WMM 1 1 I mite ©, II pttli ?iltlminj 3?orth Carolina Stale College M2.52.0 B4 F\. \ib- Arch, lib' 601 : JH NA2520 BenAatnlrL ffeactlce of archi- NA252C B4 a ■ krch lib 601 98 : te Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/practiceofarchiOObenj PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE. CONTAINING the Vive orders of architecture, AND AN ADDITIONAL COLUMN AND ENTABLATURE, ELEMENTS AND DETAILS EXPLAINED AND ILLUSTRATED, WITH ALL THEIR FOR THE USE OF CARPENTERS AND PRACTICAL MEN. ®PK«> Sfptfi plates. Br ASHEr\bENJAMIN, Architect, Author of " The American Builder's Companion," " The Rudiments of Architecture," and "The PraVical House Carpenter." BOWON: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR AND CARTER, HENDEE &. CO. NEW YORK-COLLINS & CO. J Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year t*33, by Asher Benjamin, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. £4- C L A P P AND HULL PRINTERS. PREFACE. I have endeavored, in this Treatise, to avoid a defect which is very generally complained of in books of this kind ; that is, a want of parti- cularity in the details, and of a clear, simple explanation of them. In cities, where Architects are always at hand, this deficiency is not so much felt ; since the Carpenters there stand in need of no further knowledge upon the subject, than such as may enable them to put into practice the drawings furnished by the Architect. But in villages, the case is different. Those Carpenters in country villages who aspire to eminence in their busi- ness, having no Architect to consult, are under the necessity of studying the science thoroughly and without a master. To them, therefore, is this book peculiarly adapted ; for it contains the principles of many expensive folios, condensed into a narrow space and applied to modern practice. The time has been, within my own recollection, when New England did not contain a single professed Architect. The first individual who laid claim to that character, was Charles Bulfinch, Esq. of this city ; to whose classical taste we are indebted for many fine buildings. The construction of the Franklin Street houses, of which that gentleman was the Architect, gave the first impulse to good taste ; and Architecture, in this part of the country, has advanced with an accelerated progress ever since. But though Architecture has certainly improved, and rapidly, too, within late years, a large proportion of the vast number of buildings which meet the eye, of 60Jf)H j v PREFACE. all classes and sizes, and constructed for all purposes, are totally destitute of architectural taste. This defect does not arise from parsimony ; for it is not uncommon to see buildings of large dimensions burdened with a pro- fusion of expensive and misplaced finery, which forms anything but ornament. Buildings of this class, which under skilful hands might have become proud monuments of public taste, are mortifying and repulsive objects to those who take an interest in the science of Architecture. It has been too prevalent a habit, among those who would not think themselves capable of instructing a Carpenter in the art of planing or sawing boards, or a bricklayer in laying bricks, to undertake the much more difficult task of becoming their own Architects. The consequence is, that such persons proceed to build without any fixed system ; unlooked for difficulties are soon encountered, which lead to expensive alterations, and the harmony of the building is destroyed. Nor is this evil confined to private buildings. The committees selected to superintend our public edifices are apt to cramp the invention of the Architect by their economy, or pervert it by their fancies ; so that specimens of the taste of some member of the committee can usually be discerned by a skilful eye, among our most scientific compo- sitions. But the evil is certainly decreasing. Knowledge of the science is rapidly gaining ground, and the increased attention attracted towards the subject disposes those who have not the necessary information to confide in those who have. The principles and practice of the science are developed, in the follow- ing pages, in a detailed and systematic manner. The text is taken from the Grecian system, which is now universally adopted by the first professors of the art, both in Europe and America ; and whose economical plan, and plain massive features, are peculiarly adapted to the republican habits of this country. PREFACE. v I have given examples of each of the five orders of Architecture ; first in the usual way, then repeating their details upon a large scale. There are likewise added a Column and Entablature, selected from the Grecian antiquities, and standing, with regard to expense, between the Tuscan and Doric orders. I have also given six examples of Frontispieces and Porticoes, with their details drawn on a large scale. To these are subjoined explanations and practical observations on their proportions and adaptation to the build- ings in which they are to be used : also, a variety of examples of Cornices, for both external and internal finishings, and of Architraves and Base Mould- ings, accurately drawn one half of the full size for practice, and accompanied with practical observations on their size and fitness ; examples of Doors, Windows, and their decorations ; Ornamental Mouldings, Stairs, and Car- pentry ; together with all the elements of Architecture which are necessary to supply the wants of the practical builder. To these are added a complete drawing of a Church, with all its details laid down in imitation of working drawings, with suitable explanations. ASHER BENJAMIN. Boston, March 19, 1833. CONTENTS OF PLATES. Practical Gkometry Plate I. Application of the Conic Section to Grecian Mouldings II. Examples, showing how to draw Grecian Mouldings III. Examples, showing how to draw Roman Mouldings IV. Example of the Tuscan order V. Details of the Tuscan order VI. Example of a Column and Entablature VII. Details of the Column and Entablature VIII. Example of the Doric order IX. Details of the Doric order X. and XI. Example of the Ionic order XII. Details of the Ionic order XIII. Second example of the Ionic order XI\ . Details of the second example of the Ionic order XV . Ionic Volute, figured for practice XVI. Example of the Ionic Capital, figured for practice XVII. Example of the Corinthian order XVIII. Example of the Corinthian Capital, figured for practice XIX. Details of the Corinthian order XX. Example of the Composite order XXI. Details of the Composite order XXII. Example of the Composite Capital, figured for practice XXIII. Examples of Pedestals for four of the orders XXIV. Example of a Frontispiece XXV. Example of a Frontispiece, with side lights XXVI. Details of do XXVII. Example of a Frontispiece, with circular head XXVIII. CONTENTS. vii Example of a Frontispiece, with pilasters Plate XXIX. Example of an Ionic Portico XXX. Details of the Ionic Portico XXXI. Example of a Composite Portico XXXII. Examples of Cornices for external finishing XXXIII. and XXXIV. Examples of Cornices for internal finishing XXXV. and XXXVI. Example of Centre pieces XXXVII. Example of Architraves XXXVIII. Example of Common and Sliding Doors XXXIX and XL. Details of Sliding Doors XLI. Examples of Sash Frames, Shutters, &.c XLH. and XLIII. Examples of Base Mouldings XLIV. Examples of Vases, Sur-base Mouldings, &c XLV. Examples of Ornamental Mouldings XL VI. Examples of Chimney pieces XL VII. and XL VIII. Examples of Scrolls, Curtail Step, and Handrailing XLIX. and L. Ground Plan of a Church, with some details LI. Gallery Plan of the same Church, with details LII. Front and side Elevation of the same Church LIII. and LIV. Plan of the Ceiling, inverted, with details LV. Plan and Elevation of a Pulpit, with details LVI. Examples of Carpentry LVH. and LVIII. Example of tlie Corinthian order, from the Monument of Lysicrates LIX. Examples for Fences, Window Guards, and Frets LX. ERRATA.— On page 78, line 14, for " first-mentioned" read " second-mentioned.' " " 17, for " second " read " first." " " 20, for " first " read " second." " " 21, for " latter " read " first." I trust the following Tables will be found useful to those who are in the habit of making estimates on Iron Work. In my own practice, I have often felt the want of something of the kind. The fractions of an ounce 1 have given n6 further than the first decimal figure, supposing that would be accurate enough for our purpose. A Table showing the Weight of a square foot of Cast and Malleable Iron, Copper, and Lead, from one sixteenth to one fourth of an inch thick. CAST IRON, MALL. IKON. COPPER. LEAD. lbs. oz. * lbs. oz. lbs. OZ. lbs. OZ. One sixteenth of an inch thick 2 6 T 6 o- o 78 - 'To 2 15 3 11 One eighth a 4 13 T % 4 ISA 5 14 7 6 Three sixteenths a . 7 4 1 ?tV 8 13 11 1 One fourtli <« 9 io& 9 loft 11 12 14 12 A Tabic shoiving the Weight of one foot in length of Cast and Malleable Iron, from one half to out inn! one half inch square; also of round Rods, from one half to one and a half inch in diameter. One half of an inch Five eighths Three fourths Seven eighths . One inch .... One and one eighth of an inch One and one quarter " One and one half " CA.ST IRON. MALL. IRON. ROUND RODS. OZ. OZ. OZ. 12ft 13ft, 10ft a 20ft 16ft 29 29ft 23ft 40ft 31& . m 53ft 41& 67ft 52ft ■ 80ft 83 64ft 116 1191 93 fo A Table shoiving the Weight of a cubic foot of several Mnds of Timber, and other Materials. lbs. lbs. lbs. Ash 47ft Coal, Newcastle 79 3 o ' y T55 Mahogany 35 Beech &h Earth 95 to 125 Marble 169 Brass 523 Elm 34 Oak 52 Brick 115 Granite 164 Pine, yellow 262 Brickwork 117 Gravel 120 Sea Water 621 Cast Iron 450 Iron, malleable 475 Water 62 Clay 125 Lead 709 Zinc 4391 PI ATE Fui 2. Fiq Fig. 6 Fiy. 5. Siff. 8. PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. PLATE I. Fig. 1 shows a method of drawing an oval to any given length and breadth. Let A C be the larger, D B the smaller diameter, and g the centre of the oval. Deduct one half of the difference between A g and D g from D g, and with the remaining part of D g and from A and C mark the centres f and e. On f describe the arc n A o ; and on e, the arc I C m. Make B h equal to A f or e C ; join f h, and bisect / h at i ; draw i k perpendicular to f h, intersecting B D at k ; from k draw k o, cutting A C at f, and k m, cutting A C at e ; make g j equal to g k ; and from j draw j f n and j e I. Then on k and j as centres, with either of the distances k o, k m, j I or j n, as a radius, describe the arcs o B m and n T> I ; and the oval is completed. Fig. 2 shows a method of making a right angle with a ten foot rod. Suppose A B and B C to be two sills to a building, and B one of its angles. Suppose it required to place them at right angles with each other. Measure off upon A B eight feet to a, and on B C six feet to b ; then make the diagonal line a b exactly ten feet, and B A and B C will be at right angles with each other. 3 10 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Fi<*. 3 shows a method of describing an ellipsis with a cord. Let A B be the transverse, and C D the conjugate diameter. With one half of the transverse diameter as a radius, and on C, describe an arc cutting A B at e and /. At these points fix in pins, a cord being placed around the pins and brought together at C ; then move the cord round from C, towards g, and it will describe an ellipsis. This method of describing an ellipsis is exceedingly useful in laying out ground, where great accuracy is not required, and where large ellipses are to be described. Figs. 4, 5 and 6, show a simple method of describing a polygon of any number of sides, one side being given. On the extreme of the given side, and with a distance equal to that side or to any other distance as a radius, describe a semicircle, and divide it into as many parts as you intend to have sides to your polygon. Then draw lines from the centre through these divisions, always omitting the two last, and with the distance of the given side run the sides round as in fifr. 4. For example, e d being the given side, with that distance in your compasses, having one foot in e, let the other fall on a ; then with one foot in a, let the other fall on b ; and with one on b, let the other fall on c, and the same with c to d, and the sides are completed. Fig. 7 shows the method of finding a straight line nearly equal to the circumference of a given circle. Let F D H E be the given circle. Draw D E, cutting the centre at G ; and from G, perpendicular to D E, draw G F C. Divide G F into four equal parts, three of which parts set up from F to C ; from C, draw C B, cutting the circle at D ; and from C draw C A, cutting the circle at E. Draw B A parallel to D E, making a tangent with the lower extremity of the circle at H, and B A will be equal to one half of the circumference of the circle. Library «r r*. SZ+a+a r!cYll««v CT I K S OV SO h IDS. PLATE II. 4 3 s l D 1 2 3 4 43ziDi234 Fig. 4. Fn, 6. Fig. 5 f a CONIC SECTIONS. H Fig. 8 shows the method of describing a segment of a circle to any given length and height. A B being the length, and E D the height, join respectively the points A B, A D, and A C, and draw D C parallel to A B, and equal to A D. Put in pins at A and D ; and, with a point at the angle D, move the triangle ADC around, until the angle D arrives at A, and it will describe the segment A D. The othef side of the segment may be drawn in a similar manner. Fig. 9 shows another method of drawing a circle nearly accurate, by ordinates. Let A B be the length, and D C the perpendicular height. Make B b and A a each equal and parallel to D C. Di- vide D A, D B, B b and A a, each into a like number of equal parts, as here into four, and draw lines from the points 1, 2, 3 in D B and in D A parallel to D C. From C draw lines to the points 1, 2, 3 in both B b and A a ; and through the points where those lines intersect the lines drawn from 1, 2, 3 in D B and D A, trace the curve, which will be the segment required. CONIC SECTIONS PLATE II. It is well known to those, who have a knowledge of Grecian architecture, that every Grecian moulding is indebted to some one of the conic sections for its beautiful variety of outline ; and that that outline is regulated by the particular section made, whether it be perpendicular to the base, or more or less inclined to it, or parallel to the sides, or whether the sides of the cone be longer or shorter than the diameter of the base. It is therefore evident that an end- less number of different outlines can be obtained from the conic 12 CONIC SECTIONS. sections ; which makes it expedient to lay down the cone with seve- ral of its sections, and to show the method of applying them to the Grecian moulding. If a cone be cut by a line parallel to its base, such a section will be a circle. If a line passes through the cone, intersecting both t>,f its sides and inclining more or less to the base, as a b, a section thus made will form an ellipsis or oval. If a section be made by a line perpendicular to the base, as c i, that section will be an hyperbola, as h g i. If a section be made by a line passing parallel to one of its sides, as d k, the figure of the section thus made will be a parabola. Fig. 1. On d as a centre, describe the half circle Am/B, which will be the semi-diameter of the cone's base. With a view to illus- trate the subject, the lower extremity of the cone is thrown into per- spective. Draw d I, perpendicular to A B. On fig. 2, make D A and D B each equal to D I fig. 1, and make D C equal to d k in fig. 1, and perpendicular to A B in fig. 2 ; draw A E and B F, each equal and parallel to D C ; divide D A, D B, A E and B F each into a like number of equal parts ; into four, for instance, as here. Through the points 1, 2, 3, in both A E and B F, draw lines to the point C ; also, through the points 1, 2, 3, in D A and D B, draw lines parallel to D C, cutting the former ones at a, b, c, d, e and f. Then through those points, and the points A C and B, trace a curved line, which completes the section of the parabola. Fig. 3 exhibits the method of drawing the hyperbola. Make D a equal to d C, the height of the cone fig. 1. Make D A and D B each equal to c m fig. 1, and perpendicular to D a fig. 2 ; make D C equal to c i fig. 1 ; make A F and B F each equal and parallel to D C ; join respectively the points E F, A a and B cr. CONIC SECTIONS. 