Hi 8 AUGUST 20, 1915. Catalogue Price List THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Giving Special Low Prices of the Best FARM IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY Grain Drills, Lime Sowers, Corn Binders, Feed Cutters and Blowers, Disk and other Harrows, Farm and Dump Wagons, Metal and other Roofing, Barb and Woven Wire Fencing, Gaso- line and Steam Engines, Wood Saws, Pea Threshers Cane Mills, Etc. The Implement Company 1302 AND 1304 E. MAIN STREET I INDEX. Page Alfalfa Cultivator 11 Bale Ties 20 Bolster Springs 32 Buggies 32-33 Cane Mills 17 Churns 25 Cider Mills 18 Corn Binders 6 1 1 uskers fi Cow Stalls 23 Corn Crib Lining 22 Corn Shellers 21 Corn Knives 24 Disk Harrows 9-10 Engines 5 Evaporators 1 7 Fan Mills 18 Peed Cutters 7-s Feed Mills 15 Fencing 19 Fence Posts 20 Fertilizer Sowe- s 2 Fly Killer 23 Gates 20 Grain Drills 1 Grain Drill Tubes 23 Grindstones 24 Grist Mills 15 Harrows 10-11 Hay Rakes 5 Husking Cloves 22, 24 Page Ladders 22 Land Rollers 14 Lime Sowers 2 Lice Killer 23 .Manure Spreaders 2 Mowers 5 Paints 26, 27, 28, 29 Pea Threshers 16 Plows 12-13 Posts 20 Poultry Fencing . . . .' 19 Push Carts 22 Road Carts 33 Rollers 14 Roofing 21 Saws 4 Seed' Sowers 2 Shock Binders 24 Silos 23 Singletrees 25 Stalk Cutter 24 Stanchions 23 Subsoil Plows 2 Wagons 30-31 Wagon Jacks 22 Wagon Springs. 30 Wa gon Wheels 30 W ln-elbarrows 21 Wire 20 Wood Saws 3-4 TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: In issuing this CATALOG-PRICE LIST, we desire to call special attention to the fact that the implements we offer are the best of their kind; imple- ments that will not only work well, but wear well and give entire satis- faction, both in their effectiveness and lasting qualities. We also desire to call special attention to the AMERICAN STEEL FENCE POSTS, which are now being so largely used in place of wood posts. The advantages of these posts in durability and stability are thoroughly established. They are also of decided advantage where it may be desired to put up a temporary fence and then move it to another location. The SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES, for which we are the sales agents, have a reputation not excelled by any other paints in this country, and are strictly high grade in every particular. They not only give a most beautiful and attractive finish, but wear and last much longer than ordinary paints. They also cover more surface than other paints, and, considering this increased surface covering, are cheaper than ordinary paints, while at the same time their durability and beauty of finish give a satisfaction from their use that specially commends them to all who use paints. We have special circulars in regard to nearly all of the implements we offer, giving very full descriptions and information. We shall take pleas- ure in mailing these or answering any inquiries from our customers in re- gard to any implements of farm machinery we offer. TERMS The prices named in this Bulletin are net. On orders amounting to $25.00 or over customers can deduct 2 per cent, for cash with order. Cus- tomers who have no regular accounts with us will kindly remit amount with their orders, or name business references, as customary, before open- ing news accounts. We will make special terms, if desired, on gasoline or steam engines, or other large outfits. Soliciting your orders and inquiries, we remain, THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, Richmond, Va., August 20, 1915. Farmers' Favorite Five-disk Grain and Fertilizer Drill This is specially adapted for sowing crimson clover, grain and grass seed in between corn at the last working of the corn. Tn addition to sowing the seed, it works the corn and applies fer- tilizer at the same time. It is a most useful and valuable Imple- ment, and can also be us< d for Held sowing equally as well as sowing in between the corn, but of course does not cover as large an area as the large size of the Farmers' Favorite Drill. Tile seeding devices are exactly the same as in the larger drill, and it will sow grain and grass and clover seed at the same time. We can supply them with hoes or disks, as may be preferred. Adjustable as to width of planting from 24 to 34 inches. 5-Disk Plain Drill $27 . 00 5-Disk Drill, with Grass Seeder and Fertilizer Attachment 35.00 Farmers , Favorite Grain Drill The Best of Seed and Grain Drills. This is the larger size drill, espe- cially recommended for sowing all kinds of grain, and at the same time grass and clover seeds and applying fertilizer. It not only sows and covers the grain more uni- formly than is possi- ble by broadcast seeding, but at the same time is more economical from the seeding point of view, making a better appearance with less seed than is possible from broadcast seeding. It also covers the grain to a uniform depth, and leaves the land in first- class condition, ('.rain sown in drills, too. is likely to give very much better crop results than from broadcast seeding. We recommend very strongly this. Farmers' Favorite Grain Drill, as one of the best drills of the kind on the mark* t. and have sold it for a num- ber of years to our customers with the besl and most satisfactory results. The quantity of fertilizer applied can be regulated from 100 lbs. to 1,400 lbs. per acre, according as may be desired. 6-Disk Drill, with Crass Seeder and Fertilizer Attachment 67.50 8-Disk Drill, Plain 55 . 00 8-Disk Drill, with Crass Seeder and Fertilizer Attachment 75.00 10-Disk Drill, with Grass Seeder and Fertilizer Attachment 85.00 11-Disk Drill, with Grass Seeder and Fertilizer Attachment 90.00 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Farmers' Favorite Broadcast Lime and Fertilizer Distributor This is specially recom- mended for sowing uniformly and satisfactorily fertilizer, lime and land plaster, or any other fertilizing materials. It t'^Stf l ' i applies the fertilizer more ■' - JTTTiJ^u u u y^u yuy iJinru ( uniformly than is possible by Wjliy ordinary broadcast applica- \j^ tions. It Is arranged so that change of feed can be made without stopping the teams, so that heavier applications can be made on some portions of the field than on others, if desired. Can be arranged to apply from 200 to 2,500 lbs. to the acre; or we can supply it with larger feeds to apply double this quantity, where it is desired to apply lime fjor alfalfa or other crops on which large quantities of lime are desired to be used. 6 feet wide, Hopper capacity 6 bushels, for 1-horse $38.50 8 feet wide, Hopper capacity 10 bushels, for 2-horse 41.50 10 feet wide, Hopper capacity 12 bushels, for 2-horse 45.00 Curtis Easy-pull Manure Spreader Every farm should have one of these Spreaders, as it saves in efficiency and increases the value of the manure to a considerable extent. One of the best and most satisfactory manure spreaders on the market. It is a low-down spreader, with broad tires and high wheels. It is light draft and easy pulverizing. Can be loaded over the rear end side, or front part of the spreader if necessary. It is just as easy to load over one part of this spreader as another. H-l, small two-horse size, 40 bu. capacity $115.00 H-2, medium size, 50 bu. capacity 120.00 H-3, three-horse size, 75 bu. capacity 125.00 Seed Sowers Thompson wheelbarrow seed sower, for clean or chaffy grass seed.. $7.50 This seeder is made with a double hopper, so arranged for sowing smooth as well as chaffy seeds. It sows Red Top, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass or similar seeds just as well as smooth seeds, such as Clover, Timothy, Alfalfa, etc., and any quantity per acre. Cahoon broadcast seeder, for grain and grass seed $2.75 Improved Cyclone seed sower, for grain and grass seed. Unequalled for even distribution of seed and easy to the operator 1.50 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Clipper Wood Sawing Outfits The frames are made of heavy, seasoned hardwood, securely bolted and well braced. They are strong and will last many years. Any size saw up to 28 inches can he used on them. A heavy balance wheel is furnished and this materially aids the power and gives a uniform motion. A safety guard over the back of saw lessens the danger of accidents. The table is hinged in such a manner that it is very easy to operate. The capacity ranges from one to five cords per hour, depending upon power used. A two-horse gaso- line engine will do very good work but we recommend the use of from four to six-horse. No. 3 Clipper Wood Saw This is intended for sawing cordwood or wood that has been cut into short lengths. The saw and balance wheel be- ing on the same axle, long poles cannot be sawed with it. Weight, .100 lbs. Frame with 18 in. saw.. .$18.50 Frame with 20 in. saw.. 19.25 Frame with 22 in. saw.. 20.00 Frame with 24 in. saw.. 21.00 Frame with 26 in. saw.. 22.00 Frame with 28 in. saw.. 23.50 No.4 Clipper Wood Saw With extension table for poles, as well as cordwood. Frame with 18 in. saw.. $20. 00 Frame with 20 in. saw.. 21.00 Frame with 22 in. saw. Frame with 21 in. saw. Frame with 26 in. saw. Frame with 28 in. saw. No. 5 Clipper Wood Saw A very strong, well made machine for sawing poles or cordwood. Balance wheel is on separate axle from saw, and being placed underneath the frame, is entirely out of the way. Does the same work as No. 4, and requires less space. Frame with 20 in. saw $24.00 Frame with 22 in. saw 25.00 Frame with 24 in. saw 26.00 Frame with 26 in. saw 27.25 Frame with 28 in. saw 2S.50 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. No. 8 Clipper Pole Saw This is an extra heavy strong ma- chine, with 3V£x3Vfe seasoned hardwood frame and 7 ft. till- ing table. The table is fitted with rollers which makes it very easy to bring wood up to saw. A spiked lever with a coil spring counter bal- ance holds wood firmly. An extra heavy balance wheel gives uniform mo- tion and the adjustahle guard will admit saws up to 30 inches. Weight 42<) pounds. Frame with 20 in. saw $27 . 