, by the presence of a superior being, Phtha, the creator. The theological 
 definition of the two powers, being independent, yet centering in one spirit, is implied by 
 the figurative union of two sexes in the beetle. In the latter sense it signified therefore 
 but one omnipotent power. The Scarabseus, typifying Neith, was carved or painted on 
 * "The father, mother, male and female art thou." Synesius. Hymn. Phtha. — "The Egyptian spirit 
 Phtha gave chaos form, and then created all things." Jamblichus de Mysteriis, sect. 8. 
 a ring, and worn by the soldiers, as a token of homage to that power who disposed of the 
 fate of battles ;* and sculptured on astronomical tables, or on columns,! it expressed the 
 divine wisdom which regulates the universe and enlightens man. 
 * Authors quote a doubtful passage in Horapollo Hieroglyph, lib. 1. to support this opinion. That sucli 
 rings were worn by the ancient Egyptians is beyond conjecture, many remains of them, and some very perfect, 
 have been found in the subterranean caverns and sepulchres in the Plain of Mummies near Saccara and Giza. 
 Those which we have examined are remarkable for the convexity or full relievo of the figure sculptured on 
 them ; in some it is of the natural size of the insect, but generally smaller; the stone, cornelian, without a rim, 
 and turning on a swivel ring of gold. 
 t Linnaeus says the Scarabffius sacer is sculptured on the antique Egyptian columns in Rome. " Hie in 
 columnis antiquis Romse exsculptus ab ^gyptiis." St/st. Nat. Does Linnaeus allude to any remains of those 
 colossal obelisks which Augustus transported to Rome when he subjugated Egypt, or others of more recent 
 date ? It would increase the interest of our inquiries to learn that the Scarabseus was among the hieroglyphics, 
 on the two very ancient obelisks, carried from Heliopolis, tlie city of the Sun. 
 We are informed by ancient writers, that the Scarabseus engraved on the astronomical tables of these 
 people, implied the divine Wisdom which governed the motion and order of the celestial bodies ; that those 
 tables were huge and massy stones or columns of granite, with the characters and figures large and highly 
 embossed ; in short, such as were supposed capable of long resistance to the corroding hand of time. Among 
 those the Scarabaeus was probably the most conspicuous, its size gigantic, and the figure frequently repeated ; 
 for this we have observed even on small Egyptian antiques. 
 Various valuable remains of tablets, with figures of the Scarabaus sacer, are preserved in the British 
 Museum and other collections of antiquities in this country. Those we have examined are of various 
 descriptions, some smaller than the insect itself, others of a monstrous size. The stones on which they are 
 sculptured generally gree7i nephritic or jade stone, or a kind of basaltes, and black marble ; the figure basso 
 relievo on a tablet or slab, but oftener in relievo, with the prominent characters of the insect very accurately 
 defined, particularly the six dentations of the clypeus and those of the tibiae. Tire reverse of the embossed side 
 is flat and smooth, and abounds in characters altogether unknown, though, from the number of religious 
 objects of worship occasionally interspersed, we may presume they contain an ample store of the ancient 
 sacerdotal language : the most remarkable were the scarabffius, the sceptre and eye (Osiris), the human figure 
 with a dog's head (Anubis), the hawk (Horus), and the Ibis, or sacred bird. On the thorax of one fine 
 specimen we remarked four elegant figures. One of them is holding a cornucopia in the left hand, and a 
 branch in the right : this is perhaps a subordinate deity of the Nile, that river having been once found de- 
 pictured on an antique Alexandrian coin, hke an aged man, holding the cornucopia, and a branch of the 
 Papyrus ; denoting its abundance and produce. (In many of the mummies which have been recently unrolled 
 in this country, carved Scarabeei have been found in various positions, especially upon the eye and breast of 
 the body.— 5ee Pettigrew's History of Mummies. J. O. W.) 
 The digression on the mythological history of this insect may be considered by some as a tedious deviation 
 from the pursuit of the naturalist ; with others we trust it will be more favourably received ; for it proves to the 
 unprejudiced mind how deeply the history of nature, and in the present instance the science of Entomology, 
 involves a most important enquiry into the first philosophical opinions of the human race. The means, how- 
 ever trifling, must not be contemned, which illumine the most sublime of all human researches — The Study of 
 Plate 1 . fig. 5. 
 Gexus. Gvmnopi.furus, lUiger. Ateuchus p. Fubricius. 
 Cii. Sp. Gymn. clypeo eraarginato, niger subcupreus, antennarum apice flavo. Long. Corp. 
 lin. 8. 
 G. with the clypeus notched, black with a slight coppery tinge, tips of the antennse 
 yellow. Length two-thirds of an inch. 
 Syn. Ateuchus sinuatus, Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 60. OUv. Ins. 1. 3. tab. 10./. 90. 
 tab. 2\.fg. 189. 
 Scarabseus Leei, Donovan, \st edit. 
 The Scarabseus Leei of Fabricius (to which Donovan referred the insect here figured) 
 is totally distinct, and is identical with the Scarabaeus fulgidus of Olivier. The original 
 specimen, described by Fabricius, from the collection of the late Mr. Lee, is now in the 
 collection of the Rev. F. W. Hope. 
 Plate 2. fig. 1. 
 Genus. Copris, Geoffroy. Scarabseus, Linnaus. 
 Ch. Sp. C. niger, thorace punctatissimo, retuso, bidentato, utrinque impresso ; clypeo lunato, 
 S unicorni integro, elytris laevibus. Long. Corp. 1 unc. 4 lin. 
 C. black, thorax very much punctured, retuse in front and bidentate, with two lateral 
 impressions, clypeus lunate, the male having a single erect horn, elytra smooth. 
 Length Ij. inch. 
 Syn. Scarabaeus Molossus, Linn. Syst. Nat. I. W.p. 543. No. 8. Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 
 1. p. 42. Herbst. Col. W.p. 178. t. 14. /. 1. OUv. Ent. 3. p. 100. var. c. 
 t. 5./. 37. $. Drury Ins. PL 32./. 2. 'ind edit. p. 64. 
 S. Molossus and S. Bucephalus are very common in China. The first seems a local 
 species ; the latter is said to be found in other parts of the East Indies. Olivier has 
 given three varieties of Scarabaeus Molossus. The specimen figured in the annexed plate 
 is the var. c. of that author. 
 The larvae of the larger kinds of coleopterous insects, abounding in unctuous moisture, 
 are not less esteemed as food among some modern nations, than they were by the epiciires 
 of antiquity. In Jamaica and other islands in the West Indies, the larva of the Prionus 
 damicornis, or Macokko beetle, is an article of luxurious food ; and in China many insects 
 in that state are appropriated to the same purpose. Thus, also, the Romans introduced 
 the larvae of the Lucani and Cerambyes in their voluptuous repasts ; previously feeding 
 them on farinaceous substances to give consistence to the animal juices. 
 The learned author of the last account we have of China, says, " Under the roots of 
 the canes is found a large white grub, which being fried in oil is eaten as a dainty by the 
 Chinese." Donovan suggests that perhaps this is the larva of Scarabaeus Molossus, which, 
 like many other of the Scarabsei,* may live sedentary in the ground, and subsist on the 
 roots of plants : the general description and abundance of this insect in China favours such 
 opinion. The same author observes in another part of his work, that " the aurelias of the 
 silk worm which is cultivated in China, after the silk is wound off, furnish an article for 
 the table." This also is a very ancient custom among the Asiatics, and even Europeans 
 before the sixteenth century, if we may credit Aldrovandus :f it is certain the worms, 
 if not the chrysalides, were administered in medicine in early ages.! Fabricius also 
 expressly states that the insect here figured is medicinally employed in China. 
 Plate 2. fig. 2\ and 2". 
 Genus. Onthopiiagus, Latreille. Scarabseus p. Fabricius, Donovan. 
 Cii. Sp. O. thorace antice, clypeo postice bicorni, elytris substriatis strigis duabus baseos e 
 punctis ferrugineis, punctoque uno alterove flavescente apicis. Long. Corp. lin. 5 j. 
 O. with the thorax in front, and the hinder part of the clypeus with two horns, elytra 
 slightly striated, with two rows of basal pale spots and with two yellowish apical 
 spots. Length nearly half an inch. 
 Syx. Scarabeeus seniculus, Fab. Ent. Syst. \.p. 43. 142. Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 124. t. 7. 
 /. 56. a. b. Panzer in Naturforscher, 24. t.l.f. 5. 
 S Scarabseus brevipes, Herbst. Archiv. t. 19. y. 16. 
 Habitat. Tranquebar {Fabricius), Cliina, Donovan, Weber MSS. 
 The annexed figures exhibit the two sexes of Scarabaeus Seniculus. In some speci- 
 mens the spots are very indistinct and reddish ; in others the wing-cases have faint red 
 striae. The female has the rudiments of horns on the thorax. 
 * The larvae of the Scarabsei live in the trunks of decayed trees, in putrid and filthy animal substances, or 
 in the earth. The last are the most injurious, because they destroy the roots of plants. All the known kinds 
 of these larvoe are of an unwieldy form and whitish colour, the skin free from hairs, and only the head and fore 
 feet defended with a shelly covering. (As it is most probable that the habits of this large Copris are analogous 
 to those of the English C. lunaris, I should be rather inclined to regard the cane grub mentioned in the above 
 extract as the larva of a Calandra. J. 0. W.) 
 t The German soldiers sometimes fry and eat silk worms. Aldrov. 
 I Silk worms dried, powdered, and put on the crown of the head, help the vertigo and convulsions ; mun- 
 dify or cleanse the blood, &c. &c. Schroderus, Seraino, S^c. SfC. 
 J^ //;// ">/■//./ . /v' v// /// 
 ^yr//?^//v'r/^j .__ /,•///<•////./. 
 -VV//V/ V/'//,y - ^'^Z/fY /////////., 
 Plate 2. fig. 3. 
 Genus. Copris, Geoffroy. Scarabaeus p. Linn. S^c. 
 Ch. Sp. C. thorace retuso quadridentato, capitis clypeo angulato, cornu $ brevi erecto luuicl 
 emarginato, $ breviori truncate subemarginato. Long. Corp. unc. 1, lin. 8. 
 C. with the thorax retuse in front and 4-toothed, clypeus angulated, the male witli a 
 short erect horn not notched at the tip, the female with a much shorter and 
 truncated horn. Length 1^ inch. 
 Syn. Scarabaeus Bucephalus, Fabricius Ent. Syst. \. p. 51. 166. Herbst. Col. IL p. 174. 
 t. 13./. I. 2. Oliv. L 3. 99. t. 4./. 26. t. 10./. 92. t. 22. f. 92. $ 
 This species has been confounded with C. Molossus. Both species are here repre- 
 sented on the same plate, in order that the difference between them may be precisely 
 Plate 3. fig. 1 and l\ 
 Family. Cetoniidx. 
 Genus. Cetonia, Fabricius. Scarabseus p. Linnaus, Donovan. 
 Sub-Gen. Tetragona, Gory. 
 Ch. Sp. C. viridi-senea, clypeo emarginato, thorace postice lobato, elytris acuminatis, corpore 
 subtus pedibusque subspinosis, castaneis, tarsis nigris. Long. Corp. unc. 1 , hn. 0. 
 C. brassy green, clypeus notched and slightly spined, thorax lobed behind, elytra 
 acuminated, body beneath, with the legs, chestnut-coloured, tarsi black. Length 
 1^ inch. 
 BUS Chinensis, Forster Cent. Ins. I. p. 2. 2. 
 Cetonia Chinensis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. IL p. 126. b. Oliv. Ent. \. 6. p. 11. t. 2. 
 /. 5. a. b. Herbst. Col. IIL p. 199. 2. t. 28./. 2. 
 Scarabasus oblongus. Brown Illustr. t. 49./. 4. 
 Smaragdinus major, Voet. Col. t. 5.f. 40. 
 Cn. Sp. 
 Plate 3. fig. 2. 
 Melolonthid^, Mac Leay. 
 EucHLOEA, Mac Leay. Scarabaeus p. Linnceus, ^c. 
 E. supra viridis subtilissime punctata, subtus cum pedibus aurea vel cupreo-aenea. 
 Long. Corp. lin. 11. 
 E. green above, and very finely punctured, body beneath with the legs golden or 
 coppery bronze coloured. Length nearly 1 inch. 
 Melolontha viridis, Fabricius Ent. Syst. L IL p. 160. no. 23. Oliv. Ent. 1. 5. p. 
 29. 31. t. 3. /. 21. Herbst. Col. IIL p. 149, t. 26. f. 5. Mac Leay, Horce 
 Entomol. 1. p. 148. (Euchlora v.) 
 Plate 4. fig. 1. 
 Tribe. Rhyncophora, Latreille. 
 Family. CuRCULiONiDa;, Leach. 
 Division. Cholides, Schonherr. 
 Genus. Rhinastus, Schonherr. Cholus p. Germar. Curculio p. Donovan. 
 Ch. Sp. Rh. longirostris, femoribus dentatis, corpore polline flavescente obtecto lateribus 
 nigris, rostro utrinque spinoso. Long. Corp. (sine rostro) lin. 1 1 . 
 Rh. with the rostrum long, with a short spine on each side at the tip, thighs toothed, 
 body clothed with a fine yellow powder, except a black stripe on the sides of the 
 thorax and elytra. Length (without the rostrum) nearly 1 inch. 
 Syn. Rhinastus sternicornis, Schonherr. Syst. Curcul. vol. 3. p. 558. 
 Cholus sternicornis, Germar. Ins. spec. \.p. 214. t. \.f. 4. 
 Curcuho Chinensis, Donovan, \st edit. 
 This insect seems nearly allied to Curculio mucoreus, an Indian species, described 
 by Linnaeus, but not figured by any author : the lateral stripe of black, and the 
 denticulations on the posterior thighs of our insect clearly remove it, however, from the 
 Linnsean species. 
 Except the lateral black stripes, and the rostrum, this insect is totally covered with 
 a bright brown powder, or rather, with very minute hairs which adhere but slightly, 
 and resemble that substance. We observe a similar farinaceous appearance on the 
 Curcuiwnes, Lacteus, Niveus, S;c. and especially on that gigantic beetle Scarabcens 
PLi^.TE 111 
 (^-^^^7/(7' C/^^^^^j/j. ' ^-^^/^/v//^7 r/r/^?^j. 
 .3. <ytA?l^ly' 'm'^./fh>:/^^y^J 
 I have not the least doubt that this insect is identical with the Brazilian species, 
 Rhinastus sternicornis, of Schonherr, although the specific name given to it by Donovan 
 implies it to be a native of China. Some mistake had doubtless arisen relative to the 
 original country of which it is an inhabitant which led our author into this error 
 Plate 4. fig. 2. 
 Division. Rhyncophorides, Schonherr. 
 Genus. Calandra, Fabricius. Rhyncophorus, Herbst. Curculio p. Linn, Sj-c. 
 Cii. Sp. C. nigricans ; elytris ferrugineis, rostro apice utrinque reflexo (in uno sexu dorso bi 
 serrato,) pedibus anticis elongatis. Long. Corp. (excl. rostro lin. 13.) 
 C. blackish-brown, elytra ferruginous; rostrum, with the apex on each side reflexed, 
 and in one sex with the upper edge doubly serrated, the fore legs long. Length 
 13 lines. 
 Syk. Curculio longipes, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. 2. 395. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 431. Oliv. Ins. 
 83. tab. 86. Jig. 191. (See Drury, Illustr. vol. 2. t. 33.) 
 In his earlier works, Fabricius erroneously gave the Cape of Good Hope as th( 
 locality for this very common Chinese species. 
 Plate 4. fig. 3. 
 Genus. Rhina, Latreille. Curculio p. Donovan, SfC. 
 Ch. Sp. Rh. longirostris ; niger, rostro barbato, tibiis anticis tridentatis. Long. Corp. (rostr. 
 excl.) lin. 11. 
 Rh. with a long rostrum, its sides thickly clothed with hairs on the male, black, 
 punctured, anterior tibiee long and armed with three spines beneath. Length 
 without the rostrum 1 1 lines. 
 Syn. Curculio barbirostris, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 1. p. 2. 418. 
 Rhina barbirostris, Latreille Genera, vol. 2. p. 269. 
 Donovan, misled by the Fabrician reference of this insect to the locality " In Indiis," 
 introduced it into the present work. It is, however, a native of South America. Drury 
 has figured the female of another species in his Illustrations, vol. 2. pi. 34. f. 2. from the 
 Island of Johanna. 

 crimson, in various reflections of light. This scaly covering is not unlike that of Poly- 
 ilrusus argentatus found in England ; but of a brilliance scarcely inferior to the gem-like 
 spangles on the Entimus imperialis of Brazil. — Hypomeces squamosus is represented in 
 its natural size, in the annexed plate; and, in justice to an insect of such uncommon 
 beauty, an additional plate is given, to exhibit its appearance in the opaque microscope. 
 — It is extremely common in China. 
 The insect represented in fig. 6 is entirely black when divested of its scaly covering. 
 Fabricius considered it as specifically distinct from H. squamosus, which opinion was 
 adopted by Donovan. It is, however, considered by Schonherr, and other recent writers, 
 as a variety only of that species, the C. unicolor, Fabr. and C. rusticus, Weber, being 
 also equally regarded as varieties. 
 Plate 4. fig. 7. 
 Division. Cleonides, Schonherr. 
 Gekus. Cleonis, Schonherr. Cleonus, Dejean. Curculio p. Linn. ^c. 
 Cii. Sp. Cleonis niger, subtus densfe, supra tenuiter cinereo-albido tomentosus, thorace vittis 
 sub-tribus albidis notato, elytris punctato-striatis, ventre tuberculis numerosis 
 glabris atris notato. Long. Corp. lin. 6. 
 C. black ; beneath densely, above slightly clothed with greyish scales, thorax with 
 three slight whitish stripes; elytra punctate-striate, abdomen marked with nu- 
 merous black smooth tubercles. Length I inch. 
 Syn. Curculio perlatus, Fabricius Syst. El. 11. p. 516. 
 Lixus faunus, Oliv. Ent. V. p. 267. t. 24./. 342. 
 Plate 6. fig. 1. 
 Tribe. Lonoicornes, Latr. (Cerambyx Linn.) 
 Family. Lamiid^e. 
 Genus. Lamia, Fabricius. Cerambyx p. Linn, S^c. 
 Cii. Sp. L. grisea, thorace utrinque spinoso bimaculato, elytris basi scabris, humeris apiccque 
 mucronatis, albo-guttatis. Long. Corp. unc. 1. lin. 9. 
 L. grey coloured, thorax on each side with a spine and with two oblong spots on the 
 back, elytra rough at the base, with the shoulders and apex spined, spotted with 
 white. Length 1| inch. 
 Syn. Cerambyx Rubus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. 625. 21. 
 Lamia Rubus, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 2. 290. Oliv. Ent. 67. t. 7./. 57. 
 This is the largest species of this genus found in China. It is also very abundant in 
 different parts of the East Indies. Some interesting observations upon its habits have 
 been published by W. W. Saunders, Esq. F. L. S. in the first part of the Transactions of 
 the Entomological Society of London. 
 Plate 6. fig. 2. 
 Ch . Sp. L. nigra, thorace elytrisque fulvis, thorace nigro-lineato, elytris reticulatis, antennarum 
 articulo 3"° fasciculate. Long. Corp. lin. 13. 
 L. black, thorax and elytra rich golden brown, the former marked with black lines, 
 and the latter with irregular black marks, antennse with the third joint furnished 
 with a whorl of hairs. Length 13 lines. 
 Syn. Lamia reticulator, Fabricius Ent. Syst. \.p. 2. 278. 7io. 44. Oliv. Ins. 67. tab. 12. 
 /. 8.5. 
 This is altogether a beautiful insect ; but the singular structure of tlie antennae 
 deserves particular notice : it is entirely brown except the first articulation, which is 
 black ; the third has a large verticillated tuft of black hair at the summit ; at the base of 
 this articulation it has another tuft, but smaller ; and a similar tuft, but still smaller, is 
 situated on the two following articulations. 
 Plate 6. fig. 3. 
 Ch. Sp. L. atra, elytris albo punctatis, antenuis longis articulis albo nigroque variis. Long. 
 Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin. 
 L. black shining, the elytra with farinaceous white spots, the antennae long, the joints 
 varied with black and white. Length 1^ inch. 
 Syn. Lamia punctator, Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 22L 30. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 298. Olio. Ent. 4. 
 69. t. 8./. 50. a. b. Schonh. Syn. Ins. 3. p. 386. 
 Cerambyx Chinensis, Forster Cent. Iiis. 39. 
 Cimex farinosus, Drury, Edit, l"'^ vol. 2. pi. 31. /. 4. Bonovcm, Edit. 1'"" (nee 
 Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2.626.) 
 Donovan states that among some Chinese drawings of the late Mr. Bradshaw, he 
 observed one on which the metamorphosis of this insect was delineated. The larva was 
 partly concealed in the hollow of a piece of decayed wood ; it was of a whitish colour, 
 with the head and tail black, as described by Fabricius. The true Cerambyx farinosus 
 of Linnaeus, with which this insect was confounded by Donovan, is an inhabitant of 
 South America. 
 Plate 7. fig. 1. 
 Tribe. Steiinoxi, Latreille. 
 Genus. Buprestis, Linneeus. 
 Sub-Gen. Chrysochroa, Carcel et Delup. 
 C'li. Sp. B. aureo-viritlis, elytiis bidentatis, punctatis; lineis quatuor elevatis, vittaque lata 
 aurea. Long. Corp. 1 unc. 5 lin. 
 B. golden green, elytra with two apical teeth, punctured, with four elevated lines and 
 a broad golden stripe. Length 1 inch 5 lines. 
 Sys. Buprestis Vittata, Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 2. p. 187. Oliv. Eut. 2. 32. p. 9. t. 3. 
 /. 17. a—d. Herbst. Col. 9. tab. 138./. 4. 
 Buprestis ignita, Herbst. Archiv. t. 28. a. f. 3. 
 The family Buprestidae is one of the most extensive and brilliant tribes of coleopte- 
 rous insects. Brasil and New Holland produce some gigantic species, but none more 
 beautiful than those of India. We need adduce no other proof of this, than Buprestis 
 chrysis, sternicornis, attenuata, ocellata, and vittata. These wrought into various devices 
 and trinkets decorate the dresses of the natives in many parts of India. The Buprestis 
 vittata in particular is much admired among them. It is, we believe, entirely peculiar to 
 China, where it is found in vast abundance, and distributed from thence at a low price 
 among the other Indians. The Chinese, who always profit by the curiosity of Europeans, 
 collect vast quantities of this Bupiestis, and other gay insects, in the interior of the 
 country, and traffic with them. 
 The Buprestis ignita of Linnseus, with which the present species has been partially 
 confused, has not the brilliance of colours that so eminently distinguishes B. vittata, but 
 in form and size it agrees with it. The only figure of that species is given by Olivier, 
 from a specimen formerly in the cabinet of Gigot d'Orcy, of Paris. The specimen in the 
 cabinet of Sir J. Banks, referred to by Fabricius as B. vittata, agrees with Sulzer's figure 
 of that species, as well as the specimen represented here, so that the reference by Fabri- 
 cius of Sulzer's figure to B. ignita is incorrect. 
 Fabricius has given as a part of the specific distinction of these insects, that B. ignita 
 has three spines at the end of each wing case, or elytron, and B. vittata no more than hvo. 
 This may form a sufficient characteristic in those species ; but we must remark, that it is 
 not so in Buprestis ocellata. We have two specimens that have two spines at the end of 
 each elytron, and another with three, as Fabricius has described it. We also find several 
 insects nearly allied to B. vittata, the stripe of gold on each side excepted ; one of these 
 has six teeth, another four teeth, and a third only two. 
 Donovan observes that the Buprestides are supposed, for the most part, to undergo their 
 transformations in the water, or marshy ground. This opinion cannot, however, be 
 adopted, as it is now well ascertained that they reside in the early stages of their existence 
 in timber. The Chinese plant represented is the Canna Indica, or Indian flowering 
 Plate 7. fig. 2. upper, and 2" under side. 
 Cii. Sp. B. viridi-nitens, elytris lineis tribus elevatis, macula ad basin alteraque apicali aureis, 
 ocello magno flavo. Long. Corp. 1 unc. 4 lin. 
 B. shining-green, elytra with three elevated lines, a large yellow round spot in the 
 middle of each, having a golden red spot above, and another behind it. Length 
 Ij. inch. 
 Syx. Buprestis Ocellata, Fabricius Stjst, Eleuth. 2. p. 193. no. 38. Oliv. Ent. 2. p. 27. 
 t. I./. 3. a. h. Herbst. Col. LX. p. 70. *. 144./. 1. De Geer Ins. 7. 633. 
 tab. M.f. 12. 
 The Buprestis ocellata is very rare. Olivier says it is from Chandernagore in the 
 East Indies. Mr. Drury possessed an extraordinary variety of this insect from China, in 
 which the two spots united at the suture so as to form only one large spot on the back 
 when the wing cases are closed. 
 These spots are strikingly characteiistic of this species. They are situated in the 
 centre of each elytron ; are somewhat pellucid, and in fine specimens are cream colour, 
 surrounded with a crimson circle. These spots are sometimes brown ; probably they 
 become so after the insect dies. 
 Our figures represent this insect with expanded wings ; one of those is designed to 
 exhibit the beautiful appearance of the under surface, particularly the effulgent abdomen 
 and purple colour of the interior part of the elytra. 
 Plate 8. fig. 1. and l\ 
 TiuiiK. Tkaciiei.ides, Latreille. 
 Family. Meloid;e. 
 Genus. Mylabius, Fabricius. Meloe p. Linn. 
 Cii. Si>. M. nigra elytris macula basali fasciisque duabus latis undatis fulvis. Long. Corp. 
 9—12 lines. 
 M. black, each of the elytra with a round basal spot, and two broad irregular bands 
 of a fulvous colour. Length from |ths to 1 inch. 
 Syn. Meloe cichorii, Linn. Syst. A'a^ 1. IL p. 680. 5. Fabr. Sysf. Eleuth. W.p. 81. 2. 
 Schonh. Syn. Ins. vol. 3.;5. 31. Billb. Monagr. Mylabr. p. U. A. t. \ .f. ii. 
 ^//^;/:y //./ //^-^/^z 
 This insect is very common in China and some other parts of the East Indies. The 
 small specimen (fig. 1. a.) is rare, and is, probably, the male. According to Olivier, 
 " the Cantharides of the ancients, and those of the Chinese, are not the same as ours. 
 The Chinese employ the Mylahrh Cichorii, and it appears from Dioscorides Mat. Med. 
 Lib. 2. Cap. 65, that the ancient Cantharides were the same as those now used by the 
 Chinese." " The most efficacious sort of Cantharides," says Dioscorides, " are of many 
 colours, having yellow transverse bands ; the body oblong, big, and fat ; those of only 
 one colour are without strength." The description Dioscorides has given does not agree 
 with our species of Cantharides, as they are of a fine green colour, but is more applicable 
 to the Mylabre de la Cic/iorei, which is very common in the country where Dioscorides 
 lived. Olivier s Entomologie, on Hist. Nat. des Insectes. Vol. I. Introd. 
