D. H. iiiU ^library (tarnltiin l^talr llttinprHilii •^ccMfc coLLtcnoNa NA737 M47A3 20IZ. This book may be kept out TWO WEE ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FI CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on day indicated below: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/frankpmilburnarcOOmilb qj^- ruPi — '"ij 4 — ij' ILBURN • '-? 4 RCHDTECT " H^RLOXXI N ^- C' State College CHARliOTTE, N. C QUEEfl CITY PRINTING AND PAPEI? CO. 1899. TO Tiin prBi.ic. SKKIL iiifnmmtion for those interested in the erection of buildings, artistic as well ns durable. Mucli money has been spent [^ on larjfe buildintrs. witlmut considering progressive ideas of construction, or pleasing effects In arciiitpcturc. One of the uriMtisi iKiints to be considcreil is the scleiitilic. as well as the practical nianipulatioii of all raw material entering into these structures. Long ex|)erience has taught me thai nothing is too good in tlie way of material, ami 1 span' no time, or expense to secure tlie iMfSt results ol)ialnal)le In preparing the plans and specitications, and superintending the civeiiu>iits in ilii'Sdutli is \Uv iii;iiiy new iiiutiicipal liiiildin^'s that liave been erected, are under ('diitraet. '/ V IT ill coiitiMiiplatiiiii. C'onsiileralile atleiititiii i-i niven to the iiitriidiictiiiii nf |)rllce for Mecklenhiirj; I'ounly, North ('arolina. It is one of the hesi In the.sJtate. Ito-'cuples the site of (Jiieen Anne's Mu-enin, hiiilt in 17"ii. on Tryoii Street. The hulldln^' is of tire proof construction, 7.">.\ll!0 feet, with K'ratiite foundations and approaches. ItulT hrick and liutT stone facadi-, inarlile floors, and hardwood tinlsh add to tlie heaut y of the huildln^'. It Is regarded iis a reinarkahle liuildiru.' for the cost. |.">n,(KK>, and tniich credit Is niven the County t 'oimnissinners for the wisdom of their choice. The .\n'hitect. Frank I'. MIMiurn, of Charlotte. N. C., was select<'d. after plans prepared liy twenty-seven prominetit arcliltects fp)m all parts of the I'nited States li.'id liei'ii examined. Thi' pririciiial entrance Is ipilte imposiiijf, with open portico above, surmounted liy a lari^e dome of pleasing prolHirlions. Miinn/ai/infrs' A'tion/. (lili>/>,-f .>. /v,/. BOAi^i) or= col;nt^' co-n,HissioNERS. CirAiiLoTTK. N. C., Oct. Itlth, 1898. To Wlioiii it may Conrorn: This Is to I'ert Ify that the HuildiiiK ConMiiitlee of the new Court House, of Charlotte, N. C. adopted i)lans submitted hy Frank I'. Mllburn, .An'hitect, for our new Court House, the same beln^' In their judffnient the best design submitted, from more tliaii :;i) Anhitects. Iiuring tlie cunstruclion of our huildinif, we found Mr. Mllburn a practical man. and his plant liave given us entire sati.sfactlon. Yoiii-s truly. (Signed) J NO. R. ERWIN. Chairman. • IKKIIK OK \v. I'. sNKi.