13 Divide D A, D B, A E and B F, each into a like number of equal parts ; as here, into four. Through the points 1, 2, 3, in both A E and B E, draw lines to the point C ; also through the points 1, 2, 3, in D A and D B, draw lines cutting the former ones, and which would, if produced, meet in a point at a. Then, through A, C, B, and the p6ints of intersection, trace a curve line, which will be the hyperbola required. Fig. 6 exhibits the method of drawing the section a b. On fig. 1, which is taken lower down the cone with a view of representing the lines more clearly, let A B C be the outline, and B d C the semi- diameter of the cone. Produce F G to E, there cutting A E, which is parallel to B C ; also produce G F to D, cutting the base line at D. Divide the semi-diameter of the cone into eight parts, and through these divisions draw lines perpendicular to B C, and cutting B C at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 ; through these points draw lines meeting in a point at A. Draw d D perpendicular to D E, and equal to B 4 ; from a, b, c and d, draw lines parallel to D C, cutting D d at e, f, g and d ; draw D d No. 2 perpendicular to G D, and equal toD. 21 h r 3 -/. / /;..• 2 /;..• / 5 THE TUSCAN ORDER. 33 upon the fitness of its mouldings. In the Grecian system the stu- dent must especially strive to accustom his eye to discern the true outline of each moulding ; since the superiority of the Grecian system over the Roman is in nothing more conspicuous, than in the beautiful variety of the outlines of its mouldings. In the Roman system, a severe study of the mouldings is not necessary. The outline, being a part of a circle, can easily be described with the compasses. Fig. 1 exhibits a true method of drawing a raking moulding, which will coincide with a given moulding, and also a return moulding, which in like manner coincides with the raking moulding. Let A be the given moulding. Draw the vertical line a e b and c d, and join b d, whose length is equal to the projection of the mould- ing. Divide the outline of the moulding from a to c into any num- ber of parts, either equal or unequal. This example is divided into seven equal parts. From each one of the divisions draw vertical lines, cutting b d at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Make the back line of B, the raking moulding, at right angles with the raking line ; and that of C, the return moulding, vertical or parallel to that of A. Make b d in B, and b d in G t each equal to b d in A. The projections of each will then be equal. From the outline of A, and at the points a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and c, draw lines parallel to the rake and extend them through both B and C. Make b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, b 6, and b d, on B and C, equal to the corresponding figures on A ; then from the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, on b d, in both B and C, draw lines parallel to the back line of the mouldings, cutting the raking lines before described at the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Through these points, and at a and c, trace the curve in both B and C, and the outline is completed. Fig. 2 shows the outline of the moulding and fillet to the archi- 9 34 COLUMN AND ENTABLATURE. trave. Fig. 3 shows those of the capital. The necking of the latter is decorated with twenty flutes, in exact imitation of Doric flutes ; to the directions for fluting which, the reader is referred for a knowledge of forming these. The line a b shows the depth and termination of the flute under the annulet of the capital. Fig. 4 shows an example of a base suitably constructed for this column, if one is to be employed ; though it is believed that the column will generally succeed best without it. Fig. 5 exhibits a capital for a pilaster, having the breadth of the pilaster figured upon it. COLUMN AND ENTABLATURE. * PLATE VII. I am aware that the publication of anything in the shape of an order, unless it be really one of the Grecian or Roman orders, is, by persons well versed in architecture, thought to be little less than heresy. Although I am not much disposed to differ with them in their opinion, I have deemed it advisable in this case to depart from it. My reasons for so doing proceed from the fact, that more than one half of all the columns and entablatures erected in country situations, for either internal or external finishings, belong neither to the Grecian nor Roman system. The same fact holds true in rela- tion to our cities and large towns. Any person who will take the trouble to compute the number of instances, in which some one of the regular orders is employed in any street of our cities, or villages, will be convinced of the truth of this assertion. I have made the comparison in two streets, which present more buildings of the first sSSTB EBSy'S'&IBIL.&.TI'tmiB , HI.ATK, VII COLUMN AND ENTABLATURE. 35 class, in proportion to their number, than any other streets of their length in this city, and have found the regular orders employed in only thirteen places, while other columns and entablatures were substituted in twenty-three places. I have often inquired the reason of this, from very intelligent workmen, and have as often received for answer, that the Tuscan order is too massive and plain, the Doric too expensive, and the Ionic too rich, and that they are therefore under the necessity of composing a column and entablature which will conform to the views and purses of their employers. With these facts before me, no doubts rest in my mind but what it would be better to give a design here of a column and entablature, constructed on scientific principles, and of a character capable of meeting the views and practice above mentioned, than to leave it to be composed by unskilful hands. In the composition here exhibited, the shaft of the column, together with its flutes and fillets, are injmitation of that found in the interior of the Temple of Apollo at Bassse. This column was crowned with a very singular Ionic capital, of an angular form. Its base was also singular in its composition. Neither of them, however, were deficient in beauty. The shaft has here been adopt- ed on account of its novel, graceful and simple aspect. The flutes in their section are in exact imitation of the best Grecian Doric flutes, but differ from any of the Doric examples by being separated by very small fillets, which are in breadth equal to one fifth or sixth of the breadth of the flute. The flutes are twenty in number, and descend and terminate on the scape of the column, in an elliptical form, like their section. They also terminate at their upper extre- mity on the scape in the same manner. All the details of the flutes and fillets, and also those of the whole composition, are very accu- 36 COLUMN AND ENTABLATURE. rately drawn on a large scale and figured in minutes. Great care has been taken to give to the outline of all the mouldings the true Grecian character. The base is in its general form somewhat like that given by Vitruvius in his Tuscan order ; but the torus is elliptical, and fluted, in imitation of some of the best Grecian examples of the Ionic base. The base is not therefore either Tuscan or Ionic, but it stands in equipoise between the two. The capital is imitated from that found on the newly discovered temple at Cadachio, in the island of Corfu. In its annulets, it par- takes of both the Grecian and Roman schools ; but in the remain- ing details it is purely Grecian, and a beautiful specimen of their system. The entablature is two diameters in height, and is divided into three parts : the architrave, the frieze, and the cornice ; the details of which have been selected with a view to economy and an adap- tation to the column and to modern practice. In the cornice, the corona has a great projection and height ; the crown moulding has also a great height, but a small projection. The bed-mould is some- what singular in its form, and about one half its altitude is recessed up into the plancer of the corona, which allows the members of the cornice to be somewhat enlarged. With one single exception, each moulding of this composition is indebted to some one of the conic sections for its beautiful variety of outline. As the selection and arrangement of the elements, which compose this column and enta- blature, have been the cause of much research and great solicitude, I hope that, when it shall be decided not to employ either of the regular orders, this composition may be found worthy of being made a substitute. It is supposed that the larger and better class of edifices will t & fig. I - - M /'• L5 ** / 8? / ft <2 % COLUMN AND ENTABLATURE. 37 always be decorated with some one of the orders, as the proprietor will be amply compensated for the difference in expense, by the chaste and classic appearance of his building. It is to be expected, therefore, that this design will be used only on the smaller and cheaper class of buildings ; in which case it will seldom be required to make the column larger than the Ionic proportions, say. nine diameters. If this example is to be used for a portico, where the house is of small dimensions, tjle windows and door likewise being of a small size, it will be most proper to make the column, at least, nine diameters in height. On the contrary, if the house be of a large size, as also the doors and windows, it will be advisable to make the column about eight diameters in height. PLATE VIII. On this plate are exhibited, on a large scale, the details of the Column and Entablature of the preceding plate. Fig. 1 represents the cornice, with its members figured in minutes. It must be remembered, that those mouldings, which are recessed up under the member next above them, show here their whole height, and they are figured accordingly. But in the preceding plate, that part only is figured which is seen in a direct front view. Fig. 2 exhibits the outline of the architrave ; fig. 3, that of the capital ; and fig. 4, of the base. The lines d c, on the shaft of the column near the base, and also b a, on the neck of the column, represent the depth of the flute, and its termination at each end. Fig. 5 exhibits the plan of the plinth and base of the column. The line f shows the extreme outline of the base moulding ; e, the outline of the fillet, which joins the scape ; c, the line encircling the lower diameter of the column ; b, the upper diameter ; and a, the 10 38 THE DORIC ORDER. depth of the channel which separates the capital from the shaft of the column. j» In order to flute the shaft of this column, first divide its- periphery into twenty equal parts, and subdivide one of those into six equal parts. Make each flute equal to live, and each fillet to one of these parts. Make the section of the flute elliptical and in imitation of this example, which is one and three fourths of a minute in depth at the lower diameter, and one and one half minutes at the upper diameter. The lines, at the letter d', exhibit the termination of the flute on the scape. THE DORIC ORDER PLATE IX. In the early practice of the Doric order, by the Greeks, the alti- tude of the column was usually about four diameters ; but in later times, this altitude was increased to six, or six and one half diame- ters. Most or all of the details of the order experienced, in like manner, a change. It does not appear that any two, of even the best specimens, and those too which were erected at the same period, agree either in their general or their particular parts. But nowhere are to be found omitted, the twenty flat flutes with- out intervening fillets, the triglyphs in the frieze and the mutules in the cornice, with all their appendages. These formed the distin- guishing features of the order. Their distribution has always been uniform. No deviation whatever was allowed. It was by the undeviating arrangements of these elements that Grecian architects were enabled, notwithstanding the latitude used in other less impor- SD®IR!I K TAMLS ©IP T 1111 IE M]>m(' (MR DIE H /'/ a »» * <* n ■. "\ ,j . 1 =i ; t A", 'J.U11JC M Tl // /" // - — /:■ T" 22 !■ ■■■■ ft 1 \ u . .... ' ^J v_/ V * THE IONIC ORDER. 