 By the term Cantharides, in an European Pharmacopa'ia, we understand the Meloe 
 vesicatorius* of Linnaeus, an insect whose medicinal properties are very generally 
 known. t The Cantharides of the ancients can scarcely be ascertained ; it was a term 
 indiscriminately applied to several kinds of insects, and too often without regard to their 
 physical virtues. Pliny speaks of the Cantharis as a small beetle that eats and consumes 
 corn ; and of another that breeds in the tops of ashes and wild olives, and shines like 
 gold. The ancients were certainly well acquainted with our common sort, though it is 
 confounded with others in a general appellation.^ Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny, Matthiolus, 
 and other physical writers of antiquity, treat of the medicinal uses of Cantharides ; but it 
 is not clear that they alluded to only one species : indeed Dioscorides also mentions those 
 of only one colour as being employed as vesicants. The ancients often confounded the 
 term Scarabseus with Cantharis ; but whether because they knew that the common kinds 
 of Scarabsei produce the same effects as the Cantharis, is uncertain. — The Scarakeus 
 auratus, and Melolontha, several Coccinellce, Cimex nigro-Uueatus, 8§c. 8^c. have a place 
 in the Materia Medica as Cantharides. 
 * Geoffrey calls this a Cantharis. The Linnaean Cantharis is a distinct genus. (Telephorus, Latreille.) 
 t Applied externally to raise blisters. It is a violent poison taken inwardly, except in small portions. 
 I The common sort has been called Musca Hispanica by some Latin authors, and hence Spanish fly by 
 Plate 8. fig. 2. $ fig. 2\ 9 ? 
 Tkibe. Eupoda, Latreille. 
 Family. Sagrid;e. 
 Genus. Sagra, Fabricius. Tenebrio p. Linn, S^c. 
 Ch. Sp. S. cyaneo-purpurea, temoribus posticis dentatis, tibiis apice sinuatis. Long. Corp. 
 lin. 9. 
 S. glowing purple, changeable to yellow or green, posterior femora dentate, tibiae with 
 a deep notch at the tips. Length 9 lines. 
 Syn. Sagra splendida, Weber Obs. Ent. p. 61. Fabricius Syst. Eleuth. 2. p. 27. 
 Sagra femorata, Donovan, \st edit, in tab. 
 Tenebrio femoratus, Donovan. \st edit, in text. 
 Donovan correctly observed, that the insect here figured differed from the figures 
 referred to by Fabricius under Sagra femorata, the only described species at the period of 
 the publication of the first edition of this work. Weber, however, subsequently published 
 a monograph upon the genus, and this Chinese species appears to be identical witli 
 his Sagra splendida. The smaller figure appears also to be identical with the Sagra 
 purpurea of Weber, which Fabricius was inclined to regard as the male of the former, 
 although he gave it as distinct with the character : — " Sagra purpurea, nitida, femoribus 
 posticis unidentatis tibiis integris." It appears to me, however, that it is merely the 
 female of S. splendida. 
 Order. ORTHOPTERA. Olivier. 
 Plate 9. fig. I. 
 Tribl. Cursoria, Latreille. 
 Family. Mantid^. 
 Genus. Mantis, Limi. 
 Sub-Gen. Schizocephala, Serville. 
 Cii. Sp. M. thorace filiformi Isevi, testaceo, Oculis oblongis porrectisacuminato spinosis, elytris 
 alls brevioribus. Long. Corp. 4^ unc. 
 M. with the thorax filiform smooth and pale huffish coloured, eyes oblong, porrected, 
 and produced into a sharp point, elytra shorter than the wings. Length 4| inches. 
 SvN. Mantis bicornis, Linn. Syst. Nat. L 11. p. 691. 
 Mantis oculata, Fabricius Ent. Syst. t. 2. p. 19. 
 Schizocephala stricta, Serville Revis. Orthopt. p. 29 ? 
 La Mante C'hinoise ctroite cornue. Stall. Repres. rles Mantes. 
 O yTf^u/a-iy^/t/ C/r/2^y 
 ■r/2^/Y6 . 
/.^Mit^Aj /'m>;v/^j t^.Cm/j/j^^^^y'7,7tvv//r,vy//j. 
 Two figures of insects, very much resembling our species, are given in tlie work of 
 Stoll, &c. ; one kind he calls La Munte Hroitcment coruue, the other La Mante Chinoisc 
 etroite coruue. The first is from the coast of Coromandel and Tranquebar, the other, as 
 its name implies, is a Chinese insect. Donovan states that he could not discover an}' 
 material difference between these figures and the specimen here figured, and was inclined 
 to consider them altogether as one species. 
 It is a considerable disadvantage to the works of Stoll, as well as to the naturalist who 
 consults them, that no scientific names, or definitions, are given to the figures of many rare 
 insects included amongst them, hence they have been but rarely referred to by Fabricius. 
 The Mantis oculata of Fabricius is an African insect, and was described from the 
 collection of the Right Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart., Donovan compared his Chinese specimen 
 with it, and found it precisely the same species. 
 Plate 9. fig. 2. 
 Sub-Gen. Empusa, Latreille. Gongylus, Thunberg. 
 Ch. Sp. M. thoracis parte antica dilatata membranacea ; femoribus anticis spina, reliquis lobo 
 terminatis, antennis pectinatis. Long. Corp. 2| unc. 
 M. with the front of the thorax furnished with a large membrane, the two anterior 
 thighs terminated by a spine, and the four posterior by a rounded membranous 
 lobe, antennae pectinated. Length 2^ inches. 
 Syn. Mantis flabellicornis, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. II. p. 16. no. 16. Serville Revis. 
 Orthopt.p. 21. (Empusa fl.) 
 This Mantis is described by Fabricius only. Stoll has given the figure of an insect 
 not unlike it in his publication ; and we have seen a specimen similar to it, which was 
 found by Professor Pallas near the Caspian sea. It is allied to Mantis Gongylodes,* a 
 native of Africa and Asia, but bears a closer affinity to Mantis Pauperataf from Java, 
 Molucca, and perhaps other islands in the Indian sea. 
 Fabricius enumerates fifty-one species of this genus in his last system ; a considerable 
 portion of these are from Asia : had he included the America and New Holland species, 
 his genus would have been far more comprehensive. Few naturalists have had the op- 
 jiortunity of observing the manners of these creatures in distant countries ; nor can we 
 always rely on the information those few have given. Of the European species we can 
 * Serville, indeed, considers it possible that M. flabellicornis may be the male of M. gongylodes. 
 t Figured by Stoll under the name of La Mante Goutteuse Brune ? 
 speak with more precision, because some indefatigable naturalists have attended minutely 
 to them ; Roesel in particular has treated at considerable length on the manners of the 
 Mantis religiosa of Linnaeus. 
 Descriptions can only convey an imperfect idea of the extraordinary appearance of 
 many creatures included in the genera Mantis and Locusta. Among them are found 
 species that bear a similitude to the usual forms of other insects ; but, from these we 
 almost imperceptibly descend to others, bearing as strong a similitude to the vegetable 
 part of creation ; seeming as if Nature designed them to unite the appearance of a vege- 
 table with the vital functions of an animal, to preserve them from the ravages of voracious 
 creatures, or to connect that chain of progressive and universal being, which 
 " The great directing Mind of All ordains." 
 Many of these creatures assume so exactly the appearance of the leaves of different 
 trees, that they furnish the entomologist with unerring specific distinctions ; thus we have 
 L. citrifoUa, laurifolia, myrtifolia, oklfolia, graminifoUa, and others, equally expressive 
 of their resemblance in form, and colours, to the leaves of those respective plants. 
 Travellers, in countries that produce these creatures, have been struck with the pheno- 
 menon, as it must appear, of animated vegetable substances; for the manners of the 
 Mantis, in addition to its structure, are very likely to impose on the senses of the unin- 
 formed. They often remain on the trees for hours without motion, then suddenly spring 
 into the air, and, when they settle, again appear lifeless. These are only stratagems to 
 deceive the more cautious insects which they feed upon ; but some travellers who have 
 observed them, have declared they saw the leaves of those trees become living creatures, 
 and take flight. 
 M. Merian informs us of a similar opinion among the Indians, who believed these 
 insects grew like leaves on the trees, and when they were mature, loosened themselves 
 and crawled, or flew away. But we find in the more pretending works of Piso similar 
 " Those little animals," says that author, " change into a green and tender plant, 
 which is of two hands breadth. The feet are fixed into the ground first ; from these, 
 when necessary humidity is attracted, roots grow out, and strike into the ground ; thus 
 they change by degrees, and in a short time become a perfect plant. Sometimes only 
 the lower part takes the nature and form of a plant, while the upper part remains as 
 before, living and moveable : after some time the animal is gradually converted into a 
 plant. In this Nature seems to operate in a circle, by a continual retrograde motion."* 
 * Donovan quoted, in a note, Ovid's account of the Transformation of Phaeton's Sisters into trees. " Luna 
 quater junctis implerat cornibus orbem," &c. which he seems to think had its origin in some such idea as this. 
 Roesel treats this account with more than merited severity ; not because he could 
 contradict the relation of Piso, but, because he had never observed the same circumstance 
 attend the Wandering Leaf, or Mantis Oratoria, in Europe ;* although he afterwards 
 describes even the first symptom of the transformation as related by Piso. When he 
 speaks of the death of the European species, his words are, " As their dissolution 
 approaches, their green eyes become brown, and they unavoidably lose their sight : they 
 remain a long while on the same spot, till at last they fall quite exhausted and powerless, 
 as if asleep." As to the change after they remained long on the ground, such as sending 
 forth fibres, roots, and stems, from the body of the insect, it is only astonishing such a 
 well-informed naturalist should have deemed it matter of surprise. Could he be ignorant 
 of the many instances that occur, of animal substances producing plants ?t or was he not 
 informed that the pupa which commonly sends forth a bee, a wasp, or cicada, has some- 
 times become the nidus of a plant, thrown up stems from the fore part of the head, and 
 changed in every respect into a vegetable, though still retaining the shell and exterior 
 appearance of the parent insect at the root ? J We own at first sight with Roesel that the 
 account of Piso seems" an inattentive and confounded observation," but that an insect 
 may strike root into the earth, and, from the co-operation of heat and moisture, congenial 
 to vegetation, produce a plant of the cryptogamic kind, cannot be disputed. We have 
 seen species of clavaria both of the undivided and branched kinds, four times larger than 
 the insect from which they sprang ; and can we then deny that the insect mentioned by 
 Piso might not produce a plant of a proportionate magnitude? In short, we are not 
 sufficiently acquainted with the productions of Brazil to contradict any of his assertions, 
 concerning this transformation. Piso does not say of what kind this vegetable was ; it 
 must surely be of the fungi kind : reasoning then from analogy, it might be an unknown 
 species of clavaria with numerous and spreading branches ; and, finally, the colour of 
 • Among the annotations on the last edition of Roesel's Iiisecten Belustiyung we find one relating to this 
 part of the works of Piso. " Der seel Her geheime Rath Trew, %c. Couns. Trew assures Mr. Roesel that 
 Piso not only very often gave out the credible observations of others as his own, but himself believed the most 
 incredible relations, and pretended to be an eye witness thereof." We quote this in justice to the remarks of 
 Roesel. Note in page 10, section Das Wandlende Blat. 
 t Such as Mucor crustaceus, &c. 
 X Specimens of these vegetated animals are frequently brought from the West Indies ; we have one of the 
 cicada from the pupa, as well as others produced from wasps and bees in the perfect or winged state. Mr. 
 Drury had a beetle in the perfect state, from every part of which small stalks and fibres have sprouted forth ; 
 they are very different from the tufts of hair that are observed on a few coleopterous insects, such as the 
 Buprestis fascicularis, of the Cape of Good Hope, and are certainly a vegetable production. 
 his plant, on which authors lay much stress, might be green, though a colour not so 
 predominant in that tribe of vegetables as some others.* 
 The largest and most interesting of the Indian species of Mantis is found in the isle of 
 Amboyna. Stoll contradicts the account of Remrd;\ who says these creatures are 
 sometimes thirteen inches in length ; but we have a specimen almost of that size.J It is 
 related by Renard, and others, that the larger kinds of Mantes go in vast troops, cross 
 hills, rivers, and other obstacles that oppose their march, when they are in quest of food. 
 If they subsisted entirely on vegetables, a troop of these voracious creatures would deso- 
 late the land in their excursions; but they prefer insects, and clear the earth of myriads 
 that infest it : if these become scarce from their ravages, they fight and devour one 
 another. When they attack the plants, they do great mischief. It is said of some 
 Locusts and Mantes that the plants they bite wither, and appear as if scorched with fire : 
 we have not heard of this pestilential property in any of the larger species of Mantes. 
 Of the smaller kinds, the Mantis Oratoria is the most widely diffused, being found in 
 Africa and Asia as well as in all the warmer parts of Europe. These creatures are 
 esteemed sacred by the vulgar in many countries, from their devout or supplicating 
 posture. The Africans worship them ; and their trivial names in many European lan- 
 guages imply a superstitious respect for them.§ 
 England produces no species of this tribe. The entomologists in this country must 
 consequently rely on the accounts of those, who have observed them in other parts of the 
 world. We shall select a few remarks from Roesel's extensive description of Mantis 
 Oratoria and Gongyloides, because, if we may presume from the analogy they bear in 
 form to Mantis Flabellicornis, the history of one will clearly elucidate that of the other. 
 Roesel says, some of the Mantes are local in Germany ; they are found chiefly in the 
 vintages at Moedting in Moravia, where they are called Wdnhamkl. \\ The males die in 
 October, the females soon after.^ The young brood are preserved in the egg state, in a 
 kind of oblong bag, of a thick spongy substance ; this bag is imbricated on the outside ; 
 * Tliese arguments of Donovan, altliough sufficiently ingenious, prove only the accidental possibility of the 
 insect producing plants, and not the transformation which Piso believed to be the ordinary nature of the 
 creature. (1. O. W.) 
 f Poissons des Molucques par M. Renard, Amsterl. 1754. 
 t Donovan here evidently alludes to some of the Phasmidse. 
 § Louva Dios by the Portuguese. Prie Dieu by the French. 
 II Probably a provincial terra for a dealer in wine. 
 IT Goetz, in his Beytrage, observes, that they live sometimes ten years. 
 it is fastened lengthwise to the branch of some plant.* As the eggs ripen they are 
 protruded through the thick substance of the bag, and the larva, which are about half an 
 inch in length, burst from them. Roesel, wishing to observe the gradual progress of these 
 creatures, to the winged state, placed the bag containing the eggs in a large glass, which 
 he closed, to prevent their escape. From the time they were first hatched they exhibited 
 marks of a savage disposition. He put different sorts of plants into the glass, but they 
 refused them, preying on one another : this determined him to supply them with other 
 insects to eat : he put af/ts into the glass to them, but they then betrayed as much 
 (cowardice as they had barbarity before; for the instant the Mantes saw the ants they 
 tried to escape in every direction. By this Roesel found the ants were the greatest 
 persecutors of the Mantes. He next gave them some of the common musca (house flies), 
 which they seized with eagerness in their fore claws, and tore in pieces : but, though 
 these creatures seemed very fond of the flies, they continued to destroy one another 
 through savage wantonness. Despairing at last, from their daily decrease, of rearing any 
 to the winged state, he separated them into small parcels in different glasses ; but here, 
 as before, the strongest of each community destroyed the rest. 
 Another time, he received several pairs of Mantes in the winged state ; profiting by his 
 former observation, he put each pair [a male and female] into a separate glass, but they 
 still shewed signs of an eternal enmity towards one another, which neither sex nor age 
 could soften ; for the instant they were in sight of each other, they threw up their heads, 
 brandished their fore legs, and waited the attack : they did not remain long in this posture, 
 for the boldest throwing open its wings, with the velocity of lightning-, rushed at the 
 other, and often tore it in pieces with the crockets and spines of the fore claws. Roesel 
 compares the attack of these creatures to that of two hussars ; for they dexterously guard 
 and cut with the edge of the fore claws, as those soldiers do with their sabres, and some- 
 times at a stroke one cleaves the other through, or severs its head from the thorax. After 
 this the conqueror devours his vanquished antagonist.! 
 We learn from Roesel also, the manner in which this creature takes its prey, in which 
 respect we find it agrees with what is related of the extra European species. The 
 patience of this Mantis is remarkable, and the posture to which superstition has attributed 
 devotion, is no other than the means it uses to catch it. When it has fixed its eyes on an 
 * To that of the vine by Mantis Oratoria. 
 t The Chinese take advantage of these savage propensities, and keep these pugnaceous insects in little 
 bamboo cages, training them to fight for prizes, as cocks are fought in this country. This custom is so com- 
 mon, that, according to Mr. Barrow, (Travels in China) " during tlie summer months, scarcely a boy is to be 
 seen without his cage of these insects." (J. O. W.) 
 insect, it very rarely loses sight of it, though it may cost some hours to take. If it sees 
 the insect a little beyond its reach, over its head, it slowly erects its long thorax, by means 
 of the moveable membranes that connect it to the body at the base ; then, resting on the 
 four posterior legs, it gradually raises the anterior pair also ; if this brings it near enough 
 to the insect, it throws open the last joint, or crocket part, and snaps it between the spines, 
 that are set in rows on the second joint. If it is unsuccessful it does not retract its arms, 
 but holds them stretched out, and waits again till the insect is within its reach, when it 
 springs up and seizes it. This is the uncommon posture before alluded to. Should the 
 insect go far from the spot, it flies or crawls after it, slowly on the ground like a cat, and 
 when the insect stops, erects itself as before. They have a small black pupil or sight 
 which moves in all directions within the parts we usually term the eyes, so that it can see 
 its prey in any direction without having occasion to disturb it by turning its head. 
 The most prevalent colour of this tribe of insects is fine green, but many of these fade 
 or become brown after the insect dies : some are finely decorated with a variety of vivid 
 hues ; the most beautiful of these that we have seen are from the Moluccas. 
 Plate 10. f5g. 1. 
 StCTiON. Saltatoria, Latreille. (Gryllus, Linn.) 
 Family. Locustid.e. (Acridites, Latreille.) 
 Genus. Truxalis, Fabricius. (Gryllus, Acrida, Linnaus.) 
 Ch. Sp. Tr. viridis, capite thoraceque vittis quatuor, elytrorum linea centrali sanguineis, alls 
 albido hyalinis. Expans. alar. 5| unc. 
 Tr. green, with four longitudinal stripes on the head and thorax, and a central line 
 along the tegmina pink, wings stained pale buff hyaline. Expanse of the wings 
 5| inches. 
 Syn. Truxalis Chinensis, Westw. 
 Gryllus nasutus, Donovan, 1st Edition. 
 Donovan considered this insect as a variety of the Linnaean Gryllus nasutus, which he 
 states to be found in Africa, Asia, and the south of Europe; adding, its varieties are 
 numerous ; and in size and colour depend on the climate they breed in. Sulzer represents 
 it with red wings : in the Chinese specimens these are tinged with green. As several 
 species are thus evidently confounded together, I have separated that here figured undt r 
 the specific name of T. Chinensis. 
£.-^r//.rv^uJ w/^a/y/j. /.r7r//.jy^//j { ^/^/^ce^tj^j^ 

 .{^ ao/r//^'//^^n^^. 
 Plate 10. fig. 2. 
 Sub-Gen. Mesops, Serville. 
 Cii. Sp. Tr. capite prominulo, testaceus, capite thorace femoribusriue posticis vitta laterali 
 argeiitea. Long. Corp. If inch. 
 Tr. with the head shghtly prominent ; of a testaceous colour, with the head, thorax 
 and posterior femora marked with a lateral silvery stripe. Length of the body 
 If inch. 
 Syn. Truxalis vittatus, Fahr. Ent. Syst. 2. p. 27. 
 A single specimen of this insect, brought from China, and in the possession of Mr. 
 Francillon, was employed as the original of this figure. From the form of the head it 
 appears to belong to Serville's sub-genus, Mesops, but the wings extend beyond the body. 
 Plate 11. fig. 1. 
 F.'VMiLV. GRYLLID.E. (Gryllus Tettigonia, Linneeus.) 
 Genl-s. Gryllus, Linneeus. (Locusta, Latreille.) 
 Sub-Gen. Phasgonurus, (TTei^w. Steph. Locusta, Serville.) 
 Ch. Sp. G. capite pallido, antennis fuscis, thorace virescenti postice rotundato, elytris concavis 
 viridibus nervosis ; basi ocello dorsali fenestrate. (Long. Corp. elytr. claus. 
 2 J unc. 
 G. with the head pale, antennae brown, thorax green, rounded behind, elytra concave, 
 green, nervose, with a dorsal fenestrated ocellus at the base. Length, with the 
 wings closed, 2| inches. 
 Syn. Locusta perspicillata, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 2. p. 36. 
 Donovan states that Fabricius erroneously describes this insect as a native of America, 
 and that it is not figured elsewhere. Fabricius refers to Dr. Hunter's Museum, now 
 belonging to the University of Glasgow. 
 Pkite 11. fig. 2. 
 Sub-Gkn. Conocepiialus, Leach, Serville. 
 Cii. Sp G. " thorace rotundato, vertice subulato, alis virescentibus." {Linncpus loc. cit. 
 subtvs.) (Expans. alar. fig. Donov. 4 unc.) 
 G. with the thorax rounded, forehead pointed, wings green. Expanse of the wings, 
 according to Donovan's figure, 4 inches. 
 Syn. Gryllus acuminatus? Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 696. Fahr. Ent. Syst. 2. p. ;39. Ser- 
 ville Revis. Orthopt. p. 52. (Conocephalus ac.) 
 Donovan states that the insect here figured inhabits China and every other part 
 of India. Linnseus, however, referring to Gronovius and Sloane's Jamaica, gives 
 America as the locality of his G. acuminatus; whilst Fabricius says, "Habitat in omni 
 India et in Europa Australi." In this confusion of locality, I have thought it best to 
 mark the specific name of this figure with doubt. 
 Plate 12. fig. 1. 
 Family. Locl'Stid,t., Leach. (Acriditos, Latreille.) 
 Genus. Locusta. (Acrydium, Latreille.) 
 Sub-Gen. Rutidoderes, Westw. Acridium, Serville. 
 Ch. Sp. L. thorace subcarinato ; viridis, elytris immaculatis, alis basi rufis, tibiis posticis 
 sanguineis flavo-serratis. Expans. alar. 4 unc. 
 L. with the thorax somewhat keeled ; green, with the elytra not spotted, wings at 
 the base red, posterior tibiae sanguineous with yellow teeth. Expanse of the 
 wings 4 inches. 
 Syn. Gryllus flavicornis, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 2. p. 51. 
 Q^'^t:^^^ /7W/ //^ '///// ^. ^ /<^/^^^//^^/ ^/^///^/^^Vl> 
.=.,J^9-c^6^^ay //urr/////<^\H:^y. 
 Plate 12. fig. 2. 
 Family. Achetid*. (Giyllus Acheta, Linn.) 
 Genus. Gryllotalpa, Latreille, 
 Ch. Sp. G. luteo fulvescens, tibiis anticis 4-dentatis. Long. Corp. 1 unc. 
 G. of a fulvous-clay colour, anterior tibise with four teeth. Length 1 inch. 
 Syn. G. Chinensis, Westw. 
 Gryllus Gryllotalpa, Donovan, \st edition. 
 The genus of Mole-crickets, Gryllotalpa, comprises several distinct, although very 
 closely allied species, the inhabitants of various countries, differing especially in 
 the number of teeth of the anterior tibise and the neuration of the tegmina. Donovan 
 regarded them as varieties only, observing that the species here figured " differs in no 
 rcjspect from the European species except in size and colour," the English mole-cricket 
 " being twice as large and of more of a mouse colour." 
 Plate 13. 
 Family. LocusTiDa;. 
 Genus. Locusta. 
 Sub-Gen. Phymatea, Westw. Phymateus, Thunberg, Serville. 
 pit. Sp. L. thorace quadrato, rubro, verrucoso ; elytris ftiscis, flavido punctatis ; alis rufis, 
 nigro punctatis. Expans. alar. 4-|- unc. 
 L. with the thorax squarish, red, warty ; elytra bluish-brown, with pale yellow spots ; 
 wings red, with black spots. Expanse of the wings 4-^ inches. 
 Syn. Gryllus morbillosus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 700. (e Cap. Bon Spei). Fabricius Eni. 
 Syst. '2. p. 50. Serville Revis. Orthopt. p. 86. (Phymateus m.) 
 Donovan states that " the Gryllus morbillosus appears in the early edition of the 
 Sy sterna NatunE and the works of Roesel as an Indian species, and that Mr. Drury 
 assured him he had received it several times from China. Another sort is also found at 
 the Cape of Good Hope, which is rather larger and deeper in colour than the Chinese 
 If this be correct, it will, 1 apprehend, be necessary to consider these two soi'ts as 
 distinct species, to retain the specific name morbillosus for the African species, and to give 
 a new name to the Chinese species. 
 When this insect is at rest, the wings are folded and much of its beauty is concealed ; 
 but when these are expanded, its appearance is altogether magnificent. It has nothing 
 of the shining and metallic splendour of the Coleoptera, for its colours are translucent, 
 and assume their richest hues when they pass before the light. The elytra are purple, 
 variegated with yellow ; the wings of a glowing crimson, spotted with black ; the 
 abdomen is surrounded with alternate zones of black and yellow, and the legs are 
 throughout of an elegant scarlet, inferior only in brightness to the coral red of the head 
 and thorax. Upon the whole, this species is embellished with such a profusion of 
 various and beautiful colours, that it may be considered as a most splendid example of 
 the Linnsean Hemipterous order of insects. It is represented on the Iris Chineiisi.s in a 
 flying position. 
 This is not supposed to be a numerous species in China ; on the contrary, it is 
 probably uncommon. Several others of the locust are abundant in that country, and in 
 seasons favourable to their increase do incredible mischief.* Both the Locusta tartarica 
 and Locusta migratoria inhabit Tartary on the northern confines of China, from whence, 
 at certain periods, they descend like an impetuous torrent over the neighbouring 
 countries in quest of food, strip the earth of verdure, and scarcely leave the vestige 
 of vegetation behind them. The Locusta migratoria, whose myriads are said to darken 
 the face of heaven in their flights, sometimes direct their course westward, cross rivers, 
 sea, and an immense extent of country, till they reach Europe ; and though many are 
 lost in these bold migrations, the survivors are in suflficient numbers to commit vast 
 depredations. This species has been known to visit England,! but not in any 
 abundance. In Little Tartary and the European provinces of Turkey, in Italy, and in 
 Germany,! they do great mischief in these migrations. The Locusta flavicornis and 
 * " Famines sometimes happen in this part of the province ; in some seasons inundations produced by 
 torrents from the mountains, and as often the depredations of locusts, are causes of this disaster." {Sir 
 J. Staunton, Chap, on Tien-sing.) 
 t The last appearance of this species in England was in 1748. Donovan had specimens of it from Smyrna, 
 Germany, and Cliina, and deemed it too common and general an inhabitant to merit a figure as a Chinese 
 I Roesel speaks of this locust infesting the provinces of Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania, in such 
 immense numbers in the years 1747, 1748, and 1749, that an Imperial and Royal Hungarian edict was 
 issued, with printed instructions for the best means of exterminating them. {Der Heiischrecken-und 
 Grillensammlung, §-c. ^c. vol. II. page 193.) 
r J 
 '3^m^.^/^y WMM^/a^ruL < 
 nasuta are two other abundant species in China, and no doubt there are many other 
 common kinds in that country we are at present unacquainted with. The locust is only 
 detrimental when in immense numbers ; for in China, as in other eastern countries, they 
 are considered as an article of food, and regularly exposed for sale in the public 
 Order. HEMIPTERA. LinncBUS, Latreille. 