<;i;<)VE. lOINTV .s| TKItVISOU. Andekson, S. C, Aug. 1st, 1898. Mr. FRANK P. MILIURN, Churlotte, X. C. I>ear.Slr: At a meeting of our building coninilltee to day, which perhaps will be t he l.ast held. It was unanimously agreed tliat we should not adjourn without expn'sslng our rut ire satisfaction willi you as a 111:111, who will carry out, to the letter, Ills contracts. You have Intelligently and conscientiously discharged every duty and obligation linposeil upon you by rea.son of being the Art-jiilect of the iH-w Court Hoiisi- and .lall for .Vnderson County. The Court Hoii.si- is given up to be the liandsoniest County building in tlie .Stiite, and our people all laud their praises of both the .l.'ill and ( 'oiirt House. There has not been a hitch between the Hiillding Committee and the Contractors, and both buildings have been completed according to the plans and speclllcations fiiriilslied by you, and this speaks worlds for the .\rchltect. In addition, we want to say that you have made friends of this entire commitl*'e. and that you are at liberty to refer at ;iny and nil times to either of us. Res|)ectfully, (Signed) W. P. Snefgnive, Chairman. .1. I). Maxwell. Sec'y. " .lohn H. .lones. .1. F. Clardv. I hereby certify Ib.ii iln- signatures to the above instrument of writing are genuine. Witness mv hand and oHicial seal this Aug. 12th. 18l«. (Signed) .Ino. C. Watkiiis, Clerk Court. C. P. & G. R. BAILEY BROS. Tobacco /Manufacturers. Winston, ^^ C, Dec. 4, 1896. To Whom Concerned; Mr FranU P. Milburn was (Uir Architect for the New Court House in tliis County, wliicli cost $00,000. His plans have worI Building in the State. CAl'ITAL CLLB. Raleigh, N. 0. l-'RANK r. MlI.IURN, Architect. PIEDMONT OFFICE BUILDING. The Finest Office Building in Charlotte, N. C. Frank P. MiLBf rn, North Carolina. Architect. AI.l MM HALL, STATE IMVKkSITY, Chapel HiU, N. C. Frank I'. MmurRN, Architect. S 'i< V. M. (.. .\. HI II. dim;, STATK INlVKk.SlTY, Cliii]iil Mill, N. C. I-K.\NK r. MlI.BlRN. Architect. Cost < - Cost 52,700. A. R. V. MISSION CHrRCH, Charlotte,' N. C. I'KANK V. MlI.BURX, Architect. •6R- .VI 1" N 1 1/ (IK 1>A\I1 I SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATIUX, Danville, Va. Frank P. JIilburn, Architect. Court >''Iou5r;^o43. GI.VNN COUNTY CorRT MOUSIi. Drunswick, On. I'RANK r. MlI.HURN, Architect. Cost |3,ooo. RESIDENXE OF MR. GEO. FITZSIMONS, Charlotte, N. C. Frank P. Mii,burn, Architect. STUkK AND Ol'I-ICK BLILUING, I'rank 1'. Milbukn, Architect. DESIGN FOR SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION. Frank P. Milburn, Architect. I A I ; ,A I ^^ MINHRAI, COUNTY JAIL, 1-rank P. M11.BURN, Kcyscr, \V. Vn. Architect. FIRST KAl'TIST ClURCH, Winston, N. C. Frank P. Milburn, Architect. WISE COUNTY CUIRT llOUSli, Wise, Va. Frank P. Milburn, Architect. liiil^li^ 4 '.V V •->»>*■ J DESIGN FOR P. H. HAINE'S RESIDENCE. Winston, N. C. Frank r. Mii.burn, Architect. MINOO COT'NTY COURT HOrSK, Williaiiison, \V Vn. I'rank 1'. Mll.lH'KN, Architect. .Au(_>:rrrrr- f- l^:::v^.JTi • t^t- k W_ li^ SLATER COLLEGE, COLUMBL\ HEIGHTS, N. C. Frank P. Milburn, Architect. ■ \ I'jl 1 K 1 >ll 'I N^ I . I 7 Rooms, Hall, Hnlli, i:ioctric Bells, Gas, Slntc Roof, Ktc. Architect. Hall Way. • ANDERSON, S. C. COURT HOUSE. Frank F. Milburn, Architect! ^ -t '■^ — ip— /iorth • focodr -^8r 4 Trbnh\ P Milburn Mrch,\fd Chorloltr A-l C -V^ ■■-^ Resilience of U. I). IIkatii. •UKATHCOTU. Charlotte, N. C. BIRDS EYE VIEW SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION AND STEEL TRAIN SHED. Frank P. Milburn, Architect. McDOWKI.I, Cor.NTY COIRT HOUSE AND JAll.. 1 IRI. I'KOOl-. Wclcll. W. Vn. I'RANK 1'. MlI.IURN, «., • „ .. ,. Arcliitccl. This RuililiiiK Heated by Pkck, Hammond Co's Warm Air Systkm. She p>eek, ^amn^or^d Gompang, Heating and Ventilating Engineers. (3ravitv> or jfatt Svstem, W / . . . 