25 Frame with 22 in. saw 28 . 00 Frame with 24 in. saw 29 . 00 Frame with 26 in. saw 31 . 00 Frame with 28 in. saw 32 . 50 Frame with 30 in. saw 34.00 Olds Mounted Sawing Outfits. ^r Prices quoted on application. The engine and saw are mounted on a substantial truck with steel wheels. The timbers are heavy, which prevents vibration. The saw and engine are always in alignment and ready to commence work. These out- fits are furnished with any size engine from three to fifteen horse power. The saw frame can lie removed at any time and engine used on truck for other work or the engine may be removed and used as a stationary engine. i Cordwood Saws. i^^flS^t^ High grade, filed and fitted ready for use, and kiJ*%Slntt£l9 K" each saw guaranteed against defects. 18 in $3.20 20 in 3.80 22 in 4.60 24 in 5.40 26 in 6.40 28 in 7.40 30 in 8.40 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. JOHNSTON MOWERS The Johnston Lever Fold or Vertical Lift Mowers. Simple, Strong, Satisfactory. A Mower that is built light, yet has the very necessary quality of strength 1 and durability. Every Johnston Mower is set up, prop- erly adjusted and run under high speed and tested before leaving the factory. This insures that wrist pin will not heat and that all gearings properly mesh. The Cutter Bar can be easily raised by the lever to a perpendicular position to pass trees and other obstructions. This Mower has stood the test of service for many years and are enthusiastically praised by those who use them. 4% or 5 ft. cut $42.50 &% ft. cut. for 1-horse 38.50 Steel Hay Rakes with Shafts, Which Easily Change to Pole. 8 ft., Johnston Self-Dump. 9 ft., Johnston Self-Dump. Johnston Self-Dump. Piano Hand-Dump. Piano Hand-Dump. Piano Hand-Dump. The Olds Gasoline Engine $20.00 21.00 22.50 17.50 18.50 20.00 Is one of the best, strongest and most powerful engines made. We have sold large numbers to our customers, with entire satisfaction, and our cus- tomers are enthusiastic in its praise. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. The Adams Corn Husker With Big Capacity, Requires Small Power. This machine cleans the shuck from the ear and delivers the corn into wagon or bin; cuts or shreds the stalks and elevates to loft, silo or any place it may be wanted. It is simple in construc- tion, having only three pairs of gears and one belt in its entire make up. A safety lever at the operator's hand or against which he can lean, will instantly dis- engage the power and rolls. Six horse power is" required to operate it. though good work can be done with a lighter pow- er. Two large rolls, four feet long, at high speed, gives the machine a very satisfactory ca- pacity, and thirty barrels of corn per day can be handled with it. 5 in. pulley, speed 1,000 rev. Weight 1,400 $175.00 Johnson Corn Binder. This is just as useful, just as necessary and just as great a labor-saver as the Grain Binder, and should be on every farm where corn is grown. The Johnston is one of the few that will handle corn long or short, heavy or light, without knocking off ears. It will handle it in most any condition if not flat on the ground, binding it into bundles and delivering several bundles at a place to be put into shocks. Conveyor chain instead of the packers used on other makes, handles the corn without knocking off the ears and it is seldom that an ear can be found behind it. The pull being from the inside of the main wheel, there is no side draft. It is light draft and can be operated very successfully with two horses $120.00 I used your Johnston Corn Binder last season, and found it entirely satisfactory in every respect. It is a great labor-saver and I would not be without one. July 27, 1915. GEO. R. HORXE, Ellersons, Va. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. THE WHIRLWIND FEED CUTTER A Wonderful Improvement in Silo Cutters or Filler*. The Whirlwind Silo Cutter embrace all the best of the old machines, with a number of improve- ments, which make it far abead, in ease ; . -> - * - of running, large ca- pacity and durabil- j^SS9|^c1 VU"* - ity, particularly iu "" V^l» I * ts cuttm S power. It ^fi\SJw» 1 is specially adapted for running by ligbt gasoline engine. The Whirlwind patent cutter and blower bead is made of one solid piece of special process iron. The fans, being heavy abutments of the wheel it- self, they are all well reinforced, and are absolutely unbreakable. They lend additional weight to the rim of the wheel, thereby serving to maintain a most uniform motion by the machine's operation, regardless of the manner in which the feeding is done. The feed table can be reversed instantly, it lias special safety devices to prevent accidents. By the independent knife adjustment, the knife can be adjusted to the cutter-bar. and that almost in- stantly and without trouble, avoiding the trouble found in all other cutters, in getting the knives properly and easily adjusted to the cutter-bar. The Whirlwind not only has this and other improvements, but will do the work as rapidly or more rapidly than any other machine on the market, and requires less power. SIZE AND PRICES. No. D — Cutter and Blower, on skids, z knives, weight, 897 lbs., with plain taule, power 3V& to G-H., capacity o to 5 tons per hour $ 92.50 Extra for Traveling Feed Table ; 20 . 00 Lxtra for mounting on wheels 20 . 00 Pipe extra, per foot .40 .\u. E — Cutter and Blower, on skids, 2 knives, with traveling table, weight 1,000 1l»s., power to 10-li., capacity G to 10 tons per Hour.. 140. uo Extra for mounting on wheels 27.50 Pipe extra, per foot .50 iNo. F — Cutter and Blower, on wheels, 2 knives, with traveling table, weight 2,120 lbs., power iu to 12-11., capacity 10 to 15 tons per hour : 210 . 00 l-'ipe extra, per foot .50 Length of cut: one-half, three-fourths, one, one and one-sixteenth, ont and one-eighteenth, two and two and one-half inches. July 23, 1915. I used your E. Whirlwind Cutter and Blower all last season, with an S-horse Olds gasoline engine, and found them both entirely satisfactory in every respect. The Whirlwind Cutter and Blower is a very easy runner, and what I especially like about it, the knives are so very easily adjusted. 1 must admit it is by far the best cutter I have ever used. CEO. R. HORNE. Ashland, Va., July 16, 1914. The No. D Whirlwind Cutter purchased of you this season has entirely pleased me with its work. I have been running it to its full capacity with a 7-horse power gasoline engine, filling my silo, and am particularly pleased with the ease which it does the work as well as its capacity. SAM'L R. CARTER. Chula, Va., Sept. 17, 1914. Find enclosed check to settle tor Whirlwind No. D Cutter. I am very much pleased with it. W. K. BARDEX. Clayville, Va., Oct., 1914. I have filled my silo with the No. D Whirlwind Cutter purchased from you and it gave perfect satisfaction. H. M. WILLIAMS. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Whirlwind Hand and Power Cutters WITH SAFETY REVERSE LEVER to PREVENT ACCIDENTS .My No. D Whirlwind Blow- er cut and blew my ensilage nt (i a 32 foot silo with a 6- horse power engine. It is a first-rate cutter and blower. J. S. PAYNE, Aug. 4 , 1915. Columbia, Va. These are made after the same style and principle as the blower cutter, with the same easy and independent knife adjustment. The blades are fast- ened to balance wheel, which makes them easy to operate and greatly in- creases the capacity of the machine. One man can operate them with ease but they are supplied with pulley for attaching power if desired to operate them in this way. A Carrier attachment can be furnished with any of the sizes to be used with power if wanted. Safety levers are supplied on No. 10 and larger sizes for starting, stopping or reversing the feed rollers when necessary. This feature adds greatly to the value of the machine, as it makes accidents almost impossible, and is an advantage not possessed by any other make of machine. SIZES AND PRICES. No. S, Hand and Power. Weight 175 lbs $25.00 No. 10, Sr. Hand and Power. Weight 300 lbs 34.00 No. 14, Sr. Power only. Weight 500 lbs 47.50 12-ft. Elevator for No. 10 Sr. and No. 14 Sr 36.50 Smith Patent Lever Cutter Have no equal where the price is taken into consideration. It is the most durable hand cutter of its kind made. It requires little or no repairs in years. All small farms should be supplied with one. It will save enough feed in a short time to pay for itself. Price $3.00 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. The Imperial Flexible Frame Double Disk Harrow The Most Important of all Tillage Implements. Harrows twice at one operation and leaves the land level. Furnished with either Hound or Cut -Out Disks. A combination of Out-Throw and In-Throw Disk Harrows in one. For preparing corn-stubble ground without plowing; for cutting up sod; for general harrowing, or, in fact, for any work a disk harrow can do. The Imperial Double Disk has no equal. 