<.\: ts ir rr j-urd to a coinmon plan of constructi- . divisions of the animal Hngdoii. >\y writt-ei',. and extremely well illustrated. aid recommend Dr. Ogilvie's little book as a convenient ii ...tor in this subject. It is at once elegant in expression, ajid, so i. It also abounds in well-draAv y'.iituL'i^ .■> 1/ uc I /( (.'. the thing wantc •' Wo have here a mobt intei . \. i-v student of Katnral H bvlent to be provided vri\h so poucI -nsc ii the sub; .1' rough and raodestj scientific and ;ind much wanted volume, whi study." — Medical Times a \ice hub been Uv ;raiaiiy welcome." — Al Lhe publication of this work, i.oyrniA \TTF'R'nT'F\ ;:-RnT\'\ Zbt i. H. lltll ICtbrarg Nnrtb (taroltna ^latF (EolUg^ 035 &-'■?•«> GENETIC This book IS due on the date indicated below and IS subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. I X GENETIC CYCLE IN ORGANIC^ NATURE; OR, THE SUCCESSION OP FORMS IN THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. BY GEORGE OGILVIE, M.D., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF THE INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN ; AUTHOR OF THE *' MASTER BUILDER'S PLAN IN THE TYPICAL FORMS OF ANIMALS." ABERDEEN : A. BROT EDINBURGH: JOHN MENZIES. LONDON : LONGMHr^N & CO. MDCCCLXI. ABEKDEEN : PRINTED BV D. CHALMERS AND COMPANY, ADELPHI COURT, UNION STREET. PREFACE. The objects of the present work are, firstly, to determine the mutual relations of those diversified forms Avhich the recent researches of i^aturalists have sho^Ti to be propagated from each other, in many different species among the lower orders of both kingdoms of I^ature ; and, secondly, to consider what analogy can be traced between the successive forms in these species, and the phenomena which occur in the repro- duction of those higher in the scale of organization, where, to all appearance, like always produces like. The Author is well aware that a much abler pen than his would have but little chance of enlisting the interest of any large circle of readers in such a work as the present ; for, though it would not be easy to point to any subject in the whole range of Biological Science more calculated to excite feelings of wonder and enquiry, yet the obscurity of some of the questions iuA'-olved, while it has stimulated the zeal of many earnest investigators, has no doubt kept back others from giving the same attention to this, as to other branches of Physiology ; besides which, it is not to be denied vi PREFACE. that the Xatui-al Sciences — ^rapid as has been their advance of late in popular ftivour — are still far from occupying their ftiir place in public estimation. A conviction of this would probably have prevented his ever setting of his o^vn accord to -vvTite for publication on the subject. But this work was Avritten, in the first instance, for a different purpose, having been undertaken originally in response to a call made with reference to the late Meeting of the British Association at Aberdeen, though, as it came to be too unmeldy for this, an abstract was afterwards substituted, which was subse- quently printed in the Edinburgh Philosojjhieal Journal for January of last year. Tlie primary object of bringing forw^ard the communication was to elicit discussion on views for the systematizing of one of the most perplexed questions in Physiology, and the re- marks to which it gave rise, though necessarily restricted, went to invite their fuller examination. For this end, the Author is now led to publish the Treatise itself, in all essen- tial points as it originally stood, though he has submitted it to a careful revision in matters of detail, and has re-written a large part, for greater clearness of expression. At the same time, he must admit, that when his work had taken shape, he felt — as in the case of a former one on the Unity of Organization — that it went, in so far, whether fitly or not, to occupy a void in biological literature. As the nature of the subject, however, precludes its consideration, except by bona fide students of Natural Science, he has made no attempt, in the present work, to treat it in a popular way? PREFACE. Vll his object having been simply to make use of such expres- sions as seemed best fitted to convey his meaning. If, as he has some reason to fear, his anxiety for this, and his wish to present the subject in different points of view, have led him into needless repetitions, he can only now express his regret that circumstances latterly have not allowed him leisure to determine what might be retrenched with advantage. In explanation of the absence in the text of any reference to the accompanying Plates, it is but fair to mention that their introduction was an after- thought. The difficulties in the way of publication interfered with the illustration of the text by w^ood-cuts, as is now commonly done in treatises of this kind, and it was not till after the work was in print that the use of outline figures w^as suggested. Much selec- tion was then impossible, but the Author hopes that those which have been introduced will be found an advantage, from the acknowledged importance of illustrative figures of some kind, when frequent reference has to be made to peculiarities of structure and conformation. To personal researches on the subject in hand the Author cannot make much pretension ; he can claim little more than to have taken for many years a lively interest in the observa- tions of others. He must, therefore, readily admit his liability to fallacies and misconception in making his statements at second hand, though there may be some compensation for this in a comparative freedom from influences which are apt to bias the views of original observers. He may at least, in all honesty, claim to have entered on the consideration of the question without any conscious prepossession one way or Vlll PREFACE. other ; and, although the conclusions here brought forward have for some time back fully approved themselves to his judgment, he is free to admit that his views had j^re^dously undergone many and imj^ortant modifications smce this de- partment of Physiology first became the subject of his par- ticular attention. But in the present state of the Science, indeed, no conclusions can well claim more than a provisional acceptance. It only remains to acknowledge the kind assistance received, in various ways, from several friends, and particularly from Professors Sharpey, Simpson, and Allen Thomson, and to ex- press the hope that the work may contribute something, at least by placing facts in a new point of view, to the elucida- tion of a much -perplexed department of ISTatural Science. CONTENTS. I. — Derivation of Organic Beings. 1. — Parental Derivation a distinctive character of Or- ganic Bodies, ..... 2. — Grounds for disallowing the theory of a Physical Derivation or Spontaneous Generation of Living Beings, ...... 3. — Derivation from one, or from two Parents, 4. — Tendency of these modes of i)i"opagation to Alter- nate, or recur periodically, when they co-exist in the same species, ..... 5. — Distinction of Cases of Alternation into livotortwr- phic, orthomorphic, and gamomorphic, according to their relations in the Genetic Cycle, 6. — Indications of Representative Phenomena in the Higher Species, ..... II. — Survey of the Reproductive Process in the Vegetable Kingdom. Page. 1 2 9 10 12 15 1. — Introductory Remarks, 2. — General character of the process in the Vegetable Kingdom, 3. — Reproduction in the Protophyta, 4. — In Alg?e generally, and Characese, 5. — In Fungi and Lichens, 6. — In Hepaticae and Mosses, 7. — In Ferns and Equisetacese, 8. — In Lycopodiacese and Rhizocarpess, 9. — In Gymnospermous Phanerogamia, 10. — In Angiospermous Phanerogamia, 11. — Concluding Remarks, 17 20 22 32 40 49 52 55 57 61 66 Xll co:ntents. III. — Survey of the Reproductive Process in the Animal Kingdom. Page. 1. — General Character of the Process, . . 68 2. — Reproduction in the Protozoa, ... 74 3. — In the Coeleuterata, .... 81 4. — In the Echinodermata, .... 84 5. — In the Polyzoa, ..... 87 6. — In the Tiinicata, ..... 89 7. — In the higher MoUusca, .... 91 8. — In the Hehnintha, .... 94 9. — In the AnneHda, .... 99 10. — In the higher Articnlata, . . . 102 11. — In the Vertebrata, .... 106 12. — Concluding Remarks, .... 107 IV. — Nature and Varieties of Alternation of Gene- rations. 1. — Points of Agreement and Diversity in cases of Al- ternation, ..... 109 2. — Protomorphic Alternation, as in the Trematoda, from Gemmation in the Early Stage of Develop- ment, ...... 112 3. — Gamomorphic Alternation, as in the Poly^Difera, from a later Gemmation, in the evolution of Sex, 117 4. — Relations of these two forms of Alternation, . 128 5. — Their Co-existence in the case of the Cestoid Worms, 131 6. — Ortlwmorphic Alternation, as in the Aphides, from Gemmation in the evolution of the Typical Or- ganization, ..... 133 7. — Reference of the best known cases of Alternation, to one or other of the foregoing heads, . 136 8. — Co-existence of all the three forms in the case of some Annelida, ..... 137 9. — Alternation in the Salpce, .... 140 10. — Protomorphic and Gamomorpliic Alternation in Mosses and Ferns among Plants, . . 142 V. — PULLULATION. 1. — Notice of a Series of Successive Gemmations, inter- polated at certain points. 146 CONTENTS. Xlll Page. 2. — Most frequent in the Middle Stage of Development, 147 3. — Ramified disposition of Plants and Zoophytes from Adhesion of the Genimse, . . . 149 4, — Such adhesion a point of minor importance in the present enquiry, .... 160 5. — Pullulation itseK of secondary importance to Alter- nation, ...... 153 VI. — Embryogeny, as representing one Form of Alternation. 1. — Representative Phenomena in the Higher Species, 156 2. — Representation in Embryonic Develoj^ment, . 167 3. — Illustration from Dujjlex Monstrosity, . . 157 4. — From the Development of the Polyzoa, . . 160 5. — From that of Cestoid Worms, . . . 161 6. — From that of the Echinodermata, . . 162 7. — Essential Community of Nature, . . 164 VII. — Representation of the other Forms. 1. — Representation of Orthomorphic Gemmation in the Higher Species, .... 166 2. — Representation of Gamomorphic Alternation in the Maturation of Sex, .... 167 3. — Illustration from the Periodic and Late Develop- ment of the Organs, .... 167 4, — From the case of the Polyzoa, . . . 170 5. — From some aberrant Crustacea, . . . 172 6. — From the later phases of the Cestoid Entozoa, . 173 7. — From the reproduction of the Polypifera, . 173 8. — Points of distinction between Organs aud Zooids, 174 9. — Illustration from the reproduction of Phanero- gamic and Crjrptogamic Plants, . . . 180 10. — Correspondence inferred between the process of Maturation and Gamomorphic Alternation, . 188 VIII, — Relations of Ova and Gemm^. 1. — Points of distinction between Ova and Gemmae, with notice of transitional forms, . . 190 XIV CONTEXTS. 2. — Nature of the Germs in the Viviparous Aphides and allied Insects, ..... 3. — Nature of the Ei:)hii3pial and Common Eggs in En- tomostraca and Rotifera, 4. — Development of Unimpregnated Ova in certain In- 5. — Occasional development of Unimpregnated Ovules in Plants, ..... G. — Nature of the Viviparous Flowers of Plants, 7. — Indications of a tendency to development in the Sexual Elements singly, 8. — Essential community of nature between Ova and Gemmae, ...... 0. — Question of the necessary recurrence of Sexual Generation, ..... 10. — Bearing on the theory of Alternation of Generations, IX. — Summary of Conclu signs. 1. — Recapitulation of Results, - 2. — Formula of the Genetic Cycle, 3. — Modification for the higher Animals, 4. — Extension for Pullulation, 5. — Concluding Remarks, Page, 101 193 195 199 2( 200 202 204 206 208 212 216 216 218 219 X. — CAisES Simulating Alternation of Generations. 1. — Casual Alternation of Gemmation and Generation, 221 2. — Alternation of Diverse Gemmations, , . 221 3. — Atavism, ..... 222 4. — Metamorphosis, ..... 223 5. — Sperm atop hores and Sporophores, . . . 225 XI. — Homological Relations of the Structures concerned IN the Genetic Cycle. 1. — Nature of the ultimate Sexual Elements, . 229 2, — Homological Relations of the Germinal and Sjjer- matic Elements, .... 234 3, — Links of the Genetic Cycle in the several Groups of Organized Beings, ^ - . . 237 COj^TENTS. XV Page. 4. — ^Relations of the Sex to the Individual, . . 241 5. — Concluding Remarks, .... 248 APPENDIX. Table I. — Of the Genetic Cycle in Plants, . . 254 II. — The Genetic Cycle in Animals, . . 255 III, — Periods of Interpolation of Gemmation in diiferent groups of Organized Beings, . 256 IV. — Resting periods in the Genetic Cycle, . 257 V. — Abstract of Dr. Sanderson's Table of Ana- logies in the Development of different Classes of Plants, . . . 258 VI. — ) Analogies in the Genetic Cycle of Plants, VIII. — I as indicated in this Work, . . 2^1 IX. — ( Tabular Views of the Genetic Cycle in XVIII. ~ / the different Classes of Animals, . 266 ON THE GENETIC CYCLE. I. DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. Although there is no distinction in Nature more clear or more universally recognized than that between Organic and Inorganic Bodies, yet, when we descend to the lowest forms of the former, we find the marks which characterize them as a class become at last so little appreciable, that there is perhaps only one among those generally brought forward as diagnostic, which may be looked for as universally present — their derivation, by a process more or less direct, fi'om previously existing individuals of a like kind. In a certain sense, indeed, derivation from like forms may have place also in the origination of various substances simply physical in their nature, but — to pass over other difterences — there is this obvious distinction, that it is not essential to their formation. When it has place, it may facilitate their production more or less, as we find the crystallization of a saline solution accelerated by the pre- sence in it of crystals of the salt, already formed, which serve as nuclei for additional deposits of the like kind ; but such production will occur whenever the requisite chemical, mechanical, and other physical agencies come to operate upon matter in which the ultimate elements of the sub- stances in question are present. B 2 DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. But mth Organic Bodies it is different ; for in their case not only must their ultimate chemical elements be present in some shape or other, but they must be present as com- bined by the prior operation of the Hving powers of indi- viduals of a like kind into fertilized germs or other repro- ductive bodies. If such a germ or reproductive body has been normally constituted, then, and then only, mil the application of certain appropriate influences of the nature of light, heat, chemical action, &c., become the means of its being developed into a body eventually resembling that from which it was itself derived. § 2. On the validity of this point of distinction between organic and inorganic forms, naturalists and physiologists, after some vacillation, are probably now pretty well agreed ; the most recent researches affording as strong evidence against the origination of organic beings de novo, as any of a negative kind can well be. It is well known that organic matter in the state of decomposition into which it passes so readily when exposed to air and moisture at a suitable tem- perature, is found to swarm with minute forms of animal and vegetable life. But it has been shown by repeated, and apparently conclusive experiments, that no such develop- ment of living beings will occur if all the materials concerned in the experiment — that is, both the air and the organic matter, with water and other adjuncts — be subjected to processes which effectually destroy all particles they may contain of the nature of eggs or seeds, endued with a latent capacity of vital action ; and this, though care be taken not to alter their nature so as to unfit them in any way for the support of life once developed. The experiments of Professor Schultze, of Berlin, are among the first of the kind which were performed \vith the precision necessaiy in operations of this nature. They consisted in passing the air which was allowed to come in contact with the decomposing matter through a fluid (oil DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 3 of vitriol), capable of destroying organic matter by actual contact, without emitting any noxious fumes. Though the air was constantly renewed, no production of living forms took place in the substances under observation, so long as the current of air was subjected to this filtration ; while in comparative experiments, in which the decomposing matter was freely exposed to the atmosphere, without the employment of any such sifting process, the usual develop- ment occurred of the lower forms both of animal and vegetable life.* Without being at all aware of these ex- periments, I made some myself, of a similar nature, and with the same result, by passing the air through red-hot capillary tubes. These I reported in a communication to the Parisian Medical Society, in 184?3. Some years after, on the reports cuiTcnt of the discoveries of the late Mr. Crosse, the electrician, I repeated the experiments of Pro- fessor Schultze, with some modifications, — as by passing a continuous electrical current of low intensity through the organic matter, -^but I have obtained always the same negative result. M. Milne Edwards also refers to experi- ments of his own, of the same general nature, and, like Schultze's, entirely opposed to the spontaneous development of organic forms."