 Plate 14. 
 SuB-OuDEii. HoMOPTERA, Latreille. 
 Family. FuLoouiDiE. 
 '^ Genus. Fuloora, Linnceus. 
 Ch. Sp. F. fronte rostrata, adscendente ; elytris viiidibus luteo-maculatis ; alls flavis apice 
 nigris. Expans. alar. 3 unc. 
 F. with the forehead produced into an ascending rostrum ; elytra green, spotted 
 with luteous; wings yellow buff, with the tips black. E.Npanseofthe wings 
 3 inches, 
 l^ O Syn. 'Fu\gora. candeWm, Lmn. Syst. Nat. 2.703. Roesel Ins. -2. ]S9. t. -20. Siilzer 
 Ins. t. 10./. 62. Fab. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 2. Syst. Rh. p. 2. De Geer Ins. 
 3. 197. 2. Act. Holm. 1746. t. \.f. 5. 6. 
 The phenomena resulting from the properties and effects of light having engaged the 
 attention of the earliest philosophers, we must conclude that phosphorical appearances, 
 and those especially of animated bodies, could not fail to attract their particular notice. 
 Indeed it is evident from the writings of the accurate observers of nature in remote ages, 
 that they were acquainted with certain insects that have the property of shining in the 
 night. These were known only by general terms, expressive of that property ; yet it is 
 probable that some of the Linnasan Lampyrides, which are abundant in the south of 
 Europe, as well as in Asia and some parts of Africa, were the first of the illuminated 
 * Sir G. Staunton Hkewise speaks of" a large species of Gryllus " that is kept in cages for amusement in 
 China, and was exposed for sale with other in-sects in the shops of Hai-ten. Neither the species of this, or the 
 locusts noticed in the preceding note, are mentioned. (This remark evidently applies to the Mantidse men- 
 tioned in the note to Empusa flabellicornis.) 
 insects known to them.* Some of the males, which are furnished with wings and are 
 illuminated like the females, were striking objects of natural history, and could scarcely 
 have escaped their notice. The Greeks included all shining insects under the name 
 lampyris ; and the Latins called them cicindela, noctiluca, luciola, lucernata, &c. 
 Whether any of the Fulgorcs were known to the ancients is uncertain ; probably they 
 were not, the most remarkable species being peculiar to the warmest parts of America. 
 Asia, once the seat of learning, does indeed produce a few species; but we have no 
 account of these in ancient natural history. 
 The Fulgorae seem to have been entirely unknown in Europe till the latter end of the 
 seventeenth century, when two writers published descriptions and figures oV Fulgora 
 Laternaria; Madame Merian, of Holland, in her splendid work on the Metamorphoses 
 of the Insects of Surinam, and Dr. Grew, of London, in his Rarities of Gresham 
 Reaumurf is the next author who described the Fulgora Laternaria, and after him 
 Roesel, in his " Amusing History (or Recreation) of Insects.":|: This brings us to the 
 period in which Fulgora Candelaha, our Chinese species, was first known in Europe ; a 
 circumstance of much importance to naturalists at that time, because the first-mentioned 
 species was a solitary example of its singular genus. Tlie transactions of the Stockholm 
 academy includes the earliest figure and description of this extraordinary insect. 
 Roesel has given three figures and a description of it, and from his account we learn 
 that it was known in England before he was acquainted with it. On its peculiar 
 qualities he had been unable to derive any information concerning it, but his description 
 is notwithstanding extremely prolix. We have selected the most interesting passage, 
 because it clearly marks the progressive advancement of the knowledge of natural history 
 in Europe so late as the middle of the present century. 
 " According to my promise," says Roesel,§ " I now produce the second sort of 
 Lantern-carrier, which I never saw before, and of which I have never read in any work 
 on insects. The scarcer, however, it may be, the more I am indebted to Mr. Beurer, 
 apothecary of this place,|| &c. for the permission he has granted me to draw and enrich 
 my collection with it. Mr. Collinson has sent it to him from London, under the name 
 * The lampyris of Pliny is expressly the insect with a shining tail, 
 f Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des Insectes. 1734. 
 I Insecten Belustigung. 
 ^ Versprochener massen liefere ich nunmehr die zweite Sorte des Lanternen-Tragers, &c. Vol. i. pi. 30. 
 Locust, page 189. 
 II Nurenberg. 
 Lanternaria Chinensis, for which reason I have called it the Asiatic or Chinese Lantern- 
 carrier." Roesel being a respectable entomological writer of his time, we must infer 
 that Fidgora Caiidelaria was extremely scarce in Europe when his plate and descriptions 
 were published. The commercial concerns of Europeans witli the Chinese having 
 greatly increased since that period, has facilitated many inquiries concerning the natural 
 productions of China ; and amongst a variety of other insects that are now usually 
 brought from that country, specimens of Fulgora Candelaria are extremely common. In 
 China, few insects are found in greater abundance. 
 Having noticed the early history of this insect, we come to consider the peculiar pro- 
 perties of its singular genus ; upon which the following observations were made by our 
 author : " Among these we find the most astonishing that insects can possess, that of ema- 
 nating light ; not merely a momentary shining appearance, as is produced by many viscous 
 substances, but a clear and constant resemblance to the element fire, and capable of 
 diffusing light to surrounding objects, though totally destitute of every principle that can 
 do mischief. To the unphilosophical mind it appears at first impossible, and it cannot 
 fail to astonish the best informed ; indeed, some readers might be inclined to doubt the 
 veracity of travellers in foreign countries who have seen a vegetable* or an animal 
 produce light, if our own country could not supply us with abundant analogous proofs 
 of such phenomena. The presence of this animated phosphorus, if we may so express 
 it, is observed on several insects that are natives of England ; it is needless to enumerate 
 them, because the most striking example must be recollected by every rural inhabitant 
 or admirer of poetical simplicity : 
 ' ■ On every hedge 
 The glow-worm lights his gem, and through the dark 
 A moving radiance twinkles.' Thomson. 
 y " The account which Madame Merian gave of the effect of the light produced by the 
 ^Fulgora Laternaria-\ was greatly discredited, though Dr. Grew had related some sur- 
 * An instance of this occurs in the south of Europe. An account in the Philosophical Transactions relates 
 of the Dictamnus Albus (Fraxinella), that " in the still evenings of dry seasons it emits an inflammable air, or 
 gas, and flashes at the approach of a candle. There are certain instances of human creatures who have taken 
 fire spontaneously, and been totally consumed." 
 t The account which Madame Merian has given of the light of the Fidgora Laternaria is so surprising, 
 that it will certainly prove acceptable to many readers. It is indeed a digression from the account of Fulgora 
 Candelaria, but will tend to prove, that insects of this genus emit a more vivid light than any of the illuminated 
 kinds hitherto known. 
 " Once," says Madame Merian, " when the Indians brought me a number of these Lantern-carriers, I put 
 prising particulars of a specimen of it from Peru.* Her account has, however, been 
 generally believed since the missionaries'!" in countries which produce those insects have 
 confirmed her account. It is admitted that the Chinese Fulgora has an illuminated 
 appearance in the night. ' The foreheads of many Fulgorae (especially those found in 
 China) emit a lively shining light in the night-time, which, according to some authors, is 
 sufficient to read by.' — Yeats. | 
 " The light of the Fulgorae is generally imagined to issue from the trunk, or 
 elongated projection of the forehead ; but Roesel offers a conjecture on the light of the 
 Fulgora Laternaria, which, on further investigation, may enable naturalists to determine 
 whether the light is entirely produced by an innate property of the trunk, or receives 
 additional splendour from some external cause. He notices a white farinaceous sub- 
 stance on several parts of the wings and body as well as the trunk, which, he observes, 
 looks like the decayed wood which shines at night. We mention this conjecture of 
 Roesel, though the same occurred to us before we perused his observations. We have 
 invariably found a similar white powder on other insects of this genus, but usually upon 
 the trunk only. The remarks of Roesel were necessarily very limited, two species of the 
 Fulgorae only being then known. We possess twelve distinct species, and have made 
 dissections and observations on several others; from all which we are inclined to imagine 
 tlieni into a wooden box, without being aware of tlieir shining at niglit ; but one night, being awakened by an 
 unusual noise, and much frightened, I jumped out of bed and ordered a light, not knowing whence this noise 
 proceeded. We soon perceived that it originated in the box ; we opened with some inquietude, but were still 
 more alarmed after opening it, and letting it fall on the ground, for a. flame appeared to issue from it, which 
 seemed to receive additional lustre as often as another insect flew out of it. When we observed this some time 
 we recovered from our terror, and admired the splendour of these little animals." Dissert, dc rjeneratione et 
 metamorphibus Insectorum Surinamensis. 
 * Cucujus Peruvianus. " That which, beside the figure of the head, is most wonderful in this insect, is the 
 shining property of the same part, whereby it looks in the night like a lantern, so that two or three of these 
 fastened to a stick, or otherwise conveniently disposed of, will give suflicient light to those who travel or walk 
 in the night." Grew. Museum Regalis Societatis, p. 158. 
 t Le ver-luisant. Ceux que nous voyons a la camp^gne dans las nuits d'ete ne jettent qu'une foible lueur : 
 mais ils y en a dans les Indes modernes qui repandent un eclat trfes-vif. Ce sont, pour ainsi dire, des phosphores 
 animez. " Les Indiens," dit le savant auteur de la Theologie des Insectes, " ne se servoient autrefois dans 
 leurs maisons, et dehors d'aucune autre lumifere. Lorsqu'ils marchent de nuit, ils en attachent deux aux gros 
 doigts du pied, et en portent un a la main. Ces insectes repandent une si grande clarte, que par leur moyen 
 on peut lire, ecrire, et faire dans une chambre toutes les autres choses necessaires." Lesser. Liv. 2. c. 3. rem. 8. 
 " Le trait rapporte par le P. du Tektre dans son Histoire des Antilles, auroit bien du etre cite, il dit avoir 
 III son breviare a la clarte d'un de ces vers-luisans." 
 ; Yeats. Institutions of Entomology. 
 that the white powder has a phosphoric appearance in the living insect, and increases 
 the light when the end of the trunk is illuminated. 
 " One of the Fulgoraj of considerable magnitude, from the interior of India, enabled 
 us to make many observations. The trunk is of the same form as that of the Fulgora 
 Canddaria ; the colour is a dark but beautiful purplf^ ; the apex scarlet, of a perfectly 
 pellucid appearance, and still retains a reddish glare ; the spots of white sprinkled on 
 the purple colour of the trunk exhibit also a slight appearance of phosphoric matter. 
 On the trunk of the Fulgora Candelaria these white spots are very conspicuous. 
 " Though the generic name Fulgora seems to imply some effulgent property in the 
 insects that compose the genus, it is uncertain whether all possess that property. They 
 are indeed furnished with a trunk, but it is smaller in proportion in several species than 
 in F. Laternaria, Candelaria, Flammea, Phosphorea, and some others. It has not been 
 determined whether any of the European Fulgorae shine in the night-time." * 
 Plate 15. 
 '' Family. Cicadid.e. 
 O ® . 
 Genus. Cicada, Linnceus. Tettigonia, Fabricius. 
 Cii. Sp. C. atra, alls albis basi nigris, venis testaceis. Expans. alar. 4j unc. 
 C. black, with iridescent white wings black at the base, and with yellowish brown 
 nerves. Expanse of the wing 4| inches. 
 - Syn. Cicada atrata, Fair. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 24. no. 28. Syst. Rhyng. p. 42. 
 Though the observations of Sir G. Staunton on the natural productions of China 
 were necessarily very general, the study of insects appears to have engaged his par- 
 ticular attention ; and on that account we must lament that untoward events precluded 
 him from observing more minutely the peculiarities of some kinds, and the economical 
 * (Notwithstanding the observations of Donovan and the various authorities cited by him, it is certainly a 
 matter of doubt, at the present day, whether the Fulgoree in reality possess any luminous property. No recent 
 author or traveller has noticed its existence in these insects, although it is related in every work of travels as 
 exhibited by the Elateridee and Lampyridse. Moreover, the farinaceous matter noticed by Rdsel exists in many 
 other insects known to be not in the least degree luminous, and of which the woolly or waxen appendages in 
 Lystra lanata, the Dorthesise, Cocci, &c. is but a modification or more extensive developement. M. Wesmael, 
 of Brussels, has, however, just reasserted the luminous properties of the South American Fulgora on the 
 authority of a friend who had witnessed it alive. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1837, App. J. O. W.) 
 purposes of others. We therefore peruse the following account of an unknown species 
 of Cicada with particular regret, because it withholds information interesting to the 
 naturalist, and from its air of novelty is likely to promote an erroneous opinion con- 
 cerning that singular tribe of insects. 
 " The low and sometimes marshy country through which the river* passes, is fa- 
 vourable to the production of insects ; and many of them were troublesome, some prin- 
 cipally by their sting, and others by their constant stunning noise. The music emitted 
 by a species of Cicada was not of the vocal kind ; but produced by the motion of two 
 flaps or lamella which cover the abdomen or belly of the insect. It is the signal of 
 invitation from the male of that species to allure the female, which latter is quite un- 
 provided with these organs of courtship."! 
 Again, when describing a town higher up the river, that author says, " The shops of 
 Hai-tien, in addition to necessaries, abounded in toys and trifles, calculated to amuse 
 the rich and idle of both sexes, even to cages containing insects, such as the tioisi/ 
 Cicada, and a large species of the Gryllus.":[: 
 The reader may imagine from the first account, that the music of every other species 
 of Cicada is of the vocal kind, or that it is peculiar to this Chinese insect to be furnished 
 with lamellae that cause a sound. The latter account confirms such conjecture, by 
 alluding in a specific manner to the noisy Cicada, as to an insect described in a former 
 part of the work. We must remark, that not only the males of the species mentioned 
 by that author are furnished with those lamellae, but the whole of that section of the 
 Linnaean Cicadae which Fabricius has called Tettigonia. The males of the species 
 included in the other sections of that genus are certainly furnished with them also ; 
 though some of them are too minute to be observed without a glass. These lamellae vary 
 in size in different species ; but the accounts we have of them from travellers in foreign 
 countries, and naturalists both ancient and modern, prove that they all emit a certain 
 sound to allure the female. As we are unable to ascertain the Chinese species Sir 
 George mentions, neither figure nor description accompanying his account of it, we must 
 therefore speak generally of the whole genus, and then confine our remarks to those 
 species we are acquainted with from China. Among these are C. splendidida, sa/iguinea, 
 and'^atrata. The latter, we believe, is the largest species of the Chinese Cicadae known 
 in Europe. 
 * Pei-ho. 
 t Chap. 3. Vol. II. octavo. 
 I Chap. 4. Vol. II. 
 Some species of this tribe were known to the ancients. With them it was the emblem 
 of happiness and eternal youth ;* and if we examine the legends of pagan mythology, 
 we find they were deemed a race of creatures beloved by gods and men. The Athenians 
 wore golden Cicadae in their hair, to denote their national antiquity ; or that like those 
 creatures they were the first born of the earth ; and the poets feigned that they partook 
 r)f the perfection of their deities. f Anacreon depictures in glowing colours the unin- 
 terrupted felicity of this creature : his ode to the Cicada is appropriate to our inquiry. J 
 In the infant state of music, men seem to have preferred the natural sounds of some 
 animals to those of their uncouth instruments. We cannot otherwise account for the 
 extravagant praise bestowed on the noise of this little creature. It is true, authors agree 
 that the sounds of some kinds are exceeding loud and liarmoniovis, and in the early ages 
 of the world these might have a powerful influence on the human mind. It is related 
 that the ancient Locri, a people of Greece, were so charmed with the song of the Cicada, 
 that they erected a statue to its honour.§ 
 The ancients had attentively observed the manners of its life, though they indulged 
 * Probably because it was supposed to live only a short time. The renewal of youth is illustrated by the 
 story of the Tithonus transformed by Aurora into a Cicada. 
 t These pagan deities were without flesh or blood, and composed of aerial and watery humours. Such 
 they imagined the moisture of the Cicada, and perhaps for that reason first assigned it a place among their 
 1 Happy creature ! what below Thine the lavished voice of praise, 
 Can more happy live than thou ? Harbinger of fruitful days ; 
 Seated on thy leafy throne, Darling of the tuneful nine, 
 (Summer weaves the verdant crown,) Phoebus is thy sire divine ; 
 Sipping o'er the pearly lawn Phoebus to thy notes has giv'n 
 The fragrant nectar of the dawn ; Music from the spheres of heav'n : 
 Little tales thou lov'st to sing, Happy most, as first of earth, 
 Tales of mirth— an insect king : All thy hours are peace and mirtli ; 
 Thine the treasures of the field, Cares nor pains to thee belong. 
 All thy own the seasons yield ; Thou alone art ever young ; 
 Nature paints for thee the year, Thine the pure immortal vein. 
 Songster to the shepherds dear : Blood nor flesh thy life sustain ; 
 Innocent, of placid fame. Rich in spirits — health thy feast, 
 What of man can boast the same ? Thou'rt a demi-god at least. 
 Green's Trans. Ode 43. 
 § Some say, that once a certain player of Locri, contesting in the art of music with another, would have 
 lost the victory, by the breaking of two strings of his instrument, but a Cicada flew to his aid, and resting on 
 the broken instrument, sung so well, that the Locrian was declared victor. The Locrians erected a statue to 
 the Cicada as a testimony of their gratitude. It represented the player with the insect on his instrument. 
 in many poetical fictions concerning it ; and particularly wlien they affirmed that it 
 subsisted on dew. They have told us that it lives among trees,* which circumstance 
 discountenances the opinion of those moderns who imagine the grashopperst were the 
 Cicadas of the ancients. 
 Neither were they ignorant that the males only were furnished with those instruments 
 which externally appear to produce its sound, or the purpose for which that sound was 
 emitted ;:{; though it was reserved for more accurate naturalists to discover the complex 
 organs by which it was caused and modulated. Aldrovandus, near two centuries ago, 
 described the lamellae, which he compares to the fruit of some herbs, called by modern 
 botanists Thlaspi.^ 
 Among later naturalists who have noticed the Cicadas of foreign countries, are Me- 
 rian,|l Margravius,^ &c. Merian says, its tune resembles the sound of a lyre which is 
 heard at a distance ; and that the Dutch in the plantations of Surinam (where they are 
 very plentiful) call it the Lyre-player.** Margravius, in his natural history of Brazil, 
 compares it to the sound of a vibrating wire : he says the tune begins with Gir, gii/r, 
 and continues with Sis, sis, sis. One species is called Kakkerlaktt in the Indies, perhaps 
 because the sound emitted by it may be likened to the pronunciation of that word. Mr. 
 * Dr. Martyn supposed this refers to the smaller branches in hedges, rather than to the lofty trees in 
 forests : we cannot entirely coincide with that opinion. 
 t Giushopper. Cicada. They live almost every where in hot countries. Lovel. Hist. Animal, containing 
 the sumnie of all authors ancient and modern, p. "274, 8fc. SfC. 
 Cicada, a Sauterelle," or, according to others, a balm cricket. — Non est quod vulgo, a grashopper, vocamus ; 
 sed insectum longfe diversuni, corpore et rotundiore et breviore, qui arbusculis insidet et sonum quadruple ma- 
 jorum edit, a grashopper, rectfe locustum reddideris, Mori ex Ray. Ainsworth. 
 X Xenarchus, an old Grecian play-writer, used to say jocosely, that "the Cicadse were very happy because 
 they had silent wives." Aristotle also knew the sexual difference of them ; he mentions them as a delicious 
 food : he preferred the males when young, but more so the females before she laid her eggs. 
 § Thalaspi parvum Hieraciifolium, sive Lunariam luteam Monspel. et Leucoium luteum marinum. Label. 
 Stirpium Adversaria nova, p. 74. — Aldrov. 
 II Merian. Insecta Surinamensia. 
 % Georgi Margravii rer. nat. Brasiliae. Lib. 7. p. 257. 
 ** De Lierman. 
 ft Scopoli ,Carn. Yeats describes the Kakkerlak of the American islands as a species ofBlatta, cock-roaches. 
 Are there not two insects of that name ? — one of them is, we believe, a Blatta. Indeed, Latreille has made 
 use of the name Kakkerlak for a genus of Blattidse. 
 " SaK<ereZ?e, sorte d'insecte. A locust or grashopper. Boyer. — Cigale, ix flying insect. The Cicada of 
 the ancients, unknown in England. Boyer. 
 Abbot, an accurate observer and collector of natural history in iVort/i Aiucr/ca, has 
 discovered four new^ species of Cicada, one of them nearly equal in size to our Cicada 
 Atrata. This, he says, was found in great abundance one season in some swampy 
 grounds near the Susquehanna river, and was remarkable on account of its loud noise, 
 which at a little distance resembled the ringing o^ horse-ht'l/.s* 
 Some naturalists have supposed that the sound of the Cicada is caused by the 
 flapping of the lamellae against the abdomen ; and others, that it is only a noise occa- 
 sioned by the rustling of the segments of the body in the contractile motion of tliat 
 part. Beckmanf imagines it is caused by beating the body and legs against the wings : 
 he has endeavoured to explain the meaning of ancient authors, and deduce its etymology 
 from that circumstance.^ 
 Reaumur and Roesel have dissected several of the Cicadse, and discovered that the 
 lamelloc cannot have that free motion necessary to cause such a sound ; but that it is 
 produced by some internal organs of the insect, and only issues through the opening- 
 concealed under the lamellae as through the mouth of a musical instrument. § 
 * Communicated by Mr. Abbot, in North America, to Mr. Francillon, in London. 
 t Roes. Insecten Bellustigung. — Ciiiiistiani Beckmanni, Bornensis, manuductionem ad latinam linguam : 
 nee non de originibus latinse linguae, &c. 
 X It is the common opinion that the word Cicada has its origin from quod cito cadat, which, after a 
 general interpretation, implies that the Cicadse soon vanish, or are short-lived. Beckman maintains that this 
 opinion is absurd, and proves that its name is derived from singing, because w acuv signifies a sound produced 
 by the motion of a little skin ; and that ciceum or cicum is a thin little skin of a pomegranate that parts the 
 kernels. — Beckman not knowing the insect, or not imagining that the little skin was an appendage to the 
 abdomen, concluded it must mean the transparent wings, and consequently that the sound was produced by 
 beating them against the body : but this interpretation, if applied to the lamellaa instead of the wings, will 
 directly prove the origin of its name, and knowledge of the ancients. 
 ^ For the satisfaction of the curious reader, we detail the most interesting particulars concerning the 
 organization of these parts from Reaumur's Histoire des Insectes, and Roesel's Verschiedene uuslaendische 
 sorten von Cicaden, Sfc. 
 The music of the Cicada is not caused by the motion of the lamellae as some have supposed. Reaumur 
 observes, that although the lamella have a kind of moveable hinge, they have also a stiff and pointed tooth, or 
 spine, that prevents them from being lifted far back ; and if strained are very liable to be broken. 
 From the anatomical description of Roesel, we find that, within the two hollows that are seen when the 
 lamellae are lifted up, two very smooth skins are visible ; these are highly polished, of nearly a semicircular 
 shape, and reflect prismatic colours : there is between these a hard brown projection, or corner which unites 
 with another piece above them in a longitudinal direction, to the under part of the breast. This longitudinal 
 piece divides a triangular red space or field into two parts, one on the right side, and the other on the left. 
 Above these, in a transverse direction, are seen two small yellow skins; the lamelliie in their natural position 
 conceal these organs because they fold exactly over them. 
 Reaumur, in the exterior appearance of these parts, could discover nothing that could lead to determine the 
 The suppositions of these authors seem well founded ; we have examined many 
 species that were unknown to them, and find the spine before mentioned so placed 
 m many insects as to prevent the motion of the lamellae. We have a specimen from 
 America, which, in addition to the usual organs of sound, have two large hollow pro- 
 tuberances or drums ; one on each side of the abdomen ; and must, we imagine, produce 
 a louder sound than any yet discovered ; a species very similar to this is also brought 
 from New Holland. 
 The proboscis of these insects is a hard or horny tube, in which a very acute slender 
 sucking-pipe is concealed. The horny tube is not unlike a gimlet in form, and is used 
 bjr those creatures to bore through the bark of trees, to extract the juices on which it 
 feeds. Linnaeus has named the species of one division, in his System, Mannifera, because 
 they had been observed to fly among ash trees, bore many holes in them, and when the 
 manna had oozed out return and carry it off. 
 With this proboscis they bore holes in the small twigs of the extreme branches of 
 trees and deposit their eggs in them, sometimes to the amount of six or seven hundred. 
 As each cell contains no more than from twelve to twenty eggs, it does great damage to 
 the trees they frequent. Stoll says, " the common one,* which is found at Surinam in 
 the coffee plantations, greatly injures those trees ; the females depositing their eggs in 
 oi;gaiis of the sound ; and he was not satisfied that the shght motion of the lameliis on these parts could 
 produce the loud singing noise of the Cicada. He opened a few cicadae on the back part of the body, so tliat 
 the inner structure of the under side was displayed, and especially the parts connected to the curious organs 
 he had discovered under the lamellae. At last he discovered two large muscles, which at their point of union 
 formed a space almost square, and were connected with the red triangular fields he had observed on the under 
 side : as he concluded these formed a material part of the organs he wished to discover, he examined them 
 attentively, and found that, by moving them backwards and forwards, he could make a cicada sing that had 
 been dead many months. Although the sound was not strong, it tended to prove that he had discovered the 
 instrument that produced it. — In another part he says, it is evident the sound is caused by the little skins con- 
 nected to the muscles, because when they were rubbed with a bit of paper they emitted that kind of sound. 
 Roesel has discovered two little pieces of horny substance that are connected by a sort of fibre within the 
 skins, in the body, and he supposes when this is in motion, it strikes against the before-mentioned thin skins, 
 and produces a sound, by the same means as a hollow body, or drum, when struck with a stick : and also that 
 this noise may be varied or modulated by a slight motion of the lamellae, but cannot be produced without the 
 assistance of the internal nerves and muscles connected with the organs first describe!. 
 Authors agree that the Cicadfe of hot countries emit the loudest sound. It appears from the papers of 
 Mr. Smeethman (who resided a considerable time in Africa) published by Mr. Drury, that the sound of some 
 kinds peculiar to that part of the world is so loud as to be heard at half a mile distance : and that the singing 
 of one within doors silences a whole company. — The same attentive observer says, the open parts of the country 
 are never without their music, some singing in the evening, and others only in the day. 
 • La C'igale Vieilleuse. Cicada Tibicen, 
 die young shoots, and in holes they bore with their sheath. They live on the juices of 
 the trees." 
