IsTo. 5. C A T A. L O G U K OF IMPROVED AND PATENTED Brass, Bronzed and Nickel Plated. POULTRY YARD APPLIANCES, DOO KENNELS, DOOR AND WINDOW GUARDS, &C., &C. Jfiamtfactured by SAMUEL S. BENT & SOi\, GLOBE IRON FOUNDRY, PORT CHESTER. N. V. ♦ » ♦ ■• ♦- OFFICE AND SALESROOMS, No. Ill CHAMBEES STKEET, NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED 1843. !)' and send for aa esliiiidtc. ^ ^.t. and send for an cslimk 188G. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. For Feeding the fdllowing varieties: Corner Oat Manger and Hay Rack Fittings Nil. '2, Consisting of Hay Hack and Oat Manger. and Water Trougn. SAMUEL S. BENT « SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. SAMUEL 8. BENT & SOX, 111 CliAMBERS STKEET, N. Y. No. 1, CUT FEED BOX AND OAT 31A]S GER. In using this Manger, parties wishing to feed loose hay, a Coiner Hay Eack is required. Size, 4 feet Ginches long, and 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 2, HAY BOX AND OAT 3IANGER. One Fixture.— Size, 4 feet o inches long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. Other sizes made to fit Stalls. No. 3, HAY BOX, MANGER AND AVATER-T ROUGH. One Fixture.— Size, 5 feet 2 inches long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. f^AMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 4 feet. ^^^,Jl No. 4, CORNER HAY BOX, MANGER AND WATER TROUGH FOR BOX STALLS. One Fixture, Painted, Eiiamele 1 and Galvanized. 4 feet. If^ No. 5, CORNER HAY BOX AND MANGER FOR BOX STALLS. One Fixture, Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 6, HAY BOX AND MANGER. One Fixture, with Halter Weight Guard Box attached. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 7, HAY BOX AND MANGER. One Fixture, with Wrouglit Iron Hay Basket. Paint: d, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 8, SQUARE CORNER OAT MANGER. Witn lron_Roller for top of Hay Manger. Size Painted, Enameled and Galvanized Manter. 1 1 '?n <"• i' nod send for an esiioiiite. SAMUEL b. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMiJEKS STUEET, N. Y. No. 9, CLOSED HAY BASKET AND OAT MANGER. With Kalter Weight and Guard Box attached. One Fixture. Size, 5 feet long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. Other sizes made to fit Stalls. The overhaEgiDg- cf the Top Plate fcims the Feed Guard to the Hay Basket and Oat Manger. SAMUEL SJ. BENT & St)N, 111 CHAMBKR8 STKEET, N. Y. No. 10, OPEN HAY BASKET AND MANGER. One Fixruie. with Halter Weight and Guard Box attached. Size, 5 feet loDg, 2 feet wide Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. Other sizes made lo lit Stalls. The ovei hanging of the Top Plate fomis the Food Guard to the Hay Basket and Oat Manger. '•d send (or an d'^Mt 10 SAMl'EL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBEKS STKEET, N. Y. No. 11, HAY BASKET AND OAT MANGER. With or without Halter Weight Guard Box attached. The overhanging of the Top Plate forms the Food Guard to the Hay Basket and Oat Manger. Size, 4 feet 6 in. long, 2 feet wide. Al- so made to fit Stalls. The Top Plate is very heavy, with solid Roll on the front. Size of Manger is iTi.-j'x'^OJ;,. Painted and Galvanized, or Oat Manger Enameled. Mil./, iiti\ SAMUE:. S. bent 4 son, 111 CHAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. 11 PATENTED JUNE 30th, 18 ». Xo. 13, HAY BASKET AND OAT 3IANGER. Guard Box attached, with Food Guard to Oat Manger and Halter Weight. One Fixture. A preventive for cribbing horses. Size, 5 feet long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Gal- vanized. Other sizes made to fit Stalls. In giving orders for Mangers, Nos. T, 9, lO, li and 12, the width of the Stall in which they are to *)e fitted, should be mentioned. P.nd scDi lor an eslifflitc. SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, Hi CHAMBERS STREET, N Y 11 'i PATENTED JUNE 30th, 180S. No. 13, HAY RACK AND OAT MANGER. With'Food Guard. One Fixture. A preventive for cribbing horses. Size, 4 feet 6 inches long, , 1 loot 11 inches wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, Ul CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 18 PA'lh.vTED JUNE ;j. th, .5; >'o. 14, HAY RACK, OAT MANGEK AND WATER- TROUGH. vVith Food Guard, and Movable Cover to Water-Trongh if Ordered. A preventive for cribbing horBes. Plain, Enameled and Galvanized. ''•id seod for an esliaiatt. 14 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. ////// I ii No. 15, MANGER WITH WROUGHT IRON HAY BASKET, And Food Guard to Oat Box, which prevents the horse from throwing out his food. The fastening at small end of Manger Plate is made to slide. Tumbling Water Pot, which turns on Pivots for emptying and cleaning. The Halter passes over a pulley within a hollow Bracket, with a.vanable weight, and India rubber Buffer. Size, 5 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. WW/7^-^i^^~' No. 16, MANGER WITH WROUGHT IRON HAY BASKET, And Food Guard to Oat Bnx, which prevents the horse from throwing out his food. The fastening at the small end of M:i.iger Plate is made to slide. The Halter passes oyer a pul- ley with a variable weight and India rubber Buffer. Size, 4 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. HOLLOW BRACKET FOR Nos.- 16 and 16 MA^'GER PLATE. Stalls in which the.v In giving orders for Mangers,' jNos. 13, 14, 15 and 16, the width of the o be fitted should be mentioniiB. ;J/i'!/ 'r\i SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, III CUAMBEKS 8TKEET, K. Y. 15 and mi I'w aii ^^' 16 SAMUEL S. BENT & ^ON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. o:E=':Eii ..:.. SAMUEL a BBNT * 80H, lit CH.\1VIBKR8 STRBBT, N. Y. 17 O X. O S lEJ XD . No. 18, MOVABLE CORNER OAT MANGER, WATER BOX AND HALF CIRCULAR HAY RACK. Ooe Fixture, to Open and Close. Oat Manger and Water Box. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. Hay Rack. Painted and Galvanized. .'•;r^n ■.', • "nl-;. V:'\^ 'If^,/' \'. ^ i Ita^M/ liiuftl )tul »M.i .• u. ••ad seed for an esliiualc. 18 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 19, HAY RACK, WATER .TROUGH AND OAT MANGER. With Food Guard. One Fixture. Size, 5 feet long, 1 foot 11 inches wide. Painted,SEnameled and (Galvanized. With Movable Cover for Water Trough, if ordered. ^i^iS m lOl te-r, M^. S.VMUEL S. BENT * SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 19 No. 20, HAY RACK AND OAT 3IAXGER. One Fixture. Size, 4 feet 6 jncli33 long, Iffoot llfinches wide. Paiuted, Enameled and Oalvanizeil. Other gizes'made to fit stalls. p.iid scDd I'or an tstiaialc. 20 8AMUEI; H. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. »1, WITH CAST BASKET AND WROUGHT IRON FRONT ROLL ADd Food Guard. Halter Weight and Pulley attached. Size, 5 feet long, 2 feet wide. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. K:.):.r' SAMUEL 8. BKNT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 21 %y'//%4'/i|iiii,!i imw v\ (.; V No. 22, MANGER PLATE WITH CLOSE OR OPEN CAST BASKET. A complete Cattle Fixtare for feeding cut feed, loose hay, or roots. Size, 5 feet long, 2 feet^wiOe. Painted. In giving orders for Mangers, Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22, the width of the Stall in which they are to be fitted should be mentioned. aod scDd for an dioiate. 