NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES S02286617 W This book is due on the date indicated unless recalled by the Libraries. Books not returned on time are subject to replacement charges. Borrowers may access their library accounts at: ANALYSIS OF Milk, Condensed Milk, AND INFANTS' MILK-FOODS. J>r. JV. aJERBES.. 5F253 CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL ANALYSIS — OF — Milk, Condensed Milk, — AND — INFANTS' MILK-FOODS, WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO HYGIENE AND SANITARY MILK INSPECTION. A Laboratory Guide, developed from Practical Experience^ INTENDED FOR Chemists, Physicians, Sanitarians, Students, etc. By Dr. NICHOLAS GERBER, Manager of the American-Swiss Milk Product Company (Limited) in New York ; Member of the Chemical Societies of Berlin, New York, Paris, etc. Translated fro?n the Revised German Edition, and Edited by Dr. HERMANN ENDEMANN, Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society ; Member of the Chemical Societies of Berlin, New York, etc., etc. ILLUSTRATED BY 19 PLATES. New York, 1882. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by the proprietors, Dr. NICHOLAS GERBER, of Little Falls, N. Y., Dr. HERMANN ENDEMANN, of 3^ Nassau St., New York City, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 4^/ ^J LEHMAIER & BRO. PRINT, 95. 97, FULTON STREET, N. Y. EDITOR'S PREFACE. In preparing this book for the English-speaking public, the undersigned desires to state that he has undertaken this task for the purpose of supplying a long-felt want. Most books published of late contain merely a collection of all the methods of analysis, or the selection of a number, put side by side without criticism. The book in its present shape is a laboratory guide, which enables even beginners, and all such who cannot make the subject of milk analysis a speciality, to cope with this otherwise compli- cated task. The selection of the proper method of analysis is taken off their hands and has been supplied by a man of practical experi- ence, who has for many years made this subject a specialty. Even chemists will find this book valuable, the more so as they are the best able to judge the advantages derived from the proper selection of the method adapted for the execution of an analysis. The original has been carefully revised and many of the plates which illustrate the work have been substituted by better ones taken from the best publications on this subject, while others not contained in the original have been added. IT. ENDEMANN, Ph.D. New York City, January, 1882. PREFACE. The undersigned has been engaged, scientifically and practically, in the dairy industry in all its branches for a number of years, and thus has had, frequently, occasion to seriously feel the want of a uniform method of analysis for milk and its products, which would not only satisfy practical wants, but would also possess scientific accuracy. The author has made it his task to present in this small volume a short and exact method of analysis for the examination of the various milks and infants' milk foods, and hopes to soon complete his undertaking by the issue of a similar volume which shall com- prise the examination of the otiier milk products and such other substances as are employed in the dairy industry. As may be seen by the contents, undersigned has not endeav- ored to criticise the various older methods, as yet generally in use, as this would have been beyond the range of his self-imposed task. Moreover, there is no want of such books. Undersigned therefore refers to those previously published by Yieth, Raden- hausen and himself. It is a peculiar fact, that even in the latest chemical, medical and pharmaceutical works, old and abandoned methods are con- tinually republished, the authors considering it aj^parently unnec- essary to test them for their reliabilit3\ Likewise, in the adducing of average figures regarding the composition of milk, these authors seem to be prepossessed in favor of the oldest and least exact investigations, while they neglect the more exact and, therefore, more valuable examinations of the present period. This copying without examination (book manufacturing) is especiallj dangerous in analytical chemistry, and more so if the results must stand test before a court of justice, which in examina- tions of this kind is frequently required. The position of an expert who has employed acknowledged inaccurate methods for his examination, is certainly not an envia- ble one. The author of this small volume has therefore collected therein, for the first time, those methods which are acknowledged as being the best for scientific and practical purposes. They excel the methods known before 1877. 1st. For their greater accuracy. 2d. For greater simplicity. 3d. For cheapness and economy of time. The views expressed in this book no doubt may be modified in time, and undersigned will, therefore, at all times, be pleased to receive suggestions from others. Dk. NICHOLAS GERBER, Manager of the Ameiican Swiss Milk Product Co. {Limited), New York City. Little Falls, N. Y., January, 1883. CONTENTS. PAGE. 1 NORMAL COWS' General Definition Colostrum MILK. . 3 Market Milk . 8 Physiological and Other Causes Influencing the Secretion. Period of Lactation 3 Age of Cow 4 Cows in Heat 4 Race and Individuality 4 Food and Treatment 5 Seasons 5 Influence of Temperature 5 Influence of Weather 5 Exercise 5 General Physical Properties 6 Chemical Constittutits 6 Composition of other Milk Compared with Cows' Milk 8 PHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF MILK. Color— '^ormaX 9 Red 9 Yellow 10 Blue 10 Consistency— "^ormsiX 11 Watery 11 Colostrum 11 Phlegmy and Stringy. . 12 Sandy 12 Of/^r— Normal 13 Aromatic 13 Putrid 13 Medicinal 13 Trtj/^— Normal 13 Bitter 14 Medicinal 14 Putrid 14 Sour 14 Microscopical Examination. PAGE. Normal Milk (with plate) 14 Butter Globules 14 Colostrum (with plate) 15 Pus and Epithelial Cells (with plate). 16 Lower Organisms 16 Specific Gravity. Definition 17 Apparatus for Its Determination. . . 17 Weighing in a Flask (Pycnometer) (with table.) 18 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MILK. General Rules 21 Reaction of Milk 22 Determination of Water and Solids. 22 Determination of Ashes 23 Detei-mination of Phosphoric Acid . 23 Determination of Albuminates and Fat (with plate) 24 Determination of Milk Sugar 27 ABNORMAL COWS' MILK. Colostrum 30 Poisoned Milk 31 Milk Containing Medicines . 33 Milk as the Cause of Disease (2 plates) 33 Typhus 34 Scarlatina 34 Tuberculosis 34 Anthrax 35 Aphtha epizootica (with plate) 35 Ittfluence of Food, etc 37 Potato Distillery Swill 37 Brewers' Grains 38 Milk in Fermentation 38 Pus 38 Mucus 38 Adulteration of Cows' Milk 38 Watery Milk , 39 Normal Market Milk 40 Sour Milk 41 Foreign Substances 41 Preservatives 42 Vlll MILK OF OTHER ANIMALS. PAGE. Goats' Milk 44 Sheep's Milk 44 Asses' Milk 45 Mares' Milk 45 CONDENSED AND PRESERVED MILKS. Condensed Milk, with Sugar 47 Physical Analysis 48 Chemical Analysis 49 Other Milk Preserves 50 Hygienic Demands 51 WOMAN'S MILK. Various Influences upon the Se- cretion 52 Taking the Sample 55 Physical Examination (2 plates) 55 Chemical Analysis 57 Milk from the Breasts of Newly-born Infants 60 INFANTS' MILK FOODS IN POWDER. History, Definition 61 Physical Properties 61 Microscopical Examination (5 plates). 62 Chemical Analysis 65 Determination of Water 65 of Ash and Phos- phoric Acid 66 Determination of Fat 66 "' of Soluble Car- bohydrates 67 Determination of Insoluble Car- bohydrates 68 Determination of Albuminates. 69 Reports on Milk Foods 69 Infants' Milk Foods in Vowd^h— Continued. PAGE, Hygienic Demands of ike Manufac- turers 70 GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE MILK SUPPLY 73 Determination of Specific G7-avity. ... 76 Quevenne's Lactodensimeter and the Lactometer (2 plates) 78 And 2 tables 81 and 82 Examination of Skimmed Milk 83 Stable Test 84 Estimation of the Quality of Milk by the specific gravity. . 85 Determination of the Fat (with plate and table) 85 Properties of Normal Cows' Milk and Market Milk 92 The Aim of Governmental Control of the Quality of the Milk Supply 92 General Rules for a Rational Milk Inspection 94 In Cities 94 In the Stable 96 Proposition stating the Main Points for an Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Milk in Large Cities 97 Propositions for Regulations Governing Producers of Milk and Milk Dealers 98 LIST OF APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS REQUIRED FOR THE ANALYSIS OF MILK and INFANTS' MILK FOODS 100 INTRODUCTION. Of all articles of food, none requires so much of our attention as milk. While it engages the scientist on account of its relation to physiology and pathology, the public are interested in milk by the place it occupies as a food of so general application, and by the fact that it forms an important article of commerce and a base for manifold industries. Cows' milk, and of late, infants' milk-foods and condensed milk, are of more special interest by the fact, that in the case of an insufficient or wholly wanting supply of breast milk, they are destined to form, for a considerable period of time, the sole food for infants. We should, therefore, be well acquainted with the quality of these articles as they reach the consumer. To insure a supply of healthy and unadulterated food, the gov- ernments of many countries have passed laws for the punishment of adulterations, and in order to detect them, have taken the ex- amination of the various food substances in hand. Milk, being more exposed to adulteration than many other foods, has of late re- ceived a considerable share of this attention. The control which a government exerts, protects the public against fraud by preventing the sale of goods of inferior value at high prices ; but more important is the protection which, by gov- ernment interference, is gained for the health of the consumer by the absolute prevention of the sale of specifically altered, spoiled and adulterated milk. The poorer and working classes, and espec- ially the children, suffer most, if the milk is not of the best quality. Chemical analysis, even if carried out according to the best ap- proved methods, would not bring us nearer to a satisfactory solu- tion of this question, unless exact science has thoroughly investi- gated this field, and has, based upon such investigation, determined the limits of the composition of a normal food. Without this, the position of an expert before a court of justice would be untenable. The examination of the milk differs according to the question which is to be decided. It may be made to ascertain the relative quantities of the normal constituents of milk, or to determine the admixture and nature of foreign substances which may, or may not, be dangerous to the health of the consumers. Each chemical examination is preceded by an examination with the senses — eye, smell and taste. Hereby many admixtures and qualities of milk may be directly ascertained, which, for the fol- lowing chemical examination, may not only furnish hints, but which may serve to corroborate the results obtained by it. The physiological part of the milk question has been included for the reason that in cases before tiie courts such questions fre- quently arise, and because the knowledge of them will aid in the formation of a more correct opinion. To facilitate the examination of milk and milk products, a num- ber of plates from microscopic objects have been introduced into the text. The chemical and physical analysis of infants' milk-foods and their hygienic value, has in no previous work been treated as thoroughly. The method of analysis given is based upon the exact investigations made by Dr. P. Radenhausen and the author, and is given in this work in an improved shape. The author desires to recommend to the consideration of the medical profession the chapter entitled, " Hygienic demands upon the manufacturers of infants' milk-foods." Humanity demands that we know and ex- amine which foods should be recommended and can be relied upon. Much hardship and sickness of mankind can be prevented, if by rational food the organism, especially of infants, be strengthened. The author sincerely desires that the contents of this book will not fail to improve our knowledge of food hygiene, and thus fulfil the expectations with which it has been written. NORMAL COWS' MILK. GENERAL DEFINITION. Milk is the secretion of tlie mammary glands, in which it is produced by certain processes of diffusion from the blood, accom- panied by a dissolution of the gland cells. Lactation commences a few days after birth, and lasts for a period of time, the length of which depends on various circumstances. C. Yon Yoit says : "Milk consists of liquified cells. All mammals are, therefore, carnivorge, for they sustain themselves by consuming a portion of .the body of their mother." Colostrum : The first milk yielded by a cow, either before, or from the fourth to seventh day after calving, is called 'beastings,' or ' colostrum. ' Market iniUc is generally the milk of several cows mixed. For the examination of the milk, as it reaches our markets, this is a point of great importance — many irregularities, frequently met with in the milk of single cows, being thereby compensated. The substances composing milk are for all mammals essentially the same. So is the general character of the milks. The differ- ence of the various milks consists, therefore, only in the respective quantities in which the constituents are present, as also in taste, flavor and color. Physiological and other Causes Influencing the Secretion. The period of lactation generally lasts three hundred days, one cow giving during this time from six to ten quarts of milk per day. When the animal ceases to give milk, we say that it stands dry. The following circumstances are of influence on lactation : Age of cow : When a cow has its first calf, it does not pro- duce the maximum quantity of milk, but the quantity increases from year to year until a certain limit is reached, when, with fur- ther increasing age, the quantity is reduced, at first slowly and more quickly later on. The age to which it pays to keep cows for milking differs according to individuality, race and treatment. It is generally accepted that cows are the most profitable from their third to their tenth year. Cows in heat: "We know but little of the changes which oc- cur in milk at the return of the periods when cows get in heat. From the feeding experiments made by G. Kuehn and Fleischer, a characteristic change of the milk, during these periods, cannot be deduced. Such milk, it has been stated, will sometimes curdle on boiling. A normal course of this process, which lasts but a few .days, should not influence normal lactation for any length of time. It may be remarked that also cows which have undergone the process of castration, may produce milk. It is, however, not con- sidered profitable to keep such cows longer than two years. They fatten up rapidly, and their milk-producing qualities suffer in con- sequence. Race and individuality : Good milk-producing qualities de- pend principally on a strong and healthy development of the udder. A defect in this can never be remedied by the best and most nutritious food. The yield and quality of the milk depends directly on individual properties of the animal and, therefore, also on its race. Comparative investigations regarding the yield and quality of the milk of different races have frequently been made, but they are incomplete and little trustworthy. They have either been under- taken with but few animals for a longer period, or if really on a large scale, but for a short period. In some cases select stock has been