 M. Merian gives a figure and account of the metamorphosis of a cicada found in 
 Surinam. She has mistaken the winged insect to be only the pupa of the^ Fu/gora 
 Latevuaria, which is too absurd to deserve contradiction ; in other respects her account 
 is interesting, and particularly that part which relates to the pupa state, or chafer, as it 
 is termed. " The pomegranate tree," says Merian, " so well known in all other countries, 
 grows also in the fields of Surinam. On them I have found a species of chafer, which 
 is naturally very lazy, and consequently very easy to be caught. It carries underneath 
 the head a long trunk, with which it easily penetrates the flowers, in order to extract the 
 honey from them. On the 20th of May, when they were laying quite quiet, the skin of 
 the back burst open, and green flies, with transparent wings, issued from them. These 
 flies are found in abundance in Surinam, and have such a rapid flight, that it took me 
 many hours to catch one." 
 The pupa Donovan received from China with Cicada atrata very much resembles 
 that figured by Merian. It has the long sucking trunk or proboscis ; but the most 
 formidable of its weapons seem to be the fore feet, which are thick, strong, and armed 
 with spines or teeth ; with these it may do more injury to the plants, by tearing off" the 
 tender shoots, than by wounding the trunk to extract the moisture. 
 The upper and under side of a male of Cicada atrata are represented, not only to 
 illustrate our preceding remarks, but because Donovan believed no figure had been given 
 of it by any author, unless De Zweite Chineesche decide of Stoll (PI. 20. fig. 118.) is 
 intended for this insect. 
 The general appearance of both sexes of Cicada atrata is very similar, except that 
 the female is furnished with a sheath, and the male with lamellae. The sheath of the 
 female is partly concealed within a valve at the extremity of the abdomen, and is only 
 protruded when the creature lays her eggs. In the figure of the under surface of a male 
 insect, exhibited in the annexed plate, the lamellse are distinguished by two stars : the 
 single star denotes the situation of tiie spine, mentioned by Roesel and Reaumur. 
 The Camphor-tree, Launis CampJiora, is represented in the plate. The tree whic!i 
 produces the useful drug camphor is very abundant in Japan and China. Sir G. Staunton 
 says, it is the only species of the laurel genus growing in China, where it is a large anJ 
 valuable timber tree, and is never cut up for the sake of the drug; but that substance is 
 obtained by decocting the small branches, twigs, and leaves, and subliming the camplior 
 in luted earthen vessels. A purer sort is brought from the island of Borneo and Japan, 
 which is supposed to be a natural exudation from the tree when the bark is wounded. 
 Sir G. Staunton says, the Camphor-tree is felled in those countries for tlje sole purpose 
 of finding the drug in substance among the splinters. 
 Plate 16. fig. 1. 
 Ch. Sp. C. nigra, facie, thoracis maculis duabus, abdomineque sanguineis. Exp. alar, if unc. 
 C. black, with the face, two spots on the thorax, and the abdomen blood red. Ex- 
 panse of the wings 2-| inches. 
 Syn. Cicada Sanguinea, De Gecr Ins. 3. 221. tab. 34. Jiff. 17. Donovan, \sf edit. 
 ' Tettigonia Sanguinolenta, Gozen Entomol. Beitr. II. ;;. 1.50. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 
 4. p. 25. Germar in Silberm. Rev. Ent. 
 The specific name'^ sanguinea of De Geer having the priority, is here retained in pre- 
 ference to that of Fabricius (Ent. Syst.), which is identical with that of another species 
 of the Linnsean Cicadae, as well as with that which, in his Systema Rhyngotorum, he has 
 proposed in lieu of C. haematodes of his earlier works, which is however distinct from 
 the LinnseanX!. haematodes, and for which it will be necessary to employ another specific 
 Plate 16. fig. 2. 
 Ch. Sp. C. olivacea, elytris hyahnis, marginibus anticis testaceis. Expans. alar. 3| unc. 
 C. olive coloured, with the elytra clear, the anterior margin testaceous. Expanse of 
 the wings 3| inches. 
 Syn. - Cicada ambigua, ponov. 1st edit. 
 Received by Mr. Drury from China. 
 Plate 16. fig. 3. 
 Family. Fulgoridje. 
 •/ C> Genus. Lystra, Fabricius. 
 Ch. Sp. L. elytris apice nigris, punctis cceruleis, fronte lateribusque rubris, ano lanato. Ex- 
 pans, alar. 1| unc. 
 L. with the elytra black at the tips, spotted with blue, with the front and sides of the 
 head red, abdomen woolly at the extremity. Expanse of the wings 1| inch. 
 Syn. ^ 5 Cicada lanata, Linn Syst. Nat. 2. 711. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 30. Syst. Rhyng. 
 p. 56. Sulzer Ins. t. 9./. 11. Stoll Cicad. t. 10./. 49. 

 ^. '^/2ifa//a 
 -e ^c/V^ I J //A/^ y/////^///./ 
 ^. ^ya/^i^j 
 One of the most beautiful species of the Indian Cicadee. The wing cases are black, 
 elegantly reticulated, and spotted with bright blue. At the extremity of the abdomen 
 it has a tuft of long and very delicate hairs, intermixed with others that are rather con- 
 voluted and of a coarser texture. The whole of this insect, but particularly between the 
 abdomen and wings, is sometimes profusely covered with a fine powder of a snowy white- 
 ness, similar to that observed on the Flata limbata in the imperfect state ; hence we 
 may conclude it is also one of those insects which furnish the white wax* so highly 
 esteemed in China. 
 Plate 16. fig. 4. 
 Cii. Sp. C. elytiis fusco-aureis, femoiibus anticis incrassato-dentatis rufis. Long. Corp. alls 
 claus. I unc. 
 C. with golden brown elytra, the anterior femora incrassated , toothed and red, thorax 
 and scutellum varied with yellow and black. Length, with the wings closed, 
 i inch. 
 Syn. Cicada splendidula, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 4. ;;. 25. Syst. Rhyiitj. p. 42. 
 Figured from the unique specimen in the collection of Mr. Drury, described by 
 Plate 16. fig. 5. 
 ^ Family. Cercopid.^. 
 ^ Genus. Cercopis, Fabricius. 
 Cii. Sp. C. atra nitida, thorace immaculato, elytris basi fasciaque media flavescentibus ; ab- 
 domine sanguineo. Long. Corp. alis clausis \ unc. 
 C. black shining, thorax without spots, elytra with the base and a central fascia 
 yellowish, abdomen sanguineous. Length, with the wings shut, 4 inch. 
 Syn. Cicada abdorainalis, Donovan, \st Edit. 
 Cercopis Heros ? Fabr. Syst. Rhyng. p. 89. 
 Vide Sir G. Staunton's Hist. Emb. Chi 
 Plate 16. fig. 6. 
 Gexus. Tettigonia, Latreille, Germar. 
 Ch. Sp. T. pallida, occipite thoraceque punctis qiiinquq n'gns, fronte puncto nigro inter 
 oculos, elytris sanguineis. Epans. alar, fere 1 unc. 
 T. pale, with five black spots on the head and thorax, and one in front between the 
 eyes, elytra red. Expanse of the wings nearly 1 inch. 
 Syn. ^ Cicada frontalis, Donovan, \sf Edit. 
 C'Cicada ceeruleipennis ? Fab. Syst. Rh. p. 73. 
 Plate 17. 
 Genus. Plata, Fabricius. 
 Ch. Sp. F. exalbida, alis deflexis, elytris punctis marginis interioris antennisque nigris. 
 Expans. alar, fere 2 unc. 
 F. whitish, with the wings deflexed, the elytra being spotted with black along the 
 posterior margin, antennae black. Expanse of the wings nearly 2 inches. 
 Syn. Plata nigricornis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyng. p. 45. 
 s, o Cicada lirabata, var. Fab. Sp. Ins. 1. p. 322. Donovan, \st Edit. 
 This singular insect, and the plant on which it is represented, have an equal claim to 
 attention, both as objects of natural curiosity, and importance in domestic economy. The 
 larva is an elegant and beautiful creature, and China is indebted to its labours for 
 the fine white wax so much esteemed in the East Indies. The plant is not less in- 
 teresting, as it produces the vegetable tallow, in general use throughout the Chinese 
 The novelty of these productions could not fail attracting the notice of those learned 
 Europeans who were first permitted to reside in China, and whose object was to promote 
 sciences and arts, as well as the christian knowledge. Both the Wax-insect and Tallow- 
 tree are spoken of in their writings as extraordinary and peculiar advantages to the 
 country. Du Halde, especially in his splendid work I'Histoire de la Chine, treats 
 largely on these productions, in the sections Cire blanche cVInsectes et I'arbre qui parte le 
 suif. His relations are, perhaps, too prolix, but they are evidently the result of attentive 
 cy UI//7 // /^ V r^ ? v'/7 ^'y 
 observation, and serve to illustrate the Natural History, and economical purposes of the 
 subjects we are noticing. 
 The following is the account given by the author : " De la Cire Blanche, faitc par 
 (les insectes, ct nominee Tchang pe la, cest-a-dire, Cire blanche cTinsectes. — Ki dit. La Cire 
 blanche dont il s'agit ici, nest pas la meme que la cire blanche des Abeilles. Ce sont de 
 petits insectes qui la forment. Ces insectes succent le sue de I'espece d arbres nommee 
 Tong tpn, et a la longue ils le changent en une sorte de graisse blanche, qu'ils attachent 
 aux branches de Tarbre. 
 " II y en a qui disent que c'est la fiente de ces insectes, qui s'attachant a I'arbre, forme 
 cette Cire, mais ils se trorapent. On la tire en raclant les branches dans la saison de 
 TAutomne ; on la fait fondre sur le feu, et I'ayant passee, on la verse dans I'eau froide 
 ou elle se fige, et se forme en pains. Quand on I'a rompue, on voit dans les morceaux 
 brisez, des veines comme dans la pierre blanche ou congelation nommee Pe che cao ; elle 
 est polie et brillante : on la mele avec de I'huile, et on en fait des chandelles. Elle est 
 beaucoup superieure a celles que font les Abeilles. 
 " Chi tchin dit. Ce n'est que sous la Dynastie des Yuen qu'on a commence a con- 
 noitre la cire formee par ces insectes. L'usage en est devenu fort commun, soit dans la 
 medecine, soit pour faire des bougies. II s'en trouve dans les Provinces de Se tcliuen de 
 Hon quang, de Yunnan, de Fo kien, de Tche kiang, de Kiang nan, et generalement dans 
 tons les quartiers du Sud-Est. Celle qu'on ramasse dans les Provinces de Se tchuen et 
 &' Yunnan, et dans les territoires de Hen tcheou, et de Yung tcheou est la meilleure. 
 " L'arbre qui porte cette cire, a les branches, et les feiiilles semblables a celles du 
 Tong ^in. II conserve sa verdure durant toutes les saisons : II pousse des fleurs blanches 
 en bouquets durant la cinquieme Lune ; il porte des fruits en bayes, gros comme le fruit 
 du Kin rampant. 
 " Quand ils ne sont pas murs, ils sont de couleur verte ; et ils deviennent noiratres, 
 lorsqu'ils murissent, au lieu que le fruit de Tong fin est rouge. Les insectes qui s"y 
 attachent sont fort petits. Quand le soleil parcourt les quinze derniers degrez des 
 Gemeaux, ils se repandent en grimpant sur les branches de Tarbre ; ils en tirent le sue, 
 et jettent par la bouche une certaine bave, qui s'attachant aux branches encore tendres, 
 se changent en une graisse blanche, laquelle se durcit, et prend la forme de cire. On 
 diroit que c'est de la gelee blanche que le froid a durcie. 
 " Quand le soleil parcourt les quinze premiers degrez du Signe de la Vierge, on fait 
 la recolte de la Cire, en Tenlevant de dessus les branches. Si Ton difTere a la cueillir 
 que le Soleil ait entierement parcouru ce Signe, il est difficile de la detacher, meme en 
 la raclant. 
 " Ces insectes sont blancs quand ils sont jeunes, et c'est alors qu'ils font leur cire. 
 Quands ils deviennent vieux, ils sont d'un chatain qui tire sur le noir. C'est alors que 
 formant de petits pelotons, ils s'attachent aux branches de Farbre. Ces pelotons sont au 
 commencement de la grosseur d'un grain de mil : vers I'entree du printemps ils com- 
 mencement a grossir et a s'etendre. lis sont attachez aux branches de Farbre en forme 
 de grappes, et a les voir, on diroit que Farbre est charge de fruits. Quand ils sont sur le 
 point de mettre bas leurs oeufs, ils font leur nid de meme que les chenilles. Chacun de 
 ce nids ou pelotons contient plusieurs centaines de petits ceufs blancs. 
 " Dans le tems que le soleil parcourt la seconde moitie du Taureau on les cueille, et 
 les ayant enveloppez dans des feiiilles de Vo (espece de simple a larges feiiilles) ; on les 
 suspend a differens arbres. Apres que le Soleil est sorti du Signe de Gemaux, ces 
 pelotons s'ouvrent, et les ceufs produisent des insectes, qui sortant les uns apres les 
 autres des feiiilles dont ils sont enveloppez, montent sur Farbre ou ils font ensuite 
 leur cire. 
 " On doit avoir soin d'entretenir le dessous de Farbre toujours propre, et de le 
 garantir des fourmis qui mangent ces insectes. On voit deux autres arbres auxquels on 
 pent attacher les insectes, et qui porteront egalement de la cire ; Fun qui se nomme 
 Tien tchu, et Fautre qui est un espece d'arbre aquatique, dont les feiiilles ressemblent 
 assez a celles du Tilleul. 
 " Qualitez et effects de cette cire. — Elle est d'une nature qui n'est ni froide ni chaude, 
 et qui n'a aucune qualite nuisible. Elle fait croitre les chairs, elle arrete le sang, elle 
 apaise les douleurs, elle retablit les forces, elle unit les nerfs; et rejoint les os, prise en 
 poudre dont on forme de pillules, elles fait mourir les vers qui causent la phtisie. 
 " Tchi hen dit. La Cire blanche est sous la denomination du metal : ses esprits 
 corroborent, fortifient, et sont propres a ramasser et a resserrer. C'est une drogue 
 absolument necessaire aux chirurgiens : elle a des effects admirables, quand on la fait 
 entrer avec de la peau de Ho hoang dans la composition de Fonguent, qui fait renaitre et 
 croitre les chairs." Du Halde, Vol. IV. p. 495, large Folio, 1735. 
 Sir G. Staunton, in his learned work, has also described the Wax insect ; he found 
 it at Turon Bay, in Cochin China, and has caused it to be represented in a vignette 
 plate, with the following description. " Among other objects of natural curiosity, 
 accident led to the observation of some swarms of uncommon insects busily employed 
 upon small branches of a shrub, then neither in fruit nor flower, but in its general habit 
 bearing somewhat the appearance of a privet. These insects, each not much exceeding 
 the size of the domestic fly, were of a curious structure, having pectinated appendages 
 rising in a curve, bending towards the head, not unlike the form of the tail feathers of 
 the common fowl, but in the opposite direction. Every part of the insect was, in colour, 
 of a perfect white, or at least completely covered with a white powder. The particular 
 stem frequented by those insects, was entirely whitened by a substance or powder of that 
 colour, strewed upon it by them. The substance or powder was supposed to form the 
 white wax of the East. This substance is asserted, on the spot, to have the property, by 
 a particular manipulation, of giving in certain proportions, with vegetable oil, such 
 solidity to the composition as to render the whole equally capable of being moulded into 
 candles. The fact is ascertained, indeed, in some degree, by the simple experiment of 
 dissolving one part of this wax in three parts of olive oil made hot. The whole, when 
 cold, will coagulate into a mass, approaching to the firmness of bees' wax." 
 From the accurate description and figures of the latter author, it is evident, the 
 creature that produces the white wax of China, is an imperfect insect, or technically 
 speaking, the pupa of an insect, which, in its mature state, is furnished with wings. This 
 is clearly the fact, for the rudiments of wings are visible in the figures alluded to. * 
 Stoll, in his work on Cimices and Cicada, gives a figure of this immature insect 
 under the title of De Waldraagster (Nyniphe) or La Cigale Porte Laine, fig. 144, 
 together with the winged insect at fig. 145 ; and it is on this authority the latter is 
 introduced in the annexed plate. There is, indeed, much similarity between the pupa 
 and the imago, and some striking characteristics are common to both. They agree in 
 the structure of the antennae and proboscis, or sucking trunk ; the abdomen of the winged 
 insect is also loaded with a fine white powder, and is furnished at the extremity with a 
 tuft of down and hairs, similar to that so eminently conspicuous in the pupa state. We 
 have, however, observed the white powder and tuft on the abdomen of Lystra lanata, 
 and have reason to imagine it also forms a white wax, similar to that of the present 
 Fabricius, in his Species Insectorum, described this insect as a variety of Cicada 
 limbata, which is of a light green colour, with a red margin ; that which Stoll has 
 figured, and with which this agrees, is of a pale brown, with a black margin. These are 
 the species and variety Fabricius describes, for the specimens referred to by Fabricius, 
 in the collection of Sir Joseph Banks, agree precisely with our insects. Fabricius notes 
 the habitat i^frica. Stoll received the green specimen from the Island of Ceylon ; the 
 pale sort from Africa. The larva we have represented is from China ; and the imago 
 was brought from the East Indies, by the late Mr. Ellis. 
 * This may account for a passage in Gordons description of China, where he says, " In the plains" of 
 Houquang " are vast numbers of httle worms that produce wax, in the same manner as bees do honey," if 
 we understand by worms, insects not arrived at maturity ; for the larva of Bonibyx Mori, is also termed a silk 
 worm, though it belongs to the moth tribe when perfect. 
 Croton Sebifcrmn — Poplar-leaved Croton, o?- Tallow-tree. — The Tallow-tree is not the 
 natural food of the Wax insect, but as they mutually illustrate the same inquiry, they are 
 represented in the same plate ; and it is further presumed, that a short account of this 
 useful plant will be deemed a proper sequel to the history of the insect. 
 Du Halde, when describing the Tallow-tree, says, " II est de la hauteur d'une grande 
 cerisier. Le fruit est renfermee dans un ecorce qu'on appelle Ve}i Kiou, et qui s'ouvre 
 par le milieu quand il est mur, comme celle de la chataigne. II consiste en des grains 
 blancs de la grosseur d"un noisette, dont la chair a les qualitez du suif ; aussi en fait-on 
 des chandelles, apres I'avoir fait fondre, en y melant souvent un peu d'huile ordinaire, et 
 trempant les chandelles dans la cire qui vient sur I'arbre dont je vais parler : il s"en 
 forme autour du suif une espece de croute qui I'empeche de couler. Page 18. Vol. I. 
 Sir G. Staunton speaks nearly to the same effect : " From the fruit of the Croton 
 sclnferum, of Linnasus, the Chinese obtain a kind of vegetable fat, with which they make 
 a great proportion of their candles. This fruit, in its external appearance, bears some 
 resemblance to the berries of the ivy. As soon as it is ripe, the capsule opens and 
 divides into two, or, more frequently, three divisions, and falling off discovers as many 
 kernels, each attached by a separate foot-stalk, and covered with a fleshy substance of a 
 snowy whiteness, contrasting beautifully with the leaves of the tree, which, at this 
 season, are of a tint between a purple and a scarlet. The fat, or fleshy substance, is 
 separated from the kernels by crushing and boiling them in water. The candles made of 
 this fat are firmer than those of tallow, as well as free from all offensive odour. They 
 ai'e not, however, equal to those of wax or spermaceti." This author further adds, 
 " The wax for candles is generally the produce of insects, feeding chiefly on the privet, 
 as is mentioned in the chapter of Cochin China. It is naturally white, and so pure as to 
 produce no smoke ; but is collected in such small quantities, as to be scarce and dear. 
 Cheap candles are also made of tallow, and even of grease of too little consistence to 
 be used, without the contrivance of being coated with the firmer substance of the tallow- 
 tree or of wax." Vide Chapter on Sou-choo-foo. 
 The tallow-tree is now cultivated in the West Indies, where it thrives well, and 
 produces fruit, and by proper attention may hereafter become useful. 
 j'C/'i/zi^uz' (- y^ui/^:ii^'. 
 Plate 18. 
 Sl'b-Ouder. Hemipterita, Kirby. 
 Section. Hydrocorisa, Latreille. 
 Family. Nepid*, Leach. 
 Genus. Belostoma, Latreille. Nepa p. Linn. 
 Cn. Sp. B. " squalid^ lutea, maculis fuscis, femoiibus anticis nigro-lineatis, coxis quatuor 
 posticis immaculatis." Long. Corp. 3 unc. 
 B. dirty clay coloured with brown spots, the anterior femora with black lines, and 
 the four posterior coxse immaculate. Length 3 inches. 
 Syn. Belostoma indica? Enc. Meth. X. p. 272. 
 Nepa grandis, Donovan, \st edit. Stoll Cimic. 2. t. 7. f. 4. (Exclus. synon. 
 Linn. Fabr. Merian, R'usel, and De Geer.) 
 M. Merian has given a plate and description of the South American Belostoma 
 grandis in her work on the Insects of Surinam. We learn from that account, that in the 
 larva and pupa state it lives in the vi^ater ; that it is a voracious creature, and feeds not 
 only on the weaker kinds of aquatic insects, but on some animals much larger than itself. 
 The pupa* is represented on the back of a large frog in the water, and is designed to 
 portray the manner in which it fastens on those creatures, holding them between its strong- 
 curved fore feet, and extracting the juices of their bodies through its singularly constructed 
 beak. M. Merian says, the winged insect was produced from one of these pupae on the 
 twelfth of May, 1710. 
 Every writer on this insect since M. Merian appears indebted to her for their account 
 of these few particulars ; for though all the European species of the same family undergo 
 precisely the same changes in their aquatic dwellings, among decayed vegetables, &c. at 
 the bottom of the water, and quit it only in the winged state,")" we are indebted to her for 
 the time of the appearance of this exotic species in that state, as well as for a correct 
 figure of its pupa. 
 Linnaeus, following Merian, gives Surinam as the country of B. grandis; Margravius, 
 * The pupa is semi-completa : unUke the pupa of the Lepidoptera, &c. it scarcely differs in appearance or 
 manners of life from the complete insect, but has only the rudiments of the wings. See the lower figure in the 
 accompanying plate. 
 t Nepa cinerea and linearis are English species of this family ; these live in the water till they have wings, 
 when they occasionally quit it to pursue other winged creatures. 
 Brasil; and Fabricius, America generally. Donovan observed a slight difference between 
 the Chinese specimen and the figures in preceding works referred to by Fabricius ; but 
 he nevertheless gave it as the Nepa Grandis of Fabricius, on the authority of the collection 
 of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. The Asiatic species are, however, now re- 
 garded as specifically distinct from those of America, and hence I have given this doubt- 
 ingly as the B. indica of Saint Fargeau. 
 Plate 19. fig. 1. 
 Ch. Sp. B. rotundata, ecaudata, fusca, thoracis elytrorumque maigine antico albido. Long. 
 Corp. lin. 7 J. 
 B. round, without a tail, brown, with the margin of the elytra and the front of the 
 thorax pale. Length of the body 7| lines. 
 Syn. Nepa rustica, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 62. 3. (Exclus. syn. Enc. Meth. X. p. 273. et 
 Laporte Revis. Hemipt. p. 18. Diplonychus rusticus.) Laporte op. cit. p. 83. 
 Nepa plana, Sulz. Hist. his. t. 10./. 2. Stoll Cim. 2. t. 1 . f. fi. 
 Insects in general discover an extraordinary degree of care and ingenuity in depositing 
 their eggs in the most secure situations, or places where the infant brood, when hatched, 
 may be provided with proper sustenance. Those of the aquatic kind usually lay them 
 in recesses in the mud or sand, or under loose stones that lie at the bottom of the water : 
 others, with as much care, and more ingenuity, hollow out the interior substance of the 
 large stalks of water plants, and deposit their eggs in them ; or, rising out of the water, 
 lay them in the extreme branches of those plants, to secure them from other aquatic 
 depredators. Belostoma rustica displays even more sagacity, or attachment for its eggs, 
 than those creatures ; for it never leaves them. Till they are hatched, it bears them on 
 its back, in a cluster of an oval shape ; these eggs are of an oblong form, and are fastened 
 by the narrowest end to a thin film, or plate of cement, that causes them to adhere to the 
 polished surface of the wing cases'; when these eggs, about a hundred in number, are 
 hatched, it casts off the exuviae of the cluster, and differs no longer in general appearance 
 from the male of the same species. 
 Our figures represent the situation of the eggs on the back, and the insect also after 
 they are cast off. It is not commonly received with the eggs upon it. Found on the 
 coast of Coromandel, as well as China. 

 /. ^y^/iv/p^Ma /'v/j/k'a. 
 £. c [ yid /I r/uc w^ 
 Plate 19. fig. 2. 
 Gexis. Nepa, LinncBUS. 
 Ch. Sp. N. oblongo-ovata, depressa, fusca, longe bicaudata, nbdomiiie supra rubro, liriea 
 nigra. Long. Corp. (cauda exclus.) 1-j iinc. 
 N. oblong-ovate, depressed, brown, with two long filaments at the anus, abdomen 
 above red, with a black dorsal line. Length \\ inch. 
 Sy\. Nepa rubra, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 713. 2. Fubr. Syst. Rhym/. p. 107. 
 Plate 20. fig. 1. 
 Section. Geocokisa, Latreille. 
 Family. ScuTELLERiDyE, Leach. 
 Genus. Callidea, Laporte. Chrysocoris, Hahii. Cimex p. Linn. Tetyra p. Fabricius. 
 Cii. Sp. C. carnea thorace scutelloque maculis flavescentibus, quibusdam puncto occllari atro. 
 Long. Corp. | unc. 
 C. orange-red, thorax and scutellum with yellow spots, some of which have a black 
 central spot. Length J inch. 
 Syn. Cimex ocellatus, Thnnberg Nov. Sp. f. 72. 
 Tetyra dispar. Fab. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 81. Syst. Rhynrj. p. 129. Stoll Cimic. t. 37. 
 /. 260. Donov. 1st edit. 
 This curious insect is among the number of those lately brought from China. A 
 figure of the upper surface is represented on a leaf of the Camellia Sesanqua, one of the 
 vignette plates of Sir G. Staunton's History of the late Embassy to that country ; a 
 coloured figure and a short account of it may therefore prove acceptable to the readers of 
 his volumes. 
 Stoll has also given a figure of it, and has also represented another sort, which he 
 considers as the female (letter A) ; it has no black points in the yellow spots of the 
 thorax and scutellum : he mentions the Isle of Formosa as the native country of his 
 Fabricius observes, that it varies according to the sex by having an acute spine on 
 each side of the thorax, as represented in the accompanying figures ; this statement is, 
 however, denied in the Encyclopedic Methodique, vol. x. p. 410, by Messrs. Saint Fargeau 
 and Serville. The absence of these spines, although not perhaps a sexual character, 
 certainly indicates a remarkable variety. I have certainly seen specimens destitute of 
 these spines. 