16-disk harrow, 16-in. dia... $43.00 20-disk harrow, 18-in. dia... $51.25 16-disk harrow, 18-in. dia... 48.50 24-disk harrow, 16-in. dia... 50.25 20-disk harrow, 16-in. dia... 46.25 21-disk harrow, 18-in. dia... 57.00 The Imperial Perfect Disk Harrow with Fore Truck It is an indispensable tool for preparing and giving a fine surface to the land for grain, grass mm j-b 1 1 1 T anc ' c ' over seed, and other crops. ■ TWM ^dUSSp^ t'an furnish it either with round HftsQ mm g or cut-out disks, as may be de- mm m sired. The round disks seem M§ g J to be the most popular, but in our opinion, the cut-out disks will do the best work. This implement embodies sev- eral new and valuable features and represents a marked ad- vance over the ordinary type of disk li arrow. Instead of be- ing guided by a tongue to which tbf team is bitched, this harrow is controlled by a two-wheeled truck attached to the front end of the Frame. The wheels are pivoted, move under the frame and allow a square turn to be made, at the same time taking the weight of the machine off the horses. Prices, including Whiffletrees. 6 disks, 16-in. dia., H-ft. cut.. $21. 50 8 disks, 16-in. dia., 4-ft. cut. . 22.60 8 disks, 18-in. dia., 4-ft. cut.. 24.00 8 disks, 20-in. dia., 4-ft. cut.. 26.50 10 disks, 16-in. dia., 5-ft. cut.. 23.75 If scrapers are not wanted, deduct $1.00. If pole is wanted instead of truck, deduct $3.00 10 disks, is in. dia., 5-ft. cut.. $25. 50 L0 disks, 20-in. dia.. 5-ft cut. . 27.00 1L 1 disks. 16-in. dia., 6-ft. cut.. 25.75 1L 1 disks, 18-in. dia., 6-ft. cut.. 27.50 12 disks, 20-in. dia., 6-ft. cut.. 29.50 10 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Imperial 1 -Horse Disk Harrow A smaller harrow of the Imperial line, adapted for 1-horse use. If desired, the shafts can be changed into a pole, so as to be used for two horses. It is a light- weight implement, and especially adapt- ed for market gardeners or for prepar- ing small fields, where farmers desire to use only one or two horses. The Harrow may be used as an out- ^ throw or extended and reversed and used as an in-throw harrow or straddle row Cultivator. When fully extended there is a space of 12 inches between the gangs in the center. With Shafts. 6 disks, 14-inch round blades, cuts 2 feet, weight 184 lbs $15.00 6 disks, 14-inch cut out blades, cuts 2 feet, Weight 180 lbs 15.75 Imperial Adjustable Steel Frame Lever Harrows A High-Class Ail-Steel Harrow. No cast-iron to break and bother. Pulverizes thoroughly and leaves the surface smooth. A most excellent tool, combining, as it does, a straight-tooth pulveriz- ing harrow, changeable to a slanting-tooth smoothing harrow. By use of the lever you can readily set teeth straight or any desired slant. Open End Harrow. 1-section, 25 teeth, cuts 4Vz ft., weight 95 lbs $ 4 . 25 1-section, 30 teeth, cuts 5 ft, weight 103 lbs 4.50 2-section, 50 teeth, cuts 9 ft., weight 190 lbs 8.50 2-section, 60 teeth, cuts 10 ft., weight 206 lbs 9.00 3-section, 75 teeth, cuts 13 ft., weight 2S5 lbs 12.75 3-section, 90 teeth, cuts 16 ft., weight 309 lbs 13.50 4-section, 100 teeth, cuts 18 ft., weight 368 lbs 17.00 Closed End Harrow. 1-section, 25 teeth, cuts VA ft., weight 85 lbs $ 4.50 1-section, 30 teeth, cuts 5 ft., weight 101 lbs 4.75 2-section, 50 teeth, cuts 9 ft., weight 184 lbs 9.00 2-section, 60 teeth, cuts 10 ft., weight 202 lbs 9.50 3-section, 75 teeth, cuts 13 ft., weight 290 lbs 13.50 3-section, 90 teeth, cuts 15 ft., weight 303 lbs 14.25 4-section, 100 teeth, cuts 18 ft., weight 368 lbs 18.00 4-section, 120 teeth, cuts 20 ft., weight 404 lbs 19 . 00 Wood Frame Garden Harrow Oak Frames and Runners on Back. 24 teeth $5.50 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 11 Imperial Elevated Frame Spring Tooth Harrow Steel Frame With Levers, Mounted on Wheels or Runners. This is specially adapted for preparing lands that have been set in grass, particularly wire grass, as it gives better prepa- ration on this class of land than the other harrows. By means of levers, the teeth can be adjusted to run either deep or shallow, as may be desired. 10 teeth, 1 section, wght. 160 lbs $9.50 15 teeth, 2 section, wght. 275 lbs 16.00 17 teeth, 2 section, wght. 205 lbs 17.25 Imperial Steel Frame Spring Tooth Harrow The harrow is as light as possi- ble, consistent with durability, and will give the best of satisfac- tion in all kinds of soil. The difference between this and the elevated frame is that this does not have the lever adjust- ment, and consequently can be sold at a lower price, where this adjustment is not considered im- portant by the farmer. 14 teeth $10.75 20 teeth $14.50 16 teeth 12.00 22 teeth 15.50 18 teeth 13.25 The Imperial Alfalfa Cultivator and Spring Tooth Harrow f »J vi The use of this tool is absolutely necessary for best success by alfalfa growers. After alfalfa has been cut, it will give much better crops if this tool is run over the alfalfa field to loosen and freshen the soil, and in case any part of the field has not a good stand of alfalfa, fresh seeding can be made at the time this cultivator is used. It is an absolutely essential tool for best results with alfalfa. No. 21, 2-section, 21 teeth, 292 lbs., cuts 6 ft $19.25 No. 31, 3-section. ?A teeth, 441 lbs., cuts 9 ft 28.75 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Imperial Buckeye Rid- ing Plow. Either Right or Left Hand For Two, Three or Four Horses. This plow is the same in : (instruction as the Imperial Walking Plow, but fitted with attachment for riding. •« This attachment does not add any to draft of plow, but les- sens greatly the labor of plowing. It is so constructed that a sharp turn to the right or left can be made without any danger of tipping over. We have sold them quite ex- tensively and can highly recommend them. List of Sizes and Prices. Mold Land No. Wgt. Hand Cut. board. side. Share. 810-X 387 R. 10 in. Cast Cast Cast $30.50 612-X 424 R. 12 in. Cast Cast Cast 32.50 625-X 424 R. 12 in. Cast Cast Cast 32.50 710-X 408 R. 11 in. Cast Cast Cast 31.50 312-X 424 L. 12 in. Cast Cast Cast 32.50 410-X 408 L. 11 in. Cast Cast Cast 31.50 imperial Subsoil Plow No. 10 This is the best sub- soil plow on the market. The advantages of sub- soiling have been con- clusively proved on a large majority of our soils. This follows in behind the regular plow and preserves and keeps more moisture in the soil for the use of the crop, and at the same time is of decided ad- vantage for deep-rooting crops like alfalfa, allowing" the roots to penetrate more easily than otherwise. Weight, 88 lbs., with wheel $7.00 If wheel is not wanted, deduct 75 cents. Extra points 20 Landside 1 . 75 Imperial Reversible or Two- Way bulky Plow With Chilled or Steel Molds. For hillside plowing or for level fields without dead furrows or ridges this style of plow is highly recommended. This plow is made of two of the Imperial plows, one right and one left, attached to a sulky. Each plow works independent of the other and is controlled by a separate lever, in easy reach of the operator. While using, one plow is at work and the other raised from the ground. On returning, this is reversed and the plow returns along the furrow just made. Nos. 612-X and 312-X, chilled mold, 12-in. cut each; weight 624 lbs $50.00 No. D. A. 112, right and left, steel mold, 14-in. cut each; weight 588 lbs. 53.50 No. D. C. 112, right and left Steel Mold Share and Landside, 14-in. cut each ; weight 588 lbs 57 . 50 These prices include pole, neck yoke, double-trees and rolling coulter. T ointers can be supplied instead of rolling coulters if so ordered. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 13 IMPERIAL CHILLED PLOWS The Standard of Perfection in Plows Superior in construction and shape. Made of the most durable chilled metal, making it easy pulling and remarkably steady, turning beautifully all kinds of soil with great ease to the plowman and team. Farmers who are using this plow are enthuisascic in its praise, particu- larly as to its excellence in work, durability and lightness of draft. No. 927, light, 1-horse right-hand steel beam plow $ 4.50 No. 917, 1-horse right-hand steel beam plow 5.25 No. 5%, 1-horse right-hand steel beam plow 5.00 No. 808-X, light 2-horse right-hand steel beam plow 8.00 No. 500-X, light 2-horse left-hand steel beam plow 8.00 No. 810-X, medium 2-horse right-hand steel beam plow 9.25 No. 510-X, medium 2-horse left-hand steel beam plow 9.25 No. 710, heavy 2-horse right-hand steel beam plow 10.00 No. 410-X, heavy 2-horse left-hand steel beam plow 10.00 No. 10M>, heavy 2-horse right or left-hand steel b< am plow 9.50 No. 11, heavy 2-horse right or Left-hand steel beam plow 10.00 No. 12, 3-horse right or left-hand steel beam plow 10.50 No. 612-X, 3-horse right-hand steel beam plow 11.00 No. 312-X, 3-horse left-hand steel beam plow 11 .00 No. 2, 2-horse hillside wood beam plow 8.00 No. 5, 2-horse hillside steel beam plow 9.50 No. 7, 1-horse hillside wood beam plow 7.25 No. 17. 1-horse steel beam hillside plow 7.25 A full line of repairs kept in stock. Grub Plow and Jumping Coulters This plow is e spe sially adapted to newly cleared ground and to general new ground plowing. The plow is built to withstand the hardest usage. Has heavy handles which are adjusta- ble to suit the height of the operator. Has strong steel beams, securely bolt- ed to landside and mold- board I 7.00 Avery Jumping Coulter 5.50 14 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Solid Steel Face and Steel Frame Land Rollers With Renewable Wood Bearings. The drums are made from a solid steel plate, thoroughly riveted at each end to a cast-iron head. Frame is entirely of steel. 