observed for longer periods. Average figures deduced from such incomplete and heterogeneous observations are, therefore, of little value. The yield and quality of the milk of various races and breeds of cattle, cannot be determined without the collection of copious and well selected statistics in the countries of which these cattle are indigenous. Few investigations have been made to which chemistry has contributed as largely as it should have done. Food and treatment: To keep the production of milk dur- ing the whole period of lactation in a satisfactory state, good housing and treatment, and food answering the circumstances, as regards quantity, volume, preparation and chemical composition, are requisite. It may be regarded as a fact, that the quantities of milk and butter are increased with the amount of nitrogenous material in the food. Uniformity of treatment and food are to be recom- mended, and sudden changes in this regard be avoided, since ex- perience has proved that they are invariably followed by disadvan- tageous influences upon the secretion of milk. The production of milk is greatly fostered by healthy water of an even temperature, neither too high nor too low, charitable treatment of the cattle, and punctuality in attending to their wants. Seasons : The yield of milk differs with the changes of weather and food in the several seasons. Most, but often also thinnest, milk is produced during the spring, on account of the food which then consists mainly of young luxurious herbs. The more nourish- ing after-growths on the meadows and fields during summer and fall, as also the dry food during winter, are the cause of a smaller yield of milk which, however, is richer. Influence of temperature: The yield of milk of the cows differs with the geographical latitude. From this alone we may assume that the temperature exerts a decided influence. An aver- age annual temperature of 15° C. is considered to be the most ad- vantageous. Too high temperatures (in the stable) debilitate and predispose the cows to colds, influence disadvantageously the yield of milk, and sometimes even its quality. Influence of tveather : Eain, humidity of air and winds doubt- less exert an influence on the general well-being and the various physiological processes. Exact investigations as regards the in- fluence of these meteorological phenomena on yield and quality of milk, have not yet been made. Exercise : Moderate exercise in the open air and on the pas- ture is advisable. Hard work and long journeys diminish yield and quality of milk. Milk of such cows is apt to curdle on boiling. The constitution of the animal is reproduced in the milk it yields. The milk of stronger animals is, therefore, on the average, richer than the milk from the weaker. The use of inferior food and unhealthy water, and certain diseases, cause also the produc- tion of an inferior milk. Particulars regarding this will be given in the chapter on " Abnormal cows' milk." General Physical Properties. Milk is an opaque, white or more or less yellowish fluid. Be- tween the lingers it feels greasy. It has a weak, mild, sweetish taste, and flavor to con-espond. The raicroscoj^e reveals the presence of innumerable small <4lobules suspended in a pelucid fluid. Sometimes epithelial cells, gland cells and lower organisms may be recognized. The specific gravity varies from 1.025 to 1.038. Chemical Constituents. I. The main constituent of milk is tvater, of which, on the average, 87.5 per cent, is present. II. The albitminates of milk are, according to the latest inves- tigations of Danilewsky and Kadenhausen, as folloAVS : 1. Albumen, probably identical with blood albumen. 2. Protalbumens, which Danilewsky obtained some time since by peptonizing various albuminates with alkali and pan- creatine. These give to casein its acid character. Albu- men and the protalbumens together form the so-called casein, which is, therefore, not a single body,but a mix- ture. 3. Orropkotein, which is an albumen with albuminoid char- acteristics. 4. Synto-protalbumens, which, according to Danilewsky, are obtained from albuminates by the action of acids and pepsin. 5. Peptones, or digested albuminates, were found by D. and R. in the serum of coagulated milk, together with the ex- tractive substances. Milk contains, therefore, according to Danilewsky and Kadenhausen, large quantities of incompletely digested albuminates which, according to their characteristics, were called jorotalhtmens and synto-protalbumens. The protalhumens are acid, bodies, soluble in 50 per cent, alcoliol, insoluble or little soluble in water. At ordinary temperature they saturate alkalies but not acids. The sy7ito-])rotalhumens have a neutral reaction. At ordinary temperature they do not unite with alkalies, but mineral acids. They act, therefore, as bases. They are insoluble in water, soluble in hot 50 per cent, al- cohol, from which solution they may be obtained on cooling. The main constituent of the albumen of former investigation, is identical with the stroma albumen which envelopes the butter globules. These investigations give us an entirely new picture of the constitution of milk. The hitherto known casein, albumen and lacto-protein, do not exist, and these names should, therefore, not be used in repoi'ting the results of the analysis ; instead, it is better to class them under the general denomination of " albuminates." III. The milk-fats appear as minute globules which can be re- cognized merely with the aid of the microscope. Each of these globules is surrounded by a thin film of stroma albumen (not ca- sein). Their diameter varies considerably. Specific gravity and melting point vary likewise with race and quality. The fats are triglycerides, derived mainly from stearic, jpal- mitinic and oleic acids ; aside from these the following are to be mentioned : myristine, hutine, hutyrine, ca])ronine and capryline. The chemical composition varies considerably with the food on which the animal is kept, likewise the color, which, during the sum- mer is yellow, while during the winter it appears more white. Fresh milk-fat is a semi-fluid mass of faint taste and odor. IV. Milk stigar (CisHagOu -f- HjO) crystallizes when pure in rhombic prisms, which are not changed when kept in dry air. It feels hard and gritty between the teeth. It is insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether, soluble in 6 pts. of cold, and 2.5 pts. of boiling water. Its taste is only slightly sweet. Its si3ecific gravity varies from 1.543 to 1.548. In the polariscope it shows birotation. 8 V. The Milk ashes consist, according to Fleischmann, in the average, of Phosphoric anhydride, (PjOj) 28.31 Chlorine, (CI) 16.34 Lime, (CaO) 27.00 Potassa, (KjO) 17.34 Soda, (Na,0) 10.00 Magnesia, (MgO) 4.07 Iron sesquioxide, (FcjOg) 0.62 103.68 Deduct for corresponding CI, 3.68 100.00 The quantity of salts in the milk ranges from 0.4 to 0.8 per cent. They contain generally all those nutritive salts which have been taken with the food. YI. The gases of milk are carbon-dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen, the first predominating. They are of little importance. YII. The extractive substances: They have been found in small quantities in the milk, and include the following substances : urea, kreatinine, leucine, tyrosine and lecithine. VIII. In small quantities, coloring substances, and such which give to milk its characteristic flavor. They vary with the season and food, and are met with in larger quantities during the summer season. Composition of Other Milks compared ^vith Cows' Milk. Milks from other animals differ from cows' milk in composition according to the position occupied by the animals in the zoological system, and according to their food (herbivora or carnivora). The following tabulated statement gives average values derived from a series of exact analyses of normal milks : Species. Sp. gr. White -woman 1.025-1.035 Negro " 1.025-1.037 Milk of single cows.. 1.025-1.038 Mare 1.031-1.036 Ass 1.030-1.036 Goat 1.028-1.036 Sheep 1.034-1.042 Hog Camel 1.035-1.042 Of the milk of other animals only a few, and then often incom- plete analyses of doubtful value could be found ; their mention has therefore been omitted. Water. Salts. Albumen. Fat. Sugar of Milk. 88-90 0.20-0.50 2.0-4.0 2.0-4.0 4.0-6.0 86-90 0.30-0.75 3.0-4.0 4.0-5.0 5.0-6.0 86-89 0.50-0.75 3.5-5.0 3.0-4.5 3.5-5.0 90-92.5 0.25-0.50 1.5-3.0 0.5-1.5 4.5-6.5 89-92 0.25-0.50 1.5-3.0 1.0-2.5 4.5-6.0 85-87 0.50-0.75 4.0-6.0 3.5-5.0 3.5-5.5 80-85 0.50-1.25 4.0-6.5 4.0-7.0 4.0-6.0 82-85 0.75-1.25 5.0-7.0 5.5-7.0 2.0-5.0 85-87 0.50-0.75 3.0-4.0 2.5-3.5 5.0-6.5 Physical Analysis of Milk. COLOR. Normal : Milk in its normal state is opaque white to yellow. During winter it is more white, while in summer the color is more or less yellow, produced by the richness of the food in chloro- phyll. Plants containing certain coloring substances, may impart certain hues to the color of milk. Peculiarities of color may, how- ever, be produced by other causes. B,ed: Red milk is mainly caused by a general diseased condition of the cow, and has been found in cases of anthrax, as an accom- panying symptom of red murrain, and after the use of acrid and resinous remedies. Such milk contains many blood corpuscles and gives on standing, a sediment. Milk appears sometimes irregularly colored, the color appearing in streaks or attached to coagulated masses, which collect rapidly at the bottom of the vessels. The occurrence of such milk is fre- quently confined to certain parts of the udder, and is then caused by congestion, inflammation, and mechanical injuries inflicted upon the udder. Detection : Blood corpuscles are easily detected by the micro- scope. They are recognized by their yellowish color and their shape. They present themselves as small disks, slightly indented in the centre. This can best be seen on single corpuscles. They are frequently united, forming bodies similar to rolls of specie. The accompanying cut represents milk containing blood corpuscles. 10 Milk containing blood will, on boiling, change its color from red to brown, since hsemoglobine is decomposed on the application of heat. Rennet and madder will color milk uniformly, and the color thus produced does not undergo change on boiling. Yellow: The yellow color may be produced by certain vegetable pigments. It is said to also accompany certain changes which are characterized by the formation of stringy, skinny and lumpy coagula, which sink to the bottom on standing. The supernatant milk appears opalescent and stringy . This color is also observed in jaundice. Cause: congestion and inflammation of the udder. Blue : A blue color in milk has rarely been observed at the time of milking, unless it be produced by blue vegetable pigments. The milk is in this case uniformly colored. Milk may, however, after some time turn blue under the influence of certain ferments. On the surface of the milk or the cream, beautiful indigo-blue spots appear which gradually enlarge. After some time the color ceases to increase, and then, even with the naked eye, the growth of fungi can be observed. Already long before this the micro- scope shows the presence of mycelium, vibrios and bacteria in such milk. The original cause of this milk infection has been traced to the growth of a certain fungus described by Fuerstenberg (see cut), whereby the constituents of the milk are decomposed, giving rise, as some believe, to the formation of aniline blue (triphenyl- rosaniline). n This has as yet not been established as a certainty. Spectro- scopic investigations, however, point to a dye-stuff standing in near relati6n to the aniline djes. When and why this fungus makes its appearance is not known. This milk disease can be banished by extreme cleanliness and the use of disinfectants. As to the duration, appearance and propagation of this ab- normity in one place, or in comparison with other places, no rules could be established. It has likewise been found that the use of preventatives was not always followed by the same results. It is therefore easily understood why so many theories as to its cause should be given. While one looks for the cause to the cow, others find it in the food, until we know now that this abnormity is produced by a ferment. (Peterson, Forschungen, 1881, p. Y8.) CONSISTENCY. Normal milk : Normal whole milk is a fatty, homogeneous, opaque liquid, which is always heavier than water. Its consistency is influenced by the milking, the first milk being always more watery than the last. This circumstance is of considerable im- portance when an examination is to be made of the milk furnished by a certain animal, or all such as are housed together or supply a dairy. The following abnormal conditions have been observed : Watery milk : Watery milk is strikingly fluid and of a bluish- white color. It is poor in solids, especially fat, and its specific gravity is below the normal. Causes: Indigestion, unsuitable food and housing. Indigestion may be caused by the animal getting in heat. This normal exist- ence of watery milk must be well considered in milk inspection. It will rarely affect more than a few cows in the same stable at one time, and if such milk is mixed with the normal milk of the other cows, its characteristics, notably its low specific gravity, will be compensated. It can therefore but rarely be the cause of serious complaints. Colostrum: Colostrum, by milkmen and farmers called beast- ings, is decidedly phlegmy and glutinous. It possesses a peculiar stale taste. On boiling, it curdles. Its specific gravity is very high =1.08, it being very rich in solids. This milk is not an article of trade. 12 PJUegmy and stringy milk shows its characteristics only some time after milking. It is thick and of flat taste, and shows its stringy consistency if it is observed while it runs from the finger after immersion. It creams slowly, and it is difficult to obtain butter from it, which, when obtained, has a disagreeable taste. Investigations regarding this process are incomplete, but it seems that it is produced by some process of fermentation. Phlegmy milk is said to curdle sooner than normal milk, the curd presenting likewise an abnormal appearance and phlegmy consistency. Such milk is said to infect normal milk. Its occurrence is caused by indigestion, the use of poor and spoiled food, colds, and, accord- ing to the latest investigations, also inefiicient ventilation of the dairies. In Norway, Sweden and Finland, an herb, Pinguicula vulgaris, is added to the milk as a preservative. It is known to make milk likewise stringy. Sandy milk : Sandy milk contains solid mineral granules, which are often so large and occur in such quantities, that the teats become clogged. Fuerstenberg, who examined such milks very thoroughly, distin- guishes three kinds of milk stones or galactites. 