 The pupa figured at the bottom of the plate on the left hand side is probably that 
 of Tetyra Druraei or some allied species. Donovan is entirely silent respecting it. 
 Plate 20. fig. 2. 
 Family. Lyg.eid.i. 
 Genus. Astemma, Laporte. Lygceus, Fabr. 
 Cn. Sp. a. sanguinea, thorace fascia abbreviata, scutello, elytroriim puncto alisque atris. 
 Long. Corp. fere J unc. 
 A. red, thorax with an anterior abbreviated black band ; scutellum, wings, and a spot 
 on each wing-cover, black. Length nearly | inch. 
 Syn. Lygeeus Schlanbuschii, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 155. Syst. Rh. p. 222. 
 The accompanying figure does not represent the anterior transverse thoracic black 
 band mentioned in the Fabrician description ; the species varies in this respect. The 
 pupa figured on the right hand side at the bottom of the plate is most probably that of 
 this insect, although Donovan is entirely silent concerning it. 
 Plate 21. fig. 1. 
 Family. Scutellerid;e. 
 Genus. Callidea, Laporte. Ciniex p. Linn. Tetyra p. Fabr. 
 Cn. Sp. C. ceerulea, thorace punctis 6, sc. 3 parvis anticis, 3 majoribus posticis ; scutello 7, 
 apiceque nigris. Long. Corp. Un. 6. 
 C. blue, the thorax with 6 spots, three small in front, and three behind larger ; the 
 scutellum with 7 large spots, and the apex black. Length 6 lines. 
 Syn. Cimex Stockerus, Linn. Syst. Nat. p.7\5. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 79. 
 Cimex Stollii, Wolff. 
 This insect seems to be very common in China ; for we rarely receive a parcel of the 
 insects of China that does not include many of them. There are several distinct, but very 
 p//y^j . 
 closely allied, species, which have been regarded as varieties, but which appear to be 
 constant in their variations, being- inhabitants likewise of distinct countries. These vary 
 not only in their tints and the number of their spots, but also in their outline, which 
 seems clearly to prove them specifically distinct. Donovan mentions one of these as " a 
 charming miniature variety of C. Stockerus from Africa cequin. about one-third of the size 
 of the Chinese specimens, and of a very deep blue colour. The marks both on the upper 
 and under side precisely resemble those in the annexed figures." 
 Plate 21. fig. 2. 
 Family. Fentatomid*. 
 Genus. Raphigaster, Laporte. Edessa p. Fabr. 
 Cii. Sp. R. aurantius, capite thoracis margine antico, abdominis maculis marginalibus pedi- 
 busque atris. Long. Corp. 1 \ unc. 
 R. orange-coloured, with the head, anterior margin of the thorax, lateral spots of the 
 abdomen, antennae and legs, black. Length \\ inch. 
 Syn. Cimex aurantius, Fair. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 105. Syst. Rhyng. p. 149. (Edessa a.) 
 Sulzer Ins. t. 10./. 10. Stoll Cimic, t. 6./. 39. 
 Plate 21. fig. 3. 
 Family. Coiieid*, Leach. 
 Genus. Chariesterus, Laporte, Burm. Lygseus p. Fabr. 
 Ch. Sp. Ch. thorace acut6 spinoso; oblongus, supra niger, thorace lineis, elytris cruce, fenu- 
 gineis. Long. Corp. lin. 10. 
 Ch. with the angles of the thorax acutely spined ; oblong, black above, thorax with 
 two lines and the margins orange, elytra with an orange cross. Length 10 lines. 
 Syk. Cimex cruciger, Fabr. Mant. his. 2. 289. 104. 
 Lygseus cruciger, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. /). 141. 
 Donovan states, that this insect was " from the collection of Mr. Francillon, who re- 
 ceived it from China. Fabricius describes it as a native of Brazil." This is certainly 
 the true locality of the species. Donovan's figure was taken from a specimen which 
 wanted the terminal joint of the antennae. 
 Plate 21. fig. 4. 
 Genus. Cerbus, Hahn. Anisoscelis, Latr. Lygseus p. Fabr. 
 Ch. Sp. C. cinnamomeo-fuscus, antennis apice tibiisque dilutioribus. Long. Corp. unc. 1. 
 C. cinnamon-brown, with the tips of the antennae and tibiae paler. Length 1 inch. 
 Syn. Lygaeus tenebrosus? Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. p. 13.5. Burm. Handh. der Ent. 1. 
 p. 340. 
 Lygaeus Phasianus, Donov. \st edit. 
 Donovan gave this as identical with the Lygaeus Phasianus, Fabr. from tropical Africa, 
 although his specimens vi^ere brought from China by the late Mr. Ellis. This figure 
 appears rather to represent a female of the common Lyg. tenebrosus. 
 Plate '21. fig. 5. 
 Family. Reduviid-e. 
 Genus. Harpactor, Laporte. Reduvius p. Fabr. 
 Ch. Sp. H. ater, elytris fascia rufa, scutello spina erecta apice bifida. Long. Corp. ^^ unc. 
 H. black, elytra with a red bar, scutellum with an erect spine forked at the extremity. 
 Length -^ of an inch. 
 Syn. Riduvius bifidus, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 4. 204. Syst. Rhyng. p. 285. 
 Cimex bifidus, Donovan, \st edit. 
' ■/• J? ■ 
 Order. LEPIDOPTERA. Linn<Bus. 
 Plate 22. 
 Tribe. Diurna, Latreille. (Papilio, Linnceus.) 
 Family. Papilionid;e, Leach. 
 Genus. Papilio, Linnisus, (Section, Equites.) Latreille, Boisduval, ^-c. 
 Ch. Sr. P. alis nigris, aureo-viridi pulverulentis, posticis caudatis, macula (in utroque sexu) 
 magna azureo-cserulea, ocello fulvo ad angulum ani, his subtus maculis septem 
 marginalibus ocellatis. Expans. alar. 4 unc. 
 P. with the wings black, powdered with golden-green atoms, the posterior with a 
 broad tail and a large shining blue spot in both sexes, and a reddish eye at the 
 anal angle ; beneath with seven marginal eye-like spots. Expanse of the wings 
 about 4 inches. 
 Syn. Papilio Paris, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 745. No. 3. Fubr. Ent. Syst. 3. \. p. 1. 
 No. 1. Drury Exotic Ins. V. I. t. 12. /. 1. 2. Cravier Pap. 2. pi. 103. 
 /. A. B. Esper. Ausl. Schmett. t. 2. /. 1. Encycl. Meth. IX. p. 69. Bois- 
 duval Hist. Nat. Lep. \.p. 2C8. 
 The simile proposed by Linnseus, both for the arrangement and specific nomenclature 
 of butterflies, is gleaned from ancient and fabulous history. The species are divided 
 into sections of Trojan and Greek princes, heroes, deities, nymphs, and plebeians : and 
 the species have received names in accordance with this fanciful theory, which, at least, 
 in the writings of Linnaeus is well conducted, and seems liable to less objection than the 
 characters assigned to each section : for many species placed among the Equites, and a 
 more considerable number with the Plebeii, are inconsistent with the essential criterion 
 Linnaeus has given. This arrangement has necessarily undergone material alterations in 
 the Entomologia Systematica of Fabricius and other still more recent works ; alterations 
 certainly justified by the more comprehensive views now taken of this pleasing branch of 
 Entomology. The Equites of Fabricius, with many additions, and a few exceptions, are 
 the same as those in the two Linnaean sections : Papilio Priamiis is, however, removed 
 from the head of the Equites Trojani, and the precedence given to Papilio Paris. 
 Papilio Paris is an insect of considerable beauty. The general colour on the upper 
 surface is obscure brown, nearly approaching black, but finely contrasted with brilliant 
 green atoms, profusely sprinkled over it. The posterior wings are adorned with a large 
 blue spot, wnicli derives additional lustre from the dusky colour surrounding it. Another 
 species, very similar to Papilio Paris, but without this spot, is also found in China. 
 It has been supposed to be the female of our species, which opinion is adopted in the 
 Encyclopedic Methodique. Fabricius names it Bianor, after Cramer, pi. 103. fig. (J. 
 Dr. Horsfield has described and figured another species, from Java, in his Lepidoptera 
 Javanica, under the name of Papilio Arjuna, but which is so closely allied to Paris, that 
 it may eventually prove to be only a geographical variety. Its larva is cylindrical, with 
 a coriaceous shield-like plate, extending over the three anterior segments of the body ; 
 the chrysalis is greatly angulated, with the head notched. Another species, or at least 
 strong variety, has been lately received from the Himalayan mountains 
 Plate -23. 
 Cii. Sp. p. alls iiigris atomis viridi-aureis, fascia communi cseruleo-viridi ; posticis caudatis, 
 ocello anali rufo, his subtus lunulis viridibus cseruleis cinereisque. Expans. alar. 
 P. with tlie wings black and sprinkled with golden-green atoms, with a greenish-blue 
 bar running across all the wings, the posterior pair tailed, with a red eyelet at the 
 anal angle; beneath with green, blue, and ashy lunules. Expanse of the wings 
 3 1 inches. 
 Syv. Papilio Crino, Jones. Fabricius Eni. Sysl. 3. 1. p. 5. Enc. Mtth. IX. p. 66. 
 Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lepid. 1 . p. 207. 
 Papilio Regulus, StoU Suppl. Cramer. 5. pi. A\ . f. 1 . 
 This splendid butterfly is extremely rare, and its precise country is doubtful. Fabri- 
 cius says, " Habitat in Africa. Mus. Dom. Drury." Donovan, however, who had access 
 to Drury 's collections, says, " We have found an unique specimen of this species in the 
 collection of Mr. Drury, and on that authority we include it as a native of China. Fabricius 
 erroneously gives Africa as its locality." In the Encyclopedic Methodique, Africa is 
 given. Boisduval gives " Indes orientales ;" his miique specimen having been sent to 
 him by M. Drege as from Cochin China, but wliich Boisduval thinks may possibly be 
 erroneous. The manuscripts of Drury, now in my possession, throw no light upon the 
 subject further than that there are several unnamed species indicated as inhabitants of 
 China as well as of Sierra Leone. But from the strong affinity between Crino, Palinurus, 
 Paris, &c. it is scarcely to be doubted that China or India is the real locality of Crino. 
 Renealniia exaltata, a majestic plant, near seven feet in height, bearing a fine pendant 
 group of flowers at the summit, is figured in the plate. 
 _r^^^/;V^' '/////>^. 
-^y/i//./ ///'' m vv, 
 Plate 24. fig. 1. 
 Cii. Sp. p. alis angustatis, anticis elongato-ovatis fuscis ; posticis Cauda spatuliformi, atris, 
 maculis baseos palmatis, lunulis submargiiialibus albis maculdque duplici ad 
 angulum ani flava. Expans. alarum 4^ — 5J unc. 
 P. with narrow wings, the anterior elongate ovale, brown on both sides ; the posterior, 
 with a spatulate tail, black, with palmated basal spots and submarginal lunules of 
 a white colour; and two yellow spots at the anal angle. Expans. of the wings 
 4J — 54 inches. 
 Syn. Papilio Coon, Jones. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. \. p. 10. Enc. Meth. IX. p. «.5. 
 Boisduvul Hist. Nat. Lep. p. 201. 
 Papilio Hypenor, Enc. Mith. W. p. 65. 
 The original Fabrician description was derived from a specimen in the collection of 
 Mr. Drury, and Donovan s figure is copied from the drawings of Mr. Jones, referred to 
 by Fabricius. The translation of the Fabrician description of the lower wings is incor- 
 rectly rendered in the Encyclopedie Methodique, and in consequence another description 
 is given of a Javanese specimen of this species, under the name of P. Hypenor. It has 
 recently been received in considerable numbers from Java, from whence I possess a 
 specimen with the wings much longer and narrower than they are here represented. 
 Plate 24. fig. 2. 
 Ch. Sp. p. alis nigris, basi sanguineis, anticis striatis, posticis dentatis, disco albo maculisque 
 marginalibus atris. Expans. alar. 6 unc. 
 P. with the wings black, bloody at the base, the anterior with longitudinal paler 
 markings, the posterior dentate with a white disc and bl.ick marginal spots. Ex- 
 pansion of the wings 6 inches. 
 Syn. Papiho Agenor, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 747. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. I. p. 13. Enc. 
 Mith. IX. p. 28. Clerk Ic. t. 15. Cramer, pi. 32. A.B. Herbst. Pap. t. 8. 
 /. 3. 
 Papilio Memnon, $ Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lepid. p. 193. 
 This is one of the largest Chinese Papiliones we are acquainted with. The upper 
 and under surfaces so nearly agree, that Donovan considered a figure of the first unne- 
 cessary. M. Boisduval has advanced several forcible reasons for regarding this and 
 several other allied insects (P. Laomedon, of Cramer, Anceus, Achates) as females of the 
 very variable Asiatic species, Papilio Memnon ; the caterpillar of which, according to 
 Dr. Horsfield, is green, with the anterior segments narrowed and retractile, the third 
 being elevated at the top and marked with an eye-like spot on each side. It feeds upon 
 the species of Citrus. 
 The plant figured is Plumbago Rosea. Rose-coloured Lead-icort. 
 Plate 25. 
 Cii. Sp. p. alls nigris, supra basi caerulescenti-viridibus, subtus apice pallidis, posticis obtuse 
 dentatis, caudatis, subtus luaulis rufescentibus serie digestis. Expans. alar. 
 4 unc. 
 P. with the wings black, greenish blue at the base; beneath paler at the external 
 margins, posterior pair dentate and tailed, with red lunules on the under side ar- 
 ranged in a transverse series. Expansion 4 inches. 
 Sy.v. Papilio Peranthus, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 2. \. p. 15. Enc. Meth. IX. p. 66. 
 Bohduval Hist. Nat. Lepid. \.p. 203. 
 The original Fabrician description was made from a specimen from Cochin China in 
 the Banksian collection. Donovan mentions another which came from Canton, and 
 ]\1. Boisduval gives Borneo, Java, and Celebes, as its localities. 
 The insect is represented on a small twig- of Annido Bambos (Bamboo or Cane), a 
 well known plant, mentioned by Sir G. Staunton as being one of the most useful pro- 
 ductions of China. 
 Plate 26. fig. 1. 
 Cii. Sp. p. alls caudatis, concoloribus, flavescentibus, maculis fasciisque nigris, posticis 
 utrinque striga sanguinea nigromarginata. Expans. alar. 3 unc. 
 P. with the wings coloured alike pale yellowish, with black spots and bands, the pos- 
 terior with very long narrow tails, and a red streak bordered with black at the 
 anal angle. Expansion of the wings 3 inches. 
 S\jr. Papilio Telamon, Donovan. Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lep. 1. p. 250. 
 The singular delicacy and beauty of this Papilio is not the only claim it has to the 
 particular attention of Entomologists : it is clearly an undescribed species ; and perhaps 
 ?' ^/^4///fy [y^^-^w^f?////,/. 
Fl '16- 
 ■:^^^/u/U' ^y^^W//^// . 
 tlie only specimen of it 3^et brought to Europe is that from which our figure is copied. 
 It was taken near Pekin, by a gentleman in the suite of Earl Macartney, in the embassy 
 to China ; and was originally in the possession of Mr. Francillon, of London, who kindly 
 permitted drawings and descriptions to be made of this and every other insect in his 
 magnificent collection that could enhance the value of this publication. It is still so 
 rare that M. Boisduval states that he had never seen a specimen of it. 
 Papilio Telamon bears a distant resemblance to P. Protesilaus, but a much stronger 
 to P. Ajax : pursuing then the metaphorical method of arranging the butterflies in the 
 Linnaean manner, the name of the father of Ajax, who was one of the distinguished 
 Grecian Princes at the siege of Troy, has been given to this species. 
 Plate 26. fig. 2. 
 Ch. Sp. p. alls iiigris viridi-maculatis, posticis breviter caudatis, his subtus ocello lunato ma- 
 culisque rubris. Expans. alar. 3J unc. 
 P. with the wings black and spotted with pale green, the posterior pair with short tails 
 and ornamented beneath with a lunate eyelet and red spots. Expansion of the 
 wings 3| inches. 
 SvN. Papilio Agamemnon, Linn. Sysf. Nat. 2. p. 748. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. i. p. 33. 
 Enc. Meth. IX. p. 46. Boisduval Lep. \.p. 230. 
 Papilio jEgistus, Cramer, 106. CD. {corrected, p. 151.) 
 Papilio Agamemnon is found in several parts of Asia (China, Bengal, Java, the 
 Moluccas and Philippine Islands, Manilla, Timor). The under side is beautifully adorned 
 with a number of bright green spots of various sizes. The general colour is pale pink, 
 diversified with shades of chestnut brown. The upper side is much plainer ; the general 
 colour is black, except the spots, which are green, and precisely agree in shape with 
 those on the under side. Dr. Horsfield has figured the transformations of this insect 
 (Lepid. Javan. pi. 4. f. 12), the larva is short and thick, with a forked tail ; the chrysalis 
 has the head very obtuse. This species is the type of Dr. Horsfield's second section of 
 the genus, having the club of the antenna oval and compressed. 
 Plate 27. 
 Ch. Sp. p. alis anticis fuscis nigro-stiiatis ; posticis dentatis, nigris, atomis pallidis, macula 
 duplici rufa anguli ani. Expans. alar. 5J unc. 
 P. with the anterior wings brown with black longitudinal stripes, the posterior dentate, 
 black with pale atoms, and a double red spot at the anal angle. Expans. of the 
 wings 5i inches. 
 SVN. Papilio Protenor, Fubricius Ent. Syst. 3. 1. 13. Cramer, pi. 49. A. B. Enc. 
 Method. IX. p. 30. Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lepid. p. 198. 
 $ Papilio Laoniedon, Jones. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. 1. 12. Donovan, \st edition, 
 (nee Cramer, pi. 50./. A. B.) 
 The collection of the late Mr. Latham contained the original specimen from which 
 Mr. Jones' drawing (referred to by Fabricius) was made. The present figure was copied, 
 by Mr. Jones' permission, from that drawing. 
 Plate 28. fig. 1. 
 Cii. Sp. p. alis nigris, flavo maculatis; posticis dentatis fascia irregular!, maculis adjectis 
 Havis, maculaque anguh analis rufa. Expans. alar, fere 3J unc. 
 P. with the wings black, spotted with yellow ; the posterior pair dentate with an irre- 
 gular yellow bar, accompanied externally with additional spots and a large red 
 spot at the anal angle. Expanse of the wings nearly 3| inches. 
 Syn. Papilio Epius, Jones. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. 1. p. 35. Enc. Meth. IX. p. 43. 
 Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lepid. p. 238. 
 Papilio Erithonius, Cramer, pi. 232. A. B. 
 Papilio Demoleus, Esper. Ausl. Schmett, tab. 50. f. 1 — 4. 
 Papilio Epius and Papilio Demoleus are so similar in their marks and colours, that 
 many authors have confounded one species with the other. Papilio Epius is chiefly 
 distinguished by the red spot in the interior margin of the lower wings, having no blue 
 eye-shaped mark above it. 
/^M^ C}^^/€^. 
 /. .^^.ti^Ai/^^ 
 ^. ^^^a/?//y^ li:l//<^////7//'//j , 
G^/^^yi^' - '^/^^> 
 Plate 28. fig. -2. 
 Ch. Sr. P. alls nigris, flavo-maculatis, posticis dentatis fascia flava subrecta ocelloque anali 
 dimidiatim casruleo rufoque. Expans. alar. 3| unc. 
 P. with black wings spotted with yellow, the posterior dentate with a nearly straight 
 and regular yellow fascia, and an ocellus at the anal angle blue above and red be- 
 neath. Expanse of the wings 3J inches. 
 Sv.N. Va.piVM Bemoleus, Lin7i. Syst. Nat. 1.753. Fahr. Ent. Syst. 3. ]. 34. Kleeman 
 {Rosel, add.) t. \.f. 2. 3. Cramer Ins. t. 231./. A. B. Boisduval Hist. Nat. 
 Lep. 1 . p. 237. Encyd. Meth. IX. p. 43. 
 Papilio Demodocus, Esper. Ausl. Schmett. t. 51./. 1. 
 Linnaeus gives tlie Cape of Good Hope as the habitat of this species ; and Boisduval 
 also mentions the coast of Guinea, Senegal, and Madagascar. Fabricius, however, par- 
 ticularly says, " Habitat in Indise orientalis Citro, Dr. Koenig," describing the larva as 
 .solitary, smooth, of a yellowish green colour, with a reddish head, two tentacles on the 
 neck, and a bifid tail. Boisduval has, however, applied this observation to P. Epius, 
 stating that P. Demoleus had been reared at Senegal by M. Dumolin, and that its larva 
 feeds on the citron trees. 
 Plate 29. 
 Family. NymphaliDjE, Swainson. 
 Genus. Morpho, Fabricius {Syst. Gloss, in lUig. Mag.) 
 Ch. Sp. M. alis supr^ nitidissim^ cyaneis ; subtiis umbrino griseoque variis, ocellis csecis. 
 Expans. alar. !i\ unc. 
 M. with the wings on the upper side dazzling cyaneous blue, beneath varied with 
 umber and grey, with blind eyelets. Expanse of the wings about 5\ inches. 
 Syn. Papilio Rhetenor, Cramer, pi. 15. A. B. Herbst. Pap. t. 11. /. 1. 2. Esper. Pap. 
 Exot. t. 42./. 1. Sulzer Ins. t. 13./. 1. Enc. Meth. IX. p. 444. 
 Whatever effect the artist can produce by a combination of the most brilliant colours 
 employed in painting, must be far surpassed by comparison with the dazzling appearance 
 of this splendid creature. It is impossible to find in any part of the animal creation 
 colours more beautiful or changeable. Pale blue is the principal colour, but new tints 
 meet the eye in every direction, varying from a silvery green to the deepest purple ; 
 and the whole surface glittering with the resplendence of highly polished metal. 
 This splendid species was long confused with Papilio Menelaus of Linnaeus, the 
 authors of the Encyclopedie Methodique, however, cleared up the confusion, proving 
 them to be quite distinct. The species, and indeed the entire group to which it belongs, 
 are, however, natives of South America. Sulzer, indeed, states that his specimen came 
 from China, and evidently on this authority Donovan introduced the species into this 
 Thai LcLva (Bohca, or broad-leaved Tea), is figured in the plate. Sir G. Staunton 
 says, the bohea tea is supplied in China from the province of Fochen : the green tea from 
 Kiang-nan. The leaves of these teas vary in some degree in form according to the age 
 of the plant ,• those of the bohea are the broadest ; Thea stricta has much longer leaves, 
 they are lanceolated, and more deeply serrated than those of the bohea. Many authors 
 have considered them varieties of the same species. It flowers in England in August and 
 Plate 30. fig. 1. 
 Family. Helicon iid^e, Svjauison. 
 Genus. Acrk.a, Fabricius. (Heliconia p. Fabricius olini.) 
 Cii. Sp. a. alls oblongis integerrimis, utrinque corticinis ; omnium supra limbo posteriori 
 fusco serieque punctorum interrupto. Expans. alar. 2^ unc. 
 A. with the wings oblong and entire, of a pale yellow brown ; with a dark brown 
 border in which are white spots. Expanse of the wings 2^ inches. 
 Syn. Papilio (Helic.) Vesta, Jones. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. \. p. 163. Enc. MHh. IX. p. 
 Papilio Terpsichore, Cramer Pap. pi. 298./. A. B. C. 
 Papilio Vesta is the only insect of the Heliconii division of Butterflies described by 
 Fabricius as peculiar to China, in his Ent. Syst., the majority being inhabitants of Africa. 
 It is a rare species. The Papilio Vesta of Cramer is a very diflerent insect, being the 
 P. Ei^ato of Fabricius. 
 /k^^.. S.i<^^'^^J^r.'^^' ■ 
 ? ^.O, 
 Plate 30. fig. 2. 
 Family. P.^pilionid.*, Leach. 
 Genus. Pieris, Fabricius, Boisduval (Papilio, Heliconia, Linn.) 
 Ch.Sp. p. alis suboblongis, nigris, supra ceerulescenti-albo-maculatis ; posticis subtus disco 
 flavo, nigro venoso, fasciaque basali ferruguinea. Expans. alar. 3| unc. 
 P. with oblong wings of a black colour spotted on the upper side with bluish white, 
 the posterior pair with the disc beneath yellow, with black veins and a broad red 
 basal fascia. Expanse of the wings 3i inches. 
 Syx. Papilio (Helicon.) Pasithoe, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 755. Fab. Eat. Sijst. 3. 1. 179. 
 Pieris P. Encijct. Meth. IX. p. 148. Boisduval Hist. Nut. Lep. \.p. 451. Drtiry 
 Illust. Exot. Ent. 2nd edit. v. 2. p. 16. 
 Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Dione, Drury. \st edit. 
 Papilio Porsenna, Cramer, jA. A2.Jig. D. E. and pi. 352. /jr. .A.B. 
 Plate 30. fig. 3. 
 Cii. Sp. p. alis suboblongis, integerrimis, albis, utrinque apice, subtus venis nigris, posti 
 subtus, plus minusve flavis, maculis sanguineis limbo nigro apicali digestis. 
 Expans. alar. 3 unc. 
 P. with the wings rather oblong, entire, white with a black margin on both sides and 
 with black veins beneath ; the posterior on the under side more or less stained 
 with yellow, with a row of six red spots in the black border. Expanse of the 
 wings about 3 inches. 
 SvN'. Papilio (Helicon.) Hyparete, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 763. (nee Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. 
 1. p. 176. E71C. Meth. IX. p. 153. Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lep. 1. p. 455. 
 Papilio Autonoe, Cramer, 187. C. D. et 320. A.B. 
 Several distinct, but nearly allied, species have been confounded together under the 
 name of Hyparete ; Donovan observed, " We have two sorts of this species ; one with the 
 marginal row of red spots on the posterior wings disposed in a deep border of black ; the 
 other has the red spots on a whitish ground. They are certainly the two sexes of Papilio 
 Hyparete. Found near Canton, in China." The sexes do not, however, vary in this 
 respect, the latter individuals mentioned in this passage are therefore most probably the 
 P. Eucharis of Drury (Epicharis, Enc. Meth. and Boisduval ; Hyparete, Fabricius), or the 
 P. Autonoe of Cramer and Boisduval. 
 The leaf represented in the plate is that of Sophora Japonica ( Sh'ming-leavtd Sophora), 
 an elegant and valuable timber tree, of which Sir G. Staunton speaks as very frequent in 
 Plate 31. fig. 1. 
 Sub-Gen. Iphias, Boisduval. 
 Ch. Sp. p. alls supra albis, anticis macula magna apicali (medio fulvo) nigra, subtus (nisi 
 dimidio basali anticarum) cinereis, strigis minutis fuscis irroratis. Expans. alar. 
 4 unc. 
 P. with the upper sides of the wings white, the anterior having a large black spot at 
 tip, the middle of which is rich orange; beneath, except the basal half of the 
 anterior wings, greyish with brown waves. Expanse of the wings 4 inches. 
 Syn. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Glaucippe, Liim. Syst. Nat. 2. 762. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. 1. 
 p. 198. No. 618. Herbst. Pap. Fab. 96. /. 1—3. Enc. Meth. IX. p. 119. 