2)rv or iflusb Closets. ^^ Write and beam of oup Health Giving and JVloney Saving System of Heating. References any City in the South. The Peek, Hammond Company, CINCINNATI, O. o in < a: < r z -] UJ o c 'b c >. z: I. 1> s ■J en «j C 5 We Carry a Complete Line of Builders Hardware and can f urnish Samples and Prices of all the latest Designs. •n « ea 'i ■» : CO s £- - (5 c6 I c = ") o Li. Z « ESTIMATES FLMNlSIIEU OJV APPLICATIOS. soiTiir.Rx orncn SRCO & PETTEE |VIRCHINE SHOPS. Ill ii.iniKS or Improved Cotton Machinery, A. H. WASHBURN, Southern Agent. Oharlotte, North Oarolina,. A. H. WASHBURN, COTTON IVlIbb IVIACHINERY AND EQUIP|V1EHT. AGI:\I- VOU B. F. STURTEVANT CO.'S System Heating and Ventilating, i'orrcs/nniilciifc Soliritf«l . SOUTHERN BELIi TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. M.lJliiP™''Snn.3W» THE SOUTHERN ESU. T COMVANT " Coupon Service Books For the convenience and economy of large users of Ions- distance toll-line service, the Company has provided books of coupons which can be purchased in amounts of $100.00, $50.00 and $j5.oo respectively. By the use of these coupons a liberal discount from the regular toll-line rates may be obtamed by patrons using service in excess of $150.00 per annum. Aujarded Finst Premium. Cold Medal, World's Faif, Chicago, 1893. Warner . . MOORE LIME COnPANY, mg »jM| S«g rioore & Company. FINE BOLTED CORN HEAL, WATKK-OkOl'NDi Manufacturers of ANCHOR BRAND flHCHOR BRAND LIIVIE, CEf/IENT, W'ikmI Kiirnf ^— . ^ CAliClHED PliASTEH, *)9 Per Cent. Carbonate of lime. HAIR, FIRE-BRICKS, IVIORTAR STAINS, &c. For Uuildin)r it has no Superior. Sewer Pipe and Drain Tiles a Specialty. Richmond, Va ^ VERY BEST FOR . . . AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. ■JU gH'HB V RICHMOND VIRGINIA. . . Write for Prices. BATH ROOM IMPERIAL. Plate 2/' l>ii il(lini/s vo>u'r<'l(fint. Hi' siirr i/oii flit the {/i-niiiiir "I'aiilor Old StijU" hrtinil. rtrili shrct stanijHil or eiHhosMol nitli tlic rrt/istmil t nulc-iiKirlc. I ®ILEi SWE.(I sBcaTsasa |?IXIDiLA®Ktgafla PHILADELPHIA, H. & G. Taylon Co. Established I8IO. Manufacturer.-i. ('orrenpoinlrnn- Solicitrtl. ^ii^^He^ ' FAVORITE : VENETIAH : BblHD. )|^«.„|:ii|!)]lii|i|' The above cut shows the appearance of Willer's latest success in bliuds for our Soutlieni climate as in the window. This blind slides up and down in the window; special {grooved guideways are furnished in which the lower bar slides. This bar is provided with adjustable springs at both ends concealed from view, which bear against a wooden friction block sliding in these grooves of the guiK/Ty}- GHAS. WUICHET & CO., Dayton, Ohio. Manufaci ureri ul AND BUILDING TRIMMINGS. Slate, Tile, Aspfialf and all Kinds of Metal Roofing, Write