2-horse, 2-section, 7 ft. long, 24 in. in diameter, weight 600 lbs $20.00 2-horse, 3-section, 8 ft. long, 24 in. in diameter, weight 650 lbs 22.00 Neck yoke and singletrees, extra 1 . 50 Imperial T-Bar Steel Frame Land Roller and Pulverizer With Renewable Wood Bearings. The T-Bar roller is made of bars, spaced 1*4 inches apart. The effect of this construction is to crush the clods more readily and at the same time to leave the surface in small ridges, which protects the grain or grass and prevents the loose earth from being blown away. Two sections, 7 ft. wide, 20 in. in diameter, weight 840 lbs $30.00 Neck yoke and singletree, extra 1.50 Imperial Flexible Rollers — Covers 8 feet Width The advantages of the Flexible Rollers are that they adjust themselves to uneven surfaces, and where fields are not level or even, can be used to advantage. They will give equally as good results as the T-bar Roll- ers on level land, with the added advantage that they are better adapted to land with an uneven surface. Ridges, gullies, hollows and high places may be crossed in any way or followed lengthwise, and no portion of the sur- face can escape the rushing and leveling action of the sharp-edge T-bar Rollers. The sections slightly over-lap each other, covering all the ground either straight going or turning. Three Section Flexible Roller, smooth face, weight 700 lbs $31.00 Three Section Flexible Roller, "T" Bar, weight 1,050 lbs 45.00 Neck yoke and trees, extra . 1 . 50 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 16 The Williams Portable Mill. For making the very best bread meal. A meal manufacturing outfit will be found very profitable in any com- munity, grinding for neighbors as well as for your own use. Some of our customers have regular days each week for grinding and are making a nice profit from it. The mill will pay its own cost in a remarkably short time. The Williams is one of the most satisfactory that can be found. The buhrs are pebble stone grit, hard, flinty and tough in texture, which makes them especially desirable for grinding soft fine meal and requires but little sharpening to keep them in order. The mill opens readily and quickly to get at the buhrs for dressing, it only requiring from one to three minutes to open it up. A sifter or bolter attachment's furnished with the mill to be used if grinding and sacking for sale. The mill is also adapted to grinding crops for stock purposes. A fan cleans the grain as it passes from the hopper. 12 in., wt. 500 lbs., cap. 4 to 10 bu., power, 4-horse $ 75.00 16 in., wt. 750 lbs., cap., 6 to 20 bu., power 6-horse 100.00 20 in., wt. 850 lbs., cap., 8 to 25 bu., power, 10-horse 125.00 24 in., wt. 1,350 lbs., cap. 10 to 30 bu., power, 12-horse 165.00 30 in., wt. 2,000 lbs., cap. 12 to 40 bu., power 15-horse 225.00 Farquhar Feed Grinders. For Corn and Cob as well as Shell Grain. Grain should always be ground before feeding to stock, as it great- ly enhances its feeding value. The Farquhar Mill is especially adapted to grinding for this purpose. It is very simple in construction and strongly built. It will please any one desiring a mill of its kind Safety pins are used to lessen the danger of accidents. Capacity 8 to 30 bushels per hour $25.00 16 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. American Double Cylinder Pea and Bean Thresher. Threshes all kinds of peas and beans from vines or pods and cleans perfectly; also recommended for cane seeds, sudan grass and similar seeds. By using this machine it is not necessary to gather the peas from the vines in the old way. but mow the vines when peas are ripe and store away to thresh at a convenient time. The machine threshes and separates the peas from the vines and cleans them perfectly, ready for market, leaving the vines in a nice shredded condition for hay. The work is done perfectly and rapidly, and requires but little labor, thereby saving its own cost in a remarkably short time. It is built just as substantially as the bis exoensive machines, beine fitted with babbited boxes, hard oil cups on cylinder and idlers, adjustable and removable concaves. The frame is made of best hardwood material, extra heavy and strong, steel crank shaft and double steel cvlinders. No. 1 Thresher, with two 14x14 steel cylinders, requires two-horse power, weight 450 lbs., capacity from 15 to 20 bu. per hour $ 77.50 No. 2 Thresher, with two 20x20 steel cylinders, requires four-horse power, weight 650 lbs., capacity about HO bu. per hour 115.00 The Bean and Pea Thresher that I bought of you is O. K. in every re- spect. Picking peas is a thing of the past, with me. 1 cut 40 acres of peas in my corn field last fall and saved the peas p/id hay too. I threshed for my neighbors, too, and it certainly does the business, threshing 20 to 30 bushels an hour. J. P. HOLDER, Georgia. Farquhar Pea Huller. For Hand or Power. Hulls all kinds of peas and beans from the pods, cleaning them thoroughly without break- ing or cracking the peas or beans. This machine is not an experiment, or a cheap machine made just to sell; it is a good, solid, substantial, money-making lid labor-saving machine. Just what every farmer who raises peas and beans, no matter how small the quantity, is looking for; you cannot afford to be with- out one of them. If you raise peas or beans to any extent, it will more than save its cost in one season, as is testified by thou- sands of farmers who have used the machine. Capacity, 10 to 15 bushels per hour $30.00 ^FARQUHAFr f M THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 17 Stonewall Shorghum and Sugar Cane Mills. These are constructed of the best materials and is made as compact as possible to secure strength, durability and easy running. It presses the cane dry as only strong mills compactly built and with lathe turned rolls will do. The gears are detached from the rolls, and with improved clutch for these parts there can be no slipping. Particular attention is called to the steel shaft used in these mills. They will not bend or break like iron and will wear longer and with less friction. They run in brass boxes and no metal will wear so long. Steel shafts and brass boxes produce the least friction, hence greater durability and easier running. Size, Capacity and Weight. Number Size Estimated capacity per hour Heieht of rolls I 'iameter large rolls Diameter small rolls Weight Price 1- horse 40 gal. ■5 In. 10 1-8 in. 6 in. 400 lbs. 818 50 Regular 1-horse CO gal. 6 in. 12 In. 6 In. 600 lbs. 825.00 13 2-horse 80 gal. Tin. '4 in. 7 in. 72R lbs. 837.50. Regular 2 horse 100g«1.8in. Ifiin. 8 in. 900 lbs. 817 50 Cook's Improved Evaporator. Complete, Pan and Furnace. No. 2 3 4 m Capacity per day Steel Width Length. in. Gals. Syrup. \\'i 44 in. 72 in. 35 to 55 250 lbs 44 in. 90 In. 50 to 80 275 lbs. 44 in. 108 in. 65 to 300 lbs. Galvanized Pans, 6 feet long $ 8 . 25 Galvanized Pans, 7% feet long 10.25 Galvanized Pans, 9 feet long 12 . 50 Price. $26.50 30.00 35.00 18 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. The Chatham Fanning Mill. The one mill that does the work of clean- ing the differtn kinds of grain perfectly, tak- ing the different kinds dirt, weed seeds and other foreign particles out of the grain. The only fanning mill through which yon can run a mixture of two kinds of grain and each kind will come from the mill entirely separated from the other and thoroughly clean. It not only cleans, but can be used also for grading the dif- ferent kinds of grains and seeds, putting in one place all perfect uniform grains, which may be used for seed; v the other imperfect and * unhealthy ones deliv- '— " -^*KfcB*^ w - ered in another place. " ■ ' This Mill will save more than its cost in a short while by properly grading seeds and taking out all foreign particles, leaving nothing but the seed that you wish to plant. Price of mill without bagger attachment $30 . 00 Price of mill with bagger attachment 35.00 I have used a number of different kinds of fanning mills, but the Chatham is by far the best I have ever seen. It cleans perfectly all kinds of grain. It takes out all other seeds and trash and requires so little labor to work it. The Bagger is a great labor-saver. J. U. HENDERSON, Milford, Va. Cider Mills. For Hand or Power. Built entirely of hardwood with strong frames, well bolted. Both wood and metal parts are made to stand hard usage. The press screws are made from best steel shafting and work through iron heads with machine cut threads and will stand great pressure. Junior Double Curb Cider Mill, weight 190 lbs.. capacity two to six barrels per day $11.40 Medium Double Curb Cider Mill, weight 240 lbs., capacity, three to six barrels per day 15.20 Senior Double Curb Cider Mill, weight 420 lbs., with two crank handles and 18x3 in. pulley, and can be used with gasoline engine or other power, capacity six to twelve barrels per day 20.80 Cider Mills With Wood Roller Grinders. The construction of these and material used, is the same as the mills described above, except they are fitted with wood rollers for crushing in- stead of iron. Junior Double Curb Mill $14 . 25 Medium Double Curb Mill 18.50 Single Tub Forced Feed Cidar Mill. The grinding arrangement is the same as that on the double Mills, with large throat and revolving cylinder for crushing. It will not choke. ... $8.50 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. The hinge joint for uneven as well as even ground. Notice the actual sizes of wire used, as shown in small cut. weights when you compare with other prices. 