22 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, Ul CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 25, PANEL FRONT HAY BASKET AND OAT 3IANGER. Made to fit stall 4 feet 7 inches wide. The front and top plate is made very heavy, with large 'Oat^anger. This makes a handsome and very strong manger. With or without Halter Attachment. ^/iirlilij/^vi U ''Oi ^Mi liO;' SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREEl', N. Y. 23 No. 36, HAY BASKET AlVD OAT^MANGER. With or without Halter Weight Guard Box attached. The overhanging of the top plate forms the food guard to the Hay Basket. As this Oat Manger \a narrow, a foadjjuar is not necessary, as the aorse has no room to throw out the food as In larger miazera. Thi3_Hay B.nKet ;i3 extra .heavy and strong. Size Jof Oat Manger, ^4x20x13. The top pme u extra nei7y,aal ;hi3 3jUl|r>li;oa tae front, which adds to the strength, making a very Seivy anl datable Pixtare. 4 fejt.i inj^ij l)a». Othar sizes mulj tj ttt stalls. ?\'^']-\ ' 'otii Vr'1|^ si^.-' i' " p.D(l scDd foi* an estimate. 24 SAMUEL 8. BEKT k EOV, 111 CHAMBERS STEFET, N. T. 2j~ Manger in position for feeding. PATENTED JANUARY llth, 18T6. REVERSIBLE CORNER OAT MANGER OR WATER BOX. Tlie above cut represents our Patent Reversible Corner Manger in petition for fecdirg. Cut cii page 25 shows the manger reversed for cmplying. Hanger is held in position i y a plain Treighted catch without springs, the weight on bottim (cf catth) holding it in place. As tte Danger iR pushed in position for feeding the catch is thrtwn backwards, ifter mingcr is level, or in feeditg posture, weighted bottom of catch brings it (tte catch) to a peiictdknlar, thus to^d^rg aEiger secure. To reverse, or emply[manger, pull the weighted part of catch to ycf; nrarger Crc is. Iten reverse,' or turn up, as shown on page 2-5. SAMUEL S. BENT k SON, 111 CHAMBERS 8TRKBT, N. Y. 25 / / , l^' Manger revetHed for emptying. PATENTED JANUARY 11th, 18T6. REVERSIBLE CORKER OAT MANGER OR WATER BOX. They are easily put up, fittings stamped right and left. The advantages we claim (and t hey are facts) are economy, durability, and cleanliness. The testimonials we have received from those using the Patent Reversible Corner Manger claim it is superior to any comer manger yet made. No. 58, size, 18 inches from corner to out«r edge, 13 inches deep. No. 60, size, 17 inches from corner to outer edge, 10}4 inches deep. i; ■M seod lor an esiioiiitc. 26 SAMUBL 8. BENT & 80N, lU CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. < P O H H S.\MUEL y. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 27 X X3 J < s •^ :>' i>t i" i5 sS ^ ' i ^ t o 45 M a ■^ H 3 « 0^ ^ H 0) - :^ 4) SI »» 1^ J5 a 9> a - ■M in < ■3 a S o 0) w. •-3 H t4 o d d be « »» Oi a s o CD " ■* ^ i « a ;?; aJ - ■s 0) • H lO » » 1- " S « d ^ i -i pq '-' --I r-i r-. -3 28 8AMUBL 8. BKNT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 29 SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS:8TREET, N. Y. 31 " -^ ' - •" o 2 £ g 2 § := -J OS « tn Oi *■ -»--•' » c es c es o e D - » ^ , - O ''' = •■»• <£ OI ^ , > _ - o ' r r r E B « tc tc tc tc tc tc 12! - - ^ ^ - o c • *.*.*.*. «k *. B H- S i r ' c o h^ a O ST '--'-»? ^ *• a" Nm = r s E s^ ^ c »: d ^ ^ c >^-* - ;^ ^ E P :; h- c. )(1 il'OU C « - M S' •^ ^ - - ^ ^ W - ' "^ - ^^ ^»v tt\? s- ^ ^w' 5" ? i ^ & ic x ^ a H t - - - , . ^ S3 C. > ^ r' X r^ .* ^ 3t X ac oT X . < c4 U O -3 3J ?! ^ O •3 (a M a H ■3 M Oi H « "5 <1 X ?^ j= ^ o ^ ■o <{ o H -o 3C a 03 m >5 w ^ M ^ •3 ev n CO !» ** ft SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. be Z 2 « C M H M H H o a „ ^ S3 SAMUEL S. BENT * SON, 111 CUAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. 36 ;;.■ — 1 1-1 » 36 SAMUEL S. BENT & HON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. V. lliii4j,ii||i|i!C, Mm„Ii>-^ ^ 1— 1 oa ci (S ■M « C^ H <» ,. M « ■* " ■* ** " H 5^ (M ; " - - - - H O 50 to t- t- X CC (T n 00 0-. ,_, c^ -* -* ■* ■* o :: :; 3 3 :: CO • ^ 38 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. Q 3 g o a OS ^ ^ H S « o 1— )^ o o h? 00 M 5 - ;J 30 o OJ .» g ^ u - - 1 ^"-^ ^ a 11, Q d IN »> s> W ■3 0) 0) s :: ta -5j S IM !N 0^ o ^ a a ^ ^ d o 9 O a ca si o _g o ■* CO 08 13 H %A « H O 0) 0) - 2 ^ H o CO 00 00 a H a .2 .2 a * P^ 2 i o CO 00 B ^ o a d - - 03 1) ja o h^ a* 5 H^ g < 5 H ■3 3 ac OS a j> >) a 01 as 3> 'S a; ^ t^ a, 73 g SAMUEL S. BENT A SOX, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 39 40 SAMUEL S. BEKT & SON, 111 CHAMHEKS STKEET, N. Y. !*!»■'/. H'l SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS 8TKEET, N. Y. 41 S3 - T! x CD fl ^ CJ -«^ +3 9; '>-* -i-> Ht* 93 C1 C^ 'TS ^ n3 Sh ri OS oc p ,::3 © "^ ^ -u ^ 00 W u a; 2 p (0 i a H Tl S3 ■'^ -«i -(-3 ■^ r- ho Ph -§ .£3 , s-l u > -4^ <*c ei 02 jH '-2 § .1-1 P^ S © d a; tJ 'd _fcJD eg © a :-^ T3 H w © '-p 32 s s ^ -t^ Ph -4-3 © g '^ © ^ ,£> ^ .^ '♦^ a: CO c3 P 2 ••-' ^4-H 6 Ti -W 'x nU ;_( Tc rH ^ C3 ^H p ^C! Ch ^ 'a Ci « rH y-i -t^ _o r- '-+3 c3 •_2 "0 c3 x ? ^ M s - fn 1"^ X -a C4-1 rt -^ 'd -t: ^^ g tj .>; .^ 5 --c o ^ 3 aj --) ^3 is © S J o .X ^ s» :>? '^? ""^ to - 3 CJ -r- — 42 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. A W I' SAMUEL S. BENT & SUN, 111 CHAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. 43 No. 44, STALL PARTITION GUARD. 5 feet long, 2 feet 2 inches high. No. 45, STALL PARTITION GUARD. No. 45—5 feet inches long, 2 feet 4 inches h: 46—5 47—6 48—6 49— T 50— T 51—8 52—8 gh. Other sizes made to order. Also square end to fit Heel Post. No. 45 Box Stall Guards to match, 2 feet 4 inches high, made any length. No. 53, STALL PARTITION GUARD. 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 2 inches high. nnri cnnri l.ii' iin pd:m:ii.^ 44 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, Ui CHAMBERS STREET, N. 1. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBEUS STREET, N. Y. 45 No. 44, BOX STALL GUARD. •2 feet 2 iiictiea high. To matcli No. 44 Stall Guard. 46 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, K. Y. t rr ^ ^ ^ iS B ^ mm No. 54, HEAD GUAKD WITH FEEDING DOOK. To match No. 54 Stall Guards. Also Box «tall Guards made any length. 2 feet 4 inches high. ==^==— — -ygr V No. J, BOX STALL GUARDS MADE ANY LENGTH DESIRED. In giving orders for Box JStall Guards the distance should be given Ijetwc^^n each pcgt, alfo the width of opening for dcor. Box StalTGuard 2 feet high to match No. 1 Stall 1 artitic n Guard Also used at the head of open stalls. iM M^ SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, til CHAMBERS STKEET, N. Y. 47 B^'/S ^-x :(^-rN^A '<^''/\<>^ Y^c^\ .^- yX v^ v-s. /v- 7\i ,/X. /X-.'TX A /X .^ .^^^j [x/ ^^^ 'A j A" ■^H^^ m ^ n? -.-^ ^r;^ r^—^7? ^V/ '^.V/' ' "y^ -l xSSfiSS 1/X #\ "^\%/X i^CA>0 N-'/l ''ISS^^i:^¥^ CAvv/^^^ I ^:/"^,/^-^V■ No. 9, HEAD GUARD WITH FEEDING DOOR. To match No. 9 Stall Guard. No. 31, BOX STALL GUARD. To match No. 31 Stall Guards. Made also with Feeding Door. Made any lenpth. ftlld Si'llll lui- nil cstiBiilc. 