NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES S02047780 This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the circulation desk. EXCEPTION: Date due will be earlier if this item is RECALLED. 200M/06-99-991212 ENGLISH PLANT NAMES EARLE f Sontott HENPwY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE 7 PATERNOSTER ROW ENGLISH PLANT NAMES FROM THE TENTH TO THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY JOHN EARLE, M.A. Rector of Swans-ivick Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC LXXX iAll rights reserved] PREFACE 99056 Of the manifold attractions in the Saxon Yocabularies, nothing has charmed me more than the native Plant-names, which have there been preserved in the most primitive form extant. For many winters these lists were to me as a kind of winter-garden, wherein I could botanize at the fireside and look at familiar plants through the eyes of remote ancestors. "Wishing to impart this pure and exquisite pleasure to some friends of mine and friends of Saxon studies, I printed the follow- ing lists from the editions in the readiest manner without any idea of making a book. I made no revision of the texts, excepting a manuscript in the library of St. John's College, Oxford, which, through the kindness of the President, I collated with No. V. After the lists were thus hastily printed, I was encouraged to add indices and an introduction. The indices will facilitate such a comparison of the lists as will often enable readers to correct scribal errors for themselves. The research requisite for the Introduction has been more than would be VI PREFACE believed ; and I was almost weaned, when Pro- fessor Price told me of the interesting manu- script at Pembroke College, the Breviariuni Bartolomsei, by w^hich my flagging interest was revived. But this foin-teenth-century manuscript procured me what was still more valuable than itself, namely, the kind aid of J. L. G. Mowat, Esq., Fellow of Pembroke College, whose great knowledge of Plant- names enabled him to give me substantial help and many an ingenious suggestion. The occasional acknowledgments in the Notes are but an imperfect record of my debt to Mr. IVTowat. The fascination of Plant -names has its foun- dation in two instincts, love of Nature and curiosity about Language. Plant-names are often of the highest antiquity, and more or less common to the whole stream of related nations. Could we penetrate to the original suggestive idea that called forth the name, it would bring valuable information about the first openings of the human mind towards Nature; and the merest dream of such a discovery invests with a strange charm the words that could tell, if we could understand, so much of the forgotten infancy of the human race. CONTENTS Introduction page § I. The history of plant-names from Theo- phrastus to the modern system of no- menclature . . . . . . ix § 2. The place of these Lists in the run of that history xlviii § 3. The signification of the old native plant- names, &c. ..... Ixi § 4. Grammatical elements of English plant- names Ixxx § 5. On the neglect of the vernacular names xcvii I. Liber MEDiciii^Lis i From a Translation of Apuleius De Virtuti- bus Herbarum. II. From JElfric's Vocabulary, Tenth Century. Nomina Herbarum 11 Nomina Arborum 17 III. From a Vocabulary of the Tenth or Eleventh Century. Incipit de Lignis '21 De Herbis Terr^ 24 IV. From a Vocabulary in the Royal Library, Brussels, of the Eleventh Century. Nomina Herbarum, Gr^ce et Latine . 26 VIU CONTENTS PAGE V. From a Vocabulary at tlie end of ^Ifric's Grammar 35 VI. A Trilingual Vocabulary of the names of Plants, of the Thirteenth Century. Chaudes Heebes 42 Freides Herbes 47 Inter frigidum et calidum . . -47 Inter frigidum et calidum temperatum 48 VII. From a Vocabulary of the Fifteenth Century. Nomina Herbarum . . . -49 Nomina Arborum 53 Nomina Fructuum 55 VIII. From a Nominale of the Fifteenth Century. Nomina Arborum arabilium et florum 56 IX. From a pictorial Vocabulary of the Fif- teenth Century Nomina Bladobum et Arbobdm . .61 Appendix The Durham Glossary of the names of Worts 67 Notes 85 Index I. Latin 97 Index II. Saxon and English . . . .109 Index III. French 118 INTRODUCTION. § I. THE HISTORY OP PLANT-NAMES PROM THEOPHRASTUS TO THE MODERN SYSTEM- ATIC NOMENCLATURE. In a vague inceptive way Botany has been a science from immemorial time, be- yond the reach of history. Early Botany is inseparable from medicine, that patri- archal science which has a history of 3000 years apart from Egyptian records. And this composite science had moreover through the doctrine of charms a fantastic alliance with Astronomy, the only other science of equal or higher antiquity. . Hence a mass of unreality and charlatanism. But under all the fraud of incantations and amulets, and all the nauseous inventions of aimless ingenuity, there existed a real and sincere art of healing, which rested mainly upon a knowledge of Herbs. The whole scheme of primitive medicine, so far as it was g^nuinoj rested upon certain sympathies b X INTRODUCTION". found or reputed to exist between particular plants on the one hand and particular parts or affections of the animal frame on the other. Whatever was scientific in the art of medicine w^as centred in the study of herbs, and the materials of the healing art were wholly vegetable. The mineral and chemical remedies are comparatively mo- dern: in the main they date from the Arabic physicians. This priority of herbal medicines has left its trace in the vocabulary of our language. The term drug is from the Anglo-Saxon drigan, to dry; and drugs at first w^ere dried herbs. Thus the study of plants was identified with medicine by an inveterate tradition : and when in the sixteenth century with the beginnings of modern Botany the chief cities of Europe established gardens for study, they were called Physic Gardens ; and this name has in Oxford finally yielded to the title of Botanic Garden within my own memory. The extant hterature of Botany begins with the writings of Theophrastus in the fourth century before our era. The book which liis master Aristotle wrote on this INTRODUCTION. XI subject is lost. The History of Plants by Theophrastus is the most excellent of the botanical writings of the ancients that have come down to us. Indeed, nothing so fresh or so good in the field of Botany appeared again until after the middle of the six- teenth century ; until that race of botanists which culminated in Caesalpin. And yet we cannot call him the father of the science of Botany. This honour belongs, not to Theophrastus, but to Dios- corides. For though Theophrastus has much more of that spirit which is in sym- pathy with the aims of modern science, his work has not the form calculated for laying the foundations of a classificatory system; it is too highly organised, composite, and elaborate. He wrote as a philosopher with the most comprehensive aims, investigating the structure, geography, culture^ and economic uses of plants. His work is a plenary Treatise in Natural History: — addressed to a select and limited audience. Dioscorides commanded a universal audience, he had a single aim, and his plan was as simple as a catalogue. He Xll INTRODUCTION. aimed at medical utility, and he had the whole civihsed world for his public. He founded the Botany of the Roman Empire. He was a military physician ; and in this office he enjoyed the greatest opportunities for collecting botanical and medical infor- mation. His famous book, for long ages a standard authority, was entitled Hept vAt;? laTpLKTJs, Materia 3Iedica, Things fit for Medicine. He flourished in the reign of Nero. His date has indeed been disputed, and especially in comparison with that of the elder Pliny ; because much of their material is identical^ and it has been ques- tioned which was the author and which the borrower. It now seems quite estab- lished (according to Ernst Meyer) that while Dioscorides was the elder of the two, they lived and wrote so near in time to one another, that neither could have used or known the book of the other, and that they must have drawn from the same sources all that they have in common. The characteristic feature of his book, and that which most concerns us, is the collection of Synonyms from various languages. He INTRODUCTION. Xlll was a native of Cilicia; had probably studied at Alexandria, and his military office would carry him to the other coun- tries whose nomenclature he embodies, namely Dacia^ Italy, Spain,, Gaul, and Africa. It was from this repertory that a vo- cabulary of plant-names was formed which became central for the educated world ; and to him therefore we attribute the foundation of a universal nomenclature. With him Botany first becomes extra- national, surmounts local barriers, and furnishes material for a world-wide science. The collections of Dioscorides have a sohd relation with our modern Botany. But there was to be a long interval of vague- ness, uncertainty, and confusion before his materials and their subsequent accretions were at length reduced into the compact phalanx of systematic arrangement. Besides Theophrastus and Dioscorides there are three other ancient names which frequently occur in herbal literature. They are Phny, who has already been mentioned, Galen, and Apuleius. XIV INTRODUCTION. Pliny the elder, whose Historia Natu- ralis treats of plants in books xii to xxvii, died in the first year of Titus, in that eruption of Vesuvius which embalmed for posterity the cities of Pompeii and Hercu- laneum. He is the summarist of ancient Botany ; and he has preserved much that is valuable, with more that is curious. In xvi. 95 is the locus classicus of the Druidic veneration for the oak and its mistletoe. In XX vi. 13 is the oldest extant notice of the daisy. From xiii. 4 we learn that the idea of sexual analogies and the fertilising action of the pollen had occurred to the ancients. Galen, the most famous name in medi- cine, lived through the last seventy years of the second century. He advises the physician to know all plants, if possible : but at least the useful herbs. As an autho- rity for the medicinal qualities of plants his name accompanies the whole literature down to the latest Herbals, but he did nothing for descriptive Botany. Apuleius, the author of Herbarium seu de medicaminihus Eerlarum, is not the INTRODUCTION. XV same as the rhetorician of Madaiira, the author of the Golden Ass, though the works of the two have been repeatedly edited together. His work is founded upon Dioscorides and PHny, and he is thought to have Hved in the fourth century. His book is a compendium without any original merit, but it has a particular interest for this inquiry, because it represents the sort of manual through which Dioscorides was chiefly known for centuries. It is in fact our earliest example of that family of Herbals or books of simples whereof we shall have occasion to speak hereafter. There exists a translation of this book in Anglo-Saxon, and it has been edited by Mr. Cockayne in the Rolls Series under the title of Leechdoms. It is evidence of the popularity of Apuleius that among the diminished rehcs of Anglo-Saxon literature there should exist (as the Editor tells us, p. Ixxxviii) no less than four manuscripts of this translation. If we would realise to ourselves the course of ancient Botany we must mentally sever two things which we have inherited XVI INTEODUCTION. in combination ; and these two things are the Method and the System. By Method is here meant the means used to secure the identification of each particular plant, to perpetuate a consistent tradition so that names shall recall plants and plants shall recall names, to provide the learner with a plain path of progress, and learned men with a medium of communication whereby they may be mutually intelligible. By System is meant the arrangement of the parts into a compact scheme which repre- sents the whole field of acquired knowledge, and aspires to represent the fullness and order of Nature. The Method is the means of verification of the several objects studied ; the System is the consolidation of the knowledcre into a whole. Without some method there is no science : the pro- gress of science consists in the ripening of Method into System. It is the strength and glory of modern Botany that these two are now completely blended: and it was the weakness of Botany before Linnaeus that it was Method without System, and therefore an inefficient Method. INTRODUCTION. XVll The term Method was in use when System was unknown equally as a word and as" a thing ; and therefore the word could not at the time have held the adversative position here assigned to it. But the reader will perhaps excuse this harmless violence if it may perhaps help us to follow the condition of botanical studies in the ages to which our Name-hsts belong. I. The earliest instruments of Method were two, namely Comparative Description, and Synonymy: and these must be severally considered in their historical order. I. The first part of the old Method was the Description. Now Description in mo- dern Botany is a great scientific agency. The technology is so exact and incisive and fine, that the characteristics are con- veyed to the mind of all botanists with un- varying uniformity and certainty. But this technology has been gradually developed during the last two centuries, and its fine edge is largely due to Linnaeus. Previous description rested chiefly upon comparison with some well-known plant. At first the description of the botanist differed little XVlll INTRODUCTION. from that of the poet. Just as Virgil, de- scribing the lemon when it was yet un- known in Italy, borrowed a figure from the laurel: — Ipsa ingens arbor faciemque simillima lauro : Et si Don alium late jactaret odorem Laurus erat; folia liaud uUis labentia ventis. . . . Of this kind was the earliest Description. Thus Theophrastus, describing the Kvvoa^a- Tov, compares the fruit for colour with the pomegranate, and the leaf he compares to the vitex agnus : and Dioscorides, speaking of the same plant, says that its leaves are broader than those of the myrtle. These are our data for the 'interesting question whether the Kwoa^arov was Rosa canina, as Sprengel, or Rosa sempervirens, as Fraas interprets it. So also Pliny (xxv. 59) in his description of the famous verbenaca resorts to the oak for the pattern of the leaves: — 'Folia minora quam quercus angustioraque, divi- suris majoribus:' — and so for ages after- wards, the botanists having as yet but a slender stock of technical terms, if they could not be exact they could be graphic INTRODUCTION. XIX and picturesque, and to this device they naturally resorted. Thus the leaf of the tree elder (Sambucus nigra) is said to be like that of the walnut, while the leaves of the dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus) are hke those of the almond. So when children sally forth in the spring to gather the early flowers, if the mother tells them of some plant to them unknown, as the Moschatel (Adoxa Mos- chatelhna), the first enquiry is. What is it like ? and the explanation which follows will be drawn entirely from familiar plants, and will richly illustrate the nature of the first sources of botanical description. The description being thus comparative, there naturally arose a group of standards of reference, as it were official referees, a kind of magistracy among the plants. The beginner's first business was to become familiar with these, and in this contrivance we may recognise the rudiments of a scientific method. Of Description other than comparative I have met with little. I remember only one example which is such as to exclude XX INTRODUCTION. all doubtj and that is concerning a plant singularly describeable, the Polypodium vulgare, of which it is said in the Herba- rium 4iabens in foliis sino-ulis binos ordines punctorum aureorum.' This the Saxon translator has rendered with an amplifica- tion which manifests pleasure : — ' and heo haef'S on aghwylcum leafe twa endeb^^rd- nyssa faegerra pricena and ]7a scina^ swa gold.' 2. The Synonymy has its source in Dioscorides. The Greek text of Diosco- rides gives, besides the Greek names of plants, the Roman, Dacian, GaUic, Punic, and Egyptian equivalents. This was the second scientific device for identifying a plant, and it continued to be the chief means to this end, down to the seventeenth century. This was an instrument of some power. One name of a plant might be ambiguous, and a second name for the same plant might also by itself be am- biguous, and yet the conference of the two might determine the plant intended. Two names, each severally inadequate, may so check and limit each other as to exclude INTRODUCTION. XXI doubt. And if two names fail to produce the effect, there is in ancient Botany always another and another. Of this part of the ancient Method we retain traces in our modern system. For the practice of Synonymy begat a certain habit of designating plants by two names, which curiously simulates the binomial nomenclature. When in the latter we sometimes find two old synonyms still company ing together and even banded for the self-same objects as of old, it re- quires some attention to understand that the internal relation of such couples has under- gone a complete revolution. Examples of this are Arctium Lappa, Tussilago Farfara, Artemisia Absinthium, Hypericum Andro- saemum, Pyrus Mains. On these two pillars then of Compara- tive Description and Synonymy the whole Method rested, and indeed we may go so far as to say that the whole study rested. II. For as to Arrangement it had hardly any existence. The vegetable world had indeed been roughly divided from Theo- phrastus downwards into Trees, Shrubs, XXll INTRODUCTION. Herbs, Grasses: but this division was of so little value that the Arab physicians abandoned it for the obvious convenience of the alphabetic order. And the very general adoption of this alphabetic order is a confession that any useful arrangement was as yet unknown. The whole vast interval which separates the ancient from the modern botany, that vast period of which the only positive designation that can be assigned is the Period of Synonymy, is to us, now looking back upon it from the modern standpoint, characterised by the want of Arrangement. It is within this great era that our Lists are situated, and they belong to the latter part of it from the eleventh to the fifteenth century. The steps by which ideas of arrangement grew up partially here and there, till they coalesced and gradually ripened into Sys- tem — is that which will now occupy our attention. The revival of ancient learning in the fifteenth century told quickly upon bo- tanical studies. The Materia Medica of Dioscorides, though it was the one source INTRODUCTION. XXlll of all current knowledge, had long been lost to view, at least in the Greek. It was now printed : the Latin translation in 1478 and the original in 1495 by Aldus. From this event a new movement started. The first Commentator was Hermolaus, who as early as 149^ opened the new field of study: and from this time until the middle of the sixteenth century it was the chief aim of botanists to verify the plants described by Dioscorides. The first stage of the Revival consists of a succession of Commentators, and it culminates in the person of a great physician, the Italian Matthiolus, in honour of whom the Stocks have the generic name Matthiola. His folio Commentarii in Dioscoridem, published in 1554, had an extraordinary success, ran through seventeen editions, and enjoyed the patronage of princes beyond any book of the time. It abolished all previous works of the kind and was never itself superseded : but ultimately, being en- crusted with all the additional illustration that could be piled upon it by such a vigorous editor as Caspar Bauhin, it stood XXIV INTRODUCTION. an abiding monument of the first age of botanical Revival : — Commentarii 8fc. Sfc. post diversarum editionum collationetn infinitis locis aucti 1598. The period covered by the reiga of Matthiolus has been recognised as that in which Botany took up an independent position as a Science apart from Medicine. The middle and latter half of the six- teenth century saw the second stage of this Revival J a stage which has been aptly de- scribed as that of the Fathers of Botanical Science. Already, before the race of the Commentators was fully run, a new school of botanists was rising, who though by no means emancipated from the authority of Dioscorides, yet began in earnest to ob- serve for themselves, to see plants with curious and attentive eyes, and dili- gently to make drawings of them. No- where do we perceive a more genial dehght in Nature. To this set belong Otto Brunfels of Strasburg; Leonard Fuchs^ who (as Hallam says) has secured a verdant immortality in the well-known Fuchsia ; William Turner, twice exiled for INTRODUCTION. XXV religion and twice Dean of Wells, whose New Herhall in 1551 opened the new era for England; Conrad Gesner (b. 15 16 t I5<^i)j called by Linnaeus the ornament of his time(seculi sui ornamentum), who first discerned the generic import of the fructi- fication ; Cordus, who at Marburg in 1530 established the first Physic Garden; Do- doens, a Dutch physician, in Latin called Dodonseus ; Clusius, a Frenchman, whose native name was L'Escluse ; Lonicer^ after whom the honeysuckle is named Lonicera ; Lobel^ whose name lives in the Lobelia, a naturalised Englishman^ who in his Stirpium Adversaria (London 1570) first projected ideas of natural classification ; Andrea Csesalpino of Arezzo, who carried these ideas and those of Gesner rapidly towards maturity, but overshot his time \ Columna; and the two Bauhins^ one of whom, Gaspar, has been already mentioned as the final adorner of the great Com- mentaries, In this series of authors there is quite a new vein ; they are the true fathers and institutors of Modern Botany. Out of this band moreover there issues c XXVI INTRODUCTION. a work which is enriched with the new knowledge but conservative of the old tone : I mean Gerarde's Herhall. This popular, quaint, engaging book^ which (rather than Dr. Turner's) is the parent of all succeeding books that bear the name of Herbal, was published in 1597; and is sufficiently remarkable to justify a short digression. The great work of Dioscorides may be regarded as a Herbal, and it would not be unjust to distinguish it by this title from the more philosophic and comprehensive writing of Theophrastus. But it is the Herbal of a great physician, and a man of scientific instincts. In the Herbarium of Apuleius the utilitarian character is the whole ; and it is this book that re- presents to us the position of Botany for many centuries as the mere herb-picker to Medicine. True the race of learned physicians never died utterly out; and their text-book was still Dioscorides, mostly in a Latin or an Arabic translation. But the mass of practitioners knew only their Herbarium, and that mostly in a degene- INTRODUCTION. Xxvii rate form ; and as they were a numerous body, they made a vocabulary of their own. We find it an estabhshed thing in the sixteenth century that there are two voca- bularies, one of the learned and another of the herbalist. The botanist felt the distance between himself and the herbalist. Fuchs talks of the * vulgus herbariorum.' This division went deeper than names. It was a severance of the popular from the scientific; and it went on widening as Botany grew stronger and more con- scious of its vocation, while the Herbal sank ever lower in cant and charlatanry. These qualities early manifested themselves in connexion with Herbals. The me- diaeval title of Apuleius is in point ; Herharium Apuleii Platonici quod ac- cepit ah Escolapio et Chirone Centauro magistro Achillis. Even in old Gerarde, favourite and almost classic as he is, there is a spice of the mountebank. It is not that his book is tinged with popular error ; all the books of the time are that : but his book leans to the side of superstition. Its motto might be — 2 XXVlll INTRODUCTION. who can tell The hidden powre of herbes and might of Magick spell ? — Faery Queene i. ii. lo. Ignored by the faculty, the Herbal became the guide of the quack ; and in Culpeper's famous Herbal it had become a fit com- panion for the astrological Almanac. This was the dotage of that ancient partnership between Botany and Medicine, which in Dioscorides was young and sound. But to return. Of all the Fathers of Botany the most advanced thinker was C^salpinus. He was an enquirer who kept before his mind the aim of the Whole^ as divining that in the Whole would be found the clue to the comprehension of the parts. He sought to comprehend the vegetable kingdom and to form natural classes ; and he grouped some of the more obvious families, as the Leguminosse_, Umbellatse, Liliacese, Compositse, Bora- ginese, Labiatae. He had caught at that idea thrown out by Gesner that the Fruc- tification was the true seat of generic dis- tinctions. Linnaeus said that though this supreme discovery was Gesner's, it was INTRODUCTION. XXIX Csesalpin who first worked it — 'primus qui summum hoc inventum in usum de- duxit,"* He also called