u:^w>\.- ^,^1^ 'V"*/^ \, 1 m^w^"^ ^xs&imm V V\ \ ^^ V \ \ \ s , \ v V N \ \ S A \ I, S V V V \ \ ^ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ \\\ s , , WWW'' V V V \ \ \ \A "^ ^ ^ "^ '^ ^ ^ \ ^ "^ ^ *> *^ V ^ V 'v 4. vV t^.' '. W\\\\^ W^ \^ S>\ ^ ^ \ \ V \ \ V \ \ \ V V < V s, \ A \ v\\\ m^J^JJ'A •/ f'j (/////////////////, LIBRARY OF 1885-1056 EPITOME OF THE NATURAL HISTORY v.r /'y V INSECTS OF I ISLANDS IN THE INDIAN SEAS: COMPRISING UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS THE MOST SINGULAR AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIES, SELECTED CHIEFLY FROM T il O S 11 RECENTLY DISCOVERED, AND WHICH HAVE NOT APPEARED IN THE WORKS OF ANY PRECEDING AUTHOR. THE FIGURES ARE ACCURATELY DRAWN, ENGRAVED, AND COLOURED, FROM SPECIMENS OF THE INSECTS; THE DESCRIPTIONS ARE ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE SYSTEM OF LINN^US; WITH REFERENCES TO THE WRITINGS OF FABRICIUS, AND OTHER SYSTEMATIC AUTHORS. By E. DONOFJN, AUTHOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE INSECTS OF CHINA, 6:0. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET; AND SOLD BY MESSRS. RIVINGTONS, ST. PAUl's CHURCH YARD; ^\■HITE, FLEET STREET FAULDER, BOND STREET; AND H. D. SYMONDS, PATERNOSTER ROV/. 1800. ADVERTISEMENT. About four years sincej the Author published an Epitome of the Insects of Chinuj preciscl}- in the same form, and nearly on the same plan, as those of India, which are now submitted to the public. Of the encouragement he experienced on that occasion it might be highly improper to speak with confidence at this moment, lest the sincerity of his motives should be misconceived. Whether he is entitled to expect the like degree of countenance as before, must rest alone with the candid reader to decide. For his own part lie will be content to say, that the favourable reception which the Epitome of the Insects of China met with, was an irresistible inducement with the Author to undertake a similar illustration of the Insects of India; and that whatever may have been ultimately his success, he has not been less soli- citous to render it, in every respect, as interesting and complete as the former work. Various arguments might be adduced in behalf of the present publication, to one of which we cannot refrain adverting. It becomes our peculiar province at this time to awaken the public curiosity to a subject of no mean importance : we are about to consider with atten- tion, the entomological productions of a country for which we ought to cherish the liveliest and deepest interest, as being connected intimately with the prosperity, the dignity, and honour of the British empire ; — in a word, of British India, that invaluable portion of terri- torial domains so long retained in our possession, and finally confirmed to us by the brilliant career of glory that has so recently crowned the exertions of British valour in the eastern ■world. Not that the Author can be disposed to attach any greater degree of consequence to the subject of Indian Entomology in particular, than it may really merit, from the con- templation of events of such vast political magnitude as those alluded to: he is only inclined to entertain the opinion, that a work professedly treating upon the Natural History of a country, in which, as a nation, we have such an immediate interest, will not be thought des- titute of some legitimate claim to public protection. Further still; he must believe that a work which, from the extent of its design and style of embellishments, is calculated to display the Entomology of India to advantage, will not prove unacceptable ; and as no attempt has been hitherto made to elucidate this beautiful tribe of creatures in a similar manner, that the present work may become hereafter of some utility at least, to many individuals who reside in India, as well as to the naturalist in this country. That the Epitome of Indian Insects is not entirely confined to those found in such parts of India as are in the British possession siiould be clearly stated, since it embraces, on the con- trary, the most choice selection possible of those which inhabit every other part of that vast continent, and also the islands situated in the Indian seas. The far greater number of insects included in this selection, are described and figured from specimens in the cabinet of the Author, that were originally collected by the late Duchess of Portland, Mr. Tunstal, Gover- nor Holford, many years resident in India, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Keate, Mr. Yeats, and Mr. Bailey. The author has to acknowledge, likewise, the advantages derived occasionally from inspecting the noble collections of Mr. Francillon, Mr. Drury, and some others spoken of in the course of this work, among which he ought to mention that of A. M'Leay, Esq. especially as being one from which he has received very material assistance. And lastly, the Author cannot permit the opportunity to escape him which the present instance affords, to repeat his thanks to that munificent patron of the sciences, the Right Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart. K.B. for the unreserved access to his classic cabinet and library, with which he has been at all times indulged, in order to complete his General Illustration of Entomology, of which the Epitome of Indian Insects constitutes the second Volume. rOLEOPTEKA y^(\/r,7/'ay/.i> r^JfuW,<f. CO LEOPTERA. SCARAB^US ATLAS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae clavated; club divided into plates. Palpi four. Jaws horny, fomewhat toolhlefs. Shanks of the anterior legs generally dentated. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax three horned, the fore one very fliort ; on the head a (ingle afcending horn. ScARABJEUS Atlas : thorace tricorni : anteriore breviflimo ; capitis cornu adfcendente. Linn. Syst. Nat.—Mus. Lud. Ulr. 6. We are in poffeflion of a fine fpecimen of this gigantic infeft, the only one perhaps of the kind at prefent in this country. It was purchafed by the late Mr Tunftal from the cabinet of a Dutch governor in the Eafl. Indies, with various other uncommon infe£ts that appear in the courfe of the prefent work. There is every reafon to believe that it inhabits the ifland of Amboyna ; or at leaft that our fpecimen was met with in that fpot. Scarabseus Atlas is one of the Linnaean fpecies, being defcribed by that great naturalift from an infeft in the mufeum of the Queen of Sweden. The fame is likewife figured and defcribed by other continental writers, among whom we may mention Merian, Swammerdam, and Voet. Edwards likewife, in his Hiftory of Birds, PI. 105, gives a figure of this and another large kind of Scarabseus *, both of which he tells us had been brought from Borneo, in the Eaft Indies, a circumftance that ought to be obferved, fince other writers fpeak of this infedt as a native of South America. SCARABiEUS SPINIFEX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Without fcutel, thorax roundifli, unarmed : a recurved fpine on the back of the head. ScARAB^us Spinifex : exfcutcUatus, thoracc rotundato iucrmi, occipite fpina recurva. Fah. Spe Inf. I. p.2g. Sp. 131. Inhabits the coaft of Coromandel according to Fabricius, who refers to the colledion of Sir J. Banks Bart, for this infeft. The fame fpecies has alfo been received by us from Bengal. * Scarabaeus Bilobus. Edwards erroneoufly imagined this to be the female, and S. Atlas the male of the fame fpecies. COLEOPTERA. SCARAB^US MILIARIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Without fcutel ; head and thorax unarmed : (hield of the head fix-toothed : thorax and wing cafes dark, with elevated black fpots. ScARAB^us MiLiARis: cxfcutellatus muticus, clypeo fex dentato, thorace elytrifque nigris, maculis elevatis atris. Fab. Spec. Ins. 1. p. 32. Sf. 141. This and the following fpecies feem at firft fight to refemble each other, but are neverthclefs diftiniS : the two kinds are reprefented in the fame plate, both of the natural fize and magnified, in order that the exaft difference between them may be the more easily difcriminated. SCARABiEUS KCENIGII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Without fcutel, unarmed, black ; fliield of the head bidentated : thorax fcabrous : wing-cafes dotted with cinereous. ScARAB^us KcENiGii : cxfcutcllatus muticus, niger, clypeo bidentato, thorace fcabro, elytris punftis cinereis. Oliv, Hist. Ins. 163. CETONIA HIS TRIO. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Teftaceous : two lines on the thorax : future and three fpots on the outer margin black. Cetonia Histbio : teftacea, thoracis lineis duabus elytrorura futura raaculifque tribus nigris. Cetonia HisTRio. Fal. Syst. Ent. — Oliv. Hist. Ins. pi. 10. Jig. g4. CETONIA C^RULEA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Blue; thorax lobed, immaculate: wing-cafes dotted with white. Cetonia C^rulea : caerulea, thorace lobato immaculata elytris albo punftatis. Oliv. Hist. Ins. Cet. p.47. pi. 5. fg. 31. Figured by Olivier from a fpecimen in the cabinet of the unfortunate Louis the Sixteenth, King of France. Our fpecimens are from Bengal. COIJEOFTEIRA. "P^ ^ m ' Q:yca^^/^/zj ^i^iY^r. * t^y^M^-^ jzy/^^-mj^/ . VC.^y^/?/a, fWY^^rM. C^^/?/^- r<^-^///^a COILEOFTERA. CO LEO PTERA. BUPRESTIS STERNICORNIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae fetaceous, as long as the thorax. Head half retraced, or drawn back within the thorax. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Entirely fliining green, with grey impreffed fpots. Wing cafes ferrated and terminated in three teeth. A conic projecting horn on the breaft. BuPRESTis Sternicoknis: elytratis ferrate tridentatis: punftis cinereis impreflls, fterno porrefto conico. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 660. 5. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 88. Fal. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. p. 1. p. Igi. Sp. 35. Among the Infefts of China, we have already defcribed a very beautiful fpecies of the Bupreftis genus, which the natives of that country collect in confiderable numbers, and employ in the various orna- ments of their dreffes, arms, &c. The Bupreftis Sternicornis, and Chryfis, are collefted in India for fimilar purpofes, but being fcarce, are elkemed more valuable than the other kind, which they receive at a low price from China. Both fpecies are brought from Madras and Bombay, but generally in a mutilated ftate ; for the Indians perforate them at both ends and firing them like beads, when they colleft them. BUPRESTIS CHRYSIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorav green, wing-cafes chefnut colour, and terminated in three teeth. A conic projecting horn on the breaft. BuPKESTis Chbysis: clytris ferrate tridentatis caftaneis, fterno conico porredto. Fah. Ent. Syft. T. 3. p. 1. p. 194. Sp. 36, CO LEO PTERA. BUPRESTIS ^NEA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Shining, bronze, wing-cafes terminated in three teeth. BuPRESTis ^nea: elytris tridentatis corpore aeneo immaculato. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. 1. p. IQS. Sp. 31. From the eoaft of Coromandel. — Cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir J. Banlis, Bart. BUPRESTIS 4-MACULATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green, two golden fpots on the thorax, and two on each wing cafe. BuPRESTis 4-MACuLATA : elytris integris viridis thorace poftice elytrifque maculis duabus aureis. Fal: Ent. SyJi. T. 3. /. 1. p. 209. 96. Defcribed by Fabricius from the collection of the late Dr. Fothergill, as an Indian fpecies. It minute creature, but admirably beautiful. COJLEOFTl^MA. r„ ^irY7////j 6 ///^/r////7///j. L/^^/"^/y^'/ 2 ,///// (Vu^u//,). COLEOPTERA. CARABUS 6-MACULATUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae filiform. Palpi fix, exterior joint obtufe, and truncated. Thorax heart-lhaped, truncated at the tip behind, and margined. Wing-cafes margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Apterous, black : on the thorax two white downy fpots ; (hells with four. Carabus 6-Maculatus : apterus ater, thorace raaculis duabus, elytris quatuor tomentofo albis. Carabus Sexguttatus. Gmel. Syst. Nat. \qQ5. 6'i.—Thitnl . nov. Ins. Sj>. 4. p. 70. /. 84. — UNFIGURED. One of the largeft fpecies of the Carabus genus known. Our fpecimen is from the cabinet of the late Duchefs of Portland. CO LEO PTERA. CARABUS BIMACULATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black, with a common interrupted yellow ftripe: antennae and legs teftaceous. Cakabus BiMACULATUS : niger, fafcia communi flava interrupta, antennis pedibufque teftaceis. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1971. Sp. 107. This neat little infedt we have feen from feveral parts of the Eaft Indies. C OI.E OJP TEIRA o # 1^ COLEOPTERA. PAUSUS DENT ICO RNIS. GKNEKIC CHAKACTER. Antennae confilVing of two joints, the exterior one clavnted nnd t'urniflied with a hook, or fpinous proceft. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Brown: wing-cafes fufcous on the back, with a brown poflerior (pot on each: club of the antenna; foliaceous, with a fingle tooth. Pausus Denticoknis: brunnens elytris dorfo fufcis: macula poftice brunnea, antennarum clava foliacea unidentata. The firft account of the Paufus genus appears in a fmall traft written by Linnaeus, and publithed at Upfal, in the year 1775, under the title of Bigas Insectorum, &:c. This paper contains likewife a defcription of the Diopfis genus, which, together with the Paufus, are unqueftionably two of the moft fingular genera of the many tribes of infers hitherto difcovered. Both may poffibly derive fome additional celebiity alfo from the recolleftion that the diflcrtation in which they are inferted concluded the Entomological labours of that diftinguiflied naturalift: it was the laft he ever publifhed in the department of zoology. In the dilTeitation alluded to, the Paufus genus is exemplified by the fpecies Mlcrocephalus, Diopfis by Ichneumonea, a plate with figures of both which, drawn by J. Afzelius, and engraved by Berquitt, accom- pany the defcriptions. It is to this plate, and the original defcriptious of Linnaeus, that Fuefly is indebted folely for the account he gives of both thefe genera in his Archiv. der Insectengesc.hichte, printed at Zurich in 1783. The figures are precifely copies of thofe engraved by Berquift, as are likewife thofe contained in tlie French tranllation of that work which afterwards appeared in Paris. Indeed, as ProfefTor Afzelius has fug- gefted, from the repeated errors that appear in tliofe works in tranflating the Linnaean obfervations, defining the charafler of the Paufus genus, &c. it is very likely that neitlier Fuefly, nor his tranflators, Herbft, Gmelin, and fome other writers who have treated on it, ever faw an infeft of the Paufus genus j the fame might be truly faid of the Diopfis genus alfo. Ihunberg during his travels through the country of the Hottentots in 1/72, found two coleopterous infe£ts which he conceived with much propriety ought to be referred to a new genus, neither of thofe efla- bliftied previous to his departure from Europe by Linnaeus being calculated to admit them. But on his return to Sweden, he found that Linnaeus in his abfence had defcribed that of Paufus, or as he called it PaufTus, to which they might be referred. An account of thefe was afterwards inferted in the Tranfactions of the Royal Academy of Stockholm for I78I : this paper is accompanied with a figure of only one of the infefts mentioned, Uneala, a fpecies very aptly named from the diftinft longitudinal ftreak on each of the wing- cafes, and which is clearly of the fame natural family as the Linnaean Paufus Microcephalus; the other infeft defcribed by Thunberg he calls ruber. — Fabricius configns thefe, witli tlie Linna:an infeft, to his genus Cerocoma. The latell hiftoiy of the Paufus genus is from the pen of ProfelTor Afzelius, a learned, copious, and elabo- rate paper, inferted in the fourth vokime of the TranfaSions of tlie Linnaean Society. He defcribes Paufus Microcephalus, and alfo another kind which he found in Africa, and names Sphaeroides. We may juftly regret, on the perufal of this excellent pajier, that only two fpecies of the Paufus were known to this writer. — Neither of thofe infefts are allied to the four following fpecies, which appear to be entirely undefcribed. For this important acceflion of new fpecies to a genus heretofore fo little known, and, in confequence fo imperfeiSlly underftood, we nre indebted to the aftive and praife-worthy zeal of Mr. Fichtel, in compliment to whom one of them is named Fichtelii. They were all found in tlie vicinity of Bengal. C O L EO P T E RA. Paufus denticornis is clearly of the fame natural family as the reft, having the fame kind of biarticulated antennae : the club is even much larger m proportion than in the others, and the lateral pointed procefs more confpicuous ; yet according to the charafter laid down by Afzelius, this fhould not be admitted into the Paufus genus, the number of joints in each of the tarsi, or feet, amounting only to three; and on the con- trary in the three others they are five in numbrr, notwithftandlng that without very clofe infpeftion they appear to confill only of four. From this circumftance, we are of opinion, that the Linnaean charader while it paffc clear of the prolixity of that eftablillied by Afzelius, is perfedlly fufficieiit, " Antennae clavatis, biarticulatis, clava folida uiiL-iiuita." Or with the omillion of " clava lolida " it might be (till more applicable. P A U S U S T H O R A C I C U S. SPRCIFIC CHARACTER. Teftaceous: diilc of the fliclls fiifeous: thorax bipartite: club of the antennae oblong, excavated behind, cavity oval, denticulated at the margin. Pausus Thoracicus : teftaceis, coleoptris difco fufcis, thorace bipartite clava oblonga poflice excavata: cavitate ovali marginibus denticulatis. The thorax in thi-. infeft is fo deeply divided acrofs the middle that it appears, at the firft fight, as if it were really two. Hence it is named thoracicus, but it muft be obferved, at the fame time, that the fol- lowing differs very little in this refpeft, the thorax being alio very deeply divided. P. thoracicus, and Fichtelii, are pretty nearly alike in other refpefts, and may be of the fame fpecies, differing only in the fex; the moft ftriking difference prevails in the flrufture of the antennae, the excavation in one of which is of an oval, or rather fliuttle fliape, and in the other pyriform. PAUSUS FICHTELII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Teflaceous: wing-cafes brown, teftaceons at the anterior and pofterior ends: thorax fomewhat bipartite: club of the antennae oblong, excavated behind, cavity pyriform. Pausl's Fichtelii: tellactus elytris fufcis antice pofticeque teftaceis thorace fub-bipariito, clava oblonga poflice excavata: cavitate pyriformi. PAUSUS PILICORNIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Teftaceons: wing-cafes pitchy : thorax bipartite, club oblong, attenuated, incurvated at the tip, and befet with a few long hairs. Pausus PiLicoRNis: teftaceus elytris piceis, thorace bipartite clava oblonga apice attenuata iiicurva pilis longis fparlis. In the formation of the club compofing the fecond or exterior joint of the antennae, this fpecies differs altogether from the others : the club is entire or not excavated, and is flighlly befet with hairs. Of this fort Mr. Fichtel met with only a folitary fpeciraen, as was likewife the cafe with our Pausus FiclUelii. COLEOPTERJ. CURCULIO REGALIS. ROYAL CURCULIO. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae club-fliaped and inferted in a horny probofcis or Incut. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. RoftiTim Ihort. Blue changeable to green, velvety or like filk, with bands of reddifli gold. CuRCULio Regalis: breviroftris corpora viridi fericeo : fafciis aureis rcpaudis. Lhin.SyJi.Nat.2.6i6 "Jli Fab. Ent. S)Jl. T. 1. /. 2, p. 449. 234. If our ideas of the term regalis will permit its application to any infeft, we agree with Linnaeus in the appropriate, though pompous title beftowed on this fpecies of Curculio. It is an aggregate of beauty and fplendour: of the lovelieft cosrulean, changing alternately to the deeper glow of the violet, to green, or the tranfitory fparkling of intermingled filver. Every fpace of blue is conftantly contrafted with another of crimfon, and which as the violet changes to blue or green, alters its afpeft to a ftill more vivid expanfe of gold. Each of thofe colours, the blue and red, are diftina; for an irregular fpace of black limits every fpot and marking, and relieves the whole. As the efFeft of fuch a combination of colours in this compa- ratively fmall fpecies is inconceivably fplendid, and almoft inimitable, one figure in the plate is intended to fliow the natural fize, and to admit of more perfeft delineation, another fomewhat magnified is added alfo. This infeft, which is believed to be unique in Great Britain, was brought from France in the collec- tion of MoNS. De Calonne, and is in the poirellion of the author. Linnaeus met with it in one of the cabinets on the continent, and defcribes it as a South American inle6t. In the Entoinologia Sy/Jcmatica the error is correfted, and it Hands as an Indian fpecies. C O L E O P T E R A. The Curculio regalis has been figured only in the iinfinifhed produftions of a French author on Exotic Coleoptera, Olivier, and the extreme fcarcity of that part of his work which has been publiflied, would induce us to add this infedl to our Indian fpecies, were we uninfluenced by any other motive. CURCULIO PALM ARUM. PALM TREE CURCULIO. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Roftrum long. Entirely black. Thorax broad and flattifli. Wing cafes fliort and ftriated. Curculio Palmarum: longiroflris ater thorace fupra piano, elytris abbreviatis itriatis. Fab. Ent. Sy/l. T. \. f. 1. p. Zg5. ff. 2. Linn.SyJl. Nat. 2. 506. 1. A very abundant Ipecies in India, where it is found chiefly on the palm trees. MJ Hemiftera. r ^^ o »^^/^^ ■ A^//^////^2 HEMIPTE RA. FULGORA PYRORHYNCHUS. RED-TIPPED FIRE FLY. GENERIC CHARACTER. Forehead elongated. Antennae below the eyes, and confift of two articulations. The beak or roftrum bent inwards under the body. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Trunk afcending, apex red. Wing cafes brown, pale acrofs the middle. Wings black, green at the bafe. FuLGORA Pyrokhynchus: fronte roftrata adfcendentc apicc rubra, elytris fufcis fafcia palidiore: alis nim-is bafi \mdihus. -UNFIGURED. Amongft the more valuable acquilitions, defigned to enrich this illutlration, few can afford higher gratification to the fcientific reader than this Fulgora. In fize it is inferior only" to F. Lanternaria, it is an undoubted nondefcript, and may be confidered as a ftriking example of the entomological riches of a country hitherto fcarcely known, the interior of Indosta/i. It was originally brought from India by the late Governor Holford, and is now in the pofleflion of the author. He has fought in vain for this fpecies in other cabinets of exotic infects, and ventures to deem his fpecimen unique. naturally directed to the aftoniihing property fome infedts of this genus are known to poflefs, that of emanating light; and it was to this infeiSt we alluded in particular, when fpeaking of one from interior India, that enabled us to extend our obfervations on that property. The trunk is large, of a dark purple, thickly fprinkled with fpots of white phofphoric powder, and the apex, which is fcarlet, and fomewhat pellucid, ftill retains a reddiili glow, that almoft convinces us the creature when living could difRjfe light both from the apex and the fpots. In admitting this conjefture, without wandering into the marvellous, its nofturnal appearance muft be infinitely more Angular than either of the known fpecies of Fulgorx-, Lampyrides, or any other luminous infeft yet difcovered ; for, when on the wing, the illuminated apex would refemble a globule of fire, or heated iron, and the numberlels phofphoric fpots on the tube, form a train of glittering ftars to accompany it *. » As it may be thought improbiible that any infea can exhibit fuch an extraordinary appearance, the words ot OUvier on fome fpecies of Lampyrides may not be unlatisfaftorj'. The infcfts are certainly very diftinft, but reports of travellers coun- tenance an opinion that the phofphoric emanations are analogous in the fpecies of both genera. ' The phenomena produced by a natural phofphorus is ftill more wonderful in fome foreign fpecies, in which the males dune, and being provided with wings will produce in their rapid flight a thoufand fmall ftars.' Oiivier, Hijiiirc Ja Inf-ila, H E M I P T E R A. The only figure of a Fulgora in any refpeft lefembling this fpecies, is given in the works of Stohl under the title oi De GrooU Goene Cmomandelifiht Lantaar?idrager * ; but among other evident fpecific diftindions we need only notice the ftrufture of the trunk, which is altogether different, being much re- curved and tapering gradually from the bafe to an acute point at the apex: its colour is alfo an olive black. / FULGORA HYALINATA. CLEAR-iriNGED FIRE FLY. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Trunk conic, uneven. \Ving cafes iranfparent, fireaked acrofs with black. Fulgora Hyalinata: fronte conica inaequalis elytris hyalinis : ftriga atra. FaL Ent. Sjjl. T. 4. /.. 5. /p. 16.—UNFIGURED. Fabricius refers to the colleaion of Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart, for tliis and the following fpecies. The annexed figures are copied from the fpecimens that author has defcribed. — F. Hyalinata is from Bengal. ^ eFULGORA FES T IV A. HANDSOME FIRE FLY. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Trunk conic. Wing cafes brown: anterior margin green with five black fpots, femi-circled with orange. Wings red at the bafe. Fulgora Festiva: fronte conica, elytris fufcis: margine exteriore virefcente; punftis nigris fulvifque, alis bafi rubris. Fjb. Ent. Sj/l. T. 4. f. 5. fp. IJ.—UXFIGURED. This fpecies is from Coromandel. * PI. 26, fig. 143. Green Lantern-carrier fly of Coromandel. — .