!* Quite lately, however, we have the report of experiments by two independent observers, affording a different result. I refer to those of M. Pouchet, communicated last year to the French Academy ; and those of Dr. Daubeny, which were brought under the notice of the British Association at its late meeting at Oxford. M. Pouchet's experiments consisted in macerating in distilled water a portion of the contents of a flask of hay Avhich had been exposed (dry) to a high temperature in an oven for half-an-hour. The ap- * For a detailed notice of these experiments, see the Edinburgh Philo- sophical Journal for July, 1837 ; also, Owen's Compar. Anat. I., 32. f Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, Oct., 1859. B 2 4 DEPJVATION OF ORG.VNIC BEI^^GS. paratus was immediately sealed hermetically ; but, notwith- standing these precautions, Infusoria were soon developed in the contained fluid. To the cogency of these experi- ments, Milne Edwards takes objection on the following grounds : — 1. The inadequacy of the means employed to ensure the heating of the whole mass of hay to the boiling point, or to any temperature inconsistent with the retention of vitality. 2. The capacity of animals, such as the Rotifera — much higher in the scale than the simpler Infusoria — of recovering their vitality on being moistened after desiccation, and even after exposure in the dry state, to a degree of heat which would be fatal in the natural condition.* Dr. Daubeny's experiments were of the same general nature as those of Schultze. No development of animal life took place ; but, notwithstanding all the precautions employed, mouldy vegetations made their appearance in the fluid. In the discussion which ensued on the reading of Dr. Daubeny's paper, tv>^o possible sources of fallacy were suggested — the employment of lint-seed meal luting, and the passage of the air through the oil of vitriol in bubbles of too laro'e a size to ensure the full action of the caustic on all the suspended particles of an organic nature. But, as far as concerns the mucedinous Fungi, which give origin to these vegetations, it would appear that sulphuric acid, however employed, is no real barrier ; for M. Pasteur has found that they will bear even the prolonged contact of the concentrated acid without losing their power of germination.-f* The experiments of M. Pasteur, in some other points «'onnected with this subject, are so satisfactory in their results, both positive and negative, that a short reference to them is essential to complete our notice of the question. M. Pasteur first satisfied himself of the actual existence of * Edinburgh PhilosopLical Journal, Oct., 1859. t Annalee des Sciences Naturelles. Ser. lY., torn. XII. (zool), p. 8G. DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 5 organic particles in the air, by drawing it through a small dossil of gun-cotton, which was then dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, and the residuary matters, after wash- ing, examined by the microscope. Some of the particles thus obtained were evidently of an organic nature, as indi- cated by their form and structure. A good many appeared to be minute grains of starch, and were at once dissolved by concentrated sulphuric acid ; but some corresponded with the spores of the mucedinous Fungi in their powers of resistance to that reao-ent. M. Pasteur then made various experiments to test the possibility of spontaneous genera- tion, of the same general nature as those already noticed. In one of these a fermentible saccharine fluid was placed in a large glass flask, with the neck drawTi out into a capillaiy tube. After prolonged boiling, the flask was allowed to fill itself with air in cooling, the capillary neck through which the air entered being made red hot, and afterguards herme- tically sealed, when refrigeration was complete. No de- velopment of life took place so long as the flask was intact, though kept at a warm temperature for a month or even six weeks ; but when a small plug of gun-cotton was intro- duced — charged in the way described mth atmospheric dust — though precautions were taken which appeared abundantly sufiicient to prevent the entrance of any other extraneous matters, a turbidity soon became apparent in the fluid, which was quite limpid before, and vegetations began to develop themselves in about the same time that they appeared in comparative experiments on liquids freely exposed to the atmosphere, gradually spreading from the vicinity of the ball of cotton through the whole contents of the flask. These and other experiments of M. Pasteur's, bearing on the same subject, appear fully to justify his conclusion, that there is nothing in the air, save these dust-like germs, which can be the cause of the development of animal and 6 DERIVATION OF ORG.VNIC BEINGS. vegetable life, follo\nng on its free access. Even the oxygen comes into play only as a supporter of the life of the forms originating from these genns. Neither gas nor liquid, neither electricity nor magnetism, nor ozone, nor anything else, known or unkno^^^l, which may be present in the air, save only the germs which it carries, are the essential con- dition of the development of life.* The general result of experiments of this kind, taken in conjunction with arguments from the general analogy of plants and animals, have now led to the abandonment, by common consent, of the theories, once so prevalent among physiologists, of spontaneous generation ; for the clear in- ference from these experiments is, that there exist con- stantly, either in the organic matter, or, more probably, in the natural air or water, multitudes of germs of many different organisms, and that the speciality of the forms that appear in particidar cases depends, either on the nidus variously modifying the development of germs originally identical, or on its so favouring the growth of some, that the others are stifled, as it were, and so prove abortive. We have many other indications of the existence of multitudes of such germs floating in the air. It is mainly by the conveyance of pollen in this way that we account for the fertilization of the seeds of dioecious plants ; and that the spires of various species of ferns must be simi- larly wafted about in their vicinity, appears from the diffi- culty of obtaining pure seed to be depended on for the multiplication of any particular species, many of the plants raised turning out of quite a different kind from that from which the spores were collected. "I* It is true that there are still many cases in which Natu- ralists are much perplexed to account for the formation of organized beings, if the idea of their origination indepen- * Op. Cit. pp. 85-89. t Dr. Balfour, in Edin. N. Phil. Jouru. VIII., 278. DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 7 dently of parents — or their spontaneous generation^ as it has been called — is to be held inadmissible. This is especially the case in regard to the development of parasitic beings ; but so much has been done of late years in the investiga- tion of these obscure cases, as to render it highly probable that those as yet unexplained are no real exception to the general law of parental derivation. The facts which have come to light in the pursuit of such enquiries are of a kind equally surprising and interesting, but it would be out of place to refer to them more in detail here, as many of the phenomena will again come under notice in the farther treatment of the subject proposed for discussion in this work — the laws regulating the derivation of living beings from each other. It may suffice, therefore, to close this allusion with the following summary of the subject, in the words of Prof. Owen : — "The ' thread-worms ' ( Filar iw) of certain insects, which present no trace of sexual organs, were supposed to be spontaneously developed in those in- sects. The little worms were, however, by special and due research seen to wind their way out of the caterpillars they infested. Von Siebold placed these free Filariw in damp earth, into which they soon bored : in a few weeks he found that the sexual organs were developed in them, and that they laid hundreds of eggs. Early in spring the young worms were hatched, and began to creep about. Von Sie- bold took some young caterpillars of the moth ( Iponomeuta evonymella) in which were no parasites : he placed them in the soft earth in which the young Filariw had been hatched, and, in twenty-four hours, most of the caterpillars were in- fested by the young thread-worms, which had bored their way through the soft skin, into the interior of the young caterpillars. The long hair-worm of fresh waters (Gordius aquaticus), vulgarly conceived to be the result of a meta- morphosis of the hair of a horses' tail, passes its early life as a parasite in the body of an insect. But many Entozoa 8 DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. acquire their full or sexual development, not as free worms, but within the body of another animal, and of a species distinct from that in which they had passed the early stage of their existence.* In illustration, Professor Owen gives a summary of the reproduction of the Distomata, which we shall presently have occasion to consider more at length. He proceeds : — " The sum of the recent researches on the generation of the Entozoa, teaches that, to the success in life of the majority of these internal parasites, two diffe- rent species of much higher organized animals are subser- vient ; and that these two species stand in the relation of prey and devourer. The habits of the prey favour the ac- cidental introduction — as when a slug crawls over the droppings of a thrush — of the eggs of the bird's intestinal parasite. These are hatched in the slug. The slug, in its turn, is devoured by the thrush, but the parasitic passen- gers are not digested — only the coach is dissolved, and the larvae, thus set free, find in the warm intestines of the bird the appropriate conditions for their metamorphosis and full development. In like manner, the Rhynchobothria of a cuttle fish are the larvae of the Tetrarhynchus or four-ten- tacled tape worm of a dog-fish. The encysted sexless Tricenophorus of the liver of the char becomes the free and perfect Trioenophorus of the gut of the pike. Tlie Ligula of a herring becomes a Tcenia only when introduced into the interior of a cormorant. The bladder-worm (Cysticercus fasciolaris) of the mouse's liver becomes the tape-worm (Twnia crassicollis ) of the cat. The Cysticercus pUlf or mis of the liver of the hare becomes the Tcenia serrata of the dog and fox. Dr. Kuchenmeister of Zittau first proved, ex- perimentally, by feeding animals with Cysticerci (Hydatids of the flesh and glands of herbivorous animals) that they * Address to Brit. Assoc, at Leeds, 1858. P. 23. DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 9 became Twnice (intestinal tape-worms) in carnivorous animals.'' * § 3. But, although it would appear that we may safely enough admit the universal derivation of living beings more or less directly from others of the same kind, which stand to them in the relation of parents, it is by no means so clear that we are entitled to assume any absolute unifor- mity in the way in which this law is carried into operation. In fact, even a superficial survey of nature must make us aware of one notable point of difference ; for, while in all the higher forms, we find two parents (or their representa- tives) concerned in the act of reproduction, w'e meet with many cases among those lower in the scale of organization in which a single individual appears capable of procreation by its own unaided powers. It will suffice at present to cite in illustration the case of the Aphides among insects. The existence of these two diff'erent modes of origin — by single and double derivation — is now so universally admitted that special terms are in use for their designation — such as homogenesis or monogenesis for the former, and heterogenesis or digenesis for the latter. i" The term gemma- tion (budding) is also used by many authors to denote pro- pagation by single derivation, as distinguished from that higher form of generation which involves the combination of two original elements. In the former mode of origin a portion of the body of the parent becomes the seat of a * Address to Brit. Assoc, 1858. P. 31.. t This is the sense in which the terms monogenesis and digenesis are proposed by Prof. A. Thomson (Cyclop. Anat. and Physical, Art. Ovum, Suppl. p. 42), and the sense in which they will be employed in the fol- lowing pages ; but it is necessary to observe that Prof. Van Beneden, in his extensive works on the reproduction of the Entozoa, uses them with a very different meaning ; by tnonogcnesis he understands direct develop- ment ; and by digenesis the interpolation of intermediate forms, in the way of alternation — i.e. not as here, genesis from two origins, but genesis in two stages. B 3 10 DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. certain independent manifestation of vitality, and a focus of such intensity of the plastic processes, that, in the course of time, the part is converted into a distinct organism, capable of detachment from the parent, and fitted to main- tain a separate existence. Such a detached gemma may be termed 2^ free zooid ox phytoid. In the ordinary form of reproduction again — that by the co-operation of the sexes — a fusion seems to take place of two highly vitalized portions of the same or kindred organ- isms, which results in the formation of a fecundated germ, possessed henceforth of an independent vitality, endowed mth a capacity for ultimately acquiring the structure characteristic of the species, and destined to be thrown on its own resources, by its extrusion from the protecting envelopes, as soon as its organization is sufficiently ad- vanced for this condition. In all but the very lowest forms of life — the conjugating Algse — a difference is observable between the two factors of the embryonic product, which are recognized respectively as male and female, or as the spermatic and germinal elements. § 4. It has long been known that these two modes of propagation may co-exist in the same species — ^the plant or animal multiplying now in one way, now in the other ; but the general relations of the two modes of increase to each other, throughout series of organised beings as a whole, has only recently engaged the attention of naturalists. Till lately, the general opinion seemed to be that the latter form of reproduction was the normal one in the higher species both of plants and animals, while derivation from a single parent prevailed in the lower grades of both king- doms, there being some in an intermediate position, which furnished examples of the co-existence of the two forms. This arrangement was considered to be quite exceptional among animals, though of common occurrence, under some modifications, in the vegetable kingdom ; but no farther DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 11 relation was indicated between the two processes in such cases, than that a high development of the one was usually accompanied by a proportionate abeyance of the other. Now, in so far there can be no doubt that it is only in the lower forms that gemmation is met with as an ob- vious phenomenon ; but the idea can no longer be enter- tained that sexual reproduction is confined in the same way to the higher species, the tendency of recent investiga- tions being rather in favour of greatly extending the limits of both forms. In particular, an origin from two parents is now known to have place in many species, in which it had long been overlooked on account of its recurring only at intervals, the ordinary mode of propagation being by offsets from a single stock. Thus, in some of the lower Algse, the ordinary mode of increase is by the formation of new cells, which, becoming detached from the parent frond, may form each the nucleus of a new and independent plant. This goes on with more or less vigour during the whole season ; but when such a change of external circumstances super- venes, as to interfere with continuous growth, a new mode of propagation is brought into play in the process termed conjugation, or the coalescence of two cells in separate fronds, so as to form a seed-like body, which, after lying dormant till the return of conditions favourable to veo-eta- tion, gives origin to a new frond, like one of those previously produced by detached cells. Here the process of digenesis — represented by the fusion of two cells — comes in only at intervals, to supplement, as it were, what is in this case the more usual one of monogenesis — represented by the detach- ment and o;ermination of single cells. In those of the lower species, in which both modes of propagation are well marked features, we find that they have a tendency to succeed each other in a regular order. with corresponding differences in the immediate progeny, to