him — ^ Primus verus sjstematicus/ His book De Plantis Lihri xvi (Florence 1583) is rich in ideas which were overlooked at the time, but of which the truth was recognised long afterwards. The greatness of his stride is measured by the fact^, that though he had opened the true path, no one entered it for nearly a hundred years. Attempts have been made to account for the disregard of Csesalpin in his own day. Some observe that he gave no Figures of plants ; others allege that he neglected Synonymy. These two defects were identical in their significance, and when thrown into one, they made a valid obstruction. This will be plain if we con- sider the exigence of the time. The whole science laboured under this radical infir- mity, that its objects were hard to identify; the vocabulary was involved in ambiguity. This crippled the whole pursuit^ and made progress drag : and if a genius appeared among the botanists, it prevented them XXX IXTRODUCTION. from rising to the height of his philosophy. The new practice of figuring the plants had afforded some considerable relief in the sixteenth century. It was a new instrument of verification added to the old instruments of Comparative Descrip- tion and Synonymy. Even in our day, when Description has been perfected and affords the main path of study, and when Figures are often the appKances of the curious amateur ; the real working use of them to the earnest student is still im- mense. But in the sixteenth century the Figures were adjuncts which, once ac- quired, became forthwith all but indis- pensable. An author who neglected both Figures and Synonymy left himself but poor chance of being understood. We need no further reason why Caesalpin was neglected ; and why, as Reftelius said, he dwelt alone in the house he had built. Figures had indeed been a great ac- quisition. But nothing can fill the place of Language. The first necessity for science was to know the objects and to know them by their names. The whole study INTRODUCTION. XXXI was plagued with uncertainty. The no- menclature was swamped in the overgrown Synonymy. The greatest difficulty was experienced in determining what plants answered to what names ; and authors were but half intelligible. To remedy this huge disorder was a Her- culean task. It was however undertaken by Gaspar Bauhin, the editor of Matthiolus. He conceived the comprehensive plan of sifting the literature, making a concord- ance of the synonymy, selecting the best names, and fixing them to their plants by a systematic scheme. After a labour of forty years, he produced his Pinax Theatri Botanici at Basle in 1623, an immortal work in the annals of Botany. It is arranged in twelve Books, each of six Sections, so that there are seventy-two Sections ; and these again are subdivided by Chapters. Each Chapter is a hst of Species, with a Generic name common to all at the head; and this Generic name is mostly taken from Theophrastus or Dioscorides. The Books may be said to stand for Classes, the Sections for Orders, XXXll INTEODUCTION. while the Chapters contain Genera and Species : so that the whole book looks wonderfully like the modern arrangement, and it requires some attention to discover that the difference is great. Gaspar Bauhin had indeed the genius of a natural classi- fier ; but he could not shake himself al- together free from literary traditions, and it happens occasionally that his grouping is guided by the conventional area of a name and not by a common nature. Still, there are whole tracts of natural verity in this marvellous work, some families almost entire ; and if we find Ray by and bye treating of Monocotyledons and Dico- tyledons, we must allow that the hint was already latent in Gaspar Bauhin's dis- tribution; for his first two books contain the Monocotyledons as at present under- stood, with hardly any admixture. He had sifted and verified and taken the best from the fathers of modern Botany,, such as Fuchs and Lobel, though he had missed the more penetrating thoughts of Csesal- pinus. This Pinax Theatri Botanici was only the outline of a system, which he INTRODUCTION. XXXlll had prepared but did not live to publish. He died the next year, leaving in manu- script the Theatrum Bofanicum, to which the Pinax was but a Table of Contents. But this Table was in the form of a scheme or system in which a place was assigned to each plant, and this it was that con- stituted its utility, because it supplied the most urgent demand. Now for the first time we are able to say that System has come to the aid of Method. From this time forth the soil of Botany was com- paratively stable. One botanist knev7 what another was talking of. And this it is that explains the honours lavished by Linnseus and his circle on the name of Bauhin : ' Fundator rei Herbariae vera magnus / and again, ' Fundaraenta Bo- tanices jecit anno 16^3.-' — Amoenitates Acad. vi. 306. The Pinax was the admiration of the time, and its reign was long. It was re- printed as late as 1671; and it is the representative botanical work of the seven- teenth century. It became the mark and test of a true botanist to call a plant by XXXIV INTEODUCTION. Bauhin's approved name. The botanical world felt a thrill of relief run through its limbs, and was ready to resign itself to repose as if all its task were done and labour ended. But it was only the end of one stage and the beginning of another. The Pinax is the summary and terminus of the middle age in Botan3\ It has permanence as a landmark, and as the massive monument of a closing era. It is conspicuous as the tomb of Synonymy and the quarry of the Systematist ^ There was still work to do. Botany had now a System ; but it was one to create a new sense of need. While it served a present convenience, it awoke new curiosity and enquiry. Its inequalities set sharply forth the difference between arbitrary and natural classification. And they even marred the utility of the book, for it lacked a core — it was a system of patch- work, without consistency or central prin- ciple of unity. There was still work to do : for though they had a System, it was mechanical and inorganic. ^ See Canon 26 of Linnaeus, below. INTRODUCTION. XXXV Robert Morison, an Aberdonian and one of Nature''s botanists, was the first who began to tread in the steps of CaBsalpinus. He was Professor of Botany at Oxford. His Historia Plantarum was left unfinished at his death in 1683. Contemporary with him was that admirable naturalist John Ray, an Essex man, who was Independently endeavouring to classify according to the fruit. At length came the great Tourne- fort, whom we may call the botanical dic- tator of the early part of the eighteenth century. He was appointed Professor of Botany at the Jardin du Roi in Paris in 1683, and he published in 1700 his Institutio Rei Herhariae. The botanical mind had now distinctly set in the direction of systematic classifica- tion, but it had not yet clearly distinguished the particular advantages which were to be attained by such an arrangement. For there were two ends to their pursuits, widely differing indeed from each other both in their nature and in their magnitude, but such that it was absolutely necessary for the lesser to be attained in order to XXXVl INTEODTJCTION. make anyi solid progress towards the at- tainment of the greater. These two ends were a system of verification and a system for purposes of interpretation. The ob- stacle at the threshold was not yet entirely removed. Notwithstanding the triumphant jubilation over the Pinaoc, we still find John Eay in the second half of the seven- teenth century complaining of the diSiculty of ascertaining what plants belong to what names ^. The great botanists one after another, Morison, Ray, Tournefort, were observins: Nature with close attention, in order to detect the key to the secret of natural afiSnities. In his Methodus Plan- tarwn Nova, 1682, Ray made great ad- vances towards an outline of the Natural system. Here was first proposed the dis- tinction between Dicotyledons and Mono- cotyledons. But the enquiry was too partial. AVhile the general importance of the Fruc- tification was acknowledged, the observation was practically rivetted on the blossom and the fruit, to the neglect of other parts and 1 In the Preface to his Catalogus Plantar um circa Cantabrigiam nascentium, 1669. INTKODUCTION. XXXVll processes. The agitated question was which of these two was to take the first place. On this question the botanical world was divided into factions of Corollists and Fru- .ticists. Tournefort was a corollist. He constructed a system in which the flower was first considered and the fruit second. But these men were the privileged denizens of a charmed world. The initiation into its mysteries was more laborious and con- tingent than those which beset the aspirant to knighthood in the most jealous epoch of chivalry. If to any the path^was easy, it was only because he had the luck to have a living teacher at hand. It is of the essence of science to be equally free, open, and intelligible to all who seek it ; and although the obstructions were not wilful but natural, yet we may justly sa}'' that while they remained the conditions of science were not yet attained. What was wanted was a Nomenclature, a Vo- cabulary, which is in the case of a Classi- ficatory Science as much as to say a Language. It was this pressing want that Linnaeus XXXVlll INTHODUCTION. supplied bj an arrangement which gave every plant its place in the system, and a name indicative of its relative position. What was done for geography by lines of latitude and longitude was done for Botany by the Linnsean system; for in the one case as in the other it was rendered possible to speak of the object-matter of the science in unmistakeable terms. While the disputes of corollist and fruti- cist filled the scene, there lay in the back- ground a notion that had rather acquired the character of an old romantic fancy; and that was the notion of sexual analogies in plants. We have seen the mention of it in Pliny. Tournefort utterly scouted it. Linnaeus however discerned in it not only a natural truth, but also the main- spring of a classification, which might indeed be 'artificial' in so far as the principle would have to be driven beyond its right ; but which, besides being of immediate utility, would at the same time be the greatest stride ever made towards a truly natural system. So he founded, not merely a System, but an organised System, with INTROWCTION. XXxix a central principle which pervaded and unified his Classes, Orders, Genera, Species; and animated the subordinated whole with a single and almost conscious vitaUty. And now an assured Nomenclature was for the first time possible. An organised System regulated the place of every plant, and the Binomial Nomenclature was de- scriptive of that place. Each plant had two names, a Generic and a Specific. The first was relative to the System^ the second determined the Individual. The thirty- one Canons of Linnaeus^ by which he guided himself in the construction of this Nomenclature, are famous in the annals of the classificatory Sciences^ and a sample of them may be welcome to the reader : — ^ I. The names of plants are of two kinds ; those of the class and order which are understood ; and those of the genus and species which are expressed. The name of the class and order never enter into the denomination of a plant. 2. All plants agreeing in genus are to have the same generic name. xl INTEODTJCTION. 3. All plants differing in genus are to have a distinct generic name. 8. Generic names compounded of two entire words are improper, and ought to be excluded. Thus, Yitis Idea must give way to Vaccinium, and Crista Galli to Rhinanthus. 20. Adjective generic names are not so good as substantive ones, but may be admitted. 23. Generic names that express the essential character or habit of a plant are the best of all. 24. The ancient names of the classics are to be respected. 25. We have no right to alter one ancient generic name to one more modern, even though it may be for the better: this would in the first place be an endless labour, and in the next place would tend to inextricable confusion. 26. If new generic names are wanted, it must first be ascertained whether no one among the existing synonyms is ap- plicable. 27. If an old genus is divided into INTRODUCTION. xli several new ones^ the name will remain with the species that is best known. 31. The names of both classes and orders must always consist of a single word, and not of sentences.' Let us endeavour to trace under the new system the destination of the old traditional names. The first obvious fact is this, that the old traditional synonymies supplied the material for the new names (Canon 26). Hardly any of the Generic names in British Botany but belong to the old historical nomenclature. But now it will be readily seen that this work of genus-building would often embrace under the shadow of one honoured name a number of plants which had no previous connection with that name. And this seemed like a danger, because the glory of ancient botany and its stronghold lay in the prominence given to certain plants which were generally useful in medicine, and which for their notoriety were con- venient standards for comparison and veri- fication. It seemed a pity so completely to break with antiquity as by a general d xlii INTRODUCTION. levelling to obliterate those time-honoured distinctions which were at least innocent, even though the motive for them might now be obsolete. Let us take an example. The British Flora gives us four plants under Achillea. That name has come down from Dioscorides, and there is no doubt that he and his successors generally meant by that name preeminently the familiar plant which we call Yarrow. That plant was, and let me add still is, with justice the object of a particular attention. In the modern system four species come under Achillea. But the old prerogative of the Yarrow is not oblite- rated by this circumstance. Whereas three of the species have trivial badges, to wit, A. ptarmica, A. serrata, A. tomentosa, the Yarrow is designated Achillea Mille- folium. Now Millefolium is an old synonym which, though not so venerable a name as Achillea, is yet of great antiquity; being the term by which the plant had been for ages known in the drug shops. Thus then the most celebrated of the four species, the typical plant of the genus, and that INTRODUCTION. xliii which lent its name to the genus, continues to be distinguished by a badge not trivial, as in the case of the other three, but which is an old Synonym. There were indeed other synonyms to be had^ but to have decorated any of the other species in a similar manner, would have been to obscure the distinction thus conferred on the Yarrow. There are however some genera in which more than one celebrated plant is included. Such a genus is Artemisia, which comprises two plants of old cele- brity. These figure in our hsts as Ar- temisia and Absinthium. Both are now to be called generically Artemisia ; and the latter is distinguished as A. Absin- thium : but how deal with the former ? What particular badge shall that plant have which gives its name to the genus, and which is thereby levelled with the obscurer species? In the previous instance we have seen what is the usual course in these cir- cumstances. Such a plant takes an old synonym for a badge. But it happens that Artemisia is singularly void of Sy- d2 xliv INTRODUCTION. nonymy. It is a plant of which there never has been any doubt, it is 'Apre/xto-ta with the Greeks, Artemisia with the Latin authors, and Artemisia with the druggists. It is Artemisia in Itahan, and Armoise in French. How is this consensus to be acknowledged, and how shall the system- atist supply that lack of a synonym which is due to this very consensus? In what manner shall the tradition be respected that this is the true old veritable Artemisia which was never anything but Artemisia ? Here comes in the peculiar technical sig- nificance of the not trivial though trivial- looking badge vulgaris. The typical plant of the genus always known as Artemisia and by no other name, shall henceforward be distinguished as Artemisia vulgaris^ that is to say, the plant which everybody has always called Artemisia. This is an honoured use of vulgaris which reminds us that the Italian language was called lingua volgare, and that English is in high connexion called the vulgar tongue. The genus Hypericum has a feature of another kind. Its chief plant has for INTRODUCTION. xlv badge an old Synonym. The case of Hypericum Androsaemum is analogous to that of Achillea Millefolium. So far this is all in ordinary course. But the plant which the Greeks called Hypericum alias Androsseraum had also a herbahst's name — Perforatum. This name expressed so peculiar and constant a feature of the leaves of this Genus that under Canon 23 it might have had a claim to be the generic name, only then it forfeits this claim as being an adjective according to the terms of Canon 20. This Synonym then with pretensions so good has with doubtful propriety sunk into a private badge writ- ten without a capital initial, as if it were but a trivial term. Certainly it is attached to that species which has the transparent leaf-glands very conspicuous, but being written as if it were a private epithet of this species, it is rather misleading and obscures the important fact that this per- foration is no specific peculiarity but a pervading generic feature. Since Linnaaus, great progress has been made in natural classification after the xlvi INTRODUCTION. fresh impulse given to the pursuit in 1789 by Jussieu's Genera Plantarum. It is a consequence of this renewed progress that the modern world has come to regard the system of Linn^us as an artificial classi- fication. This view is not scientifically in- correct, but neither is it historically just. A system which throws the Umbelliferse into such company as those of the rest of Pentandria is certainly artificial. But the wonder is that under this artificial classification the natural grouping should be so exceedingly prevalent^ and that where incongruities occur, their very boldness in- dicates by how small a movement the error may be righted. For the Linnagan sys- tem leads to no confusing intricacies of error, it teaches very little that has to be unlearnt, and where a first-rate instructor is not at the learner's side, the Linnaean system is still practically the best intro- duction to Botany. But it is more to our purpose to observe that Linnseus by a sound nomenclature supphed the first necessary condition of all durable progress whatever. The system of binomial nomenclature as INTRODUCTION. xlvii perfected by Linnaeus has wonderfully helped the mind of man to domesticate the wild infinity of Nature. There is a great historical interest about the pro- cesses which led to such a result, and the wanderings are hardly less interesting than the discovery of the right path. The solution consisted in the organisation of a System in which every name is defined and restricted to its proper object by its relative place in the compact and reasoned arrange- ment of the whole. By this means the old tumult of names has been regimented and brought into such perfect discipline, that every name is kept to its own place in the universal subordination. No name is now absolute, every name is relative^ and has its own proper place in a scheme which for all practical purposes is coextensive with the vegetable world ; so that a plant- name cannot wander out of the ranks any more than a runaway soldier could elude observation in the ancient Empire of the Caesars. xlviii INTRODUCTION. § 2. THE PLACE OF THESE LISTS IN THE RUN OF THAT HISTORY. From the decay of the Roman Empire down to the latter years of the fifteenth century, botanical knowledge was almost stationary; nor was anything added to the old stores except such barbarous names as from time to time attached themselves to the Lists through the practice of Medicine in the different nations and languages of Europe. Our Lists give us an idea of the Herbals of this long interval. The first List is from the Table of Chapters of an Anglo-Saxon version of the Herbarium of Apuleius. It is a production of the tenth or early eleventh century. This book may represent to us the link between the Eoman and the Saxon Herbal. But it is only a late representative of that con- nection. We find traces of much older knowledge of Roman plant-names. Some of the Anglo-Saxon names indicate an old acquaintance with Latin herb-lore. It seems only i easonable to surmise that the knowledge of Roman botany and medicine INTRODUCTION. xlix came into this country with the Roman missionaries and formed a natural accom- paniment to their religious instruction. And there are indications in the Saxon herbal vocabulary which confirm this natural presumption. Our Lists supply clear evidence of a long-standing acquaintance with Roman plant-names. Many of the Saxon names are in fact nothing but Latin disguised by long familiarity and attrition. In . some cases the Saxon modification has brought the word more than half-way from its original Latin to its modern English form. Instances of this will be seen in the folloAv- ing List: — Latin. Saxon. English. Amigdala magdala treow almond Beta bete beet Buxus box box Cannabis hsenep hemp Caulis caul kale Cedrus ceder beam cedar Coliandrum celendre coriander Chserophyllum cerfille chervil Castanea cisten beam chestnut 1 INTEODUCTION. Cornus corn treow cornel Crotalum hratele yellow-rattle Cuminum cymen cummin Cerasus ciris beam cherry Febrifugia feferfuge feverfew Ficus fie beam fig Feniculum finul fennel Gladiolum glcedene gladden Humulus bumele hoj) Lactuca lactuce lettuce Laurus laur beam laurel Linum lin saed linseed Liliura lilie lily Lubestica lufestice lovage Malva mealwe mallow Morus mor beam mulberry Mentha minte mint Napus nsep tur-niT^ Oliva ele beam olive Papaver popig poppy Persica persoc treow peach Petroselinum petersilie parsley Pinus pin treow pine Pirus pirige pear Porrum por leac leek Prunus plum treow plum Kadix raedic radish Eosa rose rose Ruta rude rue INTRODUCTION Sinapi senap mustard Ulmus ulm treow elm Unio yne leac onion Vinea win treow vine. Here I cannot omit to notice that Grass- mann confidently pronounces the German Ulme, Elm, to be an original German word dn malted ^eutfc^eg S5ort, not derived from, but ranging abreast of, the Latin Ulmus. In the case of Buxus box, not only is the Saxon form the same as ours, which would not signify much, because there is not room for more than one intermediate step_, namely bux ; but it is a significant fact that already in the Saxon Gospels it is used for a salve box — seo hsefde box mid deorwyrSre sealfe, she had a box with precious salve. From a comparison of the forms in the above List, it appears certain that the Saxonised Latin names had been in use for many generations, and that from a very early period there had been a com- merce with Roman botany. lii INTRODUCTION. And the same conclusion meets us again by another path. There are cases in which, though the Latin name has not been adopted in form, yet its idea has been imitated, and expressed by a Saxon translation. Some of these are couched in words that are so markedly archaic, that we can pronounce them to have been antiques to the men of the tenth century, and these must be held to indicate an acquaintance with Roman botany dating from the time of the Conversion if not from that of the Colonisation itself. I will give an example of this. The Saxon rendering of Heliotropium is Sol sece and Sigel hweorfa, that is. Sun-seek- ing and Sun-revolving. The form Sol sece has been suggested by the Latin Solse- quium ; but nevertheless it is composed of pure Saxon elements. There were two archaic names for the Sun, namely Sol and Sigel. Both these words were ar- chaic in the days of Alfred. He knew them only as antique words in the old Saxon poems that he loved so well. The current term for the chief luminary was INTRODUCTION. liii the same in his day as it is in ours, namely, seo Sunne, the Sun. The word Sigel is well known in old Saxon poetry, and it is also the Proper name of that Kune which corresponds to the Roman S. The word Sol is rarer and more remote. It is cog- nate to the Latin word of the same sound and sense^ but independent of it. The parallelistic habit of the old alliterative poetry was peculiarly favourable to the retention of words that would else have been long ago forgotten, and in this way we find Sol as parallel to Sunne in the poetic version of Psalm cxxi. (5; the sun shall not burn thee by day: — ne ])e Sunne on daege Sol ne gebaerne. In the Scandinavian languages it has happened reversely, that Sol has been pre- served in use, while Sunna is known only as a poetic word. Thus in the Icelandic proverb, 'Island er hit betsta land sem solin skin uppa,' Iceland is the best land that the sun shines upon. Whichever way we take to examine the llV INTRODUCTION. borrowed names, whether we look at those that have been adopted, or at those which have been translated, in both cases we seem led to the conclusion that the Saxon acquaintance with Roman botany must be dated as high as the Conversion, even if it be not the heritage of a provincial Roman culture. And this conclusion has a fur- ther consequence. It opens a wide ques- tion. If this herb-lore is so old^ it follows that the Saxons carried it with them in their German missions, and that the Ger- man plant-names may have been moulded more or less after the Saxon. And if this was so, how far will it affect the standing of the German and even of the Scandinavian plant-names in the court of comparison ? When^ for instance, meg- hede is quoted as the Old German name for Camomile, is this an independent cog- nate of our mage^e, or is it simply our own word shghtly disguised in a foreign dress ? The Old German name for Urtica was netele; now it is 9leffel. ,The form netele looks questionable for continental German. The Plantago is called in German 2Beg- INTRODUCTION. Iv hxdt'j is this an independent cognate, or is it borrowed from A. S. lucegbrmde ? The very frequency of like instances makes enumeration superfluous. We know not how to use the German names until this doubt is settled; and the decision will momentously affect the whole study of Gothic plant-names, both in the Teutonic and in the Scandian area. Among the consequences of the long- continued labours of the Saxon missionaries we must reckon that revival of learning which was fostered by Charlemagne in the eighth century, and which reached its acme in the ninth. These schools pro- duced two remarkable books of botany in verse, namely, the Hortulus of Walafrid Strabo, and the De Virihus Herharum which goes by the name of Macer Floridus. These Lists claim our attention by their nearness of time to our own, and by the intimacy which subsisted between the learned Franks and Saxons, and they are the more useful and interesting for comparison because of the limited number of plants which they enu- merate. Ivi INTEODUCTION. Walafrid Strabo selected twenty-three plants as subjects for his poetry^ viz. : — Salvia Gladiola Apium Ruta Libysticum Betonica Abrotanum Cerefolium Agrimonia Cucurbita Lilium Ambrosia Pepones Papaver Nepeta Absinthium Sclarea Raphanus Marrubium Mentha Rosa Feniculum Pulegium The plants celebrated in Macer Floridus are seventy-seven, and they have been identified by Choulant, as follows : — Artemisia ; 9Beifu§§ ; Artemisia vulgaris. Abrotanum; (Stabnjurj; Artemisia Abrota- num. Absinthium; SBermut ; Artemisia Absin- thium. TJrtica ; 0ZeffcI ; Urtica pilulifera and dioica. Allium ; .