 Drury Exot. Lepid. 1. pi. 10. /. 3. 4. 2nrf edit. p. 20. Horsfield Lep. Jav. 
 p. 130. (ColiasGl.) 
 ? Pap. CaOirhoe, Fab. Mant. Ins. 2. 20. 215. 
 Iphias Glaucippe, Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lep. '[.p. 596. 
 P. Glaucippe is an elegant insect : very common in China, and it is said, in some 
 adjacent parts of Asia, also Bengal, Java, &c. The Papilio Cullirrhoe of Linnaeus is 
 considered as the female of this species : few authors deem it more than a variety (/3), 
 Dr. Horsfield has described and figured the caterpillar and chrysalis of this species in his 
 work upon the Lepidoptera of Java above referred. 

/ {^/^//^j :^//ra/////t' 
 2. 1^ r/^£/ Q(y/u^ay. 
 Plate 31. fig. 2 
 Sub-Gen. Thestias, Boisduval. 
 Ch. Sp. p. " alls Integerrimis, rotundatis, flavis ; primoribus apice (medio fulvo) nigris ; subtus 
 nebuloso-maculatis." Linn, loc cit. infra. Expans. alar, fere 2^ unc. 
 P. with the wings entire, rounded, yellow ; the anterior with a large black spot, the 
 centre of which is bright orange ; beneath with cloud-like marks. Expanse of 
 the wings about 2 J inches. 
 Syn. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Pyrene, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 762. 8G I Enc. Mcth. IX. p. 120. 
 Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lep. I. 593. (Thestias P.) Drury Exot. Ent. 2nd edit. 
 I. p. ll.pl. 5./. 2. 
 Papilio Sesia, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. \.p. 203. Donovan, \st. edit. 
 The insect here figured, judging at least from the upper side, agrees with the Liiuiseau 
 description of P. Pyrene, the habitat of which is given by Linnaeus as China. Fabricius, 
 however, who refers to Linnseus, gives America as its locality. It is now satisfactorily 
 ascertained that it inhabits China and various parts of the East Indies. 
 The plant figured is Limodorum Tankervillce , an elegant and much admired production 
 of China. 
 Plate 32. fig. 1. 
 Genus. Colias, Fabricius. Papilio (Danai Candidi), Linnaus. 
 Sub-Gen. Callidryas, Boisduval. 
 Cii. Sp. C. alls integerrimis, rotundatis, albis, puncto apiceque nigris; subtus cinereo undu- 
 latis puncto fulvo. Expans. alar, fere 3 unc. 
 C. with the wings entire, rounded, and white, having a discoidal spot and the margin 
 black ; beneath with ashy waves and a fulvous spot. Expanse of the wings 
 nearly 3 inches. 
 SvN. Papilio Pyranthe, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 763. Enc. Meth. IX. p. 97. Boisduval 
 Hist. Nat. Lep. I.;?. 611. 
 Papilio Gnoma of Fabricius ; P. Alcyone, Cramer ; P. Nepthe, Fabricius ; and P. 
 Chryseis, Drury (1st edition) ; are in all probability varieties of this insect. 
 Plate 32. fig. 2. 
 Cu. Sp. C. alls integerrimis, subangulatis, flavis ; anticis macula, posticis limbo, liiteis. Expans. 
 alar. 3J unc. 
 C. with the wings entire, somewhat angulated, bright yellow, with a large discoidal 
 spot in the anterior and a broad margin of the posterior pair orange. Expanse 
 of the wings 3| inches. 
 Syn. ■ Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Philea, Liim. Stjst. Nat. 2. 764. Fabricius Ent. Sxjst. 3. 1. 
 p. 212. Cramer Pap. pi. 173. E. F. Roesel Ins. Bel. t. 3./. 5. Boisduval 
 Hist. Nat. Lep. \.p. 619. (Callidryas P.) 
 Linnaeus says of this species, " Habitat in Indiis," which may be either taken for the 
 East or West Indies ; Roesel calls it " die bidianische goldborte ;"' and Donovan states 
 that his specimen was received from China. The real locality, however, not only of this 
 l)utterfly, but of all the species of the section to which it belongs, is South America and 
 the West Indies. M. Boisduval gives the Argante of Hubner, Lolia of Godart, Aricia of 
 Cramer, Melanippe Cramer, and Larra of Fabricius, as varieties of the female of this 
 The plant represented in the plate is Mdastoma Chuioisls. 
 Plate 33. 
 Familv. Nymphai.id.t,, Swainson. 
 Glnus. Morpho, Fabricius. (Papilio, Daii. Festiv. Fabr. olim.) 
 Sub-Gen. Drusilla, Swainson Zool. Illust. 1. pi. II. (Hyades, Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lep. 
 Cii. Sp. M. alis integris, fiiscis ; posticis disco baseos albo, supra oculo maximo, subtus 
 duobus dissitis. Expans. alar. 4J unc. 
 M. with the wings entire, brown ; the posterior, with the basal disc white, with a 
 single large eye on the upper and two on the lower side. Expanse of the wings 
 4 J inches. 
 SvN. Papilio F. Jairus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. 1. p. 54. Cramer Pap. pi. 6. A. B. and 
 pi. 185. A. B. C. Enc. Ml'th. IX. p. 445. 
 Papilio Cassise, Clerk Icon. tab. '29. Jig. 3. 
 A specimen of this extremely rare Butterfly was contained in the collection of Dr 
 Hunter, now the property of the University of Glasgow ; a fragment in the British Mu 
 . /^^VV///A7//' 
 seum ; and one in fine preservation in the collection of Mr. Francillon. Except these, 
 and the specimens from which the figures in the annexed plate are copied, Donovan had 
 never seen it in any cabinet whatever. It had been figured only by two authors, Clerk 
 in his Icoiies insectonon rariorum, and Cramer in his Papillons exotiquca. The figures 
 of Clerk and Cramer do not strictly agree : we observe those of the first much lighter 
 coloured, and the white space on the upper wings considerably larger than in any of the 
 figures in Cramer's plates. 
 Fabricius says it is a native of the East Indies. One specimen figured by Cramer 
 was brought from the isle of Amboyna. It seems therefore not peculiar, like some in- 
 sects, to China. 
 Plate 34. 
 Genus. Nymphalis, Latreille. (Papilio Nymphalis, Fabricius.) 
 Sub-Ge\. Charaxes, Boisduval. (Jasia, Stvainson.) 
 Cii. Sp. N. alls fulvis, anticis apice atris, fascia media flava, posticis caudatis striga punctoriim 
 ocellatorum. Expans. alar. 3J unc. 
 N. with fulvous wings, the anterior black at the tips with a broad pale yellow band, 
 the posterior tailed, with a row of black ocellated spots. Expanse of the wings 
 3J inches. 
 Syn. Papilio (Nymph.) Bernardus, Jones. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. 1. ;;. 71. 
 This uncommonly rare Chinese butterfly has not been figured in any other work. 
 Fabricius described it only from the drawings of Mr. Jones. I possess a specimen in 
 which the central fascia is nearly white, and is continued half way across the posterior 
 wings, and the black spots in the latter are very broad and confluent, without white in 
 the centre. 
 The plant represented is the Camdlia Japonica (Japan Rose), a native of Japan and 
 China, which blossoms from January to May. It is a lofty and magnificent plant, rising 
 to the height of several feet : there is a variety of it with double flowers, perfectly white ; 
 and another in which the flowers are variegated with white and red. 
 Plate 35. fig. 1. 
 Genus. Augynnis, Fabricius. 
 Ch. Sp. a. alls subrotundatis, subdentatis, fulvis, anticis fascia flavcscenti transversa media 
 iiigro-maculata, apice nigris ; posticis serie punctorum duabusque lunularum 
 nigraruni. Exp. alar. 2 — 3 unc. 
 A. with the wings rather rounded and indented, fulvous, the anterior with a transverse 
 pale yellow fascia, spotted with black, the tips black ; the posterior wings with a 
 row of black spots and two rows of narrow spots. Expanse of the wings from 2 
 to 3 inches. 
 Syn. Papilio (Dan. Fest.) Erymanthis, Drury Exot. Eyit. vol. I. pi. 15./. 3. 4. Cramer, 
 pi. 238./. 9. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. \.p. 139. Enc. Mcth. IX. p. 257. 
 Papilio Lampetia, Cramer Pap.pl. 148. Jig. E. 
 It is the rarity, and not the beauty of this butterfly, which induced Donovan to add it 
 to this selection. It is probably far from common in China, being very seldom sent to 
 Europe among the insects of that country. 
 Plate 35. fig. 2. 
 Genus. Cynthia, Fabricius. (Papilio Nymphales gemmati, Linn.) 
 Cii. Sp, G. alls denticulatis, supra nigris aut fuscis, singularum ocellis duobus iride fulva ; 
 anticis costa strigisque apicalibus albis, his subfalcatis ; posticis rotundatis. Ex- 
 pans, alar. 2. unc. 
 C. with the wings dentate, the anterior subfalcate, the posterior rounded ; above 
 blacker brown shaded with blue, each having two eyelets with a fulvous circle ; 
 the anterior margin and several apical fascise white. Expanse of the wings 
 2 inches. 
 Syn. Papiho N. Orithya, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 770. (nee Abbot and Smith Lep. Georr/. 
 V. \: t. 8.) Roesel Ins. 4. t. 6. /. 2. Cramer Pap. pi. 19. C. D. 32. E. F. 
 281. E. F. 290. A.B.C.D. 
 Papilio N. Orythia, Fabr. Ent- Syst. 3. \.p. 91. Donovan, \st edit. 
 Donovan observes, that " the varieties of Papilio Orythia are numerous, and seem 
 to differ according to climate of the countries of which they are natives. It is common 
 in North America, Jamaica, India, &c. The variety from North America is almost wliolly 

 brown, and those from Jamaica have less blue in the disk of the lower wings than tliosi- 
 from China." Donovan, however, clearly here mistook distinct species for varieties. The 
 American species thus named by Abbot and Smith is the P. Larinia of Fabricins, and in 
 my copy of the Entomologia Systematica, which belonged to Professor Weber, the com- 
 panion of Fabricius, the words " India orientali " are introduced in lieu of Jamaica. 
 Papilio Clelia of Cramer, which is found on the coast of Guinea, has been supposed a 
 variety of Papilio Orythia. Fabricius, in the Entomologia Si/.stoncitica, has made it a 
 distinct species. It greatly resembles P. Orythia, but has no more blue colour on the 
 posterior wings than is concentrated in a large spot near the base. 
 Plate 35. fig. 3. 
 Genus. Limenitis, Fabricius. (Papilio Nymphales Phalerati, Linn.) 
 Ch. Sp. L. alls dentatis, supra fusco-nigris, subtiis fulvis ; utrinque fasciis tribus macularibus 
 albis ; posticanim fascia intermedia punctis nigris antrorsum foetis. Expans. alar. 
 2^ unc. 
 L. with the wings dentate, above brownish black, beneath clay coloured ; with three 
 rows of white spots on both sides, the intermediate fascia of the posterior wings 
 with black spots towards the base. Expanse of the wings 2 J inches. 
 Sys. Papilio Leucothoe, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 780. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. \.p. 129. 
 Enc. Meth. IX. p. 430. Herbst Pap. tab. 240./. 5. 6. 
 Papilio Polyxina, Donov. \st edition. 
 Donovan regarded this as a new species, giving the following as the true Leucothoe 
 of Linnaeus. The description given by that author, and especially his notice of the third 
 row of spots in the posterior pair of wings being composed " ex maculis 7 albis puncto 
 nigro fcetis," clearly applies to this and not to the following insect. 
 Plate 35. fig. 4. 
 L. alls dentatis supra fusco-nigris, subtus fulvis ; fasciis interruptis macularibus albis, 
 subtus fusco cinctis, anticis fascia longitudinali baseos h maculis duabus triangu- 
 laribus composita. Expans. alar. 2i unc. 
 L. with the wings dentate, above brownish black, beneath fulvous, with interrupted 
 white maculated bands, which on the under side are edged with brown, the ante- 
 rior have also a longitudinal basal fascia, composed of two triangular white spots, 
 the bases of which are opposed to each other. Expanse of the wings 2 J inches. 
 Liraenitis Eurynome, Westw. 
 Papilio Leucothoe, Donov. \st edit. 
 Papilio Aceris major ex India, Esper. Pap. tab. 82./'. 1. 
 Plate 36. fig. 1. 
 Ch. Sp. C. alls denticulatis supra luteis margine omni nigro ; posticis basi late nigris, macula 
 cyanea. Expans. alar. 2i unc. 
 C. with the wings denticulated, above pale clay-coloured, with all the margins black, 
 the base of the posterior black with a large cyaneous blue spot. Expanse of the 
 wings 2 J inches. 
 Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Gemm.) (Enone, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 770. " alis denticulatis, pri- 
 moribus albido maculatis subbiocellatis, posticis basi cyaneis ocellis duobus." 
 Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. 1. 90. Kleman Ins. \. t.S.f. \. 2. 
 Vanessa (Enone, Enc. Meth. IX. p. 318. 
 Donovan says, that this insect is found throughout Asia (wliich is the locality assigned 
 to it by LinnEeus and Fabricius), and is very common in China. In the Encyclopedic 
 Methodique, the Cape of Good Hope is given as its habitat. The Linnsean specific 
 character is applicable to the female; the male (according to M. Godart), which is here 
 figured, having no eyes on the upper side of the wings. 
 Plate 36. fig. 2. 
 C. alis anticis falcatis, posticis intus subcaudatis, omnibus supra fulvis, ocellis sesqui- 
 altero, subtus fuscescentibus, posticis linea flavida transversa media. Expans. 
 alar. 2| unc. 
 C. with the anterior wings falcate, the posterior subcaudate at the inner angle, all ful- 
 vous above, with an ocellus on each ; beneath brownish, the posterior with a yel- 
 lowish transverse line in the centre. Expanse of the wings 2J inches. 
 Papilio (N. G.) Almana, Lmn. Syst. Nat. 2. 769. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. 1. p. 89 
 Cra7ner Pap.pl. 58. F. G. Herbst. Pap. t. 172. 1. 2. 
 The angulated form of the wings of this butterfly gives it a remarkable appears 
 The eyes on the wings somewhat resemble those of the Peacock butterfly, to which, in 
 some other respects, it bears no distant similitude. It is common in Cliina ; Fabricius 
 gives its habitat Asia. 
 Plate 36. fig. 3. 
 Ch. Sp. N. alis subdentatis, fusco-virescentibus ; anticis utrinque fascia alba, maculari ; pos- 
 ticis apice punctis chermisinis, serie duplici digestis. Expans. alar. 2J unc. 
 N. with the wings subdentate, brownish-green, the anterior on each side with a row 
 of white spots, the posterior with scarlet spots arranged in a double series towards 
 the extremity. Expanse of the wings 2 J inches. 
 SvN. Papilio (Nymph.) Lubentina, Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. 1. p. 121. Enc. Meth. IX. 
 400. Cramer Pap. pi. 155. C. D. Herbst. Pap. t. 146. 1. 2. 
 Aconthea Lubentina, Horsfield Lep. Jav. pi. 5. /. 5. 
 Papilio Lubentina is figured only in the works of Cramer : his specimen is not pre- 
 cisely like ours, but agrees in all the essential peculiarities, and is unquestionably the 
 same species. The semitransparent spots on the anterior wings are much larger in 
 Cramer's fis'ure than in the insect before us. 
 Plate 37. fig. 1. 
 Cfi. Sp. N. alls lepando-dentatis, fuscis ; anticis striga punctorurn alborum, posticis apice albis 
 niargine fusco lunulis albis. Expans. alar. 4 — 4i unc. 
 N. with the wings scalloped, brown ; the anterior with a row of spots on the anterior 
 pair at tlie tips, posterior externally white, the margin being brown with white 
 lunules. Expanse of the wings from 4 to 4'J inches. 
 Syj(. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Jacintha, Drury, app. vol. 2. pi. 21. f. \. 2. Fabrichis 
 Ent. Syst. 3. l./J. 60. ? 
 Papilio (Nymph.) Liria, Fab. Ent. Syst. 3. \. p. 126. $1 
 Papilio Perimale, Cramer, pi. 65. C. D. 67. B. 
 This curious butterfly was found in the province of Pe-tche-lee, in China. It is in all 
 probability the female of Pap. (N.) Liria, Fabr. 
 It is represented, with P. Antiochus, on a leaf of the Urtica Nivea (White Nettle)."* 
 Plate 37. fig. 2. 
 Expans. alar. 2| unc. 
 N. with the wings above holosericeous black, with a broad shining orange bar com- 
 mon to all the wings, but abbreviated in the anterior pair. Expanse of the wings 
 2| inches. 
 Syn'. Papilio (Dan. Fest.) Antiochus, Linn. Mant. 1. 537. Drury, app. vol. 3. pi. 7. /'. 
 3. 4. Fabrichis Ent. Syst. 3. \. p. 44. Enc. Meth. IX. p. 409. 
 Papilio Eupalemon, Cramer, tab. 143. /. B. C. Le Veloute. Daxibenton, pi. enl. 
 68./. 3. 4. 
 This insect is very rare in European cabinets of insects. The specimen figured by 
 Drury came from the Brazils, and Cramer's from Surinam. Fabricius, however, describes 
 * Sir G. Staunton speaks of a cloth that the Chinese manufacture from the fibres of a dead nettle. Query, 
 Is this the species employed for that purpose ? no other is noticed by that author ia the lists of plants collected 
 in China. The nettle is of general use in Russian Tartary also ; the Kuriles, and other Siberian tribes, make 
 cloth, cordage, thread, &c. of it. Gordon, &c. 
P/ 3J. 
 ■^ „.^ y^- 
 ^ .J^/^^^',..^^/;^ 
<5 ifm/A^i^U/ r'^^i'/oi 
 It as a native of China ; and Donovan states that the insect figured in the collection of 
 drawings of Mr. Jones, of Chelsea, was a native of China, as well as the specimen in his 
 own collection. There must, however, have been some mistake in respect to these spe- 
 cimens, for not only are all the immediately allied species natives of South America, but 
 Stoll observed its transformations in that country, and says, that the caterpillar feeds on 
 the tamarind ; it is green, with two long spines on the head, and numerous other shorter 
 spines on the body. 
 Plate 38. 
 Ch. Sp. N. alls dentatis, supra nigiis viridi-maculatis striatisque ; anticis fascia maculari nivea. 
 Expans. alar. 3| unc. 
 N. with the wings dentate, black on the upper side, with green spots and lines, the 
 anterior with a row of white spots, the central fascia of the posterior wings exter- 
 nally radiated. Expanse of the wings 3| inches. 
 Syn. Papilio Sylla, Cramer Pap. t. 43./. E.G. 
 Papilio Sylvia, Herbst. Pap. t. 247./. 2. 3. 
 Papilio (N.) Gambrisius, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. \. p. 8.5. Donuv. 1st edit. 
 Nymphalis Sylvina, Enc. Meth. IX. p. 381. 
 A specimen of this very rare Papilio was taken in one of the small islands on the 
 eastern coast of China, and was in the possession of Mr. Francillon. Sir J. Banks, Bart, 
 had a specimen of it from another part of the East Indies. It also occm-s in Java and 
 Amboyna (Enc. Meth.). 
 Plate 40. fig. 1. 
 Section. Creplscularia, Latreille. 
 Family. Spiiingid;e, Leach. 
 Gexus. Deilefhila, Ochsenh. Sphinx p. Linn. S^c. 
 Cii. Sp. D. " alls integris ; anticis viridibus ; striga testacea ; posticis nigris ; maculis baseos 
 fasciaque flavis." Fabric, loc. cit. subtus. Expans. alar. 3| unc. 
 D. with the wings entire, the anterior green with a testaceous streak, (" with testa- 
 ceous marks," Donov.) the posterior black with spots at the base, and a row of 
 spots near the extremity. Expanse of the wings 3h inches. 
 SvN. Sphinx Nechus? Fabiicitis Ent. Syst. 3. \.p. 311. Cramer Ins. t. \18.f. B. 
 The number of Cliinese species of this genus, already described, is very limited : the 
 insect represented in the accompanying figures is the largest of them ; but as this is 
 inferior in size to several kinds found in Europe, we conceive there must remain many 
 larger species of the genus unknown to collectors of foreign insects, and yet very common 
 in China. In the latter part of Sir G. Staunton's work, that author mentions the larva 
 of a Sphinx JSIoth which furnish an article for the table of the Chinese. We regret that 
 the indefinite expression cannot assist us to determine the species, and scarcely the genus, 
 of the insect alluded to.* 
 The specimen figured in the annexed plate was in the collection of Mr. Francillon, 
 who received it from China. The habitat of D. Nechus, given by Fabricius, is America ; 
 and Cramer has represented a small variety of the same species from North America. 
 * European naturaHsts are entirely ignorant of the Chinese insects in the state of larva and pupa, if we 
 except a few species of the Cimices, Cicada, and some altogether uninteresting insects, that have been acci- 
 dentally brought among others from that country. Hence it must remain undetermined whether they correspond 
 in form with those of other parts of the world. It is, however, highly probable, from their great affinity to 
 those in the perfect state, that in the state of larva they may also agree. The extensive collection of the larvae 
 of sphinges made by Mr. Abbot in North America affords no singularly constructed animal distinct from those 
 found in Europe; they vary indeed in their colours, but preserve uniformly the characters found on the same 
 genus in other countries. We noticed among the drawings of the late Mr. Bradshaw the figure of a Chinese 
 sphinx, apparently S. Hylas, together with a larva similar to that of the S. Stellatarum : it was green, and, 
 like all the known larvae of the family (except the Adscitce division), was perfectly free from hairs : it was also 
 furnished with a horn at the posterior part of the body. 
 Moreover, Donovan's figure and description do not precisely correspond with the Fabrician 
 description, so that on both these grounds I have considered it advisable to give the specific 
 name with a mark of doubt. Sphinx Batus and Sphinx Gnoma are nearly allied to this 
 insect, particularl)' the former ; both are found in different parts of the East Indies. 
 Plate 40. fig. 2. 
 Family. Zyg«nid;f., Leach. 
 Genus. Glaucopis, Fabr. Sphinx, Linn. Donov. 
 Cii. Sp. G. nigra alis maculis luteis, anticis tribus, posticis duabus ; abdoniine cingulis duobus 
 coccineis. Expans. alar, fere 2 unc. 
 G. black, wings spotted with deep yellow, the anterior having three and the posterior 
 two spots, abdomen with two scarlet bands. Expanse of the wings nearly 2 
 Syn. Sphinx Polymena, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 806. no. 40. Cram. Ins. t. 13./. D. Fair. 
 Ent. Syst. 3. 1. p. 396. Drury Exot. Ent. 1. t. 2Q. f. I. 
 This beautiful creature is probably scarce in China ; at least it is very rarely found 
 among the insects brought from that country. 
 It is figured on the plate with the Rosa semperflorens ( Ever-bloivhig China Roi-e). 
 Plate 41. fig. 1. 
 Genus. Sesia, Fabricius. Sphinx, Linn. Donov. 
 Ch. Sp. S. alis fenestratis, abdomine barbato viridi, cingulo purpureo. Expans. alar. 2| unc. 
 S. with transparent wings, body pale yellow green, abdomen with a brush at the tip 
 and a purple belt round the middle. Expanse of the wings 2| inches. 
 Syn. Sphinx Hylas, Linn. Mant. 1. 539. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3. \.p. 379. 
 Sphinx Picus, Cramer Ins. t. 148./. B. 
/ .=^^£c/ki/ii/^y^^ %r///j. £.u^fa^a^t^ 
 Plate 41. fig. 2. 
 Section. Noctuuna? 
 Family. Arctiid*, Stephens? 
 Genus. Callimorpha? Lalreille. Sphin.x, Zinn. 
 Ch. Sp. C. alls oblongis integeirimis nigris anticis fasciis duabus, posticis unica flavis ; capite 
 rubro. Expans. alar. 2 unc. 
 C. with oblong entire black wings, anterior pair shaded with blue at the base, and 
 with two pale yellow fasciae; posterior wings with a pale yellowish space, head 
 red. Expanse of the wings 2 inches. 
 S^N. Papilio Thallo, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 756. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3.\. p. 173. 
 Sphinx pectinicornis, Litm. Syst. Nat. 2. 807. Fab. Ent. Syst. 3.\.p. 399. Ed- 
 wards Aves, 36. t. 226. 
 Phaleena tiberina, Cramer, t. 32./. C. D. 
 Sphinx Thallo, Donov. \st edit. 
 Donovan entered into a lengthened observation, shewing that Fabricius had given a 
 Papilio Thallo in all his works when no such Papilio was in existence, and that Edwards' 
 figure of the insect in question was derived from a mutilated or mended specimen. The 
 former error is, however, rather to be attributed to Linnaeus, who introduced all the con- 
 fusion by describing Edwards' figure both as a Papilio and Sphinx. 
 The figures of Cramer and Edwards do not precisely agree ; in the former, the 
 disk of the posterior wings is yellowish, with a deep border of black : in the other, the 
 yellow occupies only a space near the base, and forms a semi-lunar mark near the ante- 
 rior margin of those wings. Donovan suspected, with Cramer, that they are but the two 
 sexes of one species. Cramer says both his specimens came from China, from whence 
 Donovan's insects were also received. The real affinities of this and some other allied spe- 
 cies are very perplexing, they seem, however, to connect the Zygaenidae with the Arctiidae. 
 Plate 41. fig. 3. 
 Ch. Sp. C. " alis integerrimis nigro-purpurascentibus, fascia communi maculisque duabus 
 flavis, thorace antice brunneo." Expans. alar. IJ iinc. 
 C. with the wings entire, black purple, a semicircular yellowish band communicating 
 across all the wings, and two spots of the same colour near the apex, collar red- 
 dish. Expanse of the wings 1 1 inch. 
 Syn. Sphinx ruficoUis, Donov. \st edit. 
 This and the following species were considered by Donovan to be undoubted non- 
 descripts : both species were in the collection of Mr. Francillon, who received them from 
 Plate 41. fig. 4. 
 Ch. Sp. C. alis fulvis ; anticarum fascia apiceque nigris. Expans. alar. 1 unc. 
 C. with orange or fulvous wings, anterior pair with a black bar across the middle, and 
 the tips black. Expanse of the wings 1 inch. 
 The plant represented is Thuja Orkntalis (China Abor-vitte Tree), an ornamental 
 evergreen, much esteemed by the Chinese, and very frequently represented in their land- 
 scapes. Sir G. Staunton remarks, in the account of the journey from Pekin to Canton, 
 that great quantities of this plant grew to a prodigious height in the valley in which 
 stands the city of Yen-choo-foo. 
r //^///^ 
 '^'^■i/u^ c ^y/T"/?^. 
 Plate 42. 
 Family. Bombycidv'e. 
 Genus. Saturnia, Scliraiick. (PhalfEna Attacus, Linn.) 
 Cn. Sp. S. alls anticis falcatis, luteo variis, macula fenestrata anticis sesquialtera. Expans. 
 alar. 8 unc. 
 S. with the anterior wings falcate ; yellow brown, varied with paler markings, each 
 wing with a triangular talc-like spot in the middle, the anterior having also a 
 smaller one near the tips. Expanse of the wings 8 inches. 