19 Heavy Weight American Field Fencing. Compare n ftS ,«c» ii un - li-iZZ. „ I«C» ■■m i " - ■ 1 ! SB INCH 9 BARS s i 17 ■cn 1 B»«i . , , ' M ■CM run — L ' 6 ■ ^ .0 PtO tun , . p •* — . S '* ' ! . * Ti, m ,_ i. "T *** Mt. 2i— fto. 9 This fence is very satisfactory for farm use, the close spacing at the hottom turning hogs and the construction such that it will hold sheep, cattle, horses, etc. Top and bottom wires No. 9 and all the balance No. 11 wire. Special Hog, Cattle and Horse Fence. With Upright Wires, 12 in. Apart. 6 wires, 20 in. high, weight 6 1 /* lbs., per rod. .20c 7 wires, 2G in. high, weight 7% lbs., per rod.. 24c 8 wires, 32 in. high, weight 8V£ lbs., per rod..27%c 9 wires, 39 in. high, weight 9% lbs., per rod.. 31c 10 wires, 47 in. high, weight 10% lbs., per rod. .34c 11 wires, 55 in. high, wieght 12 lbs., per rod.. 37c With Upright Wires, 6 in. Apart. 7 wires, 26 in. high, weight 9V2 lbs., per rod..29%c 8 wires, 32 in. high, weight 11 % lbs., per rod. .34c This shows the exact sizes of 9 wires, 39 in. high, weight 12% lbs., per rod. .39c wire used in these fences. 1Q wireSj 47 in> hig i 1> weight 14% lbs., per rod. .44c 11 wires, 55 in. high, weight 16^ lbs., per rod.. 49c We can furnish the above fencings made of light wire at lower prices, but advise the use of heavy fences. They stand up better, have a greater resisting power and will prove more lasting and economical. Special Sheep and Horse Fence. Made of the same size wires as that used in fence above. With Upright Wires 12 in. apart. 6 wires, 35 in. high, weight 7 lbs., per rod 25c 8 wires, 45 in. high, weight 9 lbs., per rod 30c 9 wires, 49 in. high, weight 10 lbs., per rod 33c American Poultry and Rab- bit Fence. With Heavy Galvanized Wire. The fence that is proving abso- lutely satisfactory in fencing against poultry, large and small, and at the same time equally efficient in turning stock. At the bottom are four spaces of 1% inches each, the next four spaces above are 2 inches each, the higher spaces graduated to 5 inches. Top and bottom bars No. 11 gal- vanized steel wire. Intermediate bars, No. 13, gal- vanized steel wire. Put up in rolls of 165 and 330 feet. 48 inches high, with 1 9 wires, per rod 42c 53 inches high, with 20 wires, per rod 44c 58 inches high, with 21 wires, per x^ A 46c ■» bam 58 INCH "BS» IHCMtl 20 BARS 53 INCH 5 19 BARS 46 INCH 5 18 BARS 43 INCH 4'/, 4Ji 16 fi=' 3b INCH 4 4 3H 13 MRS 2i nch 3V 3 ' l : .■ i : ■ — I — -7- H uzn /&2 w jgc J • Vftv 20 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. American Steel Fence Posts. The Modern Development in Fencing. Far more durable and better in every way than wood posts, and considering a fair value of the wood, also very much cheaper than wood. These posts were made sixteen years ago, and posts then used are as good as when first set. They are adapted for all wire fenc- ing, and increase the life and service of the fence, and also give a much more uniform and satisfactory appearance to the fence than the use of wood posts. We strongly recommend to farmers to give these posts their careful consideration, as they will be found more economically and desirable in every way than the ordinary wood posts for fencing. 5% 8% 9V 2 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Each. $ .28 .34 .3.7 .39 .44 .51 2.25 2.45 3.25 3.45 .08 .15 5 -ft. Line Post, weight 6^-ft. Line Post, weight 7 -ft. Line Post, weight 7H-ft. Line Post, weight 8 -ft. Line Post, weight 9 -ft. Line Post, weight 11 7 -ft. End Post, weight 45 8 -ft. End Post, weight 52 7 -ft. Corner Post, weight 69 g -ft. Corner Post, weight 79 Knobs for Line Posts Knobs for Corner Posts Price of End Post includes one brace and of Corner Post two braces and all fixtures. Galvanized Barbed and Smooth Wire. 2 point, 6 inch, regular weight, per 80 rod coil $ 2.35 2 point, 4 inch, regular weight, per 80 rod coil 2.45 4 point, 6 inch, regular weight, per 80 rod coil 2.55 4 point, 4 inch, regular weight, per 80 rod coil 2.70 2 point, inch, light weight, per 80 rod coil 1 . 75 No. 9, smooth wire, per 100 lbs $ 2.70 No. 10, smooth wire, per 100 lbs 2 . 75 No. 12, smooth wire, per 100 lbs 2.90 Polished barb wire staples, per 100 lbs 2.35 Galvanized barb wire staples, per 100 lbs 3 . 00 Bale Ties and Baling Wires. Single Loop Bale Ties, 9 ft. long, No. 15 wire, per 250 ties $ 1.25 No. 14 baling wire, runs 75 ft. to the lb 2 . 50 No. 15 baling wire, runs 90 ft. to the lb 2 . 65 American Galvanized Pipe Frame Gates Covered with 2-inch mesh, galvanized wire. ■ ■■mmmmmmmmmmm • mmimmammmamm | .llfiWiWiMiWifiWlMlWlMHlliWitlliM i!lWl1iWiWlWlMili»l!lTlMiWiMiMmW' .«TT'»T»,,»w.^ff*wvj(»»y;\yr,(« , »i« , >vv'TTWTri'^Ti^r»?r7|'T'' r r i T'TIT'' '''"" "! I" '* I 3 ft. wide, 42, 50 and 58 in. high $ 2 . 45 4 ft. wide, 42, 50 and 58 in. high 2 . 65 5 ft. wide, 42, 50 and 58 in. high 3.50 10 ft. wide, single, 50 and 5S in. high 5.50 12 ft. wide, single, 50 and 58 in. high 6.00 10 ft. wide, double, 50 and 58 in. high 7.50 12 ft. wide, double, 50 and 58 in. high 8.50 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 21 Corn Shellers. The frames are made of best hardwood, nicely finished and securely bolted. The gearings tit perfectly and spring pressure adjusts the throat to all sizes of ears. Separates corn from the cob. Favorite RH., 1-Hole Sheller. capacity 150 bu. per day $ 5 . 25 Lancaster, RH, 1-Hole Sheller, capacity 175 bu. per day • t; . 1~> Valley Chief, RH, 1-Hole Sheller. capacity 200 bu. per day 7 . 00 Penn. RH, 2-Hole Sheller, capacity 600 bu. per day 1 5 . 50 The Penn. Sheller is furnished with pulley, and can be used with power if desired. Eureka Rubber Roofing. A high grade guaranteed roofing which will prove more satisfactory than the cheap galvanizing now being put out by some factories. This makes a very satisfactory roof for covering barns and outbuildings, and is also used for cover- ing dwellings, where a low-priced, and at the same time satisfactory roofing is desired. With proper care and an occasional application of the rubber paint which we supply, these roofs will last almost in- definitely. One Ply, 32 lbs., per 108 sq. ft % .95 Two Ply, 42 lbs. per 108 sq. ft 1.20 Three Ply, 52 lbs. per 108 sq. ft 1.45 Nails, caps and cement in center of each roll. The end of each roll is capped with tin to prevent damage in handling. Galvanized Ridge Roll or Cap. ■ESS % This should always be used on the comb of a room. It prevents snow or rain from beating under. Galvanized, per foot 5 cents. Garden Wheelbarrow With Removable Sides. Full Bolted and Steel Braced. No. 1% body, 28 in. long, 12 in. deep, 24 in. wide i .50 No. 2 body, 30 in. long, 13 in. deep. 4.00 Railroad or Canal Barrow. These are handy barrows; are strong and made of the best material. With full-size tray. All parts well braced and bolted. Legs gained and boiled to handle. With wood wheel $2.00 With steel wheel 2.25 22 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Hand or Push Carts. Made of the very best material, and all parts well braced and bolted. Made in three sizes. Diameter of Wheel 42-inch 36-inch 30-inch Size of Box 48x2s inches 40x23 inches 32x20 inches Depth of Box 10 inches 10 inches 9 inches $8.75 7.S0 6.75 Ladders. Material, Norway pine, selected hardwood; every round "Shouldered," driven clear through and nailed. Full width at top, and spread at base in proportion to length. On account of wide spread at base, the 18 and 20-ft. lengths have a short center-rail to prevent the rounds bending. Workmanship unsurpassed. Light, but strong. Single Ladder, 16-ft. long $ 2.00 Single Ladder, 18-ft. long 2 . 25 Single Ladder, 20-ft. long... 2.50 Automatic Extension, 24-ft 4 . 30 Automatic Extension, 30-ft 5 . 40 Automatic Extension, 36-ft 6 . 50 Automatic Extension, 40-ft 7 . 25 Flat Step Extension, 16-ft 3.20 Flat Step Extension, 20-ft 4 . 00 Plain Step Ladder, 4-ft 35 Plain Step Ladder, 5-ft 40 Plain Step Ladder, 6-ft 50 1 ' I 1 f ■1 ' 1 , K h 4 Galvanized Wire Corn Crib Lining. With i'3-inch Mesh. Every corn crib should be lined with this mouse proof lining. By its use the smallest mouse is kept on the outside, thereby more than saving its cost each season's use. The wires are all well galvanized and will lost as long as the crib. Price per square foot 5 cents. Husking Gloves ^^ By using these a man can husk considerable more corn in a day and do it without wearing the skin from his fin- gers. The gloves are made with burs or spikes, which catch the shucks and tears it from the ear. No. B Husking Gloves, to cover hands, per pair, 75 cents. No. O. — This is a finger and thumb stall combination, with patent sliding strap and wrist band. chrome grain leather. Prir»«. 