^noBIauc^ ; Allium sativum, Plantago; SBegeBreit; Plantago major and lanceolata. Ruta ; Otaute ; Ruta graveolens. Apium ; ©ip^ic^ ; Apium graveolens. Althaea ; (5i6ifc^ ; Althaea officinaUs. Auethum; 2)itX; Anethum graveolens. INTRODUCTION. Ivii Betonica ; SSctonie ; Betonica officinalis. Sabina ; (SabeBaum ; Juniperus Sabina. Porrum ; ^an^ ; Allium Porrum. Chamomilla ; (S^amitten; Matricaria Chamo- milla. Nepeta ; ^alcnminje ; Nepeta cataria. Pulegium ; ^olei ; Mentha Pulegiura. Feniculum ; 5^enc!^el ; Anethum Feniculum. Acidula; ^aiiflauB and ^^auflauc^; SemiDer- vivum and Sedum. Portulaca ; ^ortulaf ; Portulaca oleracea. Lactuca ; !^attic^ ; Lactuca sativa. Rosa ; Otofe^ ^agehitte ; Rosa centifolia. Lilium ; !^ilie ; Lilium album. Satureia ; ^fefferfraut ; Satureia hortensis. Salvia ; (Sal6ei ; Salvia officinalis. Ligusticum; ^ieSftdcM; Ligusticum Levisti- cum. Obstrutium ; Saponaria officinalis 1 Impera- toria ostrutium 1 Cerefolium ; ^nbd ; Scandix Cerefolium. Atriplex ; 3i)ZeIbe ; Atriplex 1 Coriandrum ; ^orianber ; Coriandrum sati- vum. Nasturtium ; jterfc ; Lepidium sativum. Eruca; SCciffcr @enf ; Brassica Eruca. Papaver ; Wlo^n ; Papaver somniferum. Cepa ; 3^^^^^^^ ; Allium Cepa. Buglossa ; Oc^fen'3wnc^e ; Anchusa italica. e IVIU IJ^TRODUCTION. Sinapi ; @enf ; Sinapis nigra. Caulis ; ^o^I ; Brassica oleracea. Pastinaca ; ^^aflernaf ; Pastinaca sativa. Origanum; 5)oj1:; Origanum vulgare. Serpillum ; g'elbfunimet ; Thymus Serpyllum. Viola ; SSeilc^en ; Viola odorata. Aristolochia ; «§oi)ln?ur5; Aristolochia longa, etc. Marrubium; QSeiffer ^Inborn; Marrubium vulgare. Iris ; (Sc^wertlilie ; Iris germanica and floren- tina. Enula ; Qlfant ; Inula Helenium. Hyssopus ; 9)[d^ ; Hyssopus officinalis. Asarum ; ^^afelrcurj ; Asarum europseum. Mentha ; 2)iinje ; Mentha (crispa). Cyperus ; 3©ilber ©algant ; Cyperus longus. Paeonia; @id)tn.nir5; Pseonia officinalis. Melissophyllum ; 2)?eliffe ; Melissa officinalis. Senecio ; ^rcujtrurj ; Senecio vulgaris. Chelidonia ; ©c^ottfraut ; Chelidonium majus. Centaurea; 5:aufenb9iilbenfraut ; Erythrsea Cen- taurium. Colubrina ; SRatternjurj ; Arum 1 Gaisdo ; SKaib ; Isatis tinctoria. Elleborus albus; SBeiffe 3^ieftrurj; Veratrum album. Elleborus niger ; ©^trar^e 0liefwur5; Helle- borus niger. INTRODUCTION. Hx Yerbena; ©ifenl;art, ©ifenfraut; Verbena officinalis. Chamseclrys ; ©amanbcr; Teucrium chamse- diys. Maurella; 0la(^tfd;atten ; Solanum nigrum'? Jusquiamus ; SBilfe, 33ilfcnfraut ; Hyoscya- mus (niger). Malva; ^a^pel, 3Katt)e; Malva silvestris et rotundifolia. Lapathum ; ©rinbtijurg ; Eumex ? Lolium ; Sold) ; Lolium temulentura. Cicuta ; ©c^ierling ; Conium maculatum. Piper ; ^fejfer ; Piper longum et nigrum. Pyrethrum; Bertram; Autliemis Pyretbrum. Zingiber ; Sngtxier ; Zingiber officinale. minum ; 9^omifd)er .^ummel j Cuminum Cy- Cyminum. Galanga; ©algant; Alpinia Galanga. Zedoar ; Sittwer ; Curcuma zedoaria. Gariofilus; S'lagelem^ ©enjurgnelfen ; Eugenia caryopbyllata. Cinnamum ; 3ittlil^l^ 5 Laurus Cinnamomum. Costus ; i^oftenwur^ ; Costus arabicus. Spica ', (Si)icanarben j Valeriana Jatamansi and celtica. Thus ; 2Bei^rauc^ ; BoswelUa thurifera % Aloe ; Qlloe ; Aloe succotrina. There was a great decadence in botani- e % Ix INTRODUCTION. cal knowledge in England between the eleventh and the sixteenth centuries. Our Lists gives us this impression, which is confirmed from other sources. WiUiam Turner was the first original writer in English on Botany ; and he complained in 1 55 1 that when he was at Cambridge (he had entered in 1538) he could not get to learn the Greek or the Latin or even the English name for a plant, so great was the ignorance of the time. Being a zealous Reformer he was driven out of England by Gardiner, and spent his time at Cologne and other cities, cultivating the friendship of physicians and botanists, in Germany and Italy. After the death of Henry VIII he returned and became phy- sician to Lord Protector Somerset, and ob- tained several ecclesiastical preferments, whereof one was the Deanery of Wells. Ex- patriated again during Mary's time he again sojourned at Cologne, to be restored to his country and his offices under Elizabeth. His book is a famous one, and it opened the new era for botany in England. It is entitled : A new herball, wherein are con- INTRODUCTION. Ixi tayned the names of herhes in greeJce^ latin, englishj duch, frenche, and in the potecaries and herbaries latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same, gathered and made by William Turner. London 1551, folio. The seconde parte. Collen 1563. The third parte. Lon- don 1568. This man above all others represents the Revival of Botany for Eng- land, not only as regards knowledge of the ancients, but also as to the commencement of the study of nature. He may be con- sidered as the reviver of that light which in our later Lists seems so near to ex- tinction. § 3. THE SIGNIFICATION OF THE OLD NATIVE PLANT-NAMES. TO WHAT EXTENT ARE THEY CAPABLE OF IDENTIFICATION WITH THE PLANTS SIGNIFIED? THREADS OF EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR SUCH IDENTI- FICATION. SOME EXAMPLES OF VERIFI- CATION. Now we come to that part of the sub- ject which will appear to the practical Ixii INTRODUCTION. botanist to be the touchstone of the whole enquiry. How far can plants be iden- tified with the old Enghsh names in these Lists^ and what hues of reasoning are there which may guide us in this direction ? It has been seen above that for long ages the chief task of Botany was the identification of plants with their names. If we held Dioscorides to be the founder of Botany, this was partly because of his Sy- nonyms, which were an apparatus for iden- tification. When Botany severed itself from Medicine and became conscious of a distinct vocation, this arose out of a great and sustained effort after identi- fication. The fame of G. Bauhin is that by shaping forth a System he added new means of identification. The glory of Linnaeus is that he organised a System which ensured identification. So that the whole botanical birth-pang from Dioscorides to Linnaeus was in its first intention directed to this most necessary of all acquirements, the power of identi- fication. But there are two sorts of Identification, INTRODUCTION. Ixiii There is physical and there is literary Identification. Linnaeus gave us the former, but not the latter. Linnseus gave botan- ists the power of identifying plants with the names which he had assigned to them ; but, then, his names were only selections out of that old forest of names that had confused the study. Linnaeus did not give us the power of saying what previous authors may have meant by each par- ticular name they used. This is a different sort of Identification, it is of a hterary and historical kind, and it is with this that our present enquiry is concerned. The whole study of identifying the plants of the ancients has become a very proverb for uncertainty. After all the efforts of the Commentators from Hermolaus to Mat- thiolus and from Matthiolus to G. Bauhin, the problem is far from being solved. Sprengel went over the ground again, but his identifications are not held to be final. Sibthorp's splendid work, the Flora Grmca, long regarded as a standard for the cer- tainty of its identifications, was at length criticised by Fraas in his Synopsis Florce Ixiv INTRODUCTION. Cla^sicce as grounded too often upon spu- rious evidence of modern Greek names ; while both Sibthorp and Fraas are com- mended by Ernst Meyer but as stepping- stones to the more satisfactory work that may be expected when a traveller equipped equally in botanical science and the know- ledge of antiquity shall undertake the task. When we set about identifying our old vernacular names, we naturally lean in the first instance upon the signification of those Latin names for which the English names are offered as equivalents. But these Latin names themselves are largely identical with the names used by the ancient authors, and these, unless where helped out by collateral aids, are subject to all the uncertainty of which we have just spoken. But while our enquiry is thus often entwined with the question of the Latin names, it has some incidental lights of its own, which we must try to make the best of. The chief of these arises from the continuity of the living tradition. One thins: is obvious. We cannot be more exact than the authors of the Lists INTRODUCTION. Ixv were. It is of course possible that native names might sometimes be matched to them in an arbitrary or perfunctory man- ner, as in a work which few could criticise. If this were largely done, the present study would be altogether futile. But the lacunae in the first list tend somewhat to quiet any apprehension of this kind, and to in- dicate that the glossers did not work at random. If on the whole the work is bona fide, we must make allowances for certain difficulties inherent in the task. In some cases the plant would not be known in England, either as a native or in the gardens. The name Asparagus, which to Pliny meant the same (at least generically) as it means to us now, becomes in our Lists wudu cerjilh^ Wood-chervil. And Caltha, which in Columella means, according to Dr. Daubeny, Calendula officinalis, a native of Southern Europe, the familar Marigold of old dames' gardens, has in our Lists become Red Clover. We must expect a few make-shift translations of this sort. The study tends to assure us that disturbances of this kind are not by Ixvi INTRODUCTION. any means so extensive as seriously to in- jure the authority of these Lists. There is another cause which troubles the en- quiry more than this does. I mean a certain levity of transit from plant to plant, which happily is not exhibited everywhere, but there certainly is a large circumam- bient zone of what may be called volatile names. These flitted from one plant to another^ according to some agreement either of look or of quality, by which plants were associated, sometimes fantas- tically enough. The existence of such a. laxity must not however blind us to the proofs of a better knowledge, however partial it may have been. And on the whole the evidences of this better know- ledge will be found by tracing back from beloW; rather than by verifications based upon ancient texts. The endeavour of this section will be to sift out the certain from the uncertain, and not so much to identify all the names, as to make a study of the methods whereby identification may be approached. If we can discover some evidential tracks which, INTRODUCTION. Ixvii /however severally faint, yet convcrg'e upon or point towards particular plants, the clearness thus acquired will not be con- fined to the number actually identified, but will also aiford a measure of probabihty for less assured verifications. I. Continuity of Latin Name, The simplest and strongest case is that in which the connection between the Latin name and the plant has been continuous, and where uncertainty is almost excluded. Although this is primarily a certainty not about the vernacular but about the Latin name, yet as a matter of experience, that certainty is largely communicated to the vernacular names of those plants whose relation with their Latin names has never been shaken. Thus Acer maple, Artemisia mug-wort, Betulus birch, Corylus hazel, Fagus beech, Fraxinus ash, Genista broom, Jusquiamus henbane, Juglans walnut, Lappa clot-bur, Mains apple. Nasturtium cress, Origanum marjoram, Plantago way- bred, Quercus osik,Ruscus knee-hoW jjSalix willow and withy, Taxus yew, C/r^/ca nettle. This evidence is confirmed when we find Ixviii INTRODUCTION. » that the botanical tradition has given ther- badge vulgaris or officinalis to the plant The former term imports that the plant had that name by common consent pre- vious to the systematic arrangement, and the latter imports that the plant was known in drug-shops by that name. 2. Constancy of association between THE English and Latin Names. All the examples of No. i apply here, and others may be added : — J.65m^/mtm wormwood, Allium garlic, Cicuta hemlock, Faba bean, Fraga strawberry, Hedera ivy, Juncus rush, Marruhiiim horehound, Millefolium yarrow, Senecio groundsel. 3. Continuity of English Name. In some cases this is so perfect and unbroken that it would be adequate evidence as proof sole. But it is for the most part the same instances upon which this and the fore- going proofs converge, thus : — Acer, mapulder, maple tree. Alba spina, hseg porn, hawthorn. Betulus, byre, birch. Corylus, hsesel, hazel. Fraga, streowberige, strawberry. INTRODUCTION. Ixix Fraxinus, aesc, asli. Genista, brom, broom. Hedera, ifig, ivy. Malus, apulder, apple tree. Nasturtium, cserse, cress. Nigra spina, slag f>orn, sloe. Quercus, ac, oak. Kuscus, cneowliolen, knee-holly. Salix, wilpig and welig, withy and willow. Taxus, iw, yew. Urtica, netile, nettle. 4. Consistent glossing of Synonyms. Where a plant appears in the Lists now under one name now under another^ and the identity of the plant under diverse names has been recognised, and one Eng- lish name has been assigned, this gives us confidence that the glossing was carefully and advisedly done, and increases at once our certainty and our interest. In one List we have Sempervivum sinfulle, and in another List Aizon sinfuUe: Aizon being the Greek for Sempervivum. In several Lists Marrubium is glossed ' hune ' and *harhune,' but in two Lists Prassion is glossed by these same EngHsh words : now IxX INTRODUCTIOIT. Prassion is a Theophrastean name which Sprengel identifies with Marruhium. This consistency of glossing would tend to re- move any doubt that the plants intended were Marrubiura vulgare and Semper- vivum tectorum. 5. Testimony or modern languages. This evidence is of various quahty; and ac-~ cordingly we make three sections here. § I . When we find the Old High German name agree with the Saxon for a given Latin name : — thus, Millefolium, S. gear- we, O.H.G. garawa, Germ. @arbe. There is however a weakness in all arguments from the 0. H. German names, because we do not know to what extent their lists were founded upon Anglo-Saxon Lists. § 2. Itahan and French testimony is for the most part a continuation of the Latin tradition. And some of the mo- dern German names are also of this kind. The certainty that Hibiscus marsc mealuwe is Althaea ofiicinalis. Marsh Mallow, is heightened by the fact that Lonicer called this plant 3Mfc^, and fur- ther that the French word Guimauve INTRODUCTION. Ixxi has been formed by the composition of the two words Hibiscus and Malva, through the intermediate stages of medieval Latin his- malva and the old French vimauve. The identification of Morella with Solanum nigrum, is confirmed by the fact that this plant is called Morella in Italian and Morelle in French. § 3. Like testimony of2)op'ular English. Of the same kind are the cases where the Enghsh popular name is a continuation of the Latin tradition : — Betonica betony, Buxus box, Camemelon camomile, Cen- taurea centaury^ Papaver poppy. Pints pear, Petroselinmn parsley, Rosa rose, Viola violet. 6. Descriptiveness in the names. Thus ' Trifolium geaces sure ' is recognised by the implied description of a plant Avith a trefoil leaf, a sour taste, and flowering in the season of the cuckoo, as being no other than Oxalis Acetosella, Wood Sorrell. 7. Medicinal uses lend confirmation sometimes. Thus^ ' magej>e ' is Came- melon, Anthemis nobilis. Camomile ; but when we meet with such glosses as ' Ohtal- Ixxii INTRODUCTION. mon mage^e ' and *^ Hec embroca may the/ we might begin to doubt that ^magej^e' was used too vaguely for identification, until we learn that Anthemis nobilis was a specific for weak eyes ; that Obtalmon is just ocpOdkiJLoovj and that embroca was €fx^p6xn the embrocation or eye-wash made of Camomile flowers. It is on this ground that I identify ' Aristolochia smert wyrt' with our wilded A. clematitis. Its use in parturition has procured it the popular name of Birthwort^ and Fraas testifies that it is still so used by shepherds in Greece. But this medicinal consideration is also sometimes productive of confusion of the identification, as will be noticed below at the close of this Section. 8. Economic uses more rarely. In one place we have ' Tilia Hnd,' and in another * Tilia baste-tre.' The former gloss points to the German Sinbe, the other to an economic use, now known only to gar- deners and packers of goods, but formerly also to the makers of shields for the war, rior. Here we may also place haeg )?orn- hawthorn, the thorn that makes hedges. INTRODUCTION. Ixxiil 9. Evidence of specific identity exists, where in the systematic nomenclature the old name is retained either i) as Generic, with the badge 'vulgaris' or 'officinalis;' or 2) for the Specific badge, as in Arctium Lappa^ Artemisia Absinthium, Sambucus Ebulus, Pirus Malus. Under one or more of these nine heads the following identifications ^ will I think generally find their place : — AhsyntJiium (ObsintJiius) wormed i. weremod iv. wermod v. vi. wormode vii. wormwod viii: — Artemisia Absinthium; Wormwood. Acer mapulder ii. Acerhulos mabuldor iii. mapulle-tre vii : — Acer campestre ; Maple. Acrifolius holen ii. Acrivolus iii : — Ilex Aqui- folium (=acuifolium) ; Holly. Alha sjnna hseg f)orn ii. iii : — Crataegus oxy- acantha; Hawthorn; Fr. Aubepine. Allium gsirlesic ii. iii. garlek vi. garleke viii : — Allium ; Garlick. Ahius air ii. iii. v: — Alnus glutinosa; Alder, in Hallamshire ' Owler.' ^ The Eoman numerals refer to the Lists : more exact reference iis superseded both here and throughout this Introduction by the Indices. f Ixxiv INTKODUCTION. Alihea mersc mealewe iv. ymalue, holihoc vl: — Althsea esp. officinalis; Marsh Mallow. 'The Hollyhock of our gardens is an Althcea from the Mediterranean region.' Bentham. Archangelica blinde netle ii. vi. blind netel V : — Lamium album and purpureum ; both called Dead Nettle and Archangel. Aristolochia smert wyrt i. iv: — Aristolochia clematitis ; Birth wort. Artemisia muge wyrt i. mug wyi't ii. iv. v. mug-wrt vi. mugwortt viij. Artemisia vulgaris; Mug-wort. Betulus b5T:-c ii. Beta birce iii : — Betula alba; Birch. Borago burage vi. borage vii. viii. broges ix : — Borago officinalis ; Borage. Buxus box ii. v: — Buxus sempervirens ; Box. Camameleon mage))e i. Beneolentem mageSe iv. Ohtalmon maget5e iv. Camomilla Ca- memille, maiwe vi. camamelle viii : — An- themis nobilis ; Camomile. Canis lingua hundes tunge iv. vi : — Cynoglos- sum officinale ; Common Hound's Tongue. Corilus haesel ii. v. Colurnus hsesl iii. Ahel- lancB hsesel hnutu ii. litel nute vi : — Corylus Avellana ; Hazel Nut. INTRODUCTION. IxXV Daucus wealmora, and Cariota waldmora ii : — Daucus Carota, Carrot. Ehulus weal wyrt i. ellen wyrt iv. wal wurt vi. walwortte viii. ix : — Sambucus Ebulus ; Dwarf Elder. Fagus boc ii. bece iii. boc treow v : — Fagus silvatica; Beech. Feniculum fynel ii. fenol v. fynkylle vii. viii. ffenelle ix : — Feniculum officinale ; Fennel. Filix fearn i. ii. v. brakyn vii : — Pteris aqui- lina; Brakes, Scotch 'Braken.' Fraga streowberige i. streaberige ii. streow- berge iii. streaw berian wisan v. streberi lef vi. a strebere-wyse viii. Fragaria vesca; Strawberry. Fraxinus sesc ii. v. hesche-tre vii : — Fraxinus excelsior; Ash. Gallitricus wseterwyrt i. Ccdlitriche wseter- wyrt iv: — Callitriche verna; "Water Star- wort. Genista brom ii. iii. iv. v. vi : — Genista esp. scoparia; Broom. Gramen cwice i. ii. iv : — Triticum repens ; Couch, Quitch. Hedera ifig i. iii :— Hedera ; Ivy, @:pl;eii. Hibiscus mersc mealuwe i: — Althaea officinalis; Marsh Mallow. f 2 Ixxvi INTRODUCTION. Juglantis vel nux hnutu ii : — Juglans regia; Walnut. Juncus rise ii. risce iv. resce v. resclie vii : — Juncus esp. conglomeratus, Rush ; to which sp. also OtuSc^ pi. 3ftii§c^e is chiefly appro- priated (Grassmann). Jusquiamus hennebone vi. hennebane ix : — Hyoscyamus niger ; Henbane. Malus apulder ii. apuldor iii. sepeltre v. apul- tre vii: — Pirus Malus; Apple tree. Marruhium vel prassium harhune ii. v. hune iii. horehune vi : — Marrubium vulgare ; Horehound. Millefolium gearwe i. v. gseruwe ii. jarow viii : — Achillea Millefolium ; Yarrow. Morella morele, atterloj^e vi. morelle ix : — Solanum nigrum ; Common Nightshade. Nasturtium cserse i. tun kerse ii. leac cersan iii. tun ceerse iv. water-kyrs vii. welcresse viii: — Nasturtium officinale ; Watercress ^ Nigra spina slag f)orn iii : — Prunus commu- nis ; Sloe, Blackthorn. ^ On this plant the Saxon Apuleius exhibits a stu' dious and interesting departure from the original. The Latin said, ' This plant is not sown but grows of itself in fountains and under walls.' But the Saxon has it thus — 'in springs and brooks; also it is written that in some countries it will grow by walls.' — Leechdoms, i.117. INTRODUCTION. Ixxvii Nimjphma ea docca ii. collon croli iv : — !N"ym- phsea and Nuphar ; Water Lily. Papaver popig iv. v. cliesbolle vii. chespolle viii. papy ix : — Papaver Rliseas, and (^) somniferum j Corn Poppy and White Poppy. Pastinaea siluatica feldmoru i. feldmora ii. moran iv : — Pastinaea sativa ; Wild Parsnip. Pirus pirige ii. iii. v : — Pyrus communis ; Pear tree. Plantago weg brade iv. waegbrsede v. weibrode vi. waybred vii. ix : — Plantago ; Plantain. Quercus vel ilex ac ii. v. ake vii : — Quercus robur; Oak. Radiola eforfearn i. Filix arhoratica efer- fearn ii. Filix minuta eofor fearn, Felicina id. Radiolum id. iv. pollipode, eververn vi : — Polypodium vulgare ; Common Poly- pody. Rosa rose ii. v. rosa iv : — Eosa esp. canina ; Dogrose. Puscus cneo holen iii. cneowbolen iv: — Ruscus aculeatus; Knee-liolly, Butcher's broom; Ital. brusco, Fr. brusc, Germ. SBriigc!