55 original defects, after a diligent examination of each member sepa- rately and collectively. The column is here supposed to be nine diameters in altitude ; a height which seem:- ■>• be the standard for modern practice. Its base is attic, and in imitation of the Roman practice. The shaft of the column is divided into twenty-four flutes, and as many fillets. The capital is, with some deviations, taken from that found on the Ionic Temple on the river Ilyssus at Athens. The entablature is two diameters in height. The architrave is divided into three fas- ciae, of nearly equal height. The cornice is decorated with its legitimate ornament the dentil. PLATE XIII. On this plate are exhibited the details of the Ionic order. Those of the preceding orders having been fully illustrated in their proper place, it is hardly necessary to repeat nearly the same explanations here. B exhibits a plan of one quarter of the column at its base, and also at its neck, with the flutes and fillets drawn thereon. It has been stated before, that twenty-four flutes and as many fillets are the constant number employed to decorate the column. If you divide this quarter, therefore, into six parts, and one of these again into four parts, three of the latter will be equal to the breadth of a flute, and one to that of a fillet. On 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, as centres, describe the flutes. The outline of each flute will then be one half of a circle ; which is, perhaps, the most suitable shape for the sec- tion of the flute, if the column be of small dimensions and does not exceed about fifteen inches in diameter ; but if its size be much increased, it will be wise to cause the outline of its section to form 56 THE IONIC ORDER. an ellipsis, the breadth and depth of which may be in about the pro- portion of A. A section of the latter fund is drawn, by dividing the breadth of the flute into four parts, ^nd on 1 and 3, and with the radius 1 3, making tiie intersection a ; through 1 and 3, drawing a 1 produced to c, and also a 3 produced t&'e ; on 1 describing b c, and on 3 describing 4 e ; and then on a describing e c. It may be asked by some, why the section of a flute should be a half circle on a column of small dimensions, and an ellipsis on one of large dimensions. The reasons are, that a flute of one inch or less in breadth will not be too strongly marked when its depth is equal to one half of its breadth ; nor is the tasteless outline of a half circle so apparent in that case as in a flute of larger dimensions. And again, when the flutes are of large dimensions and wrought on stone, the elliptical form saves considerable labor ; and if made of wood, the same form will not require planks of so great thickness as the half circle. Second Example of the Ionic Order. PLATE XIV. This example is in imitation of that taken from the little Ionic Temple near the river Ilyssus at Athens, with such deviations as were supposed necessary to adapt it to modern practice. The column is an exact fac-simile of its prototype, with the exception of a little more diminution in the shaft. The base is without a plinth, and the upper torus is fluted. In the proportion of its mould- ings and their outlines, a considerable deviation is perceptible. In the capital, the height of the volutes is exactly equal to that of the original ; but their breadth is somewhat reduced, so that they approach near to the elliptical form. The fillet which forms the MKTAi L.S i)K I' HUB [®B \r J) IM> E R. /v./.; § _. A'. < re \ i i I , i' l' E . /■/ 16 * THE IONIC ORDER. 57 boundary of the volutes is plain, the bead in the original being left off. This fillet is not in a vertical line, but projects in its course to the eye about one minute. The honeysuckle, whose stem springs from the point of separation between the volute and hem, which connects the two volutes, is somewhat enlarged, and extends down over a part of the echinus. The entablature is only two diameters in altitude. The archi- trave and frieze are nearly equal in height. To the band of the architrave is added one moulding more than is found in the original. The frieze was ornamented with sculpture ; and the circumstance that a large space was required to give it sufficient boldness, was probably the cause of the entablature being made of an extraordi- nary height, and of the bed-mould being reduced in size. It was wholly recessed up into the soffit of the corona. In this example, as the frieze is plain, the bed-mould is considerably enlarged ; but the same outlines of mouldings are retained as are to be found in the original. The other parts of the cornice do not differ essentially from their prototype. PLATE XV. On this plate the cornice, architrave, and the base of the preced- ing plate, drawn on a large scale, are exhibited. The base is in the Grecian taste. Its upper torus is fluted ; and the lower one is elliptical, and supposed to stand on a step. The student has already been advised of the importance of faithfully imitating the outline of Grecian mouldings. PLATE XVI. On this plate is exhibited a method of drawing the Ionic volute, particularly adapted to the two preceding capitals. At the distance 15 58 THE IONIC ORDER. of two minutes from the shaft of the column, draw the vertical line a 6. On the point o as a centre, which is twenty minutes distant from a, describe the eye, giving it a diameter of seven minutes. At the distance of one and one fourth of a minute above and below the eye, draw lines at right angles with a 6 ; and at the distance of one and one half of a minute from 6 a, and parallel with 6 a, draw the line 10 11. This completes the outline of the square. Then, from the point o, draw diagonals to 10 and 11 ; divide o 10, and o 11, each into r three equal parts, and from those points, and at right angles with 6 a, draw lines, cutting the diagonals at 2 6, and 3 7 ; and those points, together with the angles of the square, and 12, will be the twelve centres, from which the volute must be drawn. On 1 in the square, and with the radius 1 c, describe c d. On 2, and with the radius 2 d, describe d e. On 3, and with the radius 3 e, describe e f. On 4, and with the radius 4 f, describe f g. This completes one revolution. From 5, describe g h ; on 6, de- scribe h i ; on 7, describe i j ; on 8, describe j k ; on 9, describe k I ; on 10, describe I m ; on 11, describe m n ; and on 12, which, it must be observed, is one minute on the left hand side of the square, describe n p ; which completes the outline of the volute. To draw the inside line of the fillet, divide its breadth into twelve parts, and make the fillet at n equal to eleven of them. Then make m equal to ten parts, and I equal to nine parts, and continue to diminish the fillet one twelfth at each quarter of a revolution, until it loses itself in a point at the upper extremity of the eye. B exhibits the extreme outline of the fillet and eye of the volute, figured in minutes. IvIDTTIKC CAf IT I - /-/ /; ©©imnsr'arLsiE^Jsr ©iMsum. Sa **#,> ^ \ % ^ • ^., 5 :s- \ . si:-. ■A THE CORINTHIAN ORDER. 59 PLATE XVII. On this plate is exhibited an inverted plan and a front and side elevation of the Ionic capital. Its different members are figured in minutes ; and it is believed that these details will be clearly under- stood, without further explanation. THE CORINTHIAN ORDER. PLATE XVIII. Before selecting and arranging the members, of which the example here exhibited is composed, the few remaining examples in Greece, and many fine ones in Rome, and also the drawings of this order by the most celebrated modern architects, were carefully and critically examined, with a view to select from them such of their details as were supposed to be best adapted to the composition of the order. In the shaft of the column, less deviation is observed in the exam- ples above alluded to, than in any other of its members. When the periphery of the shaft was divided into flutes and fillets, twenty- four of each was the constant number employed. In its altitude, greater deviation was visible. Vitruvius makes the shaft, excluding the capital, just equal to that of the Ionic. It however was some- times made ten diameters in altitude, though it generally fell short of that height. In the capital, great deviations are also visible. Vitruvius limits its height to one diameter of the column; but it is in the best examples about seventy minutes, and this height is gene- 60 THE CORINTHIAN ORDER. rally adopted in modern practice. In some of the ancient examples of this capital, the angles of the abacus extend beyond the volute, and terminate in an acute angle. This practice is not, however, mentioned here as being worthy of our imitation, but to be avoided. In the details of the sculpture of this capital, there does not appear to be any two examples which are exactly alike. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the architects, after having arranged the general proportions, exercised their own fancy and judgment in filling up the smaller and less important parts. The capital here exhibited is in imitation, with some few trifling deviations, of that beautiful one left us by Andrew Palladio. Its fine graceful form, and the chasteness of its sculpture, render it most worthy of our imitation. The base is that known by the name of the attic base. When it has been rejected in this order, its substitute has generally been composed of a great variety and profusion of mouldings, many of which must consequently be small, and the effect of course confused and unstable. It is believed that the attic base, as here exhibited, approaches nearer to perfection than any other ; for in the mouldings of which it is composed, a peculiar fitness one to the other is observable, whether they be viewed in relation to their size or shape, which could hardly be found in any different form. The entablature is two diameters and eight minutes in height, and similar to that of many others, though not an exact imitation of any one. The architrave is forty minutes in height, and divided into three fascia? of nearly equal height. The first and second are divided by a rectangular projection, and the second and third by a bead. It is capped by a compound moulding, consisting of the echinus, with a bead below and a fillet above it. The frieze is thirty-six minutes in height, and is left plain ; but it was profusely ornamented in many of the ancient examples, the PI is C©IRIK"iriHlIU i \T^ C ATP I TAIL,, Elevation Section "V %.. /'///// THE CORINTHIAN ORDER. 61 character of which uniformly partook of that of the structure which they served to adorn. The cornice is fifty-two minutes in height. Many difficulties must be encountered in composing and adjusting its members, caus- ed principally by the great height and bulk of the bed-mould, when compared with those of the corona and crown moulding. Every cornice is divided into three parts : viz. the corona, which is the centre and principal member, and to which the other two are only subservient ; the bed-mould, which is to support and strengthen the corona ; and the crown moulding, which is to fortify and defend it from falling water. It is therefore wise to reduce the altitude of the bed-mould, as much as possible, without lessening too much the height of the mouldings therein contained, and to add so much to the height of the corona as to place it in its proper and honorable station as principal ; and also to give so much height to the crown moulding, that it will appear sufficiently strong to fortify, strengthen and shelter its principal, the corona, without projecting so much as to cause the appearance of weakness and instability. PLATE XIX. This plate at A exhibits a plan of the capital inverted, showing the section of the flutes on the shaft of the column, and also a sec- tion of the leaves and stalks, and their projections from the' body of the capital. The lower extremity of the projections of the leaves of the volutes and abacus is also shown. The circular outlines of the plan of the different faces to the abacus are drawn with a radius equal to the chord line of the whole extremity of the circle. B exhibits a front elevation, on which the breadth and height of the leaves, volutes and abacus are clearly represented. C exhibits 16 62 THE COMPOSITE ORDER. a section on which the heights and projections of the leaves, scrolls and abacus are figured in minutes. PLATE XX. This plate exhibits all the members of which the entablature is composed, together with the base. They are all drawn to a large scale, and figured in minutes. In the cornice, is a front and side view of the modillion, and also its under surface, showing the par- ticular form and outline of each of them. THE COMPOSITE ORDER. PLATE XXI. It has before been stated that this order is not now in public favor ; nor does it appear to have been held in much estimation since the days of the Roman emperors. It nevertheless has had a place assigned to it in all, or nearly all, the practical books on architecture for the last century. This order was employed by the Romans in their triumphal arches, and in other similar structures. It was ornamented in the most profuse manner ; every member, where propriety did not forbid it, being covered with the most costly and beautiful ornaments. It is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that it could not have been viewed with that impartiality with which it would have been, if dressed in plain attire ; in which case the eye would, at a glance, comprehend the whole outline of the order, and ID K I'A I US I) I' 1 •'!' I'll''. V [DiR [WTlMffi i ! I • E ti. /y ?<> THE COMPOSITE ORDER. 63 immediately decide on its merits, instead of being, as it in fact was, so fascinated in viewing the great profusion of the most costly and elegant enrichments, as to overlook the general outline of the com- position. Believing these views to be correct, and that this order ought either to be left out, or in some way to be revised and modernized, I have been induced to examine in the most critical manner all the examples in my possession ; and the result has been a determination to try my skill on its reform. How well I have succeeded, it is not my part to decide. Had it been one of the established orders, I should have shrunk from the task ; but as this composition is denied the name and rank of an order by many of our most eminent modern architects, it is thought to be a fit subject to work upon. The shaft of the column does not require any alteration from that found in the ancient examples of this order, it being there a close imitation of the Corinthian shaft, as described in the explanation of that order. The base of the column has been left off, because it was generally the same in character and effect as that which adorned the Corin- thian column. The one here substituted is in the Grecian style, inasmuch as the upper torus is fluted, in imitation of many of the best examples of Grecian bases ; and the lower torus terminates, and is supposed to stand, on a step without an intervening plinth. The lower Corinthian part of the capital is in exact imitation of that found on the arch of Septimus Severus at Rome : but in the upper, or Ionic part, there are many deviations ; such as the drop- ping of the echinus and bead lower down, the effect of which is to reduce the plain, naked and awkward space, left between those mouldings and the termination of the long leaves, and to make a union between the upper and lower parts of the capital, so as to give it the appearance of one piece of composition. Before this 64 THE COMPOSITE ORDER. deviation took place, there was a complete separation between the upper and lower parts of the capital. Again, in each face of the upper part of the capital, the stiff awkward form of the Roman Ionic capital has given place to the graceful Grecian. The latter change cannot fail to be approved by all those who are judges of this art. In the cornice, the modillion, which generally made one pretty large member of the bed-mould, has been left off, and a dentil sub- stituted in its place. In this procedure, the cornice of the example, from which the leaves of the capital were taken, has been imitated ; but in no other respect can I claim protection for that, or any other example of that order. I have endeavored to give to this composition a more systematic arrangement, than that which it has heretofore possessed. It has already been stated, in describing the origin of this order, that it was borrowed from the Corinthian and Ionic ; that, from the upper extremity of the long leaves, down to the termination of the base, it was Corinthian ; that the upper part of the capital was Ionic, and the entablature a mixture of both orders. The only difference in expense, between this composition and the Ionic, is, then, that of the leaves, which form the lower part of the capital. As now modernized and reformed, it will probably in many situations be found worthy of imitation. PLATE XXII. On this plate are the base, the architrave, and the cornice, all carefully drawn on a large scale and figured in minutes. The volute of this capital is much smaller than that of the Ionic ; and it therefore became necessary to give a rule for describing the DJ3TA3JjS Of Tin I'O.MI'O.SI'I'K dkdkr. / V . j COM POS1TH Cai'lTAL, Pt.as. f:/rt«//ni;i \* CjT S />/-////// PEDESTALS. 