48 SAMUEL S. BENT & i«OX, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. In giving orders for Box Stall Guards the distance should be given between each post, also the width of opening for door. Box Stall Guard 2 feet 4 inches high to match No. 4 and No. 5 Stall Partition Guard. Also used at the head of open Stalls. No. 10, BOX STALL GUARD. Sizes toade to order. To match No, 10 Stall Partition Guard, 2 feet 10 inches high. * t>=< ' n^ICIE LIST -N^O FOR No. 5 CATALOGUE ov IMPROVED AND PATENTED ^titblc Jtittitiiir; (t ^xhiiic^, BRASS, BRONZED AND NICKEL-PLATED. POULTRY YARD APPLIANCES, DOG KENNELS. DOOR AND WINDOW GUARDS, ETC. MANUFACTUUED BY SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, o-x_iOi3E] ir=i.o:iNr i^ o xj nsr id r^ ^^ , PORT CHESTER, N. Y. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS: No. Ill Chambers Street, New York. ESTABLISHED 1843. aJ^^^^^* and scDd for an cslide. Page. No. PJRICE LIST. Paint'd, Galv'd, Enam. 9 10 11 13 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 14 16 10 18 16 18 18 19 19 30 30 31 21 22 22 25 23 36 25 58 35 00 36 4 36 5 48 26 6 26 7 27 31 27 32 27 33 27 34 27 35 27 36 27 37 47 31 27 36i Cut Feed Box and Manger, With Fe(^d Box and Oat Manger Hay Box and Oat Manger With Oai. Manger only Hay Box, Manger and AVater Trougli Willi Manger and Water Trough Corner Hay Box, Manger and Water Trough for Box Stalls WMth Manger and Water Trough Corner Hay Box and Manger for Box Stalls With Manger only Hay Box and Manger, complete With Manger only Hay Box and Manger, complete, (Wrought Iron Hay Basket) With Manger only Scjuare Oat Manger, 14x30, and Roller With Manger only Closed Hay Basket and Oat Manger, complete With Closed Hay Basket and Oat Manger Open Hay Basket and Manger, complete With Manger Hay Basket and Oat Manger, complete With Oat Manger, only (Patented) Hay Basket and Oat Manger, complete With Oat Manger (Patented) Hay Rack and Oat Manger " " Oat Manger and Water Trough. .. . Manger, with Wrought Iron Hay Basket and Water Pot With W^ater Pot and Manger Manger, with W^rought Iron Hay Basket With Manger Moveable Corner Manger, or Water Pot, each " Hay Rack Hay Rack, Water Trough and Manger Hay Rack and Oat Manger Manger, with Cast Basket and Wrought Iron Front Roll, complete ^ With Manger only Manger Plate, with Closed or Open Basket Hay Basket and Oat Manger one size, 4ft. 7in. com])lete With Manger only Hay Basket and Oat Manger, complete With Manger only Patent Reversible Corner Manger, 18x13 17x101^ Stall Partition Guard 5 ft. 10 in. long, 3 ft. 4 in. high. . . " 8 " 6 " " 3 " 4 " '• ... Box Stall Partition Guard to match Nos. 4 and 5, per Lineal foot Stall Partition Guard 7 ft. 2 in. long, 3 ft. 9 in, high " 5 " 3 " " 2 " " '■ .... Bent's Stall Partition New Pattern C. D, Guard 5 ft. 3 in. long, 3 ft. 3 in. high Bent's Stall Partition, New Pattern C. D. Guard 6 ft. in. long, 3 ft. 3 in. high Bent's Stall Partition New Pattern C. D. Guard.... 6 ft. 6 in. long. 3 ft. 3 in. high Bent's Stall Partition New Pattern C. D. Guard.... 7 ft. in. long, 3 ft. 3 in. high Bent's Stall Partition New Pattern C. D. Guard 7 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 3 in. high Bent's Stall Partition New Pattern C. D. Guard 8 ft. in. long, 3 ft. 3 in. high Bent's Stall Partition New Pattern C. D. Guard 8 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 3 in. high Box Stall Partition Guard to match the above, per.. Lineal foot Beiit's New Pattern C. D. Stall Guard, Square end.l 8 ft. 6 in. long, 3 ft 3 in. high 15.00^ 27.00 15.00 18.00 19.00 15.00 18.00 34.00 10 00 30.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 35.00 38.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 a4.00 34.00 30.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 3.35 2.50 8.00 10.00 1.75 11.00 5.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.50 1.50 8.00 27.00 17.50 33.00 24.00 17.50 31.00 27.00 12.50 34.00 34.00 27.50 23.00 43.00 27.75 7.75 15.00 33.00 43.00 33.50 6.35 5.50 Page No7 Paint'd. Galv'd, Enani'd 28 8 48 8 2!> I) 49 47 9 30 10 48 10 31 11 ;n 20 31 21 31 23 31 23 31 24 31 25 31 26 31 27 31 28 21 29 31 30 31 — 27 37* Bent's Ni'w Pattern C. D. Stall Guard, Sqvian- end 8 ft. 6 in. lonjr. 2 ft. 2 in. high Special i>ri(i's made on C. 1). Stall Guards 2 ft. 9 in. high Stall Partition (Juanl 7 ft. 9>.j in. long. 2 ft. 10 iu. high. Hox Stall (Juard. per Lineal foot Stall Partition Guard. 8 ft. iu. long. 2 ft. G in. high. . Bo.K Stall (^uard, per Lineal foot Head Guard with Feeding Door, same price as Box Stall Guard, extra for door Stall Partition Guard. 7 ft. 10 in. long, 2 ft. 10 iu. high. Box Stall Guard. i>er Lineal foot Wrought Iron Stall Partition Guard, 4 ft 6 in. louiT. 2 ft. 4 in. high 32 12 32 14 32 15 32 16 32 17 32 18 32 19 12 33 13 34 34 34 46 1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5 ft. iu. long. 2 ft. 4 in. high ."") ft. fi in. lonu, 2 ft. 4 in. high 6 ft. in. Ion?. 2 ft. 4 in. high 6 ft. 6 in. lonir. 2 ft. 4 in hisrli hilih hilrh high hiixh hildi 35 76 35 77 35 78 35 76 36 71 36 72 36 73 36 74 36 75 36 71 37 3S 37 39 37 40 37 41 37 42 37 43 37 38 38 79 38 80 38 81 38 79 V 38 80 .V :{8 81 A 40 7 ft. in. lon»-, 2 ft. 4 in. 7 ft. 6 in. louiT, 2 ft. 4 in. 8 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 4 in. 8 ft. 6 iu. lonir, 2 ft. 4 iu. 9 ft. in, loutr, 2 ft. 4 in. 9 ft. 6 iu. long, 2 ft. 4 in. liigli 10 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high Wrought Iron Box Stall Guard to match Nos. 11 & 20j to 30. per Lineal foot ' Diamond (Wrought) Iron Stall Partition (xuard, 6 feet lona:, bv 2 ft 6 iu, high i do. do. 7 ft. O'in. long. 2 ft. 6 in. high. do. do. 8 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 6 in. high. do do. 8 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 6 in. higii. do. do. 9 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 6 in. liigli. do. do. 9 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. in. iiigh. do. do. 10 ft. in. long. 2 ft. () in. high. do. do Box Stall Guards, per Lineal ft. Rt)und or Square End Stall Ciuards, per Square foot. .. Stall Partition Guard, 7 ft. 1 in. long, 2 ft. }.y iu. high. do. 9 ft. in. long, 2 ft. )., in. high. do. 8 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. }.. in. high. Box Stall Guard to match, per Lineal foot N. P. Double Face Stall Partition Guard, 8 ft in. long. 2 ft. 6 in. high, do. 8 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. 6 in. high. do. 9 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 6 in. high, Box Stall Guard to match, per Lineal foot Heavy Stall Partition Guard. 7 ft. in. long, 2 ft, 8 in. high, do. do, 7 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 8in. high, do. do. 8 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 8 in. liigh. do. do. 8 ft. 6 iu. long. 2 tt. 8 in. hish , do. do. 9 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 8 in. high. Box Stall Guards to match, per Lineal foot Stall Partition Guard, 5 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 2 in. high. . do. 5 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 2 in. hi<;h . do. 6 ft. in. Ions:. 2 ft. 2 in. high. . do. 6 ft. 6 in. lonif, 2 ft. 2 in. liigh. . do, 7 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 2 in. high. . do. 7 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. 2 in. high. . Box Stall Guards to match above, per Lineal foot Stall Partition Guard, 8 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 2 in. high. do do 8 ft. 4 in. long, 2 ft. 2 in. bigrh. . do do 8 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. 