\t the conclufion of the defcription Stohl fays, " In Jt NiJir. lanJfche KabinetUn, fee. &c." ' This infea was not known in the cabinets of the low countries till within three years,' anno 1780, ' during which time a few were brought from Tranquebar on the Coromandel coaft, to the cabinet of natural curiofitics of his Ilighnefs the Stadtholder of the United Provinces, of which I have been obligingly permitted to take the figure of a female by Monf. Vofmar, to whom I owt my pulilic acknowledgments for it.' 99. tab. 26. ^- \^ HEMFPTEJSA, ^ / (^r^(m y//v/A>/. H E M I P T E R A. ^ ^^ FULGORA LI NEAT A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Trunk linear, afcending : wing-cafes pale, witli two brown lines. FuLGORA Lineata: fronte roflrata lineari adfccndente, elytris pallidis: lineis duabus fufcis. A pretty little undefcribed fpecies found in Bengal, where it is not very uncommon. <3 FULGORA PALLIDA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Trunk linear, afcending: thorax pale green, with red lineations ; wing-cafes hyaline. FuLGORA Pallida : fronte roflrata lineari adfcendente thorace pallide viridi rubro lineato elytris hyalinis. From the fame place as the preceding infect. H E M I P T E R A. CICADA INDICA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black J on the thorax a yellow ftripe; towards the extremity of the abdomen an orange band: wing-cafes brownifh olive with red veins. Cicada Indica: nigra thorace fafcia flava abdomine poftice fafcia aurantia, elytris fufco-olivaceis venis rubris. This is unqueftionably one of the moft ftriking and magnificent fpecies of Cicada we are acquainted with. A fingle fpecimen of this kind was difcovered in Bengal by Mr. Fichtel about four years ago. It is now depofited in the Imperial cabinet at Vienna. HEMIFTEMA, v////y,-^ /'//V^//,/. HE MI PT JEM A, !^::i^^^^y^z^ ///'/:'//^n6a>. HEMIPTERA. MANTIS GIGAS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Head fhaking, or unfteady, armed with jaws, and furniflied with filiform palpi. Antennae fetaceous. Wings four, membranaceous, convoluted, inferior ones folded. Anterior legs compreffed, ferrated with teetli beneath, and armed with a fingle claw. Four pofterior ones fmooth, and formed for walking. Thorax linear, elongated, and narrow. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax rouiidilh, and fcabrous; wing-cafes very fhort; legs fpinous. Mantis Gigas: thorace teretiufculo fcabro, elytris breviffimis, pedibus fpinofis. Linn. Gmel. 2048. Sp. I. —Fa/'. S/>cc. Ins. 1. p. 345. n. l.—Phasma Gigas. Fab. Ent. Syst. The largeft of this very e.xtraordinary genus known. Our fpecimen is from the ifland of Amboyna. Rare. MANTIS VIRIDIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green, thorax round, glabrous : wing-cafes very fhort : wings pale teftaceous with a green coftal rib : legs fimple Iantis Viridis: thorace tereti glabro, elytris breviffimis, alis pallido-teftaceis cofta viridi pedibus fimplicibus. Phasma Edule, fern. Lichtenstein in Linn. Trans, vol.6, p. 13? Perhaps more fcarce than the preceding infeft. This we alfo received from Amboyna. MANTIS SICCIFOLIA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax denticulated: thighs oval and membranaceous. Mantis Siccitolia : thorace denticulato, femoribus ovatis membranaceis. Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulr. IJ fahr. Spec. Ins. 1. p. 34/. n. 14. H E M I P T E R J. An erroneous opinion has prevailed pretty generally among naturalilU reipecting the colour of this infefl:, which when living they conceived to be fimilar to that of a dried, or withered leaf. This, it may be obferved, is commonly the appearance of the infeft after death : fuch was no doubt the colour of the fpecimens delineated by Uoefel; nor can we for a moment hefitate in believing that the infeCls defcribed by the accurate Linnaeus and Dr. Shaw exhibited the like appearance. The fpecimen of the winged infedt in our cabinet has been prcferved however with more than ufual care. Immediately after the death of the creature, as we have realbn to fufpeft, the abdomen had been opened, and fo nicely excavated that no portion of the entr;iils, or oily fluids, which would have inevitably dettroyed the true colour, was allowed to remain. The natural colour is therefore preferved, which is not of a pale brown as is commonly imagined, but of a delicate, lovely green ; a colour dependant, it appears, upon a thin internal coating im- mediately beneath the outer Ikin, the latter of which is perfedly tranfparent and deftitute of any colour. The pupa of this cutious fpecies is reprefented, together with the perfect infed, on the Fi?ica Rofea. There is alfo a much fraaller pupa depi;ted in the upper part of the plate, that was difcovered in one of the ifiands in the Indian feas, and did belong to the celebrated Mr. Bailey, the astronomer who sailed in one of the expeditions with Captain Cook. This is of an analogous kind to that of that Mantis ficcifolia, though evidently diffinft. The perfect infe£t, and in confequence the fpecie.s, is unknown to us. Our only motive for inferting it is to fhew the peculiar Angularity of the abdomen, in the middle of which there are two remarkable fubquadrangular fpols, of a filmy texture, that are tranfparent, and may be feen through very diftiiidly. IIIEMIPTEKA. 'i?///^A^ //".'/^r/zA/A/. H E M I PTERA. GRYLLUS RETICULATUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Head inflected, furnilhed with jaws : palpi filiform. Antennae fetaceous, or filiform : wings four, deflefted, and convolute 5 lower ones folded : pofterior legs formed for leaping, claws double on all the feet. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax boat-ihaped, pofterior part produced and acute : wing-cafes reticulated. Gkyllus Reticulatus : thorace cymbiformi pofterius produ6lo acuto, elytris reticulatis. Fab, Spec. Ins. 1. p. 362. 71.7.— Gmel. T. 1. p. 4 p.2073. Sp.A.—UNFIGURED. An inhabitant of Bengal. There is a fpeciraen of this very rare infeft in the cabinet of Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. GRYLLUS PUNCTATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax warted : wing-cafes black dotted with yellow : wings black. Gryllus Punctatus : thorace verrucofo, elytris atiis flavis punftatis, alis atris. Fab. Spec. Ins. 1. /). 364. w. 14.— Gmel. T. ]. p. 4. p. 2074. Sp. 143. HEMIPTER A. GRYLLUS MONSTROSUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings, and wing-cafes terminating in a tail-like convolution. Gryllus Monstkosus : elytris alifque caudato-convolutis. Fah. Spec. Inf. 1. p. 353. n. 2. — Gmel. T. 1. p. 4. p. 2059. Sp. 73. This very Angular creature is found in the vicinity of Bengal, where, according to the information of Mr. Fichtel, it is by no means common. It lives under ground like the Gryllus Campeftris, and fame other well known analogous European infefts of this tribe. HEMIP TJERA, C^/^^fU^ Ci-^^j^/^^^^^j'g^;^^ ,:=:^^a^J^ a^^^u^. ■.n:t.K„ a,.M .u-,^. HEMIPTERA. LOCUSTA AMBOINENSIS. AMBOYNA LEAF-LOCUST. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae fetaceous : feelers unequal : tail of the female armed with an enfiform weapon. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green : thorax quadrangular with the angles dentated : fcutel large, brown-green ; wing-cafes leaf- formed and very broad. LocusTA Amboinensis: viridiflima, thorace tetragona angulls dentatis, fcutello magno fufco-viridi, elytris foliaceis \at\ttim\5.—UNFIGURED. The only fpecimen we have ever feen of this elegant fpecies is that delineated in the annexed plate with Locufta citrifolia. This infeft was received from Amboyna fome years ago by Governor Holford, then refident in India, and is at this time in the colleftion of the Author. Both the elytra, or wing-cafes, and the pofterior part of the thorax, are of a fine delicate green: the anterior part of the thorax yellowifli brown ; with the head, and body ftill paler. The wing-cafes, as ufual in this tribe, bear no very diftant refemblance to the leaves of certain plants, not only in colour but alfo in the outline, and ftill more fo in the conformation of the nerves which arile and branch off towards the extremities, exadtly in the fame manner as the nerves arife, and ramify, from the mid-rib in the leaves of the far greater number of plants. One peculiarity in the llrudture of the elytra in our new fpecies de- ferves remark : the fcutel, or rather that portion of the wing-cafe on the left fide that folds over the back when the creature is at reft, is of a much tlronger texture than any other part of the infeft except the thorax, and ferves as an external covering or defence to the correfponding lobe of the other wino--cafe, which is of a more delicate nature, coniifting only of a thin and pellucid membrane, the furface of which is hyaline or glaffy. The wings are remarkably tender, of a whitifh colour, and femitranfparent. HEMIPTERA. LOCUSTA CITRIFOLIA. CITRON-LEAF LOCUST. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax quadrangular : crenated at the angles. LocusTA Citrifolia: thorace tetragona : angulis crenatis. Fal. Ent. Syft. T.2. />. 33. Sj>. Gryllus Citrifolius. Linn. Syji. Nat. 2. Qq5. i6. — Mus. Lud. Ulr. 125. Received with the preceding infe6t from Amboyna. HEMltFTKMA. ^^b #- * # % •/■,V /; / H E M I PTE R A. CIMEX NIGRIPES. GENERIC CHARACTER. Snout infleded. Antennae filiform, longer than the thorax. Wings four, folded acrofs each other, the anterior part of the upper pair coriaceous. Back flat, thorax margined : legs formed for running. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Above fanguineous with two black fpots on the fcutel, and a fingle one on each of the wlng-cafcs. CiMEX NiGRiPES : fupra fanguineus fcutello maculis duabus elytris unica nigris. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 4. p. loe. Sp. 101. Cimex Melanopus. Gmel. p.2l49. — Cimex Incarnatus. Drury. Inf. 2. t.36.f.5. This beautiful fpecies bears a diftant fimilitude to Cimex Aurantius, defcribed by us among the infeds of China ; it is found in the environs of Batavia, as we are informed, but is by no means common there. CIMEX PAPILLOSUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ovate, brown, antennae black, fternura gibbous and compreiTed. Cimex Papillosus : ovatus fufcus, antennis nigris, flerno gibbo compreflb. Fub. Spec. Inf. p. 356. Sp.\ 12. Profeffor Tliunberg defcribes this Cimex under the name of Chinenfis. Our figures reprefent both the larva and the perfeft infeft. That our fpecimens are from the Eaft Indies need not ad.-nit of doubt : the fame kind is mentioned as a native of Sierra Leona by fome entomologifts, perhaps without fuflScient authority. CIMEX C R U C I A T U S. .SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pale yellow with black fpots j fcutel black with a pale crofs. Cimex Cruciatus : nigro pallidoque varius fcutello nigro : cruce alba. Fab. Ent. St/Ji. T. 4. /. 1 jg. Sp. \53.—UNFIGURED. Defcribed only by Fabricius, who acquaints us that it was found in the Eaft Indies by Dr. Koenig. We polfefs a fpecimen of this fpecies from Bengal. HEMIPTERA. CIMEX MACTANS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Oblong, above rufous, two black dots on the thorax, and on the fcutel two. CiHEX Mactans : oblongus fupra rufus, thorace, fcutelloque punftis duobus nigris. Fab. Spec. Ins. 2. 366, Sp. 168.—UNFJGURED. CIMEX UNIGUTTATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax with acute fpines, ferruginous ; fcutel marked with a large white dot. CiMEX Uniguttatus : thorace acute fpinofo ferrugineis, fcutello punfto magno albo notata. UNFIGURED. A curious fpecies. This is a native of Madras. CIMEX VIRIDIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax fpinous, green : wing-cafes brownilli grey, fcutel at the apex yellowifli : fpines on the thorax cylindrical, and truncated. CiMEX V1KIDI5 : thorace fpinofo viridis ; elytris fufco-cinereis, fcutello apice flavefcente; thoracis fpinis cylindricis truncatis. UNFIGURED. This rare infeft is from Ceylon. CIMEX SERRATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax with acute fpines, leftaceous : wing-cafes greenilli : abdomen ferrated. CimexSekratus: thorace acute fpinofo tellaceus: elytris virefcens, abdoraine ferrato. UNFIGURED. ■'^W//^-' jyy/^r/////J Lefidoftiiira. t^vaJi^/? tJ¥//7i^i-(?/\ ^^i//m ^.W/z/pi %/?//^. LEP IDO PTERA. PAPILIO ANTENOR. GENERIC CHARACTER. Palpi two, refledled. Tongue fpiral, exferted. Antennae terminating in a club, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, both above and beneath black with white fpots; a marginal feries of red lunated fpols on the pofterior pair. Papilio Antenok : alls candatis concoloribus atris albo maculatis : pofticis lunulis marginalibus rubris. Fah. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /.. I. /. 4. Sf. Q. Papilio Antenor is an infeift of very interefting figure, and may be numbered with much propriety among the raretl of the Papilio tribe found in India. It is delineated both in the works of Drury, and Jablonlky. PAPILIO ANTIPHUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, above and beneath black, with feven lunar red fpots on the pofterior pair. Papilio Antiphus : alls caudatis concoloribus nigris: pofticis lunulis feptem rubris. Fab. Ent. Sy//. T. 3. p. 1. p. 10. Sj,. 28.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PRIAM US. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings denticulated, filky : anterior pair green above with a black dilk : fix black fpots on the pofterior ones. Papilio Priamus : alis denticulatis holofericeis : anticis fupra viridibus; macula atra, pofticis maculis fax nigris. Linn. SyJl. Nat. 2. 74-1. I. — Miis. Lud. Ulr. 182. — Amocn. Acad, 5 tab. 3. — Cleri. Icon, tab. 17. LEPIDOPTERJ. With the exception of Papilio Ulyfles, which perhaps in point of fplendour may excel, Papilio Priamus is beyond coraparifon the moft lovely creature of this tribe of infefts hitherto difcovered, either in India or any other country. It is a native of Amboyna, where we underftand it is extremely rare, and bears a confiderable price among the Dutch amateurs in that ifland. We obtained a pair of them in fine con- dition Ibme years ago from the cabinet of the late Mr.Tunftall, who had purchafed them in Holland, from a colledion made by one of the Dutch governors in Amboyna. This rarity is figured in a retting pofition on the bloffoms of the Mimosa Grandiflora. PAPILIO DIEPHOBUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, brown ; beneath fpotted at the bafe with red ; feven fubannular red fpots on the pofl:erior pair. Papilio Diephobus : alls caudatis nigris fubtus bafi rubro nnaculatis, pofiicis maculis feptem rubris fub- annularibus. Linn. Syji. Nat. 2. 