65 outline of one adapted to this example. The vertical height of the volute is twenty-eight and one half minutes, and its breadth twenty- four and three fourth minutes. The eye is six minutes in diameter ; and the square within the eye, where are to be seen all the centres on which the outline is described, is two minutes in height and one in breadth. In all the other particulars, the directions given for drawing the Ionic volute will apply here. PLATE XXIII. On this plate is exhibited an inverted plan of the Composite capi- tal, and also a front elevation and section of it. Care has been taken with the drawings that they should be correct, and their different members be figured in minutes. PEDESTALS Pedestals have been considered and treated as a part of an order by most of the authors who have published practical books on this subject, from Palladio down to the present time. They seem properly to belong to the Roman system of the orders ; for, in that practice, the columns, which served to support and adorn the superb Roman Temples, were based on a continued pedestal, which extended a sufficient distance front of each portico to permit the steps ascending into the Temple to terminate against its sides. In those cases, the floor of the portico was in the same plane with 17 66 PEDESTALS. the upper extremity of the pedestal. Nor was this the only situa- tion in which the Romans employed pedestals. They were used by them in the second and third orders, when placed one over the other, as in the Coliseum, the Theatre of Marcellus, &c. The pedestal was also employed in their triumphal arches, and in several other places. It seems, indeed, to have been quite a favorite with that renowned people ; whence those architects who, having never seen the Grecian antiquities, had drawn their information from those of Rome, naturally imitated the Roman practice by adapting the pedestal to their times and circumstances. But those who have lived in later times, and had the advantage of studying, not only the antiquities of Rome, but also those of Greece, have very generally adopted the Grecian practice, in which but few pedestals are found. The columns which adorned their magnificent temples, always stood upon the uppermost of three steps, which extended all around the buildings, each step being in height proportioned to the size of the building, and not, as in com- mon stairs, to the human step. There is not, I believe, a single instance, where the Greeks employed columns over columns on the exterior of any of their temples. They, therefore, had no use for pedestals. There are, however, a very few instances, in which pedestals were employed ; such as in the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates at Athens, and also at one wing of the Erictheas, &c. : but these instances were innovations, which took place subsequently to the loss of Grecian independence. It cannot, therefore, be supposed that the pedestal will be held in very high estimation by those who adopt the Grecian system of the orders. Nevertheless, there will arise, in practice, situa- tions where the pedestal will be not only proper, but absolutely necessarv. V, -", 1 I' E .IDIHiSTiVI. iJ>iHT©3, J L / i j , i - '» /'/ 24 t O'l '' ( / \ \ i i / JO \ \ \ ~- \ I L_ ■ . ; ) /', 7 \ * PEDESTALS. 67 I t The proportion of the pedestal to the order which it supports has not been determined. Sir William Chambers proposes three tenths of the height of the order for that of the pedestal.' He then divides the height of the pedestal into nine parts ; one of which he gives to the cornice, two to the base, and six to the dye. It is, however, generally admitted, that no determinate rule can be given, which will suit all situations where the pedestal may be required. It must, therefore, be left to him who sees and knows all the circumstances of the case, to give to it such a proportion as seems to him best suited to the occasion. * When pedestals are employed in balustrades over an order of columns, the dye should be, in breadth, equal to the thickness of the column at its neck ; and in height, equal to that of the entablature on which it stands. A pedestal should be placed exactly over each column and pilaster in the facade. The plinth of the pedestal must be placed vertically over the frieze of the entablature. When pedestals are employed for the support of columns, the breadth of the dye must be equal to the diameter of the base of the column ; and the height, generally from two diameters fifteen minutes to two diameters forty-five minutes. PLATE XXIV. On this plate are examples of the bases and cornices to four different pedestals. Care has been taken, in selecting their details, that they should harmonize with the orders with which they are respectively associated. The base and cornice, selected for the Ionic order, are in imitation of fragments of ornamented mouldings found in the area of the Temple of Rhamnus ; and those for the 68 INTERCOLUMNIATIONS. Corinthian order, of the base and cornice of a tomb found at Car- puseli, in Asia Minor. Both examples are singularly beautiful in arrangement and effect. INTERCOLUMNIATIONS Intercolumniations form a great and distinguished division among the elements of Architecture. In this division are comprised the various modes of adjusting the distances between columns, determined by laws founded on reason, and looking to strength and beauty. Thus the distances of columns from each other are not determined by chance, nor by the caprice of one ignorant of this art ; but according to the rules of proportion, guided by knowledge, discretion, and a refined taste. Porticoes, or colonnades, among the ancients were classed under the following names, or styles. The first style is called Pycnostyle, or columns thickly set ; and the distance from one column to another in this style is one diameter and a half. The second style is called Systyle ; and the distance between the columns is two diameters. The third style is called Diastyle ; and the distance between the columns is three diameters. The fourth style is called Arreostyle ; and the columns are four diameters from each other. The fifth and last style is called Eustyle ; and the columns are two and one quarter diameters distant from each other. The latter style is said by Vitruvius to be the most pleasing of them all for general use. Besides these styles INTERCOLUMNIATIONS. 69 of intercolumniations, porticoes likewise take their names from the number of columns of which they are composed. Having four columns, they are called Tetrastyle ; six columns, Hexastyle ; eight columns, Octastyle ; and ten columns, Decastyle. Among the ancients, thedistribution of the columns of their splendid temples was governed by rules, which were at once easy of appli- cation and sure of accomplishing the desired effect ; for, the size and relative position of the columns being first determined, the building of which they made a part was then in most respects made subservient to it. Thus it appears, that, after the extent of the front, the number of columns to be employed, and the order to be imitated, had been determined, the whole of the extent of the front was divided into a number of equal parts, depending on the order and number of columns to be employed, and then one or more of those parts, according to the intended intercolumniation, taken for the diameter of the column. The height of the column and that of the entablature resting upon it were settled according to the order to which they belonged. Thus the facade of the building was formed according to the most rigid rules. The extent of its depth was determined by making the number of columns in the flank equal to one more than twice the number of those in front, counting the angular ones on both front and flank. So much for the practice of the ancients, which was easy and direct. But however much we may desire to imitate this practice, we seldom or never can have that pleasure. Our buildings, whether large or small, one, two, three, or four stories in height, generally have their several apart- ments conveniently and economically distributed, and provided with a sufficient quantity of light, admitted by one, two, or more windows, of a suitable size for that purpose. These circumstances, to the architect desirous of following as much as possible the ancient rules, 18 70 FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. are jarring elements ; and he finds it a serious business so to adjust them with the proportions and distance of the columns, as to pro- duce a perfect harmony throughout the whole composition. It sometimes happens that one order of columns is employed over another. When they are so employed, the stronger should be made to support the weaker ; that is to say, the Tuscan order should support the Doric, and the Doric the Ionic, and so on. Stability also requires that the axis of the upper and lower columns should be in one vertical line. The diameter at the base of the upper co- lumn shoirld be equal to the diameter of the lower one at its neck. FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES In some specimens of this important portion of architecture, one frequently discovers a strange fancy, exhibited in the unmean- ing cuttings, carvings and twistings of the details, and their frequent breaks over columns, pilasters, tablets, &c, which renders their ap- pearance quite ridiculous to a well-tutored eye. We frequently see a failure, likewise, in the general proportion of their outlines ; such as a disproportionate quantity of glass over and at the sides of the door. It should be remembered that the door is the principal, and the windows are subordinate. The side and fan lights should not, therefore, occupy a larger space than is necessary to admit a suffi- cient quantity of light into the entry ; and where a door is accom- panied by side lights, and a fan light extending over both door and side lights, the outline of its upper extremity should be a segment wmasm msMEC e pi a. ■r- D p i;d v PUS l"l E C E /-•/ :v D i 6- ~! I D !.. £.. ,4 * FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. 71 of a circle, and not a straight line. In the latter case, the distance from the upper extremity of the division which separates the door from the fan lights to its top edge, will be so great as to produce the appearance of instability ; which appearance, by the use of a curved line bounded by an arch, is wholly avoided. But where the fan light extends over the door only, a straight line, for its upper extremity, is preferable to any other. In adjusting columns, pilasters, architraves, &c. to this species of architecture, nothing will direct the judgment of the student so unerr- ingly as the often-repeated maxim of proportioning the means to the end. Let him therefore bear in mind the extent, situation and character of the building, of which his frontispiece or portico is to make a part, together with the size and decorations of all their elements, as well as the burden which the columns or pilasters to be employed have really or apparently to sustain ; and, if he possesses a good knowledge of the art, the result of his labors will probably be successful. PLATE XXV. The example of a frontispiece exhibited here, is suitably con- structed for the front of a house of pretty large dimensions. The door is divided in the centre by a vertical line, one half of which will be sufficiently large for the ingress and egress of one person. The advantage gained by this practice is very important in boiste- rous situations, as it will admit but one half as much cold air when opened, as it would were the whole door opened at once. This example, together with the preceding ones, are drawn from a scale of one half of an inch to one foot. All their details can, therefore, be accurately measured. This door is four feet two 72 FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. inches in width, and eight feet in height. The width of the narrow rails is four inches and five eighths. That of the bottom rail is nine inches, and that of the middle one seven and three fourth inches. The height of the lower panel is twelve inches ; of the small middle one, seven and one half inches ; and of the upper or frieze panel, nine inches. A exhibits sections of a part of the style and panel of the door, and of the mouldings, drawn one half of the full size. B exhibits an example for a tablet, decorated with sculpture, which may be substituted for that in the elevation, when a more ornamented one is desired. The tablet is drawn from a scale of one inch to a foot. m and n represent the fillets which butt against the tablets. They continue round and form the fret. C exhibits a section of the pilasters, as they are connected with the door and wall of the build- ing, drawn from a scale of one fourth of an inch to one foot, d and d show the sections of both front and side of the pilaster. To pro- portion the mouldings to the pilaster, divide the breadth, which is here nine inches, into twelve equal parts ; make the bead equal to one part ; each of the fillets to one and three quarters ; the deep recesses or fillets between the ellipsis and fillets, each equal to one half, and the ellipsis 1o five and one half parts, s represents a small portion of the section of the door, where it shuts into the rabate. D exhibits a section of the threshold ; g, the front line of the plinth on which the pilaster rests ; f, a vertical section of the lower extre- mity of the door, extending nearly half of its thickness front of the rabate on the threshold ; and i j, a channel on the under surface of the door, which is intended to prevent the rain, when forced by the wind against the door, from being driven between the door and threshold into the house. When this precaution is attended to, the rain will fall off on its arrival at i, down to the threshold, and descend to the steps. FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. 