which the term alternation of generations has been 12 DERIVATION OF OllGAXIC BEINGS. applied — an expression which, though open to some ob- jections, has now come into very general use. The recurrence of sexual reproduction, in some form or other, has now been ascertained in so many species, ordi- narily propagated in the way of gemmation, as strongly to suggest the probability of the occasional interposition of the other form being eventually detected, by close and long continued observation, even in those cases in which deriva- tion from a single source is the only mode of increase yet known ; and the impression is gaining ground among naturalists that the two are co-existent, and alternate with more or less regularity and distinctness in many of the lower Invertebrata, and probably still more universally in the vegetable kingdom. It is unnecessary at present to go into any argument on the point, as the sketch which will presently be given of the modifications of the function of reproduction in both kingdoms of nature will serve to show the grounds on which this view is founded. § 5, I believe, indeed, that it falls short of the truth, and that there are processes co-extensive with organic nature which represent, in some degree, the gemmation of the lower species, and alternate in the same way with the sexual act. I must premise, however, that, even in cases where the phenomena of alternation come out most clearly, I cannot legard the processes as all of a parallel kind. They ap- pear to me to fall into groups whose characteristic features depend principally on the period of the life-history of the species at which a process of gemmation is interpolated in the genetic cycle. The gemmation sometimes occurs just before, and is, as it were, ancillary to sexual reproduction ; sometimes it occurs after it, when it is subservient rather to the progress of development. In the former case, what may on the whole be considered as the most typical of the diverse forms be - DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 13 longing to the species, is still defective in having no proper organs of reproduction — a function which is vicariously performed by a set of gemmae detached from it. The original stock is really neuter ; but true sexes appear in these buds, after they have been transformed by a process of development into isolated zooids or phytoids. They may then be considered as a highly individualized form of those organs which were wanting in the parent stock. Such organs constitute, at least, the essential part of their economy ; and although, along with them, there may be present also others, more or less fully developed, for dis- charging functions, such as alimentation and locomotion, required by their status as free zooids, yet their gTeat office is reproduction, and this end effected, their life speedily comes to a close. In this they contrast strikingly with the stock from which they were derived ; for it is endowed with a much gxeater permanence of life, frequently detaching, during its period of vigour, many successive swarms of sexual zooids ; just as among the higher animals, the same parent may develope many successive broods of young. On the other hand, when the budding process occurs in the course of development, the gemmae are detached from the immediate product of impregnation while it is still in a rudimentary condition, comparable to the first stage in the evolution of the ovum of the higher animals. The germ- parent itself never attains to the full development of the species, but remains the whole term of its brief existence in a rudimentary state ; but the progeny, which it buds off, acquire, in due course, the typical form, or at least give origin, mediately or immediately, to others which do so. For the better distinction of these varieties of alternation, and for the purpose of bringing out more clearly what I ctjnceive to be their points of correspondence ^vith pheno- mena occurring in the higher animals, I have found it con- venient to divide the life history of an organic being into 14 DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. three stages, all of wliicli come out prominently in one form or other of alternation, while, as I shall endeavour to show, they are covertly represented even in those species in which no phenomena of alternation are recognised. The first, or what I term the protomorphic stage, is that which intervenes between the fecundation of the germ and the first appearance of the characteristic or typical organization of the species ; the second, or ortkomorphic, that which corresponds to the development and full perfection of this organization ; while the third, or gamomorpJdc, is that of the formation or matu- ration of those structures in w^hich the spermatic and germi- nal elements are generated, in preparation for another act of fecundation, as the commencement of a new genetic cycle. In one of the forms of alternation just noticed, the inter- polation of gemmation takes place in the protomorphic stage, — that is, prior to that development by which the features most characteristic of the species are gTadually evolved. The other form of alternation, just contrasted with it, is that in which the process of gemmation is inter- polated in the gamomorphic stage — ^that is, after the general acquisition of the typical conformation of the species, and in connection v/ith the development of the organs which form the sexual elements. In the intermediate period of the life history of the species — that here termed ortliomorpliic — which intervenes between the appearance of the general typical character of the family and the maturation of sexual organs, gemma- tion, though, perhaps, a more frequent character than either in the incipient or terminal stages, rarely comes before us as a case of alternation of generations, in consequence of the gemmae commonly remaining in adhesion to each other, so that their separate individuaUty is never clearly mani- fested, and the whole aggregation passes as a single plant or animal. This is especially the characteristic an'angement in the vegetable kingdom, and in the zooph}i:ic forms of DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. 15 animal life. Where the gemmae do become detached, how- ever, the case may assume the aspect of a form of alternation, one of the most striking examples — that occun-ing in the propagation of the Aphides — being, as I believe, referable to this head. In cases, therefore, where alternation is an obvious and well recognized occurrence, I would distinguish these three varieties : — 1. That in which the gemmation occurs in the proto- morphic or germinal stage, prior to the appearance of the typical organization ; 2. That in which it occurs in the gamomorphic or later stage of the life history — that is, the connection with the maturation of the reproductive organs ; and 3. That in which it occurs in the orthomorphic or inter- mediate stage — -that is, during the manifestation of a more fully developed condition of the typical organization, but prior to the maturation of the sexual organs. § 6. But, even in the higher forms of life, where we no longer find any obvious alternation, I believe that phenomena occur which are in some degree representative, and which admit of the same sort of classification. Thus, though the well- marked cases of alternation, due to the evolution of proto- morphic zooids, are confined to a few of the lower orders, a certain nisus, or tendency in this direction, — a fresh start, as it were, in the course of germinal development — may be traced with more or less distinctness in all cases of embryogeny, as in all instances there is formed first a cellular germ-mass, from one point of which there is subse- quently developed a new axis of embryonic gro^Hh. And as the appearance of the new centre of organization in the early germ may stand as representative of protomorphic alternation, so to the contrasted form marked by the produc- tion of sexual or gamomorphic zooids, we may trace a certain correspondence in the maturation of the reproductive organs. 16 DERIVATION OF ORGANIC BEINGS. The subject of these relations I propose to examine with more detail after the survey, just refen*ed to, of the repro- ductive process in organic nature, but it seemed necessary to premise so much here, as I have made use, in its course, of forms of expression, to avoid circumlocution, which would hardly be intelligible without such explanation. SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROC^'^;^ 17 II. SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. What is true in a degree of all physical science, applies with especial force to Biology — namely, that the so-called " General Laws," being really nothing else than general expressions of facts, can only be determined when the in- dividual facts have first been clearly ascertained in a great variety of instances, and then carefully and minutely com- pared for the discovery of their mutual relations. A partial selection of facts can serve only as the basis of con- jecture, and nothing, probably, does more to damage the progress of science than the abuse of hypotheses, to give a false show of symmetry and completeness to empty systems, which are the product merely of the speculator's fancy, and have no real counterpart in nature. Our dislike to confess ignorance, and go through investigations which promise no immediate result, predispose us but too much to adopt such ready-made systems, which must fall to pieces, indeed, at last from their own rottenness, but which, for a time, do much mischief by stifling the ardour of research, or giving it such a false bias as to cause facts and relations to be overlooked in a manner which seems almost incredible after the delusion has once passed away. Yet it is admitted that there is a use of hypothesis in science which is perfectly legitimate, and which, when em- ployed with due tact and caution, has proved of most signal service in the hands of many of the most gifted students of nature in unlocking her secret recesses. What is it but such a guarded use of hypothesis that gives modern chemistry a claim to rank as a philosopliical 18 SURVEY OF THE REPrtODUCTIVE PROCESS pursuit, which could never be awarded to the laborious but desultory researches of the old alchymists. In the main, chemistry still is, and must long remain, an empirical science : the very fluctuations of its nomenclature show that its so-called theories are no more than hypotheses, still they have the important use of giving system to what would otherwdse be a chaos of unconnected facts ; and there is undoubtedly a certain amount of truth in the relations thus indicated, though in any fully developed system this is as obviously eked out by conjectures. To those who have the acuteness to distinguish between them, the former furnishes important indications for the course of farther investigations; and these, when completed, serve to determine the truth of the conjectural superstructure. But, in fact, the natural tendency of the human mind to generalize makes it impossible to prevent the introduction of hypothesis. Few persons can address themselves to the consideration of any extensive series of phenomena without attempting to trace certain relations of this kind among them, and the validity of their conclusions is entirely a question of degree. In proportion as the facts are numerous and accurately known, and as they are carefully and judiciously comj)ared, the results arrived at will be entitled to rank as weU ascertained general law^s ; but far short of this conclusions will be drawn. With the averao^e constitu- tion of minds, it is impossible it should be otherwise ; and there is, therefore, probably more good likely to be done by insisting on the necessity of distinguishing the well-founded from the merely conjectural, than by entirely excluding the latter. Though w^e may admit, therefore, as is the opinion of some well qualified to judge, that we have not yet in most branches of biological science a sufficient knowledge of actual facts to admit of our conclusions from them ranking much above the level of hypothesis, we still reasonably ex- IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 19 pect to derive some advantage from their guarded use, especially in methodizing the more intricate departments ; and none, surely, stands more in need of being systematized than that involving the consideration of all those diversified and seemingly anomalous phenomena, which have -i O X o & ^ g^ c • • ^ single double single } same matic. erocys > 03 ■a ^ ^ rP ^ I ^ "^ . ^ 1 p P •9 ^ -B 1 fi c o :^ •bi) E g e ^' fi be 60 be 60 5s P p cc o d r- p p »-^ K F *- • l-H •ff ■? ■? '5" « S c n c c c c c P4 i= ' :: fe o C C C DQ a tt ; ^^ : fl t » .B : e>^ 5: r^ .rt a ) .X • 00 '■ I3 -? i a • CO * a £ c CO + 1 + a ^ c >« ^ P ' i I CD •!= U en : Q TO o n c a p^ ^ " 'i: K o ;:; b a -1^ m C .^ o m bj p ° £ c a 1 "^ PI .£ (D -4- d o o c p c c c ^ p be I': 1 ^ o ^ c c c p^ c CC N cc N N K C Pt: fx. • S m* 0) S JS O -♦-' PI N , • a> o >> • s fl O 1 bi D Oh .s ' c > a J J- 5 C ) P- ; p P 1 C ) c ) t ) Jz i > o'2 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS 4. § REPRODUCTION IN THE ALGiE GENERALLY AND CHARACE^. Of the three current divisions of Algae — Confervoide?e or green-spored, Floridese or red-spored, and Fucoideae or olive- spored — the first is generally considered as including those simpler forms already noticed in which conjugation occurs, as well as others of higher organization, in which, as in the order generally, a distinction of sexual elements seems to prevail. The spermatic particles of Algse go under the name of antherozoids or phytozoa, but, with one or two doubtful ex- ceptions, they are not filiform hke the bodies so called in the higher Ciyptogamia, but ordinarily of an ovoid form, wth two long cilia attached at one end, whose play im- presses upon the corpuscule a rapid jerking motion. The particles supposed to play the part of antheriozoids in the Floridese appear to be destitute of cilia and of all motile power. The germinal bodies are small globular masses of protoplasm occupying the interior of cells termed sporangia. No conjugation or direct union of cells takes place in this group, but the concourse of the elements is effected by the fonnation of pores in the cell-walls, through which the sper- matic particles escape from their proper cells and gain access to the interior of the sporangia ; the perforations in the latter are termed micropyles. Zoospores — a sort of motile cihated gemmules found in connection with the conjugating Algse which have no anthe- rozoids — occur also throughout the present group, except among the Floridese. Though liable to be confounded together, the two kinds of corpuscules present generally certain struc- tural diversities, and have totally different functions. The zoospores are generally larger, their cilia are more numerous, and their motion through the water more uniform. They appear to be formed by the breaking up of the endochrome of some of the component cells of the filament or frond, and IN TUB VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 33 escape by perforations in the walls ; the autherozoids again originate in special cells of the nature of antheridla. Tlu'v are both indeed concerned in propagation, bnt while tin- peculiar office of the latter is to impregnate the germs, the zoospores appear to be merely a kind of gemmae capable of spontaneous development, for it is observed that after a time their motion ceases from the loss of the ciha, and they begin to o-enninate into new fronds. Only such particulars of the reproductive process in the minor divisions of the order will be noticed here as are illustrative of the main points now under consideration. To beoin with the Confervoideaj — as limited to the ffreen- coloured Algte, both fresh water and marine, which do not conjugate — w^e may take for illustration of the filamentous species, formed by the coherence of cells in linear series, those contained in the genera Sphceroplea, Bulbochwte and CEdogonium, as having been the subjects of the most satisfac- tory observations. Zoospores have been detected only in some of the species, but the occurrence of autherozoids appears to be general. They are developed from special cells, either directly as in Bplia^roplea, or through the medium of a pro- thallial frond or androspore, as in various species of the other two genera. In the latter, according to the observa- tions of Pringsheim, small bodies like zoospores (micro- ponidia) are formed singly in cells, which are smaller than the rest, and present certain other peculiarities. These corpuscules, after their period of activity is over, attach themselves to the neighbourhood of the sporangia, and ger- minate into minute fronds of three cells, one of which serves as a pedicle of attachment, while the other two become antheridia, each maturing an antherozoid of some size. By a peculiar fissuring of the anthericUum, and the formation of a pore or micropyle in the sporangium, the antherozoi- togamia were Nageli, Munter, and Suminski. A notice of the lat( r writers is given by Professor Heufrey in the Annals of Natural History, 2d Ser., Vol. IX., p. 441. Hofmeister is the best known. An English edition of his works was announced some years ago, but has not yet ap- peared ; it is understood, however, that the Ray Society has it in con- templation. A general survey of the reproduction both of Cryptogamic and Phanerogamic plants is given by Dr. Sanderson in the C3'clopf d a of Anatomy and Physiology, Art. " Vegetable Ovum.," Vol. IV., p. 211. (Part XLV. March, 1855.) D 3 58 SURVEY or THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS gins, so as to leave them exposed, and allow impregnation to be effected by the direct contact of the pollen grain with the aperture of the coats at the apex of the nucleus, known as the micropyle. The two coats and the nucleus of the ovule evidently correspond to the double-wall and cellular contents of the spore of the Rhizocarps, but it is in the development of a peculiar intra-ovular structure — the Albuminous body — that the principal interest of the comparison lies. It ori- ginates as a simple cell, but as it enlarges it generates in its interior a cellular mass, which may be held to repre- sent the prothallium of the Cryptogamic spore. In its substance are subsequently developed two or three minute capsular bodies — the Corpuscula of Brown — each sur- mounted by a crown of four cells, like those forming the neck of the archegonium of the spore. The Corpuscula contain minute cell-like bodies, the one at the base corres- ponding to the germ cell of the archegonium, as well as to the " germinal" or " embryonal" vesicles of other ovules. Concomitant with this are the changes affecting the pollen grains, which, though they present certain peculiarities in Gymnospermeae, are formed, as in other Phanerogamia, ^vithin a modified leaf or anther, by the quaternary division of the contents of the central cells of the parenchyma. From the exposed condition of the ovule in the Coniferge, the grain finds direct axis to the micropyle, but it lies there for some time before it protrudes the pollen tube. Schacht has observed that this outgrowth is connected with a process of cell-development in the interior of the grain, though he is not inclined on this account to allow any analogy with the antheridial cellules of the Crypto- gamia. In the pollen tube he admits only the presence of free protoplasmic particles and starch grains.