25 cents. Cut from heavy THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 23 James Sanitary Dairy Barn Equipment. The most perfect and satisfactory self-aligning and self-cleaning, economical and Durable. No dairy barn is complete unless furnished with these most modern and up-to-date fixtures. Every convenience that can be suggested is found on them. In addition, they are designed to keep the cows clean, save labor and feed, prevent and cure diseases, avoid accidents and increase the yield and quality of milk. Every farm with one or more cows should have them. They will save their own cost in a remarkably short time. We have put them in most every dairy around Richmond, as well as in many other sections of the state, including the State Farm, in Goochland. Prices range from $4.00 to $10.00 per stall. Let us make you an estimate on your requirements. Kalamazoo Silo. Either Wood or Tile. The All-Steel Door Frame, air-tight doors, combination door fastener and ladder, Anchor Steel Rib and many other valuable features easily make this the most desirable Silo on the market. We can furnish them made from all the different kinds of material, including tile, and at very reasonable prices. Lewises Guaranteed Lice and Fly Killer. By using this, your horses and cows will have comfort. Your cows will give more milk and there will be a great saving in the feed bill. One application in the morning keeps the flies and all stinging insects away the entire day. It is highly recommended also for destroying lice on all stock, poultry, dogs, etc. Gallon $1.00 CATTLE Grain Drill Tubes. To Fit all Grain Drills. Rubber Tubes for all makes of drills 25 Wire Coil Tubes for Thomas Drills , 55 Ribbon Coil Tubes for Farmers' Favorite Drills 55 24 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. imperial Stalk Cutter. With 7 or 9 Knives. A very valuable implement to run over land on which there is any stalks or weeds. The knives are sharp and machine of sufficient weight to cut these into short lengths, which allows them to be turned under the ground out of the way, where they will decay and en- rich the soil. With 7 knives $26.00 With 9 knives 27 . 00 The American "Fontaine" Shock Binder. The Corn-Growers' Friend. Every farmer who cuts and shocks his own corn should have one. With this simple device one man can bind the shocks as fast as ten or fifteen men can cut and shock the corn. Sent postpaid, $1.00. Grindstones. Steel-frame, ball-bearing grind-stone, with seat and treadles $ 4 . 50 Wood-frame grindstone, with seat and treadles 4 . 00 Household or kitchen grindstones.... 1.00 Roller-bearing grindstone fixtures com- plete can be used on any grindstone. Per set, 75 cents. Husking Pins. -W^ No. P. — This popular pin is made from the best grade of steel, and the leather used in its construction is of the best stock. Price, 15 cents. Clipper Corn Knives Forged from Solid steel. 50 cents. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 25 The Davis Swing: Churn. No. 7 will churn 30 gal. or less. No. 8 will churn 40 gal. or less. No. 9 will churn 50 gal. or less. It operates very easily. It is like a pendulum start it and it will almost swing Itself. The round ends of the churn and the shape of the top case the cream as it strikes them to slide up and over, turning a complete somer- sault. The cream is more thoroughly agitated, and the concussion greater than in a square box or barrel churn, and more butter is produced. No. 1 will churn 4 gals, or less.. $ 7.20 No. 2 will (hurn 5 gal. or less.. 8.10 No. 3 will (hum 8 gal. or less. . 9.00 No. 4 will churn 10 gal. or less. 10.00 No. 5 will churn 13'gal. or less. 13.50 No. 6 will churn. 17 gal. or les3. 16.20 27.00 31.50 36.00 White Cedar Cylinder Churn. Made with double dasher and crank locked to the churn with a clamp and thumb- screw which prevents leak- ing. The top is large, and dasher easily removed. Hoops are galvanized and will not rust. No. 1, holds 3 gallons $2.50 No. 2, holds 4 gallons 3 . 00 No. 3, holds 7 gallons 3 . 50 No. 4, holds 10 gallons 3 . 90 Imperial Tubular Steel Trees. Combine great strength with lightness. The construction is a lM»iUl-*MWiUl.jfl*jU ^j^p^^A patent inner fold. J% A ^^^^^^^^^Iforraing inside trusses or flanges, but leaving the outside shape the same as wood trees, with no exposed edges. Heavy trimmings used throughout and riveted solid. Single-Trees Only. No. Length. Weight. Price. 612 26 in. 3M> lb. $ .45 613 28 in. 4 lb. .50 616 30 in. 5 lb. .60 Double-Tree Sets Complete. Length Length No. Double-Tree. Single-Tree. Weight. Price. 549 36 in. 26 In. 16 lb. $2.00 550 36 in. 28 in. 18 lb. 2.25 No. 64. 3-Horse Plow set 3.75 Imperial U Bar Steel Trees. 26 in. long $ .40 Double-Trees, complete per set . .$1.50 28 in. long 45 Triple-Trees, complete per set. . 3.50 30 in. long 50 26 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes The different lines of these paints are specially prepared for the pur- poses for which they are recommended, and are very much superior to the use of ordinary paint, or paint not specially prepared for the purpose for which they are intended. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PREPARED S-W-P. For nearly forty years this has stood for the best that there is in house paints. For painting buildings, both inside and out, it is unexcelled. It is made from the best and purest materials, combined in proportions which long experience has proved to give the very best results. It is a pure linseed oil, lead and zinc paint, mixed and ground by specially con- structed machinery, which combines the ingredients thoroughly, and in- sures a smooth, even and durable coating, with the best and most at- tractive finish. S. W. P. spreads easiest, covers most, looks best, wears longest, and Is most economical. Always full U. S. standard measure. One gallon will cover about 720 square feet (one coat). Outside White and other regular Colors. Color card showing large variety of colors sent on request. Gal., $2.15; y 2 gal., $1.15; qts., 60c. S-W-P. Star Colors. Specially recommend- ed for outside blinds, store fronts, etc. No. 362, a medium green; No'. 366, a dark green; No. 498, a beautiful moss green. Gal., $2.65; Ms gal., $1.40; qts., 75c. No. 463, a permanent cardinal red. Gal., $3.70; % gal., $2.00; qts., $1.10. Flat Tone. Specially recommended for interior work. Can be used on walls, instead of wall paper. Gives a fine coloring without gloss. A high-class flat oil paint. Can be refreshed and re- newed by cleaning with soap and water. All shades. Color card sent on request. Gal., $2.15; % gal., $1.15; qts., 60c. FLOORLAC. A durable, tough floor stain. Gives an excellent finish to floors, and will not mar or scratch under tread. Cherry, Dark Oak. Light Oak. Ma- hogany and Walnut : Ground Color. Gal., $2.90; M gal., $1.50; qts.. 80c. INSIDE FLOOR PAINT. A paint that gives a varnish finish to floors or other surfaces on inte- rior of buildings. Especially desira- ble for covering old floors, or floors that have been stained. Gal., $2.00; V 2 gal., $1.10; qts., 60c. FAMILY PAINTS. Paints of various colors, used in painting surfaces inside of buildings, such as doors, tables, walls, etc. Regular shades — pts.. 36c; % pts., 20c; % pts., 10c. Dark Blue, Green. Scarlet, Red— pts., 40c; % pits., "25c; U pts., 15c. PORCH AND DECK PAINTS. Used for painting porches, steps, decks of boats, or other surfaces ex- posed to weather and hard usage. Gal., $2.25; % gal., $1.15; qts., 65c. ROOF AND BRIDGE PAINT. This is specially adapted to all metal surfaces. Can also be used to equal advantage on wood sur- faces. It stands weather and wears exceedingly well. Covering capacity of this is about seven squares of tin to the gallon. Brown, Red. Black. Gray Slate, Bronze Green. Five-gal. cans, $1.15 per gal.; 1-gal. cans, $1.20; % Gal. cans, 65c; % gal. cans, 35c COMMONWEALTH BARN RED. Used for painting barns, roofs or other surfaces generally on the farm. \ very attractive barn paint. % gal., 65c; gal., $1.20; 5-gal. cans, $1.15 gal. WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT. Especially adapted for painting wagons, implements and all classes of machinery. A varnish-finish paint. Red, Green, Black, Blue. Wine and Yellow. Gal., $2.25; Y 2 gal., $1.25; qts., 65c; pts., 40c THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 27 BUGGY AND AUTO PAINTS. Without a doubt this is one of the finest paints for buggies, carriages, automobiles, etc., where a high-class gloss finish is desired. The covering capacity of these goods is very great. and one coat will usually cover as well as two coats of ordinary car- riage paints. Black, Brewster Green, Cart Red, Light Green, Yellow and Wine.. Qts., 85c; pts.,' 45c; >i pts., 30c. SPECIAL BLACK (Ground in Japan) •Used for surface color on car- riages, buggies, automobiles and rail- way coaches. 1-lb. pkgs., 30c ENAMEL LEATHER TOP DRESS- ING. Used for buggy tops, leather cush- ions, or any other leather surfaces. Gives a high gloss and black finish and preserves the leather. Pts., 50c; Vz pts., 30c ALUMINUM PAINT. A metal paint used for painting pipes, radiators or metal surfaces, to give a bright, attractive silver finish. % pts., 15c; % pts., 25c; V 2 pts., 45c; pts., 80c; qts., $1.40; gals., $5.00. FLAT BLACK FINISH. Used for painting chandeliers, pipes, picture frames or other metal or wood surfaces where a fine black finish is desired. Pts., 70c; % pts., 40c LUSTROLINE. A gold enamel used for painting fixtures, picture moldings, radiators, or anything on which a gold finish is desired. Per pkg., 25c METALASTIC, No. 4. A pure graphite paint ready for use; ground in pure linseed oil. It is specially intended for painting on metal surfaces, such as roofs, bridges, etc. Considered one of the finest protective coatings for metal sur- faces. Graphite color. Gal., $2.00; % gal., $1.10; qts., 60c WOODCRAFT STAINS. Gives a "mission" finish to furni- ture, door-frames or any other sur- face on which this may be desired. English Oak. Weathered Oak, Green Weathered, Dark Mahogany, Cherry. Vz Pts., 25c; pts., 45c; qts., 80c; 1- gal. cans, $3.00. STOVE-PIPE AND IRON ENAMEL. A black enamel used for stove pipes or other iron surfaces. Pts., 40c; V 2 pts., 25c; % pts., 15c BRAS BRITE. A metal polisher for polishing all classes of metal, railings, carriages, automobiles, harness, etc. This is a liquid and will not scratch or mar the softest metal. Gal., $1.50; ^ gal., 80c; qt., 45c; pts., 25c; % pts., 15c FLOOR WAX. A paste wax used for waxing floors or other surfaces where a wax finish is desired. 