^. Salix wipig ii. welig iii. wiSig v. wyllo-tre vii : — The Salices; Withy, Willow, Osier. Samsuchon ellen i. Sambucus ellen iii. ellarne vi. hyllor-tre vii : — Sambucus nigra ; Elder. Ixxviii INTRODUCTION. Sempervivus sinfulle i. iv. Aizon sinfuUe vi : — Sempervivum tectorum ; Houseleek. Senecio grundes wylige i.grundeswelge ii. grimd swylige iv : — Senecio vulgaris ; Grounsel. Seno vet tilia lind ii. baste-tre vii : — Tilia Europsea; Lime tree. Strumus vel Uva lujpina niht scada ii : — Atropa Belladonna; Deadly Nightshade. Taxus iw ii. iii. v : — Taxus baccata ; Yew. Trifolium geaces sure ii. Accitulium iaces sure iii : — Oxalis Acetosella ; Wood Sorrel. Ungio yne leac iii. Ce/^e ennelec ii. Unio ynneleac iv. Seiye hon^on vii. non5one viii : — Allium Cepa ; Onion. Urtica netele i. netle ii. iv. netel v. nettylle vii : — Urtica urens ; Sting Nettle. Vinca pervincee ii. perfince v. perwinke ix : — Yinca; Periwinkle. Viscarago mistiltan ii : — Viscum album ; Mis- tletoe. Of Viola the glosses vary ; and I do not see how the names banw^rt, simering wyrty and liofe are to be distinguished. But I apprehend that of these it is liofe which is the true native name for the violet, and that this name pointed to the hoof-shape of the leaf, and that this word is INTRODUCTION. Ixxix preserved in Ale-hoof, the old traditional name for Ground Ivy, a name which I would explain as eel {el-) hofe ' another sort of hofe/ What we seek is a specifical identity. This is the general condition of the enquiry; but there are exceptions. One such excep- tion is Malva, which seems to comprise all the ordinary Malvaceae ; Althsea officinalis, if any, being the specific plant. Such com- prehensiveness would be the natural result of the community of medicinal properties in these plants. It looks even as if Tussi- lago had on this ground been blended with Malva. It seems to me that ' Malva erra- tica geormen leaf and "• Malva geormen letic ' both point to Tussilago Petasites with its huge leaves, running growth, and mucilla- gineous properties. It is some confirmation that Grassmann gives Settle^ as a Ger- man name for Tussilago. Another excep- tion is Rosa. Here we are on firm ground of general identification, but we could not venture to specify. I do not know whether we could even say that R. canina would have been to our people the typical plant, IxXX INTRODUCTION. when it is considered that already, in Pliny's time, twelve varieties were culti- vated in the gardens of Italy. — Other names which we must regard as generic are Allium, Genista, JuncuSjLamium, Nimphsea, Plantago, Salix, Vinca; all genera of strong family likeness, in which it requires a cultivated eye to distinguish the species. § 4. GRAMMATICAL ELEMENTS OE ENGLISH PLANT-NAMES. It is almost startlino^ to discover that our general terms for plants are hardly ever in native English. It might have been ex- pected that however much in other sub- jects we borrowed, we should have kept to our mother tongue in speaking of the green things of the earth. There are indeed certain collective terms that represent almost a topographical attachment to the soil^ such as Wood, Shaw, Holt, Scrub, Copse, Thicket : these are in our ancestral Gothic. But all our general terms that have any touch of the abstract in them are French or Latin. Thus Plant, Herb, Flower, Yegetablcj Fruit, Branch, Horti- INTRODUCTION. Ixxxi culture, Botany, are all Romanesque. There are few things that more forcibly illustrate the mixture of our language than this inability to discourse of the vegetable world in terms that are purely English. But our Lists, and especially the oldest of them, carry us back to a time, when the condition of our herbal vocabulary was not indeed free from such elements, but when it was much less mixed than it is now. Some philological notes will make this old plant-speech more interesting to us. And first of Letters. Under this head there is only the 3 that requires notice. This is a post- Saxon character, intermediate between the Saxon g and the modern y ; thus gearwe, 5arow, yarrow. Pronunciation. The 5 is to be pro- nounced as y. In the Saxon Lists there is no silent e-final. In these rose is of two syllables ; so is ininte ; and lilie is of three. Of the latter fact we are indeed apprised by a collateral form lilige. Here the g has only the value of 5 ; performing the office Ixxxii INTRODUCTION. of a semi-consonantal partition between two vocalic sounds. But in the later Lists we have the silent ^-final. Thus in buske, braky ne, codde, come, doke, rose (p. 6^), wortte. Genitives: — cus (?), crawan, cymnges, fugeles, grundes, haran^ hrefnes^ lean. In-ing: — m^elfyrding , hwiting, simer- ing (?), smering, tunsing. Adjectives : — brune, colleii haughty, cwic^ greate, hwit, supe, weal (wal) foreign. The latter adjective appears in weal wyrt, the gloss for Ebulus, the Dwarf Elder_, now called Danewort. Here Dane- seems like a translation of weal. Strangely walnot glosses Avelana instead of Juglans ; in Devon the latter is ' French nut.' (I do not include lueal mora here, as the other form luald mora seems preferable.) Compounds are however by far the most important part of our subject. And here we cannot venture upon any distinction between syntax and composition. It is the after-part that claims our first attention. -beam meant the living tree, as German INTRODUCTION. Ixxxiii baum : ceder- (cedar), ciris- (cherry), cisten- (chesnut), cwic- (quick-beam), ele- (olive-tree), hnut- (nut), laur- (laurel), mor- (mulberry tree), wanabeam. In modern English we have the compound hornbeam', and more obscurely whitebeam ; but as a common noun beam means only dead timber, lignum, tignum. -bolle seems to mean ball : — chesbolle and chespolle (poppy). -codde, bag : — pes-codde. -corn : — byb-, gi^-, lihh-, mold-, sund-. -cup : — Butter-cup, Gold-cup, King-cup. Dr. Prior takes this cupt for cop, i. e. head, knop. Thus, it would represent the French houton, as iu Bouton d'or. -der : — cqndder, mcqyuJder. An ancient form of the word tree, probably one with Greek 8p0f. It seems to be the same word in elder, which the Germans call ^^olunbcr, and popu- larly ^olber. But -der is strictly the Low Dutchform.forwhichthe High Dutchis-iera. It has been questioned whether we should recognise this in -ter of Oiiiper, a German name for the Elm. Grassmann's explana- tion would exclude this. He takes O^iifter to be just the tree good for scaffolding Ixxxiv INTRODUCTION. ©eruft; but perhaps this opinion may be not quite unbiassed, as it forms part of his advo- cacy of lUme as an original German word. This -der figures in some of our place- names, as, Appledore, Maple Durham (ma- pulder ham), Powderham (apulder ham). hune. It stands alone, as, ' Marrubium hune ' and also in composition: — hare hune (hore- hound). -latJe (-lsec5e) : — attor, sattor (?). It answers to the Latin termination -fitga, as, 'Feni- fuca [=venenifuga] Attor-lathe.' Durh. -leae(-lec) : — crawan, crop, enne^, fugeles, gar, hoi, hrefnes, hwit, jpor, yne. -leaf : — a^^pel leaf (violet). -loppe : — cuslojyjye. -moru : — -feld moru (carrot), iveal moru (par- snip). The carrot is in German mij^re, in 0. H. German moraha, and Fuchs tells us the druggists called it 2)iore. In Russian it is morkovi, Lit. morka, morkva (Pictet), and Grassmann adds Old Indian mula root, with a diminutive mulaka : so that here we seem to have a very old word for Root, which has become special for the most con- spicuous tap-roots. There is Welsh moron (pi.) for tap-roots, comprising carrot, par- snip, radish. In Devonshire I remember when more (pronounced broadly maiver) was INTRODUCTION. IxXXV the sole word for Koot with the labouring class, and perhaps it is so still. -nep from Latin napus in j^^^^^snep, turnep ; now generally parsnip, turnip. -tan : — mistil tdn. Signifies twig, rod : the M. G. -tains is used of the vine-branch veina-tains, as opposed to the vine-tree veina-triu. 0. H. German zein, Icel. -teinn in mistilteinn (Yoluspa). -treow, tree : — cwic, fie, Inviting, magdala, persoc, ^;2?z, 2^1>uin, win, ivindel. -J>orn, thorn: — hceg porn, pife'^orn {pifan '^orn). -)?rote : — throat. -]?ung : — clufpung. -wilige, willow : — grundes ivilige, willow of the ground, wyrt (later wurt) : M. G. vatirts : 0. S. wurt : German -trurj. This is the oftenest recur- ring suffix. In the tenth century it was the most comprehensive term for herb. In Genesis ii. 5 'omnemque herbam regionis' is rendered by JElMc ' and eall gsers and wyrta ealles eardes.' This W7jrta is the plural of wyrt. So we find in our Lists : ^Herha gsers vel wyrt.' The generality of the word is well indicated in such glossings as 'Herbarium vel viridarium wyrt tun:' and ' olus wurtes ' (a late plural form). To IxXXvi INTRODUCTION. this general function the Latin word 2;?an^ has succeeded. It is curious to note in the fifteenth century a tautological compound of these two words : ^ Hoc olusculum a wurt- plant/ The elder word seems now lost to us, and one would hardly venture instead of ' Plant Names ' to write ' Wort Names.' How great its prevalence once was, may be seen from its numerous combinations : — . adrel; ce6elfyrding, ban, beo, biscop, Mod, bran, brd^er, brune, calf, candel, cluf (dyf), cyninges, feld, fie, glof, greate, hafoc, hols, hod, homor, hrcetel, hyl, Icece, lid, li^, lung, mede, mug, ncedder, slep, simering, smering, smert, spere, sprung, stic, suj^e, tunsing, wai, wal, woeter, weal-. Modern botanists have revived this termination for the comprehen- sive designations of the Orders : — SalicacecB Willow-worts, Urticacece Nettle-worts. Next, we take the former part of the compound expression, which is in its nature secondary and relative. apul, appel, apple, attor, poison, ban, bone. beo, bee. biscop, bishop, blod, blood. INTRODUCTION. Ixxxvii brotSer, brother. calf, calf. candel, candle. L. candela. ceder, cedar. L. cedrus. ciris, cherry. L. cerasus. ches in cliespolh, chesbolle (poppy) is a fifteenth century form. It would be cis or ceos in Saxon, from which the derivative ceosel=^ pebble. This word appears in Chesil Bank, the great bank of pebbles by Portland, In 0. H. Grerman it is kis, kisil, and in mod. German Rk§, ^ieSel. The name chesbolle, ball of pebbly seeds, is a graphic designa- tion of the poppy-head. cisten, chesnut : L. castanea. cneow, knee. crop, a head or bunch of flowers. ele, oil : from L. oleum. enne, onion : from L. unio. feld, open country. •fie, fig : L. ficus. fist; see note on p. 44, 1. 20. gar, spear, spear-head. geormen, same as eormen, an old mythic word, to signify something vast and extraordinary. The g sounds as y. gits. Perhaps a fragment of Lat. Githago. glof, glove. hafoe, hawk. Ixxxviii INTRODUCTION. hals, neck. hare, hoar, gray : in hare hune Horehound. hart. See heort. haeg, hedge. hael, healing. heort, hart, stag, deer. hnut, nut. homor, a kind of bird ; as in yellow-hammer. hrsBtel, rattle. hwer, hwaer, kettle, pot, bowl, ewer. hyl, hill. laur, lauwer, laurel : L. laurus. laece, leech, healer. leac, leek. lid, It's, limb, joint. lin, flax : L. linum. lung, lung. luse, louse. lyb, purging drug (Catharticum lyb corn). Perhaps the same word as the second part of cuslop2)e cowslip. GrafP, ii. 77, has 'Chesi- luppa coagulum' as if cheese-drug. We have M. Gothic luhi drug, in Gal. v. 20 lubjaleisei (pap^aKeia. See Weigand, v. l^ab. magdala, almond : L. amygdala. mapul, maple. m.ede, meadow. mersc, marsh. mistil, sprawler. See Grassmann. INTRODUCTION. Ixxxix mold 1 mor, mur, mulberry : L. morus. mug, ? worm, insect, miclge. I do not know the word else, but I guess a connection with midge. The mugwort was a famous vermi- fuge : it has a French name, Mort des vers (Fuchs); and dried flower-heads are said to be still sold by herbalists as ' wormseed.' See Treasury of Botany, v. Artemisia. mus, mouse. naedder, snake. niht, night. persoc, peach : L. persicaria. per, leek : L. porrum. saB, sea. sin, entirely, always, in sinfulle always full, singrene always green, sinwealt completely round, spherical. Two of these are in German, gingrun and gintrell. "We recog- nise it also in ' sundew,' which meant not Pvos solis, but ' ever dewy,' as may be learnt from German ginbau, a name for Drosera and also for Alchemilla. This word, now a prefix only, is probably the positive to the M. Gothic superlative sinista eldest, and cognate with Lat. seiiex. See Curtius, epos. slep, sleep. smert, pain, pangs, travail. spere, spear. g XC INTRODUCTION. Stan, stone. Stic, piece, joint. fife, (fefe, J)efan; and Grl. Epinal theban-), only with -Iporn, for Rhamnus; and it seems to mean ' stinking : ' see Leo, Angelscechs. Glossar. The German name for Rhamnus Frangula is ^aulborn, because of its nauseous smell, wald, wold ; also "Weald in local names, windel, machine for winding ; reel, windlass. Only in oleaster windel treow ; and the reason of the translation is not obvious. Perhaps the foreign tree had suggested an English Ligustrum, or Euonymus or Rham- nus, trees whose bi'anches are suited for making spinster's yarn-reels. In the Leech- doms there is a grass called windel stream. This I take to be a tall grass whose panicle expands in radiating whorls, like Poa tri- vialis. Such a florescence readily suggests a skeleton winding reel. It is often said that wmcZe^=: basket : but upon what grounds I do not know. In the relations of simple names like hune to compounds like harhune, as also in the relations between the parts of the compounds, which is the same relation in another aspect, we perceive something INTRODUCTION. Xci which looks hke the modorn distinction between genus and species. And this ap- pearance is not altogether a false one. However necessary it may be to distin- guish between scientific habits of thought and those which are spontaneous and un- trained, we may yet acknowledge some rudimentary elements in common between them. We can plainly enough discern two motives in the old names, one leading to specific the other to generic observation. There was the medicinal motive and there was the contemplation of nature, the for- mer conscious and avowed, the latter im- plicit and instinctive. In most cases the plant was considered solely for its healing virtues ; therefore an affectionate individual acquaintance was sought, while a certain antipathy was excited against plants that resembled but were not the true plant. For this temper of mind the plants in honour had names and were the right ones ; any other that looked hke them were merely the wrong sort and spurious. This was the prevalent habit ; and it pro- moted towards those plants which were g2 XCU INTRODUCTION. most useful and best known a jealous specific partiality. But while this occupied the forefront of the herborising mind, there was already in its remoter depths a vao;ue nebulous in- ceptive process of association as if for Genera to be some future da}^ tested and defined ; the hidden embryo beginnings of that framework by which a classificatory science stands upright ; as Linnaeus after- wards said — Botanica innititur fixis Gene- ribus. This process had its two poles. On the one hand there was the opening human mind with its inward need of system, and on the other hand there was the real and visible though yet untraced system of na- ture to call it out, and something of this system of nature had already stamped itself dimly on the old nomenclature that had to be translated. Thus a twofold cause con- spired to give the English names a specific and a generic element, which must not indeed be made too much of as if it were quite identical with the ripe scientific idea, but which all the same deserves to be acknowledged as being, however rudi- INTRODUCTION. XCIU mentary, yet truly akin to our maturer conceptions. In the above list I have not included loormiuood, which is indeed a Compound in its present form, but possibly not so in its Saxon form wermod. This word has been very variously explained. Mr. Cock- ayne has rendered luermod as 'ware-moth' in Leechdoms, i. ^17. The herb was famous as a remedy against internal worms, and to this our modern form wormiuood con- sciously points, as do'es also the Dutch luoinnkimid ='Worm--h.evh. Fuchs gives n>ef)ren and Wut^ as explanatory of the German 2Bermutf), as if keeping up the spirits. The 0. H. G. forms are wermuota, luerimuote, werimuot^ M. H. G. wermuote and wermuot. Weigand treats the termina- tion O.H. G. -uotj A.S. -od, as derivational, and refers to the root warm, as the herb of warming qualities. This is rejected by Grassmann, who however has nothing to offer in its place, but leaves it in un- certainty. To provide names for the hosts of the vege- table world, so far even as they are named XCIV INTRODUCTION. in these our Lists, must have been a slow and gradual work. Names are given to ob- jects when those objects arrest and fix the attention of man ; and he could not notice them all at once, or in a short time. The first names were as vague as the conception which man had of the characters of the plant-world. If any one wants to form a notion of this vagueness, let him talk of plants with some communicative rustic when he falls in with such on his rambles. There is a plant now known as Verbena, and this word is connected with a term which was sacred among the ancient Ro- mans, who on certain solemn occasions took tufts of green things and called them verbenae, a term which Servius on Virgil explains as derived ex viriditate, from their verdure. Professor Max Miiller even supposes it possible that this verbenae may be of the same root as brahman, the mys- terious word of the Hindu religion. Here we have a historical example of a name at first vague and hardly defineable, in course of time appropriated to one particular plant. INTRODUCTION. XCV The English holli/ is in these Lists called holen. The 0. H. G. form is hulis, which has passed into French and has be- come houx. In Chaucer the holly is called hulfeere. From these forms we collect a root hoi. Grassmann suggests that this is of one root with hol-t, German f)o^ wood, and that the idea is firmness, stiffness, tenacity, which is expressed in the verb to liolcl. The general result of a philological study of plant-names is, that they are very ancient, and that there has been a vast amount of ramification from a very small number of germs ; and that in this field we have a remarkable exhibition of that faculty of differentiation which has been one of the most proHfic sources of the copiousness of Language. Some A. S. Names for Parts of Plants, which are mostly common to many Plants. eecern, acorn, glans. berge, berry : uva winberge, fraga streow berige, blace berian blackberries, hynd berige? raspberries. XCVl INTRGDrCTION. bergan, berries, bacce. berigen, clusters, corimbi. blostm, blossom, ^05 ; fistles blostm |;a/;^ws. bl^d, fruit. boh, bough, ramus. boga, bough, ramus. clyster, geclystre, cluster, hotrus. codde, pod, siliqua. com, corn, grain, granmn. crop, a bunch, head of flowers, corymhus : ifigcrop, hramsan crop. cymel, kernel, granum. gyrd, rod, virga. healm, reed ; called ' helm ' in Somersetshire ; culmus. heope, hip, hutwius. hnutu, nut, nux. holt, now only in Local Names. Nemus vel saltus. hos, bunch, hotrus. A very interesting word. Used in the Beowulf of a bevy of ladies, attendant on the queen. It is the MGothic hansa a band, company, society; a word memorable in history through the Hanseatic League. hreod, reed. lael, (?) vimen. Perhaps a confusion between vimen and vihex. leaf, leaf, /o/wm. INTRODUCTION. XCVll rind, rind, cortex. saBd, seed, semen : lia ssed linseed. slan, sloes, rnoros. spaec, stick, framen. sprauta, sprout, sirculus vel virgultum i8, stirps 20. stela, stem, cauliculus : German (Stiel. telgra, scrub, virgultum. t-wrig, twig, ramus. })orn, thorn, sjpina. wasstm, fruit, fructus. wyrtruma, root, radix. § 5. ON THE NEGLECT OF THE VERNACULAR NAMES. CONCLUSION. The native names have a charm which it is easier to feel than to describe or account for. It is like the charm which wild flowers have, as against the flowers of horticulture. It is their wildness^ their homeliness, their artless simpHcity. But this, in the case of the names, is not all. It is, further, that they are associated, as only vernacular words can be asso- ciated, with some of our simplest and earliest pleasures. These vernacular names recall inestimable memories; the Latin XCVlll IXTEODUCTION. name may recall the plant, but not its dearest associations. But, on the other hand, the sphere of these homely native names is very narrowly limited : the number of names that can be used with a certainty of being understood, is astonishingly few. Is it not a thing to be desired, that the use of them could be extended and with them (perhaps) the taste of pure and natural pleasures ? Relatively to the organised nomenclature, the vernacular names hold a place of ac- knowledged inferiority. The cause of this is not far to seek : — they have had less thought bestowed upon them. All language is but voice charged with thought : that which has had little and careless thought given to it will be lax and inexact ; in proportion to the expense of thought with which it has been pur- chased will be the precision of its usage. This statement admits of easy and fami- liar illustration. The area of a language is of very unequal quality, it presents a diversity of surface varying in proportion to the amount of thought that has been INTRODUCTION. XCIX concentrated upon each part. If we take the commonest nouns which are continually in use and ever in presence of their ob- jects : — these have a signification which is almost immoveable. Some such are : — ash, bridge, child, death, eije,fire, God^ house, ice, king, life, man, need, oak, path, rain, snoiv, tree, weather. All these were to our ancestors before the national parting just what they are to us now, and they continue to be the same to our outgone colonists. But these form as it were an inner circle which hugs the axle-tree of motion. A httle wide of these we come upon words hardly less familiar but yet more susceptible of sense-change. Thus, beam is to us dead timber, while ^aum is the living tree. This change took place long after we were in the island, as our lists abundantly testify. Now timber means material of wood ; in Saxon it meant mate- rial generally; in German the same word 3itnmev means a chamber. In England farmer means an occupier, in America it means a hired labourer. The adjective fold means in English unclean or unfair ; INTRODrCTION. in German it means generally lazy, in- active, and in some cases stinking (p. xc).; in older English, as in Chaucer and Shak- spere, it meant plain, ugly, and this sense lives provincially in Shropshire and per- haps other districts. The number of words in a language which are so firmly anchored to their signification that a shock will not dislocate them, is a very Hmited number, and it consists only of those which are in habitual use in relation to definite thoughts or objects. In the state of nature, con- stancy of usage is secured to words only through the vigilance of a continuous exercise. The names of plants if left to chance are not so constantly used as to fulfil this condition. This explains why the vocabulary of plant-names, in its native condition, contains little that is quite defi- nite and stable. That list which is definite did not grow by nature but has been formed by human industry. A precise and exact list was wanted for the advancement of knowledge, and it has been formed by a huge combination of laborious thought which has taken long ages to reach its INTRODUCTION. Cl result. The organised vocabulary is a work of art in aid of science, as truly as a telescope or a microscope is. It extends the reach of man's powers beyond their natural compass. No such labour has been devoted to the vernacular names ; nay, the very attention given to a central list has drawn off from their share and tended to depress them. The central list has been nourished at their expense. As the im- memorial oak attains its gigantic size not without sacrifice of the humbler under- growth, so the universal plant-list has taken tribute and toll from native lists and thereby suppressed their vigour. And besides these there is yet a third manner in which the native plant-lists have been deteriorated by the growth of a central nomenclature. The above causes were in the nature of things inevitable, and therefore the more to be acquiesced in ; this one seems less so^ and therefore is the more tantalising. I speak of the gratuitous rejection of good native names in favour of some Latin name, through mere contempt for homely things and affectation of Cll I^^TRODLCTION. novelty. Our ancestors carelessly lost many good native names by preferring Latin ones in their places. It is not to be supposed that all the Latin which is found in the Saxon plant-list was introduced into places previously vacant. As well might we reason that all the Latin and Greek words that have been adopted into English within the last three hundred years were so adopted because the language had pre- viously no equivalents for them. We know well, that in a very great number of in- stances there was as good a word in full currency before, often even a better word ; — and that no inference at all can be drawn from the avidity of receiving foreign words as to the previous needs of the language which has displayed such avidity. The adop- tion of classical words was in deference to the prestige of the classical languages at first, then it became a piece of scholastic pedantry, which spreading ever wider and wider became at length a fashion because it was a flag of social pretension. And now that the movement has reached the outskirts of the community and we can INTRODUCTION. Clll observe it as something apart from our- selves, we see that they who have just learnt to read and write prefer to say * commence ' rather than the homely native word ^ begin:' while such as aspire to pen a paragraph, enjoy the savour of ^eli- minate ' and scorn to speak as their fathers spoke, who said, to cast out or get rid of. I have no doubt that the same thing in smaller scale happened before, and that among the literate Anglo-Saxons there was a veneration for the Latin language which operated in the seventh and eighth centuries just as the same sentiment ope- rated afterwards in the seventeenth and eighteenth. But to produce an example. It would indeed be a very strange thing, if it Were credible, that our ancestors borrowed the word Rose from the Latin merely because they had beforetime no word of hke signification. We know well that they had the plant, in many lovely varieties, flowering profusely before their eyes all the livelong summer in every copse and brake and patch of woodland scrub. Were CIV INTRODUCTION. they so stolid and insensible that they could live without a name for that flower by which in modern times, so far as written experience reaches back, the veriest clowns have been warmed to enthusiasm and have had a generous admiration kindled in their breasts ? Every one who has tasted the quahty of Saxon poetry, will almost postu- late that the Saxon race must have had a name for the rose, long before they colonised this island home. And we are not without relics of such a word. That word hip which now signifies the bright fruit of the briar once signified the plant and the flower. The A. Saxon is heope^ the 0. Saxon Mopa, 0. H.D. hiufa and hiufo, German ^§tefe. In Cumber- land the fruit is called Clioops and the briar is the Choop-tree'^. And whereas heop) hremel is given for Rubus, it must be remembered that Rubus then stood both for Rosa and Rubus, and that ' bramble ' was equally neutral, and that the heop in heop hremel determines it to the meaning ^ Dickinson, Dialect of Cumberland, pp. xxi and 17. INTRODUCTION. CV of rose-briar. Thus Chaucer in The Rime of Sire Thopas : — And swete as is the bramble flour, That bereth the red hepe. In our Lists heope translates hutunus, and this requires a word of explanation. This hutunus is not in the Herbals, nor in Du Cange; it is the French houton (mo- dern English button), which was used for a rosebud, and which is Englished hothum by Chaucer in the Romaunt of the Rose. But after all, wrecked as our plant-names are, they present to the philologer a field of fascinating interest, and perhaps something may be done by diligent comparison of dialects to restore in some measure the ancestral catalogue. How much help to- wards such a work the ancient German lists may be able to contribute, is doubtful until they have been more strictly examined. The few old German lists I have met with give me the idea of thinly-disguised imitations of Anglo-Saxon names. The following are culled from among some lists in Graff, Diutiska^m. 154: — h CVl INTRODUCTION. Nomina lignorum. Fusarius spindelboum. Abies tanne. Platanus achorn. Quercus uich. Fraodnus asche. Tilia linde. Fagus poche. CorUus hasel. Ornus limboum. Amigdala mandelboum, Terehinthus lerchboum. Tremulus aspe. Tribulus hiepbalter. Spina dorn. Taxus iwe. Alnus erle. Riscus holer. Vimina salhe. Salices widen. Isca mistel. Nomina lierharum. Anetimi tille. Papaver mage. Serpillum quendel. Arnoglossa wegerich. INTRODUCTION. Lajypa cblette. Ganniva haiij)h. Nasturcium chresse. Faha bone. Pisa arweiz. Beta malta. Humidus hophe. Artemisia biboz. Millefolium garwe. Eliotroinum ringel. Cortex rinde. Suher bast. Resina harz. Sambucus holr. Urtica nescele. Absinthium wermut. Malus apliolter. Malum aphel. Pirus pirboum, Pirum pire. evil Some few of these are distinct, but most of them are suspiciously hke Anglo-Saxon. We know that the Franks learnt their Christianity largely from xinglo- Saxon missionaries : — did they also receive their literary assistance in the formation of a national Herbal? When we meet with CVIU INTRODUCnO]!^^. such glosses as Meghede for Camomile, and wermut for A. S. wermod, this doubt is apt to rise. The historical relation of the old German lists to the Anglo-Saxon must be ascertained, before we can rightly appre- ciate their evidence. And it applies not only to the Old German, but also to old Danish. There is a famous old Danish Herbal of the twelfth century called Hen- drik Harpestreng's Lsegebok. This book was based upon Frankish sources, especially the versified treatise of Macer Floridus. When in Harpestreng we find the chervil (A. S. cyrfel) written kyruael; or when we find incense (A. S. recels) in the form of rokelso and rekaelse ; these certainly look rather like Anglo-Saxon words on their travels. So that for the Scandian no less than for the Teutonic authorities we want to form some definite opinion of the effect of our missionaries on the Herbals of those among whom they sojourned. Fuchs gives the Nightshade the German name of ^\ci6^i\^Ciii or ^0,(^i\6:}0XiiXi i and Graff has a nahtscato : are these inde- INTRODrCTION. ClX pendent cognates to ours, or borrowed from them? Grassmann(p. 133) considers the German 9}cugcjert for Artemisia vulgaris, to be bor- rowed from the EngUsh mugiuort, but he does not intimate to what historical epoch he would refer the transaction. In conclusion, I would observe that there is an interesting practical question arising out of this study of vernacular plant-names. It is this : Are not these names deserving of a systematic arrange- ment? Do they not offer the materials for an EngHsh botany, a system in which the names should be Enghsh instead of Latin and Greek ? And would not a book of English botany with English names do much to promote the general study of this delightful science, and afford to many who could not otherwise find it, an entrance and introduction to scientific ideas? For Botany has this great practical advantage over all other sciences as a means of uni- versal culture^ that the materials of it are the most generally accessible of any scien- tific materials in the world. Within the ex INTRODUCTION. ordinary walking circuit of every habita- tion, unless it be in the heart of a great city, are to be found data for the whole study of Botany. Of what other science can this said ? Of geology indeed the material may seem equally common, but in fact it demands so large a range of country that a student can hardly get round his subject without travel. Botany alone is adequately sup- plied by the gifts of Nature within walking distance. What is needed is that its ter- minology should be popularised. This has been attempted with great energy by Grass- mann for Germany in his 2)eutfc^e ^flan^ ^ennamen, Stettin 1870: and when Pro- fessor Max Miiller put that book into my hands he added a new zest to the present study. The condition of the German lan- guage in respect to habits of compound- making is indeed pecuHarly favourable to the formation of a popular nomenclature, yet we share this advantage with German : in a diminished measure it is true, but the faculty is capable of enlargement. I do not however assume that an English no- INTRODUCTION. CXI menclature ought to be founded upon Com- pounds, as Grassmann has founded his, and as the German language so readily favours : — I think it probable that the flat substantival syntax which is almost as prominent a feature of English as Com- pounding is of German, would prove to be our natural and not less serviceable instrument. Historically almost the first of sciences, Botany is naturally and eductionally first in order to the enquiring mind. Its objects are near our homes, awakening to our minds, and inviting to our touch. Botany is adapted to be the universal preparatory science, the science to infuse the scientific sense. Why should we allow a pile of heterogeneous names, however admirably drilled and however necessary for world- intercourse of botanists, to stand as a bar- rier between our people and the fairest gate of knowledge ? These strange names are all but barren of interest in themselves ; what interest they possess springs wholly out of the objects they represent; the objects and their mutual relations might exil INTRODUCTION. be learnt quite as effectually through con- genial names, if only one thousandth part of the labour that has been expended on those were bestowed on these. LIBER MEDICINALIS, A Translation of Apuleius Medaurensis De Vir- tutibus Herbarum. The following list of Names is from the headings of the chapters. The Greek names are of Junius's annotation. Wanley, p. 72. Nome 11 herbe Betonica. f is Biscop- wyrt. apv6y\(t)(To-os. Arniglosa. f is Weg- brsede. 7T€vrd(pv\\ov. Pentajilon. f is Fifleafe. Uerinenaca. f is ^sc- ]?rotu. Sifip/wniaca. f is Hsenne belle. Uiperma. f is Nsedder- wyrt. Ueneria. f is Beo wyrt. Pes Leonis. f is Leon fot. Scelerata. f is Cluf ]?uiig. Batracion, f is Cluf wyrt. B D, Ho HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State Coilese Artemesia. f is Muge wyrt. Artemesia tagantes. f is o)7res cynnes Mueg wyrt. apT€ixL(TLa ) Artemesia lepefilios, f is \€7tt6(1)vK\os. ) l?riddaii cynnes Mucg wyrt. Lajmti^im. f is Docce. hpaKovTia. Bracontea. f is Dracent- se. o-aTvpLov. Satyrion. f is Hrefnes leac. yevTtavri. Gentiana. f is Feld-wyrt. Orbicularis, f is Slite. Proserpinaca. f is un- fortredde. apLaToKoxia. Aristolochia. f is Smert wyrt. Nasttcrcium. f is Cserse. Upo/3o/\/3o9. Hierihdhnm. f is Greate wyrt. Apolli7iaris.f\s glof wyrt. XafxaCfjieXov. Camemeleon. f is Ma- ge)?e. Xajuiat8pi;s. Cka?uedris. f is Heort Isefre. XafXaLTTLTVS. Xafjiaibdcfyvr]. l/SiO-KOS. LTTnOVpLS. Cliamecelete, f is Wulfes camb. Chamepithjs. f is Nepte. C/iamedq/ne. f is Hrefnes fot. Ostriago. f is Li^ wyrt. Bryttannica. ^ is Haewen nydele. Lactuca sUuatica. 'p is wudu lectric. Argimonia. f is Garclife. Astula regia. f is wudu rofe. Lapatmm. f is wudu docce. Centauria maior. ^ Curmelle seo mare. Centauria minor, f Curmelle seo laesse. Personacia. f is Bete. Fraga. f is Streowbe- rig'e. Hibiscus, f is Mersc mealue. Ippirtis. f is JSquiseta. Malua erratica. f is Hoe leaf. IS is B 2 j3ovy\(i>(Tcrov. iTpaatov. ^ivXXov. (TLaVfJiftpLOlf. TiOvixakXos, i kTTTacjivXXoi;, WKLfJLOlf. fJLLVdr]. avTjOov. opiyavos. f is IS CerefoUa, f is Ceruille. Sisimhrius. f is Broc mynte. Olisatra, Lilium. f is Lilie. Tylymallus calatiies Lacterida. Carduus siluaticiis. Wudu thistel. Lupiitmn montmmm. Lactyrida. f is Gi^ corn. Lactuca lejoorma. f is lactuca. Cucumeris siluatica. f Hwer hwette. Cannmie siluatica. f Haenep. Ruta montana. \ is Rude. Eptafilon. f is Seofan leafe. Ocimus. f is Mistel. Ajnum. f is Merce. Hedera crysocantes. f is 1%. Menta, f is Minte. Afietiim. f is Dyle. Origanum, f is Organe. IS IS 8 Semj)er uiuns. f is Sin- fulle. Femicuhs. f is Finul. €pL(f>iov. Erijimi. f is Lid wyrt. Sinfitus alhis. f is Hals wyrt. TreTpoa-ikivov. Petroselinum. ^ is Peter- silie. Brassica sihiatica. ^ is Caul. Basilisca, f is Naedder wyrt. IJLavbpayopas. Ilandragora. kvxvU (TT€4)a- ) Lychanis stephanice. ^ is voifiaTLKi]. j Lseee wyrt. Action. a^poTovov. Abrotanus. aiov. Sion. f is laber. rjXLOTpoTTLQV. JEUotro^ms. f is Sigil- hweorfa. Spreritis. Aizor mhior. 'Elleljorvm album, f is Tunsing wyrt. Buoptalmon. Trihulus. "p is Gorst. Tricnos manicos. ^ is Foxes glofa. Glicirida, Strutium, Aizon, SamsucJion. f is Ellen, ' Hipericon. f is Corion. Acantaleuce, Acanton. f is Beo wyrt. Quiminon. f is Cymen. Camellceon alha, f is Wulfes tsesel. 8cohimhos. Iris Ilirica. Mlehorum album. Deljimon. JEcios. Centimorbia. Scordlos. Ami sive Miluium, Viola, f is Banwyrt. Viola purpurea. Zamalcntiton. ayxovaa. Ancusa. Sjnllios, lO Kvv6(Tl3aTos. Cynoshatus. dy\ao0(ort9. Aglaqfotis. KCLinTapLS. Capjoaris. f is Wudubend. ripvyiov. Eringins. (pL\dvdpc»7Tos. Philaiitropos. f is Man- lufigende. Achillea. Bicimis. PoUoten. f is Porrum . nigrum. Urtica. f is Netele. Priapisci. f is Uica per uica ^. \i66a-n^p\xov. Litosjpermon. (TTa(f)LS aypia. Stauu agria. yopyovLov. G org onion. Milotis, Bidbus. KoXoKVvdis 1 aypia. ) Colocynthis agria. f is Cucurbita & Frigillam. * Probably for 'vinca pervinca,' i.e. our peri- winkle. II From ^Ifric's Vocabulary : of the Tenth Century. Wright, p. 30. NOMINA HERBAHUM. ApiagOy beo-wyrt. Lilmin, lilie. Fasiddf leomue. Colochintida, wylde cyrfet. Rosa^ rose. Brionia, vel ampelos leucey g.^ hwit wilde wingeard. Labrusca, wingerd. Brabasca, vel aminos male^ blac win- geard. Botanicum, vel viridarium, wyrt-tun. Cttctcmerariiim, wyrt-tun. Caluna, msegj^a. Feniculicm^ fynel. Nepita^ nsepte. Adriatica, vel malum terrce^ galluc. Costus^ cost. Trifolium, geaces-sure, vel |7ri-lefe. 12 II Faccinium, bran-wyrt. Abrotonu7Ji, su)7erne-wude. Lubestica, lufestice. Volvi^ sinwealte swammas. Sinpatus, cneowhole. Solseqiiium vel heliotrojniim, solsece vel sigel-hwerfe. Astula regia, wuderofe. Millefoliimi, vel myrifilonj g. vel cen- tifolia^ gseruwe. Tanaceta, helde. Sammn, hyl-wurt. Herba, gaers, vel wyrt. Butunus^ heope. Apium, merce. Venenifuga, atterla'Se. Febrefugia, velfebrifuga, fefer-fuge. Buta^ rude. Blitum^ vel lappa^ elate, vel elyf-wyrti Simphoniaca, henne-belle. Gersussa, biscop-wyrt. Bamus'mm^ ramesan. Billa, vel acrocoriumy doece. Anetum^ dile. Cucumer^ hwerhwette. Anado7iia, feldwyrd. Gladiolmn, glsedene. II 13 Cinoglossa, vel plantago^ vel lapatium^ wegbrsede. Artemisia, vel matrum herba, mug-wyrt. Annuosa, sescj^rotu. Amor/olia, elate. Cepe, ennelec. Saxifraga, sund-corn. Fkilantropiimi, lawra, elate. Aiiris leporis, hals-wyrt. Ebuhim^ wal-wyrt'. Allium^ garleac. Herha munda^ giS com. Poletis, hwit-leac. Malletina, mede-wyrt. PorruSj por-leae. Cameleon, g., wulfes camb. Cynocephaleon^ heort-clsefre. Electrum^ elehtre. Ficus, fic-wyrt. Pajmver, popig. Saliunca, wilde-popig. A^naster, wude-merce. Petrosilion^ stan-meree. Menta, minte. Alumen, vel stiptnra^ efne. Viola^ hofe. 14 11 Gerohotana, vel verhena, vel sagmen, biscop-wyrtil. Calta, vel triJillo7i, clsefre. Crispa, victoriola, smering-wyrt. Centatcria, eor^-gealle. Stnmms, vel uva hijoinaj niht-scada. Salvia, fen-fearn. Colocasia, harewinta. Filix, fearn. Herha putida, mseg^a. Cresco, kerse. Vermiculi, mseddre. Filix arhoratica, eferfearn. Sintea, vel senecion, grundeswelge. Nap silvatica, spere-wyrt, vel wilde nsep. Carex, vel sahium^ vel lisca secg. Ruhia, mseddre. Juncus, rise. Scirpus, se-risc. Breniium, earic. Ulva, grsede. Gramen, cwice. Alga, sse-waur. Consolda, dsegesege. 'Raphanum, vel radix, rsedic. Tiirsus, cimia, crop. II Centaurea major, curmelle. Brittannica^ cusloppe. Malva, malwe, vel geormen-letic. Pastinaca, feldmora. Dattctis, wealmora. Napiis, nsep. Citocacia, gij^-corn. Cariota, waldmora. Sina_pis, senep. Cucurbita, cyrfset. Papincs, du'Shamor. NasUirtium^ tun-kerse. Papa, nsep. Fungus, vel tuher, mette-swam. Carcliius, j^istel. Coliandrum, celendre. Cerefolium, cserfille. Elleboram, vel veratmm, wode-);istel. C'lviita, hemlic. Aconita, J'ung'. Betonica, seo Isessa biscop[-wyrt]. Urtica, netle. Archangelica, blinde netle. Sisimhriu^n, balsminte. Calamus, vel canna, vel harundo, reod, Qtdnque/Qlmm, pentufiUon, fif-ltafe. Tinea, perviiicse. 15 i6 II Viscarago, mistiltan. Mamihium, vel prassium^ harliune. Canictda, argentilla. Fraga, strea-berige. Fra7)ien, streaberie-wisan. Nimphea, ea-docca. Eruca, calf-wyrt. Cahallopodia^ vel ungula calalli, colt- grseig. Ciminum, cymen. Agrimonia, stic-wyrt. Modera, cicena-mete. Helena^ bors-helene. Biptamniis^ vel bibulcos, wilde nsep. Sajidix, wad. Fucus, waad. Tinctura, teging. Arboracia, vel lapsana, cal. Alfa^ se^elfyrding-wyrt. Origanum^ warmelle. Altea, vel eviscus^ seo-mint. Cardamon^ cserse. Pionia, pionia. Mandragora, eorS-aeppel. Oxylapaiion^ g., anes cynnes elate. Brioma, wild cyrfet, f^/hwit wingearl. Satirion, suSerige. II 17 Pollegia, hyl-wyrt. Hermodacff/la, crawan-leac. Centaur ea minor, ban-wyrt. Hedera nigra, wudebinde. FappuSy J^istles blostm. Sarrahum, wild lactuce. Fromos, vel lucernaris, vel insana, vet lucuhros, candel-wyrt. NOMINA ARBOEUM. Arhor, treow. QuercuSf vel ilex, ac. Robur, iung ac. Quernum, ac-leac. Corilus, hsesel. Saginus, hwit hgesel. Juglantis, vel nux, hnutu. Fraxinus, sesc. jFsculuSy boc. Fagus, boc. Faginiis, becen. Suheries, msesten-triovv. Nemus, uel Ulcus, bearu. Saltus, holt. Spartus, ]?yfel. Arhustum, iung* treow, Trnvcus, stoe. i8 II Stipes, stofn. Sir cuius, vel virguUum, sprauta. Daphnis, vel laurus, laur-beam. Seno, 'vel tilia, lind. Malus, apulder. Malus matraniis, surmelst apulder. Malomellus, swite apulder. Mespila, open-sers. Finis, pirige. Persicaritis, persoe-treow. Cariscus, cwic-beam. Pinus, pin-treow. Prunus, plum-treow. FicuSj fic-beam. Cerasiis, cyrs-treow. CornuSy corn-treow. Carica, fic-appel. Morus, vel rubus, mor-beam. Palma, palm-twig, vel palm. Mies, vel gallica, gyr-treow. JJhnus, ulm-treow. Genista, brom. TaxuSf iw. Acer, mapulder; acenium, mapuldern. Pojmlus, byre. 3Iarica, vel Ijrogus, hae'S. Alnus, air. Castanea, cystel, vel cyst-beam. II 19 GlanSj aecern. Granum^ cyrnel. Corimbi, berigen. Flos, blostm. Caidiculus, stela. Badix, wyrtruma. Virnen, lael. Viticellay wi^winde. Piroriumy Isefer-bed. Virus, gladiolus, Isefer. Ramus, boga. Olea, oliva, ele-beain. Aynurca, eles drosna. Oleaster, unwsestmbaere ele-beam. Betulus, byre. Betule7itum, byrc-holt. Rubus, heop-brymel. AcrifoliuSy holen. Gignalia, bagan. Variculus, hwiting-treow. Cresis, cwic-treow. Sicomorns, vel celsa, seps. Pruniculus, plum-sla. Flavi, vel mori, blace-berian. Ligiistrum, bunisuge. Bacido, lolrus, clyster. Accidinetum, gost. c 2 20 II Coquimella^ vel prunus, vel nixa^ plum- treow. Amigdala, vel nutida, magdala-treow. Nux^ vel nucarius, hnut-beam. Buxus^ box. Ormis, eow. Cedriis^ ceder-beam. Cedria, hisssep. AhellancB, haesl, vel hsesel-bnutu. Sentes, j^ornas ; senticosus, ]?orniht. Friitex, l?yfel. Ramnus^ ]7ife-)7orn. Spina ^ |?orn. Tribuliis, )7orn. Alba spina, hseg'-j^orn. Spina, vel sentrix, ]>yfe\. FepreSj bremlas. Mastix, vel resina, cuter. Cc^rpo halsami, balsames blsed. Opohalsamum, balsames tear. Vitis, win-treow. Salix, wi]?ig. Mirica, hge]?. Silim, wudu ; calones, wudieras. Lignum^ ahaeawan treow. Sfirps, styb_, vel sprauta. Glans, glandis^ pic-bred. Amenu& locus, luffendlic stede. Ill From a Vocabulary of the Tenth or Eleventh Century. Wright, p. 285. INCIPIT DE LIGNIS. Fagiis, bece. PoptduSj birce. j^sculus, boc. AbeUamts^ vel cohmmSj haesl. Avilinu, hnutu. Nuclhim, cyrnel. Butrus, hos. Rob or, ac. Glandix, seceren. Albaspina^ hseg-|?orn. ^uisqtiilia, hagan. Nigraspinaf slag-]?orn. Moras, slan. Fraxinus, sesc. Acerabulos, mabuldor. 22 III Acrivolus'^, holen. £eta, biree. Alnus, air. Abies, sseppe, gyr. TJlnetum, alor-holt. Yirectciy wice. Facedo, redisn. Cerasius, ciris-beam. Carisctis, wice. CastaneitSf cisten-beam. Ramnus, colte-trgeppe, j^efan-'Sorn. Ruscus, cneo-holen, fyres. Taxus, iw. Tornculmn^ hyrwe. Mp'tus, wir. Malus^ apuldor. Malum^ seppel. Melarmm^ milisc apuldor. Metianum, milisc seppel. Plum7ms, plum-treow. Pfunum, ply me. Pints, pirige. Pimm, pere. PinuSy pin-treow. Amera, sealh. Scdix, welig. ^ For ' acuifolium,' holly. Ill 23 Ruhus, l^yn. Trihulus^ brsembel-brser. Acimmi, hind-berge. Baccej bergan. Sambucus^ ellen. Genista^ brom. Oliva, ele-beam. Finea, win-geard. Uva, win-berge. Butros, geclystre. Oleaster, windel-treow. Ortus i^omorum, apelder-tun. Ortus olerem {sic), leah-tun. Folium, leaf. Cortix, rind. Radix, wyrt-ruma. Ra7mis, twig. Framen, spsec. Rohoretum, secen. ApeletuMj spracen. Vivorna, wudu-winde. Eder, ifig. Fursarius, wana-beam. Fraga, streowberge. 24 III DE HERBIS TERR^. Ajjio, merce. Alium, gar-leac. Serpuluin, crop-leac. Ascolonium, cipa. Un^lo, yne-leac. Alba cipa, wite-tun (?). Duricorium, hol-leac. Porriim, por. Cerefolium, cerville. Nasturcium, leac-cersan, tun-c. Ibiscum, biscep-wyrt. Coliandrum^ celendre. Mento, minte. Cartamo, byb-corn. Acitvla, hramse. Acitehim, hramsan-crop. Accituliumy iaces-sure. Arniglosa, wegbrsede. Cinoglosa, ribbe. Ambila, leac. Horidanum^ elone. Napis^ nsep. Pastinaca, weal-more. Seu britia, wille-caerse. BibuUa, billere. Ill ,5 Eptqfolinm.y sinfuUe. Malva, hoc-leaf. Manihium^ hune. Mastica, hwit-cudu. Odrum, wyrma. Omagnum^ wyrmella. Tapillimm^ eolx segc. Pariikis, sinfulle. Scilla^ glaedene. Quinquenerina^ laece-wyrfc. Quinquevolium, fiif-leafe. I D. H. HILL LIBRARY Nortti Carolina State College IV The following are from a Vocabulary preserved in the Royal Library at Brussels. It is of the Eleventh Century. Wright, p. 66. NOMINA HEEBARUM, GE^CE ET LATINE. Scalonia^ ynne-leac. Anbila, leac. Acimus, hynd-berige. Ambrosia, hynd-h8elef>e. Artemisia, mug-wyrt. Apollifiaris, glof-wyrt. Cynoglossa, ribbe. SejjtijjJiilos, hj^melic. Astula regia, baso, popig. CardvMS, smsel )?istle. Cliton, elate. Cardamon, cserse. Apimn, meree. BatracJdum, cluf|?ung. Anethum, dile. • Bobonica, hratele. IV 27 Acetula^ ramese. Carex^ segg. Brassica, wudu-cerfille. Acanton^ beo-wyrt. Camechis, heort-clsefre. Ascoloma^ cipe. • Catharticum, libb-corn. Camellia, wulfes camb. Arnaglosse, wegbrade. Cucumeris, hwserhwsette. Camesete, ellen-wyrt. Agrimonia, gar-clife. Centauria, heor^-gealla. Coxa, ]?ung. Aconituin, }?ung. Aristolochia, smert-wyrt. Callitriche, wseter-wyrt. Artemesia, tagantes helde. Alt/tea, mersc-mealewe. Coantmm, cellendre. Britannica, hsewen-hyldele. Absi/ntJdum, weremod. Buglosse, foxes glofa. Vacciniay berige. Camemelon alba, se brada wulfes camb. Beneolentem, mage'Se. Canis lingua, hundes tunge. 28 IV Batracion^ cluf-wyrt. Cicuta, hymelic. Anteleuce, smael ]?istel. Bucstalinum^ liwit msege^e. Appasina^ clife. Cerefolmm, enne-leac. Achillea J collon-croh. Cnlmus, healm. Cictita^ wode-)7isele. Anchorumy msedere. Apis sylvatica, wudu-merce. Conixe, lubestica. Iris Ill^rica, hwatend. Calcesta, hwite claefre. Fy nudum, finol. Inntda, colone. Filix, fearn. Calcilum, iaces sure. Lactuca, leahtric. Cinnamomum, cymen. Fiirfii7\ sife^a. Leontopodium^ leon-fot. Felix minuta, eofor-fearn. Laterculum, beolone. Cyclamen y slite. Lappacimn, docce. Gladiolum^ secgg. IV. ag Malva^ mealewe. Grmnen^ cwice. Genista, brom. Mercurialis^ cedelc, cyrlic. Millefolium^ gearewe. Galla^ galloc. Erimigio^ hynd-berige. Mosilicuwo, ragu. Ebolum, ellen-wyrt. Mentha^ minte. Marrubium, hare-hune. Beribalbum, greate-wyrt, Maliterre, elehtre. Betonica^ byscop-wyrt. Nasturtium^ tun-caerse. Fraga^ streaw-berige. CaltJia^ reade clefre. Lacy ride ^ lib-corn. Fungus^ swamm. Lappa ^ elate. Foenum grcecum^ wylle-cyrse. Lagena, erog. Lolium^ ate. Colucus^ eofor-j^rote. Firula, 8esc-]?rote. Felicina, eofor-fearn. Corymbus, ifig-crop. 3° IV Lignstrum^ hunisuce. JDelphinion, fugeles wyse. Heliotropus^ sigell-hweorfa. Malagma^ sealf. Gentiana, feld-wyrt. Mastixj hwit cwuda. Heraclea, calcatrippe. Heptaphi/llon, gelod-wyrt. Hedera nigra, eortJ-ifig. Eripheon, li^-wyrt. Herba iras, gorst. Swige, ban-wyrt. Ca llitriche, st ael- wy rt . Eicios, haran-spreccel. Innide campane^ spere-wyrt. JVams, nsep. Pasflnace, wudu-cerfille. Np?ip/i{Sa, collon-croh. Oriant/ium, eolone. Bolon, earbe. Qtiinque?ierbia, ribbe. Tenedisse, helde. Urtica, netle. Toxa, ]?ung. Quinquejila, hrsefnes fot. Origanum, ailepe. Sinfitum, gallac. IV Radiohnn, eofor-fearn. Prosojoes, bete. Prassion, liune. TitemalloSy singrene. Rkammis, ]7efe-J?orn. Junciis^ risee. 31 ?, stan-merce. Ocimum, mistel. Veneria, msedere. Nereta, sse-minte. Plantago, weg-brade. Viola aurosa et viola purpurea^ ban-wyrt. Senecio, grund-swylige, syr. Symphon'iacay beolone. Pissli, reosan. Viumum,^ fugeles leac. Spei'agiis, wudu-cserfille. Sarjjuktm, brade leac. Tribul'iis^ gorst. Rosmarinum, feld-msedere. Obtalmon, mage'Se. Ruscus, cneowholen. Thiasjois'^^ lambes cerse. Rodinajis, ompre, docce. Salsa, sure. Tytymalosca, lib-corn. ^ Perhaps Thlaspi. 33 IV Papaver^ popi^- Umbilicum, berwinde. Scilla, glaedene. Fictoriala, cneowholen. Perdicalis, homor-wyrt. Polle^ia, bro^er-wyrt, hsel-wyrt, dwe- orges drostle. U7tio, ynneleac. Peucidamim^ cammoce. Sempervivutn, sinfulle. Fermenaca, rsedic. Pilogonus et sanguinaria, ^aet is unfor- tredde. Viola, simering-wyrt. Stena, h9e|?-cole. Pentaphyllon^ fif-leafe. Sandix, wad. Sinapdones^ caersan. Sicalia^ \ygQ. Hierohotannm, hrsetel-wyrt. Brassica sylvatica^ wudu-cerefille. Gramis birecta, cwice. Solsequia, golde. Rosmarinus^ sun-deaw. Gagantes, mug-wyrt. Althea^ sae-minte. Heliotropiis^ sigell-ihweorfa,. IV 33 lliita, rude. Iva, ive. Sisymbrmm^ broc-minte. Colatidls, singrene. Scilla et gladiola, glaedene. Scolonia, cipe. Samsuhthon, cyninges wyrt. Vulnetnim^ mold-corn. Scirpio, Isef'er. Viticella^ weodu-binde. Poloten^ crawan-leac. Scolwihos, se umbrada f>istel. Pastinacej moran. Lapad'mm^ leloj^re. Malva Jierratice, geormen-leaf. Canafel sylvatlca^ haenep. Ebulus^ ellen-wyrt. Mentarmm, feld-minte. Cerefolmm, cerfelle. Smapis, senap. Abrotomwi, S8ej?rene-wuda. Peonia, peonia. Ltcbestica, lufestice. Posa, rosa. iSpimoUj vel reverion, brun-wyrt. Ostriago, lil7-wyrt. Muronis, cicena mete. D 34 IV Humhlonis^ hege-hymele. Hulsida^ camedris. Arciotidas, fyrses berian. Actis, vel sambucus, ellen. Elimos^ vel lini semen, lin-ssed. From a Vocabulary at the end of /Elfric's Gram- mar. Wright, p. 78. His original was Cotton, Julius A. ii., in the British Museum. Another, and a very good copy, is in St. John's Library, Oxford (No. 154), from which I have made some tacit corrections, and have obtained some im- portant readings, which are given at the foot of the page. The forms are of the first half of the Eleventh Century. An interesting feature in the St. John's manuv script is this, that some of the Latin names are accented. These accents I have inserted. Herba, ggers, o^Se wyrt. Alliicm'^, leac. Dilla, docca. Lihestica lufestice. Febrefugia, feferfugia ^. Simphomaca, henne- belle. Avadonia, felt-wyrt. Ajirotdniim, su^erne-wudu. Sinitia, grunde-swelige. Feniculuniy fenoi. * Aljium. 