2 in. high. . do do 8 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 2 in. high. . do do 8 ft. 4 in. long, 2 ft. 2 in do do 8 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 2 in, Heav}- Wrought Iron Stall Partition. Guard with Cast Ornt s. 8 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 8 in. do do 8 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. S in. do do 9 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 8 in. do do 9 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 8 in. high do do 10 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 8 in. high do do 10 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. 8 in. high 8.50 10.00 1.65 10.00 1.65 3.00 10.00 1.65 6.00 7.00 7.75 8.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.50 high, high.. high, high, high. 1.75 17.00 18.00 I9.00i 20.00 21.00 22 00 23.00 2.50 70 10.00 12.00 11.00 1.75 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.80 10.00 10.75 11.50 12.25 13.00 2.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5..i0 6.00 6.50 1.51) 10.50 11.00 11 50 10.50 11.00 12.00 24.00 25.00 '26.00 27.00 28.00 30.00 I'age No. 41 G5 43 (54 43 44 43 53 45 44 48 45 43 4G 43 47 43 48 43 49 43 50 43 51 43 52 45 45 44 54 44 55 44 56 44 57 44 5S 44 59 44 GO 44 61 44 63 44 G3 46 54 46 54 50 38 50 37 51 53 51 53 53 54 52 55 53 59 53 57 54 35 54 51 55 56 55 58 56 61 56 60 57 36 57 34 58 25 58 25.V 58 35J 58 27 59 35C.F. 59 25.1C.F. 59 35|C.F 59 33 59 33.V 60 28 60 68 60 67 61 30 61 30 61 30J 61 30 Box Stall Guard to match per Lineal foot New design Wrouglit Iron Stall Partition Guard, 9 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 6 in liigli Box Stall Guards to matcli, pei- Lineal foot Stall Partition Guard, 5 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 2 in. Iiigli. . do do 6 ft. (i in. long, 2 ft. 2 in. high. . Box Stall Guard to match No. 44 and 53 Stall Guard, per Lineal foot Stall Partition Guard, 5 ft. in, long. 2 ft. 4 in. high. . do do 5 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high . do do 6 ft. in, long, 2 ft. 4 in. high. . do do 6 ft. G in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high. . do do 7 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high. . do do 7 ft. 6 in. loTg, 2 ft. 4 in. high. . do do 8 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 4 in. high. . do do 8 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high. . Box Stall Guard to match, per Lineal foot Wrought Iron Stall Partition Guard, 5 ft. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 6 ft. in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 6 ft. G in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 7 ft. in. long, 2 ft, 4 in. high, do. 7 ft. G in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 8 ft. in, long, 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 8 ft. 6 in. long. 2 ft. 4 in. liigli, do. 9 ft. in. long. 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 9 ft. G in. long. 2 ft. 4 in. high, do. 10 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. high, Box Stall Guards to matcii. 2 ft. 4 in. high, per Lin. ft. do. or Head Guards, with Feeding Door. Extra for Door, Wrought Iron Quarter C^ircle Hay Racic do. Half Circle do. Corner Hay Rack, Cast toji and bottom, Wr'tlron Bars Wrought iron Half Circle Ha}' Hack, Cast Ornaments. Wrought Iron Corner Uny Rack, do. do. do. do. Wrought Iron Corner Hay Rack do. do. Cast Ornajnents Cast Corner Hay Rack, Horses to feed from top Cast Square Hay Baslcet Heavy Wire Corner 1 lay Rack .... Square Wrought Iron Hay liack (Centre of Stalls) Corner Hay Rack do. do do. do. (Heavy Pattern) Half Circle Hay Rack Corner Oat Manger do do do do do do do Right or Left each do do do Square Oat Manger Detachable Back Flange Manger Not Detachable, i. e. to screw to wall , Wall Manger Square Oat Manger, 20 x 12 P.i!nt'd. Galv'd. Enam. 61 61 61 61 29 61 29 do do do do do Round Square do do do do do do do do do do do 20 X 14 9 in. deep 20 .\ 14 13 in. deep 20 x30 made with Food Guard, 50 to 75 cts, 20x27 18x18 16x 16 16x20 16x25 Square Mangers made with inside llange. extra, 50 to 75c 4.00 23.00 2.50 5.00 8.00 1.60 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.50 1.50 9.50 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14 00 15.00 16.00 17.50 1 19.00 2.80 3.00 6.00 8.50 10.00 13.00 3.00 5.50 13.00 18.00 5.50 8.00 8.00 14.00 4.00 6.25 5.00 7.75 4.50 9.00 10.00 18.00 9.00 14.00 8.00 11.50 2.50 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.75 5.50 5.00 9.00 2.50 5.511 2.00 4.50 2.. 50 5.50 6.00 10.00 TT K or, 2 25 4.75 2.50 5.00 4.50 8.25 4.00 7.75 2.50 5.00 3.50 6 . 00 3.00 5 . 50 9.00 16.00 2.00 4.50 2.25 4.75 2.50 5.00 5.00 10.00 4.75 9.75 3.00 6.50 2.50 5.00 3.00 6.50 4.00 8.00 Page. No. Kiint'd, Calv'd, Enam, loii"- 62 82 Square Oat Manger, 14 x 20 N. P. extra liravy G2 82 do do made witli Food Guard inside, extra 62 65 Mangor with Food Guard and Hitching Ring 62 26 Square Oat Manger. 17} x 2(»i 63 26 do with Food Guard all arountl inside extra 6:3 66 Round Corner Manger 6;} 64 Round Ventilating Corner Manger 6;5 63 Corner Oat xAFanger 64 Sectional Water Tank, price according to size required 64 63 Sectional Manger 64 61 Corner Oat Manger 65 69 Corner Oat Manger, (heavy roll) 65 70 Corner Oat Manger, do 67 1 AVatering Trougli and Back, 4 feet long 67 1 do do do 3 feet 6 in. long 67 1 do do do 3 feet in. long 67 1 do do do 2 feet 6 in. long 66 3 Water Trough without legs or Back, 2 ft. 3 in. long. . . 66 3 do do do 3 ft. in. long. . 66 3 do do do 4 ft. in. long. . 66 3 do do do 4ft. in, long. . G6 3 do do do 5 ft in 68 A Wrough Iron Portable Cattle Trough 4 ft. long 68 B do do do 5 ft. long 68 C do tf in. 17.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 12.00 19.00 30.00 18.00 70 4.. 50 1.50 1.50 50 75 •50 75 50 60 40 50 50 Uronz'd 3.00 2.00 60 90 70 1.00 75 80 (50 60 60 80 60 70 70 Page. Xo. Japn'd. Bronz'd. Galv'd. 89 [2 89 13 89 * 22 89 89 89 90 1 90 o 90 3 90 4 90 1 90 90 41 90 42 91 1 91 91 3 93 1 92 2 92 3 92 3 98 4 98 1 93 o 95 73 95 74 95 5 95 10 96 1 96 2 96 4 96 79 97 i ' 97 3 97 3 97 4 98 75 98 76 98 77 98 1 98 1 98 2 98 78 99 68 99 69 96 69 99 69 99 Bl 99 (>1 100 4 100 5 100 2 100 2i 100 1 100 o 101 1 101 2 102 103 1 103 1 103 1 103 1 103 3 104 60 104 60 105 106 4 106 4 106 2 106 2 Tie Ring, square, heavy each do do do Number Plate do Dexter Name Plate, any name cast ou Bonuer do do Fanny do do Siwnge and Wet Brush R^ick, 9 x 6 in do do 1 4 X 6 in do do 33 X 7I4 in do do 33 X 714 ^" Soaj) and Match Box Match Box Salt Dish or Dry Brush Box Corner Salt Dish Swing Blanket Brackets, without Wood Roller, per pair Straight do do do Curved Blanket Brackets, do do Box Stall Hinge do do do do 12 inches long do do 18 do do do do Improved Flush Door Lock, Brass do do Drop Handles, Brasis Pole Brackets per set, do do Whip Holders, holding 5 Whips do do 10 do Grain Measure Holders, 1 qt do do 3 qt do do 4 qt New Pail Holder, (two pails) Telescopic Oiling and Washing Bracket, when up, 4 ft. 3 in. when lowered, 6 ft. 3 in Telescopic Oiling and Washing Bracket, when up, 5 ft. 3 in. when lowered. 8 ft Oiling and Washing Bracket do do without strap Implement Holders each Basket Holder AVrought Iron Box Holding Stopping Mixture Shaft Bracket per set Horse Tie Weight do Carriage Wheel Guard. each Harness Bracket per doz do 14^ in. long each do 10 in. long do do 8i in. long do Gents' Riding Saddle Bracket Ladies' do Blanket Bracket, with end knobs less wood rollers, pair. Wrought Iron Sponge and Brush Rack New Soap Box, 1 1 in. long .... do 6 in. long Hitching Attachment, complete with strap do Cast Iron Oat Shute and Pleasure Patent Adjustable Grain Measure, net United Portable Cow Fixture, (for two cows) Cow Manger Hog Trough, 3 ft. long do 4 ft. long do 5 ft. long do 4 ft. 6 in. long, feed and water ; Double Riding Saddle and Bridle Bracket, (Ladies'), do do do (Gents').. 50 60 50 60 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 40 75 1.00 to 3.00 1.25 2.00 5.50 6.50 4.00 5.00 6 00 5.00 5.50 1.00 1.25 50 75 50 65 75i 4.001 8.00' 9.00 3.00 1.00 35 1.75 3.50 1.35] 1.00; 1.751 4.50 6.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 3.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 1.25 1.00 5.00 6 00 5.00 6.00 Horse Head Rustic Hitching Post, sit on stone or wood. do do set in ground do do do do do sit on stone or wood. 9.00 4.00 5.00 6.50 15.00 5.00 4.00 40.00 5.00 8.00 8.00, 5.00 1.50 1.50 70 70 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 50 3.00 4.35 5.00 60 1.10 1.50 1.25 4.00 1.75 3.75 8.00 9.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 1.35 1.75 1.00 1.25 6.00 10.00 11.00 3.50 1.40 50 2.50 3.50 1.75 9.00 2.50 1.75 1.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 7.00 2.00 1.50 7.00 6.00 i Gilded. 50.00 60.00 6.00 9.001 900| 6.OOI Page, No. JapnVl, Bronz'd, 106 1 Post Cap lOG 3 do 106 ;} do 107 5 Hitching Post. 107 3 do ., 107 1 do 108 109 109 109 109 109 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 113 113 113 113 113 118 113 384 34 34 34 18 14 30 30 30 30 18 18 1 Door Guard per pair 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 13A 13 33 34 35 14 15 IG 17 18 19 30 31 36 37 00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Diunioud Stair Step Plate in. long, 9i in. wide with square edge do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do light., heavy, iieavy . light . .with round edge or Nosinj do do do Z:> ^^ ^ .di> Z> ^^ z-^ yi> ^^ .<1> ^^ ^^ x>^ v>x: 'C^ ti MAO 'I ■i^^^^^l<^^^^^^SI< ^ 1< No. 9, BOX STALL GUARD. Sizes made to order. Any length to match No. 9 Stall Guard, 2 feet 6 inches high. No. 8, BOX STALL GUAKD, To match No. 8 Stall Guard. Made any length. -d ltd L n cstisitc. 50 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 38, WROUGHT IRON QUA.RTER CIRCLE HAY RACK. Painted and Galvanize']. No. 37, WROUGHT IRON HALF CIRCLE HAY-BAS- KET. Painted and Galvanized. • . \ .(!•'.» (. SAMUEL S. BENl & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 61 No. 52, CORNER HAY RACK. Cast iron top and Bottom. With wrought iron Bars;. The top has groove to receive^wood or.sing. Pain*ed and Galvanized. No. 53, WROUGHT IRON HALF CIRCLE HAY RACK With Cast Oroaments, Painted and Galvanized. i ;n:3 i.;a!;e Vw!r sf- 62 SAMUE] S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STEEET, N. Y. No. 54, WROUGHT IRON CORNER HAY RACK. Cast Ornaments. Painted and Galvanized. No. 55, WROUGHT IRON CORNER HAY RACK. Cast Ornaments. Painted and Galvanized. SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 53 No. 59, CORNER WROUGHT IRONj^HAYFRACK. Painted and Galvanized. No. 57, WROUGHT IRON CORNER HAY RACK, With Cast Ornaments. Painted and Galvanized. 54 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, Ul CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 35, CORNER HAY RACK. For Horses to Feed from tUe Top. Painted and Galvanized. No. 51, CAST SQUARE HAY BASKET. Ulze, 28 inches long 26 inches wide, 24 inches deep. Painted and Galvanized. '' ;■/; :.;l 111-2 iM SAMUEL 8. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 55 No. 56, HEAVY WIRE CORNER HAY RACK. Painted and Galvanized. No. 58, SQUARE WROUGHT IRON HAY RACK FOR CENTER OF STALL. Painted and Galvanized. Please ate yc2i' sc- '':■■ 8Dil ad Li all estimate. 56 SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, lU CHAMBKRS STREET, N. Y. No. 61, CORNER HAY RACK. Painted and Galvanized. No. 60, CORNER HAY RACK. Painted and Galvanized. SAMl'EL S. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 57 No. 36, CORNER HAY RACK. Painted and Galvanized. No 34, HALF CIRCLE HAY RACK. Painted and Galvanized. »".:'A > in'- i;C1i8 iJ3 Vw!r •;!;•■ .h 58 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, til CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 25, CORNER OAT MANGER, With Foot Guard inside. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 25, size 18 Inches from corner to outer edge, 13 inches deep. No. 25%, " 17 " " ' " " " lOX " " No. 25?^, " 18 " " " " " " WVj « " PATENTED JUNE 30th, 1808. No. 27, CORNER OAT MANGER. AlPreventive for Crit)bmg Horses. The Crib Roll forms a Food Guard. Size, 18 inchesjfrom corner to outer edge, 12 mnhes deep. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. i;(t.u '•':i pi: m': SAMUEL y. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBER>< STKEET. N. Y. 59 No. 25, C. F., CORNER MANGER FOOD GUARDS All round. Wi'h Extra Large GuarU in the corner. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized- No. 25, C. F. Size, 18 inches from corner to out edge, 13 inches deep. No. 25)^, C. F. " 17 " '• " ■' " 103< " " No. 25*^, C. F. " 18 •• " '• '• " lOX " '-'• \'--."~- No. 23, (Left Hand) CORNER MANGER Designed for all kinds of Feed. No. 23, 25 inches long, 18 inches wide, 13 inches deep. No. »3><:-, 24 " " 12 " " Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. Made also right hand. aod sen:! L uH csliiudtc. 60 SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. V. No. 28, SQUARE OAT MANGER, With Back Flange. Size, 13xl93o'. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 68, DETACHABLE BACK FLANGE MANGER. New design, with heavy inside Food Guard, furnished with wrought iron attachment to fasten to wall. The Manger can be removed at pleasure. This Manger has been adopted by the New York Fire Department. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 67, WALL MANGER, With heavy rolling Food Guard all around. 3 feet long, 18 inches wide, 12 inches deep. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. ■SAMUEL S. BKNT & SON, 111 CUAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. 61 No. 30, SQUARE OAT MANGER. Sizes, 20x12, 20x14, 20x30, 27x20. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 30>s^— 20x14— 13 inches deep. Made with Food Guard all around, when ordered. No. 31, ROUND OAT MANGER. Size. 18x18. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 29, SQUARE OAT MANGER. Sizes, 16x16, 16x20, 16x25. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized Made with Food Guard all around, when ordered. 62 SA>1UEL S. BENT A SON, 111 CliAMBEHS STREET, N. Y. No. 33, EXTKA HEAVF SQUAliE OAT MANGER, 14x20, N. P. ^^ Painted, Enair.eled and Galvanized. Made with Food Guard ins'.de, when ordered. No. 65, MANGER WITH FOOD GUARD AND HITCH- ING RING. One Fixture. Painted, Fnameled and Galvanized. No. 26, SQUARE OAT MANGER, fize, 173^x20,1^. Painted, Fnimled and Galvanized. Made witli Food Guard all around, when ordered. :.*.<:■ ■■ ,•••«. SAMUEL S. BENT 4 SON, 111 CUAMBEKH STREET, N. Y. 63 No. 66, ROUND C ORNER MANGER. The overhanging top plate forms the Food Guard, prevents horses scattering food. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 64, ROUND VENTILATING CORNER MANGER. Each made with oval opening with large Food Guard all around, to prevent horses scat- tering food. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. No. 63, CORNER OAT MANGER. Size, 18 inches from corner to outer edge, 13 inches deep. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. 1 ilU'U Uui\\j )\nA \r' 64 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. SECTIONAL WATER TANK. These Tanks made in plates 21>^x22, and are perfectly fitted together at our works, and sUipped in plates, with the necessary Bolts. Estimates furnished for any sizes of which plates will admit. No. 63, SECTIONAL. MANGER. Painted, Galvanized or Enameled, 4 feet 10 inches long each, and other lengths to order. No 61, CORNER OAT MANGER, With Food Guard. Size, 18 inches from corner to outer edge, 13 inches deep. Painted, Enameled and Galvanized. SAMUEL S. BENT 4 SON, HI CHAMBERS STREET, N. V. 65 No. 69, CORNEK MANGER With heavy rolling Food Guard, bize, 18 inches from corner to outer edge, 1-2 inches deep. No. 70, size, 17 inches from corner to outer edge, 10» 05 o N ■S - - - - 3 ^ M > C ■>) n -^ -M "5 o _ M :3 ^ O «> a ,x S5 g S § o be n ^ .. „ p c a: ^-» '^ ^-1 z. H tf 1 — • — ' ;^ •M r: -iji ^ le H <1 ^ •v ^5 ;?; HAMUEL y. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 67 Sizes, 48 inches Long " 36 " " " 30 •^l» inches Wide. 15 inches Deep. s •'0 11 >' 12 4l " i? ^0 (1 'i 12 a (> « •20 (( i> 12 u <' s afld sefld lor an esliniiitc, 68 SAMUEI S. BENT & SON, IH CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. WKOUGHT IRON PORTABLE CATTLE TROUGH, For use in the straw-yard or open field. Can be made any size. No. A.— 4 feet long, l foot fi inches broad, l foot 3 inches deep. No. B.— 5 " " 1 " 6 " " 1 " 3 " " No. C— G " " 1 " 6 " '■'• 1 '• 3 '• '•• No. D.— 10 " '• 2 " " " 1 '• 3 " "• No. :VJ, CESS-POOJL For.Yards, Stables, irydrants, and Wash Trays for C. triages. With movable cover. Size, 14x15 inches. Painted. SAMUEL S. BENT o. 1, STALL GUTTER PLATE, With Carson's Patent Stench Trap attached. The above made flat and pitched. No. 12, 3-IXCH GUTTERING FOR STALLS IN 5-FEET LENGTHS. It can" be laid flash with the floor or pavement, and is kept clean by means of the narrow^ open ing at the top. 72 SAMUEL S. BRNT & SON, lit CHAMBKRS STREET, N. Y. No. 2, BENT'S PITCH COVERED GUTTER (Our Own Design). This Gutter is made with a movable, perforated, and corrugated or grooved cover, the flange of Gutter being also corrugated or grooved. Prevents the horse from slipping. The pitch or grade is formed in bottom of Gutter, and is sufficient to freely carry off all liquid. Can be fitted in any length with Bell Trap, or Carson's Patent Stench Trap, or can he used without either. The advantages of this Gutter are the movable cover, making it easy to clean. The extra weight of Gutter, thereby making it durable and strong. And the pitch on bottom of Gutter, so that it can be laid in a level floor, thus saving the ex- pense of pitching the floor, which is necessary with all flat gutter No. 4, STALL GUTTER WITH MOVABLE COVER, (Heavy.) Fitted in any length, with or without Traps. No. 3, WIDE STALL GUTTER WITH MOVABLE COVER. Fitted in any length. (Heavy.) 9 inches wide. No. .5, ANGLE STALL GUTTER WITH MOVABLE COVER. Fitted in any lengtn, with or without Traps. SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 1 1-^, WIDE STALJL GUTTER (open) Heavy. Fitted any length, with or without Carson Stench Trap. No. 6, OPEN STALL GUTTER. Fitted any length. No. 8, OPEN STALL GUTTER (Light). Fitted any length, with or without outlet. No. 9, OPEN STALL GUTTER. Fitted any length. No. 7, OPEN ANGLE STALL GUTTER. Fitted any length. All our Gutters made in six foot lengths, thus saving a number of joints in a long string of Gutters, and is a very desirable feature. 74 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. V. No. 10, STALL GUTTER, MOVABLE COVER (Medium AVeight). Fitted any length ; ls ribbed, wbich prevents horse from clipping. No. 11, ST.1LL GUTTER MOVABLE COVER (Medium Weight). This Cutter is made with outside flange. No. 47 1-3, BELL TRAP No. 51, CARSON'S PAT- CESS-POOL, l^xlS inches. ENT STENCH TRAP 14x14. Fl'ted to No8 10, 11, and 2 Stall Gatters. Our pitch or graded No. 2 Stall Gutter fitted to this Trap. Also No. 4 Gutter. T ANGLE AND CROSS PIECE FOR OUR No. 2 STALL GUTTERS. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. BENT'S IMPROVED CAST IRON GALVANIZED WASH TUBS. Two or more Tubs, as desired. 4 feet 3\. inches long, 1 foot 11>^ incites wide. GALVANIZED IRON BOX FJR MIXING FEED. Size, 47 inches long, 27 inches wide, 18 inches de^p. Olher sizes made to order. 76 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CilAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. TOPS l- i-O S5 J- tc -r o^£ ^ ^ 1-^ z-^a < -^s imi "^> X ^^2 ^ ■" ^^ ■* S -o > X « t. > s o ill o £ (U n ^ s .'^2 .2^ j= 3" OS O O sfl-S OF POST^ CAN o Q W H > M 05 M 0MSf H 35 W5 O No.(>li BENT'8 INEVV DE SIGX STALL POST. 4'-^ ill. diameter. Planks 4 feet (i inches, made with top to fit Box ^tall Guard, top to fit square end Stall Guard, and Ball top, with O G end Stall Guard. Made to sit on floor, or to set in ground or mason work. See price list. BE NICKEL PLATED, OK FURNISHED IN Ah H o Q M © 1^; BRASS. SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, '.A CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 77 No. 58. No. 59. 4,s, iuches diameter. 43^ inches diameter. 4>; inches diameter. Plank, 4 feet. 6 inches, g « 4. 6 <( a 6 " " " 4 " 6 " Stall Post.s No?. 5S, 59, and 60 made with Ball tops, same as No. 5>. Tops made for all Posta, to fit any of our Box Stall Guards. Grooves made to receive 2 inch plank in all posts. When more than one groove ia required, please mention when ordering. Tops of Posts can be nickel plated, or furnished in brass. 78 SAMUEL S. BENT & «)]S:, 111 CHAMBERS STKEET, N. T. No. 1, SAFETY PAN FOR STABLE STOVES. Size, 2 feet 6 inches each way. No. 2, SAFETY PAN FOR STABLE STOVES. Size, i! feet 4 inches each way. "'. '/;.\;V If:. ... iAMUKL S. BENT & SON, 111 CUAMBEKS STKEET, N. Y. 79 VEXTILATING HARNESS AND SADDLE BRACKETS, WITH POLISHED WOOD CAPPINGS. No. 50, Collar Bracket. No. 57, Riding- Saddle Bracket. r^^ -^=T^>| if^m PWP-M. f^^Av^S ^■tf '^i\ \\-f\ \ s^X. V\ r^ rr- ' -J No. 5G, Harness Saddle No. 5Q, Rein Bracket. Bracket. No. 56, Harness Bridle Bracket. 1 eacn of No. 56 Brackets comprises set for Single I'arness. 2 .» .. 55 " « " " Double Harness. iitULl luuttl >t'ul i>t:i -l^. aod seod k an estioiale. 80 SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. LATEST DESIGNS ENGLISH HARNESS BRACKETS. No. 54, Collar Bracket. No. 55, Coupe Bracket. No. 54, Saddle Bracket. No. 54, Rein Bracket. No. 54, Bridle Bracket. 1 each of No. 54 comprises carriage set for Single Harness, a " " 54 " " " " Double Harness. No. 55 Bracket in place of 54 Saddle for set of Coupe Harness. Made of Brass, highly Polished. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 81 No. 52, FOR COUPE llARNn^^^S SADDLE. 9 inch Projection. No, 53, FOR CARRIAGE HARNESS SADDLE. 