746. 7. PAPILIO LACEDEMON. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, black, with a marginal feries of whitilh lunar fpots : pofterior ones beneath brown with black lunar fpots. Papilio Lacedemon : alls dentatis nigris : lunulis marginalibus albidis : pofticis fubtus brunneis : lunulis nigiis. Fab. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p. 1. p. 36. Sp. 107.—UNFIGURED. JLEP.i[;i301l"TKHA. n^.'n ruKi'fktd -. Le fiidop tem a. JyWmi^ /ya^/?Mr//j X E F IID OP TEJRA. MaJ. M, ///////c> L ^(^//ar/^// / HE MIPTE RA. PAPILIO PANTHOUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Dentated, anterior wings black, with white marks. Pofterior chiefly white, witli black ipots. Papilio Panthous: alls dentatis concoloribus nigris: anticis albo maculatis, pofticis maculis albis nigro foetis. Lhm. Sj^ft. Nat. 2. 748. 17. Fab. Ent. Syft. T. 3. /. 1. /. 18. ff. 5Q. This noble fpecies is figured in a refting pofition on a flower of the Bouhk variegated Japan Rofe, a fcarce variety of the Camellia Japonica. It is one of the many magnificent natural produAions of Am- boyna, and is extremely rare. The fuppofed female of this infeft is also confidered as the female of Papilio Priamus ; it is a gigantic creature, being flill larger than the butterfly reprefented, but it is lefs beautiful, and the general colour an obfcure reddifli brown. PAPILIO HELIACON. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Dentated. Anterior wings uniform black: pofterior pair yellow in the dilk, with fpots of black. Papilio Heliacon: alls dentatis concoloribus nigris: pofticis difco flavo nigro punftato. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3 . /. 1. /. I9. /(>. 60.—UNFIGURED. An infeft from the Eaft Indies, in the cabinet of Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. 8 HEMIPTERJ. PAPILIO IDtEUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, black. A fliort yellow dafli acrofs the anterior margin of the firft pair. Second pair fpotted vith red : a palmated mark of three red fpots in the middle. Papilio Id^eus: alis dentatis nigris: anticis fafcia abbreviata flava, pofticis macula palmata trifida punc- tifque fanguineis. Fab. Ent. Syft. T. 1. /. 1. /. l6. fjt,. 48— UNFIGURED. Brought from Madras. PAPILIO ASTYANAX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, black. A forked broad whitifli band acrofs the anterior pair. Poflerior pair spotted with red. Papilio Astyanax: aUs dentatis ccncoloribus nigris: anticis fafcia fefquialtera ftriata alba, pofticis rubro maculatis, Fa^'. Ent. Sv/L T. 3. p. 1. /.. 13. 37. — UNFIGURED. This fpecies is defcribed only by Fabricius in his Entomologia Syflcmat'ica, and muft not be confounded ,'ith the P. Aftyanax in the Sfer/es hifeilorum of the fame author, that being a very diftinft infeft, and native of America. PAPILIO P O L Y M N E S T O R. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, black. Pofterior part of the lower pair bluifh, with rows of black fpots. Papilio Polymnestor: alis dentatis fubconcoloribus nigris: pofticis apice ccerulefcentibus nigro maculatis. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. /. 1. /. 18. Jj>. 55. This remarkably fine fpecies is found in feveral parts of Afia; it is rare, but has been figured by Cramer and Jabhnjky. LEFJriMDrTK.KA: I'/zJ/^yj ^M^^ ,-^ ?/Jl/M.i> ^j2/^a//////> ^ly^^A/'^/^.n/'j.^o X. JE F I ID) OF TJE JR A o<J LEPIDOPTERA. r/''^ — . V PAPILIO EMPEDOCLES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, brown : on the firft pair an abbreviated band, and fpols of green. Papilio Empedocles : alis caudatis fnlcis : anticis fafcia abbreviata maculari viridi, poflicis fubtus maculis duabus anguli ani. Fab. Enl. Syjl. T. 3. p. 1. p. 70. Sf. 217 .—UNFIGURED. ArT a PAPILIO ULYSSES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, black : dilk radiate, blue : feven ocellated fpots on the under fide. Papilio Ulvsses : alis caudatis nigris : difco coeruleo radiante, poflicis fubtus ocellis feptem. Linn. Sijjl. Nat. 2. 748. 21. Our fpecimens are from one of the Dutch fpice iflands in the Eaft Indie PAPILIO EVALTHE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, black : two yellow bands on the anterior ones; and one of yellow, with red fpots on the pofterior pair. Underfide red, with a band of yellow fpots. Papilio Evalthe: alis integerrimis nigris: anticis fafciis duabus, poflicis unica fiavis maculifque rubris, fubtus rubris : fafcia maculari fiava. Fab. E?it. Syji. T, 3. p. I. /. 45. Sp. 136. A fcarce and beautiful fpecies : reprefented on a fprig of the Vitex Negundo, Finele^ Chaste Tree. LE P I DO PT E R A. PAPILIO LETHE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, tailed, and fulvous: anterior pair black, yellowifti at the bafe, with two firipes and fulvous fpots. Papilio Lethe : alls dentate caudatis fulvis : anticis apice nigris : fafcia apiceque flavis. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3 . /. 1. /. 80. Sf. 250.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO COCLES. IPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings (lightly tailed, whitifh, with flreaks of brown : in the middle a whitifli green ftripe ; on the lower ones beneath a row of ocellated dots. Papilio Cocles : alls fubcaudatis albo flavefrentique flrigofis : fifcia media alba, pnfticis fublus ftriga punaorum ocellatorum. Fab. Ent. SyJl. T. 3. p. \. p. 65. Sp. 20A.— UNFIGURED. This delicate infeft is a native of Siam. PAPILIO TIRIDATES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, with two tails : above black with blue fpots, and a marginal row of pale yellow dots. Papilio Tikidates : alis dentato bicaudatis : fupra nigris coeruleo maculatis margineque albo punftato. Fab. Ent. SyJl. T. 3. p. 1. p. 62. Sp. IQ5. Inhabits Ambovna. Ll] PI]D OP T ER A. £^Yu/^iy ^^Mt' : ^^A/Zm /c>c/^^j. //A///^? i_J^irt6A!i^. L JE F I rj) OP TE 3§ A, a LEFIBOIPTEMA, O' a/7////? GJ^^/./. -^^/^r^^^ /// '^.a/^////^ '•yyy/?//^v/7//a L E P I D O P T E R A. PAPILIO IDEA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings femi-tranfparcnt, white, veined and fpotted with black. Papilio Idea : alis denudato-albis : venis maculifque nigris. Fab. Sfec. Inf. 2. j>. 38. n. 160. — Gmei. j>. 2258. 5/. 73. There is a peculiar delicacy in the appearance of this large and rare Papilio that ftrongly recommends itfelf to our attention, and, notwithftanding that the figure of it has a place already in feveral works on entomology, impels us to include it in the prefent feleftion of Indian Infefts. Clerk, Cramer, and Drury, have each given a delineation of it, the latter of whom names it Papilio Lynceus ; but it is almoft fuper- fluous to add, 'that it is beyond difpute the Papilio Idea of Linnaeus. Our fpecimens are from Amboyna, and are reprefented on the common InJ'tun Ycll'n.u 'Jafm'me. PAPILIO HIPPIA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings greenith white, veins and border black. Papilio Hippia : alis repandis virefcenti albis : venis limboque nigris. Fab. Em. Syft. T. 3. ^. I. /. 5g. Sj>. \85.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO AFFINIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, black, with white fpots : border of the poflerior one beneath black, fpotted with yellow and white. Papilio Affinis : alis dentatis nigris albo maculatis : pofticis fubtus limbo nigro flavo alboque maculate. Fab. Ent. Syft. T.3. p.\. f. 58. Sf. 181.— UNFIGURED. LEP IDO PTERA. PAPILIO PHILOMELA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings black, fpotted with white; pofterior pair radiated with yellow at the bafe. Papilio Philomela: alis repandis nigris albo maculatis : pofticis bafi flavo radiatis. Fab Ent Sy/i T.3. p.l. p. 57. Sp. 179—UNFIGUEED. From a fpecimen in the cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. PAPILIO LEUCIPPE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire : anterior pair orange, with a black margin : pofterior ones yellow. Papilio Leucippe : alis integerrimis : aiiticis rubris; margine nigro, pofticis flavis. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. p.l. p. iQ8. Sp.617. A very rare and elegant fpecies from the ifland of Amboyna. The under fide Is of a lovely yellow, with fliades of orange, fprinkled with a palift brown. PAPILIO DAN^. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings rounded, white : a reddifl, (or faffron coloured) fpot at the tip of the anterior pair, with a black band, and margin ; beneath a moniliform abbreviated flreak. Papilio Dan^ : alis rotundatis albis: anticis apice croceis; margine fafciaque nigris, fubtus ftriga mo- niliformi abbrevlata. Fab. Ent. Syft T. 3. p. 1. p. 203. Sp. 635.—UNFIGURED. Fabricius, in addition to the fpecific charader of this beautiful Butterfly, has given a copious and very minute defcription of it, as one that had not been figured by any author. Our fpecimen is from the Myfore country. Lepidoftera. \J^j/^^/^<^^^L-yj/,,-. , ,^i//,/u m^y/"'-::-^t?//fr. « L E P I B O P T E ^^^••••"•. tt ''fCj///nM6/- C^y/ // ^/////^ .-:- LEPIDOPTERA. P A P I L T O INI A E R U L A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, angulated, yellow : a blacii spot on the anterior pair above, and a ferruginous oncbenealh, Papilio Maerula : alis integris angulatis flavis : anticis fupra macula atra, reliquis ferruginea. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p.l. p. 212. S/>.664. PAPILIO JUDITH. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above and beneath alike: anterior wings white, with black veins and margin: posterior pair fulvous, with a black margin. Papilio Judith : alis integerrimis fubconcoloribus: anticis albis ; venis margineque nigris, pofticis fulvis margine nigris. Fai. Ent. Syfl. T. 3. p. \. p. 202. Sp. 632.—UNFIGUBED. PAPILIO LIBYTHEA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings rounded, entire, and white : a coflal brown fpot at the bafeof the anterior ones, apex brown. Papilio Libythea : alis rotundatis integerrimis albis: anticis cofta bafeos apiceque fufcis. Fab. Ent. SyJi. r. 3. /. 1. /. l£)0. Sp.5g\.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO EUCHARIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings rounded, entire, and white : firft pair fulvous at the tip, with a black margin : fecond pair immaculate. Papilio Eucharis ; alis rotundatis integerrimis albis: anticis apice fulvis; margine nigro, poflicis immaciilatis. Fab. Ent. Syift. T. 3. /. 1. /. 105. Sp. 605.— UNFIGURED. LEPIDOPTERA. PAPILIO GENU T I A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings falcated, entire, white; anterior pair fulvous at the apex : lower ones marbled with green beneath. Papilio Genutia : alis falcatis integerrimis albis : anticis apice fulvis, pofticis viridi marmoratis. Fat. Ent. Syjl. T.3.j>. I. /. ipS. 5/. 601.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO AMARYLLIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above and beneath alike dull white, with a black lunated fpot in the middle of the anterior ones. Papilio Amaryllis : alis rotundalis integerrimis concoloribus obfcure albidis : anticis lunula media nigra.. Fa/-. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. 1 . /. ] 89. 5/. 586.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO CAS TALI A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, white ; above immaculate: beneath yfUowifli at the bafe. Papilio Castalia : alis integerrimis rotund.itis albis fupra immaculatis, fubtus bafi flavefcentibus Fal'. Ent. Syji. T.3. p. 1. /. 188. Sf.580.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO S C Y L L A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, rounded, yellow: anterior pair above white, bordered with black : all clouded beneath. Papilio ScYLLA : alis integerrimis rotundatis flavis : anticis fupra albis ; limbo nigro, fubtus omnibus- nebulofis. Linn. Syft. Nat.—Fau. Ent. SyJl. T. 3. /j. 1. p. 201. Sp. (;30. The three laft fpecies are reprefented on Dolichos Lignosus. JL JE PIID © F TJE jR A. / / Lepib®pteira, «iy^^^ ^^^/i^^/? . ^oA/J^ ^^&-ff/ti. tyu/an^u iZmU/l/Zy. LEPIDOPTERA. PAPILIO CACTA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings angulated, indented : anterior pair black, purple at the bale, with a fulvous Ipot. Papilio Cacta : alis angulato dentatis : anticis nigris bafi purpureis: macula fulva. Fah. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. /. 1. /. 116. 5/. 35G.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO OCT A VI US. SPKCIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, and black, with an abbreviated green band : beneath grey, with a brown ftreak. Papilio OcTAVius : alis caudatis nigris : fafcia abbreviata viridi, fubtus grifeis : ftriga fufca. Fab. Ent. Syji. T.\. p. I. p. 73. Sp. 228.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PYRRHUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, brown, with a common white band. Papilio Pvkrhus : alis caudatis fufcis, fafcia communi alba anticarum dimidiala. Linn. SyJi. Nat. 2. 749. PAPILIO M E N E T H O. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, brown, with a marginal feries of yellow fpots : two ocellated marks on the under fide of the pofterior pair. Papilio Menetho : alis dentatis fufcis : margine flavo maculato, pofticis fubtus ocellis duobus. Fab. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p.l. p. 83. Sp. 260.— UNFIGURED. LEP IBOPTERA. PAPILIO ARCESILAUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above ferruginous, and without fpots : beneath brown, with three dark ftreaks, and a row of white dots Papilio Arcesilaus : alis iniegerrimis fupra ferrugineis immaculatis, fubtus fufcis : ftrigis duabus obfcurioribus Fah. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p.l. p. 153. Sp. 470.—UNFIGURED. Fabricius defcribes this fpecies from a Ipecimen in the cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart. It is a native of Siam. PAPILIO BLANDINA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, black, fpotted with white: a blue ftreak at the bafe of the anterior pair; and another at the margin of the pofterior ones. Papiho Blandina : alis dentatis atris albo maculatis : anticis flria bafeos poflicis ftriga marginali cceruleis. Fai. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. /. 1. p. I29. Sp. 397.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO LIBERIA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, fulvous, with a black curved mark at the tip of the anterior pair: a black dot on the polierior ones above, and three ocellated fpols beneath. Papilio Liberia : alis dentatis fulvis : anticis arcu apicis, pofticis lupra pundlo atro, fubtus tribus ocellaribus. Fab. Ent. Sy/t. T. 3. />. 1. />. 135. S/>. 41S.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PHEGEA. SPECIFIC CHARACTEK. Wings indented, brown; with either a white or ferruginous band on the anterior pair : difk of the pofterior ones ferruginous or white ; beneath paler with black waves. PoPiLio PiiEGEA : alis dentatis fufcis : anticis fafcia pofticis difco ferrugineo aut albo, fubtus pallidioribus nigro undatis. Fal: Ent. Sy//. T. 3. p. I. p. 132. Sp. 40?.— UNFIGURED. liEI^IDOPTESA. ^^. utM . ^^^^v'^,, ^ '- * "^J^a/^^a: . ^O^^/m: \ 7' ]L K P J[ JD) O F T JE B A. P LEPIDOPTERA. P A P I L I O F A T 1 M A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Wings llightly, tailed black, with a common yellow ; pofterior ones with the band abbreviated and red fpots. Papilio Fatima : alls fubcaudatis atris : fafcia communi flava, poflicarum abbreviata maculifque rubris. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. 1. p. 81. Sj>. 252.—UNFTGURED. PAPILIO THYELIA. SrECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, fulvous with black fpots : on the bafe of the pofterior pair beneath a white band, and two fcarlet dots at the bafe. Papilio Tiiyelia : alls dentatis fulvis nigro maculatis : pofticis fubtus fafcia alba punftifque duobus bafeos coccineis Fab. Ent. Sij/i. T. 3. /.. 1. f. 142. Sp. 437.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO NERO. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, fanguineous, margin brownifli : pofteiior wings beneath orange. Papiho Nero : alis integerrimis fanguineis: margine fufcente, poflicis fubtus aurantiis Fub. Ent. S)Jl. T.3. /..]./. 153. Sj>.47l.—UNFIGURED. defcription of this fine Papilio is taken fron:i a fpecimen in the Britifh Mufeum. PAPILIO G NIDI A. [C CHARACTER. Wings dentated, teftaceous : anterior pair brown at the apex, with a white band ; pofterior ones with a fulvous ftreak, and black lunated fpots. Papilio Gnidia : alis dentatis teftaceis anticis apice fufcis, fafcia alba, pofticis ftriga fulva : lunulis nigris. Fab. Ent. Syft. T.3. p.]. p. 13". Sp. 422.— UNFIGURED. LEPIDOPTERA. PAPILIO HIARBA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings deiitated, black, wiih a common white band, abbreviated on the anterior pair. Papilio Hiarba : alis dentatis nigris : fafcia communi alba anticarum abbreviata. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. 1. p. 128. 5/>.3C)l. PAPILIO ISIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated ; anterior pair black with the dilk fanguineous : beneath entirely lineated with green. Pai'ilio Isis : alis dentatis: anticis atris ; macula dilci fanguinea, omnibus fubtus viridi linealis. Fab. Ent. SyJl. T. 3. p. \. p. 124. Sp. 377.— UN FIGURED. PAPILIO PHORCYS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, flightly tailed, and brown : beneath obfcurely ftreaked, with two cinereous fpots on the pol^erior pair. Papilio Phorcys: alis dentato fubcaudatis fufcis : fubtus obfcurius ftrigolis : pofticis pun6tis duobns cinereis. Fab. Ent. SyJi T. 3. p. \. />. 80. Sf>. 248.— UNFIGUJtED. PAPILIO ERIBOTES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings flightly tailed, fulvous, blueilh at the bafe : beneath grey. Papilio Eribotes : alis fubcaudatis fulvis bafi caerule.fcentibus, fubtus grifeis. Fab. Em. SyJl. T. 3. />.!./. 73. Sp. 22g.— UN FIGURED. X.JEP1I]) OPTE MA. G y.i A'/{,i n£,. v> ///^(^/^/^^^~^0//^ '/■' ■//'). V^Vt^^/^V ^?^ /<WVV^'.«> LlEFIBOPTET^A. ^'fy^Ao 61/. /^/„-. . l^i^,A:>^^r.r LEPIDOPTERA. PAPILIO ISIDORE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wing-i hooked, tailed, and fulvous : two pale dots in the middle of the anterior ones ; tip black. Papilio Isidore : alls falcato caudatis fulvis : anticis puntilis duobus mediis pallidis apiceque nigris Fal. Ent. Sijji. T. 3. />. 1. />. 78. Sf. 244. PAPILIO CYDIPPE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, black with a common rufous difk : beneath teftaceous at the bafe, and varied with black and blue. Papilio Cydippe : alls dentatis nigris albo maculatis : area communi rufa, fubtus bafi teflaceis nigro coeruleoque variis. Linn. Syjl. Nat. 2. 77Q. 136.— Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. 1. />. 1 12. Sp. 345. PAPILIO DIRCE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings angulated, brown, with a yellowilh band on the anterior ones : beneath undulated with blackifli brown ftripes. Papilio DiiiCE : alis angulatis fulcis : fafcia anticarum flavefcente, fubtus nigro undulatis. Linn. SyJi. Nat. 2. 778. 77\.—Fab. Ent. SyJl. T.3. p. 1. J>. 123. 5/). 376. PAPILIO EURINOME. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, black, fpotted with white : pofterior pair white at the bafe. Papilio Eurinome: alis dentatis nigris albo maculatis: pofticis bafi albis. Fub. Ent. SyJi. T.3. p. p. 57. Sp. 1/8 LE P IDO PTER A. P A P I L I O H I P P O N A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, tailed, varied with yellow and black : on the pofterior ones four white dots Papilio Hippona : alis dentate caudatis flavo nigroque variis : pofticis pundis quatuor albi: Fab. Ent. Syst. T. 3. p.\. p. 180. Sp. 55g. PAPILIO CYANE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, black, a white band on the anterior wings ; difk of the pofterior ones white, dotted with black. Papilio CvANE : alis dentatis nigris : anticis fafcia, pofticis difco nigro punftato albis. Fab. Em. Syst. T. 3. p. I. p. 1 15. sp. 352. PAPILIO COENOBITA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings indented, black: anterior ones with a white ftreak and fpots ; pofterior pair with a white band above, beneath white with four bands, and marginal fpots of brown. Papilio Coenobita : alis dentatis nigris : anticis ftria maculifque, pofticis fupra fafcia alba, fubtus albis: fafciis quatuor maculifque marginalibus fufcis. Fab. Ent. Syst. T. 3. p.l. p. 247. Sp. 76g. — VN- FIGURED. PAPILIO C O C A L I A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, brown : anterior ones fpotted with black and yellow ; beneath entirely greylfh, with a row of white dots. Papilio CocALiA : alis dentatis fufcis : anticis nigro flavoque maculatis, fubtus omnibus grifeis . ftriga punftorum alborum. Fab. Ent. Syst. T. 3. p.l. p. 250. Sp. 777.—UNFJGUBED. X.E F I ID OP TE ]R.A . / ^ X,E F IB ©F Ti;iR A . / ^f^y^^A^ t -/(//lAid . ^ ' y^ad< *^ L E P I D O P T E R A. PAPILIO SOPHIA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dentated, variegated with yellow, fulvous, and black : margin brown, dotted with black, and white lunate.l Ipols on the pofterior ones. Papilio Sophia : alis dentatis flavo fulvo nigroque variis : margine fufco nigro pnnaato lunulif<]ue pof- ticarum albis. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. 1 . /.. 248. Sj>. 771.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO AUGE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Wings dentated, brown : anterior ones tafciated with greenifli : pofterior pair fulvous fpotted with black, with a black fpot at the bafe beneath, Papilio Auge: alis dentatis fafriis : anticis fafciis viridibus, pofticis fulva nigro raaculata, fubtus bafeos atro. Fab. Ent. Syji. T.3. />. I. j>. 248. Sj,. 773.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO B ALDUS. SPECIFIC CHARyVCTER. Wings entire, brown : an ocellated fpot with a double pupil on the anterior wings; on the pofterior pair four upon the upperfide, and fix beneath. Papilio Baldus : alis inlegerrimis fufcis : anticis utrinque ocello; pupilla gemina, pofticis fupra ocellis quatuor, fubtus lex. Fab. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p. 1. p. 223. Sp. Qgg.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PERIANDER. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, above and beneath white ftriped with yellow : tips brown with white ftreaks. Papilio Periander : alis caudatis concoloribus albis flavo fafciatis fufcis albo ftrigofis. Fab. Ent. Sy/L T. 3. /. I. j>. 67. Sj,. 208.— UNFIGURED. A rare fpecies; from the Myfore country. L E P IDO PTERA. PAPILIO ALLICA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings dcntated, above and beneath obfcure fulvous, with numerous black dots, and fmaller ones of white. PAriLio AtLicA : alia dentatis fubconcoloribus obfcure fulvis: pundis nigris numerofis albo fcetis. Fab. Ent. Sn/i. T. 3. p. I. p. 244. Sp. 761. Inluibits Siam. PAPILIO OBRINUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above brown, with a green ftripe on the anterior pair, and a ferruginous fpot on the pofte- rior ones : beneath greenifh with a white band. Papilio Obrinus : alis integerrimis fupra fufcis : fafcia coenilea maculaque ferruginea, fubtus viridibus: fafcia albicante. Linn. Sy/i. Nat.2. 76S- 113. PAPILIO LIRIA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings fomewhat dentated, cinereous, waved with brown : on the anterior wings a white flripe, and four white ocellated fpots on the pofterior pair- I'apilio Liria : alis fubdentatis cinereis fufco undatis : anticis fafcia alba, pofticis puniSis quatuor ocel- laribus albis. Fat. Ent. Syft. T. 3. /. 1 . p. 239. Sp. 747.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO GRANTOR. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, brown ; on the pofterior pair above an ocellated fpot with a double pupil : beneath five, the firft and fourth bipupillated. Papilio Grantor : alis integerrimis fufcis : posticis fupra ocello unlco bipupillato fubtus quin quartoque bipupillato. Fal>. Ent. Syft. T. 3. /. 1. p. 158. Sp. 489.—UNFIGURED quinque primo Lepidoptjera, Ma/^//i^^,9^aui/i^dr. ' ^' t^/^i:a. . 6¥^yvi/^'. ^a 9 ■ ■ ■:?■ Lepjdoptes ^ fi X PLEBEII RURALES. PAPILIO PANN. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed, brown; a yellow fpot on the anterior pair, and another with a black mark in the middle, near the margin of the pofterior pair: beneath, cinereous, with two black eyes in the anal angle. Hesteria Pann: alis caudatis fufcis; anticis macula fulva pofticis atra fubmarginali, fubtus cinereis : ocellis duobus anguli ani. Fab. Eni. Sx/i. 2. T. 3. /. I . /. 276. ff. Q7.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PINDAR US. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Three fliort tails, blue furrounded with black. Beneath brown, with fpots of red and filver. Hesperia Pindakus: alis fubtricaudatis cceruleis : limbo atro, fubtus fufcis argenteo fulvoque maculatis. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. /. I. />. 262. 15. Fabriclus defcribes this beautiful infe6l as a native of India, and for its figure refers only to the original drawings of William Jones, Efq. We have afcertained the fpecies from thofe drawings, collated with the manufcript in the hand-writing of Fabricius, and on this authority give it a place in our feledtion of Indian Infeds. PAPILIO VULCANUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two tails. Above dark brown \vith fulvous fpots. Beneath yellow, variegated with fulvous ftrcaks and filvery interlineations. Hesperia VuLCANUs: alis bicaudatis fupra fufcis fulvo maculatis, fubtus ftrigis fulvis flavis argen- teifque variegatis. Fah. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. 1 . /. 264. fjf'. 22. The figures of Papilio Vulcanus reprefent the male infect, the female is rather larger, the colours on the under fide more obfcure, and the filver llripes broader. PAPILIO CHITON. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Three tails. Blue, furrounded with dark brown. Beneath yellowifli white ftreaked with black. Hesperia Chiton: alis tricaudatis coeruleis: limbo fufco, fubtus flavefcenti albis nigro fafciatis. Fab. Ent. S\Ji. T.\. f. 2. p. 262. I6. The P. Phaleros of Linnxus agrees with tliis infedl except the fpot in the upper wing. PLEBEII RURALES. P A P I L I O HERODOTUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Tailed. Above, wings blue. Beneath green, witli a row of black and white points on the pofterior pair. Hespekia Herodotus: alis caudatis coeruleis fubtas viridibus: pofticis flriga puncloriim nigro alborum. Fab. En/. Sv/i. T.Z. f.\.f. im.ff. \QO.