5-lb. pkg., $2.00; 2-lb. pkg., 85c; 1-lb. pkg., 45c DANCING WAX. A powdered wax used for dancing floors. One-lb. pkgs., 50c; ^-lb. pkgs., 30c FLOORWIPE. A liquid intended for wiping down furniture, casings and floors. It re- tains the life of the varnish or painted surfaces over which it is ap- plied, and gives a fine gloss and fin- ish. Gal., $1.60; % gal., 85c. ; qts., 45c. FLAXOAP. Made from linseed oil. Used for washing varnished surfaces, such as automobiles, carriages and general cleaning around the house, stoves or painted surfaces. Flaxoap does not contain alkali and will not injure any varnished surface it is used on. 5-lb. pkg., 70c; 2-lb. pkg., 30c; 1-lb. pkg., 15c POLISHOL FURNITURE POLISH. Used for polishing furniture and all classes of varnished surfaces, giving ideal clean finish, and retains the life of the varnish over which it is applied. Must be rubbed with soft cloth after applied to get best re- sults. 12-oz. bottles, 50c; 4-oz., bot- tles, 25c TAXITE. A paint and varnish remover, used for cleaning off old paint and var- nishes from surfaces before a new paint or varnish is applied. Gal., $2.50; % gal., $1.30; qts., 70c; pts., 40c; M pts., 25c PURE GRAINING COLORS. Used for graining over doors, sash, floors, etc, before being varnished. Cherry, Hark Oak, Light Oak Ma- hogany. Walnut. Mb. pkgs., 25c AMERICAN WHITE LEAD. For plumbing use in fitting pipes, etc. One-lb. pkgs., 10c 28 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. SNOW-WHITE ENAMEL. A high-class paint, giving a fine enamel finish, to lie used wherever a high-class enamel finish is desired. Can be used as an enamel finish for walls and any interior woodwork. To get the best results, these goods should be used over a flat paint. Can be applied on a covering of white paint, or for new work should have two or three coats of flat white ap- plied as undercoating. Gal., $3.75; 14 gal., $1.90; qts., $1.00; pts., 55c; Vi pts., 30c. ENAMELOID. A medium grade enamel paint, of various colors, for producing enamel finish on any interior surfaces, such as doors, casings, furniture, iron bedsteads, etc. Gal., $2.90; V 2 gal., $1.50; qts., 80c; pts., 45c; % pts., 25c. SCREEN ENAMEL. Specially prepared for fine wire screens. Does not fill the meshes, but makes a very satisfactory ap- pearance and finish. Black and Green. Pts., 35c; Y2 pts., 20c. OIL STAINS. A stain that produces a flat finish on surfaces, and if a gloss finish is desired, it is desirable to varnish over this. Best results are obtained from this when used on new wood. Gal., $2.00: % gal., $1.05; qts., 55c; pts., 35c; V 2 Pts., 20c. BRIGHTEN-UP STAINS. A varnish stain used for staining furniture doors, windows, casings, etc., where a high-class varnish stain finish is desired. Qts., 65c; pts., 35c; % pts., 20c; 14 pts.. 12c. CRACK AND SEAM" FILLER. Used for filling cracks or seams in old floors before applying floor fin- ishes. 2-lb. pkg., 45c; 1-lb. pkg., 25c. PASTE FILLER. Used as a filler for oak and other wood before applying varnish or stains. Oak, Mahogany and Trans- parent. 1-lb. pkg., 15c; 2-lb. pkg., 25c; 10-lb. pkg., $1.25; 25-lb. pkg., $2.50. Sherwin-Williams Varnishes. SHELLAC. For filling knots and pithy places in boards before painting. It is also frequently used as the first coat on furniture. Orange— Qts., 50c; pts., 25c; % pts., 15c. White— Qts., 55c: pts., 30c; % pt, 15c. DECOTINT. A powdered wall finish. Used for medium class work on walls; much superior to whitewash or other cheap cold-water paints. 5-lb. pkgs., 45c. OLD DUTCH PROCESS WHITE LEAD. A strictly pure carbonate of lead in paste form. The manufacturers of these goods offer "an ounce of gold for every ounce of adulteration" found in them. 100 lbs ; 50 lbs ; 25 lbs ; 12% lbs., SHERWIN-WILLIAMS VARNISHES These varnishes are made special- ly for the purpose for which they are recommended. S-W. Varnishes are high class, made from the best of ingredients, and are tested for color, consistency, working and wear- ing qualities, and are well aged, and give the very best results and satis- faction wherever used. EXCELLO VARNISH. This is a high-class varnish for interior use only. Excel lo produces a high and lasting gloss which does not mar or scratch. It is not easily affected by moisture: drying dust- free in about six hours, and hard in from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. It can be rubbed and polished after forty-eight hours. This varnish is lsed for general interior varnishing, 3uch as doors, frames, wainscoting, furniture, etc. Gal., $2.75; % gal., $1.40; 14 gal.. 75c; pts., 40c; % pts., 25c. MAR-NOT VARNISH. This is a water-proof for Varnish, made to walk on. Because of its ex- treme toughness and elasticity, it is the most durable varnish made for floors, linoleum, oilcloth, etc. Mar- not dries well over night, and may be rubbed to a dull finish. Gal., $2.75; % gal., $1.40; % gal., 75c; pts., 40c; '■• pts., 25c. PREMO HARD OIL FINISH. This is a very superior hard oil finish for the price. It is rather pale in color, flows out nicely on a brush and will not easily mar or scratch. It is suitable for all ordinary woods. It is used for general hard oil finish- ing about the house, dries dust free in from five to six hours and hard in twenty-four; gives a very high and brilliant luster. Hard enough to rub dull in from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. Gal., $1.9,0; % gal., $1.00; % gal., 55c. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 29 SHERWIN-WILL INTERIOR COACH. This is an especially pale, easy working varnish for interior use. Dries with a high luster in twenty- four hours. An exceptionally fine piece of goods for general interior varnishing. Gal., $1.S. r , ; i., gal $1.00: ] i gal., 55c. No. 1 COACH. A hard drying, elastic varnish for exterior and interior use. Will dry dust free in six hours and hard in from twenty-four to thirty-six. Used for interior varnishing about the house, also may be used for cheaper work on buggies, wagons and imple- ments. \i gal.. 65c; pts., 35c; V> pts., 20c. PREMO FURNITURE. This is a good, easy working var- nish, rather pale in color. Dries dust free in from four to six hours and hard in twenty-four. It is an excep- tionally good varnish for revarnish- ing old furniture where gloss finish is desired. y 2 gal., S5c; % gal., 45c; pts., 25c; Vi pts., 15c. MARINE SPAR. A first class all 'round Master Painters' varnish. It is durable, elastic, heavy in body, but works easily under the brush. Without doubt one of the very best varnishes on the market for store fronts, out- side doors, windows, sash and sills. bath-room, kitchens and all kinds of boat and marine work. Dries dust free in eight hours, hard in two days. Vz gal., $1.75; % gal., 95c; pts., 50c; ':: ptS.. 25C. ONE-COAT CARRIAGE. This is an easy working, moderate- ly quick drying finishing varnish, In- tended for finishing coats on car- riages, buggies, carts, etc. An ex- cellent varnish for general repair work. Dries dust free in six hours, hard in forty-eight. Gives a rich, high luster. % gal., $1.10; pts., 60c. No. 1 DAMAR. This is a nearly water white var- nish. When properly used will not discolor delicate shades of paint ma- terial to which it may he added in making enamels. % gal., 75c; pts., 40c; % pts., 25c. TWENTIETH CENTURY HARD OIL This is an excellent, medium qual- ity hard oil finish, is exceptionally light in color, works easily under the brush, dries with a brilliant lu IAMS VARNISHES. and will give good wear and service. A most excellent piece of goods for the money. Gal., $1.25. LIQUID FILLER. This is a superior first-eoating on interior close grain woodwork. It is largely used as a substitute for Shel- lac. Sands to a perfect finish tor subsequent varnish coats. Gal., $1.50; '-• gal., 75c; % gal., 40c; pts., : SHELLACINE. A specialty made for first coating on interior wood work. Shellacine Is light in body and absolutely seals the surface and a very excellent li- quid fiUer. It should be only lightlv sanded. Gal., $1.15; % gal., 60c; % gal., 35c. DRIERS. Used for increasing the drying properties of paint, particularly where it is desired to have the paint harden up and dry a very short time after being applied. Care should be taken not to add too much. It is not necessary to use this in any of the Sherwin-Williams paints, as they contain sufficient drier to make them a complete paint. K is much better, in all instances, to use the Sherwin-Williams paints, as you get them in the right propor- tions to give the very best results. Japan Drier, Gal., $1.15; ^ gal ,; '"-: 'i gal., 35c. Dryonite, Gal., $1.40; V 2 gal.. 75c; gal., 4'ic: pts.. 26c; tt pts., 15c. Brown Drier, Gal., 90c. FIRST QUALITY COLORS. Ground in Oil. Used for tinting white paints to obtain such colors as may be desire,] Ivory Drop Black— 1 lb. pkgs Lamp Black— 1 lb. pkgs 25c Raw Umber— l lb. pkgs 25c Burnt Umber— 1 lb. pkgs 25c Burnt Sienna— 1 lb. pkgs 25c Raw Sienna 1 lb. pkgs 25c Van Dyke Brown -1 lb. pkgs 25c Chrome Green, L M. D. — l lb. P^s 25c English Rose Pink— 1 lb. pkgs. 35c Tuscan Red— 1 lb. pkgs 25c Indian Red— 1 lb. pkgs 25c Venetian Red— 1 lb. pkgs 20c Chromo Yellow L. M. & O— 1 lb. Pkgs 25c Golden Ochre — 1 lb. pkgs 25c Yellow Ochre — 1 lb. pkgs 20c Prussian Blue — V 2 lb. pkgs., 30c; 'i lb. pkgs 15c Ultramarine Blue — tt lb. pkgs., 80< : % lb 10c 30 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. RICHMOND, VA. Buckeye Railroad or Contractors Dump Cart. and 4S in. wide, with 1%-inch tire wheel. With 3-inch tire wheels These are made from the best sea- s o n.e d timber heavily ironed and are especially recommended for rough hard use. Thp bed is made entirely of heavy oak. framed to- gether with slop- ing front end gate. Wheels 4 ft.. 10 in. high: 1% in.; ft. 10 in. in. deep ..