1. Keal galactites consist of small granules, around which amorphous salts of the alkaline earths have formed in concentric layers. They are in shape globular, elongated, and occasionally angular. Their surface is either smooth or rough, and their color whitish to gray. In size they range from the size of a millet grain to the size of a bean. 2. PsEUDO GALACTITES are in appearance similar to the former ; they consist, however, of a hollow and compact curd of casein, which is covered with crusts of salt. 3. CoNCREMENTS are amorphous, comparatively large, irregularly shaped masses of organic matter, without concentric structure. Their surfaces are rough white and lustreless like chalk. When brought in water they swell and become soft. Cause: Food and water, rich in salts of the alkaline earths, es- pecially lime. 13 Chemical composition, according to Fuerstenberg : Galactites. Real. Pseudo. Concre- ments. Calcium carbonate 91.03 92.30 17.45 Phosphates of alkaline earths 1.13 2.78 55.98 Fats 1.30 0.93 2.60 Other organic substances 5.40 3.14 18.55 "W"aters 1.14 o.85 5.83 Specific gravity 2.192 2.281 2.1 14 ODOR. Normal: Milk possesses a peculiar odor, especially at the time when it comes from the udder. This is similar to the exhalation of the skin, and must not be confounded with the milk flavor or aroma. It seems to be a pe- culiar substance, and not to belong to one of the recognized con- stituents of milk. Milk filtered over animal charcoal is said to lose this smell. It is therefore considered a substance for itself. This animal odor is stronger during the heat of summer than in winter time, and is apt, if present in quantity, to adhere even to the preparations manufactured from milk. Milk should, there- fore, be frequently aired to free it from this odor. Aromatic : The essential oils of certain herbs contained in the food are also easily recognized by the peculiar flavor which they impart to milk. Putrid : Putrid decomposition of milk has been observed as consequence of untidy handling, keeping, and feeding with tainted food and crude rancid bone dust, which at one time had been re- commended as tending to increase the yield of milk. The cream of such milk is o3-color, and breaks, in consequence of ascending gas, which contains sulphuretted hydrogen. Medicinal odor : An abnormal odor in milk may also be caused by the odor of substances contained in food or medicines. TASTE. Normal ; Normal milk has a mild, sweetish taste. That cows' milk does not taste like goats' milk, is owing to the peculiar odor which is observed when it is tasted. 14 Bitter : Bitter milk developes its taste onlj some time after it was uiilked, and is accompanied by souring. The chemical changes which take jDlace in such milk are not known, but the development of gas seems to indicate a fermentation, the whole being, perhaps, merely an incipient state of putrid decomposition. Milk is said to become bitter also after the feeding with bitter herbs, like dbsynthum. Medicinal: Medicines may likewise impart to milk a pe- culiar taste. Futrid: The taste of milk in putrid fermentation. Sour: Milk sours most frequently in sultry weather during the summer. It may also be caused by diseases of the udder, or when the cows have not been completely milked. Such milk cur- dles when heated. The Microscopical Examination. This examination is to determine qualitatively whether a milk is normal, diseased, or partially adulterated. For the construction and use of the microscope we must refer to such works as treat this branch of science as a specialty. Normal milk: Milk, like blood, is an emulsion containing some substances in solution, while others, the so-called milk globules, are held in suspension, thus producing the color and opacity pe- culiar to milk. Butter globules: The butter or milk globules are highly re- fracting globules, with an average diameter of 0.017 to 0.025 m.m. 16 They appear with well marked outlines, dark at the edges, and bright in the centre. They are simply fat globules which are pre- vented from uniting by being immersed in milk plasma, which con- tains casein in a swelled state. We distinguish three sizes of glob- ules. 1. The very large^ and comparatively lightest, which, on ac- count of their larger volurae, rise first, and form the first cream on the milk. They are said to contain the fats of lowest melting points. 2. The medium size form the main constituent of a good milk. ^3. The smallest, of which good milk contains but few, and poor milk large quantities. "White milk contains more of these butter globules than blue milk. A normal milk should contain these globules moderately dense ; they should be well-formed and separate, and should form the only shaped portion of the milk. Milk of older cows is generally richer in large globules. If the majority of the globules is small and poorly shaped, it indicates that the milk is poor in fat, and lacks in nutritive qualities. Watered and skimmed milk : The watered milk contains the fat globules in the same proportion, as far as size is concerned, as they are found in normal milk. The number of globules in the field differs according to the quantity of water added. Skimmed milk generally contains none of the larger butter globules, these having been removed with the cream. Value of microscopical examination : The value of milk can never be determined by means of the microscope. Author concurs here with Yieth, who says : " The microscopical exam- ination of milk may, under circumstances, furnish valuable indica- tions, il used for the detection of abnormal qualities in appearance or behavior, or the determination of foreign substances added to the milk. As a control for the determination of the fat, it has no more value than other, even the best optical methods." Colostrum corpuscles : Colostrum corpuscles are globules of from four to five times the diameter of the fat globules. They consist of proto-plasma which encloses fat globules. Occasionally an eccentric nucleus may be observed (see cut, page 16). 16 Pus : Pus corpuscles in milk appear as pale globular bodies of varying size. They possess a slightly granulated surface, which disappears on addition of acetic acid, while the corpuscles get con- siderably enlarged. Pus corpuscles and epithelial cells. Epithelial cells are found in milk but rarely, and then, per- haps, accidentally. Lower oi'ganisnis: The presence oi fungi in milk can be de- tected with the naked eye only when they are grouped together in one place in dense masses. They have received considerable atten- tion of late. It is, therefore, indicated to determine whether, in the dairy industry, they are of equal importance as we know them to be in other industries. The development of fungi is generally a very complicated process, embracing a cyclus of the most hetero. geneous shapes. Moreover, these various forms depend for their 17 development on the nature of the substance upon which they grow. The air contains, normally, fungi ; but it contains far more in damp and badly-ventilated stables. It is, therefore, but natural that milk should contain them also, since the air cannot be ex- cluded. When milk, on standing, sours or decomposes, we find, therefore, always fungi, whether the process is a normal or an ab- normal one. It is not absolutely, but at least reasonably certain, that these changes are produced by fermentation, from the fact that Appert's milk-preserving process is successfully applied in dairies. The following species of fungi have been found in milk which is undergoing decomposition : 1. Oidium lactis^ now known as mycoderma laciis, milk yeast. 2. Mucor racemosus Fres. 3. PeniciUium glaucum Link. 4. Dictyostelium mucoroides Bref. "With these we always find bacteria and various species ot vibrio, zoogloea and raonades. Speefie Gravity. Definition : Specific gravity is the figure which indicates the relation of the weight of a body, as compared with the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at the same temperature. The specific gravity of milk, determined at 15° C, depends upon its composition, and varies between certain limits. Albuminates, milk sugar, and salts increase its specific gravity, fat diminishes it. The difference in the specific gravit}' of milk, just after milk- ing, or after standing for some time, or boiling, is, perhaps, due to the air which dissolves in the milk during the milking, when it is thus in thin layers exposed and thoroughly mixed into it. The butter globules may be liquid or solid, according to their temperature and composition, and the specific gravity of milk may by this be influenced ; but how and to what extent this is done, has not yet been investigated. Apparatus for the determination of the specific gravity : The specific gravity of milk is determined — 1. For scientific purposes, by weighing the milk in a flask of known contents (pycnoraeter). 18 2. For practical purposes, by the use of an areometer (lacto- deusimeter). Weighing in a flask : The flask used for tlie determination of tlie specific gravity is of thin glass, and is closed with a care- fully ground, solid glass stopper, or one consisting of a thermometer. The latter are, for convenience sake, to be preferred. This flask should hold from 30 c.c. to 50 c.c, and the edge of its neck should not be laid outward and rounded, but cut off straight. To clean these flasks after use, they should be rinsed with caustic soda solu- tion, then with water and absolute alcohol, and finally with ether. Cloth should be used, instead of paper, to dry and clean them ex- ternally. It must be avoided to touch the flask with the hands while it is used, to prevent changes to temperature, which, by the consequent expansion of the fluid, would lead to inaccurate results. The tem- perature of fluids, the specific gravity of which is thus to be de- termined, should not vary more than 2° from the temperature of the air in the balance-room. Should it be warmer, it would hap- pen, especially in the case of milk, that the fluid at the sides be- comes colder and commences to contract, while in the interior, around the mercury bulb of the thermometer, the fluid retains its original temperature. It is necessary, therefore, to determine the temperature of the room by another thermometer. The tempera- ture exerts a considerable influence upon the results. Therefore, to obtain exact readings, the bulb of the thermometer should remain in the fluid for at least one or two minutes, and then be read to 0.1 degree. The specific gravity found is corrected by the use of Kopp's tables. YOLUMINA AND SPECIFIC GrAVITY OF WatER, ACCORDING TO H. Kopp. S/fc. Cr. of the Water at 0° C. = I. 1.000000 1.000053 1.000092 1.000115 1.000123 1.000117 1.000097 TEMPERATURE. Centigrade. Fahrenheit. 0. 32.0 Volume of the Water at o° C. = I. 1.00000 1. 33.8 0.99995 2. 35.6 0.99991 3. 37.4 0.99989 4. 39.2 0.99988 5. 41.0 0.99988 6. 42.8 0.99990 19 TABLE CONTINUED. TEMPERATURE. Centigrade. Fahj-enheit, Volume of the Water at o°C. = I. spec. Gr. of the Water at o° C. = 1. 7. 44.6 0.99994 1.0000G2 8. 46,4 0.99999 1.000014 9. 48.2 1.00005 0.999952 10. 50.0 1.00012 0.999876 11. 51.8 1.00021 0.999785 12. 53.6 1.00031 0.999686 13. 55.4 1.00045- 0.999572 14. 57.2 1.00056 0.999445 15. 59.0 . 1.00070 0.999306 16. 60.8 1.00085 0.999155 17. 62.6 1.00101 0.998989 18. 64.4 1.00118 0.998817 19. 66.2 1.00137 0.998631 20. , 68.0 1.00157 0.998435 21. 69.8 1.00178 0.998228 22. 71.6 1.00200 0.998010 23. 73.4 1.00223 0.997780 24. 75.2 1.00247 0.997541 25. 77.0 1.00271 9.997293 26. 78.8 1.00295 0.997035 27. 80.6 1.00319 0.996767 28. 82.4 1.00347 0.996489 29. 84.2 • 1.00376 0.996202 30. 86.0 1.00406 0.995908 Determination : The flask, after having been thoronghlj cleaned, is dried at 100° C, and left to cool in the desiccator. It is then weighed, and after that filled with water which has previ- ously been freed from air by boiling, and been left to cool in a covered flask. Care must be taken that no air bubbles adhere to the glass. The stopper is then adjusted, and the outside carefully dried. It is then re-weighed, and the temperature observed. The contents of the flask, at a certain temperature, are thus deter- mined. After removing the water and drying, the bottle is filled with the milk, which has first been well mixed, using throughout the same precautions. If the temperature of water and milk are not the same, the observed weights must be corrected by the above table in the following manner : Found, weight of empty bottle 15.235 " " bottle -I- water at 18° C 46.327 Weight of water at 18° C 31.092 Weight of bottle f milk at 16° C 47.226 " " " empty 15.235 Weight of milk at 16° C 31.991 The water having been weighed at 18° C, we have to deter- mine the quantity of water required to fill the flask at 16° C. The respective specific gravities of water are : At 18° C, 0.998817 ; at 16° C, 0.999155. The weight of the water required to fill the flask at 16° C. is, therefore, 0.998817: 31.092 = 0.999155 : X X = 31.102 grs. 31.991 The specific gravity of the milk is, therefore, = 1.028. 31.102 This is the specific gravity of the milk at 16° C, compared with water at 16° C. Since the coefficients of expansion of milk and water differ cer- tainly not considerably, we can also consider the specific gravity of this milk to be =• 1.028 at 15° C, if compared Avith water of this temperature. If once the contents of the flask are known, it is unnecessary to repeat the weighing with water for each determination. It is only necessary, from time to time, to examine the weight of the flask, to ascertain whether it has not lost in weight by the removal of, small splinters of glass or by scratches. Lactodensirneter : For ordinary determinations an areometer or lactodensimeter may be emplo^^ed to ascertain the specific gravity. Quevenne's lactodensimeter is the most exact, and the one most generally used. For description and use of this instru- ment, we refer to the chapter treating on " Milk inspection." 21 Chemical Analysis of Milk. GENERAL RULES. For the examination of milk one must be enabled to coitimence the examination at once, and to carry it thi'ou^h without loss of time. It is, therefore, absolutely necessai-y that the laboratory be well supplied with all the apparatus mentioned at the end of this book, in such quantity that no time is lost by preparations of any kind. The first process taken in hand consists in the coagulation of the milk. When this is in progress the determination of the solids and salts is commenced. After the filtration from the co- agulated albuminates is finished, and while the milk is drying on the water bath, the physical properties and the reaction of the milk are determined. Milk should be thoroughly mixed before samples for the various determinations are removed. For exact analyses it is also necessary not only to measnre the milk, but to verify and correct the figures obtained by measurement by actual weighing in a covered vessel. A careful and exact record of all data concerning the analysis is indispensable. Measures should be given in cubic centimeters and weights in grammes ; and for the measurement of the temper- ature, the Celsius or Centigrade thermometer should be employed. In case that the temperature has been observed on a Fahren- heit thermometer, the corresponding degrees of the Celsius ther- mometer may be found by the table given on page 18. For higher temperatures than those given in this table, the corresponding temperature on the Centigrade thermometer may be found by deducting 32 from the degrees read, dividing the rest by 9, and multiplying by 5. For instance : (185—32) X 5 185° F = = 85° C. 9 and, vice mrsa^ we may convert Celsius degrees into degrees Fahrenheit hy the following equation : 85 X 9 85° C. = + 32 = 185° F. Reaction of Milk. "While former investigators assign to milk always either an acid, alkaline or neutral reaction, later investigations have proved its re- action to be amphotere. Soxhlet states that a milk of only acid or alkaline reaction is an impossibility, since basic, neutral or acid phosphates never show a neutral reaction. To add to milk alkali until no acid reaction can be observed, would produce a milk of strongly alkaline reaction. The opposite takes place when, with the aid of acids, we desire to extinguish the alkaline reaction. This amphotere reaction can, however, only be proved by the use of specially prepared litmus paper (see Fresenius, Qual. Analy- sis), or better yet, with Liebreich's litmus plaster plates {Berl. Ber.