 Syn. Phalrena Attacus Atlas, Linn. Sijst. Nat. 2. p. 808. Petiv. Gaz. t. 8./. 7. Fab. 
 Ent. Syst. III. \.p. 407. Cram. Ins. 381. C. 3S2. A. 
 The nocturnal Lepidoptera are remarkable for the neatness and simplicity of tlieir 
 colours. Their elegancies consist in the infinite variety and delicacy of intermingled 
 tints : the contrast of spots, specklings, and lineations, which constitute the minutiae of 
 insect beauty. Some species are to be excepted in this remark ; the larger kinds are 
 often gaudy, and the smallest exhibit a display of the richest colours, fancifully disposed, 
 and most elegantly diversified. 
 The European species are numerous, and pretty well ascertained : those of remote 
 countries remained, at the period of the publication of the first edition of this work, and 
 still remain in great obscurity. The species inhabiting- China are almost unknown ;* for 
 Fabricius describes not more than twenty species in all the cabinets in Europe. From 
 this scanty number a few are selected to illustrate the genus, and if these appear deficient 
 in point of interest or variety, it may stimulate others to collect new species whenever 
 an opportunity occurs. The moths, not only of China, but of every country except 
 Europe, have received but little attention. In Europe, the number of this tribe exceeds 
 that of any other: on the contrary, the extra European species are comparatively the 
 most inconsiderable of our acquisitions. The Papiliones, or butterflies, are a showy and 
 lively race : they sport in the open fields by day, and attract the traveller's curiosity ; 
 hence our cabinets abound with them. But the moths, infinitely more numerous, and 
 not less pleasing, are seldom seen ; in the gloominess of their dispositions, they seek the 
 ' Fab. Ent. Syst. These are chiefly described from insects in the collection of " Blonson Londini," of 
 which no figures are extant, and the collection unknown. 
 obscurity of the forest in the day, and only venture on the wing when the sun is down. 
 In Europe we visit their nocturnal haunts without difficulty or dread; but, in hotter cli- 
 mates these are oftentimes impenetrable, or the lurking places of ferocious animals ; and 
 few will expose themselves to their attacks to increase the catalogue of exotic moths.* 
 Phalsena Atlas is the first species we have to notice. It is one of the largest of the 
 moth tribe,t and is, indeed, a gigantic creature. The species is common, but not peculiar 
 to China, being found in other parts of Asia, and in America. The influence of climate 
 is easily traced in the individuals from different countries ; that from Surinam is the 
 largest, and of the deepest colours. The Chinese kind is the next in size ; the colours 
 incline to orange, and the anterior wings are more falcated, or hooked, at the ends. We 
 * The far greater number of moths can only be taken in the woods at night. This is termed mothing by 
 collectors. The moths begin to stir about twilight, and when almost dark, commence their flight. The collector 
 is furnished with a large gauze folding-net, in which the insects are caught indiscriminately, for it is impossible 
 to distinguish one species from another, and often is so dark, that the object itself can barely be discerned. 
 Different species have their favourite haunts, some the lanes and skirts of woods, but many of them prefer the 
 open breaks in the most retired places. As it would be unsafe, or impossible, to penetrate the woods in many 
 countries, it is better to collect the larvae, or caterpillars, for these may be found on the trees in the day-time, 
 and if kept in little gauze cages, and carefully fed, will change into chrysalides, and produce the moths. This is 
 certainly tedious, and few travellers will divert their attention from more important observations ; but were they 
 to appropriate their leisure to this branch of science, they would materially improve entomology. Mr. Abbot 
 investigated a small district of Georgia, in North America, in this manner, and our cabinets are indebted to 
 his labours for several hundred species, altogether new in Europe. The reader may estimate the importance of 
 these discoveries, by referring to the two expensive volumes of North American Lepidopterous Insects ; and re- 
 flecting, that the originals of all the species included in that work are but a small selection from those he has 
 furnished us with. Viewing these as the result of one man's research, in an inconsiderable portion of North 
 America, what a variety of new and splendid kinds would be the reward of those, who should explore the more 
 genial regions of Asia, Africa, and South America, with equal diligence and information ! 
 We have hazarded an assertion which may seem inadmissible, that the Phalsenae are infinitely more nu- 
 merous than the Papiliones, or any other tribe of insects. Not that we possess more, but because, in every 
 country that has been investigated, experience justifies such opinion. For instance, in Great Britain we have 
 only sixty 'Papiliones, and by mere accident two or three local species have lately been added ; of the Phalaenae 
 we have more than 900. The same comparative proportion is observed throughout the countries of the Euro- 
 pean continent ; and it is singularly analogous, that our opinion is confirmed, by the recent discoveries of Mr. 
 Abbot in America. 
 t When Linnaeus described it, few of the very large species of Phalsena were known. There are two spe- 
 cies from the interior of Africa, which are larger than the Chinese Atlas, and several others scarcely inferior in 
 " (There are now about eighty-five indigenous British butterflies, and between seventeen and eighteen 
 liundred moths. J. O. W.) 
 have two other Asiatic varieties still smaller, with the wings extremely falcated. These 
 are to be regarded as distinct species. 
 The larva of Phalaena Atlas is figured by AI. Jlleriaii, in the Insecta Surinamensia, 
 plate 52 : it is about four inches in length, green, with a yellow stripe disposed longitu- 
 dinally. Upon each segment are four distinct round tubercles, of a coral-like orange 
 colour, which are surrounded with very delicate hairs. The pupa is large, and inclosed 
 in a web of an ochre colour. The silk of this web is of a strong texture, and it has been 
 imagined, that if woven, it would be superior in durability to that of the common silk 
 worm. Seba has also represented the larva at fig. 1. plate 57. vol. 4. Thesaurus Naturte. 
 It is nearly six inches in length, and bulky in proportion ; the Phaleena is also large? 
 than that figured by Merian, which is a small specimen of the Surinam species. According 
 to Merian, there are three broods of this insect in a year ; they are very common, and 
 feed on the orange trees. Linnseus says, tliey adhere so tenaciously to the leaves that 
 they can scarcely be taken off.* 
 The common silk worm, or Phalaena Mori, belongs to this family, and merits obser- 
 vation as a native of China. The art of weaving its threads into silk is of the earliest 
 date. The discovery is attributed to the Seres, a people of the East Indies, supposed the 
 Chinese.! I" the days of Solomon, we are told, a woman named Pamphilia, of the Island 
 of Co, was skilled in the art of making cloth of the silk brought from the country of the 
 Seres. The most ancient of the Chinese writers ascribe the invention to one of the women 
 of the emperor Hoaug ti, named Si ling, and in honour Yuenfei.'^ When Rome dege- 
 nerated into voluptuousness, Persia, its dependency, furnished this article of luxury ; but 
 it is supposed they were indebted to the Chinese for it, and being supplied only in small 
 quantities, it was consequently dear. In Rome it was so scarce, as to be worn only bv 
 persons of the first distinction. 
 The Chinese historians affirm, that the discovery was considered at first of such im- 
 portance, tliat all the women in the palace of the emperor were engaged in rearing the 
 insect and weaving its silk. In after times, the silk of China M'as a principal article of 
 commerce ; but latterly, its value has been materially lessened by the culture and fabri- 
 cation of silk in other countries. As the Chinese know little of the use of Hnen, the silk 
 is a staple article of their own consumption. The Jesuit missionaries mention several 
 * Larva verticillata verrucis pilosis nee folliculos grandes, tenaces, vix extricandos. Linn. Syst. Nat. 
 t Velleraque ut foliis depectant tenuia Seres. Virg. Georg. II. 122. 
 t Du Halde, Des Soyeries. Les plus aiiciens ecrivans de cet empire en attribuent la decouverte a une 
 des femmes de TEmpereur Hoang ti, nommee Si ling, et surnommee par honneur Yuen fei. 
 sorts of it in use among the Chinese ; some admired for beauty, and others for durability. 
 It is generally supposed these are not merely the effect of different manufacture, but 
 are the produce of distinct insects.* Sir G. Staunton speaks of the culture of silk worms 
 * M. Merian says, in the description of the Surinam variety of Phalsena Atlas : " Telam ducunt fortem, 
 quare bonum fore sericura rata, istius ahquam collegi copiam et in Belgium transmisi, ubi eadem optima 
 judicata est : ut itaque, si quis Erucas istas congregandi laborem non detrectaverit, et bonee notae bombycem, 
 et maximum hinc lucrum sibi comparare posset." The thread of which this coccon's web is composed is so 
 strong, that it has been imagined it would make good silk. I have brought some of it into Holland, which has 
 been esteemed such ; so that if any one would take the trouble to collect a number of these caterpillars, they 
 would be found good silk worms, and produce great profit. Merian. — Abbot informs us, the Moths of the 
 Emperor tribe in general are called silk worms by the people of Georgia ; and in the description of Phalaena 
 Cecropia is still more explicit : for he says, " the caterpillar spins on a twig ; the outside web is coarse, the 
 inner covered with silk, like a silk worm's coccon. It is said this silk has been carded, spun, and made into 
 stockings, and that it will wash like linen." Abbot's Ins. by Dr. J. E. Smith. — These insects are all of the 
 same natural order, P. Cecropia is rather smaller, but very similar to P. Atlas, and this information at least 
 corroborates the assertion of Merian. 
 An opinion that the Chinese rear several kinds of insects for the sake of their silk has long been prevalent. 
 Dr. J.ettsom proposes a query on this subject, " Which species of moth or butterfly is it, the caterpillar of 
 which, in China, affords that strong grey kind of silk, and how is it manufactured or wore? How are these 
 silk worms or caterpillars preserved, fed, and managed ? The introduction of such a new silk into England 
 would be a useful acquisition, and redeem entomology from the censure it is now branded with, of being a mere 
 curiosity void of any real utility." " If Lesser and Lyonet are to be relied on, the Theoloyie des Insectes 
 answers this query. " At this day there are to be found in China, in the province of Canton, silk worms in a 
 wild state, which, without any care being taken of them, make in the woods a kind of silk which the inhabitants 
 afterwards gather from the trees. It is grey, without lustre, and is used to make a very thick and strong cloth, 
 named there Kien Tcheon. It may be washed like linen cloth, and does not stain." A gentleman resident in 
 the East Indies speaks of a large Phatena producing silk in that country : " We have a beautiful silk worm 
 north-east of Bengal, that feeds on the Ricinus, whence I call it Phaltena Ricini ; it is sea-green, with soft 
 spines, very large and voracious, and spins a coarse, but strong and useful silk. The moth is of great size, 
 with elegant dark plumage. Is it known to European naturalists ?" In a collection of papers published by 
 Dr. Anderson in Madras, 1788, 1789. — M. Le Bon, Reaumur, Roesel, and several others, have attempted to 
 weave the silk of spiders as a substitute for that of silk worms, but their experiments rather amuse and point 
 out the ingenuity of the proposers than promise to be useful ; for after many trials, it appears that the silk of 
 spiders would be inferior in lustre and far more expensive than that of silk worms. Sir G. Staunton alludes to 
 these experiments in his description of the Java forests. " In some open spots were found webs of spiders, 
 woven with threads of so strong a texture, as not easily to be divided without a cutting instrument ; they 
 seemed to render feasible the idea of him who, in the southern provinces of Europe, proposed a manufacture 
 from spiders' threads, which is so ridiculous to the eyes of those who have only viewed the flimsy webs such 
 insects spin in England." JIany other substances of a soft texture have also been wrought into a variety of 
 trifling articles, as gloves, stockings, &c. of the fibres of Asbestos earth, or mountain flax, beard of the large 
 Pinna shell, &c. &c. 
 Naturalist and Traveller's Compa 
////>^/>yV/// y// / /a/El t/u/ . 
 £. (I'j/^-d yyua 'lerA'ur 
 in China, but only of the common sort. It will gratify curiosity, if not prove advan- 
 tageous, should future observers ascertain vs^hat kind of insects the Chinese appropriate 
 to making silk, and whether P. Atlas is of the number, as has been conjectured. It is 
 indeed to be observed, that in India several distinct species of Saturnia are known to bv 
 employed in the production of silk ; the most important of which are the Tusseh (S. 
 Paphia, Linn.), the Arrindi (S. Cynthia, Drury), and the Kolisurra silk worm of the 
 Plate 43. fig. 1. 
 Family. AncTiiDiE ? 
 Genus. Heleona, Swains. Zool. Illustr. N. Ser. 116. 
 Ch. Sp. H. alls patulis concoloribus luteis apice maculisque violaceis, anticis extus albo-macu- 
 latis. Expans. alar. 3J unc. 
 H. with the wings extended at rest, the anterior and posterior pairs coloured alike, 
 luteous yellow, with the extremity and spots at the base violet, the anterior with 
 whitish spots at the tips. Expanse of the wings 3| inches. 
 Syn. Phalsena militaris, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 811. Fabricius Ent. Syst. 3. 2. p. 416. 
 Roesel. Ins. 4. t. 6./. 3. Cramer. Ins. t. '29./. B. 
 The natural situation of this and some other allied insects is doubtful ; it forms tlie 
 type of Mr. Swainson's group Heleona, but is considered by that author to belong to the 
 tribe of Sphingides, and family of Zygaeidse (Anthoceridse, Swainson). 
 * See the Memoirs of Dr. Roxburgh in the Linnasan Transactions, and of Lieut.-Col. VV. H. Sykes in the 
 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society. 
 Plate 43. fig. 2. 
 Genus. Eusemia, Dalman. Phalaena, Linn, Sfc. 
 Ch. Sp. E. alis incumbentibus nigris, maculis cseruleis flavis albisque, posticis rubro alboque 
 maculatis. Expans. alar. 3 unc. 
 E. with the wings incumbent, black, anterior with blue, yellow, and white spots, pos- 
 terior with red and white spots. Expanse of the wings 3 inches. 
 Syn. Phalaena (Noctua) lectrix, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. p. 834. Fabr. Enl. Syst. 3. 1. p. 
 Eusemia lectrix, Dalm. Monogr. Castn. 
 This is so scarce an insect, that Mr. Drury informed Donovan he had only been able 
 to procure a single specimen in the course of thirty years collecting insects. 
 Plate 44. fig. 1. 
 Familv. Noctuid*. 
 Genus. Erebus, Latreille. Thysania, Dalman. 
 Ch. Sp. E. alis dentatis, fuscis, nigro-undulatis ; anticis ocello magno luteo, annulo nigro 
 cincto. Expans. alar. 5^ unc. 
 E. with the wings dentated, brown with black waves, the anterior having a large 
 luteous ocellus, surrounded by a black ring. Expanse of the wings .5^ inch. 
 Syn. Phalaena (Attacus) Macrops, Linn Syst. Nat. 4. p. 225. 
 Noctua Bubo, Fabr. Mant. Ins. 2. 209. Ent. Syst. III. 1. ;>. 9. Donovan, \st 
 Edit. (Phalaena B.) Sulzer. Ins. t. 22./. 2. Cramer. Pap. t. 171./. B. 
 This is the largest of the Chinese Noctua ; some very similar species, but without the 
 orange eye, and of a smaller size, are peculiar to China. 
 y/ir^ivr//^^ y///^////^. 
 Plate 44. fig. 2. 
 Genus. Hipparchus, Leach. 
 Cn. Sp. H. alis viridibns, margine posteiiore late rufescente, singulis macula marginali viridi 
 Expans. alar. \\ unc. 
 H. with the wings green, deeply bordered with pale red, with a green spot on tin 
 exterior margin of each wing. Expanse of the wings 1 \ inch. 
 Syn. Phaloena Zonaria, Donov. \sl edit. 
 Plate 44. fig. 3. 
 Genus. Callimohpha? 
 Cii. Sp. C. alis caeruleo-nigris, fascia maculari apicis alba. Expans. alar. 2^ unc. 
 C. with blue-black wings, having a row of white spots along the posterior margins. 
 Expanse of the wings 2i inches. 
 Syn. Phalaena Panthorea, Cram. Ins. t. 322./. C. 
 Phalsena pagaria, Fah. Ent. Syst. III. 2. p. 153. Donov. \st edit. (Phaleena, 
 Geometra, p.) 
 The insect here figured, and those represented in plate 41. fig. 2. and plate 43. fig-. 1. 
 are very intimately allied together ; nevertheless, Donovan separated them, placing one 
 in each of the three great divisions, Sphinx, Bombyx, and Geometra. 
 Order. NEUROPTERA. Limmus. 
 Plate 45. fig;. 1. 
 Family. Libellulid^e, Leach. 
 Genus. ./Eshna, Fabr. Libellula p. Linn. Donov. Cordulegaster, Leach. 
 Cu. Sp. M. abdomine clavato, basi gibbo ; corpoie nigro, fusco viridique variegate. Expans. 
 alar. 3 J unc. 
 jE. with the abdomen clavate gibbose at the base ; body black, varied with brown and 
 green; stigma brown. Expanse of the wings 3^ inches. 
 Syn. iEshna clavata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. p. 385. Spec. Ins. 1. p. 526. 4. 
 Linnaeus divides the dragon flies (Libellula, Linn) into two sections: — " \. alis paten- 
 tibus acquiescentes ;" and "2. (alis erectis) oculi distantes remotique." Fabricius divides 
 the Linnaean Libellulae into three distinct genera ; tlie first retains the Linnaean name, 
 the second and third are called Aeshna and Agrion. Their most essential characters 
 are taken from the form and situation of the mouth, and therefore require a deep magnifier 
 to determine them with accuracy. Donovan states, that he had examined those parts in 
 the greater number of the species Fabricius has described, and found his characters agree, 
 except in one instance ; which Donovan nevertheless considered a proof of the impracti- 
 cability of adopting the whole of his system : he describes Libellula Chinensis, and refers 
 to the only figure that has been given of it, in one of the plates of Edwards's Natural 
 History of Birds, 1745.* Had Fabricius ever seen and examined this rare species, he 
 must have referred it to his genus Agrion, each of the lips being bifid, or two-cleft, as 
 in Libellula virgo and puella, — the essential characteristic of the genus Agrion ; for the 
 mouths of the Libellulae of Fabricius differ altogether in structure, and are not notched 
 in the slightest degree, as Libellula clavata, ferruginea, 6-maculata, and the European 
 species, Libellula depressa, will suflSciently illustrate. 
 Donovan, however, rejecting the Fabrician generic distribution, states, that iEshna 
 clavata must be arranged with L. grandis and forcipata ; but it is nearer allied to Cor- 
 dulegaster annulatus. Leach (Libellula Boltoni of Donovan's British Insects.) 
 * That Fabricius should have erred in the location of a species which he had never seen, but knew only 
 through a rude figure, is not surprizing ; but surely such a circumstance can be no proof of the impropriety of 
 a system founded, as Donovan clearly shews, on characters of stability. J. O. W. 
V // / / 
 Plate 45. fig. 2. 
 Genus. LiiiELLULA, Linn. Sfc. 
 Cii. Sp. L. alis fusco-maculatis et undulatis, basi flavis, posticis versus apicem macula magna 
 fusca puncto flavo ; apice albo. Expans. alar. 3 unc. 
 L. with the wings spotted and undulated with brown, yellow at the base, the posterior 
 towards the tips with a large brown fascia, having a small yellow spot, the tips 
 yellow. Expanse of the wings 3 inches. 
 Syn. Libellula variegata, Linn. Am. Acad. 6. 412. 86. Sijst. Nat. I. 2. p. 904. Drury 
 Exot. Ent. '2nd edit. 2. p. 94. nee Fubr. op. cit. p. 382. 
 Libellula Histrio, Fabr. Mant. Ins. 1. 337. 24. 
 Libellula Indica, Fabr. Eyit. Syst. 2. 376. Gumn Icon. R. An. Ins. pi. 60./. 1. 
 Donovan, \st edit. 
 Libellula Arria, Drury Exot. Entom. \st edit. o. I. pi. 4d. /. 1. 
 Another species of Libellulida; peculiar to India, and found in China, greatly re- 
 sembles this insect ; it is probably a variety of it. 
 Plate 45. fig. 3. ^ et ? 
 Ch. Sp. L. ahs anticis maculis tribus costalibus atris; ultima stigmate niveo; posticis fasciis 
 flavcscentibus. Expans. alar. 1 1 unc. 
 L. with three black spots on the costa of the anterior wings, stigma white, posterior 
 wings with yellow clouds. Expanse of the wings 1 ^ inch. 
 Syn. Libellula 6-maculata, Fab. Ent. Syst. 2. p. 381. 
 These delicate insects appear to be male and female ; they are almost a miniature 
 resemblance of the two sexes of Libellula depressa found in Europe ; one havmg the 
 abdomen yellow, and the other blue. 
 Plate 46. fig. i. 
 Genus. Aguion, Fabr. Calepteryx, Leach. 
 Cii. Sp. a. alls anticis testaceo-obsoletis, posticis viridibus, apice fuscis. Expans. alar. 2| uiic. 
 A. with the anterior wings brownish, posterior green with brown tips. Expanse of 
 the wings 2| inches. 
 SvN. Libellula Chinensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 904. 15. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 379. Edw. 
 Aves t. 1 12. Gucrin Icon. R. Ayi. Ins. t. 60./. 4. (Agrion c.) 
 Tlie only two specimens of this species with which Donovan was acquainted, were 
 in the collection of the late Duchess of Portland ; one of which afterwards passed into 
 the possession of Mr. Francillon. 
 Plate 46. fig. 2. 
 L. alls liyalinis, basi flavis; corpora riibro. Expans. alar. 2| uuc. 
 L. with the wings hyaline, yellow at the base, body red. Expanse of the wings 2| 
 Libellula Servilia, Drury Exot. Ent. \st edit. app. vol. 2. 
 Libellula ferrugata, Fabr. Mant. Ins. 336. U. 
 Libellula ferruginea, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. p. 380. Donovan, 1st edit. 
 Very common in Ch 
 Plate 46. fig. 3. 
 L. luteo-testacea, alls fulvescentibus, marginibus anticis testaceis macula media sub- 
 pellucida, stigmate ad apicem fusco. Expans. alar. 2^ unc. 
 L. luteo-testaceous ; wings fulvescent, with the anterior margins testaceous, having a 
 pellucid spot in the middle, and the stigma brown. Expanse of the wings 2-| 
 Libellula Fulvia, Drury Exot. Ent. vol. 2. pi. 46. fy. 2. 
 3. ^^//yA'y/A/ r^^m//<:z 
Q^^l^^yZ^zy -_//////// ^'^z. 
 Order. DIMEROSOMATA. Leach. 
 Plate 47. 
 Class. Ar.achnida. Lamarck. Aptera [>. Limutus. 
 Ordeii. Dimerosomata, Leach. 
 Family. ARANEiDit, Leach: 
 Genus. Epeira, Walckender. 
 Sub-Gen. Nephila, Leach Zool. Misc. 
 Ch. Sp. E. corpore elongato, cephalo-thorace holosericeo argenteo, abdomine cylindrico f'usco- 
 rubro lineis punctisque albis ; pedibus longissimis atris. Long. Corp. If unc. 
 E. with the body elongated, cephalo-thorax holosericeus and silvery, abdomen cy- 
 lindric, red-brown with spots and lines of white, legs very long and black. Length 
 of the body Ij inches. 
 Syn. Aranea maculata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. p. 4-25. 
 This remarkable creature is peculiar to some parts of the Chinese empire. It is not 
 the largest of the genus known ; yet it is of sufficient magnitude to excite terror and 
 disgust. To an European, who has seen only the indigenous spiders of his own country, 
 a species five or six inches in length, and nearly the same in breadth, must appear a 
 frightful creature : Epeira Maculata sometimes exceeds that size ; but it has not the 
 forbidding aspect of most insects of the same genus. The legs are unusually long, and 
 the body slender. In its general appearance it resembles some kinds of the Phatangia 
 that are known in England by the vulgar name Harvest-men, being generally seen about 
 that time of the year. 
 It has been observed, that nature oftentimes adorns the most deformed and loathsome 
 of her creatures in the richest display of colours ; and this is especially noticed in many 
 sorts of snakes, toads, lizards, &.c. Spiders seem also of this description : to a form the 
 most hideous we frequently find united a brilliance of colours, and elegance of marking, 
 that is scarcely excelled by any of the butterfly tribe, — the most beautiful of all lepidop- 
 terous insects. Our present subject is a striking proof of the latter part of this obser- 
 vation. The three figures in our plate of Epeira Maculata exhibit a front and a profile 
 view of the insect, together with the front of the head at the third figure. The head is 
 furnished with two very strong black mandibles, each terminated in an extremely acute 
 point. The fore part of the cephalo-thorax, which is wholly of a fine silky appearance, 
 and the colour of silver, bending over the mandibles in the form of an arch, or circular 
head-piece, gives it the resemblance of a black head with a crown of silver on the brow. 
 This appearance is heightened in no small degree by three rugged prominences, one in 
 the centre, and another on each side, on the upper part ; and by the minute black eyes, 
 which, like those of most spiders, sparkle with the lustre of small gems. These eyes 
 are eight in number, four are placed immediately in the front of the silver-coloured 
 circular front piece, and on each side are two placed close together thus : " : 
 The body is really beautiful, the chief colour is deep brown, strongly tinged with 
 bright purple ; a broad stripe of orange colour passes down the abdomen from the 
 cephalo-thorax to the apex : the whole is elegantly marked with a variety of cream- 
 coloured lines and spots intersecting each other. Very little hair is found on any part 
 of this spider except on the cephalo-thorax, which being rubbed off, discovers a hard 
 testaceous black substance beneath. 
 The description given by Fabricius accords m every respect with our specimen. 
 The only insect with which it could possibly be confounded is Aranea Pilipes, which 
 also has never been figured ; it differs, however, from Aranea Maculata in the very hairy 
 clothing of the legs, and it has also two silver stripes down the back : a striking specific 
 distinction to separate it from our inSect. It is also a native of the East Indies, but not 
 of China, that we are informed. 
 Order. DECAPODA. Latreille. 
 Phitu 48. 
 f^LAss. CnusTACEA, C'Mijcr. AjitcTa p ZinnffM*. 
 Order. Decapoda, Latreille. 
 SiXTioN. BiiACHYURA, Latreille. 
 Family. Portunid;e. 
 Genus. OuniiYiA. Fabricius. CanceT p. Linu. Dunov. 
 Cii. Sp. O. testa utrinque trispinosa, taberciilatu, maculis duabus rutls, froutc tridentato. 
 Long. test. 1^ unc. 
 O. with the carapax having three spiiius on each side and tubeiculated, wilh two red 
 spots, the front tridentate. Length 1^ inch. 
 Syn. Cancer niainillaris, Fubr. Ent. Syst. 2. 465. 91. 
 It is worthy of remark, that this is the only species of the old genu.s Cancer, which 
 Fabricius mentions as a native of China. 

 ^^^ Pt^^, 
 / r r ■ 7/ ' 

 7 J 
 Order. STOMAPODA. Lutrcille. 
 Plato 49. 
 Genus. Squilla, Fabricius. Ciincer, p. Linnmus. 
 Cii. Sp. Sq. manibus compressis 6-dentatis, articulo ultimo abdominis cariiiu centrali, dentilms 
 tribus utrinque apiccque bidentato. Long. Corp. 4^ unc. 
