®t|F a 31 BUI ffiibrarg Nnrtlj (Carolina 8>tat* lltutirrattg 2>jN?PfCIA!. COLLITCTIOIV QK9 This book was presented by Frederick L« VJellman THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY BUILDING. V* BOTANICAL U m\J jL jLH^rX^I -lSlJUIj -EL f BEING A TRANSLATION FROM THE FRENCH OP LOUIS-CLAUDE RICHARD, PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AT THE MEDICAL SCHOOL IN PARIS ; WITH ADDITIONS FROM 31 ARTYN, SMITH, MILNE, WILDENOtf, ACHARIUS, &c. NEW-HAVEN : PUBLISHED BY HEZEKIAH HOWE JV". Whiting, Printer, 1817. District of Connecticut , ss. 4*#####**# "TIE IT REMEMBERED; That on the * j « * J3 thirteenth day oi January, in i be forty- • * firot year of the independence of the United *##*#####* Spates of America, Hezekiah Iiowe, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprie- tor, in the words following, to wit ; 44 A Botanical Dictionary, being a translation from the 44 French of Louis-Clauae Richard, Professor cf Botany at 44 the Medical School in Paris ; \vi*h additions from Martyn, l * Smith, Milne, Wildenow, Acbarius.&e." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, M An Act for the encojragemen* of learn- ing, by securing the copies of Mi p>. Charts and Books, to the au'hors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." R W. EDWARDS, Clerk of the District ff Connecticut. A true copy of Record, exam'ned and Sealed by me, H. W. EDWARDS, CUrk of the District of Connecticut , TO ELI IVES, M. D. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AND MATERIA MEDICA IN YALE COLLEGE. Although this Dictionary has not received the ben- fit of any corrections immediately from your hand: I have been governed by your opinions in all cases of doubt. Your liberal explanations in answer to my nume- rous enquiries, together with free access to your ex- tensive library, have left me almost without excuse for my errors. I beg permission to place the work under your pro- tection ; with the hope that my strenuous exertions to execute it in an acceptable manner will be re- ceived as an apology for its defects. I am, with gratitude and esteem, Your obedient humble servant, THE AUTHOR. New-Haven, Sept. 16, 1816. ri. PREFACE. 6. All these materials thus combined, were then copied for the press; with occasional remarks, from the hints of able botanists. Notwithstanding the diminutive size of the book, the author almost ventures to hope, that all the terms used by botanical writers in Latin or English, who follow the Linnean System, will be found here, satis- factorily defined and illustrated SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. The principal elementary terms, together with the Classes and Orders, should be fixed in the memory, previous to entering upon the exercises of a prac- tical botanist. The student must therefore be di- rected to look out and commit to memory the defini- tions of the following terms, according to this ar- rangement. All other terms may be looked out occasionally. See Botanical Exercises. CAR'POGENATION Comprises the Flower and Fruit. The seven Elementary organs are : 1. Calyx. The outer or lower part of the flower- generally not coloured. 2. Corol. The coloured blossom of the flower, with- in or above the calyx. 3. Stamens. The mealy or glutinous knobs, generally on the ends of filamentous organs. 4. Pistil. The central organ of a flower, whose base becomes the pericarp and seed. 5. Pericarp. The covering of the seed ; whether pod, shell, bag, or a pulpy substance. 6. Seed. The essential part, containing the rudiment of a new plant. 7. Receptacle, The base which sustains the other six parts, being at the end of the stem. Note. Any accidental appendage is called a nectary. The forms and positions of these organs, and of no other part, are employed in distinguishing the Classes, Orders and Genera. 8 SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE CA- LYX. Every calyx is either Mo- nophyllous, consisting of one leaf] orPolyphy lions, consisting of more than one leaf. Calyxes are: 1. Perianth. 2. Involucre. 3. Spathe. 4. Glume. 5. Ament. 6. Calyptre. 7. Volva. SUBDIVISIONS OP THE CO- BOL. Moncpetalous, or one-petal- led corols are : 1. Bell-form. 2. Funnel-form. 3. Salver-form. 4. Wheel-form. 5. Labiate. Polypetalous, or more than one-petalled, corols, are : 1. Cruciform. 2. Caryophylleous. 3. Liliaceous. 4. Rosaceous. 5. Papilionaceous. If the corol agrees with the descriptions of none of the above, it is Anoma- lous. SUBDIVISONS OP THE STA- MEN. 1. Anther. 2. Pollen. 3. Filament SUBDIVISIONS OF THE PIS- TIL. 1. Stigma. 2. Germ. 3. Style. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE PERI- CARP. 1. Silique. 2. Leg-ume. 3. Capsule. 4. Drupe. 5. Pome. 6. Berry. 7. Strobile. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE SEED. 1. Coicle. 2. Cotyledons. 3. Tegument. 4. Hilum. SUBDIVISIONS OF Til' CEPTACLE. 1. Proper. 2. Common. 3. Rachis. 4. Columella. 5. Spadix. GENERAL DIVISIONS OF FLOWERS. 1. Simple. 2. Aggregate. o. Compound. SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. 9 INFLORESCENCE, Or the manner in which jloii'ers are situated, up- on plants. 1. Whorl. 2. Raceme. 3. Panicle. 4. Thyrse. 5. Spike. 6. Umbel. 7. Cyme. 8. Corymb. 9. Fascicle. 10. Head. ROOTS AND MERBA45E. The substance of roots arid herbage consists of 1. Cuticle. 2. Cellular integument. 3. Bark. 4. Camb. 5. Wood. 6. Pith. Roots are the descending parts of vegetables : and are Annual, Biennial, or Perennial. They are of seven kinds. 1. Branching. 2. Fibrous. 3. Creeping. 4. Spindle. 5. Tuberous, whether knobbed, oval, or fasci- cled. 6. Bulbous, whether soZidy coated, or scaly. 7. Granulated, whether moni/iform, or dentate. Herbage is all the plant, except the root and car- pogenation. It includes the Stem, Leaves, and Appendages. Stems are : 1. Tidge. 2. Culm. 3. Scape. 4. Peduncle. 5. Petiole. 6. Frond. 7. Stipe. Leaves are Evergrtei* or deciduous. Simple leaves art : ; 1. Orbicular. 2. Ovate. 3. Oval. 4. Oblong. 5. Obovate. 6. Cordate. 7. Obcordate. 8. Kidney-form. 9. Lanceolate. 10. Linear. 11. Awl-form. 12. Awl-pointed. 13. Arrow-form. 14. Halhert-form. 15. Guitar-form. 16. Lobed. 10 SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. 17. Palmate. 18. Pedate. 19. Sinuate. 20. Pinnatifid. 21. Lyrate. 22. Runcinate. 23. Serrate. 24. Toothed. 25. Crenate. 26. Emarginate. 27. Retuse. 28. Obtuse. 29. Acute. Compound leaves are r 1. Ternate. 2. Bi-ternate. 3. Tri-ternate. 4. Pinnate. 5. Bi-pinnate. 6. Tri-pinnate. 7. Interruptedly pinnate. Surface of leaves are : 1. Hairy. 2. Downy. 3. Silky. 4. Bristly. 5. Ciliate. 6. Nerved. 7. Veined. Positions of leaves are 1. Decurrent. 2. Clasping. 3. Sheathed. 4. Perfoliate. 5. Connate. 6. Peltate. 7. Opposite. 8. Whorled. 9. Imbricate. 10. Fascicled. 11. Radical. APPENDAGES- 1. Stipule. 2. Bract. 3. Thorn. 4. Prickle. 5. Sting. 6. Gland. 7. Tendril. SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. U PHYSIOLOGICAL terms, genera! remarks and directions, to be read in the following order Seed f cotyledon, vitellus, albumen, tegument, hilum, corcle, plumula, rostel. Root, buio, scion. Stent, cuticle, cellular integument, bark, camb, wood, pith, sap, vessels, trccheae, shoot, tree, si rub, dextrorsum, sinistrorsum. Leaf, bud, gemmation, leafing season. Appendages, thorn, prickle, sting, galls. Fruciif ca- tion, flower, sexus, pollen, perfect, imperfect, fovilla, fertilization, chorion, caprificatior, hybrid, efferes- centia, monstrous, florist, full-flowered, ergot or spur- red rye. Elementary heads; nafv.ral histoiy. par- tes primaries, gentes, plant, phytology, system, ve- getable, vegetable kingdom^ vegetable substance, herbage. Durability; ephemerus, annual, bien- nial, perennial, caducous, deciduous, permanent, evergreen. Qualities ; medicinal, qualities of plants, natural orders, sapor, poisons, poisonous ve- getables- Directions; botanical exercises, botan- ical garden, herbarium. Terms ; relative propor- tions, synonyms, terminations, compound terras. Miscellaneous ; analysis, analogy, habij, ages, irri- tability, sleep of plants, temperature, light, varieties., • ttdiginous, anomalous, phanerogamous. J 2 SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. NUMERALS. The Latin and Greek numerals are so frequently compounded with oiler words by botanical writers, that an English student ought to commit them to memory, as here laid down. Eis, Duo, &c. are not used. LATIN. 2S0S. Unus 1 Bis 2 Ties 3 Quatuor 4 Quinque 5 Sex 6 Sept em 7 Octo 8 Novem 9 Decern 10 Undecem 1 1 Duodecem 12 Terdecem 1 3 Quartuordecem 14 Quindecem 15 Sexdecem 16 Septen decern 17 Octodecem 18 No ven decern 19 Viginti .20 Multus Many GREEK. Monos Dis Treis Tet tares Pente Ex (pronounced hex) Epta (pronounced hep- Octo Ennea Deka Endeka Dodeka Dekatreis Dekatettares Dekapenta Dekaex Dekaepta Decaocto Decaennea Eikosi Polus m SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. 13 LINNEAN SYSTEM OF VEGETABLES. All Vegetables are divided into twenty-two* cla:?- scs. These clashes are divided into orders. Order*.' arc divided into genera. Genera are divided into n i'ecies are frequently changed into varic ties. Varieties, however, are more properly within the province oi* the Gardener, than of the Botanist; ;it least the method of procuring varieties. When a Botanist finds a plant, which he never aw before, and wishes to know its name and uses ; he proceeds as follows. 1. II« takes the unknown flower in his hand (no tknown plant can he ascertained without the fiow- and compares its part:; with the description of . until he finds the class to which it belongs. "2. He then goes to the orders of that class and finds its order in the same way. 3. Next he goes to the genera of that order, and reads their descriptions, until lie finds the genus 1j which it belongs. 4. At last looks over the species of that genus, un1 he finds the exact description of his plant. ."i. Thus he mids ihe Apple to be Class 12, Or.j . 5, Genus Pyrtte, Species 3 lulus. * Lin iWus divided ihe.n i»sfo 24 clause's. But farther ill? coveries, since iiis death, have proved the Hastes PoJjaUel- Ymt\ an: 1 I p t.x uncertain and variable to Lo any finger retained. Pe/so »::, therefore, and other eminent botanists have rejected the::'. See these classes in the Die- I D 14 SYSTEMATIC TERMINOLOGY. LINNEAN CLASSES. 1. Monandbia, one stamen or one sessile anther in the flower. 2. Diandria, 2 stamens, or 2 sessile anthers. 3. Triandria, 3 stamens, or 3 sessile anthers. 4. Tetrandria, 4 stamens, or 4 sessile anthers. ">. Pentandria, 5 stamens, or 5 sessile anthers. 6. Hexaxdria, 6 stamens, or G sessile anthers. 7. Heptandria, 7 stamens, or 7 sessile anthers. 8. Octandria, 8 stamens, or 8 sessile anthers. 9. Enxeandria, 9 stamens, or 9 sessile anthers. 10. Decandria, 10 stamens, or 10 sessile anthers. 11. Dodecandria, 12 to 19 stamens, or sessile anthers. J 2. Icosandria, about 20, or more, standing on the calyx. J 3. Poly axdria, always 20 or more, on the receptacle. 14. Didynamia, 4 stamens, 2 of them uniformly the longest. 15. Tetradynamia, 6 stamens, 4 of them uniformly the longest. 16. Moxadelphia, stamens united by their filaments in one set, anthers remaining separate. 17. Diadelphia, stamens united by their filaments in two sets (sometimes in one set) flowers papilio- naceous. 18. Syngenesia, stamens 5, united by their anthers in one set, flowers compound. 10. Gynandria, stamens stand on the germ, style, or stigma, separate from the base of the calyx and corol. 20. Moncecia, stamens and pistils in separate flow- ers, on the same plant. 21. Dicecia, stamens and pistils on separate plants. 22. Cryptogamia, stamens and pistile so obscure that the plants can only be classed by natural families. DICTIONARY. • Latin names are printed in Italics. But when the Latin and English differ only in a terminal letter or two, the Latin is omitted. Abbreviated perianth. Shorter in proportion t. breadth 7 than is generally observed in other pi; Abbreviations. Although each botanist may em- ploy such abbreviations as best suit his purpose, by explaining their import; yet the following are in such general use, that it is convenient to know them : Rad. root. Fr. fruit. Fol. leaf. Ph. leafet of calyx. Stip. stipule. Per. pericarp. Flo. flower. Mas. stamate flower. Cal. calyx. Fern, pistilate flower. Cor. corol. Neu. neutral flower. Pet. Petal. Her. perfect flower. Stam. stamen. (2) annual. Fil. filament. % biennial. Anth. anther. 11 perennial. Pist. pistil. b woody. Stig. stigma. A C O Words which are numerical are expressed by fi- gures : as quadrifid, 4-cleft ; quinquand, 5-cleft ; quinquangular, 5-angled, &c. Two Latin words are often contracted into one ; as incurvus for introrsum aureus. Abbreviatus. See abbreviated. Abortiens. Se pbortive. Arorti^e flower. Not arriving to perfection ; the proof of which is want of perfect seed. seed. Not increasing or becoming perfect for want of the reception of pollen by way of the stigma. instil. Being defective- in its external form. — — stamens. Not being furnished with anthers ; or with those which have no opening cells, or which ate mere sketches or rudiments of anthers. Abrupt leaf. A pinnate leaf^ which has not an odd, or terminal leafet ; or root as if bitten off$ as Bird- foot violet. Abrupte. Abruptly. See abrupt. Acalycimis. Without a calyx. Acaulis. See stemless. Acerose leaf. Needle-form. Generally inserted on the sides of branches, as in the pines. Acerosus. See acerose. Ackularis. Form of a small needle. Acinaciform leaf. Sabre-form. One edge sharp and convex, the other thicker and strait or cgncave. Cutlass-form. Acinaciformis. See acinaciform. Acine. One of the little globules, constituting a com- pound berry ; as the rasp -berry. Acinus. See acine. Acotyledonous plants. Having no cotyledons, or seed-lobes: and consequently no seminal leaves. See Cotyledon and Seed-leaves. A E Q Acidcatus. See prickly. Acideus. See prickle. Acuminate. When the leaf, calyx, &c. terminate suddenly in a point, which is more or less curved towards one edge of the leaf. Accuminatus. Awl-pointed. See accuminatc. Acutangularis. Sharp-cornered. Acute. Any part of a plant terminating without a curved, or rounded termination. An ohtuse an- gle or any other angle in mathematics, is acute in botanical language. Acute. Acutely. As acute-dentatus, sharply toothed. icutiusculus. Acutish. That is ; the apex, corner, &c. is hardly rounded so as lo be called obtuse, and is rather too nearly round to be denominated acute. The termination ish as a diminutive is now suffi- ciently authorised by President Smith, and others. Vdxate. Adhering. Any two or more parts of a plant being attached to each other, in cases where analagous parts are separate in other plaifts. As the bulbous offsets of Daffodil). The stipule in some cases is detached from the petiole, in others it is adnale, See. Adnatus. Growing together. See adnate. Adpressus. See appressed. Adsecndens. Sec ascending. Adverse leaf. Presenting its upper surface to '.;.. sun. JEqualis Polygamia. The 1st order of the cla.