* Other * Vegetable Auat. Pliys. (Currey), p. 172-180. IN THE VEGETABLi: KINGDOM. 59 authors, however, assert tlie existence of free cells in this situation, at least in certain families, as the CupressinccX'.* Hofmeistet in particular mentions the formation of cells in the dilated extremity of the pollen tube, by a process of en- dogenous multiplication. The last formed cells contain granules, along wth minute vesicles, which may be the ulti- mate stage of the granules, and fusiform particles, which are perhaps originally the nuclei of the vesicles, and which somewhat resemble the spermatia of Lichens and Fungi. "f* The Pollen-tube, after insinuating itself into the tissue of the nucleus, has its growth arrested in some species for a w^hole season, and only recommences its progress when the " Corpuscula" are fully matured. It then penetrates through the overlying stratum of the nucleus, and through the wall and upper stratum of the albuminous body. Im- pinging finally on the summit of one of the Corpuscula, it displaces the rosette of cells here situated, and either sends down a process into the Corpusculum by invaginating its wall, or becomes merely flattened out over its summit, no aperture being formed either in the wall of the cavity or in that of the pollen tube. After this the germ cell at the base of the Corpusculum resolves itself, by a process of di- vision and sub-division, into a group of eight cells, the four lower being the rudimentary embryos — of which, however, all but one abort — while tlie four upper become elongated, by a continuance of the sub-division, into so many cellular filaments or suspensors, whose grow^th pushes down the embryos — as in the spore of the Rhizocarps — into the un- derlying stratum of the nucleus. This development in the ovule, the whole of which takes place while it is still attached to the tree, occupies a very long time, many Conifers not ripening their seeds till the next year after flowering. The fall of the seed arrests the * Micrograpbic Dictionary, p. 518. t Annals of Nat. Historj-, 2a Ser., XIV., 427. 60 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS development, but it is renewed in germination by the up- ward gro\\i;h of one of tbe embryos, and tlie consequent emergence of the plumule and radicle of the young plant, as in the case of other seeds. This sketch of the reproductive process in the Coniferae will suffice to show its leading relations, both to the other Phanerogamic orders and to the Cr^^togamia. The main points of agreement mth the latter are : — 1. The nakedness of the ovule at the time of im- pregnation. 2. The develoj)ment in its interior of the albumi- nous body and corpuscula, representing the prothallium and archegonia. 3. A certain amount of cellular development inside the pollen grain. 4. The arrest in the development of the pollen tube, which divides it into two stages, admit- ting of comparison with the maturation and emission of the microspore, and the subsequent evolution and discharge of antherozoids from it. The points again in which the Coniferse depai't from all Cryptogamic, and agree ^ith other Phanerogamic plants, are principally the following : — 1. The adhesion of the ovule to the parent plant till after impregnation and the formation of the embryo. 2. The lapse of time between the formation of the embryo and its evolution in germination ; this is the period of the latent life of the seeds, during which their fall and dispersion take place. 8. The substitution of fo villa in a pollen tube, in IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 61 the place of free antlierozoids, as the medium of impregnation. The first of these points of difference is that which gives its most obvious cha,racter to the reproductive process — ^just as among Cryptogamia the feature most obviously distin- guishing the Ehizocarps is the absence of an external pro- thallium, which is tantamount to the suppression of one ()f the two germinations (prothallial and embryonic) under- gone by the fern spore. This maturation of the embryo in situ, of course, affects the position of the breach of con- tinuity of organization, or the dissemination of the plant — the severance of the new generation from the old. It transfers it from the place occupied in the higher Crypto- gamic orders — the early part of the gamomorphic stage — to the interval between the protomorphic and orthomorphic stao;es ; or rather to the commencement of the latter, for the embryo is already fashioned in most species before the seed is shed. But in the Coniferse, besides this, which may be called the great breach of continuity, there is a lesser one — the shedding of the pollen, which affects only the male element. Here, as elsewhere, this, of course, occurs prior to impregnation. § 10. REPRODUCTION IN THE ANGIOSPERMOUS PHANEROGAMIA. The vast majority of the plants of the present epoch be- long to this gTOup, and principally to its higher or dicotyle- donous division. The reproduction is throughout by pollen grains and ovules, but both, and particularly the latter, differ considerably from those of the Gymnosperms. The carpellary leaf, instead of merely supporting the ovule, is wrapped round it to form a germen, generally of a more or less flask-shaped figure, with a neck or style re- sulting from the rolling up of its distal portion, and termi- 62 SURVEY OF THE REPrtODUCTlVE PROCESS nating in a stigmatic point denuded of cuticle. All direct contact of the ovule and pollen gTain is thus prevented, and impregnation is effected by the grains adhering to the stigma, and from that sending do\vn their tubes, through the lax tissue of the canal of the style, into the micropyles of the ovules in the germen below. No process of cell- formation has been observed in the interior of the pollen grain, and it is probable that its first protrusion is due simply to an endosmotic action, causing the contents — en- sheathed in the extensible inner wall — to be protruded in finger-like processes through perforations at points where the outer cellulose coat has given way. But the farther advance of the tube must be effected by a proper growth, for its extension soon comes many times to exceed the size of the grain from which it was emitted. The ovule consists at first of a cellular nucleus, round which a double coat grows up, leaving only at the apex the pore termed the micropyle, and within which a cell cavity or embryo-sac is afterwards formed. This sac acquires much greater size in some cases than in others, and occasionally protrudes from the micropyle in the form of an " ovule-tube.* It contains only a semifluid granular matter, or at most a mass of very delicate cells. Among the contents, however, are generally seen two or three particles more conspicuous than the others, which have received the name of " germinal vesicles," but which some observers consider to be mere unwalled masses of protoplasm. "f* Unlike the germ cell of the Coni- ferae, which lies at the bottom of the " Corpusculum," they occupy the space near the apex of the embryo-sac. The precise relations between the point of the pollen-tube and the embryo-sac were for some time the subjects of much dis- cussion. Schleiden, Geleznoff, De Bary, Wydler, Schacht, and Tulasne, maintaining either an introversion or perfora- * Dr. Dickie, Ann. Nat. Hist., N.S., I., 260. f Giiffith & Henfrey, Micr. Diet., p. 482. IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 63 « tion of the sac, and the formation of the embryo from a process of cell-formation in the extremity of the pollen tube, while other botanists of note did not admit more than an intimate contact between the extremity of the tube and that of the embryo-sac. The controversy may be said to be now mere matter of history, the former view having latterly been abandoned by its most distinguished supporters — Tulasne, Schleiden, and Schacht.* It seems to have arisen from the suspensor of the embryo having been mistaken for, or confounded with, the extremity of the pollen-tube. As it would appear, therefore, that there is no perforation either of the embryo- sac or of the pollen-tube, such commixture of their con- tents, as may be necessary for impregnation, must be held to depend on the transudation of the fo villa through the interposed membranes into the sac, in which it is now ge- nerally admitted that the embryo is developed, out of one of the contained "germinal vesicles." Impregnation through interposed membranes is certainly not according to the ge- neral analogy of the reproductive process, but it were prema- ture to assert that it does not occur in other divisions of organic nature."!* The " germinal vesicle" which has under- gone impregnation becomes resolved, as in the Coniferne, into two cells, the upper forming the confervoid suspensor, the lower the embryo. ^ The latter is at first a globular mass of cells, but generally, while the seed is ripening, cer- * Henfrey— Annals Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., XVII., 3-1.3. t In Dr. Cai*ter's Observations on (Edogonium,hc£oTe noticed, (eh. II., § 4), no bodily penetration of the antherozoids was visible. They seemed to degenerate into drops of reddish mucilage on the mucus-layer of the sporangium, and to be absorbed by a sort of endosmose. Annals of Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., XVIIL, 81. J In the phanerogamic ovule, the suspensor is generally formed after the development has commenced of the proper embryo ; its prior forma- tion in the Coniferae is one of the points in which tliis group presents a transition to the characters of the Cryjjtogamia. 64 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS tajn rudimentary organs are formed — the plumule, radicle, and cotyledons, representing the axis, root, and leaves of the future plant — and it is on differences in this respect that the great division into Monocotyledons and Dicotyle- dons is based.* The whole process of development is more rapid than in the Coniferae, there being no arrest in the grorfi of the pollen-tube, and the flowering and seeding of the plant being generally accomplished in the same season ; but there is an entire agreement in the main feature — the adhesion of the ovule to the parent plant till the maturation of the embryo. In some exceptional cases the connection is not entirely broken off even then ; the inextricable thickets of Mangrove, with which swampy tropical shores are fringed, are said to be due to the property which the seeds of this tree have of Q-erminatino; while still attached to the branch.i* From this sketch of the reproductive process, it appears that the Angiospennous Phanerogamia differ both from Coniferse and from the higher Cryptogamia (Rhizocarps, Ferns, &c) — firstly, in the absence of any accessory cells at the summit of the embryo-sac, like those which form the crown of the corpusculum and the styloid neck of the arche- gonium ; secondly, in the non-development of any distinct tissue in the ovule, like the albuminous body or the prothalhum ; in compensation for which, as it were, Ave have, thirdly, an additional outer envelope — the germen or ovary. From the Cryptogamic orders they differ farther in the separation, as it would seem, of the two elements by the continuous membranes of the pollen-tube and embryo- sac. In Phanerogamia we have two distinct genital canals, but neither of them corresponds to the archegonial canal * In^the Orobranchese and OrcMdacese, tlie embryo reaches no higlier development, in the ripening of the seed, than a globular mass of cells. t In apples, &c.j the seeds are sometimes seen in a state of germina- tion. IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 65 of the fern ; one of them — the micropyle — leading through the coats of the ovule, appears first when the prothallium becomes internal, as in the Rhizocarp ; the other, that of the style, being entirely extra-ovular, can, of course, have no existence v/hen the spores are deciduous, as in the Cryptoga- mia, nor even when the ovule is uncovered, as in the Coniferaj. The true homology of the relation in which the various intra-ovular structures of the Gymnospermese stand to those of other Phanerogamia, is a point on which authors are either not agreed, or else are so loose in their terminology as to obscure their real meaning,* but the bearing of the several envelopes to each other, and to the germ which they enfold, may be represented to a certain extent, as fol- lows, both in these groups and in the higher Cryptogamia, without entering into the discussion : — Angiosperms have three germ-envelopes — viz., Germen — pervious through the style ; Ovule-coats — pervious by the micropyle ; Embryo-sac — imperforate. Gymnosperms have also three germ-envelopes, though not all homologous with the foregoing, viz. : — Ovule-coats — pervious by the micropyle ; Albuminous body (prothallium) — perforated by the pollen-tube ; * Thus the term endosperm is applied both to the tissue of the albunii- nous body of the Coniferse, and to the cellular growth which takes place within the embryo-sac in the course of development in many plants, and which remains as a permanent constituent of the seed in llanunculacete and Nympheacese ; but, of course, the identification of these structures is incompatible with a homology between the embr^'O-sac and the corpus- culum or archegonium — as much so, indeed, as the notion implied in the old name of PistilUdiii/tn applied to the last mentioned organ. See the article on Vegetable Reproduction in the Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. 66 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS Corpusculiim (arcliegonium) — imperforate ; Rliizocarps have also three germ-envelopes ; Spore-coats — pervious by the micropyle ; Prothallium ) . i .i ^ c ^\ i ±j. .1 • > pervious bv the canal oi the latter. Arcliegonium J In Ferns, from the spore being merely a provisional structure, and from the prothallium being exposed, and not enclosing, but only supporting the archegonium, the latter is the only germ-envelope, and its canal the only passage of access. In mosses, as has been shown, there is no body corres- ponding to the spore of the ferns ; both it and the deriva- tive prothallium, which in that group had already ceased to be germ-envelopes, have now no longer any existence, the archegonia being attached directly to the leafy axis of the plant. § 11. The general conclusion to be drawn from the fore- going survey of the leading modifications of the reproduc- tive process in plants, appears to be that the difference be- tween the higher and lower species consists mainly in the constructive energy of the former being as it were concen- trated on that embryogenetic development, whereby a higher degTee of organization is attained in the typical or ortho- morphic condition ; the other two stages in the cycle of propagation being represented only by the maturation of the floral organs, and the formation of the cellular mass which is the earliest condition of the embryo. The latter process, though really the beginning of a new cycle, is so blended with the concluding or gamomorphic stage of the preceding, and both are so merged in the following ortho- morphic phase of development, that their individuality is quite lost, and they appear as mere subsidiary processes, affecting only certain organs of the typical plant, Avhose term of life is popularly supposed to commence from the IN THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 67 germination of the seed, though this is really nothing more than the evolutioii of an embryo already elaljorated^ As we descend to lower forms, we find one or other of these subsidiary stages becoming more prominent by the diffusion over them, as it were, of plastic energy, abstracted from the elaboration of the typical form, which declines proportion- ally in complexity of organization. In the Gymnospermeai and the higher Cryptogamia it is the gamomorphic stage which gTaduaUy acquires importance, the protomorphic not being conspicuously brought out till we reach the mosses and lower orders. In the following chapter a similar survey Avill be taken of the modifications of the process in the animal kingdom. 