us for prices he/ore i/oii let C'tnitracf. WAYNE COUNTY coiRT HOUSE, jfe did the Galvanized Iron and Slate Mark Wavne, W. Va. Frank P. JIil.BURN, ,,,. ,_ ^, , ..... Architect. **" ^ instou, N. C. and Ueleti, M. la. Court Houses, cuts appear in this bool;. [o ntagu '^^NUrACTUREH.SOf I^tandarp salt-glazeb t>IPE T~ e: N N • FIRE BRICK Double Strength RAILROAD CULVERT PIPE, Fire Proofing, Wall Coping, FLUE LININGS, FLUE PIPE, Chimney Tops. RED BRICK. Yearly Output Four Thousand Cars of M'f'd Goods. H.W.dft I PURE ASBESTOS WATER & ACID PROOF ONE QUALITY • MANY APPLICATION SIM lASBESTOS ROOFINGS Ai H.W. JOHN • NEWYORKCHICAGO- PH MAKEl ASBESTOS MATERIALS, IPIPE a BOILER COVERINGS HN5' ROOFINGS NO COAL TAR REQUIRE NO COATING STYLES • LOW PRIC |PLE & INEXPENSIVE *^ FULLY GUAKAINTEED 5 MFC CO. ILADELPMIA BOSTON- LIQUID PAINTS & STAINS ELECTRICAL MATERIALS The Cladon Terra Cotta Co., Limited. MANIKACTIKKKS OK ARTISTIC ROOFING TILE5, In all Natural Colors and tin; l'oll<>\vin>,' Taltcrns: i'ovosera, SpaniKh, Fhit Shimjlc, hitri'-Orean, Frriirh, i'loscil ShinijU'. Gerniftn, Ho mini, Oprit SliitHilr, (irerian. I'rrsidii, Jt'onnd I '.ml, (Jatliir, Aineriinn , JUihiorrros. Octiif/oii . Ilr.iiiifini , i'onvdi'it. IHitntoml, Wiirr. Siiinniis. Works at ALFRED, N. Y. OTTAWA, ILL. New York Office, 156 I'"iflli Ave. Chicago Office, 204 Dearborn St. CiiARLKS T. Harris, I'rcsiilcnt. IIknry S. Harris. Yicc-l'resident. William R. Ci.arkk, Sec. ami Treas. Kuwin J. Hi-;ss, Asst. Sec. ami Treas. ,\i.v5|-, o 1/3 1 05 .- S^^ €€€€ C CreaiT Silver Red, Speck O 4-1 s €€^€ sa^ liest fiootls at tlir LoH'est Prices. |V[gCIjA]VIROCH BF{0S, (nucEysHoiio. s. c. Artistic Wood Mantels JOBBERS OF Iron and Slate Mantels, Tiles and Grates. Srinl J'lir r.st i iiinli-. Some of Oup Specialties: Bath-Rooni floors cind \\ainscotting. Hall and W-stiiniU' floors and Wainscotting. Court. House cUhI Public liuildings of all kinds, floored with eitlu-r Tik- or .HarijU-. WW PAY THl£ I REiaHT. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 5end for Catalogue. m. J. OlhitehoFst, Manufacturer of Sasb, Blinbs, IDoovs HND OTHER . Builbino Materials. ginc Untevtov Movk a Specialty. Write for Estimates. Ktfh and Byrd Streets, Richmond, 1'a. Southern Electrie Company, CHARLOTTE, N. C. JClcctiical flPachincrv> Supplies an^ donetruction. . SELLINa AGENTS FOR EJ>Ct\i lElcctnc /IDf'd Co., 5a\v\?cr=/IDann itlcctnc Co. All Kinds of Buildings Wired after Architects and Engineers Specifications. CORRBSPOISDEIMCE SOUICITED, O. A. RoBBiNS, Prest. J. L. Sexton, Sec. & Trcas. The 0. A. ROBBlfIS CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. pflQi^ufaoturers of Cotton Yarns, (§oIid ©paided (§a§Ip ©opd, ©lothei, Girp3|,, plow ^inei, arpd FANCV BRAIDEID GOODS. The Celebrated ''Charlotte Brand*' also "Carolina'' Brand SasJi Cord. I J. R. WILLIAMS. K. R. WILLIAMS. > OHO. H- WILiLiIfllVIS & CO. (W. Howard \\uoi>, Hookkeeper.) t ROOFING SLATE.! OiKirfi/uien and Hoofers of SUttf from the Celebroted "OhI .Xieholas" Oiiarries. 1 Buckingham = Virginia Roofing and Building Slate. i Best Red aad flreen Slate. FeltiriK and 5late FlaRKinj!:. Tialvanized, Tinned, and I i * < all Klnd.