^ I, 48). To test for the reaction, one drop of milk is brought by means of a glass rod upon the test paper (blue or red). If the red is turned blue, we have an alkaline reaction, or if the blue be turned red, an acid reaction. Xo change on either would prove a neutral reaction. The reaction most generally observed and reported is the neutral reaction. Determination of Water and Solids. The solids are determined as follows : 10 CO. milk are carefully weighed in a dry, counterpoised and covered platinum dish. To this absolute alcohol sufficient for coagulation is added. The coagulated mass is then dried on a water bath ; and, before it has lost all its moisture, it is, by means of a spatule, carefully spread over the sides of the dish to increase its surface, whereby drying is greatly facilitated. It is then brought into an air bath, and dried to constant weight at from 100 to 110° C. To this end the weighings are repeated every hour^ the dish, with cover, being allowed to cool in a desiccator before each weighing. We thus have : Platinum dish + cover + dry solids, Minus platinum dish cover, Leaves dry solids. 23 Difference between milk taken and dry solids = water + vola- tile substances. Good milk should have 12.5 per cent, of solids. Determination of ashes and phosphoric acid : The residue from the determination of solids is then heated first over a small flame, and finally at a dull-red heat, until complete incineration is effected. It is advisable to incinerate, if possible, in a muffle. The dish is then covered, and allowed to cool in the desiccator, and finally weighed. Platinum dish + cover -{- ashes, Less platinum dish + cover. Leaves ashes. The ashes of milk vary from 0.5 to 0.75 per cent. More than 0.75 per cent, found in an analysis would indicate the addition of alkalies, which are frequently used during the hot season in the larger cities to retard souring. The reaction of such ashes is then alkaline, and will show effervescence on the addition of acid. The ashes of normal milk show a neutral reaction, and do not effervesce with acids. The phosphoric acid is easily and accurately determined by the following method : In the manner stated above, 50 c.c. milk are dried and incinerated. The salts are then dissolved with some hydrochloric acid, and the solution is brought to 20 c.c. To 10 c.c. of the cold solution, ammonia or caustic soda is added until the reaction of the fluid has become alkaline. This is then acidi- fied with acetic acid. The solution thus treated contains but little acetates, which would interfere with the delicacy of the end reaction of ferrocyanide of potassium and uranium. To this solu- tion a standardized solution of uranium is added. When the pre- cipitate ceases to increase, the whole is boiled for a few minutes, and one drop of the clear supernatant liquid is brought on a porce- lain plate, and tested with a solution of ferrocyanide of potas- sium. A brown coloration indicates the presence of an excess of uranium solution, which, however,, may disappear again on con- tinued boiling. The addition of uranium solution is continued until the reaction remains. It is of advantage to make two titra- tions at a time, using in one 0.5 c.c, between the tests, and in the other, 0.1 c.c. 24 The uranium solution is made of such strength that 1 c.c. = 0.005 gr. phosphoric anhydride. As regards the composition of milk ashes, we refer to page 8, For a complete analysis of the ashes, not less than 500 c.c. of milk should be taken. For the method of analysis to be pursued, we refer to Fresenius, Quantitative Analysis. Coagu4ation and Determination of Albu- minates and Fats. In the method until now commonly used, the coagulation was effected by acetic acid or carbonic anhydride. This method orig- inates with Hoppe-Seyler, but gives inaccurate results, as has been proved by the investigations of Liebermann, Manetti, Musso, V. Nencki, and the author (see Kritik der Verscliiedenen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Albuminate und Fette, Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 1880, and Petersen's Forschungen, 1879, 7, 301. A very reliable and quick method is Ritthausen's, who proposes to effect the precipitation of the albuminates and fats by means of sulphate of copper solution. From a neutral or slightly acid solu- tion, the coagulation is easily effected in the cold. The accuracy of the method has been verified by a long series of examinations of milk in which it has been employed. Ritthausen proposes to dissolve 63.5 grs. pure sulphate of cop- per in crystals to 1 liter. 10 c.c. of this solution contain 0.2 gr. CuO. A second solution contains 60 grs. caustic potash in 1 liter of water. Its specific gravity is 1.048. Author uses the same solutions, but has modified Ritthausen's method by using a smaller quantity of sulphate of copper. The coagulation is carried out as follows : 10 c.c. milk are weighed in a beaker covered with a watch-glass, and then diluted with 100 c.c. water. After mixing well, the solution of sulphate of copper is gradually added until the precipitate settles well, while the liquid becomes perfectly clear. For this 2.5 to 3 c.c. of copper solution are required, while Ritthausen uses 5 c.c. Then potash solution is added to decompose the excessive quantity of cupric sulphate. For this, one-half the volume of the copper solution is required. The coagulated albumen enclosing 25 the fat globules settles quickly, leaving the fluid perfectly clear. The fluid is decanted through a filter which had previously been dried at 110° C, and weighed between two watch-glasses. The precipitate is then stirred up with 100 c.c. of water. After al- lowing to settle, the water is likewise decanted through the filter, and finally the precipitate is brought upon it. The beaker is then cleaned by means of a rubber washer, and washed with water until everything is transferred to the filter. Thus, about 240 c.c. of filtrate are obtained, which are diluted to make it exactly 250 c.c This filtrate is used for the determination of milk sugar. The beaker contains always some fat, which must be added to the fat obtained from the albumen precipitate, and is, therefore, set aside until this operation is in order. The copper casein pre- cipitate, containing all the albuminates and the fat of the milk, ex- cepting that portion which was left on the beaker, is then, by means of a small spatule, well distributed over the whole surface of the filter, which had been previously transferred to a large watch- glass. This aids the evaporation of the water considerably, and becomes necessary from the fact that the application of higher temperatures must jbe avoided. To effect drying, the filter may be exposed to the sun, or the watch-glass may be placed where it is exposed to a moderate temperature. From time to time the pre- cipitate is again worked with the spatule, care being taken that the filter is not injured. After some time the residue becomes a finely divided dry powder, which can easily be collected in the point of the filter, and from which the fat can be extracted. Determination of fat : The ordinary open extraction of the fat, consisting in the washing of the precipitate with warm ether on an open funnel, until the precipitate is exhausted, has disadvan- tages, resulting not only in a loss of fat by effervescence, but also in the waste of a considerable quantity of ether. Far more eco- nomical is the use of a closed apparatus for the extraction of fat. 26 The apparatus constructed for this purpose bj the author is ar- ranged as follows : ^ is a flask of from 5 to 6 centimeters in width and 6 to 7 cen- timeters in height. On this stands the funnel B^ the neck of the funnel being carefully adjusted into the neck of the flask by grinding. The funnel is from 6 to 8 centimeters wide and from 8 to 10 centimeters high. The upper edges, d d, of the funnel are bent outward to allow of an easy adjustment of the cork, and the lower aperture must remain of full width, and should not be narrowed down, as is often done.* The filter containing the precipitate is then loosely inserted into the funnel, which then is adjusted to the previously weighed 'flask. The filter is now washed with some absolute alcohol to remove the last traces of moisture from the precipitate. The beaker, which had been used for the coagulation, and which had been set aside, is now freed from fat by repeatedly washing it with small quantities of ether, which are poured upon the filter. This is continued until the flask is filled to about one-half with ether. The apjDaratus is then, by means of a good cork, free from poresjf connected with an inverted Liebig's cooler, and put upon a * An ordinary wide-necked flask, to which the funnel is attached by means of a good cork, may serve in the place of the complete apparatus, as described. t Corks may be prepared by covering the outer surface with silicate of soda. 27 sand bath, whicli is cautiously heated by means of a Bunsen burner. The heat must be so regulated that the filter swims con- tinually to one-half its height in condensed ether, and the cooling must be sufficient to prevent the escape of ether. Thus the com- plete extraction of the fat may be effected in about one hour. The funnel is then removed, and the flask is connected with a cooler, and the ether, which contains alcohol, recovered by distillation at very low temperature. The flask is then put in an air bath, laying it on its side, and dried for one or two hours at a temperature of 100 to 105° C. After cooling in a desiccator, it is weighed. The increase of weight corresponds to the amount of fat con- tained in the quantity of milk taken for analysis. The residue in the filter is then dried for two hours at from 110 to 120° C, and weighed between two watch-glasses. After this it is transferred to a porcelain or platinum crucible, and incinerated. Weight of filter + dry coagulum. Minus weight of filter + ashes. Leaves albuminous substance. The nitrogen determination in this substance, if required, must be made by Dumas' method, on account of the presence of cupric oxide, which, in an attempt to use Will Yarrentrape's method, would cause a loss by the partial destruction of the ammonia. The determination of albuminates by simple incineration, is, however, sufficiently exact. For a description of Dumas' method for the determination of nitrogen, we refer to Fresenius, Quantitative Analysis. A separation of so-called albumen and casein is wrong ; a de. termination of the sum of all albuminous substances is, generally^ all that is required, if the investigation is not to go into such de- tails as those mentioned on pages 6 and 7. Determination of Milk Sugar. The sugar of milk is determined in the 250 c.c. fluid which have been filtered from the coagulum obtained by the addition of cupric sulphate to milk. The method adopted by the author con- sists in the titration by means of Fehling's solution. 28 It is well here to mention that sugar of tnilk is the only sugar which can accurately be determined by tlie use of this method, provided the original plan of manipulation is adliered to. The author proposes to prepare two separate solutions to avoid the changes which Fehling's solution always undergoes. To this end he prepares a standard copper solution, containing in 1 liter at 15° C. 34.64 cupric sulphate, purified by repeated crystallizations, grinding, and drying between filter papers. The second solution is prepared by dissolving 173 grs. of rochelle salts in 350 c.c. of water, and boiling. After cooling, 600 c.c. of sodium hydrate solu- tion (sodium hydrate purified by crj-stallization from alcohol) of 1.12 specific gravity, which had likewise been heated to boiling, are added. The mixture is finally brought to 1 liter at 15° C. These two solutions are kept separate in a number of small well-corked bottles, and are only mixed when used. For the titration of the sugar, the following plan has been adopted : 5 c.c. of each of these solutions are brought into a por- celain dish, with 20 c.c. of water, and heated to boiling. The sugar solution is then gradually added from a burette, care being taken that the solution is kept boiling constantly. Evaporated water should, from time to time, be replaced by the addition of distilled water. The formation of dry crusts on any part of the dish must be prevented. They are likely to get overheated, and thus may give rise to the formation of products which also reduce copper solution. The titration shonld be re- peated at least once, and must be completed within five to ten minutes. The process is at an end when all the copper is thrown down as red cuprous oxide, which is best determined by the com- plete disappearance of the blue color in the liquid. To observe this better, the dish is slightly inclined, so as to enable one to ex- amine the color against a white background. In doubtful cases, a trace of the fluid is filtered through a very small filter, acidified and tested with potassium ferrocyanide. A red color indicates the presence of copper, and a few more drops of the sugar solution are added, the boiling being continued until the precipitation of the copper has been completed. Care should also be exercised that no sugar remains in the fluid. If, therefore, no copper reaction ensues, we must always test for sugar in a separate portion by the addition of copper solution, and boiling. 29 It is to be observed yet, that the decolorized sohition, on stand- ing over the cuprous oxide, absorbs oxygen from the air, and be- comes again blue. For this reason each tritration must be carried to an end in the shortest time, and a subsequent coloration is not to be taken into account. We, therefore, determine the exact quantity by two to three titrations. The first titration is only used to determine the i-educing qualities roughly. 