^ Syngenesia. The florets of the disk and of th<: ray are all perfect. Examples; Leontodon, (dan- delion) Lactuca (lettuce) Hieracium (hawk-weed Arctium (Burdock) Eupatorium (boncsct). JEquhahis. Valves of a capsule equal among them- selves. It is also applied to valves (chaffs) of a glume calv.x. B 2 A G G -/Eruginosus. Light bluish green, verdigris colour. JEstivafio. Summer residence. See ^Estivation. Estivation. The manner in which petals lie in the flower-bud, before it opens. 1. Convolute, petals rolled all one way like a roll of paper or cloth. 2. Imbricate, petals lying over each other so as to break joints, like shingles on a roof. 3. Condupli- lie, each petal having its edges rolled in, till the two opposite rolls meet on the midrib. 4. Falcate, when, just before they open, they stand like the husks of an ear of corn. 5. Unequal-valved, when the petals differ in size. .lffinis. Having relation, or affinity, to something supposed to be previously known. Agamia. (a without gamia matrimony) Necker's name for the class cryptogamia. Ages of plants. Some plants spring up, flower, ripen seed, and die in a few hours or a day, which are called epfiemeral. Others live a few months, or a summer, which are called annual. Others spring up in ene summer and ripen and die the next, which are called biennial. Others live an indefi- nite period, either with the whole stem and branch- es, or only by the root, which are called perennial. The ages of trees may be known by counting the concentric rings, or grains. Our author, Richard, sapposcs that trees have three ages. L The age of increase, or growth. 2. The age of maturity, when there is no increase. 3. The age of decay. But is there not sufficient proof, that all trees, while in a living state, continue to deposit new layers of wood every year ? If so, the age of matu- rity must be rejected. Aggregate. Many springing from the same point or from the same receptacle. Sometimes this term is rather loosely applied to heaps or bilndles. A L G Aggregate flowers are those where several stand on the same receptacle without united anthers. These flowers have rarely any inclination to yel- low colour like compound flowers ; but are blue, purple or white. See Smith, page 308. Aigrette, Egret. The flying, feathery or hairy crown of seeds ; as the down of thistles and dan- delions. It includes whatever remains on the top of the seed, after the corol is removed. stiped (stipulatus) when it is supported on a foot- stem. simple (simplex) when it consists of a bundle of simple hairs, without branches. plumose (plumosus) when each hair has other little hairs arranged along its sides, like the beards on a feather. membranous, thin transparent leaves. Martyn recommends this term under the word pappus; Barton adopts it, and Ives approves. On ♦hose authorities it is introduced here from the French botanists. Aigretted. Bearing aigrette. Ala. See wing. /llatus. See winged. Albicans. Whitish, grew ing white. Albumen. The farinaceous, fleshy, or horny sub- stance, which constitutes the chief bulk of monoco- tyledonous seeds : as wheat, rye, &c. Smith says they are more properly seeds without any co- tyledons. lllmrnum. SeeAubier. Alga. The fourth order of the class cryptogamia ; containing those sea-weeds and aquatics of fresh waters, which arc apparently mere pellicles or membranes; or branching leaves with blubbers along their substance, or mere formless fibres in A N A appearance. The definition of this order is: The fruit is r'csicidous or flamentous, in an aquatic or gelatinous frond. Linneus comprised the plants of the orders Hc- paticae and Lichenes under this order. Alienated. When the first organs, as the stamens, leaves, &c. give place to others different from the natural habit of the plant. Alternate. Branches, leaves, flowers, Sec. are al- ternate, when arranged upon opposite sides of the stem, or whatever supports them ; beginning at dif- ferent distances from its base, and continuing in marly equal series. Sometimes they arc in 3 series. Alternating. When one organ is arranged alter- nately respecting another ; as the stamens, in the first ten classes, mostly alternate with the petals, or divisions of petals. AHerne pinnata. Alternately pinnate. Alveolate receptacle. Havingcells so as to resem- ble a honey-comb, with more or less of each seed imbedded in it. Alveolaius. See alveolate. Ament. An assemblage of small flower-bearing scales, which serve as lateral calyxes. These arc arranged along a kind of raehis. and each encloses either the stamens or pistils of flowers, if not abor- tive. The pine, willow, oat, chesnut, walnut and nettles are good examples. Amentaceus. Growing in anient?, amentacco; Amentum. See ament. AmphocicauUs. See clasping. Amplius. Enlarged, abundant. Impulhts. See utricullus. Analogy. In botany it is frequently necessary to reason from analogy. That is: aft< r leeomii .- A N G acquainted will] those organs which usually accom- pany each" ether: if we discover one of them we frequently assume the existence of others in making out an object, when the parts are too mi- nute for inspection. This principle becomes in- dispensable in most cryptogamous plants. An \lysis. To analyse a plant botamcallij, is to search out the number, form, position, &c. of its organs, as they exist in a natural state. But to analyse dicmkwlv, the parts must be decomposed, com- bined with tests, &c. Anceps. See ancipital. Axcipital. Having two opposite edges or angles j Iwo-e&gexf. Androgynous plants. Bearing stammate and pistil- late flowers on the same root without any perfect ones ; as the Indian corn. spikz, has both stagnate and pistillate flowers, distinct on different parts of it. Jiower, has stamens or pistils only, and is on the same plant with other flowers with different organs from itself. Androgymis. See androgynous. Anfractuous. Winding inwards by angular turnings. Angiocarpus. Fungi bearing seeds internally. Angiospermia. The second order of the class di- dynamia. The seeds are inclosed in a capsule (rtggos capsule, sperma seed.) Antirrhinum (snap- dragon.) Scrophularia (fig-wort.) redioularis (louse-wort) are examples. Angular. By means of intervening grooves, st?ms, calyxes, capsules, &c. often have ridges running lengthwise, which give them this appellation. Sometimes the angles project considerably ; par- ticularly the side-points or projections of leaves^ which are also called angles. A P U Angidatus. See angular. Angiistifolius. Narrow leaved, Annotine. Of one year. Annual. Which spring up, perfect fruit, and dies, in the same year. The herbage is often annual with a perennial root. But the root is always in- tended, unless the other parts be particularly men- tioned. Annulatus. Having a ring around the capsules in ferns ; or a fungus with a ringed slype. See ring. Annulus. See ring. Annum. See annual. Anomalous, (a without, nomos law.) Whatever forms an exception to the assumed rules or systems. In the attemps of old botanists at natural arrange- ment, many plants were necessarily thrown info anomalous classes. Anther. The essential part of the stamen ; being a delicate capsule containing a powdery or glutinous substance, called pollen. The forms of anthers are frequently used in gene- ric and specific descriptions. For these see the several forms of leaves, &c. under the respective terms. Anihifera. Flowers bearing sessile anthers j that is, anthers without filaments. Anthodium. See perianth calyx. Apertio. See blooming. Apetalous. A flower without a corol. See sta- minous. Apex. The tip or end. Aphyllous. Leafless. Apiculatum. Covered with fleshy, erect, short points. Apophysis. A process from the base of the theca of mosses. A R I uiiccium. The receptacle of lichens, being the part whereon the seeds are formed and ripened. The saucer-form cups on those greenish leathery -cabs' on fences and stones, arc examples. See Border of Lichens. \rrENDicuLATE. Appcndaged, having something attached to a leaf, corol, Sec. as a wing on a peti- ole, a nectary at the end of a petal ; as in some Polygalies. Appendages. See fulcrum. Appressed. Closely pressed j ajs leaves against the stem, &c. Approximate. Growing near each other, or near to a different part. \qiatic. Growing most naturally in or near water* irachnoideus. Covered with interwoven hairs, so as to resemble a spider's web. . Iraneosus. See arachnoideus. Arbor. See tree. Arboreous. Tree-like ; not bushy or shrubby. Arborescent. Becoming woody in approaching ma- turity. Arbuscula. See suffrutex. Arbustivus. Bush-like. Arched. Curving above. See vaulted. Arcuatim. Archwise. Arcuatus. Bent like a bow. See bowed. Arenarius. Growing in sand. Areolatus. Raised a little so as to resemble a gar- den-bed. Argenteus. Silver-coloured. Argutus. See sharp. Argyrocomiis. Silky and silvery white. Aridus. Dry and rough. Aril. The outer coat of a seed, which, not contract- ing with it in ripening, falls of. Scopoli calls it Arc Theca, but this name is now exclusively appropri- ated to the capsule of mosses. Arista and Ariskttus. See awn and awaned. Arms. The spines and prickles of plants. Aromaticus. Aromatic, sweet scented. Arrow-form. Shaped like an arrow-head. It dif- fers from heart-form in having the side-lobes acute. Articuhis. See joint. Articulated. Jointed 3 which see. Articulate. Jointed ly. Artificial Arrangement. The bringing to^etho? of many plants under one head; by the number, figure, situation, connection and proportion of as- sumed parts, without any regard to their natural affinities. Sucli is the Liunean artificial system. It is absolutely essential in finding out unknown plants. Then his Natural Orders and those of Jussieu, bring us back to the natural affinities. Sec Natural Orders. Irwidinacms. Resembling reeds. Arvensis. Growing in cultivated fields. Ascending. Rising gradually between a horizontal and vertical position. Ascidium. Bottle-form leaf or appendage ; as on the Sarracenia. Asper. See rugged. Asperif alius. Rough-leaved. Assurgens. Rising in a curve from a declined base. Astiped. Pappus or a fungus without a slcnij or stipe. Atropurpureus. Dark Purple. Attenuates. Tapering gradually till it becomes slender. Aubier. Sap-wood, the last year's deposit. Auctns calyx. Having an outer row of leafets; a* the Dandeiiott. BAD 4cenium» Veinless. 'htrantiacus. Orange-coloured. Aureus. Gold-coloured. Auriadatus, or auritus. See eared. lutumnalis. Coming to maturity in autumn. lutumna'io. The effect of autumn upon plants. Awl-form. Linear at, and adjoining, the base ; and becoming sharp and more or less curved to one- side at the point. • Awl-pointed. See acuminate. Awn. A short slender process, or stiff beard, pro- ceeding from the top or back of glumes, or chaff'. Processes resembling awns are called by this name, which proceed from anthers or any other parts of vegetables. Awned. Having awns. Awnless. Without awns; sometimes it means a blunt pointless awn. Axe-form. Nearly cylindric towards the base, with one side projecting towards the end ; which pro- jection is sharp-edged. Axil. The arm-pit. Applied to vegetables it means the angle formed by the meeting of a leaf or peti- ole with the stem, or of a branch with the main stem. Axillary. Any thing growing from the axils. Azureus. See Cueruleus. B Dacca. See berrv. Bacciferous. Berry-beari ng. Bacillum. Pedicel of lichens. Badius. Liver-brown. C fil€ JiANNER. The upper petal in a papilionaceous flower. Barb. A strait process armed with teeth pointing backwards. Barba. See beard. Ben batus. See bearded. Bark. Properly the inner strong fibrous part of the covering of vegetables. But in a more extended sense it includes also the cuticle and cellular integu- ment; which see. Also see cortex. Barren. Producing no ripe seed, See staminate, neutral and abortive. Basis. Base. The part of a stem, leaf, flower, &c. nearest to the place through which it derives its nutriment. Beaked. Terminated by a process, formed like a bird's bill. Beard. Parallel hairs. It is applied to the filamen- tous nectaries on the petals of Iris. The lower lips of ringent corels are sometimes called beard. Beardless. Destitute of beard. Bell-form. Swelling out at the base and without a tube. Properly applied to monopetalous corols only ; but is frequently extended to liliaceous flow- ers, and some others. Bellying. See ventricose. .Berry. A pulpy pericarp enclosing seeds without covering them with capsules, or themselves ever splitting into valves. As currant, grape, cucum- bers, gourd, orange. Raspberries are compound berries ; being made up of an assemblage of small- er berries or globules, called acines. Bibulus. Sucking water. BicAPsrLAR. Two capsules to one flower. Bkornis. Anthers with two horns, or two horn-form processes. B IF Bicuspid ate. Having two lengthened points, each terminated with a small bristle. Bidejis. Having two teeth. Biennial. Springing up one summer, flowering and dying the next, as wheat. Bifaremis. Facing two ways, presenting two oppo- site series. Biferous. Bearing twice in a year. Common iiv hot climates. Bifid. Two cleft, split into two divisions. Bifidus. Bifid. Bijloms. See two-flowered. Biforus. Having two openings, or holes. Bifurcatus or Bifurcus. Forked. Bigeminate. Twin-forked. Having a forked stem with two leaves on each part. Bijugous. A pinnate leaf with two pairs of leaves on each part. Bilabiate. Corol with two lips ; as in most of the class didynamia. Bilamellate. Composed of two lamellae ; it ap- plies to a flattened stigma split lengthwise. Bilobate. Divided into two lobes. Bilocular. Two-celled. Binate. Two standing up together on the top of one stalk. If they spread out horizontally, they are called conjugate. Binervius. Two-nerved. Bipartible, or Bipartile. Naturally divisible into two parts. Bipartitus. Divided into two parts to the base, but still remaining in one piece ; as the petals of stellaria. Bipinnate. Doubly pinnate. The general petiolr with a second range, bearing pinnate leafets ar- ranged each side of them. BOT "Bipinnatifid. Doubly pinnatifid. When the divi- sions of a pinnatifid leaf are cut in, or pinnatifid again. Biternate. Doubly-ternate. When the petiole is ternate, and each division of it has three leafets. Bivalve. When a capsule is composed of two pieces, or valve's; or when the glume calyx of grass, &c. consists of two chaffs, or husks. Bivascularis. With two horn-form or cup-form cells. Blistered. See bullate. Blooming. The precise time when all parts of the flower are completely developed. Blossom. The corol. Blunt. Round-obtuse. Boat-form. Hollowed one side with a compressed longitudinal ridge on the opposite side. Bole. The naked trunk of a tree. Border in Lichens. The edging of their receptacles (apothecium.) It \s proper, when of the same sub- stance and colour of the receptacle. It is accessory, when of a different substance or colour from the disk of the receptacle. Border of corols, leaves, fungusses, &c. The spread- ing brim. tenuis. Thin border of a fungus. colorata. Coloured border. equalis. When the stem of a fungu^ is in the center. crassa. Thick border, Sec. Bossed. Bunched up in the center ; as in some agarics. Botany. (Bofane, an herb.) The science which, by the aid of systematic arrangement, enables us; 1st, to find out the name of any plant before unknown to us ; 2d, to ascertain its general medi- B T cal and economical uses. Whether the physiology of vegetation is strictly a part of the science of botany or of Natural Philosophy, we will leave to school-men to decide. Though Materia Medica comes not under this head, no one can study it with satisfaction to him- self without a knowledge of botany. Botanical Exercises. Learners should be exer- cised in the application of botanical terms, after having committed to memory the elementary names and definitions, or the grammar of botany. This should be done by question and answer as follows : Let eacli pupil have a specimen of some com- mon simple flower. The teacher must point to each part of it and ask its name ; to which the pu- pil must answer from these definitions. After the application of the names of the various parts of fructification is understood, all the other parts of plants must be attended to in the same manner. In a few weeks, the pupils may enter upon that practical part of the science, which leads to the discovery of the names of plants. Exercises in that part should be repeated in the following man- ner, with every plant, which pupils can procure. Common apple flower. Teacher. To what class does it belong? Pupil. Tcosaudria. T. Why ? P. It has 20 or more stamens fixed on the calyx. T. To what order does it belong ? P. Pentagynia. 7 1 . Why ? P. It has 5 styles. T. To what crenus docs it belong ? C 2 BOU P. Pyrus. T. Why? P. It has a 5-cleft superior calyx ; corol 5-petalled ; pome 5- celled; each cell about 2-seeded. T. What species is it ? P. Malus. T. Why? P. The flowers are in sessile umbels ; leaves ovate, serrate. T. What are its qualities ? P. It belongs to the Natural order Pomaceae, which contains mostly refrigerants. See Nat. Ord. It will be perceived, that a suitable system of Vegetables, describing the plants of the country where pupils are taught, is essential. Though the lecturer's chair is a more dignified place than such a schoolmaster-like employment ; yet the pupils will derive more benefit from a sea- son spent in this way, and in collecting and pre- serving plants, than from half a dozen courses of formal lectures. See herbarium. Botanical Garden. A few rods of ground enclosed, comprising the border of an old garden or rubbish ground, will produce many species of wild native plants. If to this be added all the wild roots which shew a little herbage in April, as well as the wild shrubs in the neighbouring woods; a very amusing and instructive wild botanic garden in miniature may be had, containing two or three hundred spe- cies of plants, at a very cheap rate. Botanical names of plants.. They should always have a Latin termination, in order to be equally convenient for all nations. Botrus. A cluster, like grapes. Bough. See branch. BUD Bowed. Curved over downwards. Bowl-form. About half of a hollow sphere. Brachtate. Branches nearly horizontal and de- cussate. Br. act, Braitea. Floral leaf. A leaf near or among flowers, which (Hirers in shape, or colour, or both, from the other leaves of the plant; as on the bass- . wood (tilia. ) BracUatus. Bracted, having bracts. Bracteifomiis. Resembling bracts. Branch. A division of the main stem, or main root. Branched. Divided into branches. Applied to roots of trees. Branch-leaves. Leaves growing on branches. Branchlet. Subdivision of a branch ; a twig. Branch-peduncle. A peduncle proceeding from a branch. Brevis. Short. Brevissimus. Very short. Bristles. Very stiff hairs. They are simple or hooked. Bristle-form. Nearly proportioned to a bristle in length and breadth. Bristly. Set with bristles. Bmmalis. See Hvemalis. Bud. The winter residence of leaves and flowers. Generally wanting in hot countries. They are de- fended by imbricate scales and mostly by a clam- my glutinous substance also. They are : 1. Leaf-bearing. Which are more slender and sharp. 2. Flower-bearing. Which are thicker, not so hard nor so sharp. 3. Leaf and Flower-beariiig. Which are gene- rally smaller than either*of the other kinds. See foliation. C A E Bulb. Bulbus. Bulbous roots. Though we call the turnip, the onion, &c. roots, they are strictly buds ; or the winter residence of the future plants. Some bulbs are borne above ground, as on several spe- cies of onion (allium.) Bulbiferus. Producing bulbs above ground. fiulbosus. Bulbous. Growing from bulbs. Bulbous root. Fleshy and spherical. Bulbuhis. Small lattcral bulbs shooting from larger ones. Bixlate. Raised in bunches or blisters : as when the pyrenchamous substance of a leaf rises up be- tween the veins. Bundle. See fascicle. Butterfly-form. See papilionaceous. Buttons, Tricot. That kind of receptacle of lichens which wh- D2 COM ted into one set forming a tube around the pistil. See aequalis. 2. The florets of the disk are all perfect ; but .those of the ray, or the edging-florets, are pistillate. See superflua. 3. The florets of the disk all perfect ; but the flo- rets of the ray neutral, having neither stamens nor pistils ; except in some cases they have abortive pistils. See frustranea. 4. The florets of the disk staminate ; but those of the ray pistillate. See necessaria. 5. The florets all perfect as those of the 1st kind; but differ from them in each floret having a little perianth of its own, which is wanting in all the four preceding kinds. See segregata. This last kind is not so common as the others. ' ■■ leaf. When several leafets grow on one petiole. ■ raceme. When several racemes grow along the 6ide of a peduncle. spike. When several spikelets grow along the side of a fruit-stalk, or general spike. umbel. Having the peduncles subdivided into peduncles of lesser umbels, &c. petiole. A divided leaf-stalk. peduncle. A divided flower-stalk. Compou>q> terms. When any part of a plant is to be described, which does not agree with the defini- tion of any term in use ; two or more terms must be compounded, so as to convey to the mind cor- rect information. For example the chesnut leaf has notches on the margin pointing towards the apex, which answers to the description of serrate leaves; excepting that the notches are hollowed out. But these holjovved notches are not deep enough for sinuses; therefore the two term* CON are compounded, making sinuate-serrate. Com- pound terms are always united by a hyphen. Compressed, compressus. Flattened, as if squeezed or pressed. Concave, coneamis. Hollowed a little on one side. It is sometimes applied to deeper hollows ; though rarely. Conceptaculxtm. See follicle. Cdncolor. The same colour in all the parts. Conpensed. See coarctate. Conduplicate. That kind of foliation where the leaf, while in the bud, has its two sides shut to- gether like two leaves in a book. Cone, conus. See strobile. Conpert, confertits. Thick-set ; leaves, flowers, &c. standing so closely together, as to seem to crowd each other. Confluent. Running together. It is applied more particularly to the receptacle of some lichens, which run together in disorder and become in-, distinct. Congeneres. Plants of very similar habits, &c. Congestus. See heaped. i Conglomerate. See glomerate. Conic. With a broad base and approaching a point towards the top. Com/era* Bearing cones. Conjugate. See binate. Connate. Leaves which are opposite, with their bases growing together, so as to form the appc aiv ance of a single leafT Anthers are sometimes con- nate also. Con.iivtns. Seefcon verging. CotmmUis. Resembling. Contiguus. Near, next. GOR Contorted, contortus. Twisted. It is is also* ap- plied to corols, which have the edge of one petal lying obliquely over the next. Contractus. Close, narrow. Contrarhint. See partition. Converging. Approaching, or bending towards each other. Convex. Swelling out in a roundish form. Convexus. Convex. Convolute, convolutus. Rolled into a cylindrk form, like a roll of paper,, lengthwise with the midrib. Applied to the situation of leaves in the bud. Coilcle fCorculum. ( Cor 3 the heart.) The embryo of the new plant in a seed, situated between the cotyledons in dicotyledonous seeds. It consists iw of the plume and rostel, which show themselves soon after vegetation commeuces. See plume and rostel. Cordate. Heart-form 5 so called from its supposed resemblance to the heart. It is hollowed behind with the side-lobes rounded at the base. See arrow- form. Cordate-oblong, cordate-lanceolate^ &c. pertake of the formation of both compounds. Coriaceous. Leathery or parchment-like. Cornered. Having angles or corners. Three-cor- nered, four-cornered, &c. is often expressed tri- gonus, &c. CorrtUi A horn or spur. Cornv i: is. Horn form . GoRO'i., corolla. (A diminutive of wronajQ, crown.) 1 • ihhef delicate covering of the flower, which constitutes its principal ornament in most eases. It; a few cases, as the hartsia coccinea, the corol is dull find .usi '/V, while the calyx is gaily coloured See petai and nectary. COT Corollet, corollula. A little corol. Corolliferus, Bearing the corol. Corollinus. Resembling, or appertaining to, a corof Corona. See crown. Coronarius. Forming a crown. Coronatus. Crowned ; as the thistle seed is crowned with down. Coronula. A little crown. Cortex. The bark, which see. It consists of a number of layers equal to the number of years the tree has been growing ; though they are often too thin to be numbered. The inmost layer is called the liber. Cortical. Having its origin from the bark. Corydalis. {Kotos, a helmet.) Plants with helmet- form corois. Corymb, corymbus. Flowers umbel-like in their general external appearance, but their peduncles or supporting stems stand at different distances down the main stem ; as yarrow. Corymbifera. Bearing corymbs. Costate, costatitm. Ribbed. Cottony, See tomentose. Cotyledon. The thick fleshy lobes of seeds. Very manifest in beans at the first commencement of germination. These lobes soon become thick suc- culent leaves, after they rise out of the ground. Jussieu's Natural Orders are founded principally upon the cotyledon. He makes three great tribes, or divisions, of plants. 1. Acotyledones, plants without cotyledons; as mushrooms, mosses, fe?*ns, &c. 2. Monocotyledones, plants with one coty- ledon; nsivheat, grass, hulian corn, cat-tails, sweet- flag, sedge, Solomon 7 s seal, onion, iris, ladies' sli])- per, pond-lily, &c. 3. Dicotyledones, plants with two cotyledons; as beans, peas, dock, plan** C R E tain, lilac, sage, tobacco, milkweed, dandelion, See Natural Orders. Cowled. AVhen the edges meet below and expand above, and generally separate ; as the spathe of the arum, Indian turnip. Crassus. Thick. Creeping. Running along the ground, or along old logs, &c. nearly in a horizontal direction, and send- ing off rootlets. Crenate. Scolloped, on the rim or edge. Notches on the margin of a leaf, which do not point or in- cline towards either the apex or base. When large crenatures have smaller ones on them, they are doubly-crenate. Crenulate. Very finely crenated. Crescent-form. Resembling the form of the moon from its change to half-fulled. Crested. Having an appendage somewhat resem- bling a cock's comb in form. Creta. Growing on chalky land. Grinitus. Long-haired. Crispus. See curled. Cristatus. See crested. Cross-armed. See brachiate. Crowded. See confert. Crown. The calycle, hair, or feathers on the top of some seeds ; as the dandelion. Crowned. See coronatus. Cruciatim. Crosswise. Opposite pairs of branches or leaves successively crossing each other. See decussate. Cruciform. (Crux, a cross.) Corols with four pe- tals, whose lamina form across. Plants with such corols belong to the class tefradynamia. Cm 'st aceous. Leafy appearance, but consisting of small crusty substances lying one upon another. C U L Cryptogamia. (Kruptos, concealed $ gamtis, mar* riage.) The name of the last class in the Linnean Ar- tificial system. It includes those plants, whose sta- mens and pistils are too minute or obscure to be used as classic characters. This class is therefore distinguished by natural affinities ; and cannot be said to be artificial, though arranged with the other classes in the artificial system. It includes the na- tural families of 1. Filices, ferns; as brakes, poly- pods, maidenhair, ground-pine, scouring-rush, &c. 2. Musci, mosses ; as water-moss, earth-moss, fork- moss, great or hair-cap moss, &c. 3. Hepatim, liverworts — less common, except a few species. 4. Algce, seaweeds, &c. as the common weed about docks with blubbery swellings, and the green thread- form substance in brooks, which is not much like a vegetable substance in appearance. 5. Lichens; as the light green patches on fences and stones, the whitish spots on stones with black spangles ap- pearing like fly-dirt, the long fibrous substance common on trees, which is erroneously called tree- moss, &c. 6. Fungi ; as the common mushroom and toadstool, puffball, touchwood, mould, blight or rust on grain, smut, &c. All these are organ- ized substances bearing seeds, and are highly inte- resting subjects for the microscope. Cryptogamous. Belonging to the class cryptogamia. See phanerogamous. Cubit. A measure from the elbow to the end of the middle finger. Cuculatp. See cowled. Cucurbit aceous. Resembling gourds or melons. Culinary. Suitable for kitchen cookery. Culm, Cidmus. The stem of grain and grass, when dry it is usually called straw. It is ^applied to all' grassy plants ; as Indian corn, sedge, sugar cane, &o C Y P Culmiferous. Having culms. Gulmineous. Having an affinity to grasses, or culmi- ferous plants. Cumulus. Heaped. This term is also applied to that kind of clouds, which have a strait base and roundish heaped upper side. See Vellus. Cuneiforms See wedge-form. Cup-form. Hollow -within, resembling a little cup. Cupularis. Cup-form. Curled. When the periphery of a leaf is too large for the disk, it becomes waved or curled. Curved. Bent inwards. See incurved. Cuspidate. Having a sharpened point and that tip- ped with a bristle, a prickle, or lengthened apex, not curved. See mucrinate and observe the dis- tinction 5 also aecuminate. Cuticle. The thin outside coat of the bark, which has no life and is very durable, often transparent. It greatly resembles the scarf-skin of animals. Very distinct on elder, currant and birch 9 on one species of birch U resembles paper. Cyaneus. Blue. CyathifomUs. Wineglass-form. Cylindric, widen- ing gradually upwards, margin not revolute. Cylindric. A circular shaft, of nearly equal diame- ter throughout its whole extent. ijymbiformis. See boat-form. Cyme, cyma. Flowers umbel-like in their general external appearance. It agrees with an umbel in having its common stalks spring from one center ; but differs in having those stalks variously and al- ternately subdivided; as the elder (smnbucus.) Smith. Cymosus, cymose. Being in cymes. €uphellct. See pits. DEC D Dcedalius. The end broad, waving and torn. Dagger-pointed* See cuspidate. Debilis. Weak, feeble, lax. Decagynia. (Deka. ten ; gune, female.) Ten- styled. The name of the tenth order in each of the first thirteen classes. Let the class be which- ever of these it may, if the pistil consists of ten styles or sessile stigmas, it is of the 10th order. In North America there is not a native plant in this order, excepting poke-weed (phytolacca :) and in England there is none. Decandria. (Deka, ten; andra, male.) Ten-sta- mened. The name of the tenth class. It compri- ses all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with ten stamens in each, which are not united by their filaments in one or two sets. It is also the name of the tenth order in those classes, where the character of the first 13 classes are taken for orders ; as the geranium in the class ?nonadelphia } the pea (pisum) in the class diadel- phia, &c. Decaphyflus. Ten-leaved. Decenifidus. Cut into ten parts, or 10-cleft. Decemloculare. Ten-celled. Deciduous. Falling off in the usual season for simi- lar parts to fall; as leaves falling at the decline of the year; corols falling off at the time the stamens fall, &c. See caducous and permanent. Declined, declinatus. Curved downwards archwise. Decompound. decompositus. Doubly-compound. When a compound, or divided, petiole has a com- pound leaf on each part, the whole is a decom- pound leaf. The same with umbels, &c. See supra-decompositas. E DEL Uecorticabilis. Easily peeled. Decumbent, decumhens. When the base is erect, and the remainder is procumbent. It applies to stems, stamens, &c. Decurrent. When the two edges of a leaf extend downwards below the points of insertion and be- come projecting wings to the stem. The gills of agarics are decurrent, when they run down the stipe in a single ridge. Decursive. Decurrently. Decursively pinnate. .When the leafets of a pin- nate leaf run along the petiole^with their extended bases. Decussated, decussatus. When leaves or branches are opposite in pairs, and each pair stands at right angels with the next pair above or below on the same stem. Deflected, deftexus. Bending down archwise. Defloratus. Having discharged the pollen. Defoliation, defoliatio. The shedding of leaves in the proper season. Defoliatio notha. The shedding of leaves before the proper time, on account of injuries received. Dehiscent, dehiscentia. The natural opening of capsules in the proper season. Deliqyum. See debilis. Deltoid, deltoideus. A leaf with four corners ; that is, one at the stem, one at the apex, and one each side ; but the side ones are nearer to the base than to the apex. When the side angles are about as near to the apex as to the base, it is called a rhom- boid leaf. Both kinds are called diamond-form in English. Wildenow considers a deltoid leaf as a thick 3-sided leaf, a transverse section of which he supposes intended, as giving the deltoid form. See page 155. D E S Demersus. See submersed. Dense, densus. Close, compact. A panicle with abundance of flowers very close is dense. Sec thyrse. Dentate, dentatus. Toothed. leaf. (This term is of such almost unlimited extent, it is best defined negatively.) Projections from the margin of a leaf, which are of its own substance; and not serratures, nor crenatures. root. That kind of granulated root, which re- sembles teeth strung together. Denticulate. Having very small teeth. Denudate. Plants whose flowers appear I x the leaves, consequently have a naked appearand . Deorsum. Downwards. Depauperatus. Few-ilowered. Depmdens. Hanging down. Depressed. When the upper surface of a succulent leaf is a little concave. It applies to seeds also. Descendens. The entering of a root into the ground. The direction is vertical, as the beet ; horizontal, as the mint 5 oblique, as the branching roots of most trees. Descriptions of plants. In writing a complete de- scription of a plant, begin with the fructification, and describe : 1. Calyx. 2. Corol. 3. Stamens. 4. Pistil. 5. Pericarp. 6. Seed. 7. Receptacle. Then go through with the root and herbage, thus: 1. Root. 2. Stem and brandies. 3. Buds inclu- ding the foliation. 4. Leaves. 5. The appenda- ges; that is, Stipules, Bracts, Thorns, Prickles, Stings, Glands, Tendrils. To this add the Inflo- rescence. Then add the general appearance and size of the plant, and what well-known plant it most re- sembles. Give an account of the soil and situa- D I A tion where it grew; whether high or low, wet or dry — the precise time of flowering, colour of all parts, whether annual, biennial or perennial. Then close with the name of the town, country, &c. and what quantity of the same kind of plant is to be found there ; and what name the common people call it by, if any. Accompany this description with several specimens ; so selected as to exhibit the plant in all its parts. There can be no better exercise for student?, than to write several such descriptions every day. See Diagnosis. Deskcatio. Dryness. Dextrorsum. Twining from left to right; that is, with the apparent motion of the sun ; as the hop- vine. Piadelphia. (Dis, two; adelphos, a brother.) Two brotherhoods. The name of the seventeenth class. It comprises all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with the stamens uuited by their filaments in two sets. This was the character given the class by Linneus. But Lupines and others of this class have the stamens united in one set; which is the cha- racter of the Monadelphia class. The form of the corol has therefore been taken into the description by some writers, thus : Stamens united by their Jilaments in one, or two sets, carols papilionaceous. Diadelphous. Belonging to, or varying into, the class diadelphia. Diagnosis. A short description containing only what is essential. Linneus made it his rule, never to lc"l a specific description exceed twelve Latin words. Wildenow says, more must be added if necessary. It should extend no farther than to DID express the difference between that, and the other species. Diamond-form. See Deltoid. Diandria. (DiSy two ; andra, male.) Two stamen- ed. The name of the second class. It comprises all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with two sta- mens in each, not growing on the pistil. It is also the name of the second order in those clases where the characters of the first 13 classes are taken for orders ; as the ladies' slipper (cyp- ripedium) in the class gynandria, the duck-ineat (lemna) in the class moiwcia } willow (salix) in the class dicecia, Dichotomcus. Forked. Stem, &c. parted in pairs, each branch parted in pairs again, and so on. When it is parted but once it is more properly called forked, furcatus. Dicoccous. Two-grained. Consisting of two cohe- ring grains, or cells with one seed in each. Dicotyledonous. Plants with two cotyledons. See Cotyledon. Didymous, didyrna. Twinned. Didynamia. (Dis, two ; dunamiSy power.) Two over- topping or overpowering others. The name of the fourteenth class. It comprises all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with 4 stamens, two of which are regularly longer than, or overtopping, the other two. Plants of this class have labiate corols. But on account of adhering rigidly to the character of the class, some ringents are placed in the 2d class. The student should be directed to look in the second class, under the sections of ir- regular corols, when he has a ringent flower, whose generic character he does not readily find in the 14th class. £2 DIP Didynamous. Belonging to, or varying into the clr.ss didynamia. Difformis. Applied to a monopetalous corol whose tube widens above gradually, and is divided into irregular or unequal parts — Wildenow. It is also applied to any distorted parts of a plant. Diffused, diffusxis. Spreading. Expanded in an open loose manner. Digitate. Fingered. When the base of several leafets rest on the end of one petiole 5 as the straw- berry and fivefinger. Digynia. (Dis, two; gune, female.) Two-styled, the name of the second order in each of the first thirteen classes. It comprises all plants in each class respectively, whose flowers have two styles in each : or, if the styles are wanting, two sessile stig- mas: as the blite (blitum) in the class monandria; the sweet-scented grass (anthoxanthum) in the class diandria; wheat (triticum) in the class triandria ; witch-hazel (hamamelis) in the class tetrandria ; rice (oryzaj in class hexandria; pink (dianthus) in the class decandria; agrimoay (agrimonia) in the class dodecandria. Dilatatus. Expanded, widened. Dilute. Prefixed to a colour implies, that it is redu- ced; as dilute purpureus, pale purple Dimidiatus. See halved. Digecia. ( Dis, two ; oikos, house.) The name of the 22d class, or the 21st if the 18th be rejected. It includes those plants whose flowers are not per- fect ; but the stamens and pistils grow on differ- ent plants of the same species. The Hemp, Hop, Willow, and Poplar, are good examples. Dioecious, dioica. Belonging to, or varying into, the class diaecia. Dipetalous. Having 2 petals. D D DirHYLLors. Having 2 leaves. Discoid. Having a disk without rays. Such com- pound flowers as are wholly made up of tubular florets; that is, though they may have marginal florets differing from those in the disk in the essen- tial organs, yet the corois wiU be all tubular, and not capitate. Disk, discus. The whole surface of a leaf, or of the top of a compound flower, as opposed to its edge or periphery. This term is also applied to the ag- gregate florets of an umbel. Dispermus. Containing but two seeds. Dissectus. Gashed in deeply. Dissipimentum. See partition. Dissiliens. A pericarp is dissilient, when it bursts open with a spring; as the touch-me-not, (im- patiens.) Distans. Standing off remotely. Distichus. (Dis two stiehos row.) Two-ranked. When branches, leaves or flowers are arranged along opposite sides of the stem or spike, so as to point two opposite ways ; as the leaves of the hemlock tree (pinus canadensis.) Distinct, distinctus. Separate, opposed to connate or confluent. Divaricate, divarkatus. Branches spreading out from the stem so far, as to form more than a right angle with it above. Diverging, Divergens. Branches spreading out from the stem so far, as to form a right angle with it. Diumits. Enduring but a day. Divided, divisus. Severed into parts. Dodecandria. (Dodeka, twelve ; andra, male.) Twelve stamined. The name of the eleventh class. It comprises all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with from 12 to 19 stamens which are not D R U united by their filaments in one or two sets. En* decandria would seem to be the proper name for the 11th class. But there has not only never been a plant found, whose flowers uniformly contained 11 stamens ; but it is so contrary to all analogy of pails.it is presumed there is no such plant. Dodecandeous. Belonging to, or varying into, the class dodecandria. Dodecaphyllm. Having twelve leafets. Dodrans. Long span. Distance between the ends of the thumb and little finger, both being extended. Dolabriforme. See axe-form. Dorsal, dorsalis. Fixed to the back. Awns are dorsal, when proceeding from the outside of a glume and not from the tip. Dorsiferous. Bearing the fruit on the back; as. ferns. Dotted. Besprinkled with dots. See punctate and perforated. Double. Two in the place where most plants have but one ; as the double calyx of the holly-hock (althea.) Double-flowered. See full-flowered. Doubly. See duplicate. In English it has its com- mon appropriate meaning; as doubly-crenate > when the crenatures are crenated, &c. Doubly-pinnate. See bipinnate. Down or downy. See tomentose. Drooping. See cemuus. Drupe, drupa. That kind of pericarp which consists of a thick, fleshy, succulent or cartilaginous coat,, enclosing a nut or stone. It is berry-like (baocata) as in the cherry, or dry (exsucca) as in the walnut (juglans.) Drupaceous. Bearing drupes, or fruit resembling them. E G L &ubiiis. Doubtful. Dulcis. Sweet. Dumosus. Bushy, or resembling bushes. Duodectmjidiis* Cleft in 12 divisions. Duplex. Double. Duplicate. Doubly. This term is often prefixed to others, in all which cases it simply means doubly. As duplico-ternatum, doubly-ternate or biternate. Duplkatus. Doubled. Duration. Sec ages. to' E Eared. This term applies : 1st, to the round ex- tended, or appendaged lobes of a heart-form leaf: 2nd, to the side lobes near the base of some leaves: and 3rd, ta twisted parts, in some ferns and some liverworts, which are supposed to resemble the conchus, or passage into the ear. Ebracteatus. Without bracts. Eburneus. Ivory white ; as the whole plant monotropa, called beechdrops, or birdsnest. Ecalcuratus. Without a spur. Echinate, echinaius. Hedge-hog-like. Beset with erect prickles. Efflorescence. The powdery substance on some Lichens, composed of minute deciduous globules. Effloresccntia. Flowering season of different sorts of plants. More simple flowers come out in June than in any other month in North America. Ve- ry few compound flowers appear before August. Effoliation. Unnatural falling of leaves by means of improper culture, worms, &c. Egg-form, j See ovale. Eghtndulosus. Gland less. E N S Egret. See aigrette. Elastic. See dissiliens. Elliptic. Longer than wide, rounded at or near both ends, and nearly equal in breadth towards both base and apex. Elongated. Lengthened out, as if extended beyond what is usual in similar parts. Emarginate. Notched in the end at the termination of the midrib. See Retuse. Embracing. See clasping. Empalement. See calyx. End-bitten. See prannorsus. Enervate. Nerveless. Enneandria. (Ennea, nine ; andra, male.) Nine- stamened. The name of the ninth class. It com- prises all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with 9 stamens in each. The number of stamens are very variable in most plants in this class; particu- larly in the genus lanrus, including the common sassafras and spice-bush. It may also be the name of the ninth order in those classes where the characters of the first 13 classes are taken for orders ; should any discove- ries hereafter require it. Linneus' system is so contrived, that it not only provides for ail known plants ; but also assigns a place for all possible dis- coveries. Enneandrous. Belonging to, or varying into, the class enneandria. Enneapetalus. Nine-petalled . Enodis, enode. Knotless. Having no joints; as the bulrush. . Ensate, meatus. Having sword-form leaves. Ensiform. Sword-form. Two-edged, tapering from base to apex mostly, and a little arching towards one edge; as flag and cat-tail (Iris and Typha.) E X A Entire. Continued without interruption. A mar- gin of a leaf, calyx, corol, &c. is entire, when it is neither serrate, toothed, notched nor in any man- ner indented. Ephemerus. Of very short duration. Epicarpeus. On the germ. See superior. Epidermis. See cuticle. Epiphragma. A thin membrane stretched over the mouth of the moss, polytrichum. Equal. Similar parts equal among themselves. The calyx, corol, Sec. are equal, when the leafets, petals or subdivisions, are similar in form, size and direc- tion. Opposed to unequal. Equinoctial flowers. Opening at stated hours each day. Eqlitant. Opposite leaves embracing each other, so that they alternately enclose each others edges ; as the leaves near the roots of the Iris and yellow garden lilies (hemerocallis) ; also the position of the leaves in some unopened buds. Erect, ercctus. Upright. Not so perfectly straight and unbending as strictus. When applied to any thing latterally attached to the stem, as leaves, &c. it implies that it makes a very acute angle with it. Erectiasculus. Erectish. Ergot. See spurred rye. Erinaceus. Hedge-hog-like. See echinatus. Erose, erosus. Gnawed. Unequally sinuated, as if the sinuses had been eaten by insects. Esculent. Eatable. Essential character. See diagnosis. Essentials. The stamens and pistils. Evergreen. Such plants as retain their leaves throughout the year; as white pine, laurel, &c. Exannulate. Ferns whose capsules are without rings. This comprises one section of ferns. Those FAG which have an apparent vestige of, but not in re- ality, a ring, form another section. Those with a ring, another. See annulatus. Exaratus. See sulcate. Exasperatus. See roughened. Excavatus. Hollowed out. Exotic, exoticus. Plants not growing spontaneously in a wild state in that particular country, or sec- tion of a country. Expanded, expansus. Spread. Explanatus. Unfolded. Exsert, exsertus. Standing out. Stamens are ex- sert when protruded out of the corols. Peduncles of spikes in culminiferous plants are exsert, when protruded out of the sheaths 3 as carex folliculata and pubescens. Exstipulate. Without stipules. Exsiccus. Juiceless. Extimus. At the very top, or extreme end. Extrafoliaceous. Outside of the leaf A stipule is extrafoliaceous when it comes out a little lower than the leaf does. Extrorsum. Outwardly. Eye. See hilum. Fades. The general external appearance of a plant. Factitious character. An essential character, where the number of parts or some other circumstance, not of essential importance, are taken into it — Wil- denow. Artificial marks distinguishing one genus from another — Martyn. AVhat is not natural — R : chard. It admits of fewer or more character- istic marks, than are absolutely necessary — Milne. FAtf It serves to discriminate genera that happen t© come together in the same artificial order or sec- tion. It can never stand alone, but may some- times commodiously enough be added to more es- sential distinctions. — Smith. Falcate. See acinaciform. Families. See gentes. Faniculis umbiliatis. The small thread or pedicle by which seeds are fastened at the hilum, and by which they receive their nourishment, till ripe. Farcins. Stuffed, full. It is opposed to fistulous, hollow. Farina. See pollen. Farinosus. Mealy, powdery. Fasciatus. Having parallel bands, or coloured stripes. Fascicle, fasciculus. A bundle. Flowers level-top- ped, umbel-like in the general external appear- ance, with footstalks irregular in their origin and subdivision. The fascicle differs but little from the Corymb, excepting in having shorter footstalks, which do not extend so far down the main stem. Sweet-william (dianthus) is a good example. A bundle of tuberous roots is called a fascicle ; as the asparagus roots. Also a bundle of leaves ; as of the white pine. Fasciculate. An unnatural bundle of branchlets. Y xstigi ate, fastigiatus. Level-topped. Applied to aggregate flowers, which are elevated to an equal height or nearly so ; forming a level, convex or concave top, differing but little from a plane. It is also applied to leaves; as the hog- weed (am- brosia arteiuesiafolia.) Favosus. See alveolate. Faux. Jaws. The throat or opening into a corol. That precise spot, where the tubular' part of a riu- F F I L gent corol begins to separate or expand into lips or mouth, is the faux. Feather. See Aigrette. The plumose crown of seeds. Female, femineus. See pistillate. Fence. Involucre of Withering. Fenced. Walled around, as the stamens are by the scales in brookweed (samolus.) Fere. Almost. Ferns. See Alices. Ferruginous, ferrugiiuus. The colour of iron-rust. See glaucous. Fertile. See pistillate. Fertilization. The application of the pollen, which is formed in the cells of anthers, to the stig- ma ; which is essential to the production of per- fect seed. See chorion. Richard is too lengthy upon this subject for the .plan of this Dictionary ; which is intende4 for definitions and illustrations, but not for physiological discussions. Fetidus. Smelling disagreeably. Fibre, jibra. Any thread-form part. The small flexible thread-form roots of grasses and many other plants, are called fibres. F ibrous. Composed of fibres. Fiddle-form. See panduraeformis. Figura. See icones. Figuratum. This terin is applied to c the mouth of the capsule of a moss, when it is set round with mem- branaceous teeth. Filament, filamentum. That part of the stamen which is between and connects together the an- ther and the receptacle, calyx or pistil. When the filament is wanting, the anther is sessile. In monopetalous corols, the filaments are generally inserted into, or are attached to, their bases. FLO Ftlices, ferns. The first order of the class cryptoga- mia. It includes all that natural family of plants, whose fruit grows on the backs of leaves, on a pe- culiar appendage, or on a leaf (frond) wholly met- amorphosed into a kind of fruit-bearing spike. See cryptogamia, annulatus, and exannulatus. Brake, polypod, and maidenhair belong to this order. Filiform. Thread-like. Of nearly equal thickness throughout, round and cylindric. It is applied to spikes which are very long in proportion to their diameters. But it is generally confined to smaller parts. Fimbriatus. Fringed. Differs from ciliate in beiu c less regular and of coarser parts. Fimetarius. Growing naturally on manure-heaps. Fingered.- See digitate. Fissure. A cleft or slitted aperture. Fissus. See cleft. Fistulous. Hollow like a pipe, flute or reed. Flaccid, jlaccidiis. Too lax or limber to support its own weight. See lax. Flagellwn. See runner. Flagelliformis. Resembling a whip-lash. Flammeus. Flame-coloured. Flat. See planus. Flatus. Yellow. Fleshy. Thick and filled with pulp within. Flexible, Plexitis. Easily bent. Flexuose. Bending and frequently changing direo tion. A stem is flexuose, or zigzag, which uni- formly bends at regular intervals ; as from joint to joint, branch to branch, leaf to leaf, &c. Flexus. Bent. This relates to but one bending. See geniculate. Floating. See nalant. Floral. Relating to a flower. FLU — — bud. Containg an unopened flower. leaf. See bract. Floresccntia. See efflorcscentia. Floret. Little flower. Whether the flower he large or small, it is a floret, if it is one of a number all of which constitute an aggregate or compound. As the litle flowers which make up the head of a thistle, a head of wheat, the umbel of a carrot, &c. Floribundus. Abounding in flowers. Floriferous. Bearing flowers. A leaf is floriferous when a flower grows out of ils disk or margin. Florist. One whose employment is that of creating monsters; that is, double and various coloured corols ; as carnations, double roses, &c. These meet a more ready sale than the most interesting plants in their native state, among persons of a coarse unscientific taste. Such persons, to be con- sistent, should prefer the high coloured daubings of a sign painter, to the delicate touches of a Sav- age, a Trumbull, or a Vanderlin. Flos. See flower. F loscul ARyflosculosus. See tubulous. Flower. The stamens and pistils with their cover- ing. These two organs, or rather their anthers and stigmas, are essential to all plants. But the calyx, corol, and even nectaries when present, are parts of the flower. The flower is perfect with a single stamen and pistil. But if either of these be wanting, it is imperfect, however splendid and gay the corol, &c. as it can never bring forth perfect seed nor in any manner produce its kind. Raising plants from bulbs, roots, &c. is now known to be only an extension of the same individual, which will cease to grow, when it arrives to its stated limits. For this reason grafts from a kind of tree loner known and often transferred from tree to tree, F O sooner die of old age, than those taken from a kind later from the seed. It is for this rea- son also, that any kind of potatoe, however excel- lent, ceases to produce good crops, after being for 20 or 30 years extended by planting the root. 1 1 must be renewed from the seed from time to time, or become extinct. Smith says, " all other modes u of propagation [excepting by the seed] are but " the extension of an individual, and sooner or " later terminate in its total extinction." See page 240. Flowering season. See efflorescentia. Flower stalk. See peduncle. Fluviatilte. Growing naturally in rivers and brooks. Fold. Annexed to numerals denoting so often com- bined; as o-fold leaves, growing in fives, &c. Foliaceous. See ieafv. Foliaris cirrus. A tendril on a leaf. gemma. A bud containing leaves only. ¥ ohi ATWXjfoliatio. The manner in which unopened leaves are situated within the bud. The modes of foliation are : 1. Involute; 2. Resolute. 3. Ob- volute. 4. Convolute. 5. Imbricate. 6. Equi- tant. 7. Conduplicate. 8. Plaited. 9. Reclinate. 10. Circinal. See each in its proper place. Foliatus. Leafy. Folifents. Particularly adapted to bearing leaves* F oLWLE+f oliolum. See leafet. Foliosus. See leafy. Folium. See leaf. Follicle, Folliculus. A pericarp with one valve, which opens lengthwise on one side only ; as milk- weed (asclepias.) Fontinalis. Growing naturally about springs. Footstalk. See peduncle and petiole, it is put for both. F2 FRU poraminulosus. Pierced with many small holes. Forked. See dichotomous. Fornicatus. Arched. See vaulted. Fovea. A nectariferous cavity for the reception of honey. Fovilla. The fine substance contained in the parti- cles of pollen. When the ripe pollen comes in contact with the moist stigma^ it explodes and dis- charges the fovilla. Fragilis. Breaking easily and not bending. Frequens. Very common, or frequent. Frigidus. Growing naturally in cold countries. Fringed. See fimbriatus. Frond. An herbaceous, a leathery, a crustaceous, or gelatinous leaf, or somewhat of a leaf-like sub- Stance, from which or within which the fruit is pro- duced. It is applied exclusively to the class cryp- togamia — Smith. But formerly it was also applied to palms. Frondescentia. See leafing. Frondose. Frondosus. Leafy, or leaf-like. It is applied to mosses to distinguish them from liver' worts by Wildenow j who retains them in the same order. Frons. See frond. Frutescentia. Applied to palms and s«ach others as have a simple stem, and leaves only at top. Wil- denow, page 268. It is applied by Martyn to the time when veget- ables scatter their ripe seeds. Fructiferous. Bearing, or becoming, fruit. FRueTiFicATioN,/rMc^ca^i or a small glome. Glume, gluma. Consists of the scales or chaffs which surround or enclose the stamens and pistils in the flowers of grasses. The outer ones are called the calyx, the inner ones the corol. Each scale, chaff, or husk, is called a valve; which gives the names bivalve, with 2 husks or chaffs ; unfcale, with one$ &c. When several flowers are arranged along a ra- chis in a spikelet with a valve or two, or more) he- low the lowest flower) these are called the common or general calyx (gluma communis); and the glumes to each floret on the spikelet above is called partial (gluma partialis.) Richard says, glumes ought to be called bracts; as they are not properly either calyx or corol. Glumose. Having glumes. Glutinous. Having on some part more or less of adhesive moisture. Gnawed. See erose. Gongulus: A knot. It is applied tb & round; hard body, which falls off r.poli the death of the mother plant, and becomes a new one ; as in the funis. Wildenow. Gramina. The family of grasses. Scegcntes. But in a limited sense, the sedges, rush grasses, vilh the odd terminal leafet largest. M Maculatus. Spotted. Mane. See staminate. Manifestus. Very apparent. Many. Whenever there are more than are usually numbered of that kind; as we say, 1 -seeded, 2- seeded,. 3-seeded,4rseeded, many-seeded. Marctscens, or marcidus.* See withering. Marginatum. Having a margin dilVering in some measure from the disk. Margin, margo. The circumference or edge. See border. Maritimus. Growing naturally near the sea-boardi It may be extended several miles from the water. Marrow. See pith. Masculus. See staminate. Masked. Personate. See labiate. Mature, matunis. Full-grown, but not entered upon a state of decay. Measures. Proportion between parts is better than any measure. But when measures are adopted, they should be taken from parts of the hand and arm. Because the parts of plants vary about as much as the hand; and in adopting these mea- sures the same allowance should be made. 1. Line, the crescent at the root of the nail. About one-twelfth of an inch. 2. Nail (unguis.) Length of the nail. About half an inch. 3. Inch (pollex.) Length of the first joint of the thumb. 4. Palm. Breadth of the four fingers. About 3 MEL inches. 5. Short-span (spithama.) Distance between •ends of thumb and fore-finger. About 7 inches. Long-span (dodrans.) Distance between ends of thumb and little finger. About 9 inches. Foot (pes.) Distance between the point of the elbow and the second joint of the thumb. About 12 inches. Cubit (cubitus.^ Distance between the point of the elbow and of the middle finger. About IS inches. • Arm (brachium.) Distance between armpit and the end of middle finger. About 24 inches. Fatliom (orgya.) Distance between the ends of the middle fingers, when the arms are extended. Medicinal, medicinalis. Plants possessing principles sufficiently active to entitle them to a place among the materia medica. Many physicians daily tram- ple underfoot plants, which possess similar quasi- lies with those which they purchase from Europe, and often the very same plants; but being igno- rant of those botanical principles by which the names and properties of plants are ascertained, they are consequently ignorant of the absurdity. See qualities. Mediocris. Averaging in dimensions compared with other parts. See relative proportions. Mcdiits. In the middle. This term is used when one part is between the other parts, though sometimes much nearer one than the other ; as a braci is in the middle of tlie peduncle, when it is much nearer the flower than to the base of the peduncle. This name is sometimes given to species holding a mid- dle place between extremities, expressed bv the names of other species of the same genus. IMedula. See pith. Mellifera, Producing or containing honey. M O N Melligo. Honey-dew on leaves. Membranaceous. Made up, apparently, of the two plates of the cuticle, without any cellular integu- ment between them. Nearly transparent, very thin and colourless. Membranatus. Flattened and resembling a mem- brane. Mmsurct. See measures. Method, methodicus. A mode of arranging plants in classes, orders, &c. Richard has 14 pages on this head ; in which he gives the methods of Tour- ncfort and Linneus at length. But as we have given the method of Linneus under Systematic Terminology, and throughout the Dictionary; and as Tourneforfs method is no where adopted in this country ; this article is principally omitted. It may be observed that : Tournefort's Method Divides plants into herbs and trees. The HeRba< ous plants are divided into 17 classes. Fourteen of these are distinguished by the form of the corals ; as, 1. InfundibiUformis. 2. Personate, &c. The other 3 classes are apetalous and distinguished b\ having stamens, no apparent flowers, and no ap- parent seed. The Tree kinds are divided into classes. Midrib. The main or middle rib of a leaf rum from the stem to the apex. Miliaris. In the form of millet seed. Miniatus. Scarlet, vermillion colour. Minutissimus. Extremely small or minute. Molendinacea* Many winged. Mollis. Soft. Monadelphia, (Monos, one ; adelphos, brotherhood.) One brotherhood. The name of the 15th class. It comprises all plants, whose flowers are perfect Mt)N with the stamens united by their filaments in one set and the flowers not papilionaceous. It is alo the name of the 16th order in those classes, where the characters of the firt 13 classes are taken for orders. Though this is not of the first 13 classes ; yet it is adopted upon the same principle in the class monozcia and diozcia ; as the pine, white cedar, cucumber, squash, &c. in the former ; and red cedar, yew, &c. in the latter. Monadelphous. Belonging to^ or varying into, the class monadelphia. Monandria. (Monosyone ; andm, male.) One-sta* mened. The name of the second class. It com- prises all plants, whose flowers are perfect, with one stamen in each, not growing on the pistil. It is also the name of the first order in those -classes, where the characters of the first 13 classes are taken for orders j as the orchis and amthusa in the class gynandria. JVIoniliform. See granulate. Monobcia. (Monos, one; oikos, house.) The name -of the 21st class ; or the 20th, if the 18th be reject- ed. It includes those plants whose flowers are not perfect, but the stamens and pistils grow in differ- ent flowers on the same plant. As in the Indian corn, the stamens are in the tassels, and the pis- tils are the silks of the ear. IMoncecious, or monoicus. Belonging to, or varying into, the class moncecia. Monogtnia. (Monos, one; gune, female.) One- pistilled. The name of the first order in each of the first 13 classes. It comprises all plants in each class, .respectively, whose flowers have two styles in each ; or, if the styles are wanting, two sessile stigmas ; as samphire (salicornia) in the class mo- ■nandrid) lilac fsvringa) in diandria, Lis in trian- I MUC dria, plantain in tetrandria, mullein in pentandria? lily in hexandrin, horse-chesnut in heptandria^ laurel (Kalmia) in decandria, purslane in dodecandria } cherry in icosandria, popy in polyandria. Monopetalous. The whole corol in one piece. Sometimes it is so deeply parted, that it appears to be polypetalous until it is pulled off and closely ex- amined at the base. In most moropetalous corols the stamens are attached to the tube. They are divided into Bell-form, Funnel-form, Salver-form, Wheel-form, and Labiate, which see. Monophyllous. (Monos, one; phullon, a leaf.) One- leafed. A calyx all in one piece. All the calyxes in the class icosandria are of this kind. They are often so deeply divided, that a student may mis- take them for polyphylloug, without particular at- tention. Monopyremts. Enclosing but one nut or stone. Monospermus. One seed to a flower. Monostachyos. (Monos } one; stachus, spike.) Sin- gle spiked. Monstrous. Plants producing any part different from the same part, when growing wild. As the rose has but five petals in a wild state; but, by rich cultivation in gardens, the stamens are mostly changed to petals. Carnations and peony are ex- amples also. These are all monsters. See florist and full-flowered. Montanus. Growing most naturally on mountains. Moon-form. See crescent form. Mosses. See musci. Mouth. See faux. Mucidus. Resembling mouldiness, or mucor. MtrcRONATE, mucr&natus. Having a rounded end, tipped with a prickle; which often appears rather an extension of the midrib. M U T Mule, feee hybrid. Multangularis. Many-angled. Having several cor- ners or ridges. Mullicapsularis. Many-capsuled. Several capsules to each flower. Muliicaulis. Producing many stems. Multidentatus. Many- toothed. Multifidiis. Many-cleft. Maltiftorus. Many-flowered. Multilobus. Many-lobed. Multilocularis. Many-celled. Multipart itus. Many-parted. Multiplex. Many-fold. Plaving petals lying over each other in two rows. Multiplied, multiplicatus. See full-flowered. Multisiliquosus. Many pods proceeding from the same point. Multivalvis. A glume with many chaffs or valves. Multoties. Often times. Muniens. Leaves drooping down and hanging over the stem, &c. at night. Munitus. See fenced. Mubicate, muricatus. Armed with sharp spines. Covered with subulate prickles. Musci, mosses. The second order of the class cryp- togamia. All mosses have lids on the capsules. See crypto gamia. Muticus. See awnless. M. tilated, mutilaiiis. Not producing parts with their full complete forms. SAT N Xaked, Wanting a covering analagous to that o£ most plants. As stem without leaves, leaves with- out pubescence, corol without a calyx, seed with- out a pericarp, receptacle without chalF, pubes- cence, &c. Nanus, Dwarfish, very small. Nap. See tomentose. Napiformis. Resembling a turnip. Nat ant, na'ans. Floating. When the plant is fixed by the root at the bottom and its leaves float on the top of the water, as the pond lily, (nymphea.) Nations. See gentes. Natural character. The description of the parts of fructification at large ; without regard to any method: or at least so given as to be capable of being used under any method. See descriptions. Natural class. See natural orders. Natural history. That department of Science, which treats of the productions of nature as they come from the hand of the Creator ; without any decomposition or chemical analysis. It is generally divided into four branches. 1. Zoology. Which includes all animals : as Beasts, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Insects, Snails, Clams, Worms and Corals. 2. Botany. Which includes all plants. As Palms, Grasses, Lilies, Herbs, Trees, Ferns, Mosses, Liverworts, Seaweeds and Mushrooms. 3. Mineralogy. Which includes the unorgan- ized mass of our globe. As Pit-coal, Common salt, Flint, Lime, Clay, Iron-ore, Silver-ore, Lead-ore, with the ore of 26 other metals, &c. NAT 4. serology. Which include? the atmosphere and whatever floats in it. This takes in the natural history of lightning, meteors, &c. But it is moie particularly concerned with clouds as it respects systematic arrangement. There are so few simple structures among clouds, that it affords little room for system. It is very convenient, however, in writing the description of a storm, &c. to know* the few names applied to clouds. Simple Clouds. 1. Cirrose clouds, are those fibrous clouds which resemble flax as it is gradually pulled from the dis- taff. They ascend higher thau any other clouds \ often to the distance of 5 or 6 miles. 2. Cumuloxts clouds, are those blight shining clouds, which have the base nearly straight, and the upper side in roundish shining heaps. They are seen floating in the horizon in detached masses, generally in fair weather and after a rain. 3. FeWna clouds, are those fleecy clouds, which fly swiftly about the sky, with an open texture with- out any defined side or base. 4. Nimbose clouds, are those dense clouds, which ascend from the horizon, at first with heads like the cumulous, which soon shoot into cirrose branches extending towards the zenith. They generally bring thunder-showers. 5. Stratose clouds, are those stratified horizontal ranges of vapours, usually called fog. As soon as the sun shines upon them, they ascend, and gene- rally become cumulous clouds. Compound clouds. 6. Cirro-cumulous clouds, are those which are formed of cirrose clouds, by their becoming, as it were, knotted or curdled into small heaps; and these often continue to unite till the clouds become 12 NAT very extensive. As soon as cirrose clouds begin to> settle down towards the lower regions of the at- mosphere, they become cirro-cumulous. 7. Cirro-stratose, are those stratified masses seen above the horizon often at evening. They are al- so the clouds which shroud the sky in a steady set- tled rain. They are formed out of most of the simple kinds; but as they have a stratified form ; often with cirrose extremities, they are called cir- ro-stratose. 8. CumulO'Stratose, are more rare; but a cirro- stratose is sometimes combined with a cumulous- like cloud, and extends upwards spreading out to great extent above ; and standing, as it were, upon a stem in the horizon. It is sometimes called a mushroom-cloud. Natural Orders. An arrangement of plants ac- - cording to their natural affinities, without regard- ing their artificial characters. Such an arrange- ment is of great use both in finding*, out a plant, and in examining its relations and qualities. It is considered advisable to insert here the two celebrated systems of Linneus and Jussieu. For this Dictionary is intended as an assistant in reading any system, which may fall into the hands of a student; and after he has found out a plant, he may be desirous to examine it by these systems. Linneus supposes (Rose, Milne and others follow his opinions, and Cullen in some measure,) that plants of the same natural order possess similar medical qualities. But the scent of plants must certainly be taken into consideration ; as all nau- ceous scented umbelliferous plants are poisonous, while the sweet-scented are pleasant stomachics, &c. See qualities. The medical qualities are annexed from ftlilne, Woodyille, Thornton and NAT NATURAL ORDERS OF LINNE US'. others, that the student may avail himself of what- ever advantage can be derived from such natural affinities* " Several plants characterized by a " particular virtue, possess it to such a degree of u strength or weakness, that we may reasonably " expect very different effects from this difference " of intensity in the same quality." Milne. Natural Orders op Linneus. 1. Palmj?. Palms and their relatives ; as Co- coanut, Frog's bit. Farinaceous diet. 2. Piperita. Pepper and its relatives. In crowded spikes ; as Indian-turnip, sweet-flag. Ionics and stomachics. 3. Calamarle. Reed-like grasses, with culms without joints 5 as cat-tail, sedge. Coarse cattle fodder. 4. Gramina. The proper grasses with jointed culms; as Wheat, Rye, Oats, Timothy grass, In- dian corn. Farinaceous diet and cattle fodder. 5. Tripetaloide.e. Corol 3-petalfed or calyx 3-leaved ; as Water plantain, Rush grass, Arrow- head- 'Tonics and rough cattle fodder. 6. Ensat-E. Liliaceous plants with sword- form leaves; as Iris, Blue-eyed grass, Virginian spiderwort. Antiscorbutics and Tonics. 7. Orch.idejE. With fleshy roots, stamens on the pistils, pollen glutinous, flowers of singular structure with the germ inferior; as Ladies'-slip- per, Arathusa. Farinaceous diet -and Stomachics. 8. Scitamine.e. Liliaceous corols, stems her- baceous, leaves broad, germen blunt-angular;, as Ginger, Turmeric Warming stomachics. 9. Spathace>e. Liliaceous plants, with spathesj. NAT NATURAL ORDERS OP LIXNEUS. as Daffodil, Onion, Snow-drop. Secernent stimu- lants. 10. ConexARiJE. Liliaceous plants without spathes; as Lily, Tulip, Star-grass. The nau- ceous scented are antiscorbutic and 'cathartic, the others Emollient. 11. SarmentacE/E. Liliaceous corols with very weak stems; as Smilax, Asparagus, Bell-wort. Tonics and Secemant stimulants. 12. OLERACE/Ti;, or IIolerace.e. Having flow- ers destitute of beauty, at least of gay colouring ; as Beet, Blight, Pig-weed, Dock, Pepperage. If naceous, Cathartic; others, mild stimulants and mitrientics. 13. Succulents. Plants with very thick succu- lent leaves ; as Prickly-pear, House-leek, Purslain. Antiscorbutic and Emollient. 14. Geuixales. Corols with five petals, cap- sules beaked; as Flax, Wood-sorrel, Crauebill. Tonics and Refrigerants. 15. Inundata. Growing under water and having flowers destitute of beauty; as Hippuris, Pond-weed. Astringents. 16. Calyciflorje. Plants without corols, with the stamens on the calyx; as Poet's cassia, Seed buckthorn.. Astringents and Refringerants. 17. Calycanthemje. Calyx on the germ or growing to it, flowers beatiful ; as Willow-herb, Ludwigia, Oenothera. Astringents. 18. Bicornes. Anthers with two strait horns ; as Whortleberry, Spicy and bitter Wintergreen, Laurel. Astringents. 19. Hesperides. Sweet-scented, leaves ever- NAT NATURAL ORDERS OF LINNEUS. green; as Myrtle, Cloves, Mock-orange. As* tringent and stomachic. 20. Rotacee. Corols wheel-form ; as Gentian, St. John's wort. Tonics. 21. Precis. Plants with early spring flowers of an elegant specious appearance; as Primrose. Astringents. 22. Caryophyllee. Plants with caryophyllous corols; as Pink, Cockle. Astringent and ♦Secer- ned stimulants. 23 Trihilate. Flowers with 3 stigmas, cap- sules inflated and winged, and generally 3-seeded with distinct hilums; as Nasturtion, Hbrse-ches- nut. Tonics and Nutrientics. 24. Corydales. Corols spurred or anomalous ; as Fumalory, Touch-me-not- Narcotic and Anti- scorbutic. 25. Putaminee. Plants which bear shell-fruit ; as Caperbush. Detergent and Antiscorbutic. 26. Multisilique. Having several pod-form capsules to each flower; as Columbine, Larkspur^ Rue, American cowslip. Cathartic and Caustic. 27. Rhozadee:. Plants with caducous calyxes, and capsules or siliques; as Poppy, Bloodroot, Celandyne, Anodyne and Antiscorbutic. 28. Luride. Corols lurid, mostly monopetalous ; flowers Pentandrous, or Didynamous with cap- sules; as Tobacco, Thorn-apple, Nightshade, Fox- glove. Narcotic and Antiscorbutic. 29. Campanacea. Having bell-form corols, or those whose general aspect is somewhat bell-form ; as morning glory, Bell-flower, Violet, Cardinal flower. Cathartics and Secernant stimulants. N A T NATURAL ORDERS OF LINNEUS. 30. Contort e. Corols twisted or contorted ; as Milk-weed, Periwinkle, Choak-dog. Cathar- tics and Antiscorbutics. 31. Veprecul-e. Having monophvllous calyx- es, coloured like corols; as Leatherwood, Thesium. Antiscoi'butic and Emetic. 32. Papilionace.e. Having papilionaceous flowers; as Peas, Beans, Locust tree, Clover. Emollient, Diuretic, "Nidrientic. 33. Lomentace.e. Having legumes or loments, but not perfect papilionaceous flowers; as Cassia, Sensitive plant. Emollient, Astringent, Cathartic. 34. Cucurbitace^e. Fruit pumpkin-like, an- thers mostly united; as Melons, Cucumbers, Pas- sion-flower. Cathartic and Refrigerant. 35. Senticos.e. Prickly or hairy, with Poly- petalous corols and a number of seeds either na- ked or slightly covered; as Rose, Raspberry, Strawberry. Astringent and Refrigerant. 36. PoMACEiE. Having many stamens on the calyx, and drupaceous or pomaceous fruit; as Pear, Currant, Cherry, Peach. Refrigerants. 37. Column ifere. Stamens united in the form of a column; as Plollyhoc, Mallows, Cotton. Emollient. 38. Tricoccte. Having 3-celled capsules; as Castor oil plant, Spurge, Box. Cathartic. 39. Siliquose. Having siiique pods; as Cab- bage, Musfard, Shepherd -purse, Diuretic, Anti- scorbutic, Nidrientic. 40. Personate. Having personate corols : as Snapdragon, Monkey-flower. Diolstruents and Cathartics. NAT NATURAL ORDERS OF LINNEUS. 41. Asperifolle. Corols monopetalous, with o stamens, seeds 4, naked, leaves rough ; as Com- frey, Stone-seed (lithospermuni.) Astringents and Diobstnients. 42. Verticillata. Having Labiate flowers; as Sage, Thyme, Catmint, Motherwort. Sto- machics and Astringents. 43. Dumosj:. Bushy pitliy plants with small flowers, petals in 4 or 5 divisions; as Sumach, El- der. Holly. Tonic and Cathartic. 44. Sepiari^. Having mostly tubular divided corols with few stamens ; being ornamental shrubs ; as Lilac, Jasmine. Astringent. 45. Umbellatje. Flowers in umbels with 5-pe- t ailed corols, stamens 5, styles 2 and 2 naked seeds; as Fennel, Dill, Carrot, Poison-hemlock. Sto- machic and Narcotic. 46. Hederaceje. Corols 5-cleft, stamens 5 to 10, fruit berry-like on a compound raceme; as Grape, Ginseng, Spikenard. Tonics and Refri- gerants. 47. Stellate. Corols 4-cleft, stamens 4, seeds 2, naked, leaves mostly whorled ; as Bedstraw, Dogwood, Venus' pride. Tonics and Diolsfments. 48. Aggregate, Having aggregate flowers; as Button-bush, Marsh-rosemary. Tonics and Sc- cernant stimulants. 49. Composite. All the compound flowers; as "Sun-flower, Boneset, Tansey, Thistle. Tonics and Secemant stimulants. 50. AmektAceje. Bearing pendant amenls: as Hazle, Oak, Chesnut, Willow. Astringents. 51. Conifers. Bearing strobiles; as Pine. Ju- niper, Cedar. Tonics and Stomachics, NAT NATURAL ORDERS OF JUSSIEU, 52. Coadunata. Several Berry-like pericarps, ■which are adnate; as Tulip-tree, Magnolia. Tonics. 53. Scabrida. Leaves rough, flowers destitute of beauty; as Nettle, Hemp, Hop, Elm. Astrin- gents* 54. Miscellanea. Plants not arranged by any particular character ; as Pond-lily, Pokeweed, Amaranth. Their qualities are various. do. Filices. All&rns; as Brakes, Maidenhair. ■Secernant stimulants. 56. Musci. All mosses; as Polytrychum. Ca- thartics and Secernant stimulants. 57. Alga. All Liverworts, Lichens and Sea- weeds; as Jungermannia, Fucus, Usnea. Tonics. 58. Fungi. Allfungusses; as Mushroom, Toad- stool, Puffball, Touchwood, Mould. Tonics and Cathartics. Natural Orders of Juss-ieu. Jussieu's System is a very great improvement upon that of Linneus. But I have seen no attempt at giving the medical qualities of each order. Ac- cording to the maxim of Linneus and others, the student has only to acquaint himself with the vir- tues of one or two plants, in order to be able to form some general opinion of all other plants in that order. -1st Division. Seeds xoithout lobes or cotyledons. 1. Fungi. Allfungusses. As Mushroom, Toad- stool, Puffball. 2. Alga. 'Lichens ttnd Seaweeds. As Ulva, Usnea. 3. Hepatic a. Liverworts. As Anthoceros, Jungermannia. NAT NATURAL ORDERS OF JUSSIEU. 4. Musci. Mosses. As Hypnum. 5. Filices. Ferns. As Pol/pod, Brake, Maiden- hair. 6. Naiades. Water plants. As Pondweed, Maretail. 2nd Division. Seeds icith a single lobe, or one cotyledon. 7. Aroide.e. Indianturnip-like. As Skunk- cabbage, Sweet-flag. 8. Typh,e. Cattail-like. As the Burr-reed. 9. Cyperoid^e. Cyperus-like. As Sedge, Club- rush, Bog-rush. 10. Gramine.e. The proper grasses. As Wheat, Oats, Timothy-grass, Indian-corn. 11. Palm*. Palm-like. As Cocoanut, Ground- rattan, Palmetto. 12. Asparagi. Asparagus-like. As Smilax, Solomon-seal, Yam. 1-3. J[ xci. Rush-like. As Arrow.-grass, Vir- ginian Spiderwort. 14. LiLiACEiE. Lily-like. As Tulip, Dogtooth- violet. 15. Bromelia. Pineapple-like. As Agave, False moss. 16. Asphodeli. Asphodel-like. As Hyacinth. Onion, Star-of-Bethlehem. 17. Narcissi. Daffodil-like. As Star-gra*s, Pickerel-weed, Sea-Daffodil. IS. Irides. Ins-like. As Blue-eyed-grass, 19. Mus^e. Banana-like, No common ex- ample. 20. Cann.e. Indianreed-like. As Ginger. NAT NATURAL ORDERS OF JUSSIEU. 21. Orchideje. Orchis-like. As Ladies' Slipper. Neottia, Cymbidium. 22. Hydrocharides. Frogbit-like. As Water- lily, Pond-lily. 3d Division. Seeds with two lobes , or two cotyledons. 23. Aristolochi^:. Birthwort-like. As Asarum. 24. jEleagni. As Pepperage, Sea-buckthorn. 25. ThymelejE. As Leather wood. 26. Prote.e. Silvertree-like. No common example. 27. Lauri. Camphor-like. Sassafras, Spice- bush. 28. Polygoneje. Buckwheat-like. As Water- pepper, Dock. 29. Atripltces. Orache-like. As Pigweed, Pokeweed, Blite, Saltwort. 30. Amarantiii. Cockscomb-like. As Chaft- ■weed, False-knotgrass. 31. Plantagines. Plantain-like. As Ribwort. 32. Nyctagines. As Hog weed 33. Plumbagines. Leadwort-like. As Marsh- rosemary. 34. Lysimachle. Loosestrife-like. As Prim- rose, Brookweed. 35. Pediculares. Lousewort-like. As Milk- wort, Speedwell, Painted-cup. 36. Acanthi. Bearbreach-like. As Malabar- nut. 37. Jasmines. Jasmine-like. As Lilac, Ash. 88. Yitices. Chastetree-Hke. As Vervain. 39. Labiate. Ri^ent-flowered plants. As Sage, Mint, Motherwort. • 40. Scrophulari^:. Figwort-like. As Hedge- hyssop, Snapdragon. NAT rCRAL ORDERS OF JPSSIEU. 41. Solaxe.e. Nightshade-like. As Tobacco, Thorn-apple. 4'2. BoragixE *:. Borage-like. As Comfrey, iecJ, Turnsole. 43. Convolvuli. Bind weed-like. As Dodder, Cypress-vine. 44. Polemonia. Grcekvalerian-likc. As Phlox, Cantua. 45. Bicxoxle. Trumpetflower-like. As Ca~ talpa-tree, Snakehead. 46. Gentiana. Gentian-like. As Piukroof, False-gentian. 47. Apocynejb. Dogbaue-likc. As Milkweed, Choak-dog. 48. Sapota. As Bomelea. 49. Guaiacanjk. Lignumvitae-like. As Date- plumb, Silverbell. 50. Rhododexdra. Rosebay-like. As Laurel* Wild-honeysuckle. 51. Erice. Heath-like. As Spicy-wintergreen, Benrberry, Crow berry. 52. Campanulace/e. Bellflower-like, As Car- dinal-flower. 53. Cichorace.s. (Compound.) Endive-like. As Lettuce, Dandelion, Hawkweed. 54. Cinarocephal/e. (Compound.) Bearing head- form flowers. As Burdock, Thistle, Bluebottle. 55. Cory.mbifer^. (Compound.) Corymb-bear- ing. As Yarrow, Wormwood, Fleabane. 56. Dipsace*. Teazel-lil^e. As Valerian. 57. Rubiace,e. Madder-like. As Button-bush, Bed-straw, Partridge-berry. 58. Caprifolia. Honeysuckle-like. As Dog- wood, Elder, Snow-ball. NAT- NATURAL ORDERS OF JUSSIEU. •50. Arali.e. Spikenard-likc. As Ginseng. 60. Umbelliferje. Bearing umbels. As Fen- nel, Angelica, Carrot, Celery. 61. Kanunct lace^e. Crowfoot-like. As Wind- flower. Larkspur, Virgin's bower. 62. Paperaceje. Poppy-like. As Fumitory, Bloodroot, Celandine. 63. Crucjfer.e.j Bearing cruciform flowers. jLs Mustard, Watercress, Shepherd-purse. 64. Capfarides. Caperbush-like. As Sundew, Parnassus-grass. 65. Sapindi. Soapberry-like. As Heart-seed. 66. Acera. Maple-like. As Horse-chcsnut. 67. Malpighije. As Mylocarium. 68. Hyperica. John's-wort-like. As Asarum. 69. Guttifer.e. Bearing secreted drops. As the Balsam tree. 70. Aurantia. Orange-like. As the Lime tree. 71. jMelia. Beadtree-like. As Mahogany tree. 72. Vites. Grape-hke. As American ivy vine. 73. Gerania. CranebilMike. AsWoodsoncl. 74. Malvaceae. Mallows-like. As Hollyhock, Cotton. 75. Magnolee. Magnolia-like. As whitewood, A nice-tree. 76. Annonje. Papaw-like. As Porcelia. 77. Menisperma. Moonseed-like. As Schisan- dra, Wendlandia. 78. Berberides. Barberry-like. AsWitchha- zel, Pappose-root. 70. TiLiACEyE. Basswood-like. As Linden- tree. 80. Cisti. Rockrose-like. As violet. 81. Rutage.e. Rue-like. As Caltrops. NAT NATURAL ORDERS OP JUSSlEU. 82. Caryophyllej:. Pink-like. As Cockle, Flax, Catchfly, Sandwort. 83. Semper viva. Liveforever-like. As Stone- crop, Virginian orpine. 84. Saxipraga. Saxifrage-like. As Allum- root, Tiarella. 85. Cacti. Pricklypear-like. As Currant. 86. Portulaccej;. Purslane-like. As KnaweJ, Claytonia. 87. Ficoidea. Fig-like As Sesuvium. 88. Onagri. As Enchanter's Nightshade, Willowherb. 89. Mtbtus. Myrtle-like. As Mock-orange, Pomegranite. 90. Melastomjs. As Deergrass. 91. Salicarl-e. As grass-poly, Isliardia, Glaux. 92. Rosacea. Rose-like. As Thorn, Plumb, Pear, Strawberry. 93. LeguminosA. Bearing Legumes. As Pea, Clover, Locust-tree. 95. Terebinthi. Terpentine-like. As Wal- nut, Sumach. 95. Rhamni. Buckthorn-like. As New-Jer- sey-tea. 96. Euphorbia. Spurge-like. As Box, Palmi- christi. 97. Cucurbitace*:. Pumpkin-like. As Melon, Balsam- Apple. 98. URTiCiE. Nettle-like. As Hemp, Hop, Mulberry-tree. 99. Amenta ce*:. Bearing pendant aments. As Oak, Willow, Beach. 100. Comperjs. Bearing strobiles, or cones- As Pine, Juniper, Cedar. K 2 NIT Navelled. See umbilicatus. Navicularis. See boat-form. Necessaria, polygamia. The fourth order of the class syngenesia. Florets of the disk staminate, of the ray pistillate. The disk florets seem to be perfect at first view ; but on a close examination they are found without stigmas. The iva (a saltr marsh plant) is a good example. Neck. The upper part of the tube of a corol. Nectariferous. Bearing nectaries. Producing honey. Nectary, .nectarium. That part of a flower, which secretes honey. It is either a distinctliorn, gland, spur, scale, cup, &c. or the claw or some other part of the corol secreting honey. This name is applied to any appendage to the flower, which has no other name. IXemerosus. Growing naturally in groves, where the under brush are cleared away. Nerved, mrvosus. Leaves are nerved, when they have rib-like fibres running from the base towards the apex. In numbering nerves for a specific character, the midrib is counted with the lateral nerves. Neutral* Having neither stamens nor pistils, con- sequently barren ; as the ray-florets of the Sun- flower. Ni c ke d . See emargi n ate. Nidtdans. Nesting. When seeds are placed in cot- ton, &c. as in a nest. Niger. Black. Nigricans. Blackish, sooty. Nigro-cmmlins. Dark blue. Nisus fofmativus. That principle of vital energy, which tends to restore lost or injured parts. Nitidus. Glossy, glittering. OBL Niveus. Snow-white. Nodding. See nutans. T&dus. See knot. Nomen, name. See generic name and specific name. Notched. See crenate. Nubilus. Grey and white, cloudy. Resembling cu- mulous clouds. See cumulous. Nwcamentum. See Anient . Nucleus. Nut or Kernel. The inner seed or kernel is properly the nucleus ; and its hard shell is the putamen. But the whole including, both putamen and nucleus, is the nut, mix. Nudus. See naked. Nudiusculwt. Nakcdish. Nullum. None. Numerosi. Many. An indefinite number. Humerus. A determinate number. Nut, nux. See nucleus. Nutans. Nodding. When above half of whatever it is applied to droops or hangs down. See pendulus. Nutatio. The various inclinations of the parts arising from the effect of the Suirsrays. O Oh, obverse. Reversed or inversed. Often com- bined with ovate, cordate, &c. as obcordate, in- versely heart-form. Obconic. Conic with the points, or apex, downwards. Obcordate. Heartform, with the apex next to the stem, or place of insertion. Oblique, obllquus. A position between horizontal and vertical ; or between perpendicular and the plane of the base. It is also applied to leaves, petals, calyxes, &c. which are, as it were, cut OCT obliquely ; or whose bases are shorter on one side than on the other. Oblong, oblongus. Having the length twice ^Dr more than that of the breadth, with the opposite sides somewhat parallel. Oblongiuscuhis. Somewhat oblong. Oboval, obovalis. If it differs at all from obovate, it must be more nearly oval — having the ends nearer equal in width. Obovate. Ovate, with the narrowest end towards the stem, or place of insertion. Obscure. Obscurely. Obsolete, obsoletely, obsohtus, obsolete. When teeth, notches, serratures, &c. are obscure and ap- pear as if worn out. Obtuse. Obtusely. Obtuse. See obtusus. Obtuse-aaaninalus. Blunt with a small point. Obtusiusculus. Obtusish. Obtusus, obtuse. Ending bluntly, or in an apex more or less rounded. Obversus, obverse. See ob. Obvolute, obvelutus. A term in foliation; applied to leaves where two opposite ones areconduplicate, with one edge of each leaf between the edges of the other. Occlusus. Closed. Ochrea. A roll, or cylindric sheath, around the base of the peduncle in some species of cyperus. Octandria. (Octo, eight ;andra, male.) Eight-stamei:- ed. The name of the eighth class. It comprises all plants whose flowers are perfect, with eight stamens m each, not growing on the pistil nor united by their filaments in one or two sets. It is also the name of the eighth order in these classes, where the characters of the first thirteen ORB classes arc taken for orders. As pohjgala in the class Diadelphia. Octandrous. Belonging to, or varying into, the class octandria. Octqfidus. Eight-cleft. Octogynia (Oc/o, eight: gune, female.) Eight-styled. The name of the eighth order ill each of the first thirteen classes. It comprises all plants in each class respectively, whose flowers have 8 styles in each ; or if the styles are wanting, 8 sessile stigmas. But there are no plants of this order yet discovered. Octoloadaris. 8-ceiied. Octopetahis. 8-petal'ed f OctophpUus. 8-leaved. Odoratus. Scented, odorous. Officinalis. Such plants as are sold in the shops for some use, either m medicine or the arts. One-sided. Flowers, &c on one side of a stem, &c. Opaque, opacus. Neither transparent nor shining. Opcrculatus. Having a lid. Operculum. The lid or covering on the capsules of mosses. This is generally covered by the calyptre when young. After the calyptre is gone and the seeds are ripe, the lid falls also. This term is also applied to the covering of other capsules, re- sembling the lids of mosses. Opposite, oppositus. Standing at the same height with base against base, on different sides of a stem. Opposite. Oppositely. Oppositifolius. Set opposite to the base of a leaf j as some peduncles and stipules are placed. Opposite-pinnatm. : Leafets of a pinnate leaf set oppo- site to each other. Orbicularis. Nearly circular. Orbillw. See orb. PAL Orrs. That kind of receptacle of Hcbens/whicu is flat, orbicular and dilated, of the substance of the frond, terminal, pe'tnte, Without a border, but often surrounded with radiating shoots. The mem- brane, or disk, under which the seeds arc lodged, is smooth, nearly of the colour of the frond. Spu- rious orbs bordered like shields or spangles when young, are sometimes found in the genus cornicula- ria. Smith. Orchideous corol. Like the orchis ; having 4 arched petals, and the fifth longer. Orgya. Fathom. See measures. Orifice. Any hole or opening into a capsule, co- rol, &c. Os. See faux. Oval, oralis. The length exceeding the breadth in any proportion, with the two ends of an equal breadth, curvature and form, or nearly so; the sides curving from end to end. Ovate. Egg-form. The length exceeding the breadth in any proportion, one end exceeding the oilier in breath ; the sides curving from end to end* Pagina. The surface of a leaf. The Upper surface is pagina superior; the lower surface, pagina in- ferior. Palate. A prominence, process or elevation in the lower lip of a labiate corol, which tends more or less to close the throat. Palea. See chaff. Paleaceous. See chaffy. Palmate, palmatus. Divided deeply and spreading, so as to resemble the hand with spread fingers. PAR When the divisions arc very narrow and almost down to the stem of a leaf, it is called jiedate, from its supposed resemblance to a bird's foot. Some pedate leaves arc hardly connected at all at the base, and almost run into the compound digitate leaf. Palustris. Growing naturally in swamps and marshes. Pandurcvformis. Guitar-form, or fiddle-form. Ob- long, broadish,jiear the base and contracted near the sides. Panicle, panicula. When the peduncles, along the sides of the main peduncle of a raceme, are di- vided, it takes the name of panicle; as oats. But if it is still in a close, compact form, it is called a thyrse, as the lilac. Panicled, panicuJatus. Disposed in the form of a panicle j or bearing panicles. Papilionaceous. (Papillio, a butterfly.) Butterfly- form ; as the pea-flower. When complete, it con- sists of the banner , the upper petal which generally spreads over or above the others ; the icings, the two side petals, next below the banner; the keel. the lower boat-form petal, generally enclosing the stamens and pistil. It is sometimes called ihe pea- bloom, flower. Papillose, papillosus. (Papilla, a. njpj? te.) Covered with fleshy points or protuberances. See verrucose. Pafpose, papposus. Bearing pappus or aigrette. Pappus. See aigrette. Papulose, papulosus. (Papula, a pimple.) Pimply, bladdery or blistered. Parabolic. Conic, with the top rounded off, con- siderably below where it would terminate in the apex, if completed in the conic form. Parallel, parallellm . Two lines or opposite sides, running nearly equal distances fr©m each other. PAT The opposite edges of a leaf are parallel when the leaf is linear. Parasitic. Drawing support from another plant. Growing out of another; as the dodder. Parenchyma. A succulent vegetable pubescence ; as the thick part of leaves between the opposite cuti- cles, the substance around the pith of herbs, the pulpy part of apples, &c. Partes primaries. The three pri mary parts of a veget- able are : 1. The root, or descending part. 2. The herbage, or ascending part, except ; 3. Thejiructi- Jication, comprising the flower and fruit. Partial, partialis. Particular, not general. Ap- plying to an entire part of a general whole. The perianth, involucre, petiole, &c. of one floret, or of a separate part of all the florets, which with others constitute a compound or aggregate. The perianth, involucre, &c. to the whole is called gen- eral or universal. Partible, partibilis* Easily separating into partis. Bipartible, into 2 parts. Tripartible, into 3 parts, &c. Partition. The membrane, &c. which divides pericarps into cells. It is parallel, when it unites with the valves, where they unite with each other. It is contrary or transverse, when it meets a valve in the middle, or in any part -not at its suture, or juncture with another. Parted, partitus. Deeply divided, almost to the base. Patellulce. See spangles. Patens. Spreading so as to form a moderately acute angle ; considerably less than a right one, or a square. Patmtissimus. Spreading almost to a right angle. PEN Fatulus. Somewhat spreading. Open, loose. Fauci. Few in number. Fauciflorus and paucif alius. Few-flowered and few- leaved. Pea-bloom. See papilionaceous. Pectinate, pectinatus. So finely pinnate or pinna- tifid as to resemble the teeth of a comb. Fedalis. About a foot high. Pedate, pedatus. See palmate. Pedatifid, pedatifidus. Nearly the same as pedate 5 perhaps hardly so deep-cut. Pedicel, pedicellus. A partial peduncle. Pedicelled, pedicellatus.. Having a pedicel. - Peduncle. See pedunculus. Peduncled, peduncidatus. Having a peduncle. Fcduncularis. Appertaining to, or fixed on, a peduncle. Feduncuhis, peduncle. The stem bearing the llower and fruit, which Coes not spring naked from the root. Those which spring immediately from the root without leaves, are called scape. As the dan- delion has a scape, the apple a peduncle. "Pellicle, pellicula. A thin membrane-like sub- stance. The close covering of some seeds; some- times it is a little mucilaginous or downy. VeltcR. See targets. Peltate, peltatus. Having the petiole attached to the under side of the leaf. In all cases of leaves and fiat stigmas, when the petiole or style is at- tached to the disk instead of the margin, they are peltate; as the leaf of nasturtion and the stigma of the yellow water lily. Pendant. Hanging down. Pendulous. When the whole of the part droops, or hangs down. Pencil-form, pencilformis. Shaped like a painter's pencil, or little round paint-brush. L PER Pentacoccus. A 5-grained capsule. Pentagonal, pentagonus. Fi ve-cornered . Pentagynia. (Pente, five; gune, female.) Five- styled. The name of the sixth order in each of the first thirteen classes. Plants of either of these classes with five style or sessile stigmas are of the fifth order of such class. As Spikenard and Flax of the 5th class, Woodsorrel and Cockle of the 10th class, Apple of the 12th class, Columbine of the 13th class. Pentandria. (Penta, five; andra, male.) Five- stamened. The name of the fifth class. It com- prises all plants, whose flowers are perfect and do not grow on the pistil, and have five stamens to each flower. Pentandrous. Belonging to, or varying into, the class pentandria. Pentapetalus. 5-petaled. Pentaphyllus. 5-leaved. Perennial, perennis. Continuing more than two years. Perexilis. Slender. Perfect flower. Having both stamens and pistils. Perfoliate, perfoliatus. Perforating a leaf. Hav- ing the stem running through the leaf. But the leaf is not formed by the union of opposite bases, as in the boneset (eupatorum) ; for in this case the leaves are connate. Perfoliate is sometimes the specific name where the leaves are nearly connate (as eupatorium per- foliatum) ; and even where the leaves are merely clasping (as companula perfoliata.) Perforated, perforatus. Having holers as if pricked through. Punctate may differ in presenting spots like points, which are not holes. Pertuse perhaps is synonymous with perforated. These dots may PAT be seen by holding St. John's wort and many other leaves to the light. This term is applied to stig- mas, drupes, &c. Perianth, perianthum. (Peri, about; anthos, flower.) That kind of calyx, which is immediately adjoin- ing the corol, stigmas and pistil, or to such of these organs as are present. It is superior when it grows on the germ; it is inferior, when it grows out from below the germ. See monophyllus and poly- phyllus. Pericarp, pericarpiwn. (Peri, about, kapos, fruit.) Seed-case. Any bag, shell, pod, pulp, berry or other substance, enclosing the seed. Pericheth, perichtztium. (Peri, about ; chaik, crest.) An involucre surrounding the base of the peduncle of mosses, among the leafets but duTering from them in form. See calyptt a. Peridiuni. A round membranous dry case, enclosing the seeds in some angiocarp fungusses. Perigrinus. Foreign, exotic, strange. Peris toinium. The fringe, teeth, or membrane,.around. the mouth of the capsules of mosses, under the lid. Permanent. Any part of a plant is permanent, which remains longer compared with other parts of the same plant, than is usual for similar parts in most plants. As the calyx of the quince re- mains on the end of the fruit, till it ripens. Perpusillum. Very little. Persistens. See permanent and ring. Personate, personatus. See labiate. Pertuse, pertusus. Punched. See perforated.. Petal, petalum. The coloured leaf or leaves of the corol. The petal of a menopetalbus corol is di- vided into the tube and limb ; which see. Each petal of a polypetalous corol is divided into the claw and lamina % , which see. P I L Petal-form, petalifonnis. Resembling a petal. Petalimis. Attached to, or being part of, a petal. Petaloides. Having petals. Petiole, petiolus. The footstalk of a leaf. Leaves which have no footstems are sessil