73 E shows a plan of the steps and threshold, and also a part of the wall on each side of the door. The elevation of these steps is not here represented. Their width is twelve, and their rise eight inches. The upper surface of the top step is in the same plane with that of the buttresses, which are represented at a and a. The buttresses will be three feet in length, two in height, and one foot thick. The distance between them will be equal to the united lengths of the threshold and the plinths. PLATE XXVI. The plan and elevation of the frontispiece here exhibited is suita- ble for a house of moderate size, or where the story is not sufficiently high to admit a fan light over it, or when a fan light is not desired. The frame of the door and side lights are recessed into the house seven inches. All the details of this example are figured in feet and inches. The tablet and the spaces between the side lights and the threshold are decorated with diamond panels. A represents the tablet, drawn on a scale of one and a half inch to one foot ; C, a side view ; D, the front elevation ; E, the upper surface of the buttress, against which the ends of the steps terminate ; and C exhibits a section of the threshold. On Plate XXVII. are exhibited some of the working plans, drawn one quarter of the full size. A and G on fig. 1 represent a section, and A on fig. 2 an elevation, of the large pilaster ; B and D on fig. 1 the sections, and D and D on fig. 2 the elevations, of the small pilasters. C on fig. 1 represents the section, and C on fig. 2 the elevation, of the diamond panel. I on fig. 1 represents the section, 19 74 FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. and I on fig. 2 the elevation, of the plinth on which the pilaster rests ; H on fig. 1 the upper surface, and H on fig. 2 the front view, of the threshold. J shows a front view of a small portion of the threshold, which extends under the door and is moulded on the front. PLATE XXVIII. The example of a frontispiece here exhibited shows a fan light extending over the door and side lights, its upper edge bounded by a segment of a circle. The spandrels made by this curve, and by the angles of the pilaster and cap, are decorated by a plain honey- suckle, the dimensions of which in practice will be so large that they may be wrought by a carpenter when a carver is not at hand. The tablet and panels under the side lights are likewise decorated with sculpture ; but should this be thought too expensive, plain panels may be substituted. A exhibits a side view of the pilaster and a section of the cap ; B, a section of the steps and a part of the side elevation of the buttress; C, the tablet, drawn from a scale of one inch to a foot ; and D, the plan of the buttress, steps and threshold, and also sections of the pilasters, plinths, &c. As all the essential parts of this example are figured in feet and inches, and as the explanation of the foregoing plates was so full, no further explana- tion will be required here. PLATE XXIX. The example of a frontispiece on this plate, is, in its door, side, and fan light, similar to the one last described, but differs very widely from that in its other decorations. The pilasters and enta- blature, in their proportions and the outline of their mouldings, are JPdMMSE©®. T130. r IV __ > FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. 75 in imitation of the column and entablature on Plate VII., with the exception of the capital to the pilaster, which is taken from the Doric antse capital. The panels which decorate the lower part of the door, and those under the side lights, are intended to be diamond panels. In other words, the panel is intended to project forwards in the centre to a right line with the stiles and rails, and from that point to incline on a straight line, and on each of its four sides, to the thickness of the other panels, at its termination against the groove which separates it from the mouldings. A exhibits a plan of the steps, showing the sections of the pilasters and the upper surface of the buttress. B shows a section of one half of a pilaster, drawn to a scale of one quarter of the full size. The sculpture which crowns the entablature, if thought to be too rich or too expensive, may be left off without affecting the symmetry of the composition. PLATE XXX. The example of an Ionic portico exhibited on this Plate, is in its general proportions, and the outline of its details, in imitation of the example of that order as represented on Plate XIV. A similarity may be remarked in the size and construction of the doors and side lights of this and of all the preceding examples. This sameness I do not strive to avoid, from the belief that a great variety in the size and construction of these essential but subordi- nate portions of architecture, is not required by a correct taste, nor adapted to the place they occupy. rl 7£ FRONTISPIECES AND PORTICOES. Jf decorations are desired on these windows, let them be made with a sparing hand, on stained glass, and of a proper size and figure ; for the student must remember that it is a maxim in archi- tecture, that the ornament must be made for the place, and not the place for the ornament. A practice has heretofore prevailed among designers and makers of side and fan lights, and is not yet quite extinct, of exerting their ingenuity in the contrivance of a great variety of crooked, winding outlines, which "they applied to the for- mation of the internal divisions of these sashes ; and their imagina- tion was again taxed in contriving a great profusion of Rosettes, stars, beads, &c. After the elements had thus been adjusted upon the. sash bars, their surface was often adorned with gold leaf. These gorgeous windows a are often seen in dwelling-houses of exceedingly plain exterior, and present a contrast quite ridiculous to a well- tutored eye. The sculpture over each side light should not project beyond the frame which encloses it. A exhibits a section of the pilaster which separates the door from the side light ; C, a part of a section of the sash and bead ; B, a part of that .of the stile of the door ; and D, a section of the mouldings, and a part of the stile and panel to the door. These sections are drawn one half of the full size. PLATE XXXI, A exhibits a plan of the steps, buttresses, columns and pilasters to the Ion*& portico represented on the preceding plate ; B, the under surface of the architrave ; C,that of the panel enclosed by the archi- trave B, and recessed up just the width of the architrave ; D, the moulding of the panel one half of the full size. /'/ 31. — ir^ ^ V y B *" S3S i'OJi A 5@2U3 .j.:_; ji'j' .; | ■■ ■, /-/. 3S. a nrrr EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CORNICES. 77 PLATE XXXII. This Plate exhibits an example of a Composite Portico, having four columns in front. The proportions are in imitation of the example of that order as shown on Plate XXI. Its character is rich, and its size sufficient for a building of large dimensions ; nor can it P indeed with propriety be employed on a small building. It is surmounted with a railing intended to be made of cast iron, which may or may not be employed, as taste or conve- nience may dictate. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CORNICES. Cornices have heretofore been pretty fully treated of, as a distin- guished member of each order. They nevertheless require further notice, as employed separate and distinct from the orders ; as they necessarily will be in various and important situations, such as the crowning and finishing under the eaves of all kinds of buildings, and in many other external situations. It is highly important that when so employed, they should conform to the character of the building which they decorate. Cornices are also used, in various internal situations ; such as in rooms, halls, staircases, &c. When so em- ployed, they are generally made of stucco. But wherever used they will be considered subordinate, and must therefore be in keeping with the rest of the apartment. 20 78 EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CORNICES. Some architects have attempted to determine the size of a cornice, by making its virtual height equal to a certain portion of the whole height o£the building, from its base to the upper termination of the cornice. But these attempts have not been, and in fact cannot be, carried into universal practice ; for buildings of equal heights may have such different situations as t.o require cornices of unequal sizes. We will suppose, for instance, Iwo buildings,, one measuring twenty- five feet in front and the same number of feet in height, and the other the same in height but fifty feet in front. It is plain that the doors, and windows with their decorations, of the latter building, require to be somewhat larger than those of the former one. Of course the cornice of the latter must have a proportionate increase in size. We may however. assist our judgment by the above rule. Divide, for instance, the altitude of the first-mentioned building into twenty equal parts. One of these parts will be fifteen inches, which will be a suitable height for the cornice of that building. But for the cor- nice of the second building, take one twenty-third of its height, or thirteen inches. Suppose each of the above described buildings extended to the height of forty feet. In that case, one thirtieth part of the height of the first, or sixteen inches, and one thirty-third of the latter, or fourteen and one half inches, would be a size suitable for their respective cornices. Internal cornices, as for rooms, staircases, and the like, differ in their construction very considerably from those already described. Their height is generally much less in proportion, and their projec- tion much greater. This practice is both convenient and natural ; because the cornice cannot be viewed at any great distance, and its height being only observed at such a short distance that the spec- tator is obliged to look up from under its projection, its front is never fairly seen. In low rooms, where the space from the upper vyisij'nsi&S, VI ■ 3» 4h Zrt — r.». / /\l 'j0^y) 1) EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CORNICES. 79 termination of the architrave to the window and the under surface of the ceiling is very small, it is sometimes expedient to confine the height of the cornice to a space not exceeding two inches ; and in this case it will be wise to increase its projection, so that its height and projection together shall be about equal to what they would have been if this expedient had not been resorted to. This great difference between the height and projection might at first thought be considered disagreeable ; it is, however, adapted to the peculiar situation of such a cornice, and much more pleasing than the usual proportion would be. In adjusting the proportions of these cornices, the size and height of the rooms should be taken into consideration. If the ceiling be high and the other dimensions of the room small, the difference between the height and projection of the cornice should not be very great ; because in that case a large projection would reduce the size of the ceiling, and the whole room would appear smaller. But if the room be of large dimensions, and the ceiling high, the projec- tion of the cornice may then be considerably more than its height. There is less difficulty in determining the size of these cornices by fixed rules, than of those employed externally ; because the differ- ence in the heights of rooms where cornices are used, is not very great. A room less in height than ten feet is not often decorated with a cornice ; and it is not common to see a room more than fourteen feet in height. A method of adjusting the proportion of cornices to rooms, which gives much satisfaction, may be obtained by making the joint extent of the height and projection in inches equal to the height of the room in feet. 80 EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CORNICES. PLATE XXXIII. This Plate exhibits four examples of cornices for external finish- ing. A has a sloping plancer, which is decorated with three elliptical flutes, terminating at the angles of the cornice against the fillets of the panel a, which is recessed up into the plancer and decorated with a rosette. B has also a sloping plancer ; and it is decorated with three channels, or grooves, which terminate at the angles in the form of a fret, b shows a panel recessed up into the plancer, and decorated with a honeysuckle. » C exhibits an ellipsis recessed up into a reverse curve in the plancer. The inverted plan of the plancer shows the finish at the angles, a shows a panel, and b the ellipsis. D exhibits an example of a plain bold cornice, which will produce a pleasing effect in practice. On Plate XXXIV. are exhibited four examples of cornices, which do not seem to require any other explanation than an examination of the Plate will give. On Plate XXXV. are exhibited four, and on Plate XXXVI. three different examples of cornices suitable for internal finishing. A rule for determining their size has already been described, which gives for each foot in the height of the room, one inch to the height and projection of the cornice. We will suppose in practice a room ten feet in altitude, and the cornice M, on Plate XXXVII. to be selected for use. That cornice is forty-five parts in height, and projects* sixty-four parts, which added together make one hundred and nine parts. Ten inches, or one inch to each foot in the height of the room, must therefore be divided into one hundred and nine equal parts. Then each member of the cornice, both in height and pro- jection, is equal to as many of those parts as are figured thereon. CENTRE-PIECES. 81 The height of the cornice is taken from a down to b. The orna- mental part below b may with propriety be considered as a part of the frieze. CENTRE-PIECES. PLATE XXXVII. In parlors and other apartments from whose ceilings a lamp is to be suspended, the decoration encircling the hook from which the lamp is suspended is called a centre-piece. I do not know of any precise rule by which the proportions of the centre-piece can be ascertained. In a room of about eighteen by twenty feet, the diame- ter of the centre-piece should be about three feet, or one sixth of the width of the room, exclusive of the architrave which encircles it. Although this cannot be taken as a general rule, it will never- theless assist the judgment in adjusting the proportion. Three different examples are exhibited here, and two examples for the mouldings which encircle them. These mouldings are drawn one half of the full size. A and A show the depth to which the flowers are recessed up into the ceiling. 21 82 AR C H I T RAVE S. No one of the elements of Architecture is more frequently employed, or of much more importance, than the architrave. Doors windows, niches, &c. are all more or less indebted to the architrave for their principal decoration. It is therefore of importance that the con- struction of this element should be as perfect as possible, in relation to its size, symmetry, economy, and adaptation to its place. The mouldings which decorate its face should be few, bold, and expressive. The breadth has generally been determined by a given portion of the breadth of the door, window, &c. of the room where this element is employed. But this rule will not always apply ; since the breadths of the door and the window in the same room are not equal, and sliding doors, when employed to connect the two parlors, are generally something more than twice the breadth of the other doors of the room. The door to a room of common dimensions, say sixteen by eighteen or twenty feet, and ten feet in height, will be about three feet in breadth and seven in height. One sixth part of three feet will be six inches, which would be a proper breadth for the architrave, if there were no other circumstances in the case. But the windows in the same room would be about four feet in breadth. One sixth of four feet is eight inches, which would be too much for the breadth of the architrave, as would likewise a medium between the two. Judgment, improved by practice, must therefore settle this question. The proper breadth in this case would probably aiJl C JE^J-aiATSS . /'/. 