1 c.c. Fehling's solution = 0.00676 grs. milk sugar. It is not advisable, as some propose, to take a drop of the fluid out by means of a glass rod, and to test this on a porcelain plate for copper, as described above. Finely divided cuprous oxide re- mains frequently for a long time suspended in the fluid, and the least trace of it in the fluid is apt to deceive. The calculation is as follows : Provided we used 18.2 c.c. of the sugar solution to reduce 5 c.c copper solution, we have : • 18.2 : 250 = 0.0338 : X X = 0.464 milk sugar. Occasionally the sugar of milk is determined by difference. According to the method of Soxhlet, 25 c.c. milk are diluted with 400 c.c. water, and coagulated by means of a solution of sul- phate of copper; the precipitate is filtered off, and the fluid is brought to 500 c.c. 100 c.c. of this solution are then transferred to a beaker, and, after adding 50 c.c. of Fehling's solution, are boiled over double wire netting, while the glass is kept covered to prevent loss. After six minutes' boiling, the sub-oxide of copper is collected on an asbestos filter, dried, and reduced by heating in a current of hydro- gen gas. The method is said to give quick (?) and accurate re- sults. According to Soxhlet's investigations, mgrs. of copper weighed correspond to mgrs. milk sugar : 393.7 300 363.6 275 333.0 250 300.8 225 269.6 200 237.5 175 204.0 150 171.4 125 138.3 100 80 ABNORMAL COWS' MILK. Abnormal cows' milk is not merely an adulterated milk, but all milk which is not fit to be used as food without detriment to the interest of the consumer. Colostrum Milk. The colostrum is the first nourishment for the young animal, and, as such, of considerable importance ; but it is not suited for dairy use. All dairy societies, for this reason, prohibit its sale. Condensed milk factories refuse the milk until the sixth day after calving, while in cheeseries they accept it only on the eighth day, since colostrum is said to interfere with the curdling and the sub- sequent process of ripening of the cheese. Eiigling has made very thorough investigations regarding this milk. He says : " The first three to four liters of the beastings milked " after calving, are a yellowish-white mucilaginous fluid, which is " frequently colored by blood, exhibiting a reddish-brown tint. It " possesses a peculiar odor, and has, at 15° C, a specific gravity of " from 1,06 to 1.08, " The cream rises very slowly ; but, after long standing, where- " by a skin of dry albuminates forms on the surface, from 50 to 75 " per cent,, by volume, of cream is obtained. The boundary be- " tween milk and cream is not well marked. " Colostrum is, on heating, converted into a solid cake. It pos- " sesses originally an acid reaction, and keeps well, especially after " a dry albumen skin has formed on its surface. It then appears un- " changed, even after two weeks' standing. The casein, on curd- " hng, developes a gas, and between the heavy flocks remains a red- " dish-colored, opalescent serum, which bears great similarity to " blood serum. The products obtained after this first milking as- " sume gradually the character of cows' milk, until, after four days, " the secretion of the glands shows all the properties of normal " milk." The change from colostrum to milk which may be used for in- dustrial purposes, is, therefore, effected in a comparatively short 31 time. It is slower with younger animals and such which are of inferior development, as far as production of milk is concerned. Good milking cows will generally on the third or fourth day after calving, produce milk which can be boiled without sho-wing any coagulation of albuminous matter ; while young animals will furnish, even on the sixth and seventh day, a milk which will show partial coagulation on boiling, and in w^hich colostrum cor- puscles can be found with the aid of the microscope. Beside blood, albumen, casein, fat, and ashes, we find the fol- lowing substances as normal constituents of colostrum : sugar, globuline, nucleine, urea, lecithine, and cholesterine. The pres- ence of milk sugar has, as yet, not with certainty been demon- strated. Eugling found the colostrum of twenty-tM'o cows, of the ages from three to thirteen years, composed as follows : Specific gravity 1.058 1.079 Ashes 1.180 2.310 Fat 1.880 4.680 Albuminates 11.180 20.210 Casein 2.650 7.140 Sugar 1.340 2.830 Colostrum milk is especially characterized by comparatively large (0.005 to 0.025 m.m. diameter) granulated corpuscles. Aside of these, fragments in various degrees of dissolution are found, which frequently consist only of conglomerates of fat globules. Bunches of cells from the lactiferous ducts, generally larger than the colostrum corpuscles, are also occasionally met with (see fig., page 16). Poisoned Milk. Metallic poisons: Milk may occasionally contain poisonous metallic substances. These are derived either from sour food kept in metallic vessels and consumed by the cow, or may be im- parted to souring milk Avhich is kept in metallic vessels. (Taylor, On Poisonpearance : Most foods appear as a more or less line powder of a whitish to yellow color ; lately they have also been brought into the shape of tablets, obtained by the appli- cation of high pressure. Abnormal appearances : Yegetable mould and animalculse are met with only in very old and carelessly exposed articles, especially when it had been packed in defective boxes, or when it had been kept in damp places. Microscopical Examination. This aims to recognize : 1. The general structure of the powder. 2. The butter globules of the milk. 3. Probable abnormal qualities. The bulk of these milk-foods consists of carbohydi-ates which appear differently, according to their preparation previous to the admixture of the milk. They are either used in the crude state, or after being diastasized or baked. Without going into the details of the questions of physiology and chemistry of starch, it will be well to give a few foots relating to this substance. Starch heated with much water loses, already at a temperature of from 60 to 70° C, its peculiar characteristics by which it can, otherwise, easily be recognized under the microscope. Some kinds of starch show after careful roasting plainer and more easily recog- nizable properties than they possess when they are in the raw state. In examining a starch we can, therefore, use this process for the determination of their origin. The starch granules in bread gener- ally retain their characteristics. Careful heating to 100° C. increases the size of the granules. The structure and the navel become more distinct, and the shape becomes more round. Under the influence of a temperature of 150*^ C, most granules burst, and then the characteristic structure disappears ; those -which stand the temperature -without bursting, appear then smaller ; structure and navel become indistinct and often unrecognizable. The starch granules from the crust of English biscuits are gener- ally somewhat smaller than those from the center, on account of the more direct influence of the heat upon the outside during baking. The same is the case with bread. The straight lines marking the strata appear, after roasting, wavy, caused by the irregular expansion of the layers. The presence of these wavy lines, when well defined, is decisive in the question -^-hether the starch had been roasted or not. Frequently it is easier to decide whether a starch had been roasted at between 100 to 150° C, than to come to a decision re- garding the origin of the starch. The magnifying power of the microscope should, for these ex- aminations, be not too small, since often minute details must be ob- served. It is also advisable to make all observations with the same lenses. The size of the granules is thus easier remembered and rec- ognized, and the diagnosis thereby greatly facilitated. A magnifying power of from 400 to 500 diameters is sufficient for all purposes. Microscopical Examination for Carbohydrates. To prepare a sample of milk-food for examination, the fat should first be removed from 0.5 to 1 grm. in tlie apparatus devised for fat determination, and described on page 26. Some of the sub- stance is then brought on a slide, and mixed with one drop of a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and water. This mixture is preferred, since in pure water the granules swell too rapidly, while with pure glycerine no distinct picture can be obtained. Milk-food is very finely-ground, and it is, therefore, natural that not all the particles in the field of vision will show the required character- istics. These can safely be neglected, and it is, therefore, only necessarj' to observe such as will present sufficient characteristics for classification. A microscopical examination is to be considered only as a qual- itative, and never a quantitative, test in the case of milk- food. The presence of starch can also be determined by the iodine reaction. The result thus reached is, however, too general and, 64 therefore, of little value. The charaoteristic forms of kinds of starch met with in the composition of milk-foods, are the following : SAAfPLES OF STARCH AS SEEN BY MEANS OP THE MICROSCOPE. MAGNIFYING POWER, 300 DIAMETERS. starch of Wheat. 0_0 G O Starch of Barley, O "O A0@ Q % Starch of Peas. 0. Starch of Beans. This does not exclude that other kinds of starch and flours may be used. In exceptional cases it would, therefore, be well to make comparisons with the cuts as given in Hager, Die pharmaceutische Praxis ; Konig, Nahrungs and Genussmittel, II. ; Hassall, Adulter- ation of Food. Microscopical Examination for Butter Globules. The presence of condensed milk in milk-foods is easily recog- nized by thepreseace of butter globules. They appear under the 65 microscope as strongly refractive fat globules of varying size, which, on account of the protection afforded by the flour, do not easily unite, even after dilution with water. To better distinguish them, a small quantity of the flour is brought on the slide, and then a solution of iodine in water (1 : 50) is added. Starch and dextrine are both distinctly colored, while the fat globules assume but a very slight yellowish tint on their extreme edge, and are easily recognized by their strong refractive powers. It occasionally happens that even starch granules are not colored by iodine, and may then be taken for fat globules. Addi- tion of potash will swell these and dissolve them gradually, while the fat glol)ules remain unaltered behind. Eliza McDonogh, in her dissertation on milk-food, considered herself justified to conclude from the absence of sugar crystals in these foods, that no condensed milk had been used in their prepar- ation, since this always shows sugar crystals. Miss McDonogh and Prof. Wyss would not have come to this conclusion if they had considered the method of manufacturing these foods, which totally differs from that of condensed milk. They even neglected to test these foods qualitatively for fat, and failed, on their microscopical examination, to recognize the butter globules. Their views are, therefore, without value. Owing to the process of manufacture, the butter globules are very finely divided and may, therefore, be easily taken for starch. Beside the amylnm and fat globules, the microscope Avill also re- veal other normal constituents, the vegetable albumen and cellulose fragments. Abnormal Constituents. As abnormal constituents, fungi and the meal-mite may be found, which have their origin in the use of inferior flour. Chemical Analysis. The reaction of milk-food, after boiling with water, is acid. This is caused by the presence of large quantities of phosphates, and also by the presence of acids of the fatty series. Determination of Water. 3 to 4 grms. of milk-food are taken from the center of a box 66 and accurately weighed in a previously weighed and covered plati- num dish. They are carefully spread out by means of a spatule, which after use must always be cleaned by means of a small brush. They are then dried in an air bath at from 100 to 110° C, under frequent stirring. The dish and cover are placed in a dessicator to cool, and then weighed. This must be repeated until the weight remains constant. Determination of the Ash and Phosphoric Acid. The combustion for the determination of the ash must be carried out at as low a temperature as possible, so that none of the more volatile constituents of the ash are lost by volatilization. It is best to operate as follows : The whole is heated to complete carboniza- tion of the contents, which are then transferred to a porcelain dish and extracted with water. The solution is then filtered off. The filter and the residue upon it are then again ti-ansf erred to the platinum dish and, after drying, incinerated. The water solution, unless it be preferred to determine it separately, is then, together with the ashes, evaporated to dryness, then heated to a dull red heat, and allowed to cool in a dessicator. It is then weighed. The determination of the phosphoric acid is carried out after the manner described on page 23. Determination of Fat. Some of the milk-food from the center of the box is placed into a dry stoppered test tube, which is weighed. From 2 to 3 grms. are then brought upon a dry filter resting in a small fun- nel. The tube is then re-weighed, the difference being equal to the quantity placed upon the filter. The funnel, with contents, is then dried in an air bath, at from 80 to 100° C, for a short time, to remove the bulk of the moisture. Filter and substance are then transferred from the funnel to the funnel belonging to the appa- ratus described by the author for the determination of the fat. This funnel is then adjusted to the weighed flask, and ether, free from alcohol, is poured upon the filter, care being taken that none of the food is carried over the edges of the filter. When the flask is about half filled with ether, the apparatus is connected, and the 67 flask heated so that the filter is continually immersed to about one- half its height in condensed ether. The complete extraction of the fat requires from one to two hours' treatment. The ether is then carefully distilled off, the last traces being removed by heat- ing in an air bath at from 100 to 110° C, while the flask is placed into a horizontal position. After cooling in the dessicator, the flask is weighed, the increase corresponding to the amount of fat contained in the quantity of sample taken. Determination of the Soluble Carbo- hydrates. In the determination of the soluble carbohydrates, it is of im- portance that the directions for use, as established by the manu- facturer, should be carefully considered. The manufacturer's claim in regard to this is fully justified by the fact that more sol- uble carbohydrates are contained in the food after its preparation, according to the directions, than are contained in the food previous to such preparation. The value of an analysis which gives the composition of the food as it is employed, is, likewise, the only guide which a physician has for the determination of the value of a milk-food. In the case of milk-foods containing diastase, we take 1 part of milk-food and 10 parts of distilled water, and treat this mixture carefully according to directions. In other respects, the method of analysis is the same as for other milk-foods. In the case of ordinary milk-foods, we take for 1 part 10 parts of water, or for from 2 to 3 grms., the ordinary quantity taken, from 20 to 30 c.c. water. The mixture is then heated to boiling, and kept boiling for five minutes with continual stirring. It is then allowed to cool. This process should be accelerated by blowing and stirr- ing, to prevent the formation of a skin on the surface. This part of the operation is best carried out in a porcelain or platinum dish, which should be large enough to conveniently hold the double quantity of the fluid used. After cooling, the contents are trans- ferred to a beaker of 150 to 200 c.c. contents, the material adher- ing to the sides of the vessel being carefully washed with 100 c.c. alcohol, of 50° Tr., into the beaker, so that the sediment therein is not disturbed. The whole is allowed to stand over night. The clear fluid is then first drawn off by means of a siphon and filtered through a dry filter. Finally the precipitate is washed on the filter with 100 c.c. alcohol of 50° Tr. The filtrate is thus brought to about 220 c.c. It is then carefully evaporated on a -water batli to about 50 c.c, refiltered, when necessary, and finally evaporated to dryness in a weighed platinum dish. The drying is finished in an air bath at from 100 to 110° C, and is to be continued until no further loss of weight is observed. To facilitate the drying, it is well to add to the solution, which has been concentrated to about 10 c.c, some absolute alcohol fi'om time to time, whereby the carbo- hydrates are precipitated, and then to spread the mass over the sides of the dish by means of a spatule. Evaporation is thus greatlj' accel- erated. When constant weight has been reached, the contents of the dish are incinerated, and, after deducting weight of dish and ashes from the weight first determined, we obtain the weight of the soluble carbohydrates. Determination of Insoluble Carbohydrates. The residue from the alcohol treatment is transferred into a flask of 400 c.c contents, and then 200 c.c of'M^ater and 20 c.c. pure hydrochloric acid are added. Loosely covered with a cork, the flask is inserted into the water of a boiling water bath, and kept there for from three to four hours. The inversion will be completed by this time. The contents of the flask are then care- fully neutralized, whereby any albumen which may have gone into solution under the influence of heat and acid, is precipitated. The neutralized solution is then filtered through a ribbed filter, flask and filter being wasl)ed until the filtrate measures 500 c.c. The amount of sugar in this solution is determined by Fehling's solu- tion as previously described. For the calculation of starch, Sachsse's figures, 108 glucose = 99 starch, have been accepted. CALCULATION. Supposing that 2.093 grms. substance had been used for the de- termination of soluble and insoluble carbohydrates, and that, of the sugar solution obtained by inversion, 2S c.c had been required for 5 c.c Fehling's solution, we would find the starch by the following equations : 28 : 0.025 == 500 : X or X = O.U 108 : 99 = 0.44 : X or X = 0.403 2.093 : 0.403 = 100 : X or X = 19.24 per cent, of insoluble carbohydrates (amylum). 69 Cellulose : A method for the accurate determination of cellu- lose is not known. For practical purposes, it is generally sufficient to estimate it as being present to the extent of 0.5 per cent. Determination of the Albuminates. It has been customary to calculate the albumen and albumi- noids in milk-foods by determining the nitrogen. The figure ob- tained for nitrogen was then multiplied by (J. 25, it having been accepted that the nitrogenous part contained 16. per cent, of nitro- gen. This presumption is false. The nitrogenous substances go- ing into the composition of milk-food contain from 15.5 to 18.5 per cent, of nitrogen. From this it is evident that results reached by the determination of the nitrogen cannot be accurate, and it is, therefore, useless to speculate as to the method, which in this case is to be preferred, Dnmas' or Will-Yarrentrapp's. For all the other constituents sufficiently accurate methods exist. Albumen is, therefore, here as in the case of condensed milk, determined by difference. Reports on Milk-foods. must contain : General description : Gross and net weight of packages, their suitability, and, if possible, the price. description of trade mark : Remarks on fancy claims upon the labels, as would be, for instance, the claim of a complete sub- stitute for breast milk, etc. Physical description: Ap]3earance, odor, taste, microscop- ical examination. The chemical analysis shoiUd state: Water and volatile substances. Salts (phosphoric acid). Fat. Albuminates. Soluble carbohydrates. Insoluble carboliyd rates. Cellulose. Statement giving the analytical method by which these results were obtained. 70 Hygienic Demands of the Manufacturers of Milk-foods. The German society', "Fuer oeffentliche Gesundheitspflege," has rightfully demanded that each manufacturer of milk-food shall attach to each package of his food an analysis stating the average quantities in which its constituents are present. It would be very desirable if the sanitary authorities of all countries would adopt and carry out such measures for the benefit of the health of infants, who depend upon this food. Why should the manufacturer of milk-food not be held equally responsible as dealers in milk and other food substances ? The various milk-foods in the market vary in composition as follows : A verage. Water 5.0 to 10. per cent. 7.50 Salts 1.5 to 3. '' 2.25 Fat 4.0 to 7. " 5.50 Albumen 9.5 to 18. " 13.25 Sol. carbohydrates. ... 35.0 to 55. " 45.00 Insol. " ... 15.0 to 35. " 25.00 Cellulose 0.5 to 1. " 0.75 99.25 From this it is evident that the various brands of milk-food vary considerably. The greatest variations among solids exists in the albuminates and insoluble carbohydrates, which differ in the first almost, and in the second over, loO per cent. This is, no doubt, a considerable difference, and must greatly influence the prosperity of the infant depending on these foods for nourish- ment, as it should the buyer, who, in most cases, will have to pay the same price, be the food a good or an inferior article. This desired interference of the sanitary authorities is, however, not meant as consisting in the upholding of ideal desires, which practically cannot be realized. What is wanted is a food which in its composition, i. (?., the relations of the constituents, resembles breast milk, and which is distinguished by its stability. In considering what has practically been done in this field of manufacture, we can safely say that the possibility of the solution n of this problem has practically been proved by some manufacturers in Switzerland and Germany. It is also a fact that itovr even bet- ter preparations are in the market than correspond to the average composition given above. In the face of these facts, it is astonishing that the milk-food of least rational composition, Nestle's, is yet the one which phy- sicians generally recommend. Analyses of five chemists : F. Hof- mann, J. Konig, Miiller, P. Radenhausen and N. Gerber, give for the same, on the average, the following composition : Average of Nestle' s. all Milk-foods. Water 6.74 7.50 Salts 1.77 2.25 Fat 4.20 5.50 Albuminates 9.75 ]3.25 Carbohydrates 76.92 70.00 The difference in the most important factor, the albumen, is sufficient to show the great improvements made by others. Author considers it of vital importance tliat a rationally com- pounded infants' milk-food should contain at least 2 per cent, salts, 5 per cent, fat, and 13 per cent, albiiminates, and that manufacturers should be compelled to adopt this standard. Practice has taught that such milk-foods can be manufactured. Careful investigations have proved that, for a rational food, it is of greater importance to adhere to a certain proportion of albu- men, fat, and salts, to the carbohydrates, than to consider the shape in which these carbohydrates are presented. It is for this reason that the author is in favor of the relations of the main con- stituents as they have been given above. Indigestion with children will increase, when a food is lacking in albumen, but contains, in its place, soluble carbohydrates ; the first is, therefore, of greater importance than the latter. If a sanitary governmental control of milk-foods should be in- troduced, as it has been done already for milk, it is evident that each manufacturer will be compelled to work better and on a more rational plan, than is frequently done at the present time. It is 72 then to be hoped that the expressions of Albu, of Berlin, and Jaeobi, of New York, to the effect tliat these manufacturers work, not for the welfare of mankind, but for their own purse, will cease to be true. It is evident that these two physicians do not value the com- bined efforts of chemical science and capital very highly; yet those who think differently should be on their guard, that they do not allow themselves to be blinded by either reclame or fame of manu- facturers who have failed to adapt their products to the progress of our knowledge. The packing of the article should be such that it reaches the market in good condition in every respect. If, on the statement of pliysicians or sanitarians, the article is found to be not in a perfect condition, the manufacturer ought to be notified before the results of such inspection are made public, since it frequently happens that these preparations are not stored with those precautions which are required to insure that they reach the consumer in a good state. 78 GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL OF THE MILK SUPPLY. The question of how the milk supply of cities should be brought under government control, has of late so frequently been discussed, that we propose to give here merely fundamental expla- nations, but based upon extended experience of the matters con- nected with the hygiene of milk. The milk reaches our markets in a variety of conditions; sometimes it is the natural product; sometimes it has been skimmed or watered ; sometimes both pro- cesses have been resorted to; sometimes the milk is fresh, good- flavored, and shows good keeping qualities ; but frequently it is stale, of bad taste, and apt to get sour. The vessels used for transporting it are not always the cleanest, and often no precau- tions are taken to keep it cool while it is transported or stored. For these reasons, it is not to be wondered that the inhabitants of cities do not use this otherwise excellent food to such an extent as they should and might, if they had the guarantee that only a rich, cleanly-treated, well-flavored, and unchanged milk would be offered them. Milk is a product of rather complicated composition ; and it is, by no means, an easy task to ascertain the quantities of the valu- able constituents which it contains. It is, therefore, of the great- est importance to the inhabitants of especially the larger cities to know that the products which reach the market have to pass sani- tary inspection. In most of the larger cities, this control has been assumed by the government ; but it is frequently carried out, not only in an unrational, but also a very superficial manner. Science and justice are certainly not furthered when, even now, milk is passed or con- demned merely upon the results obtained by the use of the lacto- densimeter alone, or in combination with a cremometer. While many dealers, by the use of such primitive methods, have escaped the deserved punishment, others, who were entirely innocent, have been punished. It is, therefore, at the time, and, in the interest of sanitary welfare, that the composition of a normal milk be de- fined, for the purpose of establishing a sure guide for rational milk inspection. It is our purpose to establish such points as may be deduced from many years' practical experience and a strictly scientific treat- ment of tlie entire subject. To pronounce a milk as good, bad, or adulterated, can, doubt- less, be done only by regarding special laws, which must be ob- tained by careful observation and thousands of examinations, in- cluding the different races living under varying circumstances in various countries, and under the influence of different climates. But despite this well-acknowledged requirement, we meet every- where with the passage and promulgation of ordinances which are in direct opposition to this only rational plan. Such ordinances, therefore, not only cause the drawing of false deductions, but, also, the use of more serious adulterants. This wrong is frequently committed by professors and others, who, proud of their general learning, are frequently ignorant even of the most exact methods of analysis, or of the latest investiga- tions regarding milk, or the practice of dairy industry. The dairy industry and governmental milk control require, at the present time, as well specialists as there exist in other branches of applied chemistry. It is the practical specialist, and not the professor, who must de- cide in cases before the courts. In the examination of milk, it must always be considered that a difference exists between milk, in its physiological bearing, and market milk ; for while, in the first, the constituents may be present in greatly varying proportions, we may demand, in the latter, a maximum and minimum quantity of the whole, and all the single food substances which constitute milk. The question how a market milk — which is generally the yield of several cows mixed — may vary, has, for many localities, not yet been determined. It is, therefore, of importance, when it is con- templated to introduce government control, that the milk of many cows and whole dairies be frequently examined, so that, for these localities, average figures may be obtained, which may serve as a guide. Average figures should, however, be only calculated from such examinations as comprise the yield of whole dairies, and not only examinations which are made of the milk of single cows. 15 While, as yet, the average figures obtained by the examination of the mixed milk of cows supplying one dairy, has, in all countries, been the same, we find frequently in the milk of single com^s great abnormalities, caused by the influence of race, age, constitution, food, time of milking, heat, quantity, season, or whether the cows are on pasture or housed. Another desideratum of importance is the method by which analytical results are obtained. They must naturally be exact, and the examinations must be continued for a considerable time, care being taken that physiological and pathological data are carefully noted. This is, unfortunately, frequently omitted. To facilitate a control of the market milk, on the part of the authorities, it becomes, therefore, necessary that the limits of com- position of a normal milk, and its physical properties, be defined, in order to avoid reproach and tedious explanation. To fix such limits is, however, not without danger. If we aslt. too much, we risk that unjust sentences are administered, and, moreover, that the judge will be tempted to be exceedingly lenient in such cases. If we lower the standard too much, we risk that adulterations of minor extent escape punishment. Our own standard, which is based upon thousands of examina- tions made by various investigators, and which has been practically proved as good and just, will be given further on. It has previously (see page 39) been stated that the adulteration of milk may be practised by the following means : 1. Addition of water. 2. Skimming. 3. Skimming and addition of water. 4. Mixing of skimmed milk with whole milk. 5. Addition of foreign substances, to prevent detection of milk adulterated by any of the processes in 1 to 4. Watering and skimming, and the mixing together of such de- teriorated products, or the mixing with whole milk, are the ordi- narily practised means of adulteration. Other substances than water are rarely employed, and then only when it is intended to re-establish a normal appearance of milk which has either been adulterated or which is naturally inferior. The substances used for this purpose have been enumerated on pages 41-43, where also the methods are given by which they may be detected. 76 The so frequently praised microscopical examination is of little value unless it be for the determination of foreign substances, as blood, pus, colostrum, detritus, etc., or solid adulterants. For the determination of the percentage of fat, it is without value, though it is correct, that a milk shows the butter globules in all the sizes as they are recognized to occur in normal milk, but further apart, when it had simply been watered. The want of the larger and medium-sized globules may indicate skimming, since the larger globules are known to rise sooner and easier. They are the lirst to form the cream, and disappear, tiierefore, with the removal of thi.