$42.00 . . 45.00 axles body 6 long. 20 Buckeye Farm Dump Cart. The same grade wheels and axles are used on this as on Railroad Cart, but body is plain pine. Body 6 ft. long, 20 in deep. 45 in wide, With 1%-in. tire wheels $35.00 With 3-inch tire wheels ::7 . 50 Metal Wheels for Farm Wagons. Metal wheels for farm wagons are one of the latest and most useful inventions of the rge. We furnish them with any width tire, to fit old or new axles of any size. Many farmers have the running gear of an old wagon, which can be made into a good wagon by the addition of a set of our metal wheels, and they will then use it more than any high wagon on the pl ace. 26 inches high, 3-inch tire $3 . 75 28 inches high. 3-inch tire 3.85 30 inches high, 3-inch tire 3-inch tire 4 . -o 3-inch tire 4 . 50 3-inch tire 4 .75 3-inch tire 5.25 3-inch tire 5.75 3-inch tire 6.50 For 4-inch tire wheels add 25c each to above prices, and for 5-inch tires add 50c each to above prices. 32 inches high. 34 inches high. M inches high, 38 inches high, 4 inches high. 44 inches high. Duplex Springs. Duplex Bolster Springs, Duplex Bolster Springs, Duplex Bolster Springs, Duplex Bolster Springs, Duplex Bolster Springs, This is a soft, easy-riding spring, made for one or two-horse wagons. It is perfect for fruit, eggs and other perishable foods. Raises the box 5 1 o inches. Duplex Bolster Springs, 1,000 lbs. capacity $ 4.50 lbs. capacity 5.00 lbs. capacity 6.00 2,500 lbs. capacity 6.50 3,000 lbs. capacity 6.75 3,500 lbs. capacity 7.00 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 31 Buckeye Wagons. Warranted for 12 months. The Two-Horse Wagons are made with clipped gears. 2so bolts go through axle to weaken it. This Wagon is noted for its lightness of draft, which is testified to by hundreds of users. It is built strong and well ironed. We have sold them for many years and they have given our customers splendid satisfaction. la»<{ U I Each - 1-horse gear, thimble skein, 2*4x7, capacity 1,000 lbs $28.00 1-horse gear, thimble skein, 2 1 / £x7 1 /2, capacity 1,250 pounds 30.00 1-horse gear, 1% in. steel axle, capacity l,00o pounds 28.00 1-horse, 1% in. steel axle, capacity 1,500 pounds 30 . 00 2-horse gear, 2^x8, capacity 1,S00 pounds . . 43.50 2-horse gear, 2%x8, 2,000 pounds capacity 45 . 00 2-horse gear, 3x9, 2,500 pounds capacity 46.50 2-horse gear, S^xlO, 3,500 pounds capacity 50.00 4-horse gear, oVsxll, 4,500 pounds capacity 55.50 2-horse gear, iy 2 steel axle, 2,000 pounds capacity 45.00 2-horse gear, 1% steel axle, 2,500 pounds capacity 47.50 2-horse gear, 1% steel axle, 4,000 pounds capacity 50.00 4-horse gear, 2 steel axle, 5,500 pounds capacity 5y . oo 4-horse gear, 2*4 steel axle, 6,000 pounds capacity 65.00 For body and seat on 1-horse wagon, add 4 . 50 For body and seat on 2-horse and 4-horse wagon, add 10.00 For 2-in. tire on 1-horse wagon, add 1 . 50 For 2-in. tire on 2 and 4-horse wagon, add 2 . 50 For 3-in. tire on 2 and 4 j horse wagou, add 5.50 Havana Low-Wheel Farm Truck. This wagon should be on every farm, as it will be found of great con- venience. The wheels are low aud can be loaded without great exertion. The tires are broad, which will permit its being driven across fields without injury to them. It can also be used for road purposes, but is more especially a farm truck. We can furnish them with wood axles and steel or wood wheels and with steel axles and with wood or steel wheels. Wood Axle Truck with steel wheels $24 .00 With wood wheels 35 . 00 Steel Axle Truck with steel wheels 33.50 The above prices are for wagons without body and without single-trees and double-tree. The single-trees and double-tree cost extra % 2.50 Double box, well painted and well ironed, including spring seat 10.00 32 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Buggies, Carriages, Runabouts. We carry a large assortment of vehicles in the medium as well as the better grades, but have only room in this for a few of the popular priced ones. Catalog giving fuller description sent on application. No. 18. Summer Special A light, well made runabout, with %-inch wheels, leather trimmings, double braced shafts, red or dark gear $37 . 50 No. 77. Runabout, corning body, leather trimmings, %-inch wheels, dark or red gear, double braced shafts 42 .50 No. 75. Runabout, fine leather trimmings, dark or red gear, % or %-inch wheels.. 52.50 No. 68. Runabout, an excel- lent vehicle, well made and nicely finished, something we highly recommend, % or %-inch wheels, dark or red gear 65 . 00 No. 1025. Leather Quarter Top Buggy, leather trimmings and cushions, % or %-inch wheels, dark or red gear 42.50 No. 36. Leather Quarter Top Buggy, leather trimmings and cushions, % or %-inch wheels, dark or red gear, double braced shafts. No. 34. Leather Quarter Top Buggy, leather trimmings, nicely finished, % or %-inch wheels, dark or red gear, long leathered shafts. No. 1)3. Polished Steel Body Buggy, with leather quarter top and leather trimmings. % or %-inch wheels. Strictly high-grade work and material used throughout 65.00 50.00 55.00 No. 6. Leather Quarter Top Buggy, finished and painted in the best manner possible and every part thoroughly guaranteed, % or %- inch wheels, dark or red gear 75 . 00 No. 95. Farmers' Extension Top Surry, with leather quarter top and leather trimmings. Well made and finished, dark or red gear. % or 1-inch wheels 95 . 00 No. 96. Same as No. 95, with canopy top 85.00 No. 89. Light Canopy Top Surry. A well made vehicle, in which good material is used; built light for 1-horse; % or %-inch wheels.. 88.50 No. 87. Light Cut-Under Steel Body Surry, with canopy top, highly plished, leather seats and backs, full set curtains, % or %- inch wheels 100.00 No. 86. Light Cut-Under Steel Body Surry, with leather quarter ex- tension top. Same as No. 87, except top 110 . 00 Road Carts. Two passenger slat seat; slat foot-rack; spring as shown in cut; one-inch double collar steel axle; %-in. wheels, 46 inches high; hick- ory shafts. $15.00. Xo. 17. Two-Passenger, box seat cart, very convenient for carry- ing packages, closed bottom, % - inch wheels | No. 2. One - Passenger Cart, well made, cane bottom seat, neat fin- ish 18.00 Delivery Wagons. We have a very large stock of these, intended for all classes of work, including milk and laundry wagons, grocery and delivery wagons and one and two-horse spring drays. Special circulars of these sent to any one interested. THE OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE The Giant of Power for Farm Work. SOME OF ITS USES: PUMPS WATER FOR: Fire Protection, Irrigation, House — Barn, For watering Garden and Lawn. GRANARY: Fanning Mill, Grinder, Sheller. SHOP FORGE: Lathe, Grindstone, Drill. ENSILAGE CUTTER. HAY BALER. DAIRY: Milking Machine, Separator, Churn. LAUNDRY: Washing Machine, Wringer. SAWS WOOD. And any other uses where power is re- quired. "There were giants in those days." There are giants in these days also, if we will only look around us and observe them. One of the handiest of these modern giants is the gasoline engine. The giants of old were supposed to be very large and able to do the work of five or six ordinary men. This modern giant will not only do the work of several men, but of several horses as well. He will run your separator, turn your churn, saw your wood, pump your water, cut your fodder, grind your corn, and many other things. The ancient giants were troublesome, hard to manage, and great eaters. The modern giant is tractable, always handy, always ready and willing to work, never gets tired, never runs away when* you want him most. He is kept at very little expense. A drink of gasoline, when he is thirsty, and a little oil is all he needs, and that only while he works. Such a giant is a handy thing to have around, for at a touch you can rouse bim to life and activity, ready to do your slightest bidding. — Thomas Owen, in Kansas Farmer. We have sold large numbers of the Olds Gasoline Engines in recent years, and have received the most enthusiastic reports from our customers. Wherever they are used, in any neighborhood, it has always resulted in sales of a number of machines to neigh- bors who see how easily and well they do their work. The following are extracts from letters from some of our customers who have bought the Olds Engine from us. The Olds Engine purchased from you some time ago is all O. K. Have used it only a few months, but so far it has given perfect satisfaction. S. C. DUVAL, Lorraine, Va. I have used the Olds Gasoline Engine bought of you filling silos, sawing wood and doing other farm work. It has proven entirely satisfactory and I highly recommend it. H. M. WILLIAMS, Powhatan County, Va. I used your E. Whirlwind Cutter and Blower all last season, with an 8- horse Olds Gasoline Engine, and found them both entirely satisfactory in every respect. The Whirlwind Cutter and Blower is a very easy runner, and what I especially like about it, the knives are so very easily adjusted. I must admit it is by far the best cutter I have ever used. July 23, 1915. GEO. R. HORNE. We carry all sizes of Olds Engines in stock, and will cheerfully quote prices or give any information desired. Prices range from $45 up, depending on power required. The Implement Company, 1302 MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA.