lexihle Shaft Co., CHICAGO. ILL., U. S. 142-144 Ontario Street. Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 142-144 ONTARIO STRERT. Flexible Shaft** for all purposes and Machinery to be operated therewith, ill-o Horse and Barber Clippers and Supplies. Chicago 1 Mcxiblf Shatt. Co.. Cl\icdgo. 111.. L. S. A. Introduction. Owinj^- to the pin g". Mark plainly nearest railroad or express office, also State and Count}'. Persons ordering- machines C. O. D. must accompany order with j{ the amount in cash or deposit same with local express or freig-ht ag^ent and have him g-uarantee charg-es bothjways. Book accounts for parts or repairs we do not keep, as we have found from experience that it is unprofitable to do so. We insist that these bills be prepaid or g-oods will be sent C . O. D. Sharpening- and repairing-, orders for parts, or accessories will be filled the same day order is received. Our terms are the same to all; we make no discounts, no allowances for cartag-e or other charg-es. We deliver all g-oods free on board cars or boat, Chicag-o. We g-uarantee better value for cash than any other house in our line. Our Clippers and Machines are warranted to be exactly as represented or money refunded; they are also g-uaranteed ag-ainst defective material or workmanship. In addition to above, we ag-ree to furnish repairs on ma- chines, if any not caused by accident or misuse, for one year. T Chicago riexible Shaft Co., Chicago. 111., L. S. A. THi: CELEBRATED ( IIK AdJO ' IIA.M) POWER CLIPPING MACllLNE. Price S25.00 Chicago Plcxiblc Shaft Co.. Chicago. III., U. S. A, ( Hi( A(x() (lipjm:k. I HANI) POW}':k. ) Probably no article that has been placed on the market in Tccent years for the use of liverymen and horsemen g-enerally. has met with such deserved success as the Celebrated "Chicag-o" Clipper. Desig'ned on absolutely correct principle and intended for liard and continuous service, it has more than met these require- ments and we are constantly receiving- testimonials from all parts of this country. Canada and Mexico from enthusiastic purchasers. The cut on opposite page illustrates the Celebrated "Chi- •cag"o'* Clipper. The most substantial, powerful, lig"ht rnnning, noiseless machine on the market. The base is of such design and proportion that the machine stands perfecth' firm and solid at all times. The standard allows of adjustment so that the wheel may be set at any desired height. The balance wheel is 30 inches in diameter and runs on a turned steel shaft. The g^ear head is self-containing, obviating noise and excluding ■dust. The tension of the belt can be regulated to suit by means •of a set screw. All bearings are of steel, perfectly fitted and in- terchangeable. The connection for conveying- power from head to cutting' knives is by means of our Improved Flexible Shaft. which insures perfect freedom of motion and an extensive rang^e. The Shaft is anti-frictional and can be curved and bent in any •direction or even tied in a knot while running-. The knives are the finest steel and are tempered by an im- proved process. They are of such a quality as to work with sm(.)othness and ease, and thick enough to allow of repeated sharpening, which should be done only by makers or persons having- suitable machines. Never aj^jdy files or grindstones, as you will increase the cost of sharpening. The machine is ifi all respects a substantial, durable and rapid working machine, de- sig'ned especially for doing superior clipping at the minimum of cost. We have spared neither lal>or or expense to make this machine the FINEST IN THE WORLD. Chicago ricxibic Sl\afr. Co.. ChicaeH). 111.. T. S. A. ( LIPPEK KNIVK8. Price, with handle, as per cut " without " Extra Bottom Phite lop S4.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 Chicago rioxiblc Sluitl. C,>.. Chicayo, 111.. L. S. A. (lipim:k km vis. If there is one thing- more than another in which we take special pride, it is in the superior excellency of our clipper knives. This season we oifer our knives in two sizes, the 3 and 4 in., all made from the very finest hig-h carbon tool steel, tempered in oil and perfectly g-round. We have this year g-one to great expense to make our knives in such a manner^ that they can be used with perfect success by the most inexperienced operator, the only adjustment necessarv being- to simply tig-hten the tension nuts slig-htly, as the knives g-et dull from continual use. We h' ve made and carry in stock an immense quantity of knives, plates and all duplicate parts of knives and machine, orders for which can be filled within one hour from the time order is received. Our cutters are now made with an improved form of tooth which divides the hair and cuts with intiniteiv less power and friction than anv heretofore made. Chicago f'kwible Shaft Co.. Chicago, 111.. U. S. A. IMPROVED \ ERIC AL HANGER, CLIPPING AM) GR003IING MACHINE. Very stiff and solid. Has tig-ht and loose pulleys for IJ4 in. Hat belt, starting- and stopping- device, is self oiling- and perfect- ly noiseless. Price, as per cut, S32.5(» Counter Shaft, extra, SI »).(»() Chicauo IMcxiblc Shaft Co., Chicayu. 111.. U.S. A. ■■ 12 Chicago ricxiblc Shaft. Co.. Chicago, 111.. L'. S. A. THE "CHICAGO" ELECTRIC KADIAL 31ACHTNE. , I^-A^TEISTT I=E3SriDI3SrGr. Price Complete cMLON Am ^J Chicagi) flexible Shaft Co.. Chicago. HI,, T. S. A. i3 THE cut on proceeding- pag-e shows our new Electric Radial Machine, the g-reatest triumph of recent years in the Clipping- Machine line. This machine is destined in all localities where electric current is available, to supersede all other types of Clipping- and (xrooming Machines. The machine is simplicity itself, consisting of one of our own make Compound Wound Electric Motors, '_■ horse power "more than ample power to drive any Clipping or Grooming- Machine." Motor is suspended pivotly from the ceiling and connected with power current by flexible cord. Motor is fitted with radial support for elong-ated armature shaft, carrying- on extreme end an improved form of Universal Joint, "the most perfect in the world," to this is attached Flexible Shaft. The whole is coun- ter-balanced by weig-ht. A g-lance at the cut and the idea of the machine at once becomes clear. It is something- entirely new, runs perfectly steady with a powerful, noiseless, frictionless motion, that cannot be produced by any other means; there is no noise, no smoke, no trouble with belts, has few parts, nothing- to g-et out of repair, always ready — all you have to do is to turn the switch, it starts instant- ly, stops instantly — occupies no floor space, cannot be broken by the horse, easy and pleasant to operate, as there is no weig-ht on the hand of the operator. And last, but not least, it is cheap both as regards price of machine and cost of operation. In conformity with our i^olicv to make prices that allow us only a fair working- profit, we have listed this machine at the very low price of Sf)<).i>i», a price that was asked, and we l^elieve is still asked for some very inferior and antiquated hand ma- chines, that are still offered to the public. We believe tkat bv making prices low we stimulate trade, and such a conclusion we have in our own case demonstrated to be cortect bv the volume of business with which we are being- favored. _ 14 Chicago riexibic Shaft Co., Chicago, HI., U. S. A. The ^^Lightitiitg" Clipper. HAND POWER. Pric $20.00 Chicago Mexiblc Shaft Co.. Cl\irag(). 111., l'. S. A. J^ THE cut on pay-e 14 illustrates a new Hand Power Machine which we have brought out to meet the demand for a lig-ht compact niachine for parties who do only a mod- erate clipping- business. It is of the same general design as the Celebrated "Chicago" Clipper, only all weight not absolutely necessary has been eleminated. It is driven with a round belt, has a 24 inch balance wheel, carries same Flexible shaft and knives as the "Chicago." The radial arm is counter balanced by a stnmg spring in- stead of a weight, speed is the same, and for all ordinary pur- poses, will clip equally as well as any machine made, but of course lacking the steady powerful motion of the heavier flat belt machine. This machine we guarantee equal or superior to any round belt machine (^n the market. j6 ClAicago t^lcxiblc Shaft Co.. Chicago. 111.. L. 5. A. TESTIMONIALS. MoNT(".()Mi;i\'v, ()., April 15, ISDS. Chicao-,) Flexible Shaft Co.. Chica!4'(), 111. Ghntlkmkx: I desire to say that I am very much jileased with the machine I received from v'ou a few days ayo. It is doinj^ fine work. Wishing- you success, I remain, Yours respectfully. Cliff Todd. Elkadek, Ioa., April 12. 1S*)5, Chicag-o P'lexible Shaft Co., Chicag"o, 111. Dear Siks: The Clipper I ordered from you works C). K. It is g-iving- excellent satisfaction, in fact doing more than you claimed for them. Yours Trul}', F. W. AiNSWOKTII. San Francisco. Cal., Aug. 2*», 1S<)5. Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., 142-144 Ontario St., Chicago, 111. Deak Sirs: Your letter in regard to what I think of the "Chi- cag-o Clipper" at hand. In reply would say that I can not say too much for your machine. Will always recommend it to my friends. Yours sincerely, A. E. Patk'Ick. Columbus, Kan., March '»th. 1S<)5. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., Chicag-o, 111., Gentlemen: Clipper received (). K. and is giving entire satis- faction. Would not be without one. Respectfully yours, W.' M. Ben ham. Sault Ste. Makie, Mich., April 4. 1S<»5. Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: Machine I bought of you came to hand vesterdav. I set it up and it works ver}' nicely. It could not g-ive better satisfaction. Respectfully. J. W. BuKtiESS. Chicago ricxiblc Shaft. Co.. Chicago. III.. U. S. A. i7 SMirniroK-'p, l'.\.. April •-'•i, 1>^'.I"). e'hicau-() Flexible Shaft Co., 142-144 Ontario St., Chicaii-o. 111. (tKXTI.k.aik.n: I desire to sav that we are well pleased with the "Chicai^o" Hand Power Clipping- Machine bought of you last month. They are everything-, and more than you claim for them. Wc have done a g-ood big lot of work with them and they do it "slick and easy." Wc cannot sec why you should not have a \-ery large sale at the very low })rice you make for so g-ood an article. Yours verv respectfully, A. T. Palmkk. Napoleon, O., Aug-. 2(k 1895. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., Chicag-o. 111. Dear Sirs: The Clipping- Machine I purchased from you last April did the work just as you ag-reed it would. I think it is one of the best inventions ever made in the clipping- line. I have clipped kickers, but they did not move when I used your machine. I cannot say too much for the "Chicag-o" Clippier. Yours very truly, K. H. Kobe, ^^ S. & D. RoADHOusE, III., March IS, 1895. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., Chicag-o, 111. Dear Sirs: I have used the Clipping Machine I boug-ht of vou last season with the g-reatest success. You could not buy my machine for any amount of money, if I could not g-et another. I think it is superior to any other manufactured. I am more than pleased with it. Yours respectfully, H. O. Tarr. DrLCTH, Minn., Jan. IS, 1S95. Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., Chicag-o, 111. Gentlemen: The Clipping Machine bought of you a short time ag-Q is g-iving- entire satisfaction. We are more than pleased with it. Yours respectfully. Chief Engineer Duluth Fire Dep't. Jno. T. Black. i8 Chicago ricxiblc Shaft. Co.. Chicago. 11!., T. S. A. TESTIMONIALS. Shenandoah. Pa , March l'>, 1895. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., 142-144 Ontario St., Chicag-o, 111. Gentle.^ien: I received Clipping- Machine and am well pleased with it. I tried it and it gives good satisfaction. Yours truly, Wm. H. Andrews. Leavenwokth, Kan., Aug-. 2(), 1895. Chicago Flexible Shalt Co.. 142-144 Ontario St.. Chicago, 111. Deak Sirs: Yours of the 23rd inst.. making inquir}^ in regard to the "Chicago" Clipi>cr, is at hand. In reply will say that your Clipping- Machine and Clippers are all that you claim and give entire satisfaction. We will recommend them whenever we have an opportunity to do so. Very truly yours. Ackenhausen & Bkos. AvocA, loA., April 5; 1895. Deak Siks: Wt received the "Chicago" Hand Power Clipper today noon, and found it all right. Went to work after dinner and before four o'clock had one team clipped in good shape. We- are perfectly satisfied with the machine. Yours respectfully, Dan Cool. Olathe, Kans., March 24, 1895, Chicago Flexible Shaft Co.. Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: Horse Clipping Machine received O. K. and is giving perfect satisfaction. Wishing- you success. 1 am. Respectfully &c., L. M. Blakeslev. NokThfield, Minx.. March 23, 1895. Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., Chicago. 111. Dear Sirs: We are in receipt of the Clipping Machine and it is perfectly satisfactory. We think it is one of the best ma- chines ever placed on the market. Yours respectful 1}', Bushnell cV Hibbard. Chicac)o Tlcxiblc Shaft Ct».. Chifago, III., i;. S. A. 19 Canton. ()., April 1, IHH5, Ohicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., Chicag-o. 111. Genti.k.mkn: Your Clipping' Machine received and is giving- perfect satisfaction. Yours respectfully, Hakkv D. DkPkv.stkk. WiNCHKSTHK. Ind., Apr. (). 1S95. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co.. Chicag-o, III. Dear Sirs: I received the New * "Chicago" Clipping Machine that I teleg-raphed for; it is all right and is perfectly satisfactory in every respect. Yours truly, Wm. Puckktt. KiLBOURX City. Wis., Apr. 10. 18<)=;. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., Chicago, 111. ■Gentlemen: Your machine we bought of 3'ou is at work and Avorks all rig-ht. We could not wish it to work better. Respectfully yours, Campbell & Laxdt. Chal^iers, Ind.. March 8, 1895. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co., Chicag-o, 111. Dear Sirs: I like the machine I purchased of you very much and will always recommend it highly to all my friends or any one I hear of, desiring to purchase a machine. Yours etc., Philip Wolvkrton. (tArdnicr, III.. Sept. 11. 1895. Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., Chicago, 111., Gentlemen. Your letter at hand, in reply will say that the Clipping Machine that I purchased from your company is all rig-ht, and is giving good satisfaction. The machine is lirst-class, the "Flexible Machine" for me, for good work. Respectfully. Ed. Stone. Cynthiana. Kv., Apr. 22. 1895. Chicag-o Flexible Shaft Co.. Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: I desire to say that the machine I boug-ht of you works g-ood and does very nice work. Would not ask it to do better. Yours respectfully, (By F. R. Broadwell.) " D. B.'Veach. 20 Chicago Tlexiblc Shaft Co.. ClAicago. 111., l'. S. A. TOILKT CLII'I1!R.S. Prominent among- our line are the "Chicago" and "Monitor" Toilet Cli])pers; these have had the most phenomenal sale of any Clippers ever offered. Our output of these g^oods during- the past 13 months is almost beyond belief and the quantity sold can only in a manner be appreciated by a visit to our factor}', where can be seen the process of manufacture. Our capacity on these is 600 pairs per day and there is no period during- the past year that our daily output has not closely approached these figures. These Clippers find a ready market in every country in the civilized world, there being- five houses in the U. S. alone hand- ling them for export. *CHI( AG(r TOILET ( LIPPEK. NICKEL PLATED. PATENTED. The "Chicago" Toilet Clipper, of exquisite design, beau- tiful proportion, handsomely nickled; machined, tempered, and g-round to a nicety, fitted with the simplest of springs and having an even vielding-, yet sure stroke. It is the embodiment of everything that is requisite or desirable in a hig-h g-rade toilet Clipper. These and other points have g-iven it a place in the trade, not occupied by any other toilet Clipper. Price $2.50. Jl\i(.\\c.)i> ricxil)!c Sl\c,fi. Co.. Ll\icaLU). 111., l'. S. A. "MOMTOK TOlLPyr ( LIPrEK. NICKEL PLATED. PATENTED. A very handsomely desig-ned Clipper M'ith Hat springs between the handles, of splendid proportion, strong-, simple and hig-hlv finished, has knurled tension nut and polished spring-s. is made from the very best materials and is fully warranted. This is undoubtedly the most successful toilet Clipper, for private use, on the market; has none of the objectional features of the open top fiat spring- Clipper heretofore offered; has closed top and compares favorably in appearance with the concealed spring- Clipper. Price S2.»it> 22 CluCcKK) t 'Icxiblc Srvcifl Co., Chicago, HI., L. S. A. IMPKOVED AMIl KICTIONAL ONE HAM) HOUSE ( LIPPER. NICKEL PLATED. This clipper was broug-ht out to nicet the denuind lor a strong-er. heavier clipper than the Toilet, for trimming- about horses' fetlocks, ears, etc., for which purpose it is peculiarly adapted. It has extra larg-e, heavy, strong- flat spring-s, which are warranted not to break. This is a hig-h g-rade tool and is fully warranted. Price S3.(H) ■|\iCctgo riexibk- ^haft Co.. CKicwLio. III.. U S. A. (>"" hi) +j m be O a O o ,i=l 00 bI3 ^e- o •I-H 1— ( f-i o Pk • I— t I-H • 1—) o 4-^ o Cj 0} r^ ?H ■— 1 02 fH bD oj •:^ c3 c5 ^ Pi ^^ >> t> S^ 1 — 1 eg m ^ r- r— ^ r-^ ^1 1 1 o o CD ^ +J 1 — 1 ^ in ^ o ^ •i-H 3 s c3 bO rt de fr mecl ^ •I— i bD • 1— t Pi .• ^ sitio ppei Ma illed < 2^ ^ P^ o m The^'Chicaoo" A(ljibtal)lc Side and Straioht Cutting Horse Clii)i)er. NICKEL FLATED. PATENT PENDING. 24 Chicago ricxiblc^l'alt. Co.. ChiCcigc). 111.. T. S. A. Ill d 03 c3 t~ u p— 1 c3 p^ •r—t •r-{ 1— 1 +^ o CJ p> nd r-H CD +J Pi 02 tiO •i-H ^ 02 r-l 1 — 1 !>. +J r 1 +J "4-1 d o 0) PI 02 'd ri ^ d 05 rH g3 CD «r 1 — 1 02 ft +J g P5 r— 1 •i-H ri 02 o • 1—1 02 > ri c3 02 •i-H t^ rj 02 r—t •1—1 •r-H ^ Eh o 02 c3 ^ fH p^ 02 'r-\ ^ ^ >. 1—1 (-H 1 1 • • 1— t r^ ft O ft •rH 02 r-H o 4^ O 02 H 02 rH d 02 •rH t-H o 02 ?H r^ cpl ^ 03 ^ 02 o •r-i O oT fH (-H fH rM +^ ft ft • , — 1 ft •1— 1 02 r ( o P! ?H d pi r^ !-H 4-^ r^ o O fH ^ o "HiMMEir noKsi: ( LsrrER. IP'OLISIIEir. Price - - - - SI. 25 \U"aLio t=U-xi:''.v^!ial L\\'!... III., r.s. A. CD m u Pi o i-H CD Pi O u 5^ O •i-H 02 c3 ^ •I-H ^ ri c3 ^ Pi o •i-H -^ u o p. o u r— 1 Pi o o I-H ^-^ ^ c3 "Tj a I-H rH r-H Ah C/2 •rH Pi ^ q=l ,s l>.-^ r— 1 c3 !-!--( tOD o •I-H >iH ^ > ?H 02 •r-H m 0) c3 Pi M P +-> •I-H o r— H o Pi CQ U "ExvoY ' HOKsi: cliimm:k. Price - - - - SI. 75 26 Chicago f^lcxiuic Shaft Co.. Chicago, 111., L'. S. A. 'ALTX ' HOK8E CLIPPER. NICKEL Plated. A stroiiii-. Avoll proijortionetl, serviceable Cliiiper. ]ii,ii"hly lin- ished, of finest material and workmanship, has one nut bahmce pressure; is strictly his^di >j;Tade. IVice ^2.25 Chie'dLjc) rk'xiblc Shaft Co.. C\\ cagi). III.. ( '. S. A. -'7 LOCAL REFERENCHS. THKRK are nearly 2000 of the •Chicac.o" Ci.iim'Kks in actual use and up- wards of 150 in the city of Chicaj^o alone. This fact s]x'aks for itself. The follow-ing is a partial list, comprising niercaiilile, livery and private stables, professional horse clippers, etc., to any of whom we respectfully refer: Annour Tacking Co I 'nion Stock Yards. Swift 8: Company Dexter Park Horse Ivxchange Kdward Morris I'rank Foster H. \V. Chadwick Chicago I'ire Department six 1 6 i machines. nDI^"2^ G-OOXDS. Carson. Pirie & Scott \ilams and I'ranklin Sts. Mandel Bros 1 i 7-123 State street Marshal Field & Co ^ Slate and Washington Sts. ' 'The Fair" State and Adams Sts. Siegel Co-necl for rapiiUy and accurately g-rindiniJ" flat surfaces to ab- solute truth, with positively no dang^er of drawing- the temper from the tinest or most delicate edg-e. The lap is of special material, and is surrounded by a pan which admits the use of water, adding- greatly to the effectiveness of the machine and the quality of the work performed. We claim that with this machine results can be obtained that are not possible by anv other known method, prt)ducin,g- not only absolutely true surface, but a high linish also. The lap is of very hard material and can scarcely be injured by careless handling. The shaft is of steel, runs in self-oilinif boxes, has 12 inch driving- pulley, and carries a three inch belt. The machine stands 33 inches hig-h, and weig-hs about 5o Chicago Tlexible Shaft Co., Chicago, HI.. U. S. A. OUR Clipping Machines embody the following- points of superiority: largest, strongest and most rapid working, easiest to operate and understand, no repairs neces- sary unless by accident, nothing light and weak to give out or break when most needed. No flimsy wheels of baby carriage material, but a good solid, heavy balance wheel, insuring steady, positive power on the principle of a balanced body in motion. What mechanical designer would think of substituting the heavy iron balance or fly wheel on a steam eng'ine for a light affair of wood or other material? The engine would have an unsteady, jerky motion in conse- (|uence of the varying loads that are being constantly a]>plied. Just the same result would be experienced with a Clipping Machine — every short turn of the shaft, every time a lighter or heavier cut was taken the operator would feel the difference in speed, whereas, with the heavy wheel, the momentum acquired by a few moments turning it sufficient to carry the knives at the same speed, through almost anything that comes before it. We have reuKxleled a great many round belt machines during the last year for parties who did not sec the logic of the abo\'e argument, and ordered round l)elt machines, linding out from experience that they were lacking in power as well as other qualities. KKHSKiSKKl MKKHKMHK Chicago tMcxiblc Shc\ft. Co.. Chicwgo. 111., U. S. A. 3i "I TE do not recommend the same Flexible Shaft for clipping- \ A / as for irrooming-. A Clipper, to be successful, must run at a speed of from 15 to IS hundred revolutions per min- ute; this speed is too hig-h for brushing": again, a flexible shaft for Clipping must be light, strong and very flexible, while on the -other hand, one for (xrooming does not need to be as flexible, but must be stronger and run slower. Remember we are the largest makers of Flexible Shafts in the world, also that we make shafts for this and other g-overn- ments, for ship vards, for railroads, machine shops, foundries, g-lass works and thousands of other manufacturers. That we are alone in the field, that our competitors' so-called Flexible Shafts are not considered in the mechanical world at all, that when we reccomend a shaft for a certain purpose, it is the best for such purpose, and we guarantee it to do as we represent, that per- sons advertising a Clipping Machine shaft as a practical grooni- er are advertising something- that cannot be substantiated, we say practical in view of the advanced state of the art which we have brought the manufacture of Flexible Shafts at the present time. Our Grooming Plant is equipped with one of our No. 4 core standard shafts; we will guarantee this to transmit 30t) per cent. more power than any of the shafts used on Clipping- Machines. Investig-ate this before putting- in a Grooming- Plant. Place vour order with us and we will equip you with a plant that will do vour work, do it right and keep on doing it. It will cost vou less in the beginning; it will cost you less in the end. Call on some of those mentioned in the list and see for your self the splendid satisfaction our goods are giving. Grinding and Repairing. We employ only expert jirinders; we build the machine jirinders ourselves and have men \vho have been with us for years on this work and we guarantee absolute sati -faction. Machines, knives, ijlates and parts carried in stock; orders can be hlle<' within one hoiu" from time ortler is recei\ed. 32 Chicago ricxiblc Shaft Co., Chicago, 111., l'. S. A. INDEX. Pase. "Chicas^o" Klectric Radial Machine 12-13 "Chica.a:o" Toilet Clipper 20' "Chicago" Adjustable Horse Clip]K^r '. / 23 Clipper Knives •'^-9 Cut of Clipping- and CTrooniing INIachine 11 "Envoy" Horse Cli])i)er 25 Flexible vShaf ts 4 General Remarks on Clippers and Flexible Shafts 30-31 Hand Power Clipping Machines 6-7 '.'Hummer" Horse Clipper 24 Improved \'ertical Hanger 10 Improved Anti-I'rictional One-Hand Horse Clipper 22 Introduction 2-3 "Lightning" Clipper '4-i5 Local Reference 27 "Monitor" Toilet Clipper 21 Special Remarks 5 "Telegram" Horse Clipper 26 Toilet Clippers ; 20 Testimonials rG-ig \\'ater Lajijiing ^Machine 2S-29 i. Sliii|iir.i. I'riiitci-. 17:'. \V IL'tli St.. Cliicii(|( ;*?®BSBi:|i; ?oS= fl'M ■■**iV^ :■■<:'. ■■''•:;<■■