68 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS III. SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. § 1 . The function of reproduction in the Animal Kingdom, while it embraces wide variations in accessory points, pre- sents a great, if not an absolute, uniformity in the produc- tion and conformation of the sexual elements. The sper- matic particles, or spermatozoa, are developed as the solitary- nuclei of secondary cells — the vesicles of evolution — which are in turn generated in variable numbers within the cells occupying the cavities of the spermatic gland. When liberated by the rupture of their envelopes, the particles float freely in the fluid secreted by the gland — singly or in bundles as the case may be. Their normal form is that of a minute rounded body, with a long filiform appendage or cilium, by the vibration of which an onward motion is given to the whole corpuscule. Both parts are sufiiciently ap- parent in the higher animals, but among the lower tribes, as, for instance, in insects, we find the body sometimes so much attenuated as to be undistinguishable from the cilium, while in other cases the latter appendage disappears, and with it the motile power. This modification obtains in some Crustacea and Entozoa.* The germinal corpuscula, on the other hand, appears in the form of a minute nucleated body, and is known as the germinal vesicle. Like the spermatozoon it seems to be developed as the nucleus of a secondary cell (the ovum), which is generated in the interior of another (the ovisac), * Siebold's Compar. Anat., § 348, 290, 117. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. G9 lying in the substance of the ovarian gland — such at least is the case in the higher animals ; but it is very doubtful if these relations can be satisfactorily made out in all the lower orders, though the ovum has very constantly the character of a nucleated cell. It is commonly only the outer enve- lope that dehisces, the ovum itself being merely penetrated by the spermatic secretion, for the accomplishment of the act of fecundation. It is not yet absolutely certain that the spermatozoa always penetrate into the ovum in form ; possibly in some cases there may be nothing more than a transudation of their liquified substance. Their bodily presence within the ovum, however, has now been so fre- quently detected as to afford gTound for believing a formal penetration to be the usual rule.* We find, indeed, what may be considered as a special provision for their intro- duction, in the micropyle, which is found in many eggs, and consists of one or more apertures at one of the extremities. The functional import of the micropyle, as a passage of access for the spermatozoa, is rather confirmed by the cir- cumstance, that its homological relations are not the same in all ova. In such as have been originally attached by a * The first distinct observations of spermatozoa in the ovum appear to be those of Dr. Martin Barry on the rabbit (Philos. Transact. 1840, 1841, 1843, March and June. Edin. Philosoph. Journal, Vol. LY., 326, LVI., 36). They have also been observed by Dr. Farre in the earth- worm, by Dr. Nelson and Meissner inAscaHs (Philos. Transac. II., 1852), and by Dr. Newport in the frog (Philosoph. Transactions, 1853, p. 266- 281). In the following year Bischoff, who had before discredited the penetration of the spermatic particles, himself observed it, and since then Siebold has detected it in the ova of the bee (True Parthenogenesis, p. 85), and Gengenbauer in those of Hydrozoa (Huxley, Oceanic Hydrozoa, p. 22). Claims have also been advanced for Prevost and Dumas, Wagner and Keber. Keber's statements have not received much consideration from naturalists generally, except as regards the discovery of a micropyle in the ova of 177210 and Anodonta. A notice of the successive discoveries in this department is given by M. Claparede — Annals of Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., Vol. XVTI., 298. 70 SURVEY OY THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS stalk — as in those of Ecliinodermata and Helmintha — the portion of the hollow pedicle which remains in connec- tion with the ovum becomes the micropyle, but in other cases a special aperture appears to be formed for the purpose, in the previously continuous wall of the ovum. A micropyle has now been observed in the ova of all insects, and in those of Acephalous Mollusca, and of Osseous Fishes, as well as in those of some Crustacea, Annelida, Echinoder- mata, and Nematoid Entozoa. In the case of the Cepha- lopoda and Batrachia the evidence is less satisfactory, and no trace of it has yet been detected in the Mammalian ovum, though the preseiice of spermatozoa in its interior has now been verified by more than one observer. Here, therefore, we can only conjecture that they may gain access by a sort of boring action, or by the formation of extempo- raneous apertures.* The micropyle is certainly not the only provision for the purpose. In some cases the proper wail of the ovum disappears before it comes into connection with the Spermatozoa, which then penetrate into it over its whole extent, their filamentous extremities giving the sur- face a ciliated appearance. This has been observed by Meisner in the Lumbricus, and may perhaps occur also in some Hirudinei and Mollusca. In the Helmintha ao-ain, the spermatozoa are frequently brought in contact with the ova while the latter are yet in process of formation, as will be more fully mentioned in the notice of that class. In the Hydrozoa, too, impregnation seems to be effected in the nascent condition, as it were, of the ova, for these bodies do not appear to have any proper investing membrane, * In tlie ovum of the rabbit Dr. M. Barry describes (Op. Cit.) the for- mation of a cbiak for the entrance of the Spermatozoa. In that of the frog, according to Mr Newport, there is no perforation, aperture, or fissure of any kind visible to the eye, but he has distinctly observed the penetration of the Spermatozoa in considerable numbers and with great rapidity (in less than a minute). Philos. Transactions. 1853. IX THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 71 when they are detached from their capsules and broiifi^ht in contact with the spermatozoa.* * About the time of impregnation the germinal vesicle is generally stated to disappear. In the Batrachia Mr. Newport is inclined to think that it is ruptured by the pressure of a brood of minute cells formed in its in- terior, and its contents dispersed in the form of clear spherules through the yolk or mass of oleo-albuminous particles with w^iich the ovum is filled. This may serve in some way as a preparation for fecundation ; at all events he is positive that in the ova of the newi; and frog the disap- pearance of the vesicle takes place before impregnation, and not in consequence of it.*f* The first obvious result of this act is the repeated cleavage or segmentation of the original contents of the ovum, and the formation thereby of a mass of cells or plastic spherules, out of w^hich the embryo is de- veloped either immediately, or with the intervention of some of those diverse forms which occur in cases of so-called Alternation of Generations. After impregnation, and when the process of segmenta- tion is about to begin, a clear nucleated cell — the " embryo cell" — is generally observed in the interior of the yolk. In * Gegenbaiir, quoted by Huxley, Oceanic Hydozoa (Ray Soc), p, 22. These diversities in tlie mode of access of the Spermatozoa may be tabu- larly represented as follows : — By a micropyle, in Echinodermata, Worms, Insects, Crustacea, and Osseous Fishes (possibly also in some Reptiles (HylaJ ; By fissure of the wall of the OArum, in Mammalia ; (?) By penetration through its substance, in Batrachia ; By commixture before the ovum is coated over, in some Treraa- toda and Nematoidea, and in Hydrozoa; By dissolution of the investing membrane, in Lumhricvs, and perhaps in some Hirudinei and MoUusea. The subject is noticed with some detail in Professor A. Thomson's article (Ovum) in the supplementary volume of the Cyclopajdia of Anatomy and Physiology. Also in the paper by M. Claparede, quoted above. f Philosoph. Transactions (1851), p. 169. 72 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS Entochoncha mirabilis, a molluscous animal, this, ac- cording to J. MuUer, is identical with the germinal vesicle, which in that species never disappears. In other cases, as Ascaris, it has been supposed to arise from the nucleus of the vesicle. Some such connection has been assumed, in- deed, even when the vesicle seems to disappear entirely, as it does in most ova. It has been thought that the deli- quescence may not extend to its whole contents, and that the " embryo-cell" may originate from some residuary por- tions, as from some of the clear spherules, before referred to, in the ova of Birds and Batrachia. In the Hydrozoa, according to Gegenbauer, at least in the Corynidae, Calyco- phoridse, and Physophoridse, " the germinal vesicle" does not disappear, but its division immediately precedes that of the yolk, so that its progeny must eventually become the " embryo-cells" of the division masses.* The observations of the same naturalist on Sagitta, and of Professor Huxley on Pyrosoma, also tend to show that the '' embryo-cells" are the lineal descendants of the germinal vesicle. The division of the " embryo-cell" immediately precedes that of the yolk. The segmentation is commonly effected by each division of the '' embryo -cell" becoming coated over with a corresponding portion of the gTanular matter of the yolk, so that every one of the multitude of minute sphe- rules, into which the latter is ultimately resolved, contains, as its nucleus, a derivative of the "embryo-cell." But in a few cases, confined, so far as is yet known, to some Nema- toid and Cestoid worms, the progeny of the original " em- bryo-cell" do not coat themselves in this way, but seem rather to absorb the granular and fluid matter, growing, as it were, at its expense, so that the yolk entirely dis- appears by the time the segmentation is complete. Pro- fessor Huxley considers that a somewhat analogous pro- * Huxley's Oceanic Hydrozoa, p. 22 IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 73 cess of cell-formation occurs in tlie ova of Pyrosoma and Salpa.* The embryo — whether the direct or indirect product of impregnation — differs in the majority of cases from tlie adult form, not only in size, but in many points also of structure and configuration, and the progressive changes which it undergoes before acquiring perfect conformity to the organization of the parent go under the name of meta- morphosis. Sometimes they occur within the embryonic envelopes, but at other times the young is extruded while still in an imperfectly developed state. Such naked em- bryos are termed larva? — masks, as it were, disguising what is ultimately found to be the true aspect of the species. In some Invertebrata, Fishes, and Reptiles, and still more strikingly in Birds, the segmentation appears not to extend to the whole contents of the ovum, but the exception is more apparent than real, for the yolk of the fertilized egg- in such cases contains part of the granular matter within the ovisac, over and above the proper substance of the * Annals of Nat. History, 3d Ser. (Jany., 1860), p. 35. There is per- haps more force in Mr. Huxley's other suggestion of an analog}' with the Bird's ovum, though in this view the part wanting would not he the true cleaving yolk, hut the wall of the proper germinal vesicle, and the true ovum would he represented hy what he calls the germinal vesicle, not by the unwalled contents of the ovisac, which would coiTespond rather to the adventitious or yolk-food of the Bird. The homologies would stand as follows : — Vitelline memhrane wanting . Food yolk liquifying yolk of Huxley. m n-Ar ^ ^ (wall of "germinal ve- ^- i emporary zona of Meckel j • n ,, otj -> True or primitive central ") ri i. x r v i T ^ n } Contents oi above, granular yolk ) "Wall of germinal vesicle wanting. Macula of do germinal spot. Eeasons will be given afterwards for regarding the ivall of the germinal vesicle as a non-essential structure, though one certainly of great con- stancy in the animal kingdom. E •f^ 74? SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS original ovum, owing to the obliteration of tlie primordial wall of the latter, and the subsequent formation of a new limiting membrane — the vitelline — nearer the w^all of the ovisac* The supplementary material does not undergo segmentation, and goes under the name of food-yolk ; it is evidently provided to secure a larger supply of nutriment within the e<>;oi:, in cases where none is to be obtained from without during the development of the embryo. It is not present in the Mammalia, where the fsetus is nourished through the placenta, nor in cases among the lower orders in which the embryo is speedily set free as a larva. It is to diversities in such secondary points as those last alluded to, that the infinite variety is due, which the Animal Kingdom presents in the details of the process of reproduction. In the points more essentially connected with the formation and fertilization of the germ, there is, as has been mentioned, an essential sameness throughout, for the phenomena which at first sight appear most eccentric — those connected with the alternation of generations — do not arise from anomalies in the sexual process itself, but from the interpolation of an independent process of Mono- genesis, at different periods in the life history of the species. It is the relation between these two associated processes Avhich will form the principal subject of attention in this summary of the modifications of reproduction in the more important groups of animals ; the other peculiarities of the function will be alluded to only in so far as they help to illustrate this point. § 2. REPRODUCTION IN THE PROTOZOA. Following the same ascending order as in the last chapter, we are met at once on the threshold of the Animal Kingdom with a form of life to which we are not yet in a ^ Thomson in Cyc. Anat. and Pliys., Part LIV., p. 77. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 75 position to apply unreservedly any of the general principles above stated, as hitherto no indications of sex have been discovered in the majority of the species. Such points, however, will be stated as seem to have any distinct bear- ing on the subject before us. Under the name of Protozoa are comprehended certain unicellular animals having more or less affinity \nth the infusorial animalcules, in the restricted sense in which this term is now used, after the elimination of the embryos of the higher species, of unicellular plants, such as have been already considered, and of other extraneous forms. But there can be little doubt that names still occur in the list of Protozoa, which do not represent real species, but only the embryonic condition of such as are referable in their adult state to far higher types of organization, for a trans- formation which has now been satisfactorily traced in so many instances, may fairly be suspected to occur in not a few others still referred to the lower group. The detection of such cases must be left to patient observation, with the conviction that, though this is a slow process, it will even- tually yield results which may confidently be relied on. But even in cases where long continued observation shows that the unicellular organisms in question never at- tain any liigher type of structure, there still remains be- hind another difficulty — namely, to determine whether they are of an animal or vegetable nature, and the grounds on which this is to be decided, or the points of distinction be- tween the Protophyta and the Protozoa, form a question about wliich naturalists are not yet quite in agreement, though sensibly approaching to it. The following are the points now generally admitted as distinguishing the unicel- lular animal from the vegetable : — 1. Contractility of the substance or of the bounding wall of the organism, which is a main agent in its locomo- tion, though ciliary action is also employed, and to a much E 2 76 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS greater extent than in the vegetable cell, whose motile powers are consequently less marked and less constant. 