38 9k J'i r, 22 "i 48 f"j li Si Jb ni ti 9 A i r 46 s 5i 5i ;;'-. Si !^ Zft J- 1 j£ « / '■^ 54 9\ .9* lO T 46 5 h: 7 ' sss li 1\ 3 /J .'52 /■^ J 70 j-M'—" IB e Zrf » 7.... 5 n , /. \ » DOORS AND THEIR DECORATIONS. 83 be about six and three fourth inches, except in the case of a sliding door, which would increase the breadth to seven or seven and one fourth inches. PLATE XXXVIII. This Plate presents twelve examples of architraves, of different construction and width. They are drawn one half of the full size. The members are figured in such a. manner, that if drawn by a common two foot rule, calling each number figured on the Plate one eighth of an inch, an architrave will be produced of just double the size of the one imitated. DOORS AND THEIR DECORATIONS No department in any building can be complete, without one or more of these useful and ornamental portions of Architecture. Their beauty or deformity depends on their construction and adap- tation to their place. To arrange the size and proportions of his doors, the mechanic must resort to his own judgment, which, though not assisted here by any precise or definite rule, will by a course of attentive practice soon acquire sure and infallible guides. A door cannot be useful, unless it be of sufficient size for persons of full stature to pass and repass freely, without stooping or pass- ing sideways. Two feet two inches in breadth, and six feet four inches in height, is therefore the smallest size. No internal door 84 DOORS AND THEIR DECORATIONS. should be more than four feet in breadth, and about eight and one half feet in height, be the room ever so large. If a greater breadth is desired, make the door in two parts. If a room be fifteen by eighteen feet, and ten in height, three feet in breadth and seven in height will be a good proportion for the door ; but if the size of the room be increased to eighteen by twenty feet, and twelve in height, three feet two inches in breadth and seven feet six inches in height will be a suitable proportion. Folding qr sliding doors are frequently employed to connect the two parlors ; in which case it will be proper to increase their alti- tude above that of the other doors of the same room, about one foot ; and as they are made in two parts, divided vertically, each part should be somewhat broader than the other doors. PLATE XXXIX. This Plate exhibits a design for an eight panel door, and a pair of sliding doors, suitably constructed for the same apartment. They are decorated with their usual ornament, the architrave, showing the termination against the block at the upper angles of the door. This block should project about one eighth of an inch beyond the outer edge and front of the architrave. A shows the tablet and the block at the angles, with the sculpture recessed into both. This kind of sculpture should not project much beyond the frame that contains it. This example is drawn from a scale of one half of an inch to a foot. B exhibits another example for the finish over sliding doors, drawn from the same scale as A ; and C, a section of the moulding one half of the full size. The doors with their details are figured in feet and inches. 39©®mSo /•/ to. —- -— — — — __ _^-J J!. 4h 3.6 c \ \ ■ / \ / 1 I ^ <2* /i -74 ?^ n i ^ /: WINDOWS AND THEIR APPENDAGES. 85 PLATE XL. The example of a pair of sliding doors here exhibited, decorated with pilasters and an entablature, as a substitute for the finish of those on the preceding Plate, is not in bad taste ; nor will it inter- rupt the harmonious proportion of the apartment, by means of its decorations. These doors differ from the other doors and windows in their magnitude, situation, and construction. Two other examples of doors with their decorations are also exhibited here. WINDOWS AND THEIR APPENDAGES. PLATE XLI. No room or apartment can be useful, of course, unless it is capable of receiving a suitable quantity of that necessary article light. The windows, therefore, constitute a very important part of the room. No determinate rule can be given, by which the size of the windows can be adjusted with regard to a due admission of light. The other circumstances to be considered in their arrangement and formation, embrace the height and extent of the building, the number and dimensions of the interior apartments, the number of the windows, and in fact the general style and character of the building through- out. Stability requires that the windows should not be placed too near the angles of the building, and that the piers between them should be nearly equal in size. 22 86 WINDOWS AND THEIR APPENDAGES. Practice seems to have fixed the altitude of the first story win- dows to twice their breadth ; of those in the second story, to some- thing less ; and those in the third story, still less. A suitable proportion for the windows of a parlor of twenty by eighteen feet, and twelve feet in altitude, is- two windows, each con- taining twelve lights of glass of twelve by nineteen inches. The second story would require the same number of lights of glass, and of the same width, but seventeen inches in length. In the third story, the length of the glass should be fifteen inches. In parlors and drawing rooms it is a common practice to add to the length of the windows by extending them down within about seven inches of the floor ; and in that case, to divide the height into two casements, the lower one containing three lights of glass in height, and the upper one two. Venetian windows are sometimes employed in rooms and other apartments, and in some instances properly ; but these instances rarely occur. It is advisable to avoid their use, if possible ; because they are seldom made to harmonize with the other portions of architecture by which they are surrounded, and it is exceedingly difficult to accommodate them with either shutters or blinds, without sacrificing some other convenience. The centre window may be in height twice its breadth ; and each side window in breadth not less than one third, nor more than one half of that of the centre window. PLATE XLII. This Plate exhibits a vertical section of the sash frame, showing its cap and sill, the soffit, architrave, and grounds, and their con- nection with each other ; also the back, and its connection with the o ',vlihi>o' •/"/■: . ZC7 W 71 r ■ * [ i in ~— — — '.■:■■'■:,' ' -.- ——■- — -— L_ , WINDOWS AND THEIR APPENDAGES. 87 plinth and sill of the frame. It gives likewise an elevation of the sash from the upper extremity of the shutter, and a part of the brick work, together with a section of the stone cap and sill, with their details figured in inches. C exhibits a horizontal section of the sash frame, showing distinctly all its details ; and also the back lining, grounds, shutters and architrave, with their connections with each other. These details are drawn one fourth of the full size. E and F represent sections of a part of a stile and panel, and the moulding for shutters, drawn one half of the full size. PLATE XLIII. A exhibits an interior elevation of a window, clearly showing all its details placed in their proper position, drawn from a scale of one half inch to a foot. B shows an interior elevation of a window differently constructed from the last. It is supposed to be situated where a sufficient quan- tity of room cannot be spared for folding the shutters into the wall. In such a case this example makes a very good substitute ; and where the piers between the windows are large, or when only one window is situated in the same side of a room, it makes a finish far from disagreeable. C exhibits a horizontal section of the sash frame of the shutters, back lining, jamb casing, grounds and architrave, drawn one fourth of the full size. E shows the block against which the architrave finishes at the upper angles of the window, with a turned rosette in its centre. A section of it, taken through the centre from a to b, is exhibited at F. 88 BASE MOULDINGS AND THEIR PLINTHS. These important members make a finish at the lowest extremity of the room. Until recently, they made the lowest member of the base, dado, and surbase ; but it is fortunate, as it regards economy and correct taste, that the two latter members have been expunged from that kind of finish. The base and its plinth, therefore, assume a more important character than when they constituted only one of the members of the pedestal, or dado ; and its height must be some- what increased, and bear some relation to the altitude of the room. Although the exact size cannot be determined by any given portion of the room, yet a proper consideration of the altitude and size of the room will direct the judgment to a correct proportion. PLATE XLIV. On this Plate are exhibited six different examples of base mould- ings, including their plinths, drawn one half of the full size for practice. The height and projection of each member are figured in parts. Like the architrave before explained, each one of these parts is equal to one eighth of an inch. These mouldings will be found expressive and imposing, though neither of them projects more than seven eighths of an inch. BASJK ;MDI' 1,1 H^'C.s. tftf ■/' J'll. /'I II 13 \ "f- J I. ff-- ' /-/ /.; 5 16 ( *w / ;•.<, I /■■• X 1 ' - \, «s jjP 7 >o M 17 - 1 . , ?'"- JHr' /■ - j2 - 7 >< ~ ^^ rs ^"~~"""Ui» , X \ \ ~\l f \ ti Lrrs .1* 89 VASES. PLATE XLV. At A and B, on this Plate, are presented two designs for surbase mouldings, which are drawn one half of the full size. For the convenience of enlarging or reducing their size, ihe members are figured in parts. C exhibits an example for a baluster, which is four diameters in height ; but it may be adapted to any situation, by either increasing or diminishing its height, as the case may require. Its members are figured in parts. D, E, and F, present three examples for vases of different forms and proportions. It will be wise to imitate carefully the particular form of their outline. They are suitably constructed for the termi- nation of pedestals, or posts. The largest diameter of these vases should not be quite equal to that of the pedestal or post which they decorate, nor less than three fourths of the same. Each member is figured in parts, and the proportions are reckoned from the central line. 23 90 ORNAMENTAL MOULDINGS PLATE XLVI. Ornaments are more or less valuable, as they harmonize with surrounding objects. It is wise and prudent to use them with a sparing hand ; for their absence from the composition does not necessarily imply defect, though it might present an appearance too plain and naked to a good judge. But a work unnecessarily loaded with ornaments will be disfigured, not embellished, by them. In the execution of ornaments, the subject intended to be imitated, whether it be the chestnut, the egg, or the acorn, they being the usual enrichments of the ovolo, should be so deeply cut into the moulding as to produce the appearance of their being almost detached from it. The same observations will equally apply to the berries, or beads, which are the standing ornament of the astragal. When ornaments are liable to close inspection, every part should be well expressed and neatly finished ; but when their situation is ' such that they can be seen only at a distance, the nice finish may be omitted, but their details must be strongly expressed. In sculpture, a few rough, bold strokes, from a skilful hand, express the subject intended for imitation more effectually than the most elaborate unskilful efforts would be able to do. A presents an example of an ornament suitably formed for flat surfaces. It is of Grecian origin, and expresses the simple, chaste character for which all their examples of ornaments are so remark- i.'irnYm'iJ^aV-i'.Ai W WW'M'JJ'SVi &Sa /'/. 46 OJ JOOOOOOO CHIMNEY-PIECES. 91 able. B, C, and D, are likewise Grecian. They are suitably con- structed for mouldings, and if well executed will have a handsome appearance. CHIMNEY-PIECES. This portion of Architecture is highly ornamental, when tastefully constructed. The magnitude of a chimney-piece does not always correspond with that of the room in which it is situated. A room, for instance, of fourteen by eighteen feet, requires a fire-place of three feet in breadth and two feet ten inches in height ; but one of twenty by twenty-eight feet, does not need a fire-place more than three feet six inches in breadth and three feet in height. A due consideration of all the circumstances of the case is therefore necessary, to give to the chimney-piece such a size as will best harmonize with the magnitude and finish of the room. Columns are often employed in their decoration. This practice is, however, in small plain rooms, to be avoided ; because the chimney necessarily projects into the room about one foot, and if the projection of the columns be added, it will have the effect of reducing the breadth of the room very considerably, in a place, too, where the width of the room is of the most importance. Besides, although a column and its entablature, when of sufficient magnitude, is one of the most beautiful portions of Architecture, yet it must be remembered, that when reduced to small dimensions its details are also proportionably reduced, and their appearance rendered small 92 CHIMNEY-PIECES. and indistinct, by which means the order loses a great portion of its beauty. In large apartments, and where the space occupied by the columns is not important, they may sometimes be employed to advantage. But it is believed that there are few situations, in common practice, where pilasters cannot be so constructed as to render them more appropriate and less expensive than columns. PLATE XLVII. This Plate presents, at A and B, two examples for chimney-pieces, suitably constructed for common-sized and plainly-finished rooms. They are drawn from a scale of three fourths of an inch to one foot. D exhibits the finish of the flutes at the upper extremity of the pilaster, and E a section of the same. F shows an elevation, and G a section of the block ornament and diamond panel, drawn one quarter of the full size. H and H represent the plans and projections of the pilasters, the plinths, and also the projection of shelf or cornice. • PLATE XLVIII. Two designs for chimney-pieces are exhibited on this Plate, of a richer character than those last described. They are suitably form- ed for rooms of something more than the common size, a presents the elevation, b the section to the block ornament to A, and c shows a vertical section of the block ornament to B, taken through the centre of the fret, e is a section of the fillets of the fret passing from the block to the tablet, jfis a section of the band to the architrave, and g a section of the frieze, drawn one quarter of the full size. i and i present sections of the plinths, and also of the cornice. ClfilliriYlEX ^s^lJl /■/. J 7 — Jk. .