5 ineli ProjectioiL No. 52, FOR COUPE HAR.^ESS COLLAR. 5 inch Projection. No. 53, FOR CARRIAGE HARNESS COLLAR. 3 inch Projection. No. 53 REIN BRACKET. No. 53, BRIDLii: BRACKET FOR COUPE OR CAR- RIAGE HARNESS. New Design Ventilating Harness Brackets. Single and Double Harness. Japanned, Galvanized and Brass. 1 No. 52 Saddle Bracket \ 1 No. 52 Collar '• ' I No. 53 Bridle " f 1 No. as Rein " ) Comprises No. 62 Coui>e Set. 1 No. 53 Saddle Bracket. "j iNo. 5drollar " ' 1 Ko. 5J Bridle •' f 1 No. 53 Rein ♦' ) Comprises No. 53 Set for Smgle Carriage Harness. Two each of the above for set Double Harness. JSAMUEL S. BENT A SON, HI CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y No. 51, FRENCH SET OF ITAKNESS BRACKETS. Japanned and Galvanized. SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 83 Xo. 4:5, Desigrn Kepresentiiig: an Improved 3Iet hod of Hanging- up Harness in Harness Room Avith New Pattern Harness Bracket. Separate Bracket for e.;ch piece of harne.''!^. Japanned ancrGalvanized. NIBBLING ROLLER. Cut to anv lenjfth. 84 SAMUEL IS. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBEBS STREET, K. Y. ENGLISH HARNESS BRACKET. No. 47, Single Harness Brackets. No. 48, Coupe Harness Saddle Bracket. No. 49, Gents' Riding Saddle and Bridle Bracket. No. 50, Ladies' Riding Saddle and Bridle Bracket. Japanned and Galvaniefed, ifitckell^l^ted, Bigozied. or Solid Brass. SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CEAMBERti STREET, N. Y. 85 No. 58, GENTS' RIDING SADDLE AND BRIDLE BRACKET. Japauiied and Galvanized. DUTCH COLLAR BRACKET. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 4, BLANKET BRACKET. Withont Wood Rollers. .Tapanned and Galvanized. No. 59, LADIES' RIDING SADDLE AND BRIDLE BRACKET. Japanned and Galvanized. aod K!;] Li l;i cslimatc. 86 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, lU CHAMBERS STHEET, N. Y. LARGE HOOK FOR TRUCK HARNESS. No. 66, Size, 10 inches long Top Ilook. No. 67, Size, 13>; inches lonjj Top Hook. Japanned and Galvanizea. PATENT COVERED HARNESS BRACKET. No. 65, Size, 8 inches Icnp. No. 81, Size, 6 incheis long. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 63, CART SADDLE or RIDING SADDLE BRACKET Japanned or Galvanized. HARNESS MOOK. No. 63, Size, 6 inches long. No. 64, Size, 8 inches long. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 80, HARNESS HOOK. Extra Heavy. Top Hook, 12 in. Bottom, Sin. Japanned and Galvanized SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STKEET, N. Y. 87 No. 71, CARRIAGE POLE No. 73, CARRIAGE POLE BRACKET. BRACKET. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Hooks. Japanned and Galvanized. With break to lit over Wainscot Moulding. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Hooks. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 70, LANTERN BRACKET. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 1, Bracket for Oiliiis" and Washiiii^ Harness. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 33, Carriage Pole or Collar Bracket. Japanned and Gaivanlzed. 88 SAMUEL S, BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. SAMUEL S. BENT A feO>, 111 CHAMBERS STKEET, N. V. S9 ORNAMENTAL TIE RINGS A>D NAME PLATES, For Insitle and Outside of Carriage Houses and StableiJ. Japanned. Bronzed, Nii-kel Plated, or S jlid P.ra«:;. No 1, Dog Head. No. 2, Horse Head. No. 3, Circular Plae. No. 4, Hand. No. 5, Shield. No. e; Large Lion's Head. No. 8, Large Clover LeaL No. T, Small Lion's Head for Post. No. 9, Small Clover Leaf. No. 10, Tie Ring. No. 11, Tie King. No. 12, Tie Rinj No. 1.'. Tie Ring. NAME AND NUMBER: PLATES FOR HEAD OF STALLS. Moon Name Plate. ::"(! si'iiil L m cslinialc. 90 SAMCEL 8. BENT & SON, Ul CHAMBEHS STKEET, N. "i . No. 1, Soap and Match Box. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 2, Match Box. Japanned and Galvanized. SPONGE A^ND WET BRUSH RACK. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 1, 9 in. long, 6 in. wide. Nc. 2, 14 " 6 " No. ?.. 2;'. 7.W " No. 4, SPONGE OR BRUSH RACK. WITH OR WITH- OUT SOAP BOX. Japanned and Galvanized. 23 in. long, 'ih in. wide. No. 41, Salt Dish, or Dry Brush Box. No. 42, Corner Salt Dish. .Japanned and Galvanized. Japanned and Galvanized. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBEKS STREET, N. Y. 91 SWING BLANKET BRACKET, (Closed). Japanned, Galvanized and Platp<). No. 1, SWING BLANKET BKACKET, (Open).^^ Japanned, Galvanized and Plated. No. 3, STRAIGHT BLANKET BRACKET. Japanned, Galvanized and Plated. No. 3, CURVED BLANKET BRACKET. Japanned and Galvanized. 92 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, llj CHAMBERS STBEET, N. Y BOX STALL HINGE, No. 1. Wroiifrht Iron. Cast Ornaments. BOX STALL HINGE, No. 2. Wrought Iron. :|ilil|!'!||™'!"!|i!I!!|l|!ll!!llite WROUGHT IRON BOX STALL HINGE, No. 3. Two sizes. ^See Price List.) Japanned, Galvanized, Plated or in Brass. .SAMUEL 8. BENT & SOX, HI CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 93 No. 4, BOX STALL, HIXGE, (Oast Iron). ^ed send Lr an eslimak XoH. 1 & 2, IMPROVED FLUSH DOOR LOCK FOR LOOSE BOX STALLS. Also made with Flush Drop Handles, same en both sides. (Brasp.) 94 SAMUEL S. BENT & aON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. SAMUEL S. BENT &, SOM, ill CUAMBEHS STKEET, N. Y. 95 4 se:rl [a uii cAatc. No. 73, Pole Xo. 74, Sins:le Whip Holders. -Bracket. Hook Pole Bracket. Holding 5 and lo wwps. •Japanned A Galvanized. Japanned and Galvanized. Xo. 5 Whip Holder, 5 Whips. Ko. 10 Whip Holder, 10 W hips. Japanned, Galvanized, or Solid Brass. ^''J 96 SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. NEW IDEA GRAIN MEASURE HOLDERS. One, Two and Fonr Qnart Holders. Japanned, Nickel Plated or Brass. No. 79, NEW PAIL HOLDER. For two or more Pails. SAMUEL S. BENT 4 SON. lit CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 97 No. 3, TELESCOPIC Oiling and Washing Bracket. No. 3, Oiling and No. 4, Oiling and AVashing Bracket Washing Bracket Can be lowered to any required Height, and can be pushed up above the level of the head when not in use. Hooks covered with pure rubber. Japanned and Galvanized. Hooks covered with leather or rubber, when ordered. Japanned and Galvanized. Straps extra. Hooka covered with leather or rubber, when ordered. 1 .l>!lCl/ I.1U I t 'I' A U.» 98 SAMirEL S. BENT & SOX. Ill CHAMBERS STKEET, N. Y. No. 76, Stable Bas- ket Holder. Japaunod and Galvanized. No. 77, Wrought Iron Box for Hold- in a* Mixture. No. 75, IMPLEMENT HOLDER. Japanned and Galvanized. No. 1, SHAFT BRACKET. .Tapanned, Bronzed and Galvanized. No. I, HORSE TIE WEIGHT, lOIbs No. 3, " '* ** 16 " i M k;*, 33» 78, CARRIAGE WHEEL GUARD. SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 99 No. 68, >o- <>^» HARNESS BRACKET. HARNESS BRACKET. 10 in. Top Hook. Japanned ana Galvanized. Three sizes Top Hcoks, ii)4 in., 10 in., and S}.< inches long. (See Price List.) .lapa-.ined. Galvanized, or Brass. For Ladies and oentlemeD's Saddles. No. 61, RIDING SADDLE AND BKIDLE BRACKET. Jjtpanncd, Galvanized, or Brass. J.J!