2. The predominance of albuminous compounds over those ternary principles, such as cellulose, starch, and chlo- rophyll, which form the bulk of the vegetable cell and its contents, and the absence of the green colour which the action of light on these vegetable principles evolves. The Protozoa, on the elimination of these spurious or intruded species, constitute a truly natural group, but one, at the same time, hardly admitting of any good general definition, applicable to the several forms it includes, being distinguished from those referable to the other primary divisions of the Animal Kingdom chiefly by negative cha- racters, such as the absence of a nervous system and of organs of sense, and in many even of a distinct alimentary apparatus. They are sometimes described as unicellular, ■svith a nucleus or minute solid particle, and certain clear sj)aces or vacuoles in their interior,* but it is to be observed that no true cell-wall is developed in the lowest forms — the body consisting of a mere mass of plastic jelly, without any distinct membrane bounding its exterior. In the greater number of the Protozoa, reproduction is only as yet known to take place in the way of monogenesis. Two leading modifications of this are admitted, though they are not alw^ays to be distinguished from each other — -Jissioti and ciem7nation.'\ Fission, or the spontaneous separation of the body into two or more segments, prevails mostly in the higher group known as Infusorial Animalcules — gem- * Greene's Manual of the Protozoa, p. 2. f Fission, as Professor Owen remarks (Parthenogenesis, p. 10), though it presents a wide prima facie diversity from ordinary gemmation, in half of the body of the parent, instead of only a small portion of it, going to form that of the offspring, is after all only a modification of the other process, the difference depending on the very small size in gemmation of the portion of parenchjnna w4iich takes on the new development, in rela- tion to the whole body, and on its superficial position. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 77 mation, or the development of external buds, in the Ptizopods and Sponges. In the latter case there is a tendency — thouuh not so general as in the vegetable kingdom — for the gemmae to remain in adhesion with the basis from which they have been budded off, so as to give rise to composite multicellular organisms, whose configuration depends on corresponding variations in the mode of gemmation. Of these ao-greo-ated Protozoan structures, the Foramini- fera, and especially the Sponges, are the forms that attain the largest dimensions. Indications, however, are not wanting of the occurrence of sexual reproduction, though as yet they have been recog- nized only in a few isolated cases. In Tethya, an animal of this division, ova and spermatozoa have been detected by Mr. Huxley.* 3^hey do not appear to be formed in special organs, but occur in mixed masses within the spicular invest- ment of the common organism. The other cases are those observed by Balbiani among the Infusoria, as described in a late communication to the Academy of Sciences of Paris. This author has met with indications of the process in six or seven species representing different groups, but confines himself in this paper to a description of it as it occurs in Faramcecium Bursaria, the species in which he has been able to trace it most completely.'!* For several generations the Paramcecia multiply by spontaneous fission, each of the two new individuals obtaining half the primitive nucleus, but under the influence of conditions, of which w^e are still ignorant, the species propagates itself by sexual concourse. When the period for this arrives, the individuals are found coupled together in pairs, adherent laterally, and, as it were, locked together, with the similar extremities turned in the * Annals of Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., YII., 370. Also by Lieberkiilin in SponcjiUa, Op. Cit., XVII., 4.12. t Annals of Natural History, 3d Ser., I., 435. (Comptes Eendns, March 27, 1858, p. 628). Greene— Manual of Protozoa, p. 72. 78 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS same direction, and the two mouths closely applied to each other. In this state the two conjugated individuals con- tinue moving mth agility in the liquid, and turning con- stantly round their axis.* There is notliing before copula- tion to announce the evolution of the sexual elements ; it is during the act itself, of which the duration is prolonged for five or six days, or even longer, that their development takes place, at the expense of the nucleus and nucleolus of each animalcule. The nucleolus undergoes a considerable increase in size, and becomes converted by sub-division into two or more capsules, which contain ultimately minute fusiform bodies wLih fine filamentous extremities, regarded by Balbiani as spermatozoa. The corpuscules, wliich he considers as of a genninal nature, are certain spheroidal bodies, with indistinct central spots, formed in the sub- stance of the nucleus with or without its previous segmen- tation. Fecundation seems to be effected by a transference of one or more of the spermatic capsules, through the closely adpressed mouths, from the body of one animalcule into that of the other. They continue to increase in size after their transference has taken place, one only arriving at ma- turity at a time. Five or six days after copidation, minute rounded germs make their appearance, and in the com-se of development are extruded from the body of the parent animal, but for some time aft«r tliis they remain adherent to its exterior by means of the knobbed tentacles or suckers with wliich they are provided. At length they detach themselves, lose their suckers, acquire a mouth in their stead, and, becoming furnished mth vibratile cilia, take on the aspect of adult Paramcvcia.'\' * In a second commnnication Mr. Balbiani generalizes his eonclnsions, and extends them to several other Infusoria, as Euplotes, Cliilodon Spirostomnm, and Oxytricliina. Annals of Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., II., 4-iO, t Dr. A. Thomson in Cyclop. Anat. and Physiol., Art. Ovum, p. 7. Greene's Protozoa, p. 51-71. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM:. 79 A sort of conjugation lias been observed in some Infuso- rians, and particularly in the allied order of Gregarinidfe, consisting mostly of parasites infesting the intestines of insects ; but that attempts to assimilate it to the conjuga- tion of the Protophyta are at least premature, is sho^vn by the diversity of the two processes in some important points. For, firstly, the fusion which has been observed in Vorti- cella and Gregarina by Stein and others, is not always con- fined to a pair, but occasionally three have been seen to coalesce in this way ; and, secondly, the union does not seem to be of the same nature, for after coalescing in this manner, the animals have been seen to separate again in all their integrity. Where it really is preliminary to the for- mation of embryos, we may, therefore, more reasonably consider it as a kind of intimate copulation, like that w^hich has just been described from Balbiani.* In connection with the reproduction of the Infusoria, two other points seem to call for a short notice — encystment, and the transformations which have been described by some authors. The encysting process has been most accurately observed in Vorticella, but it probably occurs in all animals of the class. A Vorticella about to become encysted contracts slightly, closes the peristome or ciliated depression in which the mouth is situated, and envelopes itself mth a mucous * In some of the species observed by Balbiani, the union amounted to an actual fusion of the individuals for more than two-thirds of their an- terior part, and in all probability many supposed cases of incipient fission have really been of this nature. Among the Entozoa, still more striking cases of so-called conjugation have been observed. In Syiigamns there appears to occur a real fusion of tissue, and in Biporpcib even a coalescence of certain viscera between the two individuals, which, indeed, were first de- scribed as one duplicated animal ; yet, in its bearing on reproduction, the act seems more allied to ordinary copulation than to conjugation as it occurs in the Protoph^^a, as both the individuals concerned have proper generative organs of the ordinaiy type of the class. See Annals of Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., VII., 428. 80 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS secretion which gTadually consolidates into a hard shell. In some cases the encystment seems to depend on exposure to cold or drought, and is then probably simply a means of protection from these influences — a sort of hybernation — for the animal may remain unchanged in the cyst, and, when humidity and warmth are restored, it may burst its envelope and resume its former life. But in other instances it appears to have a physiological import, and to be preli- minary to certain transformations of the animalcule itself. Stein mentions several metamorphosis undergone by the Vorticella in the interior of the cyst, especially its breaking up into a number of minute corpuscules, which, on reaching maturity, are shed by the dehiscence of the shell, and serve as free gemmae for the multiplication of the species. He describes^' also the {conversion of the cyst itself .into an 'Acineta, by the protrusion from its exterior of the charac- teristic knobbed tentacles. The convertibility of these two forms, and many others of Stein's conclusions, are rejected by Lachmann on the ground that suf&cient care was not taken in the isolation of the specimens observed. More lately, however, M. d'Udekem has reasserted the derivation of acineta forms from the encysted Vorticella, though he differs from M. Stein in his account of the metamorphosis. He describes the transformation of the Vorticella within the cyst into a simple ciliated Infusorian (Opalina), by its dissolution into granules, the exterior layers of which coa- lesce to form an integument, by a process somcAvhat resem- blino- the formation of the blastodermic membrane of the ovum. Tlie ciliated body after escaping from the cyst, which is ruptured by its groA\i;h, is transformed into an Acineta. By careful isolation, and the observation of in- termediate forms, M. d'Udekem has satisfied himself of the reality of this change. Ciliated embryos, formed from the nucleus, have been seen by many observers to be discharged from the Acineta. Stein observed these, though he was IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 81 never able to trace their farther progress, but he conjectured that they -might give origin to Vorticella forms, to complete the genetic cycle. It is possible this may be the destiny of those acineta-embryos which M. d'Udekem has seen to be- come encysted, but it is now clearly ascertained, both by this observer and by J. Miiiler and Lachmann, that they may also be directly developed again into fresh Acinetw* § 3. REPRODUCTION IN THE COELENTERATA. Until of late the lowest of the four primary divisions of the Animal Kingdom admitted by Cuvier — the Radiata — remained much in the condition in which that illustrious naturalist found the whole invertebrate series — a sort of lumber store, in which all forms not readily reducible under the three higher divisions were conveniently stowed away. Even after the labours of later authors had extri- cated from the confused assemblage various aberrant forms of the Molluscous and Articulate types — as by associating the Polyzoa with the Tunicata, the Lernseadaj with the Crustacea, and the Entozoa with other vermiform tribes — it still remained as impossible as ever to establish any com- munity of organization among the residuary species. Later researches have shown, however, that the restricted Radiata fall into three groups, all equally natural, though of very different relative value — namely, the Protozoa, which have just been noticed, the Caelenterata and the Echinodermata. Of these the two former are now ranked as primary divi- sions, while the position of the last, which is evidently of a subordinate character, still continues to be one of the great puzzles of systematic zoology. The Coelenterata, as established by Leuckart and Frey, coincide with the group termed NematojjJiora by Professor * Annals of Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., IX., 171, 3d Ser., IV., I. E 3 82 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS Huxley, and undoubtedly from a very natural assemblage, for in essentials a very complete unity of organization is to be traced tlirougli all the species. Along with this, how- ever, there is so much variety in many adventitious points, aifecting both the development of particular organs, and their mode of arrangement, that the general appearance is often strikingly unlike in the different sections of the gToup. The reproductive process seems to present a corresponding diversity, some species furnishing the most remarkable examples of alternation, while in others no phenomena of the kind have yet been noted. How far these variations may be brought within the scope of a common law will afterwards be considered ; at present it may be sufficient to remark that in the protomorphic or early development of the Coelenterata, the principal point of interest is that the germinal mass becomes covered with a membrane bearing cilia, by whose play it moves freely through the water like an infusory animalcule, ^^^len the action of the cilia ceases, a mouth is formed on one side, and the embryo, assuming a cup-shaped form, becomes transformed into a polype. Gemmation is generally a very conspicuous feature of the polypiform phase. It is by repeated pullulation of gemmae, and their continued adhesion to the parent stock, that those composite structures are formed, so characteristic of the group, which have received the name of zoophytes or plant- animals, from their resemblance to ramose gro\\i:hs of a vegetable nature. The polypiform condition is the most permanent stage of development, and for this and other reasons, which will afterwards be given, it is here considered as the orthomor- phic or typical phase in the genetic cycle or life history of the species. In many cases, however, it is not that which matures the sexual organs. In the higher division, indeed, of the group (Actinozoa of Huxley) containing the Asteroid and Helianthoid polypes, and also in the common Hydra, IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 88 the ova and spermatozoa are borne directly by the polypi- form zoophytes into which the germ passes, by a continuous course of development,* but in the compound polypes allied to Coryne and Sertularia, and in the Calycophoridse and the Physophoridae of Huxley — all referable to his lower section of Hydrozoa — we have, as a very common arrangement, an alternation of forms, occurring in what has been distin- guished as the Gamomorphic stage, i.e., in connection with the evolution of the proper reproductive organs — the sexual elements being developed, not in organic union with what may be considered as the typical form, but in peculiar zooids detached from it. These go under the name of Medusoids, and though there are great diversities of detail, which \\'\\\ afterwards be adverted to, in their mode of origin from the polypiform zoophytes, and in their size and completeness of organization, there is a certain uniformity in their general structure, which consists of a natatory organ, developed round the spermatic or ovarian sac, and assuming the cam- panulate form, so prone to repeat itself at all points in this type of organization. The sexual zooids of the compound polypes are of very minute size and rudimentary organization, while those of the Lucernarian section acquire a much larger size and more elaborate structure ; so that although the two forms were associated in one order — as the naked and hood-eyed Me- dusae — long before their true derivation was known, yet the idea of their being both alike the homologues of detached ovaries was long of making its way to the general accept- ance it has now obtained, on account of the chsparity be- tween the structures themselves, and still more on account of the disproportion of their development to that of their * The reproductive process seems to be direct also in the Ctenophora, from tlie few observations we have on the subject. See a notice of the development of Cydippe, in Edinb. New Philos. Journal, N.S., IV., p. 89, by Dr. T, S. Wright. S4 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS respective parent stocks ; for wliile in the Hydroid and Sertularian Polypifera the zoophytic stem is a far more con- spicuous object than the Medusoid, the polypoid stock, or larva, as it has been incorrectly termed, of the other form is quite . an insignificant organism, in comparison of the colossal hood-eyed Medusae which originate from it. The Medusa-zooids seem to be almost universally of separate sexes, and most commonly it would appear that all those from one polype or polypidom are of the same sex — an arrangement comparable to that termed dioecious in botany.