 Sq. with the terminal joint of the large pair of claws six toothed, the last abdominal 
 segment with a central carina, three teeth on each side and two at the extremity. 
 Length of the body 4.^ inches. 
 Syn. Cancer Mantis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 1054. Fab. Ent. Syst. 2. .511. Desmnrest 
 Cons, siir les Crustaces, p. 2.51. Encycl. Meth. pi. 324. De Geer Ins. vol. 7. 
 t. 34. 
 The Linnsean Cancri are numerous, and include many species not less singular in 
 appearance than the extraordinary creature before us. Indeed, some species are so 
 extremely different from the rest, both in structure and manners of life, that even Do- 
 novan could not hesitate in concluding the Linnsean character of the genus to be defective 
 and indefinite. This may be observed in several of the species Linnaeus himself described, 
 and throughout a more extensive number of those discovered since the time of that 
 author. It is evident Linnaeus could never reconcile the subdivisions of the two prin- 
 cipal families, the Brachyuri and Maa^ouri, or crabs with short and long tails ; and 
 later naturalists have ventured, with propriety, to alter this part of his arrangement. 
 Desmarest gives the Mediterranean as the locality of Squilla Mantis , but the species 
 here figured, which is very common in the Chinese boxes of insects sent to this country, 
 agrees with the extended characters given of S. Mantis. Fabricius says of it, " Habitat 
 in mari Asiatico, Indico, Meditcrranco, Italis esculentus." 
 Plate 50. 
 Class. Ametabola, Leach. Myriapoda, Latreille. Aptera p. Linnaus. 
 Genus. Scolopendra, Linnteiis. 
 Ch. Sp. Sc. pedibus utrinque 21, posterioribus spinosis. Long. Corp. 6 unc. 
 Sc. with twenty-one feet on each side, the posterior pair spined. Length of the body 
 6 inches. 
 SvN. Scolopendra morsitans, De Geer Ins. vol. 7. t. 43. Jig. 1. (in Indii). Linn.? Syst. 
 Nat. 2. 1063. (" Hab. in Indiis"). Fabrieiits Ent. Sijst. 2. p. 390. (" Hab. in 
 Indid orientali.") 
 Travellers agree that the temperate parts of Asia would be a terrestrial paradise, 
 were it not for the multitude of troublesome insects and reptiles with which they are in- 
 fested. In a well cultivated country like China, many of these creatures can scarcely 
 find shelter ; but such as harbour in the walls or furniture of human dwellings are as 
 abundant in that, as any other country lying within or near the tropics. Amongst the 
 latter, none produce more terrible effects than the Centipede, whose poison is as veno- 
 mous as that of the scorpion, which is also a native of China. 
 Sir G. Staunton mentions a remarkable circumstance that occurred during the em- 
 bassy to China to which he was attached. The ambassador and his suite were accom- 
 modated in a temple near the suburbs of Tong-choo-foo. " In some of the apartments 
 the priests had suffered scorpions and scolopendras to harbour through neglect. These 
 noisome creatures were known only by description to some of the gentlemen in the 
 embassy, who had not visited the southern parts of Europe : the sight of such, for the 
 first time, excited a degree of horror in their minds ; and it seemed to them to be a 
 sufficient objection to the country, that it produced these animals." Sir George however 
 adds, that no accident happened in that instance. — The species of Scolopendra he alludes 
 to, is probably Morsitans, which is common in many parts of the world, but is particularly 
 found of a frightful size, and in vast abundance, in the two Indies. 
 Many authors have described this creature. In tiie voluminous works of Seba we 
 find several specimens of it from different countries, differing materially in size, and some 
 trifling particulars. The largest of these exceed our figure in magnitude, being near 
 fourteen inches in length : this he calls Millepeda major ex nova Hispania. His figure 
 of Millepeda Africana is about the size of our Chinese specimen. He has also a third 
^ / ' / / 
 and fourth figure, MUlepeda Orkntalis and Millepeda Ceylotiica, mas:- the latter is the 
 same length as our figure, but the body is very narrow. Millepeda Orientalis is also the 
 same length, but the body is very broad. Some of these insects are not four inches in 
 length. These will be regarded as distinct species ; and, indeed, it is questionable 
 whether the Chinese species be strictly entitled to the specific name of Morsitans, as 
 Guerin (Encyclop. Meth. x. p. 393), and Pohl and Kollar, in their work on the noxious 
 insects of Brazil, have given the name of Morsitans to the Brazilian species, which has 
 also twenty-one pairs of legs ; to this species, however. Dr. Leach gave the specific name 
 of Alternans. The entire genus has, indeed, need of a monographical revision. It will 
 be seen that the antennae in this figure are much shorter than in that of De Geer, &c. 
 Authors agree that they vary exceedingly in size* and colour. De Geer describes 
 them to be sometimes deep reddish brown; at others, the colour of yellow ochre. The 
 figure in Catesby's Natural History of Carolina is light brown ; we have specimens of 
 a livid yellow, and have seen others strongly tinged with red. 
 The last pair of legs is considerably larger than the others, and is armed with small 
 black spines. The legs terminate in very sharp hooks or nails of a shining black colour. 
 All the other legs are also furnished with a smaller nail of the same shape and colour. 
 M. Gronovius says, that all its feet are very venomous ; but the most formidable of 
 its weapons are the two sharp hooked instruments that are placed under the mouth, and 
 with which it destroys its prey. 
 Leuwenhoeck having examined these instruments with a microscope, found a small 
 opening at the extremity of each, and a channel from them into the body of the creature. 
 Through this channel he supposes the Scolopendra emits the poisonous fluid into the 
 wound it makes with the hooked instrument. That author further remarks, that he has 
 seen a liquor on that part of living scolopendras. A figure of these instruments on the 
 under side of the head is represented in one of the dissections in our plate. 
 The same author, wishing to ascertain the influence of the poison of Scolopendra 
 morsitans, placed a large fly within its reach. The Scolopendra at first took it between 
 a pair of its middle feet, then passed it from one pair of feet to the next, till the fly was 
 brought under the sharp pointed instrument or crotchets at the head, which it plunged 
 into the fly, and it died instantly. Notwithstanding this experiment, De Geer, Catesby, 
 and other authors assert, that its bite seldom proves fatal to larger animals ; but all agree 
 * These creatures differ from most insects in their manner of growth, insomuch that it is impossible to as- 
 certain when they are of their full size. The segments of the body increase in number as they advance in 
 age, which circumstance renders it difficult oftentimes to determine the species without a minute examination 
 of its other characters. 
 that its poison is as dangerous as that of the scorpion. (See also Worbe in the Bulletin 
 tie la Soc. Philomat, Jan. 1824, Amoreux Insectes venimeux, and the recent work of 
 Puhl and Kollar above referred to, for further details relative to the poisonous properties 
 of these insects.) 
 This Scolopendra has eight eyes : they are very small ; four are placed on each side 
 of the head near the antennae. In the dissections a figure is given to exhibit the manner 
 m which the four eyes are placed on one side. 
 In this Index tlie names employed both in tlie present and former editions are introduced, in order to render the refereiK 
 which have been made by writers to the former edition available. The names, generic, sub-generic, or specific, first einjiluyed 
 the present edition are distinguished by a *. 
 *Acr8ea Vesta, PI. 30. f. 1. 
 *Agrion Chinensis, PI. 46. f. 1. 
 Aranea maculata, PL 47. 
 *Argynnis Erymanthis, PI. 35. f. 1. 
 *Astemma Schlanbuschii, PI. 20. f. 2. 
 *.'Eshna clavata, PI. 45. f. 1. 
 *Belostoma *Indica ? PI. 18. 
 •Belostoma *(Sph8erodema) rustica, PI. 19. t'. 1. 
 Buprestis ocellata, PI. 7. f. 2. 
 Buprestis *(Chrysochroa) ocellata, PI. 7. f. 2. 
 Buprestis vittata, PI. 7. f. 1. 
 Buprestis *(Chrysochroa) vittata, PI. 7. f. I. 
 *Calandra longipes, PI. 4. f. 2. 
 *Callidea *ocellata, PI. 20. f. ]. 
 *Callidea Stockerus, PI. 21. f. i. 
 *CalIimorpha? bifasciata, PL 41. f. 4. 
 *Callimorpha? *panthorea, PL 44. f. 3. 
 *Callimorpha? ruficollis, PL 41. f. 3. 
 *Callimorpha? Thallo, PL 41. f. 2. 
 Cancer Mamillaris, PL 48. 
 Cancer Mantis, PL 49. 
 Cerambyx farinosus, PL 6. f. 3. 
 Cerambyx reticulator, PL 6. f. 2. 
 Cerambyx Rubus, PL 6. f. i. 
 *Cerbus *tenebrosus? PL 21. f. 4. 
 *Cercopis abdoniinalis, PL 16. f. 5. 
 Cetonia Cliinensis, PL 3. f. 1. 
 Cetonia *(Tetragona) Chinensis, PL 3. f. i. 
 *Chariesteius cruciger, PL 21. f. 3. 
 Cicada abdominalis, PL 16. f. 5. 
 Cicada aiiibii>,iia, PL 16. f. 2. 
 Cicada atrata, V\. 15. 
 Cicada frontalis, PL 16. f. 6. 
 Cicada lanata, PL 16. f. 3. 
 Cicada limbata var. PL 17. 
 Cicada sanguinea. Pi. 16. f. I. 
 Cimex aurantius, PL 21. f. 2. 
 Cimexbifidus, PL 21. f. 5. 
 Cimex cruciger, PL 21. f. 3. 
 Cimex dispar, PI. 20. f. 1. 
 Cimex Phasianus, PL 21. f. 4. 
 Cimex Slanbuscliii, PL 20. L 2. 
 Cimex Stockerus, PI. 21. f. l. 
 *Cleonis perlatus, PL 4. f. 7. 
 *Colias *(Callidryas) Philea, PI. 32. f. 2. 
 *Colias *(Callidryas) Pyranthe, PL 32. f. I 
 *Copris Bucephalus, PL 2. f. 3. 
 *Copris Midas, PL 1. f. i. 
 *Copris Molossus, PL 2. f. i. 
 Curculio barbirostris, PL 4. f. 3. 
 Curculio Chinensis, PL 4. f. 1. 
 Curculio longipes, PL 4. f. 2. 
 Curculio perlatus, PI. 4. f. 7. 
 Curculio pulverulentus, PI. 4. f. 6. 
 Curculio squamosus, PL 4. f. 5. and PI. 5, 
 Curculio verrucosus, PL 4. f. 4. 
 *Cynthia Almana, PL 36. f. 2. 
 •Cynthia CEnone, PL 36. f. 1. 
 *Cynthia Orithya, PL 35. f. 2. 
 *DeiIephila Nechus, Pi. 40. f. 1. 
 *Epeira *(Nephila) maculata, PI. 47. 
 *Erebus *macrops, PL 44. f. 1. 
 *Euchlora viridis, PL 3. f. 2. 
 *Eusemia lectrix, PL 43. f. 2. 
 *Flata *nigricornis, PL 17. 
 Fulgora Candelaria, PI. 14. 
 *Glaucopis Polymelia, PI. 40. f. 2. 
 *Gryl'otalpa *Chinensis, PI. 12. f. 2. 
 Gryllus acuminatus, PI. 11. f. 2. 
 Gryllus *(Conocephatus) acuminatus? Pi. 11. f. 2. 
 Gryllus flavicornis, PI. 12. f. 1. 
 Gryllus Gryllotalpa, Pi. 12. f. 2. 
 Gryllus morbillosus, PI. 13. 
 Gryllus nasutus, PI. 10. f. 1. 
 Gryllus perspiciilatus, PI. 11. f. 1. 
 Gryllus *(Pliasgoneurus) perspiciilatus, PI. 11. f. 1. 
 Gryllus vittatus, PI. 10. f. 2. 
 *Gymnopleurus *sinuatus, PI. 1 . f. 5. 
 *Harpactor bifidus, PI. 21. f. 5. 
 *Heleona militaris, PI. 43. f. 1. 
 *Hipparchus Zonarius, PI. 44. f. 2. 
 *Hipporhinus verrucosus, PI. 4. f. 4. 
 *Hyporaeces squamosus, PI. 4. f. 5. and PI. 5. 
 *Hypomeces squamosus *var. PI. 4. f. 6. 
 *Lamia *punctator, PI. 6. f. 3. 
 »Laniia reticulator, PI. 6. f. 2. 
 *Lamia Rubus, PI. 6. f. 1. 
 Libellula Chinensis, PI. 46. f. 1. 
 Libellula clavata, PI. 45. f. 1. 
 Libellula ferniginea, PI. 46. f. 2. 
 Libellula Fulvia, PI. 46. f. 3. 
 Libellula Indica, PI. 45. f. 2. 
 Libellula *Servilia, PI. 46. f. 2. 
 Libellula 6-maculata, PI. 45. f. 3. 
 Libellula *variegata, PI. 45. f. 2. 
 *Limenitis *Eurynome, PI. 35. f. 4. 
 *Limenitis *Leucothoe, PI. 35. f. 3. 
 *Locusta *(Rutidoderes) flavicornis, PI. 12. f. I. 
 *Locusta *(Phymatea) morbillosa, PI. 13. 
 *Lystra lanata, PI. 16. f. 3. 
 Mantis *(Schizocephala) *bicornis, PI. 9. f. 1. 
 Mantis flabellicornis, PI. 9. f 2. 
 Mantis *(Enipusa) flabellicornis, PI. 9. f. 2. 
 Mantis oculata, PI. 9. f. 1. 
 Meloe Cichorei, PI. 8. f. 1. 
 Melolontha viridis, PI. 3. f. 2. 
 *Morpho *(Drusilla) Jairus, PI. 33. 
 *Morplio Rhetenor, PI. 29. 
 ♦Mylabris Cichorii, PI. 8. f. 1. 
 *Myrina *(Loxura) Atymnus, PI. 39. f. 1. 
 Nepa grandis, PI. 18. 
 Nepa rubra, PI. 19. f. 2. 
 Neparustica, PI. 19. f. I. 
 'Nymplialis Antiochus, PI. 37. f. 2. 
 'Nymphalis *(Charaxes) Bernardus, PI. 34. 
 *Nymphalis Jacintha, PI. 37. f. 1. 
 * Nymphalis *(Aconthea) Lubentina, PI. 36. f. 
 *Nymphalis *Sylla, PI. 38. 
 *Oniticellus cinctus, PI. 1. f. 3. 
 *Onthophagus seniculus, PI. 2. f. 2. 
 *Orithyia mamillaris, PI. 48. 
 *Oryctes *Rhinoceros? PI. 1. f. 2. 
 Papilio Agamemnon, PI. 26. f. 2. 
 Papilio Agenor, PI. 24. f. 2. 
 Papilio Almana, PI. 36. f. 2. 
 Papilio Antiochus, PI. 37. f. 2. 
 Papilio Atymnus, PI. 39. f. 1. 
 Papilio Bernardus, PI. 34. 
 Papilio Coon, PI. 24. f. 1. 
 Papilio Crino, PI. 23. 
 Papilio Demoleus, PI. 28. f. 2. 
 Papilio Epius, PI. 28. f. 1. 
 Papilio Erymanthis, PI. 35. f. 1. 
 Papilio Gambrisius, PI. 38. 
 Papilio Glaucippe, PI. 31. f. 1. 
 Papilio Hyparete, PI. 30. f. 3. 
 Papilio Jacintha, PI. 37. f. i. 
 Papilio Jairus, PI. 33. 
 Papilio Laomedon, PI. 27. 
 Papilio Leucothoe, PI. 35. f. 4. 
 Papilio Lubentina, PI. 36. f. 3. 
 Papilio Meecenas, PI. 39. f. 2. 
 Papilio (Enone, PI. 36. f. I. 
 Papilio Orythia, PI. 35. f. 2. 
 Papilio Paris, PI. 22. 
 Papilio Pasithoe, PI. 30. f. 2. 
 Papilio Peranthus, PI. 25. 
 Papilio Philea, PI. 32. f. 2. 
 Papilio Polyxena, PI. 35. f. 3. 
 Papilio *Protenor, PI. 27. 
 Papilio Pyranthe, PI. 32. f. 1. 
 Papilio Rhetenor, PI. 29. 
 Papilio Sesia, PI. 31. f. 2. 
 Papilio Telamon, PI. 26. f. 1. 
 Papilio Vesta, PI. 30. f. 1. 
 Phalfena Atlas, PI. 42. 
 Phalsena bubo, PI. 44. f. 1. 
 Phaleena lectrix, PI. 43. f. 2. 
 Phalaena militaris, PI. 43. f. 1. 
 Phalsena pagaria, PI. 44. f. 3. 
 Phaleena zonaria, PI. 44. f. 2. 
 *Pieris "(Iphias) Glaucippe, PI. 31. 
 *Pieris Hyparete, Pi. 30. f. 3. 
 *Pieris Pasithoe, P). 30. f. 2. 
 *Pieris *(Thestias) *Pyrene? PI. 31. 
 *Raphigaster aurantiiis, Pi. 21. f. 2. 
 *Rhina barbirostris, PI. 4. f. 3. 
 •Rhinastus •sternicornis, PI. 4. f. 1. 
 *Sagra *splendida, PI. 8. f. 2. 
 *Saturnia Atlas, PI. 42. 
 Scarabseus Bucephalus, PI. 2. f. 3. 
 Scarabseus cinctus, PI. 1 . f. 3. 
 Scarabseus Leei, PI. 1 . f. 5. 
 Scarabaeus Midas, PI. I. f. 1. 
 Scarabaeus Molossus, PI. 2. f. i. 
 Scarabffius nasicornis, PI. 1 . f. 2. 
 Scarabaeus sacer, Pi. 1 . f. 4. 
 Scarabaeus *(Heliocantharusj 'sanctus? PI. 1. f. 
 Scarabaeus seniculus, PI. 2. f. 2. 
 Scolopendra morsitans, PI. 50. 
 ♦Sesia Hylas, PI. 41. f. i. 
 Sphinx bifasciata, PI. 41. f. 4. 
 Sphinx Hylas, PI. 41. f. 1. 
 Sphinx Nechus, PI. 40. f. 1. 
 Sphinx Polymena, PI. 40. f. 2. 
 Sphinx ruficoUis, PI. 41. f. 3. 
 Sphinx Thallo, PI. 41. f. 2. 
 *Squilla mantis, PI. 49. 
 Tenebrio femoratus, PI. 8. f. 2. 
 •Tettigonia frontalis, PI. 16. f. 6. 
 Tettigonia splendidula, PI. 16. f. 4. 
 *Thecla Maecenas, PI. 39. f. 2. 
 *Truxalis *Chinensis, PI. 10. f. i. 
 *Truxalis *(Mesops) vittatus, PI. 10. f. 2. 
 Tribe. Lamellicornes, Latr. 
 Famihj. ScARAB^KiDiE, Mac L. 
 Scarabaeus (Heliocantliarus) sanctus? PI. 1. f. 4. 
 Gymnopleurus sinuatus, PL 1. f. 5. 
 Copris Midas, PI. 1. f. 1. 
 C. Molossus, PI. 2. f. 1. 
 C. Bucephalus, PI. 2. f. 3. 
 Onthophagus seniculus, PI. 2. f. 2. 
 Oniticellus cinctus, PI. 1. f. 3. 
 Fmnily. Dynastid;e, Mac L. 
 Oryctes Rhinoceros, PI. 1. f. 2. 
 Family. Melolonthid;e, Mac L. 
 Eiichlora viiidis, PI. 3. f. 2. 
 Family. Cetoniid;e, Mac L. 
 Cetonia (Tetragona) Chinensis, PI. 3. f. 1. 
 Tribe. Stehnoxi, Latr. 
 Family. Buprf,stid;e, Leach. 
 Buprestis (Chrysochroa) vittata, PI. 7. f. 1. 
 — ocellata, PI. 7. f. 2. 
 Tribe. Trachelides, Latr. 
 Family. MeloidjE, Westw. 
 Mylabris Cichorii, PI. 8. f. 1. 
 Tribe. Rhyncophora, Latr. 
 Family. Curculionids, Leach. 
 Hipporhinus verrucosus, PI. 4. f. 4. 
 Hypomeces squamosus, PI. 4. f. 5. and PI. 4. f. 
 _ var. PI. 5. 
 Cleonis perlatus, PL 4. f. 7. 
 Rhinastus sternicornis, PL 4. f. 1. 
 Rhina barbirostris, PL 4. f. 3. 
 Calandra longipes, PL 4. f. 2. 
 Tribe. Longicornes, Latr 
 Family. Lamiid*, Westw. 
 Lamia Rubus, PL 6. f. 1. 
 L. reticulator, PI. 6. f. 2. 
 L. punctator, PL 6. L 3. 
 Tribe. Emtoda. 
 Family. Sagrida:, Westw. 
 Sagra splendida, PL 8. f. 2. 
 Order. ORTHOPTERA. Oliv. 
 Tribe. Cursoria, Latr. 
 Family. Mantidj,, Leach. 
 Mantis (Empusa) flabellicornis, PL 9. f. 2. 
 M. (Schizocephala) bicornis, PL 9. f. 1. 
 Tribe. Saltaioria, Latr. 
 Family. LocusTius, Leach. 
 Truxalis Chinensis, PL 10. f. 1. 
 T. (Mesops) vittatus, PI. 10. f. 2. 
 Locusta (Rutidoderes) flavicornis, PL 12. L i. 
 L. (Phymatea) morbiUosa, PL 13. 
 Family. Gryllid;e, Leach. 
 Gryllus (Phasgonurus) perspicillatus, PL 11. L 1. 
 G. (Conocephalus) acuminatus ? PL 1 1 . f. 2. 
 Family. Achetiu«, Leach. 
 Gryllotalpa Chinensis, PL 12. L 2. 
 Order. NEUROPTERA. Linn. 
 Family. Libellulid*, Leach. 
 ^shna clavata, PI. 45. f. 1. 
 Libellula variegata, PI. 45. f. 2. 
 Libellula 6-niaculata, PI. 45. f. 3. 
 L. Servilia, PI. 46. f. 2. 
 L. Fulvia, PI. 46. f. 3. 
 Agrion Chinensis, PI. 46. f. 1. 
 Order. LEPIDOPTERA. Linn. 
 Tribe. Diuiina, Latr. 
 Family. Papilionids, Leach. 
 Papilio Paris, PI. 22. 
 P. Crino, PI. 23. 
 P. Coon, PI. 24. f. 1. 
 P. Agenor, PI. 24. f. 2. 
 P. Peranthus, PI. 25. 
 P. Telamon, PI. 26. f. 1. 
 P. Agamemnon, PI. 26. f. 2. 
 P. Protenor ?, PI. 27. 
 P. Epius, PI. 28. f. 1. 
 P. Demoleus, PI. 28. f. 2. 
 Pieris Pasithoe, PI. 30. f. 2. 
 P. Hyparete, PI. 30. f. 3. 
 P. (Iphias) Glaucippe, PI. 31. f. 1. 
 P. (Thestias) Pyrene? PI. 31. f. 2. 
 Colias (Callidryas) Pyranthe, PI. 32. f. I. 
 C. (C. ) Philea, PI. 32. f. 2. 
 Family. Heliconiid.e, Swainson. 
 Acreea Vesta, PI. 30. f. 1. 
 Family. Nymphalid*, Swainson. 
 Morpho Rhetenor, PI. 29. 
 M. (Drusilla) Jairus, PI. 33. 
 Nymphalis Jacintha, PI. 37. f. 1, 
 N. Antiochus, PI. 37. f. 2. 
 N. Sylla, PI. 38. 
 N. (Charaxes) Bernardus, PI. 34. 
 N. (Aconthea) Lubentina, PI. 36. f. 3. 
 Argynnis Eryraanthis, PI. 35. f. 1. 
 Cynthia Oiithya, PI. 35. f. 2. 
 C. CEnone, PI. 36. f. 1. 
 C. Almana, PI. 36. f. 2. 
 Limenitis Leucothoe, PI. 35. f. 3. 
 L. Eurynome, PI. 35. f. 4. 
 Family. Lyc;ENiD^, Swainson. 
 Myrina (I.oxura) Atymnus, PI. 39. f. 1, 
 Thecla Maecenas, PI. 39. f. 2. 
 Section. Crepuscularia, Latr 
 Family. Spiiingid/t:, Leach. 
 Deilephila Nechus? PI. 40. f. 1. 
 Sesia Hylas, PI. 41. f. 1. 
 Section. ? 
 Family. Zy^enid^e, Leach. 
 Glaucopis Polymena, PI. 40. f. 2. 
 Section. Noctuiina, Latr. 
 Family. Bombycid.e, Leach. 
 Saturnia Atlas, PI. 42. 
 Eusemia Lectrix, PI. 43. f. 2. 
 Family. Arctiidx, Stephens. 
 Callimovpha? Thallo, PI. 41. f. 2. 
 C. ? ruficollis, PI. 41. f. 3. 
 C. ?bifasciata, PI. 41. f. 4. 
 C. ? panthorea, PI. 44. f. 3. 
 Heleona militaris, PI. 43. f. 1. 
 Family. NocruiD.E, Leach. 
 Erebus macrops, PI. 44. f. I. 
 Family. Geometrid^e, Leach. 
 Hipparchus Zonarius, PI. 44. f. 2. 
 Order. HEMIPTERA. Linn. 
 Sub-Order. Heteroptera, Latr. 
 Section. Geocorisa, Latr. 
 Family. Scutellerid*, Leach. 
 Callidea ocellata, PI. 20. f. 1. 
 C. Stockerus, PI. 21. f. 1. 
 Raphigaster aurantius, PI. 21. f. 2. 
 Family. CoreiDjE, Leach. 
 Chariesterus cruciger, PI. 21'. f. 3. 
 Cerbus tenebrosus? PI. 21. f. 4. 
 Family. Lyg;eid«, Leach. 
 Astemma Schlanbuschii, PI. 20. f. 2. 
 Family. Reduviid^, Leach. 
 Harpactor bifidus, PI. 21. f. 5. 
 Section. Hydrocorisa, Latr. 
 Family. Nepid^, Leach. 
 Belostoma Indica? Pi. 18. 
 B. (Sphserodema) rustica, PI. 19. f. 
 Nepa rubra, PI. 19. f. 2. 
 Sub-Order. Homopteua, Latr. 
 Family. CiCADiDa;, Leach. 
 Cicada atrata, PI. 15. 
 C. sanguinea, PI. 16. f. 1. 
 0. ambigua, PI. 16. f. 2. 
 C. splendidula, PI. 16. f. 4. 
 Family. FiTLuoRiDyE, Leach. 
 Fulgora Candelaria, PI. 14. 
 Lystra lanata, PI. 16. f. 3. 
 Plata nigricornis, PI. 17. 
 Family. CercopidjE, Leach. 
 Cercopis abdominalis, PI. 16. f. 5. 
 Tettigonia frontalis, PI. 16. f. 6. 
 Order. DECAPODA. 
 Orithyia mamillaris, PI. 48. 
 Squilla mantis, PI. 49. 
 Epeira (Nephila) clavipes, PI. 47. 
 Scolopendra morsitans, PI. 50. 
 , Clmncery Laue.