/ ■ •- ■■[ \j a Cili'iili) 100 SAMUEl S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STKEET, X. Y. IVo. 4, THREE ROLLER BLANKET BRACKET. Japanned and Galvanized. Two Sizes. No. 5, Wrought Iron Sponge No. 2, New and Improved and Brush Rack. Soap Box. Japanned and Galvanized. Made to tal{,, ',;:; ']'''[. i\i\{' SAMUEL S, BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 101 No. 1, CAST IKON* OAT SKI TE OR MEASURE. Can be attached to wooil or metal pipe. ■^1 No. 2, PATENTED ADJUSTABLE GRAIN MEASURE. The object of this Invention is to provide a Measure which can be readily adjusted to discharge from three to six quarts of oats running from a bin situated in the loft. Its construction is soBim- ple, and combines accuracy and economy together wit^. so many other advantages, that any per- son familiar with the proper care of horses can readily appreciate it. It can be easily ap plied to the old style wood shute. It is made of the best and most dnrai)le material, and is offered at a figure 80 reasonable as to insure its univ^sal adoption^ -ami n(\ r ^ir"*" F:sal adoptionj 102 SAMUEL S. BENT .t SOX, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. o s PQ H ?^ O Ph Q a -.. B. i- 2 a ^ •3 « -3 CS *^ a — S= ■= & ;; S ^ fcl! S ■= >. tc c ^ ^ IJ i.' 5 « ^^ — P B s « S e *j — I §■ I S 3c ^ by o SAMUEL S. BKNT A tJON, HI CUAMBKUS STKEET, N. Y. 103 >o. 1, COW 3IANGEK. M inches long, -.'4 inohe.s wkle. Xo. 1, HOG TROUGH. feet long, 4 feet long. r> feet long. No. 2, HOG TROUGH FOR FEED A>D WATER. 4 feet 6 inches long, is inches wide. sDd sei!^ k n esiimate. 104 SAMUEL 8. BKNT & SON, lU CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. For LaUie^' and Gentlemen's SadUles. No. 60, DOUBLE RIDING SADDLE AND BRIDLE BRACKET. Japanned and Galvanized. SAMUBL S. BKNT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 105 HORSE HEA1>. One Coat Paint, Bronzed, or Gilded with Gold. 106 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CUAMBERS STREET, N. V. HITCHING POSTS, AND CAPS FOK TOP OF WOOD POSTS. No. 4, Rustic. No. 2, Rustic. No. 1, 5 ID. diametereach. No. 2, 6 " '• " No. ?, 6 in. diameter ea''h. Painted or Bronzed. Made to sit on stone and bolt fast or to go in ground as above. 4 feet high. Painted or Bronzed. Made to sit on stone and bolt fast or to go in ground as above. 4 feet high. ^^ m^i jfii m ^mm (.:,:;;'. SAMUEL S. BEST & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STHEET, N. Y. 107 HITCHINU POSTS. No. 5, Eagle Head. No. 3, Round Head. No. 1, Horse Head. 108 SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 1, DOOR GUARD. Full width, IHV, inches; widtli from rabbet, 11 ■,, incties; lergil', 4 feet, )^ meh. SAMt'EL S. BENT & SON, Ul CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 109 DOOU GUARD. So. i, Plaiu. without center rirniiuiLiii. iiill wi nil > im lies, width from rabbet U inches. No. 3. " " " '• " '• 11 " « " " 9 « No. 4, " •' " •' '" " 14 " <• '« « 12 « No. 5, " with or '• " •• •' " 16 " " " '• u " No. 6. " " •• '• •• •• " 21 '• " •• '•' 19 " Castings from the above patterns made any length desired to 6 feet. 110 SAMUEL 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STKEET, N. Y. DOOR GUARD. wVWV illlMIIIMMllllMIIIWIIIIMIIMMWIIIMIli Plain, without center oruy meat, lull wiuth s inches, wiUth from labttt 6 inches. No. 7. Plain, wi No. 8, •' No. 9. No. 10, " with No. 11. t; i( No. 12, •• ' No. 13. U i. No. 12,< . '• ' No. 2H, li No. !M, i. t No. 25, >> 1 " 10 •• 11 .. j2 •' U '• 16 " 21 •' 18 '• 2J " 33 •• ;'.s '' s " 10 " 10 • 12 '• 14 •' 19 •' 16 " 20,14 '• 32 " 3« CaHtings from the above patlcrns maile any length desiieil tj »• feet. SAMUKL 8. BENT & SON, Ul CDAMBERH STREET, N. Y. Ill DOOR GUARD. No. 14, Gothic, full width s;^ inche.T, width froiu ral)bet T,'.i inches. So. 15, " " " 11 " " " '• 9'i " No. 16, " •' •' 13%: " " " " 12 •' No. 17, " " " 15}i " « " " 14 ", No. 18; •' •' " 20 " " " " IS " Castings from the above patterns ma le any length desired lo c feet. 112 SAMUKL S. BENT & SON, lU CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. DOOR GUARD. No. 19, Diamond, tull width 10=^ iii.he:-, width from rabbet S^ inches. No. 20, " " " 12,V " «' '• " 10}^ " No. 21, " " " 21 " « " '• 19>8' " No. 26, " " " 22 " " " " 20 " No. 2T, " " " 24 " " " " 22 " Castings from the above patterns made any length desired to 6 feet. This and all the following Door Guards made with Circular Top if required. An extra charge for Circular Tops. B 5. SAMUEL S. BENT A SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. 113 B-22. No. 22, Scroll, full width ll":! inches, width from rabbet 10 inches, length, 3 feet 3 Inches. DIAMOND STAIK STEP PL. ATE. 114 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. No. 1, ORNAMENTAL DOO KENNEL.. IMPROVED DOG KENNELS, Latest American and English Designs, in Iron, Elaborately Decorated in Artistic Colors, Electro-Bronzed, Nickel Plated, Galvanized and Plain Painted. Also, in Antique and Polished Brass. Iron Feeding Trays and Drinking Bowls, all in improved designs. Finished in Enamel, Gal- vanized and Plain. Manufactuied by SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, Office and Sales* Room : No. Ill Chambers St., New Vork. Works: Port Chester, X. Y. SVMUEL 8. BKNl' & SON, 111 CHAMBERS yTREET, N. Y. US IRON Fiillif Yai i f ixtiies &> littligi; Jflanufactured by SAMUEL S. BENT &: SON. WORKS: POUT CHESTES, N. Y. OFFICE AND SAL.ES ROOMS, No. Ill CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK 116 SAMUEL S. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. SIZES AND DESCRIPTION OF COOPS. Size of a Siiij?le Coop, 2 feet 6 inches long. In putting this COOP together, it reqtiii'es three ^ inch by 6 inches rabbeted clapboards, for roof and sides, and 5 feet of ordinary lumber for a floor if desired. Size of Double Coop with Doors front and rear, 3 feet long. It will hold two Hens with their Broods. In putting this COOP together, it requires four ^ in. by 6 inches rabbeted clapboards, for roof and sides, and 10 feet of ordinary lumber for partition and floor. And if it is desirable to make it so that it can be taken apart in the fall, twenty-four 1.^ inch No. 8 screws are required for the division:, the bolts to fasten the roof, sides and floor, are sent with the front and rear pieces. Parties wishing to purchase the front only of the COOP and make the rear of wood, the following lumlier is requued : For single COOP which is 2 feet B inches long, three ^ inch by 6 inches rabbeted clap- boards, and 10 feet of ordinary lumber for rear and floor. The COOPS can be made larger than the foregoing it required, but the sizes given are proportionate to the width and height of the Iron Fronts and Backs, which are 2 feet wide and 2 feet 6 inches high. If parties desire it, I can fiunish the entire COOP of u-on, or they can have it mounted in their town or village with sheet iron roof and sides. SAMUEL S. BENT & SOX. Ill CHAMBERS STREET, N. Y. lit PATENTED MAY 19th, 196S. A VIEW OF CHICKEN COOP WHEN PUT TOGETHER. No. 1, Coop complete with AVood Back. 118 SAMUEL. 8. BENT & SON, 111 CHAMBERS STKEET, N. Y. ■i!!g|i|..lL,,U».pi,l|i|ln.J.;l!.i,,m.,l,,.yi.fe,,l,.m.»^ I ,.ir nilHi.,l«lll.,iHl I [,1 Illllllll illlllillll Xo. 1, FRONT OF CHICKEN COOP J No. 2, REAR OF CHICKEN COOP. SAMUEL S. BEIxT & SON, 111 (. CHAMBERS STREET, N. V. 119 No. 14, A Plain Nest. No. 13, A|Ventilate ^ 111 z h UJ u q: h « (D m CO GC 00 ^ UJ i P^ CD - w S ^ ^ ^ S < 5 O ^ 5;^ I 1 w S H^ g w ^■" ^^^ 5 H •^_ a. QO 1^ r » > » Z P^ rn «8 h z LU m CO J UJ D < CO