* As the reproduction of the Hydrozoa will again come under review, in considering the nature and relations of the phenomena of alternation, it seems unnecessary at present to go into farther details on the subject. § 4. ECHINODERMATA. This division of animals, so natural in itself, but so puzzling in its relations to other leading gToups, presents us with phenomena in the protomorphic stage of develop- ment, not inferior in interest to the gamomorphic zooids of the class last under consideration. From the obsei-vations of various naturalists, and particularly of Prof J. MUller, who has been the principal labourer in this field, it appears that the germ of an Echinoderm has at first the character of a ciliated Infusorian, with a tendency to a bilateral form. In some species of Stamsh (Eckinaster, Asteracanthion) the development of the typical Echinoderm takes place by a nearly direct process. The ciliated body soon manifests a distinction of parts, a four-lobed portion appearing at one extremity, by which the nascent animal adlieres to any sup- port ; but this appendage is more than a mere pedicle of * Dr. Wright in Edin. Philos. Journal, N.S., IV., 88. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 85 attachment, as it has a mouth and gastric cavity of its own. The back of the ciliated body assumes a polygonal form, and is directly transformed into the starfish, which developes a new mouth in the centre of the ventral surface, a little to one side of the pedicle, the latter appendage gradually dis- appearing by a process of absorption. But in the great majority of the class there is in the course of development a marked change, of the nature of alternation. In all these cases, a decided breach occurs in the continuity of the process, by the establishment of a new focus of organization ; and in not a few there is a breach of structure also, in the mechanical separation of the later from the pre-existing growth. The first steps of develop- ment — those which directly affect the germ — consist in the formation of an alimentary canal, with oral and anal open- ings, and in the disappearance of the cilia on the extemal surface, except in particular spots, especially along a circle surrounding the oral region. These are follow^ed by certain alterations of external form and configuration, differing in the different sections of the class, and distinguished by par- ticular names. That characteristic of the Holothuridce has been termed Auricular ia, and is of a cylindrical or barrel shape, girt with numerous ciliated rings, and not unlike the larva of some Annelida. That of the Asteridse, known under the name of Bipinnaria, attains a considerable size — an inch or more in length — and assumes a very extraordi- nary form, from the development of the ciliated region in front of the mouth, wdiich throws out several long processes on each side, and at the anterior extremity two fin-like ex- pansions, placed one above the other. But the most ela- borate specimen of such provisional organization is presented to us in the Pluteus — the form from which the Echinida? and Ophiuridae are derived. The general form of the Pluteus is that of a quadrilateral pyramid, dome-shaped above and slightly excavated at the base, the corners oi 86 SURVEY OF THE REPEODUCTIVE PROCESS which are prolonged into straight slender legs, strengthened by filiform rods of calcareous matter reaching to the summit of the dome. The mouth projects as a proboscis from the middle of the concave base, and the circle of cilia surround- ing it fringes the circumference of the base of the pyramid, and the four projecting processes, which in swimming are directed forwards. The new process of organization always originates in a diverticulum of the dorsal integument of the germ, which grows inward and lays the foundation of the future water- vascular system, on which the other organs of the Echino- derm are subsequently modelled. In Holothuria, the new formation amalgamates to a great extent with the germ structures, and no part is absolutely cast off, though the original mouth is obliterated, and a new one formed on what was the dorsal aspect of the Auri- cularia. In the Echinidae and Ophiuridse, and also in the Asteridse, a new mouth is formed much in the same way ; but the only organ of the original appropriated by the Echinoderm is the alimentary canal. As development ad- vances, a difference appears in the two cases, for while the unappropriated part of the Pluteus vanishes, the Bipinnaria retains its original form more persistently, and gTadually becomes detached from the Starfish. The latter then sinks to the bottom, and creeps by its newly developed sucking feet, while the protomorphic zooid — eviscerated as it is by the process — still swims about for some time as before, but eventually perishes.* No alternation of forms is known to occur in this class, after the acquisition of the typical organization, nor any phenomena at all of the nature of gemmation, except we are to consider the development of the sexual organs, or the regeneration of lost parts, as rudimentary manifestations * An. Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., Till., p. 4. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 87 of a process of this kind.* Nor have we any remarkable structural metamorphosis in this stage, except in the pe- dunculated species, some of which at least are known after- wards to become free by separating from the calcareous stem. In this way the so-called Pentacrinus Europeus is converted into the Comatula rosacea, as was first discovered by Mr. J. V. Tliompson."f" From the later observations of Prof. Wyville Thomson it appears that the young Echino- derm — formed from a barrel-shaped zooid, like that of a Holothuria — is at first a free egg-shaped body ; by the elongation of the narrow end it then becomes club-shaped, and the pointed extremity attaches itself by a disc of cement matter to some foreign body. The consolidation of the pedicle by the deposit of calcareous matter in its tissue at intervals gives it subsequently a jointed character. The rays or arms are of later growth, and do not acquire their full development till close on the period of the detachment of the body. I § 5 REPRODUCTION IN THE POLYZOA. The class of Polyzoa (Bryozoa or Bryozoaria of Foreign Zoologists) consists of minute Polype-like animals, having a great prhnd facie resemblance to some of the Co^lenterate type, and having also, like them, a great tendency to the development of zoophytic or composite forms. Popularly they both go under the name of polypes, and even by zoolo- gists they were confounded till a recent period. The Polyzoa, however, have a much higher organization than the * The Holot]iuriaa, according to Siebold, may form an exception. He quotes Dalzell for their power of spontaneous division into two or moi-e parts, each of which may become a complete animal, and Quatrefages for a similar multiplication oy fissuration occurring in Synapta Duve^rnea. Compai-ative Anatomy (EchinodermataJ , § 95, note 1. t Edin. Philosoph. Journal, for April, 1836, p. 296. X Transactions of Royal Society, Jany., 1857, and Jany., 1859. 88 SLTtVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS Coelenterate or Hydraform polypes, and one which distinctly presents the rudiments of the MoUuscan type. In parti- cular there are always distinct muscular fibres, a well- defined alimentary canal with two openings and proper walls, and traces even of a nervous system, in a single ganglion situated on one side of the oral aperture. Their reproduction presents some interesting peculiarities, both in the protomorphic and gamomorphic stages. The early development of the germ has been followed out by Professor Allman, particularly in some of the freshwater species. By his account we have first, as the immediate result of the development of the ovum, " a ciliated sac-like embryo [germ], resembling in form and habit an infusorial animalcule. As development proceeds, we find the ciliated embryo, while still confined within the coverings of the egg, presenting in some part of its surface an opening which leads into the central cavity; and through this opening an unciliated hernia-like sac is protruded by a process of eva- gination. In the interior of the protrusible portion . . a polypide [polype] is developed. The gemmation of the first polypide is immediately followed by that of another close beside it, so that the young polyzoon has now the appearance of a transparent closed sac, filled with fluid, the posterior part ciliated, the anterior part destitute of cilia, and partially or entirely pushed back into the posterior by a process of invagination, while the sac carries mthin it two young polypides, which are suspended from the inner surface of the unciliated portion."* The prominent peculiarity here is the formation from the original germ of two gemmae, which are really the embryos of the first pair of polypes. The polypiform, which is also the orthomorphic or typical phase of development, once acquired, the tendency to gem- * Allman's Freshwater Polyzoa (Ray Soc), p. 41, 33, and 34. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 89 mation becomes still more marked, and gives rise, by the continued pullulation of new zooids, to the formation of the variously branched polypidoms, which are so characteristic a feature of the class, as is indicated by the names which different naturalists have applied to it. The species are perhaps never solitary, but in a few cases they occur in pairs, the gemmation stopping short at the initial stage of the production of a double embryo. The peculiarity referred to in the gamomorphic stage of the life history is that the structures elaborating the sexual elements are developed at so late a period, and in a manner so similar to the pullulation characteristic of the class, as to give them less the appearance of mere organs, than of dis- tinct gemmae or attached zooids like the polypes themselves. The fuller discussion of this point, however, must be re- served till the general relations of the organs of reproduc- •tion come under consideration. § 6. REPRODUCTION IN THE TUNICATA. The Tunicata, which, along vdth. the Polyzoa, constitute the inferior division of the MoUuscan sub-kingdom, have long been kno^\^l to propagate both by impregnated ova and by gemmae. The latter are generally formed on long tubular processes emitted from the parent stock, which are equivalent to, and sometimes closely resemble, the hollow polypidoms of the Polyzoa. As in that class, too, the gem- mae frequently give rise by their cohesion to compound structures, quite distinguishable, however, by characteristic differences in the connection and disposition of the com- ponent zooids. This arrangement prevails especially in certain families, while solitary forms are more characteristic of others. But a difference in this respect is not always to be re- garded as a specific character, for it is well ascertained that 90 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS in Salpa (and possibly in other genera) there is an alterna- tion of two forms, from the sexual organs making their ap- pearance only in those zooids which are derived from the original form by gemmation. It was the discovery of the connection between the two forms of Salj^oe that first led Chamisso to introduce the expression of '' Alternation of Generations ;" a term since extended by Steenstrup and others to a variety of cases — some of them of very doubtful relationship. The chains which the aggTegated Salpss form by the cohesion of processes of their gelatinous integu- ment, are modelled within the respiratory sac of the parent, on a j)eculiar tube, which may be compared to an introver- sion of the external stolon of other Tunicata. The tube, being an outgrowth from the vascular system, serves to establish a continuity between the circulation of the parent and that developed in each of the gemmae on its exterior. The tube appears to be in a state of continuous growth from its attached extremity, for the gemmae are most ad- vanced at its free end. As they attain maturity, a portion of the tube breaks off from time to time with its encrusta- tion of gemmae, and escapes with the expiratory current, as a freely floating Salpa-chain. The aggregated Salpce are bisexual, though, as the ova are much in advance of the spermatozoa, they cannot be self-impregnating, but must depend for fecundation on the entrance of the spermatic particles of other chains with the water of the respiratory current, for the development of the contained ova is well advanced before the catenated gemmae are themselves throT\^i off. Each one of the Salpa? composing a chain matures, by the ordinary process of development, a single embryo, which eventually becomes a Salpa of the solitary kind, and in turn buds off in its OAvn interior other chains of zooids like its o^\Ti progenitors. From the great transparency of these animals, both forms may readily be seen at once — one within the other — and even the rudimentary beginning of a IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 91 new alternation. In the living state, the different modes of connection to the parental system of the embryo and the gemmse are at once indicated by the continuity of the cir- culation in the latter, and its participation in all the oscil- lations and irrea^ularities of that of the adult, while the embryonic current is quite distinct, notwithstanding the vessels are curiously interlaced with those of the parent in the medium of attachment, which has very much the struc- ture of the placenta of a Mammalian. Changes of form also of the nature of metamorphosis occur in the development of some Tunicata. Thus the young of Ascidia quit the egg in the form of a Cercaria or microscopic tadpole (Spinula of Dalzell), which is afterwards transformed into that of the adult by the loss of the tail, and the evolution of the characteristic organs from the sub- stance of the head portion. § 7. REPRODUCTION OF THE HIGHER MOLLUSCA. Among the Mollusca proper, gemmation is a very excep- tional phenomenon. Not only is alternation unknown at any stage of the life history, but even the implantation of the embryonic structure* on the primitive germinal mass — which is so characteristic a feature in the development of segmented animals — is here replaced by a process of trans- formation of the entire yolk into the substance of the em- bryo, and the origination of all the organs of the latter in the cells that are formed by the sub-division of the former. The most remarkable phenomena in Molluscan embryo- geny appear indeed at first sight to indicate a process of exactly the opposite kind — the fusion of numerous germinal masses into a single embryo, Koren and Danielssen have * Dr. Carpenter, Principles of Compar. Physiol., 4th Ed,, p. 579. In the highest class — the Cephalopoda — the embryonic structures originate from one point of the vitellus, as in most other ova. 92 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS observed that the multitude of bodies with the characters of ova, which originally fill the egg-capsules of the Pectini- branchiate Molluscs, coalesce after a time into a compara- tively small number of embryonic masses, but Dr. Carpenter shows very satisfactorily that the majority of the egg-like bodies, in the nidimentary envelopes of these animals, are not true ova, but mere masses of vitelline matter, or pos- sibly, as all undergo cleavage, though with perceptible dif- ference? they may be unimpregnated ova, and this their last act of expiring vitality. These \dtelline spheres become fused together to form a store of food-yolk, for the nutri- ment of the comparatively small number of embryos which are actually developed.* In the development of Mollusca a shell is always fonned, even in those species which are afterwards naked. We find also certain other organs of a provisional and temporary nature, such as a contractile caudal vesicle, and anteriorly two ciliated lobes, which serve as organs of locomotion, when the young is discharged from the egg in an immature or larva state.-|- Here we can hardly avoid noticing what Dr. Burnett well calls " that most remarkable episode in the embryology of the Mollusca — the development of certain Mollusks in Holothurioidea."J The facts of the case rest on the au- thority of Prof. Miiller, and are mainly these. § In certain individuals of Spiapta dlgitata, one of the Holothuridse, there are found from one to three sac-like bodies in the general cavity of the animal, attached by their superior ex- tremities to the head, and by their lower ends to the in- * Transac. Microse. Society, III., 17. t Siebold, Comp. Anat., § 229. X Concluding note to tlie Anatomy of the CepliaIopliora,in the transla- tion of Siebold' s Compar. Anatomy. § For a translation of liis paper, and some judicious comments on it, see An. Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., IX., pp. 22-103. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 08 testinal blood-vessel. At the point of connection the vessel is perforated, and the lower part of the sac so intro- verted on itself, that the blood can penetrate freely into the intus-suscepted portion. In the upper part of the sac are found spermatic and ovarian cysts, which discharge their contents when mature into the main sac. After fecundation from fifteen to twenty ova become invested with a common capsule. The embryos have not yet been traced to full ma- turity, but the course of development indicates a relation- ship to the Pectinibranchiata, and, as Miiller thinks, to the genus Natica. These facts do not seem explicable by any process of alternation on the part of the Synapta — even were we pre- pared to admit the existence of such a relation between an Echinoderm and a Mollusc — for this is not a case of gem- mation but of sexual generation ; and yet it is not the true sexual generation of the Synapta, for this animal has the proper reproductive organs and embryogeny of its own class, and such organs have been found even in the same indivi- dual with the Molluscan brood. Parasitism affords a more plausible explanation than either "alternation" or the notion of " heterogony," which at one time suggested itself to the discoverer ; but even this view involves some startling ad- missions, for we must regard the sac either as a retrogres- sive development of a normal Mollusc, resulting in a degree of degradation — " a vermiform metamorphosis," to use Miiller's own expression — unparalleled even among the Ctrrhipedes or Lerneans — or else as an alternating form, budded off from a normal mollusc, for which we have as yet no precedent among the Mollusca proper. We have besides the difficulty of explaining the access of the para- site, and still more the very intimate nature of its connec- tion with the vascular system of its host, though these are points which we can quite as little account for in some other well-known cases, unquestionably of a parasitic nature. 94 SUEVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS Mollusca, it may be remarked, do some times, though rarely, occur of parasitic habits, as, for instance, Stylifer astericola. Of the gamomorphic phase of the life history of Mol- lusca, little need here be said. Alternation, as has been remarked, is unknown, except the presumed parasite of the Sy7iapta may furnish an example. Hermaphroditism is not uncommon among the Mollusca, but self-impregnation must be rare, if it occurs at all. In some cases, indeed, it is evi- dently made impossible by the conformation of the parts, and in others by the sexual elements not ripening simul- taneously in the same individual. ♦ § 8. REPRODUCTION IN THE HELMINTHA. Among the lower vermiform tribes, the Helmintha are of especial interest for characteristic examples of the leading modifications of alternation, and for the peculiar relations of the sexes, which are here more closely associated than perhaps anywhere else in the animal kingdom. The species are frequently not only bisexual, but self-impregnating, and in some the eggs may be said to be impregnated in the very act of formation, the germinal vesicles, vitelline matter, and spermatozoa being first commingled, before they become in- vested with a vitelline membrane to form the ovum.* * It is perhaps more correct to regard tlie so-called germinal vesicles with their granular investments as ova which have not acquired a proper wall, or in which, as in those of the bird, the original ovum-wall has had but a temporary existence, and to consider the matter from the so-called "vitel- ligenous organ," added in conjunction with the spermatozoa, as a sort of adventitious or food-yolk. See Siebold's Compar. Anat., I., § 115. Huxley in Medical Times, XIII., 133-134. Claparede (Ann. of Nat. Hist., 2d Ser., XVIII., 298 N.) Thomson in Cyclopaedia of Anat. and Physiol. Supp. [120] (Ovum). In Pelodytes hermaphroditus, according to Schneider, in the same generative tube spermatozoids first make their appearance, and then eggs, and fecundation is effected at once. Annals Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., Y., 506. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 95 As the reproduction of the Trematoda Avill be afterwards noticed more in detail, in illustration of alternation in the protomorphic stage, it will suffice at present to observe that the recent researches of Van Beneden* go to show that these parasites fall into two very natural groups, distin- guished alike by differences in structure, habit, and develop- ment. Some are ectozoic, that is, parasitic on the exterior of other animals ; they live nearly all on the gills of fishes, and attach themselves by one or even many sucking discs situated at the back part of the body. These species are viviparous, and the young, hatched from the large ova, within the body of the parent, have a development as di- rect as in any other animal. The second group, of which the genus Dlstoma may stand as an example, live in the interior of the body, and attach themselves by a sucker in the fore or middle part of their body. These are all ovi- parous. The eggs are small and very numerous, and a succession of diverse forms is very constantly interposed in the course of their development. The germ which escapes from the ovum, in the form of a ciliated animalcule, under- goes itself no farther development, but matures in its in- terior, and discharges a tubular sac, furnished occasionally with some rudimentary organs. Gemmse are formed in its interior, and these, when set free by its rupture, are either converted themselves into the typical form, or give origin to others which are so. In the genus Distoma this trans- formation is generally effected by a gradual metamorphosis, the form first assumed being that of a Cercaria or micro- scopic tadpole, which, losing its tail, is eventually trans- formed into the perfect Distoma, during an encysting pro- cess which the parasite undergoes, immediately on penetrat- ino* into the tissues of livino- animals. Sexual oro-ans are o o o * See Translation of Van der Hoeven's Abstract, in Annals of Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., III., p. 344. 96 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS not developed till some time after the distoma form has been fully acquired. The series of changes is still more complicated in the case of many of the Cestoid worms,* and the study of their development has led to the discovery that the Cystic worms, once supposed to be a distinct order of Entozoa, are merely provisional forms, belonging to the early progress of species of the Cestoid division. The egg of a Tape-w^orm, or other Cestoid Entozoon, gives origin to a minute contractile vesicle, armed with six hooks, by which it is enabled to bore its way into the tissues of animals. Allien it is once established in suitable quarters, the primary cyst buds off what must be regarded as the typical form of the order — the Twnia-head — characterized by its four suckers and apical circlet of hooked teeth. By a continuation of the budding process, the Taenia head may be raised on the extremity of a hollow jointed pedicle forming a flexible neck, but no development of proper reproductive organs takes place, so long as the parasite continues in the same locality. On its being transferred, however, to the alimentary canal of a warm- blooded animal, the original caudal vesicle is cast off, and a series of new segments are budded off from the hinder part of the Taenia head. As the gemmation is continuous, and the segments first generated remain adherent to those of subsequent formation, by whose outgrowth they are pushed off from their point of origin, a long jointed ap- pendage is developed, extending backwards from the head. This new formation constitutes the " body" of the Tape- worm, and it is in its segments that the reproductive organs eventually make their appearance. But the ultimate seg- ments are not all directli/ derived from the head, as a pro- cess of transverse sub-division comes in to supplement the * AccordiBg to Van Beneden, direct development, without alternation, occurs only in Caryophylleus, a genus inhabiting the intestinal canal of certain fishes. Annals Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., III., 346. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 97 original gemmation. The joint next the head is soon divided by a transverse fissure into two, each of which re- peats the process as soon as it is somewhat grown. Whilst the joints multiply in this way they increase in size in the same proportion, and so, of course, remove the joints from the head.* But at a certain distance from the head, the whole nutritive power is applied to the development of the organs of generation, and this mode of sub-division ceases, though the budding on of new segments from the head con- tinues. The segments are at first very minute, but as their growth now becomes rapid, they soon come greatly to ex- ceed the size of the head from which they were originally derived. It is this enlargement of the segments, when they have been thrust to some distance from the head, that gives rise to the peculiar form of the neck of the tapeworm — attenuated to a mere filament where it joins the head, but thickening behind, as it passes insensibly into the body. Organs of both sexes occur in the same segment, but they do not begin to make their appearance till the joints have acquired considerable dimensions, and are always found more mature as we pass towards the hindmost — ^that is, the first-formed segments of the body. When impregnation has taken place, and the ova are ready for evacuation, the segments break off, and are discharged with the foeces, still retaining a certain degree of contractile vitality, which aids in the dispersion of the contained ova. In no species probably of either kingdom are all the three stages before distinguished as protomorphic, orthomorphic, and gamomorphic, more clearly marked than in the Cestoid Entozoa. To the first belongs the contractile six-hooked vesicle discharged from the egg, to the second the Ttenia- head, and to the third the jointed body of the Tapeworm. Of these tliree successive phases, each of the later is derived * Eschriclit on the Generation of Intestinal Worms. Ediuburgh Philosophical Journal (Oct., 184'1), p. 340. 98 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS from the preceding by a distinct gemmation ; yet, from the gemmae remaining adherent to the stock, the process has so much the character of a continuous growth, that only two alternating forms are generally recognised — the Cystic and the Cestoid — and even these owe their distinction as much to the disappearance of the caudal vesicle of the former as to any formative act. Hence the Tapeworm is often de- scribed as a tsenioid entozoon which has lost its original cystic appendage, and developed a long cestoid one in its stead. But in no proper sense can the caudal cyst be termed an appendage of the Tsenia-head — the head is rather an appendage of the cyst, as developed from it. The T^enia-head is indeed the one common feature that unites the two forms, but it stands in a very different relation to the one and to the other ; it is the offspring of the cyst — the parent of the cestoid body. A sort of inversion occurs in the direction of the gemmation during the course of the genetic cycle. It is forwards till the head is formed, when it is reversed, and goes on subsequently in a backward di- rection, so that, had the cyst not been thrown off in the meantime, w^e should expect to find the whole length of the jointed body interposed between it and the head. Some- thing of this kind would seem actually to occur in certain species,* and such is the normal arrangement in the class of Annelida, i" In the third order of these Entozoa, the Nematoid worms, alternation is certainly not the general rule, though there are grounds for admitting its occurrence in some species. Thus of late reasons of weight have been brought forward to induce us to look for the progenitor of the formidable Guinea worm in a microscopical inhabitant of tropical pools — the Tankworm — of such tenuity as to be capable of * Especially iu Tetrarhynclms, according to Van Beneden. t Carter, Annals of Nat, Hist., 3d Ser., I., 299 ; IV., 33-99. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 99 effecting an entrance into the sudoriparous ducts of the skin. Other Filai'ice which do not develope sexual organs may probably have a like origin. In the same way Kuchen- meister and other writers are inclined to identify the Tri- china spiralis with the Trichocephalus dispar ; but in re- gard to this there is gTeater dubiety, as there is a certain amount of evidence in favour of the Trichina developing sexual organs of its own.* § 9. REPRODUCTION IN THE ANNELIDA. Though egg-like bodies with more than one embryo have been met mth in some Annelida, the probability is that they are only nidimentary envelopes, such as are common among the Gasteropoda, for we have no evidence of any fissiparous or gemmiparous multiplication in this class, in the protomorphic stage of development.*!" With the first * For a list of references on fhe development of Trichina, see Burnett's note in his Transl. of Siebold's Compar. Anat., p. 31. The most recent researches are those of Leuckart, communicated in the present year to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Gottingen. The re- sults are as follows : — The Trichina is the young state of a small Nematoid worm hitherto unknown, but occurring in large numbers in the intestines of many Mam- malia and Birds. It is introduced by the ingestion and digestion of the flesh of the prey affected with the parasite, and very soon when set free acquires fuU sexual maturity. The young are developed in about six days, and immediately begin to make their way to the muscular tissues, by penetrating through the wall of the intestine, and the peritoneal cover- ing of the abdominal cavity. They make their way finally into the in- terior of the ultimate muscular fibres, and there attain within fourteen days the size and organization of the Trichina spiralis, as commonly met with. The penetration of these embiyos in large quantity sometimes gives rise to dangerous peritonitis. Annals of Nat. Hist., 3d Ser., V., 50-1. f In some Nemertini, according to Desor and Schulze, the early develop- ment somewhat resembles that of the Trematode Entozoa, for the first formation from the egg is a ciliated infasorian, vnth a mouth-Uke cleft on one side. Within this is generated an active vermiform body, which eventually escapes from the matrix, carr^^ng away the cleft mentioned, f2 100 SURVEY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS appearance, however, of the embryonic structures, gemma- tion comes into play, manifesting itself primarily and most extensively in the multiplication of the segments of the body. The species vnth external branchia quit the egg as short ciliated larva-like Infusoria, and only acquire the ver- miform character by the successive gemmation of segments from behind, much as the joints forming the " body" of the Tapeworm are developed from the back of the Tsenia-head. Only there is this difference, that, with the exception of the caudal appendage, the segments are budded off from each other, not all from the head, so that the penultimate is always the most recent, while in the Cestoids the posterior segments are the oldest. In both cases it is only in these derivative segments that generative organs are developed, and the parallel is carried still farther, when, as in Syllis, they are thrown off as sexual zooids, the main difference being that in the Annelida the offsets have more the character of distinct animals. The joints are not only thrown off in sets, like the catenated zooids of the Salpw, but such an organic unity is established among the connected segments as to give each set quite the character of a complete animal. In these cases one or more of the later segments become secondary foci of a budding process, which proceeds exactly in the same way as in the young annelidan first formed from the ovum ; that is, the ring which is to develop e the new zooid sub-divides into two parts, which acquire the organization respectively of head and tail segments, but it presents at first no farther division, the other joints being gradually formed afterwards, between the cephalic and caudal extremities, and always in succession from the posterior of the segments previously produced. Phenomena of this kind were first observed by as its own mouth. From this body the annelidan is probably developed, after the plan which prevails generally in the class. Huxley in Medical Times, XIII., 281. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 101 Otto Mliller in Nais pf^oboscidea, and by Gruithuisen in a species of Nereis. More recently M. Quatrefages lias made similar observations on the Si/llis jjroU/era. This species forms ordinarily but a single zooid at a time, but Mr. Milne Edwards in another annelidan — Myrianida fasciata — has seen as many as six in process of formation at the same time from the terminal segments of the parent. The first formed and most complete was situated furthest back, and each newer zooid presented a less developed structure than the preceding one. The anterior or youngest ha