< 5latinjr NalL>;, ^ i I No. 18 S. Ninth Street, RICHMOND, VA. { I Quarries at Ar%onla. Vb. Phone 162. WHITE US FOR PRICES. ©xpanded Jl'etal. Exj)anded Metal Solid Partitions, 1 1-2" and )i" thivU, Best Partition built. Fireproof, vermin proof and sttund proof. Fireproof Roofs, Floors, Elevator Shafts, and Outside Walls, eeonomically liuilt and adapted to Warehouses, 3Iills, Office Tiuildings and Kesidenees. Fireproof Steel Lathinff for residences. Churches, Stores, etc. Best lath on the mnrket. Insures (food tcork. ^■^■•■^■m Cementine Construction, For outside walls of all kinds of buildinffs, is beconiiny eery popular. Makes the huildiny pract ic.ally fi reproof , warmer in winter and cooler in summer. ECONOMICAL, DURABLE AND SATISFACTORY. FOR CIRCULARS, PRICES &c., ADDRESS The Southern Expanded JWetal Co. WASHINGTON, D. C. §teel ©eilirpg^r IVletal Rolling Shutters AND Partitions, Paneled pi^s Shutters and Doors, Gorniee, Wainseotting, fie. G\^e I^ir^neGip fe" Gage @o. 240 to 250 N. Fourth St. ( ' OJ. LMli LS, OHIO. Ciissidj' & Soil lliiiiiifiidiiriiif Coiiipiiiiy. Hanufacturers of Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. Write Us for Prices. 133 and 135 West 23 Street and 124, 126 and 128 West 24th St. NEW YORK. TIIK MKKCER BOII.KR. For warm huj DweUiiKjs, Offices, Churehes, Schools, Etc., —^Qtcnm or Ibot Mater Each Section of the Mercer an independent boiler. Heavy nipple and loclnnit connections from sections to drums. BJRIDGE WALL SECTION, reducing the grate to any desired sis:e. Reeds Patent Botating Grate— 70 per cent, airspace. O. K. and WILLS Safety Sectional (Brick-vSel) Water Tube lioilers for heating and light power work. Medal awarded by Columbian Exposition for highest efficacy. Golbs |\ %, JSoilcr for Combination Ibeating. . . IRabiators: IDirect, Semi^bircct, Unbirect. SANTAS Base for Ventilation. The Cottage Heater is specially adapted for warming dwellings of moderate size. Burns any Size Coal. Nipple Joints— Vertical Water Ways. Send for small booklet giving names of Southern users. Efficient, Economical, Attractive. The H. B. SMITH CO. THE COTTAOE. FACTORIES: WESTFIELD, MASS. 510 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Established 1S53. STEAM — WATER. The Travelers Insurance Co. FREDERICK C. ABBOTT. GEORGE STEPHENS. Of HARTFORD, CONN. Life, Liability and Aeeident Insurance. Assetts. - 5^6.499.852.74. Liabilities. - 522.708,701.82. Surplii.s. - - S3.791. 120.92. e."))- Write to • WAL-TEIR BREIM, State Special Affcnt. Charlotte, n. c. The Piedmont Industrial and Real Estate Agency offers for sale a most complete list of city and .suburhaii properties in or near the CITY OF CHARLOTTE. Also Farms, Plantations, Mineral and Timber Lands, Mannfactnr- ing Sites and Water Powers in the snrrounding PIEDMONT REGION. They are making a specialty, also, of choice Summer Homes, Cottage Sites and other lands in the picturesque mountain region of WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, and are making their office headquarters for the negotiation of 6 per cent, loans on improved real estate security an