-- riimuiYjiry ita: 71. it .ILI i i. .1/, ', ,/„. t STAIRS. 97 Construction of the Face Mould, No. 3. Let A D E F G H I be the plan of the rail, and E F, G H, a portion of the straight part ; I being the upper, F the lower, and D the middle resting points. Make the stretchout of A D equal to that of D F. In the figure of the falling mould, produce the base a e to f, a e then being equal to the development of A E ; make a d equal to the development of A D, and ef equal to E F. Draw f I parallel to a b, and cutting the upper side of the falling mould at I ; parallel tofa, draw I i, cutting a 6 at i ; in i I, make i d equal to I D ; draw d m parallel to a b, cutting the upper side of the fall- ing mould at m ; draw m n parallel to f a, cutting a b at n ; and d r parallel to a b, cutting m n at r. Join o r, and produce it to meet i I at q ; make I Q, equal to i q ; join F Q,, and produce F Q, to K. Through G draw K L perpendicular to K Q, ; through I draw I Z parallel to K Q, cutting K L at Z ; make Z Z equal to a o, and join K Z. Then produce K Z to L, and draw ALL parallel to Z Z. To find the Face Mould. Draw L A perpendicular to K L ; make L A equal to L A, Z I equal to Z I, and join A I. Then A I will form the part of the face mould represented by I A on the plan. Draw K F per- pendicular to K L, and make K F equal to K F. Draw G G parallel to Z Z, cutting K L at G, and join G F. Again draw H U parallel to Z Z, and cutting K L at U ; draw U H perpendicular to K L, and make U H equal to U H. Draw H E parallel to G F and F E parallel to G H ; then E F G H will form the part of the 25 98 STAIRS. face mould corresponding to the straight part E F G H on the plan. The intermediate points of the face mould, which form curves of the outside and inside of the rail, are thus found. Through any point C, in the convex side of the plan, draw C Y parallel to Z Z, cutting K L at Y ; and in the concave side of the plan at T, draw Y C perpendicular to K L ; and in Y C make Y T equal to Y T, and Y C equal to Y C. Then T is a point in the concave side, and C a point in the convex side of the face mould. A suffi- cient number of points being thus found, the curved parts of the face mould may be drawn by hand, or by a slip of wood bent to the curve. No. 5 exhibits a face mould for the upper half of the rail, which is constructed in the same manner with the one just described. How to apply the Face Mould to the Plank. Let a b i g, No. 4, be the figure of the face mould, placed in due position to the pitch line K L, as when traced from the plan. X represents the upper side, Y the edge, and Z the under side of the plank, from which the rail is to be taken. Draw g L perpendicular to the outside of the plank. Make the angle g L K, on the edge of the plank, equal to the angle K L L, No. 3 ; and the angle §-LK, on the under side of the plank, equal to the angle G Z I, No. 3. Make g L equal to L K, and draw the chord g i in the plane Z parallel to the arris line ; and then apply the points g and i of the face mould to the line as exhibited in the figure, and draw the form of the face mould. Fig. 2 exhibits the section of a hand rail, drawn one half of the full size. On B, with the radius B A, describe the half circle CAD, and divide it into three equal parts. Draw B 1 and B 2 ; 'SJLVaXiX' S^JMSfo /'/ 51. [.- -■ - _j 1 ">-^^ "vr 1 1 i 1 i t 1 " 4 f i 1 i 1 b p — 1 | ; r « J ■ It ' .i-j,' i i 3 ■ 10 1 | ' 1 r ■ i i 1 k a 1 u — -— _ I ' Pit \ H F 1 I J CHURCHES. • 99 divide A B into four equal parts ; draw 3 i parallel to D C, and cutting B 2 at i ; draw i I parallel to B 1, and equal to one and one half of the four divisions between A and B ; on t'i with the radius i 2, describe 2m; and on I, with the radius I m, describe m n, and draw n o. CHURCHES The liberality displayed by the members of this community, in the ample appropriations which they so frequently make for erect- ing houses of public worship, is highly creditable to them. The magnitude and beauty of many of these buildings render them honorable monuments of public munificence ; and if many of them likewise exhibit a barrenness of invention and ignorance of Architecture, this defect is to be ascribed, not to any fault on the part of those who provide the funds, so much as to the disadvan- tages under which those labor who are selected to construct the building. We cannot expect a carpenter to shape an edifice in so classic and correct a style as one who confines his labors to the study of Architecture. Let an architect of competent skill be em- ployed to prepare the draught of the building, together with the working drawings for the workmen ; and especially, when a plan has been once determined and begun upon, let it not be in any important respects departed from, and buildings of the latter class will soon disappear. Alterations are generally expensive, and are apt to destroy the symmetry of the building. 100 CHURCHES. A House erected for the worship of the Supreme Being, should correspond in character with the reverential feelings of those who assemble within it. While, therefore, we aim at elegance in the form of the columns, pilasters, entablatures, ceilings, windows, and doors, let it be a grave and simple elegance, and not of the gaudy kind. The details should be free from any unmeaning cuttings or twistings. Light, gay colors, and all symbols of heathen worship, should be avoided. The interior of a church would have a more chaste and correct appearance, if without galleries. But to the omission of galleries there are objections. Where the society is large, they cannot all be seated upon the floor of the building near enough to the speaker to hear his voice distinctly ; and the increased expense of erecting a building of sufficient size without galleries, is considerable. It is but seldom, therefore, that we see a church of any magnitude free from this encumbrance. It is a practice with some to make only one tier of windows. This is a very becoming practice so far as the exterior of the building is concerned ; but in the interior, where these windows cross the galleries, they present a very awkward appearance. The plans, elevations, and other drawings, which I have given in this example of a church, hare been made more for the purpose of conveying a clear and distinct view of the relation which the several parts should bear to 'each other and to the whole, than with an expectation that they will often be executed in this manner. Plate LI. gives a plan of the first floor, containing one hundred and two pews, with their size, and also that of the house, and all its details, figured in feet and inches. A exhibits a section of the architrave for the windows ; B, the capping for the pews .; C, a rjjiiljjjiir li'XjlJ.Y, PI m L -UL 5 w r —I A- r _y 5 J .. CHURCHES. 101 section of the moulding and a part of the stile and panel for the wainscot of the pews, drawn one half of the full size. D shows a section of the back of the pews, and of the seat and riser, figured in feet and inches. E exhibits an example of the pew door, and the piece of wainscot required to fill in between the doors, .also figured in feet and inches. Each side of the interior of the building is intended to be decorated with columns and pilasters of the same order as represented on Plate XIV. PLATE LII. Exhibits a plan of the gallery floor, showing the size and number of the pews. A shows a section of a truss for the support of that side of the gallery fronting the pulpit ; and B an elevation of the finish of the front of the gallery, drawn on a scale of one eighth of an inch to a foot. C shows a section of the moulding which is to enclose the panels of the front of the gallery, drawn one half of the full size. Plate LV. shows a plan of the ceiling of the interior of the house, and also that of the portico, both inverted. The under surface is intended to appear as if straight ; but to produce that appearance, it must be gently curved upwards about four inches above a straight line, a, a, a, and a, show the projection of the cornice of the entablature. A is an example of the stiles and rails, and the moulding which is to enclose the panels, figured in feet and inches. D shows an example of a sash, which is intended to be glazed with stained glass, for the admission of light from the roof to the pulpit. B shows an example of the moulding which is to crown 26 102 CHURCHES. the architrave under the ceiling of the portico, figured in minutes ; and C, the cornice which finishes the upper extremity of the front of the gallery. Plate LVI. contains an example of a pulpit. It is drawn from a scale of one half inch to a foot, and figured in feet and inches. C exhibits the outline of the mouldings intended to enclose the panels, drawn one half of the full size ; and D, the cornice which is to finish the upper extremity of the desk, figured in parts. It is intended to be three and one half inches in height. Either of the examples of mouldings on Plate XXXVII. may be imitated in the outline of the face of the pilasters. It is also intended to finish the vacancy between the blocks at the upper extremity of each end of the pulpit, over a and a, with the same outline of moulding. On Plate LIII. is exhibited a front elevation, with the scale of feet by which it is drawn annexed. D shows a plan, and C an elevation of the cupola, drawn from a scale of one eighth of an inch to a foot, figured in feet and inches. A exhibits an example of the vane and the iron work connected with it, drawn from a scale of one fourth of an inch to a foot, figured in feet and inches ; and B, an example of the honeysuckles which are to decorate the upper extremity of the cornice to the portico, figured in minutes. On Plate LIV. is a side elevation, and at A an example of one of the second story windows, drawn from a scale of one fourth of an inch to a foot. IfiXlET-A'J'lTuil' 1ST A cyM-yjiC-ii , /■/ 53 I ! I f , I I . f = _- : , Tr^ (r~ n I ., &;i ^ **A 73. 56. w *& \ I : ; ; SB ■~~~~-'- //,/// ' t/i t /,/// JU <■ B.-nrri.n ■ V 17,,,, Ol IkitpU PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. 103 On Plate LVII. at fig. 4, is exhibited an example which shows the construction of the timber work of the roof of this church, and a plan and elevation of the frame of the cupola. The details which are represented here show the best method of framing the various joints in the roof. They are drawn from a scale of one fourth of an inch to a foot, and figured in feet and inches ; which will render them sufficiently plain. PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. The principles of this science should be familiar to every practical carpenter. Carpenters who do not profess a thorough theoretical knowledge of their art, are apt either to load their work with timbers unnecessarily large and expensive, or on the other hand to provide timbers too small and weak to resist, for a suffi- cient length of time, the strain imposed upon them. A knowledge of the stiffness of timber and other materials employed in Carpentry, theoretically as well as practically, will be of the highest utility. This information is furnished by the results of various experiments, made for the purpose of ascertaining the different strains which different sizes of those materials can bear, by several scientific gentlemen of Europe. Of course these experiments were made on European timber. We therefore must make proper allowances for the difference of timber. Different individuals have arrived at 104 PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. different results in their experiments. We cannot, therefore, put implicit confidence in any of them ; but taking them collectively, and making proper allowances for difference in timber, we may assist our judgment and obtain correct views on the subject. The principal strains to which timbers and other materials are exposed, are the following : First, that strain by which a beam is drawn in the direction of its length. The strength by which the beam resists this strain, is called its cohesion. The experiment by which the cohesive power of a beam or stick of known dimensions is ascertained, is easily performed in the following manner. The stick is suspended vertically by one extremity, and to the lower extremity are attached weights, which being increased until the stick breaks, thus deter- mine its cohesive power. To this strain, king posts, tie beams, &c. are liable. The second strain is when the load tends to compress the beam in the direction of its length. To this strain, truss beams, pillars, struts, &c. are exposed. The third strain is when the load tends to break the beam across. This is called a cross or transverse strain. To this strain all kinds of bearing timbers are liable. The following list, which gives the cohesive strength of several beams and bars an inch square, is taken from one made by Mr. Emerson. The rod of cast iron is taken from the experiments of Rennie. The amount placed opposite each kind expresses its cohesive strength, or the weight which will be required to break it when drawn in the direction of its length. PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. 105 Iron Rod an inch square will bear Cast Iron *\ . " Brass " ■ " Hempen Rope " Ivory " " Oak, Box and Plumtree Elm, Ash and Beech Walnut and Plum Red Fir, Holley and Crab " Cherry and Hazel " Alder, Asp, Birch and Willow Lead .... u 76,400 pounds. 18,656 35,600 19,600 15,700 7,850 6,070 5,360 5,000 4,760 4,290 430 It is also given as a practical rule by Mr. Emerson, that a cylinder whose diameter is six inches, will carry, when loaded to one fourth of its absolute strength, as follows. Iron, 135 cwt. ; Good Rope, 22 cwt. ; Oak, 14 cwt. ; Fir, 9 cwt. By these experiments we see what an immense load a rod of one inch square is capable of suspending. And we likewise see that this strain is not likely to be overrated in practice. Suppose it required to know the weight that an oak joist of three by four inches will sustain. Multiply the depth by the breadth of the joist in inches ; and that product, which is twelve, by the number of pounds set against oak in the table, 7850. The product, 94,200 pounds, is the answer. We now come to the second strain, that of compression in the direction of its length. But few experiments on this strain have been made, and the results of those few do not agree. It is main- tained by some writers that the resistance to compression is about equal to that of extension ; but the experiments of Du Hamel on cross strain, seem to prove that the resistance to compression is not 27 106 PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. more than two thirds of that to extension. It is however fortunate for the practical workman that this strain is not often overrated ; for it rarely happens in practice that a body employed to sustain a heavy load is found insufficient for that purpose. According to Mr. Rondelet's experiments on cubic inches of oak, it required from 5000 to 6000 pounds to crush a piece of that size ; and under this pressure its length was reduced more than one third. Mr. Rennice's experiments produced results considerably lower. A cubic inch of elm was crushed by 1284 pounds ; American pine by 1606 pounds ; and English oak by 3860 pounds. We now come to the cross strain, to which all bearing beams, joists, &c. are liable. The resistance to this strain is much less than that of either of the others. A Table of the Cross or Transverse Strain of different kinds of Wood, each Piece being one foot long, one inch broad, and one inch deep. Oak . Ash Beech Elm . Walnut, green Spruce, American Hard Pine, do. Birch . Poplar, Lombard Chestnut The above table is selected from Tredgold's Carpentry. It expresses the breaking weight of each piece. It will not, therefore, be proper to permanently load either of the pieces with more than 660 pounds 635 (i 677 « 540 (C 487 Ci 570 ll 658 it 517 II 327 u 450 u PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. 