2 feferfu^HP. D 2 36 V Anetum, ^j\q. Electnmi, electre. Mal/a, hoc-leaf. Malva crisjM, symeringc-wyrt. Folipeclmm^ hremmes-fot. Co7isolda, dseg-es-eage. Solseguium, solssece. Sclaregia^ slarege. Adridca, galluc. Ruta, rude. Betonica, seo Isesse biseeop-Wyrt. Petrocilium^ petersilium ^. Costa, cost. Epicurmm, half-wjTt ^. Millefolium, gearwe. Tanicetum, helde. Saxifraga, sund-corn. Citsdna, fana. Cdlamus, vel canna, vel arundo, hreod. Papdver, P^^pig" "• Ahsintiumy wermod. Urtica, net el *. Archangelica, blind-netel *. Plantdgo, wegbrsede ^. Quinqiieformm, fif-leafe. ' petersylige. ^ halswyrt. ^ papi. * nefcle. ^ Ostrago sticwyrt (margin). V ?>1 Finca, pervince^. Maruhium, harhune. Camicula^ argentille. Fraga, streaw-berian wisan. Cimimmi, cimen. Modera, cicena mete. Ajjpmm, merce. Lappa, elate, o^Se clyf-wyrt. Helena^ hors-elene. Sandix^ wad. Caula, vel maguddris, caul. Cresco, cserse. Menta, minte. Serjnllum, fille. Artemessia 2, mug-wyrt. Salvia^ salvige. Felterre^ vel centauria^ eor'S-gealle. Ambrosia, liind-heolaS. Pionia^ Mandragora, agene nama. PoUegia, hyl-wyrt, o^Se dwyrge dwysle. Organe, agene naman. Cardus, "Systel. Hermodoctula^ vel tidolosa, crawan-leae. Pastindca^ weal-mora ". Lilhim, lilige. * perfince. ^ Arteiuesia. ^ wealmoru. 38 V Rosa, rose. Viola, clsefre. Agrimonia, car-clife^. Bqfanum^ rsedic. Filex^ fearn. Carexy segc. Juncus^ vel sci/rpiis, resce -. Arbor, treow. Cortex, rinde. Flos, blosan. Folm7n, leaf. Buxus, box. Frdxinus, sesc. Qvercus, vel ilex, ac. Taxus, iw. Corikis, haesel. Fagus, boc-treow. Ahius, air. Lavrus, lauwer-beam. Mains, sepeltre^. Pinus, pin-treow. Fructus, wsestm. Bacillus, stsef. Virga, gyrd. Virgtdtmn, telgra. ' garclife. ^ rise. ' apeldre. V 39 'Ramus, boh. Glans, secern. Graniim, cyrnel ^ Radix^ wyrtruma. Pirns, pirige. Prnnus, pliim-treow. Ficus, fig-treow. Ulcia, holen. Pojndus, byre. Palma, twaltiga^. Sabina, savine. Genesta, brom. Cedrus, ceder-beam. C7/pressus,ii^i^ nsenne Engliscne naman. Sentes, )?ornas. Frutex, ^yfel. Pamnus, fyrs. Spitia, )7orn. Vepres, bremelas. AbieSf seps. Olea, vel oliva, ele-beam. Morns, mor-beam. Fitds, win-treow. Salix, wi^ig, Silva, wudu. Ligmim, aheawen treow. ' corn. - palmtwiga. 40 V Ligna, drige wudu. Trunctis, stoc. StyTjpSj styb. NemuSj vel saltus^ holt. Desertum^ vel her emus, wsesten. Via, weg. Semita, pse^. Invium^ butan wege. Iter^ si^fset. Patria, aeJ^eP. Provificia, vel pagiis, scir. Mons, dun. Co His, hyl, o^Se beorh. Vallis, dene. Poemim^ hig, o"S^e gaers. ^y^r, secer. /S«?^^5, asawen aecer. Camjms, feld. Pasciia, laeswe^. Pott5, brygc. Vachcm, ford. Pratiim^ msed. Aqua, wseter. Gutta, vel stilla, dropa. Stagmun, mere. Amnis, ea. 41 Flumen, velfluvms, flod. Ripa, stae^. Litus, sae-strand. Alveics, stream. Torrens, burna. Rivus, ri^. Fons, wyl. Arena^ sand-ceosel. Gurgens, wsel. Vivarium, fisc-pol. Pntetis, pyt ^. Lacus, sea^S. Latex, burna, o^Se broe, ^ putt. VI A. Trilingual Vocabulary of the names of Plants of the Thirteenth Century. Wright, p. 139. CHAUDES HERBES. Artimisie, mug-wrt, merlierbariim. Maruhimn, maruil, horehune. R'lita^ rue. Apium, ache. Buglosa^ bugle, wucle-brune. Sanicidum, sanicle, wude-mercb. Sinapiwn, seuevel, senei. Zizania, neele, eockel. Absinthium, aloigne, wermod. Elna ennla, ialne, gret-wurt. Bethonica, beteine. Ahrotanum, averoine, su]?e-wurt. PulegivAHf puliol, hul-wurt. Agrimoniay agremoine, garclive. ConsoUfla, consoude, daiseie. Ciimfiria, cumfirie, galloc. Mentastrum, mentastre, hors-minte. Avencia, avence, hare-fot. VI 43 Porhis, poret, lek. Uegina^ reine, med-wurt. Millefolium^ milfoil. Ebuhim, eble, wal-wurt. Ltvist'iciim, luvesche, luvestiche. Cepa, oingnun, kue-lek. Salvia, sauge, fenvern. Centauria, centoire^ hurdreve. Arcangellca, mort ortie, blinde netle. Pollijjodium, poliol, reven-fot. Felix m'horatica, pollipode, eververn. Salimica, gauntelee, foxes-glove. Btdunus, butuns, hoepe. Nasturtium, kersuns, cressen. Coliandrum, coriandre, chele priem. Petrosillum, peresil, stoan-suke. Closera, alisaundre^ wilde percil. Favida, favede, leomeke. Sandix, waisde, wod. Gladiolum, flamine_, gladene. Fehrefugia, fewerfue, adrel-wurt. Tanesetum, taneseie, helde. Pilosella, peluselle, mus-ere. Vennicuhim, warance, wrotte. Raffarium, raiz^ redich. 8ili7iibritim, balsamitis_, broc-minten. Amhrosia^ ambrose^ hindehele. 44 VI Althea^ ymalue \ holihoc. Saxifragium, saxifrage, wai-wurt. BideUa, samsims, lechis. Bursa 2^astor is, sanguinarie, blod-wurt. Feniculu7n, fanuil, fenecel. Qiiinquefolhim, quintfoil^ fiflef. Tapsus harbatuSy moleinej softe. Faharia, faverole. Trifolium, trifoil, wite clovere. Biptannum, ditaundere. Cotida fetida, ameruche, mi we. Persicaria, sauclieneie, cronesanke. Banceolata, launeeleie, ribbe. Mater silva, chevefoil, wiidebinde. Samhucus, suev, ellarne. Vervena, verveine, iren-harde. Arundo^ rosel, reod. Osmiinda, osmunde, bon-wurt. OUhanus, encens, stor. Fungus, wulves-fist. Cerfolmm, cerfoil, villen. CamomiUaf camemille, maivve. Nepta, nepte, kattes-minte. Argentea, argentine, lilie. Enula, alne, hors-elne. YsopuSj ysope. VI 45 Spurgia^ spurge^ guweorn. Lavendula, lavendre. Fion^ camglata, foxes-glove. Ctiscute, doder. Satureia^ satureie, timbre. Borago, burage. Tr'ibulus marinus, calketrappe, sea-|?istel. Fumiis terre^ fumetere, cuntehoare. Calamentum, calemente. Ypis, herbe Joban, velde-rude. Orgamtm, organe. Origamim, puliol real,, wde-minte. Menta, mente, minten. Anetum, anete, dile. Elitrojnum, solsegle, gloden. Eptaphilos, salerne, vare-wurt. Ellehontm alhum, alebre blone. Elehorumj ellebre, lung-wurt. Pionia, pioine. Ortica, ortie, nettle. Valeriane^ stieh-wurt. Celsi^ murer, mur-berien. Avellane, petite noiz^ litel nute. Frisgonem^ fresgun, cue-bole. Sponsa solis, grinnil. Pinjiernele, pinpre, briddes-tunge. Lingua canis, cben-lange, hundes-tunge. 46 VI BormentiUe, ortie griesche, doc-nettle. Lappa, bardane, elote. Biirneta, sprimg-wurt. Upitime, epithimum, fordboh. Turmenline, nutebede. JFidebalme, halue-wude. Malva cripia, screpe-malue. Consolida media, ]7undre-clovere. Herha beaedicta, berbe beneit, bemeluc. Hedera nigra, iere, oerl?-ivi. Rerha Roherti, berbe Robert, chareville. Hinmila campana, spere-wurt. Hastula regia, mug-e de bois, wuderove. Intiha, muruns, cbikne-mete. Iregerontis, cenesuns, grundeswilie. Jumperii, geneivre, gorst. Ligustncm, triiFoil, hunisiiccles. Labrusca, bundes-berien. AlleufHj ailj garlec. Murum, blakeberie. Genesta, genest, brom. Omfacium, winberi stones. Ostragium, berbyve^ lij?e-wurt. Plantago, planteine, weibrode. VI 47 FREIDES HEKBES. Morella, morele, atterlo}?e. Jovis harba, jubarbe, singrene. Lactuca, letue, slep-wurt. Fraga, fraser, streberi-lef. Ramni^ grosiler, |7efe-]?orn. Astula regittj popi. Atnplex^ arasches. Mercurialis^ evenlesten, mercurial. Malva, malue, hoc. Caulus, cholet, kaul. A7tdivia, letrun, ];uge-]?istel. Psillmn^ luse-sed. Virga imstoris^ wilde tesel. Yjwquistidos^ hundes-rose. Jusquiamus^ chenille, hennebone, Viola^ viole, appel-leaf. Almojiis, wilde popi. Aizon, sinfulle. Tiicia, tutie. Litargirum^ escume de or. INTER FRIGIDUM ET CALIDUM. LapU lazuli^ pere. Manna, 48 VI INTER FRIGIDUM ET CALIDUM TEMPERATUM. 3firtus, ga^el. Bedagrage^ spina alba^ wit-))orn. Arnoglosa, plauntein. VII From a Vocabulary of the Fifteenth Century. Wright, p. 190. NOMINA HERBAEUM:. Hoc petrociUum, percylle. Hoc ciler, mynte. Hee menta^ idem. Hoc nausticmm, water-kyrs. Hoc milifolium, mylfoile. Hec beta, bete. Hie 1/sopus, ysoppe. Yysopus est harba, ysopo spergitur unda. Hec altea, wyld malle ^. Hec saUunca, wyne. Hec vepres, Hec tiva, grapys. Hie calamus, rede. Hec rosa, rose. Hoc lilium, lylle. Hec mini/era J water-lylle. Hec embroca, may the. ^ i. e. mallow. 50 VII Hie daucus^ clap-wype. Hoc olus, -ris, worte. Hoc magudere, calstok. Hie caulus, uwle (?) or thyme„ Hec cuna, croppe. Hec saliva, sal we. Hec urtica, nettylle. Hec pimp'inella, primeroUe, Hoc Ugustrum, idem. Hoc pringrius, idem. Hec viola, wyolet. Hoc vaccimum, eowsokuUe, Hec papaver, cbesbolle^. Hoc omella, idem. Hicfelix, -cis, braky n. Hoc solseqidum, sawsykylle. Hoc ditaneum, dytan. Hoc columbina, colybyn. Hec lactuca, letys. Hie muscus, muske. Hie carduus, tbystylle. Hoc gramen^ bent. Hec murica, wormine brome. Hec edera, iwyn. Hec licoricia, licorys. ^ Halliwell (Archaic Dictionary) gives Ches- boke and Ckesebolle as words for Poppy. , VII 5' Hoc alleum, garle. Hoc s'majnum, warkecok. Hec sejnda, chesbolle. Hec salgea, sawge. Hec selidoiiia, solydyne. Hoc feniculum^ fynkylle. Hec malva, malle. Hoc apium, the. Hoc trifolium, hart-claver. Hie sicassis, idem. Hoc pentifoliMm, iilife. Hoc sirpilhm, petergrys. Hoc piper, pepyre. Hoc simimim, comyne. Hoc synamomum^ canelle. Hoc stngilliim, morelle. Hoc solatrum, idem. Hec vervena, warwayn. Hec agremonia^ agremoyne. Hec pimp)ernella, pimpernolle. Hec sintecula, synthon. Hec scandix, madyr. Hie sendo^ idem. Hec pionia, ^yon. Hie tintima lilts, spowrge. Hec rapa, rape. Hoc bacar, nepe. E 2 5^ YII Hie crocus^ safurroun. Hie plantago, way bred. Hoc rapariiim^ raddyk. Hie tij)us, homelok. Hec seeuta ^_, iderd. Hie cardo, cardoun -. Hie carduus, tasylle. Hie anmdo, rede. Hee eanna, cane. Hec carisc, -cis, segge. Hec jQcqnrio, reselie-busk. Hie junceiis, resclie. Hie sirpus, idem. Hie pajnriiis, idem. Hoc borago, borage. Hoe sepe, hon3on ^. Hec coneilidcij eonsaude. Hoc absinthiu7n, wormode. Hec eosttis, coste. Hec febrifnga^ fevyrfew. Hec gensta, gromylle. Hec lapjja, clete. Hec endivay endywe. * i. e. cicuta. "^ The French name for thistle, now char don. ^ i . e. Cepe, onion. VII NOMINA AKBORUM. 53 Tiegula est quod omnia nomina arhorum sunt feminiiii generis exceptis quatuor, hie oliaster, et hie piaster, hie rubus, et hie dmnus. Hie oliaster est uva sterilis. Hec quarcuSj ake. Hec volemus^ permayn-tre. Hec ibex^, estjuvenis quarcus. Hec samhuca^ hyllor-tre. Hec taxus, haw-tre, new-tre. Hec corolus^ hesylle-tre. Hec avelana^ walnot-tre. Hec arbutus, crab-tre. Hecfraxinus, hesche-tre. Hec pepulus, popul-tre. Hec ascevy -ris, mapulle-tre. Hec abies, fyrre-tre. Hec prunus, plum-tre. Hec castania, chestan-tre. Hecficus, fyke-tre, velfructus. Nux, avelana, pirus, glans, et castania, ficus, Fructum cum ligno sub eodem nomine signo. Hec mesculus, mele-tre. Hec sorbus, opynhars-tre. Hec sirasus, cheri-tre. Ilex. 54 VII Hec oliva, olyf-tre, Hec sentis, ed spina. Hec silex, wyllo-tre \ Hec lentiscus^ byrke-tre. Hec coccimis, quoyne-tre. Hec tremulus, hespe-tre. Hec malus, apul-tre. Hec pomus^ idem. Hec trihdus, brame. Hec vepres, idem. Hec singinerpenis, est cjiiedam arhor cvjus cijneres volunt ignem servare per annum. Signipenis quod glens pir tibi dicitur arbor, De gigT30, -is, et pir, quod dicitur ignis, Et cujus cyneres involent ardere per annum. Hoc vimen, osere. Hie viburitcs, idem. Hec corniis, pet-tre. Hec morus, mulbery-tre» Hec tilia, baste- tre. Hec ussis, olyn-tre. Hec damasenus, damyssyn-tre. Hec cednis, sydyre-tre, et est talis nature quod nuncpuam xmtrescet in aqua nee in terra, ^ For mlix. VII 56 Ilec cipressus, est arbor odorissimus et tepicla, et Jiahet naturam et ruhrum^ colorem^ cypyr-tre, NOMINA FRUCTUUM. Hoc jiomum, apulle. Hec nux, notte. Hie nuclms, kyrnelle, Hec avelena, walnot. Hoc 2)irum^ pere. Hec glans, acorne. Hoc ciresum, chery. Hoc volemuniy permayne. Hoc prnmim, plumme. Hoc stragum, strabery. Hie ficus, fyke. Hec racemus, rasyn. Hec uvapassa, idem. Hec uva^ grape. Hoe sorhum, hopynhars. Hoc malum granatum^ poiinkarnet. Hoc malum punicum, idem. Hoc eoccinum, quoyne. Hoc masculum, orange. Hoc cornum, pete. VIII From a Nominale of the Fifteenth Century. Wright, p. 225. Sometimes the Indefinite Article is set before the substantive, and some- times the N of an is adherent to the substan- tive. Thus an onion is written * a nonsone.' NOMINA ARBORUM ARABILIUM ET FLORUM. Hec arha, a herbe. Hec arhula, idem. Hec salgia, a sawge. Hec mintay mynt. Hoe joetrocillum, persylle. Hie ditamnus, detane. Hoc feniculum, fynkylle. Hie isopusy -pi, ysope. Hoc eerbellum, pellatur. Hoc olus, -ris, cole. Hec maguderis, a calstok. Hec beta, idem est, Hec horago, -nis, borage. Hoc porniTii, a leke. Hie Ulhus, a lekes bed. Hoc porrnlum, a portte. VIII S7 Hoc sepe^ a non^one. Hec sejm^ a ehesbolle. Hec hinmila^ a scaly one. Hec fantula, idem est. Fantulus est filius, sed fantula crescit in ortis, Hec ascolonia, a holleke. Hec allia^ garleke. Hoc allium^ idem est. Hec cohmbina^ a columbyne. Hie crocus, sapherone. Hec ruta, rewe. Hoc caliandntm, a caliawndyre. Hoc cinamonum, canylle. Hoc pijjer^ pepyre. Hoc semimim, corny ne. Hec eruta, whytte pepyre. Hec lactuca, letys. Hoc lens, -tis, quoddam genus liguminis. Hie sinollus^ a ehesbolle. Hec rapa^ a neppe. Hoc rapum, idem. Hec napus, genus liguminis. Hec sinapis, herha ferens sinapia. Hoc sinapi, indeclinadile, semen stnapis. Hec camamella^ camamelle. Hec sandax, -cis^ maddyre. Hoc sinicium, a tasylle. 58 VIII Hec pioniaj a pione. Hoc lilium, a lylye. Hoc ajnum, smalege. Hoc melo^ -ms, genus ligummis. Hie cucumer^ vel -mis, a palmer-nutte. Hoc cMcumerium, locus vM ci'escunt. Hec hetonia, betony. HicJioSy -ris, a flowre. Hocjloretum, locus uhi crescunt. Hec verveta, a vervej^n. Hec egromonia, egromonyn. Hoc absinthium, wormwod. Hec arteynesia, mugvvortt. Hoc millefolium, 5arow. Hie costuSy rybbe. Hec jolantago, -nis, waybrede. Hec paradilla, a doke. Hec urtica, a netylle. Hoc urticetum, a netyl-buske. Hec arundo, -nis, a red. Hec buglossa, oxtunge. Hec secuta, a Kumloke. Hec anacia, anas. Hec genciana, a gencyan. Hoc jjolipodicum, a pollypod. Hoc folium, est herha natans sine radice. Hecfelix, -cis, media correjjta, brakyne. VIII 59 Hoc felicetiim, ) , , i i ^^ '^,., . \ a brakvn-buske. Hoc jilacerium^ ) Hec viola, a vyolytte. Hie cardo, -nis, media correpta, th3^stylle. Hie cirpus, hie jiinccus, a lysche. Hie papirus, a sene. Hie iiapirio, locus uhi crescunt. Hec carex, -ids, a fleg^e. Hoe earecetum, locus uhi crescunt. Hie seabius, -ii, scabiyge. Hec malva, a maloo. Hec eelidonia, celydoun. Hec filago, quedam lierha. Hoc nastucium, welcresse. Hoc ligustrum, a primerose. Hec elenacampana, horshalle. Hec uticella, haryffe. Hicfragus, a strebere-wyse. Hoc fragum, a strebere. Hec cimnicia, hund-fynkylle. Hie eholus, wal-wortte. Hoc alhatorium, sothernwode. Hec amarusa, donfynkylle. Hoc consolidum, a daysey. Hec hastula, wodruffe. Hec lavendiila, lavandyre. Hec ipia, chekyn-mette. 6o VIII Hec loriala, loryalle. Hec scurera, saveray. Hoc tansetum, tansaye. Hoc epitimeum^ tyme. Hec vermicular 18^ ston-croppe. Hec valmariaj pene-grysse. Hoc glustrum, flowrd of feld. Hec spurgia, a sporge. Hec tormentilla, tormentyne. Hec alcia^ est magna silvestris. Hec caperis, i. herhafruteoo sjnnosus. Hec bursa pastoris, hare-belle. Hec centaria, centarye. Hoc ligustrum, a cowslowpe. Hoc porarium, a lek-bed. Hoc subterrarium, a debylle. Fapaver, a chespolle. corne. IX From a Pictorial Vocabulary of the latter part of the Fifteenth Century. Wright, p. 264, NOMINA BLADORUM ET AEBORUM. Hec seges, Hoc satum^ Hoc hladum^ Hoc grmium^ Hoc fruges^ Hie messis, Dum seritur seges, sata dum radisibus herent, Blada virore virent, granaria grana reservant ; Fruges dum fruimur, sunt messes quando metuntur. Hoc fnimentnm^ whete. Hoc inticum^ idem est. Hoc essaticimi, bere. Hoc ordmyn^ barly. Hec siligo^ ) Hoc erg alum, ) Hec avena, hotys. Hec f aha, a bene. 62 IX Hec jyisa, a pese. Hec viscia, a feche. Hoc viscium, a wyse. Si coniedes -visciam non est \ascium tibi magnum A viscio -as horum discendet utrumque. Jlec mixtilio, moge. Hec avicula, wyld hote. Radix, festuca, conculnio, nodus, arista, G-ranum cum palia fer sufficit sit quoque scripta. Sunt partes messis firma tellure manentes. Hec seliqua, a pes-codde. Hec Jilujora, a ben-codde. Hie manijndus, a hand-fulle. Hie arcomus^ a stathele. Hocffenwn^ hey. Hoc ffenile^ a hey-stakke. Hec garha, \ Hec merges, > a schefe. Hec gelima, ) Hec congelima, a schokke. Hoc pabulum^ fodyr. Hoc olus^ -ris, wurtes. Hec iefana, betany. Hec hetate, -fes, bettes. Hec borago^ -nis, broges. Hoc porrmn, a leke. Hoc sepe, indeclinabile, a hnnyn. Pom vel sepe fertup bulb us capud esse. IX 63 Hoc allium^ garleke. K'lc sinolus. ) i , , ,, „ . , > a schybbolle. Hec sipula, J "^ Hoc petrocillum, persely . Hec salgea, sawge. Hoc lilkim, a lylly. Hec columbina^ a columbyn. Hec violeta^ a violet. Hoc vaocinium^ idem est. Hie isoj)us, isopp. Hec ditamis, detany. Hec seladofiia, sl seladony Hec igromonia, a ygromony. Hec urtica, a netylle. Hie anagalidos, netylle-sede. Hec paradilla, a doke. Hec sectita^ a humlok. Hec morella, morelle. Hoc solsequiiim, a rode. Hecpervka, a pervvynke, Hec malvia^ a hok. Hec lancea^ a rob-worte. Hec buglossa^ lange-de-befe. Hec ebula^ a walle-wurte. Hoc bi gust mm, a prymrose. Hoc ligustfum^ a cowyslepe. Hec rosa, a rose. 54 IX Hoc ffragnim, a strawbery. Hec onentica, a mynte. Hie jjopiUiis, a heyoffe. Hec eruca^ a schynlok. Hee eruca, a carlok. Hec ruta, rew. Hecffallax, madyr. Hoc venenum, a wede. Hec plantago^ weybrede. Hec maguderis, a calstok. Hoc olusculum, a wurt-plant. Hie cirpiis, a roysche. Hie cucumer^ a flage. Hec pa^nrns, a bol-roysche. Hoc feneculum^ a ffenelle. ^i(? crocus^ safryn. ^ec zizania, a drawke. -Sec artimatia^ wodrofe. ^ec seniglossa, hertes-tunge. Hec mandraeora^ a mandrak. Hoc aspium, a gresse. Hec salmea, a pepyr-gresse. IToc anisim, 2l culrayge. Hec dragansia, a dragauns. Hoc meretrum, ffenylle-sede. Hec camamilla, a camamy. Hoc jmpaver, -ris, a papy. IX 65 Hec samina, a saveryn. Hie jusquianiis, a hennebane. Hoc jiirharium^ a silfgrene. Hec leUisa, letuse. Hie cardo, -is, a nettille. Hec avencia, a avans. Hec vervene, vermyne. Hec menoloca, a bothun. Hie s?iceus, a juse. Hec locusta, a sokyl-blome. Hec arundo, -nis, ] TT r a redde. Hec canna, ] Hec car ex, a sege. Hec rajoa, a neppe. Hoc colitro])ium, a paratory. Hec conseria, a wyld f r . . . Hoc morsusj)oli, a schykyn-w . . . Hec lentige, a nedmet. Hec eiifrasia, a heufrasy Hoc lollium, I ^6>(? git, indecUnahile, ) Hoc pulmentu7n, benys and pese. Hoc cirjiillum, a pellek. Hec sllago, wyld rye. APPENDIX. The following alphabetical List is printed from the Third Volume of Mr. Cockayne's Saxon Leech- donis, p. 299. Had it been included at the time of collecting the other Lists, its place would have been Sixth in that series. It bears such traces of carelessness, that correction has not been attempted ; only a few of the more un- sightly errors have been tacitly removed. The Indices will often help the reader to the meaning. The title and the foot-notes are by the editor of Leechdoms; and his references are to parts of that work. Especially is it to be noticed that the reference 'Hb.' is to the Saxon Herbarium of Apuleius, which stands first in Mr. Cockayne's three volumes. The Durham Glossary of the Names OF Worts. A. AbsintJimm \ wermod. Ah'otanum^, sutherne wude. Ahsinuaticaj smeore wyrt. Ahlacta^ crawenbeam. Acroceriumy docca. Acitellimn. vel Acecula, hrameson. Aciicule, croppas. Acititlmm, geaces sure. Acantaleuca ^_, smel tliistel. ' difivOiov. 2 dPpoTavov. ^ aKavOa kevKiq. F 2 68 APPENDIX. Acmiton ^, beo wyrt. Achillea ^, collocroch. Aconita^, thung. Adriatica, galluc. Aemum^, hindberien. Affodillus ^, wude hofe. A^rimonia, garcliue oththe clif wyrt. Affrimonia alpha, eathelferthing wyrt vel glofwyrt. Aglao fotis ®. Allwm^ garlec. Althea^ mere mealewe. Altilia'^ regia^ wude roue. Algea ^, flot wyrt. AllenuSy weal wyrt vel ellen wyrt. Amorfolia, elate. Ambrosia J hind helethe. Amigdalus^, easterne nute beam. Ambila'^^, lee. Anecum'^^, dile. Anta, eofortbrote. Anmiosa ^2_, ease throte. Anchorkim ^^, medere. ^ aKavOiov. ^ 'Axi^^^tou. ^ olkovitov. * alfxal fruits of atfioi. ^ dcTipodekos . ^ dyXao- (parris. Hb. clxxi. ' Hastula. ^ Alga. ^ djxv'^MKov. ^^ d{Jiv\ov, frumenty ? " avrjOov. APPENDIX. 6g Apimiiy mearce. Ajnastum, wude merce. Ajoparine, cliue. Ap])olligonms^^ unfortreden wyrt. ApodiUis 2, wude roue vel bara popig. Apiastrum^ beo wyrt. Aquileia ^, argentilla. Arnaglossa ^, wegbrade. ArhoratiOj wilde redic. Artemesia ^, mugwyrt. Aristolochia, smerewyrt. Artimesia ^, hilde. Artenesia monoclos^, clif thunge. Arcliangelicaj blinde nettle. Artemesia tag antes ^ thet is othres cynnes mugwyrt. Ascalonia^ ynne leac vel cipe. Astula regia^ wude roue vel bare popig. Atrilla, attorlathe. Aiiadonia, feld wyrt. Aims leporis vel aiirisfolia, hals wyrt. B. Bacmia '^j blace bergan. ^ TToXv-yovov. 2 dacpoSeXos. ^ Aquilegia. * dpvdyXcuaaa. ^ 'ApTCfiicrla. ^ fiovoKXcovos. '' Vaccinia. 70 APPENDIX. Brassica, cavlic. Basilisca, neder wyrt. Balsemita^ balsemite. Batrocum ^, cluf wyrt. Betonica, se leasse bisceop wyrt, Betunus, heope^. Beta, bene dicta. Berhenaces, ease wyrt. Berhescum, gescad wyrt. Brogus, head^. Borotium vel boratiiim, eoforthrote. Botration^ cluf thunge vel thung. Bohonaca, hrate. Bronia, hymelyc. Bric'uim^ cerse. Brittannica, wiht meres wyrt vel heaven hindele. Bnglosse^ foxes gloiie. Bucstalmum, hwit megethe. Buglossan^j glof wyrt vel hundes tunga. Bulbus^, belene. Bidhi scillici ^, gledene. ^ PaTpdxi-ov, ranunculus. '^ hip. ^ hea^S. ' ^ovyXcjaffov. ^ fioXPos. Hb. clxxxiv. '' aKiWr^TiKos, of squilla. APPENDIX. 7 1 Calaimis^ hreod. Galesta ^ vel calcesta ^, hwit cleaure. Calta ^ siltcatica, wude cleaure. Calcic2ilmm ^, geacessure. Calistricus^ vel calitricem, ealifer vel weter wyrt. Ca?niciila, argella. Cameleon * vel camedris ^5 wulues-comb. Camemileon^ alba vel camemelon se brade wulues teals. Camesete^, ellen wyrt. Camelon ^, eortli crop. CJiamedafne'^ y leoth wyrt vel hreafnes fot. Camepitiim ^, eacrop. Camerion, mete thistel. Camemelon^ mage the. CamepitJds ^, henep. Canna, hreod. Cams lingua^ hundes tunga. Canduelis^ linde vel wigle ■'. ^ Caltha. ^ Acitulium, now Acetosella " x^f^^'-'^'^TV' ^ x^f^^^^'^^^V- ^ x^y-^'-''^''-'^^^ ■ * A bird, the linnet. 72 APPENDIX. Canis caputs hundes lieauod. Cajjrifolium^ wudebinde. Caj)e ^5 henep. Cap)paris, wude bend. Cardmis^ thistel. Carix^ secg. Carisctis, fie beam. Cariota, walch mora. Carisctcs, cwicbeam. Carocasia ^, hareminte. Carduus silvaticus, wude thistel. Castanea^ cistelbeam. Catharticum ^, lybb corn. Caula^ caul. Celidonia^ celithenie. Centauria, eorth gella vel hyrd wyrt vel curmelle. Cenoceplialeon *, heort cleaure. Centenodia ^, unfortreden wyrt. Cepa, henne leac ^. Cerv ilium, fiUe. CerefoUum, cerfille vel hynne leac. Cresco '^j cerse. ^ KavvaPii. ^ K0\0Kaaia. ^ KaOapriKov, purgative. * KvvoKe(pd\iov. Hb. Ixxxviii. •■* Centumnodia. ^ enneleac, a compound of unio, onion, and leeJc. "^ Out of the English. APPENDIX. 73 Cimimtm'^, cymen. Cinamoniu7n vel cimini, sutherne rind. Cicata ^, heomlic vel wude wistle. Cicer, sum bean cynn. Cj/claminos, eortheppel vel slite vel at- torlathe. Cynoglossa, ribbe. Cirros^, clyfe. Cristo^ cleaure. Citocalia *, libb corn. Cliton, elate. Clttasana, fanu. Colitus vel Colocus, eoforthrote. Coliandra, cellendre. Colatidis, singrene. Consolda, ban wyrt. Confirma, galluc. Cornus, cavel. Corimbus^, ifigcropp. Costa vel Coslis, cost. Cotiledon ^, Umbilicus Veneris. Cotule^ bolle"^. Coxa ^, thung. Culuna^j megetbe. ^ Kv/xivov. 2 cicuta. 3 Kipaos. * ko\o- Kaaia. ^ Kopvfx^os. ^ kotvXt]5wv. ^ KOTvKr], a cup. 8 Toxicum. ^ Calmia, calamine. 74 APPENDIX. Cucumeris^ Hwerwhete vel Werhwete. Culmus^ healm. Camerion^ mete thistel. Canafel^ siluatica, i. camepithis henep. Chartamo 2, lybb corn. Cardamon, cearse. D. Dracantea^ dracentia. Belfanon, fugeles wise. Lilla, docc. E. Ebule vel Eohuhim^, weal wyrt vel ellen- wyrt. Eleotrum, eleotre. Ellehoriis, wede berige vel thung. Ellehorus albus, tunsing wyrt. EliotropJms, sigel bweorfa. Eliotropion, solago minor. Ecios *, haransweccel. Eliotropia^ sigelhwerpha. Emigrant ^, won wyrt. Eptafilon^ gelod wyrt vel vii. folia. Ejncosium ^, hals wyrt. ^ Kavva^LS. ^ fcapdafjLOV. ^ Ebulum. ^ Epicurium. APPENDIX. 75 Erifeon, lith wyrt. Eruci'^, sinapis. Erasti ^y bremel. EritJiius ^, brad thistle. . Ermigio, hind berge. F. Fajida, leomoe. Fraga^ strawberian vel mersc mealewe. Fehrefiigia^ fever fngie. Fettll'ma * arhoratka, eofer fearn. Fehrifugia^ smero wyrt. Fel terre, eorth gealla. Fenicidmn^ flonel vel finul. Fene Grecio, wyle cerse. Fenifuga '^, attorlathe. Fendela vel ferula^ ease throte. Ficiis, fie beam. i^i/« aitrosa^ ban wyrt. Filex^^ fearn. FtiUeruta^ rude. Fumiclum, finul. Fungus^ swam. Fufur'^^ sifetha. " Eruca, rocket. ^ Ruscus. ^ epeiKt] ? * Filicina, /e7J2aZe^7«aj. ^ Venenifuga. '^ Filix, ' Furfures. 1^ APPENDIX. G. Galba'^, galloc. Gagantes'^^ mug wyrt. Gain criis^ attorlathe. Gallitricus, weter wyrt. Gladiolmn, gladene. Grassula^^ hleomuc. Gramen^ cwice. Gentiana, eorth nutu vel feldwyrt. Genesta^ brom. Gigartia *, eorth galla. Ginger alls, heunebel. Grissa garina^ worthig cearse. Gryas^ medere. Gotuna^ cammuc. H. Hedera^ ifig. Hedera nigra^ eorth ifig. Herlescum ^, gescad wyrt. Hihisciis, mersc malewe. Hmmda camjpana, spere wyrt. Hie^'ihulhum, greate wyrt. Hierehulbum^ cusloppe. ^ Galla, gallnut. ^ Dracunculus, Hb. xii. ^ Crassula. * yiyapTa, grapeseeds. ^ Verbascum. APPENDIX. 77 H7/2)ericon^ corion. Clitiim, elate vel elif wyrt. I. Idrogias ^, grundes swilige. lerohotanvm, ease throte. luncus^ risee. hiscpiiajnus vel simjjhoniaca, hennebal. Incumus'^^ popig. Intula ^5 wal wyrt. Ijpinms *, equiseia vel toseanleac. L. Linguarkim, wude binde. Lactirias vel lactirida, gyth corn vel lib eorn. Lactuca siluatica, wude lectric. Lactuca lej)orina^ laetuca. Lagena^^ erocc. Lappa, elate. Lapatium ^, wude docee. Lauendula, lauendre. Leptofilos'^, mug wyrt. Lepoiis 2^es, haran hig. Leontapodium, leonfet. * Vpiy^pwv. 2 ^^^jy^^ 3 Intubus. * 'iimovpis. 5 «y.i^^_ 6 x^TraOov. '' Hb. xiii. 78 APPENDIX. Zilnim, lilie. Lingua hohule, oxan tunge. Lingua hubilla. Lyclianis'^ stephanice, lece wyrt. Lolium^ coccel vel ate. Luhestica, luuestice. M. Malua, hoc leaf. Malua crispa, smerig wyrt. Mahia erratica, hoc leaf vel Geormen leaf. Malum terre, galluc 'cel elechtre. llalacliin agria ^, wude rofe. Magdalis^, gyth corn. Magudarius^^ caul. Marruhium, harhune. Masticc ^5 hwit cuda. Mellauna^ raeode wyrt. Menta^ minte. Mercurialis, cedele vel merce. Metoria ^5 hwit popig. Millefolium^ gear we. Modera, cicene mete. ^ Hb. cxxxiii. ^ fxaXdxV aypia. 3 dfivybaXrj. * fxayvSapis. 5 IxacTixV- ^ jxriKojvia for fir]Kuv. APPENDIX. 79 Mora, heort berige. Mosilcum, ragu. Mula ^, horshelne. Muscus, mose. Malagma'^, sealfa. N. Napis, nep. Narciss2is, hals wyrt. Nastm'cmm, wilde cerse. Nejpitamon, nepte. Nereta, sea minte. Nim];jhea, collon croh vel sigel hweorua. Nitnpha, fleathor wyrt. O. Ohtalmon, magethe. Ocimus, mistel. Oleotrojnus, oxnalib vel cothe wyrt. Opium, popig. Oriehanum, horshelene. Orhiculosa, slite. Organum ^, organe. Origanum ^, curmelle vel elene. Ostrago *, stic wyrt. ^ Inula. 2 ixaXayfia. ^ opeiyavov. * Hb. xxix ; Pref . p. Iv, 8o APPENDIX. Ostricmm, wude rofe. Ost7'iago^ lith wyrt. Oxilapatiiim, eortli wealle I'el scearpe docce. Papaver^ popig- Pajoamo, meode wyrt. Pastinaca^ mora. Pastinaca siluatica, feld moru. Pentap/iilo7t, refnes fot. Pentilujji, wulues comb. Personacia, bete. PercUcalis, dolhrune. Perisierion, berbeana. Peucedamirn, cammoc. Plj)inella, pipineale. Polijooclm7n, eofer fearn. PoUegia, hyll wyrt vel dweorge dweosle. Polion, peonia. ' Polloten ^, era we lee. Proserjnnata^ unfortreden. Q. Quin que folia, fif leaf. Quinque nervia, ribbe. APPENDIX. 8 1 R. Tiai^hanum^ redic. Rmimscium^ hrameson. Bammis, thyfe thorn. Rapa. Radiolum, eofer fearn vel brun wyrt. Resina^ sutherne rinde. Rosa, rose. Rosmannum, sun deaw vel bothen vel feld medere. Ruta, rude. Riicla siluatica, hinnele. Rtisciis, cneowholen. Salvia, saluie. Saxifrigia, sund corn. Sandix, wad. Sayncula, sylfhele. Sangtiinaria, unfortreden . Satpion, hrefnes lee. Sarta Montana, rude. Scasa vel scajoa vel siscay eofor throte. Scalonia, cype leac. Senecio, grunde swilige. G SZ APPENDIX. Serpilhis, organ e vel brade lee. Semperiiimus, sinfuUe. Sjolemon, brun wyrt. Simphonia vel ota^ beolene. Scilla, gledene. Solsequia, sigel hweorua. Solata, solesege. Solago minor, id est Eliotropion. Scolimbos, se unbrade thistel. Sum'phiium, galluc. Sjoaragia grestis^ wude cearfille. Sparago, nefle. Samsuchon \ ellen vel cinges wyrt. Seelerata, clufthunge. Sisimbrms, broc minte. T. Tanacetum vel Tanaceta, helde. Temulum 2, vingre. Temolus vel titemallos^ singrene. Tidolosa ^, crawe lee. Trifoliv.m silnaticum, eaces sure. Trifolium rubrum, reade cleaure. Titumalosca calatides^, id est lacteridas^ libcorn. * oantpvxov. Hb. cxlviii. ^ rb fxZXv, a garlic. 3 Hermodactylus. * Hb. ex. APPENDIX. 83 Tribulns, gorst^ Trycnosmanicos ^, foxes gloua. W. JFalupia, electre. U. & V. Vacciriium, brun wyrt. Vervetia, berbena. Ueneria, smero wyrt. Verhascum, felt wyrt. Vinca, peruinee. Viola, cleafre vel ban wyrt. Fiburna, wudebinda. Uiscus. mistelta. Uminnm, fugeles lee. Vica peruica, twileafa. JJiper'ma, neder wyrt. Uictorialej id est cneowholen. X. and Z. Xifion, foxes fot. Zizania, coccel. 1 Hb. cxlii. 2 Hb. cxliv. G 2 NOTES. ABBREVIATIONS. Gl. Epinal. The Epinal Glossary, printed in the Appendices to the intended Report on Rymer's Foedera. Gl. Amplon. Glossae Amplonianae in Jahn's Jahrb, 13. Supplbd. (Archiv, &c. Band xiii), 1847. Bart, or Brev. Bart. The Breviarium Bartolomsei, a fourteenth century manuscript spoken of in the Preface. Durh. The Durham Glossary in the Appendix. Wright. A Library of National Antiquities. Published under the direction and at the expense of Joseph Mayer, Esq., F.S.A., &c.— I. A Volume of Vocabularies, from the Tenth Century to the Fifteenth. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., &c. Privately Printed. 1857. Page 1, 1. 9. Arniglosa, Arnoglossum, Plantago, Flantain. 1.12. Ueneria. ^ is Beo wyrt. The gloss seems due to the attribute of the plant in Apuleius, that it keeps bees from swarming off and leaving you. Of. p. 11. 1. 13. Uermenaca. This is the Verbenaca of Pliny XXV, 59, Syn. Hierobotane, Peristereon. P. 2, 1. 16. Proserpinaca. f is unfortredde. Below, p. 32, unfortredde is Pilogonus, perhaps = Polygonum. If it is Polygonum aviculare, certainly it deserves the name of irrepressible, not to be trodden out. 86 NOTES. 1. 1 8. Smert wyrt. Mr. Cockayne has sraerowyrt, a form which has led him in his Glossary to think of Butterwort, Pinguecula. It is true he worked from the MSS., and I have both here and at p. 27 only used printed authorities ; but Wanley and Wright produce ' Aristolochia smert wyrt' from different MSS. Moreover smert wyrt can justify itself as applied to Aristolochia, which smerowyrt fails to do. It would be appropriate to a plant highly valued as a styptic in parturition, and smert might mean the pains of childbirth. The English popular name for the plant is Birthwort. There is only one species in this island, namely A. clematitis ; and this is held by botanists to be an old garden-plant escaped and wilded. xlgainst the reading smert may be urged that the word is not else found in Saxon times ; — it does not figure in literature till the thirteenth century, and then pretty- freely. This ought to make us cautious, but not obdurate : it would be all the more interesting to recover an instance of a word that doubtless was quite current in speech. It is remarkable that (Sdjttterj in like manner can hardly be found in 0. H. German, but in M. H. German it is familiar. Luther has used the word for birth-pains, though it is not his most usual word in that connection. 1. 24. Camemeleon, i.e. xoA*°W^o''=grou^ is feldwyrt. 'Nuncvulgb tapsus barbatus vocatur, et Teutonic^ Wullen krut, eo quod folia habeat ad tactum moliia ceu lana (Humelbergius).' Below, p. 44, Tapsus harhatus is rendered by the French moleine and the English softe. The French word is now naturalized as Mullen, and it is derived from mollis = soft : Littr^, v. Molene. The velvety leaves of the species V. thapsus has thus been prominent in the popular naming of this genus ; and I am indebted to my friend Mr. Movvat for the veiy ingenious and happy suggestion that possibly /eZtZ wyrt is for felt icyrt, a suggestion which, if approved, would be all the more interesting because the word/e?<, German filj, Dutch cilt, Latin pile us, Greek rnXos, though found in Early English, has not yet been registered in Anglo-Saxon. Skeat in voce. 1. 25. Bo})en. ' Loliiim, bo)?en : et cetera adulterina genera, and o'Sre ly^re-cynn.' Wright, p. 55. P. 6, 1. I. Perdicalis. Humelbergius says it is quite clearly what the Germans call Sant Peters hrui, and tag und nacht, and glasskrut. It seems to be pellitory. Leechdorns, 187. 1. 2. Mercurialis. Dioscorides AivS^coaTis iv. 1S8. NOTES. 89 Sibthorp identifies AivS^coffTis as Mercurialis annua, which is an English weed, the common herb Mercury. 1.3. Badiola. f is Efor fearn. The words of Apuleius leave no doubt that this is the fern we now call Polypo- diura vulgare. He says, ' Herba radiolum, quam alii fili- cinam vocant, similis est filici quae in lapidibus nascitur, vel in parietibus, habens in foliis singulis binos ordines punctorum aureorum.' His commentator adds that the Greeks call it Polypodion, and the Germans (Sngel; fu§, and that it grows on mossy rocks and old trees, 1. 17. Peucena. j^ is Cammoc. In the Breviarium Bartolomsei at Pembroke College (Oxford) we find : — ' Caiuoc, Eesta bovis, retinens boves in aratro.' Rest- harrow is still called Cammock. P. 7,1. 2. Sisimhrius. 'Est quidem similis menthae, sed latioribus foliis atque odoris summi.' Apul. Here we see what guided the Saxon glosser to make Bi'ook- mint of it. 1. 6. Tytymallus calafites. Dioscorides makes seven sorts of Tithymallus. According to Sibthorp, they are all of the genus Euphorhla. Calatites is 'yakaKTiTrjs Diosc. milky ; and Lacterida is a Latin rendering of •yoKaKTiT-qs. 1. 14. Cuciimeris silicatlca. clicv^ dypios, Momor- dica Elaterium. Sibthorp, 1. 19, Eptafilon. j5 is Seofan leafe, Potentilla Tor- mentilla, Sibth. 1.27, Origanum. The Radcliffe copy of Apuleius has 'margeram/ written at the side in a hand of the i6th century, P. 8, 1. 4. Lid wyrt, i. e, li'5 wyrt. See p, 30, P. 10, 1. 9, Polloten. 'p is Porrum nigrum. Pliny xxvii, 8 says, 'Balloten alio nomine melan prasion Graeci vocant,' So that Prasion has been taken for 7r/)d(roi/ = porrum. Hence the name Ballota nigra, Black horehound. 90 NOTES. P. 11, 1. I. Apiago, beo wyrt. The gloss seems merely a translation of apis, as part of Apiago. Cf p. I. 1. 8., Avdngerd. 'Labrusca, vitis agrestis.' Glos. Amplon. P. 12, 1. I. For hran we must read hvun. The Durham Glossary has ' Vaccinium, Brun wyrt.' 1. 8. Astida regia, wuderofe. This WoodruflF is baf- fling. Some tantalizing disappointments await the enquirer. One of the things that seemed to me most certain before I entered into this enquiry, was that Astula regia, wudurofe, must be Aspe/'ula odorata, because that is the plant called Woodruff now, and in German it is popularly called Wald-Meister, a name which corresponds in sense to Wudu rof, if rof here is the well-known adjective for lordly, famous. But although Wald-Meister occurs in Lonicer, it turns out to be related to 5Keufc^ and Swedish Myslia, Mys- Tcegrds, all which come from moschus, and refer to the sweet scent ; as also its Spanish name moscatella, a derivative from which has furnished a badge to Adoxa moschatellina, for no other connection, but its musky smell (Grassmann), The Brev. Bart, has this : ' Herba muscata .i. hastula regia, Woderoue ; ' which seems to point to Asperula odorata. P. 13, 1. I. Cinoglossa. Confusion for Arniglossa, p. I and 48. P. 14, 1. I. Gerobotana, vel verbena, i.e. Hiero- botana. Pliny xxv. 9 : * Nulla tamen Eomanae nobili- tatis plus habet quam Hierabotane, aliqui Peristereon, nostri verbenacam vocaut.' Cf, p. 5 for Peristereon. 1. 20. Scirpus, se-risc. This I suppose means Water- rush. In Glos. Amplon, ' Papirum eorisc' 1. 22. Ulva, grsede. In Baxter's British Flowering Plants the Lemna or Duckweed is called Greeds. P. 15, 1. 2. Britiannica, cusloppe. Perhaps for Be- NOTES. 91 tonica. Primula has been much confounded with Betonica (Grassmann). 1, 7. Citocacia. Mr. Mowat suggests that this is for cnTOKaKia, the bane of the corn ; which is very appropriate if the Agrostemma Githago is meant. P. 17, 1. 15. Sa[/mus, hwit h^esel. This looks hope- less, and I do not see that Mr. Cocka3me's conjecture of JEgirus helps us much. The aiyeipos is Populua nigra, the black poplar. Leechdoms, Pref. p. Ixxxvi. P. 19, 1. 7. Vime7i, Isel. Mistake for Vibex ap- parently. ' Vibex, plaga ex virga.' Glos. Amplon. 1. 9. Pirorium . . . Pirus. If we compare pp. 52 and 59, we shall see that Pirus is for Papirus. For IcBfer is a flag, and Icefer-hed, a place where flags grow. I. 14. Oleaster, unwsestmbaere ele-beam. The wild olive tree, whose fruit is small and worthless. And so the word Oleaster is used by botanists now. See Treasury of Botany, v. Olea, 1. 20. hwiting treow . . . cwic treow. * Juniperus quicken tre.' Bart. 1. 27. Accidinetum, gost. I do not know what the Latin word is, but gost is probably the same as gorst. The form gorst is still current in Shropshire, while it is gorge in the north, and goss in Kent. The word is unknown in Devon, where Ulex is only csdled furze, or rather vuzz. P. 20, 1. 8. Cedria, hissaep. Mr. Cockayne has happily corrected this oversight of the editors. It is two words his seep, the sap of the Cedar. Cedria is KeSpia (Diosc.) the resin that exudes from the cedar. Leechdoms, Pref. p. Ixxxvi. P. 22, 1, 15. Myrtus, wir. 'Martus, uuyr.' Glos. Epinal. 1. 18. Melarium, milisc apuldor. 'Melarium milcapul.' Glos. Amplon. P. 24, 1. 4. crop leac. ' Scordion, croweleke.' Bart. gZ XOTES. 1. II. Iblscum, Liscep-wyrt. ' Hibiscum, biscop- uuyrt.' Glos. Amplon. In this and some other in- stances of the word hiscoj), possibly the pur[)le colour was the thread of connection. 1.14. CaHamo, byb-corn. 'Cartamo, lypbeorn.' Glos. Amplon. P. 25, 1. 6. Omagnum, wyrmella, ' Origanum, uuyr- millae.' Glos. Epinal. 1. 10. Quinqiienerina, Isece wyrt. ' Quinquener\'ia leci uuyrt.' Glos. Epinal. P. 27, 1. 13. Centauria, heorS-gealla. For eor'^ gealla (p. 14), earth-gall, the bitter Erythraea Cen- taurium, of which the English name is Centaury. 1. 14. Coxa, ))ung. Probably for Toxa, as p. 30 ; which represents Toxica, poison for arrows. 1. 18. This is printed as it is in Wright's Vocabu- laries, but it ought to stand thus : Artemisia tagantes, helde. Cf. p. 2. P. 28, 1. 4. Bucsialinum, ? for Buoptalmon, see p. 8 and 31. 1. 5. Appasina, clife. This must be Apparine, now Galium Aparine ; Cleavers. 1. 18. Calcilum, iaces sure. ' Calciculium, iaces- sura.' Glos. Amplon. P. 29, 1. 12. Beribalhum, greatewyrt. This is for Hierobulbum, p. 2. 1. 20. Lappa, elate. German .^lette. Grassmann. 1. 24. Colucus, eoforJ>rote. ' scasa, ebor throtae.' Glos. Epinal. See Durham Glossary in Appendix, v. Colitus and Scasa. P. 30, 1. 21. Quinquenerhia, ribbe. Cf. p. 25, where Quinquenerina should be Quinquenervia. In Glos. Amplon. we read 'Plantago vel septinerbia, uueg- bradae,' p. 362. 1. 25. Quinquefila, hr^efnes fot. ' Quinquefolium, hraebnes foot.' Glos. Epinal. KOTES. 93 P. 31, 1. 15. Pissli, reosan. That is resin or rosin. In the Synonyms of Bartholomaeus we find ' Pix liquida i. terpiche,' by which is meant tar-pitch. So Pissli would seem = Pix li[quida]. 1. 21. Obtalmon, mageSe. This is the same as Camemeleon, p. 2 ; the herb was prescribed for sore eyes, and Obtalmon is otpOaXyLwv. Anthemis nobilis. Saxon Apuleius xxiv. P. 32, 1, 6. Pollegia, broker wyrt. ' Pulegium mon- tanum, brother wort.' Bart. 1. 12. Pilogonus et sanguinaria, Saet is unfortredde. After Pliny xxvii. 12:' Polygonon Grseci vocant quam nos sanguinariam ; non attollitur h, terra.' P. 33, 1. 14. Lapadium, lelo])re. The Glos. Epinal has ' La-patium, lelodrae ' ; and again ' Radinape, leloj^rae.' P. 34, 1. 4. samhucus, ellen. This word ellen, which occurs also pp. 9, 23, 29, is still alive in Yorkshire, where they commonly call the Elder the Ellen tree. P.36, 1. iS. CitsanaJ&na,. ' Cittasanajdnu.' Burh. ' Git Sana, fses^rn.' Wright, V^ocahulanes, p. gi. ' Git- sana, fsearn.' Fragment of Glossary printed by Sir T. Phillipps. P. 37, 1. 24. crawan leac. 'Allium agreste, craw garleke.' Bart. v. 38,1. 2^. Virgultiim,te]gvsi. 'Virgultum, telgan.* Wright, p. 39. P. 42, 1. I. raerherbarum. That is partial French = mater herbarum. Cf. p. 13. P. 44, 1. 20. Fungus, wulfes fist. The latter word is flatus ventris ; German fi]l, feijlett. See Bremisch Worterb. v. Fiest; Prompt. Parv. 163. This fungus (Lycoperdon Bovista) is also called Fuss-ball, Puck- fist, Devil's Snufi'box. See Jackson, Shropshire Word' Bool', V. Fuzz-Ball. The Greek Lycoperdon seems to be a modern invention, like Chenopodion. 94 NOTES. P. 45, 1. I. guweom. Apparently for Gitlicorn. Compare p. 7 : Lacterida, GiScom ; where Lacterida on the same page is a Spm-ge, TiOvixaWos. 1. 24. Frisgonem, fresgun, cue-hole. This should be one-hole, i.e. cneow-holen. In Bartholomseus : ' fres- gtmda i. bruscus,' P. 47, 1. I. Morella, morele, atter lo])e. Maurella in Macer is doubtfully identified by Chonlant with Solanum nigrum. He compares Dios. iv. 71 orpvxvos fcrjiraios ; ApiJ. c, 74 solata s, strychnum ; Platear. S. 2, solatrum. P. 48, 1. I. Mirtus, ga5el. Probably Myrica gale, the sweet Gale, called also Bog myrtle. LeecMoms, ii. V. Gagel. P. 49, 1. 21. Hec emhroca, maythe. The plant is Anthemis nobilis, Camomile, which was used for eye- wash ; and emhroca, which is the Greek efj.l3poxn> means an infusion, or as apothecaries say, Embrocation. Her- harium Apul. xxiv. apud Cockayne, i. 120. P. 53, 1. 10. new tre, i. e. an yew tree. 1. 16. ascer, i.e. acer. 1. 24. Hec sorhus. The rendering of Sorbus,Sorbum, and Mespila, seems to point to the Medlar, Mespilus germanica L. In Virgil Geor. iii. 380, when the cave-dwellers of the glacial world are revelling in the warmth of huge fires and wine-cups of acidis sorbis — the Service Tree is commonly understood, Pirus do- mestica. P. 55, 1. 14. Hoc stragum. 'For fragum. P. 59, 1. 6. ' Sene folium estcujusdam arboris cre- scentis circa Damascum.' Bart. fol. 268, verso. P. 60, 1. 5. Vermicularis, ston-croppe. So Bart. : ' Vermicularis, crassula minor, stan croppe.' Mr. Mowat asked a little girl at South Hinksey what she called that plant (which was Stone crop) ; and she said they called it Creeping Jenny. This starts a sugges- NOTES. 95 tion, that the word here is not the same as that on p. 14, or eropleac, p. 24; but belonging to the verb creopan, to creep ; and that it refers to the running growth, just like Yermicularis. 1. 10. This means, Althaea est roalva silvestris. See p. 49. P. 62, 1. I, a pese. Here we have pese as a word of singular number; and this was its original con- dition, which it took from the French peis, pois ; Latin pismn. But the s of the stem soon came to be re- garded as a sign of plural number, and so we see it p. 65, henys and pese. When pese was singular, it made its plural in -en, pesen, peason. But when pese came to count as plural, it wanted a form for the singular number, and the new form pea sprung up to meet this requirement. P. 63, 1. 5. salgea. For salvia, having contracted the g from the French form sauge. The same remark applies to salgia, p. 56. 1. 24. Hee ebula, a walle-wurte. These glossaries are constant in identifying the wal ivyrt or weal loyrt \vith Sambucus Ebulus. But in the continental dialects the name Walhvwz, Wellenwurz, Danish vaU- ort is according to Grassmann's authorities the name for Symphytum, and it is explained by Adelung and E. Meyer by reference to English icell ; Symphytum officinale is also called Beinwell, as if bone-healer. But for this, I should not have hesitated to translate weal wyrt as strange or foreign herb. P. 64, 1. 7. ffallax. A scribe's error for scandax, PP- 5i>57. 1. 12. cirpus, i.e. scirpus. The plant mainly in- tended is the Bull-rush, Scirpus lacustris of Linnaeus. Also written Sirpus, Scirpus, Scirpio. 1. 1^. seniglossa. For Cynoglossum, Hound's tongue. P. 65, 1. 10, Hec locusta, a sokyl-blome. This 96 NOTES. seems to indicate the same plant as ' Ligustrum hunisuce,' p. 30, namely, Lonicera Periclymenum ; and perhaps locusta is a mere corruption of lirjustrum. 1. 14. Hec rapa, a neppe. This neppe from Lat. napus with prefix tur-, made up tuimej), since turnip, i. e. terrae napus. 1. 21. Hoc git, indecUnabile, kokylle. 'Gith se- cundum quosdam genus est liguminis simile nigelle, sed majus est et dicitur ciminum ethiopicum. Simile est enim cimino in quantitate, sed nigri coloris : et in pane spargitur ad dulcerandum ; et est gith nomen in- decUnabile : quoque turn turn invenitur declinabile hoc gith gittis ; alii dicunt quod gith et nigella idem sunt. Gith inquiunt herba est quae inter frumenta nascitur, et semen habet nigrum triangulare.' (Bart, fol. 260 verso), Agrostemma Githago, P. 68, 1. 5. Aemum hindberien. For Acinum. See p. 23, and 26. P. 69, 1. 18, bare, ?baso, p. 26. P. 70, 1. 15. Bincium. Compare Seu hritia p. 24, and Fene Grecio p. 75. P. 80, 1. 10. Pentilwpi wulues comb. ? Pecten lupi. P. 82, 1. 17. Temulum vingre. This looks like a senseless reflection of 'Temolus singrene' which foUows. INDEX I. LATIN. Abellanfe, p, 20. Abellanus, 21. Abies, 18, 22, 39, 53. Abrotanum, 42. Abrotanus, 8. Abrotonum, 12, 33. Absintium, 36. Absynthium, 27, 52, 5S. Acantaleuce, 9. Acanton, 27, Accidinetum, 19. Accitulium, 24. Acer, 18. Acerabulr>s, 21. Acetula, 27. Achillea, 10, 28. Acinum, 23. Acitelum, 24. Acitula, 24. Aconita, 15, Aconitum, 27, Acrifolius, 19. Acrivolus, 22. Acrocorium, 12. Action, 8. Actis, 34. Adriaca, 36. Adriatica, 1 1. ^cios, 9. JEliotrophus, 4. ^sculus, 17, 21. Ager, 40. Aglaufotis, 10. Agrimonia, 16, 27, 38. Albacipa, 24. Aizon, 9, 47. Aizor, 8. Albaspina, 20, 21. Albatoriura, 59. Alcia, 60. Alfa, 16. Alga, 14. Alimonis, 47. Alium, 24. Allium, 13, 35,46, 51,63. Alnus, 18, 22, 38. Altea, 16, 49. Althea, 27, 32, 44. Alumen, 13. Alveus, 41, Amaru sa, 59. Ambila, 24. Ambrosia, 26, 37, 43. Amenus, 20. Am era, 22. Ami, 9. Amigdala, 20. Amnis, 40. Amorfolia, 13. Am urea, 19. Anacia, 58. Anadonia, 12. Anagalidos, 63. Anbila, 26. Ancborum, 28. Ancusa, 9. Anethum, 26. Anetum, 7, 36, 45. Anisum, 64. Anuuosa, 13. H 98 INDEX I. Anteleuce, 28. Apeletum, 23. Apiago, II. Apiaster, 13. Apio, 24. Apis, 28. Apium, 7, 26, 51. Apollinarie, 2, 26. Appasina, 28. Appium, 37. Aprotanum, 35. Aqua, 40. Arba, 56. Arbor, 17, 38. Arboracia, 16. Arbula, 56, Arbustum, 17. Arbutus, 53. Archangelica, 15, 36, 43. Arciotidas, 34. Arena, 41. Argentea, 44. Argimonia, 3. Aristolocbia, 2, 27. Arnaglosse, 27. Arniglosa, i, 24. Arnoglosa, 48, Artemesia, 2, 27, 58. Artemessia, 37. Artemisia, 13, 26. Artimisie, 42. Arundo, 44, 58, 65. Ascer, 53, Ascolonia, 27. Ascolonium, 24. Aspium, 64. Astula regia, 3. 1 2, 26,47. Atriplex, 3, 47. Auris leporis, 13. Avadonia, 35. Avelana, 53, 55. Avellane, 45. Avena, 61. Avencia, 42, 65. Avicula, 62. Avilina, 21. Bacar, 51. Bacce, 23. Bacido, 19. Baculus, 38. Basilisca, 8. Batrachium, 26. Batracion, i, 28. Bedagrage, 48. Beneolentem, 27. Beribalbum, 29. Beta, 22, 49, 56. Betana, 62. Betate, 62. Betoiiia, 42, 58. Betonica, i, 15, 29, 36, Betulentum, 19. Betulus, 19. Bibulcos, 16. Bibulta, 24. Bidella, 44. Bilbus, 56. Bladum, 61. Blitum, 12. Bobonica, 26, Borago, 45, 52, 56, 62. Botanicum, 11, Brabasca, 11. Brassica, 8, 27, 32. Bremium, 14. Brionia, 5, ii, 16. Britia, 24. Brittannica, 15, 27. Bryttannica, 3. Brogu-, 18. Bucstalinum, 28. Buglosa, 42. Buglossa, 4, 58, 63. Buglosse, 27. Bulbi scillitica, 4. LATIN. 99 Bulbus, 10. Buoptalmon, 8. Burneta, 46. Bursa, 44, 60. Butros, 23. Butunus, 12, 43. Buxus, 20, 38. Caballopodia, 16. Cselidonia, 5. Calamentum, 45. Calamus, 15, 33, 36. Calcesta, 28. Calcilum, 28. Caliandrum, 57. Callitriche, 27. Calta, 14, Caltha, 29. Caluna, 11. Camamella, 57. Camamilla, 64. Camedus, 27. Cameleon, 13. Camellia, 27. Camellaeon, 9. Camemeleon, 2. Camemelon, 27. Camesete, 27. Camicula, 37. Camomilla, 44. Campus, 40. Canafel, 33 Canicula, 16. Cards, 6, 27. Canna, 52, 65. Cannaue, 7. Caperis, 60. Cardamon, 16, 26. Cardo, 52, 59, 65. Cardus, 37, Carduus, 7, 15, 26, 50, 52, Carecetum, 59. Carex, 14, 27, 38, 59, 65. Carica, 18. Cariota, 15. Cariscus, 18, 22. Carix, 52. Carpo, 20. Cartamo, 24. Castanea, 1 8. Castaneus, 22. Castania, 53. Catharticum, 27. Caula, 37. Cauliculus, 19. Caulus, 47, 50. Cedria, 20. Cedrus, 20, 39, 54. ■ Celidonia, 59. Celsi, 45. Centaria, 60. Centaurea major, 15. Centaurea minor, 1 7. Centauria, 3, 14, 27, 37. Centimorbia, 9. Cepa, 43. Cepe, 13. Cerasius, 22. Cerbellum, 56. Cerefolia, 7. Cerefolium, 15, 24, 28, 33. Cerfolium, 44. Chamedafae, 3. Chamedris, 2. Chameaelete, 3. Chamepithys, 3. Cicuta, 15, 28. CHer, 33. Cimia, 14. Ciminum, 16, 37. Cimnicia, 59. Cinnamomum, 28, 57. Cinogiosa, 24. Cinogiossa, 13. Ciresum, 55. Cirpillum, 65. H 2 lOO INDEX I. Cirpus, 59, 64. Citocacia, 15. Citsania, 36. Cliton, 26. Closera, 43. Coantruni, 27. Coccinum, 55. Coccinus, 54. Colatidis, 33. Coliandra, 6. Coliandrum, 15, 24, 43. Colitropium, 65. Collis, 40. Colocasia, 14. Colochintida, 1 1 . Colocynthis, 10. Colucus, 29. Columbina, 50, 57, 63. Concilida, 52. Confirma, 4. Congelima, 62. Conixe, 28. Conseria, 65. Consolda, 14, 36. Consolida, 42, 46. Consolidum, 59. Coquimella, 20. Corilus, 17, 38. Corimhi, 19. Comum, 55. Cornus, 18, 54. Corolus, 53. Cortex, 38. Cortix, 23. Corymbus, 29. Costa, 36. Costus, II, 52, 58, Cotiledon, 4. Cotula, 44. Coxa, 27. Cresco, 14, 37. Cresis, 19. Crision, 5. Crispa, 14, 36. Crocus, 52, 57, 64. Cucumer, 12, 58, 64. Cucumerarium, ii. Cucumeri>!, 7, 27. Cucumedum, 58. Cucurbita, 15. Culmus, 28. Cumfiria, 42. Cuna, 50. Cuscute, 45. Cynocephaleon, 13. Cynoglossa, 6, 26. Cynosbatus, 10. Cypressus, 39. Damasenus, 54. Daphnis, 18. Daucus, 15, 50. Delfimon, 9, Delpbinion, 30. Desertum, 40. Dictamnus, 5. Dilla, 12, 35. Diptamnus, 16. Diptannum, 44. Ditamnus, 56. Ditanus, 63. Dormentille, 46. Dracoutea, 2. Dragansia, 64. Duricorium, 24. Ebolum, 29. Ebolus, 59. Ebula, 63. Ebulum, 13, 43. Ebulus, 6, 33. Eder, 23. Ed era, 50. Egromonia, 58. Eicios, 30. Eleborum, 45. LATIN. lOI Electrum, 13, 36. Elena campana, 59. Elimos, 34. Eliotropus, 8. Elitropium, 45. EUeborum, 8, 9, 15, 45. Elna, 42. Endiva, 52. Enula, 44. Epicurium, 36. Epitime, 46. Epitimeum, 60. Eptafilon, 7. Eptafoliuin, 25. Eptaphilos, 45. Ergalum, 61. Erifion, 8. Eringius, 10. Eripheon, 30. Eruca, 16, 64. Erusti, 6. Eruta, 57. Essaticum, 61. Eufrasia, 65. Faba, 61. Fabaria, 44. Faginus, 17. Fagus, 17, 21, 38. Fan tula, 57. Favida, 11, 43. Febrefugia, 43. Febrifuga, 52. Felicetuni, 59, Felicina, 29. FeHx, 28, 43, 50, 58. Felterre, 37. Feneculum, 64. Feniculum, 11,35,51,56. Ffallax, 64. Ffenile, 62. Ffenum, 62. Ffragum, 64. Reus, 13, 53. 