-VNFIGVRED. PAPILIO PYTHAGORAS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Three tails. Above black, disk and pofterior margin yellow. Beneath white, varied with ftreaks of black brown; a broad white fpace acrofs the middle. Hesperi A rvTHAGORAS : alis tricaudatis atris : limbo flavo, l"i\btus nigris albo variis fafciaque media alba. Fab. Ent. S^Ji. T. 3. /.. I . /. 259. >. 6.- UNFJGURED. PAPILIO F L O R U S. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, red, margin black. The bafe of the under wings fpotted with black. Hesperia Florus: alls integerrimis fulvis: margine nigro fubtus bail nigro punflatis. F,jb. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. 1. /. 310. fp. lyQ.—VNFIGURED. PAPILIO LISIAS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Three tails. Above, anterior wings dark brown with an orange fpot. Beneath, pofterior wing white with black and brown marks. Hesperia LisiAS: alis tricaudatis : anticis fuscis; macula fulva, pofticis fubtus albis nigro niaculatis. Fab. Ent. Sx/l. T. 3. /. 1 /. 26i.fj>. \2—VNFlGURED. lEFIBCDP TISI^A. t'^aA/UiP o^'/'^mr/aj. U^^i^^^^^^7/>7^/ . ?L.Av/y^.*/ JLepijdoftjejra, ■^-^ e>?. m *^^ . M a/u//^^ ^^/"ju/j. ^ *.*^&/vw. tl^^5^/^.<'^ V/aA///^r Q^y?Ai:^r/kf. ; PL E BE 1 1 RU RALES. P A P I L I O SOPHOCLES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two tails. Above black, the whole diik blue. Beneath white, with yellowiih undulated marks: a red fpot at the apex of the pofterior pair. IIesperia Sophocles: alls bicaudatis nigris: difco communi coeruleo, fubtusalbis: ftrlgis undalis flavef- centibus, poftlcis punflo apicis fulvo. Fab. Ent. Syji. 3. /. 267. Z\. — UNF1GURED. PAPILIO JARBAS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Tailed. Above, fulvous, furrounded with dark brown. Beneath cinereous, ftreaked with white: two black fpots on the pofterior pair. Hespkria Jarbas: alls caudatis fulvis: liinbo fufco, fubtus cinereis: ftriga alba, pofticis punftis duobus atris. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. /. 1 . /. 276. fp. Q5.-UNF1GURED. Brought from Siam. Cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. PAPILIO THALES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two tails. Black. Under fide marked with blue lunar fpots; and a double abbreviated band of gold next the pofterior margin of the lower wings. Hesperia Thales: alls bicaudatis atris fubtus lunulis coeruleis: pofticis fafcia abbreviata fubraarginal aurea. Fab. Em. Syji. 3. 268. Zo.—UNFIGUBED. PAPILIO MELIBGEUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two tails. Above, diflc bluifti, furrounded with brown. Beneath yellowifh, anterior wings ftreaked acrofs with brown, pofterior with black. In the anal angle a blue circle enclofing two black fpots. Hesperia Melibceus : alls bicaudatis cocrulefcentibus : limbo fufco, fubtus flavefcentibus: anticis fufco pofticis nigro ftrigofis, anguloani atro: annulis coeruleis. Fab.Ent.Syft. 3. 2^1. fp.44. — UN^FIGURED. FLEBEIl RU RALES. P A P I L I O T Y R T tE U S. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two tails. Above brown. An undulated white flreak, and black margin, with two intermediate red fpots on the under fide of the pofterior wings. IIespekia Tykt;eus: alis bicaudatis fufcis: pol^icis fubtus ftriga undata alba lunulilque marginalibus nigris, intermediis rufis. Fal: Ent. S\ft. 3. 271. fj^. Ad.—VNFIGURED. PAPILIO XENOPHON. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two tails. Above brown, difk yellow. Beneath cinereous, a white and brown ftreak acrofs the middle. Hesperia Xenophon: alis bicaudatis fufcis: difco flavo, fubtus cinereo ftriga media alba fufcae innata. Fab. Ent. S-iJl. 3. 272. fp. 47.— UN FIGURED. PAPILIO ACH^US. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Two very fliort tails. Above brown, with yellow fpots. Beneath yellow fpotted with gold. Hesperia AcH^us: alis fub-bicaudatis fufcis : maculis flavis, fubtus flavis duro maculatis. Fal. Ent. Sj:/1. 3. 273. ff. 53. PAPILIO PHORBAS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tailed. Above brown, difk white. Beneath white, with cinereous ftreaks: two black fpots in the anal angle of the lower wing. Hespekia Phorbas: alis caudatis fufcis: difco albo, fubtus albis cinereo ftrigofis: pundlis duobus anguli ani atris. Fal. Ent. Sjjl. 3. 277- Jp- 6e.-UN FIGURED. Xejpijdoftjera, 4(2^^^/^^^^^. t^A^P^c^a^:^ PLEBEII RU RALES. PAPILIO REGULUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, black, with two yellow bands : the pofterior one on the upper wings interrupted. Hesperia Regulus : alls integerrimls nigris: fafciis duabus flavis ; poftica anticarum interrupts Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p.l. p. 318. Sp. 205.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO LUCANUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, black, dilk yellow : poflerior pair beneath red with fquare brown fpots. Hesperia LucANus : alls integerrimis nigris: dilco flavo, pofticis fubtus rubris : maculis quadratis fufcis. Fal: Ent. Syift. T. 3. p. 1. p. 322. Sp. 221.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO SALUSTIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, fulvous varied with black: anterior ones beneath fpotted with black; pofterior pair cinereous with black fpots. Hesperia Salustius: alls integerrimis fulvis nigro variis : anticis fubtus nigro punftatis, poflicis cinereis fufco raaculatis. Fab. Ent. SyJl. T.\. p. 3. p. 310. Sp. 175.— UNFIGURED. PLEBEII RURALES. PAPILIO TARQUINIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, black: an oblong finuated yellow fpot at the bafe of the firft pair: lower ones yellow, fpotted with black at the anal angle. Hesperia TARauiNius: alls integerrimis nigris: anticis macula oblonga bafeos finuata, pofticis angulo ani flavo nigro maculato. Fah. Ent. S^i/i. T. I. p. 3. p. 319. Sp. 207.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO ^MULIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. AVings entire, cinereous, fpotted witli brown and white : pofterior wings pale above; the lower furface entirely dotted with brown. Hesperia .^mulius : alis integerrimis cinereis fufco alboque maculatis : pofticis fupra pallidis, fubtus omnibus fufco pundatis. Fai. Ent. Syji. T. 1. p. 3. p. 322. Sp. IIQ.—VNFIGURED. PAPILIO NUMITOR. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, fufcous: diflc of the pofterior pair above yellow ; beneath entirely yellow and without fpots. Hesperia Numitor: alis integerrimis fulcis: pofticis fupra difco flavo, fubtus totis flavis immaculatis. Fab. Ent. Syi/f. T.l. p. 3. p. 324. Sp. 228.— UNFIGURED. LEFIJDOFTEMA,. ^///^^ f^^a/'/^P'/z///?//^^ XIE FUj) 03P TEM A o ^• ir > '- ^-f^^ PLEBEII RURALES. PAPILIO PLINIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings furnished witli a tail, white, variegated with brown: a double golden fpot in the anal angle of the pofterior wings. Hesperia Plinius: alis caudatis albo fufcoqiie variis, pofticis fubtus punfto gemino aureo anguli ani. Fab. Ent. Si/fl. T. 3. p. 1. p. 284. Sp. g2.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PLATO. SrECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings furniflied with a tail. Above blue, with a deep brown border. Beneath grey, with white undu- lated ftreaks; a black eye, having two white central fpots near the pofterior margin of the fecond pair. Hespekia Plato: alis caudatis coeruleis: limbo fufco fubtus cinereis alboundatis: pofticis ocello atro : pupilla gemiua. Fab. Ent. Siji/i. T. 3. p. 1. p. 288. Sp. 103.— VNFIGURED. PAPILIO HIPPOCRATES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings furniflied with a tail. Above brov/n, firft pair tipped with white. Beneath white, with black fpots. Hesperia Hippocrates: alis craidatis fufcis apice albis fubtus albis nigro punctatis. Fab. Ent. Syft. T.3. p. \. p. 288. Sp. W5. —UNFIGURED. PAPILIO THEOCRITUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings furniflied with a tail} above greenifli, anterior margin and apex darkj beneatli brown fpotted with yellow. Hesperia Theocritus: alis caudatis virefcentibus : cofta obfcuriore, fubtus nigris flavo punctatis. Fab. Ent. Sy/l. T. 3. p. 1. p. 289. Sp. lOQ.— UNFIGURED. PLEBEII RURALES. PAPILIO PARRHASIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings furniftied with a tail. Above either blue or brown, with a row of white circles along the potteric margin of the fecond pair. Beneath alh-coloured, ftreaked with white: gold fpots near the tail. Hesperia Parrhasius: alis caudatis coeruleis (fufcis) fubtus cinereis albo ftrigofis: pofticis pundis marginalibus aureis. Fal. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. 1. p. 28g. Sp. 108.— UNFIGURED. The two fexes of Papilio Parrhafius are very diffimilar. The female is largeft, the dU\ of the wings blue, the male is brown with the flighteft tinge of that colour. PAPILIO BIBULUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above brown > beneath white, with a tranfverfe ftreak of brown and filver circles. Hesperia Bibulus: alis integerrimis fufcis fubtus albis: pofticis fafcia argentea fufco punftata. Fab. Ent. SyJi. T.Z. p. \. p. 30/. Sp. \6z.—VNFIGURED. PAPILIO HYLAX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above brown, without fpots j beneath afti-colour, fpotted with black. Hesperia Hylax: alis integerrimis fupra fufcis immaculatis fubtus cinereis nigro pundatis. Fah. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p. 1. /. 304. Sp. 152. PAPILIO CCENUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wint's entire, white, anterior and exterior margins of the firft pair brown, and enclofing two white fpots. Hesperia Ccenus: alis integerrimis albis: anticis margine exteriore fufco albo maculato. Fah. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p.l. Sp. 308. Sp. 169.— UNFIGURED. lE FIH]) OP TJEK A . IP PLEBEII RURALES. PAPILIO LIVIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above black, with a large blue fpot in the dilk of each; beneath greyifli, with feveral tranfverfe red bars edged with filver acrofs the polterior pair. Hesperia Livius: alis integerrirais atris: macula difci coerulea pofticis fubtus ciuereis: fafciis rufis argenteo marginatis. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. p. 1. p. 315. Sp. IQi—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO ROMULUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above uniformly brownifli-black : beneath green, with a rufous fpot near the exterior margiu of the pofterior wings, Hesperi\ Romulus: alis integerrimis fufcis fubtus viridibus: pofticis macula rufa. Fab. Ent. Syl. T. 3. p. 1. p. 3l6. Sp. IQS.—UNFIGURED. PLEBEII RURALES. PAPILIO PTOLEMY US. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above ferruginous ftreaked with brown; beneath blue, pale at the bafe. Hesperia Ptolem^us: alis integerrimis ferrugineis fufco ftrigofis fubtus coeruleis bafi pallidioribus. Fab. Ent. Sijjl. T. 3. p. 1. p. 319. Sp. 20Q. — UNFIGURED. PAPILIO OVIDIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, fpotted with gold: above fulvous, beneath yellowifti. Hespeeia Ovidius: alis integerrimis auro pun£latis fupra fulvis, fubtus flavefcentibus. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. 1. p. 320. Sp. 212. Papilio Bibulus, Hylax, Coenus, Livius, Romulus, Ptolemaeus, and Ovidius, are reprefented on the Adiantwn fucculentiim. JLepijedopteka Qy^7A///^ C.^/r///.^. ^///////t^ ^^/-^A'^/^/j PLEBEII URBICOLJE. PAPILIO CURIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Very long tails. General colour black: a tranfparent and a white ftripe acrofs the anterior wings, the? latter extending acrofs the pofterior one?. Papilio Curaus: alis caudatis concoloribus atris : anticis falciis duabus hyalinis, pofticis unica alba. Fab, Ent. Syji. T. 3. f.\. f. 28. fp. HI. —UN FIGURED. This extraordinary creature feems to partake of characters common to the Equites, as well as the Plebeii. Fabricius, who defcribes it, refers it to the Ea. Ach. in the Entomologia Syfteniatica, but we are perfuaded its charaiSlers are more decifively thofe of the Plebeii. The fpeclmea is from Slam.— Cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. PAPILIO PROPERTIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings divaricated, black, fpotted with yellow. Beneath, pofterior pair barred alternately with rufous and yellow Hespekia Pkopertius : alis divaricatis nigris flavo maculatis: poflicis fubtus fafciis rufis flavifque alternis. Fah. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. /. 1 . /. 325. fp. 234.-UNFIGURED. PAPILIO TIBULLUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire. Anterior pair black, fpotted with yellow. Pofterior pair yellow furrounded with black. Hesperia TiBULLUs : alis integcrrimis : anticis nigris flavo maculatis, pofticis flavis : limbo nigro. Fab. Em. Syft. T. 3. p. ] . 326. ff. 235.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO AUGIAS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings divaricated, fulvous, a row of black fpots along the exterior margin, and an oblique black mark in the middle of the anterior pair. Hesperia Augias: alis divaricatis fulvis: fafcia obliqua margineque poftico nigris. Lin?!. SyJl. Nat. 2. 794.-257. Amoen. Acad. 4. 410. 80. Fab. Ent. S^f. T. 3. /. 1 . /. 32/. /f. 23g.— UN FIGURED. PLEBEII URBIC0L2E. PAPILIO ORIGINES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings divaricated. Uniform brown; bafe of the anterior wings more tetlaccous : an oblique row of whitifli fpots nearly acrofs the middle. Hespekia Origines: alis divaricatis concoloribus fufcis: (Iriga pundlomm alborum, anticis bafi teftaceis. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. 1. p. 32S. f^. 245.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO PLUT ARGUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above dark brown, powdered with gold : a yellow fpot at the tip of the anterior wings : the exterior margin teftaceous. Hespekia Plutargus: alis Integerrimis fufcis auro irroratis: anticis fupra macula apicis, fubtus margine exteriori teftaceis. Fai. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p.l. p. 32g. /p. 251.— VNFIGURED. PAPILIO EPICTETUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above blackifli, dilk yellow: a brown fpot along the centre of the anterior wing, having a lunar yellow mark in the middle. Beneath yellow, without fpots. Hespekia Epictetus : alis integerrimis nigris : difco flavo, anticis macula fufca : lunula flava, pofticis fubtus riavis iramaculatis. Fab. Ent. Sy/i. T. 3. /. I. /. 330 fp. 252.—UKFIGURED. PAPILIO C H E M N I S. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Somewhat tailed; brown, with tranfparent fpots, pofterior margin yellow. Hespekia Ciiemnis: alis fubcaudatis fufcis hyalino maculatis margineque poftico flavo. Fab. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. /. 1. /. 331. ^. 257.— UNFIGVRED. LEFIBOPTEHAo X]E FIB OIP TE M A. ^/r C^'^M/^/j. ^,::^y7^///'/7 (L^^/'/^.r: ^^. V q^Mm^/^t/i/^- fyAr//j/'J/////J. "h" PLEBEII URBICOLJE. PAPILIO THRAX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Wings brown, with a few tranfparent fpots, pofterior pair fomewliat lengthened in the anal angle. Antennae hooked at the extremity. Hesperia Thrax: alls ecaudatis fufcis: maculis aliquot feneftratis, antennis uncinatis. Linn. Syjl. Nat. 2. 794. 26O. Fal: Ent. Syft. T. 3. p. 1. p. 337. 5/. 232. Cramer has figured three varieties of Papilio Thrax as diftindt fpecies, under the names of Salus, Sebaldus, and Ramafis; it may be proper therefore to obferve that our fpecimen correfponds with that in the Linnaean cabinet. PAPILIO MITHRIDATES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. "Wings rotund, dilk black, fpotted with purple ; a deep purple band with a central fireak of pale lunar marks. Hesperia Mithridates: alls rotundatis atris : macula fafciaque poftica purpureis; lunulis pallidioribus. Fab. Ent. Siift. T. 3. p. \. p. 336. Sp. 278.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO TRASIBULUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire; above black, with numerous blue lunar marks; beneath paler: fpace of the anal angle flefli-colour, with brown fpots. Hesperia Thrasibolus: alls integerrimis atris : lunulis coeruleis, pofticis fubtus angulo ani cinereo fufco punaato. Fab. Ent. Syfi. T. 3. p. I. p. 34S. Sp. 315.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO JOVIAN US. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings black, difk of the pofterior pair blue, radiated with feveral oblong white fpots near the bafe. Hesperia Jovianus: alls concoloribus atris: pofticis ccsruleo alboque radiatis. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. p. I. p. 348. Sp. 324.— UNFIGURED. PLEBEII URBICOLJE. PAPILIO SALVIANUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. "Wings entire; above brown fpotted with green; beneath, pofterior pair white, with a marginal flreak of brown fpots. Hesperia Salvianus: alls integerrimis fufcis viridi maculatis: pofticis fubtus albis; ftriga marginali punaorum fufcorum. Fah. Ent. SyJI. T. 3. p. 1. p. 34S. Sp. 325.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO GALENUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, uniformly brown with yellow fpols; beneath nenrly as above. Hesperia Galenus: alis integerrimis concoloribus fufcis flavo maculatis. Fab. Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. I. p. 350. Sp. 332.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO CATULLUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, uniformly black, with a marginal ftreak of white points: a few fimilar white points In the centre of the anterior pair alfo. Hesperia Catullus: alis rotundatis integerrimis atris: anticis albo puncSlatis, pofticis ftriga pundlorum alborum. Fai. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p. 1. p. 3J8. Sp. 323.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO SPIO. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, reverfed, blackifli with many white fpots. Hesperia Spio: alis integerrimis reverfis nigricantibus undique albo maculatis Linn. SyJi. Nat. 2. 796. 27 1 . Muf. Lud. Ulr. 330. Fab. Ent. SyJi. T. 3. p. 1. p. 354. Sp. 343.— UNFIGURED. Papilio Jovianus, Salvianus, Galenus, Catullus, and Spio, are figured on the Clerodendnun Infortunatum, A plant recently introduced from the Eaft Indies. JLEFIDOFTJEMA, ILJEPIIDOIPTEM^. y^/z/^, //. liJEPIBOPTIGMA. Q^^}////?^ Q^/-ir///A:^ . rWiZ/l/^^ r^6>7.'y^^//J . ^'ly'aAi^/? ^^y^/. LEPIDOPTERA. PHAL^NA MINEUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennse gradually tapering from the bale: tongue fpiral: wings in general deflefted when at reft. Fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cyaneous: wings orange, with blue fpots. BoMBYX MiNEUs: cyanea alls concoloribus aurantiis maculis cyaneis. Cramer has given the figure of a fmall fpecinien of this fine Ph.laena under the trivial name of Mineus. This is evidently of the male; the antennae of which are not however very corrcftly exprelTed. Both fexes of this rare infetl are reprefented in the annexed plate, the drawings of which were taken from fpecimens met with in Bengal by Mr. Fichtel of Vienna. The originals are at this time in the cabinet of the Emperor of Germany. PHALtENA scalaris. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Snowy white, with numerous abbreviated black ftreaks, and a longitudinal fulvous ftria. Cossus Scalaris: niveus flrigis numerofis abbreviatis nigris ftriaque longitudinali fulva. Fal. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. p. 2. p. 5. Sp. 5.— UNFIGURED. Hepialus Scalaris. Alant. lnf.%. J35. 7. Defcribed by Fabricius, from a fpecimen in the cabinet of Mr. Monfon, as a native of China. The fpe- cimen reprefented in the annexed plate was brought from Bengal, and is as well as the preceding at this time in the cabinet of the Emperor of Germany. PHAL^NA SANGUINOLENTA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings incumbent fnowy, coftal edge of the anterior pair fanguineous : pofterior pair fpotted with black. BoMBYX Sanguinolenta: alis incumbentibus niveis: aiiticis cofta fanguinca, pofticis maculis atris. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. />. 1. /. 4/3. 5/. 206. This infe£l is rare: our fpecimen was received from Bombay. LEPIDOPTERA. PHAL^NA FIGURA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Anterior wings whitifli, with brown and black fpots; in the middle a black charadler refembling figure 7: pofterior wings cinereous. BoMBYX FiGURA : alls anticis albidis fufco nigroque maculatis: medio figura 7 nigro notatis, pofticis cinereis. A nondefcript fpecies in our poflfeflion; from Madras. PHAL^NA S TRIG ATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Anterior wings brown, with a longitudinal green daub: pofterior pair yellowifh, with a lunar fpot, and border of black. NocTUA Strigata: laevis alis anticis fufcis ; litura longitudinali viridi, pofticis luteis: lunula lim- boque nigris. This moth agrees entirely with the Noctua Diofcorece of Fabricius, Ent. Syji. T. 3. /. 2. p. \6. n. 26. except in having a large green ftreak on the upper wings. It appears, indeed, to have been hitherto con- founded with that fpecies, either as a fexual difference, or variety; but we are perfuaded it is neither. Both fexes of N. Diofcoreae in particular, have occurred to our obfervation, without this ftreak.— Found in Bengal. PHAL.^NA HIEROGLYPHIC A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings broad, dentated, black: on the firft pair an abbreviated band, and fomewhat ocellated fpot: two notches in the margin of tlie pofterior ones. KocTUA HiEEOGLvrHicA : aUs patulis dentatis atris: anticis fafcia abbreviata alba maculaque fubocellari; pofticis biemarginatis. Fab. Ent. Sjift. T. 3. p. 2. p. ii. Sp. 10. Common in the East Indies. LEFIBOFTEMA. G%*^^/y//<^ ^^u^^^^^j. r3^A//^^:/^^ ' ^t?./ar/j. : M,/.. /Z?///? XKPIBOPTEJRLA. fI'A^/////'/'r Cw \y//^a^. p^^/u/..M u/^urM. %* r}^a^/U(y L^/rWj V. J r/i^Aet J^^^' t}, E Doruf'^an.M^ t 1B03. j.?rffa"' PLEBEII URBICOLM. PAPILIO ENNIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTEK. Wings brown, anterior pair with tranfparent fpots : potlerior pair black above with a yellow dllk, beneath brown with a white difk. Hespekia Ennius: alis fufcis : anticis hyalino maculatis, pofticis fupra atris : difco flavo, fubtus fufcis : difco albo. Fab. Ent. Syji. T.3. j>. 1. j>. 337. 5/. 2S2. —UNFIGURED. PAPILIO POLYBIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings without tails, and black : on the firft pair a fulvous fpot; fecond pair yellow at the anal angle. Hespekia POLYBIUS : alis ecaudatis atris: anticis macula fulva, pofticis angulo ani flavo. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. /. 1. /. 337. Sp. 28i.— UNFIGURED. PAPILIO ZELEUCUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above and beneath black : margin of the lower ones white ; head and tail fanguineous. Hespekia Zeleucus : alis integris concoloribus atris : pofticis margine albo, capita caudaque fanguineis. Fab. Ent. Sijfi. T. 3. /. 1. /. 349. Sj>.317.— UNFIGURED. The three preceding Butterflies are reprefented on a fprig of the Lagerstucemia Indica, or Indian Lagerstkcemia. PLEBEII URBICOLJE. PAPILIO ORCUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings rotundated, brown : anterior ones fpotted with yellow: pofterior pair beneath blueifli. Hesptria Orcus: alls rotundatis fufcis : anticis flavo maculatis, pofticis fubtus caerulefcentibus Fal\ Ent. Syift. T. 3. p. 1. p. 341. 5/. 29Q.—UNFIGURED. PAPILIO BUSIRIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings oblong, entire, brown : two large fpots, and dots of yellow on the anterior pair; difk of the pofterior ones yellow. Hesperia BusiRis: alls oblongls integerrimis atris : anticis maculis punctifque duobus flavis, pofticis difco flavo. Fab. Ent. Syjl. T. 3. p. \. f. 345. S/.. 310. PAPILIO C ELS US. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings entire, above and beneath dark brown, with a yellow band on the anterior ones. Hesperia Celsus : alis integerrimis concoloribus atris : anticis fafcia flava. Fab. Ent. Si^, T. 3. /. 1. p. 347. 5/. 316.—VNFIGURED. JEUJELOPTJEK-A, m#^>r A, Q.-^yrms/^^??zy fL^a^r^r^/zj. *(2^^%^/^/^^^'^/^y^^//^^^^/'/. NE UR OPT E RA. MYRMELEON PARDALIS. PANTHER MYRMELEON. GEiSTERIC CHARACTER. Mouth armed with jaws, two teeth and four long palpi. Tail of the male furnillied with forceps or two ftraight filaments. Antennae club-fhaped, length of the thorax. Wings defledled. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings whitifh fprinkled with black. Thighs yellow. Myrmeleon Pardalis : alisalbis: punftis nigrls fparfis, femorlbus flavis. Fal. Ent. S^Jl. T. 2./. 92. ff. 2.— UNFIGURED. Few fpecies of tlie Myrmeleon genus have been difcovered. Linnaeus defcribes only five, and thofc are chiefly natives of Europe. Fabricius adds feven more, befides three others in the genera Afcalaphus, in the Entoimhgia Syjlematku, and particularly two from India, in the cabinet of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. M. Pardalis and M. Punilaium; tliefe are the only Indian Myrmeleons hitherto afcertained; to the Ento- mologift they are equally interefting as new and unfigured fpecies, but M. Pardalis is much fuperior in beauty to the other. The charafleriftic diftindion of M. Pun6tatum is the alternate black and white fpecks, or interrupted daflies in the reticulations of the wings. M. Pardalis is reticulated alfo with deli- cate brownifli nerves, and its general colour a fine yellow, elegantly barred with tranfverfe ftreaks of brown. — From the coast of Coromandel. The Natural Hiftory of the Myrmeleon-larva is curious, and has been traced in fome of the European kinds by Reaum. Roefel, and others, particularly in the M. Formica-Leo of Geoffroyj this creature, among other peculiarities, is furnilhed in the front with a large pair of forceps, with which it takes its prey. It forms circular cavities in the fand, and concealing itfelf in the center with only the forceps above the furface catches the weaker or unwaiy infeds that come within the verge of its cell. NE UROPTER^. T^IYRMELEON PUNCTATUM. PUNCTATED MYRMELEON. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings tranfparent, nerves alternately punftured with black and white, Mykmeleon Punctatum: alis hyalinus: nervis punftis albis nigrifque alternis. Fab. Ent. 5v/?. T. 2. /. 94. fp. 7.—UNFIGURED. An Eaft Indian fpecies, in the cabinet of Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. HYME T^OT T:K]HA, M ^^/■^//^) ///. i-C V^^Al ^/' '^>//.€^ o^/T-f^a^U-tz L ^^"i?^/ .^^^^i^/^'/^^/^' . HY M E NO PTE RA. CHRYSIS FASCIATA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth horny, projefting. Jaws much longer than the lip, linear, membranaceous, and emarginate at the tip. No tongue. Palpi four, advanced unequal, filiform. Antennae fliort and filiform, confifling of twelve joints, the firft of which is longeft. Body ftiining like gold, and glofly. Abdomen arched beneath, with a fcale on each fide. Tail moft commonly dentated. Sting fomewhat exferted. Wings flat. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax green, with a blue band: anterior part of the abdomen blue fafciated witli violet, o-olden in the middle, pofterior end red, with four teeth. Chrysis Fasciata: thorace viridi fafcia cyanea abdomine antice cyaneo-violaceoquefafciato; medio aureo, poftice rubro quadridentato.— 17JVF/GL'B£Z). This charming infect is from Tranquebar, where we have every reafon to believe it to be uncommonly rare. 1 he fpecies does not appear to be defcribed by any author, the only fpecimen we are acquainted with, is in the cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir J.Banks, Bart. CHRYSIS SPLENDID A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Shining blue, with four teeth at the tail. Chrysis Splendida: cuerulea nitida, ano quadridentato. Fal. Spec. Inf. />. -151. S/. 1. — VNFIGURED. H Y M E N O P T E R J. Very fcarce. This is a native of Tranquebar, where it was difcovcred by Dr. Koenig. Fabricius defcribes this infeft from a fpecimen in the cabinet of Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. — A variety of tlie fame fpecies is found in New Holland. CHRYSIS OCULATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Shining green: an ocellated golden fpot on each (ide of the abdomen: tail blue, armed with fix teeth. Chbysis Oculata: viridis nitens, abdomine utrinque macula oceilari .aurea, ano fexdentato cceruleo. F,ii. Em. Inf.f. 455. Sp. 4.—UNFIGURED. Chryfis oculata is diftinguifhed for the peculiar brilliancy of its colours. This, as well as the foregoing fpecies, was found by Dr. Koenig at Tranquebar. F.ibricius defcribes this infeft from a fpecimen in the colledlion of Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart.; from whence our figure is alfo taken. We have fince received the fame kind from Bengal through the medium of Mr. Fichtel of Vienna. :ei'\!y(E:^'DPTEjRA, ^/^zrz'/p,(z,i. /V'/z/y^r .'^ f,W/.^ ^'■zz>/afYrr . " HEMIPTERA. VESPA CINCTA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth horny: jaws compreffed : palpi four, unequal, filiform. Antennae filiform: firft joint longeft and cylindrical. Eyes lunar. Body glofl'y. Sting concealed. Upper wings folded in both fexes. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black, thorax obfcurely fpotted; body black, with a ferruginous band. Vespa Cincta: nigra thorace obfcure maculato, abdomine atro: fafcia ferruginea. Fair. Ent. Syji. T. 2. p. 253- fp. I. Sphex tropica. SuIz. Hift. Inf. fnl. 27. fg. 5. From Tranquebar. VESPA PETIOLATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferruginous and yellow varied; abdominal petiole incurved and ferruginous, with a black band. Vespa Petiolata: ferrugineo flavoque varia abdominis petiolo incurvo ferrugineo: fafcia atra. Fab. Ent. Syft. T. 2. p. 27s. 87. This, with the foregoing fpecies, is remarkably common in many parts of the Eaft Indies. Fabricius fpeaks of it as a native of Malabar. VESPA ARCUATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black, variegated with yellow ; petiole of the abdomen incurved, with four yellow fpots. Vespa Arcuata: nigra flavo variegata abdominis petiolo incurvo: maculis quatuor flavis. Fah. Ent. Sii/l. T. 2. p. 276. Sp. 83.— UNFIGURED. Del'cribed by Fabricius as a native of New Holland ; we have received it Madras. 2 H Y M E N O P T E R J. VESPA MACAENSIS. SPECIFIC CHAKACTEK. Yellow: thorax black with yellow lines: abdomen marked with undulated black ftreaks. Vespa Macaensis : flava thorace lineis abdomine fafciis undulatis nigris. Fah. Ent. Syfi. T. 2. p.25g. Sp. 22. Rare. The fpecimen from which our figure is copied is in the cabinet of the Right Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart. From Macao. VESPA TEPID A. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black J anterior lobe of the thorax, two dots, and tip of the abdomen ferruginous. Vespa Tepida : nigra thorace lobo antico punftifqiie duobus abdomineque apice ferrugineis. Fal. Ent. Syst. T. 2. p. 262. Sp. 31.— UNFIGURED. APIS YIOLACEA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Mouth horny; jaw and lip membranaceous at the apex ; tongue infledled: palpi four, unequal, and filiform; antennae filiform and fliort: wings flat; fling of the females and neuters acute, and concealed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hirfute, black, wings violaceous. Apis violacea: hirfuta atra alis violsceis. Linii. Syft. Nat. 2. g5Q. 3S? This infeA is defcribed by writers as a native of the South of Europe. We have the fame fpecies from the Eaft Indies. jDIIPTJEMA.. If L^/'^z^?^^/^ (iyr///^//^///(^/;'r'/^ (. DIPTERJ. DIOPSIS ICHNEUMONEA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Horns on the head two, filiform, without joints, much longer than the head, with the eyes at the tips. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black i head, anterior part of the abdomen, and legs ferruginous : two fpines on the pofterior extremity of the thorax. Diopsis IcHNEUMONEA : nigra capite abJomine antlce pedibufque ferrugineis, thorace poftice bifpinofo. The appearance of this curious Infeft is peculiarly ftriking. Nothing can be more Angular than the difpofition of the eyes, which are fituated at the extremity of two long immoveable pedicles arifing from the head, moft exaftly in tliat part which in other infefts bears the antennas. In this particular the Diopfis differs not only from other infefts of the kindred genera, butalfo from all the other kinds we are acquainted with. Some few of the Cancri, &c. have indeed the eyes placed at the extremity of elongated pedicles, as is for example inftanced in the Cancer angulalus, yet thefe are obvious diffimilar in conftruc- tion, for they are moveable at the bafe, and may be diredled towards any objeft at the will of the animal with theutmoft facility; but toaccomplifli this, the motion of the pedicle in the Diopfis mufl; be neces- sarily accompanied by that of the head, or even of the whole body. The eyes of the latter are nolwith- ftanding fo conveniently ftationed at the globular extremity of the pedicles, as to embrace a far more comprehenfive range of fight than is ufual with the generality of infefts. To the inexperienced entomologift, the Diopfis would rather feem to be furniflied with remarkable horns, and be defl:itute of e.ves, although the latter are fo very confpicuous when they are pointed out; it is on the contrary the true horns or antennae that are fo minute as to be moft likely to efcape attention, for each of thefe confifts only of a fingle fetaceous hair, or briftle feated on a very fmall tubercle juft beneath the eye. It has been previoufiy intimated, in the defcription of the Paufus denticornis, that the firft account of the Diofsis was inferted in a fmall traft publilhed by Linnaeus at Upfal, in 17/5. From this we learn, that both the Diopfis and the Paufus were found by Andreas Dahl among a parcel of infers in the poflef- fion of Dr. Fothergill, of London, by whom they were fent to Linnaeus. Thefe confifted chiefly of infeas D I P T E RJ. coUefted in North America and Guinea, but the habitat either of the Paufus, or the Diopfis in particular, it is very certain was by no means exadtly known. Fuefly notwithftanding defcribes the latter upon this ambiguous authority, only as a native of Cayenne, and after him Gmelim notes the fame infedt from South America, and Guinea perhaps with as little reafon. Latreille tells us it is from the coaft of Angola, on the information of Perrin, a zealous naturalifl of Bordeaux. Our own fpecimens (and they are moft affuredly the Diopfis Ichneumonea of Linnaeus) were brought from Bengal, where it was difcovered by Mr. Fichtel, who has thus eftablifhed the habitat of this Angular creature beyond difpute. Linnaeus, to whom only this individual fpecies of Diopfis was known, as ufual with him under fuch circumftances, does not affign to it any fpecific charafter. We are acquainted with another fpecies of this genus, a native of Africa, in the colleftion of T. Marlliam, Efq. which will render our deviation from his example excufable, although the latter is at prefent undefcribed. INDEX ACCORDING TO THE SYSTEMA NATURiE OF LINN^US. :OLEOPTERA. ClMEX. Gnidia PI. 14. Hiarba SCARAB^US. nigripes Ifis PL 1, 3. papillofus Phorcys Atlas crucialus Eribotes fpinfex maftans Ifidore Miliaris uniguttatus Cydippe Koenigii viridis Dirce Cetonia hiflrio ferratus Eurinomc Hippona _^_^_^ Cyane BUPRESTIS. LEPIDOPTERA. Ccenobita PI. 3. Cocalia ftemicornis Sophia Chryfis Papilio. Auge vEnea PI. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Baldus 4-raarulata 20, 21,22,23,24, 25, Periander 26, 27, 28,29,30, 31, AUica Carabus. 32, 33, 34, 35, j6,37, Obrinus PI. 4. 31, 39,40, 41,42,43, Liria 6-maculatus 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. Crantor 2-maculatus 50, 51,52. Pann Antenor Pindarus Pausus. Andphus Vulcanus PI. 5. Priamus Chiton denticornis Panthous Herodotus thoracicus Fichtelii Heliacon IdcEUS Pythagoras Florus pilicornis Astyanax Li lias CURCULIO. Pl.O. Regalis . Palmaruni Polymnestor Sophocles Diephobus Jarbas Lacedemon Thales Empedocles Ulyffes Evalthe Lethe Meliboeus Tyrtaeus HEMIPTERA. Xenophon Achaeus Codes Phorbas FULGORA. PI. 7, 8. Pyrorhynchus Tiridates Strephon Idea Hippia JEo\ns Pericles hyalinata feftiva lineata Affinis Philippus Philomela Thucydides Leucippe Petronius pallida Danae Regulus Cicada. Indica Maerula Judith Lucanus Tarquinus Libythea .(Emulius Mantis. Eucharis Numitor PI. y, 10, 11. Genutia Plinius gigas Amaryllis Plato viridis Caftalia Hippocrates ficcifolia Scylla Theocritus Cafta Parrhalius Gryllus. Oaavius Bibulus PI. 12. Pyrrhus Hylax reticulatus Menetho Ccenus punftatus Arcefilaus Livius monftrofus Blandina Romulus Liberia Ptolemseus LOCUSTA. Phegea Ovidius PI. 13. Fatima Curius Ainb. inenfis Thyelia Propertius citritolia Nero Tibullus Augias Origines Plutargus Epiftetus Chemnis Thrax Mithridates Thrafibulus Jovianus Salvianus Galenus Catullus Spio Ennius Poly bi us Zeleucus Orcus Bufiris Cellus Phal^na. PI. 53, 54. Mineus fcalaris fanguinolenta figura lirigata hieroglyphica NEUROPTERA. Myrmeleon. PI. 55. Pardalis pundatum HYMENOPTERA Chrysis. PI. 56. fafciata fplcndida oculata Vespa. PI. 57. ciniSta petiolata arcuata Macaenfis tepida Apis. violacea DIPTERA. Diopsis. PI. 58. Ichneumonea INDEX ACCORDING TO THE ENTOMOLOGIA SYSTEMATICA OF FABRICIUS. Class 1. Eleuterata. Genus 2. Scarabceus. Atlas fpinifex Miliaris Koenigii Genus 76. Cetonia. Hiftrio Caerulea Genus \g. Carabus. . 2-macuIatus 6-maculatus. Genus 78. Buprejiis. fternicornis Chryfis JEaea 4-maculata Genus 6\. Cerocoma. (Paufus Linn. & Fabr. Sys- tema Eleute- ralorum.J denticornis thoracicus Fichtelii pilicornis Genus 102. Curculio. Regalis Palmarum Class 2. Ulonata. Genus 110. Mantis. CPhasma Ent. Syst. Supp.J gigas viridis ficcifolia Genus 124. Locusla. Amboinenfis citrifolia Genus 125. Gryllus. reticulatus pun6latus monftrofus Order p. Glossata. Genus 1S6. Papilio. *E(/uites Trnjani. Antenor Antiphus .Priamus Panthous Heliacon Idaeus Aftyanax Polymneltor Deiphobiis **Equites Achivi. Ulyfles T. Bensley, Printer, Bolt-court, Fleet-; Curius Lacedennon ***Fc/?iva. Evalthe Eurinome Philomela Hippia affinis ****Nymphales. Pyrihus Tiridates Codes Periander Empedocles Octavius Ifis Eribotes Ifidore Pliorcys Lethe Fatima Menetho Cydippe Cyane Cada Dirce Hiarba Blandina Phegea Gnidia Thyelia Liberia Arcefilaus Hippona Nero Obrinus Crantor ****** Parnassii. Idea *****-**Da„ai, Amaryllis Caftalia Scylla Leucippe Danae Maerula Judith Libythea Eiicharis Genutia i*** #**# Satyr Baldus Liria Allica CtEnobita Auge Sophia Cocalia Genus 18/. Hefperia. *Rurales. Pann Pindarus Vulcanus Chiton Herodotus Pythagoras Florus Lifias Sophocles Jarbas Thales MeliboEUS Tyrtaeus Xenophon Achaeus Phorbas Strephon iEolus Pericles Philippus Thucydides Petroiiius Regulus Lucanus Tarquinus TEmulius Numitor Plinius Plato Hippocrates Theocritus Parrhafius Bibulus Hylax Coenus Livius Romulus Ptolemaeus Ovidius Spio Ennius Polybius Zeleucus Orcus Bufiris Celfus Genus \Ql. Bombyx. fanguinolenta figiira Genus 192. CoJ/us. Mineus fcalaris Genus 194. Noctua. ftrigata hieroglyphica Order Synistata. Genus 133. Myrvieleon. pardalis punclatum Order Piezata. Genus 147. Chryfis. fafciata fplendida oculata Genus 151. Fe/pa. cincla petiolata arcuata Macenfis tepida Geiius 158. Apis. violacea Order Rvngota. Genus 201 . Fulgora. Pyrorhynchus Hyalinata feliiva lineata pallida Genus 204. Cicada. Indica Genus 213. Cimex. Order Antliata. Diopsis. Ichneumonea ERRATA. Part of the letter prels conlained in the fourteentli number of this work having been inad- vertently put to prefs before theautlior received the corrected fheets, it has been found neceflary to reprint tlie Linnaean and Fabrician Indexes, and at the fame time to requeft the indulgence of the reader for the following incorrections that appear in other parts of the work. " Index according to the Systematica Nature" to be cancelled, that referring to the Systema Natuk^ being intended to supply its place. Pausus Denticornis, iixtli line from the bottom of the page, for Sphaeroides (Pausus) read Sphaerocerus Pausus Thoracicus, fourth line, for teftaceis rearf teftaceusj and for bipartite reati bipartite, after which infert a comma. CiMEX Uniguttatus fourth line, for ferrugineis read ferrugineus. Among the Plebeii Urbicolae dele defcription of Hesperia (Papilio) Saluftius, a fmall bfedt of which no figure is given. Running title on the defcription of Papilio Panthous, and Papilio Idaeus, for Hemiptera read Lefidopteka. mm-':