-> first-formed cream. The greatest difficulty exists in getting uniform samples for microscopical examination, as was first shown by Conrad, who has proved that, in examining woman's milk, even the same sample, carefully mixed and sampled by an arrangement to control the quantity taken for one slide, will give results showing differences in number, size and distribution of the fat globules. The methods used for estimating the number of globules are, moreover, arbi- trary and uncertain. Wc will later on give a more satisfactory method for the determination of fat. Determination of Specific Gravity. The specific gravity of milk depends upon three points: The substances, as milk sugai', salts and albuminates, dissolved or con- tained in the water which forms part of the milk, in a diffused, gelatinous condition, increase the specific gravity, while the sus- pended fat globules diminish it. Increase of temperature dimin- ishes the specific gravity likewise, while decrease of temperature ■will increase it. The specific gravity is determined, for practical purposes, with sufiicient accuracy, by the use of a milk areometer, the so-called lactodensimeter. It should be remarked here that the name lactom.etei\ ^hicli has been given to these instruments, is wrong, and should cer- tainly not be used by scientifically educated persons. It conveys a wrong impression ; for, to this day, we have no instrument, and least in the lactodensimeter, which furnishes us a direct measure for the quality of the milk. The best and most exact instruments are those of Quevenne, the inventor of the lactodensimeter, which give, in abbreviated 11 figures, directly the specific gravity. All other instruments, witli scales differing from this, have been abolished on the European continent. It is only in England, and through English influence in America, that instruments with arbitrary scales are as yet in U6e. The principle upon which' these are constructed is a wrong one, and they possess, moreover, useless appendages. It is never required to use the lactodensimeter for degrees below a specific gravity of 1.015, and all those degrees below this are, therefore, useless. The scale appears long, but its actually useful part is ex- ceedingly short. Quevenne's areometer has, for the specific gravities of from 1.015 to 1.040, on a scale of 5.5 era. length, 25 degrees, and allows thus easily the reading of half degrees ; while a so-called lactometer has, on a scale of 7.8 cm., 120 degrees, with a space of 0.065 cm. for each degree. For milk, this subdivision lays below the actual possibility of accurate reading. The reason that such areometers, with arbitrary scales, have remained in use for so long a time, is explained by the fact, that men without intimate knowledge of the subject, and without desire to obtain it, find it easier to go on with their investigation by making a so-called authority responsible for their results, without consider- ing that many of these so-called authorities frequently adhere to and defend their wrong positions, even after they have been proved to be untenable. Another drawback for the practical application of those lacto- meters is to be found in the fact that no tables exist for the correc- tion of the error created by the reading of the instrument at a temperature which is not the normal temperature. Every saniple mufit be cooled or warmed to 60° F. The usefulness of the in- strument is thereby considerably lessened. Description of Quevenne's Lactodensimeter. The lactodensimeter of Quevenne is an ordinary areometer. It is made of glass, and is 22 cm. long. It consists of a hollow body, kept in an upright position by a weighted globe at its under end ; above, it carries the 6 cm. long stem which bears the scale. IS The dimensions of the instrument are chosen to insnre suflBcient ease of motion and to prevent unnecessary length of stem. Centesimal Galactometer, or Lactometer. Quevenne's Lactodeusimeter. It is weighted to such an extent, that it sinks in a salt solution of 1.042 specific gravity, at 15° C, to a point which is marked 42. Milk mixed with half its volume of water lias a specific gravity of 1.014 to 1.016. Therefore, a second point is determined by putting the areometer in a salt solution of 1.014 specific gravity, at 15° C. This point is marked 14. The space between 14 and 42 is then divided by lines in 28 equal parts, or degrees. The dis- tance between each two degrees is about 2 m.m. It is, therefore, not difficult to read the specific gravity easily to 0.0005 with suf- ficient accuracy. 79 The lactodensimeter of Quevenne-Miiller bears the scale in a brass tube, and is, therefore, preferred by those who find the work- ing with glass instruments unprofitable. It bears two scales — the one to the right to be used for whole milk, and the one to the left for skim milk. The meaning of the fractions on the right — iV (29 — 26), ts (26 — 23), etc. — is that the addition of water to whole milk is about as corresponds to these fractions. On the left of the scale the same is repeated, but the fractions appear in different places, 32.5 — 36.5, corresponding to normal unwatered skim milk. The fractions on the left stand about 4 degrees lower on the scale, for the reason that the specific gravity of milk gains 4 degrees by the process of skimming. This double scale allows of a far more extended application of the lactodensimeter than those which only give the specific gravity. It would, perhaps, be even better to construct the densimeters with a scale ranging from 1.020 to 1.040, and divide these 20 de- grees over the space occupied by 28 degrees. The reading of subdivisions of degrees would thereby be greatly facilitated. This, from a practical point of view, is easily justified by the fact that, in doubtful cases, at any rate, all milks showing specific gravities outside of the limits 1.027 to 1.033, must be analyzed. It is, likewise, to bs recommended to have the thermometer inclosed into the areometer, as is done with those which are manu- factured in Germany. Each lactodensimeter must be carefully examined for its accu- racy, by comparing the results obtained with it with those obtained by means of a specific gravity bottle, and only instruments giving correct readings for at least three decimals should be employed. Determination of the specific gravity : The apparatus neces- sary for this are : 1. A well adjusted and examined lactodensimeter of Quevenne, with or without inclosed thermometer. 2. An accurate Celsius thermometer. 3. Glass cylinders sufficiently high and wide to admit of the introduction and use of the lactodensimeters. 80 A. — Exatniriation of whole milk and market 7nilk: 1. The inilk is well mixed and poured into a cylinder, care being taken that the milk runs slowlj' down its sides, by holding it in a some- what inclined position. Thus the formation of foam, which would materially interfere with accurate readings, is prevented. 2. The thermometer remains in the milk for about two minutes before the temperature is quickly read and noted. If the milk be fresh from the cow, it should be cooled by holding the cylinder containing it in cold water. The thermometer is thereby used for stirring the milk slowly, and for observing the gradual reduction of temperature, which is brought as near as practicable to 15° C. (59° F.) If, on the other hand, the temperature of the milk, as during winter time, is very low, it must be gradually raised to from 15 to 20° C. 3. The stem of the lactodensimeter, which bears the scale, is, to prevent adhesion and to enable a more accurate reading, drawn between the closed lips, and then inserted into the milk until its surface reaches the degree marked 30. It is then liberated to find its level. If it should swim without changing its position, it is pushed from one to two degrees deeper, and again liberated to find its level. If the same reading is obtained, the degree is noted. 4. All readings of the lactodensimeter give accurate density only at a temperature of 15° C. AVarmer milk is lighter ; colder, on the contrary, heavier. If the density has been observed at an- other temperature, the actual density is found in the following first table for whole milk, by using it in the following manner : The first vertical column of figures gives the degrees of the lactodensimeters read directly. The fii-st horizontal line gives the degrees of the Fahrenheit thermometer, the second the correspond- ing degrees on the Celsius thermometer. In order to find the real density, we pass from the degree of the lactodensimeters read, to the right, until we reach the column headed by the degree of tempera- ture observed. The figure at the intersection of both lines gives actual density at 15° C. If, for instance, we found 28°- on the lactodensimeter, at 18° C, we would thus find actual density at 15° C. =28.6° = to a specific gravity of 1.0286. 81 Degrees obskrvbd on the Lactodensimkter. di jSSSgggi^^g^ ^ ^ g ^ g s s ^ OS SI In CO to of >f>-0»OJ<»03500H*tO CO to CO if». Or 05 OS .bt (N en o; -3 -I w2 g£2£2§^giS^^ ^ Eg s ^ § s s -J . ;_i U h-i h-i isg^pgsgi^^^ .^ ^ _g J2 g S S OC .otos05-..ia><» ^ ^ IS ^S iS g 5 00 ^ OS 0» (N CO a>S ,(>.Or0505-^1~IQOtOO o O I-' 1-^ I-' 1-' '-' to to io io to io o>-' '^ to to to to to t-' ►f^ CO to ►-^ o o I-i io to to io to CO -3 b b OS en tN CO b b b b «S g§g^?2ggS§iS^ g ^ IS g J2 g 5 00 N CO Si OoeooOOOi-^H^lO to to CO CO 00 CO CO >N tN •N rf^ rf- »N ^^g^sgg^i^g g to to to to to t-^ 4^ CO to H-^ O «=> CC -J OS en (N CO K bo O I-' to to to to to to CO CO CO rfx iN tN *- )N CT 0» e;» Cu en OT ^§??3£Jggg^g g ^ Eg IS ^ g s 00 .*.>f>'>(^>*^tf>-C;' CJ1 c;» M CT c;t or Ct OS OS OS OS OS o ^p^^pggi^^ 5^ b to to to to to t-k rf^ CO to 1-^ o o hi 'o 'a> 'o 'o hi 00 -3 OS W tN Oi ^ N CO to I-' o CO CO . ^ b S 00 b b <| Cft or >N b b io io b to OS b IS ^ IS ^ ^ g b b b b b b O 00 b b -3 p OI _»N b b In In g tS .^ l§ ?S § § S f5 obobbbbbb IS ^ IS g f2 g bo GO bo 00 bo '<=> 'a> 'a o '<£> O 00 b b N io to CD CP bbbbc;TJf>.>fi-Ip>-*^ CO g IS ^ IS ES ^ to to io to to t-" g s oo N CO CO CO CO to '-' h-i (-' H- )-> O O rfi.ji.cotoi-ibbco^ b i5 g IS ^ IS S b b b b it^ b ^ g b CO CO 00 -a OS b b b to tog -.3-.305C;Ttt>.C0t0)-'O to 00 b i5 g IS ^ IS ES Lj Lj 1<( Lj b b ii g b b CO 00 -3 p b b In In 00 ;*. sp^ts^ts?sp§ P g ^ g ^ IS IS to to CO 05 -3 OS '-^ '^1 'Oi 'Oi t02 bt '>(^ OS 10 't-^ h ho '■^i hi b _g ^ g IS _^ IS b b b to H-^ b b b g 00 ^ p b b bo CO Ob 82 Degrees observed on the Lactodensimeter, o>5 ^^^^^UU^^^'S'^'d^^^\§^i^B^^ -3 og o>-^^^toJa.OIa>-'l*l>SW to §§S5g|^^§§g£S§gSgi$§|^gggg^§5S ^ ^s -3 w: CO^W0500-5.H-i^->>-ii-itooscocococo cc gSgt^^£§|5?g«gg-^gg^jSSS§SS ^ ^£ -ih->-ih-iH^U)C0C0C0C0C0 to g^S3gg^gg£2§gg£3gl5^SgSgSS ^ ^.J OSCOOOOOk-i^l-^H-'l-'.-'l-H-il-il-itSWCOIlOCOCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO JO ^^ to ^o w ^^ t3 to to JO I-' >-i 0D00C0t0i-^OO00-'OOQ0 -J ^ « ool-'>-'|-'|-^^^^o^^^^^^Mto^^to^^co^t>.rf>.|;».^^.^&. >ft. 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For practical purposes Soxhiet's method is too complicated and costly, on account of the price of the apparatus and the large quan- tities of ether required. For laboratories it is much to be recom- mended. Marchand's improved method gives also satisfactory results, and would, for practical purposes, have to be preferred to Soxhiet's, since the apparatus is less complicated and costly. Hides regarding the Execution of the Lactohutyrometric Ted. 1. Milk, ether, and alcohol must be exactly measured in pipettes, each of which is to be used for one of the fluids only. The fluids must be brought into the lactobutyrometer directly from the pi- pettes. 2. The lactobutyrometer should be well gauged, as in tlie case of these instruments like inaccuracies are liable to occur as in the lactodensimeters. 3. A large number of experiments have proved that the strength of the alcohol need not be absolutely of a certain standard. Some propose alcohol of 90° Tr., others 91 and 92° Tr. It is certain that an alcohol of from 90 to 92° Tr. gives the best results, and, while the use of an alcohol of less strength is indicated for richer milks, one of greater strength would be required for the examina- tion of a more watery article. 4. The ether should be very pure 65° = 0.725 specific gravity. 5. The alkali solution should be 36° B., and not more than one drop of it should be used for each 10 c.c. milk. It should never be added to the alcohol and ether mixture, but to the milk before any of these I'eagents have been added. Using these precautions in the examination of a whole milk, the results will always be found to be almost accurate. In examining a milk which has been skimmed, the difference is easily perceptible. A milk, which by the use of the lactobutyrometric test, contains less than 3 per cent, of fat in each of two determinations, should be examined in the laboratory by exact analysis. Skimminff and addition of tvater become evident from the decrease in fat and increase of water. It is referred here to the 92 table previously given on skimmed milk and its percentage of fat. The inspector's report is to be verified by an exact determi- nation of fat and solids. Mixing of whole and shimmed milk may be inferred by the data given above. Foreign substances in milk: The substances most generally applied have been given on pages 41-43. Also the methods used for their detection. Properties of Normal Cows' Milk and Market Milk. Normal coivs' tnilJc and milk of commerce must possess an agreeable normal odor and taste — i. e., it should not emit a dis- agreeable odor or possess an alkaline or sour taste. The whole and normal milk of commerce, obtained by mixing the milk of a num- ber of cows, has an average composition as follows : Water and volatile substances 87.5 per cent. Salts 0.5 " Fat 3.5 '' Albuminates 4.0 " Milk sugar 4.5 " Its average specific gravity, according to many thousands of ex- periments, ranges from 1.029 (29°) to 1.033 (33°). It contains in the minimum 3 per cent, of fat and 12.5 per cent, total solids. For good and normal cows' milk, these points constitute an in- disputable truth. Each milk which does not come up to this standard is a poor article. 11 per cent, of solids, 2 to 1^ per cent, of fat, and a specific gravity of from 1.031 to 1.035, indicates that such milk has suffered the loss of one-half its cream. 9^ to 9 per cent, solids, 1 to |^ per cent, fat, and a specific gravity of from 1.0325 to 1.036, indicates thai the milk is skimmed entirely of its cream. The Aim of Governmental Control of the Quality of the Milk Supply. The inspection of the ujilk brought upon the market aims not only at the detection of the adulterations, but must be instituted to guarantee to the public that the article which they receive is of undoubtedly ^ood quality. That the measures used for its dispen- sation are correct, should likewise fall within the scope of the examination. Aside of real adulterations, many other changes occur which are of importance, and which are caused either by sickness, inadequate food and treatment of the animals, but also by the careless handling of the milk. For the detection of the first-mentioned causes, the health au- thorities should confer with a veterinarian. The question arises here whethei" producers of an inferior arti- cle should not be prevented from selling their milk, and should in- stead be held to find another application for such milk. The interest of the public undoubtedly demands that we insist upon such restriction, especially since our advanced knowledge enables the farmer to remedy, by rational treatment, any abnormal- ities thus discovered. If, therefore, any man has made it his business, for the sake of its profitability, to supply milk, he should also be held to bestow all necessary care upon the production of a good article, in the same M'ay as it is exacted from the producers of other food. One of the best safeguards would be, if the dealers were strict- ly held to sell their milk for what it is, whole milk, half skimmed, and wholly skimmed milk, with gradation of prices accordingly, and that not, as is generally done, they exact the same price, irre- spective of quality. The sale of a milk at a higher price than would correspond to its grade, should be considered a fraud. Ordi- nances to this effect woxild prevent much wrong-doing^ inany prose- cutions, and also much unnecessary expense of time and money for the entertainment of a large force of milk inspectors. Prof. Dr. I. Feser, of Munich, an authority in this branch, says : " The farmer is compelled to remedy existing evils if he is cc»m- " pelled to bring a normal article to market. But I desire to call " attention to the fact, that it is equally desirable to prevent the " sale of milk which is below a certain standard as good milk, even "if it be simply the unadulterated product of single animals re- " duced through insufficient and faulty feeding. The inspection " is, therefore, not only instituted to prevent adulteration, but like- " wise for the exclusion of an article of inferior value. Ordinances " passed for the prevention of adulteration would be powerless, if " it be lawful that milk may be adulterated before its production, " in the body of the animal, by injudicious treatment and feeding." 94 R. Scliatzniann, in Lausanne, says : " It is not clear, why, at the "present day, the sale of skimmed milk should in many places be " interdicted. Everybody knows that cream and butter are sold " by the same parties who profess that they send so-called good "milk to market. Thus restrained, many producers are led to "commit a fraud, as they may not be able to utilize the skimmed " milk in their own household or for the manufacture of cheese. " And why should the public be prevented from buying a yet ex- " cellent food, if it can be had at a lower price ? The producers " will then not be compelled to commit a fraud, nor will the con- " sumer be defrauded, when he pays for skimmed milk as such." Milk-dealers should, therefore, be held to sell their goods for what they are, and at prices ranging according to their quality. For larger cities, ordinances to this effect would be of consider- able value, especially as it is, in such cases, frequently impossible to examine the milk at its source. Each dealer in food must know the quality of the article he sells, and if defrauded himself, he is not less liable if he defrauds others. General Rules for a Rational Milk Inspection. ^.--IN CITIES. 1. The inspection includes the milk as furnished by the producers as well as the dealers. 2. At the inspection at the place of sale, the following points should be observed : a. Cleanliness in the handling of the milk and the vessels in which it is carried. For transportation as well as storage the use of only such vessels should be permitted, which allow an easy and thorough cleaning. They should have, therefore, sufficiently wide openings. They should neither be made of copper nor zinc, and should not be kept in places which are used as dwelling rooms, or in such places where garbage or other bad smelling substances are near. l. The correctness of the measure for retail sales should be verified. c. Note should be taken of the quantity of the milk brought to market, and the number of cows which have contributed to this 95 supply, since it frequently happens that the figures thus obtained are quite out of proportion. d. Examine appearance, odor, taste, and reaction. A strongly alkaline or acid milk, or one with bad taste, should be confiscated. The use of preservatives should be considered an adulteration. e. Determination of temperature to ascertain M'hether heat has been applied to preserve the milk. A temperature of over 35° C. would indicate that such has been done. f. Statements as to quantity and price of the milk. g. Each sample taken is given a number, and on the record book the following facts must be stated : Name of seller. • Occupation of same (producer or dealer). Age of same, and residence. If the seller be merely dealer, he must state name of producer, and number of cows kept by tlie same. h. The sampling of suspicious milk is done after it has been well mixed by a dry and clean rod. One-half liter is then bot- tled, sealed, and labeled in the presence of witnesses. The label on the bottle gives merely the number under which the sample lias been entered in the inspector's book, to avoid that the chemist may be charged with partiality. The samples should be paid for, and, on demand, a similar sample, sealed and labeled, should be prepared for the dealer, that he may have an analysis made at his own expense. 3. At the laboratory the following tests are made : If a sample is to be forwarded to an expert at some distance, it is well to insert the bottle containing it into boiling water for one- half or one hour. It is then sealed and labeled. Milk thus treated will bear transportation easily without souring. a. Determination of the reaction of the milk with litmus or turmeric paper. h. Boiling of the onilk when strongly acid. c. Determination of the specific gravity by means of an ac- curate Quevenne's lactodensimeter, on the fresh milk, and on the milk skimmed after 24 hours standing. cl. Determination of the fat by means'of an accurate improved Marchand's lactobutyrometer, or by some other sufficiently accurate method (the creamometer cannot be counted amongst these). 96 e. Determination of solids b}' approved chemical metjiod. The accuracy of the apparatus is of the greatest importance, and the utmost pains should be taken to insure it. It would be well, if from the part of the government, steps be taken to insure that only accurate instruments be brouglit into the market, by ap- pointing a person, whose duty it shall be to test and mark all such instruments which Jiave stood the test. That the instruments, which are sold without this precaution, are almost without excep- tion incorrect, is a notorious fact. The work of verifying the correctness is by no means an easy task, and should be given into proper hands. JB.— IN THE STABLE. The stable test, which can be easily made in smaller cities and villages, is frequently not applicable in larger cities, owing to the distances from which the milk is brought. In such cases an ordi- nance binding the dealer to sell the milk only under such names as indicate its real character, should be substituted. Wherever the stable test can be made, and is in use, the fol- lowing rules should be observed. a. The milking is to be done, if possible, at the usual time and with the assistance of a disinterested person. I. The specific gravity is determined by means of the lactoden- simeter, at a temperature as near as possible to 15° C. c. The reaction of the milk is taken. d. Samples of about 1 pint are taken for the determination of the fat and specific gravity of the milk skimmed after 24 hours standing. e. The number of cows, their age, period of lactation, health and feed, etc., are to be noted. f. The book stating the sales during two weeks past, is to be examined, and thus the quantity ascertained compared with the quantity of milk obtained at the time of examination. g. General information from attendants as to the feeding of the cows, handling of milk vessels and milk, and quantities of milk used for obtaining cream, is also to be obtained. The correctness of the notes taken is to be verified by the sig- nature of a witness. 97 Proposition Stating the Main Points for an Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Milk in Large Cities. For the protection of the public against fraud and injury to health, the following points suggest themselves. 1. All dealers in milk should be licensed, and licenses be grant- ed only to responsible parties. The sale of milk by unlicensed parties is prohibited. 2. A record should be kept of the names, residences and places of business of all licensed dealers. 3. Dealers should be acquainted with the use of the lactoden- simeter, lactobutyrometer and litmus paper. The government should aid this education by free lessons and printed statements explaining the use of these instruments. 4. Only fresh milk should be brought to market, and it should not be sold under the general denomination of "milk," but from vessels marked clearly and in large letters, at a part easily seen, stating their contents as : "Whole milk. Milk half creamed. Skimmed milk. 6. Excluded from sale be all milk from cows sick with pulmo- nary fever, anthrax, tuberculosis, and aphtha epizootica (hoof and mouth disease), likewise, bitter, salty, mucous, abnormally col- ored, spoiled or adulterated milk. 6. The greatest cleanliness shall be observed regarding the vessels and measures for the milk, as well as the stores, which must be airy, dry and cool, and which should in no wise be used whereby the purity of the milk be endangered. It should never be kept in places used for sleeping rooms. 7. Inspectors are entitled to take samples from all stores or other places where milk is sold, against receipt or payment. 8. The inspection must always be done in the presence of at least one witness, who must countersign the record. 98 Propositions for Regulations Governing Producers of Milk and Milk-Dealers. The fanner should know what he brings to market. M. Fleischmann says with reference to this : " The farmer, whose intention it is to better himself by bring- " ing his husbandry upon a rational basis, must know the value of " his cows. To this end he requires aids which allow him, without " being a scientist himself, to ascertain whether the milk of cer- " tain cows be watery or rich in solids, and what the yield of " cream is in special cases. He is more interested in comparing " one milk Avith another, than in knowing the actual difference by " percentage." Considering this, it cannot be considered as asking too much if it be required that farmers and dairymen should be held to regula- tions as follows : a. Strict supervision over the cattle, stables and feed. h. Occasional examination of the milk of single cows, and the yield of all mixed, with the aid of the lactodensimeter, Schatzmann's cream test or lactobutyrometer. c. Abnormal or spoiled milk shall not be sold. d. Regularity in the time of milking must be observed. e. The milk is to be properly cooled by putting the vessels containing it in cold water, and stirring it slowly until it has reached the temperature of the water. f. The cooled milk must be kept in a cool place. g. The farmer shall keep notes respecting number of cows and daily yield of morning and evening milk. Ti. ISTo milk drawn before the eighth day after calving shall be brought to market. Likewise none from sick animals, or such under medical treatment, or of cows which have to be watered with unhealthy stagnant water. i. The greatest cleanliness must be practiced during milking, storing, or transporting the milk. Considering the consequences wrought by adulterated or other- wise unhealthy milk, upon the health of consumers, it is certainly not asking too much if, in the interests of humanity, exemplary punishment for this crime is demanded, and that, especially, the highest punishments which are possible under the law, be dealt out to such persons, which have been held before for the same offence. 100 LIST OF APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS REQUIRED FOR THE ANALYSIS OF MILK AND INFANTS' MILK-FOODS. Blue and red litmus paper, tunneric paper, distilled water, absolute alcohol and ether. Chemically pure hydrochloric, nitric, sulphuric and acetic acids. Sulphuric acid of commerce {Q&° B), and calcium fluoride in powder, for cleaning platinum vessels. Dilute sodium or potassiutn hydrate solution of known strength, to neutralize the hydrochloric acid used for inversion. Potassium hydrate solution of 1.048 specific gravity (50 potas- sium hydrate and 1000 water), to neutralize Ritthausens' cupric sul- phate solution. Cupric sulphate solution (63.5 gi-ras. crystallized cupric sulphate dissolved to 1 liter). Fehling's solution (see page 28). Uranium solution according to IS'eubauer, see Fresenius' Quan- titative Analysis. Iodine solution (1 iodine to 50 water). JPhenolpJitalein as indicator in volumetric analysis. Dissolve 1 part in 30 parts of alcohol, and use from 1 to 2 drops at a time. Potassium ferrocyanide soiution as a test for copper, in Feh- ling's volumetric sugar determination. Glazed paper, Swedish filter paper, free from ashes, is obtained according to P. T. Austen, by soaking for from 4 to 5 days the filters, which had previously been washed with diluted hydrochloric acid, in a mixture of 30 c.c. concentrated hydrochloric acid, 15 c.c. com- mercial hydrofluoric acid, and 500 c.c. distilled water. The fluid is then poured off, and the filters are washed with warm water until no muriatic acid reaction is obtained. They are then dried. The following manufacturers prepare paper free from ashes ; Schleicher & Schuell, Darren, Prussia ; Linke and Rosala, Bruenn. A fine chemical balance ?Ln^ >r ig^its. Microscope, magnifying power to 400 or 500 linear dimension. Thermometer (Celsius). Specific gravity bottle tvith thermometer) Geissler, in Bonn, Prussia. 101 Platinum dishes and crucibles with covers and spatules. Porcelain crucibles ivith cover, for the incineration of the albuminate copper precipitate. Glass cylinders with foot, of from 250 to 1000 c.c. contents. Liter and 1-2 liter flasks. Several nests of beaker glasses. Several nests of porcelain dishes. Glass flasks of from 50 to 500 c.c. contents. Pipettes of from 5 to 50 c.c. contents divided into iV c.c. Burettes, 50 c.c. contents, divided into tV c.c, with pinch cocks or glass cocks, together with supports of wood or iron. Wash-bottles for distilled water, alcohol and ether. Large watch glasses, well fitting, and clamps to hold them. They serve to hold the filters which are to be weighed. Larger and smaller dessicators, with chloride of calcium or sul- phuric acid. Forceps of wood and of brass, platinum pointed. Glass rods of various sizes and thickness. Glass covers. Feather brushes (black and stiff). Rubber covered rods for removing precipitates. Platinum or clay pipe stem, triangles. Ring stands. Muffle. Water baths, with rings and covers. Air bath, with thermometer and temperature regulator. Water aspirator, Liebig's coolers and stand. Areometer, according to Tralles. Lactodensimeter, with thermometers and glass cylinders. Manu- factured by Alt, Eberhard and Jaeger, Ilmenau, Germany, or Greiner and Friedrichs, Stuetzerbach. Lactobutyrotneter, same manufacturers. Schafzmann's cream tester, K. Schatzmann, Milch Versuchs- station, Lausanne. Gerber's apparatus for the determination of the fat, Greiner and Friedrichs, Stuetzerbach, also Alt, Eberhardt and Jaeger, Il- menau, Germany ; Freres Alvergniat, rue de la Sorbonne, Paris. Gerber's set of apparatus for home use and milk inspection, in case, as well as all other instruments used for milk testing, may be obtained from the author. Correctness guaranteed. LEHN & FINK, Wholesale Druggists, IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS, No. 160 ^Villiam Street, NEW YORK. We call ttie attention of tlie Profession to onr large and complete stock of strictly pure CHEMICALS, ACIDS, METALS, MINERALS, ALCALOIDS, etc., etc., constantljr imported direct from the most reliable sources in Europe, in suitable original packages to meet tlie "vvants of Laboratories, Manufacturers, Colleges and Chemists in general. RARE AND NEW ARTICLES A SPECIALTY. Collections of Minerals, Alcaloids and Physio- logical Preparations on band and imported to order. Quantity Supplies for Institutions, Schools, etc., imported to order at special rates. All orders will be executed witb utmost care and promptness at lowest market prices. LEHN & FINK, P. O. Box 3 1 1 4, N. Y. Established 1850. J.& H.BERGE, Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Chemical jiND PhysicjilJIpparjitus — FOR — CHEMISTS, ASSAYERS, COLLEGES, LABORATORIES, Etc. Best Bohemian Glassware, BEST GERMAN PORCELAIN AND GLASSWARE, Crucibles of every descrij^tion. Pure Chemicals and Reagents, PLATINUM WIRE, FOIL, DISHES, CRUCIBLES, ETC Improved Bunsen Burners, all styles, Improved Bunsen Blast Lamps & Combustion Furnaces. Furnaces, Blowpipes of all kinds ; Lamps, all kinds ; Quevenne's Lactodensimeters, Lactobutyro- METERS, and all other apparatus required for the examination of Milk, etc., etc., etc. 95 John Street, and 191 Greenwich Street, p. o. Box 401. NEV/ YORK. Apparatus of all kinds made to order and repaired in a superior manner at moderate prices. This book is a preservation facsimile. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper) Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Acme Bookbinding Charlestown, Massachusetts 2004