55- Filaceriuin, 59. Filago, 59. Filex, 38. Filix, 5, 14, 28. Filupra, 62. Fion, 45. Firula, 29. Flavi, 19. Floretum, 58. Flos, 19, 38, 58. Fluinen, 41. Foenunx, 29, 40. FoUum, 23, 38, 58. Eons, 41, Fraga, 3, 16, 23, 39, 37, 47. Fragum, 59. Fragus, 59. Framen, 16, 23. Fraxinus, 17, 53. Frisgonem, 45. Fromos, 17. Fructus, 38, Fruges, 61. Frumentum, 61. Frutex, 20, 38. Fucus, 16. Fumus, 45. Fungus, 29, 44. Furfur, 28. Fursarius, 23. Fynuclum, 28. Gagantes, 32. Galla, 29. Gallica, 18. Galli crus, 4. Gallitricus, 4. Garba, 62. Gelima, 62. Genesta, 39, 46. Genista, 18, 23, 29. I02 IN'DEX I. Gensta, 52. Gentiana, 2, 30. Gerobotana, 14. GersusBa, 12. Gignalia, 19. Git, 65. Gladiolum, 5, 12, 28, 43. Glandix, 21. Glans, 19, 20, 39. Glicirida, 9. Glustrum, 60. Gorgonion, 10. Gramen, 5, 14, 29, 50. Gramis birecta, 32. Granum, 19, 39, 61. Gryas, 4. Gurgens, 41. Gutta, 40. Hastula, 46, 59. Hedera, 6, 7, 17, 30, 46. Helena, 16, 37. Helioscorpion, 5. Heliotropion, 5. Heliotropus, 30, 32. Heptaphyllon, 30. Heraclea, 5, 30. Herba benedicta, 46. Herba iras, 30. Herba munda, 13. Herba putida, 14. Herba Roberti, 46. Hermodactyla, 17. Hermodoctula, 37. Hibiscus, 3. Hieribulbum, 2. Hierobotanum, 32. Hinnula, 6, 46, 57. Hipericon, 9. Horidanum, 24. Hulsida, 34. Humblords, 34. Ibex, 53. Ibiscnm, 24. Igromonia, 63. Innule, 30. Intiba, 46. Invium, 40, Jo vis barba, 47. Ipia, 59. Ippirus, 3. Iregerontis, 46. Iris, 9, 28. Isatis, 5. Isopus, 56, 6^. Iter, 40. Juglantis, 17. Juncus, 14, 31, 38, 52. Juniperii, 46, Jurbarium, 65. Jusquianus, 47, 65. Iva, 33. Labrusca, ii, 46. Lactuca, 3, 7, 28, 47, 50, 57. L»ctyrida, 7. Lacus, 41. Lacyride, 29. Lagena, 29. Lancea, 63. Lanceolata, 44. Lapadium, 33. Lapatium, 2, 3, 13. Lapis lazuli, 47. Lappa, 29, 37,46, 52. Lappaciuin, 28. Lapsana, 16. Laterculum, 28. Latex, 41. Laurus, 38. Lavendula, 45, 59. Lens, 57. Lentige, 6e,. Leontopodium, 28. LATIN, 103 Leporis pes, 5. Letusa, 65. Levisticum, 43. Libestica, 35. Licoricia, 50, Ligna, 40, Lignum, 20, 39. Ligustrum, 19, 30, 46, 50, 59, 60, 63. Lilium, 7,11,37, 49, 58, 63. Lingua canis, 45. Lisca, 14. Litargirum, 47. Litospermon, 10. Litus, 41. Locusta, 65. Lolium, 29. Lollium, 65. Loriala, 60. Lubestica, 12, 33. Lupinum, 7. Lychanis, 8. Magudere, 50. Maguderis, 36, 56, 64. Malagma, 30. Malfa, 36. Maliterre, 29. Malletina, 13. Malochinagria, 4. Malomellus, 18. Malum, 22, 55. Malus, 18, 22, 38, 54. Malva, 3, 15, 25, 29, 33, 36, 46, 47, 51, 59. Malvia, 63. Mandracora, 64. Mandragora, 8, 16, 37, Manipulus, 62. Manna, 47. Marica, 18. Marrubium, 16, 25, 29, 37,42. Mastica, 25. Mastix, 20, 30. Mater silva, 44. Melarium, 22. Melo, 58. Menta, 7, 13, 37, 45. Mentha, 29. Mento, 24. Menoloca, 65. Mentarium, 33. Mentastrum, 42. Mentica, 64. Mentastrus, 6. Mercurialis, 6, 29, 47. Meretrum, 64. Merges, 62. Mesculus, 53. Mespila, 18. Messis, 61. Metianum, 22. Metoria, 4, Milifolium, 49, Millefolium, 6, 12, 29, 36, 43, 58. Milotis, 10. Milvium, 9. Minifera, 49. Minta, 56. Mirica, 20. Mirtus, 48. Mixtilio, 62. Modera, i6, 37. Mons, 40. Morella, 47, 63. Moros, 21. Morsuspoli, 65. Morus, 18, 39, 54. Mosilicuni, 29. Murica, 50. Muronis, 33, Murum, 46. Muscus, 50. Myrifilon, 12. I04 INDEX I. Myrtus, 22. Napis, 30, Napus, 15, 24. Nastucium, 59. Nasturcium, 2, 24. Nasturtium, 15, 29, 43. Nemus, 17, 40. Nepita, 11. Nepitamon, 6. Nepta, 44. Nereta, 31. Nigraspina, 21. Nimphea, 16. Nixa, 20. Nuclium, 21, Nuclius, 55. Nux, 20, 55. Nymphsea, 30. Obsinthius, 6. Obtalmon, 31. Ocimum, 31. Ocimus, 7. Oenantes, 4. Olea, 19, 39. Oleaster, 19, 23. Olibanus, 44. Olisatra, 7. Oliva, 23, 54. Olus, 50, 56, 62. Olusculum, 64. Omagnum, 25. Omella, 50. Omfacium, 46. Onizae, 9. . Orbicularis, 2. Ordium, 61. Organe, 37. Organum, 45. Orianthum, 30. Origanum, 7, 16, 30, 45. Ornus, 20. Ortica, 45. Ortus, -23. Osmunda, 44. Ostiagium, 46. Ostriago, 3, 33. Ostrum, 25. Oxylapation, 16. Pabulum, 62. Palma, 18, 39. Papaver, 13, 32, 36, 50, 60, 64. Papillicum, 25. PapiUus, 64. Papirio, 52, 59. Papirius, 52. Papirus, 15, 59, 64. Pappus, 17. Paradilla, 58, 63. Parulus, 25. Pascua, 40. Pastinaca, 5, 15, 24, 37. Pastinace, 30. Patria, 40. Bentafilon, i. Pentaphyllon, 32. Pentifolium, 51, Peonia, 5. Pepulus,^ 53. Perdicalis, 6, 32. Peristereon, 5. Persicaria, 44. Peraicarius, 18, Personacia, 3. Pervica, 63. Pes Leonis, i. PetrociHum, 36. PetrocUlum, 49, 56, 63, Petroselinum, 8. Petrosilion, 13. Petrosillum, 43. Peucena, 6. Peucidanum, 32. LATIN. 105 Philantropium, 13. Philantropos, 10. Pilogonus, 32. Pilosella, 43. Piiupernella, 51. Pimpinella, 50. Pinpernele, 45. Pinus, 18, 22, 38. Pionia, 16,37, 45, 51,58. Piper, 51, 57. Pirorium, 19. Pirum, 22, 55. Pirus, 18, 19, 22, 39. Pissli, 31. Plantago, 31, 36, 46, 52, 58, 64. Plumnus, 22. Poletis, 13. Polion, 4. Polipedium, 36. Polipodicum, 58. Pollegia, 17, 32, 37. Pollegion, 6. Pollipodium, 43. Pollitricus, 4. Polloten, 10. Poloten, 33. Pomum, 55. Pomus, 54. Pons, 40, Populus, 18, 21, 39. Porarium, 60. Porclaca, 6. , Porius, 43. Porrulum, 56. Porrum, 62. Porrus, 13. Prassion, 4, 16, 31. Pratum, 40. Priapisci, 10. Pringrius, 50. Proserpinaca, 2. Prosopea, 31. Proviucia, 40. Pruniculus, 19. Prunum, 22, 55. Prunus, 18, 39, 53. Psillium, 47. Pulegium, 42. Pulmentum, 65. Puteus, 41. Quercus, 17, 38. Quernum, 17. Quiminon, 9. Quinquefila, 30. Quinquefolium, 15, 44. Quinquenerbia, 30. Quinquenerina, 25. Quinquevolium, 25. Quisquilia, 21. Kacemus, 55. Radiola, 6. Eadiolum, 31. Radix, 19, 23, 39. Rafanum, 38. Raflfarium, 43. Ramni, 47. Ramnus, 20, 22, 39. Ramus, 19, 23, 39. Ramusium, 12. Rapa, 15, 51, 65. Raparium, 52. Raphanum, 14. Regina, 43. Reverion, 33. • Rhamnus, 31. Ricinus, 10. Ripa, 41. Rivus, 41. Roboretum, 23. Robur, 17. Rodinaps, 31. Rolon, 30. Ros, 5. jo6 INDEX I. Rosa, II, 33, 38, 49, 63. Eosmarinum, 31. Rosmarinus, 32. Rubia, 14. Rubus, 19, 23. Ruscus, 22, 31. Ruta, 6, 7,12, 33, 36,42, 64. Sabina, 6, 39. Sabium, 14. Saginus, 17. Salgea, 51, 63. Salgia, 56. Saliunca, 13, 43, 49. Saliva, 50. Salix, 20, 22, 39. Sabnea, 64. Salsa, 31. Saltus, 17. Saluia, 6, Salvia, 14, 37, 43. Sambuca, 53, Sambucus, 23, 34, 44. Sarnina, 65. Samsucbon, 9, Samsuhton, 33. SamuTQ, 12. Sandax, 57. Sandix, 16, 32, 37, 43. Sanguinaria, 32. Saniculum, 42. Sarpulum, 31. Sarrabum, 17. Satirion, 16. Saturn, 61. Satureia, 45. Satyrion, 2. Saxifraga, 13. Saxifragium, 44. Scabius, 59. Scalonia, 26. Scandix, 51. Scelerata, I. Scilla, 25, 33, 33. Scirpio, 33. Scirpus, 14. Sclaregia, 36. Scolimbos, 33. Scolonia, 33. Scolumbos, 9. Scordea, 5. Scordios, 9. Scurera, 60. Secuta, 52, 58, 63. Seges, 40, 61. Seladonia, 63. Selidonia, 51, Seliqua, 62. Seminum, 57. Semita, 40. Sempervivum, 32. Semper vivus, 8, Sendo, 51, Senecio, 5, 14, 31. Seniglossa, 64. Seno, 18. Sentes, 20, 39. Sentis, 54. Sepa, 57. Sepe, 52,57, 62. Septiphilos, 26. Sepula, 51. Serpillum, 37. Serpillua, 6. Serpulum, 24. Seu britia, 24. Sicalia, 32. Sicaasis, 51, Sicomoris, 19. Sigsonte, 31. Silago, 65. Silex, 54. Silimbrium, 43. Silva, 20, 39. Siminum, 51. LATIN. 107 Simphoniaca, i, 12, 35. Sinapdones, 32. Sinapis, 15, 33, 57. Sinapium, 42, 51, Sinfitum, 30. Sinfitus, 8. Singinerperus, 54. Siniciurn, 57. Sinitia, 35. Sinollu3, 57. Sinolus, 63. Sinpatus, 12. Sintea, 14. Sintecula, 51. Sion, 8. Sipula, 63. Sirasus, 53, Sirculus, 18. Sirpillum, 51. Sirpus, 52. Sisimbrium, 15. Sisimbrius, 7. Sisymbrium, 33. Solago, 5. Solata, 5. Solatrum, 51. Solsequia, 32, Solsequium, 12, 36, 50, 63. Sorbum, 55. Sorbus, 53. Sparag, 6. Spartus, 17. Speragus, 31. Spillios, 9. Spimon, 33. Spina, 20, 39. Splenion, 4. Sponsa solis, 45. Spreritis, 8, Spurgia, 45, 60. Stagnum, 40. Stavis, 10. Stena, 32. Stipes, 18. Stirps, 20. Stragum, 55. Strigillum, 51. Strumus, 14. Strutium, 9. Styrps, 40, Suberies, 17. Succus, 65. Swige, 30. Symphoniaca, 31. Synamomum, 51. Tanesetum, 43. Tapsus, 44. Taxus, 18, 22, 38, 53. Temolus, 4. Tenedisse, 30. Thiaspis, 31. Tidolosa, 37. Tilia, 54. Timus, 23. Tinctura, 16. Tintimalius, 51. Tipus, 52, Titemallos, 31. Torrens, 41. Torriculura, 22. Toxa, 30. Tremulos, 21. Tremulus, 54. Tribulus, 9, 20, 23, 31 45. 54- Tricnos, 9. Trifoliura, ii, 44, 51. Triticum, 61. Truncus, 17, 40. Tucia, 47. Turmentine, 46. Tursus, 14. Tytymallus, 7. Tytymalosca, 31. io8 INDEX I. Ueneria, i. Uerbascus, 5. Uermenaca, i. Uictoriola, 4. Uiperina, i. Ulcia, 39. Ulmus, 18. Ulnetum, 22, Ulva, 14. Umbilicus, 4. Ungio, 24. Unio, 32. Urtica, 10, 15, 30, 36, 50, 58, 63. Urticetum, 58, Ussis, 54. Uticeila, 59. Uva, 23, 49, 55. Uvapassa, 55. Vaccinia, 27. Vaccinium, 12, 50. Vacedo, 22, Vadum, 40, Valeriane, 45, Vallis, 40. Valmaria, 60. Variculus, 19. Vaxinium, 63. Venenifuga, 12. Venenum, 64. Veneria, 31. Vepres, 20, 38, 49, 54. Veratrum, 15. Verbascus, 5. Verbena, 14. Vermenaca, 32. Vermicularis, 60. Vermiculi, 14. Vermiculum, 43. Vervena, 44, 51, 65. Verveta, 58. Via, 40. Viburius, 54. Victcriala, 14, 32. Vimen, 19, 54. Vinca, 15, 37. Vinea, 23. Viola, 9, 13, 32, 38, 47, 50. 59- Violeta, 63. Virecta, 22. Virga, 38, 47. Virgultum, 38. Viscarago, 16. Viscia, 62. Viscium, 62. Viticella, 19, 33. Vitis, 20. Viumum, 31. Vivarium, 41. Vivorna, 23. Voleraum, 55. Volemus, 53. Volvi, 12. Vulnetrum, 33. Widebalme, 46. Xifion, 4. Ypis, 45. Ypoquistidos, 47. Ysopus, 44, 49. Zizania, 42, 64. INDEX II. SAXON AND ENGLISH, ac, 17, 21, 38. acleac, 17. acorn e, 55. adrel wurt, 43. ahaeawan treow, 20. ake, 53. alorholt, 22. air, 18, 22, 38. anas, 58. apeldertun, 23. appelleaf, 47. apulder, 18, 22. apultre, 54. apuUe, 55. argentilla, 16. argentine, 37. ate, 29. attar laSe, 12. atterlojje, 47. secen. 23. secern, 19, 21, fcblepe, 30. aepeltre, 38. seppel, 22. seps, ig, 39. ge-risc, 14. assc, 17, 21, 38, 8esc])rotu, i, 13. £espe, 21. aj^elfyrding wyrt, 16. balsames blaed, 20. balsames tear, 20. balsininte, 15. banwyrt, 9, 17, 30. 3 1 barly, 61. baso, 26. baste tre, 54, beam, 17. bece, 21. becen, 17. ben codde, 62. bene, 61. bent, 50. benys and pese, 65. beolone, 28, 31. beo wyrt, i, 9, 11, 27. berbena, 5. bere, 61. bergan, 23, berige, 27, berigen, 19. terwinde, 32, bete, 3, 31. betony, 58. billere, 24. birce, 21, 22. biscopwyrt, 1, 12, 15, 24, 29, 36. biscop wyrtil, 14. blac wingeard, 1 1 , blaceberian, 19, blaed, 20, blakeberie, 46. blinde netle, 15, 43. blind netelj 36. blod wurt, 44. blostm, 17, 19, boc, 17, 21, 38. boga, 19. no INDEX II. bolroysche, 64. bon wurt, 44. bojjen, 5. box, 20, 38. brada (se), 27. brade leac, 31. braembel braer, 23. braer, 23. braky n, 50. braky ne, 58. brame, 54. bran wyrt, 12. bremel, 6- bremelas, 39. bremlas, 20. briddes tunge, 45. broc, 41. brocmynte, 7, 33, 43. brom, 18, 23, 29, 39, 46. broSerwyrt, 32. brune wyrt, 4, 33. buma, 41. buske, 58, 59. by b corn, 24. byre, 18, 19, 39. byre holt, 19, byrke tre, 54. cal, 16. calcatrippe, 30, 45, calf wyrt, 16. calstok, 50, 56, 64. camedris, 34. cammoc, 6. cammoce, 32. candel wyrt, 17. carclife, 38. carlok, 64. casrfille, 15. caersan, 33. caerse, 2, 16, 26, 37. caul, 8, 37. cedelc, 6, 29. cederbeam, 20, 39. celendre, 15, 24, cellendre, 6, 27. cerfelle, 33, cerville, 7, 24, chareville, 46. chekyn mette, 59, chele priem, 43. cheri tre, 53. chery, 55. chesbolle, 50, 51, 57, chespolle, 60. chestan tre, 53. chikne mete, 46. cicena mete, 16, 33, 37. cimen, 37. cipa, 24. cipe, 27, 33. cistenbeam, 22. clap wype, 50. elate, 12, 13,16,26,29,37. claefre, 5, 14, 38. clete, 52. clife, 28. clote, 46. eluf J)ung, I, 26. el uf wyrt, i, 28. clyfwyrt, 12, 37. clyster, 19. cneowholen, 4, 12, 22, 31. 32. cockel, 42. codde, 62. cole, 56. colloncroh, 28, 30. colone, 28. colte traeppe, 22. coltgraeig, 16. comyne, 51. corion, 9. corn, 24. corne, 61. corn tree w, 18. SAXON AND ENGLISH. Ill cost, II, 36. cowslowpe, 60. cowsokulle, 50. cowyslepe, 63. crab tre, 53. crawan leac, 17, 33, 37. cressen, 43. crog, 29. cronesanke, 44. crop, 14, 24. crop leac, 24. croppe, 50. cue hole, 45. cuntehoare, 45. curmelle, 3, 15. cusloppe, 15. cuter, 20. cwicbeam, 18. cwictreow, 19. cwice, 5, 14, 29, 32. cylethenie, 5. cymen, 9, 16, 28. cyninges wyrt, 33. cypyr tre, 55. cyrfet, 15. cyrlic, 29. cyrnel, 19, 21. cyrs treow, 18. cystel, 18. cyst beam, 18. daeges ege, 14, 36. daiseie, 42. damyssyn tre, 54. daysey, 59. debylle, 60. dene, 40. dile (dyle), 12, 26, 45. docca, 35. docce, 2, 12, 28, 31. doc nettle, 46. doder, 45. doke, 58, 63. dolhiune, 6. donfynkylle, 59. dracentse, 2. drawke, 64, drosna, 19. dun, 40. du'Shamor, 15. dweorge dwosle, 6. dweorges dwostle, 32. dwyrge dwysle, 37. dyle (dile), 7, 36. ea docca, 16. earbe, 30. earic, 14. eferfearn, 14. See efor- efne, 13. efor fearn, 6. See eofor-, elebeam, 19, 23, 39, electre, 36. elehtre, 13, 29. eles, 19. ellarne, 44. alien, 9, 23, 24. ellenwyrt, 27, 29, 33. alone, 24. annelec, 13, 28. eofor fearn, 28, 29, 31. eofor pTote, 29. eolone, 30. aolxsegc, 25, eorSasppel, 16. eor'S gealle, 14, 37. eorfS ifig, 6, 30. eow, 20. avenlesten, 47. aververn, 43. fana, 36. fearn, 5, 14, 28, 38. feche, 62. feforfuge, 12, 35. feld maedere, 31. 113 INDEX II. feldminte, 33. feldmoru (-mora), 5, 15. feldwjrt, 2, 5, 30, feldwyrd, 12. feltwjTt, 35. fenecel, 44. fenfearn, 14. fenol, 35. fenvern, 43. fFenelle, 64, ffenylle sede, 64. ficappel, 18. fie beam, 18, ficwyrt, 13. fifleafe, i, 15, as, 32, 36. fiflef, 44. figtreow, 39. filife, 51. fiUe, 37. finul, 8, 28. flage, 64. flege, 59. flowre, 58. fodyr, 62. fordboh, 46. foxes fot, 4. foxes glofa; 9, 27. foxes glove, 43, 45. fugeles leac, 31. fugeles wyse, 30. fyke, 55. fyke tre, 53. fynkylle, 51, 56. fyres, 22. fyrre tre, 53. fyrs, 39. fyrses berian, 34. 5arow, 58. gsers, 12, 35. gaeruwe, 12. gasel, 48. gallac, 30, 42. galluc (galloc), 4, ii, 29, 3&. garclife, 3, 27, 42. garle, 51. garleac, 13, 24. garlec, 46. garleke, 57, 63. geaces sure, ii. gearwe (gearewe), 6, 29, 36. geclystre, 23, gelodwyrt, 30, gencyan, 58. geormen leaf, 33. geormen letic, 15. gi^corn, 7, 13, 15. gladene, 43. gl^dene, 4, 5, 12,25, 32, 33- gloden, 45. glofwyrt, 2, 26. golde, 32, gorst, 9, 30, 31, 46. gost. 19. graede, 14. grapys, 49. greate wyrt, 2, 29. gresse, 64. gretwurt, 42. grinnil, 45. gromylle, 52. grundes wylige, 5, 14, 3i'35-.. grundeswilie, 46. guweorn, 45. gyr. 22. gyrtreow, 18. 19, 21. halswyrt, 4, 8, 13, 36, halwe wude, 46. SAXON AND ENGLISH. hand full e, 62. haranhig, 5. haran spreccel, 30. hare belle, 60. harefot, 42. hare hune, 4, 16, 29, 37. harewinta, 14. hart claver, 5 1 , haryfFe, 59. hawtre, 53, hseg J)orn, 20, 21, hael wyrt, 32. htenep, 7, 33. hsenne belle, i, 12, 35. hsesel, 17, 20, 21, 38. haesel hnutu, 20. haeS, 18, 2C, 23. hae]jcole, 32. haewen hyldele, 27. haewen nydele, 3. healm, 28. hegehymele, 34. helde, 12, 27, 30, 36, 43. hemeluc, 46. hemlic, 15. hennebane, 65. hennebone, 47. heop brymel, 19. heope, 12. heort claefre, 13, 27. heortlsefre, 2. h eortS gealla ( = eorS-) ,27. hertes tunge, 64. hesche tre, 53. hespe tre, 54. hesylle tre, 53. hey, 62. heyofFe, 64. heystakke, 62. hig, 40. hindberige, 23. hindehele, 43. hindheola'S, 37. 20. hnutbeam, 20. hnutu, 17, 21. hoc, 47. hoc leaf, 3, 25, 36 hoepe, 43. hofe, 13. hok, 63. holen, 19, 22, 39. holihoc, 44. hoi leac, 24. holleke, 57. holt, 17, 40, homelok, 52. homor wyrt, 32. hopynhars, 55. horehune, 42'. hors elne, 44. horshalle, 59. horshelene, 16, 37. horsminte, 42. hos, 21. hotys, 61. hramsan crop, 24. hramse, 24. hratele, 26. hrffitelwyrt, 32. hrefnes fot, 3, 30. hrefaes leac, 2. hremmes fot, 36. See hreihes fot. hreod, 36. hul wurt, 42. humele, 4, 5. humlok, 63. humloke, 58. hundes berien, 46. hundes heafod, 6. hundes rose, 47. hundes tunge, 4, 27, 45. hund fynkylle, 59. hune, 25, 31. hunisuge, 19, 30. I 114 INDEX TI. hunisuccles, 46. hunyn, 62. hurdreve, 43. hwatend, 28. hwerhwette, 7, 12, 27. hwitcudu, 25, 30. hwit hsesel, 17. hwit leac, 13. hwit maege'S, 28. hwit popig, 4. hwit wilde wingeard, 1 1 . hwit wingeard, 16. hwite clsefre, 28. hwiting treow, 19 hylwurt, 12, 17, 37. hyllortre, 53. hymelic, 26, 28. hyndberige, 26, 29. hynd hselojje, 26. hyrwe, 22. iaces sure, 24, 28. ifig, 7. 23. ifigcrop, 29. iren harde, 44. ive, 33. iw, 18, 22, 38, iwyn, 50. kattes minte, 44. kaul, 47. kerse, 14. kokylle, 65. kue lek, 43. kymelle, 55. laber, 8. laeterida, 7. lambescerse, 31. laurbeam, 18. lauwerbeam, 38. lawra, 13. laecewyrt, 8, 25. laefer, 19, 33. Igeferbed, 19. lael, 19. laesse bisceop wyrt, 36. laeswe, 40, leac, 24, 26, 35. leac cersan, 24. leaf, 23. leahtric, 28. leahtun, 23. lechis, 44. lek, 43. lek bed, 60. leke, 56, 62. lekes hed, 56. lelo])re, 33. leomeke, 43. leomue, 11. leon fot, I, 28. letuse, 65. letys, 57. libbcorn, 27, 29, 31. lid wyrt, 8. lilie, 7, 1 1, 44. lilige, 37. lind, 18. linsed, 34. litelnute, 45. li«wyrt, 3, 30, 33. li^e wurt, 46. lufestice, 12, 33, 35. luffendlic stede, 20. lung wurt, 45. lusesed, 47. luvestiche, 43. lyge, 32. lylle, 49. lyliy, 63. lyiye, 58- mabuldor, 21. maddyre, 57. madyr, 51, 64. SAXON AND ENGLISH. 115 inagdala treow, 20. magejje, 2, 27, 31, maiwe, 44. malle, 49, 51. maloo, 59, malwe, 15. manlufigende, 10. mapuldern, 18. mapuldor, 18. raapulle tre, 53. maed, 40. msedere (maeddre), 4, 14 bis, 28, 31. msegSa, 11, 14. msesten triow, 17. maythe, 49. mealewe, 29. mede wyrt, 13, 43. mele tre, 53. merce, 7, 12, 24, 26, 37. mersc mealue, 3, 27. mette swam, 15. milisc apuldor, 22. milisc seppel, 22. minte, 7, 13, 24, 29, 37. minten, 45. mistel, 7, 31. mistiltan, 16. mi we, 44. moge, 62. mold com, 33. moran, 33. mor beam, 18, 39. mucg wyrt (mug wyrt), 2, i.^, 26, 32, 37, 42. mugwortt, 58. mulberytre, 54. murberien, 45. mus ere, 43. mynt, 56. mynte, 49. naedder wyrt, i , 8. naep, 14, 15, 16, 24, 30. naepte, 11, nedmet, 65. nepe, 51. neppe, 57, 65. nepte, 3, 6. netel, 36. netele, 10. netle, 15, 30. nettle, 45. nettille, 65. nettyle, 50. netyl buske, 58. netylle, 58, 63. netylle sede, 63. new tre, 53, nihtscada, 14. nonjone, 57. notte, 55. nutehede, 46. oer])ivi, 46. olyftre, 54. olyntre, 54. ompre, 31, open sers, 18. opynhars tre, 53. organe, 6, 7. oxtunge, 58. palm, 18. palm twig, 18. palm twiga, 39. palmer nutte, 58. papy, 64. pellatur, 56. pellek, 65. pene grysse, 60. peonia, 33. Pepyre, 51. pepyrgresse, 64. percylle, 49. pere, 22, 55. I 2 ii6 INDEX II. permayne, 55. permayn tre, 53. persely, 63. persoctreow, 18. persylle, 56. peruica, 10, pervincee, 15. pervince, 37. perwynke, 63. pescodde, 62, pese, 62, 65, pete, 55. petergrys, 51. petersilie, 8, 36. pet tre, 54. pic bred, 20. pintreow, 18, 22, 38, pirige, i8j 22, 39. plumme, 55. plumsla, 19. plum tre, 53. pluintreow, 1 8, 20, 2: 39- plyme, 22. popi, 47. popig, 13, 26, 32, 36. pop ul tre, 53. por, 24. porleac, 13. portte, 56. pyon, 51. pyt, 41. raddyk, 52. ragu, 29. raniese, ■27. ramesan, 12, rape, 51. raedic, 14, 32, 38. reade clefre, 29. red, 58. redde, 65. rede, 49, 52. redich, 43. redisn, 22. reod, 15, 44. reosan, 31. resce, 38, resche, 52. reschebusk, 52. revenfot, 43. rew, 64, ribbe, 6, 24, 26, 30, 44. rind, 23. rise, 14. risce, 31. riS, 41. rob worte, 63. rode, 63. rosa, 33. rose, II, 38, 49, 63, roysclie, 64. rude, 6, 7, 12, 33, 36. rybbe, 58. rye, 61. rysche, 59. salvige, 37. sal we, 50. sand ceosel, 41, sattorla'Se, 4. sauine, 6, 39. sawge, 63. sse minte, 31, 32. saewaur, 14. saeppe, 22. sae])rene wuda, 33. scabryge, 59. schefe, 62, schokke, 62. schybbolle, 63. sch}Tilok, 64. scrape malue, 46. sealf, 30. sealh, 22. sea's, 41. SAXON AND ENGLISH. II sea Jjistel, 15. secg, 14, 28. sede, 63, 64. segc, 38. sege, 65. segg, 27. segge, 52. senap, 33. sene, 59. senep, 15. seomint, 16. seofan leafe, 7. sifetfa, 28. sigel hweorfa, 4, 8, 1 2, 30. sigell ihweorfa, 32. silfgrene, 64. simering wyrt, 32. sinfulle, 8, 25 his, 32, 47. singrene, 4, 31, 33, 47. sinwealte swammas, 12. slagjrorn, 21. slan, 21. slarege, 36. slep wurt, 47. slite, 2, 28. smsel Jjistle, 26, 28. smalege, 58. smering wyrt, 14. smertwyrt, 2, 27. softe, 44. sokylblome, 65. solasece, 5. solsece, la. sothernwode, 50. spsec, 23. sperewyrt, 6, 14, 30, 46. spracen, 23. sprauta, 18, 20. sprung wurt, 46. stanmerce, 13, 31. staelwyrt, 30. stseS, 41. stathele, 62. stede, 20. stela, 19. sticwyrt, 16. stich wurt, 45. stoan suke, 43. stoc, 17, 40. stofn, 18. ston croppe, 60. stor, 44. strabery, 55. strand, 41. strawbery, 64. streaberie wisan, 16, 37. strebere wyse, 59. streberilef, 47. streowberige (streabe- rige), 3, 16, 23, 29. styb, 20, 40. sundeaw, 32. sundcorn, 13, 36. sure, 31. surmelst apulder, 18. su'Serige, 16. suj:erne wude, 12, 35. suj)e wurt, 42. swamm, 29. swite apulder, 18. sydyre tre, 54. symeringc-wyrt, 36. syr, 31. tagantes helde, 27. -tan, 16. tasylle, 52,57. tear, 20. teging, 16. the, 51. thyme, 50. thystylle, 50, 59. timbre, 45. treow, 17, 18. tunc 1 e, 15, 24, 29. tunsiag wyrt, 8. ii8 INDEX II. twaltwiga, 39 -twig, 18, 23. tyme, 60. Jjefan Som, 22. fiefe^orn, 31, 47. J»ife J)orn, 20. J)istel, 15, 17. J?istle, 26. Jjorn, 20, 39. J)ornas, 20, 39. jporniht, 20. jjrilefe, II. jjuge Jiistel, 47. ])unclre clovere, 46. ])ung, 15, 27 his, 30. J)yfel, 17, 20, 39. ]>yii, 23. %stel, 37. uica, 10. ulm treow, 18. umbrada })istel, 33. unfortredde, 2, 32. unwEestmbsere, 19. uwle, 50. vare wurt, 45. velderude, 45. verveyn, 58. villen, 44. waad, 16. wad, 16, 32, 37, wai wurt, 44. w aid mora, 15. walnot, 55. wamot tre, 53. walwyrt, 13, 43. wall" vv'urte, 63. walwortte, 59. wanabeam, 23. warkecok, 51. warmelle, 16. water kyrs, 49. water lylle, 49. w^aur, 14. wael, 41. wsesten, 40. waeterwyrt, 4, 27. way bred, 52. waybrede, 58. wealmora, 15, 24, 37. wealwyrt, 6. wede, 64. wegbrade, 27, 31, wegbraede, i, 13, 24, 36. weibrode, 46. welcresse, 59, welig, 22. weodubinde, 33. weremod, 27. wermod, 36, 42. weybrede, 64. whete, 61. whytte pepyre, 57. wice, 22 bis. wild cyrfet, 16. wild lactuce, 17. wilde naep, 14, 16. wilde percil, 43. wilde popig, 13, 47. wilde tesel, 47. wille cserse, 24. win berge, 23. winberi stones, 46. windel treow, 23. wingerd, 11, 23. win treow, 20, 39. wir, 22. wit J)orn, 48. wite clovere, 44. wite tun, 24. wi|)ig, 20, 39. wiSwinde, 19. wod, 43. SAXON AND ENGLISH. TI9 wodefiistel, 15, 28. wodrofe, 64. wo d ruffe, 59. wormine brome, 50. wormod, 6. wormode, 52, wormwod, 58. worte, 50. wrotte, 43. wudebinde, 17, 44, wudebrune, 42. wudemerce, 13, 42. wude minte, 45. wuderove, 46. wudieras, 20. wudu, 20, 39. wudubend, 10. wudu cerfille, 6, 27, 30, 3i> 32. wudu docce, 3. wudu lectric, 3. wudu merce, 28. wudurofe, 3, 4, 12. wiidu thistel, 7. wudu winde, 23. wulfes comb, 3, 13, 27 /«'s. wulfes tsesel, 9. wulves fist, 44. wurtes, 62. wurt plant, 64. wyld bote, 62, wyld malle, 49. wyld rye, 65. wylde cyrfet, 1 1 . wyl, 41. wyllecyrse, 29. wylle tre, 54, wyne, 49. wyrma, 25. wyrmella, 25. wyrt, 12, 35. wyrtil, 14. wyrtruma, 19, 23. wyrt tun, 11. wyse, 62. yneleac, 24. ynneleac, 26, 32. INDEX III. FEENCH. ache, 42. agremoine, 42. ail, 46. alebre blonc, 45. alisaundre, 43. alne, 44. aloigne, 42. ambrose, 43. ameruche, 44. anete, 45. arasches, 47. argentine, 44. avence, 42. averoine, 42. bardane, 46. betany, 62. beteine, 43. bettes, 62. borage, 52, 56. bothun, 65. broges, 62. bugle, 42. burage, 45. butuns, 43. calcetrappe, 45. calemente, 45. caliawndyre, 57. camamelle, 57. camamy, 64. camemille, 44. camglata, 45. cane, 52, canelle, 51. canylle, 57. cardoun, 52. celydoun, 59. cenesuns, 46. centarye, 60. centoire, 43. cerfoil, 44. chenille, 47. chen-lange, 45. chevefoil, 44. cholet, 47. columbyn, 63. columbyne, 57. corny ne, 57. consaude, 52. consoude, 42. coriandre, 43. coste, 52. culrayge, 64. cumfirie, 42. detane, 56. detany, 63. ditaundere, 44. able, 43. egromonyn, 58. eUebre, 45. encens, 44. endywe, 52. escume de or, 47. fanuil, 44, favede, 43. faverole, 44. INDEX III. FRENCH. 121 fevyrfew, 52. fewerfue, 43. flainine, 43. fraser, 47. fresgun, 45. fumetere, 45. gauntel<^e, 43. geneivre, 46. genest, 46. gi-ape, 55. grosiler, 47, herbe beneit, 46. herbe Johan, 45. herbe Robert, 46. herbyve, 46. heufrasy, 65. honjon, 52. ialne, 42. iere, 46. isopp, 63. jubarbe, 47. juse, 65. kersuns, 43. lange de befe, 63. launceleie, 44. lavandyre, 59. lavendre, 45. letrun, 47. letue, 47. loryalle, 60. luvesche, 43. malue, 47. mandrak, 64. maruil, 42. mentastre, 42. mente, 54. merherbarum, 42. milfoil, 43. inoleine, 44, morale, 47. morelle, 51, 63, mort ortie, 43. muge de bois, 46. murer, 45, muruns, 46. mynte, 64. neele, 42. nepte, 42. oingnun, 43. orange, 55. ortie, 45. ortie griesche, 46. osere, 54. osmunde, 44. paratory, 65. peluselle, 43. pepyre, 57. perssil, 43. petite noix, 45. pimpernoUe, 51. pinpre, 45. pioine, 45. pione, 58. planteine, 46. poliol, 43. pollipode, 43, 58. poret, 43. pounkarnet, 55. primerose, 59. prymrose, 63. puliol, 42. puliol real, 45. quintfoil, 44. quoyne, 54, 55. 122 INDEX III. FRENCH. raiz, 43. rasyn, 55. reine, 43. re we, 57. rosel, 44. rue, 42. safryn, 64. safurroun, 52. salerne, 45. Samsung, 44. sanguinarie, 44. sanicle, 42. sapherone, 57. satureie, 45. saucheneie, 44. sauge, 43. saveray, 60. saverjTi, 65. sawge, 56, 63. saxifrage, 44. scaly one, 57. seladony, 63. senei, 42. senevel, 42. le, 45. solsegle sporge, 60. spowrge, 51. spurge, 45. suev, 44. synthon, 51. taneseie, 43. tansaye, 60. tormentyne, 60. triffoil, 46, trifoil, 44. tutie, 47. vermyne, 65. verveine, 44. vioM, 47. violet, 63. vyolytte, 59. waisde, 43. warance, 43. warwayn, 51. ygromony, 63. ymalue, 44. 844 L5 "tlty 02/18/02 41245 ^ W D, H. H1L.L LIBRARY Nortt^ Carolina State Co?l«rs?^ 1