107 one half of the breaking weight. The effect of this strain produces, on the upper part of the beam, a compression in the direction of its length ; and on the under part, an extension in the direction of its length. To illustrate this subject more fully, I will here introduce some of Du Hamel's experiments on the stiffness of beams, the results of which ought to be well understood. Du Hamel took six bars of willow, three feet long and one and one half inch square. After suitable experiments, he found that they were broken by 525 pounds on an average. Six bars were next cut through with a saw one third of the depth from the upper surface, and each cut was filled with a wedge of dry oak, inserted with a little force. These were broken by 551 pounds on an average. Six other bars were broken through by 542 pounds on an average, after being cut half through and filled up in a similar manner. Six other bars were cut three fourths through, and broken by the pressure of 530 pounds on an average. A baton was then cut three fourths through, and loaded until nearly broken. It was then unloaded, and a thicker wedge was introduced tightly into the cut, so as to straighten the bar by filling up the space left by the compression of the wood. In this state the bar was broken by 577 pounds. From these experiments we perceive that more than two thirds of the thickness of a beam contributes nothing to its strength. And here we also see, that the compressibility of this kind of strain appears much greater than its dilatability, which circumstance greatly increases its power of withstanding a transverse strain. We see likewise that gains may be cut from the upper surface of a beam downwards, to one third or one half of the depth, and joists inserted tightly therein, without reducing the strength of the beam. Observe, however, that the size of the joists is not reduced by 108 PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. shrinkage. It is worthy of remark, that in all the experiments made for ascertaining the resistance to pressure, the strength of the beam is found to be as the breadth and square of the depth directly, and inversely as the length. The strength of a beam therefore depends chiefly on its depth, or rather on that dimension which is in the direction of the strain. If a beam two inches deep and one broad support a given weight, another beam of the same depth and double the breadth will support double the weight. But if a beam two inches deep and one inch broad support a given weight, another of four inches deep and one inch broad will support four times the weight. Hence, beams of equal breadths are to each other as the square of their depths. Again, if a beam of a given cross section and one foot long support a known weight, another beam of the same cross section but two feet long will support only half the known weight. Buffbn's experiments, which were made on large scantlings, and were therefore free from those irregularities unavoidable on small specimens, would seem to show that the strength diminishes in a ratio greater than the inverse proportion of the length. Both reason and experience seem to confirm the truth of these experiments. A simple arithmetical rule, derived from these experiments, is therefore given, by which the breaking weight of any scantling, the breadth, depth and length being given, may be known. Divide the breaking weight by the length in feet ; subtract 10 from the quotient ; multiply the remainder by the breadth, and that product by the square of the depth, both expressed in inches. The result is the greatest load in pounds. For example. Required the resistance of a spruce joist 17 feet long, 12 inches in depth, and 2 inches in breadth. The breaking weight placed against spruce in the above list is 570. Divide 570 iiiiiiF:*; iy -.rirr . /•/. .;; }>«. j . PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. 109 by 17, the length in feet, and you have 33 for the quotient nearly. Subtract 10 from 33, and the remainder is 23. This remainder being multiplied by 2, the breadth in inches, the product is 46. Multiply this product by 144, the square of the depth in inches (the square of any number being obtained by multiplying it by itself), and you have 6624 for the answer. I have left out the fractions in the above operation, knowing that any deviation which makes the result smaller, is on the safe side. Arts. 6624. Required the resistance of a hard pine beam, 20 feet long, 12 inches in depth, and 10 inches in breadth. Ans. 31,680. We must recollect that all the experiments, from which the above results are obtained, were made on wood of the most perfect kind, free from knots, shakes, spots, or rot, and not cross-grained, &c. Every practical workman knows that in roofs, floors, or any other piece of framing of any considerable magnitude, such perfection in timber cannot be expected. It will be wise in him, therefore, to make all due allowance for imperfections in timber. PLATE LVII. Fig. 1 exhibits an example of a truss simply constructed for a roof of 30 feet span. I shall describe the different strains to which this truss is liable, and the best means of resisting them. If a load be laid on the rafters of this truss, it is evident that the downward pressure will cause the heads of the rafters to press hard against the king post, and the lower ends to press equally hard against the abutment at each end of the tie beam. The rafters are thus strained by a compression in the direction of their length ; and if no other strain were to be resisted, a stick of timber of small dimensions would be sufficient. But it is evident that a cross strain is 28 HO PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. also to be provided for. The latter strain must be resisted by struts, and by making the rafter of a size equal to the resistance of that strain. The pressure of the rafters against the abutment at each end of the tie beam, causes that beam to be strained by an extension in the direction of its length ; and moreover the load laid upon this beam, together with the ceiling which is suspended from the under surface, produces a cross strain, which must be resisted by suspend- ing this beam by the king post, and by making it, as in the case of the rafters, of sufficient size to resist the pressure. The strain on the king post is an extension in the direction of its length. A small piece of timber is therefore adequate to resist that strain ; for we have seen that an oak joist of three by four inches is capable of suspending 94,200 pounds. The pressure of the rafters against the head of this post being very great, they will be apt to indent themselves into the head of the post, and cause a small settle- ment of the roof, unless the post be made of hard wood. But let it be observed, moreover, that this part of the king post should be made as small as the strain on the post will admit ; otherwise the shrinkage of the post will produce the same effect as the indentation of the rafters. The strain on the strut is wholly that of a compres- sion in the direction of its length, which a small piece of timber will be able to resist. Having now given the theory of the principal strains of this section, we will give some practical advice in relation to the exe- cution of the work. All bearing joints ought to be made at right anoles with the strain. A exhibits the best method of constructing the joints at the head of the rafter and at the ends of the straining beam when they butt against the queen post. The dotted lines sliow the length of the tenon, which need not be more than one and one half of an inch in length, but must be made to fit the mortice in the PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. m most perfect manner. The bearing surfaces of the post, rafter, and straining beam, should be in one even plane, that the joint may be perfect throughout its whole surface. The ends of the tenons should likewise fit exactly at the bottom of the mortice. Pins are not required here. These observations are intended to apply to all other joints in framing. B exhibits the method of connecting the foot of the king post to the tie beam. The tenon in this case is only two inches long. The bolt shown here is intended for a large roof, where two nuts are required, and in this case need not be more than one and one eighth of an inch in diameter. It will require a thick, strong head and nuts, three-fourths or seven-eighths of an inch in thickness ; and care should be iaken that the thread be of a suitable size and well cut, and that the iron of which they are made is of the best quality. We shall not doubt that the size here mentioned is sufficient, when we consider that a bar of iron one inch square is capable of suspending 76,400 pounds. C exhibits a method of connecting the head of the queen post to the principal rafter. The tenon in this case is not required to be more than one and one half of an inch, and this length is quite suffi- cient for the tenon at the head and foot of the struts. E exhibits an elevation of a part of the tie beam, the principal and small rafter, a section of the plates and purloins and method of connecting them together ; also the best way of securing the foot of a principal rafter by an iron strap. F shows the upper surface of a part of the tie beam. Two inches in the centre of the beam is left uncut, whilst the wood on each side of it is cut away to form the abutments for the foot of the rafter. D shows a piece of the principal and small rafters, and a section of the purloin. That part of the purloin expressed by dotted lines 112 PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. against the principal rafter, is notched on to the rafter, the purloin being nine inches deep. Two and a half inches are cut out of the under surface of the purloin, one half inch out of the principal rafter, and three inches out of the small rafter. The distance between the two rafters is three inches. Fig. 2 exhibits an example of a truss for a roof of forty-four feet span. It is constructed with iron queen posts as a substitute for wood, and thus avoids the difficulty of shrinkage and indentation of the heads of the queen post. A bar of iron one inch square is sufficiently large to resist any strain which may happen to these posts. I and J exhibit a method of connecting the heads of the principal rafters with the straining beam. Fig 3 exhibits an example of a truss for a roof of eighty feet span. The depth of the timbers is figured on the plan, and they may all be nine inches in breadth, except the small rafters, which may be three inches. PLATE LVIII. A exhibits an example of a truss partition suitably constructed for a situation where the timbers, either below or above it, require support. The truss being placed over the doors, it does not there- fore interfere as to these doors being placed in any situation desired, a a show two iron rods, to which the' timbers below may be suspended. Three inches is quite sufficient for the thickness of this partition, unless the story be made more than ten feet in height. B shows a method of framing the principal rafters through the king post, their ends bearing against each other. C exhibits a side C AlEi IF'-Ii Vi 'J'Ji'T . I T -•:>' w 26 & . <.« F \ l( ^ — - I £ 5S n— ^ -a IT K PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. 113 view of the king post, showing the mortice made through it, which is six inches in breadth, and leaves two inches of wood on each side of it. If this example be faithfully framed, it leaves no chance for shrinkage or indentation. D shows an example for a wrought iron truss of twenty-six feet span. This truss is capable of being extended to a greater length if desired, a, b, c, are pieces of wood used for the purpose of preventing the truss from tumbling. F and G exhibit different methods of scarfing timbers, figured in feet and inches, and plain to inspection. The ends of the iron straps on F are let into the beam. E shows the best method of constructing a floor for a dwelling- house. The beam lying under the partition which separates the rooms from the entry, is six by twelve inches ; the one in the centre between the rooms and under the sliding doors, ten by twelve ; the trimmer joists four by twelve, and the common joists two by twelve. a, a, show two rows of stiffeners, which may be made with pieces of inch boards that are of little or no value. They should be cut in, so as to make a perfect joint against the sides of the joists, and fitted in with a little force. They should never be omitted in a floor of this sort, where the joists have more than ten feet bearing ; for they stiffen and strengthen the floor exceedingly. H shows the method of framing the trimmer joists ; J, the joists into the beam ; and K, the end of a joist cut so as to rest on a brick wall. If a floor of a dwelling-house be loaded with people, to which it is always liable, the load is then equal to one hundred and twenty pounds on each square foot ; we therefore see that the floor of a room of twenty by seventeen feet, must be capable of resisting a pressure of 40,800 pounds. 29 U4 PRACTICAL CARPENTRY. The bearing weight of one of these joists (supposing them to be of spruce), is obtained as follows. The breaking weight of spruce is 570. Divide 570 by the length of the joist, which is 17 feet, and you obtain 33 feet nearly (for I leave out the decimals). Deduct 10 from 33, and the remainder is 23. Multiply 23 by 2, the breadth of the joist, and you obtain 46. Multiply 48 by the square of the depth of the joisi, which is 144, and you obtain 6624, which is the breaking weight ; and the breaking weight of the 20 joists collec- lively which are in the floor (I call each of the trimmers equal to two common joists), is 132,480 pounds. And they contain 680 feet of timber, board measure. We will now see, in the same manner, what the resistance to pressure is, of a floor framed in the common way, with a beam lying lon} J,' iSf .;... L [ r /.' &= tfrf) JC.41 10.6 'S / : 5? ' c H I 1& V I « «j i i *|« , § Mf 1 5. :. mMk . KM I I I .'-Ul I ■- !■ ,t ,1 IT ij .i gill = I I ) I "III rt i , . . ■' _i — r D □ I 1= EST] IE :3 c V Q i r o^ ^ ^ i \s H D: r j" i] r- n rl I rr ITLEJ r J" S n \ i g ji r j r r 1 '40 I H- ■fill